University of California Berkeley JACK FLEMING COLLECTION OF AFRICAN AMERICANA MISS SS OPHELIA APPEARED, DRAGGING TOPSY BEHIND HER. [PAGE 35.] THE PLEASANT HOUR SERIES UNCLE OM'S CABIN HARRIET BEECHER STOWE REWRITTEN FOR YOUNG READERS BY MARY E. BLAIN ILLUSTRATED BY HUGO VON HOFSTEN BREWER, BARSE & CO CHICAGO ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE MlSS OPHELIA APPEARED, DRAGGING TOPSY BEHIND HER Frontispiece SHE CROWED AND CLAPPED HER HANDS WITH DELIGHT . . 8 THEY ALL TUMBLED OFF THE RAIL TOGETHER, AND SCAMPERED AWAY 16 "PAPA, DO BUY HIM ! IT'S NO MATTER WHAT YOU PAY," WHIS- PERED EVA SOFTLY 24 "I'LL STAY WITH MAS*R AS LONG AS HE WANTS ME SO AS I CAN BE OF ANY USE" 32 "O, MAS'R, PLEASE DO BUY MY DAUGHTER" 40 UNCLE TOM'S CABIN CHAPTER I. UNCLE TOM AND LITTLE HARRY ARE SOLD. Very many years ago, instead of having servants to wait upon them and work for them, people used to have slaves. These slaves were paid no wages. Their mas- ters gave them only food and clothes in return for their work. When any one wanted servants he went to market to buy them, just as nowadays we buy horses and cows, or even tables and chairs. If the poor slaves were bought by kind people they would be quite happy, work willingly for their masters and mistresses, and even love them. But often cruel peo- ple bought slaves and used to beat them and be unkind to them in many ways. Uncle Tom was a slave, and a faithful and honest servant. His master, Mr. Shelby, was kind to him. Uncle Tom's wife was called Aunt Chloe. She was Mr. Shelby's head cook. Nobody in all the country round could make such delicious pies and cakes as Aunt Chloe. Uncle Tom and Aunt Chloe lived together in a pretty little cottage built of wood, quite close to Mr. Shelby's big house. The little cottage was covered with climbing roses, and the garden was full of beautiful bright flowers and lovely fruit trees. Uncle Tom and Aunt Chloe lived happily for many years in their little cottage, or cabin, as it was called. All day Uncle Tom used to work in the field, while Aunt Chloe was busy in the kitchen at Mr. Shelby's 5 6 Uncle Tom's Cabin. house. When evening came they both went home to their cottage and their children, and were merry to- gether. Uncle Tom was very fond of his children and liked to amuse them. He would toss the baby at arm's length until she crowed and clapped her hands with delight, while Aunt Chloe looked on with beaming face. Mr. Shelby was a good man, and kind to his slaves, but he was not very careful of his money. When he had spent all he had he did not know what to do to get more. At last he borrowed money from a man called Haley, hoping to be able to pay it back again some day. But that day never came. Haley grew impatient, and said, "If you don't pay what you owe me, I will take your house and lands, and sell them to pay myself all the money I have lent to you." So Mr. Shelby sold everything he could spare and gathered money together in every way he could think of, but still there was not enough. Then Haley said, "Give me that slave of yours called Tom he is worth a lot of money." But Mr. Shelby knew that Haley was not a nice man, and did not want Tom for a servant, but only wanted to sell him again, to make more money. So Mr. Shelby said, "No, I can't do that. I never mean to sell any of my slaves, least of all Tom. He has been with me since he was a little boy." "Oh, very well," said Haley, "I shall sell your house and lands, as I said I should." Mr. Shelby could not bear to think of that, so he agreed to let Haley have Tom. He made him promise, however, not to sell Tom again except to a kind master. "Very well," said Haley, "but Tom isn't enough. I must have another slave." Just at this moment a little boy came dancing into the room where Mr. Shelby and Haley were talking. He was a pretty, merry little fellow, the son of a slave called Eliza, who was Mrs. Shelby's maid. "There now," said Haley, "give me that little chap, Uncle Tom and Little Harry Sold. J as well as Tom, and we will say no more about the money you owe me." "I can't," said Mr. Shelby. "My wife is very fond of Eliza, and would never hear of having Harry sold." "Oh, very well," said Haley once more, "I must just sell your house." So again Mr. Shelby gave in, and Haley went away with the promise that next morning Uncle Tom and little