HE i mm I SOCIAL LIFE AT THE ENGLISH UNIVERSITIES IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. Camfortoge: PRINTED BY C. J. CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. SOCIAL LIFE AT THE ENGLISH UNIVERSITIES IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. 1 Celebrare domestica Jacta." 1 H COMPILED BY CHRISTOPHER WORDSWORTH, M.A., FELLOW OF PETER-HOUSE, AND SOMETIME A SCHOLAR OF TRINITY COLLEGE, IN CAMBRIDGE. CAMBRIDGE: DEIGHTON, BELL, AND CO. LONDON: GEORGE BELL AND SONS. 1874. ' PREFACE. THE following pages are the result of several months' miscellaneous reading of the ephemeral literature and of the biographies which bear upon Social Life in the English Universities during the eighteenth century. That so portly a volume is now sent out into the world, is due partly to the inexperience of the com- piler, in part to the interest which he could not fail to feel even in the minute and comparatively trivial particulars of the life of those who, in earlier generations and very different times, had passed through the same stages through which he was passing ; in a measure also to the circumstances under which the first instalment of the work was written, as a $rize competition to be completed by a fixed date ; and in no slight degree to the abun- dance of material which the libraries poured forth. It was hoped that the end proposed by the au- thorities of our University in their choice of a sub- ject for the Le Bas Essay in 1871, viz. University L. B. E. b vi Preface. Life and Studies in England during the Eighteenth Century t would be more easily attained through the existence of such a collection as the present, and of the materials gathered for the two remaining sub- divisions of the subject which are mentioned on page 4: for where the supply of information is so great, and at the same time lies so much in the dust of pamphlets and books of little general in- terest, it would seem to require the familiar study of many years to justify even an expert historian in undertaking to give an intelligent and trustworthy view of the times : a view, that is, in which ideas and theories should be presented to the reader with that assumption of a right of judgment which only long experience can claim. In the present instance the old materials have been, as it were, carted to a clear spot, and the reader may re-construct for the home of his academic ancestors prison or nursery, hut or palace, as each loose stone tells its own history to him : or else he must look for some skilled architect, or be content to wait till the carter has learnt mason's work. In order that the pile of materials may not ut- terly appal or deter from the work of construction, a TABLE OF CONTENTS has been furnished for the purpose of indicating the nature of the materials which make up the heap, and shewing the method in which they are arranged; where it may be seen Preface. vii that they have not been shot as mere rubbish in disregard of future usefulness. It remains for the compiler to express his thanks to the following gentlemen, without whose help the work would have been more imperfect than it is. The Reverend Henry Wilkinson Cookson, D.D., Master of Peterhouse or Saint Peter's College, and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cambridge ; Henry Bradshaw, Esquire, M.A., Fellow of King's College and University Librarian ; The Reverend Henry Octavius Coxe, M.A., of Corpus Christi Col- lege, Oxford, and Bodley's Librarian ; The Reverend William Magan Campion, D.D., Tutor of Queens' College ; The Reverend Henry Richards Luard, M.A., Fellow of Trinity College and Registrary of the University ; The Reverend John Eyton Bickersteth Mayor, M.A., senior Fellow of Saint John's College and Professor of Latin, who has kindly assisted while the sheets have been passing through the press ; J. Bass Mullinger, Esquire, M.A., of Saint John's College (who in his recent work on the Early History of the University of Cambridge and of European education, has already restored the more ancient portion of the structure, whose debris of later work- manship still need a master-hand to call them up before the sight of this our generation) ; The Reverend John William Nutt, M.A., Fellow of All Souls' College, Sublibrarian of the Bodleian ; The Reverend viii Preface. Richard Shilleto, M.A., Fellow of Peterhouse ; and the Compiler's brother, with other friends. All of whom, though in no way responsible for the errors of this volume, have by different acts of kindness con- tributed to its completion. From the nature of the work the debt due to authors of books is very great: such authorities as Mr Cooper's Annals of Cambridge, Dr Bliss' Reli- quiae Hearnianae, and Professor Mayor's additions to Bakers History of St Joints College Cambridge, have been used unsparingly. The Compiler hopes that the references given by him in the text and notes may be accepted as a grateful acknowledg- ment of the assistance which he has received from these and many other writers. UNIVK : TABLE OF CONTENTS. INTRODUCTORY Remarks on the Science of History, Page i No history of the Universities in the Last Century, 3 Triple division of the subject of University Life and Studies into i. Social Life; i. Individual Studies ; 3. Religious Life; for the first only of which materials are collected in the present volume. ENGLISH UNIVERSITY SOCIAL LIFE IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY, pp. 5-543 Importance of Politics in England, especially in the i8th century. Everything in the English Universities during that period coloured by political feeling. PARTY POLITICS. Attitude of the Universities in the troubles and under ^^ K. James II. 1687. OXFORD. Case of Magdalene College. Ant. Farmer, Drs Hough, Levinz, and Parker, 7, 8 University College. Obadiah Walker, Christ Church, 8, 9 2nd Dragoon Guards at Oxford. Lovelace received, and the P. of Orange, 9 1689. CAMBRIDGE. Case of Alban Francis, 10 The Seven Bishops. Accession of William, n, 12, (603) x Parties not yet consolidated... at CAMBRIDGE. Election of a Chancellor, 13 1 The arable numerals inclosed in marks of parenthesis, (545) and upwards, refer to additional illustrations or comments contained in the pages of Appendices and Notes at the end of this Volume. Table of Contents. Behaviour of OXFORD, 13, 14 Nonjurors. Their numbers at Cambridge and Oxford, 14, (603-605) Magdalene, Oxon. t Trinity and St John's, Camb., socii eiecti, 15, (603) 1710. The Ambrose Bonwickes of the two Colleges of St John (Bapt. Oxon., Evang. Camb.), 16 18 F. Roper, T. Browne, (Dr R. Jenkin), T. Baker, St John's, Camb. 1921 Uffenbach visits Baker and I 7 I o-35 T Hearne, Edmund Hall, Oxon., 21, 22 1695. Nonjurors' meetings and behaviour at St John's, Camb., de- scribed by A. de la Pryme, 22 1689. The Oaths of Qualification (cp. 28^.), 23, 24 Growth of Parties, 24 Pamphlets. Coffee-houses, 25 (605), 26 Politics strangely woven into the tissue of all University matters in the last century. Examples, 26, 27 How far was Cambridge "whig, and Oxford tory? Statements of bishop Monk and Mr Ri. Robinson of Queen's, 27 Symptoms of outward attachment to William, seen in OXFORD: Nonjurors at Ch. Ch., 28 1705. to queen Anne : Presents of venison, 28, 29 Oxford's love of the Stuarts, 29 32 High ' and ' Low Church. ' Convocation of Canterbury. Majority of 'high churchmen.' Dr Jane of Ch. Ch. (bifrons), prolocutor verstis Tillotson, William's candidate, 32, 33 (605, 606) Geo. Hickes and other nonjurors opposed to popery, 33 i7of. Anti-jacobite demonstration at All Souls', Oxon., on January 3oth, 33, 34 (Calves' -head c\\\\>. Cp. pp. 613, 614) Political trimmers and ' complyers,' 34 1712. Atterbury made dean of Ch. Ch. by queen Anne, 35 1 7 10. Sacheverell entertained by the Vice-chancellor. D. of Ormond and E. of Arran Chancellors, 36 1697-1800. Loyal Addresses from Cambridge especially, expressing allegiance to the dynasty of the Revolution, (606609) William indifferent to the Universities, 36 Scheme of Royal Visitation abandoned. 1705, Q. Anne pays a visit to Cambridge, 37 Bentley, Newton, &c. Table of Contents. xi 1 706. Dr T. Tudway, professor of music, deprived for a disloyal jest. Restored. 1681-1763. Other Royal Visits. Verses of Congratulation and Condo- lence, (609, 610) The 'high church' party at Cambridge not Jacobite but tory, 37 1717. 'Complyers,' Dodwell, Nelson, (610) 1718-1725. Power of the Vice-Chancellor in moderating the voice of the University, 38, 39 (611) 1751-2. Dr Wilcox refuses to call a Caput University Constitution, 39, (611) Caput, Senate, Regents, Non -regents, White-hoods, Black- hoods, 39, (6n) Convocation, and Congregation (of regents only), at Oxford, (611) Disorderly state of society in the reigns of Q. Anne and George I. 1712. Mohocks. Accession of George I. little observed at Oxford, 40 More heartily at Cambridge. 1713. Tripos speech by 'one Mr Lawes, A.M.' / \ [ Geo. I. J 2 8( anniversary of the I p, , -.-,. , ,, ( 9 ) ( tion, 41 Disturbances at Oxford by the Constitution's, 42 Political character of several Oxford colleges, 42, (612) Meeting of the 'sculls.' Dr Charlett. Programma, 43, 44, (613) At Cambridge the disaffection quelled by the moderation of the tory Sherlock, 44 Assisted by the Hanoverian Waterland, 45 The royal gifts to Cambridge and Oxford, 'books' and 'a troop of horse.' The epigrams, 5, 45 Ait-gust 15 (accession of Geo. I.), rumoured landing of 'K. James.' 'My lord Shaftesbury' whipt, 46 Dr J. Ayliffe's fellowship at New College. At Cambridge the Oaths, 47 Nov. 4. Waterland Vice-chancellor. c ( the Powder Plot. Nov. 5. Anniversary of ] ( the landing of the P. of Orange. Bentley's Univ. Sermon against Popery, 47, (613) xii Table of Contents. ' University Loyalty considered' by Philo-Georgius et Philo- Bentleius. 1716. May. Waterland's Programma against supping in taverns. May 29. Riots at Cambridge. The Trinity and Clare men insulted. Mr Hussey's meeting-house, 48 Waterland's second Programma. (Cp. 613 on p. 51), 49 Bentley's loyal address fortunately delayed. May. At OXFORD. Loyal address proposed, 50 ' Oxford Loyalty ' (Prior's MS.) (613) May 29. Second noisy meeting of the ' Constitution Club. 1 Account by Nic. Amhurst (of St John's College, Oxon.) in his Terrae Filius, (612, 613) 1717. Aug. i (accession of Geo. I.). Their meeting at the Three Tuns, 51 1716. T. Hearne (Oxon.), T. Baker (Camb.), the Jacobite anti- quaries, 52 1718. P. Brooke of St John's, Camb., Library Keeper, (614) 1 7 if. Proposed Bill for regulating the two Universities, 53 Serjt. Edmund Miller's Account of CAMBRIDGE (559 561) 1717. George I. visits Cambridge. Bentley and Middleton, 53, 54 1718. Lord Macclesfield's Scheme for University Reform, 53, 54 (568, 569, 614) Biographies of Bentley. His character, 54 His reform in Trinity elections, 55 (614) He is compared with Gulliver at Lilliput, 55 The state of Trinity College, Cambridge, under Bentley typical of the discord in Univ. Society, 56, 57 1726. Internal divisions in the colleges at OXFORD. Litigation, &c. The evil effects described by Hearne, decay of learning and deterioration in Candidates for Holy Orders, 57 Lincoln (Wesley's college), a bright exception, 58 172^-9. Difficulties at Oriel. Mr Weeksey, Sir P. King, Dr Hodges. 1729. Disorders at University College. Ignorance as to the Visitor. Cockman, Denison and 'Jolly' Geo. Ward, 58, 59 1725. At CAMBRIDGE, Dr Snape provost of King's expels Mr Bushe ; but the Visitor (bp. Reynold) and the whigs prevail to restore him. 1 729*. Similar case of Mr Dale, 59 * In the last paragraph on p. 59, for the 2vords ' two months earlier,' read ' in March, 1729.' Table of Contents. xiii 1729. Equipoise of parties in the Senate at Cambridge, the tory candidate elected Vice-chancellor by a majority of one vote. Jealousies between college and college. IDr Carter of Oriel. (W. Seaman's bene discessit}, 60 Dr J. Conybeare, then of Exeter Coll. (Hertford College Charter), 61 Struggles immediately political, 61 1754-5. Allusion to the case of Exeter College, Oxon. 61 (615) OXFORD Jacobitism after Culloden and Peace of Aix-la- Chapelle. 1740. Suspicions. Initials of mysterious import, J. R. (615) 1 745 . C.E.C. 1749. ' Oxford Honesty, or a Case of Conscience,' &c. 61 Opening of the Radcliff. The High Borlace (cp. 153155), 62 1748. Programma against seditious practices. Oxford Students tried at the King's Bench for drinking the Pretender's health, 61 Their punishment, 61, 62 /jw,' by Will. Mason (Pemb. -hall, Camb.), 63 ' The Triumph oflsis,' by T. Warton (Trin. Coll. Oxon.). CAMBRIDGE, as represented by the Caput, on the best of terms with the Government. 1746. Gray complains of the apathy of his fellow- Students with regard to the rumoured approach of the Pretender, (615) T. Hollis Pelham, D. of Newcastle, High Steward of Cam- bridge. 1748. His Installation as Chancellor [Mason (p> 616), and Gray]. 1 750. He sends Orders and Regulations which were slightly modi- fied, 66 A summary of them, 66 68, (616) Illustrated by 'The Happiness of a Good Assurance.' May n, June 26. Dispute between the (tory, and high- church conservative) Senate, and the (constitutionalist) Caput on the proposed Orders and Regulations, 69 The Chancellor is charged with tyranny and corruption in [P. Chester's] ' Letter to Lord Eg[mon]t,' (617) Oct. 19. The attack is repeated in ' An Occasional Letter to D r Keen,' (6178) xiv Table of Contents. Nov. i. 'The Capitade,' a Poem [T. Nevile and J. Devie] in which all the ' Heads,' save Dr Ashton, are abused, (618) 1 The Academic ' inclines to condemn those who voted with the Caput, 72, (619) They are defended in ' Remarks on the Academic' (dated like the ' Authentic Narrative ' Dec. 16, 1750. Published tardily), (620) Nov. i6th. Contemporary account of party dissensions and literary scandal, 71, 72 Nov. \^th. The 'Regulations' enforced by the proctor Jas. Brown (Pemb.-hall), against a party of the West- minster Club assembled at Wish's Tavern, ' The Tuns,' where the Greek professor and several masters of arts were present on the anniversary (p. 633) of Q. Elizabeth's birth-day, 69 7 1 Nov. iQth. Letter of thanks to the Chancellor for his New Regulations, &c., voted by the university, 69 Nov. loth. The ironical ' Friendly and Honest Advice of an old Tory to the Vice-chancellor of Cambridge,' 72, 73, (629) The Vice-chancellor's Court of the time, Nov. 24th and 29th, sits in judgment on Professor Francklin and other old Westminsters. They are reprimanded, and T. Ansell, a fellow of Trin. Hall, suspended for contumacy. The Vice-chancellor (Dr Edm. Keene, Pet.) denies any right of appeal to Ansell, 75 who publishes (Dec. 16, 1750) 'An Authentic Narrative of the Late Extraordinary Proceedings... against the W r Club.' Dec. 16. The V. C. refuses to appoint delegates to consider the right of appeal, 75 Formation of a club of masters of arts, called 'Associators,' meeting at the Tuns Tavern to promote Ansell's appeal. 1 75%' January. 'An Epistle to a Fellow Commoner,' 'Lolly Pelham,' on the Vice-chancellor's side, (629) Jan. \%th. The ' Associators ' in the Regent house reject the Vice-chancellor's proposal to appoint Syndics to consider the case. They also obstruct a supplicat, 75, (634). Thus out of the controversy respecting the New Orders and Regulations, which are discussed further in 'A Fragment,' (621624), Table of Contents. xv and in [J. Green's] 'Considerations on the Expediency, &c.' 1751, (624), grew the Westminster Club scandal, which was in part the subject of [Dr W. King's, Oxon.] 'A Key to the Frag- ment,' 1751, (626, 627), 'Another Fragment,' (627, 628), [Dr Z. Grey's] ' Fragmentum est pars rei fractae,' 1751, (628); and finally the literature of Ansell's Appeal, [Chapman's] ' Inquiry into the Right of Appeal.. .in mat- ters of Discipline,' &c. 1751, (630); and, on Ansell's side, [R. Kurd's] ' The Opinion of an Eminent Lawyer ' [P. Yorke], 1751, (630)., ' Some Considerations on the Necessity, &c.' 1752, (631). Cp. [Chapman's] * A Further Inquiry, &c.' 1752, (631), [J. Smith's] ' A Letter to the Author of a Further Inquiry, &c.' 1752, (631, 632) 1751. Wilcox succeeds Keene as Vice-chancellor, 75, 76 Nov. Jas. Bickham's grace and the ' Associators' frustrated, 76 The Senate again strikes work. Dec. Disorderly behaviour of undergraduates, 76 n. 1752. Jan. 24. The V. C. refuses to call a caput meeting, 76 April And the Chancellor to act as referee. 1750-74. Inauguration of University prizes marks an aspiration for more peaceful times, 77 (634) Visits from the Chancellor (D. of Newcastle). 1766. * Letter on a Late Resignation, &c.' (632) His successor, the D. of Grafton, 77 1764. Election of High Steward, P. earl Hardwicke. The E. of Sandwich, ' Sly Jemmy Twitcher.' ' An Address to mem- bers of the Senate on Attention due to Worth of Charac- ter, &c.' 78 1760. Change in the aspect of Politics on the Accession of George III., 79, 80 His use of patronage. Easy transition between parties. Both universities join the new Tory party; CAMBRIDGE from High church Whiggism, OXFORD from High church Tory- ism. Political unity at .Cambridge in 1793, 80 1772. Attempt to elect S. Whisson a member of the Senate as Vice-chancellor (as in the years 1586, 1712), 80, 8 1 xvi Table of Contents. Substitution of Council for Caput. 1716. Waterland on the pernicious effects of party strife, 81, 82 Decay of piety from the i;th century, and of the sense of duty. -/- Statistics of lecturing and non-lecturing professors at the end of the 1 8th century: at CAMBRIDGE, 83 85, at OXFORD, 8587 Decline of sympathy between TUTORS and PUPILS in the 1 8th century (Ridley, Ascham), 92, 95 The causes, political suspicion and distaste. Decay of the system of 'chums' (concubicularii}. Originally they were distinct (camera degentes, chamber-dekyns] from 'inmates,' 87, 88 'Lodging' and 'keeping,' musea, 88, (637) Later arrangement. Statutes de cubiculorum distribution, Bentley, 88, 89, (635) Truckle-beds, rotalia, 89, (635, 636) Mede, Strype, A. de la Pryme, Evelyn, Bonwicke, 90, 91 Chamber-fellows, Sacheverell and Addison, Tillotson and Holcroft, &c. 91, (636, 637) Comparison between earlier undergraduates and modern public-school boys ('children,' 'boys,' 'schollers,' 'lads,' 'men'), 92 94, (637) Matriculation now uniformly at the later AGE (17 21). Fifteen, which was common till the present century, practically in- admissible now, 94, 95, (638, 639) At Oxford 1 6 the age of subscription to xxxix Articles. At Cambridge 14 the age of the Scholar's Oath, 94, 95, (638) Estrangement of dons and younger students increased also by the prevalence of self-indulgence, 95 Contemporary opinion at issue as to the effect of intimacy upon discipline, 96 Class-estrangement among the younger students themselves. The two main classes at Oxford ; Gentlemen- Commoners and poor Scholars, 97 The proportion of Fellow- Commoners larger in the i8th century, ib. Statistics, 98, (639643) Other titles of these orders, 97, 98 Other classes of students, Twenty -four-men, Ten\year-~\men, Sixteen-men, (643) * Table of Contents. xvii Harry-sophs, (643, 644) Non-entes. 'Beasts' v. 'Men,' (644) CAMBRIDGE Sizars compared with OXFORD Servitors, 97 no Fellows and distinguished men rose commonly from the rank of Sizar, 98 1776, 1792. Bad example of some Fellows encouraging idleness and extravagance. W. Wilberforce, 99, (645) 1637, X 7 2I > I 79- 'Fellow-commoners,' then so-called at OXFORD (but see 646), subject to college exercises in the I7th and i8th centuries (not however about 1750), 99, 100, (646) 1773. and to the new college examination at St John's coll. CAM- BRIDGE at its close, 99 1788. Scheme for abolishing the order of fellow-commoners at Cam- bridge, 100 'Empty bottles,' (647) "siLi6i8, 1660. Menial duties of subsizars, sizars (Cambridge), and / 1691,1704. 'gentlemen-servitors' (Oxford}, 101, (649) 1709. 'The Servitour, a Poem' (Oxford). --1670-82. Dr Eachard's account of sizars (Cambridge). 1728. G. Whitefield at Oxford. 1700,1754. Servitors employed as copyists at Oxford, 106 1733. Shenstone ashamed to be seen visiting one, 106, 107 The distinction of orders offensive to foreigners, 107, 108 1 742-65. Sizars wait at table, 108 1803. This had been already improved at CAMBRIDGE, 109 1807. but not at OXFORD, no 1564, 1630. Development of the TUTORIAL SYSTEM, no-, 1728,1731. Its efficiency fluctuating, in 1710. Neglect of lectures and rise of .1637. Private tutors at OXFORD, 112 -.1710-15. Pupil-mongers at CAMBRIDGE, 112,113 Tuition fees established, 113 1713. but found insufficient, 114 1767. The fees raised, but 1 790. are still too low. J 759- Complaints against private tutors being public examiners, 114 1777. The practice is prohibited, 1781. and even reading with any private tutor for the two last years before the first degree is forbidden in spite of a petition, 115 1799. It is partially effective, 1 16 1807-24. but the period is gradually reduced, 115 and finally repealed, 116 xviii Table of Contents. 1828-49. Mr W. Hopkins' extensive and successful private tuition in mathematics, 116 1711-55. Morning-lectures in COLLEGE HALLS ,117 The standard lectures in Latin, 117, 118 Remission of attendance, 117 1710,1802. Afternoon lectures. Evening examination, 118 Other uses (beside lectured) for the COLLEGE HALL. 1663, 1764. Recantation and confession of offences read there; as also were delivered, 117, 118, 1 747. Epigrams, &c. * Narrations.' - 1792. Narrare at St John's, Oxon., 119 1(1550. CAMBRIDGE fare at St John's, ib. 'OXFORD fare' in Sir T. More's time, 120 1659. Complaint at Christ Church, ib. 1662. Strype at Jesus Coll. CAMBRIDGE, 120122 1702,1710. Verdict passed by foreigners on Trin. coll. hall, 122 The Norths. Fish days, 122, 123 Peterhouse hall in I7th century; and in 1751, 1758, 1779, 122, (655), 123, (656, 657) The dinner hour was at CAMBRIDGE in - 1550. at ten o'clock, 119 1620. at eleven, 123 at nine during Sturbridge fair 1755. at twelve, 125 1 785. changed from one to three at Emmanuel. 1 799. in non-term at St John's two. 1800. 2 h. 15 m. (on Sundays i h. 15 m.) at Trinity. 1720. at OXFORD changed from eleven to twelve. 1 747. at one. 1792. changed from twelve to three, (657) 1804, 5. advanced from three to four, and in some colleges from four to jive, 125 Breakfast (there was none in 1550), ifp 1662. about 8 a.m. at the butteries or at ' an honest house,' 122 Dr North took neither sizing nor breakfast, ib. 1725. at coffee-houses, 126 1764. Toast and ale. Tea effeminate, 127 1776. Tea more common. Its price, (658), 128 1792. Tea and 'brown George' at 8.30 a.m., 128 Table of Contents. xix Supper in College Hall : 1745. at 6 or 7 p.m. at OXFORD, not much frequented, 1-29 1799. nor at Trinity, CAMBRIDGE, at 8.45 p.m. Supper for clerical fellows on Sundays at CAMBRIDGE : The Samaritan Supper, or 'Neck or Nothing' (King's). The Curates' Club (St John's). The 'Apostolic' (Christ's Coll.). Supper-parties or Sizing-parties in undergraduates' rooms were more popular at CAMBRIDGE, 129, 130 1792. and at OXFORD. The custom of dressing for Dinner in Hall, 1 30 1812. Pantaloons forbidden in hall and chapel at St John's and Trinity, CAMBRIDGE, (658) UNIVERSITY BARBERS, 130 138 1348-1859. The Worshipful Company of Barbers at OXFORD and CAMBRIDGE. 1739. A college barber's widow succeeds him in the office, 132 The barber one of the statutable college servants. His duty originally lay with beards and tonsures, ib. In later times chiefly with wigs, ib. 1775. Barber's shop within the walls of Trinity, ib. 1656,1728, 1775. Sunday shaving, &c. 133, (658661) The barber's office not quite extinct, 133 Long natural hair unpowdered and untied a mark of pecu- liarity at OXFORD. Shenstone, G. Whitefield, J. Wesley, 134 1786. And short unpowdered hair considered 'raffish' or unfashion- able at CAMBRIDGE (in spite of the D. of Gloster being an 'Apollo') till 1795. the fashion of 'crops' came up. 1771,2. Barber's bills. 1792. Duff the highland barber at OXFORD, 135 His more celebrated contemporary at CAMBRIDGE, Ro. Foster, ' the Flying Barber? died in 1795. 135137 1 7 8 5'7- Verses and portraits of him. Crips mentioned by C. Lamb, 137, 138 ' Jacklin' or Tomlinson, the Major Q! ' Sweet Sixteen, ' died in 1824. 138 OTHER RESORTS OF LOUNGING HOURS, 138 162 COFFEE HOUSES. Their rise in England in the universities, 138 140 1675. At CAMBRIDGE frequented by almost all grades, 126, 140 xx Table of Contents. 1709. The Greek's coffee-booth at Sturbridge fair. He abuses the proctor, 141 1710. Uffenbach meets Whiston at the Greek's coffee-house. 1750. Tom's and Claphanfs, 146 1765. DockerelFs coffee-house in Trumpington Street, 141 1770. His booth at Sturbridge fair. 1803. Master of Arts' Coffee-house, 141, (661) 1 737. Interior of a coffee-house. 1780. Chess played in them at Cambridge. 1788. Scenes in the Union Coffee-house, 142, 143 'Adkin College: ' Caryophylli,' 143 1799-1802. F. Smith, ' Master of the Union Coffee-house.' His other coffee-house. 1740. The Johnian Coffee-house in All Saints Yard. 1 763. Delaport's Emmanuel Coffee-house. Its pretensions, 143, 144 At OXFORD, 144 147 1650. Coffee-houses kept by Jacob and Jobson, Jews, 144, 145 lyso- 1 ?^- Tom's, 145, 146 Horseman" 1 s, 132, 145, 146 Harper's, Bagg's, Malboris, 145 James's, 146 1675. Coffee-houses suspected as seditious, 146 1711. Vice- Chancellor's programma. 1655. Tillyard's supported by royalists and their guests. 1677. Wood complains that the 'Coffee-houses are become places for victuallers :' also of ' great DRINKING.' 1 762. Claret drunk at OXFORD, but not to excess. 1704. But drunkenness had been fatal there at an earlier date, 148 1785. And towards the end of the century it was very common at CAMBRIDGE, 147 1799. Toast-drinking and * buzzing.' Gunning's description of a combination-room orgy. 1727-1792. Complaints of the frequency of private entertainments. Fast-days made feasts, 149, (594) 1662. The Tuns TAVERN at CAMBRIDGE, 149 1 750. kept by Wish, the meeting-place of the Westminster Club, &c. 1721. The Tuns at OXFORD, kept by Broadgate, the meeting-place of the Poetical Club, 149, 150 1750. The Nonsense Club, 150 The Jelly-bag Club earlier. Table of Contents. xxi J 733- The Three Tuns frequented by All Souls' men, 150, 151 1721. St John's ' single and double coll.* 151 1751-62. Tit-up Hall, Clay Hall, Cabbage Hall, Caterpillar Hall, Stump Hall, Lemon Hall, Fox Hall, Feather Hall, Kettle Hall, Tripe Hall, Westminster Hall, Kidney Hall (or Diamond Hall), Redcock Hall, 151, 152, 388, 389 1719. Hearne frequents Heddington, Iffley, Blind Pinnocks at Cumnor, and Antiquity Hall, called also ' Whittington and His Cat,' and ' the Hole in the Wall,' 151, 152, (661) 1673. Louse Hall, Mother Louse and Mother George, 152 1807. Mother Goose, 153 The Constitution. 1671. The Banterers. 1737. The Free-cynics. 1732-65. The High Borlace at the King's Head on Aug.. 18, J53 155 vf Clubs at CAMBRIDGE, 156 158 V The Old Maids. ^ 1709. Ri. Langton (Clare), as proctor, wages war against noisy clubs. 1751. 'School-feasts.' The Westminster Club, the Charter-house; the Associators. 1788. Sans Souci, 156 1799. The Tme Blue (1688); the Speculative, 157, 596 1815. The Union [Cooper's Annals, iv. 516, 517.] 1725. TheZ0a&Kv&(i728, the 'planets'), 157, 158 1758. The Hyson, 334, 335 1793. The Literary Club (Coleridge's), 589, 590 1 80 r. The College Fellows' Circulating Library, 599 1746. T. Warton's ' Progress of Discontent, OXFORD,' 158 1758. His diary of a 'Genuine Idler,' 123, 159 1764. ' An Evening Contemplation in a College/ 159, 160 Smoking Tobacco. i6i|. Prohibited at King James' visit to CAMBRIDGE, 160 1691. Substitutes for tobacco at OXFORD, (662) H. Aldrich, dean of Ch. Ch. 160 1740. T. Baker at St John's, CAMBRIDGE. 1786. Smoking not fashionable among the younger graduates, except in the evening on the river, 161 L. B. E. C xxii Table of Contents. \ 800. Nor with undergraduates even at wine parties. But among the older men. Person and Parr. Emmanuel parlour. Farmer and Busick Harwood. Parlours, Common-rooms and Combination-rooms, 171, 162, (663) Etymology of the last term, 162 Lack of vigour in i8th century AMUSEMENTS, 162, 163 1667. OXFORD recreations in the i;th century. ' Oxonium poema,' 163, 164 Exercises for men at the same period, 164 Sell-ringing. 1618. s The Chapel bell rung by a subsizar at CAMBRIDGE (Ring- ing at the Restoration. Bunyan's works, &c.), 165 1710. Uffenbach's account. 1724. The ' Cambridge youths.' 1731. Ri. Dawes is enrolled among them. 1655. A. Wood's bells at Merton, OXFORD, 165, 166 T 733- T. Hearne's interest in ringing-matches, 165 I 775- Still fashionable, 1 66 1 79 5 'Voted vulgar. ' 1751. Battledore, swinging, leap-frog, tag, hop-step-and-jump, and skittles. 1826. Rise of 'gymnastics' in England. Riding the Great Horse in the I7th century (cp. 663, 664), 167, 168 1699, 1700. Project for a Riding-school at OXFORD, 167, (547 550) 1701, 1750-55. Riding on the Hills' Road at CAMBRIDGE, 168 1788. The cost of hiring horses, 169 1750, 1797. Riding from OXFORD to London. 'Schemes,' (663) 1750. Riding prohibited at CAMBRIDGE, 170 1807. Only on Sundays. ' Constitutionals ' late in the century. 18:9. C. Simeon's advice, (664, 665) 1736. Warburton invited to a LONG VACATION TOUR in Scotland, 170 Poor scholars never went out of residence, 170, 171 1756, 1760. Tours in England. 1 740. Townson, &c. on the Continent. 1790. W. Wordsworth, 171, 172 Reading parties a device of the i9th century. Table of Contents. xxiii ' Lakers.' 1830. 'The Oxford Cantabs,' 172 1720. Amusements of Sir Erasmus Philipps 173, 173 His 'water-parties. 1571. Forbidden at Cambridge. 1768. Rowland Hill swims to Grantchester. 1784. C. Simeon bathes at 5 a.m., 173 Fishing. Not popular. / /I724. W. Pattison. 1788. Gunning's reminiscences. Boating. 1609. The Thames) . . _ [ made navigable. 1702. The Cam \ 1790. Six-oared boats at OXFORD. A strange uniform, 175 1793. Mrs Hooper's boats. Catskin caps, (665, 666) 1807. Sailing-boats, canoes, men rowing in academical caps, 174 1799. Rowing not customary at CAMBRIDGE, 175 1810. Boat races unknown. Shooting. 1787-95. At CAMBRIDGE, 176, 177 Games forbidden by the Univ. Statutes at OXFORD, 177 at CAMBRIDGE, 178 1750. Tennis and Cricket in the morning. 1620. Tennis at Christ's coll. and St John's. 1688. On Peterhousc ground. 1721. Fives at OXFORD. 1755. Cricket, 178, (666) Wykehamists and Etonians at the old Bullingdon. Football. /J574> '579- Decrees at CAMBRIDGE, 179 1620. Matches between Trinity and St John's. 1632. J. Barwick's accident. Not played much in the i8th century. 1584. Ministers or deacons forbidden to play at OXFORD. 1616. Overbury's 'meere Scholar,' 179, 180 C 2 xxiv Table of Contents. Billiards. Y ,7:7. Proceedings in the V. C.'s court at CAMBRIDGE, (667) 1 760. ' Advice to a young man of Quality,' 180 1786. Played occasionally at Chesterton. 1762. At OXFORD, (667) Bowls. 1764. At OXFORD, 160 1620. At CAMBRIDGE, 180 Card-playing. When statutably permitted. 1620. Shovel-groat and cards at St John's, CAMBRIDGE, 181 __ 1 730. Whist at Caius college. 1 760. ' Advice to a young man of Quality.' 1792. In private and in Combination-rooms, 180, 181 Shovel-board still preserved at Corpus College, OXFORD, 181 Chess. 1620. At CAMBRIDGE. 1780. In a coffee-house. Butt-baiting. 1620. Suppressed at CAMBRIDGE. (1710. Fashionable in London.) 1727. Disturbance near OXFORD. 1763. Programma at CAMBRIDGE, iSr, 182 Cock-fighting. (1710. A common English sport), 182 172^. At OXFORD, 183 172^. Prohibited at CAMBRIDGE. 1795. Matches against Suffolk. The 'basket,' 182 Gambling. 1721. Prevalent at OXFORD among the seniors, 183 1785. The exception at CAMBRIDGE. Lotteries. 1782. Could not be licensed in the Universities under the Act. Dr Barnes of Peterhouse. 1783-5. Key's prize essays on Gambling, Duelling and Suicide. 1790. C. Moore's treatise on Gaming. 1710-20. Horse-racing at OXFORD, 183, 184 Table of Contents. xxy [1750. 'Newmarket: a Satire,' by T. Warton.] 1791. Duel between Undergraduates. 1729. The V. C. and Mayor of OXFORD at issue about & prize- fight. 1725. The provost of T. C. DUBLIN leads the van against the butchers, 184, 185 Dancing and vaulting in the I7th century, 185 1637. Evelyn at Stokes' school at OXFORD. 1655. Stokes' 'Vaulting Master.' Dancing only, in the i8th century. 1724. Kellom Tomlinson's 'Art.' 1 760. * Advice to a Young Man of Quality.' 1 765. Sir W. Jones attends Angelo's in the vacation. Volunteer Corps. 1798. O.U.V.C. or 'Armed Association,' 185 Their uniform, 186 [1803. University Corps at CAMBRIDGE. Cooper's Annals, iv. 478, 479-] Stirbridge Fair. Its importance. And popularity, 186, 187 My Lord Tap, 187, (667) 1710. A. Bonwicke, St %hn^s ) , 738. T. Gray, Pet. Coll. \ dld not & to *' l8 ? Dramatic Entertainments at Stirbridge. > J 533> 1555, 1592, 188 1701. Bentley as V. C. commits Doggett and demolishes the booth, 192 1708. Mention still of actors, 193 1748. Hussey's Theatrical booth, 195 1772. Stevens'. 1782. Mansel, Farmer, and Reid, ' the Shakespeare Gang,' 196 Other dramatic performances. SirJ. Harrington's statement, 188 1535. Performances of the Trinity lecturers, ib. 1536. A Greek play at St John's, ib. 1545. The Christmas lord tf. St John's, (667, 668) 1607. The Christmas prince at St John's, Oxon. (668) 1557, 1623. Play-acting on Sundays, 189 (668) 1564. In King's College Chapel, before Q. Elizabeth, 189 xxvi Table of Contents. 1544-1641. Other acting at CAMBRIDGE, 189192 1642. Ordinance against stage-plays, (669) 1655-60. Acting 'by stealth' at OXFORD, 192 Dryden's prologues, &c., 193 Cibber acts at Oxford in the time of William III. 1712. Gibber's company at the Act, 194 1713. The players at Oxford. 1785. Plea for the drama at Oxford, 196 Bentley annexes the obsolete Tyring Room at Trinity, CAM- BRIDGE, 192, 193 (669) 1747. Smart's 'A Trip to Cambridge,' 195, (662) Music. In old time 'a preparation to divinitie,' 197 1666,1669. 'Hale and Cosin scholars' at Peterhouse, ought to learn music, 198 1654-7. A. Wood's Musical parties at Oxford. T. Ken, 198, 199, (669) 1699. An Oxonian at a concert in CAMBRIDGE, 199 1710. Ufienbach's criticism of the Music Club at Christ's college, 199, 200 1721. Erasmus Philipps learns the violin at Oxford. 1723-1805. Spinnets and harpsichords. 1 733. ' One Handel,' &c. at the OXFORD Act, 200, 201 1742. The Music Room. 1750. Music (especially violin-playing) popular at Cambridge, 2OI 2O3 1769. Classical music at Oxford, 203 Modern comic concerts taking the place of the Early safety- valves for boistemts spirits. The initiatory ceremony of sailing. 1647. In Wood's time at OXFORD, 204206 1577. At Trinity, CAMBRIDGE, 206 1620. At Pembroke and St John's (his own college) in D'Ewes' time. 1628. Milton the mock Father of Christ's College in the summer vacation, 206, 207 1714. The Fresh treat at OXFORD, 206 Personages taking part officially in the old University exer- cises, who were allowed to make use of Satirical arguments, 207307 At CAMBRIDGE (r) the ' Tripos* or ' Bachelor of the stool;' (2) the ' Praevaricator' 1 or Table of Contents. xxvii (i) The TRIPOS 1 , called ?i555. in bedel Stokys' Book the ' Quid Bachilour? the ' Bachikr Awnswerynge.' 1 5 :, 6. ' the bachelor, ' 216 1576. t the bachelor of the Stool, '227 1665. in bedel Buck's Book the ' Tripos? 218 1667. Tripns, 229 His business was to take a prominent part as a disputant at the Bachelors' Commencement, Comitia minoia priora ac posteriora, in Lent. Characteristics of the Tripos' Speech, 219, 220 1700. Sam. Cobb's Tripos speech, 220 226 1624-1741. Regulations and offences of the 'Tripos,' 228 231 [1650]. Vmbra Comitiorum, or Cambridge Commencement in Types, REPRINTED. (671 678) 1574-1802. Account of some of the Tripos Verses, 228 244 1632-6. Peter Gunning, 'senior brother,' ' tripos, ' and ' praevaricator, 246 (2) The PRAEVARICATOR, or Varier, called ? 1555. in bedel Stokys' book the t yong regent,' 247 1665. in bedel Buck's book the ' Varier or Prcevaricatorj 252 He was the junior regent M.A. of the previous Commence- ment ; and his business was to make a speech at the Comitia maiora, or Great Commencement, in the summer, playing 1 The history of our Cambridge term TRIPOS, as equivalent to ' honour examina- tion/ is curious and interesting. (1) The B.A., who sat on a three-legged stool (pp. 211, 227) to dispute with the ' Father' in the philosophy schools on Ash- Wednesday, was called Mr Tripos, from that on which he sat (2) The satirical speech made by him (pp. 219, 220) was called the Tripos-speech: and (3) His humorous verses distributed by the bedels were called Tripos-verses. (4) His office became obsolete in the last century ; and similar verses being still circulated by authority each sheet of -verses was called ' a Tripos,' or ' Tripos Paper' (Gradus ad Cantab, ed. 1803). (5) On the back of each sheet after the year 1748 a list of 'Wranglers' and 'Senior Optimes,' or of 'Junior Optimes' (Gradus ad Cantab, ed. 1824). These lists were called the 'Triposes,' or first and second 'Tripos lists' (pp. 210, 255). (6) The mathematical examination, whose interest centered in this list, was called the Tripos. (7) When other 'honour examinations' were instituted they were distinguished as the ' classical tripos,' &c. from the 'mathematical tripos.' xxviii Table of Contents. upon the question to be disputed, or varying its terms, 246, *47 252 1614. There was a Varier also at the public Commencement, an I sometimes a ' Music Speech? 1714. R. Long's ' Music Speech' in St Mary's Church, 259 -269 1730. John Taylor's Ode and 'Music Speech' in the new Senate- House, 269 276 1785. Commencement week at Cambridge, 276 1777. Pot Fair. Commencement-Ball, 277, (678) 1620. The Greater and Lesser Act : the 'praevaricator' and 'tripos' in D'Ewes' time, 277 283 1620-84. Notices of praevaricator.s : regulations, recantations, &c., 229, 282, 229, 278, 230, 279, 230 The Act at OXFORD. Gibber's remarks, 283 1654. Evelyn at the Act in St Mary's ('y e Prevaricators '), 286 1661-1733. A list of some 'Acts,' 284, 285 1669. Inauguration of the Act in the Sheldonian Theatre. Wallis and Evelyn, 286289 The TERRAE FILII, 288 1669. Degeneracy of their wit, 289 1704. Baker's Comedy, 'An Act at Oxford,' 289 296 1591-1713. List of Terrae filii, 296 298, 303, (680) 1703. Two speeches of the Terrae Jilius. Roberts, 298 1713. A speech publicly burnt at the Act. Contemporary opinion in the Giiardian, sketching the progress of terrae filial satire, 298, 299 Amherst's instance of audacious personality, 299 1714. Dr Ayliffe's description of the Act, 299 302 He ascribes the buffoonery of terrae Jilius to the anti-papisti- cal satire of the Reformation, 302 1721. Amherst's account. 1726. Hogarth's frontispiece, 302, 303 I 733- The Act. Bellus Homo et Academicus recited. Bowyer's ' Beau and Academick,' 303 The terrae Jilius speech printed and suppressed, 304 306 Mr Robinson's sketch of its contents, ib. 1763. The last of the terrae Jilii. The rumour of his appearance causes apprehensions to the Town and Gown, 306, 307 1779. Mentioned by the authoress of ' Who's the Dupe ?' 307 1660-82. ' Musick Speeches ' or ' Musick Lectures, ' 308 Table of Contents. xxix Lent Verses, or Carmina Quadragesimalia, corresponding with the Cambridge ' tripos verses,' 309 1715. Their tory sentiments. Popham's specimens. 1723. Este's volume of Christ Church Carmina Quadragesimalia^ 310312 174!. Parson's volume, 313, 314 1730. The Lent Disputations at CAMBRIDGE reformed. ' Standing in XL m V 1646. ' Coursing' in Lent abolished at OXFORD, 315, 316 ' Egg Saturday, ' ib. 4 Austins,' 315, 317 'Wall Lectures,' 315,318 1722. 'Circuiting,' 318 Distinction between the Act and COMMEMORATION, or the Encaenia, ib. 1669. The Sheldonian Theatre opened. 1750-73. Accounts of Commemoration in the Gent. Mag., 319 Foreigners visiting the Universities. 1701. Neophytus the Greek abp. of Philippopolis at OXFORD in the Long Vacation (Dr Wdodroffe), 324, (68 1) And at CAMBRIDGE (Bentley, prof. J. Barnes). His speech, 320, 321, (680) 1616. A future patriarch of Alexandria educated at Balliol, 324 1689-1705. The Greek College at Oxford, and its students, 324, 325 (681) 1768. The K. of Denmark at CAMBRIDGE, 325 1775. The Pr. of Hesse and the Danish ambassador, ib. 1797. The Pr. and Princess of Orange, ib. 1786. K. George III. at OXFORD. Miss Burney attends on Q. Charlotte. Her description of the visit, 326, 327 LADIES at foreign universities in the i4th and i8th centuries, 328 The story of Agnodice of Athens, 328, 329 The decline of literary culture in the Roman republic and empire revived by Vespasian's professors. A second gene- ration of learned Roman ladies, 329, 330 Literary taste in the reign of Q. Anne. English ladies of the Tatler and Spectator period, 331 1710-14. Efforts of Steele, Addison, and Hughes in their behalf, 331, 33' Dr Johnson. B. Stillingfleet junior's blue-stockings. Names of some literary ladies of the i8th century, 333 xxx Table of Contents. 1764-1812. Mrs Jebb (Ann Torkington), 333343 Her husband, John Jebb of Peterhouse, an unpopular whig and reformer at Cambridge. 1771. In his attack on 'Subscription' she assists him in a pamphlet, under the signature * PriscillaJ against Dr Randolph's Charge, 336, 340 Paley's remark on the occasion, 340 1772. When her husband was striving to establish annual examina- tions, she wrote in their favour in the Whitehall Post, &c. 1774. And in a 'Letter to the Author, &c.' [Dr Powell, master of St John's], &c., 336, 339 1076-1604. Celibacy of the Clergy in England, 343 347 Celibacy at the Universities. 1 550. Mrs Cox and the wife of Peter Martyr at Christ Church, 350 (681) 1551. A married vice-master of Trinity is continued in his place by royal licence of K. Edward, 345, 346 1553-4. The master of Peterhouse was deprived under Q. Mary as being a married man, (68 1) 1561. Q- Elizabeth's Injunction against the marriage of Heads and other members of Colleges or Cathedrals, 348 A married president of Magdalen College, Oxon., 350 1570. The Cambridge statutes seem to admit married heads of colleges, 351 1575. This was proved in the case of Dr Goad of King's. Mrs Goad 'came never twice within the quadrant of the college,' 352 Loggan's pictures of the i7th century, 352, 353 Attempt to extend the licence of marrying to fellows of Col- leges at CAMBRIDGE, 353 1765. * The Council in the Moon.' 1 766. Excitement at Cambridge, and especially among the Johnians. The proposal falls through, 353, 354 1783. The restriction of celibacy removed from such Heads at OXFORD as were still bound to it by their statutes, 354, 355 Married fellowships advocated in Gent. Mag., 355 ' A Fair Statement.' 1793-8. Revived agitation of the question, 355, 356 Parish's pamphlet, ' Toleration of Marriage,' 356 1798. Vain attempt to procure a syndicate. 1811. J. Plumptre's sermon, 'Forbidding to Marry,' 357 1661. Warden Clayton's wife at Merton, OXFORD, 357360 Table of Contents. xxxi She puts the college to expense. Her watch-tower, 358 1852. Prof. Conington on the restriction of celibacy, 360 The CAMBRIDGE Uriiv. Commission, 361, 362 1572. Dr Goad punishes those who abetted the marriage of young Byron of Queens'. 1629-1712. Proceedings against those who enticed young scholars into imprudent marriages, 362, 363 Familiarity with tradesmen's families, 363 Promenades at OXFORD, ib. 1707, 1710. Merton Garden. ? 1625. Earle's Hortus Mcrtonensis. 1570-1740. Paradise Garden. Uffenbach's description. Miller's ' Humours of Oxford,' 365 1711. Sketch of Wadham Gardens, 366 1714. A Vindication of the Oxford Ladies. 1716-27. Merton Walks frequented by the 'Body of Divinity' and other 'Toasts,' 367 1723. They take refuge in Magdalen college walks, 368 1720. A 'fellow-commoner' of Pembroke has a key of the garden, and gives it to a scholar. 1761. Description of Oxford gardens, walks, &c., 394396 1721. An Oxford ' Toast ' described by Amherst, 368 ^371 1718. ' Strephon's Revenge, ' wherein the Oxford Toasts are satirized, 37i 372 1718. And their admirers or hangers-on the College 'Smarts' 1 at Oxford, 372 1721. Described also by Amherst, 375, 377 1628. Earle's 'meere young Gentleman of the Vniuersitie,' 377, 378 1711-1825. Such fops were called Loungers at CAMBRIDGE, and were frequently described by the essayists of the day, 372 375, 376 (The verses in the Oxford Sausage related apparently to Cambridge in the first instance), 372, 373 1793-1824. 'To lounge,' 378 (587, 593) Lounging-books, which were provided in the Mappesian Library, kept by Nicholson, 378 1781-96. Notices of old ' Maps? 378385 1 780. Fletcher's reading-room at OXFORD, 385 1662. Abuse of a lending library in early times, 386 1751. Coffee-house novel libraries, 386, 387 xxxii Table of Contents. 1762. Described in Warton's 'Companion to the Guide' (the mss. being ledgers), 151, 387 390 1763. Library at CAMBRIDGE in Emmanuel Coffee-house, 144 And elsewhere in Gray's time, 390 Patronesses of the high borlace at OXFORD, 154 1747. And in Trinity College common-room, 391 1730. Toast drinking, 161, 391 1710-73. College buildings at CAMBRIDGE. Eighteenth century taste and 'improvements,' 391 394 1690-1793. Pictures and poems representing ladies in the Backs of the Colleges, 397 1751. The Toast's Progress, 398, 399 1746. T. Warton's Progress of Discontent, 399, 400 Goldsmith's Double Transformation, 399 Testimonies to the want of politeness in the Universities, 400404 1628. Earle's doivne-right Scholler, 400 1698. Farquhar's Love and a Bottle, 401 1713-23. The Essayists, &c. 1751. The Female Student, 401, 402 Richardson's 'MrWalden,' 402 404 1779. A student ignorant of fashionable slang, 404 CHANGE WROUGHT BY MODERN INVENTIONS. Thomas Hobson's choice of horses, 405 (683 687) 1054-1842. ' Flying Coaches,' &c.,4O5 408 1688, 1729. Hackney-coach fares, 406 1 749-96. Letter carriers and post days at Cambridge, 406, 407 1785. Pack-horses, 407 Sloth of coaches, 408 1809. Dick Vaughan of the ' Telegraph ' light Coach, ib. Tapers and oil-lamps versus gas, 408 410 (688) Parsimony in oil, 409, 410 1782-8. Paving and lighting Cambridge streets, 410 1625. Bedmakers not to usurp the offices of poor scholars, ib. V. Bourne's verses on Newton's bedmaker, John Perkins, 4 1 1 1721. And on Rouss. Increasing luxuriousness of college rooms, 411, 412 1687. Whiston's rooms, 412, 413 1709. The Oxford Servitour's lodgings, 103, 104 1740. A soph's furniture' proverbial, 412 1761. Apartments at All Souls' in the Gothic taste. Table of Contents. xxxiii 1 764. Interior in the illustrations to the Oxford Sausage. 1820. Sofas not yet universal, 412 COLLEGE EXPENSES, TOWN AND GOWN. 16.^1801. Some students' spendings, 413 418 1727-47. Pamphlets by Dr Ri. Newton of Hart Hall (571 583) Taxors appointed in the early universities to defend students from the exorbitance of the townsmen, their landlords, 415 After the foundation of Colleges their office is changed, 415, 416 1502-1855. History of the later taxors, 416 418 Bidding prayers^n? defunctis, 418, 419 1705. Aggression of town magistrates punished, 419 i6i6-i75- Judicious proctors, 419 421 Town and Gown, 421 428 [ 354'7- Feb. 10, S. Scholastica's Day at OXFORD, and the sequel of the fray, 421 424 1357-1854. Its humiliating commemoration, 423 426 *575- 'Welsh and Saxons,' 427 1673. A scholar of B.N.C. \vmmded at the mayor's election riot, ib. I 575- Quarrelsome CAMBRIDGE scholars, 426 'A Royston horse and a Cambridge M.A.,' 427 'North and South,' ib. 1788. A drayman killed by Turk Taylor. 1792. Misconduct of townsmen. 1768. Rating the colleges. 'Rights... of... Cambridge defended, '42 7, 428 1769. 'An Argument in the Case of Coll. Chr. and Emman.,' 428 j 774. Case of Catherine Hall v. Parish of St Botolph. 1782. Dr Ro. Plumptre's ' Hints.' MORALS AND DISCIPLINE. As in the country, so in the Universities, 428 \ 1741. ' Culinary Kays,' 429 1750. Testimony of the Academic as to the improved state of things at Cambridge at the very time of the ' New Regulations,' 67, 429 ? Dr Johnson drinks three bottles of port at Oxford, 429 1644-1771. Wines drunk in Oxford, London, Scotland, &c., 429 432, (689) i773-8o. Price of College wine, 432, 433 1661. Morning draughts at Oxford, 433 xxxiv Table of Contents. 1713-64. Became old-fashioned, 127, 128 1835. Beer re-introduced at Oxford from Cambridge [where Person had always broken his fast on malt liquor], 433 1747. The discipline of Glasgow and Aberdeen held up for imita- tion, 434 1751. Disorderly demonstrations in Cambridge, 434, 435 1837. Modern university society as described by an American clergyman, 435 1716, 1728. Disciplinary regulations, 436 1740. Symptoms of disorders at St John's, 438 1749. Many heinous offenders among the wealthier students, 437, 438 1750, 1822. ' School feasts,' 71, 436, 437 1733. Dr Conybeare's reforms at Ch. Ch., OXFORD displease Heame, 437 1747. Dr Cockman at Univ. coll., 434 1727-47. Dr Newton of Hart Hall, 438 (570 583) COLLEGE PENALTIES. 1837. Dr Whewell's theory of punishment, 438, 439 His scale of penalties, 442, 443 1663-1764. Admonitions and Confession of Offences, 118, 119, 439,440 1652. Discommonsing (Dryden's case), 439, 440 Sending to Coventry and discommuning, 440 1 740-93. Rustication and Expulsion, 438 440, 445 1556. Flogging in the Universities, 439, 481 ? 1615. Dr Potter. 1662. At the Butteries. And in the Hall, 442, (689) The title of Dean of wide application, 442 1571. Stocks in the College hall, 443 1 790. The Stang probably obsolete, 443, 444 1723-1803. Sconcing, 443445 1803. K punishment =&& 'imposition,' 445 1679-1803. Impositions, 445452, 485 Contracted for by ' Maps/ 447 And by Jemmy Gordon, 447 453, (689) Pictures of Gordon, 451, 452 1768-85. And of D. Randall and Mother Hammond, 453, 454 DRESS OF SCHOLARS. 1541. Inventory of the apparel of a scholar of St John's, CAM- BRIDGE (ex decrcto scaccarii), 454, 455, (689, 690) Table of Contents. xxxv (1577. Expenses of the E. of Essex and his Attendant at Trinity, 45<5, 457) 1598. Inventory of a B.A. of OXFORD, 455, 456 T 34 Unclerical gaiety of attire censured, 459 1566. King's coll. free from the quarrels concerning dress, 461 1570. Cambridge statutes affecting the private dress of scholars, 459, 460 1571. Interpretation as to wearing hats, 460 The proctors and other offender's, 461 1571. Dr Goad's troublesome fellows, 352 1585. Lord Burleigh's orders, 461 465 1587. He presents complaints of tailors' bills, 465 1589. Whitgift reprimands the OXONIANS, 465, 466 1602. And receives complaints from CAMBRIDGE, 466 1603. The Lxxivth Canon, 466, 467 Sir Hugh Evans, 467 1636. 'Certain Disorders' represented to Laud, 467, 468 1674. The accusation of long perukes met, 468 1694. The V. C. at OXFORD speaks against a fashion of hats, ib. Fashions in Q. Anne's reign, 469 Little changed under George I., 469, 470 1 7 if. Gown sleeves at Oxford, 470 1721. Lace ruffles and flaxen tye-wigs, 470, 471 1742. Hogarth's Taste in High Life, 470 Dr Richardson punishes the wearing of neckcloths for stocks, 47i 1750. Sumptuary Orders and Regulations, 65, 68 1751. The Sloven, 471, 472 Bobs and grizzles, 472, 473 I 775'9- Wigs unfashionable, 473 Simeon and Porson, ib. 1768-75. Extracts from F. Dawes' bills, 473476 1 786-8. Extravagance of undergraduates, 476 1799. Prof. Pryme's reminiscences of dress, wigs, &c v 476, 477 1619-1804. Etiquette concerning boots, 478, 479 Supplicatio de ocreis et crepidis, 479 481, 487 1633. Boots forbidden, 480 1 633- 1 7 7o- OXFORD statutes on dress private and academical, 481 1816. A penalty imposed for disregard of those statutes, 485 Academical dress of students derived from the Benedictines, 485-487 1414-1788. Regulations affecting the scholastic dress at C xxxvi Table- of Contents. 1837. Dr Whewell on the importance of academical dress, 491, 492 The hood, tippet, liripipe, &c., 492499, (690) The hood 'squared.' 'flourished,' &c., 498, (690) The old Cambridge non-regent black hood, 499 The cap round and square, 499512 1570-1835. The gowns, 461, 496, 505, 512 524, (693) 1682. Mourning gowns and crape gowns. [Eachard's] Speculum, 515, 522, (691693) 1790. The OXFORD commoner's leading-strings, 525 1857. Proposal to alter the commoner's gown, ib. Dress of the clergy, 525530 The cassock, 525, 526 1764-65. Pamphlets on clerical dress, 526 530 Scarlet gowns, 530 Scarlet days and Litany days at Cambridge, ib. The surplice. Scarves and stoles, 500, 501, 516, 531 533 1610, 1646-1759. Pictures bearing upon the vestments of the clergy and of the altar, 533538, 545, (693696) The University cope, 538543 Proctor's ruffs, 543 1550. Bedell's guoi/s, ib. INTRODUCTORY. AFTER laying down such a book as Izaak Walton's Memoirs of George Herbert or Bishop Monk's Life of Bentley, we naturally put to ourselves the question : whether, if we had our choice, we should prefer the times in which either of them lived to our own days. Such a comparison is not unprofitable as an exercise of the Affections or the Imagination ; but it has a distinct value with reference to our own Conduct and Opinions at the present time. It is true, no doubt, that most of us are inclined to dwell with pleasure upon the lively Chronicles of the post-Elizabethan Age; and to recoil from the deathlike Effigies of the Eighteenth Century, when the Spirit of Chivalry seems dead, and the Christian Life paralysed and obscured. And in our days, when men's minds are fixed upon the Present almost to the exclusion of what is Past or Future from the range of their view, we can hardly do wrong in encouraging in ourselves and others the Contemplation of the Seventeenth Century, and of still remoter times. Nevertheless the student of history must not neg- lect those periods which seem to him uninteresting. Without interest no period of history can ever be in its relation to that which has followed it or is to L. B. E. * i Introdiictory. follow; since the darkest and even the blankest pages of history can never be blotted out or removed with- out destroying the Unity and Continuity of the whole. The sons cannot wholly do the fathers' work : much less can they undo it ; even though that work be Idleness. And if this be true of the study of Ecclesiastical History (as Professor Westcott teaches us), it is a principle no less to be observejclsLJn reviewing that most important section of the ^rrat educational ques- tion of the day; the Condition and Proper Destiny of our Universities. ^ In examining the pile of different parts which compose the architectural whole of the University Structure, we must not be content with fixing our eyes upon the point towards which the lines converge (a point still enveloped in the dim mysterious distance), nor yet with taking a bird's-eye view from the high places of Philosophy. despicere unde queas alios, passimque uidere errare atque uiam palantis quaerere uitae, certare ingenio, contendere nobilitate, noctis atque dies niti praestante labore ad summas emergere opes rerumque potiri. In addition to these, and in order to complete our fore-shortened sketch of past and present, there is need to make, at intervals in the length, Transverse Sections from which to gather the general condition of the Societies in each stage of their development. In a word, we must contemplate the parts in their Solidarity as well as in their Continuity. Introductory. Any attempt to take such a view of the condition of our Universities in the Eighteenth Century, must, except in the hands of the practised Historian, be at present partial and of doubtful success. The Life of that Age is not as yet consolidated into His- tory ; and for that reason there will be gaps and doubtful tints in our Chart of the Section. At present we must content ourselves with hoping that the day will soon come when some diligent Lover of Truth will piece together the later history of our Universities from the Pamphlets of a Pamph- leteering Age. Such a work would be unquestionably a most important assistance in grappling with difficulties, which now beset us. It would, I believe, enable us to see in many cases the causes of neglect from which Disease moral, religious, and political has spread in our great educational bodies, and so, since the importance of the Universities has increased, in patriam populumque fluxit. At the same time we should, I believe, learn to our profit that, whereas we are apt to boast of our Advancement and to despise our forefathers in the last century, many (if not most) of those Educational and Constitutional Movements in which the Party of Progress in our Universities are now most interested,, had been suggested or elaborated by persons or by im- portant minorities long before we ourselves were born. Such a history is however beyond the scope of the following compilation. i 2 Introductory. The Method proposed is to take the different topics severally which relate to the University Life and Studies in England during the Eighteenth Century under these three heads : 1. SOCIAL LIFE. This division contains remarks upon the Political and Moral Condition of the Univer- sities ; the Mutual Relations of different classes of their members; the Amusements, the Discipline; with some account of Proposals for Reform put forward at the time. This part only has been completed in the present volume. The Elements of the two following are al- ready in solution in my Note Books, but are not as yet precipitated upon Paper as Copy for the Press. 2. The INDIVIDUAL STUDIES pursued in the University Curriculum, or advanced by the efforts of private Students : the Tools and Helps afforded them, or needed by them, as Libraries, Editions, Scientific Apparatus, and Laboratories. This division of the sketch should treat of some of that second class of Instruments to the advancement of learning men- tioned by Bacon at the commencement of the second book ' de augmentis scientiar urn? while the first di- vision is devoted to the Workshop and the Men flitter arum scdcs' l personae eruditorum) in their re- lation to the common weal. As an appendage to the Studies, should follow some account of the proceeding to Degrees, and of the early University Calendars. 3. The RELIGIOUS LIFE in its personal and social aspects. PART I. SOCIAL LIFE. King George observing with judicious eyes The state of both his Universities, To Oxford sent a troop of horse; and why? That learned body wanted loyalty. To Cambridge books he sent, as well discerning How much that loyal body wanted learning. The King to Oxford sent a troop of horse, For Tories own no argument but force; With equal skill to Cambridge books he sent, For Whigs admit no force but argument. 1 EVERYTHING 'says Hartley Coleridge 1 , in his Life of Dr Richard Bentley ' everything in England takes the shape and hue of politics.' If this was true of the country in the earlier half of the present century, it was so pre-eminently at the Universities in, the Eighteenth. The Civil War in the days of King Charles I. had spread so widely over the country that it was almost impossible for any man, much more for any woman, to abstain from espousing earnestly that cause which appeared to have the better claim to advantage or to right. And if the horrors of civil broils and the sour tyranny of 3, body more imperious than one man could be, made many no longer unwilling to welcome 1 Northern Worthies, p. 151. University Society back the exiled Prince ; yet, after the disturbing influences of a luxurious reign, the infatuation of King James roused the dormant indignation of his subjects; the succession, which by a prudent and a sober king might have been established to the welfare of the nation, was violently interrupted, and England was once more the scene of faction and distress. It would perhaps have been difficult to augur on which side the sister Universities would place them- selves. Many Colleges in each had given their plate and their men to further the good cause. The words of Dr Bliss 1 will apply to Cambridge, as well as to Oxford, of which he is writing; witness the pages of Mercurius Rusticus, and the acts of the Earl of Manchester. 'They had been despoiled of their property, ejected from their livings and subjected to every injury and insult at the hands of a rabble who thought them- selves reformers, but had no other aim than their own advancement and the plunder of those which had anything to lose. Can we wonder at the popu- larity with which Charles II. ascended his father's throne, or be surprised that Hearne and those who thought with him still adhered in the following reign to the race of the Stuarts?' They had suffered for the king and they had suffered with him. Was not that enough to make them faithful ? For the loyalty of benefactors is most loyal ; they engender affection, the offspring of adoptive parents. But the second Charles in the gaiety of the court often played the 1 Reliquiae II earnianae^ ill. Appendix I. pp. 188, 189. in the Eighteenth Centzwy. part of Pharaoh's chief butler to those who had restored him to his liberty, and to his office. Such conduct would make some bitter enemies: others (like the dog who does not hate his master for the blow or cruel word) would increase in loyalty; their sense of duty and of chivalry becoming stronger with their sense of the difficulty of maintaining them. Then came the trial of conscience. King James in his ardour for Romanism, and urged on perhaps by a suspicion that he had but little time wherein to advance his cause, by attempts to an exertion of arbitrary power in either University struck with his own hand two fatal blows to the security of his throne 1 . At Oxford upon the death of Dr Clarke in 1687 a mandamus was received from the king by the Fellows of Magdalene College to elect Mr Anthony Farmer, a man of no good character and a Papist, to the vacant Presidency. But the Fellows of Magda- lene stood firm. They proceeded statutably to elect Dr Hough who (as we learn from Hearne's diary 2 ) only agreed to hold the Presidency against the king's mandamus when Dr Baptiste Levinz, bishop of Man, withdrew. The Fellows were summoned to Whitehall. James could no longer insist upon the election of one of such notoriety as his nominee ; he therefore issued 1 Burnet's Own Time, ill. 139, ed. Oxon. 1823 ( = i. 697, sqq. folio ed.). On the great influence of the Universities in the country, at the end of the i 7th cent., see Macaulay's Hist. ch. viii. 3 Reliquiae Hearnianae, ill. 167. 8 University Society another mandamus for the election of Dr Parker. But the king had shewn his weakness, and the Fellows knew their strength lay in doing their duty. They bore the unkingly conduct of their sovereign, who came to Christ Church Hall and rated them in person. Dr Hough was deprived, and the door of his presidential lodgings broken open by the servants of the Commission: for no Oxford blacksmith could be induced to do the deed. Twenty-five Fellows were expelled and most of the Demies followed their example. The college servants also suffered and acted boldly for their masters. * Already' (writes Lord Macaulay of the year 1687) 'had University .College been turned by Obadiah Walker into a Roman Catholic seminary. Already Christ Church was governed by a Roman Catholic Dean. Mass was already said in both those Colleges. The tranquil and majestic city, so long the strong- hold of monarchical principles, was agitated by passions which it had never before known. The undergraduates, with the connivance of those who were in authority over them, hooted the members of Walker's 1 congregation and chanted satirical ditties under his windows. Some fragments of the serenades which then disturbed the High Street have been preserved. The burden of one ballad ran thus: 4 'Old Obadiah sings Ave Maria." 1 For an anecdote relating to Obadiah Walker, see the quotation from Gibber's Life given be.lqw. His name is still commemorated in an in the Eighteenth Century. 'So mutinous indeed was the temper of the University that one of the newly- raised regiments the same which is now called the Second Dragoon Guards, was quar- tered at Oxford for the purpose of preventing an out- break. As a necessary consequence of James's arbi- trary proceedings, when in 1688 the insurgents under Lovelace appeared before Oxford, they were received with a hearty welcome. Already some of the heads of the University had dispatched one of their number to assure the Prince of Orange that they espoused his cause, and would willingly coin their plate for his service. The Whig chief therefore rode through the capital of Toryism amidst general acclamation, and at the head of a long procession of horse and foot 1 .' Yet the Jesuits had made some way at Oxford, whether by deluding the conscience of the famous Quaker William Penn, or through the pervert Master of University, Obadiah Walker, who had a press in the College for printing unlicensed books 2 . Oxford had at this critical time a Vice-Chancellor (Dr Gilbert Ironside of Wadham) worthy of the men of ' Maudlin, Magdalen, or Magdalene.' He could answer the king with dignity, yet without for- admonition to pass the wine, which is, I am told, traditional in the Club at Oxford a Society founded in the i8th century. ' Obadiah Walker us'd to say, "If you don't drink, your neighbour may"* 1 Macaulay's Hist., compare Burnet's Own Time, III. 321, 331 = folio ed. i. 793, 798. 2 Cp. the passage from Gibber's Life quoted below. Dr Sykes' Letters to Dr Charlett of Univ. Coll. in 1687. Letters from the Bodleian (1813), Vol. I. No. xvi. foil. io University Society getting the obedience which he owed to the royal com- mand in all things lawful 1 . It was he who prudently answered a captious question put to him by one who was sent to test the willingness of the University to confer the degrees of D.D. and LL.B. on persons nominated by the king 2 . Our Cambridge also had brooked the royal dis- pleasure by withstanding an attempt to set aside her laws, when the king would have forced her to admit Alban Francis, a Benedictine monk, to the Degree of M.A. without his taking the oaths 3 . The Vice-Chan- cellor (Dr Peachell) was deposed, but still the University persisted, and Father Francis was rejected. And for king James himself, 'it is not too much' (says the now Master of Jesus College Cambridge) f to say that the following out of those designs cost him his throne 4 .' 1 Letters front, the Bodleian, I. pp. 35, 36. 2 In 1711 (Nov. 19) there came a mandate from Queen Anne 'to make Mr Nicholas Sanderson (a blind man from his infancy, but who had taught Mathematicks in Christ's College -about 4 years) Master of Arts. It did not command, but only recommended him; and yet he was immediately admitted and created without reading any grace for it. 20. He was chosen Mathematick Professor in the room <5f Mr Whiston, who was expell'd for Heresy.' Diary of Edzv. Rud, p. 7. Camb. 1860, ed. Rev. H. R. Luard. 3 See a Pamphlet in the Bodleian Library (Gough, Cambr. 103). 'The Cambridge Case, being an exact narrative of all the Proceedings against the Vice-Chancellour and Delegates of that University, for refusing to admit Alban Francis a Benedictine Monk to the Degree of Master of Arts, without taking the Oaths. London, Printed and are to be Sold by Randal 7\rylor near Stationers' Hall. 1689.' (pp. 16.) 4 Brief Historical notices of the interference of the Crown ivith the affairs of the English Universities, by G. Elwes Corrie, B.D., Fellow and Tutor of St Catharine's Hall, and Norrisian Professor, Cam- bridge, 1839. p. 85. in the Eighteenth Century. 1 1 Then stood forth the seven Bishops and spoke the mind of the country, seeing how dangerous were the encroachments of the papal court to the stability of the English Church and State. Here be nine Worthies, viz. *William Bancroft, Abp Cant., of Emman. Coll. Camb., William Lloyde of St Asaph, of Oriel and Jesus Coll. Oxon., * Thomas Ken of Bath and Wells, of New Coll. Oxon., * Francis Turner of Ely, of New Coll. Oxon., *John Lake of Chichester [S. T. P. per regias literas, Camb. 1661], * Thomas White of Peter- borough, \ William Thomas of Worcester, St John's and Jesus Oxon., * Robert Frampton of Gloucester, C. C. Coll. and Ch. Ch. Oxon., Sir Jonathan Trelawney of Bristol, of Christ Church, Oxon. Seven of them were committed to the Tower, 1 and we know with what acclamations their acquittal was welcomed in London so loud that they forced themselves upon the ear of James. Bishops Thomas and White died in the year 1689 before they had incurred suspension for their refusal to take the Oaths to William. Their colleague Lake lived long enough to be suspended, but anticipated the sentence of deprivation by his death. Ken, whose honest refusal to receive the * Those marked with an asterisk were deprived as non-jurors after the Revolution, f Bishop Thomas was suspended, but did not live to be deprived, see Wood's Fasti, Bliss, IV. 264. Trelawney alone, the darling of Cornwall, joined the Bishop of London in inviting over the Prince of Orange. He had opposed James almost as soon as he took his seat in the House of Lords. (Wood, Bliss.) That king advanced him to Exeter in the following September, and King William confirmed the appointment. Mr Palin's History of the Church of England, 1851, p. 65. 1 The first six and Trelawney. \2 University Society mistress of Charles the Second had won from the merry monarch his important charge 1 , was now left with his dear friend and old fellow- student Turner to head those disinterested and conscientious men who could not transfer their allegiance. It was not till after an unsuccessful attempt towards the comprehension of Protestant Dissenters 2 (which was rendered abortive by the change of Government), that Archbishop Sancroft with his brethren were brought into conflict with the new king. We may now perhaps, in commenting upon the history of those who refused to take the oaths, be inclined to the opinion that after the breathing-time of the interregnum and the vote of the two houses of Parliament, the clergy might have all united (as indeed by far the most of them did) to welcome the Prince of Orange as their king. If they had done so, much might have been done towards the harmony of the Church and of the State, which in a few years became impossible ; when parties had become crystallized, and party cries familiar to men's tongues, when Dis- senters were suspicious of High Churchmen, and when High Churchmen would not trust the Whigs, nor even William himself, whose own proposals were a thousand times more tolerant than the measures of the Whigs with all their boasted love of toleration. But whatever may be our regrets, we cannot help 1 See Introduction to Ken's Manual of Prayers for Winchester Scholars, by the present Bishop of Salisbury, p. vi. Parker, 1860. 2 See the statements of Dr Wake, delivered at Sacheverell's trial (when he was Bishop of Lincoln), quoted by Mr Palin, History of the Church of England, p. 34. in the Eighteenth Century. 13 admiring the noble firmness of those men who could be loyal and obedient to that other king whom they were not afraid to withstand to the face when he was worthy to be blamed. But which side did the Universities take at the Revolution ? At Cambridge the Thanksgiving Day 1 ' for the deliverance of the nation from Popery and arbitrary power w r as observed' on Valentine's Day 1688 89, and a sermon preached in St Mary's by Mr [Jo.] Laughton of Trinity. The King William and Queen Mary were proclaimed in Cambridge, the bells rang all the afternoon, and at night there were bonfires. The Vice-Chancellor John Montague, Master of Trinity, entertained the officers at dinner, and after- wards manifested his allegiance, with the Provost of King's and the Masters of Peterhouse and Trinity Hall and other members of the University, in loyal effusions of congratulatory verse. Yet even a week later 2 so little had parties be- come consolidated that the University still expected that Archbishop Sancroft would consent to be their Chancellor. On his refusal Charles Seymour, Duke of Somerset, K.G., was elected and held the office until his death in 1748, sixty years later, when he was succeeded by the Duke of Newcastle, who was then High Steward of the University, and of whom we shall have more to say anon. Oxford too (as we learn from Bishop Burnet 3 ) had 1 Cooper's Annals of Cambridge, IV. 2. (William and Mary, 1688. ) 2 Ibid. 168889. 3 Burnet's Oivn Time, in. 321, 331 ( = i. 793, 798, folio ed.). 14 University Society welcomed the new king. Her indignation against James was justly great, and it was not wonderful that a considerable number of men in the University should be glad to be rid of attempts at tyranny. Among the clergy, those who maintained their strict adherence to the doctrine that a king could not abdicate, much less be constrained to resign his functions, and that no wrong suffered could compen- sate an act which they believed not right, 363 were firm even to the losing of their benefices. Of this number the non-jurors residing in the Universities 1 were as follows : Cambridge. Oxford. 2 Fellows of Trinity 2 Fellows of Magdalen i Scholar ,, ,, i Fellow of Queen's i Fellow of Queens' i ,, ,, All Souls' 3 Fellows of Peterhouse i ,, ,, Lincoln i Fellow of Magdalen 2 Fellows of Oriel 1 ,, ,, Caius 5 ,, ,, Balliol 28 Fellows of St John's i Fellow of Brazennose 2 ,, ,, Catherine Hall U. Dodwell, Professor of History 2 ,, ,, Pembroke Hall i Fellow of Trinity College Hall According to the above list the number of non- jurors in the Universities in the reign of William III. was at Cambridge 42, at Oxford only 14. It would be interesting to enquire whether this was the complete case ; or whether there were not Colleges where loyalty to James was so strong as to baffle the efforts of intolerance of which King William did not in his own heart approve. The reader will observe 1 Appendix to Palin's History of the Church of England. in the Eighteenth Century. 15 the mention of two Fellows of Magdalen College Oxford among the non-jurors, like the bishops merg- ing the sense of personal wrongs in the deep feeling of loyalty to the 'vacating' king. We must not pass over the two Fellows of Trinity College Cambridge and the ' one Scholar of the same,' a brave trio to stand aloof from their many comrades in the royal College whose master as Vice-Chancellor had pro- claimed King William. But more noticeable perhaps than all is the fact that a single College (St John the Evangelist's) sent forth a number of non-jurors equal to that produced by all the Colleges of Oxford and the rest of those of Cambridge combined. Thomas Baker was then at his Rectory of Long Newton in the diocese of Durham ; and it was not until the reign of George I. that he was deprived of his fellowship with one-and-twenty others of his College. The list given above therefore does not give a complete catalogue of the members of the Universities who suffered as non-jurors in William's reign 1 . In addition to Baker, there were probably several in the country who, like the elder Bonwicke, 1 E.g. We might enquire ' what was the state of the case at St John's College Oxford?' Were there no Jacobites there in May, 1701 ? Or was the elder Ambrose Bonwicke the only honest member of that foundation in the two senses in which that word is used, by Tho. Hearne and less violent partizans? (See Life of Bonwicke, ed. 1870, p. 116, 1. 32.) It appears that while Dr Gower was Master of St John's, Cambridge (till March, 1710 n), it was possible for a few non-jurors to keep their fellowships by his connivance. (Baker Mayor, 998.) At Oxford, Nic. Amherst says of the year 1715 or 1716, that 'the oath of allegiance to King George is often evaded.' Terrae Filius, No. xvn. p. 93. 1 6 University Society were deprived as clergymen or schoolmasters rather than as Fellows of Colleges. The history of Ambrose Bonwicke has become familiar to some of us through the works of his grate- ful pupil, William Bowyer Esquire, printer, a sizar of St John's College, and of his partner John Nichols, and through his own anonymous account of the martyr, his son Ambrose Bonwicke, which has lately been made accessible and most valuable to us by the labours of Mr John E. B. Mayor of St John's. The elder Bonwicke had been librarian and was Fellow of St John's College Oxford, and Master of the associate School of the Merchant Taylors (elected in 1686). He was at first (June, 1690) allowed to hold the mastership 1 on condition that he resigned his fellowship. A month had not passed before he was molested, and, in spite of the innocency and use- fulness of his conduct and the representation of the College in his favour, he was asked whether he had taken the oaths of allegiance ; and in thirteen months' time was dismissed from the head-mastership, having r time till Michaelmas next to provide for himselfeV After his ejection he established a private school at Headley 3 . It was in the interval between his 1 In the list of non -jurors given in Palin's Appendix, dio. London 'Bonwick, Master of Merchant Taylors' School' fellows 'Jeremy Collyer, some time Lecturer of Grays' -inn.' 1 have seen a book (an edition of Macrobius, if I remember right) belonging to the library of St John's Coll. Oxon., and apparently presented by A. Bonwicke. 2 Life of A. Bonwicke (1870), p 116. 3 I fist. Reg., Wilson 392, quoted by Mr Mayor, Life of A. Bonwicke, . 1 16. in the Eighteenth Century. father's notice of ejection 1 and the time that he and his wife quitted Merchant Taylors, that young Ambrose Bonwicke was born (Sep. 30. 1691), and being removed with the family to Headley he made there great progress in piety and in his studies till he was eleven years old : and after studying in the Mer- chant Taylors' School, where his father had before been master, for seven years and a half, 'and above six of them in the head form ;' he had good hopes to succeed to one of the two vacancies at St John's Col- lege in Oxford where his father had been till he de- clined to take the oaths. Young Ambrose passed the scholarship examination with more than ordinary credit he was proved to be facile princeps, and was complimented by the examiners. But through the malice of some informer it was remembered that when it was his course to read the prayers in school Bon- wicke had omitted that for the king, 'a governor whom he thought was not so de iure as well as de facto' 2 '! He was questioned on the subject, and when a word might have gained the honour which his family so much desired for him, he would not sacrifice to dis- honesty and to ambition, but 'in short answered: " Sir, I could not do it." Upon which the master and several other persons there present, said, It was a very honest answer, the best answer he could give; and one, that he was very sorry for him.' This happened on Sunday, St Barnabas Day, 1710. The result was that Ambrose was supplanted by two 1 Life of A. Bonwicke, p. 8. 3 Life, p. 14. 2 1 8 University Society of his fellow scholars who were less proficient in scholarship than himself, and who could not have been more distinguished for piety and virtue. His father, an old Oxonian, appears to have thought that his son might not like to go to the College of St John the Evangelist 1 at the sister University. But the youth went home to Headley, and followed the example of his Lord at Nazareth ; until the 'Bartholomew Vacation' gave parents and son leisure to travel together to Cambridge, where he was admitted (Aug. 25) to St John's College 2 . There they were not afraid to elect him to an ex- hibition and afterwards to a scholarship (Nov. 6. 1710), his duty being to wind up the clock. The per- formance of this office when he was in a weak state of health hastened his early death. Every line of his short biography is full of interest, and we must leave the reader to study it for himself; reserving however some notices of his life for other sections of this Essay, while we now only remark, that w r e may conclude, from information gleaned from the book (if we might not conjecture it from the existence of such a life), that there were others residing at Cam- bridge whose conscience (whether right or wrong) led them to adhere to their old allegiance to king James. Such were Ambrose's brother Philip, and their chum who shared the college chamber in common with 1 See a letter from him, Feb. 22, 170910. Nichols' Lit. Anccd. V. p. 121, n. 2 Life, p. 22, ed. 1870, and notes. in Ike Eighteenth Century. 19 them. Among the elder members of the University were Francis Roper, late a Fellow of St John's 1 , who in 1690 was deprived of his stall at Ely and of the rectory of Northwold, Norfolk 2 . He was residing in St John's and reading with pupils in 1711 when he received the news of the death of holy Bishop Ken 3 . This was in the vacancy of the mastership of the College and of the Margaret Professorship of Divinity by the death of Dr Gower, who was succeeded in both offices by Dr R. Jenkin 4 . The new master, though he had resigned his preferment with other non-jurors in 1690, changed his political opinions and took the oaths to Queen Anne in 1711 having been admitted to proceed in Divinity two years before (see Mayor on Baker, p. 1006) feeling perhaps with Sir Matthew Hale, according to the principle of R. Sanderson, that allegiance was not due to a disputed dynasty when the representative of it was no longer in the field. His conduct, however, caused much distress to his old friends 5 , and this was heightened by the enforcement of the oaths in virtue of an Act of Parliament passed in his mastership, when 22 Fel- lows of St John's were ejected 'on the fatal Jan. 21, 1716 17, when the ejected had sinned not by denying, 1 [And his pupil Tho. Browne, a kind friend of the Bonwicke family. Life of A. B., pp. 22, 135, 175, 176.] Life of A. Bonwicke, (1870), P- 175- 2 Palin, Hist. Ch. England, Appendix, dio. Norfolk. 3 Life of A. Bonwicke y p. 28, ed. 1870, 4 Jenkin did good work as Margaret Professor by his Reasonableness of Christianity. Like Lardner he was a forerunner of Paley. 5 Masters' Life of T. Baker, p. 34. Camb. 1 784. 2 2 20 University Society but merely by declining to affirm the omnipotence of Parliament to dispense with oaths 1 / It was on this occasion that gentle Thomas Baker, author of the MSS. so valuable to the history of the country and the University, was deprived of his fellowship. He was a quiet harmless man, a friend of the whig Bishop Gilbert Burnet as well as of Tom Hearne and Dr R. Rawlinson (brother of 'Tom Folio'), the antiquaries, and one of Ambrose Bonwicke's 'special benefactors 2 .' More than this, he was a religious bible-loving man, as may be seen from his anonymous pamphlet 'Reflections upon Learning*! which was published sometime before he could claim his title *socins eiectus! His diligence and consci- entiousness in study was unbounded, witness the fact that he was set upon compiling a laborious 1 Mr Mayor, Preface to the life of A. Bomvicke, 1870, p. IX. Cooper in his Annals of Camb. gives the date as Jan. 20. (Following Masters' Life of Baker, p. 34, .who tells us that the ejected were 'to the number of twenty-two in that College only, whose names are mentioned in App. to the Life of Kettlewell, p. 33.') Cp. Mayor 's Baker, p. 1008. 2 Letter of A. Bonwicke senior to his wife on the publication of the Pattern for young Students (the life of his son), quoted in Mayor's notes to the Life, p. 136. 3 See Travels of Z. C. Von Uffenbach, in. 20, 24, who enjoyed Baker's kindness, Aug. i, 1710, and says of him, 'He is a very quiet, modest and affable man, and could have held high offices if he were not n Jacobite and non-jurer* The scope of the book is to show, from a consideration of the un- satisfactory and variable character of all branches of human knowledge, the value and necessity of religion. Editions noted in the new catalogue of the Bodleian, are, 1699; ed. 3, 1700; ed. 7, 1738. 'Reflections upon learning, Wherein is shewn the Insufficiency Thereof in its several Par- ticulars : in order to evince the Usefulness and Necessity of Revelation. in the Eighteenth Century. 21 history of his College by the request of a friend who wanted notices of the lives of northern worthies from the records of St John's; and that he could cast it aside because through no fault of his own it could not be made complete. Well might Hearne say 1 , 'A Mr Baker is not to be met with but in a few places.' As for Tom Hearne himself, he was of a more petty and of a hotter temper than Baker ; but he was like him in his diligence and in his sufferings as a non-juror. He performed his duty as Under- Librarian of the Bodleian 2 so long as he was per- mitted to do so. He had a high opinion of the duties of the University with respect to the use of Bodley's magnificent storehouse of precious materials, and he exerted all his influence and energies in making those treasures accessible to the country. But in December 1716 he was in danger of having his papers seized 3 by the Vice-Chancellor of Oxford; The seventh edition, by a Gentleman, London : printed for John and Paul Knapton, at the Crown, in Ludgate Street, 1737' (pp. 2 75)- -A- copy in the Camb. Univ. Lib. is 'Printed for A. Bosvile at the Dial against St Dunstari's Church in Fleet Street, 1700.' 1 Reliquiae Hearnianae, Bliss, in. i6r. 2 There is a curious mention of our friend in the travels of Zach. Conrad von Uffenbach (1754), in. 158. In his Itinerary, Sept. 17, 1710, Uffenbach, in one of his visits to the Bodleian while at Oxford, relates that the Protobibliothecarius, 'Bookseller' Hudson, left the work of making the new Catalogue to the Hypobibliothecarii Master Crab and Master Hearne. 'This Hearne is a man of 30 year, a poor starveling mean little creature, yet diligent withal and of good scholarship. He is only keeper (Beschleisser] of the Library, and shows the Anatomy Camera, wherefore he is very eager for the fee. He has not much from the Library, and, as he assured me, only \Q. J 3 Reliquiae Hearnianae, Bliss, n. 43. 22 University Society and rather more than a year earlier he had been debarred from the use of the Library ; and as he had the keys, being Hypobliothecarius, the locks were altered to keep him out 1 . Hearne lived on at Ed- mund Hall in Oxford till 1735, solacing himself in the company of 'honest antiquarians,' in listening to the Oxford bells, and in complaining to those diaries his 'collectanea,' which, as far as they are accessible to us, are of no less interest than the MSS. of Baker. Here the reader may find interest in reading the following character of the non-jurors drawn by one who seceded from their number (Abraham Dela Pryme, His Diary, Surtees Society, 54. p. 70). 1695, 'October 3. Some may be asking in future times how the Jacobites behaved themselves under this government, which they were so much against. I answer, that when anything went of their side, they were very merry and joy full ; and, on the contrary, were as much cast down when anything went against them. They were frequently exceeding bold, and would talk openly against the government, which the government connived a little at, for fear of raising any bustle, knowing that they were inconsiderable by reason of their paucity. They set up separate meetings all over, where there was any number of them, at which meetings I myself have once or twice been in Cambridge, for we had above twenty fellows in our Collfege] that were non-jurors. The service 1 Reliqu. Hearn. II. p. 82 ; ill. 96, 104, 109, 121, 133, 145, 154, 180. in the Eighteenth Century. 23 they used was the Common Prayer, and always pray'd heartily for king James, nameing him most com- monly ; but in some meetings, they onely prayed for the king, not nameing who. 'About three years ago, they held a great consul- tation at the nonjuring arch-bish[op] of Canterbury's house, where about all the chief nonjurors were present in all England, in which the arch-bish[op] gave them rules how to behave themselves, and how they should pray for the king, and such like. 'Their meetings in Cambridge were oftentimes broken up by order of the vice-chancellor, but then they always met again in some private house or other. 'They had a custom in our college, [St John's] while I was there, which I did not like, and that was always on publick fast days, which was every first Wednesday in every month, they always made a great feast then, and drunk and was merry; the like they did at London/ The oaths prescribed at the Universities at the end of the Revolution were 1. The Oath of Allegiance to the Sovereign. 2. The Oath of the King or Queen's Supremacy, and against the power and authority of all foreign Potentates, i.e. 'The Oath of the Queen's Sove- reignty' in the Ordinal. 3. The Declaration against Transubstantiation, Invocation and Adoration of the B. V. Mary or any other Saint, and the Romish doctrine of the Mass. These Oaths were first taken at Peterhouse, June 22, 24 University Society 1689, and continued till 1719, by persons retaining or entering upon their fellowships. One memo- randum in the Register of the House states that 'Mr Worthington having in his Letter to y e Master, dated at London, November 5, 1691, acknow- ledged that he hath not taken y e Oathes to their Majesties, injoined by y e last Act of Parl. his Fellowship was ordered (this present 9th of Novemb. 1691) in scrutiny, to be vacant according to the said Act.' A few extracts from the Register of the Oaths of Qualification at St John's are given by Mr Mayor in his addition to Baker's History, pp. 552 554. We have seen that the consolidation of parties had led in the reign of George I. to the persecution of inoffensive members of either University; and that friends had learnt to transfer to friends that" resent- ment which was due not to the persons but to the principles which they held. We may now proceed to take a more general view of the political tendencies in the two seats of Learning. It might at first sight appear that Politics could have very little to do with the Life and Studies of a University. But this is far from being the real state of the case. After three such revolutions as the country had experienced within half a century, it was impossible that the interest of the country should not be fixed upon public affairs. The taste for Pamphlets which had arisen in the days of Charles I. had now increased a thousand fold. It was no uncommon in the Eighteenth Century. w. thing to inform the reader upon the title-ria^e, that happy disregard for grammar which co had sanctioned, that the work in his 'Printed: and are to be Sold at all the Pamphlett- Shops in London and Westminster'. This ephemeral literature supplied the place which newspapers and magazines occupy in our time, as well as in some measure the need for books. Pam- phlets were one of the important commodities with which the master of the coffee-houses supplied his guests, and these establishments we know were the stronghold of politicians, as early as the time of Charles II., who had it in his mind to shut them up, within twenty years of the first opening of a house for the retail of the 'coffee-drink 1 ' by an enterprising Turkish merchant of England. People in those days had more time to read if only they had the books; still when we count volumes of pamphlets in our libraries by hundreds, pamphlets which have escaped the fire and the housemaid's hands, and pamphlets which some one has thought worth the binding, the demand for such numbers would seem incredible if we were not witnesses of the supply. If we take up a chance volume containing i8th century tracts relating to either of the Universities, it will be no extraordinary thing if there are one or more bearing directly upon the politics of the day: very few we shall find, if we have the time or the patience to read them through, are totally un- connected with party dissensions. And in this 1 D' Israeli, Curiosities of Lit, 26 University Society respect, a volume of pamphlets of miscellaneous design and authorship gives a true counterfeit of the condition of the Universities of that time. Each writer wears the badge of party, some openly, some half concealed, in the motto on the forefront of his title-page. Can we think of any subject more widely removed from politics than regulations for the gowns of fellow- commoners and for the closing of taverns at eleven o'clock at night. But a whig Chancellor (the Duke of Newcastle, 1/50) had commended them to the University, a whig Proctor had tried to enforce them on an unfortunate occasion (as will be seen hereafter), and all the University was divided. Pamphlet fol- lowed pamphlet, fragment supplemented fragment, squib sputtered after squib, appeal succeeded trial. Then opened the vexed question of the right of application to another court from the decision of Chancellor or Commissary, in matters of discipline. Nor was this, or the earlier case of Dr Bentley, which had amused or enraged our University some thirty years, a single though an extraordinary case. Politics usurped the place of Christian doctrine in the pulpit; politics lurked in the coffee-houses and in the taverns her spirit was not expelled even from the ' Triposes ' (or Tripos verses) -and Tripos-speeches. At Oxford the Act (or Commemoration) was full of it ; it was the mainspring which set agoing the more decent compositions of that official merry-andrew the tcrrae films. Party feeling had (as we shall see) a great power in in the Eighteenth Century. 27 producing and in fostering the nightly demonstrations which disturbed the more peaceful students and inhabitants of Cambridge and Oxford, at the begin- ning of the last century, and early in our own. It led to expulsions and trials, to persecution and intolerance. The attention of men became fixed upon the badges which their neighbours wore, and many regarded them alone, to the neglect of 'Justice and the love of God' and consequently of the love of man. It has been a custom sanctioned by convenience to say that in the last century Cambridge was whig and Oxford tory ; and this is perhaps the only short form in which the truth can be given approximately. But this, like most brief classifying formulae, requires explanation, and, it may be, correction. That this is true, will have been observed by any one who has read lives of persons in the Universities, or annals of the two great English seats of learning. More than forty years ago bp. Monk 1 protested against this generalization with respect to Cambridge. And just four years since a writer in the Oxford Under- graduates' Journal made a corresponding protest in behalf of the sister University. [Mr Richard Robinson of Worcester Coll. Fellow of Queen's Coll. Oxon. who wrote Five Letters on Oxford from 1688 to 1750, under the signature of 'A Templar/ which appeared in May and June 1867, in Nos. 18-^22 of the Oxford Undergraduates' Journal. Mr Robinson has left a high repute for knowledge of the history of 1 Life ofBentley, I. 375, ed. 1833. 28 University Society Oxford among eminent members of that University. But for his early death 2 years ago we might already be reaping the fruits of his labours in a rich but almost untouched field. It is a great misfortune that his notes (as we are informed) are illegible, and the Five Letters contain no references.] We have already referred to bp. Burnet's statement that Oxford had declared for William; and it is certain that the compulsatory measures of govern- ment 1 had produced at least a seeming loyalty to the new king among its governing body. In 1705, as we learn from notices in Hearne's Diary*, the Jacobites were hardly used by some chief members of the University, who presented them to the Bishop : and the non-jurors were forced to receive the Holy Com- munion secretly in Christ Church 3 at the chamber of Mr Seldon the Archbishop's nephew. It was in that House that Dr John Massey 4 , a roman Catholic, had been made Dean by James II., and thither Francis Atterbury was to be promoted in the reign of queen Anne. But now Massey had been supplanted by Henry Aldrich 5 the learned opponent of Obadiah Walker, and one whom William had advanced. 1 By an Act which received the royal assent March 2. 1702, all members of the foundations of any College or Hall in the Universities being of the age of 18 years, and all persons teaching pupils, were obliged to take and subscribe the oath of abjuration in the court at Westminster or at the quarter sessions. Cooper's Annals. 2 Reliqu. If earn. Bliss, I. p. 6. 3 Ibid. p. 32. 4 Mr Middleton Massey of whom in 1710, Hearne says. Reliqu. If. Bliss, I. 227, that he took no degree, being a non-juror, was perhaps a relation of this man. 5 fiiog. Brit. Kippis, art. Aldrich. in the Eighteenth Century. 29 Some were open to base arguments like the cha- racter described by Law 1 : ' Succus is very loyal, and as soon as ever he likes any wine he drinks the king's health with all his heart. Nothing could put rebellious thoughts into his head unless he should live to see a proclamation against eating of pheasants In queen Anne's reign we find the duchess of Marlborough sending Mr Evans a good fat doe to treat the warden of Wadham and others well affected to the memory of William. This party apparently was not very strong at Oxford, for we find Burnet 3 complaining that in 1704 'the Universities, Oxford especially, have been very unhappily successful in corrupting the principles of those who were sent to be bred among them : so that few of them escaped the taint of it, and the generality of the clergy were not only ill-principled but ill-tempered ' i. e. they opposed the toleration which king William and Burnet himself advocated. The family of James I. had always been popular 1 Serious Call, ch. xil. 2 Rellqu. Hearn. Bliss, I, 73. So in Sept. 1732 (Ibid. III. 90) the Bishop of Winchester sends the Fellows of Magdalen half a buck in the absence of the President ; and Queen Caroline sends them a whole one, on which occasion they dine at the unusually late hour of i o'clock. Cp. 'As to the eating part, of that Good plenty was at hand ; Twelve bucks in larder firm and fat, From good Lord Westmoreland.' l)r Mansel's account of the Emmanuel jubilee sent to Mathias, Oct. 12, 1782. N. and Q. 2nd s. X. 41. 3 Burnet s (hmi Time, v. 137, ed. 1823 ( = 11. 380, folio). 30 University Society at Oxford. Although he favoured Cambridge by a second visit to the performance of Ruggles Igno- ramus 1 , yet that monarch found the spirit of Oxford more congenial to his own tastes. He considered the condition of subscription required by that University to be worthy to be imitated in the other. He was graciously pleased to guide her studies in divinity ; and it was in accordance with his second advice that Oxford went to the well-springs for her theology instead of contenting herself as theretofore with the 'green mantle of the standing pools' of dry com- pendiums and Calvin's Institutes. Beside this, 'the pedantry of king James I.' (says Dr Bliss 2 ) 'was in accordance with the literary taste of his times ; and Oxford of course delighted in scholastic exercises, religious conferences and quaint disputations. Charles was a peculiar favourite ; Ox- ford had welcomed him in his prosperity, nobly supported him in time of trouble and defeat. The king's love of literature, his fondness for the arts, his generous patronage of the University, his court- eous affability towards her members, and, above all, his maintaining what he considered to be the right cause, had endeared him to all the old members of Oxford, where he was both respected and beloved ; and these feelings had descended from father to son, even to the days of Hearne. The Restoration was hailed with delight through the whole of England; but nowhere more heartily 1 [Bp.] R. Corbet's Poems, Nichols' Royal Progresses. 2 Reliqu. Hearn. Bliss, Appendix i. vol. ill. p. 188. in the Eighteenth Century. than in Oxford. About the year 1637 we learn from one who was then in his seventeenth year a 'Fellow Com'uner in Baliol,' for, so John Evelyn 1 calls himself 'was the University exceedingly regular under the exact discipline of William Lawd Archbishop of Canterbury, then Chancellor 2 .' But alas the good efforts of the pious but ungenial lover of Oxford were frustrated upon the accession of the prince and 'the little Duke of York,' whose boyish fancy had been pleased by the pretty book brought from little Gidding by young Nicholas Ferrar at the command of my Lord of Canterbury 3 ah, ' si sic omniaT In the reign of Charles and James II. were sown the seeds of idleness and licentiousness in morals and in religion which brought forth such a crop of drowsiness and debauchery in all classes of society, from the highest to the lowest, as we see portrayed in the works of Fielding and of Hogarth, and no less in the biographies of the eighteenth century. The severity of puritanism was still fresh enough in the minds of Englishmen to tempt them to protract the rejoicing at the Restoration; and they did not withstand the temptation till the celebration of their freedom became not an annual but a perennial jollity. It was not until 4 personal holiness was well nigh 1 Evelyrfs Diary, anno 1637. 2 Evelyn s Diary, sub anno 1637. 3 Life, by John Ferrar, p. 136. Carnb. 1855. 4 Whiston's Autobiography, I. p. 10 (ed. 1749). 32 University Society dead, and public religion was almost forgotten, that the death of the merry monarch brought his less genial brother to the throne. The house of Stuart was still popular at Oxford, and even the wrongs done them by James II. could not efface from their hearts the loyal feeling impressed there by the other wrongs voluntarily suffered for his father. Those who had not forgotten their reverence for God's worship, what sympathy could they feel with a king who wore his hat in church 1 ? King James at least 'did not err upon that side. Where again was William's learning? what encouragement did he give to literature ? As to taste that in a Dutchman was out of the question. Above all, what right has he to rule over us ? Let us not do evil, even if we are quite sure that good will come. Such perhaps were the arguments of those who became known as the high-church party, and, as Hickesites, some of whom suffered as non-jurors, and who stood up boldly in the lower house of the South- ern Convocation against the new low-church Bishops and Hoadleians, to be silenced only by the unconsti- tutional measure of suppressing Convocation. While that body was permitted to represent the Church of England, as it did by the mandate of William, upon the most important question of a comprehensive scheme, the strength of the high- churchmen, may be estimated by the fact that Dr Jane 2 , the King's Professor of Divinity at Oxford, 1 See Palin, Hist. Engl Ch. p. 218. 2 Macaulay's Hist. ch Xiv. See my notes. in the Eighteenth Century. 33 was elected Prolocutor, by a majority of 55 to 28; while Tillotson, whom the King intended to succeed archbishop Bancroft, did not secure one-third of the votes. And this was a few months after sentence of suspension had gone out against the non-juring bishops. Many, if not most of the non-jurors were opposed to popery, even George Hickes himself (of St John's and Magdalen Colleges, and afterwards of Magdalen Hall, and Fellow of Lincoln, rector of St Ebbe's Oxford, and D.D.), one of the most ardent and reck- less of the non-jurors and high-churchmen, had, on the accession of James II., lost his expected appoint- ment to the bishopric of Bristol, because he was a foe to romanism. This could not be said of all the Jacobites : and many, who sided with them, incurred the odium which often attaches to those who re- ligiously adhere to their principles, from their com- panionship with some who do not in all points agree with them. While Oxford, though outwardly acquiescing in the Revolution, was still Jacobite at heart, so much so as even in the middle of the century to be accused of wholesale dishonesty and unconscientiousness, there was within her a party of young men who manifested their detestation of the Stuarts. On January the 3 - together with hissing, pointing, or making 'any loud shoutings, or outcries, tending to incite, or raise any mob within the limits of the University.' The pre- amble states that 'there hath been of late divers disorders, among several scholars of the University tumultuously meeting together, provoking, and ex- asperating one another by... throwing of stones and other great irregularities.' It was, perhaps, as well for the credit of the Uni- versity with the Court, that the address 2 which was presented in Waterland's Vice-Chancellorship had met with opposition : a fate which every composition of Bentley's must have learnt to take as a matter of course. Like everything else of Bentley's it was carried by a coup*: when he and two of his friends acted on the Caput, as deputies of the Pembroke men, who had once put their veto on it. The address thus came very opportunely, as the expression of the loyalty of the University, after, instead of before, the disturbance on the 2Qth of May 4 . The fact of its opposition however, (for after it had passed the Caput, the voting in the Senate in its favour was 36 to 15 in the Non-Regent, and 34 to 14 in the Regent House,) no less than the disturbances among 1 Cooper's Annals, IV. 143. , 2 Cp. Bentley to Sam. Clarke, quoted by Van Mildert, Waterland, I. 20. Van Mildert's Life of Waterland, p. 18. 4 Cooper's Annals, anno 1716. L. B. E. 4 5O University Society the Scholars, is a clear evidence of Jacobite feeling, existing at this time in Cambridge. Meanwhile at the tory University, there had been a similar address proposed, to congratulate the King upon the suppression of a rebellion 'which' (writes Mr Robinson, addressing the Undergraduates of Ox- ford, in their Gazette, for May 4, 1867) 'you were known to have fomented, and on his return from a country more suitable to him, and where you only wished he had stayed, and to thank him for the favour of omitting at your asking to burn, in company with the figures of the Pope and the Devil, effigies of the son of your King, and of Ormond and Mar. You reasonably demurred, nor was the unnecessary insult of the presence of soldiery among you against whose outrage you in vain remonstrated, calculated to sooth your feelings, your expression of indignation was received by the House of Lords in a way which was probably unparliamentary, and assuredly ill- advised and cruel.' The Hanoverian Club of 'Consti- tutio.iers' had repeated their noisy meeting on the 2Qth of May 1716. We will take the account of their advocate Nicholas Amherst: 'In the evening, the Constitution Club, and several officers in Colonel Handyside's regiment, met together at the tavern. Whilst they were drinking the king's and other loyal healths, several squibs were thrown in at the window, which burnt some of their cloaths, and filled the room with fire and smoak. Besides this, they were continually insulted with loud peals of hisses and conclamations of Down with the in the Eighteenth Century. 51 Roundheads, from the gownmen, and other disorderly people in the street; of which they took no notice. They continued together till about eleven of clock, or not quite so late, when Mr Holt of Maudlin College, Sub-Proctor at that time came, and making up to Mr Meadowcourt (who happened to be steward of the Club that night,) demanded of him the reason of their being at the tavern. Mr Meadowcourt rose up and told him, that they were met together to commemorate the Restoration of king Charles II. and to drink king Georges health; and that they slwuld be obliged to HIM if he would be pleased to drink king George'.? health with them; which the Proctor, after some entreaties, comply'd with. After which, one of the captains went to him, and desired him to excuse the scholars that were there, promising him that he would take care that no harm or disorder should be committed, and then waited upon the Proctor down stairs.' The reader will observe that Amherst is anxious to make out a good case for his companions in dis- grace; for the chief members of the Club were kept long waiting for their next degrees. Mr Meadow- court, a young Fellow of Merton, three years later gave the Vice-Chancellor some trouble 1 by accusing the University governors of disaffection. In spite of these proceedings against members of the Consti- tution Club in Oxford, they held a meeting at the Three Tun Tavern on the King's Accession in the 1 Terrae-filins, Nos. XXII, xxm, xxiv. 42 52 University Society following year (Aug. i, 1717) with a bonfire and illumination. It will be remembered that it was in January 1716-7, in the Vice-Chancellorship of Mr Grigg, master of Clare Hall, that Thomas Baker, and one and twenty other members of St John's, had been ejected from their fellowships at Cambridge, for refusing 'to affirm the omnipotence of parliament to dispense with oaths.' It was in the preceding month (Dec. 1716: see Hearne, Bliss, II. 43) that Tom Hearne was in great danger of having his papers searched for Jacobite sentiments by the Vice-Chancellor (Dr Baron, of Balliol). This was rather more than a year since he had been debarred the use of Bodley, of which he was Hypobibliothecarius. Nevertheless we find him doing useful work, in this and the next reign 1 , interested in the literary activity of Oxford, and in 1734 speaking to Vice-Chancellor Holmes about a committee for publishing MSS. 2 belonging to the University. He still lived in Edmund Hall and walked frequently to 'the third house on the left hand after you have passed High Bridge, going from Worcester College 3 ' a tavern, known as 'Anti- quity Hall/ where he met many young gentlemen of Christ Church and other 'honest' antiquaries, to chat over pot and pipe. In 1716-7, 'the Government contemplated intro- 1 Hearne, Bliss, ill. 102, 165. a Ibid. III. 165. * Ibid. in. 82, cf. in. 164, where Hearne complains that he has been ridiculed in a print of that house in 1723, by two 'very conceited fellows of little understanding, tho' both are Masters of Arts.' in the Eighteenth Century. 53 ducing into Parliament, a bill for regulating the two Universities 1 .' Soon after the Parliament met, Edmund Miller, Sergeant at Law, and Deputy High Steward of the University, published a tract pur- porting to be, 'An account of the University of Cambridge, and the Colleges thereof 2 ,' addressed to the Houses of Parliament. It is in fact an attack upon Bentley who had declared his fellowship vacant, because he opposed his scheme, six years before. Miller's position was that the statutes required chang- ing because they were not kept; he takes Trinity College as a specimen, and thus has a splendid opportunity for abusing his adversary the Master. The pamphlet was considered a 4 famosus libellus', and proceedings were instituted thereupon; but Miller was a cunning lawyer, and the affair was dropped. On the 6th of October 1717 K. George I. paid Cambridge a visit, chiefly memorable because Bentley, as Master of Trinity, and Regius Professor, was prominent upon the occasion, and for the dispute about fees between 'fiddling' Conyers Middleton and himself which arose out of it. In the next year we find the result of the agitation for University reform in a careful scheme 3 drawn up by Lord Macclesfield (but not adopted). For the 1 Cooper's Annals, IV. 145. 