
 LIBRARY IN 1879 AND 1880. 
 ACTE pour abroger deux certains actes y mentionnes relatifs a 1'a- 
 gricultnre, et pour remedier aux abus prejadiciables 
 a 1'agviculture. In-12, Toronto, 1850. 
 AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST, for the farm, garden and household. Esta- 
 blished in 1842 (40 pages in-4 by number), New- 
 ANNUAIRE STATISTIQUE, premiere annee, 1878. Royal 8vo, Paris. 
 ANNUAL REPORT of the Commissioner of Agriculture and Arts, for 
 the year 1879. ln-8, Toronto, 1880. 
 APPENDIX to the report of Agriculture for the year 1879. ln-8 
 Barnard (Edward). Lecon d'agricnlture, causeries agricoles- 
 In-12, orne de 120 gr., Montreal, 1875, B. C. vol. 191. 
 Bossin (M.). Les plantesbulbeuses. Especes, races et varietes. Pro- 
 cades de culture. 2 vol. in-12, Paris, 1872. 
 BRIDGEMAN. The young gardener's assistant. Part 1. Vegetable de- 
 partment. Part 11. Flowers department, ln-8. 
 CATALOGUE OF THE UNIVERSITY of "Vermont and State Agricultural Col- 
 lege, 1879-80. Pamp. in-8, 41 pages. 
 COMPTE-RENDU des travaux de la Charabre d' Agriculture du Bas- 
 Canada, anuee 1859. In-8, B. C. vol. 196. 
 B. C. giguifie Brochure* Canadiennet. 

 GOMPTE EN MATIERES EX EN DEMERS de {'exploitation du raonopole des 
 tabacs, pour 1874. (Achat, fabricature et veute). In- 
 4to, Paris. 
 GONCOURS D'ELOQUENCE sur 1'Agriculture. Institut Canadien de Que- 
 bec. 116 pages in-8vo, Quebec, 1879, B. C. vol. 171. 
 CONGRES INTERNATIONAL de 1'Agriculture tenu a Paris, les 11, 12, 13, 
 14,15,16,17, 18 et 19 juin 1878. Comptes rendus 
 stvnographiques no. 1 do la serie. Petit in-4to., Paris, 
 Corbett (A.). The poultry yard and market, or practical treatise 
 on gallinoculture. Iu-8, 83 pages, Jamaica, N.-Y., B. C. 
 vol. 182. 
 Cuissset (Oct.). Sucre de Betteraves, Quebec, 1877. (30 pages Gr. in-8. 
 Bamourette (E.). Calendrier du metayer, ln-12, Paris. 
 Dampierre (Le Mqs. de). Races bovines de France, d'Angleterre, 
 de Suisse et de Hollande. 2e edition. In-12, Paris. 
 Dawson (.1. W.) First lessons i:i scientific agriculture for schools 
 and private instructions. In-18, Montreal, 1870. 
 Delchevalerie (Gr.). Les orchides. Culture, propagation, nomen- 
 clature. In-12, Paris. (Ouvrage orne de 32 gravures). 
 Plantes de serre chaude et temperee, con- 
 struction des serres, culture etc., (9 gravures). In-12, 
 Dixon (H. Hall). The law of the farm, with a digest of cases, and 
 including the agricultural customs of England and 
 Wales. 4th edition, by H. Perkins. 8vo, London, 1879. 
 Drapeau (Stanislas), Appel aux municipalites du Bas Canada. La 
 colonisation du Canada envisagee au point de vue 
 national: In-8, 12 pages, Quebec, 1858, B. C. vol. 194. 
 Dubost (P.C.)et Pacout (C.). Comptabilite de la ferme. In-12, 
 Paris, 1872. 
 Du Hays (Charles). Le cheval percheron. Production, elevage, etc. 
 In-12, Park's. 
 Dupuis (A ). Arbros d'ornement de pleine terre, (40 grav.) 2e edi- 
 tion. In-12, Paris, 1878. 
 Arbrisseaux et arbustes d'ornement, de pleine terre, 
 (25 gravures) In-12, Paris.
 Dupuis (A.). Coniferes de pleine terre, (47 gr.) In-12 Paris. 
 ECOLE D'AGRICULTURE de Ste. Anne de la Pocatiere. R.ipport ponr 
 1869-70. 11 pages in-12; Ste. Anne, 1871. B.C. vol.180. 
 deSte. Anne de la Pv>cutiere. Rapport po ir!877- 
 78. 20 pages in-8vo, Ste. Anne, 1878, B. C. vol. 173. 
 FARMER'S FRIEND AND GUIDE for 1830 (The). In-4to, New-York. 
 Gasparin (Le Cte de). Metayage, contrat-eflets, etc., Guide des pro- 
 prietaires de biens soumis an metayage. In-12, Paris. 
 Fermage. Guide des proprietaires de bieus 
 allermes. 3e edition. In-12, Paris. 
 Gayot (Eug.). Ponies et CBufs. In-12, Paris. 
 Lievres, lapins et leporides. In-12, Paris. 
 Geoftroy Saint Hilaire (Isidore). Acclimatation et domestication 
 des animaux utiles. 4e edition. Gd. 8vo, Paris, 1861. 
 Girardin (J.)et Dubreuil (A ). Traite elementaired'agriculttire. 2e 
 edition, avec 955 fig dans le texte. 2 vol. in-18 Paris, 
 Gossin (Louis). Elements d'histoire naturelle avec nombreuses 
 applications a 1'agriculture et a 1'indnstrie. Ouvrage 
 orne de figures dans le texte. In-12, Paris, 1868. 
 Grandeau (L\ Cours d'ngriculture de Tecole Ibrestiere. Chimie et 
 physiologic appliquees a 1'agricultnre et A la sylvicul- 
 ture. Vol, ler. La nutrition des planles, 1'atmosphereet 
 la plante. Royal in 8, Paris, 1879. 
 Stations agronomiqnes et labovatoives agvicoles But, 
 organisation, installation, etc., 12 lig. In-12, Paris. 
 GRAVURES DU DON j \RDINIKR. 23e edition, 47 pi. et 620 gr. dans le 
 texte. In-12, Pans. 
 Henderson (Peter). Gardening for profit. A guide to the success- 
 ful cultivation of the m.irk.'t and family garden. 
 Illustrated. In-8, New York, 1875. 
 Heuze (G.). Les plantes oleagineuses. 2e edition. 26gravures. In-12, 
 Hough (Frankli)i B.). Report upon forestry. Ir-8 Salem, 1878. 14 
 Hough (F. B.)- Public health interests concerned in the preservation 
 of certain primeval forests and in the cultivation of 
 groves and trees. (A paper read in Baltimore. In-8- 
 10 pages. 
 On the doty of government in the preservation of 
 forests. In-8. 10 pages. 
 Essay on the climate of the state of New- York, pre- 
 pared at the request of the Executive Committee of 
 the State Agricultural Society, and published in the 
 15th vol, of their transactions. In-8, Albany, 1857. 48 
 Huart du Plessis. La chevre. In-12, Paris, 1872. 
 Le noyer. Traite de sa culture, suivie de la fa- 
 brication des huiles de noix. 2e edition. 45 grav., 
 ln-12 5 Paris, 1867. 
 INFORMATIONS for intending settlers. Muskoka and lake Nipissing 
 districts. In-8, Ottawa, 1880. 21 pages. 
 Joigneaux (P.). Petite ecole d' agriculture, ln-18, Parts, 1874. 
 Les champs et las pres. 3e edition, ln-12, Paris. 
 Les choux. Culture et emploi. In-12, Paris. 
 Conferences sur le jardinage et la culture des arbres 
 fruitiers. 2e edition. In-12, Paris. 
 JOURNAL D' AGRICULTURE (L.K). Organe omciel du Conseil d' Agricul- 
 ture de la Province de Quebec. (No. prospectus, fe- 
 vrier 1877) Vol. I, commence le 12. juillet, 1877. Un 
 no. chaque mois. Grr. in-4to. Publie a Montreal. 
 JOURNAL D' AGRICULTURE PRATIQUE. Seconde partie de la maison rus- 
 tique du XIXe siecle, 1875 a 1879 inclusivement, 9 
 vol., Grr. in-8, Paris. 
 Lachaume (J.) Le rosier. Culture et multiplication. Ouvrage orne 
 de 34 gravures. ln-12, Paris, 1874. 
 Le champignon de couche. Culture bourgeoise et 
 commerciale. In-12, Paris, 1876, 
 Langevin (Jean). Answers to the programmes of teaching and 
 agriculture, for elementary school, model school and 
 academy diplomas. 50 pages. 8vo., Quebec, 1864, 
 B. C., vol. 179.
 LaRoque (D. G ). Manuel d'horticulture fruitiere. In-8, Levis,lS8 f ) t 
 168 pages. 
 LaRue (Hubert). Petit manuel d'Agriculture, d'horticulture, et 
 d'arboriculture. ln-18, Quebec, 1873. 
 Laveleye (Emile de). Essai sur 1'economie rurale de la Belgique. 
 12o edition, ln-12, Par is, 1875. 
 Lecouteux (Ed.). Culture et ensilage du rnais-fourrage et des autres 
 fburrages verts. Iu-12, 1875. 
 Lefour. Comptabilite et geometric agricoles. 2e edition. In-12, Paris. 
 Sol et engrais, precede de notions de chimie et ine- 
 teorolo^ie agricole. oe edition, ln-12, Paris. 
 Le cheval, 1'ane et le mulet. Exterieur, race, elevage, 
 etc., 4e edition avec 136 gravures. ln-12, Paris, 1872. 
 Lemaire (Chs.). Les cactees. Histoire, patrie, culture, etc., 11 gra- 
 vures. In-12, Paris. 
 Leouzon (L.). Manuel de la porcherie. In-12, Paris, 1875. 
 Loisel. Asperse. Culture naturello et artificielle. 2e Edition. In-12, 
 Melon. Nouvelle methode de cultiver le melon sous 
 cloches, sur buttes et sur couches. 7e edition. In-12, 
 Macdonald (James). Food from the Far west, or American agri- 
 culture, with reference to the beef production and 
 importation of dead meat from America to Great Bri- 
 tain. In-12, London, 1878. 
 Magne (.1. H-)- Choix des vaches laitieres, ou description de tons 
 les si^nes a 1'aide desquels on pent apprecier la qua- 
 lites lactiferes des vaches. 7e edition. In-12, I'aris. 
 33 fig. 
 Marx-Lepelletier. Roses-pensees, violettes, petunias, verveines, 
 primeveres, auricules, balsamimes, pivoines. Especes, 
 varietes, culture, ln-12, Paris 
 Mathieu de Dombasle (C. J. A). Traite d'agriculture, public sur 
 le manuscritde I'auteur, parson petit h'ls lere partie, 
 economic generale ; 2e partie, pratique agricole ; 2 
 vol. ; 3e partie, betail ; 4e partie, comptabilite. 5 vol. 
 8vo, Paris, 1801-4.
 Menault (Ernest). Les insectesconsideres comrae ntiisibles a Fagri- 
 culture. Moyens de les eombatttre. In-12, Paris, 1866. 
 Michel (L. C.). Colonie deCileaux. Sa fondation, son developpe- 
 ment et ses progres, son etat actuel. In-12, Citeaux, 
 Millet-Robinet (Mme). Basse- cour. Pigeons et lapins. 7e edition. 
 In-12, Paris, 1875. 
 Economic domestique. 4e edition. In-12, Paris. 
 Maison rustique des dames. lOe edition. 2 
 vol. in-18, avec gravures, Paris. 
 MINORITY report of the committee on agriculture, recommending a 
 geological survey of the State. In-8, Baton-rouge, 1858, 
 18 p:iges. Vide vol. Phamphlets on science and industry. 
 Mongredien (Augustus). The western farmer in America. In-32, 
 London, 1880. 
 MONTREAL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. List of Premiums offered. 13 pages. 
 8vo, Montreal, 1879, B. C. vol. 181. 
 Mortillet (P de). Arboriculture fruitiere. Les meilleurs fruits par 
 ordre de maturite et par serie de merite ; culture et 
 soins qu'ils reclament. Silhouettes et dessinsdes fruits, 
 fleurs et noyaux en grandeurs naturelle. Tome Hie. 
 Le poirier. In-8, Grenob'e, 1870. 
 Mussa (Louis). Pratique des engrais chimiques, suivantle systeme 
 Georges Ville. In-12, Paris, 1873. 
 Naudin (Charles). Le potager. Jardin du cultivateur, In-12, Paris. 
 Paddoch (Hon. A. S.). Speech in the Senate, feb. 1879, on agricul- 
 tural interests. In 8, Washington, 1879, 19 pages. 
 Pelletan (J.). Pigeons, dindons, oies, canards. In-12 Paris, 1873. 
 Perrault (J.). Compte-rendu des travaux de la chambre d'agri. 
 culture du B. C. annee 1859. 24 pages, 8vo. Monterat, 
 B. C. vol. 196. 
 PRIZE FOR ARBORICULTURE offered by the trustees of the Massachu- 
 setts Society for promoting agriculture* In-8, 29 pages, 
 Boston, 1876.
 Proulx (Rev. Narcisse). Les ecoles d'Agriculture de la Province de 
 Quebec vengees. Reponse a une %l Etude sur I'educa- 
 tion agricole" de 1'Hon. Louis Beaubien. 33 pages 8vo, 
 Sle. Anne, 1871, B.C. vol. 174 
 Puvis (A.) Arbres i'ruitiers. Taille et raise a fruit. 5e edition. In-12, 
 QUEBEC HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. List of officers and shedn.le of prizes 
 offered in 1867, also rules and regulations. In-18, 
 Quebec, 1867, 11 pages. B. C. vol. 210. 
 Second annual exhibition under the 
 distinguished patronage of his excellency Sir Narcisse 
 and Lady Belleau. Schedule of prizes offered for the 
 year 1868. B. C. vol. 206. 
 RAPPORT DU COMITE SPECIAL sur 1'etat de Fagriculturo du Bas-Canada. 
 In-12, Toronto, 1850, B. C. vol, 202. 
 RAPPORT GENERAL du Cornmissaire de I' Agriculture et des Travaux 
 Publics de la Province de Quebec pour I'amiee tinis- 
 sant le 30 juin 1879. ln-8, Quebec. 
 RAPPORT du Comite permanent de 1'lrainigration et la Colonisation, 
 ln-8, Ottawa, 1879. 
 RAPPORT de 1'Ecole d' Agriculture de Ste. Anne de la Pocatiere, 
 1869-70. In-18, Ste. Anne de la Pocatie,e, 1871. 
 RAPPORT de 1'Ecole d' Agriculture de Ste. Anne, 1876-77, in-18, 
 Ste. Anne de la Pocatiere, 
 RAPPORT de 1'Ecoie d* Agriculture et de la lerme-modele de Ste. 
 Anne, pour Tannee 1863. In-8, Ste. Anne de la Poca- 
 tiere. 1864, B. C., vol. 201. 
 RAPPORT sur les cheinins de colonisation pour 1'annee 1861, De la 
 Bruere, Russell, Lepage et Drapeau. In-8, Qttebec,I&62. 
 RAPPORTS, (premier et second) du comite special nomine pour s'en- 
 querir des causes qui retardent la colonisation des 
 township de 1'Est du Bas-Canada. In-8, Quebec, 1851. 
 REPORT upon Cotton insects, prepared under the direction of the 
 Commissioner of Agriculture in pursuance of an act 
 of Congres. ln-8, Washington, 1879. 
 REPORT (general) of the Commissioner of Agriculture and public 
 works of the province of Quebec, for the year ending 
 30th June, 1879. In-8, Quebec, 1879.
 REPORT of experiments with American guano. In-8, New York, 
 1859. 27 p., Voir : Pamphlet on science and industry. 
 REPORT of the select standing committee on immigration and colo- 
 nisation. 8vo., Ottawa, 1879. 
 KEPOKT (fifth) of (he Montreal horticultural society and fruitgrow- 
 ers association of the province of Quebec for the year 
 1879. In 8, Montreal, 1880. 
 REPORT of the select standing committee on immigration and colo- 
 nisation. Br., 8vo. Ottawa, 1879. 
 REPORT of the Minister of Agriculture of the Province of Canada, 
 for the first six months of the year 1867, preceding 
 the confederation. Br., in-8, Ottawa. Contents: Le- 
 gislature of Canada. Civil service. Education and 
 scientific institutions. Public institutions. Adminis- 
 tration of justice. Miscellaneous. Table of parishes. 
 REPORT of the Minister of Agriculture for the Dominion, for 1879. 
 In-8, Ottawa. 
 REPORTS of the Montreal horticultural society and fruit growers' 
 association of the Province of Quebec for the year 
 1878. 2 br. in-8, Montreal, 1879. 
 RrpoRT OF THE PIONEER SOCIETY of the State of Michigan, together 
 with reports of County, Town, and districts pioneer 
 societies. Vol, 2nd. In-8, Detroit, 1880. 
 Reeves (J. H ). The Orange county stud book, giving a history of 
 all noted stallions bred and raised in Orange county. 
 To which is added a complete history of the horse in 
 all countries, in health and in sickness, with a 
 thorough treatise on his breeding, breaking, shoeing 
 and curing. Added to which is given a list of the 
 best trotting horses and famous races in the U. 3. 
 in-8, New-York, 1880. 
 REVUE agricole, manufacturiere, commerciale et de colonisation, 
 publiee sous la direction deJ. Perrault. Vol, VI et VII f 
 1866-67 et 1867-68, G-d. in-8, Montreal. 
 Richard (A .).D!ctionnaire raisonne d'agriculture et d'economie du 
 betail suivant les principes elementaires des sciences 
 naturelles appliquecs. 2e edition. 2 vol. Grd. 8vo, Paris 
 Riondet (A.) L'olivier. In-] 2, Paiis. 
 Tasse (Elie). Le Nord-Ouest. La province de Manitoba et les ter. 
 ritoires du Nord Guest. Lcur etendue, salubrite du 
 climat, etc Br. in-8, Ottawa, 1880. 72 pages. 
 Hi TI.AN'S ventilation and wanning; or how to make home healthy. 
 Air, light, food, drink. Iu-8, 60 pages, Peterborough, 
 Sacc (le docteur). Chitnie da sol 3e edition. In-12, Paris. 
 Chimie des animaux. 3e edition. In-12, Paris. 
 Chimie des vegetaux. 3e edition. In-12, Paris. 
 Schwerz. Manuel de 1'agricultear eommei^ant. 5e edition. In-12' 
 Paris Traduit par Chs. et Felix Villeroy 
 SEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT of the secretary of the stato board of Agri- 
 culture for the year ending Aug. 31, 1878. In-8, Lan- 
 sing, 1878. 
 Spence (Thomas). Voir : Manitoba. 
 SUPPLEMENT au rapport du minis! re de J'agricuiture pour 1'aunee 
 1879. In-8, Ottawa, 1879. 
 THE CANADIAN AGRICULTURIST, manufacturing, commercial and coloni- 
 zation intelligence ; official series of the agricultural 
 board and societies. Published under the direction 
 of J. Perrault, 1861-1867. 6 vol, Gd. in-8, Montreal. 
 Thomas (John) J.). Farm implements and farm machinery and the 
 principles of their construction and use : with expla- 
 nations of the laws of motion and force as applied on 
 the farm. \Viih over 300 illustrations. New edition. 
 In 18, New-York, 1870. 
 Rural affairs, a practical and copiously illustrated re- 
 gister of rural economy and rnral taste, including 
 country dwellings, improving and planting grounds, 
 fruit and flowers, domestic animals and all farm and 
 garden processes. Vol. VIII. with 441 engravings, 
 In-8, Albany, 1878. 
 Tuiunco CULTURE. Practical details from the selection and prepa- 
 ration of tin 1 seed and the soil, to harvesting, curing 
 and marketing the crop, including sever. .1 illustra- 
 trative engravings ; also notes on tobacco worms, 
 with illustrations. Br. gd. in-8, New-York, 1879. 48 p.
 Vial. Engraissement du boeuf. In-12, Paris. 
 Vialon (P.). Le maraicher bourgeois, ln-12, Paris. 
 Vianne(Ed). Les prairies artificielies. Orue do 127 vignettes. 
 In-4to, Paris, 1877. 
 Vidalin (F.). Pratique des irrigations en France et en Algerie, 
 (ouvrage medaille) In-12, Paris, 1874. 
 Zaconne (V. J.) Los plantes fourrageres. 60 pi. representant les 
 gramminees en grandeur natnrelle, avec legende ex- 
 plicative. 3e edition. Folio, Paris, 1874. 
 EASTERN TOWNSHIPS. Dominion of Canada. Information for intending 
 emigrants. 8 pages in-8vo., OtUnua,~L819, B.C. vol. 211. 
 EMIGRATION. The British farmer's and farm laborer's guide to On- 
 tario, the premier Province of the Dominion of Ca- 
 nada. In-8, Toronto, 1880. With chart and engravings. 
 108 pages. 
 EMIGRATION TO CANADA. The Province of Ontario ; its soil, climate, 
 resources, institutions, free grant lands for the infor- 
 mation of intending emigrants. 34 pages in-8-vo, To- 
 ronto, 1869, B. C. vol. 201. 
 EXTRACTS from surveyors' reports of township surveys in Manitoba, 
 Keewatin, and N. W. Territories. 1879. In 8, 82 pages. 
 B. C.. vol. 196. 
 French (T. P ). Information for intending settlers on the Ottawa 
 and O;nongo road, and its vicinity, lu-12, Ottawa, 
 Ib57. (36 pages) B. C. vol. 205. 
 GUIDE DU COLON. Province de Quebec, 1880. ln-8, Levts. Nouvelle 
 edition avec cartes. 
 Head (Sir Francis Bond). The emigrant. 4th edition. In-12, London, 
 and Canada, 1846. 
 IMMIGRATION AND COLONIZAT;ON. First report of the Select committee 
 (on). 44 pages in-8v*o, Ottawa, 1875-76, 54 p. 1877, 257 
 p. 1878. 174 p. 1879, 148 pages. B. C. vol. 186.
 IMMIGRATION AND COLONIZATION. Second report of the Select Com- 
 mittee (on). 19 pages in-8vo, Ottawa, 1783, B. C. vol. 
 Lacasse (Ivev. P Zach.). Une mine produisant 1'or et l'arg>Mit, 
 decouverte et mi*e en reserve pour les cultivateurs 
 seuls, par leur ami. In-18, Quebec, 1880. 
 LA PROVINCE de Manitoba et le territoire dn Nord-O lest. Informa- 
 tions pour les immigrants (Traduit de 1'Anglais). In 8, 
 Ottawa, 1880. 30 pages, B C vol, 173. 
 MANITOBA. Province de Manitoba et territoire dn Nord- Quest du 
 Canada. Informations a I'usajje des emigrants. 68 
 pages 8vo, Ottawa, 1878, B. C. vol. 201. 
 _ . lut'ormations pour Jes emigrants. 27 pages, 8vo, 
 Ottawa, 1880, B. C. vol. 201. 
 Dominion of Canada. Manitoba and the North West.the 
 Great wheat fields, and stock-rising districts of Ca- 
 nada. 24 pages 8-vo ; Montreal, 1879, B.C., vol. 201. 
 Dominion of Canada. The Province of Manitoba and 
 Norlh West territory. Informations for intending 
 emigrants. 3rd edition. 22 pages 8-vo ; Ottawa, 1879. 
 MTSKOKA and Lake Nipisnng District Informations for intending 
 settlers. 21 pages 8-vo., Ottawa, 1880, B. C. vol 201. 
 PREMIER et second rapports du coniite special nomme pour s'en- 
 querir des causes qui retardent la colonisation des 
 townships de TEst du Bas-Canada 170 p. 8vo., Quebec, 
 1871, B. C., 181. 
 Ross (Alex.) The Red river settlement, etc. Voir : Histoire du 
 SAGUKNAY (Le) et le Lac St. Jean, ressources et avantages qu'ils 
 (.ffrent aux colons et aux capitalistes. 54 pages iu- 
 8vo., Ottawa, 1879 B. C., 201. 
 SETTLEISS' Gi IDE. Province of Quebec, 1880. Br., in-8, Montreal. 
 Spence (Thomas) Manitoba et le Nord Quest du Canada. Ses res- 
 sources et ses avantages pour 1'emigrant et le, capita- 
 listes compares aux etats umriieains de 1'oucst, etc. 
 In-8, Ottawa, 1875, 39 pages, B. C., vol. 181.
 Lodge (Ed m.) The peerage and baronetage of the British empire 
 as at present existing. In-4to., London, 1879. 
 CHEFS-D'OEUVRE D'ARTS (The) of the Paris universal exhibition, 1878 
 In-fol., india paper, Philadelphia. 
 CONSTITUTION del'Academie de Musiquede Quebec. Br., In-8, Quebec, 
 1876. 10 pages. 
 Dufaud. Maniere de construire les cartes a fresque. Br. 8vo avec 
 planches. Paris, 1874. 
 Duplessis (Georges). Los merveilles de la gravure. Ouvrage illus- 
 lustre de 34 gravures par Sellier. In-18, Paris, 1877. 
 Histoire de la gravure en Italie, en Espagne, en Alle- 
 magne, dans les Pays-Bas, en Angleterreet en Fr,.nce, 
 contenant 73 reproduction de gravures anciennes. 
 Petit in-4to, I'aris, 1880. 
 Fetis (F. J.) Histoire generale de la musique depuis les temps les 
 plus,anciensjusqu'a nosjours. 5 vol., royal iu-8, Paris, 
 Fromentin (Eugene) Les maitres d'autrefois. Belgique, Hol- 
 lande. 3e edition. In-12, Paris, 1877. 
 Lesbazeilles (E.j. LPS colosses anciens et modernes. Ouvrage illus- 
 tre de 33 gravures. In 18, Paris, 1876. 
 Lottin de Laval (M.) Manuel complet de lottinoplastique : 1'art 
 du mouiage de la sculture en bas-relief et en creux, 
 mis a la portee de tout le monde, sans notions ele- 
 mentaires, sans apprentissage d'art, precede d'une 
 histoire de cette decouverte. In 32, Paris, 1857. 
 Marie (F. G ). Elements d'architecture. Dessins lineaires tires des 
 monuments et des auteurb classi^ues, a 1'usage de 
 1'euseignement scolaire. Folio, Paris, 1875.
 MEDAILLES sur les princ'paux evenements du regue de Louis XIV. 
 Voir : Hisloire de Franco. 
 NOTICE snr 1'eglise de Notre-Dame do Montreal, ornee de 16 gra- 
 vures. Dediee aux families canadiennes. In-8, Mon- 
 treal 1850. 32 pages, B. C. vol. 193. 
 Pech (Dr. James). Ananalytical and critical synopsis of a selection 
 of piano-forte literature, etc., given before the Mon- 
 treal literary club, 1865. Gr. in-8. 71, pages, Montreal. 
 B. C. vol.183. 
 TABLE ROCK ALBUM and sketches of the falls and scenery adjacent 
 Br. in 12, Buffalo, 1855. 120 pages. 
 VIEWS of the City of Quebec and environs, as portraited in a few 
 drives and river trips. In-32. 16 pages. 
 BIBLIOGRAPHIK CATiioLiQUE. Revue critique des ouvragesde religion, 
 de philosophic, d'histoire, etc. Annees 1879 et 1880. 
 Tomes 49, 50, 51 et 52. 4 vol. in-8. Paris. 
 Boisseau (A.) Catalogue des livres de la Bibliotheque de 1'Institut- 
 Canadien de Montreal, etc., ler supplement. 47 pages 
 In-8vo., Quebec, 1870, B. C. vol. 2oO. 
 CATALOGUE de la bibliotheque du parlernent. lere partie. Droit et 
 economic polit'que. Suivi d'un index. Gr. in-8 
 Ottawa, 1880. 
 CATALOGUE de la bibliotheque du barreau de Quebec, (livres frau- 
 9ais.) In-12, Quebec. 176, B. C., vol. 209. 
 CATALOGUE de la bibliotheqne de la Legislature de Quebec. In-12 
 Quebec. B. C. Vol. 209. 
 CATALOGUE of books in the, library of the Legislative Assembly of 
 Canada. In-8, Kinsglon, 1842. B. C. Vol. 209.
 CATALOGUE de la bibliotheque de la ville de Lille: 
 Sciences et arts. In-8, 1839. 
 BelK-s-Lettres. In-8, 1841. 
 Hi>tuirt\ 2 vol. in-8, 1851-56. 
 Thf'ologie. ln-8, 1859. 
 Ouvrages legues par M. J. B. H. J. Des Mazieres: 
 In-8, 1867. 
 Jurisprudence, ln-8, 1870 
 lere partie du supplement aux Sciences et Arts. 
 In-8, 1875. 
 2e partie du supplement aux sciences et arts. In 8. 
 CATALOGUE de 1'Exposition scolaire. Voir : Exposition. 
 CATALOGUE de livres Canadiens et de quelques outrages franpais 
 sur le Canada, anciens et modernes. No. 1. Sept. 
 1878. J. 0. Filteau. In-8. St-Roch de Quebec. 
 (22 pages). B. C. Vol. 203. 
 CATALOGUE des livres de la bibliotheque de 1'Institut-Canadien, 
 classes par ordre de matiere et arrange alpbabeti- 
 quenient, par A. Boisseau. In-8, Montreal, 1870. 
 (47 pages). 
 Supplement No. 1. 1876. (13 pages). 
 CATALOGUE des brochures de la bibliotheque de la Legislature de 
 Quebec. B. C. 185 
 CATALOGUE des membres de la Congration N. D. Haute- Ville. (30 
 pages). In-12, Quebec, 1878. B. C. Vol. 195. 
 CATALOGUE du Ministere de I'lnstrnction Publique, des Cultes et 
 des Beaux arts. Tome 1. Catalogue de la biblio- 
 theque du Corps enseignant. Tome II. Missions 
 et voyages scientifiques. Exposition theatrale. 2 
 vol. in-18, Paris, 1878. 
 CATALOGUE of the University of Vermont and State Agricultural 
 College. 1880-81. In-8, Burlington, 1880. (45 
 CATALOGUE of the Library of the House of Assembly. Bibliotheque 
 de la Chambre d'Assemblee. In-32, 1825. B. C. 
 Vol. 209.
 CATALOGUE des livres appartt-nant a la bibliotheque de la Chambre 
 d'Assemblee Catalogue. of books in the library of 
 Assembly. In-18, Quebec, 1835. B. C. Vol. 209. 
 CATALOGUE of the library of the Canadian Institute. In-8, Toronto, 
 1858. B. C. Vol. 209. 
 CATALOGUE of the books in the Legislative library, 1876. In-8, 
 CATALOGUE of the Provincial Exhibition at Montreal, Sept., 1865. 
 ln-8. (6-2 pages). 
 COMMISSION BELGK d'echanges internationaux, sous la prsidence de 
 y. A. R. Mgr le comte de Flandre. Expose de la 
 fomlation de la Commission et des travaux de la 2e 
 section jusqu'au 31 juillet 1877. Bro. 8vo. Bruxelles, 
 CONDENSED CATALOGUE of manuscripts, books and engravings on ex- 
 hibition at the Caxton' celebratioji, held jane, 1877, 
 in Montreal, in commemoration of the 400th, anni- 
 versary of the introduction of printing in England. 
 In-8, Montreal, 1877. (83 pages). 
 POLYBIBLION.- Revue biblingraphique univer.selle 1879-1880. Deux 
 livraisons ensemble cheque mois. L'une contient la 
 partie technique et 1'autre la partie litteraire. 2 vol. 
 grd. in-8, par annee. 
 PKEMIER, dcuxieme, troisieme et quatrieme supplements au cata- 
 logue de la Bibliotheqne de la Legislature. B.C. 185. 
 Sabin (Joseph) A dictionary of books relating to America from 
 its discovery to the present time, parts 71 to 76. 5 
 vols. In-8, New-York, 1879-1880. 
 SUPPLEMENT to th> alphabetical catalogue of the library of Parlia- 
 ment. Bro. in-8, Ottawa, 1880. 
 SUPPLEMENTARY CATALOGUE. Library of Ontario Parliament, 1878. B 
 C. Vol. 185. 
 TWENTY EIGHTH ANNUAL IUPORT of tho trustees of public library of 
 B<MOM, 1880. ln-8. (65 pages). 
 Fontaine de Resbecq (A. de) Voyages litteraires sur !es qnais de 
 Paris. Lftires a un bibliophile de Province. I ,-18. 
 Paris, 1857-
 ANGERS (1'Hon. M. F. R.)- Sa notice biographique, ecrite par un 
 anonyme, dans Le journal des Trois-Rivieres re- 
 produite par le Canadien, et extrait de ce dernier 
 journal. Vol. 193. 
 BACHAND (Hon. P.). Sa notice biographique, etc. Vide : Poli- 
 tique. Vol. 183. 
 BACHAND (1'Hon. M. Pierre). Courte notice biographique. Ses 
 obscques. (Extraits de journaux.) Vol. 190. 
 CANADIAN PORTRAIT gallery (the). 4 vols. iu-4to (when complete). 
 Toronto, 1880. 
 Campeau (F. R, E.). Illustrated guide to the House of Commons 
 and Senate of Canada. Containing the portraits and 
 autographs of His Excellency the Governor General, 
 the members of the Cabinet, and the members and 
 officers of both Houses, &c. In-12, Ottawa, 1879. 
 BIOGRAPHIE du cabinet Joly. B. C. Vol. 194. 
 Charpentier. La vie de Socrate, precedee de Xenophon : Lea 
 choses memorables de Socrate. In-18. 
 Cooper (Thompson). Men of the time. A dictionary of contem- 
 poraries, containing biographical notions of eminent 
 characters of both sexes. 10th edition. In-16, London, 
 CRITICUS. Biographic critique des orateurs les plus distingues et 
 principaux membres du Parlement d'Anrrleterre, 
 dediee a Leigh Hunt, esquire. In-8, Paris, 1820. 
 Cuvier (G-.). Eloges historiques, precedes de 1'eloge de 1'auteur, 
 par M. Flourens. 3e edition. 8vo, Paris. 1874. 
 David (L. 0.). Biographies et portraits. In-8, Montreal, 1876. 
 Doubleday (Thos.). The political life of the Right Hon. Sir 
 Robert Peel, bart. 2 vols. In-8, London, 1856.
 ESQUISSK BIOGKAPHIQUE sur Mgr. De Montmorency -Laval de Mon- 
 ti-riiy, premier eveque de Quebec. (55 pages). In-18, 
 Quebec, 1845. Vol. 206. 
 Faughnan (Thomas). Stirring incidents in (he life of a british 
 soldier. An autobiography. 2nd edition. In-12, 
 Toronto, 1880. 
 Fromentin (Eugene). Les maitres d'antrelbis. Belpique-Hol- 
 Jande. 3e edition. In-12, Paris, 1877. 
 Goepp (Ed.) t-t D'Ectot (H.). Les marins. 2 vols. Gd. 8vo. 
 Paris, 1877. (Avec portraits.) 
 Goncourt (Edmondet Jules de). Idees et sensations. Gd. In-8, 
 Paris, 1866. 
 Hichtman (Frs.) The public life of the 11. Hon. Earl of Bea- 
 consfield. 2 vols. in-8, London, 1879. 
 Gourlay (R. F-). Plans for beautifying New- York, and for en- 
 larging and improving the city of Boston. Being 
 studies to illustrated the science of city building. 
 In-8, Boston, 1844. (40 pages.) Dans le volume 
 intitule "Pamphlets on science and industry." 
 Howitt (Wm.). Saunders' portraits and memoirs of eminent 
 living political reformers. To which is annexed a 
 copious hij-torical sketch of the progress of parlia- 
 mentary reform from 1734 to 1832. In-4to, London. 
 Marshall (John). The life of George Washington, &c. Voir: 
 Histoire d'Amerique. 
 Maugin (Arthur). Les savants illustres de la France. Nouvelle 
 edition, ornee de 16 portraits. Gd. 8vo, Paris. 
 MEMOIR of the life of John Hart, the celebrated robber, who was 
 executed in Quebec, on the 10th day of Nov. 1826, 
 for having been convicted of the robbery of the 
 Roman Catholic Cathedral of that city. In-8. (13 p.) 
 B. C. vol. 213. 
 NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLKRY (the). 5 vols. In-4to, London, 1879. 
 NOTICE B:OGRAPHIQUE de 1'Hon. P. B.chand, suivi du discouis sur 
 le Budget et la replique de 1'Hon. M. Church. B. C. 
 Vol. 193.
 NOTICE necrolo<rique de R. C. Tangutiy, avocat, decede le 15 mars, 
 1874, a Quebec. Les funerailles le barreau do 
 Quebec, Deux lettres, (par J. M.). In-32. (17 pages). 
 Quebec, 1874. 
 NOTICE sur ie bienheureux Andre Bobola, Jesuit e Polonais, mar- 
 tyrise Je 16 miii 1657, et beatific le 30 octobre 1853. 
 ln-32, Montreal, 1854. 
 NOTICE sur la vie et la mort de M. Mjch. F. H. Prevost, pretre du 
 serninaire de St. Sulpice, cure d'office de Montreal. 
 In-32, Montreal, 1864. 
 NOTICE necrologique de P. A. Tremblay, cuier, depute de Charle- 
 voix aux Communes. B. C. Vol. 190. 
 PELTRIE (Madame de La). Life of Madame de la Peltrie (Magda- 
 J.'ii de Chaviguy) foundress of the Ursuline Convent, 
 Quebec, written expressly for the pupils and ins- 
 cribed to th^m, by a Mother of the Community. In- 
 32, New-York, 1859. 
 Rousseau (1'abbe). Notice sur les 70 serviteurs de Dieu mis a 
 mort pour la foi en Chine, au Tong-King et en Co- 
 chinchine, declares venerables par Gregoire XVI. 
 lu-18, Paris, 1846 
 SKETCH OF THE LIFK of captain Joseph Brant, Thayendanagea, by 
 Ke-Che-Hu-Gah-Me-Qua, Brandford. In-8, Montreal, 
 1873. (19 pages). B. C. Vol. 197. 
 Sirven (Alfred). Journaux et journalistes. In-12. 3e edition. 
 Paris, 1865. 
 Journaux et journalistes. La presse. La liberte. 
 Avec les portraits des redacteurs. In-12, Paris, 1866. 
 Smith (Geo. B.). The life of the R. Hon. Wm. Eward Gladstone. 
 In-8, New- York, 1880. 
 SOCRATE. Voir Charpeutier. 
 SOUVENIRS du 4 novembre 1864. Voir : Histoire du Canada, me- 
 moires, etc.
 Stanhope (Earl). Life of the R. H. Wm. Pitt, with extracts 
 from his Ms. papers. New edition. 3 vols. In-8, 
 London, 1879. 
 Tasse* (Joseph). Tin parallels. Lord BeaconsfrVld et Sir John 
 Mactlonald. ln-8. (41 pages.) Ottawa, 1880. 13. C. 
 vol. 191. 
 TREMBLAY depute de Charlevoix. (P. A.). Courte notice biogra- 
 phiqne. Sa mort. Sa derniere lettre au public. 
 (Extrait de I'Eclaireur). Vol. 190. 
 Trolloppe (T. Adolphus). The story of the life of Pius the ninth. 
 ln-18. Toronto 1877. 
 Vapereau (G.). Dictionnaire uni \ersel des contemporains. Oa- 
 vrage redige et tenu a jonr avec le concours d'ecri- 
 vains de tous les pays. 5e edition. Gd. in-8vo. 
 Paris, 1880. 
 VIE DE LA MERE SAINTE MADELEINE, Superieure de la Congregation 
 de Notre-Datne de Montreal. Par un ancien supe- 
 rieur de communaute. 8ro, Montreal, 1876. 
 VIE DE SAINT GFORGES, martyr. Ill siecle. Pape : St. Marcellin- 
 Empereur: Diocletien. 23 avril. Br. Gd. 8vo. (30 
 pages). Montreal, 1872. 
 WASHINGTON. Voir : Marshall. 
 Abbott (B. V.). General digest of the English and American cases 
 upon the law of Corporations, for the ten years from 
 July 1868 to July 1878, with acts of Congress. Being 
 a supplement to Abbott digest of Corporations. Gd. 
 8vo, New-York, 1879.
 AMERICAN CONSTITUTION. The American's Unklr: comprising (he 
 declaration of independence; the articles of confe- 
 deration; the constitution of the United-States, and 
 the constitution of the several state* comprising the 
 Union, ln-12, Philadelphia, 1841. 
 AMSRICAN DECISIONS (th* 1 ), containing all the cases of general value 
 and anthorithy, decided in the courts of the several 
 States, from the earliest issue of the State Reports to 
 the year 1879. Compiled and annotated by John 
 Proffatt and Freeman. 21 vols. ln-8, San Francisco, 
 AMERICAN DECISIONS. Index to the Editor Notes in first fifteen vols., 
 and table of cases re-reported in vol XI to XV of the 
 American Decisions. 1760-1828. Br. In-8, San 
 Francisco. 1880. 
 AMERICA* DECISIONS Index to the American Decisions, and the Edi- 
 tor's notes thereto, with a table of the cases re- 
 ported. Vols one to twenty inclusive. 1760-1830, by 
 J. Freeman. In-8. San Francisco, 188^. 
 Bateman (W. ). Political and constitutional law of the United 
 Siates ot America. 8vo., St. Louis, 1876. 
 Bours (Allen L.) Voir : Michigan : Manual for, etc. 
 Bump (O. F.) Notes on constitutional decisions: being a digest 
 of the judicial interpretations of the constitution of 
 thv United States, as contained in the various federal 
 and state reports. 8vo. New York, 1878. 
 Burroughs (\V. II.) A treatise on the law of taxation as imposed 
 by the States and their municipalities, and as exe- 
 cnt.'d by the G-overnment of the United States. 8vo. 
 New -York, 1877. 
 CONNECTICUT. Journal of the House of Representatives. (Session 
 1879 and session 1880). 2 vols. In-8. Hartford. 
 Journal of the Senate. (Session 1879 and session 1880). 
 2 vols. In-8. Hartford
 CONNECTICUT. Public Acts of the State, (1879). In-8, Hartford. 
 Public Acts (1880). In-8, Hartford. 
 Special Acts and resolutions of the General Assem- 
 bly, (1879 and 1880). 2 vols. in-8, Hartford. 
 Public documents of the Legislature, (1879). 2 vols. 
 ln-8, Hartford. Public documents of the Legisla- 
 ture, (1880). 2 vols. In-8, Hartford. 
 Public Records. Voii : " Hoadly. Hisloire d n Amerique. 
 Twelfth annual Report of the Secretary of the Board 
 of Agriculture, (1878-79). In-8, Hartjord, 1879. 
 Journal of the Senate, (1879). In-8, Hartford, 1879. 
 Journal of the House of Representatives, 1879. In-8, 
 Hartford, 1879. 
 Report (13th annual) of the Secretary of the Board 
 of Agriculture (1879-80). ln-8, Hartford, 1880. 
 Rules and forms for making up records of Judg- 
 ments, under the practice act. In-8, New Haven, 
 The practice Act of the State of Connecticut, with 
 the orders, rules, and forms under the same, pre- 
 pared by the judges of the Superior Court : and the 
 general rules of practice of the Supreme Court of 
 errors, and the Superior Court as revised in June, 
 1879. In-8, Hartford, 1879, 
 Hoadly (Charles J.). The public records of the Colony of Con- 
 necticut, from May, 1757, to March, 1762, inclusive, 
 transcribed and edited in accordance with a reso- 
 lution of the General Assembly. Vol. XI. In-8, 
 Hartford, 1880. 
 ILLINOIS. Journal of the House of Representatives of the 31st Gen. 
 Ass. of the State, (1879). In-8, Springfield. 
 Journal of the Senate of the 31st Gen. Ass. of the State, 
 (1879). In-8, Springfield. 
 Reports to Genera! Assembly, 1877, 1878, 1879. 4 vols. 
 ln-8, Springfield.
 ILLINOIS. Twelfth annual insurance report of tho auditor of public 
 accounts of the State. Part 1st. F-re and Fire- 
 Marine insurance. In-8, Spri/igfidd, 1880. 
 Twelfth bienrtat report of the Superintendent of Public 
 instruction, (1877-78). In-8, Springfield, 1879. 
 The Illinois School law, (1872-1879). An act to establish 
 and maintain a system of free schools, (1872), includ- 
 ing amendments made in 1877 and 1879, and all acts 
 relative to schools, in force July 1st, 1879. In-8, 
 Springfield, 1879. 
 Eleventh annual insurance report of the auditor of Pu- 
 blic accounts. Part II. Life and Accident Insur- 
 ance, (1879). ln-8, Springfield. 
 Report on the International Prison Congress, held at 
 Stockolm, Sweden, August, 20-26, 1878. In-8, 
 Springfield, 1879. 
 Report of the Canal Commissioners. Dec. 1, 1879. Br. 
 In-8, Springfield, 1880. 
 , Report, (9th annual) of the Railroad and "Wharehouse 
 Commission, for 1879. ln-8, Springfield, 1880. 
 , Biennial Message of the Governor of th-3 State of Illinois 
 to the 31st Gren. Ass. Pamph. 8vo. Springfield, 1879. 
 Sixth biennial Report of the State House Commissioners. 
 Dec. 1878. Pamph. 8vo., Springfield, 1879. 
 ,_ First biennial Report of the Trustees. Architects and 
 ' Treasurer of the Eastern Hospital for the Insane at 
 Kankakee. Pamph. 8vo. Springfield, 1879. 
 Second biennial Report of the Trustees, Superintendent, 
 Treasurer and Architect of the Eastern Hospital for 
 the Insane. Oct. 1st, 1880. Iu-8. Springfield. 
 Seventh biennial Report of the Trustees, Superintendent 
 and Treasurer of the Illinois Asylum for feeble- 
 nr ruled children, at Lincoln. Pamph. 8\ T o. Spring- 
 field, 1878.
 ILLINOIS. Report of the Commissioners of the Southern Illinois 
 Penit.-ntiary, Sept., 1878. Pamph. 8vo., 1878. 
 Eleventh biennial Report of the Trustees, Surgeons and 
 Treasurer of the Illinois Charitable Eye and Ear 
 infirmary at Chicago. Oct. 1878. Pamph. Sprinfield t 
 -Fourteenth biennial Report of the Trustees, Superin- 
 tendent end Treasurer of the Institution for the 
 blind, at Jacksonville. Oct. 1878. Pamph. 8vo. 
 Springfield, 1879. 
 -Fifteenth biennial Report of the Trustees, Superinten- 
 dent and Treasurer of the Institution for the blind, 
 Juksonville, 1880. ln-8, Springfield. 
 -Third biennial Report of the Trustees, Superintendent, 
 and Treasurer of the Southern Hospital for the In- 
 sane, at Anna. Oct. 1878. Pamph. 8vo. Springfield, 
 -Fourth annual Report of the State board of health. 
 Pamph. Springfield, 1879, 
 -Fourth biennial Report of the Trustees and Principal of 
 the Southern Illinois Normal University, at Carbon- 
 dale, Jakson County, Oct. 1880. Br. In-8, Springfield. 
 -Fifth biennial Report of the Trustees, Superintendent 
 and Treasurer of the Illinois Soldiers' orphan's 
 home, at Neumal, 1878. Pamph. 8vo. Sprinfield,l&19. 
 -Sixteenth biennal Report of the Trustees, Superinten- 
 dent and Treasurer of the Central Hospital for the 
 Insane, at Jacksonville. Oct. 1878. Pamph. 8vo. 
 Springfield, 1878. 
 Thirty-eighth annual Report, and 19th biennial report of 
 the Institution for the Education of the Deaf and 
 Dumb, at Jaksonville, 1878. Paraph. 8vo. Spring- 
 field, 1,7!'. 
 -Report of the Commissioners of the Illinois State Peni- 
 tentiary for the two years ending Sept. tiO, 1878. 
 Pamph. 8ro. Springfield, 1878.
 ILLINOIS. Report of the Commissioners of the Southern Hospital 
 for the Insane, for 1878. Pamph. 8vo Springfield, 
 Eighth annual Report of the Railroad and Warehouse 
 Commission, 1878. 8vo. Springfield, 1879. 
 Transactions of the Department of Agriculture, with 
 reports from Country Agricultural boards, for 1877. 
 Edited by J. 1). Fisher, sec. Vol. XV, O. S. Vol VII 
 N Ser. Svo. Springfield, 1878. 
 . Fifth biennial Report of the Trustees, Superintendant 
 and Treasurer of the Illinois State reform school, at 
 Pontiac, &c, 1878. Pamph. Svo. Springfield, 1879. 
 Biennial Report of the State Treasurer, 1878. Parnph. 
 Svo. Springfield, 1978. 
 Ninth Report of the Board of Trustees of the Industrial 
 University, Urbana, for the two years ending Sept., 
 1878. Svo. Springfield, 1878. 
 Biennial Report of the Auditor of the Public accounts 
 Nov. 1st, 1880. Svo. Springfield. 
 Biennial Report of the Auditor of Public accounts to the 
 Governor of Illinois. Nov. 1st, 1878. Svo. Spring- 
 field, 1878. 
 Eleventh annual Insurance Report of the Auditor of 
 Public accounts of the State of Illinois, 1879. Svo 
 Fifth biennial Report of the Board of State Commis- 
 sioners of Public charities, 1878. Svo. Springfield, 
 Biennial Report of the Attorney-General, 1878. Svo. 
 Springfield, 1879. 
 Report of Commissioners to construct the Southern In- 
 sane Asylum. Dec. 1877. Pamph. Svo. Spring- 
 field, 1879. 
 Report on the international Prison Congress, 1878. Br. 
 in-12. Springfield, 1879.
 ILLINOIS. Constitution of the State of Illinois, adopted and ratified, 
 1870. Br. in-12. Springfield, 1879. 
 Transactions of the Department of Agriculture, with re- 
 ports from Country Agricultural boards, from 1878. 
 In-8. Springfield, 1880. 
 Laws enacted at the 31st General Assembly, 1879. 8vo. 
 Springfield, 1879. 
 Twelfth biennial Report of the Trustees, Surgeons and 
 Treasurer of the Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary, 
 at Chicago. 8vo. Springfield, 1881. 
 Proceedings of the Ilinois State board of Equalization, 
 1880. 8vo. Springfield. 
 Biennial Report of the Secretary of State. Oct. 1878 to 
 Sept. 1880. 8vo. Springfield. 
 Reports of cases at law and in Chancery, argued and 
 determined in the Supreme Court. Vol. 88 to 95. 
 8 vol. 8vo. Springfield, 1880. 
 Law (S. D.). Digest of American cases relating to patents for 
 inventions and copyrights, from 1789 to 1872. 5th 
 edition, with a supplement <jr. 8vo. New-Yoik, 1877. 
 LAW REPORTS. Reports of cases at law and in chancery argued 
 and determined in the Supreme Court, (Norman C. 
 Freovnan, reporter). Vols. 88th to 95th inclusive. 
 8 vols. 8vo. Springfield, 1879-1880. 
 Reports of cases argued and determined in the Su- 
 preme Court of Minnesota. Vol. 24. 8vo. St. Paul, 
 Lord (Henry W.). Relations of education and industry to crime 
 and pauperism. Idleness more demoralizing than 
 ignorance. An address read to the Michigan Super- 
 intendents of the Poor, in 5th annual convention. Br. 
 Br. in-8. Laming, 1879. 
 Dependent and delinquent children, with especial 
 reference to girls. An address to the American So* 
 cial science association, 1878.
 LouisiANE. Rapport annuel de 1'Ingenieur de 1'Etat a la Legisla- 
 ture de, la Louihi;ine, (1855). In -8. Nouvelle-Orleans. 
 (.34 pages. Vol. Parnph. on science and industry). 
 MASSACHUSETTS. Public documents for the year 1879. 4 vols. 
 In-8. Boston, 1880. 
 MICHIGAN MANUAL. The red book for the 30th Legislature of the 
 State, of Michigan, compiled by Don. C. Henderson, 
 1879-1880. In-8. Lansing, 1879. 
 MICHIGAN. Eighteenth annual report of the Secretary of the State 
 board of Agriculture, for the year ending Aug 21st 
 1879. ln-8. Lansing, 1880. 
 Report (tenth annual) of the Commissioners of insur- 
 ance, for 1879. 
 Parr. I. Fire and. Marine insurance. 
 Part. II. Life insurance. 2 vols. In-8. Lan- 
 sing, 1880. 
