UC-NRLF r =~=^ . GIFT OF NOTICE This catalog is NOT COMPLETE It is section A/o. 1 ONLY of our general catalog. For other sections see list on second flyleaf within. & (gaitfrofc (Enmpattg SAN FRANCISCO SEATTLE PORTLAND LOS JS in E-H J W ' go's c 55 rt o 8 Q< ..^di S < -M Js| O ^o Cu CQ Pulleys GENERAL CATALOG SECTION NO. 1 (9th Edition) -Shafting Keys Collars Couplings Belt Tighteners Belting, Etc. (lottftwd (fonpml YJ7 VLb rvJ Established 1880 ENGINEERS AND MANUFACTURERS (Largest concern of its land on the Pacific Coast) CONVEYING, ELEVATING, SCREENING AND MECHANICAL POWER TRANSMITTING MACHINERY Manila and Wire Rope Transmission DETACHABLE CHAIN AND LINK BELT For Conveyors, Elevators and Power SILENT CHAIN DRIVES STEEL ROLLER CHAIN m$c<& STEEL RIM PULLEYS WOOD AND STEEL PULLEYS, CAST IRON PULLEYS FRICTION CLUTCHES PAPER AND IRON FRICTIONS, SHAFTING, HANGERS, BOXES, GEARING, SPROCKETS, ETC. General Offices and Salesrooms: 660 Mission Street Works: 19th and Harrison Streets SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Cor. San Pedro and East Third Sts. LOS ANGELES CAL. 6.7 Front Street :FORTLAND ORE. Our Mark 558 First Avenue South, SEATTLE, WASH. Copyright 1916 by Meese & Gottfried Company 660 Mission Street SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Our Mark 67 Front Street PORTLAND, ORE. 558 First Aye*. S SEATTLE, WASH. Cor. San Pedro and East Third Sts. LOS ANGELES. CAL. ENGINEERS AND MANUFACTURERS HOUSES IN THE FOUR PRINCIPAL CITIES ON THE PACIFIC COAST Complete line of standard goods carried in stock at each place Experienced resident engineers to handle any problem in TRANSMISSION, ELEVATING, CONVEYING or SCREENING MACHINERY San Francisco: Seattle (uttfri?& (E0mtmttQ Portland : Los Angeles EXECUTIVE OFFICES DRAFTING ROOM 347 f 67 San Francisco: Seattle {HW&t & (S0ttfrfc& (Eptttpattg Portland : Los Angeles TRANSMISSION SHOP M $c <& STEEL RIM PULLEY SHOP San Francisco: Seattle & (g0ttfrt?fo Portland : Los Angeles MACHINE SHOP PATTERN SHOP 9 San Francisco: Seattle jHgggg & (Spllfrtefi (C0tttpattj| Portland : Los Angeles TERMS AND GUARANTEE PRICES The prices given in this section of our catalog will supersede all those of an earlier edition of this section, and, unless otherwise agreed, are F. O. B. our works. Lists are subject to discount and as some goods are affected by the rise and fall of the markets, customers are requested to send for CURRENT DISCOUNT SHEET QUOTATIONS All quotations made are contingent upon immediate acceptance only. SPECIAL MACHINES AND SIZES Orders for special machinery, or special sizes of standard goods cannot be countermanded. STANDARD GOODS RETURNED OR EXCHANGED Unless due to our error, standard goods returned or exchanged will be subject to a charge of 5% of invoice to cover cost of handling and will also be charged with any freight or cartage expenses paid by us. TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE ORDERS Orders sent by tele- graph or telephone will only be accepted subject to sender assum- ing responsibility of our correct interpretation of message. DELIVERIES All deliveries are subject to the modifying influences of strikes, accidents, delays of carriers and other conditions beyond our control. BOXING We make an extra charge for boxing, at cost, and all goods are shipped at the buyers' risk, our responsibility ceasing when goods are delivered to transportation company in good condition. DESIGN Description and illustrations contained herein were correct at time of going to press, but we reserve the right to alter designs or otherwise improve our line as the development of the mechani- cal arts makes it possible or advisable. GUARANTEE We guarantee all goods of our manufacture to be made of suitable material in a proper and workman-like manner and we agree to replace or repair any of said goods proved within six months from date of shipment to have been defective at such time of shipment, but we shall not be liable for any damages or delays caused by such defective goods, nor will any allowance be granted for any repairs or alterations made without our written consent. & dnttfrteb ENGINEERS AND MANUFACTURERS 10 San Francisco : Seattle Hfoggg & (Sotlflfcfr (Hft^f^KS Portland : Los Angeles GENERAL CATALOG SECTION NO. 1 (9th Edition) PULLEYS SHAFTING KEYS COLLARS COUPLINGS BELT TIGHTENERS BELTING ETC. OUR MARK 11 San Francisco: Seattle iJjj0 & til)!!* t\& dlUttatt Portland : Los Angeles A FEW WORDS ON PULLEYS The following four pages should be carefully studied before order- ing pulleys, and care should be used to select the proper style and size of pulley to best meet the requirements of the case. When in doubt specify the conditions to be met and we will furnish the pulleys most suitable. We offer four styles of Pulleys. Steel Rim Pulleys (Whole or Split) CAST IRON PULLEYS (Whole or Split) AMERICAN Pressed Steel Split and GILBERT Wood Split, Pulleys. FACES The faces of all pulleys are made wide enough to carry belts of nominal width of face given in price lists. Crowning faces are always furnished unless Straight faces are ordered. HUBS Standard Cast Iron and M&(& Steel Rim Pulley hubs (with- out bushings) will be faced or furnished to exact lengths at a slight additional charge. See table of standard hub lengths on pages 33 and 51. LARGE BORES Pulleys with extra large bores are subject to an extra charge. See table of Bore Limits on page 57. HIGH SPEED PULLEYS The maximum peripheral speed for cast iron pulleys is about 5000 feet per minute. When pulleys are wanted for rim speeds over 3000 feet per minute it should be mentioned when ordering as special balancing is nec- essary and for which an extra charge is made. LAGGING We can furnish pulleys covered with leather, rubber or canvas to meet any requirement. See partial list on page 55. SPECIAL PULLEYS Special pulleys of any kind, or with special hubs, or in any way departing from our standards will be quoted on upon receipt of sketch showing just what is wanted. See definition of "Special Pulleys" on pages 14 and 15. 12 San Francisco; Seattle Jftgggg & (gOttfrfc& (flflttqiatttr Portland : Los Angeles A FEW WORDS ON PULLEYS (Continued) KINDLY CONSIDER That, to fill orders correctly, it is absolutely necessary to mention Diameter, Face and Bore, also whether pulleys require a straight or crowning face. Unless specifically otherwise ordered, pulleys are fur- nished with a crowning face. NOTE When belt has to be shifted on a pulley to drive tight and loose pulleys, the face of the driving pulley for same must be straight. Tight and loose pulleys always have crowning faces. All pulleys used for Belt Tighteners should be ordered straight face. Be careful to send the exact diameter of the shaft for example, !}- inches exact, or 2 inches exact (both of these sizes are usually termed 2 inch shafting, and it is therefore very important to state the exact size required). This rule holds good for all sizes, and strict attention to it will result in the avoidance of expensive errors. In ordering always give diameter first, then face, (crown or straight) then bore, thus one HI&OI Steel Rim Pulley 36 by 10 crown, 2|J bore. Also specify whether pulley is to be whole or split, or whole rim and split hub (Clamp Hub Pulleys), also whether it is to be key seated or to be held with set screws, and if to be keyseated, give exact width of keyseat if special. Width of standard keyseat is approximately % of diameter of shaft. See table of standard key seats on page 85. Pulleys ordered keyseated are always supplied with straight keyway (sometimes called a feather way) with set screws over it unless taper keyseat or taper keyway is specifically ordered. For rule to figure speeds and sizes of pulleys see page 149. For table of horsepower of pulleys see page 148. For table of horsepower of belting see pages 132 and 133. L3 San Francisco: Seattle H&W&? & Qjtottfrirfl (B0tttjtattg Portland : Los Angeles DEFINING SPECIAL PULLEYS Many of our customers order pulleys having diameters or faces running into fractions of inches (for example: 17/^ diameter by 12^4 face) . The practice heretofore followed of charging for such fractional size pulleys by taking the next larger size or face listed in catalog has been found inadequate to meet the excessive cost of such SPECIAL PULLEYS. Our moulding machines, pulley rings, arms, etc., are all made according to certain standards covered by sizes in our pulley lists and even a slight departure from sizes given necessitates special work, pattern work, lagging up pulley rings to increase diameters, excessive thickness of rim, extra machine work, etc., and always en- tails a far greater cost of production than can possibly be covered by charging at the price of the next larger size listed. However, when any departure from standard pulleys is insisted on, pulleys will be considered "SPECIAL" and subject to an extra charge ranging from 10% up, depending on the amount of extra work and material involved. To keep down manufacturing costs and therefore avoid extra charges we would request that customers confine themselves whenever possible to LISTED SIZES, both in diameter and face, as faces are always wide enough to accommodate belts of face width listed and there are but few mechanical conditions where, for instance, a 14-inch diameter pulley will not work precisely as well as a 13>^-inch, 13 y^- inch or 14^ -inch diameter pulley, especially when it is recalled that the best belt drives usually involve some 2% slip, and that loose or poor belts slip a great deal more. Continued on next page 14 ' San Francisco: Seattle $HW&* & (Sottfrfeb (E0tttpatU) Portland : Los Angeles DEFINING SPECIAL PULLEYS (Continued) PULLEY PRICE LISTS as given in this catalog will cover standard pulleys only, and under the heading of Special Pulleys will be included the following and appended will be found the extra charges made. 1st Pulleys ordered of fractional inch or exact diameters. Subject to 35% extra charge. 2d Pulleys ordered of fractional inch or exact faces. 20% extra. 3d High Speed (over 3000 feet per minute rim speed), Motor and Generator, Pulleys. See discount sheet. 4th Pulleys with offset arms or hubs. 20% extra unless very special. 5th Pulleys with special or long hubs. See extra list on page 56. 6th Pulleys with extra large bores. See list for large bores on page 57. 7th Pulleys with extra high crowns. 10% extra. 8th Pulleys bored to special gauges or fine fractional sizes. Metric or involving less than sixteenths of an inch 10% extra. 9th Matched pulleys for tight and loose, with hubs faced to suit. See list on page 56. 10th Pulleys with hubs faced one or both ends. See list on page 56. llth Flanged Pulleys. See list on page 52. 12th Pulleys with plate centers. 35% extra. 13th Step and Cone Pulleys. These are always special and must be figured price on application send sketch. 14th Pulleys with faces wider than sizes listed in standard list. See list on page 53. 15th Internally Beaded, or Ribbed Pulleys. 20% extra. 16th Pulleys specified to be of any particular weight, either heavier or lighter than standard pattern. For pulleys heavier than standard 6c per Ib. net for all extra weight. Lighter pulleys than standard will be quoted on application. NOTE iH&CS Steel Rim Pulleys (except those listed on page 20) are always furnished Set Screwed. Keyseating is charged extra. C. I. pulleys are furnished either Set Screwed or Keyseated for Straight Keys with Set Screws over or supplied with Taper Keyseats without set screws, when so ordered, but an extra charge is made when both Taper Keyseats and Set Screws are desired. See table on page 56. 15 San Francisco Seattle {HtffHP & (0ttfrtP& (Cdtttattl Portland : Los Angeles STEEL RIM SPLIT PULLEYS With Interchangeable Bushings THE FINAL PULLEY The new 4H&05 Steel Rim Split Pulley shown above is a Split Pulley of the interchangeably bushed type with all the weaknesses of this type of pulley left out. It is not solely made of wood, or iron, or of steel, but is a logical combination of the latter two materials. Iron in the hub and arms to make it rigid where it should be so and Wrought Steel in the rim where lightness and toughness are the qualities required. The rim is substantial not thin sheet metal requiring a beaded edge, but heavy wrought steel that you can see and feel and besides it is sustained at many points by the numerous arms of the rigid cast spider within. The parting points are secured with a special taper lock joint (patented) the strongest and safest joint ever devised for a part- ing pulley of this kind. Interchangeable bushings are supplied to fit pulley to shaft when shaft is smaller than the normal bore of the pulley. fH &(& steel rim split pulleys grip the shaft like a vise and" require no keys though keys may be used in unusually severe drives if desired. See constructional features and price lists on the following pages. QUITE DIFFERENT FROM PULLEYS YOU HAVE BEEN USING! 16 San Francisco: Seattle Portland : Los Angeles <& STEEL RIM SPLIT PULLEYS With Interchangeable Bushings (Continued) In the manufacture of the fB&CS Steel Rim Split Pulleys the central "spiders" are cast complete, and being without rims, are entirely free from shrinkage strains. The hubs are then bored and the ends of the arms ground off from a common center on especially devised machines. The Steel Rims are then rolled and firmly riveted in place, after which the pulleys are mounted on mandrils and the surface and edges of rims ground dead true. Hubs are then split, pulleys balanced and painted and they are ready for your line shaft. The new itt^Cfj Steel Rim Split Pulley is the culmination of twenty-five years of experience in pulley building by the largest manufacturers of pulleys in the West and the result is a pulley that is as nearly perfect as a pulley can be free from the excessive weight of cast iron, yet very substantial and much safer in its construction powerful in operation handsome in appearance adaptable to different shafts as round as a dollar quick in delivery and low in price. QUITE DIFFERENT FROM PULLEYS YOU HAVE BEEN USING! (For Price List see page 20) 17 San Francisco: Seattle (&t*ttfri& Portland : Los Angeles $c <& STEEL RIM SPLIT PULLEYS With Interchangeable Bushings '(Continued) The new ifl&Cg Steel Rim Split Pulleys are models of strength and beauty. Not too heavy, nor too light, but all the weight necessary to stand up to the work. Rigid cast centers, tough steel rims. Oval crown, or straight faces. Taper lock joint on the rim sections. (Patented). Interchangeable bushings to fit any shaft. All made for double belt service. QUITE DIFFERENT FROM PULLEYS YOU HAVE BEEN USING! (For Price List see page 20) 18 San Francisco: Seattle jjfcggg & (fepltfrfefr Steel Rim Split Pulley is the onlyproper pulley for your industrial plant. A One side of heavy steel rim firmly riveted to the special steel angle B. D Other half of rim, riveted to the arm. When drawn together by means of large bolts E, the rim sections are forced into perfect alignment by reason of the taper joint C, which being sup- ported by a rigid arm is proof against the outward pull of centrifugal force or the inward pressure of the belt. A slight modification from the above is made on small, narrow face, one bolt pulleys. QUITE DIFFERENT FROM PULLEYS YOU HAVE BEEN USING! (For Price List see page 20) 19 San Francisco: Seattle & <$Ilttfrt?& (E0mjmtUJ Portland: Los Angel, STEEL RIM SPLIT PULLEYS With Interchangeable Bushings (Continued) (See description on preceding pages.) PRICE LIST (Subject to Discount) Dia. In. Face in Inches 2 3 4 5 6 8 * 10 12 14 16 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 $ 3.38 3.45 3.65 3.90 4.05 4.20 4.35 4.50 $ 3.60 3.75 3.90 4.20 4.35 4.50 4.65 4.95 5.25 5.55 5.80 6.00 6.25 6.50 7.00 7.50 $3.90 4.05 4.20 4.63 4.80 5.20 5.45 5.75 6.00 6.38 6.75 7.50 8.00 8.55 8.70 8.90 9.20 9.55 $ 4.20 4.35 4.50 4.80 5.20 5.65 5.80 6.10 6.50 7.00 7.50 8.10 8.90 9.50 9.90 10.00 $4.50 4.65 4.80 5.33 5.62 6.15 6.55 6.90 7.28 7.65 8.25 9.00 9.60 10.28 10.58 10.95 11.45 11.95 12.90 14.10 15.45 17.25 19.50 21.75 24.00 26.25 29.25 33.00 36.75 40.87 46.50 50.25 54.00 60.00 63.75 64.40 65.05 68.55 72.20 75.80 79.50 $ 5.10 5.25 5.40 5.78 6.43 7.05 7.65 8.25 8.78 9.30 10.13 10.73 11.25 12.00 12.60 13.20 13.80 14.40 15.45 17.25 19.35 21.75 24.00 26.40 28.50 32.25 35.62 39.00 42 00 47 . 25 51.00 56.25 60.75 65.25 70.50 72.85 76.50 80.25 84.15 88.10 92.15 8 -4i 6.00 6.45 7.20 8.03 8.80 9.45 10.05 10.65 11.25 12.00 12.98 14.10 14.75 15.68 16.40 17.10 18.15 19.90 22.50 25.50 28.65 31.05 33.75 37.50 41.25 45.00 48.75 53 . 25 57.00 61.50 66.75 71.25 77.25 84.30 88.20 92.20 96.35 100.70 105.05 $ 6.45 6.90 $10.25 10.75 11.25 12.00 7.65 8.40 9.00 9.75 10.50 11.25 12.00 12.90 14.25 15.60 16.80 18.00 19.05 20.20 21.30 22.90 24.75 26.86 30.00 33.75 37.15 40.15 43.50 47.25 50.25 54.00 58.50 63.00 67.50 72.75 78.37 84.00 95.95 100.10 104.35 108.75 113.55 118.15 $ 9.00 9.50 10.00 10.75 11.50 12.40 13.25 14.20 15.30 18.00 19.50 21.00 22.65 24.50 26.25 28.50 31.50 34.15 36.75 39.75 42.75 46.50 50.25 54.00 57.75 61.50 66.00 69.00 74.25 80.25 86.62 93.00 107.55 111.95 116.45 121.10 126.35 131.30 12.65 13.65 14.50 15.60 16.90 20.55 21.30 24.30 26.25 29.25 31.20 34.50 38.10 41.65 45.00 48.60 51.75 55.15 57.75 61.12 64.50 67.50 75.00 78.75 83.25 90.00 96.37 102.75 119.95 124.60 129.35 134.25 139.95 145.40 *^* $18.59 22.60 23.43 26.73 29.92 35.05 36.15 40.35 45.00 48.37 51.75 55.50 58.87 62.25 65.62 69.00 72.00 75.00 84.00 90.00 96.75 104.25 110.62 117.00 132.30 137.20 142.20 147.40 153.60 159.65 10.80 12.00 13.20 14.40 15 90 19.50 21.00 23.25 Tulleys with faces wider than their diameters cannot be made with crowning face. For wider faces see next page. Larger diameters page 22. In ordering give exact bore and state whether crown or straight face pulleys are wanted. For table of hubs and bores see page 23. Note We have patterns for many odd diameters and faces which are not stocked or listed above but can be made up to order at a somewhat increased price. 1^ SIZES LISTED ON THIS PAGE ARE CARRIED IN STOCK READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY San Francisco: Seattle Jflggjgg & (Soltfr!g& Portland : Los Angeles STEEL RIM SPLIT PULLEYS (Continued) I WINNERS! M & (& Steel Rim Split Pulleys easily pass all others in the race for pulley su- premacy. WHY? Because they started in the race with a full knowledge of the many weak nesses of their competitors. READ FULL DESCRIPTION ON PRECEDING PAGES. PRICE LIST (Continued) *Wider faces not bushed (subject to discount). Dia. Face in Inches In. 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 24 $ 34.50 25 39.50 26 41.40 28 46.35 30 49.50 $ 55.50 $ 61 50 $ 67 50 $ 74 25 $ 81.67 32 54.37 60.37 66.37 72.37 79.60 87.56 $ 96.31 34 57.45 63 75 69 75 75 00 82 50 90.75 99.82 36 61.50 67.50 73.50 79.50 87.45 96.19 105.80 $116.38 $128.01 38 64.87 70.87 76.87 82.87 91.15 100.26 110.28 121.30 133.43 $153.15 40 69 75 77.25 84.75 92 55 101 80 111 98 123 17 135.48 149.02 160.25 42 73.12 80.62 88.12 95 . 62 105.18 115.69 127.25 139.97 153.96 169.65 $178.00 44 78.00 87.00 96.00 105.00 115.50 127.05 139.75 153.72 169.09 180.45 189.10 46 81.00 90.00 99.00 108.00 118.80 130.68 143.74 158.11 173.92 190.95 199.85 48 87.00 99.00 1 1 1 . 00 123.00 135.30 148.83 163.71 180.08 198.08 202.85 212.60 50 96.00 108.00 120.00 132.00 145.20 159.72 175.69 193.25 212.57 214.75 225.05 52 102.00 114.00 126.00 138.00 151.80 166.98 183.67 202.03 222.23 227.65 238.50 54 108.75 120.75 132.75 144.75 159.22 175.14 192.65 211.91 233.10 240.60 251.95 56 119.25 134.25 149.25 164.25 180.67 198.73 218.60 240.46 264.50 254.00 266.00 58 125.62 140.62 155.62 170.62 187.68 206 . 44 227.08 249.78 274.75 267.65 280.30 60 132.00 147.00 162.00 177.00 194.70 214.17 235.58 259.13 285.04 282.10 295.45 62 144.85 185.80 201.65 214.70 227.80 241.10 254.50 268.05 288.70 295.40 309.45 64 150.00 197.10 210.20 223.50 236.85 250.40 264.05 273.85 291.75 305.70 320.10 66 155.30 205.55 218.95 232.50 246.15 259.95 273.85 287.95 302.20 316.50 331.15 68 160.80 214.30 227.95 241.70 255.70 269.85 284.10 298.50 313.05 327.65 342 . 55 70 167.60 223.70 237.85 252.20 266 . 60 281.20 295.95 310.90 326.00 341.20 356.80 72 174.30 232.90 247.35 262.00 276.80 291.90 307.20 322.75 338.50 354.45 370.85 The wide face pulleys listed above have two or more rows of arms. For larger diameters see next page. *Sizes listed on this page are not carried in stock but are made up upon receipt of order in shortest possible time and are bored to fit shaft, therefore not supplied with bushings as are the stocked sizes listed on preceding page. For table of bores and extra charges for excessively large bores for pulleys listed on this page, use table on page 57. 21 San Francisco: Seattle $C (&ttttfVl& Portland : Los Angeles STEEL RIM SPLIT PULLEYS (Continued) These large diameter and wide face pulleys are not supplied with bushings -see note below. PRICE LIST (Subject to Discount) Diameter Inches Face in Inches 8 10 12 14 16 H 18 20 22 24 74 76 78 80 $96.35 100.65 105.05 109.60 $109.65 114.30 119.15 124.25 $123.20 128.35 133.70 139.35 $136.85 142.55 148.45 154.65 $151.50 157.75 164.20 170.95 $166.30 173.10 180.20 187.45 $181.50 188.95 196.60 204 . 40 $197.25 205.25 213.45 221.80 $257.70 268 . 35 279.40 291.05 82 84 86 88 114.25 119.00 123.90 128.90 129.45 134.75 140.25 145.85 145.10 150.95 157.10 163.35 160.95 167.40 174.20 181.05 177.90 184.95 192.40 199.90 195.05 202.75 210.85 218.95 212.65 221.05 229.80 238.55 230.80 239.90 249.25 258.65 302.90 315.00 327.70 340.60 90 92 94 96 151.70 157.75 163.85 170.15 169.85 176.55 183.45 190.55 188.20 195.70 203 . 20 210.95 207.65 215.85 223.95 232.35 227.30 236.10 244.95 253.90 247.45 256.85 266.35 275.85 268.30 278.15 288.20 298.25 354 . 05 368 . 00 382.15 396.90 98 100 102 104 176.60 181.50 186.40 191.35 197.85 203.20 208 . 45 213.85 219.10 224.90 230.50 236.30 241.20 247.45 253.40 259.55 263.25 269.90 276.35 282.75 285 . 65 292 . 65 299.50 306.20 308.50 315.80 322.90 329.95 410.75 424.60 438 . 40 452.25 106 108 196.95 203 . 40 220.00 226.90 243.05 250.45 266.95 274.90 290.90 299 . 40 315.10 324.70 339.50 349 . 40 466.10 479.95 'WIDER FACES (Continued} Diameter Inches Face in Inches 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 74 76 78 80 $272.90 284.10 295 . 75 307.00 $288.30 300.10 312.35 325.20 $303.95 316.35 329.25 342 . 65 $319.80 332.85 3*6 . 40 360.35 $335.90 349 . 65 363 . 80 378.35 $352.30 366.70 381.45 396.60 $368.90 383.95 399.30 415.05 $385.90 401.55 417.60 433.95 82 84 86 88 320.50 333.15 346.55 360.20 338.30 351.70 365 . 80 380.00 356.50 370.55 385.35 400.15 374.90 389.65- 405.15 420.60 393 . 60 409 . 05 425.25 441 . 40 412.55 428.70 445 . 60 462.50 431.70 448 . 60 466 . 20 483 . 85 451.30 468 . 95 487.30 505 . 70 90 92 94 96 374.35 389.45 404 . 00 419.45 394 . 90 410.50 426.05 442 . 20 415.75 432.10 448 . 40 465.15 436.85 453.95 471.00 488.35 458.25 476.10 493 . 85 511.90 479.95 498 . 50 517.00 535.70 501.90 521.25 540.35 559.70 525.00 544.25 564.10 584.05 98 100 102 104 435 . 45 446.90 457.75 469.10 459.15 470.95 482.30 494.05 483 . 00 495.15 507.00 519.15 506.85 519.45 531.80 544.35 530.95 544.00 556.80 569.75 555 . 25 568.75 582.00 595.25 579.70 593.65 607.35 620.80 604 . 60 619.00 633.10 646.75 106 108 482 . 20 496.95 507.85 523.10 533.70 549.55 559.60 576.05 585.80 602 . 85 612.10 629.75 638.50 656.85 665 . 30 685.35 *Pulleys with faces 20 inches and wider have two or more rows of arms. In ordering give exact bore and state whether crown or straight face pulleys are wanted. Note The large pulleys listed on this page are made up on order only and bored to fit shaft, therefore are not supplied with bushings as are the stocked sizes listed on page 20. For table of bores and extra charges for excessively large bores for pulleys listed on this page use table on page 57. 22 San Francisco: Seattle UUtfH? & (&&ttfn& QJ0tttpattg Portland : Los Angeles STEEL RIM SPLIT PULLEYS (Continued) Table of maximum bores and lengths of hubs of interchangeably bushed pulleys listed on page 20. ALL DIMENSIONS GIVEN IN INCHES Pulley Diameters Faces Bores ar furni Bores id Hubs shed Hub Leneth Pulley Diameters (Continued) Faces Bores at furni Bores id Hubs ! shed Hub Length 9 2 to 5 1H 3^ 19 and 20 3 to 5 2H 3 1 A " 6 to 8 " 4^ " " " 6 to 8 " VA 10 and 11 2 to 5 " 3 1 A " " " 10 to 12 " sy 2 " " " 6 to 8 " ^A ** i* t 14 to 18 3^ sy 2 ,. ., 10 sy 2 21 to 24 3 to 5 2H 3 1 A 12 and 13 2 to 5 2A 3y 2 ., 6 to 8 " * 1 A " " " 6 to 8 " ^A " " ' 10 to 12 3A 5 1 A ' " " 10 to 12 " sy 2 " " " 14 to 18 sy 2 14 and 15 2 to 5 3y 2 25 to 36 4 2M 3y 2 .. K ... 6 to 8 " VA " " " 6 to 12 3^ sy 2 " 10 to 12 " 5 1 A " " " 14 to 18 4^ 8 1 A i 14 " 6y 2 38 to 42 4 2H sy 2 10 2 - VA ,. 6 to 8 3^ sy 2 " 3 to 5 2M " " " 10 to 12 4A 6 l A " 6 to 8 " *y 2 " " ' 14 to 18 " 8 1 A '" 10 to 12 " 5 1 A 44 to 48 6 to 8 3^ VA 14 to 16 3& VA 10 to 12 4A VA 17 and 18 3 to 5 2H 3y 2 " " 14 to 18 " VA " " " 6 to 8 " ^A 50 to 72 6 to 12 6 1 A " ** *' 10 to 12 *' 5y 2 4* it tt 14 to 18 ** sy 2 14 to 16 3& %y* An extra charge will be made as per list on page 56 if hubs are wanted faced. Any smaller bore than shown in table may be secured by the aid of the interchangeable bushings. Larger bores may be had upon special order. NOTE For all fi&& <& Steel Rim Split Pulleys wider than 18 inches face, also all above 72 inches in diameter, the standard maximum bores will be as given in table on page 57 and hub lengths as per table on page 33. 2?, San Francisco: Seattle M&8t & (80tifrteft (UflttUratU Portland : Los Angeles STEEL RIM WHOLE PULLEYS This style of pulley consists of a central spider of cast iron, to which a steel rim is firmly riveted, a construction which produces a pulley greatly superior to a cast iron pulley, for the following reasons: 1. These pulleys are absolutely free from shrinkage strain, as the hubs and arms are first cast without rims. The "spiders" are centered and the hubs bored, the arms are then ground concen- trically with the axis, after which the steel rims are attached and ground from the same centers. 2. They combine the minimum weight with the maximum strength, being from 40 to 60 per cent lighter than cast iron pulleys for similar duty also considerably cheaper. 3. The rims being of wrought steel, of even thickness, insure a pulley, which in regard to balance is much superior to an ordinary cast iron pulley. 4. Weight being less than cast iron pulleys, admits the use of lighter shafting and hangers, thus reducing the weight on buildings and saves power ordinarily wasted turning useless weight. STANDARD m$c(& STEEL RIM WHOLE PULLEYS ARE DESIGNED FOR SINGLE OR NORMAL DOUBLE BELT USAGE Extra strong pulleys for severe duty, either with extra heavy arms or with cast steel arms, internally flanged rims, etc., will be made to order. m$c<& STEEL RIM PULLEYS ARE ALSO MADE SPLIT WITH INTERCHANGEABLE BUSHINGS See description and list on pages 16 to 22 24 San Francisco: Seattle $C (&ttttftl& Portland : Los Angeles STEEL RIM WHOLE PULLEYS (Continued) m$c<& STEEL RIM WHOLE PULLEY (Set screwed as regularly furnished) STEEL RIM "CLAMP HUB" WHOLE PULLEY (Clamp Hub Pulleys are sold from standard list beginning on page 29, but are subject to a lesser discount than are solid hub pulleys.) San Francisco: Seattle Portland: Los Angeles STEEL RIM WHOLE PULLEYS (Continued) Steel Rim Whole Pulley, 9 inches in diameter, the smallest diameter made in this style pulley. LARGE, DOUBLE ARM, m&<& STEEL RIM WHOLE PULLEY (All iffl&<; 15 Continued on next page Black face figures in list designate double arm pulleys. Crown face pulleys cannot be furnished with faces wider than their diameters. Clamp hub pulleys are sold from the above list but subject to a lesser discount. San Francisco: Seattle $C (&$ttfri& Portland Los Angeles STEEL RIM WHOLE PULLEYS (Continued) PRICE LIST (Subject to Discount) Before ordering see bore limits on page 33 and important information on page 28. Face Inches 27 in. dia. 28 in. dia. 29 in. dia. 30 in. dia. 31 in. dia. 32 in. dia. 33 in. dia. 34 in. dia. 35 in. dia. 15 16 17 18 $29.70 31.55 33.45 35.35 $31.10 33.05 34.90 36.90 $32.50 34.50 36.55 38.60 $33.95 36.00 38.10 40.25 $35.40 37.55 39.75 41.95 $36.95 39.20 41.50 43.80 $38.40 40.75 43.10 45.50 $40.00 42.40 44.85 47.30 $41.60 44.10 46.60 49.15 19 20 21 22 23 37.30 45.65 47.65 49.50 38.90 47.95 49.95 51.90 40.70 50.15 52.25 54.35 56 45 42.40 52.60 54.75 56.85 59 05 44.20 54.90 57.15 59.40 61 65 46.15 57.30 59.65 62.05 64 35 47.90 59.60 62.05 64.45 66 95 49.80 62.25 64.75 67.30 69 85 51.70 65 00 67 60 70.20 72 85 24 26 28 53.35 57.30 61.20 56.00 60.05 64.25 58.50 62.80 67.10 61.25 65.65 70.15 63.90 68.55 73.15 66.65 71 50 76.35 69.40 74 . 35 79.40 72.40 77.55 82.70 75 45 80.75 86.15 30 32 65.20 68.45 72 70 71.45 75 85 74.70 79 25 77.85 82 60 81.25 86 20 84.45 89 55 87.90 93 15 91 55 97 00 34 83.90 87.40 91 20 94 70 98 45 102 50 36 103.85 108 10 Face Inches 36 in. dia. 37 in. dia. 38 in. dia. 39 in. dia. 40 in. dia. 41 in. dia. 42 in. dia. 43 in. dia. 44 in. dia. 3 $14 30 4 5 6 16.55 18.85 21.15 $17.25 19.65 22.05 $18.00 20.50 23.00 $18.75 21.30 23.85 $19.50 22.15 24.80 $20.25 23.00 25.65 $21.05 23.85 26.65 $21.85 24.75 27.65 $22.65 25.65 28.65 7 8 9 10 23.50 25.85 28.25 30.70 24.50 26.95 29.45 31.95 25.55 28.10 30.70 33.30 26.40 29.00 31.60 34.25 27.45 30.10 32.80 35 . 50 28.40 31.15 33.90 36.65 29.45 32 . 25 35.10 37.95 30.55 33.45 36.40 39.35 31.65 34.65 37.70 40.75 11 12 13 14 33.15 35.65 38.15 40.70 34.50 37.05 39 . 