THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES B. 0. BV/ T -* LAWYr.R DALLAS, TEXAS PITMAN'S SPEED PRACTICE BOOK COMPILED BY ARTHUR M. SUGARMAN, B.A. Chairman Department of Stenography and Typewriting, Bay Ridge High School New York NEW YORK ISAAC PITMAN & SONS, THE PHONOGRAPHIC DEPOT 2 WEST 45xH STREET AND AT LONDON, BATH, AND MELBOURNE Copyright, 1915, by ISAAC PITMAN & SONS PREFACE The essentials for the attainment of high speed in shorthand writing may be summed up briefly under the following heads. First: A thorough mastery of whatever system of shorthand is learned. Second: An unhesitating use of all the word-signs and contractional devices employed in that system. Third: A wide and ever-increasing vocabulary. Fourth: A familiarity with the best r.r.isi educate those forces the family, the community, the church 840 to understand and to perform their share in education; if 3 * we are to aim for balance in education we must* 80 reform our curricula, must enlarge the uses of the schoolhi must spend three and four and ten times a,* much ss|1 upon our schools as we to-day provide. If we-" 90 are to make morality the supreme end of education we 400 must ourselves live bettor lives; we must make 68 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE our cities 410 and our towns more decent places in which to rear 420 a child. "Broadly speaking, the conditions essential to a real 430 education are: stimulating, healthful, moral surroundings for the child every- where 440 and every day; less of politics and meddling; more of 460 the true science and art of education in the average 460 school; small classes, in which each child may be really 470 educated as an individual human being; well-educated teachers in 480 every grade, and a strong professional spirit in the whole 490 teaching staff; genuine and unflag- ging co-operation on the part of 500 the fathers and the mothers, and much more generous support 510 from the public, to whom the public schools belong. "To 620 secure these things and build from them the new 530 American education is to be the absorbing work of the 540 twentieth century. "It is a stupendous task to perform; but 550 whether it be done or whether it be not done 560 means the life or death to these United States. "And 570 hopeless as it may now appear, the task will have 580 been accomplished if the end of the twentieth century sees 590 education as far ahead of to-day as to-day's 600 best standards are in advance of the crude and feeble 610 schooling of the first quarter of the nineteenth century." [619. THE FIRST MERCANTILE AGENCY BY DAVID E. GOLIEB Fundamentally credit granting is based on knowledge relating to the 10 character, capacity and capital of the customer. Of the va- rious 20 sources of obtaining such information, the one best knows and 30 most commonly used is the mercantile agency. This may be 40 defined as a society formed for the purpose of ascertaining 50 the credit position of persons engaged in trade and circulating 60 informa- tion on this point among its members and subscribers. Mercantile 70 agencies are divided into two classes, the general and the 80 special. The special limits its field of operation to particular 90 lines, such as jewelry, textiles, garment manufacturers, etc. Agen- cies of 100 this character are, of course, very valuable. On the other 110 hand, the general agencies cover a vastly larger field and 120 are organ- izations of really tremendous magnitude. They are so universally 130 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 69 used and are such potent forces in the credit world, 140 that it seems best to devote this article entirely to 150 a discussion of their origin, organization and methods of operation. 160 In preceding articles we have seen how the course of 170 commerce has developed from the early days when trading was 180 limited to an "exchange of goods for goods" or barter, 190 through the period when merchants coming to market to make 200 purchases brought their wallets in order to make immediate payments 210 in money, down to the time when the growth of 220 business induced merchants to trust those with whom they had 230 become personally acquainted, by ship- ping goods to them in exchange 240 for a promise to make payment at a specified time 250 in the future in other words, on credit terms. The 260 introduction of the credit system opened the minds of the 270 jobbers and manufacturers to the tremendous opportunities for business building. 280 At a time when travel was uncertain, communi- cation very slow 290 and transportation facilities weak, the dealer who was located at 300 points distant from the market and was dependent entirely 310 upon his own capital, found his field of activity severely 320 restricted. The wholesalers in the larger cities, however, realized this, 330 and foreseeing the possibilities for increased trading, they gradually extended 340 the system of doing business on credit. In those days 350 there was very little information accessible to the merchant concerning 360 his customer's character, ability and financial strength. The traveling salesman 370 had not yet made his appear- ance, and the merchant had 380 to depend on his personal knowledge and such vague information 390 as he could obtain through mail inquiries. It is quite 400 obvious that the extension of credit based upon such haphazard 410 data resulted in serious losses. Nevertheless, the additional business it 420 stimulated prompted the wholesalers to continue granting credit in spite 430 of the hazards involved. Thus matters continued until the crisis 440 of 1837, when a panic occurred that brought destruction 450 to banks and merchants throughout the country. The losses from 460 bad debts were enor- mous, and merchants were brought to realize 470 that one of the promi- nent contributory causes of the ruinous 480 conditions existing was the poor credit system which had made 490 possible overtrading and wild- cat speculation. Immediately, therefore, there came a 500 recognition of the necessity of closer investigation of credits, 610 and the result was the first mercantile agency. This was 520 established in 1841, by Louis Tappan, a New York merchant. 630 Mr. Tappan had made it a point carefully to compile 640 70 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE for all his large market of customers records covering his 550 entire experience with them and showing data acquired by personal 560 observation and through correspondence. After the panic he began to 870 sell this information, and the eagerness of the other merchants 580 to buy the records encouraged him to found the first 590 business institution organized for the exclusive purpose of gathering 600 and selling credit information. [605. THE MIND THAT THINKS IN COLORS Investigators into the workings of the brain are familiar enough 10 with the cases of persons who hear in colors. Music 20 and color, for instance, are too intimately associated in such 30 minds to make pos- sible any hearing of a song without 40 the visualization of a particular color. Such a person hears 50 Caruso's voice as violet, Melba's as pink, and so on. 60 Such examples are less numerous and less impor- tant than are 70 the cases of persons who, whether they hear in colors 80 or not, always think in colors. These persons, called "color 90 thinkers, " do not have any sensation of color when voices 100 or notes are heard, but they invariably associate some kind 110 of color with such things as the day of the 120 week, the hour of the day, the month of the 130 year, the vowels, the consonants, and so on. This faculty 140 is colored thinking, or, to use a technical term coming 150 more and more into use, "chromatic conception." A typical color 160 thinker will tell you, for instance, that Sunday is yellow, 170 Wednesday brown and Friday black; but he may not experience 180 any sensation of color on hearing the organ played or 190 a song sung. Certain persons are indeed colored hearers as 200 well as colored thinkers, but we should distinguish the person 210 who has linked sensations, from the person whose thoughts are 220 colored, whose mentation is chro- matic. It is difficult to express 230 the character of these colored concep- tions or concepts to persons and 240 they are the majority who never experience this sort of 250 thing at any time. The colors are not present so 260 vividly as to constitute hallucination. Mental colorings do not obtrude 270 themselves into our mental life. They are habitual, natural, chromatic 280 tincturings of one's concepts and have been so long present 290 to one's consciousness that they have long ago become part 300 of our mental belongings. They are invariable and definite PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 71 without 310 being disturbing. One colored thinker has thus expressed himself: "When 320 1 think at all definitely about the month of Janu- ary, 330 the name or word appears to me reddish, whereas April 340 is white, May yellow, the vowel I is always black." 350 There is thus an inherent definiteness, finality and constancy about 360 each thinker's psychochromes that is very striking. But it is 370 not alone letters and words that are habitually thought of 380 as colored. Certain colored thinkers always associate a particular color 390 with their thoughts about a particular person. The first point 400 that strikes one regarding the characteristic fea- tures of color thinking 410 is the very early age at which these associa- tions are 420 fixed. Another characteristic of colored thinking is the un- changeableness of 430 the color thought of. Middle-aged people will tell you that there has been no 440 alteration in the colors or even in the tints and 450 shades of color which for many years they have associ- ated 460 with their various concepts. A third characteristic of psychochromes is 470 their extreme definite- ness in the minds of their possessors. The 480 precise colors attached to concepts are by no means vague. 490 A fourth characteristic is the complete nonagreement between the various 500 colors attached to the same concept in the minds of 510 colored thinkers. Thus different persons think of Tuesday in terms 520 of the following colors : brown, purple, dark purple, brown, blue, 630 white, black, etc. Unanimity seems hopeless, agreement quite impossible. The 540 fifth character- istic is their unaccountableness. No colored thinker seems able 550 to say how he came by his associations. The sixth 560 characteristic is the hereditary or inborn nature of the condition. 570 The extremely early age at which colored thinking reveals itself 580 would of itself in- dicate that the tendency was either hereditary 590 or congenital. What explanation is given of the causes or 600 causal conditions of colored thinking? Why may thoughts be colored 610 at all and why should particular thoughts be associated with 620 particular colors? Why should only a few persons be found 630 to be colored thinkers? The answers, if answers they can 640 be called, are extremely disap- pointing, for we have no satisfactory 650 explanation of any of these matters. The very arbitrariness of 660 the associations defies theoret- ical analysis. Genius is something notoriously not 670 conferred by training or education. If not inborn, it cannot 680 be acquired. Exactly the same may be said of colored 690 thinking. [691. 72 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE ADVERTISING THE AMERICAN CHURCH In its demand for the acid test for every tradition, 10 the public insists that institutions shall be measured by the 20 needs of to-day. Things as well as persons, when 30 they die of old age, should be buried, not embalmed. 40 That the same demand is made of organ- ized religion is 50 a condition to which the churches, especially those in the 60 larger cities, are waking up. From this realization, perhaps, has 70 sprung up the Men and Religion Forward Movement and the 80 "Go to Church" publicity campaigns that have spread with extraor- dinary 90 rapidity throughout the country. Wherever these campaigns have been carried 100 out, the organizers first concentrated their energies toward bringing the 110 people to the churches on some special predetermined day. With 120 hardly any exceptions these campaigns were a tremendous numerical success. 130 For one day the churches were filled to capacity and 140 in some cases overflow meetings were necessary. Then they found 150 themselves facing the necessity of keeping it up, for the 160 people, stirred tempo- rarily by tremendous enthusiasm, threatened to fall back 170 into the former laxity that caused these movements to come 180 into being. "If these campaigns will bring the people and 190 the churches closer together," they said in effect, "why not 200 make them permanent?" And thus in Baltimore, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, St. Louis, 210 Atlanta and an increasing number of other cities, as far 220 away even as Hono- lulu, permanent church advertising campaigns were organized 230 and are being actively carried out. This is what the 240 Chicago "Evening Post" calls "hitching religion to life," and practically 250 the same term is used by William T. Ellis, in 260 ' ' The Continent, ' ' a leading Presbyterian organ . Says the latter : "With 270 the question of church attendance is bound up the whole 280 subject of the relation of religion to life. "As publicity 290 is a cure for most public ills, some men thought 300 it should be used to concentrate attention upon the church. 310 With the pitiless white light of publicity streaming on the 320 church, her problems of ineffective preaching and ineffective organization must 330 inevitably be dealt with. Antiquated methods must be modernized. Services 340 must by stress of this pressure, from the spirit of 350 the times, be adapted to the present needs of the 360 people. All these incidental effects increase the urgency of the 370 main con- sideration, which is that people should go to church. 380 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 73 "It is literally true that there are tens of thousands 390 of persons in every city to whom access can be 400 had by the church only through the daily press. Cellular 410 lives these may be, and their seclusion and isolation may 420 be deplorable; nevertheless it is a condition which the church 430 cannot escape or remake." Mr. Ellis thinks that the new 440 note of self-respect and militancy on the part of the 450 churches has had a great effect on the attitude of 460 the press. "The Christian church is rapidly losing the doormat 470 aspect in which it has for years appeared at newspaper 480 offices. No longer is it the mendicant pleading for petty 490 favors, such as no other element in the community asks. 600 What it is the church's business to have published it 510 pays for, man-fashion. What it is its rights to have 520 published as news, it demands, man-fashion. In a word, the 530 Christian church has awakened to the fact that it is 540 the biggest enterprise in the community, and so it must 550 not consent to be measured in print by puny and 560 petty paragraphs puffing the preacher. " To speak particularly of the 570 Philadelphia advertising campaign although the same effect is reported elsewhere the 580 most notable result has been the tremendous increase in news 590 and editorial publicity accorded the church. Within the past year 600 this increase has been a full 100 per cent, in 610 all the papers. With new alertness, intelligence and sympathy the 620 press has essayed the task of report- ing adequately the many-sided 630 activities of the church. Able reporters have sought out special 640 themes for their pens in the realm of church work. 650 The spirit of co-operation between church and press is one 660 of the notable characteristics of Philadelphia's life to-day." [668. MAKING MAN-O'-WARSMEN OUT OF LANDSMEN The Navy requires men of varied knowledge to operate its 10 ships. It requires seamen to steer, man the boats, handle 20 the anchors, and clean the ships; clerks, stenographers and bookkeepers 30 to attend to its clerical work; nurses to care for 40 the sick on board ship and in the hospitals ashore; 50 commissary stewards and cooks; carpenters, machinists, plumbers, painters, ship-fitters, 60 coppersmiths, black- smiths and boilermakers to keep the ships in repair, 70 and expert gun-pointers and gunners' mates to man the 80 guns. 74 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE In order to get experienced men to fill all 90 its requirements, the Navy maintains a number of schools, or 100 training stations, where each recruit is educated to fill a 110 position in some one of the above- named branches before 120 he is put on board a man-o'-war. The 130 recruit, now known as an apprentice seaman, on arrival is 140 placed in charge of a petty officer and taken before 150 a medical officer, who examines him, physically, to see whether 160 he has any disquali- fying defect not detected by the examining 170 surgeon at the recruit- ing station, and to see that his 180 record corresponds with the enlist- ment papers. If he passes his 190 rigorous examination, he is given an outfit of clothing, for 200 winter and summer, consisting of uniforms, shoes, underwear, cap, sweater, 210 overcoat, oil-skins, and rubber boots in all amounting 220 to $60 in value. These clothes the Government gives him 230 outright as capital with which to start his new life. 240 A tailor is provided, free of charge, to make these 250 clothes fit him with tailor-made exactness. Having received his 260 outfit, he is ready for instruction. He is given a 270 stencil and marks his new clothes so that there can 280 be no mistake. A petty officer teaches him how to 290 fold neatly each article of wearing apparel. When he learns 300 the trick of it he will discover a strange thing 310 that a well-folded and well-rolled gar- ment is as 320 neatly pressed as if it had been done by a 330 tailor with a flat-iron. That is his first lesson 340 in keeping his things ship-shape. He is taught how 380 to stow his bag, so that every article will be 360 handy and well cared for. From the start he is 370 taught that neat- ness of person and clothing is a requirement 380 that the Navy exacts from every man. He is given 390 a hammock and taught how to sling it, how to 400 lash it neatly and handily. His hammock is his bed, 410 and unlashing his hammock is making his bed for the 420 night. It is surprising to see how simple the 430 whole process is, once the recruit has mastered the trick. 440 All this takes place in well-heated and well-ventilated 450 barracks. The dormitories on the upper floors are fitted with 460 hammock hooks just as they are on board ship. When 470 these early lessons are learned, the recruit is taught to 480 swim. There is a fine swimming pool (with heated water 490 for the cool months), and petty officers are detailed to 500 teach each apprentice seaman, by the aid of rope and 510 tackle, to look out for himself in the water. It 520 doesn't take very long to make a good swimmer out 530 of the average healthy boy. In other hours of the 540 day his drills and setting-up exercises occur. Having been 550 assigned to a battalion, other drills are at once PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 75 begun. 560 The apprentice seaman is continued in the instruction of the 570 semaphore (signaling with arms), is given the "wig-wag" (signaling 580 with flag) , and is taught the use of lights, or 500 rockets, and other night signals. He is given a rifle 600 and taught how to handle it and how to fire 610 it; he is taught the manual of arms and target 620 practice, all under warrant officers and petty officers, and in 630 a way that cannot fail to prove attractive. Many of 640 the movements of the drills are timed to the music 650 of well-known marches and two-steps played by the 660 navy band. There are target ranges outdoors and indoors, where 670 the apprentice seamen are taught to shoot at a mark with 680 the navy rifle and revolver. [685. THE WOMEN'S DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE 1914 When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary 10 for one-half the people to dissolve the political bondage 20 which has held them subject to the other half of 36 the people, and to assume the sep- arate and equal station 40 to which the laws of nature and of nature's God 50 entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind 60 requires that they should declare the causes which impel them 70 to Freedom. We hold these truths to be self-evident, 80 that all men and women are created equal, that they 90 are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that 100 among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. 110 That to secure these rights, Gov- ernment should be instituted among 120 both men and women, deriv- ing their just powers from the 130 consent of the governed; that when- ever any form of government 140 becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of 150 the people women people as well as men people to 160 alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying 170 the foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in 180 such form as to them shall seem most likely to 190 effect the Safety and Happiness of all the People. Prudence, 200 indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be 210 changed for light and transient causes, and accordingly all experience 220 has shown that womankind are more disposed to suffer while 230 evils are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses 240 and usurpations, pursuing invari- ably the same object, evinces a design 250 to keep them under absolute 76 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE subjection, although they are spiritually 260 and mentally ready for Freedom, it is their right, it 270 is their duty, to throw off such subjec- tion, and to 280 provide new Guards for their future security and the security 200 of their children. Such has been the patient endurance of 300 the women of this coun- try, and such their system of 310 Government. The history of our Government is a history of 320 repeated injustices to women (as wives, mothers and wage earners) 330 and of repeated usurpations by men, many of them with 340 the avowed object of protecting women. But the direct result 380 has been the establishment of a Government which benefits by 360 the knowledge and experience of only one-half of the 370 people, and which cannot fully represent the interests and the 380 needs of the other half of the people. In every 300 stage of these Oppressions we have petitioned for Redress in 400 the most humble terms, beginning even before the Consti- tution of 410 the United States was adopted. Our repeated Petitions have frequently 420 been answered by ridicule and by repeated injus- tice. We have 430 appealed to the native fairness and magnanimity of men, that 440 they disavow these usurpations which inevitably render less dignified, honest 450 and harmonious the relations between men and women. Men have 460 too long been deaf to this voice of justice and 470 honor, but many are now joining with us in our 480 refusal to acquiesce longer in this unwarrantable sovereignty over us 490 and over our children. We, therefore, the women citizens of 500 the United States of Amer- ica, assembled to-day throughout the nation, 510 appealing to the Supreme Judge of the World for the 520 rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name and by 530 the authority of the organized womanhood of America demanding enfranchisement, 540 solemnly publish and declare that women ought to be politically 550 free. Here and now, in this glorious springtime of the 660 year, under the azure skies of hope, in the sunshine 570 of life and enlightenment, we dedicate ourselves to the great 580 work we have undertaken and go forward to victory, remembering 590 that in unity there is strength, and that not even 600 the prejudice of the ages, nor the powers of intrenched 610 political privilege can keep in continual disfranchise- ment half of the 620 citizens of our country when their rights are demanded by 630 the intelligent, patriotic and united womanhood of the land. Women 640 of America, this is our country; we have the same 650 devotion to its institutions as that half of the citizenship 660 that is per- PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 77 mitted to govern it. We love the flag, 670 and it means as much to us as it does 680 to the men of our nation. Women have made, and 690 women will make, as many sacrifices for the honor and 700 glory of these United States as those of her citizens 710 who have all the rights and privileges of the suffrage. 720 Given our full citizenship and allowed to share in the 730 Government, we will be as jealous of the honor and 740 integrity of our country as we have been in the 750 past, when in countless ways we have shown our devotion 760 to the life of the nation, to the liberty of 770 its citizens and to the happiness of all the people. 780 [780. THE POINT OF CONTACT BY THOMAS DOCKRELL There is a new note in business. A realization of 10 the value in spiritual force. We have been so very 20 busy with "practical," "con- crete" problems that we did not turn 30 our attention to the more subtle but quite as powerful 40 force that was lying ready at hand in the brains 50 of our employees. We recognized in a haphazard way when 60 we stopped to think, that we liked a cheerful employee 70 near us rather than one suggestive of misery. But we 80 failed to realize that every one of our customers who 90 came in contact with our employees was influenced just as 100 much as ourselves by this appearance of misery or cheerfulness. 110 This question of paying attention to spiritual quality is forced 120 upon our notice more particularly in proportion as the employee 130 comes in contact with our patrons. A salesman or saleswoman 140 is valuable in proportion as he or she can influence 150 other people. This influencing of other people is dependent on 160 many things and thereby hangs a tale. All human knowledge 170 has progressed in proportion as we gained a knowledge of 180 the atom. The human race has bettered itself in proportion 190 as it learned to pay attention to little things to 200 get certain and positive knowledge about the small details. The 210 tendency of mankind as an individual or as an organization 220 is to drift, to look at things in a broad, 230 general way without specific analysis. The moment business men began 240 to examine little things more closely, they gained a better 250 knowledge of their business. 78 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE The last generation put a man 260 to work for a day and whatever he produced was 270 his day's work. To-day in the most progressive organizations 280 every motion a man makes in performing his task is 290 subject to scrutiny. The waste motions are eliminated and the 300 result is a tremendous improvement in his work. The cost 310 system, which made such a difference to net profits, was 320 nothing but an application of the first principle of the 330 scientist to analyze every- thing into the smallest parts and examine 340 each part separately before considering the whole. America has been 350 the hothouse where mechanical growth has been forced to the 360 highest degree in the last decades. Transporta- tion, means of communication, 370 machinery for replacing or extend- ing the production of human labor, 380 have been developed to the utmost, and still are being 390 developed. Business organizations have been developed to mammoth size through 400 tremendous general operations, and at the present time mere size, 410 mere quantity of operation have received so much attention that 420 they rest upon their oars, quiescent for the moment. But 430 wherever we consider large or small stores, where human being 440 meets human being across a counter and the salesman or 460 saleswoman comes into contact with the man or woman who comes 460 to purchase, we are confronted with a difficulty. Formerly, if 470 a great store wanted to build up a department, it 480 put on help, indis- criminately, as it was needed. A girl 490 was hired or a boy was hired and told to learn 500 the business by watching other people. Little or no instruction, 810 even on the goods, was given them except as they 520 chanced on knowledge through their proximity to others of larger 530 experience. Within the last decade, however, attempts have been made 540 to teach the budding salesman or saleswoman the facts about 550 the goods which he and she handled that is to 560 say, they are being instructed in the material end of 570 their work. Co-incidentally with this instruction of salespeople came 580 a new viewpoint toward them. For instance, there was a 590 great cry that what business needed was more men capable 600 of handling ten thousand dollar positions. That might be, but 610 to-day business has switched around in line with science, 620 and of necessity, and is paying more attention to the 630 atoms, the small but important point of contact. [638. PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 79 FIGHT FOR PURER FOODS BY FREDERIC J. HASKIN Dr. Carl L. Alsberg, who succeeded Dr. Harvey W. Wiley 10 as chief of the Bureau of Chemistry, declared that the 20 man who adulterates and misbrands foods and drugs deserves all 30 the punishment that can be inflicted upon him, and that 40 the work of ferreting him out and visiting upon him 50 the penalties of the law will continue un- abated. At the 60 same time he realizes that there are other kinds of 70 food regulation with which the bureau can concern itself which 80 will do vastly more for the public health than the 90 mere prohibi- tion of misbranding. According to Dr. Alsberg, the worst 100 food that can reach the consumer is that which carries 110 disease-producing germs and that is usually the kind that is 120 handled and eaten raw. Milk, oysters, and some of the 130 vegetables are the worst offenders, and are usu- ally beyond the 140 power of the Bureau of Chemistry. Food cannot be reached 150 by national law under the federal constitution until it crosses 160 a state line, and thus gets into interstate commerce. As 170 a rule, however, the bulk of loose foodstuffs is consumed 180 within the states in which it is raised, and it 190 is only the little fringe of territory contiguous to state 200 lines that is affected principally by national food laws. The 210 remainder must be reached indirectly, and the Bureau of Chemistry 220 has chosen two methods of handling it. One is cooperation 230 with state health agencies, and the other a nation-wide campaign 240 of education. Constructive cooperation with all health agencies will take 250 the form of an attempt to coordinate all these forces 260 and to induce them to work in a harmonious way 270 toward a common end. To this end a meeting of 280 all the food and drug officials of the country has 290 been called to assemble in Washington in November to frame 300 a common policy. Then the Bureau of Chemistry, when it 310 finds a condition within a state which it cannot reach 320 can advise the food and drug official of that state 330 and through them get the remedial action desired. Likewise when 340 a state official finds a situation which he cannot touch 350 because it involves interstate commerce, he will inform the Bureau 360 of Chemistry and it can bring the offenders to book. 370 The Bureau is determined to eradicate and destroy the popular 380 80 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE impression that the label "Guaranteed Under the Pure Food and 390 Drugs Act " means that the government in no sense is 400 the guarantor and that the label is put there by 410 the manufacturer not for the purpose of guaranteeing the product 420 to the consumer, but for the purpose of protecting the 430 retailer from loss in case the article does not come 440 up to representations. All sorts of frauds are resorted to 450 under that label, and the confidence it inspires in the 460 buying public is not justified. The principal weapon with which 470 the bureau is going to fight the man who violates 480 the law is prompt and adequate publicity. The fines that 490 have been inflicted in the past have constituted no serious 500 deterrent, but now the moment action is taken the wheels 810 of publicity begin to turn. As soon as a seizure 520 is made the news- papers of the vicinity in which it 530 occurs are notified, and the day final judgment is rendered 540 the news is promptly and fully given out. The longest 550 step forward in the regulation of the sale of food 560 in interstate commerce was the action a few months ago 670 in expanding the pure food law to meat and meat 580 products under the action of the Pure Food Board. Under 590 former rulings the sale of meat was entirely under the 600 meat inspection law. This provided only for pure meat at 610 the slaughter house, and left no means of prevent- ing deterioration 620 and misbranding consumerward from the pack- ing house. [627. MR. UNDERWOOD AND OUR MERCHANT MARINE BY JOHN TEMPLE GRAVES Mr. Underwood has been sane and practical in matters of 10 legisla- tion, and has been perhaps as consistently American in his 20 public policies as any statesman in public life to-day. The five 30 per cent preferential clause in the Underwood tariff was an 40 expression of his desire to make a beginning of an 50 American merchant marine, which he always has favored. His advocacy 60 of the exemption of American coastwise shipping from Panama tolls 70 was another expression of his earnest advocacy of this great 80 American policy. Mr. Underwood's view that the shipping bill is 90 merely emergency legislation and must be diligently PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 81 perfected in the 100 next Congress is particularly cheering to those who see the 110 imperfections of the present bill. In a direct personal interview 120 Mr. Underwood said: "It is a long lane that has 130 no turning. American shipping inter- ests started down hill three-quarters 140 of a century ago. "It is indeed a strange happening 150 that the great public senti- ment that controls the American nation 160 should wait until an event over which we had no 170 control should happen to awaken the Ameri- can people to the 180 necessity of carrying their foreign commerce in their own ships. 190 Let us hope that the sentiment of to-day in 200 favor of rebuilding our merchant marine is not the mere 210 idle promise of the hour, but has come to stay, and that future Congresses will respond 220 to an enlightened sentiment of our people that will ulti- mately 230 write on the statute books permanent legislation that will establish 240 carriers of our own. "The country should realize that the 250 bill passed by Congress to admit foreign ships to American 260 registry is only emergency legisla- tion! "Although it may relieve the 270 needs of the hour, in the end it will not 280 build up and maintain a permanent American merchant ma- rine. Our 290 ships were driven from the seas because our foreign rivals 300 discriminated in favor of their ships and we neglected ours. 310 No matter how many foreign bottoms may take the American 320 flag, no matter how many ships we may build in 330 our own shipyards, when the war in Europe is over 340 and the world returns to normal conditions, if other nations 350 of the world continue to pay their ships subsidies when 350 they pass through the Suez and Panama canals, if they 370 continue to discriminate in favor of them on their home 380 railroads, if they continue to furnish capital for building them, 390 and in many other ways discriminate in their favor, our 400 own ships will not be able to compete unless we 410 adopt some methods of our own that will give the 420 American ships an equal showing to carry the freights of 430 the world. "The present emergency shipping bill has become a 440 law. I realize with tired men anxious to return home 450 before election day that this is not an opportune time 460 to propose or pass permanent legislation, but I hope and 470 believe that when Congress assembles next winter it will pass 480 well considered legislation looking to the permanent establishment of our 490 own merchant marine and its maintenance for decades yet to 500 come. "It is too early to suggest or propose the 510 method to be adopted. 