FFICIAL REGISTER IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES 3 1153 ^ ^^'f CATALOGUE OF WHO HAVE RECEIVED CERTIFICATES FROM THE BOARDS OF EXAMINERS or TIIK MBDICAL SOCIBTIES AUTHORIZING THEM TO PRACITCE MEDICINE AND SURGERY IN SAID STATE, Fn accordance zvitJi the provisions of an '"Act to regulate the Practice oj iMedicine in the State oj California," Approved April 3, 1876, and Amended April 1, 1878. BY AUTHORITY BOARD OK BXAIVL 1 N BRS R. H. PLUMMER, M. D.. Recording secretary. JUN 30188S OF THE FIRST BOARD OF EXAMINERS OF THE Medical Society of the State of California, Elected April, 1876. Organized Juine ist, 1876. James Simpson, M. D., President S;in Francisco. IHenrv Gibbons, Sen., M. D San Franciseo. C. M. Bates, M. D San Francisco. *H. P. Babcock, M. D Oakland. H. S. Orme, M. D Los Angeles. Jos. F. Montgomery, M. D Sacratnento. Luke Robinson, M. D Colusa. alternates. C. Gushing, M. D Oakland. A. B Galdvvkll, M. D Marysville. Asa Glark, M. D Stockton. W. A. GROVh'R, Ricordiny ISecretary. MEMBERS OF THE SEVENTH BOARD. Elected April 188^. G. N. Ei-LiNwot.n, M. I)., President San Francisco. O. O. Burgess, M. D San Francisco. G. E. Blakk, M. D San Francisco. A. H. Phatt, M. I) Oakland. G. G. Kenyon, M. D San Fiancisco. W. H. Mays, M. D San Francis(;o. B. H. Plummer. M. D., Recording Secretary San Fiancisco alternates. G. H. Spkele, M. I) San Francisco. J. W. Blake, M. D San Francisco. V. Wheelek, M. J) Alameda. tResife'nod Scptemher li)th, isya, on acjjunt of siukneji and abjence from the State, and platio filled by C. Gushing, .M. I)., first alternate. 'Since deceased. 22 PREFACE In presenting- to the profession the Official List of Licentiates of the Boards of Examiners of this State, we crave indu]g"ence for some errors in location. There have been many changes of residence, due to the in- exorable laws of fate, which impel men to change their habitations, some of which it is impossible to rectify in the brief time allotted for the issuance of this edition. The last known residence is given in each case. The names of deceased members, so far as ascertained, have been omitted from the regular list, and placed in a separate page at the close. The whole number licensed by the Regular Board is 1440 By the Eclectic Board 266 By the Homoeopathic Boards 189 Total number licensed by the several Boards, 1895 LAWS Regulating the Practice of Medicine in the State of Califomia. An Act to regulate tite Practice of Medicine in the State of California. [Approved April 3, 1S76.1 Tlip People of the. State of Califoruin, ' represented in Senate and Asuembli/, do enact rr.s follows : Every person practicing medicine, in any of its departments, shall possess the qualifi- cations required by this Act. If a graduate in medicine, he shall present his diploma to one of tiic Boards of Examiners herein named, for verification as to its genuineness. If the diploma is found geniaine, and if the person named therein be the person claiming and presenting the same, the Board of Examiners shall issue its certificate to that effect, signed by all tiie memljers thereof, and such diploma and certificate shall be conchisive as to the right of the law- ful holder of tiie same to practice medicine in this State. If not a graduate, the person practic- ing medicine in this State shall present himself before said Board, and submit himself to such examinations as the said Board shall require ; and if the examination be satisfactory to the Examiners, the .said Board shall issue its certificate in accordance witli the facts, and the lawful holder of such certificate shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges herein mentioned. [Amended by Act of 1878.] Sec. 2. Each State Medical Society incorporated, and in active existence on the tenth of March, eighteen hundred and seventy-six, whose members are required to possess diplomas or licenses from some legally chartered medical institution in good standing, shall appoint annually a Board of Examiners, consisting of seven members, who shall hold their office for one year, and until their successor shall be chosen. The Examiners so apijointed shall go before a County Judge and make oath that tiiey are regular gi-aduates or licentiates, and that they will faith- fully perform the duties of their office. Vacancies occurring in a Board of Examiners shall l/e filled by the society appointing it, Ijy the selection of alternates or otherwise. [Amended by Act of 1878.] Sec. 3. The Boards of Examiners shall organize within three months after the passage of this Act. They shall procure a seal, and shall receive, through their Secretary, applications for certificates and examinations. The President of each Board shall have authority to administer oaths and the Board take testimony in all meetings relating to their duties. They shall issue certificates to all wlio furnish satisfactory proof of having received diplomas or licenses from legally chai-tered medical institutions in good standing. They shall prepare two forms of certificates, one for persons in jjossession of diplomas or licenses, the other for candidates examined by the Board. 'JTiiey shall furnish to the County Clerks of the several counties a list of all persons receiving certificates. Inselecting places to hold their meetings, they shall, as far as is reasonable, accomuK- date applicants i-esiding in different sections of the State, and due notice shall be published of all their meetings. Certificates shall be signed by all the members of the Board granting them, and shall indicate the medical society to which the Examining Board is attached. Sec. 4. Said Boards of Examiners shall examine diplomas as to their genuineness, aiul if the diploma shall be found genuine as represented, the Secretary of the Board of Examiners shall receive a fee of one dollar from each graduate or licentiate, and no further charge shall be made to the applicants ; but if it be found to be fraudulent, or not lawfully owned by tiie possessor, the Board shall be entitled to charge and collect twenty dollars of the applicant presenting such diploma. The verification of the diploma shall consist in the affidavit of the holder and ajjplicant that he is the lawful possessor of the same, and that he is the person therein named. Such affidavit may be taken before any person authorized to administer oaths, and the same shall be attested under the hand and official seal of such officer, if he have a seal. Graduates may' present their diplomas and affidavits, as provided in this Act, by letter or by proxy, and the Board of Examiners shall issue its certificate the same as though the owner of the diploma was present. [Amended by Act of 1878.] Se(\ 5. All examinations of persons not graduates or licentiates shall be made directly by the Board, and the certific:ites given by the Board shall authorize the possessor to practice medicire and surgery in the State of California ; but no examinations into the qualifications of persons LAWS REGULATING THE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. not holding diplomas or licenses shall be made after the thirty-first day of December, eighteen hundred and seventy-six. After that date no certificates shall be granted by them, except to persons presenting diplomas or licenses from legally chartered medical institutions in good standing. Sec. 6. Every person holding a certificate from a Board of Examiners shall have it recorded in the office of the Clerk of the county in which he resides, and the record shall be indorsed thereon. Any person removing to another county to practice, shall procure an indorsement to that effect on the certificate from the County Clerk, and shall record the certificate in like man- ner in the county to which he removes, and the holder of the certificate shall pay to the County Clerk the usual fees for making the record. Sec. 7. The County Clerk shall keep, in a book provided for that purpose, a complete list of the certificates recorded by him, with the date of the issue and the name of the medical society represented by the Board of Examiners issuing them. If the certificate be based on a diploma or license he sliall record the name of the institution conferring it, and the date when conferred. The register of the County Clerk shall be open to public inspection during business hours. Sec. 8. Candidates for examination shall pay a fee of five dollars, in advance, which shall be returned to them if a certificate be refused. The fees received by the Board shall be paid into the treasury of the medical society by which the Board shall have been appointed, and the expenses and compensation of the Board shall be subject to arrangement with the society. Sec. 9. Examinations may be in whole or in part in writing, and shall be of an elemen- tary and practical character, but sufficiently strict to test tlie qualifications of the candidate as a .practitioner. Sec. 10. The Boards of Examiners may refuse certificates to individuals guilty of unpro- feisional or dishonorable conduct, and they may revoke certificates for like causes. In all cases of refusal or revocation the applicant may appeal to the body appointing the Board. [Amended by Act of 1878.] Sec. 11. Any person shall be regarded as practicing medicine, within the meaning of this Act, who shall profess publicly to be a physician and to prescribe for the sick, or who shall append to his name the letters, "M. D." But nothing in this Act shall be construed to pro- hibit students from prescribing under the supervision of preceptors or to prohibit gratuitous servic'es in case of emergency. And this Act shall not apply to commissioned surgeons of the United States army and navy practicing within the limits of this State. [Amended by Act of 1878.] Sec. 12. Any itinerant vendor of any drug, nostrum, ointment, or appliances of any kind, intended for the treatment of disease or injury, or who shall, bj' writing or printing, or any other method, publicly profess to cure or treat diseases, injury, or deformity, by any drug nostrum, manipulation, or other expedient, shall pay a license of one hundred dollars a month, to be collected in the usual way. [Amended by Act of 1878.] Sec. 13. Any person practicing medicine or surgery in this State without complying with the provisions of this Act, shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty doUais (§50), nor more than five hundred dollars ($oOO), or by imprisonment in the County Jail for a period of not less than thirty days noi- more than three hundred and sixty-five days, or botli such fine and impris- onment, for each and every offense ; and any person filing or attempting to file as his own, the diploma or certificate of another, or a forged affidavit of identification, shall be guilty of a felony, and, upon conviction, shall be subject to such fine and imprisonment as are made and provided by the statutes of this State for the crime of forgery. Sec. 14. This Act shall take effect from and after its passage , but the penalty shall not be enforced till on and after the thirty-first day of December, eighteen hundred and seventy-six. An Act supplemental to, and amendatory of, an Act entitled "An Act to regulate the Practice of Medicine in the State of California." [Approved April .3, 1876 ; passed April 1, 1878.J The People of the State of California, rfpresentcd in Senate and Asuemhly, do enact as follows : Sectio.v 1. Section one of an Act entitled "An Act to regulate the Practice of Medi- cine in the State of California." approved April .S, 1870, is hereby amended so as to read as follows : Section One. Every jierson in tliis State practicing medicine or surgery in any of LAWS REGULATING THE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. its departments, shall possess the qualifications required by this Act. Every such person shall present his diploma to one of the Boards of Examiners herein named, together with the affidavit mentioned in section three (3) of this Act. If the Board shall find all the facts required to be stated in said affidavit to be true, the Board of Examiners shall issue its certificate to that effect, signed by all the members thereof, and sealed with the seal of the Board, and such certificate shall be conclusive as to the rights of the person named therein, to practice medicine and surgery in any part of this State. Sec. 2. Section two of said Act is hereby amended so as to read as follows : Section Two. The Medical Society of the State of California, the Eclectic Medical Society of the State (.f California, and the California State Homeopathic Medical Society, corporations organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of this State, and no other corporation, society, persons or person, shall appoint annually a Board of Examiners, consisting of seven members, who shall hold their office for one year, and until their successors shall have been chosen and qualified. The Examiners so appointed shall go before a District or County Judge and make oath that they are regular graduates, and that they will faithfully perform the duties of their office. Vacancies occurring in a Board of Examiners shall be filled by the society appointing it, by the selection of alternates or otherwise. The Boards of Examiners now organized or existing under and by virtue of their appointments by the aforesaid societies, shall continue to act as such boards until their successors are appointed at the next annual election. Sec 3. Section four (4) of said Act is hereby amended, so as to read as follows : Section Four. Said Board of Examiners shall examine diplomas as to their genuineness, and if the diploma shall be found genuine as represented, the Secretary of the Board of Examiners shall receive a fee of five dollars from each graduate or licentiate, and no further charge shall be made to the applicant; but if it be found to be fraudulent or not lawfully owned by the possessor, the Board shall be entitled to charge and collect twenty dollars of the applicant presenting such diploma. The applicant shall accompany his diploma with an affidavit stating that he is the lawful possessor of the same ; that he is the person therein named ; that the diploma was pro- cured in the regular course of medical instruction, and without fraud or misrepresentation of any kind ; and that the medical institution granting the diploma had, at the time of granting the same, a full corps of medical instructors, and was, at the said time, a legally incorporated institution actually and in good faith engaged in the business of medical education, and in good standing as a medical institution, and that the applicant had complied with all the requirements of said institution. Such affidavit may be taken before any person authorized to administer oaths, and the same shall be attested under the hand and official seal of such officer, if he have a seal. In addition to such affidavit the Board of Examiners may hear such further testimony as in their discretion they may deem proper to hear as to the verification of any such diploma, or as to the identity of the person named therein, or as to the manner in which any such diploma was procured. And if it should appear from such testimony that any fact stated in said affidavit is untrue, the application of such person for a certificate shall be rejected. None of said Boards shall entertain an application which has been rejected by another of said Boards, (nor shall any rejected application be renewed) until at least one year after the action of the Board rejecting the same. Sec. 4. Section ten (10) of said Act is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section Ten. The Boards of Examiners must refuse certificates to individuals guilty of unprofessional conduct. But before any such refusal, the applicant must be cited by a citation signed by the Secretary of the Board, and sealed with its seal, to appear before the Board at a time and place certain, for the purpose of being heard as to siach unprofessional conduct. Said citation shall notify the applicant of the time and place where and when the matter of said unprofessional conduct shall be heard ; the particular unprofessional conduct with which the applicant is charged ; and that the applicant shall then and there appear in person, and attended with such witnesses to testify on his behalf as he may desire, or default will be taken against him, and his application for a certificate refused. The attendance of witnesses at such hearing shall be compelled by subpoenas issued by the Secretary of the Board under its seal, and said Secretary shall in no case refuse to issue any such subpoena on a fee of fifty cents being jjaid him for each subpoena. Said citations and said subpoinas shall be serveol in accordance with existing provisions of law as to the serxice of citations and subpoenas generally. At such hearing witnesses shall be examined on the part of the Board and on the part of the applicant, as to the fact of the applicant having been guilty of the conduct set out in the citation, and either LAWS REGULATING THE PRACTICE OP MEDICINE. side may examine medical experts as to whether such conduct is unprofessional; and if it appear to tlie satisfaction of the Doard that the applicant is guilty of said unprofessional conduct, no certificate shall be issued to him. But no application shall be refused on the ground of unpro- fessional conduct, unless the applicant has been guilty of unprofessional conduct within one year next preceding his ai)plication. If any holder of a certificate be guilty of unprofessional conduct, his certificate must be revoked by the Board granting it ; but no such revocation shall be valid without said holder being cited to appear, and the same proceedings be had as is hereinabove provided in this section in the case of refusal to grant a certificate. A^'henever a certificate is revoked, the Secretary of the Board revoking the same shall certify the fact under the seal of the Board, to the County Clerk of the county in which the person whose certificate has been revoked is at the time of said revocation practicing his profession, and said Clerk shall thereupon write upon the margin or across the face of his register of the certificate of such person the fact of such revocation, signing his name thereto, and shall file in his office said certificate of revocation. Each of said Boards may from time to time adojjt such rules as may be necessary to the orderly conduct of all proceedings taken and had before it. It shall be the orations" may be treated as merely "descriptio personarum.\ II. We need not inquire whether parts of the Act require the payment of the /ee.^ received by the boards into the treasuries of three corporations, nor, if such is their meaning, whether those parts are unconstitutional. It may be assumed — without being decided — that those parts of the law are violative of the Constitution. The portions of the Act thus assumed to be invalid are not so connected with the rest as to render invalid any other portion. The title of the Act sufficiently indicates its main purpose and design. Its general frame- work shows it was intended to require of those alone authorized to practice the profession, that knowledge of pathology, anatomy and physiology, recognized as necessary by every school of the science of medicine. The mere payment of fees to go to the respective societies named, cannot have been considered by the Legislatui'e of such vital importance as that without the provisions relating to the fees, the Act would not have been passed. As it is, the law provides for no certain compensation to the examiners — they are discharging their functions, and the principal objects of the statute may be carried into effect, although the fees are not paid. The portions of the Act which relate to fees are not inseparably connected with, nor do they neces- sarily depend upon other portions of the same Act. It is well settled that if a provision, which 10 DECISIOX OF THE SUPREME COURT. is not obnoxious to objection, is found even in the same section, with another which is repug- nant to the Constitution, the one in itself valid and complete must be sustained, unless the two are so united as that it must be presumed the Legislature would not have adopted the one with- out the other. (People vs,. Nail tj, 49 Cal., 482; Bohinson \b. Bkhodl, 22 Cal., 870; Cora. vs. Hutcldncjs, 5 Gray, 485.) The parts of the statute assumed to be unconstitutional, aud those portions of it to which no such objection can be taken, are wholly independent of each other, and the latter may be maintained and carried into effect without reference to the former. In such cases the portions which are ccmstitutional are not affected by the portions which are invalid. ( Warren vs. Mai/or ofCharlesfown, 2 Gray, 98 ; French vs. Teschemaker, 24 Cal., 548.) Our conclusion is that by conferring the authority and imposing the duty of appointing boards of examiners on the three societies named in the Act, the Legislature did not exceed the limitation of its powers contained in the provision of the Cjonstitution above quoted ; and that it is unnecessary herein to express any opinion as to the power of the Legislature to require that the fees collected by the boards should be paid to the societies named, since — even if it .be assumed that such portions of the law are unconstitutional — the remaining portions are stated independently, and of themselves contain a complete scheme for the examination of diplomas and applicants, for the proiiibition of certificates by others than those empowered by the Act to issue them, and for the punishment of charlatanry and empiricism. The petitioner must be remanded to custody. So ordered. Mr. Chief Justice Wallace, not having heard the augument, did not participate in the decision and Mr. Justice Rhodes expressed no opinion. IN BANK. [Filed December 2, 1882.] THE COUPT. Ex P.ARTE ) -.T„ 1 o pno R. D. Johnson-, i ^^- ^^'^^^- Upon the authority of ex parte Frazer (54 Cal., 94), writ dismissed and petitioner remanded. 1 1 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF Physicians an d Su :^g ^-.ons, LICENSED BY THE BOARD OF EXAMINERS OF THE MEDICAL SOCIETY OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. NAME. Abbott, E. K RESIDENCE. DIPLOMA FROM. DATED. 1 CERTIFICATE ISSUED. NO. Salinas City. . . Med. Uept. Univ-. Michigan. . . Mar. 29, '71 Sept. 19, '76 272 AcHCFF, J. Newton Oroville •Jefferson Medical Coll age, Penn Mar. 9, '67 Jan. 24, '77 798 Adams, Joh.\ S. . . . Oakland Albany Medical College. N.Y. Dec. 24, '55 June 29, '76 1 Adlam, Robert H . \Yoo(lbriclge. . . Harvard University, Mass. . . . Aug. 28, '39 Sept. 19, '76 268 Adler, Albert S. . Sail Francisco.. Frederic \Ym. Univ., Prussia.. Apr. 12. '79 Feb. 3, '80 1192 Adams, 0. B San Pablo Rush Medical College, Illinois Missouri Medical College, Mo. Feb. 15, '60 Mar. 11, 74 Sept. 19, "76 May 17, '77 269 894 Adams, Henry F. . San Francisco.. Adams, A. L lone City St. Louis Medical College, Mo. Mar. 8, '78 •June 25, '78 1011 Agard, Aureliu.sH Oaklan.l Jefferson Med. College, Penn.. Mar. '49 .June 29, '76 4 Aiken, Charles R. Stockton Rush Medical College, Illinois. Feb. 21, '77 Apr. 12. '80 1205 AiKiN, Cyrus D: . . Downieville. . . . Toland Medical College, Cal . Oct. 10, "67 Dec. 6, '76 582 Aiken, PerleyJ... Woodland .Jefferson Med. College, Penn.. Mar. '67 Dec. 11, 'S2 1390 Allen, Cyrus H . Centreville .... Med. Dept. Univ. of Yermont Aug. '57 Aug, 19, '76 102 Allen, Chas. H. . . New Mexico. . . Med. Col. of the Pacific, Cal. . Nov. 8, '81 Nov. 14, '81 1306 Allen, G. P San Francisco.. Med. Dept. Univ. of Michigan June 26, '79 Mar. 13. '82 1333 Allen, Jacob San Bernardino University of the Pacific, Cal . Nov. 1, '72 Aug. 19, '76 101 Allan. P. McD.... San Francisco.. Univ. of St.Andrew's,Scotland Dec. 31, '62 Nov. 10, '77 942 Alexander, G. E . San Ramon. . . . Jefferson Med. CoUege, Penn.. Mar. 12, '73 Aug. 19, '76 103 Alers, Augustus.. San Francisco.. Erlangen University, Bavaria. Nov. 2, '54 Nov. 21, '76 426 Allen, Wm. V . . . . Corvallis St. Loui.s Medical College, Mo. Mar. 1, '65 Sept. 19, '76 266 Allen. 