Bib Un36| UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW LIBRARY LIST OF REFERENCES ' SUBMITTED TO THE COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY UNITED STATES SENATE SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS THIRD SESSION IN CONNECTION WITH S. J. RES. 109 A RESOLUTION PROPOSING AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES RELATING TO DIVORCES PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF HERMANN H. B. MEYER CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER, LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Printed for the use of the Committee on the Judiciary Withdra^Nn WASHINGTON GOVERNMEN'l' PRIXTtN'G UI^I'HIC 1915 3lh COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY. CHARLES A. CULBERSON, Texas, Chairman. 1jEE,S. overman, .North Carolina. WILLIAM E. CHILTON, West Virginia. JAMES A. O'GORMAN; kaw York. DUNCAN U. FLETCHER, Florida. JAMES A. REED, Missotiri. HENRY F. ASHURST, Arizona. JOHN K. SHIELDS, Tennessee. THOMAS J. WALSH, Montana. HOKE SMITH, Georgia. CLARENCE D. CLARE, Wyoming. KNUTE NELSON, Minnesota. WILLIAM P. DILLINGHAM, Vermont. GEORGE SUTHERLAND, Utah. FRANK B. BRANDEGEE, Connecticut. WILLIAM E. BORAH, Idaho. ALBERT B. CUMMINS, Iowa. ELIHU ROOT, New York. C. W. JuRNEY, Clerk. E. iP. BowYER, Assistant Clerk. '^cf Zo PROP^'^> TABLE OF CONTENTS Bibliography 5 General 5-15 Countries : General 15-21 Ancient — Egypt 21 Greece 22-23 Rome 23-25 Modern — Algeria ; 25 Argentine Republic 25 Austria-Hungary 25-26 Belgium 26 Brazil 26 Bulgaria 26 Chili 27 Denmark 27 Egypt 27 Formosa 27 France 27-32 Germany 32-34 Great Britain — Books 34-39 Articles in periodicals 39-43 Great Britain — Colonies — General 43-44 Austvalia 44 Canada 45-46 India 46 New South Wales 46 New Zealand 46 Italy 47-48 Japan 48-49 Norway 49 Russia 49 Spain 49 Switzerland 50 Turkey 50 Uruguay 50 Ignited States — Books 51-64 Articles in periodicals 64-78 Uniform divorce laws 79-84 Church and divorce 85-91 Jews and divorce 91-92 Fiction 92-96 Author index 97-104 Subject index .' 105-110 3 LIST OF REFERENCES ON DIVORCE Prepared under the direction of Hermann H. B. Meyer, Chief Bibliographer, Library of Congress BIBLIOGRAPHY 1 Divorce [Bibliography]. CTiautauquan, Jan. 1901, v. 32: 44^-^2. ap2.C48,v.32 2 New York. Public library. List of works in the New York Public library relating to marriage and divorce. [New York, 1905] 48 p. 26'"^. Caption title. Reprinted from its Bulletin, November, 1905. 6-33801 Z7164.M2N5 GENERAL 3 Adler, Felix. The ethics of divorce. Ethical record, Jan. 1890, v. 2: 200-209; Apr. 1890, v. 3: 1-7. BJl.E7,v.2-3 4 Marriage and Divorce. New York, McClure, Phillips d- co., 1905. 4 p. I., 3-58, [1] p. 18''''. 5-13195 HQ536.A23 5 Alvarez Martinez, Cirilo. Discursos leidos ante la Real academia de ciencias morales y politicas ... 13 de Junio de 1875. Madrid, Berenguillo, 1875. 56 p. 25'^. Contestacion del Manuel Alonso Martinez: p. 33-5(5. HQ818.M38 6 Ames, Flora (Hayter) "Mrs. Hugo Ames." The book of divorce; its use and abuse. [London?] 1911. 195, [2] p. incl. front, (port.) 19^"^. l'>-6096 HQ814.A6 7 Ap Richard, pseud. Marriage and divorce; an inquiry into the moral, the practical, the political, and the religious aspects of the question. With appendices by Prof. David Swing and others. Chicago and New York, Rand, McNally <& company, 1889. 1 p. I., [v]-xviii, 208 p. 19^''^. (The illustrated series, no. 8) 9-21] 19 HQ814.A62 S Bates, Frank D. W. Marriage and divorce. M^estminster review, Feb. 1913, v. 179: 193-198. AP4.W5,v.l79 Items starred (*) not at present in the Library of Congress. 48X896 f 6 LIST OF REFEEENCES ON DIVORCE. 9 Bertillon, Jacques. Legislation and the marriage rate. International, Sept. 1908, v. 3: 87-91. ap4,I5,v.3 10 Bonald, Louis G. A., vicomte de. (Euvres. Essai analytique sur les lois naturelles de I'ordre social. Du divorce consid6r4 au XIX® siecle relativement a I'etat domestique et h. I'etat public de society. Paris, A. Le Clere [1847] 6O4 p. 23'''". 9-f)944 H35.B6 11 Bosanquet, Helen (Dendy). The family. London, New YorJc, Macmillan and co., limited, 1906. vii^ 344 p. 23^^. Discusse.^ the ori2;in and historical development of the family as an ethical institution and show.-! its relation to the state and to the individual. 7-l]5fi9 HQ728.B7 12 Bremner, Christina Sinclaii-. Divorce and morality ; with a pref- ace by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. London, F. Palmer [1912] 110 [2] p. USh'"^. 13-921 U'Q814.B7 13 Broda, Rodolphe. The future of marriage. International, Sept. 1908, v. 3: 76-82. ap4.I5,v.3 14 Bryce, James. Marriage and divorce. New YorJc: Oxford universitj/ press, American branch; [1903] 4 p. I., [3]-80 p. 22h'^^. First published in 1901 as part of the author's Studies in history and jurisprudence. JA41.B8 5-19659 KQ811.B9 15 Burnet, G. W. Matrimonial domicile in jurisdiction for divorce. Juridical review, 1895, v. 7: 251-259. 16 Bush, A. D. A physician's view of the divorce question. Arena, Nov. 1905, v. 34: 473-475. AP2.A6,v.34 17 The Cases of polygamy, concubinage, adultery, divorce, &c. seriously and learnedly discussed. Being a compleat col- lection of all the remarkable tryals and tracts which have been written on those important subjects. By the most eminent hands. London, Printed for T. Payne [etc] 173 L 1 p. I., Ivii, [1] 240 p. 17 <='^. Publislied London, 1736, under title: Select and curious cases of polygamy. Contents. — Some memoirs and testimonies of the life and writings of Barnardino Ochino. — On polygamy. A dialogue. By B. Ochino. — On divorce. A dialogiie. [By B. Ochino]— The case of divorce and re-marriage thereupon discus.'-ed. By Sir Charles Wolseley. — A treatise concerning adultery and divorce. — Con- jugiiim languens. By Ca.'itamore [p.eud.] 9-13063 * HQ987.C3 LIST OF EEFERENCES ON DIVORCE. 7 18 Cavemo, Charles. Treatise on divorce. Madison, Wis., Midland 'publishing co., 1889. 2Jf.3 p. :W^'"\ {Social science series, no. 2) 9-8187 HQ814.C4 19 Chapman, Elizabeth Rachel. The decline of divorce. Westminster review. Apr. 1890, v. 133: 417-434. AP4.W5,v.l33 Also printed in her Marriage questions in modern fiction, London, 1897. HQ1434.C6 20 — Marriage questions in modern fiction and other essays on kindred subjects. London and New York, J. Lane, 1897. xvi, 230 p. 19Y'''- The decline of divorce: p. 129-167; Why we should oppose divorce: p. 193-223; The Indissolubility of marriao;e: p. 225-230. 1-220 HQ1434.C6 21 Coffin, Joseph Herschel. The socialized conscience. Baltimore, Warwick c& Yorlc, inc., 1913. viii,247p. 19^*^^. "References" at end of each chapter. Bibliography: p. 237-239. Divorce and morality: p. 71-85. J4-2285 HM216.C6 22 Considerations on the law of divorce. Blaclcwood's Edinburgh magazine, Nov. 1829, v. 26: 756-767. AP4.B6,v.26 23 Cort, Cyrus. Marriage and divorce. Reformed church review, Apr. 1901, 4ih ser., v. 5: 221-238. 24 Coulon, Henri. Le divorce et I'adultere; de I'abrogation des lois penales en matiere d'adultere. Paris, Marchal et Billard, 1892. 2 p. l, 76 p. 23'"^. 12-28622 25 Cowley, Charles. Famous divorces of all ages. Lowell, .Mass., Penhallow print, co., 1878. 292 p. 19'"^. HQ811.C6 26 Dealey, James Quayle. The family in its sociological aspects. Boston, New York [etc.] Houghton Miffiin company [1912] iv p., 1 l, 137, [1] p. 18'"".' Bibliography: ]>. 135-137. The marriage tie and divorce: p. 96-108. 12-21753 HQ728.D6 27 Dike, Samuel W. and George W. Kirchwey. Divorce. {In New international encyclopaedia. New York, 1909. 26*^™. v. 6, p. 329-334.) AE5.N55,v.6 28 Divorce. Edinburgh review, Jan. 1857, v. 105: 181-190. ap4.E3,v.105 8 LIST OF REFERENCES ON DIVORCE. 29 Divorce abolished. Minneapolis, Minn., A. J. Palmer, 1888. 1 p. I., [5]-84 V- 20cm ^ 9-10561 HQ814.D6 30 Divorce in war and wedlock. Century magazine, Fel. 1913, v. 85: 634-635. AP2.C4,v.85 31 Doane, William Croswell. Divorce. Century magazine, Aug. 1909, v. 78: 608-610. AP2.C4,v.78 32 Dumas, Alexandre. La question du divorce. Paris, Calmann Levi/, 1880. 2 p. I., 417 p. 23^"^. 9-8214 HQ815.D9 33 Durkheim, Emile. Divorce by mutual consent. American monthly review of reviews, Aug. 1906, v. 34:240. Abstract of article in Revue bleue. AP2.R4,v.34 34 Ellis, Havelock. Sex in relation to society. Philadelphia, F. A. Davis co., 1910. xvi, 656 p. 22^<=^. (Studies in the psychology of sex, v. 6.) Divorce: see Index, p. 651. HQ21.E55,v.6 35 An Essay on marriage; or, The lawfulness of divorce, in certain cases, considered. Philadelphia, Printed hy Z. Poulson, jr., 1788. 28 p. 21^'='^. 9-7254 HQ814.E8 36 Eulalia, infanta of Spain. Au fil de la vie. Paris, Societe frang-aise d'iraprimerie et de lihrairie, 1911. 239 p., 1 I. 'l9i<=^. Le divorce: p. 51-62. 12-444 H:35.E85 37 The thread of life. < Authorized translation from the original French. > New Yorl, Dujfield cfe company, 1912. vi [7]-235 p. 20^'^. Divorce: p. 51-62. 12-6237 H35.E86 38 The Female monitor: to which is annexed A treatise on divorces; containing very seasonable advice to both married and single ladies. By a clergyman of the Church of England. London, Printed and sold hy J. Dixwell [n. d.] 1 p. I., 58 p. 9-62.39 HQ1221.F32 39 Franklin, Benjamin. Marriage and divorce in physical, psychi- cal, moral, and social relations; according to the law natural and revealed. New YorJc, E. d^ J. B. Young cO co., 1889. xi, 208 p. 19^^"^. 9-7253 HQ814.F8 LIST OF REFERENCES OX DIVORCE. 9 40 Fulton, John. The laws of marriage: containing the Hebrew law, the Roman law, the law of the New Testament, and the canon law of the universal church, concerning the impediments of marriage and the dissolution of the mar- riage bond; digested and arranged, with notes and scholia. New YorJc, E. & J. B. Young & co., 1883. xvii, 270 p. front, (fold, tab.) 19^"^. 9-211 l(i " HQ1024.F9 41 Gabba, Carlo Francesco. I^e divorce in fraudem legis. {In International law association. Report, 1908. London, 1909. 23'^"'. p. 395-396.^ JX24.I5 1908 42 Geary, Sir William N. M. 5th hart. The law of marriage and family relations; a manual of practical law. London aiul Edinhurgh, A. and C. Black, 189?. xliii, 637 p. 20^'^. Dissolution of marriaao: j). 237-3.51. .See also Index: p. 614-615. 4-771 HQ1019.G7 G6 43 Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. A v/oman's view of divorce. Public opinion, May 20, 1905, v. 38: 77j^-776. ap2.P9,v.38 44 Gonzalez-Bianco, Edmundo. T^a ley del divorcio y sus incon- venientes. Espana moderna, Oct. 1902, v. 166: 114-171. aP60.E8,v.166 45 Gorton, D. A. The ethics of marriage and divorce. National quarterly review, July, 1878, v. 37: 27-1^.9. AP2.N35,v.37 46 Gwynne, Walker. Divorce legislation and its results. Cluurcli eclectic, Sept. 1898, v. 26: 481-496. 47 Harris, Henry F. Divorce and re-marriage. Arena, Apr. 1906, v. 35: 392-394. AP2.A6,v.35 48 Harrison, E. B. Woman's view of divorce. Nineteenth century ami after, Eeh. 1911, v. 69: 328-334. Living age. Mar. 11, 1911, V. 268: 579-583. ap4.N7,v.69 AP2.L65,v.268 49 Haynes, E. S. P. Divorce and morality. International journal of etlncf<, Oct. 1914, '^- -'^•' 87-93. BJl.I6,v.26 50 Holman, D. A. Comity of the laws of marriage and divorce. Ethological, ecclesiastical and civil. Fort Worth, Tex., Fort Worth printing house, 1885. 80 p 9-8188 HQ814.H7 10 LIST OF EEFEEENCES ON DIVOKCE. 51 Holmes, George F. Milton's domestic life — His ethics of divorce. De Bow's review, Jan.-Feb. 1867, n. s. v. 3: 12-24; 113-125. Hri.D2,n.s.v.3 52 Holmes, John Haynes. Marriage and divorce. New YorJc, B. W. Huehsch, 1913. 63 p. 18'"^. (The art of life series. E. H. Griggs, ed.) 14-1446 HQ734.H78 53 Hume, David. Essays, moral, political, and literary, ed., with preliminary dissertations and notes, by T. H. Green and T. H. Grose. New impression. London, Neui Yorl% Longmans, Green, and co., 1898. 2 v. "Of polygamy and divorces": v. 1: p. 231-239. 1-18683 B1475 1898 54 Hutchinson, Woods. Evolutionary ethics of marriage and divorce. Contemforar]! review, Sept. 1905, V. 88: 397-410. AP4.C7,v.88 Living age, Oct. 28, 1905, v. 247: 195-206. ap2.L65,v.247 55 Janes, E. Divorce, sociologically considered. New Englander, May, 1891, v. 54: 395-402. AP2.N5,v.54 56 Jones, C. S. Assault on marriage. Living age, Apr. 25, 1914, v. 281: 248-251. AP2.L65,v.281 57 Key, Ellen K. S. Love and marriage; tr. from the Swedish by Arthur G. Chater; with a critical and biographical intro- duction by Havelock Ellis. New Yorlc and London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1911. xvi p., 1 l, 399 p. 20'^. Free divorce: p. 287-358. 11-2996 HQ21.K4 58 Kitchin, Shepherd B. A history of divorce. London, Chapman & Hall, Ltd., 1912. xvi p., 1 I., 293 p. "Authorities and references": p. 279-285. 13-22836 HQ811.K5 68a Krieg, Das Ehehindernis des Ehebruclis, insbes. im intern ationalen Privatrechte. Deutsche Juristen-Zeitung, July, 1914, v. 19: 858-862. 59 Laurance, Jeannette. Marriage and divorce and the downfall of the sacred union. New YorJc, Chicago, Broadway publishing co., [1911] 4^ V- 19^"^. 11-5365 HQ814.L2 LIST OF REFEEENCES ON DIVORCE. 11 60 Letourneau, Charles J. M. The evolution of marriage and the family. New York, C. Scribner's sons [1891] xiii, 373 j>. i5"». {Tlie contemporary science series. Ed. hy H. Ellis) Repudiatiou and divorce: p. 228-248. 7-11014 HQ728.L7 61 Lilly, W. S. Marriage and modern civilization. Nineteenth century and after, Bee. 1901, v. 50: 905-919. AP4.N7,v.50 62 Lockett, Jeannie. Divorce considered. From a woman's point of view. Westminster review, May, 1890, v. 133: 479-488. AP4.W5,v.l33 63 Luckock, Herbert Mortimer. The history of marriage, Jewish and Christian, in relation to divorce and certain forbidden degrees. 2d ed., enl. London, and New York. Longmans, Green and co., 1895- xxvi p., 1 l, 359 p. 19"-^. 9-8718 HQi051.L94 64 McCormick, R. C. Divorce v. injustice to children. Kansas lawyer, Feb. 1911, v. 4' 54-56. 65 Mallet, Pardal. Pelo divorcio! Rio de Janeiro, Fauchon cfc Oia, 1894- 95, [1] p. 19^'^"^. 2-2480 HQ819.M3 66 Marriage and divorce. Southern quarterh/ review, Oct. 1854, v. ^6: 332-355. AP2.S85,v.26 67 Martin, Edward Sandford. Windfalls of observation, gathered for the edification of the young and the solace of others. 9th ed. New York, C. Scribner's sons, 1901. vi, 312 p. 18^'"'. Marriage and divorce: p. 51-63. 4-13858/2 PS2364.M8W5 1901 68 Miller, Frederick Scott. Fighting modern evils that destroy our homes; a startling exposure of the snares and pitfalls of the social world. [CJiicago, Hornewood press, 1913] 4^^ P- front, plates. 21^"^. 13-10470 HQ734.M57 69 Milton, John. The prose works. With a ])reface, preliminary remarks, and notes, by J. A. St. John. London, H. J. Bohn [J848]-81. 5 v. front, (port.) 19hJ"*. (Bohn's standard' library) V. 3. The doctrine and discipline of divorce. The judgment of Martin Bucer, concerning divorce. 1-7529 . PR3569.S3 12 IJ.ST OF KEfERENCES ON DIVORCE. 70 Minton-Senhouse, R. M. Divorce. Tinsleifs magazine, June, Aug. 1889, v. 43: 47-55; 300-307. AP4.T5,v.43 71 Moderation of marriage and divorce. Lawyer and hauler, Dec. 1912, v. 5: 376-379. 72 Morgan, Hector Davies. The doctrine and law of marriage, adultery, and divorce. Oxford, Printed hy W. Baxter for J. Parker, London, 1826. 2 V. 22Y'^. 9-7255 HQ814.M8 73 Morizot-Thibault. La femme et le divorce. Reforme sociale, July 16, 1901, v. 4^2: 195-216. H3.ll3,v.42 74 Most difficult problem of modern civilization. Current literature, Jan. 1910, v. 4S: 58-61. AP2.C95,v.48 75 Ochino, Bernardino. A dialogue of polj^gamy, written origi- nally in Italian: rendered into English by a person of quality. London, Printed for J. Garfeild, 1657. 