I3JI1* JUI ' 5 J^ _^^^ ^E-UNIVER^/A ?^ c^P^ S - A>:IOS-AN( & i ~n ^ THE ^^r~r- : EARLY RECORD? TOWN OF DEDHAM, MASSACHUSETTS. 16361659. A COMPLETE TRANSCRIPT OF BOOK ONE OF THE GENERAL RECORDS OF THE TOWN, TOGETHER WITH THE SELECTMEN'S DAY BOOK, COVERING A PORTION OF THE SAME PERIOD, BEING VOLUME THRKB OF THE PRINTED RECORDS OF THE TOWN. ILLUSTRATED WITH FAC-SIMILES OF THE HANDWRITING OF FOUR TOWN CLERKS AND OF AUTOGRAPHS OF FIFTY OF THE EARLY SETTLERS. EIHTED BY THE TOWN CLEKK, DON GLEASON HILL, PRESIDENT OF THE BEDHAM HISTORICAL, SOCIETY, MEMBER OF THE NEW ENGLAND HISTORfC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, AND OF THE AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. DEDHAM, MASS. PRINTED AT OFFICE OF THE DEDHAM TRANSCRIPT. 1892. iftfMX AlUMA lot, n^ V,3 PUBLISHED BY VOTE OF THE TOWN; PASSED APRIL n, 1892. itje ittcmorti of ELEAZER LUSHER, OF DEDHAM, For many years chosen to " Keepe the Towne Booke ;" A man of diverse talents, frequently employed "by the General Court in important public affairs of the Colony, and at the same time a leader at home in all matters religious, civil and military, ts Uolume is Eespectfullg etiicatetr* 2056079 was at first a perfect upright Creature, The lively Image of his Great Creator : When Adam fell all Men in him Transgress X \ And since that time they Err, that are the best \ The Printer Errs, / Err much like the Rest. J Welcome s that Man, for to complain of me Whose Self & Works are quite from Error free. Nathaniel Ames (Almanaclt), 1729. INTROD UCTION. THE year of the two hundred and fiftieth Anniversary of Dedham, 1886, the Town published its first volume of printed Records, comprising the Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1635-1845. Two years later it published a second volume, comprising records from the several churches, and inscrip- tions from the cemeteries, 1638-1845. At the last annual Town meeting the Town made another appropriation towards printing a third volume, to com- mence with the earliest general records of the Town, by means of which this book is published. It contains the whole of Book One of the Town Records, also, commencing with page 150, is a transcript of the Selectmens' Day Book, a very interesting little book, which has seen hard service, and which has not been so faithfully cared for in the past as the other record books of the Town ; by its paging it would appear that at least seven leaves are gone at the beginning and probably a few at the end of the book. In cases where the entries made in the Day Book were found entered in Book One, and printed therefrom, they have not been again reprinted, references only having been made thereto. September, 3, 1635, the Court ordered a plantation to be settled about two miles above Charles River. Mass. Col. Rec., Vol. 1, page 156. Prepa- rations for the settlement were soon made, and we have a recorded meeting Aug. 18, 1636, [p. 20]. At the third recorded meeting, Sept. 5, 1636, ; ' all y e names of them w ch are admitted into our Society are subscribed" (twenty-two in all) to a petition to the Court for an additional grant of land, and praying that the Town might be distinguished by the name of CONTENT- MENT. As a copy of this petition appears at the beginning of Book One, this printed volume begins with that petition. The prayer was granted except in regard to the name, which was called DEDHAM. Mass. Col. Rec., Vol. I,/. 179. At the beginning of the record of the first two meetings, however, the name CONTENTMENT was written and afterwards erased and the word DEDHAM written over it. When Book One was put into its present binding, some of the leaves at the beginning seem to have been put together arbitrarily. As now bound, after the petition and the Court order thereon, are eight orders that might now be called by-laws, passed at different dates, and in the arrangement of the matter for this volume it has been thought better to print the Covenant before these orders, and also to include with these eight orders others now bound into Volume three of the Records, as explained by a note on page 4. The record proper begins on page 20 of this printed book. vi DEJDHAM TOWN EECOKDS. These Records are important to the student of early Colonial history. Dedham was particularly fortunate in having at the beginning men who under- stood the importance of carefully written records. This book contains the Records of four different clerks, Edward Alleyn, Eleazer Lusher, Michael Powell and Joshua Fisher, and a specimen of the handwriting of each is given. The excellent style of making up the records of the meetings commenced by Alleyn was continued by his successors. The members of the whole "society," as it was called, were interested to know that their conclusions were properly recorded, for the custom was early established of reading at each meeting " that which was agreed upon at the last meeting," and confirming the same. Edward Alleyn was probably the ablest man in the original company, but an important addition was made July, 1637, when twelve new men were ad- mitted, including the first pastor, Rev. John Allin, and Eleazer Lusher, and from that date Eleazer Lusher was an important man in the company. Upon Alleyn's death, 1642, Lusher was chosen as the keeper of the Town Book. Lusher was a member of the first board of seven men chosen to order the affairs of the Town, May, 1639, and from that date during nearly the whole period covered by this book, and for many years after, he was one of the seven men, selectmen as they are now styled, and for many years he was also chosen to keep the Town Book. The interesting sketch of Major Lusher following this introduction, written by Erastus Worthington, shows what an important man he was in the Colony. Under such skilful hands our records read from the very beginning more like the complete records of a modern corporation than like those of a little company of hardy settlers, struggling to make for themselves a home in the wilderness. Indeed so minute in detail were the records made of their early proceedings that over two hundred lar^e pages are required to print the records of le"ss than a quarter of a century (and this does not include the Register of Births, Mar- riages and Deaths, or Record of Grants of Land). In the second volume of the Printed Records, the whole of Book One of the records of the First Church in Dedham was published, containing a minute history of the formation of the Church, written by Rev. John Allin, the first pastor. Mr. Allin's Ms. is quoted in Felt's Ecclesiastical History of New England, Vol. \,pp. 374-5, and Rev. Henry M. Dexter, D. D., in his exhaustive work on Congregationalism, page 571, says: "One of the best minute descriptions of the methods in use in New England is that of the or- dination of Rev. John Allin over the First Church in Dedham, April, 1639. " The late Wm. F. Allen, A. M., Professor of History in the University of Wis- consin, wrote the Editor "It seems to me one of the most valuable docu- ments, as illustrating the religious life of our fathers of the seventeenth century which I have ever read." A rare opportunity is thus offered in these two volumes of printed Records to study the relations of the Town and the Church to each other in the earliest days of the Colony. INTR OD UCTION. vii This printed volume will also be found interesting to students of family history, especially to such as trace back into the early Dedham families. It has been repeatedly stated that the period of greatest immigration to the New England Colonies was between 1630 and 1640: that at the latter date there was a population in New England of about twenty-one thousand, and that after 1640 more persons went back from New to old England than came from old England to New. " Yet so thrifty and teeming have been those New Englanders that from that primeval community of twenty-one thousand persons have descended the three and a half million who compose the present population of New England, while of the entire population now spread over the United States, probably every third person can read in the history of the first settlement of New England the history of his own progen- itors." Tyler s History of American Literature, Vol. 1, p. 94. An examination of the index to the Births, Marriages and Deaths, Dedham [printed] Records, Vol. 1, will show that there are very few large fam- ilies there recorded, the original progenitors of which (having the family sur- name) are not to be found upon the general Records of Dedham within the period covered by this printed volume. The transcript of this Volume of Records for the printer has been made by Miss Martha A. Smith, the Assistant Librarian of the Dedham Historical Society, who has performed her work with intelligent skill in reading the ancient manuscript, and with a full appreciation of the importance of accu- racy in such work, and who has also assisted the Editor in reading proof. The fac-similes of autographs, fifty in number, which are found on pages 221-3-5, have been copied with great pains from various sources, from what purported to be original signatures ; the one of Ezekiel Holliman was fur- nished by Edward Field, one of the Record Commissioners of Providence, R. I. ; four more were furnished by James Hewins of the Medfield Historical Society, and the rest by Julius H. Tuttle, Assistant Librarian of the Massa- chusetts Historical Society and Editor of the Dedham Historical Register, who has prepared the whole collection for electrotyping, and who has also con- tributed the index of subjects and in many other ways rendered valuable assistance to the editor. The tail-piece, page 220, was contributed by Archi- bald I. Lawrence of Dedham, a pen and ink sketch-. of articles in the Histor- ical Society Library, where the editorial work upon this volume has been done. Some of the signs used may need explanation, viz : The asterisk inside brackets is used to indicate that the words included in the brackets were erased in the original Ms. t The dagger indicates that in the original manuscript there is a check mark, in some instances looking like an erasure, but which was intended to show that the matter had been recorded elsewhere, generally used in regard viii DEDHAM TOWN TtECOBDS. to grants of land, though sometimes used where memorandum was made of something subsequently to be done, which when done was checked off. The words indented in italics are from the margin of the original. [XXX ] Crosses inside brackets are used to indicate that something was omitted because herein previously printed. [ ] Space within brackets indicates words illegible, and words with- in brackets doubtful. c. expedioon expedition. 6. Deaco Deacon, in. coiuon common. p. par. per, por-pson person. n. alien alienation. p. pro -gporcon proportion, pp proper. In the index of names, if the same name appears several times on the page it is only indexed once, thus differing from the plan adopted in the index of the two previously printed volumes of Dedham "Records. The New England Historical and Genealogical Society, a few years ago, made an effort to bring home to town officials the importance of printing town records, and a few cities and towns have already undertaken this work. See Third Report on the Custody and Condition of the Public Records, to the Legislature, 1891, //. 101-3, by the Commissioner on Public Records. The establishment of that office was an important measure and Robert T. Swan, the Commissioner, has done the State an important service, and his reports are among the most valuable public documents issued by the State. Mr. Swan also has urged upon towns the importance of printing their records. I would here express my concurrence with Mr. Swan as to the importance of printing records, and also my confidence of the feasibility of such work, when- ever it is undertaken in the right spirit and not simply for pecuniary gain. The Records of Watertown* one of the most ancient settlements of Mas- sachusetts, are now in the hands of the printer and will soon be published, and the committee in charge thereof can rest assured that their labor of love will be appreciated, and as quite a number of the first settlers of Dedham came here from Watertown, their records will be interesting to many readers of this volume. With thanks to all who have rendered assistance and encouragement in this work, this Third Volume of Dedham Records is submitted, in the hope that the public will enjoy reading as much as the Town Clerk has enjoyed editing this book of Ancient Records. Town Clerk. DEDHAM, MASS., Dec. 1, 1892. ELEAZER LUSHES. i x ELEAZER LUSHER. BY ERASTUS WORTHINGTON. Among the twelve men who were admitted as townsmen, and who subscribed to the Covenant of the original Company, in Dedham, on the eighteenth of July, 1637, was Eleazer Lusher. Although that list included Mr. John Allin, Mr. Timothy Dalton, Michael Metcalf, Anthony Fisher and others, men of character and influence, who were a distinct accession to the infant society, yet when we consider the long and distinguished service he rendered subsequently, both to the Town and Colony, to Eleazer Lusher must be accorded the highest place. Concerning his English history nothing as yet can be ascertained, although some search has been made. His name was uniformly written without the prefix, which the Puritans were careful to place before the names of those who had received a Master's degree from any of the colleges in the University of Cambridge, England. Though a de- vout man, and one of the chosen seven who founded the Dedham Church, yet among those who were considered as eligible to the office of pastor, teacher or elder, his name does not appear. These facts, considered in con- nection with the great aptitude he exhibited for civil and military affairs, lead to the inference that he had not been educated to become a religious teacher. But of his superior capacity and thorough training, the records of the Town and of the General Court furnish conclusive and abundant evidence. The civil offices in the Town, which Lusher held almost continuously from the time of his arrival to the year of his death, indicate in some degree the extent of the public service he rendered there. From October 28, 1642, not continuously but with few intervals, in all twenty-one years, he held the office of Town Clerk, and for twenty-nine years he was chosen one of the seven men "for the regulating of the planting and prudential affairs of the town," as the Selectmen were first called. The first records of the Town x DEDHAM TOWN EECOEDS. were the work of Edward Alleyn, who came with the original company and they testify to his accuracy and ability. But in the time of Lusher there ap- pear to be greater fulness and completeness in the records, as well as a more systematic arrangement. Undoubtedly Lusher, being one of the seven men, and devoting for some years nearly his whole time to public business, originated, in some instances the substance, as well as the form of the record. A careful study of the ordinances or by-laws printed in the early part of this volume, forty-eight in number, 1 will show a surprising comprehensiveness not only of small matters incidental and necessary to planting a new settlement in the wilderness, but also of things having a broader import and belonging to an advanced civilization. Many of them in form and substance seem more like the laws of the Colony than the by-laws of a town. From internal evi- dence these ordinances appear to have been adopted at different times, but they are all recorded in Lusher's handwriting, and were no doubt collated and arranged by him, if he did not frame them, as is quite probable. How well his services to the Town were appreciated by the generation that fol- lowed after his time and while he was remembered, may be known from a couplet which was then repeated: When Lusher was in office all things went well, But how they go since it shames us to tell. 8 These services of Lusher received a substantial recognition from his townsmen early in his career, in the gift of lands. It was the custom of the settlers, besides making general dividends of lands to each owner of lots in the Town, to grant unappropriated lands as a recompense for public ser- vices. Accordingly at a general meeting of the townsmen, held Jan. 2, 1642-3, the following order was passed : Whereas Eleazer Lusher hath been more than ordinarily employed in public service in Town affairs, to his great damage and loss of time, it was therefore the mind of the Town, declared by vote, that the seven men now to be chosen, should make him some recompense in this division of lands. a It was in the public business of the Colony however, that Lusher found a wider field for the exercise of his peculiar fitness for duties requiring judg- ment, skill and capacity. From 1640 to 1662, with the exception of a few intervening years, he was chosen a Deputy or Representative from the Town to the General Court. In 1 662 he was chosen one of the Court of Assistants 'In/ret, p. 4-19. 'Wortlrington's Hixtory of Dedham, p. 50. ''Infra, p. 92. ELEAZEE LUSHER. xi or Magistrates. This was the higher legislative body of the Colony, and it was also the highest judicial tribunal. To this latter office Lusher was an- nually chosen up to 1672, the year of his death. The records of the General Court show, that both as Deputy and Assistant he was active and prominent. Besides his attendance upon the regular sessions, after 1650, Capt. Lusher, as he was then called, was quite constantly employed on various special committees and commissions, to which he was appointed by the General Court. A brief enumeration of these trusts will indicate the high degree of confidence which was reposed in him. In 1650 he was appointed with Capt. Humphrey Atherton to agree with Plymouth Court "concerning the title to land called Shauwamett and P.atuxit, and the protection of the English and Indians there, according to our agreement." In the same year, he was one of a committee to settle the boundary line of Watertown and Sudbury. In 1652 he was appointed at the head of a committee to lay out the boundaries of the Indian plantation at Natick. In 1657 he was authorized to act as a Special Commissioner or Magistrate, to hold Courts in Dedham and Medfield. In 1661 he was ap- pointed with " magistratticall " power, to lake proceedings against vagabond Quakers at Dedham. In 1662 he was appointed to hold County Courts at Salisbury, Hampton and Dover. In the same year he was appointed as sole commissioner in the place of Capt. Humphrey Atherton deceased, to perfect the work of running the boundary line between the Massachusetts and Ply- mouth Colonies. In 1663 he was appointed with Maj. Gen. Leverett to settle some differences with Rhode Island, and in 1665 he was sent on a commis- sion to the County of York, to allay some disturbance or "reviling of the government there." In 1661 he was one of an important committee of twelve leading men of the Colony, of which Mr. Bradstreet was the head, "to consider and debate such matter or thing of public concernment touching our patent, laws and privileges and duty to his Majesty, as they in their wisdom shall judge most expedient, and draw up the result of their apprehensions." This was just after the Restoration of Charles II, when much disquiet existed in the Colony concerning the disposition of the king towards the Charter, which the colo- nial authorities guarded with jealous care. In May, 1672, Major William Hathorne and Major Eleazer Lusher were appointed by the General Court "to make diligent inquiry in the several x ii DEDHAM TOWN EECORDS. parts of this jurisdiction, concerning anything of moment that have past, and in particular of what hath been collected by Mr. John Winthrop Sen, Mr. Thomas Dudley, Mr. John Wilson Sen, Capt. Edward Johnson or any other, that so matter being prepared, some meete person may be appointed by this Court to put the same into form, so that, after perusal of the same it may be put to press." Though it does not appear that the committee made any formal report, and the General Court took no further action upon the subject until 1679, when a committee was appointed to peruse Hubbard's History of New England with a view to tts publication, it has been thought that the materials collected by the committee of 1 672 were placed in Hub- bard's hands. An interesting letter, written by Maj. Lusher to Governor John Winthrop, Jr., of Connecticut, inquiring concerning the writings of his father, the late Governor Winthrop of Massachusetts, shows that Major Hathorne had left that part of the work to him. 1 Perhaps the most important and responsible duty which was assigned to Major Lusher by the General Court was that of collating and revising the laws of the Colony, for which he was appointed at the head of a committee, by an order of the General Court passed May 31, 1670. The order is sig- nificant of the confidence which was reposed in his capacity for such work. Whereas there is a great want of law books for the use of the several Courts and inhabitants of this jurisdiction at present, and very few of them that are now extant or complete containing all laws now in force amongst us, it is therefore ordered by this Court, that Major Eleazer Lusher, Capt. Thomas Clarke, Capt. Edward Johnson, Capt. Hopestill Foster, Capt. George Corwin and Capt. Joshua Hubbard, or any four of them, whereof Major Lusher to be one, shall and hereby are appointed to be a committee to peruse all laws now in force, to collect and draw up any literal errors or misplacing of words or sentences therein, or any liberties infringed, and to make a convenient table for the ready finding of all things therein, that so they may be fitted for the press, and the same to present to the next session of this Court, to be further considered of and approved by the Court. 2 The laws of the Colony at this time were printed for each year, and in 1648 the laws were first collated and were printed in 1649. In 1659 the work of collating and revising the laws was again undertaken, and the edition was published by order of the General Court in 1660. The preface to this edition 1 Mass. Hist. Coll. 5th Series, Vol. 1, p.417. The letter is dated "Dedham 27. 5. 72." 3 Mass. Col. Rec, IV. Part II. 453. ELEAZER LUSHER. recites that "the Bookes of Lawes of the first impression, not being to be had for the supply of the Country put us upon a thought of a second." In 1670, as it appears from the language of the order just cited, a similar want had arisen. The committee, of which Major Lusher was the head, made its re- port at the October session of 1G70, 1 when it was very critically considered, and many verbal amendments made, which are printed in the General Court Records. At the May session of 1071, it was ordered that the book of laws be printed with a table and notes of repealed laws. It seems, however, that it was not printed under this order, for a similar order was passed May 15, 1672, and it was printed that year. Its title was : The General Laws and Liberties of the Massachusetts Colony, Revised & Reprinted by order of the General Court holden at Boston, May 15, 1672. Edward Rawson, Seer. Whosoever resisteth the Power resisteth the ordinances of God and they that resist, receive to themselves damnation. Rom. 13.2 Cambridge. Printed by Samuel Green For John Usher of Boston 1672. As to what portion of this critical labor was done by Major Lusher no exact information has been obtained, but from his known capacity and his position at the head of the Committee, it may fairly be inferred, that much of it devolved upon him. It was printed in the last year of his life, and it may be regarded as the best memorial of his eminent usefulness in the affairs of the Colony. 2 Such in outline, were the civil offices held by Major Lusher, and such were the varied and extended civil services he rendered in both Town and Colony. But to all these he superadded a military service in which he attained a high rank, and by his military titles he is best known. In 1648, upon the petition of the town of Dedham, he was appointed Captain of the train band. This office was neither a sinecure nor an empty honor, as the inhabitants were required to assemble for a weekly training. He was also one of the founders of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery 1 The original report of this Committee, made Sept. 29, 1670, is now among the archives at the State House. It is carefully drawn up in Major Lusher's handwriting, and proposes many verbal and other amendments to existing laws. It is signed by Major Lusher first, and afterwards by the other four members of the Committee. 2 Copies of the Edition of 1672 are extremely rare. There is one in the State Library and another in the Library of the Boston Athenaeum. A copy was sold with the Library of George Brinley at Xew York, in March, 1879, for $130, which is in the State Library at Hartford, Conn. xiv DEDHAM TOWN HE COEDS. Company, and in 1646 and 1647 was an Ensign and Lieutenant of that corps. Finally he was chosen Major of the Suffolk Regiment, which was the rank and title of its commanding officer. Under a law of the Colony the title of the Commander of a regiment was Sergeant Major, and he was chosen by the County. No record when Major Lusher was chosen to this office has been found, and it is not known how long he served, but he is often referred to in the General Court Records as Major Lusher, and once as the Worshipful Major Lusher. The services of Major Lusher were recognized by the General Court in two grants of land, one of two hundred and fifty acres in 1659, which were located in Medfield in 1665, and the other, of five hundred acres in 1G64, which were located near Concord, in 1666. The records of Dedham do not furnish complete information concerning the family of Major Lusher. It is certain, however, that he was married when he came to Dedham in 1637, and that his wife came with him. In the history of the formation of the Dedham Church by Mr. Allen 1 , it is stated, that among those who were joined to the Church during the winter of 1638, was "the wife of Eleazer Lusher,' ; but her Christian name is nowhere given, and there is no record of her death. In the record of deaths in 1638, appears the name of Samuel Lusher "deceased the 30 of the 10 m." 2 It will be ob- served that this date is near the time when Mrs. Lusher was admitted to the Church, and in the record of her admission an allusion is made to her afflic- tions. Connecting this record with the fact, that elsewhere Major Lusher appears to be the sole representative of the name in the Town or Colony, the inference that Samuel was the son of Major Lusher, seems to be reason- able and satisfactory. But in 1662 Major Lusher was married to a second wife. This appears from the records of Charlestown by the following entry : 8 "Eleazer Lusher (Capt.) Dedham m. Mary Gwinn Aug. 8 1662." It further appears that Mary Gwinn was the widow of John Gwinn of Charlestown. Her maiden name is not stated by Wyman, but an examina- tion of her will, discloses that she was the sister of Jonathan Bunker of Charlestown, and of Martha, the wife of John Starr of Boston. These were 1 Dedham Church Records (Hill), p. 14. 3 Dedham Births, Marriages and Deaths (Hill), p. 127. 3 Genealogies and Estates of Charlestown (Wyman), pp. 450, 636. ELEAZER LUSHER. xv the children of George Bunker of Charlestown, of whom, Savage says, " he owned the summit of that hill of glory bearing his name." 1 George Bunker had a daughter Mary, according to Wyman, so that the identity of Mrs. Mary Lusher, with Mary the daughter of George Bunker, is fully established. 2 Major Lusher died November 13, 1672, and his wife died on the twenty- sixth of the following January. The wills of both were proved together, Feb. 6, 1672-3, and are now on file in the Suffolk Registry. Major Lusher's will is written in his own clear and uniform handwriting, and is apt and exact in its forms of expression. In the published Journal of the Rev. William Adams, not then ordained as the second minister of Dedham, but who had received a call and preached there before accepting it, occur these entries made in November 1672: 3 13. Major Lusher mortuus. 18. Sepultus. 24. Concionem habui f unebrem qualem qualem Dedhamiae in obitum Majoris Lusher Armigeri. In January 1672-3, there is this further entry: Jan. 26. Mrs. Lusher widow of Maj. Lusher Esq. died. Major Lusher died without children, and no cnc bearing the surname of Lusher has since been known among us. Indeed the name apparently has become extinct. 4 But as a given name, the name of Lusher has been transmitted since 1685, through successive generations in a branch of the Gay family. In Maj. Lusher's wall, it is stated that Lydia Starr, the daughter of Martha, the sister of Mrs. Lusher, had lived in his family from infancy, and she received legacies and lands by the wills of both Major and Mrs. Lusher. Lydia Starr was afterwards married to Nathaniel Gay, and the name of Lusher has been repeated in each generation of their descendants. Maj. Lusher's house lot was on the easterly side of East street, "the highway four rod broad " and the second lot southerly from the present Wal- nut street. At the time of his death, the following entry was made in' the Church book, as it is found in the Century sermon of Mr. Dexter, preached in 1738: 5 1 Genealog. Diet. (Savage) Vol. L, p. 299. 2 Dedham Historical Register, Vol. II., pp. 131, 135. 3 Mass. Hist. Coll. 4th Series, Vol. I, p. 18. 4 Suffolk Surnames, (N. I. Bowditch) p. 253. 5 Century Discourse, by Rev. Samuel Dexter, Nov. 23, 1738 (Second Edition), and note, p. 26. xv i DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. Major Eleazer Lusher, a man sound in the faith, of great holiness and heavenly mindedness, who was of the first foundation of this Church, and had been of great use, as in the Commonwealth so in the Church, especially after the death of the Rev. Pastor thereof, Mr. John Allin, departed this life, Nov. 13, 1672. Capt. Edward Johnson, the author of Wonder Working Providence, and who was often associated with Major Lusher in the public business of the Colony, describes him as "one of a nimble and active spirit, strongly affected to the ways of truth ; " and again, as "one of the right stamp and pure mettle, a gracious, humble and heavenly minded man." 1 1 Wonder Working Providence, by Capt. Edward Johnson. (Poole's Edit.) pp. 110, 191. NOTE. An article in the Dedham Historical Register, Vol. II, p. 93, presents satisfactory evidence that Major Lusher' s tomb in the Old Parish Cemetery is now marked by a slab of slate, bearing an inscription with the name of Timothy Dwight. THE PETICION 1 May it please this Hofiourd Court to Ratifie vnto your humble peti- tioners your grante formerly made of a Plantacion aboue the Falls that we may posesse all that Land which is left out of all former grants vpon that side of Charles Riuer. And vpon the other side five miles square. To haue and enjoye all those Lands Meadowes. Woodes and other grounds, together with all the Waters and other benifits what so euer now being or that may be within the Compasse of the afore said Limits to vs with our ascociats and our assignes for euer. 2 To be freed from all Countrey Charges for foure yeares. And milli- tarye excercises to be onely in our owne Towne except som extraordinary _ occasion Require it 3 That such distribution or Alottm ts of Lands Meadowes woods &c within our said limits as ar done and pformed by the Grantees their succes- sors or such as shall be deputed there vnto : Shall and may stand for good assureance vnto the seuerall posessors ther of and thier assignes for euer 4 That we may haue Countenance from this Honoured Courte for the well ordering of the Nonage of our scocietie according to the best rule. And to that purpose to assigne vnto vs a Constable that may regard peace and trueth. 5 To distinguish our Towne by the name of Contentment or otherwise what you shall please. 6 And lastly we intreate such other helps as your Wisdoms shall knowe best in favour to grante vnto vs for our well emgveing of what we ar thus entrusted withall vnto our pticular but especially vnto the genrall good of this whole weale publike in succeeding times. Subscribed by all that haue vnder written in Coven* at [p r s l ] 1636 The 10 th of y e 7 Moneth this Peticion was published in a full Genrall Court and granted as followeth : viz 1 : 1 That this Plantacion shall haue 3 yeares Immunitie from publike charges 2 That our Towne shall beare the name of Dedham 3 All the rest of y e Peticion fully granted by a genrall voate. freely and cheerefully with out any exception at all where vpon this short Order was drawen vp and Recorded by y e Secretary M r Bradstreete 2 DEDHAM TOWN HECOEDS. Ordered y l the Plantacion to be setled aboue Charles Riuer shall haue. 3 yeares. Immunitie from publike Charges, as Concord had. to be accounted from the first of Maye next, and the name of the said Plantacion is to be Dedham. To inioye all that Land on the Easterly and southerly side of Charles Riuer. not formerly Granted, vnto any Towne or pticular pson. And allso to haue 5 miles square on y e other side of the River This Draught: or Tract of our Plantacion. being p r sented vnto the Court Genrall. after publishing of our Peticion. It pleased the said Court, by a full consent, to grante our said Towne of Dedham to extend euery wave accord- ing to the same forme there in Delineated, without any contradiction at all made of. or concerning the same, being viewed by the whole Courte. Dedham, Towne Booke, for the Entering, and Recording, of all such Orders as ar or shall be for the Gouerment there of as followeth, THE COVENANT 1 We whose names ar here vnto subscribed, doe. in the feare and Reu- erence of our Allmightie God, Mutually : and seuerally pmise amongst our selues and each to other to pffesse and practice one trueth according to that most pfect rule, the foundacion where of is Euerlasting Loue : 2 That we shall by all meanes Laboure to keepe of from vs all such, as ar contrarye minded. And receaue onelysuch vnto vs as be such as maybe pbably of one harte, with vs as that we either knowe or may well and truely be informed to walke in a peaceable conuersation with all meekenes of spirit for the edification of each other in the knowledg and faith of the Lord Jesus : And the mutuall encouragm 1 vnto all Temporall comforts in all things : seekeing the good of each other out of all which may be deriued true Peace 3. That if at any time difference shall arise betwene pties of our said Towne. that then such ptie and pties shall p r sently Referre all such differ ence. vnto som one. 2 or. 3 others of our said societie to be fully accorded and determined, without any further delaye. if it possibly may bee : 4 That euery man that now. or at any time heereafter shall haue Lotts in our said Towne shall paye his share in all such Rates of money, and charges as shall be imposed vpon him Rateably in pportion with other men As allso become freely subiect vnto all such orders and constitutions as shall be necessariely had or made now or at any time heere after from this daye fore warde. as well for Loveing and comfortable societie in our said Towne as allso for the gsperous and thriueing Condicion of- our said Fellowshipe DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. 3 especially respecting the feare of God in which we desire to begine and con- tinue, what so euer we shall by his Loveing fauoure take in hand 5 And for the better manefestation of our true resolution heere in. euery man so receaued : to subscribe heere vnto his name, there byobligeing both himself and his successors after him for euer. as we haue done Names subscribed to the Couenant as followeth : Robert: Feke Edward: Alleyn Samuell: Morse Philemon Button -John : Dwight Lambert: Generye Richard: Euered / Ralph: Shepheara John: Hug-gin Ralph: Wheelock Thomas Cakebread Henry: Philips Timothie Dalton Thomas Carter Abraham Shawe John Coolidge Nicholas Philips -John: Gave >. John Kingsbery John Rogers Francis Austen Ezekiell Holleman Joseph Shawe William: Bearstowe John : Haward Thomas: Bartlet Ferdinandoe Adams Daniell: Morse Joseph : Morse John Ellice i- Jonathan Fayerbanke John: Eaton: Michaell Metcalfe John Morse John Allin Anthony: Fisher Thomas: Wight Eleazer: Lusher Robert : Hinsdell John Luson John: Fisher - Thomas : Fisher Joseph Kingsberye John Batchelor Xathamell Coaleburn^ John: Roper ' Martin Philips Henry Smyth John: Fraerye Thomas Hastings Francis Chickering Thomas: Alcock William: Billiard Jonas Humphery Edward Kempe John Hunting Tymothie Dwight Henry: Deengaine Henry Brocke James: Hering Nathan Aldus Edward Richards Michaell Powell John Elderkine Michaell: Bacon Robert Onion Samuell Milles Edward Colver v ' Thomas Bayes George Bearstowe John: Bullard Thomas: Leader J oseph Moyes Jeffery Mingeye James: Allin Richard Barber Thomas: Jordan Joshua: Fisher Christopher Smith John Thurston Joseph Clarke Thomas: Eames Peter Woodward Thwaits Strickland John : Guild Samuell Bulleyne Robert Goweji Hugh Stacey George: JJarber James Jordan Xathaniell Whiteing Beniamine Smith Richard: Ellice Austen: Kalem Robert: Ware Thomas: Fuller Thomas: Payne John: Fayerbanke - Henry Glover Thomas Hering John Plimption George Fayerbanke Tymoth Dwight - Andr: Duein Joseph Ellice ^ Ralph Freeman Job : Rice Danll Ponde/ John Hovghton Jonathan Fayerbank Jur: James Vales Thomas Metcalfe Robert Grossman William Avery John Aldus John : Mason Isaac Bullard Cornelus Fisher John Partridge James Draper James Thorpe Samuell Fisher T* Benjamin Bullard Ellice "\7\7" woode Thomas Fisher 4 DEDHAM TOWN EECOEDS. Number I 1 It is Ordered that whosoeuer shall receaue. Equall Charges and posesse Lands in our Towne of what sorte so euer. either by Grante purchase or Inheritance or any other waye shall beare all equall charges with other men according to his pportion that so publike Charges that concerne the Towne may be borne and defrayed from time to time, according as any shall receaue benefit from the same 2 It is ordered : that all waters as well Riuers as Ponds Waters free shall be kept free from being Appriated except such as shall lye wholley encompassed within any one mans pper Lands, that so the said waters may be kept free for the vse of the Inhabitants, in coinon for the vse of Fishing or other wise, as occasion may require 3 For as much as due and seasonable apearance at publike Meeteings Towne Meeteings ar oft times much neglected to the hin- apearanee derance of y e seasonable dispatch of publike occasions and the discouragement of such as giue better attendance. It is for the p r uention there of for the time to com Ordered that who so euer of our Towne. that is admitted a Townesman with vs shall delaye more then halfe an houre after the time of meeteing where of he shall haue had reasone- able notice shall paye for that his neglect one shilling : and for the whole time of meeteing being absent he shall paye two shillings and sixe pence except the reasons of his or thier absence in either of the said cases, be apved of by the company assembled, or in case the pson shall declare the reasons of thier absence vpon reasonable demaund. to the select men they shall haue power to issue the same as to them shall apeare meete and in case of refuseale or neglect of seasoneable and due payment as before said, a distresse shall be taken vpon the goods of the pson so not makeing due payem* by warrant from the select men for the time being : directed to the Constable: and for the better execution of this order according to the true intent there of : its allso ordered that euery Towneseman shall be called halfe an houre after after the time appointed is com 4. It is Ordered by Genrall consent: that euery Twelue Swampe to Acre Lott shall haue foure acres of swampe granted in the Lotls first grante there vnto. besids what may be granted in any deuident of swampe that may afterward be layed out: And that allso: in like manner euery Eight Acre Lott shall haue the like grante of three acres of swampe layed out as due there vnto 1 The first eight of these orders are now found on a leaf bound into Vol. I, be- tween the Petition and the Covenant, the rest are on leaves now bound at the end of Vol. IV; but similarity of hand-writing and paper, and consecutiveness in numbering make it seem probable that they all belong together, and as they were nearly all passed during the period covered by this printed volume, it has been thought more convenient to print them all together. [ED. DEDHA1L TOWN EECOEDS. 5 5. For the p r uention of damage offences and disturbances Fences in Corne Lands or other Lands to be enclosed. It is ther- fore Ordered, that all Fences in our Towne whether of Rayles or pales or what so euer other manner of fenceing may be alowed of against any high waye or comon Land or other vninclosed grounds, shall be made and mayntayned. to the height of three foote and one halfe. good sufficient and strong, and so carefully kept in that state free from gapps rayles left downe. or slipt out at one. or both ends, or posts broken and loose, or pales broken or vnfastened. from the twentieth daye of y e first Moneth vntill the Twelfth daye of y e eight Month from time to time and from yeare to yeare. without fayle. And whoso euer shall fayle heere in or be neglegent of the pformance heere of according to the true intent, and meaneing of this p r sent Order as is aboue exp r ssed shall forfiet vnto the Towne and the vse there of such penalties and so to be payed as in the Order for vieweing of fences, is heere after exp r ssed 6 It is Ordered that euery man that hath an whole Lott Meadow Lotts shall haue so many Acres of Meadowe. as he hath of vpland. in his first grante for an house Lott. where of part of such such pcells of Meadowe as lyeth adioyneing. to his said Lott shall be granted to him in pt and the remainder shall be made vp else where 7 It is Ordered by generall consent that such as ar. or. p 'cells Townes shall be admitted Townes men with vs haueing lesse portions men of Land then formerly haue bene granted vnto other men shall enioye all p r uelidges as other Townes men. and beare all charges ac- cording to thier ^portions, as other men from time to time shall doe 8 It is Ordered that some smale peels of vpland. that lye Vpland to mead: adioyning to the seuerall deuisions of Meadowe shall be anexed vnto the same, where it may conueaniently be layed out there vnto without p r iudice of other deuisions after ward to be layed out 9 The question concerning the power of the select men Select:mens being gposed in a Genrall Towne Meeteing and being in power a full Assembly considered. It was. for the auoideing of all scruples in time to com, by Genrall consent Ordered, that what so euer power all the whole Companey of Townesmen them selues so mett togher had before any such Choice was made The very same power is now put into the hands of y e select men now chosen and so to remayne in full force, for the space of one whole yeare from the daye they ar chosen, in all things except in these thre cases, viz* 1 The admitting of men to the p r velidg of being Townesmen: 2 the granting of a genrall deuident: 3 the granting of Farmes 1 of 11 mo: 1650 10 For the direction of Wood reeues or such as shall from Wood reeues time to time be chosen to that care or office. It is Ordered that all the care and necessary power, for the execution of 6 DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. all such orders that from time, to time, shall be of force, concerning the ordering, makeing. maintayning and vieweing of fences in our Towne, as allso the due pformance of the orders concerning Ladders, the apveing or dis. aloweing of them in respect of the sufficiencie. length, and strength, shall be in thier power, and care as allso the supplyeing of the Inhabitants with Timber, for thier vse of building or repayering houses in our Towne. or for makeing or repayering of fences and such like occasions, accord- ing to the orders of the Towne in that case pvided and in case of the breach or defect of the orders or any order in any of the cases afore- said, it shall allso belong to thier office to demand & receaue such penaltie or penalties as by the order or any order in force in each case respectiuely is required, and the same so receaued to keepe in a true bill and that bill to de- liuer som time in the Nyenth Moneth from yeare to yeare vnto the select men for the time being or to som one of them, that so they may dispose of the said sumes for the vse of the Towne. or in case of refuseall of payem 1 duely made vpon reasoneable demaund vpon any offender as aforesaid, then they shall deliuer the bill of debts thvs refused to be payed in any the cases aforesaid, to the selectmen in the first fitt season, who shall direct a warrant to the Constable, for the due levieing all such penalties for the vse of the Towne 10 For the p r venting of damage that might com by swine. Swine it is Ordered that who so euer shall finde any swine at lib- ertie abroad in any comon Land high waye or in any mans Land except the owners of the swine after the last daye of the first Month from time to t'me that is not sufficiently yoaked shall haue heereby power & libertie to put all or any such swine in to the hand of the keeper of the pounde who sh ill not deliuer them to the owner, but vpon sattisfing the ordinarie fees due for poundage, and when so euer any damage shall be done by swine such indifferent men as shall according to the order of the Courte be chosen to viewe and value the scathe shall haue allso power to aproue or disalowe the yoakes of all such swine as by whome the damage is done and so to settle the damage vpon the owner of 'the fence or other wise vpon the owner of the swine if they be not sufficiently yoaked as they shall iudge most equall. but if damage be done by swine that ar vnyoaked the damage shall be borne by the owner of the swine without respect to the fence, whether it be good or badd. pvided that if it shall apeare that any swine haueing lost thier yoake and by that meanes ar found vnyoaked such swine shall not be put to the pound except the owner haue first notice there of. and neglect sea- sonably to yoake them againe. And it is further ordered that all swine shall be kept well & sufficiently Ringed all the yeare thorough & yoaked from the last day of the first moneth to the twelfth of y e eight moneth from yeare to yeare UEDHA3I TOWN RECORDS. 