 Report (annual) of the Auditor-G-enoral, for the year 
 ending 30th Sept. 1879. In-8. Lansing,' 1SSO. 
 Opinion of the Attorney-General of the State, containing 
 the general banking law of the State. Br. in-12. 
 Lansing, 1863. 
 Report on the taxation of Railroad land, made by the 
 Committee on Railroads, 1873. 
 A chart and key of the education system of the State. 
 The State of Michigan. Embracing sketches of its his- 
 tory, position, resources and industries. Compiled 
 under authority, by S. B. McCracken. In-8. Lansing, 
 Report of the State board of centenial managers for the 
 international exhibition of 1876. In-8. Lansing, 1877. 
 Catalogue of products of Michigan, in the Centenial ex- 
 hibition of all nations, at Philadelphia. Br. in-8, 
 MICHIGAN. Pioneers Collections. Report of the Pioneers Society of 
 St;tte, tog.'ih< i r with reports of county, town, and 
 district Pioneers Societies. Vol. 1. Iu-8. Lansing, 
 Geological Survey (first biennial report x>F the) embracing 
 observations on the Geology, Zoology and Botany of 
 the Lower Peninsula, ln-8. Lansing, 1861. 
 General railroad laws, including all laws affecting rail- 
 roads, passed by the Legislature of 1875 and 1879. 
 2 br. in-8. Lansing. 
 Catalogues of officers and students of the State Agricul- 
 tural College, 1865, 1869, 1870, 1872, 1874, 1875, and 
 1878. 6 br. in-8. 
 Report of the State librarian for the years 1861-62, 1865- 
 1866, 1867-1868, 1869-1870, 1871-1872. (5 br. ln-12). 
 1873-74, 1875-76, 1877-78. (6 .br. in-12 et 3 in-8. 
 Manual for the use of the 29th Legislature of the State 
 (1877-78). Compiled by Alex. Bours. In-12. Lan- 
 sing, 1877. 
 Catalogue of the Michigan Stih- library, for the years 
 1857-62, 65-66, 68, 70, 73, 74, 75, 77-88, 79-80. 7 
 (7 brs. et 3 vols) In-8. Lansing. 
 Annual report of the Attorney-General, for the years 1859, 
 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872, (7 brs. in-12). 1873, 
 1874, 1875, 1877, 1878, (5 brs. in-8. Lansing. 
 Report of the board of Trustees of the Michigin Asylum 
 for lh- I ! thy years 1871-72, 1873-74, 1877-78. 
 Rcpo/t of the Commissioners appointed to select a location 
 and site for the Eastern Hospital for the Insane, 1854. 
 lii-i--.. L .t;4ng. 
 Prorv; -.'.iiigs oftii; State board of equalization, 1871, 1876. 
 2 In-8. 
 An-? ri ui' ih> board of,- building Commis- 
 sioners, 1872. lu-12. 1874. B-. in-8.
 MICHIGAN. First annual report of the Cereals products of the State. 
 (1876-77). Iu-8, 1879, 
 Report of the Special Commissioners to examine the penal, 
 reformatory, and charitable institutions of the State, 
 1871. (In-12). 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877-78. 
 (5 br, in-8). 
 Seventh abstract annual reports of the County Superin- 
 tendents of the poor of the State. (1877). Br. in-8. 
 Map of the central portion of the Upper Peninsula (1873). 
 (Fenille pliee sous convert in-32). 
 Fiftysixth annual reports of the salt inspector of the State, 
 for 1873-74. Br. in-8. East Saginaw, 1875. 
 Report of the board of fund commissioners of the State, 
 for 1877-78. Br. in-8. 
 Governor's message to Ihe Legislature, for the years 1859, 
 1861, 1863, 1864, 1869, 1870,1872, 1873, 1877. 9 brs. 
 In-8. Lansing. 
 Governor's inaugural message, 1869. Br. in-8. 
 Message de John J. Bagley, gouverneur du Michigan, 
 1875. In-8. Detroit. 
 Twelfth annual report of the board of Central of the 
 State reform schools, for the years 1868, 1869, 1870, 
 1872, 1873, (5 brs. in-12). 1874, 1877, 1878. (3 brs. 
 Eighth biennial report of the board of Trustees of the 
 Michigan Asylum for the education of the Deaf and 
 Dumb and the Blind, at Flint, for the year 1867-68 
 (in-12), 1854 to 1876. 2 vols. in-8. 
 Geological survey. Voir : Sciences naturclles : Geologie. 
 Laws of the United States granting lands to the State of 
 Michigan for ronds, railroads, harbours, &c. Br. 
 in-12, 1867. 
 Laws relating to assessing property, and for levying and 
 collecting taxes thereon. Br. in-12. Lansing, 1867.
 MICHIGAN. Tax l:iw oi'tho State, (1869) and amendments of 1871, 
 1872 and 1873. Iu-l2, Lansing. 
 Tax law, with amendments of 1875. Br. In-8. 
 General banking law, 1863. Br. in-12, Lansing. 
 Third and sixth annual reports of the Commissioners of 
 railroads of the State, 1874 and 1871. 2 vols. In 8, 
 Election laws of ihe State, with a digest of the decis ; ons 
 of the Supreme Conit, and provisions of the Con- 
 stitution and sj:atut'S of United States relating to 
 elections. In-8, 1875. 
 Compilation by the Auditor-General, of the annual re- 
 ports of the railroad corporations, 1867-71. (4 Br.). 
 In-8, Lansing. 
 Proceedings of the layinpr of the corner stone of the new 
 capitol, etc. Voir : HlSToiRE : Amerique. 
 Annual rrpoits of the board of State Auditors, 1865-75. 
 11 brs. in-8, Lansing. 
 Annual report of tho Auditor-General, for 1852, 1857, 
 1864,1867-78. 6 brs. In-12 et 10 in-8, dont 5 re- 
 liees. Lansing. 
 The debates and proceedings of the Constitutional Con- 
 vention of the State, convened at the city of Lansing, 
 Wednesday, May, loth, 1867. 2 vols. In-4to., Lan- 
 sing, 1867. 
 Transactions of the Michigan Agricultural Society, 1849 
 to 1851-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-1863-6 to 1878. 21 vols. In- 
 8, Lansing. 
 Pomological Society, first to ninth reports (1871-79). 9 
 vols. In-8, Lansing. 
 Edrnond's impeachment trial. 2 vols. In-8, Lansing. 
 Report (7th annual) of the Commissioner of railroads, for 
 1878. Br. ln-8, Lansing, 1379. 
 Report of the Pioneer. Voir: rfgrictdlwc.
 MICHIGAN. Report (first annual) of the Secretary of State, relating to 
 farms and farm products, 1878-9. In-8, Lansing. 1880 
 Report (43rd annual) of the Superintendent of public 
 instruction, for 1879. In-8, Lansing, 1880. 
 Report (18th annual) of the Secretary of the State board 
 of Agriculture, for the year ending Aug. 31st 1879. 
 ln-8, Lansing, 1880. 
 . Report (8th annual) relating to the registry and return 
 of births, manages, and deaths, for 1874. In-8, Lan- 
 sing, 1880. 
 Report (7th annual) of the Secretary of the State board of 
 health, for the year ending Sept. 30th, 1879 In-8 
 Lansing, 1880. 
 Journal of the House of Representatives of the State 
 1849, 50, 51, (2 vols.). Senate and H. 1853, 54, 57, 58, 
 59, 61, (2 vob.), 1863 (2 vol?.), 64, 65. (2 vols.), 1867 
 (3 vols.), 1869 (3 vols.), 1870, 71 (3 vols.), 1872, 73 
 (3 vols.), 1874, 75 (2 vols.), 77 (2 vols.). 35 vols. ln-8. 
 Documents accompanying the journal of. the House of 
 Representatives, 1850, 59, 61, 63, 65. 5 vols. In 8. 
 Executive journal of the Senate, for 1835-6, and first and 
 special session in 1837. In-8. Detroit, 1837. 
 Journal of the Senate, 1837,39, 1850, 53, 55, 57, 58, 59, 61, 
 62 (Senate and House), 63, 64, 65, 67, (2 vol.s) 1872. 2 
 vols the second as " impeachment " journal, 1873. (2 
 vols.) 1874, 1875, 1877, (2 vols.). 28 vols. In-8. Detroit 
 et Lansing. 
 Joint documents. Documents communicated to the Se- 
 nate an-l Hou*e of Representatives, 1843 to 1877. 
 (1848-49 excepted). 46 vols. ln-8. Detroit et Lan- 
 -Laws of Michigan, 1842, 44, 45, 46 ; 1857, 58,59, 1861. 
 1879 (1866, 68, 78 excepted). 32 vols. In-8. Lansing. 
 -Index, 1872-77 1 vol. In-8.
 MICHIGAN. Compiled laws, 1857. (2 vols.) In-8. Compiled laws of 
 1871 (2 vols.) Gd. in-8. Lansing. 
 Territorial laws, 1881, 74. 3 vols. In-8. Lansing. 
 State board of Health. (1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th reports), 
 1873, 74, 75, 77 and 1878. 5 vol . In-8. Lansing. 
 -Insurance reports (first to ninth, 1870-1878). 13 vols. 
 In-8. Lansing. 
 Report of th< Adjutant-General for 1873-74 Jand 1877-78. 
 2 br. 
 Census and statistics. 1854, 1860, 1864, 1870 et 1874. 6 
 vols. In-8. Lansing. 
 Journal of the Constitutional Convention. In- 12. Lansing, 
 Fifth, sixth and seventh reports relating to the registry 
 and return of births, marriages, and deaths 1871, 72. 
 73. 3 vols. ln-8. Lansing-. 
 Pauperism and crime in Michigan in 1874, 75. In-8, 
 Lansing. 1875. 
 Charities and corrections in Michigan, 1876, 77. In-8. 
 Report of the joint committees of the Michigan Legisla- 
 ture of 1879, on alleged management, and matters 
 therewith, in the Asylum for the Insane of Kala- 
 mazoo. In-8. Lansing, 1879. 
 Laws relative to highways and bridges, and the duties 
 of highway commissioners and overseers of highway, 
 1871. ln-8. Lansing. 
 Laws relating to highway, bridges, and drainage, &c., 
 1875. ln-8. Lansing. 
 Annual report of the Commissioners of the State laud 
 office, for the years 1860, 66, 68, 74, 77, 78. 6 brs. 
 In-8. Lansing. 
 Report of the swamp land, slate road commissioners for 
 1867-68, 1871-72, 1874, 1877 et 1878. 5 brs. ln-8. 
 MICHIGAN. Record of proceedings of th" board of Control of the State 
 swamp, land and roads, 1867-70. 
 - Documents accompanying the journal of the Senate, 1843- 
 1850, 55, 57, 58, 1861, 63, 64, 65, 57. 10 vols. In-8. 
 Report oi'th..^ Commissioners appointed to revise the laws 
 for assessment and collection of taxes. Br. ln-8. 
 Albany, N. Y. 
 The school laws of Michigan, wiih notes and forms, 1868. 
 Iu-8. And 1873. In-8. Lansing. 
 System of public instruction and primary school law. 
 lu-8. Lansing 1 , 
 The Constitution of Michigan, with amendments thereto, 
 as recommended by the Constitutional Commission 
 of 1873. Br. Iu-4to. 
 -Report of tho board of Commissioners of the Eastern 
 Michigan Asylum for the Insane, for 1877, 78 et 
 1879. 2 vois. lu-8. Lansing. 
 -Report of the Quaiter-Master-Greneral, for the years 
 1873-74. ln-8. 
 -Report of the State Military board for 1874. In-8. 
 Lansing the capital of Michigan : its advantages, natural 
 and acquired, as a center of trade and manufactures, 
 &c. Br. ln-8, 1873. Lansing. 
 -First, second, third airl fourth annual reports of the Se- 
 cretary of the State, relating to the registry and 
 return of births, marriages and deaths, for the years 
 ending April, 5rh, 1868, 69, 70, 71 and 1872. 5 brs. 
 In 8. Lansing. 
 -(Insane, deaf, &c.). Second, third, fifth and sixth annual 
 abstracts of statistical informations relative to the 
 Insane, Deaf, Dumb and Blind. (1874, 1&75, 1878, 
 1879). 4Br. In-8. Lansing. 
 -Laws relating to the public health, 1879. In-8. Lansing.
 MICHIGAN. Ninth, twelfth ami fifteenth annual reports of the officers 
 of the Detroit House of correction to the Common 
 Council of the city of Detroit (1870. 1873, 1876). 3 
 brs. In 8. Detroit. 
 First, second and ihird (1873-74, 1875-76 and 1877-78) 
 reports of the State Commissioners and Superinten- 
 dent on state fisheries. 3 brs. ln-8. Lansing. 
 First and fifth annual reports (1871-1874 and 1878) of 
 the State public school for dependent children. 2 
 brs. ln-8. Lansing. 
 Animal report of the Superintendent of the St. Mary's 
 F.ills Miip Canal, for 1871, 74, 77 78. 4 brs. In-8. 
 Animal report of the Superintendent of Public instruc- 
 tion, and aecom paying documents, 1853 to 1878 
 (1854 excepte). 22 vols. In 8. Lansing. 
 School funds and school laws of Michigan: with notes 
 and forms. To which are added elements of school 
 architecture, &c. 1 vol. In-8. Lansing. 1859. 
 First and second annual reports of rhe board of managers 
 of the State House of correction and reformatory at 
 Iowa, for 1877. Br. In-8. Lansing. 
 Fifth and sixth annual abstracts of the reports of Sheriffs 
 relating to jails, for 1877. In-8. 
 Annual report of the Inspectors of the State Prisons, for 
 1866, 68, 69, 75, 78. 5 brs. ln-8. Lansing. 
 Abstract of the annual reports of the County Superin- 
 tendents of the poor of the State, for the year 1853. 
 B r . ln-8. Landing. 
 Annual reports of the State Treasurer, lor 1864, 68, 69. 
 70, 72, 77, 78. 7 brs. In-8. Lansing. 
 Second annual report of the State Inspector of illuminat- 
 ing oil, for 1878. Br. In-8. Lansing. 
 -University <-f Michigan. A general catalogue of the 
 officers ;ind graduates, fron its organization in 1837 
 to 1864. Br. li,-i*. Ann Arbour.
 MICHIGAN. Catalogue of the officers and students of the University, 
 with a statement of the course of instruction, for 
 1864, 1866, 1866-67, 1868-69, 1873-74, 1874-75, 
 1877-78. 7 brs. Iu-8. Ann Jlrbour. 
 Testimony taken in an investigation before a joint com- 
 mittee of the Legislature of 1875, touching the admi- 
 nistration of the affairsof the State prison at Jackson. 
 In-8. Lansing 
 Speech of Hon. M. D. "Wilkes in the Senate of Michigan, 
 1873, advocating the construction of the Michigan 
 Ship Canal. In-8. 1873. 
 Annual report of the Adjutant-General (1862-60). 6 vols. 
 In-8. Lansing. 
 Laws of the State relating to the support of poor per- 
 sons. 1 11-3. Lansing, 1878. 
 Joint documents of the State for 1878. 3 vols. Gr. in-8. 
 Lansing, 1879. 
 MINNESOTA. The general statutes of the State as amended by sub- 
 sequent legislation, prepared by George B. Young. 
 G-d. in-8. Saint- Paul, 1879. 
 Journal of the Senate (2lst session of the Legislature). 
 In-8. Saint- Paul, 1879. 
 Journal of the House of Representatives (21st session). 
 ln-8. Saint-Paul, 1879. 
 Annual report of the railroad commissioners, for the 
 year ending Jane 80, 1879. Br. In-8. Saint-Paul, 1880. 
 Special laws passed during the 21st session of the 
 State Legislature, (Jan. 7th to March, 7th 1879). In-8. 
 Minneapolis, 1879. 
 Nineteenth annual report of the Superintendent of 
 public instruction, for the year ending August 31st, 
 1874. lu-8. Minneapolis, 1879. 
 Second annual report of the public examine of the 
 State, for 1879. Iu-8. Saint-Paul.
 MINNESOTA. Annual report of the Secretary of State, 1879. Br. In-8. 
 Sainl-Paid, 1880. 
 Minnesota. reports, vol. 24. Cases argued and deter- 
 mined in the Supreme Court. July 1877. April, 1878. 
 George Young, reporter. In-8. Saint-Paul, 1879. 
 Journal of the Senate, sitting as a High Court impeach- 
 ment, for the trial of Hon. Sherman Pg^, judge of 
 the tenth judicial district. 3vol. In-8. Saint-Paul, 
 Statistics for 1878. ln-8. Minneapolis, 1879. 
 General laws of the State, (21st session, 1879) In-8. 
 MISSOURI. Thirteenth annual report of the State board of Agricul- 
 ture of the State of Missouri, for 1878. ln-8. Jeffer- 
 son Gity, 1879. 
 NEBRASKA. Report of cases in the Supreme Court of Nebraska, 
 188u. Vol. X. (By Geog. A. Brown. In-8. Lincoln. 
 NEW YORK. Journal of the Assembly of the State (1879). In-8. 
 Documents of the Asserrbly (1878). Yol. 5 and 7, and 
 1879 vol. 1 to 7. 9 vols. In-8. 
 Journal of the Senate (1879). In-8. Albany. 
 Documents of the Senate (1878), vol. 1 and 2 ; and 
 1879, vol. 1 and 2. 4 vols. In-8. 
 28th, 30th and 31st annual reports of the New-York 
 State Museum on Natural history, by the, requests of 
 the University (1875, 1877, 1878). 3 vols. Iu-8. 
 Albany, 1879. 
 61st annual report of the Trustees of the State library, 
 for 1878. In-8. Albany, 1879. 
 The centennial celebration. Voir : Beach. 
 Ninety-first and ninety-second annual reports of the 
 ivo-.Mits of the University. 2 vols. In-8. Many 
 1878, 1879.
 40 DR01T AMElUCAItf. 
 NEW- YORK. University of the State. First commencement. Br. 
 In-8. Albany, 1879. 
 Laws of I he. State, passed in the 102nd session (1879). 
 lii-8. Albany. 
 Report (first annual) of the commissioners of the State 
 Parks of the State of New-York. Tn-8. Albany, 
 18 7 4. (22 pages). 
 Paschal (George W.). The constitution of the United States de- 
 lined and carefully annotated. In-8. Washington, 
 PENNSYLVANIA. 50th or semi-centennial report of the Inspectors of 
 the State Penitentiary, for the year 1879, In-8. 
 Philadelphia, 1880. 
 Robertson (Jno.). The flags of Michigan. In-8. Lansing,]!!. 
 SOUTH CAROLINA. Acts and joint resolutions of the General-Assem- 
 bly, passed at Ihe session of 1879 and extra session of 
 1880. In-8. Colombia, 1880. 
 Stephen (Sir Jas. F.) A digest of the criminal law (crimes and 
 punishments). In-32. Saint-Louis, 1878, 
 CABINET LAWER (the). A popular digest of the laws of England, 
 civil, criminal and constitutional. 25th edition. In-8, 
 London, 1879. 
 Chalmers (M. D.). A digest of law of Bills of Exchange. Promis- 
 sory Notes and Cheques. In-8. London, 1878. 
 INDEX. A general index to the English common laws report?. 
 Volumes 84 to 118. Vol. Ill, supplement, ln-8, 
 Philadelphia, 1879.
 Evans (Wm.). A treatise upon the law of principal and agent 
 in contract and tort. ln-8. London, 1878; 
 Finlason (W. F.). The history, constitution, and character of the 
 judicial committee of the Privy Council, considered 
 as a judicial tribunal: especially in ecclesiastical 
 cases. I n-8. London, 1879. 
 Godefroi (Henry). A digest of the principles of the law of trust 
 and trustees. I n-8. London, 1879. 
 Hall's essay on the rights of the Crown and the privileges of the 
 subject in the Sea Shores of the realm. 2nd edition, 
 by Richard Loveland. tn-8. London, 1875. 
 Kerr (R. M.). The student's Blackstone ; being the comment- 
 aries on the laws of England of Sir "W. Blackstone, 
 abridged and adapted to ihe present state of the 
 law. Iu-12. London, 1879. 
 Kerr ("W. W.). A treatise on the law and practice of Injunction. 
 2nd edition. Jn-8. London, 1878. 
 LAW REPOP.TS (the). Queen's Bench division. Reported by A. P. 
 Stone & Edm. Lumley ; In the court of Crown cases 
 reserved, by Cyril Dodd, and in the Court of appeal, 
 by H. Holroyd and John Edm. Hall. Vol. IV. (1878- 
 79). I n-8. London, 1879. 
 Chancery. Cnses determined by the Chancery di- 
 vision of the High Court of Justice and by the C:iief 
 Judge in bankruptcy, and by the Court of A;^";il on 
 appeal from the Chancery division and th* 1 chief 
 Judg.< and in lunacy. Vols. X, XI, XII, (1878-79). 
 3 vols. I n-8. London, 1879. 
 LAW REPORTS. Appeal cases before the House of Lords (Kn 
 Irish and Scotch) and judicial committee of H -i M a, 
 jesty's the Hon. Privy Council. Reported by Chs. 
 Claik. John MacQueen, Herbert Cowell. V< i. IV, 
 (1878-79). In-8. London, 1879.
 LAW REPORTS Digest of cases decided by the House of Lords, ihe 
 Privy Council, the Court of Appeal, &c. (1875-1878). 
 Compiled by Martin Ware and John Edw. Hall. 
 In-8. London, 1879 
 -Exchequer division reported by . las. Moorsom and 
 Alrx. Mortimer, and in ihe Court of Appeal, by H 
 Holroyd and John Hall. Edited by Jas. R. Boul- 
 mer. Vol. IV, (1878-1879). In-8. London, 1879. 
 Probate division. Vol. IV, (1878-79). In-8. London, 
 -Common pleas division reported by John Scott and 
 John Rose, and, in the Court of Appeal, by Henry 
 Hoiroyd and John Ed. Hall. Edited by Jas. Red- 
 foord Bnlwer. Vol. V, (1&78-79, XL11 Vic.) In-8. 
 London, 1879. 
 Lees' Laws of British Shipping and of marine insurance, edited 
 and revised to the present time, by John C. Bighiira, 
 10th edition, ln-8. London, 1877. 
 Paterson (Jas.). Reports of Scotch appeals in the House of Lords, 
 A. D. 1851 to 1873, with tables of all the cases cited, 
 notes, and copious index. 2 vols. Grd. ln-8. Edin- 
 burgh, 1879. 
 STATUTES. The public general statutes, 42nd and 43rd Vic. 1879. 
 "With a list of the local and private acts, tables show- 
 ing the effect of the year's legislation, and a copious 
 index. Vol. XIV. In-8. London, 1879. 
 Thomson (J. Turnbull). Social problems. An inquiry into the 
 law of influences. In-8. London, 1878. 
 Wilson (Arthur). The Supreme Court of Judicature acts ap- 
 pellate jurisdiction act, Ib76, rules of Court and 
 forms, with other acts, orders, rules, and regulations 
 relating to the Supreme Court of Justice. With 
 practical notes. 2nd edition, ln-8. London, 1878.
 Amos (Sheldon). Fifty years of the English Constitution. 1830- 
 1880. In-12. Boston, 1880. 
 Bagehot (W.). La constitution anglaise. Traduit de 1'anglaii 
 par M. Gaulhiac. In-12. Paris, 1869. 
 Bisset (Andrew). The history of the struggle for parliamentary 
 government in England. 2 vol. In-8. London, 1877. 
 Bracton (Henricus de). De l' j gibus et consuetudinibus Anclise. 
 Libri quinque in varios tractatus distincti. Edited 
 by Sir Travers Twiss. 2 vols. Grd. iu-8. London, 
 1878, 1879. 
 Brougham (H. Lord). The British Constitution its history, 
 at ructure and working, 2nd edition. In-12. London 
 Historical sketches of statesmen who flourished in the 
 time ot George II I, 3 vols. ln-18. London, 1855. 
 Burrows. (Constitutional progress). Voir: Histoire cVAngletei re. 
 Chandler (R.) The history of proceedings of the House of Com- 
 mons from th -\ restoration to the present time. Con- 
 taining the most remarkable motions, speeches, 
 resolutions, reports and conferences, &c.,&c. 14 vols. 
 ln-8. London, 1742. 
 COMMONS JOURNALS Yoir : Journals. 
 IU ->\RD PARLIAMENTARY DKBATES, 1879,1880. 13vol. In-8, London. 
 JOURNALS of the House of Lords (41st Vic., 1878). In-folio. London. 
 JOURNALS of the House of Lords. (42 Vic., 1878-79). Vol. CXI. 
 Folio. London, 1879. 
 JOURNALS of the House of Commons Vol. 184, 1878-79. (42 & 
 43 Vic.) Folio. London.
 Lolme (de). Constitution de 1'Angleterre, ou etat du gouverne- 
 nemcnt anglais, compare avec la ibrine republicaine 
 et les am res monarchies de 1'Europe. 5e edition 
 augmentee de notes, in-8. Paris, 1879. 
 LORDS JOURNALS. Voir : Journal*. 
 May (Sir Th. Erskiue). A treatise on the law, privileges, proceed- 
 ings and usage of Parliament. 8:h edition. 8vo- 
 petit-infolio* London. Viz : 
 Vois. 1 to 9. Bills, public. 
 Vols. 10 to 18. Reports from committees. Viz: 
 Vol. 10. Accounts, public, Army and mutiny acts, 
 Indian native troops. 
 Vol. 11. Commons, contagious diseases, country 
 courts, Ecclesiastical buildings. 
 Vol. 12. East India (public works.) 
 Vol. 13. Freshwater fish. Gold and silver. Clare 
 county writ. Parliamentary, &c., elections. 
 Vol. 14. Intemperance. 
 Vol. 15. Irish land act, 1870. Land titles and 
 Vol. 16. Local government (Ireland). Lunacy law. 
 Manchester water. Merchant seamen. Metro- 
 polis, &c., buildings acts. 
 Vol. 17. Parliamentary reporting. Poor law guar- 
 Vol. 18. Public business. Public health act, 
 Tramways, Turnpike, "Weights, &c. 
 Vol. 19 to 45. Reports from Commissioners. Viz : 
 Vol. ;9. Army, Examinations, pay accountants, re- 
 cruting, &c. Navy (H. M. S. Inflexible). Lon- 
 don Stock Exchange.
 Vol. 20. Factories, mines. 
 Vol. 21. Fisheries. Explosives. 
 Vol. 22. Births, deaths and marriages. 
 Vol. 23. Public works (Ireland), City of Dublin. 
 Local government. 
 Vol. 24. Caledonian Canal. Charitable donations, 
 Vol. 25. Judicature acts. Enclosure. Loan fund; 
 Mint; Public works. Railway; Tithes. Veter- 
 inary, woods, forests. 
 Vol. 26. Grocer's licences (Scotland). Inland re- 
 Vol. 27. Civil service. 
 Vol. 28. Education (England and Wales). 
 Vol. 29. Education (Ireland). 
 Vol. 30-31. Education (Scotland). 
 Vol. 32-35. University of Scotland. 
 Vol. 36. Science and arts. National Gallery. Pa- 
 tents, weights, &c. 
 Vol. 37. Local government board. 
 Vol. ?8. Local government board (Ireland). Poor 
 relief and scattered. 
 Vol. 39. Lunacy (England, Ireland and Scotland). 
 Vol. 40 Police (England and Scotland). Dublin 
 Vol. 41. Prisons (Great Britain). 
 Vol. 42. Prisons (England, Ireland and Scotland). 
 Vol. 43. Convict prisons. 
 Vol. 44. Noxious vapours. 
 Vol. 45. Public records (England and Ireland)
 Vol. 46 to 84. Accounts and papers. 
 Vol. 46. Finance, &c. 
 Vol. 47-48. Army. Estimates. Militia and volon- 
 teer army. Manufacturing establishments. Me- 
 dical department. 
 Vol. 49-52. Navy. Estimates, manufactures, ship- 
 building, health, artic expedition. 
 Vol. 53-54. Estimates. Civil services. 
 Vol. 55-56. Colonies and British possessions. 
 Vol. 57-8-9. East India. 
 Vol. 60. Charities. Ecclesiastic il, Education, Sci-- 
 ence and art. 
 Vol. 61. House, Elections, Miscellaneous. 
 Vol. 62. Members of Parliament. 
 Vol. 63. Law and crime. Lunacy, police, prisons. 
 Vol. 61-65. Local government, and taxation, &c. 
 Vol. 66. Railways, tramways, highways, turnpike, 
 Vol. 67. Shipping, harbours, pilotage, silver trade. 
 Vol. 68. Trade, &c. 
 Vol. 69. Trade, and friendly societies, &c.- 
 Vol. 70. Trade and navigation accounts. 
 Vol. 71. Trade, navigation and shipping. 
 Vol. 72-76. Commercial reports. 
 Vol 77. Statistical tables. United Kingdom. 
 Vol. 78. Statistical tables. Colonies. 
 Vol. 79. Judicial statistics. Land owners (Ireland). 
 Vol. 80. State papers. (America), &c. 
 Vol. 81-83 State papers, (Tuikoy). 
 Vol. 84. Numerical list and index.
 Votes and. proceedings. 2 vols. Folio. 
 Reports on public petitions, and appendix. 2 vols. fol. 
 Private business. 1 vol. Folio. 
 Divisions. 1 vol. Fol. 
 .Notices of Motions. 3vol. Folio. 
 Agricultural statistics, Ireland, 1879. General ab- 
 stracts showing the acreage under crops, also num- 
 ber and description of live stock in each county and 
 province, 1878-79. Dublin, 1879. (19 pages). 
 Agricultural returns of Great Britain, with abstracts 
 returns for the U. K., 1879. London, 1879. 
 -The report of the president of the Queen's College, 
 Gal way, for 1878-79. 8vo. Dublin, 1879. (16 pages). 
 -Twenty-fourth annual report of the register-general 
 on births, deaths, and mariages registered in Scotland 
 during 1878, and 4th annual report on vaccination. 
 8vo. Edinburgh, 1879. 
 -Twenty-second report of the Commissioners of H. M. 
 Inland revenue on the Inland revenue for the year 
 ended 31st March 1879. 8vo. London, 1880. 
 Twenty-first report of the Postmaster-general on the 
 Post office. 8vo. London, 1879. 
 Report by F. Buckland and S. Walpole, inspectors 
 of fisheries for England and Wales and commission- 
 ers sea fisheries on the sea fisheries of England and 
 "Wales. 8vo. London, 1879. 
 'PARLIAMENTARY DOCUMENTS OF ENGLAND, for the year 1879. 82 vols. 
 Petit in-!blio. London. Viz: 
 Vol. I to VII. Bills Public.
 Vol. VIII to XVI. Reports of Committees. Viz: 
 Vol. VIII. Accounts, public; Clare writ; Com- 
 mons ; contagious diseases acts. 
 Vol. IX. Co-operative stores ; Coroners Bill ; East 
 India (public works) ; East India Railway 
 Vol. X. Food and Drugs' Bill; Mr. Coffin ; Hall- 
 marking ; intemperance ; Kitchen and Refresh- 
 ment Rooms ; Privilege. 
 Vol. XI. Land titles and transfer; Law of libel ; 
 Lighting by electricity. 
 Vol. XII. Medical act, 1858 amendment; Parlia- 
 mentary reporting ; Poor removal. 
 Vol. XIII. Sugar industries; Summary jurisdiction; 
 Thames River (prevention of floods). 
 Vol. XIV. Tramways; Turnpike acts continuance ; 
 "Wine duties. 
 Vol. XV to XLI. Reports of Commissioners. Viz: 
 Vol. XV. Army (clothing establishment); Recrnting ; 
 Patriotic fund; Volunteer force; H. M. S. 
 " Thunderer. " 
 Vol. XVI. Alkali acts; Explosives; factories. 
 Vol. XVII. Fisheries. 
 Vol. XVI11. Mines. 
 Vol. XIX. Births, Deaths, and Manages (Enghui ', 
 Scotland and Ireland). 
 Vol. XX. Caledonian canal; Charities; Ch-irch 
 states, &c. ; Copyhold; Criminal Code ; Cus- 
 toms; Ecclesiastical; Inclosure; Inland revci.ue. 
 Vol. XXI. Loan fund board (Ireland); Mint; Mo- 
 netary conference (Paris); Official statistics; 
 office; Public works; Railways; Tithes; V t<> 
 rinary Department; Woods, Forest, &c.
 Vol. XX11. Civil service. 
 Vol. XXI IT. Education (England and Wales). 
 Vol. XXIV. National education (Ireland); Queen's 
 College; Queen's University. 
 Vol. XXV. Education (Scotland). 
 Vol. XXVI. Science and art; Meteorology; Natio- 
 nal Gr.illery ; Portrait Gallery; Patents, "Weights 
 and Measures. 
 Vol. XXVII. Exhibition of 1851. 
 Vol. XXVIII. Local government Board. 
 Vol. XXIX. Local government Board (continued). 
 Vol. XXX. Local government Board (Ireland) ; Poor 
 relief (Scotland). 
 Vol. XXXI. Poor law Union and Lunacy inquiry 
 (Ireland); Registration of Deeds, &c. (Ireland). 
 Vol. XXXII. Lunacy (England, Ireland & Scotland). 
 Vol. XXXIII. Police. Counties and Boroughs; 
 Scotland ; Dublin Hospitals. 
 Vol. XXXI V. Prisons. England ; Scotland; Military; 
 Vol. XXXV. Convjct Prisons. 
 Vol. XXXVI. Reformatory and Industrial schools. 
 Vol. XXXVII. Penal servitude acts. 
 Vol. XXXVIII. Penal servitude acts (continued). 
 Vol. XXXIX. Public Records (England & Ireland). 
 Vol. XL. Historical Manuscripts. 
 Vol. XLI. Thames Traffic. 
 Vol. XLII to LXXXI. Accounts and Papers. Viz: 
 Vol. XLII. Finance, &c.
 Vol. XLIII. Array, Estimates; Army, Militia, and 
 Vol. XLIV. Army. Manufacturing establishment; 
 Medical Department. 
 Vol. XLV. Navy. Estimates, &c. 
 Vol. XLVI. Navy. Health ; Manufactures, &c. 
 Vol. XLV1I. Navy. Shipbuilding, &c. ; Victualling 
 Vol. XLV1II. Estimates (civil services, revenue 
 Departments, &c ). 
 Vol. XLIX. Estimates (civil services, revenue De- 
 partments, &c. (continued). 
 Vol. L. Colonies and British Possessions. 
 Vol. LI. Colonies & British possessions (continued). 
 Vol. L1I. Colonies & British possessions (continued). 
 Vol. LIU. Colonies & British possessions (continued). 
 Vol.. LIV. Colonies & British possessions (continued). 
 Vol. LV. East India. 
 Vol. LVI. East India (continued). 
 Vol. LVII. Charities ; Ecclesiastical ; Education ; 
 Science and art. 
 Vol LVIII. House Election ; Miscellaneous. 
 Vol. LIX. Law and Crime ; Police ; Prisons. 
 Vol. LX. Local government ; Local taxation, &c. 
 Vol. LXI. Local government ; Local taxation, &c., 
 Vol. LXII. Railway's accidents. 
 Vol. LXUL Railways (continued); Tramways 
 Highways ; Turnpikes, &c.
 Vol. LXIV. Shipping; Harbours; Pilotage 
 Wrecks, &c. 
 Vol. LXV. Trade, &c. 
 Vol. LXVI. Trade, &c. (continued). 
 Vol. LXV II. Tiade and Navigation accounts. 
 Vol. LXVI1I. Trade and Navigation and Shipping 
 (United Kingdom and East India). 
 Vol. LXIX. Commercial Reports. 
 Vol. LXX. Commercial Reports (continued). 
 Vol. LXXI. Commercial Reports (continued). 
 Vol. LXXII. Commercial Reports (continued). 
 Vol. LXXI1I. Commercial Reports (continued). 
 Vol. LXXIV. Statistical Tables; Abstract (United 
 Kingdom); Miscellaneous. 
 Vol. LXXV. Statistical Tables (continued); Colo- 
 nies; East India; Foreign countries; Agricul- 
 ture ; Emigration, &c. 
 Vol. LXXVI. Judicial statistics (England, Ireland, 
 Vol. LXXVII. State papers. America; Asia; Bel- 
 gium; Borneo; France; Germany; Greece; 
 Italy ; Netherlands ; Servia ; Spain ; Switzerland. 
 Vol. LXXVIII. Slate papers (continued); Egypt. 
 Vol. LXX1X. State papers (continued) ; Turkey. 
 Vol. LXXX. State papers (continued); Turkey, 
 Vol. LXXX1. State papers (continued) ; Turkey, 
 Vol. LXXXI1. Parliamentary papers 1878-79. Nu- 
 rrenc;il list and alphabetical Index. Table and 
 Index to Public General Acts. 1878-79.
 Votes and Proceedings. Petit in-folio. 
 Supplement to Notes and Proceedings. Petit in-folio. 
 Public Petitions. Petit in-foiio. 
 Private Business. Petit in-folio. 
 Divisions. Petit in-folio. 
 Notice of Motions. 4 vols. Petit in-folio. 
 Ellis (C. T.) Practical remarks and precedents of proceeding 
 in parliament on private bills. 2nd edition. In-8. 
 London, 1810. 
 HANSARD'S PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES, Third scries: commencing with 
 the accession of William IV. Vols. 243 to 256. 
 (1878-79). 13 vols. Gd. in-8. London. 
 General Index to session 1879. (Vol. CCXLIX, part 
 V.) In-8. London, 1879. 
 General index to session 1880. (Vol. 251). In-8. 
 London, 1880. 
 Leigh (Hon. C.) and LeMarchant (H. D.) A guide to election 
 law and the law and practice of election petitions. 
 2nd edition, ln-18. London, 1874. 
 Pickering (Percival Andree). Remarks on treating and other 
 matters relating to the election of members of 
 Parliament, and some recent decisions of Com- 
 mittees of the House of Commons. 2nd edition. 
 In-8. London, 1852. 
 REPORTS of the decisions of the Judges for the trial of election 
 petitions, pursuant to the parliamentary election 
 act, 1863. Vol. III. Part. II. In-8. London, 1880 
 Ross (Chs.). Record of the Votes and Proceedings of the House 
 of Lords in public matteis, for the year 1862 & 1863 
 2 vols. In-8. London.
 ACTS OF PARLIAMENT, Session of 1879. Br. Petit in-folio. Cap* 
 Town, 1880. 
 VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS of the Parliament for 1879. Petit in-folio. 
 Cape Town. 
 Appendix No. 1. 3 vols. Petit in-folio. Ap- 
 pendix No. 2. 2 vols. In-8. Cape Town, 1880. 
 BLUE BOOK for the year 1878. In-folio. 
 DOCUMENTS of the Legislative Assembly, 1879. Folio. 
 ESTIMATES and probable expenditure of the government of New 
 South Wales, for the year 1880. Petit in folio. Sydney, 
 GLEBE ISLAND ABATOIR. Abatoir inquiry linal report with minutes of 
 evidence of the board. Folio. Sydney, 1879. 
 INDKX to Votes and Proceedings. 1879-80. Folio. 
 LETTERS of regi tration of Inventions under 16 Victoria, for 1876. 
 Folio, 1879. 
 PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES, session 1879-80. In-8. Si/ditey. 
 RAILWAY REPORT by the Commissioners for Railways, for the year 
 1878. In folio. Sydney, 18 7 9. 
 RAILWAYS AND TRAMWAYS. Report of the Commissioner for 1879 
 Petit in-folio, Sydney. 
 REPORT upon certain Museums for technology, science, and :nt, 
 &c. ^cientiiic, professional, and technical induction 
 and systems of evening classes in Great Britain and 
 on th continent of Europe, by A. Liversid-jr. . Folio. 
 Sydney, 1880,
 STATISTICAL REGISTER for 1878. Folio. Sydney, 1879. 
 STATUTES (public and private), with reserved bills, 42 and 43 
 Vic. Session 1878-79. and 43-44 Vic. Session 1879- 
 80. 2 volF. petit in-folio. Sydney, 1880. 
 STATISTICAL REGISTER for the year 1879. Petit in-folio. Sydney, 
 TOURISTS Railway Map (information). F. 1879. 
 UNIVERSITY of Sydney (report for 1878.) Folio 
 VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS of the Legislative Assembly In-4to, Sydney, 
 STATISTICS of thn Colony of Tasmania for the year 1878. Folio. 
 Hobart-town, 1879. 
 STATISTICS of the Colony for the year 1879. Folio. Hobart-town, 
 ACTS OF PARLIAMENT. 42 Vic. (1878). In-4to. Melbourne. 
 . 43 Vic. (1879-80. In-4to. Melbourne, 1880. 
 -44 Vic.. 1880. In-4to. Melbourne, 1880. 
 PAP,RS presented to both HOUSPS of Parliament by His Excellency 
 1 he governor, (session 1878). 2 vol. In-fol. Melbourne. 
 PAPERS presented to both Houses of Parliament, session of 1879-80. 
 3 vol. Folio. Melbourne. 
 VOTES A-D PROCEEDINGS of the Legislative Assembly (session 1878, 
 1879 and 1880), with copies of various documents 
 ordered by the Assembly to be printed. 5 vols. Folio- 
 VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS of the Legislative Council, session of 1878, 
 1879 and 1880. "With various documents ordered. 
 3 vols. In folio. Melbourne, 1878-1880.
 LATURE, &c. 
 ACTE pour amender et refondre les diffe rents actes concernant le 
 Notariat. B.C. 183. 
 ACTE Seigneurial de 1854. Avec table analytique et alphabetiqne, 
 par un avocat. ln-12. Montrta^ 1855. B. C. vol. 205. 
 ACTS of the Parliament of the Dominion of Canada, 41st Viet., (re- 
 served). Viz: Statutes 42nd, Vic., 1879. 
 ADRESSE demandant de faire mettre devant la Chambre copie de 
 1'ordre en conseil ordonnant la mise a la retraite du 
 greffier de la Chambre d'Assemblee de la province 
 de Quebec, G-eorge M. Muir, ecuier, et aussi copie 
 de toute correspondance entre le gouvernement ou 
 aucun de ses membres et M. Muir, relativement a 
 sa retraite, 14 juillet 1879. B. C. Vol. 194. 
 ADRESSE demandant copie du rapport d'un comite de 1'Honorable 
 Conseil Executif, en date du 13 mai 1879, approuv6 
 par le lieut.-gouverneur, le 14 mai 1879. 
 ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE. Voir : Report of the Minister of Agri- 
 culture, 1867. (Printed 1869). 
 Akin s (Thomas B.) Selections from public documents. The 
 translation from trench, by B,nj. Curran. I;i-3. 
 Halifax, 1869. 
 Analytical digest, &c. Voir: Stevens. 
 ANSWER to an address of the Legislative Assembly of the province 
 of Quebec, dated the 27th June last, to His Honor 
 Left. Govr. asking for a statement of the outlay on 
 account of the colonization grant since last session, 
 showing the amount expended in each county. 19 
 July, 1879, Anglais et frai^is, B. C. 191.
 A.NWER to an address of the L^JJ. A*s. of the Province of Quebec 
 (27 June) to His Honor Lt. Governor, asking for all 
 the tenders sent to the Department of Public Works, 
 respecting the heating apparatus for the Public De- 
 partment now in construction, as well as all corres- 
 pondence relating to such tenders. Br. In-8. Quebec. 
 ANSWER to an address of the Leg. Ass , dated the llth Aug. 1879, 
 to His Honor the Lt. G-ovr. praying for copies of the 
 contract for the building of the Bridge over the 
 Ottawa, opposite Hull, and of all tenders, corres- 
 pondence or documents relating to the building of 
 the said bridge, ln-8. Quebec,, 1879. 
 ANSWER to an adress of the Legislative Assembly of tho Province 
 of Quebec, dated 10th of July, 1879, to His Honor the 
 Lt. Governor, asking for : 
 1st. Copies of all Orders in Council, since the 
 month of May, 1878, re-establishing the Prov- 
 incial police, the number of men and officers, 
 the salaries of each. 
 2nd. Statement showing the expenses incurred 
 for the transport of prisoners from Quebec to 
 the Penitentiary, to the Reformatory School 
 (at Montreal) and for the transport of lunatics 
 ofBeauport to Longue-Pointe, between 1st. 
 May, 1878, to the 30th June, 1879. 
 3rd. Statement showing the expenses incurred 
 for the execution of warrants at Quebec during 
 the same period. 
 4th. Statement showing the amount of the fees 
 p:iid to the government, and appartaining to 
 the Provincial Police, in the cases of Revenue 
 Collector, at Montreal, from the 1st June, 1877 
 to 1st. May, 1878. In-8. Quebec, 1879. 
 ANSWER to an address, &c., praying for copies of all papers, do- 
 cuments, letters, &c., relating to the dismissal of 
 Hypolite Corneillier, Revenue officer, for the District 
 of Joliette.
 ANSWER to an address of the Legislative Assembly, asking for : 
 1st A statement showing the sum paid by the 
 government to the Baie des Chaleurs railway 
 Co., and the total amount of subsidy to which 
 that company was or would have been en- 
 titled by law ; 
 2nd. Copies of all reports made by any engineer 
 officer of the government in reference to the 
 said railway, &c. 
 ANSWER to an address of the Legislative Assembly of the Province 
 of Quebec, 27 June 1874, asking for a statement of 
 the outlay on account of the colonization grant 
 since last session, showing the amount expended in 
 each county. 
 ARBITRAGE ENTRE QUEBEC ET ONTARIO. Arbitration between Ontario 
 and Quebec, under the British North America Act, 
 1867. ln-8. 
 Archambault (.1. L.) Etude legale Eeponse a certainos ques- 
 tions concernant les succursales de I'TJniversite Laval 
 a Montreal, avec commentaires. (52 pages). In-12. 
 Montreal, 1880. B. C. 205. 
 Armstrong (James). A treatise on the law relating to the marriages 
 in Lowvr Canada. In-8. Montreal, 1857 (46 page's). 
 B.C. Vol 211. 
 ARTICLES of agreement entered into in connection with the Pacific 
 Hallway. In-8. Ottawa, 1880. 
 Austin (F. W. G.) Remarks on the Fisheries Bill, addressed to 
 the Hon. A. Campbell, commissioner of Crown 
 Lands, ln-8. Quebec, 1875. (23 pages). B. C. 
 Vol. 214. 
 AYLWARDS (the) and their orphans. In just hanging of prisoners 
 at Br-llerille; trial for murder and proofs of their 
 innocence. In-8. Quebec, 1863. (16 pages). Vol.214. 
 Execution des Aylwards. Le rnari et la femme pendus. 
 In-12. Quebec. (20 pages). B. C. Vol. 214.
 Bachand (Hon. P.) Speech on the Budget, (18ih June 1878). 
 In-8. (28 pages). Quebec, 1878. B. C. Vol. 192 et 193. 
 Sa notice biographique extraite de Y Union. Son discours 
 sur le budget, 18 juin, 1878 Discours de THon. M. 
 Church, 19 juin. 'B. C. Vol. 193. 
 Barren (John A.) The bills of sale and chattel mortgage acts of 
 Ontario, being a complete and exhaustive annotation, 
 of the revised statutes of Ontario, Chap. CXIX, and of 
 the mortgages and sales of per.-onal property amend- 
 ment acts, 1880. In-8. Toronto, 1880. 
 Bellefeuille (E. Lef. de). Le Code Civil annote, etant le Code 
 Civil du Bas-Canada (en force depuis le ler aout 
 1866) tel qu'amende jusqu'au ler Octobre 1879; 
 auquel on a ajoute les autorites citees par les codifi- 
 cateurs et uu grand nombre d'autres references aux 
 sources du droit, la jurisprudence desarrets, diverses 
 annotations, et line table alphabetique et analytique 
 des matieres. Gd. in-8. Montreal, 1879. 
 BILL. Judicature Bill. An act to consolidate the Superior Courts ; 
 establish a uniform system of pleading and practice* 
 and make a further provision for the due administra- 
 tion of justice, ln-8 royal. Toronto, 1881. 
 BREVETS. Reglements et formnles du bureau des brevets du Ca- 
 nada, ler Sept. 1872. In-12. (25 pages). B. C. Vol. 199. 
 38 Viet. Chap. 14. Acte pour amender de nouveau 
 1'acte des Brevets de 1872, et pour etendre 1'appli- 
 cation de cet acte ainsi amende a 1'Ile du Prince 
 Edouard. In-12. (16 pages). B. C. Vol. 199. 
 Patent case. Barter vs. Smith. In-12. (24 pao-es). 
 B. C. Vol. 199. 
 CANADA LAW JOURNAL (the). Vol. 15 et vol. 16. 2 vols. In-8. To- 
 ronto, 1879 et 1880. 
 1880. Edited by C. H. Mackintosh. In 18. Ottawa, 
 CENSUSES OF CANADA, 1608 to 1876. Kecensements du Canada. 
 Statistics- Statistiqnes. Vol. 5. In. 8. Ottawa, 1878. 
 Church (Hon. L- Ruggles). Discours sur le budget, prononce a 
 1'Assemblee Legislative, le ler Decerabre 1876. (44 
 pages). 8vo. Quebec, 1877. B. C. Vol. 198. 
 Speech on the Budget, delivered in the Legislative As- 
 sembly of the Province of Quebec, 1st Dec. 1876. 
 (18 pages petit texte). 8vo. Montreal. B. C, Vol. 198. 
 Speech on the Budget delivered in the Legislative As- 
 sembly, Quebec, 31st January, 1878. (56 pages). 8vo, 
 Montreal, 1878. B. C. Vol. 198. 
 CincuLAiRE DU BUREAU des brevets d'inventions, contenant racte de 
 la propriete litteraire et artistique, &c. (34 pages). 
 8vo. Quebec, 1869. B. C. Vol. 184. 
 Clarke (S. R.) The Magistrates'? Manual ; being annotations of 
 the various acts relating to the rights, powers, and 
 duties of Justice of the Peace, with a summary of 
 the Criminal law. In-8. Toronto, 1878. 
 CODS of Lower Canada, together with a synopsis of changes in 
 the law references to the reports of the Commission- 
 ers, a concordance with the Code Napoleon and Code 
 de commerce, &c , by Thomas McCord. 3rd edition^ 
 with notes, &e., by H. D. Nicolls. lu-18. Montreal, 
 CODE municipal de la province de Quebec, tel qu'en force le ler 
 janvior 1879; auquel on a ajoute la jurisprudence 
 des arrets s'y rapportant, 1'acte des licences de Que- 
 bec de 1878, la lere partie de 1'acte electoral de 
 Quebec. Compile et public par E. Let', de Belle- 
 feuille. I u-18. Man/real, 1879. 
 CODE of Civil Procedure. Voir : Foran. 
 Colston (J. G.) Thesis: Res judicata in the Civil and Criminal 
 law of Quebec. (Laval University. Faculty of law). 
 In-8. Quebec, 1870. (30 pages). B. C. Vol. 204.
 CGMPTES PUBLICS de la Province de Quebec pour 1'annee fiscalc 
 expiree le 30 juin 1877- (109 page*). 8vo. B. C 
 Vol. 171. 
 COMPTES PUBLICS de la Province de Quebec, 1867-79, relies en un 
 COPIED DES CORRESPONDANCES, &c., relatives a un paiement de $500,- 
 000 par la Puissance du Canada a la Province de 
 Quebec, 1879. Br. Iu-8. B. C. Yol. 184. 
 COPIES OF CORRESPONDENCE relating to a payment ol $500,000 by the 
 Dominion of Canada to the Province of Quebec. Br. 
 Iu-8, 1879. B. C. Vol. 184. 
 COUR LU RECORDER de la Cite de Montreal. Rapport des poursuites 
 pennies et civiles et des plaintes portees et jugees 
 durant 1'annee 1878. (8 pages). 8-vo. Montreal, 
 1879. B. C. Vol. 174, 
 Crooks (Hon Adam). Speech delivered in the Legislative As- 
 s^mbly, Ontario, 3rd December 1875, on moving the 
 House into Committee on supply. Iu-8. Toronto, 
 B. C. Vol. 198. 
 Cugnet (F. J.) Extraits des regitres du Co-iseii Superieur el dos 
 Regitres d'lntendance. Petit iu-4to. Quebec, 1775. 
 DEBATS snr le Bill des Pechcries de THon. Cempbell, devant le 
 Conseil Lt-g'slatif du Canada, 10 mars 1865. (35 pa- 
 ges). 8vo.~ B. C. Vol. 183. 
 DEBATS sur 1'Adresse. Discours de M. Wurtele. B. C. Vol. 194. 
