* * w Hii mm mm i> MONTAGU COLLECTION OF COINS. CATALOGUE OF THE » wm %tms. (SECOND PORTION). mm 1 'r^/tv^ HtH First Day Monday, 11th May Lots 1 to 161 Second Day Tuesday, 12th May Lots 1(52 to 304 Third Day Wednesday, 13th May Lots 305 to 435 Fourth Day Thursday, 14th May Lots 43G to 568 Fifth Day Friday, 15th May Lots 569 to 702 Sixth Day Saturday, 16th May Lots 703 to 857 ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE.— PRICE FOUR SHILLINGS. THE MONTAGU COLLECTION OF COINS. CATALOGUE OP THE %N$a-£%m $ (BSngliajj Series. (SECOND PORTION). WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MESSES. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, Jbtrtiottsers of f tearg IPropertg & Wiavks illnstratiire of tire JFittt Jtris, AT THEIR HOUSE, No. 13, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, W.C. On MONDAY, 11th day of MAY, 1896, and Five following Days, AT ONE O'CLOCK PEECISELY. MAY BE VIEWED TWO DAYS PRIOR. CATALOGUES MAY BE HAD. DRYDEN PKESS : J. DAVY AND SONS, I37, LONG ACRE, LONDON. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The highest bidder to be the buyer ; and if any dispute arise between bidders, the lot so disputed shall be imme- diately put up again, provided the auctioneer cannot decide the said dispute. II. No person to advance less than Is. ; above five pounds, 2s. 6d., and so on in proportion. III. In the case of lots upon which there is a reserve, the auc- tioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the seller. IV. The purchasers to give in their names and places of abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, if required, in part payment of the purchase- money ; in default of which the lot or lots purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The sale of any lot is not to be set aside on account of any error in the enumeration of the numbers stated , or errors of description. VI. The lots to be taken away at the buyer's expense, imme- diately after the conclusion of the sale ; in default of which Messrs. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will not hold themselves responsible if lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, If at the expiration of Two Days after the conclusion of the sale, the lots are not cleared or paid for, they will then be catalogued for immediate sale, and the expense, the same as if re-sold, will be added to the amount at which they were bought. Messrs. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will have the option of re- selling the lots uncleared, either by public or private sale, without any notice being given to the defaulter. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money required and deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited, and if any loss is sustained in the reselling of such lots as are not cleared or paid for, all charges on such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulters at this sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend this sale, may have their Com- missions faithfully executed by their humble Servants, SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, 13, Wellington Street, Strand, London. PREFATORY NOTE. THIS Catalogue contains a description of the Second Portion of the English Coins comprised in the remarkable Collection formed by the late Mr. Hyman Montagu. The series extends from the reign of iEthelraed II to that of Edward VI inclusive. It will be within the recollection of those, who are interested in the dispersion of this Collection, that in the first sale (British and Anglo-Saxon Series) a portion only of the coins of iEthelraed II, Cnut and Edward the Confessor were included on account of the numerous examples of those reigns contained in the Collection. The remainder is now offered for sale, and we venture to state that this portion will be found to include as many rarities as the previous one ; and that the division between the two sales was made as equal as possible. The system of cataloguing the coins has been carried out uni- formly with that of the first sale. Each piece is as fully described as it is possible within the limits of a sale catalogue, particular note being made of any special feature on each coin. By this means it is hoped to make the catalogue a faithful record of the Collection, and serviceable in the future as well to the student as to the collector. The pedigrees of the coins have been taken from Mr. Montagu's notes, and these, as far as possible, have been checked ; every care has been exercised to avoid mistakes, but in the case of so many references it is almost impossible to keep entirely clear of small errors. The excellence of the collection is so well maintained throughout that no one reign can be said to be better represented than another. Each one abounds not only in rarities but also in many unpublished and unique specimens in silver as well as in gold ; and throughout the condition of the coins is quite exceptional, as will be seen from the plates appended to the catalogue. We shall therefore confine ourselves to drawing attention to a few pieces in gold only which are of the M5L>4G46 ( iv ) highest interest — Penny of Henry III (lot 386) ; Noble, 2nd coinage of Edward III (lot 408) ; Half Noble, 3rd coinage of Edward III (lot 422) ; Noble of Henry V (lot 497) ; Angel of Kichard III (lot 636) ; Half George Noble of Henry VIII (lot 719) ; Pattern Double Sovereign of Henry VIII (lot 742) ; Pattern Angel of Henry VIII (lot 743) ; Double Sovereign of Edward VI (lot 804). We need only add that the present occasion offers to collectors a rare opportunity of adding to their treasures : such an opportunity as will probably never occur again. The next sale of the English portion of the Montagu Collection will take place at this house in November next. It is proposed that it shall include the coins from Mary to Anne. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE. - - W * o» w *^ GO * o B M 5 s en w 9 00 s o Sizes of the Coins. /Scale of Mionnet. CATALOGUE OF THE VEEY VALUABLE AND EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF Jlttjjln-^ axon & (Kttulislj faitts, THE PROPERTY OP THE LATE HYMAN MONTAGU, ESQ., F.S.A., Vice-President of the Numismatic Society. SECOND PORTION. FIRST DAY'S SALE. LOT 1 ANGLO-SAXON COINS. AETHELRAED II. A.D. 979-1013; rest. A.D. 1014-1016. The References are to Ruding, " Annals of the Coinage of Great Britain" and to Hildebrand, "Anglo-Saxon Coins," whose classification has been followed. Pennies, (Hild. type A; Rud. 22, 6), Bust to left, diademed; rev. Small cross ; moneyers, LVFINE ON bedkfo. (Bedford) ; leofnod mon L^nt. (Canterbury) ; MftNNiNL ON dofer (Dover) ; ^edesttcn ON EftXEL. (Exeter) ; DVBtRIM MO. EOFRI. (York) ; LEOFZI&E MON. I.IPE. (Ipswich), all fine 6 Pennies, same type ; moneyers, svmerledi mo. eofr. (York); lod- pine ON LLEA\ (Gloucester) ; pvlfsi&e mon. IiRKN. (Cambridge) ; &ODFERD ON L^SPE (Lewes) j ESDMVND MO. ON LVN. (London) J edpecer mo. nordpi. (Norwich), mostly fine 6 Pennies, same type; moneyers, ^lfstsn on LEm. (Chester) ; isodpine ON lvndne. (London), large bust ; I.ODRIE on lydEnfoi. (Lydford) ; leofrie, o. nordpiL. (Norwich) ; ^elfhen. m.on. rofel. (Roches- ter) ; ^elfpine ON sLEFTEs. (Shaftesbury), mostly fine 6 4 Pennies, same type; moneyers, leofriL o.nordpi. (Norwich) ; wlf- stsn mo. stan. (Stamford) ; edpine ON deodfo. (Thetford) ; hvse ON p^erinlpiLS. (Warwick) ; PVLFLftR MO. PILTV. (Wilton) ; ODE on pinlestre. (Winchester), mostly fine 6 5 Pennies, same type; moneyers, pvlfnod on DORE. (Dorchester); LODIPNE ON porimk (Warmington) ; LIOLNOD ON SIDESTEB. (Sid- bury), well preserved, excessively rare mints 3 6 Pennies, same type but varied; moneyers, pvlfnod mo. H3MTV (Southampton), var. cross before bust ; LEVIL NO. lindol. (Lin- coln), var. three pellets before bust, extremely fine ; pvlfril mo. linlo. (Lincoln), var. pellet in field on rev. ; LODiEL moo. strnfo. (Stamford), var. annulet in field on rev. ; spyreline mo. in dio. (Thetford), var. three ends of tie before bust (Bud. 22, 5), Marsham collection, all fine and scarce 5 7 Penny, (Hild. type A, var. a; Bud. 22, 8), Bust to right diademed ; rev. small cross ; moneyer, leofstan on cent. (Canterbury), very fine ; another {Hild. type A, var. c), Bust to left, diademed ; rev. Four Small crosses arranged around central one; moneyer, LODELEOF moo. stsn. (Stamford), well preserved, both extremely rare types 2 8 Pennies, (Hild. type B. 1 ; Bud. 22, 9), Bust to right, diademed; rev. Hand of Providence between A U) ; moneyers, leofrilmo. t/ENTPX (Canterbury) ; hespvlf mo. lis an. (Chichester), rare ; psltferd mo. Trip. (Ipswich), Brice collection ; brvninl mo. KMTVN. (Southamp- ton) ; ^lfrie mo. hvntttn. (Huntingdon), all very fine, a scarce type 5 9 Pennies, same type ; moneyers, ^edered mo. lydSNF. (Lydford), rare; brttimnil mo. nordpic. (Norwich), unpublished moneyer ; BOift mo. stsnfo. (Stamford) ; MSNNS mo. totkn. (Totness) ; EJTDSIL- MO. pinto. (Winchester), mostly very fine, a scarce type 5 10 Pennies, same type; moneyers, leofril mo. limr. (Lymne), slightly chipped ; sidepine on rofe. (Rochester), both fine and very rare mints ; another (Hild. type B. 1, var. a), Bust to left, diademed ; rev. Hand of Providence between ft. VJ. ; moneyer, leofvelm mo. sLROB. (Shrewsbury), very fine and a very rare type 3 11 Pennies, (Hild. type b. 2 ; Bud. 22, 13), Bust to right, diademed ; before, sceptre ; rev. Hand of Providence between ft. IU. and two pellets ; moneyers, BOift MO. L^ENTPftRE. (Canterbury) ; osLVTEL mo. lvnd. (London) ; sidepine MO. rofel. (Rochester), very fine, a rare type, first and last rare mints 3 12 Pennies, same type; moneyers, PVNsTftN mo. lis. (Chichester), rare, pierced ; lytelman mo. LiPEs. (Ipswich) ; spyrtinl mo. nord. (Norwich) ; BYRHMftER MO. pint. (Winchester), well preserved, a rare type 4 13 Pennies, (Eild. type B. 3 ; Bud. 22, 15), Bust to right, diademed ; before, sceptre ending in cross ; rev. Hand of Providence giving Latin Benediction ; moneyers, lefstsn, mo. L^ent. (Canterbury) j esd- mvnd mo. lvndo. (London); osferd mo. hrof. (Rochester), Shepherd collection ; byrhsile mo. pin. (Winchester), mostly fine, a very rare type 4 14 Pennies, (Hild. type c ; Bud. 22, 4), Bust diademed to left; before, sceptre ; rev. LRVX in angles of short cross voided ; moneyers, BYRHsitE mo. bsrd. (Bardney), rare ; ^edelric mo. bjcd. (Bath) ; LEOFslTCN MO. L^ent. (Canterbury); spetinL MO. HOLE. (Col- chester) ; FftZTOL DIFLIME. (Dublin) ; LODPINE MO. DOFR. (Dover) ; elfsts:n mo. EKXE. (Exeter), the last of coarse work, mostly fine 7 15 Pennies, same type; moneyers, obttn mo. eofr. (York) ; leofzile mo. Lipes. (Ipswich) ; .elfric mo. ERANT. (Cambridge) ; dvreetel MO. hsm. (Southampton) ; EODMftN MO. H7CMPI. (Harwich), a rare mint ; edpi mo. heor. (Hertford), var. pellets in each angle of cross on rev., mostly fine 6 16 Pennies, same type; moneyers, leofear mo. here. (Hereford); leopine MO. LiEPE. (Lewes) j ^elfstttn mo. LEE. (Chester) ; ERRFIN MO. lineo. (Lincoln) ; EODPINE mo. lvn. (London) ; EODA: mo. LYDA. (Lydf ord) ; .elfpine mo. m^eldv. (Maldon), rare, fine 7 17 Pennies, same type; moneyers, eadmvnd mo. nod. (Norwich); ^edelm^er MO. ON ft. (Oxford) ; edsiee mo. rofe. (Rochester) ; LVFft MO. sEEFT. (Shaftesbury) ; byrhtaf mo. svd. (Sudbury) ; ^ELsTftN MO. TOTS. (Totness), rare; BVRHslEE mo. pint. (Win- chester), fine 7 18 Pennies, same type; moneyers, hetcpvlf mo. svdee. (Southwark); EODRIE MO. svdbyr. (Sudbury), rare; .elfrie mo. prlin. (Walling- ford) ; osm^er mo. p^eri. (Warwick), Poivnall collection ; bryhtrie mo. per. (Wareham), Poivnall collection ; PVLFEftR mo. PILT. (Wil- ton) ; .elfsiee MO. pinto. (Winchester) ; and an Irish (?) imitation of this type, legends blundered, fine 8 19 Pennies (Hild. type c var. a.) same as lot 14, but bust not diademed; moneyers, pvflstrn mo. Dover. (Dover) ; ^elfpine mo. lvn. (London), var. two pellets in angles of cross on rev., fine and very rare ; another (Hild. type G var. b.) same as before but bust to left diademed and no sceptre before it; moneyer, TOES MO. pint. (Winchester), fine and extremely rare 3 20 Pennies (Hild. type c var. a), as in last lot; moneyer, sidpine mo. rofel. (Rochester) ; another (Hild. type c, var. b.) as in last lot ; moneyer, byrhtpold mo. pint. (Winchester) ; another (Hild. type C var. c), similar type, but with bust to right diademed ; before, sceptre ; moneyer, ^elfsiLE mo. pint. (Winchester) well preserved, all extremely rare 3 B 2 21 Pennies (Hild. type D ; Bud. 22, 2 and 3), Eude bust to left, dividing le- gend ; rev. Long cross voided, each limb terminating in three crescents ; moneyers, ^elfsiee mo. bsrd. (Bardney), rare ; .EEEL1VLER ON B3\, Long cross voided, limbs united at their bases by circle, enclosing pellet ; in each angle, lis between two pellets, in good condition ; another, of Bristol, same type, moneyer, jslfpard on bri., fine, both rare mints 2 63 Penny, same type, (Bud. 24, 4), of Canterbury, moneyer, leofstan o. LE. ; another, of Colchester, same type, moneyer, eoril on LONE., both well preserved, the second a rare mint 2 64 Penny, same type, (Bud. 24, 4), of Colchester, moneyer, pvlfpine o. EOL. ; another, of Dover, same type, moneyer, edpine on dofr., well preserved, both rare mints 2 65 Penny, same type, (Bud. 24, 4), of Dorchester, reading obv. + Harold rex; and rev. +hpataman o. dor., well preserved, a very rare mint 1 66 Penny, same type, (Bud. 24, 4), of Exeter, moneyer, edmer on elxe. ; another, of York, same type, moneyer, beorn on eoe., both fine 2 67 Penny, same type (Bud. 24, 4), of Exeter, moneyer, leofpine on e. ; another, of York, same type, moneyer, EODINE ON eorv., both well preserved 2 68 Penny, same type, (Bud. 24, 4), of Ipswich, reading obv. + HAROLD relx ; rev. + lifinl ON LIPE., very fine, a rare mint 1 *** From the Brice collection. 69 Penny, same type, (Bud. 24, 4) of Gloucester, moneyer, eodrie on ele. ; another, of Cambridge, same type, moneyer, jelypil on L-rsn., both fine, and scarce mints 2 70 Penny, same type, (Bud. 24, 4), of Cambridge, moneyer, stirlere era. ; another, of Hastings, same type, moneyer, ^elfperd on B.M., both well preserved, scarce mints, especially the second one 2 71 Penny, same type, (Bud. 24, 4), of Southampton, moneyer, ^elfpine ON HftMT. ; another, of London, similar type, with no pellets on either side of one lis on rev. moneyer, brihtjvler o. lv., both fine and rare 2 10 72 Penny, same type, {Bud. 24, 4), of Hereford, reading obv. + HSROLD reev ; and rev. + leofenab on he., extremely fine and a rare mint [PL I] 1 73 Penny, same type (Bud. 24, 4), of Hythe, reading obv. + harold ree. ; and rev. + edrie ON hde., fine, extremely rare, an unpublished mint of this reign 1 *** From the Addington collection. 74 Penny, same type, (Bud. 24, 4), of Chester, moneyer, EROE ON leiees. ; another, of Lincoln, same type, moneyer, pvleeet 0. line., both fine 2 75 Penny, same type, (Bud. 24, 4), of Lincoln, reading obv. + harold rleex ; and rev. +OSMVND o. Li., very fine 1 *** From the Shepherd collection (lot 104). 76 Penny, same type, (Bud. 24, 4), of Chester, moneyer, leofpie on lee. ; another, of London, same type, moneyer, LODMAN ON LVN., both fine 2 77 Penny, same type, (Bud. 24, 4), of London, moneyer, leofred o. lvn. (retrograde) ; another, of Norwich, same type, moneyer, leopine on nord., both fine, the second a scarce mint 2 78 Penny, same type, (Bud. 24, 4), of London, moneyer, liffinl on lvnd. ; another, of Oxford, same type, moneyer, LIFINL ON OLXE., both fine, the second a scarce mint 1 79 Penny, same type, (Bud. 24, 4), of Malmesbury, reading obv. +hxrold rex 7C. ; and rev. EODM2EN on mel., fine, and an extremely rare mint 1 80 Penny, same type, (Bud. 24, 4), of Shrewsbury, moneyer, pvlfrd o. seob ; another, of Salisbury, same type, moneyer, Alfred on ser., well preserved, scarce mints 2 81 Penny, same type, (Bud. 24, 4) of Stamford, moneyer, brvpin no zts. ; another, of Thetford, same type, moneyer, LEOFPNE ON deo., both fine and scarce mints 2 *** No. 2 from the Sainthill and Addington collections. 82 Penny, same type, (Bud. 24, 4) of Thetford, reading obv. +HAROLD rel. ; and rev. ^elfpine on doo., extremely fine, a scarce mint 1 * # * From the Brice collection. 83 Penny, same type, (Bud. 24, 4) of Warwick, moneyer, loda on purine.; another, of Winchester, same type, moneyer, ^ELFINE ON PINE., well preserved, the first a scarce mint 2 84 Penny, same type, (Bud. 24, 4) of Watchet, reading obv. +HAROLD rex ; and rev. eodeildd on pee., fine, an extremely rare mint 1 85 Penny, same type, (Bud. 24, 4) of Wallingf ord, moneyer, pvlpiine 0. pell, a rare mint ; another, of Winchester, same type, moneyer, SPILEMAN ON PN., both well preserved 2 11 86 Penny, Southampton, similar type to Bud. 24, 4, but varied, having on rev. trefoils of pellets in three angles of cross and lis in fourth, moneyer's name, leoppiine o. ham., well preserved, a very rare variety 1 *** This type is a transition one into Hild. type B, var. a ; see next and following coins. 87 Penny, Bath, (Hild. type b, var. a; B.M. Cat. n, pi. xx, 4), obv. +harold eel., Bust to left, in armour ; before, shield and sceptre ; var. three pellets in front of helmet ; rev. +pedel onn BSD . , Long cross voided, limbs united at bases by circle enclosing pellet ; in each angle, trefoil of three pellets, fine, a very rare mint [PI. I] 1 * + * From the Marsham collection (lot 200). 88 Penny, same type, (Hild. b, var. a) of Bristol, reading obv. +HAROLD rex; rev. +pvlpiine on brie., fine, and a rare type of this scarce mint 1 89 Penny, same type, (Hild. b, var. a) of Exeter, moneyer, ^edm^er on EEXE., fine ; another, of York, same type, moneyer, arlill ON EOF., well preserved, scarce 2 90 Penny, same type, (Hild. b, var. a) of York, moneyer, ^rnerim on eo. ; another, of Leicester, same type, moneyer, pvlstan ON leh., well preserved, the second a rare mint 2 91 Penny, same type, (Hild. b, var. a) of Oxford, moneyer, ^elpie onn onx. ; another, of Stamford, same type, moneyer, areil on stan., fine, loth rare mints 2 92 Penny, York, (Bud. 28, 1 ; B. M. Cat. n, p. 306), same type as Hild. b, var. a, but bust to right ; before, sceptre, &c. ; reading obv. +HAROLD REE. (retrograde) ; and on rev. pvlderine on eo., fine, unique [PL I] 1 *** From the Martin, Murchison, and Boyne collections. 93 Penny, Oxford, (Hild. type b, var. b), obv. +harold rex, Bust to left, diademed, in ornamented robes ; rev. EOLAMAN ON OEX. Long cross voided, limbs united at their bases by circle enclosing pellet ; in each angle, lis between two pellets, fine and an extremely rare variety 1 94 Penny, Lincoln, (Hild. type b, var. c; B.M. Cat. n, p. 306, type vi), same type as the preceding lot but bust to left, in armour, and wearing large helmet ; before, sceptre ; reading obv. + HAROLD rex ; and rev. +SPERTINE ON IE., very fine and of extreme rarity [PI. I] 1 95 Penny, same type, (Hild. type b, var. c), of Colchester, with moneyer's name, pvlpne on. eol., fine, slightly cracked, an extremely rare type and mint i *** From the Ford collection. 96 Penny, London, (Hild. type E; B. M. Cat. n, p. 305, type ii), "Pacx type," obv. +harold re., Bust to left, diademed ; rev. +VLETL ON lvnd., Long cross voided with annulet in centre: in angles, PAEX., very fine and of the highest rarity 1 12 HARTHACNUT. A.D. 1040-1042. 97 Penny, London, (Hild. type A; B. M. Cat. u, p. 326, no. 12), obv. +nardelnvt, Bustto left, diademed ; rev. +oddenlr o. lvdenne, Cross composed of four ovals, united at bases by two circles ; pellet in centre, well preserved, very rare 1 98 Penny, London, same type, (Hild. type a), var. four pellets before bust ; reading obv. nardlnvt ri. ; rev. -t-ODDENLAR on lv., well preserved, very rare, perhaps of Danish fabric 1 99 Penny, Dover, (Hild. type A, var. a; Bud. 24, 1; B. M. Cat. n, pi. XXI, 1); obv. +HARDLNVT re., Bust to right, diademed; rev. +ETTSI&E onn dofra., Cross of four ovals as in lot 97, fine, a very rare mint 1 * + * From the J. Brown and Addington collections. 100 Penny, same type, (Bud. 24, 1), of Exeter, reading obv. +hardalnvt re. ; and rev. h-pvlnod on exle., very fine and very rare [PI. I] 1 *** From the Dymock, Murchison, Bergne, Young, and Brice collections. 101 Penny, same type, (Bud. 24, 1), of Guildford, reading obv. 4-harda- LNVT re. ; Sbudrev. +BLSLMAN ON tiL., extremely fine and very rare 1 *** From the Brice collection. 102 Penny, same type, (Bud. 24, 1), of Hastings, reading obv. + HAR- DALNVT re. ; and rev. bridd on hjes. fine and rare 1 *** From the Marsham collection (lot 201). 103 Penny, same type, (Bud. 24, 1), of London, reading obv. as last; rev. + brvn onn lvnde., very fine and rare 1 104 Penny, same type, (Bud. 24, 1), of Salisbury, reading obv. +HARDA- IfNVT re. ; and rev. + BODPINE ON sere., very fine and a very rare mint, not in Hild. nor in the Brit. Mus. 1 * + * From the Martin, Murchison, and Shepherd (lot 106) collections. 105 Penny, same type, (Bud. 24, 1), of Steyning, reading obv. +har- dalnvt re. ; and rev. +FRIDI ON stenile., extremely fine and a very rare mint [PI. I] 1 ■%.* Figured in Hks., no. 216. 106 Penny, Dorchester (Hild. type b.; Bud. 24, 2 ; B.M. Cat. n, pi. xxi, 2), obv. +NARDLNVT RE. Bust to left, diademed, sceptre in left hand; rev. +I.ODPINE ON DORLE., Short cross voided, over which quadrilateral ornament, with pellet at each angle, fine and a very rare mint 1 13 107 Penny, same type, (Rud. 24, 2), of Ilchester, reading obv. hardlnvt re. ; and rev. LODRiL onn lifell., fine, a very rare mint, found at Axbridge 1 *** From the Dymock, Murchison, and Shepherd (lot 107) collections. 108 Penny, same type, (Rud. 24, 2), of Huntingdon, reading obv. + hardalnv. j and rev. + pvlfpi. ON hvnta., very fine, a very rare mint [PL I] 1 *#* From the Brice collection. 109 Penny, same type, (Bud. 24, 2), of Langport, reading obv. + HARBLNVT re. j and rev. +dvin£ERD oh LSNLP., fine and very rare 1 110 Penny, same type, (Rud. 24, 2), of Lincoln, reading obv. + HARDLNVT R. ; and rev. +OOSMVND ON lin., fine and rare 1 *** From the Marsham collection (lot 205). 111 Pen ny, same type (Rud. 24, 2), of Leicester, reading obv. + hardlnvt j and rev. + s^evine on leher., well preserved, a very rare mint 1 112 Penny, same type, (Rud. 24, 2), of London, reading obv. + hardlnvt r. ; and rev. + lodril LALIL ON lv., well preserved, very rare with twomoneyers' names 1 113 Penny, same type, (Rud. 24, 2), of London, reading obv. NARDLNVT :; and rev. + OVDENLARL ON LV., very fine and scarce 1 114 Penny, same type, (Rud. 24, 2), of Oxford, reading obv. + HARBLNVT rox ; and rev. + eodpine onn olxene., fine, a rare mint 1 115 Penny, same type, (Rud. 24, 2), of Nottingham, reading obv. narLnvt ; and rev. +BLALANAN ON SN., very fine, a very rare mint 1 *** From the Addington collection. 116 Penny, same type, (Rud. 24, 2), of Stamford, reading obv. +NARDVT re. ; and rev. + lodpine on stanfo., fine and rare 1 *** From the Sharp collection. 117 Penny, same type, (Rud. 24, 2), of Winchester, reading obv. +HAR- dalnvt ; and rev. + DRAL A ON PILE., fine and rare 1 *** From the Martin and Marsham (lot 204) collections. 