THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES dwell among OS than by the organized activities of the clubs and associations which are founded for the study and preservation of our State history. The possibilities for good readily suggest themselves to the thoughtful. Suppose only a do/en students consider any topic together; the aggregate knowledge of all soon becomes the property of each; and the errors and misconceptions of each are subjected to the light which all together can give. The result is that knowledge of ourselves is at once widened and made more accurate. These associated efforts have a similar advantage in dissemi- nation. One of the most hopeful signs of the times is the interest which our literary men and women are taking in the common schools, and the interest that the common schools arc taking in matters that relate to our State history and litera- ture. The best of the things new and old which are brought to light are now being utilized for their benefit. There is a change in the character of the work which is being done by our authors. Instead of being all too ready to spread their work over a century or more, they now usually confine themselves to a topic, a person, or a short period, and, in this way, instead of rehashing what is already familiar, they make permanent additions to the common stock. In- tensive history and literature is as much a desideratum as intensive farming. The time is near at hand when a good book written to in- form us about ourselves will pay a reasonable profit to its 03 author and publisher. A pure, healthy, home literature is ** the nursing mother of civic virtue. As some one has well r said, God "spake" before he created. The "word," the plan, ' the logic (logos) of His work preceded the work itself. So we, His creatures, must think, must plan, must brood over void and formless things and dead facts until they live in organic unity and beauty. ^ The State of North Carolina, too, is the foster mother of the best of these enterprises for developing original sources 302509 \A 4 Introduction. of our history. ' It has provided for the publication of the Colonial and State Records, and the State Regimental His- tories ; its last act is to provide for a Historical Commission to gather up and preserve, in a permanent form, the frag- ments which are not already published or else not published in available form. This supplemental work the Commission is undertaking to do, and it has been thought appropriate to begin by taking a census of the present literary activities in North Carolina as a means of encouragement to those who have produced them, as a standard of comparison for future progress, and for the utility of the publication itself. W. J. Peele, Chairman North Carolina Historical Commission. PREFACE. The task of compiling this record of literary and historical activities in North Carolina was entrusted to Mr. W. .]. Peele and the undersigned. As this is the first attempt of the kind, and as there was no model to copy, the compilers are aware that the volume is not without its defects. It is hoped, however, that these imperfections will be removed in subsequent editions of this work, nor is it too much to hope that this first edition will itself quicken interest in historical effort, develop a more generous rivalry among our historical organizations, and lead to more orderly and enthusiastic work for the study and preservation of our State history. The present volume is the outgrowth of the plan of the Literary and Historical Association to publish a Yearbook of its own, and that organization has been given such a large place in this publication because it is the only society State- wide in its scope which is devoting itself primarily to his- torical and literary work. It should also be said that we found an embarrassment of riches in dealing with the addresses delivered at the annual meetings of this society. Some papers of real merit had to be omitted. It was found necessary therefore to conform to the purposes of the Historical Commission and select only those addresses having the greatest value as historical material the Address of the President in 1903 being the only excep- tion to this rule. Some of our historical organizations, it will be observed, are represented in this volume only by reports too brief and meagre to be in keeping with the importance of their work. The compilers feel therefore that they should explain that all organizations received the same hearty invitation to report their progress, and it is hoped that the more detailed accounts will lead these other organizations to report with greater fullness in succeeding volumes. On the whole, we regard this as an excellent showing of historical activities in our State, and the good work already accomplished should inspire us to make "that which we have done but earnest of the things we yet shall do." Clarence H. Poe, Secretarv State Literarv and Historical Association. P42023 THE CALL FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF THE SOCIETY. At a recent conference of gentlemen and ladies, held in Raleigh, it was determined to take steps for the organization of a State Literary and Histor- ical Association. The undersigned were appointed a committee to prepare an address to the people of the State, setting forth briefly the purposes of such Association, and extending to all persons and organizations that may be interested an invitation to meet in the city of Ealeigh on Tuesday night of Fair week, October 23d, proximo, at 8 o'clock, in the Hall of the Olivia Raney Library Building. The chief purposes of the Association will be First. To promote the reading habit among the people of North Carolina. Second. To stimulate the production of literature in our State. Third. To collect and preserve historical material. In carrying out these purposes the Association will hope to aid in the improvement of our public schools, in the establishment of public libra- ries, in the formation of literary clubs, in the collection and republication of North Carolina literature worthy to be preserved and now rapidly passing away, in the publication of an annual record or biography of North Carolina literary productions, in the collection of historical mate- rial and the foundation of an historical museum, and in the correction of slanders, misrepresentations and other injustice done our State. We are confident that much good can be accomplished by an association composed of even a few members who shall earnestly endeavor to pro- mote these purposes. We therefore invite all, both ladies and gentlemen, who are interested in this movement, to be present at the time and place above indicated, to take part in the conference that is to be held, and to enroll themselves as members of the Association. Walter Clark, Geo. T. Winston, W. J. Peele, Henry Jerome Stockard, D. H. Hill, Miss Rebecca Cameron, Mrs. John Van Landingham. 6 PART I. THE State Literary r. J. 13. Alexander, of Charlotte, announces that his his- tory of Mecklenburg County is now about ready for distribu- tion. Mr. D. A. Tompkins is also engaged upon a history of Mecklenburg County. Capt, S. A. Ashe in collaboration with his sister, has now ready for publication a school history of North Carolina. Miss Adelaide L. Fries is engaged upon a history of the Moravian settlement at Savannah. Prof. C. L. Raper writes me that he now has ready for the Macmillan press an octavo volume of 250 pages upon the subject "North Carolina; a study in English Colonial Government." 1663-1775. in. historical pamphlets printed during 1902: The Guilford Battle Ground Company printed Mr. Thomas Pittman's address on Nathaniel Macon. This pamphlet con- tains nineteen pages. Mr. D. A. Tompkins printed* a fifty-three page pamphlet on the "Cotton Gin. The history of its Invention." This contains drawings and specifications of the original gin, photographs of many old documents connected with the issu- ing of letters patent and the suits that arose over the patents. It is an elaborate study of first hand material. Miss Adelaide L. Fries issued a thirty-three page historical sketch of Salem Female Academy. Mr. Marshall- Delancey Haywood contributed an address on "Col. Edward Buncombe." This was delivered before the North Carolina Society of the Cincinnati, and was published bv that bodv. 80 Historical and Literary Activities in N. C. Under the title of "Old Brunswick Pilgrimages," the Society of Colonial Dames printed in 1901 a beautiful pamphlet containing four addresses delivered at the ruins of St. Phillips's church. These addresses are as follows: "Early Explorers of the Cape Fear," by Alfred Moore Waddell; "Old Brunswick," by James Sprunt; "Defense of Fort Anderson," by E. S. Martin; "Spencer Compton, Earl of Wilmington," by James Sprunt. Now in conclusion a practical question : What can we do to foster this new literature ? I offer these two suggestions : First, buy and pay cash for each worthy book written by a North Carolinian. Second, Read these books and commend them to others. NORTH CAROLINA VERSE IN 1902. Am-K'.ss bt Pro*. BBNRT JEROME 8TOCKARD, ubfobi the THIRD Annual Mkkting of the State Literary ano Historical Association, January 23, 1903. If I may be allowed the figure, our lamented Theo. H. TTill was the first singer to nest in the wilderness. From the spring time to the winter of his age he cheered and strengthened us with his minstrelsy. There were notes sounded before his, but they were those of migratory birds, [Hissing the night, thrilled by the morning, and away. Then, later, our beloved lyrist, John Henry Boner, joined him ; and, for a long time, these two were the only distinct voices in our State. But now a veritable chorus is about us,- and the solitudes are vocal with music. Two volumes of verse during a twelve-month, with num- erous poems in the State papers and, occasionally, in the magazines, signify, I hope, a new order of things in Xorth Carolina, the opening of a new era, the rising to a life on a level above that of mere materialism. As yet these are only signs, hints, dim suggestions, but it seems to me they are unmistakable. To carry on the figure there is "in dark summer dawns The earliest pipe of half-awakened birds.'' My time will allow only a word here and there. "The Watchers of the Hearth," as Mr. Sledd calls his second volume, is a distinct advance upon his first; an advance in material and in craft. Mr. Sledd writes well in the sonnet, and shows a decided liking for that most difficult and most exquisite measure. "To Sappho" is delivered in vigorous phrase, and observes well the limitations of the form. "Mj Silent Guest" is a tender touch, and "Isaac" is true to a beloved past. "Songs from the Carolina Hills," by Miss Armfield, is a first venture, I believe, and is a most creditable beginning. Her note is instinct with life and promise. "Carpe Diem" 6 82 Historical and Literary Activities in N. C. lias some singing lines ; "Satyr's All" is a thoughtful sonnet, "well worked out; "Freedom" is a triumphant note. Did my time permit, I should have no trouble in quoting some pleasing stanzas from her book. Both these volumes should find appreciation in our State. Will not this Association recommend that they and other meritorious work by North Carolinians be included among the books purchased for our rural libraries ? In what better way could be done the double service of encouraging our authors and of acquainting our people with their works ? A digression at this point seems to be warranted. The ignorance that some of our teachers show about the meagre literature we have produced is deplorable. A little while ago a professor in one of our colleges, in a lecture on North Carolina literature, delivered before the students of another institution, entirely omitted the names of Hill and Boner, in the discussion of our poetry, gravely criticising the work of our less known versifiers. This is Hamlet with Hamlet left out. I heard another professor in our State and I use the title each time in its strict sense in making a translation of a sweet little lyric, labor with ox-like skill to reconcile its figurative to its literal signification. Is it to be expected that, as a general thing, the students will sur- pass their masters ? Let our institutions see to it that only men are in charge of their literary departments who are themselves at least capable of appreciating aesthetic things and of interpreting them to their classes. In this way we shall train up a literature-loving people, out of whose ranks, here and there, will inevitably come literary-producing men and women. There are certainly three volumes of verse by North Caro- linians ready for publication: one by Mr. Frank Armfield, a kinsman of the writer already mentioned ; one by Mr. L. C. VanNoppen ; the third by Mr. J. H. Boner. It has been n iv privilege to read these in manuscript, and, I believe, they will prove a permanent addition to our modicum of poetry. Mr. Armfield's is now in the hands of the printer and will soon appear. I do not know what steps, if any, have been taken toward the publication of Mr. Van Noppen's. Mr. Boner's containing selections from his first volume, "Whis- pering Pines," together with his later poems, is prepared in North Carolina Verse in 1902. 