 DEBATS de la Chambre des Communes du Canada (publies avec 
 I'autorisat'.on de la Chambre des Communes, par T. 
 J. Richardson.) Session de 1879. 2 Vol. In-8 royal. 
 Session de 1880. 2 Vols. lu-8 royal. Ottawa. 
 DEBATS parlementaires de la Legislature de Quebec (extraits dt s 
 journaux, re'ies). 
 S de la Legislature Provinciale de Quebec, (deuxieme session 
 du quatrieme parlement de la Province de Quebec, 
 assemble pour Texpedition des t flaires, le 19 juin 
 3879). Publies par J. Alohonse Desjardins. GJ. 
 in-8. Quebec, 1879.
 DEBATES and proceedings of the Senate of Canada (1874, 75, 76, 
 77, 78, 79 and 1880). 8 vols. Gr. in-8. Ottawa. 
 DEBATES. Parliamentary debates, Dominion of Canada, 4th session, 
 34 Vic., 1872. Vol. 111. 15th of Feb. to 15th of June, 
 1872. In-8. Ottawa, 1872. 
 DEBATES of the House of Commons of the Dominion of Canada. 
 Session of 1879. 2 Vols. In-8 royal. Session of 1880- 
 2 Vols. In-8 royal. Ottawa. 
 DECISIONS DE LA Coun D'APPEL. Queen 1 Bench Reports. Quebec. Re- 
 cueillies et publiees par L. C. "W. Dorion, B. C. L , 
 avocat. (Depuis la lore livraison, Janvier 1881 ) Iu-8. 
 DESPATCH (A) from the Right Hon. Lord Glenelg, H. M. Secretary 
 of State for Colonies, to His Ex. Sir Era. Bond Head, 
 Lt. Oov. of Upper Canada ; containing H. M. answer 
 to the addresses, &c., of the Leg. Council and House 
 of Assembly; and his instructions to the Lt. Gov. 
 ln-8. Toronto, 1830. (36 pages). B. C. Vol. 214. 
 Discouns PRONONCES a I'Assemblee Legislative de la province de 
 Quebec, a l'ap|)ui des resolutions Joly, par les Hons. 
 Joly. Mercier, Ross et Irvine et par MM. Flynn, Ra- 
 cicot et Charles Langelier. (Affaire Letellier). Sui- 
 vis de Tex pose financier de 1'Hon. F. Langelier. In- 
 12. Quebec, 1879. 
 DOCUMENTS divers (1852-1855), contenaiu : 
 Rapport sur la cause de 1'incendie de I'Hotel du 
 Parlement. Fevrier 1854. 
 Rapport sur 1'incendie qui a consume 1'Hospice des 
 ScEurs de la Charite. 3 Mai 1854. 
 Reponse a une adre^se au sujet des reclamations de 
 certains habitants du Ruisseau des Sauvages, 
 demandant compensation pour dommaires de la 
 part des citoyens du New Hampshire, (1835). 
 Rapport relatif a " 1'acte pour indemniser les per- 
 sonnes dans le B. C., dont les propriet.' Mit etc 
 detruites durant la rebellion de 180
 DOCUMENTS divers (1852-1855). (Continue'). 
 Rapport sur les accusations contre la derniere ad- 
 ministration, 1855. 
 Reponse a une adressc, etc., demandant copie des 
 documents relatifs a, une etendue de terre en 
 litiije entre les habitants de Russelltown et le 
 Seigneur de Beauharnois. 
 DOCUMENTS de la Session. Parlement Federal. Yol. XI, 1878- 
 (Special). 147. Iu-8. Ottawa, 1879. 
 DOCUMENTS de aS-.-s:on. Parlement Federal. Nos. 1 a 11. (Vol. 
 XII 1 . 11 vols. In-8. Ottawa, 1880. 
 DOCUMENTS de la session. Quebec. Vol. XI, (1877-78,) et vol. XII. 
 (1878-79). 2 vols. In 8. Quebec. 
 Eoutre (Joseph). Constitution of Canada. The British North 
 America Act, 1867 ; its interpretation, gathered from 
 the decisions of Courts, the dicta of Judges, and the 
 opinions of Statesmen and other; to which is added 
 the Quebec resolutions of 1864, and ihe constitution 
 of the United States. In-8. Montreal, 1880. 
 Draper (W. H ) Report of cases decided in the Court of King's 
 Bench ol Upper Canada. 10 Greo. IV to Wm. IV> 
 (1829 a 1831). 2nd edition. In-8. Toronto, 1861. 
 Dubreuil (J. F.) The reference book, being a detailed index of 
 the statutes affecting the province of Quebec, from 
 the consolidated statutes of Canada and Lower Ca- 
 nada down to Confederation, and of all acts passed 
 since Confederation by the Parliament of the Domi- 
 nion and the Legislature of the Province of Quebec. 
 L.-8. Montreal, 1877. 
 Dunkin (Hon. Christopher). Financial statement of the treasurer 
 of the Province of Quebec, submitted 14th February, 
 1868, with appendices. (36 pages). 8vo. Quebec, 
 1868. B. C. Vol. 198. 
 Expose financier. Discours a la seance parlernentaire du 
 14 fevrier 1868. In-8. Montreal, 1868. B C. Vol. 216.
 ECOLE DE REFORME de Montreal. Rapport des directeurs, 1874. 
 Yoir : Economic sociale. 
 EDITS, ORDONNANCES royaux, declarations et arrets du Consoil d'Etat 
 du roi, concernant le Canada; rnis par ordre chrono- 
 logique, et publies ordre de S. E. Sir U.S. Millies, 
 Lt. G-ov. da Bas-Canada. 2 vols. In-4to. Quebec, 
 Vol. 1. Table des titres des Edits, ordonnances. 
 " 2. Tables des memes titres, etc., dans 1'ordre qu'ils 
 soul indiques dans les registres du Conseil 
 Supeiieur de Qaebec. 
 " 3. Matiere des edits et ordonnances, etc. 
 " 4. Table. 
 ENQUETE. Contestation de 1'election de Berthier, mai 1878. Euquete 
 des petitionnairos. In-8 Jesus. 
 EN\>UETE judiciaire dans 1'affaire Taylor. In-8. 14 pages doubles 
 colonnes. B. C. Vol. 199. 
 ESTIMATES of the Province of Ontario, for 1880 and for 1881. 2 Br. 
 In-8. Toronto. 
 ESTIMATES and statements of the Province of Quebec, for 1867 to 
 1880. Bound in one vol. In-8. 
 TAT DES COMPTES PUBLICS de la Province de Quebec, pour 1878 et 
 ETAT estimatif des depenses de la Province de Quebec, pour 1'an- 
 nee fiscale, expirant le 30 juin 1880, prepare tel que 
 requis par la 36 Vic. Ch, 6. B. C. Vol. 183. 
 ETAT dormant des details sur certaines depenses pour 1'aniiee fis- 
 cale expirant le 30 juin 1880. B. C. Vol. 183. 
 ETAT estimatif suppleraentaire des depenses de la Province pour 
 1'annee courante et pour i'annee fiscale expirant le 
 30 juin 1881. 
 ETAT financier du Surintendant de 1'Instruction publique de la 
 Province de Quebec, donnant un etat des mandats 
 de paiments re9us et des depenses faites pour I'annee 
 fiscale terminee le 30 juin 1879. Br. lu-8. Quebec, 
 1879. B. C. Vol. 172.
 ETUDE LGALE, ou reponse a certaines questions concernant les 
 succursales de 1'Universite Laval a Montreal, avec 
 cornmentaires, par * * * ln-18. Montreal, 1880. 
 (5-2 pages). B. 0. Vol. 205. 
 EVANTUREL vs. EvANTURKL Before H. M. Privy Council. Trans- 
 cript of record and proceedings in the Courts of the 
 Province of Quebec, Canada. Appealed from in a 
 cause between the Hon. Krai^ois Evanturel, a pp. 
 and Dame E. Malvina Evanturel et vir., resp. In-lto. 
 (Le titre seul est en anglais). 
 Ewart (John S.) E wart's index of the Statutes; being an alpha- 
 betical index of all the public statutes passed by the 
 Parliament of the Dominion of Canada, from 1874 to 
 1878, inclns. ; by the Leg. Ass. of Ontario, from 1874 
 to the revised statutes, and by the Leg. Assembly of 
 Quebec, from 1873 to 1876 inclus., and of all orders 
 in Council, &c. In-8. Toronto, 1878. 
 EXAMEN DE FAIT ET DE DROiT touchaut la cause jugee en cour du 
 bane de la reine, sur appel a Quebec, entre Philippe 
 Pacaud, appelant et le Reverend Pierre Hoy, intime, 
 le 20 mars 1866. In-8. Quebec, Ie567. B. C. 123. 
 EXAMEN de 1'affaire de la Fabrique Ste-Famille et Moyse Poulin. 
 Vide: Droit ecdesiastique 
 EXPOSE FINANCIER des Trt'soriei's de la Province de Quebec, (1868- 
 79), relies en un volume. 
 EXTRAITS DFS RAPPORTS statistiques judiciaires, pour 1878, 1879 et 
 Abstracts of Judicial Statistical Return, for 1878. 
 1 879 et 1880. Petit infolio. Quebec. 
 FARRELL (Michael). Son crime, son proces, son execution. (24 
 pages). 8vo. Levis, 1879. B. C. Vol. 180. 
 FINANCIAL STATEMENT of the Treasurer of the Province of Quebec. 
 1868-79. (bound in one vol.) 
 FINANCIAL STATEMENT of the Superintendent of Publ'c Instruction, 
 for the Province of Quebec, showing th^; Warrants 
 received and the expenditure for the fiscal year 
 ending, 30th June, 1879. In-8. Quebec, 1879.
 FINANCIAL ST..TKM. NT oi' tho Superintendent of Public Instruction 
 tor the Province, of Quebec, showing the "Warrants 
 received and the expenditure for the fiscal year 
 ended 30th June, 1878. (80 pages). 8vo. Qutbcc, 
 1878. B. C. Vol. 172. 
 FIRST REPORT of the Commissioners appointed to classify and con- 
 solidate the general statutes of the Province of Que- 
 bec, B C. Vol. 183. 
 Flynn (L'Hon. M.) Projet de loi concernant les mines. (7 pages). 
 8vo. Quebec. B. C. Vol. 196. 
 Foran (Thos. P.) The Code of Civil Procedure of Lower Cana- 
 da ; together with the amendments thereto made 
 since its promulgation; all statutes referring to pro- 
 cedure ; the rules of practice of the courts; a clas- 
 sified digest of all reported decisions; tables of tariff 
 of fees payable to advocates, and an analytical index 
 In-8. Toronto, 1879. 
 GAZETTE DE MANITOBA (La). Publiee par autorite. In-4to. Winnipeg. 
 Gugy (A.) Legal intelligence. No. 1. Chief Justice Duval. 
 (22 pages). In-8. B. C. Vol. 204. 
 Facts disclosed in some unreported cases. Publish for 
 th'> public good, by a victim, ln-8. (48 pages). B. C. 
 Vol. 189. 
 Hart (Adolphus "W.) Practical suggestions on mining rights and 
 privileges in Canada, with and appendix containing 
 the Gold Mining regulations, &c. In-8. (54 pages). 
 Montreal, 1867. 
 Hibbard (Ashley). A narrative and exposure of the evil of secret 
 indictments , by Grand Juries. Br. in-8. (48 pages). 
 Montreal. B. C. Vol. 181. 
 Hincks (Hon. Sir F., C. B. K. C. M. G.) Speech delivered at 
 Pembrooke, 27th October, 1870, on public :;ff.urs. 
 (18 pages), ln-8. Ottawa, 1870. B. C. Vol. 198. 
 Hodgins (Thomns) A sketch of the prerogative of the Crown in 
 colonial legislation. In-8. To/onto, 1880. (15 pages).
 Honey (John). Tableaux indiquant Jc nombre et la denomina- 
 tion des timbres, etc. Yide: Tableaux. 
 How (Henry). The mineralogy of ]\ova-Scotia. A report to the 
 government. In-8. Halifax, 1869. 
 Howell (Alfred). The law and practice as to probate, adminis- 
 tration, and guardianship, in the Surrogate Courts, in 
 common form and contentious business, including 
 all the statutes, rules and orders, to the present time, 
 together with a collection of forms. In-8. Toronto^ 
 INDEX DES AMENDEMENTS aux Statuts de la province de Quebec et 
 aux Statuts federaux, presente par les cornmissaires 
 nommes pour classifier, reviser et refondre les Sta- 
 tuts generaux de la province de Quebec, en merne 
 temps que leur premier rapport. Prepare par G. B. 
 de Boucherville. (68 pages). Gd. in-8. B. C. Vol. 192. 
 JESUITKS. Les anciens biens des Jesuitos. Extrait de la " U^vue 
 Canadienne" du 19 mai 1846, B.C. Vol.190. 
 Joly (H. G-.) Discours sur la Confederation, prononce a la Cham- 
 bre, le 20 fevrier 1865. Br. in 8. Quebec, 1865. B. C. 
 Vol. 181. 
 JOURNALS of the Legislative Council of the Province of Canada 
 1st session of the first Provincial Parliament, 1841, to 
 2nd session, 2nd Parliament, 1846. 5 vols. Folio. 
 Kingfton-Montreal. And vol. 16(1858). In-8. Quebec. 
 JOURNALS of the House of Commons of the Dominion of Canada, 
 session 1879 (13th February to 15th May), 42 Vic. 
 Vol. XIII. In-8. Ollaiva. and session of 1880. Vol. 
 XIV and appendix. 2 Vols. In-8. Ottawa, 1880. 
 JOURNALS of the Senate of Canada. Vol. XIII, 1st. session, 4th 
 Parliament, 1879). In-8. Ottawa, 1879. 
 JOURNALS of the Legislative Assembly of Quebec from Mune 19th to 
 Oct. 31st. 1879) 42 and 43 Vic. Vol. XIII. From 
 May 28th to July 24th 1880. 42 to 44 Viet. Vol. 
 XIV, 2 \ols. In-8. Quebec.
 JOURNALS of the Legislative Council of Quebec. Vol. XIII. 1879. 
 Vol. XIV. 1880, 2 vols. In-8. Quebec. 
 JOURNALS of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario. 
 Vol. XII. (From 9th to March llth, 1879, 42nd 
 Viet., and vol. XIII. (June to March 1880). 2 
 vols. In-8. Toronto. 
 JOURNALS and proceedings of the House of Assembly of the Pro- 
 vince of Nora Scotia,(session 1879). In-8. Halifax, 1879. 
 JOURNALS and proceedings of the Leg. Council, Nova Scotia, session 
 1879. ln-8. Halifax, 1879. 
 JOURNALS of the House of Assembly, New Brunswick, 1878, 1879. 
 2 vols. In-4to. Fredericlon. 
 JOURNALS of the House of Assembly, Prince Edward Island. 1879. 
 In-8. Charlotte-town, 1878. 
 JOURNALS of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of British 
 Columbia, sessions 1879, 1880. 2 Vols. Petit in 4to, 
 SESSIONAL PAPERS of British Columbia. Session 1880. In-8. Victoria. 
 JOURNAUX du Conseil Logislatif de la Province du Canada. Vols. 
 ler, 2e, 3e et 4e (1841, 2, 3 et 1846). 4 vols. In-4to. 
 Kingston et Montreal, et Vol. XV (1857). In-8. To- 
 JOURNAUX du Conseil Legislatif de la Province de Quebec. Vol. 13 
 et 14, (1879 et 1880). 2 vol. In-8. Quebec. 
 JOURNAUX de la Chambrc des Communes. Vol. XIII. In-8. Ot- 
 tawa, 1879. 
 JOURNAUX de la Chambre des Communes. Vol. XVI. In-8. Ot- 
 tawa, 1880. 
 JOURNAUX du S^nat. Vol. 13, 1879, et vol. 14, 1880. 2 vols. In-8. 
 JOURNAUX de I'Assemblee Legislative Quebec, 1879 et 1880. 2 Vols. 
 In-8. Quebec. 
 JOURNAUX do rAs<emblee Legislative, Manitoba, 1879 et 1880, 
 2 Vols. In-8. Winni/ieg. 
 JURIST (the). Vide : Lower- Canada Jurist
 Lafuntaine (L. H.) Analyse tie 1'ordonnance da Conseil Special 
 sur les bureaux d'hypotheques, suivie du texte an- 
 glais et francais de 1'ordonnance ; des lois relatives 
 a la creation des ci-devant bureaux de comtes et de 
 la loi des lettres de ratification, ln-12 Montreal, 1842. 
 Langelier (Hon. F.) Speech on the Budget, delivered in the Le- 
 gislative Assembly, Quebec, 22nd July, 1879. (29 
 pages). 8vo. Quebec, 1879. B. C. Vol. 198. 
 LA QUESTION DES FABRiQUEs. Vide : Droit Ecclesiastique. 
 LAVAL UNIVERSITY. Faculty of Law. Thesis by J. Or. Colston : 
 Res judicata in the civil and criminal law of Que- 
 bec. ln-8. Quebec, .870. B. C. Vol. 20 1. 
 LAW REPORTS. Cases argued and determined in the Superior 
 Court, 1875-1876. In-8. 
 In the Supreme Court of Canada. Between C. S. 
 Crysler and Alex. McKay. Appeal from the Court 
 of Appeal for Ontario. Br in-4"o. Ottawa, 1878. 
 In the Supreme Court of Canada. Appeal from a 
 judgment rendered Sept. 1877, by the Superior 
 Court of Montreal, silting in Review. Duncan Mac- 
 Donald and Harry Abbot. In-4to. Mon-L<eal. 
 Reports of Cases decided in the Court of Common 
 pleas, by (ieorgti F. Harinan. Robinson editor. Vol. 
 XXIV to XXIX. 6 vols. Ia-3. Toronto, 1875-1879. 
 -Reports of cases decided in the Court of Queen's Bench, 
 by S. J. Vankoughnet. Vol. XLIV. Iu-8. Toronto, 
 Reports of cases decided in the Court of Queen's 
 Bench. Vol. 13, by Jos. Robinson. Vol. 35 to 42, by 
 H. i\W. Wethoy. Vol.43, by S. J. Vankoughnet. 
 10 vols. In-8. Toronto, 1876-1879. 
 Queen's bench and practice Court reports (old series), 
 published by J. L. Robinson. (Reprinted). Com- 
 mencing from the end of M. Draper's vol. of printed 
 reports. 4 vols, in-8. Toronto, 1877.
 LAW REPORTS. Reports of cases decided in the Court of Appeal, on 
 appeal from the Superior and County Courts, appeals 
 in insolvency and election cases, by J. Stewart Tup- 
 per; Christopher Robinson, editor. Vols. 2 & 3. 
 8 vols. In-8. Toronto, 1878-1879. 
 LEGAL NEWS (the). Vol. 2 et vol. 3. In-8. Montreal. 
 Loranger (T. J. J.) Commentaire sur le Code Civil du Bas-Ca- 
 nada. Livre premier, titre cinquieme. Du mariage. 
 Tome second. Gd. in-8. Mon treat, 1880. 
 LOWER CANADA JURIST (the). Collection de decisions du Bas-Ca- 
 nada. Vol. 23 et 24. 2 vols. in-8. Montreal, 1879 et 
 Macdonald (Sir J. A.) Discours prononce dans la salle de Mu- 
 si}ue, a Quebec, ie 15 octobre 1879. (Extrait de la 
 Mi nerve). 
 MARINE AND FISHERIES. Report of the Department (1879-1880). In-8. 
 McCord (Thomas). Civil Code. 3rd edition, with notes, &c. 
 by Nicolls. In-18. Montreal, 1880. 
 MiiMoiu OF THE LIFE of John H.irt, the celebrated robbor, who was 
 executed in Quebec, on the 10th day of Nov. 1827, 
 for having been convicted of the robbery of the 
 Roman Catholic Cathedral of this city. In 8. (13 
 pages). B. C. Vol. 214. 
 MINERALOGY (th-) of Nova Scotia. A report to the Government by 
 Henry Howe. In-8. Halifax, 1869. 
 MINING ACT (THE QUEBEC GENERAL). 43 & 44 Viet., 1880. (46 pages) 
 &vo. Quebec, 1880. B. C, Vol. 196. 
 NORTH-WEST, TERRITORIES. Ordinances passed in the years 1878 & 
 1879. In-8. Baltleford, 1879. 
 NOTICE HISTOIUQUE sur Tenseignoment d. droit en Canada, 
 pages), in-12. Montreal 1862. B. C. Vol. 205. 
 NUT LOCKS. Papers relating to Nut Locks. 3 feuilles. Ottawa 
 ORDINANCES made and passed by the administration of the Grov- 
 ernment and Special Council, for the affairs of the 
 province of Lower Canada. 4 vols. in-to. Quebec, 
 1838-1839. (Anglais et frai^ais dans les in ernes 
 ORDONNANCES faites et passSes par 1'administration du gouverne- 
 ment et le Conseil Special pour les affaires de la 
 province de Quebec. 4 vols. 4to. Quebec, 1838- 
 1839. (Anglais et frai^ais dans le meme volume). 
 ORDONNANCES DBS INTENDANTS et arrets portant reglements du Con- 
 seil Superieur de Quebec, avec les commissions des 
 gouverneurs et intendants, etc. : 
 1 Commission des gouverneurs et intendants. 
 2 Ordonnances des intendants. 
 3 Arret et reglements da Conseil Superieur de 
 4 Jugements des intendants. 
 5 Commission des officers civils, 
 Pagmielo (S.) Lettres sur la reforme judiciaire. ln-8. Montreal, 
 PARTAGE DE LA DETTE entre Quebec et Ontario, 1870. (Correspon- 
 dance et documents). In-8. Quebec, 1870. 
 Perrault (J. F.) Manuel des Huissiers de la Cour du Bane du 
 lioi, du district de Quebec, dans la province du Bas- 
 Canada. ln-32. Quebec, 1813. (76 pages). B. C. 
 Vol. 206. 
 PREMIER RAPPORT de la Commission nommee pour classifier, re- 
 viser et refondre les statuts generaux de la province 
 de Quebec. (12 pages). 8vo. B. C. Yol. 183. 
 PROCES Evanturel. Voir : Evanturel. 
 PROCES des Narbonne. Assisses criminelles du district de Terre- 
 bonne et Sainte-Scholastique. Extraits dejournaux. 
 B. C. Yol. 216. 
 PROCES de Jean Baptiste Corriveau, accuse et trouve coupable du 
 meurtre de Mile. Charlotte Todd, sa belle-mere, et 
 comdamne a etre pendu, vendredi, le 26 Sept. 1856. 
 Gd. in-8. Quebec, 1886. (32 pages). B. C. Yol. B.
 PROCES de J. R. Healey, en juillet 1864. Affaire Cremazie. (22 
 pages). G-d. iu-8, petit texte. B. C. Vol. B. 
 PROCES de Joseph Ruel, convaincu du meurtre de Toussaint Bonlet, 
 empoisonne le 12 fevrier 1868, condamne a etre pendu 
 le ler juillet 1808. Gd. in-4to. (45 pages petit texte). 
 St-Hyacinthe, 1868. 
 PROCES de Desforges. Precis historique de 1'execution de J. Bte. 
 Desforges et de Marie-Anne Crispin, veuve J. Bte. 
 Gohier dit Belisle, meurtriers de Catherine Prevost, 
 femrne d'Antoine Desfbrges, 25juin 1858, par M. H 
 Beaudry, ptr., cure de St-Jean Chrysostome. 2e 
 edition. In-18. Montreal. B. C. Vol. 86. 
 PROCES de J. Bte. Beauregard, convaincu du meurtre de Anselme 
 Charron. In-8. Montreal, 1859. (48 pages). 
 PROCES de G-reenwood, sous 1'accnsation de meurtre. Assises de 
 York et Peel. Br. in-12. Toronto, 1863. (20 pages). 
 B. C. Vol. 214. 
 PHOCKS de Cleophus Lachance, trouve coupable du meurtre d'Ode- 
 lide Desilets, pri.s et stenographie par Charles C. 
 B-Tiiier, depute P. C. S. Arthabaskaville. In-18 - 
 Trois- Rivieres, 1881. B. C. Vol. 215. 
 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS of the Province of Quebec, 1867-79. (Bound in 
 one vol. in-8). 
 Of the province of Ontario, for the years 1868 to 
 1873 incl. Reliefs en 1 vol., et de 1874 a 1878 incl., 
 relies aussi en 1 vol. Toronto. 
 QUKRKC BOARD OF TKADE. Acts of incorporation and by-laws. In-8. 
 Quebec, 1876. (23 pnges). B. C. Vol. 205. 
 QUEBEC LAW RKI-OUTS (the). Rapports judiciaires de Quebec. Vol. 
 5e et 6e. 2 vol. In-8. Quebec, 1879 et 1880. 
 RAPPORT (dixieme) des Inspecteurs des prisons, asiles, etc., de la 
 province de Quebec pour 1'annee 1879. In-8. Quebec- 
 EAPPORT sur la qnatrieine election generale, et les elections te- 
 nues depuis, jusqu'aii 2 avril 1879, pour la Chambre 
 des Communes du Canada. Br. 8vo. Ottawa, 1879. 
 (Premier) des Commissairos nommes pour classifier re- 
 viser et refondre les statuts generaux de la province 
 de Quebec. (9 pages). 15 fevrier 1878. Grd. in-8. 
 13. C. Vol. 183. 
 du comite nomme par 1'Assemblee Legislative de Que- 
 bec, pour s'onquerir des cire;<nstances relatives au 
 transport des droits du gouvernement sur la i'eime 
 de Notre-Dame des Anges. In-8. Quebec, 1879. 
 RAPPORTS JUDICIAIRES de Quebec. Lower Canada Reports. Yols. 
 . 5e et 6e. 2 vols. In-8. Quebec, 1879-1880. 
 RECORDER'S COI;RT of the City of Montreal. Report of penal and 
 civil prosecutions disposed of before the Recorder's 
 Court during the year 1878. (8 pages). 8vo. Montreal, 
 1879. B. C. Vol. 174. 
 REPONSE a une adresse, etc., demandant copie de toute correspon- 
 dence echangee depuis la derniere session avec le 
 gouvernement, concernant la nomination des Com- 
 missaires pour la decision sorcmaire des petites 
 causes, en la paroisse de St-Joseph, comte des Deux 
 Montagues, des plaintes portees contre les ex-com- 
 missaires, 1879. B. C. Vof. 194. 
 REPONSE a une adresse de 1'Assemblee Legislative, en date du 6 
 aout 1879, priant Son Honneur le Lt.-Grouverneur de 
 vouloir faire metlre devant cette charnbre : copies de 
 tous papiers, documents, lettres, etc., ayant rapport 
 a la destitution d'Hyppolite Corneillier, officier du 
 revenu du district de Joliette, etc. Br. in-8. Quebec, 
 REPONSE a une adresse de TAssemblee Legislative a Son Honneur 
 le Lt. G-ouverneur, en date du 27 juin, 1879, deman- 
 dant un eta-t indiquant le montant de'S sornmes re- 
 mises par le Departement des Terre de la Couronne 
 ou aucun autre, aux M.M. Hall, etc. Quebec, 1879
 REPONSE a um; adresse de i'Asoemblee Legislative, en date da 27 
 juin 1879, a Son Hon. le Lt.-Gouvorneur, demandant 
 un etat des depenses de 1'octroi do colonisation, de- 
 puis la derniere session, indiquant le, raontant de- 
 pense dans chaque comte 
 REPONSE a line adresse de I'Assemblee Legislative, en date du 6 
 aout 1879, a Son Hon. le Lt.-Gouverneur, demandant 
 copies de tons papiers, documents, lettres, etc., ayant 
 rapport a la destitution du nomme J. C. Bachand, 
 eenier, registrateur pour le comte de Bagot. 
 REPONSE a une adresse de 1'Assemblee Legislative, en date du 23 
 juin 1880, demandant copies de tons les rapports a la 
 chnmbre, dopuis le ler mars 1878, concernant le 
 trace du chemin de fer du Nord. In-8. Quebec, 1880. 
 REPONSE a des adresses du Senat et de la chambre des Communes, 
 au sujet du retrait des troupes du Canada et de la 
 defense du pays; et rapport de 1'Hon. M. Campbell 
 In-8. Ottaiva, 1871. 
 REPONSE a une adresse. Depenses de la police a cheval du Nord- 
 Ouest, 1876-77-78. Et etat de toutes les sommes 
 d'argent payees a J. G. Baker & Cie. In-8. Ottawa, 
 REPONSE a ordre. Correspondance relative a la digue et aux 
 ecluses de Carillon, dopuis leur commencement en 
 1873 jusqu'au 10 mai 1879. In-8. Ottawa. 
 REPONSE au memoire i>roduit par les pretendus seigneurs de Mm- 
 gan. (34 pagi-s). 8vo., 1868. B. C. Vol. 1S 
 RKPORT of the Hon. the Provincial Secretary on the working of tho 
 tavern and shop licenses acts, for 1879. In-8. Toronto. 
 REPORT (fifth animal) of (he School of Agriculture and experimental 
 farm, lor 1879. In-8. loronto, 1880. 
 REPORT of the Minister of Agriculture of Quebec, 1867. Vide: 
 REPORT of the proceedings of the Committee appointed by the 
 Legislative Assembly of Quebec, to investigate llie 
 circumtances connected with the transfer of the gov- 
 ernment right in and upon the farm of Notre-Darae 
 des Anges. li.-8. Quebec, 1879. 
 REPORT of the Inspector of division Courts for the year 1878 
 Pamp. In-8. Toronto, 1879. 
 REPORT of the Commissioner of Public Works, for the year ending 
 31st December, 1879. Pamph. In-8. Toronto, 1880. 
 REPORT of the Inspector of Insurance, for 1879. In-8. Toronto 
 REPORTS of cases. Voir : Taylor. 
 RETURN to an address from the Hon. the Legislative Assembly, 
 asking for copies of the correspondence between the 
 Government of the Province of Quebec, and theGov. 
 of the Dominion and Ontario, since the Government 
 of the Dominion resumed the payment of the excess 
 of the debt of the late province of Canada over the 
 sixty two millions. Quebec, 2nd December, 1876. 
 L. A. Clapleau, secretary. (Copie unique. B. C. 
 Vol. B. 
 RETURN to order. Expenditure for North-West mounted police, 
 1870-77-78, and of all amounts paid to J. G. Byker 
 &Co. In-8. Ottawa, 1879. 
 RETURN on the fourth general election, and elections held subse- 
 quently thereto up to the date hereof, 2nd April, 
 1879, for the House of Commons of Canada. 8vo. 
 Ottawa, 1879. 
 RETURN to an order of the Legislative Assembly for statement of 
 all the loans effected to date by the province of 
 Queb. c, by means of Bonds or Debentures or other- 
 wise, indicating the rates at which such Bonds or 
 Debentures were negociated and the rates of interest 
 payable by the province upon such loans. (63 pages). 
 8vo. Quebec, 1879. B. C. Vol. 192. 
 REVUE LEGALE (L-i). Recneil de Jurisprudence et d'Arrets. Vol. 9 
 Vol. 10. Iu-8. Sorel, 1879 et 1880.
 Robertson (Hon. .1. G-.) Speech on (ho Budget of the province 
 of Quebec, delivered in the Legislative Assembly, 
 Quebec. 24lh November, 1871. (46 pages). Quebec, 
 1871. 13. C. Vol. 198. 
 Discours sur Ie budget, prononce a 1'As- 
 semblee Legislative, le 24 novembre 1871. (46 
 pages). 8vo. Quebec,' IS1 2. B. C. Vol. 198- 
 -Speech OH the Budget of the province of 
 Quebec, delivered in the Legislative Assembly 
 Quebec, 2nd February, 1875. (44 pages). 8vo. Quebec, 
 1875. B. 0. Vol. 198. 
 -Speech on the Budget, 6th December, 
 1875. B. C. Vol. 192. 
 Expose de la position financiere do la 
 province de Quebec, 28 raai 1812. B. C. Vol. 198. 
 Robidoux (J. E.) Rapport sur I'etat des bureaux des Protono- 
 taires de la (Jour Superieure, du Greffier de la Cou- 
 ronne et de la i'aix, et sur le bureau de Police, & 
 Montreal. (Par ordre de 1'Assemblee Legislative). 
 In-8. 1879. 
 Rose (Hon. John). Speech on the Budget, delivered in the House 
 of Commons, Ottawa, 7th May, 1869. (38 pag^s). 
 8\*o. Ottawa, 18(30. B. C. Vol. 198. 
 Ross (J. W.) et Charlton (John). Discours prononces en la 
 Chambre des Communes, sur la proposition : Q;ie la 
 chambre se forme en cornite des subsides. Critique 
 impartiale de la politique tinanciere du 
 McKenzie. (Session 1878 Br. in-8. Ottawa, 1878. 
 B. C. Vol. 184. 
 Rouleau (Chas. B.) Notre systeme judiciaire. (16 pages), ln-8. 
 Ottawa, 1880. B C. Vol. 212. 
 RULES, orders and forms of pron, ->edingof the Legislative Assembly 
 of Canada. In-12. Quebec, 1860. 
 SELKCTIONS from the public documents. Edited by Thorns I). 
 Akins. The translation from French, by B. Curran. 
 In 8. Halifax, 1869.-
 SESSIONAL PAPEUS. CANADA. Vol. XIII. Session 1880. No. 1 to 11. 
 11 vols. In-8. Ottawa. 
 Referred to in the 13th Vol. of the Journals of the 
 Legislative Council of Canada, 1851-55. 14 vols. 
 In-8. Quebec, 1854. 
 QUEBEC. Vol. 12. Ud. in-8. Quebec, 1878-79. 
 ONTARIO. Vol. XI. Part 1st to Vllth. 6 vols. In-8. 
 4th session of the third Parliament. Toronto, 1879. 
 -ONTARIO, 2nd session, third Parliament, 1879. ln-4to. 
 Toronto, 1879. 
 SOUMISSIONS ponr les travaux du chemin de fer Canadien du Paci- 
 fique re9ues depuis Janvier 1879. In-8. Ottawa, 1880. 
 STATEMENT showing the details of certain services for the fiinancial 
 year, ending SGth June 1881. Br. in-8. 
 STATUTES of the Province of Quebec, passed in the 42nd and 43rd 
 Viet. (1879) and 43rd 44th Vict. ; (1880.) 2 vols. In-8. 
 STATUTES of the Dominion of Canada, passed in the 42nd year Vic. 
 1st session of the 4th Parliament. Vol 1, Public Gen. 
 Acts. (Bound in on vol.). 8vo. Ottawa, 1879, and 43 
 Viet., 1880. Vol. 1 to 11. Contents Act of Imperial 
 Parliament, treaties, orders in Council (imperial), 
 despatches, orders in Council (Canadian, &c.). 
 Public General Acts. 
 Local and private Acts. 
 STATUTES of the Province of Ontario, (fourth session of the third 
 Legislature). Svo. Toronto, 1879, and statutes passed 
 in the 43rd year of II. M. Queen Victoria, 1880. 
 In-8. Toronto. 
 STATUTES of the Province of Nova Scotia, 41st and 42nd Viet., 
 1878, and statutes of 1879. 2 vols. In-8. Halifax. 
 STATUTES of the Province of Manitoba, passed in the session held 
 in the 42nd and 43rd Viet , being the 1st session 
 of the 3rd Parliament, 1879. ln-8. Winnipeg, 1878, 
 and statutes passed in the 43rd year of Q. T., 1880. 
 In-8. Winnipeg.
 STATUTES of the province of British Colombia, 41 and 42 Viet., 
 (1878.) and 42-43 Viet.. (1879) and 43-44 Viet.. (1880.) 
 3 vols. petit in-4to. Victoria. 
 STATUTS de la province d-j Quebec (42e et 43e Viet.) 1879 et (43e 
 et 44e Viet.) 1880. 2 vol. In-8. Quebec. 
 STATUTS du Canadi, 41e et 42e Viet. 2 vols. en un. Vol. ler. 
 Actes publics et generatix, precedes dos " Actes re- 
 serves," des traites, des ordres en conseil. Vol. 2. 
 Actes prives et locaux. ln-8. Ottawa, 1878-79. 
 STATUTS du Canada, 4e Parlement, 43 Viet. Vol. 1-11. In-8. 
 Ottawa. 1880. 
 STATUTS de la Province de Manitoba, 42e et 43-3 Viet., 1879. In. 8. 
 Stevens (Jas. Gray) Analytical digest of the decisions of the 
 Supreme Court of Judicature of the province of 
 New Brunswick. 2nd edition. From 1825 to 1879. 
 Grd. in-8. Toronto, 1880. 
 G-eneral rules of the Supreme Court of the pro- 
 vince of New Brunswick, from 1875 to 1880, and the 
 election Court under the D min'on controverted elec- 
 tion act of 1874. ln-8. Toronto, 1880. (80 pages). 
 Stevens on indictable offences and summary 
 convictions. Founded on Dominion Statutes 32-33 
 Viet., Chap. 29, 30 & 31. In-8. Toronto, 1880. 
 SUITE DU MEMOIRE sur la propriete des biens du Serainaire de 
 Montreal. (64 pages). B. C, Vol. 193. 
 SUPREME COURT of Canada. In appeal from a judgment of the 
 Court of Queen's Bench, appeal side, rendered at 
 Montreal, Dec., 1877. L'Union St. Joseph de Mont- 
 real vs. Charles Lalrance. 
 TABLEAUX indiquant le nombre. et denomination des timbres les 
 plus convenables pour p .dement, en ve.rtu du Cap. 
 5, 27, i8 Viet., des honoraires et taxes sur les proce- 
 dures judic-aires, dans les Cours Superieures et de 
 Circuit du B is-Canada, par John Honey. In-8. 
 bee, 1864. (91 pages). B. C. Vol. 199.
 TABLEAUX da Commerce et de la Navigation. Voir: Commerce. 
 TABLES of the Trade and Navigation of the Dominion of Canada, 
 for the fiscal year ending 30th June, 1880. In-8. . 
 Ottawa, 1880. 
 TARIFF. Debate in the Senate on the Tarff May 9th, 1870, In-8. 
 Ottawa, 1870. B. C. Vol. 183. 
 TAYLOR. Vide: Enquetc. 
 Taylor (Thos.). Reports of cases decided in the Court of King's 
 Bench of Upper Canada. 2nd edition. In-8. Toronto, 
 THEMIS (La). Revue de legislation, de droit et de jurisprudence- 
 Publication mensuelle de 128 pages par livraison. 
 Vol. ler et vol. 2e. 2 vols. in-8. Montreal, 1879 et 
 Tilley (Hon. S. L.) Budget speech, delivered in the Housi? of 
 Commons of Canada, on Tuesday, the 1st. April, 1873. 
 In-8. Ottawa. Vol. Speeches on budget, 1867-1881. 
 Finances of Canada. Budget speech, delivered 
 in the House of Commons of Canada, 14th March, 
 1879. (36 pages). In-8. Ottawa, 1879. 
 Les finances du Canada. Dis-courp snr IP bud- 
 get, prononce dans la chambre des Communes du 
 Canada, le 14 mars 1879. (36 pages). In-8. Uisconra 
 prononce le 9 mars 1880. 80 pages. In-8. Ottawa. 
 Todd (Alpheus). Parliamentary Government in the British Co- 
 lonies. In-8. Boston, 1880. 
 TRIAL of Patrick.!. Wbelan for the murder of the Hon. Thomas 
 d'Arcy McGoe (with a photograph of the aceu>'-tl). 
 In-8. Ottawa, 1868. (88 pages). B. C. Vol. 214. 
 TRIAL of Baptisre Cadieu, for murder; tried at Three-Rivers, in 
 the March session, 1838. Iu-8. Three- Rivers, 185-^. 
 B.C. Vol. 214. 
 TRML (The), defence, &c., of William. Ro>, who was executed, 
 together with Robert Ellis, J. B. Monarque and W. 
 Johnson, at Quebec, in April last, for a burglary and 
 robbery committed at the house of Messire, 
 cure of Pointe-Levis, on the night of the 29th 
 1826. In-12. Quebec, 1827. B. C. Vol. 205.
 Tupper (J. Stewart). Reports oi' cases decided in .the Court of 
 Appeal, on appeal from the Superior and County 
 Courts. Appeal in insolvency and election cases. 
 Vol. l>t. li,-8. Toronto, 1878. 
 UNIVERSITY LAVAL, Montreal. Inauguration de la Faculte de Droit^ 
 (48 pages). 8vo. Montreal, 1878. 13. C. Vol. 171 
 ct 182. 
 UPPER CANADA JURIST (the) containing original and selected articles 
 on legal subject; some important decisions in bank- 
 ruptcy and chancery in Upper Canada, and in the 
 English Common Law Courts, 1844-48. 2 vols. 8vo. 
 Toronto, 1877. 
 VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS of the House of Commons, since 18G7, 1st 
 session of the 1st Parliament. 13 vols. petit in-iolio. 
 VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario. 
 Toronto, 1880. 
 VOTES ET DELIBERATIONS et ordres dujour de 1'Assemblee Legisla- 
 tive de Quebec, depuis la lere session, 1867-68 jus- 
 qu'a 1876 iuclus. 10 vols. petit in-iblio. 
 VOTES ET DELIBERATIONS de la chambre des Communes, depuis la 
 lere ses.-ion du ler Parlement, (1867). 13 vols. petit 
 in-folio. Ottawa. 
 Watson (S. J.) The powers of the Canadian Parliaments. In-8. 
 Toronto, 1880. 
 Willan (John Henry). Manual of the Criminal Law of Canada. 
 In-8. Quebec, 1861. (88 pages). B. C. Vol. 196. 
 Wood (Hon. Q. 13.) Speech delivered on the 10th December, 
 1869, in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario. (73 
 pair's). 8vo. Toronto, 1869. B. C. Vol. 198. 
 Wotherspoon (Juan). A manual of the practice and procedure 
 in the several courts having civil jurisdiction in the 
 province of Quebec, Containing the Code of civil 
 procedure of Lower Canada, with the amendments 
 th.'ivto made, since its promulgation, the authorities, 
 &c. Nested edition. In-8. Montreal, 1880. 
 Wurtele. Debats sur 1'adresse, session 1878. Discours. (8 pages, 
 doubles colonnes).
 Bedarride (J.) Droit Commercial. Livre premier, litre septieme. 
 Ues achals et ventes. ln-8. Aix, 1878. 
 BULLETIN de statistique et de Legislation comparee. 3e et 4e 
 annees. 2 brs. In-8. Paris, 1879, 1880. 
 Gallaudet (Ed.). A manual of International Law. In-12. New- 
 York, 1879. 
 JOURNAL DU DROIT international priv6 et de la jurisprudence com- 
 paree, fonde et public par Ed. Clunet. Tome 5e. 
 In-8. Paris, 1878. 
 de fait et de droit soulevees dans la cause ci-devant 
 pendante a Quebec, devant la Cour Superieure et la 
 Cour du Bane de la Reine en appel, entre la fabrique 
 de Ste-Fainille et Moyse Poulin, dans laquelle se 
 rattachent de graves questions, tant de droit civil- 
 ecclesiastique, que de droit honontique, en matiere 
 de banes d'eglise. In-8. Quebec, 1858. (72 pages). 
 B. C. Vol. 203. 
 LA QUESTION des Fabriques, par un ami de 1'ordre. B. C. Vol. 193.
 ANNUAIRE de Legislation etrangere, publiee par la societe de Legis- 
 lation comparee, etc. 7e et 8e annees. 2 vols, 
 royal, in-8. Pans, 1878 et 1879. 
 Belderen (Arnoldus Corvinus a). Digesta per aphorismos stric- 
 tim explicata. Eilitio postrema, multo auctior et 
 ememlatior. In- 32. Amsterodami, ex officicina Elze- 
 viriana, 1664. 
 CATALOGUE de la Bibliotheqne du comite dft Legislation etrangere, 
 juillet 1879. In-8 royal. Pans, 1879. 
 CONSTITUTION de la Helgiqu* 1 . (Se trouve dans le Code de 1'Institu, 
 tear Beige, par Angenof). 
 COUTUME da pnys et comte de Hainaut, par Ch. Faider. Tome 3e. 
 Coutumes locales. In-4to. Bruxelles, 1878. 
 COUTUMES des pays et comte de Flandre. Contume du Franc de 
 Bruges. p:r L. G-illiods-Van Severen, tome 3t). In- 
 4to. Bruxelles, 1879. 
 COUTUMES de la ville de Malines, par G. de Longe. In-4to. Brux 
 elles, 1880.
 Aubry (C.) et Rau (C ). Cours <le droit civil frai^ais d'apres !a 
 methode de Zacharise. 4e edition. Tome 8e. ln-8. 
 Paris, 1879. 
 Bourguignon (A.) Elements generaux de legislation francaise. 
 ln-12. Pans, 1878. 
 Brun (Lucien). Introduction n 1'etude du droit. ln-18. Sceaux, 
 BULLETIN de la societe de Legislation comparee. Torne 7e, 1877- 
 78, Tome 8e, 1878-79. 2 vols. royal 8vo. Pari*. 
 CAUSES CELEBRES. Repertoire general des causes celebres, anciennes 
 et modernes, redige par une societe d'homrnes de 
 lettres, sous la direction de B. Saint-Edme. 13 vol. 
 I n- 8. Paris, 1834. 
 CODE PERRIN, ou dictionnaire des constructions et de la conli- 
 guite. Legislation complete des servitudes et du 
 voisinan-e. Edition refondue par Amb. Rendu. Ii)-3 
 Paris, 1878. 
 CONFERENCE de I'ordonna'ice de la marin^, du mois d'aoiit 1081, 
 avec ies oncieunes ondonnances, le droit rornain ot 
 les reglements S^T cette matiere. In-4to. Paris, 1715. 
 COUTUME D.i PARIS. Notes snr la coutume de Paris, indiqnant Ies 
 articles encore en force avec tout le texte de la 
 coutume, a 1'excepfion des articles relatifs aux ii' fs 
 et censives des terres, du retrait lignages et dt.- ;a 
 garde noble et bourgeoise, par T. K. Ramsay. Iu-.o. 
 Montreal, 1863. 
 CREDIT FONCIER de France. Legislation et statuts. In-8. Pat- 's, 
 Desjardins (Arthur). Traite de Droit commercial maritime. Tome 
 premier. lu-8. Paris, 1878. 
 ENCYCLOPEDIK du notarial t-t de i'en> egistrcmont, ou dictionnaire 
 d<- legislation, cle doctrine et de jurisprudence, on 
 matiere civile et iiscale (avec forranles) (sons la direc- 
 tion de Ch. Lansel). 6 vols. in-8. Paris, 1879. 
 Guillain (Emile). De {'influence de Terreur sur la validite des 
 contrats en droit francais. Gd. in-8. Paris, 1878. 
 Lansel. Voir: Encyclopedic du notarial. 
 Lods (Armand). De la rente a reiuere, precedee d'une etude sur 
 1<3 lex commissoria. GJ. in-8. Paris, 1879. 
 Mailher de Chassat (A.) Traite de i'interpretatiou des lois. lu-8. 
 Par is, 1836. 
 des rois de France de la troisierne race, recueilb'es 
 par ordre chronologique, avec des renvoys des lines 
 aux autres, des sommaires, des ob.servations snr le 
 l"x(e et cinq tcibles, la lere des Paques, la 2e des 
 ortlonnatices par ordre de d-ite, la 3e des matieres. la 
 4e, ties noins des personnel, et la 5e, des noms de 
 lieux. 21 vols. in-tbiio, (les six dernier* vol. man- 
 Vol. I Depuis Ilngnps Capet, jnsquYi la fin du 
 resile de Charles LeJJel, [)ar M. de Launicre, 
 Vol. II. -Ordonnances do Philippe de Valois et da 
 roi Jean (335-5). Puns, 1729. 
 Vol. 111. Ordonnauces du roy Jean (1355-13G4). 
 Par M. tSecousse. 1732. 
 Vol. IV.- Supplements pour le rcgne de Jean, et <>r- 
 dnmianccs de Charles V, pendant les annees 
 I3t)4, 13oo, lotf'j. Par M. Secousse, 17J4. 
 Vol. V Onlo.'inanc-s de Charles V ( 13(57- T 
 (Par M. SecuiisM', 1730). 
 Vol. V I. Onlonnances d-- Charles V ot Charles Y [, 
 jusijuVi- Ki fiu de 1382. (Par M. JS.-cou^o, H41).
 Vol. Y1L Ordonnances de Charles VI, (1883-1394). 
 (Par M. Secousse, 1745). 
 Vol. VIII. -Ordonnances de Charles VI, (1395-1402). 
 Vol. IX. Ordonnances de Charles VI (1404-1411). 
 (Par M. de Vilevault, 1755). 
 Vol. X. Ordonnances de Charles VI, (1411-1418). 
 (Par M. de Vilevault et de Brequigny, 1763). 
 Vol. XI. Ordonnances de Charles VI (1419 jusqu'a 
 la fin de son regne). Avoc u:i supplement pour 
 les volumes precedents. (Par de Vilevault et do 
 Brequigny, 1769). 
 Vol. XII. Contenant un supplement depuis i'an. 
 1187 jusqu'a la fin du reg?)e de Charles VI. (Par 
 M. de Vilevault et de Brequigny, 1777. 
 Vol. XI1L Ordonnances de Charles VII, juqu'a 
 1448. (Par de Vilbault et de Brequigny, 1782). 
 Vol. XIV. Ordonnances do Charles VII, jusqua sa 
 mort, 1461. (Par M. de Brtquigny, 1790). 
 Vol. XV. Ordonnanc\v d^ Louis XI, jusqu'en 1463. 
 (Par M. Pastoret, 1791). 
 Pothier. (Euvres annoiees, par Bugnet. 2e edition. Tome 4e. 
 Iu-8 Paris, 1861. 
 REVUE G^NERALE du droit, de la legislation et de la jurisprudence 
 en France et a i'etrang*r. lere et 2e annee, 1877 et 
 1878. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris. 
 Rivier (Alphor. >-'). Traite elementaire d<>s successions a cause 
 do mott en droit romain. In-8. Bruxelles, 1878. 
 TESTAMENT de M. le marquis de Viliette. Q;u>stion de lidei-com- 
 mi^. M. de Montreal; .-outre M onseigneur de Dn>ux- 
 Breze. ev -J.J.K' l i Monlius. Pi;udoiri ile M. Piocque. 
 K-H'n.-i!iiti par .1. iSabb:ittier. (iixtrait de la Tribune 
 Judic;r-.i. Br. in-8 Paris. 1860. (I) pages*).
 THESE pour la lie-Mice, soulenue par Henri Schiuit. Br. in-8. Paris, 
 AFFAIRES ETRANGERES. Documents dipioihntiqnes. Affiiros d'Orient. 
 Congres dj Berlin, 1878. In-4to. Paris, 1878. 
 BUDGET de 1'exercice 1880. 
 1. Projet de loi cone'irnant Ics QO'itributious diroctes 
 et tuxes y assirnilees; 
 2 a 12. Projet de loi ponr la fixation des recettes de 
 1'exercice 1880. 12 br. in-4to. Paris. 
 BULLETIN de statistique et de legislation oomparee. 3e et 4e an- 
 nf es. 2 brs. in-8. Paris, 1880. 
 GO.MPTE GENERAL de I'administ ration dos finances, rendu pour 1'an- 
 uee 1875. Ia-4to. Paris, 1878. 
 GOMPTE GENERAL de i'ad ministration de la justice maritime, pour 
 les annees 18o2 a 1873. 4 vols. iu-4to. Paris, 1869, 
 COMPTE GENERAL des travaux du Conseil d'Etat, depuis le 10 aout 
 1872 jnsqu'au 31 deccmbre 1877, presente au presi- 
 dent de la Republique par le president du cons.'il. 
 Iu-4to. Pari*, 1878. 
 LA SITUATION FINANCIEKE des Co:rununes en 1879. (2e publicalion). 
 ln-4io. Paris. 
 NAVIGATION INTEISIEURE. Coars d'eau adininistres par 1'Etat. R-l"ve 
 general du tonnage des marchandises, par es-pece, 
 j>ar classe -t par cours d'eau, hint a la descente qu'a 
 la renionl--, (1878). Iu-4to. Paris. 
 PROGR&S des tndes relatives a l'Egy,)te et a 1'Orient. Gd. in-8. 
 PHOOHES des etudes clas^ique.s et du moyen age, philologie cel- 
 tique, nurnismutique. Grd. in-8. Paris, 1868.