11 p. I. ,89, 61 p. 14Y'^- "A dialogue of divorce " : 61 p. at end. 9-7265 HQ987.023 76 Olguin Galindo, Amando. El divoxcio. Mexico, Oficina tip. de la Secretaria de fomento, 1895. 34 p. 22^"^. 5-1002 HQ818.05 77 Osman, William Brazier. Divorce and remarriage, the other side. Boston, Mass., Mayliew puhlisJiing company, 1905. xii, 251 p. 19^"". 5-33982 HQ8 14.08 78 Parsons, Mrs. Elsie Worthing ton (Clews). The family; an eth- nographical and historical outline with descriptive notes. Nevj York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1906. xxv, 389 p. 22^"^. V T^ibliographical notes. See Index muler Divorce: p. 370-371. 6-42901 HQ728.P3 79 Pessard, Hector. Divorce. {In Lalor, John J. Cyclopaedia of political science. New York, 1899. 25'^-. V. ], p. 821-823.) H41.L22,v.l 80 Post, Louis Freeland. Ethical principles of marriage and divorce. Chicago, The Puhlic pubisliing conipany [1906]. 1 p. I., xii, 138 p. 21 Y"^- 6-13427 HQ734.P78 Reviewed in Arena, Mar. 1907, v. 37: 322-324. AP2.A6,v.37 LIST OF REFEEENCES ON DIVOKCE. 13 81 [Powers, James G.] supposed author. Marriage and divorce. New York, American news company, 1870. 152 p. 15^''^. 9-8195 HQ814.P8 82 Randall, Nelson Birney. The divine law and human statutes relating to the question of divorce. PJdladelphia, American Baptist publication societu [1SS6]. 32 p. 171"'^. 9-8193 HQ8 14.113 83 [Eesler], Hose Marie [R]. How to onjo\- matrimony; or, The monogamic marriage law amended by trial-expiration clause, by Rose Marie [pseud.] New York, London, The Abbey press [1900]. 96 p. port. 17i"\ Jan. 31, 1901-177 HQ803.R43 84 Bickaby, Joseph. Moral philosophy; or, Ethics and natural law. London, New YorTc, I^ongmans, Green, and co., 1912. xii, [1] 378 p. 19h'^'^. {Stonyhurst philosophical series.) Divorce: p. 263-277. 14-2537 BJ1249.R5 85 St. Helier, Francis Henry Jeune, bart. Divorce. (In Encyclopaedia britannica. 11th ed. New York, i9lu. 30=°'. V. 8, p. 334-344.) AE5.E36,v.8 86 Salmon, Thomas. An essay concerning marriage ... To which is added an historical account of the marriage rites and ceremonies of the Greeks and Romans, and our Saxon ancestors, and of most nations of the world at this day. 2d ed. London, Printed for C. Rivington, 1721^. 10 p. I., 310 (i. e. 343), [5] p. 20'^. 9-6955 HQ7S1.S16 87 Savage, Minot Judson. The ethics of divorce. (In his Men and women. Boston, 1902. 20^-". p. 123-146. ) HQ31.S26 88 Schindler, Solomon. The divorce problem. Arena, May, 1890, v. 1: 682-690. AP2.A6,v.l 89 Schuster, Ernest Joseph. The wife in ancient and modern times. London, Williams & Norgate, 1911. xi, 151 p. 19"'\ A 12-889 HQ 11 21. S3 90 Spencer, Anna Garlin. Problems of marriage and divorce. Jnternational journal of ethics. July, 1909, v. 19: 44'^-4^^- BJ1.I6.V.19 14 LIST OF REFEEENCES ON DIVOECE. 91 Stanton, Elizabeth Cady. Address on marriage and divorce. (In Davis, Paulina W. A history of the National woman's rights movement. New York, 1871. 23^=™. p. 59-83.) JK1896.D3 92 The need of liberal divorce laws. North American review, Sept. 1884, '^- i^^' 224-.245. AP2.N7,v.l39 93 Stephen, Sir Alfred. The law of divorce. A reply to Mr. Glatlstone. Contemporary review, June, 1891, v. 59: 803-813. AP4.C7,v.59 94 Thorne, W. H. The infamy and blasphemy of divorce. Glances at Milton, Ingersoll and others. Glole, Sept. 1903, v. 13: 30^-329. ap2.G55,v.13 95 Thwing, Charles Franklin and Carrie F. Butler Thwing. The family; an historical and social study. Rev. and enl. ed. Boston, Lothrop, Lee & Shepard co. [1913] '.58 p. 21'^'". Bibliography: p. 239-253. Divorce: p. 31, 38-47; The family destroyed: p. 186-229. 13-2039 HQ50S.T54 1913 96 Tissot, Joseph. Le mariage, la separation et le divorce, con- sideres aux point de vue du droit naturel, du droit civil, du droit ecclesiastique et de la morale, Paris, Marescq aine, 1868. xvi, 352 p. 23"^^. 97 Trumbull, Benjamin. An appeal to the public, especially to the learned, with respect to the unlawfulness of divorces, in all cases, excepting those of incontinency ... To which an appendix is subjoined, exhibiting a general view of the laws and customs of Connecticut, and their deficiency respec^^ing the point in dispute. New-Haven, Printed hj J. Meigs, 1788. 63, [1] p. 17 h'^'^. 10-18070 HQ813.T8 98 Voet, Joannes. Voet. Comrnentarius ad Pandect as. Tr. into English. Of donations between husband and wife, divorce and dos. Book xxiv, titles i., ii., and iii., By Howel Jones ... Capetown, J. C. Juta & co., 1902. 2 p. I., 70 p. 25'='^. 13-7238 99 Westermarck, Edvard Alexander. The history of human mar- riage. 2d ed. London and New Yorlc, Macmillan and co., 1894. ^^, ^44 P- "Authorities quoted": p. 551-580. The duration of human marriage: p. 517-536. 8-37573 HQ503.W53 LIST OF REFERENCES OX DIVORCE. 15 100 Westley, George H. Some notes on divorce. Green hag, June, 1898, v. 10: 239-2^^ 101 Wheeler, C. B. Milton's Doctrine and discipline of divorce. Nineteenth century and after, Jan. 1907, v. 61: 127-135. AP4.N7,v.61 102 — - A Stone wall. Westminster review, Jan. 1901, v. 157: 79-84- ap4.W5,v.157 103 Woolsey, Theodore D. Divorce. North American review, Apr. 1883, v. 136: 305-315. AP2.N7,v.l36 COUNTRIES GENERAL 104 Bailey, William B. The M^orld's divorce record, (Statistics.) Independent, Oct. 12, 1911, v. 71: 817. AP2.i53,v.7i 105 Beale, J. H., jr. European divorces while you wait. Green hag, Jan. 1902, v. 1^: 9-11. 106 Bertillon, Jacques. Le divorce et la separation de corps dans les differents pays de I'Europe. {In Society de statistique de Paris. Journal, Jan. -June, 1884, v. 25: 28-42; 57-67; 213-219.) HAl.S6,v.25 Trans, and pub. as "The fate of the divorced" in Royal statistical society. Journal. London, Sept. 1884, v. 47: 519-526. HAl.R8,v.47 107 Burge, William. Burge's Commentaries on colonial and for- eign laws generally, and in their conflict with each other and with the law of England. New ed., under the gen- eral editorship of Alexander Wood Renton and George Grenville Phillimoro. London, Sweet & Maxwell limited 1907-1914- 4 'V- front. (port.) f5*«™. The law of divorce as it exists under different systems of jurispru- dence: V. 3, p. 806-904; Divorce-Private international law: v. 3, p. 905-943. 108 Coudert, Frederick Rene, jr. Marriage and divorce laws in Europe, a study in comparative legislation. New YorJc, Press of L. Middleditch co., 1893. 2 p. l, 108' p- "Works of reference": 2d prelim, leaf. 9-25890 HQ1013.C8 109 Cummings, Joseph. Foreign divorces; with some incidents of the conflict of laws relating thereto. Case and comment, June, 1914, '^- ^i- lS-21. 16 LIST OF EEFERENCES ON DIVORCE. 110 Dike, Samuel W. Divorce statistics. {In Bliss, William D. P. and R. M. Bender, cds. New encyclopedia of social reform. New York, 1908. 25.^=-. p. 409-401.) H41.B62 111 — — — Statistics of divorce in the United States and Europe. American statistical association. Quarterly 'publications, Mar. 1889, V. 1: 206-21 4. HAl.A6,v.l 112 Divorce \\\ Europe. American review of reviews, Apr. 1910, v. 4^: 602. AP2.R4,v.41 113 Donle, Ludwig. Ueber internationale Eheschliessung mit be- sonderer Beriicksichtigung der gel'enden Codiiikationen. Freiburg i. B., J. G. B. Mohr, 1892. 1 p. I., 74 p. 22\'^. Separat-abdruck aus der Deutschen Zeitschrift fur Kirchenrecht, Bd. II, Hft. 1. [London, Argus printing company, limited, 1908] 14 P-> ^ ^• 24\ X W"^. 10-17730 HQ877.E6D6 36 LIST OP EEFEEENCES ON DIVORCE. 269 English church law and divorce. Part i. Notes on the Refor- matio legum ecclesiasticarum, by Sir Lewis Dibdin . . . Part II. Notes on the divorce and remarriage of Sir John Stawell, by Sir Charles E. H. Chadwyck Healey . . . with appendices. London, J. Murray, 1912. viii, 180 p. front, (facsim.) Reviewed in Contemporary review, Dec. 1912, v. 102: 904-906. 13-10833 AP4.C7,v.l02 270 Evans, H. C. Divorces in England and Wales. {In U. S. monthly consular reports, Mar. 1905, no. 294: 131-133. HCl.Il2,no. 294 271 Eversley, William Pinder and William Feilden Craies. The marriage laws of the British empire. London, Stevens and Haynes, 1910. xxxvii 'p., 11., 375, [1] p. 11-2158 272 Gibson, Albert. Gibson & Weldon's Student's probate, divorce and admiralty; intended as an explanatory treatise on the law and practice in probate, divorce and admiralty matters. 5th ed. by the authors and H. Gibson Rivington^ London, The ^'Law notes^' publishing offices, 1902. Ixii p., 1 l, 386 p. 26'='^. 3-21330 273 Gladstone, William E. The bill for divorce. 1857. {In his Gleanings of past years. New York, 1879. 16^<"". v. 6, p. 47-106) AC8.G6 1879,v.6 Reprinted from Quarterly review, July, 1857. 274 Gore, Charles, hp. of Oxford. The question of divorce. New York, C. Scrihner's sons, 1911. viii, 57, [1] p. 19'=^. Contents. — The law of the church in England. — The words of Our Lord. — The mind of the church catholic. — What we ought to do. 13-1544 HQ876.G7 275 Gt. Brit. Divorce confimission. First report of the Commis- sioners appointed by Her Majesty to enquire into the law of divorce, and more particularly into the mode of obtain- ing divorces a vinculo matrimonii. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. London, Printed hy Bradbury and Evans, 1853. iv, 78 p. ggcm^ {Ql^ ^rpll^ Parliament. Reports and papers, 1852- 53, V. 40) J301.K6 1852-53,v.40 LIST OF REFERENCES ON DIVORCE. 37 276 Gt. Brit. Registrar general. Annual report of births, deaths, and marriages in England and Wales, 1911. London, Darling and son, 1913. cvi, 577 p. fold, map, fold, tables. 33^"^. {Gt. Brit. Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 6578) The Divorced, 1876-1911: p. xvi. 7-25338-9 HA1127.A 1911 277 Royal commission on divorce and matrimonial causes. Report of the Roy^l commission on divorce and matri- monial causes [with Minutes of evidence, and Appendices to the Minutes of evidence and Report] London, Pub. by H. M. Stationery off., printed by Eyre and Spottiswoode, ltd., 1912. 5 v. in J^. 33^"^. {[Parliament. Papers by command] Cds. 6478-6483) Baron Gorell, chairman. "Minority report by the Archbishop of York, Sir William R. Anson . . . and Sir Lewis T. Dib din": p. 171-191 (of the Report). 13-2411 HQ875.A3 1912 278 The Divorce commission. The majority and minority reports summarized, with appendices on the history of divorce; foreign and colonial divorce laws; proposed divorce circuits in England and Wales; names of women after divorce, by Hon. H. Gorell Barnes and J. E. G. de Montmorency, with prefaces by the Hon. Lord Guthrie and Sir Lewis T. Dibdin. Westminster, P. S. King and son, 1912. xvi, 95 p. 21 h'^^. 13-7335 IiQ875.A3 1912b 279 *HaU, G. Law and practice in divorce and matrimonial causes. London, Butterworth, 1905. 1371 p. 280 Harral, Thomas. Henry the Eighth and George the Fourth; or. The case fairly stated. In five parts. 2d ed., with additions. London, C. & H. Baldwyn, 1820. iv, 291 p. front, {port.) 3-18704 DA538.A22H22 281 Haynes, Edmund Sidney Pollock, Divorce problems of today. Cambridge [Eng.] W. Eeffer & sons, ltd., 1912. viii, 120 p. 191'"'^. Mainly reprinted from various periodicals. Bibliography: p. 119-120. 13-5667 HQ876.H3 38 LIST OF EEFEEENCES ON DIVOECE. 282 Inglefield, Mrs. Ann. Mrs. Inglefield's justification, contain- ing the proceedings in the ecclesiastical court, before the Right Worshipful Peter Calvert, L. L. D., on July 11 and 17, 1785, taken in short hand by W. Blanchard; with a preface and notes by JVIrs. Ann Inglefield. London, J. Sewell, 1787. 1 p. I., xxxiv, 162 p. 21Y'^- [With Pye, Charles. A new dictionary of ancient geography. London, 1803] 4-35151 HQ876.I5 283 Maine, Sir Henry J. S. Sir Henry Maine; a brief memoir of his life, by Sir M. E. Grant Duff, with some of his Indian speeches and minutes selected and ed. by W. Stokes. London, J. Murray, 1892. 6, 451 p. front, (port.) 23 '^^. Divorce. Three speeches, Dec. 24, 1862; Jan. 14, 1863; Feb. 26, 1869: p. 91-114. 1-3674 284 Marriage and divorce. The Pamphleteer. London, 1820. 22^"^. v. 17, p. 347-868. CA6-151 AP4.P2,v.l7 285 Oakley, Thomas W. H. Oakley's Divorce practice, by William M. F. Waterton. 7th ed. London, Jordon <& sons, limited, 1911. viii, 492 p. 22'^'^. "Including the procedure in divorce and matrimonial causes and matters in the High court of justice, the Court of appeal, and House of Lords, and text of the relevant statutes." — Pre/. 14-8888 286 *The Question of English divorce: an essay. London, Richards, 1903. 182 p. 287 Reynolds, Stephen and Bob & Tom Woolley. Seems so! London, Macmillan and co., limited, 1911. xxvii, 321 p. Divorce for the poor: p. 244-267. A12-382 HN389.R45 288 Roberts, J. Divorce bills in the Imperial Parliament. DuUin, Falconer, 1905. 126 p. 23^"^. 289 Russell, John F. S. R., 2d earl. Divorce. London, W. Heinemann, 1912. x, 218 p., 1 I. 19'^'^. 12-13474 HQ876.R8 290 Stephen, Henry John. Mr. Serjeant Stephen's New commenta- ries on the laws of England (partly founded on "'Blackstone") by His Honour Judge Stephen. 15th ed. Under the gen- eral editorship of Edward Jenks. Thoroughly revised and modernised, and brought down to the present time. London, Butterworth & co., 1908. 4 v. 22'^'^. Divorce: v. 2, p. 340, 341, 385-390; Court of divorce and matrimo- nial causes: v. 3, p. 629-640. See also General index, v. 4, p. 60. 9-9362 LIST OF REFERENCES ON DIVORCE. 39 291 Stewart, David. The law of marriage and divorce, as estab- lished in England and the United States. San Francisco, 8. Whitney <& company, 188 4. xxiv, 646 p. 12-38967 292 *Stoiie, Darwell. Divorce and re-marriage, an address on the majority and minority reports of the Royal commission on divorce and matrimonial causes. London, Longmans, 1913. (Pusey house occasional papers, no. 7.) ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 293 1817. On the Scots law of divorce. Blackwood^ s Edinburgh review, Nov. 1817, v. 2: 176-184- AP4.B6,v.2 294 1821. Scottish law of divorce. Quarterly review, Apr. 1821, v. 25: 229-272. ap4.Q2,v.25 295 1830. An expostulation with the law of divorce. Eraser's magazine. May, 1880, v. 1: 427-4^^- AP4.F8,v.l 296 1856. The English law of divorce. Westminster review, Apr. 1, 1856, v. 65: 338-355. AP4.W5,v.65 297 1857. The Marriage and divorce bill. North British review, Aug. 1857, v. 27: 162-193. AP4.N8,v.27 298 The new law of divorce. Chambers's journal, Nov. 7, 1857, v. 28: 302-303. AP4.C45,v.28 299 1860. The law of divorce. North American review, Apr. 1860, v. 90: 414^4^^- AP2.N7,v.90 300 1861. Marriage and divorce — The law of England and Scotland. North British review, Aug. 1861, v. 35: 187-218. AP4.N8,v.35 301 1864. The laws of marriage and divorce. Westminster review, Oct. 1, 186 4, v. 82 : 44^-4^9 ■ AP4.W6,v.82 302 1885. Lewis, George H. Marriage and divorce. Fortnightly review, May, 1885, v. 43: 640-653. ap4.F7,v.43 303 1893. Pos'lethwaite, H. 1j. The marriage relations: Divorce. Westminster review, Ajjr. 1893, v. 139: S94-4OI. AP4.W5,v.l39 304 1894. Smith, Will. C. Effect of divorce on property. Judicial review, 1894, v. 6: 35-42. 40 LIST OF KEFEKENCES ON DIVOllUE, 305 1894. Garrison, C. G. Limits of divorce. Contemporary review, Feb. 1S94, v. 65: 285-292. AP4.C7,v.60 306 1895. The position of divorcees in English law. Judicial review, 1895, v. 7: 219-227. 307 Grimthorpe, Lord. Marriage of innocent divorcees. Nineteenth century, Feh. 1895, v. 37: 325-386. ap4.N7,v.37 308 1896. Note on marriage and divorce in Scotland. Westminster review, Aug. 1896, v. IJfi: 213-215. AP4.W5,v.l4e 309 1903. Pcaslee, R. J. Separation agreements under the Eng- lish law. Harvard, law review, Apr. 1902, v. 15: 638-656. 