Harry should be given to him, to be his slaves. Mr. Shelby was very unhappy because of what he had done. He knew his wife would be very unhappy too, and did not like to tell her. He had to do it that night, however, before she went to bed. Mrs. Shelby could hardly believe it. "Oh, you do not mean this," she said. "You must not sell our good Tom and dear little Harry. Do anything rather than that. It is a wicked, wicked thing to do." "There is nothing else I can do," said Mr. Shelby "I have sold everything I can think of, and at any rate now that Haley has set his heart on having Tom and Harry, he would not take anything or anybody instead." Eliza was sitting in the next room. The door was not quite closed, so she could not help hearing what was said. As she listened she grew pale and cold and a terrible look of pain came into her face. Eliza's husband was called George, and was a slave too. He did not belong to Mr. Shelby, but to another man, who had a farm quite near. George and Eliza could not live together as a husband and wife generally do. Indeed, they hardly ever saw each other. George's master was a cruel man, and would not let him come to see his wife. He was so cruel, and beat George so dread- fully, that the poor slave made up his mind to run away. He had come that very day to tell Eliza about it. When Mr. and Mrs. Shelby stopped talking, Eliza crept to her own room. Little Harry was asleep. Taking a piece of paper and a pencil, she wrote quickly. 8 Uncle Tom's Cabin. 'Oh, missis 1 dear missis! don't think me ungrateful don't think hard of me, anyway! I heard all you and master said to-night. I am going to try to save my boy you will not blame me ! God bless and reward you for all your kindness!" Eliza was going to run away, so she gathered a few of Harry's clothes into a bundle, put on her hat and jacket, and aroused Harry, who was rather frightened at being waked in the middle of the night, and seeing his mother bending over him, with her hat and jacket on. "What is the matter, mother?" he said, beginning to cry. "Hush," she said, "Harry mustn't cry or speak aloud, or they will hear us. A wicked man was coming to take little Harry away from his mother, and carry him 'way off in the dark. But mother won't let him. She's going to put on her little boy's cap and coat, and run off with him, so the ugly man can't catch him." Harry stopped crying at once, and was good and quiet as a little mouse, while his mother dressed him. When he was ready, she lifted him in her arms, and crept softly out of the house. It was a beautiful, clear, starlight night, but very cold, for it was winter-time. Eliza ran quickly to Uncle Tom's cottage, and tapped on the window. Aunt Chloe jumped up at once, and opened the door. She was very much astonished to see Eliza standing there with Harry in her arms. Uncle Tom followed her to the door, and was very much astonished too. "I'm running away, Uncle Tom and Aunt Chloe carrying off my child," said Eliza. "Master sold him." "Sold him?" they both echoed, lifting up their hands in dismay. "Yes, sold him," said Eliza. "I heard master tell missis that he had sold my Harry, and you. Uncle Tom. The man is coming to take you away to-morrow." At first Tom could hardly believe what he heard. Then he sank down, and buried his face in his hands. "The good Lord have pity on us!" said Aunt Chloe. SHE CROWED AND CLAPPED HER HANDS WITH DELIGHT. [PAGE 6.] The Chase. 9 "What has Tom done that master should sell him?" "He hasn't done anything it isn't for that. Master don't want to sell; but he owes this man money. If he doesn't pay him it will end in his having to sell the house and all the slaves. Master said he was sorry. But missis she talked like an angel. I'm a wicked girl to leave her so, but I can't help it. It must be right; but if it an't right, the good Lord will forgive me, for I can't help doing it." "Tom," said Aunt Chloe, "why don't you go too? There's time." Tom slowly raised his head and looked sorrowfully at her. "No, no," he said. "Let Eliza go. It is right that she should try to save her boy. Mas'r has always trusted me, and I can't leave him like that. It is better for me to go alone than for the whole place to be sold. Mas'r isn't to blame, Chloe. He will take care of you and the poor " Tom could say no more. Big man though he was, he