 PIIOJET DU Lor pr^'sente a In Chambre des deputes, povtant fixation 
 du budget general de 1'exercice 1881. In-4to de 
 175D , *a i -s. Paris. 
 RAPPOLIT a M. Ic president de la Republique sur les caisses d'E- 
 pargne, 1877. In-4to. Paris. 
 RAPPORT sur les progres de 1'hygiene navale, par M. le Roy de 
 Mericourt. G-d. in-8. Paris, 1867. 
 RAPPORT sur les progres de la medecine en France, par MM. Be- 
 clard et Axenfeld. G-vl. iu-8. Paris, 1867. 
 RAPPORT sur les progres de la Thermodynamique en France. Par 
 Par M. Berlin. G-J. in-8. Paris, 1867. 
 RAPPORT sur les prosrres de la stratographie, par Elie de Beaumont. 
 Gd. in-8. Paris, 1839, 
 RECUEIL DE RAPPORTS sur les progres des lettres et des sciences en 
 STATISTIQUK des p'echos maritimes, 1878. G-l. in-8. Paris, 1870. 
 TABLEAU GENERAL des mouvements du cabotage pendant 1'aimee 
 1878. I u-4 to. Paris. 
 TABLEAU GENERAL du coaimerce de la France avoc ses colonies et 
 les puissances etrangeres, pendant I'annee 1878. Gd. 
 in- it o Parif. 
 Didier Pailhe (E ) Cours elemontaire de Droit Ilomain In-8. 
 Paris, 1878. 
 Mackenzie (Lord). Studies in roman L.uv, with comparative 
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 4th edition. Edited by John Kirkp.Urick. In-8. 
 London, 1876.
 Alden (Joseph). First principles of political economy. In-32. 
 Syracuse, 1879. 
 ANNALKS DU COMMKRCE KXTKIMI-IJU. Publication mcnsuelle du mi- 
 nistre de I'Agricalture et du Commerce. In-8 royal. 
 Paris, 1879, 1880. 
 de I'ecoMOinie politique et de la statistic] ue, 1876, 77, 78 
 ct 79. 4 vols. in-32. Pa-: in. 
 ANNUAL RICI'MIT (i'the C'alholic male institution for the Deaf and 
 Dumb of the Province of Quebec, 1878. (28 pages). 
 In-8. Mile-End, 1879. 
 ASSOCIATION des Librairos, Editeurs, Imprimenrs et Kelieuisdela 
 province de Quebec. lirponse au dernier rapport de 
 1'llon. Surintendant de 1'instiuction publique de la 
 province de Quebec. (14 pages). Grd. in-12, 1879. 
 13. C. Vol. 210. 
 Babault (C.) La chifBfgie du foyer. (84 vignettes), ln-18. Paris, 
 Baillairge (Chs.) The Municipal situation. (34 pages). 8vo. 
 Quebec, 1878. U. C. Vol. 200. 
 Baleer (G-eorgp). Th^ city of Three-lxivers as a Sea-port and her 
 New-York rail-rot^ In-8. Three-Riirrs,l*W. (Wuh 
 a chart). (tJ7 p:g<'s). 
 Baudrillard (II) Economic politique populuire. Iu-18- 1'a.ris, 
 Baynes (G-. A.) Disposal of the dead : by land, by water or by 
 fires, which ? Being (he last lecture of the course on 
 hygiene and public health, delivered to the theolo- 
 gical classes in the session ofl 874-75. (McGrill Uni- 
 versity). 1 u-12. Montreal, 1875. ^25 pages). B. C. 
 Vol. 200. 
 Bechard (Angnste). H stoire de la Banque. Nationale. (Ill pages). 
 8vo. Quebec, 1878. 13. C. Vol. 171. 
 Bonham (Hon. J. Ellis). Remarks on the bank question, together 
 with governor Bigler's velo on the bank bills, and the 
 debate on the same. (42 pages). In-8. Harrisbottrg. 
 Br. Aug. Vol. 7. 
 Brown (TVm.) Silver in its relation to industry and trade: the 
 danger of the. demonetizing it. The United-States 
 monetary commission of 1876. Review of professor 
 Brown's monetary report. In-8. Montreal, 188 ; ). 
 Carrier (L. N.) Les institutions de Credit-loncier. Qnelqneg 
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 ( dn Canadien}. ln-32. Quebec, 1880. B. C. 
 Vol. 208. 
 CITY TREASURKR'S ACCOUNTS balance sheets and statements of the 
 Corporation of Quebec and Quebec Water Wo: ks, 
 for the years 1870-77, 1877-78, 1878-79. Spatrph. 
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 Colin (Rev. M. P. S. IS.) Discours sur 1'cmvrier, prosonce a 1'Ins- 
 titnt des artisans Canadiens, le 2 avril 1869. ln-32. 
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 COMPTES ET ETATS du tresorier de la Cite et autres documents de 
 la Corporation de Quebec et de 1'Aquoduc, pour les 
 annees 1867-1808, 1868 69, 1870-71, 1876 77,1877-78, 
 1878-79,1879-80. 12 brs. ln-8 Quebec. 
 CONSEIL MUNICIPAL de la cite de Montreal. Rapports annuels. Dis- 
 conrs d'inangnralion du maire. Relies en 1 vol. ii;-3. 
 Montreal, 1880. 
 CONSTITUTION et code de rglement8 du Club Canadien. Pat- on, 
 Joseph Cauchon, ecuier, M. P. P. In-8. Quebec, 
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 CONSTITUTION, regies et reglements do J'UnicMi Comnaerciale de 
 Qtirbec, fondee le 29 avril 1874. In-18. Quebec, 
 1877. (21 pages). 
 CONSTITUTION ct reglem-Mits de Tlnstitut Catholique de St-Roch de 
 Q.iebec. In-8. Quebec, 1852. (6 pages). 
 CONSTITUTION de 1'Academie da Musique de Quebec. (10 pages, 
 in-l:.'). B. C. Vol.210. 
 CONSTITUTION et n'glfment de rUnion St. Joseph, a St-Sauveur de 
 Quebec, fondee le lO ievner 1865. lu-32. Quebec^ 
 1833. B.C. Vol.207. 
 CORPORATION DE LA CITE DE MONTHEAL. Rapports d*s chefs des De- 
 parteuients pour ies auutes 1876, 77, 78. 3 vois iu-8. 
 Cunningham (David). Conditions of social well-being, or in- 
 quiries into the material and moral position of the 
 populations of Europe and America, with particular 
 reference to those of Great Britain and Ireland. 8vo. 
 London, 1878. 
 De Gazes (I'suih. Notes sur le Canada. Nouvelle edition. Iu-3. 
 Quebec, 1880. 
 DEVOIRS DU CI.OYKN. Disconrs prononces a ladistnbution des prix 
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 DOCUMENTS PARLEMKNT.URKS. Banques et iinances, 1852-61. lu'-u- 
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 K ;OLE DE RLFORMI: a Montreal. Rapport des Dirocteurs, 1874. GJ. 
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 Fournier (Jules). L.'s assurances ;ui Canada. Projet d'a 
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 ct-ndie, sur l:v vie et contro les lisqnos maritimos. 
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 FhANCE (la) et. le Canada francais. T)i.conrs prononces an banquet 
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 on curren y and banking. (,6 page>). 8vo. Sa'ford- 
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 HOWARD ASSOCIATION Report, 1878. (24 pagos). 8vo. London. E- 
 (. 1879. Countries where capital punishment has 
 been abolished or discontinued. (4 pa^os). In-li'. 
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 du bureau de direction et catalogu--. L.-18. Quebec, 
 1870, (45 pag.-s.) B. C. Vol. 210. 
 IKSTITUT CATHOLIQUE de St-Roch de Quebec. Con-titution et regie- 
 ments. (8 pages). 8vo. Quebec, 1852. B. C. Vol. 197. 
 INSTITUT GOMMK.RCIAL St-Lonis, fonde le 9 m irs 1880. Constitution. 
 ln-12. Quebec, 1880. \\. C. Vol. 207. 
 INSTRUCTIONS for extinguishing lires in the different Wards of tha 
 ciiy. In- 8. (15 pages). Quebec, 1857. B.^C. Vol. 195. 
 Jannet (Claudio). Les societes secretes. 2e edition. In-12. Par if t 
 Josseau (J. R.) Traite du Credit-Foncier, snivi d'nn traite dn 
 credit-agricole et du credit ion cier colonial, contenant 
 1'explication de la legislation, le texte dos decivts, 
 lois, statute, etc., etc. 2 edition. 2 vols. Paris, 1872. 
 Jourdan (Alfred). 1'pargne et capital, on du meilleur emploi de 
 la richesse. Expose des principes fondamentanx de 
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 iitai.) In-8. Jtix, 1879.
 LA Qn:sTio\ i>::s F.\ii!!io.rE.s, par Ua ami de 1'Ordro. Br. in 8. (1? 
 Laramee (,T. A.) tfociete dc t.-mpi'ra:i<\> do 1'Eglise St-Piorvc? de 
 Mo'itivnl. 1ST7-78. Lecture sur I'dlcoolisme. In-18. 
 (06 j>; J\Jo'.treaf. 
 JLaveleye (Em. d<'). L< 1 pro<stantisrne et io catholiscisme dans 
 Ifiir.-, rapports avco la lib^rte et la prosperite dos 
 pfuple.<. Etud d'econoinie sociule. (Extr.iit de la 
 Kcviu- do Bi'ljjiqiif.) In-12 (30 i>ages). Maltreat, 1876. 
 LePlay (F.) \j -s onvriers liuropecns. 2 edition, 5 vols. Grd. 
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 1829 a 1879, a I't'tudi* dos families ouvrieres. 
 Vol. 2 JwPS ouvriers -du Nord. 
 Vol. 4. Lrs ouvriors de i'Orient. 
 Vol. 4 et 5 Lt's ouvriors de 1 Occident. 
 LeRoy-Beaulieu (Paul). Trait 6 de la fci j noe des iinanccs. 2o 
 t'dition. 2 vols. ui-S. Pm, 1879. 
 LUMIJER TRADE (!,li"i cf the Ottawa valley, with a description of 
 some of the principal rmiunf'u: luring establishments. 
 4th edition, ln-8. (60 pages). Ottawa, 1872. B. 0. 
 Vol. 189. 
 Marsden (W., M. D.) Marine and Emigrmt hospital, Quebec. 
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 uuMit of (31 pages). 8\'o. Quebec, 1832. B. 0. 
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 Meagher (Tho>. V.) The commercial agency " system" of the 
 Unitrd Siau'S and Canada exposed. Is the secret 
 inquisition curse or benefit? In-8. 'New York, 1876. 
 Millet-Robinet (Mrno.) Maison Hustiqne des dames. 10 edition, 
 MaisoM rustique des dames. 16 edition. 
 2 vol. in- 1.8, (avec gravures;. Paris. 
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 Mongredien (Augustus). Free trade and onglish commerce. 4th 
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 Mony (S). Etude sur le travail. In-8. Paris, 1877. 
 Myrand (Ernest). La societe Saint-Vincent de Paul. Statistiqvte 
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 REPORT (annual) of the Mayor of the City of Quebec to the mem- 
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 Roscher (Win.) Principles of political eco>if>my. Translated i<y 
 John J. Lnlor. 2 voU. 8vo. Chiaigo, 1378. 
 Rougier (J. C. Paul). L x liberte commercial)'. U\s douanes el les 
 traites de commerce, ln-8. l\ii is. 
 Rousseau (Rodolphv). Des societes fcommeiUltttdS fran9iiscs nt 
 t'trangeres; suivi d'un expose (\.>< droits de tiinbies 
 et d'enregistrement applicables aux societ-.-s coinnH-r- 
 ciales, etc. 2 \'ols. m-8. Paris, 1878. 
 RUTTAN'S VENTILVTION and warming; or how to make home healty- 
 (GO pages). 8vo. Peterborough, Unt. 1870, B. C. 
 Vol. 179. 
 Schehya (.Joseph). Address delivered at the meeting of the 
 I .oan.1 of Trade, held on February, 4th 1830. ln-8. 
 Quebec, 1880. i7G pages,.. B. C. Vol. 197. 
 Shwartz ("W. A.> U 0'-<l f exports of lumber, &c , of the p<rt 
 of Quebec, from the year 1815 up to date ( 879). 
 Compiled by line feuille.
 SITUATION FiNAXOiKHio divs Communes eu 1879 (La). Voir: Histoire 
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 SoC'KTfe DE SAlNT-VlNCENT DE PAUL. Ju'CUfil (! 1 ;\ COrroSpOTlda MC6 
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 de Paris et des ivtpports di'.s assernUeot; generales. 
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 ion ol Canada : alsf. annual report of the commerce 
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 rapports officiels. Ir.-S. Ottawa, 1880 et pour IVx- 
 ercice liiiis&aut le 30 pun 1880. In-8. Ottawa, 1881. 
 TABLES of the trade Mid navigation of the Dominion of Canada, for 
 the lUcal year ending. 30ili June, 1879. Compilt-d 
 from official returns, and for the year ending 30ih 
 June, 1880. In-8. Ottawa, 1881. 
 TAUIF nppronve par M;r I'Archoveqno d( Q ieh<c, pour la fahri- 
 que d> Si-Koch d-- Qin'bec. (12 pnges). In-8. Que- 
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 Thomson (J. Thurnhull). Social problems. An inquiry into the 
 law of influences. In-& London, 1878. 
 Tilly (Hon.). The Lumber Trade of of the Ottawa Valley. (GO 
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 TBAITES des commerce et de navigation outre In Grande-Bretagne 
 et les puissances etrangeres. li;-8. Ottawa. 
 TRANSACTIONS of the National Association for the promotion of 
 Social Science (Cheltenham meeting-, 1878;. In-8. 
 London, 1879.
 TRANSACTIONS of the National Association for the promotion of Science (Manchester meeting, 187'J). Li-8. 
 London, 1880. 
 Trudel (Hon. F. X. A.) La temperance au point de vue social. 
 B. 0. Vol. 195. 
 UNION-ALLET. Constitution, reglments, officiers en charge. In-32. 
 Montreal, 1872. (22 pages). B. C. Vol. 208. 
 UNION COMMERCIALS <! Quebec. Constitution, regies et reglements. 
 (21 pages). In- 12. Quebec, 1877. B. C. Vol. 206. 
 UNIVERSITY LAVAL. Constitution et reglements. Vide: Education. 
 Vezina (Fran9ois). Kecit historique de la progression financiere 
 de la Caisse d'Econornie de Notre-Dame de Q : V-bec. 
 In-8. (82 pages). Quebec, 1878. B C. Vol. 193. 
 ACADEMIE COMMERCIAL!-: Cathpllque de Montreal. Aimee acadA- 
 mi.iue 1870-77. In-8. Montreal, 1877. 
 A CHART AND KEY of (he educational system of the State of Michi- 
 gan. Compiled by 1). C. Jacokes. Br. in-8, 188(5. 
 ACTES D'EDUCATION t'h'mentaire et pour 1'etablissement d'ecoles 
 normales, sums des circulaires y relatives N<. 12 et 
 16. et des instructions et tableaux du Surintendaut 
 de Tedncation pour le Bas-Canada. (78 pig>'s). 8vo. 
 Quebec, 1852. B. C. Vol. 179. 
 ANNUAIRE du Seminaire St-Charles-Borromee, Sherhrooke. Autiee 
 academiqne 1875-7.6, (No. ]j. In-12. Sherbrooke, 
 1876. (30 pages). 
 ANNUAIRE de 1'Universite Laval, pour 1'annee academique 1856- 
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 ANNUAIRB de I'Univorsite Laval pour Ta-niee aca'leraique 1879- 
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 ANNUAL REPORT of the Minister of Kducalion (Ontaiio), on the 
 public, separate, and high schools, lor the year 1878. 
 I 8. Toronto, 1880. 
 ANNUAL CALENDAR of McCJill College and University. Vide: Science 
 Bibaud. Le memorial des viscissi hides et des proxies d la 
 Janirtie fianc:ii*e en Canada. In-12. (128 paies). 
 Mo id fen I, 1879. 
 BOOK DEPOSITORY it nd School furnitures. Extract of the general 
 catalogue. \\. C. Vol. 195. 
 Bruno (G.) Francinet. Livre de lecture courante. Notions ele- 
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 Le tour de la France, par deux enfant?. Devoir et 
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 sion 1880-81. In-12. Montreal, 1880. <81 pngjs). 
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 fraiip lis, contenant les mots dont il taut repandre 
 1, et les baibarismes (ju'il faut eviter, 
 pour l)ien [>arler iiotre laugiie. L.-8. Trois- Rivieres, 
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 CATALOGUE des officers et des eleves du semit'airede Quebec, 1848- 
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 Chabert (E. A) Lemons de grammairefrai^aise. 3e edition. In-18. 
 Cours pratique de 1'instituteur et de Pinstitutrice, 
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 sieurs I--S Commissaires et {Syndics d'ecolos. 10 
 m,rs!877. 13. C. Vol.174.
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 juin 1874 ei le 2*3 juin 1876 2 br. iu-3 M.mlreul. 
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 GDN.-TITUTIONS ct Ueulftncnts <io I'Uuiversite I^nval. 4e edition. 
 In-S. Quebec, 1879. 
 Courtenay's dictionary r.-t' ihiv- thou;m<ls ;il)breviation, litorary, 
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 DEPARTEMENT DE L'!NSTRUCTION PLBLIQU'-. Dep.ot de livres ot . antros 
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 Catalogue du depot de 
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 DipaT (!e) de livres et la petition des libr:iires, par trois maitres 
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 Dupanloup (Mgr.) Lettres sur 1'education des lilies ot sur les 
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 ment Primaire. J. B. Cloutier, redacteur.
 EDUCATION ,md Soie:ific Institutions Voir: Report of the Mi- 
 nister of Agriculture, 1867. r.inird 18G9. 
 ENSEIGNEIIBNT Pimr.uiiK <L'). .Journal d'edncation et d'iiiftrnctioQ, 
 parai^sant le ler **t le 15 de chuque mois, lts vacances 
 oxceptee* .1. M. Uloutier. redacteiir. D-'puis le No. 1 
 Janvier 1881. Format in-8 loyal. Quebec. 
 EXAMEN DU FACTUM ! iTiiivcrsite Laval. Gd. in-8. (4 pages). 
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 milles et des iustitutiice.s Eneign ni> nt piiinaire. 
 ,. ', 2.- et 3e ,,.,,,->. 3 vols. 8vo. (2e edition), 
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 JOURNAL GENERAL de I'lnstructiou Publiquo. Ensfijrnement supe- 
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 Langevin (R.-vd. Jean). Answer to the programmes on teach- 
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 Laveleye (Emile de). L'Inlruclion du penple. In-8. Paris, 1872. 
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 Leroy (P.) Etude da htin. Themes regies et vie d'Agesilas. 
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 pages). 8n>. QtfcAcc, 1876 R C. Vol. 170. 
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 MI (lematides ct repojist's. (11G pay;e>). 8vo. (J/iebt.c t 
 1877. B.C. Vol. 173. 
 Maguire (l'al)b ). Manuel d<>s dilBcnltes leg pins comrnnnrs de 
 la langne franchise, adapte au J'-UIIH Ag* -t snivi d'uu 
 recueil de locuiioiis vicieuses. In-18 Quebec. 1841. 
 Mansfield (Edward I)) American education, its principles and 
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 Meilleur (J. B ) Nouvelle Grammaire Anglaise. on deux 
 suivies d'une series de themes. 2e edition. In-12* 
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 gra<les, recettes et depenses, en 1876 Actt-s admi- 
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 PETIT SEMINAIRK <lc SnitHt'-Thf'M-eso. Amu'- PS srh'>l:iir % s de 1873- 
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 tini'-p to the pr'sMit, with an introduction, by Henry 
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 IK'-HS 1877-78 et 1878-79 2 vols. in-S. Quebec, 1879. 
 Raymond (Cr. S.) liliilreiiiMi sur |s Mndes clasviqii'-s. (33 pages). 
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 in.-des et ties iuslitnteurs prim lires. Iirl8. Paris.
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 REPORT of the PiiperinU'iidant of education of the ] > rovinoe of 
 Quebec, for the year 1,377-78. L.-8. Quebec, 167!'. 
 RtroRT of th" supi-riiitendt'tit of p iblic instruction oHh'' Prpviucp 
 of Quebec for 1878-79. 1..-8. Quebec. 1879. 
 Reticius (lo fie re) K'l'-ponse aux cinq Ifltrcs dn \l. M. V"-. 
 r-an. Li-8 (7H pages). (I'ublie t-ans uom d'antour). 
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 Rodenbach (Ah'xandie) Coup d'coil <l'nn aveuglo sur Ks sourds* 
 muets. I n-8 IJnixelles. 1829. 
 SOURDS MUCTS. IJapport annu-l d- i'iustitiition o.Mtholiqne ponr la 
 Pn.vmc-' dn Q u'-bf-c pour 1878, (31 pagf.-) 8vo. 
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 St. Hilaire (Mich !) Repon^e a 1111 .^ophi-lc an snj.'t d la qn^s- 
 tio.i univ- v>itairf a Montreal. (22 pages). 8vo. 
 Montfinl, l'879. 13. C. Vol. 172. 
 Tardivel (J. P.) l/an^licism' 1 , voila reimemi. Car.seri** f.iito nu 
 o.-vcU- c .tholique de Quebec, le 17 dec , 1879, ln-12. 
 (28 pages). Qurbec, 18SO. 
 Tasohereau (M-jf) Mi'ideuieut proiuulgnaut la bull" Inter varias 
 snllicitudines <jui erige c moiiiqupinfiit I'Uuiverijite- 
 Lival. P t:t ii.-4to. Quebec, 1870. 
 THE LAWS reluling to P.rish Schools in New Uruiiswick, together 
 \vith thv rules and rt'iulalions mad by ihe provin- 
 cial b -aid of education. (32 pages). 8vo. Fredinclon. 
 B C. Vol. 197. 
 THESES de rtialhemntiqMo qui seront souteuues, etc., etc. Vide: 
 TRAITE D'ELCCUTION indicjuant les raoyens d'obtenir nne bonne 
 emission de voix, de con ii;er tons l-s accents vicieux, 
 tons les accents etraugrfrs. lu-8. Alonlieul. 1870. 
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 THAITE eleiix'Htaire de cn'cnl dill'-renti'-! et <!. integral. 
 ln-8. Quebec, 1868. (Atliibsie A I'ahbe .lean Lan- 
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 UXIVEIISITK L \v\r. Con'fttifnlin'i* <>t re' i cr' > n(M)fs. Annnsiiros. Nos. 1 
 A 24. (18561880). l?<-ii.'s MI 4 vol-. !i.-8. 
 ir,- <! pirrps justilicalivfs. Voir: Ilixloire, 
 V 6 nun re*. ( C 
 r< latil'-i a son erection canoniqne. 
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 --- Ex:im<n dn f etnm rl> 1' - (4 pflgos). Jn-8. 
 P.-tit t.-xi.. B. C. Vol. 212. 
 UMVEHSITK-LAVAL a Mnntrrn 1 . C'O'MVO d rt r.inM'V nrndemique 
 1878-1879. In-8. (5U \&*s\ Montreal, 1879. 
 UNIVKHSITY of'tho Slatt* of New-York. Voir : TV^cw York. 
 UNIVERSITY of Sydney, report f>r 1878 Folio. 
 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Voir: Droit .flmericain : Michigan. 
 ABKIM.I: MKOICU.K (L') Vid- 1 : Science Medicalc. 
 AcvofeMiE Coinini'iciale. oalholiqne do Montreal. Annee acade- 
 ini<pit; 1870-77. Vide : Education. 
 ALBUM DES FAMILLKS (L') Ivevue mensnelle illusireo. (Suite du 
 Koyer doinesiique). li:-4to. Ottawa, 1880.
 BPO. S 
 A.^ &U. 
 ALMANAC. Th-- C madian Almanac an I llpoitf>ry i*f nsoful know 
 li'dir*. lor the 1558, 1859, 1880, 18'32. 1838, 1868, 
 1872. 1873 and 1881. 8 vols. i i-3. Toronto. 
 ALMANAC. Si arkeN pocket aim mac an I irfneral register for 1868, 
 1870, 1871, 1872, 1874, 1878, 188) et 1331. 8 vuis. 
 iu-12. Alotilreni 
 ALMANAC. The illustrated annual register of rural iffiirs and 
 cultivator almanac, !<>r the yar 1831. \Vi'h 140 
 enuniviiiifs. By .1. .1. Thomas In-12. .-i/briny, 1881. 
 ALMANAC. The Qufb -c a!in;in.ic, and British American royal k;i- 
 lendar, lor 1838. Li-82. Q'ttber., 
 ALMANAC. "Walch's Trismanian Aiiaunac 1'ir 183'. ln-18. T.ixmanie. 
 ALMANAC. Th- lirili^h North American Almanac and annual record 
 for th-' year 1866 E lited by .Jo.s. Kmby. Vol 1. In 8 
 ALMANAC. McMillan's New-Brunswick almanac and register for 
 1869. In 12. Siiinl-Jithtt, 1869. Voir : Yearbook. 
 ALMANAC. Th^ Lower Canada Almanac and Montreal Commercial 
 Dnvctory for 1810 being bisextile, or leap-year, i ' 
 ALMANAC. The linancial reform almanach for 1830. A vade mecnms 
 for lic.l n'fornii'rs, free traders, politicians, writers 
 &c. In 8. London, 188'*. 
 ALMANAC. Th"tn's Iri^h almanac and official directo-y of the 
 Uniti'd Kingdom of Great Uiitain and Ireland lor 
 1879 In-8. Dublin. 
 ALMANACK cont>nant une li>te aiphabetique des cites, des villes, 
 villages, paro>ss'S ft c<tntun> de la province de Q:ie- 
 bi c, ain^i rjue lo nom des cnnjles, districts et dioceses 
 d^ins ls(jaels ils sont situe's ; un tableau des divisions 
 d'enreiii>.tiemrnr, les nonis des r<'-gi*trateurs, les 
 oh'-fV-iienx. etc , etc., compile par E. C. Grhickmeyer, 
 ln-8 (49 pages). Loi*, 1880. 
 ALMANACH. Th' h'nan<-ial reform almanach, year 1881. In-S. 
 London, 1881.
 ALMANACK for I ht year of mi r Lord 1881, by Joseph "Whitaker. 
 In 18. London. 
 ALMANACK npii< nlr, rrmmercinl et hlVoriqno de .T. l\. Holland ct 
 Fils, pour l'a mice 1879 (.13e aimer). ln-18. Alon'fetd, 
 AMERICAN AGRSCI L-II II^T (the) lor ihe Jaini, jravden and household 
 (1880). 1 vrl. gr. ir-4io. Knc-Yo<k. 
 XX V 187U :n.d I860). 2 vois. Ii,-8. Ntw Haven. 
 AMEIUCAN MACHINIST. A journal lor machinist, ouffiut'enp, fontidcrfi, 
 hoih-r-ni; kri>, pa!frru-in; ki-r&aiid bluckainilhs, vol. 4. 
 (1881). Li- folio. 
 ANNALES de la Propagalioii de la i'oi. Voir : Religion. 
 ANNLAIRE. G-MH! annunire do Qurlx-c pour 1881. Publie par 
 Ovidt- Frechette. In-8. .Quebec, 1881. 
 ANNUAIHE do I'UuiveiHle-Lnval. Vide: Education. 
 ANNUAIUE No. 3 dn CYrcle Catholique de Quebec. Voir: Acles el 
 ANNUAIRE dti {Srminaire St-Charles Borromee. Vide : Education. 
 ANNUAIRE de 1'Institiit Canadieu de Quebec, 1879. (No. 6). Iu-8. 
 ANNUAIRE de I'lnstiUU Canndien de Quebec, 1880. Sommaire : 
 Premere administration de Fioiitenac par T P. 
 La cri.nite calholique a Quebec, par I']. Myrand. 
 L'lijrlise, le progres et la civilisation, par 1'abbe 
 Adres^e a M<rr Cazeau. Reponso. Appendicc. In-8. 
 Quebec, 1880. 
 ANNUAIRE STATISTIQUE. lere annre. 1878. Royal, 8vo. Paris. 
 ANNUAL CALENDAR of McGill College and univcr&ily. Vide: Science 
 ANNUAL REGISTI.R (Thi). Voir : Hisloife Universelle.
 ARTISTE (L'). Revue de Pans. Ilistoire de Tart cont< mporain. 
 (1879-1880;. (ole t-t 52e s.nmVb./4 v..>. 1. in-8. 
 GAZETTE. The IMtish CohunHia Gaxette. (Col. Bntanniqne.) (pu- 
 blished hy :iuih'.rity ) (>ince vol. XI 11, No. 32) 1873. 
 ln-4rto lonl. Victoria. 
 BULLETIN de la sociele de -geogniphie. Anneo 1880. In-8. Paris. 
 BYSTANDER (The). A monthly review of current eveuls, Canadian 
 and general. ln-S. Toronto, 1880. 
 CANADA G-zirrrii, 1880. lu-ito. Ottawa. 
 CANADA LAW JJLMJNAL, (The). Vide: Cnnadic.ii. 
 CANADA (Le), Suit.' de la G.izi-tte 'd'Otlavv ., a paitir du No. 2i4 
 (20 oct. 1878). 
 CANADIAN AGRICULTURIST (The). Voir : J\gri<:ultivee. 
 CANADIAN EMANCIP .TION. A monthly review devoted to Canadian 
 emancipation and commercial uir.on with ihe llitited 
 Slates. Nu. 1. 2. 3.4. Iij-S. Montreal, 1880. 
 CANADIAN ILLUSTRATED NEWS. (Vol. 21 and 22) 2 in-i'.)!. Montreal, 
 CANADIAN MILITARY RKVIKW, (The). Revue militaire cnnadienno. 
 Iu-4to. Q tehee, Kingston, 188')-1881 (lirst year of 
 CANADIAN MONTHLY and national review. Vols. 4 and 5 (1879-1880) 
 ^ vo!s. In-8. Toronto. 
 CANADIAN NATURALIST, (The), and quarterly journal oi'science, with 
 the proceedings of the natural history society of 
 Montreal. Nos. 1 to 7 of vol. IX. (1879-SO). lu-S. 
 CANADIAN PARLIAMENTARY COMPANION, and annual register (1877^ 
 1878. 1879 and 1880. Edited by (J. II. Mackintosh. 
 4 vols. in-1 8. Ottawa.
 M'.nr.m, 1802 (liist y.'.ru-). In 32- Q n b. c. 1804. 
 Montreal, 1871, 1878, 74, 7-5, 70. Ottawa, 7 vols. 
 In- :j. 
 CANADIAN TATI-NT OFFIC:-: RECORD, (Tin 1 )- Vol. VIII. (1880). In-4lo, 
 Ol/'i ir. -i. 
 CANARD, (Lf>. Journal aqirttiqtv*, j >urnii] Uib Jonja-luiro illnstrfc. 
 Pivnueiv t'-iidlc, format iu-8, publii'-i* a bord da 
 Caiidti, 18 :iout 1877. Lcs atilres. format u.-4to. 
 Panii ;'i M-mtreal un<? loi.s par siMiiaiiu'. Vol. 1, 2, 3, 
 1877-78, 79 (se coiiiinue;. 
 CAHILLOV, (L"\ .lournal humorist iqm>, illnstiv, Bilaadean l t Ci* 1 ., 
 <liliurs-pmprn' j taires. No. 1. 24 oct >br.-, No G ot 
 d.-ruifr, 13 dt-combiv, 1S77, tonnal in-4to, Qucb <;. 
 CASSELL'S DOMHSTIC ui rnovviiv. An (Micyclopi'di i fur thu household. 
 With illu-tiMtioiis. 1 i-lto. London, 1879. 
 COLLECTIONS DI-: DECISIONS. Vide : Droll C, inn lien. 
 Co.NConuK, (Li). Journal politiqn* 1 , cmn-in'rciul, littt-rairo ot nofri- 
 C'l'. pub.i> anx Trois-ltivieres, dei)iii.s le 2 mai 1879, 
 8 i'u.s par MMiiaiiu;. In folio. 
 CONTEMPORAHY is viKw, (Th^). Vol.*. 32 to 38 (1879-1830). 6 vols. gd. 
 In -8, London. 
 COQ (Lo). Abt-1 lluot, mlactour, 4 nnmeros, in-4to, illustre. 
 ebec. (lO aout 31 aout, 1878). 
 Conm;sPONDANT (l/:i. N.u\-.'IK' s.-ri.'. Tomn 89e a 85e. (116 a 121 
 de la coll'c:io:i), 1879-188). 5 vols iu-8. 7^m. 
 COURIUEU DK M >NTRK\L |L'|. -lourual des f'iinilles (heb lomudairc). 
 Prosp.'ctus, 17 sept. 1874. (Ho. 1, 14 octobr* 187G), 
 No. -J8 -t Tun dcs doruiers, 20 avril 1870). lii-iblio. 
 CounuK-.n n:: MoNru:':vr. (T.-). Journal quotidien publie a Montreal, 
 di-nisU' '26 indi 1879. I:i folio. 
 (lx/.TT;i:n. The new universal gazi'tle.'r, or 0-pogra- 
 phical dictionary. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1879.
 DAILY GRAPHIC iThe). An illustrated evening newspaper. Vol. 
 XXIV. Iu-!olio, 1881. New-York. 
 Dezabry et Bichelet. V<>ir: Di<;lionnaire. 
 D.CTIO.\N<\IRE GENERAL de bioLjraphie et d'histoiro, do mylhologie, 
 de ifeojjraphi" anoi-nne et modern* 1 , etc., par MM. 
 ])rj5-ibry, Th Bach>'let, et nne societe do litterateurs, 
 de professenrs et do savants. 7e edition. 2 vols. 
 in 4to. Paris, 1876. 
 DICTIONNAIRE GENERAL ds sciences !heoriqn<s et npjiliqnees.' Avoc 
 d-s lig-aros intfic lees dans le texle. par M \1. Privat- 
 D.'-schuu'l, Ad. Focil on, avt'C la co!Ubolratioii d'une 
 reunion de ^aVMiittJ, d'nigenieurs et de prol'osseur?. 
 2e edition. 2 vols. in 4to. Paris, 1877. 
 DICTIONARY of bo<-ks relating to A.neriea, by Sabin. Vide : Biblio- 
 DIRECTOIRE. L** guide on direct oir d> la cite et du district de 
 Tnis Rixieres, pour 187 J-71. W. H Uovvon, editenr. 
 Iu-32. Quebec, 1870. 
 DIRECTORY. Q nbec directory, and City commercial Kegister, 
 1847-48, by Alf.vd Hivvki is. In 18. Mmil.-eal, 1847. 
 DIRECTORY. Quebec Dir.-clot-y for 18ijO-6l and for 1861-18G2. 
 E lited by G. II Cherrier. Iu-18. Quebec. 
 DIHECTORY. Cherrier's Quebec Directory, established in 1853, for 
 Iheyear ending May, 18, 1881. In-3. Quebec. 
 DIRECTORY. Qu-bt-c business directory, 18->4 to the 1838. (last one 
 with a plan of I tie city) by & McL.inghlin. 
 4vol. In- 1 2. 
 DIRECTORY. The Q i--b -c directory, or stranger's gnide in th rt city 
 for 1820. &c., by Johii Smith. In 18. Quebec. 1826. 
 DIRECTORY. M:>ck iy's Q lebec directory, corrected in .I'l'y, 1850. 
 Th" sa-ne corrected in Juiy and August 1852. 2 vol. 
 In- 12. Quebec. 
 DIRECTORY. The Q leb -c directory f>r 1822, containing an alpha- 
 betical list of the merchants, traders, &!.. to which 
 is prelixel a desenptivt? sk -tch of ih town, by 
 Thomas Henri Gleison. In 18, Quebec, 1822.
 DIRECTORY. Me Alpine's inaritim< business directory 188C-81, con- 
 twining names of all b-isiness men and women in ihe 
 citii-s ;iinl provinces of Nov;i Scotia, N.-\v Brunswick, 
 Prince Kdonard Island sind NrVT found httld'. Jn-8. 
 St. John, N. U. 
 DIRECTORY. Montreal directory, since 1833 containing and alpha- 
 betical directory of I he oil '/< -us, and a street direcio y, 
 &c 13 vol. ln-8. Montreal. 
 DIRK-TORY. Toronto directory, fcr 1877 and 1878. 2 vol ln-8. 
 DIRECTORY. Ottawa directory, 1'or 1875, 1876, 1877 and 1879. 4 vol. 
 DIRECT IRY. ]J )y,l's combined h:iin*ss directory, for 1875-76. con- 
 taining an alpliabetical list of .ill the meichdnts, ma- 
 nnfacturers, trad -stnuii, &e. In-3. Montreal. 
 1 he C rirtda directory lor 1857-53, containing names 
 of |n-of,'>s:oi;:il and h i<innss men, and ofth* principal 
 ilaiit^iti tht; c t;es, a:i -1 vdUg.-s. In-4i,o. Montreal. 
 DIHKCTORY. Mitchell's Canada r.iz.'tter and business directory, 
 lorl8U.-U5 lu-ito. Toronto. 
 DIRECTORY. Extern tow i*hir> g Z'ttrtir im I directory (137-5-78). 
 Distri Is of B -df .rd an I St. FrmcKand th- 
 )>lac-s of districts ot St. J^hi and S 1 . Hyictnthe. 
 ln-8. Montreal. 
 DIRECTORY. II I'chi'isou's Nova Scotia directory, for 1836-37. In-8. 
 DIRI-.CTORY of th city an I district of Thr.-o Hirers for 1870-1871. 
 DHK::TOHY. The Q ieb M-, Three RIV.TS, S >rel. L -vis, M)-itm ig-iy, 
 Rnimnski, &,-., directory f r 1375-73. Ia-8. Qwbec. 
 DIRECTORY. Th" march * litio-i of th> p-^t-oTi^ London directory, 
 1817 rrti.' 43th public ition). I i-tto. Lontoti. 
 DOMINION (th.;) annual register. Voir: HMjire du Canah.
 EGLAWEUR (L'|. .I'nunal qnoiidien, po!iti<ju.' -t liiterahv, pnSlie a 
 Quehi'c ilrpnis In -i.0 1877 an 3:J inuis 1880. 4 
 Vol. Foil". 
 ECOLE PRIMAIRE (I/). Journal dV-duonlion <-t (rinstrudioii. Parais- 
 sant ! l*-r t le 15 de thaque moi. .1. B. Clontier, 
 retlacli-ur. M ICUT & (Jit 1 ., rdllrur. A'o. 1, ler 
 Janvier l8l). Korwml g 1. m-8. Z-ey/.s. 
 Ei.ECTiiua. (L'j, .lonriial qttot!(iien, |>arais.-.iut depuis le 15 juillet 
 183 -. KOI m.ii in-Ibiii'. Quebec. 
 FANAL (Lj). Journal h.-bjouiadairo illu>;re. No. 1 i 24 inai, No. 3 ot 
 clrrnuT, 7 juiu 1873;. li.-iio. Montreal. J. UctsL'tte, 
 eclih'ur i>ro,ru'-l.nie. 
 FANTASQUE (Luu .lounial hunioi isiiqne illustr*':. No. l t 23 octobre, 
 No. 4 i't (Ifriuor, ^2 noVi'uibi'e 1879 ia-4io. ^tluwa. 
 FAUCELU (Le). Journal coiniquu iilustro. 1'arail tons irs Mum-dis. a 
 MontM'-sd U. Ui-augriu'iU, editc'ur-propriietiiiru. ^Nos. 
 1 a 21 coiiipu-i). J'olio, 16,--). 
 FEUILLE D'RABLE il.u. Edition hehdouiadairedu Courrier tie Mont' 
 ten/,, lerc air.iee ( 1680;. ln-lblio. Muntieul. 
 FIGARO (Le). Journal huinorisliqiu'. (h-r nuinero, 10 mars, 1876 
 ft drruior, 14 avnl suivant. t> numeio.s in-4io. 
 FRANC-PARLEUII i !-.). Journal n tons, journal pour tons. (A paru 
 du '-G aoiii 187J au oO uvnl 1878,. vois. 1 et 2. Iii- 
 4;o. li.-lbiio. Moiilrtiitl. 
 GAZETTE OFFicncLLii DE QUEBEC, (L, t ). 1880. In 4lo. Quebec. 
 GAZ^ixt: DE JULIET. E, ( Annees 1873, 1875 ct sitivaulos, pi-l.t 
 GAZETTE UE So KL, (La). Dephis lo 3 frv., 1889, relie en 5 vol. fol. 
 GAZETTE DES CAM PAUSES. Jtmrnui dti cultiviUeirr et uu colon, pa- 
 rai-sant tons les jetulis. lu-lto, Ste. Anne de la L'^- 
 Cidiefe. ^ An nee 188J.; 
 GAZETTE DES FAMILLES, (l.a). Journal religioux, a-jricole et d''-co- 
 nouiie domestiquo. 7 vols. ln-12. Quebec, 1833-1876. 
 GAZETTE n'OrxAWA, (L;i). Publiee A Ottawa depuis ! 27 dt'-c- Io78 
 jnsqu'ati 18 oct. 1879. Edition somi-quotidienne, 
 \ 01 r : Canada.
 Glackemeyer (L>. ('.). Alin.-iii;i< h. Vo;r : A/ 
 Gregoire (Louis). I)iclionM;iire d'histoire, do biographic de gf'o- 
 niphie ct dt 1 intho'<"_'v. li -""-. 
 IU.USTRATKD SCII.:\T:KK: \i ws. l)"v<.td to scii-nc*', arts, invention*, 
 p'lti'iit*. .-hop mid liousi hold economy, I'ol. New-York, 
 (Aht. .liinner 1>*'\ Vol. 11 l.i 
 INDICATI-JUH clt: ehrmin de l*r Q. M (). & (). F;iuteux et Cio. Edi- 
 li'ins. In-S. Mont.eul. 1880. 
 IXTI-HNATIONAI. P.KVI; \v, (Th-). V..!s. 0. 7. 8 ct 9. (1879 1880). 4 vols. 
 u 1 '!- In -8. A~ew-Y<nk. 
 JounN\L Asi ATIQI '!:, <*n rrcncil dc ini''in)ir"s, <l'oxtr;>its et <le notices, 
 rehiiil's a Thi-iorn-. i\ l;i ) hilosf phie t :inx huignes 
 dfs jH'upK-s orioi!i;iux. 7e si-rii-, XI, 1873. i!i-8. 
 JCUIINAL D'AT.I icri/iniK. Voir : A^ri 
 JOUHNAL DK I.A JIINV^SK, ( Kc). NduvcMU rrmcil holidomatlaire 
 illu^in'-. 2 vol. 1 1:- 4lo. /^a.s, 1877. 
 JOURNAL DK Sr RICH, (1^0- Edition hebdomfldaire. A parn a 
 Q.i('-l)cc, <ln 14 d' i c. 1874 (nuuieio prospeclu>) au 5 
 IV-vrier 1870. (55 uuuieros). 
 JODRVM. <5i : :N: : ::Ar, dc I'lMstructiou pM^licpn 1 . Voir : Education. 
 LI:C,AL NK\VS, (The). Vide : Draft Canadien. 
 LiTt-:iAUY GAHLAND, (Th--). A monthly mngazirie rflnles, sketches 
 poetry. nm>ic, &?... m-\v series, vol. 1. 2 3, 4, gd. 8vo. 
 h. .1111,1 in two, 1843. 44-45-46. Aloiiltenl. 
 Lowi:ii CAN\DA .Ii'itisr, (The). Vide : Droil Cnnndien. 
 Mackintosh (C. 11 \ Voir : Canadian Parliament (ivy Cumjiamrm. 
 MAC.ASIN illustve d'.Mlncntion et de n-cn'-ntion, ]>nlilies par J. Mace, 
 P. .1 Sliihl rt .1. V.M-ne, tomes 25 A 30. (1877-8 et 79.) 
 G vols. 4to. 1'aris. 
 MAGASIN piTToiiKson-:. puhiie sons In direction de M. E. Charton. 
 44 et 45e annees (1876, 1877, 1878 et 187.)). 5 vols. 
 MAGAZINE OF AMIRICAN HISTCIIY ( r lhr). \Viih notes and queries. (1879, 
 188'. 1 .) 2 vols. li;-4to. Kew- 
 Martin (Henri). Le Iibelli-le, l5Mfc2 .2 vols. in-18. Ervxelles, 
 Mason (Ja?.). Voir : Ycfir book. 
 McGiL CCLLI.GE and University, Monhral. Annual Calendar, 
 session of 1870-80. (172 pages). 8vo. Afoul-real, 
 1879. B. C. Vol. 181. 
 MENESTREL, (Lr). .!< .uinstl h!Kram> rt mrsical, publit- hehdnmadni- 
 mrn'iit, par A. l > laii.oju!(Jii, reilact-ur el S. Drapcan, 
 iinpriiiKMn-pic-piit lairo. Jn-3. Quebtc, 18-14. Avcc 
 Alliuui Musical. 
 MONTHLY REVIIW (tin'), d ( 'vod to t^o Civil ro7rnment of Ca- 
 nada. Vol. 1. in-4to, 1841. Toronto. 
 MONTREAL .\Vj-:i KLY WITNIPS. ComnnMci; 1 ! rrvii-vv and family n^vvs- 
 pap.-r. Kt-hy. 1874. Kol. Mont-feat. Vol. 1 106, (to 
 be continued). 
 MORNING CHRONICLE (!hM. C<nimorrial and Shipping Gnizette. Vols. 
 25, 26, 27, 28, (1871, 72, 73 and 74;. 4 vols. folio. 
 MUSEE DES FAMILLKS, 1877-78-70. 3 vols. in-Jto. Paris. 
 MUSEE UNIVERSEL (Le). 1877-78. Le ler vol de 1879. 5 vols-. in-4to. 
 NATURALISTE CAN. -\DIEN (I/ 1 ). Btillrlin do rcclmrchos, observations 
 et dt'couvertos se- rapportant A I'hisioire natnri'lle da 
 Canada. K^dactonr : M. l';d)be Provancher. Vol. 
 XI (1879) it vol. XII (1880-1881). 
 NATURE (La), lievue des sciences >t de lenrs applications anx art* 
 ot M rindustrie, (1879-1880). 2 vols. in-4to parannee. 
 NOTES AND QUERIES. A medium of inter-communication for literary 
 ni'-n, artists, antiquaries, ir^nealo^ists, &c., (1879, 
 1880). 2 vols. ih-4to. London.
 NOTES AND QUI-HII-S. General index to serins the Ht'th, (1874-79). 
 Vol. 1 to XII. ln-4to. London, 1880. 
 NOUVELLISTE (Le). .lonmal quotidien, publie a S:-Roch de Quebec, 
 It- 27 novnmbre 1876. 11 premiers numeros in 4to 
 Numeri* 12 lere aiinee, a 28, seconde annee, gd. in- 
 4to. Ensuite, petit folio. 
 OPINION PUBLIQUE iL'i. Journal hebdomadaire illustre. Vol. XI. 
 In-lblio. Montreal, 1*80. 
 ORDRE fL'). Kdition tr-h'-bdomadaire ; du 20 fevrier 1869 au 5 mai 
 1870. Iii-lolio. Montreal. 
 ORDRE SOCIAL (LA Journal hehdoinadaire, politiqup, litteraire, in- 
 dustriel, Hgncole et <le t.-inprr.nict 1 . Pubiie pour \cs 
 p npiiftaii-Hs par Stanisln.s Drapeau. Un vol. in-8. 
 Quebec. 28 mars an 26 deci'inbre 1850. 842 pagos. 
 OUVIUER (L'). Orjran* 1 d^s clashes onvriercs, industrielles et com- 
 in TciaK's. (A paru du 8 -iu 27 novetnbre 1877.) Grd. 
 PARis-MuRCit. Journal pubiie nn prolit des victiines des inonda- 
 tions d'Esfaurnes, par le comite de la Presse t'ran^aise, 
 so is la direction de M. Ed L>'b>'y, directeur de 
 1' A -jre nee H ivas, avec le concours de M. Lucieu Max, 
 redac,teur en ch^fde I' Illustration., et de M. E. Mer- 
 cadi'T, comme secret. ire de la redaction. Numero 
 uiii<iue. Folio, 24 pages, decenibre 1879. 
 PERROQUET (Li 1 )- Journal hfbdomadaire illustre. Chs. Germain, 
 proprietairi'-r>.iiteur. 3 nuineros, in-4to. Sorel. (27 
 aout 7 septembre, 1879). 
 PIONNIER DE SHKRBROOKE (Le). Journal hebdomadaire. 6 fevrier 
 18b'9 au 18 dt-cembre 1879, en o vols. (Se continue). 
 Planche ^J. H.) A cyclopedia of costumes, &c. Voir : Histoire 
 (T Europe. 
 POLYBIBLION. Voir i BibUograjihie. 
 QUEBKC LAW REI-ORTS. (The). Vide : Droit Canadien. 
 RAPPORTS JUDICIAIRES. Vide : Droit Canadien.
 REVUE AGRICOLE, &c. Voir : Agriculture. 
 REVUE DE MONTREAL. 2e, 3e et4e anuees (1878, 1879 et 1880) 3 vols- 
 In-8. Montreal. 
 HEVUE DBS DEUX MONDES. 49e et 50e annees. 8 vol. In-8. Paris, 
 1879 et 1880. 
 REVUE DU MONDE CATHOLIQUE (La). Troit-ieme serie (20e annee), 1880. 
 4 vols. ln-8. Paris. 
 REVUE LEGALE (La). Vide: Droit Canadien. 
 REVUE GENERALE DU DROIT, de ia legislation et de la jurisprudence- 
 en France et a 1'etranger, lere et 2e annees (1877- 
 1878j. 2 vols. In-8. Paris. 
 REVUE MILITAIRE CANADIENNB. Canadian military review (The). 
 ln-4to Quebec, Kingston, 188U-1881. (lere annee de 
 la publication). 
 ROYAL GAZETTE (The) Since 1872. 1 vol. in-4to a year. Fredericton. 
 Sabin (Joseph). A dictionary of books relating to America ftom 
 its discovery to the present time. (Parts 30 to 76) 40 
 vols. ln-8. New-York, 1873-1880. 
 SATURDAY BUDGET, (Miice January, 1874). In-iblio a year. Quebec. 
 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. A weekly journal of practical informations; 
 art, science, mechanics, chimistry and manufactures. 
 Vol. 42 et 43 (1879, 1880). la-folio. New-York. 
 SCIENTIFIC NEWS (Ihe illustrated). A record of the sciences and their 
 applications in the art and industries. Vol. Irst (1881). 
 ln-4to. Neiv-York- 
 SEMAINE (La). Revue religieuse, pedagogique, litteraire et scienti- 
 fique. In-4to. Quebec, 1864. Vol. I. Le soul 
 SEMAINE DES FAMILLES (La), 1876-77, 1877-78, 1878-79. 3 vols. in-4to. 
 STARKE'S ALMANAC. Vide : Mmanac. 
 STATESMAN'S YEAR HOOK (the). Statistical and historical annual of 
 the States of the civilised world, for the year 1880, by 
 Fred. Martin, ln-12. London.
 THHMIS (La). Vide; Droit Canadien. 
 TRIBOLLET (Le). Journal comique, politique, illu tr, (nnblie en 
 fVanpiiis et on anglais, a Ottawa. (Albert Griornard, 
 redacfeur on ch"f). No. 1, le ler nov i mbre, No. 4 et 
 dernier, 29 novemhre 1879. Format in-4to. 
 TRIBUNE (La). Journal hebdomadaire. L. O David, redactenr- 
 proprieHiro. Depuis le No. I (23 octobre 1880.) In- 
 1'olio. Montreal. 
 UNION DES CANKNS m i.'F!sT (L ? ). Depuis le 4 fevrier 1869, reliee 
 en 2 volumes, folio. 
 UNION DE ST-HYACINTHR CL'). Journal hbdomadairp, dpnis le ler 
 septembre 1874. j'isqu'au 28 avril 1879. <n semi-quo- 
 tiduMi depnis cette date. In-folio. Sf-Hyacinthe. 
 UNION M^DICAI.E DU CANADA (L'). Vide: Science Medicate 
 ViNGT-QuATRE JuiN (Le). Journal pnblie a 1'occasion de la Con- 
 vention Oanadienne-fran^n^ a Quebec. Numero 
 unique, folio. 20 pages. Quebec. 