2 The title of the tract is given in full with an extract from it rela- ting to Bentley, in an Appendix (A. I.) to this part of the Essay, before the Analysis of Ld. Macclesfield'?, Scheme. (Appendix A. n.) 3 A digest of Lord Macclesfield 's Scheme, taken from Gutch Collec- tanea Curiosa, No. ix, will be given in an Appendix (A. II.) to this ist Part of the present Compilation. 54 University Society present it is enough to state that two questions are discussed in it '.firstly the promotion of Learning and Industry, irrespective of party considerations; secondly a remedy for the present disaffection of the Univer- sities. Some of the details will be found elsewhere. We have already referred to the dispute between Middleton and Bentley, but for an account of the numberless litigations in which the great Master of Trinity baffled his opponents, we must refer the reader to one or all of the interesting publications which have become a part of English literature. The two volumes of the Life by bishop Monk of Gloucester, are impartial and most full of interesting and entertaining matter. The Biography of Dr Ri. Bentley in the Worthies of Yorkshire and Lancashire (pp. 65 174) is founded upon Monk's Life 'and other sources of information ' (p. 68). In addition to the advantage of conciseness, this has the recommendation (in itself sufficient) of proceeding 'from the pen of Hartley Coleridge (1836) whose comments cannot fail to charm us even where we dissent from them. Readers of Tom De Quincey will not need to be reminded of the amusing Essay wherein he leads us (nt solet] like Will o' the Wisp, through the marisch ground of plausibilities until we find ourselves awakened by a sudden gurgling of the cold water of paradox in our ears ; yet can hardly resist joining in the laugh with Puck and Ariel at the pretty pickle we are in. Although (in spite of the enticing lanthorn of in the Eighteenth Centiiry. 55 utility which De Quincey holds out to us as in spite of all the piping and taboring of Ariel) we cannot consent to 'hang the little dog' (poor Colbatch, who at least could go out of his way to oblige a stranger) 1 rather than give the great dog a bad name; yet we can find great pleasure in thinking on the good which Bentley did. His improvement in the election of Scholars and Fellows at Trinity, from which none but himself has ever departed: the impulse which he gave to that accurate criticism which has since become the aim, though not the method always, of European Thought: the power that was given him, in spite of his pugnacious propensities, and in spite of his hauteur, of concentrating the interests of the learned men of continental countries 2 and our own these things alone would give Bentley a claim to stand among the foremost of the heroes of the i8th century. But while we reflect how great he was, and how much was done by him with all his faults, we cannot help adding, What might he not have done without them ! If he had devoted to the critical study of the Scriptures that time which he did worse than waste in litigation, the cause of Truth might have been advanced beyond its present stage, and Bentley might have made what Kipling was allowed to mar and what Mr Scrivener has been forced to undo and do again. But the Doctor was like the Lemuel Gulliver of his opponent Swift, and he was conscious that his ^^temporaries (How the very words conspire to 1 See Thoresby's Diary, quoted below. 2 See the Preface to Wordsworth's Edition of Bentley 1 s Correspondence. 56 University Society attest this statement!) 1 were but as Lilliputians by his side. Like Gulliver he could not resist the tempta- tion of amusing himself with the littlenesses of the little men. He appropriated their household stuff and had a fine lodging built and furnished at the expense of the community; he dabbled in the politics of Lilliput and Blefuscu as seemed most to his advantage at the moment. Each party was glad of his assistance but each party was thankful to be rid of him. They might take away his title of nardac, but they could not send him bound. And after all, when either side had done their best and their worst to punish him ; this Quinbus Flestrin, the great man mountain, comes off scot free with their cows and sheep in his coat pocket. The State of Trinity College under Bentley, as it represents the most remarkable and the most impor- tant college quarrel of the time, so it was but too truly typical of the dissensions which prevailed in the university societies in the former half of the last century. In addition to this, it contained, owing to its extent, the germs of every species of dispute which destroyed the harmony and impaired the usefulness of those places of education. The dissension between High Church and Low was exemplified in the antagonism of Bentley and Middleton. Bentley took some pains to ingratiate himself with the reigning sovereign, Sergt. Miller was 1 See Bentley's Phalaris, where he Squire of St John's, the chancellor's chaplain (who preached at St Mary's on the Sunday afternoon before the Inauguration) : though Dr Chapman sub- sequently got rid of it. The xviii. Regulations may be seen in full in Mr C. H. Cooper's Annals of Cambridge-, IV. 278-280, and in 'Excerpta e Statutis...ad officia Scholarium perti- nentia,' Camb. Univ. Press (issued frequently at least since 1/14). They may be summed up as follows : I. ' Every person in statn pupillari shall wear in the Eighteenth Century. 67 cloaths of a grave colour in the judgment of the officers of the University, without lace fringe or embroidery, without cuffs or capes of a different colour from their coats.' Fellow-commoner graduates to wear the proper habit of their degree. B. A. to wear gowns ' of prunello or of princes stuff.' 2. Fellow-commoners to wear their ( proper gown, cap and band.' 3, 4. No one in statu pupillari to keep a servant or a horse, without the consent of parents or guardians and the head of his college. 5. No person iu statu pupillari to go to a coffee- house, tennis-court, cricket-ground, &c. between 9 and 12 A.M. 6. A fine of sixpence for not attending the Univ. Sermon. A distribution of seats in the galleries of S. Mary's. Sizars to mark the absentees. 7. 8. Tavern-keepers and coffee-house-keepers not to allow bills above 20^. Nor to serve whie, punch, or any other strong liquor, after 1 1 P.M. 9, 10. No one to ride or drive out of Cambridge without leave of his tutor or master of the College. Nor to be out of his College after 1 1 P.M. 11. Respect to be shown to superiors. Any M.A. may demand a man's name and College. 12. Dining in a coffee-house forbidden except as under Stat. XLVII. 13. Guns and sporting-dogs forbidden. 14. Noblemen and fellow-commoners to be amenable to discipline upon a Declaration. 68 University Society 15, 16. Keeping evil company, 'breaking win- dows, making and fomenting riots and disturbances ' are to be punished. 17. Dice forbidden; also cards, except for small sums and at statutable times. 1 8. Fines to be collected and applied by Stat. Univ. 50. It will easily be imagined that these New Regula- tions were not popular upon the whole. A squib, in which allusion is made to most of the Orders and Regulations, is printed in the Stu- dent, or Oxford and Camb. Monthly Miscellany, vol. I. pp. 311, 312, and signed Cambridge, August i, 1750, Sophista. It is entitled 'The Happiness of a good Assurance. Horace, Book I. Ode 22. Imitated and modernized.' * Whoe'er with frontless phyz is blest, Still in a blue or scarlet vest May saunter thro' the town, Or strut, regardless of the rides, Ev'n to St Mary's or the Schools In hat or poplin gown. [Orders and Regulations, I. II.] A dog he unconcern'd maintains, [0. and R. xill.] And seeks with gun the sportive plains Which ancient Cam divides ; Or to the hills on horse-back strays [O. and R. iv. ix.] (Unask'd his Tutor) or his chaise To fam'd New-market guides. For in his sight (whose brow severe Each morn the coffee-houses fear, [0. and R. v.] Each night the taverns dread; [O. and R. VIL] To whom the tatter'd Sophs bend low, To whom the gilded tossils bow And Graduates nod the head;) [O. and R. XL] in the Eighteenth Centiiry. 69 Ev'n in the Proctor's awful sight On Regent-walk at twelve last night [0. and R. x.] Unheedingly I came; And tho', with WHISH'S claret firM, [O. and R. vnr. xn.] I brush'd his side, he ne'er enquir'd [O. and R. XI.] My college or my name. Were I oblig'd whole terms to keep And haste to Chapel, rouz'd from sleep, At five each frosty morning; Or for a riot should my ear [0. and R. xvi.] Of hated rustication hear The first or second warning:' &c. &c. The Senate did not approve of the intervention of the Chancellor and the Bishops ; and they were jealous of the power of the Caput, and smarted under the indignity of having been forced to adopt their measures. These two sections of the governing body of the University corresponded, to a considerable extent, with other pairs of parties in the common- wealth. The Caput as a general rule were constitutionalists and supporters of the Bishops 1 ; while a large propor- tion of the Senate was tory, if not Jacobite, friendly to high-churchmen and the remnant of the Lower- House of Convocation. Nevertheless in November the Public Orator was directed to thank the Chan- cellor for his condescension and to assure him that his orders would be carried out. The non-placets were but few 2 . And they were as good as their word. A few days before this grace had passed, the Senior Proctor, 1 Cf. The Academic, pp. 47, 48. 2 Cooper's Annals, IV. 281. 70 University Society James Brown M.A. fellow (and afterwards master 1770-1784) of Pembroke Hall, in his zeal to carry out the 8th and loth Regulations, visited the Tuns Tavern punctually at 1 1 o'clock on the evening of Nov. 1 7th. Forty-six members of the Westminster Club were keeping, as ' Old Westminsters ' use, the Anniversary of the Accession of their Foundress Q. Elizabeth the regius professor of greek, Thomas Francklyn, Fellow of Trinity (translator of Sophocles), was in the chair, and other senior members of the University were present ; the bill had been called for ; some slight matter it was said detained them, and while a subscription was being levied for the waiters, the health of Dr Nichols the head master was being drunk. It is probable that some at least of the party were in high boisterous spirits, and the presence of the Proctor was not received with respect by all. It was (we may be inclined to think) not very wise in that Gentleman to exercise his power in a company where there were several Masters of Arts and a Professor who could see good order observed ; and such an act was considered an infringement on etiquette 1 . The Professor remonstrated with him upon what he considered an intrusion ; his remon- strance was cheer'd by the company, as also was a speech from Thomas Ansell, LL.B. fellow of Trinity 1 Compare Gunning's Reminiscences, I. p. 60 (ed. 1854), withCamb. Univ. Stat. 47, referred to in the nth of the New Regulations. Also Key to the Fragment, pp. 26, 27. Authentic Narrative of the late Extra- ordinary Proceedings at Camb. against the W- r Club, p. 1 7. in the Eighteenth Century. 71 Hall, who drew the Proctor's attention, not very respectfully, to the sobriety of the party. A burst of .applause also followed when Samuel Crew, M.A., Fellow of Trinity, protested against the encroachment upon the rights of Masters of Arts. After drinking the toast, which had been proposed before their interruption, the Club dispersed. It was clear that, however unwisely Mr Brown the Proctor may have acted, the learned grecian and the other senior men who were of the party at Mr Wish's Tavern 1 acted wrongly, and set a fatal example in questioning his authority before an excited audience. The affair was most unfortunate and the sequel most disastrous. The University had already been much agitated while the question of the New Regulations was being moved. The following extract from a Letter dated Cambridge, November 16, 1750 (from a page of MS. (qu. a copy), is bound in a volume in the Bodleian Library 1 \Gough, Camb. 47]. It ^vas written [appa- rently to an Oxford friend : there is no signature. Ri. Gough himself was at Corpus Coll. Cambridge, and did not come into residence till 1752, and took no degree (Gorton, Diet. Biog^). His books were bequeathed to 'Bodley' on his death in 1809.] the very day before the meeting of the Westminster Club, and will give a fair account of the state of feeling at the time : ' Our conversation in the University. has been of 1 ' Wish calls the Midnight Revels must be done.' Epistle to a Fellow- Commoner ( 1 7 50) . 'Thro' his (Keene's) direction Vice shall be no more, Poor Wish for want of trade shut up the Tuns.' The Capitade, 1750. 72 University Society late very much in the disputatious way, and I am satisfied we are both equally grieved to find that Party dissensions have at last found their way into this university as well as that of Oxford. Nothing now to be heard but party squabbles and literary scandal. Since the letter to Lord Egmont there has appeared another to Dr Keene equally scurrilous and abusive : and what has made more noise than any of the letters ; an infamous Libel on the Heads of Houses called the Capitade which was printed in the London evening Post of thursday, Novem r . 1st. The other day came out a pamphlet called " The Academic, or a Disputation on the propriety of the late Regulations and the State of the University :" with a great pro- fession of candour, it is one of the most unfair and disingenuous Pieces I ever read, and plainly wrote as an abuse of the Vice-Chancellor. The authors by repute are Powel of St John's, with Balguy and Allen and Mason of Pembrook. But I believe they have made a rod for their own backs.' There had lately been cases of disorderly conduct which had come before the Vice-Chancellor, and which had probably been the occasion of the new Regulations 1 . In the pamphlets of the time were frequent references 2 to the disorders in '49, in which window-breaking was a prominent offence. In the first year of his vice-chancellorship, Dr Keene had ' publickly admonished twelve young Gentlemen of 1 The Academic, pp. 10, 19, 40. P Ibid. p. 26. Another Fragment, p. 5, compared with Regu- lation XVI. in the Eighteenth Century. 73 the first Character in the University 1 / who had behaved rudely in the round of visits which it was then customary for some ' men ' in the first class on the first day of the degree examination, as it then was, to make in order to receive congratulations from the 'Toasts' of their acquaintance. On this occa- sion, as well as on another 2 soon afterwards, the Vice-Chancellor was thought by some to have acted without due enquiry and examination. ' Upwards of twenty Persons, many of good Families and For- tune/ as Dr Green informs us (Observations on Regu- lations, pp. 17, 1 8), had been expelled or rusticated ' for very heinous violations of our Laws and Dis- cipline/ It was therefore extremely unlucky that a per- sonal affront to the Proctor was made the cause of summoning before the Vice-Chancellor's court, the greek Professor (Francklin), a Fellow of Trinity Hall (Ansell), a Fellow of Trinity (Crew besides Francklin), and two Fellow-commoners (Vernon Trinity, Vane Peter House). The Court was held 3 in the Law Schools on Saturday, Nov. 24, and at dusk adjourned to 'the Theatre', where the Undergraduates in the gallery took the opportunity of expressing their sympathy with the accused. Ansell made matters worse, by appealing to them to be quiet ' for our sake/ and 1 Friendly and Honest Advice of an old Tory, I75 r > PP- 26, 2 7 3 Honest and Friendly Advice, pp. 29, 30. 3 The following account is taken chiefly from [Ansell's] Authentic Narrative, (see the Notes at the end). 74- University Society behaved in an unseemly and contemptuous manner 1 . After another sitting in the Law School 2 , where sixteen proproctors were provided to prevent a recurrence of the disturbances, Franklin, Ansell, Crew, Vernon and Vane, were found guilty of in- sulting and interrupting the Proctor in the execu- tion of his office, and were reprimanded. Ansell alone 3 was suspended (on account of his behaviour in his defence), *ab omni gradu suscepto et suscipiendo.' The defendants had to pay the costs, and such members of the Club as were in statu pupillari were fined 6s. %d. for being out of College after Eleven P.M. Whatever may have been the indiscretion of the Proctor (and of this we can hardly judge from violent pamphlets 4 ), there seems no reason to suppose that the sentence was unjust, or that it could have been reversed. Ansell, however, who had manifested when under examination the same impudent conduct which had betrayed itself under excitement at the Westminster Club, declared his intention of appealing from the 1 Appendix to Inquiry into Right of Appeal, compared with AnselFs own account, Authentic Narrative, p. 32 ., and Another Fragment, p. 26, Fragmentum est pars, p. 31. (Tuesday, Nov. 27.) ' Their Harangues seem'd to make no more Impression upon Mun and the Gentlemen of the Jury than if they had read to them The FRANKLEIN'S Tale out of Chaucer.' Fragmentum est pars, p. 32. 2 (Thursday, Nov. 29.) 8 See Appendix to Inquiry, Authentic Narrative, p. 32 n. Another Fragment, p. 26, Fragmentum est pars, p. 31, and the notice of Dr Will. George of King's, which will be found in the Notes. 4 (The Authentic Narrative was drawn up by Ansell himself.) in thv Eighteenth Century. 75 Vice-Chancellor's sentence 1 . Dr Keene, after some delay caused by waiting for legal opinions, decided that no appeal lay from his sentence in cases of discipline 2 . Although we find that Ansell did not think fit to prosecute his intention, the question of appeal absorbed the attention and the animosities of the University for some time, and produced almost as plentiful a crop of pamphlets, as the earlier grounds of the dispute on the Regulations and the Club. At a congregation about a fortnight later the Vice-Chancellor, on the strength of legal opinions, refused an application from a future regius pro- fessor of civil law (Will. Ridlington of Trinity Hall) to appoint delegates upon Mr Ansell's appeal ; and though he informed them of his intention of bringing in a grace to appoint syndics to inquire into the question, the Associators (as they were called) 3 not only rejected the grace when it was brought forward a month later (by 52 against 1 1 placets in the Non-Regent House), but gave an immediate evidence of their discontent by stopping a supplicat for a B.A.'s degree. In November 1751, Edmund Keene retired from the office of Vice-Chancellor, which he had held for two unquiet years. He was succeeded by Dr John 1 Appendix to Inquiry into Right of Appeal. 2 Honest and Friendly Advice ; passim. 3 The Associators were a' body of about 36 MM. A., who asserted the. right of appeal. They used to meet at the Tuns Tavern (the scene of the Westminster Club meeting). At their head (Cooper's Annals, IV. 283) was John Banson, LL.D., Fellow of Trinity Hall. 7 6 University Society Wilcox of Clare Hall * Dr Will. George, provost of King's, being the other candidate. Wilcox was scarcely more a favourite with the Associators than the Master of Peter House had been, and when the grace offered by James Bick- ham of Emmanuel was rejected in the caput, a degree was stopped by the Non-Regents as before. In the following month, however, a similar attempt at obstruction was frustrated in each House of the Senate. A more constitutional attempt to gain their object was frustrated by the Vice-Chancellor refusing to call a caput ; a prudent use in this instance of a strangely autocratic power : for it is hardly likely that the Caput would have accepted Mr Bickham's grace without inquiring into the question on its merits. A proposition, which seemed likely to determine the difficulty by impartial search into the legal aspect of the alleged right, was quashed by the reasonable refusal of the D. of Newcastle (the chancellor of Cambridge) to act as referee 2 : and the question it seems was never settled. The disturbances appear to have been kept up s by the Undergraduates almost till the close of the controversy : the latest phase of their fury was a bacchanalian impulse to rush through the streets with lighted links and torches. 1 In The Capitade he figures as ' good though gloomy W c x, ' which is rather high praise. 2 Cooper's Annals, IV. 286. 3 Ibid. 285. See Decree of Vicc-C. and Heads, Dec. 5, 1751, there quoted. in the Eighteenth Century. 77 After a while the University seems to have sober- ed down to the more peaceful arts of receiving visits from the Chancellor, opening the New Library, pre- senting addresses to the King, and writing for the new prizes for composition &c., which inaugurated the second half of the century. Of the character of the D. of Newcastle I am not competent to speak: but in his capacity as Chan- cellor of our University his conduct was apparently upright and considerate. He visited Cambridge in June, 1766, the year when he retired from all state employments. Within eighteen months he had died ; and the D. of Grafton was installed in his room 1 , having, like his predecessor, retired from being the First Lord of the Treasury. Whatever we may think of the wisdom of the ' Regulations,' the impression which will probably be left upon our minds is, that the condition of the University can hardly be called satisfactory when Caput and Senate were not ashamed 2 to charge one another with bidding for royal and ducal favour by no honest means. In 1764, Cambridge was again disturbed by a warm political contest for the office of High-Steward or Seneschal of the University, in the room of the late lord chancellor Hardwicke 3 . His son Philip, the second earl, was elected after a most remarkable conflict 4 , which involved some nice questions on the 1 Cooper's Annals, IV. 353 356, 3 The Academic, 32, 49 foil, with passages in the other pamphlets. * Cooper's Annals, IV. 297, 334, 399 ; his death, IV. 437. 4 See at length Cooper's Annals, iv. 334, 335. 78 University Society order of voting, and very nearly ended in a tie. The unsuccessful candidate was John, Earl of Sandwich 1 (three times first lord of the admiralty, twice a secretary of state, postmaster-general in 1/70, took part in the conference at Aix-la-Chapelle in 1748, and died 1792). Although his private character was far from respectable, the clergy preferred his political principles to those of lord Hardwicke, who was sup- ported by the faculties of Law and Medicine. The reader will remember the bitter election squib wherein Gray satirized him as ' Sly Jemmy Twitcker** He also figures as 'Lord Sandtown! a gay noble- man, who is represented as having stood for the office of High-Steward l a long time ago,' in a pamphlet 3 which preserves a similar strain of earnest banter throughout. 1 Cooper's Annals, iv. 334 n. * ' 77ie Candidate, or the Cambridge Courtship,'' Gray's Works. See also ' The Candidate; by C. Churchill (where Lothario, lord Bute, is mentioned), ' Black Smith of Trinity,' Sumner, then V.-C., and Roger Long, of Pembroke, are mentioned as supporters of Sandwich. 3 ' An Address to the Members of the Senate of the University of Cambridge on The Attention due to Worth of Character from a Reli- gious Society : with a View to the ensuing Election of a High Steward. To which is added a Letter of Mr Jos. Mede formerly of Christ's Col- lege, copied from a MS. in the Harleian Collection [if it is a genuine Letter to Sir Martin Stukeville, Kt. at Dalham, Suffolk, Christ Coll. June 3, [1626], it will be found probably in MS. Harl. 390] giving a very particular Account of the Circumstances attending the Duke of Buckingham's Election in King Charles the First's Time. By a Master of Arts. Prov. xxiv. 24, 25. Printed for the Editor in the Year 1764.' (8vo. pp. 60. Bodl. Cough, Camb. 36). Mr Cooper, Annals, iv. 334 (as well as a MS. note in a copy I have seen in an old hand), attributes it to 'John Gorden, fellow of Emmanuel College, afterwards fellow of Peterhouse, D.D., and Archdeacon of Lincoln.' (J. Gordon was also Chancellor of Lincoln. See Nichols, Lit. Anecd.) in the Eighteenth Century. 79 By this time, in the reign of George III., there had been working a radical change in the meaning of party names. 'When the possibility of the restora- tion of the Stuarts became extinct, the minds of the tories were set free ; and so the strong feeling of personal loyalty began to concentrate itself round George III., who was an englishman born, and a monarch by hereditary right, though derived from usurpation. The king was a man of great force of character and fair abilities, and one who could com- mand respect.. It was not surprising therefore that he was enabled to enlist the sympathies of the party of prerogative whose toryism was now a habit rather than a.sentimeut l . Instead of attempting to suspend the laws which were affecting prerogative, the king made free use of patronage, a powerful engine with all parties when the House of Commons was nominated by lords of boroughs headed by the king. The tories as yet had with them, as they had had all along, the sympathies of the people. In the eighteenth century whiggism was by no means popular, and it was not till the present century that the whigs bethought them, as a last resort, of attempting to enlist the power of public opinion on their side.' At no time perhaps was a shuffling and a chang- ing of the suits of party more easy than in the years which followed 1760. In the reigns of the first two Georges the most consistent tories had found them- selves doing the same work of opposition to the 1 Notes of a lecture delivered by the Professor of Modern History ; (the office was instituted in Cambridge in 1724 by George I.). 8o University Society Crown as the more thorough and the less conserva- tive of the whigs. But as soon as George III. was come to revive the flame of loyalty which was lan- guishing for want of one to feed it, the ardour of the tories was satisfied in him, and they became attached to him and his successors, yet not with all the devo- tion of a first love, but rather in the more cautious and unabandoned spirit which had characterized the allegiance of the more moderate whigs. For the remainder of the century both Universi- ties became assimilated to the new tory party 1 , the one from High Church Whiggism, the other from High Church Toryism. So that even at Cambridge by 1793, the friends of the first french Revolution were in such discredit that even a whig was scarcely to be found. It was not till the present century that the 'evangelical' movement gained any strength at Cambridge and then many of its members held High Church Doctrine in the i8th century use of the term, or that the 'tractarian' school developed itself in Oxford. Of the prognostications of those great revolutions in the religious life of the Universities we shall have occasion to speak in the last division of this work. Yet at Cambridge (if not at Oxford) there re- mained some portion of the bitter root, some seeds of the inveterate mischief of dissension. In 1772 there was an attempt made by the Senate 2 to choose 1 Gunning, Reminisc. I. 189. 3 Monk's Life of Bentley, I. 335, 336 . Cooper's Annals, iv. i ro. 366. in the Eighteenth Century. 81 a Fellow of Trinity as Vice-Chancellor, but it was frustrated by the refusal of their nominee, Stephen Whisson; and Dr Cooke, the provost of King's, was duly elected. There had only been one other attempt of the kind (since 1586, when Dr Copcot, fellow of Trinity, held the office), and that at the time when the Senate was beginning to manifest a hostile spirit, when, in 1712, some members of that body took ad- vantage of the small attendance of the Heads, at the preliminary nomination, to propose Mr Hawkins, fel- low of Pembroke; but the design was defeated by the entry of two voters who were not in the plot. It is, perhaps, not the least of the improvements introduced into our University constitution, that the Council has been substituted for the Caput. The Senate take pains to select the best men ; and the employment of Tutors and others in that body is beneficial to the University no less than to them- selves. Meantime, an ex- Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge had given a prophetic account of the results which should follow the dissensions of which he had seen but the beginning. There is the following striking passage in Daniel Waterland's Thanksgiving Sermon, preached in 1716. 'As divisions increase, Christian Charity will de- cline daily, till it becomes an empty name or an idea only. Discipline will of course slacken and hang loose ; and the consequence of that must be a general dissoluteness and corruption of manners. Nor will the enemy be wanting to sow tares to corrupt our L. B. E. 6 82 University Society faith as well as practice, and to introduce a general latitude of opinions. Arianism, Deism, Atheism, will insensibly steal upon us, while our heads and hearts run after^politics and parties/ We have already seen enough of the distractions of the times, and we can easily understand that, amid so much wrangling and disputing, there was little room for piety or Christian love. And where there was not the fulfilling of the law and will of God, how could men hope to know of the doctrine? Since the preceding century there had been a great falling off from the search for truth in the Science of Religion. The great civil conflict had un- settled the habit of quiet search, of sober life, and religious communion ; of the formation of which there had at one time been promise in this country. And when the struggle was over for a while, the selfish worship of the puritan, and the more selfish ungodli- ness of the cavalier, conspired towards the debase- ment of the land. A thousand pities that the one could not lend the other his good qualities, and fling the bad away; that serious purpose and an inclina- tion for religion could not have been graced with geniality, and exalted into the communion of the manifold Christian Life. As it was the two combined (the one by deficiency, the other by extravagance,) to bring into being the classes whose characteristics retarded the progress of Christian Unity. Although there were not wanting men of learning and of purity in either body, the few great divines of the Eighteenth Century did not communicate in the Eighteenth Century. 83 their knowledge and enthusiasm to the younger men. For a Professor at the University to lecture was al- most the exception. In 1766, indeed, we find Dr Edward Bentham, of Christ Church, delivering a course, as King's Professor of Divinity; and, in 1780, Dr John Hey, late fellow of Sidney Sussex College, did the same, as the first Norrisian Professor; and his successor, Fawcett of St John's, followed his ex- ample. Still, according to the Cambridge University ' Calendar for 1802, there were public lectures delivered only by the following Professors : Jowett, on Civil Law ; Vince, on Experimental Philosophy ; Parish, on Chemistry; Marty n, on Botany; Harwood, on Ana- tomy; Symonds, on Modern History ; Fawcett, Nor- risian Prof, of Divinity ; Wollaston, on Natural and Experimental Philosophy ; Edw. Christian, on the Laws of England; nine Sadlerian Algebra Lecturers, and four Barnaby Lecturers. Meanwhile, the list of Pro- j fessors delivering no lectures (though some of these presided at the 'Acts') seems to us of a disgraceful length. Dr Sam. Parr, however, did not think so, when two years earlier he wrote : ' In regard to Cam- bridge, the persons there appointed to Professorships, have, in few instances, disgraced them by notorious incapacity or criminal negligence. A late work of Dr Hey furnishes us with a decisive proof of his abi- lities and his activity. Dr Waring and Mr Vince, in their writings, have done honour to the* science, not only of their University, but of their age. The pro- found researches of Dr Waring, I suppose, were not adapted to any form of communication by lectures. But Mr Vince has, by private instructions, been very 62 84 University Society useful both to those who were novitiates 1 , and to those who were proficients, in mathematics. Dr Hal- lifax, Dr Rutherforth, and Dr Watson, very abun- dantly conveyed the information which belonged to their departments, sometimes in the disputes of the schools, and sometimes by the publication of their writings. Chemistry has been adorned, not by their labour only, but by the sagacity of Dr Watson, and Dr Milner. Mr Porson, the Greek Professor, has not read more than one lecture, but that one was Tr/Sa/eo? cf tep^? oXtyr; Xt/39. He has written, however, books of utility far more extensive than lectures could be; and I speak from my own actual observation when I state, that the Greek Plays edited by this wonderful man have turned the attention of several academics towards philological learning, which, it must be con- fessed, has few and feeble attractions to the eagerness of curiosity, or the sprightliness of youth/ (Parr's Spital Sermon, published August, 1800, note 84.) To return to the list of professors who delivered no lectures at Cambridge in 1802. It is headed, in spite of his boasted enlightenment and ardour in University educational reform, by Ri. Watson, King's Professor of Divinity ; then follow Physic, Hebrew (because he met not 'with suitable encouragement,' p. 20), Greek (Ri. Porson), Lady Margaret Divinity, Casuistry, Ara- bic, Lucasian Mathematics, (but Is. Milner 2 'is at all times accessible to Students of any College, by whom 1 noviciate = novice, Addison, Spect. No. 164. 'improperly,' says Todd on Johnson. 1 For Is. Milner 's neglect of lectures, Mr Mayor refers me to his Hist, of St. John's, p. 849 1. 45, and to a tract by Frcnd. in the Eighteenth Century. 85 he is frequently consulted/ p. 22), Music, Mineralogy (but Prof. Hailstone attends at the Museum three days a week, 9 ti A.M., 2 4 P.M.), Astronomy. As to the industry of the Professors at Oxford Dr Parr writes: 'what I know I will relate. Dr Trapp, Mr Hawkins, and Dr Lowth, have published their lectures as Poetry professors. Mr Wharton has in- serted one lecture into his edition of Theocritus. The gentleman who is now professor [James Hurdis] reads lectures, and has published a part of them I believe in English. That the lectures of Sir William Scott upon History, if given to the world, "would form a most valuable treatise," Mr Gibbon himself has been assured. In addition to this respectable testimony I would beg leave to say, that many years ago Sir William read to me a part of one lecture which con- tained some curious matter on the revenues of the Grecian States, and which seemed to me perfectly worthy of the writer, from variety of learning, acute- ness of observation, and elegance of style. The Com- mentaries of Dr Blackstone, and a very excellent work of Professor Woodison, are proofs that the insti- tution of the Vinerian Professorship is not wholly useless. Dr Bentham formerly read lectures in the Divinity School, and the same office is now performed with great ability by Dr Randolph, whose cares as a prelate have not made him inattentive to his duties as a Professor. In Chemistry and in Anatomy, lec- tures I know were, for some years, regularly given; and I believe they were largely attended. The lec- tures of the Saxon Professor [Charles Mayo] were 86 University Society much applauded, and his successor [James Ingram] I am persuaded will justify the choice of the Uni- versity by his knowledge, his activity, and his judg- ment. I have not heard whether Dr Hunt or Dr White, read lectures in the Oriental languages, f nor am I sure that such lectures would have been of great use according to the method in which those languages are now learned. But I know that both the Profes- sors just now mentioned hold a very high rank in the estimation of foreign scholars. Dr Hunt supplied many valuable notes to the Praclcctiones Hcbraicae of Dr Lowth; he read in the schools, and then printed, one Oration de A ntiquitate elegantid et utilitate linguae Arabicae, 1738; and another Deusu Dialectorum Ori- entalium et praecipue Arabicae in Hebraico Codice interpretando in 1748. He, in 1744, addressed to Oxford Students, "A Dissertation on Proverbs vii. 22, 23," and this Dissertation, in 1755, was republished by Dr Kennicott, who added to it critical observations of Dr Hunt on other passages in Proverbs, and two very learned Sermons on two very difficult subjects. Dr White was always ready to assist young men who applied to him for instruction. He is author of a very judicious Sermon upon the Septuagint. He published an inaugural speech.... He translated and edited in two vols. 4to., the Syriac Version of part of the New Testament, which belonged to Dr Gloucester Ridley. He is said to be now engaged in preparing the Epistles. He long ago completed... what Pocock, junior, left unfinished in the translation of A bollatiplis Egyptian History. He has lately done signal service in the Eighteenth Century. 87 ~t- to young clergymen by an edition of the received Text of the New Testament, with the most important variations in Griesbach, and by a Diatessaron, drawn up in conformity to the Chronology applied by Arch- bishop Newcome; and to his professorial studies, he in his Bampton Lectures was much indebted for the happy choice of a subject, and for the very masterly manner in which it has been treated.' It will be observed that Dr Parr makes no men- tion of the Oxford Professors of Civil Law (French Laurence), Medicine (Will. Vivian), Greek (Will. Jackson), Margaret Prof, of Divinity (Septimus Col- linson), Natural Philos. and of Anatomy (Tho. Hornsby), Geometry (Abram Robertson), Music (Will. Crotch), Botany (Geo. Williams), Modern Hist, and Mod. Languages (Tho. Nowell), and the Clinical Professor (Martin Wall), (an Oxonian perhaps could have given a better account of them) ; and while he plainly shows that the Universities were by no means altogether dens of idleness, there was then, as now, a great part of the instruction of younger men which was not covered by the efforts of the Univer- sity Professors. This deficiency was supplied in part by the work of College tutors, or of ' pupil-mongers/ of whom we shall have occasion to speak by and by. But whether they did their work conscientiously or no, there was not that intercourse between the senior and junior members of the Universities that once had been. In the earliest stage of the University community poor students, who were not inmates of halls, clubbed 88 University Society together, two or three or more in a party, to hire a common room ('camera') 1 . Hence they were dis- tinguished from the regular inmates by the names * camera degentes/ ' chamber-dekyns/ or ' chums.' The last name lost its opprobrious signification in Eliza- bethan times, and was then applied to those com- panions who shared a common room in College. For in those days, when it was the custom to enter at the University at the age when boys now go to a public school, it was no longer lawful for a student to lodge without the college walls : and since that time most of those societies have enlarged their buildings, and are yet enlarging. In those days scholars were content to 'lodge' in College, not to 'keep 2 ;' they were content to share a single chamber; no one dreamt of the luxury of rooms: commora- bantur non habitabant. By the Elizabethan statutes of Trinity College, Cambridge (cap. 26, de cubiculorum distributione, a chapter important in the case of Dr Bentley), a Doctor of Divinity is to have a whole chamber to himself; the share of a Fellow below a Doctor's degree is half a Doctor's; the Scholar's or Sizar's share is half that of a Fellow; the Pensioner's and Subsizar's half a Scholar's or Sizar's. So . that a 1 See Mr Jeaffreson's Annals of Oxford, 1870, I. ch. iii. Prof. Maiden's Origin of Universities, 1835, pp. 32, 85. 2 ' habere' in the old College Statutes of Trinity College, Camb. (Eliz.) cap. xxvi. (See also Stat. Coll. Diui Joh. Euang. Cant. cap. xxxii.) The Cambridge local use of the word to keep, however, will be found in the letter from Mede quoted below in the text. Compare also Gradus ad Cantabrigiam, \ 802, quoted in the notes. in the Eighteenth Century. 89 B.A. Fellow designate should have for his chamber- fellows either a B.A. Fellow, or two/j ^cljolars, a Scholar and a Sizar, with two Pensioners, or Sub- sizars. Where a chamber contained undergraduates there should be four of them if possible, one being a scholar or sizar. Bentley says (Corresp. II. 682) that this ' has been obsolete time out of mind, since the College has enlarged itself with a second large Court.' It appears that the graduates had the use of a key. At St John's (Statut. cap. xxxii.) every Doctor, preacher, and member of the Seniority, was to have one chamber to himself with two scholars if he pleased. Two Fellows at most were to be in one room, or four scholars. The Fellows, scholars, and students who were above fourteen years of age were to sleep alone, or two in a bed, according to the judgment of the Master and Seniors. The elder students were to superintend the conduct of their junior '* chums' (concubicularii). And if a Fellow were at any time introduced into the chamber of which they had been head, they were to surrender to him the library or study (' musaeum! This is the word which Z. C. von Uffenbach applies to T. Baker's 'keeping room' in 1710), and other furniture of the room. Three chambers might be set apart to the use of Fellow-Commoners. According to the origi- nal Statutes of Corpus Christi Coll. Oxon. a scholar slept in a truckle-bed below each Fellow. Hist. MSS. Commission 2, p. 126, 1871. See notes. The following extract from a letter from Mede to sir Martin Stuteville (Mar. 26, 1625) will illustrate 90 University Society the arrangement which had to be gone through. ' I have no way left but to get one of my Bachelors (March 1 , who keeps in the same building, to keep with the Master of Arts, and let yours have the use of his study, though it be not in so good a chamber.' In 1662 the famous John Strype 1 , then a scholar of Jesus College, Camb., writes to his mother; 'as yet I am in a Chamber that doth not at all please me. I have thoughts of one, which is a very hand- some one, and one pair of stairs high, and that looketh into the Master's garden. The price is but 2os. per annum, ten whereof a knight's son, and lately admitted into this College, doth pay: though he did not come till about Midsummer, so that I shall have but IQS. to pay a year: besides my income which may be about 40^. or thereabouts... At my first coming I laid alone: but since my Tutor desired me to let a very clear lad lay with me and an Alderman's son of Colchester, which I could not deny, being newly come : he hath laid with me now for almost a fortnight, and will do till he can provide himself with a Chamber.' It appears from Abraham de la Pryme's account of the suicide of his friend, Mr Bohun, 'of the year above me,' in 1692, that he and another student shared a 'chamber,' or sleeping-room, of which the bedmaker had a key, and a 'study.' His 'chum... say'd that he went to bed and slept very well till the morning, and arising then he put on his studdy- 1 Cooper's Annals, in. 505. Ellis's Letters of Eminent Literary Men, 177. in the Eighteenth Century. 91 ing gown and cap and his stockings and shoos, and going into his studdy lock'd the dore after him.' Surtees Society, 54, p. 26. Necessity thus often made strange chamber-fellows. Henry Sacheverell shared a room with Addison at Magdalen College, Oxford. Archbishop Tillotson was chum of Francis Holcroft, who was afterwards ejected from his Fellowship at Clare, and having been imprisoned several times, joined with Joseph Oddie 1 (ejected Fellow of Trinity) in founding in- dependent congregations in Cambridge. Evelyn 2 , who was a Fellow-Commoner in Balliol, when in his iQth year had his brother Richard to be his chamber-fellow. The custom was not extinct in 1711, when Ambrose Bonwicke 3 arranged for his brother Phil, and another chum to share his room; but it was not universal, nor (what is most important for our present point) do we hear of any senior member of a College sharing a chamber with an under- graduate. This was owing in a great measure to the change which was passing over University society. The social aristocracy, which had prevailed in the Universities in the days of George Herbert and Francis Bacon, of sir Henry Wotton and the Norths, had grown well-nigh extinct there at the end of the XVlllth century, and the remnant which remained no longer coalesced with the bulk of the 1 See Robinson's Church-book ap. Dyer's Life of Rob. Robinson, P- 37- 2 Evelyn's Diary, Jan. 21, 1640. 3 Life of Ambrose Bonwicke, (ed. 1870) pp. 34 38, 44, 64; and 182, Mr Mayor's note. 92 University Society community. The unhappy divisions in the country and in the University made it no longer possible fof that intimacy to exist between tutor and pupil which had been so admirably exemplified in the martyr, Nicholas Ridley, when he had been tutor in Pembroke Hall, and of whom his pupil bears witness that ' his behaviour was very obliging, and very pious, without hypocrisy or monkish austerity: for very often he would shoot in the Bow or play Tennis with me' 1 . It will be remembered also how later in the xvith century Roger Ascham loved to prac- tise Archery in St John's at Cambridge, in accord- ance with the Statutes of his College, and how well he preached what he practised, in his Book of Shooting. In earlier times the relation between tutor and pupil at the Universities, had been similar to that which has of late so happily grown up in higher schools between boy and Master. And indeed the 'children* of the i6th, the <%j' 2 and the 'scholars'* of the i;th, and the 'lads' of the i8th century, differed little in age or discipline from the public school-boys of the present day. While they had been under their Udalls and Busbies they had learnt not less of latin and hebrew and of greek (as they were then known) than the upper-school boy of our public schools : or if any young Paston or 1 Letter from W. Turner, Physician to Protector Somerset, and Dean of Wells, to Foxe the Martyrologist translated by Strype, Memorials, III. 229. 2 'Boys,' circa 1660, Life of Matt. Robinson (Mayor) 1856. 32, 107. in the Eighteenth Century. 93 William Page would make no progress in the world with his book, he was sure to be 'trewly belasschyd' 1 (or 'preeches' as Sir Hugh Evans would say) for his lack of pains : the same boys when they arrived at Oxford or Cambridge in the i6th or i;th cen- tury, still found the birch at the buttery-hatch : but they also found more liberty than they had en- joyed at Winchester or Westminster, at the Charter- house or Merchant Taylors. They found, that is, at the University, much the same amount of liberty as those who are now Bachelors of Arts found when they went from a private to a public school. There was still the same regularity of hours ; morn- ing and evening prayer in the Chapel, early dinner and supper in a common room, dormitories neither with complete privacy, not yet entirely open to all comers, but arranged with some view to pleasant or profitable neighbourhood of sleepers. They found among the less respectable of their comrades a craving for ale, and for tobacco smoke, as soon as it was to be had. They found also, in earlier times, those ' menne not werye of theyr paynes, but very sorye to leue theyr studye/ who being without fire were ' fayne to walk or runne vp and downe half an houre to gette a heate on their feete whan they go to bed.' These assuredly had chosen the better part; but we cannot suppose that in the middle of the 1 6th 1 See Errands to London of Agnes Paston, 28 Jan. 1457: 'and so ded the last mastyr and y e best that eu] 'Twas Ten Years old when he was born, J/ His Buttons fring'd, as is the Fashion, In Gallick and Britannick Nation : Or, to speak like more Modern fellows, Their Moulds dropt out like ripe Brown-shellers. His Leather Galligaskins rent. Made Artless Music as he went ; His Holey Stockins were ty'd up One with a Band, one with a Rope )pe. J He is described as the son of an aspiring husband- man who hopes If he can get Prevarment here, *\ Of Zeven or Eight Pounds a Year, To preach and zell a Cup of Beer To help it out, he'll get good Profit / And make a pratty Bus'ness of it. / When he first comes up ; He struts, pulls off his Cap to no-Man ; And to conceal, betrays the Plow -man rl in the Eighteenth Century. 103 But checkt for 's Insolent Behaviour, And fearing to be out of Favour, 'His Duty h'as so much Regard of \ He'll Cap a Master twenty Yard off: ^ To whom such Fear is him upon, Sir; When spoken to, he dares not Answer, I' th' Morn when call'd to Prayer-Bell, y Doleful to him as Passing- Knell ; ' From Garret lofty he descends i By Ladder, which dire Fate portends. 'Bout Dinner-time down comes the Lubber, When 's Belly (hungry Dog) cries Cubbord, To get a Mess of Broth i' th' Kitchen, Where he sees Dainties so bewitching, As Turkies, Capons, Ribs of Beef, No wonder if he plays the Thief; And, like a Fox to Fowl Insidious, When Cook has turn'd his Back, perfidious- ly whips off Liver, or a Gizzard, From pinion'd Wing of Bird; for 'tis hard To suffer Tantalus his Fate -To see, and smell, and yet not eat. Poor Scraps, and Cold, as I'm a Sinner, Being all that he can get for Dinner. Once out of Curiosity What Lodging th' had, I needs must see; A Room with Dirt, and Cobwebs lin'd, Which here and there with Spittle shin'd ; Inhabited, let's see by Four; If I mistake not, 'twas no more. Two Buggy-beds . . . Their Dormer Windows with Brown-paper, Was patch'd to keep out Northern Vapour. The Tables broken Foot stood on, An Old Schrevelious Lexicon, Here lay together, Authors various, From Homer's Iliad, to Cordelins: And so abus'd was Aristotle, He only serv'd to stop a Bottle, Or light a Pipe, of which -were many, On Chimney-piece, instead of Cheney ; IO4 University Society Where eke stood Glass, Dark-Lanthorns ancient Fragment of Mirrer, Penknife, Trencher, [sic] And forty things which I can't mention. Old Chairs and Stools, and such-like Lumber, Compleatly furnisht out the Chamber. Some forty years earlier John Eachard, Master of Catharine Hall, had remarked in his sprightly ' Grounds and Occasions of the Contempt of the Clergy and Religion Enquired into,' 1670, pp. 1517. 'All this may seem at first sight to be easily avoided by a strict examination at the Universities, and so returning by the next carrier all that was sent up not fit for their purpose. But because many of their relations are oft-times persons of an inferiour condition, and who either by imprudent counsellours, or else out of a tickling conceit of their son's being, forsooth, an University scholar, have purposely omitted all other opportunities of a livelihood, to return such would seem a very sharp and severe disappointment. Possibly it might be much better, if parents themselves, or their friends, would be much more wary of determining their children to the trade of learning. And if some of undoubted knowledge and judgment would offer their advice : and speak their hopes of a lad about thirteen or fourteen years of age : (which I'll assure you, Sir, may be done without conjuring) : and never omit to enquire whether his relations are able and willing to maintain him seven years at the University, or see some certain way of being continued there so long, by the help of friends, or others ; as also upon no in the Eighteenth Century. 105 such condition as shall in likelihood deprive him of the greatest part of his studies. ' For it is a common fashion of a great many to complement and invite inferiour people's children to the University, and then pretend to make such an all- bountiful provision for them, as they shall not fail of coming to a very eminent degree of learning. But when they come there, they shall save a servant's wages. They took, therefore, heretofore a very good method to prevent sizars over-heating their brains : bed-making, chamber-sweeping, and water-fetching were doubtless great preservatives against too much vain philosophy. Now certainly such pretended favours and kindnesses as these are the most right down discourtesies in the world. For it is ten times more happy both for a lad and the Church, to be a corn-cutter, or tooth-drawer, to make or mend shoes, or to be of any inferiour profession, than to be invited to, and promised the conveniences of a learned education, and to have his name only stand airing upon the college tables, and his chief business shall be to buy eggs and butter.' When Erasmus was at Queens' his servitor's rooms were close above his own. He was wholly at his master's command, and sometimes at his mistress's. We are further reminded, by one of the papers on ' Oxford during the Last Century,' which appeared in the Oxford Chronicle in 1859, of Aubrey's description of Willis (the discoverer of the chalybeate properties of Astrop Wells), who, when servitor to Dr. lies, Canon of Christ Church, studied in his blue livery cloak at io6 University Society the lower end of the hall by the door, and assisted his master's wife in mixing drugs. In 1728, George Whitefield 1 , as a servitor at Pembroke, Oxon., was winning popularity in that office by reason of the experience which he had previously gained as drawer, at his home, the Bell Inn, Gloucester. Nor was this a single instance : Hearne tells of one Lyne, son of a clergyman, and grandson of the Town Clerk of Oxford, who was drawer at the King's Head Tavern, in that city, in 1735 ; his elder brother being Fellow of Emmanuel, and his younger an eminent scholar of King's. Dr Johnson, writing to Tom Warton, Nov. 28, 1754, alluding to the delay in a work on Spenser caused by the number of his correspondents, and pupils at Ox- ford, says : ' Three hours a day stolen from sleep and amusement will produce it. Let a servitor transcribe the quotations, and interleave them with references, to save time.' And at the beginning of this century 2 Dr Hyde complains that 'some in the University have been very troublesome in pressing that their servitors may transcribe manuscripts for them, though not capable of being sworn to the Library.' At Oxford in 1733, Shenstone (as we learn from his friend and biographer Ri. Graves, author of the Spiritual Quixote) could only visit Richard Jago (author of Edge Hill, a poem in four Books) in 1 Southey, Coleridge, and Southey's Life of Wesley, I. 47, ed. 3. Philip's Life of Whitefield, p. 27. 2 Oxford during the Last Century. Reprint, 1859, p. 52. in the Eighteenth Century. 107 private, as he wore a servitor's gown ; it being then deemed ' a great disparagement for a commoner to appear in public with one in that situation.' At Cambridge the position of the Sizar was, perhaps, preferable to that of the Oxford servitor. In 1687 we find William Whiston in intimate con- nection with the Senior Fellow, Dr Nat. Vincent, who kindly took the lad into Norfolk on account of his health. There the Doctor preached a * Court- Sermon.' After their return, ' it soon happened that the Prince of Orange came to our deliverance, and the Cambridge mob got up, and seized Dr Watson, the Bishop of St David's, of much the same character with Dr Vincent, and threatened Dr Vincent himself, who thereupon thought of saving himself by going out of the College for awhile *. Accordingly he called for me, as then his Sizar, to assist him in preparing for his removal.' Zachary Conrad von Uffenbach, in his Travels 2 , says that he learnt that at Cambridge (28 July, 1710) 'the Lords' sons of quality, and others, are so wealthy, and are called Fellow-Commoners, take the poor men who wait on them as servants.' He got his information from his cicerone Ferrari, an Italian, and his visit was paid in the long Vacation, when students and professors had gone off to the country or to London. It is noteworthy that the writer of * Considerations on the Oaths required by the University of Cambridge at the Time of Taking Degrees and on other subjects which relate to the 1 Whiston's Autobiog. 1749, I. pp. 21, 23. 2 /////, 1754, Vol. III. p. 2. io8 University Society Discipline of that Seminary, by a Member of the Senate. London-, printed for and sold by J. Dcigliton, Holborn. Sold also by F. Hodson, Cambridge, 1788. price eighteen pence' (8vo. pp. 56. Bodl. Cough, Camb. 65.) p. ii. remarks that the distinctions of Fellow-commoner and Sizar were a matter of great offence ' to many, especially to foreigners '.' The concluding lines of Kit Smart's Tripos on Yawning shew that in 1742 the custom of Sizars waiting at the high table had not yet gone out of the University of Cambridge: Haud aliter Socium esuriens Sizator edacem Dum videt, appositusque cibus frustratur hiantem ; Dentibus infrendens nequicquam lumine torvo Saepius exprobrat; nequicquam brachia tendit Sedulus officiosa dapes removere paratus. Olli nunquam exempta fames, quin frusta suprema Devoret et peritura immani ingurgitet ore ; Turn demum jubet auferri ; nudata capaci Ossa sonant, lugubre sonant, allisa catino. Bishop Ri. Watson of Llandaff in the Anecdotes of his Life, written before I8I4 1 , says that in his own time (at Trinity, in 1755) 'the sizars were not so respectfully looked upon by the pensioners and scholars of the house as they ought to have been, inasmuch as the most learned and leading men in the University have ever arisen from that order.' We may instance at once, Newton, Trin.; Bentley, St Johns ; Ri. Dawes and Joshua Barnes, Emman. By a College Order in the St John's Conclusion Book 2 , 1 8 Mar. 1765, it was 'agreed that 9 of the 1 Edit. 2, 1 8 1 8, i. p. 13. . . 2 Baker-Mayor, p. 1071, 1. 19. in the Eighteenth Centiiry. 109 Sizars be appointed to wait at the president's table,' etc. I am unable to say when the great change in the social position of Sizars was wrought at Cam- bridge. The Article on that word in the Gradus ad Cantabrigiam, published in 1803, contains a pro- test against the vulgar opinion, that Sizars were as badly off as Oxford Servitors. It is then stated that ' whoever has resided any little time at Cam- bridge must know that, in point of rank, the dis- tinction between Pensioners and Sizars is by no means considerable. Between Commoners and Servi- tors there is a great gulph. Nothing is more com- mon than to see Pensioners and Sizars taking sweet counsel together and walking arm in arm to St Mary's... In respect to their academical habit: At Trinity College, the Sizars wear precisely the same dress with the Pensioners. At other Colleges, the only difference is that their gowns are not bordered with velvet. At Peterhouse, the Pensioner's gown is the same as is worn by the Bachelors of Arts ; and the Sizars is the same as is worn by the Pensioners of St John's, Emmanuel, &c. In every College, the Sizars invite, and are invited by, the Pensioners to wine parties ; and some of them (the former) endeavour to vie with the latter in fashion- able frivolity.' In 1807 Southey puts into the letters of Espriella (no. XXXII. ii. p. 73) complaints of the Oxford system of servitors 'tolling the bell, waiting at table, and performing other menial offices/ While in the Life no University Society of Wesley (1820), he holds up to Oxford the ex- ample of Cambridge, where the distinction of dress and service had been done away. As I have spoken of the change in the connec- tion between tutor and pupil ; and have also been drawn on to speak of the Professors' Lectures, it may be as well to treat the subject of Lectures as part of the social life of the Universities instead of considering them in the next part of this compila- tion. In the early days of the Universities, the tutorial system was unknown. It was not (says Professor Henry Maiden in his essay on the Origin of Uni- versities^*) till the time when Leicester was chancel- lor [at Oxford, in 1564] that the University under- took to regulate who might be tutors ; and it was not till the chancellorship of Laud [in 1630], that it was made necessary to enter under a tutor resi- dent in the same College or Hall with the pupil 2 . Laud therefore may be regarded as the author of the system of College tuition. The duty of these College Tutors was to superintend the moral and religious discipline of their pupils, rather than to instruct them in their studies. But when stricter attention was paid to the performance of Exercises for degrees, and above all when the Examinations were enforced, there grew up a class of private Tu^ tors ; the offspring in the main of the system of 1 1835, /. 86. 2 l-'.din. Rev. cvi. p. 392, comparing Wood, A.D. 1581, and Corp. Statut. /. iii. s. 2. in the Eighteenth Century. 1 1 r" competitive Examination. Their use, as Dr Whewell shews, has a tendency to become abused when the same persons may exchange the office of private tutor for that of examiner, within a very brief period l . We shall presently have occasion to speak of an abuse of this kind at Oxford, which survived till the first years of this century. It was usual in Dr Johnson's time 2 for College Tutors to lecture both in the Hall and in their own rooms, as well as to set weekly themes for composition. When he was at Pembroke, t Oxford, in 1728, Undergraduates generally depended entirely upon the Tutor to guide all their reading. His first tutor Jordan was like a father to his pupils, but he was intellectually incom- petent for his important position. For this reason Johnson recommended his old schoolfellow Taylor to go to Christ Church on account of the excellent lectures of Bateman then tutor there. Just when Johnson quitted Pembroke through penury in 1731, Jordan was succeeded by Adams (afterwards Master), a man of considerable ability. Thus we see how cautiously we must form a general opinion of the efficiency of a College from its character at any particular moment. Gibbon's experience in the mat- ter of Tutors at Magdalen was similar to that of the other at Pembroke. The idea which Uffenbach formed of our lectures in his visit at the Vacation- 1 'Of a Liberal Education... with particular reference to... Cambridge,.' 1845, p. 217, IT 268. See also Dean Peacock on the Statutes, 1841, pp. 153, foil. 2 Boswell's Johnson, Philip's Whitefidd t p. 20. 112 University Society time in 1710 is amusing. 'We were surprised that there are no lectures (Collegia] given : and only in winter three or four lectures given by professors to the bare walls, for no one comes in. On the other hand the " Scolars" or Students have some of them a professor or old Socium Collegii, whom they call Tutorem, who instructs them, as then the noble- men and others are so rich, and are called " Fellow- commoners," as to take to them the poor men who wait on them as servants. In summer, however, hardly anything is done, both Students and Pro- fessors being in the country or in London V That Tutors at Cambridge used to direct their pupils' studies, will be seen from the scheme drawn up by Waterland, which will be printed in analysis in an appendix to the second part of this work. We may gather also from a letter written by Ambrose Bonwicke to his father 2 six weeks after UfFenbach's visit, that it was unusual for the Tutor at St John's to omit to speak to his pupils 'about a method, &c.' Before the century with which we have to do, there had grown up a natural practice of flocking to certain favourite Tutors, or 'pupil-mongers' as they were called. Indeed when a Student found, like John Evelyn ' Fellow-com'uner in Balliol ' in 1637, that the Tutor to whom his father had sent him was too much occupied with college animosi- ties, it was high time for him to ' associate ' him- 1 Reise, III. p. 2. 3 A. Bomvicke, by Mayor, 1870, p. 21. in the Eighteenth Century. 113 self with 'a young man of the Foundation, afterwards a Fellow of the House, by whose learned and friendly conversation I received great advan- tage.' Several persons are mentioned as regular 'pupil- mongers.' James Tunstal in Baker's time 1 ; in 1715 Dr Chr. Anstey the elder 2 : at St John's. Another famous diarist, Ralph Thoresby of Leeds, came up to Cambridge in 1714 (July 8th) to see for a Tutor for his son. He 'visited Dr Bentley, Master of Trinity; then at Clare-hall, to visit and consult the famous pupil-monger Mr Laughton [Dr RL Laugh- ton one of the first teachers of the Newtonian philosophy. Dr John Laughton of Trinity was University Librarian], to whom I was recommended by the bishop of Ely ; and after at Queens' College with the ingenious Mr Langwith (a native of York) recommended by Mr Baker of St John's, and pre- ferred rather than any of his own College. The Lord direct me in this matter of so great concern to the temporal and eternal interest of my son Ralph. Whether Clare Hall or Queens' College I cannot determine,' &c. On the 27th of Feb. 1721-2, upon a petition 3 of forty-two Tutors, it was agreed that each Pensioner should pay a fee of 30^. a quarter, and others in pro- portion. Other regulations were made as to ' caution money' for security in case of debts. The insuffi- 1 Life of Baker, 1784, p. 114. 2 Life of Bonwicke, 1870, p. 172. 3 Cooper's Annals, IV. 167. L. B. E. $ H4 University Society ciency of tuition fees had long been notorious. In 1713 it was even mentioned in a paper (No. 94) of the Guardian. As late as 1/90 it is observed by PJdla- letJus in a pamphlet, that Knox in his /th Amend- ment said, ' that the Tutors' stipends are at present too little;' while in his Treatise on Education (p. 165) he asserted that the office of Tutor was lucrative. On the I4th of Nov. 1767, the tuition fee was raised on a petition from the Tutors (2 for a Pensioner 1 ). As early as 1759 the employment of private tutors, as examiners, was found to be a cause of unfairness. It was said, for instance,, that 'when the Johnians had the disposal of the honors, the second wrangler was always looked upon as the first 2 .' Bishop Watson himself was acting as a private tutor 3 in 1756 when only a junior soph. This was a practice of question- able expediency; but about the other there could be no question; and on June 21, 1777, a Grace was passed 4 threatening with deprivation any tutor who should be examiner to his own pupil. The practice, nevertheless, gained ground. Charges of partiality were brought, which were, according to the late Mr Gunning 5 , ' not without some foundation ; and (he adds) I have been informed by a wrangler of the year 1781, who was perfectly satisfied with his own situation, that no doubt was entertained in the University, that Catton of St John's, who was fourth 1 Cooper's Annals iv. p. 350. * Bp. Watson's Anecdotes, 1818, i. p. 29. 3 Ibid. p. 1 6. 4 Whewell, On a Liberal Education, H 269. 6 Reminiscences, 1854, I. p. 258. in the Eighteenth Century. 1 1 5 Wrangler, ought to have been the Senior. This opi- nion was confirmed by the first Smith's Prize being adjudged to him.' Accordingly, on June 25 of that year, a Grace was passed forbidding any candidate for the degree of B.A. to read with any private tutor in the course of the two years preceding his final examination. This (says Dr Whewell 1 ) was for a time effectual. He suggests that a certificate of the fact sho'uld be demanded. The writer of ' Considerations on the Oaths re- quired by the University of Cambridge... 1788, [Bodl. Gough, Camb. 65.] p. 15, states that the unsuitable- ness of lectures to men of different capacities had rendered private tutors ' absolutely necessary to every one who wished to make any tolerable figure in the Senate:' [this expression occurs again in the Pamphlet where we should now say 'Senate-house'] at the 'ad- ditional expense of at least 20 a year.' He men- tions that when the Grace of 1781 was proposed, a petition on the other side, signed by 82 undergradu- ates, was presented to the Caput, but it was of no avail; and the solitary four members of St John's College, who ventured to sign it, 'were persecuted for it with wonderful acrimony.' The period of two years was gradually reduced in 1807 and 1815, till in 1824 it dwindled down to six months. Dr Whewell, in 1845, conceived it to be still possible and desirable to enforce it. Professor 1 Liberal Education, ^[ 1 7 r . 82 ii6 University Society Pry me 1 says, that it was repealed after he ceased to be Fellow. He says also that in 1799, owing to that regulation, the system of private tuition had not be- come common, and the lectures of the tutors during term-time were by many of the students (himself in- cluded) deemed sufficient. Since then, however, the employment of private tutors or 'coaches' at Cambridge has become more common, though it has at times received checks by such events as the establishment of 'composition' or of 'inter-collegiate' lectures. But with candidates for the Mathematical Tripos, the tutor is often as important an agent as themselves ; so that William Hopkins, of Peterhouse 2 , could boast in 1849, that 'from January 1828 to January 1849, inclusive, i.e. in twenty-two years, I have had among my pupils 175 Wranglers. Of these 108 have been in the first ten, 44 in the^r^/ three, and 17 have been Senior Wran- glers: As to the effect upon young tutors themselves, William Wordsworth wrote in 1833 to a young gra- duate of Cambridge, ' I have only one observation to make, to which I should attach importance, if I thought it called for in your case, which I do not, I mean the moral duty of avoiding to encumber yourself with private pupils in any number 3 . You are at an age when the blossoms of the mind are setting to make fruit; and the practice of pupil-mon- ger ing is an absolute blight for this process.' 1 Autobiog. Recoil. 1870, pp. 48, 49. 3 Gunning, Reminisc. 1854, n. p. 359. Memoirs 1851, ch. XLIX. in the Eighteenth Century. 117 Of the college lectures in 1755, bishop Watson 1 says: 'It was then the custom in Trinity College (I am sorry it is not the custom still) for all undergradu- ates to attend immediately after morning prayers the college-lectures at different tables in the hall during term-time. The lecturers explained to their respective classes certain books, such as Puffendorf de Officio Hominis et Civis, Clarke on the Attributes, Locke's Essay, Duncan's Logic, &c., and once a week the head-lecturer examined all the students.' So we find young Ambrose Bonwicke 2 , in the Oc- tober term 1711, receiving 'more than ordinary satis- faction in being returned to this pleasant seat of the muses, when I find my books and all things in a very good condition, and myself happy at the ethic-table at morning lectures in the hall.' In the St John's College- Conclusion Book 3 is the entry 21 Jan. 1737 -8: 'Agreed that the two logick tables be join'd.' As to the staff of lecturers : there was at Peter- house elected yearly a Praelector, a Rhetoric, Greek, Ethics, and Logic Lecturer : the Hebrew lecture- ship being vacant. But in some colleges from time to time (and this was the real occasion for pri- vate tuition), the tutors were not up to their work. Thus in 1752 Gibbon, at Magdalen College, Oxford, was tacitly allowed to abstainfrom attending any lec- tures; while, in 1764, Sir William Jones, the Oriental Scholar, complaining of the dulness of lectures, and 1 Watson's Anecdotes, I. p. 12. Ed. 1818. 3 Life (Mayor), 1870, p. 33. 3 Baker-Mayor, p. 1035, 1. 32. 1 1 8 University Society of the barbarous Latin in which they were read, was formally excused attendance 1 , and set to work by himself to read 'all the Greek poets and historians of note, besides the entire works of Plato and Lucian,' as well as Arabic. Besides these early lectures, and those after break- fast, which, as now, were common at least towards the close of last century 2 , there were afternoon lectures after the early dinner. Hierocles, for instance, and other greek prose authors were read in lecture at St John's on Monday afternoons in 1710. So too, later in the century, Professor Busick Harwood de- livered his Anatomical lectures in the afternoon. In the evening, as we shall see, there were even papers set for the mathematical tripos. But the college halls had other uses. It was not a very uncommon thing for some refractory Scholar (or even Fellow) to have to make recantation or con- fession of faults therein. It was agreed at a College meeting in St John's, 19 Dec. 1764, 'that if any undergraduate make any disturbance in the hall at the time when any other undergraduate is reading an acknowledgment of his offences by order of the deans or a superior officer, he who makes such disturbance shall be rusticated.' In the preceding century at Peterhouse, Novem. 7, 1663, Sir Gosnal was to make a recantation in Hall for his former great extravagances ; and about a year later, his time of probation being finished, he was 1 Life by Ld. Teignmouth, 1815, PP- 39~ 4 1 ' 8 Bonwicke-Mayor, 1870, p. ai. in the Eighteenth Century. judged by the Master unfit to be admitted to his Fellowship. In 1698 Charles Squire, of the same House, had to confess in Hall his 'madness and profligacy, and to beg pardon of God Almighty, of the Visitor y e Master, y Society and Students, w ch I hope will not be deny'd to a serious convert.' Two years later he was expelled, and took with him some of the College plate. In that century it was not uncommon for scholars on certain foundations to put in the hands of the President at Hall-time some epigram or set of verses in Greek or Latin. So in 1792 there was a classical recitation from Homer, Virgil, &c., called a narrare, made at Trinity College, Oxon. by some undergra- duate standing by the ' Griffin's head ' while the dons were finishing dinner. Among Dr Ri. Newton's Rules for Hertford College, 1747, p. 27, there is one pro- viding that two undergraduates a week should deliver Narrations (recitations of Elegant Extracts) instead of their Theme or Translation. The College fare was simple, i.e. it consisted of less variety of viands than at present. In his sermon at Paules crosse in 1550, Thomas Lever, Fellow and Preacher of St John's, told of those 'menne not werye of theyr paynes ' at Cambridge, whose first meal was when ' at ten of the clocke they go to dynner, whereas they be contente wy th a penye pyece of byefe amongest iiii., hauyng a fewe porage made of the brothe of the same byefe, wy th salte and otemell, and no-: thynge els.' Their only other food was taken at ' v. of the clocke in the euenyng, when as they haue a supper I2O University Society not^ much better then theyr dyner.' It was one of sir ^ho. More's humorous proposals to his children when' he resigned the Chancellorship to retrench their expenses by degrees from Lincoln's Inn diet to the new Inn fare, and so on at last to the Oxford fare, 'which if our power stretch not to maintaine, / then may we like poore schollers of Oxforde goe a begging with our bags and wallets and sing salve regina at rich mens doores, where for pitie some goode folkes will give us their mercifull charitie; and so keep companie and be metric togeatherV The 1 6th of Sundry Queries concerning the Univer- sity of Oxon., &c. London, Printed by Thomas Creeke, 1659, asks 2 , 'Whether the Canons of Christ Church ought not to eat the bread of affliction and drink the water of affliction; since they refuse to eat the same bread and drink the same drink with the rest of the college, which indeed is so bad as never was worse eaten or drunk but by the same canons before they came to be canons.' A similar question was asked with no less vehemence in 1865. In his thoughtful letter, written to his mother in 1662, John Strype, the ecclesiastical historian, whilst a student of Jesus College, gives a curious account of Cambridge fare 8 : 'Do not wonder so much at our Commons: they are more than many Colleges have. Trinity itself 1 Life of More by Ro. Ba.; Wordsworth, EccL Biog. n. pp. 8r, 82. Ed. 3. 2 Misc. Harleian, vi. p. 91. 3 Cooper's Annals, m. pp. 504, 505. Sir H. Ellis, Letters of Emi- nent Literary Men, p. 177. in the Eighteenth Century. 121 (where Herring and Davies are), which is the famous- est College in the University, have but three pence. We have roast meat, dinner and throughout the weeke; and such meate as you I had not use to care for; and that is Veal: bu now I have learnt to eat it. Sometimes neverthe- lesse, we have boiled meat, with pottage ; and beef and mutton, which I am glad of: except Fridays and Saturdays, and sometimes Wednesdays; which days we have Fish at dinner, and tansy or pudding for supper. Our parts then are slender enough. But there is this remedy; we may retire into the But- teries, and there take a half-penny loafe and butter or cheese; or else to the Kitchen and take there what the Cook hath. But, for my part, I am sure, I never visited the Kitchen yet, since I have been here, and the Butteries but seldom after meals ; un- lesse for a Ciza [or Size, or Sice] that is for a Farthing- worth of Small-Beer: so that lesse than a Peny in Beer doth serve me a whole day. Neverthelesse sometimes we have Exceedings: then we have two or three Dishes (but that is very rare): otherwise never but one: so that a Cake and a Cheese would be very welcome to me: and a Neat's tongue, or some such thing; if it would not require too much money... Mother I kindly thank you for your Orange pills you sent me. If you are not too straight of money send me some such thing by the Woman, and a pound or two of Almonds and Raisons...We go twice a day to Chapel ; in the morning about 7, and in the evening about 5. After we come from Chapel 122 University Society in the morning, which is towards 8, we go to the Butteries for our breakfast, which is usually five Farthings; an halfepenny loafe and butter and a cize of beer. But sometimes I go to an honest House near the College, and have a pint of milk boiled for breakfast.' Of the monotony of Cambridge dinners in 1710 Uffenbach 1 complained; as well as of the closeness of Trinity College Hall, which smelt so of bread and meat that he was sure he could not eat a morsel in it. Francis Burman, who was there in 1702, mentions that at a grand dinner the dishes with few excep- tions were square wooden platters : (still partially used at Winchester). The Hon. Roger North, writing, I suppose, be- tween 1720 and 1730, compares the state of the University in his own days with that when his elder brother, the Hon. and Rev. Dr John North, was Fellow of Jesus Coll., Cambridge, before he succeeded Dr Barrow as Master of Trinity : 1 The Doctor conformed to all the orders of the college, seldom ate out of hall, and then upon a fish- day only, being told it was for his health. He was constantly at the chapel prayers, so much as one may say that, being in town [Cambridge] he never failed. This, in the morning, secured his time; for he went from thence directly to his study without any sizing or breakfast at all.' I gather from the Cook's accounts at Peterhouse that in the I7th century rarely more than one joint 1 Reise, 1754, p. 85. Ibid. p. 3. in the Eighteenth Century. 123 appeared at the Fellows' table, and on Fridays fish only. It was, perhaps, the Master of that House, Dr Cosin, or Dr Sterne of Jesus, who represented to Abp Laud in 1636 that 'upon Frydays and all Fasting days, the victualling houses prepare Flesh good store for all Schollers and others that will come or send unto them,' and the Tutors allow double money, for suppers on those days. At Peterhouse, after the Revolution, the custom of eating fish on Fridays remained, but it was in addition to the ordinary provision of meat. As Johnson's Idler (No. 33 1 , in 1758) has commemorated the dinners of this College, it may be as well to give in a note the ordinary bill of fare for a day when Gray and Cavendish dined in Hall; also another of a grand feast on Bp Cosin's Commemoration Day (St An- drew's, Nov. 30) in 1779. 'It v/as the custom for colleges, and indeed for most other people, till towards the middle of the 1 7th century, to dine at ten or eleven o'clock in the forenoon. "With us (says the preface to Holingshed) the nobilitie, gentrie, and students, do ordinarilie go to dinner at eleven before noone, and to sapper at five, or between five and six, at afternoone. The merchants dine and sup seldome before twelve at noone and six at night, especiallie in London. The husbandmen dine also at high-noone, as they call it, and sup at seven or eight; but out of the terme in our universities, the scholers dine at ten 2 ."' 1 By T. Warton. 2 Oxoniana, I. 231. 124 University Society The gradual change in the dinner hour was a matter of great groaning to the conservatives. On Feb. 10, 17212, Hearne wrote in his diary 'Whereas the university disputations on Ash- Wednes- day should begin at I o'clock, they did not begin this year 'till two or after, which is owing to several col- leges having altered their hours of dining from 1 1 to 12, occasioned from people's lying in bed longer than they used to do.' So a year later he laments that whereas Oxford Scholars were summoned to meals at 10 o'clock on Shrove Tuesday by the pancake-bell at S. Mary's; and at 4 o'clock; at Edmund-hall dinner was now at 12 and supper at 6, and no fritters. 'When laudable old customs alter 'tis a sign learning dwindles.' So on Christmas Day, 1732, the Uni- versity Sermon was, by order of the Vice-Chancellor, advertised not to begin till II o'clock, 'the reason given was sermons in coll. chapels. This reason might also have been given formerly. But the true reason is that people might lye in bed the longer. They used formerly to begin in chapels an hour sooner, and then they were ready for the university sermon. The same reason, viz. lying a-bed the longer hath made them in almost all places in the university alter the hours of prayers on other days, and the hour of dinner (which used to be n o'clock) in almost every place (Christ Church must be excepted) in the university where ancient discipline, and learning, and piety, strangely decay.' In 1747, Dr Ri. Newton's Rule for Hertford College (p. 70) was dinner at i, supper at 7. He proposed in the Eighteenth Century. 125 to provide lib. of meat per man, value not exceeding threepence (which was double the existing price, pp. 67, 115). He attempted also to obviate an abuse such as he had witnessed where the ten seniors would eat all, and leave the ten juniors to dine 'abroad in Public-Houses at four times the Expence attended with Other Inconveniences' (p. 114). At Cambridge in 1755, and for many years after 1 , every College dined at 12 o'clock, and the students after dinner flocked to the philosophical disputations which began at 2. At St John's, in 1799, it was * agreed that the hour for dinner be 2 o'clock during non-term.' In D'Ewes' time, 1620, during Sturbridge fair they swallowed down their dinner at 9 o'clock 'and having quickly ended by reason of short com- mons, the greater part of the undergraduates did run presently to the fair.' At Emmanuel 2 the hour was changed from I to 3 about the year 1785. This arrangement tended to thin the attendance in the divinity schools when Dr Watson was moderating. At Trinity, in 1800, it was at 2h. I5m. On Sundays it was at a quarter past I, and the sermon at St Mary's, which was well "attended by students, was at 3 o'clock. The Vice-Chancellor's weekly dinner parties were at 1.30, and all his company accompanied him to St Mary's 3 . At Oxford 4 , in 1804, 1805, those colleges which had dined at 3 advanced to 4, those 1 Bp. Watson's Anecdotes, 1818, i. p. 35. 2 Gunning, Reminisc., 1854, n. p. 48. 3 Autobiog. Recoil, of G. Pry me, p. 42. 4 Oxford in the Last Century (from the Oxford Chronicle, 1859, p. 49 reprint.}. 126 University Society which had dined at 4 to 5. In 1807, Southey's Espriella (letter xxxii.) speaks of dining with a friend in hall: 'instead of assembling there at the grace, we went into the kitchen, where each person ordered his own mess from what the cook provided, everything having its specific price. The students order their messes according to seniority; but this custom was waived in our friend's favour, in courtesy to us strangers.' This was at Balliol. Breakfast was a meal which saw strange revolu- tions : it became a more serious meal as the dinner- hour waxed later. 'Whilst Dr John North was at Jesus College, Cambridge 1 , coffee was not of such common use as afterwards, and the coffee-houses but young. At that time, and long after, there was but one, kept by one Kirk. The trade of news also was scarce set up; for they had only the public gazette till Kirk got a written news-letter circulated by one Muddiman. But now [cir. 1725], the case is much altered; for it is become a custom, after chapel, to repair to one or other of the coffee-houses (for there are divers) where hours are spent in talking; and less profitable reading of newspapers, of which swarms are continually supplied from London. And the scholars are so greedy after news (which is none of their busi- ness), that they neglect all for it; and it is become very rare for any of them to go directly to his cham- bers after prayers, without doing his suit at the coffee- house; which is a vast loss of time grown out of a pure novelty, for who" can apply close to a subject 1 B.A. in 1663. in the Eighteenth Century* 127 with his head full of the din of a coffee-house? I cannot but think [continues John North's brother and biographer Roger Lives of the Norths, ed. 1826, iii., pp. 309, 310], that since coffee with most is become a morning refreshment, the order, which I once knew established at Lambeth House, or somewhat like it, might be introduced into the Colleges; which was for the chaplains and gentlemen officers to meet every morning in a sort of still-house, where a good woman provided them their liquors as they liked best; and ithis they called their coffee-house.' In 1737, Thomas Gray, of Peterhouse, and Walpole, of King's, who drank nothing but tea, were out of the fashion of the day. The breakfast of the old stagers was simple. In the earlier editions of the Oxford Sausage (1764) is a picture of a student, whose square cap lies on the floor, sitting in his garret with his hand upon a tank- ard, while duns flock around him (one of them being a barber with his chafing-dish). Below the cut is Tom Warton's ' Panegyric on Oxford Ale' Nor Proctor thrice with vocal Heel alarms Our Joys secure, nor deigns the lowly Roof Of Pot-house snug to visit : wiser he The splendid Tavern haunts, or Coffee-house Of JAMES or JUGGINS, where the grateful Breath Of loath'd Tobacco, ne'er difFus'd its Balm... Let the tender Swain Each morn regale on nerve-relaxing Tea, Companion meet of languor-loving Nymph : Be mine each Morn with eager Appetite And Hunger undissembled, to repair To friendly Buttery; there on smoaking Crust 128 University Society And foaming ALE to banquet unrestrained, Material Breakfast ! Thus in ancient Days Our Ancestors robust, with liberal Cups Usher'd the Morn, unlike the squeamish Sons Of modern Times. The ladies also considered a man who breakfasted on Toasts and Ale a very vulgar fellow 1 . Tea was a luxury. I have seen the bill of a Cam- bridge man who, in 1772, paid 3^. for 4 oz. of Sou- chong. In 1650 it cost eight times as much. A letter from an undergraduate of Trin. Coll., Oxon. in 1792, who used to breakfast at 8.30 with his neigh- bour, Friend Warren takes accustomed seat Pours tea on sugar very sweet And cream not over rich; And rolls he cleverly does spread Or from brown George toasts slice of bread, speaks of a change in habit. ' Brown George' is the name for a loaf in a poem of Sam. Wesley the elder. In Espriella, no. xxxiii., it appears as ' George Brown. [George Bruno, probably some kind of roll, so called from its first maker, like the Sally Limn of Bath. TR.]' Suppers in Hall have always met with varying popularity. In his Rules for Hertford College (p. 126), Dr Newton says, 'The general hour of supper throughout the University [of Oxford] is six. This meal, if it be at all regarded (for it is much grown into disuse [1747]), is over in less than half an hour. The members of societies then dispose of themselves for the remainder of the evening. I would hope by 1 Tht Guardian (1713), No. 34. in the Eighteenth Century. 129 far the greatest part of them would spend their even- ings chiefly with one another of the same society; the summer evenings, if the weather invite, in walking abroad; the winter in each other's rooms, as they should choose to sort themselves together.' He had mentioned seven as the hour for supper (p. 70). At the close of the last century it was usual at Cambridge to take some relaxation after dinner, to go to Chapel at half-past five, then to retire to their rooms, shut the outer door, take tea, and read till 10 or ii o'clock. At Trinity there was Supper in Hall at a quarter before 9 o'clock, but very few partook of it 1 . There was always Supper on Sunday evening at Cambridge (often in the Combination-room) for the benefit of those clerical Fellows who had been 'taking duty' in the country. This is still kept up at King's as the 'Samaritan Supper" It was also called, from the only dish (of mutton) which was provided, 'Neck or Nothing' At St John's it was known as ' the Cu- rates' Club:' at Christ's the meeting was designated 'the Apostolic:' there the Supper was always tripe dressed in various ways 2 . With undergraduates, Supper was the favourite meal of sociality. At 8 P.M. the 'Sizing Bell' was rung to shew that the 'Sizing Bill' was ready. This was a bill of fare for the evening, with the prices marked. Each guest of the 'Sizing-party' ordered, at his own expense, 1 Autobiog. Recoil, of G, Pry me, p. 42. 2 Gunning's Reminisc. I. 181, L. B. E. Q 130 University Society whatever he fancied, to be carried to the entertainer's rooms; ' a part of fowl' or duck; a roasted pigeon; ' a part of apple pie/ &c. The host supplied bread, butter, cheese, and beer, a ' beaker,' or a large tea-pot full of punch, which was kept upon the hob. ' These tea-pots were of various sizes (some of them enor- mous), and supplied by the bed-makers, who charged according to size. Nothing could be more unexcep- tionable than these meetings.' Wine was not al- lowed \ A supper at Trinity, Oxon., in 1792, is described as commencing at 9 o'clock (after tea at 6) with Boiled fowl, salt herrings, sausages, Cold beef and brawn and bread and cheese With Tankards full of Ale. There it was the custom for men, of the same col- lege as the host, to pay for his own share of the des- sert at a wine party. One custom prevailed at both Universities, a cus- which has become obsolete, that of regularly dress- ing for dinner. Everyone arrayed himself in white waistcoat, and white stockings, and low shoes ; (for boots or gaiters were not allowed to be worn at din- ner-time at Trinity, or at St John's, even in the early part of the present century); and his wig or, latterly, his own hair was combed, curled, and powdered. The University Barber in old days was no mean practitioner. At Oxford, theirs was the only trade which might be followed by matriculated persons ; 1 Gunning's Reminisc. 1854, " PP- 44. 45- Gradus ad Cantab., 1 803, s.v. Sizing-bcll, Sizing-party . in the Eighteenth Century. 131 and the Members of the Company of Barbers 1 , which existed till 1859, dined once a year with the Vice- Chancellor, and supped annually with the Proctors. They had been incorporated by the Chancellor in I348 2 : one stipulation being that they should main- tain a light before the image in our Lady's Chapel in St Frideswyde's; another, that they should not work on Sundays, only on the market Sundays in harvest-time, nor shave any, but such as were to preach or do a religious act, on the Sundays in any part of the year. In the Bodleian (Gougk, Oxford, 90) is a copy of an " Address to the Worshipful Com- pany of Barbers in Oxford, occasioned by a late infamous Libel intitled *Tu Barber ad Fireworks, a Fable, highly reflecting on one of the Honourable Members.' By a Barber. Psalm Hi. 3. The third edition. Oxford, printed in the year 1749," pp. 12. It is signed by John Tubb, Master John C Ic t i TV/T i > Wardens Joseph M ss ' of the Worshipful Company of Barbers at the George Inn assembled. We learn (p. 8) that the Barbers of Magd. Hall (K ne), and of Exeter (H rn r), were also college Butlers. Others were Lay Clerks and Manciples of colleges. To painted Peruke and long Pole Jo. F wl r joins a gilded Scroll j 1 Recollections of Oxford \ by G. V. Cox, 1868, pp. 16, 17. 2 Oxoniana, IV. pp. 156, 157. 92 132 University Society Whose Lines declare his House is handy For Coffee Chocolate Wine Rum Brandy: And Scholars say he's not a worse Man Than F rtn m, or the smart James H rsem n. We find that they were also Phlebotomists and Dentists. In the Peterhouse Order-book is the following con- clusion : 'March 24, 1739. The Barber's place being void by the death of John Elbonne; his widow, Anne Elbonne, was nominated to the said place by the Master ; cum Consilio Decanoruml Other notices of female barbers are given by Hone {Every -Day Book i., col. 1272). It was the duty of the College Barber, who was a regular servant of the society, to attend to the tonsure of the clerks of the foundation. In the Elizabethan Statutes of St John's College in Cam- bridge, in the chapter ' Of College Servants ' (cap. 19) it is said ' Est et pernecessarius Collegio tonsor ; qui ma- gistro, sociis, scholaribus, et discipulis prout cuiq: fuerit opus caput et barbam hebdomadatim radat vel tondeat. Neq: minus necessariu est, ut vestes omnes lineae tarn illae quibus in mensa quam aliae quibus utuntur alias hebdomadatim abluantur.' In post-reformational times, this functionary ap- peared daily before Hall-time to powder the Fellows' wigs. As lately as 1775 there was a barber's shop just within Trinity gate near the Bishop's Hostel, where their wigs were dressed ; whence a wag ab- stracted them one Saturday night and placed them in the Eighteenth Century. 133 upon the heads of the statues on the roof of the Library. This must have been especially mortify- ing to their owners, because Sunday was a great occasion for the display of capillary attraction * : so much so that in 1728 the Vice-chancellor had issued a programma ' to All and Singular Barbers,! forbidding them to ply their trade upon that day: just as 'His Highness the Lord Protector' had done some 85 years earlier ; when by a Proclama- tion he also forbade 'vainly and profanely walking* on the Sabbath. Mr Donagan of Trinity Street still designates himself as ' Hairdresser by Appointment to Trinity College : ' and the Peterhouse barber, Bendall, is still alive. He used to come round the College in the morning till within three or four years ago, to wake the men for Chapel, and to shave them, the lazy ones as they lay in bed. Every Fellow of the society on admission still pays a fee of js. s name, that 'the Coffea-houses are daily frequented, and in great num- bers of all sorts (the Heads of houses and other Doc- tors excepted) at all hours, especially morning and evening:' and the account of Roger North, already quoted, testifies no less to the popularity of these places of entertainment. (P. 126.) in the Eighteenth Century. 141 In 1710, there was the house where UfYenbach met Whiston and read the Athenian Oracle. It was called 'the Greek's' from the nationality of its proprie- tor. He appears from Rud's diary (ed. Luard, 1860, Camb. Antiq. Soc., p. 2), to have set up a 'coffee- booth' at Sturb ridge-fair in 1709. Mr Laughton, the senior proctor, visited it, and was abused by 'the Grecian.' In like manner another was set up at the fair about 1770, by Dockrell (Hone's Year-Book, col. 1543), where there was first-rate milk-punch to be had. At the regular establishment in Trumpington- street, Paley used to spend his evenings when an undergraduate. The Masters of Arts used to occupy the upper, the Bachelors and Undergraduates the lower parts of the room. And later, when he was tutor 1 , he went at 9 o'clock 'to supper at Dockerell's coffee- house, or elsewhere.' In the Gradus ad Cantabrigiam, 1803, is the following article, ' Master of Arts' Coffee- house. It is sufficient to announce, that there is such a place, where M.A.'s meet together to take their coffee like other men! read the papers, and relate anecdotes of "the men of our College."' A good idea of the appearance of the interior of a coffee-house may be gathered from the frontispiece to 'the Coffee-house,' a Play, 1737, (Camb. Univ. Lib. xxiii. 17, 22). From a set of Tripos verses (Comitiis posterioribus, Mar. 9, 1780), it seems that the game of chess was sometimes played therein. Another set (Com. posterior., Mar. 6, 1788) gives a description of the Union Coffee-house, under the motto Concordia 1 Meadley's Memoirs of Wm. Paley , pp. 16, 17, 70. 142 University Society discors. It depicts the rednosed-keeper, half barber, half landlord, looking with his keen eyes from his den among the jugs. The company consists of a parson hunting in the papers for vacant preferment : but the 'fast' riding-man, who can scarce speak of anything but horses, tells him some one else has been before- hand with him. There are, besides, two sportsmen, who boast of nights spent alone in the fens in otter hunting. There too in a corner sits the 'questionist/ who is anxiously awaiting the 'act' which he must ' keep' to-morrow. He spends the time in drawing mathematical diagrams on the table with a wet spill or match, till he jumps up and runs off to read Locke and Newton in his rooms. In front of the fire stands a Nugax or Lounger with his arm beneath his coat- skirt, the other hand dallying with his toothpick. You would know him anywhere by his huge pow- dered wig: he affects the spleen, and has most tender nerves. After a sufficient amount of noise and drink- ing, the less reputable part of the company adjourn to a still noisier reunion at the Bear 1 (which stood where the Master's Hostel of Trinity now stands, but which, in 1788, was known as Adkin College* ', from a noisy fellow-commoner of Corpus who lodged and gave dinners there, and who, in 1788, assaulted James Wood, of St John's, at the Union Coffee-house). 1 Hi gaudent vino et strepitu risuque jocoque Lascivo, inter quos heros princepsque tumultus Extat pacatis sedibus [sic] qui pulsus ad Vrsum Colleges sociare novos, dicique Magister Jura negans sibi nata, suis circumdatus audet. 2 Gunning, Reminisc. 1854, I. p. 59. Cooper's Annals, IV. 432. in the Eighteenth Century. 143 There is, however, a reading-man's club or coffee- house designated 'Caryophylli' (perhaps the Cocoa Tree). ' A Plain and Friendly Address to the Undergrad- uates ' &c. 1786, complains (p. 17) that 'we shall be called upon to walk, to dress for dinner, or to take a dish of coffee at the Union! At the end of the list of College Servants in the Cambridge University Calendar for 1802, comes ' Master of the Union Coffee- House, Frank Smith.' Mention is sometimes found of other Coffee-houses in Cambridge, e.g. ' The Johnian Coffee-house in All Saints' Yard,' in 1740. Professor Pry me says (Auto- biog. Recoil. 1870, p. 43), ' there were two Coffee-houses in the town, where men used to take tea or coffee on summer evenings when there was no fire in their rooms. Frank Smith kept one in Bridge Street, opposite the Round Church. The other was at a room in the Rose Inn, set apart for that purpose, facing the Market Place.' This was in 1799. In 1763, a Coffee-Room was 'opened next to Emmanuel College, in a pleasant garden, where different Languages (French in particular) will be one of the principal Studies, and made easy and familiar by conversation.' Harangues were occa- sionally to be delivered against the follies of man- kind. ' None but the free, generous, debonnaire, and gay, are desired to attend.' Morality was to be enforced by Prints and Diagrams. ' In order to prevent Intemperance, no Spirituous Liquor will be admitted, unless meliorated and duly authorized 144 University Society according to Law ; but harmless Tea, Lacedemonian Broth, and invigorating Chocolate, comforting Cakes, with cooking Tarts and Jellies, &c.' John Delaport, the proprietor, offered also advice to persons in legal difficulties from the hour of 10 to noon. ' The best of Tea, with Rolls and Butter, at Sixpence per Head. 'A Library of Books is now in the Coffee-room, which will be increased ; and for the entertainment of such Gentlemen who are musically inclined, In- struments will shortly be provided.' Mr Delaport found that Emmanuel Coffee-house was made a public promenade : he therefore insti- tuted admission by ticket, and held out additional attractions. ' A person will attend, to gather the Fruit, Pease or Beans, for such as choose to take a Dinner or Supper.' There was to be a musical performance on Monday afternoons, weather permitting. French lessons, fish- ing, and perukes were also to be had on the pre- mises. 1 Though coffee was introduced at Oxford very early, I know little of the Coffee-houses there in the i8th century. Anthony Wood relates how in 1650 'Jacob, a Jew, opened a Coffey-house at the Angel, in the parish of S. Peter in the East, Oxon. and there it was by some, who delighted in noveltie, drank. When he left Oxon. he sold it in Old Southampton buildings in Holborne, near London, and was living there 1671.' 1 Cooper's Annals ; IV. 328, 329. in the Eighteenth Cent^lry. 145 4 ' 1654, Cirques Jobson, a Jew and Jacobite, borne neare Mount-Libanus, sold cony in Oxon. in an house between Edmund-hall, and Queen's Coll. corner.' In commenting on the former passage from Wood's autobiography, Dr Bliss writes : * The fashion of drinking coffee in public, prevailed in Oxford immediately upon its introduction into England, and continued to a late period. I am told by a venerable friend, now (Feb. 1848) in his 93rd year, that he well re- members the time when every academic of any fashion resorted to the coffee-house during the afternoon : Tom's, nearly opposite the present market, being frequented by the most gay and expensive ; Horse- man's, also in the High-Street, nearly opposite the house of the principal of Brasenose, received the mem- bers of Merton, All Souls, Corpus, and Oriel ; Har- per's, the corner house of the lane leading to Edmund Hall, those of Queen's and Magdalen ; Baggs, the stone-house (built, by the way, out of the surplus materials from Blenheim by Sir John Vanburgh, who built also a similar house in New Inn Hall Lane, now occupied by Mr Walsh, and another in St Aldates, near Folly bridge, pulled down some twenty years since) at the corner of Holywell, facing the King's Arms, used by New College, Hertford, and Wadham ; and Malbons, a diminutive tenement some feet be- low the present street at the north-east corner 6f the Turl, was filled from Trinity, and by the members of the neighbouring colleges.' The line from 'the Lounger' in the Oxford Sausage, 1764, L. B. E. IP 146 University Society Dinner over to Ton??* or to James 1 I go : stood in the Student, II. 279, 1751, Dinner over to Tom's or to CJaf&am's I go, and a note describes them as ' Noted coffee-houses in Cambridge.' James is mentioned in Warton's Panegyric on Oxford Ale, in the Oxford Sausage, as an Oxford house. We see that the coffee-houses frequently took some political connexion. Thus K. Charles II. once made the experiment of closing them by Proclamation in 1675 (I. D'Israeli, Curios, of Lit.)] and they were often looked upon with suspicion, as likely to harbour sedition. In the Bodleian (Godwin, Pampk., No. 1686) is a copy of a notice by the Vice-Chancellor of Oxon., Tho. Brathwaite, dated Oxon. the 27th day of July, 1711, prohibiting all Stationers, Booksellers, Hawkers, Keepers of Coffee-houses, other Publick Houses, &c., from publishing, &c., 'the Medley,' number 41, which was a libel upon the Lower Houses of Commons and of Convocation, or 'the Laity s Remonstrance,' in obe- dience to the Charge, given by Mr Justice Powell, at Assize. But we must pass on. Of earlier Oxford coffee-houses, Wood mentions also that, in 1655, 'Arth. Tillyard, apothecary and great royallist, sold coffey publickly in his house against All-soules Coll. He was encouraged to do so by som royallists, now living in Oxon. and by others, who esteem'd themselves either virtuosi or wits; of which the chiefest number were of Alls. Coll., as Peter Pett, Thorn. Millington, Tim. Baldwin, Chris- top. Wren [Sir Chr. Wren], Georg. Castle, Will. Bull, in the Eighteenth Century. 147 &c. There were others also, as Joh. Lamphire, a physician, lately ejected from New Coll., who was sometimes the natural droll of the company, the two Wrens, sojournours in Oxon, Matthew and Thomas, sons of Dr Wren, bishop of Ely, &c. This coffey- house continued till his majestie's returne and after, and they became more frequent, and had an excise set upon coffey.' In 1677 he asks, 'Why doth solid and serious learning decline, and few or none follow it now in the University? Answer, because of coffea- houses, where they spend all their time ; and in en- tertainments at their chambers, where their studies and coffea-houses are become places for victuallers ; also great drinking at taverns and ale-houses, spend- ing their time in common chambers whole afternoons, and thence to the coffea-house.' This disease spread in the Universities no less than in the country at large. Whereas Mr Harris (after- wards the first Ld. Malmesbury) says of his career at Merton in 1762, 'Our life was an imitation of High Life in London. Luckily, drinking was not the fashion ; but what we did drink was claret; and we had our regular round of evening card parties to the great derangement of our finances. It has often been a matter of surprise to me that so many of us made our way so well in the world, and so creditably:' in 1785 (Mr Gunning says, Reminisc. I. xx. 24, 50), drinking w r as almost universal. Professor Pryme re- collected (pp. 49 51) a similar state of affairs in 1799. ' It was usual to invite a large party to par- take of wine and a moderate dessert after hall. The 102 148 University Society host named a Vice-President, and toasts were given. First, a lady by each of the party, then a gentleman, and then a sentiment. I remember one of these lat- ter: "the single married, and the married happy." Some of them were puns. Every one was required to fill a bumper to the toasts of the President, the Vice-President, and his own.... "Buzzing," unknown in the present day, was then universal [see Gent. Maga- zine, Vol. 64]. ...If any one wished to go to chapel, he was pressed to return afterwards.' The vice was of old standing. Hearne relates (Diary, Bliss, ed. 2. II. 269) that about the year 1704 a commoner of Magdalen Hall Oxon., a son of Dr Inett, was found dead from drinking ale and brandy in company with three others, all of whom had fallen asleep. The writer of ' Advice to a Son in the University (London; printed by Edm. Powell in Blackfryars, near Ludgate, and are to be sold by John Morphew, near Stationers* -Hall, 1708.') [Bodl. Gongh, Camb. 66.] warns him against drinking, as against a fashion- able vice. (See Swift's 'Project for the Advancement of Religion!} We read of disgraceful scenes of debauchery even in the common and combination-rooms. In the days of early dinners, the effect of such orgies must have been more than ever degrading. In some .colleges there seem, even at that time, to have been common- rooms for Bachelors of Arts, as at Exeter, Oxon., in 1754. ( The Conduct of. . . College Considered, &c. 1754; Bodl. Gough, Add s . Oxfordshire, 4to, 31.) in the Eighteenth Century. 149 Against the habit of students giving private din- ners, there was a loud outcry 1 : and it was complained that non-attendance at Hall was frequent. Another abuse was the custom of turning Fast- days into feasts : the dinner hour being simply post- poned till after chapel. (Pryme, A utobiog. Recoil., p. 93.) I have observed that while Peterhouse was stricter than most Colleges in adhering to the fish dinner on Fast-days in the 17th century; after the Restoration the custom was there dropped, the intermediate stage being to have meat, in addition to fish ; and latterly, flesh instead of fish. The taverns were frequently the scenes of great disorder, inflamed sometimes, as we have seen, by party quarrels. At Cambridge, the Tuns, kept by Wish, had a noisy reputation. It bore a name fa- mous in the University, from the days of Nevile's Poor Scholar, a play in 1662 (Act II. sc. 6). Its namesake at Oxford was the rendezvous of the ' Poetical Club! which is ridiculed by Nicholas Am- herst in April, 1721 (Terrae Filius, Nos. 25, 26). The meetings there are thus described by one more fa- vourable to them. '1/21, July, 13. Went to the Tuns with Tho. Beale, Esq. (Gent. Comoner), Mr Hume, and Mr Sylvester, Pembrokians, where mot- to'd, epigrammatiz'd, &c.' 'Aug. 17. Went with Mr 1 The Expence of the Univ. Education Reduced, p. 23, ed. 4, 1741, written in 1727 by Dr R. Newton; also his Statutes of Hert- ford Coll. p. 68. Remarks on the Enormous Expence... in the Univ. of Cambridge, &c. 1788, pp. 6, 36. Strictures upon the Discipline of the Univ. of Camb. 1792, p. 14. Advice to a Young Man of Quality, &c. 1760, p. 29. 150 University Society Tristram to the Poetical Club (whereof he is a mem- ber) at the Tuns (kept by Mr Broadgate), where met Dr Evans, Fellow of St John's, and Mr Jno. Jones, Fellow of Baliol, members of the Club. Subscribed %s. to Dr Evans's Hymen and Juno (which one mer- rily call'd Evans's Bubble, it being now South Sea Time). Drank Gallicia wine, and was entertained with two Fables of the Doctor's Composition, which were indeed masterly in their kind: but the Dr. is allowed to have a peculiar knack, and to excell all mankind at a Fable.' (Diary of Erasmus Philips, 1 Fellow-Commoner' of Pembroke, Oxon., N. and Q., 2nd S., x. 366, 443.) There was the ' Nonsense Club V which Geo. Colman, Bonnel Thornton, and Lloyd founded about 1750 : there was the ' Jelly-bag Club Y so called from the famous Epigram on an Epigram ascribed to Ralph Bathurst, 'Make it at Top both wide and fit To hold a Budget-full of Wit, And point it at the End.' The Terrae Filius of 1733, in his speech, which was prohibited, proposed thus to satirize the Fellows of All Souls. 'I would next willingly pay a visit to their college, if I could find it out ; it used to stand on the right hand above Queen's, but if we may judge from the resort of its members we should judge it to be translated over the way, and that the Three Tims 1 Oxford during the Last Century, p. 64 (from the Oxford Chronicle, 1859). 8 Oxford Sausage, 1764. in the Eighteenth Century. 151 Tavern was All Souls' College ; did not the effigies of the good Archbishop over the door convince us to the contrary.' The Fellows of St John's Oxon., we are told by Amherst in his Terrae Filius essays (No. 34), 'valu'd themselves for having the best single and double COLL. (i.e. College ale) in the University.' There was another class of houses common .about Oxford, which are thus described in a paper in The Student, or Oxf. and Camb. Monthly Miscellany, 1751, II. 373 (anticipating Tom Warton's facetious ' Companion to the Guide, and Guide to the Com- panion, being a Supplement to all the Accounts of Oxford, hitherto published. 