118 Penny, of Aylesbury, unpublished, similar type to Rud. 24, 2, but the quadrilateral ornament on the rev. has three pellets at each angle ; reading obv. + hrnlnvtiemti ; rev. + leofdne on ^ell : l., the rev. type is like the coin of Cnut, Rud. 23, 24, from which this piece is probably copied, unpublished mint, UNIQUE, "a beautiful specimen" [PI. Ij 1 *** From the Murchison, Bergne, Johnston, and Brice collections. 14 119 Penny, London, (Hild. type b, var. a; B. M. Cat. n, p. 321, type ii, var. a) ; obv. + nardlnvt + , Bust to left, diademed, no sceptre ; rev. + ovdenlarl ON LV., Quadrilateral ornament on short cross voided, as in lot 106, well preserved, extremely rare 1 120 Penny, London, (Hild. type d ; B. M. Cat. n, p. 322, type iv), obv. + HARDALNVT RX., Bust to left; before, sceptre; all within circle of legend; rev. + ASLAL ON lvnd., Short cross voided; in angles, LEVI, in fair condition, pierced, of the highest rarity 1 121 Penny, London, (var. Bud. pi. D, 42), obv. + harelnv., Bust to left, helmeted ; behind, shield ; rev. + dorletl o. lvd., Long cross voided, with three crescents at end of each limb, fine, extremely rare 1 *#* Hawkins, p. 159 (3rd ed.), considers this and the following coins " not to be English " : but Danish. The above type is evidently adapted from coins of Aethelraed II (Bud. 22, 2). 122 Penny, London, (var. Bud. pi. H, 45), similar type to the last coin, but the helmet of the king is radiate, and on the rev. there is a pellet in each angle of the cross and also in the centre ; reading obv. +HARDELNVT; and rev. +LEFPINE ON LVD., very fine and very rare 1 *** From the Bergne, Johnston, and Brice collections. 123 Penny, London, (Eks. 218); obv. + hardeenvt, Bust to left, in armour, and radiate helmet; rev. oddenlr on lvd., Long cross voided each limb terminating in three crescents ; pellet in centre ; over quadrilateral ornament with three pellets at each angle, very fine and extremely rare 1 *** From the Wyllie collection. 124 Penny, London, (Bud. pi. d, 41); obv. +nardeen., Bust to left, in armour, open right hand raised before bust ; rev. +TOOEI ON lvdl, Long cross voided, as on the preceding coin, but in alternate angles, crescent, very fine and extremely rare, the figure in Bud. I. c. is engraved from this coin 1 *** From the Cuff, Murchison, and Brice collections. 125 Penny, London, obv. +hardelnvt, Bust to left, in radiate helmet, &c, as on the preceding coin ; rev. + alpine on lvd., Long cross voided ; three crescents at end of each limb and pellet in centre ; cross in alternate angles, fine and very rare 1 126 Penny, London, (Bud. pi. h, 45), obv. +hardeenvt, Bust to left, in radiate helmet as before ; rev. 4-alfpard 0. LV., Long cross voided, &c, as on the preceding coin ; but in alternate angles, pellet and annulet, very fine and very rare 1 15 EDWARD THE CONFESSOR. a.d. 1042-1066. 127 Pennies, (Hild. type A; Bud. 25, 33-34), obv. Bust to left, with radiate crown : rev. Small cross pattee in centre ; moneyers, ele- pine ON eoferi. (York), var., annulet in field on rev. ; stireoll on eofer. (York), var. as last and large head on obv. ; lifinlE onn lvnde. (London) ; edpine ON NIV. (Newport), a very rare mint ; brvnstan on deo. (Thetford), all fine, a scarce type 5 128 Pennies, (Hild. type A, var. c; Bud. 25, 30-31), obv. Crowned bust facing, with beard ; rev. Small cross patt6e in centre ; moneyers, pvlfpine on bede. (Bedford) ; pvlpine on lolec. (Colchester) ; mareere ON EAD. (St. Eadmunsbury), a rare mint ; ARNERIM ON EOF. (York), var. annulet in field on rev. ; brvnine ON EIPPE. (Ips- wich) ; alfrie ON Eilde (Guildford), a rare mint ; pvlfpi on ERANT. (Cambridge); DVNNINE ON hesi. (Hastings), all fine 8 129 Pennies, same type ; moneyers, oderim on. eofr. (York), var. annulet in field on rev. ; pilerib. on hyrtf. (Hertford), a rare spelling of mint name ; aeelpine on lee. (Chester) ; lefpine on line. (Lincoln), large bust, rare; ^Eglpin. on lvnd. (London); EORLVERD on MOI. (uncertain mint) ; godpine on m.eldv. (Maldon), scarce, var., pellet in field on rev. ; edpine ON nord. (Norwich), mostly fine 8 130 Pennies, same type ; moneyers, dorr on eofr., (York), var. annulet in field on rev. ; vlf on lineoln (Lincoln), var. small bust in oval ; aoldin on lvnd. (London) retrograde, var. annulet in field on rev., rare ; lefpine nor. no. rof. (Rochester), two moneyers' names (?) ; diorman on st^e. (Steyning), scarce ; spareolf on sta. (Stamford), Sharp collection ; eodlef on detf. (Thetford); brihtm^er ON PA. (Wallingford), all fine, some very fine 8 131 Pennies, same type; moneyers, osparde on stan. (Stamford), Sharp collection ; herred on piltv. (Wilton) ; leofpold on pin. (Win- chester) ; others, (Hild. type B ; Bud. 26, 36-38), obv. Bust to left, diademed ; rev. Short cross, voided ; moneyers, SPOTA on bede. (Bedford) ; leofpine on een. (Canterbury) ; eltan on eofi. (York), var. annulet in field on rev. ; BVNINE ON LIP. (Ipswich), mostly fine 7 132 Pennies, same type as Hild. type B; Bud. 26, 36-38, as in last lot; moneyers, ernpii on here. (Hereford) ; leofpi. on l,ep. (Lewes) ; hvsear on leie. (Chester) ; pvlsi on lvnd. (London) ; leofre on STAN. (Stamford) ; estmvnd 0. de. (Thetford) ; brvnpine on pe. ( Watchet), a very rare mint, mostly fine 7 16 133 Pennies, (Eild. type c; Bud. 25, 21-24), obv. Bust to left, diademed; before, sceptre ; rev. Quadrilateral ornament with three pellets at each angle over short cross voided ; moneyers, ^edestan on brie,. (Bristol), rare; liofpine on E.ENT. (Canterbury); ERNE-RIM ON eoferp. (York) ; /ELIPINE on eexe. (Exeter) ; ^elfpine on hvnt. (Huntingdon) ; dvrlrim on LINEE. (Lincoln), Brice collection ; pvlf- PINE ON LVD. (London) ; ^ELELPIE- ON OEXENE (Oxford), all fine 8 134 Pennies, same type; moneyers, stireol on eofofe. (York); pvlf- PINE ON LVND. (London) ; LEOFPINE ON NORD. (Norwich) ; ^ELEL- pne on oexe. (Oxford) ; pvlfNjER on rvne. (Romney), a rare mint ; liofpine on sand. (Sandwich), a very rare type of this mint, Marsham collection; estmvnd o. deodf. (Thetford); lodril on pineest. (Winchester), all fine 8 135 Pennies, (Hild. type d ; Bud. var. 24, 12), obv. Bust to left, diademed ; before, sceptre ; rev. PAEX in angles of long cross voided, crescent at end of each limb ; moneyers, drsiie on bfor. (Bedford) var. pellet on rev. ; eadpold on ex. (Exeter) ; pvlfpi. on hvnt. (Hun- tingdon), var. psex on rev. ; brvniine on lei. (Leicester), rare ; pvlstan o. lv. (London), mostly fine, a scarce type 5 136 Pennies, same type; moneyers, leofpine on nori. (Norwich) HALFD6NIS ON OX. (Oxford), unpublished moneyer, very fine bola ON tant. (Taunton), rare; edriee on deo. (Thetford) alpine on piher (Worcester) ; ilvdto inr NIC. (uncertain mint), var. three crescents at end of each limb of cross, Danish or Irish (?) mostly fine ■ 6 137 Penny of York, {Eild. type d, var. a ; Bud. 24, 12), same type as lot 135, but on the rev., Short cross voided, no crescent at ends of limbs ; moneyer, vlfletel on eofer. (York) var., annulet on rev., fine ; Another of London, same type, but PAEX on rev. retrograde ; moneyer, pvlflar on lvnden. (London), both very rare, the second very fine 2 *** No. 2 from the Brice collection. 138 Pennies, (Hild. typeE; Bud. 24, 4); obv. Bust to left, diademed; before, sceptre : rev. Short cross voided, the limbs gradually expanding and united at bases by two circles ; moneyers, ^eieln^er ON bad. (Bath) ; ^elfrie on bfrde. (Bedford), var., pellet on rev. ; jEbestan on briesto. (Bristol), rare ; leofpine on lent. (Can- terbury) ; brihtric ON EOLEE. (Colchester), var., pellet on rev. ; LINSTAN ON dof. (Dover) ; arnlrim ON eofe. (York), var., annulet on rev. ; lifine on exseex. (Exeter), all fine, mostly scarce mints 8 17 139 Pennies, same type; moneyers, ernerim on eofer. (York), var. annulet on rev. ; EAPVLFON GLEPEEK, (Gloucester); BLAEEMAN ON EVL. (Guildford), a very rare mint ; LEOFENOD ON HFRE. (Hereford); EODRIE ON HVNTEN. (Huntingdon) ; edperd ON l^epe (Lewes) ; alesie on leil. (Chester) ; vlf on lineolne. (Lincoln), all fine 8 140 Pennies, same type; moneyers, stireol on eoferpi. (York), var. annulet on rev. ; godrie on glepele. (Gloucester) ; manna on lineol. (Lincoln) ; briesie on lvndene. (London) ; brintpine on LVND. (London) ; brihtpi. ON MALME. (Malmesbury), rare; DVRFVRD on nordp. (Norwich) ; brihtril ON pal. (Wallingford), all fine, some very fine 8 141 Pennies, same type; moneyers, leofred on lvnd. (London); var. pellet on each limb of cross on rev.; PVLFEET ON SXjEN. (Steyning), rare ; godpine on stanfo. (Stanford) ; leofril on deodf. (Thet- ford); brvnpine ON PA. (Wallingford) ; sideman on perh. (Ware- ham), rare ; lifine on pinlestre. (Winchester), mostly fine 7 142 Pennies, same type; moneyers, ^ielpine on piher. (Worcester); ^eielpine ON pineest. (Winchester); others, similar type, but only one circle in centre of cross on rev., (Bud. 24, 2) ; moneyers, efpii. on lvnden. (London), var. pellet on each limb of cross ; godpine pidia ON P. (Winchester), very rare, with two moneyers' names ; others (Hild. type F ; var. Bud. 25, 20), obv. Bust to right, in pointed helmet ; sceptre ending in cross in right hand ; rev. Short cross voided, each limb ending in three crescents ; annulet in centre ; moneyers, deorman on loleee. (Colchester) ; sevle ON eoferpii. (York), var. annulet on rev. ; BRVNINE ON eipi. (Ipswich), all fine, some rare 7 143 Pennies, same type, (Hild. type F; var. End. 25, 20, as in last lot); moneyers, bred on elesxien. (Hastings); godrie on hvnte. (Huntingdon) ; edpine ON LjEPE. (Lewes) ; odbern on lineo. (Lincoln) ; ^EELPIE ON LVNDEE. (London) ; BRIHTPOLD ON OX. (Oxford) ; EODELEOF ON DEOT. (Thetford) ; LIFINL ON PINEESTEI. (Winchester), all fine 8 144 Penny, London (Hild. type f var. a; Bud. 25, 19), same type as lot 142 ; but bust wearing pointed helmet to left, and sceptre ending in three pellets ; moneyer, leofred on lvnde. (London), well preserved, a variety of the highest rarity 1 *** From the Marsham collection. C 18 145 Pennies, (Rild. type F var. b ; Bud. 25, 18,) same type as last coin or lot 142 ; but bust to right, holding sceptre with lis at head ; moneyers, brvnhese on lolel. (Colchester) ; dvinnl on ilestie. (Hastings) ; Ford collection ; loldsie on lvnd. (London) j liofpine ON NOR. (Norwich) ; pvlfril on st^en. (Steyning), rare , Brice col- lection ; LEFRILL ON STANF. (Stanford); ESTMVND ON DEOT.(Thetford); brand ON paling. (Wallingford), mostly fine 8 146 Penny, Bedford, unpublished type, obv. +edperd rex o., Bust to right in pointed helmet; before, sceptre with lis at head ; rev. + liofbEGEN on bede. (Bedford), Short cross voided, each limb terminating in an incurved segment of a circle, fine, of the highest rarity 1 *#* From the Durlacher collection. This coin is of importance as it is the connecting link between Rild. types F and G. 147 Pennies, (Hild. type G ; Bud. 24, 9), obv. Bust to right, bearded, wear- ing arched crown; before, sceptre ; rev. Short cross voided, each limb ending in an incurved segment of a circle ; moneyers, ^elfril ON berdest. (Bardney), fine, an unpublished mint of this reign ; morlre ON eadmvn. (St. Eadmundsbury), in fair condition ; s^epan on nipep. (Newport), an unpublished moneyer, fine, all extremely rare 3 148 Pennies, same type; moneyers, LODPINE ON breel. (Bristol), rare ; godpine ON LILEST. (Chichester), scarce ; liofpine on dirbi. (Derby), rare ; lifinl on exeeest. (Exeter) ; .elfril on exeleste. (Exeter), var. annulet enclosing pellet behind bust ; DORR ON EOFERPIL. (York), var. annulet on rev. ; brvnil ON LIPESI. (Ipswich), mostly fine 7 149 Pennies, same type; moneyers, pvlfril on LILEIT. (Chichester), scarce ; arnlim on eofr. (York), var. annulet on rev. ; pvlm^er on EXELEST. (Exeter) ; s^ELOL ON LANTE. (Cambridge), scarce ; BRIHT- mond on LLEP. (Gloucester), broken ; brid on h^esti. (Hastings) ; lodril on hvnte. (Huntingdon) ; ospold on l^epe. (Lewes), mostly fine 8 150 Pennies, same type; moneyers, aslal on linLoln. (Lincoln); ^EiELFPARD ON LVND. (London) ; BRIHTRED ON OXENEX. (Oxford) ; pvlm^er ON rvmed. (Romney), rare ; PVLftLER on slobe. (Shrews- bury) ; SVMERLIPE ON PIODFO. (Thetford) ; GODRIL ON SERBVRI. (Salisbury), rare, mostly fine 7 151 Pennies, same type; moneyers, lodril on lvnde. (London); diorman ON st^enil. (Steyning), rare; brvnpine on stanfo. (Stamford) ; lodelif on piodpo. (Thetford) ; liofstan on pihre. (Worcester), rare ; SUPINE ON PILTI. (Wilton) ; ANDERBODA ON PIN. (Winchester), var. pearls on crown, mostly fine 7 19 152 Pennies, (Eild. typen; Bud. 24, 13, &c.) Sovereign type, obv. King seated on throne, sceptre in right and orb in left hand ; rev. Short cross voided, martlet in each angle ; moneyers, manna on lnet. (Canterbury) ; PVLFRIL ON LILES. (Chichester) j ^ELFRIL ONN exel. (Exeter); leofine ON glevelst. (Gloucester); brid on h^stien. (Hastings) ; deorman on lvnde. (London), all fine, a scarce type 6 153 Pennies, same type ; moneyers, earnpil ON hfr, (Hereford) ; ospold ONN L^EPE. (Lewes) ; SPROT ONN LEIL. (Chester) ; PVLFRIL ON linlo. (Lincoln) ; direman. ON LVD. (London), var. pellet on rev., Neville Eolfe collection ; LODPINE ON ROF. (Kochester), a rare mint, all fine, a scarce type 6 154 Pennies, same type; moneyers, pvlfril ON st^en. (Steyning), rare and very fine; follpine on svdrv. (Sudbury), fine, an unpublished type of this excessively rare mint, Ford collection ; brihtril on pall (Wallingford), extra fine, Brice collection ; s^epine on piltvne. (Wilton), fine ; lifinl on pincest. (Winchester), extra fine, a scarce type 5 155 Pennies, (Hild. type I ; Bud. 25, 26), obv. Bust to right, wearing arched crown ; before, sceptre ; rev. Short cross voided ; in each angle pyramid, springing from inner circle and terminating in pellet ; moneyers, iELFPiNE ON brv. (Bristol), a rare mint ; ^ELFPINE ON LILEST. (Chichester), rare ; ovdlrim on eofri. (York), var. annulet instead of pyramid in one angle of rev. ; DVNINL ON lege. (Chester), all fine, the last very fine, a rare type 4 156 Pennies, same type ; moneyers, vlfletel on eof. (York), var. annulet instead of pyramid in one angle of rev. ; leofpord on l^ep. (Lewes) ; jELFsil ON leill. (Chester) ; osmvnd on lvndep. (London), gilt, all fine, a rare type 4 157 Pennies, same type; moneyers. vELFPi. oxeneford a (Oxford), unpub- lished type of this mint, and unique in giving the name in full ; godpine ON st^e. (Steyning), a rare mint ; jslfpine on pin. (Winchester), all fine, a rare type 3 158 Penny, Southampton, (var. Hild. type i), similar type to lot 155, but in one angle of the cross on the rev. the pyramid terminates in three pel- lets ; moneyer, spetman ON ha. (Southampton), well preserved, a very rare variety ; another, of Wallingford, (var. Hild. type i), unpublished, similar type to lot 155, but the cross on the rev. has a segment of a circle outwards at end of each limb ; moneyer, brihtm^er on pa. (Wallingford), of the highest rarity, fine 2 C2 20 159 Penny, Winchester, (Hild. type I, var. a; Bud. 25, 25), obv. ead- pard rex, Bust facing, crowned, holding sceptre and orb; rev. + HEADEPVLF ON pi. (Winchester), Short cross voided; in each angle, pyramid springing from inner circle and terminating in pellet, very fine and exceedingly rare [PL I] 1 *** From the Martin, Murchison, Bergne, Young, and Brice collections. 160 Penny, Chester, (Hks. 223), obv. eadpard rex, Bust to right, hel- meted ; before, sceptre ; rev. + ^elfs. on legeee. (Chester), Short cross voided, with pyramid terminating with pellet in each angle, same as the last coin, very fine and of the highest rarity, if not unique 1 * # * This coin is identical with Hks. 223, where it is probably figured. 161 Penny, Wilton, (Hild. type L; Bud. 24, 11), obv. eadpard re., Bust to right, crowned ; before, sceptre ; rev. + LENTPINE on pilt., Across field PTfx between two lines, well preserved and exceedingly rare, being an unpublished type of this scarce mint 1 *** From the Bergne (263) and Brice collections. 21 SECOND DAY'S SALE, HAROLD II. a.d. 1066. LOT 162 Penny, Chelsea, (Hild. type A; Bud. 26, 3 ; Hks. 230; B. M. Cat. n, pi. xxxr, 1), obv. + harold rex ang., Head to left, wearing arched crown; before, sceptre; rev. ^elfnod ON LEAL (" Cealchythe "- Chelsea), Across field and between two lines P X X., extremely fine, unique [PI. I] 1 *** From the Brice collection. This is the only coin known of this mint. 163 Penny, York, same type, (Bud. 26, 3), reading, obv. +HAROL. rex ANGO. ; rev. ovdgrim on eofr. (York), very fine 1 *** From the Marsham collection (lot 217). 164 Penny, Hastings, same type, (Bud. 26, 3), reading, obv. + harold rex ang. ; rev. + dvnninl on B.M. (Hastings), very fine, a rare mint 1 *** From the Shepherd collection (lot 110). 165 Penny, Hastings, same type, (Bud. 26, 3), reading, obv. + harold rex ANglo. ; rev. +beodred on ^st. (Hastings), very fine, rare 1 %* From the Young and Brice collections. 166 Penny, Chester, same type, (Bud. 26, 3), reading, obv. + harold rex ang. ; rev. +DRONT on lege. (Chester), very fine, a rare mint of this reign, unpublished moneyer 1 %* From the Pownall collection. 167 Penny, Lincoln, same type, (Bud. 26, 3), reading, obv. + harold rex angl. ; rev. +PVLMiER ON LINCO. (Lincoln), very fine [PI. I] 1 *#* From the Brice collection. 168 Penny, London, same type, (Bud. 26, 3), reading, obv. + harold rex ANglo. ; rev. +edpine on lvndei. (London), very fine 1 %* From the Durrant, Bergne (lot 279), and Brice collections. 169 Penny, Shrewsbury, same type, (Bud. 26, 3), reading, obv. + harold rex angl. ; rev. + pvlm^er ON srob. (Shrewsbury), fine, an extremely rare mint 1 22 170 Penny, Steyning, same type, (Bud. 26, 3), reading, obv. +HAROLD rex anglo. ; rev. + dermon on st^eni. (Steyning), very fine, a very rare mint 1 *.£* From the Ford collection. 171 Penny, Worcester, same type, (Rud. 26, 3), reading, obv. + harold rex Ai. ; rev. + leofril on pihre. (Worcester), fine, an extremely rare mint 1 172 Penny, Warwick, same type, (Rud. 26, 3), reading, obv. + HAROLD rex A. ; rev. +patemon on pri. (Warwick), very fine, an exceedingly rare mint 1 173 Penny, Wilton, same type, (Rud. 26, 3), reading, obv. +HAROLD rex ang. ; rev. +^elfpold on pilti. (Wilton), fine and scarce 1 174 Penny, Winchester, same type, (Rud. 26, 3), reading obv. + HAROLD rex angL. ; rev. +anderbode on pn. (Winchester), fine and scarce 1 175 Penny, Bristol, (Hhs. 232 ; B. M. Cat. n, pi. xxxn, 5), similar type to lot 162, but the bust is to the right with sceptre, instead of to the left ; reading obv. +HARALD RE. ; rev. +^ELFPinE Oh BRYL (Bristol), legend commencing at bottom to left, fine, Hks. p. 167, describes the Brit. Mus. specimen, which has pax on the rev. retrograde, as UNIQUE (1) 1 * # * From the Devonshire, Martin, Murchison, and Boyne collections. It probably belongs to the first coinage of Harold II, as it approaches most in type the coins of Edward the Confessor. 176 Penny, Bristol, (Hild. type a var. a; Bud. 26, 1 ; Hks. 231 ; B. M. Cat. ii, pi. xxxi, 6), obv. +harold rex angl., Head to left, crowned ; no sceptre ; rev. +leofpine on bri. (Bristol), Across field and between two lines pax, fine, a very rare mint, a rare type [PL I] 1 %* From the Brice collection. 177 Penny, Cricklade, same type, (Bud. 26, 1), reading, obv. +haroldrex angl ; rev. +leofred on lri. (Cricklade), fine, an excessively rare mint of this reign, possibly unique 1 178 Penny, Dover, same type, (Bud. 26, 1), reading, obv. +harold rex angl. ; rev. +pvlfpard on DO. (Dover), var. PAX on rev. retrograde, very fine, a very rare mint 1 *** From the Addington collection. 179 Penny, Hereford, same type, (Bud. 26, 1), reading, obv. +HAROLD rex anglo. ; rev. +ELFPI on herefordi (Hereford), very fine, an un- published type of this rare mint 1 23 ENGLISH COINS (After the Conquest). WILLIAM I (the Conqueror).* a.d. 1066-1087. The References are to Ruding, "Annals of the Coinage of Great Britain"; and to Hawkins, " Silver Coins of England" 3rd edition. 180 Pen ny, Bedford, obv. + pillelmv. rex a., Bust of king to left, crowned ; before, sceptre ; rev + sibrand ON bedl, Cross with floriated ends, annulet in centre ; all within circle (Hks. 233 ; Rod. pi. I, 7), fine, very rare, an unpublished type of this mint 1 *** From the Wakeford collection. 181 Pen ny, Bristol, same type, {Hks. 233), reading obv. + pillelmv. rex a. • rev. +lifpine ON brilesi; another, of Canterbury, same type, reading obv. + pillemvs rex a. j rev. + PVLFRED ON LATPAL, both fine and rare 2 *** No. 1 from the Wigan collection. 182 Penny, Dover, same type, (Hks. 233), reading obv. + pillemvs rex an. ; rev. + manpine on dovo., extremely fine and very rare, an unpublished type of this mint [PI. I] 1 "%* From the Brice collection. 183 Penny, Hastings, same type, (Hks. 233), reading obv. +pillemv. rex I. ; rev. + lolspegen on mi., very fine, a rare type of this mint 1 *** From the Bieber collection (lot 2), in which catalogue it was attri- buted to Chichester. 184 Penny, Hastings, same type, (Hks. 233), reading obv. + pillemvs rex j rev. +DVNNIE ON ;estl, extremely fine and rare, as the preceding 1 *** From the York Moore and Addington collections. 185 Penny, Eomney, same type, (Hks. 233), reading obv. +illemv. rex i. ; rev. + pvlfmer on rv., fine, a rare type of this scarce mint 1 *** From the Neville Kolfe collection. 186 Penny, Wallingford, same type, (Hks. 233), reading obv. + pillemvs rex N. ; rev. + brand on pallin., fine ; another, of "Winchester, same type, reading obv. + pillemvs rex a.; rev. + lvfinl ON PINLE., very fine, both rare 2 * For obvious reasons the classification of the coins of William I and II as pro- posed by Hawkins has been adopted. A sale catalogue is scarcely the place to vent new theories ; though several coins in this collection would suggest considerable modi- fications. 24 187 Penny, Hereford, similar type to Hks. 233, but without sceptre before bust (Bud., Suppl. pi. I, 4), reading obv. + pillemvs rex i. ; rev. ^egelril ON her., extremely fine and an excessively rare type 1 *** From the Bergne and Brice collections. 188 Penny, London, similar type to Hks. 233, but with large bust to right ; before, sceptre (figured in Num. Chron. vol. xiv, p. 149 ; Hks. p. 170), reading obv. +pillemv8VI; rev. +pvlfpineon lvl, extremely fine and probably unique 1 *#* From the Cuff, Bergne, and Brice collections. 189 Penny, Cricklade, obv. + pillemv rex a., Bust of king facing, crowned (Bonnet type); rev. +leofred on lrie., Voided cross, each limb ending in two crescents ; annulet in centre ; pyramid surmounted by pellet in each angle (Hks. 234 ; Bud. pi. I, 2), in fair condition, an excessively rare mint, of which this type is unpublished 1 190 Penny, York, same type, (Hks. 234), reading obv. + pillemv. rex i. ; rev. + hardvl ON EOF. ; another, of Gloucester, same type, reading obv. + pillemvs rex I.; rev. +SILAL ON glepele., both fine and rare 2 191 Penny, London, same type, (Hks. 234), reading obv. + pillemvs REX; rev. +edpine on lvdel, very fine and rare 1 *** From the Bergne and Brice collections. 192 Penny, Shrewsbury, same type, (Hks. 234), reading obv. + pillemvs rex i. ; rev. +eolril on 2R0BE2BI., extremely fine, a very rare mint, of which this is an unpublished type 1 *** From the Middleton collection. 193 Penny, Stafford, same type, (Hks. 234), reading obv. + pillemv. rex ; rev. +godpine on 8TEFF0R., very fine, an extra rare mint [PI. I] 1 *** From the Brice collection. 