GIFT O PHI BETA KAPPA ALPHA OF MARYLAND JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY 1904 PHI BETA KAPPA ALPHA OF MARYLAND JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY 1904 Contents. UNITED CHAPTERS OF PHI BETA KAPPA. List of Officers. List otf Chapters. History of the Society. Constitution of the United Chapters. ALPHA CHAPTER OF MARYLAND. Charter. Officers of the Chapter. History of the Chapter. Constitution and By-Laws. REGISTER OF MEMBERS, 333600 THE UNITED CHAPTERS . . OF . . . PHI BETA KAPPA. Hon John A. DeRemer, LL. D., President, Schenectady, N. Y. Prof. J. C. Van Benschoten, LL. D., Vice-President, Middletown, Conn. Rev. Oscar M. Voorhees, Secretary and Treasurer, High Bridge, N. J. Senators, 1898-1904. Hon. Joseph H. Choate, LL. D., London, Eng. Hon. John A. DeRemer, LL. D., Schenectady, N. Y. Hon. Theodore E. Hancock, LL. D., Syracuse, N. Y. Prof. Samuel Hart, D. D., Middletown, Conn. Col. Thomas W. Higginson, LL. D., Cambridge, Mass. Pres. Seth Low, LL. D., New York City. Editor Hamilton W. Mabie, L. H. D.. New York City. Prof. Francis A. March, LL. D., Easton, Pa. Editor Horace E. Scudder, L. H. D., Cambridge, Mass. Prof. James C. Van Benschoten, LL. D., Middletown, Conn. Senators, 1901-1907. Prof. Henry L. Ohalpman, D. D., Brunswick, Me. Prof. Edwin Grosvenor, M. A., Amherst, Mass. Prof. Edward Everett Hale, LL, D., Roxbury, Mass. Col. William Lamlb, LL. D., Norfolk, Va. Rev. Eben B. Parsons, D. D., Williamstown, Mass. Pres. Ira Remsen, LL. D., Baltimore, Md. Pres. Charles F. Thwing, LL. D., Cleveland, O. Rev. Oscar M. Voorhees, M. A., High Bridge, N. J. Prof. Adolph Werner, Ph. D., New York City. Pres. Benjamin Ide Wheeler, LL. D., Berkeley, Cal. list of Chapters in the Order of tbeir Establishment Alpha of Virginia, Alpha of Connecticut, Alpha of Massachusetts, Alpha of New Hampshire, Alpha of New York, Alpha of Maine, Alpha of Rhode Island, Alpha of Ohio, Beta of Connecticut, Gamma of Connecticut, Alpha of Vermont, Beta of Massachusetts, Beta of Ohio, Beta of New York, Gamma of Ohio, Gamma of Massachusetts, Gamma of New York, Beta of Vermont, Allpha of New Jersey, Delta of New York, Epsilon of New York, Zeta of New York, Eta of New York, Theta of New York, The following Chapt by the National Council: Alpha of Pennsylvania, Beta of Pennsylvania, Tota of New York, Alpha of Indiana, Alp'ha of Illinois, Alpha of Kansas, Gamma of Pennsylvania, Delta of Massachusetts, Alpha of Minnesota, Delta of Pennsylvania, Alpha of Maryland, Alpha of Iowa, Alpha of Nebraska, Beta of Maine, Kappa of New York, Epsilon of Pennsylvania, Beta of Indiana, Alpha of California, Mu of New York, Zeta of Pennsylvania, Alpha of Wisconsin, Epsilon of Massachusetts, Delta of Ohio, Beta of New Jersey, Lambda of New York, Beta of Illinois, Alpha of Tennessee, Alpha of Missouri, Eta of Pennsylvania, William and Mary, December 5, 1776- Yale, April (?), 1781. Harvard, September 5, 1781. Dartmouth, August 20, 1787- Union, May i, 1817. Bowdoin, February 22, 1825. Brown, July 21, 1830. Adelbert, October 28, 1843. Trinity, July 2, 1845. Wesleyan, July 7, 1845- University of Vt, March 7, 1848. Amherst, August 9, 1853. Kenyon, June 29, 1858. Univ'sity, City of N. Y., December 23, 1858 Marietta, June 9, 1860. Williams, July 30, 1864. CTgeof the City, N.Y., July 24, 1867. Middlebury, August 7, 1868. Rutgers, February 22, 1869. Columbia, April 22, 1869. Hamilton, May 24, 1871. Hobart, July 6, 1870. Colgate, June 12, 1878. Cornell, May 28, 1882. ers were organized under Charters granted Dickinson, Ajpril 13, 1887. Lehigh, April 15, 1887. Rochester, April 20, 1887. De Pauw, December 17, 1889. Northwestern, February 18, 1890. University of Kansas April 2, 1890. Lafayette, April 5, 1890. Tufts, November 18, 1892. Univ'sity of M'nesota, December 13, 1892. University of Penna., December 1892. Johns Hopkins. October 10, 1895. University of Iowa, September 30, 1895. University of Nebr., Decemlber 23, 1895. Colby, January 3, 1896. Syracuse, February TO, 1896. Swarthmore, June 9, 1896. Wabash, November 7, 1898. University of Cala., December 23, 1898. Vassar, April 7, 1898 Haverford, January 20, 1899. University of Wis., February <2, 1899 Boston, February 8, 1899 Cincinnati, April IT, 1899. Princeton, June 7, 1899. St. Lawrence, June 24, 1899 Chicago, July i, 1899. Vanderbilt, November 5, 1901. University of Mo., December 5, 1901 Allegheny, February 18, 1902. ALPHA OF MARYLAND. 1bistor$ of the iflbi Beta Ifcappa Society THE EARLY DAYS. The Pni Beta Kappa Society was organized at the College of William and Mary, Williams-burg, Virginia, December 5, 1776. It was a social club and a literary society. One of the rules of procedure was, "that four members be selected to per- form at each session, two of whom in matters of argumenta- tion and the others in opposite composition." Hon. Stewart L. Woodford, in his Phi Beta Kappa address at Columbia, 1886, says that the society was probably suggested by the philo- sophic clubs which were then common among the collegiate students of France and the Continent. For many years there was much uncertainty regarding the moving spirits of the Society at its inception. One noted orator said "Thomas Jef- ferson organized the Phi Beta Kappa." Another writer said 'Thi Beta Kappa would oe glad to have Mr. Jefferson's por- trait in its hall," but there is not a shadow of a line of evidence to show that he had anything to do with it. These question- ings were answered by the early records that were published in the William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Maga- zine, April, 1896, by its editor, President L. G. Tyler, of the college. The first minute of the records says : "On Thurs- day, the 5th of December, in the year of our Lord God one thou- sand seven hundred and seventy-six, and the first of the Com- monwealth, a happy spirit and resolution of attaining the im- portant ends of Society entering the minds of John Heath, Thomas Smith, Richard Booker, Armst'd Smith, and John Jones, and afterwards seconded by others, prevailed, and was accordingly ratified." The record then gives the medal with its Latin and Greek initials and its "index imparting a philo- sophical design, extended to the three stars, a part of the plane- tary orb," and the strong oath of initiation, with 'the society's general rules of procedure. The first rule says : "That in every design or attempt, whether great or small, we ought to * The material for this sketch has been taken from the Phi Beta Kappa Hand-Book compiled by Rev. E. B. Parsons. 8 PHI BETA KAPPA. invoke the Deity." The twenty-five printed pages of the "min- utes" are not greatly unlike those of any college literary socie- ty of the olden time, with just a trace of the "banquet" in evi- dence, and no larger element of "politics" than we should ex- pect 'to find when we remember that Jefferson and the Vir- ginia patriots were assembled at that time in that same village of Williamsburg. These are some of the questions of their ''argumentation" : "Whether Brutus was Justifyable in Kill- ing Caesar;" "Whether the Execution of Charles the First was Justifyable ;" "The Justice of African Slavery ;" "Whether any form of Government is more favorable to public virtue than a Commonwealth." It is evident that the early Phi Beta Kappas felt there was a place for 'the scholar in politics. It is also clear that those young men began to broaden their views and to desire some kind of union with the students of other parts of the new country. In his delightful essay upon the society as "A Fossil from the Tertiary," in the Atlantic Monthly, July, 1879, that Past Master of Phi Beta Kappa, Dr. Edward Everett Hale, says: "The early correspondence of Phi Beta Kappa shows that the young men who formed it had just such dreams of union as those fostered by clubs among the educated men of Germany." With this high purpose they responded to the call for other chapters of 'the society, saying: "It is repug- nant to the liberal principles of Societies that they should be confined to any particular place, Men or Description of Men, but that they should be extended 'to the wise and virtuous of every degree and of whatever country." The first stadium of the new society was destined to be brief. On January 3, 1781, the British fleet, "bearing Benedict Arnold and his forces," appeared off 'the coast, and the mem- bers sealed up their records and delivered them into the hands of the college steward until the desirable event of the Society's resurrection." After the war there was no attempt to revive the society at the old college till 1849, when Mr. Short, the last president in 1781, at the advanced age of ninety-two, became "the connecting link with the original society." The society was again broken up by the war of 1861, the records went to the Virginia Historical Society, and on the revival of the chap- ter in 1895 were returned to the old college. In the interesting record published by President Tyler are the names and personal sketches of the half hundred members of the first Phi Beta Kappa. They were men who had an active share in the stirring affairs of the Revolution, and in camp and legislative hall performed their part in the contest ALPHA OF MARYLAND. 9 for freedom. Nearly all of the fifty were in the Continental army, seventeen were in the state legislature and most of them for several terms ; eight were members of the convention which ratified the Federal Constitution, five were members of the national House of Representatives and two of the national Sen- ate. Some of the men became leaders in national affairs; Heath, the first president of the society, was in the legislature when barely twenty-two, and ten years later in Congress; Archibald Stuart, member of both houses, presidential elec- tor and judge, a leading man of the South till his death ; Beck- ley was clerk of the Convention of 1788, as afterwards he was of Congress; Bushrod Washington, the favorite nephew of General Washington, and the inheritor of Mount Vernon, was an associate justice of the United States; Short, the second president of the society, was secretary of legation in France when Jefferson was minister, and afterwards was himself an eminent diplomatist. The names of Cabel and Clements, Fitz- hugh and Hardy, Mason and Madison and Lee were well known in Virginia affairs. Perhaps the most widely known member of the original fifty was John Marshall, whose record as lawyer, legislator and Chief Justice is a part of national history. THE HUNDRED YEARS, 17811881. One of the original fifty members of Phi Beta Kappa, at William and Mary, was Elisha Parmale, a graduate of Harvard in 1779, who for graduate work had probably gone south on account of weak lungs. Upon his return to the North he was authorized to establish chapters of the Society at Harvard and Yale. The former was voted December 4, 1779, and the latter five days afterwards. It appears that Mr. Parmale, because of convenience, instituted the Yale chapter first and then the Harvard chapter, both some time in 1780 or 1781. At first the Alpha of Virginia intended to connect the new chapters closely to itself and to name that at Harvard, Epsilon, and that at Yale, Zeta, the Beta, Gamma, and Delta having already been as- signed to Virginia branches which were never started or by the war were quickly ended. But before the charters were is- sued a more liberal spirit prevailed, and the new chapters were called the Alpha of Massachusetts Bay and the Alpha of Con- necticut. io PHI BETA KAPPA. Under the privileges granted by the parent society each Alpha was to be at the head of its state, and the concurrent act of all the Alphas was required to extend the society to other states. After six years the two Northern Alphas agreed to give Dartmouth a chapter, and the ''foundation meeting" was held August 20, 1787, establishing the Alpha of New Hamp- shire. These three chapters formed the society for thirty years. When the Morgan craze against Freemasonry 'filled New England the Harvard chapter yielded to the influence of John Quincy Adams, Judge Story and others, and abandoned the oath of secrecy. Edward Everett was sent to a meet- ing of the Yale chapter to induce them to take similar action. This chapter agreed to abandon the secret oath, as did Dart- mouth also. Possibly there came at this point, all uncon- sciously to the immediate members of that time, a broadening of views and purposes that in due time brought Phi Beta Kappa from the limited range of an ordinary Greek Letter Fra- ternity into the larger ambition of a union of scholars. The admirable bibliographical description which Mr. Till- inghast has given of the Phi Beta Kappa orations and poems at Harvard make us understand how Phi Beta Kappa day has become the notable day of Harvard commencement week. The early days of the Yale chapter are well pictured by Mr. George D. Kellogg in his Historical Sketch written for the Yale Chap- ter Catalogue. In 1817 the Alphas united and granted a chapter to Union College, which became the proud parent of seven new chap- ters, almost one third of all that were established up to the time of the United Chapters. Charters to Bowdoin, Brown and others followed. THE UNITED CHAPTERS. In 1881 the Harvard chapter invited the other chapters to send delegates to attend the celebration of the hundredth anni- versary of its establishment, and to empower such delegates to constitute themselves a convention to represent the society. After several meetings a permanent organization was estab- lished, and The First National Council met at Saratoga, Sept. 5, 1883. A constitution and by-laws were adopted and officers elected. The Councils are held every third year, and all ap- plications for new chapters are considered by the Senators be- fore being presented to the Council for their action. ALPHA OF MARYLAND. n Constitution and ttsrflaws of the United Chapters. CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. Composition of the National Council. The National Council of the Phi Beta Kappa Society shall consist of the Senators hereinafter spoken of, and of delegates from the several Chapters of the Society. Each Chapter shall be entitled to send three delegates, who shall be graduates of at least five years' standing and members of the Phi Beta Kappa Society, but not necessarily of the Chapter by which they are chosen. ARTICLE II. The Senate. The Senate shall originally consist of twenty Senators, chosen