MEMORIAL ADDRESSES LIFE AND CHARACTER JOHN FRANKLIN MILLER, (A SENATOR FROM CALIFORNIA), DELIVERED IN THE SENATE AND HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION, MAY 28 AND JUNE 19, 1886, WITH THE FUNERAL SERVICES AT THE CITY OF WASHINGTON, MARCH 13, AND AT SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., MARCH 21, 1886. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1887. 9318 MIL CHAP. 636. An act to authorize the printing of the eulogies delivered in Congress upon the late John F. Miller. Be it ena'ted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there be printed of the eulogies delivered in Congress upon the late John F. Miller, a Senator from California, prepared under the direction of the Joint Committee on Public Printing, twelve thousand copies, of which four thousand shall be for the use of the Senate and eight thousand for the use of the House of Representatives ; and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby directed to have printed a portrait of said John F. Miller, to accompany said eulo- gi:s : and for engraving and printing said portrait the sum of five hun- dred dollars, or so much as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, July 6, 1886. JOHN FRANKLIN MILLER. FUNERAL SERVICES AT WASHINGTON AND SAN FRANCISCO, On Monday, the 8th day of March, 1886, General JOHN FRANKLIN MILLER, a Senator of the United States from the State of California, died at his residence on Connecticut avenue, in the city of Washington, after a long and painful illness, which he bore with heroic fortitude. The remote cause of his death may unquestionably be traced back to wounds he had received while fighting the battles of his country during the war of the rebellion, and especially a gun- shot wound received in June, 1863, while leading his brigade in a charge on the enemy's entrenchments at Liberty Gap,, Tennessee. This wound destroyed the sight of his left eye>. the ball an Enfield rifle bullet remaining in the bones back of the eye, and in contact with the brain, for over twelve years, when it was extracted by the surgeons. During all this time he suffered intensely and his system was racked and weakened by pain, so that he fell an easy prey to disease,, which found nothing to resist its ravages but an indom- itable will, whose strength doubtless prolonged his life for- many years. At a regular session of the Senate held on that day, Mr. LELAND STANFORD, a United States Senator from the State of California, arose in his place and made the following an- nouncement : Mr. STANFORD. Mr. President, it becomes my painful duty to inform you of the death of my colleague, General JOHN 3 4 Life and Character of John F. Miller. F. MILLER, who departed this life this afternoon at twenty minutes past 2 o'clock, after a long and severe illness. I move that the Senate, out of respect to his memory, adjourn. Mr. GIBSON. Mr. President, I rise to second the motion. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. It is moved and seconded that the Senate, in respect to the memory of our colleague who has recently died, do now adjourn. The motion was agreed to ; and (at 3 o'clock and 20 min utes p. m.) the Senate adjourned. On the same day Mr. WILLIAM W. MORROW, a Representa- tive in Congress from the State of California, arose in his place in the House of Representatives and announced Senator MILLER'S death, in the following words : Mr. MORROW. Mr. Speaker, the melancholy duty de- volves upon me to announce the death of Senator JOHN F. MILLER, of California, who died in this city after a prolonged illness. Congress will undoubtedly set apart some day here- after for the purpose of giving expression to the sentiment entertained for the character and great public services of Senator MILLER. As a mark of respect for the memory of the deceased Senator, I move the adoption of the following resolutions : Resolved, That the House has received with profound sorrow the intel- ligence of the death of Senator JOHN F. MILLER, of California. Resolved, That out of respect to his memory this House do now adjourn. The resolutions were unanimously adopted ; and accord- ingly (at 4 o'clock and 5 minutes p. m.) the House ad- journed. On Wednesday, the llth day of March, the following pro- ceedings were had in the Senate : Mr. STANFORD. Mr. President, I ask the unanimous con- sent of the Senate to offer a series of resolutions at this time. Funeral Services. 5 The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The resolutions will be read. The resolutions were read, as follows : Resolved, That the Senate has heard with profound sorrow of the death, of Hon. JOHN F. MILLER, late a Senator from California. Resolved, That a committee of five Senators be appointed by the Presi- dent pro tempore of the Senate to take order for superintending the funeral of Mr. MILLER, and that, as a mark of respect entertained by the Senate for his memory, his remains be removed from Washington to California in charge of the Sergeant-at-Arms and attended by said com- mittee, who shall have full power to carry this resolution into effect. Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate communicate the foregoing resolutions to the House of Representatives. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The question is on the adop- tion of the resolutions. The resolutions were agreed to unanimously; and Mr. JONES of Nevada, Mr. FRYE, Mr. CULLOM, Mr. BUTLER, and Mr. GRAY were appointed as the committee under the second resolution. Mr. FRYE submitted the following resolution ; which was considered by unanimous consent, and agreed to : Resolved, That the Secretary invite the House of Representatives to attend the funeral ceremony of Hon. JOHN F. MILLER, late a Senator from the State of California, in the Senate Chamber on Saturday, March 13, at 12 o'clock m. Mr. FRYE submitted the following resolution; which was considered by unanimous consent, and agreed to : Resolved, That invitation be extended to the President of the United States and the members of his Cabinet, the Chief-Justice and the asso- ciate justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, and the diplo- matic corps, to attend the funeral ceremony of JOHN F. MILLER, late a- Senator from the State of California, in the Senate Chamber on Saturday, the 13th of March, at 12 o'clock. The foregoing having been reported to the House of Rep- resentatives on the same day, the following proceedings were had there : ($ Life and Character of John F. Miller. Mr. MORROW. Mr. Speaker, the resolution reported from the Senate concerning arrangements to be made for the funeral escort of Senator JOHN F. MILLER, of California, contemplates that similar action be taken on the part of the House, and that a committee be appointed to co-operate with the Senate committee in accompanying the remains to California. I therefore offer the resolution which I send to the desk and ask its present consideration. The SPEAKER. The resolution will be read. The Clerk read as follows : Resolved, That a special committee of seven members of the House be appointed by the Speaker to accompany a similar committee appointed by the Senate to escort the remains of Senator JOHN F. MILLER from Wash- ington to California. The resolution was agreed to. On the 12th of March the Senate resolution inviting the House of Representatives to attend the funeral ceremonies of Senator MILLER having been presented by the Chair, the following proceedings were had : Mr. MORROW. I offer the resolution which I send to the desk in relation to the subject-matter of the Senate resolu- tion. The Clerk read as follows : Resolved, That the House accept the invitation of the Senate and attend in a body the funeral services of the late Senator JOHN F. MILLER, of Cali-- fornia, in the Senate Chamber on Saturday, March 13, at 12 o'clock m. The resolution was agreed to. During the session of the Senate the same day there was received a message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. T. O. TOWLES, its Chief Clerk, announcing that the Speaker of the House had appointed Mr. JOSEPH McKEXXA, of California; Mr. J. THOMAS SPRIGGS, of New York ; Mr. Funeral Services. 7 J. A. LOUTTIT, of California; Mr. J. B. MORGAN, of Missis- sippi; Mr. WILLIAM P. HEPBURN, of IOWA; Mr. POLK LAF- FOON, of Kentucky, and Mr. SETH L. MILLIKEN, of Maine, the committee on the part of the House to accompany a sim- ilar committee on the part of the Senate to escort the remains of the late Senator JOHN F. MILLER from Washington to California. On the morning of Saturday, March 13, after a brief prayer by the Rev. Dr. LEONARD at the house, in the pres- ence only of the family and a few of the immediate friends of the deceased, the casket containing his remains was escorted from his late home on Connecticut avenue to the Capitol by an imposing cortege, headed by the Marine Band, playing dirges, and marshaled by the Commandery of the Loyal Legion for the District of Columbia. The route of the pro- cession lay south on Connecticut avenue to K street ; east on K street to Massachusetts avenue ; along Massachusetts avenue to Delaware avenue ; thence south on Delaware avenue to the Capitol grounds, where it halted in front of the main entrance to the Capitol. Here, while the band played " Nearer, my God, to Thee," the casket was borne by the pall-bearers up the broad flight of steps, followed by the family and friends, and escorted into the Senate Chamber, where it was placed in front of the President's chair. The pall-bearers were Messrs. STANFORD, BECK, HOAR, VOOR- HEES, and HARRISON, on the part of the Senate ; Messrs. FELTON, MORROW, RANDALL, HISCOCK, and TUCKER, on the part of the House of Representatives ; and Dr. J. M. BROWN, U. S. N., General ABSALOM BAIRD. U. S. A., Ad miral T. A. JENKINS, U. S. N., General A. B. BIRNEY, General W. S. ROSECRANS, General GREEN B. RAUM, Gen- eral N. L. ANDERSON, and General R. B. MUSSEY, on the part of the Loyal Legion. 8 Life and Character of John F. Miller. The casket, of solid copper, inclosing a cedar silk-and- satin-lined case, was similar to that in which the remains of General Grant were interred. A plate-glass top afforded a view of the features of the deceased. A silver plate bore simply the full name and dates of birth and death. The funeral services were held in the Senate on Saturday, March 13. The Chaplain, Rev. E. D. HUNTLEY, D. D., offered the following prayer: " Let us pray. "Almighty God, help us to come into Thy presence with thanksgiving, and into -Thy courts with praise; for that Thou art good, Thy wondrous works declare ; and Thy goodness extendeth even unto us, for as individuals Thou hast greatly blessed us, and as a nation Thou hast set us as a city upon a hill whose light can not be hid. "Grant, we pray Thee, that the light which is within us may never become darkness, but may it be so replenished that across the darkest night our institutions may flash signals of encouragement and cheer to the weary, heavy laden peoples of the earth. "Again Thy servant Death has come among us and brought a glad relief to a weary, patient sufferer. We thank Thee that our brother was enabled through grace to triumph in the presence of forces which dissolved this earthly taber- nacle and hastened his moving into the building of God, that house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. Help us to live like him, that like him we also may know, when our heart and our flesh faileth, what it is to have Thee as the strength of our heart and our portion forever. " We beg the sweet ministries of grace for the afflicted family. Accompany them on their sad, long, lonely journey to their distant home; and in Thine own good time may they Funeral Services. 9 be permitted to rejoice again in the companionship of him who has preceded them into the region of the blessed, the land of the hereafter. "We ask it in the name of Jesus Christ, our Mediator and Redeemer. Amen." The PRESIDENT pro tempore. By order of the Senate the usual business will be suspended this day to enable the Senate to participate in the funeral ceremonies deemed appropriate on the death of Jo. N F. MILLER, late an honored member of this body from the State of California. At five minutes past 12 o'clock the members of the House of Representatives, preceded by the Sergeant-at-Arms and Clerk, and headed by the Speaker and Chaplain, entered the Senate Chamber. The Speaker was escorted to a seat at the right of the President pro tempore of the Senate; the Clerk and Chaplain at the Secretary's desk; and the members of the House were escorted to the seats on the floor provided for them. They were soon followed by the Chief -Justice and associate justices of the Supreme Court of the United States clad in their robes, the diplomatic corps attired in full court cos- tumes, and the President and his Cabinet Ministers, who were respectively escorted to the seats assigned them on the floor of the Senate Chamber. At half past 12 o'clock the casket containing the remains of the deceased Senator was brought into the Senate Chamber, preceded by Rev. WILLIAM A. LEONARD, D. D. , rector of Saint John's Church, of Washington City, and escorted by the committees of arrangements of the two Houses and pall- bearers selected from the Loyal Legion; and followed by members of the family and friends of the deceased. The burial service of the Episcopal Church, with appro- priate collects from the offices of the church, was read by Rev. Dr. LEONARD. 10 Life and Character of John F. Miller. The benediction was pronounced by Rev. Dr. HUNTLEY, Chaplain of the Senate. The PRESIDENT pro iempore. The funeral ceremonies deemed appropriate to this occasion in the Senate Chamber are now terminated. We consign all that is mortal of our brother to the custody of an officer of the Senate and a com- mittee of its members, to be conveyed to his home on the Pacific, and there committed for burial to those who have honored him and loved him so much when living. The Sen- ate as a body will now attend the remains to the station. Mr. CONGER. I move that the Senate adjourn with a view to attend the funeral to the station. The motion was agreed to ; and (at 12 o'clock and 5 min- utes p. m.) the Senate adjourned. On this occasion the Senate paid an extraordinary mark of respect to the memory of their deceased colleague by fol- lowing on foot his remains to the railway station, whence they were to be taken to California. The only other time in all its history that this action has been taken by the Senate was on the occasion of the funeral of Charles Sumner, a Sena- tor from Massachusetts. The Marine Band headed the procession, which comprised, besides the Senate, the Loyal Legion, and thousands of citizens of the several States, who thus testified the respect in which they held the memory of the deceased statesman. The testimonials of respect to Senator MILLER were widespread, and extended from Washington City to San Francisco. Everywhere that the funeral train bearing his remains halted, friends flocked to drop flowers and tears on the casket and to tender words of sympathy to the family. The demonstrations of grief and expressions of synipa- Funeral Services. H thy were national in their character, because Senator MIL- LER'S reputation was national, and because he had friends in every State and Territory. The funeral train had hardly begun the descent of the western slope of the Sierra Nevada Mountains when the people of the Pacific Slope came out with uncovered heads to meet it and to place a guard of honor over the remains of their beloved Senator. At Colfax a delegation from San Francisco waited with a special car to join the funeral train. In that party were General DIMOND, General C. R. THOMPSON, and Colonel A. G. HAWES, representing the Loyal Legion, and the general committees and management of the Grand Army of the Re- public and Sons of Veterans. Senator JOHN P. JONES, of Nevada, on behalf of the Congressional delegation accom- panying the remains, transferred their charge to the mili- tary organizations with these words : " Mr. Chairman of the Committee of George H. Thomas Post, Grand Army of the Republic, and Gentlemen : Obedi- ent to the commands of the Senate of the United States, we have accompanied the remains of your late distinguished rep- resentative to the &tate which had honored him and which in turn he had honored by faithful and intelligent services. It is less than six years since California commissioned him to represent her in the Senate, but his career was so crowded with brilliant and varied services that the time seemed longer. " The esteem in which he was held by his associates found expression in his early assignment to the chairmanship of one of the most important committees of the body. This is neither the time nor place to pronounce his eulogy. The Senate will, in accordance with time-honored usage, set apart a day upon which it will place imperishably on the record its high appreciation of his character and the patri- 12 Life and Character of John F. Miller. otic services which he has rendered the country. The griev- ous wounds which he received in his country's defense wore heavily upon him and shortened his life's journey. While, under the providence of God, he did not die amid the roar of battle and the din of charging squadrons, yet he yielded up his life at his post of duty in the National Capital of a happy and reunited country. Our mournful mission is ended by committing to the charge of his comrades of the Grand Army of the Republic the mortal part of JOHN FRANKLIN MILLER." At Sacramento the funeral party was joined by another large military and civic delegation. The train halted at the capital city for an hour or two, and hundreds of people, among whom were many old soldiers, gathered around the train with uncovered heads. When the train reached San Francisco a great crowd on foot and in carriages awaited it and formed an escort for the party to the mortuary chapel of Trinity Church, where the casket was deposited. While the remains lay in state they were visited by thousands of people, the whole Pacific Slope seemingly joining in the ex- pressions of grief, and at the funeral, on Sunday, March 21, 1886, every town of importance was represented by its dele- gation of citizens. The funeral took place at Trinity Church on Sunday after- noon, at 2 o'clock. It was one of the most remarkable dem- onstrations of the affection of the people for a friend and trusted leader ever witnessed on the Pacific Slope. The floral offerings that filled the chancel of the church were numerous, fitting, and superb. The dim aisles bloomed like a magnifi- cent green-house, and the mild air that pulsed with the ma- jestic melancholy of martial funeral dirges was as heavy with sweet odors as it was with sad strains. At 11 o'clock in the morning people began to gather about Funeral Services. 