194 Penny, Wallingford, same type, (Hks. 234), reading obv. + pillemvs rex A. ; rev. + brihtm^er on pall, j another, of Worcester, same type, reading obv. + pillemv. rex i. ; rev. + garvlf on pihre., both very fine and rare 2 195 Penny, Ipswich, similar type to Hks. 234, but the head of the king, which is small, is within a circle ; reading obv. + PILLEMVS REX ; rev. + ^egelbriht on GIPEL, well preserved, unique and unpublished 1 196 Penny, Stamford, obv. + pillemv. rex, Bust of king to left, crowned ; before, sceptre ; rev. +liofpine on sta. (Hks. 235), a very fine coin, unique of this mint, and only one other specimen of this type known, which is in the British Museum 1 *** From the Marsham collection (lot 222). This coin is referred to in Num. Chron., NS. vol. ix, p. 354, note 33. 25 197 Penny, Exeter, obv. +pillemvs rex., Bust of king facing, crowned, under a canopy ; rev. + ^elfpine on exei., Quadrilateral compart- ment with floriated ends within circle ; in centre, annulet (Hks. 236; End. pi. I, 1), extremely fine and very rare, an unpublished type of this mint 1 "%* From the Brice collection. 198 Penny, Exeter, same type, (Hks. 236), reading obv. as the preceding coin ; rev. + s^epeard on exell, very fine and very rare 1 *** From the Brice collection. 199 Penny, London, same type, (Hks. 236), reading obv. +PILLEMV. RE. I. ; rev. 4-vhtred on lvdnel, very fine and rare [PI. I] 1 200 Penny, Oxford, same type, (Hks. 236), reading obv. +pillemvs rex ; rev. +GODPINE on oxene., very fine, a rare type of this mint 1 * # * From the Henderson, Durrant, Bergne, Young, and Brice collections. 201 Penny, Wallingford, same type, (Hks. 236), reading obv. +PILLEMV. rex ; rev. + brand on pallingl, in perfect condition, very rare, an unpublished type of this mint 1 202 Penny, Bristol, obv. +pillem. rex ang., Bust facing, crowned; on either side, sceptre; all within circle; rev. +leofpine"on brl, Within circle cross flory over cross bottonnee ; in centre, circle, (Hks. 237 : Bud. pi. I, 5), very fine and rare [PI. I] 1 %* From the Addington collection. 203 Penny, Exeter, same type, (Hks. 237), reading obv. +PILLEMVS REX AN.; rev. +pvlfpine ON exei., very fine and rare 1 204 Penny, York, same type, (Hks. 237), reading obv. +PIELM. rex ang. ; rev. alil ON eofrpil ; another, of Southampton, same type, read- ing + pillem. rex AN. ; rev. + supine on amtv., both well pre- served, scarce 2 205 Penny, York, same type, (Hks. 237), reading obv. +pilem. re. ANGE- lor. ; rev. + ovdgrim on EOF., fine ; another, of London, same type, reading obv. + pilem. rex angolii ; rev. godpine on lvndi. ; inner circle of dots on both sides, very fine, both scarce 2 *** No. 1 from the Wakeford and no. 2 from Archdeacon Pownall's collection. 206 Penny, Lewes, same type, (Hks. 237), reading obv. + pillem. rex anglo. ; rev. ospold on l^penl, very fine and a rare mint 1 \* From the Kirk collection (1884). 207 Penny, Malmesbury, same type, (Hks. 237), reading obv. + pillem. rex angloi. ; rev. +BRIHTPI. on malme., very fine and a very rare type of this mint 1 26 208 Penny, Thetford, same type, (Hks. 237), reading obv. +pillem. rex ANGLO. ; rev. + LENRIL ON deotfo., very fine ; another, of Wilton, same type, reading obv. + pillemvs rex ai. ; rev. + leofpold ON pit., fine, both scarce 2 * * * No. 1 from the Bieber and no. 2 from the Addington collection. 209 Penny, Wallingford, same type, (Hks. 237), reading obv. +pillem. rex angl. ; rev. +brihtm^er on pall, very fine and rare 1 *.£* From the Gibbs collection. 210 Penny, Wilton, same type, (Hks. 237), reading obv. +pillem. rex angl.; rev. +SIEVARD ON pilt., very fine, and a rare type of this mint 1 *** From the Addington collection. 211 Penny, Winchester, same type, (Hks. 237), reading obv. +pillem. REX ANG. ; rev. +speatlinl on pin., very fine and scarce 1 *** From the Shepherd collection (lot 117). 212 Penny, Hereford, obv. +pillem. rex an., Bust of king, facing, crowned, between two sceptres as Hks. 237; rev. +^eglpine on HERL, Within circle cross bottonnee over quadrilateral ornament with pellet at each angle, as Hks. 238, fine, unpublished, unique 1 *** From the Howard and Brice collections. This is an interesting coin, as it shows that types 237 and 238 of Hawkins were nearly contemporaneous and may have been struck by the same king. WILLIAM I op WILLIAM II. 213 Penny, Cricklade, obv. +pillem. rex anl, Bust facing, crowned; on either side, a star ; all within circle ; rev. + LIOFRED on LREL., Cross bottonnee over quadrilateral ornament with pellet at each angle, as on the preceding coin, (Hks. 238 ; Bud. pi. I. 10), fine and a rare type of this very scarce mint [PI. I] 1 214 Penny, Ilchester, same type, (Hks. 238), reading obv. +pillem. rex anl ; rev. ^egelpine on gifl, very fine and a rare type of this mint 1 *** From the Bergne and Brice collections. 215 Penny, London, same type, (Hks. 238), reading obv. +pillelm. rex ai. ; rev. + edpa. on lvndn., very fine and scarce 1 *** From the Gibbs collection. 216 Penny, Marlborough, same type, (Hks. 238), reading obv. +pillem. rex anl ; rev. + lid oin m^rlebh., fine, and an exceedingly rare type of this scarce mint 1 ■%* From the Warne collection. 27 217 Penny, Norwich, same type, (Hks. 238), reading obv. +pillem. rex AN.; rev. +EDPOPLD O. NODIR.; another, of Oxford, same type, reading obv. + pillem. rex ani. ; rev. + godpine on oxsne., both well preserved, the second an unpublished type of the Oxford mint 2 *** No. 1 from the Bieber and no. 2 from the Wakeford collection. 218 Penny, Shaftesbury, same type, (Hks. 238), reading obv. + pillem. rex ai. j rev. + alnod on saft., fine and a rare type of this mint 1 *#* From the Shepherd collection (lot 119). 219 Penny, Winchilsea, same type, (Hks. 238), reading obv. + pillem. REX AN. ; rev. + GOLDPINE ON PINLL., fine, and unpublished of this mint 1 220 Penny, Lewes, obv. + pillem. rex, Bust of king to right, crowned, holding sceptre in right hand; rev. +LEEFVILD OM LEPE., Large cross patt6e within circle, trefoil in each angle, (Hks. 239 ; Rud. pi. I. 6), extremely fine, of exceedingly %ne fabric, and very rare [PL I] 1 *^* From the Shorthouse collection. On account of the great breadth of the cross on the rev., the squareness of the letters in the legends and the general excellence of style, Mr. Montagu considered that this coin was probably a pattern. 221 Penny, London, same type, (Hks. 239), reading ofo;. + pillem. rex; rev. + edpi. on lvndel, fine and rare 1 *** From the Shepherd collection (lot 114). 222 Penny, Wallingford, same type, (Hks. 239), reading obv. +pillelm. rex ; rev. + pideman on pal., fine, unpublished money er and type of this mint 1 223 Penny, Winchester, same type, (Hks. 239), reading obv. +pillelm. re.; rev. +^estan on pinll, very fine, a rare type 1 *** From the Bryce collection. 224 Penny, Lewes, obv. +pillelm. rex, Bust of king to right, with sceptre, &c, (as Hks. 239); rev. +leofvild om lepe., Across field and between two lines ptcx (see Hks. p. 170), very fine and unique [PL I] 1 "%* From the Addington collection. The reverse of this coin is like that of Harold II (Hks. 230). It may have been struck as an experiment, when it was proposed to place the word pax on the coins (see Hks. I. c.) For same moneyer (see lot 220). 225 Penny, Lincoln, obv. pillelm. rex, Bust of king to right crowned, holding sceptre in right hand ; rev. + liford on linlo., Within circle large cross patted, in the angles of which are the letters PSXS, each within a circle (Hks. 240), extremely fine and excessively rare, being an unpublished type of this mint [PI. I] 1 %* From the Cuff, Bergne, and Brice collections. 28 226 Penny, Winchester, same type, (Hks. 240), reading obv. + pillelm. rex; rev. +SIPORD ON pinle., very fine and very rare 1 *** From the Beaworth Find ; and the Addington collection. 227 Pennies, "Pax" Type (Hks. 241; Bud. pi. I, 4), obv. Bust facing crowned, holding sceptre in right hand over left shoulder; rev. Large cross pattee with pjfxs in angles, as in lot 225 ; money ers, + osmier ON bad. (Bath), unpublished, Brice collection ; + LOLBLAL ON bril. (Bristol), Ford Collection; + Alfred on lntl. (Canter- bury); + SPR^ELLINL ON Li. (Chichester); +LIFPINE ON DOFRE (Dover) ; + semier on ^xel. (Exeter) ; + ^elfpine on hvt. (Huntingdon), rare, all fine, some very fine 6 228 Pennies, "Pax" type (Hks. 241); moneyers, + OS2LER on bad. (Bath), unpublished and very rare, Brice collection; +SEPORD ON bard. (Bardsey), extremely rare, Sharp collection; +OTER ON DORLEST. (Dorchester), very rare ; + ^elfhen on pefns. (Pevensey), exceedingly rare, all fine 4 *** No. 2 is usually given to Peterborough, but Bardsey seems a much more probable attribution. It was a mint under Henry I. 229 Pennies, "Pax" type (Hks. 241); moneyers, +spein on brils. (Bristol), Brice collection ; + godril ON cntl. LL i. e. Civitas (Can- terbury), Ford collection ; + sepine on ^exele. (Exeter), Brice col- lection ; + afg^et ON glepil. (Gloucester), Ford collection ; + .elpord ON gifl. (Ilchester), unpublished; + DVNIL ON HSTANL. (Hastings), all very fine 6 230 Pennies, "Pax" type (Hks. 241); moneyers, + lolblal on brilii. (Bristol) ; + afg^et on glepi. (Gloucester) ; + pvlfpine on lip. (Ipswich) ; + DVNIL ON H.ESTI. (Hastings) ; + L.ESTAN ON HRFI. (Hereford) ; + d^edric on hrtfi. (Hertford), very rare, Ford collec- tion, mostly very fine 6 231 Pennies, "Pax" type (Hks. 241); moneyers, +edred on hide. (Hythe), Ford collection ; + VLF ON linlolie (Lincoln) ; + edpi on lvndnei. (London), Ford collection ; + .elfpine on isle. (Maldon), rare; + godpine o.nordp. (Norwich), Ford collection; +SPETMAN ON oxne. (Oxford), mostly very fine 6 232 Pennies, "Pax" type (Hks. 241); moneyers, + edril on lvnd. (London), Ford collection ; + pvlm^er on rvm. (Romney), rare, Ford collection ; + ^lfen ON SANDP. (Sandwich) ; + ^ELNOD ON SL^EFT. (Shaftesbury), rare ; + godpine on s^eri. (Salisbury), Foi'd collec- tion; + pvlfpord on sta. (Stamford), rare, all very fine 6 233 Pennies, "Pax" type (Hks. 241); moneyers, + godpine on SiER. (Salisbury), Brice collection ; + dvrbrn on stni. (Steyning) rare ; + LIFPORD ON SVDI. (Southwark) ; + ^ELFPINE OM DTF. (Thetf ord), Bergne and Brice collections; +^eglpine on PALI. (Wallingford), mostly very fine 5 29 234 Pennies, "Pax" type (Hks. 241); moneyers, +osbern on SERB. (Salisbury), Ford collection; + sidelol on peri. (Wareham) ; + DREIL ON PERIL. (Warwick) ; + BALDRIE ON PIHR. (Worcester) j + sepine ON piltv. (Wilton) j and another with blundered legends, Brice collection, all very fine 6 235 Pennies, "Pax" type (Hks. 241); moneyers, + ,elfg,erd on pih. (Worcester); + ^estan ON PINLE. (Wincester), Brice Collection; + vrdbrn on efrp. (York), all fine ; others (2) as Hks. 242, same type with annulet on right shoulder ; moneyers, + brvman on lie. (Chichester), Marsham Collection ; and + godrie ON lehre. (Leicester), both somewhat rubbed but excessively rare, especially the second piece which is unpublished 5 236 Pennies, "Pax" type (var. Hks. 241, 242), with no ornament on shoulder ; moneyers, + brihtpold on etli. (Canterbury) ; + se- pine on piltv. (Wilton) ; + sefmroi on piti. (Wilton), all from the Marsham Collection ; another with annulet on left shoulder and three pellets on right ; moneyer, seivler ON jexel. (Exeter), unpub- lished; another as Hks. 241, but no inner circle around bust; moneyer, brihtpine on lvn. (London), unpublished, Marsham Col- lection, all fine and very rare 5 237 Penny, Bardsey, obv. +pillelm. rex l, Bust of king, facing, crowned, right hand holding sword ; rev. + sepord on bardi., Large cross pattee over quadrilateral ornament with trefoil at each angle ; all within circle (Hks. 243 ; Bud. pi. I. 13), fine, an excessively rare type of this scarce mint (see note to lot 228) 1 *** From the Sharp collection. 238 Penny, Ilchester, same type (Hks. 243), reading obv. +PILLELM. rex ; rev. +PIEHXSEION gifli., very fine and rare 1 %* From the Shepherd collection (lot 116). 239 Penny, Southwark, same type (Hks. 243), reading obv. +pillelmrex ; rev. + lifpine on svde., very fine and very rare, an unpublished type of this mint \ *** From the Marsham collection (lot 231). 240 Penny, Winchester, same type (Hks. 243), reading obv. + pillelm. rex ; rev. +LEOFPOLD on pine., extremely fine and rare 1 *** From the Brice collection. 241 Penny, Winchester, same type (Hks. 243), reading obv. + pillelm. rex I. ; rev. ,estan on pine., very fine and rare 1 !* From the Marsham collection (lot 232). * * 30 WILLIAM II (Rufus). a.d. 1087-1100. 242 Penny, Bristol, obv. +pillelm. rex, Bust of king to right, crowned, sword in right hand ; rev. + brihtpord on bril., Large cross patt6e over cross flory, annulet in centre; all within circle (Hks. 244 ; Bud. Suppl. pi. I, 2) fine and rare 1 243 Penny, Dover, same type (Hks. 244), reading obv. same as last; rev. + lifpine on dofrl, well preserved but pierced, an unpublished type of this mint 1 244 Penny, London, same type (Hks. 244), reading obv. +pillelm. rex ; rev. + ^elfr. * o £ aRVX * sva x spas x vmas *, «tf. 39| ^rs., wry fine and exceedingly rare [PI. V] 1 %* From the Brice collection. Silver. 633 Groat, of London, usual type, m. m. boar's head on obv., and rose and sun united on rev., arch on breast fleured, but not those above crown ; reading snGL. z. FRSna ; rev. arviTSS LOnDOn (Num. Chron. N S. vol. xiv, p. 26), fine and exceedingly rare 1 *** From the Pownall collection. 634 Groat, of London, similar to the last, but m. m. on both sides rose and sun united, arch on breast, not fleured, very fine and extremely rare [PI. V] 1 *** From the Bergne (lot 469), and Brice collections. 635 Groat, of London, similar to lot 633 ; m. m. on both sides, rose and sun united ; arch on breast fleured and below it pellet (Num. Chron., N. S., vol. x, pi. vm, 8 ; Eks. no. 81, Ed. IV), very fine, and an extremely rare variety 1 RICHARD III. A.D. 1483-1485. Gold. 636 Angel, but with name of Edward V; m.m. boar's head on obv., and rose and sun united on rev. ; obv. qdwsrd. di. grs. rqx. SnGL. z. FRSna., St. Michael and the Dragon ; rev. pqr aRvaaro. TVS. sslvs. nos. xpa. rqdqcdpt., Ship on sea, &c. ; r and rose on either side of mast, wt. 78| grs. (engraved Num. Chron., in Ser., vol. xv, p. 117), very fine, unique [PI. V] 1 *** Mr. Montagu I. c. has published a full description of this remarkable coin. It is the connecting link between the coinage of Richard III and that of his nephew Edward V. It is clear that on the reverse the letter r on the left of the mast has been substituted for an &. 87 637 Angel, similar to the preceding, m.m. boar's head on both sides ; reading obv. RiaKRD. di. GR7C. Rex. SnGL. z FRftna, and on rev. aRVSetcc for afivaetco, wt. 79| grs. {Ken. no. 3; Bud.pl. Ill, 17), very fine and extra rare 1 *** From the Brice collection. The R on the reverse shows that in this instance also it has been altered from an q. 638 Angel, similar to the last coin, but m.m. rose and sun united on both sides, two crosses after FRTfna, and on rev. aRVaa for aRVSetoo, wt. 79 grs. (Bud. pi. iv, 1), extremely fine and very rare [PL V] 1 "%* From the Currer, Bergne (lot 476) and Brice collections. This is " a beautiful specimen " ; it was believed by Mr. Bergne to be the finest known. 639 Angel, same as the last and same m.m., but reading RiaftD. for RiaSRD., wt. 79£ grs. (Ken., no. 2), extremely fine and very rare 1 640 Half Angel, type as the Angel, m.m. boar's head on both sides ; reading obv. RiaKRD. di. gra. rsx ftnGL. ; rev. o. aRVX. "KV&. spqs. vniaa 1 ., wt. 40£ grs. (Ken. pl.vi, 44), fine,and of the highest rarity 1 V F ™ m ^e Hugh Howard (lot 140, £55) and Shepherd (lot 186, £26 10s.) collections. Mr. Brice in his note in the Shepherd catalogue says : " I have never seen another of these pieces offered for sale." Silver. 641 Groat, of London, m.m. rose and sun united on both sides, usual type, six arches of tressure fleured, reading obv. RiaJCRD. di. grs. rqx. ftnGL. z. FRjcna. ; rev. posvi &c, aiviras LonDon, wt. 47 grs. (Bud. pi. v, 15), extremely fine and rare 1 *** From the Pembroke, Parker, and Brice collections. 642 Groat, of London, same as last, but m.m. boar's head on obv., rose and sun united on rev., wt. 47 grs., extremely fine and rare 1 *** From the Bergne (lot 472) and Brice collections. 643 Groat, of London, of same type, but m.m. boar's head on both sides, wt. 47 grs., extremely fine and rare [PI. V] 1 * From the Bergne (lot 470) and Brice collections. 644 Groat, of York, similar type as before, but m.m. rose and sun united on obv. only, reading on rev. oivitks etBORSai (comp. Bud. pi. v, 16), fine, and of the highest rarity 1 645 Half Groat, of London, m.m. rose and sun united on obv. only, usual type, reading on obv. RiaKRD. di. grs. Rax. ftnGL. z. fr. ; rev. POSVI &c, aiViTSS LonDOn, wt. 23 J grs. (Hies. 357), fine and exceedingly rare 1 \* From the Bergne (lot 473) and Brice collections. In the Bergne catalogue it is stated to be one of the rarest coins in the English collection, and Mr. Brice adds " probably the best known ; I believe only 4 or 5 pieces are extant." Mr. Montagu possessed three specimens. 646 Half Groat, of London, same as the preceding, but m.m. rose and sun united on both sides, and pellet outside tressure below the king's bust, well preserved and extra rare 1 *** From the Rhodes, Shepherd, and Webb (lot 208) collections. 647 Half Groat, of London, of same type at last, but m.m. boar's head on obv. only, pellet in spandril below bust, and legend on obv. ending ftnGL. z. frk, wt. 20f grs. (see Hks., p. 263 ; Snelling pi. n, 42, and Bud. pi. v, 18), in good state, and of the highest rarity 1 *** From the Sainthill and Addington collections. Hks. I.e. doubts the accuracy of the figure in Ruding ; but this coin shows that it is correct. Mr. Montagu states that only four specimens are known. 648 Penny, of Durham, obv. m.m. lis, reading obv. RiaftRD. di. grs. RQX. SnGL, s for Bp. Sherwood on breast of king ; rev. aiViTSS DiRhftOD, D in centre of cross, wt. 11 grs. (Bud. Suppl., 2, pi. in, 1), well preserved and very rare 1 *** From the Dimsdale, Martin, Shepherd (lot 190) and Brice collections. 649 Penny, of York, similar to last coin, m.m. boar's head on obv. only, T to left and key to right of king's neck ; reading RiaSRD., &c, KnG., and on rev. quatrefoil in centre of cross, legend somewhat effaced, wt. lOf grs., exceedingly rare and in fair condition 1 650 Halfpenny, of London, obv. RicffRD. di. GRS. rqx., Bust facing, m.m. rose and sun united ; rev. aiviTSS LOnDOn, usual cross with pellets, wt. 6| grs. (Hks. 360), a fine and round coin, extremely rare 1 *** From the Cuff, Dymock, and Marsham (lot 362) collections. 651 Halfpenny, of London, same type and m.m. as the preceding coin, fine and a more spread coin, but slightly clipped, extremely rare 1 *** From the Dimsdale, Martin, and Shepherd (lot 191) collections. HENRY VII. a.d. 1485-1509. Gold. 652 Sovereign, obv. m. m. lis, hsnRiavs. dqi. grs. Retx. snGL. at. frsH. Dns. hlBn., King holding sceptre and orb, seated facing on wide throne with three arches ; four lis in field on either side ; rev., m.m. dragon, iheisvs. avre(M. TRSnsietns. Pe(R. mqdivm. illorvm. IB3T., Small shield on double rose within tressure, with two saltires in each spandril of arches, wt. 239 grs. (Bud. pi. IV, 4; Ken. no. 3), very fine and very rare [PL V] 1 * * * From the Addington collection. 653 Sovereign, m.m. dragon on both sides ; obv. heNRicvs Dei. grscis., &c, King seated on throne similar to the preceding ; but no arch over king's head, and greyhound and dragon to right and left on pillar of throne ; rev. ihesvs. arvreM., &c, Shield on rose as on last, but no saltires in spandrils of arches ; open e's in legends, wt. 233 grs. (Bud.pl. iv, 5 ; Ken. no. 4), fine and very rare 1 89 654 Angel, 1st coinage, m. m. rose and sun united on both sides, obv. hanRia. di. GRS. Rax. snGL. z. FRftna., St. Michael and the Dragon, he places only one foot on the monster ; rev. Pe(R. aRVSa. TVS. SftLva". nos. xpo. RaDaaoPT., Ship on sea ; two ropes from stern and one from prow, h and rose at sides of mast ; sal- tires after words on both sides, except Rax on obv. and Pe(R and nOS on rev., wt. 79 grs. (var. Ken. no. 2), an unpublished variety and mint mark, fine and rare [PI. V] 1 *** From the Addington collection. 655 Angel, 1st coinage, similar to the preceding, but m.m. lis upon rose on both sides, reading on rev. Pe(R aRVaaco tvkcd sslvs nos XPa. rqdqt., no saltires after words on rev., wt. 79 grs. (var. Ken. no. 3), fine, an unpublished variety, rare 1 *** From the Addington collection. 656 Angel, 1st coinage, similar to lot 654, but no m.m. ; reading obv. hanRia. di. grs, &c, z. FRSna Dns. i. j and rev. pqr. aRVsa. tvjt. &c, rqdqtor ; shield and rose on rev. smaller than usual, wt. 78 grs. (comp. Ken. no. \),fine, exceedingly rare, an unpublished variety with this obv. legend 1 657 Angel, 1st coinage, similar to the last and same obv. legend, but m. m. small cross on obv., and legend on rev. as on the sovereigns, lha. SVTef. TRKnsiems. PetR. cdqdiv. ilorv., trefoil after each word except P0R and cdqdiv., wt. 79£ grs. (Ken.pl. vn, 50), very fine and extremely rare \ *** From the Cuff, Lord Hastings, and Brice collections. 658 Angel, 2nd coinage, m. m. escallop on both sides, usual type, but the Archangel rests both feet on the dragon ; reading obv. hetnRia. di. grs. Rax. KnGLia. z. FRna ; rev. legend as on Sovereigns, lha. ftVT. TRSnsies. pe. mgdiv. illor. ib. ; rosette between words on both sides ; on rev. open e's in legend, wt. 79 grs. (Ken. no. 9), very fine and exceedingly rare 1 *** From the Curtis, Murchison, Lake Price, and Brice collections. 659 Angel, 2nd coinage, similar type to the last coin, m. m. escallop on both sides ; reading obv. FRftn for FRna., and on rev. pbr. aavae TVS. &c, R6D6. j rosette between each word and open e's on both sides, wt. 80 grs. (Ken.pl. VII, 51), very fine, a rare variety 1 660 Angel, 2nd coinage, usual type, m. m. cinquefoil of peculiar form (cinquefoil and rose united ?) on both sides, reading ftnGL. z. FRft. \ rev. PaR. aRVa. &c, RaDaco ; saltires between words ; inner circle on obv. not broken by head of angel, wt. 11\ grs. (var. Ken. no. 13), well preserved and an exceedingly rare variety 1 90 661 Angel, 2nd coinage, usual type, m. m. on both sides cinquefoil of peculiar form as on last coin, saltires between words ; reading obv. hanRia &c. snGLia. z. fr. ; rev. PaR. aRva. &c, nets (nos) Pet. RAD. (sic), wt. 11\ grs., fine and scarce 1 662 Angel, 2nd coinage, usual type as before, m. m. upright anchor on obv., and cinquefoil on rev., reading obv. hanRia. &c. SnGL. z. frs. ; rev. par. aRva. TVS &a, R0D., saltires between words, wt. 78| grs., unpublished m. m. on rev., very fine and very rare 1 663 Angel, 2nd coinage, same type as last, m. m. upright anchor on both sides, saltire after each word, and rev. legend ending rqdq., wt. 79 grs. (var. Ken. no. 21), extremely fine 1 *** From Lord Hastings (lot 275) and the Brice collections. 