 VRAI CANARD (,Le). Journal huinoristique (illustre). Depuis le No. 1, 
 23 aout, 1879 Format in.4to. Se publie a Montreal 
 WHITAKER'S ALMAN.ACH. An almanack for the years ofOnr Lord 
 1880 and 1881, by Jas. Whitaker. 2, 
 YEAH BOOK (th-) and Almanac of Canada for 1867, 1868, 1869 and 
 1870, being an annual statistical abstract for th e 
 Dominion and a record of legislation and ot public 
 men in British North America. Bound in one vol. 
 I n-8. Montreal. 
 \ > : A.R-BOOK OF FACTS in science and the arts, for 1876, 78, 79, and 
 1880 by Jas. Mason. 4 vols. in-l8- London. 
 YEAR-BOOK (the). An almanac of Canada for 1872, being an an- 
 nual statistical abstract for the Dominion and a re- 
 gister of legislation and of public men in British 
 North America. In-8. Ottawa.
 List. (30 pages). 8vo. Montreal, 1871. B. C. Vol. 
 CANADA at the International Exh'bition, 1876. Philadelphia. Rules 
 and Classification. In-8. (25 pages). B. C. Vol. 179. 
 CATALOGUE of the products of Michigan in the Centenial Exhibi- 
 tion of all nations, at Philadelphia, 1876. Br. in-8. 
 CATALOGUE of exibits, t'-. (--dncatiou). Vide: Exposition. 
 CENTENIAL EXHIBITION, Philadelphia, 1876. Dominion of Canada, 
 Province of Ontario. Catalogue of exhibits in educ- 
 ation department, ui-.s. Toronto, 1876. ^64 pages 
 B C. Vol. -J) 
 DOMINION EXH BITION to be held in the. city of Montreal in 1880 
 Prize List. (43 pages). 8ro. Montreal, Ic8). B C 
 Vol. 200. 
 EXHIBITION. Report of the Canadian Commissioners at the exhi- 
 bition of industry, held at Sydney, N. S. Wales, 1877. 
 Br. in-8. Ottawa 1878. 
 EXPOSITION (L'j de Paris (1878), redigee par A. Bitard, avec la col- 
 coliaboration d'eorivains speciaux. Edition enrichie 
 de vues, de scenes, de reproductions d'objets d'arts, 
 de machines, de dessins el gravures, par les meilleurs 
 artistes. ln-4to. Paris, 1878. 
 EXPOSITION provinciale de Quebec, 1871. Liste des prix. (30 pa- 
 ges). 8vo. Montreal, 1871. B. C. Vol. 183. 
 EXPOSITION provinciale de Montreal, 1876. Liste des prix. (21 
 pages). 8vo. Montreal B. C. Vol. 183. 
 EXPOSITION universelle de Paris, 1878. Exposition scolaire de la 
 Province de Quebec, Canada. (Catalogue. In-8 
 Quebec, 1878. (95 pages;. B. C. Vol. 200.
 LIST OF PREMIUMS < ff,red by the Montreal horticultural society arid 
 fruit grower's association of the Province ot Quebec, 
 amounting to over $1.200.00. Open to the Province 
 of Quebec. Exhibition to be h.-ld in Montreal, on 
 16th, 17th and 1.8th September, 1879. 
 LISTE DBS PRIX o<> 1'Expositioii de \-.\ Puissance a Montreal, 14-24 
 Septembre, 1880 ($20,000 offert en pnx). In-8. Mont- 
 real, 1880. B. C Vol. 199. 
 LISTE DBS PRIX off 'is pr 1'exposition provincialeagricole etindus- 
 trielle qui aura lieu dans la cite de Quebec, mardi, 
 nx-rcredi, jeudi et vendredi, 12, 13, 14 et 15 sept. 
 18(31. Competition ouverte au monde entier. In-8. 
 (30 p:>ges). Montreal, 1871. 
 LISTE DBS PRIX offerts a IVxposition provinciale (a Montreal), 12, 
 13, 14 et 15 septembre 1870. In-8. (21 pages. 
 Montreal, 1878. 
 PRIZE LIST for the exhibition held in Quebec, 1871. (30 pages). 
 I ii-S. Montreal. 
 PROVINCIAL EXHIBITION at Montreal. Catalogue (of). (62 pages). 
 8vo. B. C. Vol. 184. 
 REPORT of Canadian Commission. Vide: Exhibition. 
 Robin (Ch ) Extrait relatif au Canada. De 1'histoire de 1'expo- 
 sition universelle de 1855. In-8. Quebec, 1856. (l- r > 
 pages). B. C. Vol. 196. 
 \MNEE G60GRAPHIQUE (L'). Revue annuelle des voyages de terre et 
 de mer. des explorateurs, missionnaires, etc. 2o se- 
 rie, par C. Maunoir et H. Duveynier. Tome ler et 
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 \NTICOSTJ (Island of). Description of Anticosti, and interes-tincf 
 particulars in relation thereto. November 1842. 
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 VTLAS of the city of Three- liiwrs and county of St-Maurice, from 
 actual surveys, bused upon the Cadastral plans de- 
 posited in the office of the Department of Crown 
 Lands, by and under the supervision of H. W. 
 Hopkins. Folio, 1879. 
 ATLAS of the city and island of Montreal, including the counties of 
 Jacques Cartier and Hochelaga, From actual sur- 
 veys, based upon the cadastral plans deposited in the 
 offure of the Department of frown Lands, by and 
 under th" superviMon of H. \V. Hopkins, Civil En- 
 gineer, Provincial Surveying, &c. Folio, 1879. 
 ATLAS of the city and county of Quebec, fiom actual surveys, ba- 
 sed upon th cadastral plans deposited in the office 
 of the Department of Crown L:mds. By and under 
 the supervisor! of H. W. Hopkins, Civil Engineer. 
 Provincial surveying and pub. co. Folio, 1879. 
 ATLAS. A complete body of ancient geography, by M. d'Anville. 
 Modem names of places inserred under the ancient. 
 (Noms latins el noms modernes.) Folio. London, 1794. 
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 the principal states and kingdoms throughout the 
 world. Folio. London, 1808. 
 ATLAS. Petit atlas departementai de la F'rance, contenant 101 
 cartes en noir et une carte en couleurs. Petit in-4to. 
 Paris, 1878. 
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 her Net-work of Rail-Roads. (67 pages). 8vo. 
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 Barthwick (Rev. J. D.) The elementary geography of Canada. 
 L.-32. Montreal, 1871. 
 Blosseville (C. Marquis de). Dictionnaire topographique du 
 departeraent de 1'Eure, comprenant les noms de 
 lieu auciens et modernes. ln-4to. Paris, 1818. 
 BULLETIN de la societe de geographic de Quebec. Vol. 1. No. 1. 
 Transactions of the Geographical Society of Quebec. 
 Yol. 1. No. 1. In-8. Quebec, 1880. (38 pages). 
 BULLETIN de la tSociete de Geographie. Annee 1880. In-8. Paris.
 CANADIAN HAND-HOOK (the) and tourist's gaide, giving a description 
 of Canadian lake and river scenery and of 
 historical interest with th^ best spots for tithing and 
 shooting 1 . In-8. Montreal, 1867. 
 CARTE du royaiune de Norvege. One feuille, 1878. 
 DEN NORSKE lods ndjriven afden <reograh>ke opmaalinsr. 2hefte, 
 ituleholdende kyststrsekriingrn fra Jomfiuland til 
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 rique, agncole, industrielle et coramerciale. Edition 
 augmentee d'un supplement. In-4to. Paris, 1866- 
 KxTHACTt- from Purveyor's reports 1 of townships surveys in Mani- 
 toba, Keewatin, and North-West Territories, 1879. 
 In-8. (82 pages). B. C. Vol 196. 
 Gauthier (l';ibbe L. O.) Nouvel abrege de geographic etc, voir : 
 ^KooiiArniL. Konvel abrege de geogra{>hie rnoderne, suivi d'un 
 appendice et d'un abrege degeographie sacree. In-l.^. 
 Quebec, 1846. 
 Gingras (Eugene) Guide de Quebec. (60 pages). In-12. Que- 
 bec. B. C. Vol. 206. 
 Grggoire (L.) Geographic generale physique, politique et eco- 
 nomique, avec 100 cartes, gravures sur acier, etc. 
 In-4to. Paris,, 1877. 
 Appleton's general) to the United States and Canada. With 
 railway maps, plan of cities, and illustrations. In-12. 
 New York, 1879. 
 DK to Montreal. 2nd edition, ln-32. tfontffni 1874. ]>.('. 
 Vol. 209. 
 Holmes il'abbe) Nouvel abrege de geographic moderne H l'n.-,a- 
 ge de la jeunesse. 8e edition, revue, corrig' 
 augrnentee. par 1'abbe J-. O. Gauthier. Iti-18- Mont- 
 real, 1877.
 INTRODUCTION a I'etnde de la seographie. 8irapl-s notions de geo- 
 g aphie inathematique et physique, par un marin. 
 In -18. Pom. 
 ISLAND OF ANTICOSTI. Description of, and interesting 1 particulars in 
 relation thereto. Nov. 1842. (22 pages). 8vo. B, 
 Vol 2.1. 
 Joanne (Adolphe). Collecteur des Juide*. Les hords du Rhin, 
 illnstres. Itinenira descnptit' et historique des 
 deg hassms dn khin, du N.'ekir et. de hi Moselle. 
 llJn>tre <le 292 vignettes, 11 cartes et 10 plans. 
 In -12. Paris, 1863. 
 L*'S environs de Paris, illustres. 3^ edition. 
 Nontenant 224 vignettes, nne carte des environs de 
 P.iris, et sept autres cartes ou plans. In- 12. Paris, 
 -Paris illnstre en 1870 et 1877. Contenant 
 442 vignettes dessiguees sur bois, nn plan de Paris 
 et 14 cartes plans "t nil appendice ponr 1877. 3e 
 edition, ln-12. Paris. 
 LaBruyere (Boucher de). Le Sagueiiiiy. Lettres au Courrier 
 de St~H.yaeinlhe, (43 pagets). 8vo. St-Hyucintlie. B. 
 C. Yol. 201. 
 LA FRANCE par bas^ins flavianx et par departements. Configura- 
 tion physique et topographique. Produits indus- 
 triels, commerce, chemins de fer, etc. Notions de 
 topographu; et de geographie, methode Henneijuin. 
 Med;iille de 2e classe a i'cxposition de 1875. In 4to 
 Paris, 1877. 
 Lyman (A. S.) Historical Chart. 
 Questions designed for the use of those enoragd 
 in the study of Historical chart. Voir : Histoire. 
 Macdougall's Guide to Manitoba. Voir: Statislique. 
 Maitre (Leon). Dictionnaire topographique du depart ement de 
 la Mayenne, coraprenant les noms de lieu anciens et 
 moilerues. In-4to. Paris, 1878.
 Niox (G.) Geographie rnilitaire. lorn partio. Introduction. 
 Notions de geologie, de olimatologie et d'ethnogra- 
 phie. 2e edition. In-12. Paris, 1878. 
 NOUVELLE GEOGRAPHIE intHrmediaire illustr' j . Par les Freres des 
 Ecoles chretiennes. In-4to. Montreal. 
 Oliver (Thomas). Guide of Qm-bec city. (78 pages). Ju-12, 
 1879. B. C. Vol. 190. 
 PLAN of '.he Seigneurie Rigaud-Vaudreuil (Beauce), showing 1st 
 Lands neither conceded nor occupied by promise 
 of sale. 2ine. Lands unconceded but occupied by 
 promise of sale. 3. Places where gold has been 
 found, by P. A. Proulx. Sl-Franfois, 18d5. Folio. 
 PROVINCE de Manitoba et Territoire du Nord-Ouest. Voir: Agri- 
 culture, Colonisation 
 Reclus (Elisee). Nouvelle geographie univerrfelle. La terre et 
 les homines. Avec cartes eu couleur, cartes dans le 
 texte, vues et types. 
 Vol. 3. L' Europe centrale. 
 Vol. 4. L'Europe du Nord-Ouest. 
 Vol. 5. L Europe IScandinave et Russe. 
 Vol. 6. 1'Asie rnsse, Paris, 4 volumes in-4to. 
 1878-79-18SO et 1881. 
 UKPORT of the State board of Centenial managers for the Interna- 
 tional Exhibition of 1876. Br. ln-8. Laurey. 
 Sachot (Oct.) L'ile de Oylan et ses curiosites naturelles. Nou- 
 velle edition ornee de gravures. ln-18. Paris, 1877. 
 ;Le) et le lac Saint-Jean. Ressources et avantages tju'ils 
 offrent aux colons et aux capitalistes. (54 pages). 
 In-8. Ottawa, 1879. 
 Saulcy (F. de). Dictionnaire topographique abrege de la terre 
 sainke. 8vo. Paris, 1877. 
 SPKCIAI.KAUT over den Norske Kyst fra dyro til Gibostad, udgivet af 
 den geografiske opmaaling. Folio. Kristiania, 1880.
 over den N<>i>ke Kyst f'ra :,epso til Ona. Folio. Kris- 
 tidnifi, 1879. 
 SPECIALKART over den \orske Kyst fra Ona til Fulglen. Folio. 
 Kiixtiania, 1879 
 SP CIAUURT over den Norsk*- Kyst fra Fulglon til Tustern. Folio- 
 Kristiania, 1880. 
 Spence (Thos). Manitoba et le Norl Guest da Canada. Ses res- 
 sources et ses avantages pur 1'emigrant et le ;-pi- 
 trtliste, compares HUX etnts arnericains de 1'Ouest, etc. 
 In-8. Ottawa, 1875. (39p-gs). 
 STADACONA DKPICTA : or Quebec nd its environs historically, pano- 
 raraically, and locally exhibited. In 32. Quebec, 1842- 
 SUMMER ROUTKS. Lake Champl-.iin, the Adirondacfcs. (36 pages). 
 In -12. New-York B. C. 206. 
 Tasse (Eli^). Le Nord-Ouest. Yoi^: .Agriculture : Colonisation. 
 THK PICTURE ol Quebec and its vicinity. Second editioii, revised 
 and corrected, ln-32. Quebec, 1831. 
 VIKWS of the city of Quebec and environs. (16 pages). In-12. 
 B. C. Vol. 190. 
 Bocquet (Oscar). Note sur la position de rOppidnm Aduat"co- 
 rurn. In-8. Liege, 1862. (14 pages). (Vol. Bro- 
 chures Beiges : Archeologie, 12). 
 Bourass6 (Fabbe J. .T.) Les plus belles eglises da monde. Notices 
 historiqucs et archeologiques snr les temples les'p a^ 
 celebres de la chretiente. Li-8 royal. Tour*, 18 'o. 
 Chalon (Robert). Les Opnscula de Je;m Despiennes. (Extrait). 
 ^4 n-ip-ps). ]n-8. Voir : Br. Beiges : Archeologie.
 Chalon (Rob at). Collectio-i Jean Rousseau: Monniiics ieodales 
 franca ises. In-8. IJruxe'/es. (14 pages). Brochures 
 Beljjos : Archeologie. 
 Notice sur un tombeau rom iiti ou gallo-romain, 
 decouvt'rt a *Schrt-rl)H*k, lez Bmxelles. (5 
 Brochures B.-lges : Areheologie. 
 Imitation d'nin- moniinie Beige, faite par le 
 comte 1'alalin de iSimmeren et de Deui-Ponts. (3 p.j 
 Brochures Belgns : Archeolo<>ie. 
 Medaille Hispano-M'xicainede Ferdinand VII. 
 (5 pa>vs iu-8.) Urochures Belgos : Arch^ologie. 
 Quelques muMiiaies seig-jieiiriales in^diles. In-8. 
 Brvxrl/es, 1857. (8 pages) Brochures Beiges : Ar- 
 Florin d'or de Tecklenbourg. (3 pages). In-8. 
 Brochures Belies : Archeulojrie. 
 Monnaie de Navarre, {'rappees an nom du roi 
 Ferdinand d'Aragon. Iu-&. Bruxeltes, 1856. (11 
 pages). Brochures Beiges : Archeologie. 
 Une monnaie de Blankvnberg. (6 pages). In-8. 
 Brochures Beiges : Archfolorie. 
 Pieces a retronver : j^tons et mereaux de Mons. 
 Monnai^s des rois d'Yvetot.- Pieces tie 20 francs 
 frappes par Wellington pendant la campagne des 
 Pyrenees, etc. (7 pages). Brochures Beiges: Ar- 
 - Notice snr l i s sceaux du Chapitre de Sainte- 
 Waudru, a Mons. In- 8 Pau, 1855. ( 7 pages) 
 Brochures Beiges: Aicheologie. 
 Un anreus inedit de Lae'ianus (Lelien). In-8. 
 Bruxel/es, 1865. (1 pages). Brochures Beiges: Ai- 
 Sceau du magistrat de Saint-Pierre n Maestricht. 
 (Extrait Me la revue de la nnmismatique Beige.) (3 
 pages.; ln-8. Br. Beiges : Archeologie.
 Chalon (Robert) Unjetonde Nicolas da Chatelet, seigneur de 
 Vauvillars. (Extrait de la revue de la numismatique 
 Beige. In-8 '2 pages) Br. Beiges : Archeoiogie. 
 Les Seigneurs ds Schoneck, a propos d'une 
 monnaie. (Extrai; .) ln-8. (22 pages). Bruxelles). 
 Brochures Beiges: Archeologie. 
 Une medailie Montoise. ln-8. (4 pages). Bro- 
 chures Beiges : Archeoiogie. 
 Medailie d'Alberic, cornte de Lodron. ln-8. 
 (3 pages). Br. Bflges : Archeoiogie. 
 Jetous du cointe de Saint-Pol. In-8. 
 1859. (13 pages ) Br. Beiges : Archeoiogie. 
 Quelques jetons medits. In-8. Bruxelles, 1859. 
 (26 pag. s). Br. Beiges: Archeoiogie. 
 Plornb trouve a Gaud. Extrait. (1 page, in-8 ,. 
 Pr. Beiges: Archeoiogie. 
 Un gros tournois de .lean de Cunre. In-8. 
 Bruxelles, 1859 (4 pages). Br. Beiges: Archeoiogie. 
 Les moimaies des seigneurs de Borkuio. (Ex- 
 trait). Bruxelles, 1856'. (9 pages). Broch. Beiges: 
 Notice sur un plateau de verre trouve a Cav- 
 roy-le-<jrrand, dans une sepulture Gallo-romaine. 
 In-8. (6 pages). Br. Beiges : Archeoiogie. 
 Une decoration Algerienne. In-8. (5 pages). 
 Br. Beiges : Archeoiogie. 
 Litterature judiciaire (mernoires et factums). 
 (G pages), lu-8. Br. Beiges: Archeoiogie. 
 Une monnaie d'Anholt. In 8. Bruxelles, 1863. 
 (7 pages). Br. Beiges : Archeoiogie. 
 La plus ancienne monnaie des Abbesses do 
 Thorn. (4 pages). Br. Beiges: Archeoiogie.
 Ghalon (Robert). Nouvelle cla.ssilic-ition des monnaiesde Jeanne, 
 durhesse de Brabant. lu-8. Bruxelles, 1858. (10 
 pages). Br. Beiges: Archeologie. 
 Neorologie (Alexandre Hermond ) (3 pages). 
 Br. Belies: Archeoloffie. 
 Qnelques medaillee satiriques de la revolution 
 des patriotes. ln-8. /Jruxelles, 1858. (14- pages). 
 -Br. B-'li^es: Arch"ologie. 
 Pl.-iquo sepnlcrnle de Jacob Cavalli, (1384). 
 (3 pages). Br. B"l<;e- : Archeologie. 
 L'art de la terre chez les Poitevins, suivi d'une 
 eiud> sur I'ancuMinete dc la fabrication du v i rre en 
 Poitou, par Benjamin Fillon. (6 pages). In-8. Br 
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 La croix de Saint Ulrich d'Augsbourg. (6 pages). 
 Iu-8. Br. Belies: Archeolosrie 
 La medaiile de Francisco de Enzinas. (7 pages). 
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 Ball (W. H.) Voir: Smithsonian contribution to knowledge 
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 Jones (Joseph). Voir : Smithsonian contribution : Archeologie. 
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 tionale de bouionistique, ei\ Bulletin mensuel. 
 In-8 Sainl-Gif/es, 1851. (8 pa^- > . j'r. B.-l^es: 
 SMITHSONIAN miscellaneous collections. 17 vols. ln-8. Yoir: His- 
 toire tiaturellf. 
 SMITHSONIAN contribution to knowledge. 22 vols in 4to. Voir : 
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 Wallraf (Dr.) Nnmismatik des ordens der Agathopeden, &. in-8. 
 Berlin, 1853 (2 pages). Lr. Beiges. Archeo o^e. 
 Abbadie (Ant. IT) Sur les Oromo, grande nation africainedesignet- 
 sou vent sous le nom de "Gal la." Lecture faite a 
 l'ass'mblee generale de la societe scientilique de 
 Bruxelles, le 5 avril 1880. In-S (26 page,/. 
 ADRESSES. Iiiwujruralion of S. *'. L w<. L. L. D., as president of the 
 University of Missouri, at Columbia, July 5, 1876. 
 in 8. V H9 pages;. Columbia, 1876.
 AN AM RICAX. Lit'.' m <'a.i|ir ii during .1 resid-nce. of several 
 years in thai lerriiory, c< ii|>riimf a des'ription of 
 Hi country, with incidents. &c. m-18. London, 
 ASMOUEE A NEW-Y IHK. Rt vne < i it iq ii" des hist 1 1 uti-His politiques et 
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 liiiion of ihe Le_'isl,itnr' ol 1878 and ch. 391 of the 
 Jaws 01' 1879. u . I -8. Albany, 1879. 
 Chotteau (Leon). La guerre de t'liidt petulance (1775-1783). 
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 Dixon (Hepworth). Les Ktats-Unis d'Amerique. Impressions 
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 Eyma (Xavier). La vie aux Etats-Unis. ln-12. Paris, 1876. 
 Franchere ((J.) K'elation d'un voyage a la cote du Nt>rd Quest 
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 Henderson. S|>eerh on the resolutions for the annexation of 
 T.-X.S in the Senate. Feb. 20, 1845. In-8. (16 pages). 
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 Paris, 1861. 
 Hough (Franklin R.) History of Duryee's brigade during the 
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 Maryland, under Cr MI McClelland, in the summer 
 asid autumn ot 1862 Gr. in 8. Albany. 1864.
 Hough (F. R.) E-say on the climate of the State of New-York, 
 prepared at the request of the Executive Committee 
 of the state Agricultural society and published in the 
 15ih vol. of their transactions. m-,S. Albany, 1857. 
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 , Notices of Peter Penet and of his operations 
 among the Oneida Indians, including a plan prepared 
 by him for the government of thai tribe. Read before 
 th^ Albany institute, January 23d. 1866. royal, in 8, 
 Louville 1866. (86 pages). 
 ------ Pemaquid in its relati >ns to our colonial history : 
 An address delnered at fort Popham, Aug. 1874. 
 in-8. (86 pages). 
 --- -- Proceedings of a convention of delegates from 
 several ot New-England States, held at Boston, Aug. 
 3-9, 1780, to advise on nffairs necessary to promote 
 the most vigorous prosecution of the war, and to 
 provide lor generous reception of our french allies 
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 N. Y. state library. With an introduction and notes 
 petit in-4to. Albany, 1867. (80 pages). 
 liamothe(H. de). Cinq mois chez les francais d'Amerique. Voyage 
 au Canada et a la Riviere Houge du Nord. 2e edition, 
 contenant 4 cartes et 35 gravures sur bois. in-12, 
 Parts, 1880. 
 Leclecq ..Jules). TTn ete en Amerique. Ouvrage enrichi de 10 
 ravures. in-18. Paris, 1877. 
 i- AMERICAN HISTORY (The), with notes and queries. 
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 Illustrated. 5 vols. in-4to. New-York, (to be con- 
 Margry (Pierre). Etablissements francais dans I'Amerique seplen- 
 trionale. 3 vols. in-8 jesus. Paris, 1879. 
 Vol. 1. Voyage dys franpais sur les srrands lacs 
 et d^couverte de i'Ohio et du Mississipi 1614- 
 Margry (Pierre) Etablissement iranfais. Continue. 
 Vol. II. Lettres de Caveiier de la Saile et corres- 
 pondance relative a ses entreprises (1678-1085.) 
 Vo. III. Recherches des bouches du Mississipi 
 et voyage a travers le continent depuis les 
 c6tes da Texas jusqu'a Quebec. 1669-1698. 
 Marshall (John). The life of George Washington, commander in 
 chief of the American forces, during the war of in- 
 dependence and first president of the United States. 
 Compiled under the inspection of the Hon. 13. Wash- 
 ington, from original papers. 5 vols. in-8. Philadel- 
 phia, 1804-1807. 
 Mathieson (Alex .). An appeal to all the true democrats, especi- 
 ally the democrats of Wisconsin. Sept., 1848. In-12. 
 Milwaukee. (12 pages). Br. Augl. Vol. 7. 
 May (Sir Ths. Erskine). Democracy in America. A history. 2 
 vols. in-8. London, 1877. 
 Merlin (La comtesse de). La Havane. 3 vols in-18. Bruxelles, 
 MICHIGAN. The state of. Embracing sketches of its history, posi- 
 tion, resources and industries, compiled under au- 
 thority, by T. R. McCraken. ln-8. Lansing, 1876. 
 Muraour (E.). Le Mexique. Conquete du Mexique par Fernand 
 Cortez. Guerre de 1'Independance et Republique. 
 Expedition franQaise de 1861-63. In-18. Paris, 1863. 
 Noir (Louis). Souvenirs d'un Zouave. Campagne du Mexique 
 Puebla. 1 vol. in-12. Mexico. 1 vol. in-12. Paris. 
 Nolte (Frederick). Histoire des Etats-Unis d'Amerique, depuis 
 les temps les plus recules jusqu'a nos jours. 2 vols. 
 in-8. Paris, 1879. 
 Orbigny. Voir : Voyage. 
 Perrot (Nicolas). Memoire sur les mceurs, coutumes et religion 
 des sauvages de 1'Amerique Septentrionale. Publine 
 pour la premiere ibis par R. P. J. Tailhan. In-8. 
 Paris, 1864.
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 of Michigan, on the 2nd day of October, 1878, at the 
 city of Lansing. Compiled by Allen L. Bours. Br. 
 in-8. Lansing, 1873. 
 PROCEEDINGS (inaugural) at the dedication of the New Capitol of 
 Michigan, at Lansing, 1st January, 1879. Compiled 
 by Allen L. Bours. Br. in-8. Lansing, 1879. 
 Ryerson (Egerton). The loyalists of America and their times, 
 from 1620 to 1816. 2nd edition. 2 vols. in-8. Toronto, 
 Sarmiento (D. F.) 4 Civilisation et barbarie, mceurs, contenues, 
 caracteres des peuples Argentins. Facundo Quiroga 
 et Adao. Traduit de 1'espagnol, et enrichi de notes 
 par A. Giraud. in 12. Pam, 1853. 
 TEXAS. Thoughts on the proposed annexation of Texas to the 
 United States. First published in the New-York 
 Evening Post, under th signature of Veto (Theodore 
 Sedgwick). Also, the address of Albert Gallatin, at 
 the great meeting, April, 24. in-8. New-York, 1844. 
 Br. Aug. vol. 7. 
 Thurman (Allen G.). Speech in relation to the Mexican war, and 
 in reply to Messrs. Giddings, Tilden, and Delano. 
 Delivered in the House of representatives, May, 14, 
 1846. in-8. Washington, 1846. Br. Aug. vol. 7. (16 
 Turenne (Le Cte L. de). Quatorze mois dans I'Amerique du Nord, 
 (1875-1876) avec carte d'unepartie du Nord-Ouest. "2 
 vols. in-18. Paris, 1879. 
 Von Hoist (Dr. H.). The constitutional and political history of the 
 United States. Translated from the German by J. J. 
 Labor and A. B. Mason. 1750-1833. Gd. 8vo. Chicago, 
 Washington. Voir : Marshall.
 Desbazeilles (E). LPS colosses anciens et modernes. Ouvrage illus- 
 tre de 53 gravures, in-18. Paris, 1876. 
 Duruy (Y.) Histoire romaine jusqu'a 1'invasion des barbares. 9e 
 edition, iu-18. Paris, 1867. 
 RAPPORTS sur les sciences historiques. 
 RAPPORTS sur les etudes relatives a 1'Egypte et a 1'Orient etc. voir : 
 Hist, de France, documents parlementaires. 
 Wallon (H.) Hisfoire de 1'esclavage dans 1'antiquite. 7e edition. 
 3 vol. in.8. Paris, 1879. 
 ALTQUIS. The retrospect or review of providential mercies, with 
 anecdotes of various characters and an address to 
 naval officers, 10th edition, in-18. London, 1825. 
 Beaconsfield (Lord), voir : Hitchman. 
 Bedard (T. P.) La legende et 1'histoire du Clan d'Argyle Camp- 
 bell. (Extrait du Journal de Quebec, 23 nov. 1878.) 
 Bisset (A.). The history of the struggle for parliamentary govern- 
 ment in England. 2 vol. iu-8. London, 1877. 
 Omitted chapters of the History of England, from the 
 death of Charles I. to the battle of Dun bar. 2 vol. 
 in-8. London, 1864. 
 Blerzy (H.) Les colonies anglaises. in-32. Paris. 
 Bray (Rev. A. J.)- England and Ireland. A lecture delivered at 
 Montreal, december, 17th, 1880 In-12. Montreal, 
 1881. (58 pages). B. C. Vol. 244. 
 Bright (Rev. J. F.) A history of England. With maps and plans. 
 3 vols. in-18. Edinburgh, 1877.
 Brougham (H. Lord). The British constitution : its history, 
 structure and working. 2nd edition. In- 18. London, 
 Historical sketches of Statesmen who flou- 
 rished in the time of George III. 3 vols. in-18. 
 London, 1855. 
 Burrows (Montagu). Constitutional progress. Lectures deliv- 
 ered before the University of Oxford. Contents : 
 The chief architect of English constitution. 
 Ancient and modern politics. 
 Relations of Church and State. 
 The Imperial and National principles. 
 National character of the old english Universities. 
 The religious and political history of England. 
 2nd edition. In-18. London, 1872. 
 CRITICUS. Biographic critique des orateurs les plus distingues et 
 principaux membres du Parlement d'Angleterre. 
 Vide : Biographie. 
 Cucheval-Clarigny. Histoire de la presse en Anglcterre et aux 
 Etats-Unis. In-12. Paris, 1857. 
 Cunningham (David) Conditions of social well-being, or in- 
 quiries into the material and moral position of the 
 populations. Yoir: Economic sociale. 
 Doubleday (Thomas). The political life of the Right Hon. Sir 
 Robert Peel, hart. 2 vols. in-8. London, 1856. 
 Froude (J. A.) Short studies on great subjects. New edition. 
 3 vols. in-18. London, 1879. 
 Gladstone (W. E.) G-leanings of past years, (1875-78). 7 vols. 
 Petit in-16. London, 1879. 
 Vol. 1. The Throne and the Prince Consort ; 
 the Cabinet, and constitution. 
 Vol. 2. Personal and literary. 
 Vol. 3. Historical and Speculative. 
 Vol. 4. Foreign. 
 Vol. 5-6. Ecclesiastical. 
 Vol. 7. Miscellaneous.
 Hales. The original institution, power and jurisdictions of Par- 
 liament. In-8. London, 1707. 
 HISTORICAL RECORDS of Port Philip, the first annals of the colony 
 of Victoria. Edited by John J. Shillinglaw, by au- 
 thority. In-8. Melbourne, 1879. 
 Hitchman (Francis). The public life of the Right Hon. Earl of 
 Beaconsfield, K. G-. 2 vols. in-8. London, 1879. 
 Howitt (TTra.) JSaunder's portraits and memoirs of eminents 
 living political reformers. To which is annexed a 
 copious historical sketch of the progress of Parlia- 
 mentary reform, from 1734 to 1832. In-4to. London, 
 May (Thos.) The history of the Parliament of England, which 
 began, Nov. 3rd, 1640 with a short and necessary 
 view of some precedent years, published by au- 
 thority, (1647) reprinted, in-4to, London, 1812. 
 McCarthy (Justin). A history of our times, from the accession of 
 Queen Victoria to the Berlin Congress. 4 vol. In-8, 
 London, 1879. 
 NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY (The). 5 vol. in-4to, London, 1879. 
 Palmerston (Lord). Sa correspondance intime, pour servir a 
 1'histoire diplomatique de 1'Europe de 1830 a 1865. 
 Traduite de 1'anglais, precedee d'un introduction 
 par Augustin Craven. 2 vol. in-8, Paris, 1878. 
 Rutherford (John). The secret history of the fenian conspiracy, 
 its origin objects and ramifications. 2 vol. ln-8. 
 London, 1877. 
 SAINT RENE TAILLANDIER. Le roi Leopold et la reine Victoria (recits 
 contemporaine) 2 vol. in-8. Paris, 1878. 
 Smith (Ceo. II.) The life of the right Hon. Wm. E. Gladstone. 
 In-8. New-York, 1880. 
 Stanhope (Earl) Life of the right Hon. Wm. Pitt, with extracts 
 from his papers, new edition. 3 vol. Iu-8. Londont 
 Taine (H .). Notes sur 1'Angleterre. 5e edition. In-18. Paris, 1876. 
 Todd (A.) Parliamentary government in the British Colonies. 
 In-8. Boston, 1880. 
 Trollope (T. Adolphus). The story of the life of Pius the ninth. 
 In-18. Toronto, 1877. 
 Wavertree (0. M.). Home life in England. Illustrated by en- 
 gravings on steel, after pictures by Collins, Cons- 
 table, Cooper, Turner, Liuuell, &c., wic brief essays. 
 ln-4to. London. 
 Bousquet (G-eorges) Le Japon de nos jours et les echelles de 
 1'extreme Orient, (avec trois cartes), 2 vol. in-8. 
 Paris, 1877. 
 JOURNAL ASIATIQUE. voir : Encyclopedies, journaux, etc. 
 Sinibaldo de Mas (D.) La Chine et les puissances chetiennes. 2 
 vol. in-12. Paris, 1861. 
 Thomson (J.) L'Inde-Chine et la Chine. Kecits de voyages 
 abreges par H. Vattemare. In-8. Paris, 1879. 
 A DIALOGUE IN HADES. A parallel of military errors, of which the 
 french and english armies were guilty, during the 
 campaign of 1759, in Canada. Voir le vol. intitule : 
 Memoires et relations sur le Canada. (55 pages, in-12) 
 Anderson (Dr. "W. J.) Canadian history and biography, and 
 passages in the lives of a British prince and a Cana- 
 dian seigneur : the father of the Queen and the hero 
 of Chateauguay. (A paper read before the literary 
 and historical society of Quebec, Dec. 19th, 1866. 
 In-8. Quebec.} (51 pages) B. C. 202. 
 ANNALES de la propagation de la foi pour la Province de Quebec. 
 Yoir : Theologie, religion.
 ANNUAIRE DE VILLE MARIE. Origine, ulitite et progres des institu. 
 tions catholiques de Montreal, (lore anuee, 1863) et 
 supplement. In-18, Montreal, 1864. 
 Suivi de recherches archeologiques et 
 statistiques sur les institutions catholiques du Canada, 
 tome ler. Hist, des paroisses du diocese de Montreal, 
 lere 2e et 3e livraisou. Iii-18. Montreal, 1867-1871- 
 ANNUAIRE de I'lnstilut Canadien de Quebec. Vide : Publications 
 A SHORT authentic account of the expedition against Quebec in 
 the year 1759, under command of Major General 
 James "Wolfe. In-8. Quebec, 1872. (49 pages). 
 Audiat (Louis). Brouage et Champlain (1578-1667). Documents 
 inedits. In-8. Paris, 1879. (48 pages). 
 BANQUET offert a MM. Thors, de Molinari et de la Londe, par les 
 citoyens de Montreal, a 7 heures du soir, jeudi le 28 
 novembre 1880, a i'hotel Windsor. Extrait du cornpte 
 rendu public par le journal " Le Courrier de Mont- 
 real." In-12. (31 pages). B. C. Vol. 203. 
 Be"dard (T. P.). Nos archives. Les statistiques. Extraits du 
 "Journal de Quebec." In-8. ( 30 pages). (Public 
 sans nom d'auteur). B. C. Vol. 216. 
 Belmont (1'abbe de). Histoire du Canada. ln-12. (46 pages). 
 (1765 probablement). Voir le vol. intitule : Me- 
 moirs, etc. 
 Bibaud (Michel). Histoire du Canada et des Canadiens, sous la 
 domination anglaise, de 1830 a 1837. In-12. Mont- 
 real, 1878. 
 Bibaud, jeune, Tablettes historiques canadiennes, modelees sur 
 I'abrege chronologique du President Henaut. 2e 
 edition. In-12. Montreal, 1861. (46 pages). B.C. 
 Vol. 210. 
 Budden (Helior). Newfoundland, its climate, geographical posi- 
 tion, resources, &c., and Benares, the sacred city of 
 the II ind us. Two lectures delivered before the Y. 
 M. C. A. Quebec, ln-8. Quebec, 1880. (46 page*). 
 B. C. Vol. 204.
 Butter (W. F.). The wild northland. Voir : Voyages. 
 Campeau (T. R. E.). Illustrated guide to the House of Commons 
 and Senate of Canada, voir : Biographie. 
 CANADIAN (The) p: rliamentary Companion and annual register, 
 1880. In- 18, Ottawa. 
 CANADIAN portrait gallery. 4 vols. in-4to. Toronto, 1880. 
 Casgrain (Pabbe). Une paroisse canadienne au 17e siecle. In-18. 
 Quebec, 1880. 
 Chambers (Mayor). Report on the late Riots. Rapport sur les 
 dernieres emeutes, B. C. 190. 
 COLLECTION do memoires et de relations sur 1'histoire ancienne du 
 Canada, d'apres des manuscrits obtenus des archives 
 en France. In-12 Quebec, 3840, voir le vol. intitule : 
 Memoires et relations sur le Canada. 
 CONVENTION NATIONALE de Quebec, juin 1880. Programme adopte. 
 in-8. Quebec, 1880. 9 pages. B. C. 197. 
 CORRESPONDENCE relative to the Fenian Invasion and the rebellion 
 of the Southern States. (176 pages.) 8vo. Ottawa, 
 1869. B. C. Vol. 183. 
 De Gazes (Paul). Notes sur le Canada. Nouvelle edition, ln-18. 
 Quebec, 1880. 
 Darveau (L. M.). Histoire de la Tribune. In-8. Quebec, 1863. 
 (16 pages). B. C. Vol. 196. 
 Dessaulles. Derniere correspondance entre le cardinal Barnabo 
 et M. Dessaulles. Br. in-8. (39 pages). 
 DINER 4 M. Joly, M. P. P. G-rande demonstration de sympathie. 
 Diner magnifique. Disco urs chaleureux. (Extraits 
 de journaux mis en brochure). B. C. Vol. 
 Dionne (N. E.). Etudes historiques. Le tombeau de Champlain 
 et autres reponses aux questions d'histoire du Ca- 
 nada, proposees lors du concours ouvert en juin 1879, 
 par S. E. M. le cte de Premio-Real. ln-8. (91 pages). 
 Quebec, 1880.
 DOMINION of Canada. The Province of Manitoba and North-West 
 territory. Information for intending immigrants. 
 3rd edition. In-8. Ottawa, 1879. (24 pages). 
 DOMINION Annual Resist. >r and Review (the), for the thirteenth 
 ye:r of the Canadian Union, 1879. Edited by Hy. 
 J. Moro-an, assisted by Hodgins, Mackinnon, Buryess, 
 Bell, Bourinot, MacLean and Dixon. In-8. Otlaiva, 
 Drapeau (Stanislas). Notes et eclaircissements. La question du 
 tombeau de Cham plain. In-8. Ottawa. (21 pages). 
 Duquet (Joseph Norbert). Une fete a 1'imprirnerie du Canadien. 
 8 pages 8vo. Quebec, 1878, B. C. 172. 
 EML:UTE DE LA HUH CHVMPLAIN, (15 aout, 1859). Les dernieres emeutes 
 rapport du maire. The late riots mayor Cham- 
 bers' report. Exti aits dejournaux mis en brochure. 
 B. C. vol. 190. 
 Estimauville (C. R d'). Cursory view of the state of the colony 
 of LoW'*r Canada. 57 pa, 8vo. Quebec, 1829. vol. 76. 
 ETAT des affaires de la societe historique de Montreal pour 1872. 
 Gd. in-8. (8 pages,) Montreal, B. C. Vol. B. 
 Faillon (Rev.) Precis historique de ce qui s'est passe de plus 
 remarquabie depuis la decouverte du Canada jus- 
 qu'a nos jours. 53 pages 8vo. B. C. 203. 
 Faucher de St. Maurice. Voir : Relation. 
 Faucher(N.) Marmette et Levasseur. Le Canada et les pays 
 Basques. 28 p. 8vo. Quebec, 1879. B. C. 182. 
 FIFTH SEUIES of historical documents. Published under the aus- 
 pices of " the Litterary and Historical Society of 
 Quebec/' ln-8. Quebec, 1877. 
 FRANCE (La) et le Canada francais. Discours. Vide : Economic 
 Fraser (Col. Malcolm). Extract from a manuscript journal relat- 
 ing to the sii'iM- oi Quelx-c in 175i. Voir le vol. 
 intitule : M<- moires el relations sur le Canada.
 FULL DETAILS oi the railway disaster of the I2lh of March, 1857, at 
 the Desjardin C.mal, on the line of the Great "Western 
 railway. In-12. Hamilton. (51 pages). B. C. Vol. 202. 
 Gallway (T. L.) A s-hort authentic account of the expedition 
 against Quebec, in the year 1759. (48 pages). 8vo. 
 Quebec, 1872. B. C. Vol. 197. 
 Gingras (1'abbe Jos. Apollinaire). Le Bas-Canada entre le moyen- 
 age et 1'age moderne. ln-32. Quebec, 18*0. B. C. 
 Vol. 206. 
 Girod (Armury). Notes diverses sur le Canada. Premiere livrai- 
 son). In 4to. Village Debartzch, 1835. (65 pages). 
 B. C. Vol. A. 
 Hannay (Jas). The history of Acadia from its first discovery to 
 its surrender to England by the treaty of Paris. In 8. 
 Si-John, N. B., 1879. 
 HISTOIRE DE L' EAU-DE-VIE en Canada, d'apres un mnnnscrit recem- 
 luent obtenu de France. In-8. (28 pages). Voir le 
 volume intitule: Memoires et relations sur le Canada. 
 INCENDIE de J'hotel du parlement, (fevripr 1854). Rapport. Voir : 
 Documents parlementaire divers. 1 vol. 
 INCENDIE de 1'hospice des Sceurs de la Charite (3 mai 1854). Voir: 
 Documents parlementaires divers. 1 vol. 8vo. 
 INSTALLATION du premier eveque de OhicoutimV B. C. Vol. 194. 
 INSTITUT GANADIEN d'Ottawa. Celebration du 29j anniversaire. 
 (117 pages). 8vo. Ottawa, 1879. B. C. Vol. 193. 
 J^SUITES. Les nucleus biens des Jesuites. (Extraits de la Kevue 
 Canadienne. B. C. Vol. 190 
 JUBIL episcopal de Pie IX. Depart des Pelerins Canadiens pour 
 Home, 6 avril 1877. (.Extrait du Nouveau Monde). 
 B. C. Vol. 194. 
 JDGEMENT impartial sur les operations militaires de la campagne 
 en 1759. ln-12. (8 pages). Voir le vol. intitule : 
 Memoires et relations sur le Canada. 
 LA GRISE politique de Quebec. Notes et precedents, ln-8. (63 
 pages). Quebec, septembre 1879.
 LA LEGENDS et 1'histoire du Clan d' Argyll Campbell. B. C. Vol. 190. 
 LA PROTESTATION- i>:-: L'EPISCOPAT. Uti article du " Canadien " sur le 
 liberalism^. Une lettre de Mgr 1'Archeveque de 
 Quebec, (4 avril 1877). Une lettre de M. Tarte. (5 
 avril 1877.) (Extraits de jouraaux). B. C. Vol. 101. 
 LaRue (F. A. II ). Reponse an memoire de MM. Brousseau, 
 f re res, imprimeurs des Soirees Canadieunes. B. C. 
 Vol. 197. 
 LA SOCIETE historique de Montreal vs. Maximilien Bibaud. No. 1 
 et 2. B. C. Vol. 203. 
 Laverdiere et Casgrain. Decouverte du tombeau de Champlain. 
 (19 pages). 8vo. Quebec, 1866. B. C. Vol. 191. 
 LA Voix de I'ecolier du college de Joliftte. Compte-rendu des 
 fetes de la reunion des anciens eleves, les 12 et 13 
 juin, 1878. In 4to. B. C. Vol. A. 
 LE GOUVERNEMENT de la puissance du Canada pendant les annees 
 1874, 75, 76, 77 et 78. In-8. (50 pages). Quebec, 1878. 
 LeMoine (J. ]\I ) Historical Notes on the environs of Quebec. 
 (Drive to Indian Lorctte, Tahourenche, Chaudierc 
 Fails, &c.). I n- 18. (30 pages). Montreal, 1879. 
 B C. Vol. 180. 
 " Glimpses of Quebec during the ten years of 
 i'rench domination in Canada, 1749-59, with observ- 
 ations on the past and the present. 8vo. Quebec, 
 1879. (42 pages). B. C. Vol. 197. 
 Queen's birth day, 1880. Quebec, and its gates 
 and environs. Something about the streets, lanes 
 and early history of the ancient capital, with illus- 
 trations, plans of the Sham light, etc. In-8, Quebec, 
 1880. (94 pages). 
 LES ORANGISTES. (15 pages). 8vo. Montreal, 1878. B.C. Vol. 2>>3. 
 LE SAGUENAY et le lac St-Jean. Voir: Agriculture. Colonisation. 
 LES 24, 25 et 26 juin 1880 a Quebec. Discours prononces dans les 
 conventions, congiea et b.inquet. (Extraits de u L'E- 
 venement" des 25 et 20 juin). (62 pages). 8vo
 MacdougalTs Grnide to Manitoba. Voir : Statistique. 
 Mailloux (1'abhe A.). Histoire de I'lle-aux-Goudres, depuis son 
 etablissement jusqu'a nos jours, avec ses traditions, 
 ses legendes, ses coutunies. Iu-8. (90 pages). Muni- 
 real, 1879. 
 MANDEMENT de Mgr E. Taschereau, archeveqne de Quebec, pro- 
 muiguant la bulle Inter vanas sollicitudines, qui erige 
 canoniquement 1'Universite Laval. (31 pages;. 8vo, 
 1876. B. C. Vol. 196. 
 MANITOBA et le Nord-Ouest du Canada, ses ressources et ses avan- 
 tag^s pour 1'emigrant et le capitaliste, compares aux 
 Etats Ainericains de 1'Ouest, par Thos. Spence. 8ro. 
 (40 pages). Ottawa, 1875. 
 MANITOBA and tbe Canadian North-West. (With enaravinjrs). From 
 the " Chicago Commercial Advertiser," Augt, 3lst 
 1877. In-4to. (31 pages). B C. Vol. A. 
 MANUSCRIPTS relating to the early history of Canada, ln-12. Que- 
 bec, 1866. Voir le vol. intitul^: Me moires et relations 
 sur le Canada. 
 Marchand. (L. W.) Voir: Memoires de la Societe historique. 
 Masson (Philippe). Les Canadiens franpais et la 1'rovidence. 
 B. C. Vol. 195. 
 McCord (F. A.) Errors in Canadian history, called from " Prize 
 answers." ln-8. Montreal, 1880. (44 pages). B.C. 
 Vol. 203. 
 MEMOIRES de la societe historique de Montreal (septieme et hui- 
 tieme livrai>ons). Voyage de Kalm en Amerique, 
 analyse et traduit par L. W. Marchand. In 8. ^lout- 
 real, 1880. 
 MEMOIRES concernant les greves du Sanlt-an-Matelot, etc., que le 
 serninaire de Quebec possede a titre de lief. Voir le 
 vol. intitule : Memoires el relations sur le Canada. 
 MEMOIRES et relations sur le Canada. In 8. 
 1. .Journal du voyage de M. Saint-Luc de la Corne* 
 dans le navire ['Jlugusle, en i'an 1761.
 MMOIRES et relations sur le Canada. {Continue). 
 2. Juuniiil du sit'ge de Quebec, eu 1759, par .T. Claude 
 8. Memoire concernant los greves du Saut-au-Ma- 
 4- Sit'o-e of Quebec in j759, by Col. Mai. Fraser, 
 . 5. Sit'-ii' 1 de Quebec*, en 1759, d'apres un manuscrit 
 apporte de Lend res, par D. B. Viger* 
 6. Me moire du Sieur de Ramesay, au snjet de la 
 reddition de Quebec, 1759. (2 parties). 
 7. Manuscripts relating to the early history of Ca- 
 8. A dialogue in hades (Montcalm and "VVolt'e). 
 9. Quelxc and its environs, being a picturesque 
 Guide to stranger, 1831. 
 10, Reminiscences of Quebec. 
 11, Siege of Quebec in 1759, by a Nun of the General 
 12, 13 ct 14. Collection de m.'' moires et de relations, 
 d'apres des manuscrits obtenus des archives et 
 bureaux publics de France. 
 15. Histoire du Canada, par M. 1'abbe Belmont. 
 16. Relation du siege de Quebec, en 1759. 
 17. Jngement impartial sur les operations militaires 
 de la campagne en Canada, en 1759. 
 18. Reflections sommaires sur le commerce en Canada. 
 19. Hisioire de 1'eau-de-vie en Canada. 
 MKMOIRK sur I'Universitr-Lavai, avec pieces justilicatives. In-4to. 
 Quebec, 18G2. B. C. vol. A. 
 Miles (Henry II.) Histoire du Canada pour les enfants, a 1'r, 
 des ecolfs ('It'-nifiitaiirs Tra-lnit df I't-di'.ion anglaise 
 par L. Devisme. in--'J2, Montreal, 1877.
 Miles Henry H.) The one hundred prize questions in Canadian 
 history, arid the answers of " Hermes " (Henry 
 Miles, jnr., of Montreal) the winner of the first prize, 
 with an appendix containing notes and comments. 
 Br. in-8. (120 pages). Montreal, 1880. B. C. 191. 
 MISSIONS. Rapports sur les missions du diocese de Quebec, etc. 
 Voir : Theologie, teligions. 
 Morgan (Henry J.). The dominion annual register and review. 
 Voir : Dominion annual register. 
 Muller (Hans. \V.). Canada, p;ist, present and future. In-8. (52 
 pages). Montreal, 1880. 
 Nicolls (A. D ). Vide : McCord and, Civil Code. 
 NOCES D'OR de Mgr. J. D. Deziel, camerier secret de Sa Saintet6 
 Leon X11I, cure de Notre-Dame de la Victoire et 
 superieur du college de Levis. In-32. Levis, 1880. 
 B. C. Vol. 206. 
 NOTES HISTORIQU s sur le paroisse et les cures de Ste. Anne de la 
 Pocatiere, depuis les premiers etablissements, par 
 M. le cure de Ste. Anne, en 1869. In-32. Ste. Jlnne 
 de la Pocaliere, B. C. vol. 207. 
 NOTES sur le Canada. Voir : Stalistique. 
 NOTICE HISTORIQUE sur 1'enseignernent du droit en Canada. In-12. 
 Montreal, 1862. (52 pages). 
 NOTICE NECROLOGIQUE de K. C. Tanguay, avocat. Decede lo 15 mars 
 1874, a Quebec. (17 pages). In-12. Quebec, 1874. 
 B. C. Vol. 190. 
 NOTICE NECROLOGIQUE de 1'Hon. P. Bachand. B. C. Vol. 190. 
 O'Farrell (John). Annual concert ani ball of the St-Patriek's 
 Society, Montreal. 18th January, 1872. Address de- 
 livered on invitation of the society. Petit in-32. 
 (37 pages). Montreal, 1872. B. C. Vol. 
 ORDERS in Council, proclamations, departemental regulations, Kz;c > 
 having force of law in the Dominion of Canada. 
 In-8. Ottawa, 1874.
 O'Sullivan (D. A.) A mnnnal of croverumeiit in Canada, etc, 
 Voir: Legislation. Polilique. 