13 the church door. The crowd kept swelling until it extended in quadruple lines on both sides of the roadway from the portals of the church to the entrance to Laurel Hill Ceme- tery, where the interment took place. The services in the church were brief, beautiful, and im- pressive. After the casket had been deposited in front of the chancel, the choir sang the burial anthem of the service, and afterwards "Rock of Ages " was rendered by a quartet. The Rev. Dr. BEERS, pastor, spoke as follows: ' ' I speak in compliance with a request, which in this case amounts to a command. My words are as well the prompting of admiring and loving friendship, but at the same time the utterances of sober truth. This is one of the rare occasions when truth is eulogy and the language of panegyric does not outmeasure the just meed of appreciation due to high per- sonal character, large and well-applied endowments, and great public services. This is proved in the present case by the widespread shock caused by the death of Senator MILLER and the universal sorrow experienced at a loss not soon nor easily repaired. If human sympathy can ever avail to alle- viate the pangs of irreparable bereavement, these mourning ones may remember that they are encircled with the heart- felt and loving sympathy of a whole people, and that the tears of a community, a State, and a nation mingle with those they shed. Though called away in the meridian of life, our friend lived long enough to outstep the bounds of local and State recognition, and to become a conspicuous figure on the stage of national activities. It will be difficult to recall a parallel in modern times of a Senator almost from the first day challenging recognition as a man of mark in so august and able a body as the upper house of Congress, and having had accorded him so responsible and honorable a position as the chairmanship of Foreign Affairs. We may also recall 14 Life and Character of John F. Miller. the fact that to him is largely due the widespread attention now given by statesmen and thinkers to the question of Mon- golian immigration, as touching some of the deepest and most vital interests of present and future generations. His achievements as a soldier preceded by his career in civil life. His coolness, judgment, and daring in battle brought him warm commendation from his comrades and superiors. But Senator MILLER manifested in various ways, official and per- sonal, his fidelity and consistency in another sphere of life and duty. He ' adorned the doctrine of God, our Saviour, in all things,' and was a good soldier of Christ, and when words were no more possible, signified by gesture that his faith did not fail or falter. And so, full of honors but not of years, with all earthly ministries that could make life desirable a home the abode of peace and love, and troops of friends, great gifts, abundance of wealth and wide influence our friend has passed away, leaving those who survive the price- less heritage of an example as perfect and pure as possible to the frailty of man. Senator MILLER died a martyr to duty. What the bullets of Stone River and Liberty Gap failed to do, unmeasured application to the most difficult and delicate work assigned to him accomplished. And so the stateliness of earth soldier, Senator, citizen, Christian a modern Bay- ard, without fear and without reproach. ' Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord, for they rest from their labors and their works do follow them.'" The service closed with Dyke's hymn, "Lead, Kindly Light," by the full choir, and the reading of a passage from Scripture. As the casket was borne out " Nearer, my God, to Thee" was sung. The route from the church to the cemetery was several miles in length, but it was lined with spectators, and sym- bols of mourning were observed in all directions. Flags Funeral Services. 15 floating at half-mast, furled banners of the Grand Army posts, drums covered with black cloth, and many other tokens attested the reason for the immense gathering on the thoroughfares. The spectacle presented by the procession as it went over the swelling hills was extremely impressive. All the National Guards of San Francisco and Oakland marched at its head to the music of funeral dirges and the beat of muffled drums. The Third and First Regiments followed with reversed arms. At the head of the posts of the Grand Army of the Republic, with whom marched the Con- federate Veterans of California, an old negro carried the banner of the Department of California. Surrounding the hearse were the pall-bearers, Governor GEORGE STONEMAN, ex-Governor F. F. Low, ex-Senator NEWTON BOOTH, ex- Senator A. A. SARGENT, Judge LORENZO SAWYER, General CHAUNCEY MCKEEVER, Commodore RUSSELL, Louis SLOSS, LEWIS GERSTLE, WILLIAM KOHL, G. NIEBAUM, WILLIAM ALVORD, W. T. COLEMAN, WILLIAM L, MERRY, W. W. MONTAGUE, JULES CERF, IRVING M. SCOTT, WILLIAM T. GARRATT, CHARLES S. SUMNER, WILLIAM T. PEABODY, Chancellor HARTSON, Judge JOHN CURRY, Colonel J. P. HOGE, General W. L. ELLIOTT, Colonel A. G. HAWES, CHARLES E. WILSON, General W. H. DIMOND. Preceding the hearse, which was followed by carriages containing the family and near relatives, were four carriages in which rode the Congressional delegation. The Loyal Legion and the Veteran Guard of the George H. Thomas Post acted as a special escort to the remains. The funeral procession was something more than two miles long. The spot selected for the interment of Senator MILLER'S remains is about half way up the sloping and verdant hill side that forms the larger part of Laurel Hill Cemetery, one of the most beautiful burying-grounds in the country. The day was perfect. The odor of springtime filled the air. 16 Life and Character of John F. Miller. The consequence was that a large throng of spectators poured into the cemetery and pressed about the grave. When the military companies and Grand Army of the Re- public posts arrived they formed in line along the roadway to the place of burial. The services at the grave were conducted by the Thomas Post. When the casket, which was draped with the flag of the post and loaded with white flowers, was set over the' mouth of the grave, Dr. BEERS read the Episcopal burial service. Commander WILSON, of the post, then said : " We are assembled to pay the last sad rites to the mem- ory of a soldier of the Republic. The chaplain will offer prayer. " After Chaplain MATTHEWS had done so, and the Masonic Quartet had sung " The Lord is My Shepherd,'' Commander WILSON spoke, saying : " Memory carries us back to the time when shoulder to shoulder we fought for the dear old flag. May the dangers encountered and bravely overcome by our dead hero be an encouragement to the youth of this country when called upon to fight in its defense. As a soldier he was loyal, patriotic, and brave ; as a statesman, he was able and vigor- ous, and true to every trust reposed in him ; as a citizen, he was upright, charitable, and humane; and in all the rela- tions of life he was the noblest work of God, an honest man. He has left behind the aroma of a worthy life. Tenderly, reverently, and affectionately do we commit his body to the earth." General GOULD then said: "On behalf of the Grand Army of the Republic I place this tribute on our comrade's coffin as a symbol of undying love." He deposited a wreath on the casket. Funeral Services. 17 "As a symbol of purity," said Comrade T. H. GOODMAN, laying a white rose tied with ribbon on the coffin, " I place this, here. May future generations emulate the character of him whose ashes lie below." General W. H. L. BARNES put the laurel on the coffin and said in sonorous tones : "As a token of affection for our de- ceased comrade in arms, I crown his remains with this em- blem of victory." Chaplain MATTHEWS read the Grand Army service, the Masonic Quartet sang " Thy Will Be Done," and after the prayer the casket was lowered into the vault, where it was placed under the slab on which rests the remains of the young son of the deceased. The three companies of the National Guard, commanded by Colonel WILDER, fired three volleys over the grave. Many of the large and elaborate floral offerings which had been placed in the church were set about the grave. The remains of the dead Senator were literally buried in flowers. 9318 MIL 2 PROCEEDINGS IN THE SENATE, The 27th day of May having been designated and set apart by the Senate as the day upon which addresses in commem- oration of the life and services of General MILLER should be delivered, the following proceedings were had there : Mr. STANFORD. Mr. President, in accordance with the notice given some time ago that on this day I would move certain resolutions in reference to my late colleague, JOHN F. MILLER: I beg to offer resolutions. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The resolutions will be read. The Chief Clerk read as follows : Resolved, That the Senate has heard with profound sorrow of the death of JOHN F. MILLER, late a Senator from the State of California. Resolved, That as a mark of respect to the memory of the deceased, the business of the Senate be now suspended to enable his associates to pay proper tribute of regard to his high character and distinguished public services. Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate communicate these resolu- tions to the House of Representatives. The resolutions were agreed to unanimously. Address of Mr. STANFORD, of California. Mr. PRESIDENT : The Senate is asked this afternoon to sus- pend its regular business in order that the last tributes to the memory of Senator JOHN F. MILLER can be paid by his former associates of this body. 20 Life and Character of John F. 3liller. The character and public services of the distinguished de- ceased are deserving of public and official recognition. The people of California have already performed this office. The expressions voiced by them have been that the nation has lost a worthy, faithful, and devoted servant, an exemplary citizen, and an honored Senator. On the afternoon of the 8th of March, Senator MILLER passed from mortal life after a long and painful illness. We had been led to believe and had hoped that he would be able to attend this session of the Senate. When he came to this city, in December last, from his distant home in California, he had strong hopes of resuming his official duties, but it was ordered otherwise. During his illness I frequently saw him, and found him always hopeful for the best and extremely desirous of resuming his Senatorial labors. As the winter closed he thought that with the incoming of spring he would gain strength enough to resist the ranges of his disease for a short time, even if he did not permanently regain his full health. At one time it seemed as if his will power and strength would be sufficient, but his strength failed him. He passed into the other world surrounded by those most dear to him on this earth. General MILLER was descended from two of the most re- spected families of Virginia, and was of Swiss-Scotch ex- traction, his progenitor on his father's side having left Switz- erland to find in America what was denied him in the land of his birth the freedom to worship God in accordance with the dictates of his own conscience; while his paternal grand- mother's family were from Scotland. In the first decade of the present century his grandfather and father, who were then located in Franklin County, Virginia, decided on leav- ing that State, and before doing so manumitted their slaves. It may be easily supposed that the strong appreciation of liberty and the rights of man possessed by JOHN F. MILLER Address of Mr. Stanford, of California. 21 came to him as a natural heritage from a father and grand- father whose sense of justice and liberty was so great as 1 to impel them to make a voluntary sacrifice at a time when slavery was by many held to be lawful and right. Having started out from Virginia, the first halting place of the Miller family was at a point in Kentucky on the Ohio River, near Maysville, where, after a short stay, they built flatboats upon which they floated down the Ohio to the present site of Cincinnati. Subsequently the family home was chosen in Union County, Indiana, near Indian Creek, in the great Miami Valley. By a coincidence, the maternal branch of JOHN F. MIL- LER'S family was of the same name as the paternal. His mother's father, John Miller, was a colonel commanding volunteer forces in Indiana and Ohio during the war of 1812, and won an extensive reputation for his successful warfare against the British and their Indian allies. His father was a man of great force of character, a natural leader, and ex- ercised a wide and powerful influence in the State of his adoption. Here, in Union County, Indiana, a few miles from Cincinnati, JOHN F. MILLER was born. A short time after his birth the family removed to South Bend, where his early days were passed. He received an academical education at South Bend, and at Chicago was fitted for college; but prefer- ring to embark as soon as possible upon his life career, he chose to enter at once upon the study of the law, in which he graduated at the New York State Law School at the age of twenty-one. He began the practice of the law at South Bend in the same year, achieving early success. In the year 1853 he first came to California, and, locating at Napa, re- sumed the practice of his profession with marked success. In the winter of 1855-'56 he was summoned back to Indiana by the news that his mother was dangerously ill. Happily this was a mistake, and Mrs. Miller lived to see her son 22 Life and Character of John F. Miller. prosperous, happy, and highly honored. She passed away last fall at the mature age of seventy-four. Mr. MILLER, however, remained in Indiana, re-engaging in the practice of law, and 1861 found him a member of the senate of that State. In 1857 he had married Miss Mary Chess, of Pennsylvania. Of their marriage two children were born; the daughter survives her brother, who nassed away in San Francisco in 1878 at the age of seven years. Mr. MILLER was one of the first to respond in behalf of the Union at the breaking out of the rebellion. Governor Morton, the great war governor of Indiana, appointed him colonel of the Twenty-ninth Indiana Infantry, and he re- signed his seat in the legislature of the State. Few men are better fitted for a soldier's career than was JOHN F. MIL- LER. He had a cool head, great personal bravery, and in- domitable energy, as well as the other traits that go to make up a successful soldier. As the conflict progressed, deserved promotion for "conspicuous bravery" was given him, and the close of the war found him brigadier and brevet major general. On his return to Indiana, Governor Morton pre- sented him a sword which he had promised the soldier of the State who distinguished himself the most and reflected the greatest credit on his State and country. The details of his honorable military career may well be left to his comrades in arms, several of whom are members of this body. When the sound of the conflict had passed away, General MILLER was offered a commission as colonel in the regiilar Army, but he declined it. He was a soldier only because there was a war, and preferred to return to the more active and to him more desirable competition of professional and political life. He returned a second time to California, and President Johnson offered him the position of collector of the port of San Francisco. He accepted, and performed the duties of that important office for four years with great Address of Mr. Stanford, of California. 23 credit. He surrendered the office at the end of his term, de- clining a reappointment. After that he took an active in- terest in the management of the Alaska Commercial Com- pany ; was a candidate for presidential elector in 1872, 1876, and 1880, and his election to the United States Senate fol- lowed in 1881. He took his seat in this body March 4 of that year. The responsible duties of this position he discharged in such a manner as to satisfy his constituents and secure the respect and esteem of his brother Senators. At noon on Saturday, March 13, there were held in this Chamber impressive funeral ceremonies in his honor, in the presence of the President, the members of the Senate and House of Representatives, the Supreme Court of the United States, the diplomatic representatives of foreign countries, members of the Loyal League and other organiza- tions. Every available place in both Chamber and galleries was filled. At the conclusion of the ceremonies the remains were escorted by members of this body, accompanied by a committee from the House of Representatives, to the depot, whence later in the evening the committee appointed by this body and the House of Representatives accompanied them to San Francisco, where, on March 21, funeral ceremonies again took place in the presence of an immense concourse of his sorrowing fellow-citizens. On the occasion of the funeral there, Rev. Dr. Beers, of the Episcopal church, said of the deceased : "This is one of those rare occasions when truth is eulogy and the lan- guage of panegyric does not outmeasure the just meed of appreciation due to high personal character, large and well- applied endowments, and great public service. This is proved in the present case by the widespread shock caused by the death of Senator MILLER and the universal sorrow experi- enced at a loss not soon nor easily repaired. If human sym- 24 Life and Character of John F. Miller. pathy can ever avail to alleviate the pangs of irreparable bereavement, these mourning ones may remember that they are encircled with the heartfelt and loving sympathy of a whole people, and that the tears of a community, a State, and a nation mingle with those they shed. Though called away in the meridian of life, our friend lived long enough to outstep the bounds of local and State recognition, and to become a conspicuous figure on the stage of national activi- ties. * * * His achievements as a soldier preceded his career in civil life. His coolness, judgment, and daring in battle brought him warm commendation from his comrades and superiors. "But Senator MILLER manifested in various ways, official and personal, his fidelity and consistency in another sphere of life and duty. He 'adorned the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things,' and was a good soldier of Christ, and when words were no more possible signified by gesture that his faith did not fail or falter. And so, full of honors, but not of years, with all earthly ministries that could make life desirable a home the abode of peace and love, and troops of friends, great gifts, abundance of wealth, and wide in- fluence our friend has passed away, leaving those who survive the priceless heritage of an example as perfect and pure as is possible to the frailty of man. Senator MILLER died a martyr to duty. What the bullets of Stone River and Liberty Gap failed to do, unmeasured application to the most difficult and delicate work assigned him accomplished. And so the stateliness of earth soldier, Senator, citizen, Christian a modern Bayard, passed away without fear and without reproach. ' Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord, for they rest from their labors and their works do follow them.'" . These sentiments, so beautifully expressed, find a cordial indorsement from all who knew him as a private citizen, a Address of Mr. Edmunds, of Vermont. 