by the delegates at the first session of the National Council, from the Society at large. These shall be divided into two classes, whose terms of office shall expire at the adjourn- ment of alternate regular sessions of the National Council. At every subsequent regular session the places of the outgoing class shall be filled by election as follows: On the day pre- ceding the first day of each regular session of the National Council, the Senate shall meet, and shall nominate fifteen can- didates, in addition to the members of the outgoing class, for the tert vacant seats, and also two candidates for the unexpired term of each Senator who may have died or resigned since the last regular session. Other persons not nominated by the Senate may be presented as candidates at the time of the elec- tion. Of every ten members whose terms of office shall ex- pire, one may be elected by the Council Senator for life. In every election of Senators a majority of the votes cast shall be required to elect, and in such elections the outgoing Senators shall have no vote. The Senate may fill vacancies in its own body till the next meeting of the National Council. ARTICLE III. Officers of the National Council. The officers of the National Council shall be a President, a Vice- President, a Secretary and a Treasurer, and such others J2 PHI BETA KAPPA. as may be found necessary from time to time. The President shall be chosen from among the Senators. ARTICLE IV. Sessions and Functions of the Council. The National Council shall meet every third year at such place and time as shall have been determined by the officers of the United Chapters, and shall proceed at once to the elec- tion first of its officers and next of the Senators. The Na- tional Council shall make such rules as may be found neces- sary for the carrying out of any provision of this Constitution. ARTICLE V. The Senate and Its Functions. During the sessions of the National Council the Senate shall have no separate existence, but its members shall take their places with the delegates as members of the National Council, voting with the delegates as well upon all other mat- ters as upon the election of officers and Senators, except as provided in Article II. When the National Council is not in session the Senate shall constitute an independent body, charged with the duty of representing the Phi Beta Kappa Society and speaking in its name, and exercising, in addition, the functions of a permanent Executive Committee of the Na- tional Council. It shall hold its meetings at such times and places as it shall determine, being first called together by that Senator who, at the original election of the Senate, shall have been elected by the largest number of votes. It shall recom- mend candidates for election as Senators. It shall also have power to call an extra session of the National Council. It shall, furthermore, prepare and recommend to the considera- tion of the National Council such matters as it may deem proper. It shall transmit its lists of candidates and of matters recommended for discussion, by the hands of the secretary, to the presiding officer of the National Council, immediately upon its organization being completed. It shall also transmit, in the same manner, to the National Council a report of its do- ings between the sessions of the Council. Nothing herein shall be so construed as to derogate from the right of the National Council to appoint Committees to sit between sessions, in- dependently of the Senate, and to report at the next session ALPHA OF MARYLAND. 13 ARTICLE VI. New Charters. Applications for charters shall, in all cases, be made to the Senate, at least six months before the regular session of the National Council ; the Senate shall at once notify all the chap- ters of such applications, and such applications shall be re- ported to the National Council with the recommendation of the Senate at the next meeting of the Council, and shall be passed upon by the Council, which shall have exclusive power to grant charters. But no charters shall be issued without the consent of delegations representing a majority of the chapters. ARTICLE VII. By-Laws and Rules of Order. The National Council at any of its sessions, and the Sen- ate at any time, may respectively make such By-Laws and Rules of Order as may be thought expedient for their use, pro- vided the same be not inconsistent with any of the provisions of this Constitution. A quorum of the National Council shall consist of delegates from a majority of the chapters and not fewer than three Senators; the Senate shall determine the number which shall constitute its quorum. ARTICLE VIII. Rights of Chapters. Nothing contained in this constitution shall be construed as empowering the Senate or the National Council to restrict or abridge the rights or privileges now exercised by existing Chapters, except as expressly provided herein. ARTICLE IX. Amendments to This Constitution. No change shall be made in this Constitution unless the same shall have been proposed at the session of the National Council next preceding the session at which the proposed change is voted for; and no vote shall be had upon any such proposed change except at a stated hour previously ordered by the meeting, and no amendment shall be made without the concurrence of the delegations of two-thirds of the Chap- ters represented in the Council. ARTICLE X. Adoption of the Constitution. This Constitution shall take effect when ratified by four- teen Chapters. (Sixteen chapters ratified it before July, 1883.) 14 PHI BETA KAPPA. BY-LAWS. I. Elections and Officers. All elections shall be by ballot. The President shall pre- side over the meetings of the Council. In his absence the Vice- President shall perform his duties. When both are absent a president pro tempore shall be chosen viva voce. The Secre- tary shall keep the records of the Council, conduct its corre- spondence, and send to the Senate and to each chapter a certi- fied report of the proceedings of each session. The Treasurer shall collect and disburse all funds of the Council, and report at each session thereof. II. Order of Business. (i) Calling the Roll. (2) Reading the minutes. (3) Re- ports of officers. (4) Communications from the Senate on nominations. (5) Election of officers. (6) Election of sena- tors. (7) Communication from the Senate on new chapters and other matters. (8) Miscellaneous business. III. Voting. In all cases not otherwise provided for by the Constitution each senator and delegate present shall be entitled to cast one vote. IV. Assessments. Each chapter shall pay to the Treasurer a triennial assess- ment of five dollars. V. Procedure. The proceedings of the Council, in all cases not provided fof in the Constitution, or the by-laws, shall conform to the rules laid down in Cushing's Manual. VI. Endorsement of New Chapters. All applications for future chapters shall have the en- dorsement of at least five existing chapters prior to presen- tation to the Senate. VII. Amendments. These by-laws, or any of them, may be suspended, altered or amended at any meeting of the Council by a two-thirds vote of the members of the Council present and voting. ALPHA OF MARYLAND. Charter of tbe alpha Chapter or Maryland United Chapters TO Daniel C. Oilman, Thomas Craig, James W. Bright, Minton Warren, Bernard C. Steiner, Kirby F. Smith, Charles L. Poor and Melvin Brandow. Brethren of the Phi Beta Kappa, Greeting : Whereas, The National Council of the United Chapters of the Phi Beta Kappa Society has by resolution duly adopted on the eleventh day of September, 1895, decreed the establishment of a chapter of the Phi Beta Kappa in connection with the Johns Hopkins University at Balti- more, and has directed the Senate by the President and Secretary to issue a charter in the name of the National Council: Now, therefore, by virtue of the aforesaid act of the Council and the authority delegated to us, we do hiereby incorporate and establish you and such others as you may hereafter elect and associate with yourselves, in conformity to the law of the Phi Beta Kappa Society, into a separate and subordi- nate branch of said society, to be known and called She Alpha Chapter of tbe iDhi JBeta lhappa in tbe State of Maryland ; hereby granting unto you and your successors all the powers, privileges, and benefits thereunto appertaining, in as full and ample a measure as the brethren of the other and existing chapters enjoy; at the same time enjoining upon you in the organization and conduct of the new chapter, and as a condition upon which this charter is granted, strict compli- ance with the Constitution of the United Chapters and the Model Con- stitution herewith transmitted to you. In. Witness "Whereof, the said Senate has caused the seal of the United Chapters of the Phi Beta Kappa to be affixed hereto, with the signatures of thie President and Secretary. THOMAS WENTWORTH HIGGINSON, President. E. B. PARSONS, Secretary. Given this eleventh day of September, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five. 16 PHI BETA KAPPA. Officers of the Chapter, PRESIDENTS. D. C. GILMAN 18951899 J. S. AMES 18991900 E. H. GRIFFIN 19001901 W. H. HOWELL 19011902 A. M. ELLIOTT 19021903 P. HAUPT 19031904 H. M. KURD 1904 VICE-PRESIDENTS. J. W. BRIGHT.... ..18951896 J. S. AMES 18961897 W. H. WELCH 18991900 W. H. HOWELL. 19001901 A. M. ELLIOTT 19011902 P. HAUPT 19021903 H. M. KURD 19031904 K. F. SMITH 1904 TREASURERS. C, L. POOR 18951899 G. C. MORRISON 18991900 M. BRANDOW 19001001 C. C. MARDEN 1901 SECRETARIES. B. C. STEINER.. ..18951896 K. F. SMITH 18961900 J. E. GILPIN looo ALPHA OF MARYLAND. 17 HISTORY OF THE LOCAL CHAPTER. No definite action was taken to secure a chapter of the society at the Johns Hopkins University until the fall of 1894, when, in response to a suggestion made by Dr. Steiner and others, a meeting was called of some members of the faculty and advanced students who were already members of the Phi Beta Kappa Society. At this meeting, which was presided over by President D. C. Gilman, a petition was drafted to be sent to the Senate in time for its meeting held March 18, 1895. The petition was endorsed by several New England colleges and was favorably recommended by the Senate. At the session of the Congress held at Saratoga, September n, 1895, a char- ter was granted to the following petitioners of the Johns Hop- kins University : Daniel C. Gilman, Yale. Thomas Craig, Lafayette. James W. Bright, Lafayette. Minton Warren, Tufts. Kirby F. Smith, University of Vermont. Charles L. Poor, College of City of New York. Bernard C. Steiner, Yale. Melvin Brandow, Rutgers. The chapter was formally organized December 19, 1895, when the following Associate Founders were elected : C. A. Adams, Middlebury. F. S. Conant, Williams. W. S. Davis, Amherst. W. S. Day, Columbia. C. P. Emerson, Amherst. W. W. Ford, Adalbert. C. B. Furst, Dickinson. E. H. Griffin, Williams. J. G. Hardy, Lafayette. S. S. Kingsbury, Marietta. J. H. M. Knox, Jr., Yale. G. C. Lee, Dickinson. G. B. Lynes, Union. I. P. Lyon, Yale. 1 8 PHI BETA KAPPA. W. T. Mather, Amherst. J. F. Mohler, Dickinson. R. G. Perkins, Union. I. Remsen, College of City of New York. Some form of social gathering has been held each year about May ist, upon which occasion the recently elected mem- bers have been initiated. Either upon these occasions or pre- ceding them addresses have been made by President Lyon G. Tyler, of William and Mary College ; Mr. Richard Henry Gilder; Prof. George A. Smith, of Glasgow; Prof. J. McK. Cat- tell, Prof. Bunadotte Perrin and others. The selection of members is not confined to the under- graduate department, as a few graduate students, who have shown marked ability and who have come from institutions where this Society has not been established, are elected each year. Although the by-laws ^ permit the selection of one-fifth of the graduating class, this Chapter elects only oJie-seventh of the class each year. ALPHA OF MARYLAND. 19 Constitution and ffi^laws of tbe alpha Chapter of Maryland. CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE. I. This chapter is a member of the United Chapters of the Phi Beta Kappa Society, and shall be known as the Alpha Chapter of the State of Maryland of the Phi Beta Society. ARTICLE II. The object of the Phi Beta Kappa Society is the promo- tion of scholarship and friendship among students and grad- uates of American Colleges and Universities. ARTICLE III. In addition to scholarship, good moral character shall be a qualification of membership, and any member who is found to lack this qualification may be expelled from the Society by a four-fifths vote of the members present at a regular meet- ing of the Society. ARTICLE IV. This Chapter shall send a delegation to represent it at each National Council of the United Chapters, shall contribute its equal part to the financial support of the United Chapters, and shall conform to the constitution of the United Chapters and all the lawful requirements of the National Council. ARTICLE V. The following persons shall be eligible to membership in this Chapter: i. Collegiate students who are candidates for the bach- elor's degree and who are distinguished for academic attain- ments ; provided that no such student shall be elected prior to the Easter recess of his graduating year, and provided that 20 PHI BETA KAPPA. not more than one-fifth of the graduating class shall be so elected. 2. Graduate Students, not already members of the Phi Beta Kappa; provided that no such student, coming from a cellege at which there is a Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, shall be elected without the approval of that Chapter. 3. Former collegiate students of the Johns Hopkins Uni- versity, who since graduation have won special distinction. 4. Persons who have received degrees from the Johns Hopkins University prior to the institution of this Chapter may be elected to membership as if members of the Univer- sity at the time of their election. 5. Members of the Academic Staff of the Johns Hopkins University. 6. Members of other Chapters of the Phi Beta Kappa and resident at the Johns Hopkins University shall be admitted as temporary members of this Chapter, but shall have no vote. Such members are, however, eligible to active membership. 