7 11 It is Ordered, that who so euer heere after shall receaue Alienatio any Lott or other pcell of ground, lyeing within our Towne to certifie in waye of Alienation by purchase or by exchange or by any other meanes. shall within one Moneth. after any such act done make the same knowen to the Towne Booke both the quantitie and quallhie to haue the same entered, who so euer shall fayle heerein shall for. fiet to the Towne and the vse there of the sume of one shilling for euery Moneth so neglected contrary to the true meaneing this p r sent order and in case such forfieture be not duel)' payed within 14 dayes after demand is made, by the assignem 1 of the select men. then a distresse shall be taken vpon the goodes of any such offender as aforesaid, by warrant from the select men. directed to the Constable for the Levieing there of for the vse of the Towne 12 For the p r uention of damage that might arise by fire Ladders vpon any house in our Towne. It is Ordered, that euery housholder in our Towne shall forth with gvide and mayn- taine one good stronge. and sufficient Ladder, that may be sufficient in all re- spects for the speedie and safe attayneing of the toppe of the Chimney of his house vpon all occasions which said Laders shall be kept in posession con- stantly at: against or neere the house or Chimney wher fire is vsually made and for the greater care heere in as in a case of so great concernm 1 . It is further Ordered, that who so euer being an housholaer. in our Towne. shall fayle in any the pticulars aforesaide for the space of fourteene dayes together, shall forfiet vnto the Towne and the vse there of the sum of five shillings, for euery such defect to be payed vpon reasoneable demand made, by them to whome the care of the execution of this order belonge and in case of the neglect of such due payement as abouesaide the Constable by warrant from the select men shall Levie the same by distresse. vpon the goods of any. such delinquent. And for the further encouragem 1 . that Laders may be duely pvided as aboue saide it is further Ordered, that it shall be in the libertie of euery such householder, to take for the vse aforesaid such Ladder piece or pieces, vpon the Comon Land of the Towne: it being for his owne vse and not to sell as he from tme to time shall stand in need of: 13 It is Ordered that henceforth, the Constable or any Rate to gather other that shall be deputed, to gather any Rate in our Towne, shall stand charged with the whole sume. in the said Rate, and shall not haue power to abate any man or set of any former debts, but if any shall refuse to paye. they that gather the Rate shall referre them to the select men for the time being, who shall haue power to abate or sett of: as they shall finde to be Just. And allso euery man that is or shall be deputed to gather any Rate in our Towne except the Countrie Rate shall giue Ac- couut there of to the select men or so many of them as they shall depute there vnto. when they shall require the same: pvided that this account be 8 DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. called for within three Moneths after the rate be gathered: or ought to be gathered: And if any shall refuse or neglect as before said, to giue accounte of any such rate, being there vnto required, they shall paye for the same, to the vse of the Towne. as the selectmen shall iudge meete. that the case doe require 14 For the direction and Ordering of high way worke. and High way worke the p r uention of neglect there in. It is Ordered, that the Sur- veyors for the time being and thier successors from yeare to yeare. shall apoint and by publike notice, giuen to the Towne. shall declare, sixe dayes for the high way worke: of which sixe euery Inhabitant shall pforme four dayes work according to the surveyors appointment, the last of which sixe dayes shalbe before the 20 th of the seauenth Moneth: and who so euer of the fore said Inhabitants shall not haue pformed 4 dayes worke. before the last of the foresaid sixe days be past, being appointed as before- said shall compound for that thier neglect, with the select men for the time being, to which end the surveyors shall carefully keepe a true bill yearely. of all such worke as is pformed by euery Inhabitant, in pticular. as i beforesaid which bill they shall deliuer to the selectmen or any one of them, within four- tene dayes after the last of the foresaid sixe dayes be past which bill shall be subscribed by all the surveyors or the major number of them. And for pformance heere of as is aboue exp r ssed it is further Ordered, that such of the Inhabitants aforesaid as shall be found vpon good knowledge, to be then behinde in thier worke. shall forfiet and paye to the vse of the Towne for those thier neglects, as is heereafter exp r ssed: viz 1 for y e neglect of one man one Carte: four Bullocks ) for each day e ) 6s -0 for the neglect in the like manner of 1 man 2 bullocks ) and 1 Carte ) 4 s for the neglect of 1 daye worke of one man 2 s All which said sumes. shall be payed in Merchantible Corne at the currant price except the said psons can compound with y e surveyors to thier sattis- f action, before thier bills be deliuered to the select men as aforesaide. who shall not accept of lesse in this case then eight houres sufficiently empved. in high waye worke. at thier appointment, for one daye: or if they shall put out any pt of the said worke. by the piece or lumpe: they shall not compound with any pson to the damage of the Towne or at lower or easier rates then according to the former penalties pportionably. Allwayes pvided that the surveyors shall call in no other man. nor for more, or fewer dayes. then as they shall receaue in a List from the select men: and in case any vpon de- mand, by order from the select men shall neglect or refuse to make seasonable payement as is aforesaid ihen the Constable by warrant from the select men to him directed shall by distresse Leuie the same vpon The goods of the pson or psons so not makeing due payement and deliuer the same to the se- DEDHAM TOWN RE COEDS. 9 lect men or to whom they shall assigne the same for the vse of the Towne. And it is further Ordered that it shall be in the Libertie and power of the surveyors in any of the sixe dayes. before mentioned, to accept of the helpe of hands in steade of Teames as the occasions of the Towne shall require and they can agree with any Inhabitant 15 For the p r uention of damage that might arise thorough fences to viewe defects in fences it is Ordered that y e Woodreeues shall yearely. som time betwixt the twentieth and the sixe and Twen- tieth daye of the first Moneth. carefully, and pticularly. viewe. all the Fences in our Towne. that ar in or about all our home Lotts. that lye next any high waye or coinon Land, and what defects so euer they shall finde in the said Fences they shall giue p r sent notice there of. to the owner of the fence where in the defect is founde. who shall within foure dayes. after such notice giuen sufficiently make or repayer the same, or else for the neglect there of shall paye to the vse of the Towne. the sufne of sixe pence, in currant Countrey paye for euery such defect To which end. the Woodreeues shall demand the same and in case of refusall or neglect of due payement in reasonable time they shall giue a true & pticular Bill forthwith to som one of the select men. who shall pceed in this case according to the order in that case pvided and further allso the said Woodreeues shall keepe a true account of all such for- fietures in this case as they or any of them shall receaue vpon demand as aforesaid which sufiies: or a true & pfect bill of of the same they shall de- liuer to the select men according as in the order in that case is required. And for as much as doubts and questions about settling or ^portioning Fences in genrall or pticular: or wante of due mayntayneing or repayering fences in any season of the yeare may arise, it is therfor allso Ordered that the saide Woodreeues. from time, to time vpon notice giuen by any of the psons con- cerned in any of the cases aforesaid shall in due time, vpon viewe and due consideration of the p r mises resolue settle conclude & determine the same as to themselues or the greater number of them shall apeare most iust and reasonable 16 For the encouragem 1 of such as may make.discouery of Mines any Mine of Mettall or other Mineralls w th in our Towne in any of the Cornon Lands there of as allso for the enableing and furnishing of them with such necessary helps and accomadacions as may be necessary in any such worke that may be helpfull for priuate and publike good , It is ordered as followeth granting to all such according as is heere after exp r ssed. We doe giue and grante to euery Inhabitant amongst us. that is admitted a Townesemen and to his heyers and assignes for euer. All such Mine or Mines of any sort of mettall or Minerals what so euer (Jron Mine onely excepted. vntill the date of y e Countries grante be expired), that he or they shall really discouer and finde out by them selues or any waye or meanes 10 DEDHAM TOWN HECOEDS. by them pcured or at thier charge in any pt of our Towne being out of y e gprietie of any man together allso with such conueainecie of Land : to be layed out to them as may be needfull for building pastureing of Cattell or other needfull occasions being such as the said worke shall really require and the place is found capeable of Allso we doe grante vnto the Grantees afore- said Libertie to take such sufficient woode timber or stone, as shall be founde needefull for y e emgvem* of y e said Mine or Mines so that the said Woode or Tymber be not cutt. within one mile of any house Lott in our Towne now in being, yet reserveing. to the Towne and the vse there of. such Oake- ing timber trees as the select men for the time being shall reasonably se cause to marke out : pvided all wayes and granted with these condicions viz 1 , that the said Grantee or Grantees, thier heyers and assignes shall yearely paye. into the Comon Treasury of the Towne the Tenth pt of all the gffits. which shall cleerely arise of the said Mine or Mines thus granted, after such grantee or grantees: shall haue receaued in againe such charges as they haue formerly disbursed, vpon the said worke. gvided allso that, it be one mile from the Towne or vpward. but if it be lesse then so much then they shall paye the eight pt of the cleere gffits as beforesaide. And allso that such grantees doe really endeauour the emgvem 1 therof within the space of three yeares next after the discouery thereof is made except the select men see cause to grante longer time And allso further pvided that no such grantee aforesaid shall bring in any ptner or purchaser, to haue share in the p r mises. that is no Townesman with vs. so long as any one that is of the Towne. will buye or take of from his hand any such Mine or pt there ^of. vpon such tearmes as the said stranger will doe. neither shall any such Grante or grantees or purchaser shall at any time bring in amongst vs any such ptner purchaser or constant workeman as is not for his honest and peaceable con- uersation apved of by the select men. for the time being. w (h last condicion if they shall break euery such one shall forfiet his liberty of takeing woode before heere in granted And for y e p r uenting of such Mistakes or offences as may heereafter arise about' the discouery or findeing of such Mines or Minerals or the further emgvement thereof, we doe further order and declare, that who so euer of our Towne heereafter. being a Towneseman as beforesaid shall first giue notice to two of the select men whereof the keeper of the Booke is to be one of any such Mine as beforesaid. that he hath by any meanes dis- couered. and so discribe the place, that they may vnderstand that no other hath already giuen notice thereof, then the saide discouerer shall haue the ppriety of that so exp r ssed reserued to himselfe the space of sixe Moneths in which time none shall haue libertye to p r uent him while himselfe or his as- signes make further pfe of what he shall fully finde and empve. by vertue of this former grante And further allso if any shall finde one Mine very neere another: that is allready founde out so that ther arise iust question whether DEDHAM TOWN EECOEDS. 11 it be not another pt of the same, in that no naturall bounde. that must- nec- essarrily disioyne or difference of Mettall resolue the doubt, then it shall be accounted as one & the same Mine allready appriate by the former grante. vnto the former posesser. And allso if two distinct Mines be founde so neere together, that any question arise concerning the Land timber or woode to accomodate the same according to the former grante and that the gpriators of the said Mines cannot agree there in. it shall then be in the libertye and power of each of the said gpriators or grantees to chuse one indifferent man and the select men to chuse another, in the behalf of the Towne. and the major pt of the men so chosen shall fully end settle and determine the same 17 It is Ordered that all such men as shall heere after, by Paynes to the Select men for the time being, be chosen ordered or de- sattisfie puted: to doe any such seruice as concerne the Towne in genrall shall be reasonably satisfied for thier paynes and time therein, at the charge of the Towne 18 For the p r uention of disorderly feedeing of pprieties as Disorderly well in Meadowes as in Cornefields: It is Ordered, that euery feedeing gpriator what so euer that hold or emgve any Land in any Corne fielde in our Towne. shall yearely and euery yeare. take in all his corne. of what sorte so euer it be. out of all such Fields as lye in a comon enclosure together with others before the Twelfth daye of y e eight Moneth. vpon the penaltie in the neglect there of of beareing all the dam- ages what so euer may fall after the daye beforesaide. before which said 12 of y e 8 Month, no man what so euer shall haue libertie to put his cattell of any sorte to feede in any such fielde vpon such penaltie as the Court hath allreadye apointed but after the saide 12 daye of y e 8 Month, it shall be free for all such ppriators to feede in such Fields as wher themselues posesse lands as owners or vpon rente and no man what so euer shall put in his Cattell to feede: in any Field where himselfe is no posessor vpon penaltie of forfieting five shilling for euery such offence: except it be in such time as such cattell ar employed in worke there for any posessor in the same fielde. Neither shall any keeper of any hearde of Cattell what so euer put the heard by him so kept or any pt thereof into any corne Field to keepe them there to feede. though the Corne be all out. vpon penaltie of payeing of five shillings for euery offence against the true meaneing of this order, neither shall he suffer them wittingly or willingly to continue ther if thorough defect of the fence they goe in of themselues vpon the like penaltie as beforesaide or if ther be any damage done by the heard in Corne. the keeper by whose default it is. shall paye the damage, besides the penalties aforesaide. all which penalties shall be payed vnto whom so euer the greater part of the posessors of the field wher the damage is done shall apoint to receaue. the same vpon demande. 12 DEDHAM TOWN HECOBDS. 19 It is Ordered: that a Platt shall be taken of the Bounds Platt to take & Lynes of y e whole Towne, and that it be made Capeable of a distinct Bounde and Platt of euery gprietie of each mans Lands in the Towne 20 For the more orderly felling of firewood for the supplye Fire woode and vse of each Inhabitant in the Towne, It is Ordered, that it shall henceforth be in the libertie of any man that is ad- mitted a Townesman heere with vs. to fell any such fire woode as he shall for his owne vse stande in neede of. from time to time, all wayes gvided that no Oake trees be felled, but such as ar granted to such psons. according to the order of the Towne. in that case pvided and for .euery offence comitted. against the true meaneing. of this p r sent order as is aboue exp r ssed. the offender shall paye to the vse of y e Towne such a penaltie as y e Select men for y e time being, shall adiudge meete. so that no fine exceed five shillings for any one Tree felling 21 Where as vpon the examination of the Booke of Towne Grants to enter Recorde it apeare that seuerall grantes, made to sundery of y e Inhabitants of y e Towne ar not yet entered or Recorded in any of our Bookes belonging to the Towne in genrall It is therfore in con- sideration there of Ordered that all such Grantes. where of good euedence may apeere. shall be yet entered, which grants so now entered shall be good and sufficient assureance vnto the Grantee and his heyers for euer 22 For the p r uention of leaueing downe of Rayles. leaueing Rayles downe gates set or by other meanes stayed or held open, wherby damage haue bene oft times done in seuerall respects. It is therfore Ordered, that who so euer here after, betwixt the twentieth daye of the first Moneth and y e Twelfth daye of y 6 eight Moneth. from yeare to yeare. shall offend in either of the said cases aboue saide shall for euery such offence that is for takeing & leaueing downe Rayles or any rayle in the Fence of any Field or Lott. wher Corne or other croppe is groweing. shall forfiet to the owner of the Fence the full value of repayering the Fence if neede be. and the sume of sixe pence for euery such offence allthough no scath be done therby and the like sume for leaueing any gate by themselues vnderset or otherwise held open, but if scathe be done thereby he shall allso paye & sattisfie the full value of y e damage to the pson or psons so therby wronged gvided all wayes that the offence be duely pved. 23 It is by the Towne Ordered, that all the power, right or Meadfielde power tfuzli&ge. of Towne Government that hetherto or at p r sent is remayneing in the Towne shipe of Dedham or any thier Trustees or assignes where by they haue or did act. in and on the behalfe of the Towne of Meadfielde shall be heerby wholley and totally Transmitted and deliuered into the hands power and disposeing of the Townshipe of VEDHAHf TOWN ME COEDS. 13 Meadfielde aforesaid in Genrall and the Select men there of and thier Sue" cessors for euer. 24 It is Ordered, that the waye leading from the Towne to Great Playne the Create playne. shall be taken care of to be made, and kept waye in due repayerations. from time to time by the Surveyers in and by publike high waye worke: 25 It is Ordered, that the Land, now to be layed out in a Deuident Genrall deuident shall be first Surveyed: at the Townes charge and deuided vnto the Inhabitants by the rules of per- sons and estates: each person in the Towne what so euer. being an Inhabi- tant: shall receaue as much there in as eight pounde Estate: 26 The ppriators of the Purchased Lands haue Joyntly Purchasd agreed and Ordered for the better Jmpvement there of. that Lands the said Meadowe. be deuided. in to foure parts according to the number of ppriators. in each part and haueing cast Lotts wher each part shall be. the ppriators in the Jland ar to begin next the little Bridge and so measure North warde so much as fall to thier ^portion and the Inhabit vpon the Middle Playne ar to be next to the Hand deuision and the East Street deuision to lye next them of the Middle playne and y e smoothe playne deuisio is to lye most Northward. And it is agreed, that what is wanting of the said purchased Lands, shall be made vp in vpland wher it may conueaniently be founde for each deuision 27 For the recompence of such writeing as shall from time Booke keepeing: be done for The Towne in genrall. or otherwise for any the recompence: Inhabitants ther of: being such as ought to be gvided for. by order by the Towne It is Ordered that who so euer shall hereafter from time to time be chosen to keepe the Towne Booke and that shall accept therof shall haue for the entering in the Record in our Towne Booke. & the coppie deliuered to the person, whom it shall concerne wherin onely one pcell is exp r ssely bounded by the Abuttm ts thereof sixe pence and for euery Coppie wherin more then one pcell is so discribed. he shall haue for the first pcell sixe pence as aforesaid and for each other therein discribed by tbe Abuttments one penye be they more or fewer these to be payed as be- foresaide by the p r sent posessor of the Land so Alienated. And for euery grante made by the Towne he shall haue for the entering & the Coppie there of sixe pence to be payed by the grantee. And the Transcribeing of each of these in each case aboue exp r ssed shall be done according to Court Order in that case pvided. by the said keeper of y e Towne Booke as payed for in the saide recompence. before exp r ssed. without expecting any more. And further: he shall haue for the entering of each Towne order sixe pence to be payed & sattisfied. by the Towne from time to time 14 DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. 28 For the selling of one constant, and knowen wave: in Rates to asesse the makeing and Levieing of all Towne Rates what so euer. 6" Levie It is Ordered that all Towne Rates as aforesaide. shall be Asessed and Levied vpon the p r sent posessor of houses. Lands, or Cattell. whether owners or hyeres by the yeare or other wise: whether by the yeare or for a longer time 29 For the p r uenting of the Waste of Timber in our Towne Tymber. 6 by any Inhabitants ther of that shall haue grante of Timber Monthes for thier supplye according to the Order of the Towne. in that case gvided It is Ordered that whosoeuer of y e Inhabi- tants, aforesaid, that shall haue grante of Timber for his supply in what he standeth in need of. for any vse in the Towne not to sell: being such as he or they haue not of thier owne Lands formerly granted them or thier p r decessors: and shall let the said Tymber or any pt therof Lye vnempved. more then the space of sixe monthes after the same is felled, shall forfiet all the same timber so left wholley into the hands of y e Towne. to be disposed of by the Wood reeues from time to time by new grante at thier discretion gvided allwayes that this shall not p r iudice or hinder any speciall grante made: or to be made, to any pson in pticular: of longer libertie 30 For as much as diuers men that haue Canooes for thier Canooes necessary vse and occasions haue complayned of great wronge done to them, by seuerall psons in takeing awaye thier said Canooes: w th out thier Leaue or knowledge, which haue bene much to the trouble and damage of y e saide owners: therfore in consideration and for y 6 p r uention thereof It is Ordered: that if any pson w'soeuer after the daye of the publication heereof shall Remoue or take awaye any Canooe or Canooes. w t!l in our Towne from the place wher the owner or his Assignes haue left or fastened the same, from time to time, without Leaue or consent from the owner thereof first had or attayned shall for euery such offence. Forfiet to the owner thereof or to his Assignes: the sume of one shilling, or if the said Canooe be so taken awaye or Remoued that the owner or his Asignes be dis- appointed of the vse therof. the space of one whole daye or more, then the person or persons that did remoue the same, shall paye to the owner thereof or his assignes double the damage, w'soeuer may be made appeere. that was susteyned therby. to be recouered in both cases, by Legall pceedings. as other debts in case the same be not payed quietly otherwise 31 It is Ordered, that if any pson w th in our Towne w'so Wayes to cleere euer shall after the publication heere of. Encumber. Interupt. or Anoye. any high way or drawen waye in y e Town or in the woods, by felling any Tree or Trees crosse or into any such waye either by y e Body or Topp or any pt thereof and doe not forth w th before he or they dept from the same, fully and sufficiently take the same awaye. and cleere DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. 15 the waye. he shall paye and sattisfie. for euery such Tree so felled, to y e Anoyeance of any such waye as afore saide. the sume of Twoo shillings. to him or them that shall first giue notice thereof, to y e Select men of our Towne for y e time being or to any twoo of them. And if y e pson that haue so felled the saide Trees shall not vpon demaund of the said Twoo shillings p tree, by the Informer forth with remoue the said tree or trees as before saide. then the saide pson so felling those Trees: shall for euery weeke that they lye vncleered out of the waye. paye to the Towne and the vse there of: Five shillings p tree into y e hand of the Constable for the time being. 32 At a genrall meeteing of the Inhabitants of the Towne Select mens dyet: 1651 It was ordered, that the Select mens dyet expended at ' thier Town Meeteings shall be payed for at the charge of the Towne. from time to time heereafter; 33 At a genrall meeteing of the Inhabitants of the Towne Schoole 2o 1651 It was ordered that Twentie pounds p Ann: at the least shall be the settled recompence of the Schoole master for the space of seuen yeares next ensueing; 34 At a generall meeteing of the Inhabitants of the Towne Dp 1 payed 1651 It was ordered, that all such men as shall heere after be chosen by our Towne according to Lawe and shall pforme the seruice of deputies at the generall Court from time to time, shall be payed for that thier seruice at the charge of the Towne. the sume and manner there of is left to the select men now to be chosen to determine 35 Whereas it apeare vpon experience that such fire woode Fire woode as hath bene hetherto alowed to be made vse of. as in Comon Libertie to each of our Inhabitants is now much spent and there for. for the more conueanient supplye of the Towne. more libertie is founde necessary, and that allso such care be taken to p r serue such Oake trees as at p r sent or heere after ar like to be vsefull Timber, for the supplye of building. Fencing &c: It is therefor Ordered that it shall be henceforth in the Libertie of euery Inhabitant in our Towne from time, to time, to fell take and carrye awaye. any such fire woode of the Comon Lande of the Towne as he or they shall neede for his or thier owne burning, from time to time gvided allwayes that the same be such Trees onely: as by reason of the Rottennes crookednes or other defect ar vnfitt for Timber: but if any man shall fell any such oake tree or young oake stande or plante as in a Reasoneable ap r hension or judgement may apeare by this order is truely jntended to be p r serued: as not being burnt at the bottom or stubb or very crooked or defectiue as afore saide euery such offender shall Forfiet for euery tree so felled contrarey to the true jntent of this order the sume of 2 s : 6 d : except such pson haue leaue from the Towne regularly the offence to be judged by the woodreeues the forfiet or penaltie to be payed the one halfe to the Informer and the other halfe to the 16 DEDHAM TOWN EECORDS. Towne any order or clause or pvisoe: in any order to the contrary heereto fore made is heere by repealed pvided allso that if any Inhabitant shall fell firewood and suffer it to lye vncutt or vnset vp 14 dayes after the same is felled, it shall then be in the Libertie of any Inhabitant of our Towne to take the same and carry the same awaye for his owne vse; 36 It is Ordered, that all such Inhabitants in our Towne Booke to sub- from time to time as doe not subscribe thier names to our scribe: Towne Booke of Orders, and therby declare his engagem 1 to be subiect to the gouerm* of our Towne and beare pportion- able Charges therein: &c: according to the Couenant where vnto we haue generally subscribed: shall be heereby debarred all libertie of cutting fire- wood or hearding or putting cattell in any of the comon Lands of our Towne except such as shall by Inheritance posesse any one house Lott allready builte whose p r decessors haue formerly subscribed as aforesaide. pvided that the Libertie and power of the Towne exp r ssed in the second Article of the Couenant be not p r iudiced therby but remayne in full force. pvided allso that it shall be in the power and Libertie of the Select men for the time being, to alowe and grante libertie to any Inhabitant to make vse of the Comon p r uelidges before exp r ssed vntill he may haue an optunitie to subscribe and is by the Towne admitted there vnto; 37 For as much as it was comitted to the select men by the Dp' pay e what last genrall meeteing of our Towne to settle : determine the d^ how recoippence that should be allowed to the deputies of our Towne. It is therfore ordered that euery man that shall henceforth be chosen orderly to be a deputie in the behalfe of our Towne and shall so attend the seruice of the Genrall Courte. that the Towne be not occasioned thorough his defect to chuse another, shall haue for that his ser- uice for that yeare he is so chosen allowed & payed to him or his Assignes the summe of Three pounds out of the Towne Rate 38 For the raiseing of the 20^pafm for the Schoole m r rec- Schoole #z r pay: ompence: agreed vpon the last generall Towne Meeteing. It is how raised ordered 1 that all such Inhabitants in our Towne as haue Male Childeren or seruants in thier Families betwixt the years of 4 and 14 yeares of age shall paye for each such to the Schoole m r for the time being or to his vse at his Asignm 1 in Towne in Currant payem* the surne of 5 s p aiim. 2 that whatsoeuer these sumes shall fall short of the foresaid sunie of 20^" shall be Raised by waye of Rateing vpon Estates ac- cording to the vsuall manner. 3 that these sumes shall be payed in twoo equall parts and pportions for the space of Seauen yeares next ensueing the first daye of January Anno 1651: each half part to be payed at the end of each halfe yeare from time to time DEDHA1L TOWN EE COEDS. 1 7 39 Whereas the Generall Court hath Ordered that the Se- Fences to lect men of each Town within this Jurisdiction, shall make repayer: such Orders within thier seuerall Townes Respectiuely con- cerning the due and seasoneable repayering of Fences within thier seuerall Limits. It is therfore accordingly ordered that all Fences within our Towne as well Generall as pticular and pticionall that ar heere- after to be made or Repayered by newe postes. shall be made sufficient to the height of Foure foote. except such Fences as ar. or shall be made of stones, which shall be allowed sufficient at the height of Three foote and one halfe. and that all psons what so euer that shall neglect or refuse the due repayering or makeing the Fences belonging to them according to Lawe. gportion pticular agreement or composition after the time allready p r fixed Order: 15: and after due warning giuen by the woodreeues as in the foresaid Order is required: shall paye for euery such seuerall defect in his or thier Fence so neglected to be repayered. as aboue said, the sume of Five shil- lings: and for euery daye so neglected after that time he or they so neglect- ing shall paye the penaltie of 2 s & 6 d vntill those defects be sufficiently Repayered: All these penalties shall be Levied according to the manner all readye ordered, in the Order before named: and allso disposed of for the vse of the Towne as is ther required. And further the psons so neglecting shall be Lyeable to paye all damages that may arise in any pt of the time that any pt of the Fence aforesaid shall want due reparations And further: whereas: Fenceing Timber begin to be scarce in 'seuerall pts of our Towne and in regard thereof as well as of other reasons consid- erable. It is Ordered, that all Fences that ar. or shall be made about en- closed Land,s that Lye at a mile distance or vpward from any house within the p r cinct of our Towneshipe. shall be alowed to be made of 3 Rayles gvided it be made to the height of 4 Foote as a fore said to p r uent damage by horses & otherwise 40 Whereas ther is much complaint of great damage done Swine to Ringe by Swine: being not kept sufficiently Ringed notwithstanding the order already pvided in that case: It is for the p r uen- tion therfore Ordered: that for time to come all swine of what sorte so euer. after they come to the age of Two monthes shall be kept sufficiently yoaked: continually according to the former order: in that case pvided and vpon the same penaltie therein exp r ssed. And further all swine that being aboue the age afore saide shall be founde. not sufficiently ringed, the owner shall forfiet for euery such swine or pigge sixe pence the one halfe to him that shall giue information thereof to som select man and the other halfe to the vse of the Towne. And for the more full and due execution heereof to effect: It is allso further Ordered: that if any pson shall neglect sufficiently to Ringe his or thier swine after due notice there of then that owner of such swine shall for- fiet sixe pence for euery day so neglected to be payed as aforesaid, and if 18 DEDHAM TOWN BECORDS. any offender heere in shall neglect or refuse to make due payem 1 as afore saide then vpon complaint to the select men at any of thier meetings, they shall by warrant to the Constable directed leuie the same: 14: of 11 mo 1055: 41 It is ordered at a generall Towne meeteing that all Voates for Voates that shall henceforth be giuen for the accptance of Townesmen psons to be Townesmen shall be giuen in by kernels of wheate. and Indian Corne: the wheat to be vnderstood to be for the affirmatiue and the Indian come for the negatiue. 1 of. 11. 1655 42 This is to giue publike notice that we the Select men Inmates vpon consideration of that charge and trust committed to vs by the Court: Title order Townships: Sect 4: doe there heerby declare, that though we haue bene willing to coniue at some and be slowe in our actings in this case hetherto: yet now we Resolue and accordingly pub- lish and by vertue of the fore recited Lawe Order that no man (being a single man) shall Hue out of seruice or sojourn in any place or Familie with- in this Towne or be Inmate (either single man or others without the consent and allowance of the Select men for the time being: and from time to time: vpon the forfieture of the penall sume of Twentie shillings for euery such offence continued for the space of one whole month: y e 14 of 11 mo 1055 43 Whereas seuerall men that haue bene admitted to the Townsemen p r uelidge of being Townesmen with vs and therby to such remoued^ rights & p r uelidges and enjoym ts as are anexed there vnto and yet remoue themselues and thier Families out of our Towne. It is therefore Ordered that all such psons as are allready Admitted as before saide or shall heereafter be admitted, and that haue or shall heere- after so remoue themselues and thier Families and remaine and dwell out of our Towne the space and time of one whole yeare: all and euery such pson and psons shall therby loose all the p'"uelidge of being or being reputed Townesmen: and all the freedoms rights and benefits ariseing from his or thier admission and if -after warde any such pson or psons returne &: dwell in our Towne and shall desire to renewe the forsaid p r uelidge it shall be in the Libertie of the Towne in any of thier Generall meeteings to accept or refuse as they shall se cause. y e 17 of y e 10 mo. 1656: 44 For the better exsecution of thos orders formerly made Swine to be about Swine that thay be sufficiently yoaked and Ringed ringed all accordinge to the orders of the towne Richerd Elice is de- t he year puted to take care of the east street and midle plaine so fare as the mettinge hovse to see the orders duely exsequted and for his paines therin the former penalties imposed vpon the owners of such swine as are not sufficiently yoked and Ringed are to bee recauied by the said Richard for his owne vse: and vpon his neglect of his trust in not exse- qutinge the towne orders he shall forfitt for every such ofence to the towne one shillinge. DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. 19 And the like trust and charge in every respect that we haue commetted to Richard Elice we doe commett to John Bacon for the rest of the Towne he to recaiue the like feews for his paynes and pay the like penalties for his neglect this power to remaine in thes mens hands till other be chosin in ther rome: Dated 14: 11 m 1656 45 Conceringe the orderinge of fences about remot fillds Power of Itt is Ordered that the viewars of fencis about the remote filds v lew ars of Fences are invested with the same power concerninge Fencis about about remot filds such filds: as thay are appointed vnto; that the woodreiues haue by the Towne order and to actt 'in all respects accord- ingly. 46 Itt beinge found by much exsperience. that much Killin of Damage is done by blackbirds espetially in Indian Corne Blakbirds &c both in the Springtime and afterward and att this time more then ordanarie and no effectuall course haue ben takin for the subduinge of them which same other townes haue done and by ther exsperience haue found it much for ther advantage as also for the destroying crowes Jayes Chirie birds which also doe much harme Itt is therfore Ordered that henceforth who soever shall kill in our Towne any of the blackbirds shall haue ninepence a dozin & for the other birds a peny a bird provided thay bringe the heads of all such birds as thay kill to sume one of the Selectmen who is to keep account of the heads so brought and the persons that bringe them that so thay may haue there pay out in a Towne rate which shall be levied vpon the arable land in the Towne This order to stand in force till the Selectmen see case to alter it. 47 In consideration of the anoyance and trouble that haue Dry Cattell bene somtimes formerly to seuerall of the home heardes and reslrayned heardsmen by reason of drye Cattell goeing at liberty with- out a keeper. It is therefore Ordered, that if any Inhabitant of this Towne shall suffer any of thier dry Cattell (working oxen onely ex- cepted) to goe at home at libertie so as any of the home heards shall be p r judiced by them or any of them then euery such Inhabitant shall paye to the owners of the heard so p r judiced the summe of five shillings for euery beast so goeing at liberty: 25 of 12 mo: 1658: 48 Whear as it doe apeare the Towne lader that do belonge For the meting to the meeting howse and haue beene mad oncapable of howse lader sarvic in respecte of breaking and loosing ovt the staues which tend to the damage of the Towne: it is theirfore ordered: that whosoeuer shall remove or cavse to be removed the aforesayd lader excpt in cause: of fire vpon sume hovse shall forfit to the vse of the Towne for every such ofence: the sume of five shilings: 9 10 mo 1661 20 DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. DEDHAM [*Contentment] The 18 August 163G being y e 6: month Assembled whose names are heervnd r written viz* Edward Alleyn, Abra- ham Shawe, Samuell Morse, Phillemon Dolton, John Dwite, Richard Eu r ard, /Rafe Shepheard, John Coolidge, Thomas Hastings, Nicholas Phillips, John Kingsbery, John Gaye, John Rogers, Francis Austen, Daniell Morse, Joseph Morse, John Huggen, John Ellis And with one accord agreed vpon these conclusions followeing viz* 1 Wheras all men that are admitted into our society doe Informacon First of all Coven* by subscribeing their'names to keepe of discou r ed from vs all such as shall not be fownd fitting. For w ch Cause it is necessary that every man in our sayd assembly shold give Informacon what he knoweth concerneing any man that is soe p r sented vnto vs to be enterteyned. But for as much as some soe doeing & the same after becomeing discou r ed by some false brother vnto the sayd ptie (& that padventure also w th some misconstruction) [ ] much emulacon may arise & faithfull pceedings [ ] For y e p r vention wherof we doe order That wh [ ] of our society shall soe doe, & therof vpon good Te[ ] be evicted. He shall then henceforth^ be excluded [ ] Assemblyes as a Covenant breaker & as a man not [ ] to be admitted into society of such as seeke peace & ensue it. And in case of noe humiliacon for satis- faction be made then such a fyne to be set vpon him as at the next meeting after shalbe thought fitting. 2 That ther shall not any waters w th in the compas of our waters s[ ] Towne become Imgpriate vnto any pticuler man: but shall Rest free for the Comon benefit of the wholl Towne For matter of Fishing. 3 That noe man whoe is in Covenant tyed vnto any other Servants pson for service for any tyme or Tearme shalbe admitted vnto vs to Receive any Lott vntill the sayd tearme or tyme shalbe fully expiered: And good testemony then given vnto vs of the same. Set out & measured by Thomas Bartlet Lotts for seu r all men as follow- eth viz*. For Samuell Morse 12. Acres. For Raffe Shepheard 12. Acres. For Philleman Dalton 12. Acres. For Lambert Genere 12. Acres. For Daniell Morse 12. Acres. For Nicholas Phillips 12. Acres. For Joseph Morse 12. Acres. all these confirmed at this meeting & are Abuttalled as by the pticulers in foil: appeth 1. Set out and measured for Abraham Shawe 12: Acres Abr: Shawe Also graunted vnto him all that medowe w ch lyeth betweene the 2: Riu r s & his Lott soe farre as his Lott extendeth west- * The asterisk within the brackets indicates that the words enclosed therewith were erased in the original text. DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. 21 ward &: Southward to haue & possesse the same to him & his Assignes for ever Graunted vnto Edward Alleyn & his Assignes for ever All that pcell of land & Medowe w eh lyeth betweene the Riv r s toward the East & the wood towards the West And abutteth vpon the woody hill towards the North & vpon the Cliffe of the Smooth playne towards the South And to haue soe much [ ] wood vpon tbe sayd playne as may [ '] beyonde the Cliffe [ ] wher it may be [ ] make a ditch & a bridge vpon the same through [ ] a Fence to pte y e land soe graunted from the sayd playne. Allwayes gvided John Gaye to haue his Lott by shall haue some Medowe pcell of the same. And also that he or they maye heerafter Con- ferre an other Lott out of the same vnto some other Freind such an one as our society may apgve of. And moreover ther is graunted soe much of y e woods as may be necessary for 3: Lotts, the sayd Edward Alleyn to haue soe much therof as shalbe fi [ ] at the discretion of Abraham Shaw Samuell Morse or Phileman Dalton, to be anexed vnto the sayd land soe graunted to him & his assignes for euer. 2 That every man that hath an wholl Lott shall haue [ ] Medowe Acres of medowe as he hath of vpland in his first graunt an house Lott, & [ ] pte of such medowe as adioyneth [ such Lot shalbe possessed by y e same man & what fales shorte is to be sup- plyed els wher: DEDHAM [^Contentm 1 ] 1636 The 29 th of y 6 6*: Month, called August Assembled whose names are vnderwritten viz* Rob te Feke, Edward Al- leyn, Abraham Shawe, Samuell Morse, Philemon Dalton, John Dwite, Lam- bert Genere, John Kingsbery, John Coolege, R[ ] Shepheard, John Gaye, Nicholas Phillips, Thomas Hastings, Frances Austen, Ezechiell Holliman, John Rogers, Joseph Shawe. Willm Bearstow And w th one accord agreed vpon these conclusions following viz* 1 Ordered that m r Robte Fekes shall haue the same Robte Fekes gportion of grownd for house lot y* others haue had assigned 7 vnto them: And y* he shall for a Fearme haue w th in twoe [ ] of his seate, soe much vpland & medowe as shalbe sufficient, in good Judgem* & he him selfe shall loveingly accept of. 2 Ordered y* single men shall henceforth haue Eight Acres 8: accre Lotts for an house lott and noe more for y er first sitting downe, & soe much medowe grownd thervnto. Resoluon y 1 as their [Families] increase they [ ] inlargem* as shalbe thought fitting & soe neer vnto t[ ] former Lott as conveniently may be pformed. And allso ] is ordered y* they shall haue ech of them An acre and an halfe of 22 DEDHAM TOWN HECOBDS. swampe to be cleered in maner & forme & cumpas of such tymes as Form r ly is limited vnto y e two acre Lotts. That y e next meeting shalbe vpon y e second day of y e next week at y e G f : h'oure in y e morneing at John Gayes house. Dedham The 5 th of y e 7: Month Called Septemb r . 1636. Assembled whose names are vnderwritten viz*. Edward Alleyn, Abra- ham Shawe, Samuell Morse, Phileman Dalton, Ezechiell Holliman, John Kingsbery, John Dwite, John Coolidge, Richard Eu r ed, John Haward, Lam- bert Genere, Nicholas Phillips, Rafe Shepherd, John Gaye, Thomas Bartlet, Francis Austen, John Rogers, Joseph Shawe, Willm Bearestow. All these being assembled subcribed their names vnto a Petiton peticon vnto y e gen r all Courte for confirmacon of [ [Graunt] to be comp r hended [ ] our towne whatsoeu r is left from all form r grants on that side of Charles R .:. /|\ & 5 miles square vpon the other side of y e sayd Riu r w th certeyne privileges of exemtion from cuntry charges for 4. yeares &c. Confirmed vnto Edward Alleyn that litle Hand w th y e 2 Edw. Alleyn drowned Iletts before graunted at y e first meeting to him & his*signes forever. Ordered y l y e next Fair day eu r y man of our society shall meet at y e foule [ ] assist to mend y e same and soe many as can to bring whel- barrowes note y l after y e assembly was disolved: m r Robte Feke came and sub- scribed his name vnto y e sayd peticon. And Thomas Hastings : John Huggin did the like at Boston, soe y* all y e names of them w ch are admitted into our society are subscribed thervnto. The Coppy of w ch peticon is in y e beginning of this Booke as also of y e Court order vpon y e same. Dedham [ ] month Called September Assembled whose names are vnderwritten viz 1 Edward Alleyn, Abraham Shawe, Samuell Morse, Philemon Dalton, John Kingsbery, Lambert Genere, Richard Eu r ard. John Coolidge, Thomas Hastings, John Gaye, John Haward, Thomas Bartlet, John Rogers, Daniell Morse After thankesgiving made vnto God for our good successe at Confirmacon y e Courte Gen r all, before specefied By virtue of w ch [ ] soe made vnto vs: we doe est [ ] confirme all y* was ordered & done by vs before this daye [ ] distinctly Red cS; well weyed accordingly. DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. 23 1 Samuell Morse chosen Collector for money to be [ ] & Collector payd out according to such seu r all occasions as shall [arise] of & conc r neingour sayd Towne: And to give account therof at what tyme or tymes soeu r , the same shall be Requiered of him accordingly. Ordered y* eu r y man shall p r sently paye into y e Collectors Money hands according to his pportion of Lott. viz* for eu r y 12.[ lot 18. ll & for eu r y 8. acre Lott 12 d towards expen [ ] made at y e last Court, buying of Bookes, & [ ] of Bridge [ ] ou r the litle Riu r . 3 Samuell Morse & Phileman Dalton vnd r takeing to mend Swamp mended y e [ ] betwen Watertowne & M r Haynes his farme. it is ordered That eu r y man of our societye shall pforme one dayes worke in the same, or otherwise to paye vnto y e sayd vnd r takers [ sum of 2 s : G' 1 : towards y e same worke. w ch is to be begon [ ] vpon y e 4 th day of y e next weeke. 4 A note Received from y e Wo rp11 John Winthrop deputy Go [ in Recomendacon of his servant Henry Kingsbery y e [ ] to sit [ w th vs: was Reacle, And his Request condecended vnto only Respited vntill y e expiracon of y e tyme of his s [ ] w ch is next not to violate our order formerly [ ] in that behalfe. 25 [November] Assembled whose names are vnderwritten viz* Robte Feeke, Edward Alleyn, Abraham Shawe, Samuell Morse, Phileman Dalton, Ezechiell Holli- man, John .Dwite, Lambert Genere, John Haward, John Coolidge, Raffe Shepheard, Thomas Bartlett, Thomas Hastings, John Huggens For as much as the Court Generall was pleased to depute m r Danforth, m r Alcocke & m r Alleyn, to set out y e bownds of Roxebery & such Farmes as lye neer vnto our Towne of Dedham we thinke Fitting to give ayde ther- vnto by Thomas Bartlet, whome we assigne to assist m r Alleyn therin; And also we assigne Daniel Morse to attend m r Danforth in pfonnance of the sayd busines if he shall Requier y e same. Wheras our Towne of Dedham being far Remote from other Townes soe that it is Requesite we shold enioye what number of people we may for our better saffety from danger : as also for other compforts depending thervpon. Wherfore we doe nowe by a generall consent order that all those w ch haue or shall heerafter Receive Lott in our sayd towne: shall before the First daye of November next become Inhabitant within our sayd Towne to imryve their sayd Lotts & soe shall ther constantly Remayne dwelling in their [ ] or such their heyers or assignes as shalbe appved of. And that for the space of Seaven yeares to come next after the First day of the third month next, coiii- 24 DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. only called May daye next ensueing this p r sent daye Except those w ch are Covenanted w th other Congregaeons w ch we doe order & enioyne to come & setle as above sayd w th in Sixe monthes after a Church \v th officers shalbe gathered in our sayd towne & ther Inhabiting, pvided that all such pties shall in y e meane tyme make all necessary p r paracon by building '&c: as may be Fitting thervnto. And yf any pson or psons haveing Lott shall not pforme heerin accord- ing to the true meaneing hereof: That all such graunte or graunts made vnto any such ptie or pties shall become voyde as yf the same had never ben. And the same Lott or Lotts w th all the appurtenances shall Returne vnto the sayd Towne to be disposed of otherwise at our pleasure vnto such as will & shall become Inhitants w th vs. For as much as vpon good consid r acon we have Form r ly ordered y l noe man shalbe admitted to haue Lott w th vs vnleast he First subscribeth both to pay equall share of Charges w th other men of the same pportion of grownd & submitt vnto all such orders & constitucons made or to be made con- c r neing our sayd towne : as also y* he shalbe a man appved of by the wholl Company: w ch we doe desier faithfully to maynetayne & keep vnviolated w th our best indeavoure. Wherfore we doe nowe Further order that noe pson soe ad- Against mitted & haveing Lott w th vs shall at any tyme heerafter Alienacons alienate bargen sell set over or assigne the sayd Lott or any pcell thervnto belonging: vnto any other pson w* soeu r (not being of our society) for the tearme of one wholl yeare or more except it be vnto such as the Maior pte of our sayd wholl Company shall appve of & the same to be Recorded in the towne booke. That onely such may still be Re[ ] vnto vs, as are desiered by our first graunts. Soe y l yf any shall soe doe contrary vnto our true meeneing heerin specefyed: the sayd Lott & lotts or pcell therof soe alienated or set over shall become voyd from y e sayd Grantees and assignes, as wholly as yf they had never possessed the same. And shall Returne vnto our sayd Towne, as free to be granted vnto any other as ever it was. Provided allwayes that what cost hath really ben bestowed vpon the same, shalbe allowed vnto the sayd pties offending, to be valewed by three vnd r standing men. Provided also y 1 this order shall not extend vnto y e case of death: Soe that it shall & may be lawefull for any ptye soe of Lott possessed to bequeath the same by will vnto whom he shall please. And also every heyer at comon lawe after death may enter vpon y e same & possesse it as his Inheritance anything heerin to the contrary notw th - standing. Moreover it is further gvided and agreed vpon that th p r sent order shall stand in Force as abovesayd For the Space & tearme of Seaven yeares next to come & [ ]longer w th out confirmacon of the same to be heerafter made for longer tyme: DEDHAM TOWN RE COEDS. 