82 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE There are a number of methods 520 that could be adopted and bring success. "I have favored 530 in the past discriminations in favor of our ship- ping and 540 believe that is the safest and most economical and surest 550 way to accomplish the result. But I am so anxious 560 to build a merchant marine that, if others are not 570 willing to travel on my road, I am willing to 580 go with them on any reasonable road that will lead 590 us to the desired result, and I have the faith 600 to believe that the accomplishment of our purpose is near 610 at hand." [612. WHAT IS ADVERTISING? One of the peculiarities of the art of advertising is 10 the fact that, although the subject has been carefully studied 20 and possesses a fairly extensive literature, no generally accepted 30 definition has ever been framed for it. Practically all students 40 of advertising are agreed as to the aims and purposes 50 of advertising, but difficulties seem to arise when attempts are 60 made to reduce conceptions to a few words. The mere 70 absence of a definition is in itself of little consequence, 80 but the prevalence of false notions as to the proper function of 90 an advertisement, due to the absence of a concise, accurate, 100 and well-known phrase, is responsible for a great waste 110 of money. The definition of the "to advertise" favored by 120 the dictionaries is, "To give public notice of; to announce 130 publicly, especially by printed notice." Undoubtedly, this was formerly the 140 chief mean- ing of the word, but the modern advertising man 150 sees a decided dif- ference between a published list of marriage 160 licenses and an appeal to buy stoves. The belief that 170 the only purpose of an advertise- ment is to convey information 180 is still held by many advertisers as the multitude of 190 trade "cards" in trade magazines and newspapers prove; but every 200 advertising man knows that the card is a most inefficient 210 and wasteful form of publicity. "Salesmanship on paper" is perhaps 220 the most popular definition, especially among advertising men, but this 230 definition is easily eliminated by pointing out that advertising is 240 employed for many purposes, such as inducing people to go to 250 church, into which nothing that can be called salesmanship enters, 260 and that window displays, moving pictures, and other mediums 270 guiltless of paper, form highly successful advertisements. PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 83 "The process of 280 creating desire" is another favored definition; but the advertisement that 290 acts solely through suggestion without creating desire (as many do) 300 can hardly be excluded. This defini- tion is furthermore, another 310 illustration of the danger of false con- ceptions. Many advertisers believe 320 that success is certain if desire for their commodities is 330 created, and spend vast sums to attain this end; afterwards 340 they awaken to the fact that the creating of desire 350 without supplying the means to satisfy that desire through adequate 360 distribution is empty of reward. "Advertising is the process of 370 making people do something the advertiser wants them to do." 380 This definition excludes merely informative announcements and covers those prepared 390 with the aim of producing some definite action. It makes 400 no difference what the action may be whether to buy 410 certain goods, send for certain literature, travel on a certain 420 road, give a salesman a respectful and attentive hearing, vote 430 for a certain party, prevent the spread of a disease, 440 or permit a public service corporation to increase the price 450 of its service (refusal to act being also included by 460 the word "action"). Advertising does this and much more. The 470 action may take place immediately on comprehending the advertisement 480 or years afterward, but an advertisement is only successful when it 490 induces a sufficient number of people to act in a 500 certain manner, and if it does not, it is a 510 failure and a waste of money, regardless of what other 520 good qualities it may possess. It is obvious that ideas 530 form the sole weapon for the advertiser, other means of 540 producing action, such as bribery, physical force, and intimidation, being 550 clearly not advertising. But it makes no difference whatever how 560 the advertiser presents his ideas, whether by printed words, spoken 570 words, pictures, samples, or displays of goods. He is unrestricted^ 80 as to his methods and is free to choose any 590 that are available. This definition gives us the clew to 600 the proper study of the adver- tising man, i. e., the factors 610 that influence human action. It opens the way for a 620 comprehension of the true parts played by attention, interest, suggestion, 630 desire, decision, association of ideas and memory, and the manner 640 in which these factors can be used advantageously by the 650 advertiser. And it shows that proper distribution is as much 660 an essential to successful advertising as the selection of the 670 proper mediums and the preparation of proper copy. 1678. 84 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE FREE TRADE VERSUS RECIPROCITY Would free trade promote free trade? Or would carefully-handled, 10 scientific reciprocity accomplish more? The world is confronted with this 20 puzzling economic development : Great Britain, after a long era of 30 free trade, is seriously considering a return to a limited 40 amount of protection, solely to enable herself to introduce reciprocity 50 agreements with the various countries forming the Empire. Under absolute 60 free trade that is not possible. The United States, simultaneously, 70 is about to take a plunge toward free trade without, 80 apparently, giving proper thought to this principle of reciprocity. Joseph 90 Chamberlain, the veteran leader of the British Unionists, was the 100 first to espouse a measure of cooperation within the Empire 110 to secure advantages which would not be given open- handedly 120 to competitors. Even the enemies of Joe Chamberlain have never 130 accused him of being a fool. In his heyday he 140 tow- ered above all other political stalwarts in Britain. His proposal 150 shocked hide-bound free traders and almost disrupted his party. 160 In the midst of the fight, before he could lead 170 his followers to vic- tory, he was stricken down by sickness, 180 and no one has yet arisen to carry the movement 190 forward with equal zeal, force and bril- liancy. The plea of 200 the Chamberlain adherents was, and is, that when Britain adopted 210 free trade it was confidently believed other nations would reciprocate 220 by following her example. Instead, the arrange- ment proved one-sided. 230 Let us grant that universal free trade would be ideal. 240 But let us also look facts squarely in the face. 250 Once America gives foreigners something for nothing, how can it 260 hope to exact compensating favors in return? If it throws 270 away its commercial sword its tariff its weapon of defense 280 is gone, is it not? Wouldn't diplomatically-handled reciprocity accomplish 290 more in securing freer trade? Wouldn't it induce foreigners now 300 sur- rounded by protection to grant a more generous measure of 310 free trade to American products? Wouldn't it mean that for 320 every step we take towards free trade with any nation, 330 that nation must also take a step of similar length 340 to meet us? To throw down our own PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 85 barriers without 350 demanding any lowering of foreign barriers would be a lop-sided 360 bargain. Note this point: We can bargain when we have 370 something to bargain with, but we cannot bargain after we 380 have to give. European newspapers are chuckling over the prospect 390 of trium- phant invasion of American markets. In England, in Germany, 400 in France, in Italy, columns upon columns are being printed 410 about the great impetus which certain industries will receive once 420 the tariff is brushed aside or radically lowe ed. "We are 430 to get some- thing for nothing from the United States," is 440 the exultant note of the Continental Press. They had not 450 thought Uncle Sam would be so magnanimous, so generous, so 460 shortsighted, in other words. Has Congress forgotten entirely this part 470 of the Underwood tariff bill Section IV., paragraph A: That 480 for the purpose of readjusting the present duties on impor- tations 490 into the United States and at the same time to 500 encour- age the export trade of this country, the President of 510 the United States is authorized and empowered to negotiate trade 520 agree- ments with foreign nations wherein mutual concessions are made looking 530 toward freer trade relations and further reciprocal ex- pansion of trade 540 and commerce. Provided, however, that said trade agreements, before coming 550 operative, shall be submitted to the Congress of the United 560 States for ratification or rejection. We cannot first take all 570 the shot out of our own commercial guns and then 580 point them at the heads of unfriendly foreign nations who 590 refuse to play fair with us. To do so would 600 only subject us to derision. If we leave ourselves without 610 ammunition our oversea rivals can laugh at us. It is 620 not altogether nonsensical, then, is it, to ask whether free 630 trade would promote free trade, or whether carefully-handled scientific reciprocity 640 would not accomplish more? [644. NIGHT TESTS OF BIG GUNS It was the first time that shell tracers, as they 10 are technically called, were used, and they proved a success. 20 A tracer is nothing else than an edge of fire 30 about the forward end and nose of the 86 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE shot, kept 40 there by the explosion of gases, by which the progress 50 of the missile through the night can be followed by 60 the naked eye. By using these tracers the artillerymen found 70 that the shots go "Straight as a die." The tests 80 showed how accurate firing can be from mortars, dis- tinctly American 90 weapons of destruction, and also demonstrated that New York harbor, 100 from the direction of Sandy Hook at least, is presumably 110 impregnable. These mortars are far from new, but have always 120 been regarded as among the most effective methods of defense. 130 They have always been used with remarkable accuracy during the 140 day. The marvelous thing about them now is that with 150 their range finders and other mechanical appliances they can shoot 160 their ponderous charges through the night just as accurately as 170 by day, and do not have to reveal their lodgment 180 at all. The work of locating a target or an 190 enemy is as simple as sighting a rifle at a 200 woodchuck on a sunlit day. With powerful illuminated glasses the 210 vessel is sighted. Then the men in the observation and 220 signal stations calculate her speed and tell by that and 230 by her direction just where she will be at a 240 certain time maybe in one minute, two minutes or five 250 minutes- Then with mechanical appliances which are just as unerring 260 as the sun and stars they fig- ure out where she 270 and a shot from the mortars will meet, allowing for 280 the time of the flight of the shot and the 290 time consumed in loading, pointing and firing the gun. There 300 is nothing even approaching uncertainty about this. Problems in trigonometry 310 based on the dimensions of triangles and the speed both 320 of shell and craft are solved instantly, and presently the 330 huge shot spurts from the gun and the shell and 340 the vessel travel toward the meeting point. The targets in 350 these last tests were about four miles away. The shots 360 were propelled by charges of eighteen points of powder. The 370 same mortars could just as well have fired twice or 380 almost three times the distance and with just as much 390 accuracy. Twelve shots were fired and as near as could 400 be estimated, ten of the shots struck the mark. One 410 of the most beautiful spectacles of the tests was the 420 firing of two shots simultaneously, or almost so. One spurted 430 from a mortar in pit A and another in pit 440 B, just a few yards apart. Both rose in precisely 450 the same course and both struck the water together and 460 in almost identically the same spot. Both were framed in 470 flame and were seen by thousands of persons. PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 87 These rims 480 of fire appeared on six of the twelve shots fired 490 at Sandy Hook and made them look like gigantic sky- 500 rockets as they gracefully, and not too swiftly, rose to a 510 height estimated at from two to three miles and then, 520 in a beautiful half curve, cleaved their way toward their 530 object of destruction, gaining velocity as they fell until, still 540 showing red, they smashed the water with the same speed 550 as that with which they left the muzzle of the 560 mortars. There are more mortars at other forts, and as 570 they are so placed that they cannot be reached except 580 by tha most remarkable of accidents they can keep shooting 590 for days at a time and, theoreti- cally at least, send 600 to the bottom of the ocean all the ships in 610 the world should they dare to come within the range 620 of firing. The factor that airships might play is not 630 taken into considera- tion, and, in fact, it would require most 640 wonderful work for any craft to drop a shell into 650 the pits. War ships, whose guns shoot practically horizontally, could 660 not place shot or shell in the pits. War ships 670 cannot withstand the recoil of mortars, and thus it would 680 seem that the deadly mortars, in the event of war, 690 could go on interminably dropping their hail of death on 700 every one and everything that came within the range of 710 their firing. [712. THE NAVY Courage has always been a characteristic of the American sailor, 10 but it alone was not responsible for victories achieved by 20 our men- of-war over those of enemies no less 30 brave. In the days of the sailing ship, the superiority 40 was due in an important degree to the greater skill 50 with which the ship was handled by experienced officers and 60 its crew of hardy longshoremen. Hull won as much distinc- tion 70 in sailing the Constitution as in fighting her. The native 80 intelligence, the quick eye and the supple limbs of the 90 men born and bred in the salt air of the 100 Atlantic Coast easily worked the simple guns of that day. 110 Raw material is not so easily convertible into the experienced 120 man-o'-war's-man of the twentieth century. The abandonment of 130 sails and the substitution of steam and electricity with the 140 countless improvements accompanying the change have created in 88 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE the war-ship 150 of the new Navy a demand for a mechanic-sailor 160 that is a man trained in the operation and 170 repair of fighting machin- ery, yet impregnated with the salt of 180 the sea. Ability to navigate and sail a ship was 190 the first requisite of an officer and seaman of 200 the Old Navy; to-day they are engineers and mechanics first, and 210 sailors afterwards. A modern battleship from stem to stern 220 is simply a huge fighting machine. It is propelled by 230 machinery ; its turrets, themselves machines, are operated by machinery; the 240 guns are loaded and fired by machinery ; the torpedoes, complicated 250 engines, are sent on their careers of destruction by machinery; 260 small boats and anchors are lowered and anchored by machinery, 270 and water-tight compartments are opened and closed by machin- ery. 280 Steam and electricity are the powers which move this terrible 290 creature of man's destructive genius; and steam and electrical engi- neers 300 are required to guide and supervise its operation. An officer's 310 duties, however, are not limited to the practical application of 320 these sciences. He must also know how to navigate his 330 ship and be able to care for the health and 340 general well-being of the men under his command. Occasions 350 arise when he must con- duct negotiations for the settlement of 360 important diplomatic questions, and he frequently represents the government at 370 func- tions of international consequence. He rescues the ship-wrecked, gives 380 assistance to the national merchant marine, and if called on, 390 quells mutinies. He surveys dangerous coasts, makes deep-sea soundings 400 for the double purpose of finding a suitable bed for 410 pro- jected cables and charting the bottom of the ocean. He determines 420 for navigators the latitude and longitude of doubtful points. He 430 should have at least a rudimentary acquaintance with astronomy, and 440 know something of chemistry. Because legal questions are sometimes 450 raised by or referred to him, and because he serves 460 at court-martials and administers punishment, he ought to be 470 familiar with the principles of common law. Above all, he 480 must be a man of quick decision and of nerve 490 and of sound judgment, for as a com- manding officer on 800 a battleship, or a vessel of inferior class, he 510 should know in battle how to strike and to strike 520 sure; in peace, how to determine an important question fitting 530 the honor of the nation which is brought to him 540 for immediate settlement. These are the attainments of the ideal 550 officer, but it does not follow that every member of 560 the commissioned force of the Navy possesses them. At the 570 same time, the preliminary education PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 89 given at the Naval Academy 580 and the subsequent training in active professional life insure the 590 development of an officer provided he can and will improve 600 his opportunities there. It is the proud boast of the 610 American Navy that in its existence of more than a 620 century, in but few instances has a man been found 630 wanting when the occasion for him came. [637. JUDGE GARY ON BUSINESS AND NATIONAL WARS Not only is the world especially the business world awaking 10 to the foolishness of wars between nations but to the 20 foolishness as well of employing the principles of warfare in 30 business. Judge Gary, chairman of the board of directors of 40 the U. S. Steel Corpo- ration, believes that those principles are equally 50 abominable in both cases. He spoke recently before the American 60 Iron and Steel Insti- tute, on the similarity of the results 70 of the European War and com- petitive warfare in business. He 80 said: "The nation that wins will surely lose, although this 90 would seem at first blush a paradox. The enormous 100 cost and the long- continued suffering on the part of 110 the survivors will not be fully covered by any success 120 or glory or indemnity. Before now every participant in the 130 contest must realize that it would have been better to 140 have settled, if possible, all the existing differences, real or 150 imaginary, on a basis approved by some competent and im- partial 160 tribunal. The sums expended and to be expended by the 170 different nations would have greatly extended their opportunities for 180 success and happiness if wisely used for those purposes. Per- sonally, 190 I believe in a positive and binding agreement between all 200 the nations for the final settlement by arbitration of all 210 interna- tional disputes by a competent and impartial tribunal, and for 220 the enforcement of decisions by the nations not personally involved 230 in the question at issue. Such an agreement could be 240 made, such a tribunal would be permanently established and such 280 an enforce- ment made practical if the nations were so disposed. 260 I hope the time will come, even though not in 270 my time, when wars and rumors of wars will cease 280 altogether." "All I have said applies forcibly to our business. 290 We who are here to-day are engaged in competition; we 300 are naturally selfish. 90 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE We are often inconsiderate and indifferent. In 310 representing the interests of those who place us in official 320 position, we feel obligated to strive for success, and 330 we go beyond reason or justice. As many of you 340 have remarked at previous meetings, it was customary in the 350 days gone by to harbor the same feelings and to 360 pursue the same line of conduct in the iron and 370 steel trade that have been exhibited in the European conflict. 380 Business men struggle for revenge, or conquest, or suppression, or 390 other reasons just as bad. The graves of concerns destroyed 400 were numerous. This has lately been testified to in open 410 court by those who are familiar with the subject. "To-day 420 I congratulate you on your success in bringing about a 430 new order of things in business. You have become well 440 acquainted; you have confidence in each other; you believe what 450 is told you; you recognize the interests of your neighbor; 460 you are glad when he prospers and equally sorry when 470 he fails of success. You have a better and clearer 480 understanding of business obliga- tions. You can faithfully represent your stock- 490 holders, or the owners of your properties, and indulge in 500 the keenest competition without being oppressive or unfair. "And so 610 I trust that in all our deliberations we bear these 820 principles in mind. Commercial warfare, which means destruction and oppression, 530 should be as distasteful as the battles which kill and 540 maim the soldiers, for they are the same in pecuniary 550 results. They are injurious to all of those who are 560 engaged and they seriously distress those who may be dependent 570 upon the concerns which are eliminated. Without taking more time 580 to further discuss these questions, I suggest that it is 590 to the benefit and interest of all of us to 600 have each one of those engaged in competition propor- tionately successful 610 with others; and that by all fair, honorable and proper 620 means we should encourage these conditions." "Communities succeed or fail 630 together. Competitors in trade, producer and consumer, employer and employee, the 640 private indi- vidual and the public all secure the best 650 results if they work together. The success of one on 660 legitimate lines means the benefit of all, and the failure 670 of one means loss to all." "Current Opinion." [676. PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 91 ORGANIZATION BY ELBERT HUBBARD America owes her proud place among the nations to the 10 energy, sagacity and insight of her business men. Organization in 20 America, based on the science of mathematics and the law 30 of supply and demand, has given us our wealth. To 40 embarrass and legislate against organization, limiting it, checking it, thwarting 50 it, is to cur- tail production. Supervision is necessary, but limitation, 60 never. Most anti-trust laws are born of fallacious reasoning. 70 They are unscientific, being based on mistaken assumptions. The mobs 80 that tore up the first railroads in England, as well 90 as the fine scorn of John Ruskin for the iron 100 horse, were the result of a belief that this newly 110 discovered power was going to enslave the people. So they 120 wanted less power, not more. A few always suffer from 130 an inability to adapt themselves to new conditions, but progress 140 is for the many, not for the few. The occasional 150 misuse of a good thing is no excuse for making 160 war on the thing. My father tells of a time 170 when he changed cars, seven times going from New York 180 to Chicago. The journey took three days and three nights. 190 And it would be the same now were it not 200 for combination and organization. Organization is the keynote of success. 210 In Russia corporations are heavily taxed and looked upon with 220 grave suspicion. Production by modern methods is limited. There is 230 not a single millionaire in Russia, outside of the Czar 240 and the grand dukes, and they do not count, since 250 their business is consumption and waste, and not production. There 260 is not a millionaire merchant in Spain, Portugal or Italy. 270 The genius of organization is lacking in Europe, save for 280 purposes of war purposes of destruction. Our best talents in 290 America are being used in the lines of creation, production, 300 building and distribution. That bright spot in history called the 310 "Age of Pericles" was simply a lull in the war 320 spirit, when Greece turned her attention from war to art 330 and beauty. Through the genius of America's business men we 340 will yet make 92 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE the "Age of Pericles" perpetual, and the 350 glory that was Greece will manifest itself all over this 360 continent, and finally all over the world. Energy, taking the 370 form of human units, combines according to certain natural laws. 380 Economics is as much under the domain of Nature as 390 are the tides and movements of the planets. Ignorance of 400 the laws of economics is the one thing that destroyed 410 the old civilizations and limits ours. One hundred and fifty years 420 ago, practically all manufacturing was done in the homes in 430 the form of handicrafts. The invention of the steam-engine 440 removed factory. By the help of the machine one man 450 can now do as much as eighty could one hundred 460 fifty years ago. We have twenty million workers in America, 470 which are equal to the work of one billion six 480 hundred million one hundred years ago. Here we find a 490 vast increase in the production of wealth. To use this 600 wealth for human good, and not pauperize the workers, is 510 the problem that confronts us. To limit the production of 520 wealth because some one misuses wealth would be on a 530 par with limiting health because some one had laughed out 540 loud in meeting. Don't be afraid that anyone is 550 going to take his wealth with him when he dies. 660 Also, don't be afraid that he can tie it up 570 so it will not bless and benefit mankind. The unfit 580 are always distributing it, and killing themselves in the process. 690 Economics is an evolving science. We will never get to 600 the end of it. Ideals attained cease to be ideals, 610 and the distant peaks beckon us on and on. Combinations 620 that increase production should be encouraged, not forbidden. What this 630 world needs is more wealth, not less. The evil in 640 the Trust is not in its organization, nor in its 660 bigness, nor in its success. It is threefold : first, corruption 660 of public officials to obtain special privileges denied to competitors; 670 second, the consequent oppression of the competitor and the consumer; 680 third, watering of stock and then extorting excessive profits to 690 pay dividends on such stock. These evils the law must 700 cure without destroying cooperation, or discouraging enterprise, or impeding progress. 710 All intelligent progressives are working to this end. [718. PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PBACTICE 93 WAR DRAFT UPON THE WORLD'S CAPITAL SUPPLY When the great European conflict finally ceases what will be 10 the effect upon investment resources and the investment market? This 20 question is being keenly discussed in the financial district and 30 the more it is debated the more disposition there is 40 to take a cheer- ful view. When the terrific shock first 50 fell upon the markets only one thought was in people's 60 minds the fearful cost in men and money, the enormous 70 capital waste. The first conclusion was that the end of 80 the war would be followed by a long period during 90 which capital would be scarce and credit tight, and that 100 the im- mense issues of new government securities necessary to be 110 taken up would cause a wholesale displacement of older investments 120 throughout the world. This pessimistic line of reasoning has now 130 been considerably modified. As the subject has been more carefully 140 considered, various offsets to the destruction wrought by the war 150 have assumed a constantly increasing importance. Against the huge draft 160 of the European struggle upon the world's capital supply must 170 be set three great agencies, present and prospective whereby it 180 will be sustained and eventually built up. First there are 190 the world-wide economies now being practised. All classes of 200 people feel poorer, nearly everybody is spending less. This reduction 210 in expenses by individuals applies in equal degree but on 220 a much larger scale to corporations. If we try to 230 grasp what this wide- spread saving means already and what it 240 will mean during the rest of the war period and 250 long after hostilities have ceased, it is difficult to underrate 260 its magnitude. Secondly, with the great contest over, disarmament will 270 begin. The huge sums taken each year from trade channels 280 will be enor- mously reduced and there will be a vast 290 transfer from unproductive to productive labor. How far the saving 300 and recreation of capital through reduction of military and naval 310 expenditures will go toward balancing the war losses, is a 320 futile inquiry when we do not know the duration of 330 the war. But financial experts who have gone into the 340 subject are convinced that unless the present struggle is prolonged 350 beyond all ordinary calculations it would not take more than 360 a few years saving under disarmament to pay for its 370 entire cost. There is a third factor more important, perhaps, 380 than either of 94 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE the other two, which is bound to 390 play a compensating part in the markets after the war 400 is over. This is the release of vast sums long 410 hoarded through Europe by governments, banks, and indi- viduals. For years 420 since 1870, in fact Europe has never ceased preparing for 430 war. The growth of armaments has been the more open 440 phase of these preparations, but on the financial side, al- though 460 more secret, they have been just as persistent and exten- sive. 460 Along with the government withdrawals has been an individual accumulation 470 which in the aggregate is very large. It is credibly 480 stated that French peasants ever since 1870, convinced that an- other 490 great clash must come, have kept gold tucked away in 500 their stockings. Within the last two years that is, since 510 the Bal- kan outbreak the fear of a general conflagration has 520 been so keen that this hoarding by private capitalists small 530 and large has been greatly stimulated. All over Europe it 540 has gone on and has repeat- edly been referred to as 550 the most formidable depressing cause in the financial markets. 660 To this impounding of gold supplies by the foreign governments 670 and by private individuals must be added the excessive accumula- tions 580 by the European banks. The banks of France and Ger- many, 690 particularly within the last eighteen months, have never ceased their 600 efforts to augment their specie holdings. As the result their 610 reserves have become something abnormal. What is true of the 620 great central institutions at Paris and Berlin is true, only 630 in less degree, of other foreign banks. Everywhere reserves have 640 been piled up far in excess of the ordinary requirements 680 of safety. What then, is going to happen when the 660 conflict is over and the world is assured, as it 670 must be, of a permanent peace? The motive which for 680 forty years has influenced financial Europe and led to an 690 unabated hoarding of gold supplies will have ceased to be. 700 The prolonged accumulation will give way to a sudden and 710 tre- mendous release of these golden stores. And when this happens 720 it will be just like a new gold discovery. [729. PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 95 THE SOCIALIZING VALUE OF FRATERNITY LIFE Fraternities in colleges, like all things human, were born as 10 infants; and at first developed the childish foibles of paraded 20 secrecy and snobbish exclusiveness. In our more progressive colleges this 30 childish stage has passed; affected secrecy and studied snobbishness have 40 given way to frank publicity and arduous responsibility. The grip, 50 the pin, the letters of mysterious meaning, to be sure, 60 remain as harmless relics, like the baby dresses and little 70 shoes the mother keeps fondly in the attic chest long 80 after her boy has grown to be a man. In 90 colleges that are alert the fraternities have become homes, with 100 houses to care for, pay taxes on, and keep in 110 repair; often with board and lodging to provide; with ideals 120 of character, standards of scholarship and traditions of service to 130 maintain, under the critical eyes of their graduate brothers and 140 their under- graduate rivals. Responsibility and publicity are the two indispensable 150 guard- ians of fraternity life. The more they have to do, 160 and the more strictly they are held to corporate responsibility 170 for doing it, the more beneficial will they be both 180 to their members and to the community. In a college 190 where the responsibility and publicity of fraternities is well developed 200 discipline appeals to the student not as individual merely, which 210 is an appeal too small and feeble, nor as a 220 member of the college primarily, which is an appeal too 230 vague and general, but as a member of the fraternity 240 whose good standing his conduct helps or harms. The average 250 student will respond ten times as quickly and effec- tively to 260 that appeal when sympathetically presented and effec- tively backed by the 270 support of graduate and older undergraduate brothers as he will 230 to either the smaller individual or the larger institutional appeal. 290 To be a discredit or a drawback to his own 300 group with which he is identified by its election and 310 his choice is an offense of which not one student 320 in a hundred is willing to be guilty. Publicity is 330 as essential as responsibility, and a great stimulus to it. 340 A college which seeks to make the most of it 350 gives much more publicity to the rank of a fraternity 360 than to that of the indi- viduals who compose it. The 370 relative contributions of the frater- aities to the athletic, business, literary, 380 musical and dramatic life 96 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE of the college likewise are known 390 and read by the entire student body. No student or 400 "delegation," as the group from the same class is called, 410 is willing to stand low in the esteem of prominent 420 graduates of their fraternity. Hence the college officer needs to 430 know not only the under graduates, but also the influential graduates 440 who are in each fraternity, and use such knowledge on 450 every avail- able occasion, by mail, over the telephone and face 460 to face. The necessity of "rushing" or "fishing" new men, 470 where com- petition is sufficiently keen, is a great incentive to 480 keeping frater- nity standards high. But where all the students are 490 in fraternities, or groups very similar to fraternities, a fraternity 600 finds a reputation for low scholarship, feeble athletics, demoralized finances 510 or "sporty" living a very serious handicap. In entering this 520 lifelong alliance, far more indissoluble than marriage has come to 630 be, freshmen are becoming increasingly wary of fatal defects in 540 a fraternity; and rival fraternities are not slow to point 550 out the defects in each other to freshmen they are 560 seeking to pledge. Accordingly, to get the full benefit of 570 competi- tion between fraternities, it becomes the part of wisdom for 580 a col- lege which has fraternities at all to have enough 590 of them, or of clubs like them, to include all 600 the students in college. With a little management, and a 610 sufficient subsidy to start the new organization when a new 620 one is needed, it is possible to have all the 630 students organized in groups of from twenty to forty-five, 640 on a plane of equality, in such keen and wholesome 650 rivalry that the strength and the weakness, the honor and 660 the shame of every man in college is brought home 670 as a help or a hindrance to the social group 680 of which he is a member and for whose welfare 690 and reputation he intensely cares. [696. EARTHQUAKES Earthquakes are produced by fractures and sudden heavings and subsidences 10 in the elastic crust of the globe, from the pressure 20 of the liquid fire, vapors, and gases in its interior, 30 which there find vent, relieve the tension which the strata 40 acquire during their slow refrigeration, and restore equilibrium. But whether 50 the initial impulse be eruptive, or a sudden pressure upwards, 60 the shock orig- PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 97 inating in that point is propagated through the 70 elastic surface of the earth in a series of circular or 80 oval undulations, similar to those produced by dropping a stone 90 into a pool and like them they become broader and 100 lower as the distance increases, till they gradually subside; in 110 this manner the shock travels through the land, becom- ing weaker 120 and weaker till it terminates. When the impulse begins in 130 the interior of a continent, the elastic wave is propa- gated 140 through the solid crust of the earth as well as 150 in sound through the air, and is transmitted from the 160 former to the ocean, where it is finally spent and 170 lost, or, if very powerful, is continued in the opposite 180 land. Almost all the earthquakes, however, have their origin in 190 the bed of the ocean, far from land, whence the 200 shocks travel in undulations to the surrounding shores. No doubt 210 many of small intensity are imperceptible; it is only the 220 violent efforts of the internal forces that can overcome the 230 pressure of the ocean's bed, and that of the superincumbent 240 water. The internal pressure is supposed to find relief most 250 readily in a belt of great breadth that surrounds the 260 land at a considerable distance from the coast, and, being 270 formed of its debris, the internal temperature is in a 280 per- petual state of fluctuation, which would seem to give rise 290 to sudden flexures and submarine eruptions. When the original impulse 300 is a fracture or eruption of lava in the bed 310 of the deep ocean, two kinds of waves or undulations are 320 produced and propagated simultan- eously one through the bed of the 330 ocean, which is the true earth- quake shock; and coincident with this 340 a wave is formed and propa- gated on the surface of 350 the ocean, which rolls to the shore and reaches it 360 in time to complete the destruction long after the shock 370 or wave through the solid ocean-bed has arrived and 380 spent itself on land. The height to which the surface 390 of the ground is elevated, or the vertical height of 400 the shock-wave, varies from one inch to two or 410 three feet. This earth-wave, on passing under deep water, 420 is imperceptible, but when it comes to soundings it carries 430 with it to the land a long flat aqueous wave; 440 on arriving at the beach the water drops in 450 arrear from the superior velocity of the shock, so that 460 at that moment the sea seems to recede before the 470 great ocean-wave arrives. It is the small forced waves 480 that give the shock to ships, and not the great 490 wave; when ships are struck in very deep water, 800 the center of disturbance is either immediately under, or very 510 nearly under, the vessel. Three other series of undu- lations are 520 formed simultaneously with the preceding, by which the sound of 530 the explosion is conveyed through the earth, the 98 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE ocean, and 540 the air, with different velocities. That through the earth travels 550 at the rate of from 7,000 to 10,000 feet in 560 a second in hard rock, and somewhat less in looser 570 materials and arrives at the coast a short time before, 880 or at the same moment with the shock, and produces 590 the hollow sounds that are the harbingers of ruin; then 600 follows a continuous succession of sounds, like the rolling of 610 distant thunder, formed, first by the wave that is propagated 620 through the water of the sea, which travels at the 630 rate of 4,700 feet in a second; and lastly, by 640 that passing through the air, which only takes place when 650 the origin of the earthquake is a submarine explo- sion, and 660 travels with a velocity of 1,123 feet in a second. 670 The rolling sounds precede the arrival of the great wave 680 on the coasts, and are continued after the terrific catastrophe 690 when the eruption is extensive. When there is a succession 700 of shocks all the phe- nomena are reproduced. During earthquakes, dislocations 710 of strata take place, the course of rivers is changed, 720 and in some instances they have been permanently dried up, 730 rocks are hurled down, masses raised up, and the configuration 740 of the country altered; but if there be no fracture 760 at the point of original impulse, there will be no 760 noise. [761. SOMERVILLE'S PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY PUBLIC EDUCATION BY MARTIN H. GLYNN, EX-GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OP NEW YORK Education, as we know it, is under obligations to many 10 men and many influences, but there is no single factor 20 to which education owes a greater debt than it does 30 to religion. The shrine and the schoolhouse have never been 40 very far apart at any stage of the world's progress. 