25 legislator in Indiana, a soldier of the nation, and a Senator from California. General MILLER'S life was a success. The work he under- took he did well, whether in camp, in commerce, or in Con- gress. He gained commendation on every side and in every path of duty in which he walked. His persuasive eloquence, earnest, able, and logical reasoning, was recognized in this Chamber. He took an active interest in everything that looked to the welfare of his State, his party, and his country. He was a progressive man and a warm friend. In politics he was a Republican and a partisan, and never sought to conceal it. He believed that "he who serves his country best serves his party best." He is gone. Impartial history will delight to place his name, as a private and public citizen, high among those who are worthy examples for their country men to admire and imitate. Address of Mr. EDMUNDS, of Vermont. Mr. PRESIDENT : I must beg permission to pay my heart- felt tribute to the memory of our late associate and our always friend. I did not have the pleasure of knowing him during his most honorable and conspicuous career in the Army of the United States in the darkest hour of its destiny, but all that history tells of it, all that his surviving comrades tell of it, all that his then foes but now friends tell of it, unite in showing how brave and wise and prudent a soldier he was. I have to say rather what I have known of him here in this Chamber, and what I have known of him as a friend and neighbor in our associations during our stay in this city. 26 Life and Character of John F. Millar. It was my pleasure and privilege to be for a long time his associate as a member of the Committee on Foreign Rela- tions, of which he was the chairman a committee as you know, Mr. President, and as all the Senators know, that often has to do with questions not only of great practical importance but of extreme delicacy. Senator MILLER brought to that duty, coming as he did from the field of business, of politics, and of war, and not from a career of previous diplomatic experience or instruction, a tact, and a quality of suiting things to each other, and of harmonizing difficulties so far as consistent with truth and justice and national honor which would have done credit to any man who had spent his whole life in the training of diplomatic and international intercourse. Never excited, never astray, patient, persistent in that as he was in his previous career in the Army, he contributed as much certainly, if not more than any other member of that committee or any other member of the Senate, to the satisfactory progress and adjustment of the affairs that were intrusted to that committee, which, as you know, is so often and so necessarily in conference with the Executive and his Secretary of State respecting a great many affairs that are never even brought to the attention of the whole body of the Senate. . So I can say of him with a truth and an eulogy that is not exaggerated, that in that most delicate and conspicuous and responsible position he was a man equal to the respon- sibilities of the place. His career here we all know, in the public legislation and operations of this body never a frequent speaker, never a long speaker when he had occasion to address the Senate, but always the man of thought, the man of attention, the man of industry, the man of practical sagacity^ who brought Address of Mr. Edmunds, of Vermont. 27 to the solution of every question, whether legislative or ex- ecutive, the patient and persistent energy and intelligence that should produce for his country and for his State the best results. I think such an American citizen is a' model for us all, is an inspiration to all who are to follow us here, or who are to perform the equally important duties of American citi- zens in their respective spheres. But. Mr. President, outside of this Chamber and in the in- tercourse of social and friendly life that intercourse which gives nearly all the sweetness and happiness and hope that there is in the somewhat weary ways we travel I think Mr. MILLER was peculiar in the circumstance that with this positiveness of character, this persistence of energy, this solidity of opinion, which did not yield except for good rea- son, the social and the private side of his character was as sweet and gentle as that of a woman. I knew him well, and with a sincere sensibility I pay this tribute to that part of his life that was not seen in this Chamber. I saw him often during the distressing hours of his last days. In all the pain and misery that his mortal disease gave to him there was the same steadfast calmness of per- sistent patience that had exhibited itself on the active side of his life. With no murmuring, no grief, no sorrow except that natural one of leaving behind him those he loved, he faced the door that opens to that mysterious land we all hope to see, and greeted with, a happy hope, I am sure, when the door at last opened, that spacious sunshine far from pain to which he felt and knew he was so soon to go. I lay upon his grave the tribute of my most affectionate remembrance. 28 Life and Character of John F. Miller. Address of Mr. VoORHEES, of Indiana. Mr. PRESIDENT : The distinguished soldier and civilian whose death we mourn and whose memory we cherish won and wore in his lifetime, and in full and abundant measure, the honors of two great States, far distant from each other. Fifty-five years ago in the beautiful valley of the White- water, in Eastern Indiana, JOHN F. MILLER was born. He grew to manhood's bright estate and equipped himself for his brilliant career under the favorable and progressive influences of his native State. He first appeared in connec- tion with public affairs as a member of the Indiana State senate from Saint Joseph County in 1860. He was then twenty-nine years of age, handsome in face and person, and attractive in manner. Those who saw him then could best appreciate when they met him in after years the changes wrought by wounds, suffering, and time. He remained but a short time in the civil service of Indiana. The ill-omened roar of artillery at Sumter in April, 1861, startled men from the repose of peace and inflamed their blood for battle as no other opening act of war ever did in the history of nations. The people of the North and of the South instinctively knew the desperate and fatal meaning of those dread echoes, and they simultaneously sprang to arms for that irrepres- sible conflict which in the high councils of Almighty God was decreed to be settled by the sword. In that first rush to the field General MILLER was among the foremost. He re- signed his seat as a member of the senate in the Indiana leg- islature and took command as colonel of the Twenty-ninth Regiment of Indiana Volunteers. From that day until the war closed he appeared at all times and under all circum- stances as the highest and best type of an American soldier Address of Mr. Voorhees, of Indiana. 29 Two hundred thousand of the youth and flower of Indiana took their part in the harvest of death from the Potomac to the Gulf and to the ensanguined plains beyond the Missis- sippi. Their record is brilliant and conspicuous for courage and endurance wherever the flag was planted. But in all the bright array of Indiana soldiers no name has a prouder place or does more honor to the history of his native State than that of JOHN F. MILLER. I need not de- tail his military services. They are preserved in the annals of his country and cherished in the hearts of his country- men. He was brevetted a major-general for conspicuous courage in battle, and merited and should have received a major-general's commission and full rank. The future im- partial historian will notice and record the fact that the military officers of Indiana during the great conflict between the sections did not, as a rule, receive such promotion and advancement to high rank and command as their abilities and services demanded. With material in the field equal to any from Ohio, Illinois, or any other State, yet the just claims of hard-fighting colonels and brigadiers from Indiana were but sparingly recognized by promotion. This, how- ever, is not the time nor the occasion to assign the reason for the fact I have stated. With the return of peace General MILLER sought the Pa- cific coast and made his home in that wonderful State whose discovery, development, and wealth have flashed upon the world more like a bewildering romance than a stupendous reality in human history. In the midst of the strong and pushing people of that remarkable. Commonwealth where "the survival of the fittest" is a practical daily law and not a mere speculative theory, General MILLER went to the front and there maintained himself. Indiana may be pardoned for her interest and pride in her sons in distant States. It 30 Life and Character of John F. Miller. is a somewhat singular circumstance that when he entered this body he succeeded the accomplished and eloquent Booth, also a native of Indiana. As a Senator moving here in the midst of his associates, General MILLER was admired, respected, and beloved. His abilities were of a high order, and he brought to the dis- charge of his duties the habits and methods of a trained and cultivated mind. His demeanor was full of quiet, dignified courtesy toward all. He was always a gentleman. General MILLER had been for many years an intense sufferer, and there is no doubt that his life was shortened by the shock and severity of his wounds. In the ordinary course of nature, and by reason of a strong physical constitution, death should long have spared him to his family, his friends, and his country. But though prematurely called he met the great inevitable change with the firmness and the faith of a soldier and a Christian. Sir, how thick and fast come the warnings to us all that this earth is not our abiding home ; that our lives are as fleeting shadows a moment here on the shore- less, illimitable ocean of time, then gone forever ! On every hand, and keeping time with the days and almost with the hours, our friends and comrades depart, recede from our longing embrace, and disappear from our tearful gaze. How empty and vain appear all the honors of this world at such a time, and how pitiful the conflicts and asperities of human ambition ! Sir, it seems but yesterday when General MILLER walked and thought and toiled in our midst, but we shall see him no more amongst living men. On the far-off Pacific coast all of him that was mortal will repose forever. Indiana joins California as a mourner for the honored dead, and lays an evergreen garland of gratitude for his services, and affection for his memory on his grave. Address of Mr. Logan, of Illinois. 31 Address of Mr. LOGAN, of Illinois. Mr. PRESIDENT : In the death of JOHN F. MILLER, of California, a loss to the country has been sustained the full extent of which can now only be realized by those whose good fortune it was to know him intimately. He had arrived at that position in life when, having conquered the difficul- ties Avhich confront youth at the beginning of its career, he was ready to enter upon a field of broad usefulness, in which he would have earned a brilliant and lasting place in the national annals of his period. But he was fated to be like a gallant general who, after having carried the ramparts of an enemy's works, is stricken down upon the very threshold of well-earned victory. In this Chamber, where he was known and honored, the sentiment that his death was untimely is general and deeply rooted. The parents of the late Senator MILLER were, originally, citizens of the State of Virginia, whence they emigrated to Indiana at a time when the latter was considered fairly en- titled to be designated as the Far West. In this new State, which, in reference to its then recent admission to the Union, may be said to have been still in its teens, JOHN F. MILLER was born, in the year 1831. His youth was passed f.mid those frontier scenes which have developed some of the strongest characters of American history. At an early age he evinced an unequivocal aptitude for books ; and his parents, resolving to give him all of the limited advantages of an education then accessible to the Western boy, sent him to an academy in South Bend, where he obtained such preliminary education as it was possible to furnish. At the age of eighteen he began the study of law, and in the year 1852 graduated with much credit from the New York State 32 Life and Character of John F. Miller. Law School, to which he had gone to avail himself of its course. Returning to his home in Indiana he began the practice of law, but soon being seized with the California fever, then fully developed, he joined the immense concourse of people who were flocking to the new El Dorado. Pursuing the practice of law for a few years on the Pacific coast, he returned again to the home of his youth, resolving to spend the remainder of his days among the friends who loved him so well. In the year 1860 he was elected to mem- bership in the Indiana State senate, but upon the inaugura- tion of the rebellion, being then only thirty years of age, he entered the Union Army, and was at once made colonel of the Twenty-ninth Regiment of Indiana Volunteers. Evinc- ing military ability of a high grade, he was soon placed in command of a brigade, and served at different periods under Generals Sherman, Rosecrans, and Thomas. At the battle of Stone River General MILLER exhibited this ability in a very conspicuous manner. Two days be- fore this engagement he had been painfully wounded and was still suffering acutely from the effects of the wound. Having been ordered to the support of General Crittenden's corps, at Stone River, he took position with his brigade upon the left of the railroad in an open field, and near the bank of the stream. About 4 o'clock in the afternoon a furious attack was made by the enemy upon General Beatty's or VanCleve's division, which was then across the river. The latter was compelled to retreat to the other side again through General MILLER'S lines. The enemy had followed the retiring Unionist and were now upon the opposite bank, directly facing General MILLER'S brigade. A spirited action at once, took place between the two bod- ies of troops across the stream. Under the dreadful fire of General MILLER'S force the enemy began to waver and then Address of Mr. Logan, of Illinois. 33 to fall back. General MILLER perceiving his advantage, determined to follow it, and gave orders for an immediate advance. At this moment an order came to him from a gen- eral officer, not his immediate commander, to desist from the attempt to cross the river. "With the self-reliance mark- ing independent natures, General MILLER dashed across the river with his troops, the enemy flying before him in order to gain the cover of the batteries in his rear. On went the Unionists under the lead of the gallant MILLER. Nothing pould withstand their intrepidity. A charge was made upon a battery of four guns, with the fire of the pieces fairly blaz- ing in the faces of the attacking party. A hand-to-hand conflict took place ; the battery was captured, and with it the colors of the regiment serving it. The movement of General MILLER was perilous in the ex- treme ; but the importance of the result obtained fully justi- fied the daring attempt. The check received by the enemy through General MILLER'S audacious bravery undoubtedly contributed as much if not more than any other thing in turning the tide in favor of our troops at this battle and pre- vented the enemy from occupying the heights overlooking Stone River. He was severely wounded at Liberty Gap, and after* ward commanded a large force at the battle of Nashville, where he gained great distinction. These incidents are selected from the military career of General MILLER in order to illustrate the strong character and ardent patriotism of the man whose loss we have so recently been called upon to mourn. With no previous military education he entered the Union Army at the beginning of the war, and simply through force of his marked personal characteristics, backed by the fitness for arms which the life of a free-born American citizen is so 9318 MIL 3 34 Life and Character of John F. Miller. well calculated to create, lie left the Army at the termina- tion of the conflict with the rank of a brevet major-general. The military career of the lamented MILLER furnishes another interesting example of the resources of the United States when forced to the dread alternative of war. For- tunately, the country has not often been called to accept this alternative during the course of its peaceful history; but old England, the most warlike of nations, and old Mex- ico, the most powerful of the Hispano- American republics, have alike had cause to marvel at the military strength of our country, almost without an army or a military establish- ment, and traditionally devoted to a career of peace. The concealed military power of the United States, if I may so express it, has been remarkable, and an unpleasant development to all of the nations of the world, whose sov- ereigns have been accustomed for so long a period to regard a standing army as the only true measure of the power of the people. Such a spectacle as the American volunteer soldier has never been seen in the history of governments. Behold a man, quietly following his peaceful avocation, surrounded by family and friends, and with no thoughts save those connected with the routine of an unostentatious life and the faithful fulfillment of the obligations of citizen- ship. Sixty million people every day, in this broad and happy land, to the call of such peaceful duties and the round of such an eventful life. Not a banner, nor a military trap- ping, nor the beat of a drum can be seen or heard to break the even tenor of industrial and domestic pursuit. But hark ! The shrill note of the bugle has broken the stillness of the air. Look again, and behold a marvelous transformation ! The quiet man. who mayhap was clad in homespun vest- ments and engaged in following the sloAV course of a plow over a forbidding field, has vanished ; and there now stands Address of Mr. Logan, of Illinois. 35 in his place a grim soldier, attired in the uniform of his reg- iment and examining the deadly qualities of his rifle. The air is filled with martial music, and the roads and streets resound to the tramp of the American volunteers as they go forth to certain triumph. The ringing of the steel ; the even tread of moving regiments ; the clatter of horses' feet ; the rolling of artillery wheels ; the swelling strains of the bands ; the waving banners ; the shouting of the masses all indi- cate the irresistible moving of an army that has sprung into martial completeness with the suddenness of the birth of Minerva from the brain of Jove. This is no strained figure of a patriotic imagination. An actual fact is represented, which has demonstrated upon more than one occasion the utter disparity between a merely hired soldiery and an army of freemen, moving with all the elements of successful war to the defense of their principles, their homes, and their cherished institutions. It is safe to say that no foreign power can subdue a nation thus defended ; and so long as the free spirit of American institutions is preserved untainted and untrammeled, so long as the people continue to feel that they are the sover- eigns and the directors of the Government of the United States, so long will that Government continue invincible to the attacks of enemies, whether they be foreign or domestic. At the termination of the late war General MILLER found himself still suffering from the effects of wounds received during the course of his honorable service. One of these was of such a nature as to induce the diseased action which ultimately put a premature end to his useful life. In the year 1866 General MILLER was appointed collector for the port of San Francisco, and this appointment led to his permanent removal to the Pacific coast. Of energetic character, he believed that his field of activity would be 36 Life and Character of John F. Miller. enlarged in a section of country still needing strong arms, broad minds, and courageous hearts for its permanent de- velopment. From the date of his arrival General MILLER became a prominent man upon our Western coast, both in its industrial and political progress. His official adminis- tration won for him the good- will of all parties and classes, guided as he ever was by the strict principles of honor and justice. His efforts, however, were not limited to the mere per- functory discharge of the duties of his Federal office. At all times and at all seasons he was ready to aid with his influence and his means every feasible plan for the unfolding of the industrial and social interests of the Pacific Slope. Firmly believing with the quaint writer, Swift, that ''who- ever could make two ears of corn or two blades of grass to grow upon a spot of ground where only one grew before would deserve better of mankind and do more essential serv- ice to his country than the whole race of politicians put together," he sought to call into development previously unknown elements of wealth ; and when finally freed from the cares and restraints of office he became the leading spirit of a business enterprise that has largely added to the wealth and commercial interests of our whole country. But a man of such activity and of such large capability could not remain unsought to aid in the political interests of his party. In 1872, in 1876, and in 1880 he occupied a place upon the California Republican electoral, ticket. In 1879 he was elected by a handsome vote to be a member of the con- vention to form a State constitution. In 1881 he was selected by the California legislature to represent that State in this body, and his service in the capacity of Senator dates from the 4th of March of that year, when he took the oath of office. From that time to the date of his death his colleagues here Address of Mr. Logan, of Illinois. 