25 Dedham The 31 December 1636 Assembled whose names are heervnder written viz* Robte Feke, Ed- ward Alleyn, Abraham Shawe, Samuell Morse, John Kingsbery, Phileman Dolton, John Dwite, John Hayward, John Coolidge, Richard Evered, John Gaye, Thomas Bartlet, Thomas Hastings, Willm Berstowe, John Huggens. First y* w ch was agreed vpon the last assembly was Read and confirmed. Wheras Nicholas Phillips hath felled c r teyne trees w th out his Lott w th out licence contrary to an order made in that behalfe. Therfore he is fyned to pay vnto y e Collecto r for the vse of the Towne Sixe pence for every tree soe felled. And for y* Ezechiell Holliman hath felled one greate Timber tree for clapboard w th out his owne Lott contrary to an order made in that behalfe, therfore he is fined to pay vnto the Collector for y 6 vse of y e Towne the sum of Ten shillings. And the sayd Ezechiell is to paye in like manner for every lesser tree soe felled contrary vnto the sayd order the sum of sixe pence for a fyne as afore sayd. The sayd Ezechiell Holliman is moreover Fyned the sum of Fifteene shillings to be payd vnto y 6 Collector For that y* he hath covered his house w th Clapboard contrary vnto an order mad in that behalfe. Wheras c r teyne of our Company are gone up to inhabite this Clapbord winter at our Towne of Dedham, & y 1 other materialls are not well to be had for the [ ] closeing in of their houses in such a season, w ch thing being well taken into consideration : we doe therfore give liberty only for every such inhabitant abouesayd to make vse of Clapboard to any pte of his house for his p r sent necessety from this p r sent daye vntill the first daye of the third month next called May daye And not afterward y* soe the order in that behalfe made may stand still in force & effect to all intents and purposes for w ch it was soe made accord- ingly [* Ordered by gen r all consent y 1 yf any man henceforth from Repealed this day shall fell any Tree of sixe Inches thicknes in the Timber ires Carfe or of any scantling aboue sixe Inches in any place w th in our sayd Towne, save only w th in his owne Lott w th out licence of such as are or shalbe deputed thervnto Contrary vnto an order form r ly made in that behalfe. Shall for every such tree soe felled w th out licence Forfitt the sum of Twenty shillings of English money to be p r sently payd vnto our Collector for the tyme being to the vse & benefit of our sayd Avholl Towne accordingly.] [*It is ordered by gen r all concent y* yf any man from henceforth shall fell any tree lesse then Sixe inches in thicknes at the carfe, w th in y e distance of * Erased by line drawn through in the original. 26 DEDHAM TOWN HE COEDS. One myle from the place wher the Meeting house is assigned to stand in onr sayd Towne except in his owne Lott : shall for eu r y such tree soe felled Forfet the sum of twelve pence of English money to be p r sently payd vnto our Collector the tyme being to the vse & benefitt of our wholl towne : y l soe noe waest may be made in any grownds w ch might become any mans Lott heerafter to his p r uidise or hindrance w ch we desier carefully to p r vent.] Wheras it is ordered form r ly y l eu r y man shall haue a c r teyne Swampe ^portion of Swampe w ch he is to cleer of vnd r growne stuffe: Pyne trees as by y e order appeth: And it nowe vpon viewe appeth y 1 c r teyn places of the sayd Swampe have many good Pyne trees groweing & other places fewe or none: Therfore we doe agree & order that eu r y Lott of twelue acres may ther take Three Pynes, & eu r y Eight acre Lott twoe pynes for their p r sent vse. And the same to be well viewed: y l soe eu r y man may haue- an equall pportion soe neere as may be of the same soe viewed: To be taken before or after y e acres be measured at their pleasure vnto whomesoeu 1 y e same shall fall. A pposicon made for somewhat to be done conc r neing the 30 Acres of purchased Lands, but the same is to be considered against the next meete- ing w ch is to be for y* purpose vpon the 6 th day of the next weeke at the house of John Haward at 8. of y e Clocke in y e Morneing Dedham The 28. January being y e 11 th month 163G Assembled whose names are heere vndervvritten viz*. Robte Feke, Ed- ward Alleyn, Abraham Shawe, Samuell Morse, John Kingsbery, Phileman Dolton, Ezechiell Holliman, John Haward, John Dwite, John Coolige, John Gaye, Joseph Shawe, Thomas Hastings, Francis Austen, Willm Bearstowe, John Huggens First y* w ch was agreed vpon at our last assembly was nowe Read & confirmed Wheras ther was form r ly by y e gen r all Court graunted vnto Purchased m r Samuell Dudly 300. acres of medowe & vpland: which Landes sayd 300 acres Samuell Morse; Phileman Dalton; John Dwite and Lambert Genere did for Twenty pownds lately purchase from the sayd m r Dudly for the furtherance of a plantacon to be aboue y e Falls. And for that our Towne nowe named Dedham is seated neer vnto the sayd purchased lands: We are Willing to give vnto y e said purchasers the sum of Twenty pownds more for their advantage in buying y e same. Vnto w ch Samuell Morse, Phyleman Dalton & John Dwite being nowe p r sent have assented & accepted of. Wherfore it is nowe by gen r all consent ordered that y e first 30. Lotts allredy graunted out shall paye Thirteene shillings & foure pence p Lott vpon y e Thirtith daye of this Month into the hands of Samuell Morse Phileman Dalton & John Dwite or to one of them for satisfaction of the first Twenty pownds. DEDHAM TOWX RECORDS. 27 And further it is ordered that a c r teyne quantety of y 1 medowe w ch lyeth next vnto y e litle River shall become a somer pasture for milch Cowes: And eu r y man that payeth 13: 4 d as aforesayd shall haue the free depasturing of Twoe Cowes vpon y e p r mises. And the aforesayd purchasers shall haue the depasturing of three Cowes thervpon forever because they haue soe loveingly Resigned the same vnto our sayd Towne. And in case y 1 any man shall fayle in paym* of the sayd money vpon y e sayd 30. daye of this month shall forfet his depasturing of Cowes aforesayd for ever. Except Raffe Shepheard for twoe lotts, Lambert Genere John Ellis, Richard Everard, John Rogers, & Robte Whitmore being absent: Which are vndertaken for by Ezechiell Holli- man & Phileman Dolton nowe p r sent And yf any of the sayd pties shall not pforme paym 1 of the sayd 13. 4 d . accordingly \v th in y e space of one month: It is ordered that such pty fayleing shall forfet y e sayd benefit of his depasturing: And the same shall belong wholly vnto the sayd vndertakers as their j>p Right for ever. Moreover it is ordered that y e other Twenty pownds shalbe payd by other Thirty lotts next to be graunted viz 1 Thirteene shillings & four pence p lot as every man shalbe admitted, to make vp Sixtye Lotts in all. And eu r y man soe paying 13. 4 d shall haue the like benefit of depasturing of Twoe Cowes as y e form r 30 lotts had. And yf it shall happen y 1 soe many lotts be not granted w th in y e Cumpas of one yeare from this daye That then, all we y 1 are allredy admitted shall make good to y e sayd pties whatsoeu 1 is want- ing of the sayd last 20: & haue vnto ourselves & assignes y c sayd depas- turing forever. It is agreed y* John Coolidge (in consideracon of his laying Jo: Coolidge downe of some Right he had in y e sayd purchased 300. acres) Is Released of y 1 Iniunction for coming to inhabit w th in 6. monthes as appeth by an order made y e 14 November last. Allso y* Ezechiell Holliman is Remitted all his Fynes form r ly Ez: Holliman seased in consideraeon of some moneyes disbursed by him for y e benefit of our Towne. Dedham The 21 February being y e 12. Month 1636 Assembled whose names are herevnder written Edward Alleyn, Abra- ham Shawe, Samuell Morse, Philemon Dalton, Ezechiell Holliman, John Kingsbery, John Dwite, John Haward, John Coolidge, Thomas Bartlet, Thomas Hastings, Francis Austen, John Huggens First y t w ch was agreed vpon at our last assembly was nowe Reade & confirmed. Wheras Abraham Shawe is Resolved to erect a Cornemill Ab: Shawe in our towne of Dedham, we doe grante vnto him Free Myll liberty soe to doe. And for that purpose we haue nowe assigned Edward Alleyn Samuell Morse Ezechiell Holliman 28 DEDHAM TOWN RECOUPS. Thomas Bartlet & Nicholas Phillips, or any 4: or 3. of them to accompany him & his workmen to fynd out a convenient place And viewe what Fitting [timber] is about y* place soe fownd for y* purpose: As also to order every- thing conc r neing y e pfecting of y e same. Remitted vnto Nicholas Phillips all his fynes in consider- IV. Phillips aeon of his charges in enterteynm 18 form r ly & diu r sely made. Set out by Abraham Shawe & Samuell Morse pcell of y e wood amongst the Rocks vnto Edward Alleyn &c according to a graunt made vnto him y e [18:] of y e 6: month to haue straight vp vnto y e m r ked tree, & to haue y e same distance throughout adioyneing to y e graunted p r mises vnto y 6 Riuer accordingly. Done in the p r sents of Raffe Shepheard & many others &c The same to beginne at the Southermost lyne of the sayd 2 Lotts soe set out & measured by Tho: Bartlet & soe alongst amongst y e sayd Rocks vnto y 6 River the aforesayd distance throughout. Dedham The 23 th of y 6 first Month called March 1636-7 The First Assembly in Dedham by whose names are vnderwritten viz* Edward Alleyn, Abraham Shawe, Samuell Morse, Phileman Dalton, Joseph Shawe, Ezechiell Holliman, Lambert Genere, Nicholas Phillips, Raffe Shepheard, John Gaye, Francis Austen, Willm Berstowe, John Rogers, Daniell Morse, John Huggens 1 First y* w ch was agreed vpon y 6 last assembly was Read & confirmed. 2 Jonathan Fearebanke being p r sented by John Dwite was accepted & subscribed. 3 Graunted to Samuell Morse y* necke of medowe lying S: Morse next vnto y 6 medowes graunted vnto Edward Alleyn towards the North to have it for a medowe Lott: And yf it gveth by measure to be more or lesse then 12: Acres to be Reckoned vnto him accord- ingly. Also graunted vnto him. All y 1 vpland w ch lyeth betweene y e Rocks & y 6 sayd Medowe, to begine at y e Northermost end of those lands graunted vnto Edw: Alleyn & to extend soe farre as the sayd nowe graunted medowe extendeth towards y 6 North. 4 Ordered y* in y e greate Hand vnd r y e Rocke shall a yard Hogsyeard be paled in for Swyne, the pale to be cut 6: foote, a single Rayle 12: Foote longe. y e posts mortised, pales to be bownd to y 6 Rayles w th poles & withes: w ch Lambert Genere hath vnd r taken to doe at 2?. 4 d p Rod, & to build a sufficient shead to lodge the Swyne into the bargayne. to be payed by those of our towne y 1 doe put any Swyne therinto Sam: Morse, Jonath: Fearebanke, & Willm Bearestowe or any twoe of them are to assigne the Tymber for it. 5 Wheras ther hath ben made some pposicons by Abraham Ab. Shawe Myll Shawe for y 6 erecting of a Corne Mill in our Towne. We doe now grante vnto y 6 sayd Abraham Sixty Acres of Land DEDHAM TOWN RJ5CORDS. 29 to belong vnto y e sayd Mill soe erected pvided allwayes y* the same be a Water Mill, els not. We order also y* eu r y man y* hath lott w th vs, shall assist to breng the Milstones from Watertowne Mill by land vnto y 6 boateing place neer m r Haynes his farme. It is alsoe further graunted vnto y e sayd Abra- ham y* the sayd grownd & mill soe to be builte shalbe at his owne dispose- ing in case of sale or other atienacon at his pleasure. Saveing y* our Towne shall haue y e first Refusall of it, at such a price as an other man wold Realy give for any such alienacon accordingly. 6 Granted vnto Edward Alleyn two Acres vpon the Smoth Edw: Alleyn playne to lye Right before & next vnto his Hand for his better accomodaeon in building & inhabiting his sayd Hand. 7 Granted vnto Philemon Dalton, Lambert Genere, Raffe Ph: Dalton Shepheard & Joseph Morse, one pcell of Medowe as it lyeth L: Genere vpon y e River, betwene y e barren hills & y e sayd Riu r : in Ra: Shepherd consideracon of their paynes taken in first discou r y of the Jos: Morse . North side of our Towne. 8 Granted vnto Samuell Morse & Edward Alleyn one S: Morse smale pcell of medowe lying next above &: neere vnto y e Ed: Alleyn form 1 " medowe soe granted & as y e same doth: in consider- acon of their like paynes taken in discou r y of y l side of our Towne. 9 Wheras vpon y* 31. December last it was ordered to Re- Smale tres strayne trees of vnd r 6: inches in y e carfe for being felled Swampe w th in a myle distant from our Meeting house intended. It is nowe by vs p r sent ordered y* it be Restrayned vnto vpland grownd only: soe y 1 all Swampes soe long as they are not lotted out, are Free for such trees to be taken only for necessary vses, w ch also may further y e cleering of Swamps w ch is much to be desiered. 1637 The 25 th Aprill being y e 2 d Month 1637 Dedham Assembled whose names arevriderwritten viz 1 Edward Alleyn, Abraham Shawe, Samuell Morse, Philemon Dalton, John Kingsbery, John Dwite, John Haward, Lambert Genere, Raffe Shepheard, Nicholas Phillipps, John Gaye, Frances Austen, Jonathan Farebancke, Daniell Morse, Willm Bearestowe, John Rogers, John Huggens. 1 First y l w ch was agreed vpon the last assembly was Read & confirmed 2 M r Thomas Carter p r sented by Philemon Dalton was Th: Carter p r sented accepted & subscribed. 3 Ordered y* the watches & wards shalbe carefully set & Seriante kept & all other things done & pformed according to y e order of [ ] in y e best manner we may be able. And to that purpose Daniell Morse Chosen Seriant at Armes to order the same vntill we haue other supply. 30 DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. 4 Wheras Frances Austen made knowne vnto vs y l his Lott Fr: Austen pveth very defective & soe Refering himselfe vnto y e com- pany. It was Resolved by vs y* it shold afterward be Rec- tefyed. 5 Wheras Lambert Genere haueing pvided Clapbord for Clapbord his house, but hindred laying the same both by sicknes as also by some imploym 18 for our generall good. In w ch Re- spect at his Request liberty was [ ] graunted vnto him for laying y e same vntill y e first of June next the form 1 " order to y e contrary not w th standing. Wheras meetings haue ben agreed vpon & tymes apoynted Absence fro accordingly, it hath often happened y'by y e slacknes of many meeteings their comeing, others haue by long attendance waested much tyme to their greate damage. It is nowe for p r venticn therof agreed & ordered that whoesoever shall haue Received notice of such a meeteing & shall absent himselfe one halfe houer after y e beateing of the drunie shall forfet twelve pence. And yf any shall wholly absent himselfe shall forfet the sum of Three shillings & Fewer pence, except ther be some greate occasions to the contrary & y e same to be allowed of accordingly in eyther of y e sayd cases. Dedham The 11. th of y e Third Month comonly called Maye. 1637 Assembled whose names are vnderwritten viz'. Edward Alleyn, Abra- ham Shawe, Samuell Morse, Philemon Dalton, John Dwite, Lambert Genere, Nicholas Phillips, Joseph Shawe, Raffe Shepheard, John Gaye, Jonathan Farebanke, Daniell Morse, Willm Bearestowe, Joseph Morse, Francis Austen, John Rogers. 1 That w ch was agreed vpon y e last meeting was Read & confirmed. 2 Wheras Thomas Cakebread of Watertowne hath diu r sely Cakebrcad, manifested his desier to come and have Lot w th vs. It is agreed y* vpon good consideraeon of his knoweledge in Mar- shiall afayers & in other cases he may become an vsefull man in our Towne. Therfore Abraham Shawe Clarke of our traynedband Daniell Morse Sariant, & Philemon Dalton are apoynted totreate w th him conc r neing such pposicons as may be thought Fitting conc r neing the same his enterteynem* 3 Edward Alleyn, & Abraham Shawe appoynted to attend the next court both for defence conc r neing Watertowns gposicons against the North side of our Towne : as also for other businesses ther to be pformed. And also that they may choose other of our society to assist them yf yf occasion serve & all at a com on Charge. 4 Wheras vpon good viewe taken of y 6 Swampes next y 6 Swampe Towne they are fownd to be soe greate y* y 6 form 1 pportion al- lotted to men will not be neere sufficient to cleere them wherfore we doe nowe by a gen r all consent order that soe many as haue 12: DEDHAM TOWX RECORDS. 31 acre lotts may haue 4 acres for their 2: acres foiyn r ly granted, & those 8 acre lotts may haue 3. acres of Swampe yf they please, otherwise not. Provided allwayes that [ ] the fourth pte of y 1 w ch [ ] man doth accept of shalbe cleered eu r y yeare in manner and forme according to y e first order Ordering also y* whosoever shalbe fownd defective shall for eu r y defaulte soe made forfett y e price of an Ewe kid then to be [ ] valewed and payd vnto y 6 collector for benefit of y e wholl towne. It is to be the [ ] valewe of an Ewe kid of Eight weekes old when y e defect is soe fownd. Agreed to take swampe according to y is order Acres Acres Ed: Alleyn 4 La: Gen r e 4 Ab: Shawe 4 Ra: Shepherd 4 Sa: Morse 4 Ni: Phillipps 4 Ph: Dalton 4 Jo: Gay 4 Jo: Dwite 4 Jo's: Shawe 3 Da: Morse 4 Jo: Morse 4 Wm: Berstowe 3 Jon: Farebanke 4 Fr: Austen 4 Jo: Rogers refuse. 58 5 Graunted vnto Abraham Shawe one litle hill of grownd Ab: Shawe as it lyeth incompased w th Swampe aboue the Easterly side of y e litle Riu r , in consideracon of some care & paynes taken of & conc r ning our Townes busines. gvided that he take 4: acres of Swamp to him selfe &: his son Joseph 3. acres all to adjoine vnto y e said litle hill, and cleer y e same accordingly. 6 Agreed y 1 Phileman Dalton shall haue his 4: acres of Ph: Dalton Swampe to lye next aboue m r Shawe & John Dwite his 4 John Dwite acres next above Phil: Dalton. 7 Ordered y* strangers hoggs may be enterteyned to be Hoggs kept amongst ours in the Hand, yf they paye [ ] shillings p yeare for ech heade or Swyne. wherof 18 d is to be payd at the entrance & the rest before the Swyne be taken awaye. 8 Thomas Hastings laying downe his lott vnto our society Jo: Eaton John Eaton is enterteyned into y e same & subscribed. 9 Wheras y e evill disposicon of y e Natiues hath caused vs of late to vnd r goe very much watching & wardings &c wherby much expence of municon &c hath ben amongst vs to our greate Charge & detrim* besids our tyme expended & the samelike still to continewe. wherfore we doe by gen r all concent order y* eu r y man that henceforth shalbe admitted vnto vs shall p r sently paye vnto our Collector Ten shillings of English money to be im- ployed for municon &c for gen r all defence of our Towne y* all men [in some] pp ortion beare charge accordingly. Dedham The 14 th of y e 5 th month cofhonly called July 1637 1 637 Assembled whose names are vnd r written viz 1 . Thomas Carter, Edward Alleyn, Abraham Shawe, Samuell Morse, John Kingsbery, John Haward, 32 DEDHAM TOWN EECOEDS. Phileman Dalton, John Dwite, John Coolidge, Nicholas Phillips, John Gaye, Raffe Shepherd, Joseph Shawe, Jonat: Farebanke, Frances Austen, Daniell Morse, John Rogers, Wm Bearstowe. That w ch was agreed vpon y e last meeting is confirmed. Ralph Wheelocke Thomas Cakebread & Henry Phillipps admitted whoe subscribed accordingly. Dedham The 18 th of y e 5 th month comonly called July 1637 1637 Assembled whose names are vnderwritten Thomas Carter, Edw: Alleyn, Abra: Shawe, Sam: Morse, Phil: Dalton, John Dwite, Lambert Genere, Nicho: Phillips, John Gaye, Raffe Shepheard, Joseph Shawe, Jonath: Faerbanke, Frances Austen, Daniell Morse, John Rogers, Willm Bearestowe. 1 That w ch was agreed vpon y e last meeting is confirmed. 2 Ezechiell Holliman Requireing concent of our society to Ez: Hollimans turne over his Lott, as also y* w ch he purchased of Raffe alienacon to Jn Shepheard vnto John Kingsbery & Joseph his brother it is & Jos: Kings- condescended soe to doe. gvided y l the sayd Joseph subscribe bery vnto our Covenant accordingly 3 Vpon some agitacon conc r neing m r Daltons Joyneing w th m r Dalton vs It is consented vnto, vpon y 6 manifestation of his Resolu- con to sit downe w th vs in a Civell condicon w th out further expectacons pvided y* y* he brengeth c r tifficate from y e magestrats. 4 M r John Allen w th diu r se others being ppownded to sit m r Jn Allin downe w th vs onely in the same condicon. they are accepted soe to doe gvided y* they breng c r tifficate from y e mages- trates according to the order of Courte as they ought to doe. 5 It is agreed conc r neing Clapboarding of houses y l it Clapboard shalbe at liberty vntill midsomer day next, not w th standing y order w ch is afterward to stand in force from y 1 day forward Ferdinando Adam, Michaell Metcalfe, m r John Allen, An- Admitted thony Fisher, Tho: Wight, Eleasor Lusher, Robte Hinsdall, John Luson, John Fisher, Thomas Fisher, m r Timothy Dal- ton & John Morse, gduceing c r tifficates from y e Magestrates subscribed vnto our Covenants accordingly. Dedham The 11 th of y e 6: Month comonly called August 1637 Assembled whose names are vnderwritten, viz* m r Tymothy Dalton, Ralph Wheelocke, Edw: Alleyn, Abra: Shawe, Sam: Morse, John Haward, Mich: Metcalfe, Ferd: Adam, Ant: Fisher, Eleas: Lusher, Lam: Genere,, Nich: Phillips, Jonat; Farebanke, Raffe Shepheard, Tho: Wight, John Luson,. DEDHAM TOWN EECOEDS. 33 Tho: Fisher, Fra: Austen, John Morse, Dan: Morse. Jos: Morse, Willm Bear- stowe, Henry Phillips. That w ch was agreed vpon y e last meeteing was Read and Confirmed. 1 Imp r wheras Certeyne Lotts haue long lyne wast vpon the names of John Ellis & John Coolidge w th out any imploym*. It is ordered y* yf they doe not w th in 6. dayes set on to build & impve the sayd lotts as is Req- uesite. That then the sayd Lotts shalbe at liberty to be disposed of vnto some other men. And they to haue Lotts layd out for them whensoeu r they will set on to impve y e same as they ought to doe. And the very like for that lott w ch John Dwite hath layd out for a freind in grateficacon. 2 It is ordered y* yf m r Peter Prudden w th 15. more of his m r Prudden Company shall please to come vnto vs, they shall haue enter- teynem 1 & Lotts accordingly to be layd out for them, breng- ing c r tifficate from y 6 magestrats as is Requiered. 3 Wheras ther are about 16: acres of land Remayne lying 2: acre Lotts at the Southermost corner of the mydle playne as yet vn- lotted out. It is ordered y 1 it shalbe layd out into 2: acre lotts to set houses vpon: And their Swampe lotts shall adioyne thervnto. yf ther it may be had. And further shall haue layd out for them vnto ech 2: acre Lott 12: or 14: acres of grownd according vnto y e neernes or goodnes of the same: to be ether vpon the Wigwam playne or els vpon the Eastermost playne beyond Robte Hinsdalles, And to y 1 purpose we doe order that noe more houselotts shalbe layd out vpon the sayd East playne. 4 Moreover yf any man shalbe willing to depte w th any p' celling of pcell of his Lott for y e accomodateing of any to be ent r - Lotts to be teyned for their habitacons. We doe order y* such shall haue recompensed layd out for them in Recompence vpon y 6 wigwam playne or vpon the Eastmost playne or some other place of y* distance as shalbe agreed vpon for eu r y acre soe dapted w th : One acre & an halfe: or yf further convenient distance shall haue twoe acres for eu r y acre soe de- pted w th And such as accept of such pcells shall haue them made vp com- pleat Lotts after such like pportions. 5 It is consented that Nic: Phillipps may purchase of R. Shepherd Joseph Kingsbery y* Lott w ch form r ly was graunted vnto gratef: Lott Raffe Shepheard for a grateficacon: to dispose vnto some Alienated other man 6 Graunted y* John Bacheler, & John Roper may haue Enterteynm 1 . Lotts w th vs. Also y e like to Marten Phillips vnto whom Jo: Roper Nic: Phillips pmiseth pt of his lott to set an house vpon Jo: Bacheler pvided that they breng c r tifficates & subscribe vnto o v Ma: Phillips coven* 8 accordingly. 34 DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. Nat: Colborne to 7 It is consented that Nathaniell Colborne may haue Ph: Dalton Philemon Daltons grateficacon Lott, brenging c r tifficate & gratefieacon Lott subscribeing accordingly. 8 It is ordered y l eu r y man y 1 hath not done his dayes N: towne worke at Newtowne Svvampe shall meete thervpon the third Swampe day of the second weeke followeing-this to mend the same & other places. 9 Ordered y l ther shalbe 2: Rods broade p r sently cutt Pond head downe & cleered for an high waye in the Swampe at the heade of the pond vnto the [ ] of the Wigwame playne. And Nicholas Phillips vnd r taking y e same It is ordered that our Collector shall make payment therfore. 10 It is ordered y 4 a dilligent & a carefull Respect shalbe High wayes had for y e laying out of all high wayes y 4 may be conceived Fitting & to be well m r ked & dooled, & the bredthes seu r ally Recorded. And for y* we may not foresee all that afterward may be fownd fitting in that behalfe. We therfore as carefull of the compforte of succeed- ing tymes doe order that it may be lawefull at any tyme heerafter for our society or some of them y* may be deputed foi such busines, to take & laye out in or through any mans lott: a sufficient Cartewaye, horseway, or Foote- waye for y e vse of all men or some pticuler mans accomodations. Allwayes pvided that care be had to doe the same w th as litle p r iudice vnto y e owner as may be. And y* such full Recompence shalbe made vnto y e sayd pos- sessor as may be vnto his satisfaction by some other pcell of grownd in our sayd Towne to be therfore valewably (as shalbe adiudged) given vnto him: both for y e grownd itselfe & the conveniehcy therof, as also for the fenceing of y e same in all Respects: yf y e same be to be done by the possessor or otherwise by our Towne accordingly. 11 It is agreed y* Jeffery Myngey shall haue a c r teyne pcell Jeff: Mingay of grownd given him to build vpon & to imploye as may be sufficiently convenient for his subsistance. 12 It is condescended that m r Wheelock may lay out some R: Clarke pte of his Lott vnto Rowland Clarke to build an house vpon G: Bearestowe & y 1 our Towne shall conferre vpon him some more grownd for an addieon thervnto. And the like to Willm Bearstowe for his brother George Bearstowe. 13 It is by a gen r all consent agreed y* Henry Smith shall H. Smith haue y e next Lott y* is graunted out in our Towne. 14 For as much as our pportion of allottm 18 that we haue Noe more form r ly Resolved vpon are nowe fully compleate according enterteynem 1 to o r Intendem ts We doe nowe therfore fully agree by a gen r all consent that noe more Lotts shalbe graunted out vntill a further viewe be made what accomodacon may be fownd, for comp- DEDHAM TOWN RECOEDS. 35 fortable enterteynem 1 of others. In the meane tyme those whoe haue given [on] their names desiering to haue Lotts w tu vs shall haue a negatiue Answer given them, for y* we haue as many as we conceive can "yet be enterteyned. 15 M r Dalton, m r Shawe, Samuell Morse, & Jonathan Bridge Farebanke Chosen to viewe, & estimate the Making of a Caunsey &: bridge ou r the litle River: That w th expedi3on somewhat may be done for effecting of the same. Wheras it was ordered y l m r Robte Feke shold haue an house Robte Fekes Lott as others haue also y* he shold haue for a farme w th farme in 2: myles soe much vpland & medowe as shalbe sufficient &: he accept of. Soe it is nowe y* he hath accepted of 12: Acres for an house Lott lying by y e Rocks towards the East And 150 acres at y e backe of y e Rocks towards y e west. And one pcell of Medowe lying be- neath the same towards y e North next Charles Riu r as it lyeth by the sayd Riu r buttelled & bownded betweene a litle brook & c r teyne Rocks: As also to haue 12. Acres of Medowe to be Layd out els wher as other men haue. vided allwayes y* what portion shall at any tyme fall vnto him by other devisions in y e Towne: the same shalbe layd out to adioyne vnto the sayd 150: acres as is Required. Layd out For John Kingsbery in y'greate Hand about 9. acres Jn. Kingsbery more or lesse as it lyeth betweene the medowe & hill towards the South of y e Rocks towards the North & abutteth vpon y e Claypitts towards the West y c swampe towards the East: together w th a c r teyne Corner of grownd lying at y e West syd of y e Claypitts. As also One pcell of Rocky grownd as it lyeth betweene pte of his sayd Lot & the Riu r towards the South to make vp his full Lott soe estimated. Dedham The 28 th of y e 9 th Month. 1G37 Assembled whose names are vnderwritten John Allen, Tymothy Dalton, Thomas Carter, Raffe Whelocke, Edw: Alleyn, Abr: Shawe, Sa: Morse, John Kingsbery, Mich. Metcalfe, Ant: Fisher, John Luson, John Haword,^ohn Bacheler, Joseph Kingsbery, Phile- man Dalton, John Dwite, Tho: Wighte, Nich: Phillipps, John Gaye, Raffe Shepheard, Jon: Farebancke, Jos: Shawe, John Eaton, Fra: Austen, John Morse, Daniell Morse, Jos: Morse, John Rogers, Henry Phillipps, Eleaser Lusher, Robte Hinsdall, John Roper, Marten Phillippes. That w ch was agreed vpon the last meeteing was Reade & Confirmed. 1 Wheras m r Prudden w th 13. more of his Company at our m r Prudden last meeting had liberty given to come & haue Lotts in our Towne yf they soe pleased: But not haueing since vnd r stood anything of their acceptance: we nowe hould ourselves noe longer to stand engaged vnto them therin. 36 DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. 2 For as much as Tho: Bartelet hath not attended vnto y e Measurer Measuring out of our Lotts, wherby our Towne is much Comittees p r iudised. we wholly discharge him of that Imploym 1 vntill he shall come & inhabit w th vs. And we make Choyce of Eleaser Lusher to pforme the same busines & to haue the like wages. And doe give him liberty to make choyce from tyme to tyme of whom he shall please to assist him: And for y e better effecting of all such businesses, we doe make choyce of m r Tymothy Dalton Edw:. Alleyn & Abraham Shawe Comittees, y* they or any twoe of them shall direct such measurings or setting out of all such lands as are or shalbe graunted as is necessary accordingly. 3 We order y l eu r y mans Swamp not yet layd out shalbe Swampe Pynes done w th all expedition. And therfore we also order y* noe more Pynes be felled any wher w th out the pticuler assignem 1 of y e aforesayd Comittees or twoe of them. Only those pynes y 1 before this daye are felled vpon other mens Lotts 'shall stand good vnto the fellers, yf they take them both stock & toppe awaye cleer before the first daye of' the third Month next, els not, & then moreover yf he taketh awaye pte and not all, he shall forfet twenty shillings vnto the Towne. And also gvided that such feller shall pmit him vpon whose Lott such tres weare felled, to take in like maner soe many such trees vpon his owne swampe at any tyme after- ward when he shall please after^y 6 same be layd out, the sayd Pynes to be ther assigned by 2: of y e aforenamed Comittees. 4 We doe order y* eu r y Inhabitants in our Towne y* hath Trees to be not Pynes Clapbord trees, or other Tymber convenient for Assigned their vse: may have it assigned vnto them for supply of their appent wants by our sayd Comitties or twoe of them. Every mans ppriety allwayes Reserved. 5 We doe order y* all highwayes p r sently needfull shall w l Highwayes expedieon be orderly set out by our Measurer, & twoe of y e sayd Comittees, w th the assistance of some of the neighbours, w ch the sayd high wayes are adiacent vnto. And the same, to be well m r ked & dooled w th lastinge dooles. C Ordered y 1 400: planke shalbe forth w th sawne & layd for 400 Planke a passage over the litle River. M r Dalton vnd r taking to sawe the same w th in one month we order y* our Collector shall pay him for the same. And John Dwite shalbe alowed for shulveing y e Snowe 7 John Kingsbery & John Hayward appoynted to order y e Bndge makeing of a foote bridge over the greate River over against m r Carters lott At a Comon Charge. DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. 37 8 It is agreed that vvhoesoeu r shall Really intend to make Canooe a Caiiooe for his gp vse may haue one Pyne assigned vnto him by twoe of our sayd Comitties (not haueing of his owne sufficient y er vnto. Provided that he doth finish y e same Canooe w th in thirty dayes after y e same be felled vpon y e penalty of 20 s . fyne as Form r ly in case of Tymber disordered felled. 9 Henry Smith is accepted to haue a lott according to our If: Smith former gmise, subscribeing his name vnto our Covenant, paying Charges & brenging certificate. 10 Ordered that Edward Colver wheelwright shall haue Ed: Coluer twoe Acres layd out for y e p r sent for imploym* in his trade & after to haue an addicon els wher as shalbe fownd need- full. In the meane tyme to haue free liberty of taking Timber for his trade every mans gpriety Reserved. 11 It is Agreed y l soe many as will Joyne together to fence Hoggs Parke in a pcell of grownd for y e keeping of Swyne shall haue soe much set out vnto them in some convenient place for y* pur- pose: And y* the same shalbe in equall gportion gp vnto them for ever. Pro- vided y l every mans gportion of Fenceing alike be pfected before the 15 th day of y e second Month next & those y l doe beginne and not pfect y e same soe vnd r taken shall loose their labour & the Rest may finish y e same imedi- atly after y e same daye & possesse y e same. Also it is agreed y* those w ch doe not Joyne nowe, may at any tyme after haue assigned vnto them grownd in y e like gportion for y* purpose to adioyne vnto the former or in some other place. 12 It is agreed y 1 all fences agaynst high wayes next every Fenses mans Lott shalbe made before y e last of y e second month next sufficient in y a ludgem* of 4: men to be Choesen ther- vnto. And the same to ludge of every damage y* shall arise by any such defect ether in makeing or maynteyneing y e same to be p r sently made good by him y* is the ocasion therof. 13 Wheras John Dwite haueing his grateficacon Lott layd Joh: Dwite out next vnto Elea: Lusher he is contented the Towne shall make vse of the same otherwise yf they please. Provided that he may haue one other Lot layd out els wher when he shall p r sent a frend y* y e Towne shall accept of for y e same. John Fraery & Robte Willms are gpownded conc r neing the sayd Lott but not p r sent. 1 4 John Eaton manifesting himselfe to be willing to laye R: Shep: downe vnto y e Towne ether his Lott in y e Hand or that sixe 6: acres acres in y e playne w ch he purchased of Raffe Shepheard, & w ch of these to doe he hath taken 6. weeks liberty to give his Resolucon. 38 DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. Dedham The First of y e 1 1 th Month 1637 Assembled whose names are herevnder written M r John Allen, m r Tymothy Dalton, m r Raffe Wheelocke, Edw: Alleyn, Abr: Shawe, Sam: Morse, John Haward, Mich: Metcalfe, Ant: Fisher, John Luson, Tho: Fisher, Phil: Dalton, Joseph Kingsbery, John Dvvite, Lambert Genere, Nich: Phillips, John Gaye, Raffe Shepheard, Joseph Shawe, Jon: Farebanke, Tho: Wighte, Eleaser Lusher, Robte Hinsdale, John Morse, Daniell Morse, Jos: Morse, John Rogers, John Huggens, Willm Bearestowe, Henry Phillipps, Ferd: Adam, John Roper, Marten Phillips, Henry Smith, Fra: Austen. That \v ch was agreed vpon y c last meeteing was nowe Reade & confirmed. Vpon a motion made by Ant Fisher It is condescended Smiths Lott that Josua Fisher may enter vpon the Smithes Lott & ther fitt himselfe y e building & otherwise for to doe some worke of y* trade for y e Towne in the behalfe of his Father w'' h is expected this next somer. Provided y* yf he cometh not in such a tyme as may be conceived fitting by our sayd society Then the sayd Josua shall leave y e sayd Lott & y e Towne to be at liberty to put in another Smith: aloweing vnto the sayd Josua his wholl Charges vpon the same to be alowed by 2: Judicious men. Michaell Metcalfe, John Luson, Ant: Fisher & Jos: Kings- Meetinghouse bery Choesen to contriue the Fabricke of a Meetinghouse to be in length 36 Foote & 20: foote in bredth, & betweene the vpp & nether sell in y e studds 12: foote, the same to be girte and to order men to worke vpon the same in all workes as they are seu r ally apted accord- ingly. As also to ^portion the same workes & wages equally in all cases. And they are ale wed to take Pynes for y e same house for board vpon y e wig- wame playne or vpon y e entry goeing vnto the same. And are alowed to take Oakes vpon y l grownd betweene Raffe Shepheards Lott & the Swampe westward Ordered y* considering y e p r sent deepe Snowe If any man Timber shall lend Timber neer the same shall haue as much layd vpon his Lott by the Towne afterward when they shall Re- quier the same. Wheras Phileman Dalton hath consented to laye out 2. Acres Ph: Dalton of the west end of his Lott vnto Rowland Clarke to build an house vpon. It is ordered that Phileman Dalton shall haue soe much layd out vnto him in some other place w th advantage according to the order form r ly made in y l behalfe. DEDHAM TOWX RECORDS. 89 The 18: of y e 11 th Month: 1637 Our weekely meeting appoynted for other occasions falling to be at Joseph Kingsberies became altogether spent in agitacon conc r ning the meeteinghouse wher these conclusions weare agreed vpon & soe ordered y r they shold be added vnto y e busines of the form r meeting, most of the same men being also nowe p r sent First it is agreed y* ther shalbe alowed vnto such as doe fell Meetinghouse Pynes of 2: Foote over at y e carfe sixe pence, & for Oake of the same thicknes Eight pence: And for greater & smaler after y e same Rate. Thomas Wight, John Dwight, Nicholas Phillipps, John Eaton haue vndertaken to fell all at the same Rates. And agree y l yf any tree split by the default of the feller he shall loose y e felling. Crosse cutting every 2: foote over to be alowed sixe pence & soe eu r y scantling after y l Rate. Samuell Morse, Phileman Dalton, Ferd: Adam, Raffe Shepheard haue vndertaken to pforme the same. To allowe for digging of Pitts 12: foote in length 4^. foote broad [and] 5: foote deepe [2 s ]. 6< l John Morse vnd r taketh to pforme the same, & hath liberty to take what helpe he pleaseth. To alowe for saweing Pyne board 5 s & for spliting G s p Cent 1 " And for y e breaking Carfe of 2. foote deepe 3 d p foote Running measure. Carpenters to haue for makeing of pitholls 12 d y e payer Those 4. men appoynted to order y e worke shall appoynt wages for get- ting Tymber to y e pitts & other such necessary busines. Wheras John Eaton hath Relinqueshed vnto our Towne R: Shep: 6: acres those 6: acres w ch he purchased of Raffe Shepheard. Pro- to m r y-. Allen vided y* the Towne doe satisfye Ra: Shepheard & doe dis- charge him of y e sayd bargen. And y l nowe m r John Allen vndertaking to satisfye the sayd bargen, We doe w th a gen r all cosent conde- scend thervnto: And y l he may confer y e same vpon one or 2: freinds after- ward for house scituacons we aloweing vnto such his sayd freinds. Lotts els wher as is Requesite in y* behalfe. 40 DEDHAM TOWN HECOBDS. Dedham The 20 th of y e Last Month: 1637 1G37 Assembled whose names are heerevnder written viz* M r John Allen. m r Tho: Carter, m r Tim: Dalton, m r Raffe: Whellocke, Edw: Alleyn, Abr: Shawe, Sam: Morse, John Haward, Phi: Dalton, Jos: Kingsberye, John Dwite, John Coolidge, Lam: Genere, Nic: Phillipps, Mich: Metcalfe, Ant: Fisher, Tho: Wight, Elea: Lusher, Tho: Fisher, John Luson, Robte Hins- dall, John Gaye, Ra: Shepherd, Jos: Shawe, Jon: Farebanke, John Eaton, Daniell Morse, Jos: Morse, Ferdi: Adam, John Rogers, John Huggens, Will: Bearestowe, Rich: Eu r ed, Hen: Phillippes, John Morse, John Bacheler, Nat: Colberne, John Roper, Mar: Phillipps, Hen: Smith, Tho: Hastings, John Frary, Robte Williams. That w ch was agreed vpon y e last meeting was Read & confirmed. John Frary [*& Robte Willms] enter teyned to haue y 1 Lott J: Frary w ch John Dwyte layde downe vnto y e Towne w th all y e bene- fits y r vnto y e same to be belonging [*to devide y e same be- twixt them selues as they agre, we gmising at all tymes to give them further accomodacons according to y* they shall seu r ally need in their Imploym* 8 & as y e towne can well afoarde vnto them] Thomas Hastings enterteyned agayne & subscribed. 27i: Hasting For y f some men suppose y l their Lotts layd out are not full measure according to their graunt: We doe nowe order y* yf errors in Lotts any man soe conceiveing conc r ning his owne Lott maye haue Rectefyed the same measured agayne, & whatsoeu r shall therin be want- ing shall haue it made good wher it may most convenient be. Provided y 4 such pson agreeth w th the measurer for his paynes therin & twoe of our Comittees to to vievve & Rectefy y e same: And also gvided y l none shall in such case medle w th any other mans lott or other grownds at all the pty him selfe Resting satisfyed Wheras diu r se men haveing Lotts in y e smooth playne fall- supply for ing shorte of Twelve acres in their lyne: ther is set out vnto defects in Lotts them by our measurer & our Comittees soe much amongst y 8 Rocks as was adiudged fitt to make vp the valewe of 12 acres according to their seu r all wants, as by the Abuttalls & bownds m r ked out appeth. All w ch we alowe of: And nowe order y 1 all others shalbe sup- plyed in y e like case yf neede Requireth: And all to be exactly Recorded in our Towne booke accordingly That w* grownd is granted vnto every man may in quantety or quallety be made good vnto them For as much as ther hath ben often & much agitacon w th L. Generes pte Lambert Genere conc r neing y e purchase of his Eight pte of ofjoo acres the 300. acres, but noe convenient agreem 1 ariseing out of y e same, we doe nowe Relinquish vnto y e sayd Lambert all DEDHAM TOWN BE COEDS. 41 gposicons formerly made conc r neing y e same, soe y 1 it may henceforth Re- mayne vnto himselfe w th out any more treateing w th him to any other purpose. And for y* y e Reckonings conc r neing y e sayd purchased to p 'feet ye Acc: Lands are not as yet pfected: we doe make choyce of m r 0/300 acres John Allen, m r Tymothy Dalton, m r Wheelocke, Edw: Alleyn, Abr: Shawe, Ant: Fisher, & Elea: Lusher, to pfect y e same wherby such as we yet stand engaged vnto may haue satisfaction made vnto them forthw th At the Request of m r Dudly desierous to confer vpon m r m r Greene Greene 100: Acres of his gift land & desiering the towne to confer vpon him soe much grownd fit for a seate of an house as nere y e same as may be : we condescend to doe it, only Respit vntill we can take viewe wher it may be & then give him knowledge accordingly Wheras y e depth of the snowe & hardnes of y e weather hath Swampes ben such y* mens Swampes could not be measured out, much lesse could cleer them in pte as y e form r order did enioyne Wherfore we nowe by gnerall consent agree y l liberty Resteth vnto every man for y e pformance of y* first pte vntill May day next come 12: monthes except some just cause may appe to y e contrary. y e penalty notw tu standing soe that y* & y e second fourth pte be both fully cleered before y e sayd first daye of Maye vpon y e penalty therin specefyed. gvided y 4 those 2: fourth pts of ech mans Swampe w ch is next the Towne be soe first cleered. That y e feild w ch is agreed to be fenced vpon y e East side of East feild for y e litle Riu r may haue Tymber assigned by twoe of our Com- Fenceing itties for the side fences \v ch may not conveniently be had vpon y e side Lotts Provided y* care be had, to take it only vpon such places as are likely to continewe waest: as also y* the best Tymber be not waested for y e vse of fenceing. Dedham The 6 th of y e 2 d Month 1638 Assembled whose names are herevnder written m r John Allen, m r Tho: Carter, m r Tym: Dalton, m r Rafe Whelocke, Edw: Alleyn, Abra: Shawe, Sam: Morse, John: Kingsbery, Phi: Dalton, Jos: ICingsberye, John Dwite, Lamb Genere, Nic: Phillips, Raffe Shepherd, Jon: Farebanke, Jo: Eaton, Fra: Austen, Dan: Morse, Jos: Morse, Jo: Gaye, Jo: Huggens, Hen: Phillips, Mich: Metcalfe, Ferd: Adam, Ant: Fisher, Elea: Lusher, Joh: Luson, Tho: Fisher, Nat: Colborne, Joh: Roper, Mar: Phillips, Henry Smith, John Frarye That w ch was agreed vpon y e last meeting was Reade & confirmed, some- what being altered Robte Willms not comeing vnto vs. 42 DEDHAM TOWN 11ECOEDS. It is condescended y l Thomas Allcocke shall haue sixe acres Tho: Alcocke 1 of vpland & sixe acres Medowe yf he shall vpon his viewe accept of the same, not being nowe p r sent Francis Chickering accepted vnto Tho: Cakebreads Lott yf Fra: Chickering they agre for y e [cost] done ther. Otherwise to haue accom- odacon els wher as y e Towne can aford, yf he like y* same vpon his viewe. Jonas Humfry accepted to haue a lott, yf he shall accept of yon: Humfry y Lott w ch the Towne can lay out for him vpon his viewe of y c same betwene this & soon after planting tyme. Joseph Kingsbery & Nic: Phillips laying downe ech a pcell Buriall place of grownd for a buriall place, are to haue good alowance of grownd in some other place for y e same. As also y e [sayd] Nicholas for a pcell of grownd layd downe by him at the Keye. Thomas Bayes accepted to haue a convenient pcell of grownd Tho: Bayes layd out for him wher it may be fownd fitting for him to subsist by in his calleing. Jeames Allin accepted to haue sixe acres layd out for him in Je: Allen y* corner by Jeffery Myngey yf ther it may [be] fownd fitt It is consented y* m r Carter maye haue pte of y 1 hill in the m r Carter Hand form r ly layd out vnto John Kingsbery. And the sayd John to haue for satisfaction other grownd Layd out vnto him by 2: of our Comittees accordingly Fac-simile of the original grant, showing handwriting and autograph of Edward Alleyn. DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. 43 It is by gen r all consent ordered y l such as are or shalbe taken Lesse portions into our Towne haueing lesse portions of Land then form r ly Townsmen graunted vnto other men shall enioy all priviliges, as other Townesmen, & beare all charges according to their propor- tions as others doe. Ordered by gen r all consent y* all scathes done: by any Swyne Swyne shalbe be satisfyed by y e owner thereof: In maner following. The First Scath shalbe satisfyed to the full val- ewe. The Second scath done by the same Swyne shalbe satisfyed to the full doble valewe of y e damage done by them. The third scath shalbe satisfyed by paying 3. tymes soe much the damage then done doth amount vnto. being done by y e same Swyne. And y* all the sayd damages are to be payd vnto y 6 Towne, To be valewed by 3: Indifferent neighbours accordingly. This p r sent order is to begin e to be in force y e 8 th day of y is month before w ch tyme eu r y man is to m r ke his owne Swyne. Further it is ordered conc r ning Swyne y* yf any man whose Swyne have done scath shall Refuse to satisfy vnto y e Towne what is soe adiudged w th in one month after demand made. The Towne shall haue power to cease vpon y 6 Swyne for full satisfaction as aforesayd. wherfore yf any man haueing Scath done shall conceale y e Swyne & not discover whose they weare: him- selfe or any of his Famely knoweing y e same shall Receive noe satisfaction for such scath done. And yf he hath Received y e same, he shall Repaye it backe agayne yf it be gved y 4 he or his knewe the Swyne. Wheras it is Required by y e Court y 1 a booke shold be made A survey of all y e graunts of Lands done in Townes & other matters of Lands necessary & the same to be deliu r ed into y e Court & a Coppy therof to be kept in Towne & y* Coppyes may be deliu r ed vnto y 6 possessors according to their seu r all Entryes at such Rates as the Court hath ordered in y* behalfe. For w ch purpose we haue desiered Edward Alleyn to take survey of all lands layd out & To drawe notes & a Booke therof accordingly. We doe therfore w th gen r all consent order y 1 for his care & paynes in y e sayd busines every Lott shall paye vnto him twoe shillings. And y* for his assistance he may take what neighbours he shall please to further him in y e same for y e pfecting of y e sayd booke. Dedham The 30 th of y e 3 (1 Month 1638. 1638 Assembled whose names are herevnder written m r John Allen, m r Tim: Dal ton, m r Tho: Carter, m* Rafe Whelocke, Edw: Alleyn, Abr: Shawe, Sam: Morse, John Kingsbery, Mic: M.etcalfe, Ant Fisher, John Luson, Tho: Fisher, John Frarye, John Haward, Phi: Dalton, John Dwite, Lam: Genere, Jos: Kingsbery, Nic: Phillipps, John Gaye, Ra: Shepherd, Jon: Farebanke, John Eaton, Dan: Morse, Jos: Morse, Fra: 44 DEDHAM TOWN BECORDS. Chickeringe, Tho: Wighte, Elea: Lusher, Robte Hinsdale, John Morse, John Bacheler, John Rogers, John Huggens, Hen: Phillips, Nat: Colberne, John Roper, Mart. Phillips, Hen: Smith, Tho: Baye. That w ch was agreed vpon y e last meeteing was Reade and Confirmed. Ordered y* m r Tymothy Dalton, Edw: Alleyn, Abr: Shawe, Medowe Tho: Wight, Sam: Morse, John Haward & Jon: Farebanke shall measure out those pcells of Medowe w ch adioyne to mens Lotts. And to measure out soe much medowe in seu r all pcells as is al- lotted vnto eu r y man according to their graunts made vnto them. As also for soe many men more as may be thought fitting to be after- ward enterteyned vnto vs. And this being done then to haue a meeting to determine the same, yf by any meanes it possibly may be pformed. otherwise to comit y e same vnto y e [Society] by Lot to be resolved yf then it may be soe adiudged fitting Also it is agreed y l some smale pcells of vpland adioyneing Smale p 'cells of y e severall devisions of medowe shalbe anexed vnto y e same vpland fo wher it may be conveniently layd to the same w th out Medowes p r iudice vnto other devisions of vpland afterward to be layd out. Further it is agreed y l the aforesayd men shall set out some Plowe grownd plowe grownd for such men as may make vse of y e same in some shorte tyme convenient. It is agreed by a gen r all consent y* M r John Oliuer shalbe gcured to measure out the aforesayd medowes yf it may be M r Timothy Dalton & Edw: Alleyn appoynted to attend the Courte next gen r all Court for such busines as ther may befall cori- c r neing our Towne. Agreed y* a Rate shalbe made of & for all charges conc r ne- Meetinghouse ing y e meeting house according to those Lands in gportion Rate w ch eu r y man nowe hath graunted vnto him. And apoynted to make sayd Rate are Ant: Fisher, Joseph Kingsbery, Mic: Metcalfe, Jo: Luson, Edw: Alleyn, John Kingsbery, Samuell Morse. Ordered by y e maior pte y* y e Mettinghouse shalbe sett vp :2O-~ in y e place wher it nowe lyeth, or vpon some pte of y e waest 77.