burst into tears, at the thought of leaving his wife and dear little children, never to see them any more. "Aunt Chloe," said Eliza, in a minute or two, "I must go. I saw my husband to-day. He told me he meant to run away soon, because his master is so cruel to him. Try to send him a message from me. Tell him I have run away to save our boy. Tell him to come after me if he can. Good-bye, God bless you I" Then Eliza went out again into the dark night with her little boy in her arms, and Aunt Chloe shut the door softly behind her. CHAPTER II. THE CHASE. Next morning, when it was discovered that Eliza had run away with her little boy, there was great excitement and confusion all over the house. io Uncle T orris Cabin. Mrs. Shelby was very glad. "Thank God !" she said. I could not bear to think of Harry being sold to that cruel man." Mr. Shelby was angry. "Haley knew I didn't want to sell the child," he said. "He will blame me for this." One person only was quite silent, and that was Aunt Chloe. She went on making the breakfast as if she heard and saw nothing of the excitement round her. All the little black boys belonging to the house thought it was fine fun. Very soon, about a dozen young imps were roosting, like so many crows, on the railings, waiting for Haley to come. They wanted to see how angry he would be, when he heard the news. And he was dreadfully angry. The little nigger boys thought it was grand. They shouted and laughed and made faces at him until he started for them with his big whip when they all tumbled off the rail together and scampered away. At last Haley became so angry, that Mr. Shelby offered to give him two men to help him find Eliza. But these two men, Sam and Andy, knew quite well that Mrs. Shelby did not want Eliza to be caught, so they tarried as much as possible. When at last they did start, Sam led them by a wrong road. So the sun was almost setting before they arrived at the village where Haley hoped to find Eliza. When Eliza left Uncle Tom's cabin, she felt very sad and lonely. She knew she was leaving all the friends she had ever had. Harry dropped his little weary head upon her shoul- der, and was soon fast asleep. Eliza walked on and on, never resting, all through the night. When the sun rose, she was many miles away from her old home. Still she walked on, only stopping, in the middle of the day, to buy a little dinner for her- self and Harry at a farm-house. When it was nearly dark, she arrived at a village, on The Chase. n the banks of the Ohio river. If she could only get across that river, Eliza felt she would be safe. She went to a little inn on the bank, where a kind- looking woman was busy cooking supper. "Is there a boat that takes people across the river now?" she asked. "No, indeed," replied the woman. "The boats has stopped running. It isn't safe, there be too many blocks of ice floating about." Eliza looked so sad and disappointed when she heard this, that the good woman was sorry for her. Harry too was tired, and began to cry. "Here, take him into this room," said the woman, opening the door into a small bedroom. Eliza laid him upon the bed, and he soon fell asleep. But for her there was no rest. She stood at the window, watching the river with its great floating blocks of ice, wondering how she could cross it. As she stood there she heard a shout. Looking up she saw Sam. She drew back just in time, for Haley and Andy were riding only a yard or two behind him. It was a dreadful moment for Eliza. Her room opened by a side door to the river. She seized her child and sprang down the steps towards it. Haley caught sight of her as she disappeared down the bank. Throwing himself from his horse, and calling loudly to Sam and Andy, he was after her in a moment. In that terrible moment her feet scarcely seemed to touch the ground. The next, she was at the water's edge. On they came behind her. With one wild cry and flying leap, she jumped over the water by the shore, on to the raft of ice beyond. It was a desperate leap. Haley, Sam, and Andy cried out, and lifted up their hands in astonishment. The great piece of ice pitched and creaked as her weight came upon it. But she stayed there not a mo- ment. With wild cries she leaped to another and still 12 Uncle Tom's Cabin. another stumbling leaping slipping springing up again 1 Her shoes were gone, her stockings cut from her feet by the sharp edges of the ice. Blood marked every step. 