0. S Santa Rosa .... St. Louis University, Mo Mar. 1, '50 Dec. 20, '76 643 Allen, B. B Sebastopol .... Kentucky Medical Academy . . Mar. '46 Sept. 19, '76 271 Alford, F. a Fern dale BellevueHos'l Med. Col., N.Y\ Mar. 1, '69 Nov. 1, "76 424 Alford, B. M. .... Porterville Nashville Med. Univ., Tenn. . Mar. 1, '56 Sept. 19, '76 270 American, S San Francisco.. Col. Phys. and Surgeons, N.Y. Mar. 10, '64 Oct. 12, '76 .367 Andrei, Adolpho.. Paris, France . . Univs. Pisa and Florence, Italy "61 Aug. 19, '76 104 Anderson, A Anderson's Sp's Harvard Med College, Mass . . Mar. 9,. '64 Dec. 20, 76 640 Anderson, Chas. L Santa Cruz .... Med. Dept. Asbury Univ., Ind. Mar. 1. 52 Oct. 12, '76 364 Anderson, G. W . . Anderson's St'n University of Nashville, Tenn Mar. 2, "68 Nov. 10, '77 943 Anderson, J. A Hills Ferry. . . Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. Nov. IS, '73 Oct. 12, 76 366 Anderson, P. H. . . Black's, YoloCo Med. Dept. Univ. of Penn . Mar. '29 June 13, '77 900 Anderson, ^V . D . . Vallejo Harvard Med. College, Mass . . Mar. 9, '64 Dec. 20, '76 641 West Oakland Sept. 19, '76 Dec. 20, "76 267 Archer. S. M Santa Rita .... Kentucky School of Med., Ky '68 642 Arensberg, H. . . . Sacramento. . . . Testim. Frederic Wm.Uni v., Pr. .Jan. 27, '67 Nov. 21, '76 427 Arguetxo, J Los Angeles . . . Faculty of Medicine, Paris, Fr. Aug. 5, '78 Aug. 8, '81 1299 Aronstein, a San Francisco.. Testim. L'uivs. Munich Yieniia Nov. 3, "52 June 29, '76 3 1 12 OFFICIAL CALALOGUE OF NAME. RESIDENCE. DIPLOMA FROM DATED CERTIFICATE ISSUED. NO. I AsAY, J. Lambert. Visalia Univ. of Pennsylvania, Penu.. Apr. 16, '59 June 29, '76 2 AsHToN, John Eureka Bd. Exam'rsMed. Soc'yof Cal. Dec. 27, '76 687 - AUGUSTIXK, S. M. , . romales Cincinnati Col. Med. &Sur.,0- June, '74 Feb. 12, 77 810 AuerR, (teor(}e J.. Oakland Yale Medical College, Conn. . . June 26, '79 Dec. 11, '82 1391 J Au.sTix, H Coulterville . . . Bd. Exam'rs Med. Soc'y of Cal. Dec. 27, '76 688 Alexrood, M San Francisco.. Medical Col. of the Pacific, Cal- Nov. 8. '81 Nov. 14, '81 1307 Ayer, W Med. Dept. Harvard Univ., M. Med. Dept. Univ. of New York Mar 9 '47 Oct 12 '76 365 Aylett, W. D Paso Eobles . . . '48 Mar, 21, '77 854 Ayres, S. B San Jose Rush Medical College, Illinois. Jan. 24, '66 Nov. 13, '82 1378 ! Babbitt, Geo. A. . . Los Angeles . . . Long Island Col. Hosp. , N. Y. . June 24, ,75 Aug. 19, '76 127 Bachman, H. S. . . . Bakersfield .... Rush Medical College, Illinois. Feb. 1, '71 Oct. 12, '76 372 Bacox, Trumax F. Point Arena. . . Medical College of Pacific, Cal Nov. 4, '75 Aug. 19, '76 124 —Bailey, F. E Santa Cruz Western Reserve College, Ohio Feb. 24, ,47 Aug. 19, '76 112 Bailey, Geo. H — Anaheim Med. Dept. Univ. Louisiana, La. Mar, 30, '61 Oct. 12, '76 371 Bailey, J. G Santa Ana ... Medical Dep't Univ. Buffalo.. Feb. 20, '71 Mar. 21, '77 855 Baker, John S — San Jose Chicago Medical College, 111. , Mar. 13, '73 Feb. 20, '78 976 Baker, J. E. S Grafton University of Maryland, Md. Mar. 3, '81 Aug. 6, '82 1358 : Baker, SAnirEL K. Winters St. Louis Medical College, Mo. Mar. 1, '60 Dec. 6, '76 584 Baldwix, a. S San Francisco . Western Reserve Med. Col., 0. Feb. 22, '54 Feb. 12, '77 812 Baldwin, D. M . . . . Oakland Med. Dept. Dartmouth Col . . . Oct. 22, '44 Oct. 12, '76 370 Baldwin, H. S San Francisco . Pennsylvania Med. Col., Pa. Mar. 3, '60 Aug. 19, '76 130 Baldwin, W. H . . . Sacramento . . . Jefferson Medical College, Pa. Mar. 11, '75 Aug. 19, '76 117 — Ball, W.R Riverside Med. Dept. Transylvania Univ. Mar. 1, '56 ^lar. 8, '80 1194 Baxks, Jameis M. . Princeton Med. Dept. Univ. of Maryland I^Iar. 5, "68 Aug. 19, '76 110 Barber, Edward T. Oakland Toland Medical College, Cal. Oct. 2, '66 June 29, '76 8 Bard, Cephas L. . . S. Buenavent'ra Jefierson Medical College, Pa. Mar. 10, '66 Nov. 21, '76 435 i Bardill, Conrad. . Anaheim Humboldt Med'l College, Mo. Apr. 14, "69 Mar. 12, '83 1416 : Barger, J). E Paso Robles Sp. University of New York City. Mar. 10, '77 May 17, "77 887 Barkan. a San Francisco . Med. Dept. Univ. Vienna, Aus. , '66 Nov. 21, "76 433 Barnes, Thomas L. UkiahCity.... Med. Dept. Univ. of Missouri. Mar. 1, '51 Dec. 20, "76 644 Barney, James G . . Los Angeles . . . University of Vermont, Vt. . . Jan. 14, 70 Jan. 6, "80 1180 ' Barney, Russell A. Sulfjhur Creek . 15erkshire Medical Col., Mass. Dec. 2, '52 Mar. 2, '77 837 - Barr, Geo. F San Jose Missouri Medical College, Mo. Mar. 11, '74 Sep. 13, '80 1228 Barret, Walter M Randolph Missouri Medical College, Mo. Mar. 4, '80 Mar. 13, '82 1334 Barton, Thomas G. San Francisco . Albany Medical College, N. Y. June 9, '55 Sep. 19. "76 277 Bass, Cyrus . Sunol. Victoria College Univ., Canada Sep. 10, '63 Mar. 1, '44 Sep. 19, '76 Dec. 20, '76 280 645 1 Bateman, E. B Covelo Med. Col. of Mo. Univ., Mo. Bates, Charles B. . Santa B'rbara | Toland Medical College, Cal. Belle vue Hosp'l Med. Col.N. Y. Nov. 1, "68 — , '77 Jan. 10, '77 764 Hates, CM San Francisco . University of Penusj'lvania, Pa Mar. .30, '55 Aug. 19, '7G 113 Bathurst, Edw. W. •San Francisco . Medical College of Pacific, Cal. Nov. 6, '77 Dec. 12, '77 962 Bayer, Joseph .... San Francisco . University of Vienna, Austria. July 21, '68 Oct. 13, '80 12.33 B.\ZAN, F. Z San Francisco . Faculty of Medicine of Paris. Jan. 31. '73 Dec. 27, '76 699 Bean, James A Saticoy Willamette University, Oregon Mar. 4, '73 Sep. 19, '76 273 Beatty, B. Frank. Pescadero Western Reserve College, Ohio Mar. 7. '76 Jan. 10, '77 762 Bechtinger, Jos. . . San Frau'isco l Univer.sity of Mexico, Mexico. University of Vienna, Austria , '65 , '61 Oct. 12, 76 368 Becker, Alex Berkeley, Kew York Medical College. . . . Mar. 4, '62 Sep. 19, '76 276 PHYSICIANS AND SUKGEONS. 13 NAME. Beckh, GrsTAVu.s. . Bkhr, H. H Belchkr, Har t (i . Beldex, Edwin S. . Belixge, F. a. a. . Bell, Hexry R. . . . Bell, J. N Bell, William F. . Bellamy, B. C Beltox, \Vm. H. . . Bemus, D. M Benx, Johx E Bennett, Thomas. . Bextley, Geo. J. . . Benjamin. F. \V. . . Berxett, Hermax. Bertody, Charles. Bettelheim, F. a. Bettexcourt, J. D'S Betts, Johx M . . . . BiC'KXELL, F. T Biggs, M. H Bird, Nklsox John. Bishop, Charles B. Blackwood, T. J . . Black, Charles. . . Blackman, W. E . . Blake, Chas. Ed. . Blake, Chas. M. . . Blake, James W. . . Blvxome, Joseph . . Boarmax, Chas . . . bobo, charle.s d . . Boggs, Joseph 0. . . BoLAN, Michael J . Boltox, Wm. B — Bonilha, M. M . . . BooxE, H. VV BooxE, Jesse T. . . . Bosworth, H. F . . . Botsford, Wm. . . . Bovghtox, H. J. . . Boushey, Julius . . Bowie, Augustus J. Bowie, Robert I . . 8an Jose Sap Francisco . Santa Barbara. Oakland Sail Francisco . Winters Shasta City . . . Winters RESIDENCE. Round Valley . Colusa Santa Rosa . . . . Visalia San Francisco . San Jose Cherokee Martinez San Francisco . San Francisco . San Francisco . San Francisco . Bishop Creek . . San Francisco . San Francisco . E^st Bndie San Francisco . San Francisco . San Francisco . San Francisco . San Francisco . San Francisco . Jackson. Nevada City . . Cloverdale . . . . San Francisco , Martinez. . . San Francisco San Francisco Kelseyville. . . Forbestown . . San Francisco Vallejo .San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco DIPLOMA FROM Univ. of ^^'urzburg, Bavaria. Frederick William Univ. Berlin Woman's Medical College, Fa. BellevueHos'p'lMed. Col.N.Y University of the Pacific, Cal. Mod. Dept. Univ. of Maryland Med. Dept. Willamette Univ Med. Dept. Univ. Pennsylvania Board Exam. Med. Society, Cal Col. Phy. & Sur. Keokuk, Iowa New Orleans School of Med. Board Exam. Med. Society, Cal. Board Exam. Med. Society, Cal. Kings Col. Univ. of Aberdeen- Royal College Surgeons, Kng. . Rush Medical College, Illinois. Berkshire Medical Col., Mass. Col. Physicians & Sur., N. Y. Harvard University, Mass. . . . Med. Dept. University of Cal. Medical College of Pacific, (Jal. Jefferson Medical College, Pa. Rush Medical College, Illinois Med. Dept. University of Cal. Univ. Queen's College, Canada Medical College of Pacific, Cal. Jefferson Med. College, Penn. . Testi. Univ. Heidelberg, Baden Rush Medical College, Illinois. Med. Dpt. Univ. of Pacific. Cal Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal. . Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal. . Univ. of the City of New York University of Maryland, Md Univ. of Pennsylvania, Penn Transylvania University, Ky.. Georgia Medical College, Ga. . University of Missouri, Mo. . . University of Geisen, Germany Med. Dept. Univ. of N.Y.,N.Y Univ. of Pennsylvania, Penn. . Starling Med. College, Ohio. . Jefferson Med. College, Penn. Univ. Med. Col. of N.Y..N.Y. Medical College of Ohio, Ohio. University of Maryland, Md. . Royal Univ. of Munich, Bavaria DATED I CERTIFICATE I ISSUED. May 28, 'SI Aug. «, '82 Mar. 23, 43 Nov. 21, '76 Mar. 13, '79 Fel). 1.3, '81 Feb. — , '67 Sep. 19, '76 Dec. 7, '70'Nov. 29, '76 Mar. 1, '79 Apr. 3, '79 Mar. 3, "68 Dec. 27, Mar. 14. '63 Nov. 21, ...loct. 12, '80 May 9, Mar. Mar. 15, '61 Apr. 13'48 Feb. 19, '52 Nov. 20, '60 Feb. 27, '73 Aug. 26, '46 Nov. 10, '80 Xov. 6, '77 Mar. 12, '70 Feb. 2, '70 Nov. U, '70 Apr. — , '60 Nov. 6, '79 Mar. 10, '66 '51 to '55. . . Feb. 1, '71 Nov. 4, '73 Nov. 1, '76 Oct. — , '74 July 6, '56 Mar.—, '49 Apr. 2, '41 , '36 Mar. 3, '48 Mar. 1, '48 Dec. 29, '56 Mar. 9, '60 Mar. 31, '43 .lune, "65 Mar. 9, '67 Mar. 4, 59 Mar. 2, '74 , '43 June 21, 'SO Aug. 19, Dec. 27, Sep. 19, Jan. 10, July 17, May 9, Oct. 10, Jan. 24, Dec. 27, Dec. 16, •Jan. 10, Dec. 27, Aug. 19, J une 3, Dec. 27, May 10, Nov. 15, June 29, Mar. 8, June 29, Nov. 21, Aug. 19, Aug. 19, Oct. 12, Sep. 19, Aug. 1 9, Nov. 15, June 29, Jan. 6, Aug. 19, Dec. 20, June 29, Oct. 10, Dec. 27, Oct. 9, Sep. 19, Feb. 12, Oct. 13, '76 '76 76 '81 '76 '76 '76 '77 '79 '81 '81 '77 '76 '80 '78 '76 '76 '79 '76 '80 '78 '76 '80 '76 '76 '76 '76 '76 '76 '76 '78 '76 '80 '76 '76 '76 '81 '76 '82 '76 77 •SO NO. 1359 4.32 1328 274 562 1102 693 4.34 376 1283 107 697 282 763 1123 1284 1300 801 692 1247 971 694 109 1103 691 1210 1040 11 1195 12 428 125 119 369 278 105 1041 5 1179 108 646 14 1301 698 1372 281 811 1234 U OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF NAME. RESIDENCE. DIPLOMA FROM DATED CERTIFICATE ISSUED. NO. 1140 Bowie, T. H. C . . . . .San Francisco . University of Munich, Bavaria May 17 '79 Oct. 1, '79 BOYCE. J. F Santa Rosa Indiana Medical College, Ind. . Mar. 22 '49 Dec. 20, '76 648 BoYSEX, Thomas . . . San Francisco . Copenhagen Univ., Denmark. . Feb. 18 '69 Aug. 19, '76 120 Bradbury, G. F . . . Redwood City. Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. Nov. 7 '78 Apr. 2, '79 1083 Bra T) WAY, .J. R. . . . Oakland Rush Medical College, Illinois. Feb. 16 '47 Jane 29, '76 6 Bragdon, Jas. E. . . Concord Med. Dept. Bowdoin Col., Me. July 12 '71 Nov. 10, '77 944 Braman, Jason J. . Berkeley Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. Nov. 1 '76 Apr. 2, '79 1084 Brandt, HansC. . . Oakland Royal Friedericks Univ., Nor. Aug. 4 '38 Jan. 12, '81 1261 Briceland, J. M. . . Shasta Jefferson Med. College, Penn. . Mar. 25 '47 Oct. 12, '76 375 Brierly, Conant B. San Francisco . Toland Medical College, Cal . . Oct. 2 '66 Auc:. 19, '76 126 Briggs, H. H Monterey Chicago Medical College, 111 . . Mar. 10 74 Aug. 19, '76 118 Briggs, Wall. A. . Sacramento . . . University of Michigan, Mich. Mar. 29 '71 Oct. 13, '77 938 Briggs, W. E Sacramento . . . Med. Dept. Wooster Univ., 0. Feb. 28 '77 Sep. 17, '79 11.33 Brigham, Chas. B. San Francisco . Harvard Medical School, Mass. Mar. 9 '70 Dec. 27, '76 690 Bromley, R. Innis. San Francisco . Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. Nov. 10 , '82 Jan. 10, '83 1403 Brown, Charl'eB. San Francisco . Women's Med. College, Penn . Mar. 13 '74 June 29, '76 13 Brown, C. E Bordin Station . Col. Phys. & Surg., Keokuk, I. June 10 '70 Dec. 27, '76 695 Brown, S. Chat'n. Yountville .... Med. Col. of Charleston, S. C. Mar. 9 '61 Oct. 12, '76 374 Brown, Chas. W. . San Bernardino Univ.'City of New York, N.Y. Feb. 19 , '78 Aug. 7, '80 1224 Brown, Eugene E . Martinez Hospital Col. of Medicine, Ky. Feb. 22 '82 July 10, '82 1354 Brown, F. R Millville University of Michigan, Mich. Mar. 31 , '69 Dec. 13, '76 615 Brown, GtEO. J San Francisco. Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. Nov. 1 '76 Nov. 21, '76 437 Brown, Jacob N. . . San Jose Ohio Med. Col., Cincinnati, 0. Mar. — '60 Aug. 19, '76 121 Brown, Sara E. . . . San Jose Univ Mich., Med. Dept., Mich Mar. 26 , '73 Ang. 19, '76 123 Brown, Wm. M San Diego University of Louisville, Ky. . Mar. — '72 Jan. 24, '77 800 Brown, Wm. T.... Stockton Med. Dept. H. and S. Col.,Va. Mar. 6 '43 June 29, '76 10 Brownell, E. a. V. Los Angeles. . . Women's Med. Col. of Pa. , Pa. Mar. 10 '55 Dec. 6, '76 583 Bruck, Alex Sai) Francisco. St. Louis Medical College, Mo Mar. 7 '77 Mar. 21, '77 856 Bkuenn, Adolph . . Oakland Med. Dept. Univ. Louisiana, L. Mar. 22 '54 Nov. 10, '79 1157 Bruner, J. F Los Angeles . . . St. Louis Medical College, Mo. Mar. 3 '68 Nov. 10, '79 1155 ' — Brune, a. E Sacramento . . . Fred'k William Univ., Prussia July 21 '77 Nov. 10, '79 1156 Bruns, W. C San Francisco. Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. Nov. 7 '78 July 17, '79 1115 Brunson, R. J. p. . Downey City . . St. Louis Medical College, Mo. Mar. 1 '56 .Jan. 10, '77 761 Brusie, Luthek. . . lone City Indiana Medical College, Ind. Feb. 27 '47 Dec. 20, '76 647 Bryan, Ed. H San Francisco. University of Missouri, Mo. . . Mar. 1 '52 June 29, '76 15 Bry, Francis Los Angeles . . . Med. Dejrt.Univ. St. Louis, Mo Feb. 29 '48 Apr. 2, '79 1085 Buchanan, Jas. S. . Wilmington. Univ. of City of N. York, N.Y. University of V^irginia, Va. . . . Mar. 14 July 2 '75 '74 Mar. 13, '.■^2 1335 BUCHARD, E. A Buckley, C. F Lodi Med. Dept. Univ. Wooster, 0. Col. of Physicians and Col. of Surgeons, Edinburgh, Scotland Queen's University, Ireland. . . Feb. 28 Aug. 6 Oct. 11 '77 '64 '65 Feb. 14, '81 Dec. 27, '76 1270 689 San Fran'co. < Bucks ALL, Geo. J. . San Francisco. Col. Phys. and Surgeons, N.Y. Mar. 10 '64 Aug. 19, '76 128 BUOKNALL, M. E. . . Oakland N. E. Female Med Col., Mass. Nov. 28 '71 Sep. 19, '76 279 Buck, Ephraim W. Oakland Col. Phys. and Surgeons, N.Y. Mar. 5 '57 June 29, '76 7 Buck, N. L Oakland Berkshire Med. College, Mass. Oct. — '52 Feb. 20, '78 977 BucKEL, Chloe a . . Oakland Female Medical College, Penn. Feb. 27 '58 Nov. 10, '77 945 Buelow, F. Von. . . Nevada City . . Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. Nov. 5 '77 Apr. 10, '78 984 PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. 15 NAME. Bunnell, N. P. . BURCHARD, L. S. BuRDicK, Ed. L. BuRDicK, John F Burgess, 0. 0. . . -Burleigh, Wm. E Burr, Eollin T. . RESIDENCE. . Roseburg, Ogn. Oakland Azusa Oakland San Francisco. .San Francisco. Burrell, Charles. Burroughs, David. Bush, Chas. VV . . . . Bush, Jonathan P. BussEY, Bennett.. buteau, s. a Butler, Andrew B. buyler, w. c Bynum, Joseph. . . . Cabanlss, Thos. T. Cachot, M. a Cahill, Michael. . Caldwell, H. H. . . Caldwell, A. B. . . Caldwell, Robert. Calhoun, James G C.4LLAGHAN, DaN. T C.\llaghan, J. D. . • Callandreau, J. . . Callender, J. a. . . Cameron, .J.\mesS. Cameron, Robt. A . Campbell, C. G. . . . Camplin, E. G Cargill, Chas. G. , Carit, Adolph . . . , Carlisle, Chas. H Carman, W ~ Carothers. J. H. . Carpenter, W. W Carter, Dale M. . Cary, Luther H. . Cassilly, J. p. . . . Cassity, p. K CA.-5TLE, C. H Castlehun, F. C. . Cason, Geo. I . . . . Cate, La Fayette Caughie, John. Elmonte San Francisco. San Diego Los Angeles . . . San Francisco. Sacramento . . . Centerville . . . . Grangeville . . . Princeton Lower Lake. . . Eureka San Francisco . San Francisco . San Jose Marysville . . . . San Jose Folsoni San Francisco . San Francisco. .San Francisco. Santa Rosa . . . . Red Bluff Oakland San Bernardino Shasta San Juan San Franci.sco. Dixon San Francisco. Martinez Petaluma . . . ; . Tulare City . . . Oakland San Francisco. Snelling San Fernando. San Francisco. Lakeview Quincy Smartsville . - DIPLOMA FROM Cert, of Wisconsin State Soc'ty Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. Col. Phys. and Surgeons, Mo. . University of Michigan, Mich. Col. Phys. and Surgeons, N.Y. Med. Dept. Univ. of Md., Md. Med. Dept. Univ. of La., La. , Cdl.Phys. and Surgeons, N.Y. Castleton Medical College, Vt. Western Reserve College, Ohio. Fairfield Med. College, N. Y. . University of Maryland, Md . . Castleton Medical College, Vt. Northwestern Med. Col., Mo.. Wasliington University, Md . . Bd. Exara'rs Med. Soc'y of Cal. University of Maryland, Md. . University of Pacific, Cal Med. Dep. Univ. Louisville, Ky Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. Harvard Med. College, Mass , . Toland Medical College, Cal. . . Miami Medical College, Ohio. . Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. University of Louisiana, La. . . Faculty Medicine of Paris, Fr . Col. Phys. and Sui'geons, N..Y Toland Medical ( 'ollege, Cal . . Lidiana Medical College, Lid. . St. Louis Medical College, Mo. Col. Phys. feSurg., Keokuk, I. Med. Dep. Dartmouth Col ., N . H Faculty of Paris, France Rush Medical College, Illinois. Col. Phys. and Surgeons, N.Y, Miami Medical College, Ohio . . Bd. Exam'rs Med. Soc'y of Cal. Missouri Medical College, Mo. Geneva Medical College, N. Y St. Louis Medical College, Mo. St. Louis Medical College, Mo. Col. Phys. & Surg., Keokuk, I University of Michigan, Mich Univei'sity of Missouri, Mo . . Vermont Medical College, Vt. Univ. of Glasgow, Scotland. Royal Col. of Surg., Scotland. June 17, '69 Nov. 10, '82 Mar. 11, 71 Mar. 27, '72 Mar. 13, '57 Mar. — , '65 DATED CERTIFICATE ^O. ISSUED. Mar 20 '69 \ } Mar. 6, '45 Nov. 18, '50 Feb. 22, '54 Feb. 2, '30 Apr. 7, '28 June 20, '50 Feb. 22, '81 Feb. 22, '69 Mar.—, '48 Mar. IS, '64 Mar. 2, '68 Nov. 10, '80 Mar. 10, '70 Nov. 1. '69 Mar. 1, '74 Nov. 3, '75 Mar.—, '52 June 30, '73 Feb. 28, '68 Nov. 1, '68 Feb. — , '49 Mar.—, '75 Feb. 13, '77 Oct. 30, '68 xMay 26, '68 Jan. 25, '65 Mar. 7, '46 Mar. 1, '66 Mar. 11, '74 July — , '46 Mai\ — , '51 Mar. 14, '73 June 18, '78 Apr. 21, '52 June 7, '77 Oct. 6, July 9, '58 Aug. 4, '58 June 25, Dec. 11, Dec. 13, Nov. 29, Dec. 13, Nov. 21, Nov. 10, Mar. 13. Jan. 24, Dec. 27, June 29, May 17, Nov. 21, Aug. 19, Oct. 10, Aug. 19, Dec. 27, Nov. 21, Nov. 21, Mar. 8, Jan. 12, Feb. 10, Aug. 19, Oct. 12, July 9, Aug. 19, Mar. 12, Mar. 14, Nov. 21, Apr. 17, June 29, Mar. 21, Nov. 21, Dec. 6, Oct. 12, Sep. 6, Nov. 21, Sep. 19, Nov. 21, Oct. 12, Nov. 21, Dec. 27, May 28, Nov. 21, Nov. 10, June 29, '78 1012 '82 1392 613 563 614 433 f9 1154 '82 1336 799 700 9 886 429 116 1302 111 696 448 443 1196 1262 979 132 377 1220 136 1417 1276 440 872 Jan. 10, '77 858 441 588 379 1023 449 288 442 378 439 702 1431 445 946 18 766 . 16 OFFICIAL CALALOGUE OF NAME. RESIDENCE. DIPLOMA FROM DATED CERTIFICATE ISSUED. NO. Cauterbury, M. . . Fresh Water . . Med. Dept. Univ. Iowa, Iowa. Feb. — , '63 Nov. 21, '76 444 Chapin, Samuel F. San Jose Col. Phys. and Surgeons, N. Y. Sop. 12, '64 Dec. 27, '76 703 Chandler, Sam'lR. YiibaCity .... Ohio Medical College, Ohio. . . Mar. 6, '45 Oct. 13, '77 939 Charles, E. W Nevada City . . St. Louis Medical College, Mo. Mar. — , '65 Sep. 19. 76 283 Chaigneau, V. A. . Crescent City. . Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal. ., Cal. Nov. 1, '76 Nov. 21, '76 451 Chase, Albert .... San Francisco. Med. Dep. Dartmouth Col. ,N.H Nov. 18, '47 Nov. 21, 76 446 Chase, Harvey H. . St. Helena .... Col. Phys. and Surgeons, N.Y. Feb. 22, '72 Sep. 11, '82 1366 Chase, Robert P. . San Francisco. Fairfield Med. College, N. Y.. Feb. 3, '35 Dec. 27, '76 705 Chelsey, Chas. p. . San Franco. • University of Vermont. Vt. . . , University of the Pacific. Cal. June I-i, Nov. 7, '70 '70 June 29, '76 19 Chipman, M. M. . . . San Francisco. Pacific Medical College, Cal. . . Nov. 4, '74 Jan. 10, '77 767 ChISMORE, OEORttE. San Francisco. Medical College of Pacific, Cal. Nov. 4, '73 June 29, '76 27 Chrlstie, John B. . Petalunia McGill Univ. , Montreal, Canada May 3, '65 June 29, '76 29 Clark, Asa Stockton Rush Medical College, Illinois. Feb. — . '49 Sep. 19, '76 285 Clark, Benj. F.. . . Chico Medical College of Pacific, Cal. Nov. 6, '77 Nov. 10, 77 947 Clark, E. A San Francisco. Medical College of Pacific, Cal. Nov. 6, '77 Nov. 10, '77 948 Clark, J. H Leesville Belle vueHosp'l Med.C(-l ,N.Y. Mar. — , '72 Aug. 19, '76 141 Clark, I. C San Francisco. Toland Medical College, Cal. . . Nov. — , '69 Feb. 12, 77 813 Clark, Jonas Woodland Harvard University, Mass. . . . June 25, 75 Mar. 21, '77 857 Clark. L. A San Francisco. BellevueHosp'l Med.Col.,N.Y. Feb. -, '73 Mar. 21, '77 859 Clark, Royal F. . . San Francisco. Medical College of Pacific, Cal. Nov. 6, 79 Nov. 10, 79 1158 Cleveland, C. D. . San Francisco. License f m Med. Society of Cal. Sep. 19, '76 287 1285 Clow, Geo. B Downieville . . . Col. Phys. & Surg., Keokuk, I. Mar. 2. '80 May 9, '81 Cluness, W. R . Univ. Queen's Col., Canada.. Albany Medical College, N. Y. Apr. 28, June 9, '59 '57 Aug. 19, '76 Sep. 19, '76 138 284 CoC'HItANE, A. H. . . San Jose Cochran, Wm. G. . Los Angeles. | Jefferson Medical College, Pa. Rush Medical College, Illinois. Mar. 13, Mar. 3, '80 '69 Dec. 16, '81 1314 COFFMAN, N. B. . . . San Francisco.. Miami Medical College, Ohio . Mar. 1, '83 June 18, 'S3 1435 CoHN, David San Francisco . Fred'k William Univ. Berlin.. July 25, '61 Dec. 27, '76 701 COHN, ISADORE E. . . Portland, 0... . Medical College of the Pacific. Nov. 8, '81 Nov. 14, '81 1308 (,'OLE, Pv. Beverly.. Sanr rancisco Jefferson Med. College, Penn . Royal Col. Surgeons of London Obstretrical Society of Lond'n ) '49 '64 '75 Mar. 21, '77 860 CoLMAN, Fred. \V. Napa Medical Col. of the Pacific, Cal Nov. 4, '73 Dec. 6, 76 586 COLERAN, NaTH'l B San Francisco . Dartmouth College, N. H . . . Nov. 1, '65 May 27, 78 996 COLLEAU, LOULS. . . Lone Pine. ... Faculty of Med., Paris, France Sep. 25, '48 Feb. 12, 77 814 CoLLER, Eli H Los Angeles. . . University of Michigan Mar, 30, •59 June 29, 76 24 CONDEE, AsA San Bernardino West'n Reserve Med. Col. Ohio Mar. 2, '53 June 29, '76 23 CoNooR, Orville H Pasadena Rush Med. College, Illinois. . . Feb. 2, '70 Jan. 10, '77 765 Connolly, John J . San Francisco . Med. Dep. Univ. of California. Nov. 1. 76 Mar, 21, 77 862 Cook, G. J San Francisco . Kentucky School of Med. Ky. Mar. 1, '66 Oct. 10, '81 1303 Cooper, Jas. G . . . . Haywards .... Col. Phys'ns& Surgeons, N.Y. Sep. 25, '57 Aug. 19, 76 139 CORBETT, Sam'l J. . Los Angeles . . . Toland Medical College, Cal. . Nov. I, '68 Aug. 19, '76 137 Cory. A. J San Jose Medical College of Ohio, Ohio. Mar. — , '60 Aug. 19, '76 133 Cory, Ben.iamin. . . San Jose Medical College of Ohio, Ohio. Mar. 6, '45 Aug. 19, '76 135 Cox, J. Bradford.. San J ose Long Island Hosp. Med. Col. . June 24, ,69 Aug. 19, 76 131 Cox, Julian N A T . East Oakland . . Woman's Med. Col., Penn. . . . Mar. 11, '69 Apr. 12, '80 1206 C(i.