37 became familiar with the man whose career, though previ- ously bristling with usefulness, was now about to yield its fullest fruition. An active worker, a far-seeing counselor, a genial friend, a magnanimous opponent one and all came to respect and love him for his strong mind, his manly worth, and his gentle qualities of heart. During the five years that he held membership in this body Senator MILLER was a silent sufferer from the wound he had received in the defense of his country ; and it was this suffering alone that prevented him from filling the sphere of activity offered by his national character as fully as he certainly otherwise would have done. The progress of his malady at length began to demon- strate that the career of our colleague was doomed to suffer untimely abridgment, like The bud bit with an envious worm, Ere he can spread his sweet leaves to the air, Or dedicate his beauty to the sun. Suddenly, upon an inhospitable day, when the very ele- ments seemed hung with weeds of sorrow, the frost came and with ruthless touch withered a life that held within its clasp probabilities extending far beyond the limits of any ordinary career. Senator MILLER was a true type of the American free- man, of manly form, strong of mind, with quick perception and rapidity of decision; with iron courage, and a gentle nature, that melted enmity into friendship and opposition into compliance, he was a marked man among his fellows. He was at home among the humble, and always a peer of the best. His life was full of promise, and his sudden death was rounded by melancholy disappointment. The life was in- structive, and the death suggestive to his friends. 38 Life and Character of John F. Miller. We are here to-day to render a tribute of appreciation and of sorrow in presence of a calamity which extends beyond the limits of the family threshold and invades the circle of the national interest. We are here to drop the tear of sym- pathy, and to pronounce the encomium, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant." In bewailing our colleague's loss we cannot be unmindful of the circumstance that death is the common lot of all. To play our parts well upon life's great stage is worthy of. the loftiest ambition. But the time comes when, standing in presence of such a catastrophe as we are now contemplating, we are profoundly impressed by the reminder of the immortal dramatist : Our revels now are ended. These our actors, As I foretold you, were all spirits, and Are melted into air, into thin air; And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, The solemn temples, the great globe itself, Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff As dreams are made of, and our little life Is rounded with a sleep. Departed colleague, sleep on ; thou hast earned thy rest, and thy country is better that thou hast lived. The nation mourns thee and thy friends bewail thee ; but having passed the portals of the mysterious realm they would not call thee back. Thy work belongs to thy country, and thy rest to thee. To thy colleagues is left the remembrance of thy gentle spirit ; but to them also is given the exquisite pain of pronouncing the most terrible of all words : Farewell! For in that word that fatal word howe'er We promise, hope, believe there breathes despair. Address of Mr. Fair, of Nevada. 39 Address of Mr. FAIR, of Nevada. Mr. PRESIDENT : In the brief time that I shall occupy the attention of the Senate I will be unable to give a fitting tribute to the life and services of Senator MILLER. I cannot, however, allow this occasion to pass without giving expres- sion to the feelings of respect and admiration I have for his memory. It was my good fortune for a number of years to know Senator MILLER well, and we became warm friends. His death, therefore, to me was not simply the passing away of a distinguished citizen, but was a personal bereavement. JOHN F. MILLER has passed away at the age of fifty-five years. How much of effort, achievement, yea, of suffering, have been crowded into that short period of time. Mr. President, the career of this man may well be pointed to as an example and incentive for the rising generation of the Republic. Few men of our time have filled as he has, with heaping measure, the requirements of every public and private station. With the true ambition for success and fame, he early fitted himself for the great intellectual strug- gle of life. Entering upon the practice of law in his native State of Indiana, he soon conceived the idea of establishing himself in California, whither he went and remained for a period of three years. He then decided to return to Indiana, where he was soon chosen to the honorable position of State senator. He occupied this position at the time that the opening of our great civil war startled the country. Resigning his duties as a legislator he entered with patriotic enthusiasm into the great struggle for the Union and led to the field a regiment of infantry. I will not descant at length upon his military career ; but 40 Life and Character of John F. Miller. it is well known that in this field of endeavor he displayed those noble traits of character coolness, courage, and re- sources which in time of war make heroes of men. At the great three days' battle of Stone River it fell to his lot to occupy the key of the position. With the true mili- tary instinct, he took in the situation, and without orders he made an assault which opened the way to victory, and in this terrible struggle he received the wound from which he suffered so much and which no doubt finally contributed to his death. This, however, did not end his military career. At Nashville he was intrusted with a larger command and with conspicuous gallantry aided in the overthrow of Hood's army. Successful in war, it was left to him to be equally success- ful in peace. Again becoming a citizen of California, he was chosen to conspicuous and responsible positions under the National and State governments, and was finally chosen to represent that great State in this Chamber. Here his ability received a fitting recognition when he was placed at the head of one of the leading committees of the Senate. As a man of business and of affairs he was always recog- nized as possessing large ability. In the private walks of life and in the social circle he made hosts of friends. In fact it may be said that here was a conspicuous and distin- guished man without an enemy. It would seem that the life of Senator MILLER was a series of unbroken successes ; this statement necessarily includes the idea that his combi- nation of good qualities entitled him to succeed. He was a man of fine intellectual endowments ; he pos- sessed an admirably balanced mind, and a heart full of con- sideration for his fellow-man. He was a man of patriotism, of honor, and honesty, and I join with his warmest friends in deploring his untimely death. Address of Mr. Harrison, of Indiana. 4.] Address of Mr. HARRISON, of Indiana. Mr. PRESIDENT: There seemed to be an appropriateness in the suggestion made to me some days ago by the senior Sen- ator from California that the representatives of the State of Indiana in this Chamber should take part in these memorial exercises. JOHN F. MILLER was born in Union County, In- diana; received his education and spent his early manhood in that State. It was there that he entered public life as a senator from the county of Saint Joseph, and from that State, bearing the commission of its great war governor, he went into the Army of the Union in August, 1861, as colonel of the Twenty-ninth Regiment of Indiana Volunteer Infan- try. He did much to make the name of the State illustrious in that great and protracted struggle. Indiana will always cherish his memory, and will write his name high upon that tardy monument which she is yet to build to the memory of her dead soldiers. The highest achievements of his conspic- uous and useful life are associated with the history of his native State. His removal very soon after the close of the war to California gave to that State the high privilege of crowning his service and sacrifice for the Union with the highest civil honors in the gift of a State. He was worthy of this high preferment, and had already in the Senate given evidence that he was a leader in the field of thought and statesmanship as well as in the field of arms. When the war broke out General MILLER was a member of the State senate of Indiana, and when that body was assem- bled in special session to devise such measures as were nec- essary to collect and equip the war quota of the State he at once, though a very young man, attracted the attention of his colleagues and won the confidence of Governor Morton. 42 Life and Character of John F. Miller. A defensive campaign was not compatible with his bold and aggressive spirit. He was impatient with timidity and half- heartedness. He defended the cause of the Union in debate as he afterward defended Nashville, by going out of his in- trenchments and whipping the enemy that was gathering to besiege him. The debates at this session of the Indiana sen- ate were sometimes characterized by great excitement and acrimony, and the part taken by Senator MILLER quickly gave him a reputation for ability and courage. He was, while still in the senate, appointed aid to Governor Morton with the rank of colonel, and gave most efficient help in organizing the first troops that were sent into the field. But his high spirit was not long content with a home serv- ice. He organized the Twenty-ninth Regiment of Indiana Infantry, and in August, 1861, was mustered in as its col- onel. It is not my purpose to follow the military history of General MILLER. A few incidents will suffice to show how rapidly, almost intuitively, this young lawyer, untrained in military schools, became a skillful and successful commander. I do not doubt that if the severe wound received at Liberty Gap, resulting in the loss of an eye, had not forced his retire- ment for a time from severe military duty, he would have risen to the command of an army. His personal courage was of the highest order, yet no man was more free from brag or bluster. He was reserved in speech, but spirited and resolute in action. In the battle of Stone River he received a severe and almost fatal wound in the neck, but refused to leave the field. Tying a handkerchief about the wound, he was seen the next instant riding in the thick of the fight encouraging his men to hold the desperate situa- tion confided to him. At Liberty Gap, while leading his brigade, he received a bullet wound in the eye, which was at first thought to be fatal. The sight of the eye was de- Address of Mr. Harrison, of Indiana. 43 stroyed, and it was not until many years after the war that the bullet was found to be lodged in the eye-socket and ex- tracted. From a military sketch of General MILLER, in the second volume of Indiana's Roll of Honor, I take two or three ex- tracts relating to the part taken by him in the battle of Stone River. Speaking of the desperate assault made upon his line dur- ing the first day's fight, the author says: During this entire engagement and under all these terribly appalling circumstances Colonel MILLER displayed the most admirable coolness and bravery, setting an example of heroic daring and cool courage that has seldom been equaled, never surpassed, and could not but find a response in the hearts of his gallant men. Though severely wounded he persisted in remaining on the field, despite the remonstrances of the surgeon; and had his resistance to the enemy been less obstinate, and had they suc- ceeded in forcing a passage through his lines, the whole right whig of the army, which had been driven back, would thus have been cut off from all support and either captured or dispersed: but they were enabled by the fierce, protracted, and gallant struggle of Colonel MILLER to gain the rear of the army and there reform their shattered lines. Of the gallant and timely countercharge afterward made by Colonel MILLEK'S brigade, when assaulted by an over- whelming force, the same author says: It is now generally conceded by most military men that this bold and dashing bayonet charge into the very heart of the enemy's lines, which was conceived, ordered, and led by Colonel MILLER, and carried into ex- ecution solely upon his own responsibility, was the great event of the battle, and tended, perhaps more than any other, to dishearten the enemy and to crown our standards with another glorious victory. Too much cannot be said of the skill and ability, nor the distinguished bravery of the colonel in this bloody battle, nor of the gallantry of his veteran troops. These qualities were recognized and appreciated by the commander-in- chief , General Rosecrans, who awarded the post of honor to the Seventh Brigade in being the first to enter Murfreesborough, and telegraphed to the President from th3 field of battle, recommending Colonel MILLER'S promotion for " gallantry on the field." 44 Life and Character of John F. Miller. But few officers have been so fortunate in securing the love, respect, and confidence of their troops as General MILLER, and history, which sooner or later awards justice to all men, will wreathe around his gallant deeds in this great struggle for freedom and nationality an immortal halo of renown. But the skill and dash, of General MILLER had perhaps its best display in the defense of ISTashville, Tenn., where he had an independent command. His sudden and successful dashes upon the enemy at Gallatin, La Vergne, Neeley's Bend, and other points, in all of -which he was successful, tended to maintain the spirit and efficiency of the garrison and at the same time to impress the enemy with a wholesome respect for this isolated but plucky command. At times food and forage became very scarce, so much so that the inhabitants were suffering and the troops upon half -rations. The only source of supply was the surrounding country, which was occupied by the enemy. General MILLER was compelled many times to go out with half his command as an escort to a foraging train, but his movements were so skillfully concealed and so quickly and boldly executed that they were always suc- cessful. The last active service rendered by him was in the great battle of Nashville in December, 1864. He was given by General Thomas, who thoroughly trusted him, a prominent command, and throughout that severe engagement bore himself with the same gallantry that characterized his early service. After the close of the war he went again to California, and after exercising for some years high official trusts under the Government with fidelity and credit, he was in 1880 elected a Senator from that State. Immediately upon his entrance into the Senate General MILLER took a position of influence not often awarded to new members of that body. Every one who was brought into Address of Mr. Harrison, of Indiana. 45 contact with, him observed his quick and fine perception and his clear and logical judgment. He had evidently studied with great care and research many public questions, especially those affecting the commerce of the Pacific coast in its rela- tions to the nations of South America and the East. He was bold enough to give hospitable entertainment to the most progressive ideas, and believed that the time had come when the kindly but powerful influence of the United States should be exerted in bringing about closer commercial and polit- ical relations with the Governments of Central and South America. To him a diplomatic tradition of our younger and weaker days was not a necessary rule of action for a nation of fifty millions. That European influence should be dominant in the near-lying American republics fretted him. That Euro- pean merchants should fill with their wares the markets so much needed for our own surplus, and by neighborhood so clearly our own, stimulated him to seek for the cause and a remedy. He was not sparing of himself, and the hours of early morning often found him at his desk. He had always risen in effort and achievement with every promotion in life, and the demands which his onerous and dignified position as chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Senate made upon him were responded to with spirit and fidelity. He was not a frequent or a fluent speaker, but always spoke with the most careful and ample preparation and with re- markable force and clearness. In his private relations General MILLER was loved by all who knew him. His heart was full of sympathy and all kind impulses, and his hand was its willing and generous servant. His affection for wife and child was not effusive, but it was very tender, watchful , and enduring. His sense of honor was high and imperative. As an adversary he was open and brave; 46 Life and Character of John F. Miller. as a friend he was true and steadfast. His love of country was a passion; its unity, its honor, and its prosperity were dearer than life to him. He had twice shed his blood in its defense. He did this because he loved his country; and we can not doubt his love for the flag, the Constitution, and the Union were deepened and intensified by the sacrifices he had made in their defense. Another of the great soldiers of the war has departed. Wrapped in the flag he loved, and cov- ered with laurel wreath and flowers, his scarred body has been laid to rest by loving hands. Indiana mourns her son, the nation one of its most gallant defenders, and we a friend. Address of Mr. DOLPH, of Oregon. Mr. PRESIDENT: It is not my purpose to attempt anything like a biographical sketch of our deceased brother. I shall leave that to others who were more intimately associated with him in social life and in the labors of this body and are better qualified for the task; but I can not forbear on this occasion to give expression to the deep sense of the loss I feel at the death of him we mourn to-day, and to add to the eloquent eulogies already pronounced my feeble tribute to his mem- ory. When the last session of Congress, during which our la- mented brother had been one of the most active and useful members of this body, closed, how bright his future seemed. Fortune smiled upon him, and everything which could min- ister to his comfort and pleasure and gratify a cultivated and refined taste were his. Honored and trusted by the people of his State, beloved and respected by his fellow Senators, in the prime of life, his star in the ascendant, his career as a Senator apparently just begun, how little we then thought Address of Mr. Dolph, of Oregon. 