50 For those more fortunate in this world's goods, who do 60 not need to turn to the State for education, or 70 for those who received their training in denominational or charitable 80 schools, the public school may not mean the beginning and 90 the end of education. But to the millions who have 100 found it the only place where they could slake their 110 thirst for knowledge, the "Little Red Schoolhouse" is a sacred 120 temple that no man dare profane. Within its friendly walls 130 a message of hope and inspiration has LAWY DALLAS, , PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 99 been brought to 140 the American boy. There he has learned that no task 150 is too hard for him to attempt, no height too 160 lofty for him to scale. There he has found the 170 universal key that unlocks all the mysteries of science and 180 of art, the magic key of study. And beyond all 190 the reading, all the writing, all the arithmetic, the Amer- ican 200 boy has learned the American's first lesson, the lesson of 210 equality and equal opportunity. There are no favorites in "The 220 Little Red Schoolhouse." The son of the banker and the 230 son of the mechanic meet there upon a common footing. 240 Each school is a miniature republic where indus- try and ability 250 are the only roads to favor and success. Every boy 260 who has fought and laughed his way through "The Little 270 Red Schoolhouse" knows that all class distinctions are artificial and 280 that merit is the measure of the man. Whatever else 290 they do, the schools of America produce real Americans fit 300 for the duties and the responsibilities of American citizenship. I 310 know whereof I speak when I talk of the public 320 schools. It was in one of this State's public schools 330 that I learned to read and write. It was in 340 a public school that I discovered the glorious world where 350 the greatest men of all ages live and talk the 360 world of books; and I would be ingrate and recreant 370 if I let this occasion slip without humbly acknowledging some 380 part of the debt I owe the free schools of 390 my State. I know the public schools, and, because I 400 know them, I refuse to be disturbed by those who 410 seek, from time to time, to alarm the nation with 420 gloomy forebodings and dire predictions. For when they tell us 430 that danger threatens the institutions of the Republic, when they 440 warn us that the ship of state is drifting into 450 perilous waters, when the cynic grows faint-hearted and the 460 credulous becomes discouraged, I hear the bells ringing from ten 470 thousand public schools and my heart grows warm again. I 480 see twenty million children marching into the schools that dot 490 the hills and valleys from Maine to Mexico. I watch 500 them conning their readers and thumbing their histories. I see 510 them being molded into American citizens and I know that 620 America can make no mistake which American citizens cannot rectify. 530 It is a great task, Doctor Finley, a noble duty, 640 with which the State of New York charges you to-day. 550 You are being placed at the head of the 560 schools in the greatest State of the Union. New York 570 is giving into your keeping the eager minds of its 580 children ; it is intrusting you with the care of its 590 future citizens. 100 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE May all good fortune attend you in your 800 task. May you find on every hand the support and 610 encouragement that your solemn duty deserves. And may all who 620 serve under you remember that the real temple of the 630 State's liberties is not the Capitol, where the State's laws 640 are made, not the Courts, where the State's laws are 650 interpreted and enforced, but rather this beautiful building in which 680 we are gathered, from which the truths that underlie all 670 law and all discipline will be carried to the future 680 citizens who must obey and defend those laws. Our hopes, 690 our aspirations and our prayers accompany you as you enter 700 upon your labors, and, with confidence and pride, we salute 710 you, caretaker of our liberties, guardian of our children, keeper 720 of the pathway to our stars. [726. QUARANTINE DEFENSE: A PHASE OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE BY C. H. LAVINDER In a wide sense quarantine may be included in the 10 great field of preventive medicine, of which we hear so 20 much these days. It seeks to prevent disease by excluding 30 it. Among all preventive measures, it is perhaps the oldest 40 as it is certainly the most natural. The practice of 50 quarantine in some form runs through the history of mankind. 60 Provisions of this character are mentioned in the Mosaic law; 70 and in our own time, communities, under the dread of 80 epidemics, have been known to take the law into their 90 own hands and to enforce quarantines of the harshest character. 100 The word itself originates from the Italian word, quarantina, or 110 "forty," forty days being the period of detention imposed on 120 certain vessels by the great maritime republic of Venice in 130 the latter part of the Middle Ages. Among the quarantine 140 procedures now in use perhaps the most important are the 150 restrictions placed around our borders and frontiers. This country, in 160 common with most others, considers it essential to adopt measures 170 to prevent the introduction within its borders of certain communicable 180 diseases, and so there has origi- nated our system of quarantine 190 defense against exotic disease. Situated as we are this means 200 largely a maritime quarantine, PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 101 since our long coast line is of 210 far more importance in this connec- tion, than our northern and 220 southern frontiers. This quarantine defense is now considered a function 230 of the national government, but this has not always been 240 so. The assumption of such powers by the national government, 250 like so many other powers and duties under national control, 260 has been reached through a slow process of evolution, which 270 is even yet not entirely complete. In the early days 280 of this country, quarantine powers were lodged with the ports 290 or states that is, they were entirely local. Settlements were 300 small and scattered, and means of communication were slow. But 310 as growth and development took place, people multiplied, business grew, 320 and means of trans- portation and communication increased, it was recognized 330 that quarantine measures affected not only a particular port or 340 place, but involved the interests of all. For disease introduced 350 at one port might ultimately become very widespread. There were, 360 moreover, other considerations; such, for example, as the possibility that 370 one port might seek material or business advantages at the 380 cost of others by imposing lax quarantine restric- tions, to invite 390 trade. These and other considerations provoked discussion and legislation of 400 one kind or another, all of which finally culminated in 410 an act of Congress (approved February 15, 1893) which created 420 a na- tional quarantine establishment and placed all such duties and 430 powers in the hands of the Public Health Service, then 440 the Marine Hospital Service. Since this act, some other less 450 important legislation has from time to time been enacted, largely 460 for the purpose of modifying or supplementing the original act. 470 One amendment relates to vessels plying between our own ports 480 and nearby foreign ports on our frontiers, and releases them 490 from all quarantine restrictions except under unusual conditions. This relieves 500 us of many useless and expensive restrictions between our neighbors; 510 and allows the exten- sive shipping on our Great Lakes, for 520 example, between American and Canadian ports, to go on, under 530 normal conditions, unhindered. Thus is exemplified the keynote of quarantine 540 defense a mini- mum of restriction with a maximum of safety. 550 The idea is to avoid all useless and unreasonable restrictions 560 indeed, to expedite in every possible way the great and 870 important business of the mer- chant marine, as long as it 580 may be done with safety to our own country. 102 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE Under 590 the law mentioned above and by authority of the secre- tary 600 of the treasury, the surgeon-general of the Public Health 610 Service appointed a board of officers to draw up regulations 620 for carrying into effect the national quarantine law; and under 630 these regulations, modified from time to time as required, the 640 law is now administered. [644. FROM "THE SURVEY" ARE WE PREPARED FOR THE PANAMA CANAL? BY JOHN BARRETT It ia necessary that the South, and, in fact, the 10 entire country, should realize without delay certain plain facts about 20 the Panama Canal. There is real danger that in our 30 rejoicing over its early com- pletion and in our excusable pride 40 over the great engineering achievement, we shall overlook doing the 50 practical things upon which the successful use of the canal 60 depends. There is equal danger that we are doing impractical 70 things which will seriously handicap its value to us. I 80 am not an alarmist, but telling the truth when I 90 say there is going to be widespread disappointment throughout the 100 country at our slowness in realizing the large, appreciable and 110 immediate benefits from the canal. A wail of protest will 120 surely go up from the country within a year or 130 two after the canal is opened to trade that the 140 harbors of the Atlantic and Pacific coasts are not filled 150 with shipping and that the manufacturing plants of the country 160 are not overwhelmed with the orders which are expected as 170 a result of its construction. There is no use denying 180 these possible canal conditions which the country may meet. It 190 may not be a popular thing for me to say 200 this; but I am forced to tell the truth as 210 I see it in order to awaken that attitude of 220 the people and that action of our Government which can 230 change absolutely this prospective but unfortunate situ- ation. In the first 240 place, the canal tolls at $1.25 a net ton are 250 undoubt- edly too high. This should be placed at the lowest 260 figure permitted PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 103 by Congress 75 cents a ton. Only by 270 the use of the latter figure can we get the 280 greatest use of the canal in the shortest possible time 290 after it is opened. One dollar and twenty-five cents a 300 ton means speculation as to possibilities and hesitation as to 310 large ship- ping preparations for the use of the canal. Seventy-five 320 cents a ton would mean that every possible utilization would 330 be made of it without delay. While it is perfectly 340 just to charge a reasonable toll to pay oper- ating expenses, 350 it is inconsistent with our national policy, as shown in 360 the operation of our post-offices and public buildings, to 370 charge a toll to cover the interest on the investment. 380 If we operated our post-office service on the principle 390 of making the postage pay for the interest on the 400 billions of dollars invested in post-office build- ings, we would 410 be obliged to charge 5 cents for every letter and 420 triple the present rate for second-class matter. In the 430 second place, there is very little organized or individual preparation 440 for the Panama Canal among great commercial organ- izations and manufacturing 450 interests of the United States. They are not studying the 460 markets of the countries reached through the canal as are 470 the corresponding interests of Europe. There are a score of 480 agents of European chambers of commerce and of Euro- pean manufacturing 490 and importing houses studying the markets of South America and 500 the Pacific Ocean where there is one from the corresponding 510 interests of the United States. In the third place, there 520 is altogether too small preparation for the canal in the 530 form of the building of vessels to fly the American 540 flag. A few are being constructed, but even these are 550 paltry in number compared to the preparations of the European 560 and Japa- nese shipyards and shipping companies. In the fourth place, 670 in discussing the development of trade through the canal, we 580 are considering it too much from a selfish standpoint. We 590 are thinking only of our export trade or of what 600 we will sell, and not enough of our import trade 610 or what we will buy. Exchange of products is the 620 life of commerce. We must consider what markets we can 630 provide for the products of the countries reached through the 640 canal, as well as what we can sell to them. 650 Finally, our commercial, civic, literary and educational organi- zations and institutions, 660 from chambers of commerce and universi- ties down to boys' clubs 670 and preparatory schools, should take up the study of the 680 Panama Canal and what it means not only to our 690 trade, but to our influence among the nations. Only in 700 this way 104 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE can we inaugurate and develop a real Panama 710 Canal movement which will enable us to realize large benefits 720 from the canal in the shortest possible time. [728. CENSORING CABLE MESSAGES DURING EUROPEAN WAR Never within the memory of cable operators now living has 10 there been anything like the rigid censorship over cables that 20 is now exer- cised by all the nations and, of necessity, 30 by the cable companies themselves. No cipher or code messages 40 are accepted by the com- panies to any of the nations 50 now engaged in war. No " mystery " or code messages are 60 accepted to any European countries, for the simple reason that 70 at present to reach almost any section of the European 80 Continent they would have to go through a British or 90 French station, and there they would be held up. War 100 time is, in the rulings of war generals, no time 110 for secret messages. During ordinary times many of the financial, 120 importing, exporting and industrial corporations do practically all their cabling 130 in cipher. This means tens of thousands of dollars saved 140 annually to many big houses. In peaceful times these "mystery" 150 phrases are not regarded as sinister and are accepted. But 160 now the most important message, with a vital bearing on 170 the great conflict now raging throughout Europe, might be flashed 180 over the cable as a simple business com- munication, and so 190 the companies have posted this order in all stations : "Cables 200 whose meanings are not obvious are liable to suppression without 210 notice or recourse." Which means that if there is the 220 slightest suspicion in the mind of the cable manager, or 230 later, the censor, that a message has a double meaning 240 or might bear secret information to a warring na- tion, or 250 if it is in any way objectionable in the estimation 260 of the cable company or the censors, it is passed 270 along, payment for it having been made, and somewhere along 280 the line it is "spiked" and never sees the light 290 again. The rules are the same everywhere. The censors understand 300 them and are inflexible. The governments now fighting do not 310 want anything printed that might inflame adverse public sentiment PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 105 iii 320 their own countries, cause uneasiness among sympathizers in friendly and 330 peaceful nations, shed light upon the movements of troops or 340 battleships or give the slightest clew to the enemy. 350 The cable companies are presumed to have a sentimental loyalty 360 to their countries, but this is not regarded as sufficiently 370 profound to keep them from taking business, and so 380 the governments step in and merely take full charge of 390 the cables. The companies have no redress. In times of 400 war the individual or the business house is the abject 410 creature of the government. His private property may be seized; 420 his personal actions regulated or restrained; he may be thrown 430 into jail and he has no redress except the courts, 440 which presumably would defer all action until hostilities were ended. 450 The censor, who is either an army or an interior 460 department official and as heartless from a business point of 470 view and as keen-sighted as it is possible to 480 be, looks over the despatches, which must be written out, 490 of course, in full, and crosses out anything that he 500 thinks would be detrimental to his government if published either 510 in America or elsewhere. It is possible they cross out 520 things which they think might reflect glory upon the countries 530 with which they are at war. There is no evidence, 540 however, that they have done this. The theory that despatches 550 are "colored" is without justifica- tion. Governments at war have no 560 hesitancy in suppressing cables. They announce their intention to do 570 so. But they never interpolate. They never change the meaning. 580 It often happens that they eliminate so much from 590 some news despatches that it is very difficult for the 600 recipients to interpret the meaning of what is left, but 610 there is no wanton misrepresentation, even, it is always assumed, 620 when the strife is bitterest, and public sentiment and publicity 630 become vital factors in a great struggle. No doubt throughout 640 the war there will be criticism of news- papers here and 650 abroad by statesmen who see bias or prejudice in published 660 reports. But it is a fair assumption that newspapers in America 670 are moved by the one desire to publish the news 680 without color and without wishing to hurt or help anyone 690 engaged in the strife. Whatever false impressions may be created 700 will, it may be safely assumed, be due to the 710 action of governments themselves and not to the newspapers who 720 print the news as they get it. [727. 106 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE CALIFORNIA AND THE ALIEN LAND QUESTION Gov. Johnson's statement says in part: "The suggestion of the 10 President that the Secretary of State visit California for conferences 20 on the pending land bills was at once accepted by 30 both houses of the Legislature and by the Governor, and 40 we will be glad to welcome Mr. Bryan. "While the 50 Legislature very properly maintained the right of the State to 60 legislate on a matter clearly within its jurisdiction, I am 70 sure there is no disposition to encroach on the international 80 function of the Federal Government, or justly to wound the 90 sensibilities of any nation. My protest has been against the 100 discrimination to which California has been subjected in the assumption 110 that action which has been accepted without demur when taken 120 by other States and by the nation, is offensive if 130 even discussed by Cali- fornia. "I am not predicting the California 140 Legislature will take any action on this subject, nor, if 160 it does, forecasting the terms of any law which may 160 be enacted. "I am merely defending the right of California 170 to consider, and if its legislators deem advisable, to enact 180 a law which is clearly within both its legal power 190 and its moral right. "Much has been said of the 200 dignity of Japan. We would not will- ingly affront the dignity 210 of Japan, nor offend its pride. But what shall be 220 said of the proposition that a great State, itself an 230 empire of possibilities greater than those of most nations, shall 240 be halted from the mere consideration of a legislative act, 250 admittedly within its jurisdiction, by the protest of a foreign 260 power which has itself enacted even more stringent regulations on 270 the subject? What of the dignity of California? "Admittedly, California 280 has a right to pass an alien land bill. No 290 one suggests that such a bill should in terms describe 300 the Japanese. It has been suggested that such a law 310 in California shall follow the distinctions which are already an 320 unprotested part of the law and policy of the United 330 States. "The United States has determined who are eligible to 340 citizen- ship. The nation has solemnly decreed that certain races, among 360 whom are the Japanese, are not eligible to citizenship. "The 360 line has been drawn not by California, but by the 370 United States. Discrimination, if it ever occurred, came and went 380 when PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 107 the nation declared who were and who were not 390 eligible to citizen- ship. If California continues the line marked out 400 by the Federal Government, the United States and not California 410 should be accused of discrimination. "The Constitution of California since 420 1879 has said that 'the presence of foreigners ineligible to 430 become citizens is declared to be dangerous to the well being 440 of the State, and the Legislature shall discourage their immigration 450 by all means in its power.' The Alien Land Law 460 of the State of Washington provides that 'any alien, except 470 such as by the laws of the United States are 480 incapable of becoming citizens of the United States, may acquire 490 and hold land,' etc. The State of Arizona in 1912 500 enacted that 'no person not eligible to become a citizen 510 of the United States shall acquire title to any land 520 or real property,' etc. "No protest was made against this 530 policy of the laws of the United States nor against 540 its adoption into the laws of Washington and Arizona. If 560 the Legislature of California were to determine on similar action 560 it would be merely following the declaration of our constitution, 570 the policy of the United States Government and the precedents 580 of at least two states. "We protest, while we are 690 merely debating similar laws, against having trained upon us not 600 only the verbal batteries of Japan, but those of our 610 own country. The position that we occupy at this mo- ment 620 is not pleasant to contemplate. Calmly and dispassionately we are 630 discussing a law admittedly within our province to enact. Objection 640 is made by Japan and forthwith it is demanded that 650 we cease even discussion, and upon us, if we do 660 not cease calm and dispassionate consideration of that which is 670 desired by a great por- tion of our people, and which 680 we have the legal and moral right to do, is 690 placed the odium of bringing possible financial disaster and even 700 worse on our nation. What a position for a great 710 State and a great people! "This question in all its 720 various forms is an old and familiar one. The only 730 new thing about it is the hysteria which it seems 740 to arouse when California is the place in which it 750 comes up. "My protest has been and is against this 760 discrimination. This State will not willingly do anything to which 770 there could be just objection, national or international. But it 780 does resist being singled out on matters which pass unprotested 790 when they happen elsewhere." [794. 108 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE RAILWAY RATES DECISION The long-expected decision of the Interstate Commerce Commis- sion on 10 the application of the eastern railroads for an advance in 20 rates was finally handed down last month. The delay in 30 rendering the decision has been held accountable in some quarters 40 for the current depression in business, and a favorable decision 50 has been hoped for to relieve the low state of 60 mind of business men. But it has eventually arrived at 70 a time when its effect is almost negligible. The Interstate 80 Commerce Commission asserts that the decision is not of the 90 gravity generally ascribed to it. It is certain that it 100 could not bring about any pronounced change in business condi- tions 110 excepting so far as the business troubles are due to 120 loss of confidence on the part of business men in 130 the justice of the treatment of railroads and other public 140 service companies. If present business depression continues, with the consequent 150 lack of traffic for the railroads, moderate advances in railroad 160 rates could not by any possibility compensate the railroads for 170 their lack of tonnage. Consequently the somewhat disappointing char- acter of 180 the decision may be expected to have very much less 190 effect upon the immediate future of business than the prospect 200 of abundant crops. The grounds upon which the railroads asked 210 for rate increases averaging about 5 per cent, are summarized 220 by the Interstate Commerce Commission as follows: " (A) That the rate 230 of return in net operating income upon the property investment 240 is declining. " (B) That the principal cause of this decline is 250 a steady and constant increase in operating expenses, due to 260 matters of a con- tinuing character, such as wage increases, legislative 270 requirements, and the necessity of maintaining a higher standard of 280 track, equip- ment, and facilities generally. "(C) That the return upon money 290 invested in railway facilities since 1903 has been utterly inadequate, 300 and that no return at all has been received upon 310 the money so invested since 1910. " (D) That the effect of 320 these things is so to impair the credit of the 330 railroad companies as seriously to check the normal con- struction and 340 development of railway facilities which are required to meet the 350 public demands." In a case such as this one, the 360 part of the Interstate Commerce PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 109 Commission is primarily that of 370 judicial consideration of the conflicting interests of the railroads and 380 the public. The attitude of the commission is stated as 390 follows: "The public owes to the private owners of these 400 properties, when well located and managed, the full opportunity to 410 earn a fair return on the investment ; and the carriers 420 owe to the public an efficient service at reasonable rates. 430 This fundamental doctrine has been recognized by the commission in 440 the performance of its duties. The proceeding before us may 460 therefore be described as, in some sense, a controversy 460 between the consuming public, which pays the rates, and the 470 investor, who furnishes the facilities for moving the freight; and 480 our duty is to ascertain from the record before us 490 what are their respective rights." In this statement the phrase 500 "well located and managed" stands out as of prime importance. 510 Granting the contention of the rail- roads that their expenses have 520 increased in excess of their revenue, it is necessary for 530 the commission to determine whether such in- crease in expense is 540 due to inefficiencies of management on the part of the 550 railroad or to conditions beyond the control of the railroad. 560 The settlement of the case consequently presupposes to a certain 570 extent an investigation of the efficiency of the railroads. This 580 is, of course, a monumental task and has been responsible 590 for the long delay in issuing the decision of the 600 commission. The rate increases asked for on the railroads were 610 estimated to yield in revenue about $50,000,000 annually. The increases 620 granted by the commission are variously estimated to yield from 630 nine to sixteen millions of dollars per year. The commission 540 believes that through economies suggested the railroads can realize an 650 an- nual increase of earnings amounting to about $40,000,000. The extent 660 to which this amount can be increased is indefinite and 670 any estimate of the exact amount so realized is little 680 more than a guess. The railroads claim that many of 690 these suggested economies are matters with which the railroads have 700 been vitally concerned for years and in which they cannot 710 be expected to show much better results. The increases allowed 720 the railways are mainly in Central Traffic territory lying between 730 Buffalo and Pittsburgh on the east and Chicago and St. Louis 740 on the west, and the Ohio River and Great Lakes 750 on the south and north. In this territory the commission 760 allowed nearly all of the rate increases asked. Both the 770 railroads and the commission agree, however, that the existing rates 780 in this 110 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE territory are unsatisfactory because they are unscientific and 790 illog- ical, and that a thorough revision of all rates based 800 on scientific principles is essential to the prosperity of the 810 railroads. [811. THE TEACHER'S IDEAL BY WILLIAM JAMES You perceive now what your general or abstract duty is 10 as teachers. Although you have to generate in your pupils 20 a large stock of ideas, any one of which may 30 be inhibitory, yet you must also see to it that 40 no habitual hesitancy or paralysis of the will ensues, and 50 that the pupil still retains his power of vigorous action. 60 Psychology can state your problem in these terms, but you 70 see how impotent she is to furnish the elements of 80 its practical solution. When all is said and done and 90 your best efforts are made, it will probably remain true 100 that the result will depend more on a certain native 110 tone or temper in the pupil's psychological constitution than on 120 anything else. Some persons appear to have a naturally poor 130 focalization of the field of consciousness; and in such persons 140 actions hang slack, and inhibitions seem to exert peculiarly easy 150 Bway. But let us now close in a little more 160 closely on this matter of the education of the will. 170 Your task is to build up a character in your 180 pupils; and a character, as I have so often said, 190 consists in an organized .set of habits of reaction. Now 200 of what do such habits of reaction themselves consist? They 210 consist of tendencies to act characteristically when certain ideas possess 220 us, and to refrain characteristically when possessed by other ideas. 230 Our volitional habits depend, then, first, on what the stock 240 of ideas is which we have; and, second, on the 280 habitual coupling of the several ideas with action or inaction 260 respectively. How is it when an alternative is presented to 270 you for choice, and you are uncertain what you ought to 280 do, you first hesitate, and then you deliberate? And in 290 what does your deliberation consist? It consists in trying to 300 apperceive the case successively by a number of different ideas, 310 which seem to fit in more or less, until at 320 last you hit on one which seems to fit it 330 exactly. If that be an idea which is a cus- tomary 340 forerunner of action in you, which enters into one of 350 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 111 your maxims of positive behavior, your hesitation ceases, and you 360 act immediately. If, on the other hand, it be an 370 idea which carries inaction as its habitual result, if it 380 ally itself with prohibition, then you unhesitatingly refrain. The problem 390 is, you see, to find the right idea or conception 400 for the case. This search for the right conception may 410 take days or weeks. I spoke as if the action 420 were easy when the conception is once found. Often it 430 is so, but it may be otherwise; and, when it 440 is otherwise we find ourselves at the very center of 450 a moral situation, into which I should now like you 460 to look with me a little nearer. The proper conception, 470 the true head of classification, may be hard to attain; 480 or it may be one with which we have contracted 490 no settled habits of action. Or, again, the action to 500 which it would prompt may be dangerous and difficult; or 510 else inaction may appear deadly cold and negative when our 520 impulsive feeling is hot. In either of these latter cases 530 it is hard to hold the right idea steadily enough 540 before the attention to let it exert its adequate effects. 550 Whether it be stimulative or inhibitive, it is too reasonable 560 for us; and the more instinctive passional propensity then tends 570 to extrude it from our consideration. We shy away from 580 the thought of it. It twinkles and goes out the 590 moment it appears in the margin of our consciousness; and 600 we need a resolute effort of voluntary attention to drag 610 it into the focus of the field, and to keep 620 it there long enough for its associative and motor effects 630 to be exerted. Every one knows only too well how 640 the mind flinches from looking at considerations hostile to the 650 reigning mood of feeling. Once brought, however, in this way 660 to the center of the field of consciousness, and held 670 there, the reasonable idea will exert these effects inevitably; for 680 the laws of connection between our conscious- ness and our nervous 690 system provide for the action then taking place. Our moral 700 effort, properly so called, terminates in our hold- ing fast to 710 the appropriate idea. If then you are asked, "In what 720 does a moral act consist when reduced to its simplest 730 and most elementary form?" you can make only one reply. 740 You can say that it consists in the effort of 750 attention by which we hold so fast to an idea 760 which but for that effort of attention would be driven 770 out of the mind by the other psychological tendencies that 780 are there. To think, in short, is the secret of 790 will, just as it is the secret of memory. Thus 800 are your pupils to be saved; first, by the stock 810 of ideas with which you furnish them; second, by 820 the amount of voluntary 112 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE attention that they can exert in 830 holding to the right ones, however unpalatable; and, third, by 840 the several habits of acting definitely on these latter to 860 which they have been successfully trained. [866. NATIONAL AND INDUSTRIAL PEACE This body stands for the triumphs of peace both abroad 10 and at home. We have passed that stage of national 20 development when depreciation of other peoples is felt as a 30 tribute to our own. We watch the growth and prosperity 40 of other nations, not with hatred or jealousy, but with 50 sincere and friendly good will. I think I can say 60 safely that we have shown by our attitude toward Cuba, 70 by our attitude toward China, that as regards weaker powers 80 our desire is that they may be able to stand 90 alone, and that if they will only show themselves willing 100 to deal honestly and fairly with the rest of mankind 110 we on our side will do all we can to 120 help, not to hinder them. With the great powers of 130 the world we desire no rivalry that is not honorable 140 to both parties. We wish them well. We be- lieve that 150 the trend of the modern spirit is ever stronger toward 160 peace, not war; toward friendship, not hostility; as the normal 170 international attitude. We are glad, indeed, that we are on 180 good terms with all the other peoples of mankind, and 190 no effort on our part shall be spared to secure 200 a continuance of these relations. And remember, gentlemen, that we 210 shall be a potent factor for peace largely in proportion 220 to the way in which we make it evident that 230 our attitude is due, not to weakness, not to inability 240 to defend ourselves, but to a genuine repugnance to wrongdoing, 250 a genuine desire for self-respecting friendship with our neighbors. 260 The voice of the weakling or the craven counts for 270 nothing when he clamors for peace; but the voice of 280 the just man armed is potent. We need to keep 290 in a condition of preparedness, especially as regards our navy, 300 not because we want war; but because we desire to 310 stand with those whose plea for peace is listened to 320 with respectful attention. Important though it is that we should 330 have peace abroad, it is even more important that 340 we should have peace at home. You, men of the 350 Chamber of Commerce, to whose efforts we owe so much 360 of our industrial well being, can, and I believe surely 370 will, PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 113 be influential in helping toward that industrial peace which 380 can obtain in society only when, in their various relations, 390 employer and employed alike show not merely insistence each upon 400 his own rights, but also regard for the right of 410 others, and a full acknowledg- ment of the interests of the 420 third party the public. It is no easy matter to 430 work out a system or rule of conduct, whether with 440 or without the help of the lawgiver, which shall minimize 450 that jarring and clashing of interests in the industrial world 460 which causes so much individual irritation and suffering at the 470 present day, and which at times threatens baleful consequences to 480 large portions of the body politic. But the importance of 490 the problem cannot be overestimated, and it deserves to receive 500 the careful thought of all men such as those whom 610 I am addressing to-night. There should be no yielding to 520 wrong; but there should most certainly be not only desire 530 to do right, but a willingness each to try to 540 under- stand the viewpoint of his fellow, with whom, for weal 550 or for woe, his own fortunes are indissolubly bound. No 560 patent remedy can be devised for the solution of these 570 grave problems in the industrial world, but we may rest 580 assured that they can be solved at all only if 590 we bring to the solution certain old time virtues, and 600 if we strive to keep out of the solution some 610 of the most familiar and most undesirable of the traits 620 to which mankind has owed untold degradation and suffering throughout 630 the ages. Arrogance, suspicion, brutal envy of the well to do, 640 brutal indifference toward those who are not well to do, 650 the hard refusal to consider the rights of others, the 660 foolish refusal to con- sider the limits of beneficent action, the 670 base appeal to the spirit of selfish greed, whether it 680 take the form of plunder of the fortunate or of 690 oppression of the unfortunate from these and from all kin- dred 700 vices this nation must be kept free, if it is 710 to remain in its present position in the forefront of 720 the peoples of mankind. On the other hand, good will 730 come even out of the present evils, if we face 740 them armed with the old homely virtues; if we show 750 that we are fearless of soul, cool of head and 760 kindly of heart; if without betraying the weakness that cringes 770 before wrongdoing, we yet show by deeds and words our 780 knowledge that in such a govern- ment as ours each of 790 us must be in very truth his brother's keeper. The 800 first requisite of a good citizen in this Republic of 810 ours is that he shall be able and willing to 820 pull his weight that he shall not be a mere 830 passenger, but shall do his share in the work that 840 each 114 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE generation of us finds ready to hand; and, furthermore, 850 that in doing his work he shall show not only 860 the capacity for simply self- help, but also self-respecting regard for 870 the rights of others. [874. THE ULTRAMICROSCOPE Not long since, announcements that a lecture was to be 10 given on the use of the ultramicroscope in medicine might 20 have evoked some curiosity among the profession, affirms Professor Hartog, 30 as to what such an instrument might be. As a 40 matter of fact, declared this expert on the subject, there 80 is no such instrument as the ultra- microscope, properly speaking. The 60 name is simply a convenient term for what is really 70 a microscope. This microscope is equipped with an attachment which 80 displays the positions of particles too minute to be shown 90 by the formation of an optical image in the microscope. 