664 Angel, 2nd coinage, type as before, m. m. greyhound's head on both sides ; reading obv. hetnRia. Dai. GRS. &c, SnGL. z. fr. ; rev. Pe(R. aRvae(. TVS. sslvs. nos. xr. ; saltires between words, none at ends of legends, wt. 79 J grs. (var. Ken. no. 17), very fine, a rare mint mark 1 *** From the St. Albans find. 665 Angel, 2nd coinage, usual type but of finer work, m. m. cross crosslet on both sides ; reading obv. hemRia. Dl. GRS. Rax. SnGLL z. FRS. ; rev. PaR. aRVa. TVS. &c. rod, ; saltires between words, wt. 78 grs. (Ken. no. 33), very fine and scarce 1 666 Angel, 2nd coinage, usual type, but of finer work, m. m. pheon on both sides ; reading obv. hetnRia. &c, snGL. z frs ; rev. par. aRVaa. TVS. &c, xpq. ReDa. ; saltires between words, wt. 80 grs. (as Ken. no. 27 ; Bud. pi. iv, 7), extra fine and rare [PL V] 1 %* From Lord Hastings and the Brice collections. 667 Angel, 2nd coinage, Pattern (1), usual type, with the Archangel with both feet on dragon, and rev. ship, m. m. rose on both sides ; reading obv. hanRia. vn. dl grs. rqx. sgl. z. fr. j rev. paR. aRvaa. tvs. SSLVS. nos. xpa. Ra., saltire after each word of legends, wt. 74 grs.^ slightly rubbed, otherwise fine, unpublished, UNIQUE (?) [PL V] 1 *+* This interesting coin belongs to the 3rd or last coinage of this reign. The m. m. rose occurs on the Half Groats of that issue. The letters of the inscriptions have a less Gothic appearance than those on the usual angels of this reign. 668 Half Angel, 2nd coinage, m. m. rose on obv., cross crosslet on rev. ; obv, hanRi. dl grs. Rax. sl. (rosette after each word), St. Michael with both feet on the dragon; rev. o. aRVX. sva. SPas, vnicS (saltires after words ; rosette after vniaS), Ship with h and rose at sides of mast, wt. 40 grs. (comp. Ken. pi. vn, 53), fine, unpublished with this m. m. 1 *** From the Marsham collection (lot 365). 91 669 Half Angel, 2nd coinage, similar to last coin, m. m. pheon on both sides, obv. legend ending Retx. 7CGL. z., saltires between words, wt. 39£ grs. (as Ken. no. 4), fine and rare [PI. V] 1 *** From the Shepherd collection (lot 196). 670 Half Angel, 2nd coinage, similar to the preceding, m. m. portcullis on both sides, reads as last, saltire after each word of legends, wt. 39^ grs. (Ken. no. 6 ; Bud. pi. IV, 9), fine and rare 1 *** From the Bergne (lot 491) and Brice collections. This coin on account of the m. m. may belong to the first issue of Henry VIII. Silver. First Coinage, with open crown. 671 Groat, of London, m. m. lis and rose united on both sides, usual type with bust of king wearing open crown, arch on breast not fleured ; cross after posvi and no crosses at side of neck, wt. 49 grs. (Hks. 362), fine and very rare 1 672 Groat, of London, m. m. lis and rose united on both sides ; same type as last but rose on breast, wt. 46| grs. (Hks. no. 15), very fine and very rare [PI. V] 1 *** From the Marsham collection (lot 366). 673 Groat, of London, m. m. rose on obv. only, type as last, cross on each side of king's neck, arch on breast fleured ; rev. cross after POSVI and LOn. in LOnDON, trefoils after other words on obv. and rev., id. 48^ grs. (Hks. no. 3 ; Bud. pi. iv, 21) ; another, similar, m.m. cross fitchee ; lis after posvi j obv. legend reading hemRiavs. dqi. gkx. Retx. TCnGL. z. frs., wt. 47| grs. (Hks. 361), both fine and very rare 2 *** Both from the Brice collection. 674 Half Groat, of London, m. m. lis and rose united on obv., bust with open crown, arches of tressure not fleured ; reading obv. hanRia. &c.,. SnGL. z. f. ; rev. posvi &c, arvrors LOnDOn, pellets in angles of cross joined together, wt. 23 grs. (Hks. 364), very fine and very rare 1 *** From the Shepherd collection (lot 198). 675 Half Groat, of London, m. m. lis, rosette after each word of legend on obv., which reads hemRia. &a, SnGL. z. fr. ; on rev. the cross is fourchee and voided in centre ; arvrors LOnDOn ; another of York, of same type and m. m., aivrrfts QBORSai ; and another of Canter- bury, m. m. tun, cross on each side of neck ; CD for Morton in centre of cross on rev. ; aiviTSS aftnTOR. (Hks. no. 1), all very rare and fine 3 \* Nos. 1 and 2 from the Marsham and no. 3 from the Shepherd col lection. Nos. 1 and 2 may belong to the second issue, see Hks. p. 267. The arches of the tressure are not continued over the crown. 92 676 Penny, of London, usual type, to. to. lis and rose united, reading hemitia. Deti. grs. rax sg. ; rev. oivitss LOnDOn, wt. llf grs., unique (1), unpublished; and Halfpenny of same mint, m. to. lis and rose united, reading hemRia. Dl. GRS. rqx, io£. 5f grs. (Hks. 368, engraved from this coin), well preserved, extra rare 2 *** Both from the Shepherd collection (lot 199). 677 Penny, of Canterbury, usual type, to. to. tun, saltire on each side of neck, reading hanRia. Dl. GRS. rqx &c. j rev. CD for Morton in centre of cross, arviTSS aSnTOR, wt. 10| grs. (Hks. 366), of the highest rarity, well preserved ; Halfpenny of same type and mint, wt. 4| grs., unpublished, in fair condition 2 *** No. 1 from the Maynard and no. 2 from the Naish collection. 678 Penny, of York, to. to. rose, trefoil to left and T (Thomas Eotheram) to right of neck, rev. otvitss etBORSar, quatrefoil in centre of cross and pellet in two quarters, wt. 11£ grs. (Hks. 370); and Halfpenny of London, to. to. lis and rose united, reading henRia. De(i. GRS. Retx ; rev. arviTSS LOnDOn, wt. 6£ grs. (Hks. 368), both extremely rare and fine 2 *** No. 1 from the Addington and no. 2 from the Maynard collection. Second Coinage, with arched crown. 679 Groats, of London, Bust of king with arched crown on obv. and cross fourchee on rev. (Hks. 371), (1) m. m. trefoil on rev. ; (2) same m. m., saltire each side of neck, high double arched crown ; (3) m. m. cinquefoil on both sides, large trefoils to arches of tressure ; saltires after words on rev., rosettes on obv. ; (4) m. m. greyhound's head, annulet (?) each side of neck ; (5) m. m. cross crosslet, crown with single arch, of fine work (Hks. 373), all very fine and scarce 5 *** All from the Brice collection ; nos. 1, 2 and 5 from the Shepherd collection. 680 Groats, of London, type as last, (1) m.m. trefoil on rev., very high arched crown ; (2) m. m. heraldic cinquefoil, trefoil after each word on obv., three pellets after Detvco ; (3) m. m. leopard's head crowned ; (4) m. m. greyhound's head, saltires after words ; (5) m. m. cross crosslet, crown with single arch, all very fine and scarce 5 *** No. 3 from the Shepherd and Brice collections; no. 5 from the Neville Eolfe collection. 681 Groats, of London, usual type, (1) m.m. trefoil on obv. only, pierced cross each side of neck, reading hetnRa. Dl. GRS &c, rare ; (2) m. m. escallop, roses between words on obv. and rev. ; (3) m. m. cinquefoil pierced on obv., leopard's head crowned on rev., saltires after words ; (4) m. to. leopard's head crowned on both sides, reading SDiVTOef ; (5) to. to. anchor upright on obv., downwards on rev., saltires after words, very fine and scarce 5 93 682 Groats, of London, type as before, (1) no m. m., cross each side of neck, stops trefoils ; (2) m. m. escallop, seven arches to tressure on obv., two trefoils before and after arviras and LOnDOn (comp. Hks. 372), rare; (3) m.m. heraldic cinquefoil, stops trefoils; (4) m.m. anchor upright on both sides, reading SDiVTOet ; (5) m. m. cross crosslet, crown with single arch, saltires after words ; reading on obv. sgli. z. FRSn., very fine and scarce 5 *** No. 1 from the Brice and nos. 4 and 5 from the Neville Eolfe collection. 683 Groats, of London, usual type, (1) m. m. escallop, arch on breast not fleured, rosettes between words of legends, two after LOnDOn, open e's in legends (Hks. 372) ; (2) m. m. lis above rose, saltires between words {Hks. 381) ; (3) m. m. lis above rose on obv., anchor upright on rev., saltires between words ; and R and €( in 3DiVT0Re( superimposed, unpublished, all very rare and fine 3 *** No. 2 from the Bergne and Brice collections. 684 G roat, of London, differing from any published type, m. m. obv. escallop, rev. heraldic cinquefoil ; the hair of the bust is brushed straight away from the face, the arches are not fleured, open e's in legend and rosette after each word; rev. trefoils after words except posvi, two after oivitss and LOnDOn, well preserved, unique (?) and un- published [PI. V] 1 *** From the Webb collection (lot 224). 685 Half Groats, of London, usual type, m. m. lis, cross to left of neck only, rosettes after words, lozenge enclosing pellet in centre of cross on rev. ; of Canterbury, m. m. tun on both sides ; another of Canterbury, m. m. cross, saltire each side of neck, and CD for Morton in centre of cross on rev. ; Halfpenny of London, m. m. heraldic cinquefoil, king with double arched crown ; another of same mint, with single arched crown, all fine and rare, especially the last two 5 *** Nos. 1-3 from the Brice, no. 4 from the Bergne and no. 5 from the Webb collection. 686 Half G roats, of Canterbury, m. m. tun on both sides, arches of tressure not fleured ; another of same mint, no m. m., cross each side of neck, cd in centre of rev. ; another of York, m. m. martlet, key each side of king's neck, no tressure on obv. ; aiviras efBORSai (Bud. Suppl. pi. iv, 3) ; Halfpenny of London, saltire each side of neck, king with double arched crown ; another of same mint, m. m. lis, with single arched crown, all fine and rare 5 687 Half Groats, of London, m.m. lis, lis on breast, lozenge enclosing pellet in centre of cross on rev. (Hks. no. 2) ; of Canterbury, com- posed of two reverses, m. m. ton ; of York, m. m. lis, rosette after each word on obv., lozenge m centre of cross, oivittcs. efBORSai., unpublished, all fine and exceedingly rare 3 94 688 Pen ny, of Canterbury, m. m. tun, reading obv. hetnRia. Di. grs. rqx. sn, rosette after each word ; rev. arvrrss aSriTOR (comp. Hks. 376) ; Halfpenny of same mint, no m. m. ; king wears single-arched crown, unpublished, both of the highest rarity 2 *** No. 1 from the Barclay, Durrant and Shepherd collections ; no. 2 from the Brice collection. 689 Halfpenny, of York, m. m. uncertain, king with single-arched crown and key under bust, arviTSS qborSoi (Hks. 377) ; and Halfpenny of London, m.m. cross (?), arvrrss LOnDOn, both exceedingly rare, especially the second piece, two other specimens only of which are known, those are in the British Museum and are almost " illegible " 2 *** No. 1 from the Wigan and Webb collections ; no. 2 from the Wake- ford collection. 690 Groat of Perkin Warbeck, 1494, m. m. lion passant on both sides, obv. DOCDine(. SSLWCD. FSa. RQgqcd, Within a double tressure of five curves a shield surmounted by double arched crown and between a lis and a rose both crowned ; rev. CDSni. tqqkql. PhSRa 1494, Within double quatrefoil, lis and lion ; above, crown ; below, rose, wt. 58| grs. (Bud. Suppl. pi. ill, 33), extremely rare and fine [PI. V] 1 *** From the Bolland, Liscombe, Murchison, and Addington collections. Third Coinage, with bust in profile. 691 Shilling, m. m. lis on both sides ; obv. hgnRiavs. di. grs. Rax. ffnGLiQ. z. fr. (saltire after each word), Bust of king to right in profile, wearing arched crown, within double circle; rev. POSVI. dqv. KDiVTOtf. (dqv (saltire after each word), Shield, arms of England, on cross fourch^e, lis in each fork, wt. 142 grs. (Bud.pl. VI, 18), extremely fine and very rare [PI. V] 1 *** From the Hollis, Durrant, Bergne (lot 484) and Brice collections. " With the exception of a specimen bequeathed by Col. Durrant to the British Museum this is believed to be the best known." It is, however, far finer than the Durrant specimen. 692 Shilling, similar to the last, but reading obv. hgnRia' di' grs' rqx Sugliq z FRSn' ; rev. posvi dqv'x SDIVTO'qvx cdqv., wt. 142 grs., very fine and extremely rare 1 *** From the Addington collection. 693 "Septim" Shilling, m.m. lis on both sides, similar type to lot 691, but reading obv. hemRia. sqpticd. di. grs. rqx. snGL. z. frs. ; rev. posvi. dqvcd. sdivtorq. cdq,vcd, saltires after words, wt. 142 grs. (Bud. pi. vi, 19), fine, slightly cracked, and of the highest rarity 1 95 694 G roat, type as the shilling (lot 691), m. m. lis on both sides, reading obv. hanRiavs. Dai. grk, Rax. KnGLi. z. frs. ; rev. posvi. Davco. SDiVTORa. ccefVCD ; saltires between words (comp. HJcs. no. 1), fine and probably unique 1 *£* From the Murchison, Bergne (lot 485) and Brice collections. 695 Groat, similar to last, but one circle only around bust; to. m. lis on obv., greyhound's head on rev. ; reading obv. hanRia. Dl. GKS. Re(X. ftnGL. z. frs. ; rev. posvi. Dav. JCDivtorq. coav. ; saltires between words, fine and probably unique, unpublished 1 *#* This coin shows that the greyhound to. to. is probably the earliest one of the coins with the numerals after the king's name. 696 " Septim " Groat, same type as the preceding ; to. to. lis on rev. only ; reading obv. hetnRia' sqpticd' di^ grtc^ Raxx ftnGi/ z fr'; rev. as the preceding (Hks. 354), in fair condition, extremely rare 1 *** From the Wigan, Halliburton Young, and Marsham collections. " Only one other specimen known, which is in the British Museum." 697 Half G roat, type similar to lot 695 ; to. to. lis on rev. only ; reading obv. hetnRia. DL GRK. RaX. SnGLI. Z. FR. ; rev. POSVI. DaV. KDIVTORa. coav., saltires between words (Hks. no. 1), fine and of the highest rarity 1 698 Groat, similar type but with numerals after king's name, hanRia. VII. di. GR . &c, Rax. a"GL. z. f. ; to. to. cross crosslet ; another, similar, with same to. to., but reading ftGL. z. fr. ; and another, with to. to. pheon, all extremely fine and scarce 3 *** Nos. 1 and 3 from the Brice collection. 699 Groat, similar to last lot, m.m. lis on obv. only, slightly rubbed ; another, to. m. greyhound's head on both sides, reading sgli. z. f. (var. Hks. no. 8); and Penny of London, sovereign type, m.m. cinquefoil pierced, aiviTSS LOnDOn, the last two very fine, all very rare, especially the last coin, the m. m. of which is unpublished 3 *** Nos. 1 and 2 from the Webb and no. 3 from the Brice collection. 700 Half Groats, of London, same type as the groats in the preceding- lot, with to. to. lis, reading JCGL. z. and SDivroa (Sn.pl. in, 6) ; to. to. martlet (Hks. 385) ; to. to. pheon, reading SL. z. and SDlVToa. (Hks. no. 6) ; and of York, m. to. martlet, two keys under shield on rev., reading kgl. z. and SDivroa ; and Pennies (2) of York, sovereign type, no to. to., rosettes between words on obv., keys on rev., aiviras aBORftai, unpublished ; the second piece without rosettes on obv. and to. to. lis, all fine and scarce 6 *** No. 1 from the Webb and no. 3 from the Shepherd collection. 96 701 Half Groats, of London, same type, (1) m.m. pheon on obv., lis on rev., reading 2CGL. z. and 3DiVT0e( ; (2) m. m. martlet on obv., rosette on rev. ; (3) m. m. rose on both sides, reading XGL. z. and 3DIVTOR0 ; others (2) of York, m. m. martlet on both sides and keys under shield ; and m. m. rose on obv., martlet on rev., all unpublished combinations of m. m., very fine 5 *** Nos. 1-3 from the Webb and no. 5 from the Brice collection. 702 Pennies, sovereign type, of London, no m.m., aivrras LOnDOn; of Durham (2), with D. s. (Dunelmensis Sherwood) at sides of shield, arvrras dirrsgd; and d. r. (Dunelmensis Ruthall) at sides of shield and crown above, unpublished ; another of York, m. m. trefoil ; trefoil after each word on obv., and on rev. keys under shield, aiviTffS eCBORjeaL, all very fine and scarce 4 *** Nos. 2 and 4 from the Brice and no. 3 from the Neville Rolfe collection. 97 SIXTH DAY'S SALE. HENRY VIII. A.D. 1509-1546. Gold, lot 703 Sovereign, 1st coinage, m. m. portcullis crowned on both sides, obv. hemRiavs. dqi. GRftaift. rgix. snGLiet. gt. FRftna. Dns. hiB., King enthroned with portcullis at his feet, within a fleured circle ; rev. ihetsvs. aVTQM. TRSnsietns. psr. mqdivm. illorvm ibst., Shield of arms on double rose, surrounded by double tressure with lions and lis in the arches (similar type to Henry VII's), wt. 235 grs. {Ken.pl. Vin, 54), extremely fine and very rare 1 "%* From the Brice collection. 704 Sovereign, 1st coinage, rn. m. lis on obv., cross crosslet on rev., same type and legends as on the preceding, but on the rev. there are no lions and lis in the arches of the tressure, which is single and ornamented with flowers, etc., wt. 238 grs. (Ken. no. 1), extremely fine and very rare [PI. VI] 1 *** From the Gott and Addington collections (see lot 742 for Double Sovereign of this issue). 705 Sovereign, 2nd coinage, m.m. lis on obv., arrow on rev., same type and legends as the last coin, no saltires after R0X, one only after IB3T, wt. 238 grs. (Ken. no. 2), very fine and very rare 1 *** From the Hall collection. 706 Sovereign, 2nd coinage, m. m. lis on obv., pheon on rev., same type and legends as lot 704, but four saltires after IBST (Rud. pi. V, 2), same as the Double Sovereign of this issue (Ken. p. 89), wt. 238| grs., very fine and unpublished 1 %* From the Howard and Brice collections. 707 Sovereign, 3rd coinage, m. m. lis on both sides, obv. hemRia. 8. DL GR3\ TEnGLie;. FRSNaia. ex hiBe:. Retx., King wearing short beard and ruff, enthroned, with rose at his feet; circle fleured; rev. ihesvs. svTQM. TRanaiems. par. medivm. illorv. ibst, Shield of arms with supporters, a lion and a dragon; below HR (mon.) on tablet, wt. 198^ grs. (Bud.pl. vi, 1), very fine and extremely rare of this issue 1 *** From the British Museum (1811), Durrant, Bergne (lot 522) and Brice collections. H 98 708 Sovereign, 4th coinage, m. m. annulet enclosing pellet on dbv., lis on rev. ; obv. hEnRia. 8. di. GR2C. sgl. FRanaiE. z. hiber. rex, King enthroned as on the preceding, but there is no fleured circle ; rev. ihs. 7CVTEM. TRAnaiEns. per. mediv. illorv. ibtct. (letters chiefly Eoman), Shield with supporters as on the preceding ; trefoils after words on both sides, wt. -191 grs. (Ken. no. 1), fine and extra rare 1 709 Sovereign, 4th or 5th coinage, of Bristol, m. m. w. s. in monogram (William Sharington) on both sides, similar type to the preceding, but reading dbv. henric. 8. del gra. agl. fran. z. hib. rex. ; rev. IHS. AVTEM. TRANSIENS. PER. MEDIVM. ILLOR. IBAT. (Roman letters), rose after each word, wt. 185 grs. (comp. Ken. no. 4, p. 94), very fine and extra rare 1 ■%* The only piece of this type described by Kenyon I.e. is given to the third coinage on account of its weight 199*5 grs. 710 Half Sovereign, 4th coinage, m. m. lis on both sides, dbv. henric. 8. DI. GRA. AGL. francie. et. hiber. rex., King with short beard enthroned, rose at his feet; rev. ihs. avtem. transiens. per. medivm. illorvm. ibat., Shield with supporters ; below H. R. (mon.) on tablet ; Roman letters in legends, wt. 99| grs. (comp. Bud. pi. VI, 11), extremely fine and exceedingly rare, unpublished with this mint mark [PI. VI] 1 711 Half Sovereign, 4th or 5th coinage, m. m. annulet enclosing pellet on both sides, same type as the preceding, but reading z. hiberni. rex., and iba., wt. 95 grs. (Bud. pi. vi, 11), very fine and rare, an un- published variety *+* From the Dimsdale, Martin, Forster, and Addington collections. 712 Half Sovereign, 4th or 5th coinage, m.m. annulet enclosing pellet on both sides, same type as lot 710, but reading z. hibern. rex, tranoiens and illor., wt. 96 grs., very fine, an unpublished variety 1 713 Half Sovereign, 4th or 5th coinage, m. m. annulet enclosing pellet on both sides, same type as lot 710, but with annulet above king's head and below his feet, and another above crown on rev. ; reading dbv. HENRIO. 8. D. G. AGL. FRANaT. Z. HIB. REX J rev. IHS. AVTE. transiensi (sic) per. medi. illor. ibat, wt. 90 grs., fine, unpub- lished 1 714 Half Sovereign, 5th coinage, m.m. s on both sides, same as the pre- ceding, but no annulets on dbv. and rev., and reading transie., wt. 95 grs., very fine, an unpublished variety 1 715 Half Sovereign, 5th coinage, m. m. s on obv., on rev., similar type, but with under shield (Ken. no. 17); reading obv. hemRia. 8. D. G. TfGL. FR^naiQ. z. hiB. Re(X ; rev. ihs. AVT0. TRAnsiens. p«r. m^di. illor. ibat, transition type, wt. 92 grs. (Num. Chron. N. S. xii, p. 158), fine and rare 1 99 716 Half Sovereign, 5th coinage, same as the preceding coin, but m. m. e( on obv., s on rev. ; also €( under shield and letters of legends of Lombardic character, wt. 94 grs., very fine and very rare with this mint mark 1 * # * From the Bergne and James collections. The Half Sovereigns with Henry's name and the young portrait are described under Edward VI. 717 George Noble, m. m. rose on both sides, obv. hetnRia. d. g. r. SGLiet. z. FRft. DnS. hiBe(Rie(., Ship with double rose on mast and h. K (Henry and Katherine of Aragon) at sides ; rev. tsli. DiaftTft. sig°- coets. FLVaTVSRi. netQT., St. George on horseback, piercing the Dragon with a spear ; saltires after words, wt. 71 grs. (Ken. no. 2 ; Rud. pi. V, 3), very fine and extremely rare [PI. VI] 1 *** From the Tyssen, Dimsdale, Thomas, Wigan, Young, and Brice collections. 718 George Noble, same type as the preceding, but m. m. cinquefoil on both sides ; reading obv. hetnRia. D. G. R. SGL. z. FRftna. DnS. hiBetRi ; rev. TSLL Dioff. sig. cdqs. flvotvsri. netQViT, stops be- tween words imperfect quatrefoils, wt. 69 grs., fine, extremely rare, an unpublished variety 1 *%* From the Addington collection. 719 HALF GEORGE NOBLE, m. m. rose on both sides, obv. Iienric'x d' x g'x r'x agl' Zx fra'x dns'x Iiybe'., Ship with rose on mast and h. K at sides, similar to lot 717, but the gallery of the vessel is orna- mented with circles and not with a trellis pattern; rev. TALI x dica'* sig° mes'x flvctvari x neqt., St. George on horseback piercing the Dragon as on lot 717, wt. 36 grs., in the highest state of preservation, UNIQUE [PI. VI] 1 "%* From the Shepherd collection (lot 211). This very interesting and unique coin was brought from Paris many years ago by Mr. Curt, the dealer, who sold it to the Eev. E. J. Shepherd for £70 j at the latter's sale it was purchased by Mr. Montagu for £255. It is evident from the style of lettering of the inscriptions, which are in Eoman characters, that this coin belongs to a later date than the George Nobles. The letter K on the reverse is therefore probably the initial of Katherine Howard or Katherine Parr, and not of Katherine of Aragon as on the Nobles. This would partly account for the great rarity of this coin, which may be a pattern. 720 Angel, 1st coinage, m. m. portcullis crowned on both sides, obv. hemRia. vui. di. GRS. RQX. 5CGL. z. fr., St. Michael piercing the Dragon, on which both his feet stand ; rev. Pe(R. aRVaet. TVS'. SftLVS. nos. XPe(. RQDet., Shield on ship, usual type, with h and rose at sides of mast; one saltire after each word of legends on both sides, except R0D0, wt. 80 grs., (Rud. pi. v, 6), extremely fine and rare [PI. VI] 1 *** From the Bergne (lot 512) and Brice collections. H 2 100 721 Angel, 1st coinage, same type and legends as the preceding coin, but m. m. castle on both sides ; two saltires after each word on rev., except rqdq., wt. 80 grs., extremely fine and rare ; the m. m. on the obv. is in the form of a castle above H 1 "%* From the Leckenby collection. 722 Angel, 1st coinage, same type and m. m. as the last coin, but without the h and rose at sides of mast ; the obv. legend ends SGL. z. F., and on rev. Re(D. for rsds., wt. 79 grs. , very fine and a variety of extreme rarity 1 *** From the Bergne (lot 513) and Brice collections. 723 Angel, 2nd coinage, m. m. lis on both sides, usual type, reading obv. hemRia. viii. d. g. r. sgl. z. frs ; rev. par. aRvaet. tvjc. sslvs. nos. XP0. rqd., one saltire after each word on obv. except FRft. and two on rev. except rqd., wt. 80 grs., fine, an unpublished variety and rare of this coinage 1 724 Angel, 3rd coinage, m. m. lis on both sides, usual type, but with annulet above the angel's head and on ship ; reading obv. hemRia. 