83 every detail for the press. The manuscript includes only what the poet would have survive. It is the work of a lyrist of exquisite touch. Mr. Boner is, moreover, a critic and a scholar. He has held important positions in the literary world, as a member of the editorial staff of the Century Dictionary, and of the Standard Dictionary, rising to the editorial chair of The Literary Digest. He has contributed to the most notable magazines of the country, and his work has added grace to their pages. Extreme ill health has cut off his bright career in journalism. Sick and dispirited, he is, nevertheless, heroically struggling at his former post in the Government's service at Washington. Boner's lyrics would be a volume of which any State might justly feel proud, and would, therefore, tend strongly to redeem us in the eyes of our sister States. South Carolina has given us Hayne and Timrod ; Georgia, Lanier and Stanton ; Ken- tucky, Father Ryan and Prentice ; Virginia, Poe and Thomp- son. These are some of our nearest neighbors: what of our own state ? I believe Boner's volume would be a command- ing note from North Carolina, and I wish that this body would devise some means by which it might be published. I do not know in what shape Mr. Hill left his literary papers, nor what is the outlook for their preservation. He told me not long before his death that it was his intention to arrange his work as he would have it exist. His writings should, by all means, be collected and put into permanent form. I must seize this chance to say that it was one of the rarest privileges of my life to know and commune with his fine spirit. He lived right here in Raleigh ; come and went among us in his unobtrusive way; but few of us have ever risen to the serener atmosphere which he breathed. A most auspicious indication in this new condition of affairs is the number and surprising excellence of poems from unsuspected versifiers. It is true Mr. Boner has his poems in the Century, but so have Mr. L. C. VanXoppen and Mr. J. C. McNeill. The State papers have published others quite as good by Dr. McKelway, Rev. Mr. Cade, Mr. Gilliam. Miss Dickson, and Mrs. Townsend. There are more still which escape me and which are equally worthy of men- tion. Dr. McKelway 's "O Little Child of Bethlehem" is charged with sincere feeling; Mr. Cade's "Tithonus" reveals 84 Historical and Literary Activities in N. C. a skill in versification and a purity of diction that augur well; Mr. Gilliam's "Capitol at Washington" is artistic handiwork; Miss Dickson writes frequently and always fer- vently ; and Mrs. Townsend has given us one sonnet vitalized with true feeling. This list is very incomplete ; had I known a year ago that this talk would fall to me I could have culled from our State press a most satisfactory showing. These same papers that are fostering this talent are work- ing upon advanced lines. Poetry does not yield dollars and cents; its dividends are men and women; faith, hope, glad- ness, purity, consolation, brotherly -love ; a more liberal pa- triotism and a broader creed ; a larger capacity for living and a brighter outlook for dying. Poetry is the language of the imagination, that forerunner of every notable achieve- ment in human knowledge and human endeavor. Of the earth, earthy, only a step removed from the slug and the ox, is the man who will admit that there is nothing in this world but can be touched or bartered or eaten. The great so-called captains of industry, whom men too often deify, are only camp-followers, gathering up the treasures imagi- nation has lavishly scattered as she goes on to higher enter- prises. To put it in homely figure, they are fat porkers, with eyes on the ground, following the corn-laden wagon, picking up the scattered grains and assimilating them into lard and bacon. It is infinitely more profitable to write one helpful line that shall become the heritage of the world than to amass untold treasures only to be scrambled for and ap- portioned to a few ungrateful heirs. The one act is a price- less addition to the wealth of mankind, and increases at a geometrical ratio for all time ; the other is a gathering to- gether from the many and a redistributing to the few. If a people would build for permanence they must build in song. Creeds, governments, philosophies change only the songs abide. Why ? Because they are the voice of Truth and Beauty and these are immortal. The finest sen- timents and the deepest emotions that stir the soul must find expression in poetry nothing else is adequate to their utter- ance. What gave distinction to the Periclean, the Augustan, and the Elizabethan age ? The poets of their times : the names of the sovereigns are no more than dates. Sappho and Pindar are still the inspiration of lyric poetry; Homer North Carolina Verse in 1902. 85 and Aeschylus of epic and tragic. Shakespeare, Milton, and Tennyson will remain unchanged while the English gov- ernment proceeds in its evolution. Sculpture and paint- ing are subject to the accidents of time; poetry is as inde- structible as human passion: for as long as the heart shall be moved by hope and love and suffering it will seek to ex- press itself in fatally-chosen words, and this is poetry. Emerson says: "The high poetry which shall thrill and agitate mankind, restore youth and health, dissipate the dreams under which men reel and stagger, and bring in the new thoughts, the sanity and heroic aims of nations, is deep- er hid and longer postponed that was America or Australia, or the finding of steam or of the galvanic battery. We must not conclude against poetry from the defects of the poets. They are, in our experience, men of every degree of skill, some of them only once or twice receivers of an inspiration, and presently falling back on a low life. The drop of ichor that tingles in their veins has not yet refined their blood and cannot lift the whole man to the digestion and function of ichor, that is, to godlike nature. Time will be when ichor will be their blood, when what are now glimpses and aspirations will be the routine of the day. Yet even partial ascents to poetry are forerunners, and announce the dawn. In the mire of the sensual life, their religion, their poets, their admiration of heroes and benefactors, even their novel and newspaper, nay, their superstitions also, are hosts of ideals, a cordage of ropes that hold them up out of the slough. Poetry is inestimable as a lonely faith, a lonely protest in the uproar of atheism." Then let us listen to song with attentive ear and strive to catch her far-heard strains that across the obscurity come to us now and then on the veering winds; and let us follow her, with the assurance that, if not now and here, sometime, somewhere, she will lead us out into a place of infinite glad- ness. NORTH CAROLINA BIBLIOGRAPHY, 1903. Address of R. F. BEASLEY, Esq., before the Fourth Annual Meeting of the State Literary and Historical Association, January 23, 1903. No doubt many of the men who are furnishing the country with reading matter from Boston and New York sought those places from poor and remote communities, like North Carolina. The people of such communities haven't yet had the time to sow the seeds of fancy and gather the harvest of literature; they haven't gotten far enough away from the bread and butter problem. Before the war we had an eccles- iastical and a political literature as a product of the times; since the war, the great date of recuperation in the South, we have been bound Ixion-like, to the wheel of toil. We haven't yet been able to give our children a primary school educa- tion. The luxuries of life can be thought of only after the necessities have been attended to. But we are beginning now to free ourselves from the ligaments that bind us down, and so we are having more men who write books, not the best books, to be sure, for could they write them they would leave us, but the quality must get better as more conducive conditions exist. Now, I would not have any of my remarks construed into any discouragement or want of appreciation of any of those who are doing all in their power to give North Carolina a creditable display in the catalogue of books. Every year shows some really creditable work. The present year is probably ahead of the last, and counting natives, both resi- dent and non-resident, 1903 comes up with a good record. There is the usual presence of the historical much of it creditable, all of it valuable for future reference, and for the purpose of teaching the State's history to the present gen- eration, one of the objects of this society. In the very short time allotted me I have not been able to make a complete list of the publications of the year, and can therefore make mention only of some- of the most conspicuous. Lawson's book of observations, called the first history of North Carolina, has been transcribed from the copy in the North Carolina Bibliography, 1903. 87 State Library by Col. F. A. Olds, of Raleigh, and after being published serially in the Charlotte Observer, has been issued in durable and attractive form by that paper and put upon the market at the price of two dollars. Major W. A. Graham is publishing an extended biography of Governor Joseph Graham, and it is sure to be a very val- uable book. The same must be said of Mr. Haywood's life and times of Gov. Tryon, now on the book store shelves. This work is original and is the result of careful investigation, and in it the author has left the blazed paths, and ambitiously launch- ed his craft upon the sea of research. Prof. W. E. Dodd, a North Carolinian of the faculty of Randolph-Macon has a life of Nathaniel Macon ready for the printer. Mr. D. A. Tompkins, like the farmer in the fable, having tried in vain to get some one else to write the history of Meck- lenburg, has done it himself, and we may be sure that it is well done. It is very encouraging to see a man immersed, as Mr. Tompkins is, in large and varied business enterprises, turn aside to write a book, and one of local history at that. Mr. Frank Nash has issued a well prepared booklet enti- tled "Historic Hillsboro." Judge Clark has issued a new volume of the State Records. Dr. Edwin Mims, of Trinity College, has been engaged by the well known publishing house of Houghton, Mifflin and Company to write a biography of Sidney Lanier for the series of "American Men of Letters." Mr. Joseph Alexander Tillinghast, a native of North Carolina, and a graduate of Davidson College, has published a book of nearly two hundred pages on "The Negro in Africa and America," which has received very favorable comment as a serious and thoughtful work. The Neale Publishing Company of Washington, has lately issued a volume called "Boner's Lyrics," which contains all the best work of the gifted North Carolina poet, the late John Henry Boner, whose death occurred this year. Other poetical works of the year are : "Memorial Ponns," by Mrs. E. M. Anderson. "Poems," by Dr. W. W. Bays. "Heart Songs," by Lila Ripley. The same average reader referred to in the opening of this 88 Historical and Literary Activities in N. C. paper would be astonished at the suggestion that a number of text books had this year been published by North Carolin- ians, some of which are likely to pass into wide use. But such is the case. Dr. C. Alphonso Smith has issued an excellent English Grammar. A book of great