65 42.25 35.95 38.60 41.30 44.00 36.80 39.60 42.30 45.05 38.20 40.95 43.70 46.45 39.45 42.25 45.05 47.85 40.80 43.70 46.60 49.50 42.30 45.25 48.25 51.25 43.80 46.85 49.95 53.05 15 16 17 18 43.25 45.85 48.45 51.10 44.90 47.55 50.25 52.95 46.75 49.50 52.30 55.10 47.80 50 60 53.40 56.25 49.25 52.05 54.90 57.75 50.70 53.55 56.40 59.25 52.45 55.40 58 . 35 61.35 54.25 57.25 60.30 63.35 56.15 59.25 62.40 65.55 19 20 21 22 53.75 67.55 70.25 72.95 55 . 70 70.30 73.10 75.90 57.95 73.25 76.15 79.10 59.10 75.35 78.15 80.95 60.60 78.10 81.05 84.05 62.15 80.65 83.70 86.80 64.35 83.50 86.60 89.75 66.40 86.55 89.80 93.05 68.70 89.65 93 00 96.35 23 24 26 28 75.70 78.45 83.95 89.55 78.70 81.50 87.25 92.95 82.00 84.90 90.85 96.80 84.05 87.10 93 05 99.10 87.05 90.10 96.15 102.20 89.85 92.95 99 10 105.25 92.95 96.15 102.50 108.90 96 30 99.55 106.15 112 75 99.70 103 05 109.90 116 70 30 32 34 36 38 95.15 100.80 106.50 112.30 98.70 104.50 110.35 116.30 102.80 108.85 114 95 121.10 127.35 105.20 111 35 117 55 123.80 130.10 108.30 114.45 120 65 126.90 133.25 111 40 117.65 123.95 130.30 136.70 115.30 121.75 128.25 134.80 141.45 119.30 125.95 132.65 139.35 146 10 123.50 130.35 137 20 144 10 151 00 40 148.15 152.90 157.95 Face 45 46 47 48 50 52 54 56 58 Inches in. dia. in. dia. in. dia. in. dia. in. dia. in. dia. in. dia. in. dia. in. dia. 4 5 6 7 $23.50 26.55 29.60 32.65 $24.35 27.50 30.65 33.85 $25.20 28.45 31.70 34.95 $26.10 29.40 32.75 36.10 $27.90 31.40 34.90 38.40 $29.80 33.50 37.25 41.00 $31.75 35.65 39.60 43.55 $33.80 37.90 42.05- 46.20 $35.95 40.25 44.60 49.00 8 35 . 75 37.05 38 . 20 39.45 41.95 44.75 47.55 50 . 40 53 . 45 (Continued on next page) Black face figures in list designate double arm pulleys. Crown face pulleys cannot be furnished with faces wider than their diameters. Clamp hub pulleys are sold from the above list but subject to a lesser discount. 30 San Francisco: Seattle Portland : Los Angeles STEEL RIM WHOLE PULLEYS (Continued) PRICE LIST (Subject to Discount) Before ordering see bore limits on page 33 and important information on page 28. Face 45 46 47 48 50 52 54 56 58 Inches in. dia. in. dia. in. dia. in. dia. in. dia. in. dia. in. dia. in. dia. in. dia. 9 $38.85 ! $40.25 $41.50 $42 . 85 $45.50 $48.55 $51.55 $54.65 $57.95 10 41.95 43.45 44.80 46.25 49.10 52.35 55.60 58 . 95 62.45 11 45.10 46.70 48.10 49 . 65 52.70 56.20 59 . 65 63.25 67.00 12 48.25 i 49.95 51.45 53.10 56.35 60.05 63.75 67.50 71.55 13 51.40 53.20 54.80 56.55 60.00 63.95 67.85 71.85 76.15 14 54.60 56.50 58.15 60.00 63.70 67.85 72.00 76.25 80.75 15 57.80 59.80 61.55 63.50 67.40 71.80 76.15 80.65 85.40 16 61.00 63.10 64.95 67.00 71.15 75.75 80.35 85.10 90.05 17 64.25 66.45 68.40 70.55 74.90 79.75 84 . 55 89.55 94.75 18 67.50 69.80 71.85 74.10 78.70 83 . 75 88.80 94.05 99.45 19 70.75 73.15 75.35 77.70 82.50 87.80 93.05 98.55 i 104.20 20 92.30 95.60 98.80 101.75 107.90 115 20 122.20 129.75 137.35 21 95.75 99 20 102.30 105.50 111.90 119.40 119.70 134.45 142.40 22 99 20 102.75 105.80 109.25 115.95 123.65 131.25 139.15 147 40 23 102.70 106.30 109.50 113.00 119.95 127.85 135.75 143 80 152.40 24 106.15 109.90 113.20 116.80 123.95 132.10 140.25 148.50 157.40 26 113.10 117.05 120.55 124.40 132.00 140.75 149.25 158.05 167.55 28 120.10 124.30 127.95 132.00 140.15 149 25 158.40 167.75 177.65 30 127.10 131.45 135.40 139.65 148.35 157.85 167.60 177 45 187.80 32 134.15 138.65 142.90 147.35 156.60 166.55 176.85 187.20 198.00 34 141.25 145.85 150.45 155.15 164.85 175.35 186.10 197.00 208.25 36 148.40 153.05 158.05 163.00 173.15 184.20 195.40 206.85 218.60 38 155.60 160.25 165.70 170.90 181.50 193.10 204.75 216.80 229.10 40 162 90 167.40 173.45 178.85 189.95 202 05 214.15 226.80 239.70 Face 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 Inches in. dia. in. dia. in. dia. in. dia. in. dia. in. dia. in. dia. in. dia. in. dia. 4 $38.20 $40 . 50 | 5 42 65 45 15 6 47.25 49.85 $52.65 $55.55 '$58i55' '$6i!s6 "*64'.5S" 7 51.85 54.60 57.50 60.50 63.60 66.70 69.90 I 8 56 . 50 59.40 62.40 65.50 68.70 71.95 75 . 30 $78.75 $82.30 9 61.20 64.25 67.35 70.55 73.85 77.85 80.75 84.35 88.05 10 65.90 69.15 72.35 75.65 79.05 82.65 86.25 90.05 93.90 11 70.65 74.10 77.40 80.80 84.30 88.10 91.80 95.80 99.85 12 75 . 45 79.10 82.50 86.00 89.60 93.60 97.40 101.60 105.90 13 80.30 84.15 87.65 91.25 94.95 99.15 103.10 107.50 112.05 14 85.15 89.25 92.85 96.55 100.35 104.75 108.85 113.50 118.30 15 90.05 94.40 98.10 101.90 105.80 110.40 114.70 119.60 124.65 16 95.00 99.60 103.40 107.30 111.30 116.10 120.65 125.80 131.10 17 100.00 104.85 108.75 112.75 116.85 121.90 126.70 132.10 137.65 18 105.05 110.15 114.15 118.25 122.50 127.75 132.85 138.50 144.30 19 110.10 115.50 119.60 123.80 128.20 133.70 139.10 145.00 151.10 20 144.85 152.00 159.00 166.30 173.75 182.70 189.55 197.40 206.00 21 150.15 157.50 164 65 172.05 179.60 187.75 195.75 203.95 212.70 22 155.45 163.00 170.30 177.75 185.45 193.80 201.95 210 45 219.45 23 160.75 168.50 175.90 183.45 191.25 199.85 208.15 217.00 226.25 24 166.00 174.00 181.50 189.20 197.10 205 90 ! 214.30 223.50 233.00 26 176.65 185 15 192.85 200 . 75 208 . 80 218.15 226 80 236.50 246.50 28 187.35 196.35 204 . 25 212 40 220.75 230.45 239.45 249.70 260 . 25 30 198.15 207.70 215.80 224 . 15 232.80 242.90 252.35 263.10 274.20 32 209.05 219.15 227.45 236 00 244.95 255.50 265.45 276.70 288.40 34 220 . 00 230 70 239 . 20 248.00 257 . 20 268 . 25 278 . 75 290.50 302.85 36 231.05 242 35 251 05 260.15 269 . 60 281.15 292 . 25 304.60 317.55 38 242 . 20 254 . 10 263 00 272.40 282.10 294.20 306 00 318.95 332.50 40 253.45 266.00 275 . 20 284.80 294 70 307.45 320 00 333 50 347.60 (Continued on next page) Black face figures in list designate double arm pulleys. Clamp hub pulleys are sold from the above list but subject to a lesser discount. 31 San Francisco: Seattle & Portland : Los Angeles m&<& STEEL RIM WHOLE PULLEYS (Continued) PRICE LIST (Subject to Discount) Before ordering see bore limits on page 33 and important information on page 28 Face 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 Inches in. dia. in. dia. in. dia. in. dia. in. dia. in. dia. in. dia. in. dia. in. dia. 8 $85.95 $ 89.70 $ 93.55 $97.50 $101.55 $105.70 $109.95 $114.30 $118.75 9 91.90 95.90 100.00 104.20 108.50 112.95 117.55 122.30 127.10 10 97.95 102.20 106.55 1 1 1 . 00 115.60 120.30 125.25 130.35 135.50 11 104.10 108.60 113.20 117.90 122.80 127.80 133.05 138.50 144.00 12 110.40 115.15 120.00 124.95 130.15 135.45 141.00 146.70 152.60 13 116.80 121.80 126.90 132.10 137.60 143.20 149.05 155.75 161.30 14 123.30 128.55 133.90 139.40 145.20 151.05 157.20 163.65 170.10 15 129.90 135.40 141.05 146.80 152.90 159.05 165.50 172.25 179.00 16 136.60 142.35 148.30 154.35 160.75 167.20 173.90 181.00 188.00 17 143.45 149.40 155.65 162.00 168.70 175.45 182.40 189.85 197.15 18 150.40 156.60 163.15 169.80 176.80 183.80 191.05 198.70 206 . 40 19 157.45 163.90 170.75 177.70 185.00 192.30 199.80 207.75 215.75 20 214 80 224.45 233.65 243.20 253.90 264 . 30 275 . 00 285 . 80 297 . 80 21 221 . 80 231.45 241 . 20 251.05 261 95 272.70 283.75 295.00 307 . 25 22 228.85 238.75 248 . 80 258.95 270 . 05 281.15 292.55 304 25 316 70 23 235 . 90 246 . 00 256 . 35 266 . 90 278 . 20 289.60 301.40 313.50 326 . 20 24 242.90 253 . 35 264 . 00 274 . 90 286 . 35 298 . 00 310.20 322.85 335.70 26 256.95 267.95 279 . 20 290.60 302.70 315.05 327.90 341.65 354.85 28 271.25 282.80 294 60 306 . 70 319.45 332.30 345 . 85 360 . 05 374.20 30 285.80 297.85 310.35 323.05 336.45 349.85 364.05 378.95 393 . 80 32 300 . 60 313.15 326 . 30 339 . 65 353.70 367.70 382.50 398.10 413.65 34 315.60 328.70 342 . 50 356 . 50 371.20 385 . 85 401.20 417.50 433 . 70 36 330 . 85 344 . 50 358.95 373.60 388.95 404.30 420 . 20 437.15 454.05 38 346.35 360.55 375.65 391.00 407.00 423.05 439 . 50 457 . 20 474.65 40 362.10 376 . 85 392.60 408.65 425.35 442.10 459.75 477 . 20 495.45 Face 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 Inches in. dia. in. dia. in. dia. in. dia. in. dia. in. dia. in. dia. 8 $123.30 $127.95 $131.45 $134.95 $138.45 $142.60 $147.60 9 132.05 137.10 140.80 144.50 148.20 152.55 157.75 10 140.85 146.30 150.20 154.10 158.00 162.55 167.95 11 149.75 155.60 159.70 163.75 167.85 172.65 178.25 12 158.70 164.95 169.25 173.45 177.75 182.80 188.60 13 167.70 174.35 178.90 183.20 187.70 193.00 199.05 14 176.80 183.85 188.55 193.05 197.70 203 . 30 209.55 15 186.00 193.40 198.30 202.95 207.75 213.65 220.15 16 195.30 203.00 208.10 212.90 217.85 224.05 230.80 17 204.70 212.65 217.90 222.95 228.00 234.55 241.55 18 214.20 222.35 227.80 233.05 238.20 245.10 252.35 19 223.80 232.15 237.75 243.20 248 . 45 255.70 263.25 20 309.85 322 40 330 . 80 339.15 348.00 357.50 368.90 21 319.65 332.45 341 . 20 349 . 60 358 . 80 368.50 380 . 25 22 329 . 50 342.80 351 . 70 360 . 20 369.60 379 . 70 391 70 23 339.30 352.90 362.10 370 . 75 380 . 35 390.85 403.15 24 349 . 15 362.80 372.50 381.50 391.30 402.00 414 75 26 368.95 383 . 55 393.60 403 . 05 412.95 424.60 437 . 90 28 388 . 95 404.45 414.80 424.70 434.95 447 . 25 461 00 30 409 . 10 425.45 436 . 10 446.45 457.05 470 . 05 484 . 35 32 429 . 50 446.45 457.50 468.30 479.25 492.90 507.75 34 450 . 20 467.65 479 . 10 490 . 30 501.60 516.00 531.40 36 471.15 489 . 05 500 . 90 512.50 524.05 539 . 20 - 555.15 38 492.35 510.65 522.90 534.90 546.60 562.55 579.15 40 513.70 532.50 545.15 557.50 569.35 586 10 604.35 Black face figures in list designate double arm pulleys. Clamp hub pulleys are sold from the above list but subject to a lesser discount. 32 San Francisco: Seattle & <&0ttf H^ft Portland : Los Angeles STEEL RIM WHOLE PULLEYS (Continued) Table of Standard Hub Lengths of iE& NONIN /* /V/A5 DmEM&to A5 JMPoR 7>W rJ V r 3 n NOMINAL FACE EXTRA LONG OR EXTENDED HUB CENTRAL In ordering this style simply specify: "Hub central, . . inches long." If not central give the total "offset" of the longest side as well as total length. NOTE We always face both ends of pulley hubs that are flush or longer than standard hubs when they extend beyond edges of rim. Example No. DO NOT FORGET to accurately specify the bore whether setscrewed or keyseated or both and whether taper or plain key and give dimensions, or our standards will be supplied. STRAIGHT keyseats with setscrews over are always furnished unless TAPER keyseat is specified in the order. 37 San Francisco: Seattle & (&Qttfti& Portland : Los Angeles CAST IRON PULLEYS Our line of Cast Iron Pulleys is very complete, and we can furnish pulleys to meet any and every requirement. Cast Iron Pulleys are bored, turned, balanced and painted, and furnished either set-screwed or keyseated. Pulleys up to 48 inches diameter are machine moulded, thus in- suring the most perfect castings and even distribution of metal. Standard Cast Iron Pulleys are made for double belt duty. Heavier pulleys will be made to order. Cast Iron Double Arm Clamp Hub Whole Pulley. (All wide face pulleys printed with black face type in list have double rows of arms.) Cast Iron Pulleys are listed on pages 43 to 50. 38 San Francisco: Seattle 4^0? & (Sflttfrtrh OlOtttpattg Portland : Los Angeles CAST IRON PULLEYS (Continued) CAST IRON PULLEYS For Price List of Cast Iron Pulleys see pages 43 to 50. 39 San Francisco: Seattle HH^H? & (&Qttttl& Portland: Los Angeles CAST IRON PULLEYS (Continued) LARGE m&<& SINGLE ARM CAST IRON CLAMP HUB PULLEY For Price List of Cast Iron Pulleys see pages 43 to 50. For table giving Horsepower of Pulleys see page 148. For rules to figure Speed and Sizes of Pulleys see page 149. 40 San Francisco: Seattle (011^5 ffi0mpatt}| Portland: Los Angeles CAST IRON PULLEYS (Continued) All kinds of special Cast Iron Pulleys will be made to order. For Price List of Cast Iron Pulleys see pages 43 to 50. 41 San Francisco: Seattle OSflttfrtrfl Portland : Los Angeles CAST IRON PULLEYS (Continued) DETAILS TO BE CONSIDERED WHEN ORDERING CAST IRON PULLEYS Also read all instructions on pages 12 to 15. JJl&Ci Cast Iron Pulleys are made straight or crown face, either whole, split, clamp-hub, or in pairs, as tight and loose with suitable hubs; also single and double flanged pulleys, step pulleys, cone pulleys, motor pulleys; also with web or plate centers, double rows of arms, etc., etc. Hubs of cast iron pulleys are bored and supplied with setscrews or straight keyseat with setscrews over or taper keyseat without setscrews at prices listed, and if both setscrews and taper keyseat are wanted an extra charge is made as per list on page 56. For Price List of Cast Iron Pulleys see next page. When cast iron pulleys are ordered with larger bores than specified in following table, an extra charge will be made as given in table on page 57. Pulley Diameter Bore Pulley Diameter Bore 3 to 5 inches \ 1 A in. 43 to 48 inches 6 to 9 inches 10 to 15 inches i3S: 2 A in. 50 to 60 inches 62 to 70 inches 4H in 5 T^ in 16 to 20 inches 21 to 30 inches 2flin. 3;& in. 72 to 80 inches 82 to 90 inches 5^| in 6^4 in 31 to 42 inches 3ttin. 92 to 120 inches 7 in Bores to special gauges and small fractional dimensions either metric or in- volving fractions less than a sixteenth of an inch will be subject to an extra charge. See page 15. NOTE The price list for Cast Iron Pulleys beginning on next page is for stand- ard pulleys only. For definition of special pulleys and extra charges see pages 14 and 15. Special Pulleys, such as Motor, Step, Cone Pulleys, etc., will be quoted on ap- plication. Flanged Pulleys, see table on page 52, showing extra charges to be added to list prices for single or double flanged pulleys. Tight and Loose pulleys are subject to extra charge. See list on page 56. High Speeds If pulleys are wanted for very high speeds, an extra charge will be made for Special Balancing. (Standard Cast Iron Pulleys are balanced for a rim speed of 3000 feet per minute.) Crown Faced pulleys are always furnished unless straight faces are ordered. Hubs faced one or both ends or longer than standard hubs as given in table on page 51 will be subject to an extra charge. See page 15. Offset Arms or Hubs Plate Centers and also pulleys ordered with fractional inch or exact DIAMETERS or FACES are all subject to extra charges. See "page 15. Internally Beaded or Ribbed pulleys or pulleys specified to be of any particular weight either heavier or lighter than standard pulleys are considered special. See pages 14 and 15. See page 51 for table of standard hubs of cast iron pulleys 42 San Francisco : Seattle jjfcp0g & Portland : Los Angeles CAST IRON PULLEYS (Continued) PRICE LIST (Subject to Discount) Before ordering see bore limits and important information on page 42. Face Inches 3 In. Whole Dia. Split 4 In. Whole Dia. Split $3.50 3.75 4.10 4.60 5 In. Whole Dia. Split 6 In. Whole Dia. Split 7 In. Whole Dia. Split 2 3 4 5 SI. 95 2.15 2.40 2.70 $3.35 3.65 4.00 4.45 $2.05 2.25 2.50 2.80 $2.15 2.35 2.65 2.95 $3.60 3.85 4.20 4.75 $2.30 2.50 2.80 3.20 $3.80 4.00 4.30 4.90 $2.50 2.70 3.05 3.50 $4.00 4.20 4.55 5.25 6 7 8 9 3.05 3.45 3.85 5.00 5.50 6.10 3.20 3.60 4.05 5.15 5.70 6.25 3.35 3.85 4.30 4.75 5.25 5.85 6.40 7.05 3.65 4.10 4.55 5.05 5.35 6.10 6.55 7.35 3.95 4.40 4.90 5 . 35 5.70 6.40 6.90 7.65 10 11 12 5.20 7.65 5.55 6.05 6.55 7.85 8.65 915 5.85 6.35 6.85 8.15 8.95 9.50 Face Inches 8 In. Whole Dia. Split 9 In. Whole Dia. Split 10 In. Whole dia. Split 11 In Whole Dia. Split 12 In. Whole Dia. Split 2 3 4 5 $2.60 2.90 3.35 3.80 $4 20 4.50 4.95 5.70 $3 . 20 3.65 4.15 $4.80 5.25 6.05 $3.45 3.95 4.45 $5.15 5.65 6.50 $3.70 4.25 4.80 $5.40 5.95 6.85 $3.95 4.55 5.15 $5.75 6.40 7.35 6 7 8 9 4.25 4.75 5.25 5.80 6.15 6.95 7.45 8.35 4.65 5.20 5.75 6.30 6.55 7.40 7.95 8.85 5.00 5.55 6.15 6.80 7.05 7.95 8.55 9.60 5.40 6.00 6.65 7.30 7.65 8.40 9.05 10.10 5.80 6.45 7.15 7.85 8.00 9 05 9.75 10.90 10 11 12 13 14 15 6.35 6.95 7.60 8.30 8.90 9.85 10.50 11.60 6.90 7.50 8.15 8.85 9.45 10.40 11.05 12.15 7.50 8.20 8.95 9.70 10.30 11.40 12.15 13.35 8.00 8.75 9.55 10.40 10.80 1 1 . 95 12.75 14.05 8.60 9.35 10.15 10.95 11 75 11.65 12.85 13.65 14.95 15 75 12.60 17.10 Face Inches 13 In. Whole Dia. Split 14 In. Whole Dia. Split 15 In. Whole Dia. Split 16 In. Whole Dia. Split 17 In. Whole Dia. Split 3 4 5 6 $4.20 4.85 5.50 6.20 $6.00 6.65 7.70 8.40 $4 . 50 5.20 5.95 6.70 $6.45 7.15 8.35 9.10 $4.80 5.55 6.35 7.15 $6 . 75 7.50 8.75 9.55 $5.10 5 .'80 6.60 7.45 $7.20 7.90 9.20 10.05 $5.40 6.25 7.10 8.00 $7.50 8.35 9.70 10.60 7 8 9 10 6.90 7.65 8.40 9.20 9.50 10.25 11.45 12.25 7.50 8.30 9.10 9.95 10.35 11.15 12.45 13.30 8.00 8.85 9.75 10.65 10.85 11.70 13.10 14.00 8.35 9.20 10.10 11.05 11.60 12.30 13.75 14.70 8.90 9.85 10.80 11.80 12.00 12.95 14.45 15.50 11 12 13 14 10.00 10.85 11.70 12.60 13.50 14.35 15.70 16.60 10.80 11.70 12.60 13.50 14.65 15.55 17.00 17.90 11.60 12.55 13.50 14.50 15.45 16.40 17.90 18.90 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.20 17.20 18.80 19.80 12.80 13.85 14.90 16.00 17.00 18.05 19.75 20.80 15 16 17 13.50 18.00 14.45 19.40 15.50 20.45 16.05 17.20 18.20 21.45 22.65 24.25 17.10 18.25 19.40 22.50 23.65 25.45 Face Inches 18 In. Whole Dia. Split 19 In. Whole Dia. Split 20 In. Whole Dia. Split $8.85 9.90 11.60 12.70 21 In. Whole Dia. Split 22 In. Whole Dia. Split 3 4 5 6 $5.70 6.65 7.60 8.55 $7.95 8.90 10.40 11.35 $6.05 7.05 8.10 9.15 $8.30 9.30 10.95 11.95 $6.40 7.45 8.55 9.65 $6.75 7.85 9.00 10.15 $9.20 10.30 12.05 13.20 $7.10 8.30 9.50 10.75 $9.75 10.95 12.80 14.05 7 8 9 10 9.55 10.55 11.60 12.65 12.90 13.90 15.55 16.60 10.25 11.35 12.40 13.55 13.60 14.70 16.35 17.50 10.80 11.95 13.15 14.35 14.45 15.60 17.45 18.65 11.35 12.55 13.80 15.05 15.00 16.20 18.10 19.35 12.00 13.30 14.60 15.95 15.95 17.25 19.25 20.60 (Continued on next page) Clamp Hub Pulleys To obtain price take half of the combined whole and split pulley prices. For wide face conveyor and elevator head pulleys see page 53. 43 San Francisco: Seattle & (0ttfnrf* Portland : Los Angeles CAST IRON PULLEYS (Continued) PRICE LIST (Subject to Discount) Before ordering see bore limits and important information on page 42. Face Inches 18 In. Whole Dia. Split 19 In. Whole Dia. Split 20 In. Whole Dia. Split 21 In. Whole Dia. Split 22 In. Whole Dia. Split $22.65 24.05 26.20 27.65 29.85 31.35 33 . 65 35.20 37.55 39.15 43.40 41.65 47.35 51.30 55.30 59 35 63 50 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 26 28 30 $13.75 14.85 15.90 17.05 18.25 19.45 20.70 $18.30 19.40 21.10 22.25 24.10 25.30 27.25 $14.70 15.90 17.10 18.35 19.60 20.90 22.20 23.55 24.90 $19.25 20.45 22.30 23.55 25.45 26.75 28'. 75 30.10 32.15 $15.60 16.85 18.15 19.45 20.80 22.15 23.55 24.95 26.40 3i.60 $20.55 21.80 23.80 25.10 27.15 28.50 30.65 32.05 34.25 39 ! 45 $16.35 17.65 19.00 20.35 21.75 23.15 24.60 26.05 27.55 33.16 35.95 38.85 41.90 44 90 $21.30 22.60 24.65 26.00 28.10 29.50 31.70 33.15 35.40 40^95 44 60 48.30 52.20 56.05 $17.30 18.70 20.10 21.55 23.00 24.50 26.00 27.55 29.10 30.70 35 10 32.35 38.05 41 15 44 25 47.40 50.60 34.35 37.15 40.00 42.90 43.00 46.60 50 30 54.05 Face Inches 23 In. Whole Dia. Split 24 In. Whole Dia. Split 25 In. Whole Dia. Split 26 In. Whole Dia. Split 27 In. Whole Dia. Split 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 26 28 30 $7.50 8.75 10.05 11.35 12.70 14.05 15.45 16.85 18.30 19.75 21.25 22.75 24.30 25.85 27.45 29.05 30 . 70 32.35 37.10 34.05 46!25 43.45 46.70 50.00 53 . 35 $10.15 11.40 13.35 14.65 16.65 18.00 20.10 21.50 23.65 25.10 27.35 28.85 31.15 32.70 35.10 36.70 39.15 40.80 45.55 43.35 '49:55 53.60 57.75 61.95 66.25 $7.90 9.25 10.60 12.00 13.40 14.85 16.30 17.80 19.30 20 . 85 22.40 24.00 25.60 27.25 28.90 30.60 32.30 34 . 05 39.20 35.80 $10.70 12.05 14.15 15.55 17.65 19.10 21.30 22.80 25.05 26.60 28.95 30.55 32.95 34.60 37.10 38.80 41.35 43.10 48.25 45.75 $8.35 9.75 11.20 12.65 14.15 15.65 17.20 18.75 20.35 21.95 23.60 25.25 26.95 28.65 30.40 32.15 33.95 35.75 41.25 37.60 39.45 44.75 48.30 51.90 55.55 59.25 $11.15 12.55 14.75 16.20 18.40 19.90 22.20 23.75 26.10 27.70 30.15 31.80 34.30 36.00 38.60 40.35 43.00 44.80 50.30 47.55 49.40 54.70 59.15 63.70 68.30 73 00 $8.80 10.30 11.80 13.35 14.90 16.50 18.10 19.75 21.40 23.10 24.80 26.55 28.30 30.10 31.90 33.75 35.60 37.50 43.45 39.40 41.35 47.10 50.80 54 . 55 58.35 62.20 $11.80 13.30 15.65 17.20 19.50 21.10 23.50 25.15 27.60 29.30 31.85 33.60 36 . 20 38.00 40.70 42.55 45.30 47.20 53.15 50.05 52.00 57.75 62.40 67.15 71.95 76.85 $9.30 10.85 12.45 14.05 15.70 17.35 19.05 20.75 22.50 24.25 26 . 05 27.85 29.70 31.55 33.45 35.35 37.30 39.25 45.65 41.25 43.25 49.50 53.35 57.30 61.20 65.20 $12.30 13.85 16.30 17.90 20.30 21.95 24.45 26.15 28.70 30.45 33.10 34.90 37.60 39.45 42.25 44.15 47.00 48.95 55.35 51.90 53.90 60 15 64.95 69.90 74.80 79.85 42.45 45.85 49.30 52.80 56.35 52.40 56.70 61.10 65.55 70.10 Face Inches 28 In. Whole Dia. SpHt 29 In. Whole Dia. Split 30 In. Whole Dia. Split 31 In. Whole Dia. SpHt 32 In. Whole Dia. Split 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 $9.80 11.45 13.10 14.80 16.50 18.25 20.00 $13.05 14.65 17.25 18.95 21.45 23 20 25.80 $10.30 12.00 13.75 15.50 17.30 19.10 20.95 $13.55 15.25 17.90 19.65 22.25 24.05 26.75 $10.85 12.65 14.45 16.30 18.15 20.05 21.95 $14.35 16.15 18.90 20.75 23.45 25.35 28.15 $11.40 13.25 15.15 17.05 19.00 20.95 22.95 $14.90 16.75 19.60 21.50 24.30 26.25 29.15 $11.95 13.90 15.85 17. -85 19 85 21.90 23.95 $15.75 17.70 20 65 22.65 25.55 27.60 30 . 60 (Continued on next page) Black face figures in list designate double arm pulleys. Clamp Hub Pulleys To obtain price take half of the combined whole and split pulley price. For wide face conveyor and elevator head pulleys see page 53. 44 San Francisco: Seattle Portland : Los Angeles CAST IRON PULLEYS (Continued) PRICE LIST (Subject to Discount) Before ordering see bore limits and important information on page 42. Face Inches 28 In Whole Dia. Split 29 In Whole Dia. Split 30 In Whole Dia. Split 31 In Whole Dia. Split 32 In. Whole Dia. Split 10 11 12 13 $21.80 23.60 25.45 27.30 $27.60 30.25 32.10 35 . 00 $22.80 24.70 26.60 28.55 $28.60 31.35 33.25 36.10 $23.90 25.85 27.85 29 . 85 $30.10 32.95 34.95 37.90 $24.95 27.00 29.05 31.15 $31.15 34.10 36.15 39.20 $26 . 05 28.15 30.30 32.50 $32.70 35 . 75 37.90 41.10 14 15 16 17 29.20 31.10 33.05 34.90 36.75 39.55 41.50 44.30 30.50 32.50 34.50 36.55 38.05 40 . 95 42 . 95 45.95 31.90 33.95 36.00 38.10 39.95 42.95 45.00 48.10 33.25 35.40 37.55 39.75 41.30 44.40 46.55 49.75 34.70 36.95 39.20 41.50 43.30 46.55 48.80 52.15 18 19 20 36.90 38.90 40.95 47.95 46.30 49.25 51.30 58.20 38.60 40.70 42.80 50.15 48.00 51.05 53.15 60.50 40.25 42.40 44.60 52.60 50.25 53.40 55.60 63.60 41.95 44.20 46.45 54.90 51.95 55.20 57.45 65.90 43.80 46.15 48.50 57.30 54.45 57.85 60.20 69.00 21 22 23 24 26 28 30 43.00 45.10 51.90 53.35 56.45 63.25 44.95 47.10 54.35 49.30 58.50 62.80 67.10 71.45 56.30 58.45 65.70 61.65 70.85 76.20 81.55 87.00 46.80 49.05 56.85 51.30 61.25 65.65 70.15 74.70 58.85 61.10 68.90 64.40 74.35 79.85 85.45 91.15 48.75 51.10 59.40 53.45 63.90 68.55 73.15 77.85 60.80 63.15 71.45 66.55 77.00 82.75 88.45 94.30 50.90 53 . 30 62.05 55.70 66.65 71.50 76.35 81.25 63 . 70 66.10 74.85 69.60 80 . 55 86.55 92.45 98.65 56.00 60.05 64.25 68.45 68.35 73.45 78.70 84.00 32 34 72.70 89.35 75.85 92.50 79.25 83.90 96.85 102.70 82.60 87.40 100.20 106.20 86.20 91.20 104.80 111 05 Face Inches 33 In. Whole Dia. Split 34 In. Whole Dia. Split 35 In. Whole Dia. Split 36 In. Whole Dia. Split 37 In. Whole Dia. Split 3 4 5 6 $12.50 14.50 16.55 18.60 $16.30 18.30 21.35 23.40 $13.10 15.20 17.30 19.45 $17.20 19.30 22.45 24.60 $13.70 15.90 18.10 20.35 $17.80 20.00 23.25 25.50 $14.30 16.55 18.85 21.15 $18.70 20.95 24.40 26.65 $17!25' 19.65 22.05 $21.65 25.15 27.55 7 8 9 10 20.70 22.80 24.95 27.10 26.30 29.45 31.60 33.75 21.60 23.80 26.05 28.30 27.70 29.90 33.15 35.40 22.60 24.90 27.20 29.55 28.70 31.00 34.30 36.65 23.50 25.85 28.25 30.70 30.00 32.35 35.80 38.25 24.50 26.95 29.45 31.95 31.00 33 . 45 37.00 39 . 50 11 12 13 14 29.30 31.55 33.80 36.10 36.90 39.20 42.40 44.70 30.60 32.90 35 . 25 37.60 38.70 41.00 44.40 46.75 31.90 34.30 36.70 39.15 40.00 42.40 45.85 48.30 33.15 35 . 65 38.15 40.70 41.75 44.25 47.85 50.40 34.50 37.05 39.65 42.25 43.10 45.65 49.35 51.95 15 16 17 18 38.40 40.75 43.10 45.50 48.00 50.35 53 . 75 56.15 40.00 42.40 44.85 47.30 50.20 52.60 56.15 59.60 41.60 44.10 46.60 49.15 51.80 54 . 30 58.15 60.55 43.25 45.85 48.45 51.10 54.05 56.65 60.40 63.05 44.90 47.55 50.25 52.95 55 . 70 58 . 35 62.20 64.85 19 20 21 47.90 50.35 59.60 52.80 59.60 62.05 71.30 65.60 49.80 52.30 62.25 54.85 62.20 64.70 74.65 68.40 51.70 54.30 65.00 56.95 64.10 66.70 77.40 70.50 53.75 56.45 67.55 59.15 66.85 69.55 80.65 73.45 55.70 58.45 70.30 61.25 68.80 71.55 83.40 75.55 22 23 24 55.30 64.45 57.80 60.35 68.10 77 . 25 71.70 74.25 57.40 67.30 60.00 62.65 70.95 80.85 74.70 77.35 59.60 70.20 62.30 65.00 73.15 83.75 77.00 79.70 61.90 72.95 64.65 67.40 76.20 87 . 25 80.15 82.90 64.10 75.90 66.95 69.85 78.40 90 20 82.45 85.35 * 28 30 69.40 74.35 79.40 84.45 83.30 89.40 95.60 101.85 72 40 77.55 82 70 87.90 87.10 93.45 99.80 106.25 75.45 80.75 86.15 91.55 90 15 96.65 103 25 109.90 78.45 83.95 89.55 95.15 93.95 100.70 107.55 114.45 81.50 87.25 92.95 98.70 97 00 104 00 110 95 118 00 32 34 36 89.55 94.70 108.15 114.55 93.15 98.45 103.85 112.75 119.35 126.05 97.00 102.50 108.10 116.60 123.40 130 30 100 80 106.50 112 30 121 40 128.45 135 60 104 50 110.35 116.30 125 10 132.30 139.60 (Continued on next page) Black face figures in list designate double arm pulleys. Clamp Hub Pulleys To obtain price take half of the combined whole and split pulley price. For wide face conveyor and elevator head pulleys see page 53. 45 San Francisco: Seattle & (80Ufrirfi (l1Ut)}nUg Portland : Los Angeles CAST IRON PULLEYS (Continued) PRICE LIST (Subject to Discount) Before ordering see bore limits and important information on page 42. Face Inches 38 In Whole Dia. Split 39 In. Whole Dia. Split 40 In Whole Dia. Split 41 In Whole Dia. Split 42 In Whole Dia. Split 4 5 6 7 $18.00 20.50 23.00 25.55 $22 . 75 26 . 45 28.90 32.50 $18.75 21.30 23.85 26.40 $23.50 27.20 29.75 33.35 $19.50 22.15 24.80 27.45 $24.60 28.45 31.10 34.85 $20.25 23.00 25.65 28.40 $25.35 29.30 31.95 35.80 $21.05 23.85 26.65 29.45 $26.50 30.55 33 . 35 37.30 8 9 10 11 28.10 30.70 33 . 30 35.95 35.05 38.75 41.35 45.10 29.00 31.60 34.25 36.80 35.95 39.65 42.30 45.95 30.10 32.80 35.50 38.20 37.50 41.35 44.05 47.90 31.15 33.90 36.65 39.45 38.55 42.45 45.20 49.15 32.25 35.10 37.95 40.80 40.10 44.15 47.00 51.02 12 13 14 15 38.60 41.30 44.00 46.75 47.75 51.60 54.30 58.20 39.60 42.30 45 . 05 47.80 48.75 52.60 55 .'35 59.25 40.95 43.70 46.45 49.25 50.65 54.60 57.35 61.35 42.25 45.05 47.85 50.70 51.95 55.95 58.75 62.80 43.70 46.60 49.50 52.45 53.95 57.80 60.70 65.20 16 17 18 19 49.50 52.30 55.10 57.95 60.95 64.95 67.75 70.80 50.60 53.40 56.25 59.10 62.05 66.05 68.90 72.95 52.05 54.90 57.75 60.60 64.15 68.25 71.10 75.20 53.55 56.40 59.25 62.15 65.65 69.75 72.60 76.80 55.40 58 . 35 61 .35 64.35 68.15 72.40 75.40 79.70 20 21 22 60.80 73.25 63.65 66.55 74.65 87.05 78 . 75 81.65 62.00 75.35 64.90 67.85 75.85 89.20 80.00 82.95 63.60 78.10 66.40 69.35 78.10 92 70 82.30 85.25 65.05 80.65 67.95 70.90 79.65 95.25 83.85 86.80 67.35 83.50 70 . 30 73.35 82.70 98.85 87.00 90.05 23 24 79.10 69.45 72.35 84.90 94.20 85.80 88.70 101.25 80.95 70.80 73.80 87.10 96.05 87.15 90.15 103.45 84.05 72.30 75.35 90.10 99 95 89.50 92.55 107.30 86.80 73 . 85 76.80 92.95 102.70 91.05 94.00 110.15 89.75 76.30 79.40 96.15 106.45 94.35 97.45 114.20 26 28 30 32 90.85 96.80 102.80 108.85 108.50 115.75 123 10 130.50 93.05 99.10 105 20 111.35 110.70 118.05 125 50 133.00 96.15 102.20 108.30 114 45 114.70 122.10 129.60 137.15 99.10 105.25 111 40 117.65 117.65 125.15 132.70 140.35 102.50 108.90 115.30 121.75 121.95 129.75 137.60 145.50 34 36 38 40 114.95 121.10 127.35 138.00 145.55 153.15 117.55 123.80 130.10 140 . 60 148.25 155.90 120.65 126.90 133.25 144 80 152.50 160.25 123.95 130.30 136.70 148.10 155.90 163.70 128.25 134 . 80 141.45 148.15 153 50 161.55 169.65 178.00 Face Inches 43 In. Whole Dia. Split 44 In. Whole Dia. Split 45 In. Whole Dia. Split 46 In. Whole Dia. Split 47 In. Whole Dia. Split 4 5 6 7 $21.85 24.75 27.65 30.55 $27.30 31.45 34.35 38.40 $22.65 25.65 28.65 31.65 $28.50 32.80 35 . 80 40.00 $23.50 26.55 29.60 32.65 $29.35 33.70 36.75 41.00 $24.35 27.50 30.65 33.85 $30.60 35.10 38 . 25 42.70 $25.20 28.45 31.70 34.95 $31.45 36.05 39.30 43.80 8 9 10 11 33.45 36.40 39 . 35 42.30 41.30 45 . 45 48.40 52.55 34.65 37.70 40.75 43.80 43 . 00 47.30 50 . 30 54.65 35.75 38.85 41.95 45.10 44.10 48 . 45 51.55 55.95 37.05 40.25 43 . 45 46.70 45.90 50.40 53.60 58.15 38 . 20 41.50 44.80 48.10 47.05 51.65 54.95 59.55 12 13 14 15 45.25 48.25 51.25 54.25 55.50 59 . 45 62.45 67.00 46.85 49.95 53.05 56.15 57.70 61.80 64.90 69.60 48.25 51.40 54.60 57.80 59.10 63.25 66.45 71.25 49.95 53.20 56.50 59.80 61.40' 65.70 69.00 73.95 51.45 54.80 58.15 61.55 62.90 67.30 70 . 65 75.70 16 17 18 19 57.25 60 . 30 63 . 35 66.40 70.00 74.35 77.40 81.75 59.25 62.40 65.55 68.70 72.70 77.20 80.35 84.85 61.00 64 . 25 67.50 70.75 74.45 79.05 82.30 86.90 63.10 66.45 69.80 73.15 77.25 82.00 85 . 50 90.10 64.95 68.40 71.85 75.35 79.10 83.95 87.40 92.30 20 21 22 69.50 86.55 72.60 75.75 84.85 101.90 89.30 92.45 71.80 89.65 75.05 78.25 87.95 105.80 92.60 95.80 74.05 92 . 30 77.35 80.70 90.20 108.45 94.90 98.25 76.55 95.60 79.95 83.40 93.50 112 55 98 . 35 101.80 78 . 85 98.80 82.40 85.95 95 . 80 115.75 100.80 104.35 23 93.05 78.90 109.75 96 . 95 96.35 81.45 113.90 100.40 99.20 84.05 116.75 103.00 102.75 86.85 121.15 106.70 105.80 89 . 50 124.20 109.35 (Continued on next page) Black face figures in list designate double arm pulleys. Clamp Hub Pulleys To obtain price take half of the combined whole and split pulley price. 