- grownd neer thervnto, as it was left for y* purpose. Dedham The 6 th of y e 5: Month 1638 1638 Assembled whose names are vnder written M r John Allen, m r Tim: Dalton, m r Tho: Carter, m r Rafe Whelock, Edw: Alleyn, Abra: Shawe, Sam: Morse, John Kingsbery, Mich: Metcalfe, Ant: Fisher, Mar: Phillips, Phi: Dalton, Jos: Kingsbery, Jo: Dwite, Jo: Luson, Tho: Wight, Ele: Lusher, Tho: Fisher, Lam: Genere, Nic: Phillips, DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. 45 Jo: Gaye, Ra: Shepherd, Jo: Bacheler, Jo: Frarye, Jos: Shawe, Jona: Fare- banke, Jos: Morse, Joh: Rogers, Jo: Huggens, Jo: Ellis, Hen: Phillips, Ferd: Adame, Robt Hinsdell, Nat: Colberne, Tho: Baye, Hen: Smith. Willm Bullard & John Bullard accepted of the Towne to Wm Bullard haue pte of those Lands formerly graunted vnto Edw: Alleyn Jn Bnllard w th some convenient adicon of vpland to be anexed for their inlargem 1 as it lyeth adioyneing vnto y e p r mises accordingly. The Clapboarding of houses set at liberty vnto all men from Clapbord this tyme forward. It is condescended for loveing satisfaction vnto some neigh- Meetinghouse bours on y e East side of y e litle Riu r y* y e Meetinghouse shall stand vpon y e End of Jos: Kingsberies Lott, not w th standing y 6 order made y e last meetinge. And therw th it is ordered y* satisfaction shalbe made vnto y e sayd Joseph in some other Lande for y* acre of grownd he hath [yeilded] to set y e Meetinghouse vpon. It is ordered y l The Towne shall Indeavour by all meanes Portions neere to contrive for y e accomodateing such as haue Lotts farre distant from y e Meeteinghouse w th some portions of grownd to set houses vpon neerer. And thervpon it is condescended y* m r John Allen may pos- Jn: Allen sesse y* pte of Rafe Shepheards lot soe purchased vnto him- selfe in all or in pte at his pleasure for his neerer accomoda- con to y e meetinghouse. Dedham The 28 th of y c 5 th Month 1638 1638 Assembled whose names are vnder written. m r John Allen, m r Tim: Dalton, m r Raffe Whelocke, Edw: Alleyn, Abra: Shawe, Sam: Morse, Mich: Metcalfe, Ant: Fisher, Phi: Dalton, Jos: Kings- bery, Jn: Luson, Jn: Dwite, Tho: Wight, Elea: Lusher, Tho: Fisher, Jn: Frarye, Lam: Genere, Nic Phillips, Raf: Shepheard, Jn Gaye, Jon: Fare- banke, Fra: Austen, Dan: Morse, Jos: Morse, Ferd: Adam, Hen: Smith, Jn: Rogers, Jn: Huggens, Willm Bearstowe, Hen: Phillips, Jn: Morse, Nath: Colberne, Jn: Roper, Tho: Baye. This meeting was only for y e distribution of Medowes & pformed as foloweth viz*. Assigned vnto Jn Dwite 6 a crs : 2: 23: poles of medowe as it MeJowe is measured out lying between the Riu r & the Hill in pte of his owne Lott: And 6: acres at the lower end of the greate medowe next y e River in pte of his grateficacon Lott. Assigned vnto m r Timo: Dalton 6: acres of medowe as it was measured out lying beneth streame betwene the Riu r & the hill. And also 6: acres more 46 DEDHAM TOWN RECOEDS. lying next y e same betwene the end of y 6 sayd hill & y e River northwest. And alsoe graunted vnto him all y* hill y* lyeth betwen y e sayd Medowes to runne w th a streight lyne over y e sayd hill from one corner vnto y e other of y e sayd medowes. Assigned vnto m r John Allin 12 a cs : 1: 8: pole of medowe as it lyeth next y e River aboue [stream] Assigned vnto Sam: Morse 8 a cres : 1: of medowe as it lyeth betwene m r Jn: [Allin] & John Bachelers medowe vpon condicon y* Dan: Morse shall haue y l medowe form[ r ly] graunted vnto him. Thomas Fisher 8 a cr : 1: of medowe as it lyeth next Jn: Dwite betwene y e River & the Hilles. Anthony Fisher 7 a cr : : 20i K) . as it lyeth next Tho: Fisher. Thomas Wight G a cr : : medowe as it lyeth next Ant: Fisher. John Luson 6 a crs : : 30' 10 of medowe as it lyeth next Tho: Wight be- sides 3. rods broade through y e same being 22. p: broade is 66. p. in all for an high way. John Fisher 6 a cr : 1 : 8 po . of Medowe as it lyeth next John Luson be- sides y e high waye 3. rods broade lying betweene y e Riu r & y e same. Raffe Shepheard, Lambert Genere, Jos: Kingsbery Jos: Shawe, & Nat: Colberne are assigned to take y e 16 a cr : 3: 12 po : lying downe streame next aboue y e [pond] & devide y e same betwixt them to make vp ther halfe Lotts. Raffe Shepherd to have y e over plus towards satisfaction of y* he pted w th at home. Assigned y* Dan: Morse shall haue soe much of y e next medowe to y 1 was form'ly graunted vnto his Father, to make it vp 6: acres w th y* acre & halfe at home. Ordered y 1 those w ch Inhabit on y e East side of y e litle River shall haue for y r Medowe next beneth y e greate pond. Eleaser Lusher to haue y e first 8: a,cres, 1. Roode. & 22: p to be reckoned vnto him for 6. acres Robte Hinsdall 6:: : besides y e hill John Frary 6: : : besides y e hill Fred: Adam 6::: besides y 6 vpland Mich: Metcalfe 6: : Jon: Farebancke 6: : 5 Jo: Rogers "] Wm Bearestowe 6: : 1 these 18 a cr : : 20i> is to be Devided Fra: Chickering (, 6: :20 > amongst those sayd 5: men according to Tho: Hastings 6: : I their pportions to make vp their halfe Lotts. The Smiths Lot John Dwite 6: : being pt of his grateficacon Lott as above specefyed. Joh: Huggens 6: : & 96: pole allowed for y e waest Grownd. Jos: Morse 6: : & 96: pole allowed for y e waest grownd. DEDHAM TOWN HECOBDS. 47 Job: Morse G: Rich: Euered 6: Joh: Colidge 6: 30 Jo: Roper G: 20 H: Smith 6: g. Ordered by gen r all consent y l those w ch haue not stover enough for y e catle they nowe possesse, shalbe supplyed by y e appoyntm 1 of our 3: Com- ittees or one of them. And then others to be supplyed as may be con- veniently, pvided y l those w ch nowe haue y e worst shalbe in y e next devision Recompenced accordingly in a Just and an orderly waye. The 13 th : of y c month Most of our Towne assembled in y e Morneing to take order Blacke Smith about a Blacke Smith to be enterteyned. It was agreed by diu r se men to lay downe c r teyne moneyes to buy coles to further y e same, amounting vnto 3^: 11: 8. as by y e pticulers in a note here- vnto anexed. the same money to be wrought out by y e Smith for y e sayd seu r all men when he shalbe thervnto Required That m r Carter is to haue soe much of Medoweto be p r sently m r Carter layd out for him as may make vp y* he nowe hath to be 12: Acres. Abraham Shawe, Samuell Morse, & John Kingsbery assigned Swyne to vie we scares done by Swyne. Dedham The 28: of y e 6: Month Comonly Called August 1638 Assembled whose names are vnderwritten. m r John Allen. m r Timo: Dalton, m r Tho: Carter, m r Raffe Whelocke, Edw: Alleyn, Abra: Shawe, Sam: Morse, Mich: Metcalfe, Ant: Fisher, Jn: Luson, Jn: Haward, Phil: Dalton, Jn Dwite, Lam: Genere, Nic: Phillips, Raffe Shepheard, Jon: Farebanke, Jn Eaton, Fra: Austen, Jn: Rogers, Rich: Euered, Jn: Frary, Eleas 1 ' Lusher, Robte Hinsdall, Ferd: Adam, Jn Roper, Mart: Phillips, Hen: Smith, Fra: Chickering, Willm Bullard, Tho: Baye. That w ch was agreed vpon y e last meeting was Read & Confirmed It was agreed y* Edw: Kempe Blacksmith shalbe enterteyned Ed: Kempe vnto the Smiths lott, to haue y e one halfe of y e same as it was form r ly layd out together also w th one halfe of all y e depend- ances thervnto belonging & certificate pduced. Timothy Dwite enterteyned vnto his brother Jn: his gratefi- Ti: Dwite cacon Lott to haue halfe an acre for situaoon of his house next y e hether end of y* grownd w ch the wheelwrite had, & y e Rest to be at the East end of his brothers Lott. His sertifficate gduced. 48 DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. John Hunting enterteyned to purchase John Coolidge his yn: Hunting Lott & c r tifficate gduced. M r Henry Deengayne enterteyned vnto 3 acres purchased of H: Deengayne Abr: Shawe & to haue an Eight acre Lot layd out for him some distance from y e towne w th other benefitts of our Towne accordingly. Henry Brocke enterteyned to purchase Joseph Shawe his Henry Brocke Lott & c r tifficate pduced accordingly. Agreed by gen r all consent [ ] shalbe by all good meanes m r Phillips indeavor to obteyne m r Phillips to come vnto vs, for our further compfort in what God may fee pleased to call him vnto. M r John Allen m r Dalton m r Carter m r Whelocke & Edw: Alleyne assigned to treat \v th him to y e same purpose. Joseph Moyse Joyner Weeden brickstrieker, Rich Yongs Jo: Moyse John Folger, & Tho: Leader gpownded to further con- 77/0: Leder sideracon. John Haward & Nic. Phillips chosen to mowe gather vp and Meetinghouse breng home thatch for y 6 Meetinghouse, & to take such assistance vnto them at y e Townes charge as may be con- venient for y 6 expedicon therof: together w th all maner of other Materialls for y e same: & to put it out to thatching. Dedham The 21 th of y e 7 th month. 1638 Assembled whose names are vnderwritten M r John Allen, m r Timo: Dalton, m r Tho: Carter, m r Ra: Whelock, Edw: Alleyn, Sam: Morse, John Kingsbery, Jn: Haward, Phi: Dalton, Jn Dwite, Nic Phillips, Hen: Brocke, Jona: Farebanke, Jn Eaton, Dan: Morse, Jn Rogers, Jn Huggens, W m Bearstowe, Hen: Phillipps, Ant: Fisher, Tho: Wight, Jn Luson, Jn Bacheler, Mart: Phillips, Jn Frary, Willm Bullard, Edw: Kempe, Jn Gaye, Fra: Chickering Phil: Dalton & John Haward chosen to enquier of men Re- men licenced ceived into our Towne according vnto a warrant Received for that purpose whether men be licenced by y e state to sit downe in y r Jurisdiction. Jn Rogers and Jn Farebanke appoynted to goe vpon y e Char: Riu r discou r y of Charles Riu r w th such men as shall by y 6 Courts appoyntm 1 call them y 6 2 tl day of y 6 next weeke. Jpseph Moyse Joyner & Tho: Leder form r ly ppownded to be 'Jo: Moyse considered are nowe accepted to haue ech of them 4: acres Tho: Leder of Grownd vpon y e wigwam playne. And Weeden brick- Strieker to haue 6 acres in y e same playne yf he please to accept of y 6 same & sit downe w th vs. DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. 49 Wheras diu r se abuses conc r neing y 6 taking of other mens Boates botes & Canooes w th out licence of y* Owner, to y e danger of many differences amongst vs w ch we desier to rectify ac- cording to a Court order. [Now therfore] ordering y l whosoeu r shall hereafter take any boate [contrary to the] peace w th out Licence of y e owner shall for taking any such boate to vse as aforesayd, forfet Ten shillings. And for eu r y Canooe [soe taken] shall forfet Five shillings vnto y 6 owner or owners therof. And yf any shall faile to levye y 6 sayd sum or sums soe forfeited of y e ptye offending w th in Thre monthes then y 6 sayd forfeits to be levyed by our Collector for the vse of our Towne. John Dwite & Jonathan Farebanke chosen to be head worke- Cavnsey men for the Caunsye at y 6 litle River. And are to Judge of y 6 valewe of eu r y mans dayly worke ther done & keep Just account of y 6 same. M r Robte Feke by m r Jn Allen manifesting his willingnes M r Feeke to Resigne y 1 wholl lott form r ly graunted vnto him vnto y e Townes furth r disposeing. the towne alloweing him such Charges as he hath ben at conc r neing y e same. & also pvided y l he shall haue an other Lott layd out for him when he shall come to Inhabit w th vs all w ch we condescend vnto. Abraham Shawe selleth vnto Mich 11 : Metcalfe & John Frary. Ab: Shawe All his Swamp conteyning Power acres w th all the appurte- nances thervnto belonging as it lyeth neer vnto the house Lotts of y e sayd Mic 11 & John in our sayd towne of Dedham as by his bill dated y e 10 th : of Octob r 1638. Dedham The 23 th of Nouember. 1638 1638 Assembled whose names are vnder written viz 1 . M r John Allen, M r Timo: Dalton, M r Tho: Carter, M r Ra: Whelocke, Edw: Alleyn, Sam: Morse, John Kingsbery, John Haward, Phi: Dalton, Jos: Kingsbery, John Dwite, John Hunting, Lamb: Genere, Will: Bullard, Tim: Dwite, Nic: Phillips, Rafe Shepard, Henry Brocke, Jo: Eaton, Dan: Morse,. Jos: Morse, Jn Rogers, Jn Huggens, Jn Ellis, Ric: Eu r ed, Hen: Phillips,. Mic: Metcalfe, Ant: Fisher, Edw: Kempe, Jos: Moys, Tho: Wight, Elea: Lusher, Robte Hinsdell, Jn: Luson, Jn Bacheler, Nat: Colberne, Jn: Roper.. Mar: Phillips, Hen: Smith, Jn: Frary, Tho: Bayes, Jef: Mingey, Jea: Allen. Tho: Leder That w ch was agreed vpon y e 2. last meetings was Read &: confirmed Wheras Tho: Fisher whoe vnd r tooke y 6 Meetinghouse dieth Meetinghouse before it was finished. It is agreed by gen r all consent y 1 John Roper, Tho: Bayes, & Jos: Kingsbery, shall estimate what was left vndone of y e agrem* made w th him: as also other works done 50 DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. by others interniscuously w th y e finishing therof w th in y e sayd house to be soe distinguished y l y e Towne may beare y e one & y e wedowe beare y e other accordingly. John Kingsbery hath liberty to exchange a Ditch roome at Clay Pitts y e south side of y 6 Clay pitts for soe much on y e M r Robte Feke pffering to laye downe his wholl estate in M r Feke our Towne, vpon condicon y l ther be payd vnto him y e sum of Twenty Markes of English Money when y e sayd Lott & farm form r ly granted vnto him shalbe disposed of vnto others by our Towne, w ch is agreed by gen r all consent to be pformed accordingly. Thomas Bayes to haue y l 6: acres more or lesse at it lyeth Tho: Bayes by y e Smith w th 3: acres of medowe, wher it may afterward be layd out for him w th out farther expectacon otherwise then what y e towne may freely bestowe vpon him yf they se cause. John Ellis to haue y* 7: acres w ch John Hay ward layeth jFohn Ellis downe giveing vnto y e sayd John^Haward satisfaction for y l Cost he hath ben at vpon y e same. Granted vnto Giles Fuller & Thomas Ward to haue ech of Giles Fuller them 3: acres to imgve & possesse for their owne vse & Tho: Ward benefit soe long as they shall Remayne in towne gvided all- wayes that they build none house vpon the same w th out further licence of y e towne. And also y* yf they or ether of them shall depte y e towne, shall laye his pte downe to y e townes vse being alowed for such cost as hath ben bestowed vpon y 6 same'w th out alienating any pte of y e same vnto any other w th out y e townes consent. Granted vnto Nicholas Phillips that hill & pcell of grownd Aic: Phillips w ch lyeth betweene y e high wave & Jonas Humfry w th y* smale pcell of Medowe ther vnto adioyneing as it Rangeth against y 6 South side of y e sayd hill. Thomas Bartlet laying downe all his Right in y e towne vnto Tho: Bartlet John Kingsbery for 22 s wherof 13: 4 d is for y e purchase medowes w ch he is to possesse & the Rest to be payd him by y e Towne, & soe y 6 Lott to Fall. Wheras ther was an order made y 6 28 th of y e 9 th month 1637 Hogsparke for the erecting of an hoggs Parke by such as wold Joyne in y e same in some place to be set out for y* purpose, And others afterward y e like as by y* order appeth. And for y* y e same was not begone by Reason of y 6 hard wynter Falling soe fast vpon vs. nowe therfor we doe order y* y e same may be done in y e same maner as Form r ly is spece- fyed for y* purpose by soe many as please to Joyne in y e same. Edward Richards shomaker Trumble Cowp. & Richard Barber ppownded to consideration against y e next meeting. DEDHAM TOWN RECOEDS. 51 Joseph Shawe selleth vnto Henry Brocke his Lott w th all y* for 2o: Rights thervnto belonging: And also his pte of the purchased medowe therto belonging as appereth by a note vnder his hand dated y e 8 th : September 1 638. Abraham Shawe selleth vnto Ferdinando Adam one portion for 8 of Grownd called an hill or Hand as it lyeth to his home lott It sideth betweene y e Swampe of Henry Brock once Jos: Shawes & y* Swampe y* once was Abr: Shawes nowe belonging to Mich 11 Metcalfe & John Frary together w th all y 6 woods wayes and Rights belong- ing to y e sayd Hand. As appeth by his bill dated y e second day of Novem- ber 1638. Dedham The 25 th of y e 1. month. Comonly Called March. 1639 Assembled whose names are vnderwritten viz 1 M r John Allin, m r Timo: Dalton, m r Tho: Carter, m r Rafe Whelocke, Edw: Alleyn, Sam: Morse, John Kingsbery, Phi: Dalton, Jos: Kingsbery, John Dwite, John Hunting, Lam: Genere, Nic: Phillips, Henry Brocke, John Luson, Eleaser Lusher, Robte Hinsdall, John Frary, Jona: Farebanke, John Eaton, John Bacheler, Dan: Morse, John Morse, John Rogers, John Huggens, Ric: Euered, Hen: Phillips, Raffe Shepheard, Mich: Metcalfe, Fer: Adam, Tho: Wighte, Nat: Colberne, Jn: Roper, Mar: Phillips, Henry Smith, Fran: Chick- ering, Willm Bullard, John Bullard, Edw: Kempe, Timo: Dwite, Tho: Ledor, John Gaye. That w ch was agreed vpon the last meeting was Read & Confirmed [* Agreed y* Forty shillings shalbe allowed vnto y e wedowe wed: Fisher of Tho: Fisher toward y* bargayne y* he tooke in building y e Meetinghouse, w ch o r towne is to make good vnto her.] J Ordered y l a Ditch shalbe made at a Comon Charge Fenseditch through purchased medowe vnto y 6 East brooke. y 1 may both be a pticon fence in y e same: as also may serue for a Course vnto a water mill: yf it shalbe fownd fitting to set a mill vpon y e sayd brooke by y e Judgem* of a workeman for y* purpose. Ordered y 1 yf any man or men will vnd r take & erect a water Mill Cornemill shall haue given vnto him soe much grownd as was form r ly granted vnto Abraham Shawe for y* same end & purpose w th such other benefitts & privelidges as he shold haue had in all Respects accordingly, provided y 1 y 6 sayd Mill doth grinde Corne before y e First of y e tenth month as it is Intended. Wheras it was ordered form r ly y 1 those men y 1 come vnto vs Smale Lots since y e Pequit warrs shold pay vnto our Towne ten shillings p Lott for y 1 those y 1 weare heer had expended much y* 1 Origin of Mother Brook. [ED. 52 DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. waye. It is nowe agreed by gen r all consent y* all those y 1 are come vnto vs & sit downe vpon lesser portions then halfe Lotts shall paye nothing towards or conc r neing y e same. Ordered for Swyne y* in case of scath done ther shalbe Swine doble damages payd by y e owner of y e Swyne vnto y e ptie grieved And yf they agree not betweene y m selves: Then y e sayd scath is to be valewed by Thre Indifferent men, And satisfaction to be made for every scath soe often as it is done w th in one month after y e dam- ages be soe adiudged. This order is to take effect y e first daye of y e next month And also it is ordered y* eu r y Swyne shalbe Earem r ked. And yf any Swyne aboue twoe monthes old be at any tyme fownd vnm r ked as aforesayd : shalbe forfeted to be seased by any man of our towne for y e vse & benefit of our Towne ac- cordingly. Also It is ordered for Goates in like manner as it is aboue- Goates sayd conc r ning Swyne in all Cases & Respects whatsoeu r . Edward Alleyn John Kingsbery John Luson & John Dwite Debts are deputed to take in all y e bills of such debts as are due Rates from the Towne vnto any man. And they shall make a Rate for to satisfy all such debts & other Charges: as are p r sently necessary to be defrayed in or conc r neing our Towne. Edward Alleyn, John Luson & Eleazer Lusher are deputed Deputies to laye out grownds, appoynt tymber, and to pforme & doe for Laying all other businesses as weare form r ly comitted vnto m r Dal- out Lands &rc ton & Edw: Alleyn, & Abrah: Shawe, y e sayd Abraham being dead & m r Dalton Removeing from vs. they or any twoe of them to pforme any such acts accordingly. John Pope enterteyned vnto a twelue acre Lott, pvided y* John Pope he subscribeth to our orders & assureth vs of comeing to in- habit w th vs before. Richard Barber enterteyned to haue Fower Acres of grownd R: Barber w th vs, as a townesman. Wheras it was Form r ly desiered y* Edw: Alleyn shold ac~ Survaye cording to a Court order make a Survey of all our Lands both graunted & alienated in our Towne. We doe nowe by gen r all consent Ratify y 6 same: Also ordering y* he shall haue for y e same soe doeing viz 1 For every houselot graunted out Twoe shillings. For every pcell of 12: acres & vnder further graunted Twelve pence. And for all pcells aboue 12: acres after that Rate according to y e quan- tetyes soe graunted. And for y e Alienacon of eu r y pcell sixe pence. DEDHAM TOWN EECOEDS. 53 All to be payd from tyme to tyme by y e seu r all possessors thereof And for eu r r other thing y l is necessary to be incerted into y e sayd sur- vey as a Record for our Towne to be payd by y e same as shalbe Judged Fit according to his paynes taken therein. Wherof y e Court Requireth a tran- script by order aforesayd. Dedham The 17 th : of y e 3: Month. Comonly called Maye. 1639 Assembled whose names are vnderwritten m r John Allin, m r Tim: Dalton, m r Tho: Carter, m r Rafe Whelocke, Edw: Alleyn, Sam: Morse, John Kingsbery, Phi: Dalton, Jos: Kingsbery, John Dwite, Lam: Gen r e, Nic: Phillips, Rafe Shepheard, John Huntinge, Hen: Brock e, Jon: Farebanke, John Eaton, Dan: Morse, John Huggens, Ferd: Adam, Mich: Metcalfe, Ant: Fisher, Tho: Wight, Ele: Lusher, Robte Hins- dell, John Luson, Daniell Fisher, John Morse, John Bacheler, Nath: Col- berne, John Roper, Marten Phillips, Hen: Smith, John Frarye, Fra: Chick- ering, Willm Bullard, Edw: Kempe, Tho: Ledor That w ch was agreed vpon y e last meeting was Red & confirmed. Ordered by gen r all consent y* y e Rate shalbe made vpon eu r y Rate mans [ ] Lands according to y e acres y* are graunted vnto them. And y l all Catle shalbe Rated according to their somer feede And when y e Rate is made & money demanded for y e same, eu r y man shall make payment therof w th in one month after demand soe made therof. And for defect therof it is agreed by vote y* it shalbe Lawefull for y e Collector to take distresse vpon y e goods of such ptie or pties as shalbe defectiue after y e month soe limited be expired And shall make sale of such distresse taken for satisfaction of y e sayd Rate. Also it is agreed by gen r all consent y 1 yf any man shalbe de- Metinghouse fectiue in payment to y e meetinghouse Rate after y e first daye rate of y e next month y e Collector shall take distresse in like mailer for satisfying y e same, [& Charges] therof in arrere Wheras itt hath ben fownd [by long experience] y* y e 7 men for gen r all meeting of soe many men in one [ towns affayres ] of y e Comon affayres therof, haue waested much tyme to noe smale damage & busines [is] therby nothing furthered. It is therfore nowe agreed by gen r all consent, y* these 7 men h eervnd r named we doe make choice of & give them full power to contrive execute & pforme all y e busines & affayres of this our wholl towne: to con- tinewe vnto y e First of y e tenth Month next. Edw: Alleyn, John Kingsbery, John Luson, Elea: Lusher, John Dwite, Robte Hinsdall, John Bacheler 54 DEDHAM TOWN li E CORDS. Wheras Thomas Hastings hath sould vnto Edward Richards Lot forfeited all y 1 his Lott Formerly graunted vnto him w th out Cosent of y 6 Towne & Contrary vnto an order made y e 14 th September 1636 wherby y e sayd Lot is become forfated vnto y e Towne: The same is Referred vnto y* aforesayd Seaven Comittees Chosen for y e Towne afayres to be ordered as they shall thinke fitting. Lambert Genere selleth to John Kingsbery his ptable Alienacon Medowe graunted to him Joyntly w th other men for service f or ty > done vnto y e towne in y 6 begining therof: his pte being twoe Acres more or lesse as it lyeth by Philemon Dalton & trend- eth vpon y e Riu r : to haue & possesse vnto him & to his heyers & Assignes forever as appeth by a note vnd r his hand & scale dated the Fifteenth of the 4 th Month comonly called June 1639. The 21 tb : of y 6 4 th Month 1639 All y* towne being called together about setting out mens potions of Medowe. it was concluded as Followeth viz* That those men whose names are heervnder written by y e medowes Free Choyce of y e wholl Towne, shall appoynt & order vnto p'fected eu r y man his pcell of Medowe w ch is yet vnlayed out. vnto whose order y e Townsmen gen r ally pffesse y l they will firmely stand fully satisfyed w th out Complayneing or disquiet howesoeu r the sayd men shall order their sayd pcells of Medowe. And further that these men shall haue full satisfation for ther labor & tyme expended therin. m r Edw: Alleyn, John H award, Fra: Chickerin, Tho: Wight, Robt: Hinsdell. And Further it is also ordered & Appoynted that Eleaser Lusher shall [ ] out & measure [ ] sayd pcells. w th the [helpe and assistance] of the aboue named men. Dedham The 26 th of y e 4 th : Month. 1G39 Assembled whose names are vnder written deputed for ordering of towne affayers Edward Alleyn, John Kingsbery, John Luson, Eleaser Lusher, John Dwite, Robte Hynsdell. That w ch was agreed vpon y 6 last meetings was Red & confirmed. Ordered y 1 whosoeu r shall heerafter Receive any Lott or Alienacons other pcell of grownd lying w th in our towne in way of to be certefyed Alienacon, by purchase or by exchange or by any other meanes shall w th in one Month after any such acte done make the same knowne both y* quantety & quallety therof vnto y e towne booke to haue y 6 same entred vpon y e penalty of Ten shillings for eu r y DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. 55 month soe neglected to be forfated & payd vnto y e towne. And y* such forfet being made & not payd vnto y e Collector w th in 14: dayes after demand made therof, then a distresse to be taken & sale made therof for satisfaction of y e same. Graunted vnto m r John Allin Pastor y* smale pcell of vpland m r Jn Allin & Medowe w ch lyeth betwene y e sayd m r Allin & m r Tho: Carter: vpon Condieon y l he shall give vnto Joseph Kings- bery full satisfaction for y l pcell of grownd w ch the Towne had of y e sayd Joseph for a seate for y e Meetinghouse accordingly . Wheras m r Robte Feke hath form r ly agreed w th our Towne Edw. Alleynes to Relinquish both his Lott & Farme vpon condicon y f our engagem 1 for Towne shall payevnto him Twenty marks of English money. 20 m r kes at such tyme as y e sayd Lott & Farme shalbe graunted out vnto some other man or otherwise disposed of by our sayd towne. And in y e meane tyme the sayd Robte Requiring some one man to stand ingaged for y e true pformance therof in his tyme limited, & he nomi- nated Edw: Alleyn for y e same. Wherfore we doe nowe order y* the sayd Lott &: Farme shall both stand firme in estate vnto y e sayd Edward AUeyn & his Assignes for to secure y* his ingagement conc r neing y e same vntill y e sayd twenty Marks be fully satisfyed accordingly. Ordered y* whoesoeu r shall heerafter haue any Lott graunted Lotts to be vnto him in our towne shall enter & build vpon the same builte w th in twoe months after y e sayd graunte soe made: wherby it may well appe y* he both Really prepareth & intendeth to inhabite y e same, otherwise y e sayd graunt to become vtterly voyde vnto such as fayle in y e pformance therof: Except vpon some weighty cause ther be speciall licence graunted further to limit y e same. Wheras Thomas Hastings hath made sale of his Lott con- Lott seased trary to an order made form r ly in y l behalfe wherby it is be- come forfeit vnto the Towne. It is nowe ordered y' the sayd Lott shalbe seased vpon And Remayne in y e hands of y e Towne vntill the sayd Tho: Hastings be spoaken w th conc r neing y e same, & then disposed of- as ther shalbe Just cause. Graunted vnto Samuell Morse twoe acres & one halfe more Sam: Morse or lesse as it lyeth by his medowe in y e greate Hand. Ordered y* noe man shall heerafter possesse twoe house Lotts 2. house Lotts or more then one at one & y e same tyme for any longer tyme not to be possessed then G: monthes after y e daye of his purchase or atteyneing vnto y e same by any other meanes whatsoeue r w th out spec- iall licence had of y e Towne, or of such as are deputed for y 6 ordering of Towne affayers. pvided allvvayes y* this Restraint shall not extend vnto Es- tates by Marryage, Inheritance or other gifts or graunts in case of y e death of any testator 56 DEDHAM TOWN HE CORDS. Dedham The 19 th of y e 5 th Month 1639. July After y 6 lector y e 7 men appoynted for towne busines staying to con- clude y l \v ch we had form r ly consulted of, agreed as Followeth viz* Wheras m r John Allin the nowe pastor of our Congregacon hath for much tyme past taken greate paynes both in exerciseing his gifts amongst vs: & carefull in attending his sayd office since it pleased the Lord to call him thervnto. As also hath ben at much expences in his dilligent & faithfull .pmoteing y 6 good both of Church & Cornon wealth amongst vs y 6 wholl tyme he hath ben \v t ' 1 vs. Which we acknoweledge we are bownd to shewe our- selves thanktull for: by takeing care for that convenient meanes of Imploym* & Impvem 1 of his stocke for his more compfortable subsistance in y e afore- sayd office whervnto he is soe called. In w ch Respect we doe nowe graunte vnto y e sayd m r John Allin our p r sent Pastor, & to his assignes for ever Thirty Acres of Medowe lying beyond y e Rocks Westward: to begine at y 6 North Corner of y e sayd medowe & soe on both sides of y e brooke to measure y e sayd medowe Southward vnto y e portion of 30: Acres compleate. Also we doe graunte vnto m r John Allin our sayd Pastor & to his assignes for ever One hundred & twentye Acres of Vpland: next adioyneing vnto the sayd Medowe as may be most convenient to be anexed vnto the same: And to be measured out in tyme convenient accordingly as he shall Require y e same to be done. And also for his more peaceable & compfortable subsistence in y e aforesayd office, we doe further graunt y* y 6 sayd Medowe & vpland shalbe Free from payment of all Charges in or conc r neing our tow,ne during y 6 tyme y l y e sayd m r John Allin shall Remayne in office amongst vs, & imploy y e same himselfe or by some other to his vse & noe longer. Nicholas Phillips alienateth & graunteth vnto m r John Allin Pastor & to his heyers & assignes for ever both his dwelling house & y* wholl portion of Land wher it stands conteyneing by account 12: acres more or lesse as it lyeth betweene the Land of Joseph Kingsbery towards y 6 East & Lambert Genere towards the west and abutteth vpon Charles Riu r towards y e North & y e Swampe towards y e South together w th twoe acres of Swampe as it lyeth at the South end of y e p r mises. And also all his Right & Clayme vnto Power acres of Medowe, w ch are yet to be layde out by the towne as pte of his 12: acres graunted vnto him accordingly as by his bill of sale vnd r his hand & seale bearing date the First of August 1639 appeth. John Huggen selleth vnto Jeames Herring all y* hisLott of twelve acres & house builte vpon y e same w th twelve acres of Medowe & 4: acres of Swampe together alsoe w tu all towne Rights priviliges & other inlargem 18 whatsoever belonging to y e sayd 12. acre Lot as by their bills Joyntly sub- scribed appeth. DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. 57 Dedham The 7 th of y e 6: th Month Called August. Assembled whose names vnderwritten deputed for ordering of Towne Affayres. Ed\v: Alleyn, John Kingsbery, John Luson, Eleaser Lusher, John Dwite, John Bacheler That w ch was agreed vpon y 6 last meeting was Read & Confirmed. Graunted vnto Richard Barber that pcell of grownd w ch lyeth Ric: Barber betweene The Burying place & Henry Smith to be made vp Fower Acres w th pte of ye Swampe ther. Wheras ther was Formerly graunted vnto Edward Colver a Edw: Colu r smale pcell of grownd by y e Comon Medowe vpon y e East side of y e litle River & y e same gveing p r iudicall for y e towne & not very comodious for y e sayd Edward wherfore he Relinquishing his interest therin & layeing y e same downe to y e towne We graunte vnto him in liewe therof twoe acres more or lesse as it lyeth by y e River pond vpon viewe to be made by the Comittees & soe measured out accordingly pvided y* yf he de- sier to put of y e sayd peece he shall lay y e same downe to y e towne agayne. John Kingsbery & Eleaser Lusher vndertakeing to sett vp a J>ownd pownd before y e next quarter Courte: we doe order y* they shalbe fully payde for y e same by the Towne w th as much as conveniently may be. Wheras Edw: Alleyn, John Luson, & Eleaser Lusher are Ap- Comittees poynted to laye out lands graunted & to pforme other busi- wayes &* f Jn: Hayward, \ * Eleazar Lusher j Sam 11 Morse > , . , M r Edw: Alleyn ) , XT - .ij \ for midle playne ,-,,. , '. \ for y e smoth playn: Naflian Aldus j ' HeneryChicknng ) y 3 And y e same men to take care of Ladders according to form 1 " orders in y* behalfe. DEDHAM TOWN EE COEDS. 85 Dedham The 4 th of y e 2 rt Month Called Aprill. 1642 Assembled whose names are vnder written viz* M r Edw: Alleyn, Henry Chickering, Nathan Aldus, Fran: Chickering, Sam: Morse, John Dwite. For as much as ther hath ben many Comp* Conserneing Swine: Swyne of much Damage done the last yeare by them notw th standing the strict order form r ly made for to p r vent such in- conveniences as many men haue vndergone by reason of the neglect of Exe- cucon of the aforesayd order made the 23: of the first month 1639. Ad- mitting then more then an wholl yeares warneing for gviding Fences agaynst y e same. All Swine being to be yoaked & Ringed as by the order appeth: w ch nowe we inioyne to be sevearly Executed Sc the penalties therof. And therfore doe further order that whoesoever of our towne from henceforth shall see any Swyne vnyoaked or vnringed & not in the grownd of its owner, nor followed w th a keep neer p r sent contrary to y e aforesayd order shall give spedy knoweledge to the owner therof: or shall put the same Swine into the pownde to be Regulated vpon the penalty of 6 a forfated for every Swyne, & every tyme soe seen as is meete y* care may be had of eu r y mans saffety: And the same to be leavyed by distresse for y e vse of the towne accordingly w th out any del aye. Dedham The 6 th of y e 3: Month. Called Maye 1642 Assembled whose names are vnderwritten M r : Edw: Alleyn, Henry Chickering, Tho: Wighte, Nathan Aldus, Fran: Chickering, Sam: Morse, John Dwite. Henry Chickering & Tho: Wight form r ly deputed to set out If: Phillips a pcell of Land for satisfaction of Hen: Phillips for 2 acres form r ly graunted vnto Rowland Clarke by Philemon Dalton w ch the towne pmised to make good vnto y e sayd Lott w ch the sayd Henry nowe possesseth. They Returneing answer of their pformance & of his ac- ceptance therof vpon the South playne: w ch we also apgve of both for y e sayd 2: acres & also for his Interest in the waye layd through his Lott towards the house of Dan Morse accordingly. Graunted to Sam: Morse; Daniel Morse & to Rich: Ellis ech of them to haue a pcell of vpland In y e greate Hand w tu in y e lyne ther what may be conveniently ther had at y e discretion of those men deputed to lay out y e same. Wheras some yeares since it was by gen r all Court directed Survey of y* a gen r all survaye of all graunts & alienacons of lands & Lands houses Done in our towne shold be made & Record therof kept & the same transcribed to the sayd Court. Whervpon Edward Alleyn gent was Requested to pforme the same as appeth by a towne 86 DEDHAM TOWN EECOBDS. order made y e 28 of March 1639 vpon w ch he making a begining therin and transcribed y 6 same to the Courte aforesayd for that tyme But by Reason of many things Remayneing vnpfect: pceedings in the same weare Iterupted vntill this p r sent: w ch we well apprehend not to be saffe for our posterety nor answering y e Courts Coinand. Whervpon we agayne Requesting the sayd Edw: Alleyn to make pceeding in y e same. To w ch he is Content to make Indeavour therin: we gmiseing that all lands graunted & Alienated shalbe made pfect And y l he shall haue y e same Alowance form r ly ordered And may take his Kindman John Newton for to assist him in writeing of & Concerneing y e same And further yf the sayd Jn Newton shall ingrosse what was form r ly Transcribed in a booke for y 6 Towne he shall haue Convenient aloweance for his paynes therin. Dedham The 10 th of y 6 5 th Month Called Julye 1642 Assembled whose names are vnderwritten M r Edw: Alleyn, Henry Chickering, Nathan Aldus, Sam: Morse, Fran: Chickering, John Dwite, Tho: Wighte. Willm Bearestowe complayneing of his 8: acre house lott: it W. Bearstowe was viewed & fownd to be very Defectiue in the one halfe of the same by a multitude of Stones. Wherfore we order & graunte vnto the sayd Willm Eight acres of vpland betweene the Corners of the greate Naponset Swampe about Southwest from our Towne. To be layd out by men hereafter named. \Vheras ther was an high waye beneath John Haywards Lott John: Hayward"\-\z same is fownd inconvenient in diverse Respects. Ther- fore we doe order y* an high waye in steade of the aforesayd high waye shalbe layd out 2. Rods broade through the South end of the Swampe of y e sayd John Hayward next vnto John Bachelers Swampe. & the Former waye to be possessed by y e sayd John Hayward in liewe of y 8 p r sent waye. Wheras John Hunting our Elder, Jonathan Farebanke & Jn Hunting John Frary had each of them appoynted to haue 6: acres of jfn Fairbanke medowe for their second Devision to make vp 12: acres to Jn Frary their Lotts But by Reason of some Interuption arising by Challenge made of the same medowe to belonge vnto some of the Farmes &c Wherfore we thinkeing it not fitting to hold them in sus- pence any longer. Doe therfore nowe order & graunte vnto y 6 sayd three men above named to haue ech of them Sixe acres in y e medowe neere vnto the South side of Ballpate hill to be measured out vnto them seu r ally by our DEDHAM TOWN RE COEDS, 87 Measurer & others appoynted thervnto heervnder named for their full satis- faction to make vp the 12: acres of medowe due vnto them Francis Chickering John Dwite Tho: Wighte pvided that they Relinquist the abouesayd graunts form r ly made vnto them. For as much as John Ellis is in y e same Condicon as the jfn Ellis aboue named men, for 2: acres appoynted him in y e sayd Challenged medowes &c r We therfore nowe grante vnto him twoe acres of medowe at Ballpate hill to lye next vnto the afore named mens medowe to be measured out by the aboue deputed men. gvided that he Re- linquisheth the former 2: acres soe apoynted vnto him. John Dwite & Francis Chickering form r ly deputed to set Swampe out the Smale pcells of Swampe next the North East Corn 1 " of y 6 Wigwam playne to the adioyneing inhabitants. Edward Alleyn is Chosen to Joyne w th them to assist in the same soe graunted vnto them. . Graunted vnto Thomas Wight Eight acres of Land vpon y e T Wight hill & vally thervpon neere vnto South medowe. The hill being Form r ly graunted vnto the sayd Thomas & John Luson, whoe nowe both of them doe Relinquish y e former graunt made vnto them. And the aforesayd Thomas Requesting an inlargem 1 it is granted vnto him to Rune to y e Swampe at y e North end of the same hill vpon his form r lyne. Edward Richards for defect in his house Lott hath graunted E Richards nowe vnto him the other pte of y e hill & vally by the East side of Tho: Wight: Conteyneing 8 acres more or lesse to Rune also to the Swampe as y e sayd Thomas doth at y e North end of the sayd Hill. Graunted vnto Robte Gowen Sixe acres of vpland neere vnto R: Gowen the South medowe & nexte vnto the West side of Thomas Wight ther: gvided y* he Relinquish all other graunts made vnto him form r ly. Graunted vnto Beniamyne Smith Sixe acres of vpland neere Ben Smith vnto the South medowe to adioyne vnto Robert Gowen yf- ther it maye be had. Graunted vnto George Barber Sixe acres of vpland nere vnto G Barber the South Medowe & next vnto Ben: Smith yf ther it maye be had. Graunted vnto Josua Fisher Sixe acres of vpland nere vnto y Fisher the South Medowe & nexte vnto George Barber yf ther it may be had. M r Wheelocke, Hen: Chickering, John Luson, Deputed to assist & direct the measurer in laying out all the form r graunted pcells And yf they fynd that gg DEDHAM TOWN ItECOQDS. ther the severall pcells can not be layd out in that order w ch is described then we give them or any twoe of the sayd thre soe named full power to order & laye out ther or therabouts what is soe graunted according to their discretions soe neere as they can to make a feild of them together, or otherwise as they may best contriue. Graunted to John Thurston all y l pcell of Land w ch lyeth Jn Thurston betweene Jeames Jordan, & the high waye leading vnto y e South playne, & also soe much of the Swampe adioyneing vnto y e p r mises next towards y e south playne as may be thought fitt & carye a fence on thnt side conveniently streight. Allwayes Reserved vnto y* towne a Carte waye from the aforsayd high waye by the bottome of y e p r mises vnto the Corner betwene y e 2. Swamps wher Tymber hath ben gotten. Henry Chickering & Tho: Wight to set out y e same & E Alleyn to Joyne \v th them in y e same doeing. Graunted to Henry Chickering all those pcells of Course medowe Conteyneing Sixe acres more or lesse as they lye aboue y* pcell of medowe form r ly graunted vnto m r Phillips. To be set out by Graunted y l Jn Ellis may haue 2. Ceader trees to make board & sell y e same out of towne to atteyne vnto appell. Whereas the Towne according to their vsuall Custome did Ell Lusher make Choise of M r Edward Alleyn gent to keepe the Towne booke and to act in towne afaires with the other 6 men then chosen: And for as much as it hath pleased god to take away the sd M r Alleyn by death the towne being assembled the 28 th of October 1642 did nominate & by their voate chuse & appoynt Eleazer Lusher to succeed in the place & trust in which the sd M r Alleyn was interressed to sd Eli Lusher so to stand in y* seruice trust & power vntill y l terme be accomplished whereunto m r Alleyn aforsd was deputed. [ u Md: That whereas the town hath formerly according to thier vsuall Custom as allso according to the order of Court in y* Case guided mad Choice of 7 men for the regulating of the planting & prudentiall affayers of the Town and to that end hath allso mad Choice of Edward Alleyn: gent: to keepe the Town Book and to ayd the other G men in the for- mer seruice as may by that act of the Town recorded mor playnely appear and that for as much as it hath pleased God to take away by death the said m r Edward Alleyn:. the town in consideration of the p r mises being mett together vpon the 28 day of October 1 642 did 1 A leaf fastened at the beginning of Vol. L, of the original Records. On the reverse of the leaf is the following note: M d . This leaf was found in John Bullard, Esq.'s Garret, Sept. 5, 1850. J. H. Cobb, Town Clerk. [ED.] DEDHAM TOWN EECOEDS. 89 nominat and by thier voate chuse & appoint Eleazer Lusher to suc- ceed in the place & trust wherin the said M r Alleyn was by that fore- said Choice of the Town interressed: the said Eleazer Lusher so to stand in that seruice trust & power vntill that tearme be accomplished whervnto m r Alleyn aforesd was so deputed. together w th other the inhabbitants of the town then assembled.] Nouember 4: 1642: Assembled: whose names are vnder written Henery Chickering, Samuell: Morse, Nathan Aldus, John Dwight, Thomas Wight, Eliazer Lusher. Wheras John Gaye hath parted with some of his house lott Jn Gaye: for a high way for the vse of the Towne as also hath bin at charge in fencing against the sd high way which according to order of the Towne ought to be satisfied for: It is therefore ordered that the sd Jn Gaye shall haue satisfaction tendered to him by the men here vnder named which satisfaction shalbe in land in or vpon a certaine smale playne lyinge southwest from M r Cookes farme & nere the same: it is to be directed and assigned to him by & at the discression of Henery Chickeringe & Thomas Wight Granted vnto John Gaye 3 acres of vpland to lye adioyninge Jn Gaye to to the aforesd grant to be layd out to him by the direc- tion of the men assigned to lay out the former grant: Granted to Josuah Fisher 6 acres of vpland to be layd out to Jos Fisher him vpon the foresaid playne nere m r Cookes farme Granted vnto Beniamen Smith 6 acres of vpland to be layd Ben Smith out to him on the foresaid playne prouided that these 2 last grantees lay downe all other right by former grants of land vpon or neare the south hill. These grants are to be layd out by the direction and assignm* of the men form r ly deputed to direct John Gayes grant. Granted vnto Daniell Fisher 6 acres of vpland to be layd Dan: Fisher out vpon the foresd playne at the direction of those men form r ly deputed to lay out the former grants there. 90 DEDIIAM TOWN RECOBDS. Nouemb r 19 1642 Assembled those whose names are vnderwritten Henry Chickering, Sam 11 Morse, Nathan Aldus, Franc: Chickeringe, Thomas Wight, John Dwight, Eliazer Lusher. Wheras there was an order vpon good consideration made Timber for the orderly improuement of timber vpon the common ground of the towne wherein timber for sale out of towne or for any that are not admitted townesmen is restrayned. Yet now vpon good reason moueing therunto it is ordered that the 7 men which are chosen for y e ordering of towne affaires shall vpon the request of any Inhabitant of y e Towne being made in a publique towne meetinge, haue power to depute some one or more of themselues to assigne vnto them such supply of timber from the towne as shall by y e sd 7 men be judged conuenient: Nouember 25 1642 Assembled those whose names are vnderwritten Henry Chickering, Sam 11 Morse, Nathan Aldus, Tho: Wight, John Dwight, Eliazer Lusher. Wheras Anthony Fisher hath purchased 4 acres of vpland of M r Ralph Wheelocke which was granted the sd M r Wheelocke in recompence for his depting with 2 acres of his home lott: according to an order of the towne in y l case puided & y e sd Anthony hath declared his desire to haue it layd out to him There is therefore granted to the sd Anthony Fisher 4 acres A: Fisher of vpland to be layd out to him or his assignes by the men formly deputed to lay out the grants vpon that playne which sd pcell shalbe layd out vpon the Northerly side of the pcell which is layd out vnto Daniell Fisher & next therevnto: allwayes puided that he shall lay downe all right or clayme to any grants form r ly made to him for satisfaction of this his purchace & y l he take this foresd pcell in full contentment for the same: Wheras Joseph Kingsbury haueing formerly receiued some Jos: Kingsbury damage in regard of his accomodation of meddow & other things of that nature as also y l he offers to lay downe 2 acres of his meddow nere or against the Comon meddow allready layd out to him There is therefore in consideration of the premisses granted to the sd Joseph Kingsbury 2 acres of meddow being part of a pcell of meddow nere to the hill called bald pate hill: southerly from the parcell of meddow formerly Layd out to Eld r Huntinge: Allwayes guided that it being layd out according to the grant he take it for full satisfaction for all the sd prejudice or cause of complaynt & lay downe the 2 acres aforesd. DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. 91 John Dwight & Francis Chickeringe are deputed to direct in laying out this grant: Robert Weares is Admitted to the purchace of Thomas R: Weares Eames his house lott and 3 acres of land. Thomas Fuller is admitted to the purchace of Martin T: Fuller Phillips his Lott: December 30 1642 Assembled: whose names are vnder written Henery Chickeringe, Nathan Aldus, Thomas Wight, Fran: Chickering, & Eliazer Lusher. Granted vnto William Bullard 4 acres of vpland to be layd W: Bullard out vpon the playne where John Gaye Daniell Fisher and other of their neighbours haue grants of land form r ly made to them. Granted to John Bullard 3 acres of vpland to be layd out to him vpon the same playne where \Villm Bullard hath his grant. Henry Chickering & Thomas Wight are deputed to direct in the laying out these 2 parcells Whereas the Towne hath formerly granted a pcell of land called South hill to be deuided vnto Thomas Wight Robert Gowinge Edward Richards & Georg Barber & for as much as a smale pcell lying nere thereunto falleth conueniently within the compase of the most fit place of setting their fence there is therefore granted to the sd grantees formefly named liberty to take in the sd smale pcell of vpland within their fence: to haue it to themselues & their heyres for euer: this grant to be appoynted & directed by the discresion of John Luson & Henry Chickeringe Whereas there hath bin formerly a grant of a certaine pcell of the low playne nere M r Stoughtons rayles made to diuers of y e Inhabitants of east streete as by the sd grant more playnely doth appeare and for as much as the sd pcell cannot conuenient be fenced in without liberty of enclosing some of the waest land of the towne: There is therefore granted to the posessors of the aforesd pcell of the Low playne so much of the common ground of the towne as may most nesesarily be needfull for the directing of their fence about the former grant. The said addition of land to ly common to the sd grantees and their heyres for euer The place where the sd fence shall stand according to the intent of this grant shall be appoynted & directed at and by the discression of Nathan Al- dus & Henry Phillips. 