8. D. G. 7CGL. FR3\ Z. hlB. RQX ; rev. as on last but ending RQDa., saltire after each word on both sides, wt. 50 grs. (Rud. pi. vi, 6), fine and scarce of this coinage 1 *** From the Young collection. 725 Half Angel, 1st coinage, m. m. castle on both sides, type of Angel (lot 720), but no numerals after king's name reading obv. hemRia. di. grs. rqx. sgl. z. ; rev. o. aRVX. jcva. spqs. vnias ; one saltire after each word on obv., two on rev., wt. 38 grs. (Ken. pi. viii, 56), fine and a rare variety 1 726 Half Angel, 1st coinage, m. m. castle on both sides, same as last, but reading on obv. hanRia. viii. di. GRS. Rax. sgl. z. ; no saltire after vniaft, wt. 39 grs., very fine, and a very fully spread coin, extremely rare in this condition [PI. VI] 1 *** From the Bergne (lot 514) and Brice collections. 727 Half Angel, 3rd coinage, m. m. lis on both sides, usual type, but with annulet on ship and after each word on rev. ; reading obv. hemRia. 8. d. G. 2CGL. fr. z. hlB. rqx ; rev. usual legend, wt. 39 grs. (Ken. no. 1 ; Rud. pi. vi, 7), fine and rare 1 *** From the Brice collection. 728 Half Angel, 3rd coinage, same type and m. m. as last, and same legends ; but there are three annulets on the ship, wt. 39£ grs., fine and a variety of extreme rarity 1 %* From the Brice collection. 101 729 Quarter Angel, 3rd coinage, m, m. lis on both sides, usual type, St. Michael and the Dragon, and Ship on rev.; reading obv. hemmavs. vin. Dai. grs. SGLia. ; rev. FRSnaia. aT. hiBaRnia. Rax ; one saltire after each word on obv. ; two on rev., wt. 19| grs., (var. (Ken. pi. ix, 63), fine and extremely rare [PI. VI] 1 * From the Cuff, Bergne, and Brice collections. 730 Quarter Angel, 3rd coinage, m. m. lis on both sides, same type as the preceding and same legends, but reading di. GRS. SGLa ; and Roman n's in hetNRiavs and FRSNaie., wt. 19 grs. (var. Bud. pi. vi, 9), fine and extremely rare 1 *** From the Hastings and Nash collections. 731 Crown, 2nd coinage, m. m. rose on both sides, obv. hanRia. viii. RVTiLSns. ROSS. sine;, spis., A double rose crowned between h. k., both crowned; rev. Dai. G. R. SGLia. z. FRSna. Dns. hiBaRnia., Shield with arms crowned ; no letters in field, wt. 57 grs. (Rud.pl. V, 11), very fine and very rare without the initials on the rev. 1 *** From the Bergne (lot 518), Young, and Brice collections. 732 Crown, 2nd coinage, m. m. arrow, same as the preceding, but with h. K. crowned in field on both sides, and reading sia. and hiBQRnl., wt. 56 grs. ; another, similar, m. m. rose on both sides and h. K. crowned in field on obv. only ; reading obv. hENRiCVS viii. RVTILSNS. ROSS. SINE. SPINS ; rev. DEI. G. R. SGLIE. Z. FRSNC. DNS. hlBERn. (Roman characters), wt. 57 grs., both extremely fine and scarce 2 * # * No. 2 from the Hastings and Brice collections. On account of the Roman letters in the inscriptions the second piece must be given to Katherine Howard (see also the Half George Noble, lot 719). 733 Crown, 2nd coinage, m. m. rose on both sides, usual type and legends as lot 731, with h. k on obv. only, but reading SGL. z. FRSna., wt. 57 grs. ; and Half Crown, m. m. rose on both sides, obv. hetnRia. 8. di. G. r. SGL. z. frs, Shield of arms crowned ; rev. RVTiLSns. ROSS. sina. SPinS., A rose crowned between h. K. ; two saltires between each word on both sides, wt. 28£ grs. (Ken. no. 2), both very fine, the first rare 2 %* No. 1 from the Addington and no. 2 from the Brice collection. 734 Crown, 2nd coinage, m. m. lis on both sides, usual type, with h. k. crowned on both sides, reading obv. hetnRia. Vin, &c, SPINA (Roman N); rev. Dei. g. r. sgl. z. FRSna. Dns. hiBeRnia, wt. 57 grs., extremely fine ; and Half Crown, m. m. lis on both sides, similar to last lot, but with h. K. on both sides, and reading SGL. z. FRSnae, wt. 28 grs. (Ken. no. 6), fine, both scarce 2 102 735 Crown, 2nd coinage, m. m. arrow on both sides, usual type, but with h. a. (Henry and Anne Boleyn), crowned on both sides ; reading obv. hetnRia. vm. rvtilsus rosx sia. spina ; rev. Dai. g. r. jcgliq. z. FRftna Dns. hiBaRnia, wt. 57 grs. (Ken. no. 11 and pi. vm, 59), fine and a very rare coin [PI. VI] 1 *** From the Peace collection. 736 Crown, 2nd coinage, m. m. arrow on both sides, usual type, but with h. i. (Henry and Jane Seymour), crowned on both sides ; legends as on last coin but spia 1 , wt. 57^ grs. (var. Ken. no. 13 ; Bud. pi. V, 10) ; and Half Crown, m. m. arrow on both sides, type as in lot 733, but with h. I. not crowned on both sides ; reading obv. hanRia. DL grs. rg(X. jtgl. z. f. j rev. RVTiLSns. rosx sina. spins., wt. 28 grs. (var. Ken. no. 7, and pi. vm, 60), both fine and unpublished varieties, rare 2 *#* No. 1 from the Shepherd and Brice collections. 737 Crown, 4th coinage, m. m. annulet with pellet on both sides, usual type ; with h. r. crowned on both sides ; reading obv. hanRia. 8. Rosa. sina. spina ; rev. Dai. grs. Sgl. frs. z. hiB. Retx, wt. 44 grs. (Ken. no. I); and Half Crown, 4th coinage, m. m. annulet with pellet on both sides, usual type with king's name on shield side, and h. R. not crowned on obv. and rev. ; reading obv. hetnRia. 8. D. G. RGL. fr. z. hB. Retx j rev. RVTiLftns. Rosa, sinet. SPinS., wt. 24 grs. (Ken. pi. ix, 67), both fine 2 %.* No. 1 from the Chesham find and no. 2 from the Bergne and Brice collections. 738 Crown, 4th coinage, m. m. annulet with pellet on both sides, type as in previous lot, but h. k. crowned on obv. and H. R. crowned on rev.; reading obv. hetnRia. 8. rvtils. ROSS". Sina. spi. ; rev. di. GRS. SGLl. FRSnai. z. hiB. Rax., wt. 47 grs. ; and Half Crown, 5th coinage, m. m. martlet on both sides, type as in previous lot, with H. R. on obv. and rev.; reading obv. henric. 8. D. G. AG. FR. z. Hi. rex ; rev. RVTILANS. ROSA. sine. sp. (all Roman letters), wt. 24 grs., both unpublished varieties, m. m. of second piece also unpublished, both rare 2 739 Crown, 5th coinage, m. m. arrow on both sides, usual type, but with H. R. crowned on obv. and rev. ; reading obv. henric. 8. rvtilans. ros. sin. spi. ; rev. del gra. agl. fra. z. hib. rex (Roman letters throughout), stops diamonds, wt. 48 grs., well preserved, very rare, unpublished, of the latest issue of this reign 1 740 Crown, 5th coinage, m. m. e on obv. only, type and legends as on last coin, but rvtils for rvtilans, letters throughout Roman, wt. 48g- grs., somewhat rubbed, of rough work, exceedingly rare, unpublished 1 *** This coin may be of Edward VI. 103 741 Crown of Bristol, 4th coinage, m. m. trefoil slipped and pierced on obv. ; w. S in monogram (William Sharington) on rev., usual type, with h. R. crowned on both sides ; reading obv. hediRia. 8. Ross, sinet. spins (quatrefoil after ROSS and sine) ; rev. D. G. KnGLie. FRS. z. hiB. rqx (quatrefoil after JCnGLiet), wt. 47 grs. (var. Ken. no. 3), very fine; and Half Crown of same mint, m. m. w. s. (mon.) on rev. only, usual type, with h. R. not crowned on both sides ; legends reading obv. hetnRia. 8. D. G. ANG. fr. z. hiB. Re(X; rev. RVTiLSns. ROSS., &c, precisely as Ken. no. 10 (Eud.pl. vi, 3), fine, both very rare 2 *** No. 1 from the Shepherd (lot 216) and Brice collections. Patterns. 742 DOUBLE SOVEREIGN, 1st coinage, m. m. lis on obv., cross crosslet on rev.; obv. hemRiavs x Ded* GRftaiK x Re < x KnGLiQ* QTx FRSna' x Dns' x hlB' x , King enthroned, holding orb and sceptre, within a fleured border ; portcullis at his feet ; rev. ihasvsj £VTe(M x TRSnsietns^ pqr x mqdivmI illorvm x ib:st x , Shield in centre of double, rose, surrounded by an ornamented tressure of ten arches, wt. 476 grs. (Ken. no. 2 ; Bud. pi. V, 1), very fine and of the highest rarity, only one other specimen known, not so well preserved, which is in tJie British Museum 1 * * * From the Dimsdale (lot 500) £40, Thomas (lot 216) £30, Wigan and Marsham (lot 391) £116, collections. The excessive rarity of this coin is shown by the fact that no specimen occurred in either the Trattle, Devonshire, Cuff, Dymock, Martin, Murchison, Bergne, or Shepherd collections. It is from the same die as lot 704. 743 ANGEL, m.m. lis on both sides, obv. heNRicC vm' x d x g x r x sglj FRSae( x , usual type, but the head of the Archangel is larger and seems older than usual and is surrounded by a large glory ; the arms are covered with armour, the breastplate on the body is dis- tinctly shown and the legs, which are generally armed, are bare ; the cross at the end of the spear is varied; rev. Pe(R x aRvae( x tvs x SSLVS X nos x XPe x Re(D., Ship on sea as usual with h and rose above shield ; the gallery around the ship is ornamented with a dot in each section of the trellis pattern and the portholes are shown by pellets, wt. 75% grs., extremely fine, unique? [PI. VI] 1 *** From the Brice collection. " This coin is unpublished and perhaps a unique pattern. Although extremely fine the weight is only 75| grs. The workmanship is very neat and much better than is usual at the period." — William Brice. 104 Silver. First Coinage. 744 G roats, of London, type with bust in profile crowned but with portrait of Henry VII and reading obv. hemRia. vin. di GRft. &c, rev. posvi. Detvco &a, Shield, on cross, (1) m. m. portcullis crowned; (2) m.m. castle, reading ftGL. z. F. ; (3) same m. m., reading ftGL. z. fr ; (4) same m. m., reading ftGL. z. FRft (Bud. pi. vn, 2 and 3), nos. 1 and 2 very fine, 3 and 4 fine 4 *** No 1 from the Brice collection. 745 Half Groats, same type, of London, m. m. portcullis crowned ; Canter- bury, m. m. cross and w. A. (Wareham) at sides of shield, unpublished ; York, m. m. star, keys under shield and cardinal's hat below, Brice collection ; another of same mint and type, m. m. wavy star ; Pennies, Sovereign type, of London, m. m. pheon, reading rqx. ftV, Webb collection ; and Durham, m. m. lis and T. D. (Thomas Ruthall) above shield ; and Halfpenny of London, m. m. portcullis, all fine and an interesting series 7 746 Half Groats, same type, of London, m. m. portcullis crowned, Webb collection ; Canterbury, m. m. martlet, w. ft. above shield ; York, m. m. sun above clouds, keys under shield and cardinal's hat below ; another of same mint and type and T. w. (Wolsey) at sides of shield, m. m. cross, Webb collection; Pennies, Sovereign type, of London, m. m. portcullis crowned ; and York, no m. m., keys only under shield ; and Halfpenny of Canterbury with w. ft. at sides of head, all fine and interesting coins, the last scarce 7 747 Farthing, m. m. portcullis, obv. hetnRia. di . . . Portcullis ; rev. Cross with rose in centre, chipped, this excessively rare piece is engraved in Bud. Suppl. pi. II, 17, and Hks. 395 1 *** From the Shepherd collection. 748 Tou may Groat, m. m. t. crowned on both sides, obv. hemRia. di GRft. R«x. FRftna. z. ftGLL, Bust in profile crowned, features of Henry VII ; rev. aiviTfts. TORnftaan., Shield, arms of France and England quar- terly, on cross fourchee (Bud. pi. vn, 13), very rare, and probably the finest specimen known [PI. VI] 1 *** From the Bergne (lot 492) and Brice collections. 749 Tour nay Groat, 1513, obv. henric. 8. di. gra. francie. et. anglie. rex., Shield crowned between lis and lion passant; rev. CIVITAS tornacensis 1513, Cross voided, fourchee, with three bars across each limb, in centre h within quatrefoil ; lis and lion alternately in angles (Bud. Suppl. 2, pi. xn), of extreme rarity and the finest of the only three specimens known 1 *** From the Shepherd collection (lot 219). 105 Second Coinage. 750 Groats, of London, type with Henry VIII's own portrait in profile ; reading obv. hemRia. VIII. Dl. G. &c. ; rev. posvi. Detv. &c, (l)m. m. rose, reading FRfta. ; (2) same m. m. but reading FRKna., both from the Brice collection ; (3) m. m. arrow, reading SGLie( ; (4) m. m. lis, reading FRftnaa (sic), Brice collection ; and (5) m. m. sun and clouds, mostly very fine, the last a rare mint mark 5 751 Groats, of London, type as in last lot, (1) m. m. rose, with larger and different bust and drapery, reading FRfta, Bieber collection ; (2) same m. m., but reading FRftnaet ; (3) same m. m., but reading FRTCa and 3DiVT0e(, unpublished; (4) m.m. pheon obv., rev. lis, unpublished', (5) m. m. lis on both sides (Ehs. 396), all very fine specimens 5 752 Groat, of London, m. m. rose on both sides, usual type, but the letters on the obv. legend are mostly Roman, hENRic. viii. DL GRA. REX. 7CGL. z. fr. ; rev. posvi. De(V. adivtorq. COEV., slightly rubbed ; and Halfpenny of same issue, same m. m. and type, but reading Dl. G. R. KGL. z. frr. and on rev. KDiVTOa. fine, both unpublished and extremely rare 2 753 Groat, of York, type as before, m. m. cross, with T. w. (Wolsey) at sides of shield and cardinal's hat below cross, reading aiviTftS flBORSai ; another of same mint, same m. m., no initials of Wolsey on rev., cardinal's hat below cross; Half Groat of York, m.m. cross, T. w. at sides of shield and cardinal's hat below cross, Shepherd and Brice collections ; and Durham Penny, Sovereign type, also with T. w. at sides of shield and cardinal's hat below, all fine and rare, an interesting series of Wolsey' 's coins 4 754 Groat, of York, usual type, m. m. acorn, t. w. at sides of shield, car- dinal's hat below, a very rare mint mark ; Half Groat of York, m. m. key on obv. and E. L. (Edward Lee) at sides of shield, Brice collection ; another of same mint and same m. m., but with L. E. on rev. ; and Halfpennies of York, m. m. key and «. l. at sides of head ; and of Canterbury with t. a (Thomas Cranmer) at sides of head, all fine, rare and interesting pieces 5 755 Half Groats, of London, usual type ; m. m. lis on obv., none on rev. : of Canterbury, m. m. cross fleury on obv., T. on rev., w. JC. at sides of shield, Brice collection, rare ; another of same mint, with m. m. Catherine wheel on obv., and T. C (Thomas Cranmer) at sides of shield on rev., Brice collection ; Pennies, Sovereign type, of London, m. m. arrow, Bergne and Brice collections ; of Canterbury, m. m. cross fleury on obv. only, w. ft at sides of shield, unpublished, Shepherd and Brice collections ; and Halfpennies of London, with m.m. lis and arrow, all fine, rare and interesting coins 7 106 756 Half Groats, of London, m. m. lis, reading 3DiVT0e(. ; of Canterbury, m. m. T. on both sides, w. % at sides of shield; another, m.m. Catherine wheel on both sides and T. c at sides of shield ; of York, m. m. key, no letters at sides of shield ; Pennies, Sovereign type, of London, m. m. rose ; of Durham, m. m. crescent or c on obv., T. w. at sides of shield and cardinal's cap below cross ; and Halfpenny of London, m. m. lis, all fine and scarce coins 7 757 Farthing, obv. rvtilsns ROSS, Portcullis; rev. h. d. GRflars", Cross with one pellet in each angle, vol. 3 grs. (Bud. Suppl. n, pi. XVI, 18), fine and of the highest rarity, possibly only one other specimen known 1 *** From the Wigan and Brice collections. Third Coinage, with Bust facing (of Fine Silver). 758 Testoon, m. m. lis on obv., two lis on rev. ; obv. hartRiu. viii. di. grs. SGL. FR7C. z. hiB. Rax, Bust facing, crowned, with mantle and fur collar ; rev. POSVI. DavM. 7CDIVTORQVM. mevm., Double rose crowned between h. R. crowned (Bud. pi. viii, 2), extremely fine and very rare 1 "%* From the Dymock, Bergne (lot 498) and Brice collections. 759 Testoon, same as the preceding, but m. m. one lis onobv. and rev. and reading adivtoqrivm, fine and very rare 1 *** From the Brice collection. 760 Groat, m. m. lis, obv. henRia. 8. d. g. &c, Bust slightly turned to right, fur mantle; rev. posvi. dqv. SDiVTORet. cdqv. (two saltires after Detv. and SDiVTORet), Shield on cross fourchee with annulet in each fork (Bud. pi. viii, 3), extremely fine; Half Groat, m.m. lis, same type as the Groat, but reading fr. z. hB. Rax and jtdivtoq. (Bud.pl. Viii, 13) ; and Penny of London, with full face, m. m. lis (?) on obv., and reading H. D. G. ROSA. Slna. SPI. and rev. civracs LONDON, both very fine, all very rare 3 *** No. 1 from the Brice collection ; no. 2 from the Henderson, Dims- dale, Durrant, Bergne (lot 500) and Brice collections ; no. 3 from the Bergne and Brice collections. 761 Groat and Half Groat, same type and m. m. as in the preceding lot, but slightly varied in the king's portrait, fine and very rare 2 762 Groat, m. m. lis, similar to lot 760 (Bud.pl. viii, 3) ; another, of Lon- don, of later issue but of fine silver, Roman letters chiefly in legends, reading henrio. 8. d. g. agi &c. and civrrxs London., s in each fork of cross (Snelling, pi. Ill, 42), both very fine and rare, especially the second piece 2 *** No. 2 from the Brice collection. 107 Third and later Coinages, with Bust facing (of baser Silver). 763 Testoon, m. m. lis on obv., annulet on rev. ; obv. hetnRia. 8. d. g. &c, Bust of king crowned, full face; rev. posvi devm 3:divtor[em] mevm, Eose crowned between h. R. crowned (comp. Bud. pi. viii, 6), slightly chipped, an extremely fine portrait, scarce 1 764 Testoon, m. m. annulet enclosing pellet on both sides, type same as last, reading sdivtorivcd cdsvcd, English m's, very fine and one of the best known specimens, rare 1 * # lections. * From the Dimsdale, Hall, Durrant, Brown, Bergne, and Brice col- 765 Testoon, same m. m., type and legends as last, two trefoils between each word on obv. and rev., one only after cdqvod., small crown above rose, very fine and scarce 1 766 Testoon, m. m. annulet and lis on both sides, same type as the pre- ceding, but Eoman letters entirely on rev., some in obv. legend, fine, unpublished with this m. m. 1 767 Testoon, of London, m. m. s (Suffolk or Southwark) on both sides ; bust full face, reading obv. liEnRia. 8. di. GRft. 2CGL. FR3\ z. hiB. REX ; rev. aiviTfts LonDon, three florets at the beginning, middle and end of rev. legend (comp. Bud. pi. viii and Hks. 409), extremely fine and very rare, slightly cracked 1 *** From the Brice collection. 768 Testoon, of London, same m. m. and type as the preceding coin, but reading d. g. instead of di. GRft, and florets on rev. larger (comp. Hks. 409), well preserved, very rare 1 769 Testoon, of London, m. m. s on obv. and e on rev., same type and legends as last, reading oivitss LonDon, florets as on lot 767, extremely fine and very rare 1 *** From the Brice collection. 770 Testoon, of Bristol, m. m. on rev. w. s. in monogram (W. Sharington), usual type, Bust facing, crowned, rev. Kose crowned between h. R.; reading obv. hetnRia. D. G. SnGL &c. ; rev. arviTfts BRISTOL, rose between two crosses flory after arvrras., fine and extremely rare 1 771 Groat, Half Groat (m. m. arrow), Penny and Halfpenny (m. m. lis) of London, with three-quarter face and rev. legend civitas LONDON, Roman letters ; the Groat has s in each fork of cross on rev. ; also Groat, Half Groat and Penny of Bristol of same type, reading aiviras BRiSTOLiet, m. m. w. s. (in mon.) on first two, all fine 7 108 772 Groat (m.m. lis), Half Groat (m.m. e), Penny and Halfpenny of London, with three-quarter face, the first reading rev. posvi. dqv. &c, and the others oivitas London.; also Groat, Half Groat and Penny of Bristol of same type, reading arvrocs bristoliq ; m. m. w. s. (in mon.) on Groat and Half Groat, all fine 7 * # * Nos. 1-4 from the Bergne and Brice collections. 773 Groat, Half Groat, Penny and Halfpenny of Canterbury, with three-quarter face, no m. m., and reading civitas CANTOR; also Groat, Half Groat, Penny and Halfpenny of York, of same type, reading oivitxs etBORSar, the Groat with Koman letters, all fine 8 * ¥r * All from the Brice collection, and nos. 5-7 from the Bergne col- lection. 774 Groat, Haif Groat and Penny of London, all with m.m. e and three-quarter face, and reading civitas LONDON ; also G roat of Canterbury, reading civitas cantor, and Half Groat of same mint and type, reading aiviras aSnTOR, all fine for these coins 5 775 Groat and Half Groat of London, both with m. m. arrow, three- quarter face, and reading posvi dqvcd &c, unpublished ; and Penny of same mint, civitas London.; also Groat, Half Groat and Penny of York of same type, reading oivitss aBORSai, but the last with Eoman letters, mostly fine 6 776 Groat, of Bristol, m. m. T. L (?) in monogram on rev., three-quarter face type, reading aiviTRS bristoliq, rose and quatrefoil after aivrras, lis in each fork of cross ; and Half Groat of same mint and type, and with same m. m., but cross and lis after aiviras, both fine and exceedingly rare, the second piece unpublished 2 * # * No. 1 from the Brice and no. 2 from the Gibbs collection. 777 Groat, of London, m. m. bow, on both sides, obv. henric. d. g. AG. fra. z. hib. rex., three-quarter bust; rev. redde cviqve qvod swm est, Shield on cross (Bud. pi. viii, 12), well preserved and very rare 1 * * * From the Shepherd collection (lot 225). 778 Groat, of London, same m. m., type and legends as the preceding, but reading agl. for AG., and letters throughout smaller, fine for this coin and very rare 1 *** From the Bergne (lot 504) and Brice collections. 779 Half Groats of London, of same m.m. and type as the last, but reading, henric 8. d. g. ang. fr. z. hi. rex ; rev. redd. cviq. qd. swm. est (Rks. 410), of great rarity and fine for this coin 1 * + * From the Martin, Murchison, and Addington collections. 109 780 Groat of London with m. m. lis on rev. ; another with same m. m. on both sides ; others, m. m. K, and picklock, all with rev. legend posvi devm ; others (2) of Bristol, both with m. m. w. s (in mon.), one with annulet, the other with lis in each fork of cross, reading aiviTSS bristoliq j and another of Canterbury, no m. m., reading CIVITAS CANTOR., and broken annulet in each fork of cross on rev., all fine for these coins 7 EDWARD VI. a.d. 1546-1553. Gold. First Coinage. 781 Half Sovereign, with his father's name, but his own portrait, m. m. E on both sides ; obv. henric. 8. D. G. agl. franc, z. hib. rex., King enthroned, rose at his feet ; rev. ihs. Avtem. transiens. per. medi. illor. IB AT., Shield crowned and with supporters ; below E and tablet with H. R. (mon.) ; diamond-shaped stops between words on both sides j Roman letters throughout, wt. 94^ grs. (Ken. no. 22, p. 99 ; Bud. pi. vi, 2), fine and very rare 1 *** From the Marsham collection (lot 381). 782 Half Sovereign, same as the preceding, but no m. m. on either side, and K. below shield on rev. ; and reading henric. 8. DEI. gra. agl. fra. z. hib. rex ; rev. legend as last, wt. 93 grs. (Ken. no. 26, p. 99 ; Num. Chron., N.S. xn, p. 189, no. 9), very fine and rare 1 783 Half Sovereign, same type and legends as lot 781 ; m. m. arrow on both sides, no letter under shield on rev. ; stops diamonds, two after, D. g. agl. and hib., none after per and one after every other word, wt. 94 grs. (var. Ken. no. 29, p. 100), fine and very rare 1 784 Half Sovereign, same type as lot 781, m. m. lis on both sides, reading HENRIC. 8. D. G. AGL. FRA. Z. HIB. REX J rev. IHS. AVTE. TRANSIE. per. medi. illor. ibat. ; plain stops after words on both sides ; three after rex ; no letter under shield, wt. 93 grs. (var. Ken. no. 36 p. 100), fine and rare 1 785 Half Sovereign, with Edward's name and portrait, m.m. arrow on both sides ; obv. edward. 