7. Any person not a member of the Academic Staff of the Johns Hopkins University, and distinguished in letters, science, art, or education may be elected an Honorary Mem- ber of this Chapter. But more than five Honorary Members shall not be elected in any one year, and no less than twenty- five active members shall constitute a quorum for the elec- tion of an Honorary Member. ARTICLE VI. All elections to membership in this Chapter shall be by ballot at a regular meeting; and such persons only shall be declared elected as shall have received the unanimous vote of the members present. ARTICLE VII. The officers of this Chapter shall be a President, a Vice- President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, who shall perform the duties usually incumbent upon such officers. ARTICLE VIII. This constitution may be amended at any regular meet- ing of the Chapter by a four-fifths vote of the members pres- ent, provided that notice of such proposed amendment shall have been sent to all active members at least two weeks be- fore the said meeting. ALPHA OF MARYLAND. 21 BY-LAWS. ARTICLE I. Meetings. Section i. An Annual Meeting shall be called by the President after April 1st and before the close of each academic year. At this meeting the collegiate and the honorary mem- bers shall be elected. Section. 2. A regular or a special meeting of the Chapter may be called by the President at any time ; and a regular meet- ing shall be called by the Secretary whenever requested in writ- ing by five active members. Sec. 3. When a regular meeting has been called, all ac- tive members of the Chapter shall be duly notified thereof, by the Secretary. ARTICLE II. Quorums. Fifteen active members of the Chapter shall constitute a quorom for the transaction of business and the election of active members. ARTICLE III. Executive Committee. Section I. Upon assuming office the President shall ap- point an Executive Committee of five members, in which shall be vested the government of the Chapter. Sec. 2. The Executive Committee shall nominate all can- didates for membership. It shall be their duty to prepare each year a list of those undergraduates who are eligible to mem- bership and whom they consider worthy of the honor, and to submit" such list to the Chapter at the Annual Meeting. ARTICLE IV. Elections. The officers of the Chapter shall be elected by ballot at the Annual Meeting and shall hold office until the next An- nual Meeting or until their successors are chosen. A major- ity of the active members present shall be necessary to elect the officers. 22 PHI BETA KAPPA. ARTICLE V. Entrance Fees. Section i. For persons elected to active membership in this Chapter in accordance with the Constitution, Art. VI., Sec. 3, 4, 5 and 6, the entrance fee shall be five dollars : and persons elected in accordance with the Constitution, Art. VI., Sec. i and 2, shall pay an entrance fee of ten dollars, but shall not in the Academic year of their election be subject to an assessment for the annual banquet or for any other purpose. Such payment shall be made within thirty days after his elec- tion ; and in default of payment he shall be held to have de- clined membership. Sec. 2. There shall be no dues ; but the Chapter shall have the power, by a majority vote at a regular meeting, to assess the active members for special purposes. ARTICLE VI. Amendments. These By-Laws may be amended at a regular meeting by a two-thirds vote of the members present. ALPHA OF MARYLAND. THE FOLLOWING ABBREVIATIONS HAVE BEEN USED IN THE REGISTER OF MEMBERS. Campbell College, Kansas. Columbia University. Dalhousie College, Canada. Davidson College. Dickinson College. Franklin and Marshall College. Fredericksburg College. Georgetown University, D. C. Hamline University. Hampden Sidney College. Haverford College. Iowa State College. Lafayette College. Loyola College. Mass. Institute of Technology. Oberlin College. Ohio Wesleyan University. Princeton University. Randolph-Macon College. Richmond College. South Carolina College. Stanford University. Southwestern Presbyterian University, Trinity College. University of Toronto. University of Wisconsin. University of Indiana. Victoria University. Wesleyan University. Wake Forest College. Washington and Lee University. Wittenburg College. C. College, Col. Univ. Dal. College. Dav. College, Dick. College, F. and M. College, Fred. College, Geor. Univ., Ham. Univ., H. S. College, Haver. College, I. S. College, Laf. College, Loy. College., Mass. Inst. of Tech., Ober. College, O. W. Univ., Prin. Univ., R.-M. College, Rich. College, S. C. College, Stan. Univ., S. W. Presb. Univ., Trin. College, Univ. of Tor., Univ. of Wis., Univ. of Ind., Viet. Univ., Wes. Univ., W. F. College, W. & L. Univ., Wit. College, The absence of the name of some institution after the degree indi- cates that it was received at the Johns Hopkins University. 24 PHI BETA KAPPA. Register of .Members Arranged according to Vear of Unitiation 1895. Ames, Joseph Sweetman, Johns Hopkins University. b. July 3, 1864. A. B., '86; Ph. D., "90. Assistant, Associate, Associate Professor and Professor of Physics and Director of the Physical Laboratory, J. H. U. Baker, Thomas Stockham, Port Deposit, Md. b. March 23, 1871. A. B., '91; Ph. D., '95. Associate in German, J. H. U. ; Professor of German, Jacob Tome Inst. ; Lecturer in Modern German Lit., J. H. U. Bayard, Richard Howard, 907 Cathedral St., Balto.. Md. b. Jan. 26, 1865. A. B., '87; B. L., '9$ (Univ. of Md.). Attorney-at-Law. Bayley, William Shirley, Colby College, Waterville, Maine. b. Nov. 10, 1861. A. B., '83; Ph. D., '86. Prof, of Geology and Mineralogy, Colby College, 1888 1904; Asst. Geologist, U. 3. Geol. Survey, 1888 . Becker, Ernest Julius, 1518 Park Ave.. Balto., Md. b. July 9, 1875. A. B.. '94; Ph. D., '98. Prof, of Modern Languages, Woman's College, Richmond, Va., 1899 1902; Instructor in English and German, Balto. City College, 1902 . Bentley, Arthur Fisher, Chicago, 111. A. B., '92; Ph. D., '95. Editor. Black, James William, 1 Chaplin St., Waterville, Maine. b. Jan. 31, 1866. A. B., '88; Ph. D., '91. Acting Professor of History and Political Science, Georgetown Col- lege, Georgetown, Ky., 1891 '92; Associate Professor of Political Economy, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio, 1892 '94; Professor of History and Political Econemy, Colby College, Waterville, Maine, 1894. Brown, Lawrason, Saranac Lake, N. Y. b. 1871. A. B., '95; M. D., '00. Resident Physician, Adirondack Cottage Sanitarium. ALPHA OF MARYLAND. 25 Brovrn, Thomas Richardson, 1033 Cathedral St., Balto., Md. b. Sept. 11, 1872. A. B. ( '92; M. D., '97. Interne, Johns Hopkins Hospital, 1897 8; Instructor and Associate in Medicine, J. H. U. (Medical Department), 1900 ; Associate Profes- sor of Medicine, College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1899 ; Associ- ate Editor Maryland Medical Journal, 1898 . Bump, Charles Weathers, 1200 Guilford Ave., Balto, Md. b. Dec. 13, 1872. A. B., '92. Editor and Dramatic Critic, Balto. Sun, 1890 '91; Balto. News, 1901. U u mislead, Henry Andrews, 45 Edgehill Road, New Haven, Conn. b. March 12, 1870. A. B., '91 (J. H. U.); Ph. D., '97 (Yale). Instructor in Physics, 1893 '00; Asst. Prof, of Physics, Shef. Scien- tific School of Yale Univ., 1900. Campbell, John Pendleton, Athens, Ga. b. Nov. 20, 1863. A. B., '85; Ph. D., '88. Prof, of Biology, Univ. of Georgia. Chapman, Charles Hiram, Woodland, Washington. b. Oct. 28, 1859. A. B., '88; Ph. D., '90. Associate in Mathematics, J. H. U., 1889 1892; President Univ. of Oregon, 18931899. Chestnut, William Calvin, Roland Park, Balto. Co., Md. b. June 27, 1873. A. B., '92 (J. H. U.); LL. B., '94 (Univ. Md.). Attorney-at-Law; Assistant States' Attorney for Baltimore City, 1896 '99. Cohen, Abraham, 1744 Park Ave., Balto. Md. b. Sept. 11, 1870. A. B., '91; Ph. D., '94. Instructor and Associate in Mathematics, J. H. U. Dashlell, Paul Joseph, Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. b. July 16, 1867. A. B., '87; Ph. D., '91. Instructor in Organic Chemistry at Lehigh Univ., 1891 '93; Prof, of Chemistry, U. S. Naval Academy, 1893. Dawson, Percy Millard, J. H. U. Med. Dept., Balto., Md b. May 19, 1873. A. B., '94; M. D., '98. Fellow, 1898 99; Assistant, 1899 '00; Instructor, 1900 '01; Associ- ate and Asst. Prof, in Physiology, 1901 , J. H. Medical School. Devrles, William Levering* 301 A. St. S. E., Washington, D. C. b. Nov. 8, 1865. B. A., '88; Ph. D., '92 (both at J. H. U.); B. D., '98 (Gen. Theo. Sem..). Missionary in Charge of St. Alban's and Good Shepherd Missions, Howard Co., Md., 1894 '96; Rector of St. Mark's Church, Washing- ton, D. C., 1896. Dorsey, Noah 'Ernest, Annapolis Junction, Md. b. March 15, 1873. A. B., '93; Ph. D., '97. Associate in Physics, J. H. U.; Assistant Physicist U. S. Dept. Agri- culture; Assistant Physicist in Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. 26 PHI BETA KAPPA. Dowell, Howard Blake, 305 St. Paul St., Balto., Md. b. March 2, 1872. A. B., '93 (J. H. U.); LL. B. (Univ. of Md.) Lawyer. Faust, Albert Bernhardt, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. b. April 20, 1870. A. B., '89; Ph. D., '92. Instructor in German, J. H. U., 1894 '96; Associate Prof, of German and Head of German Dept., Wesleyan Univ., 1896 '03; Assistant Prof, of German, Univ. of Wisconsin, 1903 . Frank, EH, 1504 Bolton St., Balto., Md. ,b. Feb. 8, 1874. A. B., '94 (J. H. U.); LL. B., '96 (Univ. of Md.). Attorney-at-Law, Baltimore, Md. ; Instructor in Baltimore Law School. Friedenwald, Harry, 1029 Madison Ave., Balto., Md b. Sept. 21, 1864. A. B., '84 (J. H. U.); M. D., '86 (College Phys. and Surg., Balto., Md.). Prof, of Ophthalmology and Otology, Coll. Phys. and Surg-., Balto.. 1902. Gilpin, Joseph Elliott, Johns Hopkins University. b. Nov. 21, 1866. A. B., '89; Ph. D., '92. Assistant and Associate in Chemistry, J. H. U., 1892 . Greenbaum, Milton D., Fidelity Building, Balto., Md. b. April 18, 1875. A. B., '95 (J. H. U.); LL. B., '97 (Univ. of Md.). Attorney-at-Law. Hamburger, Louis Philip, 1210 Eutaw Place, Balto., Md. b. Sept. 18, 1873. A. B., '93; M. D., '97. Instructor in Medicine, J. H. U. ; Clinical Assistant in Medicine. J. H. Hospital Dispensary; Visiting Physician, Union Protestant In- firmary, Balto.; Physician, Balto. HuNkiii.s, Charles Homer, 15 Prescott Hall, Cambridge, Mass. b. Dec. 21, 1870. A. B., '87; Ph. D., '90. Instructor in History, J. H. U., 1889 '90; Instructor in History, Univ. of Wisconsin, 1890 '91; Assistant Prof, of History, Univ. of Wis- consin, 1891 '92; Prof, of European History, Univ. of Wisconsin, 1892; Prof, of History, Harvard Univ., 1902 ; Corresponding Secre- tary of the American Historical Association, 1900 . Hollander, Jacob H., Johns Hopkins University, Balto., Md. b. July 23, 1871. A. B., '91; Ph. D., '94. Instructor in Amhterst College, 1894; Secretary of U. 3. Monetary Commission, 1897; Special Commissioner to revise the laws relating to Taxation in Porto Rico, 1900; Treasurer of Porto Rico, 1900 '01; Assistant, Instructor, Associate, Associate Professor and Professor in J. H. U., 1894. Hough, Theodore, Simmons College, Boston, Mass. b. June 19, 1865. A. B., '86; Ph. D., '93. Instr. and Asst. Prof, of Biology, Mass. Inst. Tech., 1893 1903; Assoc. Prof, of Biology, Simmons Coll., 1903 ; Inst. in Physiology and Personal Hygiene, Boston Normal School of Gymnastics, 1893 . ALPHA OF MARYLAND. 27 I in HI. William Henry, 232 W. Lanvale St., Balto., Md. b. Feb. 20, 1860. A. B., '81, and Ph. D., '84 (J. H. U.); M. D. (Hon.) (Univ. of Mich.) LL. D. (Trinity College). Asst. and Assoc. in Biology, J. H. U.; Assoc. Prof, of Physiology, J. H. U.; Prof, of Physiology and Histology, Univ. of Mich.; Assoc. Prof, of Physiology, Harvard Univ.; Prof, of Physiology, J. H. U. James, George Oscar, Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. b. Aug. 1,- 1873. A. B., '95; Ph. D., '99. Examiner, U. S. Civil Service Commission; Instr. in Mathematics and Astronomy, Lehigh Univ.; Instr. in Mathematics and Astronomy, Washington Univ. Janney, Stuart Symington, 615 Park Ave., Balto., Md. b. Oct. 9, 1874. A. B., '95 (J. H. U.); LL. B., '01 (Univ. of Md.). Attorney-at-Law. Johnson, Charles William Leverett, 32 E. Preston St., Baltimore. b. Aug. 12, 1870. A. B., '91; Ph. D., '96. Instructor in Greek, Yale University, 1897 1900; Instructor in Latin, Princeton University, 1900 1903. Johnson, John Hemsley, 1008 N. Calvert St., Balto., Md. b. July 3, 1861. A. B., '81 (J. H. U.); LL. B., '87 (Univ. of Md.). Lawyer. Johnson, Theodore Woolsey, U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. b. June 4, 1872. A. B., '92 (J. H. U.); M. E., '96 (Stevens Inst. of Tech. Asst. Steel Inspector for Navy Dept., 1896 '98; With Whitham & Johnson, Consulting Mechanical Engineers, Phila, 1898 '99; Prof, of Drawing, U. S. N. A., 1900. Kaufman, M. A. B., '95. Kemp, George Theophilus, Hotel Beardsley, Champaign, Ills, b. 1861. A. B., '83, and Ph. D., '86 (J. H. U.); M. D., '91 (Long Island College Hosp.). Demonstrator of Physiology, Univ. of Penna; Assoc. Director De- partments of Physiology and Bacteriology, Hoagland Laboratory, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Lecturer on Physiology, Long Island Coll. Hosp.; Prof, of Physiology, Univ. of Ills. Knower, Henry McElderry, 112 E. Preston St., Balto., Md. b. Aug. 5, 1868. A. B., '90; Ph. D., '96. Fellow, 1894 '95; Bruce Fellow, 1895 '96; Instr. in Williams Col- lege, 1896 '97; Fellow, J. H. Univ., 1897 '99; Instr. in Anatomy, J. H. "Univ., 1899 ; Co-Editor and Secretary, American Journal of Anatomy. Lanier, Charles Day, 13 Astor Place, New York, N. Y. b. Sept. 12, 1868. A. B., '88. Clerk, Kansas City Smelting and Refining Co., 1890 '91; Asst. Edi- tor, Cosmopolitan Magazine, 1892 '93; Manager, Review of Re- views Co., 1893 . Lauchheimer, Sylvan Hayes, 2220 Eutaw Place, Balto, Md. b. Jan. 22, 1870. A. B. (J. H. U.); LL. B. (Univ. of Md.) Attorney-at-Law. 28 PHI BETA KAPPA. Lodge, Gonzalez, Teachers' College, Columbia Univ., N. Y. b. Dec. 19, 1863. A. B.. '83; Ph. D, '86 (J. H. U.); LL. D., '01. (Fran, and Mar. College.) Prof of Greek, Davidson College, 1886 '88; Prof, of Latin, Bryn Mawr College, 1899 1900; Prof, of Latin and Greek, Teachers' Col- lege, Columbia Univ., 1900 . Marden, Charles Carroll, Johns Hopkins Univ., Balto., Md. b. Dec. 21, 1867. A. B., '89; Ph. D., '94. Instructor, Associate and Teacher in Norfolk (Va.) Academy; Instr. in French, Univ. of Michi. ; Instructor, Assoc. and Assoc. Prof, of Spanish, J. H. U. McPherson, John Hanson Thomas, 437 Milledge Ave., Athens, Ga. b. Oct. 30, 1865. A. B., '86; Ph. D., '90. Instr. in History, Univ. of Mich., 1890 '91; Prof, of History and Po- litical Science, Univ. of Georgia, 1891 ; Prof. Roman Law, Univ. of Georgia Law School, 1895 1904. Miller, Charles William Emll, 2 Augusta Ave., Balto., Md. b. Jan. 14, 1863. A. B., '82; Ph. D., '86. Instr. Milton Academy, Balto.. Md., 1885 1888; Prof. Peoria (Ills.) High School, 1888 '90; Prof. Walther College, St. Louis, Mo., 1890 '91; Special Asst. Greek, J. H. U., 1891 '92; Assoc. in Greek, J. H. U., 1892 '98; Assoc. Prof, of Greek, 1898 . Moses, Jacob Moses, 225 St. Paul St., Baltimore, Md. b. Feb. 17, 1873. A. B., '93 (J. H. U.); LL. B., '95 (Univ. of Md.). Lawyer; State Senator of Maryland, 1899 1903; Secretary, Maryland- Virginia Oyster Commission, 1902. Mtze, William Albert, 63 S. Pleasant St., Amherst, Mass. b. March 20, 1876. A. B., '94; Ph. D., '99. Lecturer in Romance Languages, Columbia Univ., 1899 1903; Assoc. Prof, of Romance Languages, Amherst College, 1903 . Norris, James Flack, Mass. Inst. of Tech., Boston, Mass. b. Jan. 20, 1871. A. B., '92; Phi. D., '95. Asst., Instr., and Asst. Prof, of Organic Chemistry, Mass. Inst. of Tech. Oliver, Edward Spiller,. Died March 18, 1902. A. B., '95; M. D., '99. Ople, Eugene Lindsay, 859 Park Ave., Balto., Md. b. July 5, 1873. A. B., '93; M. D., '97.. Assoc. in Pathology, J. H. U.; Fellow of Rockefeller Inst. for Medi- cal Research. Peppier, Charles \\ illinm, Oxford, Ga. b. Jan. 16, 1872. A. B., '92; Ph. D., '98. Prof, of Greek, Emory College, Oxford, Ga., 1898 . ALPHA OF MARYLAND. 