92 DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. Dedham The 2 day of y e 11 th Month called January: 1642 Assembled those whose names are vnderwritten M r Jn Allin M r Ralph Wheelocke Hen: Chickeringe John Lewson An- thony Fisher John Gay Thomas Wight: Daniell Fisher John Thurston Willm Bullard John Bullard John Hayward: John Bacheler John Eaton Austen Kalem Thomas Payne Sam lu Bullein: Chris: Smith Tho Allcocke: Henry Al- dridge Joseph Kingsbury Robt Mason Eld Jo Huntinge Nath: Colbourne Hen: Phillips Nathan Aldus Daniell Morse John Morse Hen: Smith: John Roper Georg Barber: Tho: Leader Lambert Genere: Tim Dwight Jn Dwight Edw Kempe Tho: Bayes Edw: Richards: Francis Chickering Willm Beare- stowe Johnathan Fairbanke Mich Powell Mich Metcalfe John Frary Eli Lusher Robte Hinsdell Fetter Woodward Richard Euerard John Guile: Georg Bearestowe Nathaniell Whiteinge: Whereas it was the desire of the Inhabitants of this Towne that there should be a suruey taken of all such lands nere our towne: as were fit for improuem 1 with the plough & that the 7 men then to be Chosen should dis- pose of them by a generall diuident by those generall rules then ppounded & agreed on: viz: the number of psons is on considerable rule in deuision: yet not y e only rule and it was concluded y* seruants should be referred to mens estates. 2: According to mens estates: 3 According to mens Ranke & Qual- litie and desert and vsefullnes either in Church or Comon Weale: 4 that men of vsefull trades & may haue materialls to improue the same be encour- aged by haue land as nere home as may be conuenient and that husbandmen that haue abilities to improue more then others be considered in this deuision Also it was with an vnanimous consent concluded that some portion of land in this entended deuision should be set a part for publique vse: viz for the Towne the Church & A fre Schoole viz: 40 acres at the least or 60 acres at the most. Also that some land should be deuided to those lotts in o r towne that are without present Inhabitants: & y 1 more should be reserued in the Townes hand to bestowe vpon them as the Towne shall thinke good. Also it was Concluded that those that haue allready had free grants of Land besides their house lotts those fre grants shall be accounted as part of their diuident which they are now to receiue. And wheras Eliazer Lusher hath bin more then ordinarily imployed in publique seruice in Towne affaires to his great damage & lose of time it was therefore the mind of the Towne declared by voate that the 7 men now to be chosen should make him some recompence in this deuision of lands. And it was the desire & request of the Towne: that our Reuerend Pas- tour & o r Reuerend Elder: and John Kingsbury should aduise with the 7 men in this deuision of lands DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. 93 Michael Powell is Chosen to keepe the Towne booke for this yeare next ensuing: and to Write the Record & Transcript: and to act in all Towne affaires as one of the 7 men: & there is Chosen to Joyne with him Henery Chickering: John Dwight, Thomas Wight, Eliazer Lusher: Francis Chicker- ing and Peter Woodward: who haue the same power that their predecesors haue had to order the planting & prudentiall affaires of the Towne & to dis- pose of lands by a generall diuident. John Hayward is Chosen Collector for the Towne for this next yeare. Thomas Wight Nathaniell Colborne \- are chosen Wood reues for this next yeare. Henry Phillips i! m E * * n I are chosen Surueyo rs for y e high wayes for Edward Kempe this next vea r Daniel Fisher John Newton, - Robert Crosman |>are Admitted Townsmen. Henry Glouer Also it was ordered at this generall meeting that what grants of land haue bin formerly made and are not yet layd out that they shalbe layd out that Justice may be first satisfied. The 18 day of 11 Month 1642 Assembled: Henery Chickeringe John Dwight Thomas Wight Eliazer Lusher: Fra: Chickering Peter Woodward and Michael Powell. It is Ordered that John Dwight Francis Chickering & Michael Powell shall haue power to lay out swampe formerly granted to the Inhabitants of the East streete: as they shall se conuenient according to an order in that case prouided The 30 th of the 11 Month 1642 Assembled: Hen: Chickering Jn Dwight Tho: Wight Eli Lusher Fra: Chickering Peter Woodward & Mich Powell Granted to Georg Bearstowe a pcell or pcells of Swampe to G: Bearstow be layd out to his eight acre Lott proportionable to other like lotts according to a former grant to them .to be layd out by John Dwight Francis Chickering Mich Powell Granted to Richard Ellis 6 acres of vpland lying westward E Richard Ellis of Joseph Morses Meddowe on y e South side of Charles Riuer. Granted to Daniell Morse a pcell of vpland lying nere the D. Morse sd 6 acres granted to Rich Ellis: so it exceed not the quan- titie of 6 acres: prouided that these 2 grantees relinquish their former grants of land vpon the Hand 94 DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. M r Ralph Wheelocke Thomas Wight & Willm Bullard are Jos: Morse deputed to lay out these 2 former grants: and a parcell of land formerly granted to Joseph Morse there: adjoyning to his meaddow. M r Ralph Wheelocke Jn Hayward & Nathan Aldus & Elia- Rate zer Lusher are deputed to make a Rate for charges about y e meting house and other charges annexed thereuntoe. The 6 of the 12 month 1642 Assembled Henery Chickering Eli Lusher Fra: Chickering Thomas Wight John Dwight Peter Woodward & Michael Powell Whereas M r Edward Alleyn was deputed to write the record of the Towne & the transcript & to imploy m r John Newton his kinsman in the worke the Towne promising to giue him satisfaction therefore We haue now agreed with m r Jn Newton for & in the behalfe of m r Edward Alleyn & him- selfe and doe allow him for writing allready done 23 s 4 d and for the purchace of y e booke of Record for the vse of the Towne 6 s 8 (l &: for another paper booke & 5 orders due to m r Alleyn for entring them 3 s 6 d Eliazer Lusher hath liberty granted him to purchace that grant of land which the Towne hath formerly made & conferred vpon Gyles Fuller and Thomas Ward lying vpon the wigwam playne & farther that the Towne doth hereby declare that if the sd Eliazer shall so purchace the same that then they doe hereby confirme & allow the same for a good & sufficient assurance of y l parcell of sixe acres formerly posessed by the sd Thomas & Gyles vnto the sd Eliazer Lusher & his heyres for euer Granted to these 5 Lots hereafter named 2 acres of land to each lott vpon the great playne. viz to Fardinando Adams Lot: to James Herrings lot to Francis Austens lot to Robt Masons lot & to Shepherds lot It is ordered that the remainder of Jn Elderkins grant shalbe layd out to the purchacers of it vpon the great playne. And that 30 acres formerly promised to m r Timothy Dalton shall be layd out to Michael Powell 10 acres of it vpon the great playne and part of it vpon the north end of the wigwam playne & the rest of it nere m r Parkers cr m r Tings farme where the sd Michael please. Granted to the Towne of Dedham for euer 40 acres of vpland fit for improuement w th the plough: part vpon a smale playne betwene the great playne & Charles Riuer: and the rest where it may conueniently be found: yet with this resolution that if it may conueniently be found to add more thervnto: Granted to these psons whose names are vnder written of vpland ground fit for improuement with the plough as followeth DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. 95 To: John Kingsbury: 4 acres 13 To: John Hayward: 4 acres 3 roodes To: Jn Batcheler: 2 acres: 1 roode 37 To: Mich Bacon 4 acres 3 roodes: 5 To Tho: Alcocke 1 acre 3 roodes: 38 To Robte Weare: 3 roodes. 51 To Tho: Payne: 1 acre 2 roodes. 34 To Austin Kalem 1 acre 2 roodes 50 To Jn Ellis 2 acres 31 To Jn Eaton: 5 acres 26 To Tho Eames 1 acre 1 roode 48 To m r Sam Cooke: 8 acres 2 roodes 39 To Willm Bullard 2 acres 49 To Jn Bullard acre: John Gaye: 3 acres 3 roodes 36 Thomas Wight 3 acres 3 roodes 4 Anthony Fisher 4 acres 42 Twaits Strickland 3 roodes 32 Henery Chickering: 8 acres 1 roode 53 John Thurston: 4 acres 2 roodes 15 Elizabeth Fisher 3 acres 1 roode 59 Robert Gowen: 3 roodes: 28 Thomas Jorden: 2 acres: 2 roodes 7 James Jorden: 1 acre 3 roodes 20 James Allin: 4 acres 43 John Newton ) Edward Alleyn > Edward Culuer 3 acres 1 roode 24 Robte Mason 6 acres 2 roodes 40 M r Jn Allin: pasto r : 23: acres 58 Joseph Kingsbury: 4 acres 2 roodes 27 Henry Brocke 5 acres 2 roodes 41 Nathaniell Colbourne 4 acres 3 roodes 55 Henry Phillips 3 acres 2 roodes 14 Nathan Aldus 6 acres 2 roodes 45 Samuell Morse 6 acres 3 roodes 16 John Morse 4 acres 2 roodes 60 Joseph Morse 4 acres 61 Richard Ellis 3 roodes 25 John Hunting Eld r 14 acres: 3 roodes 6 John Roper 5 acres 1 roode Henry Smith 4 acres 2 roodes 54 Richard Barber 1 acre 2 roodes 11 4 acres 1 roode 12 96 DEDHAM TOWN EECOIWS. .Liainueri vjeiieiy: Thomas Ledor Timothy D wight John Dwight Nathaniell Whiteing Edward Kempe Thomas Bayes Edward Richards Francis Chickering Willm Bearstow Georg Bearstow Johnathan Fairbanke John Fairbanke Michael Powell Michael Metcalf Henry Wilson John Frary Eliazer Lusher Peter Woodward Richard Euerard John Guyle Fardinando Adams James Herringe Samuell Bullein 61 Daniell Morse: 3 acres 3 roodes 56 2 acres 1 roode 57 1 acre 2 roodes 9 3 acres 1 roode 2 acres 2 roodes 35 4 acres: 3 roodes 29 14 acres 1 roode 21 8 acres 1 roode 19 1 acre 2 roodes 47 2 acres 2 roodes Q -i rr p~ OQ 4 acres 1 roode 30 1 acre 2 roodes 44 4 acres 2 roodes 2 13 acres 2 roodes 33 4 acres 1 roode 49 7 acres 2 roodes 1 Q rnnrlf^ 1 2 acres 3 2 acres 8 18 Michael Powell is deputed to Register the Births, Burialls and Mar- iages in o r Towne: according to the Order of Court in y* case prouided. The 22 day of the 12 month called February 1642 Assembled: Henery Chickering Eliazer Lusher: Fran: Chickeringe Thomas: Wight: : John Dwight: Michael Powell Christopher Smith hath liberty granted him to take such trees in the high way neare his house lott for fencing his house lott: as may supply his present necesitie. M r Henry Deengaine is contented to haue his 8 acres of Meaddow for- merly granted to him 4 acres of it in Rosemary meddow & the other 4 acres nere his house lott on the Hand Jn Kingsbury & M Powell deputed to lay it out John Bacheler John Eaton and Austin Kalem are deputed to lay out land formerly granted to John Haward: according to y e grant made to him Granted to Edward Culuer one smale pcell of vpland & swampe: nere his house lott: to be layd out by Henry Chickering & Thomas Wight. DEDHAM TOWN EECORDS. 97 Granted to Austin Kalem 2 acres of meddow lately layd downe by Joseph Kingsbury: on the east side of the Hand Granted to John Plimpton 2 acres of vpland vpon y e Hand: or more if it shalbe thought fit to be layd out by Na: Aldus Sam 11 Morse and Michael Powell. Granted to Robert Crosman 2 acres of vpland lying on the Crosman Hand playne if it may conueniently be found to be layd out by those formerly deputed to lay out Jn Plimptons grant. Henry Chickeringe William Bullard and Michael Powell are M r Wheelocke are deputed to lay out land formerly granted to M r Ralph Wheelocke according to the grant: These men whose names are vnder written are deputed to view setle & proportion fences to looke to the due extent of high wayes and that ladder^ be guided according to the order in that case prouided. i7 j j -D- ^ r for the East streete. Edward Richards ) Daniell Morse ) f , Nath Colbourne John Luson ) f ,, ,, , Willm Bullard j for the smoth playne the Hand The 6- day of the 1 month cald March: 1643 Assembled Henery Chickering Thomas Wight Peter Woodward Eliazer Lusher Fran: Chickering Michael Powell John Bacheler John Eaton, and Austin Kalem are deputed to Jn Kingsbury lay out land vpon the Hand granted to "John Kingsbury for a pasture to stay his Bullocks, according to the grant Michael Powell is deputed to joyne with Samuell Morse & Nathan Aldus to finish the grants on the Hand playne Granted to Henry Glouer 3 acres of vpland nere John Hen: Glouer Guyles lott on the Easterly playne: vpon this condition y f he shall expect no more land from the Towne by virtue of this grant & that he set his hand to the booke. Robert Hinsdell & Peter Woodward are deputed to lay out this grant according to their discression. The 2 day of the 3 Month: 1643 Assembled: Henry Chickering Thomas Wight John Dwight Fran: Chickering Peter Woodward Michael Powell 98 DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. Granted to John Haward 4 acres 3 roodes of vpland vpon Jn n Haward the Hand: nere his house lott as it is marked & dooled out allready Granted to Edward Kemp in satisfaction for his defect in E Kempe his house lott: 2 acres 3 roodes: in pt vpon the norwest end of the Low playne & the rest of it vpon the swamp playne: and three acres one roode vpon the sd swamp playne vpon free grant: John Dwight & Peter Woodward ar to asist the measurer in laying out this graunt Josuah Kent is admitted Townsman & hath libertie to pur- Jos: Kent chace Edward Culuers Lott: w th a resolution to confer more land vpon him as the towne shall see fittinge Thomas Eames hath a parcell of land granted as an addition T: Eames to his Lott which was formerly reserued for a high way to the swampe Granted to John Roper o acres 1 roode of land vpon West- Jn Roper hill next Jn Bullards Lott. Jn Luson & Will Bullard are deputed to asist the measurer in laying it out It is ordered that Thomas Payne and all that are enclosed by the sd fence in the Hand nere the Brick Kill: shall digg a dytch from the Creeke allready diged to the vpland to fence their corne & medowe: & if the Towne hereafter shall se cause to dig a Creeke to come vp w th a boate from the riuer to the brick kill the Towne shall make the sd parties y l dig the dich such satisfaction as shall by Indifferent me be Judged that y e sd dich shall farther the digging the Creeke The 3 of Octob r 1643 Assembled: Eli Lusher Tho: Wight Franc: Chickering Peter Woodward: Michael Powell: Granted to Robert Croseman four acres of vpland on the Crosman East end of the great playne next the Lot of Richard Ever- ard if it may conueniently there be had. Granted to Josuah Fisher a parcell of vpland on the great Jos: Fisher playne betwene Land layd out to m r John Allin and certaine other lots layd out on the Northest of the sd playne The 18 of the 10 month: 1643 Assembled Henery Chickeringe: John Dwight Tho: Wight Francis Chickeringe Peter Woodward: Mich Powell Granted to Joseph Morse three acres of vpland vpon the Jos: Morse, great playne next his Lot already layd out there: which land is granted him to make him satisfaction for want of measure in his meadow. DEDHAM TOWN BECOBDS. 99 Granted to Austen Kalem ten acres of vpland vpon the great A Kalem playne to be layd out next the fore said lot granted to Joseph Morse: which land is granted to make him full satisfaction for his house Lot & some mistake about his diuident Henry Chickeringe is deputed to asist the measurer in laying out these two parcells Granted to Austen Kalem a smale parcell of vpland nere his meadow vpon y e Hand to be layd out by Jn Kingsbury & John Dwight Granted to John Thurston a smale parcell of meadow be- J: Thurston twene M r Cookes f arme & the Wigwam to be layd out by Tho Wight & Willm Bullard Granted to Nathaniell Cqlbourne two acres of medow in a N: Colbourne meadow lyinge southward of bald pate meadow adioyninge to y 6 meadow formerly granted to Joseph Kingsbury: Jn Dwight & Franc Chickeringe are deputed to asist y e measurer in laying out this grant: : which land is granted to make vp his meadow 12 acres Granted to Joseph Clarke a smale parcell of vpland adioyn- J: Clarke inge to his sixe acre lot Granted to Timothy Dwight four acres of Land to be layd T: Dwight out on y e great playne next the Land granted to Austen Kalem: Hen: Chickering is deputed to assist in laying out this graunt: Wheras John Luson Sc Thomas Wight haue fenced in a par- y. Luson cell of Meadow of eight acres: which meadow is yet in y e T. Wight hands of the Towne it is ordered that the sd Jn Luson & Tho: Wight shall haue the benifit of the sd meadow: till the sd charg of fencing be payd: viz: that they shall pay 12 d an acre for it for y e yeare last past: & two shillings an acre for time to come till they are fully satisfyed Wheras there is a parcell of meadow in the hands of the towne in Rocke meadow which lyeth within the fence now to be set vp there: it is ordered that Tho: Wight fencing in the sd pcell of meadow w th in the generall fence: shall haue the benifit of the sd meadow: for the two yeares next ensuinge: The 27 th of the 10 th month 1643 Assembled: Hen: Chickering: John Dwight: Tho: Wight: Eli: Lusher Peter Woodward: Francis Chickeringe: Mich Powell Granted to Henry Chickeringe four acres of land vpon the H: Chickeringe great playne to be layd out next the 4 acres granted to Tim: Dwight which land is granted partly to make him satisfac- tion: for some mistake & want of his due pportion in his Lot already layd out on y e sd playne 100 DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. Wheras the high way already layd out through the house Lot of Josuah Fisher is found to be too strait being but two rod wide and he is contented to lay downe so much of his sd house Lot as may enlarg the high way to be three rods wide: in Consideration thereof the towne doth grant him a parcell of land to be added to his sixe acre Lot vpon west hill: as it shalbe layd out & determined by Henry Chickeringe and Thomas Wight: Granted to Josuah Kent a smale pcell of land lying betwene Jos: Kent the Land of M r John Allin past 1 : and John Luson in Rocke feild: And also there is granted more to him sixe acres of vpland where it may be found conueinent: -these two pcells of land to be layd out by John Luson and Thomas Wight where they shall thinke meete John Bullard granteth to William Bullard & to his heyres or assignes for euer a conuenient Cart way for carts & Catle through his planting lot downe to the meadowes of the sd William adioyninge therevnto: The first day of the 11 month 1643 Assembled those whose names are vnder written M r Jn Allin: Jn Hunting M r Ralph Wheelocke Willm Bullard Jn Bul- lard, Dan: Fisher, Jn Luson: Tho Wight: Hen Chickeringe Jn Thurston Jos: Fisher Jam: Jorden: Edward Coluer Jn Newton Robt Mason: Rich: Barber Geo. Barber Jos Morse Jn Morse Dan: Morse Jos KingsburyHen: Brocke: Nath Aldus Nathanell Colbourne Hen: Phillips Jn Bacheler: Jn Eaton: Tho Alcocke Jn Haward Austin Kalem: Chris Smith: Mich Bacon: Jn Ellis Tim: Dwight Jn Dwight Edw Kemp: Franc. Chickering Michael Powell Jn Frarey Eli Lusher Robt Hinsdell: Peter Woodward Richard Euerard. Michael Powell 1 : is Chosen to keepe the Towne Booke for .the yeare next ensuing & to write the Record & Transcript: and to act in all towne affaires as one of the seauen men: And there is Chosen to Joyne with him John Dwight John Haward Nathan Aldus William Bullard Peter Woodward & Timothy Dwight: Who are to act in the planting prudentiall affaires of the Towne & haue the same power that their predecessors haue had: excepting the deuiding of land by a generall diuident John Kingsbury: Robert Hinsdell & Daniell Fisher are Chosen Suruey- ers for the high wayes for the next yeare Henry Phillips & Nathaniell Colbourne: are chosen Wood reeues. ,'*~ A - *& f 0-HT*./ a.W^*- 1 ' * ** t>f*4&- /l ( 1 Fac-simile of Record, to show handwriting of Michael Powell. DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. 101 Wheras it hath bin the Costome of this Towne to Chusse a Collector: It is now ordered that the Constables for the time being shall performe that office of Collector Wheras the Purchast Meadow & land in our towne hath bin hetherto vnimproued and litle or no profit hath risen to the purchacers of it It is now ordred that John Kingsbury & Samuell Morse shall ioyne with the 7 men now Chosen to cleare out mens proprieties therein: And to contriue some way how it may be improued: and to returne what they haue don in it to the towne by the first of the 1 month next The 8 of the 11 month 1643 Assembled Nathan Aldus: Jn Haward: Jn Dwight Peter Woodward: Willm Bullard: Tim: Dwight and Michael Powell Thomas Herring is admitted a Townsman 1 Whereas M r Edw Alleyn Jn Luson & Jn Kingsbury were deputed to treat with Michael Bacon concerning the high way through his Lot: & to tender him satisfaction: & wheras it hath pleased god to take away M r Alleyn by death: It is now ordered that John Haward shall ioyne with Jn Luson & Jn Kingsbury to acomplish the sd worke spedily: Wheras there is an order formerly made that some men Fences should be deputed yearely to proportion & looke to fences & to the extent of high wayes: & y* Ladders be guided according to that order And wheras many men whose lots lay in a generall feild & so enclosed by a generall fence, now come Jo fence their lots in pticuler: wherby some difference may arise concerning what quantitie of fence euery man shall make that shall so fence in his lott in pticuler It is now ordred that the men hereafter named shall view & gportion fences: & looke to the extent of high wayes & that Ladders be guided according to that order And farther that they shall haue power to setle & determine what quantitie of fencing euery man shall make & mayntaine that from a generall feild shall fence in .his lot in pticuler these men are chosen for the whole towne John Kingsbury: Eli: Lusher Tho: Wight & Nath: Colbourne The 20 th of the 12 month 1643 Assembled: Nath: Aldus Jn Haward: Jn Dwight: Willm Bullard: Pet: Woodward & Mich: Powell There is libertie granted to the possesors of land in the South playne south playne to run their fence where it may be most con- uenient for the shorting of the sd fence betwene the sd 1 See last paragraph in brackets on page 73. 102 DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. playne & John Thurstons Land: and what quantitie of land they shall so en- close betwene the high way & the Swamp shall yet remaine in the townes hand M r Jn Allin Past 1 hath libertie granted to take in some M 1 ' J: Allin vpland for the conueniencie of his fence in Rock meadow: prouided y* he leaue out so much of the land belonging to his farme there in some other place Also there is granted to him a parcell of land nere the great playne vpon exchange for so much layd downe out of his farme nere rock meadow: this to be viewed by Jn Haward &: Mich Powell & they are to asist the measurer in laying it out Hen: Chickering & Tho: Wight haue libertie granted to take in some vpland for y e conueniency of their fence in Rocke Meadow Willm Btillard & Mi: Powell deputed to view it: and also Certaine pcells of Meadow granted to Hen: Chickering: nere thereto Jn Bullard hath Libtie granted to mow one load of hay in a meadow nere Rosemary Meadow The 17 th of the 3 month 1644 Assembled: Nath: Aldus John: Dwight Willm Bullard Tim: Dwight Michael Powell Granted to the military Company of this towne and to their Millitary succesors for euer: a pcell of land cont. two acres more as it Company lyeth on on the west r ly end of the trayning ground to be layd out by the sd Company: Granted to Robert Crosman a parcell of swamp lyeing be- R: Crosman t vene his land in old mill feild and Charles Riuer so far as his lot ranges against the riuer Granted to Thomas Jorden a parcell of vpland lyeing betwene T: Jorden the south playne and y 6 swanipe & land granted to John Thurston as it shall be thought conuenierit by Henry Chick- eringe Thomas Wight and Michael Powell The 29 of the 8 month 1644 Assembled: Nath: Aldus John: Haward: Joh: Dwight Willm Bullard Tim: Dwight: Mich Powell Wheras Michael Bacon hath parted with some of his plant- Cart Bridge inge Lot on the South side of Charles River for a common high way viz from the Trayning ground to the Cart Bridge ouer Charles Riu r three Rods broad and may be ocasioned more charge of fencing thereby the Towne doth grant vnto him for full satisfaction for the DEDHAM TOWN EECOEDS. 103 same and it is fully assented vnto on both sides as followeth That the sd Michael shall haue & enioy to him & his assignes for euer all that parcell of vpland y e remainder of a ten acree lot vpon the Hand and a parcell of meadow: lying on the east side of it Also a pcell of vpland as it lyeth from y 6 sd ten acre lot dovvne to Charles Riuer: Reseruing for the vse of the towne for euer a high way three Rods broad throw all the sd two pcells of vpland where the Towne shall think most conuenient: Always guided y l the sd Michael shall haue all the wood & timber: growinge or y l shall grow vpon the sd high way And it is agreed betwene them y l if the towne shall se cause to desire a fence to be set vp to fence y e high way from y 6 land of Michael Bacon: in his planting feild abouesd the sd Michael is to prouide y e fencing stuffe ready & y 6 towne is to be at the Charg of the Carrage of it & y e sd Michael is to set it vp at his owne prop charge and to maintaine it at his owne Charge for euer And in the meane while he is to prouide a gate or gates to secure his corne & to maintaine them This grant aforesd is in full satisfaction for his land or fencinge or for any trees y 1 hereto fore haue bin felled vpon any of the premyses The sd Michael Bacon is to enioy the sd land w th out paying any Rates for it for euer Granted vnto Michael Metcalfe senio r : one acre of land M: Metcalfe vpon the North end of the wigwam playne Granted to Jonathan Fairbanke two acres of land nere y e y. Farbank same place Granted to John Dwight a smale pcell of land about half an acre lying at the south end of his Lot vpon the great playne Granted to Joseph Clarke and Hen: Wilson to each three y Clarke acres of vpland lying in West feild next John Ropers Lot: ff. Wilson to be layd out by Tho: Wight & Willm Bullard Granted to Nathaniell Whiteinge an enlargm 4 of land adjoyn- Whiteinge ing to his house Lot at y e mill as it shalbe thought fit by Pet Woodward & Michael Powell: Granted to Robert Crosman two acres of land next his land Crosman in old mill feild: to be layd out by Jn Kingsbury and Willm Bullard: which sd land is granted in satisfaction for two acres of land layd downe by him vpon the Hand playne Granted to John Eaton a smal pcell of vpland lying betwene y Eaton his land vpon the Hand playne & y e swamp of Sam 11 Bullen: to make the line strait betwene them. John Haward is depu- ted to set it out John Kingsbury Eli: Lusher Jn Dwight Tho Wight are deputed to lay-out a high way from y e Hand to the great playne. 104 DEDHAM TOWN HE CORDS. The 6 of the 10 month 1644 Assemb: Jn Dwight Pet: Woodward Nath: Aldus Mich Powell Whereas Tho: Leader hath felled Pynes contrary to an order in y l case it is therefore ordered that he shall pay vnto the Towne one hundred & a half of good pine board to be deliuered at y e meeting house y e next springe Granted to Peter Woodward 6 acres more or lesse of vpland lying at the south end of Robt Hinsdells Land westward of Charles riuenwhich is granted in exchange of 6 acres: granted him nere m r Stoughtons rayles: Jn Haward & Willm Bullard deputed to lay it out Henry Aldridge is amerced 2 s for felling hoope poles contrary to order Granted to Eld r Hunting seaddar & pine for 2000 board The 16 th of the 10 month 1644 Assembled: John Haward John Dwight Nath Aldus Willm Bullard & Mich Powell Granted vnto Austen Kalem certaine small pcells of Meadow lying be- yond the great playne so they exceed not the quantitie of 4 acres: to be layd out by John Haward & Michael Powell Granted to Franc: Chickering a small parcell of vpland lying on the south end of his lot on the great playne Wheras there was notice giuen to all that possesed land on the great playne to meete to consider some orderly way of fencing it: the sd land holders comitting the care of it to vs & we consideringe y* those y l haue equall ben- ifit should be at an equall charge -according to euery mans gportion it Is therfore Ordred that that fencinge stuffe that growes next the east side & all other sides shall be felled & imployed by those y* posesse land next y 1 there may be as litle charge in cariag of it as may be: & for as much as some may be necesitated to goe farther of then others: it is therfore ordered y* euery man shall beare his due proportion in Cariag of the sd fencing stuffe. & y e next second day euery shall haue libertie to fell stuffe for the sd fence 1644 At a meeting the first day of the Eleuenth Month Assembled those whose names are vnder written with other the Inhabitants of this Towne: M r Jn Allin past 1 Jn Huntinge, Eld r : Hen: Chickering Tho Wight Jn Thu[ ] Anthony Fisher Jos Fisher Dan: Fisher Jn Luson: m r Ralph Wheeloc[ ] Jn Gaye: Willih Bullard Jn Bullard Robt Crosman Hen Wilson Jn N[ ] Edw: Coluer Hen Smith-: Nath Colborne: Nath: Aldus Hen Phillip[ ] Sam 11 Morse: Dan Morse Jn Morse: Jos Kingsbury Jn Dwite Lamb: G[ ] Edw Kemp: Edw Richards Tho Leader Geo Bears- towe: Jonath Fairba[ ] Mich Powell Mich Metcalfe: Juno r Jn Metcalfe DEDHAM TOWN EEGOBDS. 105 Jn Frary: Eli' Lusher: R[ ] Hinsdell: Pet Woodward: Jn Guyle Rich Euered Robt Gowinge & ce : The sd Inhabitants takeing into Consideration the great necesitie of prouiding some meanes for the Education of the youth in o r sd Towne did with an vnaninous consent declare by voate their willingnes to promote that worke promising to put too their hands to prouide maintenance for a Free Schoole in our said Towne And farther did resolue & consent testefying it by voate to rayse the some of Twenty pounds p annu: towards the maintaining of a Schoole m r to keep a free Schoole in our sd Towne And also did resolue & consent to betrust the sd 20. p annu: & cer- taine lands in o r Towne formerly set a part for publique vse: into the hand of Feofees to be presently Chosen by themselues to imploy the sd 2Q and the land aforesd to be improued for the vse of the said Schoole: that as the profits shall arise from y e sd land euery man may be proportionably abated of his some of the sd 20 aforesaid freely to be giuen to y e vse aforesaid And y* y e said Feofees shall haue power to make a Rate for the nesesary charg of improuing the sd land: they glueing account thereof to the Towne or to those whome they should depute John Hunting Eld r Eliazer Lusher Francis Chickeringe John Dwight & Michael Powell are Chosen Feofees and betrusted in the behalfe of the Schoole as afore said Michael Powell is Chosen to keepe the Towne Booke and to be one of the 7 men for the year next ensuing this is also Chosen Eliazer Lusher Francis Chickeringe: John Haward Robert Hinsdell: Joseph Kingsbury and Henry Phillips which haue y e same power comitted vnto them that the 7 men heretofore haue had Peter Woodward 1 John Gaye > Chosen Surueyers for y e yeare ensuinge Daniell Morse ) are Chosen Woodreeues Samuell Judsun Robert Onyon , ... , r~ Samuell Mills > are admitted T nsmen Ralph Daye The 13th of y e 11 month 1644 Assembled: John Haward Eliazer Lusher Robt Hensdell Jos: Kings- bury Hen: Phillips & Michael Powell John Haward Robert Hensdell & Joseph Kingsbury are deputed to view a high way desired in y e Hand & to treat w th the men whome it concernes about it: & to returne answere to the 7 men 106 DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. Wheres Nathan Aldus was formerly promised some meadow in Consid- eration of wood felled vpon his land in the Hand: It is now farther prom- ised y l when meadowes are disposed of he shalbe considered: Henry Aldridge & Samuell Bullen are pmised to be considered for some vpland & meadow & John Eaton for some meadow as soone as may be con- uenient Eli. Lusher: chosen by Josua Fisher & Mich Powell deputed by y e towne to setle y e bounds of Josua Fishers lot amongst y 6 rocks which he purchaced of Eliz Fisher: & to dispose of certaine parcells of Swamp nere Tho Jordens Lot as thay shall se meete Tho: Eames hath granted vnto him a small parcell of vpland vpon the Hand: vpon Condition y* he build a house vpon it betwene this & the first of y 6 3 month next: John Haward & Hen: Phillips are deputed to set it out: Tho: Eames hath grantd to hi.m the wood growing vpon a pcell of Swamp: cont. 4 acres more or lesse as it lyeth Northward of the Land granted to m r Grene: which grant is granted him for so long as he shall burne bricks at y 6 kill nere therevntoo & no longer Robert Hensdell & Michael Powell deputed to assist the measurer to lay out Swamp: Mich Powell is deputed to view a pcell of vpland which Joseph Clarke desireth to haue to shorten his fence nere his meadow & to returne answere to the 7 men. John Dwight Hen Phillips & Joshua Fisher are deputed to determine where the Fence shalbe set about y 6 great playne PA Record declareing the pportion of Fence that is about the Great playne wherin is exp r ssed how much fence euery ppriator ther is to make & mayntayne for euer as allso the order & place wher the said fence lye in the pticular pcells: being ^portioned to 2 Rodd & 12 foote to each Acre: be- ing done & pformed by the ppryators or the major pt of them in pt & the remaynder setled by such men as wer deputed therto. begining at the end Fence at the south east corner & so gceeding toward the west & coming round about vntill it com to the same place wher it began Rodd: V 2 Footc Rich: Euered Joh: Fraery Ferd: Adam 23 18 4 2 15 Joh: Kingsbery Hen Phillips Sam: Morse 6 4 10 13 14 12 Tho: Wight Mich: Bacon 15 5 * 15 Mich: Metcalf Dan: Morse 11 4 1 3 Eld r Hunting Nath Coaleburn Christo Smith Joh: Newton 25 9 3 7 1 13 7 3 Will Bearstoe Ralph Daye Fra: Chickering Edw: Kempe 14 5 25 7 7 12 8 1 'That which is enclosed in brackets is from a leaf bound at the end of Volume 1. DEDHAM TOWN RECOBDS. 107 Nath Coaleburn 800 Hen: Smith 800 Hen: Chickering 22 M r Allen 12 Robt: Wares 600 Pet: Woodward 900 Will Bullard 400 Nath Aldus 12 Hen: Willson 200 Joh: Kingsbery 5 12 Anth: Fisher 905 Hen: Brock 12 Robt Mason 28 M r Allen 75 11 side fence begin Ferdina: Adams Antho: Fisher Hen: Brock Joh Kingsbery Hen Willson Robt Wares Nath Aldus Willm Bullard Nath Coaleburn Eld r Hunting Hen Chickering Hen Smith Mich Metcalf Lamb: Genry Dan: Morse Fran: Chickering m d that Joh Kingsbery & Franc: Chickering ar apointed to make and mayntayne for euer the gate at the North East end of the great playne for w ch ther is to each of them abated 5 rodd of fence w ch did belong to them mor then in this pportion is setled vpon them Allso Lambert Genery is to make & mayntaine for euer a gate at the north west end of the playne for and in stead of that fence belonging to the pcell last granted to him: besids that 2 rodd set formerly thervpon concluded by voate that this settlement as is aboue exp r ssed shall stand firme except any materiall & aparent errour may apeare w ch shall be rectified and allso that wheras som men haue not so much Fence settled vpon Joh: Dwight 27 7 Rich Ellice 6 13 Joh: Eaton 9 4 Josep Kingsbery 6 10 Edw Richards 12 14 M r Powell 22 10 Joh: Ellice 5 Elea: Lusher 30 5 Tho: Payne 5 6 Tho: Wight 24 3 Joh: Batchelor 15 10 M r Cooke 29 i [end] fence end heere Joh: Eaton 8 Eleaz Lusher 8 Edw Kemp 7 4 Joh Ellice 3 6 Mich: Bacon 15 12 Tho: Wight 14 9 Joh: Dwight 30 5 Sam Judson 9 Christo: Smith 4 Josep Kingsbery 8 6 end Fence begin Joh: Bacon 23 Aust Kalem 28 12 Josep: Morse 41 6 Elizab: Fisher 10 6 M r Allen 47 4 Tymo Dwight 7 4 Joh Dwight 12 6 3 9 5 6 4 7 9 3 4 8 * 4 15 5 20 9 4 7 1 12 12 2 16 11 108 DEDHAM TOWN BECOEDS. them as thier land according to this gportion should beare: it is agreed that they shall buy them them selues free of that fence for euer at the price of 3 s the Rodd: and that the price that shall arise from thence shall be employed for the paym* of such debts as ar due to any men for publike charge or worke about the said playne allways pvided that w* can be found to be iust to be payed from any pticulars pson be gathered & to be payed toward the said charges. & the residue left to be accounted for to the company or thier assignes] ' The 4 of y e 12 month 1644 Assembled Eli Lusher Franc Chickeringe Jn Haward Jos Kingsbury Hen Phillips Robert Hensdell and Michael Powell The Inhabitants of this towne declared their mind by voa'te y* the remain- der of y e Training ground be improued by y e Feofees for y e vse of the Fre Schole in the sd towne and that the Swamp to be layd out to y e Inhabitants of y e Smoth playn y e Hand & the midle playne be disposed of acording to mens grants & Scituations: those y* liue farthest of to haue y 8 Swamp that lyeth nearest And y 1 the pcell of woodland now to be deuided be proportioned accord- ing to the number of persons & mens estates Granted to the Feofees for y e free Schoole in Dedham for the vse of the sd Schoole a percell of the Training ground so much as shalbe set out to them by the Towne which said pcell is granted from this present day vnto the last day of the Eight month which shalbe in y e yeare 1650 Hen: Chickeringe Eli Lusher & Hen Phillips deputed to set out the sd parcell of land aboue said Whereas it appearesthat Anthony Fisher Daniell Fisher Thomas Wight & John Luson are wanting in full measure of their Meadow in their 6 acres of the last deuision: there is now granted vnto them so much as it shall appeare they want in measure In a meadow nere Rosemary meadow where it shalbe found conuenient by John Haward & Michael Powell who are de- puted to asist the measurer in laying it out Robert Crosman hath libertie granted him to build an house vpon a small pcell of land he purchaced of Hen: Brocke nere the meeting house not- withstanding a former order to the Contrary Samuell Judson hath granted him 4 acres of land vpon the Hand playne nere Tho. Eames last grant: Sam 11 Morse Nath: Aldus & M: Powell are to asist in laying it out Granted to Nathan Aldus: libertie to mowe the grase in a parcell of Meadow lying Southward of Richard Euereds meadow in Rosemary Meadow: for the next yeare And being there hath bin some meadow promised him hereto fore vpon some considerations: therefore if it shall appeare that the DEDHAM TOWN RE COEDS. 109 said parcell of meadow be not formerly granted to any body: We doe now grant vnto the said Nathan the said pcell for euer if it exceed not two acres: or if it doe we grant him 2 acres of it which is in full satisfaction for all former promises of medow Samuell Bullen hath granted to him 2 acres of land vpon the great playne at the end of Joseph Morses Lott Wheras John Morse his Meadow y e 6 acres of the second deuision proues very bad in consideration whereof the towne doth grant vnto him two acres of meadow: in Liew of 2 acres of the said 6 acres which he is content to lay downe to the towne: which said 2 acres the towne doth grant him in a mead' ow Called Rosemary Meadow next below the meadow formerly granted to m r Samuell Cooke: John Kingsbury & Anthony Fisher are deputed to asist y e measurer in layinge it out. Lots Woodlands granted to diuers men as followeth 1 Joshua Fisher 2 Tho: Eames 3 Joseph Clarke 4 James Jordon 5 John Newton 6 Tho Wight 7 Tho Leader 8 Nath Whiteinge 9 Joseph Kingsbury 10 M r Sam 11 Cooke 11 John Roper 12 Hen: Wilson 13 John Dwight 14 Ben: Smith 15 Rich Euered 16 Hen: Aldridge 17 Rich Ellice 18 Mich Powell 19 Tim Dwight 20 Hen Brocke 21 Tho: Alcocke 22 Mich Bacon 23 Austin Kilham 24 John Ellice 25 M r John Allin 26 m r Hen Deengaine 27 Willm Bullard 28 5 acres 1 acre & a half & half a rood 3 acres 3 roodes 1 acres 1 roode 5 acres & a halfe 8 acres 20 rod 3 acres & half a roode 4 acres 60 rod 6 acres & & roode 6 acres \ & 20 rod 4 acres 3 acres 9 acres & a halfe 1 acre 6 acres 3 roods 3 acres 1 acre 20 rod 7 acres 20 rod 3 acres 5 acres 3 acres 3 roods 20 rod 7 acres 1 roode 6 acres 60 rod 2 acres & a halfe 14 acres 20 rod 1 acre 1 roode 6 acres 20 rod Mich Metcalf senio r 8 acres 20 rod 110 * DEDHAM TOWN HECOKDS. 29 Daniell Fisher 30 Sam 11 Morse 31 Robt: Gowinge 32 John Lrson 33 John Kingsbury 34 Pet: Woodward 35 Geo: Bearstowe 36 John Bacheler 37 John Morse 38 Eli: Lusher 39 Eliz Fisher 40 Robt: Hensdell 41 Hen: Smith 42 John Eaton 43 Willm Bearstowe 44 Robt Onyon 45 John Fairbanke 46 Tho Fuller 47 Twaits Strickland 48 John Thurston 49 Mich Metcalf Juno 1 50 Lamb: Genere 51 -Franc: Chickeringe 52 John Plimption 53 John Gaye 54 Jonath Fairbanke 55 Edw. Coluer 56 Hen Chickering 57 John Bullard 58 John Guild 59 Edw: Richards 60 Robt Ware 61 Jos: Morse 62 Tho Jorden 63 John Frary 64 Ant: Fisher 65 Edw: Kempe 66 John H award 67 Dan: Morse 68 m r Wheelocke 69 Hen Glouer 70 Fard: Adams 71 Chris: Smith 4 acres 60 rod 3 acres 3 roodes 1 acre \ 5 acres 1 roode 8 acres 20 rod 5 acres 1 acre 7 acres 4 acres 3 roods 5 acres 2 acres 3 roods 5 acres 3 roods 4 acres 7 acres 3 acres 1 acres 1 roode 2 acres \ 2 acres 30 rod 1 acre 4 acres 3 roods 2 acres 1 rod 5 acres \ 12 acres 1 acre \ 5 acres 3 roods \ 6 acres 1 rood 2 acres \ & \ a rood 7 acres 3 roods \ 3 acres \ & \ rood 1 acre 5 acres 1 acre 3 roods 4 acres \ 2 acres 20 rod 7 acres 1 rood 8 acres & rood 3 acres \ 8 acres 20 rod 6 acres 7 acres 1 acre 2 acres 1 acre & rood DEDHAM TOWN EECOEDS. HI 72 Robt. Crosman 1 acre * Nath: Colbourne 5 acres 3 roods 74 Nath Aldus 5 acres \ & \ ro< 75 Sam 11 Bullen 2 acres ^ 76 Tho Payne 3 acres 1 rood 77 Geo: Barber 3 acres 78 Jam: Allin 3 acres \ 79 Tho Bayes 2 acres ^ 20 rod 80 John Hunting Eld r 7 acres 20 rod 81 Hen: Phillips 3 acres 82 Tho Herringe 2 acres 3 roods 83 Robt: Mason 5 acres: At a meetinge y e first day of the 11 month 1645 Assembled the Inhabitants of this towne Chosen to act in Towne affaires for the yeare next followinge Henry Chickeringe: Eliazer Lusher John Haward John Dwight Anthony Fisher Ed- ward Richards and Michael Powell: who is chosen to keepe y 6 towne Booke for the yeare followinge The propriators of the purchast meadow & vpland haue ioyntly asented for y e better improuement of the same that the said meadow be deuided into 4 parts according to the number of propriators in each part: & haue cast lots: where each part shall be: & the propriators in the Hand are to begin next the litle Bridge: & so measure northward so much as falls to their propor- tion: & the midle playne is to be next: the East streete next: & the Smbth playne most northwards: & it is agreed y l what is wantinge of the said pur- chace land shalbe made vp in vpland where it may be found conuenient for each deuision: 3: 12 month 1645 It is ordred y* henceforth the Cunstable or any other y* JZate shalbe deputed to gather a rate in our towne: shall stand charged with the whole some in the said rate & shall not haue power to abate any man or set off any former debts: but if any shall re- fuse to pay: they y* gather y e said rate shall refer them to the 7 men for y e lyme beinge who shall haue power to abate or set of as they se fitt: And also euery man deputed to collect any rate in o r Towne shall giue ac- count of the said rate to the 7 men or to those whome they shall depute when they shall require it after y e said rate is appoynted to be gathered: & if any such shall neclect or refuse to giue account of any rate being therevnto required shall pay to the vse of the towne as the 7 men shall thinke meete 112 DEDHAM TOWN EECOEDS. gvided alhvayes that such accounts be called for w th in 3 moneths after such Rate be to be gathered Samuell Milles hath granted to him a pcell of vpland next the land granted to Joseph Clarke & Henry Wilson nere Westfeild if it may there be found conuenient so it exceed not 3 acres Tho Wight & Willm Bullard de- puted to asist in laying it out when they haue layd out y e land formerly granted there Sam 11 Milles hath libtie to cut 400 lengthes of hoope poles on the com- mon: & is to pay 2 s to the towne Granted to Edward Coluer a small pcell of land nere his house as it shalbe layd out by Eli: Lusher: vpon condition that if he shall depart y* towne it shall returne into y e townes dispose agajne as formerly a This grant is confirmed to Ralph Daye and his hiers for euer It is Ordred that for this p r sent yea r euery man both those y l haue Carts & laborers shall worke 4 dayes in y e high wayes when & where the surueyors shall appoynt & that y 6 surueyors shall haue no power to dispence w th any man for lesse tyme. but if any shall refuse or neglect those said 4 dayes worke he shalbe refered to the seauen men to doe in the case as they shall se fife The 7 of the 10 month 1646 Assembled Hen: Chickring Eli: Lusher Ant: Fisher John Dwight John Haward Edw: Richards & Mich Powell John Dwight and Peter Woodward deputed to treat with Georg Bear- stoe about a parcell of his house lot to dig clay in: & with Jonathan Fair- banke about a way therunto:: & to tender satisfaction to them for y e same: & to make a full agrement as they shall se meete The 10 mo: 26. 1646 Assembled Henry Chickering: Joh: Dwight Antho: Fisher Ed: Richards & Eleazer Lusher Eleazer Lusher is requested to take care of y e Town Booke & to enter therin what is to be recorded, in the absence of m r Powell Georg Bearstow granteth to the Town of Dedham. that pcell George Bearstow of his house Lott that lyeth at j^west end therof: wher Clay Claye ground is accustomed to be digged: viz 1 : from the Little Riuer or Creeke at the end of his said Lott all the breadth therof so farr East ward as Clay is to be found, together w th sufficient space for a Convenient Cart passage from y e said pcell to the Streete which waye or Cart passage shall lye next the South side Lyne of his said Lott which fore- said pcell is & shall remaine free to the Inhabitants of y e said Town of Ded- 'This line seems to have been added later, being in a different hand-writing. DEDHAM TOWN EECOBDS. 113 ham: to digge & carry a way Claye w th Free Egresse & Regresse with w* so euer Carts. Teames. or w* so euer else shall be necessary for y e Casting or carying a way of Clay as afore said so long as the said Inhabitants shall &: will find & make vse of clay in the said pcell & afterward to remayne to the free &: peaceable posession of y e said George & his hiers for eufer pvided allways y l the said Inhabitants doe make &: mayntaine such a fence as shall be requesite in the south Lyne of the said Lott or pcell therof from that place wher a ditch is began to be made vnto the little Riuer or Creeke befor specified For & in consideration wherof the Town of Dedham aforesaid granteth to y e said George Bearstow & to his hiers for euer 4 acres of Swampe together w th all woode & Timber, ther vpon. either standing or felled. w ch swampe is to be apointed or set out to the said George at the discretion of John Dwight & Peter Woodward Deputed to laye out that pcell of Land neer adioyning to the great great Playne: for the pasturing of Cattell in time of worke Playne ther according to a former grante Antho: Fisher: Joh Dwight Tho Wight: Austen Kalem Edward Richards Alowed to Ralph Daye. for beating the Drum at the meetinghouse for the time past 20 s . to be payd in Ceader board at 4 s p. cent 11 month. 1 day At a genrall Meeting of the Whole Town. 1646 assembled M r Joh Allen. Pastor, Henry Chickering, Joh Kingsbery, Antho: Fisher, Joh: Luson, Mich Metcalf. seni, Jonath: Fayerbanke, Joh Dwight, Fran: Chickering, Sam: Morse, Nath Aldus, Elea: Lusher, Tho: Wight, m r Ralph Wheelock, Willm Bullard, Joh Gaye, Eld r Joh Hunting, Joseph Kingsbery Nath: Coalburn, Robt Hinsdell, Timo. Dwight, Pet: Woodward, Joh: Fraery: Rich: Euered, Ed: Kempe, Tho Leader, Ed: Richards, Robt Mason, Dan, Fisher, Hen: Phillips, Josh: Fisher, Lam: Chinery, Joh Fayerbank, Rich: Ellice, Joh: Hayward, Joh Plimpton, Christo: Smith, Geor: Barber, Hen: Smith, Josep: Morse, Robt Gowen, Joh Thurston, Tho: Jordan, Josh: Kent, Joh: Bullard, Josep: Clark, Hen: Wilson, Thw: Strickland, Ben: Smith, Robt Onion, Sam: Mills, Dan: Morse, Geor: Bearstoe, Joh: Batchelor, Mich Bacon, Robt Grossman, Joh: Eaton, Tho. Payne, Tho: Fuller, Joh Moyse, Sam: Jud- son, Robt Weare, Sam: Bulleyn, Austen Kalem, Jam: Allen, Joh: Ellice, Mich. Metcalf, Ralph Daye, Joh Guilde, Robt Fuller It was taken into consideration by the Inhabitants aboue named that the Meeting house being yet vnfinished was not a supplye to the congrega- tion & therfor by joynt consent: It is now ordered that the said Meeting house shall be forthwith Compleatly Finished w th as much expedition as may be. And that the Charge therof shall be raised by a Rate, which Rate shall 114 DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. be asessed vpon Estats onely. and shall be distinct from the former Rate mad for the building of that new pt therof. not respecting the same but shall be for the Compleat finishing therof in what sum so euer the former Rate fall short. Eleazer Lusher is Chosen to keepe the Town Booke for the year follow- ing & to act in the affayres of y e Town equall with the other 6 men now to be chosen Henry Chickering: Joh Dwight: Tho Wight Fra: Chickering Joh Kings- berye: Antho. Fisher ar Chosen to act in Town affayers for y e ensueing year haueing the same power thier p r decessors had. Eleazer Lusher is Chosen to attend at the Shire Town concerning y e Country Rate: according to order of Court. Jonath: Fayerbank ^ Sam: Morse ;- ar Chosen surveyers for the ensueing yeare Joh Eaton ) Willm Bullard > ,., Peter Woodward \ ar Chosen ^dreeues Ordered that the way leading to the Great Playne shall be taken care of to be made & kept in repayer by y e surveyers for the time being from year to year Lambert Genry hath liberty to sell his Land beyond y e mill Creeke to Tyler of Roxberye Ordered that all Meadowe that is known in our Town fitt for emproue- ment shall in y e first fitt optunitie be surveyed. & the quantitie ther of taken & answer returned to the Town in a genrall Meeting, that so it may be layed out in pticular gprietyes Ordered that the one halfe of that yearly Rent of 40" p afifi that arise from the Land of our Town in m r8 Stoughtons hand, for all the time past: shall be allowed to the Church & the vse ther of John Kingsbery. John Dwight. Eleazer Lusher. & George Barber: ar deputed to view the Swampe on the south side of the Middle Playne. as allso the vpland on both sids of the said swampe as it may be in fittness for a Cart waye ther. & to treat with y 6 ppriators on both sids. & to return answer to the Town in genrall Richard Wheeler and John Farington ar admitted Townsemen. Graunted to Richard Wheeler John Farington 2 acres of vpland to be layd out at the discretion Peter Woodward Robt Hinsdell & Richard Euered. beyond the house Lott of the said Richard Euered. & betwixt the high way & y* Swampe ther The case depending betwixt the Town: Joseph Kingsbery Joshua Fisher: & Lambert Chinnery concerning a waye is referred to the determination of M r Ralph Wheelock Chosen by the Town Michaell Metcalfe by Jos. Fisher DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. 