12 mo. 1762'). ' It is well known that before colleges were esta- blish'd, our members were scattered about and lodg'd at private houses : at length, places were set apart for their reception, and dignified by the names of hospitia, or halls, or (in the modern dialect) inns or tippling- houses. We must not therefore be surpriz'd to find several remaining which retain their ancient occupa- tion, not only in the body but in the skirts of the town ; such as Fox-hall, Lemon-hall, Feather-hall, Stump-hall, Cabbage-hall, Caterpillar-hall, &c., &c. But there is one that deserves particular notice, situated N.N.E , a little way out of town, known by the name of Kidney-hall ; which has long been a very noted seminary 1 ! Hearne used to solace himself with his antiquarian researches, ' sometimes at Heddington, sometimes at Iffley, sometimes at Blind Pinnocks [at Cumnor], sometimes at Antiquity Hall' (1718-19). 1 Oxoniana, ill. 107. 152 University Society The last, which bore the sign of Whittington and Jiis Cat, was near Rewley, and was known in earlier times as the Hole in the Wall. It was a favourite haunt of ' honest ' antiquaries. A no less famous hostel was Louse Hall, which was kept by a venerable matron, Mother Louse, ' at the further end of a row of tenements, at the bottom of Headington Hill, near the lane leading to Marston, now, not unaptly, called Harpsichord Row. Granger, in his Biographical History of England [describing a print by Loggan], informs us that she was probably the last woman in England that wore a ruff. Mother George [whose name is associated with hers in Wood's Life, anno 1673] lived in Black Boy Lane, and afterwards in the parish of St Peter's in the Bailey, where she died [in her iiQth year, July 12, 1691] by an accidental fall which injured her back... She used to thread a very fine needle, without the help of spectacles, and to present it to her guests, who in return gave her some gratuity towards her support 1 .' Granger states that Cabbage-hall (situated directly opposite the London road on Heddington hill) was founded by a tailor. 'Caterpillar-hall, the name of the house higher up the hill, was no doubt a complimentary appellation, intimating to posterity that, on account of its better commons, it had drawn away a great number of students from its inferior society, or, in other words, that the caterpillar had eat up the cabbage 2 .' 1 Oxoniana, I. nr. 8 Life of Wood, Bliss, s. a. 1673. in the Eighteenth Century. 153 Having mentioned two good ladies of the I7th century, it is but fair to refer to the portrait of one of the 1 8th. There is a caricature of ' Mother Goose of Oxford, Dighton ad vivam delt: pubd. July, 1807, by Dighton, Charing Cross.' The worthy lady is represented in a slate-coloured hat and gown, a white kerchief, stockings and apron, long white mittens, tye shoes and roses ; and is carrying a cloth in a large gardener's basket. Of Clubs at Oxford (in addition to the Constitution, and the Club, with others which I have already men- tioned), there were the following : the Banterers^ whom A. Wood describes (1678) as 'a set of scholars so- called, some M.A., who make it their employment to talk at a venture, lye, and prate what nonsense they please, if they see a man talk seriously they talk floridly nonsense, and care not what he says; this is like throwing a cushion at a man's head, that pretends to be grave and wise.' There were the Freecynics in I 737> ' a kind of Philosophical Club... who... have a set of symbolical words and grimaces, unintelligi- ble to any but those of their own society 1 .' There was also the High Borlace, a tory club which had a convivial meeting held annually at the King's Head tavern in Oxford, on the i8th of August (or, if that fell on a Sunday, on the iQth, as in 1734), on which occasion Dr Leigh, Master of Balliol, was 'of the High Borlace,' and the first clergyman who had attended. It seems to have been patronized by the county families, and it is not improbable that 1 From Dr Rawlinson's MSS. Oxoniana, IV. 246. 154 University Society there was a ball connected with it. The members chose a Lady Patroness: in 1732, Miss Stonhouse; 1733, Miss Molly Wickham, of Garsington ; 1734, Miss Anne Cope, daughter of Sir Jonathan Cope of Bruern. On that occasion, Mr Moseley 1 , of Merton, was pro- posed as a member of the said Borlace, but rejected, probably because he was a member of a whig college. 1749. I have already quoted the remonstrance against Oxford jacobitism as manifested, among other things, in the 'sort of People... most caressed at... your High Borlace', in the pamphlet entitled ' Oxford Honesty? 1751. This date is engraved with the motto HIGHBOR LACE on the gold back of 'an ancient brooch richly enamelled, and jewelled with about fifty rubies ; [which] has a St Andrew's cross worked in white and blue enamel, with a sort of love-knot encircling it ; and underneath this cross is a motto worked in white enamel.' It bears 'the names of two persons, one of whom is designated "Lady Patro- ness.'" This notice in Notes and Queries, 2nd S., IV. 248, col. b, was answered by various conjectures. 'D. B.' suggested that it might be 'a Cornish motto composed of the name of the person who adopted it.' 'F. C. H.' thought it might be 'merely intended for Highborn Lass: on p. 3 17 the quotations from Hearne were given. 1763. Letter from the North Briton to the Cocoa- Tree. 'The Earl of Westmoreland was succeeded by Lord 1 Hearne, Bliss, in. 103, 150. in the Eighteenth Century. 155 Litchfield, and your party [the tories] gentlemen grew so greatly in favour that Oxford now gave us chancellors for courtiers, and of her doctors we made chancellors ; for the remarkable year teemed with the dire omen of the same doctor made Chancellor of the Exchequer and comptroller of the high borlace club.' (Gent. Mag. XXXIII. 66). 1765. Monday, Aug. 19, 'was held at the Angel inn, at Oxford, the High-Borlase, when Lady Harriot Somerset was chosen Lady Patroness for the year en- suing.' (Gent. Mag., 1765.) The import of the name is still open to conjecture. In addition to the suggestions already recounted we may propose, ' Hebolace. A dish in cookery, composed of onions, herbs, arid strong broth' (Halliwell's Archaic and Provincial Dictionary}. 'Hispanis Burlar est jocari, ludere, Vasconibus Btir- laze, Occitanis Bourlos ludus, jocus, illusio.' (Du Cange, gloss, s.v. Burlare, cp. 'Burlesque.') But I should be inclined to content myself with supposing that some member of the old Cornish family of Borlace, Borlase, or Borlass, several of whom were Oxonians and staunch Jacobites, gave his name originally to the meetings. My friend, Mr William Copeland Borlase, of Castle Horneck, informs me that a member of a wealthy branch of the family situated at Great Marlowe com. Bucks was at Oxford in the latter part of the XVllth century: he seems to have been a person of genial temper and a firm ad- herent to the Stuarts. 156 University Society At Cambridge also there were several Clubs. The Old Maids' 1 who met at a coffee-house after evening chapel for the benefit of literary conversation. Of this party was Dr Middleton, Mr Baker the antiquary, Dr Dickens the celebrated Professor of Civil Law, Dr Tonstal and others. Of a different nature were the meetings of such clubs as the Westminster and the Charterhouse. Of a disturbance connected with the former in 1750, 1 have spoken above. Richard Laughton, of Clare 2 , when proctor in 1709, had laboured to suppress several clubs of a noisy character. We have also caught a glimpse of a society of university-politicians, the Assodators, who asserted the right of Appeal from the Vice- chancellor's Court, and who met (like the Westminster Club) at the Tuns tavern in 1751. Gunning (Reminisc. II. 153) mentions a very ex- pensive club, to which several King's men belonged, about the year 1790, and 'Turk' Taylor of Trinity, who was supposed to have killed a drayman in a 'Town and Gown row' in 1788. There were 12 members of the club, who wore ' coats of bright green, lined and bound with buff silk, with buttons made expressly, and upon which Sans Souci was elegantly engraved ; the waistcoat, curiously adorned with frogs, was buff, with knee-breeches of the same colour. The members met at each others' rooms one evening in the week, when they played for 1 Dyer's Priv. of Camb. II.; Supplement to Hist. n. pp. 135, 136. 2 Monk's Bentley, I. 286. Mr Mayor's account of R. Laughton in his Cambridge under Queen Anne will contain some curious information on this matter. in the Eighteenth Century. 157 very high stakes ; also they dined together once a month, when each member was allowed to invite a friend ; and in conclusion, they had a grand anni- versary.' Professor Pry me speaking of his early days (Au- tobiog. Recoil., 117), about 1799, says: 'The " Cam- bridge Union " did not exist. The only clubs that I can recollect were " The True Blue" said tradi- tionally to have existed from the time of the revo- lution of 1688, and to have taken its colour in opposition to the Orange of King William. An especial dress, including a blue coat, was worn by the members, who were few in number, and it was confined to Trinity College. It was reputed to be a hard-drinking club. The other called "The Specu- lative" after a great debating society at Edinburgh, met once a week in term time, and consisted of twenty members; Pattison (afterwards Judge), Sum- ner (Bp. of Winchester), and Pearson (afterwards Archdeacon, and son of the eminent surgeon of that name), and I, belonged to it. The present "Union" was formed in 1815, as its name implies, by the junction of two rival societies. It first met in a small room at the back of the Red Lion Inn, and afterwards removed to premises which had been formerly used as a dissenting chapel.' On the loth of December, 1725, was established at Cambridge a literary society called the Zodiack club 1 , consisting of 12 members denominated from 1 Cooper's Annals, IV. 187; Nichols' Lit. Anecd. vi. 228; Oxford Undergraduates' Journal, 1867, p. 158. 158 University Society the 12 signs. In 1728, 6 planets were added. The members were pledged to present, recommend, and elect to all offices none but such as belonged to the Society \ The Hyson club was established by the Wranglers of 1758. (Milncrs Life of Milner.) Among the extracts from a diary which will be printed in an Appendix to this compilation will be found notices of a Literary Society to which S. T. Coleridge and Chr. Wordsworth (afterwards Master of Trinity) &c. belonged in 1795. The Progress of Discontent by T. Warton (written in 1746, printed in the Student, 1750, and the Oxford Sausage, 1764, &c.) gives the following summary of the life of a don without worthy aspirations : What endless pleasure I found in Reading or in Leisure ! When calm around the Common Room I puff 'd my daily Pipe's Perfume ! Rode for a Stomach, and inspected, At annual Bottlings, Corks selected : And din'd untaxed, untroubled, under The Portrait of our pious Founder! [When, for Amusement, my tyrannic Sway could put Freshmen in a Panic ;] When Impositions were supply'd To light my Pipe or sooth my Pride! Too fond of Liberty and Ease A Patron's Vanity to please, Long Time he watches, and by Stealth, Each frail Incumbent's doubtful Health ; At length and in his fortieth Year, A Living drops two hundred clear ! 1 Cooper's Annals, IV. 298. in the Eighteenth Century. 159 To the diary of the 'genuine Idler' (Idler No. 33, said to have been written by Tom Warton, as also Nos. 93,96), in 1758, reference has been made already. Another sketch is given in a Parody on Grays Elegy which appeared in the Oxford Sausage, 1764, under the title ' An Evening Contemplation in a College' A portion of it is subjoined: Within these Walls, where thro' the glimm'ring Shade Appear the Pamphlets in a mould'ring Heap, Each in his narrow Bed till Morning laid, The peaceful Fellows of the College sleep. The tinkling Bell proclaiming early Prayers, The noisy Servants rattling o'er, their Head, The calls of Business and domestic Cares, Ne'er rouze these Sleepers from their downy Bed. E'en now their Books from Cobwebs to protect, Inclos'd by Doors of Glass in Doric Style, On fluted Pillars rais'd, with Bronzes deck'd, They claim the passing Tribute of a Smile. Oft are the Authors' Names, tho' richly bound, Mis-spelt by blund'ring Binders' Want of Care ; And many a Catalogue is strew'd around, To tell th' admiring Guest what Books are there. Reports attract the Lawyer's parting Eyes, Novels Lord Fopling and Sir Plume require; For Songs and Plays the Voice of Beauty cries, And Sense and Nature Grandison desire. For thee, who mindful of thy lov'd Compeers Dost in their Lines their artless Tales relate, If Chance, with prying Search in future Years, Some Antiquarian shall enquire thy Fate, Haply some Friend may shake his hoary Head, And say, ' Each Morn unchill'd by Frost, he ran With Hose ungarter'd, o'er yon turfy Bed, To reach the Chapel ere the Psalms began. There in the Arms of that lethargic Chair, Which rears its moth-devoured Back so high, 160 University Society At Noon he quaffed three Glasses to the Fair, And por'd upon the News with curious Eye. Now by the Fire, engag'd in serious Talk Or mirthful Converse, would he loit'ring stand; Then in the Garden chuse a sunny Walk, Or launch the polish'd Bowl with steady Hand. One Morn we miss'd him at the Hour of Pray'r, Beside the Fire, and on his fav'rite Green; Another came, nor yet within the Chair, Nor yet at Bowls, nor Chapel was he seen. The next we heard that in a neighbouring Shire, That Day to Church he led a blushing Bride.' Tobacco seems to have been taken at Cambridge as early as 1614 15; for the loth order for preparations against King James' coming at that time provided 'That no Graduate, Scholler, or Student of this Universitie, presume to resorte to any Inn, Taverne, Ale-howse, or Tobacco-shop, at any tyme dureing the abode of his Majestic here; nor doe presume to take tobacco in St Marie's Church [at the Act] or in Trinity Colledge Hall [at the performance of Aemilia, Ignora- mus, Albumazar, and Melanthe\, upon payne of finall expellinge the Universitie.' At Oxford, dean Aldrich of Ch. Ch. was a habitual smoker. It is well known that he wrote l a Catch to be sung by four Men smoking their Pipes, not more diffi- cult to sing than diverting to liear! A student once visited the dean at 10 A.M., having laid a wager that he would find him in the act of smoking. The dean said good-humouredly, 'You see sir, you've lost your wager, for I'm not smoking, I'm filling my pipe.' Tho. Baker, of St John's, Cambridge, 'used gene- rally to fetch a clean Pipe about 3 o'clock' in the in the Eighteenth Century. 161 afternoon. He was found dead with one lying broken at his side in 1/40. In 1786, Gunning says (Reminisc. i. 44), smoking was 'going out of fashion amongst the junior members of our combination-rooms, except on the river in the evening, when every man put a short pipe in his mouth.' Prof. Pry me states (Autobiog. Reminisc., p. 51) that in 1800 ' Smoking was allowed [as now] in the Trinity combination-room after supper in the twelve days of Christmas, when a few old men availed themselves of it [' with the wine, pipes and tobacco-box were laid on the table. Person was asked for an inscription for the latter (a large silver one), and he said "TG> Ba/c^ft),"' ibid. p. 86, s. a. 1808]. Among us under- graduates it had no favour, and an attempt of Mr Ginkell, son of Lord Athlone (a Dutch family men- tioned in Macaulay's History of England], to intro- duce smoking at his own wine-parties failed, although he had the prestige of being a hat-fellow-commoner.' Gunning 1 relates how Busick Harwood used to spend his evenings in Emmanuel parlour, which, under the presidency of Dr Farmer, was always open to those who loved pipes and tobacco and cheerful con- versation. At Peterhouse, it was by a College Order, 'April 3rd, 1735, agreed at a Meeting of the M sr . and Fel- lows, that the person attending the Parlour be allow'd forty shillings, p an. to be placed under the Head of Expensae Mri. et Soc. :' ' Oct. 31, 1749, a fire to be 1 Reminisc. I. 54. L. B. E. II 1 62 University Society made in the Combination at noon, to continue till two o'clock in the afternoon from the Audit till lady- day.' It is called 'the Common-room' (as at Oxford), in an Order made March 1st, 1749 50. The ordinary name for the college parlours at Cambridge, ' Combination-room,' is said by a good authority to be derived, not from the convivial meet- ings held there, but from their sterner use for business, not for pleasure: inasmuch as there were drawn up the 'First Combination Paper,' a list of the Preachers of the Sunday morning university Sermons, a certain number of whom were appointed (as the Proctors and Moderators are) by each college in turn (excepting Trinity Hall), according to the Prior Combinatio ; and of the preachers on Saints' days and Sunday afternoons, according to the order of names in the Registrary's book, the Posterior Combinatio: a 'sub- stitute for one of the latter set received two guineas. In the Combination-room there was always a seed cake ready, and a bottle of sherry sack (or dry sherry) for those engaged in Acts for the higher degrees, and thither came the maces to conduct the disputants to the Schools. The frequenting of taverns and the lounging at coffee-houses was at once an effect and a cause of a lack of healthy exercise. If some of us are too stren- uous in our diversions now-a-days; in the preceding century there was a want of vigour and falling-off from the days of the Book of Sports, from the trials of strength in the merry England of good queen Bess, in the Eighteenth Century. 163 and from the long-bow of our more distant ancestry. The Hanoverian dynasty seems to have brought in, along with certain good things, a sort of triumph of Pudding, Turnips, and muddy Ale, over the Lace, Maypoles, Champagne and Burgundy of the preced- ing period. For riding the Great Horse, we have schemes in phaetons to Blenheim or Madingley: instead of bell-ringing there is beer, and billiards played lazily at Chesterton. The following account of amusements at Oxford, in 1667, is taken from Oxcnium poema, some Latin verses [Bodl. Gough, Oxford, 90], 'authore F. V. [ernon], Ex Aede Christi, Oxon. : Typis W. Hall. Impensis Ric. : Davis, 1667,' pp. 26. In 'the mar- gent' is a running argument indicating the different, topics of the descriptions; among them are 'Schollars that dispute as they walk,' 'Authors quoted in dis- pute' [Burgersdicius, Brerewood, Aristotle Organon, Smiglecius, Scotus, Aquinas, Suarez, Vasquez, Schei- blerus, Herebordus, Combachius, Magirus, Isendor- nus, &c.]. Then comes a description of Oxford in spring, 'Swimming in Merton Pool and Schollars Pool, Tum- bling in the Hay.' Another watches ' Frogs swim- ming;' while a third tells 'Stories under a Hay-mow.' But the more sad student on his way to the river 'will repeat Virgil or the lines of the great Horace.' There is also 'Leaping, Wrestling, Playing at Quoits,' as well as the more pastoral occupation of 'making Trimtrams with Rushes and Flowers.' Another party sits on the bank and 'non regressuros educit arundine II 2 164 University Society pisces;' while a stray Piscator looks out for the lurking den of the ravenous Luce or Pikerel. Others search in the mud for 'Chubs and Craw-fish:' but they will be startled by shrew mice, 'Water-ratts, toads, snakes/ or owls. The poem concludes with prayers for a blessing on Oxford : ' Surplices] Nempe tnae niveo mcmorantur ab agmine laudes? It must be remembered that this is a description of the pastime of boys. The recreations of youth are recounted in ' ' The Compleat Gentleman : Fashioning Him absolute in the most Necessary and Commend- able Qualities concerning Mind, or Body, that may be required in a person of Honor. By Henry Peach- am, Mr of Arts, Sometime of Trinity Colledge in Cambridge... 1661' [ed. i. 1622]. Chapter XVII., 'Of Exercise of the Body, Horsmanship, Tilting and Torneaments, throwing, leaping, and wrestling (not so well beseeming Nobility), running, leaping, swim- ming, shooting, as in that excellent Book of Mr As- chams intituled Toxophilus, wherein you shall finde whatsoever is requisite to be know of a compleat Archer.' Bell-ringing was an amusement which had not been unknown in the earlier days. Thus, Sir Symonds D'Ewes in 1618, on the morning of St Thomas' day, amused himself by taking the rope from the hands of the subsizar at St John's, whose duty it was to ring, and pulled till he fell down the stairs exhausted, and was stunned. This amusement received a great impetus at the time of the rejoicings at the Restora- in the Eighteenth Century. 165 tion in 1660. It bears a curious part in Bunyan's Life and writings (Grace Abounding, 33, 34. Life and Death of Mr Badman, ch. VII. [Offer, III. p. 625] ; Holy War, passim ; also Clark's Looking Glass for Saints and Sinners, 1657, 568 9). Uffenbach, when at Cambridge in 1710 (Reise, III. 63), says that the English performed poorly on all instruments but the organ, yet they pride themselves on their chimes, and 'aim at an artistic style of ringing; but we could not fancy the clatter, rather were annoyed to hear it so often : for the scholars or young students mount the towers and ring when they please, often for hours together. Accidents often happen in bell-ringing, some students being struck, or falling down and breaking leg and arm.' [Mr Mayor's translation.] In his sober years, R. Dawes, the critic, took to bell- ringing at Cambridge about 1733, as he did to boat- ing at He worth in 1750. He was a member of the ' Cambridge Youths' in 1731. On the 3rd of August, 1724, 'was established the Society denominated the Cambridge Youths, instituted for the purpose of change-ringing on Great St Mary's Bells (a new peal often being put up this year). Several distinguished members of the University [10 are enumerated, 1725 73] have belonged to this Society, which still ex- ists' (Cooper's Annals, IV. 185, published 1852). At Oxford, Hearne took great interest in the ring- ing matches 1 1733 5 (as Ant. Wood had done in 1656, when he, with his mother and brothers, sub- 1 Bliss, Hearne, ed. 2. ill. 96, 104, 109, in, 133, 145, 154, 180, 1 66 University Society scribed towards the founding of Merton bells : and though they were not satisfactory to 'the curious and critical hearer,' he plucked at them often with some of his fellow-collegians for recreation sake). Mr G. V. Cox (in his Recollections, 1868, p. 30) says, that at Oxford ' bell-ringing, a fashionable exercise some twenty years before, was, in 1797, voted vulgar.' It gave place to the more aristocratic door-bell and knocker wringing. The following account of amuse- ments in Oxford in 1751 is taken from the Student (II. 374), where the burlesque account of 'Several Public Buildings in Oxford, never before described/ is given. 'The several gymnasia constructed for the exercise of our youth, and a relaxation from their se- verer studies, are not so much frequented as formerly, especially in the summer : our ingenious gownsmen having found out several sports which conduce to the same end, such as battledoor and shuttlecock, swinging on the rope, &c., in their own apartments; or, in the fields, leap-frog, tag, hop-step-and-jump, and among the rest, skittles ; which last is a truly academical ex- ercise, as it is founded on arithmetical and geometrical principles.' The introduction of gymnasiums into England seems to have taken place at a comparatively recent date. Hone, in his Every-Day Book (i. 19, 1315, II. 653 8), 1826 7, records the rise of the ex- ercise under the advocacy of Mr Clias, and the super- intendence of Herr Voelker, in New Inn Road, and in Finsbury Square ; and by the formation of a ' Lon- don Gymnastic Society.' But 'the Great Horse' of the I7th and iSth centu- in the Eighteenth Century. 167 ries was a very different creature from that of the present gymnasts. In an appendix to this compila- tion will be found an account, abridged from Gutch's Collectanea Curiosa, of a Letter from a Friend of the Universities, in reference to the new Project for riding 'the Great Horse,' written probably by Dr Wallis in the year 1700. The proposal was for a riding-school, which was to serve almost as many purposes of edu- cation as Emmanuel Coffee-house mentioned above. It was intended 1 'to devote the profits of Clarendon's History to supporting a riding-school.' Hearne (Reli- quiae, in. 90, Bliss) tells us that when Mr Lewis Maid- well had his proposal for supporting a publick school (designed, amongst other things, for the sea-service of the nation), his petition delivered into the House of Commons, Feb. 3, 1699, upon mature deliberation was thrown out chiefly by Wallis, whose MS. was offered to Hearne for publication. He adds, 'The project then on foot was for an academy of exercises in the University, such as riding the great horse, fencing, &c. I well remember the thing to have been much talked of in the University : I think it was wisely stopped, because, without doubt, 'twould have utterly ob- structed all true learning.' In his Cheape and Good Husbandry, Book I. pp. 8 31, (in his Way to get Wealth, ed. 10, 1660) G[ervase] M[arkham] gives a treatise ' of the great Horse] with full directions for Cherishings (' as cry- ing holla so boy, there boy there') for performing the 1 N. and Q. ist S., X. 185, XI. 32 ; 2nd S., X. 74. 1 68 University Society Corvet, Capriole, Terra Terra, Caragolo, Serpeigiare, Incavellare, Chambetta, the Carere, the Gallop Galli- ard, as well as instructions for ' Riding before a Prince/ This had been a fashionable amusement. Ben Jonson's Hedon 'courts ladies with how many great horse he hath rid that morning' (Cynthia's Revels, II. i.). Riding, though discouraged by the Univer- sity authorities, was a favourite, but expensive amusement. We have indeed, in Cobb's Tripos speech (described below), as early as 1701 2, an instance of a don (Awbery, the junior proctor) dis- tinguishing himself by his unskilful riding on the Hills Road. So too 'the Female Student* (in the Student, II. 302, 1751) describes the life of a Mas- ter of Arts as * confin'd to those of his own standing: and the college-hall, the common-room, the coffee-house, and now and then a ride on the Gog-magog-hills, is all the variety he has a taste for enjoying.' We may compare also [Warton's] 'Diary of a genuine Idler' in 1758 (Idler, No. 33). It is recorded in Remarks on the Enormous Expence in the Education of many young men in the Uni- versity of Cambridge '.. .&c. 1788 [p. 39, Bodl. Gough, Camb. 65] that ' a Horsekeeper, one James Barrow, who in 1773 was not worth ^"10, died in 1786 worth 3000, which he had acquired by letting and selling horses to the young men of the Univer- sity. The charges at present [1788] are I think as follows : in the Eighteenth Century. 169 Fox and Stag hunting ..................... ......... Hare ditto ............................................. New Market meeting per day ..................... I The Amusement of most mornings' Racing at the Hills .......................................... 10 6 A common Eide ....................................... 4 6 The price given for Plorses is from ^i 8 to 120. Another man, one Fordham a butcher, who with- in four years has raised a fortune by horses, has lately built a prodigious range of Stables near the County Hall.' In the Pleasure of being out of Debt (which ap- peared in the Student, I. 114, 1750, and afterwards in the Oxford Sausage, 1764) is noted as a piece of liberty, that a man on a spurgall'd Hackney runs To London masquerading. As late as 1797, according to Mr G. V. Cox (Recollections, p. 30), it was no uncommon thing 'for a "gentleman" (the Oxford tradesman's designation of a member of the University) to ride a match against time from Oxford to London and back again to Oxford (108 miles) in twelve hours or less with, of course, relays of horses at regular intervals. In one instance this was done in 8 hours and 45 minutes... Betting was, no doubt, the first and chief motive; a foolish vanity the second ; the third cause was the absence at that time in the University of a better mode of proving pluck and taming down the animal spirits of non-reading youngsters... Hunting then, as now, was an expensive amusement, only 170 University Society to be enjoyed by a few, and by them only for a part of the year ; racing had not then been thought of. ..To ride well is indeed an accomplishment be- fitting a gentleman, but a gentleman need not learn to ride like a jockey.' Fox-hunting is the theme of one of the sets of Tripos verses for 1791. By the Qth of the celebrated ' Orders and Regula- tions ' of 1750, riding on horseback was forbidden to persons in statu pupillari at Cambridge, unless they had special leave. But in 1807 the decree which forbade ' driving out in carriages drawn by two or more horses/ prohibited riding only on Sundays. In 1798 there had been a decree against driving, especially in the streets. Walking regularly for the sake of exercise is a modern refinement. It is mentioned in W. Gilpin's Posthumous Dia- logues on various subjects, 1807, p. 310. In 1799, Daniel Wilson writes to his father, that very few days passed when he did not walk for about an hour. The practice of making short tours was earlier. Dr Tho. Blackwell, Professor of Greek at Aber- deen, and principal of Marischal College, writes on June 25, 1736, to beg Warburton to accompany Middleton and their ' common friend, Mr Gale,' in a tour in Scotland for two months in the summer during the long Vacation. At the same time it was not very uncommon for Fellows and Students (especi- ally Sizars, as Sam. Jebb at Peterhouse, and Bp. in the Eighteenth Century. 171 Watson at Trinity) to live for several years together without sleeping a night out of Cambridge. The writer of ' Advice to a young man of Quality upon his coming to the University ; London, printed for C. Gay in Newgate Street, 1760,' advises him to travel in the neighbourhood of the University in- stead of hunting ; and to spend the vacations in tours in Britain, visiting manufactories, interesting buildings, and antiquities. R. Gough, when a Fel- low-Commoner of Bene't College (now Corpus Chr'sti, Camb.), in July 1756 visited Peterborough, Croyland and Stamford. (Nichols, L. A. VI. 268.) In 1742, Tho. Townson started for a 3 years' tour in France, Italy, Germany and Holland, with Daw- kins, Drake, and Holdsworth 1 . 'On his return from the Continent he resumed in College [Magd. Oxon.] the arduous and respectable employment of tuition, in which he had been engaged before he went abroad.' William W T ordsworth took walking tours in France in 1790 91 (at a time no less awfully interesting than that which the country has been now passing through) before and after taking his degree. In the first in- stance he was accompanied by his college friend Rob. Jones, with about 20 apiece in their pockets. 'Our coats which we had made light on purpose for the journey are of the same piece' (he writes); 'and our manner of carrying our bundles, which is upon our heads, with each an oak stick in our hands, contri- butes not a little to the general curiosity which we seem to excite.' He speaks of the Swiss innkeepers 1 Churton's Townson, I. pp. xii. xiii. 172 University Society even then, as ' corrupted by perpetual intercourse with strangers.' In Hone's Table Book (i. 138) are quoted some lines which show that as early as 1826 visitors wrote 'in the book at Rigi, in Switzerland;' and stayed there for the sunset and sunrise, and were disappointed. Wordsworth's tour was pedestrian, excepting that they bought a boat at Bale and floated down the Rhine to Cologne (Memoirs, ch. vn., where there is given their Itinerary from July 13 to Sept. 29). 'Reading-parties' belong to the iQth century. In 1805, bp. Watson complained of the constant flux of Lakers (or tourists) in Westmoreland. University men did not begin to go there in parties till later: our university leading the way, so that when the first Oxford party settled in those regions (about 1830) they were called by the natives 'the Oxford Cantabs.' Wordsworth's Guide through the District of the Lakes was enlarged from an essay published by him as an Introduction to Wilkinson's Views, and printed in 1820 with 'Sonnets on the River Duddon, &c.' The amusements of sir Erasmus Philipps, when q 'Fellow-Commoner' of Pembroke, Oxon., in 1720, seem to have been fox-hunting, attending cock-fight- ing and horse-races, giving and frequenting balls, riding to Woodstock, Godstow, Nuneham, &c., occa- sionally attending meetings of the Poetical club at the Three Tuns, learning the violin, listening to declama- tions in hall or speeches in the schools, or convers- ing with the 'Arabick criticks,' Mr Solomon Negri of Damascus, and others. He seems to have stayed in in the Eighteenth Century. 173 Oxford through what is now the long Vacation, and to have gone down at Christmas for about the same period as we do now. The following extracts from his Diary (given in N. and Q., 2nd S., X. 366) may be found interesting: '1721. July 4. Went up the river a fishing with Mr Wilder, Mr Eaton, Mr Clerk, Mr Clayton (Gent. Commoner), Mr Sylvester, and Mr Bois, all Pembrok- ians, as far as Burnt Island. Whereon we landed and dressed a leg of mutton, which afterwards we dispatched in the wherry. The passage to this dimi- nutive Island is wonderfully sweet and pleasant.' '1721. April 14. Rode with Mr Wilder, Fellow and Vicegerent of .Pembroke, and Mr Le Merchant to Newnam, where dined upon Fish at the pleasant place mentioned, page 107. Coming home a dispute arose between these two gentlemen, whom, with great dim\ culty, I kept from blows.' Swimming (though forbidden 1 in ancient times) was common in the i8th century. Rowland Hill, in 1768, swam against the stream from Cambridge to Grantchester. In Charles Simeon's diary occurs the following entry: 1784, 'May 28th, went into the water, and shall continue it at 5.' It would seem as if he bathed early in the Cam in King's College grounds. Fishing was not a very common recreation, though sometimes it formed a pleasant amusement in the water-parties of the time. Will. Pattison, the poet of Sidney Sussex Coll., used 1 See Cooper's Annals, anno 1571. 174 University Society to fish at Cambridge in 1724. He was compelled to retire from the University. Gunning says that in 1788 he does not think there were ten men in the University who were regular anglers, although the Rev. Mr Pemberton gave every encouragement to fishermen. He mentions fishing parties at Upware, and pond-netting at Dimmock's Court (Reminisc. I. 43, 116). The Thames had been made navigable to Oxford in the reign of James L, when dean King of Christ Church was Vice-chancellor (1608 10) : and there had been an 'Act for making the River Cham alias Grant, in the County of Cambridge, more navigable from Clay-Hitlie-Ferry to the Queens Mill,' &c., in the year 1702 (it was extended in 1813); yet rowing was not made a regular exercise till the present cen- tury. Southey, who used to say that he 'learnt but two things at Oxford, to row and to swim,' gives the following picture of a scene on the Isis, in his Espriclla, 1807, Letter xxxil. : 'A number of pleasure-boats were gliding in all directions upon this clear and rapid stream ; some with spread sails ; in others the caps and tassels of the students formed a curious contrast with their employment at the oar. Many of the smaller boats had only a single person in each ; and in some of these he sat face forward, leaning back as in a chair, and plying with both hands a double-bladed oar in alternate strokes, so that his motion was like the path of a serpent. One of these canoes is, I am assured, so exceedingly light, that a man can carry it; but few persons are skilful or venturous enough to use it.' in the Eighteenth Centiiry. 175 Speaking of 1799, Prof. Pryme says (p. 43), 'Row- ing on the river was not then the custom, but we took a boat one day, rowed down to Clayhithe, hired a net to fish- with, and rowed back in the evening. This was my only excursion during my first term.' Boat races were unheard of in Mr G. V. Cox's day (about 1 790); 'boating had not yet become a systematic pursuit in Oxford. Men went indeed to Nuneham for occasional parties in six-oared boats (eight-oar'd boats were then unknown), but these boats (such as would now be laughed at as " tubs ") belonged to the boat-people ; the crew was a mixed crew got up for the day, and the dresses worn anything but uniform. I belonged to a crew of five, who were, I think, the first distinguished by a peculiar (and what would now be thought a ridiculous) dress; viz. a green leather cap, with a jacket and trowsers of nankeen !' At Cambridge about the year 1810 a few men would take a boat from the locks, or at Chesterton ; and sometimes two rival boats would sally forth together; not so much for a race as for a splashing match ! In the Classical Journal, V., 412414, is printed, at the request of Sir Walter Scott, a set of Tripos verses signed V. L. 1 , ' in Comitiis posterior ibtis, March 12, 1812.' They contain an account of the students working, and of the manner of spending the day among the undergraduates : ' comites vocat, et rogat adsint Aut ad equos, aut si placeat ad flumina cymbae.' 1 Chas. VaL Lc Grice. 176 University Society In the 6th number of the Tatler in Cambridge, 1871, is an amusing account of early boating from the year 1822, seven years before the earliest inter- university race. Shooting was a favourite sport in the days before the fens near Cambridge were drained. In Cooper's Annals (iv. 423) is given a facetious notice to trespassers, which was printed by the tenant- farmers of Grantchester in 1787. Mr Gunning writes (Reminisc. I. 40) that about the same period ' in going over the land now occupied by Downing Terrace, you generally got five or six snipes. Crossing the Leys, you entered on Cow-fen ; this abounded with snipes. Walking through the osier-bed on the Trumpington side of the brook, you frequently met with a par- tridge, and now and then a pheasant. From thence to the lower end of Pemberton's garden was one continued marsh, which afforded plenty of snipes, and in the month of March a hare or two. If you chose to keep by the side of the river, you came to Harston-Ham, well known to sportsmen; and at no great distance from this you arrived at Foulmire Mere, which produced a great variety of wild fowl. The heavy coach changed horses at the Swan, and would set you down, between seven and eight o'clock, at the Blue Boar. If you started from the other corner of Parker's Piece, you came to Cherryhinton Fen ; and thence to Teversham, Quy, Bottisham, and Swaffham Fens. In taking this beat, you met with great varieties of wild fowl, bitterns, plovers of every description, ruffs and reeves, and not unfrequently in the Eighteenth Century. 177 pheasants. If you did not go very near the mansions of the few country gentlemen who resided in the neighbourhood, you met with no interruption. You scarcely ever saw the gamekeeper, but met with a great number of young lads, who were on the look- out for sportsmen from the University, whose game they carried, and to whom they furnished long poles, to enable them to leap the very wide ditches which intersected the Fens in every direction.' This seems almost as strange to us now, as the account of London given in Macaulay's History, when a woodcock might be found where Regent-street is now. The Tripos verses for 1788, and 1795, bear witness to the taste for shooting in Cambridge at the time. In the Oxford University Statutes among pro- hibited games are mentioned ' every kind of game in which money is concerned, such as dibs, dice, cards, cricketing in private grounds or gardens of the towns- people:' and then ' every kind of game or exercise from which danger, injury, or inconvenience might arise to other people, such as hunting of beasts with any sort of dogs, ferrets, nets, or toils ; also any use or carrying of muskets, cross-bows, or falcolns : neither rope-dancers, nor actors, nor shows of gladiators are to be permitted without especial sanction ; moreover the scholars are not to play at football, nor with cudgels, either among themselves or with the towns- folk, a practice from which the most perilous con- tentions have often arisen 1 .' 1 Huber, ed. Newman, ii. n. 427. 1. B. E. 12 178 University Society At Cambridge the Elizabethan Statutes (cap. 47) forbade dice, and (except at Christmas) cards : daily resorting to the town : vain clubbing of money: sword- playing, fencing, and dancing-schools: gaming-houses: cockfighting, bear or bull-baiting : quoits : or looking on at any of these. The 5th of the Orders and Regulations of 1750 provided that 'every person in statu pnpillari who shall be found at any coffee-house, tennis-court, cricket-ground, or other place of publick diversion and entertainment, betwixt the hours of nine and twelve in the morning, shall forfeit the sum of icxr. for every offence/ D'Ewes, in 1620, played at tennis at Christ's coll. He also mentions the Tennis-court in St John's. (Halliwell I. 109.) There is a Tennis-court marked in a map (dated 1688, in Loggan's Cantab. Depicta), as standing to the west of Peterhouse Grove. Rac- quets is mentioned in an Epistle to a Fellow-Commoner (Pelham) in 1750. Fives is mentioned by Amherst in his Terrae Filihs No. 34, 1721 (or Fifes, as it is printed, ed. 1726), when / he complains that the old Ball-court has been im- proved away. Of a later time Mr G. V. Cox remembered (Recoil. P- 53> 54)> tnat 'the game of cricket was kept up chiefly by the young men from Winchester and Eton, and was confined to the old Bullingdon Club which was expensive and exclusive. The members of it, however, with the exception of a few who kept horses, did not mind walking to and fro.' Football was not, ilius. in the Eighteenth Century. 179 I think, played much in the last century; though it had once been carried on with vigour. Symonds D'Ewes speaks of a match which ought to have come off on Sheep's Green, on March 29, 1620 (?) between the Trinitician and the Johnian 'faction.' The for- mer did not appear. They played also sometimes on 'Trinity Green/ near the Nevile Court. Though Sir P. Sidney speaks of women playing at the game, it was not a gentle one. About 1632, John Barwick 1 at St John's, 'would frequently recreate himself with bodily exercises and those violent enough, such as pitching the Bar, and playing at Football, at which latter game, having the misfortune to break a player's collar-bone, he would never play again/ 'There was a decree 2 ' Perne Procan. [1574] 'that scholars should only play at football upon their own coll' ground, &c., and not admit Strangers or other Scholars under Penalty of 5.?. the first offence.' In 1579, the scholars, when playing, were assaulted by the men of Chesterton, and Dr Perry, of Peter- house, made another order as Justice of the Peace. At Oxford 3 , it was ordered by the Chancellor in 1584, that 'no minister or deacon shall go into the fields to playe at foot-ball, or beare any weapon to make any fraye or maintain any quarrel.' Sir T. Overbury, in his character of 'a meere Scholar/ 1616, notes as a characteristic, that 'the antiquity of his University is his creed, and the ex- 1 Barwick 's Life of Banvick, ed. 1724, pp. 9, 10. 3 Ashton's Collectanea, fol. 56, in Stat. Acad. cap. 46. Cooper's Annals, n. 321, 371, 382. 8 Oxoniana, iv. 176. 12 2 180 University Society cellency of his Colledge (though but for a match at foot-ball) an article of his faith.' The writer of Advice to a Young Man of Quality, &c., 1760, recommends him to strike out of his ac- counts all his 'expenses for servant, for horses, for tennis and billiards, for coffee-houses and taverns, and for entertainments of dinners and suppers at your private chambers ' (p. 29). Gunning says (Reminisc. I. 44), of their evening water-parties in 1786, 'when we arrived at Chesterton, two or three of our party would sometimes leave the boat and stop to play, at billiards; but this was generally disapproved of, and the billiard-players were seldom admitted into our future parties/ Chesterton continued to be the resort of billiard- players far on into the present century; and it is a good thing that the game is now tacitly admitted to be played in Cambridge, where, at least, the moral atmosphere is less stifling. The bowling-greens of the Colleges were favourite places of resort. D'Ewes, in 1620, amused himself with running, jumping, pitching the bar, and bowls on the green. The 'Evening Contemplation in a Col- lege' has been quoted already; and it will be remem- bered that Addison wrote some elegant latin verses, entitled Sphaeristerium. Though cardplaying was forbidden by the Statutes of the University and of some of the Colleges, except at Christmas, and then only in the College-hall, and with moderation: it was complained in 1792, that cards were played in private rooms, and even in the in the Eighteenth Century. 181 Combination-room 1 . In 1760, the Advice to a young man of Quality is (p. 29), not to refuse to play cards occasionally, if invited. We learn 2 that whist was played at Caius in 1730, from Taylor's Musick Speech. In 1620, D'Ewes played shovel-groat and cards at St John's, and the shovel-board was in use at Corpus, Oxon., till the beginning of the present century. D'Ewes also played chess sometimes, and the game is mentioned in the Tripos verses for 1780, as being played in a coffee-house at Cambridge. In 1727, Dr Rawlinson 3 notes 'Apr. 4. A great disturbance between the scholars of the University and the townsmen of Heddington at a bull-baiting, at which some scholars were beaten.' This was a fashionable sport. Uffenbach mentions, while in London, in June, 1710, that he went in the evening to a bull-baiting: and that almost every Mon- day, baiting went on at two places ; a bear was also baited, and an ass ridden by a monkey. In 1620 an intended bull-baiting and 'Olympic games' was put down at Commencement-tide (as D'Ewes relates), by order of the Vice-Chancellor. It was to have taken place on the ' Hogmagog hills.' There is in the Bodleian \Gough, Cambr. 103.] a Cam- bridge programma ; 'Dec. 27, 1763. Whereas, there have been several Bull-baitings lately in the Town of Cambridge, to the great annoyance of the University and Inhabitants of 1 Strictures on the Discipline of the University of Cambridge, &c. p. 22. a Nichols' Lit. Anecd. iv. 529. 3 Oxoniana, IV. 240, 241. 1 82 University Society the said Town; and Information has been given to the Vice-Chancellor that many Scholars of the Uni- versity have been present at, and given encourage- ment to the same, contrary to the Rules and Statutes of the said University: We, the Vice-Chancellor and Heads of Colleges, whose Names are hereunto sub- scribed, do hereby strictly require that no Scholar of what Rank soever, be for the future present at any such Bull-baitings, upon pain of being proceeded against with the utmost severity. ' And whereas great Confusion and Disorder in this University have been introduced by Scholars appear- ing in Coffee-Houses and in the Streets without their Academical Habits, and great Offence has been oc- casioned thereby: We do further strictly charge all Scholars under the Degree of Master of Arts, that for the future they presume not to appear anywhere in the precincts of the University without their re- spective Statutable Habits, as they will answer the contrary at their peril. W. ELLISTON, Vice-C., &c. &c! Uffenbach, in 1710, mentioned Cockfighting also as an English sport, ' though to a stranger it seems very childish.' On the i8th of June he bought some silver cock-spurs as a curiosity. Gunning tells (Reminisc. II. 65, n.) that about 1795 matches between the gentle- men of Cambridge and Suffolk were frequently an- nounced. This reminds us of Miss Nevilles reading of Tony Lumpkiris letter. The 'basket,' mentioned by Gunning as the pillory of the insolvent gamester in the Eighteenth Century. 183 (and noticed in Grose's Diet, of the Vulgar Tongue], is indicated by its shadow on the floor of the cock-pit engraved on Hogarth's Pit-ticket. There also is re- presented a foreigner turning up his nose at the sport Cooper mentions (Annals, IV. 188) that, in 1726 7, the Vice-Chancellor (Joseph Craven) gave orders to prevent Students from frequenting the cock-fighting (qy. cock-shying) at Market-hill on Shrove Tuesday. In 1721 2, Erasmus Philipps of Pembroke, Oxon., went to the great Cock-match in Holywell. Gambling, says Gunning (Reminisc. I. 22), was not the vice of Cambridge in 1785, with a very few excep- tions. But, in 1721, Amherst asserted (Terrae No. 47) that 'of late years the spirit of gaming has where prevailed more than at Oxford, and (what is more remarkable) amongst the seniors of the versity.' In 1782, the Act for licensing lotteries especially excepted Oxford and Cambridge, where it could not be applied. However, the private accounts of Dr Fras. Barnes, Master of Peterhouse (written in some spare pages of a I7th century Fellows' Exit Book), shew that he dabbled in lotteries between the years 1795 and 1803. In Z 7 8 3 5> three prizes of 50 gui- neas each were gained by Dr Ri. Hey, of Magdalene, for his Essays on Gambling, Duelling, and Suicide. In 1790, C. Moore published a treatise on Gaming, deploring the vicinity of Newmarket to Cambridge. For notices of Horse-racing at Oxford on Portmead, see the Diary of Erasmus Phillips, 'Fellow-Com- moner' of Pembroke [N. and Q. 2nd S., X. 365, 443, 184 University Society passim] circa 1720; also, Uffenbach (Reise, III. 158) in 1710. Nov. 23, 1791. Mr Rycroft was mortally wounded in a duel near Newmarket by another undergraduate of Pembroke. The Vice-Chancellor (Postlethwaite) published an edict against duelling, under the 42nd Statute, and T. Jones, tutor of Trinity, preached a University Sermon in December (Exod. xx. 13) on the subject. Nevertheless, though prevalent in 'higher circles/ duelling met with no encouragement in Cam- bridge 1 . In December, 1729, the Vice-Chancellor of Oxford 3 stopped a prize-fight which the Mayor had licensed. No doubt some of the English students took lessons in boxing from Broughton 3 and Figg in town; but, at Dublin, self-defence may be called almost a part of the regular course: for not only was Phil. Skelton 4 , when sizar there in 1725, an excellent boxer and 'very dexterous in the small sword, and a complete master in the back sword. He could come up to a St George, throw an out and cut an in, save himself, and strike his antagonist:' not only did he win the hat for cudgel-play at Donybrook fair while still at college (where he rejoiced in ' throwing the stone, the sledge, long-bullets,' &c., and in dancing): but even old Baldwin, the Provost of Trinity, Dublin, and Skelton's enemy, thought it his duty to lead the van in one of the skirmishes between the students and the 1 Gunning, Reminisc. I. 249 51. 2 Hearne, Bliss, III. 45. 8 1 747, Tom Jones, xi. 5, n. Paul Whitehead's Gymnasiad, 1 744. 4 Lives, edited by Chalmers, II. 267281. Rivingtons, 1816. in the Eighteenth Century. 185 butchers in Patrick's market on one of the Sundays in Lent. In Advice to a Young Man of Quality, 1760 (p. 31), dancing is enumerated among the ' occasional ex- penses ' which may reasonably be incurred in mode- ration. In 1637 Evelyn says in his Diary, when at Oxford, 'I was admitted into the dauncing and vaulting Schole, of which late activity one Stokes the master, set forth a pretty book, which was publish'd with many witty elogies before it.' ['T/ie Vaulting Mas- ter, or the A rt of Vaulting, reduced to a method com- prised imder certain Rules. Illustrated by examples and now primarily set forth by Will. Stokes. Printed for Richard Davis in Oxon. 1655.'] In the next century the vaulting had given place to the dancing. * The Art of Dancing explained by Reading and Figures; whereby the manner of performing the Steps is made easy by a new and familiar method ; being the original Work first designed in the year 1724. And now published by Kellom Tomlinson^ Dancing-master. In Two Books. Tulit alter Ho- nores! [Printed by Bowyer 1735.] Sir Will. Jones (who had played little as a school- boy) in his vacation (circa 1765) daily attended An- gelo's riding and fencing schools in London. \_LiJ c e, p. 42.] At Oxford in 1798 the University Volunteer corps or ' Armed Association' was much stronger than that of the City: there were enrolled 'about 500, com- manded by Mr Coker of Bicester, formerly fellow of 1 86 University Society New College. Such indeed was the zeal and spirit called forth in those stirring times by the threat of invasion that even clerical members did not hesitate to join the ranks... Some also of the most respectable college servants were enrolled with their masters... The dress or uniform was of a very heavy character but also very imposing : a blue coat (rather short but somewhat more than a jacket) faced with white ; white duck pantaloons, with a black leathern strap or garter below the knee, and short black cloth gaiters. The head-dress was also heavy ; a beaver round- headed hat surmounted by a formidable roll of bear- skin or fur of some kind 1 !' There was one institution which kept Cambridge in amusement in the month of September. This was Stirbridge Fair, which before the days of goods trains and sample posts was most important, not only to the Eastern Counties, but to a great part of England. In early days it had even been used as the spot for feeling the political pulse of the nation. I have neither time, n>r space, to enter at length into the delights and the curiosities of the gathering : the pomp and feasting in the Tiled Booth, with which the Vice-Chancellor and Proctors opened it : the topo- graphy of the booths : ' Garlic row/ ' Cook's row,' ' the Duddery;' and other rows as numerous as those of Vanity Fair: the Book auction (where Newton bought a book of Judicial Astrology, 1662) : the drinking-booths, classically inscribed Quod petis hie est, where geese were as plentiful and as savoury as 1 G. V. Cox, Recollections, 33, 34. in the Eighteenth Century. 187 sucking-pigs at Bartlemy. For an account even of the admission of greenhorns to the freedom of the fair, of their mock-solemn nicknaming by ' Lord Tap/ the ancient functionary 'arm'd all over with spiggots and fossets, like a porcupine with his quills, or looking rather like a fowl wrapt up in a pound of sausages;' for these, and for the rest, I must refer the curious reader to the account in Hone's Year Book (pp. 15381548) relating to the year 1762, to Gunning's Reminiscences (ist ed. I. 162 173), and to Mr J. E. B. Mayor's full account of the bibliography of the Fair in his Notes to the Life of Ambrose Bon- wicke (1870, pp. 153 165). Suffice it to say that lectures and everything gave way for it, and everyone gulped down his dinner to hurry to it, save a very few, like Bonwicke, in 1710, who preferred his studies, or like Gray of Peterhouse, in 1738, who wrote to his friend West : ' I am coming away all so fast, and leaving behind me, without the least remorse, all the beauties of Sturbridge Fair. Its white bears may roar, its apes may wring their hands, and crocodiles cry their eyes out, all's one for that ; I shall not once visit them nor so much as take my leave. The University has pub- lished a severe edict against schismatical congrega- tions, and created half-a-dozen new little procterlings to see its orders executed, being under mighty appre- hensions lest [Orator] Henley and his gilt tub should come to the fair and seduce their young ones : but their pains are to small purpose, for lo, after all, he is not coming.' 1 88 University Society But there is one point which I do not wish to pass over : the dramatic entertainments there. In 1533, there were bonfires and music at the fair; in 1555 'the vagabonds naughtie and jolly persons... are farr more in numbre...then hath been sene in tymes past:' in I59 2 the University com- plains of the distraction caused to study by players at Chesterton during the fair. Sir John Harrington writing (about 1597) in a Treatise on Playe (Nugce antique? Harrington', ed. 1804, ! I9 J )> savs 'f rm y part I commend not such sowere conjurers, but I thinke in stage-playes may bee much good, in well- penned comedies, and specially tragedies ; and I remember in Cambridge, howsoever the presyser sort have banisht them, the wyser sort did, and still doe mayntayn them.' About 1536 Aristophanes' Plutus was acted in St John's College, with Smith and Cheeke's pro- nunciation. The Elizabethan Statutes of Trinity College, Cam- bridge, in 1535, lay down (cap. 24) that the nine lecturers of the house shall, for the edification of the Scholars, act tragedies and comedies at Christ- mas, two and two together : except the chief lecturer, who shall act one comedy or tragedy by himself. These they shall exhibit on the 12 days of Christmas, or shortly after, at the discretion -of the Master and 8 seniors, privately in the Hall, or in public, or in case of default shall pay los. totiens quotiens. There was of course no such provision in the Statutes of ' the pure house of Emmanuel.' in the Eighteenth Centitry. 189 In 1544 Pammachius was acted at Christ's Col- lege. At Cambridge in 1557, on Sunday, May 23, 'my lord of Norfolkes players played in the hall and at the folkon.' On the evening of Sunday, Aug. 6, 1564, the Aulu- laria of Plautus was performed before Queen Eliza- beth in King's College Chapel. Dido, and Hezekiah by Nic. Udall, were acted in King's Chapel on this visit. In 1580, the Vice-Chancellor declined on account of the plague to accede to the recommendation, from Lord Burleigh and others, of the Earl of Oxford's players. In 1586 7 Richard the Third (by Legge) was per- formed in Trinity. (See C. H. Cooper, Camb.Ant. S. XL.) In 1590 the tragedy Roxana was acted in the hall of Trinity College with such life-like passion, that a gentlewoman 'fell distracted and never after recovered her senses.' A play called Lelia was acted at Queens' ; and the same year, or earlier, Pedan- tius (containing references to University life) was acted at Trinity. In 1592 the University and County authorities forbade certain players to perform plays or Interludes within the district, when there was danger of infec- tion. Nevertheless they performed at Chesterton, and braved the authorities by posting up their bills upon the College gates. The same year the town paid IO.T. ' to the Queen's plaiers,' and twice that sum 'to Lord Strange's plaiers.' In the winter of 190 University Society that year, the Vice-chamberlain of Q. Elizabeth's household desired the authorities to prepare an English play against her coming. The Vice-Chan- cellor, John Still (author of Gammer Gurtons Needle acted at Christ's Coll. in 1566), begged for longer time, and that the play might be in Latin. In 1595, a comedy was acted at Queens' and two comedies and a tragedy at Trinity at Commencement, before a noble audience. For the tragedy, Thomas Nevile and the Seniors entreated Lord Burleigh to lend dresses for 'sondry personages of greatest estate' from 'the Office of the Roabes at the Tower.' In 1595 a comedy was acted at King's, when certain members of the University, being excluded, wreaked their vengeance upon the windows. In 1596 7, Hispanus and a Latin comedy Sylvanus were acted. In 1597 Machiavellus was acted [at St John's], and Club Law (in ridicule of the townsmen) was per- formed in Clare Hall. In February 1600 I some Trinity scholars pelted the Johnians who tried to come to their dramatic entertainment, and the matter was ' exhibited in the Vice-Chancellor's court/ In 1602 (probably) was played at St John's the celebrated Return from Parnassus, or the Scourge of Simony, at Christmas. At the election of Bache- lors ' in the College of the Holy Trinity was acted the comedy LabyrintJius! In February 1606 7 (as in 1595), there was window-breaking during a comedy in King's College: 'the like not known among scholars.' in the Eighteenth Century. 19.1 Scyros a pastoral was attended by Prince Charles and the count Palatine at Trinity, in 1612. On Mar. 2, 1614, Aemilia was acted before K* James in the hall of Trinity. Next day was acted in Trinity the comedy Ignoramus, by Geo. Ruggle of Clare. K. James was so much delighted with it that he returned to see it a second time. (Bp Corbet's verses on the subject are amusing.) On the Qth, Albumazar a comedy, and on the loth Mel- antJie a pastoral ; on the I3th the Piscatory Sicelides was performed at King's. The following year was displayed an Interlude in a show ; Work for Cutlers, or a merry Dialogue between Sword, Rapier, and Dagger. The second edi- tion of Exchange Ware at the Second Hand: viz. Band, Ruffe, and Cuffe, lately out, and now darned lip, &c. came out also that year. At Christmas 1618, Stoicus vapulans made the spectators merry in St John's. In 1622 3, Loiola a comedy was acted before K. James in the hall of Trinity, which was dark- ened ; he ordered that the performance should be abbreviated from six or seven hours to four or five. In March 1627, Paria was acted before K. Charles. In 1632, Senile Odium, a comedy acted at Queens', was published. Mr Riley, in the Appendix to the 1st Report of the Historical Manuscripts Commission, gives some extracts from the College Register or ' Sealing-book ' 1 92 University Society of Queens' Coll., stating what dresses and properties were used or lent from the College treasury in the years 1636 8 (p. 72, b). On Feb. 6, 1637 8, was acted in Queens' College, Valetudinarian, by W. Johnson, a Fellow of that Society. In Feb. 1638, was acted, at Trinity, Cowley's Nau- fraginm Joculare. In March, 1641, was performed before Prince Charles, 'The Guardian,' by the same author. About 1655, John Glendall, of Brasenose, who was terrae filius, a great mimic, at Oxford acted in several plays ' which the scholars before acted by stealth, either in the stone-house behind and south- ward from Pembroke Coll., or in Kettle-hall, or at Haly well-mill, or in the refectory at Gloucester-hall 1 .' In 1701, the mayor and corporation of Cambridge, having given a company of actors leave to perform at Sturbridge fair; the University defended their own authority and swore-in 62 proctors. Bentley, then Vice-chancellor, committed the celebrated Dogget, the actor [and founder of the Thames watermen's badge], to gaol, and ordered the booth built for the theatre to be demolished. In the following spring, when Bentley had vacated his office, Sam. Cobb 'the Tripos' (of whom more anon) deplored the fate of the theatre in Trinity, for the Doctor, * What Collier could never do, ruin'd the Stage. Sed aiunt ipsum non penitus evertisse sed tantum re- 1 A. Wood, Life, 1660, Oct. 8. in the Eighteenth Century. 193 formasse profanum ilium locum in profaniorem vulgo dictum a Tyring Room! However, from a poem The Long Vacation) a Satyr address d to all disconsolate Traders (London, 8vo., 1708), it appears that whatever might be the case in Trinity, Bentley's efforts had not been entirely suc- cessful at the Fair: ' The Actors too, must take the pleasant air, To Oxford some, to Sturbridge some repair, And quite debauch the hopeful Students there.' ft Soon afterwards we catch sight of the dramatic in- terest at Oxford, where, in earlier years, the taste of the students had been so far respected that even the famous Mr Dryden was pleased to write several especial prologues and epilogues for their edification. In 1712, Gibber visited their University with the company of his new theatre in Drury-lane. It had been a custom for the comedians while at Oxford to act twice a day ; the first play ending every morning, before the College hours of dining, and the other never to break into the time of shutting their gates in the evening. This extraordinary labour gave all the hired actors a title to double pay, which, at the Act in King William's Time [says Gibber, Life, ed. 2, 1740, p. 383], I had myself accordingly received there. But on this occasion, he says, the managers thought it better policy to have but one performance, though still to continue the double pay. Gibber proceeds to extol the good taste of the Oxonians who preferred L.B.K. 13 194 University Society Shakespeare and Jonsbn, and were not carried away with the 'false flashy Wit and forc'd Humour, which had been the Delight of our Metropolitan Multitude.' Addison's Cato had a run of three days' extreme popularity, 'and Entrance demanded by twelve a Clock at Noon, and before one it was not wide enough for many who came too late for Places.' On leaving Oxford, the company had the thanks of the Vice-Chancellor for their good behaviour, whereas, at the Act in K. William's Time complaints had been made of 'some Pranks of a different Nature:' and having paid a remunerative visit, they contributed 50 towards the Repair of St Mary's Church. In a number of the Guardian (95), in June, 1713, are two or three humorous letters about the theatrical companies arriving by wagon for the Act. Mr Geo. Powel (the well-known conductor of the Puppetshow at the Opera in Covent Garden) is men- tioned. It is stated that 'we have sent to Town for a Brick Wall which we forgot ; the Sea is to come by Water.' Also in an accident on the road the High- wayman 'broke the Mace for the Lord-Mayor of London. They also destroyed the World, the Sun, and Moon, which lay loose in the waggon. Mrs Bartlett [the proprietor of the carrier's conveyance] is frightened out of her Wits, for Purville (property- man of the Theatre Royal) says, he had her Servant's Receipt for the World, and expects she shall make it good,' &c., &c. j^. In 1737, the University of Cambridge complained of the establishment of a Play-house by Joseph in the Eighteenth Century. 195 Kettle, Esq., and an Act was passed for preventing such doings. In April, 1747, was acted in Pembroke-hall a comedy called M Trip to Cambridge, or the Grateful Fair' by Kit Smart, Fellow of the Society. It is said to be the latest play acted in any College in Cam- bridge. The conclusion of the soliloquy of the Princess Periwinkle (who, entering ''sola attended by fourteen maids of great honour/ complains that she is left alone ' This bitter sweet, this honey-gall to prove, And all the oil and vinegar of love;') concludes thus : ' Pride, Love, and Reason fight till they are cloy'd, And each by each in mutual Arms destroy'd. Thus when a Barber and a Collier fight, The Barber beats the luckless Collier... white ; The dusky Collier heaves his ponderous Sack, And big with Vengeance beats the Barber... black. In comes the Brick-dustman, with Grime o'erspread, And beats the Collier and the Barber.. . red ; Black, red, and white in various Clouds are toss'd, And in the Dust they raise the Combatants are lost.' Notwithstanding the stringent enactment against theatrical entertainments here, a company of players from the theatres in London performed, in 1748, a pantomime called Harlequins Frolics, or Jack Spaniard caught in a Trap, in Hussey's Great Theatrical Booth, the upper end of Garlic Row in Sturbridge Fair. In 1772, in Stevens' theatrical booth in the Cheese fair at Sturbridge, were performed the Clandestine Marriage, the West Indian, the Padlock, Douglas, and the Mayor of Garrat. 132 196 University Society In 1782, Mansel, writing to Mathias (author of the Pursuits of Literature], mentions 1 that he was at the theatre at Sturbridge. This was quite a fashionable resort about this time; and habitues of Barnwell theatre may think that Dr Farmer accompanied by other noted Shakespearian critics (Geo, Stevens and Malone) and Isaac Reed, whom Dr Barnes used to designate the Shakespeare Gang*, used to sit in the critics '-row to see John Brunton (who succeeded Griffiths and Barritt), not many yards from where they now enjoy themselves. After sitting out the per- formance Farmer's party would adjourn to Emmanuel parlour. In 1785 appeared in the Gentleman's Magazine a plea for the sanction of dramatic performances at Oxford. A year or two later an opposition house was tried 9 by John Palmer, just at the end of Cheese fair: and another (which, being never used, was called from its projector 'Charles Days Folly') opposite to Parker's Piece. Soon afterwards, Charles Humfrey built a theatre by the side of the Stin in Barnwell. His successor, Wilkins, erected the present theatre, which was opened in 1815 under the acting management of Mr Smith. The Cambridge University Calendar for 1802 states that, on Sept. 18, ' Stirbitch Fair' is 'proclaimed. The Theatre opens, and Plays are exhibited for about eighteen successive nights.' 1 N. and Q. 2nd S. X. 41. 2 Gunning's Reminisc. I. 173. 1854. in the Eighteenth Century. 197 In 1806, the Old Theatre at Sturbridge Fair was pulled down, in consequence of the prevalence of an unfounded idea that it was unsafe. In 1830, the 'Shakspeare Club' was founded; and three years later some seceding members formed the Garrick Club, who published an Album in 1836. In Harrington's 'Supplie, or Addicion to Bishop Godwin's Catalogue of Bishops to the year 1608, en- titled by Dr Chetwind, " a brief View of the State of the Church of England/' ' he speaks of Dr Still, who examined him strictly, and after that answered him kindly, 'that the grace he graunted me was not of grace but of merit,' when he sued for his grace to be bachelor. Harrington (Nugae Antiquae Harringtoni- anae, 1804, II. 158) says of Still: 'I must say this much of him ; his breeding was from his childhood in good litterature, and partly in musique, which was counted in those dayes a preparation to divinitie, nei- ther could any be admitted to primam 'tonsuram, ex- cept he could first bene le, bene con, bene can, (as they call it,) which is to reade well, to conster well, and to sing well ; in which last he hath good judgement, and I have heard good music of voyces in his house.' At Pembroke this degenerated into bene nati, bene vcstiti, moderate docti. Singing, at least to the degree which was indis- pensable for Clerks, was made a sine qua non in old times for the admission of scholars. This was the case at Winchester and New College (where William Wykeham gave lodgings for the Choristers or Quiris- ters on the same footing as the other students. In 198 University Society later days one of their offices was to wait in hall, as at King's College). This was the case also with some of the I /th century foundations at Peterhouse, where certain scholars were bound to attend choir-practice once or twice a week. It is said of John Barwick, about 1630, that to the study of Musick, 'which adds so much Life and Ornament to Divine Worship, he was always, by his Example as well as his Advice, endeavouring to persuade such of his Fellow-Colle- gians, of the younger sort, as their Voices, their Age, and their Genius rendered capable thereof.' In 1654, A. Wood, having ' obtain'd proficiency in musick, he and his companions [Will. Bull, who, like himself, played on the violins, Edm. Gregorie, B.A., and gent, com. of Mert. coll., who play'd on the bass viol, Joh. Nap, of Trinity, on the citerne, and George Mason of the said coll. on another wyer instrument, but could do nothing] were not without silly frolicks, not now to be maintained.' By the next year he ' had genuine skill in musick, and frequented the weekly meetings of musitians in the house of Will. Ellis, late organist of S. John's coll., situat and being in a house, oppo- site to that place whereon the theater was built/ Wood mentions several of the parties who used to play on the lute, theorbo lute, organ, virginal, coun- ter-tenor viol, bass viol, lyra-viol, division-viol, treble- viol, and treble-violin (which, till a little before the Restoration, were less fashionable than viols), and the harpsicon. Wood learnt the violin from Charles Griffith, Jo. Parker, and Will. James (a dancing-mas- ter), but the instrument was then thought too vulgar in the Eighteenth Century. 1 99 to be well taught in Oxford. In 1657, he thought Davy Mell the sweetest violinist (a London clock- maker), but 'Tho. Baltsar, an outlander,' the more nimble performer. In 1658, his opinion of this 'Balt- zar, a Lubecker borne,' was enhanced, and he was himself obliged to play to draw out the lion. The musical meetings were held weekly at the house of Will. Ellis, when, by the demolition of cathedrals and organs in the Troubles, the publick instruments were destroyed. In 1699, Humphrey Wanley, of University College, visiting Cambridge, writes to Dr Charlett : ' At night we were regaled with a very good concert of music ; where I was much taken with some Italian songs, which Mr Pate brought from Rome ; and a gentleman here sang excellently well.' Uffenbach, visiting Cambridge in the summer vaca- tion of i/io, tells how when they had spent an hour at the Greek's Coffee-house, ' Dr Ferrari came for us, and took us to the Music club, in Christ's college. This music meeting is held generally every week. There are no professional musicians there, but simply bachelors, masters and doctors of music, who perform. It is surprising, as they make such ado about music, and even create professors and doctors of music, still this nation achieves scarcely anything in it. I think however that their ingenia are not the least musica, as those of all frivolous men (wie aller fliich- tigen Menschen) ; hence too all their compositions are very harsh, and cannot equal either the pretty man- ner of the French, or the tender manner of the 2OO University Society Italians. And so too this music, both vocal and instrumental, was very poor. It lasted till 11 p.m., there was besides smoking and drinking of wine, though we did not do much of either. At u the reckoning was called for, and each person paid two shillings 1 .' We have already seen Uffenbach's praise of Eng- lish organ-playing, and his distaste of their bell- ringing. At Oxford, in August, 1721, Erasmus Philipps, ' Fellow-Commoner' of Pembroke 2 , began to learn on the Violin of Mr Wheeler, to whom he paid IDS. entrance. It appears from Nichols (Lit. Anecd. IV. 600 ;/.) that Battle had a spinnet in his rooms at King's when an undergraduate, about 1723. Kirkman's harpsi- chords (says Mr G. V. Cox 3 ) had not quite gone out at Oxford in 1805. Poor Hearne, who preferred the Englishman's bell- ringing to the German's symphony, complains that in July, 1733, at the Oxford Act, 'one Handel a foreigner ' was allowed the use of the Theater by the Vice-Chancellor, ' who is much blamed for it, however he is to be commended for reviving our Acts, which ought to be annual.' The performance begins a little after 5 o'clock in the evening, tickets $s. 'This is an innovation. The players might as well be per- mitted to come and act.' Two days later (July 7) : 1 Reise, in. 12, translated by Mr Mayor. 9 N. and Q. 2nd S. X. 443. 3 Recoil, p. 53. in the Eighteenth Century. 201 'half an hour after 5 o'clock... was another perform- ance at 5^. a ticket, in the Theater, by Mr Handel for his own benefit, continuing till about 8 o'clock. N.B. His book (not worth id.) he sells for is! He performed again on Act Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, July n 13; Mr Walter Powel, the Superior beadle of Divinity singing with them all alone. Dr Bliss asks (Reliqu. Hearn. III. 99), 'What would have been the amount of Hearne's virtuous indigna- tion, had he known that in May, 1856, Madame Goldschrnidt (Jenny Lind) sang at a concert in the Sheldonian Theatre, the tickets being charged one guinea, 15 shillings, and half-a-guinea each, according to the situations filled by the audience, who flocked to the music in immense multitudes ?' The Music Room was erected in Oxford in 1742. There is a Latin poem entitled Odeum Oxoniense in the Student, or Oxf. and Camb. Monthly Miscellany (ill 197, 1751), in which Powel and Handel are men- tioned. In the same volume (p. 372) it is described as ' the Temple of Harmony, vulgarly called the Music Room' There is, I believe, a collection of the pro- grammes in the Bodleian Library. About the middle of the century, music had taken some root in the Universities. The author of the Academic (p. 22), in 1750, says, 'The money which by Part of the University was formerly spent in mid- night Drinkings to the ruin of their Health and Con- stitution is now employed in securing themselves against those Complaints to which by a sedentary 2O2 University Society and studious Course of Life they are particularly exposed. And the Expences of the Students which after the Example of their Leaders, were laid out to much the same Purpose, are now devoted to a dif- ferent Channel. A Taste for .Musick, modern Lan- guages, and other the polite Entertainments of the Gentleman have succeeded to Clubs and Bacchana- lian Routs! In 1750, 'Cantab.' wrote from Trin. Coll. to the Student (l. 92 *), to complain of the time \vasted in Fiddling, and of the foppery of those who were infected by the 'scraping Cacoethes.' ' Granticola/ dating his letter ' C. C. C. Cambridge, April 5, 1750,' rejoins (l. 131), 'I see no reason why our schools may not be frequented as well as our musick-meetingS) and NEWTON and LOCKE still have their followers as well as HANDEL and CORELLI. * In an University, how much more agreeably is an evening laid out by a select company of friends com- posing a concert, than in carousing over a bottle, and joining, to say no worse, in an unprofitable conversa- tion ? As to the concerts we frequently have in our halls, do they not in some measure contribute, by bringing us into company, to the wearing off that rust and moroseness which are too often contracted by a long continuance in college ? And though these meetings are frequented by some, so entirely on ac- count of the company and conversation, that it has been declared that the concert would have been 1 See also n. 51, 105, 200, 224. in the Eighteenth Century. 203 excellent, if there had been no MusiCK in it, yet in general we shall find it otherwise. If these were abolish'd, what a mortification would many of our smart fellow-commoners undergo, to be deprived of the pleasure of presenting tickets to the ladies, and ushering them into the hall ! Add to this, that the banishment of MusiCK from our rooms, must neces- sarily be attended with the expulsion of the harpsi- chord, no inconsiderable part of our furniture. Not to mention the number of ingenious artists, that must by this means be reduc'd to a scanty subsistence, and that TlREMAN and RANDAL must then only rely on the organs of Trinity and King's College chapels. 'As to FIDDLING in particular, for my part, I see no absurdity in attracting the eyes of the fair by dis- playing a white hand, a ring, a ruffle, or a sleeve to advantage. Nor could any one, I imagine, blame the performer, nor could he himself be displeas'd with his art, if he was so successful as to fiddle himself into a good fortune/ At Commemoration, in 1769, the Masque of Acts and Galatea was performed in the presence of an * enormous brilliant audience 1 ;' as was the Oratorio of Atkalia/i on the evening of the I5th of June. The comic concert is, to our shame be it spoken, an invention of our own time. Yet it is, perhaps, the necessary safety-valve provided for the relief of the exuberant spirits and lungs of undergraduates. 1 Oxford in the Last Century, p. 22, reprinted from the Oxford Chronicle, 1859. 204 University Society It is at least rather more regular than the demonstra- tions of the Roarers in earlier days. The hubbub in Theatre, and even in Senate-house, is a symptom of the existence of a considerable class who are capable of little but inexplicable dumb-show and noise. In the earlier stage of the universities this was done sys- tematically. In the exercise for every bachelor's degree at Cambridge, there was provision made in the person of the Tripos for jest, though this probably was not much abused in early times: while at the Act or summer Encaenia, there was a licenced jester, the Varier or Praevaricator at Cambridge, and at Oxford the Terrae Films. But there were other customary buffooneries as well. By the Elizabethan Statutes of Cambridge, 1559 (cap. L. 36), it was provided that 'no Master of the Games at Christmas shall be ap- pointed under any name, without the consent of the chancellor and the heads of the colleges' One old custom at both universities was that of salting. This was a mock ceremony of initiating freshmen. It had been used, says Anthony Wood, time out of mind, but fell into disuse, and was for- gotten at Oxford between 1647 an d the Restoration. He describes his own initiation in the year men- tioned, at Merton. He had been entered upon the books on St Luke's day (Oct. 18): and from Allhallow e'en (Nov. i) till Christmas there were charcoal fires in the hall a little after 5 p. m. The senior undergraduates would make the freshmen sit on a form, and one by one ' speake some pretty apothegme, or make a jest or bull, or in the Eighteenth Century. 205 speake some eloquent nonsense to make the com- pany laugh.' If any were unsuccessful, 'some of the forward or pragmatical seniors would tuck him : ' i. e., would wound his lower lip with his nail. About Candlemas-day (Feb. 2, Feast of the Purifi- cation) all freshmen were instructed to prepare their speeches to be declaimed before the undergraduates and servants in hall on Shrove Tuesday. The Fel- lows got over their supper early and left the field clear, with an admonition ' that all things should be carried in good order.' The cook prepared the lesser brass pot full of ' cawdel' at the freshmen's expense, and each freshman in order had to ' pluck off his gowne and band, and, if possibly, to make himself look like a scoundrell.' Then a travestie of the aca- demic exercises was performed. The victim had to stand on a form on the high-table, and to speak his speech. After which he was rewarded, according as he had acquitted himself well, indifferently, or ill, by having a draught administered to him of * cawdel/ cawdel and salt, or salt and beer alone (whence, pos- sibly, the expression of paying for one's salt), ' with tucks to boot.' Afterwards the senior cook adminis- tered an oath over an old shoe. The only fragment of the formula remaining is Item tu jurabis, quod penniless bench non visitabis. (This was a stone seat in the market, see the University regulation in 1584, Oxoniana, IV. 176, N. & Q. 1st S. I. 307, Warton's 'Panegyric on Oxford Ale/ Com- panion to the Guide?} 206 University Society Wood gives his own speech on the occasion. It is not very interesting, and full of forced absurdity. At the salting at Pembroke coll. in August, 1620, one of \hz fathers [senior sophs], and two or three of the sons, did 'excellently well.' 'A great deal of beer, as at all such meetings, was drunk.' There is an old Statute prohibiting the caeremonia saliendi recentes scholasticos. At St John's they had exceedings in Hall on the occasion, and there was a charge for salting in the Tutor's bill, $s. ^d, (Diary of Symond's UEwes, p. 15, Parker?) When the E. of Essex was at Trinity coll., Camb. 1 , he was charged, in 1577, 'at the saltinge accordinge to the custome, vij s! Something of the kind seems to have lingered as the Fresh Treat, for which freshmen paid Fresh Fees at St John's, Oxon., in 1714, see Amherst, Terrae Filius, Nos. n, 41. Among Milton's juvenile later prose Works [/*. Works, 852 foil.] is printed a Speech in Feriis Aestivis Collegii [Christi, apud Cantab.] sed concurrente, ut solet, tota fere Academiae Juventute .[anno 1628, aetatis 19, /. Miltoni PATRIS (quern vocant) vice fungentis]. Professor Masson has quoted and translated the more interesting passages of this speech. The at- tempts at wit are perhaps superior to the Sonnets on Master Hobson, but now and then there is a jest which had better never have been uttered. And as a whole, we should now consider it tedious, es- pecially as it is all in latin, with the exception of 1 Cooper's Annals, II. 354. in the Eighteenth Century. 207 the english verses, ' At a Vacation ^Exercise : the rest was prose ' in english, which prose is lost. But the most important personages who contri- buted towards the waggery of the Universities, were the Tripos, the Prevaricator (or Varier} and the Terrae Filius. Their office, as will appear, was at one period almost essential to the proceedings to- wards some of the academical Degrees. They may therefore have had some prototype in the ancient continental Universities. The positions of the Tripos and the Praevaricator or Varier at Cambridge, and of the Terrae Filius at Oxford, are not very clearly denned. Perhaps the simplest way to impart what I know on the subject, is to begin by giving an account of the proceedings for degrees at Cambridge, from the Books of two Esquire Bedels. The former is Mr Stokys' book. ( He was (says Fuller) a zealous Papist, even unto persecution of others, which I note, not to disgrace his memory, but defend my- self, for placing him before the Reformation, though he lived many years in the reign of Queen Eliza- beth.' He was born at Eton, and formerly Fellow of King's College, University Registrary, 1558 1591, in which capacity he saved the University documents from the fate which too many suffered at the Refor- mation. ' The order of the Questionists \ In primis, the Questionists shall gyve the Bedels warnynge upon 1 See Dean Peacock's Observations on the Statutes, Parker and DeigMons, 1841. Appendix A. throughout. 208 University Society the Le [i. q. legibilis~\ Daye, that they may pro- clayme before thordynarie Readers [the 4 Barnaby Lecturers on Terence, Logic, Philosophy, and Mathe- matics, chosen on the nth of June, the Feast of S. Barnabas. Ordinary Lectures included comments of the reader, Cursory Lectures consisted in simply reading the text of the author with the common glosses,] in the common Schooles thentrynge of their Questions at the accustomed Hower, which is at ix of the Clocke [this was the entering of Priorums, or answering questions (respondendum quaestioni) out of Aristotle's prior Analytics] at the which tyme the Bedells, or one of them shall go to the Col- ledge, Howse, Hall or Hostell, where the sayed Questionists be, and at their entryng into the sayed Howse, &c. shall call and gyve Warninge in the middest of the Courte, with thees words, A Ions, Alons y goe Mrs goe, goe. [It has been suggested that the custom of the Bedel going with his wand or staff to summon the candidates gave the name Bachilour or bacillarius. The use of french formu- las was perhaps derived from the University of Paris. The french language, which was that of the Court, was permitted equally with latin, to be used by the scholars of the second set of foundations, at Clare hall, King's hall, and at Oriel, Oxon. ; but not at Peterhouse, or at Merton, Oxon.], and then to toll, or cause to be tolled the Bell of the Howse to gather the Mrs. Bachilers, Schoolers and Ques- tionists together, and all the companye in their Habitts and Hoodds being assembled, the Bedells in the Eighteenth Century. 209 shall goe before the Junior Questioniste, and so all the Rest in their order shall folowe bareheadded, and then the Father, [the Fellow of the foundation who goes as patron of the candidates of his Col- lege who are called his Sons. In later times his office has been swallowed in that of the Praelector\ and after all the Graduats and companye of the sayed Howse unto the common Schooles in dew Order ; and when they do enter into the Schooles, one of the Bedells shall saye, noter mater, bona nova, bona nova, and then the Father being placed in the Responsalls Seate, and his Chyldren standyng over agaynst hym in order, and theldest standyng' in the hier Hand, and the rest in their Order ac- cordyngly, the Bedyll shall proclayme if he have any thynge to be proclaymed, and furder saye, Revcrcnde Pater, licebit tibi incipere, sedere et coope- riri si placet. That done the Father shall enter hys commendacions of hys chyldren, [they kneeling, and the Bedells plucking their hoods over their faces], and propounding of his Questions unto them, which the eldest shall first aunswer, and the Rest orderlye; and when the Father hathe added his conclusion unto the Questions, the Bedyll shall brynge them Home in the same order as they went : and if the Father shall uppon his Chyldrens Aunswer replie and make an Argument, then the Bedel shall knocke hym out, [knock loudly at the door, so as to drown his argument and bring it to a close], and at the uttermost schoole Dore, the Questionists shall turne L. B. E. 14 2io University Society them to the Father and the Company, and gyve thanks for their commyng with them.' On Ash- Wednesday the bedell was to bring the Determiners, King's College being fetched last, to await the Vice-chancellor at 8 a.m. in St Mary's Church. If there were no sermon, there was to be Common Prayer. Then in the N. Chapel they swore ' Jurabitis quod Determinetis ad placitum Procurato- rum, and then the Proctours appoynt them their Senioritie:' [this constituted \htfirst Tripos List as it was afterwards called, containing the names of the Wranglers and Senior Optimcs or Baccalaurei quibus sita reservatur Senioritas Comitiis Prioribus: who, in early times were arranged according to the fancy of the proctors, though no doubt they paid some at- tention to merit. As lately as 1790, the Vice-chan- cellor and proctors had the right of placing one honorary Senior Optime apiece between the ist and 2nd wrangler. This may puzzle us when we find Bentley, for instance, 6th on the first tripos, though he is rightly called 3rd wrangler. 'The second Tripos List, or of junior optimes (quibus sua reservatur seni- oritas Comitiis Poster ioribus), which was formed on the second Tripos-day, had been, most probably, com- posed of those questionists, whose superiority was not already recognized, who had most distinguished them- selves in the quadragesimal exercises 1 .' The rest, ol TroXXoi, had no seniority reserved till the general Bachelors' Commencement]. They then go to the 1 Peacock, On the Statutes, Appendix A. p. ix. . i. in the Eighteenth Century. 211 Philosophy Schools 'where Mr Vichauncellor, the Doctours, and other worshipfull Straungers shal be placed in the Stage provided for them. The Father shall be placed in the Responsall Seate, his eldest sone standyng at the Stallesende upon hys right hande, Mr Proctour shall sytt under the hie Chaire of the Reader [the lector ordinarius in philosophy. The arrangement of the Schools must have been much as we find it now remaining from the days when Acts and Opponencies were commonly held there]. The Magistri non Regentes [every M.A. under one year's standing was expected to examine in the schools until the year 1785 : the M.A.'s first year from creation was his year necessariae regentiae : many of the friars and monks were chased out of the university in 1537, as well as other D.D. who swore to keep a longer term of regency, and it was found necessary to add to the necessary regency, first one, and then two years extra, which were not absolutely binding] in the upper stalles upon the Father's side ; and the Mr Regent Disputers shall sit in the first Stall. And when every man is placed, the Senior Proctor shall, with some oration, shortly move the Father to begyn, who, after his ex- hortation unto his Children, shall call fourthe his eldest sone, and animate hym to dispute with AN OULD BACHILOUR, which shall sit upon a A STOOLE before Mr Proctours, unto whome the sone shall propound 2 Questions, and in bothe them shall the sone dispute, askyng leave of Mr Proctour untyll the Proctour shall wyll hym to gyve Place unto hys Father. Then shall the Bedels, standyng before the Father, make 142 212 University Society curtesye, and say in French e, Noter Determiners, Je vous remercie de le Argent que vous avez donner a moy et a meis companiouns : pourquoy je prie a Dien que il vous veuilles donner tres bonne vie, et en la Fin la Joye de Paradise. And then make curteseye unto Mr Proctours and then to the Father agayne, sayinge, Permissum est Domination! tue incipere, sedere, co- operiri quando velis. Then the Father askyng Licens of Mr Proctours shall dispute with the OLD BACHI- LOUR 5 and after hym two Regents; and when the sayed twoe Regents have ended at thappoyntmente of Mr Proctours, then shall the Father of thacte, puttynge of his bonet, propounde two other new Questions and discourse upon them in such manner as he wyll defende the same, agaynst whom two other Regents shall dispute so longe as shalbe thought good unto Mr Proctours, which with some convenient oration shall conclude this dayes dysputation, saying, Nos continuamus hanc Disputacionem in Horam primam Diei Jovis post quartam Dominicam hujus Quadragesi- me. And immediately a Sophister provided by the Proctour shall knele before the Responsall sett, and have for hys labour 4^. and I Lib. of Figgs. Then the Bedell havyng a Rolle of all the Questionists accordyng to their Senioritie, shall call them, and set them thorough the Responsall Seat, begynnyng with the Senior, at his entring the Proctour shall saye, Incipiatis, and pausyng a whyle, shall saye, Ad opposi- tmn, then Rcdcatis, and last Exeatis: and with that the Questioniste senior shall goe fourthe of the Stall.' And so on with the rest. The next day four weeks \n the Eighteenth Century. 213 in virtually the same ceremony was performed. 'And when all have passed thorough the Stalle, then shall the senior Procurator saye, In Dei nomine Amen. Authoritate qua fungimur, decernimus, creamns et pronnnciamns omnes hnjus anni Determinatores fina- liter determinasse et actualitcr esse in Artibus Bacha- laureos! After this the 'Vichauncellour' and the rest had supper at the charge of the Determiners 'at what Howse the Proctours shall apoynte.' They were to provide the like on the Thursday before ( Shrove Sondaye:' also to give gloves to 'the Father, Mr Proctours, and the BACHILER AWNSWERYNGE,' and the proctors were to give to each bedel a pair for his pains. Another important point is, that 'All the Determiners dothe sytte in the New Chappel [attached to the divinity schools, afterwards part of the library ; here each determiner was to say the de profundis, &c.] within the schools, from one of the Clocke untyll fyve upon the Mondaye, Tuesdaye, Wensdaye, and Thursdaye in the weeke before Shrove Sondaye abyding there examynation of so many masters [? Regents] as wyll repayre for that cause thether ; and from three to four all they have a Pota- tion of Figgs, Reasons, and Almons, Bonnes, and Beer, at the charge of the sayed Determiners, where- at all the Bedells may be present daylye: and upon the Thursdaye they be only examined in Songe and wrightynge. And twoe Magister Regents [afterward called Moderators} allowed and appoynted by the whole Universitie upon the Fryday folowyng, maketh by the senior of them an oration before the Uni- 214 University Society versity, standyng by the chaire of the Vichauncelor, declaryng what Towardness they have found in the Tyme of their examination: and if they sayed Ex- aminers do disalowe eny, he shall not precede.' The bedels attend in their 'Hoods and Quoiffys... tobrynge every Doctour or Mr of a Howse thorowghe the Prese with their Staffs turned.' Beside this there was another ceremony called Standing in Quadragesima, which continued till rather more than a generation ago. All the Determiners had to stand in the schools every day from Ash- Wednesday till the last Act attended by one So- phister or undergraduate in the stage below himself; the two together being prepared (at the word of the Bedel Incipiatis) to defend ' three Questions of Dia- lecte and Philosophye wrytten fayer on a paper, and leyed before him in the Stall, unto the which he shalbe apoynted unto by Mr Proctours ' against all Scholars and Bachelors ; between the hours of 9 and II a.m. on Lee days (i.e. dies legibiles, days when lectures might be read), or between I and 5 p.m. on Disses (i.e. dies disputabiles, whereon the solemn dis- putations of the Masters of Arts, being preceded by Dysses or Dissertations, might be held. Beside these and their contraries, non le, and non dis, there were at the univ. of Paris Le fe or dies legibiles festinantcr, when lectures were read cursorie, without elaborate comments). 'And one of the Bedels must daylye, at the ordenarye Lectures and at the Disputation, signifye thorder of their standynge, with thees words, or the licke, upon the Lee Dayes : Noter Determiners, in the Eighteenth Centiiry. 215 devaunt Diner sub spe, sub spe longa, vel sine spe. And upon the Dis Dayes ; Noter &c. Apres diner sttb spe &c. [indicating, it may be, the various chances of distinction in the morning disputation of the Le days, and the afternoon arguments of the Disses.] Upon the Daye of the last Acte the Bedell dothe proclayme with thees wordes Noter Determiners, apres diner sine spe cum PatreJ On the Saturdays each Determiner was to sing Common Prayer and offer i d . in St Mary's: 'and the Bedels for gyving their attendance have every daye an Hundred Oysters and Wyne to the same. Item. Every of the Proctours appoyntethe one Questioniste to be Stewarde, and to serve the Bevers, which for their labour are discharged of their contribution unto the said Bevers and Sup- pers.' [The term Bever is I believe still applied in some districts (Suffolk, for instance) to the labourer's afternoon refreshment, 'his cold thin drink out of his leathern bottle.' ' Ita postmeridianos vespertinosque haustus in Collegiis academicorum et jurisperitorum vocant Angli.' Junii Etymologicon. 1 He is not one of those same ordinary eaters who will devour three breakfasts and as many dinners without any prejudice to their bevers, drinkings, or suppers,' Beaum. and Fl. Woman- Hater, I. 2. Bever e, bibere, boire, beverage. At Winchester school it was thus described by Chr. Johnson about 1550 (after- wards ' Informator') in his school-boy poem, De -Collegia : Tempore at aestivo data comessatio nobis, Quando horae trinae pars dimidiata relapsa est. 216 University Society The word was still in use when I was at school at Winton^for an intermission in schooltime on ' whole- school-dajys' from 3.30 to 4 p.m., when beer was served o-ut at the (buttery) 'hatch.'] I have quoted thus at length from the account of the Bachelors' Commencement, because many of the points which do not immediately concern the office of the Tripos will be necessary for us to refer to, when we come to the next part of this compilation. Before passing to the description of the proceed- ings given by another Bedell after the Restoration, I will just quote an account nearly contemporary with that given above. At Q. Mary's visitation in 1556-7, 'On Asshewen- desday, rayne and snow together. //. Mr Bronsted and I had in all the Bachelors before viii (at St Maryes), and shortly after the Vicechancellor began his sermon in S. Maryes, thuniversite Bell [the School Belt], and also St Maryes Bell rynginge to the same, the Mayre and Aldermen being presente. //. the acte began before x and continued tyll halfe howre after iii no senioryte given, no byll made nor none called, but only ii of the seniors the Vic. and D. Sedgewycke were present from the begininge to the latter ende, Mr Turner Father, Syr Whytgyfte the bachelor, [i.e. the famous master of Trinity and abp., then a B.A. .(Syr), took the part of the BACHILOUR OF THE STOOLE], Syr Brydges the eldest son, Mrs Otway and Malyn replyed upon the bachelors and onlye Mr Hutton upon the Father 1 .' 1 Peacock, App. A. x. n. 2. in the Eighteenth Century. 217 At Oxford, as at other European Universities the time, the ceremonies of 'standing in gesima 1 ' were much the same as here, exception of the powers given to the collecto selves likewise determiners appointed by the tors, who distributed the other determiners into the different schools, and also assigned the order of their disputations 2 .' Dean Peacock published, in addition to the extracts from Bedel and Registrar Stokys' book, selections from Beadle Buc&s book A.D. 1665. I propose now to cite some passages from this post-restorational document, contrasting them with the account already given from the pre-reformational record a century older. ( On Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, [not Thurs- day, as before] either in the next or the next week save one after the said 12 day of Jan., the Ques- tionists, at the appointment of the V. C. and Proc- tors, do sit in the Regent House, there to be examined by the Proctors, Posers and other Regents.' The senior makes a speech, as of old, setting forth their proficiency, and their graces are passed. The oaths are taken and the V. C. admits them 'in Dei nomine' &c. ad respondendum Quaestioni. Each having done ' his obeisance to M r V. C.' kneels at the upper table and 'giveth God thanks in his Private Prayers &c.' Before Ash- Wednesday, each has to enter his P riorums : i.e. he has to answer 1 Ibid. A pp. A. xiv. n. i. 2 Life of A. Wood. 1655, April 25. 1679, Feb. 27. 2 1 8 University Society a question out of Aristotle's Priorums (Prior Ana- lytics) : the Beadle having previously said ' with a loud voice Bona Nova Mater Academia, bona nova: and having 'set up the Father,' and placed his sons before him, with the words Honorande Pater, fili- orum nomine, Gratias tibi agimus, liceat tibi sedere, cooperiri, et filios tuos affari, prout tibi visum ftierit. ' It hath happened some time that 4 or 5 Colleges have kept their Priorums in the same morning: then all the 3.Bedles have employment enough to attend so many Priorums, and the Master of Arts Disses! Between 7 and 8 A.M. on Ash Wednesday they are brought to St Mary's to a Clerum, by one intending to commence in divinity, or else to Litany. Then to the School Yard ; and, if there be no business, to the Consistory to fit themselves with gloves. 'Then one of the Bedles carrieth the Proctors, Father, Disputants TRIPOS and the 2 BROTHERS unto their several Seats... Last of all the Door is opened for the Bachelors, Sophisters and the rest of the Scholars to come in. After a little Pause the senior Proctor beginneth his Speech, and to- wards the end thereof, speaketh to the Father, to make an Exhortation to his Sons ; which, after the Father hath done, the senior Proctor calleth up the TRIPOS and exhorteth him to be witty, but modest withall. Then the TRIPOS beginneth his speech or Position, made for the Illustration and Confirmation of his 1st Question. He may, if he in the Eighteenth Century. 219 will, speak something of his 2nd Question, but if he doth not, then the Senior Proctor commendeth the SENIOR BROTHER to reply upon the TRIPOS ; and after him the JUNIOR BROTHER.' Meanwhile the Bedels 'are to deliver the TRIPOS'S VERSES to the V. C, Noblemen, D rs , &c. whilst the 2 BROTHERS are disputing upon him.' 'Then the senior Proctor desireth the Father to urge his Sons argument. The Father Propounding 2 or 3 Syllogisms in either Quaestion, M r Proctor dismisseth him, and calleth up the first Opponent, being M r of Arts. Now the Father may go out of the Schools, if he please, with a Bedle before him, and come in again when the 2nd opponent is disputing upon the 2nd Ques- tion. Then presently after the Father is in his seat, M r Proctor doth end the TRIPOS his Act, with a word or two in his commendation, if he deserves it. Then M r Proctor speaketh unto the Father to begin his Position towards an ensuing Act in Philo- sophy, and whilst he is reading it, the Bedles do deliver his VERSES to M r V. C, the Noblemen, D rs , Proctors, Taxers, antient Bachelors in Divinity, and other grave men &c.' The candidates had also to sit in the Schools from i to 5 P.M. (except on Saturdays and Sundays), every day for a month, to defend Theses against all comers : a practice which, with some modifica- tion, survived till within the last fifty years. The speeches of the Tripos and his two Brothers though originally intended to exhibit genius, rather than frivolity, and serving (it may be) in the first 22O University Society instance merely to raise the old standard ingenious fallacies and logical quibbles, which admitted of a certain degree of humour tended, especially after the Restoration, to become boisterous and even scurrilous. One Tripos-speech which was printed (and against which, as far as I know, no exception was taken by the authorities) has been preserved in the Bodleian Library. \Pamph. 3 1 8, also Gonghs Oxford Additions^ It is contained in a small publication called ' News from both Universities, containing I. Mr Cobbs Tripos Speech at Cambridge, with a Complete Key inserted. II. The Brawny Priest : or the Captivity of the Nose. A Poem. London : Printed for J. Roberts, near the Oxford Anns in Warwick-Lane, 1714.' The Oxford contribution on this occasion is quite unworthy of type. It is not improbable that the News was an occasional publication uttered in de- fiance of authority, like the Oxford Packet of the same date, and issued by the same printer. It appears that the senior members of the Uni- versity were present in the Schools 'in robes demurely grave' (p. 20): and crowds of 'Sophs in the Pit' (p. 19). The Tripos (Sam. Cobb of Trinity) entered, dressed probably in fantastic costume (p. 1 8), attended by his two Brothers carrying Catalogues for the Auction of Doctors. Title : Tripos Cantabrigiensis, 19 Feb. 170^ [S. Cobb, B.A. 1698., M.A. 1702]. He begins: ' Ecce iterum Crispinus Ego hie regno v in the Eighteenth Century. 221 Caesar; sed periclitatur vita mea. Vos igitur Sophis- tae! circumcingite Satellites... 'Twas well when our Forefathers did agree That the grave Doctors should sit there and see Their Follies banter'd by a Knave like me, And wisely manag'd to begin their Lent With one who swears he'll make you all repent. [Then follows in English doggerel, alternating with Latin prose and scraps of verse, a ludicrous satire on several characters in the University. Foibles, rather than grave faults, are censured.] Dr R[ichardso]n of Peterhouse, the V.-C, is complimented, at the ex- pense of his predecessor, Bentley (Master of Cobb's college), as ' non similis antecessori suo neque ingenio neque modes tia neque aedibus? Of the proctors Jack Cooper and Sam. Awbery, they are Caesar and Bibulus, ' unum enim faciunt Pro- curatorem! Then follow the oracular dicta of the Tripos. When are we to have decent Taxors ? ' Cum non sint Regales.' [J. Haslop, King's, was Taxor.] It is said, in 'Hints respecting some of the Univ. Officers, by Robert Plumptre, D.D., Master of Queens', 1782, p. n, 'The Taxers office, it is to be feared, wants at- tention and execution rather than reward. It is an office, however, in itself of much importance to the Univ., and to the place in general.' The office was originally appointed by the Univ. to prevent the ori- ginal unattached students from being charged too highly for their hostels or lodgings in the town. They also assisted the proctors in making the assize of 222 University Society bread and beer, and in other matters relating to the market. Their office was suspended between the year 1540 and 1546, while the Univ. was passing through its crisis of penury. The Commissioners, in 1852, recommended the abolition of the office; and this was carried out in accordance with the Composi- tion of the Rt. Hon. Sir John Patteson, Knt, in 1856]. When may we expect to see Learning, Philosophy, Wit, and Theology combined? When 'the dumb doctor' is in the pulpit. [' He was a Fellow that had never preach'd '.] When may we expect the disso- lution of the University? ' Cum tota Academia guber- natur sub Lepore.' [Fras. Hare of King's, to whom, in 1713, Bentley dedicated his Remarks on Freethink- ing, till he offended him. Dean of S. Paul's 1725, bp. of S. Asaph, 1726], Then visiting the buildings of his .own Royal College, which were now, by Bentlcy's exertions, ' dignae future duce Glocestrensi ; ' Cobb cannot help asking if the unity and beauty of the Court would not be enhanced, supposing his own windows (' which were the vilest in the whole College, scarce an whole Quarry in them') were sashed (Shash- andae] as finely as the Master's Lodgings. After deploring the fate of the Theatre in Trinity; for Bentley, ' what Collier could never do, ruin'd the Stage sed aiunt ipsum non penitus evertisse sed tan- turn r ef or masse prof anum ilium locitm inprofaniorem vulgo dictum, a Tyring Room.' After exorcising one of the proctors who was not favourable to the Tripos Speech, he laughs at an ex- proctor, Mr Noys, who used to drive over to Milton in the Eighteenth Century. to preach, and was fond of looking at himself in the glass. He passes to another King's man, 'Judge' Bullock, 'a mathematician, and broad platter-fac'd Fellow/ who was supposed to be in love. He had also a passion for Architecture : whereupon Cobb takes occasion of alluding to the curious ' Custom at King's College, when a Lad comes in after Prayers to Dinner, to lay a Brick on his Trencher : ' For they must needs be Architects Who are so us'd to eating Bricks, (p. 8.) Reference is then made (p. n) to the scandal that 'a Bishop's Son was made a Master of Aits, although a Boy, and of no standing in the University,' while a Bachelor of Arts had been appointed to the lucra- tive post of college Butler. [Charles Ashton, master of Jesus, mentions in his Collectanea on Univ. Stat. XX., that ' Bishops' sons have been of late years (at least 20 after Cobb's time) indulged this Privilege (of de- grees as peers' sons, without statutable exercise), which is neither agreeable to the Statutes, nor the Interpretation, as I have shewn in Collectan., p. 187.'] But the junior Proctor (who seems to have been an unskilful rider) must not be forgotten. There went of him ' a Story about Ball's throwing him : ' ' Hip ! Magister Awbery ! Quaeso des mihi veniarn propter hanc offensionem, et posthac tiii non obliviscar. Scd quoniam Reformator Academiae sum constitutus et mea plurimum refert universes pariter observare, tuam re- formabo in equitando peritiam. Imprimis igitur, cum colles Gogmagomianos cum tuis Jesuiticis sodalibus, qui labor ant morbo quern vulgo vocamus the Hip, aeris im- 224 University Society bibendi gratia panllo ore hiscere vclis, sic instrnctns sis' After some initiation in the rudiments of riding, the Buffoon makes a pretence of knighting the Proctor, ' Nor shall one lohnian Doctor save his Bacon,' as l peregrinantcm indcfessum : a Fellow, who is con- tinually loytering about the Town:' but no great scholar. 'Nor Corner or College is free but he's in it; At the Castle and Spittle- house-End in a Minute ; He seems like Juglers Tricks were-e'er he goes : Hey Jingo, Sirs, Where is he? at the Rose; Presto, begone ! he's at the Market- Cross? Nor does the Master of Bene't College (a little fellow) escape, who 'when he was Vice-Chancellor forbad Plays, even so much as Puppet-Shows:' the Zeal o'the Land Busy of Sturbridge Fair. ' The Wise will say 'twas done with reason, For Punch was Jackish, and talk'd Treason. * * * * But who can any Harm acquire From a small Gentleman in Wire ? And what can e'er proceed that's odd From tiny things like Master Modd? [A very little Man of Trinity College' (Bentley's Vice-master ; ' a feeble old man destitute of the requi- site qualifications.' Monk's Life of Bcntlcy, I. 409.)] Next he quizzes Waller y the humanity lecturer at Benet College, 'who order'd his Sophs to make Themes on unheard of things : ' and set up for a pretty fellow. But his cure is beyond the skill of in the Eighteenth Century. 