6. d. g. agl. fran. z. hib. rex., King enthroned, rose at his feet; rev. ihs. avte. transie. per. medi. illor. ibat., Crowned shield with supporters ; below H. R. (mon.) on tablet ; stops, mascles on both sides, wt. 93 grs. (comp. Rud.pl vii, 3), fine and very rare \ *** From the Bergne (lot 543) and Brice collections. 110 786 Half Sovereign, m. m. L on both sides, same type as the preceding, but reading his. avtl. &c. ; L under shield on rev. ; throughout the e's are L's, wt. 94 grs., well preserved and a rare and unpublished variety 1 *** From the Marsham collection (lot 397). 787 Crown, m. m. arrow on both sides, obv. edward. 6. d. g. ag. fr. z. hib. rex., Royal- shield crowned between E. r., both crowned ; rev. rvtilans. ROSA, sine spine., Crown above double rose dividing E. R., both crowned ; stops, mascles, one after D., hib and rex, two after other words and six after spine., wt. 48 grs. (engraved in Num. Chron. XX, p. 187), extremely fine and unique [PI. VI] 1 *x* This most interesting and valuable coin is from the Murchison (lot 158) £83, and Addington collections. This and the specimen in the National Collection are the only two crowns of this issue known (see Ken. p. 107). 788 Half Crown, m. m. arrow on both sides, same type as the preceding coin, but the E. R. in field on obv. and rev. are not crowned ; reading Obv. EDWARD. 6. D. G. AG. FR. Z. HI. REX ; rev. RVTILANS : ROSA : sine: spina.; stops, mascles, wt. 24 grs. (Bud. vii, 13), fine but slightly chipped, and of the highest rarity, only two other specimens known, one of which is in the British Museum 1 *** From the Hoare and Shepherd (lot 238) £22, collections. Second Coinage. 789 Sovereign, m. m. arrow on rev. only, obv. edward. vi. del gra. agl. franci. et. hib. rex., King enthroned holding sword and orb ; rev. IHS. AVTEM. TRANSIENS. PER. MEDIV. ILLORV. IBAT., Crowned shield with supporters ; below on tablet with scroll ornaments E. R., wt. 168 grs. (Ken. pi. x, 70), very fine and extremely rare [PI. VI] 1 *** From Col. Long's collection. 790 Sovereign of the Southwark mint, same type as the preceding, m. m. Y (Sir John Yorke) on both sides, reading obv. edward. vi. d. g. AGL. FRAN. ET. HIB. REX (cinquefoil after REX) ; rev. IHS. AVTEM TRANSIENS. PER MEDI. ILLOR. IBAT., wt. 169 grs. (Bud. pi. VII, 2), very fine and very rare 1 *** From the Bank of England (1877) and Brice collections. 791 Half Sovereign, m. m. arrow on both sides, obv. scvtvm. fidei. PROTEGET. EVM., Bust to right, in armour, head bare ; rev. EDWARD, vi. D. G. agl. fra. z. hib. rex, Oval garnished shield, crowned, between E. R. ; stops rosettes on obv., diamonds on rev., wt. 83£ grs. (Bud. pi vn, 8), very fine and rare [PI. VI] 1 *** From the Bergne (lot 546) and Brice collections. Ill 792 Half Sovereign, same type and legends as the preceding coin, but m. m. 6 on both sides, wt. 71 grs., fine and excessively rare 1 793 Half Sovereign, m. m. arrow on both sides, same type and legends as lot 791, but the king's head is crowned and the legends are transposed, wt. 83| grs. (Bud. pi. VII, 4), fine and rare 1 *** From the Dimsdale, Durrant, Bergne (lot 549) and Brice collections. 794 Half Sovereign, same type and legends as last, but m. m. swan on both sides (crest of Sir M. Bowes), wt. 84 grs. (Ken. no. 5), very fine and rare [PI. VI] 1 795 Half Sovereign, m. m. grapnel on both sides, same type and legends as lot 793, but rose after each word on obv. and rev., but two after EVM., wt. 82 1 grs. (Ken. no. 6), fine and a rare m. m. 1 *** From the Murchison and Addington collections. 796 Crown, with uncrowned head, same type and legends as Half- Sovereign (lot 791), but m. m. arrow on obv. only, fr. for fra., and diamond-shaped stops on both sides ; no roses, wt. 41 1 grs. (comp. Bud. pi. VII, 9), extremely fine and very rare [PI. VII] 1 %* The Crown is much rarer than the Half Sovereign of same type. 797 Crown, with uncrowned bust, same as the preceding coin, but m. m. 6 on obv. only, and AG. for agl., wt. 41 1 grs., well preserved and unpublished with this m. m., exceedingly rare 1 *** From the Marsham collection (lot 402). 798 Crown, with crowned bust, same type and legends as the Half Sovereign (lot 793), m. m. arrow on both sides, and reading AG. for AGL., diamond shaped stops after words on both sides, wt. 41 grs. (var. Ken. pi. x, 72), very fine, exceedingly rare, an unpublished variety 1 *** From the Brice collection. 799 Crown, of Southwark, with crowned bust, as the preceding ; but m. m. Y on both sides, and reading agl. hi. and proteg., stops also as last, wt. 43 grs. (Bud. pi. vii, 5), in good state, exceedingly rare 1 * From the Hastings collection. 800 Half Crown, m. m. arrow on obv. only, same type as the Half Sovereign, lot 791, with bust uncrowned, but no letters at sides of shield on rev. ; reading obv. scvtvm. fidei. proteget evm ; rev. edwar, vi. D. G. agl. fr. z. H. r ; diamond-shaped stops on both sides, wt. 21 grs. (Bud. pi. vii, 10), very fine and extremely rare, one of the rarest of this king's coins [PI. VII] 1 *** From the Bergne (lot 548), and Brice collections. 801 Half Crown, m.m. grapnel on obv. only, same type as the preceding coin, but the bust is crowned and the legends are not transposed as is usual with this type ; reading obv. scvtvm. fidei. proteg. evm. ; rev. edward. vi. d. g. AG. fr. z, h. rex., wt. 21 grs. (Ken. no. 3), extra rare and extra fine [PI. VII] 1 112 802 Half Crown, with crowned bust, same as the preceding, but m. m. arrow on both sides, and the legends are transposed ; reading HI. for hib. and proteget for proteg., wt. 21 grs. (Bud. pi. vn, 6), very fine and extremely rare 1 *** From the Russell, Brice, Murchison, Bergne (lot 551) and Brice collections. 803 Half Crown, of Southwark, m. m. Y on both sides, same type, &c, as the last; but reading ev. for evm., slightly chipped, exceedingly rare 1 "%* From the Hall collection. Third Coinage. 804 DOUBLE SOVEREIGN, m.ra. ostrich head on both sides, oZw. e(DWffRD. vi. d. G. snGLifl. FRXnaieu z. hiBeiRniQ. Rax, King enthroned holding sceptre and orb ; portcullis at his feet ; around, tressure with trefoil at each angle and a dot in each arch ; rev. ihetsv. KVT0M. TRflnsiens. par. mqdivm. illorvm. ibjct., Shield on double rose within floriated tressure, two crosses in each spandril ; stops sal tires as Ken. no. 1, p. 112, wt. 476 grs. {engraved in Bud. pi. viii, 1), very fine condition, and one of the rarest coins in the English series [PI. VII] 1 *** This magnificent specimen was sold in the Hollis collection (lot 336) to Mr. Willett for £99, and when his cabinet was dispersed it was bought privately by Mr. Christopher Edmonds, at whose sale Mr. Bergne purchased it for £45. 10s. At the Bergne sale it was purchased by Mr. Addington for £165. It is believed that there is only one other specimen in any private collection, viz. that pur- chased for the late Lord Hastings at Mr. Cuff's sale, which came from the cabinet of the Duke of Devonshire, and which was sold in 1880 for £175. The above specimen was engraved for Ruding, when in the Hollis collection. Like the Double Sovereign of Henry VIII (lot 742) it may also be a pattern. 805 Sovereign, precisely the same as the preceding coin and apparently from the same die, tut. 236 grs. (Ken. pi. x, 74 ; Bud. pi. viii, 2), very fine and exceedingly rare 1 %* From the Murchison (lot 171) £90, and Addington collections. In the former sale catalogue it is described as " the finest specimen known." 806 Angel, m. m. ostrich head on both sides, type similar to the Angels of Henry VIII ; reading obv. qdwsrd. VI. D. G. SGL. FRft. z. hib. Rex.; rev. pqr. crRVaet. tvxm. stclvjt. xpq. rgid. ; on rev. e. to left of cross, rose to right, stops saltires as Ken. no. 1, wt. 77 grs. (Ken. pi. X, 75 ; Bud. pi. viii, 4), fine and extremely rare, a small hole at the top has been neatly filled up [PI. VII] 1 *** From the Wigan and Brice collections. The extreme rarity of this coin is shown by the fact that no specimen occurred in the Dims- dale, Trattle, Thomas, Durrant, Pembroke, Cuff, Devonshire, Dymock, and Bergne cabinets. 113 Fourth Coinage. 807 Sovereign, m. m. tun on both sides, obv. qdwisrd. vi. d. G. sgl. FR5C. z. hiBQR. rex, Three-quarter length figure of the king to right in armour, crowned, holding sword and orb ; rev. ihs. 3VT0. TRRnai. pqr. ccqdiv. illor. IB3T., Crowned shield with supporters ; below on ornamented tablet e. R, wt. 173 grs. (Bud. pi. vin, 6), extremely fine and rare 1 *** From the Lake Price and Nash collections. 808 Sovereign, of Southwark, m. m. y on both sides, same type as last coin, but reading FRKn. z. hiB. Rax, and rev. ihs. svtqcd. TRKnai. PetRCDetDi. illor. ibtct, wt. 173| grs. (Ken. pi. xi, 76), in brilliant condition and rare [PI. VII] 1 %.* From the Brice collection. 809 Half Sovereign, m. m. tun on both sides, obv. etDWffRD. vi. d. g. sgl. FRjf. z. hiB. Re(X, Three-quarter length figure of the king, &c, as in lot 807 ; rev. ihs. RVTetoo. TRftnsiet. PetRCDSDi. illo. IB3T., Square shield crowned between e R., letters of legend small and inside of crown frosted, wt. 85^ grs. (Bud. pi. vin, 7), very fine and rare 1 *** From the Bergne (lot 555) and Brice collections. 810 Half Sovereign, of Southwark, m. m. y on both sides, same type as the preceding, but letters of legends larger and inside of crown not frosted ; reading TCVTet. TRKnai. PflRCDQD. &c, wt. 88£ grs., very highly preserved, one of the finest specimens known [PI. VII] 1 *** From the Young, Durrant, Bergne (lot 554) and Brice collections. 811 Crown, m.m. tun on both sides, same type and obv. legend as the Half Sovereign (lot 809), but rev. legend sovtvcd. fidqi. PROTetGQT. e:vcD, wt. 44 grs. (Bud. pi. vii, 8 ; Ken. pi. xi, 77), very fine and very rare 1 *** From the Wigan and Brice collections. 812 Crown of Southwark, m.m. Y on both sides, same type and legends as the preceding coin, wt. 44 grs., very fine and unpublished, p-obably unique \ *** From the Nash collection. 813 Half Crown, m. m. tun on both sides, same type as the Half Sovereign (lot 809), but reading obv. qdwsrd. vi. d. G. 7£. fr. z. hiB. Rex; rev. sovtvcd. fidsi. protcig. avcc., wt. 21| grs., (Bud. pi. vin, 9), extremely rare and fine 1 *** From the Murchison (lot 172) and Shepherd (lot 235) £20 5s. collections. 814 Half Crown, of Southwark, m. m. y on both sides, same type as the last, but reading 5fG. FR. z. h., wt. 22 grs., very fine and extremely rare, unpublished by Kenyon 1 From the Martin, Bergne (lot 557) and Brice collections. I 114 Patterns. 815 Half Sovereign, 2nd coinage, m.m. rose on obv. only; obv. scvtvm. fidei. proteget. evm. (stops diamonds; rose after fidei), Bust uncrowned to right, in armour; rev. edward'. vi. rex. angl. franc, hiber. zc. (stops diamonds), Double rose on branch, crowned, and between E R., wt. 117 grs. (comp. Smiling, Pattern Pieces, pi. V, 6), very fine and of the highest degree of rarity [PI. VII] 1 * * From the Murchison (lot 168) £30 10s. and Addington collections. 816 Half Sovereign, Silver, same m. m. and type as the preceding, but stops annulets, and legend on rev. edward. vi. d. g. rex. agl. fra. hi. &c.,fine and of the highest rarity 1 *** &■ pi ft ce of the same description occurred in the Cuff sale (lot 1013) ; this is probably the same piece as the one above described. 817 Crown, Gold, 2nd coinage, m. m. rose on obv. only, same type as lot 815, but legends transposed and reading obv. fran. hibe. zc., and rose after scvtvm, not after fidei ; stops crosses, wt. 47| grs. (Bud. pi. VII, 12 ; Snelling, pi. in, 3), fine and extremely rare [PI. VII] 1 *** From the Hugh Howard and Brice collections. Silver. First Coinage (of debased Silver). 818 Shilling, m. m. bow on both sides, obv. inimicos. eivs. indvam. con- fvsione, Bust to right crowned ; rev. edward. vi. d. g. angl. fr. e. hib. rex, Oval garnished shield between E. R. (Rud. pi. ix, 8), fine for this coin, excessively rare 1 *** This is by far the rarest of the Shillings of this reign. It is an unpublished variety, having E. for z. in the rev. legend. 819 Shilling, 1549, m. m. arrow on rev., same type as last, but legends Obv. TIMOR. DOMINI. FONS. VITJE. MDXLIX ; rev. EDWARD. VI. D. G. agl. fra. z. hib. rex. (Bud. pi. ix, 9), very fine and a very rare type, and of much finer silver than usual 1 *** From the Shepherd collection (lot 247), £13. 820 Shilling, 1549, m. m. arrow on both sides, same type as the preceding but the legends, which are also the same except vite for vit^e, are trans- posed (Bud. pi. ix, 10), very rare and seldom met with in this fine state 1 *** From the Martin, Shepherd (lot 245), £11. 5s., and Brice collections. 821 Shilling, 1549, m. m. grapnel on both sides, same type and legends as the last coin, extremely fine and a very rare mint mark [PI. VII] 1 *** From the Dimsdale, Durrant, Russell, Bergne (lot 527), and Brice collections. 115 822 Shilling, of Southwark, 1549, m.m. Y on both sides, same type and legends as lot 820, extremely fine and of fine silver, very rare in this state 1 \* From the Brice collection. 823 Shilling, of Bristol, 1549, m. m. t (Thomas Chamberlain), same type and legends as lot 820, fine and very rare of this mint 1 824 Shilling, 1550, m. m. swan on both sides, same type and legends as last coin, but date on rev. M. D. h.,fine; another, 1551, m. m. rose on both sides, same but date mdli, well preserved, both rare in this condition 2 825 Shilling, 1549, of Southwark, m.m. y over g, type as before (see lot 820), but countermarked on obv. with portcullis (Bud. pi. IX, 14) ; another with m. m. rose on both sides, same type but dated mdl. and countermarked with greyhound behind king's head (Rud.pl. ix, 15), both well preserved for these coins, the first one an unpublished m. m. ; the second, date not in Hks. 2 *#* No. 1 from the Marsham collection. 826 Groat, m. m. arrow on both sides, obv. edward. 6. d.g. ag. fr. z. hib. rex. (three diamonds after rex.), Bust to right crowned ; rev. posvi. DEV. ADIVTORE. mev., Square shield on cross fourchee, cres- cent in each fork (Bud. pi. ix, 1), very fine, probably the best known specimen, and extremely rare [PI. VII] 1 V From the Cuff (£14. 10*.), Dymock (£25. 10s.), Murchison (£19.), and Addington collections. 827 Groat, same m. m., type and legends as the preceding coin, but Hi. for HIB. and no diamonds after rex, very fine and extremely rare 1 %* From the Addington collection. 828 Groat, of London, m. m. E on rev., same type as lot 826, but legend on rev. civitas London, and reading on obv. agl. fra. z. hib. rex. (Bud. pi. ix, 3), well preserved, but slightly chipped at edge, exceedingly rare 1 %.* From the Marsham collection (lot 420). 829 Half Groat, of London, m. m. E on rev., same type as the last coin, but no crescents in forks of cross on rev., reading civitas London on rev., and obv. legend edward. 6. D. G. AG. fr. z. hi. rex (Hks. 416), very fine and an extremely rare coin 1 *** From the Marsham collection (lot 420). Hks. p. 290 queries the m. m. , but this coin leaves no doubt that it is the letter E. 830 Half Groat, of Canterbury, no m. m., same as the preceding coin, but legend on rev. civitas cantor (Bud. pi. ix, 4), fine and very rare 1 *** From the Tyssen, Durrant, and Shepherd (lot 250) collections. 116 831 Half Groat, of Canterbury, same as last coin, but reading EDOARD 6. D. G. agl. fra. z. hi. rex., extremely fine and very rare 1 \* From the Gibbs collection. 832 Penny, of London, m. m. arrow on both sides, obv. E. d. g. rosa. sine. spl, Bust to right crowned ; rev. civitas London., Shield on cross fourchee {Bud. pi. ix, 5), very fine, exceedingly rare, fine silver 1 *** From the Gibbs collection. 833 Penny, of Bristol, m. m. trefoil on either side, type as last, but trefoil in each fork of cross on rev., and reading obv. eD. 6. D.G. ROSS. sine, spins., and rev. aivrras BRiSTOLie., quatrefoil after ROS7C and trefoil after oivitas (Hks. 415), a beautiful specimen and exceedingly rare 1 %* From the Tutet, Tyssen, Durrant and Shepherd (lot 251) £22. collections. 834 Halfpenny, of Bristol, no m. m., obv. e. 6. d. g. ross sine, spin. (quatrefoil after sine), Bust to right, crowned ; rev. aivlTSS bris- TOLie, Long cross fourchee with trefoil in each fork ; three pellets in each angle of cross, slightly chipped, but otherwise a beautiful speci- men, of the highest rarity, unpublished [PI. VII] 1 *** From the Christmas and Shepherd (lot 252), £19. 10s., collections. 835 Halfpenny, of London, obv. e. 6. d. g., &c, Bust to right, crowned ; rev. civitas London, Long cross pattee, with three pellets in each angle (see Num. Chron. vn, p. 136; and N. S. I, p. 24), very fine, slightly chipped but legend on rev. legible, UNIQUE (?) 1 *** This coin was in the Marsham collection, where under lot 421 it was described as of Bristol. It is however the much rarer Half- penny of London, and may be the specimen from the Bergne collection. 836 Groat, Trial Piece (?), m. m. picklock, the obv. and rev. are of the same types, posvi. dev. adivtore. mev., Square shield on cross fourchee with rose in each fork, well preserved, unpublished, unique (?) 1 *** From the Wakeford collection. Second Coinage (of fine Silver). 837 Crown, 1551, m. m. y on both sides, obv. eDWftRD. vi. d. g, egl. frs. z. hibqr. Rex., King on horse cantering to right; below, 1551 ; rev. posvi Devro. SDiVTORe. coev., Square shield on cross fourchee (Bud. pi. X, 1), in brilliant condition [PL VII] 1 * # * " This coin has been considered to be the finest specimen known. It has been successively in the Tyssen, A. Edmonds (£11. 15s.), Dur- rant (£16. 10s.), G. Sparkes, and Brice collections." * 117 838 Crown, 1552, m. m. tun on both sides, same type as the preceding coin, but below horse 1552 j reading FRSnai. z. hiB. Re(X (Hks. 420), extremely fine 1 " This beautiful coin is stated by Mr. Bergne to have been ' stolen ' at Trattle's sale, and a very inferior one substituted for it. It afterwards appeared in Col. Durrant's sale, lot 412, where it was bought by Cureton for Mr. Shepherd for <£11. I bought it at the Shepherd sale, lot 240, for £27. 10s. It is believed that this and the preceding coin are matchless in any collection." — W. Brice. 839 Crown, 1551, m. m. tun on both sides, same as the last coin in type and legends, but date below horse 1551, fine and an exceedingly rare date of this mint mark 1 *** From the Stewart Thorburn collection. 840 Crown, 1553, m. m. tun, same type as before, but under horse 1553 ; reading fra. z. hiBQR. rqx, fine and a very rare date 1 841 Half Crown, 1551, m. m. y on both sides, same type and legends as the crown (lot 837), except that the horse is walking and has plumes on its head {Bud. pi. x, 2), extremely fine [PI. VII] 1 %* From the Trattle, Durrant, Bergne and Brice collections. "This coin is also considered to be the finest known." — W. Brice. 842 Half Crown, 1551, m. m. tun on both sides, same type and date as the last coin, but the horse is cantering and has no plumes on its head, and varies in obv. legend having hiBe( for hiBQR. (Bud. pi. x, 3), extremely fine 1 *** From the Dymock, Murchison, " a Lady in the North " (£5. 5s.) and Brice collections. 843 Half Crown, 1552, m. m. tun on both sides, same type as the pre- ceding coin, but date 1552, and reading hiB. for hlBQ ; and odqvco for roetv., well preserved, an unpublished variety, exceedingly rare 1 844 Half Crown, 1553, same m. m. and type as the last coin, but the horse is walking, and below 1553 ; reading CDetvoo for coev (var. Hks. 421 and Bud. pi. x, 4), well preserved, an unpublished variety, extremely ra,re 1 845 Shilling, m.m. tun on both sides, obv. eDWftRD. vi. D. G. SGL. frr. z. hiB. Rex., Bust facing crowned between rose and XII; rev. posvi. Detv. sdivtorq. CDfltv., Shield on cross fourchee (Hks. 422 ; Bud. pi. x, 5); and Sixpence, same type, but m. m. y, vi to right of head, and reading roevra (Bud. pi. x, 7), both extremely fine 2 *** No. 1 from the Bergne and Brice collections. 846 Shilling and Sixpence, as in the preceding lot, but on the former the king's crown is varied and on the latter the shield is of very neat work and the lions are smaller, both extremely fine 2 *** Both from the Brice collections. 118 847 Shilling, m, to. tun, same as in lot 845, but the bust of the king is smaller ; and Threepence of same type and to. to., but in to right of bust on obv. ; and reading £G. fr. for A'gl. FR7C (Bud. pi. x, 9), both extremely fine 2 *** No. 2 from the Bergne and Brice collections. 848 Sixpence, to. to. tun on both sides, same type and legends as on the Shilling (see lot 845), but with crowned bust between rose and vi (Bud. pi. x, 7), " extraordinarily fine and most rare in such condition," [PI. VII] 1 849 Shillings (2), to. m. y and tun, the latter countermarked with the lion of Zealand on obv. ; and Sixpence, with to. to. y on rev. only, usual types, all fine, the last an unpublished variety, with to. to. on rev. only 3 850 Sixpence, of York, to. to. pierced mullet on obv., plain mullet on rev. ; usual type, with legends qdwkrd. vi. d. g. 5CGL. FR3\ z. hiBSR. mx. ; and rev. aivrrxs. etBORftai. (Hks. 423 ; Bud. pi. x, 10), very fine and very rare 1 * * * From the Bergne and Brice collections. 851 Threepence, of York, similar to the preceding, but to. to. pierced mullet on both sides, mark of value ill on obv., and reading SG. fr. ; two pellets either side of m. to. on obv. (var. Bud.pl. x, 11), fine and very rare 1 * From the Bergne and Brice collections. 852 Penny, of London, Sovereign type, to. to. tun on obv. only ; obv. a. d. g. ROSS. sie(. SPIS., King seated on throne ; rev. aiviras LonDon, Shield on cross fourch6e, wt. 10£ grs. (var. Hks. 425), fine but pierced, of the first rarity 1 # From the Murchison and Addington collections. 853 Penny, of London, Sovereign type, same as the preceding coin; but the figure of the king is smaller and it reads sine, spl, wt. 7| grs. (comp. Bud. pi. X, 12), fine and of the first rarity 1 %* From the Cuff, Shepherd and Brice collections. "These are amongst the rarest coins in the English Silver series." — W. B. 854 Penny, of London, base silver, to. to. scallop; obv. e. d. g. rosa. sine. spina, Double rose ; rev. civitas London, Shield on cross fourchee (Hks. 426) ; another of York, to. to. mullet pierced, same type but reading civitas eboraci (Bud.pl. x, 13), both very fine and scarce 2 *** No. 1 from the Brice and no. 2 from the Shepherd collection. 855 Halfpenny, of London, same to. to. and type as the preceding coin of London, but rose on obv. single and not double ; it also reads spi. for spina ; rev. civitas LONDON. (Hks. 427), very fine and of extreme rarity, probably only the third known specimen 1 *** From the Shepherd collection (lot 253). 119 Patterns. 856 Testoon, 1547, m. m. rose on obv. and rev. ; obv. edward. vi. rex. angl. franc, hiber. zc. Bust to right, crowned, in armour ; rev. timor. domini. fons. vit^e. M.D.XLVii., Oval garnished shield between E R ; stops diamonds on both sides ; wt. 87 grs. (comp. Snelling, Patterns, pi. v, 4), well preserved and extremely rare 1 *** From the Murdoch collection. 