\, LlTHKR C. . . . (Guadalupe . . \ Med. Dep. Yale College, Conn. Medical College of New York. Jan. 10. Mar. 2, '56 '58 Apr. 10. '75 985 1 PHYSICIANS AND SUEGEONS 17 NAME. RESIDENCE. DIPLOMA FROM. DATED. CERTIFICATE ISSUED. NO. Cox, Thomas H.... San Francisco . Med. Dep. L^niversity of Cal. . Nov. 18, 73 Mar. 8, 80 1197 COYLE, JOHX San Francisco . Univ. City New York, N. Y . . Mar. '69 Nov. 21, 76 450 Crabb, J. N Vina Col. Phys. & Surgs. Keok'k, lo. June IS, '78 Oct. 1, 79 1141 Crak;, Thornton. . Capay McGill Univ. Montreal. Can. . Mar. 31, 76 June 29, 76 17 Crane, Jo.s. H Petaluma Med. Dep. St. Louis Univ. Mo Mar. '44 June 29, 76 28 --^ Crane, JcLir.s A . . Santa Ana ... Med. Dp. Univ. Woos'r.iJlev'd Feb. 24, 70 Dec. 6, 76 587 Crane, Silas S Sacramento . . . Castleton Med. Col., Vermont. Nov. 22, '48 Dec. 6, 76 585 Crawford, S. P. . . Stockton Univ. Nashville, Tenn iNIar. '54 Sep. 19, 76 286 Crepin, E. a Hollister St. Louis Med. Col., Missouri. Mar. 1, '67 Dec. 27, 76 704 Crepin, H Crichton, Stuart. Oakland San Rafael .... Bard. Exam's. Med. Soc'ty Ca! University McGill, Canada. . . Dec. 20, Aug. 16, 76 77 650 916 May 3, '55 Grossman, L. C. . . Xicholaus Bellevue Hos. Med. Col. N. Y. Oct. — , '70 0;^t. 22, 79 1153 Crow, J. T Crow's Landing Med. Dep. Univ. St. Louis, Mo. Mar. 2. '54 Feb. 12, 83 1409 Crowder, Henry. . Colusa Rush Med. College, Illinois. . . Feb. 17, 74 June 29, 76 20 Crumpton, H. J. . . Lakeport Rush JNIed. Colleife, Hlinois. .. Feb. 1, 71 Dec. 13, 76 616 • '- CUMMINGS, W. C. . . San Francisco. Geneva Medical Collge, N. Y. June — , '51 May 17, 1 1 895 CUMMINOS, Ral'hW Alameda Med. College of Nevv York. . . Mar. 4, '56 Dec. 1, 79 1172 Curless, Wm Truckee Rush Med. College, Illinois. . . Dec. 5, '67 June 29, 76 21 CuRRAN, Mary K. . San Frauci.sco.. Med. Dep. L'niv. California . . Nov. 7, 78 Nov. 25, 78 1056 Curtis, H. L San Francisco.. University Pennsylvania. Penn Mar. 15, "80 Nov. 12, 80 1240 Cu.sHiNG, Clinton.. San Francisco.. Rush Med. College, Illinois. . . .Jan. 25, '65 June 29, 76 30 Cutler, L. H Livermore .... University of Iowa, Iowa Feb. 13, '77 Mar. 21, 77 861 Brd. Exams. Med. Soc'y Cal. . Mav 28, 7S 1010 Dalton, Robert H Los Angeles . . . Univ. Pennsylvania, Penn.. . . Mar. 24, '31 June 29, 76 33 Darling, A. F Los Angeles . . Bellevue Hosp. Med. Col. N.Y. Mar. 1, '68 Aug. 7, 80 1225 ■ -- Dausman, Henly L San Francisco.. Univ. Wurzburg, Bavaria, Ger Dec. 19, '74 Dec. 13, 76 617 Daivdson, Jas. R. . San Francisco . Med. Dep. Univ. California Cal Nov. 3, 75 Sep. 17, 79 1134 Davidson, John A. Davis, C H Hanford Eugene City. . . Brd Exans Med Soc'y Cal Dec. 6, 76 589 Geneva Med. College, N. York June 2, '67 Apr. 12, 80 1207 Davis, Geo. W . . . . San Francisco.. Missouri Medical College, Mo. Mar. 5, '70 Nov. 21, 76 457 Davis, Simon College City. . . Med. Dep. Kemper Col. Mo. . . Mar. 2, "44 Aug. 16, 7/ 917 Davis, Sylv'r B. . . Humboldt Co. . University Michigan, Michigan Mar. 24, '75 June 25, 78 1013 Davies, Wm. Henry Salinas City. . . Univ. Edinburgh, Scotland. . . Aug. 1, '57 Nov. 21, 76 455 Davison, H. B . . . . Dawson, J. Alvan. Bodie Jefferson Medical Col., Penn. . Univ. Maryland, Maryland. . . Mar. 13, Mar. 3, 71 '74 Jan. 6, Dec. 20, 80 76 1181 651 4 Oroville — Dawson, W. I. G. St. Helena.... Med. Dep. Univ. New York . . Mar. '67 Jan. 24, 77 803 Dayton, Eli Woodbridge. . . College of Cincinnati, Ohio. . . Mar. 3, '38 Aug. 19, 7& 142 Day, Edward W. . Vacaville University of Maryland, Md . . '53 Oct. 25, 78 1027 Deal, David L Bodie University of Pacific, Cal Mar. 4, '64 Jan. 10, 77 770 Dean, Benj. D San Francisco.. Berkshire Med. College, Mass. Nov. 9, '43 June 29, 76 31 DeChesne, H. a. M Mokelumue HI Col. Pliys. and Surgeons, L.Can May 10, '48 Nov. 21, 76 454 Delmont, Francis. S. Buenavent'ra Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. Oct. 29, '74 Nov. 21, 76 458 Den, Richard S. . . Los Angeles . . . Credentials Mex. Govt, of Cal. Mar. 14, '44 •Jan. 10, 77 769 Denicke, Fred'k . . San Fran'isco . . Univ. Gorttingin, Germany.. '33 July 17, 79 1119 Dennis, F, H San Francisco.. University of Louisiana, La. . . Mar. 19, '68 Aug. 19, 76 148 -- Dennis, S. W San Francisco.. Med. Dept. Univ. of Pa., Pa. . Mar. 12, '75 Sep. 19, 76 290 Denton, S. J Mai-ysville'; . . . Bellevue Hos. Med. Col., N. Y. Mar. 1, '76 Apr, 17, 77 873 18 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF NAME. RESIDENCE. DIPLOMA FROM DATED CERTIFICATE ISSUED. NO. 1404 DePuy, An.son a. . Tehama Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. Nov. 7, '81 Jan. 10, '83 Depierris, H. a . . San Francisco . University of France, France. Aug. 29, '34 Nov. 29, '76 565 DeTukbeyville E J Brownsville . . . Cin. Col. Med. and Surg., Ohio. Feb. 22, '78 May 2, '78 994 Deuel, 8. A Sacramento . j Long Island College Hospital . . Bellevue Hos. Med. Col., N.Y. May 26, '72 Mar. 1, '73 Jan. 10, '77 768 DeYecchi, Paolo. . San Francisco. University of Turin, Italy July 26, '72 Oct. 13, '80 1239 j Devening, H. C. . . San Francisco . University of Bufifalo, N. Y. . . Feb. 20, '71 Nov. 10, '77 949 DeVViTT, PiOBT. 0. . DeWitt, T. B Vreka San Francisco . Bd. Exam'rs Med. Soc'y of Cal. Apr. 10, '78 Aug, 19, '76 988 ! 150 Rush Medical College, Illinois. Jan. 17, '72 -- DeWoolf, Geo. IS. . Visalia Medical Col. of the Pacific, Cal. Mar. 4, '75 Aug. 19, '76 145 Dillon, Jno. F. . . . Black's Med. Dept. Iowa Univ., Iowa. Mar. 2, '81 Apr. 11, '81 1280 DiMOCK, H. C Lompoc Berkshire Medical Col., Mass. Oct. 6, '66 Feb. 12, '77 817 Dobbins, Thomas . . Yuba City .... Missouri Medical College, Mo. Feb. 27, '59 Nov. 21, '76 453 i Docking, Thos .... Oakland Meil. Bd. Univ. St. A., Scotld. Apr. — , "68 Nov. 21, '76 456 : Dodge, Albert H. . Napa , . Med. Dept. Univ. of Pa., Pa Mar, 12, '77 Mar. 5, '49 Aug. 9, '78 1017 DoDisoN, W. B. H. . Cottonwood . . . University of Louisville, Ky. . Aug. 19, '76 147 ! Doering, Edw. J. . San Francisco . Chicago Medical College, 111 . . Mar. 10, '74 Sept. 19, '7(3 289 1 dohrmann, w Donnelly, Edward San Francisco . San Francisco . Bd. Exam'i's Med. Soc'v of Cal. Dec. 20, '76 Feb. 3, '80 652 j 1193 Phila. CoL of Medicine, Pa. . . Mar. 1, '54 Donaldson, Jas. F. Australia Medical College of Pacific, Cal. Nov. 5, '78 Nov. 15, '78 1043 Dorr, L. L Bellevue Hosp'l Med. Col ,N.Y. V'ermont Medical College, Vt. Mar. 1, '66 JiuieJO, '40 32 Douglass, H Glenville Oct. 13, '77 941 Douglass, Wm. A.. San Francisco . National Med. Col., Dist. Col. Apr. 6, '50 Nov. 29, '76 564 DowNEs, Jas. S . . . Lakeport Medical Col. of Missouri. Mo. Feb. 28, '57 Dec. 27, '76 706 Downs, Geo. W.. . . Los Angeles. . . Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. Nov. 7, '79 Nov. 10, '79 1159 Downing, W. G. Jr Suisun City . . . Missouri Medical College, Mo. Mar. 11, '74 Feb. 12, '77 816 DoziER, Barton . . . Ukiah Univ. of Pennsylvania, Penn . . Mar. 10, '76 Oct. 12, '76 381 DoziER, L. Frakl'n Napa Oglethorpe Med. Col., Georgia. Jefferson Med. College, Penn. . Mar. — , '59 Apr. 8, '78 June 13, '77 1018 Drake, Frank N. . Sonora ...... Mar. 10, '77 901 Dryer, Jno. L Georgetown . . Cincinnati Col. Med. &Sur.,0. June 21, '77 Sept. 26, '77 930 DuBrutz, J. J. L. . White Eiver . . Bd. Ex. State of Alabama, Ala. Dec. 1, '44 Mar. 2, '77 838 DuBois, A. S San Leandro . Toland Medical College, Cal. . . Mar. 1, '65 Aug. 19, '76 146 DuBois, H. A San Rafael .... Med. Dept. Yale College, Ct. . July 21, '61 Aug. 19, '76 143 Duncan, Nath.P. Lemoore Bellevue Hosp'l Med. Col. N.Y. Mar. 1. '71 Apr. 17, '77 874 Duncan, Rich'd H. Plymouth Univei'sity of Missouri, Mo. . . Mar. 1, '50 Feb. 12, '77 815 Duncan, Robert B. Orland Missouri Medical College, Mo. Mar. 4. '73 Oct. 13, '80 12.35 Duncan, 8. C Vallejo x\led. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. Nov. 5, '77 Nov. 10, '77 950 Dunbar, J. K DuPUY, Eugene Spanishtown . . San Francisco . Bd. Exam'rs Med. Soc'y of Cal. Dec. 20, '76 Aug. 9, '78 653 1019 Faculty of Med., Paris, France Apr. 1. '74 4)uPy, J. G. H. G . Los Angeles. . University of Paris, France. . . Oct. 0, '52 Aug. 19, '76 149 Durant, F. C Folsom University of Vermont, Vt. . . . June 18, '70 Oct. 12, '76 380 Durst, Daniel P. . Wheatland . . . Jefferson Medical College, Pa. May 9, '50 Sept. 6, '78 1024 DuTTON, Geo. W . . Tomales University of Pennsylvania, Pa Mar. — , '69 Aug. 19, '76 144 Eagle, Thos. B. . . Princeton Med. Dept. Univ. Buffalo, N.Y. Feb. 23, '64 May 27, '78 997 Eaton, Jas. M San Fran'co. • College of Physicians and Surg. Missouri Medical College, Mo. Mar. 18, '71 Mar. 6, '72 July 11, '77 908 ! Eddy, D.4niei. M. . Oakville Med. Dept. Will. Univ., Ogn. Apr. 23, '81 Oct. 10, '81 1.304 ' Eddy, 0. J Stockton Long Island College Hospital. June 29, '70 Jan. 10, '78 972 ~ ■ - 1 PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. 19 NAME. RESIDENCE. DIPLOMA FROM DATED CERTIFICATE ISSUED. NO. 1432 Edwards, Thos. C. Salinas St. Louis Medical College, Mo. May 7, '83 May 28, '83 Edwards, \Vm. W. San Gabriel . University of Nashville, Tenn. Mar. 2, '57 Oct. 12, 76 383 - ' EHRHXBrKG, ThEO. San Francisco. Fred. Will. Univ. Berlin, Prus. Dec. 24, '53 Sep. 19, '76 292 ElDENMrLLER,W. C Nicolaus. • • • [ University Giessen, Germany. Med. Dep. Univ. of New York Sept.—, "74 '76 Nov. 21, '76 461 ElCHLER, FiUDOLPH. Alameda Univ. of City of N. York, N. Y. Feb. 15, '76 Se]jt.l9, '76 291 Board Exam. Med. Society, Cal. Dec. 13, '76 618 ! ICllis, James Anaheim King and Q. Col. Phys. Ireland July 29, '05 Nov. 21, '76 459 ElLTS, EICHARD.^\'. Oakland University of Michigan, Mich. June 28, '71 Nov. 21, '76 460 Ellis, Piercy Ellinwood, C. N . . Andrew's Sta'n San Fi'ancisco. Dec. 27, '76 707 Rush Med. College, Illinois. . . Feb. 17, '58 Aug. 19, '76 151 Ely, Klisha Healdsburg.. . . Col. Phys'nsfc Surgeons, N.Y". Oct. 27, '48 Aug. 19, '76 154 Emerson, Mark . . . San Gregorio. . Cleveland Med. College, Oliio. Mar. 2, '53 Aug. 19, 76 153 ■^Endicott, J. M Eio Vista CoL P. and S., Keokuk, Iowa. .June 14, '77 Mar. 8, '80 1198 Endicott, R. H. . . . Rio Vista Col. P. and S., Keokuk, Iowa. Feb. 16, '75 Oct. 12, '76 382 English, John Estradav MadanN Bd E\' Med Society of Cal Nov. 21, '76 463 San Francisco. University of Seville, Spain . . June 30, 'SO Jan. 10, '83 1405 Evans, D. J San Bernardino Univ. of Pennsylvania, Penn. Apr. 5, '51 Aug. 19, '76 152 Evans, G. H Dixon Nashville Med. College, Tenn. Mar. I, '69 Dec. 6, '76 590 Evans, J. M San Francisco . Starling Med. College, Ohio.. Mar.—, '64 Nov. 21, '76 462 Evans, C. M Modesto Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. Nov. 7. '81 Dec. 16, '81 1315 Fagan, Pierce .... Fairbrother, G. W Bd Ex Med Society of Cal Sep. 19, Aug. 19, '76 296 Stockton Dartmouth College, N. H Nov. 8, '48 '76 156 — Fairchild, B. H . . Pomona Med. Dept. Univ. Mich., Mich Mar. — , '6b Dec. 16, :80 1248 F\LLS, J Kernville Gilroy License Bd. Ex. Med. Soc. Cal. Berkshire Med. College, Mass. Nov. 2, '42 Dec. 20, Aug. 19, '76 '76 658 161 Farley, Chas. K . . Farley, Geo. S . . . . X. San Juan . . Universityof Pennsylvania, Pa Apr. 8, '48 May 17, 77 891 Farnum, Chas. E . San Francisco . Medical Col. of the Pacific, Cal. Nov. 5, '78 Nov. 15, '78 1044 Farrar, M. C Hydesville. . . . Medical College of Pacific, Cal. Nov. 4, '73 Nov. 21, '76 468 Farrington, J. B . Salinas Paish Medical College, Illinois. Feb. 4, '62 July 17, 79 1116 Farrow, E. D Farmersvillo . . Univ. of Pennsylvania, Penn. . Mar. 12, '74 Dec. 6, 76 591 Favor, Kimball. . San Francisco. Rush Medical College, Illinois. Feb. — . '50 Feb. 12, 77 818 Felt T B Bd Ex Med Society of Cal. . Dec. 20, 76 657 -__ Fenn, C. M San Diego Toland Medical College, Cal . . '65 Sep. 19, '76 295 Ferguson, R. A. . . Anaheim Royal Col. Phys., Edinb. Scot. Nov. G, '77 Jan. 6, '80 1182 Ferguson, T. H. . . Yuba City .... St. Louis Medical College, Mo. Mar. 4, '67 Nov. 21, '76 466 Ferrer, Henry. . . San Francisco. Univ. Heidelberg, Germany. . . Aug.—, '72 Aug. 19, 76 162 Ferris A S Bd Ex Med Society of Cal.. Sep. 19, Sep. 11, 76 294 Fife, John Red Bluff Med. Dept. Univ. City of N. Y\ Mar. 6, '82 '82 1367 Fifield, W. E . . . . San Francisco . Medical College of Pacific, Cal. Nov. 2, '76 Nov. 21, 76 464 Fine, Andrew Oakland Toland Medical College, Cal . . Oct. 2, '66 June 29, 76 37 Fin LAW, W Santa Rosa .... Col. P. and S., Keokuk, Iowa. Feb. — , '63 Dec. 20, 76 656 \^ Fish, M. W East Oakland. . Rush Medical College, Illinois. Feb. 22, '54 June 29, '76 35 - —Fisher, Chas. H . . Sacramento . . . Jefferson Med. College, Penn . . Mar. 12, '73 Aug. 19, 76 158 Fisher, Preston , . Santa Cruz. . . . Jefferson Med. College, Penn.. Mar. 1, 51 Nov. 10, '76 951 FisKE, Henry M. . . San Franc'coJ Med. Dept. Un.St. Charles, 111. Med. Dept. Univ. of Pac, Cal. "43 '70 June 29, '76 34 Fiske, Harry W . . Madison Med. College of Pacific, Cal. . . Nov. 2. '76 \ Dec. 20, May 28, '76 '83 654 1433 20 OFFICIAL CATALOGUP: OF NAME. RESIDENCE. DIPLOMA FROM DATED CERTIFICATE ISSUED. NO. 1069 FircH, Chas. W. . . Marysville Med. Dept. Yale College, Ct. . June 22, '74 Mar. 7 '79 Fitch, G. L Sandwich Islcls Belle vueHosp'l Med. Col. N. Y. Feb. 26, '70 Aug. 19 '76 157 FiTZGIBBON, G. J . . San Francisco . Medical College of Pacific. Cal. Nov. 6, '77 June 25 '78 1014 Fletcher, C. A . . . San Francisco. Michigan University, Michigan -Mar. 26, '57 Aug. 19 '76 163 Flint, Joseph Marysville .... Uuivei'sity of Maryland, Md. . Mar. — , '34 Dec. 27 "76 710 Flint, AV. P Marysville University of Maryland, Md. . Apr. 4, '31 Aug. 16 / / 918 i^Flood, Philip H . . Sau Francisco . Georgetown College, Dist. Col. Mar. 10. '74 Oct. 12 ■76 384 Foley, Walter L.. Oi-oville BellevueHos'l Med. Col., N.Y. Mar. 1, '/ 1 Apr. 2 '79 1086 Follax.sbee, ElzhA Los Angeles . . . Woman's Med. Col of Penn. . . Mar. lo. '77 July 11 / / 909 FoLsoM, Edward C. San Francisco. Harvard University, Mass. . . . Mar. 11, •68 Nov. 10 '79 1160 FooTE, Gilbert . . . Lock ford Med. Dept. University of Cal. Nov. 7, '79 Nov. 10 '79 1161 FooTE, Erasti-.s N. Lockford Vermont Medical College, Vt. June 10, '40 Dec. 27 '76 709 Ford, Howard. . . . Woodland Memphis Med. College, Tenn . , '71 Oct. 12 '76 385 Force, Levi Alameda (xeueva Medical College, N. Y. Jan. 23, '72 Nov. 21 '76 469 Forrest, John M. . Mendocino .... BellevueHosp'l Med.Col.,X.Y.]Mar. 1, '68 Dec. 20 '76 635 FoRSMAN, James. . . Healdsburg . . . Medical College of Ohio, Ohio. :Mar. — , '44 Nov. 21 '76 467 --- FOSI'ER, X. P San Francisco. Bellevue Hosp'l Med. Col. N.Y, Mar. 1, '71 Jane 29 '76 38 Foster, Seth B. . . Eureka Med. Dept. Columbia Col. N.Y. Mar. I, '69 Dec. 27 '76 711 ForcH, Albert .... FouLKEs, James F. Dunnigan P. 0. Oakland Bd. Ex. Med. Soc. State of Cal. Jefferson Medical College, Pa. Sep. 19 June 29 JiUy 17 '76 '76 '79 297 39 1105 Mar. 6, 'o •M FoFLKES, J. F., Jr. Oakland Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal, Cal. Nov. 10, '80 Dec. 16 'SO 1249 Fowler, Henry R. San Francisco . Rush Medical College, Illinois. Jan. 24, '66 Nov. 10 7/ 952 Fox, \Vm. R San Bernardino Chicago Med. College, Illinois. Harvard Universitj', Mass. . . . Jefferson Med. College, Penn. Mar. — , July IS, Mar. 7, '63 '60 "68 June 29 Mar 2 '76 36 839 FoYE, John W .... France, John K. . . Gridley Nov. 21 '76 465 Franklin, David. . San Francisco. University of 'New York City . Feb. 19, '78 Oct. 22 '79 1145 c— Freeman, C. J Santa Barbara. Bd. Ex. Ap. Hall, London, Eng. Oct. 24, '39 Aug. 19 '76 155 Freeman, G. M. . . San Francisco . Col. I'hys. and .Surg., Maryland Feb. IS, '70 .Jan. 10 '77 771 Freeman, Mary E. Sacramento . . . Cooper Medical College, Cal. . Nov. 4, '82 Nov. 13 •82 1 379 French, W. Henry NordhoflF Harvard University, Mass. . . . June 30, 75 Jan. 24 77 804 Frey, Joseph M . . . Newcastle University of New York, N.Y. , '41 Aug. 19 '70 1 59 Frisbie, Levi C Vallejo . Albany Medical College, N. Y. Feb. 25, '41 Nov. 29 '76 566 Fro.st, J.\mes . . Vallejo Med Dept Univ of Cal Cal Nov. 5, J— Dec. 12 963 FCLKERSON, ThOS. . Fulton, Jas. E. . . . Santa Rosa. . . . Los Xietos .... License Bd. Kx. Med. Soc. Cal. Nashville University, Tenn. . . Dec. 27 Aug. 19 '76 '76 708 160 Mar. 1, •60 FiTNCHEON, James. . Davisville Detroit Medical College, Mich. Mar. 3, '80 May 10 '80 1211 ■"~^Gal)-, Herbert A.. Bed Bluff University of California, Cal . . Mar. 7, '7 »! .Tune 12 Sep. II '82 '82 1.347 1308 Gale, Tiberu's C. . Los Angeles. . . Ohio Medical College, Ohio . . . Mar. 2, '42 June 29 '76 41 Galindo, J. R San Francisco . Lie. Bd. Dir. Pub. Ins. Mexico Dec. 9, '74 Nov. 21 '76 472 Gamble, Aaron W. Merced Col. Phys. & Surg., New York. Mar. .-!, '57 Nov. 21 '76 471 Ganghofer, Jos . . . Los Angeles. . . Humboldt Med. College, Mo. . Nov. 5, '68 Aug. 16 '82 1361 (iARCIA, J. M. L. .. San Diego Council Health, N. Leon, Mex. Aug. 18, '75 Jan. 6 '80 1183 Gardnfr,Alden M Oakland St. Louis Medical College, Mo. Mar. 5, '77 Nov. 10 '77 953 Gardner, Henry H San Francisco . McGill University, Canada . . . Mar. 30, '78 Mar. 12 '83 1418 Gardner, John.. . . Canada Rush Medical College, Illniois. Mar. — , '72 Aug. 19 '76 165 Gardner, Math'w Sacramento. . . . Mc(iill University, Canada . . . Mar. 31, '71 Jan. 10 / 7 773 1 PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. 21 NAME. RESIDENCE. DIPLOMA FROM DATED CERTIFICATE ISSUED. NO. 964 470 — Garner, Henry R. Garwood, W. T. . . W. T Medical College of Pacific, Cal. University of the Pacific. Cal . Nov. 6 Mar. 18 '77 '64 Dec. 12, '77 Nov. 21, '76 San Francisco . Gelbke, Julius H. San Francisco . Med. Fac. Leipsig, Kdg. Sax'y Jan. 1(5 '78 Dec. 16, '81 1316 Gerlach, G San Francisco . Medical College of Pacific, Cal. Nov. 5 '74 Aug. 19, '76 169 Gibbons, Clif'd H. Arbuckle Med. Dep. Univ. New York . . Feb. 15, '76 May 2, '78 993 Gibbons, Henry... San Francisco. Med. Dept. Univ. of Penn . , '29 Dec. 27, '76 712 Gibbons,Henky Jr. San Francisco . Med. Dept. Univ. Pacific, Cal. Mar. — '63 Aug. 19, '76 168 Gibbons, Wm. Edw. Stockton Medical College of Pacific, Cal. Nov. 5, '78 Nov. 25, '78 1057 Gibbons, Wm. P. . Alameda Univ. State New York, X. Y. . '47 Aug. 19, '76 167 Giberson, N. S Los Angeles . . . Jeft'erson Medical College, Pa. Mar. 11, '76 .Jan. 6, '80 1184 '"Gibson, Sam'l C. . . Igo Medical Col. of Missouri, Mo . Mar. 5 '79 Nov. 12, '80 1241 GiLDERSLEEVE FVR Petaluma Univ. New York, N. Y Mar. 5, '66 .June 29, '76 42 Gill, C. Judson — Riverside Rush Medical College, Illinois. Jan. 25, '67 Dec. 13, '76 619 GiLLETT, James S . Oakland Albany Medical College, N.Y. Jan. 7, '75 June 29, '76 44 GiLMOUR, A. A . . . Modesto McGill Univ. Canada May 2, '68 Jan. 12, '81 1263 GiLTNER, Jacob S. . Oakland Med. Dep, Univ. Pennsylvania Mar. 4, '46 Apr. 2. '79 1087 Giltner, Wm. P. D Oakland Med. Dep. Univ. Pennsylvania June 24, '75 Apr. 2, '79 1088 G^vens, J. W Livermore .... Med. Dep. Willamette Unv Or June 25, '75 May 8, '82 1343 Glasscock, AldeaA Rohnerville.. . . Missouri Med. Col. Missouri. . Feb. 27, '68 Nov. 29, '76 567 Glissman, C Sacramento . . . Univ. of Wurzburg, Bavaria . . June 2, '60 Jan. 10, '77 772 — Goble, Peter Tulare City.. . Ohio State Med. Society, Ohio June 6, '49 Nov. 21, '76 473 GOERTZ, AdOLPH. . San Francisco . Imp. Acad. Med. &Sur. Russia Sep. 21, '70 .July 17, '79 1111 Gonzales. J. del A San Buenavt'ra Univ. of Madrid, Spain Mar. 27, 77 Aug. 7, '80 1226 GooDFELLow, Geo. E Tombstone, AT Med. Dept. Wooster Univ., 0. Feb. 24, •76 Aug. 21, '79 1131 GOODSPEED, I. R. . . San Mateo .... Bowdoin Medical College, Me. '54 Dec. 20, '76 659 Goodwin, Firman . Oakland Bd. Med. Exams.YatesCo.NY Nov. 15, '87 Oct. 12, '76 388 GoREON, Ed. a . . . . Denver, Col. . . . St. Louis Medical College, Mo. Mar, 15, '72 Aug. 19, '76 164 Santa Rosa .... Sonora University of Virginia, Ya. . . .June 29 '17 Dec. 20, '76 660 Gould, Elisha T. . Main Medical School, Maine . . July '80 July 10, '82|1355 Grady-, John T Weaverville . . Jefferson Medical College, Penn Mar. 11 '75 Mar. 7, '79jl070 .- Grand, J. L. E . . . Visalia Faculty of Medicine, Paris, Fr. Nov. 27, '73 Jan. 7, '79 1060 Grannis, Myron M San Francisco . Med. Dep. N. West. Univ. III. Mar. 12 '72 Sept. 19, '76 299 Grant, Chas. J. . . San Francisco . Royal College Surgs. England. Mar. 7 '51 Dec. 11, '82 1393 Grant, John San Francisco ] Jefferson Medical College, Pa. Royal College" Surgs. England. Mar. 9, Nov. 19 '61 '73 Mar. 14, '81 1277 Graham, Thos .... Eureka Royal College Surgs. England. Mar. 8, '55 Apr. 9, '83 1423 Graham, W. B . . . . Napa City .... Rush Medical College, Illmois. Jan. 24, '66 Oct. 12, '76 386 Graves, Geo. W . . Petaluma ..... Med. Col. Virginia, Virginia. . Mar. 9, '58 June 29, '76 43 Graves, Wm. L. . . King's River . . Georgia Medical College, Ga . . Mar. 1. '59 Oct. 25, '78 102S G ray, Edward. . . . Fort Gaston . . Col. Phys. and Surgeons, N.Y. Mar. 1, '75 Aug. 16, '77 919 Gray, R. A Shasta Med. Dep. Bowdoin Col. Me. . July 6, '72 Oct. 12, '76 387 '-' Green, James Oroville Bd. Ex. Med. Soc. State of Cal. Dec. 27, '76 713 Geeen, Thomas . . . Oakland New York Medical College. . . . Mar. 1, '60 June 29, '76 40 Gregg, Robert J. . Gregory', J. R Jefferson Med. College, Penn.. Col. Phys. & Surg. , New York. Mar. 10, Mar. 8, '66 '66 .June 25, '78 Jan. 10, '77 1015 774 Los Angeles . . Greenleaf, E. F. . New Idria Med. Dept, Lind Univ. lUin's. Mar. 2, '64 Dec. 1, '79 1173 Greenfield, C. D. . San Francisco. Univ. Edinburgh, Scotland . . . Aug. 1, '70 Sept. 19, '76 300 Griselle, Lizzie. . . San Francisco . Md. Dp. West. Res. Col. . . . Feb. 21, '56 Mar. 7, '79 1071 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF Griffith, Edgar M Griffith, Geo. R. Griffix, John S. . Grindley, Thos. R Griswolu, M. ... Griswold, Wm. H Grissom, Wm. W. Grimes, Warren V Gross, O Gross, Reuben .... Groton, W. D . . . . Grover, Wm. a... . Guillemard, a. J.. "GuiNAN, Jas Guthrie, H. H . . . . Haas, Julius Hackett, J. J Haggin, Jos. B Haine, J oseph .... Hale, W. F Haley, Chas S Hall, Albon E . . . Hall, H. F Hall, Mary A Hall, R. B Hamilton, J. T. . . . H.\mlin, N. S Hammel, Wm Hammond, Wm Hammond, W. H. . Hampton, James. . . Handy, John C. . . Hanford, F. a. . ... Hannon, Joseph. . . Hardin, W. N Hardinc;, Ed. H . . Hardy, Benj. F . . Harmon, Rob'deau Harris, F. W Harris, J. S Harris, J. F Harrington, C. C. Harrison, W. D. . . Hart, Andrew J . Hart, Henry H. . . Hartley, John D.. RESIDENCE. San Francisco . San Jose Los Angeles . . . Sacramento. . . . Oakland San Francisco . Los Angeles. . . San Jose San Francisco . Eureka Susanville Folsom San Francisco . Cedarville . . . . San Bernardinc' San Francisco . Smith's Ranch. San Francisco . Germany San Francisco.. San Francisco . Visalia Adin San Francisco. San Francisco. Wheatland . . . Yuba City . . . . San Jose San Francisco. San J ose San Francisco . Tucson, A. T.. Los Angeles. . . Los Angeles. . . Anaheim. • . . ] San Francisco . San Francisco . San Francisco . San Francisco. San Jose Biggs' Station . Marysville . . . . Linden Modesto San Francisco . San Francisco . DIPLOMA FROM Medical College of Pacific, Cal University of Maryland, Md. , University of Pennsylvania, Pa Jefferson Med. College, Penn. . Col. Phys. and Surgeons, N.Y. Med. Col. of the Pacific, Cal . . Missouri Medical College, Mo. Missouri Medical College, Mo. University of Strasburg, Ger. . Univ. of Glasgow, Scotland. . . University of Maryland, Md . . Berkshire Medical Col., Mass. Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. University of Michigan, Mich. Rush M edical College, Illinois. University of Vienna, Austria. Toland Medical College, Cal. . . University of Louisville, Ky . . University of Lou vain, Belgium University of Pacific, Cal Atlanta Medical College, Ga . . University of Maryland, Md. .Jefferson Medical College, Pa. University of Vermont, Vt. . . . NewE. Female Med.Col.Mass. Board Exam. Med. Society,Cal. Board Exam. Med. Society, Cal. Med. Dept. Iowa Univ., Iowa. Brd. Exams. Med. Soc'y, Cal. Univ. Maryland, Maryland. . . Medical Col. of the Pacific, Cal. Toland Medical College, Cal . . Toland Medical College, Cal. . . Med. Dept. Univ. Wooster, O. Med. Dept. N. Y. Univ., N.Y. .Jefferson Med. College, Penn.. N. Y. Medical College. N. Y. . Medical College of Pacific, Cal. Univ. Pennsylvania, Penn.. .. Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. Med. Dept. Univ. of Pa., Pa. . Col. Phy. & Sur. Keokuk, Iowa Brd. Exams. Med. Soc'y Cal. . Berkshire Med. College, Mass. University of Washington, Md. Castleton Medical College, Vt. Med. Col. of Pacific, Cal Col. Med. and S. Univ. Mich . DATED Nov. 2, Mar. 10, Mar. — , Mar. 10, Mar. 7. Nov. 8, Feb. 29, Mar. 2, Sep. 28, Aug. 6, Mar. 1 , Nov. 9, Nov. 7, Mar. 27, Jan. 21, Aug. 3, Oct. — , Mar. .3, Mar. 12, Sep. 1, Mar. .3, Mar. 9, June — , Feb. 28. Feb. 12, Dec. 6, Jan. 10, May 16, Aug. 16, Nov. 14, Sep. 11, Feb. 12, Sept. 19, Nov.. 21, Apr. 12, Aug. 19, Nov. 10, Aug. 16, Nov. 14, Sept. 19, Nov. 29, Sep. 19, Feb. 12, Nov. 21, June 29, Feb. 22, '60 Mar. 10. Nov. 6, Nov. 9, Mar. — , Mar. 9, Mar. — . Mar. — , Nov. — , Apr. 8, Nov. 7, Mar. 9, June 14, Nov. — , Mar. — , June 13, Nov. 6, Mar. 24, CERTIFICATE ISSUED. Mar. 12, "78 Aug. 19, Oct. 13, Dec. 13, Dec. 13, Nov. 21, Nov. 29, Nov. 21, Nov. 10, Mar. 2, Jan. 7, Dec. 6, June 29, Jan. 24, June 29, Dec. 27, Mar. 8, June 1.3, July 11, Aug. 19, Dec. 27, Oct. 12, July 17, May 10, Dec. 16, NO. 819 593 775 1093 920 1309 1369 1410 298 474 1208 166 1162 1360 1310 301 568 303 823 484 49 980 175 1236 624 623 476 569 487 1163 840 1061 596 52 805 46 716 1199 902 910 179 717 391 1122 1212 1317 PHYSICIANS AND SUEGEONS 23 NAME. Harvey, C. W . . . . RESIDENCE. DIPLOMA FROM DATED CERTIFICATE ISSUED. NO. 1 1146 W. T Col. Phys. and Surgeons, N. Y. Mar. 1 , "75 Oct. 22, 79 Harvky, Obed Gait { Med. Dept.Univ.of N.Y., N.Y. University of Iowa, Iowa .... - '58 '58 Oct. 12, '76 389 Harwoou, S. S. . . . Hasexbalo, W . . . . Australia Med. College of Pacific. Cal . . . Nov. 17 Nov. 4 '76 "82 Dec. 27, 76 Nov. 13, '82 714 13S0 San Francisco.. Cooper Medical College, (^al. . . Haskin, Henry S. Camp Bid well. University Michigan, Michigan Mar. 27 '72 Dec. 13, '76 621 Ha icH, F. W Sacramento . . . Med. Dep. N. Y. Univ., N.Y. Mar. 10 '44 Aug. 19, '76 177 Hatch, F. W. Jr.. Napa City .... Jefferson Med. College, Penn. Mar. 12 '73 June 29, '76 50 -i" Haux,' Edgar Napa City .... University of Michigan, Mich. Mar. 28 '60 Dec. 0, "76 594 Havex, a. C San Francisco.. Col. Med. Syracuse Univ.. N.Y. June 10 •80 Feb. 14, '81 1271 Hawkix.s, 0. C. . . . Big^s Station . . St. Louis Med. Col., Missouri. Mar. 9 "71 Feb. 12, '77 821 i Hay, PiiLLA Los Angeles . . . Med. Dep. Univ. Iowa, Iowa.. Mar. '73 Apr. 2, '79 1089 Haydex, T. M San Gabriel . Col. Phys. & Surgs. Keok'k, lo. Jan. 16 '74 Nov. 21, '76 477 Hayne, a. P San Francisco. Med. Col. South Carolina, S.C. Mar. 15 ■ '44 Aug, 19, '76 172 Hay.s, Ru.ssell T . . Los Angeleb. | Castleton Med. Col., Vermont. Col. Physicians & Sur., N. Y. June — Mar. — "47 '69 Feb. 12, '77 820 Hay.s, W. W San Luis Obispo Med. D. Georgetown Col., D.C Mar. 1 '61 June 29, '76 54 Hazen, Chas. C Oak Dale Transylvania University, Ky.- Mar. — '47 Nov. 21, '76 491 Head, H. W Garden Grove . University of Nashville, Tenn . Mar. 2 '68 Nov. 21, '76 478 "■^ Healey, .James. . . . San Franc'coj Long Island College Hospital . . Jefferson Medical Col., Penn. . '61 '62 Nov. 21, '76 t 483 : ' Healy, J. H Benicia Medical College of Pacific, Cal. Nov. 8 '81 Nov. 14, '81 1311 Heitmax, F. W. . . College City . . St. Louis Medical College, Mo. Mar. 15 '72 Oct. 12, '76 390 ' Hexdersox, E. F. . San Diego St. Louis Medical College, Mo. Feb. 22 '61 Jan. 12, '81 1264 "1 Hexdricksox,\\ M San Francisco. Albany Medical College, N. Y. May — '63 Dec. 11, '82 1395 Hexry, L. J San Francisco.. Med. Dept.Univ. of N.Y., N.Y. Mar. — '52 Dec. 20, "76 661 • Hereford, "\\. S.. . San Francisco . Med. Dept. Univ. of Pa., Pa. . Mar. 12 '77 July 11, '77 911 Hertel, a. C. E.. . Lodi University of Pacific, Cal Sep. 3, '59 Aug. 19, '76 170 Herz, CoRXELirs.. Paris, France . . Chicago Medical College, 111 . . Mar. 10, '66 June 29, '76 53 ; H EW8T0X, George. . San Francisco.. University of Pennsylvania, Pa. Mar. 15, '6(i Jan. 10, '77 776 Heyermanx, J. a. T San Francisco . Lie. Bd. Exam. Med. Col. Cal. Dec. 20, '76 662 ' HiGGix.s, Alice Los Angeles . . Medical College of Pacific, Cal. Nov. 6, "77 Nov. 10, '77 954 HiLDEBRAND, J. L. San Francisco . Woman's INIedical College, Pa. Mar. 12, "70 June 27, '81 1292 Hill, Chas. M . . . . Olema Atlanta Medical College, Ga . . Mar. 4, '73 Mar. 21, '77 863 Hill, PtEUBEX W . . S.Buenav'ntura Rellevue Hos. Med. Col., N. Y. Mar. ], '77 Mar. 2, '77 842 Hillard, Fraxk S. Los Angeles . . . Harvard University, Mass .... Feb. 11, 74 Jan. 7, '79 1062 Hilton, Geo. F. . . San Francisco. Medical College of Pacific, Cal. Nov. 4, '75 Nov. 21, '76 481 HiLTOX, Wm. M . . . Sau Francisco . Med. Dep. Iowa Univ., Iowa. . Mar. 5, "73 Nov. 21, '76 482 Hinckley, Geo. E. San Francisco.. University of Pacific, Cal Mar. 14, '61 Feb. !2, '77 822 : HIR.SCHFELDEB, J. San Francisco.. University of Leipsic, Saxony. Jan. 14, '76 Sep. 26, "77 931 - HOAG, M. C Bakerstield. . . . Cin. Col. Med. and Surg., Ohio. June 23, '74 Dec. 6, '76 597 1 HODGDOX, W. H. A San Francisco. Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. Nov. 1, '76 Nov. 21, '76 489 HOFFMAX, D. B.. . . San Diego Toland Medical College, Cal. Mar. 7: '64 Aug. 19, "76 176 H0FF.STETTER, B . . . San Francisco . Faculty of Medicine of Paris. . Jan. 28, '52 .Jan. 2-4, '77 806 Holder, Wm San Francisco . L^niversity of France, France. May 10, 56 Oct. 12, "76 393 HOLMAX, F. A ... San Francisco. Harvard University, Mass .... Aug. 26, '46 Oct. 22, '79 1147 Holmes, Albert San Bernardino Cooper Medical College, Cal . . Nov. 4, '82 Dec. 11, '82 1394 Holmes, H. R San Francisco.. Med. D. Willamette Univ.Ogn. June 12, "77 •July 11, '77 912 ; i 24 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF NAME. Holmes, Stillman. Hood, J. W Hook, Walter E . Hopkins, F. V Hopkins, Tho.s. P . Hopkins, St. Geo. L HoPvNER, C. W . . . . Howard.RebeccaA Howard, S. D .... Howe, A. J Howell, Henry H. Hovet, John H . . . Huber, D Hudson*, Abijah T. Hcdxall, W. L . . . Huff, Samuel G. . . Hughes, L. J Hulin-, C. H. G.... Humphrey, P. H . . Hund, Fred. J . . . . HuND, Otto H . . . . Hunt, R. M Hunter, D. D Hunter, Geo. Z. . . Huntington, T. W Hurley, George . . Hutchins, C. B. .. . Hutchinson, W.L. Hyde, A. J RESIDENCE. DIPLOMA FROM. Forest Hill . . . .University of Pennsylvania, Pa Gold Bluff .... JBd. Ex. Med. Society of Cal. . Pacheco I Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. San Francisco.. ! University of Louisiana, La. . . San Francisco. Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. Fresno University of Pennsylvania, Pa. San Francisco. Univ. of City of N. York, N.Y. San Francisco.. Pennsylvania Med. Univ., Pa. Sacramento . . . Missouri Medical College, Mo. Medical College of Pacific, Cal. Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. Univ .( xoettingen, Hanover, Ger Louisville Med. Institute, Ky. Albany Medical College, N. Y. « Sierraville .... Col. P. and S., Keokuk, Iowa San Bernardino St. Louis Medical College, Mo. San Francisco.. I Med. Dep. Univ. of Cal., Cal. . Healdsburg . . . University of Paris, France. . . San Francisco . j Med. Dep. Univ. N. Y.,N. Y. San Francisco. Med. D. Un. City of N.Y. , N.Y". Nov. 1, '76 Mar. 15, '66 Westminster . Bishop Creek. San Jose Gilroy Stockton Irelax, Lambert. . IvAXCOvicH, Geo.. Jackson, Geo. H. . Jackson, Joseph S Jackson, W. J Jamif-son, Ebenez'r Jan SCO, Julius. . . Jarrett, Geo. B. . Jarvis, Joseph . . , Jennings, Geo. N, Jenkins, Fred. D Jenkin.s. Thos. J . . Jewell, 2nd, Arad Jewell, Jas. Grey. Johnson, D. H Johnson, J. H Johnson, J. T San Francisco. Nevada City . . Shasta San Francisco . Sacramento . . . Elmira San Francisco. San Francisco . St. Helena. . . . Watsonville | Grass Valley . . Woodland Chico Australia Santa Rosa . . . . Los Angeles. . . Livermore . . . . Riverside Sacramento . . . Riverside Oroville Fort Jones . . . . San Francisco San Jose Havilah San Rafael . . . , CERTIFICATE ISSUED. July 1, '53 Nov. 10, Mar. 31, Mar. —, Mar. 4 Nov. 4 Nov. 7, '79 Oct. 23, '52 Mar. 2, '41 Jan. -. '47 - Med. D. Un.City of N. Y.,N. Y. Albany Medical College, N. Y. University of Missouri, Mo. . . Med. Dept. Univ. N. Y., N.Y. Med. Dep. Harvard Un., Mass. Col. P. and S., Keokuk, Iowa, Cleveland Med. College, Ohio. Med. Dept. Mich. Univ., Mich. Vermont University, Vermont. Bd. Exam'rsMed. Soc'yof Cal. Medical Col. of the Pacific, Cal. Medical Col. of the Pacific, Cal. Med. Dept. Univ. of Pac, Cal. Belle vue Hosp, Med. Col. N.Y. Medical College of Pacific .... Medical College of Pacific .... N. 0. School of Medicine, La. Jefferson Med. College, Penn.. Bellevue Hosp. Med. Col. N.Y. Rush Medical College, Illinois. University of Michigan, Mich. University of Nashville, Tenn. Med. Dept. Univ. of N. Y.,N.Y. Univ. of Georgetown, D. C. . . University of New York, N. Y. Col. P. and S. , Keokuk, Iowa. University of Maryland, Md . . Feb. 13, '77 Mar. 9, '70 Nov. 7, '79 June 23, '52 , '61 Feb. 18, '79 Feb. 17, '80 Dec. 23, '69 Mar. 1, '47 Feb. 21, '72 June 28, '76 Feb. 1, '76 , '50 Mar. 27, '61 June 6, '58 Nov. 5, '78 Nov. 5, '78 May — , '71 Mar. vj, '74 Nov. 5, '78 Nov. 5, '78 Jan. 7, '70 Mar. 12, '70 Mar. 1, '66 Jan. 27, '64 June 30, '75 Feb. 22. '77 Feb. 18, '80 Mar. 15, '55 Mar.—, '68 June 18, '78 Mar. 7, '48 Dec. 13, Nov. 21, Nov. 21, June 29, Dec. 16, Mar. 2, Dec. 6, Aug. 19, June IS, June 29, Nov. 10, Aug. 19, Oct. 12, Aug. 19, Dec. 16, Sep. 26, Feb. 13, Dec. 1, Mar. 12, Nov. 21, June 12, May 9, Oct. 12, Sep. 19, July 17, Sep. 11, Nov. 21, June 29, Dec. 11, Nov. 21, Apr. 10, Jan. 7, Nov. 15, Oct. 12, Sept. 19, Nov. 15, Nov. 25, June 29, Sep. 19, Apr. 2. June 13, Mar. 12, Mar. 21, Dec. 16, Dec. 6, Oct. 12, Oct. 1, Jan. 6, '76 '76 '76 '76 '80 '77 '76 '76 '83 '76 '79 '7G '76 '76 '80 '77 '81 '79 '78 '76 '83 '81 '76 '76 *79 '82 '76 '76 '82 '76 '78 '79 '78 '76 '76 '78 '78 '76 '76 '79 '77 '83 '77 '80 '76 '76 '79 '80 NO. 620 492 479 51 1250 841 595 174 1436 47 1164 173 392 171 1251 932 1329 1174 981 485 1.348 1286 394 302 1108 1370 490 48 1396 480 989 1063 1045 395 305 1046 1058 56 304 1090 903 1419 864 1252 598 396 1142 1185 PHYSICIANS AND SUEGEONS 25 NAME. RESIDENCE. DIPLOMA FROM DATED CERTIFICATE ISSUED. NO. Johnson, Robley D San Francisco. Cooper Medical College, Cal . . Nov. 4, '82 Dec. 11, '82 1397 Johnstone, Arth'r San Francisco . Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. Nov. 7, '79 Dec. 1, 79 1175 Johnston, G. P — Cayucos Univ. State of Iowa Mar. 4, '74 Oct. 9, '82 1375 Jones, Alexander. Alameda Jefferson Medical Col., Penn. . Mar.—, '45 Feb. 12, '77 824 Jones, Henry H. . . Crescent City. . Med. Dept.VanderbiltUnv. Tn Mar. 1, '80 Sep. 13, '80 1229 Jones, LaFayette. — Jones, M. S Downey City . . Santa Ana .... Mar. 16, '72 Aug. 16, 77 Aug. 19, '76 921 St. Louis Medical College, Mo. Mar. 13, '69 181 Brd. Exa;ns. Med. Soc'y, Cal. June 29 '76 100 Jones, Wm. C Grass Valley . . Belle vue Hosp'l Med. Col. N. Y, Mar. 1, '70 Aug. 19, '70 180 Joseph, Lionel B. . San Francisco.. Col. Phys. and Surgeons, N.Y. Mar. 1,75 1 Jan. 10, 78 Dec. 1, '79 973 1176 JOSLIN, E. M Orange Geneva Medical College, N. Y. Jan. 21, '38 Nov. 29, '76 574 Joyce, Patrick B.. San Francisco.. Med. Dept. Univ. Buflalo, N Y Feb. 26, '61 May 10, '80 1213 Joye, Edward V . . San Francisco . Med. Col. South Carolina, S.C. Feb. 29, '68 Sept. 19, '76 306 Jump, Alemby' Downieville. . . . Cleveland Med. Col. Ohio .... Feb. 10, '65 June 29, '76 55 Justice, A. L New Mexico . . Chicago Medical College, 111 . Mar. 16, '76 Dec. 20, '76 664 Kahn, Samuel S . . San Francisco. Col. Phys'nsfe Surgeons, N.Y. Mar. 1, '77 Sep. 17, '79 1135 -Kane, Francis B. . San Francisco. Queen's University of Ireland . June 19, '72 Oct. 25, '78 1029 Karsner, J. H. M. San Francisco. Jefferson Med. College, Penn. Mar.— '68 Sep. 19, '76 307 Kavanaugh, W. S . Mariposa San Francisco . Board Exam. Med. Society, Cal. Dec. 27, '76 719 Keane, G. B Toland Medical College, Cal . . Nov. 14, 72 Nov. 21, '76 494 Keefe, Thos Deming, N. M. Cooper Medical College, Cal. . . Nov. 4, '82 Dec. 11, '82 1398 Keeney, Jas. W. . San Francisco . Bellevue Hos. Med. Col. N. Y. Mar. 1, '74 Nov. 10, '79 1165 Keinborts, D San Francisco. Medical College of Pacific, Cal. Oct. 28, '80 Feb. 14, '81 1272 Kelly, C. C Walnut Creek. Col. Phys. & Surgs. Keok'k, lo. Feb. 17, 74 Aug. 16, 77 922 Kellfy, Thos San Jose Rush Medical College, Illinois. Feb. 1, 71 Aug. 19, 76 183 Kelley', W. a . . . Angels Camp. . San Francisco. Bd. Ex. Metl. Society of Cal. . Sep. 19, '76 Apr. 10, '78 Nov. 21, '76 313 Kellogg, M. G. . . . Brd. Exams. Med. Soc'y Cal. . 990 Kellogg, T. D San Gabriel. . . Col. Phys. & Surg., Keokuk, I. June 16, '74 493 Kendall, Chas. B. San Francisco . Pvush Med. College, Illinois. . . Jan. 21, '63 Nov. 29, 76 570 Kent, L. A Cedarville Willamette University, Oregon Apr. 27, '80 Apr. 11, '81 1281 Kenyon, C. G San Francisco . Medical Col. of the Pacific, Cal. Nov. 4, '73 Sep. 19, '76 Aug. 16, '77 309 Kerber, Henry C . San Francisco . Rush Medical College, Illinois Feb. 21, 77 923 Kerr, John G Brooklyn Jefferson Medical College, Pa. Mar. 25, '47 Mar. 2, '77 843 Kerr, Wm. Watt . San Francisco . Univ. Edinburgh, Scotland. . . Aug. 1, '81 Jan. 9, '82 1325 Kesseler, a Volcano Univ. City New York, N. Y. . July 11, '76 June 13, '77 904 Ketcham, Dan'l H La Golita Western Reserve College, Ohio Feb. 5, '46 Aug. 9, '78 1021 -— Kier, Henry M. . . New York.. . . St. Louis Medical College, Mo. Mar.— '74 Aug. 19, '76 182 King, E. W Ukiali Med. Col. of the Pacific, Cal. . Mar. 20, '63 Aug. 19, '76 185 King, W. H Yreka Bellevue Hosp. Med. Col. N.Y. Mar. 1, '74 Feb. 14, '81 1273 KiRKPATRICK, C. A. San Francisco.. Toland Medical College, Cal. Nov. 9, 71 Sep. 19, 76 308 Kirkpatrick, J. A. Plainsburg.. . . Miami Medical College, Ohio. . Mar. 1, '67 Feb. 12, '83 1411 KiRKPATRICK, R. C. Pomona Starling Medical College, Ohio Mar. 1, '70 Sep. 19, '76 311 KiSFFY, SiGISMOND. San Francisco. Univ. Pesth, Hungary '47 June 29, '76 57 Kittredge, Chas.S Oakland Col. Phys. and Surgeons, N.Y. Mar. 12, "63 Aug. 19, 76 184 Knight, Benj Santa Cruz. . . . Harvard University, Mass. . . . Mar. 10, '09 Apr. 17, '77 875 Knowles, Sam'l E. San Francisco. Med. Dep. Univ. of Pac, Cal. . Nov. 7, '71 Dec. 20, '76 665 Knox, Franklin.. Crescent City.. University Pennsylvania. Penn Mar. 1. '37 Sept. 19, 76 310 26 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF NAME. Knox, M. M Kxox, S. B. P . . . . KoBER, Geo. M. . . . KOENIG, AdOLPH. . . KosBY, Augustus E, Kremer, W. F Kriegk, Max kunkler, e. a.. . Kunkler, John E Kurtz, Joseph . . . LaBaree, John. . LaBrie, Edmund. LaBrie, Godefroi Lacy, John M. . . . Laidlaw, Horace. Laine, J. R Lampson, R. M . . . Lane, Harry . . . . RESIDENCE. Los Angeles . . . Santa Barbara. Fort BidweU. . East Marj'sville. . . . San Francisco. San Francisco . Placerville.. . . San Francisco . Los Angeles . . Greenville ... Stockton San Francisco Santa Ana . . . Jackson Sacramento . . Chinese Camp Oregon Lane, Levi C. DIPLOMA FROM DATED CERTIFICATE ISSUED. San Francisco Washington University, Md. Mar. I, '42 University of Pennsylvania, Pa. Mar. 14, '66 Georgetown Med. Col. D. C. . Mar. 6, '73 Bellevue Hos'l Med. Col., N.Y. Mar. 1, '79 Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. Nov. 3, '75 Med. Dep. Iowa Univ., Iowa. . May 28, '64 University of Freiburg, Ger'y May 29, '77 Board Exam. Med. Society, Cal. University of Pacific, Cal Toland Medical College, Cal . . Miami Medical College, Ohio . Bishop's University, Canada. Col. of Med. and Sur., L. Can University of Nashville, Tenn. Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. Med. Dept. Univ. of Bufifalo . . Vermont Medical College, Vt. Med. D. Willamette Univ.Ogn. Jefferson Med. College, Penn.. Royal Col. Surgeons of London University of Berlin, Prussia. . Lang, Chris. McL. Langdon, Walters Langhorne, Jno W. Lasher, Geo. W . . Lathrop, Henry B Latimer, C. D Lawlor, W. M. . . . Lawrence, Arth. J Lawrence, L. B . . . La WRY, 0. J Lawson, Emilie M. Laycock, E. H Leach, Lewis Leach, W^. H Leary, Jos. Wright Leavitt.Granv'llI Lecreig, Robt . . . Lee, Geo. P Lefever, Josiah. . LeFevre, J. B . . . Leffler, John . . . Legler, Henry F Lehmkuhl, Hugo LeSimple, a. Duret LeTourneaux, T. J Levingston, Marc's *Lewitt, Mm San Francis CO . Stockton San Jose Los Angeles. . . Sonora Fresno San Francisco . Auburn San Francisco. Shasta San Francisco. San Francisco. Fresno Napa Concord Nevada Scott's Bar.. . . Merced Alleghany City San Francisco . Martinez Oakland San Francisco . France San Francisco . San Francisco.. San Francisco.. McGill University, Canada . efferson Med. College, Penn University of Pennsylvania, Pa Rush Medical College, Illinois Long Island College Hospital . . University of Vii'ginia, Va. . . . Albany Medical College, N. Y. Buffalo Medical College, N. Y. Bd. Ex. Med. Soc. State of Cal. Rush Medical College, Illmois. Medical College of Pacific, Cal. Bellevue Hosp'l Med. Col ,N.Y. St. Louis Medical College, Mo. Cin. Col. Med. and Surg., Ohio. Queen's University, Ireland. , . Toland Medical College, Cal. Bd. Ex. Med. Society of Cal. . Medical College of Pacific, Cal. Starling Med. College, Ohio . . Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. Medical College of Pacific, Cal. University of Leipsic, Germany University of Goettingen, Ger, Kentucky School of Med., Ky Medical College of Pacific, Cal Frederic Wm. Univ., Prussia. Jefferson Medical College, Pa Mar. 12, '63 Nov. 14, '72 Feb. 22, '68 Apr. 7. '80 Oct. 10, '65 Mar. 1, '61 Nov. 10, '80 Feb. 23, '76 June 18, '51 May 30, '76 , '51 , '75 , '70 Mar. 31, '76 Mar. 6, '52 Mar. 28, '33 Jan. 17, '72 Jan. 1, '75 June 29, '67 Dec. 24, '67 Feb. 23, '75 June 13, Aug. 19, May 9, July 9, xMar. 13, Jan. 10, Jan. 9, Aug. 19, Sep. 19, June 29, Aug. 19, Apr. 10, Mar. 7, Nov. 10, Jan. 12, Feb. 12. Dec. 27, Nov. 21, 77 76 '81 80 '82 77 '82 76 '76 76 '76 '82 79 '79 '81 '77 '76 '76 NO. 905 186 1287 1221 1337 777 1326 187 312 58 192 1341 1072 1166 1265 825 720 496 Feb. 16, '75 Nov. 6, '79 Mar. 1. '67 '47 and '48 Feb. 7, '61 Oct. 16, '62 Oct. 2, '66 Nov. 2, '76 Feb. 25, '50 Nov. 10, '82 Nov. 5, '74 Nov. 5, '44 Oct. 29, '62 June 1, '79 Nov. 6, 79 July 21, Mar. 10, '56 Nov. 21, Mar. 12, Aug. 19, Nov. 21, Mar. 12, Dec. 20, July 21, June 29, Mar. 14, Dec. 13, Sep. 26, May 10, Dec. 13, Dec. 27, Oct. 12, Mar. 7, Nov. 21, Apr. 10, Sept. 6, •June 27, Apr. 9, Aug. 19, June 29, Nov. 21, Sep. 13, .Jan. 6, Sept. 17, Sep. 19, '76 "83 76 '76 '83 '76 '81 76 '81 '76 '77 '80 '76 '76 '76 '79 '76 '78 '78 '81 'S3 '76 '76 '76 '80 '80 '79 '76 495 1420 189 499 1421 666 1297 59 1278 628 933 1214 027 721 398 1073 502 991 1025 1293 1424 193 01 497 1231 1186 1136 314 -Deceased July -, 1883. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. Lewitt, W. Break'y Lewis, John H . . . . LiEBRiCH, Fred .... LiLIENCRANTZ, A. . . LiNDENBURGER, WH LiNDLEY, Walter. Leving.ston, H. D. . Lloyd, Duke LocKHART, Wilson lockwood, j. a . . . Logan, David D. . . Long, Seely F Long, Willard A. Lord, Franklin F. Lord, John Loryea, a. M Lovelace, Arth. S. Lovelace, L. M. . . . Loveland, E. W . . . Lowe, Jas. H Lowry, Agnes LowRY, Isabel .... Lubbock, Clint'nH Lucas, Wm. Thos Luce, Douglass. Lull, Almon Luppo, Jean .... LussoN, Pedro M LuTZ, Walter . . Lyford, L. Dexter Lyman, Geo. Byron Lyman, John C Lynch, W. F Maa.s, P.H Maccary, Guiseppe MacWhinnie, J. W. Madill, David Maggard, W. F. . . Malech, Gusta veH Malech, Herman F Mann, Fred P Mann, Loretta. . . Mann, Thomas .... Manning, Geo Marriott, Henry. Martinache, N. J. RESIDENQE. SanFrancisco Oakland Sacramento . . . Oakland San Francisco . Los Angeles . . Central City. . . San Francisco. Los Angeles . . . San Francisco.. Santa Barbara . San Francisco . Stockton San Francisco. Weaverville. . . San Francisco . Sacramento. . . LeMoore Redwood City . Knight's Ferry Europe Europe San Jose . . . . j Guadalupe Bantas Butte City .... Los Angeles . . . San Jose Los Angeles . . . San Francisco . Nicolaus Sau Francisco . San Francisco.. .San Francisco.. San Francisco . Petaluma . . . . . San Francisco. Riceville San Francisco. San Francisco. San Francisco. Cahto San Francisco. San Francisco.. San Francisco , San Francisco. DIPLOMA FROM Detroit Medical College, Mich. Col. Phys. and Surgeons, N.Y. Jefferson Medical College, Pa. School of Med. Nancy, France Rush Medical College, Illinois. Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. Long Island College Hospital . . Med. Dept. Mich. Univ., Mich. Medical College of Pacific. . . . Jefferson Med. College, Penn.. Med. Dep. Univ. Pennsylvania Royal College Surgs. England. Med. D. Un.Cityof N.Y.,N.Y. Cooper Med. College, Cal Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. Bowdoin Medical College, Me. Med. Col. of South Carolina. . Med. Col. of Pacific, Cal Jefferson Medical College, Pa. Berkshire Medical Col. , Mass. Univ. Louisiana, La Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal.^ Cal. Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. Med. Dept. Univ. Missouri. . . Med. Dep. Univ. N. Y.,N. Y. Pacific Med. Col. California . . . Starling Med. Ccl. Ohio Waterville College, Maine .... University of Brussels, Belg'm University of Pennsylvania, Pa. Victoria Univ., Canada Toland Medical College, Cal . . Col. Phys. and Surgeons, Md. . Harvard Med. College, Mass. . Cooper Med. College, Cal ..... Med. Dept. Univ. of Pac, Cal. Univ. Pisa, Italy Bellevue Hosp. Med. Col. N.Y. Queen's Univ. Ireland Col. Phys. &Surg., Keokuk, I. Philadelphia Col., Med. Pa.. .lefferson Med. College, Penn.. Harvard University, Mass .... Women's Med. College, Penn . Willamette University, Oregon Royal College Surgs. England. Univ. of Pennsylvania, Penn. Faculty of Medicine, Paris, Fr. Feb. 28 Mar. 1 Mar, 12 Feb. 2 Nov. 1 June 24 June 30 Nov. — Mar. 9 Mar. — Mar. 17 Mar. 8 Nov. 4 Nov. 10 Aug. 1 Mar. 14 Nov. 5 Mar. — Nov. 24 Oct. 30 Oct. 30 Jane 3 Mar. 8 Nov. 2 Feb. 17 •lune 1 Apr. 13 Mar. 12 J une 4 Nov. 14 Mar. 6 June 27 Nov. 4 Nov. 5 June 21 Mar. 1 Sep. — Feb . 25 Mar. — Mar. — Mar. 4 Mar. 15 May 30 Aug. 30 Mar. 14. May 25, CERTIFICATE ISSUED. Oct. 25, '78 May 16, Sep. 19, Dec. II, Nov. 21, June 29, May 16, July 10, Jan. 24, Nov. 21, Dec. 27, Apr. 11, Dec. 11, Dec. 16, Dec. 6, Oct. 12, Nov. 15, Mar. 2, Aug. 19, Aug. 19, Nov. 12, Nov. 12, June 27, Nov. 21, May 27, Mar. 8, Dec. 13, Aug. 19, Apr. 9, June 29, Mar. 7, Nov. 10, .Jan. 10, Oct. 12, Oct. 22, Nov. 12, Sep. 26, Dec. 16, Sept. 19, Dec. 27, .June IS, Mar. 2, Sept. 19, Dec. 27, Dec. 12, Oct. 12, NO. 1030 1094 315 1399 498 62 1095 1356 807 500 722 1282 1400 1253 599 397 1047 844 190 191 1242 1243 1294 501 998 1200 626 194 1425 60 79I1074 955 1406 399 1149 1244 934 1254 319 726 1437 848 321 731 965 402 28 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF RESIDENCE. DIPLOMA FROM. Martineaut, E. D. Sau Francisco Mark, Isaac N . . . . Pleasanton . 