46 San Francisco: Seattle & (Sflttfrtffc Portland: Los Angeles CAST IRON PULLEYS (Continued) PRICE LIST (Subject to Discount) Before ordering see bore limits and important information on page 42. Face Inches 43 In. Whole Dia. Split 44 In Whole Dia. Split 45 In Whole Dia. Split 46 In. Whole Dia. Split 47 In. Whole Dia. Split 24 26 28 $82.05 99.55 106.15 112.75 $100.10 117.60 125.60 133.60 $84.75 103.05 109.90 116.70 $103.70 122.00 130.30 138.55 $87.50 106.15 113.10 120.10 $106.45 125.10 133.50 141.95 $90.30 109.90 117.05 124.30 $110.15 129 75 138.40 147.15 $93.10 113.20 120.55 127.95 $112.95 133 05 141.90 150.80 30 32 34 36 119.30 125.95 132.65 139.35 141 . 60 149.70 157.90 166.10 123.50 130.35 137.20 144.10 146 . 85 155.20 163.60 178.00 127.10 134 15 141.25 148.40 150.45 159.00 167.65 176.35 131.45 138.65 145 . 85 153.05 155.85 164.60 173.40 182.20 135.40 142.90 150.45 158.05 159.80 168 . 85 178.00 187.20 38 40 146.10 152.90 174.30 182.75 151.00 157.95 180.45 189 10 155.60 162.90 185.05 194.05 160.25 167.40 190.95 199 . 85 165.70 173.45 196.40 205 . 90 Face Inches 48 In. Whole Dia. Split 50 In. Whole Dia. Split 52 In Whole Dia. Split 54 In. Whole Dia. Split 56 In Whole Dia. Split 4 5 6 7 $26.10 29.40 32.75 36.10 $32 . 75 37.45 40.80 45.45 $27.90 31.40 34.90 38.40 $35.00 39 . 95 43.45 48.30 $29.80 33.50 37.25 41.00 $37.35 42.55 46.30 51.45 $31.75 35.65 39.60 43.55 $39.75 45 . 20 49.15 54.55 $33 . 80 37.90 42.05 46.20 $42.30 48.00 52.15 57.80 8 9 10 11 39.45 42.85 46.25 49.65 48.80 53.55 57.95 61.70 41.95 45.50 49.10 52.70 51.85 56.80 60.40 65.40 44.75 48.55 52.35 56.20 55.20 60.45 64.25 69.55 47.55 51.55 55.60 59.65 58.55 64.05 68.10 73.65 50.40 54.65 58.95 63.25 62.00 67.80 72.10 77.95 12 13 14 15 53.10 56.55 60.00 63.50 65.15 69.70 73.15 78.35 56.35 60.00 63.70 67.40 69 . 05 73.85 77.55 83.00 60.05 63.95 67.85 71.80 73.40 78.50 82.40 88.15 63.75 67 . 85 72.00 76.15 77.75 83.10 87.25 93.25 67 . 50 71.85 76.25 80.65 82.20 87.85 92.25 98.55 16 17 18 19 67.00 70.55 74.10 77.70 81.85 86.85 90.40 95.45 71.15 74.90 78.70 82.50 86.75 92.00 95.80 101.10 75.75 79.75 83.75 87.80 92.10 97.65 101.65 107.25 80.35 84 . 55 88.80 93.05 97.45 103.25 107.50 113.35 85.10 89.55 94.05 98.55 103.00 109.10 1 1 3 . 60 119.75 20 21 22 81.30 101 75 84.95 88.60 99.05 119.50 104.20 107.85 86.35 107.90 90.25 94.15 104.95 128.00 110.40 116.30 91.85 115.20 95.90 100.00 111. 30 134.60 116.95 121.05 97.35 122.20 101.65 106.00 117.65 142.50 1 23 . 60 127.95 103.10 129.75 107.65 112.25 124.30 151 00 130.55 135.15 23 24 109.25 92.25 95.95 116.80 128.50 113.00 116.70 137.45 115.95 98.10 102.05 123.95 137.10 119.80 123.75 146.20 123 . 65 104.10 108.20 132.10 144 . 70 126.75 130.85 154.75 131.25 110.35 114.70 140.25 153.20 133.95 138.30 163.85 139.15 116.85 121.45 148 . 50 162.05 141.45 1 46 . 05 173.10 26 28 30 32 124.40 132.00 139.65 147.35 146.70 155.85 165.10 174.40 132.00 140.15 148.35 156 60 155.30 165.05 174.90 184.80 140.75 149.25 157.85 166.55 165.00 175.20 185.50 195.90 149.25 158.40 167.60 176.85 174.55 185.40 196.35 207.35 158.05 167.75 177.45 187.20 184.40 195.85 207 . 35 218 90 34 36 38 40 155.15 163.00 170.90 178.85 183.85 193 35 202.85 212 60 164.85 173.15 181.50 189.95 194.75 204.75 214.75 225 . 05 175 . 35 184.20 193.10 202 . 05 206.45 217.05 227.65 238 . 50 186.10 195.40 204.75 214.15 218.40 229 . 50 240 . 60 251.95 197.00 206.85 216 80 226.80 230 55 242 25 254.00 266 . 00 Face Inches 58 In. Whole Dia. Split 60 In. Whole Dia. Split 62 In. Whole Dia. Split 64 In. Whole Dia. Split 66 In. Whole Dia. Split 4 5 6 7 $35.95 40.25 44.60 49 00 $44.95 50.90 55 . 25 61.20 $38.20 42.65 47.25 51.85 $47 . 70 53.85 58.45 64.65 $40.50 45.15 49.85 54.60 $50.55 56.95 61.65 68.05 '$52! 65 57.50 $65.06 71.60 $55.55 60.50 $68.55 75 . 25 8 9 10 11 53.45 57.95 62.45 67.00 65.65 71.75 76.25 82.40 56.50 61.20 65.90 70.65 69.30 75.65 80.35 86.75 59.40 64.25 69.15 74.10 72.85 79.40 84.30 90.95 62.40 67.35 72.35 77.40 76.50 83.20 88.20 95.00 65.50 70.55 75.65 80.80 80.25 87.10 92.20 99.15 12 71.55 86.95 75.45 91 .55 79.10 95.95 82.50 110.00 86.00 104.35 (Continued on next page) Black face figures in list designate double arm pulleys. Clamp Hub Pulleys To obtain price take half of the combined whole and split pulley price. 47 San Francisco: Seattle & (S0ttfrt& Portland - Los Angeles CAST IRON PULLEYS (Continued) PRICE LIST (Subject to Discount) Before ordering see bore limits and important information on page 42. Face Inches 58 In Whole Dia. Split 60 In Whole Dia. Split 62 In Whole Dia. Split 64 In Whole Dia. Split 66 In. Whole Dia. Split 13 14 15 16 $76.15 80.75 85.40 90.05 $92.90 97.50 104.10 108.75 $80.30 85.15 90.05 95.00 $97.80 102.65 109.55 114.50 $84.15 89 . 25 94.40 99.60 $102.45 107.55 114.75 119.95 $87.65 92.85 98.10 103.40 $106.75 1 1 1 . 95 119.30 124.60 $91.25 96.55 101.90 107.30 $111.15 116.45 123.95 129.35 17 18 19 20 94.75 99.45 104.20 108.95 115.15 119.85 126.30 131.05 100.00 105.05 110.10 115.20 121.25 126.30 133.10 138.20 104.85 110.15 115.50 120.90 127.00 132.30 139.45 144.85 108.75 114.15 119.60 125.10 131.80 137.20 144.50 150.00 112.75 118.25 123.80 129.45 136.70 142.20 149.65 155.30 21 22 23 113.95 118.60 147.40 123.50 137.80 142.45 171 25 149.10 120.35 125.55 155.45 130.75 145.15 150.35 180.25 157.35 126.35 131.85 163.00 137.40 152.15 157.65 188.50 165.05 130.65 136.30 170.30 142.05 157.45 163.10 197.10 170.20 135.20 141.05 177.75 146.95 163.00 168.85 205.55 176.70 24 26 28 128.45 157.40 167.55 177.65 154.05 183.00 194 95 206.85 136.00 166.00 176.65 187.35 162.60 192.60 205.10 217.65 142.95 174 00 185 15 196.35 170.60 201 65 214.70 227 . 80 147.90 181.50 192.85 204 . 25 176.60 210 20 223 . 50 236 . 85 152.95 189.20 200 . 75 212.40 182.70 218.95 232 . 50 246.15 30 32 34 36 187.80 198.00 208 . 25 218.60 218.85 230.90 243 . 05 255.30 198.15 209 . 05 220 . 00 231.05 230 . 35 243 15 256 . 05 269 . 05 207 . 70 219.15 230 . 70 242 . 35 241 10 254.50 268 . 05 281 70 215.80 227.45 239 . 20 251 05 250.40 264.05 277 . 80 291.75 224 . 15 236.00 248 . 00 260.15 259 95 273.85 287 . 95 302 . 20 38 40 229.10 239.70 267 . 65 280.30 242 . 20 253.45 282.10 295.45 254 10 266 00 295.40 309.45 263 . 00 275.20 305 . 70 320.10 272.40 284.80 316.50 331.15 Face Inches 68 In. Whole Dia. Split 70 In. Whole Dia. Split 72 In. Whole Dia. Split 74 In Whole Dia. Split 76 In. Whole Dia. Split 6 7 8 9 $58 . 55 63.60 68.70 73.85 $72.20 79.05 84.15 91.15 $61.50 66.70 71.95 77.85 $75.80 82.85 88.10 95.30 $64.55 69.90 75.30 80.75 $79.50 86.75 92.15 99.55 '$78! 75 84.35 $96 . 35 103.95 $82.30 88.05 $i66.65 108.45 10 11 12 13 79.05 84.30 98.60 94.95 96 . 35 103.45 108.75 115.70 82.65 88.10 93.60 99.15 100.70 108.05 113.55 120.75 86.25 91.80 97.40 103.10 105.05 112.55 118.15 125.55 90.05 95.80 101.60 107.50 109.65 117.40 123.20 130.85 93.90 99.85 105.90 112.05 114.30 122.30 128.35 136.30 14 15 16 17 100.35 105.80 1 1 1 . 30 116.85 121.10 128.75 134.25 141.75 104.75 110.40 116.10 121.90 126.35 134.25 139.95 147.75 108.85 114.70 120.65 126.70 131.30 139.45 145.40 153.50 113.50 119.60 125.80 132.10 136.85 145.30 151.50 159.90 118.30 124.65 131.10 137.65 142.55 151.30 157. IS 166.45 18 19 20 21 122.50 128.20 133.95 139.80 147.40 155.05 160.80 168.65 127.75 133.70 139.75 145.90 153.60 161.55 167.60 175.80 132.85 139.10 145.45 151.90 159.65 167.95 174.30 182.85 138.50 145.00 151.60 158.35 166.30 174.90 181 .50 190.40 144.30 151.10 158.00 165.00 173.10 182.05 188.95 198.15 22 23 24 145.75 185.45 151.80 157.95 174.60 214.30 181 .65 188.80 152.15 193.80 158.50 164.90 182.05 223 . 70 190.45 196.85 158.45 201.95 165.15 171.95 189.40 232 90 198.20 205 . 00 165.20 210.45 172.15 179.20 197.25 242.40 206.35 213.40 172.10 219.45 179.30 186.60 205 . 25 252.50 114.65 221.95 26 28 30 197.10 208 . 80 220 . 75 232 . 80 227.95 241.70 255 . 70 269.85 205.90 218.15 230.45 242.90 237.85 252 . 20 266 . 60 281 20 214.30 226 . 80 239.45 252.35 247.35 262 . 00 276 . 80 291.90 223 . 50 236 . 50 249 . 70 263 . 10 257 . 70 272.90 288 . 30 303.95 233 . 00 246.50 260 . 25 274 . 20 268 . 35 284.10 300.10 316.35 32 34 36 38 244 . 95 257 . 20 269 . 60 282.10 284 . 10 298 . 50 313.05 327 . 65 255 . 50 268 . 25 281 15 294 . 20 295.95 310.90 326 . 00 341.20 265.45 278.75 292 . 25 306.00 307 . 20 322.75 338 . 50 354.45 276 . 70 290.50 304 . 60 318.95 319.80 335.90 352.30 368.90 288.40 302 . 85 317.55 332 . 50 332.85 349 65 366.70 383.95 40 294 . 70 342.55 307.45 356 . 80 320 . 00 370 . 85 333 . 50 385.90 347 . 60 401.55 (Continued on next page) Black face figures in list designate double arm pulleys. Clamp Hub Pulleys To obtain price take half of the combined whole and split pulley price. 48 San Francisco: Seattle QI0mpattg Portland : Los Angeles CAST IRON PULLEYS (Continued) PRICE LIST (Subject to Discount) Before ordering see bore limits and important information on page 42. Face I nches 78 In. Whole Dia. Split 80 In. Whole Dia. Split 82 In. Whole Dia. Split 84 In. Whole Dia. Split 86 In Whole . Dia. Split 8 9 10 11 S85.95 91.90 97.95 104.10 $105.05 113.10 119.15 127.40 $89.70 95.90 102.20 108.60 $109.60 117.95 124.25 132.80 $93.55 100.00 106.55 113.20 $114.25 122.90 129.45 138.30 $97.50 104.20 1 1 1 . 00 117.90 $119.00 127.95 134.75 143.90 $101.55 108.50 115.60 122.80 $123.90 133.15 140.25 149.75 12 13 14 15 110.40 116.80 123.30 129.90 133.70 141.95 148.45 157.50 115.15 121.80 128.55 135.40 139.35 147.90 154.65 164.00 120.00 126.90 133.90 141.05 145.10 153.95 160.95 170.65 124.95 132.10 139.40 146.80 150.95 160.10 167.40 177.40 130.15 137.60 145.20 152.90 157.10 166.60 174.20 184.55 16 17 18 20 136.60 143.45 150.40 164.60 164.20 173 25 180.20 196.60 142.35 149.40 156.60 171.30 170.95 180.25 187.45 204 . 40 148.30 155.65 163.15 178.45 177.90 187.55 195.05 212.65 154.35 162.00 1 69 . 80 185.75 184.95 194.95 202.75 221.05 160.75 168.70 176.80 193.35 192.40 202 . 75 210.85 229.80 22 24 26 179.20 194.20 242 . 90 256.95 213.45 230.70 279.40 295.75 186.40 202.10 253 . 35 267.95 221.80 239.80 291.05 307.00 194.25 210.40 264 . 00 279.20 230.80 249.30 302.90 320.50 202 . 20 219.00 274 . 90 290.60 239.90 259.10 315.00 333.15 210.35 227.80 286.35 302 . 70 249.25 269.15 327.70 346.55 28 30 32 34 271.25 285 . 80 300.60 315.60 312.35 329 . 25 346 40 363 . 80 282.80 297 . 85 313.15 328.70 325.20 342 . 65 360.35 378.35 294.60 310.35 326.30 342 . 50 338 30 356.50 374.90 393 . 60 306.70 323 . 05 339.65 356 . 50 351.70 370 . 55 389.65 409.05 319.45 336.45 353.70 371.20 365 . 80 385.35 405 15 425 . 25 36 38 40 330 . 85 346.35 362.10 381.45 399:30 417.60 344.50 360.55 376 . 85 396 . 60 415 05 433 95 358 . 95 375.65 392 60 412 55 431.70 451.30 373 . 60 391.00 408 . 65 428 . 70 448 . 60 468.95 388.95 407 . 00 425.35 445.60 466 20 487.30 Face Inches 88 In. Whole Dia. Split 90 In. Whole Dia. Split 92 In. Whole Dia. Split 94 In. Whole Dia. Split 96 In. Whole Dia. Split 8 9 10 11 $105.70 112.95 120.30 127.80 $128.90 138.50 145.85 155.70 $109.95 117.55 125.25 133.05 $134.00 144.00 151.70 161.90 $114.30 122.30 130.35 138.50 $139.25 149.70 157.75 168.35 $118.75 127.10 135.50 144.00 $144.60 155.45 163.85 174.85 $123.30 132.05 140.85 149.75 $150.05 1 61 . 35 1 70 . 1 5 181.60 12 13 14 15 135.45 143.20 151.05 159.05 163.35 173.20 181.05 191.75 141.00 149.05 157.20 165.50 169.85 180.05 188.20 199.25 146.70 155.75 163.65 172.25 176.55 187.80 195.70 207.10 152.60 161.30 170.10 179.00 183.45 194.40 203 . 20 214.95 1 58 . 70 167.70 176.80 186.00 190.55 201.85 210.95 223.05 16 17 18 20 167.20 175.45 183.80 200.95 199.90 210.60 218.95 238.55 173.90 182.40 191.05 208 . 70 207.65 218.65 227.30 247.45 181.00 189.85 198.70 216.90 215.85 227.25 236.10 256.85 188.00 197.15 206.40 225.20 223.95 235 70 244.95 266.35 195.30 204.70 214.20 233.50 232 . 35 244.40 253.90 275.85 22 24 26 218.55 236 . 70 298.00 315.05 258.65 279.30 340 60 360 . 20 227.00 245 . 70 310.20 327.90 268 . 30 289.55 354.05 374.35 235 . 60 254.80 322.85 341.65 278.15 299.95 368.00 389.45 244.40 264.00 335 . 70 354.85 288.20 310.45 382.15 404.00 253.20 273.30 349.15 368.95 298 . 25 321.05 396.90 419.45 28 30 32 34 332.30 349.85 367.70 385.85 380 . 00 400.15 420.60 441.40 345 . 85 364.05 382.50 401.20 394.90 415.75 436 . 85 458.25 360 . 05 378.95 398 . 10 417.50 410.50 432 10 453.95 476.10 374 . 20 393.80 413.65 433.70 426.05 448.40 471.00 493.85 388.95 409.10 429.50 450.20 442 20 465 . 15 488 . 35 511.90 36 38 40 404 . 30 423.05 442.10 462.50 483.85 505.70 420 . 20 439.50 459 . 75 479.95 501.90 525 . 00 437.15 457.20 477 . 20 498 . 50 521.25 544 . 25 454.05 474 . 65 495 45 517.00 540.35 564.10 471.15 492.35 513.70 535 . 70 559.70 584 . 05 Face Inches 98 In Whole Dia. Split 100 In Whole . Dia. Split 102 In Whole . Dia. Split 104 In Whole . Dia. Split 106 In Whole . Dia. Split 8 9 10 11 $127.95 137.10 146.30 155.60 $155.65 167.40 176.60 188.50 $131.45 148.80 150.20 159.70 $160.10 172.10 181.50 193.65 $134.95 144.50 154.10 163.75 $164.55 176.80 186.40 198.75 $138.45 148.20 158.00 167.85 $169.05 181.55 191.35 203.95 $142.60 152.55 162.55 172.65 $174.20 186.95 196.95 209 . 85 12 164.95 197.85 169.25 203.20 173.45 208 . 45 177.75 213.85 182.80 220.00 (Continued on next page) Black face figures in list designate double arm pulleys. Clamp Hub Pulleys To obtain price take half of the combined whole and split pulley price. 49 San Francisco: Seattle & (&0ttfrtrfl QI0tttpatUJ Portland : Los Angeles CAST IRON PULLEYS (Continued) PRICE LIST (Subject to Discount) Before ordering see bore limits and important information on page 42. Face 98 In. Dia. 100 In. Dia. 102 In. Dia. 104 In. Dia. 106 In. Dia. Inche s Whole Split Whole Split Whole Split Whole Split Whole Split 13 $174.35 $209 . 60 $178.90 $215.25 $183.20 $220.65 $187.70 $226.30 $193.00 $232.75 14 18 3.85 21< >.10 1 38.55 2 24.90 1 93.05 230.50 197.70 1 !36.30 203.30 243.05 15 193.40 231.60 198.30 237.65 202.95 243.45 207.75 249 . 45 213.65 256.55 16 203.00 241.20 208.10 247.45 212.90 253.40 217.85 259.55 224.05 266.95 17 212.65 253.55 217.90 260.00 222.95 266.25 228.00 272.55 234.55 280.35 18 22 2.35 26, 5.25 2 27.80 2 69.90 2 33.05 276.35 238.20 j !82.75 245.10 290.90 20 24 2.05 28. >.65 2 17.80 2 92.65 2 53.40 299.50 258.80 ; S06.20 266.40 315.10 22 262.15 308 . 50 268.15 315.80 273.95 322.90 279.65 329.95 287.85 339.50 24 282.70 331.80 288.70 339.15 294.70 346 . 50 300.70 353.90 309 . 70 364 . 30 26 38 5.55 42-: L45 3 M 1,0 4 46.90 4 03.05 457 . 75 412.95 4 169.10 424 . 60 482.20 28 40 1.45 45< ).15 4 14.80 4 70.95 4 24.70 482.30 434.95 4 194.05 447.25 507.85 30 425.45 483 . 00 436.10 495.15 446.45 507 . 00 457.05 519.15 470 . 05 533.70 32 446.45 506.85 457.50 519.45 468.30 531.80 479 . 25 544 . 35 492 90 559 60 34 46 7.65 53( ).95 4 79.10 5 44.00 4 ?0.30 556 . 80 501.60 i >69 . 75 516 00 585 . 80 36 48 J.05 55 >.25 5 DO. 90 5 68.75 5 12.50 582 . 00 524.05 i 595.25 539 . 20 612.10 38 510.65 579 . 70 522.90 593.65 534.90 607.35 546.60 620.80 562.55 638.50 40 532.50 604 I 60 545.15 619.00 557.50 633.10 569.35 646.75 586.10 665 30 Face 108 In. Dia. 110 In. Dia. 112 In. Dia. 114 In. Dia. 116 In. Dia. Inches Whole Split Whole Split Whole Split Whole Split Whole Split 8 $147.60 $180.20 $152.70 $186.35 $157.90 $192.60 $163.20 $198.95 $168.60 $205 . 45 9 157.75 193.20 163.05 199.60 168.50 206.15 174.05 212.80 179.70 219.60 10 16 7.95 20; t.40 1 rz . 45 2 10.00 1 79.20 216.85 185.00 1 23.75 190.90 230.80 11 178.25 216.55 183.95 223.40 190.00 230.60 196.05 235.80 202 . 20 245.15 12 188.60 226.90 194.55 234.00 200 . 85 241.45 207.15 248 . 90 213.55 256.50 13 199.05 239 95 205.20 247.30 211.80 255 . 10 218.35 262.85 225.00 270.75 14 20 ).55 25( ).45 2 L5.95 2 58.05 2 22.85 266.15 229.65 1 74.15 236.55 282.30 15 220.15 264.25 226.80 272.15 233 . 95 280.55 241.00 288.85 248.15 297.30 16 230.80 274.90 237.70 283.05 245.15 291.75 252.45 300.30 259.85 309.00 17 24 1.55 28* !.60 2^ t8.70 2 97.05 2 56.40 306.05 263.95 ; 14.90 271.65 323.95 18 252.35 299.40 259.80 308.15 267.70 317.35 275.50 326.45 283 . 50 335 80 20 274.70 324.70 282.20 333.55 290.60 343 . 30 298.90 352.95 307.45 362.90 22 296.40 349 . 40 304.95 359 . 35 313.80 369 . 60 322.60 379.80 331.65 390.30 24 31 3.80 37^ L80 3, >8.00 3 85.45 3 37.30 396.20 346.70 A t07.05 356.20 418.05 26 437 . 90 496.95 451.45 512.00 465.95 528.00 480 . 35 543.90 495 00 560.10 28 461 . 00 523 . 10 475 . 10 538 . 75 490 . 25 555.45 505.25 572.00 520.40 588 . 75 30 484 . 35 549 . 55 498.95 565 . 75 514.70 583.10 530 . 20 600.20 545.95 617.60 32 50 7.75 57( .05 5. 22.95 5 92.90 5 *9.35 610.95 555.40 e .28.65 571.65 646.60 34 531.40 602.85 547 . 15 620.30 564.10 640.65 580.70 657 . 25 597 . 65 675 95 36 555.15 629.75 571 55 637.90 588.95 668.80 606.10 685.95 623 . 70 705 . 35 38 579.15 656 . 85 596.10 675 . 60 614.00 697.10 631.75 714.85 650.00 734 . 95 40 60' 1.35 685.35 620.95 703.80 641 50 726.20 657.60 744.15 676.40 764.85 118 In. Dia. 120 In. Dia. Fare Face Face Face Inches Whole Split Inches Whole Split Inches Whole Split Inche Whole Split 8 $174.10 $212.05 20 $31 5. 80 $372. 65 8 $179.80$218.85 20 $324.2! $382.50 9 185.50 226.55 22 340 . 60 400 . 70 9 191.40 233.60 22 349 . 6= 411.20 10 196.95 238.00 24 365 . 80 429.15 10 203.05 245.25 24 375. 5( ) 440.35 11 208.45 252.60 26 509 85 576.50 11 214.80 260.15 26 524 . 7( 592.90 12 220 05 264.20 28 535.70 605 . 65 12 226.60 271.95 28 551. 0( ) 622.00 13 231.75 278.75 30 561.65 634.95 13 238.50 286.75 30 577 .5( 652.45 14 243.50 290.50 32 587.85 664.50 14 250.45 298.70 32 604.2! 682.60 15 255.30 305 . 75 34 614.25 694.30 15 262.50 314.25 34 631. 2C 713.00 I 16 267.20 317.65 36 640.85 724.30 16 274.65 326.40 36 658. 3 743.60 17 279.20 332.85 38 667.70 754.50 17 286.90 341.90 38 686. 6( 775.25 18 291.30 344.95 40 694.75 785 . 10 18 299.25 354.25 40 713. 35 805 . 60 Black face figures in list designate double arm pulleys. Clamp Hub Pulleys To obtain price take half of the combined whole and split pulley price. 50 San Francisco: Seattle IfliWBt & <&0ttfm& Portland: Los Angeles CAST IRON PULLEYS STANDARD HUB LENGTH OF ALL PULLEYS GIVEN STANDARD PULLEY LIST, PAGES 43 to 50. (ALL DIMENSIONS GIVEN IN INCHES) IN NOTE Look for desired Face of pulley first, then look opposite the proper diameter in this face. SINGLE ARM PULLEYS Pulley Diameters both inch Pul- ley Face Length of Hub Pulley Diameters both inch Pul- ley Face Length of Hub Pulley Diameters both incl. Pul- ley Face Length of Hub Pulley Diameters both incl. Pul- ley Face Length of Hub 3 to 8 2 2 84 to 94 11 8 16 to 60 16 8 84 to 94 20 1134 3 to 36 3 3 96 to 108 11 834 62 to 70 16 834 96 to 108 20 12 3 to 62 4 3 1 A 110 to 120 11 9 72 to 82 16 9 110 to 120 20 1234 3 to 62 5 4 6 to 60 12 7 84 to 94 16 934 22 to 60 21 1034 3 to 60 6 43^ 62 to 70 12 734 96 to 108 16 10 62 to 70 21 11 62 to 72 6 5 72 to 82 12 8 110 to 120 16 1034 72 to 82 21 n^ 3 to 60 7 5 84 to 94 12 834 16 to 60 17 834 84 to 94 21 12 62 to 72 7 5K 96 to 108 12 9 62 to 70 17 9 96 to 108 21 12J4 3 to 60 8 53/6 110 to 120 12 9 1 A 72 to 82 17 934 110 to 120 21 13 62 to 70 8 6 8 to 60 13 7 84 to 94 17 10 25 to 60 22 11 72 to 82 8 VA 62 to 70 13 734 96 to 108 17 10^ 62 to 70 22 1134 84 to 94 8 7 72 to 82 13 8 110 to 120 17 11 72 to 82 22 12 96 to 108 8 7M 84 to 94 13 834 19 to 60 18 9 84 to 94 22 1234 5 to 60 9 6 96 to 108 13 9 62 to 70 18 934 96 to 108 22 13 62 to 70 9 <> 1 A 110 to 120 13 934 72 to 82 18 10 110 to 120 22 1334 72 to 82 9 7 12 to 60 14 734 84 to 94 18 1034 29 to 60 23 1134 84 to 94 9 ^yz 62 to 70 14 8 96 to 108 18 11 62 to 70 23 12 96 to 108 9 8 72 to 82 14 834 110 to 120 18 1134 72 to 82 23 1234 5 to 60 10 6 84 to 94 14 9 19 to 60 19 934 84 to 94 23 13 62 to 70 10 634 96 to 108 14 934 62 to 70 19 10 96 to 108 23 1334 72 to 82 10 7 110 to 120 14 10 72 to 82 19 1034 110 to 120 23 14 84 to 94 10 73/6 12 to 60 15 8 84 to 94 19 11 33 to 60 24 12 96 to 108 10 8 62 to 70 15 834 96 to 108 19 11^ 62 to 70 24 1234 110 to 120 10 834 72 to 82 15 9 110 to 120 19 12 72 to 82 24 13 6 to 60 11 634 84 to 94 15 934 22 to 60 20 10 84 to 94 24 1334 62 to 70 11 7 96 to 108 15 10 62 to 70 20 1034 96 to 108 24 14 72 to 82 11 734 110 to 120 15 10J4 72 to 82 ?0 11 110 to 120 24 1434 DOUBLE ARM PULLEYS Pulley Diameters both incl. Pul- ley Face Length of Hub Pulley Diameters both incl. Pul- ley Face Length of Hub Pulley Diameters both incl. Pul- ley Face Length of Hub Pulley Diameters both incl. Pul- ley Face Length of Hub 20 to 60 20 16 72 to 82 23 19 96 to 108 28 23J/6 34 to 60 36 27 62 to 70 20 1634 84 to 94 23 1934 110 to 120 28 24 62 to 70 36 2734 72 to 82 20 17 96 to 108 23 20 22 to 60 30 23 72 to 82 36 28 84 to 94 20 1734 110 to 120 23 2034 62 to 70 30 2334 84 to 94 36 2834 96 to 108 20 18 20 to 60 24 19 72 to 82 30 24 96 to 108 36 29 110 to 120 20 1834 62 to 70 24 1934 84 to 94 30 2434 110 to 120 36 2934 22 to 60 21 1634 72 to 82 24 20 96 to 108 30 25 38 to 60 38 283/6 62 to 70 21 17 84 to 94 24 203/6 110 to 120 30 2534 62 to 70 38 29 72 to 82 21 17 W 96 to 108 24 21 28 to 60 32 24 72 to 82 38 2934 84 to 94 21 18 110 to 120 24 213/6 62 to 70 32 2434 84 to 94 38 30 96 to 108 21 183/6 20 to 60 26 20 72 to 82 32 25 96 to 108 38 303-3 110 to 120 21 19 62 to 70 26 20J/6 84 to 94 32 253/6 110 to 120 38 31 20 to 60 22 1734 72 to 82 26 21 96 to 108 32 26 42 to 60 40 30 62 to 70 22 18 84 to 94 26 2134 110 to 120 32 263/6 62 to 70 40 3034 72 to 82 22 1834 96 to 108 26 22 30 to 60 34 2534 72 to 82 40 31 84 to 94 22 19 110 to 120 26 2234 62 to 70 34 26 84 to 94 40 3134 96 to 108 22 1934 20 to 60 28 213/6 72 to 82 34 2634 96 to 108 40 32 110 to 120 22 20 62 to 70 28 22 84 to 94 34 27 110 to 120 40 3234 29 to 60 23 18 72 to 82 28 2234 96 to 108 34 273/6 62 to 70 23 1834 84 to 94 28 23 110 to 120 34 28 For price list for facing Pulley Hubs see page 56. Hubs see pages 34 to 37. 51 For diagrams of Special San Francisco: Seattle $&&&? & (g0ttfrtrf)l ffl0tttpattg Portland : Los Angeles FLANGED CAST IRON PULLEYS m&<& CAST IRON DOUBLEFLANGED PULLEY (Also made with three flanges or but one flange if desired.) When Double Flanged Cast Iron Pulleys are wanted, add the following list prices to the list prices of Standard Cast Iron Pulleys, given on pages 43 to 50. ADDITIONAL PRICE LIST (Subject to same discount as cast iron pulley to which it is applied.) Diameter Inches List Price Diameter Inches List Price 6 and 7 8 and 9 $2.40 3.10 28 and 29 30 and 31 $14.70 16.40 10 and 11 3 . 90 32 and 33 18.20 12 and 13 4 70 34 and 35 20 05 14 and 15 5 65 36 and 37 21 95 16 and 17 6 60 38 and 39 24 10 18 and 19 7 60 40 and 41 26.35 20 and 21 22 and 23 24 and 25 8 . 80 10.15 11.50 42 and 43 44 and 45 46 and 47 .. 28.75 .. 31.30 33.85 26 and 27 13 05 48 and 50 37 60 If pulleys are wanted with one flange only use one-half of the above list. For pulleys with three flanges add one-half more to the above list. San Francisco: Seattle OiWSt $C (&QtttV\& (EfltttpatUJ Portland : Los Angeles CAST IRON CONVEYOR PULLEYS Cast Iron Conveyor Pulleys are heavy pulleys carefully ma- chined, bored and keyseated. They have double rows of arms in the wider faces, and are made in two pieces in faces wider than 30 inches. If rubber or canvas covering is desired see list for covering on page 55. Prices below are subject to bore limitations as given on page 57. In ordering specify Straight or Crown Face. PRICE LIST (Subject to Discount) Dia. in. Face in. List Price Dia. in. Face in. List Price Dia. in. Face in. List Price Dia. in. Face in. List Price Dia. Face in. in. List Price 8 14 15 16 17 18 $9.05 9.85 10.75 11.70 12.65 14 20 22 24 26 28 $21.15 23.70 26.25 28.85 31.40 20 20 22 24 26 28 $29 . 60 33.00 36.45 39.90 43.30 20 22 24 26 28 $41.95 46.50 51.10 55.65 60.20 20 22 24 26 28 $59.25 65.35 71.45 77.50 83 . 65 9 14 15 16 17 18 9.60 10.45 11.40 12.45 13.55 30 32 34 36. 38 33.95 36.50 39.05 41.60 44.20 30 32 34 36 38 40 46. 75 50.20 53.60 57.10 60.50 64 00 26 30 32 34 36 38 40 64.80 69 . 35 73.90 78.50 83.00 87 60 32 30 32 i 34 > 36 38 40 95.80 101.85 107.90 113.95 120.05 10 15 16 17 18 11.40 12.40 13.50 14.60 20 22 24 26 23.65 26.50 29.30 32.10 20 22 24 26 33.15 36.90 40.70 44 . 50 20 22 24 26 47.00 52.00 57. 10 62.10 20 22 24 26 66.70 73 . 35 80.10 86.75 11 14 15 16 17 18 11.30 12.30 13.30 14.40 15.50 16 28 30 32 34 36 38 34.90 37.75 40.50 43.35 46.20 49 00 22 28 30 32 34 36 38 48.30 52.10 55.90 59.70 63.50 67 30 28 28 30 32 34 36 38 67. 15 72.15 77.10 82.20 87.25 92 20 28 34 30 ! 32 34 36 S8 100.20 106.80 113.50 120 10 126 80 16 18 14.15 16.50 40 51.80 40 71.10 40 97.30 40 133.50 12 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 18.80 21.10 23.50 25.80 28.10 30.40 32.75 35.05 37.40 39.70 18 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 23.40 26.50 29.60 32.70 35.80 38.95 42.05 45 . 20 48.30 51.45 24 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 37.25 41.45 45.60 49.80 53.90 58.10 62.25 66.45 70.60 74.75 30 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 52.50 58.10 63.65 69.20 74.80 80.35 85 . 90 91.45 97.00 102.50 20 22 ! 24 26 1 28 30 36 32 34 36 38 75 . 20 82.50 89.90 97.30 104.60 112.00 119.30 126.70 134.00 141.35 14 16 18 16.00 18.60 38 40 54.50 57.60 40 78.90 40 108.10 40 148.70 For Cast Iron Pulleys with Pulley list pages 43 to 50. narrower faces than listed above see Standard San Francisco: Seattle & (g0ttfrtrfl C50ttl}iattg Portland : Los Angeles FLY WHEELS We make Cast Iron Fly Wheels of all diameters and any rim section. These wheels are made either Whole, Split, or with Split or Clamp Hubs and also in any number of sections. In sending for prices, state Diameter, Face, Thickness of Rim, Bore, size of keyway and whether the wheel is to be Whole, Split, Clamp Hub, or in Sections and state the speed the wheel is intended to run. (Send sketch if possible.) CAST IRON FLY WHEEL 54 San Francisco: Seattle HJ?fi? & (&0ttfti& (HtfUtpattlJ Portland : Los Angeles RUBBER OR CANVAS BELT COVERING FOR CAST IRON HEAD AND CONVEYOR PULLEYS Rubber or Canvas Belt Covering riveted to head pulleys greatly increases the traction and prevents slippage. Prices below are additional prices to be ADDED to pulley prices when covered pulleys are wanted. Four ply rubber or canvas or single leather belting is used in covering. PRICE LIST (Subject to Discount) Dia. in. Face in. List Price Dia. in. Face in. List Price in. Face in. List Price Dia. in. Face in. List Price Dia. in. Face in. List Price 16 18 20 22 $14.00 15.00 16.00 1715 16 32 34 36 38 $27.60 29.15 30.75 32 50 o to to to y\ >f. to O $22.55 24.40 26.30 28 30 26 36 38 40 $44.05 46.75 49.60 24 26 28 30 $34.35 37.15 40.20 43 15 24 26 18.35 19 70 40 34.25 22 28 30 30.30 32 30 16 18 21.85 23 g5 32 32 34 46.35 49 50 12 28 30 32 21.00 22.35 23.80 16 18 20 16.75 18.25 19.90 32 34 36 34.35 .36 . 40 38.45 20 22 24 26.05 28.30 30 . 65 36 38 40 52.80 56.05 59.45 34 36 38 25 . 25 26.75 28 25 22 24 26 21.55 23 . 20 24 go 38 40 40.60 42.85 28 26 28 30 .33.10 35.75 38 35 16 18 25.50 28.10 40 29.85 18 28 26.45 16 19.80 32 41.10 A-t Of 20 22 30.75 33.40 16 18 20 22 14.80 16.00 17.25 1 8 4.5 32 34 36 29.75 31.50 33 . 35 20 22 24 23.55 25.55 27.60 36 38 40 46.75 49.75 52.90 34 24 26 28 30 36.30 39.30 42.40 45.50 24 26 19.90 21 25 40 37.00 24 28 31.85 34. 1 5 16 22.95 95 9O 32 34 48.80 52.15 14 28 30 32 22.70 24.00 25 45 16 18 20 17.95 19.70 21 35 32 34 36 36.50 38.85 41 20 25 3 27.55 30.05 32 60 36 38 40 55 . 35 58.95 62.75 34 36 38 27.00 28.40 30 00 22 24 26 23.10 24.70 26 50 38 40 43 . 65 46.35 30 26 28 30 35.25 37.90 40 80 16 18 20 26.95 29.60 32 40 40 31.60 20 28 28.20 16 20.80 32 43.75 22 24 35.25 38 25 16 16 18 20 22 15.80 17.25 18.70 32 34 36 31.70 33.50 35.50 26 20 22 24 24.80 26.90 29.10 36 38 40 49.80 52.90 56.15 36 26 28 30 32 41.40 44.70 47.95 51 35 24 26 21 .75 23 ?0 40 39.55 28 33.80 16 1 % 24.20 ?6 50 34 36 54.85 58 40 28 30 24.60 26.10 22 16 18 18.95 20.70 32 34 38.85 41.40 20 22 29.00 31 .551 38 40 62.10 66.00 We are also prepared to cover all sizes of pulleys with leather without drilling holes in the pulley or using rivets. We can put it on the pulleys at your place without taking them from the shafting. It is no experiment and can be put on either iron or wood pulleys. Prices on application. 55 San Francisco: Seattle & (&attftl& Portland : Los Angeles KEYSEATING OR SET-SCREWING PULLEYS Where Keyway or Set Screws are not included in price of pulleys, we charge as per list below. (Subject to discount.) Pulley Face Inches Bore Diameter in Inches to 2A to 2H 2& to 3 3A to 3^ 3A to 4 4& to 4^ 4A 5A to to 5 6 3 to 6 $ .50 .60 .70 $ .60 .70 .80 1.00 1.20 $ .75 .85 1.20 1.70 2.35 3.00 3.70 4.15 $ .85 .95 1.30 1.80 2.45 3.10 3.80 4.25 $1.00 1.20 1.50 2.00 2.70 3.35 4.00 4.75 $1.30 1.65 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.20 5.00 $1.50 $2.00 1.95 2.55 2.35 3.05 3.00 3.80 3.70 4.60 4.35 5.35 5.00 1 6.25 5.85 7.35 7 to 9 10 to 12 13 to 16 17 to 20 21 to 24 25 to 30 31 to 36 Straight Keyway (Featherway) with setscrews over always furnished unless taper keyway is specified. If Pulleys are wanted FITTED to shaft, we make an extra charge for the work as per table below. (Does not include Keyseating Shaft, Pulley or furnishing Key.) (Subject to discount.) Pulley Face Inches Shaft Diameter in Inches 1 to 2 2A to 2M 2& to 3 3^ to 3H 3A to 4 4A to 4H 4& SA to to 5 6 3 to 6... 7 to 9 $1.75 1.75 1.75 $1.75 1.85 2.00 2.25 2.40 $1.85 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.70 3.00 3.50 4.00 $1.95 2.10 2.30 2.50 2.90 3.20 3.70 4.25 $2.00 2.20 2.40 2.70 3.15 3.85 4.50 5.00 $2.35 2.70 3.00 3.35 4.20 5.00 5.85 6.70 $3.00 $3.75 3.35 4.10 3.85 4.55 4.35 5.35 5.00 6.00 5.85 7.10 6.70 8.00 .7 .50 9 . 