225 Tripos : we must take him to ' Gonvil, a small College where most of them study Physick : ' and where the Doctor lives who keeps his cat as a weather-glass. Then follows a mock auction of Doctors ' cum Privilegio Superiorum. Catalogues may be had of me and my Brothers. [Two Lads spoke with him.] ' These Commodities are knocked down for 3 groats to his assistants by Cobb, with the assurance that "tis more than the)'' re worth by a Shilling.' However he cannot get ^d. for the scarce Remain- ders ; so he determines to 'send 'em beyond Sea; they'll pass with the DutchC We may suppose perhaps that lists of the Doctors had been handed about among the Sophs, by the three Jesters, (Tripos and his Brothers), and when the boisterous merriment had reached its highest, and was beginning to subside; ' Mr Tripos pulls a Halter out of his Pocket/ and after confessing and begging pardon for his freedom, proceeds to dispose of his effects : ' My Wit I leave, 'tis small, I grant it, To Doctors, and to those that want it ; And to the Beaus as 'tis my Duty I'll leave my Dressing and my Beauty. But now I hear my Fatal Knell, And so I take my last Farewell.' Here perhaps he threw his mask and motley into the pit : meanwhile, possibly, the School's bell was tolled ; and as Tripos is being assisted by his L.B.E. 15 226 University Society ' Brothers ' to his execution, ' the Sophs below in the Pit cry, A Pardon, a Pardon, a Par don. "* Then on a monstrous sheet of paper is displayed the following Pardon, ' under which some Names were written, and seal'd with a Quart Pot : ' 'To our Trusty and well-beloved the Worship- ful Mr Vice-Chancellor, and the Heads of the Col- leges, in our Famous University of Cambridge, WE the Sophisters send Greeting. ' ACCORDING to Our Sovereign Authority com- mitted to Us this Day, we pardon our Trusty and well-beloved Sam. Cobb, for all and every Offence he has committed against the Upper and Lower House. Witness our Hand and Seal/ The reprieved Tripos having thrown his rope to the Sophisters, makes his apology to the Senior mem- bers of the University and personally to the Vice- Chancellor. 'That I've been honest, you must needs confess. You've heard with how much innocence I spoke, No scurril Satire or ill-natur'd Joke ; How from Obscenity I could decline, Which always grates a Doctor's ears and mine ; How nothing tended to malicious Ends. Then let us all shake Hands and so part Friends.' [The companion piece from the sister University, in this pamphlet the Nasus Prchensus written a dozen years later, of which a more perfect copy is to be found in Bodl. pamphlets 318, cannot, alas! make the same boast.] in the Eighteenth Century. 227 A few quotations from regulations affecting this office will complete my notice of the Tripos or Bachelor of the Stool : and I shall then pass on to his kinsman the Praevaricator. April 3, 1576, Decretum Praefectorum, ' It was declared to be the ancient and laudable custom of the University and therefore decreed and determined by Mr John Still, Doctor in Divinity and Vice- Chancellor, and the heads of colleges, viz. Mr Dr. Perne, Mey, Whitgift, Chadderton, Ithell, Bing, Legge, and Mr Norgate, that all those persons which should sustain the person of the FATHER, the ELDEST SON, the BACHELOR OF THE STOOL, and the disputers should keep their rooms and functions in the latter act and not to be changed but upon great and urgent causes, to be approved and allowed by the V. C, both the Proctors, and Masters of Colleges whereof any of the aforesaid persons so to be allowed or dispensed withall shall and do abide and remain, and of every of them. ' Item that every of the said two acts with the father and the bachelor should hold defend and maintain two questions which in no wise should be altered or changed. * Item that the Bachelor of the stool answering both acts should and might account that, his two answerings, for one ordinary answering required by statute for and towards his degree, and for no more. But if he answered but one of the said acts, that then this be required for no answering towards his degree.' 15-2 228 University Society I am enabled through the kindness of the Regis- trary, the Rev. H. R. Luard, to give the follow- ing account of the first volume of Triposes in his custody. It is a portly folio carefully indexed by the late Mr Romilly. In the beginning are bound some slips of paper containing the regulations which controlled the Tripos and Praevaricator ; and some proceedings taken by authority against such as transgressed the orders and statutes. After a general order 'de morum urbanitate et ^modestia/ (The copy being written probably about the year 1630.) ' Prevaricatores etiam omnes et Tripodes et alii disputantes a mimicis salutacolbus et rerum politicaru magistratuu aliorumve nomina- coibus, a iocis quoq: scurrilibus a gesticulacolbus, obscaenitatibus anglicani sermonis, ineptiis dicteriisq: omnibus penitus abstineant, sub paena suspencols vel (si atrocitas facti postulaverit) expulsionis.' Next comes a general Ordinatio of K. Charles, and then a similar Interpretation '8. May, 16267 de au- ferendis morionum ineptiis et scurrilibus jocis in publicis disputationibus. [1638.] * Orders for Ashwednesday...Ra: Brown- rigg procan:' No one to climb 'sedilia' or windows, nor to make a noise by clapping, shuffling, beating, laughing, hissing, or the like. All to appear 'in habitu cum caputio,' The original order ' Praevari- catores omnes et Tripodes' &c. is quoted : the punc- 1 See Cooper's Annals, in. 185. in the Eighteenth Century. 229 tuation of one passage being here ' obscaenitatibus, anglicani sermonis ineptiis.' [In 1640, Seth Ward, M.A., Fellow of Sidney Coll., afterwards Bp. of Salisbury, being Praevaricator at the Commencement, Dr Cosins 1 , the V.C., took of- fence at his speech, and suspended him from his degree, but restored him on the following day. The Praevaricator's speech for 1660 is described by the editor of D'Ewes' diary. See below.] 15 July, 1663. Mr Gower begged pardon for 'his speech made in the Commencement House.' ' April i Qth, A.D. 1667. It is agreed at a meeting of the heades, that instedd of the vsuall performances of prevaricators in the majora comitia, and of the Tripus in the^r^ or latter Actvi the minor a Comitia, That the praevaricator and Tripus respectively only mainteine what part soever of a question which hee pleaseth and make a serious position to mainteine it as well as he can, but shewing first his position to the vice chancellour, and the opponents without making any speech, to bring their serious Arguments : and if either the praevaricator or Tripus shall say any thing vpon the pretence of his position but what hee hath before shewen to the Vicechancellour and what hee hath allowed ; or the opponents shall obtrude any sort of speech, or other arguments then serious and philosophicall, hee shall bee punished with, the cen- sure of expulsion/ &c. io$ ^5 Maxaw;'. There is a description of drivers, walkers, who come home splashed. Early-rising sportsmen. The bucks sunning their sleek locks as spruce as any Narcissus of the Isis. How deliberately they lounge : how rudely they stare, not deigning to wear their gowns and battered caps: these pupils of bully Dawson! What is the allusion in the following ? Saepe Gradus errant, etenim lex unica jussit Parcere Germanis, sed quid tibi Curia fecit Ut brevior fiat quam cum Romana fuisset? Does the last line refer to some false quantity such as Kipling or Watson were capable of "making, or to some small meeting of the Senate? The affectation of archaisms in Latin verse is sati- rized, and the free use of conjunctions. He concludes with an address to the vagrant poem : Uraris Tineo non impunitior ipso Cum tua membratim jactu dispersa faceto Frustula calcabit belle soleata juventus. Comit. Poster. Mar. 19, 1795. i. A passage from Plato. The Immortality of L. B. E, 16 242 University Society the Soul, by 'Bobus' Smith (Mus. Crit. II. 57). [Good authority however ascribes this to Jo. Keatel\ 2. a\acri> tcaXa/Acov. The Old Masters, (by Tower of St John's). 2. Qlicrpov jap 7ro\iv Tqvtf axyuyttw, &c. (Aesch. 5. C. Thebas, 321 3). Roma Alarico Getarum Rcge, capta, spoliata; A. U. C. 1163 (by Harris). Com. Prior. Mar. 2, 1797. 1. Avpai, r)vTrvooi Ka/judrou dvairavffW e%ov(raL Epidemics, consumption &c., by W. Frere (Mus. Crit. I. 323). 2. In varias doceo migrare fignras. ' Dialogue of the Dead between Pythagoras, Ennius, and Charon/ (by S. W. Gaudy). Com. Posterior. Mar. 30, 1797. I. 3 And often causes stinking Breath; ) In short, from whose prolific Womb Almost all our Diseases come. Do any of ye suffer ever Obstructions in the Spleen or Liver, Weakness of Stomach, Back or Reins, Rheumatick or Nephritick Pains, Colicks, Consumptions, Dropsies, Itches, Jaundies, Stone, Gravel, Cramps or Stitches; Are any here afflicted by Melancholy they can't tell why ; Does any one the Megrim dread, Or the Vertigo in the Head, The Doctor here by me assures ye He'll take no Mony till he cures ye. He quickly can remove the Smart, Of th' Palpitation of the Heart j in the Eighteenth Century. 265 And what the hardest Part of th' Trade is, Of Fits o' th' Mother cure the Ladies. Is any Husband here chagrin Because his Wife has got the Spleen, The Doctor tells you in a trice Whence the Distemper took its Rise, Whether the Coach too long has wore, Or wants a Pair of Horses more; Whether she has at Ombre lost, Or is outshin'd by some new Toast; Has by Gallant been left i' th' Lurch, Or some Body took her Place at Church; Her fav'rite Bason has let fall, Or wa'n't invited to a Ball, Or silver Tea-kettle was shown Of newer Fashion than her own. Is any one in mortal Fear She shou'dn't have a Son and Heir The Doctor a Prescription hath Wou'd save a Journey to the Bath. Whereas Carbuncles sometimes vex The Faces of the tender Sex, You've his Cosmetic Secret here, Wou'd ev'n a Face of Wainscot clear; Take away Sun-burn, Tan, or Morphew, And Freckles be they many or few: And make a Cambridge Beauty bright, At Distance or by Candle-light. The Doctor can a Dye prepare, To change the Colour of the Hair, Teeth when decay'd draw out or clean, And artificial ones set in. Are any here disorder'd by The Tweer or Rolling of the Eye, Not Bickerstaff cou'd cure you better, By's famous Circumspection- Water. He has an excellent Receipt To make young Damsels eat their Meat, Leave Chalk and Oatmeal, and such Trash, To diet upon wholesome Flesh. Besides his Skill in Physiology, He has been Student in Astrology; 266 University Society Can tell, if any wants to know How her Affairs are like to go, Whether the Cards will her befriend, Or how a Suit of Law will end. He can, by Help of Magick Glass, Shew a young Wench her Sweet-heart's Face: I' th' Stars or on her Hand can read How long she's like to live a Maid. He can with Ease recover soon The Thimble lost, or silver Spoon; And help you to find out the Thief, As well as by the Sheers and Sieve. Should an old Spark inconstant prove, By Spells he can renew his Love; His Blood with Flames rekindled sieze, As if he'd drunk Cantharides. He has an Amulet or Charm, Put it but on, you'll take no Harm, Though you should hear the Schriech-Owl shriek, Or Cricket chirp, or Death-watch strike; From the ill Omen it would screen, Should you at Table make Thirteen; No Danger need you fear at all, Should you the Salt-seller let fall, Or hear the Raven thrice cry Pork, Or lay across your Knife and Fork. Alas ! that he no Herbs can find To ease the Pain of a love-sick Mind ! But there's no Help in that Disease, From Galen or Hippocrates : All can be done on that Occasion, Is gaining th' Object of your Passion; Should that impossible appear, Then change your Mind, and fix elsewhere; For this Probatum none can doubt, One Nail will drive another out. Well then, since here (a Sight that's very rare) Men much more plentiful than Women are,. Out of this Company, 'tis my Advice, You unprovided Ladies take your Choice. 111 the Eighteenth Century. 267 Here is Variety enough, you have The gay, the wise, the witty and the grave. How do our Proctors there your Fancies hit? The one for Beauty fam'd, the other Wit. I shou'd the Oxford Doctor first have shown, But that we've Doctors plenty of our own ; Besides, he'as little need of our good Wishes, Of whom so many of you long for Kisses. Some here, since Scarlet has such Charms to win ye, For Scarlet Gown have laid out many a Guinea. Though, I shou'd think, you had far better wed The young in Sable, than the old in Red. There 's one amongst our Doctors may be found, Values his Face above a Thousand Pound ; But if you stand, he'll something 'bate perhaps, Provided that you don't insist on Shapes: Some of our Dons, in Hopes to make you truckle, Have for this two Months laid their Wigs in buckle; If clear-starch'd Band and clean Gloves won't prevail, Can the lac'd Gown or Cap of Velvet fail ? What though th' Squire be awkward yet and simple, You'd better take him here than from the Temple. Amongst that fine Parterre of handsome Faces, Do any like a Joynture in Parnassus ? Upon us Fellows your Affections fix, But then you can't expect your Coach and Six ; What if we're not o'erstock'd with Land or Money, We'd gladly settle our Affections on ye, And then such Constancy 'mongst us appears, That some of us can court for twenty Years : But most of you, I fear, wou'd be but loth So long before you dine to lay the Cloth. Will Beaus and Butterflies then please your Fancies \ Well vers'd in Birthrights, Novels and Romances > Scandal, Plays, Opera's, Fashions, Songs and Dances,) We'll show you those that most politely can, Or tap the Snuff-box, or gallant the Fan. Or do your Inclinations bid you fix Upon some learn'd Adept in Politicks, We've those wou'd almost stun ye with the Din Of who's to be turn'd out and who put in ; 268 University Society Those that can tell you how you ought to like The new Canal that's cutting at Mardyke ; How far the Bill does th' Toleration touch, Or if we by our Trade shou'd get too much, What Umbrage it may give Our Friends the Dutch ; How many Grains must to each Power be giv'n To make the Balance of all Europe even : In short, no Difficulties of State but vanish When once their Noses are well cram'd with Spanish 1 . I've but an Offer more for you to choose, And that is such I'm sure you can't refuse ; Our Youth of Quality ay, there's a Charm The coldest Virgins Heart will quickly warm; Which of you wouldn't be well pleas'd to sit In the gilt Chariot grac'd with Coronet, Diamonds all o'er in the Front-box appear, And have the grateful Sound salute your Ear Where-e'er you go My Lady Flounce's Servant there. But whilst we thus lash the Coquet and Prude 2 , Let us not seem to modest Merit rude; In blaming Vice we do the Virtuous praise, Thus Foils the Diamonds Lustre higher raise ; Thus Shadows stronger make the Light appear, And Venus near an Ethiop seems more fair. To you, ye Fair and Chaste, whose Eyes inspire Though a resistless yet an awful Fire, The Muse wou'd fain her humble Tribute bring, Such Virtues honour, and such Beauties sing, But for the daring Flight too feeble finds her Wing : In every thing but her good Wishes poor, Of them she gladly heaps a boundless Store. May every rising Sun each circling Year To Joys untasted be a Harbinger; Pleasures unmix'd the happy Hours beguile, And Love and Fortune on you ever smile; May Truth and Honour only know you kind, And every Marcia here a Juba find, 1 A kind of Snuff. * [N.B. I harft meddled much "with the Coquet or Prude under these Characters, but I wanted a Rime to in the Eighteenth Century. 269 May every Fair But see the Sons of Harmony prepare A Feast might entertain a Cherub's Ear : Into such Notes Israel's prophetick King Of old awaken'd every sounding String, When in like Numbers Priests and Levites spoke, Of Salem's Temple the Foundation shook. Attend ye Winds the hallow'd Sound convey O'er Heav'n's high Arch to Realms of lasting Day ; There the Almighty's vengeful Pow'r withstand, And wrest the Thunder from his threat'ning Hand; Call inexhausted Show'rs of Blessings down, And rain 'em all on pic us ANNA's Throne. At Cambridge there was no public commencement between 1714, when Roger Long gave his MUSIC SPEECH in St Marys church, and 1730, when John Taylor 1 , M.A., St John's (editor of Lysias and of De- mosthenes), made one in the Senate-house on the occa- sion of the opening of that building. It had been commenced in 1722, but the west end was not com- pleted till about 1768. It was also called the ' New Regent House', and even ' the Theatre* (in Ansell's A uthentic Narrative, 1751)- Taylor also wrote an Ode for music which seems not to have been performed (Cooper's Annals, IV. 208), but Greene set to music an edition of the Ode to S. Caecilia's Day which Pope altered for the occasion. Taylor's musick speech* however was spoken: and it has been preserved. I transcribe it from the reprint by John Nichols and Son in 1819. Besides this that 1 Nichols' Lit. Anecd. iv. 662 n. 2 Monk's Bentley, n. 294. Cooper, iv. 208. Nichols' Lit. Anecd. i. 436, iv. 492, 533-5, 662. 270 University Society Pamphlet contains other poems by Taylor, a bio- graphy of him and of Roger Long, with the Latin portion of Long's Mustek Speech as well as the English verses which I have quoted already. The Music Speech at the Public Commencement in Cambridge, July 6, 1730. To which is added An Ode designed to have been set to Music on that Occasion. by John Taylor, M.A. Fellow of St. John's College. DlGNISSIME DOMINE, DOMINE PROCANCELLARIE, NOBILISSIMA FREQJUENTIA, VENERANDA CAPITA, DlGNISSIMI DOCTORES, CORONA HOSPITUM JUCUNDISSIMA, VlRI SPECTATISSIMI, JUVENTUS ACADEMICA, Si, quod mini in animo vehementer exoptandum semper judicavi, ullum unquam extaret tempus, ubi mea vox et oratio, non dicam apud aures vestras cum laude versari, sed cum aliqua saltern patientiS, exaudiri posse videretuf , illud profectb hodierno die mihi pen& consecutus videor^ Eorum enim hominum vultus intueor et sensus appello, quibus, tametsi munus et contentio dicendi tota est nostra, gratulatio tamen mecum pariter est communis. Neque profectb cuiquam vestrum levius hoc aut incredibile videatur, si palkm profitebor, nobis quodammodo ex ips& ratione dicendi accedere quandam vim et ubertatem orationis. Nam cum omnem ferfe doctrinae humanioris rationem et literarum aciem hebescere intelleximus, nisi adjungatur ornatus et cultura quaedam libe- ralior, perfectum est summ& Academiae fortunS,, bonorum omnium desi- derio, Procancellarii optimi consiliis, laboribus et constanti^ singulari, ut Musas diuturno situ squalentes in nitorem, et munditiem dicam, an elegantiam ? hodie vindicatas gratulemur. Non amplius intra barbaros penfe parietes et iniquis occlusa spatiis versabitur acies ingenii. Vicit, in the Eighteenth Century. 271 vicit hodierno die Academiae faustitas, nos aliquando studia, quae pri- vatim cum jucunditate recolimus, posse public^ cum dignitate profited. Jam diu est quod Philosophia caeteraque adeo optimarum artium studia, excuss& illS, quae per tot retro saecula inveteravit barbaric, cul- tiorem nacta sint disciplinary et nostrorum hominum ingeniis vindicata in sempiternam famam et uberiorem usuram latins emanaverint. Dole- bat interea bonis omnibus Academiam ipsam, quae tantae causae vindex esse potuit, deteriori uti fortun ; et huic earn deesse culturam per quam est effectum ne caeteris omninb artibus deesset. Indigna nimirum et miseranda sanfe conditio, Academiam, quae foris et in acie cunctis facilfe placebat, domi et in otio sibi soli placere non potuisse ; et uti earn praesertim taederet privatae fortunae, cujus publicae disciplinae pigebat neminem. Haec fuit nobis domesticarum rationum luctuosa facies, cum eum, quern EUROPA toties experta sit vindicem, toties BRITANNIA delicias compellavit, patronum nacta sit ACADEMIA. Injurius essem et vestrae virtuti gravissimus, si eum ulterius nominarem, quern penb gratissima vestra recordatio, praesentes Academiae fortunae, et hi ipsi parietes, plenius et expressius quam Oratio nostra designabit. Jam ille qui toties saluti aliorum invigilaverit, suae tandem gloriae deesse noluit. Cui quoniam feliciori via consulere non potuit, Academiae prospexit fortunis, et futuris literarum moenibus literarium jecit fundamentum. Testor clarissimum illud doctrinae lumen pariter et hortamenturn, in- structissimam illam librorum copiam, qu& nostrorum hominum ingenia eadem operd acuit et devinxit, et tot suae memoriae impressit vestigia, tot vel privatae gloriae monumenta struxit, quot ex uberrimo isto disciplinarum fonte vel universa literarum Respublica sperare possit ornamenta. Quid ? annon incredibile prorsus et penb divinum istud beneficium praedicemus, quod non solum vota exsuperavit, sed penfc facultatem capiendi ? Noluit non solum vulgari donandi ratione, verum etiam nostris parietibus suam contineri et terminari benevolentiam ; et quanto illustriorem sibi comparavit laud em superiorum beneficia exsu- perando, tanto difficilius reliquit posterioribus negotium aequiparandi And now a while let sterner Science rest, While Verse and Music hail the softer guest; To Beauty sacred are the chord and song, And homage-numbers speak from whence they sprung; Theirs is the well-turn'd verse and glowing note, Whatever Orpheus swell'd, of Prior thought: 272 University Society By them inspir'd, I draw th' adventurous line; Theirs all its graces, all the failings mine. Ladies ! our homely simile would say, \ That by the model of this single day > The gremial doctor shapes his awkward way ; ) Rubs, frets, disputes, and thinks his compass through, Till fifty winters mellow on his brow : His Noon of Life in reverend slumber past, His Evening soul to Love awakes at last. The late, the closing science is a Wife ; And Beauty only cheers the verge of life. Now will those Oxford Wags be apt to fleer At these old-fashion'd tricks we practise here. Those enterprising Clerks, I've heard them say, Have found a better and a nearer way : Philo with Hymen they have learn'd to blend, And jointure early on their Dividend. There Marriage-deeds with Buttery-books can vie ; They storm and conquer whilst we toast and sigh. Ladies ! we own our Elder Sister's merit; The forward Girl had e'er a bustling spirit. 'Tis there politeness every genius fits ; Their Heads are Courtiers, and their Squires are Wits : There Gentleman 's a common name to all, From Jesus College down to New Inn Hall: 'Tis theirs to soar above our humble tribe, That think or love as Statutes shall prescribe : They never felt a fire they durst not own, Nor rhym'd 1 nor languish'd for a Fair Unknown : Nay Verse, that earnest Pleader with the Fair, Has found a Portion and Professor 3 there. Whilst We our barren, widow'd boys regret, And Cambridge Muses are but Spinsters yet. 1 Taylor himself wrote some Stanzas ' to the Fair Unknown [Mrs. Abthorp] on seeing her at the Musick-booth at Stur bridge Fair.' The verses are printed in the pamphlet from which I am quoting as well as in Nichols' Anecdotes. 2 * The Poetry Professorship at Oxford had then been recently esta- blished by the bounty of Dr. Henry Birkhead. ' in the Eighteenth Century. 273 By this plain-dealing will the Fair-ones guess Our ' clumsy-breeding, and our lame address. 'Tis true our Courtship's homely, but sincere, And that 's a doctrine which you seldom hear. Nay, I expect the flatter'd Fair will frown : I see the pinner o'er the shoulder thrown; See every feature glowing with disdain, The awful rap of the indignant fan ; The head, unmindful of its glories, tost, And all the business of the morning lost. I hope the charge is not so general yet, As no good-natur'd comment to admit. Pray cast your eyes upon our Youth below, And say what think you of our purpled Beau ? For, if the picture 's not exactly true, The thanks to white-glov'd Trinity are due. What though our Johnian plead but scanty worth, Cold and ungenial as his native North, Who never taught the Virgin's breast to glow, Nor rais'd a wish beyond what Vestals know ; Nor Jesuit*- 1 cloister'd in his pensive cell, Where vapours dank with contemplation dwell, Dream out a being to the world unknown, And sympathize with every changing Moon ; Though Politicks engross the Sons of Clare, Nor yields the State one moment to the Fair; Though Bene't mould in indolence and ease, And whist prolong the balmy rest of Kay's : And one continued solemn slumber reigns, From untun'd Sidney to protesting Queens' : Yet, o ye Fair ! Let this one dressing, dancing race atone For all the follies of the pedant gown. The Templar need not blush for such allies ; Nor jealous Christ Church this applause denies. How sleek their looks ! how undisturbed their air, By midnight vigils, or by morning prayer ! 1 'Jesus College is in a sequestered situation.' L. B. E. 18 274 University Society No pale reflection does those cheeks invade, No hectic Student scares the yielding Maid. Long from those shades has learned dust retir'd, And Toilets shine where Folios once aspir'd. Pass but an age perhaps thy labour 1 , Wren, Rear'd to the Muse, displays a softer scene. Polite reformers ! luxury to see The pile stand sacred, Heidegger, to Thee. Where Plato undisturb'd his mansion keeps, And Homer now past contradiction sleeps, The Vizard Squire shall hear the Concert's sound, And Midnight Vestals trip the measur'd round. I see the Classes into Side-boards flung, And musty Codes transform'd to modern Song ; The solemn Wax in gilded Sconces glare, Where poring Wormius dangled once in air. Yet still in justice must it be confess'd, You'll find some modern Scholars here at least. Profound Adepts, which Gallia never knew ! For who would seek Ambassadors in you ? An handsome Envoy is no blunder yet, A well-dress'd Member, or a Treasury Wit : Toupees in Britain's Senate may have rose, But who e'er read of balance-holding Beaux ? For, oh ! unhappy to your powder'd heads, 'Tis sure that Brancas thinks, and Fleury reads. 'Tis yours in softer numbers to excel, To watch how Modes, not Empires, rose and fell ; Prescribe the haughty Prude a narrower sphere, And sigh whole Years in treaty with the Fair ; To parley ages on a Snuff-box hinge, And mark the periods of the Bugle-fringe. Memoirs like these, well gilded, may adorn The ebon cabinet of Squires unborn ; With what serene composure of the brain Shall future Beaux turn o'er the rich remain ! The well-spelt page perhaps with rapture dwells On Pepys' gilded show or Woodward's shells : 1 Trinity College Library. in the Eighteenth Cent^try. 275 Important truths are couch'd in every line ; What Cambridge Toast excell'd in Twenty-nine, What new Embroidery this Commencement grac'd, And how complexions alter'd since the last. Ev'n China Nymphs shall live in Sonnet there, Or Polly Peachum stroll'd to Sturbridge Fair. Perhaps, though schemes ill suit so soft a pen, The gilded leaf some secrets may contain. What shower-drench'd Sinner reeling from the Rose, Did first the hint of Hackney-chairs propose : Who bade Sultanas clasp the well-shap'd Maid : Who first projected Caesar's Cavalcade : Who fond of planting Opera Statutes here, Struck out the modish thought of ticketing the Fair. The moral of my tale might fairly show The Northern Vicar that commences now, How Alma Mater better days expects, And Reformation thrives against the next. But oh, ill-fated Youth ! he sees the last, And Trent, like Styx, for ever holds him fast : Before him flits some visionary scene, He sees Commencement rise on every green ; The red-rob'd Doctor struts before his eyes, The Galleries of Southern Beauties rise ; Then moulds his scanty Latin, and less Greek, And Hereboords^- his parish once a week. Perhaps, if flames can glow beneath the Pole, Some distant Caelia fires his youthful soul, Proud to retail the little All he knew, He vends his College-stock in Billet-doux ; Whate'er his Tutor taught his greener age Of Muses breathing o'er the letter'd page ; Whate'er our Legendary Schools instill'd, Or raptur'd Bards with holy transports fill'd, The Tale, ye Fair-ones, with distrust survey, There's not one word of truth in all they say. 1 In quibusdam Codd. ' Harry Hills ' [a retailer of cheap-printed Sermons]. 1 8 2 276 University Society In Ledger-rolls indeed of antient Writ, We find a Grecian Factory of Wit ; And musty Records give some dark account Of one Director Phot bus of the Mount ; Nay from our files, I'll venture to supply ye With several bills endors'd by Banker Clio, But whether Stocks declin'd, or dealers broke, The Trade is now an arrant South-Sea joke ; For sure the modem Bank of Love and Wit Is what we mortals mean by Lombard -street. But more exalted numbers wake the chord, And flying sounds inform the melting word ! Hear the glad string explain the Poet's thought, And Greene express how Pope 1 with justice wrote.' Commencement Sunday at Cambridge in 1785 is thus described by Gunning (Reminisc* l. 28), 'The college walks were crowded. Every Doctor in the University wore his scarlet robes during the whole day. All the noblemen appeared in their splendid robes, not only at St Mary's and in the college halls, but also in the public walks. Their robes (which are now uniformly purple) at that time were of various colours, according to the tastes of the wearers, purple, white, green, and rose-colour, were to be seen at the same time. [Lord Charbley wore rose-colour.] The people from the neighbouring villages then never ventured to pass the rails which separate the walks from the high road. The evening of Commencement Tuesday, if not the most numerous, was always the most splendid at Pot Fair, when the merits of the steward and the events of the ball formed the chief subjects of conver- 1 Topts Ode on St. Cecilia, set to Musick by Dr Greene: 2 First edition. in the Eighteenth Century. 277 sation.' Pot Fair was held on Midsummer Common and was like other fairs with its china-stalls, raffles;- &c. ; but it was well attended, for few undergraduates were allowed to go down from Cambridge till the Commencement. Noblemen generally took their degree on the Monday, and one of them was elected by the ladies as Steward of the Commencement Ball. The following account will serve to illustrate the preceding pages. [The references are not to Halliwell's Autobiog. and Corresp. of Sir Simonds D'Ewes, 2 Vols., 1845, but to (Marsden's) College Life in the Time of James the \st, Parker, 1851.] * Of the proceedings at "the first act" in the Minora Comitia or BACHELORS' COMMENCEMENT in the year 1620, Symonds [D'Ewes, Diary, p. 83] gives the following concise summary. "The Proctors orato- rized: the tripos jested: the Bachelors replied: and four Masters of A rts disputed" 'At this period the University, like every other great establishment, had its privileged jester. As the Fool in a nobleman's household, and as Archie Armstrong at court, so were the Tripos and the Praevaricator at the two Comitia. Under the pretence of maintaining some Philosophical question, they poured out a med- ley of absurd jokes and personal ridicule. By the statutes they were directed to confine themselves to the exercise of refined and classical wit, and all vulgar jesting was prohibited: but in process of time the statutes were constantly set at defiance. In 1626, the Heads issued a decree in which, after referring to those golden days of old when Praevaricatores qua 278 University Society poterant contradicendi subtilitate veritatem philosophi- cam eluserunt y et Tripodes sua quaesita ingcniose et apposite defenderunt, they ordered that every future Praevaricator or Tripos who should transgress [p. 84] the rules of decorum by ridiculing any person or office or ordinance whatever, should be degraded or im- prisoned; and if the case should seem to deserve a severer punishment, that he should be expelled. ' These stringent regulations may have checked the licence for a season; but in the year of the Restora- tion [1660], when the whole University was too out- rageous in its mirth to think of any rigid enforcement of the Statute, it appears from a copy of his speech still in existence, that the Praevaricator's jibes were launched forth at all present without mercy and with- out distinction/ [The editor of Sir Symonds D'Ewes, Diary, p. 84, proceeds to give a summary of the speech to whfch the reader is referred. After ridiculing the Undergraduates, Doctors and Proctors, he compli- ments a Johnian who had just demolished the argu- ments of Popery in his public exercise ' Suis et ipsa Roma viribus ruit.' The Physicians are asked whether Homer died of the Iliaca passio. He banters those who have waited through the Troubles for their M.A. degree, the Doctors, and the visitors from Oxford. He proceeds to his Questions 'omnis motus est circu- laris' and another. Then after personalities he begs for quarter from his hearers,] Such was the audacity of the praevaricator in 1660. In 1667 he was threatened with expulsion if he should admit anything into his speech which had not been in the Eighteenth Centiiry. 279 previously submitted to the Vice-chancellor for ap- proval. In 1680, in consequence of a report 1 that he had thrown ridicule upon Gates' plot, the University was visited with a sharp reprimand, and threatened with the interference of Parliament. This blow he never recovered ; and although in Dr Long's speech in 1/14, he is represented as having exerted his jocularity with most marvellous effect, ['the Ladies might e'en thank the Prevaricator Who was so extremely arch they were ready to burst their Sides with Laughter,'] he soon after became defunct. A few chastened and refined traces of spirit may sometimes be found in those annual verses which still bear the name of Tripos, and in one or two unaccredited effusions which had been circulated under the name we are reminded of his pristine audacity. His joci scurriles have occasionally been heard from the upper regions of the Senate-House (D'Ewes, Diary, p. 89). 'After an interval of a month from the first Act belonging to the Bachelors' Commencement came "THE LATTER ACT" \Comitia Posteriora, in Comitiis Minoribus, Thursday, March 30]. The Tripos on this occasion was a friend of Symonds [D'Ewes, Diary, 1620, p. 99], "one Sir Barret " of St John's, the author of the Latin Comedy, which had been acted in the Hall at the preceding Christmas: and we are informed that ''both in his position, and in his extempore answering, he made a great deal of sport, and got much credit." 1 Cooper's Annals, ill. 586. 2'8o University Society The senior Brother also was one of Symonds' friends, a fellow-commoner of Jesus, by name Saltonstall; and ft\z junior Brother was ''Sir Tutsham of Trinity a very good scholar " [author of an ode upon the birth of the princess Mary]. The whole was concluded by a dis- putation between one of the Proctors [p. 100], termed "the Father" and two Masters of Arts of St John's. 'Now approached the Major a Coviitia or GREAT COMMENCEMENT; and the Divinity exercises in the schools came so thick and frequent, that twice in the same day had Symonds the gratification of attending a Clcrum.... Symonds [Sir Simonds D'Ewes, Diary, 1620, p. 104] proceeds to give an account of an ACT IN MUSIC. A Sophister "came up" in the schools bringing with him a viol: and he commenced his proceedings by playing upon this viol an original lesson or exercise. After this he entered upon his position "of sol, fa, mi, la," which he defended against three opponents. When the opponents had left him master of the field he played another piece, probably in a triumphant strain; which gave the Moderator occasion to observe that nbi [p. 105] dcsinit pJiiloso- phns, ibi incipit musicus. This Symonds had recorded as "a very pretty jest.'" Hobson having failed to bring the parcel with his new clothes, D'Ewes presented himself in his old suit on Sunday morning, July 2, 1620, 'amid the throng in St Mary's church. The only seat he could find was upon the highest part of the scaffolding behind the pulpit; "very commodious," but an indifferent place for hearing.' He complains that the sermon in the Eighteenth Century. 281 was 'palpably read:' but that in the afternoon was preached memoriter* 'On the morning of Monday [July 3], the competition for seats was so eager that Symonds found it expedient to "rise betimes and take an early breakfast, and pass onwards to St Mary's" with as little delay as possible ; and he whiled away the time until the business of the day commenced, partly in conversation, partly with a book. At length the Vice-Chancellor, Dr Scott of Clare-Hall, opened the proceedings of the day by a speech. After this, the King's Professor of Divinity, Dr Collins, who filled the office of Father, "oratorized as his manner was most excellently"... : the Respondent in the Dl- VINITY ACT, Dr Beale, afterwards the Master of St John's and a distinguished royalist, came forward to read the questions of his position. Upon these ques- tions the Professor was about to dispute when he was "cut off" by the Vice-Chancellor who acted as Mode- rator ; and the several opponents, all Doctors in Divinity, were directed to proceed with their work. After the disputation was finished the Moderator pronounced a learned and copious determination, and the Father dismissed his son the Respondent with some merited encomia. This was "the full cata- strophe." It being ''about one of the clock" the assem- blage broke up, excepting such as like Symonds [D'Ewes, Diary y 1620, p. 107] desired to keep their places; and they adjourned for dinner. [p. 1 08.] 'At three o'clock the combatants were ready for their afternoon's exhibition, which was an ACT IN LAW. After an oration by each of the Proc- 282 University Society tors, the Praevaricator " came up ;" and when he " was hushed," the disputing commenced. Symonds tells us little of the proceedings, excepting that the wit of the Praevaricator was " indeed pitiful." After all was ended, being invited to supper by the Junior brother, who was "of our house," Symonds had his share of the "great feasting" which prevailed. ' On the Tuesday morning, Symonds [D'Ewes, Diary, p. 108, July 4, 1620] came late, and was "fain to rest contented with a very incommodious seat." In the DIVINITY ACT this day, the Moderator was the Lady Margaret's Professor, Dr Davenant, a learned theologian of the Calvinistic school ; and the Respon- dent was Symonds's friend Micklethwaite, afterwards Preacher at the Temple. The opponents were seven commencing Doctors. When the Act was ended, the Regius Professor addressed them in a speech, and then "gave them the final complemental investiture!' There was no interval allowed for dinner : our friend Symonds, however, went to dine with a friend at Trinity, one of the party being George Herbert, then Public Orator. When he returned to St Mary's he found that the PHILOSOPHY ACT had commenced, and that the Praevaricator was in the midst of his speech. The senior Brother, that is, the senior com- mencing Master of Arts, " disputed upon the Praeva- ricator," and the several opponents took their turn with the Respondent. Then followed the oattis, and the in- vestiture. After this was a LAW ACT; and with it " our Commencement had a full end." The festivities in the evening were kept up till a late hour : supper in the Eighteenth Century. 283 was not over "until ten of the clock," and Symonds laid not his head upon his pillow until after twelve. The next morning he "slept chapel."' At Oxford the Act is the first Tuesday in July, and corresponds with our Commencement ; being the oc- casion when the acts or exercises were finished, quali- fying students to commence as Bachelors of Arts. The Public Commencements at Oxford were scarce- ly less frequent than with us ; but they created con- siderable interest in the country at large. Colley Cibber says, in his Autobiography (ed. 2, 1740, p. 382), 'After the Restoration of King Charles, before the Cavalier and Roundhead Parties, under their new Denomination of Whig and Tory, began again to be politically troublesome, publick Acts at Oxford (as I find by the Dates of several Prologues written by Dryden, for Hart, on those Occasions) have been more frequently held than in later Reigns. Whether the same Party-Dissensions may have occa- sioned the Discontinuance of them is a Speculation not necessary to be entered into. But these Aca- demical Jubilees have usually been looked upon as a kind of congratulatory Compliment to the Accession of every new Prince to the Throne, and generally as such they have attended them. King James, not- withstanding his Religion, had the honour of it ; at which the Players, as usual, assisted.' Cibber then tells an anecdote how Tony Leigh, by a piece of im- promptu^-^, in the character of Teague in 'the Com- mittee? raised a laugh against Obadiah Walker, mas- 284 University Society ter of University College, who had become a pervert to Rome. The following Letter from James Howcll to his ' Brother, Dr Howell at Jesus Colledg in Oxon.} will give some idea of the splendour of the entertain- ments. (Epistolae Ho-Elianae, I. 5 [misprinted '4'], p. 197) : 'Brother, I have sent you here inclosed War- rants for four brace of Bucks, and a Stag; the last Sir Arthur Manwaring procured of the King for you, towards keeping of your Act, I have sent you a War- rant also for a brace of Bucks out of W addon Chace ; besides, you shall receive by this Carrier a great Wicker Hamper, with two jouls of Sturgeon, six bar- rels of pickled Oysters, three barrels of Bologna Olives, with some other Spanish commodities. [He then offers to present him, on the next vacancy, to the rectory of Hamblcdon, worth ^"500 a year communibus annis, ' as good as some Bishopricks.'] I thank you for inviting me to your Act, I will be with you the next week, God willing ; and hope to find my Father there ; So with my kind love to Dr Manse!, Mr Wat- kins, Mr Madocks, and Mr Napier at All-souls, I rest your loving brother, J. H. 'Lond. 20 June, 1628.' It does not appear whether this were a public Act, or no. A list of the occasions in later years is given in Dr Raivlinsoris MSS. s. a. 1733 (Oxoniana, IV. 282.) i66r. A public act on the first opening of the Theatre. [Is not this a mistake ?] 1664. Another. [The building of Theatre it is said was com- menced this year. Evelyn and Boyle speak of their visit to the Act, at in the Eighteenth Century. 285 the opening of the Sheldonian Theatre in 1 669. Evelyn had also been at the Act in 1654, and went again in 1675 : see below.] 1678. No Act because there was no D.D. forthcoming, Wood says it was rather because the Univ. didn't choose to bring trade to the town : another report was that they were afraid of the rudeness of the dragoons. 1680. Another. 1693. Another. 1702. On Q. Anne's visit. 1703. Another. 1704. On the victory at Blenheim. 1 706. On the celebration of Frankfort University. [See the 2nd Part of this Essay.] 1 707. On the visit of the Armenian archbishop. [1708. The dean of Ch. Ch., Aldrich, proposed an encaenia for young gentlemen to speak verses and speeches once every term ; but that was not complied with. Hear ne- Bliss, I. 141.] 1713. On peace with France. \Amherst says (Terrae Films XLVII.) 'I pass therefore to the statute (vn. i) which ordains a publick act to be kept every year. This is now in a manner quite worn out (1721) ; for, of late, there has not been a publick act above once in ten or twelve years ; and then only upon extraordinary occasions, such as a restoration, or some triumph of the church ; the last that we had, was upon the glorious peace in 1712, an Aera which the university dons were resolved to commemorate, even at the expence of observing their statutes. But they would not, however, be too punctual in performing their duty ; and therefore stopt the mouth of the Terrae-Filius (who is the statu- table orator at this solemnity) having intelligence that he design'd to utter something in derogation of the reverend Mr Vice-Chancellor' The intended Speech was printed, and a copy is preserved in the Bodleian, Pamphlets 308. It is a ribald attack upon members of the University. See the Guardian, nos. 72, 95. Then there seems to have been a long interval as at Cambridge : and the next was in ] 1733. Another. [On this occasion also the Terrae Filius' Speech was suppressed and printed. A copy is in the Bodleian, Pamph. 384.] At Oxford, as at Cambridge, the Act had from early times been held in the University Church ; but in Oxford the Theatre was built eighty years before 286 University Society the Senate-house at Cambridge. The following are descriptions by two eminent men who were present at the Inauguration of the Sheldonian Theatre. John Evelyn was present at the Act in Oxford in the years 1654, 1669. 1675. On the first occasion he was accompanied by his wife. July 8, 1654. 'Was spent in hearing several exer- cises in the schools and after dinner y e Proctors opened y e Act at St Marie's (according to custome) and y e Prevaricators their drolery. Then the Doctors disputed. We supped at Wadham College.' In 1669 the Act was transferred from St Mary's Church to the new Sheldonian Theatre. On July the 9th, the proceedings lasted from 1 1 A.M. to 7 P.M. A letter from Mr John Wallis to the Hon. Ro. Boyle, dated from Oxford, July 17, 1669 (and quoted in a note to Neal's Hist, of the Puritans, ed. 3, vol. III. p. 163), gives the following account of the opening of the Sheldonian Theatre. 'SIR. After my humble thanks for the honour of yours of July 3, I thought it not unfit to give you some account of our late proceedings here. Friday, July 9, was the dedication of our new theatre. In the morning was held a convocation in it, for entering upon the possession of it ; wherein was read, first the archbishop's instrument of donation (sealed with his archiepiscopal seal) of the theatre, with all its furni- ture, to the end that St Mary's-church may not be farther profaned by holding the act in it. Next a letter of his, declaring his intention to lay out 2,ooo/. in the Eighteenth Century. 287 for a purchase to endow it. Then a letter of thanks to be sent from the university to him, wherein he is acknowledged to be both our creator and redeemer for having not only built a theatre for the act, but, which is more, delivered the Blessed Virgin from being so profaned for the future : he doth, as the words of the letter are, " non tantum condere, hoc est creare, sed etiam redimere." These words, I confess, stopped my mouth from giving a placet to that letter when it was put to the vote. I have since desired Mr Vice-chancellor to consider, whether they are not liable to just exception. He did at first excuse it ; but upon farther thoughts, I suppose he will think fit to alter them, before the letter be sent and regis- tered. After the voting of this letter, Dr South, as university-orator, made a long oration ; the first part of which consisted of satirical invectives against Cromwell, fanatics, the Royal Society, and new phi- losophy. The next, of encomiastics ; in praise of the archbishop, the theatre, the vice-chancellor, the architect, and the painter. The last of execrations ; against fanatics, conventicles, comprehension and new philosophy ; damning then, ad inferos ad gehennam. The oration being ended, some honorary degrees were conferred, and the convocation dissolved. 'The afternoon was spent in panegyric orations, and reciting of poems in several sorts of verse [''inter- changeably pronounc'd by the young students plac'd in the rostrums, in Pindarics, Eclogues, Heroics, &c.," Evelyn's Diary], composed in praise of the archbishop, the theatre, &c., and crying down fanatics. The 288 University Society vvhole action began and ended with a noise of trum- pets ; and twice was interposed variety of music, vocal and instrumental ; purposely composed for this occasion. * On Saturday and Monday, those exercises ap- pertaining to the act and vespers, which were wont to be performed in St Mary's church, were had in the theatre. In which, beside the number of pro- ceeding doctors (nine in divinity, four in law, five in physic, and one in music), there was little extra- ordinary ; but only that the terrae filii for both days were abominably scurrilous ; and so suffered to pro- ceed without the least check or interruption from vice- chancellor, pro-vice-chancellors, proctors, curators, or any of those who were to govern the exercises ; which gave so general offence to all honest specta- tors, that I believe the university hath thereby lost more reputation than they have gained by all the rest ; all or most of the heads of houses and eminent persons in the university with their relations being represented as a company of... and dunces. And among the rest the excellent lady which your letter mentions... During this solemnity (and for some days before and since) have been constantly acted (by the vice-chancellor's allowance) two stage-plays in a day (by those of the duke of York's house) at a theatre erected for that purpose at the town-hall ; which (for aught I hear) was much the more innocent theatre of the two. It hath been here a common fame for divers weeks (before, at, and since the act) that the vice-chancellor had given 30O/. bond (some in the Eighteenth Century. 289 say 5oo/. bond) to the terrae filii, to save them harm- less whatever they should say, provided it were neither blasphemy nor treason. But this I take to be a slander. A less encouragement would serve the turn with such persons. Since the act (to satisfy the common clamour) the vice-chancellor hath impri- soned both of them : and it is said he means to expel them/ John Evelyn, who (as we have seen) was also pre- sent at the opening Encaenia, complains that 'the Terrae filiiis (the Universitie Buffoone] entertain'd the auditorie with a tedious, abusive, sarcastical rhap- sodie, most unbecoming the gravity of the Univer- sitie, and that so grossly, that unlesse it be suppress'd it will be of ill consequence, as I afterwards plainly express'd my sense of it both to y e Vice-Chancellor and severall heads of houses, who were perfectly asham'd of it, and resolv'd to take care of it in future. The old facetious way of raillying upon the ques- tions was left off, falling wholy upon persons, so that 'twas rather licentious lyeing and railing than genuine and noble witt.' (Diary of J. Evelyn, July 10, 1669.) It may be worth while in this place to. give a full summary of 'An Act at Oxford. A Comedy: By the Author of the Yeoman o' Kent. [T. Baker} Vicit vim virtus. London: Printed for Bernard Lintott at the Middle-Temple-Gate in Fleetstreet, 1704.' (pp. 60, 4to., dedicated to the Rt. Hon. Edward lord Dudley and Ward. Bodl. ' Malone, 92.') It ' was not thought fit for Representation :' but the cast of L. B. E. 19 290 University Society Characters is given in the Dramatis Personae ; as follows : MEN. Bloom, A Gentleman Commoner of a good Estate. Captain Smart, A Man of Honour, formerly a Pre- tender to Berynthia, but having had his Misfortunes is slighted by her. Lampoon, a Ridiculous Mimicking Fellow. Squire Calf of Essex. Deputy Driver, a Stock-jobber and Reformer of Manners. Chum, a Serviter. WOMEN. Berynthia, a fine Lady of large Estate, at Oxford. Arabella, Wife to the Deputy, a Modern City Lady. Mrs ap Shinken, a Welch Runt. Scene, the University. Mr Wilks. Mr Mills. Mr Cibber. Mr Bullock. Mr Johnson. Mr Pinkethman. Mrs Rogers. Mrs Moor. Mrs Lucas. Act I. Sc. i. The Physick Garden. Bloom, the gen- tleman-commoner, is glad to lay aside his Homer, and welcomes Capt. Smart, who has come from Lon- don, as we should say now to Commemoration, when, as even the Town Spark confesses, ' the lively Season o' the Year, the shining crow'd assembl'd at this time, and the noble situation o' the Place, gives us the nearest shew of Paradise.' 1 Bloom. Why, faith, this publick Act has drawn hither half the Nation, men o' Fashion come to shew in the Eighteenth Century. 291 some new French Cutt, laugh at Learning, and prove their want of it. The Company, the Diversion, have rais'd us a pitch above ourselves ; the Doctors have smugg'd up their old Faces, powder'd their diminu- tive Bobs, put on their starch'd Bands and their best Prunello Cassocks, with shining Shoes that you might see your Face in. The young Commoners have sold their Books to run to Plays. The Serviters have pawn'd their Beds to treat their shabby Acquaint- ance, and every College has brew'd. Smart. But what's the Nature of this publick Act? Bloom. The Pretence of it is florid Orations and Philosophical Disputes, which few understand, and fewer mind ; but in fact 'tis to bring honest Fellows together ; for ev'ry College you pass thro', you're ac- costed thus, Sir, will you walk into the Buttery and take a Crust, and a Plate o Beer [A Plate of Ale is the expression still used at Trin. Coll., Camb., for one of the silver tankards purchased by fellow-commoners for their own use, and left by them as a parting pre- sent to the college] or a Commons with us at the Bur- ser's Table; [Coimma, or Comina, the rations provided in hall at Oxford: which at Cambridge may be sup- plemented by Sizings: at Cambridge, the term is now used chiefly for the supplies of bread, butter, &c., taken from the butteries ; which answer to the Battels at Oxford~\ and then you're carry'd to the Nick-nacka- tory, where the greatest Curiosity is threescore empe- rors carv'd upon a Cherrystone, which proves mathe- matically that threescore grave Faces at Oxford may 192 2 92 University Society make one good Head-piece. [Cp. Terrae-filius, No. , XXXIV. ' I went with two or three friends who were members of the university to the musaeum, (vulgarly called the Nick-nackatory^} and the theatre ; at the last of which places the fair young lady who keeps the door... shewed me that antiquated machine where my predecessors of witty memory gained such im- mortal reputation.'] Smart. And what fine Ladies does the Place afford ? Bloom. Why, this Occasion too has brought in the Country Dames with their awkward Airs ; from Mrs Abigail Homely, the Beauty o' Bristol, to Nell Simper o' Shrewsbury that has lost all her Teeth with eating sweet Cake ; but the Tost o' the University is the fair Berynthia. . .' Then comes in Mr Deputy Driver, a member of the Calves-head Club, a hypocritical rogue, who makes a trade of the profession of being 'a Bustler for Re- formation.' The Reforming Society which exerted itself in ' de- molishing a poor Sunday apple-stall, setting the Beg- gars at work, that you mayn't be teaz'd to give 'em anything;' and in attending 'Committees for suppress- ing Bartl'mew Fair/ was not likely to find quarter at the hands of a dramatic author. Driver is made to say, ' The University has suffer'd the Players to come down among 'em to affront the London Grand Jury, who have voted 'em Corruptors of Virtuous Prentices, and modest Chambermaids, and order'd their wicked Bills to be torn down by the Religious Counter Offt- in the Eighteenth Century. 293 cers.' [See Colley Gibber s Autobiography : he learnt the character of Lampoon in this Play; in which ca- pacity he was to say, in this scene, ' Gentlemen, you! be at the Play,' we all go this Ev'ning out o' pure Religion. Smart. Religion ? Lampoon. Ay, Sir, for the Town of Oxford has oblig'd the Players to give a Night towards rebuilding the Church that fell down.'] The Deputy continues ; ' Sir, I have no Opinion of Oxford Education, it breeds nothing but Rakes, and rank Tories ; I have a Son at University-learning, with pious Noncon in ; neither do I approve of your School Authors; Horace was a drunken Rogue..., therefore I had the Pilgrim's Progress turn'd into Latin by a Scotch Anabaptist for the use of my Son Bob: As for Lampoon, ' an affected carping Fellow,' who has not had the advantage of an university education, and professes to hate 'your odious Gowns, like so many Draggletail Questmen, and your filthy square Caps that seem only to teach one to squint ;' who is one of the ' Criticks that affect to be short-sighted, and peep up at ev'ry Woman they meet, to see if she wears her own Face:' who says of himself, 'I had a Place at Court... the Quality round me wou'd drop down with laughing 'till I was turn'd out for ridiculing People of Rank, which I thought as Honourable as a witty Turrae filius here that's expell'd the University for fear of infecting the Men of burthen'd Learning and prodigious Memory:' he too declares himself no better pleas'd with his visit. ' Well, this Act Medley 294 University Society wou'd make one die with their Latin Speeches and Poppet Shews, the Turrae films, [so the visitors seem to have pronounced it] : and the dancing of the Ropes, they shou'd e'en put a false Hide upon one o' the senior Aldermen, and shew him for the Lincoln- shire Ox.' Squire Calf of Essex has come up too: 'the Town's so full I was forc'd to put my Horses into the College Library:' his object is to make merry with his old toping friends, and 'to hear the Turrae Filius, they say he designs to 'be violently witty, and I love an Oxford Turrae filius better than Merry Andrew in Leicester Fields... .1, Sir, was seven years a Gentleman- Commoner here, and you may see my name every Day i' th' Buttery Book Cormorant Calf of 23fl-/zVz/ College, Esq.; sixteen-pence boil'd Beef, eight-pence Bacon, a penny-half-penny Bread, and a farthing Carrot.' Then we have a specimen of an argument on the merits of the university education between two excel- lent judges: the worthless Londoner, and the debauch- ed country squire who had dishonoured Oxford with his evil habits and by a pretence of learning Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, geometry, trigonometry, and... vice. We can hardly credit him with carrying away even a smattering of any but the last. His principles would not suit political economists: 'I eat great store of Beef, that an Ox may bear a good Price, wear Flan- nel Shirts to encourage the Woollen Manufacture, and make ev'ry Body drunk to promote the Duties upon Malt, Salt, Mum, Syder, Pipes, and Perry.' in the Eighteenth Century. 295 ' Ckum, whose Father's a Chimney-sweeper, and his Mother a poor Gingerbread Woman at Cow-Cross, a Gentleman-Serviter of Brazen-Nose College,' whose business is 'to wait upon Gentlemen Commoners, to dress 'em clean their shoes, and make their exer- cises;' takes the place of the faithful slave in the old comedy, and by personating a wealthy suitor wins Berynthia for his master Smart. The poor fellow, whose fortune is soon told, 'the reversion of old shoes which Gentlemen-commoners leave off, two raggs call'd shirts, a dogs-ear'd Grammar, and a piece of an Ovid de Tristibits\ is rewarded by a present of 500 guineas. As an interlude in Act IV. Sc. 2, the Theatre at Oxford is discovered 'A Semi-Circle of the Doctors, to the extent of the Stage. The pupils over them, ladies rang'd on each side, and Bloom as Terrae Filius seated high, nearer the audience. A performance of trumpet-musick, and the follow- ing ode sett and sung by Mr Leveridge. Dum cantat Orpheus carmina montibus &c. Sic en perito cum fidibus tubae Clangore misto nascitur altius Sublime Sheldoni Theatrum Oxonio Decus et Camoenis.' After the stanzas which are not worth quoting in full ; Bloom, who is chosen terrae filius, starts up, and delivers an apology for a speech: or rather, an apo- logy, because 'you shall no more have a Terrae filius than a Musick Speech? [which was not peculiar to Cambridge, see Wood's Life, s. a. 1681]. 296 University Society It is not worth while to transcribe his excuse, inas- much as it can hardly be a fair specimen, as it was intended for a town audience. We gather merely that it depended for effect on its bold and impudent satire without distinction of person: that it was de- livered (to judge from the printing) in jerks, either to give room for applause, or 'to beget an awful expec- tation in the audience.' It contained scraps of verse in English or 'the learned languages.' It was 'gener- ally made by a Club:' (so Act IV. Sc. 2, p. 40, Bloom says ; ' the Speech is made by the Scandal Club; for at Oxford there must be more heads than one to write a sensible witty thing).' Shall we subscribe to the conclusion 'conse- quently good for nothing'? The following list of terrae-filii is taken from Ox- oniana, I. 104 1 10, and Bliss Life of A. Wood (1848), 1 08, 185, 232, 237, 238, 245, 246. 1591. J. Hoskyns, M.A. of New College, who afterwards revized, Raleigh's History of the World, was expelled for being so 'bitterly satyrical.' 1632. Mr Masters, expelled for his speech. He was restored in 1638. [1648. A printed speech denouncing the slowness of the Parlia- ment in executing the King.] 1651. The first Act that was kept after the Presbyterians had taken possession of Oxford. Tho. Careles of Balliol, and Will. Levinz, terrae filii. [1654. Evelyn was present at an Act] 1655. Ro- Whitehall, Ch. Ch. (author of The Marriage of Arms and Arts). The Act was then in St Mary's church : as there had been none kept for several years, 'it was such a novelty to the Students... that there was great rudeness committed, both by them and by the concourse of people who attended, in getting into places and thrusting out strangers, during the time of the solemnity. Where* in the Eighteenth Century. 297 upon the V. C., Dr Greenwood of B. N. C., a severe and choleric governor, was forced to get several guards of Musquetiers, out of the Parliament garrison then in Oxford, to keep all the doors and avenues, and to let no body in, except those the V. C. or his Deputies appointed. There was then great quarrelling between the Scholars and the Soldiers, and thereupon blows and bloody noses followed.' The other terrae filius was John Glendall M.A., fellow of B. N. C., 'a great mimic, and acted well in several plays, which the Scholars acted by stealth, either in the stone house behind and south- ward from Pembroke College, or in Kettle Hall, or at Holy well Mill, or in the Refectory at Gloucester Hall. A. W. was well ac- quainted with him and delighted in his company.' 1657. Danvers of Trinity. 1658. Tho. Pittis of Trinity, then of Lincoln. His speech being ' much disliked by the godly party of those times, ' he was expelled- His colleague was (dean) Lane. Addison, (father of Joseph,) who had to recant. 1660. No Act. 1661. FiddofTrin. 1662. No Act. 1663. John Edwards, Trin. (Saturni.} Jos. firooks, Ch. Ch. (die Lunae], 1664. RK- Wood, Joan. Sat. Wm. Cave, Magd. Monday. jggg 8. No Acts, the Theatre in building. 1669. Hen. Gerard, Wadh. Tho. Hayes, B. N. C., who then took his M.D. degree. This was the occasion of the Inauguration of the Sheldonian Theatre. Evelyn was present, and was shocked. South made an Oration. 1670. No Act. 1671. Sat. Nick. Hall. Wadh. Monday. 1673. John Shirley, Trin, reflected upon Wood's antiquarian tastes in 'a speech full of obsenity and prophaness...' saying that ' the society of Merton would not let me live in the College, for fear I should pluck it down to search after antiquities, that I was so great a lover of antiquities that I loved to live in a cockleloft rather [than] in a spacious chamber, that I was Vir caducus, that I intended to put the pictures of mother Louse, and mother George two old wives into my book, I would not let it be printed, because I would not have it new and common. ' 298 University Society . 1675. Vendbles Keeling, Ch. Ch. [Evelyn present.] [1680. A Public Act.] 1 68 1. Moore [qu. John Mower] Merton, 'came up on the Satur- day, very dull, and because he reflected on Sr. Tho. Spencer's do- ings..., his son, who was there, cudgelled him afterwards in the Row-Buck yard, dogged him to the place with another... Monday, [Mat/tias] Henvitt of New-Inn hall, (a married man) and the other Terrae filius made up what was wanting on Saturday, full of waggery and roguery, but little wit.' 1682. [Hemy] Bowles of New Coll. on Saturday, much against Ch. Ch. James Allestree of Ch. Ch., Monday, much against New College and the Terrae filius of Saturday, but replyed by the said Terrae filius being proproctor, for Dingley junr. proctor, both very well, and gave great content. [In 1693 J , 1702, 1703, 1704, 1706, 1707, there were public acts. In the Oxford Packet, (printed in 1714, by the publisher of Nevus from Both Universities], is adver- tised '2nd edition of the University Miscellany or More Burning Work for the Oxford Convocation: viz., 3 Two Speeches spoken by the Terrae Filius, Mr R s of Magdalen Hall, in the Theater at the Publick Act 1703.'] Oct. 3, 1713. Dr Gardiner, chosen V. C. again the third time for the year ensuing. At the same time a Libel called a speech that was intended to have been spoken by the Terrae Filius, was by order of the convocation burnt by the hands of the common Bedel in the Theatre yard. [Bodl. Pamphlets, 308.] This Act seems to have created considerable ex- citement in the country. In the Gtiardian,]unQ 1713, (Nos. 72, 96), are several whimsical notices of the migration of the Players to Oxford, and some anxious reflexions as to the probable conduct of the Terrae- 1 Compare 'the Oxford- Act: A Poem, London; Printed for Randal Taylor, near Stationers -Hall, 1613.' This is a misprint for 1693. 4 to. pp. 22. [Bodl. C. 6. 14. Line.} in the Eighteenth Century. 299 filius. Mr Ironside says, 'In my time I remember the Terrae-filius contented himself with being bitter upon the Pope, or chastising the Turk; and raised a serious and manly Mirth, and adapted to the Dignity of his Auditory, by exposing the false Reasonings of the Heretick, or ridiculing the clumsy Pretenders to Genius and Politeness. In the jovial Reign of King Charles the Second, wherein never did more Wit or more Ribaldry abound, the Fashion of being arch upon all that was Grave, and waggish upon the Ladies, crept into our Seats of Learning upon these Occasions. This was managed grosly and awkwardly enough, in a Place where the general Plainness and Simplicity of Manners could ill bear the Mention of such Crimes, as in Courts and great Cities are called by the specious Names of Air and GalantryV It was, I suppose, of a terrae filius about this period that Amherst speaks (Terrae-F. No. I.). 'One of these academical pickle-herrings scurrilously affronted the learned president of St John's College (in defiance of the statute de contumeliis compescendis\ by shaking a box and dice in the theatre, and calling out to him by name as he came in, in this manner, Jacta est alea, doctor, Seven's the main, in allusion to a scandalous report handed about by the doctor's enemies, that he was guilty of that infamous practice, and had lost great sums of other peoples money at dice.' The following is the account of the Oxford Com- mencement given by John Ayliffe, LL.D. (who va- cated his fellowship at New College), in his Antient 1 Guardian, 72. 3OO University Society and Present State of the Univ. of Oxford, 1714 (ii. 131135). 'There is a general Commencement once every Year in all the Faculties of Learning, which is called the Act at Oxford, and the Commencement at Cambridge, which Act is opened on the Friday following the 7th of July, and Exercises perform'd in the Schools on Saturday and Monday ensuing the opening thereof, and also in the publick Theatre with great Solemnity. On Saturday, in the Forenoon, all the Professors and Lecturers read in the several Arts and Sciences, all cloathed in their proper Habits, as was heretofore usual at the Vespers or Evening Exercises, which are only now Dis- putations in the several Parts of Learning, from One o' Clock till Five in the Afternoon, the Artists Disputations being had in the Theatre, and those of Divinity, Law and Physick, in their proper Schools. The Inceptors in Arts dispute on three Philosophical Ques- tions, and one of these Inceptors (for so are the Masters called, who stand for their Kegency in this solemn Act] to be appointed by the Senior Proctor, has the Place of the Respondent. And first, the Senior Proctor opposes on all the Questions, and confirms an argu- ment on the First ; then the Pro-Proctor and Terrae-Filius dispute on the Second ; and lastly the Junior Proctor on the Third Ques- tion ; and all the Inceptors are oblig'd to attend these Disputations from the Beginning to the End, under the Pain of 3-r. 4^. At the equal expence of all the Inceptors, there is a sumptuous and elegant Supper at the College or Hall of the Senior of each Faculty, for the Entertainment of the Doctors, called the Act-Supper. On Sunday between the Vespers and the Comitia (for so are the Exercises of Saturday and Monday stiled) there are two Sermons in the English tongue, at St Marys Church, preach'd by any one of the Inceptors, as the Vice-Chancellor shall appoint, being Doctors of Divinity, in this Act. On Monday at Nine a Clock, all the Inceptors go with the Beadles of their several Faculties to St Mary's, and there, after Prayers at the Communion-Table, make Oblations ; and if any Per- son shall absent himself, or be irreverently present, he shall be mulcted five Shillings, and moreover punish'd at the Vice- Chancel- lor's Pleasure. Then the Comitial Exercises beginning, the Senior Proctor mounts the Pew on the West side of the Theatre, and the Junior Proctor the Pew opposite to him on the East side. The Professor of Physic, with his Inceptors, on the West', and the Law Professor, with his Inceptors, on the East Side thereof; and the in the Eighteenth 'Century. 301 Divinity Professor, with his Inceptors, on the North side, under the Vice-Chancellor ; and the Inceptors in Musick, with their Professor in the Musick Gallery, on the South ; and at these Comitial Dis- putations, the same method is used in respect of the Agents, as at Vespers, viz. first, the Senior Proctors ; then the Terrae-Filius, and Pro- Proctor ; and lastly, the Junior Proctor ; and he who was Re- spondent the year before, is the Magister Replicans this year. The first Opponent among the Inceptors has a Book given him, at the End of Disputations, by the Senior Proctor (who in respect of the Artists Inceptors, is called Father of the Comitia] and is also created Master by a kiss, and putting on his Cap. After the Comitial Ex- ercises in Arts are ended, if there be any Person taking a Musick Degree, he is to perform a Song of Six or Eight Parts on Vocal and Instrumental Musick, and then he shall have his Creation from the Savilian Professors, &c. After the performing of the Exercises, and the Creation of Doctors, according to a prescript Form in each Faculty, the Vice-Chancellor closes the Act in a solemn Speech; wherein it is usual for him to commemorate the Transactions of the year past, and especially such Benefactions as have been given to the University. And after the end of the Act, the Vice-Chancellor, with the Regents of the foregoing year, immediately assemble in the Con- gregation-House ; where, at the supplication of the Doctors and Masters newly created, they are wont to dispense with the wearing of Boots and Slop Shoes, to which the Doctors and Masters of the Act are oblig'd, during the Comitia. On Tuesday after the Comitia a Latin Sermon is preach 'd to the Clergy, at Eight in the Morn- ing in St Mary's Church ; the Preacher to be either some Doctor, or Batchelor in Divinity, and of the Vice-Chancellor's Appointment, with a Pre-monition for this End from the Vice-Chancellor for three months before hand. The Questions to be disputed on in each Faculty, are to be approved by the congregation of Masters some time before the Act ; and because that Civilians ought to know the differences between the Civil and our own Mimicipal Laws, one of the Law Questions ought to have some Affinity with the Common Law of England ; wherein the Professor, by a short Speech, ought to shew, what the one and what the other Law maintains. If any Contumelious, Reproachful, or Defamatory Language be given in any Speech or Argument at Disputations, the Vice-Chancellor may convene the Person before him, and command a Copy of his Speech; and if he pretends that he has no Copy, he may convict him by Oath, and punish him according to the Heinousness of the Offence, in respect of Persons and other circumstances, either by publick 3O2 University Society Recantation, Imprisonment, or Banishment from the University, as a Disturber of the publick Peace ; besides the satisfaction he is oblig'd to make to the Party injur'd ; so that there is not that Licence given for an impudent Buffoon, of no Reputation in him- self, called a Terrae-Filius, to sport and play with the good Name and Reputation of others ; but the business of this Terrae-Films, is a solemn and grave Disputation. And although this manner of spor- tive Wit had its first original at the Time of the Reformation, when the gross Absurdities and Superstitions of the Roman Church were to be exposed, and should have been restrain'd to Things, and not have reached Mens Persons and Characters ; yet it has since become very scandalous and abusive, and in no wise to be tolerated in an University, where nothing ought to appear but Religion, Learning, and good Manners.' In the year 1721 (Jan. II, to July 6), Nicholas Amherst published his 50 numbers of the ' Terrae Filius: Or, the Secret History of the University of of Oxford; in Several Essays.' In the first number he writes, 'It has till of late been a custom, from time imme- morial, for one of our family to mount the Rostrum at Oxford at certain seasons, and divert an innumer- able crowd of spectators, who flocked thither to hear him from all parts, with a merry oration in the Fes- cennine manner interspers'd with secret history, raillery, and sarcasm, as the occasion of 'the times supply'd him with matter.' The frontispiece of the edition of 1726 is an en- graving by Hogarth. In it is depicted the interior of the Theatre. In the gallery is a crowd of academical personages, one of whom is waving his arm and yelling: another climbs down over the railings. The Vice-chancellor is seated on a throne, and in a chair on his right hand below the steps is a proctor (per- in the Eighteenth Century. 303 haps) ; while others are sitting in the seats below the gallery. In the foreground is a structure which may be intended for 'that antiquated machine' mentioned in No. xxxiv., the rostrum of the terrae filius. On one side stands a portly don who has torn the Terrae filius speech, while the miserable culprit is being attacked by a crowd of doctors and infuriated toasts, one of whom has laid hold of his cap, another of his wig, while two dons ungown him, and a dog is bark- ing at the noise. In spite of the efforts of Amherst there was no public act at Oxford between the years 1713 and 1733. In Nichols' Annals of Bowyer's Press (Anecd. Vol. II.), it is stated that the year 1733 was 'rendered remarkable in the literary world by the brilliancy of the Public Act at Oxford.' Then was published 'Bellus Homo et Academicus Recitarunt in Theatro Sheldoniano ad Comitia Oxoniensia 1733, Lodovicus Langton et Thomas Barber, Collegii Div. Magd. Commensales. By W. Hasledine of Magda- lene College. Accedit Oratio Petri Francisci Courayer, S. T. P. habita in iisdem Comitiis 5 Id. J^Ui^^ Will. Boivyer, Esq., F. R. S., printer, himself wrote 'an English Poem called the Beau and the Academick, a Dialogue in Imitation of the Bellus Homo et Acade- micus spoken at the late Publick Act at Oxford ; addressed to the Ladies.' The Latin poem is printed in Selecta Poemata Anglorum...Accurante Edwardo Popham, Coll. Oriel. Oxon., nuper Socio. Splendid though the Act may have been, the Terrae filius was no* better behaved than on the preceding occasion. His speech also was suppressed : 304 University Society but there is a copy of it in the Bodleian (Pamph. 384). The late Mr R. Robinson of Queen's gave the more interesting points in it in the Oxf. Undergrad. Journal, May 29, 1867. The Terrae filius ' begins by apostrophizing the Bishop (of Oxford I presume) as a "mitred Hog," and by asking what he has to do with a wife of eighteen. Ch. Ch. was unpopular : the place was indeed at its zenith, it had its fill of rich aristocrats, its Tutors were intelligent, and appreciated the value of their connexion with Westminster, it could boast of West (the " Favonius," who always was " to have a front box in the theatre of" Gray's "little heart,") and of Budgell ; but the men gave themselves airs, with wonderful ignorance and conceit they claimed to belong to an House, not to a College ; those of other Colleges were ' squils' and 'hodmen,' they were ac- customed with suppressed blushes to style their foun- dation "royal and ample;" Gibbon was wrong in saying that Locke was expelled on speculative grounds, but they understood him as little as they saw why such a fuss should be made about Handel : accordingly this Terrae Filius sneers at the establish- ment, and brands the Dean \JoJin Conybeare, elected the preceding year] as a courtier. " Long, little Pre- sident of Trinity!' [Geo. Huddesford,] he proceeds, "hast thou expected the Lash and screened thyself for Fear behind thy Barrel-gutted Fellows." The "worthy Head [Theo. Leigh] and men of Balliol I mean Belial" had yet to rrrake their character and that of their house; the shape of the seats of their in the Eighteenth Century. 305 chairs at the high table was indeed unexceptionable, and must have been excogitated with deep thought, but many of the men ate raw turnips, the Dons used to punish some delinquents by sending them to the Sacrament, and others by heavily fining them. * Lincoln always was and always will be under the devil's inspection/ but whether the devil was the statue over the College or John Wesley I can't say. 6*. John's boasts its "Jacobite topers." In Worcester " there cannot be found [a Parson] who can easily read [Prayers] in English, much less in Latin;" per- haps Shadwell's Lady Cheatly got her chaplain there. New College is a place where boys elect a boy as their Warden [John Coxed]. The Fellows of Queen's are "haughty and imperious" Aristotelians. In All Souls "live your Smarts, your gallant gentlemen;" by their sensual habits (which bear out another satirist in coupling them with Johnians) you would think them all bodies and no souls at all; they got so drunk as to prove that Homo is not necessarily a noun substantive, by way of maintaining their Tudor reputation of being swashbucklers. Brasenose en- grosses good livings, and brews ale which flies to the seasoned head of an Essex Squire; in a play, a man who wishes to be taken for a Fellow of that College has to use a large pillow for a stomach. [Miller's Humours of Oxford, Act. IV.] Exeter is "governed by old women" (who, when Shaftesbury was there, enfuriated the men by empoverishing the beer). [Jos. Atwell, Rector, 1733.] Jesus College is verminous and smells of toasted cheese. The L. B. E. 20 306 University Society Oriel men are all in debt. The Magdalen Dons are loose livers. The Merton men are " Lollards " (per- haps Low Church) and, as Meadowcourt, Hano- verian/ In 1763 the Encaenia 'was selected by the Aca- demical body as the occasion for giving effect to its approval of the management of public affairs ; and this they did by some accessories to the ordinary displa)' at Commemoration designed to mark it as an event "in honour of the peace." But there was nothing after all in the three days' demonstration, which gives it a title to the character of a remarkable occurrence, or calls for more than this general notice ; unless we may advert to the appearance on the stage of a Terrae Filius, who, despite the danger of an academical mittimus to the Castle or Bocardo, rose up to assert "the privilege of his family." He was not, however, a veritable descendant of those quasi statutable personages who claimed a right, as esta- blished by the ancient forms of the University, to exercise their talents for satire and raillery at every celebration of the Act, and who, as the occasion of the times supplied matter, were accustomed to make very free on the Rostrum of the Theatre with the public and private character of those drest in autho- rity, until at length their freedom of speech, exceed- ing all bounds of moderation or decency, brought about a discontinuation of their office. He, not- withstanding, though announced as a mere out-door actor, produced by the programme of his intended performances, no little consternation among unmatri- in the Eighteenth Century. 307 culated, as well as matriculated, equally in dismay at anticipated revelations, as if the sallies of his wit could not touch a gown and cassock without glancing off upon the fame of town celebrities. It was ru- moured that the Mayor and Corporation were first seized with the panic, and were for taking steps ; but, upon its being held to be an University business and to fall more properly under the cognizance of the House of Convocation, "from the body corporate," so says our authority, " the cause was removed, by a new kind of certiorari, to the body academical." Yet after all, Terrae Filius and we believe he is the last that appeared in any shape proved in the end a harmless satirist, and did nothing seriously to disturb the usual course of the solemnities and festivities.' (Oxford during the Last Cent^lry, pp. 12, 13, reprinted from the Oxford Chronicle, 1859.) The name however was still remembered in 1779, when Mrs Cowley puts into the mouth of Gradtis, an awkard wooer from B.N.C., the following sentiment : * There is something in her eye so sarcastic, I'd rather pronounce the terrae filius than address her.' ( Who's the Dupe? I. 3.) Evelyn speaks of the Praevaricator at Oxford : but it is most probable that this was a loose way of applying the term peculiar to one university to a class existing at the other. In the same way, the term Fellow-commoner used at Oxford to be convertible with Gentleman-commoner. Eachard in his Grounds and Occasion of the Contempt of the Clergy, 1670, p. 37, mentions in one clause the Tripus Terrae filius, and Praevaricator. 20 2 308 University Society At Oxford, as well as at Cambridge, there were Mustek Speeches (so called in Life of A. Wood, s.a. 1681), more commonly known there as Musick Lectures. The following list is taken from Wood's Life, sub annis 1660, 1679, 1681, 1682, 1683. 1660. ' There was a most excellent musick-lecture of the practick part in the public school of that facultie (May 24), when A. W. per- formed a part on the violin. There were also voices, and by the direc- tion of Edw. Low, organist of Ch. Church, who was then the deputy professor for Dr Wilson, all things were carried very well, and gave great content to the most numerous auditory. This meeting was to con- gratulate his majestie's safe arrival to his kingdomes.' 1661. [Richard] Torless of St John's. [John] Fitz- Williams of Magd. coll. [probationer.] 1664. Mr [Thomas] Jeamson of Wadh. 1672. 1673. [Anthony] Wolveridge, All Souls. 1674. Charles Holt of Magd. coll. 1675. [Francis] Slatter of C. C. C. 1676. Jesus coll. 1677. [Richard] Strickland of Magd. coll. [fellow.] 1678. John Grubb of Ch. Ch. 1679. James Allestree of Ch. Ch. in the Theatre: a dispensation was passed in June to remove it thither from the Music school : ' and the 12 July following it was solemnly and well done at 7 and 8 in the morning.' 1680. 's Northon of Ch. Ch. in the Theatre. 1681. [Thomas] Sawyer [demy] of Magd. coll. in the Musick school. ' The reason, as was pretended, why he did not speak it in the Theatre was, because the Bp. said, people broke down many things there to the charge of the university ; but we all imagined the true reason to be because he was not a Ch. Ch. man, [like his predeces- sors Allestree and Northon,] and therefore would not allow the Theatre to grace him. Grand partiality !' 1682. Wm. Lloyd of Jesus coll. in the musick school. At Oxford the nearest approach to the Cambridge Tripos verses is to be found in the Carmina Quadra- in the Eighteenth Century. 309 gcsimalia or Lent Verses, which bore a close resem- blance to the early carmina comitialia of Duport and others at our University. They are something of the nature of the Winchester 'vulgus:' still more of that of the Westminster epigrams. They are described in the second fasciculus (edited by Ant. Parsons) in 1748, as Verses recited publicly in the schools on the First Day of Lent by the determining Bachelors of each college. They are composed on the theme of the dis- putation, which is to follow their recitation, as one of the exercises in Quadragesima qualifying for the de- gree. They are epigrammatical illustrations of the subject : not always very philosophical, but elegant. Este collected one volume of those composed by Christ Church men, and Parsons another: the two appeared respectively in the years 1723 and 1748. Amherst (Terrae Filius, No. L.) says that the courts of justice were not 'the only places in which the constitutioners [Members of the Oxford Constitu- tion Club about 1715] met with unjust and scandalous usage: St Mary's Golgotha, [in the old Clarendon buildings,] the Theatre, Convocation-house, and Schools, eccho'd with invectives and anathemas against them. The most scurrilous reflections on them were con- stantly thrown out in the Lent verses, sermons, de- clamations, and other publick exercises.' Specimens of the Lent Verses will be found in Selecta Poemata Anglorum Latina, accurante Ed. Popham, coll. Oriel. Oxon., nuper Soc. (Dodsley, 1774, 1779, & C 0- The following references to several of 310 University Society those in Este's, and in Parsons' volumes, will give a notion of their scope : CARMINA OVADRAGESIMALIA. Vol. i. 1723 (edited by C. Este). Page i. An Idem semper agat Idem? Affr. The monotonous life of a Fellow. ' Conviva assiduus, lumbo venerandus ovino Pascitur, et totos credo vorasse greges.' By the Common-room fire ' tria sumuntur pocula, tresque tubi.' [In my copy this is assigned to 'Ja. Bramston 1717.' See however IVranghatri! s Zonch Ixvi, where abp. Markhani's name is mentioned. Page 14. The Masquerade (so also p. 71). ,, 15. Cobb, the fat Innkeeper. ,, 23. ' Tyro magis sapiens quo toga scissa magis.' 25, 137. Sign-boards. ,, 32. Bellringing. ,, 36. A Cantab borrows fine clothes (gamers, we called them at Winchester) and money to go home. Page 37. The Physick Garden. ,, 38. The Lownger. ,, 39. Perhaps the Beefsteak Club ' Eastcourto Praeside.' ,, 41. Statue of the Muses on the Clarendon, ,, 43. Ogilvfs Aeneid. ,, 44. Pinkethman, the comic actor. 51. Drawing lots on S. Valentines Day. 53- Falstafftf. Oxford. 60. Perhaps a Winchester Carrier, who carries no watch in his pocket. Page 66. Busby's monument. (See the Spectator, No. 329.) ,, 78. Panegyric on Ale. ,, 89, 90. Vesey, the beadle. ,, 91, 92, 142. Clusius. Probably 'Great Tom,' the Ch. Ch. bell. Page 93. A lady's Fan. 98. Tennis. ,, 102. Grinning through horse-collars, (cp. UJfcnbach Reiscn, iii. 159. Hughes, Scouring of the White Horse.) Page 104. The bewilderment of an old Bedmaker. in the Eighteenth Century. 311 Page no. The Oxford Almanac 1702. ,, 115. The Wooden Horse, a punishment for thieves and those who cried An Ormond. Page 115. Procter, a sorry horsedealef. ,, 117. Thames and Isis. ,, uS. Clofs Watch. 1 1 8. The punishment of Curll by the Westminster Scholars for publishing a surreptitious and incorrect edition of a Speech. Page 1 20. Blindman's Buff. 124. Different opinions on the discovery of a Roman pavement near Woodstock in 1712. Page 125, 126. The doctors Abel, Read, and Mrs Kirby. , , 130. Chloe's hoop-petticoat. ,, 131. Sanga's Christmas pies. ,, 136. Automata pictures. 139- Addison's Ovid. (Smalridge, 1718.) , , 1 50. Shotover. ,, 152, 155. The mysteries of Housewifery. ,, 157. Cocoa. ,, 1 60. Tythe-pig. , , 162. The horse who ' knelt for queen Ann* and stampt for the Turk.' Page 165. An ' Oxford Nightcap.' References are made to the Tatler, Spectator, Guardian ; to Prior, Garth's Dispensary, King's Miscellanies, ' Three Hours after Marriage,' 4 Tale of a Tub,' &c. &c. The list of Authors as noted in MS. in my copy is as follows (the numbers relating to the page on which a set of verses begins] : Adams 33. Alsop 33, 96, no, 158. Battely 41. Bold 53, 142. R. Booth 22, 86, 121, 121, 125, 145. Ja. Bramston i, 10, 14, 32, 36, 44, 130. Burton 14. Cade 7, 41, 127. Davis 23, 66, 87. B. Dowdeswell 129, 144. D wight 109. 312 University Society Este 21, 108, 132, 133, 165. J. FanshawSo, 113, 134. Forrester 22, 30, 54, 55, 69, 83, 126, 138, 142, 151. Foulkes 117. R. Freincl 88, 103. Geast ioOj 141, 147. H. Gregory 65, 101, 156, 164. T. Harrington 116. Haslam 26, 56, 58, 93, 96, 113. W. Jones 43, 72, 123, 124. Kemp 164. Kimberley 118. Knipe senr. 29, 38, 69, 99. Langford 97. Lee 16, 35, 42, 46, 95, 107, 128, 140, 145. Le Hunte 79. R. Manaton 5, 143. Manton 37. Newton 105. Palmer 61, 68. Prescott 129, 153. Russel 140. Sainsbury 66. Sealy 34. Sherman 56, 96. G. Smalriclge 91, 139, 142, 150. Edm. Smith 3, n, 33, 72, 78. Stanyan 3, 28, 29, 155. L. Stevens (or Stephens) 50, 74, 114, 130, 150. A. Stone 135, 163. W. Stratford 5, 116. Sutton 31, 60, 73, 89. T. Terry 2, 159. T. Thomas 23, 26, 27, 31, 64, 79, 93, 95, 115, 137, 146. Toilet 54. Ed. Trelawney 57, 69, 74, 84, 93, 94, 152, 155, 165. J. Wainwright 52, 79, 103. Warren 39. Welborn 4. G. Wigan senr. 9, 9, 39, 40, 52, 87, 106, 143, 148, 160, 160, 167. J. Wigan jun. 8, 57, 62, 91, 98, 104, 118, 152, 157, 162. in the Eighteenth Century. 313 In Vol. II. 1747 8, edited by A. Parsons, the lowing may be noticed : >^t^ j /TV** T ^ t UN J VET; Page 3. Fair Rosamond. >\ p 7. Oxford Meadows. ,, 21. The herb Margelina or Poor Man's Weather Glass. ,, 23. Chloe cutting figures in paper. 24. The Death of Dr Freind. 35. Fontaine. ,, 53. Gays Black Ey'd Susan. ,,56. Dr Hales. ,, 58. Carrier pigeon. ,, 66. An imitation of the last canto of the Rape of the Lock. ' The bells she jingled and the whistle blew,' &c. ,, 68. Heloise to Abaelard. ,, 69. The Seven Ages of Man. 73. Milton's Sabrina. ,, 109. Nautilus. 1 1 6. Rape of the Lock, v. , where ' all things lost are treasured .' 129. The Witches' broth, Macbeth. 137. Wolsey's Speech. Reference is made to Addismfs Travels, the Spectator, Dryden's Knight's Tale and ' All for Love/ The Pleasures of Imagination. Mil- ton and Othello. The authors noted in my copy are Bale 71. Ro. Bedingfield 14, 72, 86, 104. Bruce 13, 77, 81, 89, 90. Crackenode 144, 147, 148. C retch eley S. 54. Dowdeswell 52. Freind 53. Gilpin 40. Ld. Harley 13, 98, ior. Hay 25, 27, 33. Impey 7, n, 16, 85, 96, 97, 118, 121, 133, 134, 145. Jubb 35, 76. Kendal 123, 139. 314 University Society Keith 2, 4, 5, 9, 10, 32, 45, 46, 57, 60, 60, 61, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68. Lewis 59, 138. Abp. Markham i,'3,*6, 12, 28, 30, 31, 34, 43, 69, 79, 82, 83, 84, 88, 103, 129, 150. Murray 15, 17, 36, 100, 102, 107, 108, in, 117, 126, 127. Nash 26. Roberts 24. Sealy 137, 149. Sharp 27, 44, 70, 146. Skynner 93. Thomas 18, 19. Thornton 95, 106. Varnon 124. Wilcocks 8, 13, 73, 73, 74, 75, So, 90, 94, 101, 122, 125, 131, 141, 143. Lent verses were written also by Lowth, South, Johnson, Vincent Bourne, &c. At Cambridge 'Lent term (which for many years had been a time of great disorder by reason of divers undue Liberties taken by the younger Scholars, an Evil that had been much complained of; and all Exercise had either been neglected or performed in a trifling ludicrous manner) was made a regular term, and the Disputations were conducted with the same good Order as in the others, which effectually put a stop to all such Complaints for the future.' This was done by the influence of Dr Matthias Mawson^, mas- ter of Bene't, when Vice-chancellor in 1730, 1731. The Lent Disputations, and c standing in Quadra- gesima! or Determining [one or more questions in a strictly logical or syllogistic form] were common to 1 Masters' Hist, of C.C.C.C. p. 196, ed. 1753. in the Eighteenth Century. 315 i almost all ancient universities 1 . As a pendant to the accounts given above from the Cambridge Bedell's Books, it will be well to add one or two notices re- lating to Oxford. It is stated in (Walker's) Oxoniana, 1. 61, that 'Dr Fell, when Vice-chancellor, (1646, 1647,) reformed several abuses in the schools, and " because coursing m the time vtLent, that is, the endeavours of one party to run down and confute another in disputation, did commonly end in blows, and domestic quarrels (the refuge of the vanquished side), he did, by his authority, annul that custom. Dr Fell, that he might, as much as possible, support the exercises of the University, did frequent examinations for degrees, hold the examiners up to it, and if they would, or could not do their duty, he would do it himself to the pulling down of many. He did also, sometimes, repair to the Ordinaries [see above, p. 208], commonly called Wall Lectures (from the paucity of auditors), and was frequently present at those exercises called disputations in Austins, when he would make the disputants begin precisely at one, and continue disputing till three of the clock in the afternoon ; so that upon his appearance more auditors were then present than since have usually appeared at those exercises 2 .'" In his Diary, however, A. Wood thus comments on the conduct of dean Fell : 1 1683, Feb. 17. Egg Saturday, but one bachelor of Mag. hall presented ad determinandum, whereas since the king's return they were never without 6 or 8 or 1 Peacock, On the Statutes, App. A. xiv. n. 1841. 2 Athena Oxon. II. 796, ap. Oxoniana, I. 62. 31 6 University Society 12, and Exeter coll. not one, who used to have com- monly 12. About 20 matriculated before Egg Satur- day for Lent term. '120 Bachelors determine, whereas there never used to be under 200. Lent disputations decay, the bache- lors don't dispute, or will not, unless the superiors (boyish regents) are present ; some senior masters go to hear disputations, particularly Mr Huntingdon, after his long absence, but they will not dispute, and stand silent, while their abetters sneer and grin ; this we got by having coursing put down by Dr Fell/ His autobiography in earlier years shews that his reckon- ing was exaggerated. Thus : ' 1678, Mar. 23. Saturday the junior proctor made his speech; 180 bachelors this last Lent, and all things carried on well, but no coursing, which is very bad. Quaere the reason?' f i 68 1, Feb. 10. One hundred and ninety- two ba- chelors to determine this Lent, but 23, or thereabouts, were not presented on Egg Saturday, their time for determining short, that is to say, every bachelor was to determine twice between the 17 Feb. to 7 March, because the king was to come soon after, and the Par- liament to sit on 2 ist March. ' Note, that the Divinity school hath been seldom used, since altered and changed (but before 'twas a pig market), but now this Lent, because the Geome- try, Astronomy, and Greek schools were fitting for the house of lords, and twice every day, or three at least, were appointed to determine there.' The obsolete exercise of ' doing Austin's' is said to in the Eighteenth Century. 317 have derived its name from the custom of scholars disputing with the Augustine monks*, who had ac- quired a great reputation for exercises of this kind. They are termed in the old Oxford Statutes, Dispu- tationes in Augustinensibus. The Proctor chose his collector in Austins, who had the power of matching disputants together at his own discretion 2 . In 1655, Edward Wood, fellow of Merton, when junior proctor, chose his brother Anthony as his col- lector in Austin's, ' which office he kept till he was ad- mitted Master of Arts ' nine months later, his brother having died in the first month of his proctorate. In 1679 Wood exclaimed, 'Is it not a shame that it should be accounted unusual for scholars to go to Augustin's disputations, and that the masters of the schools speak English to them? '../This Lent the col- lectors ceased from entertaining the bachelors by ad- vice and command of the proctors. Van der Hwyden of Oriel was then a collector ; so that now they got by their collectorships, whereas before they spent about ioo/. besides their gains, on cloaths or needless entertainments.' In 1658 he had noticed the death of Will. George, B.A., student of Ch. Ch., who had been accounted 'a noted sophister and remarkable courser in the time of Lent in the publick schooles. He was poore, and therefore ready to make the exercise of dul or lazy 1 Oxonlana, I. 45. 2 See Amherst, Terra Films, No. XLII, quoted in the next Part of this Essay. o 1 8 University Society scholars. He look'd elderly, and was cynical and hersute in his behaviour.' The Wall Lectures were so called, as being delivered to the bare walls. Uffenbach 1 , from hearsay, de- scribes the same thing at Cambridge in 1710. ' Nur den Winter drey oder vier Lectiones von den Professo- ribus gchalten werden, die sie vor die Wdnde thitn, dann es kommt niemand hinein? The ceremony of circuiting was prescribed by the Oxford Statutes (ix. v. i). It consisted in the in- tended graduate following bareheaded his Presenter and the Bedells to the lodgings of the Vice-chancellor, and of each of the Proctors, to sue for their attend- ance at a Congregation for his Degree next day. On April 4, 1722, Erasmus Philipps, ' Fellow-Com- moner' of Pembroke, Oxon., ' went a circuiting w th Mr Collins of our College. This is an Exercise previous to a Master's Degree.' (N. and Q. 2nd S. X. 444.) This custom however is not mentioned in ' Considera- tion on the Public Exercises, &c., Oxford, 1773.' It has been already explained (p. 283) that the Act at Oxford (on the first Tuesday in July) was properly only a solemn season for the conclusion of academical exercises and for full admission to degrees. COMMEMORATION (which fell nearly at the same time of the year and which now lends its name to the ceremory for conferring honorary degrees, the recitation of prize compositions in the Sheldonian 1 Rdsen, III. 2. 1754. m the Eighteenth Century. 319 Theatre, and the display of gaiety and hospitality which of old accompanied the public Act) is, strictly speaking, the Encaenia, or Celebration of Founders and Benefactors, now held in June, in the Theatre (which was opened formally July 9, 1669). In the Gentleman's Magazine, for 1750, is a description of Oxford Commemoration in that year. 'Monday, July 2. The Doctors &c. were entertained at lord Crewe's expence in New College hall. At 4 o'clock there was a procession to the theatre. Music was per- formed. The orator stood in the rostrum which had been moved into the centre of the area. Letters from the Chancellor were read, and an honorary degree conferred on the rt. hon. earl of Plymouth. The orator s speech lasted above an hour. An ode set by professor Hays (William Hayes who was succeeded by Philip Hayes in 1777). The theatre was quite full, a very handsome appearance of ladies ; and the whole was conducted with great decorum.' In Gent. Mag. xxxill. is an account of the Oxford Encaenia in 1763 ; and in vol. XLIII. that of 1773 is described as ' the grandest that ever was.' It is interesting to us, who witnessed the visit of Alexander, Archbishop of Syros, Tenos, and Melos, in the spring of 1870, to know that in 1701 while Bentley was Vice-chancellor, 'a Greek Prelate, Neo- phytos, Archbishop of Philippopolis [Exarch of all Thrace and Drovogia], visiting England at the time, came to Cambridge and was presented to a degree of Doctor in Divinity by the University. On this occasion the Vice-chancellor, with great good-nature 32O University Society and propriety, directed that he should be presented by the Greek Professor, Joshua Barnes ; who was thus gratified with the opportunity of delivering a Greek oration, a copy of which is still preserved 1 .' It seems that the archbishop replied, as Mr Cooper (Aunats, IV. 46, n. 3) refers to a speech made by him on that occasion. As the title of the oration is not printed quite correctly in the notes to that valuable collection, I quote it from a copy which is bound up in a volume of tracts in St John's College library, Cambridge [Ee. 12. 10.], "\6yos TOV lepcordrou ical Neo^urou fJLr]Tpoiro\iTov rrjs 77/009 dfcabrj/jLiav T^? Kavra/3pi,yia$, ty f 'Qr et? TTJV TCL^IV TtoV efcei iepoS&acncakwv T?;Tri\dpiov rr]s TrepupTj/uiOv ravrr/s ' Kavrafipiyias. 'fij ydp ai 2d\7riyyes xpwvrai rrvev^ari e/c r&v kvros- 6Lwv tl*cpxoft&q>' ourw Kal r} v/Afrepa v^rj\l)rri^, w iepoi 5tSaT7j/)ta TWV avdputruv. But I have not words to enumerate the excellences of the Chancellor the V.C., D.D's, and all the rest. And who can sufficiently praise the harmony, proportions, and elegance of the Colleges, especially the most noble and beautiful college of Trinity? (rb T^J inrepova-iov T/atciSos irepi- Ka\\iXi7r7rov7roXews Neo- <}>VTOS. Mr George Williams remarks \The' Orthodox and the Nonjurors, XXIII.) that the original Oration de- livered by the Archbishop of Philippopolis before the Chancellor and Senate of our university, Sept. 13, 1701, is preserved in the British Museum (Brit. Mus. Addit. MSS. 22, 911, ff. 4 7) among the papers of Dr John Covel, master of Christ's, who had been chaplain to the embassy in Constantinople from 1670 77, and to whom Archbishop Tenison gave Neo- phytus an introduction (The Orthodox and Nonjurors, LIX.). L. B. E. 21 322 University Society Mr Williams adds that he has not been able to find the name of the Greek archbishop among the Graduati Cantabrigienses ; yet that it is certain he was decorated with the same distinction at Cam- bridge as at Oxford. I am enabled by the kindness of the Reverend H. R. Luard, the Registrary of the University, to confirm this statement. There is in- deed no entry in the Orator's Book between the years 1700 and 1706; the grace for the degree was never entered in the book, nor is the original grace itself to be found ; none of the Greeks signed their names in the book of the subscriptions to the Three Articles ; but there is a transcript in the grace book of the following grace which clearly proves that the degrees were conferred, though the unusual circum- stances of the inauguration, happening as it did in vacation-time, may have led to the omission of some of the ordinary formalities. ' Lect: et Concess: Sep tbris 13""] Placeat vobis, ut Archiepiscopus Philippopolitanus una cum quatuor ex ejus comitatu habeant literas testimoniales gra- duu;;z suoru;;z apud nos susceptorum Academiae sigillo signatas.' The archbishop's previous visit to Oxford is thus described by E, Thwaites, fellow of Queen's and Greek Professor at Oxford, in a letter to Dr Charlett, master of University. [Walker's] Oxoniana, iii. 146 -I48 1 . * Sept. 2, 1701. Rev. Sir, Yesterday at three 1 The Rev. G. Williams B. D. gives a reference to the original 'Ballard MSS. in the Bodleian, Vol. xui. art 22.' and adds that the in the Eighteenth Century. 323 o'clock the Archbishop of Philippoli (sic) was created Doctor of Divinity, in the Convocation House, his physician made D. Med., and his presbyters and deacon 1 Masters of Arts ; 'twas a mighty show, and the solemnity was very decent. After their admis- sion, his grace made us a very excellent speech, all in plain, proper Hellenistic Greek, and continued speaking nearly half an hour ; all with great respect to the house, great gravity, great boldness, and a very manly voice. If you have not seen him, I hope you will in London : he is a man of admirable air, and makes a graceful appearance. ' He commended the English nation for hospitality, the Church of England, the University, the Chancel- lor's [duke of Ormond's] civility to him, the Vice- chancellor's [Dr Roger Mander of Balliol's] kindness; &c., in very round periods. * After that we went to the theatre, had a Latin song or two, which made about half-an-hour's music, and the company dispersed. The concourse was so great, I have not seen it greater, except at the Act. ' The forms of presentation had nothing singular in them, except the last by the Orator \Will. Wyatt, student of Christchurch, principal of S. Mary Hall], we had one of his rants. Praesento Vobis hunc egre- gium Virum, A thanasium, diaconum, nomine suo apud omnes orthodoxos venerandum, tit gradu Magistri in letter is given in extenso in the Union Review, Vol. u. p. 650. London, 1863. 'Athanasius, Archdeacon; Neophitus, Archimandrite; and Gre- gorius, Protosyncellus.' 212 324 University Society Artibus insignitus tandem fidem acrius, quam ipsi Episcopi, tueatur: they are the words as I remember. ' I am very sorry you were not here at the reception and entertainment of this great man for reasons I cannot tell you in writing. 'Indeed Dr Woodroof has exerted himself and shewn us that he does understand Greek.' ' Benjamin Woodroffe, canon of Ch. Ch., who was Principal (16921712) of Gloucester Hall (which in 1714 became Worcester College), had the charge of the five youths from Smyrna placed in that hall about 1694. Mr George Williams (formerly senior fellow of King's Coll. Camb.) has shewn in his Orthodox Church of the East in the eighteenth century, pp. xix. xx. (Rivington's, 1868), that this colony of Greek students in Oxford was formed at the sug- gestion of Joseph Georgirenes, metropolitan of Samos (then a refugee in London), who, about 1682, or 1683, petitioned archbishop Bancroft to further his scheme for the education in England of twelve Greeks, with a view to their returning to preach in their own country 'the true doctrine of the Church of England/ It will perhaps be remembered that in 1616 Me- trophanes Critopulus (afterwards patriarch of Alex- andria) was sent by Cyril Lucas, patriarch of Con- stantinople, to be educated at Balliol. Accordingly about the year 1689 a 'Greek College' was founded in Gloucester Hall for the education of twenty youths of the Greek communion in five years' residence. They were to be all alike habited in the gravest in the Eighteenth Centttry. 325 sort of habit worn in their own country, and to wear no other either in the University or anywhere else 1 . They were not to go out of the college without special leave, or without a companion, and were to have no vacations. Three of them were unfortu- nately enticed away to the continent by agents of the Roman Church ; among other adventures they were kept at Louvain for five months by order of the pope. Two of them escaped back to England, and were sent home to Smyrna by Mr. E. Stephens, a loyal phil-hellen. But that gentleman received in 1705 a letter from the Registrar of the Greek Church at Constantinople, stating that ' the irregular life of certain priests and lay-men of the Eastern Church, living in London, is a matter of great concern to the Church. Wherefore the Church forbids any to go and study at Oxford, be they never so willing 2 ." In 1768 the king of Denmark, having received an honorary degree at Oxford, paid Cambridge a visit in the month of August, and was made to tremble by the portrait of Oliver Cromwell at Sidney 3 . On the i6th of October, 1775, 'the Prince of Hesse and the Danish ambassador arrived in Cambridge and, after viewing the public buildings, proceeded to Newmarket races 4 .' In April 1797 'the Prince and Princess of Orange 1 Mr Moore's Historical Hand-book and Guide to Oxford, p. 21. Shrimptons, 1871. 2 Mr G. Williams, The Orthodox and the Nonj 'urors, xxm xxv. 8 Cooper's Annals, IV. 352. 4 Ibid. 378. 326 University Society visited Cambridge, and attended the University Ser- mon on Sunday 1 / It has been already mentioned incidentally (supra, p. 237), that king George III. visited Oxford in 1786). Of this occasion we have a most lively record in the Diary and Letters of Madame UArblay (ill. 76 107), who, then known as Miss Burney, the au- thoress (in 1778, 1782) of Evelina and Cecilia, was spending her life as a keeper of the robes to queen Charlotte. It was unfortunately in the vaca- tion time, in August, not many days after the attempt made by the maniac Margaret Nicholson upon the life of the king; and the severe etiquette of the court would not permit Miss Burney to enjoy at her ease haunts so congenial to her nature. She describes the reception in the Sheldonian theatre, the queen and princesses shedding tears at the men- tion in the address of the good king's escape. ' Next followed music : a good organ, very well played, anthem-ed and voluntary-ed us for some time' (ill. p. 97). The scenes in Oxford on this oc- casion must have been very strange : the younger men were not in residence, and the University was represented by old and grave men, most of whom were very shy and unaccustomed to the ceremonies of the court. She describes humorously the awk- ward attempts made by the ' worthy collegiates ' to kiss the king's hand: 'many in their confusion fairly arose by pulling his majesty's hand to raise them ' (ibid. 98). A strange contrast with the 1 Cooper's Annals, iv. 458. in the Eighteenth Century. 327 graceful retrograde march which, in spite of a sprain- ed ancle and a cumbrous train, lady Charlotte Bertie made before the king, no doubt to the admiration of doctors and masters no less than of Miss Burney herself. However it is not surprising that she, who from her childhood had watched Dr Johnson, 'the greater Bear/ swallowing cup after cup of bohea, should have taken goodnaturedly such compliments, as were awkwardly proffered her. And though she had to endure tedious hours of standing and fasting, and then was forced to hide suddenly the smuggled apricots and bread when the queen came unexpectedly upon her retreat in the master's parlour at Wolsey's college (Magdalen, where Dr Home was president) : yet she felt well repaid with a sight of her father's and her own friend Sir Joshua Reynolds' window in New College ante-chapel. And even when she might not sit down in the royal presence, nothing prevented her from pulling down book after book while she was waiting in Trinity College library. Doubtless too she entered into the humour of the situation when in attendance on the royal party feasting in Christchurch hall, the dons slily provided the back row of maids of honour and equerries 'with tea, coffee, chocolate, cakes, and bread and butter,' while some took it in turns to stand demurely as a screen between the royal ban- quetters and those in waiting who were engaged in a humbler way at the same employment. The question of the admission of ladies to the studies of the English universities was not (as far 328 / - University Society as I am aware) moved in the eighteenth century. There are however instances recorded of their ad- mission in the infancy, and also in the riper years, of the great rival of the University of Paris. 