importance. "Agriculture for Beginners," prepared for the publishing house of Ginn and Company, by Professors Burkett, Stevens and Hill, of the State Agricultural and Mechanical College. This book is designed especially for use in the public schools and is destined, if honestly taken up and thoroughly taught, to become a potent factor in revolutionizing the agricultural methods of the South, particularly North Carolina. It has already been adopted for the public schools of North Caro- lina and several other States, and so many as 1,000 copies have been sent to the Philippines. Other text books are : "Principles of Dyeing," by Dr. Geo. S. Fraps. "Foundation Stones of True Development," by Caroline W'ashburn Rockwood. Of course no list of books by North Carolinians would be complete without mention of "The One Woman," by Tom Dixon. Dr. Dixon belongs to North Carolina though he sees fit to dwell apart from us for a time. "The One Woman" is a literary crudity, but it has power. The Review of Re- views says that "the story is sensational and melodramic; every color in it is flamboyant and every sound a scream, but it is powerful with elemental force." It may be added also that it sells. Other books of varying character are "A Traitor, Yet True," an historical romance, by S. H. Thompson, now in the printers hand ; "Heaven on Earth," by A. C. Dixon, D. D. ; "Studies in Christian Doctrine," Wilbur F. Tillett, D. D. ; "Doctrines and Polity of the M. E. Church," W. F. Tillett, D. D. ; "Parsifas," by Mary Narcissa McKinnon; "An Adirondac Romance," and "In Biscayne Bay," Caroline Washburn Rockwood ; "Historical Sketch of the Shuford Family," by Rev. John Shuford, and "Social Life in Co- lonial North Carolina," by C. L. Raper, in press of the Mc- millans. NORTH CAROLINA BIBLIOGRAPHY, 1904. Read before tiik Fifth Annual Meeting of the State Literary and Historical Association, Kaleigh, October 18, 1904, by Prof. D. H. HILL, West Raleigh, N C. "Governor Tryon of North Carolina," by Marshall De- Lancey Haywood of Raleigh ; E. M. Uzzell, Raleigh, pub- lishers; pages 225. This is a handsomely illustrated and handsomely printed biography of the most conspicuous of the Royal Governors. The author bases his conclusions largely upon documentary evidence. In addition to the details of Gov. Tryon's life, Mr. Haywood includes a careful study of the so-called War of the Regulators. "Gen. Joseph Graham and his Revolutionary Papers," by Major William A. Graham, of Lincoln county; Edwards & Broughton, Raleigh, printers; 385 pages. Part 1 of Major Graham's volumes is devoted to the life of General Graham and his family. Xew light is thrown upon Queen's College, the Mecklenburg Declaration and the manu- facturing of that day by the narrative. Part 2 includes, among others, papers furnished for Judge Murphey's pro- jected history of North Carolina. The General's accounts of the battles at Ramsaur's Mill, at King's Mountain, at Cow- pens, at Cowan's Ford, at Hart's Mill, Pyle's Massacre, and Gen. Rutherford's campaign on the Cape Fear furnish much valuable material for future historians. "North Carolina, A Study in English Colonial Govern- ment," by Charles Lee Raper, Acting Professor of Econo- mics in the University of North Carolina ; The MacMillan Company, New York, publishers; 268 pages. Starting with a review of the proprietary Period, Dr. Raper follows with chapters on the Governor, the Council, the Legislature under the Crown ; also chapters on the terri- torial, the judicial, and the fiscal system of the colony; on the means of defence, the conflict between the Executive and the Lower House, and closes with the downfall of the Royal Government. 90 Historical and Literary Activities in N. C. "Nathaniel Macon," by William E. Dodd, now Professor of History in Randolph-Macon College, formerly of Johnston county; Edwards & Broughton, printers; pages 443. Along with a full account of the illustrious Macon's life, Dr. Dodd has woven a wealth of historic matter that has been collected with much care and industry from many wide- ly scattered sources. "The Philosophy of Education," by Herman Harrell Home, formerly of Johnston county, now professor in Dart- mouth College; The MacMillan Company, New York, pub- lishers; 295 pages. In eight chapters Dr. Home discusses first the field of edu- cation, and then the biological, the physiological, the sociolog- ical, and the psychological aspects of education. "A Year in Europe," by Rev. Dr. Walter W. Moore, for- merly of Charlotte, now President of Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, Va. ; Presbyterian Committee of Pub- lication, Richmond; 366 pages. Dr. Moore has illustrated his volume handsomely with original photographs. His style is fresh and vital and his matter is unhackneyed and attention-catching. "Four Princes," by Rev. James A. Scherer, now living in Charleston, S. C. This capitally printed volume of 275 pages is from the presses of the Lippincotts, of Philadelphia. The book is a study of Christianity through four of its repre- sentative heroes, Paul, Constantine, Bernard and Luther. "China's Business Methods and Policy," by T. R. Jerni- gan, formerly of Raleigh, now of Shanghai, China. This volume is from the Shanghai press of Kelly and Walsh and is well printed and bound. If we leave out books by mission- aries, this is perhaps the first North Carolina book ever printed in China. It is a careful study of Chinese com- mercial and industrial life. "History of Mecklenburg County," by D. A. Tompkins, of Charlotte. The second volume of Mr. Tompkins's elab- orate history of Mecklenburg is just from the Observer press. The book is in every way worthy of its subject. If some patriotic citizen would do for each of our older counties what North Carolina Bibliography in 1904. 91 Mr. Tompkins has done for his adopted county, our state would soon be rich in historic material. "Life of Rev. C. A. Rose," of the Lutheran Church, by Rev. Dr. L. E. Busby, of Salisbury. This is the biography of a friend and admirer. Mr. James W. Albright has published a very complete hand-book of the city of Greensboro. Amid much local history, this book contains some material of general interest. Carlyle's "Essay on Burns" has been edited for the Gate- way Series of Classics, published by the American Book Company, of New York, by Prof. Edwin Mims, of Trinity College, Durham. Dr. Mims has also in press a book of selections from the writings of Dr. Henry Van Dyke, and has also nearly ready a Life of Sidney Lanier. "A Study of Quintus of Smyrna," by George Washington Paschall, Associate Professor of Latin in Wake Forest Col- lege. University of Chicago Press. The purpose of this book, the author states, is to give a comprehensive outline of the present state of our knowledge of the Posthomerica. "Carding and Spinning," by George F. Ivey, of Hickory. This is a text book meant for practical workers in carding and spinning. Mr. Ivey has previously written a book upon "Loom-fixing and Weaving." "A New Definer," by M. C. and J. C. Pinnix, of Oxford. This is also a text-book. "The North Carolina Booklet," under the editorship of Miss Mary Hilliard Hinton and Mrs. E. E. Moffit continued through the year its valuable contributions to history. This booklet ought to go to every home in North Carolina. "The James Sprunt Monographs of History," ably super- vised by Dr. Kemp P. Battle of the State University, are first-hand studies of important events in the history of the state. Number 4 of this series has appeared during the past year. Dr. Battle has contributed an introduction to this number on the Early History of the Lower Cape Eear. Number 5 is now in the hands of the binders. A number of pamphlets of historic value have appeared during the year, but these do not come within the province of this report. In poetry, the most notable volume of the year is a new edition of the late John Henry Boner's poems with an intro- 92 Historical and Literary Activities in N. C. duction by Henry Jerome Stockard. This delightful little volume contains all of Mr. Boner's later poems as arranged by himself just before his death. "The First Shearing" is the title of a volume of poems written by M. Battenham Lindsay, of Asheville. It is from the Richmond press of Whittet and Shepperson and contains 399 pages. "Poems" is the simple title of a dainty little volume of verses from the pen of Miss E. A. Lehman, of Salem. This is published by the Grafton Company of New York. Private Corporations in North Carolina Thos. B. Wo- mack, Raleigh. Reprints of North Carolina Supreme Court Reports with annotations and cases cited; 8 vols. Chief Justice Walter Clark. Manual of Odd Fellows by Messrs Chas. M. and Perrin Busbee. A Study of the Atom, or the Foundations of Chemistry President Francis P. Venable. The colored race is not without representation among the books of the year. G. Ellis Harris, of Littleton, has written a "Constitutional Reader" with the object of preparing the men of his race for suffrage by teaching them the rudiments of our State Constitution. MOVEMENTS INAUGURATED m THE ASSOCIATION. THE RURAL SCHOOL LIBRARY ClROVTH QF THE MOVEMENT. By Hon. J. Y. JOYXKli. SUPBBUfTEHDEHT op Public Instruction. The General Assembly of 1901, acting upon the suggestion of the State Literary and Historical Association heartily en- dorsed by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, passed an act appropriating $5,000.00 for the establishment of rural libraries. Under the provisions of this Act the number of libraries was limited to six in any one county, ten dollars was appropriated out of the State treasury to any dis- trict upon notification that ten dollars had been raised by private subscription in the district and ten dollars had been appropriated by the County Board of Education out of the school fund apportioned to that district. This first Act pro- vided for the establishment of five hundred rural libraries in North Carolina. Every one of these libraries has been established. The General Assembly of 1903, with practical unanimity, passed another act appropriating $5,000.00 for the establishment of five hundred additional libraries and $2,500.00 for supplementing the libraries established under the act of 1901. The provisions of this act as to the estab- lishment of new libraries were practically the same as those of the act of 1901. For the supplementary libraries five dollars was appropriated from the State treasury upon noti- fication that five dollars had been raised by private subscrip- tion in the district and five dollars had been appropriated by the County Board of Education out of the school fund apportioned to that district. Under this new act 280 new libraries have been established and 59 supplementary libra- ries. It is more than probable that the remaining 220 new libraries and 441 supplementary libraries will be establish- ed before Jan. 1st, 1905. There are now then in North Carolina 780 rural libraries established under the acts ol 1901 and 1903. In addition to this 61 libraries have been established by private subscription without aid from the 96 Historical and Literary Activities in N. C. State. There are rural libraries in all counties of the State except two, Clay and McDowell. The following counties have availed themselves of the twelve rural libraries for which the State appropriation provides: Alamance, Alle- ghany, Anson, Beaufort, Bertie, Buncombe, Chatham, Cum- berland, Edgecombe, Forsyth, Iredell, Jackson, Johnston, Mecklenburg, Northampton, Orange, Pitt, Randolph, Robe- son, Rockingham, Rowan, Sampson, Union, Vance, Wake, Wayne, Wilkes, Wilson. In total number of libraries Wayne leads with 34, Durham stands next with 28, and New Han- over next to Durham with 26. The total number of volumes in these rural libraries is estimated at 70,000. The total value of them is estimated at about $30,000.00. The books for these libraries must be selected from a list approved by the State Superintendent. A pamphlet containing a care- fully prepared classified list of books, the library law, and the rules and regulations for the management of the libraries has been issued from the office of the State Superintendent and will be furnished to any person upon application. A neat, carefully prepared record book is furnished to each library and annual reports are required from each. These reports are encouraging. They show among other things a steady increase in the use of the books, in the de- mand for them, and, in many instances, an increase of attend- ance and an increase of interest in the school through the use of the library. On account of the interest in the library, arrangements are made for the use of most of the libraries during vacation as well as during the session of the schools so that the books are quietly at work in the community twelve months in the year. These books have gone into many a bookless home and brought joy and light and inspiration to many a parent and elder brother and sister. I can think of no more effective means of stimulating a taste for good read- ing among all our people, old and young, than by sending into their homes through the children, by the blessed instru- mentality of these rural libraries, these great masterpieces of the master minds and souls of the world. I believe that the General Assembly will see the wisdom of continuing a reas- onable appropriation for the establishment of rural libraries until every rural school in North Carolina shall enjoy the The Rural School Library. 