00 10 to 12 13 to 16 17 to 20 21 to 24 25 to 30 31 to 36 . . . TIGHT AND LOOSE, AND FLUSH HUB PULLEYS Prices below are to be added per pair to list prices of iffl & (& Steel Rim Whole Pulleys or Cast Iron Pulleys when Tight and Loose Pulleys are wanted, or one-half the price given for a pulley with extra long or flush hub. Oil or grease cups extra, see page 145. Pulley Face '] Diameter n Inches Inches 6 to 9 10 to 15 16 to 20 21 to 30 31 to 42 43 to 60 3 and 4 5 and 6 $1.00 2.00 $1.20 2.30 $1.80 2.90 $3.00 4.10 $4.10 5.50 $5.20 7.40 7 and 8 3 00 3 40 4 00 5 20 6 90 9 30 9 and 10 4 50 5 00 5 50 6 80 9 00 12.00 11 and 12 13 and 14 7.00 7.50 9.10 12.50 12.10 16.50 15.80 i 21.00 15 and 16 23.00 29.00 Note Loose pulleys can be fitted with Babbitted or Bronze bushed hubs, as listed on page 67, or the Ring-oiling bushing described on page 68 may be used for high speed pulleys. FACING ENDS OF PULLEY HUBS The following prices are to be added to list price of pulley when hubs are ordered -Taced. (Subject to same discount as pulley) Bore of Pulley List Price (per end) IBore of Pulley List Price Bore of Pulley (per end) List Price (per end) Up to 1 if in $ 50 3 to 3 ft in $1 00 III 5 to 6 in $2 00 2 to 2 ft in .75 4 to 4H in 1.50 HI 6 to 8 in 2.50 San Francisco: Seattle $C Portland: Los Angeles EXTRA LARGE BORES IN PULLEYS Table of Maximum Bores allowable in Cast Iron Pulleys and in Steel Rim Whole Pulleys and also for m&<& Steel Rim Split Pulleys without bushings as listed on pages 21 and 22, at regular prices and schedule of percentages to be added to pulley prices for bores larger than allowable size. Pulley diameter inches 3 to 5 6 to 9 10 to 15 16 to 20 21 to 30 31 to 42 43 to 48 50 to 60 62 to 70 72 to 80 82 to 90 92 to 120 Max. bore al- lowed at regular price 1 1 A 1H 2A 2M 3 3H 4A 4H 5A 5H VA 7 1% 10 1 44 20 2ts 30 10 2A 40 20 2H 50 30 10 2M 3& 60 65 40 45 20 25 5 3^ 3H 70 50 55 30 35 10 15 5 3H tn 1 18 . 65 45 47M 25 27>6 15 n^4 5 71^ 2^ % 4 it 50 30 20 10 5 X 5A X 32*4 22% 123^ 7J^ 2U 5 A 35 25 15 10 5 5 36^ 26H 16^ \\y-2 6M \yV 28 4tk 18^* .. tt ,, 2 ) ~* /2 30 to 32 4rs 7 15 -17 4 1/ 36 to 42 4 to 16 4 jTj 6^2 I 4 2{|or3A 4H 18 to 26 4^ 16^* 28 4 7 18^* " 5 to 8 2 ^-3 or 3 T$ 5 72 tt tt tt 30 to 36 26%* ** ** " 10 to 12 3^ 5^2 44 to 60 6 to 16 4? '* ** " 14 to 16 3 TS \\IA* 18 to 26 4 A 1 18 1 A* 16 2 2 iV 3^2 ( 2^ 3>A !! !! .1 28 30 to 36 si 2oy 2 * 2& 1 A* / 7 14 3 7 4. l/ 62 to 72 6 to 16 6 or 8^i 10^2 " 4 2lior3^ 4M 18 to 26 2oy 2 * 41 * ',* 5 to 6 2 T| or 3 ^ 5/4 .. .. 1. 30 to 36 30^* 17 to 19 8 to 12 14 to 16 3 to 4 i&; 5 1 A 74 to 88 8 to 16 18 to 26 2oy 2 * 28 22y 2 * tt tt tt 5 to 6 2ifor3& e l/ <. .. .. 30 to 36 30X* 8 to 12 3 1*5 53^ 90 to 120 10 to 16 103^ 20 to 23 14 to 16 3 to 4 2ttor3A "H* 18 to 26 20^* tt tt ti 28 22^* ** *' ** 5 to 6 2 H or 3 I'g 53^ t t tt tt 30 to 36 30M* " 8 to 12 3* 5J^ *These are double and triple arm pulleys and length of hub is measured from outside to outside of the several hubs. For Price List of American Pulleys see next page. San Francisco: Seattle (60ttfrirfl Portland : Los Angeles PRESSED STEEL SPLIT PULLEYS (Continued) PRICE LIST (Subject to Discount) Dia. in. FACE IN INCHES 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 $2.28 2.40 2.52 3.15 3.22 3.30 3.38 3.45 3.65 3.90 4.05 4.20 4.35 4.50 $2.40 2.52 2.64 3.30 3.38 3.45 3.60 3.75 3.90 4.20 4.35 4.50 4.65 4.95 5.25 5.55 5.80 6.00 6.25 6.50 7.00 7.50 $2.52 2.64 2.75 3.45 3.60 3.75 3.90 4.05 4.20 4.63 4.80 5.20 5.45 5.75 6.00 6.38 6.75 7.50 8.00 8.55 8.70 8.90 9.20 9.55 10.80 12.00 13.20 14.40 15.90 19.50 21.00 23.25 '$2^75' 2.87 3.75 3.90 4.05 4.20 4.35 4.50 4.80 5.20 5.65 5.80 6.10 6.50 7.00 7.50 8.10 8.90 9.50 9.90 10.00 '$i!o5' 4.20 4.35 4.50 4.65 4.80 5.33 5.62 6.15 6.55 6.90 7.28 7.65 8.25 9.00 9.60 10.28 10.58 10.95 11.45 1 1 . 95 12.90 14.10 15.45 17.25 19.50 21.75 24.00 26.25 29 . 25 33.00 36.75 40.87 46.50 50.25 54.00 60.00 63.75 64.40 65.05 68.55 72.20 75.80 79 . 50 $i!95' 5.10 5.25 5.40 5.78 6.43 7.05 7.65 8.25 8.78 9.30 10.13 10.73 11.25 12.00 12.60 13.20 13.80 14.40 15.45 17.25 19.35 21.75 24.00 26.40 28.50 32.25 35.62 39.00 42.00 47.25 51.00 56.25 60.75 65.25 70.50 72.85 76.50 80 . 25 84.15 88.10 92. 15 $5'.60 5.75 5.90 6.00 6.45 7.20 8.03 8.80 9.45 10.05 10.65 11.25 12.00 12.98 14.10 14.75 15.68 16.40 17.10 18.15 19.90 22.50 25 . 50 28.65 31.05 33 . 75 37.50 41.25 45.00 48.75 53.25 57.00 61.50 66.75 71.25 77.25 84.30 88.20 92.20 96 . 35 100.70 105.05 $6'45' 6.90 7.65 8.40 9.00 9.75 10.50 11.25 12.00 12.90 14.25 15.60 16.80 18.00 19.05 20.20 21.30 22.90 24.75 26.86 30.00 33.75 37.15 40.15 43.50 47.25 50.25 54.00 58.50 63.00 67.50 72.75 78.37 84.00 95.95 100.10 104.35 108.75 113.55 118.15 $9.00 9.50 10.00 10.75 11.50 12.40 13.25 14.20 15.30 18.00 19.50 21.00 22.65 24.50 26.25 28.50 31.50 34.15 36.75 39.75 42.75 46.50 50.25 54.00 57.75 61.50 66.00 69.00 74.25 80.25 86.62 93.00 107.55 111.95 116.45 121.10 126.35 131.30 $10.25 10.75 11.25 12.00 12.65 13.65 14.50 15.60 16.90 20.55 21.30 24.30 26.25 29 . 25 31.20 34.50 38.10 41.65 45.00 48.60 51.75 55.15 57.75 61.12 64.50 67.50 75.00 78.75 83.25 90.00 96.37 102.75 119.95 124.60 129.35 134.25 139.95 145.40 $18^59' 22.60 23.43 26.73 29.92 35.05 36.15 40.35 45.00 48.37 51.75 55.50 58.87 62.25 65.62 69.00 72.00 75.00 84.00 90.00 96.75 104.25 110.62 117.00 132.30 137.20 142.20 147.40 153.60 159.65 For larger diameters see page 62. 60 San Francisco; Seattle tS0mjmtUJ Portland : Los Angeles PRESSED STEEL SPLIT PULLEYS (Continued) HOW TO ORDER PRESSED STEEL PULLEYS Always specify diameter, face, bore, and whether Crown or Straight face. If pulleys are ordered without either Crown or Straight face being specified, they will be supplied Crown. For non-shifting belts Crown faces are the best. For tight and loose pulleys Crown faces are the best. When a belt is to be shifted on the face of one pulley, running first on one side of the center and then on the other, specify a Straight face. Pressed steel pulleys can be bushed down to any size of shaft. For extra heavy work pressed steel pulleys may be keyseated at the following prices. NET EXTRA CHARGES FOR KEYSEATING For keyseating 3", 4" and 5" pulleys, add 30c each. For keyseating standard pulleys 6" diameter to 24" diameter inclusive, with faces to 12" wide inclusive, add 75c each; for standard pulleys 6" diameter to 24" diameter inclusive with faces wider than 12", add $1.50 each. For keyseating standard pulleys above 24" diameter with faces to 16" wide inclusive, add 75c each; for standard pulleys above 24" diameter with faces wider than 16" to 28" wide inclusive, add $1.50 each; for standard pulleys above 24" diameter with faces wider than 28" add $2.25 each. For larger bores not listed, prices on application. See table of standard hubs and bores on page 59. WIDER FACES PRICE LIST (Subject to Discount) Diameter inches FACE IN INCHES 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 24 25 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 $34.50 39.50 41.40 46.35 49.50 54.37 57.45 61.50 64.87 69.75 73.12 78.00 81.00 87.00 96.00 102.00 108 . 75 119.25 125.62 132.00 144.85 150.00 155.30 160.80 167.60 174.30 $81.67 87.56 90.75 96.19 100.26 111.98 115.69 127.05 130.68 148.83 159.72 166.98 175.14 198.73 206 . 44 214.17 241.10 250.40 259.95 269.85 281.20 291.90 $96! 31 99.82 105 . 80 110.28 123.17 127.25 139.75 143.74 163.71 175.69 183.67 192.65 218.60 227.08 235.58 254.50 264.05 273.85 284.10 295.95 307.20 '$il6!38 121.30 135.48 139.97 153.72 158.11 180.08 193.25 202.03 211.91 240.46 249 . 78 259.13 268.05 273.85 287.95 298.50 310.90 322.75 $i28i6l 133.43 149.02 153.96 169.09 173.92 198.08 212.57 222.23 233.10 264.50 274.75 285.04 288.70 291.75 302 . 20 313.05 326.00 338.50 $55.50 60.37 63.75 67.50 70.87 77.25 80.62 87.00 90.00 99.00 108.00 114.00 120.75 134.25 140.62 147.00 185.80 197.10 205.55 214.30 223.70 232.90 $61.50 66.37 69.75 73.50 76.87 84.75 88.12 96.00 99.00 111.00 120.00 126.00 132.75 149.25 155.62 162.00 201.65 210.20 218.95 227.95 237.85 247.35 $67.50 72.37 75.00 79.50 82.87 92.55 95.62 105.00 108.00 123.00 132.00 138.00 144.75 164.25 170.62 177.00 214.70 223.50 232.50 241.70 252.20 262.00 $74.25 79.60 82.50 87.45 91.15 101.80 105.18 115.50 118.80 135.30 145.20 151.80 159.22 180.67 187.68 194.70 227.80 236.85 246.15 255.70 266.60 276.80 Pulleys larger than 72 inches listed on next page. 61 San Francisco: Seattle & C601lfrtpb Portland : Los Angeles PRESSED STEEL SPLIT PULLEYS (Continued) For smaller diameter pulleys see preceding pages. PRICE LIST (Subject to Discount) Diameter Inches FACE IN INCHES 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 $96.35 100.65 105.05 109.60 114.25 119.00 123.90 128.90 $109.65 114.30 119.15 124.25 129.45 134.75 140.25 145.85 151.70 157.75 163.85 170 15 $123.20 128.35 133.70 139.35 145.10 150.95 157.10 163.35 169.85 176.55 183.45 190 55 $136.85 142.55 148.45 154.65 160.95 167.40 174.20 181.05 188.20 195.70 203.20 210 95 $151.50 157.75 164.20 170.95 177.90 184.95 192.40 199.90 207.65 215.85 223.95 232 35 $166.30 173.10 180.20 187.45 195.05 202.75 210.85 218.95 227.30 236.10 244.95 253 90 $181.50 188.95 196.60 204.40 212.65 221.05 229.80 238.55 247.45 256.85 266.35 275 85 $197.25 205.25 213.45 221.80 230.80 239.90 249.25 258.65 268.30 278.15 288.20 298 25 98 176 60 197 85 219 10 241 20 263 25 285 65 308 50 100 102 181.50 186 40 203.20 208 45 224.90 230 50 247.45 253 40 269 . 90 276 35 292 . 65 299 50 315.80 322 90 104 106 191.35 196 95 213.85 220 00 236.30 243 05 259.55 266 95 282.75 290 90 306.20 315 10 329.95 339 50 108 110 203 . 40 210 00 226.90 234 00 250.45 258 05 274.90 283 05 299 . 40 308 15 324.70 333 53 349 . 40 359 35 112 114 216.85 241.45 248 90 266.15 274 15 291.75 300 30 317.35 326 45 343 . 30 352 95 369 . 60 379 80 116 118 256.50 264 20 282.30 290 50 309 . 00 317 65 335.80 344 95 362.90 372 65 390 . 30 400 70 120 271.95 298 . 70 326.40 354.25 382 . 50 411.20 WIDER FACES (Continued) Diameter Inches FACE IN INCHES 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 74 76 78 80 $257.70 268.35 279.40 291.05 $272.90 284 . 10 295 . 75 307.00 $288.30 300.10 312.35 325.20 $303.95 316.35 329.25 342 . 65 $319.80 332.85 346.40 360.35 $335.90 349 . 65 363.80 378.35 $352.30 366.70 381.45 396.60 82 84 86 88 302 . 90 315.00 327.70 340 . 60 320.50 333.15 346.55 360.20 338.30 351.70 365.80 380.00 356.50 370.55 385.35 400.15 374.90 389 . 65 405.15 420 . 60 393 . 60 409 . 05 425 . 25 441.40 412.55 428.70 445 . 60 462 . 50 90 92 94 96 354.05 368.00 382.15 396.90 374.35 389.45 404.00 419.45 394.90 410.50 426.05 442 . 20 415.75 432.10 448.40 465.15 436.85 453.95 471.00 488.35 458.25 476.10 493.85 511.90 479.95 498 . 50 517.00 535.70 98 100 102 104 410.75 424.60 438 . 40 452.25 435 . 45 446 . 90 457.75 469.10 459.15 470.95 482.30 494.05 483 . 00 495.15 507.00 519.15 506.85 519.45 531.80 544.35 530.95 544.00 556.80 569.75 555.25 568.75 582.00 595.25 106 108 110 112 466.10 479.95 493 . 80 507.60 482.20 496.95 512.00 528.00 507.85 523.10 538.75 555.45 533.70 549.55 565.75 583.10 559.60 576.05 592.90 610.95 585.80 602 . 85 620.30 640.65 612.10 629 . 75 637.90 668.80 114 116 118 120 521.45 535.30 549.15 563.00 543 . 90 560.10 576.50 592.90 572.00 588.75 605.65 622.00 600.20 617.60 634.95 652.45 628 . 65 646 . 60 664.50 682.60 657.25 675.95 694.30 713.00 685 . 95 705 . 35 724.30 743 60 San Francisco; Seattle (S0ttfm& Portland : Los Angel* PRESSED STEEL SPLIT PULLEYS (Continued) APPROXIMATE WEIGHTS OF AMERICAN PULLEYS IN LBS. Dia. ROTT FAC ES 2" 3" 4" 5" 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" 18" 20" 22" 24" 26" 28" 30" 3" 1 2 1 5 1 6 4 1 9 7. 4 ? 6 7,9 5 2 4 3 3 3 3 6 6 7 8 6 7 9 7 7 11 7 8 12 8 9 14 8 10 15 16 21 9 11 12 13 14 16 17 7? 10 12 14 17 20 21 7S 31 37 11 12 12 14 17 18 18 19 20 22 21 24 23 26 34 37 39 40 50 52 .... 13 14 15 15 18 19 19 20 24 24 25 26 27 28 40 41 41 44 52 54 54 56 15 16 20 22 26 27 29 43 46 56 58 16 17 18 21 21 23 24 27 28 28 28 32 33 45 47 47 49 60 61 64 66 18 23 25 29 30 35 50 52 65 70 19 25 25 30 37 37 51 55 69 74 20 21 .... 25 25 26 26 31 31 33 35 38 39 52 54 56 59 67 71 91 94 100 103 .... 22 76 78 37 36 41 S7 60 7S Q9 107 23 31 32 38 39 45 59 64 82 102 111 24 37 34 38 41 48 61 65 89 107 114 118 25 y 47 53 65 132 4 7 75 87 97 104 110 124 131 185 201 26 3 7 48 55 67 136 4 7 77 8S 96 108 114 129 136 194 212 28 V 50 58 71 143 4 7 80 89 103 114 120 137 144 207 224 30 V 52 60 74 150 4 7 85 92 108 119 126 144 153 218 234 241 245 274 257 353 Dia. Bore FAC ES 4" 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" 18" 20" 22" 24" 26" 28" 30" 32" 34" 36" 32 34 36 38 40 4 7 " 4 7 4 7 4 7 4 7 92 96 100 104 108 102 106 110 115 119 112 117 121 126 131 125 130 136 142 147 143 150 156 163 170 152 159 166 173 181 160 168 175 183 191 226 237 246 255 265 244 254 266 278 289 253 264 276 288 299 279 290 303 318 333 292 306 319 332 345 296 309 322 338 355 367 384 398 415 432 374 391 406 423 440 428 447 465 438 457 476 Table of weights continued on next page. 63 San Francisco: Seattle C50ttfriP& (&0tttpatU) Portland : Los Angeles PRESSED STEEL SPLIT PULLEYS (Continued) APPROXIMATE WEIGHTS OF AMERICAN PULLEYS IN LBS. (Smaller diameters given on preceding page) FACES Dia. Bore 4" 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" 18" 20" 22" 24" 26" 28" 30" 32" 34" 36" 42 4 7 112 123 136 153 176 188 199 277 299 311 343 359 366 449 458 481 495 44 4 7 180 190 236 270 285 295 380 461 472 528 546 551 704 727 740 753 46 4 7 183 193 240 275 290 300 386 469 480 538 554 562 721 746 760 773 48 4 7 188 198 245 280 295 305 396 478 490 544 558 573 736 762 780 790 50 4 7 220 230 260 289 304 317 454 486 515 547 564 585 753 780 795 810 6 269 281 309 338 353 368 554 584 612 639 655 681 872 900 915 930 52 4 7 226 237 267 297 312 327 467 497 539 559 574 602 771 800 815 831 6 275 286 317 347 362 378 568 598 627 657 672 700 894 923 938 954 54 4 7 232 244 275 306 321 337 482 514 545 576 590 621 796 826 842 858 6 283 294 326 357 373 389 581 613 643 674 689 719 919 949 965 981 56 4 7 237 251 282 316 331 348 495 527 560 592 607 639 818 849 865 882 6 289 301 335 365 383 399 595 628 658 690 707 738 940 972 988 1005 58 4 7 244 257 291 322 340 358 509 541 575 609 625 656 839 872 889 906 6 295 308 342 375 393 409 607 643 674 708 725 757 962 995 1012 1029 60 4 7 250 263 298 333 349 368 520 555 590 623 641 673 861 894 912 930 6 302 315 351 384 402 420 621 658 691 725 742 775 984 1017 1035 1055 62 6 348 362 395 429 449 469 720 753 769 803 821 855 1150 1184 1204 1224 8 1 A 379 393 426 460 480 500 782 815 831 865 883 917 1243 1277 1297 1317 64 6 354 370 404 439 460 480 735 769 782 822 847 876 1167 1203 1224 1244 VA 387 401 435 470 491 511 787 831 844 884 909 938 1260 1296 1318 1338 FACES Dia. Bore 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" 18" 20" 22" 24" 26" 28" 30" 32" 34" 36" 66 6 363 378 413 449 471 492 750 785 803 840 859 896 1195 1232 1254 1275 VA 394 409 444 480 502 523 812 847 865 902 921 958 1288 1325 1347 1368 68 6 370 385 422 460 481 503 766 802 820 858 878 916 1218 1255 1277 1300 8H 401 416 453 491 512 534 828 864 882 920 940 978 1311 1348 1370 1393 70 6 377 393 431 470 492 514 787 818 837 876 896 935 1243 1282 1305 1337 8^ 408 424 462 501 523 545 849 880 899 938 958 997 1336 1375 1398 1430 72 6 385 401 440 480 503 526 796 835 854 894 915 955 1268 1308 1332 1355 8K 416 432 471 511 534 557 858 897 916 956 977 1017 1361 1401 1425 1448 74 6 409 448 490 513 537 813 852 872 913 926 967 1303 1329 1353 1377 8K 440 479 521 544 568 875 918 934 975 988 1049 1396 1422 1446 1470 76 6 423 457 499 524 548 828 868 888 930 953 995 1332 1349 1374 1398 8M 454 488 530 555 579 890 930 950 992 1015 1057 1425 1443 1467 1491 78 6 .... 442 466 510 535 560 844 885 906 950 972 1016 1353 1372 1397 1422 8M 473 497 541 556 591 906 947 968 1012 1034 1078 1446 1465 1490 1515 80 6 477 519 564 590 615 948 990 1011 1056 1079 1124 1462 1481 1507 1532 8^ 508 550 595 621 646 1010 1052 1073 1118 1141 1186 1555 1574 1600 1625 Table of weights continued on next page. 64 San Francisco: Seattle (&t*ttft\& Portland : Los Angeles PRESSED STEEL SPLIT PULLEYS (Continued) APPROXIMATE WEIGHTS OF AMERICAN PULLEYS IN LBS. (Smaller diameters given on preceding page) Dia. Bore Approximate Weights of American Pulleys 82 to 120 Inches in Diameter FACES 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" 18" 20" 22" 24" 26" 28" 30" 32" 34" 36" 82 6 485 529 575 601 627 965 1009J1031 1076 1101 1146 1485 1503 1530 1556 8H .... 516 561 606 632 658 1027 1071 1093 1138 1163 1208 1578 1596 1623 1649 84 6 531 578 621 651 671 1109 1152 1182 1222 1267 1302 1703 1741 1771 1813 sy 2 582 631 672 702 720 1211 1254 1284 1334 1369 14U4 1876 1914 1944 1986 86 6 542 593 632 663 682 1128 1169 1200 1250 1285 1320 1750 1785 1815 1855 8y 2 593 644 683 714 733 1228 1271 1301 1352 1388 1423 1904 1940 1970 2010 88 6 555 610 648 680 695 1144 1179 1224 1279 1309 1348 1772 1805 1835 1880 sy 2 601 656 694 725 746 1246 1285 1326 1381 1411 1450 1926 1959 1989 2034 90 6 615 650 690 711 1168 1198 1243 1288 1318 1362 1790 1820 1860 1895 8y 2 662 697 732 758 1262 1292 1337 1392 1422 1456 1931 1961 2000 2030 92 6 628 664 695 716 1196 1226 1272 1318 1350 1379 1827 1857 1897 1932 S^2 675 711 736 763 1290 1320 1366 1412 1444 1473 1968 1998 2038 2073 94. 6 640 667 698 720 1218 1248 1295 1342 1374 1414 1861 1891 1931 1966 8y 2 687 716 740 768 1312 1342 1389 1436 1468 1508 2000 2032 2072 2107 96 6 650 688 713 742 1339 1369 1417 1466 1498 1539 1890 1920 1960 1995 8 1 A 697 735 760 789 1443 1463 1511 1561 1592 1633 2030 2060 2100 2135 98 6 788 817 843 872 1512 1542 1591 1640 1678 1746 2290 2329 2369 2405 8y 2 835 864 890 919 1606 1646 1685 1734 1772 1840 2440 2470 2510 2546 100 6 801 841 868 897 1537 1569 1609 1659 1692 1775 2331 2361 2400 2435 8y 2 848 888 915 944 1631 1663 1703 1753 1786 1865 2472 2502 2541 2576 102 6 812 847 872 909 1559 1592 1623 1673 1707 1796 2369 2399 2439 2474 8% 856 895 919 956 1653 1646 1717 1751 1801 1890 2510 2540 2580 2615 104 6 825 866 896 926 1583 1617 1667 1717 1751 1822 2404 2434 2474 2509 8y 2 872 913 943 973 1677 1711 1761 1811 1845 1906 2545 2575 2615 2649 106 6 840 883 913 943 1614 1648 1700 1754 1789 1837 2461 2484 2543 2580 sy 2 891 932 963 992 1712 1746 1798 1852 1887 1935 2608 2642 2690 2730 108 6 853 895 925 956 1633 1669 1722 1777 1813 1861 2492 2528 2575 2618 sy 2 901 943 973 1004 1729 1765 1818 1873 1909 1957 2636 2672 2720 2762 110 6 906 948 979 1011 1737 1774 1828 1884 1920 1970 2649 2686 2735 2778 8y 2 946 988 1019 1051 1817 1854 1908 1964 2000 2050 2769 2806 2855 2898 112 6 918 962 993 1026 1762 1799 1854 1910 1948 1995 2685 2725 2790 2815 sy 2 960 1004 1035 1068 1845 1880 1935 2015 2025 2072 2812 2850 2875 2900 114 6 970 1000 1037 1780 1815 1870 1931 1969 2020 2705 2742 2802 2834 sy 2 .... .... 1010 1050 1083 1872 1910 1964 2035 2056 2112 2851 2880 2905 2920 116 6 978 1010 1045 1796 1840 1896 1951 1989 2045 2740 2782 2840 2865 sy 2 1018 1082 1127 1892 1929 1981 2043 2075 2132 2885 2905 2930 2940 118 6 990 1018 1056 1808 1851 1915 1965 2017 2068 2780 2820 2875 2895 8y 2 1030 1094 1135 1904 1941 1993 2055 2087 2154 2915 2940 2965 2987 120 6 1010 1030 1067 1821 1862 1926 1976 2028 2080 2804 2855 2895 2930 8y 2 1042 1106 1147 1915 1953 2015 2067 2098 2168 2950 2975 3000 3030 San Francisco: Seattle & Portland : Los Angeles CAST IRON SPLIT LOOSE PULLEY BUSHINGS FOR m&<& STEEL RIM SPLIT PULLEYS OR AMERICAN SPLIT PULLEYS WITH PAUL'S POSITIVE -LUBRICATOR FOR LOOSE PULLEYS These bushings are made of cast iron, bored, turned, oil grooved, and fitted with Paul's Cups and Candle Lubricators. As the bushings are split, it is unnecessary to dismantle a line of shafting to apply them. When desired, bushings can be had babbitted at an extra cost. Sample lubricator candles will be supplied with every bushing, and extra candles can be obtained at prices given below. PRICE LIST (Subject to Discount) Standard Outside Diameter of Bushing Corresponding to Bores of Pulleys Inside Bores of Bushings Length of Bushings For Sty Amer Pulley face e and Fa< bel ican Separat- ingCollar e of Pulley given ow ffl&& Steel Rim Pulley Separat- face ingCollar Price each SI. 50 1.75 * 1ft" y 2 to ft" 3H" 3 3 /6" 2" 3 to 4" y%" wide Itt" * 4 to 5" Dia. Pulley to 1ft" 3H" W 4^" 2" 3" 4 to 5" K" wide 1.75 2.00 2.25 1H" to 1 ft" 4K" SX" 5H" 3" 4" 5 to 6" Standard 4" 5" 6" ^s" wide Standard Standard 2.00 2.00 2.75 3.00 2ft" 1 to I H" 4H" 5?/i" 5ft" 6ft" 3" 4" 5" 6" Standard Standard 4" 5" 6" %" wide Standard Standard 2.45 2.45 2.75 3.00 4.00 2H" 1 to 2 ft" 53 4 '" 7 ft" ek" 8K" 6" Standard 8" Standard \" 5" 6" 8" W wide \W " Standard 2.75 2.75 2.75 3.25 4.50 5.30 3ft" 1ft to 2 H" 5M" 7ft" 6^" 8H" 10M" 4" C// 6" Standard 8" Standard 10 to 12" Standard 6" 10" Yf." wide lH"wide Standard 3.20 4.20 5.20 5.90 5.90 '7.35 4ft" 1 !Hto3ft" 8M" 8M" 1W 6" 8" Standard 10 to 12" Standard 14 to 16" Standard = 6.00 7.50 8.50 8.50 *No lubricators supplied for these sizes, oil holes are provided in bushings. PRICES OF EXTRA LUBRICATORS, NET J4 in. pipe thread % in. pipe thread ^2 in. pipe thread PRICE LIST OF EXTRA LUBRICATOR CANDLES (Packed in wooden boxes, 100 candles to a box) 14: in. diameter J^ in. diameter YR in. diameter. . . .50c. each . 60c. each . 75c. each ..$2.00 . . 2.50 . 3.00 San Francisco: Seattle & Portland : Los Angeles BUSHINGS FLANGED SOLID BUSHING Babbitted or Plain SOLID BUSHING Made Babbitted or Plain SPLIT BUSHINGS With Planed Splits Made with or without Flanges either Babbitted or plain Prices below cover bushings in lengths up to about four times the shaft diameter, and different discounts are applied to the list Plain, Babbitted, Solid and Split bushings. CAPILLARY BRASS BUSHING (Sectional view showing it pressed into pulley hub.) Made solid only. CAST IRON BUSHINGS PLAIN OR BABBITTED, SOLID OR SPLIT Bore Dia. Outside Dia. Min. Lgth. Price min. length Addi- tional Flang- inches ing per each flange Bore Dia. Outside Dia. Min. Lgth. Price min. length Addi- i tional Flang- inchesing per each jflange 2H 2 $3.80 $0.55 $0.80 4^ 6 ~?g \ 5 $10.25 $1.55 $1.90 2ft " 4.00 .60 .90 4fi S" 10.95 1.65 2.00 3A 3 4.20 .65 1.00 4ft 11.70 1.80 2.10 2& 3A 4.40 .70 1.10 5;& 6 14.35 1.95 2.20 2A 3fi 4.65 .75 1.20 5re 7iV 15.20 2.10 2.25 3fi 4.90 .85 1.25 5fs 7H 16.15 2.25 2.35 2 ^jt 4 -C 5.15 .90 1.35 5 1 5 ** 17.20 2.40 2.45 3ft 4fi 4 6.45 1.00 1.45 6A 8A 7 20.80 2.55 2.55 3JL 4ft 6.90 1.10 1.55 6 _L 8fj " 22.15 2.70 2.65 3 " 5A 7.30 1.20 1.65 6 fi " 23.50 2.90 2.75 3 ft 7.75 1.30 1.70 6ft 9 " 25.00 3.10 2.85 4-& S ^4 S 9.65 1.40 1.80 BRASS BUSHINGS SOLID OR SPLIT ift Hi 2 $2.50 $1.20 $0.75 3A 3f| 4 $8.85 $1 55 $1.55 1 "rV IH 1 2.60 1.25 .80 3H 4^ 9 . 45 1 . 60 1.65 1 |i 2A ' 2.85 1.25 .90 3ft 4H 10.25 1.70 1.70 IH 2A ' 3.15 1.30 1.00 4& 4H 5 12.70 1.80 1.80 2A 2H 3 4.15 1.40 1.10 4 _L 5^ 1 3 . 60 1 . 95 1.90 2 5.15 1.45 1.20 A 11 5A 14.50 2.10 2.00 2 3^ 4 5.65 1.45 1.25 4. iA 5H 15.50 2.30 2.10 3A 6.15 1.50 1.35 5 A 5H 16.50 2.50 2.25 3fV 3H 4 8.25 1.50 1 45 CAPILLARY BRASS BUSHINGS These bushings pictured above are made solid only and are pressed tightly into pulley hubs. Large oil chamber is provided from which oil is fed by capillarity through felt wicks to the shaft. Prices will be quoted on application as cost depends on lengths wanted on account of pattern work. In asking for prices give exact length of pulley hub and state whether we are to fit bushing into hub. See also ring-oiling bushings on next page 67 San Francisco: Seattle l8fo?B $C (&QttflC\& (&0ttlpailj) Portland: Los Angeles RING-OILING BUSHINGS FOR LOOSE PULLEYS, FRICTION CLUTCHES, ETC. This invention is a perfect, self-oiling bushing, and will positively keep the shaft lubricated under any and every condition. It has large oil reservoir holding a month's supply of oil, which is fed to oil grooves by means of a revolving ring. Will not drip oil on floor and the bushing works perfectly, even at high speeds. PRICE LIST (Subject to discount) Classification Length in Inches Standard Bores in Inches 1A 1A 1H 1 2A 2& 2H 2H No. 4 Sleeve Outside Diameter 2A 4M 5X 6X 7M 8 1 A 10K 6.80 7.30 7.80 8.80 10.20 6.80 7.00 7.60 8.40 9.90 6.80 7.00 7.60 8.40 9.90 12.20 No. 5 Sleeve Outside Diameter 2H 4^ 5 1 A 6M 7 1 A SM 10JI 12M 8.30 9.20 10.40 11.40 12.80 14.60 16.60 8.30 9.20 10.40 11.40 12.80 14.60 16.60 No. 6 Sleeve Outside Diameter 3A 6j| 8j| 10J^ 12M 10.80 12.40 14.40 16.40 18.80 21.60 10.80 12.40 14.40 16.40 18.80 21.60 11.10 12.70 14.70 16.70 19.10 21.90 11 .40 13.00 15.00 17.00 19.40 22.20 12.40 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.40 23.20 Lengths given above cover sleeve portion of bushing, i. e., the portion for in- serting into hub 'of pulley. For Table of Dimensions see next page. For odd bores not listed take price of next larger bore. If bushings are desired with different outside diameters from those given, there will be an additional charge of 15 per cent, to the price. For Split Loose Pulley Bushings see page 66. San Francisco : Seattle $&&&? & Portland: Los Angeles RING OILING BUSHINGS (Continued) FOR LOOSE PULLEYS, FRICTION CLUTCHES, ETC. DIMENSION TABLES -A- t B (For price list of these bushings see opposite page.) ALL DIMENSIONS GIVEN IN INCHES Bushing Number E Bores Standard Lengths of Sleeves 4A 4B 1 A to 1 A 4M lYz to 1M ! 4M 6M 10M 5A 5B 1 it to 1 ft 6A 6B 6C 5> 6M ?M 6M 8M 3M i 6 3M 6 3A NOTE While the above lengths and diameters of sleeves are standard, they may be varied to meet any special condition. These Ring Oiling Bushings are for high speed idler pulleys, sheaves, sprockets, gears, etc., and insure lubrication under the most trying conditions, requiring refilling with oil only after long intervals. Pulleys, etc., are simply fastened to sleeve by means of set screws. San Francisco: Seattle OJ0tttpattg Portland: Los Angeles GILBERT WOOD SPLIT PULLEYS Section of Spoke and Rim of the GILBERT WOOD SPLIT PULLEY STYLE B Exhibiting the Fastening The spokes are built up separate from the rim, and then, under extreme pressure, forced into it and keyed tightly in place. The following pages will be devoted to the dissemination of a few FACTS WORTH KNOWING ABOUT GILBERT WOOD SPLIT PULLEYS. And a careful perusal of the facts presented will explain why the Gilbert Wood Split Pulley is steadily gaining in sales year by year, in spite of the many patent pulleys now in competition with it. mt & (lottfrbd (lompatuf VJ7 VLb : c^J PACIFIC COAST AGENTS San Francisco: Seattle HJ^0? & (Snttfrirf* (EflmpatUJ Portland : Los Angeles GILBERT WOOD SPLIT PULLEYS (Continued) A FEW REASONS WHY WOOD PULLEYS ARE GOOD PULLEYS AND GILBERT WOOD PULLEYS ARE THE BEST WOOD PULLEYS It has been clearly demonstrated by practical experience that maple presents a better surface than any other wood adaptable for pulleys. It is very hard, close and fine grained. The face of a maple pulley in use soon takes a high polish, which gives more perfect contact to belt. Gilbert Wood Split Pulleys weigh very much less than either solid or split iron or steel pulleys. Gilbert Wood Split Pulleys have a better belt surface than iron or steel pulleys. Haswell, the acknowledged authority, and most quoted by American mechanics, summarizes thus: "The ratio of friction to pressure for leather belts, when run over wooden pulleys, is 47; over turned cast-iron pulleys, 24." Consequently, equal power can be transmitted with less tension on the belt, which results in a saving in the cost of belting, by prolonging its life, and which reduces the strain on the shaft- ing and the friction of the journal, thus adding to the advantages obtained by the lighter weight of the wood pulley in saving frictional loss in power and in permitting the use of lighter shafting and hangers. Gilbert Wood Split Pulleys can be put on or taken off the shaft very easily, simply and quickly. They are in correct balance and run true and are safe under heavy loads and at high speeds. They do not get out of round and will withstand more severe shocks and greater compression than other pulleys. Gilbert Pulleys meet with little atmospheric resistance, as the spokes are set to cut the air, not to fan it and collect dust, as the spokes of many other pulleys do. This makes a greater difference in the power required than is generally supposed. Gilbert Pulleys have a perfect compression shaft fastening. The wood bushing (furnished to fit any shaft) takes a tighter hold on the shaft than set screws do, but, unlike them, does not injure the shaft. Gilbert Wood Split Pulleys will withstand a greater degree of heat or of moist- ure than other wooden pulleys, on account of the material of which they are made and the way in which they are built and finished. Gilbert Wood Split Pulleys are perfect in every mechanical detail, and the greatest care is used in their manufacture. We carry in stock at all times a large and complete assortment of standard sizes from 3 inches in diameter upward. All kinds of special pulleys made to order on short notice. (Continued on next page] 71 San Francisco: Seattle gggg Ottig Otttpattll Portland : Los Angeles GILBERT WOOD SPLIT PULLEYS (Continued) DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIOUS STYLES STYLE C STOCK PULLEY As made in sizes 3 to 14 inches diameter. Made of thoroughly seasoned maple, case hardened, and finished with two coats of varnish. It is bolted together the nuts on the clamping bolts being covered with sectional blocks which cannot get out of place. When putting the pulley on a shaft, all its parts are accessible from the face. By using different bushings, the same pulley may be made to Jit different sizes of shafting. Made in sizes from 3 to 14 inches in diameter. Our Style C Pulley is regarded almost universally as incomparably superior to any similar article manufactured. STYLE B STOCK PULLEY (Four spoke] As made in sizes 12 to 24 inches diameter. Pulleys from 12 inches to 24 inches in diameter, inclusive, are constructed with four sets of spokes, as shown here. Pulleys from 25 inches to 70 inches in diameter, inclusive, are constructed with six sets of spokes. Pulleys larger than 70 inches in diameter have eight sets of spokes. Made of thoroughly seasoned maple, the rim is both nailed and glued, case hardened, and finished with two coats of varnish. Each spoke is securely dovetailed into and glued in the rim, and is set in a line running direct from the center of the shaft to the rim thus affording its utmost support. They meet with little atmospheric resistance, as the spokes are set to cut the air, not to fan it and collect dust, as the spokes of many other pulleys do. On all pulleys over 14 inches in diameter, plates are used instead o f washers for the nuts on hub clamping bolts, thus distributing the compression over the entire length of the hub. Every pulley is perfectly balanced, the rims being turned inside as well as out- side. By using different bushings, the same pulley may be made to fit different sizes of shafting. Price List of Stock Pulleys on pages 74 and 75. 