'One of the most singular points in the history of the University of Bologna' (writes Professor Henry Maiden, in his Essay on the Origin of Univer- sities, 1835, pp. 63, 64) 'is the admission of the female sex to its honours and offices. There is mention in early times of learned women on whom degrees were conferred. It is said that Novella d' Andrea [died in 1366] read lectures on jurisprudence, but took the precaution of drawing a curtain between herself and her auditors. Mrs Piozzi mentions la Dotteressa Laura Bassi [171 i,f 1778], who taught mathematics and natural philosophy ; and Lady Morgan has intro- duced us to Signora Clotilda Tambroni [i758,fi8i7], a learned professor of Greek. But the boldest inroad into the scientific province of the ruder sex was made by Madonna Manzolina, who lectured on anatomy.' The following story is told by Ovid's friend and Augustus' freedman Hyginus (no very good authority indeed, fab. 274, ' Of Inventions' 1 ). There was a law at Athens that no woman should practise midwifery. But a certain lady named Agnodice, perceiving the inconvenience of the present custom, cut off her hair, and, disguising herself as a man, went to the lectures of Hierophilus, and subsequently attended ladies. The faculty, getting wind of this, trumped up an accusation against her in Areopagus, and when Agno- dice had cleared herself of the scandal, they alleged' in the Eighteenth Century. 329 the then existing law against obstetrices. But the court was so much moved by a deputation of Athe- nian matrons, that they not only acquitted Agnodice, but made it lawful for ladies (ingenuae) to study medicine. There had been a great falling-off in the literary culture of English gentlewomen 1 from the days of Roger Ascham and queen Elizabeth and the time of the Revolution ; just as Cornelia mother of the Gracchi had been succeeded by the matrons of Cicero's time, most of whom were ignorant, or else, like Sempronia wife of Decimus Junius Brutus, had but this one excellence of those which ennobled Cornelia, and so, though a few Roman wives might still have a taste for literature, the children of 'Rome- were allowed to' grow up without knowing even the laws of the Twelve Tables, which had in Cicero's own childhood 2 been as regular a lesson as the Church catechism with ourselves. Then, just as under the empire the past literature of Rome was a sealed book to Horace and to those who heard or read- his poems, so too Addison found Chaucer forgotten 1 and already almost unintelligible 3 . The study of the works of former years and generations received an impetus in the Roman empire 1 Strype's Life of Parker, b. ii. ch. xxv. 2 ' Discebamus enim pueri xn, ut carmen necessarium : quas iam nemo diseit.' Cicero, de Legibus, II. xxiil. 59. 'Till Chaucer first a merry bard arose, And many a story told in rhyme and prose: ' But age has rusted what the poet writ, Worn out his language arid obscur'd his wit. 33 University Society from the imitative character of the composition of the Flavian period : and such studies were fostered no doubt by the first imperial rhetoric professorships which were founded by Vespasian 1 . A generation later we find Juvenal 2 complaining of learned ladies. But in England the revival of literary taste was not immediately due to any educational establish- ment : we are indebted for our acquaintance with the works of Shakespeare (which had been ill edited and then well-nigh forgotten) to the admiration express- ed by Steele in the Tatler*\ while Milton's poems would hardly have been so well known as they have been, were it not for the criticisms published by Addison in the Spectator*. One of the chief evils of society which the es- sayists strove to remedy was the low intellectual and moral tone of persons of fashion and especially of ladies. 'If fathers and brothers' (says Steele) 'will defend a lady's honour she is quite as safe as in her own innocence. Many of the distressed who suffer under the malice of evil tongues are so harmless that In vain he jests in his unpolished strain And tries to make his readers laugh in vain.' Addison's Account of the greatest English Poets to Mr II. Sache- verell, April 3, 1694. (Written when 22 years of age.) Compare the commentators on Horace, Epist. n. i. 86. 1 Suetonius, Vesp. 18. Merivale's History of the Romans ^lndcr the Empire, ch. LXIV. 2 Juvenal, VI. 434456. 3 Tatler, Nos. 8, 41, 68, 90, in. * Spec tat or t 267 to $6$ passim. in the Eighteenth Century. 331- they are every day they live asleep till twelve at noon ; concern themselves with nothing but their own persons till two ; take their necessary food between that time and four, visit, go to the play, and sit up at cards till towards the ensuing morn.' What won- der they grew up to be thoughtless mothers 1 ; or that such mothers found their children wilful. What more graphic pictures can there be of the viciousness of abused society than in Sheridan's School for Scandal, and in the select lounge in the dressing-room of the countess in Hogarth's Marriage a la mode*. The account of a gentlewoman's daily occupations quoted above from Steele is hardly in excess of that given in Swift's specimens of modern polite conver- sation, or even of the evidence of Vanbrugh's Sir John Brute, when in his wife's clothes he 'scanda- lizes the women of quality/ At the commencement of the century few Englishwomen were known for their mental accomplishments except Pope's rival lady Mary Wortley Montagu. But the good heart of Steele led him (with the help of Addison and John Hughes) to make great efforts for the increase of the number. The papers in the Spectator* re- lating to books for ladies' reading, are familiar to us. Steele, who in the 248th number of the Tatler, in 1710, had promised some such undertaking, edited 1 Spectator, 146. * Pope's Rape of the Lock, I. At every word a reputation dies; Snuff and the fan supply the pause of chat, With singing laughing ogling and all that. * Nos. 37, 92, 140, 163, cf. Tatler^ No. 348. . . 33 2 University Society in 1714 The Ladys Library in three volumes oc- tavo 1 ; a book which breathes, no less than his Chris- tian Hero, that spirit of purity and religion with which he often sighed. Their efforts were not alto- gether vain. 'My fair readers' (writes Addison in the Spectator, No. 92) 'are already better scholars than the beaux. I could name some of them who talk much better than several gentlemen that make a figure at Will's ; and, as I frequently receive letters from the fine ladies and pretty fellows, I cannot but observe that the former are superior to the others, not only in the sense, but in the spelling.' The picture drawn, in No. 37, of a literary lady's library is very suggestive. And as the century advanced, we find a small coterie of gentlewomen gathering round Dr Johnson, while another party rallied round the knight of the Blue Stocking, Mr Benjamin Stil- lingfleet 2 (1702 1771), the grandson of the bishop of Worcester. The following list of literary ladies might be greatly increased. Eliz. Carter (1717 1806), Eliz. Montagu (1720 1800), Hester Lynch Piozzi (1739 1821), Sarah Trimmer (1741 1810), Lady Eleanor Fenn (17431813), Anna Laetitia Barbauld (17431825), Hannah More (1745 1833), Frances Burney (1752 1840), Joanna Baillie (1762 1851), Maria Edgworth (1764 1849), Amelia Opie (17691853), Jane Austen (17751817). 1 ' The Lady's Library, written by a Lady. Published by Mr Steeled Tonson, 1714, 3 vols. 8vo. in Cambridge University Library '30. 6. 8890.' 2 Boswell's Life of Johnson^ s. a. 1781. in the Eighteenth Century. 333 It was hardly to be expected that institutions which were governed by a law of celibacy like the universities, should fall much under the consideration of intellectual ladies. There was however at least one who must not be forgotten, Ann Jebb, the wife of an important mover in the Cambridge world, John Jebb, (who was son of Dr John Jebb, dean of Cashel, born in 1736, and after spending some time at eight places of education, including Shrewsbury and Dublin University, was admitted pensioner of Peter- house, Nov. 9, 1754 [where his uncle Samuel Jebb, M.D. the non-juror, had been sizar, B.A. 1712, died 1772], second wrangler in 1757, Professor Waring being senior, second members' prizeman in 1758, being beaten by W. Roberts [afterwards Provost of Eton]. He was confirmed fellow of Peterhouse in 1761, after the regular year of proba- tion. In 1762 he was ordained deacon by the bishop of Lincoln, and priest fifteen months later, on which occasion he preached the ordination sermon. As moderator in 1762 3, when Paley was senior wrangler, and as taxor in the two following years, he was colleague of Ri. Watson who speaks of him as in 1774 'a very honest and intelligent but unpopular man 1 ,'' but a friend of whom he was himself proud 2 . Jebb was again moderator in 1763; 4 with Fairclough, and in 1767 8, when Watson was once more associated with him, as well as in the two following years. After commencing the study of Hebrew in 1764, he was collated to the vicarage of Gamlingay, co. Beds., on the recom- mendation of Dr Edm. Law, master of his college; in less than four months he was instituted to the University living of Ovington, co. Norfolk.) On the 29th of December, 1764, just a fortnight after he had been instituted to the rectory of Oving- ton, he married Ann Torkington, eldest daughter of the rector of Little Stukely, co. Huntingdon, and of lady Dorothy Sherard. One of her brothers succeeded their father as rector of Stukely. The other was master of Clare Hall. 1 Anecdotes of the life of Ri. Watson, bp. of Llandaff, 1818, i. 48. 2 Ibid. i. 10 1. 334 University Society After an attempt to reside near Gamlingay, he gave up that vicarage and returned to Cambridge; where he entered on the curacy of S. Andrew's parish, and the lectureship which Henry Hubbard [B.D. Emmanuel, univ. Registrary 1758 1778: see notes on 'a. Fragment* 1 relating to the disorders in 1750 mentioned above, p. 66, where he figures as Harry\ had held 'near twenty years. ' In 1768 and 1770 he was an unsuccessful candidate for the Arabic Professorship, having studied that language for four or five years. In the spring of 1769 he declared himself an opposer of the tory party in the university by voting in a minority of two, with Michael Tyson of Bene't (Corpus Christi, B.A. 1764) College, against the loyal address to King George III. on March 17. Within a few months John Jebb was presented to the vicarage of Flixton and the united rectories of Homersfield and St Cross, co. Suffolk, and was nominated chaplain to Ro. , earl of Harborough. A year later he resigned the university living of Ovington. It appears that in 1771 Jebb took considerable interest in the case of Robert Tyrwhitt of Jesus (grandson of bishop Gibson 1 ), who had proposed to argue questions on the Socinian side in the theo- logical schools, but had changed his theses at the instance of Professor Rutherforth. Later in the same year Jebb joined with Tyrwhitt and others in attempting to remove the rule requiring persons to subscribe the xxxix. Articles on their admission to the degree of B.A. This grace was rejected by the caput; as had been another, for removing subscription to the Three Articles of King James, which Tyrwhitt had proposed in the summer. The following anecdote gives us a glimpse of the discussions on this subject at the time. 'There was a society established at Cambridge, in the year 1757, by the Wranglers when Dr Waring was senior and Mr Jebb second, called The Hyson Club [see above, p. 158, where 1758 is the date given]. The members were accustomed to meet for the purpose of drinking tea and holding rational conversation. Several of the highest characters in the university were already enrolled amongst its members, when Doctor, then Mr Paley [B.A. 1763] became an associate, soon after his establish- ment [1771] in the tuition of Christ's College. No particular subjects of discussion were proposed at their meetings; but accident, or the taste of the individuals, naturally led to topics in which literary men might fairly unbend themselves from severer pursuits. In a debate, one evening, on the justice and expediency of making some alteration in the ecclesiastical constitution of the country, for the relief of tender con- 1 Dyer's Life of R. Robinson, p. 317. in the Eighteenth Century. 335 sciences, Doctor Gordon 1 , fellow of Emmanuel College, and afterwards precentor of Lincoln [B.A. 1748], an avowed tory in religious politics, when vehemently opposing the arguments of Mr Jebb, a strenuous sup- porter of all such improvements, exclaimed, with his usual heat, "You mean, Sir, to impose upon us a new church government." "You are mistaken, Sir," said Mr Paley; "Jebb only wants to ride his own horse, not to force you to get up behind him. 2 " ' But Jebb was not content with private discussion. He attended the general meetings of 'numbers of the clergy who called themselves of the established church, Archdeacon Blackburn at the head of them 3 ,' in the Feathers' Tavern in London (July 17, 1771, &c.) and was a member of the committee which prepared a petition (Dec. n) to the House of Commons. Meanwhile he was writing letters in the Whitehall Evening Post under the signature of Paulinns, while Dr Sam. Hallifax, of Jesus [B.A. 1754, afterwards Bp. of Gloster], was preaching and publishing three sermons on the other side, and being answered by Sam. Blackall, fellow of Emmanuel [B.A. 1760], The petition was presented Feb. 6, 1772, by Sir W. Meredith, seconded by Tho. Pitt (lord Camelford). The motion that the Speaker leave the chair to resolve the Commons into a Committee of the whole House was lost by 1 59 against 67. Dr Will. Sam. Powell, Master of St John's, had just before th's printed the fourth edition of his Commencement Sermon which he had preached in 1757 in defence of subscription. 'A most impudent letter addressed to him 4 ' appeared under the signature of ' Camillus' 1 in the London Chronicle, of Jan. 22, 1772. 'It was probably forged at Mr Jebb's anvil : though he even condescends to be an advocate for the Methodists, rather than not find matter of abuse : for I suppose Mr H. means Mr Hill, then a young Scholar of St John's College ; who while he was Undergraduate and not in orders, went preaching about in Cambridge, and the neighbouring villages, and particularly in a barn at Waterbeche where was a numerous seminary of the disciples of Mr Berridge of Clare Hall, called from him Berridges, and who to this day send out preachers, gardeners, collar-makers, shop-keepers, &c. into 1 Author of a New Estimate of Manners and Principles. See Mayor's History of St John's, 711, 1. 18, 1022, 1. 23. In the index to Mr Mayor's book Gordon's Christian name is misprinted Jas. , for John. 3 Faceti74. 2 Jebb's Works, ii. 314. in the Eighteenth Century. 337 librarian (who had been proposed for nomination at the previous election of Vice-Chancellor, though not 'head .of a college') and 'the Emmanuel men 1 ' including Dr Ri. Farmer. It is said by Disney 'from good authority 2 ' that it was even proposed by this party to strike a medal with the inscription ' Academia liberata, Apr. 19, 1774-' In August, 1773, Jebb had confided to his friends that he was about. to resign his preferment in the Church of England. For a time he ceased to read the prayers, though he preached occasionally. At the visitation in his church at Flixton, Jebb preached against ' subscription' (his university sermon of the preceding March), for which archdeacon Goodall of Suffolk 'although a Wollastonian' rebuked him before the clergy at the public house where they met. In the following spring Theophilus Lindsey confided to him his own intention of secession and of ' his earnest wishes of meeting with a society of Unitarian Christians.' Jebb shewed great interest in this proposal, and, when afterwards he resided in London, was a constant attendant at the chapel in Essex-street. In June, 1774, he finally left Bungay, and, after spending two months with his father at Egham, saw his propositions for the annual examina- tion passed the caput but thrown out in the senate by one vote in the black-hood, or non-regent, house. A few days earlier ' A letter to the author of the plan for the establishment of public examinations' had appeared; and in the following month (November) ' An observation on. the design of establishing anmial examinations^ [by Dr Powell, J774]- To these 'Priscilla' [Mrs Ann Jebb] rejoined in l A letter to the atithor of an observation? In March, 1775, Jebb in deference to advice abandoned his intention of immediately prosecuting his examination scheme by moving an appli- cation to the Chancellor, and turned his attention to the American slave question. In September the vacancy of Homersfield rectory and Flixton vicarage by his resignation was declared. In November he published ' A Short Statement of the Reasons for his late Resignation, To which are added Occasional Observations, and a Letter to the Right Rev. the Bishop of Norwich. ' 1775. He still remained at Cambridge and declared his intention of pre- senting on Feb. 21, 1776, a grace for annual examination. The Vice- Chancellor informed him that he had forfeited his vote according to the statute of 1603, ' De oppugnatoribus ecclesiae anglicanae? He was however suffered to present the grace : to which inconsistency he called public attention. The votes on which he had counted dwindled away, 1 Disney's Jebb, 62. 2 Ibid. p. 71. L. B. E. 22 33 8 University Society and the measure was again lost. He was attacked in a pamphlet ' Resignation no Proof, a Letter to Mr Jebb, with occasional Remarks on his Spirit of Protestantism.'' The second issue bore the name of the rev. E. 7"ezv, M.A. late fellow of King's. On the other hand his sincerity was applauded in 'A letter to the rev. John Jebb, M.A. occasioned by his Short View.' Being unable to get a livelihood in Cambridge by his lectures in mathematics and natural philosophy, he took sir Ri. Jebb's advice and attended Dr Colignon's anatomical lectures with a view to following the example of his uncle Samuel Jebb (sometime secretary of Jer. Collier) who, having been educated at Peterhouse, had as a non-juror resigned his clerical functions to practise medicine. In Sept. 1776, John Jebb settled in Craven street, London, giving greek testament lectures while he went through two years probation (which was technically unnecessary after his university degree) before he began to practise medicine, attending the lectures of Hunter and others. March 18, 1777, he received his diploma as doctor of physic from S. Andrew's university, and was admitted licentiate of the coll. of physicians, June 25. In the same year Dr Priestley dedicated to him his * Doctrine of Philosophical Necessity. ' Feb. 5, 1778, Dr Jebb began to practise, and was admitted F.R.S. a year later. In his attention to professional duties he several times caught serious illnesses which did not dissuade him from his practice, though in Nov. 1780 he admitted himself of Lincoln's inn with the thought, which he soon abandoned, of taking up the legal profession. In Feb. 1/80 he proposed Fox as candidate for Westminster, and was a staunch supporter of that politician till his coalition with lord North in 1783. In 1780 he contributed notes to Priestley's 'Harmony of the evangelists in English? He died March 2, 1786, and was buried in Bunhill-fields. In that place, which was opened under act of parliament to the public for purposes of peaceful recreation on Thursday, Oct. 14, 1869, lie also John Bunyan, I. Watts, Sam. Neal, Susannah mother of the Wesleys, Dan. Defoe, Will. Blake, J. Dunton, Jos. Ritson and others. While John Jebb had been engaged in the contro- versial strife at Cambridge, his wife had accompanied him to the battle on more than one occasion. While he was attacking ' subscription/ ' this lady, under the assumed title of Priscilla, assailed the most formi- in the Eighteenth Century. 339 dable of her husband's opponents, answering their arguments, detecting their weak points, and rebuking their invectives, with great acuteness, poignancy, and effect 1 .' Again in 1772, 'in the stormy controversy which ensued ' on his proposal for an annual public exami- nation which should include every order of student, ' Mrs Jebb again took an active part, following her spouse to the contest like another Gildippe sempre affissa al caro fianco. After scattering a few missiles in the Whitehall Post, she published a letter to the author of "An Observation on the Design of establish- ing annual Examinations at Cambridge," generally ascribed to Dr Powell ; and it must be confessed, that the objections of the observer and his adherents were repelled with sufficient spirit and acutenessV Dr Disney in his life of Jebb, though he does not choose to enlighten the reader on the identity of Priscilla and Mrs Jebb, seems to hint that it was generally *known : ' it will be sufficient for me to say, that it (A letter to the author of an Observation, whom he identifies with Dr Powell) was written by a lady.... The notification of her victory may probably be more readily admitted upon the judgment of others than upon my own, and the citation of their testimony will acquit me of the imputation of a com- pliment 3 .' 1 Discourse of Win. Sam. Powell, D.D. prefixed to the rev. Tho. Smart Hughes' Divines of the Church of England, no. 21, p. xii., ap. Mayor's Baker's Hist, of St John's, p. 1057, 1. 27. 2 Ibid. p. xvii. ap. Baker-Mayor, 1058, 1. 36. 3 Disney's Jebb, I. 81, 82. 222 340 University Society The following is an extract from the account of Mrs Jebb printed by Dyer, who mentions also that Meadley, the biographer of Paley, published a short sketch of her life. ' Mrs Jebb was not content with being a silent observer ; she became the active opponent of Dr Powel, the master of St John's College, who con- ducted the other side of the controversy on annual examinations, and who felt as sensibly the point of Mrs Jebb's pen, in the public prints, as he did those of the learned Doctor's. It was in reference to the force of argument contained in a smart Letter, written by Mrs Jebb, against Dr Randolph of Oxford, ["The Reasonableness of Subscription to the Articles of Religion, from Persons to be admitted to Holy Orders, or a Cure of Souls, vindicated in a Charge delivered to the Clergy in the Diocese of Oxford in Dec. 1771."] under the signature of " Priscilla," that the late Dr Paley said at the time, [in his Defence of Bishop Law'j Considerations^ "The Lord had sold Sisera into the hands of a woman 1 ." 1 When Dr Jebb (having embraced some specula- tive opinions, which he thought made it necessary for him to resign his preferment and to leave the church) settled in London, he became a physician, and a strenuous political reformer. No name is better known among the advocates of parliamentary reform than that of Dr Jebb ; and the active energy of Mrs Jebb is also well known : being an invalid, she 1 Meadley's Life of Paley, eel. 1810, 97, 98. Disney's Jebb, I. 82 n. in the Eighteenth Century. 341 lived a retired life ; but her zeal rose to the full level of her husband's she saw with the same quickness, glowed with the same ardour, and wrote, occasionally, with the same spirit. ' But Mrs Jebb was not more distinguished for the vigour of her mind, than the qualities of her heart. She was a Christian, without bigotry ; a moralist without severity ; a politician without self-interest or ambition ; a sincere friend, without disguise and with- out reserve. With considerable powers of mind, she possessed all the amiable softness of the female character. With as few failings as could well fall to the lot of humanity, she exercised an unlimited candour in judging those of others. Candour and benignity were the prominent features of her cha- racter. Her friends therefore were numerous, and she could not have a single enemy. ' These superior qualities of mind and heart were lodged in a body of the most delicate texture. In figure she was small: her frame was extremely feeble, her countenance always languid and wan. She used to recline on a sofa, and had not been out of her room above once or twice these twenty years she seemed the shadow of a shade, or rather all soul and intellect, like one dropped from another sphere. For her ardour and patriotic firmness, mixed with urbanity and gentleness, and occasionally brightening with innocent playfulness, gave that to her countenance which the mere bloom of health cannot bestow, nor the pen describe ; it gave a singular interest to her character : it can only be felt, and will be lastingly 342 University Society remembered, by her surviving friends. Mrs Jebb died at her house in Half-moon Street, Piccadilly, Jan. 20, 1812.' Dyer's Supplement to the Hist, of Camb. II. (= Cambridge Fragments) pp. 168, 169. Privileges of the Univ. of Camb. II. London, 1824, quoting the Morning Chronicle, &c., Jan. 27, 1812.) ' The fugitive pieces of Mrs Jebb (for they have never been collected into a regular volume) appeared in different news- papers, the London Chronicle and Whitehall Evening Post, between the years 1771 and 1774, in numerous Letters and under different signatures, though most often under that of Priscilla ; being Answers to Dr Randolph's Reasonableness of Subscription... .Dec. 1771; to Dr Hallifax's (afterwards Bishop) [Sam. Hallifax of Jesus, B.A. 1754, M.A. 1757, Trin. Hall, LL.D. 1764, D.D. per lit. regias 1775, bishop of St Asaph, regius professor of Laws 1770 82. His syl- labus of lectures, An Analysis of the Roman Civil Law, 1795, ed. 4. In 1768 he had defeated Jebb when he was for the first time candidate for the Arabic professorship. He called on Wilkie the pub- lisher, to advise him not to print any more of Mrs Jebb's letters 1 .] Three Sermons preached before the University of Cambridge, occasioned by an attempt to abolish Subscription to the 39 Articles, published in 1772; to Dr Powel's Defence of the Subscription re- quired by the Church of England, a Sermon preached before the University of Cambridge on the Commence- ment Sunday ', first published in 1757, republished in 1 Hist, of St John's coll. Baker-Mayor, 1067, 1. 37. in the Eighteenth Century. 343 1772; to Dr Balguy's Charge to the Clergy and Arc] i- deaconry #/ Winchester, 1772. ' In 1774 Mrs Jebb published a Letter to the Author of the Design of Establishing Annual Examination at Cambridge, which was generally ascribed to Dr Powell, master of St John's; in 1792 a little piece, entitled Two Penny-worth of TrutJi for a Penny ; or a true State of Facts, witli an Apology for Tom Bull, in a Letter from Brother John; in 1793 Two Penny- worth more of Truth, &c. These were a sort of play- ful replies to a pamphlet under the title of One Penny- worth of Truth, from Thomas Bull to Brother John, and relate to the French Revolution 1 .' When John Jebb wrote to congratulate bishop Ri. Watson on the publication of his Apology for Christi- anity in 1776, he thus assures him 2 ;' My wife who has a veneration for you is also prodigiously satisfied ; she is only a little alarmed lest you have found out a greater mathematician than her friend W r aring.' [coll. S. M. Magd., Lucasian prof, mathemat. 1760 1798.] In pre-reformational times the members of the colleges had no more thought of marriage in that condition than had the inmates of any religious house. Soon after the Norman conquest celibacy had been enjoined on the English clergy down to the order of subdeacon. In the time of pope Gregory VII. (Hil- debrand) the first canon of the synod of bishops held 1 "Dyer, Priv. Camb. n. part 2, pp. 168, 169. 3 Anecdotes of the Life of ~K\. Watson, by himself, i. 102, ed. 1818. 344 University Society at Winchester in 1076, when Lanfranc was archbishop of Canterbury 1 , had prepared the way for the more decided decree of 1102 under his successor Anselm. In Lanfranc's days (says dean Hook), ' in those cathedrals which were served by the secular clergy, the canons were generally married men.' About 1130, when archbishop William of Corbeuil as legate demanded the enforcement of the canon, the king made it a subject for dispensation 2 . In the 3Oth canon of the council of Osney, near Oxford, at which archbishop Stephen Langton presided in 1222, men- tion is made of sons of the clergy, but there, as in the 28th canon, their wives are stigmatised as con- cubinae*. In the following centuries the appearance at least of celibacy was kept up if it was not enforced farther down the scale of orders. For instance it was ordered in 1440, that when the bishop of Lincoln visited his cathedral (which was in the hands of seculars ; and so, strictly speaking, not a ' minster,') he should take with him into the chapter-house notarium pro- prium^ et unum clericum quern uoluerit, honestos uiros non coniugatos. Some interesting documents, which will probably throw a new light upon the condition of some of the English clergy previous to the reformation, have lately been discovered by an eminent Lincolnshire antiquary, and will soon it is hoped become publici juris. 1 Hook's Lives of the Archbishops, II. 147. 8 Ibid. p. 317. 8 Ibid. p. 752. in the Eighteenth Century. 345 In 1535 began the business of dissolving the monasteries ; but four years later, when the king was already in treaty for a fourth consort, a cruel sting was put in the third and fourth tail of the six articles, in shape of an injunction of celibacy on all the clergy ; while at the same time the regulars were reminded that they were still bound by their vow .even though they had been unhoused from their retreats, not excepting any who took no benefice. (31 Hen. VIII. cap. 14, 5, 710.) In the following year (32 Hen. VIII. c. 10, i) it had been found impossible to exact the penalty of death in the numerous cases which had arisen, and it was commuted for forfeitures. In 1547 9 king Edward repealed the above-men- tioned statutes of his father (i Ed. VI. c. 12, 3) and ' all and every law and laws positive, canons, constitu- tions and ordinances heretofore made by authority of man only' which forbade marriage to any eccle- siastical or spiritual person (2 & 3 Ed. VI. c. 21, 2), at the same time recommending celibacy and exclud- ing anticipators from the benefit of the act. In 1551 2 it was found necessary to support by the autho- rity of a fresh statute those who took advantage of that which has just been cited: and in the latter year the XXXI st Article (answering to the first clause of the existing Articles of Religion of 1571) confirmed the law for ecclesiastical persons. Even in one particular case the king gave special licence to a vice-master of Trinity college, Cambridge (Tho- mas Dovel, B. D.), to enjoy his fellowship and 346 University Society vice-mastership, although he was married : anno I55I 1 . In 1553 4 (i Mary sess. 2, cap. 2) the queen re- vived the old ecclesiastical laws by repealing 2 & 3 Ed. VI. c. 21 and 5 & 6 Ed. VI. c. 12. It does not appear from Law's Ecclesiastical Statutes at large (1847) that i Ed. VI. c. 12, 3 was formally repealed. It is declared moreover in Burn's Ecclesiastical Law, (art. marriage?) that it 'finally repealed' 31 Hen. VIII. c. 14. On the other hand, it is stated gene- rally in the following page (n. 453), that 'in Queen Mary's time, King Edward's laws being repealed, the clergy were again brought under the severe laws of King Henry VII L, and so continued during all that reign, and (which is remarkable) during also the whole reign of Elizabeth.' At all events, it appears from the case of John Rogers in 1555, and others, that queen Mary's chancellor (bishop Gardiner) and council proceeded under the statute of her father. Thus all who would continue in their benefices were forced to renounce their wives, and those who had formerly been regulars were not only deprived but forced to be separated from their wives as well 2 . Though this was a literal revival of her father's law, it was practically a dealing of much harder measure upon seculars' who like Rogers had returned to England at a time when married clergy were recog- 1 Cooper's Annals, II. 58, referring to Strype, Ecd. Mem. n. ii. 22. * See Henry Wharton ap. Wordsworth, Ecd. Biog. \\. 336 n. 3 Ibid. ii. 304, n. (pace Fox). See also n. 315, 316, 3304, 343, 376, 422, eel. 1839. in the Eighteenth Century. 347 nized by law. Such rigour was contrary to the first canon of the council of Winton (1076), to the fifth of the apostolic canons, and to the example of St Peter, of whom S. Clemens Alexandrinus 1 relates that his wife was comforted by him and went before him to martyrdom. The rule of enforced clerical celibacy, which was at least improbable from the Bible, con- trary to some of the earliest canons (e.g. Gangran IV., A. D. 324, which was received by the undivided Church ; Trullan XIII., A. D. 692, the existing rule of the Eastern Church, according to which the bishops only are bound to be unmarried 2 ), and proved by experience to be impracticable, has been abrogated for the Church of England by the XXXII nd Article, which was revised and passed by convocation, set forth by royal authority, and enjoined for subscription by act of parliament in 1571, 13 Eliz. It was not however till 2 James I. c. 25, 49, 59, that I Mary, sess. 2, c. 2, was formally repealed, and 2 & 3 Ed. VI. c. 21, and 5 & 6 Ed. VI. c. 12, made perpetual. It may have been that queen Eliza- beth did not choose that parliament should appear to have any special prerogative in ecclesiastical mat- ters. ' Or perhaps, in order to have the clergy more dependent, she might be willing that this matter should continue doubtful.' (Burn's Eccl. Law, n. 453 = [454].) Her policy in the case of the universities was unmistakeable. 1 Strom. 7, ap. Euseb. H. E. III. 30. 8 Other authorities will be found in the Bishop of Ely's Exposition of Article XXXII. 348 University Society With remarkable foresight bishops Hugh de Bal- sham and Walter de Merton had set the example of founding colleges in connexion with the secular and not with the regular clergy towards the close of the thirteenth century. Accordingly, at the dissolution of monasteries in the reign of Henry VIII., their foundations remained and formed the model for new corporations, such as Trinity and Christ-Church, to rise out of the dissolved religious houses. The cleri- cal members of the universities would have lived therefore, as a general rule, under the same condition in queen Elizabeth's reign as other clerks who had taken no vows. But there were other regulations which affected them. Many were already bound to celibacy (so long as they remained upon the founda- tion) by the old statutes of their colleges, and it can hardly be thought that these were over-ridden by the XXXI st Article of 1562 which was promul- gated by royal authority; for the queen had, only a few months previously, in 1561, sent an ' Injunction that no Head or member of any College or Cathe- dral Church being married, shall keep his Wife or family within the Precincts of the same on Pain of forfeiting all his Ecclesiastical Promotions there.' (Dated Ipswich, Aug. 9, 1561 *.) It is mentioned that of late 'within certain of the same Houses as well the chief Governors, as the Prebendaries, Stu- dents, and Members thereof being married, do keep particular Households with their Wives, Children, and Nurses, whereof no small Offence groweth to the 1 Dyer's Privileges of Cambridge, I. 49, 131. in the Eighteenth Century. 349 Intent of the Founders, and to the quiet and orderly Profession of Study and Learning within the same/ The reason assigned for royal interference was ' least by Sufferance thereof, the rest of the Colleges, speci- ally such as be so replenished with young Students as the very Rooms and Buildings be not answerable for such Families and young Children, should follow the like examples ;' and it will be observed that the objection is laid, not to the infringement of celibacy, but to the inconveniencing of scholastic habits. At the same time the will of queen Elizabeth cannot be disguised. l When secretary Cecil sent this injunction to the Archbishop [M. Parker], he knew that it could not be well taken by him who was himself a married man, and much for the Clergy's liberty of marriage ; and so was Cecil himself : but he plainly told the Archbishop how the Queen still continued an enemy to the state of matrimony in Priests ; and was near at a point to have forbidden it then absolutely, had he not been very stiff at this juncture 1 .' Among other of the archbishop's suffragans, bishop Cox of Ely was not well pleased with the injunctions dutifully forwarded to him. He was afraid that the enforcement of them in the cathedral, where sepa- rate houses were provided for deans and prebenda- ries, would give rise to the evil of non-residence. In his own cathedral however there was only ' one Pre- bendary continually dwelling with his family in Ely 1 Strype's Life of Mattheiv (Parker) Archbishop of Canterbury ', n. ch. 8, anno 1561. 350 University Society church.' ' Turn him out ' (the bishop writes), ' daws and owls may dwell there for any continual house- keeping 1 .' At the same time he thought it 'very reasonable that places for students should be in all quietness among themselves, and not troubled with any families of women or babes.' He was a good authority on this point, for (according to Cole in his Athenae Cantabrigienses] his own wife was introduced into Christ-Church while he was dean there about 1550, and she with the wife of Peter Martyr, one of the canons of that cathedral, were ' the first women ever introduced into a cloister or college, and upon that account gave no small scandal at the time.' How far the injunctions were obeyed we may gather from a fact related by Strype in the next chapter of his Life of Parker (II. ix.) ; that the Arch- bishop himself and the bishop of London, only a few weeks later in the same year 1561, procured the admission of Laurence Humfrey as President of Magdalen College, Oxford, though one of the objec- tions urged against him by the fellows of that society was that he was a married man. In June 1604 a bill entitled. 'An Act prohibiting the Residence of Married Men, with their Wives and Families, in Colleges, Cathedral Churches, Collegiate Houses and Halls of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge,' was sent up to the house of lords but stopped in committee after the second reading 2 . In 1 Strype's Life of Matthew (Parker) Archbishop of Canterbury, n. ch. 8, anno 1561. * Cooper's Annals^ III. 5. in the Eighteenth Century. . 351 1605 6 it was again introduced and, after some technical difficulties had obstructed its progress, was finally lost on the second reading in the house of lords 1 . In the Elizabethan statutes of 1570 (which as has been remarked were given ' under the broad seal ; but not confirmed by act of Parliament, as most of our Charters are/ Dyer, Priv. Camb. I. 158) is the following (cap. 50, De ordinationibus collegiis prae- scriptis, 33) : Socios collegiorum maritos esse non per- mittimus, sed statim postquam quis uxorem duxerit socius collegii desinat esse: ordinem tamen gradus sui in academia tenere potest. Dyer had remarked in another place (Hist. Camb. I. 94), 'Let it be noticed, that the old statutes by using the word ecclesiasticos, ecclesiastics, as effectu- ally barred the heads of houses from marrying as fellows. Cranmer, in the old statutes, pared down the word ecclesiasticos to socios, leaving the door wide enough for masters to enter, though too narrow for fellows : still the authority, even for the marriage of the masters, was not positive, but left room for dispute. The cause was agitated; and, in 1575, the masters triumphed in the person of Dr Goad, and on the ground that queen Elizabeth's statutes said no- thing on the subject.' The accusations laid against provost Goad by his fellow's were various, and he came off with flying colours. It is hinted by Strype 2 that there was mali- 1 Cooper's Annals, p. 20. 2 Strype, Annals, II. ii. (p. 30, ed. Oxon.) 352 University Society clous personal feeling in the case. ' One of these fellows was Lakes, of a haughty disposition, who had been provoked by the provost, having reproved him for his habit unbecoming a scholar. For he wore under his gown, a cut taffeta doublet of the fashion [1575] with his sleeves out, and a great pair of galli- gastion hose. For this disguised apparel, so unmeet for a scholar, the provost punished him a week's commons. This had ever after stuck in his stomach, and he had sundry expostulations afterwards with the provost about it : such was his stout nature and impenitency to be reproved.' Provost Goad was a strict disciplinarian. When acting as deputy vice- chancellor he reprimanded Mr Newman, Mr Pricke and Mr Nanton, who were found walking in King's college chapel, and bound them over in virtue of the oath which they had previously taken to obey the vice-chancellor and his deputy. But for provost Roger Goad himself, one of the complaints laid against him was ' of his wife ; that she came within the quadrant of the college; (though she came never twice within the quadrant, but kept within the lodgings). That their statutes did forbid the provost to marry ; though the statutes, as the pro- vost in his answer shewed, did not forbid the provost's marriage : and that the visitor's statutes in the begin- ning of the queen's reign, and the university statutes lately made, allowed heads of colleges to marry.' In Loggan's Cantabrigia Dcpicta, published about !68o 90, the master's wife is represented taking the air in his trim Dutch garden in Jesus college, fan in in the Eighteenth Centiiry. 353 hand, accompanied by her spaniel. The like is de- picted in his engraving of Trinity Oxon. in 1672 3. Early in the reign of king George III. some of the fellows of colleges began to demand that the same privilege should be granted themselves as had been conceded to the heads of several of the colleges. The earliest mention of the subject at that period which I have seen is in the Bodleian [Gougk, Camb. 36], 'The Council in the Moon. Alitur Vitiuni vivitque tcgcndo. VlRG. Cambridge. Sold by Fletcher and Hodson on the Market Hill. Sold also by Messrs. Wilson and Fell, in Paternoster- Row, London, and all other Booksellers in England. 1765.' pp. 23. It is a miserable production. In Cooper's Annals (IV. 340) is printed a letter from Edward Betham, fellow of King's, to Cole in the fol- lowing year (3 1 Jan. 1 766). " In the University we have all of late been in a most violent flame, labouring under the same disorder that carried off poor Dr M. some years agone. Young and old have formed a resolution of marrying.... But it must be confessed in- deed they go on with more prudence than your honest and simple friend... The scheme therefore is a wife and a Fellowship with her. For this purpose the University is to Petition the Parliament, to release the Fellows of the several Colleges from the observ- ance of all such Statutes of our Founders, as oblige them to Celibacy.... This affair has been canvassed and warmly agitated among us between two and three months. There were those, who would not believe it was or could be intended in earnest : who L. B. E. 23 354 University Society imagined it to be a jest only. However, the pro- jectors and abettors of the scheme were in earnest. Accordingly a Grace was drawn up, and on Friday last brought into the House. Mr Ashby [Geo. Ashby, St John's, B.A. 1/44], who, in a manner with the whole of St John's, was exceeding warm and zealous in the cause, was fixed upon to present the Grace : but for some reason or other then declined it. There was the greatest confusion imaginable in the House : this added to the tumult ; did not in the least allay or abate: but excited and heightened the warmth and ardour of the Partizans. The Grace was shewn, but not in form proposed to the Vote of the whole House. Nothing therefore was determined at the Congre- gation. The party however continues hot, and is in hope of downing to the ground with Celibacy. "The Preamble of the Grace is, Cum Celeberrimae quaeque et florentissimae Universitates apud exteras gentes quae ad reformatam Fidem accesserunt, libe- ram Matrimonii celebrandi Potestatem Academicis suis permiserint, ut se in libertatem cum Politicam turn Christianam vindicent in Nostra Academia socii : Placeat vobis, &c. ['The grace is in full in MS. Cole, xxiii. 73 .']... You observe the foundation they go upon. The restraint from marrying they look upon as a Remnant of Popery... This is an affair of so extraordinary a nature that I thought you would like to have some account of it." In 1783 a bill passed the House of Commons (3rd reading Jan. 24) to remove the restriction of celibacy from the Heads of such colleges as were still bound in the Eighteenth Century. 355 by their statutes in that respect. It appears however that in committee the name of Cambridge was re- moved from the bill 1 . It appears that while the case of these masters of colleges was before the public, the grievances of the fellows were again brought up. In the Gentle- mans Magazine (LIU. 129) married fellowships are advocated : and it was (I should conjecture) on this occasion that there appeared on the same side ' A Fair Statement : Trepl Travrcov epc3 KaOeKacrrov e^effj? KOI ovSev erctov irapa\etyw. Dem. pro Cor.' pp. n. M. Watson, Printer, Cambridge. [Bodl. Godwin Pamph. 908. No title or date.] In the opening of this pamphlet the abolition of the restriction of celi- bacy in the case of Cambridge fellows is said to be ' a measure loudly called for by the great body of the University' on the ground that fellows are exempted as 'ecclesiastical Persons' by I Jac. I. XXV. 48 50, and inasmuch as compulsory celibacy is con- trary to Scripture. There is evidence of a fresh stir in the matter about the years 1793 8. In 1794 'A Letter on the Celibacy of Fellows of Colleges' was published by Johnson, St Paul's Church Yard, and in 1798 appeared ' Reflections on the Caelibacy of Fellows of Colleges. Semper nocuit differre paratis. Lucan. Cambridge, Sold by J. Deighton, 1798. Price sixpence.' pp. 25. [Bodl. Gottgh, Camb. 66.] This had been written in October, 1793, which is made an excuse 'to account for allusions... 1 Cooper's Annals, iv. 407. 232 356 University Society to books which are now, or ought to be forgotten.' The books referred to are, I believe, Frend's Peace and Union (1793), Godwin's Political Justice (1793), and, possibly, Paley's Elements of Moral and Political PJiilosophy (1785). It is stated in the pamphlet be- fore us (p. 8), that compulsory celibacy has an evil effect on the character and the reputation of fel- lows. It is proposed (p. 21) that the tutor should be the only married man who should occupy rooms in college, and even he should not have his family within the walls. On page 19 it is recorded that 'since writing this a member of the university of Cambridge has had it in contemplation to present a grace to the senate, to prevent colleges from admit- ting more young men than can be accommodated with appartments within the walls of the colleges/ Both the 'Letter' and the 'Reflections' are quoted in ' Toleration of Marriage in the Universities, recom- mended to the attention of the Heads of Houses ; with remarks on the provisions with which it should be guarded. By Charles Parish, B. D., Fellow of Queen's [sic] College, Cambridge, Crudelis quoque tu neque alma mater. Cambridge ; printed by Francis Hodson, and sold by J. Deighton. Price Two Shil- lings' Parish's is by far the most interesting pamph- let which appeared on the subject. 'On the 23rd of March (1798) an unsuccessful attempt was made to pass a grace for appointing a syndicate to decide on the best means of abolishing the law by which fellows of colleges are bound to a life of celibacy 1 / 1 Cooper's Annals, iv. 462. in the Eighteenth Century. 357 The dissatisfaction on this point seems to have kept up a smouldering existence, for there is in my father's possession a copy of a pamphlet which be- longed formerly to Mr Geo. Dyer (who however does not mention it in his History of Cambridge, I. 94 ;/. 1814). It is 'Forbidding to Marry, a Departure from, the Faith: A Sermon, preached before the University of Cambridge &{. Great St. Mary's Church, on Sunday, Nov. 8, 1812. By James Plumptre, B.D., Fellow of Clare Hall, and Vicar of Great Gransden in Huntingdonshire. Cambridge : printed by J. Hodson : and sold by J. Deighton and J. Nicholson, Cambridge : and by F. C. & J. Rivington, St. Paul's Church Yard ; and J. Hatchard, no. 190, Piccadilly, London. Price one shilling. 1812.' [pp. 15, with a curious list of Books by the same author, including a Sermon on the Small-Pox and Cow-Pock, another on sea-bathing at Margate, the Camb. Bible Society, and works relating to the expurgation of the drama, and Aikin's Songs.] Dedication to the Chancellor, V.C., representatives in parliament, heads, and senate. Reference is made to Parish's pamphlet, to Reflections on the Celibacy, c., and also to Ro. A. Ingram 's 'Disquisition on Population, in which the Principles of the Essay on Population by the Rev. T. R. Malthus are examined and refuted" 1 ; and to the British Critic for Sept. 1811, Vol. xxxvrir. p. 290, besides Henry Wharton's erudite Treatise on the Celibacy of the Clergy printed more than a century earlier. Oxford men will not need to be reminded of the doings at Merton which Anthony Wood deplored in his Life when about a twelvemonth after the re- storation Sir Thomas Clayton was made warden and found his way into the college in spite of the at- tempts of the fellows for a fortnight or 3 weeks to bar him out ; and how he learnt that the key of the stables would unlock the chapel door. But though A. W. complains bitterly of the cost to which the College was 1 put by the 'great dislike... taken by the 1 Cooper's Annals, n. 348. 358 University Society lady Clayton to the warden's standing goods, namely chaires, stooles, tables, chimney-furniture, the furni- ture belonging to the kitchin, scullery, &c. all which was well liked by D r Goddard, Brent, Savile, &c.... Secondly, the warden's garden must be alter'd, new trees planted, arbours made, rootes of choice flowers bought, [Rootes of flowers, which cost 5 shil. a root] &c. All which tho unnecessary, yet the poore coll. must pay for them, and all this to please a woman. Not content with these matters, there must be a new summer-house built at the south-end of the warden's garden, wherein her ladyship and her gossips may take their pleasure, and any eaves-dropper of the family may hearken what any of the fellows should accidentally talk of in the passage to their own gar- den.' And well they might complain, for there sure enough in Loggan's view of Merton (which must have been drawn in warden Clayton's time) is shewn, beside the arbour on the north, a lordly watch-tower built on the wall of the south terrace walk, a con- siderable stone building mounted by 16 steps and commanding a fine view of the meadows, which how- ever might have been had before from ' the larg bay- window... at it's south-end 1 .' Though he further com- plained of his 'burdning his accompts with frivolous expences to pleasure his proud lady, as (i) For a key to the lock of the ladies seat in St Marie's church, to which she would commonly resort. (2) For shoes and other things for the foot-boy ' [and the grievance 1 Ibid, p. 122. Ed. Oxon. 1848. in the Eighteenth Century. 359 did not cease, for as late as 'Hilary terme 1674,' the bursar had to pay about 10 li. ' for a very larg looking- glass for her to see her ugly face and body to the middle :' which looking-glass they did carry ' to their country seat, called the VacIS in Buckinghamshire] still it would not be true to say that the fellows' dislike of warden Clayton was due to his bringing a wife into college, any more than it would be correct to refer the opposition shewn to D r Bentley, at Trin. Coll. Cambridge, half a century later, to his wasting the goods of the College. Bentley built a new sum- mer-house contiguous to his own study 1 , he laid out the garden of the Lodge and made a terrace at the expense of the College, but without any order from the seniority. Clayton did the like. The master of Trinity extorted leave to erect a handsome new staircase 2 &c. at a cost far above his estimate : war- den Clayton's summer-house cost about five times the 20 pounds which he had asked at first 3 . Each of these heads with profuse meanness consumed in their own houses the fuel which belonged to the College. But these offences were not the first grounds of the unpopularity of either : each of them was dis- liked before he set foot within the College which he was to govern. Otherwise it is not impossible that Bentley might have built his noble staircase without hearing a murmur from the fellows, and Clayton might have brought his wife into College in 1661 without provoking much discontent. But the warden 1 Monk's Bentley, n. 23, 24. 2 Ibid. I. 175. 3 Ibid. ii. 201. Cp. A. Wood's Life, p. 122. 360 University Society of Merton was known to be 'the very lol-poop of the university/ a person of scandalous life, a turn- coat, who ' had sided with the times after the grand rebellion broke out in 1642,' and a stranger 1 ; while the master of Trinity, as all were aware, had been a Tartar to those who had thought to catch him, and a Johnian. The late professor Conington, in his answers in evidence (p. 116) to the Oxford University Com- mission, 1852, speaks thus of the restriction of celi- bacy of fellows : ' Like that of Orders it is not purely arbitrary but serves a distinct purpose, though scarcely that which originally suggested its introduction. Yet it would be difficult to make out that the end here, any more than in the case of Orders, either justified or necessitated the means employed. The end I take to be two-fold : to carry out the Collegiate system by securing the residence of tutors within the walls, and to expedite the succession to Fellow- ships by increasing the chance of vacancies. The first thing to be observed is that these considerations, taken at their best, obviously apply to a part of the body of Fellows, not to the whole... Those for whom residence within College walls is desirable are clearly the tutors : those whose Fellowships it is important to make terminable must be the sinecurists and the non-residents... So long as married heads of Colleges occupy a part of the College buildings a proposal to allow a similar privilege to married tutors is not 1 Ant. Wood's Autobiog. pp. 118, 119. Bliss, 1848. in the Eighteenth Century. 361 to be treated as an absurdity ; much less to be put down by paltry sneers about domestic details.' On the other hand the Cambridge Univ. Com- mission, 1852, reports (p. 172) that 'We notice the condition of celibacy which by law or practice is now invariably attached to the tenure of all Fellowships in Cambridge, only to say that it cannot in our opinion be conveniently separated from the Colle- giate system. We do not doubt, however, that the condition has tended to prevent many men of ability and eminence from continuing their residence in the University so long as might have been desirable. We have accordingly proposed a scheme for the extension of the Professorial body and the creation of an entirely new one under the name of Public Lecturers, which, among other recommendations, appears likely to compensate for the difficulties ex- perienced in retaining the most eminent Graduates in the immediate service of the University owing to the condition of celibacy attached to ail the Fellow- ships. Upon this point we may remark that the Statutes of some Colleges are silent, probably be- cause in Roman Catholic times the celibacy of the Fellows of a College was assumed to be indispen- sable and no express law was required to enforce it. It is, however, understood that, in the case of the Colleges referred to, one of the " Ordinances pre- scribed for Colleges " contained in Cap. L. of the Statutes of the University (xii. Eliz.) has supplied the omission of the condition in their particular Codes. ' The following is the Ordinance in question : 362 University Society " Socios Collegiorum maritos esse non permittimus, sed statim postquam quis uxorem duxerit, socius Collegii desinat esse : ordinem tamen gradus sui in academia tenere potest." ' In revising the Statutes of the University and of the Colleges, it will be necessary to make provision for the continuance of this rule.' At the present time, in some Colleges and under certain conditions fellows do not at once vacate their fellowships by marriage, but in no case can their families reside within the walls. While Dr Goad was Vice-chancellor in 1576 7, it had been his duty to commit the Minister of Trinity parish to prison for having solemnized an irregular marriage between John Byron (of Newstead, co. Nottingham), scholar of Queens', aged 19, and a daughter of Nic. Beaumont of Cole Orton. Two masters of arts who had been present at the ceremony were also imprisoned. The Injunctions of king Charles I. (dated New- market, Mar. 4 to 1629) speak of another difficulty: ' We have been informed that of late years many Students of... our university, not regarding their own birth, degree and quality, have made divers contracts of marriage with women of mean estate and of no good fame in that town [of Cambridge], to their great disparagement, the discontent of their parents and friends, and to the dishonour of the government of our university : We will and command you, that at all times hereafter if any taverner, victualler or In-holder, or any other inhabitant of that town or within the in the Eighteenth Century. 363 jurisdiction of that University, shall keep any daugh- ter or other woman in his house to whom there shall resort any scholars of that University of what con- dition soever, to mispend their time, or otherwise to misbehave themselves, or to engage themselves in marriage without the consent of those that have the guardiance and tuition of them ; that... you command the said woman or women, thus suspected (according to the form of your charter against women de malo suspectas) to remove out of the said University and four miles of the same.' In 1712 a case of this kind came to light 1 , for in that year Sarah Howel and Car. Morgan were prose- cuted for entertaining scholars and carrying on court- ships between them and certain women. It was owing perhaps partly to laxity of discipline, and partly to the fact that the inmates of the Universities were drawn in less proportion from gentlemen's families than at present, that there was more common inter- course between them and the families of tradesmen in the University towns. The custom of drinking toasts must also have contributed in some measure to the same result. The consequence was that acade- mics used to keep company with such well-dressed young women as found nothing better to do, some- thing in the way in which young 'prentices may now be seen making holiday on Sunday afternoons: but in the days of ceremony, snuff-boxes and fans. It appears from Dr Rawlinson's MSS. that early 1 See Index I. in the Registrary's Office, Ada Curiae. 364 University Society in the last century a good deal of attention was paid to the promenades and gardens of Oxford. In 1706 ' Trinity Coll. Grove altered, and Merton Coll. Sum- mer House built.' The latter was, I suppose, a rival edifice to Mrs Clayton's watch-tower \supra p. 358]. In the following year he records 'A new terrace walk in Merton Coll. Garden, made upon the Town Wall, 74 yards long/ Zachary Conrad v. Uffenbach, who was there a few years later (Sept. 3, 1710), after mentioning the sun-dial in the court whereof the gnomon is a pillar, adds that the repre- sentation of the history of John Baptist shewn him over the door by the worthy ' Socius Collegii ' who lionized him was nothing remarkable. 'Nor is the Garden, which is considered however the finest in Oxford. It consists of a grove or some dark low walks, which, as they have no proper air, are not pleasant. At the side is a raised path and a poor pleasure-house 1 .' Three days later he walked in the altie behind Magdalene. Merton Garden had been celebrated by bishop John Earle [of Worcester and Sarum, dean of West- minster, translator of Icbn basilike, and of Hooker's Ecclesiastical Polity, and author of ' Microcosmographic, or a Peece of the World discovered ; in Essayes and Characters,' 3 editions in 1628. Reprinted lately by JAxArber\ in his poem, Hortus Mertonensis*, written 1 Uffenbach, Rcisen, III. 152. 2 Ap. Jo. Aubrey's Natural Hist, and Antiq. of Surrey, IV. 167, &c. quoted apropos of Howard's 'long Hope,' i.e. according to Virgil, deductus vallis. in the Eighteenth Century. 365 while a fellow of that society [M.A. 1624]. He con- trasts the natural growth of the trees under the care of Thomas Hawkins, the old gardener, with the fashionable stiff Dutch clipping of shrubs into gro- tesques. He mentions the game of bowls and the rustic seats there. Z. C. von Uffenbach, at the close of his account of a visit to S. John's Coll., Oxford in 1710, Sept. 25, says, ' the hall is small but tolerably clean, and smells not so ill as the rest generally. There hang certain portraits of sundry benefactors of the college therein. Next we went on to a garden, which they call Para- dise Garden. This is hard by an end of the town near a tavern, which is in connexion with it, and at the back of which on the* water are countless little boxes partitioned by hedges, where the fellows drink in summer. \In dem hinten an dem Wasser unzehlicke kleine Cabinete von Hecken gezogen neben einander sindy da die Heeren Fellows (Socii) im Sommcr darin- nen trinken 1 .] ' The garden in itself is not otherwise remarkable, and is for the most part devoted to the kitchen ; how- ever, there are beautiful fruit-trees, and in particular many yew-trees there. I have never before seen such plenty of these together, as there is a whole nursery of young ones in this place. Those in the walk had, all of them at least that were young, a kind of fruit which I had not seen before. They are little red berries hollow inside, just like raspberries, except that these are rather smaller, rounder, and quite 1 Uffenbach's Reisen, ill. 171. 366 University Society smooth. Their colour and transparency, as well as the opening in the centre, is in other respects similar. Mention of this fruit has already been made in Bor- richius. [Olaus Borch, a Danish medical writer 1 626, -f- 1690.] Also the door or wicket of this garden is worthy of notice.' This pleasaunce appears in the map of T. Neale and Radulph Agas (1566 78), engraved by Loggan a century later, as 'Paradise;' and in Loggan's own (1675) as 'Paradise garden,' at the bend of the river to the south of the Castle. ' Paradise Walks' is the scene of the three first acts of The Humours of Ox- ford, a play by James Miller of Wadham ( 1 703, f 1744). In the third report (1872) of the Historical MSS. Commission is mentioned 'a curious drawing of Wad- ham College Gardens, A.D. 1711, and pen-and-pencil sketches of the heads of Oxford authorities of the period,' in Vol. XLIII. of the MSS. of the Reverend Sir William Cope, Bart., at Bramshill House, co. Hants. ' The Oxford Packet, London, Printed for J. Ro- berts, 1714.' [in St John's Coll. library Cambridge, Hh. II. 27] contains ' I. News from Magdalen College [Sacheverell's Inscription on a piece of Plate]. II. Antigamus: or a Satire against Marriage, Written by Mr Thomas Sawyer. III. A Vindication of the Ox- ford Ladies, wherein are displayed the Amours of some Gentlemen of All Souls &T\& St Johns Colleges.' In 1716 'the wall under the town wall (commonly called the Dead-man's wall, from being so warm as to revive a man almost dead with cold, and by others Montpelier) at the back of Merton College was raised. in the Eighteenth Century. 367 At the same time Christ Church White Walk was made wider, and part of the said wall rebuilt. '1717, Aug. 14. The back-door to Merton College Garden was shut up, on account of its being too much frequented by young scholars and ladies on Sunday nights. And June 17, 1718, for the same reason, by order of the warden and fellows, the garden was to be kept locked every Sunday 1 .' Hearne has recorded 2 the incident which immediately occasioned the for- mer step. 'Aug. 23, 1 717... Last week was published a six- penny pamphlett, written in verse by one (as 'tis said) of St. John's Coll., called Merton Walks, or the Oxford Beauties. Though 'tis but poor stuff yet it was mightily bought up [a copy now in the library of St John's Coll. Camb., classed Gg. 7. 16]. The characters are so far from being different that there is, as it were, the same character running throughout, and that is the praise or commendation of the ladies. The society of Merton college have since ordered the garden to be kept close and the steps to be pulled down. One of the beauties in this pamphlett is one Mrs Fiddes that lodges against the Angel Inn at Shipway's the barber's. She is daughter of Mr Fiddes, S.T.B....very conceited but void, as it were, of understanding.' This young lady was nicknamed, after her father's work, the 'Body of Divinity 3 .' ' Thereupon the young gentlemen and others betook 1 Dr Rawlinson's MSS. ap. [Walker's] Oxoniana, IV. 229. 2 Reliqu. Hearn. Bliss, II. 51, 52 (ed. 1869). 3 Ibid. LI. 223. 368 University Society themselves to Magdalen college walk, which is now [1723] every Sunday night in summer time strangely filled, just like a fair, which hath occasioned a printed letter giving an account of an accident which hap- pened between a young gentleman and a young woman 1 .' Hearne mentions Alderman White's daughters as being Oxford Toasts 2 . We find again that in 1727, 'Aug. 12, Merton Coll. back-gate that led into the fields was shut up, and another opened through the grove 3 .' Erasmus Philipps, when a ' Fellow Commoner' (gentleman commoner) of Pembroke Coll., Oxon., paid los. for a key of the college garden, Aug. 4, 1720 (as Gibbon, when gentleman commoner at Mag- dalene, was presented with a key of the library), which, in Sept. 1722, he made over to Mr Andrew Hughe, scholar of the college 4 . On April 21, 1721, appeared the 28th number of Terfae Filitts, wherein Amherst gives his sketch of the Oxford Ladies or Toasts of the time. He hints that from prudential motives their lives were respect- able (p. 157), that they were frequently daughters ' of the townsmen of Oxford (who are, many of them, matriculated men), who would marry them 'to advan- tage, if they could, in which I can see no great harm on their parts' (p. 153). After speaking of the Royal letter sent to our 1 Rawlinson, MSS. ap. Oxoniana, n. 170. 2 Ibid. n. 89. 3 Ibid. iv. 241. 4 Notes and Queries, 2nd S. pp. 365, 444. in the Eighteenth Century. 369 university in 1629, he proceeds to say : ' Happy is it for the present generation of Oxford TOASTS, that King CHARLES I. (so much unlike that accomplished gentleman, his son) was long ago laid in the dust ! Were that rigid king now alive, my mind misgives me strangely, that I should soon see an end of all the balls and cabals, and junketings at Oxford ; that several of our most celebrated and right beautiful madams would pluck off their fine feathers, and betake themselves to an honest livelihood ; or make their personal appearance before the lords of his majesty's privy-council, to answer their contempt, and such matters as should be objected against them. But HE is dead ! and the sculls, as much as they talk for him at some certain seasons, have not respect enough for him, or have too much respect for the ladies, to take his advice in this particular. I do not charge all the Oxford TOASTS with the same ill fame, or the same ill designs ; nor would I, knowingly, charge any one of them with any one thing of which she is guiltless : but an OXFORD TOAST, in the common acceptation of that phrase, is such a creature as I am now going to describe. She is born, as the King says, of mean estate, being the daughter of some insolent mechanick, who fancies himself a gentleman; and resolves to keep up his family by marrying his girl to a parson or a school- master : to which end, Jie- and his wife call her pretty Miss, as soon as she knows what it means, and send her to the dancing-school to learn to hold up her head, and turn out her toes : she is taught, from a child, not L. B. E. 24 370 University Society to play with any of the dirty boys and girls in the neighbourhood ; but to mind her dancing, and have a great respect for the gown. This foundation being laid, she goes on fast enough of herself, without any farther assistance, except an hoop, a gay suit of cloaths, and two or three new Jwlland smocks. Thus equipt, she frequents all the balls and publick walks in Oxford; where it is a great chance if she does not, in time, meet with some raw coxcomb or other, who is her humble servant ; waits upon her home ; calls upon her again the next day ; dangles after her from place to place ; and is at last, with some art and manage- ment, drawn in to marry her. She has impudence therefore she has wit ; She is proud therefore she is well-bred; She "has fine Cloaths therefore she is genteel? In one of his papers of Advice ' to all gentlemen School-Boys in his majesty's dominions, who are de- sign'd for the university of Oxford' (Terrae Filius, XXXIII.) he refers to the same subject in terms which, if not to be taken cum grano, need at least, like all dishes served up by a malcontent cook, to be swal- lowed warily in suspicion of heat and seasoning. ' Have a particular regard how you speak of those gaudy things which flutter about Oxford in prodigious numbers in summer time, called TOASTS ; take care how you reflect on their parentage, their condition, their Virtue, or their beauty ; ever remembering that of the Poet, 'Hell has no Fury like a Woman scorn 'd,' especially when they have spiritual bravocs on their in the Eighteenth Century. 371 side.' (Hogarth's frontispiece to the Terrae Filius Essays when collected in 1726, represents that per- sonage as torn to pieces by enraged Toasts and Dons.) 'Not long ago, a bitter lampoon was published upon the most celebrated of these petticoat-professors ; as soon as it came out, the town was in an uproar, and a very severe sentence was passed upon the author of this anonymous libel : to discover whom, no pains were spared ; all the disgusted ill-natured fellows in the university were, one after another, sus- pected upon this occasion. At last, I know not how, it was peremptorily fixed upon one ; whether justly or not, I can't say ; but the parties offended resolved to make an example of some body for such an enor- mous crime, and one of them (more enraged than the rest) was heard to declare [with an oath] that, right or wrong, that impudent scoundrel (mentioning his Name) should be expelled ; and that SHE had interest enough with the PRESIDENT and SENIOR FELLOWS of his College to get his business done. Accordingly, within a year after this, he was (almost unanimously) expelled from his Fellowship, in the presence of some of the persons injured, who came thither to see the execution. 'Felix, quern faciunt aliena pericula cautum, was the Thesis pitch'd upon by the excluding doctors for the undergraduates to moralize upon in a public exercise upon this occasion/ In the library of St John's Coll. Camb. is bound up with 'Merton Walks, or The Oxford Beauties: &c. 1717, pp. 31. [Gg. 7. 1 6.] a copy of Strephorfs 242 372 University Society Revenge : A Satire on the Oxford Toasts. Inscribed to the Author of Merton Walks! 2nd ed. corrected, 1718. It begins with a complaint of 'the almost universal corruption of our youth, which is to be imputed to nothing so much as to that multitude of Female Residentiaries* who encourage idleness and foppery. These ladies, it appears, went about with- out chaperons ; and many of them were children of poor tradesmen 1 . Page iv. describes one of their hangers-on: 'A College-Smart is a Character, which few perhaps are acquainted with ; He is one that spends his Time in a constant Circle of Engagements and Assignations ; He rises at Ten, tattles over his Tea-Table till Twelve, Dines, Dresses, waits upon his Mistress, drinks Tea again, flutters about in Publick 'till it is dark, then to the Tavern, knocks into Col- lege at Two in the morning, sleeps till Ten again,' and so on. This account does not differ much from the de- scription of 'the Lownger' in the Oxford Sausage, which was first published in 1764. * I rise about nine, get to Breakfast by ten, Blow a Tune on my Flute, or perhaps make a Pen; Read a Play 'till eleven, or cock my lac'd Hat; . Then step to my Neighbours, 'till Dinner, to chat. Dinner over, to Toms, or to Jameses I go, The News of the Town so impatient to know; While Law, Locke, and Newton, and all the rum Race, That talk of their Modes, their Ellipses, and Space, The Seat of the Soul, and new Systems on high, In Holes, as abtruse as their Mysteries, lie. 1 Or college servants. Terra Filius, No. xxxv. in the Eighteenth Century. 373 From the Coffee-house then I to Tennis away, And at five I post back to my College to pray: I sup before eight, and secure from all Duns, Undauntedly march to the Mitre or Tuns; Where in Punch or good Claret my Sorrows I drown, And toss off a Bowl "To the best in the Town:" At One in the Morning, I call what's to pay, *| Then Home to my College I stagger away, Thus I tope all the Night, as I trifle all Day.' These lines had appeared previously in the Student II. 279, in 1751, with the slight variations of six, for five, as the hour of Chapel service, and Claphcuris (for James s which is mentioned in Tom Wartoris ' Panegyric on Oxford Ale :' see p. 146 supra), which and Toms are described at the foot as ' Noted coffee-., houses in Cambridge' In an earlier number of *the Student or Oxf. and Camb. Monthly Miscellany 1 ' we are told that ' In every college there is a set of idle people called Lowngers whose whole business is to fly from the painful task of thinking... Whomsoever these Remoras of a college adhere to, they instantly benumb to all sense of reputation, or d.esire of learn- ing/ In the summer of 1711, Steele had described a new sect of philosophers at Cambridge, called Lowngers in the language of that university. ' Our young students are content to carry their speculations as yet no farther than bowling-greens, billiard-tables, and such like places.' Steele, who had been at Oxford (of Merton College) about fifteen years ear- lier, goes on to say ' I must be so just as to observe, I have formerly seen of this sect at our other uni- 1 I7=O, I. p. 21. 374 University Society versity ; though not distinguished by the appellation which the learned historian, my correspondent, re- ports they bear at Cambridge. They were ever looked upon as a people that impaired themselves more by their strict application to the rules of their order, than any other students whatever. Others seldom hurt themselves any further than to gain weak eyes, and sometimes headaches ; but these philosophers are seized all over with general ina- bility, indolence, and weariness, and a certain im- patience of the place they are in, with an heaviness in removing to another 1 .' A letter from Leo the Second, dated at his Den in college in Cambridge, in the summer of 1713 2 , records that there is 'at present a very flourishing Society of People called Lowngers, Gentlemen whose Observations are mostly itinerant, and who think they have already too much Good-sense of their own to be in need of staying at home to read other Peoples/ The following sketch was published in the Con- noisseur, Aug. 21, I/55 3 .' 'A Lownger is a creature that you will often see lolling in a coffee-house, or sauntering about the streets, with great calmness, and a most inflexible stupidity in his countenance. He takes as. much pains as the Sot to fly from his own thoughts ; and is at length happily arrived at the highest pitch of indolence, both in mind and body. He would be 1 Spectator, 54. ' Guardian, 124. 3 Connoisseur, 82. in the Eighteenth Century. 375 as inoffensive as he is dull, if it were not that his idleness is contagious ; for like the torpedo, he is sure to benumb and take away all sense of feeling from every one with whom he happens to come in contact.' The Oxford Smart in 1721, is described in the 46th No. of Amherst's Terrae Filius : ' " Oxford a boorish place ! poor wretch ! I am sorry for thy igno- rance. Who wears finer lace or better linnen than Jack Flutter? who has handsomer tie-wigs, or more fashionable deaths, or cuts a bolder bosh than Tom Paroquet? Where can you find a more handy man at a Tea- Table than Robin Tattle? Or, without vanity I may say it, one that plays better at Ombre than him who subscribes himself as an enemy... Valentine Frippery " [Dated 'Christ-Church College, July i.'] ' He is a SMART of the first rank, and is one of those who come, in their academical undress, every morning between ten and eleven to Lyne's coffee-house; after which he takes a turn or two upon the Park, or under Merton- Wall, whilst the dull regulars are at dinner in their hall, according to statute; about one he dines alone in his chamber upon a boiPd chicken, or some pettitoes; after which he allows himself an hour at least to dress in, to make his afternoon appearance at Ly tie's ; from whence he adjourns to Hamilton^ about five; from whence (after strutting about the room for a while, and drinking a dram of citron) he goes to chapel, to shew how genteely he dresses, and how well he can c haunt. After prayers he drinks Tea with some celebrated toast, and then waits upon her to Maudlin Grove, or Paradise- Garden, and back again. He seldom eats any supper, and never reads any thing but novels and romances. ' When he walks the street, he is easily distinguished by a stiff silk gown, which rustles in the wind, as he struts along; a flaxen tie-wig, or sometimes a long natural one, which reaches down below his rump ; a broad bully-cock" 1 d hat, or a square cap of above twice the usual size ; white stockings, thin Spanish leather shoes; his cloaths lined with tawdry silk, and his shirt ruffled down the bosom as well as at the wrists. Besides all which marks, he has a delicate jaunt in his gait, and smells very philosophically of essence. ' This is a true description of my correspondent ; and I leave the reader to judge, whether this is properly good breeding, or ridiculous grimace, and inconsistent college foppery. There is not, I agree with Mr. Frippery t a deficiency of this sort of politeness in OXFORD; but 376 University Society a man, in my opinion, may be very ill-manner 1 d under a silk gown, and do very uncivil things, for all he wears lawn ruffles. For instance, why may not one of these well-dress d sparks damn all strangers, or knock them down, (provided he has a mob to defend him,) as well as a ragged servitor of Jesus, or an half -start? d scholar of St. Johti's ? Is he ever the better bred for being better clad? Or do good manners consist in tufts or silk stockings? That a gay suit of cloaths often hides a bad skin, and that a light wig sets off a dirty countenance, I am well enough convinc'd ; but that they can hide too a multitude of rudenesses and /// manners, or atone for them, is what I never yet read either in holy scripture, or profane philosophy. I should not, for my part, like a kick of the breech ever the better from having it from a red topt shoe ; nor do I think that a broken head would smart the less, tho' it were to be done with a clouded cane. ' I know it is an hard thing to make any of my wary readers believe that beaux can be quarrelsome; but I can assure them, upon the word and honour of an English author, that five or six years ago, some twenty or thirty of these Oxford smarts did actually frighten three or four poor-spirited foreigners, and kick a presbyterian parson out of a coffee-house. * My dear friends the smarts have another very scurvy trick. Would they be content to be foppish and ignorant themselves, (which seems to be their sole study and ambition,) I could freely forgive them ; but they cannot forbear laughing at every body, that obeys the statutes, and differs from them ; or (as my correspondent expresses it, in the proper dialect of the place) that does not cut as bold a bosh as they do. They have singly, for the most part, very good assurance; but when they walk to- gether in bodies, (as they often do,) how impregnable are their foreheads? They point at every soul they meet, laugh very loud, and whisper as loud as they laugh. Demme, Jack, there goes a prig! Let us blow the puppy up Upon which, they all stare him full in the face, turn him from the wall as he passes by, and set up an horse-laugh, which puts the plain, raw novice out of countenance, and occasions great triumph amongst these tawdery desperadoes. * There is, I confess, one thing in which the aforesaid gownmen are very courtly and well-bred; I mean in paying their debts : for you are not to suppose that they wear all this rich drapery at their own proper costs and charges ; all the SMARTS in OXFORD are not noblemen and gentlemen-commoners, but chiefly of a meaner rank, who cannot afford to be thus fine any longer than their mercers, taylors, shoe-makers, and perriwig-makers will tick with them; which now and then lasts three or Eirj : in the 'Eighteenth ' Q^zgJ[. 377 Jour years ; after which they brush off, and return, like meteors, into the same obscurity from whence they arose. I have observed a great many of these transitory foplings, who came to the university with their fathers (rusty, old country farmers) in linsey- wolsey coats, greasy sun-burnt heads of hair, clouted shoes, yarn stock- ings, flapping hats, with silver hat-bands, and long muslin neckcloths run with red at the bottom. A month or two afterwards I have met them with bob-wigs and new shoes, Oxford-cut; a month or two more after this, they appear'd in drugget tloaths and ivorsted stockings; then in tye-wigs and ruffles; and then in silk gowns; till by degrees they were metamorphosed into compleat SMARTS, and damn'd the old country putts, their fathers, with twenty foppish airs and gesticulations. ' Two or three years afterwards, I have met the same persons in gowns and cassocks, walking with demure looks and an holy leer; so easy (as a learned divine said upon a quite different occasion} is the transi- tion from dancing to preaching, and from the bowling-green to the pulpit T It is interesting to compare with this the account given by bishop Earle 1 an old Merton man, of 'A meere young Gentleman of the Vniuersitie* in 1628 : ' one that comes there to weare a gowne, and to say hereafter, hee has beene at the Vniuersitie. His Father sent him thither, because hee heard there were the best Fencing and Dancing Schooles, from these he has his education, from his Tutor the ouersight. The first Element of his knowledge is to be shewne the Colledges, and initiated in a Tauerne by the way, which hereafter hee will learne of himselfe. The two markes of his Senioritie, is the bare Veluet of his gowne, and his proficiencie at Tennis, where when hee can once play, a Set, he is a Fresh-man no more. His Studie has commonly handsome Shelues, his Bookes neate Silke strings, which hee shewes to his Fathers man, and is loth to vntye or take downe for fear of misplacing. Vpon foule dayes for recreation hee retyres thither, and looks ouer the prety booke his Tutor Reades to him, which is commonly some short Historic, or a piece of Euphormio ; for which his Tutor giues him Money to spend next day. His maine loytering is at the Library, where hee studies Armes and bookes of Honour, and turnes a Gentleman-Critick in Pedigrees. Of all things hee endures not to be mistaken for a Scholler, 1 Microcosmographic, 23 (Mr Arber's reprint). 37$ University Society and hates a black suit though it bee of Sattin. His companion is ordi- narily some stale fellow, that ha's beene notorious for an Ingle to gold hatbands, whom hee admires at first, afterward scornes. If hee haue spirit or wit, hee may light of better company, and may learne some flashes of wit, which may doe him Knights seruice in the Country hereafter. But hee is gone to the Inns of Court, where hee studies to forget what hee learn'd before, his acquaintance and the fashion. ' The Gradus ad Cantabrigiam, 1803 an d 1824, re- cognizes the term ' Lounger/ ' to Lounge,' ' to take a Lounge,' and ' Lounging Book.' This last is ex- plained to mean ' a novel, or any book, but a mathe- matical one. The late Mr Maps, of Trumpington- street, possessed the most choice collection of Loung- ing Books that the genius of Indolence could desire. The writer of these pages recollects seeing Rabelais in English ; several copies of the Reverend Mr Sterne's Tristram Shandy; Wycherly and Congreve's Plays; Joe Miller's Jests; Mrs Behn's Novels; and Lord Rochester's Poems, which are very moving! And to these we beg to add [ed. 1824] The Cambridge Tart, and Faceti& Cantabrigienses! The first edition of the work just quoted, in i6mo. 1803, containing about 150 pages, is said, in the Dedication, to have been adapted to the pocket with a view to being a complete Lounging Book. So also * Tavern Anec- dotes. ..By One of the Old School,' 1825, professes on its title-page to be * Intended as a Lounge-Book for Londoners and their Country Cousins/ This is the proper place to mention the ' Mappesian Library ; founded by the late Mr John Nicholson, alias Maps [His portrait which now, in 1824, adorns the stair-case of the Public Library, was presented by in the Eighteenth Century. 379 the Undergraduates], of Trumpington-street. Mr Maps, if Fame lie not, was originally by profession a staymaker, which, strange to relate, had not attraction sufficient to bind him to it long. He afterwards took to crying and hawking of maps about the several Col- leges in the University, whence he acquired all his claim to eccentricity!!' (Gradus ad Cantab?) Gun- ning, in his Reminiscences^ \ says, that this character was universally known by the name of Maps, though his only son, to whom he left a handsome property, discovered he was entitled to the name of Nicholson. When he first began business, he was a seller of maps and pictures, which he exhibited in the streets on a small movable stall ; but when I came to College [in 1784] he was living in an old-fashioned, but large and commodious house belonging to King's College, and adjoining to what was then the Provost's Lodge. He had a very large stock of books required at college lectures, both classical and mathematical ; and I do not believe I expended during my undergraduateship twenty shillings in the purchase of books for the lec- ture-room. His terms of subscription were five shil- lings and threepence per quarter, but were afterwards increased to seven shillings and sixpence. When his house was pulled down to make way for the Screen which connects the Chapel of King's with the New Building, he built and removed to the house now oc- cupied by Macmillan. He was indefatigable in pur- suit of business, and was to be seen most part of the day loaded with books going from room to room in 1 Ed. 1854, I- 198200. 380 University Society the different colleges, and announcing himself by shouting MAPS as he proceeded. Persons requiring themes or declamations, or compositions on occa- sional subjects, were in the habit of applying to him, and if they had no objection to pay a high price, were furnished with articles of considerable literary merit. It was said that manuscript sermons might be obtained through him ; but in every transaction of the kind he strictly concealed the names of the par- ties concerned. By the desire of Dr Farmer [of Em- manuel], his truly characteristic portrait was placed on the staircase of the Public Library, a distinction he was better entitled to, than a smirking Professor in scarlet robes who hangs very near him.' Mr Geo. Dyer mentions 1 the full-length portrait by Reinagle, and states that Nicholson began by selling maps about the country, and also that 'the gownsmen and he lived in the exercise of constant depredations on each other. The fact seems to be, that the former began first to crib the books of the latter, and the lat- ter was, therefore, compelled to make reprisals, or, otherwise, he must at length have had an empty shop. Maps's tricks came under the act of se defendendo ; so that, though the gownsmen were often obliged to watch him like a sharper, still he was allowed, by general consent, to have deserved the character of an honest man.' He has won for his portrait a place among the town worthies in the Free Library, as well as in that of the university. 1 Cambridge Fragments, pp. 8890 in Vol. II. of Privileges of Cambridge, in the Eighteenth Century. 381 In the Cambridge Tart 1823, p. 135, are some 'Lines on seeing the portrait of " Old Maps" a well-known biblio* thist of Cambridge, placed over the door of a country library.' I reprint them without attempt at emendation. 'Can I forget thee, Maps? no! scanty praise Our learned Granta fail'd not to resound, As erst thy hasty steps pac'd classic ground. Thou bustling caterer for letter'd bays ! When judgment sound might wrangler's honours rise How hast thou bid my spirits to rejoice When not a surly dun, but thine own voice, Welcom'd no trifling novel of the day ; 'Twas armful large ! a soil'd and tatter'd stock : Euclid, and Conies, Algebra, and Locke, And Newton, philosophic head supreme ! And all the minor morals in array. Now, 'tis but Sonnetteer can sound thy fame, Thy son's superior merit dignifies the name.' This looks not unlike a puff of John Nicholson, junior : the following is a bona fide advertisement, the only one on the original indigo-coloured boards of the Camb. Univ. Calendar for 1802 which he pub- lished : 'Nicholsons Circulating Library, near the Senate- House, Cambridge, Established Fifty Years. Sub- scription, Js. 6d. per Quarter ; For which each Sub- scriber is allo\ved to have Fifteen Books at once. A Quarter's advance to be paid at the time of Sub- scribing. Stationary, Of all Kinds, and of the best Quality, and on the lowest Terms. New Publications and Books of every Description, procured on the shortest Notice. Bookbinding executed in a variety of plain or elegant Fashions. Cambridge : printed by F. Hodson! [Corner of Green-street.] 382 University Society In the same calendar, pp. 19, 20, is a note to the effect that 'A Syllabus of each Public Lecture (Mo- dern History excepted) may be had at Nicholsons and DcigJitons, to the latter of whom the names of the Attendants at the different Lectures are requested to be delivered.' In the Introduction to the same volume, / Hi, is a ' copy of Verses, which appeared on a Tripos paper:' in fact the Tripos verses for 1781 when the subject of them was yet alive. ' IloXXa re r$t\ MA* HOM. n. ii. 213. c O Tu Tyronis pariter, pariterque Sophistae Deliciae ! si vel mavis Grantanus Apollo, ' Seu magis illustri titulo MAPS nomine gaudes, Nunc ades, et felix audacibus annue coeptis. Nil mini Pierides : Parnassi somnia nulla: Nee sitiens unquam properavi Heliconis ad undas; Attamen aggrediens vestrae praeconia famae Mirifico videor perculsus Numinis oestro, Inttts et insolitos patiens inflarier ignes, Heu rapior! flagranti animo, prodire Poeta. Haud procul k celebri statuit quam Granta PalaestrS, Aemula qu& Pubes contorta Sophismata vibrant, Stat domus; haud equidem Pariis innixa columnis, Neve minans albo irrumpere in- aethera tecto; Cujus Apollinea clarus tamen Incola in arte, Grammaticus, Rhetor, Geometres, omnis in usum Ornatumque sciens artis, summusque Magister. Oh ego si potui (catus utpote Bunbiiry) vivam Effigiem vultumque viri depingere; chartis Perpetub nostris tua, MAPS, spiraret Imago. Qui decor obsequii ! blandi quae gratia Vultus ! Tu quoties properans Juvenum succurrere votis Suaviter arrides; tu scilicet omnibus Idem, Dona tuas quicunque rependunt annua ad aras. in the Eighteenth 'Century. 383 Fallor! an ante oculos subitb sese atria pandunt Templi (Fama noces mendax infama Tabernae Nomen quae dederis,) premit undique turba togata, Quisque sibi Lucem spondens et Pocula sacra; Hie petijt Euclidem; Newtonum deperit ille, Tertius exorat Mopsae et Corydonis amores, Quos legat ignavo solvens sua membra cubili. Nonne vides? quam mente vacans ! Incuria frontis Regna tenens, sensus Lethaeo rore soporat. Auctores titulosque librorum agnoverit ille Tanquam ungues digitosque suos; quicquid tamen intus Lockius erudiit, Mentisque Animique recessus Arcanos pandens, vix altera saecla docebunt. Rarior has sedes visit tamen ille, capillis Incomptis scissave tog& qui mente capaci Newtono invigilans nocturnam absumit olivam. Summa Mathematicae referet mox praemia palmae Victor, et agnin& gradietur Epomide Primus. Haud tamen exercet MAPS sola domestica cura, Nee satis esse putat proprios coluisse Penates, Impiger excurrit per vicos; quaeque tulere Sen Veterum gravior Sapientia, sive Recentum Acrius ingenium; nulli non commodus offert. Et quamvis humeris graviter tibi Musa, Mathesis, Incumbant, Sophiaeque omni farragine pressus Incedas, et fessa labet sub pondere cervix, Frons tua laeta tamen, mira est tibi gratia Risus. Et veluti quondam sylvas Rhodopei'us Orpheus Immitesque tigres et saxa sequentia duxit, Vox tua si nostras veniat fortasse per aures, Te subitb petimus proper!, oblitusque laborum Quisque, tibi sua Sacra refert et Numen adorat. Si quern dura premant Ttitoris jussa, MinervA Invita ut multum sudet miserabile carmen, Scilicet elatus quia Majestate Sophistae, Noctu finitimis voluit fera bella fenestris; Thure pio supplex tibi si cumulaverit aras, Hue Flacci rediisse Sales, tonitruque Maronis In superas iterum jures revocarier auras. Rhetoris an labor impositus? male sordidus esset Qui per ayaritiam patitur dispendia ' famae : 384 University Society Ah potius tribuens sua MAPS munuscula, summus Prodeat Orator Cicerone disertior ipso. Jamque oro veniam, si nomen, Delie, vestrum Ille ferat posthac; nee det ceu Marsya poenas, Judice quo fama pariles sunt MAPS et Apollo. Si te fatidicae praesse putaveris arti, Ex Tripode ea nostrum fundentem Oracula Vatem, Neve magis quam MAPS praenuncia Pythia Veri. Seu jactes medicinam! at noster Bibliopola Aegrotis Opifer longe praeclarior audit: Scilicet hie nunquam vacuus queribundus in aures, ''Hen Domino hand prosunt quae prosunt omnibus Artes" Roma Palatines tibi si decreverit arces, Annon ipse vides assurgunt huic quoque templa, Queis pretiosa magis, minus etsi lauta supellex? Ter venerande Pater! si quid mea carmina possunt, Nulla dies unquam memori tete eximet aevo. Virgilius citius morietur; Horatius ipse Ovidiusque simul; " quos non Jovis ira, nee ignis Nee poterit ferrum, nee edax abolere Vetustas ;" Quam, MAPS, ulla tuae venient oblivia famae.' ' Previous to the Senate-House Examinations, Maps annually made an arrangement of the Honors with a foresight almost oracular 1 .' I noticed lately in Mr E. Johnson's shop a well- worn copy of Ludlam's Algebra. Within the first board was a label of Nicholson's Circulating Library almost effaced. Some borrower had written the name ' Mapps' in it, for which young Nicholson had substituted his own name. A later hand had then written ' Do not be ashamed of y r name, your Father never was. Monjr? avrov KaXeovai Oeoi avSpes Se Nt- In a volume of tracts in the Cambridge Free Li- 1 Camb. Univ. Calendar, 1802, p. lii. in the Eighteenth Century. 385 brary [B. 13. 50] is an advertisement of Stevenson's (late Nicholson and Son's) Circulating Library. From the Year Book of ' ingenuous Hone' (col. 682), we learn that old Nicholson died Aug. 8, 1796, aged 66, lamented by an unparalleled circle of friends; it is said that he was known 'by the name of " Maps and Pictures." He presented to the Uni- versity a whole length portrait of himself, loaded with books, which hangs in the staircase of the public library, and under it a print engraven from it.' It was to oblige 'Maps' that, in 1786, Porson added some notes to an edition of Hutchinson's Xenophon's Anabasis, which was then about to be published 1 . Lending libraries were first tried in England a few years before the middle of the eighteenth century; but William Jones of Nayland (1726 1800) complains, in Letters from a Tutor to his Pupils, No. V, of the prevalence of novel-reading: 'this fashion, which has increased so mwch of late years, as nearly to swallow up all other reading; like the lean kine of Pharaoh, which swallowed up all the fat ones, and did not look the better for it.' In the Bodleian \Gough, Oxford 90] is a paper re- lating to James Fletcher's Reading-Room for fifty subscribers, about 1780. In [Dr Caswall's] 'A New Art teaching how to be Plucked] &c. by Scriblerus Redivivus, Oxford, J. Vincent, ed. 3, 1835, pp. 17, 18, it is stated that ' there be four places in Oxford where 1 Life, by Watson, p. 49. L. B. E. 25 386 University Society novels are to be got; Mr Weatherstone's, Mr Dewe's, Mr Hawkins', and Mr Richards' ; whereof the first, which is the oldest, is in St Aldates' ; the second, which hath many new books and various, is in Broad- street; the third, in High-street; and the fourth, in Magdalen-street/ A passage in Nevile's Poor Scholer, 1662, Act ii. sc. 4, shews that hiring books was an old shift, though (we may hope) not often practised with so sinister a design. ' Pege. Thus you must steer your course, step to a Book-sellers, and give him this angel [puts money out of J s pocket] which Tie lend you, for the use of (the many-languag'd Bibles lately publisht) for a week, their price is 12 pound, when you have once got 'urn into your study, invite your father to your chamber, show him your Library, and tell him you are 12 / out of purse for those large volumes.' I have already mentioned (p. 144) the library in Emmanuel coffee-house in 1763, and on pp. 151, 152, I have quoted from An Account of several Public Buildings in Oxford, never before described, in the Student, Vol. II. No. 10 (July 3, 1751). In that paper is included the following humorous sketch : ' In the university there are several libraries (besides those of RADCLIFFE, BODLEY, and of private colleges], which were instituted to remedy the great neglect of read- ing so prevalent amongst us, as well as for the benefit of those gownsmen who are incapable of reading Greek or Latin [p. 374], and also to promote that most edifying practice of lownging. For as, according to the old maxim of PLINY, mallcin nihil agcrc quaui in the Eighteenth Century. 387 agere ni/iil, i. e. I had rather do nothing than have nothing to do ; so is it better surely to read books of no use at all, than to read no books at all. There- fore, these libraries, to render them the more uni- versal, are conjoin'd with the several coffee-Jwuses : but the most remarkable is that lately erected near New-College, which, from the matter it contains, has obtained the appellation of IIAMAETIKON. The number of books, which, for a very plain reason, are entirely in English, still daily encrease. But, for fur- ther particulars, we must refer the curious to its ori- ginal founder and present librarian, the great Professor JOHNSON. It seems to be an universal maxim for the students in these libraries to keep a profound si- lence. At one of them in particular, near St. Marys, is a place purposely set apart for those of a superior degree, who have sense enough to hold their tongues. This is call'd the Temple of Silence. The disciples are directly opposite to those of PYTHAGORAS : for, in- stead of being silent from the first seven years from their coming to the University, they are allow'd to talk a great deal of nothing for that time, but ever after never to open their lips.' The paper concludes with a promise to the reader of a more complete book, 'already in the press/ on the subject. It was not, I believe, until 1762, that a fuller jeu d* esprit of that nature was published, no doubt by the same author, Tom Warton junior, fel- low of Trin. Coll., Oxon. (though it has been asserted by A. Chalmers, in his English Poets, I. xiv., that 'The "Guide to the Companion" was the production 252 University Society of Mr Huddesford'). Though it was re-edited in 1806 by Mr Cooke of Oxford, with the original cuts, it is now a scarce book. I will, therefore, quote the title at length, and a passage which bears upon p. 151 of this present compilation, as well as on the topic of coffee-house-libraries. * A Companion to the Guide and a Guide to the Companion 1 : being a Complete supplement to all the Accounts of Oxford hitherto published. Containing An accurate Description of several Halls, Libraries... c. The whole interspersed with Original Anecdotes, and interesting Discoveries, occasionally resulting from the Subject. And embellished with perspective Views and Elevations neatly engraved. Avia Pieridum peragro loca : Nullius ante Trita solo LUCRET. iv. i. London: Printed for H. Payne, at Dryden's Head in Paternoster Row : and sold by the Booksellers of Oxford. [Price Sixpence].' (No date, pp. i iv, 5 40. Bodl. Douce O. 56). Page 8. ' I have discovered no less than TWELVE HALLS, never yet enumerated nor described, namely, TIT-UP HALL, CLAY HALL, CABBAGE HALL, CATERPILLAR HALL, STUMP HALL, LEMON HALL, f Fox HALL, FEATHER HALL, KETTLE HALL, TRIPE HALL, WESTMINSTER HALL. 1 ' Tu tibi Dux Comiti; tu Comes ipsa Duci.' Ovid, llcroid. XIV. 106. in the Eighteenth Century. 389 Lastly, to these we must add, KIDNEY HALL, which has been long in esteem as a noted Seminary ; and has lately been re-founded by the Name of DIAMOND HALL. ' With these HALLS we must mention a Thirteenth, formerly distin- guished by the name of REDCOCK HALL: This House has been for some years [p. 9] unhappily alienated from the purposes of Literature, and is at present inhabited by two widow gentlewomen. ' The notion is equally erroneous with regard to the number of our LIBRARIES. Besides those of Radcliffe, Bodley, and the private col- leges, there have of late years been many Libraries founded in our Coffee- Houses, for the benefit of such of the Academics as have neglect- ed, or lost, their Latin and Greek. In these useful Repositories Crown- Gentlemen are accommodated with the Cyclopaedia in the most expedi- tious and easy manner. The MAGAZINES afford History, Divinity, Philosophy, Mathematics, Geography, Astronomy, Biography, Arts, Sciences, and Poetry. The REVIEWS form the complete Critic, without consulting the dry rules of Aristotle, Quintilian, and Bossu ; and enable the student to pass his judgment on volumes which he never read, after the most compendious method. NOVELS supply the place of expe- rience, and give lectures of Intrigue and Gallantry. OCCASIONAL POEMS diffuse the itch of rhyming, and happily tempt many a young fellow to forsake Logic, turn smart, and commence Author, either in the Pastoral, Lyric, or Elegiac way. POLITICAL PAMPHLETS teach the inexpediency of Continental Connections ; that for the punishment of French Perfidy, we should wage perpetual war with that nation ; and that our Conquests in America will raise the jealousy of all Europe. As there are here Books suited to every Taste, so there are Liquors adapted to every species of reading. Amorous Tales may be perused over Arrack Punch and Jellies; Insipid Odes over Orgeat or Capilairc; Politics over Coffee; Divinity over Port; and Defences of bad Generals and bad Ministers over Whipt Syllabubs. In a word, in these Libraries Instruction and Pleasure go hand in hand ; and we may pronounce, in a literal sense, that Learning remains no longer a dry pursuit. ' The most ancient and considerable of these, is that in New College- Lane, founded by the memorable Mr Johnson. He was accordingly constituted the first Librarian, and upon his retiring to \hQlsleof Wig/if, for the private pursuit of his Studies, was succeeded by Librarian Hadley, who, though now removed, still accommodates Students on, their way to London: and a female Librarian at present fills this impor- tant department \vith applause. 3QO University Society ' With regard to the Manuscripts of these Libraries, they are oblong folios [p. 1 1], bound in parchment, lettered on the plan of Mr Locke's Common Place Book ; are written by, and kept under the sole care of the Librarian. These Manuscripts, which in process of time amount to many volumes, are carefully preserved in the Archives of each re- spective Library. ' That the reader may not be surprised at our mentioning a female Librarian at Oxford (which indeed would be less extraordinary if our Fellows of Colleges were allowed to marry), it must be remarked that the other Libraries, established on this plan, viz. James's, Tom's, John's, &c., are also conducted by Females; who, though properly the sub- Librarians, have usurped the right of their Husbands in the execution of this office.' Gray, writing from Peterhouse to his friend Whar- ton, April 26, 1744, mentions that the bars at Dick's and the Rainbow coffee-houses were kept by women. It appears also from Cradock's Memoirs, IV. 226, quoted in Gray's works, I. Ixvi, that ' it was the cus- tom at Cambridge, when a book was ordered at a coffee-house, that four subscribers' names should be previously signed.' The Book Club, or Society for Promoting Useful Knowledge, was established at Cambridge in 1784, and met in the Bull Inn till about i84i l . Having given references already (pp. 153 155) to the tory high borlace (1732 65) and the lady patron- esses of that club, it must be said that this was not the only society of the kind at Oxford. It is recorded by Chalmers, in his English Poets, xvill. 76, of Tom Warton, that 'in 1747 and 1748 he held the office of poet laureate, conferred upon him, according to an ancient practice, in the common room of Trinity Col- 1 Cooper's Annals, TV. 409. in the Eighteenth Century. 391 lege. The duty of this office was to celebrate the lady chosen by the same authority, as the lady pa- troness, and Warton performed the task, on an ap- pointed day, crowned with a wreath of laurel. The verses, which Mr Mant says are still to be seen in the common-room, are written in an elegant and flowing style, but have not been thought worthy of tran- scription.' A notice of university wits and poets must be re- served for the second division of this compilation. The custom of naming a lady as ' an excuse for the glass' seems strange and unnatural to us who are not 'to the manner born:' but it was customary at the universities as early as 1730*; and we read of Dr RL Farmer, that, 'from his first coming to College, he always gave Miss Benskin as a toast, and never could mention her name without evident feelings of the most ardent affection 2 .' Compare also supra, p. 160. In 1710 Uffenbach was particularly pleased with Clare walks. He also admired the fine new buildings behind that college, or hall, as it was then more eu- phoniously called. His taste was that of the times; and so he despises the old buildings of Queens' as not much better than ' Magdalene College 3 .' In the last century there was a general detestation of any- thing gothic : pointed arches were studiously reduced to a horizontal, and the world went mad over Italian and classical decoration* 1 James Miller's Humours oj Oxford, Act iv. Sc. I. 2 Gorham's Marty ns^ p. 99. Reisen, III. .7, 24. 39 2 University Society Bentley had mutilated the south-west of the great court of Trinity, Sir Nathaniel Lloyd had left a legacy (1735) for the facing or defacing of Trinity Hall. But in the middle of the century the most an- cient foundation set the example of ' improvements.' In 1762 the fellows of Peterhouse, in the absence of the Master (bishop Law), voted to face the court with stone, the windows were made square, and every- thing smoothed clean away. In the guide-book, printed after 1763, it is described as 'entirely new cased with stone in an elegant manner. The lesser court, next the street, is divided by the chapel ; and on the north side is a lofty elegant building, faced with stone, lately erected.' In the edition of 1796 this is described as c a lofty modern building faced with stone:' novelty and elegance being of course sy- nonymous. In 1773 St John's followed this example, and faced the first court, on the south side, ' at such an expence as it would be preposterous to go on in the same manner 1 .' This, says the guide-book, ' makes a handsome appearance.' The highest praise was lavished on * Emanucl Col- lege. On the west, next the street, is erected a very handsome building (of which the plate annexed is an exact representation), which makes the principal court a very beautiful one, having on the south an elegant uniform stone building, adorned with a balus- trade and parapet ; and opposite to it, on the north, the hall, combination-room, and master's lodge ; on the east is a fine cloister with 1 3 arches, and an hand- 1 Cole ap. Mayor, 6u. 19. in the Eighteenth Century. 393 some gallery over it, well furnished and adorned with portraits of the founder, several of the benefactors, and former members of the college. In the middle of the cloister is the entrance into the chapel. ' The chapel, including the ante-chapel, is 84 feet long, 30 broad, and 27 high, and is extremely well adorned and furnished. The altar-piece is a very grand painting of the prodigal son, by Ammiconi : the floor is marble, and the ceiling stucco. There is a neat organ, and a gallery for the master's family. In the middle of the chapel hangs a curious glass chandelier, which has a beautiful appearance when lighted. * The hall is one of the most elegant in the uni- versity, having been fitted up in a grand taste ; the carved work, wainscotting, and fret-work of the ceiling being highly finished. There are two fine bow-win- dows, opposite to each other, at the upper end of the hall, and a gallery for music over the screens. The gardens are extensive and pleasant, with a bowling- green, and cold-bath, over which is a neat brick build- ing, sashed in front, containing a commodious little room to dress in. The curious take notice of a fine young cedar-tree in this garden.' At the same time the buildings of Queens' are dis- missed as 'two courts besides a pile of buildings near the gardens:' but the readers are comforted by the information that 'The front of the college next the water, including the president's lodge, is intended to be rebuilt in an elegant manner, part of which is already finished, and when the whole is completed, it 394 University Society will make an exceeding grand front (see the annexed plan).' Of course they would have done well to have put themselves under the guidance of Sir James Bur- rough, master of Caius (1754 64), the leader of the vandal revival, Still we shall not quarrel with the Guide for commending Queens' 'grove and gardens; which, lying on both sides of the river, are connected with each other and the college by two bridges of wood; one of which is of a curious structure, built of one arch upon piers of stone: the gardens being very extensive, well planted with fruit and adorned with rows of elms, and fine walks, make it a very agree- able retirement for students.' The following extracts from A Pocket Companion for Oxford, 1761, should have come a few pages earlier. Magdalen. ' One unparalleled Beauty belonging to this College is the extensive Out let. The Grove seems perfectly adapted to indulge Contemplation ; being a pleasant kind of Solitude, laid out in Walks, and well planted with Elms and other large Trees. It has likewise a Bowling- Green, in it, and having some beautiful Lawns, feeds about forty Head of Deer. 