97 inestimable benefit of at least a small but well selected col- lection of good books. One important aim of all true education is to cultivate along with the acquisition of knowledge and the love of it the reading habit and the love of good books. No educa- tional equipment is complete, therefore, without a library. A library of well selected books, even though limited in num- ber, will increase greatly the efficiency of the work of any school, will be a breath of fresh air, a gleam of glorious light in any community, will quicken ambitions, arouse aspira- tions and set in motion forces the power of which no man can estimate. THE RURAL SCHOOL LIBRARY As an Educational Factor. By CLARENCE H. POE, Kaleigh, N. C. [Republished from the "American Monthly Review of Reviews" for Septem- ber, 1904. By permission of Review of Reviews Company.] Just now, when the princely donations of Mr. Andrew Carnegie have given a new stimulus to library building in American cities, it may be well to turn our eyes to the "other half" the rural half of our population, for although, until quite recently, no one thought of the public library as a pos- sible rural institution, it has now made an auspicious entry into this new field, and is destined to play an important part among the twentieth century forces rural mail delivery, good roads, rural telephones, etc. that make for the uplift of American country life. The need of the rural library must be apparent to all that are familiar with country school methods. Reading is the magic key to all our store-houses of intellectual wealth ; it is the basis of all education. "The true university of these days," says Carlyle, "is a collection of books." And it is here, of all points in its curriculum, that the country school has failed most grievously: it has not taught the children to read, to use books. Do not understand me to charge that the rural school is literally and avowedly disloyal to the first of the immortal three R's, for it is not. But only in the nar- rowest sense does it teach reading reading as the mere pro- nunciation of words and the observance of punctuation marks; the unlovely, mechanical side of reading. The brighter side of reading the country pupil does not get ; the city pupil does. Aided by the prescribed supplemental liter- ature, and guided by the teacher, the child of the townsman learns to find joy in reading, learns not only how to read, but actually learns to read, to use books. If you know the country school as the writer does, you know the other side of this picture. You know children who live out a long school The Library as an Educational Factor. 99 career without learning anything of literature beyond tho monotonous rehearsal of dry text book matter. Cold, hard facts about the boundaries of foreign states, the dates of ancient battles, the rules of the stock exchange, are regarded as matters of importance, but the teacher does not see that it is better to foster a love of reading than to teach history or geography. Or if he sees the duty, and longs to direct the child to the beauties of literature, he is shackled by the lack of facilities for such work. Year after year, there is the same old drill in the same old readers, no classics are studied, and there is no supplemental reading to give the spice of variety. It is inevitable that children reared in such schools come to regard reading not as a luxury but as a drudgery, and grow up potentially, if not in the strictest sense, illiterate. "I confess," says Thoreau, somewhere in his "Walden," "that I do not make any broad distinction between the illiterateness of my townsman who cannot read at all and the illiterateness of , him who has learned only to read what is for children and feeble intellects." How much narrower, then, should be the distinction between the "illiterateness of him who can uot read at all" and the illiterateness of him whose training his been such that he regards reading only as a task to be shun- ned ! People everywhere are now beginning to see the mis- take pointed out, ten years ago, by President Eliot in his essay, "Wherein Popular Education Has Failed." He says: "We have heretofore put too much confidence in the mere acquisition of the arts of reading and writing. After these arts are acquired, there is much to be done to make them effective for the development of the child's intelligence. If his reasoning power is to be developed through reading, he must be guided to the right sort of reading. The school must teach not only how to read, but what to read, and it must de- velop a taste for wholesome reading." It is to remedy just this defect that the rural school library has been introduced into twenty-nine American States. And though widely varying plans have been adopted, in no other State, I dare say, has more rapid progress been made or greater results accomplished in proportion to capital ex- pended than in North Carolina. For this reason I may be par- doned for referring at some length to this North Carolina plan which seems to be the one best adapted to States having 100 Historical and Literary Activities in N. C. a large rural population and a small revenue. The law as passed by the General Assembly of 1901 provides, in sub- stance That wherever the friends or patrons of any rural public school contribute $10 or more for starting a library in connec- tion with the school, $10 of the district school fund shall also be set apart for the same purpose, while another $10 will be given from the State appropriation thus insuring at the out- set at least $30 for each school library; in many cases, of course, the patrons contribute more than the minimum sum, $10, needed to secure the $20 from other sources. The coun- ty board of education then names some competent person to manage the prospective library and buy the books for it, these to be chosen from a remarkably well selected list of standard works recently prepared by a committee of distinguished educators. The same committee, by the way, obtained com- petitive bids from prominent publishing houses, thus forcing prices to strikingly low figures, even for classics. The small- est libraries have seventy-five or eighty neat and substan- tially bound volumes. By the earnest efforts of the North Carolina Literary and Historical Association, an appropriation of five thousand dollars was obtained for the payment of the State's part on the experimental plan just outlined, and in September, 1901, the appropriation became available, and the first North Car- olina rural school library was established. The entire sum would have been speedily exhausted by the more progressive section had nT)t the Legislature provided that State aid should be available for not more than six school districts in any one of the ninety-seven counties. Within five months, a third of the counties reached this limit, and applications from other communities within their borders had to be rejected. Before the General Assembly of 1903 met, in January, four hun- dred and thirty-one of a possible five hundred libraries had been helped. In the face of such success there was nothing for the legislature to do but make an appropriation of five thousand dollars more for the ensuing two years, while twen- ty-five hundred dollars was added to maintain and enlarge the libraries already established, the same Carnegie-like prin- ciple of co-operation to be observed : each gift from the State The Library as an Educational Factor. 101 to be duplicated by an appropriation from the school fund, and again duplicated by private subscription. Already many applications for aid from the new appropri- ation have been received, and Superintendent Joyner con- fidently predicts that before the next Legislature meets North Carolina will have one thousand State aided rural school li- braries. Then there are others, established entirely by pri- vate gifts. In one county (Durham) adjoining that in which the writer lives, a wealthy citizen continued the good work begun by the State. He offered to duplicate amounts raised after the State aid limit had been reached, and now every one of the forty white schools in the county has a library. One other fact deserves mention. Not only does the rural school library develop the reading habit, it develops it along right lines. Since as Emerson says, "the ancestor of every action is a thought," how important it is that the literature that is to provoke thought be wholesome and well balanced! In our city libraries, fiction has much too large a place, many women and young people read nothing else. But while these rural libraries contain a few novels the chief effort is to de- velop a proper appreciation of choice works of science, travel, nature study, poetry, history, biography and mythology. Even if the child formed the "reading habit" outside the school, it would still be worth while for the State to have these libraries for the sole purpose of turning his new found love of literature into right channels of truth and beauty. Nor have the boys and girls been the only beneficiaries of the -new movement. It has opened up a new world for many of the parents, and has done incalculable good in continuing the education of persons too old or too poor to longer attend school. The superintendent of schools for Durham County says that the books are used almost as much by the parents as by the children themselves, and the Pitt County superinten- dent says that the libraries have caused hitherto indifferent parents to become deeply interested in reading and in the edu- cation of their children. "The peculiar value of the school library," as the New York Evening Post rightly observes, "lies in the fact that it educates the younger generation as well as the older." 