100 The particles referred to are termed, rightly enough, ultramicroscopic particles. 110 There are two reasons why we cannot see very small 120 particles by whatever direct optical devices we employ. The first, 130 explains Professor Hartog, is the structure of the eye, which 140 can not recog- nize separation between images nearer than a certain 150 distance on the retina, the sensitive screen of the camera 160 represented by the eye. It is for this reason that 170 we use the microscope to enlarge the images of near 180 objects, the telescope for distant ones. The second difficulty 190 is a physical one. Owing to the character of light, 200 every instrument is subject to the same sort of 210 difficulties as the eye, and cannot form an image of 220 particles which occupy less than a certain space in its 230 field. For microscopic objects this minimum dimension is something like 240 one 125,000th of an inch. But we know that while 250 under ordinary circumstances we cannot see directly by their brightness 260 or opacity such objects as dust- motes in a room or 270 telephone wites half a mile away, we are enabled to 280 ascertain their presence and position by the light reflected or 290 scattered "diffracted" at their surface, if they are illumined by 300 the intense light of the sun, or it may 310 be of an arc light. The principle of microscopical illumination 320 by light so oblique that none directly entered the eye 330 but showed up transparent objects as if self-luminous by the 340 light deflected was a very old PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 115 device; but to 350 display internal structure it was found to be infer- ior to 360 directly transmitted light, especially for objects cut very thin and 370 dyed to reveal structures by their different absorptions of the 380 stain. Hence it was abandoned except for artistic pur- poses. Transparent 390 objects, especially living ones, under this illumination, seemed to glow 400 by their own silvery light against a velvety background with 410 a weird and fairy beauty. The abandonment of dark ground 420 illumination was due to the unsuitable character of the objects 430 to which it was applied. What is of interest for 440 the present purpose is the class of objects to which 450 it was applied with good results and the new knowledge 460 we have gained from its use: "Through the ultramicroscope it 470 has been actually seen and recorded that the movements of 480 the molecules of a liquid are of the extent and 490 speed demanded by the thermo-dynamic theory of the nature of 500 fluids. The true bond between dyestuff and fiber, a problem 510 of the greatest importance to manufacturer and to scientist, 520 was long unsolved; through the ultramicroscope it is now being 530 settled. Probably the greatest service that the instru- ment has rendered 540 humanity has been to bring into sight such dis- ease-germs 550 as are too minute to be otherwise seen or even 560 to be arrested by the finest filters of unglazed porcelain, 570 and to bring into clear view, alive and unstained, those 580 germs whose transpar- ency and minuteness all but elude observation under 590 ordinary methods. Those are the germs which give rise to 600 yaws in the tropics, and to the world-wide scourge whose 610 suppression is perhaps the most urgent problem of our era. 620 "It is now certain that colloid substances or jellies, such 630 as gum, glue, boiled starch, 'solutions' of soap and of 640 rubber, the colloid solutions of metals (used in medicine), contain 650 the solid in the form of minute solid particles. Coagulation 660 of the colloid is due to the clumping together of 670 the ultra-microscopic particles into masses of larger size; these again 680 usually cling together into a network, which gradually shrinks so 690 as to squeeze out the liquid, as we may see 700 with clotted blood or curds. And since colloids compose the 710 greater part of living matter this knowledge is, literally, of 720 vital importance to us all." As the field of vision 730 is enlarged through the new utilization of the lens a 740 delicate question suggests itself with reference to the vision of 750 observers. It has been suspected for a long time that 760 the eccentricities of human vision may explain the different results 770 116 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE obtained by different astronomers in their work upon the so-called 780 canals of Mars. Is it not possible that the eye 790 which looks through a very powerful lens is misled by 800 its own idiosyncrasy? [803. PRICE MAINTENANCE ENCOURAGES INDIVIDUAL ENTERPRISE BY Louis D. BRANDEIS The American people are wisely determined to restrict the exis- tence 10 and operation of private monopolies. The recent efforts that have 20 been made to limit the right of a manufacturer to 30 maintain the price at which his article should be sold 40 to the consumer have been inspired by a motive that 50 is good the desire for free compe- tition but they have 60 been misdirected. If successful, they will result in the very 70 thing that they seek to curb monopoly. Price-maintenance the 80 trade policy by which an individual manufacturer of a trade-marked 90 article insures that article reaching all consumers at the same 100 price instead of being part of the trust movement is 110 one of the strongest forces of the progressive move- ment which 120 favors individual enterprise. There is no justification in fixing the 130 retail price of an article without individuality. Such articles do 140 not carry the guarantee of value that identifies them with 150 the reputation of the man who made them. But the 160 independent manufacturer of an article that bears his name or 170 trade-mark says in effect: "That which I create, in which 180 I embody my experience, to which I give my reputation, 190 is my own property. By my own effort I have 200 created a product valuable not only to myself, but to 210 the consumer, for I have endowed this specific article with 220 qualities which the consumer desires and which the consumer may 230 confi- dently rely upon receiving when he purchases my article in 240 the original package. It is essential that consumers should have 250 con- fidence in the fairness of my price as well as 260 in the quality of my product. To be able to 270 buy such an article with those qualities is quite as 280 much of value to the purchaser as it is of 290 value to the maker to find customers for it." There 300 is no improper restraint of trade when an independent PITMAN 8 ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 117 manufacturer 310 in a competitive business settles the price at which the 320 article he makes shall be sold to the consumer. There 330 is dan- gerous restraint of trade when prices are fixed on 340 a common article of trade by a monopoly or combination 350 of manufacturers. The independent manufacturer may not arbitrarily establish the 360 price at which his article is to be sold to 370 the consumer. If he would succeed he must adjust it 380 to active and potential competition and various other influences that 390 are beyond his control. There is no danger of profits 400 being too large as long as the field of competi- tion 410 is kept open; as long as the incentive to effort 420 is preserved; and the opportunity of individual development is kept 430 untram- meled. And in any branch of trade in which such 440 competitive conditions exist we may safely allow a manufacturer to 450 maintain the price at which his article may be sold 460 to the consumer. Competition is encouraged, not suppressed, by permitting 470 each of a dozen manufacturers of safety razors or breakfast 480 foods to maintain the price at which his article is 490 to be sold to the consumer. By permitting price-maintenance 500 each maker is enabled to pur- sue his business under conditions 510 deemed by him most favorable for the widest distribution of 520 his product at a fair price. He may open up 530 a new sphere of merchandising which would have been impossible without 540 price protection. The whole world can be drawn into the 550 field. Every dealer, every small stationer, every small druggist, every 560 small hardware man can be made a purveyor of the 570 article, and it becomes available to the public in the 580 short- est time and the easiest manner. Price cutting of the 590 one-priced, trade-marked article is frequently used as a 600 puller-in to tempt customers who may buy other goods 610 of unfamiliar value at high prices. It tends to eliminate 620 the small dealer who is a necessary and convenient factor 630 for the widest distribution; and ultimately, by discrediting the sale 640 of the article at a fair price, it ruins the 650 market for it. Our efforts, therefore, should be directed not 660 to abolishing price- maintenance by the individual competitive manufacturer, but 670 to abolishing monopoly, the source of real oppression in fixed 680 prices. The resolution adopted by the National Federation of Retail 690 Merchants at its annual convention draws clearly the distinction pointed 700 out above. The resolution declared that the fixing of retail 710 prices in and of itself is an aid to competition; 720 among other reasons, because it prevents the extension of the 730 trust and chain stores into fields not now occupied by 740 them. But the resolution 118 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE also expresses the united voice of 750 the retailers against monopoly and those combinations to restrain trade 760 against which the Sher- man law is specifically directed. Manufacturers and 770 retailers are getting this distinction clearly in their minds, and 780 it must soon be generally recognized by the public. What 790 is needed is clear thinking and effective educational work which 800 will make the distinction clear to the whole people. Only 810 in this way can there be preserved to the independent 820 manufacturer his most potent weapon against monopoly the privi- lege of 830 making public and making permanent the price at which his 840 product may be sold in every State in the Union. [860. OUR NEED OF PERSPECTIVE BY CHARLES F. DOLE May I ask if social workers do not need to 10 be forever on their guard against taking a distorted view 20 of the condition of society? We are given the hospital 30 side of life; we go to perpetual clinics; we hear 40 the cries of pain from sufferers; we listen to all 50 the varieties of complaint and fault-finding. We owe to 60 our sympathies and our humanity the prompt willingness to see 70 all this seamy side; we owe it to our sense 80 of justice to listen to every complaint. But w r e ought 90 to know that the atmosphere of complaints, of strikes, of 100 vice commissions, of sweat-shop investigations and so forth, cannot 110 be borne too continuously, except by the hardiest constitutions. Do 120 we not need also "to watch out" against the obvious 130 ten- dency of witnesses, whose complaints we bring into publicity, to 140 make a telling story of oppression, of ugly conditions, of 180 their personal hardships or temptations, and so to represent a 160 worse total situation than actually exists? To become a complainant 170 is a dangerous business for any human being. To listen 180 to complaints, however necessary, demands not merely sympathy with the 190 people in distress, but ever so much caution and sympathy 200 with the absent people, who are often subjected to attack, 210 without the op- portunity to set forth other aspects which go 220 to make the truth. We know that there is a 230 hard side of life for those who are poor and 240 for many new immigrants. Let us surely be ready to 250 do what PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 119 we can to relieve it. But we are 260 apt to forget that this fact charac- terizes all life, high 270 or low, and is likely to continue for a long 280 time. It costs something to live in this world, and 290 to achieve real civilization; the inevitable law of this cost 300 runs through every stratum of society. It would do good 310 to read a bit of the history of what it 320 cost, by way of the hardship, the men and women 330 who colonized New England! One wonders what would happen if 340 we took as much pains to bring all the painful 350 and seamy facts of life to light from the whole 360 social body, as we take to discover pain and suffering 370 and disease, in what we call "the submerged tenth;" if 380 we encourage average people, who seem to themselves to have 390 grievances, to publish their complaints, or, if we investigated child- 400 life in rural New England. I have in mind a fairly 410 prosperous community, without many millionaires, and with little obvious poverty. 420 We could find house after house where some one is 430 bearing sickness, sometimes under extreme pain and hopelessness. There are 440 families in serious anxi- ety about money affairs, often foolish people 450 who waste and spend more than they earn, but who 460 are now actual sufferers just the same. There are homes 470 where little children are ill-nourished and waste away; others where 480 children have been born defective and imbecile. There are sons 490 and daughters on whom no expense of education has conferred 500 character, who are bringing grief to their parents. There are 510 sad cases of the failure of domestic happiness, and there 520 are breaking hearts in fine houses, and disappointed faces of 530 men and women who ride in automobiles. The fact is, 540 money does not cure poverty, except on the surface. Men, 550 being men, want contentment, peace of mind, kind friends and 560 happiness. Is it not easily forgotten that the study of 570 the morbid conditions of life at any time, or anywhere, 580 falls far short of knowing life? We can no more 590 afford to set it forth by itself, as if it 600 were the average view of the life of any 610 considerable class of the population, than we can afford to 620 take our chief reading from medical journals, or from the 630 quotations of the stock exchange, or from the sporting columns 640 of the newspaper. It can only be the duty of 650 a few out of the many to be social workers, 660 as it is only the part of a few to 670 be nurses. Is it not sober truth, that, on the 680 whole, with all allowance for the backwardness and the barbarism 690 and the trial of our patience 120 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE at the slowness of 700 reform, the great mass of the people of the United 710 States are hopefully on the way up from conditions that 720 were only lately far more ignorant and servile than those 730 which still survive? Do we not also need to call 740 continued attention to the brave, patient people in every walk 760 of life, who have somehow acquired such a habit of 760 good temper and self-control that they refuse to add their 770 complaints to the sorry cries of the suffering, but strug- gle 780 to "make the best" of things, whether of pain and 790 sorrow, or of straitened income? Such people as these, high 800 and low, establish centers of light and faith, much needed 810 in our world. Surely, it is out of the children 820 trained in the households of such people, and not among 830 those who live in an atmosphere of bitterness, fault-finding and 840 obduration, that we look for the most effective help to 850 cure those conditions of distress in any class which appeal 860 with growing insistence to the sympathies of all humane people. [870. WHAT IS FEMINISM? It is perhaps as well to note at the outset 10 the current confusion as to the relation between woman suffrage 20 and feminism. To fem- inists suffrage may, or may not, be 30 one of the many fences which must come down as 40 woman pushes upward and onward in individual development. Being an 50 anti-suffragist by no means opposes one to far-reaching feministic conviction 60 as to the individual development of women. Some of the 70 ablest workers for the cause of women that I have 80 ever met in this country are anti-suffragists. One of the 90 men who was working hardest yesterday to secure higher education 100 for women is working hardest today to keep them away 110 from the ballot-box. Dora Marsden, the most professedly individualistic woman 120 in England today, the most relentless in her jeers and 130 jibes at the spiritual subjection of women, is harshly sneering 140 anti- suffrage. So is individualistic Emma Goldman in this country. On 150 the other hand, being a suffragist by no means implies 160 being a feminist. Being a suffragist may mean being only 170 enough of a woman to keep up with only that 180 part of the woman question which concerns itself only with 190 woman's political enfranchisement. PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 121 One fact that stands out above all 200 vagaries or conviction and all quibbles of language, however, is 210 the feministic insistence upon the development of the individual. To 220 be sure, this insistence is by no means limited to 230 the woman question; it manifests itself in asso- ciation with the 240 man question, the question of education, the children question. Routineism 250 is falling into general disrepute. In art, in philosophy, in 260 business, the twentieth-century demand is for the man who "thinks 270 for himself." Even in pedagogy, most encumbered of all departments 280 of progress, there is a sleep-heavy effort to unwind the 290 red tape that binds the minds of the teachers. And, 300 thanks in huge part to Montessori, the very little children 310 are no longer so universally required to duplicate and reduplicate 320 a set pattern of childhood, but are allowed to flower 330 up into them- selves. As for that question of seeming conflict 340 between feminism, woman's cause, and the cause of society and 350 the race, it is entitled to the most earnest consideration. 360 But again, it is not exclusively a woman question. Ever 370 since human beings began to be human beings, their minds 380 and their consciences have been engaged with that same question. 390 And though today's crisis is unusually sharp, because of 400 woman's active involvement in it, it is not to be 410 for- gotten that never before were there so many men stirred 420 to their inmost being, frayed and frazzled in their inmost 430 souls, between the compulsion toward individualistic expression and their so-named 440 "social sense." It is unfair to accuse the times of 450 any lack of faith and con- science on this score. More 460 ardently than ever before both men and women cry for 470 the truth. More intelligently than ever before they insist upon 480 the best. Less stupidly than ever before they reject what 490 does not promise growth; and more indefatigable than ever before 500 they seek, in growth, the right answer to that seeming 510 irreconcilability between individual right and social right. Perhaps the most 520 short-sighted of all interferences with life's possibilities is consequent upon 530 the assumption that a human being's social impulses, his hang- 540 together-with-the-others impulses, are not a part of 550 his individuality. It would not matter so much if attitude 560 of mind were not so surely reflected in both individual 570 and social efficiency. But for the individual woman to work 580 under the conviction that she is "sacrificed to the others," 590 or that her claims as an individual are forcefully subordinated 600 to those of "the others," instead of with a clear 610 vision of her own dual involvement 122 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE and elective powers, is 620 for her to restrict her own spirit's freedom evolved out 630 of consciousness of powers possessed, sense of self and opportunity, 640 and it is only out of spiritual freedom that the 650 whole individual evolves, bringing the social along with him. So, 660 not to have faith in the benignity of individual develop- ment 670 is not to have faith in life itself. And that 680 is why, from the viewpoint of many feminists, any detachment 690 of the woman ques- tion from the communal question, in order 700 to voice that well-known reminder of woman's well-known duty to 710 the well-known human race, is not merely meddlesome, but illogical. 720 What is an integral part of woman can be trusted 730 to give an account of itself in the self- development of 740 woman. Is it not, in fact, continuously giving an account 760 of itself, with woman on every hand today, both as 760 home-mother and as world-mother, showing that she takes her racial 770 and social involvement along with herself; that she cannot help 780 so taking it, cannot do well by herself without doing 790 well by the whole world? Is not that a law 800 of her individuality? [803. AMERICAN BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IN ASIA BY E. H. FOOT, BUSINESS MANAGER IN MANILA, SHANGHAI AND SINGAPORE The completion of the Panama Canal has made particularly acces- sible 10 to New York two new markets the western coast of 20 South America and the Far East. Ten years of residence 30 in the Orient have afforded close relations, both commercial and 40 personal, and have steadily increased a belief in the possibilities' 50 of the Far East, not only as an American market, 60 but as one capable of almost unlimited extension. The 70 largest and best known of the Eastern countries, and the 80 one most disposed at this time to look with favor 90 on the advances from the merchants and manufacturers of the 100 United States, is China. Within the last three years China 110 has become open as never before to new ideas, goods 120 and methods. In the general overturning that characterized the establishment 130 of the republic, the whole nation was shaken out of 140 the belief, PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 123 which more than anything else, has stood in 150 the way of its progress that China and the Chinese 160 way of doing things stood superior to all the world. 170 One evidence is the increase of newspapers and periodicals of 180 an entirely new type. Ten years ago but twelve papers 190 were pub- lished in the Chinese language in the whole country. 200 Recently this number increased to over one hundred and fifty, 210 and the circu- lation, due both to the new spirit and 220 the large railroad extension, is in even greater proportion. A 230 generation of bright, English-speaking young Chinese are now coming 240 to occupy, in large numbers, important and controlling positions in 250 banks and business houses, who have received their education in 260 schools both mission and secular under American teachers, for whom 270 they almost universally entertain the greatest respect, and by whom 280 they have been inspired with a truly Amer- ican spirit. In 290 the new order of things these men are also leaders, 300 and their example is far reaching among the older men 310 who have not had their advantages. The return of a 320 large portion of the Boxer War indemnity and the creation 330 in consequence of a permanent fund for sending at public 340 expense promising students to the United States for ad- vanced courses 350 in our American colleges, are now beginning to pour back 360 another stream of highly educated young Chinese, who have been 370 similarly influenced by their instructors and are intelli- gent and enthusiastic 380 in their belief in America and American things. The extent 390 to which the return of the Boxer war indemnity is 400 known even among the common people is a continual surprise 410 the fact being given sometimes by ordinary coolies for the 420 purchase of American articles. The present time, with supplies from 430 European countries either entirely cut off or uncertain and irregular, 440 is especially a moment to make practical use of this 450 favorable attitude, and emergency orders now being received in the 460 Pacific Coast cities add emphasis. This new trade need not 470 be temporary. At any time a substantial basis exists for 480 a commerce that shall be both large and permanent. But 490 China and the Philippine Islands, where American com- merce is continually 500 increasing, are far from providing all the pos- sible outlets for 510 American manufacturers. South of China lie two great, and under 520 normal conditions, extremely prosperous empires, 124 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE the one under Holland, centering 530 at Batavia, the capital of the Dutch East Indies, on 540 the northern side of Java, and the other under Great 550 Britain at Singapore, at the extreme point of the Malay 560 Peninsula. The Dutch Indies, equal in area that portion of 570 the United States east of the Mississippi River, while the 580 population of Java alone is as great as that of 599 all South America, and Singapore is the seventh seaport of 600 the globe, with 70 per cent, of the output tin 610 of the world obtained within 400 miles of its magnificent 620 harbor. The Malay Peninsula has had a development comparable to 630 some of our Western States. Besides its enormous deposits of 640 tin it is the greatest producer of cultivated rubber. A 650 main line of railroad, patterned after the American model, runs 660 from Singapore to Panang, a distance of 400 miles, with 670 branches in every direction. This is supplemented by an excellent 680 system of wagon roads. Big business has been established in 690 the Far East by the Stand- ard Oil Company, the Singer 700 Sewing Machine Company, and the British-American Tobacco Company, but 710 the success of other American concerns has been noticeable. It 720 is far from my intention, however, to convey the impression 730 that the United States has more than touched the fringe 740 of the business awaiting systematic following up, or that large 750 orders will fall into the lap of the concern that 760 sends a few circulars to the Far East. Even first- 770 class salesmen are not likely to secure remarkable orders at 780 their first attempt. Perhaps nowhere does established acquaintance and a 790 reputation for fair dealing count for more than among these 800 Eastern people, but to gain an entrance to the nearly 810 500,000,000 whose countries line the shores of the China and 820 Java eeas is worth t-he strongest and most persistent effort. [830. PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 125 ENVIRONMENT BY HERMAN HARRELL HORNE The term environment, in our present definition of education, requires 10 exposition of us. What is the nature of the environment 20 to which man in the process of his education becomes 30 adjusted? This is our new question. A child begins his 40 life in ignorance of himself and of his world; he 50 begins where primitive man began. Without educational assistance of some 60 kind he must also live his life as primitive man 70 did; he must depend upon his own experience for the 80 lessons he learns. But since primitive man not only learned 90 his lessons but also taught them to his children, the 100 experience of the human race has been accumulating with the 110 passage o.f the his- toric generations. It is this racial experience 120 which constitutes the environment into which the latest child is 130 born, and which gives him the handicap of the centuries 140 over his primitive forbears. In brief, the environment of the 150 pupil is the achievement of the race, to which he 160 potentially belongs, in the conquest of nature, in the movement 170 of affairs, and in the knowledge of itself. It is 180 a spiritual environment. The adjustment to this environment, which is 190 the race's life, discovers to the pupil his own social 200 capacities; he finds his own life in his race's life. 210 This sharing of the race's life is education as viewed 220 by sociology. In the language of President Butler, who first 230 described education in these terms, "If education cannot be identified 240 with mere instruction, what is it? What does the term 250 mean? I answer, it must mean a gradual adjustment to 260 the spiritual possessions of the race." There is a special 270 period in the life of each individual dedicated by nature 280 to this process of adjustment. The first three years of 290 a child's life are spent under the influence of the 300 family and in getting possession of his body. The educational 310 years, from three to twenty-six or more, are the special 320 period of adjustment to his spiritual environment. The term spiritual, 330 used in describing the environment of man, is comprehensive and 340 includes all the relations in which a man as a 350 conscious being stands to his fellows, to what his fellows 360 have done, and to his own personal ideals. It includes 370 man's relation to Na- ture as itself the embodiment of ideas. 380 Did not man find Nature intelligible and responsive to his 390 efforts to understand it, his rela- 126 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE tion thereto could not be 400 included under the term spiritual. Its present inclusion in the 410 spiritual environment to which man stands related intends by no 420 means to settle the metaphysical question, whether nature ultimately is 430 atoms in motion or an externalized form of mental energy, 440 but only implies that no part of the environ- ment of 450 man is finally foreign to him. Everywhere man finds himself 460 reflected in the universe in which he lives. Its ultimate 470 confines may be unknown to him, but he will not 480 admit they are unknowable. To admit such would be to 490 cripple his ultimate efforts at knowledge and comprehension, and would 500 be to readmit the reign of mystery in his world, 510 which he has been at such pains during ages of 520 ceaseless effort to banish. In borrowing President Butler's happy epithet, 530 then, and in describing the environment of man as spiritual, 540 there is no unwarranted extension of the legiti- mate meaning of 550 the term. It opens complete range to the present aspect 560 of the discussion. The question arises at once, How does 570 man become adjusted to this environment which his race has 580 made and which is himself objectified, and which he himself 590 is potentially? It is only by reproducing in his own 600 mental history the mental history of the race. As biologists 610 tell us that the human embryo in its develop- ment to 620 physical maturity passes through the life history of organic forms, 630 ontogeny repeating phylogeny, so must educators realize that the human 640 mind in its educational development to mental maturity passes through 650 the spiritual history of the race. Man, as himself a 660 social being by nature, as a real part of an 670 associated whole, reproduces in his own mental life the mental 680 life of the race, and thereby becomes educated. Mental reproduction 690 is the cause of education. The educated mind has been 700 fertilized by the life of the world and is fruitful 710 in its conceptions. Education is giving birth to mental heirs, 720 and Socrates, the first great teacher of the Greeks, well 730 described his vocation as the art of intellectual mid- wifery. He 740 assisted the mind in bringing forth its ideas. Often the 750 reproduction of the spiritual environment is barren repetition, the struggle 760 of the world toward knowledge and art and liberty coming 770 out of the mind as it went in, unassimilated, unappre- ciated 780 and unused. This production from within the mind of its 790 own world, in response to the stimulating effects of the 800 world without, is education as a process, as an activity. 810 The youth thereby unifies himself with his race in the 820 educational period, and becomes actually what PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 127 he always was potentially. 830 What his race has produced, he repro- duces, and this universalizes 840 his individual nature and socializes his private impulses. Thus for 850 him education is become the epitome of civilization. [858. THE REVENUE CUTTER SERVICE BY C. A. MCALLISTER Few people are aware that there is a military arm 10 of the United States government which performs valiant service on 20 the seas in time of war but in time of 30 peace devotes itself principally to the relief of those in 40 danger or distress. The Revenue Cutter Service is, primarily, a 50 branch of the United States navy. In every war in 60 which this country has engaged, the gallant little vessels of 70 the Revenue Cutter Service have done their share of the 80 fighting. But the object of this article is to describe 90 some of the little known activities of the Revenue Cutter 100 Service in time of peace. About the middle of November 110 every year, the President of the United States issues a 120 proclamation directing certain cutters to patrol the Atlantic coast from 130 Maine to Florida for the express purpose of lending assistance 140 to vessels in distress. From Decem- ber 1 to March 30, 150 a cordon of ten able, first-class revenue cutters cruise 160 constantly along the coast seeking vessels in distress. Each cutter 170 is fitted with wireless telegraphy by means of which she 180 is kept in touch at all hours of the day 190 and night with steam- ships near the coast. At the first 200 alarm she is off for the scene of trouble. Exceedingly 210 comfortable it is for the crew and the pas- sengers of 220 a sinking ship to know that their call of distress 230 has been heard, and that one, two and sometimes three 240 revenue cutters are rushing to their aid. The master of 250 many a sailing ship aground on Nantucket Shoals has felt 260 a thrill of delight on seeing in the distance the 270 smoke of a revenue cutter steaming to his relief. It 280 is not generally known, but it is a fact nevertheless, 290 that the Life-Saving Service is an off-shoot of 300 the Revenue Cutter Service; Indeed, it is today intimately associated 310 with the older branch, inasmuch as revenue cutter officers are 320 detailed as inspectors of 128 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE each district, and it is largely 330 due to their indefatigable and pains- taking efforts that the efficiency 340 of the life-savers is kept up to the mark. 350 In its varied duties the Revenue Cutter Service does considerable 360 life saving on its own account. Statistics show that during 370 the past decade five hundred and forty-seven human beings were 380 actually saved from drowning by officers and men of the 390 service. Abandoned ships at sea and those sunk in shoal 400 waters have been for years a menace to other vessels 410 navigating the waters of the globe. Spasmodic efforts have been 420 made by various governments and private organizations to remove these 430 terrors of the deep, but the first systematic derelict-destroying 440 began recently with the advent of the "Seneca," a vessel 450 built especially for this duty and operated as a revenue 460 cutter. In less than one year, twenty-six floating or 470 sunken wrecks have been removed, so that at the 480 present day the entire North Atlantic Ocean from Maine to 490 Florida is kept cleared of these obstructions by the " Seneca " 50 and other rev- enue cutters which have been especially equipped with 510 high ex- plosives for the purpose. Nearly all revenue cutters are 520 fitted with powerful fire pumps, which, in addition to providing 530 protection from fire for the vessels themselves, frequently come into 540 use in assisting the local fire department in extinguishing fires 550 along the water front or on merchant vessels in the 560 harbors where the cutters are stationed. Many thousand dollars worth 570 of property are thus saved annually. During the great conflagrations 580 in Baltimore and San Francisco, revenue cutters stationed at those 590 ports took an active part. An entire section of the 600 city of Baltimore was undoubtedly saved by the fire apparatus on 610 the " Windom," and it was the quick action of an 620 officer of the Revenue Cutter Service which saved almost the 630 entire collection of valuable pictures in the famous Hopkins Art 640 Gallery at San Francisco. The revenue cutters act as sea 650 police, and by boarding and examining merchant vessels and 660 judiciously imposing fines, aid in enforcing navigation laws. Over 2,500 670 vessels were boarded and examined last year, 850 of which 680 were seized or reported for viola- tion of federal statutes. Several 690 times one of the revenue cutters stationed in New Eng- land 700 has been detailed to accompany the American fishing fleet to 710 Newfoundland for the purpose of lending aid in case of 720 dis- tress, and in interpreting their rights to fish in those 730 parts. The PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 129 medical officer of the United States Public Health 740 Service who served as surgeon in one of these cruises, 750 has since urged the provi- sion of a hospital ship for 760 our deep-sea fishermen, similar to those provided on the 770 North Sea. A recent act of Congress provides that a 780 revenue cutter may be detailed for that purpose. One of 790 the most recent duties given this service is the patrol 800 of the ice-fields to locate icebergs and large fields of 810 ice and give warn- ings of their approach. The necessity for 820 such a patrol was made apparent by the terrible loss 830 of life when the " Titanic" struck an iceberg in April, 840 1912. During the seasons of 1913 and 1914, just 850 closed, two revenue cutters, the " Seneca" and the " Miami," have 860 maintained a continuous patrol of these ice-fields and have 870 warned many vessels in the transatlantic lanes of the danger 880 of approach- ing ice. So efficiently has this duty been performed 890 by the revenue cutters, that at the request of the 900 commercial nations of the world, whose delegates assembled last December 910 at London for an Inter- national Conference on Safety at Sea, 920 the revenue cutters will con- tinue to perform this ice patrol 930 indefinitely, the expense being divided among the great maritime nations 940 of the world. [943. From the "Survey" VOTES FOR WOMEN In the minds of its advocates the strongest argument for 10 woman suffrage, and one that they say never can be 20 satisfactorily set aside, is that every woman deprived of the 30 ballot is living under the tyranny of " taxation without representation" 40 a condition which the founders of this nation found intolerable 50 nearly a century and a half ago. During the past 60 few years an increasing number of women have followed the 70 example of the late Susan B. Anthony and protested against paying 80 taxes: and each protest at least, it is said, is 90 pro- ductive of increased sentiment for woman suffrage. In New Jersey 100 a young woman has brought suit against the precinct election 110 officers because she was not permitted to vote last fall, 120 and she proposes to carry the matter to the highest 130 courts because she argues that she is a properly qualified 140 citizen and will defend her right to vote. 130 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE Says a 150 leader in the suffrage movement in discussing the whole question: 160 "The industrial conditions of the present are each year forcing 170 an increasing number of women out in the bread-winner's 180 field. There are over seven million wage-earning women in 190 the United States and most of these are suffering from 200 conditions which the ballot would right. In thirty-two states 210 women are not the legal guardians of their own children. 