310 1905. Payler, Frederick. The divorce court and the public. Macmillan's magazine, Sept. 1905, v. 92: 351-357. AP4.M2,v.92 311 1906. Haynes, E. S. P. Anomalies of the English divorce law. Fortnightly review, Dec. 1906, v. 86: 1115-1122. AP4.F7,v.8e 312 1907. Houghton, B. Immorality and the marriage law. Westminster review, Sept. 1907, v. 168: 304-313. AP4.W5,v.l68 313 Galsworthy, John. The law of divorce. AWany review, Dec. 1907, v. 2: 304-309. 314 1908. Haynes, E. S. P. Difficulties of divorce law reform. Westminster review, Nov. 1908, v. 170: 516-524- AP4.W5,v.l70 315 1909. Ignotus. The demoralization of the law [Marriage and divorce]. Westminster review, Apr. 1909, v. 171: 408-422. AP4.W5,v.l71 316 Brooks, vSydney. England and divorce. Harper's weekly, Aug. I4, 1909, v. 53: 13. AP2.H32,v.53 317 1910. Dykes, D. Oswald. The Koyal commission on divorce law. Juridical review, Jan. 1910, v. 21: 313-322. 318 English divorce law. Independent, Mar. 24, 1910, v. 68: 658-660. AP2.l53,v.68 319 Haynes, E. S. P. The church and divorce law reform. Fortnightly review, Apr. 1910, v. 86: 736-741. AP4.F7,v.8e USX OF REFERENCES ON DIVORCE. 41 320 1910. Leach, E. DeForest. The divorce situation in England. Green hag, Apr. 1910, v. 22: 209-212. 321 White, C. W. Cranmer and divorce. Westminster review, July, 1910, v. 174-' 60-66. AP4.W5,v.l74 322 Reynolds, Stephen. Divorce for the poor. Fortnightly review, Sept. 1910, v. 94: 4^7-496. ap4.F7,v.94 323 Hewlett, Maurice H. Profaned sacrament. Fortnightly review, Oct. 1910, v. 94: 617-628. AP4.F7,v.94 324 1911. Samuels, A. W. Divorce jurisdiction in Ireland. Irish law times, Jan. 7, 1911, v. 45: 6-10. 325 Smith, D. B. The reformers and divorce. Scottish historical review, Oct. 1911 , v. 9: 10-36. DA750.S2,v.9 326 Haynes, E. S. P. The publicity of divorce. English review, Dec. 1911, v. 10: 142-1 46- AP4.E523,v.lO 327 1912. Kuhn, A. K. Doctrines of private international law in England and America contrasted with those of conti- nental Europe. Columbia law review, Jan. 1912, v. 12: 44-5'^- 328 Russell, Earl. When should marriage be dissolved? English review, Aug. 1912, v. 12: 133-141. AP4.E523,v.ia 329 Fellows, Alfred. The reporting of divorce cases. Fortnightly review, Aug. 1912, v. 98: 321-330. AP4.F7,v.98 330 Leader, Sydney. English law of marriage and divorce. Lawyer and hanJcer, Oct. 1912, v. 6: 324-326. 331 Divorce in England. Independent, Nov. 28, 1912, v. 73: 1268-1269. AP2.l53,v.73 332 English divorce reform. Nation, Nov. 28, 1912, v. 95: 502-503. AP2.N2,v.95 333 Divorce legislation in England. Outlool, Nov. 23, 1912, v. 102: 601-602. AP2.O8,v.l02 334 Divorce in Great Britain. Public, Nov. 15, 1912, v. 15: 1092. AP2.P87,v.l5 335 Divorce reform in England. Literary digest, Dec. 7, 1912, v. 45: 1055-1056. AP2.L58,v.46 336 The problem of marriage and divorce. Nineteenth century and after, Dec. 1912, v. 72: 1085-1113. Contents. — I. The church and the report of the Royal commission, by J. E. C. Welldon. II. The passing of marriage, by W. S. Lilly. AP4.N7,v.72 42 LIST OF EEFERENCES ON DIVOBGE. 337 1913. The Roj^al commission on divorce. Cliurch quarterly review, Jan. 1913, v. 75: 257-287. 338 Barnes, H. G. Divorce law and its reform. GonteTTi'porary review, Jan. 1913, v. 103: 62-69. AP4,C7,v.l03 339 Will freer divorce come in England ? Current opinion, Jan. 1913, v. 54: 4^. AP2.C95,v,54 340 Marriage, divorce and the Divorce commission. Edinburgh review, Jan. 1913, v. 218: 1-20. AP4.E3,v.218 341 PTaynes, E. S. P. Report of the divorce law commission. Fortnightly review, Jan. 1913, v. 99: 82-93. AP4,r7,v.99 342 Diggle, J. W. Marriage and divorce. Eihhert journal, Jan. 1913, v. 11: 265-272. 343 Johnston, Christopher N. The report of the Royal com- mission upon divorce. Juridical review, Jan. 1913, v. 24: 274-291. 344 The majority report of the Divorce commission. Quarterly review, Jan. 1913, v. 218: 230-r264. AP4.Q2,v.218 345 Sensible divorce law. World's work, Jan. 1913, v. 25: 251-252. AP2.W8,v.25 346 Comments on the report of the Royal commission upon divorce and matrimonial causes in Great Britain. World's worJ;, (London) Jan. 1913, v. 21: 128-126. AP4.W5,v.21 347 Leach, E. DeForest. English divorce reform. Green hag, Feb. 1913, v. 25: 79-80. 348 Smith, Sydney F. Are divorce laws a social necessity? Month, a Catholic magazine, Feb. 1913, v. 121: 136-149. A criticism of the Royal commission on divorce on contemporary Catholicism in relation to divorce. 349 Was there divorce in the middle ages? Month, a Catholic magazine. Mar. 1913, v. 121: '270-282. A criticism of the Royal commission on divorce. 350 Kent, W. H. The English royal commission on divorce. Catholic world, Apr. 1913, v. 97: 1-15. AP2.C3,v.97 351 Ilaynes, E. S. P. The quosfion of divorce by consent. Fortnightly review. May, 1913, v. 99: 909-919. ap4.F7,v,99 352 liord Gorell and divorce law reform. English review, July, 1913, v. 14: 637-643. AP4.E523,v.l4 LIST OF KEFEEENCES ON DIVORCE. 43 353 1913. Bosanquet, Helen. English divorce law and the report, of the Royal commission. International journal of ethics, July, 1913, v. 23: 443-455. BJl.I6,v.23 354 Barratt, J. iVrthur. The divorce reports from an Ameri- can standpoint. Society of comparative legislation. Journal, July, 1913, n. s., V. 13, pt. 2: 186-^06. JA29.S7,n.s.v.l3 355 ]\Ienge, Edward J. Marriage, divorce and immorality. Westminster review, Aug. 1913, v. ISO: 223-2i6. AP4.W5,v.l80 356 1914. Haynes, E. S. P. Divorce law of England and Wales. International journal of ethics, Apr. 1914, ^- ~4-* S4--344- BJl.I6,v.24 357 Jones, C. Sheridan. The assault on marriage. Living age, Apr. 25, 1914, v. 281: 248-251. A criticism of the attitude of the "Daily News" toward cheap divorce for the poor. AP2.L85,v.281 358 Barratt, J. Ai'thur. The English divorce reports from an American standpoint. American law review, July-Aug. 1914, ^- 48- 4^3-529. GREAT BRITAIN -COLONIES GENERAL 359 Gt. Brit. Colonial office. Divorces (foreign countries and Bri'Jsh colonies). " Re' urn of the number of divorces granted in each of the British colonies and possessions, and in each of the principal foreign countries, together with the population, in each year during the past ten years." Part ii. — Bri.ish colonies. London, Printed for H. M. Stationery office, by Eyre and Spot- tiswoode, [1895]. 13 p. 33'"^. (Gt. Brit. Parliament. Reports and papers, 1895, v. 70, 443-) J301.K6,1895,v.70 360 Divorces (foreign countries and British colo- nies). " Return of the number of divorces granted in eachof the British colonies and possessions . . ." Tn con- tinuation of Part II: British colonies . . . London Printed for H. M. Stationery office, by Eyre and Spot- tiswoode, [1896]. 3 p. 33'"^. {Gt. Brit. Parliament Reports and papers, 1896, v. 58. 25.) J301.K6,1896,v.68 44 LIST OF REPEEENCES OX DIVOECE. 361 Gt. Brit. Colonial office. Marriage law (foreign countries and colonies). " Return giving an outline of the marriage laws prevailing in the most important foreign countries and colonies . . ." and " Return showing the state of the law on divorce in the most important foreign countries and colonies; especially the grounds on which divorce can be obtained, and the cost." Part i. — Colonies (ex- cept Canada). London, Printed for H. M. Stationery office, by Eyre and Spot- tiswoode, [18941 1^2 p. 33'^^. {Gt. Brit. Parliament. Reports and papers, 1894, v. 70, I44.) J301.K6,1894,v.70 362 Part 3. — Canada. London, Printed for H. M. Stationery office, hy Eyre and Spot- iiswoode. [1894]. 65 p. 33'-^. {Gt. Brit. Parliament. Reports and papers, 1894, v. 70, 323, 324.) For part II. see Gr. Brit. Foreign office. J301.K6,1894,v.70 363 Marriage and divorce law (colonies). Papers relating to ^he laws of marriage and divorce in self-gov- erning British colonies.. (In continuation of H. C. 144 and 145, June 1894, and H. C. 323 and 324, August, 1894.) London, Printed for H. M. Stationery office, hj Darling <& son, 1903. 62 p. 33h<''^. {Gt. Brit. Parliament. Papers hy command. Cd. 1785.) Also in Parliament. Sessional papers, 1904, v. 60. 6-14814 HQ1013.G66 AUSTRALIA 364 Australia. Bureau of census and statistics. Official year book of the commonweahh of Australia. 1901-1909. Melbourne [1910] 1163 p. maps, diagrs., charts. 25'^'^. Divorces and judicial separations, 1871 to 1908: p. 909-910. 9-6317 HA3001.B5 365 Goding, F. W. Divorces in Australia. {In U. S. Monthly consular reports, May, 1905, no. 296: 232-233.) HCl.R2,no.296 366 Lockett, Jeannie. Divorce in Australia: clerical opposition. Westminster review, Oct. 1890, v. 134: 368-376. AP4.W6,v.l34 367 Spectator [Editorial]. The new Australian law of divorce. Spectator, Sept. 24, 1887, v. 60: 1270-1272. AP4.S7,v.60 368 -— Divorce in Australia. Spectator, Jan. 4, 1890, v. 64: 7-8. AP4.S7,v.64 LIST OF REFEEENCES ON DIVORCE. 45 CANADA 369 Canada. Census and statistics office. The Canada year book 1912. vSecond series. Ottawa, Printed hy C. H. Parmelee, 1913. xvi, 470 p. 22'^. Statistics of divorce, 1868-1912: p. 449. 7-15603 HA744.S81 370 Canadian law times [Editorial]. Divorce harvest. Canadian law times, Nov. 15, 1911, v. 47: 716-718. 371 Cowper, J. S. Divorce court in Canada. Canadian magazine, Nov. 1913, v. 42: 18-22. AP5.C2,v.42 372 Divorce in Canada. Canada law journal, Nov. 1, 1910, v. 46: 633-639. 373 Gemmill, John Alexander. The practice of the Parliament of Canada upon bills of divorce including an historical sketch of parliamentary divorce and summaries of all the bills of divorce presented to Parliament from 1867 to 1888, also notes on the provincial divorce courts, &c. Toronto, Carswell & co., 1889. xxii, 290 p. 21 Y"^. "Prefatory notes" by J, G. Bourinot. 6-10391 HQ838.G3 374 Holmested, George Smith. The marriage law of Canada, its defects, and suggestions for its improvement. Toronto, A. Poole cfc co., 1912. 1 p. l, Hi, 3-51 p. 28'='". 12-5889 375 Matrimonial jurisdiction in Ontario and Quebec. Toronto, A. Poole & co., 1912. 2 p. I., iii-iv, 61 p. 22^'='*. 12-10302 376 Johnston, E. F. B. A divorce court in Canada. Canada law journal, Jan. 1913, v. 4^: 1-16. Canadian law tiines, Jan. 1913, v. 33: 1-14- An address before the Ontario bar association. 377 Ketchiim, T. C. L. New Brunswick divorce court. Canadian magazine, Sept. 1914, ^- 4^- 4^^~4^^' AP5.C2,v.43 378 Moore, Eva Rice. The law of husband and wife ... an up- to-date handbook giving the laws of the United States and Canada regarding property rights, divorce, etc. showing their injustice to women. Bufalo, N. Y., The author, 1913. 109 p. 20'"^. 13-18745 46 LIST OF REFERENCES ON DIVORCE. 379 Walton, F. P. Divorce in Canada and I he United States. University magazine, Dec. 1910, v. 9: 579-596. AP5.XJ5,v.9 380 Divorce in Canada and in the United States: a contrast. Canadian law times, Dec. 1910, v. 30: 975-981. INDIA 381 Rattigan, Henry A. B. The law of divorce applicable to Chris tians in India (the Indian divorce act 1869). London, Wildy <& sons, 1897. xix, 4.6O p. 23"'^. 12-26053 NEW SOUTH WALES 382 New South Wales. Statistician's office. Statistical register, 1911. Part IX. — Social condition. Sydnetj, W. A. Gullick, 1913. p. 701-769. tables. 33'^'^. Supreme court — Divorce and matrimonial causes jurisdiction, 1873- 1911: p. 733; Grounds of divorce, etc.: p. 733. 8-9644 HA3011 383 Whitfeld, Lewis, ed. The practice in divorce (New South Wales). Being the Ma rimonial causes act, 1899 (Act no. XIV., 1899). And the rules and regulations issued there- under, wiih an introductory treatise; also the reported decisions of the divorce court, and an appendix ot cases not contained in the N. S. W. digests; with notes and a copious index. 2d ed. Sydney, The Law hooTc company of Australasia, ltd., 1907. xxix, 292 p. £3"'^. 12-24531 NEW ZEALAND 384 New Zealand. Registrar-general's office. The New Zealand offi- cial year book, 1913. Wellington, N. Z., By authority, 1913. 987 p. pi., maps, tab.,diag. 21'^'^. History of divorce legislation and statistics from 1893-1912: p. 260-263. HA3033.B 7-21753 DU400.N53 885 Statistics of the colony of New Zealand for the year 1911. Compiled in the Registrar-general's office from official records. Wellington, J. MacJcay, government printer, 1911. 2 v. fold, tables. 33'"^. Suprpme court — Divorce and matrimonial causes jurisdiction, 1907- 1911 inclusive: p. 395. 8-8419 HA3033 LIST OF REFERENCES ON DIVORCE. 47 ITALY 386 Billia, Lorenzo Michelangelo. Difendiamo la famiglia; saggio contro il divorzio e specialmente contro la proposta di introdurlo in Italia. 2. ed. intieramente riv., rifatta ed accresciuta con duo appendici. Torino, TJfficio del Nuovo risorgimento , 1902. x, 275 p. 4-19209 HQ817.B6 387 Bosco, AugListo. Divorzi e separazioni personali di coniugi; studio di demografia comparata. Roma, Tip. naz. di G. Bertero e c, 1908. xi p., 1 I., 534 P-, incl. tables. 28^"'^. 9-27043 HQ817.B83 388 Un Dilemma politico a proposito del divorzio. Civilita cattolica, Jan. f7, 1903, ser. 18, v. 9: 129-140. AP37.C5,ser.l8,v.9 389 Gabba, Carlo F. II divorzio neila legislazione italiana. 4. ed., publicata col consenso dell' autore a cura e a spese del Comitato milanese " contro il divorzio." Milano, E. Trevisird, 1902. xxxiii, 124 p. 24'^^- 4-6149 HQ817.G2 390 The introduction of divorce in Italy. American church review, Jan. 1881, v. 33: 111-138. 391 *Grassetti, E. II divorzio. Roma, Centanari, 1912. 115 p. 392 Mangano, Vincenzo. Matrimonio e divorzio nelle legislazione comparate del sec. xix, con prefazione del Prof. Giuseppe Toniolo. Siena, Tip. edit. S. Bernardino, 1902. ix, 374 U\ V- ■^^""• (Pubblicazioni de scienze sociale cattoliche e discipline affini. no. 14) 3-27109 HQ822.M3 393 Molmenti, Pompeo. II divorzio nella decadenza della repub- lica Venela. Nuovo antologia, June 16, 1902, v. 183: 612-618. AP37.N8,v.l83 394 Olivi, Louis. Le congr^s juridique de Florence et la question du divorce. Revue de droit international et de legislation comparee, 1892, V. 24: 263-277. JX3.Il4,v.24 395 Raqueni. Le divorce en Italie. Nouvelle revue, Apr. 15, 1902, n. s., v. 15: 504-510. AP20.N8,n.s.v.l5 48 LIST OF KEFEEENCES ON DIVOECE. 396 *E,occarino, M. II divorzio e la legislazione italiana, Torino, 1901. 125 p. 307 Rossi, Vittorio de. Des efTets on l^alie des juo;ements etrangers de divorce. Journal du droit international prive, 1903, v. SO: 26S-S71. JX6002.J5,v.30 398 Vidari, Ercole. Sul divorzio. Nuova antologia, Aug. 1, 1902, v. 184: ^IS-JfdO. AP37.N8,v.l84 399 Woeste, Charles. La question du divorce en Italic. Eevue generale, Apr. 1912, v. 95: 496-511. AP22.R5,v.95 JAPAN 400 Cox, M. Man-made woman of Japan. Forum., Feb. 1913, v. 49: 167-170. AP2.r8,v.49 401 Freri, Joseph. Family and divorce in Japan. Catholic world, Jan. 1911, v. 92: 464-475. AP2.C3,v.93 402 Japan. Bureau de la statistique generale. Mouvement de la population de I'empire du Japon, 1910. ToUo, 1913. xii, 276, 90* p. 34^"^. Divorces, 1910: p. 40-55; Grandes cit6s: Divorcea, 1910: p. 202- 209; Proportions: p. 14*-19*; 54*-59*. 8-8040 HA183.C 403 — Resume statistique de rempire du Japon. 27. annee. Tokio, 1913. xvi,217p. fold, maps, fold, tables. 25^"^. Divorces, 1900-1910: p. 16-17, 18-19, 29. 8-8028 HA1833.A 404 Miyakawa. Japanese laws of domestic relations. American bar association. Comparative law bureau. An- nual bulletin, July, 1910, v. 3: 4^-«^^. 405 Sakamoto, Saburo. Das Eheschcidungsrecht Japans. Berlin, 1903. viii, 107 p. 21^"^. "Verzeichnis der benutzten Literatur:" p. v -viii. 5-33769 HQ938.S3 406 Smith, Munroe. The Japanese code and the family. Law quarterly review, Jan. 1907, v. 23: 4^-67. See especially p. 49, 56, 60-61, 63. 