'Besides the Walks which are in the Grove there is a very delight- ful and much frequented One, round a Meadow containing about 13 Acres, and that surrounded by the several Branches of the Cktrutell) from whence it is called the Water- Walk; which yields all the Variety could be wished: Some Parts of it running in straight Lines, with the Trees regularly cut; others winding, and the Trees growing little other- wise than as Nature directs : There is plenty of Water as well as Verdure, and an agreeable View of the Country adjacent.' St John's College. ' The Gardens belonging to this College are ex- tremely agreeable, very extensive, and well laid out. They still retain the Names they formerly had, when they had nothing to boast of but a Plantation of tall Elms, viz. the outer and inner Grove. But now the in the Eighteenth Century. 395 outer one is disposed in regular Walks and Grass-Plots, the Walls thereof covered with Evergreens and neatly cut, and finely shaded by Trees of various Kinds, viz. the middle Walk by a Row of Lime Trees on each Side cut arch-wise, a Row of cut Elms by the Side-Walks, and at each End and across the middle two Groups of beautiful Chest- nut Trees. The inner Grove is of quite a different Cast to this, being so contrived as to satiate the Eye at once, but its various Parts present themselves gradually to view. No Spot whatever is calculated to yield a more pleasing Variety; for, except Water, it has all that could be wished.' Merton College. l The Gardens are very pleasant, having the Ad- vantage of a Prospect of the adjacent Walks and Country from the South Terrass.' Christ Church. 'Next to the Buildings of Christ-Church, their long Gravel walk, planted on each side with Elms, deserves our Notice, being a Quarter of a Mile in Length, and of a proportionate Breadth. This is much the finest Walk about Oxford. 4 Parallel to this is another Walk under the Walls of Corpus- Christi and Merton Colleges, which is much resorted to by Invalids, on account of its being sheltered from the North Winds by the Colleges above- mentioned.' New College Library. 'From hence we pass through the middle Gate into theGARDEN-CouRT, which widens by Breaks as we approach the Garden. This Court is separated from the Garden, by an Iron Gate and Palisade which extend 130 Feet in Length, and admit of a most agreeable Prospect of the Garden through them. In the middle of the Garden is a beautiful Mount with an easy Ascent to the Top of it, and the Walks round about it, as well as the Summit of it, guarded with Yew Hedges. The Area before the Mount being divided into four Quarters, in one is the King's Arms, with the Garter and Motto ; in that opposite to it the Founder's; in the Third a Sun-Dial, and the Fourth a Garden-Knot ; all planted in Box, and neatly cut. ' The whole is surrounded by a Terras. On each Side are Lime- Trees planted ; and on the North Side in particular there is a serpentine Walk planted with flowering Shrttbs. Behind the Mount likewise is a fine Collection of Shrubs so contrived as to rise gradually one above the other, and over them, a Row of Horse Chestnut Trees, which spread in such a Manner as to cover the Garden Wall, and carry the Eye on to a most beautiful Mantle of tall Elms, which terminates the View, and seems to be the only Boundary to that End of the Garden ; but we are obliged to Magdalen College Grove for this additional Beauty. 396 University Society ' At the South East Corner of the Garden we enter the BOWLING- GREEN ; which is in all Respects neat and commodious. Opposite to the Entrance is a Pavilion or Temple ; on the Right a Terras with flow- ring Shrubs, and a Row of Elms to shade the Green in the Evening, that Side being almost due West; and on the Left a Row of Sycamores which are mentioned by Dr Plot, in his Natural History of Oxfordshire, as a great Curiosity ; being incorporated from one End of the Row to the other. ' Having conducted our Reader to the furthest Part of the College, we would recommend to him a View of the Building from the Mount ; whence the Garden-Court, in particular, has a very grand Effect : For from thence the Wings appear properly display 'd, and the whole is seen at a convenient Distance. The Perspective View annexed was taken from the first Landing-place, and may be compared with the Original. From the top of the Mount likewise there is an extensive and agreeable Prospect of the Country, and of some other Buildings in the Uni- versity.' As an example of the critical taste of the time we may select the following from the Account of Trinity College: 'The Chapel here is exqui- sitely finished ; its Screen and Altar-Piece are of Cedar curiously work'd, and the latter is embellished with Carvings of that eminent Artist Mr Guibbons ; the Floor is laid with black and white Marble; the Cieling adorned with admirable Stucco of a very high Relief, in the Middle of which is an Ascension finely painted ; and that which appears to be the Frame round this Picture is a curious Deceptio Visits, or Deception of the Sight ; for it does not really project, but is on a Level with the rest of the Cieling. In a Word, this Chapel is a Pattern of Elegance joined with Simplicity. ' The Hall is a handsome Gothick Room, adorned with the Pictures of their Founders and Benefactors.' The contemporary descriptions of other college chapels must be reserved for the third, and those of the Physick or Botanick Gardens, for the second part of this Compilation. Feb. 10, 1779, the Corporation ordered the trees on Erasmus's walk at the north end of Queens' Green to be sold 1 , but the University paid 5O/. to preserve 1 Cooper's Annals, iv. 389. in the Eighteenth Century. 397 them, Sept. 26, 1780. So in an engraving of King's College Chapel, published in 1793 (by W. & J. Walker, from an Original Drawing by J. Walker, figures by Burney), a party of ladies and university men are de- picted as enjoying a summer's afternoon on that walk, while others are punting themselves and their friends on the river, the larger barges being towed by horses who wade in the water. In one of Loggan's views of Clare Hall (about 1690), two men, in business-like costume, are rowing two ladies and a beau, who sit under an awning in the stern, while another pleasure party watch them over the wall of the fellows' garden. William Pattison, the poet of Sidney Sussex Col- lege, who used to amuse himself with fishing, also, about 1725, wrote a poem to the Cambridge Beauties Aureuchia, Sylvia and Delia, Belinda and Flora. A few years later appeared 'A Poem, in answer to a Lampoon, which was wrote on the Cambridge Ladies, London, 1731.' [Bodl. Gotigh, Camb. 103]. It relates to the virtues of the Beauties who attended the Cam- bridge churches : as, Alinda, Flavia, and Flora at the University Church; Clarissa a 'Less St Marian;' 'thy fair oh Benm't;' 'the Andrian fair;' and 'the fair Botolphian maid/ ' Surprized I gaze on each unerring Fair, Whom health requires to take refreshing Air, To King's cool shades where restless Lovers walk, In different Ways on difTrent Subjects talk. But ah how fatal oft these Walks do prove To injur'd Innocence, and constant Love, Let LUCIA witness.' University Society The following passage from 'The Friendly and Honest Advice of an Old Tory to the Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge/ 1751 [Bodl. Gongh, Camb. 36, 47], p. 26, describes a condition of things very strange to us. 'The Wranglers I am told on the first Day of their Exercise have usually expected that all the young Ladies of their Acquaintance (whether such as have sometimes made their Bands, or who are more gen- teely employed in keeping the Bar at a Tavern or a Coffee-house) should wish them Joy of their Honours. To give them an opportunity of doing so, their Man- ner has been to spend the Morning in going to several of their Houses/ The second volume of the Student or Oxford and Cambridge Monthly Miscellany contains several pa- pers written by ' the Female Student/ and dated from Cambridge in 1751, though I have my suspicions that they were written by an Oxonian. The career of a Toast or Beauty is sketched in a lively manner. She is the daughter of a fellow of a college who was se- cretly married to the daughter of a ' matriculated tradesman' (a barber, a bookseller, a butler or cook of college, II. 256; a tailor's daughter is mentioned, ibid. 303). She had picked up as much information as she could from the inside of wig-boxes and from the curling papers twisted round pipes (p. 49), and her unknown father had carefully taught her Latin and one science after another. After she had ceased to be the care of freshmen of fortune over the tea-table and of gold tufts and ' the genteelest, or (in the mo- dern dialect) the jemmiest ' of all our violin-playing in the Eighteenth Century. 399 fellow-commoners at concerts (I. 131, II. 51, 105), she, by her wit, becomes a favourite with older members of the university. What she might come to in time is shewn in the description of her predecessor, Miss Betsy Peevish (u. 349), an old maid who 'goes to church constantly (with a large quarto bible under her arm) twice a day; and after prayers are over, she confabulates with some pious old woman about the faults of her neighbours.' It must have been shortly after this that Goldsmith wrote his Double Transformation. A Tale. ' Secluded from domestic strife Jack Book-worm led a college life; A Fellowship at twenty-five Made him the happiest man alive, He drank his Glass, and crack'd his Joke, And Freshmen wonder'd as he spoke. Such Pleasures unalloy'd with Care, Could any accident impair? Could Cupid's shaft at length transfix Our Swain, arrived at thirty-six? O had the Archer ne'er come down To ravage in a Country Town ! Or Flavia been content to stop At triumphs in a Fleet-Street Shop! SkilPd in no other arts was she But Dressing, Patching, Repartee. And, just as Humour rose or fell, By turns a Slattern or a Belle? I have already given an extract (on p. 158) from T. Warton's Progress of Discontent, which was com- posed not much before this time. The hero of that piece, having given up his fellowship to take a living 400 University Society and to marry 'a cousin of the 'squire,' repents at his leisure, and sighs for his old college days : 'No cares were there for forward Peas A yearly longing wife to please; My thoughts no Christ'ning Dinners crost, No children cry'd for butter'd Toast; And every Night I went to bed Without a modus in my head.' After all, the universities had no great reputation for politeness. [Bishop] John Earl (1628, when fellow of Merton) in his Microcosmographie, 20, says, of A downe-right Scholler that 'His scrape is homely and his nod worse. He cannot kisse his hand and cry Madame, nor talke idly enough to beare her company. His smacking of a Gentle-woman is somewhat too sauory, and he mis- takes her nose for her lippe. A very Wood-cocke would puzzle him in caruing, and hee wants the logicke of a Capon. He has not the glib faculty of sliding over a tale, but his words come squemishly out of his mouth, and the laughter commonly before the iest. He names this word Colledge too often, and his discourse beats too much on the Vniversity. The perplexity of mannerlinesse will not let him feed, and he is sharp set at an argument when hee should cut his meate. He is discarded for a gamester at all games but one and thirty, and at tables he reaches not beyond doublets. His fingers are not long and drawn out to handle a Fiddle, but his fist is cluncht with the habit of dis- puting. Hee ascends 'a horse somewhat sinisterly, though not on the left side, and they both goe logging in griefe together. He is exceed- ingly censur'd by the innes a Court men, for that hainous Vice being out of fashion. He cannot speake to a Dogge in his owne Dialect, and vnderstands Greeke better then the language of a Falconer. Hee has beene vsed to a darke roome, and darke clothes, and his eyes dazzle at a Sattin Doublet. The Hermitage of his Study, has made him somwhat vncouth in the world, and men make him worse by .staring on him. Thus is hee silly and ridiculous, and it continues with him for some quarter of a yeare, out of the Vniuersitie. But practise him a little in men, and brush him ore with good companie, and hee shall out balance those glisterers as much as solid substance do's a feather, or Gold Gold-lace.' , in the Eighteenth Century. 401 A dramatist's opinion is thus expressed by Far- quhar (Love and a Bottle, II. 2) in 1698: c Widow Bullfinch. Champagne is a fine liquor, which all your great beaux drink to make 'em witty. ' Mockmode. We dare not have wit there [at the university] for fear of being counted rakes. Your solid philosophy is all read there, which is clear another thing.' Jack Lizard is represented in the Guardian of April 8, 1713 (No. 24), as coming home for his first vacation (he was only about fifteen years old), and making his friends uncomfortable by applied science of a disagreeable description, and by telling, in com- pany, long stories about the college cook. The 77th number of Hugh Kelly's Babler illustrates, in the person of Tom Welbank, the ignorance of the world displayed by a university man when in company with Mr Pope and Lady Mary Wortley Montague. The testimony of Nic. Amherst, in Terrae Filius, ed. 2, p. 193, is in the same direction. In ' the Author's Farce, and the Pleasures of the Town,' I. 5, Witmore is made to say, 'But for a man to preach up Love and the Muses in a Garret, it wou'd not make me more sick to hear Honesty talked of at Court, Conscience at Westminster, Politeness at the University/ And Swift says, 'A scliolard when just from his college broke loose, Can hardly tell how to cry Bo to a goose.' The Female Student, however, makes a distinction. L. B. E. 26 402 University Society Speaking of masters of arts she writes (Student, or Oxf. and Camb. Monthly Miscellany, 1751, II. 301, 302): ' A magisterial strut, a wise gravity of countenance, and a general stiffness in all his actions denote him for a man of consequence. He is taught to entertain a sovereign contempt for undergraduates, and, for- sooth scorns to demean himself by conversing with his inferiors. Hence the whole scene of his life is confin'd to those of his own standing : and the college-hall, the common-room, the coffee-house, and now and then a ride on Gog-magog-hills, is all the variety he has a taste for enjoying. One half of the human creation, (which men have complaisantly term'd the Fair) he is an utter stranger to; and that softness, that delicacy, that je ne seal quoy elegance of address, which our company imper- ceptibly inspires, is in his eyes a foolish impertinent affectation. Thus does he gradually degenerate into a mere what I don't care to name ; 'till at last he has liv'd so long at college, that he is not fit to live any where else. ' That I have traced the true source of ACADEMICAL ILL-BREEDING, is plain from the awkward carriage of our rusty dons, whenever they are saddled with the company of strangers. But at the same time let me do justice to those of our younkers (especially among the fellow- commoners) who by studied grimace, formal elocution, and forc'd action, are equally excessive in the practice, as others are in the neglect of POLITENESS. This affectation I attribute to the vain ambition of monopolizing the regards of what they call BEAUTIES amongst us, who (poor souls!) deal out their good graces indiscriminately to all that dance after them. However, as the honour of sauntering with them in publick, is seldom indulg'd b'ut to the jaunty, he is sure to have the reputation at least of being a favourite, who by this mark of their esteem is preferred for POLITENESS.' Richardson, in Sir Charles Grandison (1753), gives an amusing sketch of Mr Walden, a pedantic and conceited ' Oxford Scholar of family and fortune ; but quaint and opinionated, despising every one who had not had the benefit of an university education/ Har- riet Byron writes thus to her confidential friend, Miss Selby (Letter x.): 'By the way let me ask my uncle in the Eighteenth Centiiry. 403 if the word "scholar" means not the learner rather than the learned? If it originally means no more, I would suppose that formerly the most learned men were the most modest, contenting themselves with being thought learners.' Judging from the specimens which she gives of their conversation at table, we should now say that all the gentlemen were impolite (perhaps they were drawn so intentionally to lead up to the immaculate Sir Charles); but Mr.Walden is offensively and ex- cessively rude. This is the style of his conversation (Letter XII.) : ' It has been whispered to me that you have had great advantages from a grandfather, of whose learn- ing and politeness we have heard much. He was a scholar. He was of Christ Church in our university, if I am not mistaken. You have thrown out some extraordinary things for a lady, and especially for so young a lady. From you we expect the opinions of your worthy grandfather, as well as your own no- tions. ' Have you, madam, read Swift's Tale of a Tub? There is such a book, Sir Hargrave...' ' I have, sir/ ' Why, then, madam, you no doubt read, bound up with it, The Battle of the Books: a very fine piece written in favour of the ancients, and against the moderns.' One of the other gentlemen puts in ma- liciously, 'The young gentlemen at both universities are already in more danger of becoming fine gentle- men than fine scholars' (Letter XIII.) However, Mr 262 404 University Society Walden is said to have had 'very few admirers in the university to which, out of it, he is so fond of boasting a relation :' and we can sympathize with Miss Clement's whispered thanksgiving that 'all scho- lars are not like this/ If we may trust a lady's account, scholars were ignorant of the fashionable slang. (Mrs Cowley's Who's the Dupe ? 1779, I. 3.) 'Charlotte. Knowledge, as you manage it, is a downright bore. ' Gradus. "Boar!" what relation can there be be- tween knowledge and a "hog!" ' Char. Lord bless me ! how ridiculous. You have spent your life in learning the dead languages, and are ignorant of the living. Why sir, "bore" is all the " ton." 'Grad. "Ton!" "ton!" What may that be? It cannot be orthology: I do not recollect its root in the present languages. ' Char. Ha, ha, ha ! better and better. Why, sir, "ton" means "ton" is Pho! what signifies where the root is? These kinds of words are the short hand of conversation, and convey whole sentences at once. All one likes is "ton," and all one hates is "bore."' How far ignorance of the world may have been produced by the difficulties of locomotion, it is not easy to say. Only a small proportion of the Ox- onians can have enjoyed the fashionable society of Astrop wells (Spectator, No. 154, and compare p. 105 suprd), and still fewer the more fashionable ' watering- in the Eighteenth Century. 405 place' the Bath, like John Thorpe in Miss Austen's Northanger A bbey. Since the time when master Hobson jogged be- tween Cambridge and the Bull in Bishopsgate-street, there had been considerable advance in the facilities of conveyance; but still communication between dis- tant counties was no trifling matter. About 1670 the Flying Coach 1 performed the journey from Lon- don to Oxford in 13 hours in summer: in cold weather it took two days. Dr Bliss says 2 that in 17-24 Haynes's flying coach from Oxford to London took two days in winter, and one in summer, when they ran three days a week. In 1 707 there was only one carrier once a fortnight between Oxford and Bath, Oxford and Birmingham, Oxford and Read- ing. To Shrewsbury once a month ; to Exeter once in five weeks ; to Westmoreland thrice a year. In Nov. 1731 the licensed waggoners, Mr Thos. Godfrey and the widow Stafford, put one Barnes into the Vice-Chancellor's Court for having set up a waggon to carry goods to and fro from London without his licence 3 . July 17, 1702, Fr. Burman left London in a coach and four at 5 in in the morning and reached Cambridge at 8 p.m. Aug. 1 6, 1710, when Z. C. von Uffenbach 4 was driving from Bices- ter to Oxford, one of the wheels of his coach broke, and the passengers had to walk the remaining ten miles. Ralph Thoresby's journey and narrow escape from a similar accident in the summer of 1714, has already been quoted (pp. 259, 260). June 24, T74i 5 , a daily post was established between Cambridge and London by the Postmaster-General. Mr Cooper (Annals, in. 463) quotes an advertisement of the autumn of 1654: ' A Stage Coach goes from the Swan at Grayes Inn Lane end in Holborn to the Rose in Cambridge every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for IQJ-., and from the Rose in Cambridge every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday for IQJ. Letters and small packets are sent by them.' ' This seems to have been the coach afterwards called the Fly, which went by the Epping road, and which many years since put up at the Queen's Head, in Gray's Inn 1 Hone's Year Book, col. 269. 2 Reliqu. Hearn. Bliss, n. 215 n. 3 Ibid. III. 77. 4 Rcisen, in. 85. 5 Cooper's Annals, iv. 243. 406 University Society Lane, till removed to the George and Blue Boar in Holborn. It con- tinued to run from the Rose till the 1 1 th of April, 1 808, when it started from the Red Lion. From Chamberlayne's Angliae Notitia, 1671, it appears the coaches from London to Cambridge performed the journey in 12 hours ['at a low price as about is. for every 5 miles.' Hone's Year Book, col. 1451, where reference is made to the flying-coaches of 1720], "not counting the time for dining, setting forth not too early and coming in not too late." In the early part of George the Second's reign, espe- cially in the winter season, although the coaches had six horses, they were frequently two days in performing the journey hence to London.' The fares for hackney coachmen 1 between Cambridge and Sturbridge fair in 1688 were fixed at is. for one, two, three, or four persons from sunrising to sunset; and after sunset iSd. In i/SQ 2 the fare was only 3c. In every day at 9 [8, 1 796] in the morning. Out every night at 9 o'clock. * Ely. In every Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday, at 9 in the morn- ing [every evening (except Saturday), 1796], Out the same mornings at 10 o'clock [every night at 7 o'clock (except Monday), 1796].' In the same Guide eight Coaches are mentioned (in 1763 only three). Among these are: ' The Fly for 4 passengers at 14^. each [iw. in 1763; iSs. in 1796], which goes to London every day by Chesterford, Hock- erill, and Epping ; set out at 7 o'clock from the Rose, in the market- place, and arrives at the Queen's Head, Gray's Inn Lane [George and Blue Boar, Holborn, 1796], at 5 o'clock the same evening; from whence another Fly sets out every morning at 8 o'clock for Cambridge.' ['Whereas many Gentlemen of the University and others have much 1 Cooper's Annals, in. 540. a Ibid. IV. 205, 206. 3 Ibid. IV. 273. in the Eighteenth Century. 407 desired they might be at Liberty, when travelling in the FLY, either to Dine, or not, upon the Road : We the Proprietors of the said Fly, for the more speedy Conveyance of Passengers, do not stop on the Road to dine (except desired), by which means near an Hour will be saved in the Journey ; and nothing shall be wanting to render the said Machines in all other respects, as compleat, safe, and expeditious as any in the Kingdom, By A. S. Forlow & Co.' of the Rose. He took the credit of being ' the first Undertaker of conveying Gentlemen, in this expeditious manner, to and from London.' Cooper's Annals, IV. 336.] 'The London and Cambridge Diligence for 3 passengers at 15^. each' [i/. in 1796], 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. from the Hoop to the White-Horse, Fetter Lane. 'Woodward and Co.'s Ipswich Stage,' 'Smith and Co.'s Post Coach from Cambridge to Birmingham in 2 days, at i/. ior. each,' &c. &c. E. Gillam's, J. Burleigh's, J. Cock's, and Oliver's Waggons, and several carriers are enumerated. In 1764 there was also a Fly to Ely, six horses, on week-days, 8a.m. to n p.m. Return 3 p.m. to 6p.m. Insides 4^. outsides is. The first mail coach direct from London to Cambridge (in /i hours) was that from London to Wisbech, which began to run Feb. 6, 1792. The Cambridge Chronicle**-, price i\d. was first published Sat., Oct. 30, 1762. With it was afterwards incorporated the Cambridge Journal and Weekly Flying Post, which first appeared in Sept. 1744. In March, 1785, Cambridge bags were sent to and brought from Bournbridge 2 , when the plan of Mr Palmer of Bath for mails was set on foot between London and Norwich. * Before that time letters were conveyed on horseback, and I have seen 3 (says Professor Pryme) 'the post-lad with a portmanteau strapped behind him on his horse, of which he could so easily have been robbed, riding between Newark and Not- tingham. ' Pack-horses were used for conveying goods, and I have seen long strings of them with their panniers in the North of Yorkshire and in Devonshire, 'A gentlemen of olden time travelled, when alone, by "riding post," that is, hiring for eightpence a mile at each stage two horses, with a post-boy, who carried the portmanteau behind him, and took the tired horses back when fresh ones were had. Every gentleman visited London at least once in his lifetime. Pillion was' the usual mode of conveyance for women among farmers, and even the gentry. I have seen hundreds riding so 3 .' 1 Cooper's Annals, IV. 323, -249. * Ibid. iv. 415. 3 Autobiog. Recoil, of Geo. frymt t 1870, pp. 62, 63. 408 University Society At the end of the Camb. Univ. Calendar for 1802 are advertised nine coaches: The Telegraph light Coach, Mail, Fly, Heavy, Lord Nelson, Bury, Birmingham, Old Birmingham, and Ipswich. When the Telegraph was first announced to do the distance between this and London in the time there stated (7 hours) 1 , 'people anticipated that it would never last, and that the horses would shortly break down from fatigue. The coaches went very slowly : a man walking between Bury St Edmund's and Newmarket was offered a lift on one as it passed him. He had been in the habit of accepting it, but on this occasion said, "No, thank you, I'm in a hurry to-day." I myself have travelled with my uncle from Nottingham to Hull by coach, when it took two clays to perform the journey (72 miles), and have witnessed two men, who spoke to the coachman as he left Newark, arrive on foot at the half-way house between that and Lincoln, a distance of 16 miles, just as we drove out of it after baiting the horses. ' Among Dighton's caricatures is A View of the Telegraph, Cam- bridge, May, 1809, a portrait of 'Dick Vaughan,' in black hat, brown top-coat, white neckcloth, yellow waistcoat and top boots, employed in knotting his long coaching whip. In the Cambridge University Calendars a list of Coaches precedes the Index from the year 1805 onwards. But in 1842 'the list of Coaches is altogether omitted as, owing to the frequent changes in the time of their starting, consequent upon the progress of the different railroads, &c., its insertion would not have given information that could have been depended upon.' There is an advertisement of the Post Office in Sidney Street. I have heard it said that our Floralia in the ' May term' have become quite a different thing- within the memory of our elder residents, since railways have brought up our aunts and cousins from a distance. It would be a hopeless task to attempt to enumerate all the trivial particulars in which modern invention have altered or modified the habits of the university. Gas, for instance, has in most places supplanted oil-lamps in the courts and on the staircases, though we may still be proud to retain tapers in the Chapels Recoil, of Geo. Pry me, pp. 61, 62, s. a. 1804. in the Eighteenth Century. 409 of some of our colleges. Mr E. Johnson, of Trinity- street, has a caricature ('Topham fecit') of the under- porter of Trin. coll. ; he carries a lamp-lighter's lad- der and a capacious oil can, like a garden watering pot : just such an one as that from which the uncon- scious lamplighter is pouring oil into the open chair in Hogarth's 4th cartoon of the Rakes Progress, on S. David's day. Gunning records 1 a curious story relating to this custom. ' Castley [of Jesus] was a man of penurious habits, of which the following may be taken as an il- lustration : John Brooke, whose rooms were on the same staircase, proposed that they should furnish a lamp at their mutual charges, to prevent the recur- rence of much inconvenience to which they had been subjected of an evening from the darkness of the staircase. Castley said he considered it a piece of needless extravagance ; but after a time he agreed to the proposition, with the condition that he should be allowed to furnish the oil on alternate nights, for he thought the porter, whom Brooke had proposed to employ, would charge too much. This was agreed to. 'To Brooke's great surprise, he frequently found the lamp on Castley's nights burning brightly at a late hour, whereas, when the porter lighted it on his night, it had burnt out much earlier. One evening when Brooke was reading in his room with his door sported (fastened), he heard a very quiet step on the landing- 1 Reminiscences, n. 139, 140. 4 IQ University Society place ; and opening his door gently he surprised Cast- ley in the very act of puffing out the lamp, by which dexterous manoeuvre, on alternate nights, he was en- abled to shirk the expense of providing oil!' Mr Mayor says (Hist, of Stjohrts, 1095, 1. 10), ' As an undergraduate Dr Wood "kept" in a garret in the 2nd court letter O. The college tradition that he studied by the light of the rush candle on the stair- case, with his feet in straw, not being able to afford fire and candle, is confirmed by H. T. Riley, esq., who heard it from Dr Wood's bedmaker.' Dr Ro. Plumptre, in his Hints respecting some of the university Officers in 1782 (p. 23), asks 'If... we cannot well afford to pave the streets, would it not be as well to light them?' Both were done by the act of 1788. It has been seen already (pp. 101 foil.) that in old days the sizars, servitors, battelers, and poor scholars, undertook, to a great extent, the menial offices, which in time devolved upon college servants : the cook, steward, and barber, being as much parcel of the foundation as the college porters and chapel clerks. In 1625 (J. Gostlin, V. C), a decree of the heads was made to prohibit the admission of bedmakers, illiterate boys and men, and even women, into colleges to per- form those menial offices which had aforetime been a source of income to poor scholars { a studiosis cgenis adeornm impensas sustentandas! John Strype, writing to his mother, 16 Aug., 1664, from St Katharine-Hall, Cambridge, says of his tutor's account, ' Bedmaker and Laundresse are set down for a whole last Quarter.' in the Eighteenth Century. 411 Among Vincent Bourne's Latin poems is a notice of Isaac Newton's (male) bedmaker at Trinity. 'AD JOHANNEM PERKINS, astrologum cantabrigiensem. 'Lusit, amabiliter lusit Fortuna jocosa, Et tune, siquando, tune oculata fuit; Cum tibi, Johannes, Newtoni sternere lectum; Cum tibi museum verrere diva dedit. Nam dum ille intentus studiis caelestibus haesit, Concipiens ambos mente capace polos : ********* Tu quoque cognatus stellis, Martique Jovique, Mercurio et Veneri non rudis hospes eras: Cum musis musae famulantur, et artibus artes, Majori (ut fas est) obsequiosa minor; Nee melior lex est nee convenientior aequo, Quam siet astronomo seruus ut astrologus.' The same author wrote some elegant Latin elegiacs to Charon 'in obitum Roussaei, collegio Trinitatis servi a cubiculis, anno 1721,' who was drowned in the Cam on which he had so often rowed.' The following extract is from the Student or Oxford and Cambridge Monthly Miscellany, I. 55: 'T'other day I caught my bedmaker, a grave old matron, poring very seriously over a folio that lay upon my table... Lord bless yon master, says she, who I reading' Reference to college barbers has been made above, pp. 1308. Though I gather from the reminiscences of a friend who was at Cambridge in 1812, that there has not been any great addition to the articles of furniture usually found in college rooms since his time, there 412 University Society has clearly been a considerable advance in luxury even in the last dozen years, in expence, ease, and ornament. However, I gather from a note on p. 13, of Hints to Freshmen at the Univ. of Cambridge (ed. 4, 1822), that sofas had not universally a place in undergraduates' rooms. The change since the last century is still more clearly marked. In the illustra- tion to the poem of 'the Lounger' (see p. 372), in the Oxford Sausage of 1 764, the hero sits in a bare room, with one little round table, one chair, an empty grate, and (above the chimney-piece, which is quite una- dorned), something which may stand either for a map of England or for a much fractured oblong mirror. Gray, in a letter written 9 Oct., 1740, says that he 'saw in one of the vastest palaces in Rome... a bed that most servants in England would disdain to lie in, and furniture much like that of a soph at Cam- bridge for convenience and neatness.' The Oxford Guide for 1761, however, records that at All Souls 'Tke private Apartments of the College are generally very neat and convenient. The room in the old quadrangle, which was formerly the library (before the new one above described was finished), is lately fitted up, by one of the Fellows, in a very ele- gant manner, in the Gothic taste; and is deservedly esteemed one of the curiosities of the house.' William Whiston tells in his Memoirs (ed. I. Vol. I. p. 23), that, when an undergraduate at Clare-Hall in 1687, he was much concerned at finding his sight impaired, till a narrative of Mr Boyle suggested the cause and the remedy. 'For I and my Chamber- in the Eighteenth Century. 413 Fellow had newly-whitened our Room, into which almost all the Afternoon the Sun shone, and where I used to read. I therefore retired to my Study [pro- bably the museum or recess in their common " keep- ing-room," see above p. 89], and hung it with Green, by which means I recovered my usual Sight, which God be praised, is hardly worse now, that I perceive, at fourscore years of Age, than it was in my youthful Days.' Whiston writes in 1746 of his residence at Clare about 1686: 'had the Expences of a Collegiate Life been as extravagant then as they are now come to be, or had I not lived as frugally as possible, she [his Widow Mother] would not have been able to have given me my Degrees; especially that of Master of Arts. In which the Present of 5 from Bishop Moor, was then a kind and seasonable Addition; and partly an Occasion of my Acceptance of the Place of his Chaplain afterwards. However I find from my Accounts still preserved, that tho' I was a Pensioner for the last half Year, yet did my whole Expences for the last three Years and half, till my first Degree in- clusive, not amount to so much as ioo/. See Dr Newton s very prudent Pamphlet, called The Expence of University Education Reducd? (Ibid. I. pp. 25, 26.) George Whitfield, when a servitor of Pembroke coll., Oxon. (1728), did not cost his relations more than 24/. in three years, having a kind tutor and being a handy and popular servitor. But about 40 years earlier Sam. Wesley the elder had managed to keep himself as a 'poor scholar' at Exeter coll. with less than three guineas, and by frugal living, by taking pupils, and 414 University Society writing exercises for money, to bring away with him io/. i$s. 1 27 Jan. 1776, the master and seniors of St John's, Cambridge, made a strict rule for the quarterly payment of the cook's bills 2 . Beloe, in the Sexagenarian, I. 29, 30, mentions a letter from a good authority at Balliol in 1760, who says that 8o/. per annum was enough, but a gentlemen- commoner spent 2OO/. About 1620 a fellow-com- moner's expenses at St John's, Camb., did not exceed 6o/. 3 Edmund Burke spent about i$ol.per annum at Trinity, Dublin, in 1745. Sir Erasmus Philipps, when 'fellow-commoner 'of Pembroke, Oxon, about 1720, paid 2/. to the esquire bedell of divinity at matriculation ; io/. 'caution money' to the college, which sum on leaving he handed over for the use of the society ; icxr. on admission to Bodley's library. Charles Simeon's 4 whole income, when at King's about 1780, was I25/. per annum: he used to dispose of one-third of that sum in 'charity.' Daniel Wilson 5 (bp. of Calcutta), at S. Edmund Hall, 1798 1801, had an allowance of 100 guineas a year; and he continued to make it suffice. The col- lege records shew that his battels averaged about 8s. a week. In 1790 'The price of Hair-dressing, Room-rent, Washing, Attendants, &c. &c. is even lower than at most places. The Collegiate and University dues are 1 Philip's Whitfield, p. 27; Southey's Wesley, I. 47. 2 Mayor, 1085, 1. 30. 3 Life of Sir Symonds D^Ewes, I. 119. 4 Life, by Carus, p. 22. 5 Life, by Bateman, p. 56. in the Eighteenth Centiiry. 415 peculiarly trifling. The charges of Tuition are, ac- cording to your own confession Sir, even culpably inconsiderable. And the sum paid by Pupils for at- tendance at the different Public Lectures is by no means equal to the sum required in London by the Professors of the Experimental branches of Science 1 .' Many of the Public Schools are nearly as expensive as Oxford : Private Tuition, the Army, Law and Me- dicine, more so 2 .' In very early times it had been found necessary to devise expedients for the defence of scholars against the exorbitance and oppression of the town's people. ' Frederic II. when he founded his university at Na- ples, fixed a maximum price for lodgings, and enacted besides that all lodgings should be let according to the joint valuation of two citizens and two scholars. \Conring. Diss. V. s. 9.] The latter regulation was in force in the English universities. At Bologna, in like manner, four taxors were appointed to regulate the price of lodgings. Elsewhere it was provided, that when a scholar had once hired lodgings, he should not be disturbed in possession of them so long as he paid his rent 3 .' See the letters patent of K. Henry III. When colleges had been built at Cambridge, the office of Taxors or Aediles (Taxatores) was to super- intend the assize of bread 5 . 1 Philalethes, Answer to V. Knox, p. 10. 2 Ibid* 3 Prof. H. Maiden On the Origin of Universities, p. 32. 4 Peacock On the Statutes, pp. 25, 2611. 5 Ashton's Collectanea in Stat. xxxvil. fol. 29. 4i 6 University Society Fuller says, Hist, of Univ. Camb., In trod. 38, ' Their name remains, but office is altered at this day [1655]. For after the bounty of Founders had raised Halls and Colledges for Scholars free abode, their libe- rality gave the Taxers a Writ of case, no more to meddle with the needless prizing of Townsmens houses. However, two Taxers are still annually cho- sen, whose place is of profit and credit, as employed in matters of weight, and to see the true gage of all measures, especially such as concern the victuals of Scholars. For, where the belly is abused in its food, the brains will soon be distempered in their study.' In this respect they were like the Roman aediles, who were also curator es annonae: compare ' sese aliquid credens italo quod honore supinus fregerit heminas Arreti aedilis iniquas.' PERSIUS, i. 129. and ' praetextam sumere mauis, an Fidenarum Gabiorumque esse potestas et de mensura ius dicere, uasa minora frangere pannosus uacuis aedilis Ulubris?' JUVENAL, x. 100. By the Award between the University and Town of Camb., anno 1502, at the instance of Margaret Countess of Richmond and Derby and mother of K. Hen. VIL, it was agreed inter alia, l That every Burgess and Dweller in the Town shall have all his Corn, Grain, Coal, and other Things measured at the Water Side by the Taxor's Bushel ; or with their own, sealed by the Taxors, for 4^. only, for a whole year. 'That neither Proctors nor Taxors shall take of in the Eighteenth Century. 417 any one, for setting up Baking or Brewing in the Town, more than 3^. 4^.' The office of taxor, however, required to be revived in I546 1 , having been merged in the proctor's in 1540 on account of the miserable poverty of the university 2 . By the Elizabethan Statutes (cap. xxxvi.) in 1570, two regents or non-regents were to be nominated every year by a pair of Colleges (after the same com- bination as the proctors had been since the year 1557) as Ediles or Taxors : the Heads of their Col- leges were to present them before Sept. i, and the Regents were to elect them. The custom of pre- sentation had died out, and was revived by a grace of Oct. 13, 1722. In the curious painting kept in the Registrary's office, executed in bedel Stokys' time in 1590, in the right-hand corner are represented two taxors in academicals, and two tradesmen with aprons, weighing loaves out of a basket. In three compartments of the picture are painted various weights and measures. There are also scrolls containing tables of the same, and ' the Gagers marke with five differences! In the same room is preserved a measure bearing the date 1641, C. R. and royal arms. Dr Ro. Plumptre of Queens', in his Hints respecting some of the University Officers , 1782, p. u, says, that the taxors in his time were paid quite as well as they deserved. Among the Bowtell collection at Downing College 1 Cooper's Annals , I. 441. 2 Peacock On the Statutes, p. 26 n. L. B. E. 27 41 8 University Society is a memorandum (which Mr H. T. Riley assigns to O. Elizabeth's time, Hist. MSS. ^rd Report, p. 325) of ' Quae reddenda Taxatoribus. Imprimis, a brasen busshell, with a strike of woode. Item, a gallon, a pinte of brasse. Item, a tubb with one busshell of musterd seede, and a keler. Item, 2 payre of scales for breade, with 2 piles of brasse. Item, 2 scales for barrells, and another for the busshell of the towne. Item, a key for the markett-bell.' 'In Sept. 1733 there was a dispute between the University and the Corporation as to the right to weigh hops at Sturbridge fair, as there had been in several previous years. The matter was referred to the Commissary of the University and the Recorder of the Town, who decided in favour of the University. A paper on the subject was drawn up and published by Thomas Johnson, of Magd. Coll., one of the taxorsV March 26, 1784, the work of the taxors was in- creased, and more definitely stated by a grace of the senate 2 . The Camb. Univ. Commissioners, in their Report of 1852 (p. n), recommended the discontinuance of the office. It was abolished by the award of sir John Patteson (Aug. 31, 1855) between the town and uni- versity. The taxors are not mentioned in the Bill ('the Cambridge Award Act'} which confirmed the award in the following year. The reverend Richard Shilleto wrote to me on 1 Cooper's Annals > iv. 213. * Ibid. iv. 411. in the Eighteenth Century. 419 St Swithin's, 1872: 'The very names of men once spe- cially recommended in the Bidding Prayer are utterly unknown ! Dr Gifford did some years ago, having an antiquated copy, recite the once well-known words, "the Proctors, Taxors, and all that bear office in this our body." I told him immediately after his ser- mon that I for one should not come to hear him next Sunday. "You are a rank Papist." Of course he asked the grounds of this grave accusation. "Why, you have been praying for men who have been dead to my certain knowledge some ten years ago." I do not think they have been prayed for or rather bid- den to be prayed for since/ The Vice-Chancellor has still magisterial jurisdiction with the mayor : and the proctors, and their deputies, have constabular po- sition within the circuit of the university 1 . Dr Waterland 2 , when at Magdalene, maintained the rights of the university against some magistrates of the town, who had bailed a person committed by the vice-chancellor. In 1705 the mayor was discommuned 3 , and read a confession of his offence in the University Church, for having refused precedency to the Vice-Chancellor in the joint seat in the Guildhall. Izaak Walton mentions that Ro. Sanderson (of Lincoln college, Oxon.), when senior proctor in 1616, ' did not use his power of punishing to an extremity ; 1 1732 3, Cooper's Annals, iv. 212; 1749, ibid. IV. 274; 1765, ibid. iv. 336; 1771, ibid. iv. 362; 1785, tripos verses. 8 Van Mildert, I. i. 34. 3 Cooper's Annals, IV. 73, 74. 272 42O University Society but did usually take their names, and a promise to appear before him unsent for next morning : and when they did, convinced them with such obliging- ness, and reason added to it, that they parted from him with such resolutions as the man after God's own heart was possessed with, when he said to God, There is mercy with thee, and therefore tliou slialt be feared. (Psal. cxxx.) And by this, and a like behaviour to all men, he was so happy as to lay down this danger- ous employment, as but few, if any have done, even without an enemy.' Fra. Dickens, a friend of Tho. Baker, fellow of Trinity Hall, was twice proctor, and executed the office 'with great lenity and tenderness 1 .' Dr Tho. Townson, fellow of Magd. coll., Oxon. was senior proctor in 1749, 'and it is remembered 2 of him that, in performing the duties of that difficult office, he so tempered salutary discipline with just lenity, and so recommended whatever he did by the manner of dding it, that he was universally esteemed and beloved. The Radcliffe Library was opened this year with a speech by the famed orator, Dr King; and the celebrity, graced with a large and splendid company of the friends of the university, was dis- tinguished also by conferring degrees on the trustees of Dr Radcliffe's benefaction.' Townson, in his speech at the end of his year of office as senior proctor, applauds the elegance of Dr King, and makes honourable mention of Drake 1 Masters' Baker, no. 2 Life, by Archdeacon Churton, p. xv. in the Eighteenth Century. 421 (his companion in travel), and Bagot (his pupil, lord Bagot), who had received degrees. He also bestows a generous compliment on Lowth, professor of Poetry, and author of Praelections on Hebrew Poetry. From the earliest times there has frequently arisen discord between the townsmen and the members of the university, their neighbours. As Dr Whewell says (Principles of English Uni- versity Education, 1837, p. 129) : * If by ancient usage the students wear a peculiar dress, their position will generate the turbulence and the pride of the gown. If they are not so distinguished from their fellow-towns- men, they will soon find means themselves of marking the difference between the Bursch and the Philister? This distinction has sometimes led to internecine strife, scarcely less deadly than the affrays of the caterua at Caesarea of Mauritania, which the preach- ing of S. Augustine quelled: 'pugnam ciuilem, uel potius plus quam ciuilem, quam cateruam uocabant : neque enim ciues tantummodo, uerum etiam propin- qui et fratres, postremo parentes ac filii lapidibus inter se in duas partes diuisi, per aliquot dies continuos, certo tempore anni, sollemniter dimicabant, et quisque ut quemque poterat occidebat 1 .' At Oxford, in 135^ 'on the Feast of St. Scholas- tica, the Virgin [Feb. 10, 548 A.D. sister of S. Bene- dict, founded a convent in the valley of Monte Cas- sino], several Scholars going to a Tavern then called Swyndlestock, and in some modern Deeds Swynstock 1 De doctrina Christiana, IV. 422 University Society (but lately known by; the Name of the Mermaid}, at Cairfax [" Quatervois" or Carfax], and being served with bad Wine, order' d the Vintner [John de Croy- don] to change the same for better, and for his sawcy Language they broke his Head with the Flagon ; who thereon went and laid the matter of his Grief before his Servants and some of his Neighbours 1 .' They rejoiced to have a good occasion for a fray, and rang the bell of S. Martin's to summon the Townsmen, who fell upon the Scholars and even the Chancellor, Humphrey de Charleton. By his orders S. Mary's bell was tolled, and the Scholars then 'defended themselves till Night parted them, without any Mis- chief done on either side.' Next morning the Chan- cellor issued proclamation that both sides should lay down their arms, but the Townsmen going to the Austin Schools 'assaulted a D.D. in his Determina- tions together with his Auditory, and then by the means of an Ambuscade of 80 Persons plac'd in St Giles s Church, they surrounded the Students in the Fields called the Beaumonts, and soon put them to flight, being without Arms, some getting into the Austin Convent, and others into the City, with the loss of one slain, and others miserably wounded.' The Scholars were much harassed, and many of their Halls burnt, priests insulted, and all the friars' crosses overthrown, the peasants having been induced to break open the city gates, which had been shut against them. A royal proclamation restored peace ; 1 Ayliffe's Anticni and Present State of Oxford, I. 126. 1714. in the Eighteenth Century. 423 and the authorities were summoned to appear before K. Edward III. at Woodstock. The bishop of Lin- coln (John Gynewell), in whose diocese it then was, put Oxford under an interdict to be published every Sunday and holyday. All the scholars went into rus- tication, with the exception of those of Merton. But having surrendered their privileges to the king, they returned by degrees, and were exhorted by him to re- sume their studies regularly : for, ' as it is said to have formerly happen'd at Athens, on a Quarrel of the like Nature, between the Scholars and Citizens ; where the Sophists, on refusal to do any publick Exercises, taught the Youth in their private Houses ; even so here were the Scholars altogether instructed in pri- vate for some time, until the King publickly open'd the Mouths of the Lecturers ; and, for an Encourage- ment, now granted to them the most ample Charter yet obtain'd, containing many antient and modern privileges, some of which were taken away from tke City and conferr'd on the University 1 .' In 1357 the bishop took off the Interdict on con- dition ' That the City on St Scholastic's Day, should celebrate so many Masses at the City's Expence, for the Souls of the Scholars and others kill'd in this Tu- mult : Others say that the Mayor and Bailiffs, with 60 of the chief Burgesses, were obliged on that Day at St Marys, to swear Observance of the customary Rights of the University, unless they have a Cause of Absence to be approv'd by the Vice- Chancellor ; and 1 Ayliffe, i. 131. See further [Walker's] Oxoniana, I. 119128. 424 University Society also, at their own Costs, there to say Mass by a Dea- con or Subdeacon, for the Souls of the slain : and it was further ordered that the said Number of Citizens should after Mass ended, singly offer up a Penny at the high Altar, of which forty Pence was to be dis- tributed to Poor Scholars, and the Residue to the Curate of St Mary's! As long as this was performed the City was exempt from their engagement to pay 100 marks, 'till Q. Elizabeth's Reign, when the Scho- lars impleaded them in the Summ of 1500 Marks, for omitting the same for 15 Years, by reason of a Pro- hibition to celebrate Mass according to the Tenor of the said Agreement : wherefore it was order'd by the Privy Council, that instead of the Mass on this Day, there should be a Sermon and Communion at this Church, with the aforesaid Offering, and at length this came only to publick Prayers, with the Oblation of sixty Pence as now in Use. Londincnsis says, that the Mayor was obliged to wear a Halter or Rope about his Neck in this Procession, which through the Dignity of his Office was afterwards chang'd into a Silken Ribband [compare the tradition of the Burgo- masters of Ghent], with whom I cannot agree, tho' 'tis certain the young Scholars were wont to rally him with much Contempt on this Occasion, till this Inso- lence was restrain'd by a Statute, under the Pain of Imprisonment 1 .' In process of time the City autho- rities began to rebel against this indignity. 1681, Jan. 13. 'News that alderman W. Wright, a 1 Aylifie, I. 132134. in the Eighteenth Century. 425 burgess of the city, had lately made a motion to a committee to have the formality of St Scholastica's day laid aside. Townsmen go about into London, grow insolent as in 1641. Feb. 10, St Scholastica; the mayor (J. Barell), and about 20 citizens or more, came to St Mary's according to custom ; heard prayers, and would have offered 65 pence, but the vice- chancellor refused unless all were there. The rest, out of contempt, would not come as in 1641, merely encouraged for what they do by the late demeanour of the parliament. ' 1682, Feb. 10. Friday, the burgers or citizens of Oxford appeared in their full number on St Scholas- tica's day at St Mary's. Alderman Wright, their oracle, told them that if they would not appear, there might be some hole picked in their charter, as there was now endeavouring to be done in that of the city of London; he told them, moreover, that though it was a popish matter, yet policy ought to take place in this juncture of time 1 .' 'In the year 1800, another attempt to evade this customary ceremony was made by the then mayor, Richard Cox, esq., who neglected to attend at St Mary's church. For this contempt the university de- manded and recovered the fine of 100 marks of Mr Cox. But at the close of 1824, the mayor and coun- cil applied to the university for a total abortion of the custom 2 .' This was granted under the university 1 Autobiography of A. Wood. 2 Dr Bliss' note to Wood's Autobiography ', p. 224. Cp. Recollec- tions of Oxford, by G. V. Cox. 425 University Society seal in convocation, Feb. i, 1825, for which fa- vour the city returned their thanks. I find in the Oxford Univ. Calendar for 1822 among the cere- monies: 'Feb. 10, Sexagesima -Sunday, Scholastica. Litany read at the altar of St Mary's church, after which the Mayor, the two Bailiffs, and sixty of the burghers of the city of Oxford, make an offering of a silver penny each, as an atonement for the murder of some scholars, which took place in affray in the year 1353, 27 Edward III.' An oath, however, was exacted annually until about 1854, binding the city to hold intact the ancient privileges of the uni- versity 1 . Will. Soone, who was in 1561 regius professor of Civil Law till he turned papist, writes to Geo. Bruin from Cologne, eve of Pentecost, 1575, a curious ac- count of the manner of our university. ' The common dress of all is a sacred cap (I call it sacred, because worn by priests) ; a gown reaching down to their heels of the same form as that of priests. None of them live out of the colleges in the townsmen's houses; they are perpetually quarrelling and fighting with them; and this is more remarkable in the mock fights which they practise in the streets in summer with shields and clubs. They go out in the night to shew their valour, armed with monstrous great clubs furnished with a cross piece of iron to keep off the blows, and frequently beat the watch. When they walk the streets they take the wall, not 1 Moore's Historical Handbook to Oxford, p. 40. Shrimpton's, 1871. in the Eighteenth Century. 427 only of the inhabitants, but even of strangers, unless persons of rank. Hence the proverb, that a Royston horse, and a Cambridge Master of Arts, are a couple of creatures that will give way to no body ... In stand- ing for degrees, the North country and South country men have warm contests with one another; as at Ox- ford the Welsh and English, whom the former call Saxons 1 .' He concludes, however, by asserting that he would prefer Cambridge life to a kingdom. Ant. Wood speaks of a Town and Gown riot, which lasted a week at Oxford, on the election of Ant. Hall, vintner, as mayor in Sept. 1673. 'A scholar of Erase Nose his arm broke, another his head ; began by ser- vitors, and carried on by them, and commoners, and townsmen of the meaner sort.' In March 1788 a drayman was killed in a street fight at Cambridge, by Tho. ('Turk') Taylor of Trinity 2 . In Dec. 1792 the riot act was read, and the towns- men convicted for attacking meeting-houses 3 . Mention has already been made (pp. 41 43, 48) of misdemeanours of that character, and similar in- stances of misconduct will be noticed in the third part of this Essay. The question of the rating of our University is discussed in The Rights and Privileges of both the Universities, and of the University of Cambridge in 1 Bruin, de pra.\-rjv, dX\d irpoffobov K^/CTTJTCU. /Eschines in Ctesiph. P- 447- Passing through Trinity College one day, he saw the Bishop of Bristol walking backwards and forwards in front of his Lodge. Gordon accosted him in his usual strain, "I hope, my Lord, you will give me a shilling ! " To this his Lordship replied, "If you can find me a greater scoundrel than yourself, I will give you half-a-crown. " Jemmy made his bow, and shortly after meeting Beverley, said " Have you seen a messenger from the Bishop of Bristol, who is seeking you everywhere, as his Lordship wishes to see you on particular business ? " Beverley thanked him for his information, and hastened to Trinity, Jemmy following him at no great distance. " I understand you are wishing to see me, my Lord," said Beverley, addressing the Bishop ; to which the latter replied, " You have been misinformed, Mr Beyerley." At that moment Jemmy joined them, and taking off his hat most respectfully, said, " I think, my Lord, I am entitled to the half-crown ! " The next time the Bishop met Jemmy, he took an opportunity of proving to him that there was no great difference of opinion between them respecting Mr Beverley. [A similar story is told in Amherst's Terrae Filius, No. xxxix, 1721.] For many years this extraordinary character infested the streets, swearing and blaspheming in the most horrible manner ; the magis- trates not interfering, from a reluctance to expose themselves to his violent and abusive language. At length the nuisance became intole- rable, and Jemmy usually passed nine or ten weeks of every quarter in the Town Gaol. It was during one of these incarcerations, that John Taylor, the University Marshal, consulted me respecting a letter he had received from a person formerly a member of the University, in which he was asked to go to Maps (a well-known character), and request him to procure for him short essays in Latin, on six subjects which he sent him, all of a serious and religious nature. As Maps was dead, Taylor was at a loss how to proceed, and wished to know who was his successor. I told him I believed there was no one in that line now ; but added, jocularly, that I thought Jemmy Gordon would supply him. Jemmy was then in gaol, and as he had been there for a long time, was, of necessity, sober. The same evening Taylor called upon me, and showed me an essay on one of the subjects ; he asked my opinion of it : (it occupied three sides of a sheet of foolscap :) I told him there was no objection to it but its length, and that if Gordon would reduce it to one-third of its size, and observe the same rule with L. B. E. 29 450 University Society the other five, I thought they would answer his friend's purpose very well. They were finished in the course of that night and the following day, and Jemmy received half-a-guinea for each, which Taylor learned, from some quarter or other, was the price usually given for works of that description. But these opportunities of obtaining money during imprisonment seldom occurred, and by constant importunity he had wearied out those persons who, having known him in his better clays, were unwilling that he should suffer from want. The instant he was released, and had begged a little money, he repeated that outrageous conduct which it was disgraceful to the magistracy to have so long tolerated, and which was loudly censured by all persons visiting the University. The fact was, that the characters of the magistrates at that time were not invulnerable : they possessed, at least, a proportionate share of the failings of their fellow-citizens, and were afraid that Jemmy (who was no respecter of persons) should proclaim, from the Huntingdon turnpike to Addenbrooke's Hospital, their frailties in his loudest tones. It was therefore arranged between the magistrates and Jemmy, that he should leave Cambridge, never to return. He betook himself to London, and was to be seen daily waiting the arrival or departure of the Cambridge coaches: in this manner he earned a precarious subsistence ; for even in London he became notorious, and is described at some length in one of Bulwer's early novels. [Pel 'i am, Chapters 49, 50. ' This person wore a large cocked-hat, set rather jauntily on one side, and a black coat, which seemed an omnium galhcr- ^t,m of all abominations that had come in its way for the last ten years, and which appeared to advance equal claims (from the manner it was made and worn) to the several dignities of art, military and civic, the anna and the toga : from the neck of the wearer hung a blue riband of amazing breadth, and of a very surprising assumption of newness and splendour, by no means in harmony with the other parts of the font ensemble; this was the guardian of an eye-glass of block tin, and of dimensions correspondent with the size of the ribbon. Stuck under the right arm, and shaped fearfully like a sword, peeped out the hilt of a very large and sturdy-looking stick, " in war a weapon, in peace a support." ' Hone, in the Every-day Book I. col. 1295, says that Gordon left an autobiography which was in the hands of Mr W. Mason, picture- dealer of Cambridge (1826).] The London police, however, had no sympathy with Jemmy ; when he offended against the laws he was taken to prison, where he had nothing to look to but the prison al- lowance. Jemmy sighed for liberty and his native air, and at last found his way back to Cambridge, where he lived in a state of the greatest destitution. For many months he slept in the grove belonging to Jesus in the Eighteenth Century. 451 College, where he conveyed a bundle of straw which was but seldom changed. When winter set in, he was allowed to sleep in the straw- chamber belonging to the Hoop Hotel ; still, on receiving a few shillings, he squandered them in the usual manner ; offended and dis- gusted every one he met with ; and when he became sober, often found himself in prison. In ascending his usual resting-place one night, when he was very drunk, he slipped off the ladder and broke his thigh ; he called loudly for assistance ; the ostler and postboys, not believing he had received any injury, took him up and threw him into an adjoining outhouse for the night : when in the morning he was found to be in- capable of moving, he was taken on a shutter to the hospital ; but was in so filthy a condition that he was refused admittance ; he was then taken to the workhouse at Barnwell, where he died, after several weeks of suffering. Mr E. Johnson, of Trinity-street, has a portrait of Gordon, 'Published Nov. 1817, by W. Mason, near the Hospital, Cambridge/ ' James Gordon of Cambridge, Who to save from Rustication Crams the Dunce with Declamation,' is there represented in pantaloons, Wellington boots, the large tin eye-glass and ribbon mentioned in Pelham, with cocked-hat and feather on the back of his head, visiting cards peeping out of his waistcoat- pocket, left hand in bosom, and right hand holding a switch beneath his coat-tail. This was reduced in scale for the columns of the Every-day Book I. 693. (1826). On p. 121 of the 2nd ed. of Gradus ad Canta- brigiam, 1824, is another head more rudely cut, the cocked-hat being set on properly, described on the title-page as ' a striking likeness of that celebrated character Jemmy Gordon? It is certainly not prfc- possessing. It bears the same couplet. I have a 29 2 452 University Society pair of small pictures of inferior art, but with the physiognomy. In the one he appears in his glory with hat on head and ring on finger, in the famous buckskin breeches mentioned in Pclliam, sit- ting by a round table which bears a bottle and two liqueur glasses, an ink-glass and the paper on which he is writing from the book which he holds at left arm's length to the admiration of a brainless fellow- commoner who sits astride over the back of a chair. On the wall of the room, which has a staring stripe- patterned paper, hang cap and gown, fowling-piece, powder-horn, dog-whip and tandem-whip, spurs and a sporting picture. The companion shews him alone in adversity within a vaulted cell, but dressed as usual. He has amused himself by writing on the stone wall, 'The King by clapping of a sword on May make a Knight of Jemmy Gordon, Who to save from Rustication, Crams the Dunce with Declamation.' The former distich of this quatrain is preserved also in the Every-day Book I. 693, with slight verbal difference : it is said to have been an impromptu spoken by Jemmy in the face of a new-made knight whom he met in the streets of Cambridge. The fol- lowing memorabilia are preserved by Hone in the same place; 'At a late assize at Cambridge, a man named Pilgrim was convicted of horse-stealing, and sentenced to transportation. Gordon, seeing the pro- secutor in the street, loudly vociferated to him, "You, sir, have done what the pope of Rome cannot do ; in the Eighteenth Century. 453 you have put a stop to Pilgrims Progress!' ' ' Gordon was met one day by a person of rather indifferent character, who pitied Jemmy's forlorn condition (he being without shoes and stockings), and said " Gordon, if you will call at my house, I will give you a pair of shoes." Jemmy, assuming a contemptuous air, replied, "No, sir! excuse me, I would not stand in your shoes for all the world !".... No man's life is more calculated To adorn a moral, and to point a tale. N.' A curious list follows (columns 699, 700), of above a hundred quaint or incongruous names of Cam- bridge tradesmen in 1825, e.g. ' A Bishop a tailor, A Leech a fruiterer, A Roe an engraver, A Grief a glazier, A Bacon a tobacconist.' Gordon's mantle (but not his cocked-hat or vices) fell upon a well-known character called Agamemnon. As I have mentioned portraits of Cambridge worthies in the possession of Mr Johnson (pp. 136, 1 3%> : 53> 384, Porter, Vaughan, Hobson, Gordon), though I have not always stated that he was the pos- sessor, I may speak here of engravings of two other 'characters:' the first is a portrait of D. Randall, fruit-seller, of Cambridge ; who appears with a good- natured full face; he is girt with an apron, and on each arm carries two baskets of fruit (T. Orde f. 1768). Two others depict the same worthy, D. Ran- dall with Mother Hammond. The one of these pic- tures (T. Orde ft. 1768) shews her of very little stature, in a gipsey hat, and Randall in more tidy 454 University Society clothes and hat than in the above-mentioned portrait, where he is not in lady's society; apron apparently girt up, one basket of china on his right arm. In the other (T. Orde invt. et fecit 1768), the portraits are less flattering; the pair look older and out at elbows ; each carries two baskets with fruit, but one of Randall's appears to hold old boots, gaiters, and lavender. He walks lame with a stick. Mr Cooper (Annals IV. 417) records the death of 'the widow Hammond, aged 102,' at Spital House End, Dec. 19, 1785. Before entering upon so important a subject as the dress of the last century, I will put before the reader a few notes relating in part to that matter in earlier generations. The two first are inventories of scholars' goods, one from,, either university in the i6th century. 'Decretum S,accarii de Bonis Leonardi Metcalfe, anno. 1541 (a scholar of St John's Coll. Camb., exe- cuted for the murder of a townsman, Will. Lamkyn) : //. s. d. 1 First, a great thinne Chest, with a hanging Locke and Key, at o r 8 Item, a long Gowne, with a Whood faced with Russels 1 .100 Item, a Jacket of tawny Chamblet, old . . . . 034 Item, an old Dublett of tawny Russe-ls . . . .012 Item, a Jacket of black Sage 2 o i 8 Item, a Doublet of Canvas o i o Item, a Pair of Hoose o i 8 Item, a Cloke . 028 Item, a Sheet, old 008 Item, half an old Testure of darnix 3 004 1 ' Russel a kind of satin.' Halliwell's Diet. Archaic and Provincial* 2 qy. Serge. Possibly a misprint in Dyer for Saye. 3 Darnex. A coarse sort of damask used for carpets, curtains, &c. originally manufactured at Tournay, called in Flemish Dortrick* Spelt in the Eighteenth Century. 455 //. s. d. Item, an old Hat ........ 004 Item, a Chaire and a Meat Knyfe . . . . .005 Item, an old Lute . . . . . . . o r o Item, a Callepine of the worst o i 8 Item, Vocabularius Juris et Gesta Romanorum . . 004 Item, Introductiones Fabri . . . . . . .003 Item, Horatius sine Commento 004 Item, Tartaretus super Summulas Petri Hispani . . .002 Item, The Shepheard's Kalender 002 Item, Moria Erasmi . . . . . . . .006 Item, Compendium 4 Librorum Institutionum . . . 003 Item, in the Bailiff's hand A pair of Sheets . . .010 Item, a Coverlet. ... ... . . o o 10 Item, a very old Blankett . * . . . . .002 Item, lent to the same Lamkyn 200 Summa . .418 By me John Edtnondcs, Vice-chan. of the University of Cambridge 1 .' ' A trewe inventorye of all y e goods of Christo- pher Tilyard of y e vniversitie of Oxon. bachelor of arts, late deceased. [1598.] li. s. d. 'Imprimis Natalis comitis . . . . . 026 Item, Tullis orations . . . . . . .026 Donet vpon ye Ethickes . . . . . . o o 10 Jules Apologie [Jewell] . . . . . .0010 Vallerius Maximus 008 Parkins vpon ye Lordes prayer [Perkins] . . .008 Saunderson's lodgike [appeared in 161 8!] . . . 006 A testament in lattin 006 Tullie de oratore 004 Oved's metamorphoses . . . .004 Osorius agaynst Haddon . . 006 darnep in Cunningham's Revels Ace. p. 215. It was composed of different kinds of material, sometimes of worsted, silk, wool, or thread. Perhaps darnak (a thick hedge-glove, co. Suffolk) is connected with this term. Darnick, linsey-wolsey, North. (Halliwell). ' Dornex in- ferior damask of Tournai.' Peacock's Monuments of Superstition. 1 Dyer's Privileges, I. 109, no. 456 University Society n. s. d. Aristotle's Ethicks o o 10 2 Pallengenius 006 Aristotles's lodgicke . . . . . , .0010 Cammerarious vpon tusculus qs'ti . . . . 008 An answer of ye bishop of Winchester . . . .004 Silva sinonimorii 004 Apthonius and Clares gramer 006 Hiperius' phisickes and gouldin chayne . . . 008 Horrace uinutiosu epistols . . . . . .006 Other ould bookes valued at 026 ii mappes and paper o i 8 5 singinge bookes o i o An ould cheste 014 i dobletes -2 payre of hose & frise Jerkin . . . o 10 o An ould cloth gowne and a rugge gowne . . .0100 3 shirtes and a halt 068 4 bandes 014 Showes and stockinges ould 026 A bachelor's hoode and cappe 050 In monye . . . . . . . vij 5 o S omme . xi/z. is. We may add to these, for the purpose of com- parison, a few of the items from the college accounts of the earl of Essex when at Trin. coll. Cambridge, in 1577, given in Cooper's Annals, II. pp. 352 356. c The parcells which my Lord of Essex bought at his entrance in his chamber at Cambridge. 'Inprimis, twenty yards of new greene brode sayes 8 . . Ivjj-. Item, the frame of the South Window in the first Chamber vjj. 4^. Item, for new glass in the same ..... iiijj. Item, for 40 foote of quarters 3 under the hangings . . \]s. Item, payd to Mr Bird at my entrance for parcells which appear in his proper bill and acquittance . . xxjj. 1 A. Wood's Life, Bliss, 64, n. 2 ' Say. A delicate serge or woollen cloth. "Saye clothe, serge" Palsgrave.' Halliwell. 3 ' Quarters, panels.' See Halliwell. in the Eighteenth Century. 457 Item, two casements with hingells in the south window . \}s. \\d. Item, new hangings in the study of painted cloth . xvj s. \njd. Item, for paintinge both Chamber and study overhead . \s. Item, shelves in the study xijW. Item, a conveyance to the bedchamber out of the study . ijj. \}d. Item, a place makinge for the trindle bed 1 to drawe through the waule . . xvjV. Item, for bordinge a place for fewele and makinge a light into it vjj. Item, a table in the study \\]s. ^d. Item, for the furniture in the litle study . . . . xviijV. Item, little irons to hould open the casements with . \\\}d. Item, my part of the dore betwixt Mr Forcett and me . \\}s. \}d. Item, a crest at the chimnay qd. Item, for a footestoole at the window .... ^d. Item, for two shelves mo in the frame of the study . xijV. Item, a locke and three keys to the outward chamber dore iij-r. ^d. Item, a table in the bedchamber iu. \]d. Summa totalis, 7//. xd.' His tutor sent besides, June u, 1577, a list of farther necessaries without which * he shall not onley be thrid bare but ragged/ ' Ther wants A faire gowne for my Lords holidaies, 2 Dublets. Three paire of Hose. Two paire of nether socks. A velvet Cap. A llatte. A basen and Ewer. Potts or Goblets. Spones. Plats. A Sajte. Candlestiks. Potts to be given to the Colledge. Hangings.' As well as outfit for his servant 'Mungomery' of whom 'ther is con- sideration to be had...sith he is to be mayntayned as a gentleman and the place doth require the same.' Among the earl's expenses from Midsummer 1577 are * Item, for my lord v. pair of shoes, vs. Item, for my Lord at the saltinge 2 , according to the custome, vijj. Item, for arrowes for my Lord, ijs. \id. 1 Trindle-bed, or trundle-bed, the same as truckle-bed. See above, p. 89, and notes. 2 The salting: see above pp. 204 206. Cp. the old Eton custom of observing Montem. See notes. 458 University Society Item, for iij. frames of wainscot for mapps for my Lord his use, iiijj. vjf />>/' SVH/H.V |l>y W. Coombc, 1741, ti823] with which we are familiar, . that in hi, time, i-Sio, it was not always worn by clergymen traveliin;.;. In tiic reign of George III. we find .sonic . of reviving attention to the particulars "I clei 'I be writer of one pamphlet, An Admonition to the Younger Clergy, &c. London : l'riiit--d for '/<>//// /\ /.'///<; A ///, at the Hihlc anil t'nwti in .SV. /W///'.v Church-Yard, 1764, enforces ([)p. 15 17) the duty of circum-.pedi,,]! in the matter, Another is more explicit in A Letter <>j Fret A until: [pswich, /'y/////v/ hy 1C. Crai;.diton C/-AV/ W. J.i kson/ &c. 1765: on pp. 15, 16; 'See that your Cliiirrli, T.ooks, andVestinents.be kept clean, and in order: A dirty Church, a filthy Surplice, and a tatt-ied llo.)d, are the great mail.s ol indifference and Disrespect tb that r>'in;;, whom We meet to wor- ship, Do no Office in the ( hurch upon any Occa- sion without a /'unit/, nor on Sundays, without a Gown and Cassock, if your Distance, and tin- \\Vaihrr will permit; nor tliinl. il a trilling Correct n< I to . a /HWiT-J/n/ and AV.w to wear with your Jlal)it. In all A-,es of the World, and in more than one Profession, certain Vestments have l>e< n con ly used in ( )l!ice, an awful hnsi-ii >l the l)i;;nit}' and Impurtance of it. 4 In your Indu. , Let QIC advise you to Keep to in the Eighteenth Centiiry. that Colour, which Custom and good Men have ap- *.c-d, as most suitable to your Station, and not run into motley Mixtures. A dangling Crape Hat-band from a Gold-laced Hat makes not a more ridiculous Appearance, than white Waistcoat and white Stock- ings on a Clergyman : and after all, for want of Ruffles you will not be taken for a Man of a higher, if of so high a Rank as you really are, of yourself. So that you may lose and certainly can gain nothing by affecting the Lay-man. Wear always a full Wigg, as well out as in your Habit ; and not one that scarce covers your ears : the latter looks, at best, as if it had been in a Fray, and came off with no incon- siderable Loss. And if this suggests such ludicrous Ideas, how ridiculous must the Owner himself appear! Neither wear your own Hair, till Age has made it venerable; or if you do, let Cleanliness alone be your Hair-dresser : For the modern Frisures are but pre- ternatural Excrescencies, for want of a due Circula- tion of the Understanding ; and can at best but make us Petit-Maitres ; a Character composed of the Affecta- tion of both Sexes so blended together, that we see not the distinctive Qualities of either. Neither come into that Jewish Fashion of wearing a skirting of Beard round the Face ; in tJiem it may be proper enough, but with us, Openess of Countenance is the Characteristic of an ingenuous Mind.' 1 An Essay towards Pointing Out In a SJwrt and Plain MetJwd the Eloquence and Action Proper for tJie Pulpit ; Under which Subject is considered TJte Miseries and Hardships of tJte Inferiour Clergy of 528 University Society England in General, and London in particular, Toge- ther until a Variety of Remarks and Anecdotes inci- dent to the Subject: And upon suck of our City-Divines as have made Themselves Popular (or truly Admired) by their Abilities in Pulpit-Oratory. By Philagoretes, &c. &c. London : Printed for J. Fletcher... Mr. Merrill in Cambridge ; and Mr Fletcher in Oxford. 1765.' The writer censures 'the Boyish and Absurd DRESS of the YOUNGER CLERGY, as to CURLED HAIR, or SCRATCH WIGS, WHITE STOCKINGS and LEATHER BREECHES, with a long Train of ET CETERAS',' having previously written more at length on the topic. (PP- 3942). ' What Notion or Opinion can a Congregation possibly have of a CLERGYMAN, who is quite careless in the Week-Time, even in his DRESS, (as to CURLED HAIR, and CLOATHS- and STOCKINGS of an improper colour,) how very much unlike one he affects to appear ! and on a Sunday, instead of a grave and decent Grizzle Wig handsomely combed out, comes in a short Shock, (or sometimes shocking] Head of Hair consisting of one round Curl only, and that so plaistered and powdered out, (not a single Hair of which must be touched by the filthy Hands of good Mr. Philipps or the Surplice} that he looks more as if he was going to a Ball than to the sacred Place of GOD'S Worship, to teach the great, aweful, and important Duties of Religion, whereby his Congregation may be enabled to become better Men, and better Chris- tians. The Author is really very sorry to be, or even to be thought, ludicrous on this serious and solemn SUBJECT. But RIDICULUM acri, Fortius 6 melius, &c. The CLERGY of the ESTABLISHED CHURCH would do well to observe the DISSENTING MINISTERS as to this Point, how little culpable, even the younger Part of them are, comparatively with the younger Part of ours ; and no doubt, the Reason is, of it's being given to them in such strict Charge by their ELDERS or PASTORS at the Time of their Ordination, That an Impropriety and Indecency of DRESS 1 P- 93- in the Eighteenth Century. 529 abounds too much amongst the former, especially the younger Part, is too plain by daily Experience, in Country as well as Toivn; but much more in the last. How strict and careful the Canons of our CHURCH are in this Point is well known, tho' not so well practiced : But if the short Cassock and Rose are looked upon as too stiff and formal for this polite and delicate Age ; is there no Medium between them for our younger CLERGY, especially, and their present DRESS? Whose Province it is more particularly to take Cognizance of and correct this Error (for an Error most certainly it is, as indeed every Thing is so, even such seemingly minute Circumstances, which tend to discredit RELIGION and the CLERGY) does not become the Author to say: But this he is very sure of, that if the BISHOPS would be pleased to take this Matter into Consideration at their Visitations, and to exhort earnestly the ARCHDEACONS to do so too at theirs, and to appoint Rural DEANS throughout their respective Diocesses to inspect the Lives of the CLERGY, as well in Regard to their DRESS, as their Moral Behaviour, we should soon see a very sensible Difference ; no less to their own Honour and Satisfaction, than to the Credit and Ornament of RELIGION and the CLERGY in general. The Story of the late Dean PRIDEAUX upon this Point is perhaps not so well known as it should be, and therefore the Author begs leave to lay it before the Reader : The DEAN'S great Learning is sufficiently known : As to his Natural Temper and Dispo- sition, he was honest, blunt and warm. " As he was upon an ARCHI- DIACONAL Visitation in his Diocese, he had had a previous Hint or two given him by the superior CLERGY in Age as well as Preferment, of this Impropriety and Indecency of DRESS, which had crept in among some of them, and accordingly they being pointed out to him, the worthy Disciplinarian was determined, if possible, to crush it at once. He called for a Glass of Wine at Table, and drank to one of them as he sat at the Bottom opposite to him, saying, " Mr. CHURCH- WARDEN your Health ! " upon which a Doctor that sat next to him, pretended as tho' the DEAN knew nothing of what had passed be- fore, said " Mr. DEAN I beg pardon for interrupting you going to drink, for that Gentleman is not a CHURCH-WARDEN, but a CLERGY- MAN." "A CLERGYMAN! impossible, Doctor! I should have hoped that no one would have presumed to come before me in a DRESS so unsuitable to the SACRED CHARACTER." "The DEAN took no further Notice at present ; but before he went away, made an hand- some Apology to the Gentleman, for his seeming Warmth ; which had so good and happy Effect upon him, and the Rest, that they forthwith put the DEAN'S Admonitions and Advice into Practice." Thus, as Solomon finely and justly observes, " Words, fitly spoken L. B. E. 34 53 University Society (and seasonably apply'd) are like Apples of Gold in Pictures of Sil- ver." The Author now returns to his main SUBJECT again, by asking a few more Questions. Are the Turns which are given away at ST. PAUL'S, the TEMPLE CHURCH, the FOUNDLING-HOSPITAL, and MERCERS CHAPELS, calculated to .promote true PULPIT ORATORY?' Scarlet gowns were worn on 'scarlet days' by doc- tors in all faculties (excepting those of divinity for such times as they were bound to wear scarlet copes, as will be seen below) on Nov. 5, Christmas- day, Easter-day, May 29, Trinity Sunday, at the procla- mation of Barnwell (or Midsummer) fair, and of Stur- bridge fair, on Commencement Sunday, Commence- ment day, and the anniversary of the Sovereign's Accession 1 . The Scarlet days at present are Easter-day, Holy Thursday, Whitsun-day, Trinity Sunday, Commence- ment Sunday, Commencement-day, Michaelmas-day, Commemoration of Benefactors, Christmas-day. On Ash-Wednesday, being a Litany-day, doctors and noblemen wear their robes, and the proctors their congregation ruffs. The Oxford Statute, IX. iv. 2, provides that Con- gregation may dispense ut Magister Cumulatus, pro Habitn coccineo, nigro et solito, post peracta praesenta- tionis solennia, uti possit. That the SURPLICE (superpelliceum, the robe worn over the garment of skins pclliccum, pelisse) was put on over the head, and open only for a few inches at the chest, may be seen from Loggan's University Cos- tumes of the latter part of the i/th century. After- 1 Senate- House Ceremonies, Wall-Gunning. 1828, pp. 60, 68, 80, 101, 108, 109, 118121, 129. in the Eighteenth Cent^lry. 531 wards the surplice, like the Cambridge doctor's * cope/ was split down the front out of slovenliness, or else for the sake of the wearers' wigs. The STOLE was discontinued after the Reformation, and, unfortunately, was never restored until the re- vival of doctrine, under the ' tractarians,' had pro- duced cravings for a revival of external ornaments. I have heard it said, that about the year 1838 there was only one shop in England where Anglican stoles could be had, French's at Leicester. In most instances black stoles have been Intro- duced, probably because people were accustomed to the broad doctor's or chaplain's scarf. (See pp. 500, 501, 516.) One of the medallions on the title-page of ' 6". Aus- tin imitated: or Retractations and Repentings in Re~ ference itnto the late Civil and Ecclesiastical Changes in this Nation. In II Books By John Ellis.' 1662, with the imprimatur of the chaplain of GuL [i. e. Gilbert Sheldon] Ep. Lond. July, 1661, displays a bishop in cassock, rochet (with ruffles at neck and wrists, and a limp square cap on his head), giving absolution to a boy kneeling before him in a black gown. The bishop sits in a highbackt chair, and lays his right hand on the boy's zuchetto. He wears a doctor's scarf, which seems to shew that the scarf took tJie place of the stole. The reference to * I Peter 3* below the picture relates probably to some interpre- tation of the ' harrowing of hell' bearing upon penal satisfaction, or spirits in prison. The other pictures represent the pardon of Shimei and of the Prodigal. 342 532 University Society The Spectator of Oct. 20, 1714, No. 609, thus dis- courses on this topic. 'As I was the other Day walking with an honest Country Gentleman, he very often was expressing his Astonishment to see the Town so mightily crowded with Doctors of Divinity : Upon which I told him he was very much mistaken if he took all those Gentlemen he saw in Scarves to be Persons of that Dignity ; for that a young Divine, after his first Degree in the University, usually comes hither only to show himself; and on that Occasion, is apt to think he is but half equipp'd with a Gown and Cassock for his publick Appearance, if he hath not the additional Ornament of a Scarf of the first Mag- nitude to intitle him to the Appellation of Doctor from his Landlady, and the Boy at Child's. Now since I know that this Piece of Garniture is looked upon as a Mark of Vanity or Affectation, as it is made use of among some of the little spruce Adven- turers of the Town, I shou'd be glad if you would give it a Place among those Extravagancies you have justly exposed in several of your Papers: being very well assured that the main Body of the Clergy, both in the Country and the Universities, who are almost to a man untainted with it, would be very well pleased to see this venerable Foppery well exposed. When my Patron did me the Honour to take me into his Family (for I must own myself of this Order) he was pleased to say he took me as a Friend and Companion ; and whether he looked upon the Scarf like the Lace and Shoulder-knot of a Footman, as a Badge of Servitude and Dependence, I do not know, in the Eighteenth Centiiry. 533 but he was so kind as to leave my wearing of it to my own Discretion ; and not having any just Title to it from my Degrees, I am content to be without the Ornament.' The frontispice of Sy mon Patrick'.? Devout Christian Instructed, &c., ed. 16, London: Printed for J. Wai- thoe, Ja. and Jo. Knapton, R. Knaplock, R. Wilkin, D. Midwinter, and A . Ward, R. Bettesivorth, J. Down- ing, R. and J. Bonwicke, R. Robinson, W. Hears, R. Gosling, W. Innys, B. Motte, T. Ward, S. Birt, D. Brown, M. Wyat, and C. Bowyer, 1730, dis- plays a remarkable interior of a church, looking eastward. Over the Altar, which is vested in a large white cloth, are the tables of the decalogue, surmounted by a cherub's head; on each side is an oblong slab similarly over-topped, and bearing, no doubt, the Lord's Prayer and the Apostles' Creed. The people all kneel on the marble pavement with no desks, (a few with books,) extensis manibus. The celebrant wears wig, bands, and chaplain's scarf, but appears not to have changed his black gown after preaching. While communicating the people he ex- tends his left hand in benediction. The assistant while ministering the Chalice lays his right hand upon the head of the communicant. He wears wig, bands, surplice, and scarf. The Flagon does not stand upon the Altar. The Altar in many books of devotion of this and the earlier period stands either under a canopy or in a recess inaccessible from the ends, and deeper than Dr Bentley's baldacchino in Trinity Chapel, Jt usually has a super-frontal. That in an 534 University Society older picture, in Foxes Actes and Monuments, of a Protestant service just at the time of the Reformation, has also two orphreys. Two immense Flagons stand on the ground near it. A Chalice and Paten on the Table itself. The frontispice of Liturgia: seu Liber Precum Comimmittm, et Administrationis Sacramentorum..* Epistolae, Evangelia, et P salmi inseruntur juxta Sebas- tiani Castellionis Versionem. Editio septima, prioribus longe emendatior. Londini, Impensis J. Bonwicke, C. Hitch et L. Ha^ves, E. Wicks ted, Joan. Rivington, Jac. Rivington et J. Fletcher, W. Johnson, J. Richardson, S. Crowder Soc. et P. Davey et B. Law, T. Long- man, T. Calson, et C. Ware, 1759, bears the motto Agite veneremur supplices, flexis ante Dominum Crea^ torem nostrum genibus. PSAL. xcv. 6, and shews the interior of a church. In the foreground, on the north side is the Font; the congregation kneels on the pave- ment : no desks or seats. One gentleman of quality kneels on a round hassock, and has a book in his hand. One minister with gown, band, and skull-cap, kneels in the western pew of a ' three-decker.' An- other in surplice and band above him. The pulpit has a sounding-board, a pendent cloth, and a plump cushion. The Holy Table is railed-in, no room being left, at least on the south side, for any one to stand. On it are placed two Flagons, a Chalice, and an Alms- bason leaning against the wall. The words of the rubrics in this Latin version of our Common prayer, which relate to the position of the Celebrant are Presbyter autcm stans ad scptentrionalcm partcm Mcn- sae, and Quum Presbyter stans ante Mensam Domini in tfie Eighteenth Cenhiry. 535 Panem et Vinum ita disposuerit, ut expediting ac de- centins possit Panem frangere coram Popnlo, et Cali- cem in mantis sumere, dicit formulam Consecrandi pront seqnitur. A frontispice to another of bishop Symon Patrick of Ely's books, A Book for Beginners: or, an Help to Voting Communicants, ed. 13, 1695, depicts commu- nicants kneeling at the Altar-rails. On the Altar stand two Flagons and Chalices with covers and the Paten veiled. The priest in surplice and hood stands ex- tensis manibus diagonally at the north-west corner, the book supported on a desk or cushion placed ac- cordingly to his position. That it was thought in 1640 that the placing of the Table altar-wise was incompa- tible with their last rubric before the Communion Office (the North-side) is clear from the articles of the trial of Dr Matthew Wren, bishop of Norwich and Ely (Cobbett'^ State Trials, 153. IV. col. 29). However, bishop Andrewes and Laud seem not to have stood at the side, but at the end, to judge from the position of the cushions in the plan of their chapels; (Prynne's Canterburies Doome, 1646, p. 122) at least for the beginning of the service. Possibly up to the Prayer of Consecration they may have taken the view of the Privy Council in Hebbert v. Purchas, as bishop Cosin said he did, (in reply to Rouse's Article of Impeach- ment, No. 2. anno 1640, ap. Cobbett'j State Trials, 152, Vol. IV. col. 23. The decision of the Privy Council in Martin v. Mackonochie, as Mr Phillimore reminds me, had nothing to do with the 'North-side 7 rubric, but only with that immediately preceding the 53^ University Society Prayer of Consecration, and seemed to apply the words standing before the Table to the whole of that prayer). On the other hand, if we may judge from a sermon of prebendary Smart, for which he was pilloried as inveighing against his bishop, the puri- tan party would not have been much pleased with bishop Cosin if he had stood at the north end of the Altar. Thus he descanted in A Sermon preached in t tJte cathedrall chvrch of Dvrham, July 7, 1628, by Peter Smart. Psal. 31. 7 v. 'I hate them that hold of superstitious vanities.' Printed in the yeare 1640. [Camb. Univ. Lib. 47. 5. 93.] p. 33, 'Our Communion table must stand as it had wont to doe in the midst of the quire : not at the east end, as farre as is possible fro the people, where no part at all of evening prayer is ever said, and but a peece of the morning, and that never till of late. Neither must the table be placed along from north to south, as the Altar is set, but from East to West as the Custom is of all reformed Churches : otherwise, the Minister cannot stand at the north side, there being neither side toward the North. And I trow there are but two sides of a long table, and two ends : making it square and then it will have foure sides, and no end, or foure ends, and no side at which any Minister can stand to celebrate.' p, 36. ' The Lords table I say eleven years agoe was turned into an altar, and so placed, that the Minister cannot stand to do his office on the north side, as the law expressly chargeth him to doe, because there is no side of the table standing Northward' in the Eighteenth Century. 537 [Dr John Cosin was in 1624 prebendary of Durham* 1628 joined in the prosecution of Peter Smart. 1634 succeeded bishop Matt. Wren as master of Peterhouse. 1640, Nov. 7, instituted dean of Peter- borough ; Nov. 10, on Smart's petition is sequestrated by the house of Commons for superstitious practices. i6|f , Mar. 15, is acquitted by the house of Lords, Smart's counsel being 'ashamed' of his client. 1643 being among the deprived royalists he retires to Paris and ministers to the protestant part of Q. Henrietta Maria's household. 1660 dean, and then bishop, of Durham, having been restored to Peterhouse for a short time.] It has been stated by correspondents to the Gttard- ian newspaper in July 1873, that in 1814 bishop Law of Chester consecrated standing before the midst of the Altar ; and that bishop Maltby of Durham and Chichester began the Liturgy at the north side (not end] and afterwards passed to the midst. In an illustrated Book of Common Prayer, (of which the standing title-page is ' London, printed by John Bill, Christopher Barker, Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, Printers to the King's most Excellent Majesty, Anno Dom. 1678. Cum Privilegio', but with prayers for William and Mary), containing a portrait of K. William, pictures of Guido Fawkes, of the martyrdom of K. Charles I. and the Restoration of his son, besides historical illustrations of the proper offices, about sixty in all, is a curious cut of a clergyman in long cassock, short surplice ornamented with lace at the sleeves and hem, and with a skull-* 538 University Society cap on his head, saying the litany at the foot of the Altar. He kneels extensis manibus on a cushion at the bottom of the two steps on which it is raised (in the body of the church, for all that one can see to the contrary), the people too kneel on the pavement behind him : a few also at the south end, looking with their faces towards the Altar, at a respectful distance. The Altar is vested with a fringed short frontal (or long super-frontal). On the middle of the Altar lies an open book at which the priest seems to be looking, but it is turned away from him, though at too great a distance and at a most inconvenient angle if to be used by one standing at the end of the Holy Table, or indeed anywhere except behind it at the north-east corner, or in front at the midst. There are no rails. For a description of other engravings see notes at the end of this book. The university COPE (cappa, capa, pluviale] is more full than the circular choral cope ; more full, that is, even than the medieval cope which (like the medieval chasuble) was not so scanty as those of the modern Roman pattern. The Cambridge scarlet cope has an ermine hood, likewise somewhat full : there is also a narrow edging of ermine from the neck downwards rather lower than the height of the elbow. The history of this is clearly to be gathered from the costumes in the margin of Speed's map of Cambridge and Cambridgeshire early in the I7th century, and from Loggan's habitus towards its close. The doctors there do not wear copes fastened with a morse, nor in the Eighteenth Century. 539 open in front except so far as to allow the hands and forearm to be thrust out. This may also be seen in the portraits of i6th century doctors, now being removed into the hall of Peterhouse, and which in Fuller's time (Hist. Camb. 1655, p. 32), and till the present century, were panels in the parlour (locutorium] or Combination- room. Thus the strip of ermine (which is shown in all the pictures aforesaid) was the edging of the opening in front; and though the copes have been split down the front (with better excuse than that which we may allow to the rending of surplice-fronts) this has been preserved at its original length : another instance of the conservatism of the Cambridge tailors. The occa- sions when the university cope was worn may be gathered from the pages of Senatehouse Ceremonies (Wall-Gunning, 1828), pages 2, 3, 39, 59, 80-82, 115, 121, 175, 181, 183, 209, 215. These were as follows: By the regius professor and doctors of divinity at the clerum before the beginning of Michaelmas term ; also by the preacher if a B.D. and candidate for the doctor's degree. By the vice-chancellor at the magna congregatio or ' black assembly'; on the Friday before SS. Simon and Jude (Oct. 28), when the alder- men, burgesses, and parishioners took oaths before him and the mayor in the chancel of S. Mary's church : also at the speech on the afternoon of Nov. 5 (Papists' Conspiracy). By D.D. on Nov. 5, at the sermon, and on the Accession, at the litany and sermon on Jan. 30 (Charles K. & M.) till after service, when they put on their scarlet gowns : and at the clerum on Ash Wednesday. By the regius professor 540 University Society at the graduation of bachelors in divinity on S. Barna- bas (June n), also when moderating the acts for the degree of B.D. At Commencement by commencing D.D. By B.D. or nobleman when presented to the vice-chancellor for the degree of D.D. It was also put on in the ceremony of admitting any person to that degree by mandate. According to bedel Buck'.? Book, 1665 (quoted above, p. 249), the vice-chan- cellor was to wear his cope, provided that he were a * father' on the vepers or vespers of the commence- ment (in uesperiis comitiorum). When queen Elizabeth visited Cambridge in 1564, she was received by the provost of King's ' with all his company standing in copes': afterwards in / the King's College Church' (where 'the communion table ...stood north and south'), ' Mr Doctor Baker with all his company was in copyes,' and 'the Provost re- vested in a rich cope of needle-work/ and after they had gone into the Quire 'the Queen following, and going into her travys, under the canopy; and marvellously revising at the beauty of the chappel, greatly praised it, above all other in her realme. This song [a song of gladness in English] ended, the Provost began the Te Deum in English in his cope : which was solemnly sung in prick-song, and the organs play- ing. After that, he began even-song, which also was solemnly sung : every man standing in his cope.' On the Sunday 'when mattens were ended, every man repaired unto the Court gate to wait upon the Queen. All the Doctors, saving the Physicians, in their gowns of scarlet, as they went continually as long as the in the Eighteenth Centzcry. 541 Queen tarried.' They then went to the church ad clerum. ' Incontinently began the Letany. And after that, Mr. Andrew Perne D.D. [master of Peterhouse 1553 89] ready in his Doctors cope, was by the Bedells, brought to the pulpit, which stood over against her travis, which her Highness caused to be drawn open. And so, at the end of the stoole did sit downe, and was seene of all the people all the time of the sermon. 'The Preacher, after he had done his duty, in craving leave by his three curtesys, and so kneeling, stood up, and began his matter, having for his theme Omnis anima subdita sit potestatibus super eminentibus. About the midst of his sermon, her Majesty sent the Lord Hunsdon to will him to put on his cap : which he did unto the end. At which time, or he could get out of the pulpit, by the Lord Chamberlayn, she sent him word, that it was the first sermon that ever she heard in Latin ; and she thought she should never hear a better. And then the quire sung in prick-song a song 1 .' It appears from the articles of impeachment of Dr Cosin (of Peterhouse) and his answers in 1640 that there were copes in use in Durham cathedral imme- diately before his consecration to that throne : one with the story of the Passion embroidered on it (on the ' hood' no doubt). He himself wore one of white satin without embroidery 'when at any time he at- tended the Communion-service 2 .' i 1 Cooper's Annals, II. 182, 186, 167, 190 192. 2 Biog. Brit. Kippis. S4 2 University Society ' Copes or vestments,' i.e. chasubles, are ordered for bishops and priests celebrants in the rubric of 1549, which is continued by the existing rubric. This was interpreted as applicable to all cases by the dean of arches (Sir Ro. Phillimore), but the privy council have since discovered that this is restricted by the 24th canon of 1603 to the use of a cope (not a vestment) on the chief festivals in cathedral and collegiate churches. Copes were used in Durham cathedral till 1779, when Warburton (then prebendary) complained of the heat. He is said to have thrown the cope off in a pet because it ruffled his full-bottomed wig. They con- tinued to be worn on festivals a few years later 1 . Also at coronations. Since the judgment in the appeal Hebbert v. Purchas, copes have been restored in some cathedrals : but not (so far as I am aware) in any collegiate church. It is almost incredible that in the first instance the word cope should have been used strictly as the only vestment admissible for the celebrant (see J. H. Blunt and W. G. F. Phillimore's Book of Church Law, 1872, p. 95 ;/.). It appears from the use of the word in our university that the term was not restricted to \h.z pluuiale ; and it is also note- worthy that one name of the cope was ' casula proces- soria 2 .' Is it possible that permission was given by the rubric for poor parishes to use the red cope, which was left them if they could not afford a new chasuble (casula, planeta, or ' principal vestment ') ? It is evi- 1 Quarterly Review, xxxil. 273, Traditions and Custom of Ca thedrals. Mackenzie, E. C. Walcott, ed. i. p. 47. 2 See Scudamore's Notit. Eucharistica. in the Eighteenth Century. 543 dent, from inventories of ornaments left in parish- churches by the reformation commissioners in 1566*, that a red cope was frequently left, and in some cases converted into an altar frontal or antependium : a fact which in some measure accounts for the prevalence of red in Altar-cloths : crimson being at once a good wearing colour and the colour seasonable for the greatest number of Sundays in the English custom. In the margin of Speed's maps of Cambridge (1610, &c.), one of the personages wears a vestment shaped like an unshorn chasuble, and a birretta. The congregation habit of the proctors (according to Wall-Gunning, 1828, p. 15), is RUFFS (camisiae) with white hoods, to be worn on ' litany days.' According to bedel Stokys' Book, in the middle of the sixteenth century, the bedells were to wear QUOIFS, and hoods, at the time of the oration at the examination of questionists in quinquagesima, when they were to bring heads and doctors 'through the Prese with their Staffs turned', i.e. with maces re- versed to make way through the crowd. 1 English Church Furniture, by E. Peacock, Esq. F.S.A. 1866. pp. 42, 47, 48, 49, 52 bis, 68, 75, 81, 92, 106, 114, 117, 130. It is mentioned p. 42 that we 'haue a cope in the churche, the wch wee are admitted [by the iniunc]tions to kepe for o r . mi'ster.' A vestment re- mained in one instance, p. 112. Copes were also made into pulpit cloths, pp. 89, 97 : albes were converted generally into surplices, also into Altar cloths, 29, 43 ; as sometimes were vestments, 65, 73. APPENDICES. A. On a New Project for Riding the Great Horse. [1700.] B. Prideaux^s University Reform. 1715. C. Serjeant Edmottd Miller's Account of Cambridge and Trinity College. 1717. D. Whistorfs Emendanda in Academia. 1717. E. Lord Macclesfield^s Memorial relating to the Universities. 1718. F. Ri. Newton's Expence of the University Education Reduced : and Statutes of Hart Hall ( H ertford College). 1 7 2 7 I747- G. Diary of a Student at Trinity College, Cambridge. 1793 1801. L. B. E. 35 APPENDIX A. On a New Project for Riding the GREA T HORSE: ind other Exercises Physical and Mental to be practised in the NEW I ACCADEMY: [1700,] 352 550 Riding the Great Horse. rather want in our University than be troubled with it : which would have more spectators than riders to the misspending of time which might be better employed....! do not think it proper that the publick should be charged with erecting Acaddemies for each of these [Hunting, Hawking, and more useful manual employments] ; no more than for teaching to drink wine, ale, and coffee... which rather stand in need of laws for restraint and regulation than for encouragement. [The MS. concludes in another hand.] The Universities are not enemies to exercises of the body no more than of the mind ; and in particular they have a good esteem of riding the Great Horse as contributing to a sure seat and graceful air on horseback.... But &c.' APPENDIX B. Dean PRIDEAUX'S LVIII Articles for REFORMATION of the UNIVERSITIES. 1715. 552 Prideauxs University Reform. Dean Humphrey Prideaux of Norwich (author of the Connexion of the Old and New Testament) wrote, Nov. 26, 1715, to Charles viscount Townshend, prin- cipal secretary of state, certain Articles for the Refor- mation of the Universities. He had lived seventeen years at Oxford [at Christ Church, having been a pupil of Busby] but (he says) knew of Cambridge 1 only by enquiry and hear-say.' He regrets the neglect of episcopal visitations and also of visitation of the universities. One was proposed in the time of king William 'and the Lord Chancellor Sommers was for it ; but, the Lord Chief Justice Holt giving his opinion to the con- trary, the King answered, That if they could not agree it to be a clear case, he would not meddle with it ; and so this matter dropped. And therefore, to put the thing beyond doubt, an Act of Parliament now seems necessary; and indeed without that authority the Articles I now offer cannot be put in execution.' (Prideaux's Life, 1748, pp. 189193.) The substance of the ARTICLES (pp. 199237) is as follows. 1. Prayers on week-days at 6 a.m. and at 9 p.m. 2. The university bell to be tolled for half an hour before evensong. 3. The college gates to be locked while prayers are going on, and the keys to be delivered to the head after they are over, and to be kept by him till after prayers next morning. 4. The porter must apply to him in the meanwhile if neces- sary. The person so let in to 'give an account to the Govern- ment of the said College or Hall next morning.' 5. Any one missing evening and morning prayer running to IDC considered to have been out all night. For which last offence Prideauxs University Reform. 553 the punishment is public admonition for the first, the loss of a year for the second, and expulsion for the third time. 6. Persons to be turned out of common-fire-rooms or com- bination-rooms at 10 p.m. and the keys to be taken to the heads. 7. Any person so locked in, or any climbing over the college walls or the like, to be finally expelled. 8. Stourbridge Fair to be abolished or removed 10 miles from Cambridge. 9. Fasting Nights to be abolished, and suppers to be pro- vided in hall : and persons to fast at their own discretion. 10. For resorting to Taverns or Alehouses (i) admonition; (2) admonition, a public declamation, and the loss of a year ; (3) public expulsion : the tavern-keeper to be fined (i) 5/., (2) io/., (3) 20/. and perpetually discommuned. 11. Female servants and lodgers in the town to give certifi- cates of good character. Lewd women to be carted out of the university town, and if they return before they are 50 years old to be publicly whipped. Six persons to be appointed annually to inspect certificates. 12. There shall be an act of parliament to make it felony ^\y without benefit of clergy for any to be accessory to the clandes- tine marriage of a minor. 13. To prevent fellows living a 'dronish slothful life' they fl shall vacate their fellowships when they are of 20 years standing from matriculation : excepting a Public Professor, or Lecturer, or Upper or Under Library- Keeper, or Keeper of the Archives, or Register of the Convocation, or Judge of the V. C.'s Court or a Minister in the town or its suburbs. 14. 'That, for the maintenance and support of such super- annuated Fellows or Students, who, in 20 years time, shall not have qualified themselves for any public service, there shall be an Hospital built, in each of the said Universities;., which shall be called Drone Hall? Their late colleges to provide 2o/. per annum for each inmate, it being fitting that * this burthen should be laid upon them, as a just mulct for their having bred up the >/ said superannuated person to be good for nothing.' 554 Prideauxs University Reform. 15. After 10 years from matriculation the rule of residence should be relaxed so as to allow a fellow to become chaplain to a bishop or nobleman, or for any employment approved by the Government of his college. 1 6. Fellowships to be vacated by acceptance of a prefer- ment above 8o/. per annum, secundum uerum ualorem, after a year of grace. 17. A 'Beadle' to vacate his Fellowship, c. 18. Pre-elections, by which a new fellow makes a payment to the out-goer, to be abolished. 19. Dividends to be equalised, saving that each superior degree shall receive more than that next below it. B.A. : M.A., LL.B., M.B. : B.D., LL.D., M.D.: D.D. 20. The number of fellows in each college to be proportioned to its income : none receiving above 6o/. per annum. 21. Elections with regard to merit only. 22. Claim of Founder's kin disallowed. 23. No treats to be given but in the College Hall. 24. The abuse of taking degrees by forfeiting bonds given for the future performance of statutable exercises abolished. 25. All persons of standing to take M.A. degree must per- form the exercises even if they do not choose to proceed, or have their names struck out of the Buttery-book. 26. The privilege of non-residence at cures on pretence of study, under 21 Hen. VIII. cap. 13 and 28 Hen. VIII. cap. 12, Disallowed. \/ 27. Popish statutes to be reformed. 28. Members of the foundation to communicate in their College Chapel at least once a month. The members to preach in rotation. 29. Meeting of the heads and proctors every Monday at i p.m. to prepare for Convocation. 30. A standing commission of 20 Curators of the universi- ties to be appointed at the beginning of a new parliament by King, Lords and Commons. The archbishops and lord chancellor to be ex officio members of the board. v Prideauxs University Reform. 555 31. To prepare statutes for such societies as have them not. 32. Three Commissioners may be delegated to visit. 33. 'Whereas Fellows of Colleges often spend a great part of their time, as well as of their revenue, in quarrels among themselves, or with their Head;' a select senate of all the resi- dent doctors of the three faculties with the bachelors of Divinity shall arbitrate, with appeal to the Visitor of the college. 34. This senate shall dispose all university preferment, since 'the junior Masters of Arts often give their votes rashly and partially, without that due consideration, which they ought to have towards the merits of the Candidates.' 35. Heads not to be out of residence more than two months consecutively, or three months altogether in a year. 36. The income of the Head to be made up to the value of 3 of the best fellowships. 