72 San Francisco: Seattle (&ttttft\& Portland : Los Angeles GILBERT WOOD SPLIT PULLEYS (Continued) DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIOUS STYLES STYLE D Special Pulley. STYLE B Six Spoke Stock Pulley. STYLE A Six Spoke Special Pulley. STYLE A Eight Spoke Special Pulley. Gilbert Special Pulleys with iron centers, are built from 2 inches^, in diameter up to 240 inches. The solid web iron-center pulley, known as the Style "D," is built from 2 inches up to 72 inches in diameter; and the spoke pulley with iron center, known as the Style "A," is built from 24 up to 240 inches in diameter. For all kinds of exceptionally heavy work or high speeds, these are the strongest, truest-running pulleys known. Thousands have been in use for years, some of them running at terrific peripheral speeds. Drop-forge work, brick-making, cement-making, saw- mill hogs and edgers, severe idler and tightener work, trip-hammers and main drives are some of the severe uses to which the special Gilbert Special Pulleys are par- ticularly adapted. Special pulleys are not carried in stock. Price list of stock pulleys on next page. 73 San Francisco: Seattle Portland : Los Angeles GILBERT WOOD SPLIT PULLEYS (Continued) Our stock consists of: Smallest diameter 3 / Diameter in inches only; no fractions. Faces are in Largest diameter 60 ) i ncnes ' w ^ tn M added in each case to assure belt surface. Larger diameters can be furnished to order. Wood bushings to fit pulley to shaft are furnished with these pulleys without extra charge. See table of bores and bushings on page 76. PRICE LIST (Subject to discount) Diameter Inches Faces in Inches 2 and 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 3 $2.80 $2.90 $3.10 $3.30 $3.70 4 2.80 2.90 3.10 3.30 3.70 "$i!io' $4.50 5 2.85 2.95 3.20 3.40 3.85 4.30 4.75 6 2.90 3.00 3.25 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 7 2.95 3.05 3.35 3.60 4.15 4.70 5.25 8 3.00 3.10 3.40 3.70 4.30 4.90 5.50 9 3.10 3.25 3.60 3.90 4.55 5.20 5.85 10 3.25 3.40 3.75 4.10 4.80 5.50 6.20 11 3.50 3.70 4.10 4.50 5.30 6.10 6.90 12 3.75 4.00 4.45 4.90 5.80 6.70 7.60 13 4.30 4.80 5.30 6 30 7.30 8 30 14 4.60 5.15 5.70 6^80 7.90 9^00 15 4.90 5.50 6.10 7.30 8.50 9.70 16 5.20 5.85 6.50 7.80 9.10 10.40 17 5.50 6.20 6.90 8.30 9.70 11.10 18 5.80 6.55 7.30 8.80 10.30 11.80 19 6.10 6.90 7.70 9.30 10.90 12.50 20 6.40 7.25 8.10 9.80 11.50 13.20 22 7.00 7.95 8.90 10.80 12.70 14.60 24 7.70 8.80 9.90 12.10 14.30 16.50 26 8.40 9.65 10.90 13.40 15.90 18.40 28 9.10 10.50 11.90 14.70 17.50 20.30 30 9.80 11.35 12.90 16.00 19.10 22.20 32 10.50 12.20 13.90 17.30 20.70 24.10 34 11.30 13.15 15.00 18.70 22.40 26.10 36 12.10 14.10 16.10 20.10 24.10 28.10 38 17.20 21.50 25.80 30.10 40 18.30 22.90 27.50 32.10 42 19.60 24.60 29.60 34.60 44 20.90 26.30 31.70 37.10 46 22.30 28.10 33.90 39.70 48 23.80 30.00 36.20 42.40 50 25.40 32.00 38.60 45.20 52 27.10 34.10 41.10 48.10 54 28.90 36.30 43.70 51.10 56 30.80 38.60 46.40 54.20 58 32.80 41.00 49.20 57.40 60 34.90 43.50 52.10 60.70 (See next page for wider faces.) Pulleys up to 30-inch (inclusive) can be had with 3-inch "face; where price is not given it is the same as for 4-inch face. Pulleys up to 14-inch (inclusive) can be had 2-inch face; prices are the same as for 3-inch face. For table of approximate weights see page 77. 74 San Francisco: Seattle $C (&Qtttti& (S0mjiatUJ Portland: Los Angeles GILBERT WOOD SPLIT PULLEYS (Continued) Please Observe. Gilbert Wood Split Pulleys are stocked in both crown and straight faces. Crown face pulleys are always furnished unless straight face is specified in ordering. WIDER FACES (For smaller faces see preceding page) PRICE LIST (Subject to discount) Diameter Inches Faces in Inches 14 16 18 20 22 24 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 ' '$5^80' 6.10 6.50 6.90 7.70 8.50 9.30 10.10 10.90 11.70 12.50 13.30 14.10 14.90 16.50 18.70 20.90 23.10 25.30 27.50 29.80 32.10 34.40 36.70 39.60 42.50 45.50 48.60 51.80 55.10 58.50 62.00 65.60 69.30 " '$7^60 " 8.50 9.40 10.30 11.20 12.10 13.00 13.90 14.80 15.70 16.60 18.40 20.90 23.40 25.90 28.40 30.90 33.50 36.10 38.70 41.30 44.60 47.90 51.30 54.80 58.40 62.10 65.90 69.80 73.80 77.90 $10.30 11.30 12.30 13.30 14.30 15.30 16.30 17.30 18.30 20.30 23.10 25.90 28.70 31.50 34.30 37.20 40.10 43.00 45.90 49.60 53.30 57.10 61.00 65.00 69.10 73.30 77.60 82.00 86.50 $13.40 14.50 15.60 16.70 17.80 18.90 20.00 22.20 25.30 28.40 31.50 34.60 37.70 40.90 44.10 47.30 50.50 54.60 58.70 62.90 67.20 71.60 76.10 80.70 85.40 90.20 95.10 $16.90 18.10 19.30 20.50 21.70 24.10 27.50 30.90 34.30 37.70 41.10 44.60 48.10 51.60 55.10 59.60 64.10 68.70 73.40 78.20 83.10 88.10 93.20 98.40 103.70 $20.80 22.10 23.40 26.00 29.70 33.40 37.10 40.80 44.50 48.30 52.10 55.90 59.70 64.60 69.50 74.50 79.60 84.80 90.10 95.50 101.00 106.60 112.30 Bushed to fit shaft. See table of bores and bushings on page 76. Larger sizes furnished to order. For table of approximate weights see page 77. For rule to determine size and speed of pulleys see page 149. 75 San Francisco: Seattle iH^fi? $C (&attft\& Portland : Los Angeles GILBERT WOOD SPLIT PULLEYS (Continued) WOOD BUSHINGS FOR STOCK PULLEYS Stock pulleys are bored as per table below and wood bushings furnished with every pulley when size of shaft necessitates one. PRICE LIST FOR EXTRA WOOD BUSHINGS (Subject to Discount) Outside Diameter Inches Length Inches Price Outside Diameter Inches Length Inches Price 1H 2 $0.25 3Ji 3 $.45 3 .30 4 .50 11 4 .35 11 5 .55 ii 5 .40 " 6 .60 6 .45 ii 8 .70 " 8 .55 " 10 .80 3 2 .30 " 12 .90 " 3 .35 " 14 1.00 n 4 .40 . 16 1.10 " 5 .45 " 18 1.20 " 6 .50 4^ 6 .70 " 8 60 8 .80 . 10 70 i 10 .90 12 .80 " 12 1.00 ii 14 .90 " 14 1.10 " 16 1.00 " 16 1.20 11 18 1.10 11 18 1.30 BORE FOR STANDARD STOCK WOOD PULLEYS Diameter of Pulleys Stock Pulleys are bored as given below, and will also go on any smaller size shaft. 3 and 4 inches 5 to 17 inches 18 to 48 inches 50 to 60 inches 1^ inches 3 inches. 3^/2 inches 4:^2 inches Pulleys can be bored larger upon special order. Price list for Wood Pulleys will be found on preceding page. 76 San Francisco: Seattle Portland : Los Angeles GILBERT WOOD SPLIT PULLEYS (Continued) APPROXIMATE WEIGHTS OF STOCK PULLEYS For price list of Wood Pulleys see pages 74 and 75. ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES. WEIGHTS IN Dia. In. Face of PL lley 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 22 24 25 3 1 A 1 A y. 1 1 1M 4 y i \y 1*4 ?. 2H 5 l \y* i4 ? 3 $ 1 A 6 \y> 2 2% 3 33/2 4% 6 7 7 \y. iy> 3^ 4 5 (*y 2 8^ 9M 8 2 32 3 U 4% 514 6W 8% 10% 11^ 9 332 4i/- 7^ 8 /4 8U n'4 15 17 10 4^ 5 8 1 A 9 10 12 16 18 11 s i A &y> 9 1 A 12 13M 18 22 25 28 12 5 1 1 A S\4 10 113/2 15U ! 18M 24 29 13 8 9U 12 14 17 19 25 32 14 9U 11 13 16 21M 25 33 37^ 139 15 10 12 14 17 25 28 34 40 45 16 12 13U 18 19 26 31 41 46 52 17 12 15 19 20 28 34 44 50 55 18 13K 16 20 22 29 35 46 53 62 19 14 16 22 24 30 38 48 56 65 20 16 19 24 26 34 42 51 60 67 21 22 .... 18 18 20 21 26 28 28 29 38 39 48 50 58 60 63 69 69 77 ?S 19 22 29 30 40 52 62 72 80 24 20 25 32 34 42 55 69 77 86 25 24 28 36 40 56 65 84 96 105 26 25 30 38 41 57 68 86 102 110 27 26 32 40 42 59 72 94 104 112 28 27 32 41 44 61 73 95 107 115 30 28 34 44 46 65 76 100 110 120 32 35 45 49 66 88 105 116 125 34 39 48 53 . 70 86 113 119 138 36 44 48 60 79 92 122 139 159 38 48 55 62 84 99 134 152 166 40 51 58 66 89 104 138 158 178 42 53 60 67 92 108 145 164 190 44 54 62 70 96 112 150 175 200 46 56 65 75 100 123 160 188 210 48 69 81 93 116 155 186 206 222 340 50 101 123 170 180 204 52 110 135 185 209 54 115 135 170 200 220 405 56 120 150 180 220 250 285 58 120 181 253 60 125 150 245 280 iis 77 San Francisco: Seattle UlktfH? & (Sottfrtrf* (0mpatt}J Portland : Los Angeles "CUMBERLAND TURNED AND GROUND" STEEL SHAFTING TRADE MARK We are Pacific Coast agents for, and carry in stock, "Cumber- land Turned and Ground" Steel Shafting, an article perfectly round, smooth, straight and true in size. It is the strongest and most perfect shafting in the market. A FEW WORDS ON SHAFTING We desire to call your attention to the following remarks re- garding Cumberland Turned and Ground Shafting: To some customers, who are not well informed, one shaft is as good as another; the price is the only thing they care to consider. There are others who consider quality as well as price. To these two classes of buyers we would direct our remarks. When several manufacturers claim they make the best, how are you to decide among them? You cannot, unless you have tried each kind or have been properly informed in regard to the difference. It is generally known that Turned Shafting, when properly made, is more desirable, as there is no lamination of the surface of the metal, nor is it subjected to internal strains. Taking it for granted that Turned Shafting is the best, is there any difference in Turned Shafting? Any first-class mechanic knows that it is almost impossible to turn a shaft perfectly round or parallel, owing to the difference in metal, wear of tools, etc., and if he uses a file to make it true he does not succeed. When necessary to have a perfect surface, he will grind it. That is just what is done in the manufacture of "Cumberland Turned and Ground" Shafting, and it is the difference between Cumberland Shafting and that made by all other manufacturers. The advantages of Turned and Ground Shafting are: First, being round and straight it can be run at a very high speed without heating of journals; Second, being very highly polished it is more at- tractive in appearance the surface being free from lamination makes it very desirable for piston rods, etc. ; Third, having no internal strains due to the process of manufacture, it is very desirable where strength is required, preventing accidents, loss of time, money and lives. Fourth, being true to size, couplings, gearings, etc., can be fitted at less cost. "Cumberland Turned and Ground" Shafting embraces all sizes from \T& to 5H. Smaller sizes are furnished in cold drawn; larger sizes in hammered steel. Price list on next page. 78 San Francisco: Seattle & Portland : Los Angeles "CUMBERLAND TURNED AND GROUND" STEEL SHAFTING (Continued) PRICE LIST OF STEEL SHAFTING New List Effective April 21, 1915 (Send for current base price.) Diameter of shaft Weight per foot Price per lb., cts. Diameter of shaft Weight per foot Price per lb., cts. JL .095 2 1 A Advance 2 10.68 Base M .167 1% 2A 12.78 " A .261 \y 2 " 2M 13.52 " V* .375 1 1 A 2|| 15.07 " re .511 1 2ir 15.87 - 1^ .667 1 2^A 16.69 11 _^ .845 1 2/^ 18.41 " \i 1.05 % 2H 19.29 " H 1.26 % 2M 20.20 1 1.50 1.77 2.04 Y? !! 3 16 23.04 24.03 27.13 }/2 Advance IA 2.35 3M 28.21 y* " l 16 2.67 " " 3 F 31.56 y 2 ;; 1 JL 3.02 ti U 32.71 1^ 3.38 tl U 3il 36.31 11 llT 3.77 3^ 37.56 <, 1/4 4.17 " " 31f 41.40 11 11 1 A 4.60 " " 4 42.73 i IH 5.05 " " 4iir 46.83 (i i. IT* 5.52 tl ti 434 48.24 u i ^ 6.01 ~\y (< 52.58 11 (i i/^ 7.05 i^ " 41^ 54.07 1/^2 " 1H 7.61 y 4k 65.10 11 11 1M 8.18 1 A 5 66.76 2 IK 9.39 i^ " 5ik 78.95 11 11 m 10.02 M 5H 94.14 23/4 Our stock lengths are 20 and 24 feet long. For these lengths no charge for cutting is made. We also have in stock a lot of sundry shafts cut from stock lengths; these we sell as cuttings, if not recut. "Cumberland Turned and Ground" shafting em- braces all sizes from 1 ^ to 5jf. Smaller sizes are furnished in cold drawn; larger sizes in hammered steel. Special sizes turned to order. Prices on shafts larger than listed will be quoted on application. For keyseating and cutting to special lengths, see page 80. For table of Horsepower of Steel Shafting see pages 80 and 81. BOXING AND BURLAPPING, NET CHARGES Boxing (minimum 75c.) Larger boxes at cost. Burlapping (minimum 25c.) Larger shafts or quantities at cost. Burlapping of ends only, 5c per 100 pounds. We recommend that all less than carload shipments be boxed. If the buyer is unwilling to bear the expense of boxing, we will not be responsible for safe delivery, nor will we entertain claims for bent or damaged bars. Customer should state with order if wanted boxed or unboxed. Send for latest Base Price and enter below. Base Price cts. Date 19 79 San Francisco: Seattle & (&Qttftl& Portland : Los Angeles KEYSEATING AND CUTTING SHAFTS NOTE When shafts spring out of true from keyseating an extra charge is made for straightening. PRICE LIST (Subject to discount) Dia. Keyseat- Cut- Dia. Keyseat- Cut- Dia. Keyseat- Cut- of shaft ing per foot or ting for each cut of shaft ing per foot or ting for each cut of shaft ing per foot or ting for each cut less less less ^to y $0.15 2re $0.60 $0.50 4& $1.30 $1.45 13 tol / x 20 2 65 60 4 1 45 1 65 1 YS $0.35 .25 2yf .70 .75 4i| 1.60 1.90 1 T6 .40 .30 3 Y6 .80 .35 5& 2 00 2.25 \il .45 .35 3^ .90 1.00 5H 2.50 2.75 ifl .50 .40 311 1.00 1.15 ITS .55 .45 3rf 1.15 1.30 For table of standard keyways see page 85. When ordering keyseated shafts, it should be plainly stated whether keyseat ends are to be left as made by the milling cutter, and if length wanted is top or bottom measure, if ends are to be drilled and bottom chipped level, or if ends are to be squared. See illustrations on page 84. H. HORSEPOWERS OF SHAFTS ^; R = R.P-M. (*FOR GENERAL SERVICE) Shaft (D = Dia.) Revolutions per Minute D D 3 100 125 150 175 200 250 300 400 500 1A 1.674 2.3 2.8 3.4 4 4.5 6 7 9 11 1 T6 2.970 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 16 20 1H 4.805 6.5 8 10 11 13 16 19 26 32 1H 7.273 9.8 12 15 17 20 24 29 39 49 2 JL 10.46 14 17 21 24 28 35 42 56 70 2y^ 14.48 19 24 29 34 39 49 58 78 97 2H 19.41 26 32 39 46 52 65 78 104 130 25.34 34 43 51 60 68 85 102 135 169 3A 32.38 43 54 65 76 87 108 130 173 216 40.62 55 68 82 95 108 136 163 217 271 3H 50.14 67 84 100 117 134 167 201 268 335 61.05 82 102 122 143 163 204 245 326 408_ 4^- 87 38 117 146 175 204 233 291 350 465 4i| 120.37 161 201 241 281 322 401 482 643 5^ 161.77 216 270 324 378 432 540 648 5H 209.33 280 350 420 490 560 700 . *For ordinary transmission of power involving no bending, a good grade of shafting may be used for 50 per cent more H. P. than given in table, but for head shafts and heavy work it is advisable to use 40 per cent less than H. P. given in table. For table of torsion and bending see next page. 80 San Francisco: Seattle OI0mpattg Portland : Los Angeles SHAFTING DATA Sizes of shafting required for Combined Bending and Torsion (From Link Belt Co., Rearranged.) (Price list of shafting given on page 79.) BASED ON TENSILE WORKING BENDIN(jMOMENT5INTHOU5AND5orlNCH-LB5fn \ ^ ") ^> Q ^ ^ va ^ ^ ^ o N. $ ^ * .3 9 3 i .6 4 ib & / M i 2 1 | J < 3 f~ 4 ^ ! 5 1 2 ^ ti ? 6 I a '/6 10 ^ T ONALMOMENTS iNTHOU5AND5oF 12.5 / 16 ^ > /5 ? 17-5 1 i 7 v , 20 i | 25 a E ^ * 30 i ^ 35 J 3 40 , /b K& 45 r J6 50 2 60 . fi 70 ^ fto r do ^ too 14O -! ^/ i J6O 9 Itfo 00 ^ *M 220 240 ; 26O f 260 CO 01 300 1 XO f - ^ '4 340 i 560 THE FoUOMNCf EW/lfLES MLL 5KVE TO ILLUSTR/ITE THE USE Or THE flBOSE /rttr THE /j > Sf>CT/vEtfo/ic#r2 32.66 37.74 $45 . 00 $55.00 $70.00 "$85!66' 4M 24.97 29.89 35.04 40.36 48.85 59.65 75.90 91.50 5 26.78 32.07 37.42 42.98 52.70 64.30 81.80 98.10 5 1 A 28.59 34.25 39.80 45.60 56.55 68.95 87.70 104.70 6 30.40 36.43 42.18 48.22 60.40 73 . 60 93.60 111.30 6^ 32.21 38.61 44.56 50.84 64.25 78.25 99.50 117.90 7 34.00 40.79 46.94 53.46 68.10 82.90 105.40 124.50 7*A 35.83 42.97 49.32 56.08 71.95 87.55 1 1 1 . 30 131.10 8 37.64 45.15 51.70 58.70 75.80 92.20 117.20 137.70 8H 39.45 47.33 54.08 61.32 79.75 96.85 123.10 144.30 9 41.26 49.51 56.46 63.94 83 . 60 101.50 129.00 150.90 9^ 43.07 51.69 58.84 66.56 87.45 106.15 134.90 157.50 10 44.88 53.87 61.22 69.18 91.30 110.80 140.80 164.10 10^ 46.69 56.05 63.60 71.80 95.15 115.25 146.70 170.70 11 48.50 58.23 65.98 74.42 99.00 120.10 152.60 177.30 11^ 50.31 60.41 68.36 77.04 102.85 124.75 158.50 183.90 12 52.12 62.59 70.74 79.66 106.70 129.40 164.40 190.50 12H 53.93 64.77 73.12 82.28 110.55 134.05 170.30 197.10 13 55.74 66.95 75.50 84.90 114.40 138.70 176.20 203 . 70 13^ 57.55 69.13 77.88 87.52 118.25 143.35 182.10 210.30 14 59.36 71.34 80.26 90.14 122.10 148.00 188.00 216.90 14M 125.95 152.55 193.90 223.50 15 129.80 157.30 199.80 230.10 15 H 133.65 161.95 205 . 70 236.70 Thickness at large end is same as for Gib Head Keys shown on page 89 at upper part of table. Table of standard Keyseats will be found on page 85. Standard taper of taper keys equals ^ inch per foot. For Straight or Feather Keys use square steel as listed on page 83. 87 San Francisco: Seattle Portland: Los Angeles GIB HEAD TAPER MACHINE KEYS Plain Taper Machine Keys listed on page 86. PRICE PER HUNDRED (Subject to Discount) Length of Keys under Head Inches *WIDTH OF KEY A M 16 N T5 H Tf N H H 1 3 4 2 5 6 2 7 ly 11 HH 12 13 15 $7.75 8.35 8.95 9.55 10.15 10.75 1 1 . 35 $8.35 9.00 9.75 10.50 11.25 12.00 . 12.75 13.50 14.25 15.00 15.75 $9.00 9.88 10.75 11.62 12.50 13.38 14.26 15.15 16.03 16.90 17.78 $9.70 10.70 11.70 12.70 13.72 14.73 15.74 16.75 17.76 18.77 19.78 20.79 21.80 22.80 23.80 24.80 25.80 $16. '66 18.83 21.00 23.17 25.34 27.51 29.68 31.85 34.02 36.19 38 . 36 40.53 42.70 44.87 47.04 49.21 51.35 53.49 55.63 57.77 59.91 $13.55 14.85 16.15 17.45 18.75 20.05 21.35 22.65 23.95 25.25 26.60 27.90 29.20 30.50 31.80 $15.40 17.00 18.60 20.20 21.80 23.40 25.00 26.60 28.20 29.80 31.40 33.00 34 . 60 36.20 37.80 39.40 41.00 42.60 44.20 45.80 47.40 $20.68 23.38 26.11 28.84 31.67 34.40 37.13 39.86 42.59 45.32 48.05 50.78 53.50 56.22 58.95 61.68 64.51 67.24 69.97 72.70 $22.52 25.77 29.07 32.37 35.67 38.97 42.27 45.56 48.85 52.14 55.43 58.72 62.01 65.30 68.59 71.88 75.17 78.47 81.77 85.10 $28.15 32.00 1 35.86 39.72 43.58 47.44 51.30 55.15 59.00 62.85 66.70 70.55 74.40 78.25 82.10 85.95 89.80 93 . 65 97.50 101.35 105.20 109.05 112.90 3 ^ fl 9. JJ 1 1 "fl 1 ^ y TJ (Price List continued next page) *Sketches below list show thickness at large end of key. Standard taper of taper keys equals ^ inch per foot. See table of Standard Key seats on page 85. For Straight or Feather Keys use square steel listed on page 83. San Francisco: Seattle MttSt & 1 7 60.6 5 70.3 3 8 ) 7 ; 10 r> x O 13 7 7 ^ 16 X 4 I 5 53.04 65.00 75.18 i 86.00 113.80 146.28 178.65 $206.34 56.96 69.37 80.03 91.25 120.71 154.83 188.90 218.17 6 2 6 0.8 8 73.7 3 84.8 8 9 6.5 f) 12 7.6 2 16 J.3 8 19 9.1 5 230.0 64.80 78.09 89.73 101.75 134.53 171.93 209.39 241.83 7 68.72 82.45 94.58 107.00 141.44 180.48 219.63 253.66 72.64 86.81 99.43 112.25 148.35 189.03 229.87 265.49 8 2 7 6.5 6 91.1 7 104.2 X 11 7.5 15 5.2 6 19 7.5 8 24 0.0 ) 277.3 3 8M 80.48 95.53 109.13 122.75 162.17 206.13 250.26 289.16 9 84.40 99.89 113.98 128.00 169.08 214.68 260.50 301.00 93^ 8 8.3 2 104.2 5 118.8 3 13 J.2 5 17 5.9 9 22 J.2 3 27 0.7 6 i 312.8 3 10 92.24 108.60 123.68 138.50 182.90 231.78 281.00 324.66 103^ 96.16 112.97 128.53 143.75 189.81 240.33 291.26 336.49 11 100.0 8 117.33 133.38 149.00 196.72 248.88 301.51 348.33 10 4.( i 121.6 9 138.2 3 15 4.2 5 20 3.( 3 25 7.4 4 31 1 .7 6 360.1 6 12 2 107.92 126.05 143.08 159.50 210.57 266.00 322.00 372.00 111.85 130.41 147.93 164.75 217.48 274.55 332.24 383.84 13 115.78 134.77 152.78 170.00 224.40 283.10 342 . 49 395.67 119.70 139.13 157.63 175.25 231.32 291.65 352.73 407.50 14 2 12 3.6 2 143.4 9 162.5 X 18 0.5 23 X.2 3 30 0.2 36 2.9 s 419.3 3 14H 147.75 167.53 185.75 245.14 308.75 373.22 431.16 15 152 00 172.48 191 00 252 05 317.30 383.47 443.00 156.26 177.43 196.25 258.96 325.85 393.71 454.83 *Sketches above list show thickness at large end of key. Standard taper of taper keys equals YS inch per foot. See table of Standard Keyseats on page 85. For Straight or Feather Keys use square steel listed on page 83. San Francisco: Seattle (g0ttfm& Portland : Los Angeles SHAFT COLLARS CAST STEEL Cut shows "Style A" Solid and Split CAST STEEL SAFETY SHAFT COLLARS PRICE LIST (Subject to discount) Bore inches List Solid Price Split Bore inches List Solid Price Split Bore inches List Solid Price Split Bore inches List Solid Price Split $0.62 $0.93 1& $0.90 $1.35 2 $1.45 $2.18 4JL $4.15 $6.23 % .62 .93 1 % .95 .43 ITS 1.60 2.40 4iV 4.70 7.05 Tk .62 .93 1 -j 3 ^ .00 .50 2J4 1.65 2.48 4ji 5.90 8.85 M .62 .93 1^ .05 .58 2 -*$ 1.80 2.70 5 6.06 9.09 14: .62 .93 1 & .10 .65 2^2 1.88 2.82 5 TS 6.55 9.83 14 .62 .93 1 % .15 .73 2 ij 2.10 3.15 5 j^ 7.20 10.80 1 .65 .98 1 ii .20 .80 2}| 2.40 3.60 5i| 8.60 12.90 1& .70 1.05 1M .25 .88 3 T6 2.70 4.05 6 8.78 13.17 \H .75 1.13 i i| .30 .95 3 TB 3.00 4.50 .80 1.20 l % .35 2.03 3H 3.30 4.95 i2 .85 1.28 Itt .40 2.10 38 3.60 5.40 For table of dimensions see next page. NOTE In some of the smaller sizes both Solid and Split (1^" to 2^" incl.) we have a lighter design of somewhat smaller outside dimensions This lighter collar is called "Style B" and is sold from the same list given above, but is subject to a greater discount than the standard or "Style A" collars. When ordering always specify whether "Style A" or "Style B" collars are wanted and also whether solid or split. SOLID SPLIT Cut shows "Style B" Cast Steel Safety Shaft Collars. 90 San Francisco: Seattle Portland: Los Angeles & <& SHAFT COLLARS (Continued) CAST STEEL DIMENSION TABLES c i Same dimensions whether Solid or Split. For price list of these collars see opposite page. ALL DIMENSIONS GIVEN IN INCHES (The following table applies to Style A only) Bore Inches B Bore Inches B Bore Inches IK IK IK IN IN IN IN IN IN 2 2 IN IN IN 2K 2M ^ * /* 18 IK 2M 2M 2K 2M 2K 1 H 2K 2K 2K 2K 2H 2H 2K 2K 2M 2Ji 2M 4M 2K 2K 3V/8 3\Cp co\ % 6 6 3 2A 20x 8 12 2% Y* 57 y* 6 4 5 i* 24x12 30x14 14 16 2% 3 y Vt 66 75 H *A 6 6 107 San Francisco: Seattle (gflttfrfc& Portland : Los Angeles ADJUSTABLE MULE STANDS The Mule Stand illustrated and listed on this page is our ad- justable type and the pulleys can be swiveled or turned and then held rigidly, in any position, making it possible to belt pulleys together when of different diameters and running at angles with each other in different planes. This stand is used where the conditions cannot be met by the plain mule stand shown on page 106. Mule Stands may be fitted with manila rope sheaves if desired. Price includes complete stand as shown in the cut above, two Hl&(i Steel Rim Whole Pulleys brass bushed, oil cups, guy rods with turnbuckles, etc. When shafts are ordered longer than lengths given in table on next page, the increased length will be charged for. PRICE LIST (Subject to discount) Diameter of 2-Pulleys, List No. Shaft Inches Price 1 1M 12x 6 $45 . oa 2 2 16x 9 57.50 3 2^ 24x10 85.00 4 2ff 28x12 120.00 5 2 32x14 145.00 For table of dimensions see next page. 108 San Francisco : Seattle $C (fepllfrig& Portland : Los Angeles ADJUSTABLE MULE STANDS (Continued) DIMENSION TABLES For price list see preceding page. ALL DIMENSIONS GIVEN IN INCHES E Bolts No. Dia. of Two A B C D Pul- Shaft Pulleys ley Shaft Size No. 1 1H 12x 6 10 6% y?, 60 IT^ y* 6 2 2& 16x 9 12 &y z Y* 72 1H % 6 3 24x10 14 ny ? , */4 84 1H Y* 6 4 2 i~t 28x12 16 12^ % 84 2^ % 6 5 2tt 32x14 18 13^2 K 96 m % 6 109 San Francisco: Seattle fH^H? & (Sflttfrtf & Portland: Los Angeles BELT TIGHTENERS On the following twelve pages we illustrate various styles of Belt Tighteners, and several sizes in each style, thus allowing customers to select the one best suited to their particular requirements. Belt Tighteners to meet special conditions will be made to order. SCREW ADJUSTING BELT TIGHTENER Cut shows it fitted with an M&(& Steel Rim Whole Pulley. This form of Belt Tightener is most suitable for horizontal belts and heavy service. It is fitted with babbitted ring-oiling bearings and it may be placed as shown in the cut or suspended with handwheels down. We have three sizes of frames; the largest will take pulleys up to and including 44 inches in diameter by 38 inches face, though the frames may be fitted with any smaller size pulley than the maximum listed below. Price does not include pulley. Select any pulley in our list within the capacity of the frame desired, and add its price to price of Tightener given below. PRICE LIST (Subject to discount) No. Shaft Travel Maximum Pulley Price 1 2 48 16 inches 27 " 18 in. dia. by 12 in. face 36 " " " 24 " $ 85.00 115.00 3 3A 39 " 44 " " " 38 " " 175.00- For table of dimensions see next page. *With narrow faced pulleys a 2^ inch shaft is used. 110 San Francisco: Seattle 4^0* Portland : Los Angeles SCREW ADJUSTING BELT TIGHTENERS DIMENSION TABLES ; = - --- "qr =; = - -- 25 - --&- -- v. 1 t T A 1 1 i r r2 For price list of this Belt Tightener see opposite page. ALL DIMENSIONS GIVEN IN INCHES Max- No. imum Pul- ley Shaft A B C D E F G H L J Bo No. ts Size 1 18x12 52 21 16 SU 18M 18 32 9 12 2 t *2 36x24 2f| 78 30 24 10 26^4 33 45 21 14 4^ 4 1 3 44x38 3A 106 36 39 11 32 52 60 36 17J4 8 4 1H *On the No. 2 Tightener a 2^ inch shaft is used for narrow face pulleys. Ill San Francisco: Seattle Portland : Los Angeles BELT TIGHTENERS (Continued] "PERFECTION" BELT TIGHTENER Cut shows it fitted with an M$c(& Steel Rim Whole Pulley. Our "Perfection" Belt Tightener illustrated above was especially designed for heavy, vertical belts. It travels in an arc thrown from lower pivot and has two cast iron racks formed to the same curve. It will work either to the right or left and can be locked at any position by simply turning the clamping handle shown in front of hand wheel. The bearing is on a sleeve full length of pulley face fitted with grease cups and provided with anti-drip pockets. At present we have but one size, which was designed to take a pulley up to, and including, 36 inches diameter by 24 inches face, though it may be fitted with any smaller diameter or narrower face pulley if desired. Price does not include pulley. Select any suitable pulley in our list and add its price to price of tightener given below. PRICE LIST (Subject to discount) Number Travel Maximum Pulley Price 1 2 24 inch 36 in. dia. by 24 in. face $99.00 3 For table of dimensions see next page. 112 San Francisco: Seattle <&0ttfrt& Portland : Los Angeles PERFECTION BELT TIGHTENERS DIMENSION TABLES For price list of these Belt Tighteners see opposite page. ALL DIMENSIONS GIVEN IN INCHES Max'm No. Pulley Shaft Bolts A B C D E F G H J K Dia. Face No. Size 1 18 17 2 36 24 1A 8 K 32 52 18 24 14 34 5y 2 25 fc 9 30 3 44 38 The above dimensions are for the maximum width pulley, though any smaller pulley can be used. 113 San Francisco: Seattle $lW8t $C Qfottfrtrf* C50ttt}iattg Portland : Los Angeles BELT TIGHTENERS (Continued) RACK AND PINION BELT TIGHTENER Cut shows it fitted with an M$c<& Steel Rim Whole Pulley. On this page we list our Rack and Pinion type of Belt Tightener. This will be found to be a powerful, quickly-operated piece of mechanism. It can be bolted to two timbers, and may be placed to work in any position. The handwheel shaft is supplied with a ratchet wheel and pawl to firmly lock the pulley at any tension. Bearings are babbitted ring- oiling. We make this tightener in three different sizes of frame, which will take maximum pulleys listed below or which can be fitted with any smaller size pulley if desired. Price does not include pulley. Select any pulley in our list within the capacity of the frame desired and add its price to price of Tightener given below. PRICE LIST (Subject to discount) Number Shaft Travel Maximum Pulley Price 1 2 1H IT! 20 inches 24 inches 14 in. dia. by 9 in. face 24 in. dia. by 15 in. face $42.00 53.00 3 ITS 36 inches 30 in. dia. by 21 in. face 127 00 For table of dimensions see next page. 114 San Francisco: Seattle & 050ttf t\X& Portland : Los Angeles RACK AND PINION BELT TIGHTENERS DIMENSION TABLES For price list of these Belt Tighteners see opposite page. ALL DIMENSIONS GIVEN IN INCHES Shafts Maxi- No. A B C D E F G H mum Travel I J Pulley 1 48 2014 29 3M 1 1 A 14% 8M 14^ 1 14x 9 20 | 2 60 2514 40^ sfl T 1 A 19^ 9 1734 1& 24x15 24 3 84 34X 2 55% 3M 9% 26 10H 25 1* 30x21 36 115 San Francisco: Seattle $C Portland: Los Angeles BELT TIGHTENERS (Continued) HANGER STYLE BELT TIGHTENER Cut shows it fitted with an M &(& Steel Rim Whole Pulley This style of Belt Tightener was designed to fulfill certain con- ditions not exactly met by the tighteners already described. It is similar to the screw belt tightener shown on page 110, though not quite so heavy. The bearings are babbitted ring-oiling and have long screw adjustment operated by means of the handwheels shown in the cut. Bearings are pivoted in the adjusting yokes to prevent binding in case both sides are not adjusted equally. It is chiefly used for horizontal belts and may be suspended from the ceiling or placed on the floor in the position shown in the above cut. Price does not include pulley select any pulley in our list within the capacity of the tightener desired and add its price to price of tightener given below. PRICE LIST (Subject to discount) Number Shaft Dia. Travel inches Maximum Pulley Price 1 1& 8 12 in. dia. by 8 in. face. . . . $40.00 2 Itt 10 15 in. dia. by 12 in. face. . . . 