407 Takano, Iwasaburo. The recent movement of population in Japan. Royal statistical society. Journal, July, 1910, v. 73: 738-768. Divorce statistics, 1886 to 1905: p. 751-758. HAl.R8,v.73 LIST OF REFERENCES ON DIVORCE. 49 408 Tokyo. Municipal ojfice. Aimiial statistics of the city of Tokio. [Tohjof] 1910. 31, 7, 1273 p. 22h<^^. Number of marriages and divorces, 1899-1908: p. 21G-219. CAlO-4479 HA1849.T6A3 409 Twitchell, H. The land of divorce. Pacific monthly, August, 1911, v. 26: 164-174- AP2.P16,v.26 NORWAY 410 Norway. Statistiske centralbureau. Skillsmisser ogseparationer. (Divorces et separations de corps.) Udg. af det Statis- tiske centralbureau. Kristiania, H. Aschehoug & co., 1906. 3 p. I., 72 p. £5'"^. {Norges officielle statistilc; fjerde raekke, no. 130) HAisoi 10-18933 HQ910.A4 411 — Staiistisk aarbog for kongeriket Norge, 1911. Kristiania, H. Aschehoug & co., 1912. (22), 262 p. 26'^'^. Divorces et separations de corps, 1906-1910: p. 22. 6-20915 HA1503.B 412 Platou, Oscar Ludvig S. F'orelaesninger over aegteskabs stif- telse og skilsmisse efter norsk ret. Kristiania, I Jcommission hos T. 0. Br^gger, 1899. vii, 118 p., 11. 22 '^^. "Literatur;" p. v. 12-21174 RUSSIA 413 Mandelstam, Andre. Du mariage et du divorce dans les rap- poris internationaux, au point de vue du droit russe. Journal du droit international prive, 1902, v. 29: 243-261; 46O-493. JX6002.J5,v.29 414 Russian procedure in divorce. Green hag, Dec. 1894, v. 6: 674-676. 415 Shipman, A. J. Divorce in the Russian church. Catholic world, Aug. 1910, v. 91: 677-688. AP2.C3,v.9i A7nerican review of reviews, Sept. 1910, v. 4-' 367-358. AP2.R4,v.42 SPAIN 416 *Burgos Segui, C. de. El divorcio en Espafla. Madrid, 1904. I4? p. 77622 — 15 4 50 LIST OF EEFEEENCES ON DIVOECE. SWITZERLAND 417 Hauser, Emil. Die Haager Uebereiiikunft vom 12. Juni 1902 betreffend Ehescheidimg und Trennimg von Tisch und Bett in ihren Einwirkungen auf das schweizerische Recht. Basel, Helbing cfc LichtenJiahn, 1909. 3 p. I, 91 p. ^^J^"*. 10-23692 JX6419 H3 418 Switzerland. Statistisches bureau. Statistisches Jahrbuch der Schweiz. Annuaire statistique de la Suisse, 1912. Bern, Stampfi & cie, 1913. 353 p. 24^'^'^. (Schweize- rische StatistiTc, Ifg. 186.) Eheschiedungeu, 1877-1911: p. 17: Nach Kantonen, 1887-1911: p. 19; Nach den Scheidungsgriinden, 1911: p. 20. 6-39570-1 HA1593.A4 419 Dispositions speciales sur le divorce, sur la nuliite du inariage et sur les inscriptions a faire dans ces cases. (Dec. 24, 1874) {In Switzerland. Recueil officiel des lols et ordonnancea de la Con- federation Suisse. Berne, 1876. 23^°. n. s. v. 1, p. 486-489.) 420 Dispositions speciales concernant la celebration et la tenue du registre des mariages. (Dec. 24, 1874) {In Switzerland. Recueil officiel des lois et ordonnancea de la Con- federation Suisse. Berne, 1876. 23'''". u. s. v. 1, p. 480^85.) 421 Wuarin, Louis. The divorce-legislation of Switzerland. Arena, July, 1905, v. 34: IO-I4. AP2.A6,v.34 TURKEY 422 Batcheller, G. S. Mohammedan marriage, divorce and do- mestic relations. North American review, Aug. 2, 1907, v. 185: 766-776. AP2.N7,v.l85 423 Mandelstam, Andr6. Du mariage et du divorce des Ottomans a I'etranger et des etrangers en Turquie. Journal du droit international prive, 1903, v. 30: 86-100. JX6002.J5,v.30 URUGUAY 424 Pereda, Setembrino E. El divorcio. Montevideo, Impr. " El Siglo ilustrado," de Turenne, Varzi y c"., 1902. 104 p. WY"^- 4-32449 HQ818.P4 LIST OF EEFERENCES ON DIVOECE. 51 UNITED STATES BOOKS 425 Bailey, William Bacon. Modern social conditions; a statistical study of birth, marriage, divorce, death, disease, suicide, immigration, etc., with special reference to the United States. New YorJc, The Century co., 1906. 5 p. l, [3]-377 p. illus., double map, diagrs. SS'^'^. 6-34864 HB881.B2 426 Biddle, Clarence Simons. Principles, pleading and practi(;e obtaining in the Court of chancery of New Jersey in divorce, and other causes matrimonial, with a complete collection of forms. 2d ed., rev. and enl. Newark, N. J., Soney cfc Sage, 1912. 4p.l., 395 p. 28^-^. Library of Congress has other editions. 12-27966 427 Bishop, Joel P. New commentaries on marriage, divorce, and separation as to the law, evidence, pleading, practice, forms and the evidence of marriage in all issues on a new system of legal exposition. Chicago, T. H. Flood and company, 1891. 2 v. f5A«"». Supersedes his "Marriage and divorce." Library of Congress has other editions. 12-30723 427a Blease, C. L. [Divorce in South Carolina.l {In Governors' conference. Proceedings, 1912. Madison, Wis., 1912. p. 197-201.) JK2403.G8 1912 428 Bollan, William. Letter from William Bollan, agent for the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, to the Speaker of the House ol Assembly of that colony [on divorce.] Apr. 12, 1759. (/n Massachusetts historical society. Collections, 1799. v. 6:41-47.) F61.M41, V.6 429 Bowman, H. C. Insanity and divorce. {In Kansas. State charitable institutions. Semi-annual bulletin, Feb. 1911, no. 6, p. 21-26.) HV86.K22, no.6 430 Bowman, N. L. Divorce. {In Bar association of the state of Kansas. Eighteenth annual meet, ing, 1901. Clay Center, 1901. 23^'^"'. p. 133-136.) 431 [Bowns, Walter V.] Some facts and deductions from the 1900 (12th) census. [Bloomfield, N. J., 1904] cover-title, [3]-14 p. 23h''\ Concerning suffrage and divorce. Ms. signature at end: Walter V. Bowns. CAlO-3173 JK1853.B78 52 LIST OF REFEEENCES ON DIVORCE. 482 Breen, William P. Divorce. {In State bar association of Indiana. Proceedings, 1904. Indian- apoUs, 1904. 23i<^'°. p. 8-16.) Discussion: p. 34-39. In favor of abolition of absolute divorce. 433 Brown, Henry B. The law and procedure in divorce. {In Maryland state bar association. Report of the fourteenth annual meeting, Old Point Comfort, Va., July 7-9, 1909. [Baltimore] 1909. 23'^™. p. 178-198.) 434 Browne, William Hardcastle. A commentary on the law of divorce and alimony. Philadelphia, Kay and brother, 1890. 46 1 p. 23^"^. 12-31014 435 Bullen, Brian Cowling. Love, marriage and divorce, and the greatest of these is reformation! A treatise. New YorTc, J. S. Ogilvie publishing company, 1912. 96 p. 12-26295 HQ734.B915 436 Carroll, Benjamin F. Divorce and divorce laws. {In Governors' conference. Proceedings, 1910. Lakewood, N. J., 1910. 23'^'°. p. 185-193.) Discussion: p. 193-198. JK2403.G8 1910 437 Carver, AI. H. Should the divorce laws of Louisiana be amended, and, if so, to what extent, and in what particulars. (Jn Louisiana bar association. Proceedings, 1909. p. 140-144.) 438 Chase, George Colby. The disruption of the home. Philadelphia, Boston [etc.] American Baptist publication society [1912] 28 p. 20h'^^. (Social service series.) Published for the Social service commissiou of the Northern Baptist convention. 12-22533 H:Q734.C5 438a Connecticut. State library, Hartford. Report relating to the registration of births, marriages, and deaths, and to divorces. Hartford, 1906-1914. 8 v. 23'^^. 7-13366 HA283 439 Convers, Duncan. Marriage and divorce in the United States: as they are and as they ought to be. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott company, 1889. 266 p. fold tab., 3 fold diagr. 18''". 9-1549 HQ1019.TJ6C8 440 Culbert & Smith, Philadelphia. Divorce in Pennsylvania; some observations. Philadelphia, Culbert & Smith, [1904]. - P- ^-y -0 p. 23^-^. 9-8201 HQ835.P4C9 LIST OF REFERENCES ON DIVORCE. 53 441 Davidson, J. B. Needed reforms in ihe laws of marriage and divorce. (Jn Washington state bar associatioa. Proceedings, 1900. Olympia, 1900. 23^"^. p. 140-154.) 442 Dike, Samuel AVarren. The problem of the family. (In International congress of arts and science, St. Louis, 1904. v. 7. Social sciences. Boston and New York, 1906. 24<^". p. 709- 722.) Deals principally with the decrease of the marriage rate and the postponement of marriage and the increase of divorce throughout the civilized world and particularly in the United States. ASS 1904,v.7 443 Doane, William Croswell. Divorce. (In New York state bar association. Proceedings, 1901. Albany, 1901. 23^/™. p. 215-220.) 444 Donovan, Joseph Mitchell. The law of marriage, annulment, domicile, divorce. 12th ed., 1912, October revision. [Danhury, Conn., Danhury printing company, 1912] cover- me,il2p. 161 xSV"^. The Library of Congress has also other editions. 13-327 HQ1019.U6D6 1912 445 Dunn, Ballard S. The twin monsters: and how national legis- lation may help to solve the Mormon problem. [3d ed.] New YorJc, J. Pott cfc co. [1886] cover-title, 31 p. SS'"^. 9-7271 HQ994.D93 446 Eaton, Amasa M. Proposed reform in marriage and divorce laws. [Neti; York, Columbia University press, 1904-] 23 p. £^|<='". Reprinted from the Columbia law review, Apr. 1904. 5-42564 HQ834.E2 447 Ellwood, Charles A. The divorce -problem. (In Southern sociological congress, Nashville, Tenn. 1912. The call of the new South. Nashville, 1912. p. 229-240.) HN73.A2S7 1912 448 Faithful!, Emily. Three visits to America. New York, Fowler & Wells co. [I884] xvi, 4OO p. 19^"^. Divorce: p. 278-291. 2-1377 E168.F17 449 Farrah, Albert J. and John W. Dwyer. Cases on the law of husband and wife. Ann Arbor, Mich., G. Wahr, 1900. 488 p. 23'"^. Jan. 17, 1901-46 450 Fisher, Sydney George. The cause of the increase of divorce. PUladelpUa, 1890. W p. 23'='^. 7-32992 HQ814.F7 64 LIST OF REFERENCES ON DIVORCE. 451 Gilbert, Frank B. Divorce. (/nCyclopediaof law and procedure. New York, 1904. 26'". v. 14, p. 556-822.) 452 Greeley, Horace. Divorce: being a correspondence between Horace Greeley and Robert Dale Owen. Originally pub- lished in the New York daily Tribune. New York, R. M. DeWitt, 1860. 60 'p. 18^"^. 9-7261 HQ814.G8 453 Recollections of a busy life. New York, J. B. Ford and co., 1868. xv [17]-624 p. front, (port.) illus., plates, facsini. 22^'^. A discussion with Robert Dale Owen of the law of divorce: p. 571t 11-29000 E415.9.G8G807 454 Harper's book of facts; a classified encyclopaedia of the history of the world, a record of history from 4004 B. C. to 1906 A. D. New York and London, Harper cfc brothers, 1906. 1000 p. illus. 27 Y"^. Contains a brief outline of the progress of divorce legislation. 6-8278 AG5.H22 455 Hart, Charles H. Divorces in the United States. {In State bar association of Utah, 1897. Salt Lake city, 1897. 22"=™. p. 93-112.) 456 Hirsh, Hugo. New ed. of Hirsh's tabulated digest of the divorce laws of the United States. New York, Funk & Wagnalls co., 1901. talle, 70 x 110"^, fold, to 28\<=^. 1-24469 457 Houk, George W. Divorce reform. {In Ohio state bar association. Report, 1891. Cleveland, 1891. 23'-". v. 12: 155-162.) 458 Howard, George Elhott. Social control and the function of the family. {In International congress of arts and science. St. Louis, 1904. v. 7. Social sciences. Boston and New York, 1906. 24'^"'. p. 699-708.) Holds that the trouble is in the marriage laws rather than in divorce legislation; and that the increase in the number of divorces "is largely due to the new economic and intellectual position of women." ASS 1904,v.7 459 Kales, Albert Martin. Cases on persons and domestic relations, selected from decisions of English and American courts. St. Paul, West publishing company, 1911 [1913] xxix, 65 If. p. 26^'^^. (American casebook series, J. B. Scott, general ed.) LIST OF REFERENCES ON DIVORCE. 55 459a Kales, Albert Martin. Appendix. Cases on marriage and divorce, by Cliester G. Vernier . . . Part iv of Kales' Cases on persons and domestic relations. St. Paul, West publishing company, 1913. x, 180 p. ^6^*^^. [ With his Cases on persons and domestic relations. St. Paul, 1911] Published in a separate volume, 1912. 14-27-8 460 Kathrens, Richard D. Let's civilize the marriage laws. Kansas City, Mo., Burton publishing companij, 1913. 2 p. I., 7-165 y. 19Y^. 13-1537 HQ834.K3 461 Let's civiliz3 the marriage laws. New York, Broadway publishing company, 1913. 2 p. I., 7-176 p. 19hJ^. 13-9874 HQ834.K4 462 Keezer, Frank. The law of marriage and divorce, giving the law in all the states and territories. Boston, W. J. Nagel, 1906. vii, 609 p. 23h'^'^. 6-24877 463 Kyle, J. H. Relating to improvement of District divorce laws. [Compilation] [WasJdngton, Govt, print, of., 1901.] 4 p. .1^5 J ^™. (U. S. 66th Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Doc. 174-) 4042 464 Remarks in the Senate, Feb. 3, 1892, On presenting (S. R. 29) proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States relating to marriage and divorce giving Congress exclusive power to regulate marriage and divorce. Congressional record, 52d Cong. 1st sess., v. 23, pt. 1 : 790-793. Jll.R5,v.23,pt.l 465 Lichtenberger, James P. Divorce; a study in social causation. New YorTc, Columbia university, 1909. 230 p. diag., charts. 23'^'^. {Studies in history, economics and public law, ed. by the Faculty of political science of Columbia university, V. XXXV, no. 3.) H31.C7 9-29196 HQ814.L7 Reviewed by George E. Howard in American political science re- view, May, 1910, v. 4: 302-305. JAl.A6,v.4 466 Low, Seth and others. Petition for such collection of statistics of marriage and divorce as shall bring report on subject down to latest practicable date. Jan. 4, 1905. [Washington, Govt, print, off., 1905.] 1 p. ^5^'". (Z7. *S. 68th Cong. 3d sess. Senate. Doc. 66.) 4764 56 LIST OF REFERENCES ON DIVORCE. 466a Maine. Dept. of vital statistics. Annual report upon the births, marriages, divorces, and deaths in the state of Mame. Augusta, 1894-1913. 21 v. 2/f^. 6-5822 HA413.A 467 Martin, Edward Sandford. In a new century. New YorJc, C. Scrihner's sons, 1908. iv, 377 p. 19^"^. Contains a chapter on Divorce. 8-27778 PS2364.M8I5 468 Massachusetts. Bureau of statistics of labor. Divorces in Massachusetts. 1860-1878. {In its Eleventh annual report, 1880. Boston, 1880. 23^"". p. 197-235.) Carroll D. Wright, Chief of Bureau. HC107.M4A2 1880 469 Secretary of the commonwealth. Report of births, mar- riages and deaths. 1843-1910, Boston, 1843-1911. 69 v. in 64. tables. 23-24Y'^. 1882-1910 include statistics of divorce. 8-9965 HA433 470 Mathews, Wilham. Causes of divorce. (In his Men, places and things. Chicago, 1887. 19^*=™. p. 305- 312.) PS2368.M8M5 471 Michigan. Dept. of state. Annual report of the secretary of state on the registration of births and deaths, marriages and divorces in Michigan. Lansing, 1868-1913. 45 v. tables, charts. 21^-24^"^. 8-9967 HA443 472 Laws, statutes, etc. Compilation of laws concerning the registration of births, deaths, and marriages; the solemnization of marriages and the issuance of licenses therefor; and the laws concerning divorce, with sugges- tions to persons authorized to solemnize marriages. Comp. under the supervision of Washington Gardner, secretary of state. Lansing, R. Smith c& co., state printers, 1896. 33 p. 23^'^'^. 8-11902 HA38.M55 1806 473 Laws relating to the registration of births, deaths and marriages; the licensing and solemnizing of marriages, and laws concerning divorce. Comp. under the supervision of Frederick C. Martindale, secretary of state. By authority. Lansing, WynJcoop, Hallenbeck, Crawford co., state printers, 1912. 55 p. 23"^. 13-33077 HA38.M56 1912 LIST OF REFERENCES ON DIVORCE. 57 474 Moore, Eva Rice. The law of husband and wife ; an up-to-date handbook giving the laws of the United States and Canada regarding property rights, divorce, etc., showing their injustice to women. Buffalo, N. Y., The autlior, 1913. 109 p. 20'^^. 13-18745 475 Murphy, D. D. The divorce problem and recent decisions of the United States Supreme court. (/n Iowa state bar association. Proceedings, 1906. Iowa City, 1906. 24'''". p. 36-46.) 476 Nelson, William T. Divorce. {In American and English encyclopedia of law. 3d ed. Northport, Long Island, N. Y., 1898. 