220 In nearly all of the states marriage and property laws 230 are in some way unfair to women. Nothing but the 240 law can change this and nothing but the vote can 250 elect the lawmakers." The fact that where women have had 260 a certain amount of suf- frage there is an evident desire 270 to increase her power, is given as one of the 280 strongest arguments in favor of full suffrage. In Kansas, where 290 women have had municipal suffrage for nearly twenty-five years, 300 the mayors of the cities are practically unanimous in their 310 expressions of appreciation of the service rendered by the women. 320 One of the great arguments put up against women voting 330 is that the polls are such rough places that it 340 is not proper for any woman to go there. One 350 Kansas mayor says : "Woman suffrage has much to do with 360 the purifying of our poli- tics. The clerks upon our election 370 boards are almost always women, which may account for the 380 quietness at the polls." Another mayor said recently: "If we 390 put up good, clean men, the women in our town 400 seem to take little interest in our election; but if 410 we put up bad men they take an active part 420 and generally elect their own candidate. Whether the tough element 430 controls or not depends upon the ladies." "The enfranchisement of 440 women," said one prominent suffragist, "has had a close connection 450 with every philanthropic movement during the past century. It was 460 closely associated with the anti- slavery movement, and most of 470 the leaders of the temperance cause were ardent believers in 480 the justice of equal political rights for women. Take great 490 names in our history, and it will be found that 500 they believed in the justice of the feminine vote. "The 510 American Federation of Labor, as well as most of the 520 state labor organizations, hope officially indorsed woman suffrage will prove 530 one of the means of increasing wages. Because of the 540 increased cost of li ving, many women are compelled to eke 550 out the family income in some way. Women's labor is 560 cheap, but if women had the vote they would receive 570 equal pay for equal work. Then PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 131 men's wages would improve 580 because they would not have to compete with the cheaper 690 work of women. There would be fewer women employed in 600 some industries because the man's earnings would then be sufficient 610 to support his family, and his wife might return to 620 the lauded position of queen of the home, and the 630 duties con- nected with the ballot would occupy a smaller amount 640 of time each year than she would spend in a 650 week doing the family marketing. "The woman who now reigns 660 as home queen, who is not com- pelled to go out 670 into the world to add to the family income, has 680 equal need of the ballot if she would give proper 690 care to her royal household. There is danger of disease 700 to her family from impure food, polluted water, bad air, 710 sweatshop-made clothing, and many other matters which should be 720 regulated by law ; and these laws can best be made 730 by women, who understand better than men their importance to 740 the welfare of the home. In order to have clean 750 houses it is necessary to have clean streets, and there 760 will not be clean streets in a city if the 770 'head housekeeper' is inefficient. Women are better qualified than men 780 to judge of such efficiency. "The changed attitude of the 790 churches toward woman suffrage has been marked within the past 800 quarter-century. There is a more liberal interpretation of the 810 view of St. Paul who recognized them as preachers and 820 advised them to keep their heads covered when preaching and 830 prophesying. His commendation of Phoebe, his frequent references to Priscilla 840 who trained Apollos how to preach show his attitude toward 850 the dignified utterances of holy women. Christ's commendation of Mary, 860 who had 'chosen the better part,' refutes the argument that 870 women should confine their attention solely to their homes. It 880 is the women who have made the church the power 890 it is today, and thousands of clergymen now show their 900 appreciation of the work the women have done by urging 910 their political enfranchisement. In the states where the suffrage matter 920 has been, or is now, a leading issue the ministers 930 have felt impelled to speak favorably of it from their 940 pulpits and to urge the men to vote in favor 950 of giving the state the womanly aid which has been 960 found so useful in the practical work of the church." [970. 132 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE THE CONCILIATION COURT BY RAYMOND C. MOLEY The need for what has been aptly termed "a socialized 10 jurispru- dence" has led to the formation in recent years of 20 several courts of more or less specialized functions. The juvenile 30 court and the domestic relations court are instances of this 40 tendency. Another example is the Conciliation Court established as a 50 branch of the Municipal Court of Cleveland. When the Cleveland 60 municipal court act was framed, provision was made for the 70 litigant who was unable to secure the services of a 80 lawyer. A clerk was to be designated to assist parties 90 in pre- paring and filing papers incident to their suit and 100 to advise and assist whenever possible in bringing about the 110 settlement of cases involving small amounts of money. The chief 120 justice selected for this post was a man with legal 130 training, long experience in court business, and a temperament suited 140 to the exacting requirements of the work. It did not 150 take long for the news of this means of assistance 160 to become known throughout the city, and hundreds brought in 170 their real or fancied grievances. Many were given sound advice 180 which resulted in the adjustment of the difference without further 190 inter- vention. Often the clerk acted as mediator and succeeded in 200 bringing about a settlement. When mediation failed he assisted in 210 bringing a suit in the regular way. During the year 220 1912, 1,200 cases were settled. out of court. No record 230 was made of the cases in which advice and assistance 240 were given, but no doubt the number was very large. 250 All services of this department are free. The work thus 260 favorably begun led to the formation of the con- ciliation branch 270 of the court. The object was not only to relieve 280 the court of much inconsequential legislation but to provide a 290 simple and inexpensive means for the settlement of minor civil 300 suits, cases which formerly had made up the chief business 310 of the "justice shop" and the shyster lawyer. The wide 320 powers of the Municipal Court enabled the judges to establish 330 this branch without any legislative enactment, merely by a rule 340 of the court. All claims under $50, all cases of 350 attachment and garnishment PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 133 involving less than $50, and all cases 360 of replevin are entered upon the conciliation docket. The defendant 370 is then notified by regis- tered mail of the claim and 380 of the day set for the hearing of the case. 390 It may be of interest in this connection to note 400 that all writs of the Cleveland Municipal Court are served 410 by registered mail instead of the old and expensive method 420 of personal service by constables. One of the regular judges 430 of the court is assigned by the chief justice to 440 the conciliation branch. The parties to each 450 suit are brought before the judge. Lawyers are not allowed 460 to represent the parties and no set procedure is required. 470 The judge, by ques- tion and suggestion, seeks to elicit the 480 point at issue. While no controversy is permitted to be 490 drawn out at length, each party is allowed to state 500 his case in his own way. It was remarked by 510 one of the judges that this permission to an ordinary 520 litigant to "have his say" has a marked psychological effect. 530 He feels that even though the decision may have gone 540 against him he has not been restricted by rules of 550 the court, the meaning and significance of which are not 560 always apparent to him. When the essential facts are brought 570 out the judge is required "to seek to effect an 580 amicable adjustment of the differences between the parties to the 590 suit." As a matter of fact, he usually secures their 600 consent to decide on the adjustment himself. When his judgment 610 is thus entered, all the power of the state is 620 behind the decision. The atmosphere of this court is quite 630 different from that of the ordinary law tribunal. The facts 640 in the case are not aired to the court hangers-^on, for both parties are in close communication with the 660 judge. Little is ever offered as evidence except an occasional 670 memorandum or account book. As infinite a variety of cases 680 comes to light as the life of a great city 690 is complex grievances petty in the view of the ordinary 700 court, but serious to those concerned. The Conciliation Court has 710 been in operation since March, 1913. It has disposed of 720 5,884 cases out of 6,184 filed. The fee has usually 730 been twenty-five cents, never more than forty-five cents. 740 The small fee does not, of course, cover the actual 750 cost of the pro- ceedings. The theory was held in framing 760 the bill of costs that a municipal court ministering to 770 all classes should not attempt to meet its expenses by 780 the collection of fees and fines. The models used were 790 the conciliation courts of Norway and Denmark where such courts 800 have been in operation since the eight- 134 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE eenth century. They were 810 successful from the first and have been granted larger powers 820 from generation to generation. Conciliation there is compulsory before a 830 suit can be brought in the ordinary law courts. Four-fifths 840 of all cases are settled in this way. The regular 850 docket of the Municipal Court has been greatly relieved by 860 the settlement of so many cases, the pernicious activity of 870 the shyster lawyer has been considerably restricted, and sub- stantial service 880 has been rendered the people of the city. It must 890 follow as a logical result that greater respect for law 900 will come from this simple application of common sense to 910 legal practice. [912. THINGS NOT LEARNED IN SCHOOL BY GARRETT P. SERVISS Everybody who can get away is now paying a visit 10 to the seashore or the mountains. It is a splendid 20 opportunity for education. If these seekers for recreation would do 30 a little reading outside of novels, and a little observing 40 beyond the limits of the piazzas, par- lors, tennis courts and 60 golf links, they would be surprised and delighted by their 60 easy progress in knowledge and general intelli- gence. The moment 70 you leave the city behind the wonderful history of the earth 80 is spread before your eyes. The sea writes it, 90 and the hills and mountains write it, and anybody can 100 read it who tries. It is the literature of nature, 110 which deals only with truth. I take to-day the 120 story of the mountains, which declare them- selves to be, not 130 the rigid masses that they seem, but surging and tossing 140 billows of rock, as truly in ceaseless motion as the 160 waves of the sea, but presenting a deceptive appearance of 160 rest because every second ticked by their clock-of-ages 170 is as long as one of our years. When you 180 go into the mountains take along such a book as 190 that of the famous Scotch geologist, James Geikie, on the origin, 200 growth and decay of mountains, and see what a marvelously 210 new interest the great hills assume in the light of 220 science. You will feel when you stand on the summit 230 ridge of some long range, that your feet are borne 240 up by the foaming crest of a geologic breaker, PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 135 whose 250 form, despite its seeming fixedness and solidity, is as evan- escent 260 as that of a ripple of water. So might an 270 ultra-microscopic being, whose whole term of life was limited 280 to the millionth part of a second, sit upon the 290 spinning rim of a locomotive's driving-wheel, and philosophically remark 300 to his transitory fellow-creatures: "Everything is relative. Even this 310 moveless wheel on which we dwell might be found to 320 be in motion if our lives could be extended to 330 the vast span of a second of time!" Geology is 340 a kinetographic camera whose successive views are combined on the screen 350 of the imagination into moving pictures of the growing earth. 360 Take Professor Geikie's chapter on the origin and architecture of 370 the Alps and turn it into a motion picture. It 380 will amaze you! The exhibition begins with a film dated 390 millions of years ago. The epigraph doesn't tell you how 400 many millions, because the management is not informed on that 410 point. The spectator sees a vast tract of ancient, rocky, 420 tumbled land, bordered by a broad sea, which, he is 430 told, is the ancestral form of the Mediterranean, then a 440 veritable ocean in extent. The land is not like any 450 on the earth to-day; it is a Paleozoic continent, the 460 forerunner of Europe. The film flickers on through countless ages, 470 tremendous storms and floods burst and roar over the doomed 480 continent, and the spec- tator sees its hills and rocks dissolving 490 and wearing down until only the stumps of the higher 500 mountains remain. Then a sinking sensation comes over him as 510 the entire face of the earth in front of him 520 suddenly settles down as if the interior of the globe 530 had given way beneath. In mighty billows the sea rolls 540 in and covers the sunken continent. A strange darkness now 550 falls over the theater, and there is a mystic glimmer 560 in the flickering picture on the screen. The spec- tator becomes 570 aware that what he now beholds is occurring in sub- marine 580 depths. He sees the bottom of the ocean where vast 590 deposits of sand and silt grow deeper and deeper, like 600 piling snow- drifts, until what was once a continent has been 610 buried under sheets of sediment two or three miles thick-! 620 A blinding flash, and the dancing picture has given place 630 to an illuminated epigraphic sentence: "The Cainozoic Era." Immediately the 640 film runs OH again, but a startling change has occurred 650 in the character of the views. The surface of the 660 globe seems to be bending and buckling as if an 670 irresistible pressure had been brought to bear upon it, or 680 as if it were being squeezed by an 136 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE almighty hand! 690 The bottom of the sea swells and rises until it 700 emerges from the water, and then the dazed onlooker sees 710 that those immense sheets of sediment that covered the drowned 720 conti- nent have been transformed into thick strata of sandstone and 730 other sedimental rocks. The buried continent is rising from its 740 watery tomb, but still sheeted with its stony grave-clothes, 750 which it can but partially cast off. The crumpling of the rocks goes on. It is due to the cooling and shrinking of the 760 core of the globe. The hardened crust must settle down 770 as the core shrinks away from it, but in doing 780 so it has to accommodate itself to a smaller area, 790 and so its parts are squeezed together and heaped up 800 and thrust one over another, like cakes of ice in 810 a spring flood. Gradually a kind of order emerges from 820 this chaos of battling and bending rocks. The swelling summits 830 of the rocky waves become new mountain ranges, and the 840 Alps are born. They stand on the site of the 850 ancient Paleozoic continent that was submerged, and their peaks and ridges are composed, in part, of the old crystal- line rocks 860 of the primeval continent, which burst through their covering during 870 the mighty throes of its resurrection. This is the barest 880 outline of the history of one range of moun- tains. Every 890 range on the globe has a story to tell of 900 equally absorbing interest, and if you will learn a little 910 geology and use your eyes and intellect you can find 920 a scientific romance in any hill. [926. COUNT WITTE ON SOCIALISM The errors and preconceived notions which are at the basis 10 of this theory of Karl Marx become evident on a consideration 20 of its fundamental proposition that commodities of the same price 30 have the same value because they contain the same quantity 40 of average abstract human labor socially necessary for their production. 60 This proposition, in the first place, is entirely indefinite. We 60 have side by side, wheat of years of good and 70 of bad harvests, iron from rich and poor mines, products 80 of machine and hand weaving, gold from rich mines, diamonds 90 from mines which are unique in kind, and which are 100 obtained almost free by their lucky seekers. We have PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 137 positive 110 knowledge that all these commodities represent very different quantities of 120 human labor, that the wheat of fertile countries is produced 130 with less labor than that of countries where harvests are 140 bad, that the products of hand weaving cost twice as 180 much labor as those produced by machinery, that iron may 160 have required more or less labor according to the quality 170 of the mines and the methods of working them, that 180 gold and diamonds may have cost a fiftieth or a 190 hundredth part of the labor expended on the commodities with 200 which they are compared. The variation of the quantities of 210 human labor embodied in the commodities named is well known; 220 but the quantity of labor spent in their production we 230 do not know and cannot determine, and without knowing this 240 quantity in separate branches of industry and in industry as 250 a whole we can say nothing about the average socially 260 necessary norm of abstract human labor embodied in com- modities, and 270 this average norm remains an entirely unknown and indefinable quantity. 280 Just as little can we determine the degree and volume 290 of influence of those social and natural conditions which directly 300 affect the quantity of necessary human labor in different branches 310 of industry and in different countries of the world. Besides, 320 the general proposition that value is crystallized labor is inapplicable 330 to certain categories of commodities. Let us take at random 340 various commodities, excepting manufactured articles precious stones, oranges, pheasants, cattle, lumber, 350 Siberian furs. Is it possible to say that in these 360 things human labor is embodied in the same sense in 370 which the statement is made about a piece of cloth 380 or a bushel of wheat? In a manufactured product of 390 labor there is really embodied a given quantity of 400 human labor; it is in fact a product of labor 410 without which it would not exist, but let us try 420 to apply the same ideas to commodities of a different 430 type, such as those named above and absurdity is evident. Assuming 440 as proved that abstract human labor determines the value of 450 all commodities, Marx in a few words explains, or rather 460 avoids, the important question of the various kinds and forms 470 of labor which serve as a measure of value. The 480 value of commodities, says he, represents an expenditure of human 490 labor in the abstract, labor is the expenditure of single 500 labor power, which every ordinary individual without any particular development 510 possesses in his bodily organism. "Simple average labor, it is 520 true, varies in char- acter in different countries and at different 530 times, but in a particular 138 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE society skilled labor counts only 540 as simple labor intensified, or rather as multiplied simple labor, 550 a given quantity of skilled being considered equal to a 560 greater quantity of simple labor." In reality, however, no such 570 reduction of skilled and higher forms of labor ever takes 580 place, nor can it take place because, in the existing 590 money-economy, hired labor is paid for according to the varying 600 conditions of the labor market. According to Marx, any- way, in 610 the reduction of skilled labor to unskilled it is impossible 620 to be guided by existing norms of money wages, because 630 the latter do not correspond to the inner value of 640 labor; but it is necessary to take as a unit 650 the full productivity of a day's work of a single 660 worker in accordance with the quantity of commodities produced by 670 him; that is, it is necessary to find a certain 680 quantity for the determination of which there are so far 690 no positive data. The quantity itself, if it were found, 700 would not be constant and would be subject to frequent 710 changes and fluctuations; a day of single labor has a 720 different meaning in a factory production and in handicraft or 730 agriculture; is different in rich and poor mines, in regions 740 which have good or bad harvests, etc. In the last 750 analy- sis the unit of human labor becomes something which cannot 760 be grasped, and the proposition that the value of commodities 770 is measured by the quantity of simple human labor embodied 780 in them really means nothing. Such is the theoretical aspect 790 of the proposition which is the foundation of Marx's theory. 800 The other aspects of this doctrine which represent in some 810 manner the further development of the fundamental proposition are intended 820 mainly to prove and strengthen the preconceived idea that only 830 physical human labor yields surplus value which enriches the capitalist, and 840 that this surplus value is the exclusive "natural gift" of 850 living human labor. This assertion of Marx is shown to 860 be false by the daily expe- rience of those countries which 870 have reached a high stage of indus- trial development. Capital strives 880 everywhere to reduce as much as possible the number of 890 workingmen in industries on a large scale of production by 900 the introduction of improved machinery and avoids thus an extensive 910 use of the particular "natural gift" of living labor power. [920. PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 139 THE CHIEF AIM OF EDUCATION BY CHARLES A. McMuRRY We may state briefly some of the reasons why the 10 moral aim should be put forward as the controlling one 20 in education. First: The attainment of virtue, that is, the 30 establishment of moral habits, gives us the best quality and 40 achievement in indi- vidual character. It is acknowledged that the perfection 60 of the individual is a chief essential to the aim 60 of education. No matter how much we emphasize scientific knowledge 70 and mental discipline, all admit that the attainment of moral 80 excellence is still superior to these. As Kant says, "There 90 is but one good thing in the world, and that 100 is a good will." The perfection of will, however, is 110 found only in its subjection to moral requirements in the 120 individual. It will be generally admitted that all physical, intellectual, 130 and aes- thetic culture should culminate in this individual moral excellence. 140 Second : The second chief essential in the education of children 150 is that they shall be trained for society and for 160 citizenship. They shall be adapted to the social and industrial 170 life of the present. This demand is heard with much 180 emphasis and from the highest quarters. It seems at the 190 present time that the demand for the perfection of the 200 individual is yielding, to a considerable extent, to the requirement 210 for socializing or subordinating the individual to the needs of 220 society. It is in the social order, however, that the 230 moral virtues come chiefly into play. The highest statement of 240 the social law is found in the golden rule, and 250 it is the application of this everywhere that is most 260 needed in social intercourse and in human industry. To equip 270 a child properly for social and indus- trial life is to 280 put him in possession, through education, of these moral or 290 social virtues and sympathies. This can only be done by 300 giving him an insight into human relations and sympathy for 310 people in all the various conditions of society. This whole 320 point of view, therefore, is moral in the highest degree. 330 Whether we look at education from the standpoint of the 340 individual or of society as a whole, moral culture is 350 the preeminent need in both. Third: Moral ideas and moral 360 education generally are subject to the same laws of growth 370 and development as other kinds of knowl- edge and culture. Moral 380 judgments, feelings, and decisions, vague and rudimentary at first in 390 children, gradually develop through 140 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE experience and culture to clearness and 400 strength. It requires a clear advance in intelligence to perceive 410 moral ideas, and likewise to move forward from particular examples 420 to general moral con- cepts. In this respect moral enlightenment does 430 not differ from other kinds of growth in intelligence. The 440 sympathetic and social feelings and the sense of moral obligation 450 also ripen gradu- ally with the growth in intelligence. If left 460 to themselves or to chance, these moral ideas, sympathies, and 470 habits of judgment are easily perverted and the whole moral 480 character wrecked. Indeed they require the most careful cultivation and 490 direction by wise teachers and parents. Fourth: The great central 500 studies of the school course, such as reading, literature, and 510 history, are full to overflowing with mate- rial of the best 520 quality upon which the moral judgments and sym- pathies may be 530 directly cultivated. These forms of biography and history and literature 540 which are coming to be most used in the schools, 550 are especially fruitful in those personal, concrete forms of life 560 which reveal simple moral ideas in a striking form. The 570 chief fact to be observed is, that these studies already 580 used in the school, are preeminent for their moral worth, 590 but have not been employed chiefly to bring out this 600 form of culture and character growth. Fifth: The school, however, 610 is not limited in its sphere of oppor- tunities to the 620 theoretical treatment of morals, to the mere observa- tion of moral 630 ideas in stories, etc. It has abundant opportunity to lead 640 over from moral judgments and sympathetic feelings to conduct. Every 650 one concedes that it is as much the business of 660 a teacher to look after the conduct of children as 670 to supervise their acquisition of ideas and knowledge. The school 680 itself is a social organization, and children cannot live in 690 its close relationships without practising the social virtues, or else 700 violating them. There is an increasing and emphatic demand that 710 our schools shall be converted more and more into social 720 institutions, that by means of the extension of social activities 730 in cooking, weaving, industrial occupations, and cooperation, this social spirit 740 shall be given freer scope. This will fit children better 750 to understand, appreciate, and sympathize with the more intimate and 760 complex social and indus- trial conditions into which the people are 770 rapidly growing. We may even go so far as to 780 say that the strongest and most intelligent demand upon the 790 school in late years is for greater socialization of its 800 activities, and in the last analysis, what does this mean, 810 other than greater intellectual and moral insight, greater sympathy with 820 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 141 our fellow-men, better social conduct, morality? The school there- fore is 830 not limited to the theory of morals. These considerations bearing 840 upon the value of the moral aim in education seem 850 to justify us as teachers in pushing it to the 860 front and in concentrating our energies upon its accomplishment. [869. PROFIT-SHARING BY GEORGE C. SMITH Profit-sharing is a device for binding together the employer 10 and employee in a given enterprise, and for promoting their 20 mutual interest. Undoubtedly it is one of the most important 30 remedies proposed for the evils of the present labor situation. 40 Profit-sharing has been officially defined as an "agreement freely 50 entered into, by which the employee receives a share, fixed 60 in advance, of the profits." The proportion to be distributed 70 must be fixed in advance else the amount distributed would 80 be simply a gift. It is not philanthropy. It is 90 a business proposition entered into by employer and employee to 100 accomplish certain results which may or may not be accurately 110 ascertainable. It must be distinguished from gain sharing where the 120 amount of the bonus is proportionate to the saving in 130 cost of production, irrespective of the net profit realized by uo the employer. It must also be distinguished from partnership agreements, 150 where a division of profits is partially or wholly substituted 160 for wages. It involves no radical change in the wage 170 system; it contemplates merely a share of the profits in 180 addition to wages. It does -not depend, as is so 190 often supposed, upon any acknowledged injustice in the present arrangement 200 of things; it is not, therefore, socialistic in fact, it 210 is paternalistic. It is designed to be, and should be, 220 a self-supporting proposition; the profit which is shared must 230 be created by the employee through greater care and diligence. 240 This is its economic basis. The motives of the employer 250 for sharing are almost as varied as the plans, and 260 the detail of the plans are as numerous as the 270 establishments adopting them. Several of the profit-sharing plans in 280 existence at the present time originated during the great labor 290 unrest of 1886 to 1890. The motives which prompted many 300 of the employers at that time were the elimination of 310 unions from the 142 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE establishments or the stopping of strikes and 320 other labor diffi- culties. I have before me letters from a 330 number of employers in which these reasons for establishing the 340 scheme are stated. I know of several instances where the 350 schemes were abandoned because they did not prevent strikes. In 360 some cases, and large ones too, the scheme has been' 70 philanthropic. Fortunately these are few. In others an advertising advantage 380 has been calculated, the employer believing that people will be 390 led to make purchases from those who are supposed to 400 be generous with their workmen. Some employers desire to eliminate 410 the floating laborer, increas- ing the length of the term of 420 employment. Some desire, by taking the employee into partnership, to 430 perpetuate the enterprise. But most common, and although not so 440 altruistic as others, more sound economically, is the desire on 450 the part of the employer to increase his own profits 460 and, at the same time increase the workman's compensation, through 470 appealing to certain motives of enterprise on the part of 480 the employee leading to increased efficiency and decreased costs of 490 doing business. Profit-sharing schemes con- ceived and designed to accomplish 500 these results are by far the most numerous and are 510 generally more successful than the others. Of the numerous methods 520 for sharing profits there are three main types. Numerous details 530 modify these schemes considerably, but the main features easily classify 540 them. The most common and oldest type takes the form 650 of a cash payment at the end of a fixed 660 period. The manner of calculating the amount to be dis- tribute^ 570 may take numerous forms and the period of distribution may 580 vary from a week or two as in the Henry 690 Ford Motor Works plan, to a year which is more 600 usual. A second method, most com- mon among the thrifty workmen 610 of France, takes some form of deferred participation by means 620 of dividends on savings bank deposits, or of provident funds 630 and annuities. The third method, which has perhaps won most 640 favor in the United States and is almost exclusively American, 650 takes the form of payment in shares of stock of 660 the company. This is frequently called the Perkins' method because 670 George W. Perkins fathered its introduction in the United States 680 Steel Corporation and in the International Harvester Company. Many of 690 the most prominent concerns in the country employ in the 700 aggregate many thousands of employees who are eligible or may 710 become eligible to share in the profits of their com- pany 720 through the ownership of stock acquired on easy payments and 730 yielding, in many cases, extra dividends. PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 143 Has profit-sharing promoted 740 mutuality? Has it been successful, on the whole, in this 750 country? Are workmen better off because of it? Has the 760 cost of production or the cost of sales been lowered? 770 The answers to these questions bring to light a wide 780 difference of opinion. Many students of profit-sharing condemn it. 790 Many employers have abolished it after a trial. Labor unions 800 oppose it, believing that the workmen suffer many injustices because 810 of it. Then there are those who believe that it 820 is all right for the other fellow, but it couldn't 830 be applied to their own business. After a very wide 840 survey of the subject, after interviewing many employers and many 850 employees who have had direct personal experience with it, I 860 have eome to the conclusion, well supported by a mass 870 of evidence which I have collected, that profit sharing has 880 failed because it has been improperly instituted. Employers have expected 890 too much or have been too impatient for results. It 900 has not had a fair trial in many instances. In 910 other instances right motives have not been appealed to. Its 920 failure has been, borrowing the terminology of our president, psychological. 930 Profit-sharing will not solve our labor problems. It will, 940 when properly adopted, prevent them arising. It may, or may 950 not have an economic basis. That depends upon the management 960 and the plan. It has done much good and we 970 may expect to see it more widely employed in the 980 future; with the awakened sense that the laborer is entitled 990 to something more than a living wage. [997. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS (As described in part in the North American Review by Frank B. Noyes, President of the Associated Press.) The Associated Press is an association of something over 850 10 newspapers, operating under a charter of the State of New York 20 as a mutual and cooperative organization for the interchange 30 and collection of news. Under the terms of its charter 40 "the cor- poration is not to make a profit nor to 50 make or declare dividends, and is not to engage in 60 the business of selling intelligence nor traffic in the same." 70 Its Board of Directors is composed of active newspaper men 80 chosen at annual meetings by the membership. 144 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE Its members are 90 scattered from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from Canada to 100 the Gulf, and represent every possible shade of political belief, 110 religious faith, and economic sympathy. It is obvious that the 120 Associated Press can have no partisan nor factional bias, no 130 religious affiliation, no capitalistic nor pro-labor trend. Its function is 140 simply to furnish its members with a truthful, clean, comprehen- sive, 150 non-partisan report of the news of the world as expeditiously 160 as is compatible with accuracy and as economically as possible. 