60.00 3 2^ 12 22 in. dia. by 18 in. face. . . . 100.00 For table of dimensions see next page. 116 San Francisco: Seattle & (&Qttftl& Portland: Los Angeles HANGER STYLE BELT TIGHTENERS DIMENSION TABLES For price list of these Belt Tighteners see opposite page. ALL DIMENSIONS GIVEN IN INCHES Max. Pulley Bolts Shaft Number A B C Dia. Face No. Size Dia. 1 2 12 15 8 12 2 4 1 1 $ I" 22 27 6 1 1 A 3 22 18 4 1M 2^ 10 39 9 1 A Table continued Take Number D E F G H up Frame L No. 1 24 1 S3./ 1 U 16 g 2 1^x24 2 30 22 W I 1 /*' 21 10 3 x30 3 36 34 6 IV? 28 12 3%x36 117 San Francisco: Seattle <80ttfrtrf* Portland : Los Angeles BELT TIGHTENERS (Continued) PLAIN SWING BELT TIGHTENER Shown equipped with an fH&( Steel Rim Whole Pulley This Belt Tightener is the well-known ' 'Swinging Frame" style. It is simple, effective and can be applied in almost any position. In most cases the combined weight of frame and pulley acting by gravity alone is sufficient to produce proper tension on belt, but at some angles of application, it may be desirable to use additional weight, which can readily be done either by attaching to frame or by means of ropes attached to eyebolts on frame the ropes to be passed over idler sheaves and supplied with proper weights. Pulley Bearings are babbitted and supplied with grease cups the bearings can be turned around and secured in any position so as to admit of grease cups being placed at any angle. This Belt Tightener is made in four sizes, each suitable for the maximum size pulley listed below, although the frames may be ordered with any smaller size pulley desired. Price does not include pulley. Select any pulley from our list within the capacity of the frame wanted and add its price to price of Tightener given below. PRICE LIST (Includes Dolly Boxes) Subject to discount Number Diameter of Pulley Shaft Maximum Pulley Price 1 2 i$ lie Ifl 14 inches dia. by 5 in. face 12 in. dia. by 8 in. face 16 in dia by 12 in face $24.00 29.00 35.00 3 2^ 24 in. dia. by 18 in. face 45.00 For table of dimensions see next page. 118 San Francisco: Seattle & Portland : Los Angeles PLAIN SWING BELT TIGHTENER DIMENSION TABLES For price list of these Belt Tighteners see opposite page. ALL DIMENSIONS GIVEN IN INCHES Shafts Maximum Number A B C D E Pulley F G 18 17H 13 1 A 14 8M 1W IT^ 14 x 5 1 2 24 36 20 2W. 17 22 17 22 11 is y ? , ift 12 x 8 16 x 12 3 48 34 30 29y 2 22 Itt 2A 24 x 18 119 San Francisco: Seattle & Portland : Los Angeles BELT TIGHTENERS (Continued) COUNTER-WEIGHTED BELT TIGHTENER Cut shows it equipped with an M$c<& Steel Rim Whole Pulley. This style of Belt Tightener is counterweigh ted to produce proper pressure against the belt and the weight can be adjusted along the lever to secure any desired tension. The lever bar can be set at any angle on the shaft, either in back or in front of the pulley, thus permitting tightener to be used on belts running in any plane whatsoever. The tightener can either be suspended, or supported from below on hangers (as shown in cut), or dolly boxes can be used, this feature depending on the particular conditions involved. The frames are made in three sizes, each to take maximum pulley as listed below, but they may be fitted with smaller pulleys if desired. Prices given below include a pair of shaft hangers, but not the pulley. Select any pulley in our list within the capacity of tightener desired and add its price to that of tightener given below. PRICE LIST (Subject to discount) Number Pulley Shaft Dia. Hangers to center of shaft Maximum Pulley Price 1 2 3 1& If* 2^6 22 inches 26 inches 36 inches 12 in. dia. by 8 in. face 15 in. dia. by 12 in. face. . . . 22 in. dia. by 18 in. face $35.00 50.00 70.00 For table of dimensions see next page. San Francisco: Seattle IK*?*? & (jgottfrfeft Portland : Los Angeles COUNTER-WEIGHTED BELT TIGHTENERS DIMENSION TABLES For price list of these Belt Tighteners see opposite page. NOTE This Tightener may be supported or suspended on shaft hang- ers (included in price) or Dolly Boxes can be used instead of hangers where conditions permit. ALL DIMENSIONS GIVEN IN INCHES Max. Pulley Shafts No. A B E F G H J Dia. Face Upper Lower j 48 15 12 8 32 24 12 6 1 A 1A s 1 A 22 2 60 18 15 12 30 17 10 2^ 1 ii 26 3 72 24^ 22 18 47 38 24 16 2tt 2A 36 121 San Francisco .-Seattle Jflp0 & (&Ottfmfo (SimtpaitlJ Portland : Lo, Angeles " SHORTCENTER" Belt DriVC THE PRINCIPLE Shortcenter Belt Drives are the result of a gradual development in the application of idlers in belt driving. This subject has been given a great deal of attention of recent years, especially in Europe, where the combined features of the system as generally adopted are known under names such as "Lenix" drives, etc., and our design, embodying the result of experience to date with these drives and the knowledge gained by the study of thousands of belt drives of all kinds, has been named the Jtt&(i Shortcenter Belt Drive. As shown in the diagram above, it consists principally of the proper application of a specially designed resilient idler pulley, and while the use of idler pulleys under spring pressure, swinging belt tighteners, etc., is not new, the former having been used for many years as an attachment on motors the study of the underlying principles and scientific application is new, as it has been found possible to install shortcenter belt drives in many cases where for- merly high speed chain drives were always used. Speed ratios such as 1 to 6, 1 to 7, 1 to 8 with very short centers are common and even higher ratios as 1 to 10, etc., are quite possible. The power obtainable with a given width of belt is also con- siderably higher than for ordinary drives sometimes as much as 100 per cent greater. Permanency of the installations is all that can be desired, as a correctly designed drive will run for years with no attention, save oiling, and is not to be compared with a high speed chain drive in general freedom from annoyance and smoothness of running. The application of the IB &(6 Shortcenter Belt Drive is very broad and covers light high speed devices to heavy transmissions of power. On the following pages we show a few characteristic drives. As the fH&(& Shortcenter Belt Drive is, strictly speaking, an engineering proposition, and must be designed to meet the special conditions of each case, to insure success we ask 'those requiring Shortcenter Belt Drives to answer fully all the questions given on page 127 when writing for prices. 122 San Francisco: Seattle QUmt}imUJ Portland : Los Angele* "SHORTCENTER" BELT DRIVES (Continued) M.&G.CO. SHORTCENTER Belt Drive from motor to a line shaft. The above picture shows its application to a vertical drive. SHORTCENTER Belt Drive operating a blower. It will be noted that in this installation the idler is pulled upward against the belt by means of counterweighted ropes. 123 San Francisco: Seattle (0ttfrtrf)l Portland : Los Angeles "SHORTCENTER" BELT DRIVES (Continued) SHORTCENTER Belt Drive from motor to air compressor. SHORTCENTER Belt Drive operating a 30 H. P. Dynamo. (See Description on page 122.} 124 San Francisco: Seattle & (60ttfrtril Portland , Los Angeles "SHORTCENTER" BELT DRIVES (Continued) (See Description on page 122.) Application of Shortcenter Belt Drive, showing large reduction of speed possible with this form of drive. In the case illustrated, speed ratio is about 10 to 1. Two applications of Shortcenter Belt Drive from motors to line shafts. One cut shows inclined drive with driving side of belt below, and the other shows a vertical drive. 125 San Francisco: Seattle OlWBt & (80ttfrfe& Portland: Los Angeles "SHORTCENTER" BELT DRIVES (Continued) Various designs in the tension idler stand showing three modifications in arrange- ment of arms, weights, etc. (See Description of "Shor teenier" Belt Drives on page 122.) 126 San Francisco: Seattle 4lfa?? & (001)18011 Portland : Los Angeles "SHORTCENTER" BELT DRIVES (Continued) (See description on page 122) In asking for prices on 4K&C& Shortcenter Belt Drives, be careful to acquaint us with the following information: 1 Maximum horsepower to be transmitted. 2 Revolutions per minute of the driving shaft. 3 Diameter of the driving shaft. 4 Revolutions per minute of the driven shaft. 5 Diameter of the driven shaft. 6 Distance between centers. 7 Position of the installation, send sketch* with dimensions marked thereon showing floor line also ceiling or walls, etc., if near and mention their construction. 8 Direction of rotation of driving and driven shafts. (Denote same on sketch.) 9 What is the drive to be used for? 10 What motive power actuates the driving shaft? 11 How much space is there on each shaft for pulleys? 12 If pulleys are on hand, give diameter and face of each. Upon receipt of all the information asked for above we will be enabled to submit figures on a suitable equipment. *The sketches of different cases below will give an idea of what we require. Be sure to mark which shaft is the driver and give all data asked for in list above, also any other information relating to interference or proximity of walls, foundations, other machinery, etc. 127 San Francisco: Seattle & (60ttfri& Portland : Los Angeles LEATHER BELTING Leather Belting is made in many grades and in many thicknesses known as, "light single," "medium single," "heavy single," "light double," "medium double," "heavy double," "triple," etc., and in most of these weights both "waterproof" and "plain". Therefore, in se- lecting a belt, care should be taken to specify the proper one for the work to be done, or, if in doubt, give us all the particulars and we will supply the grade most suitable. See pages 132 and 133 for belting data, horsepower tables, etc. OAK TANNED LEATHER BELTING Price per running foot (Subject to discount) Size Single Double Size Single Double ^2 in. $ 0.12 $ 0.24 per foot 14 in. $ 3.36 $ 6.72 per foot H .15 .30 15 3.60 7.20 H .18 .36 16 3.84 7.68 .21 .42 17 4.08 8.16 i .24 .48 18 4.32 8.64 1M .30 .60 19 4.56 9.12 i^ .36 .72 20 4.80 9.60 IX .42 .84 21 5.04 10.08 2 .48 .96 22 5.28 10.56 2M .54 1.08 23 5.52 11.04 2H .60 1.20 24 5.76 11.52 2M .66 1.32 25 6.00 12.00 3 .72 1.44 26 6.24 12.48 3M .78 1.56 27 6.48 12.96 3H .84 1.68 28 6.72 13.44 3M .90 1.80 30 7.20 14.40 4 .96 1.92 32 7.68 15.36 4^ .08 2.16 34 8.16 16.32 5 .20 2.40 36 8.64 17.28 5 1 A .32 2.64 40 9.60 19.20 6 .44 2.88 44 10.56 21.12 f>Yz .56 3.12 48 11.52 23.04 7 .68 3.36 52 12.48 24.96 8 .92 3.84 56 13.44 26.88 9 2.16 4.32 60 14.40 28.80 10 2.40 4.80 64 15.36 30.72 11 2.64 5.28 68 16.32 32.64 12 2.88 5.76 72 17.28 34.56 13 3.12 6.24 PATENT SOLID TWIST BELTING CUT LACE ROUND Revised List Effective January 1, 1915 Per foot Per running foot Adopted by Lace Leather Manu- facturers in the United States. H inch $0.05 14 inch. . . $0.08 HI > inch.. . . $0.38 Per 100 running feet ^ " 07 ft " .. .12 Ui " .... .48 U inch $2 . 50 III M inch $5*.50 M " 10 S " " ... .17 M " .... .60 A " . . 3.00 5 / s " 6.50 $ 14 TS " -. ... .22 \ly s " .... .80 ^inch.... 3.75 M inch..:. 7.50 % " 18 % " .. ... .4 - .... .96 A " 4.50|| Lace Cutters will cut up to ^8 inch thick leather and from ^ inch to % inch wide. Price each, $0.50. Wire lacing, lacing machines, and patent belt fasteners of all kinds will be quoted on application. Circulars on request. 128 San Francisco: Seattle & <&$ttft\& Portland : Los Angeles RUBBER BELTING Rubber Transmission Belting is made in several different grades by many different makers the various grades supplied by us are designated as "best," "high grade" and "standard" and are all covered by the manufacturers' list given below. In ordering, state grade of belt desired or mention all the con- ditions under which the belt will work and we will furnish the proper quality. RUBBER BELTING PRICE LIST Price per running foot (Subject to discount) Inch 2 Ply 3 Ply 4 Ply 5 Ply 6 Ply 7 Ply 8 Ply 1 $ .09 $ .11 $ .13 $ $ $ $..... 1 ^ . 11 . 13 . 16 1/4 .13 .15 .19 "'.23' 1M .15 .17 .22 .27 2 .18 .20 .25 .31 .37 2Yz .22 .25 .31 .38 .46 3 .26 .30 .37 .45 .55 3^ .30 .35 .43 .53 .65 4: .34 .40 - .50 .61 .75 .86 ^A .38 .45 .55 .69 .84 96 5 .42 .50 .61 .76 .91 .06 6 .50 .60 .72 .89 1.08 .25 1.44 7 .59 .70 .84 .04 1.25 .46 1.68 8 .67 .80 .96 .19 1.44 .68 1.92 9 .76 .90 1.07 .34 1.60 .88 2.16 10 .84 1.00 1.20 .49 1.77 2.09 2.40 11 .92 1.10 1.32 .63 1.96 2.29 2.62 12 .00 1.20 1.43 .78 2.15 2.50 2.85 13 .10 1.30 1.56 1.95 2.34 2.73 3.12 14 .19 1.40 1.69 2.11 2.54 2.96 3.39 15 .28 1.52 1.83 2.28 2.74 3.19 3.65 16 .37 1.65 1.96 2.44 2.94 3.42 3.92 18 .55 1.87 2.22 2.77 3.33 3.88 4.44 20 .74 2.09 2.49 3.10 3.73 4.35 4.97 22 1.94 2.33 2.77 3.47 4.16 4.85 5.54 24 2.16 2.60 3.08 3.85 4.62 5.39 6.16 26 2.38 2.86 3.39 4.23 5.08 5.93 6.78 28 2.60 3.12 3.70 4.62 5.54 6.47 7.39 30 2.82 3.39 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 32 3.04 3.65 4.31 5.39 6.47 7.55 8.62 34 3.26 3.92 4.62 5.78 6.93 8.09 9.24 36 3.48 4.18 4.93 6.16 7.39 8.62 9.86 38 3.70 4.44 5.24 6.55 7.85 9.16 10.47 40 3.92 4.71 5.55 6.93 8.32 9.70 11.09 42 4.14 4.97 5.85 7.32 8.78 10.24 11.70 44 4.36 5.24 6.16 7.70 9.24 10.78 12.32 46 4.53 5.50 6.47 8.08 9.70 11.32 12.94 48 4.80 5.76 6.73 8.47 10.16 11.86 13.55 50 5.02 6.03 7.08 8.85 10.63 12.40 14.17 52 5.22 6.29 7.39 9.24 11.09 12.94 14.78 54 5.46 6.56 7.70 9.63 11.55 13.48 15.40 56 5.68 6.82 8.01 10.01 12.01 14.01 16.02 58 5.90 7.08 8.32 10.40 12.47 14.55 16.63 60 6.12 7.35 8.62 10.78 12.94 15.09 1 7 . 25 129 San Francisco: Seattle (Stfttfrtrfl Portland : Los Angeles CANVAS BELTING Red Stitched Price per running foot (Subject to discount) Inches 4 Ply 5 Ply 6 Ply 8 Ply 10 Ply 1 $ .12 1)4 .18 2 .24 $0^30 $0^36 2H .30 .38 .45 3 .35 .44 .53 3Yz .39 .49 .59 4 .43 .54 .65 $0'.86 414 .47 .59 .71 .94 **/2 5 .51 .64 .77 1.02 6 .60 .75 .90 1.20 7 .70 .88 1.05 1.40 8 .80 1.00 1.20 1.60 9 .90 1.13 1.35 1.80 10 1.00 1.25 1.50 2.00 11 1.10 1.38 1.65 2.20 12 1.20 1.50 1.80 2.40 $3^66 13 1.43 1.79 2.15 2.86 3.58 14 1.54 1.93 2.31 3.08 3.85 15 1.65 2.06 2.48 3.30 4.13 16 1.76 2.20 2.64 3.52 4.40 18 1.98 2.48 2.97 3.96 4.95 20 2.20 2.75 3.30 4.40 5.50 22 2.42 3.03 3.63 4.84 6.05 24 2.64 3.30 3.96 5.28 6.60 26 3.12 3.90 4.68 6.24 7.80 28 3.36 4.20 5.04 6.72 8.40 30 3.60 4.50 5.40 7.20 9.00 32 3.84 4.80 5.76 7.68 9.60 34 4.08 5.10 6.12 8.16 10.20 36 4.32 5.40 6.48 8.64 10.80 38 4.94 6.18 7.41 9.88 12.35 40 5.20 6.50 7.80 10.40 13.00 42 5.46 6.83 8.19 10.92 13.65 44 5.72 7.15 8.58 11.44 14.30 46 5.98 7.48 8.97 11.96 14.95 48 6.24 7.80 9.36 12.48 15.60 SOLID WHITE COTTON BELTING Price per running foot (Subject to discount) Width in Inches 2 Ply 3 Ply 4 Ply 5 Ply 6 Ply 8 Ply 10 Ply 1 $0.04 $0.06 $0.09 $0.15 $0.20 \\/ 04 V> 06 \4 10 16 .22 1 /4 1H . u^/2 .05 v/u/^ .07^ .11 '.18 !24 13x- .05^ .083^ 12 . 19 .29 I 7^. 2 .06 .09J^ .13 .21 .30 $0.36 2*4 .07^ . 11 .15 .23 .32 .38 3 08 1^ 13 18 26 34 41 3H . \JO72 .10 '.15 ^20 ^29 !36 .'45 4 .11^ .17 .23 .31 .38 .50 4^ .13 .19 .26 .33 .41 .55 5 .14^ .21 .28 .36 .44 .58 $6.80' 5 1 A .16 .23 .30 .38 .47 .61 .85 6 .18 .25 .33 .41 .50 .65 .95 7 .21 .29 .38 .48 .58 .75 .10 8 .23 .33 .44 .55 .65 .85 .20 9 .26 .37 .50 .61 .73 1.00 - .40 10 .29 .42 .56 .69 .82 1.15 .60 12 .35 .50 .66 .83 1.00 1.35 .80 14 .43 .62 .78 .98 1.20 1.60 2.20 16 .49 .72 .90 1.15 1.40 1.95 2.45 18 .57 .82 1.00 1.28 1.55 2.15 2.70 20 .61 .90 1.15 1.45 1.75 2.35 2.95 22 .65 1.00 1.35 1.65 1.95 2.60 3.25 24 .69 1.10 1.55 1.85 2.16 2.85 3.60 130 San Francisco: Seattle (&0ttf tfeft Portland : Los Angeles BELTING DATA METHODS OF BELT SPLICING BRISTOL'S PATENT STEEL BELT LACING READY TO APPLY FINISHED JOINT Necessary for Canvas and Woven Belts and used a great deal on Rubber and Leather Belts. Prices of various kinds of belt fasteners and wire lacing machines on application. (In writing for prices mention size and style of belt and what work it will be used for). NUMBER OF HOLES REQUIRED (Per Side) Belt Holes Belt Holes 2 inch 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 21 12 inch... 14 16 18 20 24 28 25 29 33 37 41 49 57 WIDTH OF LACE REQUIRED inch lace will lace 1 to 2]4 inch Belt. " " 2K to 4^ inch Belt. " 5 to 6 inch Belt. " 7 to 10 inch Belt. ' 12 to 16 inch Belt. " 20 inch and wider Belts. REGULAR BUTT SPLICE FOR RUBBER AND LEATHER BELTS (For Price List of Leather Belting see page 128) STEP SPLICE, THE BEST FOR RUBBER BELTS PROPER LENGTH OF SPLICE For 12 inch belts. . .30 inch " 16 " " .. .32 " " 24 " " ...36 " " 30 " " ...40 " " 48 " " . ..48 " Step off the plies as shown, being careful not to cut plies beneath the portion removed. Scrape exposed duck carefully and coat with at least three coats of rubber cement allowing one to dry before put- ting on the next. When the last coat is tacky place ends of belt to- gether and pound. Then punch and sew with narrow lace leather, or rivet with copper rivets and burrs. For Price List of Rubber Belting see page 129. TO FIND LENGTH OF BELT In cases where pulleys are of nearly the same diameter and are at considerable distances, a fairly accurate and easy rule is as follows: Add the diameter in inches of the driving and the driven pulleys; multiply this sum by 3^ and divide by 2. To the number thus obtained, add twice the distance from center of shafts in inches, and the result will be the length of the belt (without lap) in inches. A more exact method of determining the length of belt necessary to connect two pulleys on dif- ferent shafts is as follows: - (R-r) 2 + (R 3.1416 -f r 3.1416) in which L is the distance R is the radius of the large pulley in inches, r is the radius Length of belt without lap = 2 V 7 L 2 from center to center of shafts in inches, of the small pulley in inches. 131 San Francisco: Seattle (g0ttfrt& Portland : Los Angeles BELTING DATA (Continued) Leather belts are manufactured in three grades as follows: 44 BEST" Made from center cuts only of pure oak tanned leather and may be had either waterproof or plain either single or double in three weights each heavy, medium and light. For heavy work and long life a better belt cannot be obtained. "HIGH GRADE" A fine belt for general usage, made either single or double in three weights each heavy, medium and light. "STANDARD" A light weight belt for light work, where a better belt is not required. Made single and double. ENDLESS BELTS WILL BE FURNISHED, EITHER FINISHED AT THE FACTORY OR PROPERLY SCARFED READY FOR SPLICING DYNAMO AND m$c<& SHORTCENTER DRIVE BELTS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION TRIPLE BELTS MADE TO ORDER For Price List of Leather Belting see page 128. APPROXIMATE THICKNESSES AND WEIGHTS OF LEATHER BELTS Designation Ounces per Thickness square foot inches Designation Ounces per Thickness square foot inches Light Single Medium Single Heavy Single Light Double 14 y s 16 A 18 % 25 % Full Medium Double. . . . Heavy Double Triple 29 A 32 % 48 A When ordering Belts state quality and thickness wanted. Heavy Double Belts should not be used on pulleys less than 14 inch diameter. Medium Double Belts should not be used on pulleys less than 10 inch diameter. APPROXIMATE EQUIVALENTS IN LEATHER, RUBBER AND CANVAS BELTING STYLE THICKNESS OF BELT Leather Belt Light single YK inch thick Medium single i^ inch thick Heavy single M inch thick Light double % inch full Medium double TS inch thick Heavy double Hi inch thick Triple A inch thick Rubber Belt (of 32 or duck)... 3 ply 4 ply 5 ply 6 ply 7 ply 8 ply 10 ply Stitched Canvas Belt 4 ply 5 5 or 6 6 or 7 8 10 12 (Rubber Belting is considered to be about rs inch thick per ply.) Note The above table is approximate only as manufacturers' claims show considerable variance. 132 San Francisco: Seattle (EfltttpatUJ Portland : Los Angeles BELTING DATA (Continued) HORSEPOWER TRANSMITTED BY LEATHER BELTS The table below is for properly designed drives using best quality of double leather belting Y% inch thick, and is figured to allow for the tension of slack side and the effect of centrifugal force. The figures are based on a working strain of 340 Ibs. per square inch of cross section and an arc of contact on pulley of 160 degrees. For other angles of contact multiply the H. P. of table by the following correcting figures: Arc of Contact Multiply H-Pby Arc of Contact Multiply H-P by Arc of Contact Multiply H-P by 100 degrees 110 " 120 " 130 " 140 " .74 .79 .84 .89 .93 150 degrees 160 170 " 180 " .96 1.00 1.02 1.06 190 degrees 200 210 " 220 " 1.10 1.12 1.14 1.16 SPECIAL NOTE Since the Horsepowers in table below are figured for belting ^8 inch thick, and, since the words "single" or "double" belt mean almost any- thing, the following figures should be used to multiply the H-P of table to correct it for any thickness of belt desired. r~ ~~i For Belts }/* inch thick multiply Horsepower of table by .333 " A " " " " -500 " " 14 " " " " " " " .666 " " A " " " " " " " .835 Speed Width of Belt in Inches in feet (Best double leather % inch thick) per Minute 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 H-P H-P H-P H-P H-P H-P H-P H-P H-P 400 2.10 3.15 4.20 5.25 6.3 8.4 10. 12. 14. 600 3.20 4.80 6.40 8.00 9.6 12.8 16. 19. 22. 800 4.20 6.30 8.40 10.50 12.6 16.8 21. 25. 29. 1000 5.24 7.86 10.48 13.10 15.7 20.9 26. 31. 36. 1200 6.20 9.30 12.40 15.50 18.6 24.8 31. 37. 43. 1500 7.70 11.55 15.40 19.25 23.1 30.8 38. 46. 54. 1800 9.10 13.65 18.20 22.75 27.3 36.4 45. 54. 64. 2000 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.0 40.0 50. 60. 70. 2400 11.80 17.70 23.60 29.50 35.4 47.2 59. 70. 82. 2800 13.40 20.10 26.80 33.50 40.2 53.6 67. 80. 94. 3000 14.20 21.30 28.40 35.50 42.6 56.8 71. 85. 99. 3500 15.90 23.85 31.80 39.75 47.7 63.6 79. 95. 111. 4000 17.50 26.25 35.00 43.75 52.5 70.0 87. 105. 122. 4500 18.80 28.20 37.60 47.00 56.4 75.2 94. 112. 131. 5000 19.70 29.55 39.40 49.25 59.1 78.8 98. 118. 138. Note Also see table of Pulley Horsepowers on page 148. 133 San Francisco: Seattle $&&&* & (g0ttfrt?& OI0tttpattg Portland : Los Angeles BELT TRANSMISSION The transmission of mechanical power from one shaft to another may be accomplished in many ways belts, ropes, cables, gears, chain, frictions, etc., and some of the methods have been brought to a high state of efficiency, but it is safe to say that Belt Drives still lead, and perhaps always will lead all other methods of transmitting motion from shaft to shaft in industrial plants. The reason for the maintained supremacy is the simplicity of this method, its flexibility, low cost, and efficiency when properly installed. When direct motor drives came forward a few years ago, it was generally thought that motors connected direct to all machines would in time displace entirely the method of driving by means of belts but while individual motor drives are of great value in some cases, they have on the whole, not made much progress against properly designed belt transmission. BELT DRIVES VS. DIRECT CONNECTED MOTOR DRIVES The following words from the pen of the late Mr. F. W. Taylor, an authority on scientific shop management, are of interest in this connection. He said: "The writer is firmly convinced, through large personal observa- tion in many shops and through having himself systematized two electrical works, that, in perhaps three cases out of four a properly designed belt drive is preferable to the individual motor drive for machine tools. There is no question that through a term of years the total cost, on the one hand, of individual motors and electrical wiring, coupled with the maintenance and repairs of this system, will far exceed the first cost of properly designed shafting and belting plus maintenance and repairs. There is no question, therefore, that in many cases the motor drive means in the end additional complica- tion and expense rather than simplicity and economy." NOTE The italics are ours. However, Belt Drives to give satisfaction must be properly designed to accomplish the work for which they are intended, and while the standard text books are full of data on the subject, we think that the data given on the preceding two pages and that to follow will enable the practical man to select the proper size belt for any drive he may wish to install, though we are ready at all times to assist through our Engineering Department in the proper proportioning of pulleys, etc., to secure the best results. 134 San Francisco: Seattle MttBt & (&$tttt\& (EflmpattlJ Portland : Los Angeles BELT TRANSMISSION (Continued) SPEED It must be remembered that while more horsepower can be transmitted by increasing the speed of belts, the increase is not proportionate to speed, but falls off rapidly above 4800 feet per minute, due to the action of centrifugal force. HORSEPOWER The figures given in table on page 133 make al- lowance for centrifugal force, and may be used for any thickness or style of belt by using the various modifying factors given on pages 132 and 133. LEATHER BELTING Used with the hair or grain side to the pulleys is what such horsepower figures are usually based on, as the co- efficient of friction is somewhat better sometimes rated as 30 per cent greater than the flesh side though this is open to ques- tion. CRACKING OF LEATHER BELTS Leather belts run the flesh side out are less liable to crack than when reversed as the fibers of the flesh side are more flexible. SLACK SIDE AND TIGHT SIDE The slack side should always be uppermost if possible, and the tight side underneath, as the arc of contact on the small pulley is thereby increased. LAGGED PULLEYS On difficult drives leather lagging on pulleys may be resorted to, as it increases the traction from 30 to about 50 per cent over plain metal rims. DISTANCE BETWEEN CENTERS In ordinary belt drives much depends on the distance between centers, and as a rule, with certain limits, the longer the better, as it increases the arc of con- tact and provides more "spring" in the belt to maintain contact on pulleys. RULE FOR CENTERS A rule for proper centers covering any drive is hard to give, but it may be generally stated make it four times the diameter of the largest pulley minus the diameter of the other pulley but never less than 8 or 9 feet for ordinary work. This is approximate only as much depends on conditions. VERY SHORT CENTERS Very short centered drives may be suc- cessfully installed by resorting to resilient idler pulleys see "SHORTCENTER" Drives on page 122. 135 San Francisco: Seattle QI0mpattg Portland: Los Angelc BELT TRANSMISSION (Continued) ANGULAR AND QUARTER TURN DRIVES Belts may be suc- cessfully run over pulleys that are not parallel to each other by observing the following rule: The center of the face of the driving pulley where belt leaves the pulley must be in line with the center of the face of the driven pulley where the belt leaves the pulley; in other words, the centers of the faces at the leaving sides must be in line-, such drives should be made of very long centers to get the best result, and are not reversible unless the relation of the pulleys is also reversed. See cuts below. Elevation Quarter Turn Drive Plan views of quarter turn and angle drives, showing center of leaving sides "A" of pulleys in line. In practice the belts stay in place better if pulleys are set slightly back of the point "A" as dotted at "B" and "C". These distances de- pend on the nature of the belt, but Bach, hi "Machinen-elemente," gives "B" as from .5 to .6 the width of the belt and "C" .1 to .2j:he width of the belt. 136 San Francisco: Seattle (&Qttftl& Portland : Los Angeles CAST IRON PULLEY FLANGES PLAIN FLANGES (See list below) *SLEEVE FLANGES These flanges are suitable for a variety of uses for the sides of built up Wood Pulleys, Paper Friction Wheels, etc. They are furnished bored, faced, keyseated or setscrewed. (Straight keyseats with setscrews over, always furnished unless otherwise specified.) We can also furnish flanges with sleeves. See cut above. PRICE LIST PER PAIR PLAIN FLANGES WITHOUT SLEEVES (Subject to discount) Dia. Inches Maximum Bore Inches List Price per Pair Dia. Inches Maximum Bore Inches List Price per Pair 6 1H $2.00 22 4 $16.00 8 m 2.50 24 4^ 19.50 10 2 3.50 26 4H 24.00 12 2 1 A 4.50 28 4% 28.50 14 2% 5.50 30 5 34.00 16 3 7.00 34 5M 45.00 18 3^ 10.00 38 6 l /2 58.50 20 3% 13.00 42 75.00 Flanges wanted with larger bores than listed above, will be subject to an additional charge. *Price of Flanges with Sleeves will be quoted upon receipt of sketch showing just what is wanted. 