26'''°. v. 9, p. 723-873.) 477 A treatise on the law of divorce and annulment of mar- riage" including the adjustment of property rights upon divorce, the procedure in suits for divorce, and the validity and extraterritorial effect of decrees of divorce. CMcago, CaUaghan and company, 1895. 2 v. 2^^^^. 12-37064 477a New Hampshire. Registrar of vital statistics. Report relat- ing to the registration and return of births, marriages, di- vorces, and deaths in New Hampshire. Concord, 188^-1912. 23 v. in I4. ^5^"«. 8-12894 " HA513 478 New Jersey. Laws, statutes etc. General statutes of New Jersey. Published under the authority of the legislature. Jersey City, N. J., F. D. Linn <& co., 1896. 3 v. 30'"^. Divorce: v. 2, p. 1267-1275. 479 Otten, Bernard John. The national evil of divorce. St. Louis, Mo., B. Herder, 1913. 22 p. 22^'^. 13-10471 HQ834.08 480 Patty, H. M. What preventive legislation is necessary with reference to divorce? (In Georgia bar association. Report, 1906. Atlanta, 1906. 23'^°. p. 140-158.) 481 Pennsylvania. Commission to codify divorce laws. Summary of the divorce laws of the United States. [n. p., 1906f] 244 p. 27^"^. 7-7058 482 Phillips, John Burton. The increase of divorce. Boulder, Col., 1907. 203-216 p. 25%'"^. Reprinted from University of Colorado studies, v. iv., no. 4, Boulder, Colo., June, 1907. 8-24644 HQ814.P47. 68 LIST OF REFERENCES ON DIVORCE. 483 Phillips, Waldorf H. Who is your wife? A complex conun- drum colloquially considered. New Yorl, E. J. Hale cfc son, 1880. 3 p. I., 9-126 p. 17'^'^. 9-8194 HQ814.P6 484 Protestant Episcopal church. Convention, 1886. Memorial of John II. Elliott and others, relative to the collection by the government of statistics on the subject of divorce. Jan. 4, 1887. [Washington, Govt, print, off., 1887.] 1 p. 23^"^. (U.S. 49th Cong. 2d sess. Senate. Misc. doc. 27.) 2450 485 *Ransdell, Joseph Eugene. Divorce. New Yorlc, American press, 191^. 486 Prohibition of divorces. Remarks in the Senate, Feb. 4, 1914, introducing joint resolution (S. J. Res. 109) pro- posing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Congressional record, 63d Cong., 2d sess., v. 51, no. ^1 {current file): 2995-2996. 486a Rhode Island. Registrar of vital statistics. Report relating to the registry and return of births, marriages, and deaths and of divorces. Providence, 1854-1913. 59 v. 23^'^^. 6-22911 HA611 487 Richberg, John C. Incongruity of the divorce laws in the United States — a legal tangle. (In Michigan political science association. Publications. Ann Ar- bor, 1895. 24'='". V. 1, no. 4. p. 55-77.) 6-28275 . H31.M6 488 Ringwalt, Ralph Curtis. Briefs on public questions, with selected lists of references. New Yorlc, Longmans, Green, and co., 1911. x p., 1 I., 229 p. 19^'"^. "First edition, May, 1905." A federal divorce law: p. 194-201. 12-816 Z7161.R55 1911 489 Ross, Edward Alsworth. Changing America; studies in con- temporary society. New Yorlc, The Century co., 1912. 7 p. l, 3-236 p. 19^"^. The significance of increasing divorce the proven trend: p. 49-63. 12-14448 HN64.R882 490 St. Paul legal co. Divorce in all the states and territories. [St. Paul], St. Paul legal co., 1900. 16 p. 17'"^. Oct. 25. 1900-78 HQ834,S2 LIST OF KEFEKENCES ON DIVORCE. 59 491 Schnabel, C. J. The nationalization of the h\ws of marriage and divorce. {In Oregon bar ainsociation. Proceedings, l89o. Portland, 1896. 22^™. p. 60-66.) 492 Sherlock, E. M. com'p. Synopsis of the divorce laws of all the states in the Union. [Chicago] Chicago law journal •print, 1903. 32 p. 19^'^^. 3-3326 HQ834.S6 493 Snyder, William Lamartine. The geography of marriage; or, Legal perplexities of wedlock in the United States. New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1889. ix, 334 V' ^Oi'"^. Foreign divorces — Prohibition as to marriage of divorced persons; p. 83-102; Divorce: p. 156-174; The remedy — Objections to a na- tionallaw: p. 175-181; An amendment limiting the powers of the states, and concert of action among the states: p. 182-189; Bird's- eye view of the system of marriage and divorce in the United States, arranged geographically: p. 190-327. 9-8211 HQ1019.XJ6S6 493a South Dakota. Dept. of history. Div. of vital statistics. Annual report. Huron, S. D., 1906-1914. 7 v. 23^'". 7-14582 HA631 494 Speer, Ocie. A trea+ise on the law of married women in Texas; including marriage, divorce, homestead, and adminis- tration. Rochester, N. Y., The Lawyers' co-operative pub. co., 1901. Ivii, 569 p. 23"^"^. 1-7170 495 Spencer, Edward Whiton. A treatise on the law of domestic relations and the status and capacity of natural persons as generally administered in the United States. New YorJc, The Panics law publishing co., 1911. xcv, 777 p. 1 1-2245 496 Spofford, Ainsworth K. Marriage and divorce in the United States. {In Lalor, John J. Cyclopaedia of political science. New York, 1899. 25'^°'. V. 3, p. 808-809.) H41.L22,v.3 497 Stimson, Frederic Jesup. Popular law-making; a study of the origin, history and present tendencies of law-making by statute. New York, C. Scribner's sons, 1911. xii p., 1 I., 390 p. Sex legislation, marriage and divorce: j). 317-338. 12-4637 JF432.I76S8 1911 60 LIST or KEFEEENCES ON DIVORCE. 498 Sturgeon, Harold McC. The law of divorce and the proceed- ings to obtain a divorce in Pennsylvania, together with a full collection of forms. Philadelphia, T. cfc J . IF. Johnson ch co., 1905. xxxii, 509 p. 5-8682 499 Trumbull, Benjamin. An appeal to the public, especially to the learned, with respect to the unlawfulness of divorces, in all cases, excepting those of incontinency ... To which an appendix is subjoined, exhibiting a general view of the laws and customs of Connecticut, and their defi- ciency respecting the point in dispute. New-Haven, Printed by J. Meigs, 1788. 53, [1] p. 17 Y'^. 10-18070 HQ813.T8 500 Tyler, Ransom Hebbard. Commentaries on the law of infancy, including guardianship and custody of infants, and the law of coveture, embracing dower, marriage, and divorce, and the statutory policy of the several states in respect to husband and wife. 2d ed. Albany, IF. Gould S son, 1882. Hi, {33]-960 p. 24^"^. 12-39657 501 XJ. S. Bureau of the census. Marriage and divorce, 1867-1906. Washington, Govt, print, of. 1908-09. 2 v. 30""^. Contents. — pt. 1. Summary, laws, foreign statistics, pt. 2. Gen- eral tables. HA201.1900.B2 8-35764 HQ833.A4 1908 502 Marriage and divorce: 1887-1906. Washington, Govt, print, of., 1908. 71 p. 31 x 9^'^'^. (Bulletin, 96.) HQ833.A4 1908a 9-6293 HA201.1900.A12,no.96 503 Marriage and divorce. 1887-1906. Washington, Govt, print, of., 1914- 99 p. incl. tables. 31 Y"^. {Bulletin 96. 2d ed., rev. and enl.) 14-30119 Ha833.A4 1914 HA201.1900.A12 no.96,2d ed. 504 — — — Instructions to court clerks. Statistics of divorce. Washington [Govt, print, of., 1907]. 20 p. 21""^. CA7-6861 KQ833.A4 1907 505 Bureau of foreign and domestic commerce {Dept. of com- merce). Statistical abstract of the United States . . . 1912. Washington, Govt, print, of, 1913. 836 p. tables. 23^'^. Divorces: p. 99-101. 4-18089 HA202 1912 LIST OF REFERENCES ON DIVORCE. 61 506 U. S. Bureau of labor. A report on marriage and divorce in the United States, 1867 to 1886; including an appendix relating to marriage and divorce in certain countries in Europe. By Carroll D. Wright, commissioner of labor. Februar}^, 1889. Rev. ed. WasMru/ton, Govt, print, of., 1891. 1074 V- -^""- {First special report of the commissioner of labor.) 4-1810G Ha833.A4 1889a Reviewed by Samuel W. Dike, in Political science quarterly, Dec. 1889, V. 4: 592-614. H1.P8, v. 4 507 Congress. House. Committee on census. Report, fa- voring H. J. R. 205, requiring Director of the census to collect statistics of marriage and divorce. Jan. 28, 1905. [Washington, Govt, print, of., 1905.] 4 p. •28^"'^. {58th Cong. 3d sess. House. Rept. 4009.) 4762 508 Committee on the District of Columbia. Report, amending H. 13925, to amend code of laws of District [in respect to divorce suits]. Mar. 31, 1904. [Washington, Govt, print, of, 1904.] 2 p. 2SY'"\ {58th Cong. 2d sess. House. Rept. 2085.) 4582 509 Committee on the judiciary. Collection of statis- tics touching marriage and divorce. Report. June 20, 1884. [Washington, Govt, print, of., I884.] 2 p. 2SY'^- {48th Cong. 1st sess. House. Rept. 1857.) 2258 510 Marriage and divorce. Adverse re- port on H. Res. 46, entitled "A joint resolution to amend the Constitution of the United States and providing uniform laws on the subject of marriage and divorce.'' May 5, 1892. [Washington, Govt, print, of., 1892.] 8 p. 23h^'"\ {5 2d Cong. 1st sess. House. Rept. 1290.) Views of the minority: p. 3-8. 511 ; Report amending making one year's residence in requisite to obtaining divorce there. [Washington, Govt, print, of., 1896.] 1 Cong. 1st sess. House. Rept. 4-8.) Same. Senate Rept. 611, 54th Cong. Ist sess. Statutes at Large, v. 29, p. 136. 512 Senate. Committee on the census. Report, amend- ing H. J. R. 185, authorizing Director of the census to collect additional statistics [relating to cotton and statistics of marriage and divorce.] Feb. 4, 1905. [Washington, Govt, print, off., 1905.] 6 p. 23^"^. {58th Cong. 3d sess. Senate. Rept. 3637.) 4756 3045 House bill 5217, a territory pre- Feb .. 18, 1896 1. s. 23\ ^cm_ {54th 3458 3364 62 LIST OF EEFERENCES ON DIVOECE. 513 U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on the District of Columbia. Report on bills (S. 355) to prevent fraudulent divorces in the District of Columbia. Oct. 2, 1893. [Washington, Govt, print, of., 1893.] 2 p. 28^^"^. (5Sd Cong. 1st sess. Senate. Rept. ^2.) 3147 614 Report adverse to S. 2319, to amend code of District of Columbia [so that in decree granting divorce, court shall have power to modify marriage settle- ment made by husband], Jan. 29, 1906. [WasUngton, Govt, print, of., 1906.] 2 p. 23Y'^- (59th Cong. 1st sess. Senate. Rept. 1^75.) 4904 515 Committee on the judiciary. Report on the bill (S. 1076) providing for the collection of statistics touching marriage and divorce. Mar. 2, 1886, [Washington, Govt, print, of, 1886.] 1 p. 2SY'^- U^th Cong. 1st sess. Senate. Rept. 169.) 2358 516 — Report, adverse to S. J. R. 9, to amend Constitution to authorize uniform marriage and divorce laws and enforcement thereof by adequate penalties. June 5, 1906. [WasUngton, Govt, print, of, 1906.] 1 p. 23^'='^. {69th Cong. 1st sess. Senate. Rept. Jfi35.) 4905 517 President, 1901-1909 {Roosevelt). Message recommend- ing collection of statistics regarding marriages and divorces by Director of the census. Jan. 30, 1905. [Washington, Govt, print, of., 1905.] 1 p. 23^"^. {58th Cong. 3d sess. Senate. Doc. 127.) 4765 518 Supreme court. October term, 1905. Haddock v. Haddock. Error to the Supreme Court of the State of New York. Argued December 11, 1905-r-Decided April 12, 1906. The text of this decision is also contained in Albany Law Journal, May to June, 1906. 5192;Veriiier, Chester Garfield. Cases on marriage and divorce selected from decisions of English and American courts. Part IV of Kales' Cases on persons and domestic relations. St. Paul, West publishing corapany, 1912. xvi,180p. 26Y^- {American casebook series) "Intended to supplement Kales' Cases on persons. " — Author's prefa- tory note. 12-26749 LIST OF BEFERENCES ON DIVOECE. 63 620 Vermont. Secretary of state. Report . . . relating to the registry and returns of birihs, marriages, deaths, and divorces in the state . . . lst-40th; 1857-1896. Montpelier, Vt. 1859-97. 4O v. in 38. tables. 22\-24'^'^. 8-11916 HA673 521 Wellington, G. L. Paper relating to proposed repeal of " New District divorce law." Apr. 15, 1902. [Compilation.] [WasJmiqton, Govt. pHnt. of., 1902.] 5 p. 23^^. (U. S. 57th Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Doc. 305.) 4241 522 White, Frederick Augustus, comp. Laws on marriage, divorce and property rights of married women of all states and Alaska, Hawaii, Arizona, New Mexico and District of Columbia. Los Angeles, Cal., Baumgardt publishing co., 1910. 42^ p. 10-13907 523 Whitehouse, Robert T. Divorce. {In Maine state bar association. Report, 1912 and 1913. Augusta, 1913. 23'^"». p. 75-114.) 524 Whitney, Henry Clay. A practical treatise on the law and practice of divorce, as administered in the United States. For popular use. Boston, The Commercial law union, 1882. 1 p. I., xiii, 151 p. ')ff)i cm 9-7257 HQ834.W6 525 Marriage and divorce: the effect of each on personal status and property rights, with a consideration ot fraudu- lent divorces and the ethics of divorce. Philadelphia, New Yorlc, J. E. Potter & company, 1894. 377 p. 22'='". 9-9864 HQ1019.U6W6 526 Willcox, Walter Francis. The divorce problem. A study in statistics. (In Columbia university . Faculty of political science . Studies in history, economics and public law. 2d ed. Nev) Yorlc, 1897. 22^"^. V. I, no. I. p. Hi, 76.) 4-1835 HQ814.W6 527 Divorce (United States). {In Encyclopedia britannica. 11th ed. New York, 1910. 30''». V. 8, p. 334-346.) AE5.E36,v.8 528 Statistics of marriage and divorce in the United States, report presented by . . . delegate on the part of the United States. {Pans, Impr. Chaix, 1909.] 15 p. 27''". 9-29685 HB1125.W7 6'/^ LIST OF EEFERENCES ON DIVORCE. 529 Woods, Matthew. Divorce; being a defence of the American people against the charge of moral deterioration. New Yorlc, TJie Cosmopolitan press, 1913. xxi, 23-192 p. 19^"^. 13-19083 HQ834.W7 630 Woolsey, Theodore Dwight. Divorce and divorce legislation, especially in the United States. 2d ed. rev. New Yorlc, C. Scrihner's sons, 1882. x, 9-328 p. 19\^^. First ed. appeared in 1869 under title: "Essay on divorce and divorce legislation," a reprint of articles from the New Englander for 1867-68. 9-9877 HQ811.W92 ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 631 1813. Divorces in Pennsylvania. Portfolio, Nov. 1813, v. 10: 483-491. AP2.P85,v.lO 632 1846. Upton, Wheelock S. Divorce [in Louisiana.] DeBow's review, Sept. I846, v. 2: 155-164. HFl.D2,v.2 533 1854. Our divorce law (California). C. T. H. Pioneer, Apr. 1854, v. 1: 213-220. AP2.P6,v.l 534 1856. Divorce. Putnam'' s montJily magazine, Dec. 1856, v. 8: 630-634- AP2.P07,v.8 635 1866. Loomis, H., jr. Divorce legislation in Connecticut. New Englander, July, 1866, v. 25: 436-453. AP2.N5,v.26 636 Hewit, A. F. Divorce legislation in Connecticut. Catholic world, Oct. 1866, v. 4: 101-103. AP2.C3,v.4 637 1868. The divorce question. Nation, Dec. 17, 1868, v. 7: 504. AP2.N2,v.7 Reply to editorial of Dec. 3, and criticism of too easy divorce laws. 538 1871. Marriage and divorce. Southern review, Jan. 1871, v. 9: 124-140- Review of Bishop's Commentaries on the law of marriage, divorce, etc. Boston, 1867. AP2.S855,v.9 539 1872. Taylor, M. F. Marriage and divorce. Southern magazine, Oct. 1872, v. 11: 447-452. AP2.S84,v.ll 540 1880. Allen, Nathan. Divorces in New England. North American review, June, 1880, v. 130: 547-564- AP2.N7,v.l30 541 1881. American [Editorial]. Divorce in New England. American, Aug. 10, 1881, v. 2: 275-276. AP2.A3l7,v.2 LIST OF EEFEKENCES ON DIVOECE. 65 542 1881. Phillips, Waldorf H. The divorce question. International review, July, 1881, v. 11: 139-15.?. AP2.I78,v.ll 543 Robinson, William C. The diagnostics of divorce. Journal of social science, Nov. 1881 , v. 14-' 136-151. Hl.J7,v.l4 544 Dike, Samuel W. The effect of lax divorce legislation upon the stability of American institutions. Journal of social science, Nov. 1881, v. 14-' 152-163. Hl.J7,v.l4 5,45 1882. Gladden, Washington. The increase of divorce. Century magazine, Jan. 188.2, v. 1: 4ll-4'0- AP2.C4,v.l 546 1883. Jameson, John A. Divorce. Nortli American review, Apr. 1883, v. 136: 315-3:25. AP2.N7,v.l36 547 Sedgwick, A. G. Fraud in divorce. Nation, May 17, 1883, v. 36: 418-419. AP2.N2,v.36 548 Divorce and its increase. Nation, Nov. 15, 1883, v. 37: 4O8-409. AP2.N3,v.37 549 Bacon, Leonard W. Divorce reform. Princeton review, Nov. 1883, n. s. v. 12: 227-246. 