29 Reid, Harry Fielding, Johns Hopkins Univ., Balto., Md. b. May 18, 1859. C. E., '76 (Penna Mil. Academy); A. B., '80 and '80 and Ph. D., '85. (J. H. U.) Prof. Math. Case School of Appl. Science, 1886 '89; Prof. Physics, Case School of Appl. Science, 1889 '94; Lecturer, J. H. U., 1894 '96; Assoc. Prof. Physical Geology, Univ. of Chicago, 1895 '96; Assoc. Prof, and Prof. Geological Physics, J. H. U., 1896; Chief Highway Division, Md. Geol. Survey, 1898. Reixenstein, Milton, 224 Carroll St., Brooklyn, N. Y. b. Feb. 2, 1874. A. B.. '94; Phi D., '97- Assistant to General Agent, Baron de Hirsch Fund, New York, 1897 1900; Asst. Supt. Educational Alliance, New York, 1901 '03; Supt. Hebrew Educational Society, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1903 . Rutter, Frank Roy, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. b. March 15, 1874. A. B., '94; Ph. D., '97. Editorial Clerk, Geological Survey, Washington, D. C., 1898 '99; Asst. Chief, Division of Foreign Markets, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Washington. D. C., 1899 ; Asst. Prof, of Economics, Graduate School, Columbian Univ., Washington, D. C., 1902 '03. Schenck, Charles Carroll, McGill Univ., Montreal, Canada. b. Oct. 10, 1871. A. B., '93; Ph. D.. '97. Asst. in Physics, Lehigh Univ.; Instructor in Phiysics, McGill Univ. Shrlver, Alfred Jenkins, 108 W. Mulberry St., Balto., Md. b. June 5, 1869. A. B., '91 (J. H. U.); LL. B., '93 (Univ. of Md.). Lawyer. Snowden, Samuel Guy, Conemaugh, Pa. b. Sept. 29, 1868. A. B., '90; B. D., '93 (Drew Theo. Sem.). Clergyman. Pastor at Port Crane, N. Y.; Westford, N. Y. ; Moscow, Pa.; Nichols, N. Y. ; Great Bend, Pa.; Conemaugh, Pa. Soper, Morris Ames, 1515 McCulloh St., Balto., Md. b. Jan. 23, 1873. A. B., '93 (J. H. U.); LL. B., '95 (Univ. of Md.). Lawyer. Asst. State's Attorney, Sept. '97-Dec. '99; Asst. U. S. At- torney, 1900; Instructor, Criminal Law, Baltimore Law School, 1904 . Spleker, Edward Henry, 915 Edmondson Ave., Balto., Md. b. April 18, 1859. A. B., '79; Ph. D., '82. Instructor, Associate and Associate Professor in Greek and Latin (J. H. U.). Stein, Simon H., 2324 Eutaw Place, Balto., Md. b. June 2, 1874. A. B., '94 (J. H. U.); LL. B., '96 (Univ. of Md.). Lawyer; Banker. Stewart, Charles Morton, Jr., Garrison P. O., Md. b. May 10, 1870. A. B. '91. Merchant. Symington, William Stuart, Jr., New York City. A. B., '91; Ph. D., '95 Instr and Assoc. Prof, of Romance Languages, Stanford Univ., 1893 1895; Prof, of Romance Languages, Amherst, 1895 1903. Insurance Agent. 30 PHI BETA KAPPA. Thieme, Hugo Paul, Ann Arbor, Mich.. b. Feb. 12, 1870. A. B., '93; Ph. D., '97. Acting Head of Modern Languages, Earlham College, 1897 '98. Instructor in French, University of Mich., 1898 1903. Uhler, Horace Scudder, 1318 Harlem Ave., Balto., Md. b. Aug. 5, 1872. A. B., '94. Teacher of Mathematics at the Univ. School, Balto., 1896 1897; Instr. in Physics in the Academy of 'Northwestern Univ., 1897 1902. Stu- dent at J. H. U. White, Edward Lucas, 1321 Mt. Royal Ave., Balto., Md. b. May 18, 1866. A. B., '88. Teacher of Latin and Greek; Tutor in Latin, Dartmouth College. 1892; Teacher at the University Schiool for Boys, Baltimore, 1896 '99; Instructor in Latin and Greek at the Boys' Latin School. Balto., 1899 '04; Teacher of Latin and Greek at the Friends' High School. Balto., 1892 '95. Wllloughby, westel Woodbury, Johns Hopkins University, Balto. b. July 20, 1867. A. B., '88; Ph. D., '91. Acting Prof. Sanford Univ., 1894 '95; Reader and Associate, J. H. U., 18941899; Associate Prof., Political Science, J. H. U., 1899. Wright, James Homer, Massachusetts General Hospital. Boston, Mass. b. April 8, 1869. A. B. (J. H. U.); M. D. (Univ. of Md.); A. M. (Harvard). Thomas A. Scott Fellow in Hygiene, University of Pennsylvania, 1892 1893; Assistant in Pathology, Harvard University, 1893 1896; Di- rector of the Clinico-Pathological Laboratory. Massachusetts Gen- eral Hospital, 1896 ; Instructor in Pathology, Harvard University, 1896. 1896. Adams, Henry Carter, Ann Arbor, Mich, b. Dec. 31, 1851. A. B., '74; LL. D., '96 (Iowa College); Ph. D., '78 (J. H. U.). Prof. Political Economy and Finance at Cornell Univ. and Michigan Univ. and Lecturer at J. H. U.; Statistician to the Interstate Com- merce Commission, 1887 ; Special Expert Agent in Transportation for the Eleventh Census. Alllnson, Francis Greenleaf, Brown Univ., Providence, R. I. b. Dec. 16, 1856. A. B., '76 (Haver. College), and '77 (Harvard); A. M., '79 (Haver. College), and '95 (Williams); Ph. D., '80. Asst. Prof, of Greek and Latin, Haverford. 1880 82; Head Master in Classics, Univ. School, Balto., 1882 91; Asst. Prof, of Greek and Latin, Williams College, 1892 95; Asst. Prof, of Greek, Brown Univ., 18951898; Prof. Classical Philology, Brown Univ., 1898. Bascom, Florence, Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa. B. A., B. L., B. S., M. A. (Univ. of Wis.); Ph. D.. '93 (J. H. U.). Asst. in Geology, Ohio State University, 1893 '95; Lecturer, Associ- ate and Associate Professor of Geology, Bryn Mawr College, 1895 1904; Asst. Geologist, U. S. Geol. Survey. ALPHA OF MARYLAND. 31 Beyer, Samuel Walker, Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. b. May 15, 1865. B. S., '89 (I. S. Coll.); Ph. D., '95. Asst. Prof. Geology, 1895 '98; Prof. Geology and Min. Eng., 1898 ; Spec. Assistant la. Geol. Survey, 1892 ; Assistant Geologist, U. S. G. S., 1901. Blackmar, Frank Wilson, Lawrence, Kansas, b. Nov. 3, 1854. Ph. .B. and A. M. (Univ. of the Pacific); Ph. D., '89 (J. H. U.); Prof. Math. Univ. Pacific, 1882 '86; Prof. Hist. Sociology. Univ. Kansas, 1889 1900; Prof. Sociology and Economics, 1900 ; Dean of Graduate School, 1896 . Boiling, George Melville, Catholic University of America, Wash., D. C. b. April 13, 1871. A. B., '91 (Loy. College); Ph. D., '96. Associate Professor of Greek Language and Literature, and Assistant Professor of Comparative Philology and Sanskrit in Catholic Uni- versity of America. Callaway, Morgan, Jr., 1104 Guadalupe St., Austin, Texas, b. Nov. 3, 1862. A. B., '81, and A. M., '84 (Emory College); Ph. D., '89 (J. H. U.) Adjunct Prof, of English, Emory College, 1881 '83; Prof, of English, Southwestern University, Texas, 1884 '89; Adjunct Prof., Associate Professor and Professor of English, Univ. of Texas, 1890 . Carroll, Alexander Mitchell, The Columbian University. Washiington, D. C. b. June 2, 1870. M. A., '88 (Rich. College); Ph. D., '93 (J. H. U.) Professor of Greek, Richmond College, 1895 '97; Reader in Classical Archaelogy. Johns Hopkins University, 1898 '99; Head Professor of Classical Philology, Columbian University, 1900. Caspar!, Charles Edward, St. Louis College of Pharmacy. St. Louis, Mo. b. April 9, 1875. A. B., '96; Ph. D., '00. Asst. in Organic Chem. at Columbian Univ., 1900 '01; Research Chemist for Mallinckroot Chem. Works, 190103; Prof. Chemistry in St. Louis College of Pharmacy, 1903 . Conklin, Edwin Grant, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. b. Nov. 24, 1863. B. S., '85; A. B., '86; A. M., '89 (O. W. Univ.); Phi. D., '91 (J. H. U.) Prof, of Biology, Ohio Wesleyan University, 1891 '94; Prof, of Zoology, Northwestern University, 1894 '96; Prof, of Zoology, Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, 1896 . Crew, Henry, 620 Hamlin St., Evanston, Ills. b. June 4, 1859. A. B., '82 (Prin.); Ph. D., '87 (J. H. U.). Assistant in Physics, Johns Hopkins; Instructor in Physics, Haver ford College; Astronomer, Lick Observatory; Prof, of Physics, North- western Univ, 32 PHI BETA KAPPA. Davis, Ellery William, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. b. March 29, 1857. B. S., '79 (Univ. of Wis.); Ph. D., '84 (J. H. U.). Prof, of Mathematics in Fla. Ag. College, 1884 '88; South Carolina College, 1888 '93, and University of Nebraska, 1893 ; Dean of Col- lege of Literature, Science and the Arts in the Univ. of Nebraska, 1901. Duncan, Louis, Mass. Inst. of Technology, Boston, Mass. b. March 25, 1862. U. S. Naval Academy; Ph. D., '85 (J. H. U.). Associate and Associate Prof., Johtns Hopkins Univ., 1886 '99; Prof, and Head of Dept. Elec. Engr., Mass Inst. of Technology, 1902 ; Consulting Engineer. Durfee, William Pitt, 639 Main St., Geneva, N. Y. b. Feb. 5, 1855. A. B., '76 (Univ. of Mich.); Ph. D., '83 (J. H. U). Prof, of Mathematics, Hobart College, 1894 ; Dean, Hobart College, 1888. Elliott, A. Marshall, Johns Hopkins University, Balto. b. Jan. 24, 1846. A. B., '66, and A. M.. '78 (Haver. College); A. B., '68 (Harvard); Ph. D., '77; (Hon.) (Prin.); LL. D., '91 (Wake Forest College). Prof, of Romance Languages, J. H. U. Fay, Edward Allen, 3 Kendall Green, Washington, D. C. b. Nov. 22, 1843. A. B. and M. A. (Univ. of Mich.); Ph. D. (J. H. U.) Instructor, New York Inst. for Deaf Mutes, 1862 '65; Prof. Lang., Gallaudet College, 1866; Vice Pres., Gallaudet College, 1885; Edi- tor American Annals of the Deaf, 1870 . Fay, Edwin Whltfield, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, b. Jan. 1, 1865. A. M., '83 (S. W. Presb. Univ.): Ph. D., '90 (J. H. U.). Prof, of Latin, Washington and Lee Univ.. Lexington, Va., 1893 '99; and same position at University of Texas, 1899 . Fields, John Charles, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, b. May 14, 1863. A. B., '84 (Univ. of Tor.); Ph. D., '87 (J. H. U.). Prof, of Mathematics, Allegheny College, 1889 '92; Special Lecturer in Mathematics, Univ. of Toronto, 1902 . Franklin, Fabian, 220 W. Monument St., Balto., Md. b. Jan. 18, 1853. Ph. B., '69 (Columbian Univ.); Ph. D., '80. Civil Engineer, 1870 77; Associate, Asst. Prof, and Prof, of Mathe- matics, J. H. U., 18791895; Editor, Balto. News, 1895. Glldersleeve, Basil Lannean, Johns Hopkins University, Balto. b. Oct. 23, 1831. A. B., '49, and A. M.. '52 (Prin.); Ph. D. '53 (Univ. of Gottingen); LL. D., '69 (College of William and Mary); LL. D., '86 (Harvard); D. C. L., '84 (Univ. of the South). Prof, of Greek, University of Virginia. 1856 '76; Prof, of Latin, Univ. of Va., 1861 '66; Prof, of Greek, J. H. U. Gould, Elgin Ralston Lovell, 281 Fourth Ave.. New York City, b. Aug. 15, 1860. A. B., '81 (Viet. Univ.); Ph. D., '86 (J. H. U.). Lecturer, Johns Hopkins Univ., 1887 '96; Prof. Univ. of Chicago, 1895; Chamberlin, City of New York, 1902 '03; President, City and Suburban Homes Company, 1896 . ALPHA OF MARYLAND. . 33 Halsted, George Bruce, Gambier, Ohio. b. Nov. 25, 1853. A. B. and A. M. (Prin.); Ph. D. '79 (J. H. U.). Instructor in Post-Graduate Mathematics, Princeton; Prof, of Mathe- matics, Univ. of Texas; Prof, of Mathematics, Kenyon College. Haupt, Paul Hugo Hermann, 2511 Madison Ave., Balto., Md. b. Nov. 25, 1858. Gymnasium Augrustum, Gorlitz, Germany, '76; Ph. D., '78 (Univ. of Leipzig); LL. D., '02 (Univ. of Glasgow). Privat-docent, Univ. of Gottingen, 1880 '83; Prof, of Assyriology, Univ. of Gottingen, 1883 '89; Prof, of the Semitic Languages and Director of thie Oriental Seminary, J. H. U., 1883 . Hulbnrt, Lorrain Sherman, Johns Hopkins University, Balto. b. March 8, 1858. A. B. and A. M. (Univ. of Wis.); Ph. D., '94 (J. H. U.). Prof, of Mathematics, Univ. of S. Dakota, 1887 '91; Fellow in Mathe- matics, Clark Univ., 1891 '92; Instructor, Associate and Collegiate Prof, of Mathematics, J. H. U., 1892 . Kurd, Henry Mills, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Balto. b. May 3, 1843. A. B., M. D A. M. and LL. D. (Univ. of Mich.) Assistant Physician, Michigan Asylum for the Insane. Kalamazoo, Mich.; Assistant Supt. Do. ; Medical Supt., Eastern Mich. Asylum for the Insane; Supt. Johns Hopkins Hospital. Prof, of Psychiatry, J. H. U. Jacques, William "White, 469 Beacon St., Boston, Mass, b. Aug. 30, 1855. S. B., '76 (Mass. Inst. of Tech.); Ph. D.. '79 (J. H. U.). Electrical Expert of Am. Bell Telephone Co.; Instr. in Telegraph En- gineering, Mass. Inst. of Tech. Von Jagemann, Hans Carl Guenther, 113 Walker St., Cambridge, Mass. b. Aug. 2, 1859. Ph. D.. '84. Prof, of Modern Languages, Earlham College, 1884 '86; Prof, of Germanic Languages, Indiana Univ., 1886 '89; Assistant Professor, Professor of German, later of Germanic Philology, Harvard Univ., 1889. Johnston, George Wesley, Univ. College, Univ. of Toronto, Toronto, Can. b. March 27, 1864. A. B. (Univ. of Toronto); A. B. (McMaster Univ. Toronto); Ph. D., 95 (J. H. U.). Master in Hamilton Collegiate Institute, Hamilton. Ont.; Classical Master, Brampton H. S., Brampton, Ont.; Acting Asst. Prof, of Latin, Cornell Univ.; Lecturer in Latin, Univ. Coll., Toronto, Ont. Jones, Frederick Robertson, Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa. b. Jan. 4, 1872. A. B., '92, and A. M., '95 (West. Md. College); Ph. D., '96 (J.. H. U). Asst. Supt. Charity Organization Society. Hartford. Conn., 1894 '95; Acting Instr. in History and Economics, Western Maryland College, 1896 '97; Assistant Prof, in History and Sociology. Union College, 1897 1902; Associate in Economics and Politics, Bryn Mawr Col- lege, 1902. Klmball, Arthur Lalanne, Amherst College, Amherst, Mass. b. Oct. 16. 