1 Marks, Joshua. . . . Monterey Markell, Rich'd 8 Cloverdale Marshall, Bexj . . San Francisco . Martin. N Dutch Flat . . . . Mason, Augustus. . Santa Barbara. Mason, Benj. F.. . . San Leandro. . Mason, G. T Willits Mathews, Geo. C. . Greenville . . < Matthews, W. P. . Tehama Matthews, Wash 'n Camp Indepe'e Matthewson, Thos San Francisco. Mauzy, E. D 'Oakland Mauzy, W. P Mauzey, Henry G. May, Colon S Maynard, H. H. . Mayon, Jas. L . . . Mayon, T. H Mays, W. H McAllister, W. F McBride, Jas. H. McCallum, Neil A McCash, Chas. a. . McClelland, H. K MoClellan, Sam'l. McCoRMICK, W. . . mccornack, w. a. McCornack, H. F. McCoy, Jas McClure, a. T . . . . McCurdy, Sam'l . . McDaniel, R. H. . . McDermott, W. p. McD0N.\LD, J. J. McElroy, J. G. . McFarlanu, a. . McFayuen, John McGoRK, Tiios. . Oakland Eureka . Knight's La'd'g \ Los Angeles . University of California Bd. Ex. Med. Society of Cal . . Med. Dept. Univ. Louisiana, L. McGill Univ. Montreal. Can. . Col. Physicians & Sur., X. Y. Board Exam. Med. Society, Cal. Harvard University, Mass . . . . Med. Dept. Univ. California.. Missouri Medical College, Mo. Nov. 17, 73 Mar. 24, '47 May 3, '67 Oct. 20, '60 Amador City. Amador City . San Francisco. San Francisco San 'Francisco Los Angeles . . Adin Sraartsville . . . Lower Lake . Grass Valley. MendocinoCity San Fiancisco . Westminster . . San Francisco . Half Moon Bay Marysville . . Oroville .... Colfax . San Francisco . . Compton Concord San Francisco. McGovern, Chas.C San Francisco. McGowAN, J. N. M. Salinas City. . . MfGuiRE, Lucius. . San Francisco. Royal Col. of Surgeons, Ireland Royal Col. of Phys. Edinbg. So Licen. in Med., Edin., Scotland Washington Univei'sity, Md. Col. Phy. & Sur. Keokuk, Iowa Harvard University, Mass .... Univ. of the City of New York BellevueHosp'l Med. Col.N.Y Bellevue Hos. Med. Col., N. Y. Yale Medical College, Conn. . . Rush Med. College, Illinois... Bellevue Hos. Med. Col., N.Y. Medical Col. of the Pacific, Cal. Bd. Exam'rsMed. Soc'yof Cal. Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal Med. Dept. Univ. of Penn . . Bellevue Hosp. Med. Col. N.Y, University of Michigan, Mich, Ohio Medical College, Ohio . . . Med. Dept. Wooster Univ., Yale Medical College, Conn. . , Bd. Exam'rs Med. Soc'y of Cal Med. Dep. Univ. of Pacific, Cal Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal Western Reserve Med. Col. , Jefferson Medical College, Penn Medical College of Pacific, Cal. Univ. Pennsylvania, Penn.. . . University of California, Cal. . Med. Dep. University of Cal . . Rush Medical College, Illinois Rush Med. College, Illinois. . . University of Pennsylvania, Pa Howard University, D. C Pacific Medical College, Cal. . . Woman's Hos. Med. Col., 111. Toland Medical College, Cal. . . Aug.2S, '44 Nov. 3, '75 Mar, 2. '76 Jan. 25, '71 Mar. 1, '71 Mar. 1, '71 Mar. 3, '68 May 28, '74 Mar. 4, '54 Mar. 8, '50 Mar. 1, yo Feb. 26, '70 June 24, '73 Feb. 25, '61 Mar. 1, '75 CERTIFICATE ISSUED. June 29, Nov. 21, Sept. 19, June 29, Oct. 25, Dec. 13, Dec. 20, Feb. 12, Aug. 19, Apr. 17, '77 Nov. 6, '79 Nov. 8, '73 Mar.—, '70 Mar.—, '73 Mar. 21, '75 Mar. 1, '71 , '71 Jan. — , '61 Nov. 4, '73 Nov. 1, '76 Feb. 24, '4 Mar. 12, '69 Mar. 1, '7 Mar. 8, '34 Oct. 29, '74 Nov. 5, '77 Feb 17, '74! Dec. 27, Sept. 19, Dec. 27, Aug, 19, Aug. 19, Nov. 21, May 8, Dec. 16, Nov. 10, Oct. 12, Jan. 10, June 29, Mar. 2. Jan. 10, Jan. 10, Apr. 17, Nov. 13, Dec. 13, Dec. 20, Nov. 2], Dec. 6, Dec. 27, Dec. 27, Dec. 27, Aug. 19, Nov. 10, Aug. 19, July 17, '76 '76 '76 '76 '76 '76 '82 '81 '79 '76 '77 '76 '77 '83 '77 / 1 '82 ■70 '76 '76 '76 '76 '76 '76 '76 '77 '76 '79 Jan. 17, '72 Mario,"; M Mar. 3, '79 Nov. 2. '76 Feb. 27, '79 Nov. 1, '68 June 29, '76 Nov. 29, Tune 16, Mar. 8, Dec. 27, June 12, June 29, '76 'SO NO. 71 514 327 70 1031 629 667 1412 204 878 727 320 732 195 201 506 1344 1318 1167 404 778 69 846 1407 784 877 1381 630 668 504 600 730 724 725 197 956 202 1125 67 572 1216 ',^0 '76 '82 '76 1201 729 1349 66 The following names (a page of manuscript) were accidentally omitted by the Printers. NAME. McKee, J. H McKeehan, T. L. McKeon, Hugo C. McLaughlin, E. B. McLaughlin, M. A -McLay, Geo. B... MoLean, John T. . McLean, Robt. A. McLean, S. M." . McMahan, John B McMahan, J. C . . . McMahan. M. S.. McMahon, Abra'm Mc Master, A. D. McMillan, Dougal RESIDENCE. Los Angelesj . . . San Francisco. San Francisco San Francisco . San Francisco., .San Franc'co j Alameda San Francisco Modesto Oakland Santa Rosa ... San Jose San Jose Willits San Francisco DIPLOMA FROM DATED CEfiTIFICAlE ISSUED. Med. Dap. Univ. of Nash., Tenn Mar. Detroit Medical College, Mich . .lune West. Reserve Med. Col., Ohio Feb. West. Reserve Med. Col., Ohio .July Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. Col. of Phys., Glasgow, Scot'd Royal Col. Phys. and Sur., Ed. University of Louisiana, La. . . University of California, Cal. . Board Exam. Med. Soc. of Cal Med. Cllege of Ohio, Ohio . . Rush Med. College, Illinoi'*. Meil. Dep of Iowa Uni., Iowa Ohiii Med. Col., Cincinnati, 0. Missouri Med. College, Mo.. . . Michigan State Uni., Michigan Nov. 1, 29, 21, 10, 7, Mar. 20, Oct. 29, Feb. 27, Feb. 21, Feb. 15, Mar. 1, Mar 5, Mar. 25, 67 June 29, 70 Sep. 19, 651 Jan. 24, 62 1 May 27, '78INov. 15, 60 Lt .11 ,,.olNov. 21, o9 ' '50 Aug. 19, 74iAug. 19, A*^. 19 , June 16, Oct. 9, Aug. 19, Aug. 19, Mar. l.X, June 29, '77 '53 '57 '79 '68 '76 '76 '76 '80 NO. 68 317 808 999 1048 513 207 196 212 1215 '82; 1376 '76 203 '76 198 '82,1338 '76; 69 Cocke, W. T. Santa Rosa Bellevue Hos. Med. Coll., N.Y I June 1, '72 Dec. 20, '76 649 ADDITIONAL DECEASED MEMBERS. Crane, Geo dupuytken, j. b. p .Sutter Creek . . Los Angeles France, Geo. W. Wells, J. T . Cherokee . . Oregon ERROR. WooLSEY, E. H. "Oakland," instead of "Austin, Texas.'' PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS 29 McNULTY, J. M. . . . McNiTTT, W. F.... McPher.son, G. E.. McPherson, M. . . . McQUESTEN, C. A . McS w KGAN , Dan 'l . McTaggart, M. F. Meade, E. 8 Meaees, J. L Medlock, Jas. R . . Meeker, Lewis E. Meglone, Ed. W . . Meigs, John J . . . . Melton, Lewis.. . . Mknefee, p. M. . . . Merritt. Alans'n B Mervy, Alfonzo J Metcalf, T. N Michel, W. M . . . Millar, W. S Millard, F. E. . . . Miller, Chas. F . Miller, C. K. I . . Miller, Howard P Miller, John A. . . Miller, J. Craig.. Miller, John H. . . Miller, P. B. M... Miller, Samuel S. ■Miller, Wm. D. . . MiLLIKEN, A Mills, Howard D. Minor, J. Frank'n MODISETT, B. NeILL MoHs, Ernest. . . . Montague, A. . . . Montague, J. C. . Montealegre, J. M Montgomery, J. F. Moody, Mary W. . Mooklar, James P. Moore, Chas. W . . Moore, Thos. J . . . Moore, S. Grant. jSIorey, H. C RESIDENCE. DIPLOMA FROM San Francisco . Geneva Medical College, N. Y University of Vermont, Vt. . . San Fran'co. -[ Royal College Surgs. and Royal Col. Phys., Kdinb. Scot. San Francisco . Jefferson Med. College, Penn. . Guadaloupe. . . University of Maryland, Md . . San Francisco.. 'Dartmouth College, N. H. . . - Arizona Med. College of Pacific, Cal . . . Petalunia Col. Phys. & Surgs. Ontario, Ca San Jose Woman's Med. Col. of Penn. . . San Francisco .j Jefferson Medical College, Pa. Orange |st. Louis Medical College, Mo. Eureka Detroit Med. Col. Michigan . . San Francisco . jTransylvania University, Ky . , Sacramento. . ..'Harvard Med College, Mass. . Wheatland . . .{Col. P. and S., Keokuk, Iowa. Areata St. Louis Medical College, Mo. Woodland [Med. Soc. Wayne Co. N. Y. . . San Francisco.. I Medical College of Pacific, Cal. Oakland Jefferson Med. College, Penn. . Ukiah City. . . Georgetown Med. Col. D. C. . . San Francisco . I University of Louisiana, La . . San Diego Rush Med. College, Illinois. . . Hills Ferry. . . iMed. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. S.Buenav'ntura Univ. Pennsylvania, Penn.... Blacks University Vermont, Vermont. DATED. •Jan. 1, June — , July -, Mar. — , Mar. — Sep. 19, Nov. 5, May 10, San Francisco . S. Buenavent'ra Redding Seattle, W .T \ Chico San Francisco. . San Francisco . Santa Barbara •San Francisco. Lake City San Francisco . Gait Weaverville . . Med. Dept. Univ. California., Univ. Pennsylvania, Penn .... Univ. Buffalo, New Y'ork Royal Col. of Surg., Scotland Medical College of Pacific, Cal. Jefferson Med. Col. Pennsyl'a. Med.D. Un. City of N.Y^,N.Y\ Bd. Exams. Med. Soc'y of Cal. University of Michigan, Mich. Med. Dep. Univ. California. . . Col. P. and S. , Keokuk, Iowa. Univ. of Halle Berlin, Prussia. University of New Y'ork, N. Y'. Bd. Exams. Med. Soc'y Cal. . . Mar. 12, July 10, Mar. 1, Mar. 7, July 20, Mar. 9, Aug. 11, Nov. 2, Mar. 10, Mar. 4, Mar. 17, Feb. 4, Oct. 29, Mar. 10, •June 27, Nov. — , Mar. 10, Feb. 20, Nov. 4, Mar. 11, Mar. — , June 29, Nov. 1, Mar. 4 Dec. 22, Mar. 3, '46 '62 '65 '55 '65 '63 '78 '80 '69 '46 '75 '72 '57 '6U '76 '71 '34 '76 •65 '70 '53 '62 '74 '73 '78 '75 '76 CERTIFICATE ISSUED. Au<;. 19, '76 San Francisco . iRoyal Col. Surgs. Scotlauil. Sacramento . San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco Colfax Nevada City . Gilroy University of Virginia Univ. Pennsylvaiiia, Penn . . . . Med. Dept. Univ. California. . Medical College of Ohio, Ohio. Vermont Medical Col. Verm't. University of Pennsylvania. . . Jefferson Med. Col. Penn Rush M edical College, Illinois. '58 '73 Sep. 19, .June 29, Aug. 19, Sept. 19, May 16, Sept. 13, Mar. 7, Nov. 29, Aug. 19, Dec. 12, Mar. 2, June 12, Oct. 22, Mar. 21, Jan. 10, Nov. 21, May 27, Jan. 10, Mar. 2, Nov. 21, Oct. 12, Jan. 10, Oct. 25, April 17, May 17, June 16, Aug. 19, '76 '58 '82 '76 '60 '65 Feb. 22, July 18, Mar. 27, Nov. 10, Mar. — , June — , Mar. — , Mar. — , Feb. 22, Jan. 12, Aug. 21, Aug. 19, June 18, Nov. 21, Dec. 27, Nov. 21 , '68 Sep. 26, . . . I Aug. 19, '37 'Nov. 21, '33 '34 June 29, 83 Feb. 12, '68 Jan. 10, '51 June 29, '58 Sep. 19, '65|Nov. 13, '54 .Jan. 10, 'SO '70 '81 '79 '76 '83 '76 76 "76 '77 '76 '76 '76 '83 '77 '76 '76 "82 NO. 200 324 64 199 326 1096 1230 1076 571 206 966 847 1350 1148 870 781 511 1000 782 845 512 400 974 1032 876 897 1217 208 1266 1128 214 1438 510 728 503 935 213 509 63 1413 779 72 316 1382 785 i: 30 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF NAME. RESIDENCE. DIPLOMA FROM DATED CERTIFICATE ' ISSUED. i NO. Morgan, Francis E Santa Cruz Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. Nov. 7, '81 1 Dec. 16, '81 1319 Morse, John F San Francisco. Medical College of Pacific, Cal. Nov. 5, '78 Nov. 15, 78 1049 Morse, L. D Morton, Horatio A San Mateo .... San Francisco. Brd. Exams. Med. Soc'y, Cal Oct. 12, '76 Apr. 2, '79 403 1091 Bellevue Hosp. Med. Col. N.Y- Mar. 1 , '74 Mott, Henry V. . . Byron University of the Pacific. Cal. Mar.—, '63 Nov. 21, 76 505 Mouser, Benj. T. . San Francisco.. Bellevue Hos. Med. Col. N. Y. Mar. 1, '75 May 27, 78 1001 Mou-ser, S. M San Francisco . Starling Medical College, Ohio Feb. 22, '48 Sept. 19, 76 318 MouRON, Julian. . . Mowbray, R. C. . Brd. Exams. Med. Socy Cal. . Aug, 19, '76 Dec. 27, '76 211 723 San Francisco. St. Louis Medical College, Mo. Mar. 9, '70 Miteller,Herm'n E Oakland Med. Dep. Univ. of Cal., Cal. . Nov. 10, '80 .Jan. 12, '81 1267 Muir, John S Hanford Col. Phys. and Surgeons, Iowa Feb. 17, 76 July 9, '80 1 222 Mulligan, E. L. . . San Francisco. Long Island Hos. Med. College Jan. 1, 76 Feb. 14, '81 1274 Murphy, James. . . San Francisco . Rush Medical College, Illinois Jan. 30, '67 Nov. 21, '76 508 Murphy, R. W. .. San Francisco.. Bellevue Hosp'l Med. Col. N.Y. Mar. — , '7 1 Nov. 21, '76 507 -■^Murphy, W. M. . . San Andreas . . Col. Phys. and Surgeons, Md. . Mar. 4, '79 June 3, '79 1100 Murray, Mrs. F.M San Francisco. Women's Med. Col. of Pa., Pa. , '73 Jan. 10, '77 780 Murray, J. F San Francisco . Med. Univ. Guadalajara, Mex. Oct. 8, '69 Sept. 19, '76 323 MU.SSEY, J. M La Poi'te Castleton Medical College, Vt. Nov. 21, '54 Sept. 19, 76 325 Myers, Eobt. E. . . San Francisco . Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. . Nov. 10, 'SO Dec. 16, '80 1255 Myers, Platt B. . . Sacramento . . . Bellevue Hosp. Med. Col. N.Y. Mar. 1, '65 Oct. 13, '80 1237 Nadean, Hubert . . Los Angeles. . Col. Phys. & S., Montreal, Can. May 13, '62 Aug. 19, 76 205 Nash, Francis . . HoUister Bowdoin Col. of Medicine, Me. July — , '68 Aug. 19, '76 217 Neal, Harrison. . . HoUisfcer Jefferson Medical College, Pa. Mar. — , '59 Aug. 19, '76 218 Neilson, Chas.F.M San Francisco. Med. Dep. Univ. of Md., Md. Mar. 2, '61 Mar. 7, '79 1077 ■ ' Nelson, Geo. W. . . Santa Barbara. Univ. of Bishop's Col. , Canada Apr. 16, '79 Feb. 13, '82 1330 Nelson, Henry W. Sacramento . . . Col. Med. and Sur., L.Canada May 10, '48 Aug. 19, '76 216 Nestell, D. D. T. . Walnut Gruve. Med. Dep. N. Y. Univ., N. Y. Mar. 15, '43 Oct. 12, '76 4U5 Newcombe, Wm. ... Summerville . . Univ. of Victoria Col. , Canada May 3, '65 Mar. 14, '81 1279 Newell, Wm. A . . . San Francisco. Univ. of Buffalo, New York. . Feb. 22, '54 Dec. 6, '76 601 Newlands, Wm. L. San Francisco.. Columbia College, Dist. Col . . Mar. 2, 71 Mar. 13, '82 1339 Newman, Samuel. . Sau Francisco . Med. Col. of the Pacific, Cal . . Nov. 6, '79 Nov. 10, '79 1168 Newmark, V Benicia Toland Medical College, Cal. Nov. J, '68 Sept. 19, '76 329 Newton, Joel Fort J ones .... Med. Dep. Univ. N. Y., N. Y. Mar.—, '49 Dec. 13, 76 631 Newman, Mark... San Francisco . Med. Dep. Univ. N. Y., N. Y. Feb. 17, '80 June 12, '82 1351 - — Nichols, Geo. B. . . San Francisco . Longlsl'd Hos. Med. Col., N. V. June 22, '71 June2'J, 76 73 Nichols, H. L Sacramento . . . Bowdoin College, Maine Sep. 3. '45 Sept. 19, '76 328 Nightingale, John San Francisco. Medical Col. of the Pacific, Cal. Nov. 4, '75 Oct. 1, '79 1143 NiLES, W. B Eoseville Geneva Medical College, N. Y. Jan. 24, '70 Oct. 13, '77 940 Nixon, A. B Sacramento . . . Medical College of Ohio, Ohio. Mar. 4, '46 Aug. 19, '76 215 Norton, B. F San Francisco . Col. Phys. & Surg., Keokuk, I. Mar. 1, '81 Jan. 9, '82 1327 Norton, Thos San Luis Obispo Long Isl'd Col. Hospital, N.Y. June 27, '78 Nov. 14, '81 1312 NoRWOLD, Chas. F San Francisco. Medical College of Pacific, Cal. Nov. 5, 78 July 17, 79 1114 Nutting, Chas. \V. Etna Atlanta Medical College, Ga . . Mar. 1, '76 Oct. 25, '78 1033 Oatman, Ira E Sacramento . . . Rush Med. College, Illinois. . . Feb. 14, '45 Aug. 19, '76 220 ' O'Brien, Ed. S.... Merced Medical College of Pacific, Cal. Nov. 6, '79 Dec. 1, 79 1177 Oleni^orf, W. D. . . Red Bluff Geneva Med. College, N. York , '43 Dec. 27, '76 734 Ollino, G San Francisco. University of Turin, Italy. . . . July 29, '72 Apr. 12, '80 1209 PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. 31 OsLER, Charles. . O'Neill, Jas. C . . Ord, J. L Orme, H. S Orm.sby, 0. B Osborne, Wm. . . . osburs, robt. m "Ottmer, H. C OTooLE, xM. C... O'TOOLE, p. W.M.. Padex, Wm. M . . . Pace, Olof Page, Wm. M Painter, Wm. P.. . Palmer, Theo. D . , Parkhurst, R Parkinson, J. H . Parkinson, M. C. Pardee, E.H. ... Parks, Edward L P.iRKER, John .... Parramore, E. L. RESIDENCE. DIPLOMA FROM San Francisco..! San Francisco . I San Francisco . Los Angeles . . . Bakersfielil .... San Francisco . Kiugsburg .... Heaklsburg . . . San Francisco . Marysville .... Napa City .... San Francisco. Parson, Edw.ard.. San Francisco SanFrancisco - San Francisco •San Francisco. Cambria Sacramento Antioch Oakland Santa Barbara, Castro ville . . . . Woodland DATED CERTIFICATE ISSUED. Parsons, J. M Patty, L H Patterson, W. A. . P.ArTERSON,W. H. . Paugh, W.J Pawlicki, L. B. S. Payne, Frank H . . Payne, Oliver B . . Peabody, Wm. T. . Pearson, Joseph E. Pedlar, Alfred J. Pelham, Jas. E. . . . Pence, Philip Pendergrass, T. W "Perault, Julian . . Middletown . . . Petaluma Watsonville. . . Cedarville San Francisco . San Francisco. Berkeley Ferndale San Francisco . Walnut Creek, Fresno San Francisco Merced Visalia San Francisco Perrone, Osea Perry, Alfred W. Perry', Ira Pescia, Jos Petin, Alphonse a Petterson, 0. H . , San Fr-ancisco San Francisco , Santa Barbara . SanFrancisco ] San Francisco. Iowa Hill Med. Dept. Umv. of Cal., Cal. Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. Jefferson Med. College, Penn.. Med. Dep. Univ. N. Y., N. Y. Rush Med. College, Illinois. , . Phila. Col. of Medicine, Pa. . . Willamette University, Oregon St. Louis Medical College, Mo. iMed. Dept. Univ. of N.\".,N.Y Med. Dept. Univ. Mich., Mich Western Reserve Med. Col,, 0. Med. Dep. Univ .Pennsylvania University of Virginia, Va Med. Dept. Univ. Pennsylva'a Jefferson Medical College, Pa. Col. Phys. and Surgeons, N.Y. Medical College of Pennslv'a. , Royal Col. of Surgeons, Ireland Kings & Q. Col. Phys. Ireland Starling Med. Ccl. Ohio Rush Med. College, Illinois. . , Jefferson Med. College, Penn. . Medical College of Pacific .... University of Maryland, Md. . Mem. Royal. Col. Sur. London Univ. London, London Mem. Roy. Col. Phys. London Castleton Med. Col., Vermont. St. Louis Medical College, Mo. Board Exam. Med. Society, Cal. Creden'ls McGill Univ. Canada Rush Medical College, Illinois. Univ. St. Vladimir, Russia, , . Rush Medical College, Ilbnois. Univ. Missouri, Missouri Univ. Maryland, Maryland, , , University of Nashville, Tenn, Med. Col. of Pacific, Cal Med. Dept. Transylvania Univ. Med. Dep. Univ. Pennsylvania Ohio Med. Col., Cincinnati, 0. Univ. Queen's Col. Canada Univ. Geneva, Italy Univ. Santiago, Chili N. O. School of Medicine, La . Berkshire Med. College, Mass, Med. Dep. University of Cal. , Royal Inst. Florence, Italy . . , Faculty of Medicine of Paris . , Bd. Exam'rs Med. Soc'y of Cal, Nov. 7, Nov. 1, Mar. 2-t, Mar. 4, Feb. ]7, Feb. 2, June 11, .Mar. 1, Jiily 9, June 25, Feb. — , Mar. 14, June 29, Mar. 31, Mar. 11, Feb. 28, May 1, •Jan. 9, Mar. 3, Feb. 5, Mar. 11, Nov. 5, Mar. 4, June 19, Mar. 7, '73 46 '61 '58 "53 '79 '56 "64 '62 '73 '6 '53 '55 '75 '79 '38 '79 '82, '57 '68 "74 '74 '65 '61 '63 '66 '44 '77 78 Nov. 15, '78 Dec. 6, '76 Aug. 19, "76 Aug. 19, "76 Nov. 21, '76 Aug. 19, '76 Nov. 12, '80 Feb. 12, '77 Dec. 27, '76 Dec. 11, '82 June 13, '77 Aug. 21, "79 May 27, '78 Dec. 20, "76 July 17, '79 Feb. 12, Aug. 16, '82 Mar. 2, Aug..l9, '76 Dec. 12, Nov. 21, '76 Oct. 12, '76 Feb. 12, "64 to Feb. 7, Api\ 4, Feb. 17, Mar. 1, Mar. 12, Mar. 1. Nov. 6, Mar. 11, Apr. 8, Mar. — . Apr. 30, July 29, Sep. 10, Feb. 15, Sep. 2, Nov. 5, June 30, Feb. 13, '68 '50 '55 '74 '49 '46 '65 77 '39 '48 '65 '57 '73 '75 '62 '45 '77 '80 '66 NO. 1050 602 222 221 516 219 1245 827 733 1401 906 1126 1U02 669 1117 830 1362 850 224 967 523 406 828 Apr. 17, 77 879 Mar. 21, '77 869 May 27, '78 1009 Oct. !2, '76 407 Aug. 19, '76 226 Oct. 25, '78 1034 Nov. 21, '76 521 Feb. 12, '77 829 Dec. 27, '76 735 Oct. 25, '78 1035 Nov. 10, '77 957 Dec. 6, '76 603 1 Mar. 7, '79 1078 : July 17, '79 1121 Sep. 19, '76 330 Dec. 16, '81 1320 Nov. 21, '76 518 July 17, '79 1107 Oct. 13, '80 1238 Dec. 16, '81 1321 Dec. 20, '76 670 1 32 OFFICIAL catalogtjp: of NAME. RESIDENCE. DIPLOMA FROM DATED CERTIFICATE ISSUED. NO. 225 PhELAN, fiREiiORV J San Francisco . Med. Dept. Univ. New York . Mar. 6, '47 Aug. 19, '76 Phelp.s, 0. S Ferndale University of Michigan, Mich. Mar. 27, '72 Oct. 1, '79 1144 Phillips; Thos. . . . Stockton University of Virginia, Va .... July 2, '74 Jnly 11, '77 913 — Philson, C F San Francisco . Jefferson Med. College, Penn. . Mar. — , '59 Apr. 9, '83 1426 PhIPPS, t'HARLES.. . Bakerstiekl. . . . Chicago Medical College, 111. Mar. 21, '76 Mar. S, '80 1202 Pierce, 0. L Healdsburg . . . Col. Phys. &Sur., N. Y., N.Y. Jan. 1 , '04 July 17, '79 1120 PlERSON, B. H Sacramento . . . Med. D.Univ. of Missouri, Mo. , '46 Nov. 21, '76 524 PlETRZVCKI, M . . . . Portland, Ogn. Medical College of Pacific, Cal. Oct. — , '72 Dec. 27, '76 736 PiGGOTT, W. M.. . . San Diego Jefferson Medical College, Pa . . Mar. 9, '50 July 21, ',S1 1298 Pike, H. U Sanel Vermont Medical College, Vt. June 25, '56 Aug. 19, '76 223 Pinching, K.L. A. C. San Francisco. Royal Col. Surgs. London, Eng. Feb. L'33| Oct. 12, July 9, '76 '80 409 1223 PiNDELL, .Joseph T. San Francisco. University of Maryland, Md. . Mar. — , '65 Aug. 16, '77 924 Pinkerton,Thos.H Oakland Harvard University, Mass .... Mar. 3; '59 June 29, '76 74 "^ Pissis, Joseph E . . . Plummer, R. H. . . . San Francisco . San Francisco . University of France July 25, Oct. 2, '35 '66 Nov. 21, Nov. 21, '76 '76 519 517 Toland Medical College, Cal . . Pond, Henry M. . . Sonoma Med. Bept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. Nov. 10, 'SO Dec. 16, ^80 1256 Pond, M. B Napa City .... Toland Medical College, Cal . . Mar. 7, '65 Dec. 6, '76 605 ! Pope, Horace E. . . San Francisco . Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. Nov. 1, '76 Nov. 21, '76 520 Porter, L. L Los Angeles . . Ohio Medical Society, Ohio . . . Mar. ] , '69 June 13, '77 907 Post, Kate N., now POST-VON ORr)EN,K. ' San Francisco Medical College of Pacific, Cal. Nov. G, '79 Mar. 8, '80 1203 Posey, A. C Oakland Kentucky School of Med. Ky. Mar. — , '75 May 17, "77 899 Posey, Geo. D Oakland . . . . Med. Dep. Univ. Louisville, Ky Feb. 27. 'SO Dec. 16, 'SO 1257 — Potts, J. S San Jose. • • • ] Am. Med. Col.. Missouri, Mo. Col. Phys. &Surg., Keokuk, I. Feb. is' '75 '77 xMar. 2, '77 849 Powell, David. . . . Mar\sville .... Med. Dept. Univ. of Pac. Cal. Nov. — , '71 Nov. 21, '76 522 Powers, Geo. H. . . Harvard University, Mass. . . . July 19 '6") Mav "^7 '78 1006 PowNAL, Joseph. . . Columbia Univ. City of New York, N.Y'. Mar. 9, '42 Sept. 19, '76 332 Pratt, Chas. H . . . Pratt, A. H Liverniore .... Oakland Bd. Exam'rs Med. Soc'y of Cal. Medical College of Pacific, Cal. Dec. 27, Sep. 19, '76 '76 737 331 Nov. 1, '72 PRES.SLEY, J. B Guerneville . . . Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. Nov. 10, '82 Apr. 9, '8:-! 1427 Prevo.st, A. L San Jose Medical Col. of the Pacific, Cal. Nov. 4, '74 Dec. «, '76 604 2 Pritchahd, M. M. . Dixon Detroit Medical College, Mich. June 29, '70 Oct. 22, '79 1150 Proctok, J. M Placerville .... Washington University, Md. Feb. 22, '70 Mar. 21, '77 865 Prosek, Jo.sepii . . . San Francisco. Test. C. R. Univ. Pragensis, A. Jan. 5, '76 June 29, '76 75 1 QUINLIN. AL15ERT(i. San Francisco. xMed. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. Nov. ), '76 Nov. 21, '76 525 PiADEbaugh, J. M. . Pasadena University of Pennsylvania, Pa. Mar. 13, '73 Nov. 13, '82 13S3 1 Ragan, p. J Monmouth .... Jefl'erson Medical College, Penn Mar. — , '76 Dec. 27, '76 740 Ramey, James Cloverdale .... Med. Dept. Univ. of Mo., Mo. Mar. 1, '49 Mar. 7, '79 1079 Ransom. J Rattray, A San LuisOliispo San Francisco Bd. Ex. Med. Society of Cal. . Nov. 21, May 17, '76 "77 531 890 Royal College of Surgeons .... Univ. of Edinburgh, Scotland. July 28, July 31, '52 '52 Ray, De.n.ms Modesto Col. P. and S., Keokuk, Iowa. Feb. 23, '71 Sep. 19, '76 3:56 Raynolds, R. G. . . Upper Lake . . . St. Louis Medical College, Mo. Mar. 9, '76 Oct. 12, '76 414 Read, A.M. Henr\ San Francisco.. Medical College of Pacific, Cal. Nov. 6. '79 Dec. 1 , '79 1178 — Reading, J. W San Francisco.. Bellevue Hos. Med. Col., N. Y. Mar. — , '65 June 18, '83 14.39 Regen.sburger.A E San Francisco . College of Phys and Surg., N.Y. ) '72 Sep. 19, '76 338 1 PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS 33 Reoensburger, J . . ItEGENSBURCiER, M- Reich. (Ieo. A Reid, Robt. K . . . . Reu), S. J Reid, W. C. Reilay, Jno. p. . . . Reiley, J. R Reilly, Paul Jon's Reins, Jno. W . . . . Remondino, p. C. . Rene, Gustayts.A Reynolds, Goo. E. . Reynolds, G. P. . . Reynolds, J. W. B- Rhodes, C. E Richardson, N. P.. RiCHTER, C. M. . . . RicHTER, Phil. Geo Ricky, Addison W. Riddle, J. R.. .. Riehl, Fred. W . . . Riley, L. K Rinehart, M Rios, David Risdon, Herber T. RivAs, Isaac Rives, B. E Robertson, E. B. . . Robertson, H. D. . Robertson, Jno. W Robe, Wm. E robin.son. a. l.. . . Robinson, Jesse . . . Robinson, J. . . . . Robinson, Luke. . . Roche, Francis E. RoDGERs, Lee 0. . . RODGERS, W. D . . . Roe, Marshall J'n Rogers, Chas. A . . Rogers, Geo. W. . . Rogers, Henry D. Rogers, L. S RESIDENCE. SaiiFrancisco. Sail Francisco . San Francisco. Stockton Camp Gaston. . King's River . . Oakland... . .'