170 The newspapers composing its membership contribute first the news of 180 their localities, and second, weekly assessments of money aggregating about 190 $3,000,000 per annum, with which an extensive system of leased 200 wires is maintained (22,000 miles of wire in the daytime 210 and 28,000 at night), bureaus in the principal American cities 220 supplementing and collating the news of local newspapers and bureaus 230 for the original collection of news throughout the world. While 240 the Associated Press is generally held in good esteem, I 250 would not be understood as indicating that it has been 260 exempt from criticism and attack. If in a campaign all 270 the candidates, or their managers or press agents did not 280 accuse the Associated Press of the grossest partisanship as against 290 the particular candidacy in which they were interested, those bearing 300 the responsibilities of the ser- vice would feel convinced that something 310 was radically wrong and would look with suspicion on the report 320 themselves. This is but human nature. During the last campaign 330 for the Presidential nomination every candidate either in person or 340 by proxy expressed his conviction that the Associated Press was 350 favorable to some- body else. With all this, however, goes a 360 fundamental misunderstanding of the functions of the Associated Press. The 370 individual correspon- dent or reporter for a given newspaper or a 380 small group of news- papers having a common bias may be 390 permitted to indulge in partisanship or in propaganda. This is 400 absolutely not to be per- mitted in the Associated Press. No 410 bias of any sort can be allowed. Our function is 420 to supply our members with news, not views; with news 430 as it happens not as we may want it to 440 happen. Intensely as its management may sympathize with any movement, 450 no propaganda in its behalf can be permitted. Very jealously 460 indeed does the membership guard against their agency going outside 470 its allotted duties and argus-eyed is the censorship of 480 every handler of our "copy." It is not, naturally, to 490 be claimed that no mistakes are PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 145 made. They are made 500 and will be made. But in the very nature of 510 business, with the heart so worn upon the sleeve, detection 520 very swiftly follows, and the mistakes are few and far 530 between. Another cause of frequent misapprehension is in the general 540 tendency of newspaper readers to attribute anything seen in print 550 to the Associated Press. From time to time some voice 560 is raised denouncing the Associated Press in the same breath 570 both as a monopoly and because it is not a 580 monopoly, and insisting that it become a monopoly by admitting 590 to its membership all desiring its service. From an ethical 600 standpoint only, then, is there anything improper, unsafe or 610 unwise in a group of newspapers, large or small, associating 620 themselves together to do a thing that each must other- wise 630 do separately and of reserving to themselves the right to 640 determine to what extent the membership of such a group 650 shall be enlarged? To compel the Associated Press to assume 660 an entity of its own and to serve all comers 670 would, in my judgment, bring about a con- dition fraught with 680 the gravest dangers to the freedom of the press and 600 in turn to the freedom of the people. At present 700 about one- third of the daily newspapers of the country 710 are represented by membership in the Associated Press. There are 720 a number of con- cerns engaged in the collection and sale 730 of general news to non- members of the Associated Press. 740 If the Associated Press could be held as a common 750 carrier, these news-selling organizations would be wiped out and 750 the Associated Press would, if the end sought for was 770 accomplished, become a real monopoly and, the incentive for cooperation 780 no longer existing, it would naturally drift into a con- cern 790 for pecuniary profit, in private ownership and subject to private 800 control. Because the danger would be so grave it will 810 not come, but for another reason also, a very basic 820 reason there can be no monopoly in news. The day 830 that it becomes apparent that a monopoly in col- lecting and 840 distributing news exists, that day, in some way, by some 850 method, individual newspapers or groups of newspapers will take up 860 the work of establishing a service for themselves, indepen- dent of 870 outside control. The news of the world is open to 880 him who will go for it. Any one willing 890 to expend the energy, the time, and the money to 900 approach it may dip from the well of truth. The 910 news service of the Associated Press does not consist of 920 its leased wires or its offices. Its soul is in 930 the personal service of human men, of men with eyes 940 to see, with ears to hear, with hands to 146 . PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE write, 950 and with brains to understand, of men who are proud 960 when they succeed, humiliated when they fail and resentful when 970 maligned. And as to-day men labor and die in order 980 that the members of the Associated Press may lay before 990 their readers a fair picture of the world's happenings, so 1000 always will these and other men serve nobly and die 1010 bravely that the world may have tidings. [1017. PACKAGE CAR SERVICE AND THE RETAILER BY COMMISSIONER COYLE In conclusion I wish to direct your attention to a 10 feature worthy of careful consideration; one which in my estimation 20 is responsible for much of the antagonism toward the railroad. 30 It is in respect to the treatment accorded the country 40 merchants by the railroads of this country. I mean the 50 merchants at the local stations. I was once an agent 60 at such a station; I was once a merchant in 70 such a town, so that I know by experience, the 80 limitations of the agent to assist the merchant in his 90 struggle to compete with the merchant at the competitive point, 100 and I know the helpless condition of the merchant who 110 must rely upon such an agent for support. Though the 120 agent may be ever so well disposed his complaints and 130 suggestions must filter through the several departments of the rail- roads 140 until they are so thin or so stale when they 150 reach the offi- cials who shape the policy of the road 160 as to merit or receive little attention. These merchants at 170 local towns are deserving of our especial attention and support 180 in their present struggle; not alone because they are neglected 190 by the railroads, but at this particular time because they 200 will have, from January 1 next, a new difficulty confronting 210 them in sustaining their trade; that is, the establish- ment of 220 the parcel post, with which I know you are more 230 fami- liar than I. The Traffic Bureau of the Business Men's 240 League, which I have the honor to represent, has given 250 a great deal of attention to this railroad feature of 260 the distribution of goods from this market, and we have 270 been working upon the proposition that the jobber is just 280 as much interested in getting the goods sold by him 290 to his customer in the country as the retail merchant 300 in this city is in PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 147 getting the goods to his 310 customer, regardless of his location in St. Louis. Therefore, since 320 we have this package car system so per- fected that we 330 may intelligently scrutinize the service of all the railroads serving 340 St. Louis, we are contending now for the improve- ment of 350 the service to the local stations. There is no such 360 thing as a local station to a jobber. The mer- chant 370 from the smallest local station on any railroad looks just 380 as good to us in this market as though he 390 came from a highly com- petitive railroad town and is entitled 400 to our consideration and the consideration of the carriers accordingly. 410 Through what I consider a mistaken policy of economy and 420 development of their own properties, the railroads of this country 430 have given too much attention to competitive business and too 440 little to local business. The result of this is that 450 under the present fabric of rates, intermediate towns often pay 460 the same rates as the competitive town beyond, yet shipments 470 leaving here on the same day are often from one 480 to three days longer in reaching the interme- diate or local 490 town. It is gratifying to note, however, that a few 800 progressive manage- ments are taking this view of it also, and 510 are inaugurating methods beneficial to the local points. It rests 520 largely with us, however, and particularly with an association like 530 yours, to exercise our com- mercial strength in behalf of our 540 customers by contending forcibly for such a system of distribution of 550 our goods that a more equitable service shall be given 560 to all points. To this end the routing of your 670 competitive business should be predicated on the service rendered to 580 local points; or, in plainer language, the lines that give 590 especial attention to the systematic and prompt handling of your 600 shipments to local points are entitled to more consideration at the 610 hands of the shippers in the distribution of their competi- tive 620 business. It is unreasonable to expect, of course, such a 630 revolution in this respect as to have equal service to 640 all points, but the tendency should be in that direction 650 much more than it is at present. I may be 660 mistaken, but, after giving the subject serious thought, I believe, as 670 a matter of economy to the railroads and the improve- ment 680 of the service as suggested, smaller cars should be used 690 in this package car trade. Cars so constructed as to 700 carry a maximum load of about the present average merchandise 710 loading, which is approximately 18,000 pounds per car; cars capable 720 of being carried in fast trains, to be switched at 730 local points or small stations with- 148 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE out the loss incidental to 740 the handling of cars of large capacity designed especially for 750 carload business, as is the case at present, thus releasing 760 these large cars of 60,000 pounds capacity for the service 770 for which they are designed. The railroads now have cars 780 constructed especially for live stock, for lumber, for coal, for 790 coke, for cooperage and for perishable freight, but none especially 800 designed for the highest class freight they handle; namely, these 810 merchandise or package car shipments. By the use of such 820 cars as suggested, much of the delay incidental to rehandling 830 at break bulk points would be avoided, the expense 840 of operating local or way freight trains greatly reduced, and 850 damage to freight by rehandling eliminated to a great extent. 860 The increased efficiency of their terminal facilities in the loading 870 and unloading of such freight by the use of a 880 smaller and greater number of car units upon the same 890 terminal tracks now used for the large cars, is also 900 an item, I believe, worthy of careful consideration by the 910 railroads. In short, is it not quite reasonable to expect 920 that the railroads should so classify their service and furnish 930 such facilities as to specialize the less than carload merchandise 940 traffic to the extent that all receivers of such freight 950 both at local as well as competitive points, may rely 960 upon that service as they do upon the express service 970 and eventually relieve the public of the expensive express service 980 except for the transportation of valuable articles or such as 990 may require the attention of a messenger enroute. [998. THE WAR AT OUR DOORS BY REV. C. F. AKED The world divides its admiration between the persons who destroy 10 life and those who spend their days in efforts to 20 save it. The soldier has been the object of all 30 men's regard. In any city in the world whose streets 40 are crowded with monuments to heroes, those erected to the 50 memory of fighting men predominate. In any country the soldier's 60 uniform is the badge of honor. Century by century our 70 race has awarded the prizes of life and place and 80 pomp and power to the man whose business it is 90 to kill men. But the world honors also those who 100 live to save men the philanthropists of all the ages. 110 The wealth and learning and influ- PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 149 ence of a great city 120 pay homage to a citizen whose name is synony- mous with 130 practical philanthropy and beneficent public service. Prophets, apostles, martyrs, the 140 poet laurel-crowned, the man of science with calm gaze 150 searching the depths of infinite being and the missionary who 160 himself repeats creation's primal word, "Let there be light," are 170 enshrined in our hearts as the makers and masters of 180 men. It is curious. Why should we honor him who 190 kills and him who makes alive? Can we not distinguish 200 between them? Are our minds built, indeed, in water-tight 210 compartments and our souls, too? Are our instincts chaotic? And 220 our emotions, are they founded in unreason and do they 230 lead but to folly? Human nature is, indeed, compounded of 240 complexities and con- tradictions, but for this apparent anomaly a rational 260 basis may be found. In the ultimate analysis there is 260 one ideal for the fighter and for the philanthropist, for 270 the man whose business it is to kill and for 280 him who lives to make alive. The ideal is sacrifice 290 for the common good. In the case of the fighting 300 man the ideal is often wretchedly obscured; is, at times, 310 totally lost sight of. Nevertheless the ideal of the warrior 320 remains as an ideal. And the world has agreed to 330 pay honor to the soldier, not because he is ready 340 to kill, but because it understands that, with life and 350 youth and health and joy and wife and home and 360 little ones, and all that makes life worth living behind 370 him, to be won and held by retreat, with torture, 380 wounds, death in front of him, he will scorn liberty 390 and life, choose death and honor. This is the sol- dier's 400 ideal. This is the warrior's glory. The soldier's honor and 410 the warrior's ideal are not the highest and noblest conceivable. 420 The ancient systems of India placed the priest above the 430 warrior. And for good reason. The ideal of the warrior 440 is to die for men. The ideal of the priest 450 is to live for men. And it is a nobler 460 thing to live for men than to die for men. 470 So those ancient systems thought, and they thought rightly. A 480 death of self-sacrifice seemed great; a life of self-sacrifice was 490 greater. This is why John Ruskin, speaking to a body 600 of young men in training as officers of the British 610 army, said to them: "You fancy, perhaps, that there is 620 a severe sense of duty mixed with these peacocky motives? 530 And in the best of you there is. But do 640 not think that it is principle. If you cared to 550 do your duty to your country in a prosaic and 560 unsentimental way, depend upon it, there is now truer duty 570 to be done in raising harvests than in 150 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE burning them; 680 more in building houses than in shelling them; more in 890 winning money by your own work, wherewith to help men, 600 than in other people's work, taxing for money wherewith to 610 slay men more duty, finally, in honest and unselfish living 620 than in honest and unselfish dying, though that seems to 630 your boy's eyes the bravest." Let us do honor to 640 the world's noblest warriors those who battle with human stupidity. 650 Huxley was as gallant a fighter for life and liberty 660 as ever tossed his hat into the ring and followed 670 it with a cry of joy. Yet when he contemplates 680 the age-long stu- pidity of the race his pessimism is so 690 pessimistic that, like the Egyptian darkness, it can be felt. 700 Here it is: "I know no study which is so 710 unutterably saddening as that of the evolution of humanity, as 720 it is set forth in the annals of history. Out 730 of the darkness of prehistoric ages man emerges with the 740 marks of his lowly origin strong upon him. He is 750 a brute, only more intelligent than the other brutes; a 760 blind prey to impulses which, as often as not, lead 770 him to destruction; a victim of endless illusions which make 780 his mental existence a terror and a burden and fill 790 his physical life with barren toil and battle. "He attains 800 a certain degree of physical comfort, and develops a more 810 or less workable theory of life in such favorable situations 820 as the plains of Mesopotamia or of Egypt, and then, 830 for thousands and thousands of years, struggles, with varying fortunes, 840 attended by infinite wickedness, bloodshed and misery, to maintain himself 850 at this point against the greed and the ambition of 860 his fellow-men. "He makes a point of killing and otherwise 870 persecuting all those who first try to get him to 880 move on, and when he has moved on a step, 890 foolishly confers post-mortem deification on his victims. He exactly repeats 900 the process with all who want to move a step 910 yet farther." It is simply not true not true in 920 spirit and prophecy. "Against stupidity the gods themselves fight powerless," 930 said the wise ancients. But they were wrong, or, if 940 they were right, men and women have done what the 950 gods could not do. For we are win- ning in this 960 war. Everybody may have a share in the victory. The 970 fighting is good all along the line. From the president 980 of a State university to the kindergarten teacher, from the 990 editor with his million readers to the man in the 1000 smoking car who knocks a little common sense "into the 1010 stupidest man he ever met in his life," we all 1020 have our chance. PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 151 Besides, there is oneself! Does not Carlyle 1030 exhort us: "Arrest your knaves and dastards! Arrest yourself! Make 1040 yourself an honest man, and there will be one rogue 1050 less in the world!" Think what each one of us 1060 can do tq reduce the sum of our natural ignorance! 1070 This is the war which is at our doors. [1079. LABOR BY LINCOLN STEFFENS My point of view is not that of Labor, nor 10 is it the business man's nor the politician's. I have 20 tried as a reporter to keep in mind always the 30 common interest of society as a whole and to see 40 in politics and in business what made for and what 50 against the common human good. So now in Labor, I 60 am for those acts and tendencies which seem to make 70 for the good of humanity; not of the working people only 80 that's the narrow Labor view but of all the people. 90 And I am against all that Labor does which seems 100 to hurt society; not business (that's the narrow business view), 110 but the human community as a whole. For example: The 120 reasoning of a part of Labor that efficiency would increase 130 the profits of the employer more than the wages of 140 the workers, therefore, seems to me to be not 150 only false, but fundamentally wrong. It is anti-social. Even if 160 the premises were true and the argument sound; and even 170 if skimping did reduce profits and came not at all 180 out of the wage-worker and consumer; even then it 190 would be wrong, from the social point of view. Anything 200 that hindered or set back the development of efficiency in 210 the workers would be bad. So with the questions of 220 wages, hours, and the other conditions of work, and the 230 methods of improving them. Labor wants higher wages, as we 240 have seen, primarily, for the same reason that most men want 250 more of anything simply to have more, and more, and 260 more. Capital opposes this. Capital wants more and more, and, 270 so, fearing that, if Labor got more wages, Capital would 280 get less profits, the employer and employee clash and are 290 forever fighting somewhere. A strike is an inconvenience and a 300 disturb- ance of the peace. But that isn't the reason we 310 outsiders should 152 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE take the part we do take in the 320 conflict between Capital and Labor. The importance of Labor's effort 330 to get higher wages becomes obvious. You see that the 340 wage-workers are a very large part of society, and 350 that the future of the race depends in a startling 360 measure upon the men, women, and children that work in 370 the mills, mines, and shops. Business is important, too. It 380 is not, as business men so commonly think of it, 390 an end in itself. It is a means to an 400 end. That end is not profits alone. Business is 410 the machinery which produces, prepares for use and distributes the 420 things society needs to live. And that's why business should 430 be kept going industriously, efficiently, at peace. And that's one 440 reason why strikes and fighting, skimping and inefficiency are bad, 450 from the social point of view. Because they injure society, 460 which, I repeat, is all men and all women and 470 all children. And that's why low wages are bad, and 480 long hours, and imperfect sanitation, and child labor and all 490 the other evils of industrial labor. Not because these evils 500 hurt Labor; not because children are so exhausted by early 610 work that they grow up to be drunkards and cripples. 520 That's the sentimental view of Labor which corre- sponds to the 530 personal view of business. It counts; it counts with me; 540 and it should count, of course, with everybody; an unsympa- thetic 550 race would not be a great race. It would be 560 deficient in art, literature, and music. But the sentimental view 570 is not the view to be taken in these articles. 580 I think it is pitiful to see men and women 590 work too long for too little. The point of view 600 I take as a reporter is simply that such evils 610 are bad because Labor is so large a part of 620 society that the sufferings of the workers cannot help but 630 injure the race, and their well-being will make for 640 the well- being of society. Apply this now, to our 650 typical strike, that of the laundry workers in New York. 660 Men and women, boys and girls, were underpaid and overworked 670 three days of the week, in some steam laundries which 680 are unsanitary and at some machines which, it is said, 690 injure the worker for life. The grown-ups were pale, 700 thin, rather weak, and more or less ailing. They were 710 not good stock. And there are some 40,000 of them. 720 In the next generation their descendants may be 80,000 or 730 100,000. Some of their children may be listless, weak good- 740 for-nothings of the kind we say "don't deserve any 750 more than they get," which may be charity or even 760 the jail. The condition of the laundry workers, then, should 770 be bettered, for the good of society. But society pays 780 no heed. PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 153 The employers, unorganized and in close 790 competition, couldn't raise wages. And, of course, 800 the employees, also in competition and not only 810 with one another, but with the people out of 820 work in New York, who pressed for jobs the 830 laundry workers were help- less until they organized. Now 840 the business men who own the laundries objected to the unions j 850 unions are organized to use force to compel higher 860 wages, and, once organized, the union will 870 abuse its power. All know that. And the 880 abuse by Labor of its organized power is an evil. 890 But I think we can learn to distinguish between the good and the evil uses of unions. However, unless society 900 is ready and able to protect the race interest 910 in that part of society which washes and irons our 920 clothes, we must see that the organization of the 930 laundry worker's union is right, from the social point 940 of view. Bad from the business man's point of 950 view, because it will inter- fere with his liberty and 960 hurt his business by stopping it to enforce demands, 970 the laundry union may seem bad to the laundry work- ers 980 also, from their point of view, and for 990 the same reason. Most of the laundry workers didn't 1000 belong to the union and don't now; and 1010 they opposed the strike; and they would prefer now 1020 to go back to work. The union leaders have 1030 to send strikers out as pickets to persuade the would- 1040 be scabs to sacrifice their imme- diate, individual interest to the 1050 welfare of the laundry workers as a whole. This 1060 is bad, too; there really should be some 1070 other way to make the conditions of that part of 1080 the community right. But, taking human nature and 1090 the facts as they are, we can see that 1100 unless the laundry workers are organized in numbers great enough 1110 to control the labor of the laundries as the pro- prietors 1120 control the machinery and the trade, the employers and 1130 the employees cannot come together and better the conditions of 1140 the trade. Therefore the union, the strike, 1150 and the picketing of the laundry workers are unnecessary from 1160 the social point of view. [1165. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE COLLEGE? What is wrong with the college? As I ask myself 10 that question, I find my mind traveling back to a 20 certain organization of which I was once a member. It 30 was a small group of relatively insignificant 154 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE persons; and yet, 40 as I have listened in the last few years to 50 reiter- ated indictments of our present collegiate education, I have found* the conviction growing within me that that little organization, in 70 its trivial way and on its restricted scale, had caught 80 the secret which the American college has missed. The wind 90 bloweth where it listeth, the body of which I speak 100 was nothing but a high-school debating-society. It was 110 nothing but a debating-society, but it had got hold 120 of a miraculous power, to define or even to describe 130 which I shall not try. I can only put down 140 a few of its results. It had the knack, somehow 150 or other, of taking raw and callow high-school freshmen 160 and sophomores and instilling into them, sometimes with a suddenness 170 that was start- ling, a literally furious interest in all sorts 180 of questions, political, social, and ethical, and an equally furious 190 desire to discuss them endlessly. My memory may play me 200 some tricks of exaggeration as I look back, but as 210 1 remember it, we boys came to reckon time in 220 those days from one Friday night to the next. In 230 their turmoil and fervor, the meetings themselves stand out in 240 my mind as a sort of vivid contrast, especially in 250 the matter of demands for the floor, with certain prayer- 260 meetings I have attended. Social functions, even dances, could not 270 compete with them. If there was an athletic event on 280 a Friday afternoon, the club did not adjourn in the 290 evening to help celebrate the victory. The debate was held 300 as usual, merely with added zest and an access of 310 virtue. No January blizzard was severe enough seriously to impair 320 the attendance. The meetings began on the dot, and ended 330 when it was no longer possible to force or bribe 340 the janitor to keep the build- ing open. Most of my 350 other high-school experiences, much even of my college life, 360 fade into fog and have compared with the vivid memories 370 of that society. I have no doubt that, in any 380 absolute sense, its meetings were as absurd, its debates as 390 wild and whirling, as any that were ever held. The 400 product, then and there, was useless; but the spirit back 410 of it all! That was authentic. That was, and is, 420 a living thing. I use the word "spirit," but no 430 one word will do. It was a something in the 440 air, an atmosphere, a tradition, a grip, a pressure, and 450 urgency, an uplift, a quickening of the will, an intellectual 460 enthusiasm. What one calls it, is of no account. The 470 point is, it is what the American college of to-day 480 is most in need of. And the question is, how 490 is it to get it? Now, the first fact to 500 be grasped with regard to this spirit, is that, like 610 everything else that is alive, it can inhabit only a 520 body PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 155 where there is unity. It is no idle chance 530 that the phrase "college spirit" has come in our day 540 to have oftentimes an almost exclu- sively athletic connotation. The reason 550 is that on the athletic- field we have team-work 560 among the players and unity of interest on the part 570 of all. The conditions for the emergence of an intel- lectual 580 college spirit are the same. Whatever makes for the intel- lectual 590 integrity of a college, renders more likely the appearance of 600 this spirit. Whatever impairs that integrity, acts as a potent 610 spell to keep it at a distance. A normal boy 620 or girl of college age, introduced into an atmos- phere of 630 high intellectual pressure, can no more resist it than a 640 bit of coal can avoid incandescence in the furnace. He 650 can no more resist it than a person can resist 660 the hush that falls over an audience in the presence 670 of the eloquence, or the spirit of panic, once under 680 way, in the burning theater. A tone and tradition of 690 mental enthusiasm once firmly established in a college, thereafter the 700 predominant set of the current will be from the whole 710 to the parts. But in the meantime the problem is 720 more complex, and calls for more drastic action. Spirit should 730 come before discipline. This simple principle we sometimes seem to 740 lose sight of in our education, consistently putting the cart 750 before the horse. In the days of the Renaissance, when 760 people had caught a vision of a new world, they 770 studied their Greek with avidity because they believed it was 780 a path into that world. We reverse the process. We 790 set our students to grinding Greek verbs in order that 800 in an indefinite future they may come in contact with 810 the Hellenic spirit, when what they wanted was a touch 820 of the Hellenic spirit to transform the Greek grammar into 830 a book of magic. We set them to cutting up 840 earthworms when what they wanted first was to have their 850 thoughts turned toward the mystery of physical life. We put 860 them to studying Italian trusting that in due time a knowledge 870 of that language may prove an incen- tive to read Dante, 880 never perceiving that a craving for Dante might be made 890 the strongest incentive for studying Italian. We red-ink and blue- 900 ink their compositions, believing, with a touching faith that there is 910 some intrinsic beauty in correct spelling and perfect punctuation that 920 will appeal to the undergraduate mind; and all the while 930 what they needed was a sense, however dim, of the 940 wonder of literary creation. Here is at least a partial 950 program for the regeneration of the American college: 156 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE (1) Eject from 960 the student body the intellectually inert. (2) Eliminate from the faculty 970 the narrow specialist, who at his best belongs to the 980 university, at his worst is a pedant. (3) Encourage, among teachers 990 and students, in the classroom, and still more out 1000 of it, every influence that tends to unify, to socialize, to 1010 humanize knowledge. And let it be remembered for I have 1020 not forgotten that little debating-club that one impor- tant means 1030 to this end, is simply the creation of a current 1040 of vital ideas. Let every one talk, then, talk ardently 1050 and end- lessly, each about the subject of his special interest, 1060 but all about that larger something in which these special 1070 interests inhere, and for which, indefinite as the term is, 1080 we have no better name than life. [1087. PRESIDENT WILSON'S MESSAGE The message for which President Wilson broke the custom of 10 112 years and read in person in Congress is one 20 of the shortest dealing with a great Government policy that 30 has ever been delivered in Congress. Grover Cleveland's tariff message 40 in 1887 is nearer it in length than any similar 50 document in recent times. The Wilson message follows: "I am 60 very glad to have this opportunity to address the two 70 houses directly and to verify for myself the impression that 80 the President of the United States is a person, not 90 a mere department of the Government hailing Congress from some 100 isolated island of jealous power, sending messages, not speaking naturally 110 and with his own voice, that he is a human 120 being trying to cooperate with other human beings in a 130 common service. After this pleasant experience I shall feel quite 140 normal in all our dealings with one another. "I have 150 called the Congress together in extraordinary session because a duty 160 was laid upon the party now in power at the 170 recent elections which it ought to perform promptly in order 180 that the burden carried by the people under existing law 190 may be light- ened as soon as possible and in order, 200 also, that the business interests of the country may not 210 be kept too long in suspense as to what the 220 fiscal changes are to be to which they will be 230 required to adjust themselves. It is clear to the whole 240 country that the tariff duties must be altered. PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 157 "They must 250 be changed to meet the radical alteration in the conditions 260 of our economic life which the country has witnessed within 270 the last generation. While the whole face and method of 280 our industrial and commercial life were being changed beyond recognition 290 the tariff schedules have remained what they were before the 300 change began, or have moved in the direction they were 310 given when no large circumstance of our industrial develop- ment was 320 what it is to-day. "Our task is to square them 330 with the actual facts. The sooner that is done the 340 sooner we shall escape from suffering from the facts and 350 the sooner our men ot business will be free to 360 thrive by the law of nature (the nature of free 370 business) instead of by the law of legislation and artificial 380 arrangement. "We have seen tariff legislation wander very far afield 390 in our day very far indeed from the field in which 400 our prosperity might have had a normal growth and stimulation. 410 No one who looks the facts squarely in the face 420 or knows anything that lies beneath the surface of action 430 can fail to perceive the principles upon which recent tariff 440 legislation has been based. "We long ago passed beyond the 450 modest notion of 'protecting' the industries of the country and 460 moved boldly forward to the idea that they were entitled 470 to the direct patronage of the Govern- ment. "For a long 480 time a time so long that the men now active 490 in public policy hardly remember the conditions that preceded it 500 we have sought in our tariff schedules to give each group 510 of manu- facturers or producers what they themselves thought that they 520 needed in order to maintain a practically exclusive market as 530 against the rest of the world. Consciously or unconsciously, we 640 have built up a set of privileges and exemptions from 550 competition behind which it was easy by any, even the 560 crudest, forms of combination, to organize monopoly until at last 570 nothing is normal, nothing is obliged to stand the tests 580 of efficiency and economy, in our world of big business, 590 but every- thing thrives by concerted arrangement. Only new principles of 800 action will save us from a final hard crystallization of 610 monopoly and a complete loss of the influences that 620 quicken enterprise and keep independent energy alive. "It is plain 630 what those principles must be. We must abolish everything that 640 bears even the semblance of privilege or of any kind 650 of artificial advantage, and put our business men and pro- 158 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE ducers 660 under the stimulation of a constant necessity to be effi- cient, 670 economical and enterprising masters of competitive suprem- acy, better workers and 680 merchants than any in the world. Aside from the duties 690 laid upon articles which we do not, and probably can 700 not, produce, therefore, and the duties laid upon luxuries and 710 merely for the sake of the revenues they yield, the 720 object of the tariff duties henceforth laid must be effective 730 competition, the whetting of American wits by contest with the 740 wits of the rest of the world. "It would be 750 unwise to move toward this end headlong, with reckless haste 760 or with strokes that cut at the very roots of 770 what has grown up amongst us by long process and 780 at our own invita- tion. It does not alter a thing 790 to upset it and break it and deprive it of 800 a chance to change. It destroys it. We must make 810 changes in our fiscal laws, in our fiscal system, whose 820 object is development, a more free and wholesome development, 830 not revolution or upset or confusion. We must build up 840 trade, especially foreign trade. "We need the outlet and the 850 enlarged field of energy more than we ever did before. 860 We must build up industry as well, and must adopt 870 freedom in the place of artificial stimulation only so far 880 as it will build, not pull down. "In dealing with 890 the tariff the method by which this may be 900 done will be a matter of judgment, exercised item by 910 item. To some not accustomed to the excitements and responsibilities 920 of greater freedom our methods may in some respects and 930 at some points seem heroic, but remedies may be heroic 940 and yet be reme- dies. It is our business to make 950 sure that they are genuine remedies. Our object is clear. 960 If our motive is above just challenge and only an 970 occasional error of judgment is chargeable against us, we shall 980 be fortunate. "We are called upon to render the country 990 a great service in more matters than one. Our responsibilities 1000 should be met and our methods should be thorough, as 1010 thorough as moderate and well considered, based upon the facts 1020 as they are, and not worked out as if we 1030 were beginners. "We are to deal with the facts of 1040 our own day, with the facts of no other, and 1050 to make laws which square with those facts. "It is 1060 best, indeed it is necessary, to begin with the tariff. 1070 "I will urge nothing upon you now at the opening 1080 of your ses- sion which can obscure that first object or 1090 divert our energies from that clearly defined duty. At a 1100 later time I may take the liberty PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 159 of calling your 1110 attention to reforms which should press close upon the heels 1120 of the tariff changes, if not accompany them, of which 1130 the chief is the reform of our banking and currency 1140 laws; but just now I refrain. "For the present I 1160 put these matters on one side and think only of 1160 this one thing of the changes in our fiscal system 1170 which may best serve to open once more the free 1180 channels of prosperity to a great people whom we would 1190 serve to the utmost and throughout both rank and file." [1200. IRVING Irving was a child of fortune. His father was in 10 comfortable cir- cumstances, and the young man was able to indulge 20 in three pleas- ures which cherished his talents: innocent idling among 30 the people of New York, especially in the older parts 40 of the town and along the water front ; writing and 50 publishing for the sport of it ; and traveling in Europe. 