115 a (John Dwight perhaps Kingsburys man) John Fraery by La: Chinnery John Gaye by ioynt consent of all y 6 pties Eleazer Lusher is Chosen to keepe the Regester & drawe the transcript according to order of Court 11 Mon: 8: 1646 Assembled Hen Chickering. Joh Kingsbery Antho: Fisher Fran Chickering: Tho Wight: Joh Dwight & Elea Lusher Agreed w th Joh Thurston to make the seats in y e Meeting- Meetinghouse house: all that shall be placed in the new house & on the seats East side of the midle Alley in the old house he to finde all the worke about them, carriag excepted. and to haue tim- ber for that vse of the Towne. & to receaue of y 6 Town for the said worke 13; 10 s : to be payed 5 in Ceader boarde at 4 s p cent. 2<> s in Indian Corn at 3 s p bushell. the rest in wheat at 4 s p bushell. all to be deliuered in Town. M d that y e 5 men: viz*: M r Ralph Wheelock. Michall Metcalfe: Joh Dwight Joh: Fraery & Joh Gaye: being indifferently & Mutually chosen by the Town. Joseph Kingsbury: Lambert Chinery. Joshua Fisher doe order ar admitted Townesmen Tho. Bancroft ) A schoole house & a watchouse. is resolued to be built this next yeare the care wherof is left to the select men The choice of select men as followeth 124 DEDHAM TOWN RE COEDS. Eleazer Lusher is chosen to keepe y e Towne Booke &: to be one of y e select men Henry Chickering: Thomas Wight J af chosen f d John Kmgsbery: Joshua: Fisher: U for fa ^ ensueing John: Dwight: Francis Chickering Eleazer Lusher ) ar cnosen f or tne en di n g o f smale cases according Henry^Chickenng ^ h Qrder of e Court John Kmgsbery ) Nathaniell Coaleburne: Daniell Fisher. & John Haward ar chosen sur- veyers Joh:Gaye John. Eaton | ar chosen woo dre eu es Josep. Kmgsbery: John. Fraery } Eleazer Lusher, is discharged of his high waye worke for the yeare next ensueing. in regard of his many occasions for the publike [*It is ordered that the Land now intended to be layed out shall be first surveyed at the Townes charge & layed out by the rules of psons & estates. each pson of the Towne w* soeuer. to receaue so much as eight pound estate] The disorderly feeding of Fields & meadowes lying in pprietie the select men now chosen ar desired to take care to p r uent Ordered that the Land now to be layed out in a genrall deuedent shall be first surveyed at the Townes charge. & deuided vnto psons & estates each pson in the Town w* so euer. being an inhabitant shall receaue as much as eight pound estate 11 mo 15 d Assemb. Hen Chickering: Joh. Kingsbery: Joh: Dwight: Tho: 48 Wight: Fra Chickering: Lieft. Fisher: & El. Lusher. Granted vnto James Allen one pcell of swampe not exceeding 2 Acres to be layed out neere the swampe formerly Granted to Henry Smith, at y e direction of Joh. Dwight & Fra: Chickering Granted to George Fairebanke free libertie to fell and take for his own vse vpon the Comon Land of the Towne such timber as he shall from time to time neede for his trade pvided. that he neither sell nor trade a waye any such timber, vnwrought into vessels. & he hath allso libertie heereby to let his timber so felled, lye the space of one whole yeare it being sufficiently marked w th som knowen marke Granted to serg*. George Fairebanke. one smale pcell of Land, as it lye against the side of his own yard, for an enlargem 1 to set a Barne vpon it to be layed out to him by the direction of Joh. Dwight & El. Lusher. Wheras the disorderly feeding of pprieties is both a wrong & an offence, to the ppriators as well in Meadowes as allso in Corne fields that ar posessed & Impved by many owners, it is therfor. for y e p r uenting of y e grieeuances aforesaid: ordered. That euery gpriator w* so euer: that hold or Impue any Land in corne field or fields in our Towne. shall yearely & euery yeare. take DEDHAM TOWN RECOEDS. 125 in all his corne. w* sort so sort it be of out of all such fields, before the 12 th of the eight moneth vpon penaltie of beareing all damages w* so euer may by neglect ther of before w ch said daye. no man w* so euer shall haue Libertie to put his cattell of any sort to feed in any such fielde vpon such penaltie as the Court hath all ready apointed. but after y e said 12 daye of the eight moneth. it shall be free for all gpriators. to feed thier cattell in such fields vvher themselues posesse lands, as owners, or vpon rent. And no man w fc so euer shall put his cattell to feed in any Field, wher himself is no posessor. vpon pennaltie of forfieture of 5 s for euery such offence Neither shall any keeper of any hearde of Cattell. w* so euer. put the heard by him so kept, or any pt therof. into any Corne Field, to keepe them ther to feede. though the corne be all out vpon penaltye of payeing 5 s for euery offence against this order, neither shall he suffer them wittingly or wil- linglye. to continnue ther. if thorough deffect of the fence, they goe in of themselues. vpon the like penaltie as before said, or if ther be any damage done in corne the keeper by whose default it is. shall paye the damage be- sides the penaltie aforesaide. all w ch pennalties shall be payed to whom so euer the greater part of the gpriators of the field, shall apoint. to receaue the same vpon demaunde Vpon the demaund made by Daniell Fisher, of sattisfaction for the def- fect of measure in his twelue acres of meadowe. due to him vpon his first grant we therfor in the consideration therof. doe now Grant to the said Daniell. & his hiers for euer. 3 acres & 3 roodes. of meadowe. to be layed out to him. or his assignes in such a place in Rosemary meadowe as the said Daniell shall chuse: that is at p r sent free from all engagem*. gvided. that he take it in full satisfaction for y e Clayme by him made to the high waye by Charles Riuer. in y e Broade Meadow And for as much as vpon further consideration its adiudged gbable that the foresaid quantitie of meadow cannot be found in one place together we therfore doe further order heerein. that the said pcell shall be layed out at y e direction of Eleazer Lusher & Joshua Fisher who ar desired to take care so to laye it out. as it may giue satisfaction to the said Daniell so fare as they conceaue reasonable 12 of y e 8 th mo 1649 Assemb: Hen Chickering: Tfio. Wight: Joh. Dwight: Joh Kingsbery, Fra: Chickering: Lieft: Fisher & Elea: Lusher Granted vnto Thomas Payne. & to his hiers for euer. 2 acres of swampe. to be layed out in the Cofnon swampe. neere y e south playne at y e direction of Thomas Wight John Dwight. & Lieft, Fisher ar Deputed to treate & conclude w th Lam- bert Genery. for that smale parcell of his Land in his Lott wher Clay is to be had for Bricke. & to returne answer to the select men 126 DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. who returne answer that the said Lambert doe freely giue it to the Towne 1 of y e 11 mo: 1649 At a genrall meeting of the Towne TU' 5f Wa ! d 1 ar requested & appointed to search out a place for y e Joh: Thurston t f d f d J d Geo. Barber ) * It is ordered that a platt shall be taken of y e bounds & lines of y 6 whole Towne and that it be made Capeable of a distinct platt of euery gprietie Michaell Metcalf senio r > ar apointed to take in y e accounts of y e select men. Ensign. Phillips > in such things as concerne the Towne for y e yeare Serg 1 Fisher ) last past: Elea: Lusher Lieft: Fisher I ar chosen and authorised to laye out the Grant made from Ensig: Phillips J> this Towne to y 6 village. & to accomplish the same before Joh Dwight the middle of y e 2 month next Dan: Fisher Those 3 men Chosen the last yeare to end smale cases, according to the Court order, ar againe chosen for the same worke for y e yeare next following The select men Chosen as followeth Eleazer Lusher is chosen to keepe the Booke & allso to be one of y e se- lectmen for y e year next ensueing John. Kingsbery: Lieft Fisher ) ar allso chosen & haue y e same power Henry: Chickering: Serg 1 Fisher > put into thier hands y* thier p r deces- John: Dwight: Tymo: Dwight ) sors haue vsually had John Luson ) Hen Smyth > ar chosen surveyors John: Morse ) Willm Bullard Joh Thurston George Barber > ar chosen woodreeues Joh: Fraery vpon consideration of the motion made & y 6 voate passed, for the glue- ing account to y e men deputed to audit the same, it is adiudged most meet & to informe them of the manner of our disbursem 18 by the Constable and referr them to his accounts The 2 orders made the 31 of Decemb r 1636 concerning felling trees ar heerby repealed as allso one orded made 16 of march 1640. concerning monethly meetings of y e select men is heereby repealed. For as much as vpon experience it apeare. that som orders made in y 6 former yeares in y 6 beginning of our Towne ar not at p r sent vsefull for y 6 p r sent state therof. amongst w ch . 2 orders, restrayneing the felling of trees, ar therfore heere aboue. repealed DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. 127 It is therfor (for the p r uenting disorderly & wasteful! felling of trees, either for woode or timber) now ordered that it shall hence forth be in the Libertie. of any man that is admitted a Townesman heere w th vs. to fell any such fire woode as he shall for his owne vse stand in need of from time, to time, allwayes gvided that no oake trees be felled, but such as ar granted to such psons. according to y e order of the Towne. &: that case gvided. and for euery offence comitted against y e true meaning, of this order, as is aboue ex- p r ssed. the offender shall paye vnto y e vse of the Towne such a pennaltie as shall be by the select men for the time being adiudged meete. so that no fine exceed 5 s for the felling of any one tree Lieft: Fisher is deputed. Sc vndertaketh to take & make a true platt of y 6 out most Lines of the Towne Granted vnto Ralph Daye free libertie to make vse of w* Clay so euer he shall need for the vse of makeing Bricke in that parcell of Land late Lambert Generies & by him granted to the Towne to that end. allwayes gvided. that he secure the same by fence, from all hazard of damage, that may be by reason of the Clay pitts. Allso we doe heereby. grant to the said Ralph or his assignes libertie to fell & carry a way. (for the vse aforesaid), such wood vpon the Comon ground of the Towne from time to time as he ne'edeth 7. of 11 mo 1649 Assembled at this meeteing last aboue mentioned the select men heere after named Henry. Chickering, John: Dwight, Lieft: Fisher, Tymo: Dwight, Daniell: Fisher &: Eleazer: Lusher 21 of 12 mo 1649 Hen: Chickering: Joh: Kingsbery: John: Dwight: Lieft: Fisher: Serg 1 : Fisher: Tymo: Dwight & Eleaz: Lusher Granted to Thomas Payne. to his heyers for euer a supplye of swampe in that swampe formerly granted, to vse of burning Bricke if that grante so made hinder not this p r sent grante. Joh Haward. Lieft Fisher ar to laye it out Granted to Lieft Fisher: and to his heyers for euer. Tenn Acres of vpland to be layed out to him by the asistance and direction of Peter Wood- ward and Nathaniell Coaleburne. vpon the place called the planting fielde in full satisfaction for his right in the purchased vplands being one Cowe pas- tureing and one halfe. as allso in sattisfaction for his right that is or maye be in the next deuident of vpland. yet to be layed out p vided that if vpon the laying out of that deuedent it shall apeare that. 4 Acres according to his gportion is more then will com to his pt that he then shall sattisfie som other man for so much as the said Lieft haue too much we accounting that sixe Acres of this grant may be equally allowed for his right in the purchased Lands John Bullard. and Henry Wilson, makeing request for supplye of mead- owe ther is there vpon granted vnto the said John & Henry the free vse of 128 DEDHAM TOWN KECOEDS. the meadow, called the Church meadowe for the space of seauen yeares next ensueing. equally to deuide the same betwixt them, vpon this condition, that, they sufficiently stubb & cleere the same, allwayes gvided. that if the Town can other wise supply them w th meadowe: it shall be in the libertie of the Towne. to call it out of thier hands vpon alloweing them such recompence for thier cleereing the same as shall be Judged they haue deserued mor then the time they haue had the meadow, haue equally sattisfied for and further allso they ar enioyned by the entery of the said meadowe to mayntaine the fence belonging therto. & leaue the same In due repayre when so euer they shall leaue the meadowe Eleazer Lusher, is deputed in behalfe of the Towne of Dedham to asist in laying out the Farme granted to M r Edward Aleyne deceased w ch is to be layd out at Bogastow. now called Medfield 15 of 4 mo 1G50 Assemb: Hen Chickering: Joh Kingsbery: Joh: Dwight: Lieft Fisher, Serg 4 : Fisher & Elea: Lusher John Dwight: Lieft Josh: Fisher & Serg* Daniell Fisher ar deputed to treat w th such of Cambridg men. as shall be by that Towne appointed and authorised to treat in refference to the sale of those Lands late in the pos- ession of Dedham. or any pt of the same, now being desired to be purchased againe by the Inhabitants of Dedham. and vpon the tender of such gposi- tions as they Judg reasoneable. to returne answer to the select men. that the Towne may doe therein as they shall Judg meete 17 of 3 mo 1G50 Assemb: John Kingsbery: Hen: Chickering: Lieft: Fisher: Tymo: Dwight: Serg 1 . Fisher & Elea. Lusher Vpon the demand of Joseph Kingsbery. made for the right he haue re- mayning due to him. in respect of his disbursement in the purchased Lands, at the beginjng of the Towne. ther is therfor granted to the said Joseph and his heyers for euer. foure Acres of vpland. if it be to be had on the north east side of M r Greenes Farme Vpon the request of Thomas Payne, ther is granted to the said Thomas and his heyers for euer: one smale pcell of vpland. lyeing adioyning to one pcell of the meadowe of the said Thomas, for the streightening of his Fence there, this is to be appointed & layed out to him by the direction of John Kingsbery 27 of 4 mo 1650 Assemb: John Kingsbery, Hen: Chickering, Lieft: Fisher, Joh: Dwight, Serg* Fisher, & Eleaz: Lusher The Rate for the purchasing of Ammunition according to the order of the Court made this day at the rate of penny farthing p Deputed, the men heereafter named, to treate w th Cambridg men about the purchase of half that Tract of Land that was formerly in the posession DEDHAM TOWN EECORDS. 129 of Dedham and that they at thier discretion should in the best manner they can get the knowledg of w* the price is like to be. and if they se vrgent reason they may offer fifty pounds or vpward. not exceeding sixtie . except the select men first see reason to consent therto. they ar allso to endeavour to cleere vp: & put an end to all reckonings, at p r sent betwixt Cambridg and Dedham. men deputed therto John D wight, Lieft: Fisher, Serg 1 Fisher Deputed the men heereafter named to treat with Roxbery men about the purchase of som pt of the Land in thier Town Bounds, that lye next our Towne. and returne answer to the select men. they ar Authorised to con- clude if they can. & they see iust reason so to doe. so that they exceed not the price of sixtie pounds for one thousand acres Francis Checkering: John Dwight. Lieft Fisher & Elea Lusher Granted vnto Joshua Fisher senior and to his heyers for euer sixe Acres of vpland to be layed out to him vpon that place called the planting fielde at the direction of Henry Chickering, Peter Woodward Granted vnto Joshua Kent and to his heyers for euer sixe Acres of vp- land to be layed out to him vpon the planting field at the direction of Henry Chickering, Nathaniell Coaleburne 31 of 6 mo: 1650 Assem: Joh: Kingsbery, Hen: Chickering, Lieft: Fisher, Joh. Dwight, Serg 1 Fisher, Corporall Dwight & Elea Lusher. The Countrey Rate this daye made Vpon the request of John Littlfield. it is consented vnto. that libertie shall be allowed him. to hyer or purchase som habitation in our Town to dwell in. so long as his behauiour and carriag be honest industrious and peaceable 21 of 7 mo: 1650 Assemb: Hen: Chickering, Joh. Dwight, Lieft Fisher. Serg* Fisher, Tymo: Dwight, & Elea. Lusher Deputed to treat w th Roxbery men. and to conclude w th them about the setling of the waye yet vnsetled: & about the purchaseing of the Land in thier Towne that haue beene in pposall. Francis Chickering, Lieft: Fisher, Joh Dwight, Elea Lusher Granted vnto Joseph Kingsbery and to his heyers for euer sixe Acres of Lande. to be layed out vpon the planting Fielde. next to Joshua Kent [*Granted vnto Joshua Fisher senior and to his heyers for euer sixe Acres of Land, to be layed out vpon the planting Fielde next to Joseph Kingsberye.] Granted to Robert Fuller and to his heyers for euer foure Acres of Land- 130 DEDHAM TOWN ItECORDS. to be layed out for his deuident. vpon the planting P'ield next to Joshua Fisher senior Henry Chickering ) ar deputed to se these grants Nathaniell: Coaleburne ) layed out For as much as the satisfieing of the motion about the Accomadation of the village, to be erected for the Indians at Natick is a matter of great concernment, in many respects, it is thought meete. to nominate & depute the men whose names ar vnder written, to take a carefull and speciall viewe of the Lands in gposition to that end. who ar allso desired to make returne of thier app r hensions therein to the select men. & to the Towne Eleazer Lusher, Lieft: Fisher, Joh. Dwight, Fra: Chickering, Antho: Fisher, seni, Joh: Haward, Serg*: Fisher, Ensign Philips, Joh: Gaye, Tho Wight, Tymo Dwight 12 of 10 th mo: 1650 Assemb: Henry Chickering. Joh: Kingsbery. Lieft: Fisher, Joh: Dwight, Tymo: Dwight, Serg 1 : Fisher, & Elea. Lusher Lieft: Fisher. & Eleazer Lusher ar- deputed, in the behalf of the Towne to .examine the accounts of the debt due from the Towne to M r Haynes or in case they cannot be both p r sent then either of them. & any one of the select men. besides for that time being, who shall determine the account, as they shall see Just, and they allso to compound for the sattisfaction of that debt, that then shall appeare due as they shall se most conueanient Whereas som doubtfullnes remayne about the setling of the southerly bounds w th in the Rocks of the house Lotts of Henry Chickering and Antho Fisher senio: the Town therfor doe tender them a refference & nominat and authorise John Kingsbery & Daniell Fisher in the behalf of the Towne. who together w th such other twoo men by the said Henry and Anthony Chosen shall haue full power to settle those bounds according to the grants Granted to Thomas Bancroft : to his heyers for euer one pcell of vp- land to be layed out to him by the direction of William Bullard & Serg 1 Fisher neere the land of Richard Ellice towards the place called the old Mille this pcell not exceeding three Acres pvided. that he empve the same, or the most pt therof. before the end of foure yeares next, otherwise it shall returne. again e to the Towne 17 of 10 th mo 1650 Assemb John Kingsbery, Hen: Chickering, Joh: Dwight, Lieft Fisher, Serg* Fisher, Corporall Dwight & Eleazer Lusher The arbitrators Chosen by the Towne & by Henry Chickering & Anthony Fisher senior for the setling the southerly Bounds of the house Lotts of the said Henry & Anthony, make thier returne. & subscribe all thier names therto. w ch settlment of thiers is confirmed by the Towne as fol- loweth DEDHAM TOWN HE COEDS. 131 We whose names ar heere mentioned namely John Kingsbery and Daniell Fisher, being chosen by the Towne of Dedham & William Bullard and John Gaye. chosen by Henry Chickering and Anthony Fisher senior being de- puted, and Authorised, to issue a case depending as yet vnpfect. concerning the south limit of the Lotts of the fore named men. we doe now declare settle & determine. these head lotts as followeth. Anthony Fishers marke next Thomas Wight, to be at twoo white oakes. standing together, being marked, directing to Thomas Wights line. &: so from thence towards the Lott of Henry Chicker- ing to a maple aboue his lyne by a swamps side And the Line of the Lott of Henry Chickering. we settle and determine the bounds to be. according as his Fence there is now sett down. In wittnes that this is all our minds and resolutions we haue heere vnto set all our hands this p r sent daye. being the 16 th of y e 10 th mo 1650 Joh: Kingsbery: Will Bullard Dan: Fisher: Joh: Gaye Granted vnto Thomas Bancroft liberty, to remoue his Fence that so he may haue such an enlargement on the back side of his Barne as maye neces- sary for the setting of a Leantoe against the said barne. this enlargm 1 to be such as shall be according to the direction of William Bullard & Eleazer Lusher pvided that the said Thomas doe alowe so much land on the other side of the way right against the foresaid place as may continue the wave ther at the due breadthe: & allso doe so much worke there in the waye. as the fore- named men shall Judg needfull to make the waye conueanient for passag there 20 of y 6 10 th mo 1650 Assemb: Henry: Chickering: John: Kingsbery: John: Dwight: Lieft Fisher: Tymo: Dwight: Daniell: Fisher: & Elea: Lusher The Accounts of John Morse late Constable for the twoo Towne Rates by him gathered, ar this day taken Granted, to M r John Allen pastor. & to his heyers for euer one pcell of that swampe neere the middle playne. conteyning one acre and one half or there about, in exchang for the like pcell that he lay downe in the same swampe. neere thervnto. this is to be layd out by estimeation at the direction of Lieft Fisher and John Dwight. they to take care to p r serue a waye there if they se cause [*The Accounts of John Morse Late Constable, of that Rate made the 10 th of y e 12 mo 1648: wherby was Levied of the Towne the sume of 13 s 4 d Disbursements as followeth: For Scales weights & measurs. together w th ) Q o QA the siezeing sealing and Ironing of y e measures ) 132 DEDHAM TOWN 11ECOEDS. Allowed y e Constable for his disbursements for \ 00 ^ ^ his charges in his 2 yeares seruice \ For the paym 1 of diuers debts due from the Towne ) to seuerall men as apeare vpon the examination of \- 08 08 11 thier accounts ) For the Fence betwixt the high waye & James Aliens Lott 01 OS 00 To Joh Thurston for worke about the schoole house 11 00 03 For y e paym* of other debts due from the Towne 00 19 10 more discounted out of this Rate vpon old debt 00 16 02 more p d for mending the Carte Bridge 00 02 04 more p d of old debt 00 04 00 27 01 02 Remayne of this Rate aboue this account due to the Towne 06 12 01 out of this Rate ar debts yet to be payed. To M r Cooke of Cambridg by the assignm 1 of M r Haynes 01 04 00 To the Treasurer for the Court Orders 00 11 08 besides seuerall other debts that ar yet to be cleered vp. The Accounts of Joh: Morse late Constable concerning the Rate made for & concerning the hunting of Wolues. wherby was Levied the suiiiie of" 5 6 8 o rt : dated y e 4 th of y e 9 th mo 1 648 Disbursem* 8 p d to an Indian for killing a wolfe 00 10 00 for 3 wolues killing in Towne 02 10 00 To Geo: Bearstoe for charge & time ) 01 10 00 expended about the hounds } more discounted out of this Rate 00 00 04 04 10 04 Remayne due to the ) , r Town of this Rate f 1 of y e 1 1 1650 At a genrall Meeteing of the Towne It is ordered by Genrall consent, the select men that shalbe this daye chosen shall take care that such defects as ar in the Towne Bookes or any of them, be corrected and that such Tables. According to y e Alphabet be an- exed to them as they shall iudge meete. for the better findeing of what so- euer is recorded in them William Auery ) John Aldus > ar admitted Townsemen John Mason ) I DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. 133 It is now ordered, that whereas it apeare that seuerall peels of Land that wer granted formerly by the Towne to sundry psons. many of which grants ar not yet recorded: All such grants wherof good euedence may apeare. shall be yet entered. w oh grants so now entered shall now be good assurance, vnto the Grantee & his heyers for euer The men heere after named, being formerly deputed to treate w th Roxbery men about the purchase of som of Roxbery Lands in ^position ar still intrusted with the same, and ar heereby further Authorised, in the be- halfe of y e Towne. to conclude a firme Contract with whomesoeuer of Rox- bery shall be enabled with the like power, vnto whose act or Contract, the Towne heereby engage to stand and make it good: Joh Dwight, Fra: Chickering, Lieft Fisher, Elea: Lusher It is by the Towne of Dedham. consented vnto. and. Ordered, that all the power, right, or p r uelidg of Towne Gouerment. that hath hetherto. or yet is remayning in the Townshipe of Dedham or any thier Trustees or assignes wherby they haue & did act. in and on the behalf of y e Towne of Meadfield shall be heerby wholey & Totaly transmitted. & deliuerd in to the hands. power. & disposeing of the Townshipe in Genrall of Meadfield. & the select men there of. and to thier successors for euer: And doe allso further agree w th those of Meadfield that ar p r sent that such care as is neccessary be taken, that due & seasonable payment be made, of that debt due from Med- field to this Towne. vpon reasonable demaund there of made, and further gmise as much forbeareance there of as the publike occasions, of y e Towne of Dedh may admitt of The case in ^position concerning Dorchester bounds, is left to the care and discretion of y e select men for y e yeare ensueing. to doe therein as to thier Judgement shall seeme best for the good of y e Towne of Dedham. Vpon the motion made demanding of the Towne that the vpland due to seuerall Inhabitants vpon the disbursments for the purchased Lands should be layed out to them to whome the same may apeare to belong. It is now Ordered that the same be forth w th referred to the Arbittrement of these 4 men heere. vnder named to issue settle and determine w* so euer is neces- sary for the resolution of this case & in case these 4 or any 3 of them can- not agree, then it shall be in thier power to chuse one man more to be a fifth man. to helpe to cast the said case pvided that it shall not be in thier power to grante settle or laye out the same, in any of those places intended at p r sent to be layed out in the next deuident - chosen by yMowne Ueft^Tsher } chosen b ? ? BP riators The care of gvideing for the suiner feede of the drye hearde is comitted 134 DEDHAM TOWS' RECORDS. to the men whose names ar heerevnder written who are desired to enforme themselues of w l so euer is needfull in that case for the due & seasonable gvision of all things necessary in that case, and to act accordinglye Nathaniell: Coaleburne, William: Bullard. Francis Chickering. Those men whose last deuision of Swampe is nowe taken away by Cam- bridg consent to wayt for w* supplye may be attayned by the purchase of Roxbery Lands, where the Towne pmise to make thier supplye. if ther it may be had other wise to take further care for thier sattisfaction in due time Vpon consideration that the Transcript for som time past hath bene neglected. It is therfore for the pfecting thereof now ordered, that Eleazer Lusher shall be heereby Deputed to that worke for the yeare ensueing to pfect the same in w l so euer is yet vndone therein. & so to carrye on that seruice to the end of the yeare ensueing. who shall haue for his paines therein w* so euer the select men shall agree w tu him for The supplye of Meadowe. to those men whose Meadow is now within Cambridge is left to the select men. to doe therein as they can agree w th those men. Samuell Milles makeing request for one pcell of Meadowe. his motion is left to the discretion of y e select men. to doe therein as they shall judge meete. Seuerall complaints being made of the insufficient pformance of the worke of y c Mille Nathaniell Whiteing the Miller being p r sent & tendering a refference to issue the grieuances. by twoo men to be chosen by the Towne. & twoo by himselfe. The towne accepting thereof make choice as followeth Eleazer Lusher ) , p ii st i< r chosen by y e lowne Nathaniell Coaluurne j. ' * J 1 ^ hosen by Nath Whiteing Geo: r Elections Eleazer: Lusher } ar chosen to end smale cases accord- Henry: Chickering > ing to the order of Court in that case John: Kingsberye ) gvided Eleazer Lusher is chosen to keepe the Towne Booke ] ar authorised to Joh: Kingsbery: Daniell Fisher I act in y e behalf of Joh: Dwight: Nathaniell Coalburne ( the Towne as thier Lieft: Fisher: Francis Chickering J p r decessprs were Joh: Kingsbery is discharged, of watching for his own pson for the yeare ensueing Joh: Gave J Jonath: Fayerbanke: 1 Tho: Fuller V- Surveyors: Josep: Kingsbery: I Woodreeues Rich Euered ) Willm: Bullard: f Joh: H award: the request of Edward Hawes. concerning one pcell of Meadowe is left to the care of the select men J)EDHAM TOWN RECOEDS. 135 At a Genrall Towne Meeteing 1651. The question concerning the Right of Heyers. or purchasers, to all the Towne p r uelidges. and right of voateing in all cases w th other Townesmen is reff erred to y e Select men now to be chosen, that they may p r pare and ripen the answer, and comencl it to the townes Resolution Tymo: D\vight Ju: Ralph: Freeman } Andr: Duein Joh Rice > ar admitted Townesmen Josep: Ellice Danll Ponde ) It is resolued that a Schoole for y e education of youth in our Towne shall be continued & mayntayned for the whole tearme of Seauen yeares next, and that the settled mayntenance or wages of the Schoole m r shall be 20^ p anii at y e leaste A Towne stocke shall be raysecl. to y e sume of 20^". at y e least Elections Eleazer Lusher Joh: Kingsberey is chosen to keepe Joh Dwight the Towne Booke. Serg 1 Danll Fisher ^ ar chosen select men Lieft Joshua Fisher Peter Woodward Fra: Chickering It is agreed that the Meetinghouse shall be couered \v th shingle The care concerning the drye heard is reffered to the select men for y e yeare ensueing Antho: Fisher Ju: ) Joh Morse ] Josep: Kingsberey > Surveyors: Tho: Fuller ! UT , Andr: Uuein ) ( Nath Coaleburn f Mich: Metcalf Ju J The Accounts of y e Select men for y e yeare paste ar allowed of by y 1 ' Towne 1G51 John Dwight. Francis Chickering. Lieft Fisher and Serg 1 Fisher being deputed by the Towne to Joyne w th such of Watertown as should be in the like manner deputed by that Towne to laye out the Lyne that is not yet pfected betwixt the Townes aforenamed, who meeteing vpon the place with Srg 1 Joh: Shearman and Srg* Richard Bieers did accordingly settle & deter- mine the said Line, begining at p[ticion] pointe and so the same is to runne from thence streight west, somthing enclineing towards the south so fare as the said twoo Towne bounds lye together there about y e 14 of y e 3. mo: 1651 Lieft Fisher Joh Dwight & Francis Chickering. being deputed to meete \v th such men of Roxbery as wer in the like manner by that Towne deputed, to Runne the Line, betwixt the Twoo Townes afore saide accordingly mett 136 DEDHAM TOWN JIECORDS. vpon the Bounds aforesaid w th Surveyer Genrall Johnson Serg* Crofts & John Ruggles. did together conclude & settle the said Line, begining at the Lott somtimes Lambert Generies at a marked oake vpon the toppe of a Ridge there, and so layed out that Line streight from thence to a farme somtimes the Land of M r Samll Greene and from thence vpon a north east- erly lyne ad\oyneing to the said Farme. takeing Two seuerall Angles therby & so concluding that Line at Cambrdg Bounds y e 30 of y e 2 mo 1652 Lieft Fisher. Frances Chickering and Srg* Fisher being deputed to meete w th such of Dorchester as should be in the like manner deputed by that Towne. did accordingly meete w th Srg 1 Clarke & Srg 1 Sumner vpon the Lowe playne according to apointment. who vpon treatie & discourse vpon the selling the Bounds could not agree, and therevpon concluded nothing but left the same as they founde it 28 of 2 mo 1652 This shall certifie whomso euer it may concerne. that we the Inhabitants of Dedham have chosen and Authorised our beloued bretheren. Lieft 4 Joshua Fisher and Serg* Dnniell Fisher to treat and conclude w tu the much Honourd Genrall Court now Assembled at Boston, or any Towne. pson. or psons. for and on the behalfe of o r said Towne of Dedham. in any case, concerning the Accomadation of Naticke and the Indians the Inhabitants there, as allso the accepting & receaueing any Lands if any be tendered in exchange or any other thing that is necessary to be considered there in. according to thier best discretion 20 of 8 mo 1652 3 of 11 mo 1652 At a generall meeteing of the Towne The acts and Accounts of the Select men for the yeare last past being giuen in to the Towne ar by voate alowed of and accepted The question being pposed whether the foote Bridge vnto the Hand should be built againe or not.. The answer by voate passed negatiue The quest: concerning the Schoole being kept onely in winter being pposed for Resolution : the answer is That the select men that shall be this daye chosen, shall attend to gcure a fitt schoole m r . at the begining of the sumer and if it gue difficult or not to be attayned: they may gpose the case to the Towne for further resolution: The case in question, concerning the Title that Dedham may yet haue to Foule meadowe. and any other Lands now accounted to belong to Dor- chester, is referred to the three men heere vnder named, who haue full DEDHAM TOWN EECOEDS. 137 power to treat and conclude the case, with whomso euer may be by Dor- chester like wise empowered, either by Arbitration, composition or any other peaceable waye. as they by thier discretions shall judge most meete. and in case it shall not Issue w th out suite in Lawe. they ar desired to returne the case to the Towne Lieft. Josh. Fisher, Fra: Chickering, Serg* Dan: Fisher [ J The Coppie of the agreem 1 concluded vpon betwixt the Townes of Dedham and Dorchester by the Comitte of each towne viz 1 Whereas ther hath bene some difference betwene the Towne of Dor- chester, and the Towne of Dedham. concerning som Land neere the Line be- twene the said Townes. now both Townes. being willing of peace and loue to continue and that each might enjoye thier true right, haue chosen Three men of each Towne whose names are heere vnto subscribed to whome they haue giuen full power to conferre and determin the matter in difference, now we whose names are subscribed heerevnto doe agree as Followeth: first that the Line vpon the Lowe playne. that begin at the heape of Stones and so runne towards Mother brooke to a marked Maple neere the brooke shall be carried on vpon the Same streight Line towards Charles Riuer so fare as Dorchester bounds goe. And the Line from the aforesaid heape of Stones, into the Countrie to runne as formerly, both which Lines are the true bounds betwene Dorchester and Dedham: Secondly. \i is agreed that those psons of Dedham that boyght some gprieties in the Foule Meadowe shall haue the Title of the Lande remayne sure to them and thier Assignes for euer: notwithstanding any gvisoe in any deed formerly made and further what Commons is in the abouesaid Foule Meadowe. shall be the pprietie of the Towne of Dedham. but still to be and remayne. within the Towneship of Dorchester To all which p r mices we haue heere to set our hands, in the behalfe and power of both Townes. this 27 of y e 10 th . mo. 1653: John: Glouer Humphrey: Atherton Thomas: Jons Wm: Clarke Frances: Chickering Daniell: Fisher Joshua: Fisher ] The former deputation and power giuen to Lieft Fisher and Serg* Daniell Fisher in regard of settling the case concerning Naticke & the Indians ther is renewed and confirmed It is agreed that Libertie is giuen to builde another Mille w th in our Towne. & it is left to the discretion of the Select men now to be chosen for 1 Copied from a leaf now bound in Vol. 4. 138 DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. the yeare next ensueing to conclude w tu whom they se cause to pforme the same. It is agreed and Resolued by voate that the? one halfe of the charge occasioned by building the bridge intended to be made ouer Charles Riuer at the place where passage is vsually made w th Canooes or ther abouts shall be borne by such as shall haue Land in gprietie this next yeare ensueing wherby they may be occasioned to make vse of the said bridge, and the other halfe of the charge ariseing by makeing the said passage and the mayntaining thereof, shall be borne at the publike charge of the Tovvne by the comon Rule of Rateing. as other publike wayes are Libertie is granted to cutt a Creeke or ditch thorough any Comon land of the Tovvne which shall be occasioned by the cutting the same thorough the broade meadowe from Riuer to Riuer: Lieft: Fisher & Thomas Fuller 1 ar deputed to survey the length of the water course thorough the Broade meadow aforesaid. & the manner of the ground thorough which the same is to be cutt & the height of the water in the Lower Riuer. & make return to them concerned therein when they ar met together about that occasion The select men ar desired to issue the case depending concerning the barrell of poulder deliuered to Ensign Phillips Eleazer Lusher is chosen to keepe the Towne booke & to be one of the Select men for the yeare ensueing Lieft. Fisher Fra Chickering ^ Joh. Kingsbery Joh. Dwight > are chosen select men Dan: Fisher Pet: Woodward ) Joh Gaye ^ Antho. Fisher Ju > are chosen Surveyors Tho. Fuller ) Jonath. Fayrbanke sen ] Antho. Fisher sen , T , TT >are chosen woodreeues Jon. Jtlawara Joh. Morse J Mich: Metcalfe sen is chosen according to C ourt order to take in the voluntarie subscriptions referring to the Colledge Isaac Bullard ^ Cornell: Fisher > are admitted Townesmen Joh Partridge ) Deac. Chickering J Antho. Fisher sen > Joh Gaye ) are chosen to joyne w th the 4 select men to giue instruction to. Lieft Fisher Fra Chickering Danll. Fisher 'The Select men's Book includes John Haward as one of this committee. DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. 139 At a generall meeteing of the Towne y e 2 of y e 11 mo 1653 the accounts of the Select men being read in publike wer accepted & passed the rectifieing and equaling of the publike worke in the Mille creeke & the meeting house is comitted to the Select men this daye to be chosen Elea. Lusher is desired to drawe vp. what he shall judge further needfull for the Legall assureance of Foule Meadowe. to be according to the agreem 1 betwixt Dorchester & Dedham men deputed ther vnto [*Eleazer Lusher is chosen to keepe the booke and to be one of the Se- lect men for the yeare ensueing the other Select men chosen are Lieft Fisher Fra: Chickering Joh: Kingsbery Joh: Dwight Dan: Fisher Pet. Woodward Joh Gaye ) are h Jonath Fayrbanke sen 1 Antho: Fisher Ju >- ^ , Antho: Fisher sen I are chosen Tho: Fuller ) k Joh Haward ( woodreeues ] Joh. Morse J Eleazer Lusher is chosen to be one of the Select men for the yeare en- sueing and to keepe the booke: and the other select men now so chosen are Fra: Chickering Serg*: Fisher Lieft: Fisher Joh: Gaye Joh: Kingsbery Joh: Dwight Tho: Battely ) Hen Wight 1 Tho: Fuller }- Surveyors Ed Richards XT 4-u r- i u . w j _j V woodreeues Nath: Coaleburn ) Pet: Woodward Joh: Haward James Thorpe ) , ... , ^ James Draper f are admitted Townesmen At a generall meeteing of the Towne y e 1 of y e 11: 1654 The acts and accounts of the Select men are read and accepted & allowed by the Towne Joh Houghton ^ Jonath: Fayerbanke Ju. > are admitted Townesmen James Vales ) Ejections as followeth Eleazer Lusher is chosen to be one of the Select men and to keepe the booke the other Select men now chosen are Lieft: Fisher Pet: Woodward Fra: Chickering Joh: Haward Joh: Kingsbery Nath: Coaleburne 140 DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. Elea: Lusher "1 Hen: Chickering > Commissioners Michaell Mettcalfe ] Joh: Kingsbery ) Ensign Phillips Joh:Gaye ) Joh: Eaton fwoodreeues Josep: Kingsbery /- Surveyers Antho: Fisher sen Rich: Euered At a generall meeteing of the Towne y e 1 of y e 11: 1655 Ellice Woode ") Samll: Fisher > are admitted Townsemen Benja: Bullard ) Elections as followeth Select men. Eleazer Lusher is chosen to be one of the Select men for the yeare ensueing. and to keepe the booke. the other select men now chosen are Fra: Chickering Joh: Kingsbery Lieft: Fisher Serg* Fisher Pet: Woodward Joh: Dwight Nath: Coaleburne ] Jonath: Fayerbanke sen "] Toh: Eaton > Surveyors Joh: Gaye Mich: Mettcalfe J Joh: Haward Josep: Kingsbery At a genarall meeting of the Towne the 5 of the 11 m 1656 The acts of the Select men in the yeare last past being read are by voate allowed and accepted The Towne by voate giue a calle to Mich Meatcalfe to keep Schoole in our Towne and leaue it to the next Select men to agree with him therein The Towne by voate resolue that the Swampe neere Meatfield shall be desposed of in propriatie Granted to Daniell Morse two Seders to make Clabbord out in the aboue mentioned Swampe Agreed that those that haue felled trees allready in that swampe shall be called to account to make satisfaction according to Justice Itt is ordered that the Swampe aboue mentioned shall bee disposed of by pteculur grante to each Towneseman according to the ordinarie rules by which Lands haue been devided provided that no other part thereof be layed out but only such as shall be vsefull for Ceder timber shall be judged meete to be in propriatie by the men heere after deputed to order the same in that repect to whose Judgment in this case the Towne promise to submitt Nath: Coalburne Sergt Fisher & Joshua Fisher are deputed im- powered therin Libertie is granted to John Thurston of meatfild to set the fence about DEDHA1I TOWN EECOBDS. 141 the meadowe that he bought in our towne of Joshua Fisher and Ralph Dave so as is necessarie to shorten that fence the pprietie of the Land so enclosed yett remaineing pper to this Towne but the feed to be his while it is so enclosed Joshua Fisher 1 is chosen to be one of the Select men for the yeare en- sueng and to keepe the towne booke the rest of the Select men nowe chosen are Capt Eleazer Lusher: Ensigne Fran: Chickering: Jo Haward Fetter woodward John Dwight Sergt Daniell Fisher Nath: Coalburne ) , John Bacon \ Surveyers J, hn ^ftfiSi, \ woodreeues Robt Ware ) Edward Richards Antho: Fisher Sen J The Inhabatance of Dedham doe heerby renewe the former power giuin to any Commettie as in the 28 of the 8 m 1651 so now to Issue the cause dependinge betwen Naticke and our towne of Dedham is left to the -men heere after named Capt Eleazer Lusher Dea: Henry Chickeringe Ensi Fran: Chickeringe Sergt Daniell Fisher and Joshua Fisher Thomas Metcalfe is admitted a Townesman Att a Generall metting of the Inhabatance the 23 of the 11 m 1656 Granted that the Comon rights of the Towne Concering feedinge and Devidents heerafter to be granted be settled and by some standinge: rule: be ^portioned to the p r sent Inhabitance being Townesmen to them and thier heyers for ever by the rule of persons and estats as lands haue ben formerly Devided Itt beinge pposed to the Inhabatance to chuse a Commitie to settell the aboue mentioned grant The Inhabatance by voate Commeted the Care & power of orderinge the aboue mentioned grant to the Select men for the time beinge Granted to the widdowe Morse of Meatfild to take in sume smale par- cell of vpland within the fence for the straytning of the lines to fence in the meadowe bought by Joseph Morse of Serg* Avery neere Stope river Itt beinge pposed to the Inhabatance the 6 of the 12 m 1656 by the Select men whether thos that are removed out in towne & yett haue hovses &. lands in the towne whether thay shall recaiue Comon rights for * (J 'Fac-simile of Record, to show handwriting of Joshua Fisher. 142 DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. ther hovses & lands beinge in in towne it is Answered by the voat of the In- habatance thay shall 21y whether thay shall recaiue Coition rights for such catle as thay haue in Towne it is answerd by the voat of the Inhabatance thay shall not The returne of the Commetie the 20 of the 12 mo Whereas the Inhabitants of the Towne haueing generally had former notice were met the 23 of the 11 m 1656 and ther bythiervoate then passed declared and acted thier resolution that all the Comon rights of the towne both of Comon feedinge for the home heards of cattell and all devisions of lands should be devided to the p r sent Inhabitants by grants made to them being Townesmen & their heyres and assignes for ever by the rules of persons and estats as lands had been formerly devided and that this should be a standing rule for all Comon towne rights heerafter to be granted: and for further explication of thier mind therein did by voate allso resolue vpon the questan that such men as haue hovses or Lands in towne shall recaiue cofnon rights accordinge to the pportion of thier estates though them selues Hue att p r sent out of towne and for the effecting heereof Cometted the care trust and power necessary there vnto into the hands of the Select men for the time being: who there vpon haue accordingly made the followeing devisio n and grants to the persons heere after named alloweinge each person as much as to 8 estate and to estates being valued as formerly in devisions of lands and to towne and Cuntrie rates the whole account beinge putt to gether to every 18^ one Cowe or oxe or 5 sheepe with thier increase for one yeare or 5 goates the whole number of Cowe Comons aforesaid being thus granted being 477 and all brokin sumes or fractions that reach not to one Cowe Comon is ^portioned to so many sheepe or goats as it will amount vnto and the rule of devison of Lands to be heereafter granted is ^portioned to 532 acres according to which pportion & rule each devision is to be made heereafter. be the devident more or lesse Where vpon is Granted to the men whose names are heere vnder written and to thier assignes for ever To The sumes of Cowe Sheep Devident: parts Kodes mens estats Comons comous acres of acres 261 M r JohAllin 14 3 16 28 149 19 Elder John Hunting 83 9 28 165 19 Cap* Eliazer Lusher 9 1 10 16 141 15 Deac: Hery Chickering 83 9 36 69 4 Deac Nathan Aldis 34 4 4 117 Mich: Metcalfe 62 7 32 117 3 Anthony Fisher: Sen: 63 7 | 28 185 10 John Kingsbury 10 1 11 36 DEDHAM TOWN EE COEDS. * 143 110 6 John Luson 6' 1 6 38 143 9 John Haward 80 9 00 220 John Dwight 12 1 13 J 36 309 16 Ensigne Chickering 17 4 20 G 51 Henry Phillips 24 3 24 216 10 Joshua Fisher 12 13 \ 108 2 Jonath: Fayrbank Sen 60 6 182 9 Fetter Woodward 10 1 11 \ 36 168 12 Joseph Kingsbury 9 2 10 12 31 Will Bullard 14 204 151 4 John Eaton 82 9 J 32 185 Rich: Evered 10 1 11 J 38 213 19 Nath: Coalburne 11 1 12 | 16 40 18 Robt Mason 22 2 34 203 12 John Gave 11 2 12 f- 12 -24 10 Henry Smith 12 1 12 139 Sergt [Dan 1 ] Fisher 82 9 J 82 139 3 Sergt Fayrbanck 74 8 4 110 19 Sergt Avery 616 36 225 4 Edward Richards 12 2 13 32 57 15 Lambert Generey 31 3 16 165 4 Christo: Smith 91 10 J 16 161 19 Nath: Whitting 90 10 20 126 6 Theo: Frarey 70 7 20 96 12 John Fayrbanck 52 6 \ 12 197 10 Samlljudson 11 12 \ 20 108 11 Tho Hering 606 152 Rich: Wheeler 82 9 36 166 5 John Furington 9 1 10 16 104 JohnAldis 546 4 167 7 Tho: Fuller 91 10 16 109 13 Tho Paine 606 126 15 Robt Ware 707 20 95 10 Antho: Fisher: Ju: 52 6012 70 10 Thwayts Strickland 40 4^0 125 8 Robt Fuller 707 20 41 8 Thomas Metcalfe 222 32 76 14 Nath Fisher 41 4 \ 36 136 8 Tho Batle 738 4 84 10 Thojurdin 43 5 28 91 19 John Guild 51 5 12 94 6 Andrew Duin 5 1 5 416 144 DEDHAM TOWN EECOEDS. 89 10 Samll Milles 50 5 i 20 9 10 Anthony Hubard 03 1 28 84 10 John Mason 43 4 % 32 96 1 Ralph Day 52 6 12 118 10 Henry Wilson 63 7 28 136 7 John Bacon 73 8^8 110 12 Edward Hawes 61 6 f 36 74 2 Joshua Kent 41 4 36 80 6 Rich Elice 42 4 f 32 55 10 RobtOnyen 30 3 J 20 171 I Tino Dwight 93 10 f 8 29 19 Joseph Elice 13 1 | 8 42 Ralph Freeman 22 2 J 32 41 John Rice 21 2 i 36 80 DaniellPond 42 4 f 32 128 4 Henry Wight 71 8 16 76 4 Cornelias Fisher 41 4 $ 36 68 10 Jonathan Fayrbank Ju 34 4^4 42 16 James Vales 22 2 32 12 5 John Houghton 03 $ 28 91 19 James Draper 50 5 20 21 James Thorpe 11 1 -J 16 96 6 Isack Bullard 52 6 012 33 10 Benja Bullard 14 204 20 15 Samll Fisher 11 1 \ 16 3 6 John Nevton 01 36 9 Tho Wight 03 28 10 Nath Bullard 03 28 5 Tho Fisher 01 36 Vpon the complant of sume of the Inhabitance About the Comons be ^portioned sume pertekuler persons bein straytned Richard Elice and Anthony Fisher Daniell Fisher & Joshua Fisher bein chosin by the persons greved & the select men to atend & heare the grevences of divers persons greved & to propose what might be done to the issueng ther of accordingly appointed a time when many did appeare & subcribed to this ingagment We whose names heerevnder written hauinge greuences in respect of baing straytned by the rules giuinge to the Select men for the pportionenge of Devidents &-stenting of Comons: hauinge declared our grevences vntothe two men chosin by the Select men & thos two chosin by the parties greued doe heereby ingage our selues to sitt downe as sattisfyed with thos things that shall be agreed vpon by thos four men viz Sergt Fisher Anthony Fisher Juner Richard Elice & Joshua Fisher to be propounded to the Towne in case DEDHAM TOWN HE CORDS. 