"MY TRIP ABROAD" prntate fctstrttwttmt FRED LOCKLEY RARE WESTERN BOOKS 4227 S. E. Stark St. PORTLAND, ORE. "MY TRIP ABROAD" By EXPLANATORY. The writer left Sacramento, California, in February, 1904, crossed the Atlantic and returned in March, 1905. Some local newspapers kindly published several Of his letters and he reprints and sends them to friends who have not seen them. The California Bankers' Association at its session in Los Angeles in May, 1904, voted to send to the writer a cablegram of good wishes; and the writer therefore sends this pamphlet to each of the bankers as an acknowledgement and with the hope that he can meet them and thank them personally at the Con- vention in Oakland in May, 1905. Very respectfully, April, 1905. Z3elU of life at