. Cliico Oakland Crescent City. . San Diego San Bernardino San Francisco . . Alameda Suisun . . Folsom Los Angeles . . . San Francisco . SaiiFrancisco Williams Somesrville. .. . San Francisco. Los Angeles. . . Susan ville .... San Francisco.. National City.. San Francisco. Downey City . . Jackson Bodie San Francisco. Maxwell Auburn Oakland Ukiali City .... Colusa Oakland San Francisco.. Watson ville . . San Francisco . Kern ville SaiiFrancisco < San Francisco. Bakersfield .... DIPLOMA FROM Te.^:. Unv. Bavaria & Wuizlmrg University of Munich, Bavaria Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. Univ. of Pennsylvania, Penn. Med. Dfept. Iowa Univ., Iowa. Med. Dep. Unv. Louisville, Ky Univ. City Xew York, N. Y. . Med: Col. of Pacific, Cal Jefferson Med. College, Penn.. University of Virginia, Va. . . . Jefferson Medical College, Pa. Pacific Med. Col. California. . . Med. Dep. University of Cal. . Med. Dep. Syracuse Univ. N.Y Med. Dep. St. Louis Univ. Mo University of Michigan, Mich. Bd. Exam'rs Med. Soc'y of Cal. University of Leipsic, Saxony. University Giessen, approv. by Uii. Marburg, Germany Rush Medical College, Illinois. Jefferson Med. College, Penn.. Fred. Will. Univ. Berlin, Ger.. Cooper Med. College, Cal University of Louisville, Ky. . Pub. Inst, of Mexico, Mexico. University of Vermont, Vt. . . . Med. School of City of Mexico Bd. Ex. Med. Society of Cal . . Med. Dept. Univ. of Pac, Cal. Medical College of Pacific. . . . Med. Dept. Univ. California.. Medical College of Pacific, Cal. Med. Dept. Univ. of Pa., Pa. . . Vermont Medical College, Vt. Starling Medical College, Ohio Toland Med. Col. of California. University of California Queen's Univ. Ireland BellevueHosp'lMed.Col ,N.Y. University of Nashville, Tenii. Medical College of Pacific. Cal. Rush M edical College, Illinois. Phila. Col. of Medicine, Pa. . . Inst. Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mx. Med. Dep. Unv. Peru, Peru . . Western Reserve Med. Col., 0. Chicago Medical College, III . . Nov. 20, '45 to 1S50 Dec. 17, '75 Nov. 5, '77 Apr. 7, '4(; Feb. 23, '71 Mar. 1, '77 Mar; 5, '40 Nov. 2, "7(1 Mar. 29, '48 July 4, '43 Mar. 10, '65 Nov. ), '72 Nov. 5, '77 Feb. )3, '73 Mar. 1, '53 Mar. 25, 74 Apr. 22, '72 Dec. 21, Feb. 17, June 25, Nov. 4, Mar. — , Nov. 16, June 27, Dec. 11, Mar. 18, Nov. 2, Nov. 10, Nov. 5, Apr. 8, June 1, Feb. 23, Oct. 10, > Oct. 11, Mar. 1. Mar. 1, Nov. 5, Feb. 25, Aug. — , Dec. 23, June 19, Feb. 24, CEnTIFICATE I f^Q. ISSUED. Iune2*), '76 Nov. 29, Mar. 8, Aug. 19, May 17, Dec. 12, June 29, Dec. 13, Oct. 12, Nov. 21, June 25, Jan. 10, May 11, July 11, J line 29, Sept. 19, Dec. 20, Nov. 21, Sept. 19, Jan. 24, Nov. 21, Nov. 21, Nov. 13, Dec. 20, May 9, June 12, Sep. 6. Sept. 19, June 29, Jan. 10, Dec. 16, Jan. 7, Mar. 13, Dec. 27, Oct. 25, Aug. 19, Sept. 17, Aug. 19, Aug. 19, Nov. 15, May 16, Mar. 2, June 29. Oct. 12, 78 1204 '76 234 '77 893 ■77 968 '76 79 633 410 528 1016 (90 995 914 80 337 673 529 340 809 527 530 1384 671 1288 1352 1026 335 76 789 1258 1064 1340 738 1036 235 1138 230 265 1051 1097 851 77 412 1 34 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF NAME. RESIDENCE. DIPLOMA FROM. DATED CERTIFICATE ISSUED. NO. 1127 Rogers, Nathan . . San Francisco. Medical College of Pacific, Cal. Nov. 5, '78 Aug. 21, '79 Rogers, Sam'l J. S Marysville Berkshire Med. College, Mass. June 26, '48 Dec. 6, '76 008 Rogers, W. H Boflie Univ. Maryland, Maryland. . . McGill Univ. Montreal. Can. . Mar. 19, '50 Aug. 7 '80 1227 RooNEY, Robert F. Colfax Mar. 31, '70 Aug. 16, '77 926 RoRKE, James San Francibco . University of California, Cal. . Nov. 1, 76 Dec. 27, '76 741 - - Ross, Jos. L Mayfield Rush Med. College, Illinois. . . Feb. 25, '79 July 17, "79 1110 Ross, Thos Woodland Los Angeles . . . McGill University', Canada. . . Univ. of New York, N. Y. . . . May 5, Mar. 6, '63 '58 Oct. 12, '76 Aug. 19, '76 411 231 Ross, W. W Roth, Edward .... San Francisco . BellevueHosp'l Med. Col. N. Y. Mar. ], '81 Feb. 12, '83 1414 ROTTANZI, A San Francisoo . University of Pavia, Italy .... June 21, '41 Dec. 27, '76 739 Rowel L, Chas .... San Francisco . . Med. Dept. Univ. of Pac, Cal. Mar. 4, '61 Aug. 19, '76 229 RowELL, Chester.. Fresno University of the Pacihc, Cal. Dec. — , '70 Jan. 10, '77 786 RCTCKER, H. N Merced City . . University of California, Cal . . Nov. 11, '70 Aug. 19, '76 233 RuEDi, Paul San Francisco . St. Bd. M. Ex. Giisous, Switz. Nov. 26, '67 Sep. 19, '76 339 RuGG, Sfmner P . . San Francisco . Bellevue Hosp.Med. Col. N.Y. June 1 , '79 July 17, '79 1106 RuGGLES, Chas. Au Stockton Medical College of Vermont, Vt June 21, '54 Dec. 20, '76 672 RuPE, Sam'l H Healdsburg . . . Toland Medical ColU-ge, Cal. . . Oct. 2 '66 Oct. 12, '76 413 Russell, Wm. A . . \ isalia Jeffer.son Medical College, Pa- Mar. 25. '47 Nov. 21, '76 526 Sabey, L. A San Francisco. Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. Nov. 10, '80 Dec. 16, '80 1259 Saltmarshe, Thos. San Francisco.. Pacific Medical College, Cal. . . Nov. 2 '76 Nov. 21, '76 540 Sanders, J. W. . . . Lonipoc Col. Phys. & S., Keokuk, Iowa Feb. 16, '75 Aug. 16, '82 1363 Sanders, H. S . . . . Sargent, E. R. C . . San Francisco . Germany Board Exam. Med. Society, Cal. Medical College of Pacific, Cal. Dec. 27, '76 Dec. 16, '81 747 1322 Oct. 20, '80 Sargent, Jacob L.. Woodbridge . . Vermont Medical College, Vt. Aug. 4, '46 Nov. 21, '76 536 Sawtelle, C. M. . . San Francisco . Will. Univ. Med. Dep.. Oregon Mar. 4, '73 Nov. 29, '76 578 "T" Sawtflle, Mary P San Francisco. N. Y. Med. Col. Women. N. Y. Mar. 21. '72 Nov. 29, '76 577 S.\WYER, H. C San Francisco. Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. Nov. 7, '81 Feb. 13, '82 1331 ^.Sawy'er, J. J Quincy University of Buffalo, N. Y. . . Feb. 21 '65 Oct. 12, '76 419 Sawyer, Wm. B. . . Los Angeles. . . Harvard Med. School, Mass. . . June 25, '79 May 8, '82 1345 Saxe, a. W. ...... Santa Clara . . . Castleton Medical College, Vt. •Fan. 3, '43 Sep. 19, '76 343 SCHELLHOr.S, E. J . . Hanford Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. Nov. 3, '75 Aug. 16, '77 927 Schmidt, E. Sch.mitt, (tEo. H. . San Francisco . San Diego Board Exam. Med. Society, Cal. Sep. 19, '76 May 9, '81 .347 1289 Detroit Medical College, Mich. Mar, 10 ■81 iScHNABEL, Martin. Newcastle .... Med. Dep. Univ. of Cal., Cal. . Nov. 18 73 Oct. 22, '79 1151 Schoenemann,C.W Mokermne Hill Medical College of Pacific, Cal. Nov. — '76 Jan. 10, '77 793 SCHOLFIK.LD, D. T . . Tehama I ■Jefferson Medical College, Penn McGill University, Canada . . . Mar. 5 '65 '69 July 11, '77 915 ScHi'LZE, Chas Oakland .... Col. Phys. and Surg., Canada . Nov. 6 '77 Nov. 10, '77 958 Scott, AKiHru W San Francisco . Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. Nov. 7 "79 Nov. 10, '70 1170 Scott John Royal Col. of Surgeons, Ireland University of St. A., Scotland. '43 '44 Aug. 19, '76 242 University of Louisville, Ky. . . Mar. — Mar. 12 Feb. 27 '45 . "70 '57 Aug. 19, '76 Dec. 27, '76 Sep. 19, '76 243 750 344 1 Scott, John (J .... Seai'on, Jos. H . . . . Oakland Kentucky School of Med., Ky. Seawell, Thos. \V. Healdsburg . . . University of Cal., Cal Nov. 1 '70 Dec. 20, '76 676 Seifert, Wjvi Santa Clara.. . Royal M.Col. Magdeb., Prussia Sep. 25 '46 June 16, '80 1218 Ski I ON A F Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. Nov. 6 '81 June 18, '83 1440 PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. 35 'Serviss, Tho8. W Seymour, Fran's A Shackelton, E. L. Shaw, J as. B Shearer, M. M. . . . Shelden, Fred. C. Shoemaker, E. T. . Shore, J. Campb'll Shuev, Sarah J. . . Shugart, K. D. . . . Shurtleff, Benj. . Shcrtleff, G. a . . SiCHEL, GuSTAVWm SiDDONS, Wm. M. . SiLVA, Fernando.. Simokton, W. B. . . Simpson, James .... Sims, Harry L . . . SiMMs, Charles. . SiMMS, J. R - Simmons, G. L. . . . Simmons, Sam'l S. Skilling, David. Smead, Abner . . . Smith, Andrew C Smith, A. M. C . . . Smith, Geo. S. . . . Smith, Howard. . Smith, H. J Smith, H. M -Smith, H. W Smith, J. Smith, John B. . . Smith, Jos. G . ... Smith, Jas. S .... Smith, L. E Smith, Q. C Smith, Robt. P. Jr Smith, Tracy H Smith, W. C... - Smith, W. F . . . Snider, T. A . , . Snow, J. N Snowden, I.Wayne SoBEY, Arthur L RESIDENCE. Napa City . . Los Angeles. Auburn SOULE, A. G. S. Barbara. . . ] Santa Rosa.. . . San Jose Los Angeles. . . San Francisco . Berkeley Riverside Napa City . . . . Stockton San Francisco . Los Angeles. . . San Francisco. Oakland San Francisco . New York .... Los Angeles. . . Sonoma Sacramento . . . Watsonville. . . Oakland Benicia Plymouth Oro Fino Haywards .... Bakersfield. . . . San Francisco . San Jose Genoa, Nevada Cottonwood . . . Petal u ma Los Angeles . . . Oakland La Porte Austin, Te.xas. Santa Rosa .... MendocinoCity Downey City . . San Francisco. Sacramento . . . Susanville San Jose San Francisco . DIPLOMA FROM DATED SanFrancisco McGill University, Canada. . . Mar. 31, '81 Kentucky School of Med., Ky. June 17, '64 Medical College of Ohio, Ohio. Mar. 1, '67 Univ. Glassgow, Scotland Apr. — , '36 Royal College Surgs. England.! Aug. — , '36 Med. Dep. Univ. Iowa, Iowa.. May 28, '64 Med. Dep. Univ. Vermont. ..June 27, '81 University of Michigan, Mich.JMar. 28, '77 University of Pennsylvania, Pa. Mar. 15, '60 Med. Dept. Univ. of CaL, CaL Xov. 7, '78 Bd. E.x. Med. Society of Cal Harvard University, Mtiss. . . . !Au^i,'.23, '48 Medical College of Vermont. . . Oct. 13, '45 Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. Nov. 1, '76 University cf Nashville, Tenn. Mar. 1, '58 Board Directors of Studies, Mx Mar. 2, '82 Pennsylvania Med. Col., Pa..;Mar. 8, '50 CERTIFICATE (v|q ISSUED. June 27, Dec. 16, Nov. 21. Feb. 12, '81 '80 '76 Univ. of City of N. York, N. Y. Mar. 9, '55 C.l.Phys. and Surgeons, N.Y. Feb. 27, '73 Board Exam. Med. Society, Cal. i Winchester Med. Col. Virginia Mar. 23, "41) Med. Dep. Harvard L^niv. Mass; Mar. 12, '56 Indiana Medical College, Ind. . Feb. — , '47 Univ. Missouri, Missouri Mar. 1, '53 University of Virginia, Va July 2, '68 Medical College of Pacific, Cal. Nov. 6, '77 Bd. Ex. Med. Society of Cal Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. . Nov. 7, '79 University of Pennsylvania, Pa Mai. 14, '71 Jefferson Med. College, Penn.. Mar. 10, '65 Col. Phy. & Sur. Keokuk, Iowa Feb. 13, '7 Paish Medical College, Illinois. Feb. 2, '7C Bd. Exam'rs Med. Soc'y of Cal Med. Dep.W^est. Res. Col. 0. . Feb. 26, '45 Col. Phys. and Surgeons, N.Y. Mar. 12, '63 Bellevue Hos. Med. Col., N. Y. Mar. 1, '70 Med. Dep. Unv. Col. Califor'a Nov. 4, /O Med. Dep. Unv. Nashville, T. Mar.—, '68 .Med. Col. South Carolina Mar. 15, '61 Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. Nov. 1, '76 University of Pennsylvania, Pa Mar. 28, '57 Miami Medical College, Ohio. . .Mar. 1, '68 Univ. I^ouisiana, La Mar. 20, '48 Medical College of Pacific, Cal. Nov. 2, "76 Philadelphia Col., Med. Pa.. Feb. 28, '52 Col. Sui'g., and Col. Phys. Lo'n .July, '72-3 Berkshire Medical Col., Mass. Nov. 11, '46 BellevueHos'lMed. Col.,N.Y. , '64 May 16, Dec. 16, May 28, Jan. 10, Jan. 7, Sep. 19, Dec. 20, Aug. 19, Jan. 10, Apr. 10, •June 12, Aug, 19, Dec. 27, July 17, Nov. 21, Sept. 26, Aug. 19, Dec. 20, May 17, Feb. 12, June 3, Apr. 10, .Jan. 6, Dec. 1.3, Aug. 19, Apr. 17, •Jan. 6, Dec. 27, June 29, Jan. 7, Apr. 17, Oct. 12, June 29, Feb. 12, Nov. 21, Aug. 19, J .me 29, Oct. 12, Mar. 21, Dec. 27, Nov. 29, '79 '81 '83 '77 '79 '76 '76 '76 '77 '78 '82 '76 '76 '79 '76 '77 '76 '76 '77 '77 '79 '78 '80 '76 '76 '77 '80 '76 '76 '79 77 '76 '76' '77 '76 76 76 '76 '77 '76 '76 Nov. 21, '76 1295 1260 539 •831 1098 1323 1434 792 1065 348 677 238 791 986 1353 244 751 1112 541 936 240 678 889 834 1099 992 1187 634 237 880 1188 745 85 1066 881 418 82 833 537 241 81 416 867 749 576 533 36 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF NAME. RESIDENCE. DIPLOMA FROM DATED CERTIFICATE ISSUED. NO. 5.34 SOULE, MiLAX San Francisco . Jniversity Vermont, Vermont. lunc — , "69 Nov. 21, '76 Southard, Wji. F. Oakland iarvard Medical School, Mass. Feb. ~, "72 May 9, 'SI 1290 Spedding, Robt. D San Francisco . . FefiFerson Medical College, Pa. Mar. 12, 'SI May 9, '81 1291 SpfxcE, Alex. P. . . ! Watsonville. . . St. Louis Medical College, Mo.! Mar. 2, '58 Mar. 21, '77 866 ' Spencer, A. J San Jose Castletou Med. Col., Vermont. Nov.—, '.31 Oct. 12, "76 417 Spencer, Jason S. . . Butte City Col. Phys. & Sur., Keokuk, lo.l Feb. 14, 78 Mar. 12, '78 982 Spencer. Michael. Hydesville .... Med. Dept. West. R. Col., 0. Feb. 26, '51 Dec. 20, "76 674 Sperry, Ei>\v \V. T 1 Starling Med. Ccl. Ohio Jefferson Med. Col. Pennsyl'a. Feb. 25, '811, y -33 Mar. 30, '82^?' " ^- ^'^ 1429 Sfinola, a. p. C. K, San Leandro . Med. & Ch. Sch.,FunchaL Pgl. Nov. 5, '66!Oot. 25, '78 1037 Sponogle, Frank M Healdsburg . . . Med. Dept. Univ. Wooster, 0. Feb. 27, '79 Aug. 1 0, '82 1364 Sposati, N Stockton Royal Univ. of Naples, Italy. . Aug. 7, '82 Nov. 13, '82 1385 Sprecher, (t. a . . Oakland Medical C'ollege of Ohio, Ohio. Mar. 1, '82 May 8, "82 June 17, '80 Nov. 12, '80 1346 Stafford, Henry E Rocklin Med. D. Un.City of N. Y.,N. Y. 1246 Stallard, J. H — San Francisco. Royal College Phys., England. 1 June 25, 57 '.June 3, "79 1101 "^ Stambaugh, S. S. . . San Francisco . Starling Med. College, Ohio.. Feb. 22, '51 Mar. 12, '78 983 Stansbury, O.scar. Chico University of Maryland, Md. . Med. Dep. Univ. California. . . Mar. I, '73 Dec. 6, '76 609 Stanton, James — San Francisco . Nov. 10, "82 Dec. 11, '82 1402 Steele, Chas. H . . San Francisco . Univ. City of New York, N.Y. Feb. 16, '74 June 29, "76 83 Steinber(jer, C. M. Point Arena. . . University of Pennsylvania. . . Apr. 3, '52 Dec. 27, "76 748 Sterling, F. S Oroville Med. Dept. Univ. of Pac, Cal. Mar. 18, '64 May 17, '77 892 Stern, Louis Bakersfield .... Univ. of Wurzlnirg, Bavaria. . Mar. 8, '78 Apr, 2, '79 1092 Stkvenson, B. E. . . Cerro Gordo. . . Med. Dept. Univ. California. . Nov. 5, '77 Feb. 20, "78 97S Stillvvagon, M. L. Napa City .... Med. College of Pacific, Cal. . . Nov. 6, '79!i\ov. 10, '79 1169 Stillwagon, W. W Napa City .... University of Pacific, Cal Apr. 4, '71 Dec. 27, "76 742 - — Stites, J. a San Francisco. Bellevue Hosp'l Med.Col. N.Y\ Mar. 1, '75 May 17, '77 898 Stitt, Jas. W San Francisco . Bellevue Hosp'l Med.Col. N.Y^ Mar. 1 , '82 .-lept. 1 1 , '82 1371 Stivers, C A Ssaii Fi*anois!Pn Toland Medical College, Cal. Ohio Med. Col., Cincinnati, 0. Univ. Med. College of N. Y. . Mar. '65 ■ ^i"^" ' ^ '~(^ 346 239 Stockton, EliasA. Stockton .... Mar. 1, '53 Mai'. 1, '56 Aug. 19, '76 Stockton, T. C Napa Bellevue Hos. Med. Col. N. Y . Mar. 1, '68 Nov. 21, "76 535 Stone, C. E Stone, Jno. Jero'e Marj'sville .... San Diego Bd. Exams. Med. Soc'y Cal . Dec. 27, "76 Mar. 7, 79 746 1080 Rush Medical College, Illinois Feb. 19, "73 St. Paul, a. M.... San Francisco. Faculty of ]Med. of Pari.s, Fr. . Apr. 8, "73 May 27, '78 1003 Storror, Edward. San Francisco.. Univ. Pennsylvania, Penn. . . . Mar. 14, '63 Nov. 10, '77 959 Stout, Arthur B. . San Francisco . Col. Phys. and S urgeons.N.Y. Mar. 31, '37 June 29, '76 84 ■— Strom, Jas. H . . . . Downey City . . (ieorgia Medical College, Ga . . Mar. 1, "70 May 27, '78 1004 Strong, A Woodland St. Louis Medical College, Mo. , '6 Oct. 12, "76 415 Stronc;, Colin G.. San Francisco.. Indiana Medical College, Ind . Feb. 14, '50 Mar. 7, '79 1081 Strong, (Jeo. W. . . Stuart, A B San Francisco . Santa Ro.sa .... Yale College, Conn .Jan. 11, '55 Mar. 1, '66 Sept. 19, "76 Mar. 2, '77 341 852 Bellevue Hos. Med. Col., N.Y'. Stuart, A. McG, . . Santa Rosa . . . Medical College of Pacific, Cal. Nov. 5, '78 Nov. 25, '78 1059 Sullivan, Jas. F. . San Francisco.. Harvard University, Mass. . . . Mar. 6, '81 Dec. 27, "76 743 Summers, G. Mc. . . San Francisco . . Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. Nov. 1, '76 Dec. 6, '76 610 Summers, Jno. F. . . Bodie Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal.. Cal. -Mo. Med. College, St. Louis, Mo Nov. 7, '78 Mar. 11, '74 V^ov 1 5 '78 1052 Surbaugh, J. T. . . Oak Dale Nov. 21, '76 532 ~— Sweetland, Wm. P San Diego Bellevue Hosp. Med. Col. N.Y. Mar.—, '76 Dec. 27, '76 744 Swisher, J. R. . . Santa'Rosa . . . . Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. Nov. 5, '77 Nov. 10, '77 960 PHYSICIANS AND SUEGEONS NAME. Tabor, Isaac ..... Taggart, J. H Taliaferro, A. W. Tallon, Johx Edw. Taylor, E. C Taylor, Wm. 0. . . . Taylor, W. S Thayer, Orson V . Thom, W. a., Jr. . Thompson, Albert. Thomp.son, Isaac. Thompson, Wm. F. Thomson, Herbert Thorne, Walters. Thornton, P. H... Thorwarth, J. F . . TiBBITTS, StEPH. M. TiERXEY, E. P Titus, Frank H . . . Titus, Isaac S Todd, F. Walton. . Todd, T.M Todd, Wm Toland, Ch.\s. G . . TOOLEY, L. P towndrow, w. n . Traftox, a Trask", Edward . . . Trembly, J B Trenkle, Emil TRE.SCOT, Ed.H Tri.mmer, 0. S Tucker, Jo.seph E. Turner, Jared .... Turner, J. T TURNBULL, F. W. . . TUTTLE, A. J Tuttle, H. P Twitchell, W. L. . Tyler, A. W Tyrrel.Gerrard G Underwood, T. E. Urich, Jos. H V.4.LENCIA, Domingo Valentine, H. W RESIDENCE. Newcastle San Bei'iiavdino San Rafael .... San Francisco. San Francisco. San Francisco. Livermore .... San Francisco . . San Francisco. . San Bernardino Michigan Bluff. Jiine 9, Apr. 3, Meilical Col. of Vermont, Vt. . Rush Med. College, Illinois. . . Univ. Pennsylvania, Penn .... Med. Dept. Univ. Pennsylva'a Mar. 14, Bd. Ex. Med. Society of Cal Bellevue Hosp. Med. Col. N.Y. Mar. 1, Jefferson Med. Col. Penn jMar. 11, Vermont Medical College, Vt. June 10, Paris, France Eureka San .Jose Lakeport Smith River. . . San Francisco . San Francisco . Guatemala . . . . San Francisco . Stockton Auburn Sutter Creek . . San Francisco . Wiutei's Buchanan Dixon Santa Monica. . Oakland ■San Francisco . Horuitos Salinas City . . . Alameda San Jose Mariposa San Diego San Francisco. . Salinas City . . . Alameda AiToyo Gi'ande. Sacramento . . . San Diego Geyserville. . . . San Francisco.. Nevada City . . DIPLOMA FROM CERTIFICATE ISSUED. Med. Col. State of Virginia,Va. University Michigan, Michigan Bovvdoiu College, Maine Medical College of Pacific, Cal. Bellevue Hosp'i Med. Col. N.Y. Bowdoin Medical College, Me. Bellevue Hosp'i Med. Col ,N.Y. Med. D. Univ. of Louisville, Ky St. Jos. Hos. Med. College, Mo. Berkshire Medical Col. , Mass . . Bd. Ex. Med. Society of Cal. . Medical College of Pacific, Cal. West. Res. M.Col. Cleveland,0. Cincinnati Medical College, 0. Miami Medical College, Ohio. . Rush M edical College, Illinois. Toland Medical College, Cal. St. Louis Medical College, Mo. Iowa State Medical College, lo. Board Exam. Med. Society, Cal. Board Exam. Med. Society, Cal. Cleveland Med. College, Ohio. University of Goettingen, Prus Med. Col. of Suth Carolina . . . Cleveland Medical College, 0. Med. Dep. Univ. N. Y., N. Y. Castleton Medical College, Vt. Toland Med. Col. of California. Jefferson Med. College, Penn.. Geneva Medical College, N. Y Toland Medical College, Cal. . . Maine M. Col. , Me St. Louis Medical College, Mo. Royal Col. of Surgeons, Ireland Queen's Col. of Phys., Ireland. Univ. of Pennsylvania, Penn. Ohio Medical College, Ohio . . . In. deCiencias del E.de J. Mex. Med. Bil. New Brunswick, Can. Mar. 4, Mar. 30, May 20, Nov. 2, Mar. 1, July 6, '"'. Mar. 2, Mar. — , Mar. 14, Dec. 28, Oct. 12, May 17, Aug. 19, Oct. 25, Dec. 13, Dec. 20, Dec. 27, May 17, June 29, Aug. 19, June 10, 76 76 NO. Nov. 2, Feb. 23, Mar. 3, Nov. 2, Fel). 2, Nov. — , Mar. 15, Feb. 28, Feb. — , .July 18, Mar. — Feb. 20, Nov. — , Nov. 1, Nov. 10, .June 5, Nov. — , May IS, Mar. 8, Apr. 15, Oct. 22, Mar. 24, Dec. 5, May 23, 420 884 246 1038 76, 636 76 680 76 752 77 896 89 245 975 May 17, '77 Nov. 21, June 3, Aug. 19, Dec. 13, Oct. 25, June 29, Nov. 21, Nov. 21, Sep. 19, Aug. 19, Nov. 21, Aug. 21, Nov. 21, Aug. 19, Feb. 12, Nov. 21, May 27, June 29, Mar. 2, June 29, Nov. 21, Aug. 21, Aug. 19, Dec. 20, Jan. 6, Aug. 16, Sept. 19, Sep. 19, Nov. 13, Aug. 19, Oct. 9, Oct. 12, Aug. 19, Dec. 6, '76 545 '79 1104 227 635 1039 88 548 546 349 248 542 1130 76 543 '76 247 '77 835 '76 547 '78 1008 '76 90 '77 853 '76 92 '76 544 '79 1129 '76 250 '76 679 'SO 1189 '82 1365 '76 350 '76 351 '82 1386 '76 249 '82 1377 '76 421 '76 251 '76 611 38 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF NAME. RESIDENCE. DIPLOMA FROM. Vance, J.M VAXDERrooL, Mary F. . . Yacx, E. P.. Tax Valkexbirg, C. C. . VaxZandt, Jno.W. VanZaxdt, J. W. Jr. Vercoe, James .... Verhave, a Vincent, Frank VoELLER, Herman. VoiGT, Carl VOIGT, W. C Von Geldern,Chas Von Hoffman, C. a. voorhies, a. h . . . Vroman, Martin . . Wadley, G. L Wadsworth, CD. wac4ner, j. d Wagner, John Waggoner, Ellet J Walker, David Suisun City . . . San Francisco . Santa Cruz .... Hauford Bodie San Francisco.. Little Stoney . . Oakland San Francisco. , Sacramento . . San Fi'ancisco San Francisco Sonoma San Francisco . San Francisco . Santa Ana . . . . Lincoln Sebastopol . . . . Fresno San Francisco . St. Helena . . . . Nortonville . ■' DATED CERTIFICATE | ^Q. ISSUED. i Walker, -John — Wall, W. B Walshe, James . . . Wanzer, L. M.F.. Warburton, H. H. Warburton, J. p. . Ward, Daniel W. . Ward, EmmaC. (now Emma W. Edwards. W.\rd, W. W Washington, W. A. W^aters, John W. . " Watts, Xelson . . . Wayland, Jos. F. . Webb, James P Web.ster, L. R . . . . Weeks, Freeman L Wefelsburg, Alex B. VON. . . Sonera Orange Mis. of S. Jose San Francisco. Santa Clara . . . San Francisco . Oregon Bd. Exams. Med. Soc'y of Cal Willamette University, Oregon Med. D. Univ. of Louisville, Ky Med. D. Univ. of :Mich., Mich Col. Phys. and Surg., N Med. Col. Pacific, California . . Michigan Col. of Med., Mich. . Com. M. E. Amsterdam, N. Hoi Med. Col. of Pacific, Cal Med. Col. of Pacific, Cal Bd. Exam'rs Med. Soc'y of Cal- Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. Brd. Exams. Med. Soc'y Cal . . University of Leipsic, Saxony. Med. Dept. Univ. of Pa., Pa. . . University of Iowa, Iowa Bd. Exam. Med. Soc. Cal Med. Dep. Wooster Univ., 0. . University of Xashville, Tenn. Medical College of Pacific, Cal. Long Island Hos. College, N. Y- Queen's University, Ireland . . . PiOj'al Col. Surgeons, Ireland'. . University of Maryland, Md. . JefiFerson Medical College, Pa. University of Louisiana, La. . . Med. Dep. University of Cal . . Brd. Exams. Med. Soc'y, Cal. Faculty of Ph. and S., Scotland Medical Col. of the Pacific, Cal Apr. 24, Mar. — , Mar. 27, Mar. 7, Nov. 2, Mar. 3, May 22, Nov. 5, Nov. 9, '82 '75 '78 '51 '76 '81 '50 '78 '76 Nov. May 26, Mar. 15, Feb. 26, Berkeley. Weiss. E. M Weldon, W. E. . . . Wklgls, Lorenzo. Welch, Henry S. . AVells, Geo. M. . . . Hornitos Stockton San Francisco , Chico ... Chico San Francisoo Grass V^alley. San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco. San Francisco Woodland. . . . Nevada Sonoma Feb. 28, Mar. 1, Nov. — , June 27, Oct. 7, May 21, Mar. 1, Mar. — , Mar. 20, Nov. 1, '74 '73 '72 '78 '56 '57 "71 '53 '61 '76 Dec. 13, Jan. 10, Dec. 20, Feb. 14, Jan. 7, Mar. 21, Dec. 16, Oct. 12, Nov. 15, Nov. 21, Dec. 20, Nov. 10, Nov. 29, Nov. 21, Jan. 12, Nov. 21, Dec. 13, Sep. 19, Feb. 13, Sep. 19, .June 16, Woman's Med. Col , N. Y. In. University Pennsylvania. Penn Medical College of Virginia. Va- Jefferson Med. College, Penn.. Med. Dept. West. Res. Col., 0. Louisville University, Ky Royal Col. Ph., Edinburg, Scot University of New York, N. Y. Toland Medical College, Cal . . N. 0. School of Medicine, La. Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., Cal. Medical College of Pacific, Cal. Bd. Ex. Mod. Society of Cal. . Bellevue Hos'l Med. Col., N.Y. Medical College of Virginia, Va. Aug. 11, Nov. 5, '7 Tune 15, Mar. — , Mar. 9, Mar. 11, Feb. 21, Mar. 2, May 29, Mar. — , Mar. 7, Mar. 15, Nov. 5, Nov. 6, '64 S-^ ^ / '70 '36 '58 '75 '65 '55 '66 '64 '65 '70 "77 '79 '76 '83 '76 '81 '79 77 '81 '76 '78 '76 '76 '79 '76 '76 '81 '76 '76 '76 '82 '76 '80 638 1408 681 1275 1068 871 1324 422 1053 550 682 1171 579 549 1268 551 639 354 1332 357 1219 Aug. 16, Dec. 27, Aug. 19, Feb. 12, Nov. 21, Nov. 21, Aug. 21, Nov. 15, July 10, May 27, Aug. 19, Aug. 19, Dec. 12, Nov. 21, Nov. 21, Jan. 10, Sep. 19, June 29, Dec. 12, '77 Mar. 1, Mar. 5, '66 July 17, Jan. 6, Aug. 19, June 29, Sept. 19, '79 •80 '76 '76 '76 928 758 263 1415 553 559 1132 1054 1357 1005 258 259 970 557 552 797 353 95 096 1118 1191 264 99 361 PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. 39 RESIDENCE. Wells, Wm. H. . . . Well,s, Wm. R Wemple, E. L West, J. M Westfall, a Westlake, G. W . . Wetmore, C. H.. . Whaley, Frank. S Wheeler, C. H. . . Wheeler, Peter . Whipple, J. M. . . White, Geo. A . . . Whitaker, J. M.. Whitney, J. D. . . Whittell, a. P . . . Whittemore, Saml Whitwell,W.S.Jr WiDNEY, J.P WiGAND, Theodore Wilder, A. M Wilhite, W. J Wilhelm, August. WiLKINS, E. T Williams, G. W. . . Williams, Jas. B. . Williams, Lucius E Williams, Robt. E. Williams, W. A. . . WiLLEY, John M. . . DIPLOMA FROM Dixon Petaluma Antioch Red Bluff San J ose Red Bluff Napa Compton San Francisco . . West Oakland . Saratgoa Sacramento . . . Los Angeles . . . San Francisco. Mendocino . . . Del Norte Co. . San Francisco . Los Angeles. . . Petaluma San Francisco . Modesto San Fi-ancisco . Napa , Kingsburg San Francisco. Richland San Francisco . San Francisco. WiLLSON, J. D Wilson, Melv. W. Wilson, William. . Winchester, Edcj'r Winchester, Robt Winder, Wm. A. . Wing, F. B. H. . . . WiNGARD, E. V . . . Winn, Smith E. . . Winston, J. B.. . . Winter, Wash. G Wiss,C W Gustave Wise, K. D WiTHERSPOON, WD Wood, Enos P Wood, Franklin A Wood, Orrin C. . . . DATED CERTIFICATE ^Q. ISSUED. ' Rush Medical College, Illinois. Feb. — , Harvard University, Mass .... — — — , Medical College of Pacific, Cal. Nov. 4, Rush Medical College, Illinois. Jan. 27, Col. P. and S., Keokuk, Iowa. Feb. 15, Medical College of Ohio, Ohio. Mar. 1, Berkshire Medical Col., Mass. Nov. 22, Berkshire Medical Col., Mass. Nov. 0, Ohio Medical College, Ohio Mar. 1 , Col. Phys. and Surgeons,N.Y. Apr. 12, Bd. Exams. Med. Soc'y Cal Jefferson Med. Col. Pennsyl'a Med. D. Dartmouth Col., N.H. Med. Dept. Univ. of Pac, Cal. Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal.. Cal. Med .Dep. Univ. of Mich, Mich. Harvard Med. Col. , Mass Toland Medical College, Cal. University of Marburg, Prussia Georgetown University. D . C . . Med. Dep. Iowa Univ., Iowa . Med. Bd. Baden, Car lsruhe,Ger Memphis Med. College, Tenn . . Medical College of Pacific, Cal- Medical College of Pacific, Cal Rush Med. College, Illinois. . . Med. D.Georgetown Col., D. C. Medical College of Pacific, Cal *n«^?,.Qv.r.;^,r.r^ J Royal College Surgs., Ireland oan r rancisco St- ,-, i» r, ri a r ni Licentiate and Ac.,K.CS.irel cl San Francisco . Med. College of Pacific, Cal Dutch Flat Castleton Med. Col., Vermont. Willows Bd. Ex. Med. Society of Cal. . San Bernardino Jefferson Medical College, Pa. Santa Barbara. Bowdoin College, Maine . San Diego Col. Phy. & Sur. Keokuk, Iowa San Francisco. State University of Iowa, Iowa. San Francisco.. Med. D.Georgetown Univ. D.C Almaden Belle vue Hosp. Med. Col. N.Y, Los Angeles. . . Med. Dep. Univ. Penn., Penn. San Francisco . Medical Col. of the Pacific, Cal. San Francisco.. Univ. of Wurzburg, Bavaria Los Angeles. . . .Jefferson Med. College, Penn.. Snelling Univ. of New York, N. Y. Auburn Rush Medical College, Illinois Santa Bai'bara . Harvard Med. College, Mass Riverside Med. Bd. of Upper Canada . '49 ',34 '73 '64 'G9 '66 '64 '44 '75 '66 Mar. 12, May 10, Mar. 12, Nov. J 8, Mar. 27, Tune 26, Oct. 2, Oct. 15, Mar. 11, Feb. 9, Dec. 8, Feb. 28, Nov. 8, Nov. 6, Feb. 16, Mai. 10, Nov. 6, May — , May — , Nov. — , June — , '70 '64 '63 '73 '61 '72 '66 '73 '63 '67 '60 '61 '81 '77 '75 70 '77 Apr. 17, Jan. 10, Sept. 19, Sept. 13, Sep. 26, Sep. 19, June 27, June 29, Jan. 7, Aug. 19, Dec. 27, Aug. 19, Aug. 19, Sept. 19, Nov. 21, July 17, Dec. 27, Aug. 19, Mar. 21, May 27, Sep, 19, Dec. 20, Dec. 27, Apr. 10, Nov. 10, Apr. 10, Dec. 27, .Jan. 12, '48 '48 '73 '52 Mar. 8, Aug. 1, Feb. 17, Mar. 6, Mar. 1, Mar. 1, Mar. ~ , Nov. 5, July 11, .Mar. 1, Mar. — , Feb. 22, '77 '77 '76 '80 '7' '76 '81 '76 '79 '76 •'76 '76 '76 '76 '76 '79 '76 76 '77 '78 '76 '76 '76 '82 '77 '78 '76 '81 Feb. 12, '77 Aug. 19, '76 Nov. 21, '76 Dec. 20, .'76 Aug. 19, '76 Aug. 19, '76 Oct. 12, '76 June 29, '76 Nov. 13, '82 Oct. 22, '79 Jan. 6, '80 Nov. 15, '78 Nov. 21, '76 Sep. 19, "76 Jan. 10, '77 Aug. 19, '76 Dec. 20, "76 Apr. 15, '53!Mar. 7, '79 883 795 360 1232 937 362 1296 97 1067 255 759 257 262 356 556 1113 754 260 868 1007 355 683 756 1342 961 987 757 1269 836 261 555 686 252 253 423 96 1388 1152 1190 1055 554 363 796 254 684 1082 40 OFFICFAL CATALOGUE OF NAME. WooBiLL, Alfred H Woods, Reuben . . . WooLFORD, Jos. L. WooLsEY, Elliot H Woo.sTER, David . . WORSHAM, LUDSON. WORTHEN, H.W. A. WoRTHINGTON,C. N. worthington, h. . wozencraft, 0. m. Wrenn, Johx Q Wight, A. W . . . WvTHE, Joseph H . yocum, johk h. . Young, B. )S Young, Junius D Young, J. Phil. . Young, M. W. . . Younger, Wm. J RESIDENCE. Riverside Oakland Nortonville . . . Anstin, Texas. San Francisco . Australia Placerville . . . . Austin, Texas. Los Angeles. . . San Francisco.. Georgetown . . . San Francisco. . San Francisco. Anaheim Santa Rosa . . . Stockton . . . . ^ Tulare Rowlands San Francisco . DIPLOMA FRCM DATED CERTIFICATE ISSUED. Col. Phys. and Surgeons, N.Y.jMar. 18 Bellevue Hos. Med. Col., N.Y.'Mar. 1 Jefferson Medical Coll ege,Penn Mar. 12 BufiFalo Med. University, N. Y. — West. Reserve Med. Col., Ohio Feb. 21 Med. Dep. Univ. N. Y., N. Y.^Feb. 18 Transylvania Univ., Lex., Ky. University of Louisville, Ky . . Col. Phys. and Surgeons, N.Y. Louisville Med. Institute, Ky . Med. CcL of Ohio, Ohio Royal Col. of Sur., London, Eng|Aug, 26 Philadelphia Col., Med. Pa.. July la i Med. Dep. Univ .Pennsylvania Mar Mar. — Mar. — Mar. 3 Apr. 3 Mar. 2 Rush Medical College, Illinois. Med. Dep. Univ. California. . . Jefferson Medical College, Pa. Feb. 17 Nov. 7 Mar. 30 CoL Phys. & Sur., Keokuk, lo. Feb. 14 Col. P. and S., Keokuk, Iowa. | Mar. 1 Med. Dept. Umv. of Pac.^ Cal. Mar. 13 '66, Apr. 9, '661 Dec. 27, '73, Aug. 9, '6SJAug. 19, '49 1 Nov. 29, July 17, Sep. 19, Aug. 16, June 29, Sep. 17, Oct. 10, Nov. 13, Sept. 19, Nov. 21 , Nov. 29, Mar. 12, 'S3 Nov. 13, Nov. 14, Dec. 27, '82 '81 '76 NO- 1430 753 1022 256 580 1109 358 929 98 1139 1305 1387 359 560 581 1422 1389 1313 760 i^iljj LICENTIATES WHOSE CERTIFICATES HAVE BEEN REVOKED, Because of Unprofessional Conduct, in accordance with provisions of Section lo of the orieinal Law, and Section 4 of the amended Law. RESIDENCE. DIPLOMA FROM *Bentley. a. .Jro'NjSanta Clara . . McCarthy, Thos.. San Francisco tMlNTIE, A. E Qiixr.AN, W. J. . . . R V A L , ^^' 00 OMAN w Speak. H. J San Francisco. San Francisco . Santa Rosa. . . . San Francisco. Rush Med. College, Illinois. . . Bellevue Hosp'l Med. Col. N.Y. University of Pennsylvania. . . University of Buffalo, N. Y. . . Bowdoin Medical College. Me. Harvard Med College, Mass . . Feb. 19, '52 Rexoked Oct. 1, '71 Revoked Mar. 13, '69 Revoked CERTIFICATE ISSUED. Xov. 29, '76 Jan. 13, '77 Jan. 10, '77 Sep. 24, '7ti May 17, '77 Sept. 26, '77 Feb. 23, '76 Sep. 19, '76 Revoked iJuly 11, "77 Aug. 4, '63 Revoked Feb. 11, '7+ Revoked Dec. 6, '76 Sep. 26, '77 Dec. 20, "76 July 11, '77 NO. 561 783 885 334 607 675 "Dr. G. .1. Bestlev, having- rectified his professional conduct, was, upon application, after the lap.se of the time i-equired by law, sfranted another certificate + Dr. A. E. MixTiE was subsequently arrested for practicing without a license, and, upon trial, the Court decided that his license was not leg-ally revoked, having been done by Elvecutive Committee of the Board, although subsequently ratified by the Board. DECEASED MEMBERS. Naiue. Residence. AuBERT, J. M San Francisco. Baker, Martin Oregon. Bamford, William Oakland . Bogle, James A Visalia. BRADBrRY, W. T San Francisco. Brinkerhoff, vS. B .Santa Barbara. Brown, C. Y Jackson. Bruns, Christian San Francisco. BuRTNETT, J.N Santa Ana. Barton, C. C Los Angeles. Castelman A. L San Jose. Chamberlin, Phelps San Francisco. Chapman, C. B San Francisco. Chase, Tt. C Downieville. Cheney, W. F Chico. Coleman, C. S San Leandro. CooKE, W. T Santa Rosa. Cuxnin<'HAM, J. S Visalia. Coates, Isaac T Los Angeles. Craven, Jas. T Los Angeles. Demarest, J. D San Francisco. Elliott, T.J San Francisco. Harris, S. R San Francisco. Hem pel, Gustavcs Folsom. Henderson, Wm Chico. Herriman, W. S Sacramento. Hoff, Oliver San Francisco. Holbrook, Chas. E Arizona. HoLSCLAW, B. F Moore's Flat. Hubbard, H. H San Francisco. Hudson, L. E Oakland. Langdon, Samuel Stockton. Leal, J . H Los Angeles. Name. Residence. MacDougal, B\ a Los Angeles. Matson, E. a Sonora Maxwell, R. T San Francisco. Mehring, a. B Yisalia. Morse, J. C Point Arena. Morse, J. C Point Arena. Nichell, C. F. a San Francisco. O'Neil, a. a San Fruncisco. Parry, Isaac San Francisco. Patheiger, Franz San Francisco. Pressley, J . F San Jose. Prevost, J. R San Francisco. Renninger, a. C San Francisco. Robertson, J. B Yreka. Robertson, J. C San Francisco. Ruebar, J. B. R San Francisco. Scott, J. T. H Lodi. Sharp, Wm Jackson. Sherman, Qi. E Oakland. Spillane, J. P San Francf? co. Stanway, T. S Los Angeles. Stewart, A. J Petaluma. Stone, E. P Oakland. Toland, H. H San Francisco. Tompkins, Ed. A Grass Valley. Thomas, S. P Sacramento. Van Vlack, G. J San Francisco. Van Wyck, J. C Oakland. W.4RFIELD, J. B San Francisco. Wayman, W. G San Francisco. White, Elijah San lirancisco. Whitney, J. P San Francisco. Wythe, W. T San Francisco, HOMCEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. The following- is a list of all who have received a License from the Board of Examiners of the " California State Medical Society of Homoeopathic Practitioners," in accordance with the Law of 1876, numbering from i to 103. RESIDENCE. Adams, Z. T Angell, J. W. . . . Arnold, Rawdon. . Baldwin, S. C Barnes, Geo. W. . . Barrett, Ella M. Beach, Geo, H. . . . Bearby, Jennie M. Bennett, Wm Berry, John F. . . . Brey'fogle, C. W. . Breyfogle, E. S. . . Burr, Agnes C . . . . Burritt, Frances . Canney, F E. J. . . Cari'enter, H. F. . Cauch, Kobert . . . Chapman, 8aml. E. Charles, E. W. . . . Chitkchill, F. a. . Clark, J. K COWELL, J. M CowLEs, Samuel . . Coxhead, T. C . . . . Cross, Lester E. . . Cross, Samuel N. . Crooks, Edwin W Dean, Timothy. . . , Dixon, Geo. M *DoBsoN, Abel ... tDRAPER, ClIAS. F Eckel, John N. . . Elliott, L. W. . . . Ely, W. a Fernandez, M. V. Fetterman, W. VV Floto, John H . . . Frazer, Edwin J . Fuller, James P. Gettier, Chas. p. DIPLOMA FROM. Coulterville Napa Cit y . Oakland San Francisco . San Diego Oakland Los Angeles. . . Sacram'to City. San Francisco . Modesto San Jose San Francisco . Astoria, Oregon Santa Cruz. . . San Francisco Vallcjo Carpenteria, Lower Cal. Forest Hill .... Nevada City . . Oakland San Francisco . San Francisco . San Francisco . Oakland Stockton Stockton Sauta Barbara. Ellis, Al'nula Co Chicago, 111. . . Grass Valley . . Oakland Sail Francisco. Stockton St. Helena .... Los Angeles . . . Bent'n,MonoCo San Francisco. 'San Francisco Sonoma Homoeopathic Med. Col. N. Y. Bd. Cal. Med. Soc. Horn. Prac. Bd. Cal. Med. Soc. Horn. Prac. Hahnemann M. Col. Chic, 111. W. Horn. M. Col. Cleveland, 0. Horn. Med. Col., Philad'a, Pa. Hom. Med. Col., N. Y., N.Y. Hospital Col., Cleveland, Ohio Bd. Cal. Med. Soc. Hom. Prac. Bd. Cal. Med. Soc. Hom. Prac. Hahnemann M. Col. Phila. Pa. Hahnemann M. Col. Phila. Pa. Bd. Cal. Med. Soc. Hom. Prac. Hom.W. M. Col. Cleveland, 0. Hahn. Med. Col., Chicago. 111. Bd. Cal. Med. Soc. Hom. Prac. Hahn. Meil. Col., Chicago, 111. Hom. Med. Col., Cleveland, 0. St. Louis Medical College, Mo. Michigan Univ., Med. Dept. . . Hom. Med. College, Phila., Pa. Hahn. Med. Col., Phila., Pa.. Hom. Med. College of Pa., Pa. Hom. W. M. Col. Cleveland, 0. Hom. Med. Col Missouri, Mo. Pulti Hom. M. Col., Cin.,Ohio Pulti Hom. M. Col., Cin.,Ohio Bd. Cal. Med. Soc. Bom. Prac. Hom. Med. Col. of N.Y., N.Y. Bd. Cal. Med, Soc. Hom. Prac. Univ. Med. and Sur. Phila. Pa. St. Louis Col. P. & S.(Hon.) Mo. Hahn. Med. Col., Chicago, 111. Univ. Med. & S., N. Y., N.Y Bd. Cal. Med. Soc. Hom. Prac. Hahn. Med. Col. Philad'a, Pa. AUentown Hom. Med. Col. Pa Hahn. Med. Col., Chicago, 111 Mich. Hom. Med. Col. Lansing '51 Feb. 14, '72 , '54 CERTIFICATE j^Q^ ISSUED. Dec. H), Oct. 17, Dec. 19, Dec. 27, Nov. 21, Jan. 22, Dec. 19, Aug. 14, Dec. 30, Dec. 27. Aug. 15, Aug. 15, Oct. 17, Dec. 19, Aug. 15, Dec. 27, Feb. 22, '77 Apr. 17, Feb. 11, 14 Sep. 19, Oct. 17, Aug. 14, Nov. 17, Sep. 19, Nov. 21, Jan. 22, Nov. 21, Apr. 4, Oct. 17, Dec. 19, Dec. 27, Sept. 19, Aug. 19, Oct. 17, Dec. 19, Dec. 19, Sept. 19, Mar. 11, '72lAug. 14, Mar. 29, '71 Feb. 28, '54 May 24, '77 Feb. 3, '69 , '75 '76 '76 '76 '76 '76 '77 '76 '77! '76 1 '76| '761 '76| '76| '76 '76 '76 '77 '77 '76 50 21 47 66 36 78 67 95 73 49 3 4 24 69 Ij 74 84 101 22 '77 100 '76 j 40 .Suisun (^ity... Horn. Med. College of N. Y. , '3/ Feb. 23, '72 , '67 Nov. 21, Oct. 17, Aug. 15, Dec. 19, "76 '76 '77 '76 '78 '76 '76 '76 '76 '76 '76 76 '76 '76 '77 '76 '76 '76 '76 11 33 82 44 102 19 55 65 1 90 27 63 64 2 96 35 18 5 51 PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS 43 RESIDENCE. Griswold, W. N. . . Hempstead, W.C. F- Henry, A.saG Hess, Alex HiLLER, Fredk. Jr. HiLLER, F., Sr. . . HOLLETT, MaTTIE. . Howard, John R . . Howe, Philip HuGHSON, Wm. a. . Hummer, John H. . Humphrey, Otis M. HURLBUT, E. T. M Ingraham,Edw'dH Ives, Mary E Kellogg, JennieL. Kelly, L. E KlOER, T. C Kimball, Edwin . . KiRKPATRICK, J. C. KiRKUp, Edwin. . . Levanway, VVm. a. Lewis, Dio LoEWEN, Chas. S. . Long, Geo. E LooMis, Wm. H. . . . *Lyons, H. H Moltz, Jacob Moore, J. M Nicholson, L S. . . . Palmer, Geo. H. . . Paulson, P. W.... Pinkham, Chas. E. Porter, Stephen. . Rice, Hyland W. . Rice, Wm. H ..... . RisDON, A. D Rowlands, Emma. , RozsAs, Hugo . Rudolph, Saml. F Savage, C. W Savage, S. L Seeley, cm Shepherd, J. S . . . Shorb, Andrews. Smith, E. D Smith, W^m. J. . . . DIPLOMA FROM San Francisco . OiikLmd Sacramento . . . Alameda San Francisoo . San Francisco . Los Angeles . . Oakland Santa Ana .... Sacramento . . . .San J ose Los Angeles. . . Santa Rosa . . . Amity, Oregon San Francisco . Sacram'to Citj'. Oakland S. Buenavent'ra Haywards Los Angeles . . . Punta Arenas. . Oakland Suisun City. . . . San Francisco. Chico Alameda Oakland Sacramento. . . Australia Oakland San Francisco . San Francisco. Sacramento . . . Napa City. . . . San Bernardino San Bernardino Salem, Oregon. San Francisco . Portland, Ogn. Oakland Marysville . . . Santa Rosa . . , San Fi'ancisco Petaluma .... Los Angeles. . San Francisco San Francisco DATED Feb. ii, '74 Mar. 4, '40 CERTIFICATE ISSUED. NO. , '5o May -20, '70 July 14, '62 , '75 Apr. 9, '77 Mar. 9, '76 , '57 Feb. 14, 77 Castleton Medical College, III. Hom. Med. Col. Missouri, Mo. Col. Phys. & S., Syracuse, N.Y. Bd. Cal. Med. Soc. Hom. Prac. Hahn. Med. Col. Phila'da, Pa. Fred'k William Inst , Prussia. Cleveland Hos. College,. Ohio. Hom. Med. Col., Philad'a, Pa. Eclectic Med. Col., Cin., Ohio. Med. D. Victoria Col. Ont.Can. Hahn. Med. Col. Chicago, 111. L.Isl. Hos. Col. Brooklyn, N.Y. Univ. of Buffalo, New York. Hahn. Med. Col. Chicago, 111. Hom. Med. Col. Detroit, Mich. Woman's Col. and Hos., N. Y. Hahn. Med. Col. Philad'a. Pa. West'n Med. Col. Cleveland, 0. Bd. Cal. Med. Soc. Hom. Prac. Hom. Hos. Col., Clevelan<1, 0. Bd. Cal. Med. Soc. Hom. I'rac. Hom. Med. Col. Pennsylvania. Wes. Hom.M.Col.CIevelaiid,0. Univ. Munich, Bav., (jlermauy Phys. Med. Inst. Cincinnati, Hahn. Med. Col., Chicago, 111 Hom. Hos. Col., Cleveland, 0. Hahn. Med. Col., Chicago, 111. Univ. of Edinburgh, England. Med. Dep. Un Louisiana,N.O. Hom. Med. Col. of N. Y., N.Y. Bd. Cal. Mid. Soc. Hom. Prac. Eclectic Med. Col. Pennsylva'a Hahn. Med. Col. , Chicago, 111. Hahn. Med. Col., Phila'da, Pa. Hahn. Med. Col., Chicago, 111. Bd. Cal. Med. Soc. Hom. Prac. Bd. Cal. Med. Soc. Hom. Prac. Univ. Munich, Bav., Germany Univ. Wortzburg, Bav., Ger. . Hom. Med. Col. Missouri, Mo. Hom. Med. Col. Missouri, Mo. Bd. Cal. Med. Soc. Hom. Prac. Hom. Med. Col. Pennsylvania. Bd. Cal. Med. Sos. Hom. Prac. Bd. Cal. Med, Soc. Hom. Piac. Eclectic Med. Col. N.Y. , N.Y May 6, '67 , '54 , '51 Mar. 24, "52 73 Feb. 28, '65 Apr ■/, 68 Sep. 12, '47 , '66 Oct. 17, ' Oct. 17, Apr. 17. Dec. 19, Oct. 17, Oct. 17, Dec. 19, Feb. 15, Apr. 17, Nov. 21, Dec. 19, Feb, 15, Sep. 19, Dec. 27, Jan. 22, Aug., 14, Apr. 17, Dec. 19, Nov. 21, Apr. 17, Oct. 17, Nov. 21, Aug. 14, Jan. 22, Dec. 27, Dec. 19, Nov. 21, Dec. 19, Oct. 17, Oct. 17, Apr. 4, Dec. 19, Aug. 14, Dec. 19, Dec. 19, Sept. 19, Nov. 21, Dec. 27, Jan. 22, Oct. 17, Oct. 17, Sep. 19, Dec. 27, Sept. 19, Oct. 17, Feb. 15, Aug. 14, 76 76 77 76 76 76 '76 "77 77 '76 76 77 76 '76 '76 76 '77 76 '76 77 '77 '76 76 76 '76 76 '76 76 '76 77 '76 76 '76 76 '76 '77 '76 76 76 76 76 76 77 '7' 1 44 OFFICFAL CATALOGUE OF NAME. RESIDENCE. DIPLOMA FROM DATED CERTIFICATE ISSUED. NO- 88 77 f Snell, E San Jose Bodie Col. Med. Society Horn. Prac , . Mom. Med. Board of Canada. Dec. 19, '76 Jan. IS, '77 Stevenson, E July 3, '60 Stimp.son, S. F. . . . Strong, Chas. H . . Thiese, a. a Thomfson, ( Jhas. H. Thomson, H. L . . . . TiSDALE, T. P Plymouth San Francisco.. San Francisco. Santa Rosa . . . San Francisco. Honolulu Bd. Cal. Med. Soc. Hom. Prac. Horn. Med. Col., Cleveland, 0. Bd. Cal. Med. Soc. Hom. Prac. Hom. Med. Col. Pennsylvania. Hd. Cal. Med. Soc. Horn. Prac Wes. Hom . M. Col .Cleveland , 0. Nov. 21, 76 Apr. 17, '77 Nov. 21, 70 Dec. 27, '76 Dec. 19, '76 Aug. 14, "'77 42 87 30 62 57 94 Mar. 10, '58 Von Ha.sslocher, E. Wells, E. S Werder, Max J. . . Wilson, M. D Wolff, M. A. A. . Worth, Sidney.. . . Wright, A. S. . . Phtvnix, Ariz 'a. Smartsville . . . San Francisco . Oakland San Francisco . San P'rancisco. Santa Rosa. . . . Bd. Cal. Med. Soc. Hom. Prac. Bd. Cai. Med. Soc. Hom. Prac. Hom. Med. Col. Pennsylv.vnia Bd. Cal. Med. Soc. Hom. Prac. Bd. Cal . Med. Soc. Hom, Prac. Hom. Med. Col. N. Y., N. Y. Honi. Med. Col. Pennsylvania. Nov. 21, '76 Dec. 27, 76 Oct. 17, '76 Dec. 27, '76 Oct. 17, '76 Oct. 17, 76 Sep. 10, '76 28 48 39 46 25 38 9 The following is a list of those who have received a License from the Board of Examiners of the California State Honifeopathic Medical Society, in obedience to the law as amended April, | | 1878 (see Sees. 2 an 1 7 of the amended law of 1878), numbering from 1 to 86. Total Homn?o- j | paths, 18i). NAME. RESIDENCE. DIPLOMA FROM DATED CERTIFICATE ISSUED. NO. 12 Allen, Horatio. . . Cherokee, Butte Co. Hahn. Med. Col., Chicago, 111. Feb. 28, '67 July 25, 78 Barbour, N. R. . . . Colusa Hahn. Med. Col. of Phila., Pa. Mar. 10, '81 July 27, '82 74 Boericke, Wm ... San Francisco.. Hahn. Med. Col. of Phila,, Pa. Mar. 10, '80 Dec. 22, '81 64 Bradley, E. W.. . . Oakland Hahn. Med. Col., Chicago, 111. Feb. 28, 79 Dec. 22, '81 63 Bradley, H. L . . . . Oakland West. Hom. Col., Cleveland, 0. Feb. 25, '68 June 26, 79 27 Bradley, L. H . . . . Oakland Hahn. Med. Col., Chicago, 111. Feb. 29, '80 Apr. 20, '80 38 Buck, N. L Oakland Berk. M. Col., Fittsfield, Mass Oct. — , '52 Oct. 7, '80 44 Bumstead, L. J. . . . Santa Barbara. Hahn. Med. Col. of Phila., Pa. Mar. 10, '81 Dec. 21, '82 80 Burritt, Alice .... Sacramento . . . N. Y. Med. Col. Worn en. N. Y. Apr. 10, '79 Oct. 16, 79 30 Bryant, Berryman (iilroy Bot. Med. Col. Memphis.Tenn. , '48 July 22, '78 11 Campbkll, Eugene Los Angeles. . . N. Y. Hom. Med. CoL, N. Y. . Feb. 28, 78 Feb. 22, '83 82 Cauch, Robert Carpenteria . . . Hahn. Med. Col., Chicago, 111. , '77 Nov. 7, '78 15 Chamberlin, M. P. Susanville, Lassen Co Hom. M. Ccl. of Mo., St.Louis Feb. 25, 75 Oct. 16, '79 29 Cham BERLIN, M.A.Mrs. " Hom. M. Col. of Mo., St. Louis Feb. 25, '75 Feb. 19, '80 34 Clark, Elmer A. . San Diego Cleveland Hom. Hos. Col., . . Feb. 14, '70 Sept 28, '82 76 Clow. J. B San Jose Hahn. Med. Col. of Phila., Pa. Mar. 14, '82 May 4, '82 70 Cook, A. (i Los Angeles. . Hahn. Med. Col., Chicago, 111. Feb. 21, '81 Mar. 17, '81 52 *CtJMMINGS, 0. S. . . Honolulu, H. I. Dart. M. Col., Hanover, N. H. Oct. 24, '67 May 9, '78 1 . Currier, Christ. P. San Francisco. Penn. Med. Un, Phila., Penn. Apr. 3, '60 Inly 22, '80 43 Citrtis, Elliott D. ('urtis, Robt. H. . . Bd Ex Cal Hom. Med. Soc. . May 27, 78 San Francisco. Chicago Hom. Med. Col.. 111. . Mar. 1, '80 Mar. 29, '83 84 Dart, Geor(;e Sacramento. . . . Detroit Hom. Col., Michigan.. Feb. 11, 75 Nov. 28, '79 32 Derky, F. F. de. . . San Francisco. Hahn. Med. Col., Chicago, 111. Feb. 28, '61 Dec. 19, '78 17 D'Hancourt, Ant'o Mexico Univ. of Coimbra, Portugal. . . Apr. 14, '57 Apr. 17, '79 21 Dodge, W. Lovell. Los Angeles . . . Harv'd M. Col, Boston, Mass. Mar. 10, '69 May 6, '80 39 PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. 45 NAME. RESIDENCE. DIPLOMA FROM DATED. CERTIFICATE ISSUED. NO. DUHAGON, FrAn'CO. Mazatlan, Mex. Sociedad Hom. Mexicana, Mex. 1 Sep. 25, '80 July 27, '82 73 EsTEN, John Sacramento . . . Bd. Ex. Cal. Hom. Med. Soc. . May 9, '78 6 Fellows, Isaac. . . . Los Angeles . . . Halm. Med. Col., Chicago, 111. Feb. 9, '76 Feb. 20, 79 19 French, H. C San Francisco. Un. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Mar. 30, '65 June 26, '79 24 * Frost, M. A Oakland Castleton Medical College .... Nov. 21, '49. Apr. 17, '79 20 Fuller, J. P Sonoma ...... Hom. College, Lansing, Mich. Feb. 23, '72 May 9, '78 4 Gamble, W. B HoUister Hom. M. Col. Missouri, St. Louis Mar. 2, 'SLJan. 19, '82 66 Chico Un. Michigan, AnnArboi', Mien. Chicago Hom. College, 111 ... . Mar. 28, 77 1 Apr. 6, '82 Apr. 3, '78 June 26, 79 68 Goss, Carrie A . . . . Sacramento. . . 23 Grant, E. F Hannah, Hfj^en M. Pulte Med. Col., Cincinnati, 0. Chicago Hom. Med. CoL,I]l. . . May 24, '77 Dec. 22, '81 Mar. 1, '8rjan. 25, '83 60 81 Oakland Hatch, Henry San Francisco . . Col. of Medicine, London, Eng. Feb. 22, '58 June 29. '82 71 Herrick, L. a . . . . Grass Valley . . Missouri Hom. M.Col. St. Louis Mar. 26, '75 May 4, '82 69 Hill, R.L Oakland Rush Med. Col., Chicago, 111. . Jan. 27, '64' Apr. 7, '81 53 Hor, J. B Visalia Wes. Horn. Col., Cleveland, 0. Feb. — , '55'jan. 27, '81 49 Hudson, A. S Stockton Albany Medical College, N. Y. Jan. 27, '46 Mar. 3, '81 50 Jones, J. B San Luis Obispo Eclectic M. Inst. , Cincinnati, 0. Mar. 6, '51 Sep. 15, '81 56 JOHN.SON, R. B Oakland Habn. Med. Col., Chicago, 111. Feb. 4, 76 Oct. 19, '82 77 Kn 4PP, H Lathrop San Jose Wes. Col. Horn. M.,Cleve'd,0. Hom. Col. Un. Mich,, Ann Arbor Feb. 20, '51 Dec. 22, '81 62 Lambert, Lav'a D. June 30, '81 Nov. 22, '81 59 Lancaster, Jos. L. San Francisco.. Hom. Col. of Philadelphia, Pa. Mar. 4, '57 Nov. 22, '81 58 Lee, Julia A Gi'eenville .... Hom. Col. of Missouri, St. Louis Mar. 11, '80 July 22, '.SO 42 LiPPINCOTT, E Hahn. Med. Col., Phila., Pa . . University Med. Col., N. Y. . . Mar. 10, '73 Mav 31. 