102 Historical and Literary Activities in N. C. All in all, the North Carolina plan has proved a strikingly successful innovation, and we are moved to wonder that our educational leaders did not long ago perceive the value of rural library work, or, realizing it, did not think of the ease with which it may be conducted in connection with the public school. We are not far from the time when no house where children meet for study, whether in town or country, will be regarded as even tolerably equipped without a small collec- tion of the best books. NORTH CAROLINA DAY" IM THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. By HON FRANCIS D. WINSTON, Windsor, N. C., Author of the Statute. At the instance of the North Carolina Literary and His- torical Association, an act of our General Assembly was passed designating October 12th as North Carolina Day in, the Public Schools. This law provides "That the 12th day of October in each and every year, to be called 'North Caro- lina Day/ may be devoted, by appropriate exercises in the public schools of the State, to the consideration of some topic or topics of our State history, to be selected by the State Su- perintendent of Public Instruction: Provided, that if the said day shall fall on Saturday or Sunday, then the celebra- tion shall occur on the Monday next following: Provided, further, that if the said day shall fall at a time when any such school may not be in session, the celebration may be held within one month from the beginning of the term, unless the. Superintendent of Public Instruction shall designate some other time." The consecration of one day in the year to the considera- tion in the Public Schools of the history of the State is a beautiful idea. It is the duty of every public school teacher in North Carolina to obey the letter of this law, and it is grat- ifying to know that the schools over the State are availing themselves of this opportunity to fill the children with pride in their state, to thrill them with enthusiasm for the study of her history, and to kindle new fires of patriotic love. As an evidence that North Carolina Day is an important event in our educational work, 20,000 copies of the program for last year were distributed and the official reports show that more than 3,000 schools observed the day with the official program. The State Superintendent gives this celebration much prominence. The material for these celebrations has been carefully selected ; the programs have been neatly printed in 104 Historical and Literary Activities in N. C. pamphlets of about fifty pages each. In this work he has received the efficient assistance of the Daughters of the Revo- lution, the North Carolina Literary and Historical Associa- tion and patriotic citizens of the State interested in preserv- ing her history. The subject selected in 1901 was "The First Anglo-Saxon Settlement in America." Following the chronological order of the State's History, the subject for 1902 was fittingly "The Albemarle Section" and the subject for 1903 was "The Lower Cape Fear Section." In succeeding years the history * of other sections of the State will be studied somewhat in the order of their settlement and development, until the entire period of the State's history shall have been covered. The program for each year that has celebrated North Caro- lina Day is given below: PROGRAM FOR 1901 NORTH CAROLINA DAY. Subject: First Anglo-Saxon Settlement in America. PROGRAM OF EXERCISES. 1. Song Our Fathers' God, to Thee. 2. Reading Sketch of Sir Walter Raleigh, the Father of Anglo-Saxon Colonization in America. 3. Declamation Sir Walter Raleigh and Virginia Dare By Jos. W. Holden. * 4. Reading Sketch of the Landing From Hawks' History. 5. Song "Ho! for Carolina" W. B. Harrell. 6. Sketch of the Settlement of Roanoke Island By Graham Daves. From N. C Booklet. 7. Recitation or (Reading) (a) The Mystery of Croatan By Margaret J. Preston. (b) Roanoke Island By Fred. A. Olds. 8. Address by Local Orator. 9. Recitation Poem, " My Native State" By H. J. Stockard 10. General Discussion Topics: (a) Are the Croatan Indians the Lost Colony? {b) Why Did the Attempt to Colonize North Carolina Fail? 11. Song In conclusion ''The Old North State" By Gaston. Sir Walter Raleigh By Henry Jerome Stockard. North Carolina Day in the Schools. 105 PROGRAM FOR 1902 NORTH CAROLINA DAY. Subject: The Albemarle Section. PROGRAM OF EXERCISES. 1. Song The Old North State William Gaston. 2. Reading The First Governor. William Drummond. Adapted from Wiley's North Carolina Reader and Weeks' Sketch of Drummond. 3. Questions and Answers for Children By Committee of State Literary and Historical Association. 4. Reading Roanoke Island of To-Day Charles E. Taylor. 5. Reading Albemarle .Monuments R. B Creecy. 6. Reading Edenton W. E. Stone. 7. Song America. 8. Reading Hertford W. F. McMullan. 9. Reading A Distinguished Citizen of the Albemarle Section. Adapted from Address by Junius Davis. 10. Declamation Extract from the Memorial to Congress concerning the Celebration of the Settlement of Sir Walter Raleigh's Colonies on Roanoke Island George T. Winston, for Committee. 11. Reading Cape Hatteras and the Banks. 12. Hatteras and the Hankers R. B. Creecy. 13. Stories of the Banks Jennie Langston. 14. Declamation Hatteras Joseph W. Holden. 15. Selected Hvmn. PROGRAM FOR 1903 NORTH CAROLINA DAY. Subject : The Lower Cape Fear Section. PROGRAM OF EXERCISES. Prayer. 1. Song The Old North State William Gaston. 2. Reading The Early Explorers and Settlers of the Cape Fear A. M. Waddell. 3. Declamation The Pride of the Cape Fear George Davis. 4. Reading Life Among the Early Cape Fear Settlers John Brickell. 5. Recitation The American Eagle Henry Jerome Stockard. 6. ReadingMary Slocum's Hide Adapted from Mrs. Ellet. 7. Recitation Moonlight in the Pines John Henry Boner. 8. Reading Heception of the Stamps on the Cape Fear George Davis. 9. Recitation Light'ood Fire John Henry Boner. 10. Declamation The Men of the Cape Fear George Davis. 106 Historical and Literary Activities in N. C. 11. Eeading Rescue of Madame DeRos.set James Sprunt. 12. Recitation Alamance S. W. Whiting. 13. Reading Blockading off the Cape Fear James Sprunt. 14. Recitation Regret Christian Reid (Mrs. F. C. Tiernan). 15. Resources of the Lower Cape Fear. Adapted from " North Carolina and Its Resources," published by State Board of Agriculture. 16. Questions and Answers. 17. Song My Country, 'Tis of Thee. Appendix. Teachers are urged to make a special effort to secure a larger attendance of the patrons of the district on these occa- sions. This should be the educational rallying day. The women interested in better school houses should be given a place on the program. On the 22nd day of August, 1901, the Windsor Ledger in urging a proper celebration of this day said editorially : "We refer our public school teachers to Chapter 164, Laws 1901, for the act providing for the celebration of North Caro- lina day in the public schools. The act was introduced by the representative from this county. It provides that Octo- ber 12 of each year be devoted to considering topics of our State history, to be selected by our State Superintendent. The date is a memorable one. America was discovered on that date. It is also ftie day of the founding of the University the very capstone of our public school system. The day should be made very interesting in our schools. All of the patrons of the school should be present. It should be a pic-nic occasion with public dinner. The children should be given tasks on Bertie county history. We suggest the follow- ing arrangement for a day's entertainment and profit: 1. Have two scholars write a short sketch of the county. 2. Have one scholar write a history of the founding of the public school in that district, giving date, names of all com- mitteemen, names of all teachers and of those in the vicinity interested in school work. 3. Have one scholar give the number of miles of public road in the township in which the school is situated and the distance and direction of the school from the important places in the county. 4. Have one scholar give the names of all rivers, creeks, North Carolina Day in the Schools. 107 swamps, bridges and other natural objects in the township including places of note, residences and families. 5. Have one scholar give the names and number of churches, when organized, and the names of pastors, clerks and officials, past and present. 6. Have one scholar give the names of all Confederate Veterans in the township, with the Company and Regiment in which they served and any special acts of daring and bravery they performed. 7. Have one scholar give any local incidents and tradi- tions. These matters occur to us now. Our teachers can easily enlarge the scope of the work. In ten years with the work carried out on this plan we will have the best county history ever written of any locality." Windsor Ledger, Aug. 22, 1901. I suggest that the future programs be cast on more local lines. Organization for this work must be had and the unit of organization should be each district. The County Super- intendents will be the collectors for each county and a few years would place much valuable material in their hands for the future historian. No matter how the day is celebrated it cannot fail to produce the best historical results. STATE HISTORICAL COMttlSSION. By R. D. W. CONNOR, Secretary of the Commission. The creation by the General Assembly of 1903 of the North Carolina Historical Commission is by no means the least important work of the State Literary and Historical As- sociation. We are realizing more and more every day in North Carolina that it is dangerous to trust the future in the hands of a people who are ignorant of their past ; and that no people who are indifferent to their past need hope to make their future great. One of the missions of the State Liter- ary and Historical Asociation is to teach this lesson to the people of North Carolina. But the lesson when learned will be valueless unless steps are taken at the same time to pre- serve the material from which that past is to be made intel- ligible to the present and to the future. Realizing this, the Literary and Historical Association, along with all patriotic citizens of the state, views with deep regret the loss of hun- dreds of invaluable historical documents and records which would throw much needed light on our history. Many hun- dreds of them have been lost or destroyed through the indiff- erence of the state and the ignorance and carelessness of their possessors. These are hopelessly gone, but there are still in existence, stuffed away in dark corners and dusty archives, many such documents and records that should be brought to light. To accomplish this important work a committee of the association appeared before the General Assembly of 1903 and urged the creation of an historical commission. An act was passed creating a commission of five members, to be appointed by the governor to collect and publish valuable documents elucidating the history of the state. The sum of $500 annually is appropriated to enable the commission to have the desired documents collected and transcribed, which are then to be issued by the state printer as public docu- ments. The personnel of the commission as appointed by Gov- The Historical Commission. 109 ernor Aycock is as follows: Mr. \Y. J. Peele, of Raleigh; Rev. Dr. J. D. Hufham, of Henderson; Dr. Richard Dillard, of Edenton ; Mr. F. A. Sondley, of Asheville, and Mr. R. D. \Y. Connor, of Raleigh. Various obstacles prevented the meeting of the commission until in November of 1903. On the 20th of November a quorum met at Warsaw, and organized for work by the election of Mr. Peele as chairman, and Mr. Connor as secretary. Such work as the commission is to do will require, of course, great care and time. As yet, therefore, but little more than a good beginning has been made. In addition to the present volume, the commission has had made and placed in the Hall of History in the State Museum under the direc- tion of Col. Fred A. Olds, of Raleigh, handsome photographs of DeBry's rare and valuable engravings illustrative of early Indian life in North Carolina. These pictures are perhaps the most nearly perfect illustrations of Indian life before the white man colonized the continent in existence, and can be utilized to great advantage by students of our early his- tory. Arrangements have also been perfected for reprinting the narratives of Barlowe, Lane and Hariot of the early dis- coveries and settlements on the North Carolina coast, and these reprints will be illustrated with the DeBry pictures. In addition to these there will soon be issued a reprint of the "Proceeding and Debates of the Constitutional Convention of 1788" together with the "Journals of the Constitutional Con- vention of 1789." This work has been prepared under the direction of Prof. E. P. Moses, of Raleigh. Under the direction of Dr. Richard Dillard, of Edenton, the commis- sion has had copied and prepared for the printer the early records of St. Paul's Parish, of Chowan, in which is found much valuable information of the early history of the Albe- marle settlement. Finally at the request of the committee of the State Literary and Historical Association appointed to reply to the statements of Judge Christian, of Virginia, in regard to North Carolina's part in the War Between the States, the commission paid the expenses of two men to visit the battle-field of Appomattox for the purpose of gathering information. A copy of the committee's report appears in this volume. 