857 Testoon, 1548, m.m. bow on both sides, similar type to the last, but the bust is robed and not in armour, and the shield on the rev. is varied ; legends obv. edwardvs. vi. rex. angli. franc, hibqrni^e ; rev. TIMOR domini. fons. vit^e M.D.XLVin. ; stops stars of four points, wt. 68£ grs., exceedingly rare and well preserved 1 *** From the Wrighton and Marsham (£1 2) collections. END of sale. Dryden Press : J. Davy & Sons, 137, Long Acre, London. PI. I. 33 £%i&\ ANGLO-SAXON AND ENGLISH COINS MONTAGU COLLECTION. PI. II. ENGLISH COINS MONTAGU COLLECTION. PI. III. 497 508 ENGLISH COINS MONTAGU COLLECTION. Ph. IV, 592 592 ENGLISH COINS MONTAGU COLLECTION. PI. V. ENGLISH COINS MONTAGU COLLECTION. PI. VI. ENGLISH COINS MONTAGU COLLECTION. PI. VII. ENGLISH COINS MnNTAftii n.ni i Fr.TinN SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, LONDON. wm W?ffi THE Bf MONTAGU COLLECTION OF COINS. m % mm >> CATALOGUE M OF K>)rvV >> THE ENGLISH SEEIES. First Day Friday, 13th November Lots 1 to 142 Second Day Saturday, 14th November ... Lots 143 to 278 Third Day Monday, 16th November ... Lots 279 to 421 Fourth Day Tuesday, 17th November ... Lots 422 to 558 Fifth Day Wednesday, 18th November.. Lots 559 to 703 Sixth Day Thursday, 19th November... Lots 704 to 840 Seventh Day Friday, 20th November Lots 841 to 988 ILLUSTRATED COPY, PRICE FIVE SHILLINGS. HYMAN MONTAGU. F.S.A 1844 - 1895. THE MONTAGU COLLECTION OF COINS. CATALOGUE OF THE ENGLISH SERIES. (THIRD PORTION). WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MESSKS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, JVurtianem oi gitersrg llrnperttr & Wiovkz illustrative of tlje JFine Jlrts, AT THEIR HOUSE, No. 13, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, W.C. On FRIDAY, 13th of NOVEMBER, 1896, and Six following Days, AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. MAY BE VIEWED THREE DAYS PRIOR. CATALOGUES MAY BE HAD. DRYDEN PRESS: J. DAVY AND SONS, 137, LONG ACRE, LONDON. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The highest bidder to be the buyer ; and if any dispute arise between bidders, the lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again, provided the auctioneer cannot decide the said dispute. II. No person to advance less than Is. ; above five pounds, 2s. 6d. and so on in proportion. III. In the case of lots upon which there is a reserve, the auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the seller. IV. The purchasers to give in their names and places of abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, if required, in part payment of the purchase-money ; in default of which the lot or lots purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The sale of any lot is not to be set aside on account of any error in the enumeration of the numbers stated, or errors of description. VI. The lots to be taken away, at the buyer's expense, imme- diately after the conclusion of the sale ; in default of which Messrs. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will not hold themselves responsible if lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. If, at the expiration of Two Days after the conclusion of the sale, the lots are not cleared or paid for, they will then be catalogued for immediate sale, and the expense, the same as if re- sold, will be added to the amount at which they were bought. Messrs. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will have the option of re-selling the lots uncleared, either by public or private sale, without any notice being given to the defaulter. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money required and deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited, and if any loss is sustained in the reselling of such lots as are not cleared or paid for, all charges on such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulters at this sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend this Sale, may have their Commissions faithfully executed by their humble Servants, SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, 13, Wellington Street, Strand, London. PREFATORY NOTE. The Third Portion of the remarkable Collection of English Coins, formed by the late Mr. Hyman Montagu, which is described in the following pages, includes the Gold and Silver Coins from Mary Tudor to Anne. It will be recollected that the subsequent part of his Collection was disposed of by Mr. Montagu during his life-time. Owing to the extent of his series of English Copper Coins, it has been considered advisable to reserve it for a future separate sale. The system of cataloguing the coins as carried out in the case of previous portions of the collection has been followed in the present instance; and every care has been taken to give the pedigrees as accurate as possible. This portion of the collection compares well with the previous ones, and a series of English Coins of the 16th to the 18th century, which includes such pieces as the Eyal of Mary (lot 2) ; the Half Crown of Philip and Mary (lot 30) ; the milled Half Crown of Elizabeth (lot 125); the Five Broad Piece or Juxon Medal (lot 352), and the Oxford Crown (lot 530) of Charles I ; the Fifty Shilling Piece (lot 713), and Simon's Crown in gold (lot 720) of Cromwell ; the Petition Crown (lot 832) and the Eeddite Crown in silver and pewter (lots 833 and 839) of Charles II needs no commendation. Never before has such a splendid array of English Coins of this period been brought together by a private collector. The series of Charles I stands out even above those of the other reigns, and the coins of the local issues are of exceptional interest. In the case of the latter an attempt has been made to classify those hitherto attributed by Hawkins and others to " Uncertain Mints " according to the mints, from which their prototypes were issued. By this means some intelligible order has been arrived at. The numerous Patterns by Briot (see PI. VI) are also deserving of special attention. ( iv ) We need scarcely say that the present occasion again offers to collectors an exceptional opportunity of adding to their cabinets. As to the disposal of further portions of Mr. Montagu's Collection, we are requested to state that it is proposed to sell at this House in March of next year, the residue of the Greek Series, together with his small Collection of Eoman Eepublican and Imperial Denarii, " Large Brass " and Medallions. In the following May, will be offered for public sale his extensive series of English Medals; unless in the meanwhile an opportunity occurs to sell it en bloc, in accordance with Mr. Montagu's special directions. In compliance with the wish of many old friends and admirers, a portrait of Mr. Montagu is added as a frontispiece to this Catalogue. We feel that this memento of one of the foremost numismatists of late years will be acceptable and pleasing to all. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE. - kO 1 c* A ■*J QO * © B B B ¥ Cn o» *^ QO * o Sizes of the Coins. Scale of Mionnet. CATALOGUE OF THE VERY VALUABLE AND EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF THE PROPERTY OF THE LATE HYMAN MONTAGU, ESQ. F.S.A. Vice-President of the Numismatic Society. THIRD PORTION. FIRST DAY'S SALE. MARY (alone). A.D. 1553-1554. Gold. Fine Sovereign, 1553, oho. CDftRia: : : d' : g': rug', frk z : hiB': RetGinft : cd : D : Liu (stops, annulets ; pomegranate after cdttris;), The Queen seated facing on throne, holding sceptre and orb ; port- cullis at her feet j rev. K : Dno' FTCotv! e(ST : istv : z : e(ST : coirs' : in : ootl' : nRis !, Royal shield on double rose within tressure, wt. 239 grs. (Bud. pi. ix, 1), extremely fine and rare 1 "%* From the Thomas, Sparkes and Brice collections. Ryal, 1553, oh. cwcris- d 1 g' kng '. frs • z- hiB- RetGins- cd- d • liii. (stops, annulets : pomegranate after cdtcris), The Queen stand- ing facing in ship, holding sword and shield ; in front of ship, large rose ; at stern, flag with letter M ; rev. 7C : Dno ! FftaTV ' qst : istvd : z : qst. cdirsbi ' in ' oovl '. nRis ! (stops, annulets), Floreated cross with radiate rose in centre ; in each angle, lion with crown above him; all within double tressure of eight arches, wt. 117 grs. (Bud. pi. ix, 2), fine and extremely rare [PI. I] 1 From the Hugh Howard and Brice collections. Kenyon, p. 118, states that Ending, pi. ix, 2, erroneously substitutes nRis for nRi. This coin shows that Ruding was accurate in his representation of the coin. B * * * Angel, obv. CDSRia: : : d ! g '. SnG ! frs! z : hiB : RQGin '. (stops, annulets j pomegranate after GDftRlS.), The Archangel piercing the dragon ; both feet on its body ; rev. £ • Dno ' FftaTV ! qst : istvd • z • qst • cdirsbi ! &c. (stops, annulets ; pomegranate after istvd), Ship with royal shield ; m and rose at sides of mast ; two ropes from stern and one from prow, wt. 80^ grs. (Bud. pi. ix, 3), very fine and very rare 1 *** From the Brice collection. Angel, similar type to the preceding coin, but with well-marked cross on breast of Saint and above his head ; and reading CD7CRI : : D '. G ' &c. RetGiNS !, five annulets after queen's name ; and on rev. e( in second e(ST reversed, and no &c. after cdirsbi !, wt. 76 grs., fine and a rare variety [PI. I] 1 * * * From the Lloyd, Murchison and Addington collections. 5 Half Angel, same type as the Angel (lot 3), but reading, obv. CDKRia: D \ G I a: ' FR ' Z • hiB ! RQGi' (stops, annulets ; pomegranate after ccftRift) ; rev. "X • Dno '. fsotv ! sst istvd • z &c. (stops, annulets ; pomegranate after e(ST), wt. 40 grs. (Bud. pi. ix, 4), extremely rare and very fine . 1 \* From the Martin, Murchison (lot 177), and Addington collections. Silver. 6 Groat, obv. cdsris: •• d : g ! ftnG '. frs 1 '. z : hiB ! RetGi : (stops, annulets j pomegranate after cdsris), Bust of Queen to left, crowned ; rev. vefRiTftS TetCDPORis filik (pomegranate after vqritSs), Shield on cross fourchee, wt. 32 grs. (Bud. pi. xi, 1), extremely fine and rare [PI. I] 1 *** From the Addington collection. 7 G roat, same as the preceding, but fr ! for FRft ! and legend on rev. differently divided, and annulet after tacdporis., wt. 31 grs., extra fine and rare 1 *** From the Brice collection. 8 Groats (2), same type and legends as lot 6, but one piece is counter- marked on the obv. with a portcullis, both well preserved and rare 2 9 Half Groat, obv. cdkris •• d : g : a: ! fr : z • hiB : rqgi : (stops, annu- lets ; pomegranate after name), Bust of Queen to left, crowned ; rev. vaRiras tqcopo. filis. (pomegranate after vetRiTTCS), Shield on cross fourchee, wt. 15 grs. (Bud. pi. xi, 2), very fine and extremely rare \ %* From the Gibbs collection. 10 Penny, of London, obv. m! d! g'. ross sine : spins : (pomegranate after ROSS), Bust of Queen to left, crowned ; inner circle ; rev. CiviTAS LONDON, Shield on cross fourchee ; inner circle, wt. 8 grs. (Bud. pi. xi, 3), extremely fine and extremely rare [PI. I] 2 *** From the Devonshire, Cuff, Wigan, Halliburton- Young and Brice collections. 11 Penny, of London, same type, &c, as the preceding coin, but slightly varied in the details ; the stops between words of legend on obv. are annulets, wt. 8 grs., fine but slightly chipped, and very rare 1 %* From the Shepherd collection (lot 258). 12 Penny, of London, same type as lot 10, but reading obv. M ' D ! G '. ROSS sine, spins, (pomegranate after ROSS), and rev. veritss temp filis (pomegranate after veritss), wt. 8 grs., fine and of the highest rarity, as the Brit. Mus. specimen mentioned by Hawkins (p. 269) is described as " perhaps unique " [PL I] 1 13 Penny, of London, obv. M : D : G : ROSA : SINE : SPINA., Double rose within dotted circle ; rev. CI vitas LONDON., Shield of arms on cross fourch6e : inner circle of dots, wt. 10 grs. (Bud. pi. XI, 4), very fine and extremely rare in fine silver 1 *** From the Brice collection. PHILIP AND MARY. A.D. 1554-1558. Gold. 14 Angel, m. m. lis on both sides, obv. philip ! z : maria : d I g ! rex • z : regina : AN ! The Archangel piercing the Dragon j rev. A : DNO '. factvm : est : istvd : z : est : mirabile, Ship, with shield, on sea j two ropes from stern, one from prow ; P and M at sides of mast, wt. 79 grs. (Bud. pi. ix, 5), very fine and beautifully struck, extremely rare [PL I] 1 *** From the Bergne (lot 574) and Brice collections. 15 Half Angel, m. m. lis on both sides, same type as the Angel, but read- ing, Obv. PHILIP. Z. MARIA. D '. G ! REX. Z. H. REGI. ; rev. A. DNO '. factvm. est. istvd. z. est. MIR., wt. 38^ grs. (Bud. pi. IX, 6), extra rare, but in poor condition 1 \* From the Martin and Shepherd collections. Silver. 16 Shilling, undated, but with value, obv. philip. et. maria. d. g. r. ang. FR. NEAP. PR. hisp., Bust of King and Queen face to face ; above, crown ; rev. posvimvs DEVM adivtorem nostrvm, Oval garnished shield crowned ; above, value xii. (comp. Bud. pi. xi, 16), very fine and rare 1 *** From the York-Moore and Addington collections. B 2 17 Shilling, undated and without value, same type and legends as the pre- ceding coin, but no value on rev., and stop after each word, in fair condition, but of the highest rarity 1 *** From the Wakeford collection. Hawkins, p. 297, specially mentions this coin. 18 Shilling, 1554, same type and legends as lot 16, but on obv. above heads of king and queen, date 1554 ; large busts, and stop after each word on rev. (Bud. pi. xi, 9), very fine and rare in this state 1 "%* From the Pembroke, Parker and Brice collections. 19 Shilling, 1554, same as the last coin, but with smaller busts on obv., extremely fine and rare in this state [PI. I] 1 20 Shilling, 1554, same type, with smaller busts of king and queen, but reading on rev. adivtorivm for adivtorem, extremely fine and unpublished 1 21 Shilling, 1554, usual type, but with date 1554 under busts, and reading, obv. PHILIP. ET. MARIA. D. G. REX. ET. REGINA. ANG. ; rev. POSVIMVS. devm. adivtorem. nostrvm (Rud.pl. xi, 11), pierced; Sixpence, same type and date, but reading nostr. for nostrvm. (var. ib. pi. xi, 1 2), both rubbed, but rare types 2 *** No. 1 from the Wigan, and no. 2 from the Marsham collection. 22 Shilling, 1555, same type and legends as last lot, but date above heads of king and queen, 1555 (Bud. pi. XI, 14), very fine and rare 1 23 Shilling, 1555, same as the last, but reading angl for ANG; another, same date, but reading ANG. on obv., and NOST. for nostrvm on rev., and small et on obv. in both places, both well preserved and scarce, the second of peculiar work 2 *** No. 1 from the Marsham, and no. 2 from the Addington collection. 24 Sixpence, 1554, same type as the Shilling (lot 16), but with date 1554 on obv. and mark of value vi above shield on rev. ; reading obv. philip. ET. MARIA. D. G. R. ANG. FR. NEAP. PR. HISP. ; rev. POSVIMVS DEVS (sic) adivtorem nostrvm (var. Bud. pi. xi, 10); Penny, base, m.m. cinquefoil on obv. only; obv. P. z. M. D. G. ROSA. sine. SPL, Double rose ; rev. CIVITAS LONDON, Shield on cross fourchee (Bud. pi. xi, 8), both fine and scarce, especially the sixpence, which appears to be unpublished with devs 2 *** Both from the Shepherd and Brice collections. 25 Sixpence, 1557, m. m. lis on both sides, usual type, with date 1557 on obv., and mark of value VI on rev. ; reading obv. philip. z. maria. D. G. REX. Z. REGINA. AN. ; rev. POSVIMVS. DEVM. ADIVTOREM. NOS. (Bud. pi. xi, 18), well preserved, but slightly injured in the field in the striking ; Penny, of London, same as in last lot, with rose on obv. ; shield on rev., and reading civitas LONDON., fine 2 *** No. 2 from the Bergne and Brice collections. 26 Groat, m. m. lis on both sides; obv. philip. et. maria. d : g. rex. et. regina., Bust of Queen to left, crowned ; rev. posvimvs devm adivto. NOS., Shield on cross fourchee, wt. 29 grs. (Bud. pi. xi, 5), rare and very fine, but portion of legend on rev. slightly mis-struck 1 %* From the Addington collection. 27 H alf Groat, m. m. lis on both sides, same type as the Groat, but read- ing, obv. PHILIP. ET. MARIA. D. G. REX. ET. REGINA J rev. POSVIM. devm. adivto. nos., wt. 14 grs. {Rud. pi. xi, 6), very fine, but for slight chip, and extremely rare 1 *** From the Wylie collection. 28 Penny, of London, m. m. lis on both sides ; obv. P. z. M. d. g. ROSA. sine, spine., Bust to left, crowned ; rev. ci vitas. London., Shield on cross fourchee, wt. 8 grs. (Rud. pi. xi, 7), very fine but slightly chipped at edge and very rare 1 %* From the Thomas, Bergne and Brice collections. 29 Penny, of London, same type and legends as the preceding coin, but m. m. lis on obv. only, and on rev. there is a beaded circle round the shield, somewhat rubbed on rev., rare 1 *** From the Wakeford collection. PATTERN. Silver. 30 HALF CROWN, 1554, obv. philipvs. d. g. r. ang. fr. neap. pr. hisp., Bust of Philip to right, in armour, &c. ; above his head, crown ; below bust and under line of exergue, ' 1554 ■ \ rev. MARIA. D. G. R. ANG. FR. neap. pr. hisp., Bust of Mary to left, in her usual dress ; above, crown : on either side of which, date 1554, wt. 255 grs. (Rud. pi. xi, 13 ; Hks. no. 438), of the highest rarity and very fine [PI. I] 1 *** Of this remarkable coin only two other specimens are known, viz. that in the British Museum, and that in the Hunter collection. The Montagu specimen, however, is the finest of all three. It is from the Bieber (lot 73, .£140), and the Clarke collection (lot 132, £120). ELIZABETH. a.d. 1558-1602. Gold. Hammered Coinage. 31 Fine Sovereign, 1st issue, 1558-1561, m.m. lis on both sides; obv. Elizabeth : d' : g '. ANG '. fra' : z : hib' : REGINA :, Queen seated facing on throne, holding sceptre and orb ; at her feet, portcullis without chains attached to it ; back of throne chequered and divid- ing tressure ; rev. A : DNO ! FACTV ! EST. ISTV ' Z : EST : MIRA ! IN : OCVL ! nris., Square shield on large double rose within double tressure, wt. 236^ grs. (var. Ken. no. 1), very fine and rare [PL I] 1 *** From the Gott and Addington collections. 32 Fine Sovereign, 1st issue, 1558-1561, m.m. cross-crosslet on both sides, same type as the preceding coin, but the portcullis at the feet of the queen has a chain on either side ; reading obv. Elizabeth : D \ G ! ANG ! FRA '. ET HIBE ! REGINA V J rev. A : DNO ' EACTV ! EST. istv ' et. est. MIRA '. in : OCVL ! NRIS., wt. 241£ grs. (Ken. 83), fine and rare, an unpublished reading 1 *#* The reverse is from an altered die of the previous issue : the et being engraved over the original z, and the m. m. cross-crosslet over the m. m. lis. 33 Fine Sovereign, 2nd issue, 1584-1601, m.m. scallop on both sides, type as lot 31, except that the back of the throne does not cut the tressure j reading obv. Elizabeth : d ' G '. ang ' fra '. et. hib ' REGINA : J rev. A. DNO '. FACTV '. EST. ISTVD. ET. EST. MIRAB ! IN. ocvlis. nrs., wt. 234 grs. (comp. Bud. pi. ix, 8), extremely fine and rare 1 *** From the Edmonds, Hastings and Brice collections. 34 Fine Sovereign, 2nd issue, 1584-1601, m.m. tun on both sides, same type as the last coin and same legends, but OCVL. for OCVLIS, wt. 239 grs. (Bud. pi. ix, 8), excessively fine and rare in this state 1 35 Fine Sovereign, 2nd issue, 1584-1601, m.m. crescent or scallop on both sides, usual type, but same as first issue (lot 31), viz. the back of the throne cuts the tressure ; same legends as lot 33, wt. 235 grs. (see Ken. p. 124), very fine and a very interesting variety 1 *** From the Henderson collection. This coins shows that the dies of the first issue were used sometimes for coins of the second one. 36 Ryal, 1st issue, 1560-1572, m. m. a: on rev. only ; obv. etLizftB '. d '. G '. SnG ! FR ! z '. CD I PR '. a '. "X. L ' RQGinTC, Queen holding sceptre and orb, standing in ship with high quarter-deck and flag bearing letter a at prow ; rose in front of ship ; rev. ihs '. 5TVT '. TRSnsietns. PQR. CDetDiv ' illorvcd. IBM"., Floreated cross with radiate rose in centre ; in each angle, lion surmounted by crown ; all within tressure with trefoil in each angle, wt. 117^ grs. (Bud. pi. x, 1), extremely fine and extremely rare [PI. I] 1 *** From the Brice collection. 37 Ryal, 1st issue, 1560-1572, m. m. 5? on rev. only, same type as the pre- ceding coin, but on the flag qh (mon.) instead of a; reading obv. e(Liza:- bqt ! ffnGL. ooa: ! d ! g. p. a. ft. l. RetGiniE. (sic) ; rev. ihs '. svt ! TRftnsietns. Pe(R. cdqdiv! illorvcd. ibst. n., wt. 117 grs. (comp. Ken. 85), fine and extremely rare 1 * # * From the Cuff, Hastings and Nash collections. 38 Ryal, 2nd issue, 1584-1601, m. m. trefoil on obv. and crescent on rev., same type as lot 36, with a on flag; reading obv. qlizsb ' d ! g '. 2fnG '. fr '. err . hiB ! RetGins. ; rev. ihs ' ftVT ' TRSnsiems . Pe(R . cdqdiv '. illorvcd . ibst., w£. 118 grs. (Num. Chron. N. S. ix, p. 289), extremely fine and very rare 1 * # * From the Whitbourn, a "Lady in the North," and Brice collections. Kenyon, p. 126, remarks, "One said to have m.m. crescent 'very fine' was sold at the "Whitbourn sale in 1869 for £22." 39 Ryal, 2nd issue, 1584-1601, m. m. £ on rev. only, same type and legends as on the preceding coin ; but ornaments on ship varied, to left of rose there is only a lis, and no lion, wt. 120 grs. (End. pi. IX, 7), extremely fine and very rare 1 *** From the Cuff, Forster and Addington collections. 40 Pound Sovereign, 1592-1601, m. m. lion and tun on obv. ; tun only on rev. j obv. Elizabeth : d ! g '. ang ' fra ! et : hib '. regina (stops, annulets), Large bust of Queen crowned to left, richly ornamented dress and ruff, long flowing hair ; rev. SCVTVM : fidei : proteget : eam. (stops, annulets), Square garnished shield, crowned, between e r, wt. 168^ grs. (Ken. no. 84), very fine and rare 1 41 Pound Sovereign, 1592-1601, m. m. tun only on both sides, same type and legends as the preceding coin, wt. 172 grs., exceedingly fine and rare [PI. I] 1 *#* From the Whitbourn, Lake-Price and Brice collections. 42 Pound Sovereign, 1592-1601, m. m. key over woolpack on both sides, same type and legends as lot 40, but bust of Queen smaller and ornaments on dress varied, plain stops between words instead of annulets, wt. 175 grs., very fine, and an extremely rare mint mark 1 %* From the Foster collection. 43 Pound Sovereign, 1602, m. m. 2 (= 1602) on both sides, same type and legends as the last coin, wt. 170| grs., very fine, and a rare mint mark 1 44 Half Sovereign, 1558-1572, m. m. cross crosslet on both sides; obv. ELIZABETH : D '. G ! ANG ! FRA '. ET . HIB ! REGINA., Bust of Queen to left, crowned, slightly ornamented dress ; all within inner circle ; rev. scvtvm. fidei. proteget. eam., Plain square shield, crowned, between E R, wt. 85 grs. (Rud.pl. x, 2), very fine 1 \* From the Brice collection. 45 Half Sovereign, 1558-1572, m. m. lion on both sides, same type and legends as the preceding coin ; but bust of Queen smaller, and reading fr ' et . hi . regina., wt. 85 grs., fine, and an unpublished mint mark 1 *** From the Shepherd and Bieber collections. 8 46 Half Sovereign, 1592-1601, m. m. tun on both sides, similar type and legends to lot 44 ; but the bust of Queen is larger, the dress more ornamented and the crown more arched ; and reading on rev. FRA '. et . hi ! regina., wt. 85 grs., extremely fine and a rare variety [PI. I] 1 *** From the Bergne and Brice collections. 47 Half Sovereign, 1592-1601, m.m. tun on both sides; obv. elizab '. d '. g '. ang ! fra ! et . hib '. regina., Large bust of Queen to left, crowned, and piercing the inner circle, rich dress and profusion of hair ; rev. scvtvm. fidei. proteget. eam., Plain square shield, crowned, between e r, wt. 85 grs. (Ken. 88), extremely fine 1 ■%* From the Dymock, Young, Durrant, Bergne (lot 600) and Brice collections. 