 Pacaud (Ernest). Lettre Ti 1'Iloa. L. O. Loranger, procureur-ge- 
 neral, 16 fevrier 1880. In-12. Trois-Rivie res, 1880. 
 (17 pages.) B. C. Vol. 210. 
 Panet (Jean-Claude). Journal du siesre de Quebec, en 1759. 
 In-12. Montreal, 1866. Voir le vol. intitul,;: Me- 
 moiies el relations sitr le Canada. 
 Patterson. Notes relating to Newfoundland. Voir : Slatisliyue. 
 PETIT QUESTIONNAIRE pour faciliter 1'etude de 1'arbro historique du 
 Bas-Canada. In-32. Montreal, 1873. 
 PRECIS HISTORIQUE de ce qni s'est passe de plus remarquable depuis 
 la decouverte du Canada jusqu'a nos jours. Snivi de 
 notes, avec une gravure et une carte. Iu-8. (53 pages.) 
 PROCEKD NGS of the grand lodge of Quebec ancient free and accepted 
 masons, at its 8th annual communication, Montreal, 
 1877. A. L. 5877. In-8<>. Montreal, 5877 (72 pages) 
 B. C. vol.202. 
 QUEBEC AND ITS ENVIRONS: being a pictorns'|ue guide to the stran- 
 ger. In-12. Quebec 1831 (42 pages). Voir : le vol. 
 intitule : Metnoires et relations sur le Canada. 
 QUEBEC HISTORICAL SOCIETY. List of officers, and schedule of prizes 
 offered lor the year 1807. Al>o Rules and regulations. 
 11 pages, in-12. Quebec, 1867. B. C. 205. 
 Ramezay (Sieur de). Erenements de la guerre en Canada du- 
 rant lesannees 1659 et 1760. Relation du sieg.- de 
 Quebec du 27 mai an 8 aoul 1739. Voir le \ol. inti- 
 tule : Me moires el relations sur le Canada. 
 Mr moire au sujet do. la n-ddition de QMO- 
 Qnebec, le 18 septembre 1759. Public sous la di- 
 rection de la Socieb: lli>torHjue de Quebec. In-12 
 jesus. Quebec, 1861, Voir le vol. intitule : Me/noire* 
 et relations sur le Canada. 
 Rattray (Al^x.) Vancouvert Island and P.riti.^h Columbia, \vh*-re 
 they are ; what th i y are; and what they may be- 
 come. In-8. London, 1852. With maps and plates.
 RECORD of liberal administration. Yule: Politique. 
 REFLECTIONS somrnaires snr le commerce qui s'est fait an Canada. 
 ln-12. (8 pages). Voir le vol. intitule: Memoires et 
 relations sur le Canada, 
 RED RIVER insurrection. Hon. AY. McDougall's conduct reviewed. 
 ln-8. (69 pages). Montreal, 1870. 
 RELATION de ce qui s'est passe lors <les foailles faites par ordre du 
 gonvernement, dans une partie dos fondations du 
 college des Jesuites de Quebec, precedee de cer- 
 t;iines observations, par Faur.her de Saint-Maurice. 
 Accompagnee d'un plan, par le capitaine Deville et 
 d'u ue photo-lit ographie. lu-4to. (48 pages). Quebec, 
 1879. B. C. Vol. A. 
 RCLATION du siege de Quebec en 1759, par une religieuse de TH6- 
 pital-Greneral de Quebec, adrossee a une comrnu- 
 naute de son ordre en France, ln-12. (24 pages). 
 Voir le vol. intitule: Memoires et relations sur le Ca- 
 RELATION historique des evenements de 1'election dn comte du 
 Lac des Deux Montagues, en 1834. Episode propre 
 a f,iire connaitre J'esprit public dans le 13as-Uanada. 
 ln-12. Montreal, 1835. (36 pages). B. C. Vol. 205, 
 RELATIONS des Jesuites sur les decouvertes et les autres evene- 
 ments arrives en Canada et an Mord et a TOuest des 
 Etais-Unis, (1611-1672), par le Dr. E. 13. O'Collnghan, 
 traduit de Tanglais, avec quelques notes, correciions 
 et additions par le K. P. Felix Martin, ln-12. Mont- 
 real, 1880. 
 REMINISCENCES of Quebec, derived from reliable sources, with a 
 view of the city, and maps of Canada. 4e edit-on. 
 ln-12. (41 page). Quebec, 1862. Voir le volume 
 intitule : Memoires et relations sur le Canada. 
 REPLIQUE des marguilliers de Notre-Dame de Montreal. Gr. in-8 
 (186o) 45 pages, li. C. vol. 194. 
 REPORT and collections of the Nova Scotia Historical Society for 
 1878. Vol. I. In-8. Halifax, 1879.
 REPORT oi the Ottawa reception committee on the Flag incident on 
 hoard the Ste.uner Queen. 14 pages 8vo ; Ottawa, 
 1877. B. C. 192. 
 Robidoux (J. E.). Kep rt to tne Hon. Luc Letellier de St. Just, 
 Lt. -Governor of the Province of Quebec. On the 
 Offices of the prothonotary of Superior Court, of the 
 Clerk of Circuit Court, ot the Clerk ot the Crown 
 and Peace and of the Police office, at Montreal. 
 ln-8. 1880. (23 pages). B. C. 
 Ross (Alexander). The Ked river settlement ; its rise, progress, 
 and present states with some account of ihe nature, 
 races and its general history, to the present day, 
 In-12. London, 1856. 
 Russell (A. J.). Cham plain's Astrolabe. 24 pages 8vo. Montreal, 
 1879. B. C. 171. 
 SACRE ET INSTALLATION de Mirr. I). Racine, premier eveque de Chi- 
 coutimi, 1878. (Extraits des journaux mis en bro- 
 chure. B C. Vol. 194. 
 Sagard-Theodat (le frere Gabriel). Le grand voyage du pays 
 des Hurons, situe en Ameiique vers la mer douce, 
 es derniers conh'ns de la nouvelle France, dite Ca- 
 na<la In-18, a Paris, 1632. (Tres-rare, valant au- 
 dessus de cent dollars). 
 SAGUENAY (le) et le lac St-Jean. Ressources et avantages qu'ils 
 off ent aux colons et ax capitalistes. In 8, Ottawa, 
 1879. (54 pages). 
 Saint-Luc de la Corne. Journal de son voyage dans le navire 
 l'Au'4U>te, en Tan 1761. 2e edition. In-12. Quebec, 
 1861 Voir le vol. intitule: Memoires et relations sitr 
 le Canada. 
 SIEGE de Quebec en 1759. Voir: Viger. Fraser. Une Sceur de 
 rHopital-General. Ramezay. 
 SIEGE (the) of Quebec and conquest of Canada in 1759, by a Nun 
 of the General Hospital of Quebec, to which is up- 
 pended an account of the laying of the first stone of 
 the monument of Wolf and Montcalm. In-8. Quebec. 
 pages). B C. Vol. 202.
 SOCIETE HISTORIQUE de Montreal (la) vs. Maximilien Bibaud. Por- 
 traits des colliticans. Jn-8. ( Pages 1 a 12). (Cruise 
 No. 2). In-12 (Pages 13 a 20). B. C. Vol. 20-3. 
 SOCIETY St-Jean Bnptiste de Quebec. Fete nationale des Cana- 
 diens-l'rai^ais da Canada et des Etats-Unis. Cenven- 
 tion nationale, 25 et 26 jum 1830. B. C. Vol. 197. 
 SOCIETE St-Jean Baptiste de Quebec. Fete nationale des Cana- 
 diens-frai^ais du Canada et des Etats-Unis. Con- 
 vention nationale, 25 et 26 juiu- 1883. Btnquet na- 
 tionul le 24. - Illumination. Reception a Spencer 
 Wood. Feu d'artitice. ln-8. Quebec. 1880. (8 pages). 
 SOUVENIR du 4 novembre 1864. Dedies aux anciens eleves du 
 Seminaire (ie Su-Therese. (38 pages). 8vo. Montreal, 
 1854. B. C. Vol. 196. 
 SOUVENIR du jubile sacerdotal de Mgr. C. F. Cazeau, prelat doines- 
 tique de Sa Saintete, \ T . Gr. de 1'archidiocese, celebree 
 a Quebec en Janvier 1880. Iu-12. Quebec, 18SO. 
 SOUVENIR de la grande celebration nationale du 21 juin, 1880, a 
 Quebec, petit in- 12 oblong, conteiiarit certaines 
 gravun s. 
 SOUVENIR du 24 juin 1874. In-64. Montreal, 1874. 
 SOUVENIR du 4 novembre 1864 dedie aux anciens eleves du Semi- 
 naire de tSte. Therese. (Biographie de M. Ducharrne.) 
 ln-8. Monk eal, 1865.) 38 pages. B. C. 196. 
 SOUVENIR du 24 juin 1880. Vive la Canadienne. 16 pages 8vo ; 
 Quebec, 1880. B. C. 202. 
 Spence (Thomas) Manitoba et le Nord-Ouest du Canada, ses res- 
 sources et S'-s avanlages pour ['emigrant et le caj)ita- 
 liste. 39 pages 8vo. Ottawa, 1875. B. C. 201. 
 STADACONA DEPICTA. Voir : Topographie. 
 ST. LIN. M. Chapleau s'explique. Relation du grand diner de St. 
 Lin,le 21 aout, 1877. (Extraits de divers journaux) 
 B. C. vol. 193. 
 Suite (Ben-) Les origines de la Saint Jeau-Baptiste. (Une i'euille). 
 B. C. Vol. B.
 Suite (Ben.) Chronique trifluvienne. dr. ln-8, Montreal, 1879. 
 Sutherland (Rev. G.). A manual of (he geography and natural 
 and civil history of Prince-Edward Island, for the 
 use of schools, families and emigrants. Ii>18. Char- 
 totletown, 1861. 
 Synge (M. II.). Canada in 1848, being an examination of the 
 existing resources of British North America, with 
 considerations for their furthur and more perfect 
 development, as a practical remedy, by mean of colo- 
 nisation for the, prevailing distress in the United 
 empire, and for the defence of the Colony. In-8, 40 
 pages. London. 
 TABLEAU historic] uo du Canada a 1'usage des eleves des Ursu'.ines. 
 In- 12, 12 pages. Quebec., 1866. B. C. Vol. 181. 
 Tache (J. C.). Notice historiographique sur la fete celebree a 
 Quebec le 16 juin, 1859, jour du 200e anniversaire de 
 1'arrivee de Mgr. de Montmorency-Laval en Canada, 
 Publiee avec 1'autorisation de M. 1'abbe L. J. Casault. 
 recteur de 1'Universite-Laval. In-8. 72 pages, Quebec. 
 TANNERIES. Aft tires des tanneries. Seance du 25 nov. 1875. Dis- 
 cours des Hons. MM. Angers, Ouimet, Chaplean, et 
 de M Taillon depute de Montreal. Grd. In 8. (21 p.). 
 B. C. Vol. 194. 
 Tasse (Elie). Le Nord-Onest. La Province de Manitoba et les 
 territoires du Nord-Ouest. Leur etendue salubrite 
 du cliinat, etc. Br. ln-8. Ottawa, 1880, (72 pages). 
 Tass6 (Joseph). Un Parallele. Lord Bepconsh'eld et Sir John 
 Macdonald. 41 pages 8vo ; Ottawa, 1880. B. C. 191. 
 TEIUUBLE EXPLOSION!! Explosion A 1'atelier de cartouches, pres de 
 la porte St-Jean. Onze personnes tuees et | lusieurs 
 blessres. In-8. Quebec. (16 pages). B. C. Vol. 197. 
 THE QUEEN BIUTH-I-AV in Montreal, 24 May, 1879. Orders for the 
 Military review and iShain light, &c. In-12. Mont- 
 real, 1879. (12 pages). B. C. Vol 205.
 THE SIEGE of Quebec, and conquest of Canada in 1759. (28 pages). 
 8vo. Quebec. B. C. Vol. 202. 
 THE NORTHERN KINGDOM. By a colonist. (18 pages). 8vo. Montreal. 
 B. C. Vol. 203. 
 Thibault (Charles). Hier, aujourd'hui et demain ou origines et 
 destmees canaciiennes. (16 pages). 8vo. Montreal, 
 1880. B. C. Vol. 203. 
 TRANSACTIONS of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec. 
 ^Sessions of 1&79-80. ln-8. Quebec, 1880. (13J p). 
 TREATIES between Her Majesty the Queen and Foreign powers. 
 See : Statutes of the Dominion, 1879. 
 Trudel (F. X. A.) Me moire sur la question de fusion des societes 
 litteraires et scientifiques de Montreal. Iu-8. Mont- 
 real, 1866. (32 pages). B. C. Vol 211. 
 Trudel (1'Hon. F. X. A.) Nos chambres haute. Senat et Conseil 
 Legislatif. In-8. (160 pages). Montreal, 1880. 
 Tuttle (Charles K.) The cc mprehensive history of the Dominion 
 of Canada, w T ith art engravings. Vols. 2 from the 
 confederation of 1867 to the close of 18; 8. ln-4to. 
 Montreal 1879. 
 UNIVIRSITE LAVAL. Documents relatifs a 1'erection canonique de 
 I'Universite Laval. In-4to. Quebec, 1876. Edition 
 de luxe. (48 pages). B. C. VoL A. 
 UNIVERSITE LAVAL. Memoire. Voir: Memoires. 
 ViCE-Rois et lieutenant-generaux des rois de France en Amerique. 
 Voir : Memoires re'alifs a fhistoire du Canada. GRANP 
 Viger (D. B.) Analyse d'un entretien sur la conservation des 
 etabli^ements du Canada, des lois, des usages, etc 
 de ses habitants. Par un Canadien, dans une lettre 
 a un de ses amis. ln-8. Montreal, 1826. (46 pages). 
 B. C. Vol. 203. 
 Siege de Quebec en 1759. Copie d'apres un ma- 
 nnscrit apporte de Londres en 1834. ln-12. Quebec, 
 1836. Voir le vol. intitule : Memoires et relations sur 
 le Canada.
 VIVE LA GANADIENNI:. Souvenir du 24 juiu 1880, par # =* * 
 8ommaire : 
 Vire la Canadienne. 
 Quebec, son age de renaissance. 
 Promenade sentimentale sur laterrasse Dufferin. 
 ln-12. Quebec, 1880. (16 pages). B. C. Vol. 202. 
 Watson (S. J.) The powers of the Canadian Parliament, lu-18. 
 Toronto. 1880. 
 Allen (C. F). Histoire de Danemark, depuis les temps les plus 
 reculesjusqu'a nos jours. Avec nne biographie et 
 des tables generales. (Ouvrage couronne). Tra- 
 duit d'apres la 7e edition, par E. Beauvais. Enrichi 
 d'une bibliographic et de 3 cartes en couleur. 2 vol. 
 In-8. royal. Co[>enhague, 1878. 
 Gregoire (Lonib). Dictiounaire d'histoire, de biographie, de geo- 
 graphie et de mythologie. ln-12. Paris, 1877. 
 Kerrigan (Rev. M.) Q-alil.-o and Roman inquisition. Lecture. 
 27th April, 1854. ln-12. Quebec, 1854. (21 pages). 
 B. C. Vol. 208. 
 Leger (Louis). Histoire de FAutriche-Hongrie, depuis les ori- 
 gines jusqu'a rannee, 1878. Ouvrage contenant 4 
 cartes. In 12. Paris, 1879. 
 Lubomirski (Lc prince .].) L nihilisme en.Russie. Br. in-32. 
 Paris, 1879. (93 pages). 
 May (Sir Th. Erskine). Democracy in Europe. A history. 2 
 vols. In-8. London, 1877. 
 Memor (Andreas). L'Allemagne nouvelle, 1863-1867. Guerre 
 du DitncniHrk, antagonisme de la Prusse et de 1'Au- 
 tri'ihe, dissolution de la Confederation, guerre de 
 1866. ln-12. l>aris, 1879.
 Niboyet (Paulin). La reine de J'Andalonsie. Souvenirs d'un 
 sejour a Seville. Avec vignettes de A. Du Buisson. 
 In-12. Paris, 1858. 
 Noir Louis). Campagne de Crimee. Alma, ln-12. Paris. 
 Planche (J. JO A cyclopedia of costumes, or dictionary of dress, 
 including notices of contemporaneous fashions on 
 the continent ; and a general chronological history 
 of the costumes of the principal countries of Europe, 
 from the commencement of the Christian Era to the 
 accession of ( 1 oorge III. 2 vols., in-4to. London, 1879. 
 Rattazi (Mme.j. L'Espagne moderne. In-12. Paris, 1879. 
 Roux (Xavier). L'Autriche-Hongrie. ln-12. Pans, 1879. 
 Russell (Major F. S-). Russian war with Turkey, past and pre- 
 sent. With two maps. 2nd edition. In-12. London, 
 Saint-Albin (Alex. de;. Histoire de Pie IX et de son Pontificat. 
 Nouvelle edition. 2 vols., in-12. LePuy, 1877. 
 Saint-Rene Taillandier. Le roi Leopold et la reine Victoria. 
 (Recits d'histoire contemporaine). 2 vols. In-8. 
 Paris, 1878. 
 STATEMAN'S year books, 1866, by Fred. Martin. In-18. London. 
 TABLETTES Autrichienres, contenant des faits, des anecdotes et des 
 observations sur les rnosurs, les usages des Autri- 
 chiens et la chronique secrete des cours d'Allemngne, 
 par tin temoin oculaire. In-18. Bruxelles, 1830. 
 Touchard-Lafosse (G.) Souvenirs d'un demi-siecle. Vie pu- 
 blique Vie inlime, mouvernent ii'.teraire. Portraits. 
 1789-1834. 6 vois. In-18. tirvxe/les, 1736. 
 Aubineau (Leon). M. Anffustin Thierry. Son systeme histori- 
 que et srs erreurs. 2e edition. In-18. Paris, 1879. 
 Audiat (Louis). Brnunire et Champlain (1578-1067). Documents 
 medits. Br. in-8. Paris, 1879. (48 pages).
 Bachelet (Th) Histoire do France. 3e edition. 2 vols. in-12. 
 Pads, 1878. 
 Barreau et Darragon Montibrt et les Albigeois. 2 vols. in-18. 
 Kruxetles, 1810. 
 Bibaud, jeune. Napoleon I et Nopoleon III. Parallels histo- 
 rique. 1 n-1 8. Montreal, 1860. (21 pages). 
 Chapelle et Bachaumont. Voyage a Encausse, en Grascogne, 
 publie par Jouaust. Iu-12. Parts, 1874. 
 Colet (Mme Lonisu). Le.jeunesse de Mirabeaa. ln-18. Bruxelles, 
 D'Hericault (Ch.) Histoire nation ale des naufrages. Voir : Nau- 
 D'Hericault (Ch.) et Moland (L.). La France guerriere. Recits 
 historiqnes d'apres les chroniqaes et les memoires do 
 chaque siecle. ln-4to. Paris. (Gravures sur acier.) 
 DOCUMENTS inedits sur 1'histoire de France. Lettres, instructions 
 diplomatiqUHS -t ptipiers d'etat du cardinal de Ri- 
 cholien, recueillis et pnblies par M. Avenel. Tome 
 7e, 1042. 1 n-4to. Paris, 1874. 
 DOCUMKNTS jiour servir a 1'histoire du second erapir. Circulates, 
 rapports, notes et instructions conlidentielles, 1851- 
 1870. In-8. Paris, 1872. 
 Ducoudray (Gustave). Cent recits d'histoire de France. (Illus- 
 tres). ln-4to. Paris, 1878. 
 Ducrot (Le general). La defense de Paris, 1870-1871. T6nii> 4e, 
 accornpagne de 24 cartes en couleur. Grd. in-8. /V/v'.s-, 
 Duluc (Louis). France physique, administrative, militaire et 
 economique. In-18. Paris, 1875. 
 Dumas (Alex). Sketches on France, ln-8. P/iilttrlel/thia. 
 Duruy (Y.). Ilistoire de France. Nouvelle edition, illustree 
 2 vols. in-18. Paris, 1868. 
 Goepp (Ed.) 't D'Eotot (11). Les niarins. 2 vols. gd. 8vo. Paris, 
 1877. CAvec portraits).
 Grenville-Murray (E C.). Lies hoinmes du Septenaat. Traduit 
 de 1'anglais, par H. Testard. In-18. Paris. 
 Les hommes du second empire. Sil- 
 houettes contemporaines. Traduit de 1'anglais, par 
 A. Dapples. Nouvelle edition. In-12. Paris. 
 Les hoinmes de la troisieme republique. 
 Traduit de 1'anglais, par H. Testard. 2 vols. In-12. 
 Hans (Ludovic). Second siege de Paris. Le comite central et la 
 commune. Journal auecdotique. 5e edition. In-12. 
 Paris, 1871. 
 Houssaye (Arsene). Gallerie du XVIIIe siecle. lie edition. La 
 regency. 4 vols. in-12. Paris, 1876. 
 Vol. 1. La regence. 
 Vol. 2. Louis XV. 
 Vol. 3. Louis XVI. 
 Vol. 4. La revolution. 
 Lacroix (Desire). Histoire anecdotique du drapeau fran9ais. 
 3e edition. Iu-18. Paris, 1878. 
 LA FRANCE par bassins fluviaux et par departements, etc. Voir : 
 Geugraph ie, topograph ie. 
 Lescura (M. de). Henri IV (1553 1610). Dix gravures sur acier, 
 fleurons et culs-de-lampe. 4to. Paris, 1874. 
 Fran9ois ler (1494-1547). 4 chromos, 70 grav. 
 sur bois, etc. Royal in-8. Pari<s, 1878. 
 Magen (H.). Histoire du second empire. In-12. Paris, 1878. 
 Mangin (Arthur). Les savants illustres de la France. Nouvelle 
 edition, ornee de 16 portraits. Grii. 8vo. Paris. 
 Maury (Alf.). Rapport sur les archives nationales, pour les an- 
 nees 1876 et 1877. 8vo. Paris, 1878. 
 MEDAILLES sur les principaux evenements du regne entier de Louis 
 Ie Griand, avec des explications historiques. Folio 
 Imprimerie royal, Paris, 1723.
 Merimee (Prosper). Notes d'un voyage dans le midi de la 
 France. In-18. Bruxelles, 1836. 
 Notes d'un voyage dans 1'Ouestde la France. 
 In-18. Bruxelles, 1837. 
 Metternich (le prince de). Memoires, documents et ecrits di- 
 vers, publics par son tils. 2e edition. "2 vols. in-8. 
 Paris, 1880. 
 Mingeaud (Arthur). A condensed History of Paris, with statis- 
 ticts from its foundation, 65 years, 13. (J., to the pre- 
 sent time, including correct descriptions of all prin- 
 cipal buildings, monuments, and places of interest 
 in the capital. (94 pages). 8vo. Quebec, 1871. B. 
 C. Vol. 172. 
 Mirabeau. Memoires biographiques, litteraires et politiques, 
 ecrits par lui-metne, pur son pere, son oncle et son 
 fils adoptif. 8 vols. in-8. Paris, 1834. 
 Monseignat (Ch. de) . Un chapitre de la revolution francaise ou 
 histoire des journaux en France de 1789 a 1799, pre- 
 cedee d'une notice historique sur les journaux. In- 
 18. Paris, 1853. 
 NAUFRAGES. Histoire nationale des naufrages et aventures de mer 
 (1800-1850). 5e edition. 2 vols. in-12. Paris, 1876. 
 NOTICE sur la ransportation a la Guyane francaise et a la Nou- 
 velle Caledonie, pendant les annees 1868 a 1875. 
 2 vols. Gd. in-8. Paris. 
 NOUVELLES ARCHIVES du Museum d'histoire naturelle, publieVs par 
 les professeurs-adininistrateurs de cet etablissiMii-'iit. 
 2e serie, tome ler. Gd. in-4to. Paris, 1878. 
 Perrault (Ch.). Mt'-rnoires. Notice par Paul LAcroix. lu-12. 
 Paris, 1878. 
 Pierre (Victor). Histoire de la republiqne de 1848. Gou\vrue- 
 ment [)rovisoire, commission executive, Cav.ininic. 
 24 fevricr 20 decembre 1848. 2 vols. royal i 1-8. 
 Paris, 1873.
 Quicherat (J.). Histoire du costume en France, depuis les temps 
 les plus recules jusqu'a la fin du XVIHe siecle. 2e 
 edition. Contenant 483 gravures. Royal in-8. Paris, 
 R6musat (Madame de). Memoires, (1802-1805), publics par son 
 petit his, Paul de Remusat. 9e edition. 3 vols. in-8. 
 Paris, 1880. 
 Richaudeau (1'abbe). La prophetie de Blois, avec des eclaircis- 
 seraents. ln-12. Quebec, 1870. (Du Counter du 
 Canada}. (46 pages). 
 Saint-Hilaire (C. M. de). Napoleon au bivouac, aux Tuileries et 
 a Sainte-Helene. Anecdotes inedites sur la famille 
 et la cour imperials. In-18. Bruxelles, 1844. 
 Schickler (F. de). L'histoire de France dans les archives pri- 
 vees de la G-rande-Bretagne. Releve des documents 
 concernant la France dans les " Reports of the royal 
 commission of historical manuscripts, 1870-76." In-4to. 
 Paris, 1878. 
 Sor (Charlotte de). Le due de Bassano. Souvenirs intimes de la 
 revolution et de 1'empire. 2 vols. in-18. Bruxelles, 
 Taine (H.). Les origines de la France comremporaine. L'ancien 
 regime. 8e edition. Gd. ln-8. Paris, 1879. 
 La revolution. Tome ler, 8e edition, ln-8. Paris, 1878 
 ANNUAL REGISTER. (The). A review of public events at home and 
 abroad, for the year 1878. In-8. London, 1879. 
 Chantrel (J.). Une annee d'histoire contemporaine, Gr. In-8. 
 Paris, 1872. 
 Howitt (Wm.). Saunder's portraits and memoirs of eminent living 
 polit ical reformers, voir : Biographic.
 Lyman (Azel. S .). Question designed lor the use of those en- 
 gaged in the study of Lyman's historical chart, with 
 a key to the names mentioned in the chart, &c. In- 1 8. 
 Cincinnati, 1875. 
 Historical chart. Containing the prominent 
 events of the civil, religious and literary history of the 
 world from the earliest time to the present day. Fol. 
 Cincinnati, 1875. 
 Rawlinson (George). The five great monarchies of the ancient 
 eastern world ; or the history, geography, and anti- 
 quities of Chaldaea, Assyria, Babylon, Media and 
 Persia. 4th edition. 3 vol. ln-8, with maps and illus- 
 trations. London, 1879. 
 Tytler (Hon. A. F.). Universal history from the Creation of the 
 "World to the beginning of the 18th century. 2 Vol. 
 In-8. Boston, 1854. 
 Veuillot (Louis). La guerre et I'homme de guerre, ln-12. Paris, 
 CANADIAN NATURALIST (The). Vide : Encycloptdies, journaux, revues, 
 Dawson (J. W.) The chain of life in geological time. A sketch 
 of the origin and succession of animals and plants, 
 with numerous illustrations. In-12. London. 
 PETITE HISTOIRE naturelle, ou Ie9ons sur les mineraux, les plantes 
 et les animaux qu'il est le plus utile de connaitre. 
 Nouvelle edition, revue et auginentee. In-32. Ber- 
 thier, 1847.
 ton, 1862-1879. Contents: 
 Vol. 1st. 
 Article. I. Directions for meteorological obser- 
 vations and the registry of periodical phe- 
 nomena, 1860. Pp. 70. 
 Article II. Psychometrical table for determin- 
 ing the force of aqueous vapor, and the 
 relative humidity of the atmosphere from 
 indications of the wet and the dry bulb ther- 
 mometer, Farenheit. By Jas. Coffin, 1856. 
 Pp. 20. 
 Article III. Tables, meteorological and physic- 
 al, prepared for the Smithsonian Institution. 
 By A. Guyot. 2nd edition, 1859. Pp. 634. 
 Vol. II. 
 Classification of the chemical arts. 
 Tabular view of the chemical arts. 
 I. Colorics. 
 II. Plastics. 
 III. Metallurgy. 
 IY. Chimics. 
 Y. Kalistics. 
 Yl. Oleics. 
 YI1. Sitepsics. 
 VIII. Biotechnics. 
 Vol. III. (Wants). 
 Vol. IV. Advertisement. 
 Article I. Synopsis of the described Nevroptera 
 of North America, with a list of the South 
 America species. By Hermann Hagen, 1861. 
 Pp. 368. 
 Article II. Synopsis of the described Lepidop- 
 tera of North America. By John G. Morris, 
 1862. Pp. 376 and 30 wood-cuts.
 Vol. V. 
 Article I. Bibliography of North America Con- 
 cohology previous to the year 1860. By 
 Binm-y. Part I. America continent, 1863. 
 Pp. 658 
 Article II. Catalogue of publications of the 
 Smithsonian Institution, 1862. Pp. 52. 
 Article III. List of foreign correspondents of 
 the Smithsonian Institution, 1862. Pp. 56. 
 Vol. VI. 
 Advertisement Page VII. 
 Article I. Monographs of the Dyptera of North 
 America, prepared for the Smithsonian Ins- 
 titution, by H. Loew. Part I. Edited with 
 additions, by R. Ostensacken, April, 1862. 
 Pp. 246. 3 wood-cuts and 2 plates. (141). 
 Article II. Monographs of the Diptera of North 
 America. Prepared for the Smithsonian 
 Institution, by H. Loew. Part II. Edited 
 by R. Ostensacken, January, 1864. Pp. 372, 
 and five plates. (171). 
 Article III. List of the Coleoptera of North 
 America. Prepared for the Smithsonian 
 Institution. By .John L. Leo.onte, M. D. 
 March, 1863 April, 1866. Pp. 82. (140). 
 Article IV. New species of North America Co- 
 leoptera. Prepared for the Smithsonian 
 Institution. By John L. Leconte, M. D., 
 March, 1863. April, 1866. Pp. 180. (167;. 
 Vol. VII. 
 Advertisement Page VII. 
 Article 1. Monograph of the Bats of Norih Ame- 
 rica. By H. Allen, M. I).. ;issi.-tatit surg.-on 
 U. S. N. June, 1864. Pp. 110, and 68 wood- 
 cuts. (165).
 Article II. Land and fresh water Shells of North 
 America. Part II. Pulmonata limnophila 
 and Thalassophila. By W. G. Binney, Sep- 
 tember, 1865. Pp. 172, and 261 wood-cuts. 
 Article III. Land and fresh water Shells of 
 .North America. Part III. Ampullariidae, 
 fresh water Neritidse, Hellicinidae. By W. 
 (jr. Binney, September, 1865. Pp. 128, and 
 232 wood-cuts. (144). 
 Article IV. Researches upon the Hydrobiinse 
 and allied forms ; chifly made from materials 
 in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institu- 
 tion. By Dr. Win. Simpson, August, 1865. 
 Pp. 1864, and 29 wood-cuts. (201). 
 Article V. Monograph of America Corbiculadae 
 (recent and fossil). Prepared for the Smith- 
 sonian Institution, by Temple Prime, De- 
 cember, 18oo. Pp. 92, and 86 wood-cuts. 
 Article VI. Check List of the invertebrate fos- 
 sils of North America. Eocene and Oligo- 
 cene. By T. A. Conrad. May, 166. Pp. 46. 
 Article VII. Check list of the invertebrate fos- 
 sils ol North America. Miocene. By F. B. 
 Meek. 1863. Pp.84. (183). 
 Article V 11 1. Check list of the invertebrate fos- 
 sils of North America. Cretaceous and Juras- 
 sic. By F. B. Meek. 1844. Pp. 42. (199). 
 Article IX. Catalogue of minerals with th^ir 
 formules, &c. Prepared for the Smithso- 
 nian institution. By T. Egleston. 1863. Pp. 
 56. (156).
 Article X. A Dictionary of the Chenook Jargon 
 or trade language of Oregon. Prepared for 
 the Smithsonian institution. By Q. Grebbs. 
 1863. Pp. 60. (161). 
 Article XL Instruction for research relative to 
 the Ethnology and Philology of America. 
 Prepared lor the Smithsonian institution. 
 By G. Ghbbs. 1863. Pp. 54. (160). 
 Article XII. List of works published by the 
 Smithsonian institution. 177. Pp. 12. (203). 
 Vol. VIII. 
 Article I. Monograph of the Diptera of North 
 America. Part IV. By 11. O. Sacken. 1869. 
 8vo. Pp. 358. 4 plates, and 7 wood-cuts. 
 Article II. Catalogue of the Orthoptera of North 
 America described previous to 1867. By S. 
 H. Scudder. 1868. 8vo. Pp. 110. 
 Article III. Land and fresh-water shells of 
 North America. Part. 1. Pulmonate geo- 
 phila. By W. G. Binney and T. Bland. 1869, 
 8vo. Pp. 328, and 544 wood-cuts. 
 Article IV. Arrangement of families of birds. 
 1866. 8vo. Pp. 8. 
 Article V. Circular to officers of the Hudson's 
 Bay Co. 1860, 8vo. Pp. 6. 
 Article VI. Suggestions relative to objects of 
 scientific investigation in Russian America. 
 1867. 8vo Pp. 10. 
 Article VIL Circular relating to collections in 
 Archaeology and Ethnology. 1867, 8vo. Pp. 2. 
 Article VIII. Circular to Entomologists, 1860. 
 8vo. Pp. 2.
 Article IX. Circular relative to collections of 
 birds from middle and South America. 1863. 
 8vo. 2 Pp. 
 Article X. Smithsonian Museum Miscellanea, 
 1862. Pp. 88. 
 Vol. IX. 
 Article I. Bibliography of North American 
 Conchology, previous to 1860. B. W. Gr. 
 Binney. Part II. Foreign Authors, 1864, 8vo. 
 Pp. 302. 
 Article II. Catalogue of publications of societies, 
 and of periodical works, belonging to the 
 Smitsonian Institution, 1866. 8vo. Pp. 596. 
 Vol. X. 
 Article 1. The mollusks of Western North Ame- 
 rica. By P. P. Carpenter. Embracing the 
 second report made to the British association 
 on this subject, with other]papers. Reprinted 
 by permission, with general index, 1872. 
 Pp. 446. 
 Article II. Arrangement of the families of Mol- 
 lusks. By. Theodore Gill, 1871. Pp. 65. 
 Article III. Instructions for observations of 
 thunder storms. By Prof. Henry. P. I. 
 Article IV. Circular relative to heights. By 
 Prof. Henry. Pp. 2. 
 Article V. Directions for constructing light- 
 nings-rods. By Prof. Henry. Pp. 3. 
 Article VI. Queries relative to tornadoes. By 
 Prof. F. Henry, Pp. 4. 
 Article VII. Questions relative to the food fishes
 of the United States. By Prof. S. Baird. Pp. 7. 
 Article VIII. Memoranda of inquiry relative to 
 the food fishes of the United States. By 
 Prof. Baird. Pp. 5. 
 Article IX. List of the Institutions, colleges, 
 and other establishments in the U. S., in 
 correspondence with the Smithsonian Ins- 
 titution, 1872, pp. 255. 
 Article X. List of foreign correspondents of the 
 Smithsonian Institution, 1872, pp. 96. 
 Article XI. Check list of publications of the 
 Smitsonian Institution, 1872, pp. 22. 
 Vol. XL 
 Article I. (230). Arrangement of the families 
 Mammels ; with analytical tables. B. Theod. 
 Gill, 1872, pp. 104 
 Articlell. (No. 247). Arrangement of the families 
 of fishes, or classes pisces, Marsipobranchii 
 and Leptocardii. By Theod. Gill, 1872, pp. 96. 
 Article III. (No. 256). Monographs of ths 
 Uiptera of North America. Part III. By H. 
 Loew, 1873. 4 plates, pp. 376. 
 Article IV. (No. 261). Directions for collect- 
 ing and preserving insects. Prepared by A. 
 S. Packard, 1873, pp. 60. 
 Article V. (Mo. 264). New species of North 
 America Coleoptera. By John L. Leconte. 
 Part II, 1873, pp. 74. 
 Article VI. (No. 265). Classification of the 
 Coleoptera of North America. By John L. 
 Lecomte. Part II, 1873, pp. 72.
 Vol. XII. 
 Advertisement Page VII. 
 Article I. (No. 181). Review of American birds, 
 in the museum of the Smithsonian institu- 
 tion. Part 1. By S. Q. Baird 186 1-1872, pp. 
 Article II. (No. 255). The constants of nature. 
 Part 1. Specific gravities ; boiling and melt- 
 . ing points : and chemical formulae, compiled 
 by F. Wigglesworth Clarke, S. B. 1873. pp. 
 Article III. (No. 263). Telegraphic announce, 
 ments of Astronomical discoveries. By J. H. 
 Henry, 1873. pp. 4. 
 Vol. XIII. 
 Article I. Check-list of North American Betra- 
 chia and Reptilia; with a systematic list of 
 the higher groups and an essay on geogra- 
 phical distribution based on the specimens 
 contained in the United States National Mu- 
 seum- By R. D. Cape, 1875, pp. 104. 
 Article II. Contributions to the American his- 
 tory of Kerguelen Island, made in connect- 
 ion with the 'American transit of Venus 
 expedition, 1874-75. By J. H. Kidder M. D., 
 assistant-surgeon, U. S. Navy, 1. Ornithology. 
 Edited by Dr. Elliot Cones, U. S. Army, 
 1875, pp.51. 
 Article III. Contributions to the Natural his- 
 tory of Kerguelen Island, made in connect- 
 ion with the U. S. Transit of Venus Expe- 
 dition, 1874-75. By J. Kidder. II. 1876.
 Article V. Catalogue of the Fishes of the Ber- 
 mudos, based upon the collections of U. S. 
 National Museum, by Gr. Brown, 1876, pp. 82. 
 Article VI. Classification of the collection to 
 illustrate the animal resources of the U. S. 
 A list of the substances derived from the 
 animal Kingdom, with synopsis of the useful 
 and injurious animals, and a classification of 
 the methods of capture and utilization. By 
 G. Brown. 1876. pp. 126. 
 Article VII. Contributions to the natural his- 
 tory of the Hawaisan and fanning islands 
 and lower California, made in connection 
 with the U. S. North Pacific surveying ex- 
 pedition, 1873-75. By F. H. Street, 1877, pp. 
 Article VIII. Index to the names which have 
 been applied to the subdivisions of the class 
 Brachiopoda, excluding the Kuetistes pre- 
 vious to the year 1877. By W.H. Dall. 1877, 
 pp. 88. 
 Article IX. Contributions to North American 
 ichthyology. Based primarily on the collec- 
 tions of the U. S. National Museum 1. Re- 
 viero of Rafinesque's memoirs on North 
 American fishes. By David Jordan, 171. pp. 
 Article X. Contributions to North American 
 ichthyology. Based primarily on the col- 
 lections of the United States National Mu- 
 seum. II. A. Notes on Cottidae, Etheosto- 
 matidse, Percidse, Centrarchidae, Aphredo- 
 deridse, Dorosomatidse, and Cyprinidic, with 
 revisions of the genera and descriptions of 
 new or little known species. By 
 Synopsis of the Siluridce of the fivsh WMI.TS 
 of North America. By D. J. J.irdan. 
 pp. 120.
 Vol. XIV. 
 Article I. (254). Synopsis of American wasps. 
 Solitary wasps. By H. de Saussure. 1875. 
 pp. 430. 
 Article II. (283). Catalogue of the- fishes of the 
 east coast of North America. By Theod. 
 GHil, 1873. pp. 56. 
 Article III. (288). The constants of nature. 
 Specific gravities, boiling points, and mel- 
 ting- points. First supplement to part 1. By 
 F. W. Clarke. 1875. pp. 62. 
 Article IV. (276). The constants of nature. Part. 
 II. A table of specific heats for liquids. 
 Compted Ly F. "W. Clarke. 1876, pp. 58. 
 Article V. (289). The constants of nature. 
 Part. III. Tables of expansion by heat for 
 solids and liquids. Compted by Clarke, 1876. 
 pp. 58. 
 Article VI. (216). Photographic portraits of 
 North American indian in the gallery of the 
 Smithsonian institution. 1867. pp. 42. 
 Article VII. (301). List of publications of the 
 Smithsonian Institution, 1877* pp. 72. 
 Article VIII. (311). Index catalogue of books 
 and memoirs relating to Nebulce and clus- 
 ters, etc. By Ed. S. Holden, 1877. pp. 126. 
 Vol. XV. 
 Advertisement Page \ 7 1L 
 Article I. (255). Bibliographical index of North 
 American Botany ; or citations of authorities 
 for all the recorded indigenous and natura- 
 lised species of the Flora of North America, 
 with a chronological arrangement of the 
 Synonymy. By Sereno Watson. Pait I. 
 Polypetalse, 1878, pp. 484.
 Article II. (2(36). The Toner lecturer. Lecture 
 1. On the structure of cancerous tumors 
 si nd the mode in which adjacent parts are 
 invaded. By J. J. Woodward, 1873, pp. 44. 
 Article III. (291). The Toner lectures Lec- 
 ture II. Dual character of the brain. By 
 C. E. Brownsequart, M. D., 1877, pp. 25. 
 Article IV. (279). The Toner lectures. Lec- 
 ture III. On strain and over-action of the 
 h.-art. By J. U. DaCosta. M. D , 1874, pp. 32. 
 Article V. (282). The Toner lectures. Lee- 
 lure IV. A study of the nature and mecha- 
 nism of fever. By Horatio C. W'K>d, M. D., 
 1875, pp. 50. 
 Article VI. (300). The Toner lectures. Lec- 
 ture IV. On the surgical complications and 
 sequels of the continued fevers. By Wm. 
 W. Keen, M. D., 1877, pp. 72. 
 Article VI I. (302). The Toner lectures. Lec- 
 ture VI. Subcutaneous surgery: its prin- 
 ciples and its recent extension in practice. 
 By William Adams, M. D., 1877, pp. 20. 
 Article VIII. (309). List of foreign corres- 
 pondents of the Smithsonian Institution. 
 Corrected to January, 1878, pp. 121. 
 Article IX. (316). Circular in reference to 
 American Archeology, 1878, pp. 15. 
 Article X. (319). Circular of inquiries relative 
 to natural history of the American Crawfish 
 and other iresh water Crustacea, 1878, pp. 8. 
 Article X.I. (320). Circular relating to col- 
 lections of living reptiles, 1878, pp. 2. 
 Vol. XVI. 
 Advertisement Pag > Vll.
 Article 1. (253). Land and fresh-water shells 
 of North America. By George W. Tryon, jr. 
 Part IV. Strepomatidae (American Mela- 
 nians). 1873. pp. 490. 
 Article II. (270). Catalogue of the described 
 diptera of North America. By 0. R. Osten 
 Sacken. (Second Edition) 1878. pp. 324. 
 Article III. (321). The Toner lectures. Lec- 
 ture VII. The nature of reparatory inflam- 
 mation in arteries after ligature, ampressure, 
 and torsion. By Edward O. Shakespeare, 
 M. D., 1879. pp. 74. 
 Article IV. (324). Circular relative to scientific 
 and literary exchanges. 1879. pp. 2. 
 Article V. (325). Business arrangements of the 
 Smithsonian institution. 1879. pp. 7. 
 Article VI. (334). List of described species of 
 humming birds. By D. G-iraud-Elliot, 1879. 
 pp. 22. 
 Article VII. (335). List of the principal scien- 
 tific and literary institutions in the United 
 States. May, 1879. pp. 6. 
 Article VIII. (344). List of publications of the 
 Smithsonian institution. July, 1879. pp. 18. 
 Vol. XVII. 
 Avertisement Page VII. 
 Article I. The Smithsonian institution : Docu- 
 ments relative to its origin and History, 
 Edited by William J. Rhees, 1879, pp. 1027- 
 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Annual reports of the board of regents to 
 the Senate, showing the operations, expenditures, 
 &c., for the year 1873, 74, 75, 76. 4 vols. ih-8. 
 SMITHSONIAN contribution to knowledge. Vol. XIV to XXII. 8 
 vols. in-4to. Washington. 1865-1880. 
 Contents: Vol. XIV. 
 , Article 1. Introduction, pp. 16. 
 Article 2 & 3. Discussion on the Magnetic and 
 Meteorological observations made at the 
 Girard college Observatory, Philadelphia. 
 In 1840 to 1845. 
 Article IV. On the construction of a silvered 
 Glass Telescop, fifteen and a half inches in 
 aperture, and its use in celestial photography. 
 Article. V. Paleontology of the Jupper Missouri. 
 A report upon collections made principally 
 by the expedition under command of Lieut. 
 G. K. Warren, U. S. Top. Engrs, in 1855 
 and 1856. Invertebrates, by E. B. Meek 
 and F. V. Hayden, M. D. Part 1, pp. 158 
 and tive plates. (Published April, 1865). 
 Article VI. Cretaceous reptiles of the United 
 States. By Joseph Leidy, M, D., professor 
 of anatomy in the University of Pennsylva- 
 nia, curator of the academy of natural 
 sciences of Philadelphia. Pp. 140, and 20 
 plates. (Published May, 1865). 
 Vol. XV. 
 Article I. Introduction, pp. 16. 
 Article II. An investigation of the Orbit of 
 Neptune, with general tables of its motion- 
 By Simon Newcomb. professor of Mathema- 
 tics, United States Navy. Pp. 116. (Pu- 
 blished January 1866). 
 Article III. On the fresh-water glacial drift of 
 North Western States. By Chs. Whittlesey. 
 Pp. 32. Two plates and eleven wood-cuts. 
 (Published May, 1866).
 Article IV. Geological researches in China, 
 Mongolia, and Japan, during the years 1862 
 to 1865. By Raphael Pumpelly. Pp. 170. 
 Nine plates and eighteen wood-cuts. (Pu- 
 blished August, 1866). 
 Article V. Physical observations in the Artie 
 Seas. By Isaac J. Hayes, M. D., command- 
 ing expedition, made on the West Coast of 
 the North Greenland, the vicinity of Smith 
 Strait and the west side Kennedy Channal, 
 during 1860 and 1861, reduced and discus- 
 sed at the expense of the Smithsonian Ins- 
 titution, by Charles A. Schott, Mont. Cr. 
 Phil. Soc. Pg. 286. Six plates, and fourteen 
 wood cuts. (Published June, 1867). 
 Vol. XVI. 
 Article I. Introduction pp. 16. 
 Article II. The Gray substance ol the Medulla 
 oblongata and trapezium. By John Dean, 
 U. D. Accepted for publication August, 1863. 
 Published February, 1864, 4to. pp. 80. Six- 
 teen plates, live wood-cuts. 
 Article III. Results of meteorological observa- 
 tions made at Brunswick, Maine, between 
 1807 and 1859. By Parker Cleaveland, LL. 
 D. Reduced and discussed at the expense 
 of the Smithsonian institution, by Charles 
 A. Schott. Accepted for publication Decem- 
 ber. 1866. Published May, 1867, 4to. pp. 69. 
 Eight wood-cuts. 
 Article IV. Results of Meteorological observa- 
 tions made at Marietta, Ohio, between 1826 
 and 1859, inclusive. By S. P. Hildreth, M. 
 D. to which are added results of observa- 
 tions taken at Marietta by Mr. Joseph Wood, 
 between 1817 and 1823. Reduced and des-
 cnssed by the Smithsonian institution. By 
 Charles A Schott. Accepted for publication 
 Jnnel8G7. Published September, 1867. 4to 
 pp. 22 fourteen wood-cats. 
 Article V. On the G-liddon Mummy Case in the 
 museum of the Smithsonian Institution. By 
 Charles Pickering. Accepted for publication 
 .1 MHO 1867. Published June, 1869 4to. pp. 6. 
 One Plate. 
 Article VI. The orbit and Phenomena of a Me- 
 teoric lire-Ball, seen July 20, 1860. By Pro- 
 i'es.-or James H Coffin, LL, D. Accepted for 
 publication, July, 1868. Published May, 
 1869 4to. pp. 56. Two plates, two wood-cuts. 
 Article VII. On the Transatlantic Longitude. 
 By Benjamin Apth<rp Gould. Accepted for 
 publication February 1869. Published Oc- 
 tober, 1869 4to pp.110. 
 Article VIII. The Indians of Cape Flattery, at 
 the entrance of the Strait of Fuca, Washing- 
 ton territory By James G-. Swan. Accepted 
 for publication, June, 1868. Published 
 March, 1870, 4to. pp. 118. Fourty-fourwood- 
 Vol. XVII. 
 Article I. Introduction, pp. 14. 
 Article II. Systems of consanguinity and affinity 
 of the human family. By L. Morgan. 1870. 
 pp. 602. Fourteen plates and six diagrams. 
 Vol. XVI11. 
 Article I. Introduction, pp. 16. 
 Article II. Tables and results of the precipita- 
 tion, in rain and snow, in the United States 
 and at some stations in adjacent parts of North
 America, and in Central and South America. 
 Collected by the Smithsonian Institution, 
 and discussed under direction of Joseph 
 Henry, secretary. (Published, March, 1872, 
 4to. Eight diagrams, five plates, and three 
 Article III. Memoir on the secular variations 
 of the elements of the orbits of the eight 
 principal Planets, Mercury, Yenus, the Earth, 
 Mars, Jnpiter, Saturne, Uranus, and Nep- 
 tune ; with tables of the same. Together 
 with the obliquity of the ecliptic, and the 
 precession of the Equinoxes in both longi- 
 tude and right ascension. By J. N. Stock- 
 well, U. A. Accepted for publication, De- 
 cember, 1870. Published June, 1872. 4to. 
 Pp. 214. 
 Article IV. Observations on terrestrial magne- 
 tism and on the deviations on the Compass 
 of the United States Iron Clad Monadnock, 
 during her cruise from Philadelphia to San 
 Francisco, in 1865 and 1866. By William 
 Harkness, M. 1). Accepted for publication 
 September, 1871. Published April, 1873. 
 4to. pp. 225. "With 2 diagrams. 
 Article V. Converging series expressing the 
 Ratio between the diameter and the circum- 
 ference of a circle. By William Ferrel. Ac- 
 cepted for publication April, 1870. Published 
 April, 1871. 4to. pp. 6. 
 Vol. XIX. 
 Article I. Introduction. Pp. 16. 
 Article II. (No. 200). Problems of rotary mo- 
 tion, presented by the G-yroscope, the Pre- 
 cession of the Equinoxes, and the pendulum. 
 By Brevet Maj. -General J. G. Barnard,
 colonel of Engineers, U- S. A., A. M., LL. D., 
 member of National Academy of Sciences, 
 1871-1873. 4to., pp. 74. 
 Article III. (No. 241.) A Contribution to the his- 
 tory of the fresh-water Algse of North Ame- 
 rica. By Horatio C. "Wood jr., M. D. profes- 
 sor of botany, and clinical lecturer on disea- 
 ses of the Nervous System in (he university 
 of Pensylvania; Physician to the Philadel- 
 phia Hospital, etc. October 1872, 4to. pp. 
 274. Twenty one colored plates. 
 Article IV. (No. 262). An investigation of the 
 orbit of Uranus, with 'General Tables of its 
 motion. By Simon Newcomb, Professor of 
 Mathematics, United States navy. October, 
 1873, 4to. pp. 296. 
 Vol. XX. 
 Introduction pp. 15. 
 Series A. Alphabetical list of stations, with their 
 latitude, longitude, height above sea, and 
 Series B. General Tables, containing results of 
 observations grouped in zones of latitude of 
 5 each Northern hemisphere, zones 1 to 18 
 Series C. Velocity Tables. Discussion and Ana- 
 lysis of professor Coffin's tables and charts, 
 by Dr. Alexander J. "Woeikof, late secretary 
 of Meteorological committee of the imperial 
 Geographical Society of Russia. 
 Explanation of Maps and Diagrams. Appendix, 
 Plates illustrating the text, 1 to XXVI. 
 Vol. XXI. 
 Article I. Introduction, pp. 16.
 Article II. (No. 280). Statement and- exposition 
 ofct-Mtain harmonies of the Solar System. 
 By Stfph'-n Alexander. LL. D , Professor of 
 Astronomy in the college of New Jersey, 
 1874-1875, 4io pp. 104. 
 Article 111. (No. 281). On the general integrals 
 of planete.iay motion. By Simon Newcomb, 
 professor oi Mathematics United States 
 Navy. 1874. 4to. pp. 40. 