1856. A. B., '81 (Prin.); Ph. D., '84. Associate and Associate Prof, of Physics, J. H. U. ; Prof, of Physics, Amherst College, 1891 . 34 PHI BETA KAPPA. I.ninK. Gordon Jennin^*. University of Chicago. b. Oct. 16, 1869. A. B., '91 (Univ. of Tor.); Ph. D., '96 (J. H. U.) Fellow Am. School of Classical Studies, Rome, Italy, 1896 '97; Lec- turer in Latin Literature, Bryn Mawr College, 1897 '99; Assistant Prof, of Latin, Univ. of Chicago, 1899 . Lanahan, Henry, College Park, Md. b. April 19, 1873. A. B., '96. Assistant Engineer, Seaboard Air Line, 1896 '98; Prof. Physics and Civil Engineering, Maryland Agricultural College, College Park, Md., 1898 . Latane, John Holladay, Lexington, Va. .b. April 1, 1869. A. B., '92; Ph. D., '95. Shaw Lecturer, J. H. U., 1898 '99; Prof, of History and Economics in Randolph-Macon Woman's College, 1898 1902; Prof, of History in Washington and Lee University, 1902 . Lease, Emory B., 1603 Amsterdam Ave., New York City, b. April 8, 1863. A. B. and A. M. (Ohio Wesl. Univ.); Ph. D., '94 (J. H. U.). Prof, of Latin, Allegheny College, 1894 '96; Assistant Prof, of Latin, University of Michigan, 1896 '97; Instructor in Latin, Wesleyan Univ., 1898 '00; Instructor in Latin, The College of the City of New York, 1900. Lee, Frederic Schiller, Columbia University, New York City, b. June 16, 1859. A. B. and A. M. (St. Law. Univ.); Ph. D., '85 (J. H. U.). Instructor in Biology, St. Lawrence Univ., 1886 '87; Instructor and Associate in Physiology and Histology, Bryn Mawr College, 1887 '91; Demonstrator, Adjunct Prof, and Prof, of Physiology, Columbia Univ., 1891. Lefevre, George, University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. b. Sept. 16, 1869. A. B., '91; Ph. D., '96. Assistant in Zoology, Johns Hopkins; Instructor In Zoology, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass.; Prof, of Zoology, Univ. of Missouri. Lengfeld, Felix, 202 Stockton St., San Francisco, Cal. b. Feb. 18, 1863. Ph. G. (University of Cal.); Ph. D., '88 (J. H. U.). Prof, of Chemistry, South Dakota School of Mines; Instructor in Chemistry, Univ.- of Cal.; Instructor and Assistant Prof, of Inorganic Chemistry, Univ. of Chicago; Manufacturing and Consulting Chemist. Lewis, Edwin Seelye, 20 Bank Place, Princeton, N. J. b. July 23, 1868. A. B., '88 (Wab. College) ; A. M., '91 (Wab. Col- lege); Ph. D., '92 (J. H. U.). Instructor (1892 '94), Assistant Professor (1894 '98), Professor of Romance Languages, Princeton Univ., 1898 . Lewis, KXIIIU Percival, University of California, Berkeley, Cal. b. Sept. 15, 1863. B. S.. '88 (Columbian); Ph. D., '95 (J. H. U.). Assistant in Physics, J. H. U., 1891 '95; Prof, of Physics, Columbian Scientific School, 1891 '95; Instructor, Asst. Prof., Assoc. Prof, of Physics, California, 1895 . ALPHA OF MARYLAND. 35 Machen, Arthur Webster, Jr., 36-38 Central Savings Bank Bldg, Balto. b. March 18, 1877. A. B., '96 (J. H. U.); LL. B., '99 (Harvard). Attorney-at-Law. Mackay, Ebenezer, Dalhiousie College, Halifax, Canada. b. Jan. 24, 1864. A, B., '86 (Dal. College) ; Ph. D., '96 (J. H. U.). Professor of Chemistry, Dalhousie College. Mackenzie, Arthur Stanley, Bryn Mawr. Pa. b. Sept. 26, 1865. " A. B., '85 (Dal. College); Ph. D., '94 (J. H. U.). Instructor in Mathematics and Physics, Dal. College, 1887 '89; As- sociate, Associate Prof, and Prof, of Physics, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1891 . Magoun, Herbert William*, Redfields, So. Dakota, b. Feb. 17, 1856. A. B., '79, and A. M., '82 (Iowa Coll.); Ph. D., '90 (J. H. U.). Acting Professor, Greek, Colorado College; Acting Professor, Greek, Oberlin College; Acting Professor, Latin, Oberlin College; Professor, Latin and Didactics, Redfleld College; Professor, Latin and Greek, Redfield College. Main, John Hanson Thomas, 803 High St., Grinnell, Iowa, b. April 2, 1859. A. B. (Moore's Hill College); Ph. D., '92 (J. H. U.). Prof, of Greek, Iowa College; Acting President, Iowa College, 1900 '02; Dean of the Faculty, Iowa College, 1902 . Maltbie, William Henry, The Woman's College. Balto., Md. b. Aug. 26, 1867. A. B., '90, and A. M., '92 (O. W. Univ.); Ph. D., '95 (J. H. U.). Instructor, Assoc. Prof, and Prof, of Mathematics. The Woman's Col- lege of Baltimore, 1895 . Marquand, Allan, Princeton. N. J. A. B., '74 (Prin.); Ph. D., '80 (J. H. U.); L. H. D., '88 (Hobart). Prof, of Archaeology, Princeton Univ. Matzke, John Ernest, Stanford University, Cal. b. Oct. 20, 1862. A. B., '82 (Hope College); Ph. D., '88 (J. H. U.). Prof, of French, Bowdoin College, 1889 '90; Prof, of Romance Lan- guages, Indiana Univ., 1890 '91; Associate in Romance Lang., J. H. U., 1891 '93; Prof, of Rom. Lang., Leland Stanford Jr. Univ., 1893 . MeBryde, John McLaren, Blacksburg, Va. b. March 18, 1870. A. B., '90, and A. M., 93 (S. C. College); Ph. D., '97 (J. H. U.). Prof, of English Lang, and Lit., Hollins Inst., Va. Metcalf, Maynard M., 2435 N. Charles St., Balto., Md. b. March 12. 1868. A. B., '89 (Ober College); Ph. D., '93 (J. H. U.). Associate Professor and Professor of Biology, The Woman's College of Baltimore, 1897 . Moore, Henry I.udwell, Columbia University, New York, b. Nov. 21, 1869. A. B.. '92 (R.-M. College); Ph. D., '96 (J. H. U.). Instructor in Economics. Johms Hopkins. 1896 '97; Professor of Eco- nomics, Smith College, 1897 '02; Adjunct Professor of Polit. Econ., Columbia University, 1902 . 36 PHI BETA KAPPA. Moore, John Leverett, 117 Academy St., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. b. June 6, 1859. A. B., '81, and A. M., '84 (Prin).; Ph. D., '91. Tutor in Latin, Princeton, 1882 '85; Instructor and Fellow in Latin, J. H. U., 1885 '91; Associate Professor and Professor of Latin, Vas- sar College, 1891 . Moran, Thomas Francis, 113 S. Grant St., Lafayette, Ind. b. Jan. 9, 1866. A. B., '87 (Univ. of Mich.); Ph. D., '95 (J. H. U.). Professor of History and Economics in Purdue University, 1895 . Morrison, George C., 220 E. North Ave., Balto., Md. b. June 13, 1869. A. B.; LL. B. (Univ. of Md.) Attorney-at-Law. Murray, Daniel Alexander, Dalhousie College, Halifax, N. S. b. May 24, 1862. A. B., '84; (Dal. College); Ph. D., '93 (J. H. U.) Tutor in Mathematics, Dalhousie College, 1885 '87; Associate Pro- fessor of Mathematics, Univ. of City of New York, 1890 '94; Instruc- tor in Mathematics, Cornell Univ., 1894 1901; Professor of Mathe- matics, Dalhousie College, 1901 . Mustard, Wilfred Pirt, Haverford, Pa. b. Feb. 18, 1864. A. B. and A. M. (Univ. of Tor.); Ph. D., '91; (J. H. U.). Professor of Latin in Colorado College, 1891 '93; Professor of Latin, Haverford College, 1893. Neill, Charles Patrick, Cathiolic University, Washington, D. C. b. Dec. 12, 1865. A. B., '91 (Geor. Univ., D. C.); A. M., '93 (Notre Dame Univ.); Ph. D., '97 (J. H. U.). Instructor, Associate Professor and Professor of Political Economy. Catholic Univ. Newhall, Barker, Gambier, Ohdo. b. June 20, 1867. A. B., '87, and A. M., '90 (Haver. College); Ph. D., '91 (J. H. U.). Instructor in Greek, Brown Univ., 1892 '95; Fellow by Courtesy, J. H. U., 1895 '96; Classical Master, Monson Acad., 1896 '97; Prof, of Greek, Kenyon College, 1897 . Perkins, William Henry, Baltimore, Md. A. B., '84 (J. H. U.); LL. B., '88 (Univ. of Md.). Attorney-at-Law. Riley, Franklin Lafayette, University, Miss, b. Aug. 24, 1868. A. B., '89, and A. M., '91 (Miss. College); Ph. D., '96 (J. H. U.). President, Hillman College, 1896 '97; Prof, of History, University of Miss., 1897. Ross, lEdward Alsworth, Station A., Lincoln, Neb. b. Dec. 12, 1866. A. B., '86 (Coe College); Ph. D., '91 (J. H. U.). Prof, of Economics. Indiana Univ., 1891 '92; Assoc. Prof, of Pol. Economy, Cornell Univ., 1892 '93; Prof, of Economic Theory and Finance, Leland Stanford, Jr., 1893 '97; Prof, of Sociology, Leland Stanford, Jr., 1897 1900; Prof, of Sociology, Univ. of Nebraska, 1901 ; Univ. Lecturer in Sociology, Univ. of Chicago, 1896; Univ. Lecturer in Sociology, Harvard, 1902. ALPHA OF MARYLAND. 37 Rowland, Henry A. Died. C. E. '70 (Rens. Ply Inst.); Ph. D., '80 (J. H. U.); LL. D. (Yale and Princeton). Professor of Physics in the J. H. U. Royce, Joslah, 103 Irving St., Cambridge, Mass, b. Nov. 20, 1855. A. B., '75 (Univ. of Cal.); Ph. D., '78, and LL. D., '02 (J. H. U.); LL. D., '00 (Univ. of Aberdeen.) Instructor in English, Univ. of California, 1878 1882; Instructor and Asst. Prof, in Philosophy, Harvard, 1882 1892; Prof, of the History of Philosophy, Harvard, 1892 . Russell, Harry l.uuutn, Madison, Wis. b. March 12, 1866. B. k, '88, and M. S., '90 (Univ. of Wis.); Ph. D., '92 (J. H. U.). Fellow Univ. of Wis., 1888 '90; Fellow Univ. of Chicago, 1892 '93; Asst. Prof, and Prof, of Bacteriology Univ. of Wis., 1893 ; Bacteri- ologist to Wis. Agr'l Expt. Station, 1893 ; Director, Wis. State Hy- gienic Laboratory, 1903 . Saunders, Arthur Percy, Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y. b. March 22, 1869. A. B., '90 (Univ. of Tor.); Ph. D., '94 (J. H. U.). Instructor in Chemistry, University of Wisconsin; Prof, of Chemistry, Hamilton College. Sherwood, Sidney, Died Aug. 5. 1901. A. B., '79 (Prin. Univ.);. Ph. D .,'91 (J. H. U.). Instructor in Finance, Univ. of Penn., 1891 '92; Assoc. Prof, of Pol. Economy, J. H. U. Shipley, George, . 801 N. Charles St., Baltimore, Md. b. March 13, 1867. A. B., '87, and A. M., '88 (R.-M. College); Ph. D., '97 (J. H. U.). Asst. in Mathematics in Randolph-Macon; Principal of thie Middle- burg Classical School, Middleburg, Va. ; Prof, of English Language and Literature, Southern Female College, Petersburg, Va.; Master of English in the Boys' Latin School of Baltimore; Editor, of the Baltimore American. Silver, John Archer, Hobart College, Geneva, N. Y. b. Aug. 4, 1863. A. B., '86, and A. M., '89 (Prin.); Ph. D., '95 (J. H. U.). Prof, of History and Economics, Hobart College, Geneva, N. Y. Sioussat, St. George Leakln, University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn. b. March. 13, 1878. A. B., '96; Ph. D., '99. Assistant in History, Smith College, 18991901; Instructor in Hif- tory, Smith College, 1901 1904; Professor of History and Econom- ics, the University of the South, 1904 . Slaughter, Moses Stephens, 633 Francis St., Madison, Wis. b. Oct., 1860. A. B., '83 (De Pauw) ; Ph. D., '87 (J. H. U.) Instructor in Latin, Bryn Mawr, 1887; Professorship at Hackett's Town Institute, New Jersey, 1888; Chair of Latin, Iowa College, 1889 '96; Chair of Latin, Univ. of Wisconsin, 1896 . 38 PHI BETA KAPPA. Smith, Charles Alphonso, Chapel Hill, N. C. b. May 28, 1864. A. B., '84, and A. M., '87 (Dav. College); Ph. D., '93 (J. H. U.). Prof, of English in the Louisiana State University, 1893 1902; Prof, of the English Language in the University of North Carolina, 1902 ; Dean of Graduate Department, University of North Carolina, 1903 . Stokes, Henry Newlin, Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. b. Oct. 24, 1859. S. B., '79 (Haver. College); Ph. D., '84 (J. H. U.;. Asst. Chemist, U. S. Geological Survey, 1889 '92; Asst. Prof. Inor- ganic Chem., Univ. of Chicago, 1892 '94; Asst. Chemist and Chemist, U. S. Geological Survey, 1894 1903; Asst. Chemist, Bureau of Stand- ards, 1903 . Stratum, Alfred William, Died Aug. 23, 1902. A. B., '87 (Tor. Univ.); Ph. D., '95 (J. H. U.). Asst. and Assoc. in Sanskrit, Univ. of Chicago, 1895 1899; Prof, of Sanskrit, Oriental College, Lahon, India, 1899 1902. Todd, Henry Alfred, 824 West End Ave., New York. b. March 13, 1854. A. B., '76 (Prin.); Ph. D., '85 (J. H. U.). Tutor, Princeton; Associate, Johns Hopkins; Prof, of Romance Phil- ology, Leland Stanford and Columbia. Tupper, Frederick, Jr., 204 S. Willard St., Burlington, Vt. b. Dec. 17, 1871. A. B. and A. M. (College of Charleston); Ph. D., '93 (J. H. U.). Prof, of English:, Wells College, N. Y., 1893 '94; Prof, of Rhetoric and English Literature, Univ. of Vermont, 1894 . Tapper, James Waddell, 957 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, Mass, b. March 31, 1870. A. B., '91 (Dal. College); Ph. D., '95 (J. H. U.). Prof. English and History, Western Univ., 1897 1900; Associate in English, Bryn Mawr, 1900 1902; Instructor in English, Harvard College, 1902. Vincent, John Martin, Johns Hopkins University, Balto.. Md. b. Oct. 11, 1857. A. B., '83, and A. M., '88 (Ober. College); Ph. D., '90 (J. H. U.). Instructor, Associate and Associate Professor, J. H. U. Vos, Bert John, 1416 Bolton St., Baltimore, Md. b. Oct. 27, 1867. A. B., '88 (Univ. of Mich.); Ph. D., '92 (J. H. U.). Instructor in German, Univ. of Chicago, 1892 '93; Associate in Ger- man, J. H. U., 1893 '98; Associate Prof, of German, J. H. U., 1898 . Wightman, John Roaf, Oberlin, Ohio. b. Nov. 8, 1849. A. B. and A. M. (Univ. of Tor.); Ph. D., '88. Prof, of Modern Lang., Iowa College; Assoc. Prof, of Romance Lang., Univ. of Nebraska; Prof, of Romance Lang., Oberlin College. Wilson, Harry Langford, Johns Hopkins University, Balto., Md. b. Oct. 28, 1867. A. B., '87; A. M., '88, and LL. D., '03 (Queen's Univ. Canada); Ph. D., '96 (J. H. U.) Classical Master, Ridgetown Collegiate Institute (Canada). 1888 '9o; Instructor in Greek, Queen's Univ. 1890 '91; Principal, Newburgh High School (Canada), 1891 '93; Fellow in Latin, Instructor, Asso- ciate and Associate Professor in Latin in J. H. U., 1895 . ALPHA OF MARYLAND. 39 Wood, Henry, 109 North Ave., West, Balto., Md. b. July 8, 1849. A. B., '69 (Haver College) ; Ph. D M '79 (Univ. o Leipzig). Tutor in Greek and Latin, Haverford College, 1869 '70; Teacher of German and English Literature in Friends' School, Providence, R. I., 1879 '81; Associate, Associate Professor and Professor of German, Johns Hopkins Univ., 1881. Woodburn, James Albert, Bloomington, Indiana, b. Nov. 30, 1856. A. B., '76, and A. M., '85 (Ind. Univ.); Ph. D., '90 (J. H. U.). Prof, of American History and Politics, Indiana University, 1890 ; Lecturer on American History, University of Wisconsin; First Semes- ter, 1903 '04; Professor in Charge of Historical Teaching, University of Michigan Summer School, 1901 '02 '03. I8 97 . Blake, Frank Ringgold, 2106 Oak St., Baltimore, Md. b. Feb. 9, 1875. B. A., '97; Ph. D., '02. Instructor in Oriental Language, J. H. U., 1902 . Butler, Pierce, 3541 Carondelet St., New Orleans, La. b. Jan. 18, 1873. B. A., '92, and M. A., '94 (Tulane Univ.); Ph. D., '99 (J. H. U.). Asst. Editor for Revision of Dictionary, with J. B. Lippincott Co., Phila., 1899 1900; Instructor in English, University of Texas, 1900 1902; Professor of History, Newcomb College, Tulane University. 