47 that lie would never again occupy the seat in this Chamber he had so honorably filled and would never more enter this Senate Hall alive. But death is no respecter of persons. The strong and the brave are stricken down side by side with the feeble and the timid; rich and poor, noble and base, peasant and king, are subject alike to his fatal shafts and meet upon the level of the tomb. Indeed, often the poetic sentiment appears to be justified that, Like other tyrants, death delights to smite What, smitten, most proclaims the pride of pow'r And arbitrary nod. His joy supreme, To bid the wretch survive the fortunate ; The feeble wrap the athletic in his shroud ; And weeping fathers build their children's tomb. As was said by one of the greatest of American statesmen: One may live as a conqueror and king or a magistrate, but he must die as a man. The bed of death brings every human being to his pure individuality, to the intense contemplation of that deepest and most solemn of all relations, the relation between the creature and his Creator. Here it is that fame and renown can not assist us, that even friends' affec- tion and human love and devotedness can not succor us. For, as was said by an eminent writer: Nature intends that at fixed periods men should succeed each other by the instrumentality of death. They are allowed to keep it at bay up to a certain point, but when that is past it will be of no use to make new discoveries hi anatomy or to penetrate more and more into the secrets of the structure of the human body ; we shall never outwit nature ; we shall die as usual. My personal acquaintance with Senator MILLER com- menced in 1879, in Oregon, upon the occasion of the visit of General Grant and party to that State, of which General MILLER and family were members, and although casual from that time until I became associated with him in the Senate, it was of the most pleasant character. During the Forty- eighth Congress he always manifested a warm interest in my personal welfare; and in the measures presented by me to adyance the interests of the State I in part represented I had his hearty co-operation and valuable assistance. 48 Life and Character of John F. MiUer. When I reached this city in February, 1883, he was one of the first to welcome me to and to extend to me the hospitalities of his home. It was my good fortune to meet him during the recess of Congress, early in July last, at Port Townsend, Wash., where, while waiting for the sailing of the Alaska steamer, he and his family were sojourning in the hope of recruiting his already failing health. We were fellow-pas- sengers upon that July trip to Alaska. During the long and pleasant days spent together upon that more than delightful voyage we had several conversations, embracing a wide range of subjects, but more particularly relating to national questions and matters appertaining to the Pacific coast. He was enthusiastic concerning the future of the coast, well in- formed as to its resources and wants, and thoroughly inter- ested in every practical scheme for its development. I left him, when our routes separated upon our return, invigorated by the trip and hopeful for the future. The improvement in his health proved to be only tempo- rary. He believed his presence was required at the capital of the nation, and, as the time for the opening of Congress approached, he made the journey from his distant home with the expectation of occupying his place in the Senate, an ex- pectation never to be realized. The last enemy of the human race, the insatiate archer, had already sent the fatal shaft, with unerring aim, which was to pierce the citadel of his life. Neither his indomitable will, the skill of physicians, nor the kind offices of loving friends could do more than to post- pone for a time the final catastrophe. He desired to live to serve his State and to enjoy the society of his loved ones, and manfully clung to hope from the first, and heroically endured the pain and confinement of his illness. With great forti- tude he strove against the progress of the disease, and with thoughtful solicitude encouraged his wife and daughter to Address of Mr. Dolph, of Oregon. 49 hope for his recovery. But as lie neared the end, evidently conscious of that fact, he is reported to have said. "It is not worth the fight," and with perfect resignation yielded to the last of human foes; no doubt realizing, as he reviewed the incidents of his life ere his spirit winged its flight, that " every man has "lived long enough who has gone through all the duties of life with unblemished character," and that "that life is long which answers life's great end." Death is sad to contemplate at best. Even under the most favorable circumstances "we start and fear to die." But death is relieved of half its terrors when the dying, as was our departed brother, are surrounded by friends and receive those kindly offices which only affection can suggest and pass from their presence across the boundary that separates the living from the unknown beyond. Senator MILLER achieved great distinction as a soldier. When the angry clouds, which had been gathering in our po- litical sky for three-quarters of a century, burst in the storm of civil war and the fate of the Union hung upon the fearful arbitrament of battle, and when, animated with one purpose the preservation of the Union from farm and shop and fac- tory and office and store the patriotic sons of the North hur- ried to its defense, Senator MILLER, then a lawyer and State senator in Indiana was commissioned colonel of the Twenty- ninth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, by Governor Morton, of that State, and took the field. His personal bravery, firmness, and skill soon won for him the confidence of his superior officers and the affection of his men. He participated in the battles of Stone River, Liberty Gap, and Nashville, and greatly distinguished himself on those fields. He was wounded in the neck at the battle of Stone River and severely wounded at Liberty Gap. Retir- ing from the Army and removing to California, by enter- 9318 MIL 3 50 Life and Character of John F. Miller. prise and energy he acquired a competence and became one of the foremost men of the coast, and his election to the Sen- ate of the United States was a just recognition of his ability and merit. It is supposed that his life was shortened by the wound he received in the war. He was a man who preferred to wear out rather than to rust out, and it is possible that his days were cut short by overwork. There is so much indolence and so many aimless and purposeless lives in the world that I can hardly consider an excess of energy a fault. Our lives are measured by deeds, not years; and how more than true is it that "fame is not won on downy plumes nor under canopies; the man who consumes his days without obtaining it leaves such mark of himself on earth as smoke in air or foam on water. " Rather than one who is content to drift with the current down the stream of life Give me a spirit that on life's rough sea Loves to have his sails filled with a lusty wind Even till his sailyards tremble, his masts creak, And his rapt ship runs on her side so low That she drinks water and her keel plows air. The leading characteristics of Senator MILLER were great energy, a strong will, and a high sense of honor, but with all an extreme modesty, which upon a casual acquaintance created an impression of stiffness of manner, but which dis- appeared upon better acquaintance. He was well informed and possessed decided opinions upon public questions, and expressed himself with fluency, freedom, and force. I have been told that when he canvassed the State previous to his election as United States Senator, although he made numer- ous public addresses no two of them were alike. He did not often occupy the time of this body, and when he did address the Senate there was little attempt at rhetoric. His speeches were the earnest expressions of well-matured Address of Mr. Dolph, of Oregon. 51 opinions and strong convictions, and, without circumlocu- tion, were directed to the points involved; and if they did not always carry conviction they never failed to convince all who listened to them of the earnestness and sincerity of the speaker. He was honest, just, faithful, direct, unosten- tatious, modest, considerate, kind, and courteous; true to country, his constituents, and himself. Such characters always have and always will command respect and homage. His was an example worthy of imitation by the youth of the land. His life illustrated the possibilities which, under our form of government, lie within the reach of the humblest. The history of his life and of his gradual rise to fame, fort- une, and position would be but a repetition of the history of the lives of many of the illustrious men of this country. Such experiences as his are more valuable to make men suited for great emergencies, qualified to control great en- terprises, and to fill responsible public positions than all the aids of birth, fortune, schools, and influential friends. These oft-recurring occasions in this body naturally awaken serious reflections. We are reminded that death is the inex- orable law of our being, and that as it is with our brother, whose loss we to-day deplore, so will it shortly be with us. The bow is already drawn and the arrow let loose which is to pierce the citadel of our mortal lives. Would we escape from the fatal archer, we cannot. "Death is everywhere, and procured by every instrument. " In such an hour, when our thoughts are withdrawn from the labor and conflict which so absorb us, and directed to the end of all human labor, successes, and conflicts, and we are brought face to face with the "unsparing grisly king of terrors, sole univer- sal monarch whose powers no prowess can resist, whose per- emptory call no artifice can evade," how insignificant seem the greatest human achievements, how unsatisfactory the 52 Life and Character of John F. Miller. rewards of business and political endeavor; how the prayer of the Psalmist comes unbidden to mind and is breathed in silent accents from the lips: "Lord, teach us to so number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom." Brave soldier, honored statesman, true friend, farewell ! Peace to thy ashes ! Over their last resting-place in the beau- tiful "city of the dead," at the great metropolis of the Pa- cific, fanned by the breath of the tropics, may flowers bloom earliest in spring and linger latest in autumn, and by the people of a grateful country may thy memory, as a sweet fragrance, long be cherished. Neither the din of the great city nor the roar of the ocean waves that break on the shores of the Golden Gate can disturb thy repose. Though the body is mortal, we know the soul is immortal, and that, safe in the abode of the blessed, beyond the reach of praise and censure, of the mutations of time and the ills of life, thou shalt enjoy a state of eternal felicity. From that bright abode, if it is permitted to the spirits of the departed to be- hold the affairs of earth, look down upon our sorrow, exalt our minds from fond regret and unavailing grief to the con- templation of thy virtues. Those we must not lament; it were impiety to sully them with a tear. To cherish their memory, to embalm them with our praises, and, if our frail condition will permit, to emulate thy bright example will be the truest mark of our respect, the best tribute we can offer. Address of Mr. HEARST, of California. Mr. PRESIDENT: The Senators who have preceded me have spoken of Senator MILLER as a soldier and a statesman. It now becomes my privilege to speak of him as a citizen, in which capacity also he served his country. He and his associates were the recipients of one of the Address of Mr. Hearst, of California. 53 most important franchises in the gift of the Government. Out of this grew an enterprise which has been carried on to the best interests of all parties therein concerned, in proof of which the books have ever been open for the investigation of any authorized agent; in fact, to my knowledge such in- vestigation has always been invited. The management not only protected the Government, but a system was created which enabled the helpless and igno- rant Indians engaged in the work to save such a proportion of their earnings that there is to-day to their credit in the banks of San Francisco $100,000, which amount might have gone into the coffers of the company for the simple consid- eration of five barrels of bad whisky. This instance alone is sufficient to show the purity and integrity of the man's life. Such an example should be writ- ten on the mile-posts of the highway, chiseled in the cliffs along the trails of the Rocky Mountains, graven on the gran- ite of the Sierras, hewn on the tall pines of the Pacific slope, and commemorated in the flowers in the valleys of the dead Senator's adopted State. Now, Mr. President, as an additional mark of respect to the memory of the deceased, I move that the Senate adjourn. The motion was unanimously agreed to; and (at 3 o'clock and 37 minutes p. m.) the Senate adjourned to Friday, May 28, at 12 o'clock m, PROCEEDINGS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, In the House of Representatives, the 28th of June having been set aside for this purpose, the following proceedings were had there : Mr. MORROW. Mr. Speaker, in accordance with the no- tice given heretofore, I now call up for consideration the res- olutions of the Senate in relation to the death of Hon. JOHN F. MILLER, late a Senator from California, and ask that they be read. The Senate resolutions were read, as follows : IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES, May 27, 1886. Resolved, That the Senate has heard with profound sorrow of the death of JOHN F. MILLER, late a Senator from 'the State of California. Resolved, That as a mark of respect to the memory of the deceased the business of the Senate be now suspended to enable his associates to pay proper tribute of regard to his high character and distinguished public ser vices. Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate communicate these resolu- tions to the House of Representatives. Resolved, That as an additional mark of respect to the memory of the deceased the Senate do now adjourn. Mr. MORROW. In connection with the resolutions which nave just been read I desire to offer the following resolutions and ask their present consideration. The Clerk read as follows : Resolved, That the House of Representatives has received with great sorrow the official announcement of the death of JOHN F. MILLER, late a Senator from the State of California. Resolved, That the business of the House be now suspended, that oppor- tunity may be afforded to members to give expression of the sentiments 55 56 Life and Character of John F. Miller. they entertain for the life, character, and public services of the late Sen- ator MILLER, and the loss sustained by the country in the death of so able and faithful a public servant. Resolved, That at the conclusion of these tributes to his memory the House stands adjourned. Address of Mr. GROSVENOR, of Ohio. Mr. SPEAKER: I rise to advocate the adoption of the reso- lutions which have just been read. At the same time I de- sire to offer brief testimony of my own personal regard for the memory of JOHN F. MILLER, as well as to call the at- tention of the House to some of the salient characteristics of that distinguished citizen as they fell under my own personal observation during my acquaintance with him. JOHN F. MILLER was born in the State of Indiana. He came to manhood at a time when the great questions which culminated ultimately in the civil war were agitating the people of that State. In common with a large body of the younger men of Indiana, he espoused heartily everywhere the cause of the Union and the proposition to uphold the su- premacy of the Constitution; and when the war broke out the call of the Government for troops came to him as a bap- tism, and he entered the Union Army imbued with the true sentiments of the period in which he lived. He went into the war as a Union man. Whatever may be said now, looking backward over that period of time, JOHN F. MILLER lived in the present of that time and not in the prospective future; for it is within my own personal knowledge that he accepted in the fullest de- gree the idea of the martyred President, that the war was to be waged as a war for the preservation of the Union, and he adopted, without reservation in the present or prospec- tive enlargement in the future, the utterance of Lincoln, ' ' I Address of Mr. G-rosvenor, of Ohio. 57 would save the Union with, slavery if I can, but if I can not save the Union without destroying slavery, I will save the Union." It was under the inspiration of that sentiment, the real Union sentiment of 1861, that JOHN F. MILLER joined the armies of the Union. I first became a subordinate to him at a time when neither of us had received or witnessed the baptism of blood; and the first day that i ever reported to him for duty was at a time when he had received an order, during the memorable eight weeks of what we have termed the blockade of Nashville in the fall of 1862, to proceed with his command, by night march, to attack an outpost of the enemy at Lavergne. I speak of Jjavergne because I have treasured it always in my memory. It was at Lavergne, or on our way to it, that I heard the first whistle of a bullet fired by an enemy of the flag of my country, and I know that the same deep impression was made upon him as upon me, for when I visited California I learned that the beautiful home which he had reared for himself in the magnificently beautiful valley of Napa was called Lavergne, indicating that the impressions were upon him as they had been upon me, and were most lasting in their duration. I remember very well the circumstances of that march. I remember very well the early daylight attack upon the enemy. With a vastly superior force we surprised the small force there, and captured the most of them and stam- peded the rest. It was an insignificant battle as compared with the great battles which followed; it was insignificant in the numbers engaged; it was insignificant in the blood which was shed, and insignificant in its results; but yet it gave to the Army of the Cumberland, or that portion of it which was engaged, an opportunity to mark the first step in the direction of actual war on the part of the men who were 58 Life anil Clifirarfcr of John F. Miller. afterward to become famous during that struggle. I re- member the plaudits of the Army of the Cumberland that were showered upon JOHN F. MILLER after his distinguished career at Stone River. It was an early exhibition on the part of a mere colonel of infantry, of a spirit which im- bued the Army of the Cumberland later when, without the orders of the commander, and even against the suggestion of General Grant himself, they passed the rifle-pits at the foot of Missionary Ridge, charged to its top, and won a victory a victory won by the private soldiers of the Army in obedi- ence to orders which no general officer of the Army has been able to find a record of and no officer claims to have given. The orders were the sound of the enemy's guns the orders which carried gallant old JIM STEEDMAN to the glory he won at Chickarnauga. At Stone River JOHN F. MILLER made a demonstration i of the same character, and crowned his career in that battle with a result grandly significant and valuable to the Union Army. He was wounded. It was supposed that he was per- manently disabled. But six months afterward, when the great army under Rosecrans refitted and reorganized, and in magnificent battle array, on the 24th day of June, 1863, poured out from their camps at Murfreesborough and moved by divers lines of communication in the direction of the Ten- nessee River, JOHN F. MILLER rode out at the head of his brigade, the incarnation of war in the person of a volunteer officer, and with a bright view ahead of him. His