60 The delicate state of his health made it necessary, or 70 advisable, that he should make sea voyages. Since his invalidity 80 did not assume painful forms nor fetter his work either 90 as man of letters or man of affairs, it may 100 be regarded as fortunate, for it won him dispensations which 110 his father would not perhaps have accorded to a robust 120 young man. Irving's genius was not so powerful that it 130 would have hewn works of art out of strife and 140 poverty. His gentle fancy was nourished by well-being, by 150 leisure to indulge his amiable indolence, to sit on the 160 bank and watch life stream by, to catch a glimpse 170 of a comic old fact in the crowd or the 180 fluttering ribbon on a girl's bonnet. Yet he was not 190 an irre- sponsible idler who filled his knapsack from other peoples' 200 larders and paid his debt to the heirs of the 210 almoners in priceless books. He was a good business man 220 and self-reliant. At the age of twenty- six he 230 proved his literary gifts and won flattering applause by his 240 "Knickerbocker's History of New York;" but he rejected the allur- ing 250 career of letters, went into partnership with his brother and 260 for ten years devoted himself to trade. It was only 270 when the busi- ness failed that he published his second volume, 280 "The Sketch Book," which was so popular as to warrant, 290 not only from an artistic, but from a practical point 300 of view, his committing himself to the literary career. 160 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE He 310 had justified his leisure and he continued to earn a 320 right to it. When he loafed he invited his soul 330 and not the censure of his family. His was a 340 happy and normal life. He wandered through the woods communing 350 with pixies and the ghosts of mythical Dutchmen; his fancy 360 kept company with tap-room idlers; but he was a 370 handsome, fashionable young bachelor, and he lived amid the conventional 380 "best society." If the death of his sweetheart threw 390 a cloud of melancholy over his life, the shadow of 400 the cloud is not upon his work. There is no 410 trace in his writings of the trag- edy of actual life. 420 His portrait is a most satisfying presentment of the kind 430 of man who ought to have written his books. It 440 shows a broad brow with the hair curled youthfully about 450 the temples; a straight, sensible nose; a wide humorous mouth 460 twitching at the corners even in the repose of an 470 engraving; eyes clear, observant, not piercing; the whole face placid 480 and prosperous; the head held with dignity above a 490 full chest. The picture of our first man of letters 500 is also a portrait of a gentleman, scholar, and diplomat. 510 Irving was minister to Spain and discharged his public duties 520 in a creditable manner. He received whatever honor academic and 530 political officialdom can bestow upon a literary man, and the 540 pride and affection of his countrymen followed him for forty 550 years. He was welcomed in Europe, in Thackeray's happy phrase, 560 as the "first ambassador whom the New World of Letters 570 sent to the Old." It may be that the apparent 580 contrast between Irving's interest and what we now imagine to 590 have been the most intense interests of his contemporaries 600 is due to his temperament and to that side of 610 it which enabled him to seek the society of 620 the immortals. Perhaps a man more soaked with reality could 630 not have come forth from the life about him and 640 risen above the threshold of expression. There was in his 650 time but a small recognized leisure class, a thin, cultivated 660 stratum of people upheld by church, university, family tradition 670 and well-founded prosperity. The best brains of the people 680 were busy with the problem of getting a livelihood. A 690 man had to be doing something obviously worth while or 700 lose self- respect and the respect of his neighbors. A 710 long-established culture that lives at the expense of the 720 multitude (such is the dependence of culture in all capitalist 730 societies) may be unjustified from the point of view of 740 social equity; but at least such a culture has leisure 750 and training to express itself in art. In a young 760 country, PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 161 for the settlement of which the only motive is 770 to find a living for one's self by labor or 780 exploitation (and that is the motive for the colonizing of 790 America despite the stories of the quest for religious liberty 800 and other superstitions of history), every able man works; the 810 drone is either the unfit, incapable of producing literature or 820 anything else, or the exploiter on the alert for commercial 830 advan- tage. The worthy individual who wins exemption from the work- aday 840 struggle wins it after a youth of toil or business 850 responsi bility, and he is then not habituated to aesthetic interests 860 and the pursuits of art. Irving is not, of course, 870 akin to the spirit of revolt that now seems the 880 most significant fact of the age of Wordsworth; he is 890 a con- ventional man, with no very profound convictions, no intense 900 theory of life. His philosophy is that of the amiable, 910 gifted man of the world of all times and 920 places: "I have always had an opinion that much good 930 might be done by keeping mankind in good humor with 940 one another." Such a philosophy does not proceed from a 950 nature that is torn by everlasting problems, but it is 960 not referable to any special period of literary thought; it 970 is as near to Scott as to Addison, it is 980 as remote from Swift as from Shelley. Is it too 990 much to say that Irving's style, resonant and full of 1000 color, set a standard for American historians, to which is 1010 owing in some measure the rich readability of Prescott and 1020 Parkman? And is it presumptuous to suggest that there has 1030 departed a glory from historical writing which in these alert 1040 and many-talented days might advantageously be recovered by those 1050 historiographers who "discourse of affairs orderly as they were done"? 1060 Of the arid and cautiously accurate there is no lack, 1070 and there is plenty, too, of the over-rhetorical which 1080 results from the efforts of mediocrity to sound the stately 1090 charm of his style. [1094. WAR PROVES THE RELIGION OF TO-DAY BY REV. DR. W. S. RAINSFORD Our times are heroic. There never was as much real 10 religion in the world as to-day. This war proves it. 20 It is no exaggeration to say that in all professedly 30 Christian lands multitudes of good people are profoundly discouraged by 40 the vast eruption of war. 162 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE I hold that, while such 60 a temper is natural, it is mistaken. It is not 60 the foundations of the Christian religion that have been shaken, 70 but those old forms of belief those half -heathen concep- tions 80 of God, good in their time, but now quite past 90 all usefulness, that are tottering to a final collapse. 100 What Lincoln said in his message of December 1, 1862, 110 is even truer to-day than it was then. The dogmas 120 of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. 130 The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must 140 rise to the occasion. As our case is new, so 150 we must think anew and act anew we must disenthrall 160 ourselves, and then we shall save our country. The world 170 that emerges from this awful caldron of fire and blood 180 will be a different world, a far more truly Christian 190 world, than the old. The greatest man that ever lived 200 not a demi-god or half man, but a real 210 man, one of ourselves said: "Salt is good, but if 220 the salt has lost its savor wherewith shall it be 230 salted? It is thence- forth good for nothing but to be 240 cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. 260 Ye are the salt of the earth." (Matt, v., 13. ) 260 Jesus was ages ahead of His time. He is ahead 270 of all time. He, knowing as none 280 ever knew "what was in man," saw that, outlasting all 290 national and tribal bonds, there was a deeper union, "that 300 God had made of one blood all nations of men," 310 and that with the slow growth of knowledge this final 320 bond would be recog- nized and joyfully owned; that, till men 330 accepted it and built their civilization on it, all their 340 efforts were as those of builders who founded their masonry 350 on the sand; no work so founded could stand the 360 tests of time. So He taught. So it has come 370 to pass. Orthodox Christianity has ignored, refined away, or denied 380 His teaching. Orthodox Christianity, whether Greek or Roman or Teutonic 390 or Anglican, while claiming to deliver His message to men 400 has altered His emphasis, has retained His words, and denied 410 His spirit; has, I say, so completely altered His emphasis 420 that, like the salt that has lost its savor, 430 it has been already cast forth by multitudes of thinking 440 men on the refuse of civilization. It has proved itself 450 anew only fit to be trodden under foot of men 460 and into bloody mire they are treading it now. Behind 470 the awful turmoil of struggling, strangling millions the Kaisers and 480 the Czars, the Chancellors and Generals are calling on God 490 to aid them strangle and kill. What sort of a god 500 are they PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 163 calling on? The merely national god, the tribal 510 god, the god that favors one man as against another, 520 the god that loves his Jacobs and hates his Esaus, 530 a god as unlike the God and Father of all 540 as Juggernaut is unlike Jesus. Men are beginning to tire 550 of such a god to-day. After this war they will 560 loathe him. Meanwhile men are confronting their fellow-men in 570 battle as they never confronted them before, and after battle's 580 dreadful lessons have been learned, will know each other as 590 never before. This must be so, for nations are meeting 600 nations. This is no war of hired soldiery. Not a 610 war of a few skilled at war's trade, trained and 620 paid to risk life and home. Now the flower and 630 hope of the manhood of the nations has gone forth 640 to fight if need be to die. Our old world 650 has seen many strange sights, but never before a sight 660 like this. When we were boys we were taught about 670 the heroes of old time. They were picked out for 680 us, and we read and reread their story. Then the 690 leaders of men were great and brave and did not 700 fear to die. To-day tens of thousands of heroes, humble 710 men and unknown, are dying to hold prosaic trenches, as 720 valiantly as Leonidas and his Spartans died to hold Thermopylae's 730 immortal pass. Dying far from home and friends, and giving, 740 as they die, what Jesus said was the supreme proof 750 of man's religious nature, giving their lives for their friends. 760 I say the world has never seen anything like this 770 before, and the lesson of it all is so unmistakably 780 plain that "he that runneth can read." In the nations 790 of men, in all the nations, unorganized Serbs or highly 800 organized Germans, there are unimagined, undreamed-of springs of unselfishness 810 and of valor but waiting the call of a great 820 emotion. The supreme call of self-sacrifice. Reverently be it 830 spoken, the very same call that led Jesus to the cross. 840 We have had it dinned into our ears by essayists, 850 learned profes- sors, and the clergy that our age was given 860 over to materialism, and that the modern man's god, whether 870 he carried a dinner pail or hired a French cook, 880 was his belly. We know better now. It is before 890 all preceding ages an idealistic age. Jesus said, "Man cannot 900 live by bread alone," and because this is mysteriously, eternally 910 true, and only because it is true, the nations are steadily 920 trooping forth to-day, old men and boys, nobles 164 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE and 930 common born, rich men forsaking their riches, and poor men 940 braving deeper poverty. And what for? Just to give the 950 best they have to the best they know. If that 960 is not religion, then Jesus was deluded, and the wise 970 of all races and of all religions were deluded, too. 980 Self-sacrifice may be and sometimes has been misdirected; if 990 so, it will fail of its immediate purpose, but it 1000 is the root and source of all lasting religion, and 1010 so long as it can control the life of men, 1020 even in times of crisis, that life cannot fail to 1030 be in its essence relig- ious. To-day self-sacrifice is the religion 1040 of the embattled world. Civilization has not forgotten the martyrs 1050 of early Christian times. They died to emancipate their fellows, 1060 and the men to-day dying, locked in each .other's destroying 1070 arms, are not less truly martyrs than they, for they, 1080 too, are dying that the old and false may pass 1090 forever away, and that new and better days may come 1100 to men. [1102. THE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION CASE BY THEODORE ROOSEVELT A typical case was the decision rendered but a few 10 months ago by the Court of Appeals of my own 20 State, the State of New York, declaring unconstitutional the workmen's 30 compensation act. In their decision the judges admitted the wrong 40 and the suffering caused by the practices against which the 60 law was aimed. They admitted that other civilized nations had 60 abolished these wrongs and practices. But they took the ground 70 that the Constitution of the United States, instead of being 80 an instrument to secure jus- tice, had been ingeniously devised to 90 prevent justice. They insisted that the clause in the Constitution 100 which forbade the taking of property without due process of 110 law forbade the effort which had been made in the 120 law to distribute among all the partners in an enterprise 130 the effects of the injuries to life or limb of 140 a wage-earner. In other words, they insisted that the 160 Constitution had permanently cursed our people with impotence to right 160 wrong, and had perpetuated a cruel iniquity; for cruel iniquity 170 is not too harsh a term to use in describing 180 the law which, in the event of such an accident, 190 binds the whole burden of crippling disaster on PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 165 the shoulders 200 least able to bear it the shoulders of the crippled 210 man himself, or of the dead man's helpless wife and 220 children. No anarchist orator, raving against the Constitution, ever framed 230 an indictment of it so severe as these worthy and 240 well-meaning judges must be held to have framed if 250 their reasoning be accepted as true. But, as a matter 260 of fact, their reasoning was unsound, and was as repugnant 270 to every sound defender of the Constitution as to every 280 believer in justice and righteousness. I call this decision to 290 the attention of those who shake their heads at the 300 proposal to trust the people to decide for themselves what 310 their own governmental policy shall be in these matters. I 320 know of no popular vote by any State of the 330 Union more flagrant in its defiance of right and justice, 340 more short-sighted in its inability to face the changed 350 needs of our civilization, than this decision by the highest 360 court of the State of New York. Many of the 370 judges of that court I know personally, and for them 380 I have profound regard. Even for as flagrant a decision 390 as this I would not vote for their recall; for 400 I have no doubt the decision was rendered in accordance 410 with their ideas of duty. But most emphatically I do 420 wish that the people should have the right to recall 430 the decision itself, and authoritatively to stamp with disap- proval what 440 cannot but seem to the ordinary plain citizen a mon- strous 450 misconstruction of the Constitution, a monstrous perversion of the Constitution 460 into an instrument for the perpetuation of social and industrial 470 wrong and for the oppression of the weak and helpless. 480 I wish I could make you visualize to yourselves what 490 these decisions against which I so vehemently protest really represent 500 of suffering and injustice. I wish I had the power 510 to bring before you the man maimed or dead, the 520 woman and children left to strug- gle against bitter poverty because 530 the breadwinner has gone. I am not thinking of the 540 terminology of the decision, nor of what seem to me 550 the hair-splitting and meticulous arguments elaborately worked out to 560 justify a great and a terrible miscarriage of justice. Moreover, 570 I am not thinking only of the sufferers in any 580 given case, but of the tens of thousands of others 590 who suffer because of the way this case is decided. 600 In the New York case the railway em- ployee who was 610 injured was a man named, I believe, Ives. The court 620 admits that by every moral consideration he was entitled to 630 recover as his due the money that the law intended 640 to give him. Yet the court by its decision forces 650 that man to stagger through life 166 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE maimed, and keeps the 660 money that should be his in the treasury of the 670 company in whose service, as an incident of his regular 680 em- ployment and in the endurance of ordinary risks, he lost 690 the ability to earn his own livelihood. There are thousands 700 of Iveses in this country; thousands of cases such as 710 this come up every year; and while this is true, 720 while the courts deny essential and elementary justice to these 730 men and give to them and the people in exchange 740 for justice, a technical and empty formula, it is idle 750 to ask me not to criticise them. As long as 760 injustice is kept thus intrenched by any court, I will 770 protest as strongly as in me lies, against such action. 780 Remember, when I am asking the people themselves in the 790 last resort to interpret the law which they themselves have 800 made, that after all I am only asking that they 810 step in and authoritatively reconcile the conflicting decisions of the 820 courts. In all these cases the judges and courts have 830 decided every which way, and it is foolish to talk 840 of the sanctity of a judge-made law which half 850 of the judges strongly denounce. If there must be decision 860 by a close majority, then let the people step in 870 and let it be their majority that decides. According to 880 one of the highest judges then and now on the 890 Supreme Court of the nation, we had lived for a 900 hundred years under a constitution which permitted a national in- come 910 tax, until suddenly, by one vote, the Supreme Court reversed 920 its previous decisions for a century, and said that for 930 a century we had been living under a wrong interpretation 940 of the Constitution (that is, under a wrong constitution), and 950 therefore, in effect established a new constitution which we are 960 now laboriously trying to amend so as to get it 970 back to the constitution that for a hundred years everybody, 980 including the Supreme Court, thought it to be. When I 990 was President, we passed a national workmen's com- pensation act. Under 1000 it a railway man named Howard, I think, was killed 1010 in Tennessee, and his widow sued for damages. Con- gress had 1020 done all it could to provide the right, but the 1030 court stepped in and decreed that Congress had failed. Three 1040 of the judges took the extreme position that there was 1050 no way in which Congress could act to secure the 1060 helpless widow and children against suffering, and that the man's 1070 blood and the blood of all similar men when spilled 1080 should forever cry aloud in vain for justice. This seems 1090 a strong statement, but it is far less strong than 1100 the actual facts; and I have difficulty in making the 1110 state- PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 167 ment with any degree of moderation. The nine justices of 1120 the Supreme Court on this question split into five fragments. 1130 .One man, Justice Moody, in his opinion stated the case 1140 in its broadest way and demanded justice for Howard on 1150 grounds that would have meant that in all similar cases 1160 thereafter justice and not injustice should be done. Yet the 1170 court, by a majority of one, decided as I do 1180 not for one moment believe the court would now decide, 1190 and not only perpetuated a lamentable injustice in the case 1200 of the man himself but set a standard of injustice 1210 for all similar cases. Here again I ask you not 1220 to think of the mere legal formalism, but to think 1230 of the great immutable principles of justice, the great immutable 1240 principles of right and wrong, and to ponder what it 1250 means to men dependent for their livelihood, and to the 1260 women and children dependent upon these men, when the courts 1270 of the land deny them the justice to which they 1280 are entitled. [1282. FEDERAL CONTROL OF "BIG BUSINESS" BY E. C. SIMMONS (Simmons Hardware Co.) Public attention is now sharply directed toward federal control of 10 large corporations, and unquestionably one of the great problems confronting 20 the present administration is that of "big business" and the 30 control of it. This is not only the problem of 40 the day socially, politically and commercially. Big business is so 50 mixed up in all sorts of social and political obligations 60 that it is an important part and parcel of the 70 life of the nation. What we thought was and what 80 appeared to be a new eco- nomic development shows that we 90 got a wrong start on it some ten or more 100 years ago, and at that time were so overcome with 110 the idea it was so fascinating and promised so many 120 benefits from consolidations and combinations that we rather lost sight 130 of the fundamental vital principle that human nature no matter 140 how intelligent or thoroughly educated it may be cannot be 150 trusted with power unchecked by responsibility. This was the elemental 160 principle of Thomas Jefferson in the foun- dation of our Republic, 170 and is therefore not new, but on the con- trary, as 180 old as the nation itself. I hold that criticism is 190 good for 168 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE every man, but to have power without any 200 limit is not only bad for the man but for 210 every one with whom he comes in contact or has 220 any business relations. At first it was thought that business 230 brains and acumen would be sufficient to avoid monopolistic tendencies; 240 that foresight would prevent oppression of the weak by the 250 strong; that in a country so great as ours no 260 one concern or one combination could acquire undue influence and 270 undue power; but we underesti- mated the extent to which the 280 human element would be the con- trolling factor, and therefore we 290 must in a sense make an entirely new start in 300 the treatment of this great problem. The two problems, railways 310 and public utilities, appear to be in a fair way 320 of solution. Not so, however, with big business. The solution 330 of that problem is still an exceedingly vague and indefi- nite 340 proposition. Of big business there are two kinds. The difference 350 between them is vital and essential. One kind has grown 360 naturally, has fought its way up by honorable methods, has 370 developed by reason of square dealing with its customers, by 380 reason of economies, by reason of hard work, by reason 390 of intelligence and deep, clear think- ing and planning, enterprise and 400 foresight. That kind of business is not much to be 410 feared. The other kind of big business I should class 420 as the wrong kind and the one that needs regulation. 430 This is the result of an un- natural throwing together of 440 a lot of heterogeneous elements, of antiquated plants capitalized at 450 high figures, the principal ingre- dient of which is water; of 460 unnatural associations, both of men and methods, of manufacturing sites, 470 and of an evident disposition on the part of the 480 promoters or managers to gain their ends by monopoly and 490 competition of a brutal kind rather than upon merit. It 500 is a well recognized fact that this kind of big business 510 has done things which it would prefer should not be 520 known; it is not willing to have them made public; 530 in fact, it cannot afford to do so. It is 540 also the kind of big business that has to finally 560 analyze and find itself; which means it has to get 560 rid of the water in its stock and to weed out 570 all inharmonious elements in its management and in the per- sonnel 580 of its employees. It is not the kind of big 590 business that is either efficient or that gives good service 600 to the consumer. It exists to make money on watered 610 stock, and the whole problem appears to be to make 620 money; to do it fairly if it can, but if 630 it cannot, to make money anyway. In this respect the 640 two kinds of big business differ widely. PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 169 Whatever we do 650 in our attempts at solving the big business problem will 660 be done, in the beginning, in a more or less 670 tentative manner. We are bound to make mistakes, and perhaps 680 some seri- ous ones, because we lack a guide to point 690 out to us the best. All sensible men will join 700 in the belief that organization and govern- ment should learn from 710 their blunders, and not make the same mis- take twice. It 720 would be a mistake on my part to make any 730 attempt to argue the inconsistency of determining what concerns should 740 be subject to federal regulation and which should not. It 750 is my best judgment that the thing for us to 760 do is to start out from an arbi- trary standpoint, taking 770 the best plan we can devise to start with; then 780 we can modify its scope and change its methods as 790 expe- rience teaches us what is best. We may find that 800 the control with which we start is not sufficiently great 810 and it might be necessary to increase it; on the 820 other hand, we might find it so strong or great 830 as to be impressive, and then we could reduce the 840 pressure, believing, as I do, that most of the corporations 850 of this country, little and big, great and small, are 860 conducted honestly and fairly, and the more the government looks 870 into them the more satisfied it will be that the 880 controlling element will find it necessary to direct its energies 890 and activities against only a very small fraction of the 900 entire number of corporations doing business in the United States. 910 Federal regulation, in my opinion, is sure to come; at 920 any rate, I am sure we are going to give 930 it a trial, and it is only a question of when 940 it will come. It would seem likely to come with 950 the present administration. A commission established for this purpose must, 960 right at the outset, have great power in order to 970 accomplish any- thing worth while. Divided responsibility is of no value. 980 The selection of men for such a commission is perhaps 990 one of the most important things that has ever come 1000 before any man or set of men in the United 1010 States. The utmost care, the most thorough search- ing into their 1020 character, their business ability and their standing in the communities 1030 in which they live, their prominence in the eyes of 1040 the people and the public, should be gone into most 1050 exhaus- tively, because they will be held responsible for what happens, 1060 and the people will blame or commend them as the 1070 results are good or bad. We must not overlook the 1080 fact that the love of money will cause men to 1090 do a great many things that our laws should pre- 170 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE vent 1100 them from doing. This is nothing new it has been 1110 the history of man since the days of St. Paul. 1120 It is a most unfortunate thing that there sometimes grows 1130 up in a successful man an abso- lutely insatiable greed for 1140 the accumulation of money, even when it is quite impossible 1150 for him to do anything with all the money that 1160 he already has, and when any additional money is of 1170 no earthly use to him or anybody else under the 1180 sun. My best judgment is that all corporations with an 1190 actual cash capital of $10,000,000 or more should be subject 1200 to federal regula- tion. I put the limit lower than do 1210 many others, quite a few of whom have stated that 1220 $50,000,000 or more than that, should come under government control, 1230 but anything less than $50,000,- 000 actual cash capitalization should not. 1240 I would put it down as low as $10,000,000, because 1250 in some lines of business or manufac- tures even so comparatively 1260 small a sum as $10,000,000 would be enough to absolutely 1270 control the market for the whole United States and enable 1280 the producers of a small item to conduct their business 1290 so brutally as literally to drive out all competition and 1300 ruin every competitor. Having thus stated my opinion as to 1310 the necessity for federal regulation, I now, at the close 1320 of this article, call especial attention to the great danger 1330 there is in giving to a commission unlimited power power 1340 that would go entirely too far, and instead of being 1350 a benefit to business interests, and therefore to the inter- ests 1360 of the people at large, would be a distinct and 1370 positive injury. I quite agree with Secretary Nagel in the 1380 position he takes that no commission regulating large corporations should 1390 be given the power to fix prices. Nothing could be 1400 more threatening, more dan- gerous, or more injurious to the business 1410 interests of this country. [1414. PRESIDENT WILSON'S FIRST INAUGURAL ADDRESS There has been a change of government. It began two 10 years ago, when the House of Representatives became Democratic by 20 a decis- ive majority. It has now been completed. The Senate 30 about to assemble will also be Democratic. The offices of 40 president and vice- president have been put into the hands 50 of Democrats. What does PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 171 the change mean? That is the 60 question that is uppermost in our minds to-day. That is 70 the question I am going to try to answer, 80 in order, if I may, to interpret the occasion. It 90 means much more than the mere success of a party. 100 The success of a party means little except when the 110 nation is using that party for a large and definite 120 purpose. No one can mistake the purpose for which the 130 nation now seeks to use the Democratic party. It seeks 140 to use it to interpret a change in its own 150 plans and point of view. Some old things with which 160 we had grown familiar, and which had begun to creep 170 into the very habit of our thought and of our 180 lives, have altered their aspects as we have latterly looked 190 critically upon them, with fresh, awakened eyes; have dropped their 200 disguises and shown themselves alien and sinister. Some new things, 210 as we look frankly upon them, willing to comprehend their 220 real character, have come to assume the aspect of things^ 30 long believed in and familiar, stuff of our own convictions. 240 We have been refreshed by a new insight into our 250 own life. We see in many things that life is 260 very great. It is incompar- ably great in its material aspects, 270 in its body of wealth, in the diversity and sweep 280 of its energy, in the industries which have been conceived 290 and built up by the genius of individual men and* 00 the limitless enterprise of groups of men. It is great, 310 also, very great, in its moral force. Nowhere else in 320 the world have noble men and women exhibited in more 330 striking forms the beauty and the energy of sympathy and 340 helpfulness and counsel in their efforts to rectify wrong, alleviate 350 suffering, and set the weak in the way of strength 360 and hope. We have built up, moreover, a great system 370 of government, which has stood through a long age as 380 in many respects a model for those who seek to 390 set liberty upon foundations that will endure against fortuitous change, 400 against storm and accident. Our life contains every great thing, 410 and contains it in rich abundance. But the evil has 420 come with the good, and much fine gold has been 430 corroded. With riches has come inexcusable waste. We have squandered 440 a great part of what we might have used, and 450 have not stopped to conserve the exceeding bounty of nature, 460 without which our genius for enterprise would have been worthless 470 and im- potent, scorning to be careful, shamefully prodigal as well 480 as ad- mirably efficient. We have been proud of our industrial 490 achieve- ments but we have not hitherto stopped thoughtfully enough to 500 count the human cost, the cost of lives snuffed 510 out, of energies over- 172 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SFKKD PRACTK i; taxed and broken, the fearful physical and 620 spiritual cost to the men and women and rhildren upon 63 " whom the dead weight and Imrden of it all has 1 ' 1 " fallen pit ilessly t he years t hrough. The groans and agony of 66 " it all had not, yet reached our ears, I he solemn,' 1 ' 10 moving under- tone of our life, coming up out of the 570 mines and factories and out of every home where the 680 struggle had its intimate and familiar seat. With the great 690 government went many deep, secret thing? which we too long 000 delayed to look into and scrutinized with candid, fearless eyes.' 11 " 'The great government we loved has too often been made'" 1 -" use of for private and selfish purposes, and those who 830 used it had forgotten the people. At last a vision' 11 " has been vouchsafed us of our lift- as a whole. 650 We see the bad with the good, the debased and fl(io decadent with the sound and vital. With this vision we 070 approach new affairs. Our duty is to cleanse, to consider, 680 to restore, to correct the evil without impairing the good, 890 to purify and humanize every process of our common life 700 without weakening or sentimentalizing it. Then- has been something crude 1 '" and heartless and unfeeling in our haste to succeed and 7 - be great. Our thought has been "Let every man look 730 out for himself, let every generation look out for itself," 740 while we reared giant machinery which made it impossible that 760 any but those who stood at the levers of control 700 .should have a chance to look out for themselves. We 770 had not forgotten our morals. We remembered well enough that 780 we had set up a policy which was meant to 790 serve the humblest as well as the most powerful, with 800 an eye single to the standard of justice and fair 810 play, and remem- bered it with pride. But we were very 820 heedless and in a hurry to be great. We have" come now to the sober second thought. The scales of 840 heedlessness have fallen from our eyes. We have made up 860 our minds to square every process of our national life 860 again with the standards we so proudly set up at 870 the beginning and have always carried at our hearts. Our 880 work is a work of restoration. We have itemized with 890 some degree of particularity the tilings that ought to be 900 altered, and here are some of the chief items: A 910 tariff which cuts us off from our proper part in '''" t lie commerce of the world, violates the just principle of 93 " taxation, and makes the government a facile instrument in the 940 hands of private interests; a banking and currency system based 960 upon the necessity of the government to sell its bonds'" 1 " fifty years ago and perfectly adapted to concentrating cash and 970 restricting credits; an industrial system PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 173 which, take it on all 980 its sides, financial as well as administrative, holds mpital in 990 leading strings, without renewing or conserving the natural resources of 100 the country; a body of agricultural activities never yet given 1010 the efficiency of great business undertakings or served as it 1020 should be through the instrumentality of science taken directly to 1030 the farm, or afforded the facilities of credit best suited 1040 to its practical needs; watercourses undeveloped, waste places unreclaimed, forests 1050 untended, fast disappearing without plan or prospect of renewal, unregarded 1080 waste heaps at every mine. We have studied as perhaps 1070 no other nation has the most effective means of production, 1080 but we have not studied cost or economy as we 1090 should either as organizers of industry, as states- men, or as 110 individuals. Nor have we studied and perfected the means by 1110 which govern- ment may be put at the service of humanity, 1120 in safeguarding the health of the nation, the health of 1130 its men and its women and its children, as well 1140 as their rights in the struggle for existence. This is 1160 no sentimental [duty. The firm basis of government is justice, 1160 not pity. These are matters of justice. There can be 1170 no equality of opportunity, the first essential of justice in 1180 the body politic, if men and women and children be 1190 not shielded in their lives, their very vitality, from the 1200 consequences of great industrial and social processes which they cannot 1210 alter, control, or singly cope with. Society must see to 1220 it that it does not itself crush or weaken or 1230 damage its own constituent parts. The first duty of law 1240 is to keep sound the society it serves. Sanitary laws, 1280 pure food laws, and laws determining conditions of labor which 1240 indi- viduals are powerless to determine for themselves are intimate parts 1270 of the very business of justice and legal efficiency. These 1280 are some of the things we ought to do, and 1290 not leave the others undone, the old-fashioned, never-to uoo -be-neglected, funda- mental safeguarding of property and of individual right. 1310 This is the high enterprise of the new day; to 1320 lift everything that concerns our life as a nation to 1330 the light that shines from the hearthfire of every man's 1340 conscience and vision of the right. It is inconceivable that 1360 we should do this as partisans; it is inconceivable we 13 ' should do it in ignorance of the facts as they 1370 are or in blind haste. We shall restore, not destroy. 1380 We shall deal with our economic system as it is 1390 and as it may be modified, not as it might 1400 be if we had a clean sheet of paper to 1410 write upon; and step by step we shall make it 1420 what it should be, in the spirit of those who 1430 174 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE question their own wisdom and seek counsel and knowledge, not 1440 shallow self-satisfaction or the excitement of excursions whither they 1460 cannot tell. Justice, and only justice, shall always be our 1460 motto. And yet it will be no cool process of 1470 mere science. The nation has been deeply stirred, stirred by 1480 a solemn passion, stirred by the knowledge of wrong, of 1490 ideals lost, of government too often debauched and made an 1500 instrument of evil. The feelings with with which we face 1510 this new age of right and opportunity sweep across our 1520 heartstrings like some air out of God's own presence, where 1530 justice and mercy are reconciled and the judge and the 1640 brother are one. We know our task to be no 1550 mere task of politics, but a task which shall search 1560 us through and through, whether we be able to understand 1570 our time and the need of our people, whether we 1680 be indeed their spokesman and interpreters, whether we have the 1590 pure heart to comprehend and the rectified will to choose 1600 our high course of action. This is not a day 1610 of triumph; it is a day of dedication. Here muster 1640 not the forces of party, but the forces of humanity. 