1902 . Callahan, Jam en Morton, Morgantown, West Va. b. Nov. 4, 1864. A. B., '94, and A. M., '95 (Univ. of Ind.); Ph. D. '97 (J. H. U.). Acting Professor, American History and Constitutional Law, Hamilton College, 1897 '98; Lecturer in History, Johns Hopkins, 1898 1901: Prof, of History and Political Science, West Virginia Univ., 1902 . Chesain, Alexander, Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. b. Dec. 11, 1865. A. M., '84 (Imp. Inst. of History and Philology); Ph. D., '89 (Imp. Univ. of St. Petersburg); C. E., '92 (Poly. Inst., Zurich, Switzerland),. Special Envoy of the Ministry of Public Instruction (Russia) to Ital- ian Universities, 1889 '90; Lecturer, Harvard University, 1893; Lec~ turer, Johns Hopkins University, 1894; Lecturer Lowell Inst., Bos- ton, 1894; Associate Prof, of Math, and Astron., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1895 '99; Lecturer, Chatauqua, N. Y., 1900; Lecturer, Columbia Univ. and Cooper Union, New York, 1900; In Charge of the Dept. of Math, and Astron., Washington Univ., St. Louis, 1901 . Eager, Pelham, 21 Elgin Ave., Toronto, Canada, b. March 17, 1871. B. A., '92 (Univ. of Tor); Ph. D., '97 (J. H. U.). Lecturer, Associate Professor and Professor of the French Language and Literature in Victoria College, University of Toronto. 4O PHI BETA KAPPA. Edmunds, Charles Keyser, Canton Christian College, Macon, China. b. Sept. 21, 1876. A. B., '97, and Ph. D., '03 (J. H. U.). Acting Prof, of Physics, Univ. of Utah, 1898 '99; U. S. Coast and Geographic Survey, 1899 1900; Instructor in Physics, Washington High School and Columbian Univ., 1900 1901; Prof, of Physics and Elec. Eng., Canton Christian College, 1903 . Fairclough, Henry Rushton, Stanford University, Cal. b. July 15, 1862. A. B., '83, and A. M., '86 (Univ. of Tor.); Ph. D., '96 (J. H. U.). Fellow in Classics, University College, Toronto, 1883 '84; Lecturer in Greek and Ancient History, University College, Toronto, 1887 '93; Associate Prof, of Greek and Latin, Leland Stanford, Jr., 1893 '96; Prof, of Classical Literature, 1896 1902; Prof, of Latin, 1902 . Green, Edwin Luther, South Carolina College, Columbia, S. C. b. Dec. 13, 1S70. A. B., '92 (W. and L. Univ.); Ph. D., '97 (J. H. U.). Prof, of Greek in Central University; Adjunct Professor of Ancient Languages in South Carolina College. Greene, Charles Wilson, University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. b. Aug. 12, 1866. A. B., '92, and A. M. '93 (Lei. Stan. Jr., Univ.); Phi. D., '98 (J. H. U.). Instructor in Physiology, Leland Stanford Univ., 1893 '98; Assistant Professor of Physiology, Leland Stanford Univ., 1898 1900; Pro- fessor of Physiology and Pharmacology, University of Missouri, 1900. Heald, Eugene de Forest, Jr. 418 W. 20th St., New York City. A. B., '97. Student of Philosophy and Theology. Henderson, William Edward**. Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, b. Jan. 29, 1870. A. B., '91 (Univ. of Wooster) ; Ph. D., '97 (J. H. U.). Prof, of Chemistry, Ohio Univ., '97 '99; Asst. Prof, of Chemistry, Ohio State Univ., '99 '01; Associate Prof, of Chemistry, 01 . Hoeing, Charles, 8 Upton Park, Rochester, 'N. Y. b. May 27, 1871. A. B., '90, and A. M., '92 (State College of Ky.); Phi. D., '98 (J. H. U.). Instructor in Latin, 1898 ; Librarian, 1901 , University of Roches- ter. Hofmann, Julius, 1029 W. Lanvale Street., Baltimore, Md. b. April 9, 1865. Univ. of Giessen, Germany. Instructor in German, J. H. U. ; Pastor, of Zion Church. Krapp, George Philip, .. Columbia University, New York. Sept. 1, 1872. A. B., '94 and A. M., '97 (Wit. College) ; Phi. D., '99 (J. H. U.). Instructor in English, Horace Mann School, 1897 '98; Instructor in English, Teachers' College, 1898 ; Tutor in English, Columbia Uni- versity, 1902 . Long, Oniera Floyd, Evanston, Ills, b. May 10, 1870. A. B., '90, and A . M., '93 (Ken. Wesl. College); Ph. D., '97 (J. H. U.). Instructor in Latin, Northwestern University, 1897 1900; Assistant Prof, of Latin, 1901 . ALPHA OF MARYLAND. 41 Mendenhall, Charles Klivood, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Aug. 1, 1872. B. S., '94 (Rose Poly. Inst.); Ph. D., '98 (J. H. U.). Instructor in Physics, Williams College, 1898 1901; Asst Prof, of Physics, Univ. of Wiscinson, 1901 . Mitchell, Samuel Alfred, Columbia University, New York, b. April 29, 1874. A. M., '94 (Queen's Univ.); Ph. D., '98 (J. H. U.). Research Assistant, Yerkes Observatory, Univ. of Chicago, 1898 '99; Tutor in Astronomy, Columbia Univ., 1899 . Pell, Alexander, Box 485, Vermilion, Clay Co., South Dakota, b. Oct. 8, 1857. Ph. D., '97. Prof, of Mathematics and Head of Engineering Dept. of State Uni- versity of South Dakota. 1897 . Ragrland, Charles Dnbney, Died Dec. 1, 1900. A. B., '89, and A. M., '90 (R.-M. College); Ph. D., '97 (J. H. U.). Prof, of Chemistry, Randolph-Macon College. Randall, Wyatt William, Dobbs Ferry, New York, b. Jan. 10, 1867. A. B., '84 (St. John's College); Ph. D., '90 (J. H. U.). Assistant and Associate in Chemistry, J. H. U. ; Science Master, Law- renceville School? Prof, of Chemistry, Tome Institute; Head Master. Mackenzie School, Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. Reese, Herbert Meredith, . . . . Yerkes Observatory, Williams Bay, Wis. b. Dec. 1, 1873. A. B., '97; Ph.. D., '00. Fellow at Lick Observatory, 1900 '01; Assistant, Lick Observatory, 1901 03; Associate, Yerkes Observatory, 1903 '04. Rhoads, Edward, Died. S. B., '93 (Haver. College); Ph. D., '97 (J. H. U.) Smith, Ernest Ashton, Meadville, Penna. b. July 4, 1868. A. B., '88, and A. M., '91 (O. W. Univ.); Ph. D., '00 (J. H. U.). Professor of History and Economics, Allegheny College, 1898 . Sutphen, Morris Crater, Died Aug. 31. 1901. A. B., '90, and A. M., '93 (Prin. Univ.); Ph. D., '99 (J. H. U.). Instructor in Latin, J. H. U., 1899 1901. Weglein, David E., 1329 W. Baltimore St., Balto., Md. b. June 10, 1876. A. B., '97. Teacher, Balto. Public Schools, 1897 1900; Instructor, Balto. Train- ing School for Teachers, 1900 '02; Head of Department of Pedagogy, Balto. City College, 1902. 1898. Barker, Lewellys Franklin, Univ. of Chicago/ Chicago, 111. b. Sept. 16, 1867. M. B., '90 (Univ. of Tor.) Assoc and Assoc. Prof., J. H. U.; Prof, of Anatomy, University of Chicago. Basore, John William, 2631 Channing Way, Berkeley, Cal. b. Nov. 25, 1870. A. B., '93 (H.-S. College); Ph. D., '99 (J. H. U.). Prof, of Latin, Hampden-Sidney College, 18991900; Instructor in Latin, Univ. of California, 1901. 42 PHI BETA KAPPA. Bestor, Odin Baltimore, 420 Upper First St., Evansville, Ind. b. July 23, 1878. A. B., '98. Engineer, field party, for West \a. Central R. R. (Coal & Iron R. R.); Instrumentman, L. & N. R. R. on construction; and Instrumentman in office of Assistant Engineer, L. & N. R. R. Co., at Evansville, Ind. Brush, Murray Peabody, 20 E. Preston St., Baltimore, Md. b. April 17, 1872. A. B., '94 (Prin.); Ph. D., '98 (J. H. U.) Assistant in Romance Languages, Ohio State University, 1898 '99; Instructor and Associate in Romance Languages, Johns Hopkins Univ., 1899 . Friedenwald, Julius, 7 W. Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. b. Dec. 20, 1867. A. B., '87 (J. H. U.); A. M. (Loy. College), M. D. (College of Phys. and Surg., Baltimore). Physician; Professor of Diseases of the Stomach and Director of Clinical Laboratory, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Balti- more; Visiting Physician to City and Bay View Hospitals; Con- sultant in Digestive Disturbances to St. Agnes Hospital and Union Protestant Infirmary of Baltimore. Grave, Cat* well, 218 E. 23d St., Baltimore, Md. b. Jan. 24, 1870. B. S., '95 (Earlham College); Ph. D., '99 (J. H U.). Biologist, W. S. F. C., 1899 '00; Bruce Fellow, J. H. U., 1900 '01; Asst. in Zool., J. H. U., 1901 '02; Assoc. in Zool., J. H. U., 1902; Di- rector W. S. F. C. Lab. at Beaufort, N. C., 1901 HiiKernln, Julian, Died Feb. 19, 1901. A. B., '95 (Charleston College); Ph. D., '00 (J. H. U.). Acting Prof, of English, Univ.o f La., 19001901. Jones, William App, 12 E. 18th St., New York City, N. T. b. Nov. 24, 1873. A. B., '93 (W. F. College); A. M., '97 (Honorary, W. F. College); Ph. D., '98 (J. H. U.) Genl. Mgr. Richards & Co., N .Y.; At present Personal Representative of Leonard Richards, Pres. (Boston Artificial Leather Co. and Cellu- loid Zapon Co.) Knersteiner, Albert Frederick, Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind. b. Nov. 9, 1865. A. B., '88 (Univ. of Gin.) Instructor in Modern Langs., Wabash College, 1888 '90; Teacher of Latin and Geometry, Hughes High School, Cincinnati, 1890 '94; Assistant in Romance Langs., Johns Hopkins, 1897 '98; Professor of Romance Langs., Indiana University, 1898 . Leonard, Arthur Gray, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, N. Dak. b. March 15, 1865. A. B., '89 and A. M., '95 (Ober. College); Ph. D., '98 (J. H. U.). Prof, of Geology and Biology, Western College, Iowa, 1894 '96; Prof, of Geology and Biology, Western College, Iowa, 1894 1896; Acting Prof, of Geology, Univ. of Missouri, 1899 '00; Asst. State Geologist, Iowa Geol. Survey, Des Moines, Iowa, 1900 '03; Prof, of Geology and Mineralogy and State Geologist, Univ. of *N. Dakota, 1903. Lncke, Henry John, Division of Electrochemistry, U. S. Patent Office. Washington , D. C. b. July 10, 1876. A. B., '98 (J. H. U.); A. M. (Lafayette College.) Instructor in Physics and Mathematics, Lafayette College, 1900 '02, Examiner in Electrochemistry, U. S. Patent Office, 1902 ; Instruc- tor in Applied Physics, Columbian University, 1904 . ALPHA OF MARYLAND. 43 McLane, Robert M. Died May 30. 1904. b. Nov. 30, 1867. A. B., '87 (J. H. U.); LL. B., '91 (Univ. of Md.) Lawyer; State's Attorney, 1900 1903; Mayor of Baltimore. 1903 1904. O'Harra, Cleophas Cisney, Rapid City, South Dakota. b. Nov. 4, 1866. A. B., '94 (Carthage College) ; Ph. D., '98 (J. H. U.). Professor of Mineralogy and Geology, South Dakota School of Mines. Osier, William, 1 W. Franklin St., Baltimore, b. July 12, 1849. M. D., '72 (McGill Univ.); F. R. S. (Lond.); F. R, C. P. (Lond.); LL. D. (Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Yale and McGill.) Professor of the Institute of Medicine, McGill University; Professor of Clinical Medicine, University of Pennsylvania; Professor of Medi- cine, Johns Hopkins University. Fender, Harold, 153 N. Craig St., Pittsburg, Pa. b. Jan. 13, 1879. A. B., '98; Ph. D., '01. Teacher McDonough School; Instructor, Syracuse University. Reid, Ebenezer [Emmet, Baylor University, Waco, Texas, b. June 27, 1872. M. A., '92 (Rich. College); Ph. D., '98 (J. H. U.). Prof, of Chem. and Phys., College of Charleston, Charleston, S. C., 1898 1901; Prof, of Chem., Baylor Univ., Waco, Texas, 1901 . Renouf, Vincent Adams, . . Imperial Chinese Univ., Tientsin, China. A. B., '98 (J. H. U.). Teacher, Roxbury Latin School, Boston, 1901; Chinese Customs Serv- ice, Tientsin, 1902; Prof, of Hist, and Politics, Imperial Univ., Tient- sin, 1903. Saffold, William Berney, . . University of Alabama, University P. O., Ala. b. July 11, 1867. A. B., '87, and A. M., '89 (Univ. of Ala.); Ph. D., '98 (J. H. U.). Teacher in Secondary Schools in Ala. and Ark., 1887 '94; Prof. Latin and Greek, Univ. of Ala., 1897 . Sanders, Henry Nevill, Bryn Mawr, Pa. b. July 14, 1869. A. B., '94, and A. M., '97 (Trin. Univ., Toronto); Ph. D., '02 (J. H. U.). Lecturer at McGill Univ., Montreal, Canada; Assoc. Prof, in Greek, Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Saunders, Frederick Albert, Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y. b. 1875. A. B. '95 (Univ. of Tor.); Ph. D., '99 (J. H. U.) Instructor in'Haverford College, 1899 1901; Instructor and Associ- ate Professor in Syracuse Univ., 1901 . Stearns, Charles Miner, 126 Garden St., Hartford, Conn. b. Aug. 26, 1876. A. B., '98. Teacher, Stearns' Private School, Hartford, Conn., 1898 1900; As- sistant in English, Harvard, 1901 ; Master (English) Thie Hill School; Pottstown, Penna., 1902 . I I ii. a ii. Joseph Nathun, 1829 Eutaw Place, Baltimore, Md. A. B., '98 (J. H. U.); M. A., '00 (Col. Univ.). Lawyer (Harmar, Knapp Ulman & Paper). 44 PHI BETA KAPPA. Waldner, Charles William, Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. b. March 6, 1873. Cert, in App. Elec., '92; A. B., '96; Ph. D., '98. Assistant in Physics, Johns Hopkins Univ.; Instructor in Physics, Williams College; Assistant Physicist, Bureau of Standards, Wash- ington. WilliimiM, John Whitridge, 1128 Cathedral St., Baltimore, b. Jan. 26, 1866. A. B., '86 (J. H. U.); M. D., '88 (Univ. of Md.). Physician; Prof, of Obstetrics, J. H. U.; Obstetrician-in-Chief, Johns Hopkins Hospital; Gynecologist, Union Protestant Infirmary, Balto. 1899. Adams, Thomas Sewall, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. b. Dec. 29, 1874. A. B., '96; Ph. D., '99. Clerk, Census Office, 1899 1900; Asst. to the Treasurer of Porto Rico, 1900 1901; Asst. Professor of Economics, University of Wis- consin, 19011904. Chamberlain, Joseph Scudder, U. S. Dept. Agriculture, Washington, D. C. b. March 7, 1870. B. S., '90, and M. S., '92 (I. S. College); Ph. D., '99 (J. H. U.). Assistant and Instructor in Chemistry, Iowa State College, 1890 '97; Instructor in Chemistry, Oberlin College, 1899 Jan., 1901; Research Assistant, Johns Hopkins University, Jan. June, 1901; Physio- logical Chemist, Bureau Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. Agriculture, 1901. Fosnocht, Eddy Burke, Cheltenham Academy, Ogontz, Pa. b. Nov. 1, 1876. A. B., '99. Modern Language Master, Hudson River Military Acad., Nyack, N. Y. ( 1900 '02; Cheltenham Academy, Ogontz, Pa., 1902 . Fraps, George Stronoch, College Station, Texas, b. Sept. 9, 1876. B. S., '96 (N. C. College of Agr. and Mech. Arts) ; Ph. D., '99 (J. H. U.). Assistant Prof, of Chemistry, North Carolina College of A. and M. Arts, and Assistant Chemist, N. C. Exp. Station, 1890 1903; Assist- ant Chemist, Texas Experiment Station, 1903 . French, John Calvin, 2509 W. North Ave., Baltimore, Md. b. Jan. 21, 1875. A. B., '99. Student; Assistant in English, 1900 1903, J. H. U.; Instructor in Eng- lish, 1904 , J. H. U. Glenn, Leonidas Chalmers, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn. b. Sept. 9, 1871. A. B., '91 (Univ. of S. C.); Ph. D., '99 (J. H. U.) Adjunct and Full Prof, of Biol. and Geol., S. C. College, 1899 1900; Adjunct Prof. Geol. in Vanderbilt Univ., 19001903; Full Prof., 1903; Also Asst. Geologist on Md., N. C., and U. S. Geological Surveys. Griffin, Nathaniel .Edward, 1027 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, b. March 5, 1873. A. B., '94; Ph. D., '99. Instructor in English, State University of Iowa, 1899 1900; Pro- fessor of English, Wells College, 19001903. ALPHA OF MARYLAND. 