145 the tovvne grant thos ^positions we ingage our selues to rest sattisfyed with- out makinge any further questan about the last act consering comons. In wittnes wherof we haue heere vnto sett our hands this 10 of the 1 m 165G-7 Anthony Fisher Sen: Lambert Genarey, Robt Mason, Samll Milles, John Houghton, Nath: Fisher, Andrew Duin, John Mason, Tho: Paine, Benjamin Bullard, Joseph Elice, James Thorpe, Michell Metcalfe, Chisto Smith, Antho Fisher Juner, Richard Elice, John Bacon, Samll Fisher, Daniel Itt is Agreed to propose -to the Towne that there be granted 25 cowe comons more to be aded to thos allreddy granted to be setled vpon such per- sons as are straytned by the rules of gportion that wear giueng to the Select men for to devid & gportion comons by: as also the rights of Devident as is {^portioned to Cowe Comons Agreed that this gposition & thes folloinge be p r posed by vs to the Towne for ther concurance as witnes our hands this 10 of the 1 m 1656-7 Daniell Fisher, Antho Fisher, Rich Elice, Joshua Fisher. This aboue mentioned gposition is granted by the towne only Sergt Fayrbancke desent by his voat 21y Thomas Paine request that he may haue libertie to keep his stoke of goats for two or three yeare: over & aboue his cowe comons vpon the comon land: this is granted: 3 Decon Chickeringe desire he may haue comon rights for the person of his sone as persons are acounted in the proportioneng of comon rights this is granted by voat 4 That the woodlands aboute the Towne shall lye as thay doe in com- on till the Towne see case to alter them; this is granted by voat Itt is agreed in refference to the afore mentioned gpositiones that if a towne metinge be caled the aboue mentioned ppositiones shall only be gposed for the Townes Concurance and that men be then chosin to setle thos comons in case the Towne grant them vnto such persons as are greved be- ing straytned by the former actt of the Towne: Subcribed by vs Daniell Fisher, Antho Fisher, Rich Elice, Joshua Fisher The former ^positions beinge Granted the men heerafter named are chosin by the Towne to setle the Comons that are granted by the persons greued Antho Fisher: Juner, Richard Elice, Joshua Fisher Granted to the persons heerafter named sume additions of comons - t, j Tho Battele | Edward Richards [ Anthony Fisher Sen. The Towne declare by voat that in case the Indians & the Towne doe not com to composition a bout the land that the Indians make improument of att Naticke with in three months after the datt heerof that then there shall be a generall deuident layd out to the vse of the towne accordinge to the rules allready p r posed 4 of the 11 m 1657 The Isue of the case dependinge betwene Naticke and our Towne is left to thes men heereafter named to Isue accordinge to former derections from the Towne Ensigne Chickeringe: Sergt Fisher and Joshua Fisher Itt is Agreed that there shall be but 3 days worke required from the Inhabatance for the yeare insuinge to worke in the highways: 148 DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. At a generall meeteinge of the Towne 3: 11. 1658: The towne declare thier minde to haue the case about the Iron worke psecuted further to see what encouragem 1 the towne may haue to set vp an Iron worke. & the care heereof is left to the men heereafter named Capt Lusher, Serg* Averey, Antho Fisher Jun, & Joshua Fisher Concerning the ordering of the assembly in the meeteinge house its left to our reuer* Elder. & the Select men now to be chosen for the yeare ensueing Vpon a motion of Anthony Fisher Ju: for to buye the land that M rs Stoughton rent the answer is they will not sell it Its agreed that Henery Willson shall paye to the Towne Twentie shil- lings for his former vse of the town meadow Its agreed that Ralph Daye shall paye Twentie shillings for the vse of the Towne meadow formerly to the yeare 1657 It is agreed that Robert Onion shall haue his high waye worke set of: from yeare to year for his Seruice in Ringing the Bell forenoone and after- noone those dayes that are appointed for workeing in the high wayes John Rice haue his defects in high waye worke remitted in the years: 57: 58 It is voated that the 2000 Acres granted to the Indians at Naticke shall be layed out at the westerly bounds of our Towne on the north side of Charles Riuer by the descretion of the men heere after named Cap* Lusher, Serg 1 : Fisher, Joshua: Fisher Further power is giuen to the Comittee. to jssue the case depending be- twixt the Indians at Natick & our Towne pvided they doe not hinder 'the Town in layeing out a deuident In refference to the setting vp of a Sawe Mille it is left to the men heereafter named to agree & conclude on the Townes behalf e with such psons as shall p r sent them selues for the setting vp of a Sawe Mille & to giue them such encouragem ts . as they shall Judge meete these three men are chosen by the Towne & if any of the three apeere to pties. then the Elder is to be one of three & the first three are Serg 1 . Fisher, Nath Coaleburne, Pet: Woodward Robt Wares his motion about an exchange of Land in the Hand playne. its left to the next Select men that are now to be chosen to be further con- sidered. & to act as they shall see cause Elections as followeth Eleazer Lusher is chosen to keepe the Town bookes & to be one of the select men. & further Select men chosen as followeth Eleder Hunting Joh Haward Ensi. Fisher Lieft: Fisher Pet Woodward Nath Coaleburne Edw. Richards ~) Isaac Bullard Joh Aldus [ Surveyors: Joh: Farington , woo dreeue Rob. Wares ) Andr Duein Tymo D wight DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. 149 Michaell Metcalfe is by voate called to keepe the Schoole againe another yeare. & its left to the select men to agree with him for that seruice for 20^ It is ordered that 3 dayes worke shall be pformed in the high wayes this yeare 1659 END OF VOLUME ONE. 150 -DEDHAM TOWN EECORDS. PART SECOND. SELECTMEN'S BOOK. [First fourteen pages missing. ,] [ ] they shall deliuer to [ ] for the time being who by those bills shall call the Constables to account for all such forfieters. the former order mad wherin the viewers of Fences, to viewe fences when they ar called, is yet in full force all accounts that concern the 2 first Rats for the meeting house being taken in & put together ther remayn due to the Town 3 10 [ debts due yet from y e Town that arise to seuerall men for the [ ] of y e meeting house 3 [ ] 12 mo 8 47 Assembled Joh Kingsbery, [ ], Tho Wight, Fra Ch[ ], Will Bullard, Tymo Dwight, El. Lusher. things to be considered 1 the former order about viewing Fences 2 concerning hunting wolues 3 concerning Robt Crossemans satisfaction 4 the Constables Rate to be accounted for 5 the ^positions about minerals the former order concerning viewing fences confirmed as it is ther drawen Som liberty granted to Eleazer Lusher to cut ceadars in the comon swamp at the [ ] of his Lott of swamp to the valew of [ that motion concerning minerals refered to [ ] meeting Robt Crosseman [ ] high [waye lay]ed out by Tho [ ] Sam. Morse being thervnto deputed by the Town, leading thorough one pcell of vpland of Daniell Morse to one pcell of the meadow of Joh Gaye adioyning vpon the west side of Charles Riuer 12 mo 18 47 Assemb: Joh. Dwight: Tho Wight. Tym: Dwight & El: Lusher Resolued. to ppose to the Town, to know thir minde about the raising that tenn for the recompence of the Huntsman, whether therein they will exempt bullocks 4 yeare old & vpward. & horses & mares aboue that age. & how the same [ ] asessed. whether by the head [ ] the equall valua- tion of [ ] beast according to a generall [ ] & so raise the sum by y e pound [&] who shall make this rate after Lectur these being pposed: all was left to the 7 men DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. 351 12 mo 18 47 Job Dwight & Francis Chickering giue notice of thier hopes of a myne neer certayn ponds, about 13 miles from the towne. so clayming the p r velidge of the town grant it is in or neer the south Lyne 12 mo 18 47 [ ] giue notice of his expectation of a myne on the north side of Charles Riuer. neer a sp[ ] ouer against m r Cookes Farm or ther about 12 mo 29 47 Assembled. Joh Kingsbery Joh Dwight Fra Chickering Tho Wight Willm Bullard Tymoth Dwight & Ele Lusher the Rate for the Charge of hunting wolues to be made the passag of the water out of Christopher Smith his meadow: to make the water course 4 foote wide & a sufficient cart passag ouer it. is left to the care of Joh Kingsbery 4 mo: 16 48 Assemb. Joh Kingsbery Joh Dwight. Fra Chickering Tho Wight & El: Lusher The Grant of y e trayned Company the Consent to the p r sent disposeall [ ] the Grant to Lamb Genery Deputed to laye out the breadth of the high way by the broad meadowe Joh Kingsbery. Tho Wight. Joh Dwight & El: Lusher Dan: Fishers meadow abuttm 1 next the riuer to be cleered ] 23 48 Assemb: Joh Kingsbery Joh Dwight Fra Chickering Tho Wight Will Bullard Tymo Dwight & El Lusher Rich Wheeler. & J jh Farington. haueing bought Will Bearstows grant of 8 acres request an adition therto from the town Bro Woodward & br: Gaye. Con cables brings thier accounts of the Town Rate for y e meeting house (".urge the Rate 317 1 Disbursed. In p rs to John Morse at the assignin 1 of Robt Crosseman 1 19 4 to Tho Wight 010 8 ob 1 to Ed Kemp 10 ob in Robt Goweings hand 4 [in] El. Lushers hand, of Aust Kalems rate 11 ob ] Crosseman from Jonath Fayrbank 1 6 ob ] Tho Wight 3 3 3 9 [*remayn yet to be accounted for 13 8 p cl heerof by Peter Woodward 8 mor apeer pd by y m ] a motion made about the building a Schoole house, another about a bell to purchase 1 Ob. abbreviation for obolus, meaning a half penny or two farthings; q. for quadrans was used for one farthing, and obq. for three farthings. 152 DEDHAM. TOWN ItECORDS. 5 mo 7: after Lectur p r sent Joh Kingsbery: Fra Chickering Tho: Wight. El. Lusher [XXX Grant to Thos. Jordan, as on page 121. ] 1648: 7 mo 4 Assembled. Joh Kingsbery. Joh Dwight Tho Wight Wilhn Bullard Tymo Dwight Eleazer Lusher Fra Chickering The Countrey Rate M r 'Allen Pastor Elder Hunting Effea Lusher Robt Mason Josep Kingsbery Thwai Strickland Sam Foster Lamb Genery Joshua Fisher Seni Joseph Fisher Jun Nath Coalburne Hen Brock Hen Philips Nath Aldus Dan Morse Antho: Fisher Jun Sam Morse Joh Morse Geo. Barber Robt Onion Hen Smith Robt Gowing Tho Bancroft Ralph Daye Joh Guilde Rich Euered Pet Woodward Robt Fuller Rich. Wheeler Joh. Frarey Mich Metcalf Seni Mich Metcalf Juni Mich Powell Joh Fayerbanke Jonath. Fayerbanke Geo Bearstoe 016 1 Fra Chickering 16 6 9 Ed Richards 018 1 0_13 4 Joh. Plimpton 0_ 3 8 013 6 Joh. Metcalf 0-3-H 0_ 9 Ed Kempe 9 3 5 9 Joh Dwight 1 010 0_ 3 8 Tymo Dwight 7 9 9 8 Geo Fayerbanke 7 2 211 Tho Hering 510 7 9 Nath Whiteing 043 811 Rich Elice 0_ 210 5 5 Joh Kingsbery 013 9 0_14 8 Joh Batchelor 511 0-7-[] Joh Haward 01010 0-6-[] Sam Judson 5 1 0-5-[] Robt Ware 5 9 0-3-[] Sam Bulleyn 045 4 7 Aust Kalem 4 5 0_ 611 Tho Alcock 1 7 3 5 Tho Payne 310 0_ 5 Tho Fuller 047 0_ 4 3 Joh Ellice 0_ 5 3 5 Joh Eaton 8 2 0_ 311 Christo Smith 0_ 310 0_ 3 6 Mich Bacon 0_ 3 5 3 Antho. Hubbert 0_ 4 01311 Joh Damant 2 6 040 Joh Bacon 0_ 410 013 1 Joh Kalem 311 01410 And Duein 4 3 811 M rs Deengaine 3 9 Jam Allen 3 5 5 6 Jam Jordan 2 8 4 5 Tho Jordan 0_ 5 2 0_ 8 4 Hen Glouer 3 1 310 Ed Hawes 0_ 311 DEDHAM TOWN EECOEDS. 158 Joh Thurston 5 4 Will Bullard 012 7 Hen Chickering 8 6 Robt Crosseman 3 2 An tho Fisher -Seni 0178 Joh Bullard 0410 Tho Wight 1 2 1 Hen Willson 4 3 Joh Luson 098 [ ] Clarke 7 6 Tho Battaile 2 9 Robt Fames 2 6 Dan. Fisher 9 The Mill 210 Nath Stearnes 210 Joh Genery 2 6 M r Wheelock 510 Eliza: Fisher 6 Joh Gaye 6 8 19 of 8 48 Assembled. Joh Kingsbery Joh Dwight Tho Wight Elea: Lusher that 10 s asessed vpon the houses that was abated by y e eight pt abated is left in the Constables hand for the Townes vse as an ouerplusse and so the Rate not altered The seuerall Rates of the Townes in Suff. Dorchester Rate 56 60 Boston 125100 Roxbery 35 6 7 Dedham 30 96 Brayntree 24 99 Weymouth 22196 Hingham & Hull apeere not 294 13 4 Elea Lusher is desired to speake Cap* Atherton concerning the Laying out the Farme giuen by M r Dudley Fra Chickering & Tymo Dwight ar requested to viewe that place for di- rection in measuring som time the weeke next following Joh Dwight & Tymo Dwight ar desired to asist the measurer in the lay- ing it out. w u Cap* Atherton & Roxbery men shall be p r sent together w th Eleazer Lusher The valuation of the houses in Dedham as they wer estimated for the Country Rate 1648 houses M r Allen 4536 Nath. Coaleburn 2018 Eld r Hunting 814 Hen. Brock 2016 Elea Lusher 3030 Nath. Aldus 2016 Robt. Mason 1420 Hen: Philips 2828 Josep Kingsbery 18 15 Antho Fisher Juni 10 8 Lamb. Genery 7 6 Sam Morse 10 8 Joshua Fisher 40 36 Geo Barber 20 9 Thwai: Strickland 10 8 Robt Onion 4 154 DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. Hen Smith Robt Goweing Ralph Daye Joh Guilde Rich Euered Pet Woodward Robt Fuller Robt Hinsdell Rich Wheeler } Joh Fraery Mich. Metcalf sen Mich. Metcalf Ju Mich. Powell Joh Fayerbank Jonat Fayerbank Geo Bearstoe Fra Chickering Ed Richards Joh Plimpton Joh Metcalf Ed Kempe Joh Dwight Geo Fayerbanke Tho Leader Tho Herring Tymo Dwight Nath. Whiteing Joh. Kingsbery Joh Batchelor Joh H award Sam Judson Hen Aldridg Robt Ware 7 6 4 4 5 M rs Deengayne Sam Bulleyn Aust Kalem 4 Tho. Alcock 4 6: 10 2823 Tho. Payne Tho: Fuller 4 5 1613 [ ]h Elice [ ] Eaton Christo Smith 1210 Mich. Bacon 2520 8 16 13 4 Joh. Bacon James Allen Tho Jordan Ed Hawes 2823 Joh Thurston Hen. Chickerin 3024 Antho. Fisher seni 1311 5 8 7 Tho Wight Joh: Luson Dan: Fisher 15 5 M r Wheelocke 33 4 Joh. Gaye Willm Bullard 1G Joh: Bullard Hen: Wilson 1412 4 3 Josep. Clarke Dan. Morse 1815 The. Mille 3 Ed Allen 2420 Thwai Strickland all houses 10 Rich Wheeler 3 5 4 Joshua Kent 6 5 6 6 5 5 G 5 4 6 5 10 8 13 4 812 2 5 4 2 1412 3224 2823 2G 21 3024 2520 1210 G 3 2520 5 4 G 5 5 4 20' 3428 3 5 2 [XXX Order concerning wolves, as on page 122. ] it is allso further ordered that the Rate formerly made for voate the raysing of tenn for the paying the hunts man in killing woolues shall be forth w th be put in to the Constables hand who is heerby required speediely to gather the one half therof. that so he may haue in his hand to paye for the killing of woolues according to the former order DEDHAM TOWN EECOEDS. 155 8 of y e 9 mo 48. Assemb: Job. Kingsbery Joh. Dwight Tho. Wight Tymo Dwight & El. Lusher Fra Chickering Tho Wight is deputed to treat w th Ed Hawes about the doe- voa/e ing such daubing worke as is needfull about the meeting house. & vpon viewe to put that worke (if he can, to him to doe in conueanient time. & to see him p d out of the Townes account, or in case Ed Hawes canot be attaynd. then to pcure som such other workeman to pforme the same as the case require w th all possible speed a warrant to be mad wherby the Constable shall leauye of Theop Cushion 10 s 2 d for the meeting house rate. Tho Makepiece 1 3. for that Rate allso. & Tho Makepiece & Joh Bearstoe 10 s for fine y e 20 of 9 mo 48 Assembled. Joh. Kingsbery Joh Dwight Tho. Wight Fra: Chickering Will Bullard Tymo Dwight & El: Lusher [XXX Order concerning high way work, as on page 122. ] the names of such as ar behind in the high [ ] 7 s. d. Lamb Genery 020 Joh Plimpton to pay to El Robt. Goweing 040 Lusher 030 Antho Hubert 040 Joh Fayerbanke 050 Robt Wares 030 Hen Chickering 080 Sam Bulleyn 030 Antho Fisher senio G Sam. Judson 040 Ed Hawes 030 Tho Alcock 030 Joh. Gaye 040 Joh. Elice 010 Joh. Bullard 020 Robt: Fuller 1 Hen Wilson 020 Joh Fraery 020 Ralph Daye set of 05 Joh Fayerbanke 050 Antho Fisher Juni Ed Richards 070 to ppose at Genrall meeting the choice of 3 men for smale cases 1 that a Feoffee for the schoole be chosen 2 by w* rule men may be deputed to town seruice by y e select men w th out wrong to any 3 that care be taken about a drye hearde 4 that som order be made to p r uent disorderly feeding comon fields. & foule meadowe 5 schoole house to be built & a watchouse 6 whether the reseruing of Land for sundry publikevses be still thought to conduce to the publike good of the Town: viz. the schoole 'Land &c 7 that its considerible whether it may not conduce to the publike good i "M r Thomas Makepeace, because of his novile disposition, was informed wee were weary of him vnlessehee reforme." March 13, 1038-9, Mass. Col. Rec. Vol. I., page 252. 156 DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. of the town [*after all engagem ts of Land be satisfied] that all [*other] vp- land fitt for empuem 1 w tb in a conueanient distance be layd out in a genrall deuident by rules of genrall pportion reserving land [ ] satisfie former engagem ts Assembled: 10: mo 12 da/ Joh Dwight. Fra Chickering Tho: Wight. Tymo Dwight & Eleazer Lusher m r Wheelocks motion for aduice answerd [XXX Three orders relating to Mr. Dalton and Richard Ellis, as on page 122. ] Eleazer Lusher is appointed to publish the body of Lawes vpon som Lectur dayes next, as the season and optunitie shall admitt 10 mo 19. Assemb. Joh Kingsbery Joh Dwight Fra Chickering Tho: Wight Willm Bullard: Tymo Dwight & Elea Lusher A motion mad for the abateing the rent of the town meadow to John Bullard to 3 s 4 d and mayntayn the fence that belong therto. leaueing the fence in the same state he tooke it consented to. Ed Hawes requesteth one smale pcell of meadow the vse therof is granted to him till a genrall deuident be made Joseph Kingsbery make a motion for the vpland due to him by his right of y 6 purchased Lands [XXX Grant to Thurston, as on page 123. ] [*Reckoned w th Eleazer Lusher & the Town vndertake to paye the Countrey Rate 13 s 4 d & then remayn due to him at this daye 1 s 8 d the Land shall be surveyd at the Towns Charge. & be deuided by the rule of psons & estates: all psons to be valued at 8 the pson. & to receaue as much as 8 estate Recead by Eleazer Lusher from Tho Wight 1 bushell. . India due to Eleazer Lusher for writeing the Town Rate 010 for one daye at laying out Farme 018 one daye in Dorchester bounds 018 one daye viewe & help to measur the deuident 01 ] At a genrall meeting of the town 1648: 11 mo 1 [XXX Eecord of the meeting, as on page 123. ] resolued to send out a drye heard & the care & trust therof & power to gvide & couenant for the same is comitted to Antho Fisher sen, Tho Wight, Josep Kingsbery, Hen Philips, Joh Dwight, Pet Woodward [X X X] 11 mo 15 48 Assemb: Hen Chickering Joh. Kingsbery. Joh Dwight. Tho. Wight. Fra Chickering. Joshu. Fisher & Elea: Lusher A schoole house to be built as followeth. together w th a watch house DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. 157 the length 18 foote being 14 foote beside the chimney, the widenes 15 foote. the studd 9 foote betwixt Joynts. one floore of Joyce: 2 conuenient windowes in the lower roome : one in the chamber, the plancher layed. the floore planked, the stayers made, the sides boarded, featheredged & rabbited, the doores made & hanged the watch house, to be a leanto set at the back of the chimney sixe foote wide, the length therof 2 foote & one half mor then the house is wide, so placed that the end ther of may extend past the corner of the house so that the watch may haue an aspect 4 seuerall wayes. & open windowes therin suitable to a watch house & couered w th board, vp to those windowes. & vpon the roofe. & a mandle tree hewen & fitted for the Chimney a motion by our pastor about a way to his meadow thorough the mead- of of m r Joh. Newton to be layd out consented vnto Hen Chickering Tho Wight & El. Lusher ar desired to viewe the same & return answer to the select men [XXX Grant and order, as on page 124. ] 12 mo 5 48 Assemb. Hen Chickering Joh Kingsbery. Joh D wight Fra Chickering. Tho Wight Josh: Fisher: & Elea. Lusher Joseph Clark & Hen: Wilson tender thier Rent 10 s in wheat for the Meadow assigned to be p d to Lieft Fisher in pt of the debt due to him from the towne granted to Joh Kingsbery ceader timber in the comon swamp to sup" plye him in his finishing his house & to Hen Wilson timber ther for 800 boards to sell Will Bullard makeing demand of satisfaction for the way leading into the woods betwixt his Lott & John Bullards Lott. & vpon sc[ ] his title to that satisfaction, he is satisfied that ther was none due to him for the same Foule meadow not to be Rated to this Towne [XXX Grant to Daniel Fisher, as on page 125. ] 11 of 12 mo 1648 Assemb: Hen Chickering Joh Kingsbery. Joh Dwight Tho Wight Josh: Fisher & Eleaz: Lusher. Fra Chickering The Rate made for & towards the Charges of the Towne about a schoolehouse &: watchehouse building paying for the Drum beating, the Charges at the genrall meeting, the purchase of weights & measurs & the fines sessed by. the Court as followeth. asessed at 2 d p as allso for the charge of surveying & laying out the genrall deuidence Deputed to view &: help in laying out the genrall deuident Joh Dwight. Fra Chickering. Tho. Wight: Elea: Lusher, one of these 4 to be allwayes p r sent allso Tymo. Dwight: Dan: Fisher Pet Woodward: Tho. Fuller or other wise in case such men as ar last named or any of them be not to be attayned. it shall be in the liberty of the other of the select men first named to gcure those they se fitt. all to be allowed out of this p r sent Rate 1 s 8 d the daye 158 DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. the Town Rate s d M r Allen 1 8 5 Eld Hunting 8 3 Elea Lusher 15 10 Ralph Daye 2 10 Jose. Kingsbery 12 10 Robt Mason 11 10 Tho Bancroft 2 2 Lamb Genery 10 4 Josh. Fisher sen 10 Josh. Fisher Ju 10 Hen. Brocke 8 7 Nath. Coaleburne 12 1 Nath. Aldus 11 1 Hen Philips 13 4 Anth. Fisher Ju 5 1 Joh: Morse 2 Sam Morse 6 4 Thwa: Strickland 5 Geo. Barber 8 10 Robt Onion 1 10 Hen. Smith 6 10 Jam. Jordan 5 Joh. Bacon 1 4 Joh Guild 1 3 Rich Euered 6 8 Pet Woodward 17 4 Rich. Wheeler 7 4 Joh. Farington 10 9 Robt Fuller 3 Joh. Fraery 15 9 Mich Mettcalfe sen 12 7 Mich Metcalf Ju 5 3 M r Powell 3 4 Rich. Ellice 1 6 Joh. Fayerbank 4 4 Jonath. Fayerbank 13 5 Fra Chickering 19 4 [] Ed Richards 12 [ 1 M Joh Plimpton 2 2 Joh. Mettcalfe 3 7 Joh. Dwight 1 11 9 Geo. Fayerbanke 1 6 Tymo Dwight 12 [ Rest of this page is torn off.] Tho Herring Nath. Whiteing Joh. Kingsbery Joh Haward Joh. Eaton Sam Judson Robt Wares Joh. Kalem Tho. Payne Tho. Alcock Joh Ellice Tho. Fu-ller Christo. Smith Mich Bacon And Duein Anth Hubbert Dan: Morse Ed Allen Joh Bullard Jos. Clarke Hen Willson Will Bullard Robt Crosseman Joh. Gaye M r Wheelock Dan Fisher Joh Luson Tho Wight Antho Fisher sen Hen Chickering Ed Hawes Tho Jordan Hen Glouer Jam. Allen Tho Battaile Nath Stearnes Wide Fisher Joh. Thurston Joh. Newton The Mill M rs Deengaine Ferd. Adam 7 8 3 2 1 1 3 17 6 14 1 7 1 5 4 5 2 2 7 2 9 5 4 5 8 2 10 6 11 4 3 9 12 3 1 6 5 1 5 2 5 15 7 8 8 11 6 6 12 3 '11 1 3 5 1 3 4 18 4 3 9 5 G 1 9 1 10 5 4 3 1 8 10 1 10 5 8 1 9 2 1 totall 33 13 DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. 159 Fra Chickering and Job: Dwight giue notice of thier expectation of a mine neer certain ponds, about 13 miles from the town, therby clayning the p r uelidg of the town order: its in or neer the south line 2 of y e 3 mo 1649 20 of 2 mo: 1649 M r John Allen Pastor and Eleazer Lusher giue notice of thier discouery of a mine of mettall or other minerall whervnfo they lay clayme to them thier hiers executors or assignes for euer by vertue of the order of the Town in that case gvided w ch lyeth betwixt Charles Riuer towards the south and the high Rocke neer the Great Playne towards the north, and in or neer about a smale stoney valley being encompased on the south, north and west sids with Rockey hills the east end of the sd valley opening towards a stoney brooke therby notice heereof giuen to the men whose names ar subscribed being of the select men Joh: | K Kingsbery Joshua Fisher Lieft Joshua Fisher and Sergeant Daniell Fisher giue notice of thier expectation of a Mine of Mettall clayming the benefit of the Town order to them and thier hiers. Lying on the north side of Charles Riuer and on the west side of a brooke that runnes in to the said Riuer ouer against the Farme late m r Cookes, and on the south side of the great Playne 1 of 3 mo: 1649 Anthony Fisher senio: &: Robt Crosseman giue notice of thier discouery of a mine of Mettall. Claymeing the p r uelidg of y e Town order to them thier hiers and assignes. Lying aboue. or westerly of the place wher Naponcet Riuer deuide. part being on ihe south side of the greatest streame of the said Riuer. - Ralph Daye 07 07 00 Eld Hunting 12 10 10 15 Joh. Guilde 04 04 00 10 Elea: Lusher 26 23 00 Rich. Euered 09 09 00 15 Robt Mason 17 15 00 Rich. Wheeler 06 05 10 10 Josep: Kingsberey 13 16 00 Pet: Woodward 20 22 00 Lamb : Genery 05 04 10 Robt Fuller 07 07 00 10 Lieft: Fisher 31 27 00 Joh: Farington 16 20 00 Thwa : Strickland 07 06 00 Joh. Fraerey 09 08 00 6 Nath. Coaleburne 16 14 00 15 Mich: Metcalfe sen 17 15 00 Hen. Brock 14 Mich: Metcalf Ju 03 Nath: Aldus 14 10 Jonath. Fayerbanke 20 17 Hen. Phillips 26 20 00 Joh. Fayerbanke 04 08 00 Antho: Fisher Ju 11 10 00 Fra. Chickering 23 20 00 Sam: Morse 07 08 00 Will Auerey 16 14 00 Nath: Fisher 12 10 10 Joh. Metcalfe 06 05 10 6 Robt Onion 04 03 Rich. Ellice 05 05 00 Hen. Smyth 08 07 00 Joh Dwight 26 23 00 20 184 DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. 08 10 00 18 14 00 04 01 00 05 06 00 04 18 fj 00 02 02 00 15 15 00 02 50 100 16 14 00 2 03 00 3 02 00 3 4 2 5 1 For as much as diuers men that haue Canoes for thier necessary vse and occasions, haue complayned of great wrong done to them by seuerall psons by takeing away thier said Canoes w th out thier Leaue or knowledg. which haue bene much to the trouble & damage of y e sayd owners, therfor. in con- sideratio & for y e p r uention thereof. It is ordered that if any pson w* so euer shall after the daye of the publication heere of. take awaye or Remoue any Canoe or Canoes w th in our Towne from the place wher the owner or his as- signes haue from time to time fastened or left the same. w th out leaue or con- sent from the owner thereof or his assignes first had & attayned shall for euerey such offence forfiet to the owner therof or his assignes the sume of one shilling or if the said Canoe be so taken away or Remoued that the owner is disapointed of the vse thereof the space of one whole daye or more then the pson or psons that did remoue the same shall paye to the owner or thier assignes double the damage w^o euer may be made apeere. to be re- couered in both cases aforesaid by legall gceedings as other debts in case the same be not payed quietly other wise It is ordered that if any pson w th in our Town, w^o euer shall, after the publication heere of. encumber Anoye or Interrupt any high waye or drawen Waye. in our Town, or in the woods, by felling trees or any tree crosse the Geo: Fayerbanke [04 06 00 Joh: Gaye Tho: Hering 'l4 12 10 15 Will Bullard Nath. Whiteing 12 14 00 Sam Mills Joh: Kingsberey 18 16 00 Hen. Wilson Joh: Haward 17 15 00 16 Tho. Bancroft Sam: Judson 09 08 00 12 Ed. Richards Robt. Ware 04 04 00 .8 Josh. Kent M rs Deengaine 04 Joh Aldus Tho Payne 05 07 10 The Mille Tho Fuller 04 03 10 Robt Crosseman Joh. Eaton 10 12 00 Joh Plimpton Christo Smyth 04 06 00 Lambert ginery Joh. Bacon 16 14 00 Joh Morse James Allen 02 The Mill Tho Jordan 09 08 00 Tymo Dwight Ed: Hawes 04 03 10 Antho: Hubert Tho Battell 18 16 00 Cor Fisher Hen Chickering 23 20 00 James Draper Antho: Fisher seni 20 17 10 Joh Houghton Tho. Wight 19 17 00 Ralph Freman John. Luson 21 16 10 Tho: Meatcalfe Dani: Fisher 17 15 00 Joh. Littlefield m r Wheelock 09 07 00 DEDHAM TOWN EECOBDS. 185 same, either by the Body or topp. or any pt thereof & shall not forth with before he or they depart from the same, fully & sufficiently, take the $ame awaye & cleere the said way. he shall paye & sattisfie for euery such tree so felled to the Anoyeance of any such waye as aforesd the sume of 2 shil- lings to him or them that shall first giue information there of to y e select men of our Towne for y e time being or any twoo of them and if the pson that haue so felled the sayd trees shall not vpon demand of the said 2 s p tree by the Informer forth with remoue the said tree or trees as before said, then the said pson so felling those trees shall for euerey weeke that they lye vncleered out of the waye. paye to the Towne & y e vse thereof. 5 8 p tree in to the hand of y e Constable for the time being t deed to make to Anthoney Hubbert from Joh Kalem of that pcell page 39. 8. Edwa. Richards East Tho Bancroft west t deed to make from Fra Chicker to Ed Kempe of 5 acres on y e great playne abutts Fra Chickering. east Joh Dwight west, high way north, wast land south 17 of y 6 9 mo 1651. Assemb Joh Kingsberey, Joh Dwight, Fra Chick- ering, Lieft: Fisher, Serg* Fisher, Nath Coaleburne & Elea: Lusher Granted to Edward Kempe & his heyers foreuer Three Acres of Mead- owe in Broade Mead: Abutting Charles Riuer East: waste Meadow west. Ed Richards south & Tymo. Dwight North & Three Acres mead Abutts Charles Riuer East, the waste vpland west Joh Rogers North. Will Bearstow south Joh Dwight is requested to certifie Joh: Ellice that we cannot forbeare any pt of the paymt now due from Medfield. but in regard of that meadowe due to him from y 6 Towne that the Towne will doe w l is. & may apeere to be iuste therein wn he shall com & demand the same: it being in conueanient time The Account of y e Surveyors as followeth: :psons yet behinde in thier highwaye worke 1651 s d Joh Guilde 020 Joh: Metcalfe 010 Rich Wheeler 000 Nath Whiteing assigned Pet. Woodward to Jo Dwight 040 Joh. Farrington bushell wheat as- Joh. Aldus 020 signed to Jo Dwight Sam Morse 020 Robt Fuller 080 Thwa Strickland 010 Joh: Fraery 020 Robt. Mason 020 Mich Metcalf Ju 040 Joh. Mason 080 Jona. Fayerbanke 090 Josep Kingsbery 060 Fra: Chickering 060 James Jordan 020 186 DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. Tho. Jordan 040 Tho. Bancroft 060 Hen Glouer 040 Job. Bullard 040 Tho. Battell 050 Edw: Richards 060 Tho: Wight Joh H award 030 Joh Luson 080 Antho: Hubbert 000 M r Wheelock 040 Tho. Payne 000 Hen Wilson 080 [*Serg t Fisher vndertake to pay 4 s for Joh Bullard] 4 of y e 10 Mo: 1651 Assemb Fra: Chickering, Joh. Dwight, Lieft: Fisher, Serg*. Fisher. Nath Coaleburn & Elea: Lusher [*Eleazer Lusher is requested to referr those grants, in y e Record, that ar entered vnbutteled to those enterics y* ar abutted to p r uent questions & mistakes in time to com Elea: Lusher p r sent his accounts by Bill the Sum 2 19 9 that Bill vpon examination was alowed & passed by voate he had receaued 9 2 Remayn due to him from y e Town 2 10 7 Fra Chickering Tender his Bill of accounts the Sume 11 s 3 d vpon exam- ination it was allowed of & passed by voate 1 1 3 Joh: Dwight Tender his bill of accounts Sum 1^. 14 s . 4 d . vpon examina- tion of y e pticulars it was allowed of & passed by voate l 14 s 4 d Serg 1 Daniell Fisher p r sent his Bill. Sum 1 13 6. alowed vpon exam- ination & passed by voate 1 13 6 Reed vpon this account by y e said Daniell. from Danll Morse 18 s . & from Joseph Morse 5 s . the sum of receits 1 3 Remayn due still 10 6 Tho: Fullers account p r sented sum 9 s allowed & passed by voate 9 8 Antho Fisher senio: his account p r sented and alowed of & passed by voate 5 s reed, heereof from Joh Bullard 1 Remayn due still 4 0] t James Alin sell to Joh. Morse 3 acres vpland on south playne Abutt: as page 56. sect 3: deed to make to Joh. Morse 20 of y e 10 th mo. 1651. m rd that Lieft Fisher & Eleazer Lusher in the behalfe of y e Town being ther vnto deputed agree w th Daniell Ponde Carp tr as foloweth. the sd Daniell doth vndertake to frame & set vp 2 windowes vpon the back side of y e meet- inghouse at y e direction of y e Towne. of each side of y e officers seate one. that shall be like in all respects to those girth windowes in y e newe meeting house so fare as the places ar capeable of. & allso frame & setVp a sufficient DEDHAM TOWN EECOEDS. 187 frame vpon the north end of y e meeting house for y e hanging of y e Bell and doe all y e Carpenters worke therevnto necessary, the shingling of the pent- house oner y e Bell excepted. & to make & set vp one conueanient & sufficient payer of flewe boards at the said end of y e meeting house, the Towne vnder- takeing onely all the necessary cariage of the timber therevnto necessary. & guide the boards for y 6 flew boards this frame for y e hanging y e Bell is to be made according to y e forme & gportion then betwixt y e pties exp r sed. all this worke is to be done w th y e first optune & fitt season For & in Consideration whereof the said Joshua & Eleazer in the be- halfe of y e Town engag to sattisfie to the sd Daniell the sume of 3^" & in case the sd Daniell when the worke be done shall ap r hend he loose by the worke & shall make it reasonably apeere he is to haue Ten shillings more, the whole to be p a . halfe in wheat & halfe in Jndian corne. the Jndian when the sd Daniell shall demaund vpon reaso[ ] warning & the wheat when the worke is done vnto which Couenant as is all ready expressed on the other side of this Leafe the pties engaged subscribe thier names Eleazer Lusher, Joshua Fisher in y e behalfe of y e Towne Daniel Pond in y e behalfe of himselfe Robt Onion sell Nath Coaleburn 5 Acres 2 acres one halfe meadow in y e purchased mead, abutts Nah Coalebor north. Robt Onion is to in form the other abuttm ts . & 2 acres vpland yet to be layd out [*26 of y e 10 th mo. 1651. Robt Hinsdels account in refference to m rs Stoughtons Anuall Rent Anno 1647: due for y e whole yeare 2 1648: due for y e half yeare 1 1650: due 1 80 1651 due 2 00 6 80 heere of p d by Joh Dwight 2134 Assigned to receaue of Joh. Plimpton wheate 1 of Antho: Fisher Juni: 5 bushels Indian Corne 15 4_ 84 Joseph Morse assigned to pay 2 188 DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. 18 of y e 10 mo 1651 Assemb Joh Kingsbury, Joh Dwight, Fra. Chick- ering, Lieft: Fisher, Serg* Fisher, Nath: Coalburne Joshua Fisher is deputed to take a note of w l is passed vpon this daye by y e select men It is agreed to gpound the supply of fireing at y e Generall meeting It is agreed that Francis Chickering shall take 40 s of Joseph Morse. w ch is due to y e Towne: from m rs Stoughton for y e yeare 1651 Fra: Chickering doe engage to pay 5 12 s due to Boston for y e Bell. 1 and to deliuer the Cp ts Bill to the Capt wherein he is engaged for y e Towne 5^12 8 It is agreed that Cap* Lusher, Joh. Dwight & Joshua Fisher or any Twoo of them ar apointed to take in y e Carpenters account that did groundcell the Meetinghouse to see w* is due to him when he shalt p r sent his account [*Reckoned w th Joshua Fisher & ther is due from the Town to him 2- 16-10] Reced. of Robt Hinsdell by Joh Dwight 2^-13 8 -4 d -w ch was due to y e Town from m rs Stoughton. w ch John Dwight haue sattisfied to y e Towne in Corn, to y e Carpenter and by a Bill w ch he p r sented. w ch was examined & alowed by the select men so ther remaynes due still from Robt Hinsdell to the Towne 1-14-8 of that which was due from m rs Stoughton. Anno 1650 1 See previous records relating to this bell on pp. 165, 170, 177, 187. It seems pretty clear that this was one of the six bells given to Boston by Capt. Thomas Cromwell in his will dated Aug. 26, 1649 and proved two months later. He seems to have taken a liking to Boston. His will contains this bequest: " I giue my six bells being in the Custody of Henry Walton vnto the towne of Bos- ton." The Eecords of Boston show that "The 9 th mo., 1650. At a Generall towne meting upon warning, it was agreed that the Bells Capt. Crumwell gave the Towne should be by the Select men disposed of to the Best Advantage, and the produce Laid out for one Bell for a Clocke." Boston Rec. Com. 2 d Report, page 102. Another of Cromwell's bells may have gone to Castle Island, 1655. See Memorial History of Bos- ton, I, 509. Capt. Thomas Cromwell was one of the earliest of the famous buccaneers. In 1646 he was in command of three fast-sailing brigantines under commission of High-admiral (Earl of) "Warwick, and having captured in the West Indies several richly laden Spanish vessels was driven by a gale about the middle of May into Plymouth harbor. " He had abord his vessels aboute 80. lustie men, (but very unruly,) who, after they came ashore, did so distemper them selues with drinke as they became like madd-nien ; and though some of them were punished & imprisoned, yet could they hardly be restrained ; yet in y e ende they became more moderate & orderly. They continued here aboute a month or 6. weeks, and then went to y e Massachusets." Bradford's Plymouth IV Mass, Hist. Soc. Coll., Hi, 441. After a short stay in Boston, he set forth on another voyage to the West Indies, was gone about three years, and returned to Massachusetts with many rich prizes, and " ther dyed the same somere, having gott a fall from his horse, in which fall he fell on his rapeir hilts, and so brused his body as he shortly after dyed therof." Two chapters are devoted to this bold Buccaneer by Jane G. Austin in Betty Alden, one of her stories of the Pilgrims. DEDHAM TOWN EECOEDS. 189 It is agreed that the Grante of enlargement in y e Rocks made to John Gaye & Layed out by y e Cap* & John Luson. shall be entered in the Town booke according to the grante Joh. Gaye. Serg* Fisher & Joshua Fisher, ar apointed to newe marke the Line at the west end of John Newtons Lott. according to the grante that the Towne may know thier owne Land [*Nath Coaleburn is assigned to receaue of Joseph Clarke. 15 s w ch is due to the Towne from Meadfield. in pt of paye for that 4 bushels of wheate w ch the said Nathaneell did lende to y e Town to pay for the Bell Remayn due to Mathaneell Coaleburn one bushell of wheate & 5 s that he payed to Edward Hawes] 30 of y e 10 tu . 1651 Assemb. Joh: Kingsbery, Joh: Dwight, Lieft: Fisher, Serg*: Fisher, Nath: Coaleburn & Elea. Lusher whereas Thomas Wight haue bene deputed to laye out to voate Thomas Jordan that 4 Acres of Meadowe Granted to the said Thomas at Bogastowe & that the same is not yet done It is now ordered that those men that wer formerly deputed to lay out the Line betwixt Meadfield & dedh they or any 3 of them ar deputed to appoint the layeing out of that grante. & Thomas wight is discharged [*Joh Morse p r sent his accounts in refference to that 7^"-8 s -3 d due the last yeare. as allso for accounts due to the Town by seuerall defects in high- way worke w ch the sd John was assigned to gather 1649. remayn still due of those accounts-18 s -Totall.-8-6-3 Reed heereof by the Town 6 2 8 Remayn still due from John Morse to y e Town 2 3 7 In this account of John Morse he haue p d to Serg* Daniell Fisher 0100 Remayne still due to Serg* Fisher 6 Reed more of John Morse his account 100 Ceader boarde 4 Remayn still due from Joh Morse vpon y e Ballancing the accounts 1197 1197 The Deacons coming to cleere thier accounts ther apeare to be in thier hands yet due to y e Town 2 this 2 the Deacons ar assigned to pay to Eleazer Lusher 2 Assigned to be p d more to Eleazer Lusher by bill out of Meadfield Rate by the glouer of Boston 9 remayn due to Elea. Lusher 1 7 y e Deacons vndertake to paye that 20 s to Joh Kingsberey at the Towns assignm* w ch Joh Dwight stand Debtor to the Town in as is entered before in this booke 1 190 DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. Joh Dvvight is discharged thereof Discounted w th Joh Morse in regard of 2 s 6 d lost in y e Countrey Rate by Robt Eames & 5 s 3 d by y 6 Treasurers account 7 9] Remayn due in Totall from Joh Morse 1 11 10 Granted vnto Eleazer Lusher & to his heyers for euer that vot pcell of Swamp \v ch was layed down to the Town by m r John Allen Pastor conteyneing one Acre & one halfe or there about lyeing adioyneing to that house Lott somtimes Ralph Shepheards. or neer there vnto Granted vnto Nath: Coaleburne & to his heyers for euer one vote: pcell of vpland conteyneing halfe an Acre more or lesse as it lyeth adioyneing to that Land somtimes Lambert Generys & the mill Creeke. Reserueing such a passage thorough the same in all respects as shall be needfull for the vse of those that ar gpriators in the purchased meadowe there. Joh Dwight & Lieft Fisher ar deputed to lay it out Sergt Daniell Fisher is deputed to call the Rolle of the Townsemens names, at y e Genrall Meeting A Bill of the names of those Townsemen that ar to be called at the gen- rail Town meeteing M r Allen Pastor, Eld r Joh: Hunting, M r Ralph Wheelock, Captaine Lusher, Deacon Hen: Checkering, Deaco Nath Aldus, Joh: Kingsberey, Mich. Metcalf. senio, Josh: Fisher senio, Samll Morse, Joh: Luson, Hen: Brock, Antho Fisher seni, Joh Dwight, Joh: Haward, Fra: Checkering, Tho. Wight, Lieft Josh: Fisher, Ensign Hen. Phillips, Jonath. Fayerbank, Peter Woodward, Joh Fraerey, Joseph Kingsberey, Willm Bullard, Joh. Eaton, Rich. Euered, Nath: Coaleburne, Robt Mason, Joh. Gaye, Henry Smyth, Serg 1 . Dan: Fisher, Serg* George Fayerbank, Joh: Morse, Edw: Richards, Willm Auerey, Lamb: Generey, Christo: Smyth, James Jordan, Nath. White- ing, Mich: Metcalf Juni, Joh: Fayerbank, Samll Judson, Tho: Hering, Rich. Wheeler, Joh. Farington, Joh. Aldus, Tho: Fuller, Tho: Payne, Robt Ware, Antho: Fisher Junio, Thwa: Strickland, Robt Fuller, Nath. Fisher, Tho. Batteley, Tho Jordan, Joh Metcalfe, Joh. Guilde, Andrew Duein, Antho: Hubert, Joh. Mason, Joh. Plimpton, Ralph Daye, Hen. Willson, Tho: Ban- croft, Joh. Bacon, Edw. Hawes, Henry Glouer, Josh. Kent, Rich. Ellice, Robt Onion, Samll Milles, Timo. Dwight, [*Andr Duein] Josep. Ellice, Ralp Freeman, Joh. Rice, Dan: Ponde, Hen Wight, Cornll Fisher, [*Robert Grossman], Jonath Farba: Ju, Ja. Vales, Joh Houghton, Ja Draper, Ja Thorpe, Jsa. Bullard Considerations to be gposed at the genrall Meeteing 1. consideration w l supply of firewood may be safe for y e Town, whether to lay out wood Lotts. or giue larger Libertie of felling wood DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. 191 2. that the time of Couen* in y e schoole keepeing. being expired, w* may be the resolution of y e Town therein. 3. w* may be done for the supply of swampe to those Inhabitants whose deuision lay in that w ch Cambridg now posesse & those whose Lotts. being drawen & the Rate being the rule of thier gportion is lost allso 4. whether no meanes can be found to p r uent damage by horses. &c: in y e Great playne most especially. & other cornon fields allso 5. w l the select men may doe. wn they cannot attayne paye suitable to defray the necessary charges of y e Town 6. a Motion about y 6 drye heard 7. whether the Meetinghouse shall be couered w th shingle or not 8. whether we shall call for pay from Meadfield or how much & when 9. whether it be not Just & reasonable to allow the select men thier diet vpon the Just occasions of the Townes seruice in Town meeting Dayes & allso allow equall recompence for the time our Deputies shall expend in y e countrey seruice heere after Accounts to be p r sented at y e genrall Meeting Reed from Meadfield in pt of y e 20 demanded from thence 10^ 1 from M rs Stoughton 9 8 fro Joh Morse 6 15 7 Reed by an ouerplusse in y e Countrey Rate 3 6 29 5 1 Disbursm ts . for y e Bell & the cariage of y e corne for y e paym* 6 for building the schoole house chimney 3 to m r Haynes 1 4 for Boarde. nayles schoole house &c: 1 8 to Lieft Fisher for measuering & seuerall Journeyes at y e Townes apointm* 2 14 7 charges at y e last genrall meeting 1 2 [ ] more for diet for y 6 select men & for the Arbitrators chosen to settle the purchased Lands & about the question con- cerning y e mille & the constable in makeing the Countrey Rate, and other disbursements for the Towne as apeere by his bill 3 4 8 ]*To Eleazer Lusher for composeing & entering the table in the booke of Record. & new draweing & entering the Towne orders. & for seuerall Journeyes at the Townes assignm 1 2 19 9 To Serg* Dan: Fisher for diuers dayes Journeyes & other occasions of attending at y e townes assignm 1 1 13 6] To Joh Dwight for seuerall Journeyes: draweing timber & disbursem 18 for y e towne 1 14 4 To Fra Chickering for nayles & Journeys 16 3 Besicls these. p d to seuerall other men for Journeyes. & other publike occasions we haue allowed, as vpon thier Bills to vs haue apeered Just & reasonable vncertaine sume 25 12 9 [*m rd that Ralph Daye owe mor in y 6 Countrey Rate then is therin assessed 1 4] seuerall other Accounts by Reckoning will be due to seuerall men who haueing notice of our meeteing yet not apeereing it must be left to the care of y e next men chosen [*whereas ther remayne tenn shillings yet due to Joh. Kingsberey for that wheat he lent y e towne the Constable is assigned to sattisfie him that Tenn shillings out of y e ouerplusse of the Countrey Rate] Due to Willm Auerey for nayles for y e Schoole house as apeere by his Bill: 0173 Joh. Plimpton is assigned to pay to Lieft Fisher for Robt Hinsdell 1 00 Th waits Strickland & Nath: Fisher ar assigned to pay that 1 16 s that is in thier hand from meadfield Rate vnto Lieft Fisher 1160 all these assignm ts to Lieft Fisher being p' 1 . he is debtor to y Town 0100 more questions to pposed 10. whether succession in Lands by purchase make the purchasers to be Townsemen or not 1 1. w* way the questions by Meadfield men in refference to the charge of purchaseing Amunition for a Town stock shall be issued At a Genrall Meeteing 1651 y 6 first of the eleuenth mo: called Januarie The question concerning the right of heyers or purchasers to voafc all Town p r uelidges. & Right of voateing in all cases together w th other Townsemen is referred to y e Selectmen now to be chosen, that they may p r pare & ripen the answer & cofhend it to the Townes resolution Tymo: Dwight, Andr: Duein, Josep. Ellice, Ralph. Freeman, John: Rice, Dan: Ponde ar admitted Townesmen It is resolued not to deuide woodland into gpriaties for fire- voate wood, and the care of ordering the cutting of firewood is left to y e select men for y e yeare ensueing Its Resolued that a Schoole for the education of youth shall voate be continued & mayntayned in our Towne DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. 193 its resolued that som settled way of the maintenance of the voate Schoole shall be agreed vpon. its ordered that 20" a yeare at the least shall be the settled voate recompence of the school em r for 7 yeares next ensueing the 5 men heerevnder named ar chosen to ripen this case of rayseing 20; p an for the schoolem r . and gpose thier thoughts to y e Towne Elder Joh. Hunting, Fra: Chickering, Joh Dwight, Lieft Fisher, Nath Coaleburne the satisfaction of those men that ar disapointed of swampe in Cam- bridg swampe is left to y e care of y e selectmen for y e yeare ensueing to be made either in vpland in the next deuident or in swampe as they can best agree w th the psons and can best make supplye the damage done by horses & other vnruely cattell in Comon Fields is left to be recouered in a due course of Lawe It is resolued to raise a Town stock of 20^ by that paym* due from Meadfield & so to vphold this stock by suppies in our Towne. from lime to time, the publike stock to be raised this yeare the care of a drye heard is left to the select men for y e yeare ensueing the meeteinghouse shall be couered \v th shingle its concluded that meadfield can make no iust clayVne to any pt of the stock of Aiiiuniton its ordered that the select mens dyet vpon the Town meeteing dayes shall be payed for by the Town from time to time heereafter Its ordered that those that shalbe heerafter chosen deputies for the gen- rail court shall be alowed for thier time, the sum & the manner is left to the select men to resolue & settle Elections. ( Eleazer Lusher is chosen to keepe the booke Lieft Fisher, Fra Chickering, Joh. Kingsbery, Jon. Dwight. Serg* ( Fisher, Pet. Woodward, ar chosen select men for the yeare ensuring Antho. Fisher Ju, Joseph Kingsbery, Andr Duein, Surveyors Joh Morse, Tho: Fuller, Nath. Coaleburne, Mich. Metcalf Ju, Woodreeues The Accounts of y e Select men for the yeare last past ar alowed of by the Towne 5 of y e 11: mo. 1651 Assemb: Joh Kingsberey, Lieft. Fisher. Fra. Chick- ering, Joh. Dwight, Serg 1 . Fisher, & Eleazer Lusher vpon examination of y e Surveyers Bill for y e yeare 1650. ther apeere yet to be due to the Towne for defect of the high way worke of that yeare from the psons heere vnder named as followeth Robt Mason 068 Sergt Barber 050 Lamb Generey [ ] Robt Onion 016 Deacon Aldus 038 Josep. Clarke 038 194 DEDHAM TOWN EECOKDS. M r Wheelock 038 Edw Richards 034 Tho. Bately 038 Job Haward 050 Joh. Fraerey [ ] [ ] Sam: Judson 018 Mich: Metcalfe senjor 1 8 Joh. Bacon 018 3 10 A bill to be drawen to send to Joh Bullard to demand 10 s for y e vse of halfe the Meadowe called the Church Meadow one yeare he haueing pformecl. none of y e condicions wherevpon he entered the said meadowe Joh. Dwight, Fra: Chickering & Elea. Lusher ar Deputed to Toafe: settle the way leading vnto the wigwam playne & thorough the same vnto the swampe as pticular ppryaties may necessarily require. & to sattisfie for the land laved out for y e waye by land vpon the said playne. as they shall iudge equall & most conueanient Granted vnto John Rice and to his heyers for euer. one pcell of vpland lyeing neere the ponde. as it shall be layed out to him by the direction of Serg* Fisher & Eleazer Lusher 6. of y e 11 mo. 1651. Assemb. Joh. Kingsberey, Joh. Dwight, Fra: Chick- ering, Lieft: Fisher, Pet Woodward, Serg 1 Fisher & Elea: Lusher 20; p an for y e schoole for y e schoole The rule of rayseing 20^" p aiin this day considered and resolued Elnathan Dunkely & Matthewe Edwards being sumoned apeerethis daye befor y 6 select men Robt Mason & Joh. Mason for former defect in thier high way worke vndertake to paye in shingling y e meeteinghouse when the Town call for it 0168 Antho: Fisher Juni. being assigned by Robt Hinsdell to pay vpon his account for m r Stoughtons Rent. 15" he vndertakes to paye it & is assigned to paye this 15 s & 9 s mor for gdin Rockwood of Meadfield w ch is to pay for him. to Ralph Daye. 14 9 12 of y e 11 mo. 1651 Assemb: Joh Dwight, Lieft Fisher, Pet: Wood- ward, Serg 1 Fisher, Joh. Kingsberey, & Elea: Lusher Tho. Payne, coming to cleere vp that he haue pformed 3 daye worke in the high waye the last yeare. its resolued that if he can make it apeere to the Surveyers. that they may testifie it to any of y e Select men. that then except he heare from y e select men further demaund of worke he shall take himselfe discharged therof Nath Whiteing is to paye for not apearing at the generall Towne Meeteing 016 assigned to pay it to Joh Dwight Joh Haward is assigned to paye to Lieft Fisher for defect in high way worke 0130 DEDHAM TOWN HECORDS. 