78 8 46 Macomber, H. K. Los Angeles . . . Mar. 1, '67 Dec. 23, '80 Martin, G. H Honolulu, H. L Boston Un. Med. School, Mass. June 1, '81 Dec. 22, '81 61 Magee, F. J Nevada Gity. . . Halin. Med. Col., Chicago, 111. Mar. 18, '81 Dec. 21, '82 79 Miller, Jackson. . Los Angeles . . . West. Res. Col., Cleveland, 0. Feb. 4, '69 Dec. 22, '81 65 Miller, Annie L. A. Oakland Hom. Col. Women, Clevel'djO. Feb. 26, '69 Oct. 19, '82 78 Moliere, J. W San Francisco . Detroit Hom. College, Mich. . Feb. 12, '74'june 26, '79 25 Monmonier, J. L. . N.Y. Hom. Med. Col., N. Y.. Mar. 6, '71 Nov. 7, '78 16 Morrison, W. F. . . San Francisco . Hom. M. Col. & Hos.,Ch'go,Ill. Feb. 23, '77 Oct. 30, '70 31 Norton, Annie F.. Sacramento . . . Detroit Hom. Col., Michigan. . June 27, 72 Jan. 22, '80 33 Nichols, Sophr'nia Petaluma Boston Un. Med. School, Mass. Mar. 4, '74 June 26, 79 26 Oliver, C. A S. Buenav'ntura Pnlte Med. Col., Cincinnati, 0. Mar. 4, '80 Apr. 20, '80 37 Oriard. Theodore San Francisco.. Fred. Alex'aUn. Erlangen, Bav. July 23, '53 Oct. 5, '78 14 Owens, J. S Los Angeles . . Hahn. Med. Col., Chicago, 111. Feb. 22, '78 May 3, '83 85 Palacio, Luis G . . . Manzanillo .... Sociedad Med. Hom. Mexicana Aug. 5, '75 May 13, '79 22 Peterson, A. C. . . . San Francisco. . Hahn. Med. Col., Phila., Pa. Mar. 8, '77 Au-. 2, '78 13 Pierce, R. E Boston, Mass. . Boston Un. School Med., Mass. Mar. 5, '79 June 24, '80 41 Pinkham, Chas. E. Sacramento . . . Eclectic Med. Col. Pa., Phila. Apr, 27, '68 July 22, '78 10 Phelps, Joshua . . . Potts, Anna M. L. Santa Barbara. Bd. Ex. Cal. Hom. Med. Soc. . Female Med. Col., Phila., Pa. May 31, 78 Nov. 26, '80 9 45 Dec. 30, '51 Pyburn, Geo Sacramento . . . Wes. Hom. Col., Cleveland, 0. Mar. 2, '59 May 9, '78 2 Raymond, Jonas C. Oakland Hom. Med. Col., Phila., Pa. . . Mar. 3, '51 May 9, '78 5 Russell, Edwin H. Florence Boston Un. Med. School, Mass. Mar. 3, 'SO Feb. 22, '83 S3 Sargent, C. S Lockford Hahn. Med. Col., Phila., Pa.. Mar. 10, '81 Apr. 7, '81 54 ScHULTz, Richard. Hahn. Med. Col, Phila., Pa. . Mar. 9, '70 May 9, '78 3 46 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF NAME. Shore, A. S Simpson, Wm Small, A. E. , Jr. . Spaulding, Jane E. Taylor, R. F Tracy, Mrs. H.M.T. Wakeman, J. A. . . Wall, Brn.j. P.... Webb, E. Cook Wells, SarahE.F. Wilcox, G. W . . . . Wright, H. B RESIDENCE. Los Angeles . . . San Jose Oakland Santa Barbara. Napa City Brentwood . . . . Stockton Oakland San Francisco . San Francisco , Suisun San Francisco DIPLOMA FROM Pulte Med. Col., Cincinnati, 0. L. I. Col Hos., Brooklyn, N. Y. Hahn. Med. Col., Chicago, 111. N.Y. M. Col. for Women, N.Y. Pulte Med. Col., Cincinnati, 0. Horn. M. Col. Women, Cleve'd, Hahn. Hom.M. Col. Phila.,Pa. Hahn. Med. Col., Phila., Pa.. Albany Medical College, N. Y. N.Y.Med. Col. & Hosp. Women Hahn. Med. Col., Chicago, 111. Hahn. Med. Col.,, Chicago, 111. Mar. 4, June 27, Feb. 28, Mar. 1, May 24, Feb. 26, Mar. 1, Mai. 10, Dec. 23. Mar. 25, Mar. 22, Feb. 28, CERTIFICATE ISSUED. 79 June 29, '78 Sep. 15, '66|Jnly 27, 1 65 'Aug. 7, '77 '69 '53 '80 '62 '69 '78 •67 May 3, Jan. 27, May 27, Apr. 8, Apr. 6, .Tan. 6, an. 16, Mar. 17, '82 '81 '82 '79 '83 '81 '80 '80 '82 '81 '79 "81 72 57 75 28 86 48 40 36 67 47 51 18 Deceased. t Revoked. ECLECTIC PHYSICIANS. The following is a list of all who have received a License from the Board of Examiners of the Eclectic Medical Society of this State, in accordance with a Law passed April 3, 1876, and amended April i, 1878 : numbering from i to 266. NAME. Adaik, C. H Addin'gton, D. C. . Albertson, J. a. . . Antonio, Clara. . . Appy, Mrs. H. J. . Avery, Mrs. A. N. Backesto, J. P . . . . Bainebridue, J. A. Baker, Henry. . . . Ballard, Laura.. *Ballou, H.Knapp Banta, William Barkows, Albert. Barrows, Geo. S . . Beakley, John S . . Bixby, a. W Blake, 8elden L. . Bluett, W. H Boullice, W. H. . . Bowers, John M . . Bradford, Chas. S. Bradley, Abel . . . Bryant, J. B RESIDENCE. Colusa Battled-. Mich. San Francisco . San Francisco . Oakland Oakland San Jose Ripon San Joso San Francibco . Santa Barbara. Pleasai>t(irove. Oakland San Jose New York . . . , Watsonville . . San Francisco Oakland Compton San Jose Elk Grove. . . . Grangeville . . San Jose DIPLOMA FROM. DATED University of Philadelphia, Pa Dec. 12, ' BennettEc.M.Col.,Chicago,Ill. Hahn. Med. Col. of Phila,, Pa- License California Medical College, Cal. California Med. College, Cal. . Eclectic M. Ins., Cincinnati, 0. Eclectic M. Ins., Cincinnati, 0. American Medical College, Mo. Hahn. Med. Col. , Chicago, HI. Univ. of New York, N. Y. . . . Eclectic M. Ins., Cincinnati, 0. Vermont Medical College, Vt. Col. Phy . & Sur . , Up. Mississippi Horn. Med. Col., N. Y American Medical College, Mo. Ec. Med. College, Phila. , Pa . . Bd. F.x. Eclectic Med. Soc. Cal, Ec. Med. College, Phila., Pa , Bennett M. Col., Chicago, 111. Bd. Ex. Eclectic Med. Soc. Cal Bd. Ex. Eclectic Med. Soc. Cal Bot. Med. Col. Memphis, Tenn CERTIFICATE ISSUED. NO. Apr. 26, '82 Apr. 26, '81 , '60 , '64 Buckland, W. 0.. Oakland Buelow, Von F . . . . *BUNDY, J. H Burns, J. A *Carter, E. DeF. . Carter, James S . . Callandreau, I. . Cannon, J. G Carghill, Pardou Case, Chas. Elijah Cassels, Everard L Cassity, Sherw'dO Chandler, Moses Clarke, Samuel . Cl.^yton, M. F. . . Cohn, Lsadore E. Coleman, J. S. . . . Dutch Flat . . . . Oakland Guerneville . . . San Francisco. , Crescent Mills, San Francisco, Yuba City . . . . St. Helena . . . . San Francisco. , Knight's L'nd'^ Merced Fairfield Santa Oruz ... Sacramento . . Oakland San Francisco. '78 May 24, '77 Bd. Eclectic Med. Ex., Cal . . Eclectic Medical College, Mo . . University Med. Col., Russia. . Eclectic Medical College, Pa . . Hygeio-Therapeutic Col.,N.Y. Eclectic Medical College, N. Y. Bd. Ex. Eclectic Med. Soc. Cal. Academy of Paris, France . . . . Physio-Med. College, Cincin.O. Eclectic Med. Inst., Cincin. 0. California Medical College, Cal. May 24, '81 May 34, '68 ,'80 California Medical College, Cal. 'Apr. 25, '83 California Medical College, Cal. Kansas Ec. Ex. Bd .Topeka, Kan. Eclectic Med. College, N. York Eclectic Med. Ins., Cincin., 0. Cal. Med. Col., Oakland, Cal. . Sci. Ec.M.Col., Petersburg, Va. Apr. 25, '83 , uo Dec. 12, Dec. 10, May 31, Apr. 27, May 12, Oct. 10, May 4, Oct. 10, Dec. 11, Mar. 12, Apr. 9, May 4, Dec. 29, Nov, 10, Feb. 9, Mar. 12, Oct. 4, Mar. 6, Dec. 29, Nov. 10, Dec. 29, Sep. 10, Nov. 11, Nov. 11, Mar. 9, Sep. 11, Apr. 4, Oct. 14, Dec. 11, Oct. 10, — -27, Dec. 29, Sept. 11, Dec. 11, May 12, Apr. 26, Apr. 26, July 2, Dec. 11, Aug. 8, Mar. 12, Aug. 8, 139 '77 131 '76 44 '7S| 153 '82; 238 '81 1 220 "76 i 30 '77 j 123 '76 40 '76 73 '80 1 194 '77 142 "77: 122 '76i 102 '761 56 1 '82: 230 188 39 166 '76 101 '"fij 59 85 156 '76 '77! '76 '81 '72 '77 '80 76 '76 '79 '76 '77 '80 '81 '83 '83 '80 '76 '76 '80 76 68 227 233 129 140 204 71 35 179 105 130 211 221 261 257 197 74 24 187 17 48 OFFICFAL CATALOGUE OF C'ompton,AndrewJ Cook, Archer S. . . Cook, C. A. Mrs. . . Cook, Feed. C Cook, George J. . . Coombs, Jacob L. . . Coon, N. L corbett, e. j Cornwall, Frank. COYLE, Cx. D Crowley, D. D . . . . *Cunningham:, J.N. *CusHiNG, John J. . Davis, Geo. E Davidson, Kenn'th Davidson, Sigism'd Devore, C. P Devoke, John W. . De Wolf, C. L . . . . *Dinsmore, J. p. . . DOAN, J. P DOHERTY, Wm. K. . Dryer, John L. . . . Eaton, E. B. Edwards, James.. Eighmy, J. W Elswick, Emil .... Fearn, John Fisher, John C. . . . FoRBK.s, Charles F. Foreman, A. L. . . . Gapen, Harriet a. G.\RDANOWSKY, E.Von Geary, John F. . George, W. H. . . Gere, George G. Gersternberg, F Gibbon, John F. *GlESEA. F. A . . . Gildea, Bernard M (ilLES, J. H (iiLLETT, Eliza A (tooding, J.C. . . . Gordon, C. H. . . GO.SS. KiCHARllJ. Gregory, John D RESIDENCE. Vacaville iSan Francisco. San Francisco. San Francisco . San Francisco. Grass Valley . . Petaluma San Francisco. Oakland Ballona Oakland Ec. Med. In.s. , Cincinnati, 0. . California Medical College, Cal. Bd. Ex. Eclectic Med. See. Cal. Eclactic Med. College, N. Y . . Kentucky School of Med., Ky. Bd. Ex. Eclectic Med. Soc. Cal. Rush Med. Colle£;e, Illinois... Bd, Ex. Med. Soc. Cal Eclectic Medical Inst. , Ohio . . American Med. Col., St. Louis Bennett Med. Col., Chicago, 111. Visalia Blithedale. . . . San Francisco. Gap Point San Francisco . Meridian Butte City . . . . Spanishtown . . Napa City . . . . Vallcjo San Francisco., Coloma San Francisco. Oakland Antioch Chico Oakland San Francisco. San Francisco.. Los Angeles. . . Oakland San Francisco . San Francisco, Kernville San Francisco San Leandro . San Francisco. Walnut Grove San Francisco Sutter Creek . San Rafael . . . Sheep Ranch . San Francisco Truckee Winters DIPLOMA FROM Mar. 1. '66 Eclectic M. Col., Cincinnati, 0. Horn. Med. College, Phila., Pa. Hahn. Med. Col. of Phila., Pa. Bd. Ex. Eclectic Med. Soc Cal. Eclectic Med. Col. . N. Y Ec. Med. Inst. Cincinnati, 0. . Eclectic Med. Col., Cin., Ohio. Bd. Ex. Eclectic Med. Soc. Cal. Horn. Med. Col. of Phila., Pa. Ralph College, Canada California Medical College, Cal. Physio-Med. Col. Cincin., 0. . . Eclectic Med. College, N. Y. . Jefferson Med. College, Philu. Licential Board Ex. Minnesota American Medical College . . Eclectic Med. Ins. Cincin. Ohio Bd. Ex. Eclectic Med. Soc. Cal. Hom. Med. Col. N. Y Eclectic Med. Ins., Ohio California Medical College, Cal. Bd. Fix. Eclectic Med. Soc Hom. Med. Col., Philad'a, Pa. Eclectic Med. Ins., Cincin., 0. Eclectic Med. Ins., Cincin., 0. Bd. Ex. Eclectic Med. Soc. Cal Bennett Med. Col. Chicago, 111. Eclectic Med. Bd. Ex., Canada Kentucky School of Med. Ky. Bd. Ex. Eclectic Med, Soc. Cal Eclectic Med.Col.Cincinnati.O American Medical College, Mo. Bd. Ex. Eclectic Med. Soc. Cal Bd. Ex. Eclectic Med. Soc. Cal Bd. Ex. Eclectic Med. Soc. Cal. DATED , '57 Apr. 28, '81 Feb. 2, '55 '69 , '71 , '77 , '80 xMay 21, '69 Apr. 25, '83 , '77 May 23, '71 May 24, '77 CERTIFICATE fijo ISSUED. Dec. 29, May 12, Nov. 10, Aug. 8, Feb. 9, Dec. 29, Apr. 10, Dec. 29, Apr. 13, Dec. 12, Oct. 12, Oct. 12, Nov. 10, Nov. 10, Nov. 10, Dec. 11, May 21, Jan. 31, Dec. 12, Nov. 10, Nov. 10, Oct. 14, Dec. 1.3, Dec. 29, Oct. 10, Dec. 12, Jan 22, Jan. 24, Feb. 5, May 31, Dec. 11, Aug. 10, June 14, July 20, Nov. 10, Feb. 9, Dec. 12, May 21, Mar. 3, Dec. 10, Dec. 29, Dec. 29, Dec. 20, Sep. 9, Oct. 10, Dec. 29, Dec. 29, '76 'SI 76 '76 '82 '76 '83 '76 '82 '77 '79 '80 '76 '76 '76 '76 '77 '77 '77 '76 76 '80 '80 '76 '76 '76 77 '77 '77 '77 '76 '82 '83 '76 '76 '77 '77 '77 '77 '76 '76 '76 '7b '80 '77 '76 '76 PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS 49 (tROVEK, J. F . . . . Guild, P. K Haley, John M. Hall, Samuel H Hamilton, F. A. Handy, S. W. \V Hansen, C. W. . . Hakdin(j,W.C.M.C Harmony, Peter. Harrison, Geo. H Hastings, Isa Ayre Hawkins, F. M. . . . Heinemann, M. . . . Henrahan, W. S . Henderson, Edw'd Henderson, Geo.T. Henry, A. G Herzstein, M .... HiGGiNs, Chas. p. . HiGGiNs, Orient C. HiNKLE, John W . . HoLTZ, J. P. Luis. . Hoag, L. B homberger, h . . , . Howard, A. D . . . . Howard, Lucas P» . Howe, Philip Hostetter, J. A. B. HouPT, Chas H. . . . *1ngerson, H. H. . . Jackson, Henry . . Jenks, G. H Jenks, Geo. W . . . . Johnson, A. Mrs. . Johnson, E. (t Johnson, J. Wesley JOSSELYN, BeNJ. F. K EN DRtcK, Carroll Kendrick, J. C. . . . Kendrich, J. J ... . Kenney, Mary H. Kernodle, H. G. . . King, William. . . . Knox, Franklin . Kreichbaum, JnoG Lane, Charles F. . Larkins, Harr't J. RESIDENCE. Giiadaloiipe. . . Santa Barbara. San Francisco.. San Francisco . Butte City San Francisco . Colusa Suisun San Fiaiicisco . Oakland Los Angeles. . . San Francisco . San Francisco . Visalia San Francisco. Chico Sacramento . . . San Frnncisco. Oakland Porterville . . . . San Francisco . San Francisco . San Francisco. Dixon Sel)astopol . . . . HoUister Westminster . . Napa San Franciscf San Francisco . Woodland San Francisco . Gait Tulare City. . . . Oakland Orland San Francisco . Oakland Oakland Oakland Oakland Oakland Chico Ci'escent City . . Windsor Tulare City . . . . San Luis 0])ispo DIPLOMA FROM Reform Medical College, Ga. . . University of New York, N.Y- Metropolitan Med. Col., N. Y. California Medical College, Cal . Eclectic Med. Institute. Ohio. . Harvard Med Univ., Mass. . . . Eclectic Med. Ins., Cincin., 0. California Medical College, Cal. L'alifornia Medical College, Cal. Bennett Med. College, Illinois . Eclectic Med. Col. of Penn .... Bd. Ex. Eclectic Med, Soc. Cal- Bd. F]x. Eclectic Med. Soc. Cal' California Medical College, Cal . Cal. Med. Col., Oakland, Cal. . Eclectic Board of Canada Eclectic Med. Ins., Cincin., 0. Eclectic Med. Col., N.Y. , N.Y. California Medical College, Cal . California Medical College, Cal . Univ. of City of N.Y. , N. Y.. California Medical College, Cal. Central Med. Col., New York. Bd. Ex. Eclectic Med. Soc. Cal- JefTerson Med. College, Penn. . Eclectic Med. Ins., Cincin., 0. .Scientific Ec. M. Col. Petersb'g Eclectic Med. Ins , Cincin., 0. California Medical College, Cal . Horn. Med. Col. Pennsylvania. Bd. Ex. Piclectic Med. Soc. Cal- Hahn. Med. Col. of Phila., Pa. Eclectic Med. Ins., Cincin., 0. Eclectic Med. Col. of N. Y . . . . Physio, Medical Ins. Cincin., O. Am. Ec. M. Col.. St. Louis, Mo. Bennett Med. Col. Chicago, 111. Bd. Ex. Eclectic Med. Soc. Cal. Med. Col. Univ. Louisville, Ky. Eclectic Med. Col., Cincin., 0. California Medical College, Cal American Medical College, Mo. Bennett Med. Col. , Chicago, 111 University of Pennsylvania. . , Bd. Ex. Eclectic Med. Soc. Cal. Bd. Ex. Eclectic Med. Soc. Cal. Bd. Ex. Eclectic Med. Soc. Cal. DATED CERTIFICATE nq. ISSUED. , '80 Feb. — , '73 •June — , '68 Apr. 25, '83 Apr. -20, '82 Mar. 23, '80 Apr. 26, '82 ; '80 — , '73 Apr. 25, '83 Apr. 26, '82 Apr. 26, '82 -, '52 -, '71 -, '56 -, '80 , "71 Apr. 26, '82 Feb. 2, '71 July Nov. July Mar. June Dec. Dec. Apr. Apr. Dec. Dec. July July Apr. Mar. Jan. Dec. June Apr. Apr. Feb. June July May Dec. July July Dec. Mar. Nov. Aug. Oct. Dec. Apr. Aug. 24, 10 ' 20, 12, 14, 12, 12, 26, 27, 1"2, 12, 20, 20, 27, 12, 27, 29, 6, 26, 27, <),• 14, 20, 21, 12, 20, 10, 29, 12, 10, 8, 10, 11 27, 13, July May Dec. Dec. June July Aug. Aug. Dec. Dec. Dec. 23, 21, 10, 10, 15, 13, 8, 8, 29, 11, 29, 50 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF NAME. Latimer, James . Ledyaru, W. E. . . . Lee, 0. F Leffingwell,.Jas S Leonard, C. W. . . . LiGHTHILL, E. B. . . LiLIENCRANTZ, A. . . Little, J. A LoGAX, M. H LoMAX. E. F. J LouviLLE, Matt. . . lubelesi, lubo. . . . lukens, j. h MacLeax, Daniel. *MacEae, a Mansfield, I Leroy Martin, John A. . . Martin, Wm. N. . . Mason, C. C McKeE, J AMES A . . McLain. L. C McTaggart, Miles Meeker. Steph. M Mehrmann, J. Ferd Metcalf, Olive B. Meyer, Ava. W. . . Miller, C. N Miller, J. A Miller, Noah .... Miller, Wesley R MiNTURN, Emma . . Morgan, Laura. . . Morrill, J. F MOSHER, M. E MiJNSON, Clinton. . Murphy, L. D Murrell, James G. Negroni, Carolos. Noon, Adolphus H. Odell, T. H Orr, Samuel L . . . . Parks, Orvill L. . Peacock, foiiN C. . PEARCE,SrERLING E Pease, G. M Pendery, B. F.... RESIDENCE. Le Moore . . . .SaiiFraiicisco DIPLOMA FROM Jamieson City. Oaklan.l Oakland San Francisco. Oakland Oakland San Francisco . Temescal San Francisco. San Francisco. . San Franci.sco . San Francisco . San Francisco . Fcrbestovvn . . . Oakland San Francisco. . Chico Williams San Francisco.. Oakland Vaeaville Oakland Oakland San Francisco . Sacramento . . . Temescal Oakland SanFiancisco. . San Francisco.. San Francisco . Kureka .Salmon Creek. . N ewTacoma, Wl Tulare Oakland San Francisco. San Francisco.. Davisvillo Oakland San Francisco. . San Bernardino Oakland .San Francisco . Sacramento . . . Eclectic Med. Ins., Cincin., Royal Col. of Sur., England. , University of Toronto Eclectic M. Ins., Cincinnati, O, Cal. Med. Col., Oakland University Michigan, Michigan Eclectic Medical College, N. Y. Rush Med. College, Illinois. . . California Medical College, Cal. California Medical College, Cal. California Medical College, Cal. Liecentiate Univ. Pi-ague, Aus. American Univ. Phila., Penn. . Bd. Ex. Eclectic Med. Soc. Cal. Bennett Med.Col. Chicago, 111. Bennett Ec.M. Col., Cliicago,Ill. Phila. Un. Med. & Sur. Phila. Pa. California Medical College, Cal. Ec. Med. College, Phila., Pa . Bennett M. Col., Chicago, 111.. California Med. College, Cal.. Bd. Ex. Eclectic Med. Soc. Cal. Eclectic Board of Canada California Medical College, Cal. Univ. of Jennse, Germany .... California Medical College, Cal. Bd. Ex. Eclectic Med. Soc. Cal. Bd. Ex. Eclectic Med. Soc. Cal. American Univ., Phila., Penn. Eclectic Med. Inst., Cincin. 0. Columbus Med. C!ol., Cincin. 0. Eclectic Med. Institute, Ohio. Woman's Med. InKrmary,N. Y. Eclectic Med. Ins. Cincin. Ohio Eclectic Med .Col. Cincinnati, 0. Hahn. Med. Col. of Phila., Pa. Bd. Ex. Eclectic Med. Soc. Cal. California Medical College, Cal. University of Prague, Austria. Eid. Ex. Eclectic Med. Soc. Cal. Eclectic Medical College, Mo. . Eclectic Med. Col., Pluhi., Pa. ]?d. Ex. Eclectic Med, Soc. Cal. Bd. Ex. Eclectic Med. Soc. Cal. Eclectic NL Ins., Cincinnati, O. Harvard Medical College, Mass Bd. Ex. Eclectic Med. Soc. Cal. , '68 78 '80 Mar. 1, '82 Apr. 26, '82 Aj)r. 28, '81 Apr. 28, '8! , '74 Apr. 28, '81 -, '80 Apr. 28, '8 Apr. 2.3, '83 June ft, '82 Feb. 4, '73 Apr. 28, '81 '79 CERTIFICXTE ISSUED. Dec. 7, Nov. 10, Dec. 10, July 2, Dec. 7, Apr. 27, Oct. 10, Apr. 27, May 12, Sep. 9, Dec. 11, July 29, Dec. 29, Feb. 9, Oct. 10, Nov. 5, May 12, June 1 1, Oct. 10, Aug. 12. May 21, June 27, May 12, '77 '70 '77 '80 '77 '82 '76 '82 '81 '81 '7« '79 '76 '82 '76 '07 '81 '79 '7ft '80 '77 '80 '81 Apr. 26, Dec. 11, xMay21, July 6, luly 20, June 11. Dec. 12, Dec. 29. July 13, Mar. 6, Dec. 12, July 20, May 12, Dec. 29, May 21, Oct. 14, July 20, Dec. 11, Dec. 11, July 2ft, Oct. 10, Dec. 2i), '83 '76 '77 '80 /o '79 '82 '76 '.•^2 '79 '77 '76 •81 •76 '76 '80 '76 '76 '76 '77 '76 '76 112 48 164 19fi 111 242 45 235 218 226 77 174 96 180 31 151 213 171 29 201 145 183 219 172 258 66 149 198 7 168 248 103 244 167 136 12 216 108 147 205 19 69 82 128 42 98 PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. 51 •■PENDERY, N. 8. . . Sacr.imeiito RESIDENCE. DIPLOMA FROM. Perrin, K Porter, Thomas . . Pring. E. J Ralston, J. H Rand, David H. . . TJandle, p. W Rappin, Gabriel.. Ream, Daniel Reece, John Henry Remaeke, John F. . Ricin, Charles H. . Robertson. 8. L. . . Root, E. S. 8 ROSKNKE, GuSTAVE. 8.AUE, Phineas. . . . Samuels, W. R. G. Schenck, Augu.stus Schesler, Jacob A. Sch.mitz, John P . . schoenemann, c vv Shttltz, John H. . . Schulz, Max. H. . . Scott. A. E Sears, W. L Selfridge, J. M. . . Slay'back, Cuas.M. Snow, T. N Spedding, Roet. D. Sprague, Axson. . . Springsteen, VV. S. Stephenson, A. C. . Stockham, G. H. . . Stout, J. C Sturman, Benj. . . Surman, .James. . . . Summers, H. A Taylor, N. C Tewksbury, M R. TlIIELE. E Thomas, F. H Thomas, Joseph W. Thomas, S V Thurston. Wm. . . . TtFFT, R. W TOLMAN, G. B Tucker, Samuel G. Sail Francisco . Colusa San Francisco . San Francisco. Oakland San Francisco. San Francisco . Yreka.. Sail Jose Petaluma Orland _. Soquel Watsouville. . . Oakland Oakland San Francisco. Eureka San .Jose San Francisco . lone City San J ose Oakland Oakland Son(n'a Oakland .- Placerville . . . . Susan ville San Francisco , Gil''oy Grass Valley . . Tnle River , . . . Oakland San Joso San Francisco . Oakland San Francisco . Roseville San Francisco. . San Francisco. Los An^'eles . . . Oakland Alameda Orland Siuartsx ille . . . San Francisco . Honolulu, H. I. Eclectic M. Inst. , Cincinnati, O. University of Paoitic. S. F. , Cal. Eclectic Med. Ins., Cincin., 0. Bd. Kx. J^clectic Med. Soc.Cal. Eclectic Med. Ins., Cincin., 0. California Med. College, Cal., Med. D.Shnrtliff Col. Alton, 111 Bd. Ex. F:clectic Med. Soc.Cal Eclectic Med. Col., Cin., Ohio Eclectic Med. Ins., Cincin. Ohio Bd. Ex. Eclectic Med. Soc. Cal. American M. Ins. , St .Louis, Mo . Eclectic M. Ins., Cincinnati, 0. Eclectic M. Ins., Cincinnati, 0. Bd. Ex. Eclectic Med. Soc.Cal. Eclectic Medical Inst., Ohio. . Bd. Ex. Eclectic Med. Soc.Cal. Fred'k William Ins.. Prussia. . Physio-Med. Col. C^incin., 0. . . California Medical College, Cal. Bd. Ex. Eclectic Med. Soc. Cal. Ec. Med. Ins., Cincinnati, 0. . California Medical College, Cal. California Medical College, Cal. Connecticut State M. Ins., Ct. . Jefferson Med. College, Penn. . Eclectic Medical Institute, O. Bd. Ex. Eclectic Med. Soc.Cal. American Med. Col., St, Louis Bot. Med. Col. Cincinnati, 0. . U. S. Medical College, N. Y . . Ec. Med. Col., Cincinnati, 0. . . Ec. Med. Ins., ('incinnati, 0. . . A-merican Medical College, Mo. Cal. Med. Col., Oakland, Cal. . California Medical (College, Cal. Penn. Med. Col., Pliila., Pcnn. Bd. Ex. Eclectic Med. Soc. Cal Central M.Col. Rochester,N. Y. Ec. and Am. Univ. Phila. , Pa. Hom. Med. Col. of N. Y California Medical College, Cal. Cal. Med. Col., Oakland, Cal. . American Medical College, Mo. California Medical College, Cal. Thonipsonian Med. Ins., Mass. Halineniann Medical College . -, 'G9 -, '74 Feb. 4, '()-J Apr. 25, 'S3 '53 -, '52 -, '65 Feb. 27, '7S Apr. 28, '81 Apr. 28, '81 Apr. 25, '83 May 23, '71 — , '80 . '55 May 16, '78 , '80 A pi-. 26, '82 -, '69 Apr. 28, '81 , '80 , '80 Apr. 26, '82 Sept. — , '47 CERTIFICATE (vjq ISSUED. Aug. Oct. July Dec. Dec. A pr. Dec. Dec. Dec. Apr. Dec. Aug. Jan. Dec. July July Nov. Dec. Jan. lune Aug. July May May Dec. Oct. Nov. July Aug. Dec. Sep. Dec. Aug. •Jan. Mar. Apr. July Dec. Oct. Nov. Dec. May Mar. Nov. Apr. Feb. Dec. 8, 1'-^, 26, 11, 12, 26, 10, 29, 29, 9, 29, 27, 27, 10, 20, 14, ](), 10, 12, ,9, 8, 20, 12, 26, 11, 10, 19, 20, 8, 29, 5), 29, 19, 12, 12, 27, 20, 11, 10, 30, II, 12, 27, 19, 27, f>, 12, "76 '79 '71 '76 '82 '83 '77 i '76 '76 '77 '70 '79 77 77 '76^ '81 '76 77 '82' '81 76 '76 '81 '83 j '761 70! '8(;i '70| '76 '8L '76l i 791 I '82 1 '801 "82, '761, '76 1 76 j ■80; '76 '81 '80 '80 '82 '82 '87 182 127 79 250 256 158 119 109 144 92 178 114 161 15 224 60 162 229 222 26 10 212 259 65 43 207 16 21 94 225 104 177 228 192 241 . 9 81 28 209 72 214 195 208 237 231 138 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF NAME. TUFFORD, J. F Underhill, H. J. . Vance, Geo. E. . . . Wain WRIGHT, C. C. Warren, H.A.Mrs Warren, 0. P. . . Watson, C. P. V Webb, Jennie P, *Webb, J. W. . . Webster, H. T . Wellendorf, L Wells, E. W . . West, Josehh S Wheeler, Wm. D Whitmore, D. W Wilcox. E. A. . . Wilson, Matt. T woodhouse, 0. b Wright, J. W ZWISLER, E. H. . . RESIDENCE. San Francisco , Tulare Igo Bishop Creek . San Jose DIPLOMA FROM Oakland . San Jose. Oakland . Oakland Oakland San Pablo . . . . Smartsville . . . Colusa Sacramento . . . San Francisco. . San Jose San Francisco. . San Francisco. San Francisco. Chico Eclectic Med. Ins., Ciucin. , 0. Bd. Ex. Eclectic Med. Soc. Cal. Bennett Med. Col. Chicago, 111. Eclectic Med. Col., Cincin., 0. Wes. Horn. Col., Cleveland, 0. The Cin. Literary and Scientific Ins. and Physio-Med. Col.O. Bd. Ex. Eclectic Med. Soo. Cal. California Med. College, Cal.. Ben. Ec. M. Col., Chicago, 111. Eclecl^ic Medical Ins. , Ohio . . . Cal. Med. Col. , Oakland, Cal . . Bd. Ex. Eclectic Med. Soc. Cal. Eclectic M. Ins., Cincinnati, 0. Miami M. Col. Cincinnati, O. Bd. Ex. Eclectic Med. Soc. Cal. Bd. Ex, P]clectic Med. Soc. Cal. Horn. Med. Col. of Phila., Pa. Eclectic Med. Ins., Cincin,, O. Esculapian Med. Ass'n, Illinois Bd. Ex. Eclectic Med. Soc. Cal. DATED 'G4 '7(i Apr 28, '81 j May 22, '69 , 'SO '74 -, '74 CERTIFICATE ISSUED. July 20, Dec. 29 May 21 Dec. 29 Nov, 10 Oct. 10 Oct. 10 May 12 Aug. 10 Oct. 10 Dec. 12 Mar. 12 Dec. 29 Apr. 9 .June 11 Dec. 11 Dec. 10 Nov. 10 Dec. 11 July 29, Oct. 10 '76 '76 '77 '70 '76 '76 '76 '81 '82 '76 '82 '80 '76 '77 '79 '76 '76 '76 '76 '79 '76 2 87 152 107 55 47 38 215 215 32 252 190 97 143 169 78 37 52 70 175 33 Deceased. t Revoked. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. M/1R2 BEcr Form L9-116m-8,'62(D1237s8)444