110 Historical and Literary Activities in N. C. The importance of such work as the commission is ex- pected to do is equalled only by the difficulties in the way. Stowed away in pigeon holes, vaults, desks and boxes, all over North Carolina are many documents, records, private and public letters and manuscripts which as matters now stand are of absolutely no value to their possessors or to the people of the state ; but if they can be carefully and properly collect- ed, edited and published, they will be of incalculable value in throwing light on our history. It is the duty of the His- torical Commission to do this work. All patriotic citizens will aid in it. Those who possess such documents, or know of their whereabouts will render a service to the state by placing them, or copies of them in the possession of the com- mission. All originals or copies of valuable documents, church and court records, manuscripts, letters, maps, portraits, and old newspapers, or of any other material of historical value, will be greatly appreciated by the commission and a safe repository will be provided for their preservation. All such material as cannot be parted with permanently will be return- ed after copies have been made ; and provision is made for copying those which their owners are unwilling to part with at all. All expenses connected with such work will be met by the commission. Such material after being carefully edited will be published and due acknowledgment will be made to all those who have aided in this patriotic work. Let not those who have such material stored away hoard it as the miser does his gold. The history of our state, as noble and as full of inspiring- lives as it is, can never be written until this work is done. But it is a work that cannot be accomplished unless the commission meets with the earnest support of patriotic citizens who have the documents, or information of the documents which are desired. It is a work that cannot be accomplished in a year nor in two years, but is rather the work of a life time ; and it is earnestly to be hoped that no cessation will be permitted until all the work is done and thoroughly done. Need one urge upon intelligent men and women the necessity for this work ? We need not be surprised, as long as we neglect these duties, if the "scorner shall sneer at and the witling de- fame us." THE STATE'S HISTORICAL MUSEUM. I.v F. A. OLDS, Esq., Kalkioh, N. C., Chairman of tiik Committee ON Historical IfUBXUM. It is difficult to give a condensed account of the first year's work in the collection of objects in the Hall of History in the State Museum, so numerous and so varied is the collection and so great the progress made in forming it. The grouping is as far as possible by periods in the State's history. Begin- ning with relics of the Indians, the collection follows the var- ious periods. The people of the state have been liberal in the way of gifts and loans. Out of the thousands of articles only a few can be referred to as most notable. Mrs. Mar- garet DevereiiXj of Raleigh, lends the valuable documents of Governor Thomas Pollock, including grants by him, Gover- nors Eden and Everard and others, and the treaty between the whites and the Tuscarora Indians. In the same section are ballast from the vessels of Amidas and Barlowe at Roanoke Island, a will dated 1692, Lawson's History of North Caro- lina, first edition; lease by the Lords Proprietors of the North Carolina fisheries to Mr. Burrington, afterwards gov- ernor. In the Revolutionary section is the protest of the North Carolina Quakers against bearing arms, the auto- graphs of signers of the Mecklenburg Declaration, &c. The Swain collection of autograph letters, owned by the State, is of extreme value and contains the signatures of most of the great North Carolinians of Revolutionary times. Bish- op Joseph Blount Cheshire is a valued contributor, his case containing the first book about North Carolina and the first map, printed in 1590 ; the "Yellow Jacket," the first book printed in North Carolina, New Bern, 1752 ; the only known copy of the journal of the State Convention at Hillsboro in 1788, which rejected the Federal Constitution, and the jour- nal of the convention at Fayetteville in 1789 which ratified it, Mr. Charles E. Johnson, of Raleigh, gives the public an op- portunity to see a part of his extensive and valuable collec- tion, and the portraits, mainly etchings, of prominent colon ial North Carolinians attract much attention. He also ex- 112 Historical and Literary Activities in N. C. hibits a proclamation of Governor Josiah Martin, which bears the only known second seal of North Carolina ; a copy of the South Carolina Gazette of June, 1775, containing the Meck- lenburg Resolves of May 30th ; a rough draft of the opinion of Judge Iredell of the United States Supreme Court in the noted case of Chisholm against Georgia, which resulted in the eleventh amendment to the constitution of the United States. By the courtesy of Governor Aycock and Secretary of State Grimes a collection of autograph letters of the governors is being made, already containing letters and public documents bearing the signature of 40 governors. Relics of Nathaniel Macon, secured from Mrs. J. T. Turnbull and Julian S. Carr, are objects of much public interest. Judge Robert M. Douglas lends the original petition of the people of Mas- sachusetts to congress for the dissolution of the Union on ac- count of slavery. What may be termed the Confederate section is very rich in uniforms, swords and other relics of offic'ers, including those of Generals Branch, James H. Lane, W. H. C. Whit- ing, Robert Ransom, Collett Leventhorpe, Matt W. Ransom, James Johnston Pettigrew, Bryan Grimes, Thomas F. Toon, as well as Col. William Lamb, the commander of Fort Fish- er ; Col. Cowand and Col. Henry K. Burgwyn, of the famous 26th regiment. The collection of Confederate flags em- braces the "Bethel" flag, that of the First North Carolina volunteers ; that of the 24th volunteers ; the 14th North Caro- lina troops; the battle flags of the 50th and the 58th regi- ments, the latter having been in all the great battles in the southwest, including Chickamauga. In autographs of the Civil War period the collection is not- able and there are also orders written on the battlefield to North Carolina officers by the greatest of the Confederate generals. A case, mainly contributed by Col. Thomas S. Kenan, is devoted to souvenirs of prison life. In other cases the literary and domestic life of the Confederacy is illus- trated in a very striking way. Mrs. Elias Carr has presented the only painting in existence of the North Carolina block- ade-runner, "Advance," while from Governor Aycock has been secured the silver service which was in the captain's cabin of that noted vessel. The collection of swords of all The Historical Museum. 113 periods is a very fine one, some of these being in the cases devoted entirely bo arms of all kinds, grouped by periods, while others are shown in connection with uniforms and other relics. A photograph of President Jefferson Davis and one of the last letters he ever wrote are objects of much general interest, as is also the candlestick which be used while secretary of war and during the campaign in Mexico, and also in the Confederacy, and which was in his tent when he was cap- tured near Washington, Ga. In the Mexican war period one of the most valued objects is the sword which was presented to .Major Mmitford J S. Stokes by the officers and men of the First North Carolina Regiment, U. S. Volunteers. The Spanish American War period is well illustrated, a special case being devoted to uniforms and other relics of Ensign Worth Bagley, U. S. Navy; and another to relics of Lieut. William E. Shipp, IT. S. Army, who was killed at the storming of San Juan Hill, Santiago. The latter case also contains the first American flags borne through the city of Havana, these having been carried by the First Regiment, North Carolina Infantry, North Carolina Volunteers. There are also all that remains of the noble marble statue of Washington by Canova, which was partially destroyed by the burning of the old capitol, and a large engraving showing the statue as it stood in the rotunda of the old building; a framed collection of all the state currency issued during the Civil War and all the currency except four bills issued by the Confederate States. Cannon captured at Manila and Santiago illustrate the greatest sea fights of the war with Spain, while the smoke-stack and armor-plate of the North Carolina-built ram Albemarle show the remarkable work of that vessel. The public interest in the collection is constantly on the increase and not a day passes without additions. The Agri- cultural Department enters heartily into the spirit of the work and Commissioner Patterson gives his most cordial co- operation. THE ROANOKE CELEBRATION AND THE RALEIGH HEttORIAL INSTITUTE. By W. J. PEELE, Esq., Raleigh, N. C. The idea of having a celebration on Roanoke Island to commemorate the historic events associated with Raleigh's efforts to colonize America, was suggested by Father Creecy as far back as 1884 the ter-centennial of the landing of the Amidas and Barlowe expedition; and Senator Vance intro- duced in Congress a resolution respecting it. At that time our people knew so little of their own history that the prop- osition fell still-born. Before and since the crucifixion it has been easy to under- rate an apparent failure. The apparent failure at Guilford Court House paved the way for Yorktown and Peace. Be- tween 1584 and 1590, while Raleigh was breaking Spain's sea power, he was winning from her a continent claims to which he never ceased to assert even in prison. He was more the immediate inspiration of the Jamestown expedition than the monarch on the throne, but the continent had been already won by his bold strokes and held by his repeated expeditions until the crucial time had passed for its recovery to Spain. Its effectual colonization (which Raleigh never ceased to urge, even when fortune failed) had now become only a question of time. It was now safe for conservative and cowardly royalty to undertake it and leisurely appro- priate the fame of its real author. It has been left to North Carolina to tear away the veil which mean spirits have drawn around this collossal figure. She began more than a century ago by naming after him her capital, the beautiful "City of Oaks." In a few years a noble monument to his memory will stand in the center of one of her principal squares. At the great meeting of the State Literary and Historical Association held in Raleigh Oct. 22, 1901, Maj. Graham Daves, of New Bern, (now deceased) offered the following resolution which he supported by an appropriate speech. Resolved, That a committee be appointed to provide for an The Roanoke Celebration. 