4- Grlmm, Karl Josef, Ursinus College, Collegeville, Pa. b. June 10, 1871. Ph. D., '99. William S. Rayner Fellow, Johns Hopkins Univ., 1899 1901; Act- ing Professor in Modern Languages, Ursinus College, 19011902; Professor of Modern Languages, Ursinus College, 1902. Harrison, Ross Granville, Johns Hopkins Medical School, Balto. Jan. 13, 1870. A. B., '89, and Ph. D., '94 (J. H. U) ; M. D., '99 (Univ. of Bonn). Lecturer in Morphology, Bryn Mawr College, 1894 '95; Instruc- tor, Associate and Associate Professor of Anatomy, Johns Hopkins University, 1896 ; Secretary of the American Society of Naturalists. 1901 '03; Managing Editor, the Journal of Experimental Zoology. t Johnston, Christopher, 21 W. 20th St., Baltimore, Md. b. Dec. 8, 1856. B. Litt., '76 (Univ. of Va.); A. B., '78, and A. M., 79 (Univ. of Va.); M. D., '80 (Univ. of Md.); Ph. D., '94 (J. H. U.). Instructor and Associate in Semitic; Associate Professor of Orien- tal History and Archaeology in J. H. U. Kern, James William, P. O. Box 382, Lexington, Va. b. May 10, 1857. Ph. D., '99. Principal, Bel Air Academy, Bel Air, Md.; Assoc. Prof, of Latin, Wash- ing and Lee University. Kurrelmeyer, Herman R. t 104 Robinwood Ave., Jamaica Plain, Boston, Mass. b. Sept. 11, 1876. A. B., '99; Ph. D., '02. Instructor of Mod. Lang., Mass. Inst. of Technology, 1902 . Merrill, Joseph Francis, Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. ,b. Aug. 24, 1868. B. S. '93 (Univ. of Mich.); Ph. D., '99 (J. H. U.). Asst. Prof, of Chem., 1893 '95, and Prof, of Physics and Physical Chem., 1897 '98, in Univ. of Utah; Prof, of Physics and Elect. Eng. and Director of Utah State School of Mines (Eng. Dept. Univ. of Utah) 1898. Ness, Jens A., Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, b. Feb. 26, 1863. A. B. and A. M. (Luther College); Ph. D., '01 (J. H. U.). Tutor. Ross, William L,eavell, The Press Club, Pittsburg, Pa. b. Nov. 2, 1879. A. B., '99. Reporter, Baltimore Sun, 1899 1900; Railroad Editor, Pittsburg Ga- zette, 1900 1903; Industrial Editor, Pittsburg Gazette, 1903 . Spilman, Edwin Albert, 815 N. Arlington .Ave., Baltimore, b. July 5, 1877. A. B., '99 (J. H. U.); LL. B., '03 (Univ. of Md.). Paying Teller, German Savings Bank, Baltimore. - West, Henry Skinner, 1217 Bolton St., Baltimore. b. Dec. 23, 1870. A. B., '93; Ph. D., '99. Prof, of Drawing, Balto. City College; Instructor in English, Johns Hopkins; Prof, in Eng. and Latin, Balto. City College; Principal and Prof, of English, Western High School. 46 PHI BETA KAPPA. Wilson, Richard Henry, Univ. of Va., Charlottesville, Va. b. March 6, 1870. A. B. and A. M. (South Ken. College); A. B. and Ph. D., '98 (J. H. U.). Instructor, J. H. U.; Prof, of Romance Languages, Univ. of Va. IQOO. Armstrong, Edward Cooke, Johns Hopkins University. b. Aug. 24, 1871. A. B., '91, and A. M., '94 (R.-M. College); Ph. D., '97 (J. H. U.). Instructor in Southwestern University, 1891 '93; Instructor, Asso- ciate, Associate Professor, J. H. Univ., 1897 . Barnett, George Ernest, Johns Hopkins University, b. Feb. 19, 1873. A. B., '91 (R.-M. College); Ph. D., '01 (J. H. U.). Principal of the Mocksville (N. C.) Academy, 1891 '97; Assistant, In- structor and Associate in Political Economy, J. H. U., 1901 . Blanchard, William Martin, Greencastle, Ind. b. August 25, 1874. A. B., '94, and A. M. (R.-M. College); Ph. D. '00 (J. H. U.). Instructor in Chemistry, Rose Polytechnic Institute, 1900 1901; Pro- fessor of Chemistry, De Pauw University, 1901 . Brooks, Charles 'Edward, Lake Roland, Baltimore, Md. Aug. 26, 1879. A. B., '00; Ph. D., '04. Burrell, James Luther Albert, A. B., '00. Duerden, James Edwin, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. b. April 7, 1869. Ass. of the Royal College of Science, London; Ph. D. (J. H. U.) Curator of Museum, Institute of Jamaica, B. W. I.; Bruce Fellow, J. H. U. ; Acting Professor of Biology, Univ. of North Carolina; Acting Assistant Professor of Zoology, University of Michigan; Honorary Curator of Coelenterates, American Museum of 'Natural History, New. York. Eisenhart, Luther Pfahler, 63 Little Hall, Princeton, N. J. b. Jan. 13, 1876. A. B. (Penn. College); Ph. D., '00 (J H. U.). Instructor in Mathematics, Princeton University. Foushee, William Linwood, Richmond College, Richmond, Va. b. Dec. 2, 1874. M. A., '94 (W. F. College); Ph. D., '00 (J. H. U.). Chair of Latin, Mercer University, Georgia, 1900 '01; Chair of Latin, Richmond College, Va., 1901 ; Chair of Latin (Summer Term), Uni- versity of Mo., 1902; Chair of Latin (Summer School), Univ. of N. C., 1903. Glascock, Clyde Chew, Graduates' Club, New Haven, Conn. A. B., '92 (Univ. of Va.); Ph. D., '00 (J. H. U.). Instructor in German in Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University. Greenbaum, Harry Seliger, 1614 Eutaw Place, Baltimore, Md. b. Aug. 10, 1869. A. B., '99; M. D., '04. ALPHA 01? MARYLAND. 47 Griffin, John Wheeler, 21 State St., New York. Nov. 24, 1880. A. B., '00 (J. H. U.); LL. B., '03 (Harvard). Lawyer. Griffin, Lawrence Edmonds, 222 E. Vest St., Marshall, Mo. b. Sept. 10, 1874. A. B. and Ph. B. (Ham. Univ.); Ph. D., '00 (J. H. U.) Inst. in Biology, College for Women, Western Reserve. Univ., 1900 '02; Prof, of Biology, Missouri Valley College. 1902 . Hagen, Sivert Nielsen, Iowa City, Iowa, b. Sept. 4, 1872. A. B. '96 (Luther College); Ph. D., '00 (J. H. U.). Instructor in English, The University of Iowa, 1900 . Herrick, Joseph Cawdell, St. Joseph's Seminary, Yonkers, N. Y. b. May 6, 1874. A. B. (Univ. of Va.); Ph. D. (J. H. U.). Instructor in Science, St. Joseph's Seminary, Yonkers, N. Y. Hullihen, Walter, Walbrook, Baltimore, Md. b. May 26, 1875. A. B. and A. M., '96 (Univ. of Va.); Pb. D., '00 (J. H. U.). Instructor in Greek and Latin, University School for Boys, Balto., Md. Hyde, Edward Pechin, 1100 E. North Ave., Baltimore. b. Jan. 3, 1879. A. B., '00. Laboratory Assistant, Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. Liddell, Donald Macy, 1314 McCulloh St., Baltimore, Md. b. Feb. 28, 1879. A. B., '00. Chemist, Detroit Copper Mining Co., Morenci, Arizona; Assistant and Chief Assayer, Balto. Copper Sm. and Rolling Co., 1901 . Milder, Alfred William, Emory, Va. b. March 11, 1868. A. B. (Univ. of Tor.); Ph. D., '99 (J. H. U.). Professor of Latin and Greek, Emory and Henry College, 1900 . Myers, William Starr, Country School for Boys, Charles St., Baltimore, b. June 17, 1877. A. B., '97 (Univ. of N. C.); Ph. D., '00 (J. H. U.). Master of History, Country School for Boys, 1900 . Olsen, John Charles, 54 Clarkson St., Brooklyn, N. Y. b. July 22, 1869. A.. B. and A. M. (Knox College); Ph. D., '00 (J. H. U.). Professor of Analytical Chemistry, Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. Richardson, George Burr, U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. b. Aug. 21, 1872. B. S., '95, and M. S., '97 (Harvard); Ph. D., '01 (J. H. U.). Assistant Geologist, U. S. Geological Survey. * Roulston, Robert Bruce, 628 N. Arlington Ave., Baltimore. b. Nov. 7, 1877 A. B., '00. Student. Shaw, James Eustace, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. b. July 17, 1876. A. B., '96; Ph. D., '00. Instructor and Associate in Italian, Johns Hopkins University, 1SOO . 48 PHI BETA KAPPA. Weaver, Charles Clinton, Lenoir, N. C. b. June 21, 1875. A. B., '95 (Trinity College); Ph. D., '00 (J. H. U.). Pres. Rutherford College, N. C., 1900 1903; Pres. Davenport College 1903. IQOI. Archibald, Herbert Thompson, Occidental College, Los Angeles, Cal. b. Dec. 18, 1874. A. B., '97, and A. M., '98 (Dal. College); Ph. D., '01 (J. H. U.). Teacher of Greek, Latin and English, Colchester Academy, Truro, N. S., 1897 '98; Professor of Greek, Occidental College, Los Angeles. Cal., 1901. Baetjer, Howard, Room 1115, Union Station. Pittsburg, Pa. b. Dec. 20, 1879. A. B., '00 (J. H. U.); S. B. (Mass. Inst. of Tech.) Draughtsman American Bridge Co.; Draughtsman Engineering Dept. P. R. R., 1903. Boyer, Norman, 1526 McCulloh St., Baltimore. b. June 28, 1878. A. B., '01. Baltimore Morning Herald, 1898 '02; Interviewer for "Success;" Teacher and Correspondent in Mexico, 1902 '04; Asst. Manager "Hat- goods." Brown, George Dobbin, St. Denis, P. O., Maryland. b. May 1, 1874. A. B., '95, and Ph. D., '01. Substitute in English, Univ. of Vermont, 1901 1902; College of City of New York, 1903; Teacher of English in Mrs. Lefebre's School, Baltimore. Caldwell, Benjamin Palmer, Tulane University of La., New Orleans, La. b. April 2, 1875. B. A., B. E. and Ch. E. (Tulane); Ph. D., '01 (J. H. U.). Instructor and Asst. Prof, of Chemistry, Tulane Univ. Cator, George, 803 St. Paul St., Balto., Md. b. May 10, 1856. A. B., '01, and Phi D., '02 (J. H. U.). Coble, Arthur Byron, Lykens, Penn. A. B., '97 (Penn. College); Ph. D., '02 (J. H. U.). Inst. in Mathematics, Univ. of Missouri, 1902 1903; Carnegie Re- search Assistant. Coker, William Chambers, Chapel Hill, N. C. b. Oct. 24, 1872. B. S., '94 (S. C. Col.); Ph. D., '01 (J. H. U.). Associate Prof, of Botany, Univ. of N. C. Cowles, Rheinart Parker, Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, b. April 8, 1872. A. B. (Stan. Univ.); Ph. D., '04 (J. H. U.). Daniel, Waverly Bayard, Baylor University, Waco, Texas. A. M. (W, F. College); Ph. D., '01 (J. H. U.). Classical Master, Marston's University School (Balto.), 1901 '02; Prof, of Latin, Baylor, Univ., 1902 . Eager, John Howard, Jr., 1523 McCulloh St., Baltimore, Md. b. Nov. 22, 1881. A. B., '00. Insurance. ALPHA OF MARYLAND. 49 Edwards, Philip Howard, Pikesville, Md. b. Feb. 23, 1878. B. A., '98, and M. A., '01 (St. John College); Ph. D., '03 (J. H. U.). Instructor in Latin and German, St. John's College, '98 '99; In- structor in Latin, Friends School, Baltimore. Ember, Aaron, 201 S. High St., Baltimore, Md. b. Dec., 1878. A. B., '01; Ph. D., '04. Fellow in Semetics at J. H. U., 1903 '04. Frazer, Joseph Christian Whitney, 1217 Madison Ave., Baltimore, Md. b. Oct. 30, 1875. S. B. and S. M. (Ken. State College); Ph. D. (J. H. U.) Assistant in Chemistry, Johns Hopkins, and Carnegie Research As- sistant. Frost, Francis Le Jau, St. Mary's Rectory, West New Brighton, N. Y. b. March 27, 1875. Ph. D. '01 (J. H. U.); Gen. Theo. Sem., N. Y. Rector of St. Mary's P. E. Ch/urch, W. N. Brighton, N. Y. Hollander, Lee Milton, 2133 McCulloh St., Baltimore, Md. b. Nov. 8, 1880. A. B., '01. Fellow in German, 19031904, J. H. U. Hunt, Reid, 1223 M St., N. W., Washington, D. C. b. April 20, 1870. A. B., '91, Ph. D., '96 (J. H. U.), M. D., '96 (Col- lege of Phys. & Surg.). Tutor in Physiology, Columbia University, 1896 '98; Associate Pro- fessor of Pharmacology, Johns Hopkins Medical School, 1898 1903; Chief of Division of Pharmacology, U. S. Public Health and Marine Hospital Service. Machen, John Gresham, 217 W. Monument St., Baltimore. b. July 28, 1881. A. B., '01. Student. Martin, William Elejius, Havana, Alabama. M. A. (Southern Univ.); Ph. D., '01 (J. H. U.). Professor of History and Political Economy, Emory and Henry Col- lege, Emory, Va. Miles, Louis Wardlaw, 514 Cathedral St., Baltimore, b. March 23, 1873. A. B., '94, and Ph. D., '02 (J. H. U.); M. D. (Univ. of Md.). Instructor in German at Boys Country School, Balti- more. Morse, Robert Brooks, Navy Department, Washington, D. C. b. Sept. 13, 1880. A. B., '01. Naval Architect. Mosemiller, Charles Alfred. Rehberger, George Edward, 1709 Aliceanna St., Baltimore, Md. b. Nov. 23, 1880. A. B., '01. Medical Student. Rons, Francis Peyton, 252 W. Hoffman St., Baltimore. Oct. 5, 1879. A. B., '00. Medical Student. 50 PHI BETA KAPPA. Schneider, John Philip, Cooperstown, N. Y. b. June 27, 1872. A. B., '96 (Wit. College); A. M., '98 (Col. Univ.); Ph. D., '04 (J. H. Q.). Instructor in the Randolph-Harrison School, Balto., 1899 '01; Fellow in J. H. U. Shoemaker, Daniel Naylor, Lab. of Plant Breeding, Depart, of Agri., Washington, D. C. b. Nov. 16, 1869. B. S., '94 (Earlham College); Ph. D.. '03 (J. H. U.). Struth, Otto Albert, Died Sept. 1, 1902. A. B., '01. IQ02. Benton, Elbert Jay, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. b. March 23, 1871. A. B. (C. College); Ph. D., '03 (J. H. I'.). Instructor in History, Western Reserve University, 1903 . Dew, Albert Goucher, 1623 Edmondson Ave.. Baltimore. b. Nov. 13, 1878. A. B., '92. Student of Theology in Boston. Fowler, Thomas Howard, 2301 Eutaw Place, Baltimore, Md. b. 1877. A. B. & A. M. (Wash. College, Md.). Instructor in Modern Languages at Horner Military Academy, Ox- ford, N. C.; Student at J. H. U. Harry, James Warner, Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore. March. 20, 1874. A. B., '99 (Georgetown College); Ph. D., '02 (J. H. U.) Instructor, Emory and Henry College, Va.; Instructor, Haverford College, Pa. Hobbs, William Herbert, 519 Pinckney St., .Madison, Wis. b. July 2, 1864. B. S. (Wor. Poly. Inst.); Ph. D., '88 (J. H. U.). Professor of Mineralogy and Petrology, University of Wisconsin; Assistant Geologist, U. S. Geological Survey. Kern, Alfred Allan, 1915 Broad St., 'Nashville, Tenn. b. Nov. 29, 1879. A. B. and A. M. (R.-M. College). Assistant in Biology. Vanderbilt Univ.; Student J. H. U. Lindsay, Charles Fowler, General Electric Co., Schnectady, N. Y. b. Sept. 6, 1879. A. B., '99 (Dal. College); Ph. D., '02 (J. H. U.). Demonstrator in Chemistry, McGill, 1900 '01; Chemist Research Lab. Repaum Chemical Co.; Chemist, Research Lab. General Electric Co. L,yon, Charles Edward, Mt. Wilson, P. O., Balto. Co., Md. b. May 22, 1878. A. B., '97; Phi D., '04. Instructor in German, Princeton Univ., 1902 '03. Macht, David Israel, 1707 E. Baltimore St., Baltimore. b. Feb. 12, 1882. A. B., '02. Johns Hopkins Medical School, 1902-'04; Harvard Summer School, 1903; Lecturer in Jewish Law and Literature to Balto. Talmud Torah Association, 1903-'04. ALPHA OF MARYLAND. 51 Markell, Charles, Jr., Hagerstown, Md. Dec. 16, 1882. A. B., '02.