550 1884. Dwinell, I. E. Easy divorce: its causes and evils. A study. New Englander, Jan. I884, v. 43: 48-66. AP2.N5,v.43 551 Davis, Noah. Marriage and divorce. North American review, July, I884, v. 139: 30-41. AP2.N7,v.l39 552 Hull, William. The law of marriage and divorce. Lutheran quarterly, Oct. 1884, v. 14: 574-589. 553 1886. Stewart, David. A divorced person's right and capacity to marry. American law review, Sept.-Oct. 1886, v. 20: 718-726. 554 1887. [Mulock, Diana Maria.] For bettor, for worse. , Forum, Apr. 1887, v. 3: 161-169. AP2.F8,v.3 Approves of separation only. 555 1888. Collins, Walter S. Marriage and divorce in the United States. Andover review, Dec. 1888, v. 10: 602-616. 77622 — 15 5 66 LIST OF EEFEEENCES ON DIVORCE, 556 1889. Meriwether, Lee. Is divorce a remedy? Westminster review, June, 1889, v. 131: 676-685. Gives statistics and causes for which divorces were granted. AP4.W5,v.l31 557 Is divorce wrong? A symposium. S. W. Dike, Cardinal James Gibbons, Henry C. Potter, Robert G. Ingersoll. Nortli American review, Nov. 1889, v. 149: 515-538. AP2.N7,v.l49 558 Marriage and divorce. Public opinion, Nov. 16, Bee. 7, 1889, Jan. 11, 1890, v. 8: 141-142; 216-217; 334-335. ap2.P9,v.8 559 Phelps, Edward J. Divorce in the United States. Forum, Dec. 1889, v. 8: 349-364. AP2.P8,v.8 560 The question of divorce [a symposium]. W. E. Glad- stone, Joseph P. Bradley, Joseph N. Dolph. Nortli American review, Dec. 1889, v. 149: 641-652. AP2.N7,v.l49 561 Spectator [Editorial]. Mr. Phelps on American divorces. Spectator, Dec. 28, 1889, v. 63: 919-920. AP4.S7,v.63 562 1890. Signatus. Marriage and divorce. Cliurch review, Jan. 1890, v. 56: 120-135. 563 Women's views of divorce. [Symposium]. Nortli American review, Jan. 1890, v. 150: 110-135. Mary A. Livermore, Amelia E. Barr, Rose T. Cooke, Elizabeth S. Phelps, and Jepnie June. AP2.N7,v. 150 564 Cornell, Oliver. Divorce in the United States. Chautauquan, Feb. 1890, v. 10: 588-593. AP2.C48,v.lO 565 Lee, Margaret, and Phdip S. Moxom. Final w^ords on divorce. North American review, Feb. 1890, v. 150: 263-268. AP2.N7,v.l50 566 Gardener, H. H. Divorce and the proposed national law. Arena, Mar. 1890, v. 1: 413-422. ' AP2.A6,v.l 567 Stanton, Elizabeth Cady. Divorce versus domestic warfare. Arena, Apr. 1890, v. 1: 560-569. AP2.A6,v.l 568 Burrow^s, A. The other side of the divorce question. . Overland monthly. May, 1890, n. s., v. 15: 46'5-475. AP2.09,n.s.v.l5 569 Bean, Leroy S. Cause and cure of frequency of divorce. Our day, Aug. 1890, v. 6: 107-114- Hi.09,v.6 LIST OF REFEEENCES ON DIVORCE. 67 570 1890. Wandoll, Samuel H. Tho divorce problem. 0])en court, Oct. 8, 1890, v. 4-' 2560-2563. AP2.0495,v.4 571 1891. Means, D. MacG. The statistics of divorce. Nation, June 18, 1891, v. 52: 493-494. AP2.N2,v.52 572 Dike, Samuel W. The present status of the divorce question. Homiletic review, July, 1891, v. 22: 9-12. 573 Wright, Carroll D. Marriage and divorce. Christian register, Oct. 8, 1891, v. 70: 655-668. 574 Realf, James, jr. The Sioux Falls divorce colony and some noted colonists. Arena, Nov. 1891, v. 4: 696-703. AP2.A6,v.4 575 1893. ■ The moral and legal aspect of the divorce movement towards the Dakotas. Arena, Jan. 1892, v. 5: 243-252. - AP2.A6,v.5 576 Kimball, A. R. Divorce as a state industry. [South Dakota] Nation, May 5, 1892, v. 54: 334-335. AP2.N2,v.54 577 1893. . Ogden, Rollo. Divorce in South Dakota. Nation, Jan. 26, 1893, v. 56: 60-61. AP2.N2,v.56 578 Willcox, Walter F. A study in vital statistics. Political science quarterly, Mar. 1893, v. 8: 69-96. Divorce statistics: p. 77-96. Hl.P8,v.8 579 Ager, Harry C. Divorce and the rights of society. American journal of politics, July, 1893, v. 3: 92-97. Hl.A5,v.3 580 Brun, Samuel J. Divorce made easy. North American review, July, 1893, v. 157: 11-17 . AP2.N7,v.l57 581 Dike, Samuel W. The theory of the marriage tie. Andover review, Nov. 1893, v. 19: 672-680. 582 The problem of the family in the United States, Contemporary review, Nov. 1893, v. 64: 724-736. AP4.C7,v.64 583 The condition and needs of statistics of mar- riage and divorce. Amei^ican statistical association. Quarterly publications, Dec. 1893, V. 3: 513-518. HAi.A6,v.3 584 1894. Wright, Carroll D. The census of sex, marriage and divorce. Forum, June, 1894, v. 17: 484-496. AP2.F8,v.l7 OF THE 68 LIST OF EEPEKENCES ON DIVOECE. 585 1894. Heaton, J. Henniker. The chaos of marriage and divorce hxws. New review, Aug., Sept., 1894, v. 11: 157-175; 304-308. Comparison of the laws in the United States and foreign countries. AP4.N622,v.ll 586 1896. Shufeldt, R. W. Divorce in South CaroUna. Humanitarian, May, 1896, v. 8: 360-362. HN381.H9,v.8 587 1897. Atherton, Gertrude. Divorce in the United States. Contemporary review, Sept. 1897, v. 72: 410-4^(^- AP4.C7,v.72 588 Shufeldt, R. W. Needed revision of the laws of marriage and divorce in the United States. Medico-legal journal, 1897-98, v. 15: 229-239. 589 Medico-legal journal [Editorial]. Marriage and divorce . in the United States. Medico-legal journal, 1897-98, v. 15: 335-339. 590 1899. Divorce and remarriage. Literary digest, Aug. 26, 1899, v. 19: 244-H5. AP2.L58,v.l9 591 1900. The divorce evil. i. Some of its recent aspects. Andrew E. Eichmann. ii. Is the danger exaggerated. Henry F. Harris, iii. A plea for liberal legislation. William Wickham Turlay. Arena, Jan. 1900, v. 23: 88-102. AP2.A6,v.23 592 Frechette, Annie H. A banner divorce county [Ashta- bula county, Ohio]. Century magazine, Jan. 1900, v. 59: 636-640. AP2.C4,v.59 593 Enright, J. David. Marriage and divorce in their legal aspects. Catliolic world, Feb. 1900, v. 70: 673-682. AP2.C3,v.70 594 Forbidding to marry. Independent,, May 24, Nov. 22, 1900, v. 52: 1270-1271; 2817- 2818. AP2.I53,v.52 595 1901. Better divorce laws. Independent, Jan. 10, 1901, v. 53: 111. AP2.l53,v.53 596 The Supreme court and divorce. Public opinion, April 25, 1901, v. 30: 524-525. AP2.P9,v.30 597 Deland, Margaret. Individualism and social responsi- bility. Independent, May 23, 1901, v. 53: 1172-1174- AP2.l53,v.53 598 Recent divorce decisions. OutlooTc, May 18, 1901, v. 68: I4I. ap2.08,v.68 LIST OF REFERENCES ON DIVORCE. 69 599 1901. Taylor, R. W. Marriage and divorce. Harper's tveeUy, June 8, 1901, v. 45: 573. AP2.H32,v.45 600 Cloud, D. Mountjoy. Physical examination in divorce proceedings. Ame-rican law review, Sept. -Oct. 1901, v. 35: 698-706. 601 Dike, Samuel W. The proposed canons on divorce. Outlook, Sept. 28, 1901, v. 69: 231-232. AP2.08,v.69 602 Wells, Kate G. Some comments on divorce. Nortli American review, Oct. 1901, v. 173: 508-517 . AP2.N7,v.l73 603 1902. Laica. Children's side of divorce. Outlool, Feh. 22, 1902, v. 70: 478-480. AP2.O8,v.70 604 The children's side of divorce — another view. Outlool, Mar. 15, 1902, v. 70: 691-693. AP2.O8,v.70 605 1903. Harris, Henry F. Marriage and divorce. Arena, Feh. 1903, v. 29: 167-172. AP2.A6,v.29 606 Influence of American wealth on divorce. Harper's loeeJcly, May 23, 1903, v. 47: 874. AP2.H32,v.47 607 Remarriage of divorced persons. Harper's weeMy, May 30, 1903, v. 47: 916. AP2.H32,v.47 608 Irwin, Mabel McCoy. Whom God hath joined. Arena, Aug. 1903, v. 30: 186-189. AP2.A6,v.30 609 Our chaotic divorce laws. Harper's weeTdy, Oct. 17, 1903, v. 47: 1657. AP2.H32,v.47 610 Le Roy, James A. Protestant Bible and divorce in the Philippines. Outlool, Oct. 24, 1903, V. 75: 445-44^- AP2.08,v.75 611 Whitmore, H. J. Statutory restraints on the marriage of divorced persons. Central law journal, Dec. 4, 1903, v. 57: 444-449. 612 Doane, William C. Divorce and remarriage. Harper's weelly, Dec. 26, 1903, v. 47: 2092. AP2.H32,v.47 613 1904. Anomalous lot of the divorced. Harper's weelly, Feh. 20, 1904, ^- 4S: 281. AP2.H32,v.48 614 Eaton, Amasa M. Proposed reforms in marriage and divorce laws. Columhia law review, Apr. 1904, v. 4- 243-263. 615 Hart, Lavinia. Divorce germ. Cosmopolitan magazine, June, 1904, ^- ^7: 201-206. AP2.C8,v.37 70 LIST OF REFEEENCES ON DIVOECE. 616 1904. Cooley, W. H. First cause of divorce. Arena, Sept. 1904, v. 32: 291-293. AP2.A6,v.32 617 Dike, Samuel W. Reform by elimination. Outlool, Oct. 22, 1904, V. 78: 480-481. AP2.08,v.78 618 Henrotin, Ellen M. "Good society" and divorce. World to-day, Oct. 1904, v. 7: 1323-1326. AP2.W75,v.7 619 Hannigan, D. F. A solution of the divorce problem. Albany law journal, Nov. 1904, '^- 66: 348-349. 620 1905. Felix Adler's discussion of divorce. Independent, Jan. 27, 1905, v. 58: 215-216. AP2.l53,v.68 621 Schroeder, Theodore. The impurity of divorce sup- pression. Arena, Feb. 1905, v. 33: 142-146. AP2.A6,v.33 622 Hawn, Harry Gaines. The divorce problem : a suggestion. Arena, Mar. 1905, v. 33: 262-266. AP2.A6,v.33 623 Views of a wife and mother on divorce and remarriage. Critic, Mar. 1905, v. 46: 209-211. AP2.C92,v.46 624 O'Hare, Kate Richards. Is divorce a forward or a back- ward step ? Arena, Apr. 1905, v. 33: 413-414- AP2.A6,v.33 625 Professor Giddings' defence of divorce. Arena, May, 1905, v. 33: 544-517. AP2.A6,v.33 626 Watermire, Beecher W. Marriage and divorce laws. Albany law journal, June, 1905, v. 67: 163-166. 627 Carpenter, Elizabeth. Marriage and divorce from a lay point of view. North American review, July, 1905, v. 181: 125-133. AP2.N7,v.l81 628 Owen, Ernest D. The divorce question: A lawyer's view. ■ Arena, Aug. 1905, v. 34: 167-172. AP2.A6,v.34 629 Jones, Norma W. Marriage and divorce: the letter of the law. North ATYierican review, Oct. 1905, v. 181: 597-602. AP2.N7,v.l81 630 Dole, Charles F. Divorce and the free born. Outlool, Oct. 21, 1905, V. 81: 433-434. AP2.08,v.8l 631 Hicks, Frederick C. Marriage and divorce provisions in the state constitutions of the United States. American academy of political and. social science. Annals, Nov. 1905, V. 26: 745-748. Hl.A4,v.26 LIST OF REFERENCES ON DIVORCE. 71 632 1905. Schroeder, Theodore. The evolution of marriage ideals. Arena, Dec. 1905, v. 34:578-589. ap2.A6,v.34 633 1906. The divorce decision. Outlook, Apr. 28, 1906, v. 82: 918-919. AP2.08,v.82 634 Divorce. Scope of full faith and credit clause of the Constitution of the United States. Supreme court of the United States, April 16, 1906. John W. Haddock, plain- tiff in error, v. Harriet Haddock. — In error to the Supreme court of the state of New York. Albany law journal. May, June, 1906, v. 68:130-140; 162-177. 635 The greatest of divorce decisions. [Haddock v. Haddock] Albany law journal, May, 1906, v. 68: 141-142- 636 Divorce and state rights. Clmutauquan, June, 1906, v. 43: 295-297. AP2.C46,v.43 637 Beale, Joseph H., jr. Constitutional protection of decrees for divorce. Harvard law review, June, 1906, v. 19: 586-597 . 638 Mather, F. J., jr. Divorce too difficult. Nation, June 21, 1906, v. 82: 505. AP2.N2,v.82 639 An end to fraudulent divorces. World's worJc, June, 1906, v. 12: 7591-7592. AP2.W8,v.i2 640 Ashley, Clarence D. Conflict of laws upon the subject of marriage and divorce. Yale law journal, June, 1906, v. 15: 387-393. 641 Larremore, Wilbur. American divorce law. North American review, July, 1906, v. 183: 70-81. AP2.N7,v.l83 642 Supreme court's divorce decision. Independent, Aug. 2, 1906, v. 61: 288-290. AP2.l53,v.61 643 Coulter, John L. Marriage and divorce in North Dakota. American journal of sociology, Nov. 1906, v. 12: 398-416. HMl.A7,v.l2 644 Protection of the family. OutlooTc, Nov. 24, 1906, v. 84: 691-692. ap2.08,v.84 645 1907. Van Nest, G. Willett. Divorce in the United States. Nineteenth century and after, Jan. 1907, v. 61: 119-126. AP4.N7,v.61 646 Stevens, E. Ray. Divorce in America: the problem, the solution. OutlooTc, June 1, 8, 1907, v. 86: 237-243; 287-293. AP2.08,v.86 American law review, Sept.-Oct. 1907, v. 41- 754-764- 72 LIST OF EEFEEENCES OlST DIVOECE. 647 1907. Kidder, M. G. Plea for divorce. Overland monthly, July, 1907, n. s. v. 50: 95-98. AP2.O9,u.s.v.50 648 Sawyer, R. D. Economic basis of the divorce problem. Arena, Seft. 1907, v. 38: 28/^-287. AP2.A6,v.38 649 1908. Howard, George E. Is the free granting of divorce an evil ? American sociological society. Papers and proceedings, 1908,^ V. 3: 150-179. hm9.A7,v.3 650 Bierbower, Austin. Is divorce an evil or cure for an evil? Albany law journal, Jan. 1908, v. 70: 18-20. 651 Barratt, J. Arthur. Jurisdiction in divorce. Albany law journal. Mar. 1908, v. 70: 8^-89. 652 National corporation reporter [Editorial]. Re-marriage of divorced persons. National corporation reporter, Apr. 9, 1908, v. 36:282. Reply by Charles R. WTiitman; Apr. 16, 1908, v. 36: 324-325; Reply to letter. May 7, 1908, v. 36: 441. 653 Schultze, Ernst. Die Ehescheidungsfrage in den Verei- nigten Staaten. Zeitsclirift filr SocialwissenscJiaft, Apr. 15, 1908, v. 11- 220-233. H5.Z6,v.ll 654 Sawyer, R. D. Failure of religion in the treatment of marriage. Arena, June, 1908, v. 39: 681-684. ' ' AP2.A6,v.39 655 Barratt, J. Arthur. Migratory American divorces, their international status. Is a central registry practicable? Yale law journal, June, 1908, v. 17: 569-601. 656 Fitch, George. Divorce in Sioux Falls, S. D. American magazine, Sept. 1908, v. 66: 44^-451- AP2.A346,v.66 657 1909. Progress of the divorce evil in the United States; sta- tistics. CJiautauquan, Jan. 1909, v. 53: 169-171. AP2.C48,v.53 658 South Dakota referendum on divorce. Law notes, Jan. 1909, v. 12: 183-184. 659 Divorce in America. OutlooTc, London, Jan. 9, 1909, v. 23: 40-4^- AP4.08,v.23 Living age, Feb. 13, 1909, v. 260: 441-443. AP2.L65,v.260 660 Ellwood, C. A. Is the American family to die ? Delineator, Feb. 1909, v. 73: 228-229. TT500.D3 v.73 LIST OE REFERENCES ON DIVORCE. 73 661 1909. Sixty divorce courts suggested. Public opinion, Apr. 23, 1909, v. 95: 389. AP2.P9,v.95 662 Alunson, C. LaR. and W. D. Crocker. Divorce question in United States. Yale law jovrnal, Apr. 1909, v. 18: 387-398. Chicago legal news, July 2^, 31, 1909, v. Jfl: 418, 424-425. 663 Howard, George Elliott. Is tlie freer granting of divorce an evil ? American journal of sociology, May, 1909, v. 14: 766-796. HMl.A7,v.l4 664 Ross, Edward Alsworth. The significance of increasing divorce. Century nmgazine, May, 1909, v. 78: 149-152. AP2.C4,v.78 665 Hill, Joseph A. Statistics of divorce. American statistical association. Publications, June, 1909, n. s. V. 11: 486-504. HAl.A6,n.s.v.ll 666 Is freer divorce an evil '( Current literature, July, 1909, v. 47: 60-63. AP2.C95,v.47 667 Freerks, G. W. ami M. C. Freerks. Divorce laws. Central law journal, Sept. 10, 1909, v. 69: 184-190. Virginia law register, Oct. 1909, v. 15: 4^8-438. 668 Britannicus. Divorce in America and England. North. American revievj, Sept. 1909, v. 190: 296-307. AP2.N7,v.l90 669 Brown, H. B. Law and procedure in divorce. Law notes, Oct. 1909, v. 13: 128-132. 670 Dike, Samuel W. Increase of divorce. Independent, Nov. 4, 1909, v. 67: 1038-1039. AP2.l53,v.67 671 Divorce — The evil and its causes. Homiletic review, Dec. 1909, v. 58: 4^6-4'^ 1- 672 Howard, George Elliott. Divorce and public welfare. McClure's magazine, Dec. 1909, v. 34: 232-242. AP2.M2,v.34 673 Benson, iillan L. The alarming changes in American homes. Pearson's magazine, Dec. 1909, v. 22: 711-718. AP2.P35,v.22 674 1910. True view of increasing divorces. World's worlc, Jan. 1910, v. 19: 12426-12427. AP2.W8,v.l9 675 Dcland, Margaret. Change in the feminine ideal. Atlantic montUy, Mevr. 1910, v. 105: 289-302. Divorce is supreme individualism: p. 295-297. AP2.A8,v.l05 74 LIST OF KEFEEENCES ON DIVOECE. 