1630 Men's hearts wait upon us; men's lives hang in the 1640 balance; men's hopes call upon us to say what we 1650 will do. Who shall live up to the great trust? 1660 Who dares fail to try? I summon all honest men, 1670 all patriotic, all forward-looking men, to my side. God 1680 helping me, I will not fail them, if they will 1690 but counsel and sustain me. [1695. BRINGING UP A BOY BY DR. ELIOT The right bringing-up of a boy needs on the 10 part of the father and mother, a constant, sympathetic study 20 of the individual boy's physical and mental qualities, and of 30 his temperament or disposi- tion. Sons of the same father and 40 mother often exhibit great variety and sometimes marked contrasts. The 50 inquiry into the boy's nature should reveal on the one 60 hand his natural excellence or gifts, and on the other 70 his natural defects. It is much more important, however, to 80 find as early as possible the gifts than to find 90 the deficiencies; for one gift may be the making PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 175 of 100 him, while he may get along very well through life 110 in spite of serious deficiencies. Throughout the whole training of 120 a boy, attention should be chiefly given to developing and 130 increasing his capacities, innate or acquired. In giving direction to 140 his book studies, most of his time should be given 150 to studies he enjoys; and the same is true of 160 physical exercise. If a boy is self -willed and masterful 170 highly promising qualities it is best to give him employments 180 in which he can develop these qualities in a safe, 190 productive way. Then he will not develop them in a 200 mischievous way. If, on the other hand, a boy shows 210 feeble- ness of will, or a tendency to weak compliance, it 220 is of the utmost importance to train him in deciding 230 things for himself; for it is the weak-willed boy 240 that is in danger of going astray when, by neces- sity, 250 he parts from the parents who have been in the 260 habit of deciding everything for him. [266. "Breaking" a Child's Will The most monstrous of educational dogmas is the insistence on 10 "breaking" a child's will and then training him to implicit 20 obedi- ence. No greater injury can be done a child than 30 this "breaking," for the moral end of education in family, 40 school, and life is not obedience but self-control. The 50 dogma is a vicious importation into family and school 60 of a training which is only fit for military and 70 ecclesiastical uses. It is an ancient but detestable theory in 80 education that no disci- pline or training that is enjoyable is 90 useful; and that mental exer- cises must be repulsive if they 100 are to be of use in training the power of 110 application. Precisely the opposite is the correct principle. The power 120 of concentrated attention is acquired far more easily and completely 130 in a study or sport which interests the child than 140 in a study or sport which does not ; and that 150 power once gained can be effectively applied in unattractive subjects. 160 Both children and adults undergo without injury hardships and fatigues 170 when they are enjoying themselves that would exhaust and depress 180 them physi- cally if they were not enjoying themselves. Boys and 190 girls will dance for five hours with pleasure and with- out 200 harmful fatigue, when they would be used up by running 210 and hopping without music for the same period along a 220 dull highway. This is just as true of enjoyed studies 230 as of sports. In learning to write, for example, more time 240 should be given to the letters the 176 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE child can form 250 than to those it can not; for the needed eye 260 and hand skill will be more rapidly developed in making 270 the first than the second. Writing-masters used to act 280 on the opposite principle; if a child could not make 290 g or o well, it should make nothing but 0's 300 and o's. In the training of children, whether boys or 310 girls, the effort should always be to train their senses 320 to accurate observation, but to do this through play and 330 work which interest the children. Those games or sports are 340 always to be preferred which cultivate the accurate use of 350 eye, ear and hand, rather than those which rely on 360 chance or luck for their interest. At school this training 370 in exact observation would be amply given through nature study, 380 manual training and the laboratory teaching of the sciences. [389. Skill of Hands, Eyes, Senses Any skill of eye and hand which a boy may 10 acquire will be useful to him all his life, even 20 if he follow no mechanical trade. In these days of 30 high wages in the building trades it is important for 40 every man who must earn his living and wishes to 50 own his house to be able himself to do many 60 things instead of hiring other men to do them, else 70 he will not be able to keep his house in 80 good repair. Some of the most valuable and profitable professions 90 are open only to men who possess an unusual combination 100 of sense skills. Thus every artist must have great skill 110 of both eye and hand; every surgeon should possess a 120 combination of skills with eye, ear and hand, and a 130 retentive memory for forms learned through the eye, textures learned 140 through the touch, and sounds learned through the ear. Many 150 trades need special sense and nerve skill. Thus, a motorman, 160 a chauffeur or a locomotive engineer needs a quick eye 170 and a short-time reaction ; and every machinist should possess similar 180 faculties. A painter should possess a discriminating eye for shades 190 of color; and without the same trained sense a blacksmith 200 can not temper properly the drills and many other of 210 the implements he makes. The early discovery by parents of 220 special sense gifts in their boy, if wisely followed up, 230 may assure his success in life. [236. The Importance of Strong Motives Far the best thing the parents can do for a 10 boy is to develop in him a firm character and 20 a group of strong motives which will lead him in 30 the great majority of cases to right action. PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 177 How may 40 parents accomplish this best of all services to their sons? 50 First, through inheritance from themselves. In the forma- tion of character 60 both heredity and environment count largely, but heredity most. To 70 be sure, parents are sometimes confounded by the appearance among 80 their children of a child whose powers greatly exceed those 90 of his parents or of any known ancestor, or, on 100 the contrary, fall much below those of any progenitor. The 110 direct responsibility of parents is greatest, however, in determining the 120 environment of their children; and the chief factors in determining 130 that environment, are the moral character and the habitual manners 140 and customs of the two parents. [146. The Boy's Judgment of His Parents Children understand from a very early age the moral qualities 10 of their parents, and are strongly influenced thereby. They know, 20 for example, whether their mother is just or not in 30 her dealings with her children. They soon learn whether they 40 can depend on what she says, or must make allowances 50 for her inaccuracy and exaggerations. They are much more affected 60 by her habitual conduct toward them than by her exhortations; 70 by the manner of her commands, than by their substance. 80 A father who never exhorts and seldom commands may neverthe- less 90 have a profound influence on his boys all through their 100 lives; because his own way of life gives them complete 110 assurance as to the conduct in them that he would 120 approve or would condemn. A son can only have a 130 kind of animal attachment to a peev- ish, self-indulgent, irritable 140 mother; and a son will not have even that affectionate 150 feeling toward a luxurious, indolent and selfish father. It is 160 the same with the teachers of boys. To have a 170 good influence with boys, the teacher must be himself high 180 minded, altruistic, and just. He may be an impatient or 190 passionate man, and yet have a good influence on boys; 200 but he must never fail as regards truthfulness, courage, and 210 moral vigor. Active-minded boys often form a clear opinion 220 about their par- ents' candor from the habits of the parents 230 in answering their fre- quent questions. Downright confessions of ignorance on 240 the part of parents do no harm whatever. Imaginary answers 250 in imagined cases can do but little harm; for at 260 worst they are futile or absurd. False, misleading or shifty 270 answers to serious inquiries do infinite harm, because they destroy 280 the boy's confidence in the parent. An intelligent boy is 290 always indignant when he learns that his 178 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE father or teacher 300 put him off with a fable when he asked for 310 the fact, or gave him a rigmarole instead of the 320 simple truth. [322. The Importance of Keeping Faith Boys often love tenderly a foolish and ignorant parent who 10 has been good to them; but insincerity, false pretence, or 20 hypocrisy found out by children in their parents or teachers 30 destroys the very foundation of respect and confidence. Assuming conscientious 40 parents, who wish to do their very best for their 50 sons, what are the qualities that they should aim to 60 develop in each boy? The first is alertness of mind 70 and senses. All promising boys show more or less of 80 this quality in their early years. They are inquisitive; their 90 minds and senses are wide-awake to see, hear and 100 touch. They want to try experiments, they learn by experimenting. 110 When they first see a lighted candle they reach to 120 touch the flame. From morning till night they are active 130 and excursive, not dwelling long on the same object or the 140 same subject, but keeping all their faculties constantly in play, 150 and getting prac- tice in observation. The alert boy is often 160 troublesome to parents and teachers, but he is the most 170 promising boy, and great pains should be taken to direct 180 his inquiring mind and eager senses to wholesome objects, like 190 plants, animals, brooks, forests, landscape and the products and tools 200 of human industry. Parents who are in constant and intimate 210 companionship with their children can do them a great service 220 by cultivating in them the habit of doing their best 230 in whatever occupation is interesting them strongly. It is not 240 natural to children to devote continuous attention to any subject 250 for a long period. What is important is that, while 260 they work on any subject, they should work hard with 270 a concen- trated attention if it is only for ten minutes 280 at a time. Some parents are annoyed when a child 290 gets so absorbed in a book, a picture, or a 300 game that it makes no response to a question or 310 a command, but they never should be. The child has 320 uncon- sciously inhibited all sights and sounds external to its occupation 330 for the moment; and success in such inhibition is a 340 very favorable sign in any child. The group of motives 350 toward right action, which wise parents will strive to develop 360 in their children, includes hope, love, and loy- alty, and most 370 of all the sense of duty motives which all promising PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 179 children 380 feel from an early age, and which, when well trained 390 in youth, remain the dominating motives of adult life. [399. New Standard of Purity The promising boys of the future should be carefully trained 10 to another moral and mental quality of utmost value 20 to society, namely, purity. This is a demand which civilized 30 society and some barbarous communities have long made with regard 40 to women, but has been only comparatively lately suggested with 50 regard to men. The progress of biological science within the 60 last twenty years has made it clear that purity and 70 chivalry in boys and men must be made a special 80 object of training in the rising generations, in order that 90 civilized man may successfully contend against the physical and moral 100 evils which urban life and the factory system have developed 110 in the white race. Some of these evils are ancient; 120 but the grave menace of their existence and growing prevalence 130 has not been appreciated until lately. Fortunately, the same progress 140 of biological science which has exhibited the evils has provided 150 means of contending against them. The only complete remedy, however, 160 will be found in the gradual acceptance of new standards 170 of purity and honor in the male sex. [178. Sources of Satisfaction Finally, in the bringing-up of boys, parents and teachers 10 ought to dwell on the sources and nature of the 20 real satisfactions of life. They should point out that the 30 best things can not be bought with money; that the 40 most enjoyable acquisitions are personal skills, mental capacities and the 50 domestic joys, none of which is determined or greatly affected 60 by the amount of one's material possessions; that the possession 70 of wealth or of the power that raw wealth gives, 80 is not a sensible object for any boy to set 90 before himself, since it proves a curse oftener than a 100 blessing. Among the life-occupations which present themselves to his 110 choice, let every boy make sure that he choose an 120 occupation or business the product of which is always useful 130 and never harmful to society at large. [137. 180 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE WHAT DOTH THY GOD REQUIRE OF THEE? BY PASTOR RUSSELL Is it possible that the true religion of the Bible 10 demands nothing more of us than is expressed in this 20 text? What about the Jewish Law? What about the Ten 30 Commandments? What about church attendance? What about our responsibilities to 40 our families, to the church, to the poor? What about 50 the study of the Bible to know God's will? What 60 about our responsibility for the heathen? What about Baptism and 70 the Lord's Supper? Indirectly, all the matters covered by these 80 questions, and many more, are included incidentally in the provisions 90 of our text. Some- times a whole sermon is preached in 100 a few words. No one will dis- pute the reasonableness of 110 the Divine requirement as stated in our text. Our Creator 120 could not justly or with self-respect ask less of His 130 creatures who would enjoy His favor. The interests of all demand 140 that these principles should be required of every Divine favor 150 to the extent of eternal life. Whoever fails to come 160 up to these conditions would thus evidence his un worthiness of 170 life ever- lasting. His prolonged existence would merely be a prospering 180 of sin and a menace to the happiness and righteousness 190 of others. Let us see the scope of this Divine 200 requirement, whose justice we have already acknowledged. We note the 210 natural division of our text into three parts: (1) Doing justly; 220 (2) Loving mercy; (3) Walk- ing humbly. The requirement of justice in all 230 our dealings with our fellows commends itself to every rational 240 mind. It includes the whole Law of God. A brief 250 statement of that Law, which had our Lord's approval, reads: 260 "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy 270 heart, with all thy mind, with all thy being and 280 with all thy strength; and thou shalt love thy neighbor 290 as thyself." On these two propositions "hang all the Law 300 and the Prophets." It is but just that we should 310 recognize our Creator as first; that we should glorify the 320 One who gave us our being and all the bless- ings 330 coming therewith; that we should be obedient to His right- eous 340 requirements that make for our happiness and that of others. 350 It is also but just that we should recognize the 360 rights of others as we would have them recognize our 370 rights. The Golden Rule is the barest of justice. Not 380 a hair's breadth less would come within the PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 181 requirements of 390 our text. Do justly. Come, then; let us reason together. 400 How many of us do justly in all of life's 410 affairs in our relationship to our God and to our 420 neighbor? Let each criticize his words and his deeds toward 430 parents, chil- dren, brothers, sisters, toward husband, toward wife. In all 440 of our relationships of life do we treat those near 440 and dear to us according to the standards of justice, 460 according to the Golden Rule? Do we do toward them 470 as we would have them do toward us? If not, 480 after making a beginning with the Lord, striving to render 490 to Him our homage and obedience, let us closely scrutinize 500 every word, what extent these can be improved upon and 510 made more nearly just. The majority of people, we feel 520 sure, will be surprised to know how unjust they have 530 been toward those who are of the very nearest and 540 dearest of fleshly relationships. Follow the matter up and consider 550 the justice or injustice of your words and deeds in 560 daily life with your neighbors and asso- ciates. Do you invariably 570 speak to them in the same words and with the 580 same tone and gesture that you would approve if they 590 were in your place and you in theirs? In business 600 do you drive a closer bargain with them than you 610 would think just for them to make with you? Or, 620 on the other hand, do you ask of them higher 630 prices for the services or materials you furnish them than 540 you would consider right if you were the purchaser and 650 they the venders? Do you treat all men, women, children 660 and animals as kindly, as gently, as you think would 670 be just and right if you were in their place 680 and they in yours? Do you speak as kindly of 690 your neigh- bors as you would have them speak of you? 700 Or do you hold up their imperfections to ridicule as 710 you would not like them to hold up yours? Do 720 you not begin to see, dear friends, that what God 730 requires of us is much beyond what the majority have 740 been rendering? Do you tell me that it would be 750 impossible to live folly up to that standard? I agree 760 with you. St. Paul agrees, saying, "We cannot do the 770 things which we would." The Scriptures again declare, " There is 780 none righteous, no, not one. All have sinned and come 790 short of the glory of God." What shall we do? 800 Because we are unable to live up to our own 810 conceptions and standards of justice shall we abandon those standards? 820 God forbid! To ignore our best ideals of justice would 830 be to permit the downward tendencies of our depraved natures 840 to carry us further and further from God and the 850 182 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PF.ACTICE standards of character which He approves. We can surely be 860 content to do nothing less than our very best to 870 live up to our own ideals and to raise those 880 ideals as nearly as possible to the Divine standards. [889. COURT TESTIMONY Q. Mrs. Jenkins, you have stated to the jury that you do not recollect any occasion, when your son was present, that the disap- pearance of Ward was spoken of? A. No, sir; I do not remember any such time. Q. You do not recollect any occasion when he was present that that was talked about? A. I do not. Q. Was your son a frequent visitor at your house? A. Yes, sir. Q. And the subject of Ward's disappearance was frequently talked over, there, was it not? A. No, sir, it was not. Q. Do you recollect that it was ever talked over? A. Well, I couldn't say that it was; it might have been. Q. Never in your presence? A. I couldn't say it ever was. Q. When was the last time Ward came to your house? A. The last time he was there, do you mean? Q. Yes; I mean the time he worked there last. A. I think that was on Tuesday the third. Q. What day was that? A. Tuesday. Q. Do you recollect the time of day he came there? A. He came early in the morning I should think Q. About what time in the morning? A. I couldn't say just what time; he was there to breakfast. Q. You think he got there in time for breakfast? A. Yes, sir. Q. I believe you have testified that he remained there until the next Saturday night; is that correct? A. Yes, sir; that is it. PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 183 Q. And during that whole period of time he was there but one Sunday? A. No, sir; only one Sunday. Q. Do you know where Ward came from when he came there? A. No, sir, I do not. Q. Did you hear him say anything about where he came from? A. No, sir. Q. And you do not know where he worked for three or four days previous to the time you heard him talk about these dates? A. No, sir. Q. And you have also talked about them yourself? A. I think I may have. Q. Do you know why Ward came back to your house after going away the first time? A. Well, I understood that he came back to trim apple trees. Q. To continue his job? A. No, sir, not to continue his job there because he had finished what he came to do before. Q. Well, I mean he was to continue to work there? A. Yes, I understood so. Q. Did you hear him say so? A. I don't think I did. Q. When he went away you heard him say nothing about coming back? A. No, not that I can remember just now. Q. Now, Mrs. Jenkins, can you swear that Ward and Williams were not at your place cleaning oats on Wednesday? A. I don't think they were. Q. Will you swear positively that Ward was not there on Wednesday? A. I don't think he was there; not to the best of my recollection. Q. Was he there the next Sunday? A. No, sir; he was not. Q. You will swear positively as to that? A. I will. Q. Now, as to Saturday did he stay there all night? A. No sir; he did not. Q. Mrs. Jenkins, will you tell the jury why you are so positive that Saturday was on the thirteenth what reason have you for fixing the date on about the thirteenth rather than the fourteenth? 184 PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE A. I know it was on Saturday because George's wife was at our house that afternoon. Q. How do you know she was at your house that afternoon and that it was Saturday? A. I take it from the date of this check that it must have been the next day. Q. Then the check has been shown to you? A. No, sir. Q. Then how do you take it from the date of the check? A. From others getting the date of the check. Others got the date of the check and I had it from them. Q. Who did you have it from? A. I had it from my husband. Q. Then he showed you the check and told you the day it was dated? A. He told me when it was dated. Q. And you think that was the day the check was dated? A. Yes, sir. They drawed in the last load of oats that day. Q. Have you any reason for saying that the last load of oats was drawn on that day is there any connection between that and the date of this check what reason have you for connecting one with the other, have you any? A. I think I have considerable. Q. What has that check to do with the delivery of the last load of oats? A. My son got the check when he took the last load of oats, and the check was dated on Saturday. Q. You say you never saw that check? A. Yes, sir; I have seen it. Q. Was it before or after your son was arrested? A. I couldn't tell you when it was, now. Q. Do you think he showed it to you when he returned from the bank? A. He did not go to the bank on that day. Q. Well, when he returned from seeing Jones? A. I couldn't tell you. Q. Do you recollect the circumstances of their drying any bags around the fire? A. I don't know as I do. Q. Do you recollect what the weather was whether it was rainy or snowy? PITMAN'S ADVANCED SPEED PRACTICE 185 A. I do not, no sir. Q. Did you go into town to trade about Christmas time with Mr. Williams and his wife? A. I couldn't say whether I went with Williams' folks or not, but I think I did. Q. You had a Christmas tree in your neighborhood at that time, did you not? A. Yes, sir. Q. And it was before you had that tree that you went into town? A. Yes, sir. Q. What day was it? A. I don't recollect. Q. You went in a double team, didn't you? A. I should think it likely, but I don't recollect. Q. If there were four of you, yourself and your husband and Mr. and Mrs. Williams, you couldn't very well go with one horse, could you? A. I presume we had two horses. Q. Did you do any trading that day you were in the village? A. The day we went there we did very little. Q. Do you recollect buying a breast-pin? A. Yes, I bought that at the store in the postoffice. Q. You were all at the Christmas tree, were you not? A. Yes, sir. Q. At whose invitation? A. I don't remember; I don't know as anybody invited us. Q. But you went? A. Yes, sir. [1163. PARTIAL LIST OF PUBLICATIONS PUBLISHED BY ISAAC PITMAN & SONS 2 West 45th Street, New York Teachers and others are cautioned against purchasing modifications of the Isaac Pitman Shorthand. The only authorized text and dictation books of this system issued by the direct heirs of the Inventor bear the imprint of Isaac Pitman & Sons. TEXT AND SUPPLEMENTARY BOOKS. Course in Isaac Pitman Shorthand. Cloth, embossed in gold, 340 pp., $1.50. A Course of Forty Lessons in the Isaac Pitman System of Shorthand, specially designed for the Shorthand Amanuensis and adapted for use in Business Colleges, Academies, and High Schools. This work is officially used in the High Schools of New York, Brooklyn, and other large cities. *** A special Edition of "Course" is published in Lesson Sheet Form for the use of teachers and schools who give instruction by mail. $1.50. Key to " Course." Cloth, 60c. Also in Lesson Form, 60c. Isaac Pitman's Shorthand Instructor. Cloth, embossed in gold, 270 pp., $1.50. An Exposition of Isaac Pitman's System of Phonog- raphy. Containing instruction for both beginners and advanced students with copious lists of Phrases and Exercises, Business Letters, etc. Key to " Shorthand Instructor." 50c.; cloth, 60c. Brief Course in Isaac Pitman Shorthand. Cloth, gilt, 174 pp., $1.25. A condensed form of "Course" arranged in Twenty-Seven Lessons. Supplementary Exercises in Isaac Pitman Shorthand. Part I. A series of graded exercises for use with the "Course." 25c. Preliminary Instructions for the Study of Isaac Pitman's Shorthand. A simple and extended exposition of the Art as presented in "Course in Isaac Pitman Shorthand." 40c. Pitman's Shorthand Writing Exercises and Examination Tests. Cloth, gilt, 220 pp., 60c. This work contains exhaustive classified lists of words illustrative of every rule in the system, and over one hun- dred graduated sentence exercises in ordinary print for writing or dictation practice. Key to " Shorthand Writing Exercises." In Engraved Shorthand. $1.25. Practice Letters for Beginners in Shorthand. 61 pp., 35c. In ordinary type. A new dictation book on unique lines, beginning with the first principles and developing in harmony with the authoritative text- books "Course in Isaac Pitman Shorthand," "Brief Course" and "Isaac Pitman's Shorthand Instructor." 1 Graduated Tests in Isaac .Pitman's Shorthand. 80 pp., 20c. A series of revisionary exercises, arranged on an entirely new plan, with the object of testing the student's Knowledge of the system. Pitman's Shorthand Reading Lessons, No. 1. 48 pp., 20c. For use with the "Instructor," and furnishing reading practice and word-building from the beginning. Key to Shorthand Reading Lessons, No. 1, in ordinary type. 6c. Pitman's Shorthand Reading Lessons, No. 2. 61 pp., 25c. Key, 6c. Pitman's Progressive Dictator. 220 pp., cloth, gilt, Price 85c. An entirely new and complete Manual of Dictation comprising selec- tions of original letters relating to twenty-seven different fines of business arranged with vocabularies of engraved shorthand outlines. Talks with Shorthand Students. An extended explanation of the principles of Isaac Pitman's Shorthand. Ill pp., 40c.; cloth, 50c. Progressive Studies in Phonography. 40c.; cloth, 50c. A simple and extended exposition of the Art of Phonetic Shorthand, as set forth in the "Teacher," the "Manual," and the "Reporter." Notes on Lessons on Pitman's Shorthand. 112 pp., cloth, gilt, 76c. Consists of about fifty lessons with each of the principles from the Alphabet to the Distinguishing Outlines carefully set out with valu- able hints and many useful examples. Chats About Pitman's Shorthand. 50c.; cloth, gilt, 70c. Contains a series of thirty-five "Chats" on the system. As the student progresses through the book he will find innumerable hints and many useful examples which will assist him to a thorough mastery of the rules. This book, like the popular "Talks with Shorthand Students," will be specially useful to the self-taught student and also to the pros- pective teacher. JEsop's Fables. 20c. In the Learner's Style. A valuable reading book in words of one syllable. Easy Readings. 20c. In the Learner's Style of Shorthand, with Key. Reporting Exercises. 20c. Intended as a companion to the "Re- porter"; containing exercises on all the rules and contracted words in this book. Key to the "Reporting Exercises." 40c.; cloth, 60c. In which all the Exercises are presented in Shorthand. How to Obtain .Speed in Shorthand. 20 pp., 15c. Containing prac- tical advice from the leading congressional, court and convention reporters. The Acquisition of Speed in Phonography. 24 pp., 20c. In ordinary type. Containing chapters on the following subjects: The System The Importance of Thoroughness and Method of Study Elemen- tary Speed Practice Tests of Speed etc. The Grammalogues and Contractions of Pitman's Shorthand. Paper covers, lOc. Also published in Vest Pocket Size, cloth, lOc. How to Practice and Memorize the Grammalogues. 32 pp., 20c. An extremely useful book for practice, arranged sectionally in the order in which they appear in the Course and the Instructor. After the list of grammalogues in each section there is a series of letters consisting of grammalogues for dictation. Exercises on the Grammalogues and Contractions. 40 pp., Limp cloth, 25c. In Shorthand with key. The feature of this useful book, which is specially adapted for the revision of the grammalogues and contractions, is that the exercises are arranged alphabetically a method which will be found of great convenience to the student. The book will also be of service in providing suitable matter for 2 dictation practice. Complete lists of the grammalogues (arranged alphabetically and phonetically) and contractions (arranged alpha- betically) are contained at the end of the book. The Phonographic Phrase Book. 88 pp., 40c.; cloth, 50c. Con- taining about two thousand useful phrases in Phonography, with Key and an exercise occupying 43 pages, containing all the phrases as they occur in the book. Isaac Pitman's Shorthand Dictionary. 336pp., cloth, $1.50. "Library Edition," roan, gilt, colored edges, $1.75. Tenth Edition, Revised and enlarged, containing the Shorthand Reporting Outlines, beauti- fully printed from engraved characters, of over 62,000 words and geographical names, with parallel Key in ordinary type. Abridged Shorthand Dictionary. 232 pp., cloth, gilt, 75c.; French morocco, gilt, size 3 x 4% in., $1.00. Contains over 22,000 words, with their shorthand characters. Cumulative Speller and Shorthand Vocabulary. Cloth, gilt, 145 pp., 50c. The Reporter's Assistant. 132 pp., 50c.; cloth, 60c. A Key to the Reading of the Reporting Style of Phonography. All the words in the dictionary, not exceeding three consonants, were written in Shorthand, and from this extensive list of outlines has been drawn all words that contain the same outline, and they have been classified according to their forms. Of great aid in reading one's notes. Technical Reporting. 60 pp., 50c.; cloth, 60c. Comprising Phono- graphic Abbreviations for words and phrases commonly met with in Reporting Legal, Medical, Scientific, and other Technical Subjects, with type key. Practical Business Letters in Shorthand. 64 pp., 30c. A series of Business Letters, in engraved Isaac Pitman's shorthand, and Key containing 76 letters. Business Correspondence in Shorthand, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. 40 pp. each. 25c. each. A series of valuable books containing actual correspondence in various branches of business. Each book is Keyed in ordinary type and the matter counted for speed practice in either shorthand or typewriting. A complete list of contents will be sent on request. *** This work is also published in the following convenient forms in cloth binding. BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE IN SHORTHAND Nos. 1 and 2, in one volume. Cloth, gilt, 80 pp., 60c. BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE IN SHORTHAND Nos. 3 and 4, in one volume. Cloth, 80 pp., 60c. BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE IN SHORTHAND Nos. 5 and 6, in one volume. Cloth, 80 pp., 60c. BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE IN SHORTHAND Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, in one volume. Special Shorthand Edition vrithout Type Key. Cloth, gilt, 88 pp., 75c. Pitman's 20th Century Business Dictation Book and Legal Forms. 272 pp., stiff boards and cloth back. 75c. ; cloth, $1.00. (Eighth edi- tion.) Containing an up-to-date collection of genuine letters (in ordinary type), classified under fifty lines of business; Legal Forms, and a judicious selection of practice matter for general dictation. Also chapters on Spelling, Punctuation, Capitalization, etc. All progressive Schools, without reference to the system of Shorthand taught, should insist upon each student procuring a copy. The Student's Practice Book. 241 pp., cloth. Price, 75c. A collec- tion of Letters for Acquiring Speed in Shorthand. Designed to be used by pupils on the completion of the study of the principles of stenography, as presented in Course in Isaac Pitman Shorthand or the Shorthand Instructor. It is not intended primarily as a dictation book to be used only by the instructor, but rather as a book from which definite lessons can be assigned. Commercial Correspondence and Commercial English. 272 pp., cloth, 85c. A practical Manual of Commercial Correspondence, forming a key to "Commercial Correspondence in Shorthand." All the letters are counted for shorthand and typewriting speed practice, and editions are published in Spanish, French and German. Instruction in Legal Work. 40 pp., 25c. In ordinary type. 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Key to Taquigrafia Espanola. Cloth, gilt, $1.00. With additional Exercises. French Phonography. 40c.; cloth, 50c. Third edition. Revised and Enlarged. An adaptation of Phonography to the French language. By T. A. REED. Stenographic Pitman. Par Spencer Herbert. An adaptation of Isaac Pitman's Phonography to the French language. Cloth, $1.25. French Shorthand Commercial Correspondence. Cloth, 89 pp., 75c. A Series of Business Letters in French Phonography, with type Key. German Phonography. Crown 8vo., 64 pp., 50c.; cloth, 60c. An adaptation of Phonography to the German language. Manuale di Fonografia Italiana. 50c. An adaptation of Phonog- raphy to the Italian language. By GIUSEPPE FKANCINI. Dutch Phonography. $1.50. An Adaptation of Phonography to the Dutch language. By F. DE HAAN. Pitman's Phonography adapted to Esperanto. Limp cloth, 50c. Manual of Latin Phonography. $1.00. An adaptation of Isaac Pit- man's Shorthand to the Latin language. By REV. W. TATLOCK, S.J. Japanese Phonography. Complete. $1.00. 4 SHORTHAND READING BOOKS. The student, to increase his speed, and to improve his knowledge of Phonography, CANNOT READ TOO MUCH WELL-ENGRAVED SHORTHAND. One advantage of studying the Isaac Pitman system and one which cannot well be over-estimated is, that the shorthand literature in that system is far in excess of ALL other systems combined. "We would emphasize still further the wealth of literature the Isaac Pitman system has. . . . These publishers are continually issuing new works in shorthand, and this in itself should make their system a great force in the shorthand world." Business Journal (New York). "We wish to repeat what we have said before with reference to the literature sent out by Isaac Pitman & Sons, and that is, that the very extensive line they furnish is of itself the highest recommendation for the system.- No other system furnishes as much." American Pen- man (New York). IN THE CORRESPONDING STYLE. A Shorthand Birthday Book of Dickens Quotations. Cloth, gilt, 85c. In the Corresponding Style of Pitman's Shorthand. Select Readings, No. 1. 48 pp., 20c. An entirely new book of read- ings. Partial list of selections: "A Rill from the Town Pump" (NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE); "The Heart of London" (CHARLES DICKENS); "The Man in Black" (OLIVER GOLDSMITH); "Household Superstitions" (JOSEPH ADDISON); "Caught in the Quicksand" (VICTOR HUGO), etc. Select Readings, No. 2. 48 pp., 20c. Containing "A First Night at Sea" (RICHARD H. DANA); "Niagara" (DICKENS); "The Candid Man" (BULWER LYTTON), etc. Mugby Junction and other Stories. By CHARLES DICKENS. BOc.; Cloth, 60c. The Chimes. 127 pp., 50c.; cloth, 60c. By CHARLES DICKENS. The Battle of Life. 130 pp., 40c.; cloth, BOc. By CHARLES DICKENS. The Silver Ship of Mexico. 132 pp., 40c.; cloth, 50c. By J. H. INGRARAM. The Book of Psalms. 160 pp., 40c.; cloth, 50c. Self-Culture. 91 pp., 40c.; cloth, 50c. By PROF. BLACKIE. 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Gleanings. Nos. 1 and 2. 48 pp., each. Each 20c. Containing reproductions of notable essays by T. A. REED and others, on short- hand matters, with printed Key. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. 62pp.,20c. By WASHINGTON IRVING; with printed Key at the foot of each page. Rip Van Winkle. 32 pp., 20c. By WASHINGTON IRVING; with printed Key. The Bible in Shorthand. Cloth, beveled boards, red edges, $3.00; roan, gilt edges, $3.50; morocco, gilt edges, $4.50. Each style has a silk marker and comes boxed. Containing the Old and New Testaments. The New Testament. 368 pp., roan, red edges, $1.50; Turkey morocco, gilt edges, $2.00. In an Easy Reporting Style. The Book of Common Prayer. 296 pp., roan, red edges, $1.50; Turkey morocco, gilt edges, $2.00. In an Easy Reporting Style. The Church Services (entire). 93.5 pp., roan, $3.00; morocco, $4.00. In an Easy Reporting Style. f Commercial Shorthand. 40c. A Reading and Dictation book with introduction by E. A. COPE. TYPEWRITING. 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