115 appropriate celebration on Roanoke Island of the landing there in 1584 of the expedition of Amidas and Barlowe of the settlement in 1585-1587 of the bands of colonists sent out by Sir Walter Raleigh. This resolution was seconded by Governor Chas. B. Aycock in his well known felicitous style and manner, inaugurating a movement which has been ever since growing in popular favor in the State and in the country at large. On the 24th of July, 1902 a large and representative body of citizens met at Manteo on Roanoke Island, and, as a preliminary to what will be one day done on a grand scale, proceeded to celebrate by patriotic speeches and appropriate songs the historic events which had transpired there on the island more than three centuries before. Among the great speeches on that occasion that of Chief Justice Clark is given in this volume, an inspiration for the many which are to fol- low. During the session of the Legislature of 1903 it was pro- posed to establish on Roanoke Island a memorial institution in which should be investigated and taught the arts and sciences which relate to obtaining wealth from the sea such as ship-building, navigation, meteorology, fish culture, &c. The bill which embodied these ideas was introduced into the Legislature by Representative Thos. W. Blount, of Washing- ton County. It became a law the 9th day of March, 1903, and is published as chapter 408 Private Laws of that year. Besides Representative Blount, among those most efficient in securing its passage should be mentioned Senators Don- nell Gilliam, of Edgecombe ; Mitchell, of Bertie ; and Joseph A. Spruill, of Tyrrell ; and Representatives Guion of Craven, Etheridge of Dare. The corporators are Thos. W. Blount, R. B. Etheridge, Theo. S. Meekins, B. G. Crisp, F. P. Gates, A. G. Sample, R. C. Evans, J. B. Jennett, John W. Evans, W. H. Lucas, Joseph A. Spruill and C. W. Mitchell. The charter is unique in the history of charters. It grants powers amply sufficient for its purposes but provides that they cannot be exercised until an hundred subscribers to be selected by the corporators named shall subscribe a sum not less than ten thousand dollars to the capital stock of the Company; "it 116 Historical and Literary Activities in N. C. shall then be the duty of the Secretary of State to issue a charter artistically designed and ornamented." This preliminary fund, the amount of which is variously estimated at from ten to fifty thousand dollars, is to be sub- scribed first by representative North Carolinians, preferably one from each county or Senatorial District, and then by representative citizens of the United States and from other countries. Those who subscribe to this fund will have their names and autographs enrolled in the charter to be issued by the Governor and Secretary of State under the Great Seal. At the proper time a suitable reward will doubtless be offered for the best design for this instrument. Some wealthy gentlemen from the North have already in- dicated their purpose to subscribe as soon as the corporation is organized and ready to take subscriptions. The Jamestown Exposition a little more than one hun- dred miles North of Roanoke Island is attracting the atten- tion of the world to the shores and waters of Virginia and North Carolina. Whether those in charge of that exposition will it or not, Sir Walter Raleigh is the central figure in the English colonization of America, and North Carolina should join Virginia in her efforts to make the Jamestown Celebra- tion worthy of the man and of the events he inspired. The success of that enterprise rightly taken advantage of by North Carolina would mean almost as much for one State as for the other. The following are some of the principal sections of the act of incorporation: Sec. II. That the sum of fifty thousand dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated for the establishment and equip- ment of the said institution ; and the State Treasurer is here- by authorized and directed to pay this sum out of any fund in the treasury not otherwise appropriated upon the warrant of the board of directors of said company : Provided, That it shall first be made to appear to his satisfaction that the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars has been realized from other sources, at least one hundred and fifty thousand dollars of which shall have been appropriated to or made available for the buildings, equipment and endowment of the said institution of scientific investigation and instruction: The Roanoke Celebration. 117 Provided further, That no part of the appropriation herein provided for shall be paid before the first day of January, 1907: Provided further, That it shall be unlawful for the board of directors of said company or the trustees of the said institution, or any of the authorities of either, to pledge the faith or credit of the said company or institution or to un- dertake to pledge the faith or credit of the State for any sum of money or other thing of value for the purposes of this act, or any purpose whatsoever; and that any director or trustee or other officer of the institution who shall violate this pro- vision shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and the State hereby notifies all persons that it will in no wise recognize the valid- ity of any pledge, contract or obligation so made. Sec. IV. That the principal office of said coroporation shall be at Washington, N". C, or Manteo, N. C, but the board of directors may change the principal office to some other place and may open branch offices at any place desired. Sec. V. That the said corporation shall have full power and authority to promote, organize and conduct on Roanoke Island and on such other adjacent places as the stock holders may select a celebration of the landing and settlement of Sir Walter Raleigh's colonies on Roanoke Island, the birth place of Virginia Dare, the first Anglo-American and the cradle of American civilization ; and to hold as a part of such cele- bration an exposition of Indian and colonial relics, imple- ments, weapons, utensils, curios, documents, maps, surveys and books illustrative of that period and such other objects of historical and educational value as will show the progress of our race on this continent and that the said corporation shall have full power and authority to do and perform all such acts and things not unlawful under the laws of this State as may be deemed necessary or proper for the successful pros- ecution of the above mentioned objects. Sec. VI. That the capital stock of said corporation shall be tAvo hundred and fifty thousand dollars divided into fifty thousand shares of the par value of five dollars each, but the said corporation may begin business when ten thousand dol- lars shall have been subscribed to the capital stock and the charter shall have been issued by the Secretary of State as hereinafter provided. 118 Historical and Literary Activities in N. C. Sec. IX. That the company is authorized and empowered to establish on Roanoke Island, on lands which may be do- nated or purchased for the purpose, in commemoration of Sir Walter Raleigh and his efforts to colonize America, an insti- tution for investigating and teaching useful arts and sciences, and especially those relating to ship building and navigation, meteorology, and to the culture and propogation of fish and oysters, and the protection and preservation of aquatic birds and animals. The instruction in shipbuilding and naviga- tion, and so far as may be, in the other special subjects above named, shall be industrial, and practically illustrated by examples and work personally conducted by the students in such a way that they shall learn to apply the principles and theories in which they are instructed and be made familiar with the manipulation necessary to that end. The other in- struction in the institution shall be as may be prescribed by the trustees hereinafter provided for. Sec. XII. That as soon as one hundred subscribers to be selected by the corporators named in section 2 of this act shall have subscribed a sum not less than Ten Thousand Dol- lars to the capital stock of the company it shall be the duty of the Secretary of State to issue to the company a charter artistically designed and ornamented. Sec. XV. That if the work is not begun on the business of said corporation within five years from the ratification of this act, then this charter shall become void and of no effect; otherwise so, it shall remain in full force and effect for the period of thirty years from the date of its ratification. The Island itself the fulcrum by which Raleigh raised a continent into English possession is interesting without its history and associations. Thirteen miles long a mile for each of the colonies of Raleigh's "Virginia" and three in breadth, this cradle of the Anglo-American race, like the ark in the bulrushes, lies embowered in evergreens amid the gently heaving waters of four Sounds Albemarle, Pamlico, Roanoke and Croatan. A little to the East of it, and be- tween it and the stormy Atlantic, is ridged the great barrier of sand, all knotted like a huge serpent, and stretching itself in the sheen of its yellow beauty for two hundred miles be- tween the ocean and the Sounds. In the little land-locked sea, the best protected waters on The Roanoke Celebration. 119 the American coast, in the safety and the privacy of great dame Nature was prepared the birth place of the nation, which has become the greatest of her children. After more than three centuries a feeling akin to home-sickness stirs the breasts of Americans and they are turning their longing eyes toward the place of the nation's nativity. About the year 1835 the romantic historian Jo. Seawell Jones visited the Tsland while it was yet covered with the primeval forests and vine, much as it was in July, 1584, when the sight of it first gladdened the hearts of Amidas and Barlowe. Jones says: "If it should ever be the lot of the reader to stroll under the vintage shades of Roanoke made impervious to the rays of the sun by the rich foliage and the clustering grapes above him he will not venture to discredit the highly wrought sketches of Hariot nor mock the humble enthusiasm of the volume now before him." "Nature seems to have exerted herself to adorn it as the Eden of the New World. The richest garniture of flowers, and the sweetest minstrelsy of birds, are there. In travers- ing the northern section of the island, in the spring time of the year, flowers and sweet scented herbs, in the wildest luxuriance, are strewn along your winding way, welcoming you with their fragrance to their cherished isle. The wild rose bush, which at times springs up into nurseries of one hundred yards in extent, "blooms blushing" to the song of the thousand birds that are basking in her bowers." Sometimes the great Lover and Author of colors paints a sunset of green and gold on Sound and ocean. Jones seems to have witnessed one of these sunsets from the brow of a sandhill during his visit, and thus describes it: "To the westward of the Island, the waters of the Albe- marle crept sluggishly along; and in the winding current of the Swash several vessels stood, with outspread but motionless wings. Away down to the south, the Pamlico soread itself out, like an ocean of molten gold, gloaming along the banks of Chickamacomico and Hatteras; and, contrasted with this, were the dark waters which separate Roanoke from the sea-beach, and which were now shaded from the tints of the sunset by the whole extent of the island." "A sea of glory streamed along the narrow ridge dividing 120 Historical and Literary Activities in N. C. the inland waters from the ocean ; and beyond this the bound- less Atlantic heaved her chafed bosom of sapphire and gold against the base of yon stormy cape. I enjoyed and lived in that sunset twilight hour. I thought of the glorious destiny of the land on which I trod as glorious as the waters and the earth then around me. I thought of the genius and the death of Raleigh of the heroic devotedness of Grenville of the gallantry of Cavendish and Drake of the learning of Hariot of the nobleness of Manteo, the Lord of Roanoke of the adventurous expedition of Sir Ralph Lane up the river Mora- tock of the savage array of the bloodthirsty Wingina of the melancholy fate of the last of the Raleigh colonies of Virginia Dare the first Anglo-American of the agony of her mother and then T thought of those exquisite lines of Byron, "Shrine of the mighty, can it be That this is all remains of thee?" In 1901 Col. F. A. Olds visited the Island and told a part of what he saw as follows: "The centre of attraction is Fort Raleigh. Along roads of white sand, beneath pines with which the bright green of the holly is mingled, the way lies to the fort. To the right, after going a little distance, rise in long lines the sand dunes, vast mounds, the creation and sport of the winds. Looking from the top of these, one sees to the eastward the sea, green and heaving, and the curl of its breakers, and borne by the soft wind comes the thunder of the surf, almost like an echo. At ones feet lies the Sound, yellow as gold, three miles in width, and so shallow that nearly the entire distance can be waded. Looking westward the island seems at one's feet." "Descending from the height, the ride is resumed. Past houses, some modern, others gray with age, the road winds. Presently there appears a guiding hand, bearing the words "Fort Raleigh." It points eastward, and there, 100 yards away is the fort." "Surrounded by a fence of pine rails, with a rustic gate- way of little upright poles, is the ruin. In its center stands a severely simple marble monument, and low posts of granite, a foot high, mark the venerable earthwork. The outlines are perfectly plain. The greatest height of the parapet above The Roanoke Celebration. 