676 1910. Garber, William S. Divorce in Marion county, Indiana. Indiana quarterly magazine ofliistory, Mar. 1910, v. 6: 1-16. F521.I52,v.6 677 Holbrook, Evans. Divorce laws and the increase of divorce. Michigan law review, Mar. 1910, v. 8: 386-395. 678 Brown, Henry B. The law and procedure in divorce. American law review, May-June, 1910, v. 44: 321-340. 679 Marriage is th'e prime cause of divorce. Harper's monthly magazine, June, 1910, v. 121: 149-152. AP2.H3,v.l21 680 Hillis, Mrs. N. D. Failure of American women. Outloolc, July 16, 1910, v. 95: 571-575. AP2.08,v.95 681 Smith, W. G. How can we check the increasing divorces ? Ladies' home journal, v. 27, Sept. 1, 1910: 19. AP2.L135,v.27 682 McGuffey, Mrs. Ij. A. Divorce and the family. Outlool, Sept. 17, 1910, v. 96: 113-114. AP2.08,v.96 683 Ellwood, Charles A. Instability of the family as a cause of child dependence and delinquency. Survey, Sept. 24, 1910, v. 24: 886-889. HVl.C4,v.24 684 Howard, George E. How can we check the increasing divorce ? Ladies' home journal, v. 27, Oct. 1, 1910: 21-22. AP2.L135,v.27 685 Kuhl, Arthur. Against Reno divorces: New York re- fuses to recognize divorces granted under certain condi- tions in Nevada. Collier's weeMy, Nov. 12, 1910, v. 46: 40- AP2.C65,v.46 686 Bartlett, C. A. H. Problem of marriage and divorce. Law magazine and review, Nov. 1910, v. 36: 1-17. 687 Walton, F. P. Divorce in Canada and in the United States: a contrast. Canadian law times, Dec. 1910, v. 30: 975-981. 688 Stein, P. Publicity in divorce suits. National corporation reporter, Dec. 15, 1910, v. 41: 571. 689 Walton, F. P. Divorce in Canada and the United States. University magazine, Dec. 1910, v. 9: 579-596. ap5.U5,v.9 690 1911. Dorr, U. C. Problem of divorce. Forum, Jan. 1911, v. 45: 68-79. AP2.F8,v.45 LIST OF KEFERENCES ON DIVOECE. 75 691 1911. Divorce iii the United States and Canada — a contrast. AmeTtcan law review, Mar.-Apj\ 1911, v. 1^5: 285-286. 692 Collier, N. C. Liberal construction of statutes as exclud- ing confessions as evidence in divorce cases. Central law journal. Mar. 24, 1911, v. 72: 217-218. 693 Valentine, A. F. Married college women and divorce. Ladies^ home journal, v. 28, Apr. 15, 1911: 22. AP2.L135,v.28 694 What constitutes cruel and inhuman treatment. Yale law journal, May, 1911, v. 20: 581-584. 695 Ruhl, A. Reno, and the rush for divorce. Collier s weeTcly, July 1, 1911, v. 47: 19-20. AP2.C65,v.47 696 Freschi, John J. Why marriage ties are rent. Harper's weeUy, July 29, 1911, v. 55: 18-19. AP2.H32,v.55 697 Carter, Charles Frederick. Startling surprises in divorce statistics. Scrap hooJc, Oct. 1911, v. 12: 481-488. AP2.S32,v.l2 698 Divorce pro and con. World to-day, Oct. 1911, v. 21: 1193-1205. AP2.W75,v.2l Contents. — Divorce — A menace to society, by G. C. Richmond. — Marriage and divorce, by Upton Sinclair. — A plea for freer divorce, by Meta F. Sinclair. 699 Lewis, James Hamilton. Some suggestions of solution of the divorce future. Chicago magazine, Nov. 1911, v. 3: 15-17. 700 Bailey, William B. The increase of divorce. Independent, Nov. 16, 1911, v. 71: 1088. AP2.l53,v.71 A chart showing the increase from 1867 to 1906 in the United States. 701 Edwards, P. L. Residence in divorce proceedings. Central law journal, Dec. 1, 1911, v. 73: 294-295. Doctrine of the Nevada legislature condemned. 702 Divorce a public matter (Detroit News). Editorial review, Dec. 1911, v. 5: 1085-1086. AP2.E26,v.5 703 Can divorce be stayed. Metropolitan magazine, Dec. 1911, v. 35: 24-26. AP2.M5,v.35 704 1912. Secret divorce proceedings. Lawyer's scrap hoolc, Jan. 1912, v. 2: 143-146- 705 Pike, Le Roy. Nevada divorce law. Lawyer and hanker, Feh. 1912, v. 5: 56-65. 76 LIST OF KEFEEENCES ON DIVOKCE. 706 1913. McQuillan, Eugene. Should divorce be granted inde- pendent of statutory ground where both parties ask for a decree ? Central law journal, Mar. 15, 1912, v. 7 4: 187-189. 707 What I went through as a divorced woman. Ladies' home journal, v. 29, Mar. 1912: 12. AP2.Ll35,v.29 708 Should a decree be granted independent of statutory grounds where both parties ask for it ? ' Ohio laio huUetin, Mar. 25, 1912, v. 57: 131-133. Central law journal. Mar. 15, 1912, v. 74: 187-188. 709 Father's duty after divorce to support children in custody of mother. Yale law journal, Mar. 1912, v. 21: 397-413. 710 Dishonesty and fraud as grounds for divorce. American law review, May-June, 1912, v. 46: 446-'44S- 711 Withers, R. W. Are admissions competent evidence in divorce cases under S. 2260 Code of Virginia. Virginia law register, May, 1912, v. 18: 1-3. 712 Why is there so much more divorce ? Ladies' home journal, v. 29, June, 1912: 21. ap2,L135,v.29 713 Chesterton, G. K. Divorce versus democracy. Hearst's magazine, July, 1912, v. 22: 94-100. AP2.W8,v.22 714 Spencer, Anna Garlin. Problems of marriage and divorce. Forum, Aug. 1912, v. 48: 188-204. AP2.F8,v.48 715 Marriage and divorce. Homiletic review, Aug. 1912, v. 64: 128-134- 716 Freschi, John J. It takes two to make a divorce. Delineator, Sept. 1912, v. 80: 133-134. TT500.D3,v.80 717 Modernization of marriage. Current literature, Oct. 1912, v. 53: 4^6~437. AP2.C95,v.53 718 The Nevada divorce law. Lawyer and hanker, Dec. 1912, v. 5: 360-362. Opposed to changing the residential qualification for divorce from 6 months to one year. 719 Mathias, E. S. The divorce evil. No divorce proceed- ings heard unless both parties give testimony [Ohio]. Ohio law bulletin, Dec. 30, 1912, v. 57: 522-523 LIST OP REFERENCES ON DIVORCE. 77 720 1912-13. Smith, Oscar J. Divorco. The conflict of laws in different states. Laivyer and hanker, Dec. 1912, v. 5: 381-404: Feh.-Apr. 1913, V. 6: 36-50; 107-118. Gives causes of divorce in foreign countries and summary of laws of each state of the United States. 721 1913. Ellwood, Charles A. Courts and the divorce laws. American institute of criminal law and criminology. Journal, Mar. 1913, V. 3:' 827-830. 722 Gibbons, James, cardinal. As I see the way out of divorce. Ladies' Jiome journal, v. 30, liar. 1913: 10. AP2.Ll35,v.30 723 Chesbrough, Ellis S. The presumption of divorce. Ililnois law review, Apr. 1913, v. 7: 540-553. 724 Lisle, John. Bases Ox divorce. American institute of criminal law and criminology. Journal, Mag, 1913, v. 4: 30-46. 725 Cooper, Courtney R. Divorce to order: amazing con- fessions of a divorce lawyer. Collier's weeBy, May 3, 31, 1913, v. 51: 20; 24-26. AP2.C65,v.51 726 Dunn, H. A. Riveter of married lives. Sunset, May, 1913, v. 30: 579-581. F851.S95,v.30 727 1914. Delk, E. H. Divorce and social welfare. Biblical world, Jan. 1914, v. 43: 33-43. 728 Hewitt, B. H. Divorce by consent. Case and comment, Jan. 1914, '^- '-0: 561. 729 Leach, E. De Forest, A moral divorce law. Green hag, Jan. 1914, v. 26: 21-24. 730 Goldman, N. I. S. Divorce, exterritorial effect. University of Pennsylvania law review, Feb. 1914, '^- ^•^•" 298-301. Note to People v. Shaw (111.). 102 N. E. Rep. 1031. 731 Freeman, Winfield. Medical jurisprudence as applied to divorce. Case and comment, Mar. 1914, v. 20: 717-718. 732 Austin, M. Right grounds for divorce. Harper's weeTcly, Mar. I4, 1914, '^- 58: 13-15. AP2.H32,v.58 733 Cooper, Courtney R. Man who is casting out divorce from Kansas city. Ladies' home journal, Mar. 1914, v. 31: 20. AP2.L135,v.31 78 LIST or REFEEENCES OjST DIVORCE. 734 1914. Knapp, Ralph R,. Divorce in Washington (state). WasJdngton historical quarterly, Apr. lOlJf., v. 5: 121-128. F886.W28,v.5 735 Waiver of riglit to jury trial of issue of adultery in actions for divorce. Bench and har, May, 1914, ^- s. v. 9: 28-29. Note to Cohen v. Cohen, 160 N. Y. App. Div. 240. Halgren v. Halgren, 160 N. Y. App. Div. 477. 736 Gemmill, W. N. Divorce as a sign of degeneracy or of progress. [Statistics.] Illinois law review. May, 1914, '^- 9: 32-34- 737 Hirsh, Hugo. Popular and legal views of marriage and divorce. Case and comment, June, 1914, '^- ■^-^•' 10-13. 738 Young, George B. Failure to support as ground for divorce. Case and comment, June, 1914, '^- ^1- 25-27. Cases cited in footnotes. 739 Donovan, Joseph Mitchell. Control over marriage and divorce under existing laws. Case and comment, June, 1914, v. 21: 28-33. Cases cited in footnotes. 740 Wack, Henry Wellington. Feminism and divorce. Case and comment, June, 1914, '^^ ^1' 34-40. 741 Taylor, Seneca N. Restrictions upon improper and illegal marriages. Case and comment, June, 1914, '^- ^1- 21-44- 742 Keezer, Frank. Marriage and divorce. Case and comment, June, 1914, ^- ^1- 53-55. 743 Wilder, L. A. Cruelty or desertion as recriminatory defense to adultery. Case and comment, June, 1914, v. 21: 59-60. 744 Baldwin, S. E. Legislative divorces and the fourteenth amendment. Harvard law review, June, 1914, '^- ^'^- 699-704. 745 Pope, Mrs. Horace Gershom. Feminism and divorce. Case and comment, Aug. 1914, i^- ^1- 229-231. LIST OF REFERENCES ON DIVORCE. 79 UNIFORM DIVORCE LAWS 746 American bar association. Report of the executive committee oil uniform state laws. {In American bar association. Report of the twenty-ninth annual meeting, Aug. 29, 30, 31, 190G, v. 30: p. 285-304.) Contains material on the divorce question. 747 Committee on marriage and divorce. Report. {In its Report, 1907. Baltimore, 1907. 23^^^"". p. 1239-1252.) Draft of an act to make imiform the law regulating annulment of marriage and divorce: p. 1243-1249; Draft of an act providing for returns of statistics relating to divorce proceedings: p. 1250-1251. 748 And over review [Editorial]. Shall Congress investigate divorce? Andover review, Mar. 1884, v. 1: 301-30 4. 749 Bench and bar [Editorial]. Agitation for reform of divorce laws. Bench and bar, Sept. 1911, v. 26: 87-94. 750 Bennett, Edmund H. National divorce legislation. Forum, Jan. 1887, v. 2: 429-438. AP2.F8,v.2 Favorable to a uniform law. 751 Uniformity in marriage and divorce laws. American law register and review, Apr. 1896, v. 44' 221-231. 752 Brookings, Walter Du Bois, ed. Briefs for debate on current political, economic, and social topics, ed. by W. Du Bois Brookings and Ralph Curtis Ringwalt . . . with an intro- duction by Albert Bushnell Hart. New York, Longmans, Green and co., 1911. xlvii, 213 p. Federal control of divorce: p. 142-144. 12-815 Z7161.B87 1911 753 Brooks, Sydney. Marriage and divorce in America. Fortnightly review, Aug. 1905, v. 84: 329-341. ap4.F7,v.84 Albany law journal, Sept. 1905, v. 67: 267-273. 754 Chaffee, Frank, Divorce, from a layman's point of view. Green bag, June, 1895, v. 7: 295-297. 755 Colby, James F. Necessity for uniform state laws. Forum, July, 1892, v. 13: 542-553. AP2.F8,v.i3 756 Connecticut. Commissioners on uniform state laws. Report of the Commissioners* for the promotion of uniformity of legislation in the United States on uniform divorce laws. Presented to and printed by order of the General assem- bly of 1907. [New Haven] The Tuttle, Morehouse and Taylor company, 1907. 26 p. 23'^. 7-15605 HQ834.A2C7 1907 80 LIST OF REFERENCES ON DIVORCE, 757 Dike, Samuel W. A national divorce law. PuUic opinion, Mar. 29, 1896, v. 20: 397-398. ap2.P9,v.20 758 The national divorce reform league. Our day, Jan. 1888, v. 1: 9-51^.. H1.09,v.l 759 — — ■ — The present aspect of the divorce question. Homiletic review, Oct. 1899, v. 38: 2 99-30 4. 760 — Progress of national divorce reform. Our day. Mar. 1893, v. 11: 173-181. H1.09,v.ll 761 Statistics of marriage and divorce. Political science quarterly, Dec. 1889, v. Jf. 592-611^.. Does not favor a uniform law. Hl.P8,v.4 762 Uniform marriage and divorce laws. Arena, Sept. 1890, v. 2: 399-408. AP2.A6,v.2 763 Work and prospects of the National divorce reform league. Our day, Apr. 1 891, v. 7: 305-308. H1.09,v.7 764 Draft of a uniform divorce law. Harvard law review, Mar. 1901 , v. 14-' 625-528. 765 Edmunds, George F. Is a uniform divorce law possible.^ PuUic opinion, July 6, 1899, v. 27: 14- 766 Enslow, C. A. Marriage, divorce, the seeming conflict of laws. Lawyer and hanker, Oct. 1911, v. 4- 286-295. 767 Federal control of divorce. Law notes, Dec. 1911, v. 15: 165-167. 768 Freund, Ernst. Uniform marriage and divorce legislation. Case and com/ment, June, 1914, v. ^1' 7-9. 769 Unifying tendencies in American legislation. Yale law journal, Dec. 1912, v. 22: 96-113. Divorce: p. 108-110. 770 Gibbs, Clinton B. The great forward movement for uniform divorce laws. {In New York state bar association. Proceedings, 1906. Albany, 1906.- 24'^°^. V. 29: p. 105-i38.) 771 Godkin, E. L. National divorce law. Nation, May 18, 1899, v. 68: 369. ap2.N2,v.68 772 Hawley, James H. Uniformity of marriage and divorce laws. {In Governors' conference. Proceedings, 1912. Madison, Wis., [n. d.] p. 162-173.) Discussion: p. 197-203, 205-209. JK2403.G8 LIST OF REFERENCES ON DIVORCE. 81 773 Howard, George Elliott. The problem of uniform divorce law in the United States. (Jn Nebraska state bar association. Proceedings, 1903-1905. [Omaha, 1905]. 25'''°. p. 2.54-261.) 774 The problem of uniform divorce law in the United States. American lawyer, Jan. 1906, v. IJ,.: 15-17. 775 Huffcutt, E. W. National congress on uniform divorce laws. Imlependent, Nov. .39, 1906, v. 61: 1265-1.266. AP2.I53,v.61 776 Is a uniform divorce law necessary or desirable.^ Auiencan review of reviews. Mar. 1912, v. ^5: 372-373. AP2.R4,v.45 777 Johnson, Virgil L. Uniform divorce. American legal news, June, 1913, v. 2Jf.: 5-6. 778 Law journal [Editorial]. Conflicting divorce laws. Law journal, Feb. 26, 1910, v. 45: 132-133. "Confusion in Europein courts caused by lack of uniformity among the United States." 779 Leach, E. de F. Some needed reforms in divorce legislation. Green lag, Nov. 1906, v. 18: 589-600. 780 Uniform divorce legislation: a reply. Green hag, July, 1910, v. 22: 387-391. A reply to article by W. G. Smith. See No. 807. 781 McCue, T. F. Divorce by consent. Case and comment, Oct. 1913, v. 20: 332-334. Discusses uniform divorce laws. 782 Marriage and divorce. Public opinion, Nov. 9, 1889, v. 8: 103-106. ap2.P9,v.8 783 Maxwell, Samuel. National divorce legislation. American law review, Sept.-Oct. 1887, v. 21: 675-678. 784 Merrick, E. T. " Our marriage and divorce laws." Popular science monthly, Sept. 1883, v. 23: 663-668. Reply to article in June number, by G. A. Stewart. AP2.P8,v.23 785 Munson, C. LaRue. The Divorce congress and suggested im- provements in the statutory law relating to divorce. Yale law journal, June, 1906, v. 15: Jfi5-410. 786 Murphy, D. D. The divorce problem and recent decisions of the United Slates Supreme Court. American lawyer, Nov. 1906, v. 14- 49^~^02. 77622 — 15 6 82 LIST OF EEFEEENCES ON DIVORCE. 787 National congress on uniform divorce laws, Washington, D. C, 1906. Address from the National congress on uniform divorce laws to the President and the Congress of the United States and the governors and legislatures of the several states, together with the resolutions adopted by the Divorce congress at Washington, February 19-22, 1906; draft of a uniform law relating to annulment of marriage and divorce, and separate laws relating to re- turn of statistics on marriage and divorce, as finally adopted by the Divorce congress at Philadelphia, Novem- bei 13-14, 1906. [n. p., 1906] 1 p.l, 28 p. 22^^'^. "An act regulating annulment of marriage and divorce," p. 17-24; also separately printed. 13-4978 HQ834.A3 1906d 788 Same. [n. p. 1906.] iv, S3 p. 21 Y^. 