137 San Francisco; Seattle HJfcggg & (Sflttfrfefi (flOtttpattl| Portland : Los Angeles OIL WELL COUNTERSHAFT When the electric motor was introduced in the oil fields, its economy and conven- ience soon insured it a permanent place. However, owing to its speed of rotation be- ing much higher than the steam engine for- merly used, the matter of reducing the speed was met by a counter- shaft. iH & (& Oil Well Countershafts were the first successful counter- shafts used in the California fields and the new model above pictured is still a long way ahead of all others. This countershaft is principally used in oil well operations, but is also very useful in other work where a massive countershaft is required. The 4ft &( Oil Well Countershaft, as now made, embodies several distinct improvements over the models of several years ago and is fortified against every weakness developed by the daily use of the earlier models at hundreds of wells in the California fields. The new model is of very massive construction. Has long ring oiling bearings with reservoir. Lower half of bearings planed and recessed to receive the caps which are also planed and held immovable when in position. A number of sheet steel liners are accurately fitted between upper and lower parts of bearings to facilitate adjustment for wear. The frame is fitted with heavy planed sliding rails which are not separate as in the older models but are cast together in one rigid piece to hold all in perfect alignment and to allow belt tension to be regulated by the turn of a single adjusting screw and which may be done without stopping the motor or disturbing the alignment. The use of a heavy single pulling screw for adjusting while the planed guides preserve the alignment is a great improvement over the old style in which two lighter pushing screws were used for adjusting and which also had to be manipulated to maintain the alignment of pulleys. (Continued on next page) 138 San Francisco: Seattle <80ttf fltf* Portland : Los Angeles OIL WELL COUNTERSHAFT (Continued) This countershaft is made in two sizes 2ft" and 3H" to take care of all work connected with the pumping, pulling or drilling of wells, Altogether the H & <& Ring- Oiling Countershaft is the most improved, most substantial and in every way, the very best oil well countershaft now obtain- able. OIL WELL COUNTERSHAFT PRICE LIST WITHOUT PULLEY (Subject to discount) Shaft, 2H" diameter, base plate 24" x 34^" without pulleys. . . " 3M" " " " 24 n x42" " ... $ 85.00 100.00 NOTE As different size pulleys are required under different conditions, it is impossible to list the pulleys with the countershaft. See price of any size pulley required in pulley lists at the front part of this catalog, or let us know the condi- tions of work and we will submit price complete with the proper size pulleys. Extra heavy internally beaded Cast Iron Pulleys should be used to stand the work to which these countershafts are put. An JH&# Oil Well Countershaft at Work in one of the Derrick Houses in the California Oil Fields. 139 San Francisco: Seattle Jflgggg & (Sottfrigft ffi0mpatt|t Portland : Los Angeles 'THE REEVES" VARIABLE SPEED TRANSMISSION ''The Reeves" Variable Speed Transmission is applicable to any machine of whatever nature requiring speed changes. Wherever step cones, taper cones, expanding pulleys, gears, variable speed engines, motors or other devices have been used, "The Reeves" Variable Speed Transmission may be applied. It is made in sizes to transmit any amount of power up to 150 horsepower to perform any range of variation from 2 to 1 to 10 to 1. It gives quickly, any speed between fastest and slowest, without stopping; does not step from one speed to an- other but gives a gradual change, steady power and perfect control of the machine driven. A turn of a crank secures any speed you need. The frame is of cast iron, in two pieces, hangers cast solid with frame. The main boxes have ring-oiling bearings, and the hubs of the disks work against special roller-thrust bearings. Friction is reduced to the minimum and the efficiency is very high. The Transmission may be suspended from the ceiling or set upon the floor, and used the same as an ordinary countershaft. Belt from the line shaft to the constant shaft of the Transmission, and from the variable shaft to the machine to be driven. Either shaft may be used as driver or driven. IN MAKING INQUIRY of us as to the size of Transmission required for driving any machine the following data should be given us: 1 Kind of machine to be driven. 2 Diameter of drive pulley on the machine. 3 Width of belt used on this pulley. 4 Whether double or single belt is used. 5 Highest speed it is desired to run this pulley. 6 Lowest speed it is desired to run this pulley. 7 Speed of line shaft from which Transmission will be driven. 8 Whether Transmission is to be used on floor or ceiling. Before recommending the size of Transmission for driving any given machine, we must have complete data concerning same. Send sketches if possible. A large special catalog on "the Reeves" Transmission will be sent on request. 140 San Francisco: Seattle & (Snttfrtrf* J Portland : Los Angeles "THE REEVES" VARIABLE SPEED TRANSMISSION (Continued) Figure 2 Figure 2 shows exactly the opposite conditions, whereby the V belt on the driving shaft assumes the largest driving surface and the driven the smallest, thus propelling the driven shaft at its maximum speed. Figure 1 Figure 1 shows disks on driving shaft separated to admit V belt to the smallest driving surface and the disks on the driven shaft brought to- gether, so that the V belt assumes the greatest driving surface, thus pro- pelling the driven shaft at its mini- mum speed. HOW IT OPERATES Two pairs of cone-shaped disks "C" are spline mounted on two parallel shafts ''A" and "B". These disks have their apexes facing and are movable on the shaft, and are operated by pivoted levers "D", which are actuated by a screw "E" in such manner as to bring one pair of disks together while the other pair is separated an equal distance, and at the same time preserve a uniform tension of the special V belt. The faces of these disks form a V-shaped groove into which is fitted the specially designed V belt, having its bearing surface on the edges instead of the bottom, as an ordinary belt. The belt is fitted with hardwood blocks, of precisely the same length, bolted to the belt body, the ends of these blocks being given the proper angle to fit the faces of the disks, and tipped with leather. Proper tension of the belt may be maintained by adjusting the take-up screws "F". One pair of disks acts as driver and runs at a constant speed. The other pair acts as driven and runs at varying speeds. As the disks on the constant shaft are brought together so the belt assumes the larger diameter on same, the disks on the variable shaft are sepa- rated so the belt assumes the smaller diameter and the speed is in- creased. When the opposite condition prevails, the speed is de- creased. The shifting screw "E" is operated by a small hand-crank which is turned one direction to increase the speed and the opposite direction to reduce it. Price list is given on page 143. 141 San Francisco: Seattle jHpB & (gflttfmft QlflUtjmttg Portland : Los Angeles "THE REEVES" VARIABLE SPEED TRANSMISSION (Continued) EXPLANATION OF PRICE LIST AND TABLE GIVEN ON OPPOSITE PAGE To meet all the varying problems of speed control we manufac- ture the Transmission in fourteen different numbers and seven classes. The number indicates the size, and the class the amount of speed variation of the different sizes. Referring to maximum and minimum horsepower, as shown in the table, the maximum horsepower shown is the power that the Transmission will deliver from the variable shaft when the constant speed shaft is run at the maximum revolutions indicated in the table, and the "V" belt is at the largest diameter of the disks on this shaft. The minimum horsepower, as shown, is the power that the Transmission will deliver from the variable shaft when the constant speed shaft is run at the speed indicated in the table, and the "V" belt is at the smallest driving diameter it assumes on this shaft. The various Transmissions will carry the size pulley shown, or its equivalent, on the variable shaft. Working stress of belt, 60 pounds per inch of width. The constant speed shaft must not, under any condition, be run at a greater speed than indicated in the table; it may be run at a lesser speed, but in this event, the power transmitted will be propor- tionately decreased. We will not be responsible for the successful operation of the Transmission if instructions are not complied with. General Design, Nos. 7 to 10, inclusive, illustrating Power Shifting Device. The larger sizes are the same in principle as the smaller- sizes, except that they have heavy cast iron bases, and are built very strong to withstand extra hard service. They have either hand or power shifting device. On sizes Number 8 and above, the disks, instead of being driven by keys in the shafts are equipped with pin drive. 142 San Francisco: Seattle $C (80ttfrt& Portland : Los Angeles "THE REEVES" VARIABLE SPEED TRANSMISSION (Continued) TABLE OF CAPACITIES AND PRICES (Subject to discount) Read explanation of table on opposite page No. and Price CLASS A B c D E F G Ratio of total variation in speed of variable shaft 1 to 10 1 to 8 1 to 6 1 to 5 1 to 4 1 to 3 1 to 2 *Ratio of increase or decrease n speed of the variable shaft above or below the speed of the constant shaft 1 to 3.16 1 to 2.82 1 to 2.44 1 to 2.23 1 to 2 1 to 1.73 1 to 1.41 $100. 1 $125. 2 $175. 3 $225. 4 $300. 5 $400. 6 $500. Ma Mii Ma Ma Ma Mii Ma Ma Ma Mil Ma Ma Ma Mii Ma Ma Ma Mii Ma Ma Ma Mil Ma Ma Ma Mi Ma Ma x. speed con. shaft . . . limum H. P ximum H. P x. pulley on var. shaft x. speed con. shaft . . . limum H. P ximum H. P x. pulley on var. shaft x. speed con. shaft. . . limum H. P ximum H. P x. pulley on var. shaft x. speed con. shaft . . . limum H. P. 412 2H 5M 7x2 387 8M 7x3 346 5 HM 8x4 320 6M 15 9x5 300 8 1 A 19# 10x6 285 IOH 23^ 14x6 242 12& 2sy 2 14x8 425 2H sy 2 5x3 400 4M 8 1 A 8x3 357 SM HH 9x4 330 isfl 10x5 308 9^ 19J/6 12x6 293 12 24 16x6 250 14^ 29 16x8 437 3X 5% 6x3 412 5 8M 9x3 369 6% 12 10x4 340 9M 16 12x5 317 HM 2oy 2 14x6 300 14^ 25 18x6 257 17M 30 20x8 450 4 6 7x3 425 6^ 9 12x3 380 8M 12M 12x4 350 HM 16^ 14x5 325 14% 20M 16x6 310 is** 25M 22x6 265 22 31 24x8 290 11>I 7x4 270 ^A 15 8x5 260 6 19 8x6 220 iy 23 12x6 325 3M 83^ 7x3 300 11M 8x4 280 5^ * 267 7 19^ 10x6 227 8 1 A 23% 14x6 335 sy 2 m 8x3 310 9x4 290 (> 1 A 16 10x5 275 8 20 11x6 235 10 25 16x6 ximum H. P x. pulley on var. shaft x. speed con. shaft . . limum H P. ximum H. P x. pulley on var. shaft x. speed con. shaft . . . limum H. P. ximum H. P x. pulley on var. shaft x. speed con. shaft . . . limum H. P ximum H. P x. pulley on var. shaft 6K $850. 7 $1,000. 8 $1,200. 9 $1,800. 10 $2,600. 11 $3,600. 12 $4,800. Max. speed constant speed shaft . . . '. Minimum H. P 215 12 30 20x6 210 13 33 18x8 195 17 43 20x10 172 24 60 26x12 153 32 80 34x14 134 41 101 34x20 121 54 133 42x24 225 14 31 16x8 217 15 34 20x8 200 19 44 22x10 178 27 62 28x12 157 37 82 38x14 138 46 104 38x20 125 61 138 46x24 235 16 32 18x8 225 17^ 35 18x10 207 22 44 20x12 184 32 64 28x14 161 42 84 38x16 142 53 106 42x20 129 71 142 42x30 245 19 33 20x8 232 21 36 20x10 213 27 47 24x12 190 38 66 32x14 165 50 86 42x16 146 63 110 40x24 133 85 146 48x30 260 24 34 20x10 240 26 37 26x10 220 34 49 30x12 195 48 68 40x14 170 63 88 46x18 150 80 113 50x24 136 106 150 58x30 Maximum H. P Max. pulley on variable speed shaft. . . . Max. speed constant speed shaft Minimum H. P Maximum H. P Max. pulley on variable speed shaft Max. speed constant speed shaft Minimum H. P. Maximum H. P Max. pulley on variable speed shaft Max. speed constant speed shaft Minimum H. P Maximum H. P Max. pulley on variable speed si Max. speed constant speed shai Minimum H. P. laft t Maximum H. P.' Max. pulley on variable speed shaft Max. speed constant speed shaft Minimum H. P. Maximum H. P Max. pulley on variab Max. speed constant Minimum H. P Maximum H. P. le speed shaft speed shaft laft!! ... Max pulley on variab lejspeed si shed with id of the i Nos. 6 y% to 12 are not furni *To find the maximum spe< a wider range of variation of the variable shaft than 6 to 1 . /ariable shaft, multiply the speed of the constant shaft by the figures as found below; and to find the minimum speed, divide the speed of the constant shaft by the same figures. Class A 3.16 Class C 2.44 Class E 2. Class G 1.41 Class B 2.82 Class D 2.23 Class F 1.73 143 San Francisco: Seattle & (60ttfrtril Portland : Los Angeles OILERS AND GREASE CUPS Price List on next page "Empress" Plain Compression Grease Cups, made of Pressed Steel. The Standard for regular use. "Empress" Conveyor Grease Cup, made of Pressed Steel. (With plain end fitted with setscrew.) "Empress" Spring Compression Grease Cup, made of Pressed Steel. Has adjustable automatic feed "Van Duzen" Loose made of Cast Brass, centrifugal oiler. Pulley Oiler, An automatic 144 San Francisco: Seattle jflgggg & Portland : Los Angeles OILERS AND GREASE CUPS (Continued) PRICE LIST (Subject to discount) "EMPRESS" PLAIN COMPRESSION GREASE CUPS (Pressed Steel) Number Inside Diameter Pipe Thread Capacity Ounces Price Each 00 1 2 3 4 1 inch 1% inch 1^2 inch 2 inch 2^/2 inch 3 inch % inch % inch 34 inch % inch 3/ inch 3/6 inch H 2/3 2 3^ 5 $0.50 .65 .80 1.05 1.45 2.00 'EMPRESS" CONVEYOR GREASE CUP (Pressed Si eel) Number Diameter Diameter of Hole in End Capacity Ounces Price Each 3 y inch IMinch 8 $2.50 "EMPRESS" SPRING COMPRESSION GREASE CUP (Pressed Steel) Number Diameter Extreme Height Pipe Thread Capacity Ounces Price Each 00 1 2 3 134 inch 1^2 inch 1% inch 2^ inch 2 % inch 3% inch 4M inch S^g inch 6J^ inch 7M inch Y% inch 34 inch 34 inch ^8 inch 3^2 inch H i l^ 3 6 $1.30 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.75 "VAN DUZEN" LOOSE PULLEY OILERS (Cast Brass) Number Diameter Pipe Thread Capacity Ounces . Price Each 00 1 2 3 K inch 13^ inch 1^8 inch 1^8 inch 1J4 inch 3/8 inch 3/8 inch 34 inch ^ inch 34 inch /6 34 Yz H 1H $0.20 .25 .30 .40 .50 145 San Francisco: Seattle () 121 68 137 44 23 47 31 63 39 79 47 95 55 110 63 126 71 142 46 24 49 32 65 40 81 49 98 57 114 65 130 73 146 48 25 50 33 67 42 84 50 100 58 117 67 134 75 151 50 26 52 34 69 43 86 51 103 60 121 69 138 77 155 6 8 10 12 14 18 22 s D s D s D s D S D s D D 52 26 53 35 71 44 88 53 106 62 124 79 159 195 54 27 54 36 7: 45 90 54 1 08 63 12 6 81 163" 199 56 27 55 37 74 I 46 92 55 1 10 64 12 9 82 165 202 58 28 56 38 76 47 94 56 113 66 132 85 170 208 60 29 57 38 77 48 96 57 115 67 134 86 173 211 The H. P. being directly proportionate to diameter, width and speeds (except where centrifugal force begins to act disastrously) sizes and speeds not given may be interpolated, or see table on page 133. NOTE Heavy Double Belts should not be used on pulleys less than 14 inches diameter. Medium Double Belts should not be used on pulleys less than 10 inches diameter. 148 San Francisco: Seattle $C Portland: Los Angeles RULES F'or Determining Size and Speed of Pulleys (or Gear Wheels*) The driving pulley is called the Driver, and the driven pulley the Driven. To determine the diameter of Driver, (the diameter of the Driven and its revolutions, and also revolutions of Driver being given.) Diameter of Driven x revo^tions of Driven r _^ . ~ = Diameter of Driver. Revolutions of Driver . To determine the diameter of Driven, (the revolutions of the Driven, and diameter and revolutions of the Driver being given.) Diameter of Driver x revolutions of Driver : : r _. . ~ = Diameter of Driven. Revolutions of Driven To determine the revolutions of the Driver, (the diameter and revolutions of the Driven, and diameter of the Driver being given.) Diameter of Driven x revolutions of Driven Diameter of Driver = Revolutions of Driver. To determine the revolutions of the Driven, (the diameter and revolutions of the Driver, and diameter of the Driven being given.) Diameter of Driver x revolutions of Driver ~~:r: . . ~ = Revolutions of Driven. Diameter ot Driven For table of horsepowers of pulleys see opposite page. *To apply the above rules to gear wheels simply use the number of teeth on the wheels in place of the pulley diameters. DETERMINING SPEED OF INTERMEDIATE SHAFT IN DOUBLE REDUCTION DRIVES When the revolutions per minute of shafts "A" and "C" are known, to determine the revolutions per minute of shaft "B" to maintain uniformity in both reductions, use the following formula: V A x C - B (The letters referring to the revolutions per minute of the shafts.) 149 San Francisco: Seattle Portland: Los Angeles WEIGHTS OF VARIOUS MATERIAL In Pounds per Cubic Foot. Aluminum 160 Ashes, damp 43 Asphalt pavement 80 Asphaltum 90 Brass, cast 511 to 536 Brass, rolled 524 Brick, pressed 150 Brick, common 125 Bronze 552 Carbon, solid 219 Cement, Louisville 50 Cement, Portland 80 Cement, Rosendale 60 Chanxml 18 Clay, in loose lumps 63 Clay, in bank 119 Clay, fire 100 Coal, Anthracite, broken loose 54 Coal, bituminous, broken loose 50 Coke 26 Copper, cast 542 Copper, rolled 555 Concrete, from 120 to 140 Earth, loose dry 63 Earth, common loam, dry, loose 76 Earth, moderately rammed 95 Earth, as soft as flowing mud 108 Earth, slightly moist 72 Earth, as soft as mud packed 115 Flour 56 Glass, window 150 to 180 Glass, broken 90 Granite 170 Gravel 90 to 110 Gypsum, Plaster of Paris 143 Gypsum, in irregular lumps 82 Gypsum, ground loose, calcined 56 Ice... .. 58 Iron, cast 450 Iron, wrought 480 Lead 709 Lime, unslacked 30 Lime, ordinary quick, ground 52 Limestone, crushed 90 Mortar, average, hardened 106 Petroleum 55 Plumbago 140 Rosin 60 to 70 Salt 45 Saltpetre, Sodium Nitrate, fine 90 Sand, river 117 Sand, coarse 100 Sawdust 16 Shale, broken 85 Slate 175 Steel 488 Stone, broken 80 to 110 Sugar, Granulated 56 Sugar, Powdered 47 Tile 114 Water 62^ Woods Dry Douglas Fir 32 Oregon Pine 32 White Pine 25 Spruce 25 Yellow Pine, northern 34 Yellow Pine, Georgia 38 Maple 49 Oak, white 50 Oak, live 59 For weight per board foot take one- twelfth of the above. (Green wood weighs from 20 to 50 per cent more than the above figures.) Zinc.. ...438 FOOD STUFFS, ETC. Weights per Bushel, in Pounds. Apples, dried 26 Barley 48 Beans, castor 46 Beans, cocoa, crushed 45 Beans, white. 60 Beets, sugar 38 Bran 20 Buckwheat 48 Corn, on cob 70 Corn, shelled 56 Flour 70 Malt 38 Meal, corn 48 Oats 32 Onions.. . . . 57 Peaches, dried Peas Potatoes, Irish Potatoes, sweet Rye Salt, coarse Seed, blue grass Seed, clover Seed, cotton Seed, flax Seed, hemp Seed, Hungarian grass. . . Seed, Timothy Turnips Wheat.., Weights per Barrel of Different Materials. Beer, 15 gal. barrel, 15x20x25 inches high . . 180 Flour Beer, 31 gal. barrel, 18x26x32 inches high. .350 Oil, crude. . Beef 200 Pork Cement 300 Salt Fish 200 Soap 196 ... 400 200 280 . .256 RELATION BETWEEN BUSHELS AND CUBIC FEET Volume, Conversion Tables To change feet to bushels, multiply by .8035 To change bushels to feet, multiply by 1.2445 Weight, Conversion Tables Given weight of a bushel, multiply by .8035 to find weight of a cubic foot. Given weight of a cubic foot, multiply by 1.2445 to find weight of a bushel. 150 San Francisco: Seattle & (0ttfrtril ffl0mpatt}| Portland : Los Angeles WEIGHTS OF SHEET IRON AND STEEL U. S. Standard Gauge Birmingham Gauge Gauge No. Thickness in inches Weight per sq. ft. in Ibs. Gauge No. Thick- ness in inches Weight per sq. ft. in Ibs. Fractions Decimals Iron Steel Iron Steel 7-0's 1-2 .5 20.00 20.4 6-0's 15-32 .46875 18.75 19.125 5-0's 7-16 .4375 17.50 17.85 0000 13-32 .40625 16.25 16.575 0000 .454 18.22 18.46 000 3-8 .375 15. 15.30 000 .425 17.05 17.28 00 1 1-32 .34375 13.75 14.025 00 .38 15.25 15.45 5-16 .3125 12.50 12.75 .34 13.64 13.82 1 9-32 .28125 11.25 11.475 1 .3 12.04 12.20 2 17-64 .265625 10.625 10.8375 2 .284 11.40 1 1 . 55 3 1-4 .25 10. 10.2 3 .259 10.39 10.53 4 15-64 .234375 9.375 9.5625 4 .238 9.55 9.68 5 7-32 .21875 8.75 8.925 5 .22 8.83 8.95 6 13-64 .203125 8.125 8.2875 6 .203 8.15 8.25 7 3-16 .1875 7.5 7.65 7 .18 7.22 7.32 8 11-64 .171875 6.875 7.0125 8 .165 6.62 6.71 9 5-32 .15625 6.25 6.375 9 .148 5.94 6.02 10 9-64 .140625 5.625 5.7375 10 .134 5.38 5.45 11 1-8 .125 5. 5.1 11 .12 4.82 4.88 12 7-64 .109375 4.375 4.4625 12 .109 4.37 4.43 13 3-32 .09375 3.75 3.825 13 .095 3.81 3.86 14 5-64 .078125 3.125 3.1875 14 .083 3.33 3.37 15 9-128 .0703125 2.8125 2.86875 15 .072 2.89 2.93 16 1-16 .0625 2.5 2.55 16 .065 2.61 2.64 17 9-160 .05625 2.25 2.295 17 .058 2.33 2.36 18 1-20 .05 2. 2.04 18 .049 1.97 .99 19 7-160 .04375 1.75 1.785 19 .042 1.69 .71 20 3-80 .0375 1.50 1.53 20 .035 1.40 .42 21 11-320 .034375 1.375 1.4025 21 .032 1.28 .30 22 1-32 .03125 1.25 1.275 22 .028 1.12 .14 23 9-320 .028125 1.125 1 . 1475 23 .025 1.00 .02 24 1-40 .025 1. 1.02 24 .022 .883 .895 25 7-320 .021875 .875 .8925 25 .02 .803 .813 26 3-160 .01875 .75 .765 26 .018 .722 .733 27 1 1-640 .0171875 .6875 .70125 27 .016 .642 .651 28 1-64 .015625 .625 .6375 28 .014 .562 .569 29 9-640 .0140625 .5625 .57375 29 .013 30 1-80 0125 .5 .51 30 .012 31 7-640 .010385 .4375 . 44625 31 .01 32 13-1280 .01015625 . 40625 .414375 32 .009 33 3-320 .009375 .375 .3825 33 .008 34 11-1280 00859375 .34375 350625 34 007 35 5-640 .0078125 .3125 '31875 35 '.005 36 9-1280 .00703125 .28125 .286875 36 .004 37 17-2560 . 00664062 .265625 .2709375 37 38 1-160 .00625 .25 .255 151 San Francisco: Seattle C601lfttpb Portland : Los Angeles WEIGHTS OF FLAT IRON For price list of Flat Steel see page 83. Width in inches Lbs. per Lineal Foot Thickness in inches H A X A H X H H H 1 y .211 .361 .422 .491 .634 $/ .26 .42 .51 .64 784 9 X .316 .471 .633 .79 .95 1.26 "i'.ss 72 .37 .551 73 .915 1 .09 1 .46 1 .82 ' 2.19 / 8 1 .421 .623 .832 1.04 1.25 1.67 2.08 2.5 2.92 1H .475 .7 .94 .17 1.41 1.88 2.34 2.81 3.28 ' 's'.is' 1M .524 .782 .04 .3 1.56 2.08 2.6 3.12 3.64 4.17 l$ .574 .86 .15 .43 1.72 2.29 2.86 3.44 4.01 4.58 IX .631 .94 .25 .56 1.88 2.5 3.13 3.75 4.38 5. 1^ .682 1.02 .35 .69 2.03 2.71 3.38 4.01 4.74 5.42 iM .73 1.09 .4 1.82 2.19 2.92 3.65 4.37 5.1 5.83 2 .831 1.24 .67 2.08 2.5 3.33 4.17 5. 5.83 6.67 2M .945 1.41 1.88 2.34 2.81 3.75 4.69 5.63 6.51 7.5 2^ 1.04 1.56 2.08 2.6 3.12 4.17 5.21 6.25 7.29 8.33 2M 1.14 1.72 2.29 2.86 3.44 4.59 5.73 6.87 8.02 9.17 3 1.25 1.87 2.5 3.12 3.75 5. 6.25 7.5 8.75 10. 3M 1.35 2.03 2.71 3.38 4.07 5.42 6.77 8.12 9.48 10.83 3H 1.46 2.19 2.92 3.65 4.38 5.83 7.29 8.75 10.21 11.61 3M 1.56 2.34 3.12 3.9 4.69 6.25 7.81 9.37 10.94 12.5 4 1.67 2.5 3.33 4.17 5. 6.67 8.33 10. 11.67 13.33 4J^ 1.87 2.81 3.75 4.69 5.63 7.5 9.38 11.25 13.13 15.6 5 2.08 3.13 4.17 5.21 6.25 8.34 10.42 12.5 14.59 16.67 6 2.5 3.75 5. 6.25 7.5 10. 12.5 15. 17.5 20. NOTE The above weights will apply to steel bars if multiplied by 1.02. WEIGHT OF COLD ROLLED STEEL HEXAGONS For price list of Hexagon Steel see page 83. *Size inches Weight oer foot, Ibs. *Size inches Weight per foot, Ibs. *Size inches Weight per foot, Ibs. I .195 .29 1 Ire 2.94 3.33 J| 9.00 10.32 y% .43 1H 3.73 2 11.78 & .56 4.15 2 l / S 13.30 y .73 1/4 4.60 2^i 14.91 1 .93 1.15 ll 5.07 5.57 2$ 16.61 18:40 H 1.40 1& 6.07 2^1 20.29 H 1.66 134 6.62 2M 22.27 12. 1.91 i A 7.17 3 26.50 % 2.25 i /4 7.76 3J 31.10 H 2.58 1H 8.37 3^ 36.07 '"Size" for Hexagons is width across flats. 152 San Francisco: Seattle $lW8t & (0ttfrtriH (OjltttpatUf Portland : Los Angeles WEIGHTS OF ROUND AND SQUARE STEEL BARS IN LBS. PER LINEAL FOOT (One cubic foot of steel weighing 489.6 pounds) Size Inches Bar Bar Size Inches Bar Bar Size Inches Bar Bar 3 24 . 03 30.60 6 96.14 122 4 .'oio4' .0133 A 25.04 31.89 A 98.14 125^0 /^ .0417 .0531 H 26.08 33.20 1 A 100.2 127.6 & .0938 .1195 A 27.13 34.55 * 102.2 130.2 H .1669 .2123 M 28.20 35.92 104.3 132.8 P .2608 .3756 .3333 .4782 P 29.30 30.42 37.31 38.73 106.4 108.5 135.5 138.2 T6 .5111 .6508 T6 31.56 40.18 A 110.7 140.9 y* .6676 .8500 M 32.71 41.65 Yi 112.8 143.6 -16 .8449 1.076 TS 33.90 43.14 A 114.9 146.5 5/ 1.043 1.328 /9. 35.09 44.68 b A 117.2 149.2 H 1.262 1.608 ft 36.31 46.24 H 119.4 152.1 | 1.502 1.763 1.913 2.245 3 37.56 38.81 47.82 49.42 3 121.7 123.9 154.9 157.8 2.044 2.603 7^ 40.10 51.05 A 126.2 160.8 if 2.347 2.989 if 41.40 52.71 if 128.5 163.6 i 2.670 3.400 4 42.73 54.40 7 130.9 166.6 A " 3.014 3.838 A 44.07 56.11 1 A 135.6 172.6 3.379 4.303 y s 45.44 57.85 M 140.4 178.7 3.766 4.795 A 46.83 59.62 145.3 184.9 M 4.173 5.312 H 48.24 61.41 H 150.2 191.3 16 4.600 5.857 A 49.66 63.23 % 155.2 197.7 % 5.019 6.428 3/ 51.11 65.08 160.3 204.2 A 5.518 7.026 T6 52.58 66.95 H 165.6 210.8 ^ 6.008 7.650 y* 54.07 68.85 8 171.0 217.6 ^. 6.520 8.301 A 55.59 70.78 i/g 176.3 224.5 /I 7.051 8.978 5 /8 57.12 72.73 M 181.8 231.4 H 7.604 9.682 H 58.67 74.70 H 187.3 238.5 M 8.178 10.41 H 60.25 76.71 1 A 193.0 245.6 if 8.773 11.17 it 61.84 78.74 *A 198.7 252.9 /^ 9.388 11.95 63.46 80.81 H 204.4 260.3 if 10.02 12.76 tt 65.10 82.89 y s 210.3 267.9 2 10.68 13.60 5 66.76 85.00 9 216.3 275.4 T6 11.36 14.46 JL 68.44 87.14 y$ 222.4 283.2 M 12.06 15.35 y& 70.14 89.30 M 228.5 290.9 A 12.78 16.27 A 71.86 91.49 234.7 298.9 ) 13.52 17.22 M 73.60 93.72 y 241.0 306.8 JL 14.28 18.19 75.37 95.96 y* 247.4 315.0 % 15.07 19.18 3^ 77.15 98.23 253.9 323.2 TS 15.86 20.20 A 78.95 100.5 260.4 331.6 Yl 16.69 21.25 80.77 102.8 10 267.0 340.0 -h 17.53 22.33 82.62 105.2 280.6 357.2 % 18.40 23.43 % 84.49 107.6 M 294.4 374.9 ii 19.29 24.56 H 86.38 110.0 M 308.6 392.9 M 20.20 25.00 M 88.29 112.4 11 323.1 411.4 u 21.12 26.90 13 90.22 114.9 337.9 430.3 /-I 22.07 28.10 A 92.17 117.4 i^ 353 . 1 449.6 if 23.04 29.34 if 94.14 119.9 X 368.6 469.4 NOTE To correct the above weights for iron bars, multiply by the decimal .981. For price list of square steel bars see page 83. For price list of steel shafting see page 79. 153 San Francisco: Seattle & Portland : Los Angeles GAUGES OF METAL Various Standards Compared No. of Gauge U. S. Stand- ard Gauge, Inches Old English, Inches Washburn & Moen, Inches Birmingham or Stubs, Inches American or Brown & Sharpe, Inches 7-0's .5 6-0's .46875 5-0's .4375 0000 . 40625 .454 .393 .454 .460 000 .375 .425 .362 .425 . 40964 00 .34375 .380 .331 .380 . 36480 .3125 .340 .307 .340 . 32495 1 .28125 .300 .283 .300 .28930 2 .265625 .284 .263 .284 .25763 3 .25 .259 .244 .259 .22942 4 .234375 .238 .225 .238 .20431 5 .21875 .220 .207 .220 .18194 6 .203125 .203 .192 .203 .16202 7 .1875 .180 .177 .180 .14428 8 .171875 .165 .162 .165 .12849 9 .15625 .148 .148 .148 .11443 10 . 140625 .134 .135 .134 .10189 11 .125 .120 .120 .120 .09074 12 .109375 .109 .105 .109 .08081 13 .09375 .095 .092 .095 .07196 14 .078125 .083 .080 .083 .06408 15 .0703125 .072 .072 .072 .05707 16 .0625 .065 .063 .065 .05082 17 .05625 .058 .054 .058 .04525 18 .05 .049 .047 .049 .04030 19 .04375 .040 .041 .042. .03589 20 .0375 .035 .035 .035 .03196 21 .034375 .0315 .032 .032 .02846 22 .03125 .0295 .028 .028 .025347 23 .028125 .027 .025 .025 .022571 24 .025 .025 .023 .022 .0201 25 .021875 .023 .020 .020 .0179 26 .01875 .0205 .018 .018 .01594 27 .0171875 .01875 .017 .016 .014195 28 .015625 .0165 .016 .014 .012641 29 .0140625 .0155 .015 .013 .011257 30 .0125 .01375 .014 .012 .010025 31 .010985 .01225 .0135 .010 . 008928 32 .01045625 .01125 .013 .009 .00795 33 .009375 .01025 .011 .008 .00708 34 .00859375 .0095 .010 .007 .0063 35 .0078125 .009 .0095 .005 .00561 36 .00703125 .0075 .009 .004 .005 37 . 00664062 .0065 .0085 . 00445 38 .00625 .00575 .008 .003965 39 .005 .0075 .003531 40 .0045 .007 .003144 Elevator buckets are measured by the U. S. Standard Gauge, the gauge used by rolling mills for sheet steel, but when metal is heavier than No. 12 it is designated as steel plate and measured by Birmingham gauge. 154 San Francisco: Seattle & <&0ttfra& Portland : Los Angeles PIPE DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS WROUGHT IRON AND STEEL PIPE Diameter Transverse Areas Length of Pipe Num- Nominal per Square Foot ^f Nominal ber of Nominal Inter- nal Inches Actual Exter- nal Inches Approx- imate Internal Dia. Inches Thick- ness Inches Exter- nal Sq. Ins. Inter- nal Sq. Ins. Exter- nal Sur- face Feet Inter- nal Sur- face Feet Weight per Foot Lbs. Threads per in. of Screw H .405 .270 .068 .129 .0568 9.440 14.15 .241 27 /4 .540 .364 .088 .229 .1041 7.075 10.49 .42 18 % .675 .494 .091 .358 .1909 5.657 7.76 .559 18 K .840 .623 .109 .554 .3039 4.547 6.15 .837 14 % 1.050 .824 .113 .866 .5333 3.637 4.635 1.115 14 1.315 1.048 .134 1.358 .8609 2.904 3.645 1.668 UK 1M 1.660 1.380 .140 2.164 1.496 2.301 2.768 2.244 UK IK 1.900 1.611 .145 2.835 2.038 2.010 2.371 2.678 UK 2 2.375 2.067 .154 4.430 3.356 1.608 1.848 3.609 UK 2K 2 . 875 2.468 .204 6.492 4.780 1.328 1.547 5.739 8 3 3.500 3.067 .217 9.621 7.388 1.091 1.245 7.536 8 3K 4. 3.548 .226 12.566 9.887 .955 1.077 9.001 8 4 4.5 4.026 .237 15.904 12.730 .849 .949 10.665 8 4K 5. 4.508 .246 19.635 15.961 .764 .848 12.34 8 5 5 . 563 5.045 .259 24.306 19.985 .687 .757 14.502 8 6 6.625 6.065 .280 34.472 28.886 .577 .630 18.762 8 7 7.625 7.023 .301 45 . 664 38.743 .501 .544 23.271 8 8 8.625 7.982 .322 58.426 50.021 .443 .478 28.177 8 9 9.625 8.937 .344 72.76 62.722 .397 .427 33.701 8 10 10.75 10.019 .366 90 . 763 78.822 .355 .381 40.065 8 11 11.75 11*000 .375 108.434 95 . 034 .325 .348 45 . 950 8 12 12.75 12.000 .375 127.677 113.098 .299 .319 48 . 985 8 EXTRA STRONG PIPE 1 A $ X IM IK 2 2K 3K 4 4K 6 7 8 9 10 12 .405 .540 .675 .840 1.050 1.315 1.660 1.900 2.375 2.875 3.500 4.000 4.500 5.000 5 . 563 6.625 7.625 8.625 9 . 655 10.750 12.750 .205 .294 .421 .542 .736 .951 1.272 1.494 1.933 2.315 2.892 3 . 358 3.818 4.280 4.813 5.751 6.625 7.625 8.625 9.750 11.750 .100 .123 .127 .149 .157 .182 .194 .203 .221 .280 .304 .321 .341 .360 .375 .437 .500 .500 .500 .500 .500 .129 .229 .358 .554 .866 1.358 2.164 2.835 4.430 6.492 9.621 1 2 . 566 15.904 19.635 24.306 34.472 45 . 664 58.426 72.760 90 . 763 127.680 .033 .068 .139 .231 .425 .710 1.271 1.753 2.935 4.209 6.569 8.856 1 1 . 449 14.387 18.193 25.976 34.472 45 . 664 58.426 74.662 108.430 9.433 7.075 5.657 4.547 3.637 2.904 2.301 2.010 1.608 1.328 1.091 .955 .849 .764 .687 .577 .501 .443 .397 .355 .299 18.632 12.986 9.070 7.046 5.109 4.016 3 . 003 2.556 1.975 1.649 1.328 1.137 1.000 .893 ..793 .664 .598 .502 .443 .399 .325 .29 .54 .74 1.09 1.39 2.17 3.00 3.63 5.02 7.67 10.25 12.47 14.97 18.22 20.54 28.58 37.67 43.00 48.25 54.25 65.00 DOUBLE EXTRA STRONG PIPE K H IK IK 2K 3 I* f* 6 7 .840 1.050 1.315 1.660 1.900 2.375 2.875 3.500 4.000 4.500 5.000 5.563 6.625 7.625 8 . 