 Article IV. (No. 267). The Haidah Indians o f 
 QIUMMI Charlotte's Islands, British Colum- 
 bia : with a brief Description of their Car- 
 vings. Tattoo Designs, &<\ By James G-. 
 Swan, Port Townsend, Washington Terri- 
 tory. 1864 4to. pp. 22. 
 Article V. (No. 277). Tables, distribution and 
 variations of the Atmospheric Temperature 
 in the United States, and some adjacent 
 Parts of America. Collected by the Smithso- 
 nian institution, and discussed under the 
 direction of Joseph Henry, secretary, B. C. 
 A. Schott, assistant U, S. Coast Survey ; 
 member Nat. Acad. of Sci., Am. Phil. Soc. of 
 Philadelphia and Washington, and of acade- 
 my of Sciences of Catania Sicily, 1875. 4to. 
 pp. 360. Nine diagrams, two plates, 'three 
 Vol. XXII. 
 Article I. Introduction, pp. 16. 
 Article II. (259). Explorations of the Aboriginal 
 remains of Tennessee. By Joseph Jones, M. 
 D. Published October, 1876. 4to. pp. 181. 
 Ninety five wood-cuts. 
 Article III. '269). The sculptures of Santa 
 Lucia Cosumalwhuapa in G-uatemala. With
 an account ot travels in central America 
 and on the western coast of south America* 
 B\ S. II -M. M. i'. Published February, 
 1878. E'<rht plates and Iwenty-h'xe figures* 
 Article IV. The Archaeological collection of the 
 United States National Museum, in charge 
 ofthe Smithsonian Institution, Washington, 
 B. C. By Charles Kan Published August. 
 1876- 4to.. pp. 118. Three hundred and 
 forty wood -rut.-. 
 Article V. (331). The Palenque tablet in the 
 United States National Museum, Washing- 
 ton. 1). C. By Charles Kau. Published 
 November, 1879. 4to., pp. 91. Two plates, 
 thirty-nine wood-cuts. 
 Article VI. (818) On the remains of Later 
 Pre-historio man, obtained from Caves in the 
 Catherina Archipelauo, Alaska teriitory, and 
 especially from the Caves of the Aleutian 
 Islands. "By W- H. Dall Published January, 
 1876. 4to., pp. 44. Ten plates. 
 Adan (H. Ph.). Le monde invisible de voile. Revelations dn 
 microscope. Ouvrage enrichide 24 grandes planches 
 contenant plus de 300 fig. ainsi que des gravures 
 intercaleesdans le texte. ln-8. Braine-le-Comte, 1879. 
 ANNUAL REPORT of the trustees of the Museum of comparative 
 zoology, together with the report of the director, 1862i 
 in-8, Boston. (18 pages). Pamphlets on science and indus- 
 Barrande (Joachim). On tho primordial Fauna and the taconic 
 system, with additional notes by Jules Marcou. In-8. 
 Boston, 1860. (12 pages). Pamphlets on science and 
 Browne (D. J.) The american bird fancier : Illustrated with en- 
 gravings. Iu-12, (105 pages). New-York. 
 Dawson (J. W.) Fossil men and their modern representatives. 
 An attempt to illustrate the characters and condition 
 of pre-historic men in Europe, by those of the Ame- 
 rican races. Gd. In-12, Montreal. 1880. 
 The dawn of the life ; being the history 
 of the oldest known fossil remains and their 
 relations to geological time and to the development 
 of the animal kingdom, ln-12. Montreal, 1875. 
 Figuier (Louis). Connais-toi toi-meme. Notions de physiologic. 
 Ouvrage illustre. In-8. Paris, 1879. 
 Gerard (Jules). La chasse aux lions. Voir : Literature : Cri- 
 tiques, drames, romans, nouvelles. 
 Girdwoyn (Michel). Anatomie et physiologie de 1'Abeille. 12 
 planches en lithographie. Folio. Paris, 1876. 
 LeBaron (Wm.). Fourth annual report on the noxious and be- 
 neficial insects of the State of Illinois. In-8. Spring- 
 field, 1874. 
 LeMoine (J. M.) Catalogue of Birds, Medals, "Woods, &c., in the 
 Museum of the literary and historical society of Que- 
 bec. (23 pages). 8vo. Montreal, 1878. B. C. Vol. 179. 
 LES OISEAUX du Canada (Quebec et Ontario). Tableau synoptique 
 prepare a 1'usage des ecoles de la province de Que- 
 bec, par J. M. LeMoine. Une grande feuille. 
 Mace (Jean). Les serviteurs de 1'estomac, pour faire suite a 1'his- 
 toire d'une bouchee de pain. In-8. Paris. 
 Provancher (1'abbe L.) Additions et corrections a la Faune Co- 
 leopterologique de la province de Quebec. (38 pages)- 
 8vo. Quebec, 1879. B. C. Vol. 200. 
 Les oiseaux insectivores et les arbres d'orne- 
 ment. In-8. (30 pages). Quebec, 1874. B. C. Vol. 179. 
 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS collections. 17 vols. In-8. Voir : Hisloire 
 naiureUe. Natural history.
 SMITHSONIAN Contribution to Knowledge, vols. 14 to 22 format 
 In-4to. Voir : Histoire naturelle en general : Natural 
 Coutance (A.). L'olivier. Histoire, botanique, regions, cultuie, 
 commerce, etc. Ouvrage orne de 120 vignettes- 
 Royal In-8. Paris. 1877. 
 Dawson (J. \Y.) Alpine and Artie plants : A lecture. 1862. In-8' 
 Montreal. (2o pages). (Pamphlets on science and in- 
 Ecorchard (le docteur). Flore regionale de toutes les plantesqui 
 croisscnt sppBtanement, ou qui sont generalement 
 cuitivees en pleine terre dans les environs de Paris, 
 et divers departements. Vol. ler. In-8, fan's. 1877-78, 
 Gillet (M.) et Mag-ne (J. H-). Nouvelle flore fran9aise, descrip- 
 tions succintes et rangees par tableaux dichotomi- 
 ques des plantes qui croissent spontanement en 
 franco, et de celles qu'on y cultive en grand, avec 
 ['indication de leurs proprietes et de leurs usages. 
 2e edition. In-18, Paris, 1868. 
 Lippens (Bernard). Tableau des arbres forestiers les plus c~>m- 
 muns et les plus utiles du Canada. Publie par le 
 depot de livres. Une grande feuille. Quebec. 
 Marion (Fulgence). Les merveilles de la vegetation, (46 GT.) 
 3e edit, ln-12, Paris. 1872. 
 Orbigny (Alcide a 1 ). Voyage dans les deux Ameriques. 2e edi- 
 tion. ln-4to. Paris, 1867. 
 Provancher (1'abbe L.) Additions et corrections a la Faune 
 Coleopterologique de la province de Quebec, 1877. 
 In-8. Quebec, 1877. (38 pages). 
 toire naturelle en general. Natural history. 
 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTION TO KNOWLEDGE, vols. 14 to 22 format in-4to. 
 Vide : Histoire naturelle en general. Natural history.
 Agassiz (L.X Contributions to the N.-itural History of the United 
 States. I n-8. Cambridge, 1880. (15 pages). Vol. 
 Pamphlets on science and industry. 
 ANNUAL REPORT of the board of request of the* Smithsonian Insti- 
 tution, showing the operations, expenditures, and 
 condition of the Institution, for the year 1878. In-8. 
 Wash ing ton, 1879. 
 Berthoud (S. Henry). Les petites chroniques dc la Science. 
 Nouvelle edition, lere annee (1861) a lOe et derniere 
 an nee (1872.) 10 vols. in-lh. 1'aris. 
 Chapman (W ) Mines d'or de la Beauce. Accompagne d'une 
 carte topographique. Gold mines of Beauce. In-18. 
 Levis, 1881. B- C. Vol. 215. 
 COMMISSION GEOLOGIQUE du Canada, (Alfred R C.Selvvyn, directenr). 
 Rapport des operations de 1876-77. Grd in-8. 
 -Rapport des operations de 1877-78. Grd. ln-8. 
 Dawson (J. "W). Natural History in its educational aspects. (Ex- 
 tracts from a lecture) 1857. 8vo. (Pages 429 to 436). 
 Yoir : vol. Pamphlets on science and industry. 
 On the newer pliocene and post pliocene deposits 
 of the vicinity of Montreal, with notices of fossils 
 recently discovered in them. In-8. Montreal, 1858 
 (28 p.) Yol. I'amphlets on science and industry. 
 DICTIONNAIRE GENERAL des Sciences theoriques et appliquees. Yoir: 
 Dupaigne (Alb.). Les montagnes. Sept cartes en couleurs hors 
 texte : illustrations dans le texte. 2e edition. Gd. 
 8vo. Paris, 1874. 
 Flynn (Hon.). Projet de loi concernant les mines. In-8. Quebec 
 1880. ^8 pages).
 GEOLOGICAL SDRVEY OF CANADA. Report of progres for 1877-78. lri-8. 
 Montreal, 1879. 
 Maps to accompany the report of 
 progress for 1877-78. 
 Report of progress for 1878-79. In-8. 
 Montreal, IS80. 
 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF MICHIGAN. Upper peninsula, 1869-1873, ac- 
 companied by an atlas of maps. 2 vol. Gd. ln-8. 
 New- York. 
 Lower peninsula, 1873-76, accom- 
 panied by a geological map. 1 vol. Gd. Iu-8. New- 
 York. 1876. 
 GEOLOGIE DU CANADA. Rapport de T. S. Hunt. (1852-53). Rapport 
 du comite special sur les moyens de rendre publics 
 les renseignements deja recueillispar 1'exploration 
 geologique, etc. ln-8. Quebec, 1852-53. 
 Rapports de progres, 1857. In-8. Toronto, 
 GOLD IN CANADA. The Chaudiere valley and its mineral wealth. 
 (From the columns of the Quebec Morning Chronicle 
 for February, 1880. Br. In-8. (92 pages). Quebec. 
 Gossin (Louis). Elements d'histoire naturelle, avec nombreuses 
 applications a 1'agriculture et a Findustrie. Ouvrage 
 orne de ligures dans le texte. In-12. Paris, 1868. 
 Hall (Frederick). Catalogue of minerals found in the state of 
 Vermont and in the adjacent states, together with 
 their localities, &c. In-8. Hartford, 1824. (44 pages). 
 Dans le volume intitule : Pamphlets on science and 
 Hoy (Henry). The mineralogy of Nova Scotia. A report to the 
 government. In-8. Halifax, 1869. 
 Hunt (T. S.). Researches on Gypsums and magnesian rocks (from 
 the journal of science and art. 1858. (37 pages). 
 In-8. (Vol. Pamphlets on science).
 Hunt (T. S.) Contributions to the history of oxphotide and saus- 
 surites. (15 pages) In-8, 1859. Vol. Pamphlets on 
 On some points in chemical geology. In-8. Mont- 
 real, 1859. (15 pages). Vol. Pamphlets on science 
 and industry. 
 Jackson (Dr. E. T.) Black River Copper Mining Company 
 (Geological Survey and Report). October, 2ii, 1862. 
 In-8. Boston, 1867. 
 Laflamme (1'abbe J. C. K.). Elements de mineralogie et de geo- 
 logio. In-18. Quebec, 1881. 
 Marcoux (Jules). Reply to the criticisms of Jas. I). Dana. In- 
 cluding Dana's two articles with a letter of Agassiz. 
 In-8, Zurich 1859. (40 pages). Vol. Pamphlets on 
 MINES. Acte general des mines de Quebec de 1880. In-8. Quebec, 
 (46 pages). B. C. 
 NEW-YORK STATE MUSEUM of natural history. Voir: New-York. 
 NOUVELLES ARCHIVES du' museum d'histoire naturelle, publiees par 
 MM. les professeurs-administrateurs de cet etablisse- 
 ment. (2e serie, tome deuxieme, ler et 2e fascicules.) 
 2 vols. Gd. In-4o. Paris, 1879. 
 Pesnelle ^1'abbe Eng.). La science contemporaine et le dogme 
 de la creation. Voir : Philosophic, Morale. 
 PLAN shewing the distribution of the plumbage and phosphate of 
 lime rocks, and the position of the most important 
 mining locations, in the townships of Buckingham, 
 Portland and Templeton, Ottawa, county. Unefeuille. 
 RAPPORT sur les progres de la stratigraphie, par Elie de Beaumont. 
 G-d. in-8. Paris, 1869. 
 Sachot (Octave). L'ile de Gey Ian et ses curiosites naturelles. 
 Nouvelle edition, ornee de gravures. In-8. Paris, 
 Simonin (L.). La vie souterraine, ou les mines et les minenrs. 
 Ouvr;tge illustre de 164 gravures sur bois, de 30 
 cartes en couleur et de 10 plans chromolith. 2e 
 edition. In 4to. Paris, 1867. 
 Histoire naturelle en general. General Natural His- 
 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTION TO KNOWLEDGE. Vol. 14 to 22. format ln-4to. 
 Histoire narurelle en general. General Natural His- 
 THE CHAUDIERE VALLEY and its mineral wealth. (92 pages). 8vo. 
 Quebec, 1880. B. C. \ol. 194. 
 Barnard (E. A.). Du sucre de betteraves et de sa production 
 economique dans la province de Quebec. JSuivi d'un 
 rapport general sur la valeur des betteraves a sucre 
 recoitees en 1876, dans la province de Qaebec et de 
 deux rapports supplementaires, par Oct. Cuiset. Grd, 
 in-8. (30 pages). B. C. Vol. B. 
 Barnard (Major J. G.). Analysis of rotary motion as applied to the 
 gyroscope. (Reprinted from Barnard American jour- 
 nal of education.) Vol. Pamphlets on science and 
 BREVETS. Keglements et formules, " Acte de 1872 amende etc., etc. 
 Vide : Droit canadien. B. C. vol. 199. 
 Chamberlan (B.). Chambre des Arts et Manufactures du Bas- 
 Canada. Rapport du sous-comite presente a Passem- 
 blee de la chambre tenue le 4e jour de Janvier 1859. 
 (56 pages) 8vo. Montreal, 1859. B. C. 202. 
 Chandelon (J. T. P.). Recherches sur la composition de la poudre 
 a tirer. In-8. Liege, 1880 (19 pages). (Vol. Pamphlets 
 on science and industry).
 180 INDUSTRIE. * 
 CIRCULAIRE du bureau des brevets d'invention, contenant 1'acte de 
 la propriete litteraire et artistique de 1868. 
 L'acte des marques de commerce et des desseins 
 de fabrique, de 1868. 
 L'acte des brevets d'invention de 1869 avec 
 table des matieres. 8vo. Ottawa, 1869. 
 CONSTITUTION and by laws of the New Orleans, 1854. (22 pages). 
 ("Vol. Pamphlets on science and industry). 
 DICTIONNAIRE GENERAL des sciences theoriques et appliquees. Voir : 
 DIRECTION GEN&RALE des manufactures de 1'etat. Compte de 1'exploi- 
 tation du monopole des tabacs pour 1873. ln-4to. 
 Paris, 1878. 
 Du Moncel (le c(e. Th.). L'eclairage electrique. Ouvrage illus- 
 tre. 2e edition, ln-12. Paris, 1880. 
 Faraday (Michael). Experimental researches on electricity. Re- 
 printed from the Philosophical Transactions of 1831- 
 38. 8 vols. in- 8. London, 1839. Voir : Physique et 
 Figuier (Louis). L'annee scientifique et industrielle. 20e, 21e, 
 22e et 23e annees, 1876, 77, 78 et 79. 4 vols. in-12. 
 Fontaine (Hippolyte). Eclairage a 1'electricite. Renseignements 
 pratiques. 81 gravures dans le texte. 2e edition. 
 Royal in-8. Saint-Ouen, 1879. 
 Fortin (Hon. P.). System of Telegraphs and Semaphores. (24 
 pages). 8vo. Quebec, 1870. B. C. Vol. 193. 
 GOLD'S PATENT steam heating apparatus, for warming private resi- 
 dences, stores, churches, &c. Iu-8. New-York. (52 
 pages). Voir: Pamphlets on science and industry. 
 Gordon (J. E. H ). A physical treatise on electricity and magne- 
 tism. 2 vols. in-8. London, 1880. 
 Gossin (Louis). Elements d'histoire naturelle, arec nombreuses 
 applications a 1'agnculture et a Pindustrie. Ouvrage 
 orne de figures dans le texte. In-12. Paris, 1868.
 INSTITUT DES ARTISANS. Entretien sur les arts industriels. (26 pa- 
 ges). ln-12. Montreal, 1870. B. C. Vol. 180. 
 INSTRUCTIONS for extinguishing tires in the different wards of the 
 city. (15 pages). ln-12. Quebec, 1859. B. 0. 
 Vol. 195. 
 Lasteyrie (Ferd. de). Histoire de J'orfevrerie depuis les temps 
 recules jusqu'a nos jours. Ouvrage illustre de 62 
 gravures. In-18. Paris, 1877. 
 Laurencin (Paul). Le telegraphe terrestre, sous-marin, pneuma- 
 tique. Histoire, principes, mecanisme, etc. In-32. 
 Paris, 1877. 
 Lhomond. Elements de la grammaire fran9aise entierement revue> 
 corrigee et augmentee par .1. B. Cloutier. ln-18 
 Quebec, 1879. 
 Maigne (P.). Histoire de 1'industrie et exposition sommaire des 
 progres realises dans les principales branches du 
 travail industriel. 2e edition. In-18. Paris, 1874. 
 Martindale (Lt. Col. B. H.). Engineering and engineers. A 
 paper read before the literary and historical society 
 of Quebec, April 12th 1871. In-8. Quebec. (27 pages). 
 MECHANICS' INSTITUTE OF MONTREAL. Thirty-Ninth annual report, 
 with an abstract of proceedings of annual meeting. 
 14 pages 8vo. Montreal, 1878. B. C. 174. 
 Monteil (Alexis). Histoire de 1'industrie franpaise et des gens de 
 metiers. Avec introduction, supplement et notes par 
 Charles Louandre. Illustration et facsimile par 
 G-erlier. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris. 
 Plante (Graston). Recherches sur 1'electricite'. (Avec 76 figures 
 dans le texte.) In-8. Paris, 1879. 
 Poire" (Paul). Simples lectures sur les principales industries. 
 (163 gravures). 3e edition. In-18. Paris, 1878. 
 Poncelet J. V.). Cours de mecanique appliquee aux machines. 
 In-8. Paris, 1874. 
 Prescott (Greorge B.). The speaking telephone, electric light and 
 other recent electrical inventions. With illustrations, 
 In A. New-York, 1879.
 PROCEEDINGS of the New Orleans Academy of Sciences, ln-8 New- 
 Orleans, 1854. (71 pages). (Vol. Pamphlets on 
 Science and Industry). 
 RAPPORT du sous-comite de la chambre des Arts et Manufactures 
 du Bas-Canada, presente a 1'Ass. de la Chambre, le 
 4 janvier 1859, etc., (par B. Chamberlin). In-8. 
 Montreal, 1859. (56 pages). 
 REPORT of the special committee of the New Orleans Academy of 
 Sciences, 7th December, 1857. In-8. New-Orleans, 
 1858. (13 pages). (Vol. Pamphlets on science and 
 Eiddell (J. L.) Annual address read before the New-Orlenns 
 Academy of Science, 1856. la-8. (8 pages). Vol. 
 Pamphlets on science and industry. 
 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN HANDBOOK (the). A treatise relating to patents, 
 caveats, designs trade-marks, copyrights labels, &. 
 1 u-64. New-York, 1879. Vol. 
 Slater (Robert). Telegraphic Code to ensure secresy in trans- 
 mission of telegrams. 2e edition. In-18, London. 1879- 
 Stammer (Charles). Traite complet de la fabrication da sucre. 
 Guide du fabricant. Supplement a la ler edition, Br. 
 G-r. In-8. 
 Deuxieme supplement, compte rendu des progres 
 de la science et de 1'industrie sucriere pour 
 1873 et 1874. B. G-d. In-8. 1875. 
 Tessier (Ulric J.) Essai sur le commerce et 1'industrie du Bas- 
 Canada. in-l:l Quebec, 1854. (23 pages). B. C. Vol. 
 Urquhart (J. W.). Electric light, its production and use em- 
 bodying plain directions for the working of galvanic 
 batteries, electric lamps, and dynamo-electric ma- 
 chines, with 94 illustrations, ln-12. London, 1880. 
 VENTILATION. Traite sur le systeme de ventilation ' Howard " pour 
 1'expulsion de 1'air corrompu a mesure qu'il se pro- 
 duit et rintroduction simultanee de 1'air pur dans des 
 proportions egaies, sans courants d'air sensible. In-12- 
 St. Jean, 1871. B. C. Vol. 216. (.16 pages).
 Bainbridge (Geo. C.). The fly fisher's guide, illustrated by co- 
 loured plates, representing upwards of party of the 
 most useful flies, accurately copied from nature. In-8. 
 f, 1816. 
 Demosthenes. Plaidoyers politiques. Traduits en francais avec 
 arguments et notes, par O. d'Oreste. '2 vois. In- J. 
 Paris, 1879, 
 Planche. Litterature grecque ou recueil des plus beaux passages 
 de tous les auteurs les plus celebres. Avec la tra- 
 duction fran9aise en regard, et une notice historique 
 et litteraire sur chaque auteur. 7 vols. in-8. Paris. 
 PROGRES DES ETUDES CLASSIQUES et du moyen-age, philologie eel- 
 tique, nuraismatique. G-d. in-8. Paris, 1868. 
 RECUEIL DE RAPPORTS sur les progres des lettres et des sciences en 
 France. Yoir : Droitfranqais, Rapports officieh. 
 Baraga (R. R. Bishop). A grammar and dictionary of the Otchi- 
 pure language. A new edition, by a missionary of 
 the Oblates. ln-12. Montreal, 1879. 
 Gingras (J. F.). Manuel des expression vicieuses les plus fr6- 
 quentes. ln-32. Outaouais, 1867. B. C. Vol. 217. 
 Manuel des expressions vicieuses les plus fr&- 
 quentes. In-32. Ottawa, 1880. (44 pages).
 GRAMMAIRE. (La grammaire de 1'Academie par Bonneau et Lucan, 
 revue par M. Michaud. In-18. Quebec, 1873. 
 GRAMMAR. Elements of latin grammar, with notes. A new edition. 
 In-32. London, 1823. 
 Halliwell-Phillipps (J. O.)- New lamps or old ? A few addi- 
 tional words on the momentous question respecting 
 the E and the A in the name of our national drama- 
 tist. (2nd edition). Brighton, 1880. (40 pages. In-8). 
 Jal (A.). Glossaire nautique. Repertoire polyglotte de jtermes de 
 marine anciens et modernes. Grd. In-4to. Paris, 1848. 
 (1600 pages). 
 LANGUE FRANQAISE EN CANADA, (La). Memorial des Vicissitudes et 
 des Progres de la langue fran9aise en Canada. (128 
 pages). In-12. Montreal, 1879. B. C. 180. 
 Marty-Laveaux (Ch.). G-rammaire elementaire. In-32. Paris, 
 Souviron (Alfred). Dictionnaire des termes techniques de la 
 science, de 1'industrie, des lettres et des arts. ln-8. 
 Tardivel (J. P.)- L'anglicisme, voila 1'ennemi. Causerie faite 
 au Cercle Catholiquo de Quebec, le 17 decembre, 
 1879. ln-12. (28 pages). Quebec, 1880. B. C. Vol. 191. 
 TRAITE D'LOCUTION indiquant les moyens d'obtenir une bonne 
 emission de voix, de corriger tous les accents vicieux, 
 tous les accents etrangers. (50 pages). 8vo. Mont- 
 treal, 1870. B. C. Vol. 202. 
 Arioste. Roland furieux. Traduction de Panckoucke et Fra- 
 nery, nonvellement revue et corrigee. Avec une 
 notice sur la vie d' Arioste, par Antoine de Latour. 
 2 vols. in-18. Paris, 1842. 
 Augier (Emile). L'aventuriere. Comedie en quatre actes en 
 vers. Nouvelle edition. In-12. Paris, 1866.
 Baillarge (Maurice). Uerniers adienx de Graziella, suivis de 
 quelques autres poesies detachees. (76 pages). 8vo. 
 Quebec, 1879. B. C. Vol. 174. 
 Barthe (Aurele). Bientot je dorrairai le dernier des sommeils. 
 Romance avec musique, Une feuille in-4to. 
 Berchoux ( La gastronomie. Poerae en quatre chants, 
 Avec notice par Felix Desvernay. In-12. Paris, 1876. 
 Blade (J. F.). Poesies populaires en langue francaise, recueillies 
 dans 1'Armagnac et 1'Agenais. ln-8jesus. Paris, 1879. 
 Bornier (Yte Henri de). Les noces d'Attila. Drame en quatre 
 actes, en vers. 9e edition. In-8. Paris, 1880. 
 La h'lle de Roland. Drarae en quatre 
 actes, en vers. 40e edition. (3rd. in-8. Paris, 1880. 
 Casgrain (1'ahbe H. E.). Les miettes. In-12. Quebec. B. C. Vol. 
 Chapelle et Bachaumont. Voyage public par D. Jouaust. In-32. 
 Paris, 1874. 
 Dumas (Alexandre) et Meurice (Paul). Hamlet prince de Pane- 
 mark. Drame en vers, en cinq actes et huit parties. 
 In-4to. (30 pages), Paris. 
 Gagnon (Ernest). Chansons populaires du Canada recueillies et 
 publiees avec annotations, etc 2e edition. In-8. 
 Quebec, 1880. 
 Gentil Barnard. L'art d'aiiner ; poeme en trois chants. Public 
 par Marescot. In-12. Paris, 1874. 
 Gresset. Le Mechant. Comedie en cinq actes. Notice par 
 D'Heyli. In-12. Paris, 1874. 
 Ver vert. Le careme in-promptu. Le lutrin vivant. 
 Notice d'Heyli. In-12. Paris, 1872. 
 Hawly (W. F.). The unknown, or lays of the forest. Iu-12, 
 Montreal, 1831. 
 Kidd (Adam). The Huron chief, and other poems, ln-18. Mon- 
 treal. 1830.
 Lacrampe (Frs. Victor). Les chaumes. Vers et prose. In-12. 
 Paris, 1863. 
 La Sabliere. Madrigaux suivis d'un appendice et precedes d'une 
 preface par Prosper Blanchemain. In-12. Paris, 1879. 
 LeMay (L. Pamphile). La chaine d'or. In-12. Quebec, 1879. E 
 C. Vol. 180. 
 Longhaye (Le R. P. Gr.). Theatre chretien d'education. In-8 
 Tours, 1879. 
 (3 tragedies en 5 actes et en vers. 2 comedies 
 en un acte et en vers). 
 Mannoury-LaCour (Mme. Gr.). Solitudes, poesies. 2e edition 
 In-18. Paris, 1860. 
 Marsais (A.). Romances et chansons. In-32. Quebec, 1854. 
 Oppien. La chasse. Poeme traduit en fran9ais par M. Belin de 
 Ballu; avec des remarques ; suivi d'un extrait de la 
 grande histoire des animaux d'Eldemiri, par M. ^^ 
 In-8. Strasbourg, 1787. 
 Piron (Alexis). La Metromanie. Comedie en 5 actes, precedee 
 d'une notice, par F. de Marescot. In-12. Paris, 1876. 
 Foisson (M. J. A.). Chants Canadiens, a 1' occasion du 24 juin 
 1880. Petit iii-16. Quebec, 1880. (78 pages). B. C. 
 Prudhomme (Eustache). Les Martyrs de la foi en Canada. Con- 
 cours de poesie de 1868, a 1'Universite Laval. Me- 
 dal lie d' argent, ln-8. Quebec, 1869. (32 pages). 
 Saman (Win. P. de). Les nouveaux enchantements. In-12. 
 Paris, 1873. 
 Suite (Benjamin). Chants nouveaux. In-64. Ottawa, 1880. (68 
 pages). B. C. Vol. 209. 
 TOMBEATJ (ie) de Theophile Grauthier. Petit in-4to. Paris, 1873.
 Archambault (J. L.). Jacques-Cartier ou Canada veng. Drame 
 historique en 5 actes. In-18. Montreal, 1879. 13. O 
 Vol. 195. 
 Bailleul (L.). Les chasseurs d'ivoire. G-d. in-8. Paris, 1876. 
 Beaconsfield (E. H. the earl of). Endymion. Canadian copy 
 right edition. In-8. Montreal, 1880. 
 Beaumarchais (de). Clavijo. Preface par De Lescure. ln-12. 
 Paris, 1880. 
 Bernadille, Esquisses ot croquis parisiens. Petite chronique du 
 temps present. 2 \ols.iu-12. Paris, 1876. 
 Berthet (Elie). Les petits ecoliers dans les cinq parties du 
 monde. Royal 8vo. Paris, 1878. 
 Berthoud (S. Henry). Les petites chroniques de la science. 
 Nouvelle edition, (lere annee 1861, a lOe et derniere 
 annee 1872). 10 vols. in-8. Paris. 
 Contes du docteur Sam. (Illustre). Royal 
 8vo. Paris. 
 L'homme depuis cinq mille ans. (Illustra- 
 tions de Yan D'argent. Royal 8vo. Paris. 
 Les femmes des Pays-Bas et des Flandres. 
 In-12. Paris, 1862. 
 Blain de St-Aubin (Emm.). Le bien et le mal qu'on a dit des 
 femmes. (Causerie). Iu-32. Ottawa, 1874. (15 pages). 
 B. C. Vol. 207. 
 Bourget (Joseph G.). Passetemps sur les chars. Recits et nou- 
 velles. In-32. Trois- Rivieres, 1880. 
 Brassey (Mrs.). A voyage in the " Sunbeam " our home on the 
 ocean for eleven months. With 118 illustrations on 
 wood, (sixth edition). In-8. Toronto, 1879.
 Cahun (Leon). Les a ventures da capitaine Magon, ou une ex- 
 ploration phenicienne mille ans avant 1'ere chre- 
 tienne. (72 gravures et une carte). In-4to. Paris* 
 Cazotte (Jacques). Le diable amoureux. Introduction par Pieda- 
 gnel. ln-12. Paris, 1874. 
 Chasles (Emile). Histoire abregee de la litterature fran9aise. Ou- 
 vrage redige conformement au programme officiel. 
 pour reuseignement secondaire special, (3e annee). 2 
 vol. Gd. 8vo. Paris. 
 Chasles (Philarete). (Euvres. Memoires, 2e edition. 2 vol. In-12. 
 Paris, 1876. 
 Chevalier (Emile). Drames de I'Amerique dn Nord. Les derniers 
 iroquois. Nouvelle edition. In-18. Paris, 1862. 
 Clapin (Sylva). Souvenirs et impressions de voyages, lere serie. 
 Londres et Paris, ln-8. St-Hyacinthe, 1880. (45 pa- 
 ges. B. C. Vol. 196. 
 Colet (Mme Louise). La jeunesse de Mirabeau. In-18, Brux- 
 elles, 1812. 
 Colin (Kev. Pere M.;. Discours sur 1'ouvrier, a Tlnstitut des 
 Artisans Canadions. (22 pages). In-32. Montreal, 
 1869. 0. C. Vol. 209. 
 CONCOURS D'ELOQUENCE sur 1' agriculture. (Institut Canadien de Que- 
 bec. B. C. Vol. 171. 
 Constant (Benjamin). Adolphe. Preface par M. De Lescure 
 In-12. Paris, Ifc79. 
 CROIX DE BERNY (La). Roman Steeple chase. Gentlemen riders : 
 Vte Charles de Launay, Theophile G-authier, Jules 
 Sandeau, Mery. 2 vols. in-18. Bmxelles, 1845. 
 Cuvillier (Henry). Posthumes et revenants. In-18. Paris, 1879. 
 Debay (A.). Les nuits corinthienues ou les soirees de Lais. 3e 
 edition. In-12. Paris, 1872. 
 De Maistre (Xavier). Voyage autour de ma chambre. In-12. 
 Paris, 1872.
 DEVOIRS DU CITOYEN. Discours prononces a la distribution des prix 
 du Seminaire do St. Hyacinthe le 6 juillet 1875. In-8 
 St. Hijatinlhe, 1875. (64 pages.) B- C. Vol. 211. 
 D'HSricault (Ch.). Les memoire's de mon oncle, 1787-1794. Tin 
 paysan de 1'ancien regime. Un bachelier de Sor- 
 bonne. Nouvelle edition. In-18, Paris, 1878. 
 et Moland (L.) La France guerriere. Recits 
 historiquesd'apres les chroniques et les meraoires de 
 chaque siecle. (G-ravures sur acier). In-4to. Paris. 
 Diderot. Le neveu de Raraeau public et precede d'une introduc- 
 tion par H. Motheau. In-12. Paris, 1875. 
 Dumas, fils (Alexandre). La dame aux Camelias. Nouvelle 
 edition. In-12. Paris, 1879. 
 L'Etrangere. Comedie. 8e edition. 
 In-12. Paris, 1880. 
 Diane de Lys. Comedie en cinq actes. 
 Nouvelle edition. In-12. Pans, 1880. 
 Eiitre'uctes. lere serie. 3 vols. In-18. 
 Paris, 1878. 
 Dupuis (Mile Eudoxie). Cyprienne et Cyprien. In-32. Paris, 1878. 
 Euras (Mme de). Edouard. Preface par Octave Uzanne. In-32 
 Para, 1879. 
 --- Ourika. Notice par De Lescu re. In-12. Pan's, 
 Duval (George). Histoire de la litteratnre r^volutionnaire, pre- 
 cedee d'une introduction par H. Marchal. In-18. 
 Pa/-w, 1879. 
 Drohojowska (Mme la Ctsse). Causeries du Soir, Histoires et 
 recits a lajeunesse. Ouvrage couronne par la societ6 
 nationaled'encourageuient au bien. In-18. Paris, 1876.
 Drohojowska (Mme la Ctsse). Mere et filie ou la protection des 
 animaux dans la famille. 2e edition, ln-18. Paris, 1877. 
 Enault (Louis). Dans les bois. (Imite de rAllemand). Edition 
 de luxe. Dessins par Weber ; gravures par Sargent. 
 2e edition. Petit in-4to. Paris, 1870. 
 FARCE DE MAITRE PATHELIN (La). Publiee avec notice, notes et 
 variantes, par P. L. Jacob. In-12. Paris, 1876. 
 Faucher de Saint-Maurice. Promenades dans le Grolfe Saint- 
 Laurent. 2e edition. In-18. Quebec, 1880. 
 Feuillet (Octave). Le Sphinx. Drame. Nouvelle edition, ln-12. 
 Paris, 1879. 
 Fievee (J.) La dot de Suzette, precedee d'une notice de Jules 
 Janin. In-12. Paris, 1877. 
 Fontaine (J. O.) Essai sur le mauvais gout dans la litterature 
 canadienne. ln-8. Quebec. B. C. Vol. 192. 
 FRANCE (La) ET LE CANADA FRANCAIS. Discours, etc' Vide : Econo- 
 mie politique, etc. 
 Frechette (Louis H.). Papineau. Drame historique canadien en 
 quatre actes et neuf tableaux (represente pour la lere 
 ibis a Montreal, le 7 juin 1880). ln-32. Montreal, 1880. 
 (en collaboration). Le retour de 1'exile. 
 Drame en cinq actes et huit tableaux. In-32. Montreal. 
 Gaboriau (Emile). Le 13e Hussards, types, profils, esquisses et 
 croquis militaires A pied et a cheval, 23e edition. 
 ln-12, Paris, 1877. 
 Gautier (Leon). Lettres d'uu catholique. 2e serie. In-12. Paris, 
 Gerard (Jules). La chasse au lion. Avec portrait et biographie 
 de 1'auteur. Combat d'un tigre centre un lion par 
 Jacques Arago. In-32. Quebec, 1864. 
 Godefroy (Fr.). Prosateurs frar^aisdu XIXe siecle. (Couronne 
 par 1'Academie). In-18. Paris, 1870. 
 Guerrier de Haupt (Marie Marthe). Ouvrage couronne par 1'A- 
 cademie, (3e edition), lu-18. Paris, 1874.
 HalTberg (Eugene). Histoire des litteratures etrangeres, depuis 
 leurs origin esjusqu'a 1850. 2vol. In-12. Paris, 1879. 
 Hamilton. Contes. Publics avec une notice de B. de Lescure. 4 
 vol. Iu-12. Paris, 1873. 
 Hello (Ernest). Contes extraordinaires. Iu-12. Paris, 1879. 
 louhanne (Joannes). Edouard le Confesseur roi d'Angleterre. 
 Tragedie en cinq actes. Iu-12, Montreal. (106 pages). 
 Johnson (Frank). Lashed to the Mizzen, or a night off the Cape. 
 (19 pages). 8vo. Montreal, 1872. B. C. Vol. 191. 
 La Boetie. La servitude volontaire, ou le contr'un. Re-imprime 
 sur le manuscrit de Henry de Mesmes, par Jouaust. 
 In-12. Paris, 1872. 
 Lacasse missionnaire des sauvages (R. P. Zach.) Une mine pro- 
 dnisant 1'or et 1'argent, decouverte et mise en reserve 
 pour les cultivateurs seuls, par leur ami. In-18. 
 Quebec, 1880. 
 Lacordaire (le R. P. H.-D.). Eloge fuuebre de Mgr Ch. Auguste 
 de Forbin-Janson, prononce dans la cathedrale de 
 Nancy, le 22 aout 1844. In-18. Quebec, 1845. B. C. 
 Yol. 190 et 206. 
 Lamartine (A. de). Le taillt-ur de pierres de Saint-Paul. Recit 
 villageois. Nouvelle edition. In-18. Paris, 1877. 
 IiaRue (F. A. H.). Reponse au memoire des MM. Brousseau 
 freres, imprirneurs des Soirees Canadiennes. Iu-8. 
 Quebec, 1862. (16 pages). 
 Voyage sentimental sur la rue Saint-Jean. De- 
 part en 1860, retour en 1880. Causeries et fantaisies. 
 In-18. Quebec. 1879. 
 Lavergne (Mme Julie O.). Legendes de Fontainebleau. In-12. 
 Si-Amand, 1880. 
 Legendes de France, Versailles et Saint- 
 Grermain. In-12. St-Amand, 1879. 
 LeMay (L. Pamphile). Les Vengeances. Drame en six actes, 
 In-8. Quebec, 1863. (44 pages).
 Lepage (Auguste). Les boutiques d'esprit. In-18. Paris, 1879 
 LeSage. Turcaret. Comedie en cinq actes. Notice par Marescot. 
 In-12. Paris, 1872. 
 LES 24, 25 ET 26 JUIN, 1880 A QUEBEC. Vide : Memotres. 
 LETTRES de Ma-demoiselle Aisse a Madame Calaudrini, precedees 
 d'une notice par A. Piedagnel. ln-12. Paris, 1878. 
 LETTRES PORTUGAISES, pnbliees sur 1'edition originate, avec une 
 notice par A. Piedagnel. In-12. Paris, 1876. 
 Loyseau (Jean). 13as les masques. In-12. Paris, 1873. 
 Le noces d'or de Jupiter, ln-12. Paris, 1877. 
 _L es bons apotres, 7e edition, ln-12. Paris, 1866. 
 Marivaux. CEuvres choisies. 2 vol. Iti-12. Paris, 1868. 
 Maron (Eugene). Histoire litteraire de la convention natiqnale. 
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 Witt (Mme de). Scenes historiques. 2e serie. 8vo. Paris, 1877. 
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 CARTE figurative des recettes brutes kilometriques des 
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 exercices annuels pour 1871-72. Puissance du Ca- 
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 REGULATIONS for the Volunteer force. In 8. London, 1861. 
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 SUPPLEMENT No. 1 du 12e rapport annuel du ministere de la ma- 
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 b;itnaux a vapeur, des examinateurs des capitaines et 
 second, des commissaires du havre de Toronto, Mont- 
 real, Quebec et Pictou, etc. 8vo. Ottawa, 1880. 
 TABLEAUX du commerce et de la navigation du Canada, pour 
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 DERNIERE GORRESPONDANCE entre le Cardinal Barnabo et M. Des- 
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 DEVOIRS DU CITOYENS. Discours prononce a la distribution des prix 
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 Loyseau (Jean). Les noces d'or de Jupiter. In-12. Paris, 1877. 
 Les bons apotres. 7e edition. In-12. Paris, 1863. 
 Masson (Philippe). Les canadiens francais et la Providence. B. 
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 Paquin (Rev. Pere L. P.). Conference sur les proprietes dele- 
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 Pesnelle (Fubbee Eug.X La science contemporaine et le dogme 
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 Tarte (Israel). Le clerge, ses droits, nos devoirs. In-32. Quebec, 
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 Baillarge (Chs.). Geometric, toise et le tableau st6reometrique. 
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 Figuier (Louis). Les merveilles de la science, ou description po- 
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 Flaminarion (Camille). Astronomic populaire Description ge- 
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 Casgrain (H. E.,) G-enerateur du Uaz Moonlight. (20 pages). 
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 Guy's elements of astronomy. And an abridgment of Keith's 
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 1875, 1876- Herausgegeben. Yon H. Mohn. 3 vol. 
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 JOURNAL DU CH-L. Notions populairesd'astronomie pratique par J. 
 Vinot, un No ln-12, pai semaine. 2 vols. Paris. 
 Laeasse (Napoleon). Tenue des livres en partie simple et en par. 
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 Lachlan (Major 11.). A paper and resolutions in advocacy of the 
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 Ladreyt (Casimir ). Nouvelle arithmetique raisonnee ou cours 
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 1'autre sexe. Suivi de quelques Ie9ons sur la planime- 
 trie et la stereometrie (arpentage et cubage). In-12. 
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 Lafrance (J. C. L.-). Nouvelle arithmetique commereiale et pra- 
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 Langelier (J. (J.J. Manuel de teime des livres a 1'usage des
 f coles primaire*. In-16 Quebec, 1877. 
 Laramee (J. A.). Lecture sur 1'acoolisme. (78 pages). In 12. 
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 Leclerc (J.). La physi]iie expliquee a raes ent'ants. Cours com- 
 plet et ruisonne a l'us,ire des etablisseinents d'ensei- 
 gnement priinaire. Iu-12. Paris. 
 Paquin (le Rev. Pere L. P.). Conference stir les proprietes dele- 
 teres des liqueurs spiritualises, dunnee a St-Sauveur 
 de Quebec, ln-8. (39 pages-). Quebec, 1879. 
 Pillet (H.). La verite sur la gelee groseillee. Note en reponse a 
 i'aiticle de M. C. Dr. J. de B. presentant ce produit 
 comme uiie falsification des couiitures de groseilles. 
 lu-12. Paris, 1880. (12 pages). 
 RAPPORT sur les progres de la therraodytiamique en France, par 
 il. Berlin. Gd. In-8. Paris, 1867. 
 REPORT on the meteorological service of the Do ninion of Canada, 
 for the year 1878, by Gr. T. Kingston, superintendent. 
 ln-8. Toronto, 1879. 
 Sacc (le docteurj. Chimie du sol. 3e edition. In-12, Paris. 
 Chimie des animaux. 3e edition. In-12, Paris. 
 Chunie des vegetaux. 3e edition. In-12, Paris. 
 Smallwood (Chs). Contril)iitions to meteorology for the year 
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 ln-8, Montreal. (10 pages). Pamphlets on science and 
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 Tarnier /E A.). Elements de geometrie pratique. 8 vo. Paris, 1872. 
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 midi, par MM. Barnard Claude Paiiet, Charles Per- 
 rault ft Charles Chauveaux, etudiant en physique 
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 Petit. In-4to Quebec, 1775. (9 pages). Vol. 197. 
 Toussaint (F. X.). Traite elementaire d'arithmetique. 6e edition. 
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 Vinot (J.) Journal du Ciel. Notions populaires d'astronomie pra- 
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 Vogl (A.). Les aliments. Guide pratique poar constater les fal- 
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 pnr Ad. Focillon et G. Dauphin. (160 gravures). 
 i n-32. Paris, 1876. 
 APPEL AU PEUPLE (L'). I roit au travail ; les conservateurs ; crise ; 
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 Montreal, 1875. B. C. Vol. 210. 
 Arnold (Arthur). Social politic. Iu : 8. London, 1878. 
 Bachand (Hon. P.) Speech on the Budget, delivered in the Le- 
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 --- - Honore Mercier le candldat liberal da 
 cointe de St. Hy.icinthe. Sou passe et son present. 
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 Cartwright (Hon. Richard ,T.). Discours sur le Budget pro- 
 nonce dans la Chambre dcs Commands du Canada, 
 vendredi le 25 iV-vrier 1876. (46 pages), 8vo. B. C. 
 Cauchemar (J.B.). L'entente cordiale (35 pages). In-12, Montreal, 
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 GHAMBRE DBS COMMUNES. Revue parlementaire de 1875, suivie de 
 considerations sur les elections locales. Tiree du 
 Journal de Quebec. In 8. (63 pages). Quebec. B. C. 
 Vol. 184. 
 Chandelon (.1. T. P.). Essais docimasiques, fails a 1'ecole speciale 
 des mines et des arts et manufactures, a Lieges, sous 
 la direction de -- In-8. B uxe/les, 1845. (20 pgs.) 
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 ----- Analyse des houillea propres a la fabrica- 
 tion dn coke, em reprise par la sous commissions des 
 precedes nouveaux ...... In-8. Bruxelles, 1847. (14 
 pjig.-sj Vol. Pamphlets ou science and industry. 
 Chapleau (Hon. A.) Discourse Levis. Voir: Nos liberles. 
 Charlton (John). Discours. Voir : Ross et Charlton. 
 Choquette (Auir.). Discours prononces a 1'Assemblee Legislative 
 de la p'ovince de Quebec a 1'appui des resolutions- 
 Joly. Paries Hons. Joly, Mercier, Ross et Irvine et 
 par MM. Flynn, Racicot et Chs. Langelier, suivis de 
 Tex pose financier de 1'hon F. Langelier, Tresorier- 
 Provincial. (121 i>ages). 8vo. Quebec, 1879. B. C. 182 
 quand la fortune st a la porte, choisissez ! 119 pages. 
 8vo. Montreal, 1878. B. C. 173.
 CONSTITUTION et code de reulements dn clnb Canadian. Patron, 
 Joseph Cauchon, ecuier, M. P. P. In-8. Quebec, 1853. 
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 Cote (J. 0.). Political appointments and elections in the Province 
 of Canada, 1841 to 1865. (130 pages). 8vo. Quebec, 
 1806. B. C. 170. 
 Dansereau. The Qnt bee Political Crisis. Notes and precedents 
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 DEFAITE de M. H. Fabre. Iu-18. (53 pages). B. C. Vol. 180. 
 DEMOSTHENE. Plaidoyers politiques, traduitsen frai^nis avec argu- 
 m'-nts et notes par R. d'Oreste 2 vol. In-12. Paris, 
 DINER a M. Joly, M. P. P. Grande demonstration de sympathie. 
 Diner magmfiqiie, discours chuleureux. Extrait de 
 journaux mis en brochure B C. Vol. 19-t. 
 DISCOURS prononcesa la Chambre des Communes par G. W. Ross, 
 M. P , Middlesex-Duett and .John Carleton, M. P., 
 (Norfolk Nord), critique imparti;ile de la politique 
 Jinai.ciere du cabinet MacKenzie. (30 pages). 8vo. 
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 DISCOURS prononces a 1'Asscmblee Legislative de Quebec, a 1'appui 
 des resolutions Joly. Voir : Choquetie. 
 Forster (Win ). Political presentments. In-8. London, 1878. 
 GRANDE DEMONSTRATION en 1'honnenr de 1'Hon. J. G. Blanchet, a 
 Levis, le 4jan\ier 1676. (6 pages). Gd. in-8. B. C. 
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 Hales. The original institution power and jurisdiction of Par- 
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 Hincks (Hon Sir F.). Speech delivered at Peunbrooke, 27th Oct., 
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 on currency and banking. In 12. Sea/ford. 
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 Howitt (Win ). Sounder's portraits and me noirs of eminent liv- 
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 Joly (H. G.). Discours snr la Confederation, prnnoncen 1;\ chani- 
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 LA CRISE POLITIQUE DE QUEBKC. Notes et precedents, ln-8. Quebec, 
 1879. (63 pges) H. U. Vol. 189. 
 Landry (M.). La question constitutio -niello de Quebec. Discours 
 prono ice a la Chunbre. des Communes le 13 mars 
 1879. (22 pages). 8vo, B.C. 184. 
 LA POLITIQUE de la province de Quebec do 1871 a 1875. Broch. 
 In 8. (88 pages), Quebec, 1875 B. C. 203. 
 Lareau (Edmond). Liberanx et Conservateurs. (44 pages). 8vo. 
 Quebec, 1879. B. C. 171. 
 LE COUP D'ETAT on le renvoi du cabinet DeBoncherville. Explica- 
 tions ministeri<'lles donnees par 1'Hon. M. Angers, 
 snivies du discoursde 1'Hon. M. Chapleau A lagnn-le 
 assemblee tenne a Levis le 10 mars, 1878. (30 pages) 
 81-0. Quebec, 1878. B. C. Vol. 170. 
 LE GOUVERMENT de hi Pnibsnnce du Canada pendant les annees 
 1874-75-76-77 et 78. (54 paces.) 8vo. Quebec, 1878 
 (54 pages). 8vo. Quebec, 1878. B. C. Vol. 184. 
 LE LIEN COLONIAL, o.'est la banqueroute. La nalion meurt de faim, 
 parcequVJIe pieds et poings liee par Je 1 en colo- 
 nial. (16 pages). 8vo. Montreal, 1878. B. C. Vol. 182. 
 LE TIUOMPHE de 1'Hon. J. G. Blanchet dans le comte de Levis. Une 
 maffiutique demonstration popuUire, jeudi, 19 sept. 
 1874. (8 pages). G>1. in-8. Quebec. B. C. Vol. B. 
 LES DEFENSES du gouwrnement liberal a Ottawa. In-32. Quebec, 
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 LIBERAL CONSERVATIVE HAND-BOOK. Grits in office. Profession and 
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 Mmitral. Hon. C. Tupper's speech at Halifax. In-8. 
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 Association of Bruce. 8vo. (79 pages). Toronto, 1878. 
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 May (Sir Th. Erskine). Democracy in Europe. A history. 2 vols. 
 In -8. London, 1877. 
 Moulart (le chanoine Ferd ). L'Eglise et 1'Etat, ou les deux puis- 
 sances, leur oiigine, leurs rapports, leurs droits et 
 leurs limites. 2e edition. Louvain, 1879. 
 Nos LIBERTES. Discours de 1'Hon. M. Chapleau prononce a la 
 grande assemblee tenue a Levis le 10 Mars 1878. (16 
 pages) 8vo. Quebec, 1878. B. C. 179. 
 O'Sullivan (D. A.). A manual of government in Canada; or the 
 principles and institutions of our federal and provin- 
 cial constitutions, ln-18. Toronto, 1879. 
 PAPE. De la souver.iinete temporelle du Pape. Par un soldat du 
 Pnpe. In-8. Montreal, 1878. (77 pages). B. C. Vol. 
 PAPERS relating to Nut Locks. B. C. 183. 
 Paul (Father). The rights of sovereigns and subjects. Trans- 
 lated from the Italian, and compared with the French 
 To which is prefixed the life of the author and an 
 account of his writings. In-8. London, 1722.
 P.-.TIT CATECHISMK BOUTIQUE pour les elections {Y'derales et locales, 
 a 1'usag*; des electeurs de la Province de Quebec, par 
 un eit'ctenr indepcndant. (12 pages), royal ln-8. 
 Quebec. 1878. B. C. Vol. B. 
 Ramsay (T. K.), Government Commission of inquiry. (18 pages) 
 8vo. Montreal, 18G3. B. 0. 191. 
 RAPPORT des elections ponr la cb.Ain.bre des Coinmnnesdn Canada. 
 1867-78, relies en 1 vol. 8vo. 
 RAPPORT du Greffier de la Couronne en Chancellerie snr les elec- 
 tions gent-rains de 1'Assemblee Legislative de Que- 
 bec, 1867-78, relie en un volume in-8. 
 RECORD of liberal administration. How the Joly Ministry gov- 
 erned the province. The financial question. Liberal 
 scandals. The. Joly policy. The railway question. 
 The Chaplean's policy. Br. in-8. B. C. Vol. 193. 
 RELATION HISTORIQUE des evenements de 1'election du comte da 
 Lac des Deux Montagues, en 1834. Episode p:x t >re 
 a t'nire connaitre 1'esprit public dans Je Bas-Canada. 