'But she knew nothing, felt nothing, till dimly, as in a dream, she saw the Ohio side, and a man helping her up the bank. "You're a right brave gal," said the man. "Go there," pointing to a big white house close by. "They are kind folks ; they'll help you." On the other side of the river Haley was standing per- fectly amazed at the scene. When Eliza disappeared over the bank he turned and looked at Sam and Andy, with terrible anger in his eyes. "Good evening, mas'r," said Sam. "I berry much 'spect missis be anxious 'bout us. Mas'r Haley won't want us no longer." Then off they went as fast as their horses 'could gallop. It was late at night before they reached home again, but Mrs. Shelby was waiting for them. So Sam went up and told the wonderful story of how Eliza had crossed the river on the floating ice. Mr. and Mrs. Shelby found it hard to believe that such a thing was possible. Mrs. Shelby was very, very glad that Eliza had escaped. She told Aunt Chloe to give Sam and Andy a specially good supper. Then they went to bed, quite pleased with their day's work. CHAPTER III. ELIZA FINDS A REFUGE. A lady and gentleman were sitting talking happily together in the drawing-room of the white house to which Eliza had gone. Suddenly their old black man- of-all-work put his head in at the door and said, "Will missis come into the kitchen?" Eliza Finds a Refuge. 13 The lady went. Presently she called her husband. There lay Eliza on two kitchen chairs. Her poor feet were all cut and bleeding, and she had fainted. The old man had Harry on his knee, and was busy pulling off his shoes and stockings, to warm the little cold feet. "Poor creature," said the lady. Suddenly Eliza opened her eyes. A dreadful look of pain came into her face. She sprang up saying, "Oh, my Harry, have they got him?" As soon as he heard her voice, Harry jumped from the old man's knee, and running to her side, put up his arms. "Oh, he's here ! he's here," she said, kissing him. "Oh, ma'am," she went on, turning wildly to the lady of the house, "do protect us, don't let them get him." "Nobody shall hurt you here, poor woman," said the lady. "You are safe; don't be afraid." "God bless you," said Eliza sobbing and crying as she told them of her misfortune. Eliza wanted to go to Canada, because it belonged to the British. They did not allow any one to be made a slave there. George, too, was going to try to reach Canada. "Wife," said the gentleman, when they had gone back again into their own sitting-room, "we must get that poor woman away to-night. She is not safe here. So this kind p-entleman got the carriage ready, and drove Eliza and her boy a long, long way, through the dark night, to a cottage far in the country. There he left her with a good man and his wife, who promised to be kind to her, and help her to go to Canada. He gave some money to the good man too, and told him to use it for Eliza. Kind people helped her all the way. She passed from friend to friend, till she arrived safely at a village where the people were Quakers. 14 Uncle Tom's Cabin. The Quakers were gentle, quiet people. They all dressed alike in plain grey clothes, and the women wore big, white muslin caps. Because they thought it was wicked to have slaves, they helped those who ran away from their cruel masters. Often they were punished for doing this, but still they went on helping the poor slaves. For though the laws said it was wrong, they felt quite sure that it was really right to do so. The kind Quaker women grew to be very fond of Eliza, and would have been glad if she would have stayed with them. But Eliza said, u No, I must go on; I dare not stop. I can't sleep at night: I can't rest. Last night I dreamed I saw that man come into the yard." "Poor child," said Rachel, the kind Quaker woman to whom she was speaking, "thee musn't feel so. No slave that has run away has ever been stolen from our village. It is safe here." While they were talking, Simeon, Rachel's husband, came to the door and called, "Wife, I want to speak to thee a minute." Rachel went out to him. "Eliza's husband is here," he said. "Art thee sure?" asked Rachel, her face bright with joy. "Yes, quite certain; he will be here soon. Will thee tell her?" Rachel went back into the kitchen, where Eliza was sewing, and, opening the door of a small bedroom, said gently, "Come in here with me, my daughter; I have news to tell thee." Eliza rose trembling, she was so afraid it was bad news. "No, no! never fear thee. It's good news, Eliza," said Simeon. Rachel shut the door, and drew Eliza towards her. "The Lord has been very good to thee," she said gently. Eliza Finds a Refuge. 