37. Bishops and Deans must be D.D.; Archdeacons B.D., LL.D., or D.C.L. ; Prebendaries or beneficiaries of ioo/. M.A., LL.B., or B.C.L., &c. &c. 38. In the Schools the O. T. must be quoted in the Hebrew, and N. T. in the Greek. 39. All tutors must be allowed and appointed by the Master and Seniors and licensed by the V. C. 40. Tutors to find a deputy or read constantly to their pupils till their degree of B.A., except for 3 weeks at Christmas, i week at Easter and Whitsuntide, and during the Act or Com- mencement. 41. Tutors constantly on all Sundays and holidays (except as under 40) to read and expound 'the Articles of the Church of England or such other books or tracts of divine institution as shall be judged best.' 42. No person to be licensed by the V. C. as tutor till he has sworn to observe 41, as well as all such Oaths, Declarations and Subscriptions as the keeper of a public Grammar School is bound to take. 43. Penalties for neglectful Tutors. v 44. Removal of ill-conducted Tutors, \/ 556 Prideauxs University Reform. 45. Tutors to have proctorial authority over their pupils, with power of search in houses. 46. Undergraduates to pay ready money to tradesmen. 47. Heads to examine students quarterly, and to enquire into the causes of deficiency. 48. Any undergraduate found non-proficient three times to- " gether to be removed from the university. 49. For the checking of illiterate curates, none is to be ad- mitted B.A., till he has passed an examination in the Christian Religion as taught and professed in the Church of England. 50. The Church Catechism and XXXIX. Articles to suffice till the Professors have fixed upon an uniform system for the Divinity Examination. 51. Four resident divines of B.D. standing to be chosen examiners by the V. C. and Heads. 52. The examination to be held in the Schools. - 53. Two examiners at a time to examine classes of six for two hours at least. 54. The examiners to be paid from the stipend of the useless lectures of Grammar, Rhetoric, Logic [the Trivinni] and Meta- physics, at Oxford; and at Cambridge by a similar method. [Perhaps by the abolition of the Barnaby ordinaries.] 55. No person to be ordained till he have taken his B.A. degree, or have gone through an equivalent course in a foreign university. 56. No Players or Actors of Interludes to come within the university notwithstanding any grant or licence whatsoever, which they may bring. 57. 'That, whereas the Lawyer's Gown. ..is often made an Asylum for the idle and the ignorant \Jiarry sophs\ such as have not, by their proficiency in their studies, qualified themselves for the Degree of B.A., it be ordained, that no person for the future, shall be allowed in either of the said Universities, to put on the Lawyer's Gown, till he hath first taken the Degree of B.A., or till three years after that, be admitted to take the Degree of Batchelor of Law.' Prideauxs University Reform. 557 58. Cambridge to follow the practice of Oxford for the degree in Physic both for times and exercises, that there may be uniformity. Dean Prideaux mentions that about the year 1675, 'Apl.per annum for a Commoner (or Pensioner, as the term is in Cam- bridge] and 8o/. per annum for a Fellow Commoner, was looked on as a sufficient maintenance ; and, when I was a Tutor in Oxford (M. A. and tutor of Christ Church, 1675), I never desired more for such of my Pupils, as were of either of these orders, ^ t and always found it amply to suffice for both. But now, (1715,)' | scarce 6o/. per annum for the former and 1 2O/. per annum for the V latter, will serve for a compleat maintenance. And in propor- \ tion hereto, are increased the expences of all other orders and^J members of these two bodies/ (pp. 196, 197.) 1 Atheists, Deists, Socinians, Arians, Presbyterians, Indepen- dents, Anabaptists, and other Adversaries and Sectaries, surround us on every side, and are set, as in battle array, against us : and if we do not come armed and provided with equal knowledge and learning to the conflict, how shall we be able to support our Cause against them?' (p. 198.) APPENDIX C. An Account of CAMBRIDGE : Together with a few Natural and Easie Methods propos'd to both Houses of Parliament by Edmond Miller, Serjeant at Law. 1717. Serf. E. Millers Account of Cambridge. 559 'An Account of the University of Cambridge, and the Colleges there. Being A Plain Relation of many of their Oaths, Statutes and Charters. By which will appear, The Necessity the present Members lie under, of endeavouring to obtain such Alterations, as may render 'em practicable, and more suitable to the present Times. Together with A Few Natural, and Easie Methods, how the Legislature, may for the future fix That, and the other great Nursery of Learning, in the true Interest of the Nation, and Protestant Succession. Most humbly propos'd to both Houses of Parliament. By Edmond Miller, Serjeant at Law. Sincerum est nisi vas, quodcunque infundis, acescit. London : Printed and Sold by J. Baker, at the Black Boy in Pater-noster Row. 1717.' (8vo. pp. 200.) Serjt. Miller mentions (p. 45) the answer to the I2th Query of K. Charles II. in 1675. * The Coffee-houses are daily frequented, and in great Numbers of all sorts (the Heads of Houses and other Doctors excepted) at all Hours; especially Morning and Evening.' But the most interesting part of his pamphlet is the attack upon his enemy Ri. Bentley, Master of Trinity. Like Sam. Cobb in his Tripos Speech, Miller reaches l Aristarchus' by a boomerang shot. He takes the Statutes of Trinity College as a typical instance of the obsolescence which prevailed in the collegiate Statute books and then the attack on Bentley is inevitable. Thus Miller apologizes (p. 98) : 560 Scrj. E. Miller s Account of Cambridge. ' Neither cou'd any thing have induc'd me seemingly to act so ungenteel a Part as (unless upon Proof in a Court of Justice) to say such ill things of any Person living, except Doctor Bentley : But verily believing That there is no History of any one in such a Station, who ever before acted so vile a Part ; and has committed such Rapine and Plunder, upon a College ; and so impudently insulted their Properties, Persons and Priveleges for about sixteen Years together, as he has done ; of all which he has been accused many Years since in a legal Method; and his Accusers still desire nothing [P. 99] more than an Oppor- tunity of proving the same things before the proper Judges. 'These circumstances I hope will take off the Imputation of Scurrility from anything which has been or can be said of such a Person, especially since the necessity of the case almost requires That these matters should be made Publick ; because this Wretch, by what Means is very wonderful, has found some Friends in three successive Ministries, who it seems have thought it worth exercising their Powers in skreening him hitherto from this most just Prosecution. * 'Tis suppos'd that by his vain Boastings of himself and insolent contempt of others (a pretty Collection of his Expressions of which sort may be seen in Mr JohrtSdis Aristarchus] he has created a Belief in some considerable Persons who are better employ'd than to search into those Matters That he is a Prodigy for Learning, grounded upon his Corrections or rather Altera- tions of some Words, Syllables and Letters in Horace; which wou'd have been an irreparable Loss to the Nation, if they had not been retrieved by this great Genius ; Whereas among the many good Editions, and various [P. 100] Lections, that are to be found as well of Horace as other Classicks, who is there that has a tollerable understanding of 'em but can steal or invent several Alterations which shall with some colour of Reason please a Majority of Readers ; there being very few, who will think it worth their while to examine into the Reason and Authority of 'em. But the Doctor has had the ill Fortune to fall into the Hands of Mr Johnson who (by giving himself the trouble of examining, only into the first Book of this applauded Per- formance) has in his Aristarchus above mention'd, dlscover'd so much want of Judgment, so many Absurdities, Inconsistencies, Serf. E* Millers Account of Cambridge. 561 silly affected Alterations ; together with so much Carelessness even to the writing not only improper but false Latin in many Instances; besides a knavish Arrogance of assuming other Peoples Discoveries to himself ; That he has made it plain (in much better Latin than his own) that the Doctor in this Edition as well as in his other Actions had his chief View upon the Profit ; And next (by the help of Favourers of Learning falsely so call'd) to gain an Impunity for what he is accus'd of; tho' it may be truly said as to whatever he has publish'd within these last seven Years (if there has been any Merit) it has been more owing to his Prosecutors than to himself ; who if he had been suffer'd quietly to go on in all Probability wou'd have contented himself in his Projects of sharping upon the College. Surely no sort of learned Men are so scarce now-a-days that 'tis needful for the Publick to encourage to tollerate 'em to Plunder and rob honest Men who are more scarce ; if they have nothing to plead in their Defence but the Benefit of Clerks : much less should this Clerk be so tolerated who has robb'd some more learned than himself; since he is discover'd to be so defective in the only part of Learning of which he cou'd pretend to boast.' pp, 98 101. Miller proposes the repeal of certain Statutes for which scheme he gives, among other recommendations, the hope of weakening the 'Nonsensical as well as Destructive High Church Principles.' p. 170. L. B. E. 36 APPENDIX D. EMENDANDA in ACADEMIA by W. Whiston Sometime of Clare -Hall. 1717. Whistoris Emendanda in Academia. 56 < William Whiston, of Clare-Hall, Resided 1686 1694, 1703 1710. In his Memoirs (ed. 1749, p. 45), he says, * While I was Resident at Cambridge, which 1 was in all about 17 years, I observed grea.t Defects and Disorders in the Constitution of our College of Clare-Hall; as also in that of the University in general. And I accordingly drew up two Papers, the one under the Title of Emendanda in Collegia, the other of Emendanda in Academia; the former Paper, which was of less consequence, I have not preserved, but the latter of greater consequence I have by me, and, as improved a little afterward, [it] stood thus Verbatim, EMENDANDA IN ACADEMIA. (See Parson's Advice to a Roman Catholick King of England.) 1. All Old Statutes to be repealed: yet so that their useful Parts be taken into the New Statutes ; and the Designs of the Founders preserved, as much as may be. The New Statutes to be, Few in Number: Plain in Words: Practicable in Quality: Known by all. 2. No more than one Civil Oath, that of Allegiance, to be imposed. 3. Penalties and not Oaths to be Securities in all other Cases. 4. No more than one Ecclesiastical Subscription to be imposed ; that to the original Baptismal Profession ; with the owning the sacred Authority of the Books of the Old and New Testament j and this only on Students in Divinity. 36-2 564 W hist on $ Emendanda in Academia. 5. Civil Authority and Courts to be put into the Hands of proper Persons, distinct from the University: with one Appeal to the Judges, and all to be governed by the Common Law. 6. Visitors to be appointed where there are none ; but still with one Appeal to the Judges. 7. Expences to be limited within certain Bounds. 8. Particular Tutors in Colleges to be appointed by the' Master ; and to unite in common for the teaching that particular Science they are best acquainted with. 9. Publick Professors to consent to the Master's Appoint- ment ; and to be Overseers to all those Tutors and Pupils in their own Faculties ; and to examine the Scholars every year, to see what Proficiency they have made the foregoing year. 10. Rewards or Privileges to be allotted to the best Scholars upon such Examination, and the grossly idle, ignorant, and vicious not to advance in standing, till they have made some competent Proficiency. 11. All Elections into Scholarships and Fellowships to be after open Examination and Trial, as to Learning; as well as full Testimony as to Morals. And the Times for such Election to be known long beforehand, and fixed in the Statutes. 12. Visitors may openly examine again upon Complaints; and in notorious Cases may alter the Election. 13. Desert for Learning and Morals ; Fitness for the Duty ; and, caeteris paribus, Want, the only Qualifications for free Elections, viz. in all such Cases as are without Propriety [i. e. dose appropriation, in the gift of one family, or the like]. 14. No Persons to interpose to hinder the Freedom of Elections. And the Procurers of Letters from great men to be incapable. 15. No present Possessor to be displac'd ; [upon a Visita- tion, of the University:] Otherwise than according to their former Statutes, or those of the Realm. 16. Fellowships to be annually diminished, if not vacated, after a certain Number of Years; excepting [Heads of Colleges] Winston s Emendanda in Academia. 565 Tutors, and Professors. And this for the Advantage of sending men into the World while they may be useful, and the procuring a quicker Succession. 17. Heads of Colleges and Professors to be chosen as now ; but from any College or Place whatsoever, and to be approved by the Bishop of the Diocese where the Founder lived. And in all Royal Foundations by the King. 1 8. Discipline to be strict, but not rigorous, Prayers not to be too long, nor too early ; Short Prayers at nine at Night in Winter, and ten in Summer, for all to be present at. 19. Scholars to be encouraged to do their Duty rather than forced, especially in the case of the Communion, which should at least be monthly. 20. Fellows to be obliged to frequent the publick Worship as well as the Scholars. 21. The College Servants to be instructed and catechized, either in their several Parishes, or Colleges, and to frequent the Prayers. 22. Scholastick Disputations about modern Controversies in Divinity, to be changed into Lectures on the Scriptures, or most primitive Writers, &c. 23. Preachers not to meddle with State Affairs farther than the Gospel directly requires or allows. 24. No modern Systems of Divinity to be followed ; but the original Languages of the Bible, and the most ancient Authors, with such later Helps as are necessary to the Under- standing of them, to be recommended. 25. Admissions into Colleges to be better taken Care of. 26. No uncertain Systems of Philosophy to be recom- mended ; but Mathematicks and Experiments to be prefer'd. 27. None in Holy Orders, nor Undergraduates to go to Taverns or publick Houses at all, without particular Business with Strangers there, and at early Hours. Others to be restrained from much frequenting the same. 566 Wkis&ms Enumlmada in Academic sft. An Undergiadaates to be in their several Colleges by 39. Ne^GalkriestobeboBt at St jy^'stohoM all the [TKs was done by the legacy of William Wcrts\ :- 1::- 5-T 15- : :i:r. ^ to hacvc TestnwMEuis far Orders tin they have 31. No :: :, 52. AM |ininj Fin !!! toeo to the Qarity Schools, or Poor of ti WILL. WHISTON. Afnl 1$, 1717. APPENDIX E. QUESTIONS ! UNIVERSITY REFORM, Lord Chancellor MacdajuLL 568 Lord Macclesfield' s Memorial Ld. Chancellor MaccksfielcTs Scheme for University Reform cir. 1718 (see above, p. 53). Extracted from Gutch, Collectanea Curiosa. Oxford, 1781, II. pp. 53 75, No. IX. 'A Memorial relating to the Universities/ Three Questions are discussed. QUESTION I. By what method learning and industry may be promoted in the Universities, setting aside all party consider- ations ? The suggestions are (1) All Heads to be chosen by a body of State Officers, Archbishops, Bishops and the Visitor. (2) Fellowships limited to twenty years ; limit to number of College Livings ; augmentation of poor Vicarages ; two Tutors in each College, after fifteen years' service, to hold Fellowships for life. All Fellows to take office in turn. Non-residence of not more than six months at a time, and not more than ten times ; and that not till after five years' residence. Faculty Fellowships (Law and Physic) to be allowed. Others not taking Orders at once to vacate in ten years. (3) Foundation of a Professor of the Law of Nature and Nations. (4) Lectures in Divinity, Law of Nature and Nations, Anatomy, Chymistry, Mathematics, Experiments in Natural Philosophy. QUESTION II. What force may be necessary to ease the present disaffection of the Universities ? Vest the right of electing to Scholarships, Exhibitions, Fellowships, &c., in a Commission : but * much wiser heads arc- employed in digesting for an Act of Parliament whatever is proper on this head/ relating to the Universities. 569 QUESTION III. What gentle methods may be of service to \vin them over to the Government? 1. By i. 3, 4. 2. Tutors should encourage Noblemen and Gentlemen- Commoners to go through a course of Law of Nature and Nations. 3. And English Law and Constitution. 4. Pensions of 20 or ^30 to about twenty Fellows to encourage them to serve Government. 5. Let the Crown or Great Seals give yearly two or three Preferments to well-affected Persons. 6. Let well-affected Patrons prefer well- affected Persons. 7. Exhibitions of ^10 or 20 to poor Scholars till they gain Fellowships. 8. Government should pay for the education of needy stu- dents in different branches of study. 9. Government to return persons to recommend fit objects for bounty. (a) Establish a Court of Appeal from the dominant power in Universities. (/3) Government to favour loyal Colleges, also to bestow a few livings on discontented persons. We learn also incidentally that 20 or ^30 per annum at - the University with a Fellowship made a pretty easy subsist- ence. There was an entire change of all that were not on the Foundation, in less than seven years, and more than a third of those on the Foundation were dead or gone in seven years. Courses of Classick Learning and Philosophy were provided by Tutors. Bishops complained of gross ignorance in the Scripture and Divinity of the Candidates. The Nobility and Gentry and other Laymen that came from the Universities proved as generally disaffected to the present Government as those in Holy Orders. Marriage of a Fellow was often concealed for many years, or\ till after death. Resident Fellows as they advanced in years were overrun with spleen, or took to sottishness. Unworthy / men chosen Heads of Houses by their winking at a youth who might have a vote in a future election. APPENDIX F. The EXPENCE of University Education Reduced, by Richard Newton. 1727. Rules and Statutes for HERTFORD COLLEGE in the University of Oxford, by the same Hand. 1747. R. Newton s Expence Reduced, &c. 571 The Expence of University Education Reduced. In a Letter to a Fellow of a College in Oxford. Matri utilis A Imae Si das hoc, Parvis quoque rebus magna juvavi. The Fourth Edition, London: Printed for G. Strakan, in Corn/till; C. Rivington, in St Paul's Church-yard; y. Osborn in Paternoster Row; and R. Clements, and y. Fletcher, in Oxford, 1741 (dated 27 May, 1727): pp. 47. [By Dr RL Newton, Principal of Hart Hall.] Expensiveness is not inherent in the university system, but is only the work of individual humour, vanity and luxury. It should be a rule (p. 6) 'that nothing be allow'd to be dress'd in the Common Kitchen for any member of the Society, but Commons: And that every Scholar affecting to make Enter- tainments, at \i\sprivate Chamber, for Strangers visiting him in his Studious Retirement, be obliged to defray the Entire Charge thereof out of his Own Purse* (pp. 8, 9.) 'The largest Endowments in any Society of the UNIVERSITY are but barely sufficient for Maintenance in the Manner intended, for Decent Apparel, and for a few Useful Books... There are Stated Times for Devotion, for Study and Improvement, for Private Lectures, for Public Exercises, for the Refreshments of Eating, Walking, Conversing (p. 10). Each Scholar hath his Separate Apartment. The Furniture of it is suppos'd to be no other, than that of a Lodger in a private Family who never eats at Home... What Sort of Strangers, now, are those who expect to be Invited to an Elegant Entertainment in this Chamfer f...Hitil he so much as a Servant to attend him upon this Occasion, but who, at the same time, is the Common Servant of Twenty Scholars more ?...(p. n.) And what a Con- sumption of the Common Fuel will this Entertainment, at a Later Hour, occasion, at the equal Expense of Others of the 57- -R* New toils Expcncc Reduced. Community, whose prudence, as well as Circumstances, will not permit them to give in to this Affected and Impertinent Hospi- tality?' If the Stranger wishes to see Students' life, he should dine at the ordinary hall. If he only wants their conversation in pri- vate rooms, let him refresh himself in his Inn. It is monstrous to allow your time and money to be frittered away 'in Absurd and Conceited Entertainments for every trifling Acquaintance, who has a mind to take Oxford and Blenheim in his Way to the Bath. I say trifling Acquaintance ; for no Man living, that is well bred and understands what is proper, will ever A ccept of an Entertainment at a Scholar's Chamber.' (p. 13.) 'A Fellowship' in a College of 4o/. a-year, which may instantly become Void by Misbehaviour, Cession, Death or Marriage, and which, 'till any of these Accidents shall happen, will not yield 2O/. a-year clear to a Sequestrator, will give the Scholar Credit for 5oo/.' (p. 17.) Even the richer students are often in arrears when they have left a College beyond their caution money (p. 21); and even they ought to live in the same style as their less wealthy com- panions, and not to waste their time. It is preposterous that 'Scholars may have what Entertainments they please dress'd in the Common Kitchen and the Charge thereof inserted in their Note of Battels at the End of the Quarter.' (p. 23.) 'Another source of expence and inconvenience is the having notable Ale in the College Cellars. In plain Terms I would not advise Young Men to use it in a Morning or at their Meals ; if in the Evening^ when they mix in Conversation with each other or with Scholars of other Societies in their respective Rooms, they would, in a sober manner, recruit the Spirits, which by hard Study have been exhausted, with this Liquor, the most abstinent Person in the World would not be so morose as to think it might not innocently be done.' (pp. 30, 31.) 'Ale and Wine are already introduc'd into the Private Cellars of Scholars.' Bishop Fell, Dean of Ch. Ch. prohibited Ale being supplied from the Butteries, and it did not result in the Scholars introducing 'not only Ale, but Wine into their Private Cellars either in his time or in his Successor's' 1 [dean Massey, 1686 9]. (p. 35.) Nothing should 'be put upon the Scholar's Name in the J*pok of Battels for either Bye-Services or Charities? (p. 38.) R. Neivtoris Expencc Reduced. 573 Some of the undergraduates 'find as much employment for a Common Servant as Ten other Scholars of the same Society.' (p. 39.) As to the Charities, the practice of keeping a Note or Sub- scription list hanging in the public Refectory to be transferred to the Action of Battels is reprehensible: 'A Multitude of Appli- cations are made at the University for Collections of this Sort, and what incredible Success they meet with. Young men are often Vain and desirous to be thought liberal... Whoever pre- tends to Give, must Give of his Own; and must call that only his Own which he can save out of his Founder's or his Parent's Provision for his maintenance.' (pp. 41 43.) RICHARD NEWTON when he had been a member of the university of Oxon. above 31 years wrote Nov. 8, 1725, a pamphlet which was printed in pp. 207, 8vo., by G. Strahan at the Golden- Ball over against the Royal Exchange, 1726. Its title is Uni- versity Education or, an Explication and Amendment of the Statute which, under a Penalty Insufficient and Eluded, pro- hibits the Admission of Scholars going from One Society to another without the Leave of their respective Governors, or of the Chancellor, &c. &c. In a word it is the pamphlet criticized by Amherst in the Appendix to Terrae Filius, ed 1726, in 'a Letter to the Reverend Dr Newton, Principal of Hart-Hall j occasioned by his Book entitled, University Education, &c,' The case in ques- tion was that of Will. Seaman or Say man mentioned above, p. 60. Newton was elected principal of Hart- Hall in 1710 and was succeeded by W. Sharp in 1753. Hart-Hall had been the nursery, both of Exeter and New College in the I4th century, and numbered among its students Tyndale, sir W. Waller, Selden, Clarendon, [bp. Ken], Hobbes, Swift and Fox 1 . Dr Newton was discontented with the title Hart Hall, and after many struggles procured, Sep. 8, 1740, its incorporation as Hertford College (chiefly for persons intending for holy orders) : thus taking a less picturesque name as several of our societies in Cambridge have been led to do by the sug- gestion of a late procrustean Commission. Newton's Statutes were so forbidding that the dissolution of his College was hastened in 1816, on the death of Bernard Hodg- son, by the refusal of every one to administer them. 1 Moore's Handbook to Oxford, 1871. 574 Statutes of Hart Hall. Rules and Statutes for the Government of Hertford College in the University of Oxford, with Observations on particular Parts of them shewing the Reasonableness thereof by R. Newton, D.D., Principal of Hertford- College. London: Printed for John Osborn, in Pater- noster-Row, 1747. (pp. 162.) The Principal may hold his office for life : the four senior Fellows, Vice-Principal, Catechist, Chaplain and Moderator may be Tutors till eighteen years after their matriculation : the eight junior B.A. Fellows may continue in the position of Assistants for three years. There shall be but thirty-two Students, and four Scholars. One of the four Seniors is to be principal Tutor for a year in rotation ; he is to receive the fees and to lecture once a week to all students. Each Tutor to have a class of eight Students and one Scholar who are to continue under his special care for their career of sixteen terms. The Revenue of the Principal to be 28i/. 6s. &/. each Tutor or Senior 937. i is. 8oi/o/ua, with- out having ever seen it. Dr D. confesses it in his Botanic Garden, &c. ; he propounds many opinions which he does not himself believe. Hayley, Bilsborrow says, is employed on a life of Milton... Wednesday ) 23. Chapel. A Latin declamation brought me. All morning spent in chusing a subject, finding my opponent, going to the Dean, procuring books, &c. Thursday ', 24. Went to the library to consult some books on my Declamation subject. Met Bilsborrow there, and went with him to his lodgings. Tells me Dr Darwin got more knowledge in that way from Kaim's [Kames'] Essay on Criticism than from any book he ever read. He has seen a Letter from Dr Priestly much to the same purport. Dr Darwin and a few friends meet every evening. Whatever be the subject of their conversation they divide half and half; each gives his sentiments on the side allotted ; and when all have so done, they change again, each having to defend the side he before condemned. Dr Darwin's receipt for Poetry which he recommended to B. To take some beautiful picture and turn it into verse. An in- stance of this is Dr D's rape of Proserpine, of which B. says he very well remembers the picture. Saturday, 26. Nearly finished my declamation. The subject Utrum Attid vitae ratio bonum civem deceat: I have to support the negative. Tuesday, 29. Chapel... Chapel. Holden had to repeat his declamation of last Saturday. After proceeding a very short way in it he began to look on, and soon after to read straight forwards. Upon this the Dean (Basketh, newly elected) called out, apparently very angry (N. They had already been before, the Master and Seniors), Descendas, descendas; he was seconded by the Vice-Master's descendas ; Collier, Jones, Ramsden, &c. were present. Upon this H., with a very high air immediately came down, and throwing his declamation indignantly from him, which fell into the hands of a man (Salter) on the opposite side Diary of a Stiident at Trinity. 589 the Chapel, he stalked along the chapel, throwing his gown from off his shoulders. Wednesday, 30. Chapel. Carried my declamation to Caut- ley for his revision, and sat about an hour with him. Drank wine with Walton. Present : Tweddell, Malcolm, and Ryley my antagonist, all Trin. C. Chapel. Satterthwaite declaimed against Browne. Drank tea afterwards with him. Thursday, 3 1 . Employed the evening in getting my declama- tion by heart. [Reading from MS. has been permitted since 1 867.] Tuesday, Nov. 5, Roused about nine o'clock by Bilsborrow and Le Grice with a proposal to become member of a literary so- ciety : the members they mentioned as having already come into the plan, [S.T.] Coleridge, Jes., Satterthwaite, Rough, and them- selves, Trin. C., and Franklin, Pembroke. Heard Allen's disserta- tion on K. William ; was to have gone to Coleridge's to wine, to consult on the plan, had I not been engaged at home with the Howeses and Strickland. Went with them to the coffee-house. On my going out met Bilsborrow : returned back with him. Soon after came in Le Grice, Coleridge, and Rough. Got all into a box and (having met with the Monthly Review of my Bro- ther's Poems), entered into a good deal of literary and critical conversation on Dr Darwin, Miss Seward, Mrs Smith, Bowles and my Brother. Coleridge spoke of the esteem in which my Brother was holden by a society at Exeter, of which Downman and Hole were members, as did Bilsborrow (which he had be- fore told me) of his repute with Dr Darwin, Miss Seward, &c., &c., at Derby. Coleridge talked Greek, Max. Tyrius he told us, and spouted out of Bowles. At nine o'clock called on Satter- thwaite, and sat awhile with him. Thursday, 7. Rose at half-past eight. Lectures began, went to them at nine. Breakfasted with Rough. Met with Vaughan. Cole- ridge called on Rough : we sat in criticism on some of his poems. In one of these he wished he were a Woodbine bower, a Myrtle, the Zephyr to fan the folds of her garment, neck, hair, &c. ; a Dream ; and finally he wished to be the Heaven that he aloft "might rise And gaze upon her with unnumber'd eyes," which, by the bye, is borrowed from an epigram of Plato. Vid. Brunck. 590 Diary of a Student at Trinity. There was one idea, however, in its application to me new, which may compensate for the above. Somehow thus : The waving poplar " sleeps upon the stream " (" How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank," &c.). Merck. Veil. ...Vaughan...is become a member of the Society. Friday, 8. Chapel. Lectures. Considered of a subject for my essay on Wednesday se'nnight. Drank Wine with Cole- ridge. Present, the Society. Chapel. Read Morning Chronicle. Found in it an ode to Fortune, by Coleridge, which I had seen at Rough's yesterday. Read Rrt/zos and Variable Quantities, and Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy. Saturday,*). Chapel. Lectures. Took out a dormiat....No author ought, I think, without he enters the world with con- siderable advantages, to begin with publishing a very elaborate work; however, not a work upon which tastes may very con- siderably vary, e.g. my Br[other]'s Poems. If he had had his reputation raised by some less important and more popular poem, it would have ensured from petty critics a different recep- tion to his Descriptive Sketches and Evening Walk. Chapel. Monday, n. Rose at eight. Lectures nine. Borrowed Howes' Syllabus of Mechanics to transcribe, in doing which spent the remainder of the morning. Wednesday, 13. Satterthwaite and Malcolm, Trin., drunk Wine with me. The Society, this evening, met at my rooms for the first time. Time before supper was spent in hearing Cole- ridge repeat some original poetry (he having neglected to write his essay, which therefore is to be produced next week), and other men each his voluntary contribution. After supper, in de- bating and adjusting the Rules of the Society. Mem. Began to read Mathematics, January, 1794. Sunday Evening, March 9, 1794. Have lately been reading BoswelPs Johnson; to which, perhaps, I may impute the re- sumption of my plan of keeping a Diary. Monday, March 10. Rose at eight. Till ten read some of the definitions at the beginning of Astronomy. At ten went for the first time to lectures to Mr Tavel, beginning with the nth Book of Euclid... [After Evening Chapel and tea] read Lowth de Sac. Poesi and the Hippolytus of Euripides till quarter past eight. After supper read Locke. Diary of a Student at Trinity. 591 Tuesday, March ir. Rose to Chapel. Read Euclid. Went to St Mary's at eleven, to-day being the Assize Day, and heard a Sermon by Mr Owen, a Fellow of Bennet. The text, "Judge righteous judgement." We are told that their Massacres are without Murder. At twelve called upon Greenwood, who is unwell. Wednesday [March 12.] Rose to Chapel. Till ten read Euclid. Went to lectures : found we had none to-day on ac- count of the assizes. Went to the library. Called on Rough. About eleven returned home and began Astronomy. Read till dinner. After dinner till a quarter past four read a little of Locke. Walked alone till Chapel time. After Chapel read Lowth and Euripides. After supper a little of Astronomy. At ten went to bed. Friday, March 14, till half-past twelve, read Astronomy. Walked till dressing-time with Satterthwaite. After dinner sat with Howes till a quarter before four. Present : Hayes, Bollond, Gleed, Trin. Went with them to Wollaston's lectures. Chapel. Drank coffee with Reynolds. Till eight wrote to my Brother William. Read a little in Hippolytus and Astronomy. Ex- ceedingly drowzy and languid. Went to bed at half-past nine. Saturday, March 15. Rose to Chapel. Read Euclid nth Book and Sphaerical Trigonometry till ten. Lectures till one. Read Astronomy. Walked till ten minutes before two. Dressed for Dinner. [Cp. pp. 134, 476, 479.] Owen spoke of the assuming and arrogant part which the Johnians always act ; and that they are disliked, as a body, by nine-tenths of the University. Monday, 17. At ten called on Greenwood. Got from him a note for Ferguson's Astronomy out of the library. After dinner drew out a Manuscript of Mr Tavel's lecture on Saturday on Spherical Trigonometry. At five walked till Chapel time. Afterwards read (Ed. Colon., Lowth and Locke till half-past ten. Went to bed. Tuesday, 18. Do not intend reading any more Greek till Scholarships, except perhaps Xenophon. Wednesday. ...Till half-past ten read Astronomy. Walked with Tweddell till half-past eleven. Read Astronomy till one. After Dinner went to Merrills [publishers]: bought Mr Owen's 592 Diary of a Student at Trinity. Sermon. Drank wine with Reynolds. Present : Le Grice, Rich- mond, Satterthwaite, Trin. ; Mr Lombe the Ink Man came in. He entertained us with Hamlet and Ghost, dressed in Reynolds 7 surplice, and with part of Alexander Stephens' lecture on heads '. Saturday, 22.... [forenoon] played at Shuttlecock with Vaughan ... Quarter past ten [p.m.]. Began Millot's History; read till eleven ; bed. Monday, 24. ... half-past twelve. Called on Satterthwaite. Played with him at Shuttlecock till dinner time. [At this period he was revising the early books of Euclid, reading Grecian His- tory, Trigonometry, Astronomy, Lowth, and 'lounging' in Byshe's Art of Poetry, and Vol. I. of the Literary Magazine, borrowed from Rough.] Tuesday, 25. After supper drank a beaker with Rough, by appointment to meet Tilt, to consult for the first time on a pro- jected periodical publication. On mentioning a slight hint for it, they requested me to take the first paper, and all more which may have any relation to the character of the author 2 . It is in- 1 'A Lecture on Heads, by Geo. Alex. Stevens, with Additions, by Mr Pilon, as delivered by Mr CJiarles Lee Lewes. To which is added an Essay on Satire. With 47 Heads by Nesbit, from Designs by Thurs- ton.' London: &c. 1812. 2 In the University Library [Z. 23. u], bound up with other tracts, is the University Magazine, i v, 1136 being numbers for January and February 1795. It contains, among a variety of other matter, Euclid I. i 'poetically rendered.' Among the poetry is a 'Monody on the Death of Chatterton. By S. T. Coleridge, Jesus College. [From the Cambridge edition of Rowley's Poems.] ' It is also announced that ' Mr Coleridge of Jesus College, will shortly publish some Sonnets.' In the same volume is bound up an Advertisement to the following effect : ' Stolen or Strayed, this day, between Magdalen Bridge and the Petty Cury, on its road to the Press, the University Magazine, Had on when it disappeared a Strait Waistcoat. "Whoever will give information thereof to its distressed owners shall receive a reward of Eighteen Pence, or 3000 copies printed on very soft .paper.' Diary of a Student at Trinity. i * f r tended to begin publishing it early next October. Sat till nea twelve. Went to bed. Thursday, 27. Afternoon... After Chapel walked with Rough to Maps', [see p. 379.] Called with [? R.] on Tilt the first time. Saturday, 29. .Rose to Chapel. Till nine read Astronomy for lectures, and a paper of Spectator at breakfast. In the after- noon sat at home, examined Hale on the primary origin of man- kind : found nothing very interesting in him. Monday 31... In the evening lounged in Lity. Mag. Frend's 1 trial, &c. Tuesday, April ist... Rod well, St John's... told us a curious circumstance which he said he had from Vince respecting a long account which Bruce in his travels gives of an eclipse, &c., that no such eclipse did take place where Bruce was, and that his whole account was copied almost literally from a French almanack which Vince had seen. Chapel. Met Tilt. Lounged with him till half-past six at Lunn's and Merrill's... In the Evening read the British Critic for March... Thursday 3rd.... with Rough into ye library, and lounged there at Lunn's and at home about a name for paper till dinner... Friday 4... read Vince's Conic Sections at the beginning... At 5 went to Harwood's [? anatomical] lectures... Began Paradise Lost at breakfast, intend continuing him. Monday [7].. .10 till n Roman Antiquities. Tuesday 8... read Dryden's preface to his fables and two books of Palamon and Arcite...G. Antiquities. Thursday [April] 10... Finished lectures for this term... Supped with Reynolds. A lion from Oxford. At 12 came home.' About this time he used to translate passages of the Specta- tor, and read Xenophon. ' N.B. Messrs Wit, Common Sense, and Grammar, are totally un- suspected of knowing any thing about it. Sydney College, March rst, 1795.' With the above is bound a pamphlet of eight pages, dated 1/95, and called 'A Strait Waistcoat for Lunatics? wherein the several papers are hardly criticised. 1 Mr Frend's Appeal forms the staple of University Intelligence in the University Magazine, January 1795, p. 65. L. B. E. 38 594 Diary of a Student at Trinity. ' Monday 14... Read Vince till supper. Afterwards drank Milkpunch with Walton. Present Ryley and Owen. Friday [i 8].. .Chapel before dinner, being a fast day... Went to the coffee-houses. [? 7 p. m.] Walked half an hour with Rough. Sunday [20]... Chapel at 9, sacrament. Monday [21] rose at half-past eight. Read Astronomy half- an-hour. Till twelve looked over Plane Trigonometry... From eight till half-past nine, translated Adventurer into Latin. Till eleven looked over Paley.' (April 2 1, 1794.) A small notebook contains entries of 'Miscellaneous ques- tions relating to Arithmetic and the first part of Algebra' (e.g. 'What is that property of the No. 9 by which the fundam. rules of Arith. may be proved?') A list of Subjects read from December to April probably in a later year (including the Psalms of the day in Home, Gk. Test. &:.) A. scheme of Classical Reading. A List of curious English books, the Class-marks of some library apparently being prefixed. A list of Authors and Editions to be read for the degree. 'Mechanicalia' (formulae, c.). 'Fluxions, Nov. 5, 1794' (about 50 examples). 'Fluxional Problems, &c.' above 60. From Vince and Simpson. On sheets of paper pinned together are summaries of the time employed on each subject every day from 'Monday, Sept. 7, 1795' to 'Saturday,' January 2, 1796, with a holiday on Thurs- day, Dec. 17, Commemoration Day. On an average he appears to have read nine hours and three quarters per diem between his act and examination. 'Saturd., Sep. 12, eleven to twelve, bathed, &c.' At the time of the Fellowship Election, October ist, he allowed himself time to take part in the rejoicings of the success- Diary of a Student at Trinity. 595 ful candidates, and dined out three times in the following week, once ' at Ditton with Richmond.' About the 2Qth he reads Cotes, Newton, Optics, &c., and reads 'for Thesis,' with Demosthenes for a change. 'Monday 9 [Nov. 1795]... Drank tea with Barnes. 1st oppt. Wednesday... Drank tea at Dealtry's seed. oppt. F[rom] 7 to \ p. 9 Thes[is]. Friday [Nov. 13] kept act.' The following are the records of his shortest and of one of his two longest days of work in the twelve weeks following that time. 'Wednesday [Nov. 25, 1795]. F[rom] \ p. 9 to u. Alg. H[ours] = iJ. Went to County meeting. F. * p. 5 to | p. 7. Hyd. H [ours] = 2j. F. 10 to 12. Argts. F. 12 to i. Euclid. .-. H[ours]T[otal] = 4.' 'Thursday [Dec. 17] Commemoration Day.' 'Friday [Dec. 18] F[rom] \ p. 10 to 3. Newt. H [ours] = 4^. F. \ p. 5 to \ p. 10. Mechs. with Male. H. = 5. F. \ p. 10 to \ p. i. Probs. H. = 3. .'. H[ours]T[otal] = i2i' 'Saturday [Dec. 19] at 10 went to Sheepshanks to be ex- amined. F[rom] i to i p. 2. Newt. H = ij. F. 5 to 7 read Mechs. and Ast. with Malcolm. H. = 2s-.' In the Notebook. Hints for turning a tour to account. List of Views of the Lakes. Scheme for Mathematical reading. Including Composition Deer. 5th (1796). 38-2 596 Diary of a Student at Trinity. Summary of Arithmetic and Algebra. Plane Trigonometry (27 Sections). Spherical Trigonometry. Geometry. 24 Problems. Newton. [At the other end of the book. Brief Botanical Notes Febr. and March, 1797.] [In another note-book. Notes on Roman and Grecian An- tiquities, Feb. and March, 1797.] List of Classical authors. History, Antiquities, Geography, Moral Science, Philology and Grammar. Questions on Euclid. List of books read in October and November, 1797. Feb., March, April, May, 1798. Select passages of Cicero. Brief Diary ('Dates, Memorandums, &c/; beginning Nov. 14, 1797, ending March 8, 1801. 'Cambridge, Nov r . 14, 1797, Tuesday. This Evening intro- duced by Dealtry to the Speculative Society the members of w ch at present are Dealtry B.A. Trin. Fell d. Broadley d. Hey Mag. Grant d. Grant d. Braisier Sidney. The five first were present. The subject of the Essay (Key's) \vas Whether Charles I" was justifiable in consenting to the execution of Strafford. All spoke except Hey, who is also a new member. Dealtry and Fell spoke twice. Among the rest I tried my hand. I kept going, w* a good deal of hesitation, for I suppose, six or eight minutes. Ordered Flower's Paper Saturday Nov r 18* 1797, Xtmas day went to Birmingham with Lloyd. Returned Feb y 5 th [1799]... May 12 th 1799. Whitsunday ordained Deacon by the B p of Norwich at the Chapel Royal St James's. May 15 th . Resolved to read the lessons of y e day in the Septuagint & New Test, daily... Camb. May 22 nd began Italian. Returned to Camb. Oct. 2o th . Sunday Dec r 22 nd . Ordained Priest by the B p of Nor. at Norwich.' Diary of a Student at Trinity. 597 1800. [The Diary is recommenced regularly March 6, 1800.]... 'At 9 my pupil Doyne came. My other pupil Brandreth comes at 1 1. From ten my plan is to shave, take a turn in the walks &c. Library &c. I breakfast before 9. At half-past 12 walked with Lloyd till time for dressing for Dinner (at \ past 2, first bell ringing at 2). Sat at home after dinner. Began Shake- speare... Walked a little before 5. Chapel half-past 5. Vaughan drank tea with me, and staid till near 8. Supped in Hall (J before 9). Contrived however in the course of the Evening to read the (4) lessons of the Day. Consulted Newton on the Prophecies on the 28th ch. of Deuteronomy, &c. Bed at n. Saturday, 8. Got up to Chapel (7 o'clock)... (Coveney near Ely). Among the people in the fens he says there is a maxim which is proverbial with them that "it is fair and no sin to cheat the priest and the king." In reading the lessons of the Day, to be a day before the Calendar. Saturday [March] 15... read the last (3d) section of Cave's Apparatus, and two Acts of Coleridge's Tragedy (Osorio). Monday 1 6... Half-past 5 an hour at Hebrew (learning the letters). Wednesday 1 8... Lucretius at breakfast. Fm. J bef. 10 to II Hebrew (Grammar)... At n went to read prayers at the Hospital for Brown. Tuesday, 24th June... Afternoon Combination-room. Home at 4 p. 5. Duct: Dub: Chap. i. of Law's Xtn. Perfectn. [Beside Shakespeare and the daily Lessons he was reading several of Jer. Taylor's works, Hooker, Barrow, Hey, Buddeus, and the earliest Greek and Roman authors.] Thursday, June 26th... Went to St Mary's to hear Sheep- shanks' Sermon [for Addenbrooke's hospital]. After Dinner at the Divinity Schools. Mr (Dr) Bayley's Act. 598 Diary of a Student at Trinity. Tuesday ', July i...Fm. -J- p. 10 in the Senate-House heard the Odes, &c. Kipling's Speech, severely censuring the conduct of the Regent Masters of Arts about Mitchell. In the afternoon in the Combination-room. Evening read the Monthly Review and British Critic. Friday, July 4... To-day the dinner-hour changed to 3 (first bell). Wednesday^ July 9... In the afternoon on the bowling green. [He sometimes went to take service in the country; he was reading divinity for a projected ' Syllabus.' Pearson, Barrow and Hey on the Creed, Horsley, St Paul's Epistles, &c. Justin Martyr, Ogden, Balguy, Waterland, Seeker, &c., on the Sacra- ment. Warburton, Newton's and Johnson's lives of Milton, Wilkins on Preaching, Mrs Sheridan's Nourjahad.] Tuesday, July 22... At five o'clock went with Carr, Tell and Brown to Chesterton to play at Bowls : returned at 9. Saturday, Aug. 1 6... Idea occurred to me of a Chronologia Librorum. Thus under each successive year (1600, 1601, &c.) note down the most important works first published in that year. Mention also the year of the Author's death, and the No. of the edition first published after his death. For reference an index of Authors' names should be added at the end. Make a trial of this plan for my own use, beginning A.D. 1600. [Very con- siderable ms. collections now in my Father's possession testify to the ardour with which this scheme was prosecuted.] Monday 25. Employed about [Granville] Sharp's Pamphlet in the Library, &c. [1801, Jan. 15] Thursday. Went to consult Jesus Library. Saturday...^ n, Mr Burke came to me. In the Evening finished Travis. Very unsatisfactory. Hastily read through Marsh's Letters to Travis (except the Appendix). He is very satisfactory. Laborious and really superabundant. He sometimes falls into repetitions. Monday 19... read Porson. Thursday. Began Horsley's Tracts, read Chrysostom, &c. Friday. The Day of Taking Degrees in the Senate House from ten till half-past twelve. On the Caput. Friday, Jan. 30. Fast-day... hurried through the first volume of a novel, Memoirs of Modern Philosophers, the first book Diary of a Student at Trinity. 599 which has yet come round to me in our newly established College Fellows' Circulating Library. Monday [Feb. 2]. Procured the second volume of Lyrical Ballads. Friday, Feb. 6. Lardner, a good man, cruelly slighted by the Dissenters : he complained that the rich Dissenters never bought his books, and through his whole life he never received any mark of favour from the Dissenters "not" said he "so much as a trust," p. 82. Friday 13. Fast-Day. Wednesday, Feb. 18. Fast-Day. Ash- Wednesday. Sunday [22nd]... Went to Simeon's Church in the Evening. S. preached. Text, Job 31, 14. Thitrsday, Feb. 26, 1801. Sacrament Day for Term. Rains- den preached [John 14, 16].' NOTES. NOTES, ADDITIONS AND EMENDATIONS. The information conveyed in the remarks signed lo due to Professor J, E. B. Mayor of S. Join? s. an M is Page' i u. Bishops, Turner of Ely, Lake of Chichester, and White of Peterborough, were also members of St John's College, Cambridge. M. p. 15. Those non jurors who were already bachelors of divinity before William's time were allowed to retain their fellowships at St John's. M. The following fuller list of The Names of y e Clergy, Fellows of Col- ledges, and Schoolmasters ivho have not taken y e Oaths to y e Government, 1699, is extracted from Howell's Collections for Cambridge. Bodl. Rawlinson MS. B. 281. I have omitted the names of such beneficed Clergy in the dioceses of Ely and Oxon. as are not distinguished in the list by the name of their College. Fol. 476. Diocese, Ely. Mr [Hen.] Scrivener fellow of Pembr. Hall [1687; M.B. f. of Caius, 1686]. Mr Ephraim Howard Queens' [A.M. 1690; A.B. St John's, 1685-6]. Buddie Kath. Hall [? Adam, A.B. 1681-2, A.M. 1685]. Mr [John] Worthington St Peter's coll. [1688, A.B. Jesus, 1684-5]. [John] Woodward ,, [i683,A.B.i679-8o,S.T.P.i 7 o 7 ]. Maleverer ,, Magd. coll. [John Maulyverer, A.B. 1666-7, A.M. 1670]. Tho. Boteler Trin. coll. [1666, A.B. 1662-3]. [Peter] Redmayne ,, [1684, A.B. 1680-1]. [Tho.] Browne St Johns Howse [A.B. 1673-4]. [Charles] Ottway LD. [A.B. 1674-5, A.M. 1678, LL.D. 1688]. [A.B. 1671-2, B.D. 1682], [A.B. 1675-6, B.D. 1686]. [A.B. 1686-7]. [A.B. 1669-70, A.M. 1673, S.T.B. 1680]. [A.M. 1681]. [A.B. 1685-6]. Tomkinson ,, [Robert] Appleford B.D. [John] Naylor B.D. [Will.] Lake . [John] Billers (univ. orator 1681 8]', , [Alex-] Horton ,, , [John] Hope , Hobson 604 Notes. [Edw.] Kenyen ,, [A. B. 1684-5, A.M. 1688]. [Hilkiah] Bedford ,, ,, [A. B. 1683-4, A.M. 1687]. [? Tho.] Davison [A. B. 1684-5, A.M. 1688]. [Ri.] Headlam [A.B. 1685-6, A.M. 1696]. J [Tho.]Johnson ,, [A.B. 1677-8, A.M. 1681]. [? Jos.] Cook [A.B. 1683-4]. [?Tho.]AHeyn,B.D. [A.B. 1672-3, A.M. 1676]. [Tho.] Baker ,, [A.B. 1677-8, A.M. 1681, SiT.B. 1688]. Earth. Wortley ,, Cais. [A.B. 1675-6, A.M. 1679]. Sanderson, A.B. Schol. of S. Joh. ffr. Roper, B.D. Preb. [of Ely] f. of St Jn. [A.B. 1662-3, A.M. 1666, S.T.B. 1673]- Wm. Phillips, f. of Kath. Hal. [A.B. 1684-5, A. M. 1688]. Stephen Phillips, Schol. Trin. coll. Nath. Pearson, A.B. f. of St Jn. [?Matt. P., A.B. 1686-7, S.T.P. litt. regg. 1703]- Arth. Perl, A.M. f. of Qu. coll. Tho. Leach, B.D. R. of Textor, f. of St Jn. Joshua Hopson, A.M. f. of St Jn. [Hob^on, A.B. 1678-9, A.M. 1682]. Mr Heron, Jn. f. of St Jn. A.B. [1687-8] Ap. 1 Ch' v ap)l a n (to) L<* Preston. Mr Arth. Heron Do. [A.B. 1683-4, A.M. 1687]. Wm. Emerson, A.B. Schol. of St Jn. [A.B. 1686]. Mr [Chris.] Armitage, f. of Peterhouse [A.M. com. regiis, 1682, A.B. St John's, 1680-1]. Mr Bold, f. of K. Hall. Mr Jno. Beaufort, Schol. of Trin. Coll. [A.B. 1686-7, Beauford, M.D. comitiis regiis, 1728]. Among the London clergy Ambrose Bonwicke senior appears as r Bunwick M r of Merch' Tayl r Scho.' ' Fol. 479. Dio. Oxon. ...Mr Henry Dodwell, Hist. Profess" 1 , [from Dublin, 1688]. Robt. Plott, LLD. [Magd. Hall, M.A. 1664, DCL. 1671]. Mr Cha, King, Student of Ch. Ch. [M.A. 1677]. Mr Bishop, Fell, of Baliol Coll. Mr [? John] Hughes Do. [M.A. 1673, B D. 1684]. Mr Strachan Do. [M.A. from Edinb. 1692, DCL. 1709]. MrTheoph. Downes Do. [M.A. 1679], Dr Tho. Smith, fell, of Magd. Coll. [DD. 1683, B.D. 1674, M.A. Queens' 1663]. Dr Crostwayt fell, of Qu. Coll. Preb. of Exon. [DD. 1684, M.A. 1664]. 1 As I am informed by Mr Coxe ' Ap.' is the non-jurors' mark for ' apostatized.' Jt occurs against several of the names of the beheficed clergy of these and other dioceses which I have not transcribed. Notes. 605 Mr Edw. Hopkins, fell, of Lincoln Coll. [M.A. 1676, B.D. 1687]. Mr [? John] Gandy sen?, fell, of Oriel Coll. [DD. 1661]. Dr [Hugh] Wynne, Fell, of All Souls [BCL. 1667, DCL. 1672]. Dr [Bernard] Gardiner Do. [BCL. 1693, DCL. 1698]. Mr [Chris.] Wase, Eq- 1 . Beadle [Ch. Ch. M.A. 1684, B.D. 1694]. Mr [Tho.] Hart, f. of Pembroke [M.A. 1681]. Mr Weybergh C 1 . of Qu. Coll. Wm. Pyne, St" Xt Ch. Win. Pinock, Sen', f. ofbr. Nose. Jn. Nutting of Pembr. Mr [Will.] Morgan, A.M. Stu. of Xt. Ch. [M.A. 1674]. Tho. Lewis, Scho. of Magd. Hall. Mr Leigh, F. of St Jno. Coll. Jn. Lewis, A.B. of Jesus Coll. Jo. Urry, Stu. of Xt Ch. Tho. Smith, DD. F. of Magd. Coll. [1682; M.A. Queen's, 1663]. Stephen Seagar, F. of Bras-nose Coll. p. 75. In 1712 (see Swift's Journal to Stella, Aug. 7) loose PAM- PHLETS were made a source of revenue. ' Do you know that Grub Street is dead and gone last week ? No more ghosts and murders now for love or money. I plied it pretty close the last fortnight, and pub- lished at least seven penny papers of my own, besides some other people's : but now every single sheet pays a halfpenny to the queen. The Obseruator is fallen ; the Medleys are jumbled together with the Flving Post / the Examiner is deadly sick ; the Spectator keeps up and doubles its price; I know not how long it will hold. . Have you seen the red stamp the papers are marked with ? Methinks the stamping is worth a halfpenny.' [The Spectator doubled its price from \d. to id. (see No. 445, July 31, 1712). The original series survived only till the beginning of the following December. An interval of a year and a half elapsed between the appearance of No. 555 and the following paper. Swiff, who had given the name and some other assistance to the Tatler, had already written bitterly against Steele. He contributed only one paper to the Spectator (No. 50). He had also discontinued his writings in the Examiner above a year.] p. 30, line 8 from top. ERRATUM : for second read sound. PP- 3 2 > 33- The Professor seems to have been a Jamis bifrons in politics, having for a short period passed for a Whig. ' He was a strenuous maintainer of the divine right of kings during the reign of Charles II. : and drew up the famous Oxford Decree. Upon his subse- quently taking the oath of allegiance to William, the following epigram was written : 606 Notes. "Gum front! sit nulla fides, ut carmina dicunt, Cur tibi bifronti, Jane, sit ulla fides?"' (Litsns Alteri Westmonasterienses, pars 2, p. 341 n.) p. 36. LOYAL ADDRESSES. Hearne mentions the Loyal Address of the Oxford Whigs in the early years of the Hanoverian dynasty (Diary, May 2, 1710), and this can hardly have been the expression of the real feelings of that University which received Sacheverell with "open .arms in the same year. See also the proposal rejected in 1716, and later notices in the volumes of Silvanus Urban. The following list of Addresses taken to the Throne from Cambridge University is gathered from the Fourth volume of Cooper's Annals. 1697. On the peace of Ryswick. 1701. On the occasion of Louis XIV. acknowledging the Pre- tender. Presented at Hampton Court by the D. of Somerset (chan- cellor), the V. C. Dr J. Richardson, of Peterhouse, who had succeeded Bentley two days before. 170^. On the accession of Q. Anne. 1704. On the queen's liberality to the poor clergy, and on the vic- tory of Blenheim. 1707. On the Union with Scotland. D. of Somerset; D r J. Bal- derston (Emman.) V. C ; abp. of Canterbury ; bps. of Norwich, Peter- boro', &c. 170^. Against the devices of the Pretender. D r Edward Lany, Pcmb. V. C. 1710. Styan Thirlby published ' The Univ. of Camb. vindicated from the Imputation ^/"Disloyalty it lies under on account of not address- ing ; as also from the malicious and foul Aspersions of Dr Bentley, late Master of Trinity College, and of a certain Officer and pretended Re- former in the said University. London, 1710,' (8vo. pp. i 35). Mr Cole says, his copy is subscribed in MS., ''Saint Thirlby of Jesus college, since editor of Saint Chrysostom. ' Nichols' Lit. Anecd. IV. 265, and note. 1712. On the Truce between England and France, opening of the Congress of Utrecht. At Kensington, by Bentley (in absence of V. C. D r Gabriel Quadring, Magd.}. 1713. On the Peace of Utrecht. D r Adams of King's, V. C. in- troduced like Bentley by the E. of Oxford Ld. High Treasurer. 1714. K. George I. on his Accession. X) r Thomas Green of Corpus, V. C.; D. of Somerset, Chanc r .; E. of Manchester, High Steward; Abp. of York; E. of Anglesea and of Nottingham; Bp. of St Asaph; M.P.'s; Heads of Houses and Doctors; Sen r . Proctor; Notes. 607 M.A.'s and others The book of Verses mentioned below was then presented. 1715. On the anticipated invasion by the Pretender. D r T. Sher- lock of Calk, hall, V. C. [after riotous demonstrations in the uni- versity]. 1715. Thanks for the royal benefaction to the public Library. (Sherlock, V. C.) 1716. After the defeat of the Pretender at Preston Pans and the death of Louis XIV. This was drawn up by Bentley, and after some opposition presented to the Prince of Wales at Hampton Court by Daniel Waterland, B.D. Magd. V. C. 1717. A demonstration against the Pretender, a few weeks after the ejection of the non-jurors from S. John's. Will. Grigg, M.A. Clare, V. C. 1719. On the king's return to England. 1720. On a similar occasion. 1724. On the Modern History Professorship. I7af. A year after the exiled bp. Atterbury had been fomenting the jacobitism of Scotland, D r Thomas Gooch of Cains (who had been V. C. 1717 -9) as deputy- vice-chancellor for D r John Da vies of Queens', presents a declaration of loyalty to George I. 1727. Accession of George II. D r Joseph Craven, Sidney, V. C. (The Chancellor, six bishops, and others accompany the address.) 173-4-. On the marriage of the Princess Royal. D r Roger Long, Pemb. V. C. 1736. Marriage of Fred. Prince of Wales. D r John Adams, Sid. V. C. 1737. Birth of his daughter Augusta, mother of Q. Caroline II. D r john Wilcox, Clare, V. C.; D. of Newcastle, newly elected High Steward. 1 738. On the Birth of the Prince of Wales. 174*. [After the victory of Dettingen] a loyal protestant ad- dress. D 1 W. George of King's, V. C. 1745. On the rebellion. 1746. Victory of Culloden. D r Geo. Hen. Rooke, Chr. V. C. 1748. On the King's safe return. D r Tho. Chapman, Magd. V. C. 'On a late gratulating occasion our very worthy the Vice-Chancellor deign'd to tag a rhyme, and our learned Professors play'd at crambo jn Hebrew, Arabic, and WELCH.' The Student, 1751, II. 225. 1756. Grateful and loyal address from the Chancellor (D. of New- castle), Masters, and Scholars, sent to the Chancellor through the 6o8 Notes. ' Beadle,' and the answer returned by the Chanc. to the V. C. D r Ed- mund Law, Peterhonse. ... On the victories of Cape Breton, Louisbourg, Crevelt, &c. 1758. American successes in the ministry of W. Pitt (Ld. Chat- ham). D r John Green of Corpus, V. C. 1759. On the battle of Minden and reduction of Quebec. Jas. Borrough, M.A. Sid. V. C. 1760. Accession of K. George III. D r G. Sandby, Magd. V. C. ... Address to the Princess Dowager of Wales the royal mother. 1761. ' Marriage of the king with Q. Charlotte. Sandby, V. C. 1762. Birth of the Prince of Wales. Dr Ro. Plumptre, Queens', V.C. 1763. On the Peace of Fontainbleau. D r Peter Stephen Goddard, Clare, V. C. 1769. Camb., as in former years, expresses her intention of edu- cating her progeny in loyalty. D r John Hinchcliffe, Trin. V. C.: Jebb of Peterhouse, and Tyson of Bene't opposed the grace. *775- Protest against the ' unnatural rebellion' in America, D r Ri. Farmer, Emman. V.C. (the address carried by 46 to 21 in Non-Regent Ho: and 38 to 25 in Regent). [1780. Petition to the House of Commons for constitutional redress of grievances sent by a general meeting in the Senate-House yard. It was written by D r Ri. Watson, Trin. Regius Prof, of Div y . (who in 1782 drew up an ad'dress to the King from a county meeting to congra- tulate him on the occasion of IA Rockingham who died very soon after succeeding L d . North in the ministry). The Dukes of Rutland and Manchester and John Wilkes, were present. A fortnight later another meeting resolved upon a vote of thanks to the majority of 233 M. P.'s who voted to diminish the increasing influence of the crown.] 1 786. Addresses to King George on the attempt of Marg 1 . Nicholson upon his life, presented by D r Joseph Turner, Pcmb. V. C. ; E. of Euston, and W. Pitt, M.P.'s for the Univ.; Hon. E. J. Eliot, and G. Pretyman, D.D. (Pitt's tutor). [1788. The Senate votes a Petition to the Commons against the Slave Trade. D r Farmer, V.C. ] 1789. An Address, to the King and Queen on his recovery, pre- sented by the D. of Grafton, Chanc r .; D r Francis Barnes, Pet. V. C.; Pitt, and E. Euston; the Caput; Esquire Bedels; Prince Will. Fred k ., the Rev. M r Walesby his preceptor. 1792. Expression of Conservatism by the Univ. M.P.'s (Pitt and E. Euston) and other representatives. D r Tho. Postlethvvaite, Trin. y.c. Notes. 609 1795. Marriage of the Pr. of Wales with Princess Caroline, D. of Grafton, Chanc r . ; D'-Lowther Yates, Cath., V. C; Pitt and E. Euston, M.P.'s; D. of Rutland; 6 Bps. ; cet. 1795. On an attempt on the King's life. Dr Philip Douglas, BenJt, V. C. ; Pitt (then High Steward) and others. 1796. On the birth of the Princess Charlotte of Wales, presented by Pitt, as High Steward, and a distinguished company. 1797. On the marriage of the Princess Royal. D r Ri. Belvvard, Caius, V. C. ; the Caput ; Proctors ; Registrary ; Senior Esq. Bedell ; Noblemen; Bishops, &c. 1798. On the occasion of the victory of the Nile. D r Ro. Tower- son Cory, Emman. V. C. 1800. On Hadfield's attack upon the king. ROYAL VISITS, &c. 1689. K. William at Cambridge. 1695. The King expected. 1698. The University visit him at Newmarket. 1699. Again at Newmarket. I 75- Q- Anne at Cambridge. 1717. George I. at Cambridge. 1728. George II. at Cambridge. 1763, 1771, 1785. George III. expected. VERSES of Congratulation and Condolence. i68|. Accession of William and Mary. 169^. Death of Q. Mary. 1697. Peace of Ryswick. 1700. Death of D. of Gloster. 170^. Accession of Q. Anne. 1708. Death of Prince George of Denmark. 1713. Peace of Utrecht. 1714, Accession of George I. 1727. Accession of George II. 173!-. Marriage of Prince of Orange and Princess Royal. 1736. Marriage of the Prince of Wales. 1748. On Peace. 1751. Death of Frederick, Prince of Wales. 1/55. On the visit of D. of Newcastle, Chancellor. L. B. E. 39 6 1 o Notes. 1760. Accession of George III. Academiae Cantabrigiensis Lucius et Gratitlationes, not recorded by Cooper. M. 1762. Birth of Prince of Wales. 1763. The Peace. p. 37. Final COMPLIANCE of non-jtirors. T. Hearne (Reliqu. Bliss i. 314), Jan. 23, 171$, mentions the death of Rob. Nelson, late a fellow-commoner of Trin. Coll. Cant. *a very learned, religious and pious gentleman and a non-juror,' author of the History of the Fasts and Festivals of the Church. Although a friend of Tillotson's he continued a non -juror until the death of Ep. William Lloyd of Norwich in the year 1717, when with Dodwell (of T. C. Dublin, and on refusing to take holy orders, a resident at Oxford) and others he became a ' Comply er* (ibid. in. 117). BP. W m LLOYD of S. Joh. Camb. bp. of Landaff, Peterboro', and (in 1685) Norwich, must not be confused "with the other bp. W m Lloyd, Oriel and Jesu, Oxon, bp. of St Asaph (one of ' the Seven* at least in will), Lichfield, Coventry, and Worcester (also a friend of H. Dodwell see Biog. Brit. Kippis, art. Dodwell), who died in 1717. Some notices of each will be found in M r Mayor's Baker. For a testimony to the character of the bp. of St Asaph, see W. Whist on 's memoir of himself, ed. 1749, P- 3t- p. 38. The Tory WHITE ROSE. ' Of all the days that's in the year The tenth of June I love most dear, When our white roses will appear, For sake of Jamie the Rover. In tartans braw our lads are drest, White roses glancing on their breast ; For amang them a' we love him best Young Jamie they call the Rover.' 'And here's the flower that I lo'e best The rose that's like the snaw.' (Kenmure's On and A-wa, 1715, edited by BURNS.) ' See the white rose in his bonnet ! See his banner o'er the Tay ; His good sword he now has drawn it, And has flung the sheath away.' (Gathering of Athol.) ' There grows a 1 onnie brier bush in our kail yard, And white are the blossoms o't in our kail yard, Like wee bit cockauds, to deck our hieland lads, And the lasses lo'e the bonnie bush in our kail yard.' (By LADY NAIRNE.) Notes. 6 1 1 The white cockades also are mentioned in ' Come ye by Athol.' The White Cockade, ' To your Arms.'' 'Though Geordie reigns in Jamie'j stead? &c. See the Jacobite Songs of Scotland chronologically arranged. Maurice Ogle, 1871. p. 38. Apud Oxonienses convocatio est 'magna congregatio' magis- trorum regentiiim et non-regentium qui ' per fidem ' a bedellis conuo- cantur. Congregatio autem est conuentus magistrorum tantum regentiimi qui ad magnae campanae pulsationem, utpote pauciores numero, sponte sua congregantur. The REGENT MASTERS or Actual Teachers at Oxford kept all power over scholastic matters, especially the right of conferring the Degree. This is the Oxford House of CONGREGATION of \vhich the members are so ready to do their duty that they * flock together' of their own accord. The 'Great Congregation' like the Greater Chapter of our old capitular bodies or CONVOCATION, was the general assembly of Regents and Non- Regents who waited to be 'summon'd to meet to- gether.' This constitution was developed from the xmth to the xvth cen- tury. See English Universities, by Prof. V, A. Huber, translated and edited by F. W. Newman, Vol. n. pt. i. p. 99, ed. 1843. At Cambridge all matters passed first through the Non-Regent House. In this university magna congregatio was a totally different thing (Cooper's Annals, I. 176, 442), it was the Black Assembly or meeting between town and university in the chancel of Great S. Mary's on the Friday before SS. Simon and Jude, when the oaths of aldermen, burgesses, and parishioners were taken by the V. C. and Mayor. {Senate-House Ceremonies, Wall-Gunning, 1828, pp. 39 41.) p. 39. 'I remember when a VICE-CHANCELLOR suspended the proudest Doctor in the University from all his Degrees without a Hearing.' [In Oct. 1718, when 'the late great D r B. was reduc'd to be a bare Harry-Soph' in the Vice-Chancellorship of ' the empty Gotch of Caius.' Diary of E. Rud, edited by M r Luard, 1860, and Monk's Life of Bentley, n. 48.] 'I remember when another Vice-Chancellor punished in the same manner a saucy member of the Caput for giving a Vote which he did not approve.' Friendly and Honest Advice of an Old Tory, \ 751, p. i. The latter case was that of 1725 when D r W m S[avag]e of Emman. V. C. suspended William C[ampbe]ll of King's, Senior Re- gent, for contumacy in stopping several times, and without any reason assigned, divers graces and supplicats of candidates for degrees. The sentence was reversed on appeal to University Delegates, and the V. C. , had to pay costs and damages. Se [Chapman's] Inquiry into the Right 392 6 1 2 Notes. of Appeal, p. 39, and A Letter to the Author of a Further Inquiry into the Right of Appeal, p. 4. p. 41. The xxix th of MAY. 'I asked a man what meant the fray? "Good sir," said he, "you seem a stranger: This is the twenty-ninth of May ', Far better had you shun the danger."' (The ballad of Lochmaben gate, 1714, from the Jacobite Songs of Scotland chronologically arranged, Maurice Ogle, 1871, p. 26.) p. 42. As to the political character of Colleges C. Wesley, writing in 1734 to his eldest brother Sam., uses the names Wadham, Merton, Exeter, and Christchrirch as the types of the opponents of Jacobitism in Oxford. See Southey's Life of Wesley (1846), I. 19. Amherst boasts in Terrae-Filius, No. 50, that ' it was known to the whole university that a marquis, several noblemen's sons, two or three baronets, besides a great number of clergymen, and others of the best rank and quality, were members of the Constitution Club? It was pro- bably an irregular dining club. p. 43. * TERRAE-FILIUS: Or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford in several Essays,' which appeared on Wednesdays and Satur- days from January to July. 1721, and was printed in two vols. London : Printed for R. Francklin, under Tom's Coffee-House, in Russel- Street, Covent-Garden, 1726, pp. 354, including an Appendix on D r Newton of Hart Hall's ' University Education.' The frontispice by Hogarth seems to represent the unwigging and unfrocking of the Author and the tearing of his paper in the presence of the Vice-Chancellor, proctor, and other members of the University in the Sheldonian Theatre, by the Dons and the * Toasts ' whose character he had aspersed. The writer and in great part the inventor (if we may believe the late M r Ri. Robinson of Queen's) of this scurrilous attack upon Oxford was NICHOLAS AMHURST (1701 1742). Like Ambrose Bonwicke he had been educated at the Merchant Taylors'. He was expelled from St John's Coll. under D r Delaune, Oxon, June 29, 1719. Though he himself gives an ironical description (in n. i) of the causes of his removal, it appears that the charges brought against him were for immoral conduct and libertine principles (see Kippis, Biogr. Britann. ed. 2). Amhurst revenged himself by satirizing the University in a poem called Oculus Britanniae (1724) and in the Terrae-Filius Essays above mentioned. He joined Pulteney and Ld. Bolingbroke in con- ducting the Craftsman, a periodical written against Sir R. Walpole's ministry, but died in 1742, having become disliked or neglected by them. lie appears to have led a discontented life at Oxford, grumbling Notes. 6 1 3 at the loss of the genial town life, and of the smiles of his Laura. Southey says, 'the preface of Amhurst's poems is written with the spirit of a man who thinks himself injured, without waiting to consider whether the world would be of his opinion' (Specimens of later English, Poets, 1807, i. 394). See also pp. 23 26 of 'Law and Arguments in Vindication of the University of Oxford? including a detection of the main primary author of the Imputation of Jacobitism. \Camb. Univ. Lib. xxix. 8. 88 ()]. p. 44. D r Charletfs name was struck out of the list of King's chaplains, March, 1717 (D r Rawlinson's MSS. in the Bodleian Library. Letters from the Bodleian and Ashmole, 1813, I. p. 31, .). p. 47. This SERMON (preached at a crisis when there was an attempt to place a Roman Catholic upon the throne) is as well worth perusal as anything BENTLEY ever wrote for accurate criticism and crushing argu- ment. We are familiar with the minute criticism of the text, with which he begins : Ov yap iap.ev us oi iro\\ol, KairijXe^ovres rbv \oyov TOU Oeou. 2 Cor. ii. 17. It is hardly necessary to add that the occasion was the anniversary of the Landing of the Prince of Orange, as well as of the Gunpowder Plot. This day was sometimes, as in later times, made the occasion of party incivilities as at Oxford in 1723 (Hearne) at Cambridge all the more, we may suppose, as it followed the election of the Vice-Chancellor, which took place upon Nov. 4 (Sundays not excepted, save in 1716). p. 50. OXFORD LOYALTY. M r A. J. Horwood, in the third Report of the Historical MSS. Commission, 1872, p. 194, mentions a folio volume of 76 leaves among Matt. Prior's MSS. (1693 1721) in the collection belonging to the Marquis of Bath at Longleat, co. Wilts, beginning, ' The present design of .vindicating the University of Oxford from the odious and unjust charge of disloyalty to His Majesty King George .' Prior played an important part in the political world, especially at the time of the peace of Utrecht (1713). He was a Cambridge man, of St John's, 16826, in the library of which College he recited a set of verses to lady //. C. H. Harley, Nov. 9, 1719. (Harl. Misc. n.) p. 51. The punishment for the first offence mentioned in the Vice- Chancellor's notice against the disturbances at Cambridge (vide supra, p. 48) was one year's suspension or retention from the first degree. At Cambridge the riot seems to have been confined to undergraduates and bachelors. I cannot resist quoting from the account of the CALVES'-HEAD CLUB in 1734, 1735, referred to above, as it is highly illustrative of the 6 14 Notes. disturbances in the universities. ' On the 3oth of January, 1 735, certain young noblemen and gentlemen met at a French tavern in Suffolk- street (Charing Cross) under the denomination of the " Calves'-head Club." They had an entertainment of calves' heads, some of which they showed to the mob outside, whom they treated with strong beer. In the evening they caused a bonfire to be made before the door, and threw into it with loud huzzas a calf s-head dressed up in a napkin. They also dipped their napkins in red wine, and waved them from the windows, at the same time drinking toasts publicly. The mob huzzaed as well as "their betters" but at length broke the windows, and be- came so mischievous that the guards were called in to prevent further outrage [Gent. Mag. and Brit. Citron.]... There is a print entitled "The true Effigies of the Members of the Calves'-head Club, held on the ^oth of January, 1734, in Suffolk-street in the County of Middlesex." This date is the year before that of the disturbance related, and as regards the company, the health drinking, huzzaing, a calf's head in a napkin, a bonfire, and the mob, the scene is the same ; with this addition, that there is a person in a mask with an axe in his hand...' Hone's Every- Day Book, n. 158 160, where an engraving from the print is given. The toasts ranged from ' the pious memory of Oliver Cromwell ' to ' The man in the mask' (i. e. the Executioner). p. 52. In 1718 proceedings were taken in the Vice Chancellor's Court against the Library Keeper at Cambridge, Philip Brooke, B.D., Fellow of S. John's, for disaffection to the king. Dr Gooch dropped the proceedings upon Brooke's resignation, and was consequently accused of Jacobitism by the Whigs. See Monk's Life ofBentley, n. 45. p. 53. footnotes 2, 3, for Appendix (A. I.) read Appendix C. and for (Appendix A. II.) read Appendix E. p. 54. The other Lives contained in the vol. of De Quinceys NORTHERN WORTHIES are those of Andrew Marvell, Tko. Ld. Fair- fax t James 7th E. of Derby, Lady Anne Clifford, Roger Ascham, John Fisher, Rev. Will. Mason, Sir Ri. Arkwright, Will. Roscoe, Capt. Cook, Will. Congreve, Dr John Fothergill. (Univ. Lib. Oo. 35, 23.) p. 55. The protest of ten Junior Fellows in 1787 (Cooper's A nnals, iv. 424) rather approves the general fairness of the ELECTIONS, though the system of examining had been occasionally set aside, and the seniors had sometimes voted as electors without having been present at the ex- amination. ' From the date of this memorable appeal (1787) TRINITY College assumed that high character in the University which it has ever since maintained. The system of favouritism which had so long pre~ vailed... received its death blow.' Gunning, Reminisc. n. 109. Notes. 6 1 5 p. 60. When D r Matthias Mawson, Master of C. C. C. C. was Vice-Chancellor in 173", he procured the augmentation of the fine at Camb. for a bene discessit, from 4tf the reverence which a Cardinal is enjoined to pay the Pope.' 'To transcribe the whole would require no small portion of that Cardinal virtue PATIENCE.' Gradus ad Cantabrigiam, 1803, 1824. The passage however clearly refers to the cope. The following is a Cambridge Coffee-house Jest of the i7th century, reprinted by M r Halliwell. ' A poor but witty youth, brought up in one of the colleges, could not afford the price of a pair of shoes, but when his old ones were worn out at the toes, had them capped with leather ; whereupon his companions began to jeer him for so doing : "Why," said he "don't you see they must be cappd. Are they not fellows?"' p. 103. China is still called CHANY by some old fashioned persons; and, locally, in Berkshire. p. 105. too much vain philosophy. After transcribing almost ver- batim the passage from his Grounds and Occasions of the Contempt of the Clergy, &c., D r Eachard, Master of Catharine hall, adds to it in 1682 in his Speculum Crape-gownorum [see above, p. 516], p. 3, the following sketch of the fate of a Sizar. 'However the Fellow whom he serves cannot but in pitie, if not for Concience sake, let him glean some small morsels of his knowledge, which costs him no more than only the expence of that time while the young Sizar is pulling off his Master's. Stocking, or warming his Nightcap : From thence he learns,- Note$. 649 Quid est Logica? Quae sunt Virtutes morales? and to number the Predicaments in their order. This being done he takes his leave of the University, and by the first Carrier, upon a Pack, away he goes by slow Marches into his own Country, with a common place Book and a Medulla Theologiae, and then have at a Parsonage, ' &c. p. 106. Alicia D'Anvers in ' Academia : or the Humours of Oxford,' 1691, p. 7, says, A SERVITOR to serve ye, Brings Bread and Beer, or what is call'd for, Eating what's left, Trencher and all (Sir). p. 106. George Whitefield 's early occupation at the BELL INN, Glo'ster, in the days when he wore his ' drawer's Swabbers] is referred to in Coventry's Pompey the] Little and in Fielding's Tom Jones, vni. 8. p. 121. TANSY (tanacetuni], a herb from which puddings were made. Hence any pudding of the kind. Selden ( Table Talk} says 'Our tansies at Easter have reference to the bitter herbs.' In ' Adam's Luxury and Eve's Cookery ; or, the Kitchen-Garden display 'd,' &c. London, R. Dodslcy, &c. 1744, I2mo, are given the following recipes. ' An Apple Tansey. Take three or four Pippins or other Apples, pare them, and slice them in thin Slices, and fry them with Butter. Then take four Eggs ; six Spoonfuls of Cream, a little Rose-Water, Nutmeg and Sugar; beat all together, and pour it over the Apples. Let it fry a little till brown, and then turn it and let it fry till brown on that Side. Garnish with Lemon, and strew Sugar over it.' (p. 106.) ' To make Bean Tansey, both savoury and sweet. Blanch your Beans, and beat them in a Mortar ; for the savouiy Way season them with Pepper, Salt, Cloves, and Mace ; then put in the Yolks of six Eggs, and a Quartern of Butter. Butter your Pan and bake it, as you'd do a Tansey, and stick slices of fryed Bacon a-top. The sweet Way is with Beans, Biskets, Sugar, Sack, and Cream, and eight Yolks of Eggs ; so bake it, and stick on the Top Orange and Lemon peel candy'd.' (Ibid. p. 118.) ' Goosberry Tanzey. Pick a Quart of green Goosberries, and boil them in half a Pound of Butter, till they are well coddled. Then pour into them the Yolks of sixteen Eggs well beaten with half a Point [sic] of Cream. Sweeten to your Taste with Sugar, then boil [sic] it as you would a Tanzey ; and when baked, strew over it Rose- water and Sugar.' (Ibid. p. 138.) p. 1 20. Sir T. More means, We will beg, like good Catholics, in the name of our Lady : singing the antiphona 650 Notes. 'SALVE REGTNA, mater misericordiae, vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra salue. Ad te clamamus exules filii Euae. Ad te suspiramus gementes et flentes in hac lacrimarum valle, Eia ergo aduocata nostra illos ttios misericordes oculos ad nos conuerte Et lesum benedictum fructum ventris tui, nobis post hoc exilium ostende. O clemens, 6 pia, 6 dulcis virgo Maria. U O. P. N., S. Dei genetrix, 3& Vt digni efficiamur pro- missionibus Christi. Let vs pray Omnipotens sempiterne, &c.' According to the Office of the Blessed Virgin Marie, &c. By John le Covstvrier. Permissu Superioram, 1633. This was appointed as the Antiphon to Benedictus or Nunc Dimittis to close Lauds and Compline from the Compline on Trinitie Eue, -until [nones on the Saturday before] Aduent. From the Purification to Easter Eve was used ' Ave Regina caelorum.' From Easter to Trinity ' Regina caeli laetare,' as also to Magnificat at Evensong. No mention is there made of Alma Redemptoris Mater, though we know from Chaucer's Prioresses Tale that it had been in the pre-reformational antiphonere. pp. 121, &c. CIZA, SICE, SIZE SIZINGS SIZAR CUES and CEES. I am unable at present to offer any account of the etymology of one or all of these words, satisfactory even to myself. I prefer therefore to follow my common practice of putting before the reader materials whence he may construct a theory for himself. With regard to the word size we are at once met by two possible roots. One of cutting, with the idea of partition : the other of setting, with the notion of position. The Glossary of Du Cange supplies the following list of words, some of which may have a connexion with those before us. assessor ferculorum,...asseottr' (escuyer, asseoir, sewer). assidere est censum describere...peraequare. assisa, and Assista, Littletoni, sect. 234. est nomen aeqidvocum:... Comitia publica...Quidquid in Assisis definiebatur inter litigantes... Quod in Assisiis, &c. a Bailliuis et Justiariis definitum est super rerum venalium qualitate quantitate pondere mensura et pretio...Interdum pro ipso tributo (Stssa pro tribute in Foris Aragonensibus : Sisa Ilis- panis ; Sissarii, Sissarum exactores), &c. &c. Assist in Ecclesiis Cathedralibus Beneficiati, minores tamen ordine Canonicis, in Ecclesiis Cypriis, qui videntur functi officio Canonicorum, quos Vicarios dicimus : vel quibus assignata est assisia sen pensio an- nualis, quasi Pcnsionarii [references given to constitutions ann. Notes. 6 =; 1320 cet. concil. Nicosiens]. Assisia munus Vicarii (Stat. Nicos. an. 1350). If connected with asseoir the parallel with the Oxford Servitor will be more close. The spelling with a c is found in the letter of Strype, quoted pp. 121, 122 (ciza, cize). The form cizing is given in Cooper's Annals of Cambridge, II. 354, from a document of the year 1577. The following is taken from Gradus ad Cantabrig. 1803, the quotations being corrected by the originals. ' SIZE in academiis, from Assize Fr. Asseoir, to set down, sc. sumptus qid in tabulas refer untur. Ray derives it from scindo. Minshew has inserted the word in his Guide into the Tongues, second Ed. 1626 [? 1627], and with it the following. "A Jjjl'fe is a portion of bread or drinke ; it is a farthing, which Schol- lers in Cambridge have at the Buttery; it is noted with the latter S. as in Oxford with letter Q. for halfe a. farthing, and q a for a farthing; and whereas they say in Oxford, to Battle in the Buttery-booke, i.e. to set downe on their names what they take in Bread, Drinke, Butter, Cheese, &c., so in Cambridge they say to SIZE, i. to set downe their quantum, i. how much they take on their names in the Buttery-booke. Vi. to ISattle." This word, as was observed of EXHIBITION, was not confined to the University. King Lear, in Shakspear's inimitable Tragedy, is made to address one of his daughters ; 'Tis not in thee To grudge my pleasure, to cut off my train, To bandy hasty words, to scant my SIZES.' 'To SIZE, "at dinner, is to order yourself any little luxury that may chance to tempt you, in addition to your general fare ; for which you are expected to pay the cook at the end of the term." This is often done when commons are scanty, or indifferent. As a College term, it is of very considerable antiquity. In the Comedy called The Return from Parnassus, 1606, one of the character says (act. ix. sc. 2), " You that are one of the Devil' sfelloiu commoners; one that SIZETH the devil's butteries, sins and perjuries very lavishly, one, that are so dear to Lucifer, that he never puts you out of commons for non-pay- ment, &c." 'Again in the same, act v. sc. 2, Amoretto's Page personating his master says ' "Fidlers, I use to size my musick, or go on the score for it : I'll pay it at the quarter's end." ' In act IV. scene 2 of the same play, The return from Parnassus, or Scourge of Simony. Publiquely acted by the Students in Saint John's Colledge, Cambridge [in 1602] 1606, there is a corrupt passage where one 652 Notes. of the scholars in a sort of interlude addresses the famous comedian of the time, the hero of the Nine Days' Wonder (reprinted by the Camden Society) : ' Philomusus. Indeed, master Kcmpe, you are very famous : but that is as well for workes in print, as you[r] part in kne (cue) ' Kempe. You are at Cambridge still with sice kne (size cue) and be lusty humorous poets.' According to Grose, in his Classical, Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue, ed. 3, 1796, A Size of Ale is ' Half a pint. Size of bread and cheese; a certain quantity. Sizings ; Cambridge term for the college allowance from the buttery, called at Oxford battles.' In his Provincial Glossary, ed. 2, 1790, he gives ' SIZE OF BREAD, AND CUE OF BREAD. Cambridge. The one signifying half the other ; one fourth part of a half-penny loaf ; cue being Q, the abbreviation of [quadrans, or] a quarter, a size, comes from scindo, I cut.' This proves to be a mere transcription from Ray's Glossary of South and East Coiintry Words, ed. 1737. Archdeacon Ro. Nares, in his Shakesperian Glossary, defines size as * A small portion of bread, or other food, still used at Cambridge ; whence the term sizer, &c.' A more important article is 'CUE. A small portion of bread or beer ; a term formerly current in both the English universities, the letter q being the mark in the buttery books to denote such a piece. Q should seem to stand for quadrans, a farthing ; but Minshew, who finished his first edition in Oxford, says it was only half that sum, and thus explains it: "Because they set down in the battling or butterie bookes in Oxford and Cambridge, the letter q for half a farthing ; and in Oxford when they make the cue or q a farthing, they say, cap my q, and make it a farthing, thus *. But in Cambridge they use this letter, a little s ; thus f, or thus s, for a farthing." He translates it in Latin calculus pants. Coles has "A ctte [half a farthing] minutum." ' Cues and cees are generally mentioned together, the cee meaning a small measure of beer ; but why, is not equally explained. Hast thou worn Gowns in the university, tost logick, Suckt philosophy, eat cues, drank cees, and cannot give A letter the right courtier's crest?" ist part of Jeronimo. That he, poor thing, had no acquaintance with above a muse and a half; and that he never drank above siz-q of Helicon. Contempt of the Clergy, p. 26, 1670, by J. Eachard, master of Katherine hall. Note's. 653 Bishop Earle [of Merton] also has cues and cees. An old colledgc ... domineers over freshmen, when they first come to the hatch, and puzzles them with strange language of cues and cees, and some broken latin, which he has learnt at his bin. Earle's Microcosiuographie, 1628. character 17. So strict A niggard to your commons, that you're fain To size your belly out with shoulder fees, With kidneys, rumps, and cues of single beer. Beaum [Oxon] and Fletcher [Camb.] Wtt at Several \Veapons, act ii. sc. 4. Cues there stand for fees, which proves that the terms were not well defined.' Again Nares writes 'Q, formerly the mark for half a farthing, in the college accounts at Oxford. See CUE. This will enable us to explain the following : 4 R. What gave you the boy that had found your pen-knife ? L. I gave him a qtm cee, and some walnuts.' Hoole's Corderius, 1657, p. 157. The boy means that he gave him a small portion of bread or drink (for cee may mean either) value a q. The Latin is " Dedi sextantem," etc. ' Rather pray there be no fall of money, for thou wilt then go for a q? Lyly's [Magd. Coll. Oxon, migrated to Camb.] Mother Bo mbie, iv. 2. This is said to a boy whose name is Halfpenny.'' In the passages above quoted we find there combinations of these words; 'cues and ceesj < q c,' 'sizeq." 1 Two at least of the terms are still in partial use at Cambridge. In Peterhouse a size is the name for a small silver tumbler or cup holding rather more than half a pint (half the contents of a stotip). In K : ng's college a cue is the name for a similar measure of beer, called in Trinity opiate (see above p. 291, and below the note on that passage) ; and at Trinity-hall a tun, from the shape of the vessel. It seems probable that the letter q stood for the price, c may have been a symbol of quantity. But whereas prices have become altered, the capacity of silver cups is constant, and the name cite may have become attached to that which once cost a mite. Either cee or size may have experienced a similar process. I see no reason to doubt that/ originally stood for quadrans, a farthing, i.e. when a student ordered a cup of beer the butler scored him up a q though he only owed \ of a penny, feeling sure that he would soon have an opportunity of scoring up the other half-farthing by capping his cue, or completing the entry with a little a or circumflex superscribed, so that the second draught 654 Notes. should make up, with the first, a debt of a current coin of the realm. The letter c may have stood for some such word as cyathus. We have noticed that 'a. quit cee' was the rendering of sextans ; this may perhaps account for the use of the little s at Cambridge, where the a q was em- ployed at Oxford. According to the Roman liquid and dry measures, the sextans contained 2 cyathi, and the quadrans held 3 : the sextarins or 677775 held 12, and was nearly equal to an English pint. We need not suppose that the English cyathus was so small as the Roman. We have seen also that the cee was a measure of beer as well as of bread. It may have been used even as a symbol of price at one time. There is a corresponding variety of use in the Latin words just mentioned, which relate to a duodecimal system of liquid and dry measure, while sextans and quadrans occur also in the money table as well. Is it possible that the word size or sice also may have been once a measure of capacity connected with the word six, the French form of which is sometimes pronounced size (Spanish seis] in scoring at backgammon? It would then be parallel to sextans, and possibly equivalent with cee, and with cue : the combinations of them having been formed when cue alone stood tor price, and the others for measure. Grose explains sice to mean sixpence. He also mentions 'a bale of flat sice aces ' in a list of false Dice. If the word sizar is thus traceable to the fact of receiving an allow- ance pro pane aut potu, it may be compared with its synonym quadran- tarius, Ashton's Collectanea in Stat. Acad. Cantab, folio 70. Swift's burlesque phonetic etymology will be remembered. Another peculiar use of the word size is mentioned in Edmund Carter's History of the county of Cambridge, 15. ap. Cooper's Annals, IV. 27-2. ' The chief market-place called Market Hill. ..is on Saturdays well supplied with the best butter (made up into pounds and half- pounds, each being a yard long, for the convenience of the college butlers cutting it into what they call sizes.' The Gradus ad Canta- brigiam, 1803, defines ' A BUTTER, ' a size or part of butters (see Size.) " Send me a roll and two Butters"' Grose, in his Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue, had the same example, ed. 3, 1796, explaining it, 'an inch of butter, that commodity being sold at Cambridge by the yard, in rolls of about an inch in diameter.' p. 122. Vincent Bourne speaks of sparroivs feeding in a COLLEGE HALL. M r * A. D'Anvers in ' Academia : or the Humours of Oxford,' 1691, p. 9 says, in what she calls Burlesque Verse, De'e think then 'twould not make the Young Lad At a Three half pence Meat become sad, Notes. 655 Which at the College, you must know, Man's No more, nor less; than one Boy's Commons. And then, they make a hideous chatter For a Fartttn Drink, Bread, Cheese or Butter; And would that pay, now, in your thinking, For washing of the Pot they drink in ? p. 123. From the junior bursar's book : Peterhouse, 1751: Qr 3d. Mr Nourse, Mr Stuart, Mr Nicholson, Mr Smith, Mr to Midsr. Osborne, Mr Longmire, Mr Oldham, Ds Hirst, Mr Week loth. Gray, Mr Hedges, Mr Price, Mr Cavendish, Mr Bennet, Mr Williams. s. d. q. Sat. Pane x = Ov Potu v = ol i 4 o Prand. Poc[ulum] Gr[atiae] . . . r = o) Sol. Pane viij o\ Potu iiij=o|- 2 2 o Prand. Poc. Gr. ..... j i] = o> And so en. Presently follows : s. d. q. Sat. 3 Mess i ) v*. x Dinner 2 pts ] \ P. Sch. viij Wit Sunday Mackrill '. . '. '. '. '. 560 Chickens 500 a Sparagrass 200 Lemon puding . . . . . . 300 Green Goos . . . . . . 360 Salit, Cucumbers, Egs & Oile . . . 200 Lobsters 360 Loine of Beef . . . . . 1 1 o o Supper 2 Mess ( , ) .. 1 Lamb | nj s . iv P. Sch. vnj . 340 Mund. Dinner 2 Mess ( ,_ ) . 1 Mutton > iv s . 11 P. Sch. pts | ] 420 Supper 2 Mess ( Veal ) . . ( in . iv P. Sch. vnj. 2 pts. | cutlets j ' 340 Tuesd. Dinner 2 Mess ( } Ex. Mr Bennet, iv s . ij. 2 pts ( P. Sch. vj. . 420 6s6 Notes. Supper i Mess 2 ptS j Pidgeons! iij 8 . iv. P. Sch. s. d. q. 340 Wedn. Dinner 2 Mess i pt j Mutton j iij s . ix. P. Sch. 39 Thursd. Dinner 2 Mess ipt Mutton J iij 3 . ix. P. Sch. 390 Supper 2 Mess ipt , Veal j / Collops ) iij 3 .=c, P. Sch. . 300 Frid. Dinner 2 Mess i pt j Mutton J iij 8 . ix. P. Sch. 3 9 o P. Sch. 260 ^3 i3j. iid. Here is an entry in 1779. 1779. Nov. 30, St. Andrew [bp. Cosins commem. feast]. . s. d. Cod. Head Lobster Sauce . . . .166 a Quart of Oyster 040 Mock Turtle 076 Crimp Cod 0180 3 fowles . . . . . . .060 Greens, &c 008 Chicking Pie ., .. . . . .076 hunting pucling . . . , . .030 Coller. Brawn Leampn puding , . , . . . . .036 a Ham . , ., . . .. . . .100 3 fowles .,.. . . . . .060 Greens, &c.. ., ., . .. .. . .006 Scholings pottato . . . . .008 Sallad o i 6 36_Sir Loyn Beef o 16 6 Mock Turtle 076 Scales, &c o 15 6 Side Table : Scales, &c o 15 o Pease -Scop 030 Turkey and Oyster 086 Brawn Mince pies 036 Notes. 657 2cl Course. s. d. 9 6 Sallad . i 4 Cag and Sturgeon .... I i 6 Snipes ...... . o 8 6 Cranberry pie ..... . 36 Trifile . o 3 6 Mince pie ..... . 36 Turkey and Sauceagues . . o 6 6 6 Lobster ..... . 9 o Rost Tongue Uder . o 5 6 Current Jelley . 1 Leamons ..... . o 6 Oyle and Suger .... . o I O Durrum Lad . o IO O Supr. 8 6 3 fowles . 6 o Apricot puffs . o 3 6 Cold Beef, &c . 2 paid Carr e . for fish .... . o 5 8 Baskett and Booking . 2 6 14 7 x Recevd the Contents in full by me Richd. Thrig. p. 124. PANCAKE BELL. J. Brady in his Clams Calendaria, ed. 2. 1813. I. 207, says that this was originally the shriving bell rung in the morning to summon persons to confession. The bell rung before service was (he says) still called the pancake-bell in some country places. Shrove Tuesday was known as Confession Tuesday. p. 125. In Huddesford's Wiccamical C/ia_plet, 1804, P- 3 r > we find 'the Monckes Complaynte to Alma Mater. Touching dyverse newe Matters wrought in Oxenforde Cytie, ' in affected archaic style : At wonted noone thie trenchermenne unseene, At eve unheard thy chawnte of godlie tonge More godlie far soch holie chawnte I weene Than mottryng clerke with messe ne said ne songe, Stale, holie Modher,' staie soch vanitee Albe so trymm, this nought beseemeth thee. The note explains that 'Twelve, the usual HOUR OF DINNER,' was in 1792 'changed to three;' and ' chaunting the service abolished in the choirs.' L. B. E. 42 658 Notes. On page 212 of the same collection is ' An early view of the [American] Question, 1776. In a Dialogue between some Boilers and Chafing-dishes : ' Each morn the Chafing-dishes round The College quadrangle are found ; And, as the Coals begin to glisten You'll hear the Boiler, if you listen, Running his treble notes up high, To Chafing-dish beneath him cry : Wee, wee, wee, we, wehee, wee, we ! [2 Octaves Da Capo.1 Shall both of us exhausted be, Between this Fire and you and me, About a Dish or two of Tea? This looks as if men hadn't fires in their rooms at breakfast time. Perhaps it was only in the summer. The illustrations of the Oxford Sausage, some 20 or 30 years earlier, represent the grates in under- graduates' rooms, as black and empty; but in some instances with a pair of bellows or tongs lying near. p. 128. 'A poem of Sam. Wesley the elder;' viz. A King Turned Thresher, given in Southey's Specimens of Later English Poets. 1807. I. 328. p. 130. BEAKER. See page 592. The recipe for sherry-leaker was as follows. Take a bottle of good sherry ; scald, and mix with calves- foot jelly. Pour into three glasses with a slice of lemon. Ib. ' Oct. 1812. Orders were published in Trinity and St John's that students appearing in hall or chapel in pantaloons or trousers be considered absent.' Cooper's Annals, IV. 503. p. 132. Elbonn. See p. 475. p. 133. SHAVING ON SUNDAY. In 1727 8 Betson was fined 5.*-. in the Vicechancellor's court at Cambridge for this offence. Ib, Among the Ordinances of Oliver Cromwell is 'An Act for the Better Observation of the Lord's day. At the Parliament begun at Westminster the i7th day of September, An. Dom. 1656. London: Printed by Hen. Hills and John Field, Printers to His Highness the Lord Protector. 1657.' The act provides against any ' Waggoner, Carrier, Butcher, Higler, Drover, or any of their servants travelling or coming by Land or Water' into an Inn, House or Lodging, betwixt 12 P.M. on Saturday, and 12 r.M. on Sunday, to be punished with the owner of such Inn, &c. ' Every person using or imploying any Boat, Wherry, Lighter, Barge, Horse, Coach or Sedan, or travelling or laboring with any of them Notes. 659 upon the Day aforesaid (except it be to and from some place for the Service of God, or except in case of necessity, to be alowed by some Justice of the Peace). Every person being in any Tavern, Inn, Ale- house, Victualling-house, Strongwater-house, Tobacco-house, Cellar or Shop, (not lodging there, nor upon urgent necessity, to be allowed by a Justice of Peace), or fetching or sending for any Wine, Ale, or Beer, Tobacco, Strong-water, or other strong Liquor unnecessarily, and to Tipple within any other House or Shop: and the Keepers or Owners ; every person Dancing or prophanely Singing or Playing upon Musical Instruments, or Tipling in any such Houses, Cellars or Shops, or else- where , or Harbouring or entertaining the persons so offending; Every person Grinding or causing to be Ground any Corn or Grain in any Miln, or causing any Fulling or other Mills to work upon the Day aforesaid ; And every person working in the Washing, Whiting or Drying of Clothes, Threed or Yarn, or causing such Work to be done ; Every person setting up, burning or branding Beet, Turf of Earth ; gathering of Rates, Loans, Taxations or other Pay- ments (except to the use of the. Poor in the Publique Collections); Every Chandler Melting or causing to be melted, Tallow or Wax belonging to his Calling. And every common Brewer and Baker, Brewing, &c. And every Butcher killing any Cattel, and every Butcher, Costermonger, Poulterer, Herb-seller, Cordwayner, Shoe- maker or other persons Selling, exposing or offering to sell any their wares or Commodities, and the persons buying ; All Taylors and other Tradesmen fitting or going to fit, or carry any wearing Apparel or other things ; And Barbers Trimming upon the Day aforesaid ; All persons keeping, using or being present at any Fairs, Markets, Wakes, Revels, Wrestlings, Shootings, Leaping, Bowling, Ringing of Bells for pleasure, or upon any other occasion (saving for calling people together for the Publique Worship), Feasts, Church-ale, May-pole?, Gaming, Bear-baiting, Bull-baiting or any other Sports and Pastimes : All persons unnecessarily walking in the Church or Church-yards, or elsewhere in the time of Publique worship ; And all persons vainly and prophanely walking on the Day aforesaid ; And all persons Travelling, carrying Burthens, or doing any worldly labors or work of their ordi- nary Calling on the Day aforesaid, shall be guilty of prophaning the Lord's Day.' Offenders of the age of 14 years and upwards to be fined IQJ-. and wares forfeited. ' Nothing in this Act contained, shall extend to the prohibiting the Dressing of Meat in private Families, or the Dressing or Sale of Victuals in a moderate waye in Inns, Victualing Houses or Cooks Shops, for the use of such as cannot otherwise be provided for, 422 660 Notes. or to the crying or selling of Milk before Nine of the clock in the morning, or after Four of the clock in the afternoon' in summer, and an hour later in winter. Persons attending markets on Saturday or Monday must be careful not to transgress the statute. 'And it is enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any children or servants under the Age of Fourteen years, offending in any the offences within this Act mentioned, and thereof convicted before any Mayor, Head-Officer, or any one or more Justices of the Peace as afore- said, the Parents, Guardians, Masters, Mistresses or Tutors of all such children and servants, shall forfeit the Sum of One shilling for every such servant or childe so offending and thereof convicted as aforesaid, unless such Parent, &c shall in the presence of the Church- wardens, Overseers for the Poor, or other Officer, or one of them, give or cause to be given unto such childe or servant so offending, due correction That all and every person and persons shall upon every Lord's-Day diligently resort to some Church or Chappel where the true Worship and Service of God is exercised, or shall be present at some other convenient Meeting-place of Christians, not differing in matters of Faith from the publique Profession of the Nation, as it is expressed in the Humble Petition and Advice of the Parliament to His Highness the Lord Protector, where the Lord's-Day shall be duly sanctified,' under a penalty of is. 6d. No Minister or Publique Preacher to be molested. ' That all persons Contriving, Printing or Publishing any Papers, Books or Pamphlets for Allowance of Sports and Pastimes upon the Lord's-Day, or against the Morality thereof, shall forfeit the Sum of Five pounds, or be committed to the House of Correction.' This bill was enacted in the same parliament which produced those appalling debates on Naylor the mad ' Quaker ' (as Quakers then were) ; which prove that, with few exceptions, the educated parlia- mentarians of England were as pitiless in executions as Laud had been when in power. The progress of the Lord's-Day Bill is sketched in the Diary of T. Burton, then M.P. for Westmoreland, Rutt's edition, 1828,1. pp.295, 310; II. 260 268. A clause prohibiting 'profane and idle sitting' (n. p. 264) was negatived ; one objection (by Major General Whalley) being that 'as at Nottingham, many people that have houses in the rock, and have no air, live most part of their time without doors.' It was a long debate, ' One gentleman speaking low Mr Speaker was called upon to report.' Being strengthened by the opinion of the Master of the Rolls, he refused, and complained of the loud talking of hon. members. Finally ' Colonel Winthorpe stood up again, and spoke against the Bill, or to adjourn the debate, but Notes. 66 1 was taken down by the noise of calling for the question. Colonel Purcfoy cried "Give him the Bill," meaning Mr Speaker. The clerk said, " if such words had been spoken in some Parliaments, he would have been called to the bar". The debate held so late that a candle was called in [i. e. on a special motion, as until the year 1717. The Speaker at this time took the chair at 8 A.M. and the House generally rose at noon. Committees sat very early in the morning, and in the afternoon and evening], and, after a while, the Bill was agreed to pass, and ordered to be ingrossed. The House rose at almost ten (P.M. Saturday, June 20, 1657), and adjourned till Monday morning, eight o'clock. There had been a similar Act passed in April, 1650, and in this same parliament on Christmas Day, 1656, this curious debate arose in the House : ' Col. Mat/tews. The House is thin ; much, I believe, occasioned by the observation of this day. I have a short Bill to prevent the super- stition for the future. I desire it to be read.' ' Mr Robinson. I could get no rest all night for the preparation of this foolish day's solemnity. This renders us in the eyes of the people to be profane. We are, I doubt, returning to Popery....' ' Sir Chr. Pack. I am as much for this Bill as any man, but I would not have us, under the notion of taking away festivals, take away the Lord's-day, for in the Bill the festival of Easter and Pentecost are abolished.' (Ibid. I. 229, 230). p. 141. Master of Arts' Coffee Hoiise. See Mayor's edition of 'A Pattern for Young Students ' (Life of Ambrose BonivickeJ) p. 198. p. 145. Norseman's Coffee House. See above p. 131. p. 151. Warton's Companion to the Guide, &c. See pp. 388 390. p. 152. ANTIQUITY HALL, WHITTINGTON AND HIS CAT, or THE HOLE IN THE WALL. For the story of Hearne and the supposed tesselated Roman pavement of sheeps' ' trotters 'at 'an antique Pot- house known by the Historical Sign of Whittington and his Cat, see T. Warton's Companion to the Guide, &c., pp. 20, 21. In Skelton's Oxonia Antiqua, 1823, vol. II. is The Plan of the Hall, with the Tesel- lated Floor. There is an accompanying sketch of Tom Hearne, Humphry Wanley, and M r Whiteside (keeper of the Ashmolean Mu- seum), and also Hearne's printer at Oxford waiting for company. There is depicted ' The Manner of EntringJ ' Propylaeum, or hole in y e Wall, the Entrance to Antiquity Hall.' p. 157. THE ZODIACK. This club was founded in 1725. Gray in. a letter to Wharton, 'Cambr. March [1747] Tiiesday Night,' mentions 662 that Kit Smart of Pembroke intends to perform his comedy [A Trip to Cambridge, or The Grateful Fair; see p. 195,] publickly, borrowing the ZODIACK ROOM for the purpose. In another letter to Whartou, 'March gth [1748-9] Thursday, Cambridge? he speaks bombastically of the master of Pembroke hall as ' the high and mighty Prince Roger surnamed the Long, Lord of the great ZODIAC, the Glass Uranium, and the Chariot that goes without horses.' This refers, not of course to the Club, but to the great sphere constructed by D r Roger Long and Jona- than Munns the tin-plate worker. It was taken down and pulled to pieces at the time of the alterations in 1871 2. The Observatory which held it used to stand at the north eastern corner of the inner court of Pembroke. The sphere itself, illustrating the motions of the heavenly bodies, measured 18 feet in diameter. The 'coach' 1 or 'chariot mentioned by Gray was probably the water-velocipede constructed by D r Long, for his amusement on the water in Pembroke-basin. See Carter's History of the Univ. of Cambridge, p. 77. The sphere is described in Britton 9&^"^vj\fff ^-Beauties of England and Wales, 1801. II. 39, 40. It is said to be rusty and much damaged ; ' but the disgrace must heighten into ignominy, if the report is true, that the interest of -zoo/. Bank Annuities was bequeathed by the Doctor [R. Long,] to keep the "Instrument and Place" in good order.' A description of this mechanical curiosity may be found in Long's As- tronomy, vol. II. p. 158. THE HYSON CLUB. See pp. 334, 335. p. 1 60. A. D'Anvers in her 'Academia : or the Humours of Ox- ford,' p. 50, 1691, speaks of undergraduates condescending in defect of Tobacco to smoke the straws, &c. of mats. Compare with this the macaronic lines quoted in the notes to some editions of Percy's RdiqiiiS (Ballad of St George}-. at si Miindnngus desit : turn non fnncare recusant Brown-Paper tosta, uel quod fit arundine bed-mat. p. 161. When Combe's Dr Syntax (in Search of the Picturesque, canto VI.) dines with the provost at Oxford, at the College feast, They eat and drank, they SMOK'D, they talk'd, And round the College-garden walk'd. Ib. D r Farmer's silver tobacco pipe is still preserved in Emmanuel College. Person's own japanned smtff-box at Trinity. The portrait of D r Parr, which hangs at the end of the combination room in S. John's, faithfully represented that worthy with a ' yard of clay ' betwixt hand and mouth. For some reason or other this was subsequently painted out. Notes. 663 p. 162. The COMBINATION-ROOM, COMMON-ROOM, COMMON-FIRE- ROOM, or COMMON-PARLOUR, represented the stone parlour or locuto- rium, where strangers could speak or parley with regulars in the old monastic houses. Du Cange gives ' PARLATORIUM locus colloquiis destinatus in Monasteriis vulgo Parloir. Bernardus Mon. in Consuetud. Cluniacensibus MSS. c. 4, &c.' That of the hospital de Penitentia Jesu stood between the old court and the Gisborne Court of Peterhouse. In the compiitus of that society the Combination-room fire and Combi- nation-room servant are still entered as Parlour fire and servant. The stone kails and tiled halls were (says M r Perry, in his life of Ro. Grosse- teste), the more solid hostels built at Oxford after the fire there, anno 1190. p. 163. 'A SCHEME, A party of pleasure.' Grose, Classical Dic- tionary of the Vulgar Tongue, ed. 3. 1796. This word seems to have been most common in the time of Tom Warton. In his Companion to the Guide and Guide to the Companion (see p. 388), he says 'the Axis in Peritrochio is admirably illustrated by a Scheme in a Phaeton.' Again, in the Student or Oxford and Cambridge Miscellany, 1751, II. 107, a parasite is said to 'take schemes or do anything with my Lord.' In the Oxford Sausage, which he edited, it is found several times. 'Your Schemes make work for Gloss and Nourse' [Oxford Surgeons.] (The Phaeton and the One Horse Chair.} 1 Cans' t thou to schemes invite the GOWN?' (Ibid.) ' No more the wherry feels my stroke so true ; At skittles in a grizzle can I play? Woodstock, farewell ! and Walling ford, adieu ! Where many a scheme relieved the lingering day.' Ode to a Grizzle Wig by a Gentleman -who had just left off his Bob. (Ibid.) 'The young Cantab had come up to London upon a scheme as it is called, to treat himself to a masquerade and other diversions of the town.' Fr. Coventry's Pompey the Little, u. x. 1750. ' Schema on the Water ' are mentioned in a Cambridge farce of 1786. p. 1 68. Old Terms of Horsemanship. The following are gathered from the First Part of the Gentleman 's Dictionary (from the French of the Sieur Guillet), 1705, viz.: The Art of Riding the Great Horse: the Manage. ' CURVETS are Leaps of an indifferent heighth, which a Horse makes in raising first his two Fore-legs in the Air, and making the two hinder Feet follow with an equal Cadence ; so the Haunches go down together, after the Fore-feet have touch'd the Earth in con- tinual and regular Reprizes.' (Some curious examples of the use of the term follow.) 'CAPRIOLES or Leaps of firma a fir ma, are Leaps that a Horse makes in one and the same place, without advancing 664 Notes. forwards, and that in such a manner, that when he's in the Air and at the height of his Leap, he yerks or strikes out with his Hinder-legs even and near. A Capriole is the most difficult of all the high Manage, or rais'd Airs. It differs from a Croupade in this, that in a Croupade the Horse do's not shew his shoes ; and from a Balstade in this, that in a Balstade he do's not yerk out. Your Horse will never work well at Caprioles unless you put him between two Pillars,' &c. 1 TERRA A TERRA, is a Series of low Leaps, which a Horse makes forwards, bearing side-ways, and working upon two Treads. In this Motion the Horse lifts both his Fore-legs at once; and when these are fipon the point of descending to the Ground, the Hinder-legs accompany 'em with a short and quick cadence, always bearing and staying upon his Haunches ; so that the Motions of the Hinder-quarters are short and quick ; and the Horse being always well prest and coupled, he lifts his Fore-legs pretty high, and his Hinder-legs keeps always low and near the ground. This Manage call'd Terra d Terra, because in this Motion the Horse does not lift his Legs so high as in Cornets? 