 In-12. Montreal, 1875. (36 pages). 
 REPONSE de 1'Hon. M. De Boucherville au memoire du Lieutenant 
 Gotivmieur, a Son Excellence le tres hon. comte da 
 Diitf'.'riii, etc. (8 pages). 8vo. Quebec. B C. Vol. 170. 
 RETURN from the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery on the elections 
 to the Legislative Assembly of Quebec, 1867-78. 
 (Bound in one vol. in-8.j 
 RETURNS on the general elections for the House of Commons of 
 Canada, 1867-78. (Bound in one vol. in-8). 
 Robertson (Hon. J. G.). Speech on the budget, delivered in the 
 Lg. As. Qiu-bec, 16th June, 1880. ln-8. (42 pages), 
 Speech on the budget, 1875. B. C. Vol. 
 Ross (G. W.) Charlton (John). Discours prononces en la Cham- 
 bre des Communes, sur la proposition: que la crmn- 
 bre se forme en comite des subsides. Critique impar- 
 tible de IH politique financiered!! cabinet- Mackenzie. 
 Nf-sii.n de Ib78. Br. In-8. Ottawa, 1878. 13. C. Vol. 
 Ross (John). Quelques mots a la Legislature, (8 pages). 8vo. B. C. 
 Smith (Goldwin). The political destiny of Canada, reprinted from 
 the Fortnightly review" with a reply by Sir Francis 
 Hinks, and some remarks on that reply. In-12. 
 r l or onto, 1878 
 Sx-Lm. M. Chapieau s'explique. Relation du grand diner de St- 
 Lin, le 21 aout, 1877. Extraits de divers journaux. 
 Vol. 193. 
 STATES man's year book 1880, by Fred. Martin. In-18. London. 
 Tache (Mgr). Encore 1'amnistie. 8vo. (42 pages), 1875. B. C. 
 Vol. 179 
 TANNERIES. Affaires des tanneries. Seance du 25 novembre 1875. 
 Disconrs des Hon. MM. Angers, Ouimet. Chapleau 
 et de M. Taillon, depute de Montreal. Gd. in-8. 
 (21 pages). B. C. Vol. 194. 
 Taschereau (Mgr). Mandement sur les devoirs des electeurs 
 pendant les elections, 25 mai 1876. In-8. Quebec. 
 Taylor (Fenning.--). Are Legislatures Parliaments? 
 A study and review. In-12. Montreal, 1879. 
 THE QUEBEC POLITICAL CRISIS. (Notes and precedents). The op- 
 position pamphlet, better known as the " Dansereau 
 brochure,'' examined and refuted by the light of 
 British Constitutional history and precedent. In 8. 
 (61 pages). Quebec, 1879. B. C. Vol. 189. 
 Thibault (Chailes). Discours politique a Ottawa le 6 mai 1878. 
 (Extrait des journaux). B. B. Vol. 194. 
 - - 5 annees d'administration grite ou le Canada 
 liuine. (20 pages.) 8vo. B. C. 183.
 Tilley (Sir S. L ). Finances of Canada. Budget speech (9 March 
 1880). Br. In 8. Ottawa, 1680. 
 Lf>s finances da Canada. Discours snr le bud- 
 get. (9 mars 1880). Br. ln-12. Ottawa, 1880. 
 Todd (A). Parliamentary government in the British Colonies 
 In-8. Boston, 1880. 
 Tremblay (Ernest). L'affaire Letellier et la constitution. ( 24 p.) 
 ln-12. Montreal, 1879 B. C. 190. 
 La question du jour. Le gouvernement 
 federal peut-il revoquer le lieutenant-gouverneur de 
 Quebec (34 pages) 8vo. Montreal, 1878. B. O. 
 Vol. 171. 
 Trudel (Hon. F. X. A.). Nos charnbres hmtes. Senat et Conseil 
 Leiiislatif. 8vo. Montreal, 1880. B. C. Vol. 191. 
 Watson (S. J ) The powers of Canadian parliament. ln-12. 
 Toronto, 1880. 
 Wood (Hon. tS. C.). Speech delivered on the 29th January, 1880, 
 in L*-g. Ass. ot Ontario, on moving the House into 
 committe of supply. Br. in-8. Toronto, 1880. -11 
 Wurtele. Debats sur 1'adresse. Session de 1878. Discours. (8 
 pages doubles colonnes.) 
 ACTES ET DELiufcRATioNs du premier congres cntholiqne canadien- 
 i'ran9ais, tenu a Quebec les 25, 26 et 27 juin 188'>. 
 Annuaire numero 3 du Cercle Catholique de Quebec, 
 1879-1880. In-8. Montreal, 1880. 
 ALLOCUTION adrnssee par Notre Tres-Saint Pere Pie IX, aux Car- 
 dinaux de la tSainte Eglise Uornaine, le 12 mars 1877, 
 (14 pages). 8vo. Montreal, 1877. B C. Vol. 194.
 ANNALLS do la propagation de la loi pour la Province de Quebec. 
 L.-8. Mont.etil. Annees 1877, 1878. 1879 et 1880, 
 reliees en deux volumes. 
 ANNUAIRE du cercle cath<lique de Quebec, No. 2. Annee 1878-79. 
 Br. In- 8 Quebec, 1879. 
 Auclair (Kev. .1.). Les danses et les bals. Sermons, notes et do- 
 cuments. ln-18. (5l3 pages), Quebec, 1879. 
 Bruchesi (1'abbe P. N.). Deuxieme centenaire de la i'ondation de 
 1'Institut des b'leres des Ecoles Chretiennes. Sermon 
 prononce dans i'eglise St-Jean Baphste de Quebec, 
 le 20 Oct. 180. ln-32. Quebec, 1880. B. C. Vol. 215. 
 Buckminster ( Rev. J S ). Sermons, (from the author's manus- 
 cripts.) In-8. Boston, 1829. 
 CA.TECHISME (petit) sur I'inf'aillibilite du Souverain Pontife. In-32. 
 Quebec. 1876. B. <J. Vol. 217. 
 Chandonnet (Ivev. T. A.). Sermon prononce a la Cathedrale de 
 Quebec, le 26 juin 1865, jour de la iete St. Jean Bap- 
 tibte (86 pages), ln-12. B. C. 190. 
 Chiniquy (cure de Kamoura>ka). Manuel ou reglement de la 
 societe de temperance. Dedie a la j^uuesse cana- 
 dieune. In-18. Quebec, 1844. B. C. Vol. 59. 
 Manuel de la societe de tem- 
 perance, dedie a la jeunesse canadieniie. 2e edilion, 
 revue et corngee et augmentee d'une ibule de nou- 
 veaux traits et des prieres de la rnesse et des vepres. 
 In-18. Montreal. 1847. B. 0. Vol. 112. 
 " Manuel des societes de tempe- 
 rance, dedie 3 la jeunesse du Canada. Precede d'une 
 uotic.- biographiqne de Tauteur, par M. Hec tor L. 
 Langevin. 3e edition, avec portraii de 1'auteur. ln-18 
 Montreal, 1849. 
 CORRESPONDENCE betw-en revd. Mr. Moylan, and Peter Sh.-ppjnd 
 and VV. Tims. In-8, Quebec, 1847 (SI pages). B. C. 
 Vol. 211.
 Harris (John). The great teacher : characteristics of our Lord's 
 Ministry. 10th American, from the 10th London 
 edition. Iu-3. L><(on. l84i>. 
 L. J C. et M. I. Aiamiu Rnkuelshimitnn Misinaigan. (72 pages) 
 8vo. Qaeb.c, 1856. B. U. 180. 
 Lacordaire (Rev. P. Henri Uoirinique). Eloge funebre de Moir 
 seigneur de Forbin-Janson. ^39 pages). In-12. 
 Quebec, 1845. 13. C. 190. 
 LeMoine vl'abbe George L ). Aux associ6es de 1'Archiconfreria 
 de iSainte-Anjjele, Section des Ursuline de Quebec, (9 
 circulates, 1871). Vol. 197. 
 LE PETIT ARSENAL DU CATHOLIQUK, ou traite elementaire de contro- 
 ve^e, par uu caihohque romain de 1'Archiaiocese da 
 Q lebec (A. ^ailluux, V. G-.) In-12. Coteau St. Louis, 
 Loyseau (Jean;. Bas les masques. In-12. Paris, 1873. 
 Rose Jourdan. 2 vols. In-12. Paris, 173. 
 Nouvelle editi n. 
 MES TENTATIONS ou quebtions respectueuses adressees a M" vcne-: 
 rable pusteur t-vangeliqae, t a tous les mini>tres dea 
 EgliNfS pr(it'stani >, p;ir un protefctant dans le doule. 
 1 n-32. Montreal, 1860. B. C. Vol. 207. 
 Mgr 1'Eveque d'Orleans L-ltre sur le future concile o?cume- 
 nique adre>>ee an cl^rgee de son diocese. (60 pages;. 
 8vo. Quebec, 1868. B. C- Vt,l. 172. 
 MISSIONS. RappoM sur les m<s>ions du diocese de Quebec et a ut res 
 iiii.-sions qui en out ci-devftiit fait partie. M;ii 1870, 
 intii 1872. mai 1874. (Xos. 19. 20 et 21) relies eu un 
 vol. in-18. Quebec. 
 Monsabr6 (L-- T. R. P. .l.-M.-L.). Conterences de Notre Dame 
 de P. i fi.-. Exposition du dogme caiholiq^e ('uremo 
 de 1878. Exigence et per.sonne de .Fesns-Clirist. 
 Carbine de 1870. Perfections ile Jesus-Chnst. 2 vol. 
 ln-12. Pans, 1878.
 Myrand (Ernest). La societe de St Vincent de Paul. Statistique 
 nniverselle do ses aumoues. Etude. In-8. Quebec, 
 1880. (35 pages). B. C. Vol. 213. 
 NEHIRO-IRIMDI ;ii;tmihe massinahigan. (100 pages). In-12. B. C. 
 Vol. 180. 
 NOTES HISTORIQUKS des saints canonises le 7 juillet et des deux 
 cent-cinq martyrs Japonais beatifies le 14 juillet 1867 
 par S. S. Pie IX, Pape. In-32. Montreal, 1867. 
 B.C. Vol. 2.9. 
 OFFICE (F) de 1'Eglise, en fYancais, contenant les office pour tonte 
 1'uiinee, et plusieurs prieres tirees de 1'Ecriture S.iinte, 
 et des SS. Peres de 1'Eglise; les hyrnnes traduites en 
 vers i'rancais. Avec une instruction pour les fiaeles. 
 Nouvelle edition. In-32. Quebec, 1820. 
 PROIHETIES touchant TEglise et la revolution, I'antechrist et les 
 derniers temps. (Extrait du " Courrier du Canada.") 
 Iii-li. Quebec, 1870. (22 pages). 
 PROPHETIES DE BLOis (La). Voir : Richaudeau. 
 PROTESTATION DE L'EPJSCOPAT. (Extrait du " Canadien.") 9 avril 
 1877. B. C. Vol. 191. 
 Racine (I'abbe Antoine). Discours pour TArchiconlrerie de 
 tSainte-Angele Merici, prononce dans 1'eglise des 
 Ursulines de Quebec. In-12. (20 pages). Quebec* 
 1866. B. C. Vol. 189. 
 RESUME des conferences ecclesiastiques du diocese de Quebec, 
 tenues en 1854 (2 parties), en 1856 et 1857, en 1858 
 1859, en 18JO-61-62. 5 brs. 8v T o. Quebec. B. (J. 
 Vol. 199. 
 SITUATION DU MONDE AGTUEL. (;oup d'oeil sur 1'origine et la propa- 
 gation du in.l dans la societe, ou developpernent d^s 
 pnncipales idees contenues dans le discours de MI>T. 
 Filsppi, eveqne d'Aquita, prononce a 1'academie de 
 la religion cntholi<|Ue a Rome, le ler septembre 1864. 
 In-8. ^Quebec, 1865. (9j pages). B. .C. Vol. 211.
 Slight (Rev. B.). The Apocalypse explained, in two series of 
 discourses on the 'iitire book of the revelation of 
 Si-John. In-12. Montreal, 1855. 
 Taschereau (Mur. E. A ). Discipline du diocese de Quebec. 8 f .*o. 
 Quebec, 1879. 
 VIE DE ST-GEORC.ES, martyr, Ille siecle. Pape: St-Marcellin. Em- 
 pennr: Diocletien. (31 pauses ). 8\ T o. Montreal, 
 187-2. B. C. Vol. 184. 
 Williams (William Janvs). The Bible an instrument of culture. 
 A sermon preached in the cathedral, Quebec, Nov., 
 10th, 1878. (10 pages). 8vo. Quebec. B. C. Vol. 197. 
 'ABEILLE MEDICALK (I/). Journal de 1'Ecole de Medecine et Chi- 
 rnrgie de Montreal, de 1'Hopital Hotel-Dieu, de la 
 Matemite St-Pelagie et des dispensaires. Vol. II, 
 1880. 8vo. Montreal. 
 ANNUAL CALENDAR of McGrill College and University, Montreal. 
 {Session 1879-1880 and Session of 1880-81. 2 br. in-12. 
 Eabault (C.) La chirurgie du foyer. (84 vignettes). In-18. 
 Paris, 1877. 
 BinLioTHEQUE MEDiCALE, on rectiejl periodique d'extraits des meil- 
 Jeurs ouvrnjies de mrdecine et de chirurgie. Par une 
 societe de m'decins. (lere a 16d aunees.). 51 vol. 
 In-8. Paris, 1803-1816. 
 CATALOGUE of Medical Books. (20 pages). 8vo. B. C. Vol. 179. 
 Coderre (J. Emery). Vaccination. Etude lue a la, societe me- 
 dical.'de Montreal. 1872. In-8. Montreal. (34 pages) 
 Doubles co.oniiHS. B. C. Vol. 196- 
 DICTIONNAIRE (Nonreaii) de medecitie et de chirurgie pratiques, 
 illustn-s de iiijnrHS intercak'-es dans le texte, etc 
 Tome 24 ;. 29. 6 vol. ln-8 royal. Paris, 1877-1881.
 ECOLE DE MEDECINB et de Chirurgie de Montreal, fondee en 1843 
 et incorporee en 1845. Faculte de Medicine de 
 rUnivers.ile. Victoria, sessions 1864-65, 1875-76,1878- 
 79 et 1879-80. 5 br. In-12. Montreal. 1878. B. C. 
 Vol. 189. 
 Fen-wick (George E.). Excision of the knee joint (from the trans- 
 actions of th.H Canada Medical Association). In-8. 
 Montreal, 1877. (24 pages with engravings.) B. C- 
 Vol. 204. 
 Hall (W. W.). Sleep: or the hygiene of the night, ln-18. Mont- 
 real, 1870. 
 Kingston (Win. H ) Remarks on vaccination, ln-3. Montreal, 
 1876. (45 pages). B. C. Vol. 204 
 Hough (Franklin Uj. Prize essay on medical and vital statistics. 
 In-8 Albany, 1867. (37 pages). 
 Lachapelle (Dr. Severin). La sante pour tons, ou notions ele- 
 mentaires de physiologie et d'hygiene a I'usage des 
 families, suivies du petit guide de la mere aupres de 
 son enfant malade. In-18. Montreal, 188). 
 Marsden (W.). Facts and observations connected with the man- 
 agement of the M irine and E.nig'-ant hospital, Que- 
 bec, including report of the trial and acquittal of 
 Thos. Bark", for the manslaughter of Win. LAW sou 
 who died from neglect and improper treatment in 
 the hospital. 8vo. Quebec, 1852. (31 page*). 
 McGiLL UNIVERSITY, Montreal. Annual report for the year 1878. 
 (16 pages). 8vo. B.C. Vol. 171. 
 Paquin (Dr. E'.zear). Le livre des meres ou instructions prati- 
 ques sur les principes fond unentaux de la propaga- 
 tion de la race humaine. Iu-i2. Montreal, 1880. 
 RAPPORT sur les progres de la medecine en France, par MM. Be- 
 clard et Axenfeld. Ord. in-8. Par is, 1867- 
 Robb, M. D. (.1.). An oration delivered at the Encaenia in King 
 Collet, Fredencton, June 26. 1856, on Collegiate 
 Education (18 pages) 8vo Fredericton, 1850. B. C. 
 Vol. 171.
 Sanson (A.). Notions n&cielles de medecme veterinaire, nouvelle 
 edition, (13 gravures). In-12. Paris, 1876. 
 LPS inoutoiis. Histoire naturelle et zootechnie (56 
 gravures) in- 12, Paris, 1875. 
 STATLTS, regies et reglemenls du College des Medecins t Chirui- 
 giens de la Province de Quebec. Sept. 1877. In-8. 
 Montreal, 1877. B. C- Vol. 201. 
 TCNTH ANNUAL REPORT of the New-England female medical college. 
 In-8. JJuiitoH, 1859. (20 pages). Vol. Pamphlets on 
 science and industry. 
 UNION MEDICALE (L'(. du Canada. Revue Medico-chiruruicale, 
 i't.ndee en 1872. (Annees 1879 et 1880). 2. vol. ln-8 
 UNIVERSITY-LAVAL a Montreal. Discours prononce par le Dr. D'Or- 
 sonnens a la reonverture de 1'ecole de medecine et de 
 chirurgie d j Montreal, 1877- (76 pages). 8vo. Montreal, 
 1877. B.C. Vol. 171 et 182. 
 VICTORIA COLLEGE Calendar of the University of Victoria College, 
 Cobourg, 1*7 tj. In-8. Toronto. 
 ABSTRACTS of Judicial statistical returns for 1879. Br. Gd. in-8. 
 Quebec, 1880. 
 ANNUAIRE STATISTIQUE. lere annee (1878). . Royal 8vo. Paris. 
 CIVIL SERVICE. Voir: Report of the Minister of Agriculture, 1867. 
 (Printed 186P). 
 DeCazes (Paul). Notes sur le Canada. Nouvelle edition, ln-18. 
 Quebec, 1880. 
 Dubuc (Louis). France physique, administrative, militaire et 
 econoini(|ue. ln-18. Paris, 1875. 
 EXTHAITS des rapports st.itisiicjues judiciaires pour 1879.
 Macdougall's Guide to Manitoba and the North-West; a concise 
 compendium of informations, containing the latest 
 facts and figures of importance to the emigrant, ca- 
 pitalist, speculator, o. colonist, including the latest 
 governarnental maps and official land regulations. 
 In-8, 1880. Toronto. (67 p ges). B. C. Vol. 218. 
 Myrand (Ernest). La societe de tSt-Vincent de Paul. Statistique 
 nmverselle de ses aumones. Etude. In-8. Quebec, 
 1880. (35 pages). B. C. Vol. 213. 
 NOTES SUR LE CANADA. Aper9U general. Resume historiqne. 
 Produits naturels et manufactures, etc. Distribution 
 gratuite par ordre du gouvernementoanadien. ln-18. 
 Fa, is, 1878. 
 Patterson (Wm. J.). Brief notes relating to the resources, indus- 
 tries, commerce and prospects of New-Foundland. 
 8vo. Montreal, 1876. (16 pages). B. C. Vol. 218. 
 RAPPORT, etats et statistique du departen;ent du Kevenu de 1'Jnte- 
 rieur, relatit's a I'exercice qni a iini le 30juin 1879. 
 ln-8. Ottawa, 1880. 
 REPORT of the Minister of Agriculture of Quebec, 1867. (Printed 
 1869). Vide : Agriculture. 
 STATISTICAL abstract of the' United (States. Finance, Coinage, 
 Commerce, Navigation, [Shipping, Postal service, 
 Population, Railroad, Agriculture, Coal and Iron. 
 Fust and second numbers (1878, 1879;. 2 pamphlets 
 in-8. Washington. 
 STATISTICAL abstract for the principal and other foreign countries 
 in each year from 1866 to 1877-78. Sixth numbers.) 
 ln-8 Ottawa, 1879. 
 ANNALES du Genie Civil. (E. Lacroix). 1877-78-79. Texte, 3vol. 
 Gr. in-8. Atlas, 3 vol. In 4to. 
 Baillarge (Charles). City Engineer of Quebec. Reports on the 
 proposed improvements in the month of the river 
 St-Charies. (19 pages). 8vo. Quebec. B C. Vol. 196. 
 Berlinguet (F. X.) Rapport et plans snr les ameliorations gene- 
 rales dans le hAvre de Quebec, son mis aux commis- 
 saires dn havre. In-4to. Quchec, 1875. B. U. Vol. A. 
 Chamber-land. (.1. B. K ). Dissertation lamiliere, calrrie et integre, 
 sur la question d'un h,ivr>> de refuge duns le bas- 
 lltMive St-Lanrent. (17 [ au'i-s). 8vo. Quebec, 1857. 
 B. C. Vol. 197. 
 CONTRACTS let by Department of Public Works. (10th Mnrch 1878, 
 to 10 march, 1879). In-8. Ottawa, 1879 
 DESCRIPTION of township* surveyed. <&c Voir : Topographie. 
 EXTRACTS SURVEYOR'S REPORTS of Townships Surveys in Manitoba, 
 Krevvatin, and North West Territories. (82 pages). 
 8vo. B. C. Vol. 196. 
 Keefer (Thos C.). Kappovt snr une exploration preliminaire fiite 
 dans, la vue de fournir de 1'eau a la ville de Montreal. 
 In-8. (29 pages;. Montreal, 1852. 
 LE COEUR L'A TIRI';E DE LA RAISON. Petition -n faveurde la polififjne 
 qne nous devonssnivre en AiViqne, de la construction 
 immediate du trarsaharien, &c., etc., adressee a MM. 
 It-s Deputes, Seuateurs, Ministres et President de la 
 republique, et dediee a M. le President des Etats- 
 Uni^, &c. In-8 Paris. (1 1 1 pages) (L'auteur qui no 
 sig-ne pas est Gratien Bedier) 
 Lesseps (F. de). Le percement de 1'Isihrnede Suez, ln-32. Parii. 
 (Br. Fr.)
 Macfarlane (Thomas). Transactions of the American institute of 
 Mining Engineers. Silver Inlet. B. C. Vol. 197. 
 Martindale (Lieul.-Col. B. H ). Engineering and PJngineers. A 
 Paper read be lore ihe literary and historical society 
 of Quebec, 12th April, 1871. (27 pages). 8vo. Quebec, 
 1871. B.C. Vol. 197. 
 MENS CONSCIA RECTI ; ou observations sur la question d'nn havre de 
 de refuge par les petitionnaires d'une requete en date 
 du 17 lev. 1856, et demandant une allocation pour 
 ameliorations au grand havre du Bic. In-8. Quebec, 
 1856. (21 pages). B. C. Vol. 211. 
 OBSERVATIONS on certain plans for the improvement of the Quebec 
 harbour which have been submitted to the harbour 
 commissioners of this city. In-4to. Quebec, (19 pages) 
 B. C. Vol. A. 
 QUEBEC HARBOUR Commissioners reports for the year 1879. (48 
 pages). 8vo. Quebec. B. C. Vol. 197. 
 REPONSE a une adresse a Son Excellence le Gouv.-Gen. le priant 
 de faire mettre devant cette chambre, copie de toutes 
 instructions donnees par le gouvrn. prov. a toute 
 person ne employee dans 1'exploration de la contree 
 comprise enire le lac Superieure et la Riviere Rouge. 
 De toute correspondauce, de tout rapport ln-8. 
 Toronto, 10 mai 1858. 
 REPONSE A ORDRE. Correspondance relati\e a la digue et aux eclu- 
 ses de Carillon, depuis leur commencement en 1873 
 jusqu'au 10 mai 1879. In-8. Ottawa, 1880. 
 REPONSE a une adresse de 1'Assemblee Legislative, en date du 11 
 aout 1879, demandant copies du contrat pour la 
 construction du pont sur le liviere Ottawa, vis-a-vis 
 de Hull, de toutes les soamissions, de la correspou- 
 dance et des documents concernant la construction 
 du dit pont, 1880. 
 REPORT on the boundaries between Ontario and the unorganized 
 territories of the Dominion, 1880. G-d. in-8. (Mawn. 
 RETURN TO ORDKR. Corr spondence relative to the Carillon d;tna 
 and locks, 1873-1879. ln-8. Ottawa, 1880.
 REPORT on adulteration of food, being supplement No. Ill, to the 
 report of the Department of Inland Revenue, 1879. 
 In 8. Ollaioa. 
 Witber (Hon M. I).) Speech in the Senate of Michigan, advo- 
 cating tho construction of the Michigan Ship Canal. 
 Br. in-8, 1873. Voir: Hroit Americain : Michigan. 
 Adams (Wm. B.). Practical remarks on railways and perma- 
 nent way, as adapted to the various requirements of 
 transit \Vith diagrams. Ln-8. London, 1854. (16 
 pages.) Vol. Pamphlets on science and industry. 
 ADDRESS of his Excellency the G-overnor-G-eneral of Canada, on 
 the subject of the relations between the Dominion 
 government and British Columbia, in respect to the 
 Canadian Pacilic Railway. (32 pages). In-12. 
 Victoria, 1876. B. C Vol." 191. 
 Allan (Hugh.) The Times and its correspondents on Canadian 
 railways. The Montreal Northern Colonization Rail- 
 way Company. (52 pages). 8vo. London, 1875. B. 0. 
 Vol. 175. 
 ANSWER to an address of (he Legislative Assembly of the Province 
 of Quebec dated the 27 June last to his Hon. Lt- 
 G-overnor, a-kiii? for all the tenders sent to the de- 
 partment of public works respecting the heating 
 apparatus for the public department now in course 
 of construction, as well as all correspondence relating 
 to such tenders. (76 pages). 8vo. Quebec, 1879. B. 
 C. Vol. 192. 
 Beaubien (Hon. Louis). Discours sur les chemins de fer ; nos 
 communications avec 1'ouest. (40 pages). 8vo. B. C. 
 Vol. 187. 
 BURKAU de 1'ingenieur en chef du cheminde f.jr de colonisation da 
 nordde \lontreal. L sttre 1 ; M. Lj.g3, 1. C. Montreal, 
 Septembre 1874. B. C. Vol. 177. ~
 Cauchon (Joseph). A Messieurs les Directenrs dn chemin do i'er 
 de'la rive nord. Considerations generales. (5- pages) 
 8vo. 1854. B. C. Vol. 187. 
 CHEMIN DE FER DU NORD. Rapport du comite provisoire do direc- 
 tion. {.7 pages) 3 juin 1852. Rapport d' Ed ward 
 Stavely, ingenieur. 11 rnai 1852 Avec farte. Vule : 
 Chemins de fer du Canada 1 vol. ln-8. 
 CHEMIN DE FER Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa et Occidental. Division 
 ouest. Kapport pour les six mois hnissant le 28 
 ievrier, 1879. (12 pages). 8vo. B. C. Vol. 180. 
 CHEMIN DE FER de la rive nord. Rapport de J'ingenienr en chef et 
 des directeurs sur les resources probables de ce che- 
 min. (52 pages). 8vo. Quebec, 1854. B.C. Vol. 182 
 et 187. 
 CHEMIN DE FER Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa et Occidental, clauses 
 generales, du de louage ou affermage de la 
 mise en exploitation du chemin de t'er. (34 pages). 
 8vo. 1879. B. C. Vol. 184. 
 CHEMIN DE FER de colonisation du nord de Montreal. Rapport de 
 Chs. Legge, Ecr., I. 0., et Duncan Macdonald, Ecr., 
 (8 pages). 8vo. B. C. Vol. 175. 
 CHEMIN DE FER de Montreal et Bytown. ( Prospectus). Avec carte 
 In-8. Montreal, 1853 (23 pages). Vide: Chemins 
 defer du Canada. 1 vol. in 8. 
 CHEMIN DE FER QUEBEC ET SAGUENAY. Rapport de 1'ingenieur en 
 chi-f. sur 1'etude de la li^ne du chernin de l'r de 
 Quebec et du Saguenay; regleraents pour la govi- 
 verne de la compasrnie. ln-8. Quebec, 1854. Vi le : 
 Chemins de fer du Canada. Un vol. in-8. 
 CHEMIN DE FER CANADIAN DU PACIFIQUB. (Sandford P'letning, insre- 
 nienr en chef.) Ripport adresse a 1'Hon. Mini-tre 
 d(>s Travaux Publics, Canada, 1879. ln-8. Ottawa, 
 CONTRATS pour la construction da chemi'i de fer Cam. lien du Pa- 
 ciHque. ln-8. Ottawa, 1880.
 COPIE du rapport d'un comite de I'hou. Con.seil Executif, en date 
 dn 18 dec. 1878. approuve par le Lt.-G-OQverneur le 
 T. dec. 1878, ronoernaut le chemin de fer Q. M. O. 
 & O. In-8. 1880. (21 pages). 
 COPIES of all documents relating to the Commission of the Quebec, 
 Montreal, Ottawa and Occidental railway. 8vo. 
 Quebec, 1879. 
 COPIES des documents ayant rapport a la commission du chemin de 
 fer Q. M. O. & O. In 8. Quebec, 1879. 
 Fleming (Sanlbrd). Rapport sur la que>tion qni lui a ete. sou- 
 mise par la compairnie du chemin dc fer du nord, 
 concernant les diilicultes qui existent entre 1'inffe- 
 nieur en chef et ['entrepreneur. (24 pages). 8vo. 
 Quebec, 1875. 15. 0. Vol. 187 et 177. 
 Fleming. Voir : Railway. 
 Foster (John). Railway from Lake Superior to red river settle- 
 ment. (16 p.ig-s). *vo. Montreal. 1869 B. C. Vol. 187. 
 GRAND TRUNK vs. North .>hore. A review ot Mr. Potters petition by 
 General Seymour. (15 pages). 8vo. 1875. B. 0. 
 Vol. 187. 
 Hewson (General M. linti). The Canadian Pacific railway, ln-8. 
 56 pages). With a map Toronto, 1880. B.C. Vol. 191. 
 Keefer (Thos C.). Report on the preliminaiy survey of the 
 Kingston and Toronto section of the Canada Trunk 
 Railway, ln-8. Toronto, 1851. (32 pag,s. Vide: 
 Chemins defer du, Canada. Uu vol. in-8. 
 Thilosophie des chemins de fer. Public* par 
 ordre des dhvrtenrs de la cornpagni.' de la Grande 
 Jonction du chemin de ler du St Laurent et de 
 I'OutaouVs. 4- .'-diiion. In-8. Mont eal, 1853.- Vii 
 Chemins defer du Canada. Un vol. in-8. 
 Rapport snr nn< exploration preliminaire faite 
 daiis la vue de fournir de 1'ean a Kx ville, de Montreal. 
 (29 pages). 8vo. Montreal, 1852. B. C. Vol. 182.
 Langelier (J. C.). La necessite et la possibility d'nn chemin de 
 fer de Quebec au lac St-.Tean. (30 pages. 8vo. 
 Quebec, 1873 B. C. Vol. 187. 
 Langelier (1'Hon. F.). Le Pacitique. His-torique de la question. 
 Plan de M. Mackenzie en 1874. Syndicat de St- 
 Paul. Syndicat Canadien. Plan de 1'opposition. 
 Conference domiee an Club de la Reforme, a Que- 
 bec, le 4 fevrier 1881. lu-12. Quebec, 1881. (38 
 pages. B. C. Vol. 216. 
 I*egge (Charles). Corapagnie du chemin a lisses de colonisation 
 du Nord de Rapport de IVxploration a 
 la liaie Georgienne. (38 pages). 8vo. Montreal, 
 1874. B. C. Vol. 187. 
 Montreal Northern Colonization Railway. Re- 
 port on exploration of routes north and south sides 
 of Ottawa river (8 pages.) 8vo. Montreal. B.C. 
 Vo 1 . 175 
 & Duncan Macdonald. Report on Northern 
 Colonization railway (8 pages). 8vo. B.C. Vol. 175. 
 LEVIS AND KENNKBEC RAILWAY. Prospectus. (32 pages). 8vo. Quebec, 
 1873 B. C. Vol. 187. 
 Malsburg (W. G. J.). Rapport sur 1'embranch^ment du chemin 
 de fer prqjete de St. E-.istichu a la jonction Ste. The- 
 rese. (36 pages). 8vro. Monlre'tl, 1878. B. C. Vol. 187. 
 engineer, Mr. Lfgge, on the Ottawa Valley exten- 
 sion, vs. Mr. Mackenzie's Air Line, (6 pages). 8vo. 
 Montreal, B. C. Vol. 175. 
 8vo. B. C. Vol. 175 et vol. 187. 
 Tinced and federal Livo>, judicial decisions and divers 
 documents respecting the company, with contract 
 granted to MM. Duncan, Macdonald & Co. (196 
 pages). 8vo. Montreal, 1873. B. C. Vol. 175.
 Agreement of August 18th 1873. (63 pages). 8vo. 
 Quebec. B. C. Vol. 200. 
 NORTH SHORE RAILWAY, its legal and financial basis, with map 
 showing its location and connection. (18 pages). 8vo. 
 avt'C appendix de 38 pages. Montreal, 1878. B. C. 
 Vol. 176. 
 NORTH SHORE RAILWAY. Report of the president and board of di- 
 rectors of the North Shore Railway Company, pre- 
 sented and adopted at the general annual meeting of 
 the share and bondholders held the 20 may 1875. 
 B. C. Vol. 176. 
 NORTH SHORE RAILWAY. A letter from the consulting engineer to 
 the secretary, accompanied by some reasons why the 
 railway company has been unable to complete the 
 road under existing arrangements. (20 pages). 8vo. 
 1875. B C. Vol. 176. 
 NORTH SHORE RAILWAY. Communication from the chief engineer, 
 to the Boards of Directors, requesting to be relieved. 
 (5 pages). 8vo. B. C. Vol. 187. 
 NORTH SHORE RAILWAY. The chief engineer against the president. 
 (7 pages). 8vo. 1875. B C. Vol. 187. 
 NORTH SHORE RAILWAY OF CANADA. Mortgage Bond. (26 pages). 
 8vo. B. C. Vol. 187. 
 NORTH SHORE RAILWAY. Mr, Sandfoid Fleming's report on the 
 subject referred to him by the North Shore RaiAv.-iy 
 Company, with reference to the existing dirfiulties 
 between the chief engineer and contractors. (27 
 pages). In-82. 1875. B. C. Vol. 176 et 187. 
 NORTH SHORE RAILWAY COMPANY. Statement by the president of the 
 company with reference to the chief engineer. (16 
 pages). In-32. 1876. B. C. Vol. 176. 
 NORTHERN RAILWAY of Canada, 1878. Vide: Legge. B. C. Vol 179.
 NORTHERN COLONIZATION RAILWAY. Visit of the president and 
 din-dors to St-.Jrrome. An hour at Ste-Therese, (hey 
 visit the college and receive an adress. Warm wel- 
 come by the good people oi' St-Jerome. Diner of the 
 directors by the intuiicipai council. Important 
 speeches. (8 pages.) 8vo. Montreal, 1872. B. C. 
 Vol. 175. 
 NORTHERN RAILWAY. Report of the select committee on the affairs 
 of the Northern Extension Railway. (206 pages). 
 8vo. Ottawa, 1877. Vol. 178. 
 Parsloe (Joseph). Our railways. Sketches historical and des- 
 criptive, wit practical information as to fares and 
 rates, &c., and a chapter on railway reform, ln-12. 
 London, 1878. 
 PROCEDJSS du coniiie general du chemin de fer du Nord. In-8. 
 Quebec. 1852. (24 pages). 
 PIECES-VERBAL des depositions prises devant le comite special du 
 Sen:it, nomine pour s'enquerir de toutes matieres 
 relatives au chemin de fer Canadien et an teleirraphe 
 du Pncituiue, a 1'ouest du lac Superieur. ln-8. Ot- 
 tawa, 1879. 
 QUEBEC AND LAKE Sr-JoHX RA LWAY. Prospectus. (54 pages ) 8vo. 
 Quebec, 1875. B. C. Vol. 187. 
 construction of the. (13 pages). 8vo. Quebec, 
 1875. B C. Vol. 176. 
 QUEBEC, M. O. &. O. RAILWAY. Report of the Commissioners on the 
 operations Of the Commissary, the extent and nature 
 of the works done up to tin 1st decembor 1877. 
 (90 pages;. Quebec. 1878. B. C. Vol. 176. 
 RAPPORT ET DOCUMENTS relatifs an chemin de fer Canadien du J'a- 
 cili<|u (S;indford Fleming). In-8. Ottawa, I860. 
 RAPPORTS des dengues des fermiers sur le, Canada, consider^ 
 comme chump ouvert a rimigration. (Appendice au 
 rapport sur I'agriculture.) In 8. Ottawa, 1880.
 RAPPORT des din-rteurtJ *'t dn principal inreni"ur dt la compagnie 
 <lu chtMinn de tVr df la Grande Jonotion da St-.^au et d rOntamiis. In-8. Mo*tr6-il, 1853. A vec 
 cnri.-. Vi<l-: Chemins defer du Canada. 1 vol. in-8. 
 RAPPORT de riuar6nieur-<m-ch^f. sar I'ehule du chemin de fer de 
 );i rp-i- V>nl, et dt>s directeurs, sur le.s ressources pro- 
 bables dni on ch^miti. In-8. (52 pas^s). Quebec, 1854. 
 RAPPORT du pn'sultMit t dn bureau des directeurs de la compagnie 
 du cht'inin de fer d* 1 la rive uord, presente et adopte 
 a rassemblee jjeiierale annuelle des actionnaires et 
 des porteurs de bons de la compairnie, tenue le 20 
 mai 1875. (4 pages). 8vo. Vol. 177. 
 RAPPORT du comite special sur les affaires du chemiu de fer du 
 nord et du proloiiuement nord. (235 pages). 8vo. 
 Ottawa, 1877. Vol. 177. 
 RAPPORT de la commission nommee pour examiner les livres, 
 com[)tes et pieces justificativea de la compagnie du 
 chemin de fer dn nord dn Canada, ainsi qne les de- 
 bourses et depenses de la dite compagnie; ainsi que 
 les temoignages entendus devant la dite commission. 
 (78 pages). 8vo. Ottawa, 1879. Vol. 177 et 178. 
 RAILWAY INTERESTS of the CUV of Montreal, submitted for the consi- 
 deration of the merchants of this city. (11 pages). 
 8vo. Montreal, 1872. B. C. Vol. 175 
 RAILWAY STATISTICS. Reports. 1878-79. In-8. Ottawa, 1880. 
 RAILWAY ACT. The consolidated railway act, 1879, 42 Viet h 9. 
 "With an index and synopsis of its provisions. By 
 R. J. Wicksteed. (77 pages). 8vo. Ottawa, 187!>. 
 RAPPORT des commissaires du chemin de fer de Quebec, Mont- 
 real, Ottawa ! ( ' cidental, sur les operations de la 
 commission et 1'etendue et la nature des travaux 
 jusqu'au ler decembre 1877. (92 pages). 8vo. Que- 
 bec, 1877. E. C. Vol. 177. 
 REGLEMENTS de la compagnie du chemin do fer de la rive nord. 
 By-laws of the North Shore Railway Company. (15 
 pages.) 8vo. Ottawa, 1877. B. C. Vol. 177.
 REPONSE a une adresse de I'Assemblee Legislative (11 aout 1879), 
 priant Son H. le lieutenant-gouverneur de faire d^- 
 poser " copie de tons ordres en Conseil, etc., pour 
 1'affermage des chemins de fer du gouvernement. 
 Quebec, 1880. 
 REPORT. Q. M. 0. & 0. R. Western Division. Six months. Report 
 Ending 28th February 1879. (12 pages). 8vo. 1879. 
 P. C. Vol. 180. 
 REPORT. Q. M. 0. & 0. R. Accompanying supplementary report for 
 proposals for leasing. (No. 100). In-8. 1880. (37 pages). 
 REPORT. Quebec Railway and harbour works, published by autho- 
 rity of the Quebec Harbour Commissioners. No. 1 and 
 No, 2. (1878, 1874X 2 br. in-8. Quebec, (13 pages). 
 REPORT. Quebec Harbour Commissionners reports for the year 
 1879. Br. In-8. (48 pages). Vol. 196. 
 REPORT. Charles Legge, Civil Engineer. Montreal Northern Colo- 
 nization Railway. Report on Hochelaga and St- 
 Jerome section. (15 pages). 8vo. Montreal, 1869. B. C. 
 Vol. 175. 
 REPORT of the commission appointed for investigating the books, 
 accounts and vouchers of the Northern Railway 
 Company of Canada and the disboursements and 
 expenditures of the said company. (74 pages). 8vo. 
 Ottawa, 1879. B. C. Vol. 178. 
 REPORT on a Railway Suspension Bridge, over the St-Lawrence, 
 near Quebec. (67 pages). Quebec, 1852. B. C. Vol. 187. 
 REPORT of Walter Shanley, referee. Voir : Shanley. 
 REPORT AND DOCUMENTS in reference to the Canadian Pacific 
 Railway. Sandford Fleming, engineer, 1880. In-8. 
 REPORT. Tenders for works on the Canadian Pacific Railway, 
 since January, 1879. In-8. Ottawa, 1880.
 REPORT of the select standing committee on public accounts, in 
 reference to expenditure on the Canadian Pacific 
 railway between fort "William and Red River. 8vo. 
 Ottawa, 1879 
 RETURN TO ADDRESS. Papers relating to the claims of Murray &Co 
 contractors, Intercolonial railway. In 8. Ottawa, 
 Canadian Pacific railway minutes of evidence 
 taken before the select committee of the Senate- 
 In-8. Ottawa, 1879. 
 Riddell (Henry). Railway parliamentary practice, with an ap- 
 pendix containing the standing orders of both Houses 
 of parliament relating to railways, &c. To which is 
 added a treatise on the rights of parties to oppose 
 the preamble and clauses of a railway bill, &c. In-18. 
 London, 1846. 
 Rottermund (le Cte. de). Second rapport sur 1'exploration des 
 lacs Superieur et Huron. In-8. Toronto, 1857. (50 
 pages). Vide: Che mi us defer du Canada. 1vol. ln-8. 
 Scott (Charles). Chemin de fer de Levis et Kennebec et ses 
 embarras. (32 pages). 8vo. Quebec, 1877. B. C. 
 Vol. 187. 
 The Levis and Kennebec railway and its diffi- 
 culties. (31 pages). 8\ro. Quebec, 1877. B. C. Vol.200. 
 Seymour (Silas). North Shore railway. Further statement ot 
 facts, with a supplement. In-8. Quebec, 1877. (30 
 pages). B. C. Vol. 204. 
 North Shore railway, some reasons why, &c., 
 (20 pages). 8vo. B. C. Vol. 187. 
 North Shore railway companv. Report of the 
 engineei -in-chief to the new board of directors (10 
 pages). 8vo. 1875. B. C. Vol. 176. 
 Shanly ("Walter C. Q.). Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa & Occidental 
 railway. Report on the rival routes between Mas- 
 kinonure and Hochelaga. (22 pages). 8vo. Queber., 
 1878." B C. Vol. 176.
 Shanly ("Walter J. C.). Rapport sur le chemin de ft>r de Que- 
 bec, Montreal, Ottawa et Occidental et sur les routes 
 rivales entre Mai-kinonge et HochelagM. (19 pages). 
 8vo. Quebec, 1878. B. U. Vol. 177. 
 Shanlv (Walter). Report iu the matter of Duncan Macdonald, 
 contractor, and the ( i,-l ec Government In -8. 
 Three-Rivers, 1879. B. C. Vol. 1-U. 
 Rapport au sujet de 1'affaire de Duncan Mac- 
 donald, entrepreneur de la section Quest du chemm 
 de Q. M. O. et O. et le gouvernement de la province 
 de Quebec. (22 pages.) 8vo. Quebec, 1879. B.C. 
 Vol. 184. 
 Smith (James). Havre de refuge de Rimouski vs. Bic. (15 pa- 
 ges). 8vo. Queb.-f.; 1856. B. C. Vol. 187. 
 STATISTIQUES des chemins de fer du Canada, etc., 1878, 1879. In-8. 
 SYNDICATE (The). What is it ? A story for young Canadians, by 
 Dalmaine. In-12. (23 pages). B. C. Vol. 214. 
 Tasse ^Jo^ph;. Le chemin de fer Canadien du Pacifique. (62 
 pages). 8vo. Montreal, 1872. B. C. Vol. 187. 
 Tessier (G.) The International Railway, t-32 pages), Quebec, 
 1867. B. C. Vol. 187. 
 THE DOMINION OF CANADA and the Canadian Pacific Railwaw. (42 
 pages). 8vo. Victoria, 1874. B. C. Vol. 187. 
 THE INTERNATIONAL Railway and Steam Navigation Guide. Br. 
 in- 12. Montreal, 1872. 
 Waddington (Alfred). Sketch of the proposed line of Overland 
 Railroad through British North America. (29 pages). 
 8vo. Ottawa, 1811. B. C. Vol. 187. 
 Wicksteed (R. J.) Voir : Railway Act
 VOYAGES. 229 
 Earth (le docteur H.), Voyages et decouvertes dans 1'Afrique 
 septentrionale et cent rale, pendant les annees 1849 a 
 1855. Traduction de 1'Allemand par Paul Ithier. 
 Edition enrichie de gravures, de chromo-lithogra- 
 phies et du portrait de I'auteur. 4 vols. in-8. Paris, 
 Boucher de la Bruere. Le Saguenay. Lettres an Courrier de 
 St-Hyncinte. Br. in-12. St-Hi/acinthe, 1880. (43 
 Bousquet (Georges). Le Japon de nos jours et les echelles de 
 1'extreme Orient. Avec trois cartes. 2 vols in-18. 
 Paris. 1877. 
 Boussenard. (Ls.) A travers 1'Australie. In-8. St-Hyaci tithe, 
 Butler (W. F.). The will northland : being the story of a winter 
 journey, with dogs, across northern North America. 
 With illustrations and route map. In-12. Montreal, 
 Burnaby (Fred.). Une visite a Khiva. Aventures de voyages 
 dans 1'Asie centrale. Traduit de 1'anglais par Hephell. 
 Otivrage enrichi de 3 cartes. Paris, 1877. 
 Chappell (Lt. E<lw.). Voyage of H. M. ship Rosamond to New" 
 foundland and the Southern Coast of Labrador. Svo. 
 London, 1818. Illustrated. 
 Clapin (Sylva). Souvenirs et impressions de voyages, lere serie. 
 Londres et Paris. In-8. Sl-Hyacinthe, 1880. (43 p.) 
 Cook (Cpls. J.). Narrative of voyages round the world : with an 
 account of his life ; also an appendix detailing the 
 progress of voyage, after the death of Capt. Cook. 
 ln-32. London, 1841.
 230 VOYAGES. 
 D'Ursel (le Cte Ch ). Sud-Amerique. Sejours et voyages au 
 Bresil, a la Plata, an Chili, en Bolivie et au Perou. 
 Ouvrage enrichi d'une carte et de gravures. 3e 
 edition. In-8. Paris, 1880. 
 Ernouf. Du Weser au Zambege. Excursion dans 1'Afrique aus- 
 t ale. Chez les Zonlous. Souvenirs de Califoruie- 
 (Imite de 1'Allemand). Iu-12. Paris, 1877. 
 Gillmore (Parker). The Great thirst land: A ride through Na- 
 tal, Orange Free State, Transvaal, and Kalahari 
 desert. Iu-6. London. 
 GUIDE. The all-round route Guide : the Hudson river ; Trenton 
 falls; Niagara, Toronto: river St-La\vrence, &c. 
 2nd edition, ln-18. Montreal, 1869. 
 Hall (Chs. Francis). Deux ans chez les Esquimaux. Voyage de 
 decouvertes et d'a ventures. Abrege par Mine. H. 
 Loreau. In-8. Pa-iis, 1880. 
 Lamothe (H. de). Cinq mois chez les i'raiifais d'Amerique. 
 Voyage au Canada et a la Riviere Rouge du Nord. 
 2e edition, contenant 4 cartes et 24 gravures sur bois. 
 lu-} -2. Paris, 1880. 
 Livingstone. Voir : Walker. 
 Mouhot (Henri). Voyage dans les roya nines de Siarn, de Cam- 
 bodge, de Laos et a ut res parlies centrales de 1'Indo- Relation extraite du journal de Tauteur par 
 F. de Ljmoye. In-18. Paris, 1S72. 
 Regnard (J. F.). Voyage de Laponie. Notice par A. Lepage. 
 In-li Paris, 1875. 
 Rachechouart (leCt. J. de). Les Indes, la Birmanie, la Malaisie, 
 Le Japon et les Etats-Dnis. Ouvrages orne de gra- 
 vures. In- 12. Paris, 1879. 
 Smet (R. P. de). Voyages aux montagnes rocheuses, chez les 
 tribus indiennes du vaste territoire de 1'Oregon, etc. 
 ln-18. Little, 1845.
 VOYAGES. 231 
 Stanley (Henri M.). A travers le continent mysterieux. Decou- 
 verte des sources meridionals du Nil, etc. Onvrage 
 traduit de 1'anglais par Mme H. Loreau, et contenant 
 9 cartes et 15U gruvures, 2 vol roy. in-8. Paris, 1879. 
 Through the dark continent, or (he sources 
 of the Nile around the great lakes of equatorial Africa 
 and down the Livingstone river to the Atlantic 
 Ocean. 2 vol. in one. Gd- In 8. Toronto, 1878. 
 THE GREAT NORTHERN ROUTE. The Ontario and St-Lawrence steam- 
 boat Company's handbook for travellers to Niigara 
 Fall, Montreal and Quebec, and through lake Cham- 
 plain to Saratoga springs. Illustrated with maps, 
 and cumerous engravings. In-18. Buffalo, 185x 
 Thomson (J.). L'lndo-Chine et la Chine. Recits de voyages. 
 Abrege par H. Vatemare. In-8. Paris, 1879. 
 TOURIST'S Guide du touriste. Quebec et Ontario via Q. M. O. & 
 O., 1879. In-18. Montreal. 
 Turenne (le Cte L. de). Quatorze mois dans 1'Amerique du Nord 
 (1875-1876). Avec carte d'une partie du N. Ouest. 
 2 vols. in-18. Paris, 1878. 
 VOYAGE dans les deux Ameriques. Public sous la direction de 
 Alcide d'Orbigny. 2e edition. ln-4to. Paris, 1867. 
 Waller (Horace). The last journal of David Livingstone, in 
 central Africa, from 1865 to his death. Continued by 
 a narrative of his last moments and sr.ff 'rings, ( b- 
 tained from his faithful servants Chume and Susi. 
 2 vols. in-8. With portrait, maps, and illustrations. 
 London, 1874.
 Agriculture 5 
 - (Arboriculture) 5 
 (Horticulture) 5 
 Art heraldique 16 
 Beaux-Arts 16 
 Bibliographic 17 
 Biographie 20 
 Chimie 199 
 Colonisation 14 
 Droit Americain 24 
 Droit Anglais 40 
 Droit Canadien 55 
 Droit Commercial 80 
 Droit Constitutionnel 43 
 Droit Ecclesiastique 80 
 Droit Etranger 81 
 Droit Fracas 82 
 Droit Remain 86 

 Economie Politique 87 
 Economie Rurale 
 Economie Sociale ." 87 
 Education 96 
 Encyclopedic 103 
 Expositions 116 
 Geographic 117 
 Histoire (Afrique) 126 
 (Amerique) 126 
 (Angleterre). 131 
 (Archeologie) 122 
 (Asin) 134 
 (Canada) 134 
 (Europe) 149 
 (France) 150 
 (Universelle) 154 
 Histoire Naturelle (en general) 155 
 (Anthropoiogie) 173 
 (Botanique) 175 
 (Geologic) 176 
 (Minernlogie) 176 
 (Zoologie) 173 
 Industrie 179 
 JPUX, 183 
 Jonrnnux 103 
 Legislation . 
 Litteratnre, (Classiques) 183 
 (Philologie) 183 
 (Poesie) 184 
 (Prose)... 187 
 Mathematique, 199 
 Marine 194 
 Milice 194 
 Morale.. 197
 Philosophie 197 
 Physique 199 
 Polilique 202 
 Publications periodiques 103 
 Religion 209 
 Revues 103 
 Sciences medicales 213 
 Statistique 215 
 Travaux publics , 217 
 (Canaux) 217 
 (Chemins de fer) 217 
 (Explorations) 217 
 (Genie civil) 217 
 Voyages 229 

 A 000 090 951 5