7-20672 789 Proceedings of the National congress on uni- form divorce laws, held at Washington, D. C, February 19-22, 1906. Harrishurg, Pa., Harrishurg puhlishing co., state printer, 1906. 228 p. 24^^"^. Delegates appointed by the governors of the several states of the Union in response to the invitation from the governor of Penn- sylvania. 7^514 HQ834.A3 1906 790 ■■ — Resolutions adopted by the national congress on uniform divorce laws at its sessions at Washington, District of Columbia, February 19-22, 1906. {In American bar association. Report of the twenty-ninth annual meeting, v. 30, pt. 2, August 29, 30 and 31, 1906, p. 265-273.) 791 PMladelpUa, 1906. Proceedings of the adjourned meeting. Harrishurg, Pa., Harrishurg puhlishing co., state printers, 1907. 160 p. 24'^'^. 7-10302 HQ834.A3 1906a 793 Uniform divorce laws adopted by the Divorce congress at Philadelphia, Pa. 1906. [Philadelphia? 1906.] 9 p. 23'='^. On verso of t. -p.: Publication ordered by the legislature. This material is also found in "Address from the National congress on uniform divorce laws . . . 1906." 7-18361 HQ834.A3 1906c LIST OF REFEEENCES ON DIVORCE. 83 794][ National league for the protection of the family. Report, 1889-1904. Boston [1890-1905.] 8 v. 21 x 23'^'^. 5-31596 HQ106.N27 795 Nonis, George W. Divorce and the means of diminishing it. Editorial review, Dec. 1911, v. 5: IO8I-IO84. Recommends a congress of delegates, two from each state appointed by Governors. AP2.E26,v.5 796 North, Thomas M. Uniform marriage and divorce laws. North American review, Apr. 1887, v. 144- 4-29-4^1. AP2.N7,v.l4'4 797 Oddie, Tasker L. Uniformity of marriage and divorce laws. {In Governors' cuiiference. Proceedings, 1912. Madison, Wis., [n.d.] p. 155-162.) JK2403.G8 1912 798 Parker, Le Roy. The laws of divorce in the United States, in- cluding the conflict of laws of the several states and the advisability of national legislation. {In New York state bar association. Reports. Albany, 1887. 23i<^"'. V. 10: p. 172-184.) 799 Phillips, Waldorf II. The divorce question. International review, Aug. 1881, v. 11: 139-152. AP2.I78,v.ll 800 Prime, R. E. Do we want a uniform divorce law? Bihliotheca sacra, Jan. 1912, v. 69: 136-141- 801 Resolutions of the National congress on uniform divorce laws. American law review, July- Aug. 1907, v. 4^-' 578-589. 802 Richmond, Frank H. Uniformity in divorce. Eclectic magazine, Apr. 1907, v. I48: 371-377. AP2.E2,v.l48 803 Roosevelt's views on a uniform divorce law. Ladies' home journal, v. 23, Sept. 1906: 23. AP2.Ll35,v.23 804 Russell, Talcott II. The recent conference on divorce. Yale law journal, June, 1906, v. 15: 401-404- 805 Shurter, Edwin Du Bois and Carl Cleveland Taylor. Both sides of 100 public questions briefly debated; with affirma- tive and negative references. New York, Philadelphia, Hinds, Noble cfc Eldredge [1913] • 2 p. l, xvii, 260 p. 20'='^. Resolved: That the United States should have uniform marriage and divorce laws: p. 12-13. 13-8251 Z7161.S58 806 Smith, Eugene. Conflict of state laws. The evil and the remedy. Journal of social science, Dec. IS84, v. 19: 132-144- Hl.J7,v.l9 84 LIST OF REFERENCES ON DIVORCE. 807 Smith, Walter George. Divorce legislation. Green bag, May, 1910, v. 22: 275-279. Discusses propositions toward uniformity. 808 Ethics of divorce reform; with some consideration of proposed measures of divorce reform. , Case and comment, June, 1914, '^- ^^'- ^~^- 809 Uniform divorce laws. {In Pennsylvania bar association. Proceedings, 1907. Philadel- phia, 1907. 23^"". p. 499-516.) 810 Uniform marriage and divorce laws. {In Ohio state bar association . Proceedings, 1909. Columbus, 1909, 23^°^. V. 30: p. 107-127.) 811 Snyder, William L. The problem of uniform legislation in the United States. (/n American bar association. Proceedings, 1892. v. 15: 287-311.) Divorce: p. .303-307, 311. 812 Spurr, Henry C. Uniform divorce legislation. Case and comment, June, 1910, v. 17: 17-19. 813 Uniform divorce legislation. Law student's lielper, May, 1911, v. 19: 154-155. 814 Stanton, Elizabeth Cady. Are homogeneous divorce laws in all the states desirable.^ North American review. Mar. 1900, v. 170: 405-4^9. AP2.N7,v.l70 815 Stewart, Gordon A. Our marriage and divorce laws. Popular science monthly, June, 1883, v. 23: 224-^37. AP2.P8,v.23 816 The Uniform divorce bill. PuUic opinion, Oct. 26, 1899, v. 27: 526-527. AP2.P9,v.27 817 Uniform divorce laws. Public opinion, Nov. 10, 1898, v. 25: 590-591. AP2.P9,v.25 818 Uniform divorce laws. Arena, Jan. 1907, v. 37: 85-86. AP2.A6,v.37 819 Uniform divorce legislation. Independent, Sept. 4, 1902, v. 54: 2150-2152. AP2.I53,v.54 820 Uniform divorce legislation. Independent, Oct. 29, 1903, v. 55: 2591-2592. aP2.I53,v.55 821 Uniform laws. Independent, Aug. 23, 1906, v. 61: 465-466. AP2.l53,v.6l 822 Wise, J. C. Shall Congress be given power to establish uniform laws upon the subject of divorce among the states of the union .^ Central law journal, Feb. 4, 1910, v. 70: 93-99. LIST OF REFERENCES ON DIVORCE. 85 CHURCH AND DIVORCE 823 *Albrecht, F. Verbrechen unci Strafen als Ehescheidungs- griind nach evangelisclien Kirchenrecht. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1903. vi, WO p. (KirchenrecJitliche Ah- liandlungen, Heft. 4-) 824 Ap Richard [pseud.] Divorce: does Sciipture forbid itf Westminster review, Aug. 1890, v. 134-' 189-200. AP4.W5,v.l34 825 B., L. C. Divorce. Catholic world, Oct. 1888, v. 48: 23-32. AP2.C3,v.48 826 Barrett, Timothy. Some remarks on Bishop Doane's article in the " North American review " for April, 1905. American Catholic quarterly review, Apr. 1905, v. 30: 345-357 . AP2.A332,v.30 827 Barrows, William. Marriage and divorce in their relations to the civil courts. Congregational review, May, 1869, v. 9: 238-246. 828 Barton, William E. Minister's attitude toward divorce. Independent, Dec. 29, 1910, v. 69: 1452-1455. AP2.I53,v.69 829 Becker, T. A. Divorce, and some of its results. Catholic world, July, 1880, v. 31: 550-565. AP2.C3,v.31 830 The Bible and divorce. I. What is the teaching of the Scrip- ture upon the subject? E. H. B. II. Rejoinder by the Rev. W. W. Bolton. Overland monthly, Apr. 1895, n. s., v. 25: 362-367. AP2.09,n.s.v.25 831 Burton, E. D. Biblical teaching concerning divorce. Biblical world, Feb., Mar., 1907, v. 29: 121-lz7; 191-200. 832 Garret, Mary B. Does the Protestant church uphold and strengthen ties of family.^ Unitarian review, Dec. 1882, v. 18: 530-543. 833 Catholic theory of divorce. Harper's weekly. May :c7 , 1905, v. 49: 748-749. AP2.H32,v.49 834 A Catholic war on divorce in Massachusetts. Literary digest, June 6, 1914, v. 48: 1365. AP2.L58,v.48 835 Caverno, Charles. The divorce problem: a rational religious view. BiUiotheca sacra, Apr. 1912, v. 69: 242-268. 836 Chambers, Talbot W. Divorce in the New Testament. Reformed quarterly review, Jan. 1895, v. 1^2: 39-46. 86 LIST OP REFEEENCES ON DIVOECE. 837 Chambre, A. St. John. Of divorce. American church review, Apr. 1882, v. 38: 117-130. 838 Christ and divorce. Church eclectic, June, 1898, v. 26: 2If[-250. 839 Christianity and divorce. Living age, Bee. 31, 1910, v. 267: 879-882. AP2.L65,v.267 840 Church eclectic [Editorial]. The question of divorce. Church eclectic, Aug. 1898, v. 26: Jf.65-Jf.68. 841 The churches and divorce. World to-day, Oct. 1904, v. 7: 1326-1328. ap2.W75,v.7 Views of several religious leaders. 842 Conington, John. On Dollinger's interpretation of Christ's precept about divorce. Contemporary review. May, 1869, v. 11: 1-6. AP4.C7,v.ll 843 Conway, Bertrand L. Dr. McKim and the Fathers on divorce. Catholic world. Mar. 1905, v. 80: 767-779. AP2.C3,v.80 844 A further answer to Dr. McKim. Catholic world, Apr. 1905, v. 81: 11-24. AP2.C3,v.81 845 Crafts, Wilbur Fisk. Practical Christian sociology. A series of special lectures before Princeton theological seminary and Marietta college. With supplemental notes and ap- pendices . . . With an introduction by Joseph Cook. New York, London and Toronto, Funic and Wagnalls com- pany, 1895. 524 p. illus. (incl. map) ports. 19Y'^- Divorces: p. 65-69; Carroll D. Wright on divorce: p. 446^53. 4-3770 HN64.C87 846 Creagh, John T. The strange reasoning of Bishop Doane. Catholic world, June, 1905, v. 81: 287-306. AP2.C3,v.8l Answer to an article in North American review, Apr. 1995. 847 Davis, N. H. Divorce. International review, Nov. -Dec. 1874} ^- -^•' 794-818. AP2.I78,v.l 848 Dike, Samuel W. Some aspects of the divorce question. Princeton review, Mar. I884, n. s. v. 13: 169-190. 849 Sociological notes: Marriage and divorce. Andover review, Apr. 1889, v. 11: 427-433. 850 Divorce. Church quarterly review, Apr. 1895, v. 4O; I-4O. 851 Divorce: a symposium. The evils of divorce, C. W. Smith; The grounds of divorce, H. L. Sibley; The remedy, H. W. Rogers. Methodist review, Mar. 1892, v. 74: 212-228. LIST OF REFERENCES ON DIVORCE. 87 852 TliG divorce agitation. Law quarterly review, Oct. 190^, v. 20: 363-376. Church of England and divorce. 853 Divorce jyid the marriage relation in recent fiction. Church review, Oct. 1886, v. 38: 392-399. 854 *Divorce in its ecclesiastical aspect. By " Viator ". London, Stanley Paul & co., 1912. 855 Doane, William C. Remarriage after divorce. The practice of the Roman church contrasted with its theory. North American r^eview, Apr. 1905, v. 180: 513-522. AP2.N7,v.l80 856 Dwinell, I. E. Some honest doubts upon the supposed only Scriptural grounds for divorce. New Englander, Sept. 1882, v. P-' 588-613. AP2.N5,v.41 857 English bishops on re-marriage of divorced persons. Declara- tion of the Upper house of the Convocation of Canterbury. Church eclectic, Aug. 1898, v. 26: 415-^17. 858 The English church and divorce. Quarterly review, Oct. 1911, v. 215: 531-551. AP4.Q2,v.2l5 859 English church press on divorce. Literary digest, Dec. 21, 1912, v. J^5: 1184- ap2.L58,v.45 860 English comments on the Declaration. [Reprint of editorials.] Church eclectic, Aug. 1898, v. 26: 418-427. 861 Episcopal bishops and divorce. OutlooJc, Oct. 31, 1903, v. 75: 479-480. ap2.08,v.75 862 The Episcopal church on divorce. Outlook, Nov. 24, 1900, v. 66: 729-731. ap2.08,v.66 863 Evans, H. D. Divorce. American church monthly. May, 1857, v. 1: 320-335. 864 *Falirner, Ign. Geschichte der Ehescheidung in kanonischen Recht. I. Th. Freiburg i/B., Herder, 1903. xii, 340 p. 865 Ford, G. Estwick. The teaching of Jesus on divorce. Churchman, Mar.-Apr. 1913, n. s., v. 27: 169-177; 250-262. 866 G., J. A. Divorce and our divorce laws. Broumson's quarterly review, Oct. 1859, v. 16: >^75-45i. AP2.B85,v.l6 867 Gibbons, James, cardinal. Divorce. Century magazine, May, 1909, v. 78: 145-149- AP2,C4,v.78 88 LIST OF REFERENCES ON DIVORCE. 868 Giglinger, George. Divorce and its effects upon society. Catholic worU, Oct. 1903, v. 78: 92-98. AP2.C3,v.78 869 Gigot, Francis Ernest Charles. Christ's teaching concerning divorce in the New Testament; an exegetigal study. New York, Cincinnati [etc.] Benziger hrothers, 1912. 3 p. I., 5-281, [1] p. iOY"^. Bibliography: p. 271-273. 12-13649 HQ824.G6 870 Hall, Arthur Crawshay AUiston. The church's discipHne con- cerning marriage and divorce. First triennial charge. New York [etc.] Longmans, Green and co., 1896. 2 p. I., 25 p. 21 c"». 9-9873 HQ823.H2 871 Hayes, P. J. Impediments to marriage in the Catholic church. North American review. May, 1905, v. 180: 764-773. AP2.N7,v.l80 872 Henderson, Charles R. Social duties relating to the family. Biblical world, Apr. 1907, v. 29: 260-268. 873 Hewit, A. F. The indissolubility of Cln-istian marriage. Cailwlic world, July, Aug. 1867, v. 5: 567-570; 684-689. AP2.C3,v.5 874 — — Dr. Woolsey on divorce. Catholic world, Apr. 1882, v. 35: 11-21. AP2.C3,v.35 875 Hoffman, Murray. The law of divorce, etc., in connection with repulsion from the Holy Communion. American church review, July, Oct. 1873, v. 25: 323-344* 465-499. 876 Hotehkin, S. F. Marriage and divorce. Church eclectic, Mar. 1896, v. 23: 1087-1089. Kll Hovey, Alvah. On divorce according to the New Testament. {In his Studies in ethics and religion. New York, 1892. 214"^™. p. 321-343.) 878 The scriptural law of divorce. Boston, Gould and Lincoln; New York, Sheldon and company [etc., etc.] 1866. iv p., 1 l, 9-82 p. 17^'^. 9-8196 HQ824.H8 879 Hurd, Philo R. What are the scriptural grounds for divorce? New Englander, Aug. 1886, v. 45: 692-707. AP2.N5,v.45 880 Lathrop, Noah. The Holy Scriptures and divorce. Bihliotheca sacra, Apr. 1899, v. 56: 266-277. LIST OF REFERENCES ON DIVORCE. 89 881 Little, W. J. Knox. Marriage and divorce: The doctrine of the Church of England. Contemporary review, Aug. 1895, v. 68: ■i56-270. AP4.C7,v.68 882 McKim, Randolph H. Our Lord's teaching on marriage and divorce. Bibliotheca sacra, Jan. 1910, v. 67: 143-155. 883 May hew, WiUiam H. The divorce question. New church review, Oct. 1896, v. 3: 518-528. 884 Merriam, Alexander R. Some relations of divorce to social morality. Bihiiotheca sacra, Jan. 1888, v. ^5: 32-51. 885 The Metropolitan philaret of Moscow upon the marriage of guihy divorcees. Ckurcl, eclectic, Aug. 1895, v. 28: 431-435. 886 Minister's defense of divorce. Literary digest, Jan. 13, 1912, v. 4^- 73-74- AP2.L58,v.44 887 Morgan, Charles L. Is desertion a Scriptural ground of divorce ? BihliotTieca sacra, Apr. 1886, v. 43: 318-334. 888 Morgan, J. W. Ministers and divorce. Homiletic review, Jan. 1912, v. 63: 76-77. 889 Nation [Editorial], The future of the family. Nation, Dec. 3, 1868, v. 7: 453. Effect of divorce on the morals of the country, and relation of the church to divorce. AP2.N2,v.7 890 O'Leary, C. M. Divorce, and divorce laws. Catholic world, June, 1877, v. 25: 340-353. AP2.C3,v.25 891 Pisani, P. L'Eglise et le divorce. Correspondant, Oct. 10, 1904, '^- •^-^^•' 20-46. ap20.C8,v.217 892 Pope, Hugh. The teaching of the New Testament and of the church regarding divorce. American Catholic quarterly, Oct. 1903, v. 28: 807-814; Jcin. 1904, V. 29: 51-61. AP2.A332,v.28,29 893 The present aspect of the controversy on divorce. Clmrch quarterly review, Jan. 1896, v. 4^-' 4^^~44(^- CJiurcJi eclectic. May, 1896, v. 24: 133-151. . 894 Guincy, Edward, jr. The divine law of divorce. International review, Feb.- Afar. 1883, v. 14-' 178-187. AP2.I78,v.l4 90 LIST Of KES'ERENCES ON DIVOECE. 895 Rainolds, John. A defence of the ivdgment of the Reformed churches. That a man may lawfulHe not onclie put awaie his wife for her adulterie, but also marrie another. Wherin both Robert Bellarmin, the Jesuit's Latin treatise, and an EngHsh pamphlet of a namelesse author ... are confuted. By lohn Raynolds . . . [London f] Printed hy G. Waiters, 1610. 2 p. I., 78 p. 18 xH^"^. . , 9-8189 HQ823.B3 896 Richard, J. W. Church and divorce. American journal of tTieology , July, 1906, v. 10: 4^2-474- 897 Divorce and remarriage. Lutheran quarterly , Jan. 1905, v. 35: 36-76. . , 898 Ringrose, Hyacinthe. The apparent conflict between the church and the divorce court. Case and comment, June, 1914, '^' ^i- 14~1'^- •- > 899 Sawyer, Roland D. Jesus, woman and divorce. Arena, Mar. -June, 1909, v. 4I: 304-306. AP2.A6,v.4i 900 The Scriptural doctrine concerning marriage and divorce. Westminster review, Oct. 1888, v. 130: 399-416. AP4.W5,v.i30 901 Searle, George M. The divorce question. Catholic world. Mar. 1889, v. 48: 822-830. AP3.C3,v.48 902 Serrell, George. The High-Church doctrine as to marriage and divorce. Contemporary review, July, 1895, v. 68: 2I-4I. ' ■. -■ AP4.C7,v.68 903 Sewell, J. A. Divorce and re-m.arriage. Westminster review, Feb. 1896, v. 145: 182-192. AP4.W5,v.l45 904 Thurston, Herbert. The canon law of the divorce. ■ - English historical review, Oct. 1904, '^- ^'^•' 632-645. DA20.E58,