^ Student of Law. Martin, Ernest Gale, 1814 N. Broadway, Baltimore, Md. b. Nov. 16, 1876. Ph. B., '97 (Ham. Univ.); Ph. D., '04. Instructor in Science, Austin, High School, 1898 '01; Assistant In Physiology, Johns Hopkins University, 1903- Morrison, Alfred James, 143 Montague St., Brooklyn, N. Y. b. July 11, 1876. A. B., '95 (H. S. College); Ph. D. '03 (J. H. U.). With. Henry Holt & Company. Myers, Charles Align* to*, 1421 W. Franklin St., Baltimore, b. Nov. 7, 1879. A. B., '02. Ramsay, Robert Lee, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. b. Dec. 14, 1880. A. B., '99 (Fred. College). Student. Raney, McKendree Llewellyn, Pikesville, Md. Feb. 28, 1877. A. B. (Centre College, ; Ph. D., '04. Instructor in Classics, Hogsett Military Academy, Danville, Ken- tucky; Assistant Librarian, J. H. U. Selple, William George, 801 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, Md. b. Feb. 4, 1877. A. B., '98, A. M., '01 (F. M. College). Teacher at Deichmann Preparatory School, Baltimore, 1902 '03; Ray- ner Fellow in Semitics, 1903 '04. Stone, Harvey Brinton, 2202 Maryland Avenue, Baltimore. b. Nov. 22, 1882. A. B., '02. Medical Student. Strouae, Solomon, 1704 Eutaw Place, Baltimore, Md. b. June 29, 1882. A. B.. '02. Medical Student. Sudler, Mervin Tubman, General Memorial Hospital, W. 106th St., New York City, b. Aug. 9, 1875. S. B. (Md. Agri. College); Ph. D. (J. H. U.); M. D. (College of Phys. & Surg.). Instructor in Anatomy, Johns Hopkins Medical School; Instructor in Anatomy, Cornell Univ. Med. College; Resident Surgeon, General Memorial Hospital. Weedon, William Stone, 8 Union St., Schenectady, N. Y. Sept. 5, 1877. S. B., '97, and S. M., '98 (Md. Agr. College); Ph. D., '02 (J. H. U.). Research Chemist, General Electric Company, Schenectady. Whitehead, John Boswell, 1016 St. Paul St., Baltimore, b. Aug. 18, 1872. Prof, in App. Elec. '93; B. A., '98; Ph.. D., '02. Elect. Engr. Westinghouse Elect. & Mfg. Co.. 1893 '96; Elect. Engr. Niagara Falls Power Co., '96 '97; Associate and Ass. Prof, in App. Electy., J. H. U., 1898 ; Research Assistant Carnegie Inst., 1903 . \\olmiiii. Samuel, 1211 McElderry St., Baltimore. b. June 17, 1880, A. B., '02. Medical Student, 52 PHI BETA KAPPA. 1903. Berg, George Olaf, St. Olaf College, Northfleld, Minn, b. Feb. 13, 1875. A. B., '99 (St. Olaf College); Ph. D., '03 (J. H. U.). Instructor in Greek, St. Olaf College. Bryan, James Wallace, 1305 Bolton St., Baltimore, Md. b. Feb. 27, 1884. A. B., '03. Law Student. Foote, Theodore Clinton, Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore, Md. to. July 26, 1867. A. B. and A. M. (Racine College); S. T. B. (Gen. Theol. Sem.); Ph. D., '02 (J. H. U.). Rayner Fellow, J. H. U.; Instructor in Bible Lit.. J. H. U. Getman, Frederick Hutton, Stamford, Conn. b. Feb. 9, 1877. Ph. D., '03. Carnegie Research Assistant in Physical Chemistry, Johns Hopkins University. limit, John Coffey, 1720 Bolton St., Baltimore, Md. b. July 25, 1882. A. B., '03. Student. Hoxton, Lwellyn Griffith, Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. b. April 28, 1878. A. M. and B. S., '00 (Univ. of Va.). Teacher in Higb School, Washington, D. C., 1900 '01; Laboratory Assistant in Bureau of Standards, Oct., 1901 Johannsen, Albert, U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. b. Dec. 3, 1874. B. S., '94 (Univ. of Ills.); B. S., '98 (Univ. of Utah); Ph. D., '03 (J. H. U.). Assistant Geologist, U. S. Geological Survey. Lanier, Robert Sampson, McClure, Phillips & Co., New York. b. Aug. 14, 1880. A. B., '03. Editorial Assistant, McClure's Mag., 1903 ;' Advertising Depart., McClure's Mag., 1904 Miller, Raymond Durbin, Catonsville, Md. b. Sept. 15, 1875. A. B., '98; Ph. D., '04. Student Assistant in English, 18981901; Fellow 19031904. Murk land. \\ Ilium TJrwick, 37 W. Preston St., Baltimore, Md. b. Apr. 4, 1884. A. B., '03 (J. H. U.). Student. Paton, Stewart, 213 W. Monument Street, Baltimore, b. 1865. M. A., '89 (Prin. Univ) ; M. D. (College of Phys. & Surg. N. Y.). Associate in Psychiatry, J. H. U. ; Director of Lab. of Sheppard and Pratt Hosp. ; Ass. Editor, Jr. of Nervous and Mental Diseases. Peirce, "Walter Thomson, South Charleston, Ohio, b. Feb. 19, 1875. A. B., '94 (O. W. Univ.); A. M., 96 (Univ. of Mich.) Instructor in French, Case School of Applied Science, Cleveland. 1896 1901; Assistant Professor of Romance Languages. Indiana University, 1903 '04. ALPHA. OF MARYLAND. 53 KniiHi. James Edward, Jr., Petersburg, Va. b. Jan. 1, 1879. A. B., '00 (J. H. U.) Student. Smith, Arthur Whitman, 1108 East Ann St., Ann Arbor, Mich, b, May 11, 1874. S. B., '93 (N. H. College of Agr. & Mech. Arts); M. Sc,, '95 (Wes. College); Ph. D. '03 (J. H. U.). Assistant in Physics, Wesleyan College; Instructor in Physics, Tulane Univ.; Prof, of Elec. and Elec. Eng., Univ. of Miss.; Instructor of Elec. Eng. at Univ. of Michigan. Smith, Joseph Tate, Jr. 1010 Madison Ave., Baltimore, Md. b. May 8, 1881. A. B., '03 (J. H. U.). Medical Student. Strayer, George Drayton, 1303 McCulloh St., Baltimore, Md. b. Nov. 29, 1876. A. B., '03 (J. H. U.). Scholar in Education at Teachers College, Columbia Univ., New York City. 1904. Abel, John J., Station E, Baltimore, Md. b. May 19, 1857. Ph. B., '83, and M. A., '03 (Univ. of Mich.); M. D., '88 (Univ. of Strassburg). Prof, of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, Univ. of Michigan, 1890 1893; Prof, of Pharmacology, J. H. U., 1893 . Allen, Samuel James, Halifax, N. S. b. Oct. 5, 1877. B. S. C., '00, and M. S. C., '01 (McGill Univ.); Ph. D., '04 (J. H. U.). Demonstrator in Civil Eng. and Physics, 1900 1903, McGill Univ. Baldwin, James Mark, 408 Cathedral St., Baltimore, Md. b. Jan. 12, 1861. A. B.; A. M.; Ph. D. (Prin.); D. Sc. (Oxford): LL. D. (Glasgow). Inst. in German, Princeton, 1886 87; Prof, of Philosophy, Lake Forest Univ., '87 '90; Toronto Univ., '90 '93; Prof, of Psychology, Princeton, '93 '03; Prof, of Philos. and Psychology, J. H. U., 1903 Barnes, James, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. b. Dec. 11, 1878. A. B. and A. M. (Dal. College); Ph. D., '04 (J. H. U) Assis. in Physics, Johns Hopkins University. Barret, L,eRoy Carr, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. b. March 11, 1877. A. B., '97, A. M., '98 (Wash, and Lee Univ.); Ph. D., '03 (J. H. U.). Instructor of Latin, Wash. -Lee, 1898 1899; Instructor in Latin, J. H. U., 1903. Miifriim. Douglas Laharee, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn, b. Nov. 10, 1878. A. B. and A. M. (Univ. of Va.) ; Ph. D., '04 (J. H. U.). Instructor in Roman Languages, Yale, 1904 Canter, Howard Vernon, 1120 McCulloh St., Baltimore, Md. b. March 8, 1873. A. B., '96 (Wash, and Lee); Ph. D., '04 (J. H. U.). Converse, Henry Augustus, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. b. June 3, 1875. A. B., '93 (H. S. College); Ph. D., '03 (J. H. U.). Instructor in Mathematics, Shenadoah Valley Academy, 1893 1899; J. H. U., 1903 '04. 54 PHI BETA KAPPA. Dougherty, Howard Waters, 1024 St. Paul St., Baltimore, Md. Proficent in Elec., '93; Ph. D. '04. Fuerbinger, Ralph Ottomar, 504 N. Michigan Ave., Saginaw, Mich, b. Oct. 18, 1883. A. B., '04. Glaser, Otto Charles, 2135 Bolton St., Baltimore, Md. b. Oct. 13, 1880. A. B., '00; Ph. D., '04. U. S. F. C. and N. C. Oyster Survey, 1901 1902; Demonstrator in Embryology and Biology, College P. and S., Balto., 1903; Biologist, Gulf Station, La., 1902 1903. Hawkins, Josias Clark Lee, La Plata, Md. b. Sept. 14, 1881. A. B., '04. Hemry, Frederick Squire, Clay Center, Nebraska, b. Sept. 29, 1876. A. B., '94 (Cotner Univ.); A. M., '97 (Univ. of Neb.). Instructor in Greek and Latin, Fairfleld College and Henry College, 1897 1901; Instructor in French and German, Eureka College, 1901 1903. Hollis, John Porter, Rodman, South Carolina, b. Nov. 24, 1872. A. B. (Woffard College); Ph. D., '04 (J. H. U.). Principal, Jefferson Academy, 1895 1896; Asst. Prin. Rock Hill Public School, 1896 1900; Special Agent, U. S. Census. McWhorter, Ashton Waugh, Salem, Virginia, b. June 18, 1877. A. B., '95 and A. M., '02 (Roanoke); Ph. D., '04 (J. H. U.). Principal in High School, 1895 1898; Instructor in Latin, Presbyter- ian College of South Carolina, 1899 1903. Phillips, Henry Bayard, Lexington, N. C. b. Sept. 27. 1881. S. B., '00 (Erskine College); Ph. D., '04 ( J. H. U.). Rosenheim, Gerald Benjamin, 2032 Eutaw Place, Baltimore, Md. b. Dec. 30, 1884. A. B., '04. Saylor, Charles Henry, 2418 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, Md. A. B., '04. Scapiro, Samuel Hyman, 917 E. Pratt Street, Baltimore, Md. b. June 18, 1883. A. B., '04. Tennent, David Hilt, Janesville, Wis. S. B., '00 (Olivet); Ph. D., '04 (J. H. U.). Thayer, William Sydney, 406 Cathedral Street, Baltimore,. Md. b. June 23, 1864. A. B., '85 and M. D., '89 (Harvard). House Phys. Mass. Gen. Hosp. 1888 1889; Assis. and Res. Phys. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1890 1898; Assoc. and Ass. Prof, of Medicine, J. H. U. 1895 Wise, Boyd Ashby, Canterbury, Va. b. July 7, 1874. A. B. and A. M. (R.-M. College); Ph. D., '04 (J. H. U.) Instructor in Latin, Randolph-Macon Acad. 1898 1901. b. Dec. 3, 1879. A. B. (William Yewell College); Ph. D., '04 (J. H. U.). Wright, James Martin,'' Norborne, Missouri. Page. Abel, J J 53 Adams, H. C 30 Adams, T. S 44 Allen, S. J 53 Allinson, F. G 30 Ames, J. S 24 Archibald, H. T. . .48 Armstrong 1 , E. C. ..46 Baetjer, H 48 Baker, T. S 24 Baldwin. J. M 53 Barker, L. P 41 Barnes, J 53 Barnett, G. E 46 Barrett, L. C 53 Bascom. F 30 Basore, J. W 41 Bayard, R. H 24 Bayley, W. S 24 Becker, E. J 24 Bentley, A. F 24 Benton, E. J 50 Berg-. G. O 52 Bestor, O. B 42 Beyer, S. W 31 Black. J. W 24 Blackmar, F. W. . .31 Blake. F. R 39 Blanchard, W. M..46 Boiling, G. M 31 Boyer, N 48 Brooks, C. E 46 Brown, G. D 48 Brown, L 24 Brown, T. R 25 Brush, M. P 42 Bryan, J. W 52 Buffum. D. L 53 Bump, C. W 25 Bumstead, H. A 25 Burrell. J. L. A 46 Butler, P 39 Caldwell, B. P 48 Callahan, J. M 39 Callaway, M., Jr.. .31 Campbell, J. P 25 Canter, H. V 53 Carroll, A. M 31 Caspari, C. E 31 Cator, G 48 Chamberlain, J. S..44 Chapman, C. H 25 Chessin, A 39 Page. Chestnut, W. C 25 Coble, A. B 48 Cohen, A 25 Coker, N. C 48 Conklin, E. G 31 Converse, H. A.. . .53 Cowles, R. P 48 Crew, H 31 Daniel, W. B 48 Dashiell, P. J 25 Davis, E. W 32 Dawson, P. M 25 Devries, W. L 25 Dew, A. G 50 Dorsey, N. E 25 Doughty, H. W. .. .54 Dowell, H. B 26 Duerden, J. E 46 Duncan, L. 32 Durfee, W. P 32 Eager, J. H., Jr.. .48 Eager, P 39 Edmunds. C. K....40 Edwards, P. H 49 Eisenhart. L. P.. ..46 Elliott, A. M 32 Ember, A 49 Fairclough, H. R..40 Faust. A. B 26 Fay. E. A 32 Fay, E. W 32 Fields, T. C 32 Foote, T. C 52 Fosnocht, E. B.. ..44 Foushee, W. L, 46 Fowler, T. H 50 Frank, E 26 Franklin, F 32 Fraps, G. S 44 Frazer, J. C. W. . . .49 French, J. C 44 Friedenwald, H. . ..26 Friedenwald, J 42 Frost, F. Le J 49 Fuerbringer, R. O . . 54 Getman. F. H 52 Gildersleeve, B. L..32 Gilpin. J. E 26 Glascock, C. C 46 Glaser, O. C 54 Glenn, L. C 44 Gould, E. R. L 32 Grave, C 42 Page. Green, E. L 40 Greenbaum, H. S..46 Greenbaum. M. D. .26 Greene, C. W 40 Griffin, J. W 47 Griffin, L. E 47 Griffin, N. E 44 Grimm, K. J 45 Hagen, S. N 47 Halstead, G. B 33 Hamburger, L. P.. 2 6 Harrison, R. G. . ..45 Harry, J. W 50 Haskins, C. H 26 Haupt, P. H. H 33 Hawkins, J. C. L..54 Heald, E. de F. Jr.. 40 Hemry, F. S 54 Henderson, W. E..40 Herrick, J. C 47 Hildt, J. C 52 Hobbs. W. H 50 Hoeing, C 40 Hofmann, J 40 Hollander, J. H. ...26 Hollander, L. M 49 Hollis, J. P 54 Hough. T 26 Ho well, W. H.. .. .27 Hoxton, L. G 52 Huguenin, J 42 Hulburt, L. S 33 Hullihen, W 47 Hunt, R 49 Hurd, H. M 33 Hyde, E. P 47 Jacques, W. W....33 Von Jagemann, H. C. G 33 James, G. O 27 Janney, S. S 27 Joh/annsen, A 52 Johnson, C. W. L..27 Johnson, G. W 33 Johnson, J. H 27 Johnson. T. W 27 Johnston, C 45 Jones, F. R 33 Jones, W A 42 Kaufman. M 27 Kemp, G. T 27 Kern, A. A 50 Kern, J. W . . ..45 : . Page. Kimball, A. L 33 Knower, H. McE..27 Krapp, G. P 40 Kuersteiner, A. F..42 Kurrelmeyer, H. R.45 Laing, G. J 34 Lanahan, H 34 Lanier, C. D 27 Lanier, R. S 52 Latane, J. H 34 Lauchheimer, S. H.'.27 Lease, E. B 34 Lee, F. S 34 Lefevre, G 34 Lengfeld, F 34 Leonard, A. G 42 Lewis, E. P 34 Lewis, E. S 34 Liddell, D. M 47 Lindsay, C. F 50 Lodge, G 28 Long, O. F 40 Lucke, H. J 42 Lyon, C. E... 50 Machen, A. W. Jr. ..35 Machen, J. G 49 Macht, D. I 50 Mackay, E 35 Mackenzie, A. S.. .35 Magoun, H. W 35 Main, J. H. T 35 Maltbie, W. H 35 Marden, C. C 28 Markell, C., Jr 51 Marquand. A 35 Martin, E. G 51 Martin, W. E 49 Matzke, J. E 35 McBryde, J. McL..35 McLane. R. M 43 McPherson, J. H. T..28 McWhorter, A. W..54 Mendenhall, C. E..41 .Merrill, J. F 45 Metcalf, M. M 35 Milden, A. W 47 Miles, L. W :..49 Miller, C. W. E.. ..28 Miller, R. D 52 Mitchell, S. A 41 Moore, H. L 35 Moore, J. L 36 Moran, T. F .36 Morrison, A. J 51 Morrison, G. C 36 Morse, R. B.. . .49 Page. Mosemiller, G. E...49 Moses, J. M 28 Murkland, W. U. . . 52 Murray, D. A 36 Mustard, W. P 36 Myers, C. A 51 Myers, W. S 47 Neill, C. P 36 Ness, J. A 45 Newhall, B 36 Nitze, W. A 28 Norris, J. F 28 O'Harra, C. C 43 Oliver, E. S 28 Olsen, J. C 47 Opie, E. L 28 Osier, W 43 Paton, J 52 Peirce, W. T 52 Pell, A 41 Pender, H 43 Peppier, C. W 28 Perkins, W. H 36 Phillips, H. B 54 Ragland, C. D 41 Ramsay, R. L 51 Randall, W. W 41 Raney, McK. L 51 Reese, H. M 41 Rehtberger, G. E. ..49 Reid, E. E 43 Reid, H. F 29 Reizenstein, M 29 Renouf, V. A 43 Rhoads, E 41 Richardson, G. B. ..47 Riley, F. L 36 Rosenheim, G. B...54 Ross, E. A 36 Ross, W. L 45 Roulston, R. B.. ..47 Rous, F. P 49 Routh, J. E., Jr 53 Rowland, H. A.. . .37 Royce, J 37 Russell, H. L 37 Rutter, F. R 29 Saffold, W. B 43 Sanders, H. N 43 Saunders, A. P.... 37 Saunders, F. A.... 43 Saylor, C. H 54 Schapiro, S. H 54 Schenck, C. C 29 Schneider, J. P 50 Seiple, N. G 51 Page. Shaw, J. E 47 Sherwood, S 37 Shipley, G 37 Shoemaker, D. N..5C Shriver, A. J 29 Silver, J. A 37 Sioussat, St. G. L..37 Slaughter, M. S....37 Smith, A. W 53 Smith, C. A 38 Smith, E. A 41 Smith, J. T., Jr 53 Snowden, S. G 29 Soper, M. A 29 Spieker, E. H 29 Spilman, E. A 45 Stearns, C. M 43 Stein, S. B 20 Stewart, C. M. Jr.. .29 Stokes, H. N 38 Stone, H. B 31 Stratton, A. W 38 Strayer, G. W o3 Strouse, S 51 Struth, O. A 50 Sudler, M. T 51 Sutph^n, M. C 41 Symington,W.S.Jr...29 Tennent, D. H 54 Thayer, W. S 54 Thieme. H. P 30 Todd, H. A 38 Tupper, F., Jr 3S Tupper, J. W 38 Filler, H. S 30 Ulman, J. N 43 Vincent, J. M 38 Vos, B. J 38 Waidner, C. W. . -.44 Weaver, C. C 48 Weedon, W. S 51 Weglein, D. C 41 West, H. S 45 White, E. L.. . '. . . .30 Whitehead, J. B.. .51 Wightman, J. R. ..38 Williams, J. W 44 Willoughby, W. W r .30 Wilson, H. L 3S Wilson, R. H 46 Wise, B. A 54 Wolman, S 51 Wood. H 39 Woodburn, J A 39 Wright, J. H 30 Wright, J. M 54 - Syrac Bros. Makers . JAN. 21 , , 908 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY ^B flil&ii