121 the ditch is some two feet. Almost an acre is enclosed by the fence, and the fort covers little more than a fourth of this area. The colonist's log huts surrounded the fort, which was their refuge. Within the limits of the enclosure are live-oak, pine, holly, dogwood, sassafras, water-oak and cherry trees. Up one live-oak clambers a grape vine and at its foot is an English ivy. The monument, or memorial stone faces west- ward and bears this inscription: "On this site in July- August, 1585, colonists sent out by Sir Walter Raleigh built a fort called by them 'The new fort in Virginia.' These colonists were the first settlers of the English race in America. They returned to England in July 1586 with Sir Francis Drake. "Near this place was born, on the 18th day of August, 1587, Virginia, the first child of English parents born in America, Daughter of Ananias Dare and Eleanor White, his wife, members of another band of colonists sent out by Sir Walter Raleigh in 1587. On Sunday August 20, 1587, Virginia Dare was baptized. Manteo, the friendly chief of the Hatteras Indians had been baptized on the Sunday pre- vious. These baptisms were the first known celebrations of the sacrament in the territories of the thirteen original States." "The land has never been in cultivation, and to this fact is due the marvellous preservation of the ancient earthwork. In America 316 years seem a very great lapse of time, yet so old is this little earthwork, which, thanks to the care of the "Roanoke Colony Memorial Association," is at last marked. It is evident that the fort was made of two rows of upright palisades, or logs, between which was earth. The palisades soon decayed, but the earth retains its outline perfectly." Prof. Chas. R. Taylor, a resident of the Island and prin- cipal of the High School at Wanchese, writes in 1902 : "Much of the beautiful scenery of that age has passed away. To the east lies a long and well-nigh barren strip of sand that marks the bounds of the ocean. Along the coast at nearly regular intervals, are the life-saving stations, with bere and there a village inhabited by oystermen and fisher- men, and where many life-savers have their homes. All these banks, within the memory of their old men, were cov- ered, with scarcely a break, with a dense forest. These have 122 Historical and Literary Activities in N. C. all been swallowed up by small mountains of moving sand. Roanoke Island was heavily timbered." Another change that has taken place within the memory of the fathers of this generation is that the island is further from the mainland. The marsh from Croatan and that from the south end of Roanoke Island nearly met, only a narrow creek separating them. This was when the waters of the Albemarle sought the ocean by Nag's Head Inlet. A storm closed this. These waters then sought to pass by way of an inlet south of Roanoke Island. Their force removed the peaty marsh and opened the wide waterway as it now is. For more than two centuries this section was sparsely set- tled. Only twenty-five years ago there were no more than five or six hundred inhabitants on this island. Their only connection with the outside world was by sailing vessels. They were difficult of access, and made little improve- ment. ***** "Dare County was formed after our Civil War, out of parts of Hyde, Tyrrell and Currituck Counties. This may be deemed the first marked step of advancement. Its com- munities, separated by water, and hitherto attending different Courts, and having different political associations, were now brought together to build up their own section." "The people are now united as a county, with their court- house finely located, and accessible from every quarter. The wealth of fish and fowl, which the Heavenly Father has placed in their waters, is now fully appreciated, and is simply enormous. They now have excellent steamboat communi- cation with the outside world. The people have built them- selves homes that would be creditable to any rural section of the State. Besides the schools in the various parts of the county, they have built two commodious academies on Roan- oke Island one at Manteo and the other at Wanchese. These are conducted by graduates of leading colleges in Virginia and North Carolina. There are, moreover, as many young men and women attending schools of high grade from this island as from any place of the same area in the State, cities excepted. Nor is this all. Their churches are nowhere sur- passed in any country place known to the writer. These people fear God and honor Him." The Roanoke Celebration. 123 The island contains a population of about eighteen hun- dred people engaged for the most part in fishing and agricul- ture. This number is considerably swelled by visitors at cer- tain seasons. From the light house on Bodie's Island, a few miles to the south of Roanoke, is spread out one of the most interesting panoramas on the American coast. The historic Island, the Banks, where the first landing was made, the Sounds with their deep shaded shores, and the limitless expanse of the ocean conspire together to make a picture that shall not be soon forgot. "Carolina! Carolina! Heaven's blessings attend her; While we live we will cherish, protect and defend her." MONUMENT TO SIR WALTER RALEIQH. Br Gen. J. 8. CARR, Durham, N. C. At the great meeting of the State Literary and Historical Association held in our State Capitol during the Fair (Oct.), 190^, I had the honor to propose the erection of a statue to Sir Walter Raleigh. The Association, the audience, and apparently also the people at large, responded enthusiastically to the proposition. The requisite funds would have been raised in a short while if a canvass had been then made; but, as it was rightly con- sidered, the monument was the least part of the project. The educational value of raising a fund to erect it as far as may be practicable by penny collections from the school chil- dren, is not easy to overestimate. But there is something better even than education in his- tory it is the growing fellowship of North Carolinians wherever they are found and where indeed are they not found. They are forming clubs and associations not only throughout this State but in every State in which they reside. They are all united by the ties of filial affection which bind them to their mother and they will readily respond to any call by which she may seek to bring her children together. Our sister State, Virginia, has undertaken that vast enter- prise, The Jamestown Celebration, which is drawing all Virginians together from every land and clime. Many tens of thousands of our own people from the other States into which they have gone, returning from the Jamestown celebra- tion, will be only too glad to join us in doing honor to the man whose untiring efforts to colonize America on the shores of North Carolina made successful colonization possible. It is the purpose of those who have the erection of this monument at heart to bring it to pass during the Virginia Exposition so that the real colonizer of America may not be forgotten amid the multitude of lesser lights. ' It is not expected that the fund requisite for so great an undertaking will be raised by penny collections from the Monument to Sir Walter Raleigh. 125 school children, but the effect wherever these collections have been taken up has been to create a healthful interest in the source of our history among those who are hastening to take our places. If some well-disposed citizen in each county where the educational authorities fail, will see to it that each child in his county has an opportunity to give his penny, or in default of this will see that enough pennies are given to represent each child of school-age, it will make the erection of the monument far easier and will immeasurably increase the interest in the movement. THE PATTERSON MEMORIAL CUP. The most notable recent gift for the encouragement of literary ami historical activities in North ( arolina is the loving cup donated to the State Literary and Historical AflBO ciatiox) ly Mrs. J. Lindsay Patterson, of Winston-Salem. In recognition of this patriotic action the compilers have thought it fitting that Mrs. Patterson's portrait should be used as the frontispiece of this volume. The following editorial from the Charlotte Observer of January 9th sets forth very com- pletely the terms and conditions of her splendid gift and the motives which inspired it. Certainly no happier idea could have been conceived by Mrs. J. Lindsay Patterson, of Winston-Salem, for honoring the memory of her father, and at the same time fostering and stimulating the literary spirit of our people, than that out- lined in the Observer a few days ago and elaborated in an interview in the Raleigh Post with Mr. Clarence H. Poe, secretary and treasurer of the Xorth Carolina Literary am! Historical Association. Mrs. Patterson proposes to present to the society, for competition, a gold loving cup, set with selections from all the precious stones that are found in Xorth Carolina, to be awarded each year to the North Carolinian doing the best literary work in either prose or poetry. We quote from the Post : "This splendid gift," said Mr. Poe, in speaking of the mat- ter yesterday, "is given by Mrs. Patterson as a memorial of her father, Colonel W. H. Patterson, of Philadelphia, who died last September, and will be known as the 'William Houston Patterson Memorial Cup.' Col. Patterson was him- self a writer and a scholar of unusual ability, and was in- tensely interested in Xorth Carolina history and Southern literature generally. And the memorial which Mrs. Patter- son has decided upon is not a barren and lifeless one, but one which will be fruitful of great good to the State in just the way her father would have liked most. The terms under which the cup is given are these: "At each meeting of the State Literary and Historical 127 128 The Patterson Memorial Cup. Association it is to be awarded to that resident of North Caro- lina who during the preceding twelve months has published the best work, either in prose or verse history, essay, fic- tion or poetry ; in books, pamphlets or periodicals. At the end of ten years the cup is to become the permanent possession of the writer winning it the greatest number of times, though if no one person win it three times, or if there be a tie, the time will be extended. No one is formally to enter the contest, and the judges from their knowledge of our State literature are simply to decide which North Carolina writer publishes the worthiest work between the annual meetings of the associa- tion. The cup is now being made in Philadelphia, and the first award will be made at our annual meeting in October, all the work of the preceding twelve months being considered by the judges. Each winner is to have his name engraved on the prize, and to retain possession of it for one year.* "The judges as finally decided upon by Mrs. Patterson consist of the president of the Literary and Historical Asso- ciation, chairman, and the occupants of the chairs of history in the University of North Carolina and Trinity College, and the chairs of literature in the University, Davidson and Wake Forest. "All in all," said Mr. Poe, "the plan is regarded by our committee as thoroughly happy, praiseworthy and practical, and we feel that the whole State will honor Mrs. Patterson for her patriotic action. The award of the cup will certainly be one of the most interesting features of our next annual meeting." Mrs. Patterson's thought is a beautiful one, and carries with it not only the evidence of tenderness for the memory of her father but a desire on her part to do something for North Carolina in the direction he would have most pre- ferred. Colonel Patterson was a gentleman of rare scholar- ship. He took peculiar interest in North Carolina, the home of his accomplished daughter, and it is fitting that a memorial to him should carry with it a purpose to advance the intellectual life of the State. He died at his summer home in the mountains of Tennessee. * Since the above was printed the cup has been completed and will be presented to the first winner during the coming State Fair. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below NOV 2 6 195$ 5m-6,'41(3644) UJUVERSITY OJ QRMA AT LOS ANGELES LIBRARY F255 Molina. State d cpt. of- 7 1 )S and his tor nrrinN .i LIBRARY FACILITY Historical and literary activities in IJorth Carolina. nov2 m F255 N81h 1904a T.l