195 Henry Smyth is assigned to pay out of Meadfield Rate vnto Tho: Bat- teley in pt for shingling y e Schoolehouse 1 18 7 vpon information that our Bretheren of Meadfield haue declared them- selues grieued that our Town haue haue resolued to call for 20^ from thence. & that they haue declared a purpose not to paye till it be cleered whether any be oweing to Dedh or not its therfor concluded to write a letter to send to the Inhabitants & Select men of Meadfield to desire a loueing treatie w th som of them such as the Towne or select men shall send. Eleazer Lusher is desired to drawe vp this letter Samll Judson is assigned to paye to Lieft Fisher for his defect in high waye worke 1650 1 8 Lieft Fisher is deputed together w th Nathan Aldus & Joseph Kingsbery to agree about a Leading waye to the Meadow of Joseph Kingsbery thorough the vpland of Nathan Aldus: & to return answer to y e Select men Joseph Kingsberey inform that Lambert Generey hath taken shingle Timber & oakeing Timber. w th out leaue from the Towne. its resolued that Br Generey shall be called to the next Town meeteing. by warneing by Lieft Fisher Tho. Batteley haueing taken building S: shingle timber w th out Leaue. its to be considered of heereafter. he answers he thought building Timber had bene at libertie in comon Elnathan Dunckley is according to y e Court order in that case provided, placed in seruice for one whole yeare next ensueing to dwell w th Anthoney Fisher senior, and the said Anthoney Fisher doth couenant & agree to pay to the said Elnathan or his assignes the sum of 9^ for y e yeares seruice. vizt < 2.. 5 s each quarter of y e yeare John Bullard is assigned to paye to Joh: Dwight that debt due to the Towne by his rate in Meadfield & that due for the yeares rent for the mead- owe, the whole 1 Joseph Clarke is assigned to paye to Danll Ponde 12 s due from him selfe in pt for defect in high waye worke. & in pt from meadfield Rate 12 13 of 11. 1651 Assemb. Joh: Dwight, Lieft Fisher, Pet: Woodward, Serg*. Fisher, & Elea: Lusher, Joh: Kingsbery Whereas it apeare vpon experience that such firewood as voate hath hetherto bene alowed to be made vse of as in comon libertie to each of our Inhabitants is now much spent and therefor for y e more conueanient supply of the Towne more libertie is found necessarie. and that allso such care be taken to p r serue such oake trees as at p r sent ar: or hereafter ar like to be vsefull timber for supply of building fenceing &c: It is therfor ordered, that it shall be henceforth in y e libertie of euerey 196 DEDHAM TOWN BECOBDS. Inhabitant in our Towne. from time to time, to take, fell & carry away any such firewood of the comon Land of the Towne as he or they shall neede from time for his own burning gvided all wayes that they be such as by reason of the rottennes crookednes or other defect ar vnfitt for timber but if any man shall fell any such oake tree, or young oake stand or plant, as in a reasonable ap r hension & Judgm 1 . may apeere by this order, is truely & really intended to be p r serued & that is not burnt at the bottom or stubb. or very crooked or defective as aboue said, shall forfiet 2 s . 6 d . for euery such tree so felled contrary to the true intent of this order except they haue leaue fre wood, the offence to be Judged of by thee woodreeues. the forfiet or penaltie to be the one halfe due to the informer & the other halfe to y e towne. and any order or clause or pvisoe in any former order to the contrary, is heereby repealed gvided allso that if any Inhabitant shall fell firewood & suffer it to lye vncutt or vnsett vp 14 dayes after it be felled it shall be in the libertie of any other Inhabitant to take it & cary it away 17 of y e 11 mo 1651. Assemb. Joh Kingsberey, Joh. Dwight, Fra: Chickering, Lieft Fisher, Pet. Woodward, Serg* Fisher & Elea: Lusher We conceaue it safe that all such Inhabitants in our Towne from time to time, as doe not subscribe to y e Towne Booke and thereby declare his en- gagement to subiect to y e gouerm 1 of y e Towne & beare pportionable charges therein &c: according to the Couenant whervnto we haue genrally subscribed shall be debarred all Libertie of cutting firewood or hearding Cattell in y e Comon Land of y e Towne. except such as shall by inheritance posesse any one house Lott all ready built whose p r decessors haue formerly subscribed pvided that the libertie & power of y e Towne exp r ssed in y e 2 Article of y e Couenant be not heereby p r iudiced but remayne in full force pvided allso that the select men for y e time being shall haue power to alowe libertie. to make vse of the Comon p r uelidges before exp r ssed to any Inhabitant vntill he haue an optunitie to subscribe & is by the Towne ad- mitted there vnto vpon y e motion from y e Selectmen of Dorchester desireing a meeteing to consider a way to take wolues Lieft Fisher & Elea: Lusher ar deputed to attend therevpon Joh. Fraerey is allowed 6 s for that charge he was occasioned to be at concerning the woman & childeren that cam thorough the Towne & stayed diuers dayes in the Towne at his house he being Constable: & went to Sea- conque. this 6 s is discounted in his defect of high way worke 1050 Agreed w th Lieft Fisher, that he shall shingle the meetinghouse and doe all the worke & beare all the charge thereof that is the takeing of of the old couereing & make the spares feite & set them on. lay on the board shingle & DEDH AIL TOWN RECORDS. 197 flewe boards at one end Stoughtons Rent demanded Br. Woodward is desired to make damaunde of Joseph Morse of the Rent due to the Towne fro m rs Stoughton for y e yeare 1652 2^ [*a bill deliuered to Joh Gaye to receaue of the Constable 6 s 0] DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. 207 The Accounts of the Rate made y e 3 of y e 12. mo. 1651: whereby was Leuied the sume of 35^ 2 s 4 d Disbursem* 8 vnto the Carpenter of Boston in remaynder of payeingfor the groundcelling the meetinghouse 00 07 06 It for the killing one wolfe 011000 It to Ensig: Phillips in pt of his charge about the heard house 000600 It. to Joh. Gaye for charge about the heard house 01 <06 06 It. to Elea. Lusher for hanging the bell, writeing & seuerall Journeys at the Townes asignm* 00 18 06 It to Antho Fisher sen: for charges about the heard yard & house &c. 030906 It to Lieft Fisher, for couering the Meeteinghouse. nayles & other charges 200000 It to the Treasurer for Countrey orders 00 10 04 It. to Joh. Kingsbery. being by him lent to the Towne 00 10 00 [*a bill heereof to the Constable deliuered to him] It. by Nath. Coaleburne for the Townes vse 00 12 00 It to Danll Ponde for worke at the meeteinghouse 01 00 00 It to the Treasurer for more court orders 00 06 08 It. to Serg* Fisher in pt for the carp tr & for seuerall Jour- neyes vpon the Townes assignm* 02 02 00 It to Hen. Chickering being due 000200 It more to Ens. Phillips for charge about y e heard yard 00 10 04 3402 [ ] remayne of this Rate 01 00 [ ] Debts due at p r sent from the Towne as followeth Inp r m s to Joh Dwight for seuerall Journeyes &c: 00 13 06 It. to Elea: Lusher for the deputies Alowance & for seuerall Journeyes & writeing 03 15 01 It. to Willm Auerey for nayles and other worke 01 01 08 It for Court orders due to the Treasurer 01 05 04 It for the killing 4 wolues 040000 It to Francis Chickering for nayles &c: 01 19 04 It to Joh Kingsbery lent to the Towne for the purchaseing & carying corne for brick . 01 02 02 a bill heere of to the constable deliuered to him It. to Josh. Fisher sen for Irons about the bell & som about the schoole house 01 4 2 208 -DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. It to Antho Fisher sen for helping to take a plott of the riuer 00 02 00 15 1 3 besides som other debts the accounts where of ar not yet p r sented [XXX General Meeting of 3: 11: 1652, as recorded on page 130. ] 6. of y e 11. 1.652. Assemb: Lieft Fisher, Joh. Dwight, Fra. Chickering, Pet: Woodward, Serg* Fisher, & Elea. Lusher the Case respecting the Ens. motions concerning the poulder. taken into consideration. its answered thus that the Ensigne not auouching and signing his bill, doth disable all men except him selfe to gather vp the acpount & though we be vnwilling to put the ensign to so meane an employm 1 yet we conceaue we haue no other way at all. but that he must gather it or else it must be lost and therfor we aduise that he will vse the best meanes & all lawefull meanes that he can to gather all the bill and then wn that is done if he please to make returne of the state of the case to the select men. they shall be ready to take it into further consideration: and giue w* content to the said Ens: as they shall conceaue they may giue a good reason of Hen. Chickering Antho Fisher sen & John Gaye this daye p r sent them- selues according to the choice & deputation of the Towne to Joyne w th the select men to consider & resolue of Instructions meet to be giuen to those 3 bretheren chosen & Authorised to attend the case depending betwixt vs & Dorchester doe w th them agree as followeth viz 4 : 1 in case Dorchester men shall consent to a loveing & free treatie be- twixt them selues & you: you shall to them & in our name & behalfe declare & so fare as you may. & according to your best abillatie make cleerely apeere to them, the right & title our Town had granted them by the genrall Court the coppies of which you shall haue p r sent at hand to make vse of as occa- sion may require. 2 such obiections as shall be by them made you shall answer according to the nature of the foresaid grants. & the iust reasons of our Towne in re- gard of our need. & thier sufficient supplye w th out that land In case they shall not send any answer or send a refusall of such a treatie 1 you shall vse the best meanes you can to attayne the knowledg of the time & place of the meeteing of the select men there, at w l time and place you shall attend & desire audience, which being attayned you shall doe as before said, wherein you shall doe as much as in you lye vpon the cleereing of our Title to attayne the w th draweing of thier clayme of any Title there namely in the Lands in question DEDHA3I TOWN RECORDS. 209 2 in case you cannot attayne the whole then you may offer composition [*so that Foule Meadowes & such other necessarie Lands adjacient. may be disclaimed by them &: left to vs the Towne of Dedh as our Right ] accord- ing to your best discretion for the best good of our Towne in whole or in pt 3 in case neither of these issue as aforsd but they sattisfie you that the title is truely & legally thiers then you shall forbeare makeing further claime there of 4. in case none of the former issues shall succeed, you shall offer them a refference to Arbitration to such men & so many men chosen for on the behalfe of each Town as you shall see & judg meet & safe to whose arbitra- tion you shall & may engage the towne. Lastly in all these treaties, adgetations & conclusions, you shall by all your care and dilligence waue &: auoide so much as in you lye. all occasions w* so euer may tend to ^vocation or breach of peace & shall from time to time as occasion is offered p r sent them w th the loveing respect our Town in genrall beare towards them in all these cases p r mised you shall doe according to these instructions or vse your best skill and abillatie to attayne the end the Towne aymes at. not goeing directly contrary to any of them It is agreed w th Robt Crosseman & granted to him libertie to erect a water mill vpon Charles Riuer at the place where a mill was formerly began to be built and a gmise is allso made to him of such Land adjacient as may conueaniently Accomodate the building &: supplye of the mill aforesd gvid.il alwayes that the mill be fully p r pared in all respects to grinde sufficiently be- for the 29 th daye of y e 7. month next, or in case the mill aforesd be not by that time p r pared as afore said then all Lands so granted as aforesaid shall be returned to the towne againe otherwise to remaine to the sd Robt & his heyers for euer 10 of 11 mo 1652 Assemb. Joh. Kingsbery, Lieft Fisher, Joh. Dwight, Fra: Chickering, Serg*. Fisher, Pet. Woodward. & Elea: Lusher Robt Crosseman hath Libertie to accept or refuse the building of a mill according to the grante to him made, vntill Lectur day comseuennight Joh Kingsbery & Joh. Dwight ar at the request of Ens Phillips deputed to attend the heareing of those his priuate reasons that cause him to decline the gathering of the poulder bill 4, 107, 109, 112, 113, 114, 117, 118, 119, 121, 122, 123, 126,130,131,134,143, 150, 151. 152. 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 161, 173, 177, 184, 190, 198, 201, 203, 212, 214, 216. BULLEX Samuel. 3, 08, 71. 72. 75, 82. 92, 96. 103, 106. 109, 111, 113, 152, 154, 155, 161, 168, 181. CAKEBREAU Thomas. 3, 30, 32, 42. CARTER Thomas, 3, 29, 31, 32, 35, 40, 41, 43, 44, 47, 48, 49, 51, 53, 55; Mr., 36. 42, 47, 48, 60, 175. CHEXERY (see Genert/.} CHICKERIXG Francis (see Ensign*), 3, 42, 44, 46, 47, 48, 51, 53, 54, 59, 00, '00, 70, 228 DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. 71, 72, 75, 70, "H, ^8, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, So. 86, 87, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 104, 103, 106, 107, 108, 110, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 121, 122, 123, 124, 123, 129, 130, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 146, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 135, 150. 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 104, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 179, 181, 182, 183, 185, 186, 188, 190, 192, 193, 194, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200. 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 221; Henry (see Deacon), 78, 79, 80, .'"!. 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92. 93, 04, 95. 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 102, 104, 107,108,110,111,112,113, 114, 115, 116, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 133, 134, 140, 141, 142, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 15*, 150, 160, 161, 162, 163, 165, 168, 171, 173, 174, 180, 182, 184, 190, 203, 205, 207, 2<>s 211. 213, 216, 219; Deacon, 138,145, 198, 218; Ensign, 143, 147; , 170. CLARKE Joseph. 3, 71, 77, 99, 103, 106, 109, 112, 113, 153, 154, 157, 158, 161, 162, 168, 174, 189, 193, 195; Rowland, 34, 38, 84, 85; William, 137; Sergeant, 136; , 153. COBB J. H., 88. COALEBTTBNE and CoLBURN Xathan- iel, 3, 34, 40, 41, 44. 45, 46, 49, 51, 53, 79, ,sl. S4. 92, 93, 95. 97, 99, 100, 101, 104, 105, I ()., 107. Hi, 113. 118, 124, 127, 129, 130, 134, 135, 139, 140, 141, 143, 148, 152, 15:',, 158, 160, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 169, 170, 171, 17'2, 173, 170, 178, 179, 180, 182, 183, L86, isc,, 187, 188, 189, 190, 193, 198, 203, -04, 2ii:., 207, 212, 214, 215, 216, 221. COLLICOT Mr., 170. COLVEB Edward, 3, 37, 57, 95, 96, 98, 100, 104, 110, 112, 200. COOKE Samuel, os, 69, 77, 82, 95, 109; Mr., S9, 99, 107, 121. 132, 151, 159, 168, 172,173, 174, 175. 176. COOLIDGE John, 3. 20, 21, 22, 23. 25, 26, 27. 32, 33, 40, 47, 48. CKOFTS Scry', 130. CROMWELL Capt. Thomas, 188. CROSSM AX Robert, 3, 93, 97, 98, 102, 103, 104, 108, 111, 113. 123, 150, 151. 153, 158, 159, 160, 162, 168, 169, 180, 184, 190, 198, 203, 204, 205, 209, 210, 212, 213. CUSHION Theop., 155, 161. DALTON Philemon, 3, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 51, 53, 54, S4, 86, 167, 178; Timothy, 3, 32, 35, 36, 38, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 51, 53, 59, 94; Mr., 32, 36, 48, 52, 02, 123, 156, 173. DAMANT John, 152, 160, 162. 1) AXE Samuel, 214. DAN FORTH Mr., 23. DATE Balph, 105, 100, 112, 11.3, 127, ui, 144, 148, 152, 154, 155, 158, 160, 162, 165, 166, 183, 190, 192, 194, 198, 203, 205, 206, 212, 214, 215. 216, 219. DEENGAYNE Henry, 3, 48, 60, 68,71,75, 82, 96, 109, 168, 175, 176; Mrs., 152, 154, 158, 161, 184. 212, 219. DEWING and DUEIN Andrew, 3, 135, 143, 145, 148, 152, 158, 161, 178, 182. 190, 192, 193, 198, 205, 212, 214, 216, 219. DRAPER James, 3, 139, 144, 184, 190, 214, 216, 221. DUDLEY Samuel, 26; Mr., 41, 153. DUNKLEY Elnathan, 194, 195, 214. DWIGHT John, 3, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52.53, 54, 57, 5S, 59, 00, 02, 63, (54, 0(5, 67, 68,69, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 109, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118,119,121,122,123,124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 133, 134, 135, 138, 139, 140, 141,143,146,150,151,152,153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 15*. 159, 160, 161, 162,. 163, 164, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201. 202, 203, 204, 205, 206. 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217. 218; Timothy (see Cor- poraZ).3,47, 49,51, 57. 72, 75, 79, 92, 90, 99, 100, 101, 102, 107, 109, 113, 117, 118, 119, 121, 122, 123, 120. 127. 12*. 129, 130, 131, 135,144,148,150.151,152, 153. 154,155,156, 157, 158, K50, 1(53, 168, 171, 173, 181, 182, 184, 185, 190, 192, 212, 214, 216, 221; Cor- poral, 129, 130. EAMES Robert, 153, 190; Thomas, 3, 71, 74, 80, 81, 82, 91, 95, 98, 106, 108, 109, 168, 181; , 169. EATON John, 3, 31, 35, 37, 39, 40, 41, 43, 48, 49, 51, 53. 60. 72. 73, 75, 80, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97. 100, 103, 106, 107, 110, 113, 114, 116, 118, 124, 140, 143, 152, 154, 158, 161, 168, 170, 174, 175, 170. IS2, 184, 190, 198, 204, 205, 212, 213, 216, 221; , 154. EDWARDS Matthew, 194, 214. ELDERKIN John, 3, 83, 94. ELLICE and ELLIS John, 3. 20, 27, 33, 45, 49, 50, 70, 75, 79, 82, 87, 88, 95, 100, 107, 109, 113, 152. 155, 15S. 1(51. 165, 172, 174, 175, 176, 185, 219; Joseph, 3. 135, 144. 145, 140. 190, 192, 198; Richard, 3, 18, 19. S3, 93. 95, 107, 109, 113, 123, 130, 144, 145, 146, 147. 152, 156, 158, 160, 162, 178, 181, 183, 190, 197, 198, 201, 205, 210, 212, 214, 216, 218, 219, 221; Tho., 161, 198; , 154. EVERETT Richard, 3, 20, 22, 25, 27, 40, 47, 49, 51. 75, 92, 96, 98, 100, 105, 106, 108, 109, 113, 114, 134, 140, 143, 152, 154, 158, 160. 162, 170, 171, 175, 182, 183, 190, 198, 203,205,206.212,213, 214, 216, 217, 219,-^St. INDEX OF NAMES. 229 FAIRBAXK and FAY ERBAXKE George, (see Sergeant}, 3, 124, 152, 154, 158, 160, 181, 184, 190, 205, 212, 214, 216; John. 3, 63, 68, 83, 96, 110, 113, 143, 152, 154, 155, 158, 160, 178, 179, 183, 190, 197, 198, 205, 212, 214, 216; Jonas, 160; Jonathan, 3, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 35, 38, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 53, 58, 75, 79, 80, 86, 92, 96, 103, 104, 110. 112, 113, 114, 116, 118, 134, 138, 139. 140, 143, 144, 14(i, 147, 151, 152, 154, 158, 100, 178, 179, 182, 183, 185, 190, 197, 198, 200, 204, 205, 212, 213, 214, 216, 219, 223; Sergeant, 143, 145, 171, 178, 198. PALES (see Vales). FARRINGTOX John, 114, 141, 143, 146, 148, 151, 158, 160, 162, 183, 185, 190, 198, 205, 212, 214, 216, 223. FARROW Jacob, 213, 214, 215. FEKE Robert, 3, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 35, 49, 50, 55, 57, 69, 167. FISHER Anthony, 3, 32, 35, 38, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48. 49, 53, 66, 72, 73, 76, 78, 81, 84, 90, 92, 95, 104, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 130, 131, 135, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 158, 159, 160, 161, 168, 169, 170, 171, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 180, 181, 183, 184, 186, 187, 190, 193, 194, 195, 197, 198, 199, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 207, 208, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 216, 219, 223; Cornelius, 3, 138, 144, 146, 184, 190, 205, 212, 216, 219, 223; -Daniel (see Sergeant),53, 66, 75, 79,89,90, 91, 92, 93, 100, 104, 108, 110, 113, 116, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 130, 131, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 141, 143, 144, 145, 151, 153, 154, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 163, 164, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 179, 183, 184, 186, 189, 190, 191, 197, 200, 202, 205, 211, 212, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218. 219, 223; Elizabeth (see Widow), 95, 106, 107, 110, 153, 161; John, 3, 32, 46; Joseph, 152; Joshua (see Lieut.), 3, 38, 65, 75, 87, 89, 98, 100. 104, 106, 109, 113, 114, 115, 116, 123, 124, 125, 128, 129, 130, 135, 136, 137, 140, 141, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 152, 153, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 168, 172, 178,182,183,187,188, 189, 190, 198, 204, 205, 207, 211, 212, 213, 214, 216, 217; Nathan- iel, 143, 145, 146, 180, 181, 183, 190, 192, 198, 205, 212, 214, 215, 216, 219; Samuel, 3, 140, 144. 145, 146, 212, 223; Thomas, 3, 32, 33, 38, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 49, 51, 144. 101, 173, no, 212; Ensign, 148; Lieut, (see Joshua), 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 148, 157, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 105, 166, 167, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 170, 177, 179, 180, 182, 183, 185, 186, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218; Serg 1 (see Daniel), 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 135, 136, 139, 140, 143, 144, 147, 148, 163, 164, 166, 167, 169, 170, 173, 176, 179, 180, 182, 183, 185, 186, 188, 189, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 212, 213, 214, 215, 217, 218; Widow,59, 65, 158. FOLGER John, 48. FOSTER Samuel, 152, 178. FRARY John, 3, 37, 40, 41, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 53, 75, SO, 86, 92, 96, 100, 105, 106, 110, 113, 115, 124, 126, 152, 154, 155, 158, 160, 162, 163, 171, 173, 174, 175, 183, 185, 190, 194, 196, 198, 205, 209, 210, 212, 214, 216; Theo. 143, 214, 216. FREEMAX Ralph, 3, 135, 144, 146, 184, 190, 192, 198, 203, 205, 212, 214, 216, 217. FROST Elder, 163. FULLER Giles, 50, 94; Robert, 113, 129, 143, 152, 154, 155, 158, 160, 163, 171, 178, 183, 185, 190, 198, 203, 205. 212. 214, 216; Thomas, 3, 91, 110, 113, 134, 135, 138, 139, 141, 143, 147, 152, 154, 157, 158, 161, 170, 174, 175, 176, 177, 183, 184, 186, 190, 193, 198, 201, 205, 210, 212, 213, 214, 216, 217, 223. GAYE John, 3, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 35, 38, 40, 41, 43, 45, 48, 51, 75, 89, 91, 92, 95, 104, 105, 110, 113, 115, 118, 124, 130, 131, 133, 134, 138, 139, 140, 143, 150, 151, 153, 154, 155, 158, 161, 169, 170, 173, 174, 176, 177, 184, 189, 190, 198, 199. 201, 202, 203, 205, 206, 207, 208, 210, 212, 214, 215, 216, 219, 223. GENERE, GENERY and CHENERY John, 153, 214; Lambert, 3, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 38, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 51, 53, 54, 56, 61, 72, 92, 96, 104, 107, 110, 113, 114, 115, 121, 125, 127, 136, 143, 145, 146, 151, 152, 153, 155, 158, 160, 162, 165, 167, 168, 169, 172, 175, 178, 182, 183, 184, 190, 193, 195, 198, 205, 206, 212, 214, 215, 216. GLOVER Henry, 3, 93, 97, 110, 152, 158, 161, 178, 179, 186, 190, 198, 205; John, 137. GOWEN and GOWIXG Robert, 3, 75, 87, 91, 95, 105, 110, 113, 151, 152. 154, 155. GREEXE Samuel, 136; Mr., 41, 106, 128. 159. GUILD and GUILE John, 3, 79, 92, 96, 97, 105, 110, 113, 143, 152, 154, 158, 160, 162, 168, 179, 183, 185, 190, 198, 205, 212, 214, 216, 223. HARTLEY Rich. 214, 216. HASTINGS Thomas, 3, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 31, 40, 46, 54, 55, 61. HAWARD and HAYWARD John, 3, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 29, 31, 32, 35, 36, 38, 40, 43, 44, 47, 48, 49, 50, 54, 61, 62, 63, 64, G6, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 70, 77, 80, 81, 84, 86. 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 98, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 123, 124, 126, 127, 130, 134, 138, 139, 140, 230 DEDHAM TOWN EECOliDS. 141, 143, 147, 148, 152, 154, 158, 161, 168, 170, 172, 174, 175, 170, 182, 184, ISO, 190, 194, 198, 201, 202, 205, 211, 213, 216, 219, 223. H AWES Edward, 134, 144, 152, 154, 155, 150, 158, 101, 100, 172, 180, 182, 184, 189, 190, 198, 201, 205, 212, 214, 210, 219, 223. HAYNES Mr., 23, 29, 130, 132, 104, 191. HERRING James, 3, 50, 94, 96, 168; Thomas, 3, 101. Ill, 143, 152, 154, 158, 160, 171, 172, 173, 180, 181, 184, 190, 198, 203, 205, 212, 214, 216, 217, 223. HINSDELL Robert, 3, 32, 33, 35, 38, 40, 44,45,46,47, 49, 51, 53, 54, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 60, 07, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 79, 92, 97, 100, 104, 105, 106, 108, 110, 113, 114, 154, 165, 166, 1(57, 171, 172, 175, 178, 187, 188, 192, 194. 200, 223. HOLLIMAN Ezechiell, 3, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 32, 223. HOUGHTON John, 3, 139, 144, 145, 146, 184, 190, 214. HUBBERT and HUBARD Anthony, 144, 146, 152, 155, 158, 161, 162, 180, 184, 185, 186, 190, 198, 203, 205. 212, 214, 216. HUDSON William, 60, 62. HUGGIN John, 3, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 38, 40, 41, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 51, 53, 56, 168. HUMFREY and HUMPHREY Jonas, 3, 42, 50, 07, 74. HUNTING John, 3, 48, 49, 51, 53, 75, 79, 84, 86, 90, 92, 95, 100, 104, 105, 106, 107, 111, 113, 142, 140, 147, 148, 152. 153, 158, 100. 171, 172, 179, 180, 183, 190, 193, 198, 205, 211, 213, 216, 223. JAXTOX Mr., 170. JOHNSON Surveyor General, 136. JONS Thomas, 137. JORDAN James, 3, 74, 88, 95, 100, 102, 109, 152. 158, 160, 182, 185, 190, 198, 205, 212, 214; Thomas, 3, 60, 61, 79, 95, 106, 110, 113, 121, 143, 152, 154, 158, 161, 168, 174, 180, 183, 184, 186, 189, 190, 198, 203, 205, 211, 212, 214, 216, JUDSON Samuel, 105, 107, 108, 113, 143, 152, 154, 155, 158, 161, 162, 169, 181, 184, 190, 194, 195, 198, 205, 212, 214, 216, 223. Austen, 3, 76, 82, 92. 95, 98, 97, 9!), 100, 104, 107, 109, 113, 151, 152. 154, 168, 169, 171, 172, 175; John, 152, 158, 161, 162, 185. KAYNE Capt, 170. KEMPE Edward, 3, 47, 48, 49. 51, 53, 66, 84, 92, 93, 96, 98, 100, 104, 106, 107, 110, 113, 151, 152, 154, 171, 172, 173, 176, 178, 181, 185. KENT John, 214; Joshua, 98, 100, 113, 129, 144, 154, 101, 104, 108. 184, 190, 198, 200, 203. 201, 205, 212, 214. 216, 217. KiNGsnuRY Henry, 23; John, 3, 20, 21, 22. 25. 26, 27, 29, 31, 32, 35, 36, 41, 42, 43, 44,47,48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 51, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62, 03, 04, 00, (57, OS, 09, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 7.-), 70, 77, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 92, 95. 90, 97, 99, 100, 101, 103, 100, 107, 109, 110, 113, 114, 115, 110, 117, 118, 119, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 120, 127. 128. 129. 130, 131. 134, 135, 138, 139, 140, 142, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 150, 157, 158, 159, 100, 101, 102, 1H3, 104, 166, 107, 108, 1(59, 170, 173, 176, 177, 179, 182, 184, 185, 188, 189, 190, 192, 193,194,195,196,197, 198, 199, 200,201, 203, 204,205.200,207,209, 210, 211. 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218; J_oseph, 3, 32, 33, 35, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 437447n>, 40, 49, 51, :,:), 55, 5(5, 75, 78, 90, 92. 95, 97, 99, 100, 104, 105, 107, 108, 109, 113, 114, 115, 118, 124, 128, 129, 134, 135, 140, 143, 147, 152, 153, 150, 158, 159, 100, 102, 160. 107, 109, 170, 171, 172, 176, 183, 185, 190, 193, 195, 198, 202, 203, 205, 212, 213, 210, 225. LEADER John, 100; Thomas, 3, 48, 49, 51, 53, 59, 92, 90, 104. 109, 113, 154, 204. LITTLEFIELD John, 129, 184, 214. LOWER Mr.. 72. LUSHER Eleazer. 3, 32, 35, 30,37,38, 40, 41, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 51, 52.53, 54, 57, 59, 61, 62, 63. 64, 60, 67, 68, 09, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 70, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 9(5, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 103, 105, 103, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119. 121, 122. 123, 124, 125,126,127,128.129, 130, 131, 133, 134, 135, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 147, 148, 150, 151, 152, 153, 155, 15(5, 157, 158, 159, 1(50, 161, 162, 163, 164, 1(55, 1(50, 1(57, 109, 170, 171, 173, 174, 175, 170, 177, 179, 180, 182, 183, 185, 18(5, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 193, 194, 195, 190, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 203, 204, 205, 200, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 210, 217. 218. LUSON John, 3, 32, 35. 38, 40, 41,43,44,45, 46,47,48,49, 51, 52. 5:5, 51. 57, 59, 60, 61, 62, 03, 04, 0(5, 07, (58, 09, 70, 71. 72, 73, 74. 75, 77, 80, 87, 91, 92,97. 98,99,100,101,104,108, 110, 113, 117, 120, 143, 14(5, 153. 154, 158, 161, 163, 168, 169, 170, 173, 174, 176, 184, 186, 189, 190, 198, 205, 211, 213, 216, 219. MAKEPIECE Tho.. 155, 1(51. MAPLEIIEAD Widow, 205, 212. MASON John, 3, 132, 144, 145, 180, 181, 185, 190, 194, 198, 205. 212, 214, 216; Robert, 61, 75,92,94,95. 100, 107, 111, 113, 143, 145,- 146, 152, 153, 158, 160, 1(52, 172, 183, 185, 190. 1!>:5. 1!)4, 198. 205, 2 12, 2 14, 225. METCALK John, 104, 152. 154. 158, 160, 178, 183, 185, 190, 198, 205; Michael, 3," :!2. 35, 3S 40, 41, 4:!, 44, 45, 40, 47, 49, 51, 53, 5s, (J'i, , 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, WALTON Henry, iss. 99.100,101,102, 103, 104, ioe, 107, 108, 109, WARD Thomas, 50, 94. 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 121, WARE Robert, 3, 91, 95, 107, 110, 113, 122, 123, 124, 125, 130, 131, 144, 150, 151, 141, 143, 148, 152, 154, 155, 158, 161, 162, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 16J, 161, 176, 178, 181, 184, 190, 198, 205, 212, 214, 162, 168, 173, 174, 176, 178, 180, 181, 216, 219, 225. 184, 186, 189, 190, 198, 204, 211, 212, 213, WARWICK Earl of, 188. 216; , 165, 169. WEBB Christo., 214. WILLIAMS Robert, 37, 40, 41. WEEDED ,48. WILSON Henry, 68, 71, 76, 77, 96, 103, WHEELER Richard, 114. 143, 151, 152, 104, 107, 109, 112, 113, 127, 144, 148. 153, 154, 158, 160, 162, 183, 185, 190, 198, 201, 154. 155, 157, 158, 161, 162, 163, 168, 174, 203, 205, 212, 214, 216. 180, 184, 186, 190, 198, 205, 212, 214, 216. WHEELOCK Ralph, 3, 32, 34, 35, 38, 40, WIXTHROP John, 23. 41, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 51, 53, 60, 62, 63, WOODE Ellice, 3, 140. 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 77, WOODWARD Peter, 3, 71, 74, 80, 92, 93, 79, 80, 81, 82, 87, 90, 92, 94, 97, 100, 104, 94, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 103, 104, 105, 110, 113, 114, 115, 153, 154. 156, 158, 161, 107, 110, 112, 113, 114, 116, 118, 127, 129, 168, 173, 174, 175, 184, 186, 190, 194. 225. 135, 138. 139, 140, 141, 143, 148, 151, 152, WHITING Nathaniel, 3, 92, 96, 103, 154, 156, 157, 158, 160, 169, 171, 172, 180, 109, 134, 143, 152, 154, 158, 160. 163. 168, 183, 185, 190, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 177, 180, 184, 185, 190, 194. 198, 203. 205, 199, 200, 201, 203, 204, 205, 206, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 214. 216. 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, WHIT3IORE Robt., 27. 225. WIGHT Henry, 139. 144. 190. 202, 204, 205, 212, 214. 216, 219. 225; John, YOXGS Richard, 48. 204; Thomas, 3, 32, 35, 38, 39, 40, 44, eg, ITS? INDEX OF SUBJECTS. AMMUNITION 31, 128, 138, 102, 193, 208, CARTS 8, 112, 113, 103; Cart Ways (see 209, 210, 213, 217. Ways.) ARBITRATION 2, 11, 77, 116, 120, 133, CATTLE 10, 11, 16, 27, 47, 53. 70. 74, 81, 134, 137, 144, IOC), 167, 191, 202, 204, 119, 122, 124. 126. 142, 198, 198, 211; Dry 209. Herd, 19, 126, 133, 135 155, 156, 162, 191, AUTOGRAPHS 42, 76, 89, 100, 141, 221, 193, 198, 199, 211; Home Herd, 19, 223, 225. Stover for, 47. CAUSEWAY 35, 49, 71, 181. BALDPATE Hill, 86, 87, 90; Meadow, CHARGES Public or Country, 1, 2, 4, 99, 204. 22. 43, 165 (see also Rates). BARREN HILLS 29. CHARLES RIVEH 1, 2. 22, 35, 36. 48, 56, BAY (Boston?) 9S. 58, 69. 72, 81, 82, 93. 94. 1"2, 103, 104, 118, BELFRY 187.197; Bell, 148. 151, 165, 170, 123, 125, 137. 1:58, 148, 150, 151, 159, 161, 177, 187, 188, 189, 191, 197, 200, 207, 217. 171, 178, 180, 185, 209, 218, 219. BIKDS 19. CHILDREN 16. 202. BIRTHS, Reg. of 00, 96. CHIMNEY STOCK 206. BLACKSMITH 47. CHURCH 24, 56, 92, 167; Lands, 92, 114, BLUE HlLLS-170. 128, 174, 194. BOARDS, for Apparel 88; for Corn, S3; CLAI BOARDS 25, 30, 32, 30, 45, 140. for Pay, 113, 115. 215. CLAY 112. 113, 125, 127,162,215; Ground, BOATS 49. 98; Boating Place, 29. 112. 169; Pits, 35, 50, 80, 84, 127. BOGASTOW 67, 68, 121, 128, 171. 174-, CLERK (.see Town}; of the Trained 189. 201. Band, 30; of the Writs, 200. BOSTON 22, 61. 136, 153, 165, 170, 188, 189, CLIFF- The, 21. 201, 203, 207. C LIFTS 210. BOUNDARY LINE 12. 79. 126; Boston, COLLECTOR 23, 25, 26, 31, 34, 36, 49,53, 61; Dorchester, 58, 59, 81, 133, 136, 137, 55, 64, 75, 78, 81, 83, 93, 101. 139, 156, 164, 165, 170, 208; Cambridge, COMMISSIONERS 140, 218. 128, 136, 159, 160, 200, 204: Med field, COMMON 80, 112, 218. 189, 219; Roxbury, 23, 135; \Vaterto\vn, COMMONS 144, 145, 146, 147; Com Land, 30, 135, 179. 7, 9, 15, 16, 77, 90, 91, 117, 118, 121, 123, BRAINTREE 153, 197, 203. 124, 125, 145, 150, 155, 157. 162, 180, 193, BRICK 74, 75. 80, 106, 125. 127, 163. 207; 196, 215; Com. Rights, 141, 142, 144, Ground, 168; Kill, 73, 98, 106; Maker, 145. 74, 106; Strieker, 48. CONCORD 2. BRIDGE 21, 73; At the Canoes, 138; CONSTABLE 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 15, 18, 101, 111, Footbridge, 30, 60, 71, 72, 73, 136, 170; 118, 121, 122, 126, 131, 132, 150, 151, 153, Little Bridge, 111; Little River, 23, 154, 155, 159, 160, 185, 192, 196, 200, 202, 35, 170; Mill Cretk, 170, (see also Cart 203, 206, 207, 209, 210, 213, 214, 215, 217, Bridge). 218. BROAD MEADOW 125, 138, 151, 162, 171, CONTENTMENT 1, 20, 21. 172, 174, 175, 185. CORN 11, 12, 83, 84, 115, 122, 124, 125, BUILDING 15, 24, 33, 34, 55. 109, 182. 188, 207; fields, 5, 11, 124, 125; BURIAL PLACE 42, 57, 165. mill, 27, 28, 29, 51; for Bell, 191; for Fines, 8; for Pay, 8, 179; for voting, 18. CAMBRIDGE 128, 129, 132, 134, 136, 159, COURSE Meadow, 70, 88; Swamp, 172. 160, 163, 191, 193, 200, 203, 204. COURT Quarter, 57; (see also General CANOES 12, 37, 49, 123, 133, 183. 184. Court.) CARPENTERS-39, 124, 177, 180, 187, 188, COVENANT 2, 4, 16, 20, 165, 196; 201, 202. 203, 207. Breaker, 20. CART BRIDGE 71, 102, 132, 210. Cow Common, 142, 145, 146; pasturing, 127. 234 DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. CREEK 98, 138. CROPS 12, 169. DEACONS 164, 167, 189. DEAD SWAMP 168. DEATHS Reg. of, 66, 96. DEBTS-7, 52, 132, 201. DEED 58, 178, 179, 180, 181. DEPUTIES AND GENERAL COURT 15, 16. 30, 44, 191, 193, 201. DISTRESS 4, 7, 8, 53, 55, 85. DITCH 50, 51, 60, 65, 98, 138, 151. DIVIDEND 5, 13, 92, 93, 99, 100, 124, 127, 130. 133, 140, 141, 142, 144, 145, 147, 148, 156, 157, 162, 182, 193, 201, 211. DIVISION OF LAND 142. DOGS 162, 164, 165; Hounds, 132, 102. DORCHESTER 58, 59, 60, 81, 133, 136, 137, 139, 153, 156, 164, 165, 170, 196, 197, 208, 218. DRAAVN WAY 14, 78, 183, 184, 217; (see Highway.) DRUMS-Beating, 30, 113, 157, 164. EAR MARKS 52. EAST BROOK 51, 70. EAST PLAIN 33, 74, 79, 97. EAST STREET -13, 18, 76, 82, 84, 91, 93, 97, 111, 171, 179, 180, 201, 217. EDUCATION 15, 16, 105, 135. FALLS l, 26. FARM Alleyn, 67, 128, 168, 201; Allin, 71, 72, 102, 219; Cooke, 69, 82, 151, 159; Dudley, 153; Feke, 21, 35, 50, 55, 69, 167; Frost, 163; Greene, 159; Haynes, 23; Lower, 72; Parker, 94; Phillips, 215; Stoughton, 59; Tyng, 94. FARMS Granting of, 5, 80, 156. FEEDING OF CATTLE 11, 16, 124, 133, 141, 155, 219, 220. FEES 75, 196; for Poundage, 6; Swine Keeper, 19; Town Clerk, 13, 177. FENCES 5, 9, 11, 12, 17, 19, 28, 37, 41, 65, 67, 76, 77, 81, 82, 84, 96, 97, 101, 104, 106, 107, 108, 115, 117, 118, 120, 125, 150, 159, 169; Viewers and Viewing, 5, 6, 9, 19, 97, 118, 150. FEOFFEES 105, 108, 155. FINES 4-9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17-20, 25-28, 30, 31, 36. 61-65, 78, 85, 125, 127, 157, 159, 164, 166, 183, 184, 185, 194, 196, 199. FIRE 7, 19, 64; Firewood, 12, 15, 16, 127, 190, 192, 195, 196. FISHING FREE 4, 20. FLUE BOARDS 187, 197. FOOT-PATHS 34, 79, 84. FOWL MEADOW 136, 137, 139, 155, 157, 181, 209, 218. ham Plantation, 2; Confirmation of Grant, 22, 170. GENT 67, 69, 73, 77, 88. GIRLS 202. GLASS 218. GOATS-52. 142, 145. GRANT to Town, 112, 116; to Village, 126; Grants, 1, 2, 4, 5, 9, 10, 12. 13, 14, 16, 20, 21, 24, 28, 36, 40, 42, 43, 47, 52. 55, 69, 77, 85, 86, 92, 93, 97, 109. 110, 111, 119, 125, 126, 127, 133. 140. 142, 162. 1(57, 186, 211; Relinquished, 87, 93. GRASS 57, 108. GRATIFICATION LOT 33, 34, 37, 45, 46, 47, 74. GRAVE DIGGER 164. GREAT ISLAND 28, 35, 55, 71, 73, 74, 82, 83, 85. GREAT MEADOW 45. GREAT PLAIN 13, 76, 94, 98, 99, 102, 103, 104, 108, 107, 113, 114, 121. 123, 159, 166, 16S, 169, 171, 178, 179, 180, 181, 185, 191, 202, 204, 219. GREAT POND 4(5, 81, 172, 176. GREAT RIVER 36. HARVARD COLLEGE 138. HAY 102. HElRS-Rights, 135, 192. HERD House, 204, 20(5, 207; Keeper, 11, 125; Yard, 207; Herdsman, 19, 198, 199, 211; Place, 201. HIGH STREET 72, 204, 205. HIGHWAYS 6, 9, 14, 36, 37, 46, 58, 66, 67, 71, 73. 76, 77, 78, 80, 82, 86, 88, 89, 96, 97, 98. 100, 101, 102, 103, 105, 112, 114, 115, 118, 121, 125, 150, 151, 163, 166, 169, 171- 176, 179, 180, 181, 183, 184, 185. 201, 204; Surveyors, 8, 9, 13, 75, 112, 116, 122,161, 162, 185; Work. 8, 13, 23, 112, 116, 122, 124, 147, 148, 149, 155, 159-163, 170, ISO, 189, 193-196, 203, 210, 218. HlLLS 21, 35, 45, 46, 50, 51, 87. HlNGHAM 153. HOGS Park, 50; Yard, 28. HOME LOTS 9, 51, 74, 90, 121, 171, 173. HOOP POLES 104, 112. HORSES 17, 150, 191, 193; Horseway, :',4. HOUSES-6, 7, 17, 19, 25, 33, 34, 38, 39, 41, 45, 47, 50, 56, 57, 60, 64, 71, 83, 106, 108, 112, 116, 117, 141, 142, 153, 157, 162. 170, 177, 196; Valuation, 153, 154, 182, 183; House Lots, 5, 10, 16, 21, 33, 35, 39, 45, 52, 55, 68, 71, 77, 82, 86, 87, 89, 91, 92, 96, 98, 99, 100, 103, 112, 114, 117, 119, 123, 130, 180, 181, 183, 190, 201, 203. HUGGINS BROOK 170. HULL 153, HUNTING 150, 162; Huntsman, 150, 154. H USBANDM AN 92. GATES 12, 84, 107, 169; South Plain, INDEX TO RECORDS 132. 164, 166,170. 123. INDIAN CORN 19, 115, 156. GAUGER 183. INDIANS 31; at Natick, 130, 136, 137, GENERAL COURT Petition to, 1; Ded- 141, 147, 148; Weirs, 161. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 235 INFORMER 15, 17, 183, 185, 196. IRELAND 68, 69. IRON MINE 9, 10, 119; Work, 146, 147, 148. ISLAND 13, 31. 37, 42, 76. 80, 81, 84, 93, 96, 97. 98. 9! i, 103, 105, 106, 108, 111, 136, 172, 180, 201. ISLAND FIELD 159. ISLAND PLAIN 97, 103, 108, 148, 168, 172, 175, 181. JOINER 48. KEY The, 4-2. LABORERS 10, 112, 120, 155, 161, 200, 218. LADDERS 6, 7, 19, 64, 67, 76, 84, 97, 101, 117, 118, 165. LANDING PLACE 115. LAWS Body of. 156. LEAD 119. LEANTO 131, 157. LECTURE 56, 150, 152, 156, 199, 209, 213, 215. LICENSE 25, 48, 49, 50, 55, 71, 83. LIME 218. LITTLE BRIDGE 13, 111. LITTLE BROOK 35. LITTLE POND 172. LITTLE RIVER 23, 27, 31. 35, 36, 41, 45, 46, 49, 57, 5S, 112, 113, 170, 173. 178, 181. LOTS 2, 4, 5, 12, 16, 20-24, 26, 33, 34, 36, 40, 43, 45, 51, 54, 55. 61, 67, 72, 79, 92, 93, 212, 213; 8-Acre Lots. 21, 23, 26, 31, 93, 180; 12- Ac re Lots. 23, 26, 30, 31, 165; Alienation of, 7, 13, 24, 50, 52, 54, 85, 162, 165, 170, 177; Forfeited, 54, 55; Im- provement of. 33; Returned, 31, 32, 37, 49, 50, 55, 57, 58. Low PLAIN 58, 80, 91, 98, 136, 137, 163. MAGISTRATES to end small Cases,123, 126, 134. 155. 162. MARRIAGES Reg. of, 66, 96. MEADOW 5, 11, 13. 21, 44, 46, 54, 146, 148, 156, 170, 206, 218. MEAL 84. MEASURER 28, 36, 40, 43, 44, 66, 108. MEASURES 131, 157. MEDFIELD 12, 13, 128.133, 140, 141, 168, is:,, 189. 191-195, 197, 199, 200, 201, 204, 210, 211, 213, 215, 217, 218, 219. MEETING HOUSK 18, 19, 26, 29, 38, 39, 44. 45. 48, 49, 51, 53, 55, 78. 94, 104, 108, 113, 115, 116, 122, 135, 139. 147, 148, 150, 151, 155, 162, 164, 165. 177, 186, 187, 188, 191, 193, 194, 196, 197, 202. 207. 213, 215, 217, 218; Deacons' Seat, 186; Seats, 115. METALS-9. 119, 159. MIDDLE PLAIN 13, 18. 33, 76, 78, 84, 97, 108, 111, 114, 131, 180, 201. MILITARY Company, 102, 121, 151, 168, 169; Exercises, 1. MILL 28, 29, 51,. 58, 79, 103, 130, 134, 137, 153, 154, 158, 163, 177, 184, 209, 210; Dorchester, 58, 59, 60; Miller, 134, 163. MILL BROOK.or CREEK 71, 83, 114, 139, 164, 170, 172, 181, 190, 215, 218. MlLLPOND 83, 146. MINE 9, 10, 11, 119, 120, 151, 159; Min- erals, 9, 119, 120, 150, 159. MONEY 151; English, 31; Marks, 50,55, 69; Corn for, 8, 211; Rye for, 179, 211; Wheat for, 157, 211. MOTHER BROOK 51, 137; (see also Mitt Brook.) MOUNT WOLLASTON, 170. , 130, 136, 137, 141, 147, 148, 218, 219. NEPONSET RIVER 58, 159; Xeponset Swamp, 86. NEWTOWN SWAMP 34. OAK HILL 80. OBOLUS 151, 213, 216. OLD MILL 130, 210; Field, 102, 103. ORDERS 4-19, 126, 169, 170. OXEN 19, 81, 142, 163. PALES 5, 28, 77, 117. PAPER 164. PASTOR 45, 56, 67, 71, 72, 78, 92, 102, 131, 157, 159, 190. PASTURE 27, 79. 81, 97, 113. PENTHOUSE 197. PEQUOT WARS 51. PETITION 1, 22. PITS, THE 39. PLAINS-37, 73, 89, 91, 219. PLANCHER 157. PLANTING FIELD 121, 127, 129, 130, 165, 166; Ground, 71, 72, 74, 79; Lot, 100, 102, 103. PLAT of the River, 208; of the Town, 126, 127, 162, 163. PLOWING Ground, 44, 78, 92; Plain, 81. PLYMOUTH 170, 188. PONDS 34, 46, 116, 175, ISO; Free, 4, 20. POUND 57, 86, 164, 173, 200, 201. POWDER (see Ammunition.) PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING for "suc- cess at y e Courte Gen r all," 22. PROPRIETORS 106, 111, 125, 126, 133, 142, 144, 166, 192. PRUDENTIAL AFFAIRS 88, 93, 100. PUHLIC SERVICE 155. PURCHASED LANDS 13, 26, 27, 40, 41, 50, 51. 59, 61, 101, 111, 127, 128, 133, 134, 156, 159, 160, 166, 167, 171, ISO, 181, 187, 190, 191, 192, 219. PURCHASER'S RIGHTS 135, 166. PYRAMEDY 197. QUADRANS 151. RAILS 5, 12, 17, 2.s, 77. 117, 169. RANK -92. 236 DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. RATES -2. 5, 7, 8, 10, 19, 23, 24, 52, 53, 56, (U 6(5, 103. 111. 114, 131. 132. 153, 156, 157, 158, 160, 171, 177, 191. 197, 198, 199, 200, 202, 203, 207. 214; Abatement of, 7, 111, 153; for Ammunition, 128, 209; for Constable. 150; Country Kate, 7, 114, 142, 152, 153, 156, 160, 161, 182, 183, 190, 191, 192, 203, 213, 217; for Debts, 52; for Huntsmen, 150; for Meeting- house, 44, 53, 94, 113. 116, 150, 151; for School, 16, 105, 216; for School-house, 157; for Suffolk Co., 153; for Surveys, 43; for Watch-house, 157; for Ways, 138; for Wolves, 132, 151, 154. RECOMPENSE GROUND 67, 71, 84, 85, 90, 121. RECORDS Approval. 23, et seq. RECORD BOOK 85. 94, 206. REGISTER OF BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS 66, 96, 200. RKMOVAL OF TOWNSMEN 18, 141. REPRESENTATIVES (see Deputies.) RIVER POND 57. RIVERS Free, 4, 20. ROCK FIELD loo, 219. ROCK MEADOW 99, 102, 168, 201, 219. ROCKS The, 28, 35, 40, 56, 65, 69, 70, 106, 180, 189. ROLL CALL 190. ROSEMARY MEADOW 96, 102, 108, 109, 125, 171, 173, 174, 176, 178, 201. ROXBURY 23, 114, 129, 133, 134, 135, 153, 197, 20:5. RULE for dividing lands, 142; of Per- sons and Estates, 141, 142, 156, 211. SACK fined a quart of, 199. SAW MILL 147, 148. SCALES 131. SCANTLING 25, 39, 63. SCHOOL 15, 16, 92, 105, 103, 135, 136, 155, 192, 202, 213; Feoffees, 105, 108, 155; House, 123, 132, 151, 156, 157, 182, 191, 192, 195, 207; Lands, 92, 105, 108, 155; Master, 15, 16, 105, 135, 136, 140, 147, 149, 193, 194, 202, 213, 214, 217; Rate, 16; Studies, 213. SEEKONK 196. SELECTMEN 4-12,15-19, 53, 62, 78, 88, 92, 101, 123, 126, 183, 188, 191, 194, 195, 200, 203, 206, 218; Selectmen's Day-Book, 150, 206; Diet, 15. 191, 193. SERGEANT AT ARMS 29, 30. SERVANTS 16, 20, 23, 77, 92, 195, 202. SHEEP 31, 142; Commons 146. SHINGLES 135, 182, 191, 193, 195, 196, 197. SHIRE Commissioners, 182; Meeting, 182; Town, 114. SHOEMAKER 50. SHOP 179. SINGLE MEN 21. SLUICE 177. SMALL CASES (see Magistrates.) SMITH The, 38, 47, 50. SMOOTH PLAIN 21, 29, 40, 73, 76, 84, 97, 108, 111, 167, 180, 201, 204. SNOW 38, 41. SOCIETY l, 2, 20, 22, 23. SOUTH HILL 89, 91. SOUTH MEADOW 87, 174, 177, 219. SOUTH PLAIN 78, 79, 80, 81, 84, 85, 88, 101, 102, 123, 125, 173, 174, 175, 176, 186, 219. SPARS, 196. STOCKS The, 159. 160. STOP RIVER 141, 215. STORE- HOUSE 60, 66; (see Warehouse) STOUGHTON'S RAILS 74, 104. STRANGERS 2, 10, 196. STRAWBERRY HILL 219. SUDBURY 201, 202. SUFFOLK Co. RATES 153. SURVEYS 43, 60, 85, 92, 124, 156, 157, 165; Surveyors, 52, 53, 54, 57; Surveying, 13, 157. SWAMP PLAIN 82, 98, 176, 181, 204. SWAMPS 4, 22, 26, 29, 30, 31, 33, 36, 41, 93, 125, 150, 165. SWINE 6, 17, 18, 28, 31, 37, 43, 47, 50, 52, 65, 85, 165. TAXES (see Rates). TEAMS 9, 113. 122. TEN ROD TURN 58. THATCH FOR MEETINGHOUSE 48. TIMBER 6, 10, 14, 15, 17, 25, 28, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 57, 63, 65, 66, 83, 90, 119, 123, 124, 127, 157, 177, 180, 187, 195, 199, 211; Cedar 63, 88, 104, 113, 115, 140, 150, 189, 199; Oak 10, 12, 38, 39, 195, 199, 215; Pine 26, 36, 37, 38, 39, 83, 104, 113. TITLE TO LAND IN DORCHESTER 136. TOWN Clerk, 10, 75, 93, 100, 105, 111, 112, 114, 115, 124, 126; Grant, 94; Land, 92, 105: Meadow. 146, 148, 170; Meet- ings and Attendance at, 4, 5, 15. 30, 145, 165, 166, 183; Stock, 135; Service, 155; Townsmen, 4, 5, 9, 10, 12, 16, 18, 20, 23, 24, 32, 43, 52, 71, 90, 120, 127, 135, 141, 142, 162, 165, 192, 211, 220; List of Townsmen, 190. TRADES 92, 123, 124. TRAINED Band, 30; Company, 121; Training Ground, 73, 102, 108, 121. TREASURER 132, 190, 203, 207; (See also Collector.) TREES 14, 15, 25, 26, 29, 36, 60, 62, &3, 66, 78, 96, 126, 127, 140, 184, 196; Cedar, 63, 88, 150; Oak, 12, 15, 39, 119, 195; Pine, 26, 39, 62, 104. TURKEY ISLAND 171, 173, 174, 175, 177. UPLAND 5, 13, 29, 56, 94, 127, 133, 166. VILLAGE GRANTS 126, 162. VINE BROOK, 71, 81. VOTERS List of, 190; Voting, Wheat and Indian Corn, 18; Right of, 135. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 237 WAGES 115, 157. WARDS TO BE SET 29, 31. WAREHOUSE 59; (See Storehouse.) WARRANT Concerning License, 48; by Selectmen, 4, 6, 7, 8, 18, 155. WATCH 29, 31; Watchmen, 134; Watch- house, 123, 155, 156, 157, 101, 102. WATER MILLS 29, 51, 79. WATERS FREE 4, 20, 165. WATERTOWN 23, 29, 30, 57, 61, 66, 135, 179, 203. WAYS 51, 57, 85, 112, 114, 131, 138, 157, 163, 164, 169, 170, 194, 201, 202, 203, 213; Cartways, 34, 79, 88, 100, 112, 114, 151, 164, 181, 210; Leading, 79, 195. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES 131, 157. WEIRS Indian, 161. WEST FIELD- 103, 112. WEST HILL 98. 100. WEYMOUTH 153. WHEAT 115; for Bell, 189; and Corn, 18, 115, 187; as Money, 157. 179, 189, 211, 218; for Highway Work, 185; for Town Kate, 201. WHEELBARROW 22. WHEELWRIGHT 37, 47. WIGWAM PLAiN-33, 34,38, 48, 59, 82,87, 94, 99, 103, 167, 171, 172, 173, 175. 194. WILL BEARSTOW'S PLAIN 204. WOLVES 60, 122, 132, 150, 151, 154, 196, 197, 202, 206, 207, 217. WoOD-10. 11, 12, 15, 57, 120, 127, 183; Woodlands, 109, 145, 181; Woodreeves, 5, 9, 14, 15, 17, 19, 66, 83, 117, 162, 166, 199. WOODY HILL 21. DEDHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY BUILDING. 238 DEDHAM TOWN RECORDS. CORRECTIONS. Page 158. Last 5 lines, first column, beginning with Joh Plimpton, with the whole of the second column, were entered on a new page in the original. The numbers against these names represent , s. and d., and should not have been printed as s. d. q. Page 189. 10th line. Read Nathaneell, instead of Mathaneell. Volumes Previously Published. FIRST VOLUME. The Eecords of Births, Marriages and Deaths, and Intentions of Marriage, in the Town of Dedham. Volumes 1 and 2, with an Appendix containing Kecords of Marriage before 1800, returned from other Towns, under the Statute of 1857. 1635-1845. Edited by Don Gleason Hill. Large 8vo. ; cloth, pp. v, 286. Dedham, 1886. Price, postpaid, $2.25. SECOND VOLUME. The Record of Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths, and Admissions to the Church and Dismissals therefrom, transcribed from the Church Eecords, in the Town of Ded- ham, Massachusetts, 1638-1845. Also all the Epitaphs in the Ancient Burial Place in Dedham, together with the other Inscriptions before 1845 in the three Parish Ceme- teries. Edited by Don Gleason Hill. Large 8vo. cloth, pp. xii, 347. Dedham, 1888. Price, postpaid, $2.25. 250TH ANNIVERSARY. Proceedings at the Celebration of the Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town of Dedham, Massachusetts, September 21, 1886. (Includes also Report of the Committee on Historic Tablets and Monuments.) Large Svo. cloth, pp. 214. Cambridge, 1887. Price, postpaid, $1.15. i;iii na//r -3 Qe **<%. T^k v """ ' v r .. -^w . 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