career up to that time had given a promise that nobody doubted the fulfillment of. But in an insignificant engagement incident to the long march to Tullahoma and Manchester he fell again, terribly wounded, in the affair at Liberty Gap. I re- member well when he was being carried back to the rear with a wound that ultimately terminated his life. I re- member the look that was on his face, and I remember a Address of Mr. Grosvenor, of Ohio. 59 single utterance. Hopeful words were being spoken to him as to his recovery, and consolation was being administered to him by his comrades around him, and he said just this : " I estimate no importance so far as my own personal future is concerned, as compared with the disappointment that I shall not participate to the end in this great campaign. " A career that would have been second to that of no volun- teer officer in the Union Army, in my judgment, was by that bullet, that fatal bullet, turned aside, and General MIL- LER was assigned to a duty which took him out of the active command of active troops in the front. Very few men would have remained in the service under such circum- stances. Patriotism inspired him to hold on. A high sense of duty, a high sense, as he termed it, of gratitude to his State and to his country that had conferred the honors upon him, induced him to stay and do what he might do to still further promote the interests of the Union Army. He was assigned to the very important and delicate posi- tion of Nashville. Nashville at that time contained more property belonging to the Government than any other place south of the Ohio River. The population was a mixed one. It was made up of citizens of strong rebel tendencies and citizens with strong Union tendencies, and there were bitter antagonisms. Out from Nashville radiated the power of the Union, and out of Nashville also radiated the influence of our enemy. The friends of many a fighting Confederate re- mained there, and property rights and confusion of all kinds pressed upon the commander of the post. Conflicting interests arose everywhere, and General MIL- LER became a sort of civil or quasi-civil commander. No man ever did his duty better; no man ever more justly won the high esteem and confidence of the people of a city or of his commanders in the army or of his whole people than did JOHN F. MILLER. He was- unflinching in the dis- 60 Life and Character of John F. Miller. charge of duty and yet always considerate of the rights of men; and to-day his memory is green among the men who loved the Union in Nashville, and he is held in high regard among the people who at that time were the enemies of the Union. He was there with the Army of the Cumberland under Thomas when it won its grandest victory. He contributed by the organization of the forces in the city and the sur- rounding positions greatly to the efficiency of the army which on the loth and 16th of December, 1864, encountered the army under Hood in the last great struggle for suprem- acy in Tennessee. And from the top of Overton Hill, JOHN F. MILLER, disfigured and almost destroyed by the bullets of the enemy, looked out upon the broken masses of Hood's army as they retreated shattered and disorganized toward Brentwood, and understood, as we all understood, that his career in the Army had ended. Well had he done his work, and well had gained rank, fame, and the gratitude of his country. I did not rise to speak at any length of JOHN F. MILLER as a citizen. Others will do that who knew him better. Others will speak of his career since the war. I came here simply to testify to his character and attainments as a soldier and to give them my meed of praise. He was strictly a volun- teer soldier. He had no training in arms; and yet within a year and a half after he joined his regiment his military attitude, his military bearing, his military character was formed, and he showed to the world that he had in him the stuff, the elements that make a great military commander. Since that time his career has been that of a civilian. He achieved success everywhere, rapid success, which crowned his efforts on behalf of the Union, crowned his efforts on be- half of his country. Afterward he carried from his native State and handed over to the Golden State of California an Address of Mr. Grosvenor, of Ohio. 61 allegiance that never faltered, and he became identified with and an advocate of her interests with the same zeal, the same courage, the same high purpose that he had brought to the discharge of every duty that he had ever attempted the per- formance of. I testify from my own knowledge of him that he was a patriotic citizen, that he was a successful soldier, that he made the highest sacrifice that any man could make for his country, that in civil life he was clear-headed and patriotic, always standing by the right, never flinching, never compro- mising, never yielding his convictions of duty and justice. In social life among his friends and in his family he was a gentle, kind, good man. Out upon the shore of the Pacific, in the soil of the State that he loved, and to which, as I have said, he carried his ripest allegiance, he lies to-day, his career ended. Over his grave the tears of affection will be shed. Upon his grave will be heaped the laurels of affection for many a year to come. May the time never come when his example shall not be to the people of this country a bright, a burning, a shining light. Address of Mr. HOLMAN, of Indiana. Mr. CHAIRMAN: JOHN F. MILLER, late a Senator of the United States, was a native of Indiana, and it seems proper that the voice of that State should be heard in this public expression of sorrow for his death. Mr. MILLER was of Vir- ginia descent. His ancestors were Virginians. His father emigrated from that venerable Commonwealth to the then new State of Indiana, where JOHN F. MILLER was born and educated, enjoying, as I have been informed, such educa- tional advantages as are common to the young men in a 62 Life and Character of John F. Miller. comparatively new settlement. His father and mother were eager to furnish him every opportunity that their circum- stances would permit. He studied law under favorable con- ditions, entering upon the practice of that profession at an early age. In 1860, for the first time, so far as I am in- formed, he became prominent in tne politics of the State, but before that time had visited California and practiced his profession in that State. No political contest in the history of Indiana was ever of more interest than that of 1860. An unusually large number of young men came to the front who identified themselves with the fortunes of the Re- publican party, then in its early vigor. The great question soon to involve the nation in war was arresting the attention of all men, and gave unusual animation, anxiety, and ear- nestness to that contest throughout the whole Union, but in no State more than in Indiana. Mr. MILLER was elected to the senate, I think, from the county of Saint Joseph, at that time one of the strong young counties of Indiana. I was then a member of this House, and residing remote from his section of the State my knowledge of Mr. MILLER was slight; I only knew him as one of the promising young men who had just entered public life. He occupied in the Senate a position with a number of young men of unusual ability, some to become known in arms and civil affairs. He was not specially active or prominent in the current business of that body, for, from the time the senate to which he was elected assembled, the hurrying, remorseless events which were soon to involve the land in the misfortunes of civil war were arresting the attention and filling the minds of all men. When the tocsin of war was sounded he resigned his position in the senate and hastened into the Army of the Union without a moment's hesitation. Enough was known of Mr. MILLER 'at that time to' warrant the belief that, if life Address of J/r. Holman, of Indiana. 63 were spared him, lie was entering upon a brilliant career. The gentleman from Ohio [Mr. GBOSVENOR] has rehearsed in eloquent terms his honorable and heroic record in the Army. I will not dwell upon that record. The gentleman from Ohio, his comrade in arms, has well and ably pre- sented the leading events of that honorable record, but I can testify that the hopes of his friends were fully realized in his honorable career in the Army. Entering the Army as colonel of the Twenty-ninth Regi- ment of Indiana Volunteers, with the manly and gallant deportment and those qualities and sentiments of honor, courage, and prudence which secure respect, confidence, rep- utation and distinction alike in civil and military life, Mr. MILLER rapidly rose to the rank of brigadier-general and a higher grade by brevet for heroic deportment in battle. He attained that high position not by any favoritism, but by the force of character and qualification and capacity for mil- itary affairs. After the war was over Mr. MILLER, having previously resided for a short time in California, returned to that State. I think the last time I saw him in the city of Indianapolis was shortly before he left Indiana for Califor- nia. I then saw that the man of 1860 had grown in every respect. Possessed of very fine social qualities and marked energy of character, he was then displaying that broad ca- pacity, especially for business affairs, which afterward, even more than his career in politics, seems to have distinguished his life. About the year 1870 Mr. MILLER came to this capital in connection with legislative matters affecting the State of his adoption enterprises on the Pacific the State which then seemed even more dear to him than the great State from which he had emigrated. While in Washington I saw him frequently. He called on me as an Indianian. He fre- 64 Life and Character of John F. Miller. quently appeared before one of the committees of the House of which I had the honor to be a member, and I was still further impressed with the scope and breadth of the views which he entertained and expressed touching the great inter- ests of the Pacific coast. He saw clearly the magnitude of the resources to be developed there in the then early future; he comprehended the situation thoroughly, and seemed pre- pared and qualified to enter into all the great enterprises of the Pacific coast with the energy, hopefulness, and confi- dence which had marked his character in earlier life; so that, from the observations I made of Mr. MILLER at that time, I was not at all surprised when, soon afterward, he became prominently identified with the political as well as business affairs of the State of California. His election to the Senate of the United States seems to have been the result of the confidence inspired by his intelli- gence, force of character, capacity, and patriotism. His career in the Senate is known to the country. He died in comparatively early life, at the period, perhaps, when most public men have but fairly entered upon the real usefulness of a public career. The death of an eminent and useful citi- zen connected with public affairs at such a period in life, be- fore the weight of age has rested heavily upon him, is always a melancholy event, to be deplored not alone in the home circle or the State of his residence but by his whole country. It would have been strange if the career of Mr. MILLER had not been a marked one. His abilities were of a very superior order. From my earlier acquaintance with him I should not have thought that he would be as eminent in statesmanship as in the field of business and affairs. He seemed to me to possess the capacity of comprehending in their widest extent, as well as in their minutest details, the great affairs of business, the enterprises that make and open I Address of Mr. Holman, of Indiana. 65 opportunities, that create great industries, that develop a great and prosperous community. His capacity and powers as seen by me were of that char- acter, rather than such as give men prominence in politics or statesmanship. He did not teem to me to be a man who would engage earnestly in political contests and rise to emi- nence by devotion to the principles and fortunes of a politi- cal party, but one who would achieve reputation and distinc- tion in business enterprises and commercial affairs. He entered the Army, as I inferred from what I knew of his views, not so much by any special antagonism to the insti- tution of slavery, the cause of that fearful contest, as by devoted attachment to the Union, a sentiment that filled the hearts of the young men of Indiana. The men who migrated to Indiana from Virginia and others of the older States were in many instances strongly anti-slavery in their sentiments, but the great mass cf the young men of that section of the country who rushed for- ward to support the tottering fabric of the Union were influ- enced more by a living sentiment of devotion to the Union of the States than by any settled convictions as to whether slavery should be abolished or not The preservation of the Union of the States inspired them. The motive seemed then sufficient to inspire the grandest heroism, but how much grander now than even then ! In later years, however, as I inferred from a brief conver- sation with him on the Pacific coast last summer, his views had become much more confirmed and positive upon politi- cal subjects, and he seemed to cordially and heartily indorse the principles of the great party with which he had been associated from early life. And yet he seemed to me more a man of business and affairs than a politician or statesman. I can only add, Mr. Speaker, that the death of a man of 9318 MIL 5 66 Life and Character of John F. Miller. his broad views, his capacity for affairs, his devotion to country, is a great misfortune to the whole Union, and that in no one of the great sisterhood of States will the expres- sion that will be made by this House, and has been in the Senate (so appropriate to the loss of so great a citizen), of appreciation of the qualities which made JOHN F. MILLER eminent, honored, and distinguished alike in war and in peace, find a larger body of earnest sympathizers than in the State which I have the honor in part here to represent. Address of Mr. CUTCHEON, of Michigan. Mr. SPEAKER : A leader has fallen. A man is gone! We pause to-day for a little while in the midst of our public duties to contemplate a life and a lesson which, if given due consideration, may tend quite as much to the welfare and honor of the Republic as if the hour were given to the ordi- nary tasks of legislation. We stand to-day in the presence of that most impressive phenomenon, a finished life a completed life-work ; in the presence of that greatest mystery of all our being, the disso- lution of that subtle tie which binds the soul to the mortal frame, and which being unbound the form which has been a thing of power and beauty lapses to corruption, and the masterful spirit, unchained from its fetters of flesh, flies whither all sense fails to discern and faith alone can follow. That noblest work of God, an honest man, as an actual presence, has ceased from among men. Except as a memory and an influence his life is ended, his work is complete to our limited perceptions. The eye that flashed with intelligence is dark ; the voice that quivered with emotion or inspired like the summons of a trumpet in the crash of battle is silent ; the hand of might is nerveless; Address of Mr. Outcheon, of Michigan. 67 the presence which was familiar in court and camp and council is seen no more among men. A power that moved men, that wielded communities, that shaped destinies, has ceased to manifest itself. In brief, a man is gone ! And yet it is because he is not wholly gone that we pause to cel- ebrate this memorial to-day. The fountains which he touched still flow ; the trains of events which he set in motion still operate ; lives which he molded and directed still multiply and extend his influence; blows that he struck still resound throughout the land; winged words that he uttered still fly from lip to lip, over- leaping the narrow boundaries of mortal life. The present century has been full of great thoughts and great words, and among the greatest has been the thought and the word " evolution." And there is no grander field for study than the evolution of a life of life from life. I do not mean this in the narrow sense of the evolution of natural or animal life, the mere relighting of a torch from the embers of a dying fire. I mean rather the study of the development of character from the action and interaction of all the forces and agencies that impinge upon and pene- trate life. It is because the deceased Senator had become a factor in. this process of evolution of national life that the business of the House is suspended, that we may dwell upon the event and study the character of him whom we commemorate. Here we contemplate him stripped of all adventitious sur- roundings. He was a Senator. He is a Senator no more. He was a military leader. He is a general no longer. He commanded great enterprises. He commands them not now. Whatever he may have been by virtue of rank or office or station, he is now simply a man, a character. As such let us speak of him. 68 Life and Character of John F. Miller. The late Senator MILLER was not personally known to me except as a public man. I knew him only as we all know men who touch the multitudes, the masses of men ; as we know the men who by strong powers are lifted up into sight of the many. Let us measure this man, if we can, and ascertain what it was in his life that made him what he was ; that gave him power to command and gained him the confidence and love of a great Commonwealth, whose commission he bore. First let us glance at the outside of his life. He was born in 1831, in Southern Indiana, of parents who had removed, first from Virginia, then from Kentucky, and who were of Scotch and Swiss descent two strong and lib- erty-loving races. He was nurtured in the school of independence and self- support. He was well cultured in youth and trained to a knowledge of the law. When he had scarcely more than attained his majority he cut .oose from home and old friends and struck out into the romantic, the almost mythical, the golden West the modern El Dorado. In the broad, free, and somewhat unpolished spirit of that rough, new laud he grew into the firm mold of a strong, self-reliant, and adventurous manhood. Recalled by the demands of filial duty, to which he was ever responsive, he returned to his former home and to the practice of his exacting profession. It was at a time when ancient parties were breaking up and going to pieces in the fierce throes of a mighty moral upheaval. In the heat of this smithy of the gods, where thunderbolts were forging, the character, well modeled by heredity, shaped by education, strengthened and broadened by travel Address of Mr. Cutcheon, of Michigan. 