625 .244 .422 .587 .885 1.088 1.491 1 . 755 2.284 2.716 3.136 3.564 4.063 4.875 5.875 6.875 .298 .314 .364 .388 .406 .442 .560 .608 .642 .682 .718 .750 .875 .875 .875 .554 .866 1.358 2.164 2.835 4.430 6.492 9.621 12.566 15.904 19.635 24.306 34.472 45 . 664 58.426 .047 .140 .271 .615 .930 1.744 2.419 4.097 5.794 7.724 9.976 1 2 . 965 18.665 27.109 37.122 4.547 3.637 2.904 2.304 2.010 1.608 1.328 1.091 .955 .849 .764 .687 .577 .501 .443 15.667 9.049 6.508 4.317 3.511 2.561 2.176 1.672 1.406 1.217 1.070 .940 .784 .650 .550 1.70 2.44 3.65 5.20 6.40 9.02 13.68 18.56 22.75 27.48 32.53 38.12 53.11 62.38 71.62 155 San Francisco: Seattle ffl>S? $C (&$tttn& (OjUttpattt} Portland : Los Angeles WEIGHTS OF STEEL ANGLES (With Fillet) IN POUNDS PER LINEAL FOOT Size in Inches Thickness in Inches y* A M A ' % ^ H A *A H % % H 1 5 /sx 5 /s MX M y*x % i x y s 1 x M 1 xl l^xl^ iMxiM l^x % 1 Hxi iy 2 xiy 2 iMxiM 2 xl*A 2 x\y 2 2 x2 2Mxl^ 2Mx2M 2^x1^ 2^x1% 2^x2 2^x2^ 2^x2% 3 x2 3 x2y 2 3 x3 3^x2 3Mx3M 3^x2^ 3^x3 3y 2 x3y 2 4 x3 4 x3y 2 4 x4 4^x3 5 x3 5 x3^ 5 x4 5 x5 6 x3y 2 6 x4 6 x6 7 x3y 2 8 x8 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.1 0.9 1.0 1.3 1.4 6.9' 1.0 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.3 ' i's' 2.2 2.1 2.1 2.5 2.3 2.8 2.4 2.6 2. -8 3.1 3.4 3.1 3.4 3.7 5.2 i's' 2.Q '2^4' 1.9 2.4 2.8 2.7 2.8 3.2 3.0 3.7 3.2 3.4 3.7 4.1 4.5 4.1 4.5 4.9 4.3 4.9' 'sis' 6.6 '2. '9' 3.4 '3^4' 4.0 3.7 4.5 3.9 'i.'s' 5.0 5.6 5.0 5.6 6.1 5.3 '(,.{' 6.6 7.2 7.2 7.7 8.2 7.7 8.2 8.7 'j!i' 4.0 4.6' 4.7 4.4 5.3 '5^3' 5.9 6.6 5.9 6.6 7.2 6.3 7.85 7.2 7.9 8.5 8.5 9.1 9.8 9.1 9.8 10.4 11.0 12.3 11.7 12.3 14.9 4.6 11.5 ' i .' 7 ' 5.3 5.0 6.1 e!i 6.8 7.6 6.8 7.6 8.3 7.2 '8.3 9.1 9.8 9.8 10.6 11.3 10.6 11.3 12.0 12.8 14.3 13.5 14.3 17.2 15.0 5.6 6.8 '6.8 7.7 8.5 7.7 8.5 9.4 8.1 9'4 10.2 11.1 11.1 11.9 12.8 11.9 12.8 13.6 14.5 16.2 15.3 16.2 19.6 17.0 26.4 9. '5 10.4 9.0 10.4 11.4 12.4 12.4 13.3 14.3 13.3 14.3 15.2 16.2 18.1 17.1 18.1 21.9 19.1 29.6 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 15.8 17.1 17.1 19.9 18.5 19.9 21.3 22.7 25.4 24.0 25.4 31.0 26.8 42.0 22.1 24.2 27.2 25.7 27.2 33.1 28.7 45.0 ii.'s 12.5 13.6 13.6 14.7 15.7 14.7 15.7 16.8 17.8 20.0 18.9 20.0 24.2 21.0 32.7 ii.'s 13.6 14.8 14.8 16.0 17.1 16.0 17.1 18.3 19.5 21 .8 20.6 21.8 26.5 23.0 35.8 14.7 16.0 16.0 17.3 18.5 17.3 18.5 19.8 21.1 23.6 22.4 23.6 28.7 24.9 3H.9 28^9 27.3 28.9 35.3 30.5 48.1 .... 30.6 28.9 30.6 37.4 32.3 51.0 WEIGHTS OF STEEL TEES IN POUNDS PER LINEAL FOOT. ALL DIMENSIONS GIVEN IN INCHES SIZE Flange first then Stem Thickness of Flange at Edge SIZE Flange first then Stem Thickness, Flange at Edge % A H A K A y 2 A 3 /8 A K 1 xl 2 Xl^2 2 x2 2 l Ax2y 2 2^x2% 23^x3 2^x2 3 x2J^ 3 x3 3 x3y 2 3 x4 1.0 1.3 1.7 2.0 2.1 ' "i.\ 2.6 3.2 3.2 3.7 4.2 aighi ' ' 11. '0 11.9 3^x3 j 4 2 x2 4 x2^ 4 x3 4 x4 4 x4y 2 4 x5 4j|x3 5 x3 2 *7.7 "6.7 7.4 8^6 8.7 9.3 10.0 7.9 8.7 9.3 10.9 11.6 12 3 9.3 10.0 tii.o 11.0 11.9 12.8 'l3.'9' 14.8 15.7 4.4 5.0 5.6 5.9 6.2 7.4 6.2 6.8 6.5 6.8 7.2 Stem %" 7.2 7.9 8.6 9.3 thick, str 9^8 10.6 **15.9 tt!3.6 *Stem is ^" thick not tapered. **Stem is tapered {^ to J/g" thick. fStem is tapered ^ to f J" thick. ffStem is tapered J3 to Y thick. 156 San Francisco: Seattle & Q0ttfm& (Efltttpattg Portland : Los Angeles STEEL CHANNELS AND I-BEAMS TABLE OF WEIGHTS, DIMENSIONS AND PUNCHING. (Carnegie Std.) CHANNELS (ALL DIMENSIONS GIVEN IN INCHES) I-BEAMS <_ ^-&&%& so 'jm^w I-BEAMS 4 \ *s W'ght. F ^ /, / i i A per ft. B C D E Bolt or 1 \ r 1 Ibs. Grip Rivet ->^ -D - -0 3 5.50 2.33 M .170 1 A Y? ^ " 6.50 2.42 " .263 " 1 " 7 50 2.52 .361 ', 4 7.50 2.66 __ .190 1 '^ y% F 1 8.50 2.73 .263 " " r C _ " 9.50 2.81 .337 " " \. s^\ ' 4 10.50 2.88 " .410 " " fzzn"T%i fTfi^MV, wflTTTTT* 5 9.75 3.00 A .210 1% " t 1 A I 44 12.25 3.15 .357 ** ** r*~E~* [^ ' v) 44 14.75 3.29 .504 <> " p ^ L i 1 I 6 12.25 3.33 H 230 2 % r* D i ' 44 14.75 3.45 .352 " CHANNELS 7 17.25 15.00 3.58 3.66 Y? .475 .750 2M " W'ghtf E F 44 17.50 3.76 .353 11 ** A per ft B c D Bolt or 44 20.00 3.87 " .458 " " Ibs. Grip Rivet 8 18 00 4.00 32 .270 H 3 4.00 1.41 H .170 Ji Y? tt 20.50 23.00 4.09 4.18 ", .357 .449 .. .. 44 5.00 1.50 .264 II 25.50 4.27 " .541 " 44 6.00 1.60 .362 9 21.00 4.33 J- .290 2M " 4 5.25 1.58 v> .180 y% 25.00 4.45 " .406 " " 44 6.25 1.65 " .252 " 44 30.00 4.61 " .569 " " 44 7.25 1.73 .325 " ** 44 35.00 4.77 " .732 ** 5 6.50 1.75 A .190 " ** 10 25.00 4.66 Jl .310 2 5 --6 " 44 9.00 1.89 .330 1/4 ** 30.00 4.81 .455 "' " " 11.50 2.04 ** .477 " 44 35.00 4.95 .602 " 6 8.00 1.92 y .200 i y% % 44 40.00 5.10 .749 " 44 10.50 2.04 .318 " ** 12 31.50 5.00 11 . 350 2H " 44 13.00 2.16 ** .440 i y* i' 35 ,00 5.09 .436 " 7 8 9 10 15.50 9.75 12.25 14.75 17.25 19.75 11.25 13.75 16.25 18.75 21.25 13.25 15.00 20.00 25.00 15.00 20.00 2.28 2.09 2.20 2.30 2.41 2.51 2.26 2.35 2.44 2.53 2.62 2.43 2.49 2.65 2.82 2.60 2.74 2.89 Y? t* Y? f? .563 .210 .318 .423 .528 .633 .220 .307 !490 .582 .230 .288 .452 .615 .240 .382 .529 2 ^ 15 40.00 45.00 50.00 55.00 42.00 45.00 50.00 55.00 60.00 65.00 70.00 75.00 80.00 85.00 90.00 95.00 100.00 5.25 5.37 5.49 5.61 5.50 5.55 5.65 5.75 6.00 6.09 6.19 6.29 6.40 6.48 6.58 6.68 6,77 II Y? i? .460 .576 .699 .822 .410 .460 .558 .656 .590 .686 .784 .882 .810 .889 .987 1.085 1 .184 3 3M 12 30.00 35. OC 20 50 25. OC 30. OC 35. OC 40. OC 3^04 3.18 2.94 3.05 3.17 3.30 3.42 H ^676 .823 .280 .390 .513 .636 .758 2 (< 18 20 55.00 60.00 65.00 70.00 65.00 70.00 75.00 6.00 6.10 6.18 6.26 6.25 6 33 6.40 fi B .460 .555 .637 .719 .500 .575 .649 f " 15 33. OC 3.40 I* .400 IK " 44 80.00 7.00 B .600 4 35. OC 40. OC 3.43 3.52 .426 .524 44 85.00 90.00 7.06 7.14 .663 .737 t , 45. OC 50. OC 3.62 3.72 Y? .622 .720 2 .M .. 44 95 . 00 100.00 7.21 7.28 .810 .884 . 44 55. OC 3.82 " .818 " " 24 80.00 7.00 i .500 " Weights given in black face type are standard sizes. 157 San Francisco: Seattle QI0mpatUJ Portland: Los Angeles LUMBER BOARD FEET CONTENTS OF STANDARD SIZES The figures in table below give the board feet contained in various lengths of the standard size pieces listed in left hand column. The contents of any size not listed may easily be obtained by either dividing or multiplying the sizes which are given. Size of Piece in Inches Length of Piece in Feet 12ft. 14ft. 16ft. 18ft. 20ft. 22 ft. 24ft. 26ft. x 4 4 4^ sy 2 6 6^ 7H 8 8 1 A x 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 ' 12 13 x 8 8 9% 10% 12 13% 14% 16 17% x 10 10 11% 13% 15 16% 18% 20 21% x 12 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 x 14 14 16% 18% 21 23% 25% 28 30% x 16 16 18% 21% 24 26% 29% 32 34% 2x3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 2x4 8 9% 10% 12 13% 14% 16 17% 2x6 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 2x8 16 18% 21% 24 26% 29% 32 34% 2x 10 20 23% 26% 30 33% 36% 40 43% 2 x 12 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 2 x 14 28 32% 37% 42 46% 51% 56 60% 2 x 16 32 37% 42% 48 53% 58% 64 69% 3x 4 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 3x6 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 3x 8 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 3x 10 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 3x 12 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 3x 14 42 49 56 63 70 77 84 91 3 x 16 48 56 64 72 80 88 96 104 4x 4 16- 18% 21% 24 26% 29% 32 34% 4x 6 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 4x 8 32 37% 42% 48 53% 58% 64 69% 4x 10 40 46% 53% 60 66% 73% 80 86% 4x 12 48 56 64 72 80 88 96 104 4x 14 56 65% 74% 84 93% 102% 112 121% 4x 16 64 74% 85% 96 106% 117% 128 138% 6x 6 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 6x 8 48 56 64 72 80 88 96 104 6x 10 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 6x 12 72 84 96 108 120 132 144 156 6x 14 84 98 112 126 140 154 168 182 6x 16 96 112 128 144 160 176 192 208 8x8 64 74% 85% 96 106% 117% 128 138% 8x 10 80 93% 106% 120 133% 146% 160 173% 8x 12 96 112 128 144 160 176 192 208 8x14 112 130% 149% 168 186% 205% 224 242% 8x 16 128 149% 170% 192 213% 234% 256 277% 10 x 10 100 116% 133% 150 166% 183% 200 216% 10 x 12 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 10 x 14 140 163% 186% 210 233% 256% 280 303% 10 x 16 160 186% 213% 240 266% 293% 320 346% 12 x 12 144 . 168 192 216 240 264 288 312 12 x 14 168 196 224 252 280 308 336 364 12 x 16 192 224 256 288 320 352 384 416 14 x 14 196 228% 261% 294 326% 359% 392 424% 14 x 16 224 261% 298% 336 373% 410% 448 485% 16 x 16 256 298% 341% 384 426% 469 1 ^ 512 554% For greater lengths see next page. 158 San Francisco: Seattle jfflUg0g & (gpttfrfcft Portland : Los Angeles LUMBER (Continued) BOARD FEET CONTENTS OF STANDARD SIZES Size of Piece in Inches Length of Piece in Feet 28 ft. 30 ft. 32 ft. 34ft. 36ft. 38 ft. 40ft. 1 x 4 <> 1 A 10 11 IIM 12 12^ 13 1 x 6 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 x 8 18% 20 21% 22% 24 25% 26% 1 x 10 . 23% 25 26% 28% 30 31% 33% 1 x 12 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 1 x 14 32% 35 37% 39% 42 44% 46% 1 x 16 37% 40 42% 45% 48 50% 53% 2x 3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2x4 18% 20 21% 22% 24 25% 26% 2x6 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 2x8 37% 40 42% 45% 48 50% 53% 2 x 10 46% 50 53% 56% 60 63% 66% 2 x 12 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 2 x 14 65% 70 72% 79% 84 88% 93% 2 x 16 74% 80 85% 90% 96 101% 106% 3x 4 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 3x 6 42 45 48 51 54 57 60 3x8 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 3x10 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 3x 12 84 90 96 102 108 114 120 3 x 14 98 105 112 119 126 133 140 3x 16 112 120 128 136 144 152 160 4x 4 37% 40 42% 45% 48 50% 53% 4x 6 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 4x 8 74% 80 85% 90% 96 101% 106% 4x 10 93% 100 106% 113% 120 126% 133% 4x 12 112 120 128 136 144 152 160 4x 14 130% 140 149% 158% 168 177% 186% 4x 16 149% 160 170% 181% 192 202% 213% 6x 6 84 90 96 102 108 114 120 6x 8 112 120 128 136 144 152 160 6x 10 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 6x 12 168 180 192 204 216 228 240 6x 14 196 210 224 238 252 266 280 6x 16 224 240 256 272 288 304 320 8x 8 149% 160 170% 181% 192 202% 213% 8x 10 186% 200 213% 226% 240 253% 266% 8x 12 224 240 256 272 288 304 320 8x 14 261% 280 298% 317% 336 354% 373% 8x 16 298% 320 341% 362% 384 405% 426% 10 x 10 233% i 250 266% 283% 300 316% 333% 10 x 12 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 10 x 14 326% 350 373% 396% 410 443% 466% 10x16 373% 400 426% 453% 480 506% 533% 12 x 12 336 360 384 408 432 456 480 12 x 14 392 420 448 476 504 532 560 12 x 16 448 480 512 544 576 608 640 14 x 14 457% 490 522% 555% 588 620% 653% 14 x 16 522% 560 597% 634% 672 709% 746% 16x 16 597% 640 682% 725% 768 810% 853% For shorter lengths see opposite page. 159 San Francisco: Seattle UH0? $t (Sflttfrtf ft OJOUttatt Portland : Los Angeles DEFINITION OF ELECTRICAL TERMS The mechanical powers in modern industry are in final operation closely allied with all electrical matters and yet the business of me- chanical engineering and manufacturing is so distinct from electrical engineering and manufacturing that we have not included any elec- trical data in these pages; but we give below the definition of some of the more commonly used electrical terms: ACCUMULATOR A term used to designate either a current accu- mulator, a condenser, or a storage battery. ALTERNATING CURRENT A current having a periodic change in direction, the product of an alternating current generator. AMMETER Any kind of galvanometer which measures the strength of a current in amperes. AMPERE The Unit of electric current the amount of current which can pass through a circuit offering one ohm resistance, under an electromotive force of one volt. AMPERE HOUR An amount of current equal to one ampere flowing for one hour. ANODE The positive pole of an electric battery, or where the cur- rent comes out of a battery. ; CATHODE The negative pole of an electric battery the pole at which the current re-enters battery after having passed through the circuit. CONTINUOUS OR DIRECT CURRENT A current flowing in one direction only. E.M.F. An abbreviation of "Electromotive Force." ELECTRODE Either one of the electric source terminals placed into a solution where electrolysis is going on. Definition of electrical terms continued on next page. 160 San Francisco : Seattle MWB? & ^ 2 . 7489 .6013 9M 29.0598 67 . 2008 55.7634 247.450 ii 2.9452 .6903 9% 29.4525 69.0293 17% 56.1561 250.948 l 3.1416 .7854 29.8452 70.8823 18 56.5488 254.470 % 3 . 5343 .9940 9% 30.2379 72.7599 18% 56.9415 258.016 % 3.9270 1.2272 9% 30.6306 74.6621 57.3342 261.587 % 4.3197 1 . 4849 9% 31.0233 76.589 18% 57.7269 265.183 /^ 4.7124 1.7671 10 31.4160 78.540 58.1196 268.803 % 5.1051 2.0739 10% 31.8087 80.516 18% 58.5123 272.448 % 5.4978 2 . 4053 10% 32.2014 82.516 18% 58.9050 276.117 1% 5.8905 2.7612 10% 32.5941 84.541 18% 59.2977 279.811 2 6.2832 3.1416 10//j 32.9868 86.590 19 59.6904 283.529 2% 6.6759 3.5466 10% 33.3795 88 . 664 19% 60.0831 287.272 7.0686 3.9761 10% 33.7722 90.763 19% 60.4758 291.040 2% 7.4613 4.4301 10% 34.1649 92.886 19% 60.8685 294.832 2% 7.8540 4.9087 11 34.5576 95.033 19^ 61.2612 298 . 648 2% 8.2467 5.4119 11% 34.9503 97 . 205 19% 61.6539 302 . 489 2% 8.6394 5.9396 11% 35.3430 99.402 62.0466 306.355 2% 9 0321 6.4918 11 % 35.7357 101.623 19% 62.4393 310.245 3 9.4248 7.0686 llx^ 36.1284 103.869 20 62.8320 314.160 3% 9.8175 7 . 6699 11 % 36.5211 106.139 20% 63.2247 318.099 3% 10.2102 8 2958 11% 36.9138 108.434 20% 63.6174 322.063 3% 10.6029 8.9462 11 % 37.3065 110.754 20% 64.0101 326.051 3/^j 10.9956 9.6211 12 37.6992 113.098 64.4028 330.064 3% 11.3883 10.3206 12% 38.0919 115.466 20% 64.7955 334.102 3% 11.7810 11.0447 12% 38.4846 117.859 20% 65.1882 338.164 3% 12.1737 11.7933 12% 38.8773 120.277 20% 65.5809 342.250 4 12.5664 12.5664 12/^ 39.2700 122.719 21 65.9736 346.361 4% 12.9591 13.3641 12% 39.6627 125.185 21% 66.3663 350.497 13.3518 14.1863 12% 40.0554 127.677 66.7590 354.657 4% 13.7445 15.0330 12% 40.4481 130.192 21% 67.1517 358.842 4/4 14.1372 15.9043 13 40.8408 132.733 21M 67.5444 363.051 4% 14.5299 16.8002 13% 41.2335 135.297 21% 67.9371 367.285 4% 14.9226 17.7206 41.6262 137.887 21% 68.3298 371.543 4% 15.3153 18.6555 13% 42.0189 140.501 21% 68.7225 375.826 5 15.7080 19.6350 13M 42.4116 143.139 22 69.1152 380.134 5% 16.1007 20.6290 13% 42.8043 145.802 22% 69.5079 384.466 5% 16.4934 21.6476 13% 43.1970 148.490 22% 69.9006 388.822 5% 16.8861 22.6907 13% 43.5897 151.202 22% 70.2933 393.203 17.2788 23.7583 14 43.9824 153.938 22% 70.6860 397.609 5% 17.6715 24.8505 14% 44.3751 156.700 22% 71.0787 402.038 5% 18.0642 25.9673 44.7678 159.485 22% 71.4714 406.494 5% 18.4569 27.1086 14% 45.1605 162.296 22% 71.8641 410.973 6 18.8496 28.2744 14^ 45.5532 165.130 23 72.2568 415.477 6% 19.2423 29.4648 14% 45.9459 167.990 23% 72.6495 420.004 6% 19.6350 30.6797 14% 46.3386 170.874 23% 73.0422 424.558 6% 20.0277 31.9191 14% 46.7313 173.782 23% 73.4349 429.135 f>y% 20.4204 33.1831 15 47.1240 176.715 23^ 73.8276 433.737 6 % 20.8131 34.4717 15% 47.5167 179.673 23% 74.2203 438.364 6% 21.2058 35 . 7848 15% 47.9094 182.655 23% 74.6130 443.015 6% 21.5985 37.1224 15% 48.3021 185.661 23% 75.0057 447.690 7 21.9912 38.4846 ISM 48 . 6948 188.692 24 75.3984 452.390 7% 22.3839 39.8713 15% 49.0875 191.748 24% 75.7911 457.115 7* 22.7766 41.2826 15% 49.4802 194.828 (Continued on next page) 162 San Francisco : Seattle jflfoggg & Portland : Los Angeles CIRCLES (Continued) TABLE OF DIAMETERS, CIRCUMFERENCES AND AREAS Diam. Circum. Area Diam. Circum. Area Diam. Circum. Area 24% 76.1838 461.864 32% 102.4947 835.972 41 128.806 1,320.260 24% 76.5765 466.638 32% 102.8874 842.391 41% 129.198 1,328.320 24^ 76.9692 471.436 32% 103.280 848 . 833 41% 129.591 1,336.410 24% 77.3619 476.259 33 103.673 855.301 41% 129.984 1,344.520 24% 77.7546 481.107 33% 104.065 861.792 41J^ 130.376 1,352.660 24% 78.1473 485.979 33% 104.458 868.309 41% 130.769 1,360.820 25 78.5400 490.875 33% 104.851 874.850 41% 131.162 1,369.000 25% 78.9327 495 . 796 33^ 105.244 881.415 41% 131.554 1,377.210 25% 79.3254 500.742 33% 105.636 888.005 42 131.947 1,385.450 25% 79.7181 505.712 33% 106.029 894.620 42% 132.340 1,393.700 80.1108 510.706 33% 106.422 901.259 42% 132.733 1,401.990 25% 80.5035 515.726 34 106.814 907.922 42% 133.125 1,410.300 25% 80.8962 520.769 34% 107.207 914.611 42^ 133.518 1,418.630 25% 81.2889 525.838 34% 107.600 921.323 42% 133.911 1,426.990 26 81.6816 530.930 34% 107.992 928.061 42% 134.303 1,435.370 26% 82.0743 536.048 108.385 934.822 42% 134.696 1,443.770 26% 82.4670 541.190 34% 108.778 941.609 43 135.089 1,452.200 26% 82.8597 546.356 34% 109.171 948.420 43% 135.481 1,460.660 26^ 83.2524 551.547 34% 109.563 955.255 43% 135.874 1,469.140 26% 83.6451 556.763 35 109.956 962.115 43% 136.267 1,477.640 26% 84.0378 562 . 003 35% 110.349 969.000 43^ 136.660 1,486.170 26% 84.4305 567.267 35% 110.741 975.909 43% 137.052 1,494.730 27 84.8232 572.557 35% 111.134 982.842 43% 137.445 1,503.300 27% 85.2159 577.870 35^ 111.527 989 . 800 43% 137.838 1,511.910 27% 85 . 6086 583.209 35% 111.919 996.783 44 138.230 1,520.530 27% 86.0013 588.571 35% 112.312 ,003 . 790 44% 138.623 1,529.190 27^ 86.3940 593.959 35% 112.705 .010.822 44% 139.016 1,537.860 27% 86.7867 599.371 36 113.098 ,017.878 44% 139.408 1,546.56 27% 87.1794 604.807 36% 113.490 ,024.960 44^ 139.801 1,555.29 87.5721 610.268 113.883 ,032.065 44% 140.194 1,564.04 28 87.9648 615.754 36% 114.276 ,039.195 44% 140.587 1,572.81 28% 88.3575 621.264 36^ 114.668 .046.349 44% 140.979 1,581.61 28% 88.7502 626.798 36% 115.061 ,053.528 45 141.372 1,590.43 28% 89.1429 632.357 36% 115.454 ,060.732 45% 141.765 1,599.28 28j| 89.5356 637.941 36% 115.846 ,067.960 45% 142.157 1,608.16 28% 89.9283 643 . 549 37 116.239 ,075.213 45% 142.550 1,617.05 28% 90.3210 649.182 37% 116.632 ,082.490 45^ 142.943 1,625.97 28% 90.7137 654.840 37% 117.025 ,089.792 45% 143.335 1,634.92 29 91 . 1064 660.521 37% 117.417 ,097.118 45% 143.728 1,643.89 29% 91.4991 666.228 117.810 ,104.469 45% 144.121 1,652.89 29% 91.8918 671.959 37% 118.203 ,111.844 46 144.514 1,661.91 29% 92.2845 677.714 37% 118.595 ,119.244 46% 144.906 1,670.95 29^ 92.6772 683.494 37% 118.988 ,126.669 46% 145.299 1,680.02 29% 93.0699 689.299 38 119.381 ,134.118 46% 145.692 1,689.11 29% 29% 93.4626 93.8553 695.128 700.982 38% 119.773 120.166 ,141.591 ,149.089 46^ 46% 146.084 146.477 1,698.23 1,707.37 30 94.2480 706.860 38% 120.559 ,156.612 46% 146.870 1,716.54 30% 94.6407 712.763 120.952 ,164.159 46% 147.262 1,725.73 30% 95.0334 718.690 38% 121.344 ,171.731 47 147.655 1,734.95 30% 95.4261 724.642 38% 121.737 ,179.327 47% 148.048 1,744.19 30^ 95.8188 730.618 38% 122.130 ,186.948 47% 148.441 1,753.45 30% 96.2115 736.619 39 122.522 ,194.593 47% 148.833 1,762.74 30% 96.6042 742.645 39% 122.915 ,202.263 47^ 149.226 1,772.06 30% 96.9969 748.695 39% 123.308 ,209.958 47% 149.619 1,781.40 31 97.3896 754.769 39% 123.700 ,217.677 47% 150.011 1,790.76 31% 97.7823 760.869 39K 124.093 .225.420 47% 150.404 1,800.15 31% 98.1750 766.992 39% 124.486 ,233.188 48 150.797 1.809.56 31% 98.5677 773.140 39% 124.879 ,240.981 48% 151.189 1,819.00 98.9604 779.313 39% 125.271 ,248.798 48% 151.582 1,828.46 31 % 99.3531 785.510 40 125.664 ,256.640 48% 151.975 1,837.95 31% 99.7458 791.732 40% 126.057 ,264.510 48 K 152.368 1,847.46 31% 100.1385 797.979 40% 126.449 ,272.400 48% 152.760 1,856.99 32 100.5312 804.250 40% 126.842 1,280.310 48% 153.153 1,866.55 32% 100.9239 810.545 40^ 127.235 1,288.250 48% 153.546 1,876.14 32y 101.3166 816.865 40% 127.627 1,296.220 49 153.938 1,885.75 32% 101.7093 823.210 40% 128.020 1.304.210 49% 154.331 1,895.38 32M 102.1020 829.579 40% 128.413 1,312.220 49% 154.724 1 ,905 . 04 (Continued on next page) 163 San Francisco : Seattle j$fcm & 3 309 . 448 7,620.15 81H 256 . 040 5,216.82 90% 283.137 6,379.42 98% 309 . 840 7,639.50 81% 256.433 5,232.84 90% 283.529 6,397.13 98% 310.233 7,658.88 81% 256.826 5,248.88 90% 283.922 6,414.86 98% 310.626 7,678.28 81% 257.218 5,264.94 90 V$ 284.315 6,432.62 99 311.018 7,697.71 82 257.611 5,281.03 90% 284.707 6,450.40 99% 311.411 7.717.16 82% 258.004 5,297.14 90% 285.100 6,468.21 99% 311.804 7.736.63 82% 258.397 5,313.28 90% 285.493 6,486.04 99% 312.196 7,756.13 82% 258.789 5,329.44 91 285 . 886 6,503.90 99>^ 312.589 7,775.66 82^ 259.182 5,345.63 91% 286.278 6,521.78 99% 312.982 7,795.21 82% 259.575 5,361.84 91% 286.671 6,539.68 99% 313.375 7,814.78 82% 259.967 5,378.08 91% 287.064 6,557.61 99% 313.767 7,834.38 82% 260.360 5,394.34 91^ 287.456 6,575.56 100 314.160 7,854.00 83 260.753 5,410.62 165 San Francisco: Seattle MWBt & <&0iifrt& ffifltttatt Portland , Los Angeles MEASURES AND WEIGHTS LINEAR MEASURE 12 inches = 1 foot 3 feet = 1 yard 5 Y^ yards = 1 rod 40 rods = 1 furlong 8 furlongs = 1 mile EQUIVALENT VALUES Inches Feet Yards Rods Furl'gs Miles 36= 3= 1 198= 16.5= 5.5= 1 7,920= 660= 220= 40 = 1 63,360 = 5,280 = 1,760 = 320 = 8 = 1 SQUARE MEASURE 144 square inches = 1 square foot 30^ square yards = 1 square rod 9 square feet = l square yard 160 square rods = l acre 640 acres = 1 square mile EQUIVALENT VALUES Square mile Acres Square rods Square yards Square feet Square inches 1 = 640 = 102,400 = 3,097,600 = 27,878,400 = 4,014,489,600 CUBIC MEASURE 1,728 cubic inches = 1 cubic foot 128 cubic feet = l cord 27 cubic feet = 1 cubic yard 24% cubic feet = 1 perch 1 cubic yard =27 cubic feet =46,656 cubic inches WEIGHT AVOIRDUPOIS 437 */ grains = 1 ounce 16 ounces = 1 pound 100 pounds = 1 hundred-weight 2,000 pounds = 1 ton 2,240 pounds = 1 long ton 1 ton = 20 cwt. =2,000 pounds = 32,000 ounces = 14,000,000 grains 1 pound av. =7,000 grains WEIGHT TROY 24 grains = 1 pennyweight 20 pennyweights = 1 ounce 12 ounces = 1 pound 1 pound = 12 ounces =240 pennyweights = 5, 760 grains DRY MEASURE 2 pints = 1 quart 8 quarts = 1 peck 4 pecks = 1 bushel 1 bushel =4 pecks = 32 quarts = 64 pints U. S. bushel =2,150.42 cu. in. British =2,218.19 cu. in. LIQUID MEASURE 4 gills = 1 pint 4 quarts = 1 gallon 2 pints = 1 quart 31 1 / gallons = 1 barrel 63 gallons or 2 barrels = 1 hogshead 1 hogshead =2 barrels = 63 gallons = 252 quarts = 504 pints =2,016 gills The U. S. gallon contains 231 cu. in. =.134 cu. ft. 1 cubic foot=7.481 gallons and weighs at 39.2 deg. Fahr. 62.425 Ibs. 1 gallon weighs 8.345 pounds (For ordinary work 1 cu. ft. is considered 7>i gals. 1 gal. 8% Ibs.) MEASURE OF ANGLES OR ARCS 60 seconds=l minute 90 degrees=l right angle or quadrant 60 minutes=l degree 360 degrees=l circle 1 circle=360=21,600'=l, 296,000" I minute of arc on the earth's surface=l nautical mile=1.17 times a land mile or 6,080 feet 166 San Francisco: Seattle MttBV & (&0ttfrtrt)t Ullim)iattl| Portland: Los Angeles DECIMAL EQUIVALENTS OF COMMON FRACTIONS , ; \ .015625 Jj .265625 ff .515625 If .765625 ^ .03125 & .28125 H -53125 If .78125 & .046875 \ U .296875 if .546875 ii .796875 iV .0625 A .3125 & .5625 H -8125 rt 5 , .078125 U .328125 ;!] .578125 if .828125 V'o .09375 Ji .34375 iS .59375 11 .84375 7 4 .109375 iv .359375 g| .609375 if .859375 J-'s -125 H -375 ^ .625 H -875 r ^ .140625 || .390625 -U .640625 11 .890625 3 3 o .15625 ii! .40625 H .65625 IE .90625 iU .171875 gl .421875 If .671875 U .921875 nr -1875 A -4375 H .6875 H .9375 i .203125 81 .453125 If .703125 n -953125 3 T 2 -21875 it .46875 II .71875 M .96875 a .234375 gi .484375 |J .734375 if .984375 1 A -25 H .5 % .75 n i DECIMAL EQUIVALENTS OF FRACTIONAL PARTS OF A FOOT Parts of a Foot Decimal Equivalents Parts of a Foot Decimal Equivalents Parts of a Foot Decimal Equivalents 12 inches.. . U ( . . . 1 . 0000 9166 5 inches. . . . 4 ... .4166 3333 ^ inches. . . 1 A .05208 04166 10 833 3 2500 YC, 03125 9 ' 75 2 1666 1 A 02083 8 ' 6666 1 0833 V* 010416 7 ' 5833 07291 A " ' 005208 6 . . .5000 " .0625 METRIC CONVERSION TABLE Millimeters X .03937 = inches, or -5- 25.4 = inches. Centimeters X .3937 = inches, or -r- 2.54 = inches. Meters X 39.37 = inches. Meters X 3.281 = feet. Meters X 1.094 = yards. Kilometers X .621 = miles. Kilometers X 3280.7 = feet. Square millimeters X .0155 = square inches, or -f- 645.1 = square inches. Square centimeters X .155 = square inches, or -j- 6.451 = square inches. Square meters X 10.764 = square feet. Square kilometers X 247.1 = acres. Hectares X 2.471 = acres. Cubic centimeters -f- 16.383 = cubic inches. Cubic meters X 35.315 = cubic feet. Cubic meters X 1.308 = cubic yards. Cubic meters X 264.2 = gallons (231 cubic inches). Liters X 61.022 = cubic inches. (Act of Congress). Liters X .2642 = gallons (231 cu. in.) or -=- 3.78 = gallons (231 cu. in.) Liters -i- 28.316 = cubic feet. Grammes X 15.432 = grains. (Act of Congress). Grammes (water) * 29.57 = fluid ounces. Grammes -f- 28.35 = ounces avoirdupois. Grammes per cu. cent. 4- 27.7 = Ibs. per cu. in. Kilograms X 2.2046 = pounds. _ Kilograms X 35.3 = ounces avoirdupois. Kilograms * 1102.3 = tons (2,000 Ibs.) Kilograms per sq. cent. X 14.233 = Ibs. per sq. in. 167 San Francisco: Seattle Portland: Los Angeles OUR MARK IT STANDS FOR QUALITY $c Ofottfrtrii Pacific Coast Headquarters EVERYTHING FOR THE MECHANICAL TRANSMISSION OF POWER ELEVATING, CONVEYING AND SCREENING MACHINERY SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. SEATTLE, WASH. PORTLAND, ORE. LOS ANGELES, CAL. 168 San Francisco: Seattle MWBt $C (Snttfrtfft QI0mpatU} Portland: Los Angeles INDEX I 169 San Francisco: Seattle & Portland : Los Angeles INDEX TO SECTION 1 OF GENERAL CATALOG A Few Words on Pulleys American Pressed Steel Split Pulleys American Steel Split Pulleys, Bore Table ..,. American Steel Split Pulleys, Weights of. Angle Belt Drives Angles, Steel, Weights and Di- mensions of... . Page 12-13 58-65 59 63-65 136 156 Areas of Circles 162-165 Babbitted Bushings for Pulleys 67 Belt Drives "Short center" 122-127 Belt Drives Quarter Turn and Angle 136 Belt Lacing, Leather.. 128 Belt Tighteners 110-122 Counterweighted Swing 120 Hanger Style 116 Perfection 112 Plain Swing 118 Rack and Pinion 114 Screw Adjusting 110 Belt Transmission, General Notes on 134-136 Belting- Canvas . 130 Comparative Strengths of Different Kinds 132 Cotton 130 Data 131-133 Endless Belts, Formula for.... 131 Horsepower of 132-133 How to Splice 131 Lacing and Splicing 128-131 Leather 128 Rubber 129 Weight of. 132 Board Measure, Table of Lum- ber Contents in..._ 158-159 Bolted Flange Couplings 98 Bores, Extra Large Table of Extra charges.- 57 Bores and Hubs for American Pulleys 59 Bores, Table of Maximum for Cast Iron Pulleys 42 C. Land m&(& Whole Pul- leys ..... 57 M&(& Steel Rim Split Pul- leys : 23 m$c<& Steel Rim Whole Pulleys 33 Brass Bushings for Pulleys 67 Bushings for Pulleys, Solid and Babbitted.-- 67 Bushings for Pulleys, iH&(6 Ring-Oiling 68-69 Page Bushings for Pulleys, Split, with candle lubricators 66 Bushings, Wood Pulley 76 Candles, Fauls. Lubricator, for Loose Pulleys 66 Canvas Belting 130 Cast Iron Pulleys 38-51 Conveyor 53 Flanged 52 Head 53 Solid and Split Standard list 38-51 Cast Iron Handwheels 146 Cast Iron Flanges 137 Catalog, Sections, List of 3 Channels, Steel, Weights and Dimensions of 157 Circles, Areas and Circumfer- ences of 162-165 Circumferences of Circles 162-165 Clamp Couplings 94 Cold Rolled Steel Squares 83 Flats 83 Hexagons 83 Collars, Cast Steel 90 Hallowell Steel...... 92 Pressed Steel 92 Compression Couplings 96 Conveyor Pulleys, Cast Iron.... 53 Cotton Belting _ 130 Countershaft, Oil Well.... 138 Counterweighted Swing Belt Tightener ... 120 Couplings Bolted Flange Clamp _ Compression. _. Flexible Sleeve Universal Covering Pulleys with Leather, Rubber, etc Cumberland Ground Steel Shaft- ing Cutting Shafting. 98 94 96 104-105 93 100-103 55 78-79 80 Data on Belting 131-133 Data, Miscellaneous Engineer- ing 148-165 Decimal Equivalents 167 Denning Special Pulleys 14-15 Dimensions of Wrought Iron and Steel Pipe 155 Double Reduction Drives, Speed of Intermediate Shaft.. 149 Drive, "Shortcenter" Belt 122 170 San Francisco: Seattle (0mpattg Portland: Los Angeles INDEX (Continued) Electrical Terms Defined Empress Grease Cups Extra Charges for Special Pul- leys Pauls Lubricators for Loose Pul- leys Fitting Pulleys to Shafts Flanged Cast Iron Pulleys ..... Flanges, Cast Iron ... Flat Steel, Cold Rolled Flexible Couplings. Flush Hub Charges for M&& and C. I. Pulleys Fly Wheels Gauges of Metal, Compared Gib Head Taper Keys Gilbert Wood Pulleys Bore, Table of Weights of Goods Returned Grease Cups and Oilers.. Guarantee and Terms Handwheels, Cast Iron Hanger Style Belt Tightener Head Pulleys, Cast Iron Head Shafts, Size of Hexagon Steel, Cold Rolled Horsepower of American Pul- leys Horsepower of Belting Horsepower of Pulleys.... Horsepower of Shafting Hubs and Bores, Table of, for American Pulleys For 4H&<5 Steel Rim Split Pulleys For m&<& Steel Rim Whole Pulleys Hubs, Table of, for Cast Iron Pulleys Hubs, Table of Special Hubs on Pulleys I Beams, Weights & Dimensions Iron and Steel, Shapes, Weights of Joints, Universal Keys, Gib Head Taper Plain Taper.. Straight or Feather, Material for... Keyseating American Pulleys.... Keyseating and Setscrewing Pulleys Keyseating Shafting Keyseating, Table of Standard- Lagging for Pulleys Large Bores, Table of Extra Charges for Leather Belting Page 160-161 145 15 66 56 52 137 83 104-105 56 54 154 88-89 70-77 76 77 10 145 10 146 116 53 81 83 58 132-133 148 80-81 59 23 33 51 34-37 157 151-153 100-103 88-89 86-87 83 61 56 80 84-85 55 57 128 Leather Lagging or Covering for Pulleys Leather Link and Band Coup- lings "Lenix" Drives, see fH&