15 "Thy husband hath escaped and will be here to-night." "To-night!" repeated Eliza, "to-night!" Then it seemed as if the room and everything in it swam round her, and she fell into Rachel's arms. Very gently Rachel laid her down on the bed. Eliza slept as she had not slept since the dreadful night when she had taken her boy and run away through the cold, dark night. She dreamed she heard her husband's footstep. She felt him coming nearer. His arms were round her, his tears falling upon her face, and she awoke. It was no dream. The sun had set, the candles were lit. Harry was sleeping by her side, and George, her husband, was holding her in his arms. The two had much to say to each other. George told how he had escaped from his cruel master, and how he had followed Eliza all the way and at last found her. Then there were plans to make for going on towards Canada. The pursuers are hard after thee, we must not delay," said Simeon. So George and Eliza decided to start as soon as it was dark. A little while after supper they drove off in- a covered wagon. On and on, all through the dark night they drove They reached the wharf the next day and went aboard the boat for Canada. After a ride of a day and a night, they were landed on the shore, and stood still till the boat had started again. At last they were free. Then with tears of joy, the husband and wife, with their wondering little boy in their arms, knelt down and lifted up their hearts to God. 1 6 Uncle Tom's Cabin. CHAPTER IV. UNCLE TOM SAYS GOOD-BYE. The day after the hunt for Eliza was a very sad one in Uncle Tom's cabin. It was the day on which Haley was going to take Uncle Tom away. Aunt Chloe had been up very early. She had washed and ironed all Tom's clothes, and packed his trunk neatly. Now she was cooking the breakfast, the last breakfast she would ever cook for her dear husband. Her eyes were quite red and swollen with crying, and the tears kept running down her cheeks all the time. "It's the last time," said Tom sadly. Aunt Chloe could not answer. She sat down, buried her face in her hands, and sobbed aloud. "S'pose we must be resigned. But, O Lord, how can I? If I knew anything where you was goin', or how they'd treat you! Missis says she'll try and buy you back again in a year or two. But, Lor', nobody never comes back that goes down there." "There'll be the same God there, Chloe, that there is here." "Well," said Aunt Chloe, "s'pose dere will. But the Lord lets drefful things happen sometimes. I don't seem to get no comfort dat way." "Let's think on our mercies," said Tom, in a shaking voice. "Mercies!" said Aunt Chloe, "don't see any mercies in 't. It isn't right! it isn't right it should be so! Mas'r never ought to have left it so that ye could be took for his debts. Mebbe he can't help himself now, but I feel it's wrong. Nothing can beat that out of me. Such a faithful crittur as yeVe been, reckonin' on him more than your own wife and chiPen." "Chloe! now, if ye love me, you won't talk so, when '? THEY ALL TUMBLED OFF THE RAIL TOGETHER, AXD SCAMPERED AWAY. ^[PAGE 10.] Uncle Tom Says Good-bye. 17 it is perhaps jest the last time we'll ever have together," said Tom. "Wall, anyway, there's wrong about it somewhere," said Aunt Chloe, "I can't jest make out where 'tis. But there is wrong somewhere, I'm sure of that." Neither Tom nor Chloe could eat any breakfast ; their hearts were too full of sorrow. But the little children, who hardly understood what was happening, enjoyed theirs. It was not often that they had such a fine one as Chloe had cooked for Tom's last morning at home. Breakfast was just finished, when Mrs. Shelby came. Chloe was not very pleased to see her. She was angry, and blamed her for letting Tom be sold. But Mrs. Shelby did not seem to see Aunt Chloe's angry looks. "Tom," she said, turning to him, "I come to " she could say no more, she was crying so bitterly. Then all Aunt Chloe's anger faded away. "L