69 and experience of rude frontier life, was tempered and hard- ened into enduring texture. The cry of the oppressed, of the millions deprived of the common rights and privileges of humanity, came up to him with an irresistible appeal that smote upon his conscience and his volition as the voice of God. Then the divine ichor that had been distilled into ancestral blood within sight of the majestic vision of Mont Blanc, or the awful heights of the Jungfrau, or that had hardened the sinews of some progenitor at Bannockburn, stirred within his veins, and ths august summons of Liberty to do battle in her cause found in young MILLER a ready and obedient votary. So we find him in 1860, at the age of twenty-nine, a member of the senate of his native State, as a representative of that young and burning and puissant party which demanded that no more virgin Territories should be laid in the arms of the unholy Moloch of slavery. We shall never forget that year. It was the Lincoln year. It was a year when men seemed to break away from all the traditions of their lives and surrender themselves to the control of one overpowering sentiment, that now or never was the time to stay the further spread of human slavery in this land. Men may reason as they please as to the origin and the causes of this wonderful wave of enthusiasm which swept over the country, and which bore us with a resistless im- pulse, first to a political revolution, and then into the dread- ful throes of war, from which we emerged bloody and chast- ened, but freed from the "body of death" of slavery; but as for me, I can only believe that the time had come in the eternal counsels of God when the consummation of His divine purpose for the good of the race required that slavery should perish from this land, and He raised such instru- mentalities as He could to execute His purpose. 70 Life and Character of John F. Miller. As was so eloquently said not long sinco in this House by the gentleman from West Virginia [Mr. WILSON], "As I look back to that dread panorama after the r lapse of twenty years I see, or I seem to see, the stately stoppings of that Providence which was using the wrath of man to work out His own comprehensive and beneficent purpose." Into the resistless sweep and swirl of impulses and events of that great crisis young MILLER was drawn unresisting. He recognized at once the part and the place to which he was called, and accepted it. While serving in the senate of his State the war came. He had not reached his thirtieth year. He recognized the fact that in a popular government the will of the majority must be supreme. He recognized the further fact that the responsibility of the ballot in peace implies the responsibility of the bayonet in time of war. The very institution of popular government implies that minorities will be submissive to the will of the majority and seek the rectification of supposed grievances only at the ballot-box. But suppose that minorities do not submit, but resort to armed combinations too formidable to be re- pressed by the civil power, what then ? There remains but one alternative the conflict of arms or the death of popular institutions. In common with the manhood of the North, Mr. MILLER felt that this Union and these institutions were a sacred and solemn trust for unpeopled States and for unborn centu- ries a trust which it would be base to betray and cowardly to surrender. I shall never forget how, in the spring of 1862, 1 one morn- ing heard an Italian organ-grinder upon the streets of a Michigan city plying his vocation. Even his organ had ' been set to the popular impulse and was wailing forth the Address of Mr. Cutcheon, of Michigan. 71 strains of The Star-Spangled Banner, and as again and again the familiar refrain Oh, say does the Star-Spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave ? floated out with plaintive and apprehensive cadence upon the morning air I fancied that in it I heard the voice of all the oppressed peoples of all climes and all ages beseeching us that the great Republic, the great experiment of "govern- ment of the people, by the people, and for the people," might not perish from the earth. We can not doubt that our friend heard that same voice and answered that same im- pulse. Thus in the evolution of this life the strong, well-nurtured, well-cultured, self-reliant, and tempered young citizen and statesmen became a soldier. Military command was foreign to his life and habit, yet he had all the elements of a commander. I venture to say that when he threw himself into the ranks of war the ques- tion of command or rank scarcely occurred to him. He simply took the place to which he seemed to be called, the place to which he was fitted. So from the Senate he stepped to the head of a regiment, the Twenty-ninth Indiana, and soon found himself com- mander of a brigade. It was not that he was ambi- tious not that he was self-seeking. It was the outwork- ing of his formed character, of his natural powers. I stood, a few days ago, in the midst of that silent city of the dead, on the prest where the waves of war broke in fire and blood along the hills of the Antietam, and gazed in admi- ration upon the colossal statue in granite of the private sol- dier of the Union. There, chiseled upon the enduring rock, is the sentiment which mustered armies, which won bat- tles, which restored the Union, "Not for ourselves, but for our country." Oh, glorious sentiment of patriotism, which 72 Life and Character of John' F. Miller. forgets self, which puts aside pleasure and profit and peace to battle and suffer and die for the coming millions ! Senator MILLER became General MILLER. It is not my purpose to follow him in his military career, for I am study- ing character rather than annals. A single instance will suffice. At the battle of Stone River, December, 1862, there came a time when it seemed to him that the result hung trembling in the balance. Van Cleve's division, impetuously assailed, had yielded and fallen back, until the weight of the attack came upon MILLER'S line. The enemy showed a disposition to break through and divide our army in twain. MILLER had the river in his front. Most men would have awaited the attack with such defensive preparations as they could make. But that was not Colonel MILLER'S way. Au- dacity and daring were the characteristics of the man. Without orders from any superior officer he dashed across the stream, attacked and drove the enemy's infantry, rushed upon and captured his guns and colors, restored the center, and saved the right wing of the army from disaster. He assumed a very grave responsibility. Had the move- ment failed he might have been court-martialed. But it succeeded, and a grateful commander, recognizing how much he owed to this gallant and self-reliant officer, telegraphed the President from the field of battle recommending his pro- motion "for gallantry on the field." In this action, though severely and dangerously wounded, Colonel MILLER refused to leave the field, seeing that as he had taken the responsibility and made the venture he should stay by his brigade until the victory was assured. This courage, or, as the speech of the plain people has named it, "pluck," was characteristic of his whole career as a soldier. A wound, which well nigh proved fatal, received while leading his brigade at Liberty Gap, deprived him of the Address of Mr. Cutcheon, of Michigan. 73 sight of an eye, and for a time retired him from his com- mand. With many this would have excused them from further service in the field; but not so with MILLER. With the leaden bullet still lodged in the eye-socket he returned to the field and to command, to share with the gallant and sturdy Thomas in the complete overthrow of Hood at Nash- ville, which was the definite beginning of the end the col- lapse of the armed resistance of the Confederacy. At the close of the war he was offered a high commission* in the regular Army. But he was not a soldier by profes- sion or by choice. War with him was only the road to peace. To him the performance of military duty was only discharg- ing one of the great obligations of citizenship. He declined the appointment. Through the years of excitement pre- ceding the war, and throughout the grim and trying experi- ences of the war itself, he had never forgotten the dream of his youth of a home on the sunset side of the continent. Civilization marches with the sun. Its cradle was in the Orient, and with a stately tidal sweep it has rolled around the planet until it has touched and filled the Occident. By some occult impulse in all ages men have been im- pelled to "go west." General MILLER was under this spell. Whether it was the charm of the climate, or music and balm of " the Pacific Sea," or the love of being a factor in a new and rising empire that attracted him, I know not. Perhaps all these. Something impelled him in the path of empire, and beyond the Sierras was to be his home, to build, to work, to die. There the President of the United States made him the chief fiscal agent of the Government upon the Pacific coast. Here he proved himself as efficient and faithful in peace as he had been brave and patriotic in war. He held the position of collector of customs for San Fran- cisco for four years and declined reappointment. 74 Life and Character of John F. Miller. In this, as in every other trust confided to him, another trait of his character was prominently illustrated his strict integrity. But he did not confine himself to the simple dis- charge of his official duty. The "breadth, energy, and pro- gressiveness of his mind impelled him to take an active part in all the great social, political, and industrial movements of his State and section. Three times he was elected by his party to represent it upon the electoral ticket, and in 1879 he became a member of the constitutional convention to relay the foundations of the State. But he was pre-eminently a man of affairs. With the commercial and industrial development of the Pacific coast he was closely identified. He was among the first to appre- hend the resources of our Alaskan possessions and seek their intelligent development. Everywhere he exhibited the traits which made him which he had grown to be courage, firmness, persistence, self-reliance, patriotism, and integrity. In 1880 he was summoned by his adopted State to take his place in the nation's highest council. With that capacity for growth and adaptation which was characteristic of him in every position to which he was called he stepted quietly and easily into the new sphere and turned all the acquirements of his previous life as student, lawyer, Senator, soldier, and man of affairs to account in the discharge of his new studies. What he lacked he set himself with industry and persistence to acquire, and discharged the delicate duties of chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations with credit to himself and honor to his country. But the zenith had been reached. The shock which his constitution had received from the wounds and exposures of war had left their ineffaceable mark, their inevitable weakness. Address of Mr. Cutcheon, of Michigan. 75 He had risen with strong and steady step through the gra- dations of honor and usefulness only at the summit to feel the world sink under him. He had achieved all that heart could wish of earthly good. Wealth, honor, fame, friendship, and the love of friends. In the midst of all, the final summons came. Leaves have their time to fall, And flowers to wither at the north wind's breath, And stars to set; but all, Thou hast all seasons for thine own, O Death! "It is given unto all men once to die." Whatever else we may be doing, whithersoever else our feet may be tend- ing, one thing is absolutely sure, that every day and every hour we come nearer to The undiscovered country from whose bourn No traveler returns. It is but a question of a few years, a few days, a few hours. And when they are past years dwindle to the span of hours. The main question is not when or where, but how. No time, no place, no circumstance is inapt for dying when man dies for humanity; and when, in March last, JOHN F. MIL- LER, in this city of Washington, gave up his life, he but completed the offering which he made to his country in 1861. This, then, is the character which we have disclosed, and which has entered into and become a part of the nation's life. A boy born with the sturdy independence and love of lib- erty of his Swiss and Scotch ancestry mingled with staunch and staying qualities of the Anglo-Saxon race. A youth well nurtured and molded for manly effort and achievement by the blessed necessity which has been upon our American boys of making their own way in the world. A young manhood adventurous and courageous, firm-knit 76 Life and Character of John F. Miller. and fibrous, reaching out into new fields for work and con- quest. A manhood strong, masterful, dutiful, patriotic, holding not his life dear for his country's sake, audacious at need, puissant among men, subduing obstacles to his will, in the fight to stay until the dawn of victory and peace should come with its cooling dews and tender sunshine to soothe and heal the wounds of war. A man of affairs without stain and without reproach. A statesman of broad views, possessed of the confidence of his people and the respect of his colleagues. Truly this is an American character of the best type, an evolution of government by the people. Though he has fallen when, in the ordinary course of events, years of honorable and useful life should have lain before him, we can not say that it is an unfinished life. Virtue, not rolling suns, the mind matures ; That life is long which answers life's great end. The future of this Republic shall be better, safer, grander for the life of JOHN F. MILLER. In that rising empire by the Pacific which now hymns his requiem, may many a young man arise who shall emulate his manly virtues and repeat his life. Address of Mr. TUCKER, of Virginia. Mr. SPEAKER : The death of Hon. JOHN F. MILLER, Sen- ator of the State of California, severs the tie of a pleasant friendship, not intimate, but real, between him and myself. At the request of his colleagues in this House, I have a melancholy satisfaction in saying a few words to testify my respect for the citizen, soldier, and Senator whose loss the country and his native and adopted States sincerely deplore. His paternal stock was Virginia, a fact which creates a Address of Mr. Tucker, of Virginia. 77 kinship no Virginian can ignore. From Franklin County, one of the most southern of those in Piedmont Virginia, his father emigrated to Southern Indiana, where Mr. MILLER was born in 1831. His robust nature was nurtured to a hardy manhood in the schools of his native State, and he received his legal training at a law school in the city of New York, whence he emigrated to the then new Commonwealth of the Pacific, in whose service in the United States Senate he died. In the meantime he had returned to Indiana and taken honorable position in her legislature ; and at the breaking out of the civil war he accepted the commission of colonel in one of her regiments. During the four years of war he performed his part in that dread drama with unsurpassed heroism, and, bearing on his person the scars of honorable wounds won in many battles, he retired at the close of the struggle with the distinctions of numerous brevets for courage and good conduct, and the well-earned rank of a major-general. He returned ,to civil life in California, and was in 1881 sent by that State to the Senate of the United States as suc- cessor to Mr. Booth. It was here that I first knew him, and our relations were cordial and close during the period of the debates on the Chinese question, in which he took prominent position in the Senate and I took the same side on this floor. In the maturity of his powers and prime of his life, he yielded as a Christian hero to the summons of death, and closed, as I humbly trust, a well-spent life in the hope of a blessed immortality, inspired by the faith in a Divine Author of our Christian religion. In his origin, nativity, and life his experience took in the extremes and the great middle valley of the continent. 78 Life and Character of John F. Miller. From the ancestral home in an Atlantic State to that of his birth in the Mississippi Valley, and, finally, to that on the Pacific shore, he was an American citizen of the truest type. His destiny was, by origin, birth, and life, with the American Union. As a Representative of Virginia in this House and as a citizen of Virginia during the period of civil convulsion, when his attitude was in antagonism to all my opinions, I find no difficulty in paying unstinting tribute to his merits as a soldier and a statesman. Differences of opinion breed diverse convictions as to duty, but when the one are honestly formed and the other are conscientiously maintained the natural outgrowth of a chivalrous magnanimity is a sin- cere and genuine mutual respect and esteem. The man who is sincere and devout even in the maintenance of error is a nobler being than the man who is insincere and false in his advocacy of truth. Infallibility is not given to man. " To err is human," biit sincerity, the love of truth, and a con- science void of offense toward God and man are admirable and noble though they be allied to error. On this high plane once enemies, now friends, once aliens, now allies and fellow-citizens of this great Union of republican Commonwealths we can, we must, let us vow on the altar of a common country we will, forget and for- give the past, will cease criminations and recriminations, and will with hearty respect for honest differences of opinion and convictions henceforth unite in an honorable emulation to make the reunion of the States more glorious than the old Union, in conserving the liberties of the people, and in promoting the welfare and progress of our whole country in the great future of its destiny. I believe that such were the feelings of the Senator whose memory we this day honor. His character and his abilities were broad and large enough to embrace the whole Union. Address of Mr. Butterworth, of Ohio. 79 His courage, as a personal quality, was unquestionable. It Avas of the aggressive type. He felt the gaudium certa- minis when war raged. To him danger was delight, his ex- posure to it an exhilaration. When prudence prompted hesitancy in others his undaunted spirit impelled him to audacity to achieve what doubt deemed impossible. The story of his military career is replete with all that makes the history of a dashing cavalier and a knightly hero. But when war closed and peace came his combative spirit rested beneath the shadow of its wings. The arm uplifted in battle embraced his former foe in the grasp of a restored brotherhood. He gave the solid talents and the heroic char- acter he had devoted to his country on the battlefield to the healing of the wounds of war and to the culture of the arts of peace. May we not hope that those who survive him may follow this noble example. Let us exorcise from our debates the demon of hate and bitter memories and link the earnest efforts of the living to the patriotism and magnanimity of the lamented dead, in preserving the Union for which he fought, with all the rights of the States and the people under the Constitution, for which we should all contend, as the heritage of his and our posterity to the remotest generations! Address of Mr. BUTTERWORTH, of Ohio. Mr. SPEAKER: General JOHN F. MILLER, late United States Senator from California, was the son of a pioneer in the great West. He was a farmer's boy and learned stability at the plow. His father, and he with him, encountered early in life those vicissitudes which develop and strengthen character and fit men for important duties in life. At the hearthstone 80 Life and Character of John F. Miller. at which General MILLER was nurtured there were none but healthful influences. His father belonged to the yeomanry of the land, that sterling class that gives to our country its strength in peace and its valor in war. There came to his home neither the poverty that pinches nor the wealth that be- comes a burden. Through industry and frugality the elder Miller was enabled to dispense charity, which he did without ostentation. Senator MILLER'S mother was a woman who possessed splendid native ability, and realized, of a truth, that those who hold the guiding-strings above the children at the hearth- stone exercise a mightier influence in the Republic than those who make its laws. She knew, as did her husband, that at the hearthstones of America the sure and lasting foundations of our