'CARACOL is an oblique Piste or Tread traced out in Semi rounds, changing from one hand to another without observing a regular ground. When Horse advance to charge in Battel, they sometimes ride up in Caracals, to perplex the Enemy, and make 'em doubtful whether they are about to take 'em in the Front, or in the Flank. Caracol is a Spanish word, and in that Language signifies the Motion that a Squad- ron of Horse makes, when upon an Engagement the first Rank has no sooner fired their Pistols, than they divide and open into two Half- Ranks, the one wheeling to the right, and the other to the left, along the Wings of the Body to the Rear. Every Rank observes the same Order after firing ; and the Turning or Wheeling from the front to the rear is call'd a Caracal.'' ' SERPEGER, a French Word us'd in the Academies, to Signify the Riding of a Horse in a Serpentine way, or in a Tread with wav'd Turnings, like the Posture of a Serpent's Body. This word is now obsolete.' [1705.] c CAREER ; This Word signifies both the Ground that's proper for the Manage, and the Course or Race of a Horse that do's not go be- yond two Hundred Paces.' Among the examples is 'This English Horse do's not furnish his Career ; that is, he does not finish his Course with the same Swiftness, and does not move so short and swift at ihe middle and end, as at the beginning.' p. 170. SIMEON on WALKING EXERCISE. M r Abner W. Brown gives the following note of a Friday evening conversation party of Charles Notes. 665 Simeon in his Recollections, 1863, p. 126. May 15, 1829, ' The duty oj students. It is your duty to God to work hard at the studies which belong to the University. Hard regular study is the best discipline which your minds can have, and the most likely to fit your characters to usefulness in the ministry, if you are called to that office. But act wisely. Remember to give your hearts to God in the way of this duty. Use common wisdom also. I always say to my young friends, Your success in the senate-house depends much on the care you take of the three-mile stone out of Cambridge. If you go every day and see that nobody has taken it away, and go quite round it to watch lest any one has damaged its farthest side, you will be best able to read steadily all the time you are at Cambridge. If you neglect it, woe betide your degree. Yes, Exercise, constant, and regular and ample, is abso- lutely essential to a reading man's success.' p. 172. Watt mentions in his Bibliothcca Britannica, The LAKERS, a comic opera [? by Jas Plumptre, B.D.] 1798 ; Grose in his Provincial Glossary, 1 790, gives ' LAKE. To play. From the Saxon, laikan.* Quaere our modern slang lark ? p. 175. BOATING. In Skinner's fifth unpublished letter from Trin. Coll. Oxon. June 15, 1793, he speaks of sailing, rowing, or towing the ' Hobby-horse ' by ' Foley's bridge ' (qu. Folly bridge) to Ifley and Sandford where Beckly provides accustomed fare Of eels and perch and Brown Beefsteak, Dainties we oft taste twice a week Whilst /fe&Nlike his daughter waits, Froths our full bumpers, changes plates. The pretty handmaid's anxious toils Meanwhile our mutual praise beguiles ; While she delighted, blushing sees The bill o'erpaid and pockets fees Supplied for ribbon and for lace To deck her bonnet or her Face ! A game of Quoits will oft our stay A while at Sandford Inn delay, Or rustic ninepins : then once more We hoist our Sail and ply the Oar To Newnkam bound. In the sixth letter, October 1793, he describes their taking their 'gay yacht the Hobby-horse"* at the river, 'where a Dame, Hooper yclept, at station waits For gownsmen whom she aptly freights In various vessels moored in view, Skiff gig and cutter or canoe. 666 Note's. Election made, each in a trice Becomes transformed with trowsers nice, Jacket and catskin cap supplied, Black gowns and trenchers laid aside.' p. 175. V. L. = Ckarks V. Le Grice of Trinity. p. 177. Some persons used to refer the proverbial saying of CAM- BRIDGESHIRE CAMELS to the practice of walking on STILTS in the fens. Grose mentions this explanation, but Ray discarded it as improbable. p. 178. TENNIS-COURT. W. Chambers of .9. Joh., H. Tedstill, Corpus, and J. Hawes, Pet., who took their first degree in 1719, with G. Ball, made their recantation in the Vice-chancellor's court and were suspended for being at the Tennis Court. Chambers and Hawes took their second degree in 1723. In Loggan's Cantabrigla. illmtrata, cir. 1690, a sphaeristerium or racquet-court is shewn inChrists, in Emmanuel, and in St John's (where there is also a ' Bowlin green '). The second view of that college (No. 27) gives a bird's-eye view into the court. Bowls are being played at New College. Oxonia illustrata, 1675. In Loggan's Oxonia Illustr. 1675, a game of fives is represented as going on at Merton, and there seems to be a fives- court at University. p. 178. D r Charles Wordsworth (bishop of S. Andrews, &c.) has in his possession an old engraving * CRICKET. F. Hay man pinx. C. Grignon sculp.' The paper used in framing the picture in the first instance bears a reference to the '[Representatives of the Rt. Hon. George Grenvile, late Treasurer of the [Navy]' whence it maybe in- ferred that the picture was engraved about the year 1755 : it is clearly earlier than the introduction of the third stump. (See The Cricket Field, and vol. I. of Lillywhite's Hhtory of Cricket.} I have seen two pictures on other subjects, bearing the names of the same artist and engraver, of the dates 1752 and 1758. In the foreground the scorers are lying upon a heap of coats and are engaged in notching sticks. The score appears to have reached 17. There are two stumps at each end, the ball is large, and the bowler is taking deliberate aim as about to toss it cunningly. There is no return-crease visible nor the hole between the stumps. The umpires are in the ordinary morning dress of the period ; both stand close up to the wickets ; not one at short leg's place. They and the batsmen hold bats curved at the bottom of the blade something like an old-fashioned knife : the handle extremely long, stringed, and without any shoulder tapering upwards so as to follow the lines of the blade. Notes. 667 The players mostly wear hunting caps, hair cropped as for wigs ; some have long waistcoats, and the wicket-keeper has loosened his breeches at the knee. The field is set for underhand bowling, but with longstop ; 110 short-leg nor short slip; mid wicket on either side, point slightly behind the wicket, cover-point quite square; 'hit-on and '////-^covering mid-wickets on either side. In Huddersford's Wiccamical Chaplet, 1804, p. 131, is printed a ' Cricket Song for the Hambledon Club [the earliest cricket-club es- tablished], Hants, 1767.' The players are said to be 'array'd all in white ;' and the crease is called ' the scratch.' M r Lilly white speaks of bishop Tho. Ken (author of the Morning and Evening Hymns, &c.) when at Winchester, as the first cricketer upon record. I am afraid this must be only a pleasant conjecture of the imagination, for we have, I believe, no authority beyond the passage quoted by M r Timbs, in Schooldays of Eminent Men, from a fanciful picture of what may have been Ken's schoolday life. p. 1 80. BILLIARDS. The keepers of a billiard-table were fined 4OJ. and costs in 1727, and the scholars playing admonished in the vice-chancellor's court at Cambridge. The game is mentioned in Warton's Companion to the Guide, &c., p. n ; see Oxoniana, I. 237. p. 184. In an Account of the Life and Conversation of the Reverend and Worthy M r Isaac Milles, Late Rector of Highcleer in Hampshire, pp. 25 28. 1721, there is a curious story about a duel with swords forced upon Thos. Smoult, Knightbridge professor, a clergyman. p. 187. LORD TAP. Nares quotes in his Glossary from Lingua, 'He may be my lord Tappes for his large titles,' adding, 'who this personage was remains to be discovered.' I would suggest in answer, the mock grandee of Stirbridge Fair. p. 188. PLAYS AT CHRISTMAS. So the Statutes (1545) of St John'?, Camb. cap. xxvi. (differing here from those of bishop Fisher, 1530), pro- vide ' ut in festo Nativitatis Domini singulus quisque socius ordine suo Dominum agat, quo tempus illud honesta animi remissione et litterariis exercitationibiis cum laetitia et hilaritate transigatur. Eum autem volumus ad festum Omnium Sanctorum designari ad id et pronuntiari, post quod tempus nullo modo licebit ut hoc munere se abdicet atque ad alium transferat Et quo alacrior ad hoc munus conficiendum et idonee transigendum sit, viginti solidos a collegio ad sumptus suos levandos habeat, sic ut statuta eius ad formam Atticae aut Romanae aut alterius cuiusvis reipublicae vel Graecis vel Latiriis veisibus faciat et sex ad minus dialogos aut festiva aut litteraria spectacula totidem duodecim dierum 668 Notes. noctibus exhibeat. Nam ceteras comoedias et tragoedias quae inter Epiphaniam et Quadragesimam aguntur lectores singuli et singuli examinatores accurabunt, ut aliqua litteraria contactione omnes exer- ceantur. Pro unoquoque vero dialogo aut festive spectaculo omisso et non exhibito dominus viginti denariorum mulcta punietur. Lectorum quoque singulomm et examinatorum, si illi quoque nihil in publicum exhibuerint, ea mulcta esto quam magister et seniores iustam designaverint. Nolumus autem omnino ut quisquam e sociis cursum suum in agendo domino praetereat aut omittat, sub poena amissionis aliorum viginti solidorum collegio intra mensem post lapsum tempus Nativitatis Domini solvendorum ; quod nisi fecerit, communis interea careat, donee plene praedictam summam et fideliter persolverit.' On these plays see a paper (qu. by Hartshorne?) in the Retrospective Review. M. THE CHRISTMAS PRINCE was a later form of the ceremony of the Boy Bishop. A play, or rather a series of interludes, under that name acted at S. John's, Oxon, in 1607, on All hallows' e'en, was printed in 1816, in Miscellanea Antiqua Anglicana ; where a similar performance at Gray's Inn, in 1598, printed in 1688, is mentioned. p. 189. ACTING ON SUNDAY. It seems that after the Reformation it was not unusual to act plays on Sunday. In a comedy called Wily Begtnled (of which there was an edition printed in 1623, a reprint in the third vol. of Hawkins' English Drama, 1773) the Clerk says to Will C) icket, who desires to have his banns put up and to be ' axed up ' (as we say in Lincolnshire) as soon as possible: 'Faith you may be ask'd i' the church on sunday at morning prayer; but Sir John cannot tend to do it at evening prayer: for there comes a company of players to the town on sunday i' the afternoon ; and Sir John is so good a fellow, that I know he'll scarce leave their company to say evening prayer. For, though I say it, he's a very painful man, and takes so great delight in that faculty, that he'll take as great pains about building of a stage, or so, as the basest fellow among them. Will Cricket. Nay, if he have so lawful an excuse, I am content to defer it one day the longer.' p. 189. 'Richard III.' by Legge. See a paper by Mr. C. H. Cooper communicated to the Cambridge Antiquarian Society. t Pedan- tiiisj by T. Beard. Printed in- 1631. p. 191. Ruggle's Ignoramus was acted frequently at Westminster School in the place of a play of Plautus or Terence. Sir J. Hawkins (in his edition 1787, p. Ixxxvii, n.) gives the names of the actors there in 1730 and in 1747. In 1731 it was acted at King Edward's School, Notes. 66 9 Bury St. Edmund's ; and, abridged into two acts, at the Merchant Taylors', in 1763. As to the first performance see Nichols' Royal Pro- gresses of James /., the ballad in Bp. Corbet's works, &c. p. 191. In i6n was printed Sicelides, a dramatic piece by Phineas Fletcher, the poet, which was intended for representation before K. James. Albumazar, a comedy, was revived at Drury Lane with alterations in 1773. Melanthe. Piscatory. Some poems called Piscatory Eclogues ; and the Poetical Miscellanies by Phineas Fletcher, were printed at Camb., 4to, 1633. A new edition, London, 1772. Work for Cutlers, and Exchange Ware... Band, Ruffe, and Cuffe, reprinted in the Old Book Collector's Miscellany for Messrs. Reeves and Turner in 1872. Loyola. Comoedia Loiola data, per loh. Hacket episc. Litchf. Lond. 1648. 8vo. Paria, by T. Vincent. Printed, Lond., 1648. 8vo. Senile Odium, by Peter Hausted. Printed, Camb., 1633. i2mo. See Historical MSS. Commission Report, ill. p. 200. col. b. 1634. Jealous Lovers, a Comedy by T. Randolph. Printed at Camb. in 4to. 1642. Sept. 2 was made an Ordinance against Stage Plays. p. 193. The TYRING ROOM reached from bay-window to bay- window in Trinity Lodge. See Monk's Life of Bentley, I. 175. p. 195. Smart's TRIP TO CAMBRIDGE. See above note on p. 157. ('Zodiack,' sub fine.} p. 197. Cp. ( NE\v COLLEGE STUDENTS. Golden scholars, silver bachelors, and leaden masters.' Grose, Classical Diet, of the Vulgar Tongue, 1796. I think I have seen this expression in Epistolae Ho- Elianae. p. 198. (Bishop) Tho. Ken of Hart Hall and New College, 'a junior would sometimes sing his part ' in A. Wood's concerts about the year 1656. p. -204. All hallow fen, October 3ist. See note on p. 188, the Christmas Prince. p. -205. PENNILESS BENCH is mentioned also in Statut. Acad. Oxon., xv. 2. 6 jo Notes. p. 208. For this use of FRENCH and LATIN FORMULAE compare the summons to dinner at New College, which existed till a generation back; when two quiristers walked slowly from the chapel -door to the garden-gate, ''backing ///' (crying out) one prolonged peal (or ejacula- tion) Tempus est uocandi, mangcz tons seigneurs. (M. E. C. Walcott's W. Wykeham and his Colleges, p. 317. G. V. Cox, Collections and Recollections^} So in Gray's Inn the pannier man (see Grose's Vulgar Tongue) proclaimed Manger in the three courts. p. 211. RESPONSAL SEAT in the Schools. Compare Cooper's Annals of Camb., IT. 195. p. 215. OYSTERS used to be provided by the proctors for the com- pany present at the proclamation of Stirbridge Fair in September, in the Tiled Booth. See Senate-house Ceremonies, Wall-Gunning, 1828, p. 130. Cp. p. 284. p. 216. The University, or Schools, BELL was in old times the bell of S. Benet's Church at Cambridge. p. 217. COLLECTORS, seep. 317. p. 222. Tyring room, see note on p. 193. p. 223. 'Hills. GOGMAGOG HILLS, near Cambridge; a common morning's ride.' Gradus ad Cantabrigiam, 1803. See Speed's map in 1 6 10, and Buck's in 1743. In Loggan (about 1680) ' Hogmagog* It is stated in Britton and Brayley's Beauties of England and Wales, 1801, II, 130, that Mr Layer remembered having seen an enormous figure of a giant which the scholars had cut in the turf, but which had ceased to be repaired in his time. They are now often called absolutely 'the Hills,' and the road, ' the Hills Road.' p. 223. The HIP, a common complaint like the Spleen. 'HYP. The hypochondriac ; low spirits. He is hypped ; he has got the blue devils, c.' -Grose Classical Diet, of the Vulgar Tongue, 1796. Ailing cV roTs i>7roxoj'5/>fots, in the parts below the cartilage of the breast-bone. p. 224. JACKISH. Jacobite. HUMANITY; l in literis hiimaniori- bus: p. 226, line 3. ERRATUM. For street, read sheet. P. 229. UMBRA COMITIORUM. [dr. 1650.] The following is reprinted from a copy of a small 4to tract in the Cambridge Free Town Library [B. 14. 45], inscribed Suum cuiq. Tho. II ear ne 1719. Ex dono Richardi Dyer, A.M. coll. Orielcnsis socii. Notes. 671 Page i begins: UMBRA COMITIORUM, OR CAMBRIDGE COMMENCEMENT. In Types. A Commencement^ now-a-clayes is the Synods Adjournall-Honse ; A Visitation of all the EmpiricJi Divines: It differs from the Old, as the Parochiall Bason from the Parish Font; Indeed it is the Font turn'd into the Bason for the baptising of all (within the Pale of the Vniversity} into the Church of Adoniram. The God-fathers are of the same Religion with the Fathers, nurtur'd in the C hrist-Crosse- Directory ; and the Synods little principall Catechisme will answer for none, but such as deny John Goodwin ? and all his Works. These are the Babes of this new Jerusalem, still in their non-age, like Coivs-tails, or their Father's Beard growing longer and lower. But yet how do they lift up their Crests, and budge with the Horns of Salvation on their Fore- heads! And because Master Lazarus'^ ha's none of his own, they say he exalteth others. But round with the Morice-Dance. And since the greatest Head ha's the least wit, enter first (with reverence to your Antlets) the Preacher at Trinity*, a Silenced-Minister in the times of the Gospel, even since illumination, and the gifts of the Spirit came into fashion. This Prodigy of faith, to shew the virtue of regeneration (which they term a Creation) would seem to be a Scholar: A man against Reason (by the moving of his eye-brows) to be made a Logician. He kept a fluttering with an Argument, but prov'd Haggard** in disputing. An old third-bare Saint new-cloth'd with a long-wasted Conscience in the fashion, to be a pattern to others, ha's shewn the good work of Conver- sion upon his own soul first, in setting up the States Arms in his Colledge. And its reported too, that (according to the Solemn League 1 The Public Commencement was dispensed with in the summer of 1643 on account of the troublous time, and again in 1644. Also in 1649 on the plea of expence. 2 J. Goodwin. Thomas was the Christian name of. the celebrated nonconformist fellow of S. Catharine hall and lecturer (and afterwards vicar) at Holy Trinity Church Cambridge, 1628 34. He was an Independent, and in 1649 made by Crom- well President of Magdalen Coll. Oxon. 3 Lazarus fSeaman) put in as master of Peterhouse in 1644. His diary is in the custody of the head of that society. 4 Trinity. Thomas Hill, master 164553. 5 Haggard. A wild hawk; one that has preyed for herself before being taken. 6 72 Notes. and Cffvenenant} he intends to saddle his Asses, and ride 1 in triumph with Christ Jesus from Colledge to Colledge, upon the next Thanks- giving Day. But oh for some Oculist to help me in the sight of the next; that spiritual Hocas Pocas: he must be drawn like Janus with two faces or rather vizards ; when turns up the White of one eye, and looks upon the Old Covenant, and with the Green of the other beholds [Page 2] the New, he contracts the Species of both, and sayes, that the New is but the fulfilling of the Old. The dark Vail of Presbytery being now withdrawn, the clear Lights of Independency shine upon him. There is not a murder'd Fellow of his Colledge, but bleeds at the touch of this Malefactour; nor a Bastard one begotten, but he is the Parent. Unmask him but well, and his inside as ill as his outside is sophisticate. This Man shews but a blinde commencement. \ The next Puppit in this Fools-Play, is the little pretty Immanuelisfi, who likewise should be a Brat of the whore, did he but speak the Language of the Beast a little truer. This is a Lisper in Learning, and a Lisper too in Religion ; he never speaks plain but when he scolds at his Wife ; or threatens M. Goodwin for denying Election, and Reproba- tion of Women. Just such another Linguist is Chrisfs Colledge Samuel^ ; he under- stands nothing but Hebrew, and in this too he must be read backwards. There's more Monsters retain to him, then to all the Limbs in Anatomy; Death it self cannot quit scores with this same Fellow, for hee'l rise with his Guts full at the Resurrection. But by the way, after he had disgorg'd his Brains here, he takes such a Surfet in his giblets at Dinner, that (as if he meant to do death a curtesie) he sate upon the Close-stool of Repentance for seven Days after, praying with Groans and Grunts unutterable against all Compurgatours. And how can the Grave entertain such a Skull and Carkass, as being not Meat but Poyson for Worms? This is the Summum genus* of Non sense, beyond which there is Terra incognita : So curious a Logician is He, that he never makes a Syllogisme but invents a new Figure. Hee's like a cock of the Game, striking at anothers, knocks out his own Brains : But had he ever any? Surely no; for he comes of the Lineage of Peter Harrison, the same begat him both Master and Scholar. As a dark Shop then is to commend its Wares, such was the use of this Man here. These purblinde fancies show the Commencement but in Duskie Types. 1 A Phrase of his own. 2 Itiimainielist. Anthony Tuckney was master in 1644, and was succeeded by Will. Dillingham in 1653. 3 Samuel Bolton, put in as master of Christ's in 1645, was succeeded by Cudworth in 1654. 4 His crwn Phrase. Notes. 673 Next appears in a Vision the young Husband of Queens ; when he looks upon his Sweeting, he lifts up the eyes of his minde, and blesseth all his Fellows. Who observed his Syllogismes? they were all corrected : and indeed the common Example which Logicians 1 give to the Rule, may be applied to him ; though so careful a Man of his Wife, that when he goes forth, he locks up the Chamber-door^ (I wish he would lock up her mouth too) and carries the Key in his Pocket with him ; so it is not for us to lodge here. \Page 3.] Room for the Antichrist of Peter-house, that by virtue of S. Peters Key locks and opens all. A Mummer in Religion, that thinks to out-brave us with his Name, though himself be fowler. Un- ravell the Creature, and every limb is Heteroclite. This Pelagian' 2 ' fights always against Orthodox men, and Opinions ; onely the purity of his, own remains untouch'd in all Times and Ages. If Pythagoras were now alive, he might confirm his Opinion by seeing this Soul pass so many Transformations ; It would puzzle the Catholike CJnirch to give him a Name, were he a Member thereof: Certainly, he is Universal Superfoetation, Transcendent beyond Ens. Its a drawn match between him and Hill, which is the worst Pulpit man ; the one weeps out his Sermon, the other howls it out ; And indeed this man (Crocodile-like) weeps and devours. But how did he lift up the tufts of his Beard, and snivell with his Negative Voice* against rendering any future account of his evil Actions j as if the Man with the long Beard could give him a Dispensation to truck mischief against M. Hotham* with everlasting impunity ! Thus have ye the Combat of the Spiritual Host against the Arm of flesh, and his Shoulder-bone M. Vice-chancellotir. These are so much for Reason, and the others for Faith, that its a burden to their Spirits, they have any thing to do with them. They be six of our seven Planets, whose Motions are so Eccentrical ; Icosaedra's of divers sides, and faces ; like Cats, toss them which way you will, and they shall still light upon their leggs. Surely Nature varied her course in their composition, for though (according to their 1 Syllogismns cornutns. The dilemma. Cp. ' Beginning with a most confound- ing disjunctive Syllogism, called by the wicked and hard-hearted, a Dilemma, or Cornute' Eachard's Observations upon the Answer to the Contempt of tlie Clergy. 2 Pelagian. Lazarus Seaman was put in as master of Peterhouse by warrant of the E. of Manchester, in March, 1643 4, and continued in that place till Dr Cosin was restored in 1660. 3 Quezst. Disp. Dantur raf tones boni et mali indispensaliles. 4 See the accounts of his Case published by Mr Hotham in tamo. L. B. E. 43 674 Notes. plain capacities) Earth 1 is most predominant in them, yet take them in their Politick, and three shall be an equality of the rest, in that they live so alike in all Elements. And yet these equivocal Priests stand clothed (forsooth) with Christ's Robes girt about their Consciences with a double Pack-thrid of the Covenant and Engagement' 1 : Thus Evil Spirits appear to some in Silks and Sattins. But what a prudential Religion is theirs, that expects Salvation by Imputed Righteousness, since the Professours be such changeable creatures, as its not possible there should be any Inherent in them ! Is the Divinity of the very little Orthodox Assembly infallible, whenas as now we see their Re- generated Brethren of the Covenant can fall totally and Jinally from Presbyterian Grace ? But the Saints are not so valiant at disputing, as at Preaching. They can throw off their Caps in the Pulpit, and the Spirit comes fresh again to the nineteenth Doctrine and Application; but here they are glad to hold them [Page 4.] on, and now and then to refresh them with their Holy-watered Handkircheifs, to keep in the scantling of their Wits, least they stand in their Robes like those Slatues among the Tombs at Westminster. Indeed they are Masters and Scholars much of a size ; empty Bladders of Manchcsters blowing onely with a few Peas, and Beans in them, to rattle to the Fraternity of Noddies on Sunday morn- ings 3 at ^Michaels, and in the Afternoon at S. Trinity; The veryest dry Nurses, that ever our Mother the University had. Their Teeth here are sharper set than their Tongues, and every- where their Guts are too large for their Brains: wherefore now they must have Cordials, and Custards, and D. Hill a sup of his Asses- Milk to strengthen his brains, and lengthen his ears. But let the first course pass. A Voyder with the Second for the M. Proctours jests, that Scrap and Fragment of wit ; His anger-quodled brain did so boyle against M. Goodwin, and the zeal of his tongue spat so much fire and faggot, as if the flat-pated Heads had appointed him Executioner for the 1 Earth is most predominant : according to the medico-astrological theory of humours, which has been succeeded by -vapours, spleen, nerves, and electro~ biology. 2 The Committee for reformation of the Universities was ordered by Parliament, June 21, 1650, to enquire who had not taken the engagements, and proceedings were instituted later in the year. 3 Aug. 17, 1657, ' the Corporation voted the Mayor the yearly allowance of 20 marks "for and towards the entertainment of Ministers such as he should think fitt to invite to dynner upon the lecture days holden at Trinity Church on Wednesday in every weeke, for and during the continuance of the said Wednesday Lecture there." ' Cooper's Annals, in. 467, 468. Notes. 675 burning of his Book (which their illiterate Noddles are not able to answer) as being blasphemous against the totality and finality of their Graces. This is Moses made angry the second time ; because the Father cannot beat him the young Boy takes his part : Wonderfull Swordsmen of the Spirit, that can pierce through the Heart of Reason, with but ranching of the Skin, like those Artists that cut off the Head without removing it. But room for M. Umbra of Wit, as fit for the Function, as if the Synod had ordained him with the Imposition of D. Burgesses Brains. And have we any thing more than Shadows here ? The shadow of a Commencement, the shadow of a University, the shadows of Masters, Fellows, and Scholars? The Body has been dead, ever since Man- chester set new Heads upon it. But the mischief was, his profane inter- mixture spoil'd the Fabricks of the holy Brotherhood ; who because he spoke in Sir Empiricks tone, and quackt Doctrination, like an Ordained Brother, was accounted forsooth (according to the thirteenth Article in the Synods Doctrine of Faith} all over blasphemous against their hallowed Reverences. Its an emblem of the Golden-Age (and such indeed their new Masterships make it) when so tame a Pigeon may commerce with Vultures. But how often was this sorry Fellow exe- cuted alive ? First knocks him dead that Sampson Presbyter, and with the same engine too, the Jaw-bone of an Ass ? Why did he quarrell with Illumination, when his black Hue darkned the place ? This Bro- ther is squeamish in Conscience, as he is in his Countenance ; Astrology must begin her Alphabet again to discover a [page 5] more ugly Planet then Saturn to be Lord of his Ascendent: The fairest Representation of Croyden that can be ; even so like, that his JVifehz's taken him for her Husband ; and thus he supplies all Offices in M. Proctours absence. Next out-kills him by a pound and an half in false Weights his gude Christian Brother. Then (with a mouth-full of grave simplicity) comes his Father, like to that Beast, that destroys her first Breed. But he is no better at killing of Women, for his Mistris at S. Ives never was love-sick for him yet, though he made it a Case of Con- science to her, that she ought to die for him. But for all these Bombals of the Gospel, the Law is not yet dead ; like Cams Colledge Fox, that has been often times hunted down, but, as they say, not yet laid : Thus some grow rich by breaking ; Vipers thus being slain, do more increase. Next come the Philosophers; such mean Scholars, that its courtesie to call them so ; but let them be cast into the Scales to make down- weight a Sir John's Commencement. 676 Notes. The Quack-salvers (according to their Office) peep. in the Rear; more doubly gifted for the Soul and the Body; whilest one hand is spreading of Treacle, the other is thumping of the Pulpit. Times Hermaphrodites, Jacks of all Trades, but good at none ; like Stage- Players, they would make us believe they are not the same Persons, when they have changed the Classick Cloak into a Plush Jump. But let us turn over these Jack-tumblers. Thus are all this dayes He-goats milkt ; let us see what the morrow affords : And now we sit in as much Darkness and Shadow of Learning, as in the Vespers^ before. First enters, as a "YVhiffler before the Shew, that precious Jewell of the Lady Margaret, who can hollow here, but whispers to the engage- ment. This good man is mightily troubled with the Palsie in his Head ; Oh ! it shakes in Religion like an empty Bottle. Next comes to the Stake a most Orthodox Ctib of Immanuel, with everlasting* grace to their new-born Masters Life. Amongst the rest ot the Bayters roars out a blatant beast of Presbytery, predestinated cham- pion by SMEC against John Goodwin, hanging forth in his very coun- tenance the red flag of defyance against him. This pulpit Fire-man was a shining light in a dark Commencement. As an elder to that Presbyter serves the Prevaricatour, dubb'd at adventure Sir Jack of wit ; with wonderfull sagacity hunt his jests dry foot ; before they are conceiv'd, here are Boy-Midwives that bring them [page 6] forth : How did the Rampant Brotherhood play their prizes, and caterwaul one another ! The Bcl-weathtr goes before, and all the simple Sheep follow after. Thus whilst the Brethren feed on a Wood- cock, it is (Thycstes-like) on their own breed: Those stomachs that spew'd him out at a Lent Act, come hungry now and lick up the Vomit. Is not wit grown strait-lac'd, when such a squibber of an inch and an half can compasse it ? like thunder within the cloud, he onely rumbled, the clap was made below : Thus they crack nut shels ; these Artificers of wit forge it in their own fancies ; Surely, we mistake either him, or ourselves, if we think his Brain-pan sounds so much Musick, as to make us dance after it. Wit the last year cheufd the Cud, this year it stai ves : between two Wooden stools it falls now to the ground : Two whole Prevaricatours* are not able to make half a jest. And had 1 In Vesperiis Comitiorum, see pp. 244, 245. a Quxst. ejus disp. Renati non possunt totaliter, et -Qnaliter excidere a gratia. 3 It would seem that the Prevaricator at the Commencement or Comitia Maiora had a stool, as the Tripos or ' Bachelor of the Stool ' had at the disputations in Quadragesima (see p. 227). Notes. 677 the case been alter'd, especially with the Law, our thick-skull'd Pleads, fellow-feelers of their Members infirmities, might have voted it a breach of their Gospel- Reformation; as Mr Harrison (of blessed memory) out of the Chaldee Paraphrase in English, prov'd Christs-Colledge-Diur nail- maker to be against Scripture. Wit (in this State of grace) looks with the excommunicated Face of the Assembly; its of the same Ordination, Institution, and Induction with the Directory, Catechisme, Doctrine of Faith, and the rest of that still-born Breed. But with Sir-reverence the Father should have gone before the Sonne: (yet remember Tuesdayes mode) Be it spoken now (without profaning of his sanctified Cap) to the tender conscienc'd Intruder at S. Ives ; He's such a Jade for wit, that he was fain to be spurred x by his Son to bleed it ; and then comes a pittifull Use and Application of IVill Lillics Accidence. Its as disputable whether this grave Coxcomb was witty, as whether Peter Harrisons two Tables of Stone were made of Shittim-wood. He fetch'd a course in his speech over the Arts, as he does in his sermons over Bishop Andrews; but like a Hare over the Snow, leaves a foul impression all the way ; you may track him from Cambridge to S. Ivcs and then take him close-sitting in a Sisters Lap, with his black Cap turn'd into a white one ; and then how like is the Brothers to a Calves Head bound up in a clout ! But I am all in a sweat with the reakings of the Parsons Caps, and can endure no longer. These then are the Ingredients of a Commencement, the Simples of this precious Compound ; Metalls, that brought to the Touch-stone (like Chy mists tinctures) prov'd all adulterate ; the more they are tried, the more drosse comes from them ; no fire is able to refine them ; O may that [page 7] come which will consume them ! I am sure they have not the rarity of PJuzn'uces, that we should fear their Ashes may engender the like. Our Apollo now wears midnight ; this new-fashion'd day is beetle- brow'd ; Links and torches to set off this Mask of learning, where the Muses act all in vizards ! I can hold open mine eyes no longer ; they even shrink within their pent-house at this vile disguise. Good night to learning ! One word more, before I go to rest. A Commencement is a Crack of Powder, shot to gratulate the empty Worships of the Assembly ; A Bell and a Rattle to sound to the leather ears of the Country-Hobby-Horses: This is Manchester's second Triumph in the Muses warfare without a victory : And may all his Sonnes follow 1 Tantus ingenii cessator, ut calcaribus indigeat. 678 Notes. their Fathers Fate ; after a pastime of glory, live and die in shame and obscurity ! Amen, Reprinted at Oxford for the famous University of Cambridge. Anno secnndo libertatis ignorantitz Academics? p. 230. In his Grounds and Occasions of the Contempt of the Clergy and Religion, 1670, Dr Eachard of S. Catharine Hall, speaking of "Wits who have won reputation without being beholding to Puns and Quibbles, remarks that ' There is the prodigious Lucian, the Great Don of Mancha, and there are many now living Wits of our own, who never certainly were at all inspired from a TRIPUS'S, TERRAE-FILIUS'S, or PRAEVARICATOR'S speech.' ERRATA, p. 232, line i6,for optima, razi/optime. p. 233, line <),for Idem, read Idea.. p. 233. Such papers for Divinity, Law, and Philosophy Acts are, I find, not very uncommon. Among TRIPOS VERSES should have been mentioned those of Gray and Vincent Botirne (e.g. 1731, Lnna est habitabilis] ; several of the latter were collected in an edition of his works, published at Cambridge, by Mr. W. P. Grant. 1747 8. It was customary for verses by the lads to be hung in the hall of Bene't, near the Fellows' table, on Nov. 5, &c. Nichols, Lit. Illustr. vi. 793. p. -256. REMEDYES are mentioned in the old statutes of S. Paul's school. They are res mediae between holidays and ' whole-school- days. ' p. 257. BACCALAVREVS. See also Notes and Queries, 4th S. iv. 334, 466, 548 ; XL 257. p. 261. L. Eusden wrote some verses on the occasion. The latin speeches, &c. at the Act in 1714 and 1730 are bound in a volume in the Camb. Univ. Library, R. 17. 64. p. -275, note. HARRY HILLS, cp. p. 102, line i, also p. 537. p. 277. There is a grotesque print, illustrating an incident at POT FAIR, (Mr Bunbury del 1 . Published 25th June, 1777), in the Custo- dian's room at the Free Town Library, Cambridge. p. -278. Svis. There is a similar opprobrious allusion in the name given to the piece of land to the west of Trinity Library the Isthmus of Suez. See 'Oxford and Cambridge Nuts to Crack,' 1834, pp. 201, 202. Compare ' HOGS ; JONIAN HOGS ; an appellation given to the Notes. 679 members of St John's College. Cambridge.' Grose, Classical Diet, of the Vulgar Tongue, 1 796 : ' Nor shall one lohnian Doctor save his Bacon.' S. Co lib's Tripos Speech, 170 5. ' JOHNIAN HOGS ; an appellation bestowed on the members of St John's College. Whence it arose has not been rightly, or with any degree of probability, ascertained. A variety of conjectures are offered in the Gent. Mag. for 1795, with the following/*?/* d "esprit. A genius espying a Coffee-house waiter carrying a mess to a Johnian in another box, asked, if it was a dish of grains. The Johnian instantly wrote on the window : 'Says the Johns eat grains; suppose it true, They pay for what they eat; does he so too?' Another writer, whom I should suspect to be Maysterre Ireland, the pseudo-Shakspeare, has, or pretends to have, discovered the following, in a very scarce little book of Epigrams, written by one Master James Johnson, Clerk, printed in 1613 : 1 To the Schollers of Sainct John his College. Ye Johnishe men, that have no o.ther care, Save onelie for such foode as ye prepare, To gorge your foule polluted trunks withall; Meere SWINE ye bee, and such your actyons all ; Like themme ye runne, such be youre leaden pace, Nor soule, nor reasonne, shynethe in your face.' Edmond Malone, Esquire, of Blach^ILcttcr sagacity, would discover, with half-an-eye, that the above was not the orthography of 1613 : Sainct themme reasonne shynethe, 6 and Howell's Letters, I. 4. 28, p. 180. M.) Host. CUERPO ! what's that? Tip. Light skipping hose and doublet^ The horse-boy's garb ! poor blank and half-blank. B. JONSON, New inn, u. 5. p. 524. It was, I suppose, by inadvertency that the author of Gradus ad Cantabrigiam did not enumerate Clare Hall, Trin. Hail, S. Cath. Hall, and Jesus Coll., among the societies which then wore the ugly UNDER- GRADUATE'S GOWN. Mr Richard Shilleto thus writes to me : 'July 24, 1873... When I first knew Cambridge, the "curtain" was worn by .Undergraduate Scholars, Pensioners and Sizars of all Colleges, with the exception of Trinity, King's, Peterhouse, Queens ', and scholars on certain foundations at S. John's and Jesus. Whether these scholars wear now the ordinary college gown or retain the older gown like the King's, made of cloth I know not. The four colleges have still the same as they had before. Downing had no pensioner's gown, the society till comparatively late times admitting only Fellow-commoners. 'Pet. and Qu. wore the B.A. gown less the strings. You have heard, I dare say, the tailor's intentional or accidental joke, who to an aspiring freshman of our college (or Queens'} asking for the ornamental appendage, replied, "strings, Sir, come by degrees." It was attributed to Law, father of Law, senior wrangler, 1826, whose shop was in Trin. Street, near to Foster's Bank. He togged me when I assumed the libera toga. * Corpiis men (or as we, not to their entire satisfaction, still con- tinued to dub them, Benet Hall men) on a petition to the governing body of their Society, impetrated their present gown, I think but am not certain in the year 1834. The universal adoption of a distinctive gown for each of all other colleges which had hitherto sported the " curtain, " dates from October, 1835. I can state this positively.' I have a printed copy of rhymes on The New Caius Undergraduate's Gown. p. 535. POSITION OF THE CELEBRANT. There are in Durham Cathedral two faldstools, placed inside the Sanctuary, for the Deacon and Subdeacon in their old ritual position in front of the Altar and facing east. If not actually given by bishop Cosin, they are of that date, and are still used. Mr T. M. Fallow of St John's, to whom I am obliged for the above statement, has put before me the following extracts from two attempts 694 Notes. made in the last century at Arianizing the Book of Common Prayer. They are curious as exhibiting the sense put upon our rubric by some nonconformists of the time. The first is from The Liturgy of the Church of England Reduced nearer to the Primitive Standard. Humbly Proposed to Publick Consideration. By William Whiston, M.A. (see above, p. 563), 1713. [Reprinted in Hall's Fragmenta Liturgica, Vol. III.] Instead of our rubrics before the Collect for Purity, Whiston (whose father had been a non-juror, cp. p. 696) proposes the following : 'IF The Altar at the Communion-time having a fair white linen cloth upon it, shall stand in the body of the Church, or in the Chancel, where Morning and Evening Prayer are appointed to be said. And the Priest standing humbly before the same, shall say the Collect following, the People also kneeling. Note. That no part of this Service is ever to be iised but when there is a Communion? Whiston keeps the rubric immediately before the Prayer of Conse- cration, verbatim, exactly as it stands in the Book of Common Prayer. The other rubric is from The Book of Common Prayer, compiled for the use of the English Church, at Dunkirk, printed by Van Schelle, and Compagn., Soubisse-street, No. 202. 1791 [Reprinted in Hall's Fragmenta Liturgica, Vol. vii.], in which the rubrics generally are abbreviated from our authorized form. That before the (altered) Prayer of Consecration runs as follows : ' IT Then the Minister, standing before the Table, shall say the Prayer following? p. 538. RITUAL TESTIMONY OF PICTURES. The frontispiece of a copy of Wheatly's Rational Illustration of the BooJt of Common Prayer, ed. 3, folio, 1720, depicts a congregation kneeling on the pavement with their faces toward the Holy Table, which stands against the wall, and is railed in. Upon it are two flagons, two chalices, a paten containing bread in diagonal cubes, apparently not quite severed. The alms-dish, containing money, stands at the south, and the other vessels (with the exception of the paten with bread) are towards that end of the table, which has not even a cloth to cover it. The priest, before whom the book lies open, stands at the north end facing southward. He wears surplice and hood. Above his head, among clouds and seraphim, stands the Great High Priest before the sublime in cadis Altare. He stands immediately above the earthly minister, and looks in the same direction, but the Altar is turned so as to have its length or Notes. 695 side, not the end, before Him. Charles Wheatly's own view was that as ' Bishop Beveridge has shewn [Pandect, n. 76, 15], wherever in the antient Liturgies, the Minister is directed to stand before the Altar, the Northside of it is always meant.' Rational Illustration, ch. vi. i. And Northside Wheatly seems to have identified with north end. At the beginning of bishop Ant. Sparrow's Rationale of the Book of Common Prayer, 1684, reprinted by Parker in 1839, the saying of the litany is shewn in a view similar to that in my prayer-book mentioned above (p. 537), excepting that the view is taken from the S.E. of the Altar, so as to shew the faces and not the backs of priest and people. Also the priest kneels at a regular fald-stool, and wears a very long plain surplice : the book lies open in the midst of the altar for the use of one standing before it. There is another book for the litany. The altar stands apparently on three steps, near the west end of the chancel foot pace. This frontispiece is evidently a reproduction of that to the editions of 1668, 1676, 1704, which contain also (beside portraits of Hooker, Andrews and Overall) a curious representation of the delivery of a sermon ; the preacher wears a surplice with a stole or scarf, but in 1704 he has a black gown and bands. In Hierurgia Anglic ana is a lithograph taken from an illustration of Domns CartJmsiana, 1677 ; this corresponds very nearly with the picture in the Prayer-book of the same period (p. 537), excepting that in the former instead of a hassock there is a litanyrdesk and cushion, the altar stands on five steps instead of two, and the book is at the end and upon an inclined plane or desk. There is a copy of Sam. Herne's Domus Carth. in the Univ. Library, LI. (58) 8. 21. In our University Library [G. (46) i. 13] is a Prayer Book, London, printed by Charles Bill and the Executors of Tho, Newcomb, 1693, with a frontispiece (R. White, sculp.} of what it calls a Domus Orationis, with the door open, exhibiting within an Altar with a large dish in the centre, and a flagon on either side, the office-book resting on a cushion, open and almost entirely eastwards, as arranged for a priest standing in front, three parts to the east. It is quite at the north part of the side. 'A New Exposition On the Book of Common Prayer, &c., by John Veneer, Rector of St Andrew's in Chichester, London, C. Riving- ton, 1/27,' has a frontispiece with a congregation kneeling before the altar-rails. A priest in band, cassock, and gown, reads from the Prayer-book in a desk to the west of the congregation. On the midst of the Altar stands a handsomely bound book, upright on a cushion before the middle of the altar-piece, no doubt the Bible and Prayer- book bound together, which used to be thus placed in St John's College Chapel, according to Laud's injunction. Engraved by G. Vdr. Gucht, 696 Notes. In editions of Burnet's Abridgement of the History of the Reforma- tion, London, Ric. Chiswell, 1782 and 1783, in one compartment of the first plate, king (? Edward) kneels at the Altar-rails, a bishop at the north end. On it are two chalices, a large alms-dish leaning against the wall, no paten visible, a small square book (or a pall) leans against the flagon ; but quite out of the king's reach, and in the middle of the western part. Since the greater part of this and the preceding note were sent to the press, the Bishop of Lincoln has drawn attention, in the sixth of his Twelve Addresses delivered at his Visitation of the Cathedral and Diocese of Lincoln in the year 1873, Rivingtons, and Williamson, Lincoln, p. no, to another rubric, that of the Nonjurors* Prayer Book, 1718. (Hall's Fragmenta Liturgica, Vol. v.) ' Note, that whenever in this office the Priest is directed to turn to the Altar] [as he is in the Prayer of Consecration] 'or to stand or kneel before it or with his face towards it, it is always meant that he should stand or kneel on the North side thereof.' If however this be taken strictly, it would seem to imply that the. nonjurors stood at the North side to order the Bread and Wine. The evidence which has been given in the foregoing pages is neither exhaustive nor conclusive : and if it is of any interest to the antiquarian, it does not immediately affect the question of obedience. INDEX. %* Names &c. in italics refer to the University of Oxford. ABERDEEN, 170', 434 Abollatiph, 86 Absolution, 531 Abyssinia, 587 * Academia, or the Htirrrours of Oxford? 589, 654, 662, 679 Academic, the, 72, 429, 437, 616, 619, 624 Remarks on, 619, 620 'Accademy,' 547 550 4 Acis and Galatea,' 203 Act, the, 200, 283 308, 318 ' Act at Oxford' (a play), 101, 289295 acts (= responde'ncies) and oppo- nencies, 127, 142, 219, 245, 252, 280, 281 1 Acutus,' 618, 626 Adams, J. (King's), 606 Adams, J. (Sid.), 607 Adams, W. (Ch. Ch.), 311 Adants, W. (Pemb.), m Addison, Jos. (Magd.), 91, 140, 194, 311, 329 Addison, Laun. (Qu.), 297 Address to Members of the Senate, 78 . Addresses, Loyal, 36, 49, 50, 77, 334, 606609 Adkin, T. (C. C), 142 ' Adkin College,' 1 4 2 'ad oppositum,' 212, 247, 253, 254 'Advice to a Son,' 148 ' Advice to a young man of Qua* lity,' 149 ., 171, 185 'aediles,' 415417 1 aegrotat,' 244, 395 ' Aemilia,' 191 African Society, the, 587 age of scholars, 89, 94, 95, 638^ Agnodrk, 328 Aikin's songs, 357 Alban Francis, father, 10 albe, 500, 501 ' Albuma'zar,' 191,669 Aldrich, H. (Ch. Ch.), 28, i66i 285, 437, 468 ale, 127, 151, 572 Alexandras (Syros and TenoS), 319 Allen, P. (Job.), 7, 619 Allen, W. [or Ste.] (Trin.), 589 Allestree, Jas. (Ch. Ch.), 298, 30$ Alleyn, T. (Job.), 604 all-hallow-e'en, 668,- 669 All Souls', 34, 42, 46, 145. I4#* 150, 284, 305, 366, 412, 603 Alsop, Ant. (Ch. Ch.), 311 altar, 533543 Alworth, H. (Ch. Ch.), 680 Amey, Mrs (publisher), 434 Antherst, Nic. (Job.), 612 (see ' Terrae Films') Ammiconi, 393 Andrew'es, Laun. (Pemb.), 535 Angel Inn, the, 144, 1=5, 367 Angelo's, 18*5 ' anglers,'' 574 Anglesey, earl of, 64 angling, 144, 164, 173, 174, 244 ' Angola' (ma"n of), 626 Ansell, T. (Trin.), 70, 73, 620, 628 Anselm, Saint, 344 Anstey, Chr. sen. (Job.), 113 ' answerer,' 251, 258 'Antigamus' (Sawyer), 366 Antiquity Hall, 52, 151, 152, 66l apes-cloak, 520 Index. 'Apollo,' 133 Apoi&z/tW nonjurors, 604 Apostolic, the, 129 apparels, 523 Appeal, Right of, 74, 156, 630 apple dumplings, 582, 583 Appleford, R. (Joh.), 603 apron, 525 Archdeacon, J. (publisher), 428 archery, 92, 164, 457 Argus, 434 'Aristarchus,' 560 armed association, 185 Armitage, Chr. (Joh. and Pet,), 604 army-saints, 522 Arran, earl of, 36 Ascham, Rog. (Joh.), 92, 638 Ashby, G. (Joh.), 354 Ashton, C. (Jes.),'223, 622, 643 Ashwednesday, 124, 210 * Associators,' the, 39, 75, 76, 156, 434, 632 Astrop wells, 105, 404 'Athaliah,' 203 Athanasius (Greek archd.), 323, 3^4 'Athenian Oracle,' 141 Athens, 328, 423 Atterbury, Fr. (Ch. Ch.), 28, 35, 437 607 Atwell, Jos. (Ex.), 305 auction of doctors, 325 August ist, 46, 52 Augustinus, S., 421 (see ' Austins') 'Aulularia,' 189 Austen, Jane, 332, 405 'Austin, S., imitated,' 531 'Austins' (Augustinenses, Augus- tins), 315 3 1 7, 422 ' Authentic Narrative,' 70, 73 75, 616, 620 624 ' Author's Farce,' 401 Awbery, Sam. (proctor, Jes.), 168, 221, 223 Ayliffe,]. (New C.), 4 6, 299 Aynsworth, Ra. (Pet.), 68 1 Babler, the, 401 bachelor, 209, 257, 678 bachelor, the old, of the stool, xxvii. ., 211, 216, 227 backgammon, 433 Bacon, 453 Bagg's coffee-house, 145 Bagot, W, lord (Magd.), 421 Baillie, Joanna, 332 Baker, T. (dramatist), 101, 289 Baker, T. (Joh. 'eiectus'), 15, 20, 52, 156, 160, 260, 420, 604 baldacchino, 533 Balderston, J. (Emm.), 606 Baldrey, J. K., 136 Bald win (T. C. D.), 184 Baldwin, Tim, (All S.), 146 Bale, Sack. (Ch. Ch.), 313 Balguy, T. (Joh.), 72, 343, 619, 632 ball-court, 178 Balliol, 31, 51, 91, 99, ii2, 150, 229, 304, 323, 324, 444, 583, 604 bajstade, 664 Baltsar (or Baltzar), T,, 199 band, 102, 398, 456, 470, 471, 485, 491, 500, 503, 536 Bangorian controversy, 38 banterers, 153 Barbauld, Anna Laetit., 332 barbers, 127, 130138, 398, 419, 414, 458, 459, 472,658, 659 bardash, 470 Barell, J. (mayor), 425 Barnes, F. (King's and Pet.), 183, 196, 477, 608 Barnes, G. (Joh. and Qu.), 595 Barnes, Joshua (Emm.), jo8, 320 Barnes (waggoner), 4Q5 barometer, 225, 233 Baron,}. (Ball,), 52 barreld hose, 461 Barret (Joh.), 279 Barrow, Jas. (stables), 168 'basket,' 183 Baskett, Kingsm. (Trin.), 588 Bassi, L,aura, 328 Batcman, Edm. (Ch. Ch.), in Bath, the, 405, 430, 572 bathing, 163, 164 Bat hurst, Ra. (Trin.), 513 1 battels' 291, 414, 572, 573, 579 Battely, O. (Ch. Ch.), 311 battledore and shuttlecock, 166, 592 Index. 699 Baxter, Ri., 513 Bayley, Corn. (Trin.), 597 Bayley, H. V. (Trin.), 243 Bayliss (barber), 472 Beacon (proctor), 461 beaker, 130, 587, 658 Beale, (Job.), 281 Beale, T. (Pemb.), 149 Bear Inn, 142 bear-baiting, 178, 181, 659 Bearblock, Jas. (King's), 136 Beard, T., 668 4 beast, '644 ''Bean and Academic!?? 303 Beauford) T /^ \ r Beaufort [ J " (Trm ' ) ' 6 4 Beaumont, Jo. (Pet.), 440 beauties, the Camb., 397 bedel, the common, 298 bedel, esquire, 207 212, 214 218, 257, 554, 605 , yeoman, 255, 310 Bedford, Hilk. (Job.), 604 Bedingfield, Ro, (Ch. Ch.), 313 bedmakers, 3ro, 410, 411, 437 Beefsteak Club, 310 beer, 121, 431, 433 bell (college), 208 (univ. 'school,' S, Benet's), 216 (S. Mary's), 216, 225 Bell Inn (Gloster), 106 bell-ringing, 164, 166, 310 ' Bellus homo et Academicus, ' 303 Beloe, W. (Sexag. Corp.), 414 Bendall (barber), 133 Benedictines, 485 benedictions, 250 'bene discessit,' 60, 573, 576, 615 'bene le, bene con, bene can,' 197 * bene nati, bene vestiti, moderate docti,' 197 Bene't (see 'Corpus Christi Coll.') Benskin, miss, 391 Benson, E. (Joh.), 587 Bentham, E. (Ch. Ch.), 83, 85 Bentham, E. (Or.), 615 Bentley, Ri. (Joh. & f rin.), 37, 47, 49' 5357' 88, 113, 192, 221, 222, 255, 261, 319321, 359, 392, 559, 561, 606, 611,613,669 Berkeley, G. (T. C. D.), 232 'Berridges,' 335 Berynthia, tor, 292 Betham, E. (King's), 353 Beverley, J. (Chr.), 447449 Beverley, R. M. (Trin.), 440 'bevers,' 215, 216 Bezae, codex, 55 Bible Society, Camb., 357 Bickham, Jas, (Emm.), 76, 621, 632, 634 bidding-prayer, 419 Billers, J. (Joh.), 603 billiards, 180, 373, 667 Bilsborrow, Dewh. (Trin.), 588 Birmingham coaches, 407, 408 birretta, 499 504 Bishop, (Ball.), 604 Bishop (tailor), 453 bishops' sons, 223 bishops, the seven, n, 603 Blackall, Sam. (Emm.), 335 'black assembly,' 539, 611 'black book' 485 Blackburn, archd., 335 black-hood house, 38, 499 Blackstone, sir W. (All S.), 85 Blackwall, T. (Aberd.), 170 bleeding, 132 Blenheim, 572 Blenkinsop (barber), 572 Blue-Boar Inn, 65 'blue-coat,' 64 'blue-stockings,' 332 'boards,' 441 boating, 161, 174 176, 180, 397, 665 bob wig, 472 ' Body of Divinity"* (Fiddes), 367 boge = budge Bohun (Joh.), 90 Bois, (Pemb.), 173 Bold, T. (Ch. Ch.), 311 Bold, (Kath.), 604 Bolland, W. (Trin.), 591 Bologna univ., 328, 415 Bolton, S. (Chr.), 672 bonnets, 248, 488 Bomvicke, Ambr. sen. (Joh.), 15, 1 6, 604 Bonwicke, Ambr. jun. (Joh.), i 19, 91, 112, 117, 187 Bonwicke, Phil. (Joh.), 18, 91 'Booksellers' row,' 186 Index. book-strings, 682 Booth, R. (Ch. Ch.), 311 boots, 467, 478480, 487 'bore,' 404 Borlace, The High, 62, 153155 Borlase, W. C. (Trin.), 155 'bosh^ to 'cut a bold? 375, 471 Boteler, T. (Tfin.), 603 Bouquet, J. (publisher), 624, 630, 631 Bourdeaux, 432 Bourne, V. (Trin.), 411 Bnoles, II . (New C.), 298 Bviuks, Jos. (Or.), 583 bowls, 1 60, 1 80, 365, 373, 377$ 394, 396, 666 Bowyer, W., 16, 303 boxing, 183, 184, 238 boy, 92, 164 boy-bishop, 668 Bradley, Sav. (New C. and Magd.)j 433 Bra(i}thwait, T. (New C.), 35, 146 Bramston, J. A. (Ch. Ch.), 311 Brandreth, J. P. (Trin.), 597 brandy, 430432 Brasenose, 43, 101, 192, 305, 427, 473. 605 Brasier, J. H. (Sid.), 596 bread riots, 1 20 breakfast, 122, 126 28,433,581 Broadgate (inn-keeper), 150 Broadley, T. (Trin.), 596 Brooke (? H. Brooks, Or.), 583 Brooke, J. (Jes.), 409 Brooke, P. (Joh.), 614 Brooks, Jos. (Ch. Ch.), 297 Broome, W. (Joh.), 680 'brothers,' Tripos' senior and junior, 218, 219, 225, 246, 280, 282 Brown, Jas. (Pemb. ), 70, 616 Brown, J. (Trin.), 597, 598 Browne, G. A. (Trin.), 589 Browne, sir W. (Pet.), 45, 634 Browne, 461 'brown George,' 128 'brown-shillers,' 648 Bruft,G.(Ch. Ch.), 313 Bruce's Travels, 593 'Bruin' (Roderick Random), 430 Bruin, G., 426 Brummell, beau G., 478 Buck, 217 219, 249 254, 516 Buck, S. & N. (engravers), 510 Buddie, A. (Kath.j, 603 budge, 489 Budgell, Eus. (Ch. Ch.), 304 bugle fringe, 274 buildings, 391 397 Bull, W. (All S.), 146 bull-baiting, 17^181, 659 'bull-dogs,' Trinity, 679 Bullfinch, widow, 401 Bull Inn (London), 405 Bullingdon cricket club, 1 78 bully-cock'd hat, 375 Bunhill fields, 388 Burgundy, 430 Burke, Edm. (T. C. D.), 414 Burke, 598 Burleigh, J. (carrier), 407 Burleigh, lord, 189, 461 465, 505, 513 Burman, Fr., 122, 405 Burnet, Gil. (Edinb.), 7, 20, 28, 29. 34. 57. 434 Bur net (Mert.), 40 Burney, Frances (D'Arblay), 326, 33 2 * Burnt- Island] 173 Burrough, sir Jas. (Cai.), 394, 608 ' Bursch,' 42 1 Burton, Dan. (Ch. Ch.), 311 Bury, coach, 407, 408 school, 669 Busby, Ri. (Ch. Ch.), 310 Bushe, (King's), 59 butlers, 131, 223 butteries, 101, 121, 127, 272, 294, 44L 554 'butters,' 654 buttery-hatch, 93, 216 Button's coffee-house, 140 'buzzing,' 148 bye-service, 572 Byron, J. (Qu.), 362 Cabbage Hall, 151, 152, 388 Cade, Sal. (Ch. Ch.), 311 Caius Coll., Gonville and, 44, 225, 23. ^73. 394. 4^9, 468, 479, 506, 603, 604, 607, 639, 641, 675, 693 Index. ' Caius College Fox,' 675 calaber, 489 Calamy, Edm., senior, 513 , junior, 256 calcavella, 432 Calendar, Camb. Univ., 66, 83, 196, 236, 381, 408, 442, 639, 643 * Calumny refuted,' 6r Calves-head club, 34, 292, 613, 614 Calvin, J., 486 Calvin's Institutes, 30 Cam, see ' Cham ' Cambridge beauties, 397 Chronicle, 407 Guide, 406 Journal, 407 Odes, 644, 645 'Soph,' 6 1 'Tart,' 381 A Trip to, 195 'Triumphant,' 237 youths, the, 165 camels, Cambridgeshire, 666 camera, 88 Camillas,' 335, 511 camisia (ruffs), 152, 460, 468, 543 'Candidate' (Churchill's), 78 n. ' Candidate, or Cambridge Court- ship,' 78 n. Candlemas, 205 candles, 408 canions, 458 canons ecclesiastical, 466, 497 * Canterburie's Doome,' 535 cap, 67, 122, 249, 255, 256, 293, 375, 426, 456, 466, 470, 482 484, 486, 520, 524 'cap,' to, 103, 580, 648 .* Capitade,' 72, 618, 623, 625 * cap my cue (Q),' 652 'cappa' (cope), 648, 690 ' Cappadocians,' 625 capriole, 168, 663, 664 caput, 38, 69, 77, 8 1 'caputium,' 429, 494 caracol, 664 caragolo, 168 cards, 68, 147, 177, 178 career, 664 Gardes, T. (Ball.), 296 carere, 168 Carfax, 422 Caroline, Q., 29;?. Carr, T. (Trin.), 598 carriers, 407, 685 Carter, Eliz., 332 Carter, G. (Or.), 60, 583 carving, 400 Caryl, Lynf.Qes.), 33~ ' Caryophylli,' 143 cassock, 377, 462, 467, 516, 521, 525529 casting-cloak, 465 Castle, G. (All S.), 146 Castley, T. (Jes.), 409 ' casula processoria' = ' cappa,' 542 cat, 225 catechist, catechizing, 556, 565, 574, 578 'caterer,' cp. 105 Caterpillar Hall, 151, 152, 388 ' caterua,' 421 'Cato,' 194 caution-money, 113, 578 Cautley, T. (Trin.), 589 Cavendish, H. (Pet.), 655 Caves, W. (Magd.), 297 ' cawdel,' 205 'cees,' 650655 celebrant, position of, 533 538, 693696 celibacy at the University, 343 362 of the clergy, 34335 chafing-dish, 658 chair, 256 Cham, the river, 174 chamber-dekyn, 88 Chamberlayne's ' Angliae Notitia,' 406 Champagne, 401, 430 chancellor's medals, 634 ' chany,' 648 chapel, 552, 565 Chapman, T. (Pet.), 440 Chapman, T. (Magd.), 607, 622 Charleton, Hum. de, 422 Charlett, A. (Univ.), 44, 199, 322, 613 Charterhouse Club, 156 Chatterton, T. (S. T. C. on), 592 n. Chaucer, Geof., 392 702 Index. ' Cheape and Good Husbandry,' 167 'cherishings,' 167 chess, 141, 181 Chester, P. (Cath.), 617 Chesterton, 163, 175, 179, 180, 1 88, 189 Chichester, bp of, 65, 537 'child,' 92, 637 * children,' 209, 249 Child's coffee-house, 139, 532 chimere (episcopal choral cope), 690 Christ Church, u, 28, 35, 42, in, 120, 124, 273, 304, 308 3 1 /. 323, 324* 395 437 44 2 5 21 , Canons of, 120 ' Christ Church College,' 375 Christ College, 129, 190, 199, 206, 255, 321, 428, 607, 640, 642, 672 Christian, E. (Joh.), 83 Christian, J. (Pet.), 440 ' Christmas lord,' 667 ' Christmas prince," 1 668 chronologia librorum, 598 Chum, 101 chums, 8891, 635 637 * church-huzzaing,' 520 Cibber, Colley, 193, 283, 293 circuiting, 318 ' cisinge,' 458 citron, 375 ciza, 121, 649655 Claget, N. (Trin.), 261 'Clandestine marriage,' 195 Clapham's coffee-house, 146, 372 'clapping out,' see 'knocking out' Clare Hall, 48, 52, 113, 136, 190, 230, 273, 333, 391, 397, 412, 607, 639, 641, 693 Clarendon Buildings, 43^., 309 claret, 147, 429433, 689 Clarke [Clerk], Dr H. (Magd.), 7 Clarke, S., 513, 520 Clay Hall, 388 Clayhithe, 174, 175 Clayton, (Pemb.), 173 ,T. (Mert.), 357 , Mrs, 358, 359, 364 clergy, advice to the, 526 530 Clerk, (Pemb.), 173 clerum, 28o f 490 Clias, 1 66 cloaks, 513, 514 club (fashion of hair), 477 Club, the, 9;*., 153 ' Club Law,' 190 clubs (weapons), 426 clubs, 149, 150, 153 158 1 C lit si us, 310 'coaches,' 116 coaches (stage), 405 408, 688 coals, 458 Cobb, S. (Trin.), 41^., 168, 192, 220 226 Cock, J. (carrier), 407 cocked-hats, 451, 510 cock-fighting, 172, 178, r82, 183 Cockman, T. (Univ ), 58, 434 Cocoa-tree coffee-house, 139, 143 ' Coffee-House' (a play), 141 coffee-houses* 25, 67, 125, 127, 131, 138147, 178, 372, 375, 3 8 7* 39' 398, 402, 516, 517, 578, 581, 615, 648, 689 Colbatch, J. (Trin.), 55, 261 Coleridge, Hartley, 5, 54 Coleridge, S. T. (Jes.), 158, 589, 590, 592, 599 1 coll,' 151 ' Collectanea,' see ' Ashton ' ' collectors, ' 217, 317, 578, 670 ' collegium,' 112 Collier, W. (Trin.), 588 Collins, J. (Pemb.), 318 Collins, S. (King's), 281 Collinson, Sept. (Qu.), 87 Collyer, Jer. (Cai.), 192, 222 combination paper, 162 combination room, 129, 148, 161, 553 663 ' comitia maiora et mmora, 229 r 244, 277, 280 ' comitia priora et posteriora,' 210, 231243, 244, 255 comitialia carmina ( ' tripos verses'), 234 commoners, 97 common fire room, 553, 663 ' common room,' 162 common rooms, 148, 158, 663 Index. 703 commons, 120, 458, 651 commons, 291 commemoration, 203, 290, 318 Commencement, 190 Commencement of bachelors, 210, 244. 277 Commencement, public, 258, 275, 671 Commencement, the Great, 244, 280 'Commendations,' 245, 251, 253 *commensars,' 249 ' Companion to the Guide," 1 151, 387, 388, 66r, 663, 667 Company of Barbers, 131 compendiums, 30 1 Compleat Gentleman,' 164 'Complyers,' 44, 610 ' Comprehension ' scheme, 32 Comus, 627 * Concavumcappo-cloacorum,' 520 522 conclusion-book, roi, 117 ' concomitants^ 583 * Concordia discors,' 142, 238 concubinae clericbrum, 344 ' Conduct 108, 165 Dawkins, 171 Day's, Chas., Folly,' 196 Dtadmaifs Wall, 366 deans, 132, 441, 442, 588 deans of arts, civil law, divinity, football^ &c., 442 'dec : deceptio uisus,' 396 declamations, 451, 576, 588, 589 ' degraded seraphim,' 634 degrees, Proceedings to, 205, 207 220, 314318 Deighton (printer), 355, 356, 357, 382 Delaport, J., 144 Denison, W. (Univ.), 58 De Quincey, T., 54,' 55 Derby, 589 ' descendas,' 588 determiners, 210, 213, 217, 246, 247, 314316 detriments, 579, 691 Devie, J. (Emm.), 618 D'Ewes, Sir Symonds (Joh.), 101, 2 77 _ 2 8 3 Diamond Hall, 389 dibs, 177 dice, 68, 177, 178 Dickens, F. (Tr. H.), 156, 420 Dick's coffee-house, 390 'Dido,' 189 Dighton's caricatures, 408, 478 diligences, 407 Dillingham, W. (Emm.), 672 Dimmock's Court, 174 Dingley, W. (New C.), 298 dinner, 119, 121, 123 126, 6^4 657 dinner hour, 29 ., 34, 118, 119, 129, 657 'Dionysius,' 620, 621 discommonsing, 439 443 discommuning, 419, 440 Discontent, Wartorfs Progress of, i5 8 399. 400 * disses,' 214 Dockerell's coffee-house, 141 Dodd, A. (publisher), 4^4 Dpdwell, H. (Dublin and Oxon.), 14, 604, 610 Dogget, T., 46, 192 dogs, 67, 177 Index, 705 donnishness, 96, 158, 267, 285, 402 'dormiat' (cp. 283), 590 doublet and hose, 467 ' Douglas' (J. Home's), 195 Douglas, P. (Corpus), 609 Dovel, T. (Trin.), 345 Djwdcswell, W. (Ch. Ch.), 311, 3 J 3 downe-right Scholler (Earle's), 400 DoivwS) Theo. (Ball.), 604 Downing, 693 Downman, H. (Jes.), 589 Doyne, (Trin.), 597 dragoon guards, the 2nd, 9 Drake^ F. (Line, and Magcl.), ijr, 420 dramatic entertainments, 1 88 197, 222, 224, 288, 298, 437, 556, 582, 667 669 dress, academical, 241, 426, 454 458, 481543, 690 non-academical, 352, 375 378, 454481, 580 dressing for dinner, 130, 134 driving, 67 4 Drone Hall,' 553 drunkenness, 64, 147 Dryden, J. (Trin.), 140, 193, 283, 439 Dublin, 94, 184, 414, 604, Cio Duddery, the, 186 duels, 183, 184 ' Duke,' sir T., 626 ' Dun,' 616 Duncombe, J. (Corpus), 618 Dunkirk liturgy, 694 Duuton, J., 256 Duport, J. (Trin.), 234, 247 Durham, 536, 537, 542, 693 Dwight, ?P. (Ch. Ch.), 311 Dyer, G. (Emm.), 357 ^ Ri. (Or.), 670 Eachard, J. (Kath.), 104, 230, 307, 515522, 635, 648, 691, 692 Earle, J. (Mert.), 364, 377, 400, 68 r, 685 Eaton, ?M. (Pemb.), 173 Edge worth, Maria, 332 Edinburgh, 604 L. B. E. Edmund Hall, S., 22, 52, 124, 414, 6r 5 Edmundson, W. (Job.), 260 Edwards, J. (Trin.), 297 egg-Saturday, 315, 316 Egmont, 'Letter to Ld,' 72, 617, 618 Elbonne, 132, 475 'eldest brother,' 622 ' eldest son,' 216 elections, 614 Elizabeth, queen, 189, 616, 628, 633, 681 Ellis, J. ('S. Austin imitated'), 531 //, W. (Job.), 198, 199 Elliston, W. (Job. and Sid.), 182 Ely, bp of, 45, 59, 65 'emendanda (Whiston's), 562 566 Emerson, W. (Job.), 604 ' Emmanuel coffee-house/ 143, 144, 167, 386, 391 Emmanuel College, n, 29/2., 125, 161, 188, 335, 337, 380, 392, 393, 428, 477, 513, 606, 611, 623, 640, 642, 662, 672 'empty bottles,' 647 encaenia, 285, 306, 319 'engagement,' 674, 676 'Enormous Expence,' 14972., 168, 476, 491 entertainments at degrees, 205, 212, 213, 215, 245, 249, 251, 284, 317 'Epigram on an epigram,' 150 'Epistle to a Fellow Commoner,' 629 ' epomis,' 483 Erasmus, Desid. Roterod. (Qu.), 105 'ergo,' 231 Erskine, T. (Trin.), 134 Espriella (Southey), 109, 126, 174 Essex, Ro. Dever. 2nd earl (Trin.), 206, 456458 Este^ C. (Ch. Ch.), 309312 'ethick-table,' 117 Eton, 178 'eugh' trees, 583 Eusden, L. (Trin.), 261 ' evangelicals,' 80 45 7o6 Index. Evans, Abel (Joh.), 150 Evans, Sir Hugh, 467 Erans, J. (Hart II. & Waclh.), 29 Evelyn, J. (Ball.), 31,91, 286289 Evelyn, Ri. (Ball), 91 'Evening Contemplation in a Col- lege,' 159 'Every Day Book' (Hone), 450 453, 633 examination scheme (Jebb's), 336, 'Examiner' (newspaper), 605 'exceedings,' 121, 579 Exeter, 589, 604 Exeter College, 61, 131, 148, 305, 413, 612, 615 exit and redit register, 183, 578 'expence reduced,' 149;*., 413, 570 573 expenditure, 413 415, 557, 564, 569, 571583 expulsion, 59 'Extent of Cookery,' 133 ' Fair Statement,' 355 ' Fair Unknown,' 272 falcons, 177 faldstool, 695 Fanshaw, J. (Ch. Ch.), 312 Farish, C. (Qu.), 83, 356, 357, Sn Farmer, Ant. (Trin. & Magd. Hall), 7 Farmer, Ri. (Emm.), 161, 196, 337, 380, 391, 608, 662 fasts, 149, 458, 521, 553, 594, 598, 599 'father' in univ. acts, 206, 209, 216, 218, 219, 227, 231, 245, 249, 252, 280, 281, 301 ' FavonitisJ 304 Fawcett, Ja. (Joh.), 83 feasts, 149 Feather Hall, 151, 388 Feathers Tavern, 335 Fell,]. (Ch.Ch.), 315, 316, 437, 572 Fell, W. W. (Trin.), 596, 598 fellow-commoner, 31,67, 97, 100, I0 7, 399' 49 r > M, 647 'fellcrw-coni'itner,' 99 jlmale librarians, 380, 390 P^emale Student, 168, 398, ^99, 401, 402 fencing, 178, 185 Fenn, lady Eleanor, 332 fens, 176, 177 Ferrar, N. (Clare), 31, ioo. Ferrari, Dr, 107, 199 ferrets, 177 F'iddes, Ri. (Univ.), 367 Field, R. (Trin.), 297, 680 Fielding, H., 31, 430 figs, 212, 213 'Fikikaka,'634 Finch, 634 fines, 566, 579 fish-days, 122, 123, 149 Fisher, Bardsay (Sid.j, 37 Fisher, H. (Jes. ), 510 fishing, see 'angling' fitch, 489 ' Fitzrichards,' 627 Fitzwilliam, Ri. lord (Tr. H.), 523 Fitz Williams, J. (Magd.), 308 'Five Letters by a Templar,' see ' R. Robinson' fives, 178 Fletcher and Hodson (publishers), 353 Fletcher's library, 38*, 528 Fletcher, Phin., 669 flogging, 93, 439443, 501, 553, 689 ' floralia,' 408 'flourished' hood, 498 Flower's paper, 596 Fly, the, 405407 flying-coach, 405, 406 'focus in aulii,' 204 Fog, Lau. (Joh.), 646 foins, 489 football, 177, 170 'Forbidding to Marry' (Plumptre), 357 Ford ham (horsekeeper), 169 Forlow, A. S , 407 'Forrester,' 616 Forrester, Paul (Ch. Ch.), 312 Forster (Foster), Ro., 134, 137, 37 Fortnum, 132 Fortune (Coleridge's Ode), =',o Index. 707 Fortune, Juba (wine-merchant), 432 'Forward,' 626 Foster, see 'Forster' Fonlkes, ?R. or T. (Ch. Ch.), 312 founder's kin, 554 'four-and-tvventy-men,' 643 Fox Hall, 151, 388 'Fragment,' 66, 618, 621, 626 'Fragment, Another,' 72;*., 74, 616, 620, 627, 628 'Fragment, Key to the,' 70, 616, 623, 626, 627 'Fragmentum est Pars Rei fractae,' 74 11., 620, 628 Frampton, Ro. (Ch. Ch. and Corp.), n Francis, father Alban, 10 Francklyn, T. (Trin.), 70, 73> 74. 620 Franklin, F. W. (Pemb.), 589 Frederick, P. of Wales, 64, 608 Freecynicks, 153 ' Free Thoughts on Univ. Educa- tion,' 616 Freind, R. (Ch. Ch.), 312, 313 French (ecclesiologist), 531 french language used, 208, 212, 248, 250, 670 french lessons, 144 French Revolution, 171,238 240, Frend, W. (Chr. and Jes.), 356, 593, 59 8 Frere, J. Hookham(Cai.), 238, 479, 586 Frere, W. (Trin. and Down.), 242, 243 fresh fees, fresh treat, 206 freshmen, 204, 377 'Freshmen, Hints to,' 412, 433 S. Friedeswyde's, 131, 68 1 Fuller, T., 416 furniture, 411 413, 645 'Fusk,' Obadiah, Oi6, 627 Gaberdine, 461, 462 'Gaby? 615 'Gager's marke,' 417 Gale, 170 'galerus,' 459 gallicia wine, 150 galligaskens, 461 'gallop galliard,' 168 game, 176, 177 gaming, 183, 299 'Gammer Gorton's Needle,' 190 Gandy, J. (Or.), 605 Gandy, S. Whitl. (King's), 242 gardens, 352, 353, 358, 364368, 394397. 583. 6 88, 689 Gardiner, Ber. (All S.), 46, 298, ?6o5 Gardiner, G. (All S.), ?6o5 Garlick Row, 186 garnished caps, 249, 512 Garrick Club, 197 Garth, S. (Pet.), 633 gas, 408, 688 gate-fines, 443 gate-locking, 437, 438, 553 gating, 443, 445 Geast, H. (Ch. Ch.), 312 geneva (gin), 432 gentlemen-commoners, 97, 99, 101 (cp. 272), 646 gentlemen-serviters, 101 (cp. 272) George I., king, 4043, 53, 58 George, mother, 152, 297 George, W. (Ch. Ch.), 317 George, W. (King's), 607, 620 Gerard, H. (Wadh.), 297 Gibbon, Edw. (Magd.), 85,94, 117, 304, 368 Gibbons, Grinling (carver), 396 Gidding, 31 Gillam, E. (carrier), 407 Gilpin, Ja. (Ch. Ch.), 313 Gilpin, W. , 170 'Ginglekey,' Mrs (pew-opener), 5^9 Ginkell, W. G. F. R. (Trin.), 161 girdle (canonical cincture), 521 gladiators, 177 Glasgow, 434 Gleed, J. (Trin.), 591 Glendall, J. (B. N. C.), 192, 297 Gliddon's cigar divan, 479 Gloucester, prince W., duke, 133, 222, 238 Gloucester Hall (Worcester Coll.), 192, 324 gloves, 218, 237, 254, 273, 469 452 70S Index. Goad, Roger (King's), 351, 352, 362, 461, 506 - , Mrs, 352 ' Gobrias,' 627 Goddard, P. S. (Clare), 608 Godfrey, Sir Edmundbury, 633 Godfrey, T. (waggoner), 405 Godstow, 172 God-willing,' 688 Gogmagog hills, 168, 181, -223, -260, 402, 670 Goldsmith, O. (T. C. D.), 'Double Transformation,' 399 'Golgotha^ 43, 309 'gomers,' 310 Gooch, T. (Cai.), 44, 607, 611, 614, 627 Goode, W. (Tr. H.), 448 * Goodman,' 627 Goodwin, J. , 670, 674 Goodwin. T., 520, 571 n. Goose, mother, 153 Gordon, jemmy, 447 453, 6% Gordon, J. (Emm.), 335 gorget, 462 Gosnal, ? Lionel (Pet.), 118 Gostlin, J. (Cai.), 410, 479 gotch (beer-jug), 611 gothick, 234, 391, 396, 412 Gough, R. (Corpus), 171 Gower, Hum. (Joh.), 19, ?229, 646 gowns, 36, 67, 68, 1 02, 273, 275, 3!o> 375, 377, 4^> 454> 45^, 482485, 512530, 693 grace-cup, 655 'Gradus' (Who's the Dupe?), 307, 404, 473 'Gradus ad Cantabrigiam, 378, 439. 441446, 647, 648, 651 Grafton, duke of (Pet.), 65, 77 grammar, curious ceremony of in- cepting, 248 Grant or Cham, see ' Cham " Grant, C. (Magd.), 596 Grant, R. (Magd.), 173, 176 Grantchester, 173, 176 Gray, T. (Pet. and Pemb.), 63,64, 78, 127, 187, 390,633, 655, 689 parodied, 134, 159 great horge, 163, 167, 547 550 Great Tom, 310 Grecian eoffee-house, 1.39 Greeks visit the University, 319 325 Greek's coffee-house, 141, 199 Green, J., bp of Line. (Joh. and Corpus), 72, 429,437, 606, 608, 619, 624, 625, 627, 632 Greene, Man. (Mus. D.), 269, 276 Greene, T. (Corpus), 40, 73, 224, 625 Greenwood, R. H. (Trin.), 591 Gregory, Dav. (Ch. Ch.), 549 Gregory, H. (Ch. Ch.), 312 Grenville, G., lord Lansdowne (Trin.), 94 Grey, Zech. (Tr. H.), 628 'greyhounds,' 679 Grief (glazier), 453 Griffin, E. (U. S. A.), 435 griffin's head, 119 Grigg, W. (Clare), 52, 607 Grizzle-wig, 472, 473, 528 groats, 248, 253 Grose, 'capt.' ., 444 groves, 364, 368, 394 Gnibb,]. (Ch. Ch.), 308 ' Guardian' (a play), 192 Guardian (essays), 194, 298, 401 Guibbons, see 'Gibbons' ' Guide to the Companion? 387 Gunning, H. (Chr.), 409 (.running, Pet. (Clare), 246 Gutch's 'Collectanea,' 167, ^H, 568 Gv/ynne, Nell, n gymnastics, 166 Gynewell, J., bp of Lincoln, 423 Racket, J. (Joh.), 669 hackney-coaches, 279, 406 Hartley's coffee-house, 389 'haggard,' 671 Hailstone, J. (Trin.), 85 Hale, sir Matt. (Magd. II.), 19 ILtll, A. (mayor), 427 /fall, N. (Wadh.), 297 Hallifax, S. (Jes.), 335 halls, 151, 388 HalywdlMill, 192 Hambledon cricket club, 667 Hamilton's coffee- house, 375 Hamlet, ghost, 592 Index. 709 hammer (sledge), 184 Hammond, mother, 453, 454 Handel, G., 200, 201, 203 Handyside's regiment, 50 hanoverians, 41, 50 ' Plappiness of a good Assurance, ' 68 Hardwicke, earl, 77 Hare, F. (King's), 222 'Harlequin's Frolic,' 195 Hat-ley, Rt Hon. Edw/lord (Ch. Ch.), 313 Harper's coffee-house, 145 harpsical, harpsichord, harpsicon, 198, 200 Harrington, sir J., 188, 197 Harrington, T. (Ch. Ch.), 312 Harris, Ja. (lord Malmesbury), 147 Harris, J. G. (King's), 242 'Harry,' 623 harry-soph, 508, 556, 611, 643, 644 Hart (actor), 283 Hart // 145? 373> \ 39 S. James' coffee-house, 139 James I., king, 29, 30 James II., king, 6 n, 31, 32 James III., 42, 46, 47, 62 Jane, W. (Ch. Ch .), 32, 468,605, 606 January 3oth, 33 ' jarvey tile,' 480 'Jealous Lovers,' 669 Jeamson, T. (Wadh.), 308 Jebb, J. (dean of Cashel), 333 Jebb, J. (Pet.), 333340, 608 Mrs A. ('Priscilla'), 333 343 Jebb, Sir Ri., 338 Jebb, S. (Pet.), 170, 333, 338 Jdly-bag Club, 150 'jemmiest,' 398 'Jemmy Twitcher,' 78 Tenkin, Ro. (Joh.), 19, 260 Jesuits (S. J.), 8, 9 'Jesuits' (e coll. Jesu), 273 Jesus Coll. Camb., 120, 223, 230, 260, 261, 280, 409, 467, 587, 589, 590, 592, 640, 693 Jesus Coll. Oxon., 11, 272, 284, 305, 376, 5H' 605 'Jewish beards,' 527 ' Joan,' 687 Jobson, Cirques, 145 Johnian coffee-house, 143 'johnians,' 114, 190, 273, 336, 591, 678, 679 johnians, 305 John's coffee-house, 390 S. John's (Bapt.) Coll. Oxon., ir, 15 ;/., 18, 42, iso, 151, 198, 206, 299, 305, 365, 366, 376, 668 S. John's (Evang.) Coll. Camb., 15, 1 8, 19, 22, 23, 37, 59, 90, 92, 99101, 112, 115, 117, 119, i? 5, 132, 179. 188, 190, 260, 279, 280, 320, 354, 392, 410, 429, 438, 454, 603, 604, 638, 640, 646, 662, 667, 678, 679, 693 Johnson, Mr E., 136, 384, 409, 45 ii 453 Johnson, J. (Magd. and Corp.), 34 Johnson, S. (Pemb.),45 ii37i 429 Johnson, T. (Joh.), 604 Johnson, T. (Magd.), 418 Johnson, W. (Qu.), 192 Johnson's Aristarchus, 560 Johnsorfs coffee-house, 387, 389 Jolly's tavern, 473 Jones, J. (Ball.), 150 Jones, R. (Joh.), 171 Jones, T. (Trin.j, 588 Jones, W. (Ch. Ch.), 312 Jones, of Nayland, W. (Univ. ), 385 Jones, Sir W. (Univ.), 117 Jordan, W. (Pemb.), in Jowett, Jos. (Tr. H.), 83 'J. R.,'6r 5 Jubb, G. (Ch. Ch.), 313 Juggins' coffee-house, 127 jumping, 1 80 June loth, 610 Katherine Hall (S. Catharine's Coll.), 104, 230, 410, 428, 603, 604, 607, 623, 639, 642 'Kays,' see 'Caius Coll.' Keate, J. (King's), 242 Keble, J. (Corp. and Oriel), 94 Keeling, Yen. (Ch. Ch. ), 298 Keene (barber), 131 Keene, Edm. (Pet.), 64, 66, 71 n., 72, 75, 617, 618, 621 624, 629, 630 'keep,' 'keeping-room,' 88, 89, 637 Keith, (Ch. Ch.), 314 Kelly, Hugh, 401 Kemp,}. (Ch. Ch.), 312 Kempe (comedian), 652 Ken, T. (New C. and Hart H.), n, 19, 667, 669 Kendal, (Ch. Ch.), 313 Kennicott, Ben. (Ex.), 86 Kenyen, E. (Joh.), 604 kercher, 460 Kettle, Jos., 195 712 Index. Kettle Hall, 192, 297, 388 4 Key to the Fragment,' see 4 Frag- ment,' &c. Kidney Hall, 151, 388 Kimberley, T. (Ch. Ch.), 312 King, C. (Ch. Ch.), 604 King, sir Peter, 58 A7^(Kyng), J. (Ch. Ch.), 174 King, W. (Ch. Ch.), 420 King, W. (S. Mary H.), 626 King's Coll., 37, 59, 129, 156, 173, 189, 190, 191, 203, 221 223, 242, 243, 249, 352, 353, 379' 397, 4 2 9 443, 4&I, 47, 540, 606, 611, 636, 639, 6 4 i, 653 6 93 King's Hall, 636 King's Head Tavern, 42, 153 Kipling, T. (Joh.), 55, 59 s Kirk's coffee-house, 126 kiss, 256, 263 Kit-Cat Club, 633 Knipe, T. (Ch. Ch.), 312 Jnox( l Knock' inGradd. Oxonn.), Vices. (Joh.), 100, 114, 415 ' Labyrinthus,' 190 Lacedemonian broth, 144 lad, 92 ladies, 261, 272, 326372, 390, 397404 ' Lady's Library' (Steek), 332 ' Laity's Remonstrance.' 140 Lake, J. (Joh.), u, 603 Lake, W. (Joh.), 603 'lakers,' 172, 665 Lakes, (King's), 352, 461 Lambert, Ro. (Joh.), 59 ' lambethinum,' 625 Lamkyn, W., 454, 455 Lamphire, J. (New C.), 147 Lan franc, 344 Langton, L. (Magd.), 303 Langton, Ste., 34-1 Langwith, Ben. (Qu.)i H3 Lansdowne, lord (G. Grenvillc, Trin.), 94 lanterloo, 517 lantraton, 517 Lany, E. (I'emb.), 606 Lardner, Nat., 599 Laud, W. (Joh.), 31, 535 Laughton, J. (Trin.), 13, 113 Laughton, Ri. (Clare), 113, 141, 156 laundress, 132, 410, 414, 458 la j treat of Trinity, 390, 391 Laurence, French (Corpus), 87 Law, Edm. (Pet.), 330, 336, 392, 608 Law, W. (Emm.), 231 Law, W. (Serious Call), 29 Law, bp of Chester, 537 law act, 282 Lawes, ? W. (Chr.), 40 Leach, T. (Joh.), 604 leading strings, 525 leap frog, 166 lectures, 117, 555, 568, 575, 589, 59 r le days, 208, 214 Lee,tG. (Ch. Ch.), 312 Leech (fruiterer), 458 le fe days, 214 Legge, 668 Le Grice, C. V. (Trin.), 589, 666 Le Hunt, Ri. (Ch. Ch.), 312 Leicester, 531 Leigh, Ant. (actor), 283 Leigh, Clem. (Chr.), 242 Leigh, (? Fr. Lee), Joh., 605 Leigh, Theo. (Ball.), 153, 304, ;:.s ' Lelia,' 189 Le Merchant,]. (Pemb.), 173 Lemon Hall, 151, 389 lent, see ' quadragesima ' It nt verses, 308 314 4 lesson,' 280 'Letter on Celibacy of Fellows, '355 Lever, T. (Joh.), 93, 94, 119, 63^ Lever idge, 295 f^'inz, Bapt. (Magd.), 7 Levinz, W. (Joh.), 296 levites, 518, 692 Lewis, J. (Jes.), 605 Latns,?]. (Ch. Ch.), 314 Lewis, T. (Magd. 11.), (-05 4 liberatura' = livery money libraries, 368, 377, 380, 385, 553, 587593, 589. 682 * licet migrare,' 577 lillibullero, 633 Lincoln, bp of, 59, 6.; Lincoln coll. , 58, 305. 413,419, 605 Index. Lind, Jenny, 201 Lindsey, Theo. (Job.), 337 ' lion,' 593 liripipe, liripoop, 493, 494 lisbon wine, 432, 433 litany days, 530 4 Literary Society,' 158, 589593 livery-money, 488 Lizard, Jack, 401 Lloyd, C., 596 Lloyd, sir Nat., 392 Lloyd, W. (Jes.), 308 Lloyd, W., bp Llandaff, Peter- boro', Norwich (Job.), 610 Lloyde, \V., bp S. Asaph, Lichf., Coventr. and Worcest. (Or. and Jes.), ii Locke, J. (Ch. Ch.), 304, 590 'locutorium,' see 'combination- room ' ' lodge,' 88 lodgings, 356, 553 Logman, D. (engraver), 352, 358, 366, 397, 490, 497, 498, 508, 509, 5 12, 516, 666 logick tables, 1 1 7 'Loiola,' 199, 669 lollards, 306 Lolly Pelham, 628 Lombe the Ink Man, 592 London brown, 495 Long, Roger (Pemb.), 40, 231, 259, 261, 607, 622, 627, 662 long-bullets, 184 Lothario (col. Bute), 78;;. lotteries, 183 lounge, 587 593 lounge-book, lounging-book, 378, 386 'Lounger,' 145, 146, 241, 310, 372, 412 loungers, 138, 142, 373, 374, 378, 386 Louse, mother, 152, 297 Louse Hall, 152 Louth, Ko. (New C.), 85, 86, 421, 59 Louvain Univ., 325 Low, Ed. (Ch. Ch.), 308 low-church, 32, 34, 56, 57 Loyal addresses, 36, 49, 50, 77, 334, 606609 Lucar, Cyril, 324 ' luctus et gratulationes,' 609, 610 Limn, Sarah, of Bath, 128 Limn, W. H. (publisher), 646 Lyne, Mat. (Emm.), 106 Ri. (King's), 106 Lyne^s coffee-house, 375 Macclesfield, Id, 53, 567 569 mace cup, 622 ' Machiavellus,' 1 90 Macmillan, 379 Macsycophant, sir Pert., 99 madeira, 432, 433 magazine, Univ., 592, 593 S. M. Magdalen Coll. Camb., 45, 47, 48, 59, Si, 112, 391, 418, 419, 603, 607, 608, 610 S. M. Magdalene Coll, Ox on., 7, 9,14, 29, 51, in, 117, 303, 306, 327 350, 3 6 4, 366, 368, 375, 394, 420, 433, 604, 605, 635 Magdalen Hall, 131, 148, 315, 605 Maidwell, L. (Joh.), 167 mail coach, 408 'Major,' the, 138 Malborfs coffee-house, 145 Malcolm, Gil. (Trin.), 5^7 Maleverer, see ' Mauly vercr ' Malniesbury, see Harris Malone, Ed in., 195 Malthus, T. R-, 357 Maltby, E. (Pemb.), 537 Manaton, R. (Ch. Ch.), 312 Manchester, earl, 6, 677 manciples, 131 Mander, Roger (Ball.), 323 Manning, H. E. (Ch. Ch. and Mert.), 585 Manning, T. (Cai.), 137 Manning, T. (Joh.), 101 ' Man of Feeling,' 432 Mansel, W. Lort (Trin.), 29;;., 196, 449, 476, 479 Mansfield, Ja. (Qu.), 4^8 Manton, (Ch. Ch.), 312 Manzolina, 328 mappesian library, 378 'Maps' (J. Nicholson), 2 36, 378 385, 447, 449, 593 Mar, earl, 50 Index. Margate bathing, 357 ' marine,' 647 Markham, Gerv., [67 Markham, \V. (Ch. Ch.), 310, 314 Marlborough, duchess of, 29 marriage, 268, 272, 343 363, =53, 569 Marriott, Ja. (Trin. H.), 428 Martyn, T. (Emm.), 623 Martyr, Mrs Peter, 350, 68 1 ' Martyrologie ' (S. Clarke's), 520 Mary II., queen, 37 S. Mary Hall, 323 Mason, W. (Joh. and Pemb.), 63, 65, 72, 616, 619, 633 Mason, W. (picture dealer), 450, 451, 689 Massey, Middleton, 28 n , 572 Massey,}. (Ch. Ch.), 28 Master of Arts coffee-house, 141, 66 1 Master of Arts coffee-house, 387 Master of the Games, 204 Master of the Union coffee-house, Masters (terrae films), 296 Masters of Arts, 402, 427, 497, 554, 555, 59 8 mathematics, 590 596 Mathias, T. J. (Trin.), 20;*., 196 matriculated tradesmen, 1 30, 398 Maulyverer, J. (Magd.), 603 Mawson, Matthias (Corpus), 59, 314, 6'5 May 28th, 41 29th, 41, 49, 612 Mayo, C. (? B. N. C. and Joh.), 85 Mayor, J. E. B. (Joh.), 16, 603 ' Mayor of Garrat' (Foote's), 195 Meadowcourt, Ri. (Mert.), critical Mede, Jos. (Chr.), 88., 89 'Medley,' 4ist no., 146, cp. 605 ' Metre young Gentleman of the Vniuersitie" [Earle's], 377 meeting-houses, 41, 42, 48, 427 ' Melanthe,' 191 'men,' 637, 644 Menenius Agrippa, 634 menever, 489, 497 merchant taylors' School, 16, 612, 669 ' Mercurius Rusticus,' 6 Meredith, sir W., 335 Mermaid tavern, 422 Merrill (printer), 528, 591, 593, 631 Merton College, 40, 42, 51, 145, 147, 154, 166, 204, 306* 317, 357 3 6o > 3 6 4368, 373, 377, 395, 400, 423, 612 Merton Pool, 163 * Merton Walks, or the Oxford Beauties,' 367, 371 'Metamorphosis of Cambridge/ 617 Metcalfe, L. (Joh.), 454 Middleton, Conyers (Trin.), 53, 56, 156, 170 milk-punch, 594 Miller, Edm. (Trin.), 53, 57, 558 -561 Miller, Ja. (Ball.), dramatist, 305, 366, 444, 446 Milles, Is. (Joh.), 646, 667 Millington, T. (All S.), 146 Milner, Is. (Qu.), 84 Milner, J. (Jes.), 260 Milton,"). (Chr.), 206, 255 ' minutum varium' = menever Mitchell, Ja. (Tr. H.), 598 mockado, 463 Mockmode, 401 Modd, G. (Trin.), 224 moderators, 66, 213, 258, 260, 281 ' modius sal him,'' 680 modus, 400 mohocks, 39, 428 Monmouth, duke, 468 Montagu, Eliz., 332 Montagu, lady M. Wortley, 33 r, 401 Montague, J. (Trin.), 13 1 Montpelier,' 1 366 Moore, J., bp of Ely (Clare), 45, 413 More, Hannah, 332 Afo,sirT,tCanterb. C. = Ch. Ch.), I2O Morgan, Caroline, 363 Morgan, W. (Ch. Ch.), 605 morning draughts, 127, 128, 433 Morrison, Morison, Morisone, KO. (Univ. incorp. from Anjou), 54'; Index. 715 Moseley, C. (Mert.), 154 Moss, Jos. (barber), 131 Mower, J. (Mert.), 298 Muddiman's newsletter, 126 ' mumbles pouch,' 509 'Mun,' 618, 622, 626 * mundungus,' 662 Murray, W. (Ch. Ch.), 314 'museum,' 89, 413, 457, 635, 636 Musgrave, M. D., 549 music, 197 203, 274 music act, 248, 254, 280, 301, 3 r 9 Music Club, 129 ' Music Room] 201 music speech, 259 nntsick speech, mnsick lecture, 295, 308 Nanton, (King's), 35-2 narrare, narrations, 119, 577 Nash, ?Ri. (Ch. Ch.), 314 'Naufragium Joculare,' 192 Naylor, J. (Joh.), 603 A T eale, see Edm. ' 'Smith* necessary regency, 211 ' Neck or Nothing,' 129 Negri, Sol., 172 Nelson, R. (Trin.), 610 Nelson Coach, Id, 408 Neophytos (abp Philippopolis), 319324, 681 Nevile, T. (Jes.), 618 Nevile's 'Poor Scholar,' 386, 441 Newcastle, T. H., duke, 64, 65, 76, 77, 632, 634 A\-> College, u, 42, 145, 197, 298, 3i9. 3 2 7> 395, 433, 44*, <>35, 669, 670 Newcome, J. (Joh.), 627 Newcome, W. (Hart H.), 87 Newman, (King's), 352 Newmarket, 37, 68, 169, 183,325 Newnham, G. L. (Trin.), 243 'News from both Universities,' 220, 298 newsletter, 126 Newton, Long, 15 Newton, Is. (Trin.), 37, 101, 186, 232, 234, 239, 411 Newton, Ri. (Ch. Ch. and Hart H.), 60, 61, 312, 413, 438, 570583 Nichols (Westmr.), 70 Nichols, J. (printer), 16 Nicholson, J. ('Maps'), 236, 378 385, 447 -- , J. (junior; publisher), 357, 379> 38i, 38^, 384 Nicholson, Margaret, 326 ^nick-nackatoryS 291, 292 ^ night- capS 3 11 'night-cap Brother' (Goodwin), 520 Nile, battle of, 243 'non-ens,' 643, 644 nonjurors, n, 12, 14, 19, 22 24, 32, 33, 41, 603605, 610 non-regent house, 38, 49, 75, 611 Nonsense Club, 150 North, hon. J. (Jes. and Trin.), 122, 126 , Roger, 127 ' North and South,' 427 ' Northern Worthies ' (De Quincey) , 614 Northon, PNorden, Edm. (Ch. Ch.), 308 ' not-scholars,' 643 Nottingham, 666 'Nourjahad' (Mrs Sheridan), 598 novel reading, 375, 383 389 November fth, 230, 613 - 7th, 70, 633 633 123 Noiucll, T. (Or. and S. Maiy H.), 87 number of students, 98, 639 643 Nuneham, 172, 173, 175, 665 Nutting, J. (Pemb.'), 605 Gates' plot, 279 oaths (of qualification, allegiance, supremacy, protestant, &c.), 23, 47, 62, 107, 245, 247, 249, 251, 254, 603, 605, 638 ' Observations on the Regulations,' 73 'Observator,' 517 519, 605 'Occasional Letter to Dr Keen,' 66, 617 ' 7 i6 Index. 1 ocreatus,' 476, 481 October 2oth, 40 Oddie, Jos. (Trin.), 91 ode, 6372, 319 oil lamps, 408 410 'Old Maids' Club,' 156 Oliver's waggons, 407 'Olympic games,' 181 Opie, Amelia, 332 opponents, 353, 280 282, 301 opposers, 249 uptimes (senior and junior), 210, 232 orange pills, 121 orator, public, 69, 319 orator's book, 322 Orde, T. (King's), 453 'Orders and Regulations,' 6576, 95, 616-633 ordinary, see 'readers' Ordination Candidates, 57, 433 organs, 198, 203 Oriel College, ir, 34, 42, 43, 58, 60, 145, 306, 317, 358, 605, 670 Ormond, duke of, 36, 43, 50, 311, 323 orphreys, 534 'Orthodox and Nonjurors,' 321 Orwell, 261 Osney council, 344 'Osorio' (Coleridge), 597 otter hunting, 142 Ottway, C. (Joh.), 603 ' ould bachilour,' 211 Ovington (Norf.), 333 Owen, col. , 46 Owen, J. (Corpus), 591 Owen, J. (Ch. Ch.), 521, 692, 693 Owen, \V. (Trin.), 594 Oxford, quarrels at, 57 59, 60 ' Oxford Act, a Poem,' 298 ' Oxford Cantabs,' 172 ' Oxford Guide,' 412 ' Oxford Honesty,' 1 61 ' Oxford Loyalty, ' 613 ' Oxford Packet,' -298, 366 ' Oxford Pocket Companion,' 394 ' Oxford San sage J 372, 412, 663 Oxford Wktet, 606 Qxonium Poema,' 163 oysters, 215, 284, 670 pack-horses, 407 Page, W., 93 Paley, W. (Chr.), 333335- 336 ] 'aimer, J. (theatrical lessee), 196 Palmer, S. (Ch. Ch.), 312 Palmer's mails, 407 ' Pammachius, ' 189 IIa/i0Xert/f6i', 387 pamphlets, 24 26, 72, 660 pancake-bell, 124, 657 pane, 463 'Panegyric on Oxford Ale,' 127, 146, 373 pantables, 464 pantaloons, 130, 658 Paradise Garden and Walks, 365, 366, 375 'Paria, 191, 669 Paris, J. (Trin.), 632 Parker, Mat. (Corp.), 349, 68 r - , Mrs, 349, 68 f Parker, , 8 parlour, 539, 663 Parr, Sam. (Joh!), 83, 84, 662 Parsons, Ant. (Ch. Ch.), 309 parurae (apparels), 523 Paston, W,, 92, 439 Patteson, sir J. (Award Act), 157, 222,t|.l8 Pattison, W. (Sid.), 173, 379 'Paulinus,' 335 Payne, H. (publisher), 388 - , J., 624, 630, 631 ' Peace and Union' (Frend), 356 Peacham, H. (Trin.), 164 Peachell, J. (Magd.), 10 Pearson, Mat. (? Nat.), Joh., 604 Pearson, E. (Sid.), 157 'Pedantius,' 189, 668 ' pelagian,' 673 ' Pelham' (E. B. Lytton), 450 Pelham, H. (Corp. and Pet.), 629 Pelham, T. Holies, 65, 76, 77 Pemberton, , 174, 176, 428 Pembroke College, Oxford, 99, in, 133, 134, 149, 173, 197, 318, 368, 605 Pembroke Hall, 40, 63, 72, 195, 206, 233, 234, 259, 261, 603, 606, 608, 639, 641, 662 Penn, W., 9 Penniless Bench, 205, 669 Index. 'Pennyworths of Truth' (Mrs Jebb), 343 'pensionarii maiores ac minores,' 79 pensioner, 88, 97, 639 Pepper, gen., 46 Periwinkle, princess, 195 Perkins, J. (Newton's ' bedmaker '), 411 Perl, A. (Qu.), 604 Perne, A. (Pet.), 541 j-erriwig, 518 Perse School, 447 ' Persius, ' Peter, 645 perukes, 468 Peterborough, 65 Peterhouse, 13, 23, 45, 64, 73, 75, 109, 116, 118, 119, 122, 127, 132, 133, 149, 161, 170, 178, 179, 183, 198, 221, 229, 392, 432, 440, 467, 473477, 522, 535, 537, 539, 54 1, 603, 6o 4 , 606, 608, 618, 639, 641, 655 657, 671, 673, 681, 693 pews locked, 358, 519, 681 'phanatical habit,' 520 pheasants' eggs, 29 Philalethes,' 100, 114. 415 Philippopolis (archbishop of), 319, 324, 680, 68 1 Philipps, ' good Mr ' (parish clerk), 528 Phillips, sir Erasm. (Pemb.), 99, 149, 183, 200, 318, 368 Phillips, Ste. (Trin.)i 604 Phillips, W. (Kath.), 604 ' Philogeorgius et Philobentleius,' philosopher, 231, 247, 252 philosophy act, 214, 218, 282 physick garden, 290, 310, 396 pig market, 316 'pileati,' 254, 467 Pilgrim, 452 pillion, 249, 407 pinked, 462, 467 Blind PinnocKs, 15 r Pinock, W. (B. N. C.), 605 pinsons, 464 Piozzi, Hester Lynch, 332 Piscatory, 669 Pitt, sir T. (Id Camelford), 335 Pittis, T. (Trin.), 297 plate of ale, plate money, 291, 457, 680 plays and players, 188 197 'Pleasure of being out of Debt, 1 169 Plot, R. (Magd.), 396, 549, 604 Pluck, Art of, 385,433 Plumptre, J. A. (Chr.), 357, 665 Plumptre, Ro. (Qu.), 221, 410, 417, 428, 608 'plum pye,' 623 'Plutus' (Aristoph.), 188 pluviale, 542 ' Pocket Companion for Oxford] 394 Pococke, Ri. (Corp.), 86 'poculurn gratiae,' 655 Poetical Club, 149 politeness, 400 ' Political Justice ' (Godwin), 356 poll, oi ToXXol, 210, 244 polyglot Bibles, 386 ' Pompey the Little,' 634, 646, 649, 663 Poole, M. (Emm.), 513 'Poor Scholar' (Nevile's), 140, 386, 44 i Pope, A. (publisher), 627 Pop/tain, E. (Oriel, Selecta Poem.), 303, 309 Forson, R. (Trin.). 84, 161, 385, 473, 662 port, 430433, 627 porter (street), 433 posers, 217 Postlethwaite, T. (Trin.), 184, 608 posts, 405407 'potation' of figs, &c., 213 Pot Fair, 276, 277, 678 Potter, (Trin. )j_ 439 powder, hair, 476, 477, 528 powdered, 462 Powel, G. (Covt. Garden), 194 Porwel, Walt., 201 Powell, W. S. (Joh.), 100, 335 340, 619 Powell, justice, 146 Powis, Id (Joh.), 100 praelector, 117, 209, 458 praevaricator, 207, 228, 229, 244, 246, 247, 252, 253, 254, 257 7 i8 Index. 259 277279, 282, 307, 576, 676 praevaricators, 289 preaching, 281, 468, 518, 519, 541 'Precilla,' 687 pre-elections, 554 preferment, 102 presbyterians, 41 Prescott, J. (Ch. Ch.), 312 president (arbiter bibendi), 148 president's table, 109 Pretyman, G. Tomline (Pemb.), 608 Pricke, (King's), 352 Prideaux, Hum. (Ch. Ch.), 529, 551557 Priestley, Jo., 338, 588 prig. 376 Prime, Ri. (Trin.), 476 prince's stuff, 474, 491, 523 princox, 645 printing-press (papistical), 9 Prior, M. (Joh.), 613 priorums, 208, 217, 218 4 Priscilla,'687; (Mrs Jebb), 337 340, 342, cp. 687 private tutors, no, nr, 114 n5 ' Privileges of the University,' 427, 428 prize-fighting, 183 Procter (horse-dealer), 311 proctors, 51, 69, 70, 127, 156, 1 86, 210, 217, 218, 230, 244, 245, 255. 277, 281, 300, 317, 419 421, 461, 485, 554 professors, 83 87 programma, 46, 62, 133, 146, 181, 187 ' Progress of Discontent,' 158 pro-proctors, 34, 187 Proudman, J. (Jes.), 643 Pryme, Abr. de la (Joh.), 22, 90, , G. (Trin.), 157, 407, 476, 477 Prynne, W. (Oriel), 535 public orator, 69, 319 pudding-sleeves, 516, 523 'Pulpit Oratory' (Philagoretes), 325, 528 punch, 130, 141, 581, 582, 594 punishments, 438452 pupil-mongers, 87, 112 114, n ^ Pureseye, ( ), 461 puritans, 31 Pync, W. (Ch. Ch.), 605 'q.' 'q,' 65 655 quadragesima, standing in, 210, 2i7> 3H quadragesima, sitting in, 219 disputations, 314 3'8 Carmina qnadragesimaha, 309 3H quadrant = quadrangle or College Court, 352, 496 quadrantarii, 97, 654 quakers, 42, 660 qualification, oaths of, 23, 24, ^55, 563 Quarles, (Pet), 440 quarrels, 57 61, 555 Quatrevois Carfax, 422 Queen's Coll. Oxon., 305, 322 Queens' Coll. Camb., 37, 105, 113, 189, 191, 192, 221, 273, 356, 362, 39 f > 393, 394, 39 6 . 397. 410, 428, 477, 603, 604, 607, 639, 641, 642 Queens' mill, 174 querpo cloak, 520, 693 questions, 214, 218, 219, 245, 251 questionists, 207, 208, 217 De Quincey, T., 54, 55 quiristers (choristae), 197 * quod petis hie est,' 186 quoifs, 543 quoits, 163, 178 'raced,' 462 racquets, 666 Radclijfi (the camera), 62, 63, 420 4 Rag,' Captain, 472 Rainbow coffee-house, 390 ramillie wigs, 469 Ramsden, R. (Trin.), 588 Randall, D. (fruiterer), 453 Randolph, ?T. (Corpus), 340 Randolph, T. ('Jealous Lovers'), 669 Rawlinsoni Ri. (Joh.), 20 Rawlinson, Tom, * Folio J 20 Raymond, Jemmet (Edm. II.), 615 Index. 719 reader, 458 _ readers, ordinary and cursory, 208 [see however Mullinger's Hist, of Camb. 1874, Appendix], 211, 3'5 reading-parties, 172 recantations in hall, 118 Redcock Hall, 389 Red Lion Inn, 65, 157, 260 Redmayne, P. (Trin.), 603 Reed, Is., 196 'Reflections on the Caelibacy of Fellows,' 355 'Reflections upon Learning' (Ba- ker), 20 regent claustral, 248 regent house, 38, 49, 269 regents and non-regents, 211, 245, 247 regent-walk, 69 registrary, 208, 217 regulars and seculars, 344, 346 Regulations, New (1/50), 6577, 95, 616 629 Reinolds, E. 513 rent, 221, 414, 415, 579 replicans magister, 301 Resignation, A Late, 632 respondent, 'responsall,' 213, 216, 249, 251 responsal seat, responsal stall, 209, 211, 251, 670 Restoration, the, 31 'Return from Parnassus,' 190, 636, 64*, 651, 682 Reynolds, H. R. (Trin.), 587 Reynolds (Reynold), Ri. (Tr. H.), 59 'rheno, 499 rhum, 433 'Richard,' 622 'Richard III.,' 189, 668 Richardson, J. (Pet.), 221, 606 Richardson, W. (Emm.), 471, 622, 623 Richmond, Legh (Trin.), 587 Riddinge, Amias (Joh.), 626 riding, 67, 164, 167170, 223, 239, 311, 400, 402 Ridley, Gloucester (New C.), 86 Ridley, Nic. (Pemb.), 92 Ridlington, W. (Tr. H.), 75 Rigi (Switz.), 172 ring, 256, 263 Rivingtons, 357 'Roarers,' 204 Roberts, ?J. (Ch. Ch.), 314 Roberts, J. (publisher), 613 R\pberf\s, (Magcl. H.), 298, 680 Robertson, Abr. (Ch. Ch.), 87 Robery, R. (Ch. Ch.), 680 Robinson, J. (publisher), 434 Robinson, Ri. (Wore, and Qu.), 27, 39 304 rochet, 501 Rod well, Josi. (Joh.), 593 Roe (picture dealer), 453 'Roger,' 622 Rogers, J. (Pemb.), 346 Rogers, Nic. (Oriel), 34 Rooke, G. H. (Chr.)/6 4 , 66, 607 rooms, 411413, 456, 457 rope-dancers, 582 Roper, F. (Joh.), 19, 604 rose, tory white, 38, 6ro Rose Inn, 143, 405, 406 Rose Inn (? London), 275 roses, rosettes, 468, 526, 529 rostrum, 292, 302, 303, 319 Rotheram, W. (Ch. Ch.), 680 Rough, W. (Trin.), 589 Rouse, 535 Rouss (bedmaker, Trin.), 411 ' Roxana,' 189 Royal Interference, 10 Royal Society, 287 royal visits, 37, 53, 237, 609 ' Royston horse,' 427 ruffles, 375 ruffs, see 'camisia' Ruggle, G. (Trin.), 'Ignoramus,' 30, 191, 668 running, 180 Russel, ?Ri. (Ch. Ch.), 312 'russels,' 454 Rustat, Tob. (Jes.), 442 rustication, 118, 441, 442, 445 Rutherforth, T. (Joh.), 84 Rydal, E. (publisher), 515 Ryley, E. (Trin.), 589 Saccarii, see 'scaccarii' Sacheverell, H. (Magd. ), iin., 34. 35. 9 1 * 33-> 3 66 > 6 33 720 Index. sack, 162, 429, 433, 441 Saffron Walden, 260 sage (? saye), 454 Sainsbury, J. (Ch. Ch.), 312 Saint Mary's (University Church, Camb.), 67, 68, 2 4 6, 250, 253, -255, 259, 269, 280, 282, 419, 566 Saint Mary's University Church, Oxon., 195, 285, 286, 300, 309, 358, 422426 'salt-box pockets,' 478 salting, 204, 457 Saltonstall, (Jes.), 280 'salve Regina,' 120, 649, 650 'Samaritan Supper,' 129 Sam's coffee-house, 519 Sancroft, \V. (Emm.), n 13, 23, 33 3 2 4 Sandby, G. (Magd.), 608 Sanderson, Nic. (Chr.), to Sanderson, Ro. (Line.), 19, 419, 420 Sanderson, (Job.), 604 'Sandtown,' 78 Sandwich, earl (Trin.), 78 Sans Souci Club, 156 Satterthwaite, Ja. (jes.), 587589 'Saunderson's lodgike,' 455 'S[avag]e,' W. (Emm.), 611 Sawyer, T. (Magd.), 308, 366 'Saxons,' 427 Say, C. (publisher), 619 saye, 454, 456 Sayman (Seaman}, W. (Hart II. and Or.), 60, 573, 583 scaccarii decretum, 454, 689 Scandal Club, 296 scarf, 501, 516, 531 537 scarlet, 275, 276, 530 scarlet-days, 530 'schemes,' 163, 473, 663 'schemes,' 663 S. Scholastica, V. (Feb. TO), 421 426 Sc hollars Pool, 1 63 'sch oiler,' 92 ' school feasts,' 436, 437 schools, 211 schools bell, 670 sconce, 444, 445 'Scotch Presbyterian Eloquence,' 5H Scott, sir Walter, 175 Scott, sir Will. (Univ.), 85 scourers, 428 ' scraping,' 228 Scrivener, H. (Pemb.andCai.), 603 ' sculls, ' 43 ' Scyros,' 191 Sealy, W. (Ch. Ch.), 312, 314 Seaman, L. (Pet.), 671, 673 Seaman, W., see 'Sayman' Seatonian prize, 634 Sedgwick, A. (Trin.), 444 Sedgwick, W. (Qu.), 632 Stgar, Ste. (B. N. C.)/6o5 Seldon, PMich. Sheldon (Ch. Ch.), 28 senate, 66, 77, 8r, 634 'Senate' Senate House, 115 Senate House, 115, 269, 286 seneschallus, 688 'Senile Odium,' 191, 669 seniority reserved, 244, 255 sermons, 125, 281, 463, 518, 519, 54i 'serpeger,' 'serpeigiare,' 168, 664 servitors, 97, 101 no, 291, 41,?. 649, 650 ' The Seruitonr, a Poem' 101 104 Settle, Elk. (Trin.), 633 Seward, miss, 589 'Sexagenarian' (Beloe), 414 Seymour, C., duke of Somerset, 13 Shaftesbury, Ant. Ashley- Cooper, (Ex.), 305 Shakespere Club, 197 'Shakespere Gang,' 196 'Sharp,' 6 1 8, 626 Sharp, W. (Ch. Ch.), 314 'shashandae fenestrae,' 222 Shaw, T. (Edm. H.), 615 Sheepshanks, J. (Trin.), ^95 Sheldon, Gil. (All S.), 28, 531 Shenstone, W. (Pemb.), 106, 133 Sherard, lady Dorothy, 333 Sherlock, T. (Kath. H.), 38, 44 , 45, 47, 260, 434, 607 Sherman, H. (Ch. Ch.), 312 sherry, 432 Sherwin^ 44 Shilleto, Ri. (Trin. and Pet.), 419 Shifrivay (barber), 367 Shirley, J. (Trin.), 297 Index. 721 shock, 578 shoes, 130, 134 shooting, 67, 68, 176, 177, 241 Shotover, 311 shove-groat, shovel-board, 181 Shovel, sir Cloudesley's wig, 473 Shrove Tuesday, 124, 205 sice, see 'size' sice-cue, 653655 'Sicelides,' 191, 669 Sidney Sussex College, 173, 229, 23, 273, 325, 397, 607, 608, 640, 642 Simeon, C. (King's), 173, 442, 473, 664, 665, 68r Simeon, H. (Reconciliation abjured], 245 singing, 197, 213 sir = B.A., 118, 279, 280, 440, 467 'Sisera,' 340 Six Articles, 345 Sweet Sixteen, 138 sixteen-men, 643 sizars, 67, $8, 97, 98, 101, 170, 236, 648654 size, 121, 650 655 sizing-bell, sizing-bill, 129 sizing-party, 129, 130, 587 sizings, 122, 291, 458 skabilonians, 461 Skelton, P. (T. C. D.), 184 Skelton's Oxonia Antiqua, 66 1 Skinner, (Trin.), 119, 128, 130, 665, 666 skittles, 102, 1 66, 473 Skynner, J. (Ch. Ch.), 314 Slatter, F. (Corp.), 308 'Sleek,' S., 470 slops, 463 slop-shoes, 479 sloth, 124, 133, 159 sloven, 471, 4.72 small-pox, 357 Smallwood, ( ), 230 Smalridge, G. (Ch. Ch.), 311, 312, 437 ' Smart,' 101, 372, 375, 389 Smart, Chr. (Pemb.), 108, 195, 234, ^36, 4^9 662, 669, 679 Smart, P., 535, 537 'smarts,' 305, 471 SMEC[TYMNVVS], S. Afarshal, E. L. B. E. Calamy, T. Foung, M. A^ew- comen, W. .Spurstow, 676 Smith, Charlotte, 589 Smith, Edm. (Ch. Ch.), 312, 472 Smith, F. (Union coffee-house), H3 Smith, H. (Ch. Ch.), 680 Smith, J. (King's), 631 Smith, Ro., 'Bobus' (Trin.), 238, 239242 Smith, T. (Qu. and Magd.), 604, 605 Smith, W. (publisher), 617 Smith's Prize, 634 smoking, 158, 160, 161, 236, 638, 662 Smollett, T., 430432, 634 Smyrna, 324, 325 'Snap,' 628 Snape, And. (King's), 559 snipe, 176 snuff, 268, 274, 475, 662 'socii studiorum,' 98 sofas, 41 v Somerset, lady liar., 155 Sommers, lord, 36, 552 'sons,' 209, 216, 218, 219, 245, 253 Soone, W. (Trin. H.), 426 77 Co0te, 320, 321 'Sophista,' 68 sophs, 68, 412 South, Ro. (Ch. Ch.), 287 Southey, Ro. (Ball.), 109, no, T74 Sparrow's 'Rationale,' 695 Spectator, 593, 605 Speculative Club, 157 Society, 596 'Speculum Crape-gownorum,' 515 520, 691, 692 Spencer, sir T., 298 'spittle-house-end, 224 sponsor, 648 sported oak, 409 squared hood, 498 'squaring the circle,' 512 'squib,' 627 'squils,' 304 Squire, C. (Pet.), 119 Squire, S. (Joh.), 66, 622, 624, 626, 627 4 6 722 Index. 'Squirt,' 622, 627 Staal (chemist), 548 Stafford (widow), 405 stamel, 645 n. 'Standish,' 621, 626 stang, 433, 444 Stanyan, Stanion, F. (Ch. Ch.), 312 Stabbing, H. (Kath.), 621 Steele, Ri. (Mert.), 33 33 2 , 373 605, 633 Stephens, .,325 Sterne, Ri. (Jes.), 467 Sternhold and Hopkins, 519 Stevens, G., 195 Stevens, G. A. (Lect. on Heads), 592 Stevens, L. (Ch. Ch.), 312 Stevens' Theatrical Booth, 195 steward, 688 Still, J. (Joh.), 190, 197, 227 still-house, 127 Stillingfleet, Ben. (Trin.), 332 E. (Joh.), 247 stocks, 471 'Stoicus Vapulans,' 191 Stokes, W., 185 Stokys, Mat. (King's), 201, 202, 215, 244249, 417, 494 stoles, 500, 501, 531 Stone, A. (Ch. Ch.), 312 stone-halls, 663 Stonhouse, miss, 154 stool, see 'tripos' and 'bachelor' Strachan, W. (Edin. and Ball.), 604 'Strait Waistcoat for Lunatics,' 593 Stratford, W. (Ch. Ch.), 312 Strephorfs Revenge, 371, 682 Strickland, Ri. (Magd.), 308 Strickland, T. (Trin.), 589 'Strictures upon Discipline,' 149, 523* 645 Strype, J. (Jes. and Kath.), 120, 410 stucco, 393, 396, 682 1 Student' (Oxf. & Camb. Monthly Misc.), 151, 236, 373, 386, 398", 399, 402, 411, 471 study, see 'museum* Stukely (Hunts), 333 Stump Hall, 151, 388 SturbridgeFair, 125, 186, 187, 192, J 93> r 95 197> 272 n., 275, 406, 553. Stuteville, sir Martin, 89 sub-fusk, 481 subscription, 336 sub-sizars, 88, 101, 164 ' Succus,' 29 'suis,' 278, 678 'Sultanas' (fashion in dress), 275 Sumner, C. R. (Trin.), 157 Sunday ill-observed, 185, 189, 658 660 superfrontal, 533, 668 supper, 119, 124, 128, 129, 597 supplicat, 75, 634 surplices, 164, 497, 530, 37, 695 ' suspectae de malo,' 363 Sutton, J. (Ch. Ch.), 312 Swift, Jonat. (T. C. D.), 94, 605, 633 Swyndlestock, 421 Sykes, D. (Trin.), 477 'Sylvanus,' 190 Sylvester, Silvester, Tipp. (Pemb.), 149 Syrnonds, J. (Joh. and Pet. ), 83 Syntax, Dr (Coombe's), 526 ' tables' =' boards,' 105 taffeta, 458 'tag,' 166 Talbot, C. (AllS.;ld.chancellor),34 Talbot, (Pet.), 440 'Tale, a Evg. Post,' 616 Tambroni, Clotilda, 328 tansy, 121, 649 'Tap,' 'my lord Tappes,' 667 tapers, 408, 688 'Taste in High Life' (Hogarth), 470 Tate, W. (Trin.), 587 Tathwell, Cornw. (Joh.), 628 ' Tatler in Cambridge,' 176 Tavel, G. F. (Trin.), 590 taverns, 67, 127, 147, 162, 180* 422, 553> 565 taxors, 219, 221, 415 419 Taylor, J. ('Demosth.,' Joh.), 269, 270, 633 Index. 723 Taylor, J. (univ. marshal), 449 'Turk' (Trin.), 156, 427 tea, 127, 128, 144, 375 'Teague, ' 283 Telegraph Coach, 408 ' Templar, a,' see RL Robinson ' Temple of Silence,' 387 Tenison, T. (Corp.), 34, 321 ten-men, 643 tennis, 67, 178, 310, 377, 666 tent wine, 433 ten-year-men, 643 terra-a-terra, terra-terra, 168, 664 terrae fifais, 26, 150, 192, 207, 285, 288. 293 299, 302307, 576, 678, 680 'TerraeFilius' Papers ( Amherst's), 149, 302, 368371, 401, 442, 444, 449, 470, 471, 573, 574, 612 'Terrafilius,' 434 Terry, T. (Ch. Ch.), 312 tesselated pavement (Hearne), 311, 66 1 testimonium, 566, 576, 578 ' The Thanksgiving,' 34 'theatre/ 73 theatre, Sheldonian, 200, 201, 285, 288, 302, 319, 326 thirds, thirdings, 579 Thirlby, Styan (Jes.), 606 ' Sir Thomas' of White's, 140 Thomas, T. (Ch. Ch.), 312, 314 Thomas, W. (Joh. and Jes.), n Thoresby, Ral., 113, 259, 405 Thornton, ?Bonnell (Ch. Ch.j, 150, 3H Thorpe, J., 45 Thrale, Hester Lynch, 45 Three Tuns Tavern (Oxon.), 51, 149, 150 Thivaites, E. (Qu.), 322 'tick,' 471 'Tiled Booth,' 187 - - Halls,' 663 Tillotson, J. (Clare), 33, 91 TillyarcFs coffee- house, 140 Tilt, W. (Trin.), 592, 593 tilting, 164 Tilyard, Chr. ( ^.455 tippet, see 'hood Tit-up Hall, 388 toast and ale, 127, 128 (cp. 291) 'toasts,' 73, 148, 275, 292, 303, 363. 367373 toga talaris, 483, 512, 523 'Toleration of Marriage' (Farish), 356 Toilet, (Ch. Ch.), 312 'Tom,' 622, 627, 629 Tomkinson, ( ), 603 Tomlinson (=Jacklin), barber, 138 Tomlinson, Kellom, 185 Tom's coffee-house, Camb., 146, 373 Tom's coffee-house, Lond., 140 Tom's coffee-house, Oxon., 145, 146, 390 ' ton, 404 Tonstal, PTunstall, Ja. (Joh.), 156 Tooke, B. (publisher), 520 Topham's caricature, 409 tories, 36, 63, 69, 79,80, 153, 393, 523 Torkington, Ann, see 'Mrs Jebb' Torless, Ri. (Joh.), 308 'Tory, old,' 'Friendly and Honest Advice,' 398, 6n, 629 tournaments, 164 tours, 170 172 Tower, (Joh.), 242 town-and-gown, 156, 307 , relations between, 216, 363. 3 68 , 415428, 577, 6n Townshend, C. viscount, 45, 552, 634 Townson, T. (Magd.), 170, 420 tractarians, 80 Trapp, Jos. (Wadh.), 45 treasury, 192 treats at degrees, 212, -213, 215, 554, 566, 57 8 ' fresh-treats,' 206 Trelawny, Jonat. (Ch. Ch.), n trencher- caps, 509 trenchers, 122 Trimmer, Sarah, 332 'trimmers,' 34 trim-trams (toys, trifles), 163 trindle-bed,' see 'truckle-bed' Trinity College, Cambridge, 13, 15, 37, 47, 48, 53 57 73, 88, 89, 101, 117, 121, I2t, 130, 137, 724 Index. 161, 179, 188, 189, 203, -221, 722, 224, 230, 261, 273, 274, 321, 345. 359 39 2 > 439. 449> 4 68, 477, 479, 506, 55956i, 585599' 6 3 6 4, 608, 6 1 1, 614, 640, 642, 653, 669, 671, 676, 693 Trinity College, Dublin, 184, 414 Trinity College, Oxford, 42, 1*9, 128, 130, 135, 145, 304, 327, 364, 390, 396, 439, 583 Trinity Hall, 13, 73, 392, 420, 429, 448, 523, 639, 641, 653, 693 Tripe Hall, 388 tripos (a stool), xxviiw., 241 tripos (a personage, see 'bachelor of the stool '), xxviiw., 207,211, 216, 218230, 246, 247, 277, 279, 678 'tripos-days' and 'tripos-lists,' first and second, 210 'triposes,' see 'tripos- verses' tripos, mathematical, xxviiw., 116, 118 'tripos-speeches,' xxviiw., 26, 40, 4i., 192, 204, 219, 231 'tripos- verses,' xxviiw., 26, 108, 137, 141, 175, 177, 181, 219, 228244, 251, 253, 255, 382, 678 'Trip to Cambridge '(Smart), 195, 662, 669 Tristram, T. (Pemb.), 150 'trivium,' 556 Trollope, W. (Pemb.), 233 'Trotley,'sirJ., 473 trousers, 130, 658 truckle-bed, 89, 457, 635, 636 True- Blue Club, 157 ' truncke fashion,' 464 Trye, T. (publisher), 620 ' Tit Barber ad Fireworks ,' 131 Tubb, J. (barber), 131 ''tuck,' 205 Tucker, dean of Gloster, 626 Tuckney, Ant. (Emm.), 672 Tudway, T. (organist, King's), 37 tufts, 470, 508, 510, 574 Tunstal, ja. (Joh.), 113 Tuns Tavern, 70, 149, 156,441 Turk's Head coffee-house, 140 Tuner, Bryan (Joli.). 646 Turner, Fr. (New C. Oxon. and Joh. Camb.), n, 12, 603 Turner, J. (Chr. and Joh.), 230 Turner, Josh. (Pemb. ), 608 Turner, R. (Wadh.), 680 Turner, W., 92 n. tutorial fees, 113, 114 tutors, 87, 96, 99, IOT, no, 112 114, 555, 638, 646 Tutsham, (Trin.), 280 Tweddell, T- (Trin.), 588 , Ro. (Trin.), 589, 591 ' Twitcher,' Sly Jemmy, 78 tye-wigs, 375> 4 6 9> 47* ty ring-room (Trin.), 193, 222, 669 Tyrius, Maximus, 589 Tyrwhitt, Ro. (Jes.), 334 Tyson, Mat. (Corp.), 334, 608 Udall, Nic., 189, 439 Uffenbach, Z. C. von, 20 n., 89, 107, in, 122, 141, 165, 181, 182, 199, 318, 364366, 391, ' Vmbra Comitioram,' REPRINT, 670678 ' Undergraduates, Plain and Friendly Address to,' 476 Union coffee-house, 142, 143, 238 Union Society, 157 University Church, 194 (see, ' Saint Marks') University College, 44, 58, 5-9, 117, 118, 199, 322, 429,434 'University Magazine,' 592, 593 Miscellany? 298 Universities influence, 7, 58 upperstocks, 463 Up ware, 174 Urry, J. (Ch. Ch.), 605 'Vacation exercise' (Milton), 207 vacations, 277 Vach (co. Bucks), 359 ' Vade Mecum, Clergyman's' (John- son), 34 * vainly and prophanely walking ' [or ' sitting], 659, 660 vair, 489 Valentine's, S., day, 1688-9, 13 ' Valetudinarian,' 192 Index. 725 Vanburgh, sir J., 145 Vanderheyden, J. (Or. and Magd.), 317 Vane, (Pet), 73, 74 varier, see ' praevaricator ' ' varmint '( = ' fast'), 480 Varnon, (Ch. Ch.), 314 Vaughan, Dick (coachman), 408 Vaughan, E. T. (Trin.), 589 vaulting, 185 vellum button-holes, 473 venison, 29, 284, 394 ' vepers ' (vesperiae), 2 44 2 49, 288, 300 'Vergerius,' 621 Vernon, F. (Ch. Ch.), 163 Vernon, (Trin.), 73, 74 verses, gratulatory, &c., 609, 610 vestments, eucharistic, 541, 542, 728 vice-chancellorship, candidates not heads, 81, 6n vice-chancellor's court, 73, 190, 405, 419 vice-gerent, 173 vice-president (toast-master), 148 Vince, S. (Cai.), 83, 84, 593 Vincent, Nat. (Clare), 107 Vincent, T. ('Paria'), 669 'Vindication of the Cambridge Ladies,' 397 of the Oxford Ladies, 366 violin, 172 violin-playing, 198 203, 308, 400, 455 < virtuosi, 146 visitor, 58, 59, 552, 564-, 568 visits, royal, 37, 53, 237, 609 Vivian, W. (Corp.), 87 Voelker, 166 volunteers, 185 Wadham College, Oxon., 9, 29, 42, 145, 286, 366, 612, 680 Wainwright, J. (Ch. Ch,), 312 Wake, W. (Ch. Ch.), 12 Wakefield, Gil. (Jes.), 137 Walden, 402 404 Walker, Obad. (Magd.), 8, gn., 28, 283, 680 Walker, W. and J. (engravers), 397 walking, 170, 171, 591, 597, 665 Wall, Mart. (New 0,87 Waller, J. (Corp.), 224 , W. (Trin.), 617 Wallis, J. (Qu. Camb. and Ex. Oxon.}, 167, 286, 548 wall-lecture, 112, 315, 318 Walpole, Hor. (King's), 127 Walton, Iz., 419 , Jonat. (Trin.), 589, 594 Wanley, Hum. (Univ.), 199, 66 1 Warburton, W. (M.A. comm.reg.), 170, 542 Ward, G. (Univ.), 59 Ward, Seth (Sid.), 229 Waring, E. (Magd.), 83, 303, 304. 343 Warren, J. (Ch. Ch.), 312 Warton, T., earl of Wharton, 633 Warton, Tom, sen. (Magd.), 45 , Tom, junr. (Trin.), 63, 85, 127, 205, 373, 387, 390, 399, 400, 061, 663, 667 Wase, Chr. (Ch. Ch.), 605 Waterland, Dan. (Magd.), 45, 47, 48, 59, 81, 112, 419, 436, 607 Watson, M. (printer), 355 Watson, Ri. (Trin., bp'Llandaff), 84, 108, 114, 125, 171, 333336, 343, 608, 647 Watson, T. (Joh., bp S. David's), 107 'Way to get Wealth' (G. Mark- ham), 167 Webb, W. (publisher), 626 Weeksey, >r T. (Or.), 58 Welbank, T., 401 Welborn, Ro. (Ch. Ch.), 312 ' Welsh and English,' 427 welt, 462, 466 Wesley, J. (Ch. Ch. and Line.), 57, 58, 134, 305 , Sam., sen. (Ex.), 128, 413, 658 , Sam., jun. (Ch. Ch.), 35 West, (Ch. Ch.), 304 West Indian, 195 Westminster Club, 70, 74, 156, 428 ' Westminster Hall,' 388 Westminster School, 311, 668 Weybergh, (Qu.), 605 Whalley, major-gen., 660 726 Index. WhalleyJ. (Pet), 632 Wharton, H. (Cai.), 357 - , T. (Pemb.), 64 Whewell, W. (Trin.), 421, 435, 438, 49i whigs, 36, 40, 41, 59, 80, 283, 612 Whishow, Whishaw, J. (Trin.), 237 Whisson, Ste. (Trin.), 81, 336 Whiston, W. (Clare), ion., 48, 107, 141, 413, 442, 562566, 694 White (chemist), 549 While, Jos. (Wadh. and Ch. Ch.), 86 , Kennet (Edm. H.), 34 White, T. (Joh.), 11,603 'white-boys,' 517 white-cockade, 6n Whitefield, G. (Pemb.), 106, 134, 4i3 White-Hall, 583 Whitehall, Ro. (Ch. Ch.), 296 white rose, 610 White's (alderman) 'daughter, 368 White's chocolate-house, 140 Whiteside, J. (B. N. C.), 66 1 Whitgift, J. (Pet. and Trin.), 216, 227, 466 ' Whittington and his cat? see ' Antiquity HalV 'Who's the Dupe?' (Mrs Cowley), 307, 404, 473 Wickham, miss M. , 154 Wicksey, T. (Or.), 58 Wigan, G. (Ch. Ch.), 31* - J. (Ch. Ch.), 312 'wigs' (tea-cakes), 628 wigs, 130134, 136, H4 375 377, 468472, 477, 508, 527 Wilberforce, W. (Joh.), 99 Wilcocks, Jos. (Ch. Ch.), 314 , J. 632 Wilcox, J. (Clare), 39, 76, 607, Wilder,]. (Pemb.), 173 Wilkes, J., 608 Wilkins' theatre, 196 William, Prince of Orange, u 1 5, 17, 28, 29, 32, 36, 107 Williams, G. (Corp.), 87 Willis, T. (Ch. Ch.), 10; Will's coffee-house, 139, 140 Wilson, Dan. (Edm. H.), 170, 414 Wilson and Fell (publishers), 353 Winchester school, 1/8, 197, 216, 256,3>9 3' 637, 657, 658 - , synod at, 344 window-breaking, 70, 190, 222 wine, 37, 130, 147, 148, 150, 429 -435 689 Wise (barber), 47* Wish (landlord of 'the Tuns'), 71, 149 Witmore, 401 wits, 146 Witty, (Pet.), 440 Wolveridge, Ant. (All Souls), 308 Wood, A. (Mert.), 198, 204, 308, Z 1 7> 357i 425 4 2 7> 4 2 9 , E. (Mert.), 317 Wood, Jas. (Joh.), 410 Wood, Ri. (Joh.), 297 Woodison, Ri. (Magd.), 85 Woodroffe, B. (Ch. Ch.), 324 Woodstock, 172 Woodward, J. (Pet.), 274, 603 Woolaston, F. J. H. (Sid. and Trin. H.), 83, 238, 591 Worcester u\\., 42, 305, 324 Wordsworth, Chas. (Ch. Ch.), 585, 666 Wordsworth ,Chr. (Master of Trin. ) , 158, 583599 > J- ( (Trin.), 585 , W. (Joh.), 116, 171, 172, 589, 590 'Work for Cutlers,' 191, 669 Worthington, J. (Pet. and Joh.), 24, 603 Wortley, B. (Cai.), 604 Wotton, Sir H. (NewC. and Qu.), Wotton, W. (Kath.), 94 Wrangham, Fr. (Trin. H.), 238 wranglers, 115, 158, 210, 232, 398 Wren,Chr. (All Souls), 147 Wren, Matt., sen. (Pet.), 535, 537 Wren, Matt., jun. (M.A., Oxon.), J 47 , Tho. (M.D., Oxon.), 147 wrestling, 163 Index. 727 Wright of Derby (artist), 523 Yates, Lowther (Kath.), 609 Wright, W. (Alderman), 424, 425 yawning, 108, 235 writing, 213 ' Year Book' (Hone), 406 Wyatt, W. (Ch. Ch. and S. Mary's yeoman bedell, 509 Hall), 323 yew-berries, 365, 366 Wynne, Hug. (All S.), 605 Wysse, T. (S. Mary's C), 583 Zodiack Club, 157, 661 Zodiack (Dr Long's, Pemb.), 662 ERRATA. page line from for read 30 8 top second sound 4 15 ... Lang Long 94 15 in 1667 about 1677 133 5 bottom add loose and untied 232 16 top optima optimfe 233 9 Idem Idea 242 247 309 313 ii 15 10 IO bottom top bottom Gaudy St Mary's Golgotha Crackenode Gandy, of King's [I have not succeeded in disco- vering this piece of Duport's] St Mary's, Golgotha Clayton Cracherode 317 10 Van der Hwyden Van der Heyden 6 Lucas Lucar 444 ii feasts Jeasts 457 note 2 See notes See Hone's Year Book, 597608 458 12 ... Walcote Walcott 573 5 top Action Account 588 7 bottom Basketh Baskett 59 1 top Bollond Bolland 15 Tell Fell 606 4 bottom Thomas Green John Green ADDITIONAL NOTE. (P. 538.) Mr Wright, who was elected fellow of Balliol in 1784, has left on record that the Master of his college, Dr Thcophilus Leigh, not only bowed to the Altar on entering and leaving the college chapel j but at his country living of Huntspill (1767 1785), dio. Bath and Wells, he always wore a distinctive vestment at Holy Communion, for he was a constant resident at his rectory in vacation time. CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED BY c. j. CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWI LOAN DEPT. B ^al^ 1 sff4W^ Renewed books are subjeftto immediate recall. 21Ju!'62SSg REC'D LD WLJ^^^ riU BIO-MED INTERL18RARY LO. ONE MONTH AFTER RECEIPT -Ecnar-refT~ri33& * - alifornia Berkeley GENERAL LIBRARY - U.C. BERKELEY -' : 1 ^^J : ;^' ; 1 >- .--../- -. ". , : V