free government are laid. She realized as well that the country could not safely trust the man whose palate had a quicker sensation than his heart, and that in our country pure hearts are mightier for the defense of freedom than strong arms. She, with her husband, appreciated the advan- tages of liberal education; and hence, though opportunities for schooling were not ample as now, yet the children of that household went forth with minds well trained and stored with useful knowledge. They did not bear with them wealth which is estimated in shekels, but had for their portion a bet- ter heritage, rich mental furnishing, hearts devoted to duty, untiring industry, all supplemented and upheld by a rugged honesty that does not wear away by use. With such surroundings, it is not strange that the children who went forth from the Miller homestead after having grown to manhood should each have become a blessing to the community in the midst of which he cast his lot. Blessed with great physical strength and a sound mind, and with a quickened sense of duty to God and his fellow-men, General MILLER began his career in life. I will not trace that career; 'Address of Mr. Butter 'worth, of Ohio. 81 others have; and others will bear evidence that it was in many things brilliant, in all things worthy. I was not intimate with him, but our families were so related through marriage that I had opportunity to learn something of the character- istics of the family and the stern virtues which marked the character of the general. An intimate acquaintance with General MILLER was not essential to learn that he was a man of mark. I do not mean to say that he was brilliant. His intellect shone rather with a sure and steady light. His mind was well balanced, and of him I think it can be as truly said as of any man in public life that in deciding upon a course of action duty was supreme. Our country does not find its greatest security in the fact that there are men among us who are transcendently brilliant; whose exploits in the field and in the forum challenge the at- tention and admiration of the world. They come but to per- form a service which requires possibly but a day or a year, or at most a half a score of years a service that involves but one controlling thought; and not unfrequently the heart is not co-laborer with the hand, and the voice too frequently but echoes sentiments that are the obvious outgrowth of existing conditions, and which are not coined from the crucible of se- rious thought and reflection, nor come of inspiration which sometimes springs from a life devoted to duty. The greater security is found in the development of those moral and intellectual conditions which are born of the influ- ences which surrounded and pervaded the home of General MILLER'S childhood. He had been taught to listen to the "still small voice" that comes in the hush of the night and teaches as never man taught. He had learned to lean upon that stronger arm, and as into the valley and shadow he walked that voice comforted him and that arm sustained him even to the end. He has passed away from among us. That MIL- 9318 5 82 Life and Character of John F. Miller. LER lived and that lie died we know; but what that death portends, what it is, except that under its strange influences the heart ceases to beat, the lips become dumb, the eyes sight- less, and the ears stopped up, and the flesh grows cold and crumbles into dust, we do not know. That we, too, must die we also know. That it is better to live well seems clear even according to the world's philosophy, that which is most ma- terialistic; for whether death ends all or is but the beginning of another life, the experience of mankind would seem to leave no doubt that things are so ordered that our chief joy will be found in the faithful discharge of duty. This I know to have been the abiding faith of General MILLER. It was his struggle to walk in the light and to bear testimony in his life (not pretending to be free from frailties) to the truth that was great within him. The calm resigna- tion he manifested on his approaching dissolution, the perfect confidence he had that this life is but the germ of immortality, enabled the believer to say, "It is well with him." As I stood beside the dead, I found myself repeating the words of Cato: It must be r o, Plato, thou reasonest well ! Else whence this pleasing hope, this fond desire, This longing after immortality? Or whence this secret dread, and inward horror, Of falling into naught? Why shrinks the soul Back on herself, and startles at destruction ? "Tis the divinity that stirs within us ; Tis heaven itself that points out an hereafter, And intimates eternity to man. Whether in the field where sin is atoned by the shedding of blood, whether in the Senate or in the quiet walks of life, JOHN F. MILLER was guided and upheld by an unwavering belief in the precepts and example of the Nazarene. Sup- ported by that Christian faith, he placed his own in the mighty but unseen hand of the Eternal Father, and with Address of Mr. McKenna. of California. 83 unfaltering step and cheering hope he walked through the shadows into that land from which, though separated from us by a thin veil which a straw might rend, no echoes come. General MILLER won fame on the field of battle. He won distinction and honor in the Senate. He won riches in the field of business enterprise. His fame may not outlast this generation, the honor he won be forgot, his riches must per- ish, but the sublime faith I have mentioned abides with him still. It is immortal as the spirit it leavens. His last wit- ness was that compared to this faith the honors he had won were dross were nothing. It is a pleasure to do honor to the memory of such a man as General MILLER, whose private and public life was full of usefulness and without reproach. Such lives are too few, the influence of such examples too little heeded. Address of Mr. McKENNA, of California. Mr. SPEAKER : Theodore Parker said, " It is no merit in a man to die." Grief will not pause to dispute it. The de- ceased is not concerned. "Nor praise, nor blame, nor love, nor hate, nothing can touch him further." But death may instruct the living. To most of us life is the greatest bless- ing ; whatever of happiness we enjoy is in it. Whatever is tangible in hope or expectation can only be realized through it, and even the Christian gentleman, whose faith assures him of eternal bliss, shrinks shuddering from that which he yet deems the portal of paradise. It is a wise provision that death, though as "common as the most vulgar thing to sense," and always to be expected, yet is always sudden. In its suddenness is the emphasis of its lesson. It admonishes by shock mortality of immortality. It points from time to eternity, and its victim must have 84 Life and Character of John F. Miller. ' indeed passed a barren existence if he leave not precept to assist to endure earth or deserve heaven. In Senator MILLER'S life there were sweet lessons for both. In every place and office he was adequate ; in every relation exact and dutiful. His ability was animated and urged by good intention. He disdained showing effect ; he dreamed no dreams; he sought results and accomplished them. Whether we depict him as citizen or soldier or Senator or husband or father, in private station or public place, praise swells to eulogy and a nation applauds. Mr. Speaker, I have been summoned at the latest minute to take another's place. I could not refuse. I dislike to refer to it. I dare not apologize. Had I longer time to pre- pare and greater ability I should have been anticipated and excelled by the eloquent gentlemen who have preceded me in tribute to the dead Senator, and every mark of respect- California is eager to show her departed representative will be satisfied by my colleague who succeeds me. Mine is a suitable but subordinate part. Others have the gracious office of eulogy : mine is to describe the performance of a trust. I was deputed with others, the country's proxy, to convey the remains of Senator MILLER to the Pacific coast. We executed the trust. Starting from the nation's capital, where his life was rounded and completed, yet ended, we speeded to the Mississippi and over it, to the Missouri and over it, across the plains and over the mountains, through snow- sheds and tunnels ; on, on, at the rising of the sun, under his meridian beams, and at his setting ; on, on, under the solemn stars ; on, along the path of empire to its limits at the ocean, compassing a continent in a deed of tributary love. At Colfax, on the western slope of the Sierras, midst the snow silently falling, we fulfilled the nation's denotation by Address of J/r. Morrow, of California. 85 delivering our charge to the soldier comrades of the departed general, prefigured the resurrection, and consoled wife and daughter and friends with the blessed hope of reunion in heaven. Loving hands bore him to the grave. Loving hands placed him in it ; and there he peacefully reposes in the State he loved and served, overlooking its fair city and to ocean view while its waters as they beat against the coast sound everlasting earthly farewells, everlasting earthly fare- wells. Address of Mr. MORROW, of California. Mr. SPEAKER : The tribute of respect already paid to the memory of the late Senator MILLER by those who were im- mediately associated with him in public affairs testifies how worthily he had discharged the public duties he had assumed to perform in one of the most important and honorable sta- tions in the Republic. His career was an active and an eventful one, and the distinction he attained among his fellow-men was the result of honest, laborious, and well- directed efforts in public service. The leading incidents of his life may be briefly told. Born in Union County, Indiana, in the year 1831, he passed his youth and school days in the midst of scenes and adven- tures always associated with the occupation and development of a new country. He was perhaps spared some of the privations encountered by many young men in the West by reason of the fact that his parents were able to give him the advantages of a good education before he took his start in life ; but even under the most favorable circumstances no young man could grow to manhood in the West at that time without having his mettle tested in many ways. That young MILLER went through 86 Life and Character of John F. Miller. the usual ordeal with credit to himself is shown by the self- command and perfect confidence in himself he displayed in after years when confronted with new and unexpected emer- gencies. He began the study of law at an early age, and graduated with distinction in 1852 from the New York State Law School. The next year we find him in California, practicing his pro- fession with success at a bar noted for the ability of its law- yers and the wide range of its litigation. In 1855 he returned to Indiana in consequence of the sup- posed serious illness of his mother, to whom he was greatly devoted. Her early recovery gave him the opportunity of resuming his professional and business relations in California, but the attractions of his family home and the inducements there offered him were sufficient to prevent his immediate return to the Golden State. At the breaking out of the rebellion Mr. MILLER was a sen- ator in the Indiana State legislature, where he had achieved an enviable reputation for close attention to official duties and had demonstrated his capacity as a man of affairs. He thus early in life won public confidence without any of the meretricious devices of the politician, and gained respect and esteem without any compromise with his dignity or self- respect. His valor and patriotism drew him into the Army in 1861. Like many of our heroes of that period, he exchanged the duties of civil life for the dangers of the field without hesita- tion. The transition was easy and in accord with his active disposition, his undaunted courage, and his faith in the integrity and perpetuity of the Union. His military career was one of honorable distinction from first to last. Entering the Army as colonel of the Twenty- ninth Indiana Volunteers, he attained the rank of brevet Address of Mr. Morrow, of California. 87 major-general, rendering gallant services in every rank and station to which he was assigned. At Stone River, Liberty Gap, and Nashville he was particularly conspicuous as a brave and skillful commander. It will not be necessary for me to repeat the incidents of his splendid military service. They have been outlined in military orders, preserved in the rec- ords of his regiment, brigade, and division, and have become a part of the brilliant and enduring history of this great country. At the close of the war General MILLER declined further employment in the Army, and, although suffering from severe wounds, he proceeded to California to engage in the active duties of his profession. It was at this period that I first met him, and the acquaintance then formed soon ripened into a friendship that continued down to the day of his death. Soon after General MILLER arrived in California he was appointed by President Johnson collector of the port of San Francisco. He held the office for four years, discharging its duties with great efficiency and good judgment, and gaining the entire confidence of the business community. For ten years he was a leading officer of the Alaska Com- mercial Company, a well-known corporation on the Pacific coast. The character and policy of this corporation has often been commended, officially and otherwise, for its just and honorable dealings with the Government and its wise and generous treatment of employe's. General MILLER'S associa- tion with an enterprise of this reputation shows that in pri- vate business as well as in public service he earned the grati- tude of good people by furnishing an example worthy of imitation. It is also worthy of mention that General MILLER never neglected his duties as a citizen. In all his business relations he was public spirited and generous. He was an ardent Republican, and always ready to labor for the success of his 88 Life and Character of John F. Miller. party, believing in its principles and having faith in the ability of the people to reach reform in the administration of Government affairs through party organization. In 1879 he was elected a member of the constitutional con- vention of California and participated in the formation of our present constitution. In 1881 he was elected a United States Senator by the legislature of California for the term of six years. As a Senator his services were characterized by great attention to the detail of Congressional business in which the people of his State were interested. He was in the habit of responding promptly and pleasantly to every de- mand made upon him for a proper service. But with all his kindness of disposition he did not permit himself to be occu- pied with trifling matters to the exclusion of more important business. He was deeply interested in the welfare of his State and looked forward with great anxiety to the time when Con- gressional legislation or other action on the part of the Gen- eral Government would solve some of the difficulties per- taining to our peculiar position on the Pacific coast. He was eminently a statesman of enlarged views, and, being well in- formed on all the leading questions of the day, was able to render to the nation most important service. His fame as a soldier and a statesman was not the gift of fortune or the chance of reckless adventure, but the hard- earned reward for faithful devotion to the welfare and glory of his country. He grew to commanding position with an adaptability of capacity which always marks the vigor of well-equipped manhood where the social forces are active and aggressive. He was perhaps known to but few members of this House, but the place he occupied in the affairs of the country was distinctly marked and his influence everywhere felt. This House, therefore, performs its solemn duty on this occasion Address of Mr. Morrow, of California. 89 with the full knowledge that a page in its history is being given to one who achieved renown as the just distinction accorded to heroic and patriotic public service. Mr. Emerson, in one of his admirable essays, discourses on the fact that many men of great figure are known to his- tory by deeds which do not appear to justify their fame. " We cannot," he says, "find the smallest part of the personal weight of Washington in the narrative of his exploits," and he mentions Philip Sidney, the Earl of Essex, Sir Walter Raleigh, and others, as men of distinction who accomplished but few deeds worthy of historical mention. It is a fact that the character of a man cannot be determined by the mere in- cidents of his life, no more than can the mass of the mount- ain be ascertained by measuring the altitude of its promi- nent peaks. In human nature, as elsewhere, the magnitude of force and power is not always disclosed by what is seen. Back of the visible action there may be a mental and moral combination, moving with certainty and winning success with apparent ease in grave emergencies. A man thus or- ganized has character, and he may have genius. "He con- quers because his arrival alters the face of affairs." Senator MILLER possessed this latent power in a remark- able degree, and always commanded respect and confidence, not so much because of what he said or did, but because it was apparent that he could say and do much more if it were necessary. The career of Senator MILLER was incomplete. The full measure of his capacity had not been attained. He had plans for the future, and had his life been spared his mature judg- ment and large experience would have been of untold value in the councils of the nation. He felt that he could be of service to his country, and even when his malady had become dangerous he refused to lay aside his work for needed rest. With the restless spirit of the wounded but gallant soldier 90 Life and Character of John F. Miller. who hears a summons in the notes of preparation for the coming battle, Senator MILLER came from his distant home at the commencement of the present session of Congress to engage in the active duties of legislation. He knew the Angel of Death had come very near to him before And wondered why he stayed his dart, Yet quailed not, but could meet him so, As any lesser friend or foe. Such serene courage might again dismiss the unwelcome messenger. He could not weakly surrender even to the in- evitable, but the struggle was all in vain. The energies of his scared and overtaxed frame had broken from their natural channels and no human skill could restrain their wasting current. The end came, and the spirit of a brave man found rest. Fair life to pulseless silence wed. We all remember the solemn ceremony in this Capitol in memory of the deceased Senator, and the mournful pageant escorting his remains to their final sepulcher at Lone Mount- ain, by the restless sea. It was a fitting and deserved tribute to one whose life and character are worthy of all praise. Kind father, devoted husband, faithful friend, patriotic citi- zen and statesman, farewell ! California has had other sons fall on the field of duty, but the waves of the Pacific have chanted no sadder requiem than they do to-day over the remains of JOHN FRANKLIN MILLER. The question being taken on the resolutions, they were unanimously adopted. And then, in accordance with the concluding resolution, the House (at 4 o'clock and 35 minutes p. m.) adjourned. O THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara THIS BOOK IS OLE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW. 100M 1 1/86 Series 9482 3 1205010890844 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000923276 o