48 Half Sovereign, 1592-1601, m. m. key on both sides, same type and legends as the preceding coin, but the bust of the Queen is not quite so large, wt. 85 grs., very fine, and a rare mint mark 1 *** From the Marsham collection (lot 442). . 49 Half Sovereign, 1592-1601, rn. m. woolpack on both sides, same type, &c, as the last coin, but reading on obv. ELIZABETH . D '. G ' ANG ' fra ! et . hi ! regina ; rev. scvtvm fidei, &c, wt. 88 grs., extremely fine 1 *** From the Shepherd collection (lot 268). 50 Half Sovereign, 1592-1601, m. m. (=1600) on both sides, same type and legends precisely as lot 48, wt. 86 grs., well preserved, an unpublished mint mark 1 *** From the Henderson collection. 51 Half Sovereign, 1592-1601, m. m. 2 (=1602) on both sides, same type and legends as lot 48, wt. 85 grs., well preserved, an unpublished mint mark 1 52 Crown, 1558-1572, m. m. cross crosslet on both sides ; obv. Elizabeth : d '. g ! ang ! fr ! et . hi ! regina., Bust of Queen to left, crowned, in plain dress ; all within inner circle ; rev. SCVTVM : fidei : pro- teget : eam., Plain square shield, crowned, between e r, wt. 42 grs., fine and scarce 1 *** From the Bergne (lot 606) and Brice collections, 53 Crown, 1558-1572, m.m. coronet on both sides, same type and legends as the preceding coin, but reading AN ! for ang!, wt. 41| grs., fine, and a rare mint mark 1 *** From the Marsham collection (lot 443). 54 Crown, 1592-1601, m. m. woolpack on both sides, same type as lot 52, but bust of Queen larger, dress more ornamented, hair flowing, and inner circle pierced by crown ; and reading obv. ELIZAB ' D ' G ANG ! FR ' ET . HIB '. REGI '. ; rev. SCVTVM : FIDEI : PROTEGET : EAM. wt. 43 grs. (Bud. pi. x, 5), very fine 1 55 Crown, 1592-1601, m. m. tun on both sides, same type and legends as the preceding coin, but reading fra ! for FR ', wt. 43| grs., a very fine, round and well struck coin, rare in this state, see also lot 59, of same fabric [PI. I] 1 "%* From the Bergne (lot 602) and Brice collections. 56 Half Crown, 1558-1572, m. m. cross crosslet on both sides ; obv. ELIZABETH : D ! G ! AN '. FR ! ET . HI ! REGINA., Bust of Queen to left, crowned, in very slightly ornamented dress ; the cross only of the crown pierces the inner circle ; rev. scvtvm . FIDEI . proteget . eam., Square shield, crowned, between E R, wt. 21 grs., very fine and rare 1 *** From the Thomas, Bergne (lot 607) and Brice collections. 57 Half Crown, 1558-1572, m. m. lion on both sides, same type and legends as the last coin, wt. 22£ grs., well preserved, and a very rare mint mark 1 58 Half Crown, 1558-1572, m. m. castle on both sides, same type and legends as lot 56, but reading on obv. ang '. for AN '., wt. 22| grs.. very fine and rare 1 *** From the Marsham collection (lot 444). 59 Half Crown, 1592-1601, m. m. tun on both sides, usual type, but bust of Queen larger, dress more ornamented, hair more flowing, and inner circle pierced by crown ; reading obv. elizab '. D '. G ' ANG ! FR I ET . HIB ! REGI. ; rev. SCVTVM : FIDEI : PROTEGET : EAM., wt. 22 grs. (Bud. pi. x, 6), extra fine, a round and well struck coin, and rare in this state, see also lot 55, of same fabric [PI. II] 1 *** From the Martin, Hastings (lot 329) and Brice collections. 60 Half Crown, 1592-1601, m. m. key on both sides, same type and legends as the preceding coin, wt. 22 grs., fine, and an unpublished mint mark 1 *** From the Bieber collection (lot 91). 61 Half Crown, 1592-1601, m. m. woolpack over key on rev. only, same type and legends as lot 59, but reading on obv. hi. regin., wt. 22 grs., fine and very rare, an unusual occurrence of an earlier m. m. being struck over a later one 1 %* From the James collection (1888). 10 62 Half Crown, 1601-2, m. m. 2 (=1602) on both sides, same type as lot 59 and same legends, but on rev. EA. for eam., wt. 22 grs.,Jine, and a rare m. m. and variety 1 *** From the Stewart Thorburn collection. This particular coin is referred to by Kenyon, p. 132. 63 Angel, 1558-1578, m. to. lis on both sides ; obv. Elizabeth . d ! g ! ang ! FRAN ' Z I HIB ! REGI., The Archangel piercing the dragon, usual type ; rev. A. dno. factvm. est istvd. z. est. mirabile v , Ship on sea to right, two ropes from prow, three from stern ; shield attached to mast, at sides of which e and rose ; plain inner circle on both sides, wt. 79^ grs., extremely rare and very fine, an unpublished variety and similar to Mary's angel 1 *** From the Brice collection. 64 Angel, 1558-1578, m. m. cross crosslet on both sides, same type as the preceding coin, but the inner circle is beaded on both sides, and on the rev. the e and rose at sides of mast had been reversed and sub- sequently corrected j reading obv. Elizabeth . D ! G ! ang ! fra ! ET . HIB ! REGINA. J rev. A . DNO \ FACTVM ! EST . ISTVD . ET . EST . MIRABI '., wt. 80 grs. (Bud. pi. ix, 9), fine and rare 1 * # * From the Leckenby collection. 65 Angel, 1558-1578, m. m. ermine on both sides, usual type, as lot 63, but on the rev. the ship sails to left instead of to right ; beaded inner circle on both sides ; reading obv. Elizabeth : d ! g ! ang ! FR '. ET : HI '. REGINA. j rev. A : DNO '. FACTVM : EST : ISTVD : ET : EST : mirabi !, wt. 80 grs. (Ken. 89), very fine, and a rare variety with ship to left [PI. II] ' 1 66 Angel, 1578-1582, m. m. plain cross on both sides, type as before with ship sailing to right ; legends precisely as on last coin, wt. 78| grs., very fine 1 * From the Bergne and Brice collections. 67 Angel, 1582-1601, m. m. hand on both sides, type as before, with ship sailing to right j legends as on lot 65, wt. 80 grs., fine and a rare issue, of rather coarse work 1 68 Half Angel, 1558-1578, m. m. ermine on both sides, type as Angels, always with ship to right ; reading obv. ELIZABETH : D ! G ! AN ! FR 1! ET : HI ! REGINA J rev. A : DNO : FACTVM. EST. ISTVD. ET : EST : mira., wt. 39 grs., fine and extremely rare, perhaps unique, m. m. unpublished, it is the earliest Half Angel known [PI. II] 1 *** From the Peace collection. 69 Half Angel, 1558-1578, m. m. cinquefoil on both sides, same type and legends as the preceding coin, but reading ang '. for AN '., wt. 40| grs., very fine, and a rare mint mark, the only specimen quoted by Kenyon is in Sir John Evans' collection 1 11 70 Half Angel, 1578-1582, m. m. bell on both sides, same type and legends as lot 68, wt. 39| grs. (comp. Ken. 90) ; Quarter Angel, 1582-1601, m. m. tun on both sides, same type as the Half Angels; reading obv. ELIZABETH : D '. G '. ANG '. FRANCIE. J rev. ET . HIBERNIE . regina. fidei., wt. 19 grs. (Ken. 94), both fine and scarce 2 *** No. 1 from the Brice collection. 71 Half Angel and Quarter Angel, 1578-1582, same type and legends as on the last two coins ; but m. m. on each a sword, wt. 40 and 20 grs., both very fine 2 %* No. 1 from the Marsham, and no. 2 from the James (1888) collections. 72 Quarter Angel, 1558-1578, m. m. ermine on both sides, usual type and legends as in lot 70, wt. 21 grs. {comp. Ken. 94), very fine and very rare, an unpublished mint mark (see also lot 68) 1 *.£* From the Webb collection. 73 Quarter Angel, 1582-1601, m. m. crescent on both sides, usual type legends, wt. 20 grs., fine, a rare mint mark 1 *** From the Henderson collection. Milled Coinage. 74 Half Sovereign, 1561-1566, m. m. star on both sides; obv. Elizabeth. d. G. ANG. FR. et. hib. regina., Bust of Queen to left, crowned, in richly ornamented dress ; no inner circle ; rev. scvtvm. FIDEL proteget. EAM., Plain square shield, crowned, between E R; no inner circle, wt. 87 grs. (comp. Ken. 87), brilliant and rare [PI. II] 1 *** From the Bergne (lot 608) and Brice collections. "This is probably the finest specimen extant." — W.B. 75 Half Sovereign, 1561-1566, same m. m., type and legends as the pre- ceding coin, but with slightly older portrait of the Queen, her dress differently ornamented, and reading on obv. FRA. for FR., wt. 86 grs. (Ken. 87), extremely fine and rare 1 76 Crown, 1561-1566, m. m. star on both sides, same type, portrait, and legends as lot 74, but reading on obv. FRA. for fr., wt. 53| grs. (Bud.pl. X, 8), very fine and very rare, this coin is 10 grs. over the right weight [PI. II] 1 *** From the Martin, Murchison and Addington collections. 77 Crown, 1561-1566, same m. m., type and legends as on the last piece, but with older portrait of the Queen as in lot 75, wt. 43^ grs., fine and very rare 1 *** From the Wigan and Brice collections. 78 Half Crown, 1561-1566, m.m. star on both sides, same type and legends as the Crown, lot 76, wt. 17 grs. (Bud. pi. x, 9), fine and of great rarity 1 *** From the Cuff, Murchison and Addington collections. * * * 12 79 Half Sovereign, 1567-1570, m. m. lis on both sides, same type and legends as lot 74, but with different bust of Queen, richer dress, crown on both sides with high pointed arches, and the shield on the reverse is smaller ; and reading fra. for fr. j edge knerled, wt. 87 grs. (Bud. pi. x, 7), extremely fine and very rare [PI. II] 1 *** From the Brice collection. 80 Crown, 1567-1570, m. m. lis on both sides, same type and legends as the preceding coin, but with slightly older portrait, and the shield on the rev. somewhat larger in proportion, and reading on rev. fidiei. for fidei. ; edge knerled, wt. 42| grs., very fine and extremely rare 1 From the Hollis, Durrant, Cuff, Murchison and Addington col- lections. This coin appears to correspond with the Half Sovereign in Sir John Evans's collection described by Kenyan, pp. 127-8. 81 Half Crown, 1567-1570, m. m. lis on both sides, same type and legends as the Half Sovereign, lot 79 ; but edge plain, wt. 21| grs. (Bud. pi. x, 9), fine and extremely rare 1 *** From the Wigan and Brice collections. Silver. Hammered Coinage. 82 Crown, 1601, m. m. 1 on both sides; obv. Elizabeth : d! g! ang! fra. ' ET : hiber ! REGINA., Bust of Queen to left, crowned, holding sceptre and orb ; rev. POSVI : DEVM : ADIVTOREM : MEVM :, Square garnished shield on cross fourchee (Bud. pi. xiv, 5), rare, and one of the finest specimens known [PI. II] 1 *** From the Brice collection. 83 Crown, 1602, m. m. 2 on both sides, same type and legends as on the preceding coin (Bud. pi. xiv, 12), very fine and very rare 1 *** From the Whittaker, Durrant, Chetwynd and Brice collections. 84 Half Crown, 1601, m. m. 1 on both sides, same type and legends as on the crown, lot 82 (Bud. pi. xiv, 6), very fine and rare 1 85 Half Crown, 1602, m. m 2 on both sides, same type and legends as on the crown, lot 82 (Bud. pi. xiv, 13), fine and a very rare date 1 *** From the Doulton collection. 86 Shilling, m. m. lis on both sides; obv. Elizabeth, d! g'. ang! fran. z. hib ! regina V , Bust of Queen to left, crowned ; rev. posvi. devm. ADIVTOREM. MEVM., Plain square shield on cross fourchee ; inner circle on both sides plain, not beaded (Snelling, pi. vil, 18), fine and very rare 1 *** From the Brice collection. 13 87 Shilling, m. m. lis on both sides, same type and legends as the preceding coin, but bust of Queen smaller ; the inner circle on both sides is beaded and the dbv. legend ends regia. and rev. mev. (comp. Bud. pi. XII, 3), very fine and rare [PI. II] 1 %* From the Bolland, Durrant, Bergne and Brice collections. 88 Shilling, m.m. 7C on both sides, usual type as lot 86, but reading on dbv. elizab : d! g'. ang ' fr ! et : hib '. regi ! ; rev. posvi dev '. adivto- rem. mev., extremely fine and a rare mint mark 1 "%* From the Wigan and Brice collections. 89 Shilling, Groat (Brice collection), Half Groat (Neville-Bolfe collection), and Penny, all with m. m. martlet, usual types, fine 4 *** From this point the hammered coins are arranged so far as possible in sets according to the mint marks and in chronological sequence. 90 Shilling (Wakeford collection), Groat (Shepherd collection), Half Groat and Penny (Brice collection), all with m. m. cross crosslet, usual types, fine 4 91 Shilling (Neville-Bolfe collection), Groat, Half Groat and Penny all with m. m. lis, usual types, but plain inner circle on both sides (not beaded) on all, the first two fine, the last two well preserved, a rare set 4 92 Sixpence (Shepherd collection), Threepence (Brice collection), Three Halfpence (Neville-Bolfe collection), and Three Farthings (Shepherd collection), all m. m. pheon, and dated 1561 * Sixpence and Three- pence, m. m. rose, and dated 1565, and Penny, same m. m. ; Sixpence and Threepence m. m. portcullis, and dated 1566, usual types, mostly fine 9 93 Sixpence (Bergne and Brice collections), Threepence (Wakeford collection), Three Halfpence and Three Farthings, all m. m. pheon, and dated 1561 ; Sixpence, Threepence and Half Groat, with m. m. lion, date 1566; Sixpence and Three Halfpence, m. m. coronet, and dated 1567, usual types, mostly fine 9 94 Sixpence, Threepence, Three Halfpence (Shepherd collection), and Three Farthings (unpublished), all m. m. pheon, and dated 1562 ; Sixpence and Threepence, 1567, m. m. lion; and Sixpence, Three- pence (Brice collection), and Three Halfpence, all m. m. coronet, and dated 1568, usual types, mostly fine 9 95 Sixpence and Threepence, m. m. pheon, and dated 1563; Sixpence (Brice collection), Threepence, Half Groat and Penny, m. m. coronet, date 1569 ; and Sixpences, 1569 and 1570, and Threepence, 1570, m. m. castle, usual types, well preserved and fine 9 14 96 Sixpence, Threepence, Three Halfpence, and Three Farthings, all m.m. ermine, and dated 1572; Sixpence, Threepence and Three Halfpence (Wakeford collection), all m. m. acorn, and dated 1 573 ; Six- pence and Threepence, m. m. cinquefoil, and dated 1576, usual types, well preserved 9 97 Sixpence, Threepence and Three Farthings, m. m. ermine, and dated 1573 ; Sixpence, Threepence, Three Halfpence, Penny (unpublished), and Three Farthings (Brice collection), all m.m. cinquefoil, date 1574, usual types, some fine, others well preserved 8 98 Sixpence, Threepence, Penny and Three Farthings (Brice collection), all m. m. cross, date 1578 ; Sixpence (Brice collection), Threepence and Three Halfpence, with same m. m., and dated 1579; and Six- pence, Threepence and Penny, all m. m. sword, date 1582, usual types, mostly fine, others well preserved 10 99 Shilling, Sixpence, Half Groat and Penny, all m. m. bell, date 1582; and Shilling, Sixpence, Half Groat, Penny and Halfpenny, all m. m. 'K, date 1583, usual types, fine and well preserved 9 100 Shilling, Sixpence (Bieber collection), Half Groat, Penny and Halfpenny (Bergne and Brice collections), all with m. m. escallop, date 1584; Shilling, Sixpence, Half Groat, Penny and Halfpenny, all with m. m. crescent, date 1589, usual types, well preserved 10 101 Shilling (Wakeford collection), Sixpence, Half Groat and Halfpenny, all with m. m. hand, date 1590 ; Shilling (Bergne and Brice collections), Sixpence, Half Groat and Halfpenny, all m.m. ton, date 1592, usual types, mostly fine 8 102 Shilling, Sixpence (Wakeford collection), Half Groat, Penny and Half- penny, all with m. m. woolpack, date 1594; and Shilling, Sixpence, Half Groat (Addington collection), Penny and Halfpenny, all with m. m. key, date 1595, usual types, all well preserved 10 103 Sixpence and Penny, m. m. key, date 1596, the second piece with m. m. on rev. only ; Shilling, rare, Sixpence, Half Groat, Penny, very rare, and Halfpenny, all with m.m. anchor, date 1599; also Six- pence, with same m. m., but dated 1598, usual types, well preserved, some fine 8 104 Shilling, Sixpence, Half Groat, Penny (m. m. on obv. only), and Half- penny, all with m.m. o, date 1600, usual types, all fine, a scarce mint mark 5 105 Shilling (Shepherd collection), Sixpence, Half Groat, Penny and Half- penny, all with m. m. L, date 1601 ; and Sixpence, with same m. m. but dated 1602, usual types, all fine and a rare mint mark 6 15 106 Shilling, Sixpence, Half Groat, Penny and Halfpenny, all with m. m. 2, date 1602, usual types, well preserved and rare 5 107 Sixpences, 1561, m. m. pheon j 1570, m. m. coronet; 1580, m. m. cross; 1583, m. m. bell; 1591, m.m. hand; 1593, m. m. tun; and 1597, m. m. key, usual types, all fine for these coins 7 108 Portcullis Dollar, m.m. annulet on both sides; obv. Elizabeth, d! G ! ANG ! fr ! et. hib ! regina., Square shield, crowned, between E R crowned ; rev. posvi. devm. adivtorem. mevm., Portcullis crowned (Bud. pi. XV, 5), very fine and very rare 1 *%* From the Gibbs collection. 109 Portcullis Half Dollar, same m. m., type and legends as the previous coin, but reading on obv. Elizabeth . d ! g ! ang '. fra ! et. hiber '. REGINA. (Bud. pi. xv, 6), extremely fine and rare 1 *** From the Cuff, Hastings and Brice collections. 110 Portcullis Quarter Dollar, same m. m., type and legends as the Dollar, lot 108, but reading on obv. Elizabeth . d ! g '. ang '. fr '. et. hiber ! regi ! (Bud. pi. xv, 7), very fine and rare 1 *** From the Addington collection. 111 Portcullis Eighth Dollar, same m. m., type and legends as the Dollar, lot 108, but reading on obv. ELIZABETH . D ', G '. AN '. fr '. et. hi '. regina (Bud. pi. xv, 8), very fine and rare 1 *** From the Bergne and Brice collections. Milled Coinage. 112 Shilling, large size, m.m. star on both sides; obv. Elizabeth . d. g. ANG. fra. et. hib. regina., Bust of Queen to left, crowned, embroi- dered dress; rev. posvi devm. adivtorem. mevm., Plain square shield on cross fourch6e (Bud. pi. xin, 1), very rare and " believed to be the finest specimen known " [PI. II] 1 %* From the Tyssen, Trattle, Durrant, Bergne (lot 583) and Brice collections. 113 Shilling, same m.m., type, and legends as the previous coin, but of smaller size, very fine and rare 1 *** From the Cuff, Shepherd and Brice collections. 114 Shilling, same m.m., type, legends and size as the previous coin, but the dress of the Queen is differently embroidered, very fine, but with slight chip at edge, and rare 1 115 Shilling, m.m. martlet, same type and legends as lot 113, but bust smaller, somewhat rubbed, but unpublished and extra rare 1 *** From the Rostron collection (lot 175). * 16 116 Sixpence, 1561, to. to. star ; olv. Elizabeth, d. g. ang. fra. et. hib. regina., Bust of Queen to left, crowned, embroidered dress ; behind, large rose ; rev. posvi. devm. adivtorem. mevm., Plain square shield on cross fourchee ; above, 1561 (Eud.pl. xiii, 4) ; another, same, but small rose behind Queen's bust and date on rev. 1562 • Three- pence, same type, &c, with date 1561 (ib. pi. xiii, 6), all very fine and scarce 3 * # * No. 1 from the Neville-Bolfe, and nos. 2 and 3 from the Brice collection. 117 Sixpences (2), 1562, same type as in the preceding lot, but on one specimen the rose behind the bust is small, and on the other large ; the busts are also varied; Threepence, same type, dated 1562, the dress is more ornamented than on the same coin in the previous lot, all very fine and scarce 3 *** Nos. 2 and 3 from the Brice collection. 118 Sixpence, 1562, same to. to., type, and legends as lot 116, but bust with different ornamentation, large rose behind, and pellet each side of date on rev. ; another, same date and type, but on the rev. shield on large cross patt6e instead of cross fourch6e ; Three- pence, 1562, usual type, but small rose behind bust, all very fine and scarce 3 * * * No. 2 from the Wylie collection. 119 Sixpence, 1567, to. to. lis ; obv. Elizabeth . d ! G '. ang ' fr ! et. hi '. REGINA., Small bust of Queen to left, crowned ; behind, small rose ; rev. POSVI. dev '. adivtorem. mev '., Plain square shield on cross fourchee ; above, 1567; another, 1568, same to. to., type, and legends, but large rose on obv. ; another, dated 1570, same to. to. and rev. type, but on obv. the bust of the Queen divides at the bottom the legend, which reads Elizabeth, d. g. an. f. &. HI. regina (n's reversed), all very fine and rare 3 *** Nos. 1 and 2 from the Brice, and no. 3 from the Eostron collection. 120 Sixpences, 1563, 1564, 1566, usual types, but with cross pattee instead of cross fourchee on rev.; all with to. to. star ; and others of 1567 and 1568, with to. to. lis, and cross fourchee on rev., all some- what rubbed 6 *#* No. 3 from the Wakeford, no. 4 from the Rostron, and no. 5 from the Neville-Rolfe collection. 121 Groat, to. to. star ; obv. Elizabeth, d. g. ang. fra. et. hib. regina., Bust of Queen to left, crowned, ornamented dress ; rev. posvi. DEVM. ADIVTOREM. MEVM., Plain square shield on cross fourchee (Rud. pi. xii, 3), extremely fine and very rare [PI. II] 1 %* From the Christmas, " a Lady in the North " and Brice collections. 17 122 Half Groat, m. m. star, same type and legends as the preceding coin (Bud. pi. xiii, 10), extremely fine and very rare 1 *** From the Bergne (lot 588) and Brice collections. 123 Three Farthings, of London, 1563, m. m. star on obv., mullet on rev. ; obv. E. D. G. rosa. sine, spina., Bust of Queen to left, crowned; behind, rose ; another on shoulder ; rev. civitas London, Square shield on cross pattee; above, 1563 (Hks. 458; Rud.pl. xiii, 11), in good condition and excessively rare 1 *** From the Shepherd collection (lot 290), in which catalogue it is stated that the coin is pierced in two places. It realised at that sale £21 10s. Patterns. Gold. 124 Milled Half Sovereign, m. m. tun on both sides ; obv. Elizabeth, d ! G ! ang ! fra ! et. hi ! regina., Large bust of Queen to left, crowned, and touching the outer rim of the coin, elaborate dress and long hair, which falls over both shoulders ; rev. SCVTVM. FIDEL PROTEGET. eam., Plain square shield, crowned, between E R ; small lettering on both sides and inner circles plain, wt. 84 grs., fine, unpublished, and possibly unique 1 *** From the Clarke collection. Silver. 125 Milled Half Crown, m. m. lis on both sides; obv. Elizabeth, d. g. ang! fran! z. hib! regl, Bust of Queen to left, crowned, in high relief, long hair and ornamented dress; rev. posvi devm. adiv- torem. mevm., Square shield over cross fourchee ; reel border on both sides; no inner circles, wt. 211 grs. (Hks. p. 305 and title-page ; Snelling, pi. vn, 21), fine, but bust slightly rubbed, of the highest rarity [PI. II] 1 *#* Of this exceedingly interesting coin only one other specimen, not so well preserved, is known. It is in the National Collection. The above piece formerly belonged to Mr. Hawkins and subsequently passed into the collections of Mr. T. W. N. Eobinson, the Hon. Robert Marsham, and Mr. Clarke, and finally into that of Mr. Montagu. 126 Milled Shilling, m.m. key on both sides; obv. elizab ! d '. g '. ang '. fr .' ET hib ! regl, Bust of Queen to left, crowned, ornamented dress ; all within two inner circles, one beaded ; rev. posvi dev I adivtorem. MEV ', Plain square shield on cross fourchee ; two inner circles, one beaded, wt. 95 grs., unpublished, extremely fine and very rare [PI. II] 1 *#* From the Tyssen, Trattle, Durrant, Wigan and Brice collections. This coin appears to be the pattern for the hammered shilling with same m. m. (see Hks. 440). G 18 127 Milled Shilling, m. m. key on both sides, same type and legends as the preceding coin, but the shield is elaborately garnished, wt. 94 grs. (Rud. pi. xiv, 4), very fine and very rare 1 *** From the Cuff, Shepherd (lot 285) and Brice collections. 128 Milled Sixpence, 1574, m. m. mullet on both sides; obv. Elizabeth. D? G« ANQ FR & Hi? regina (stops, cinquefoils), Large bust of Queen to left, crowned, in highly ornamented dress ; behind, large rose ; rev. POSVI. DEVM ADIVTOREM. mevm (stops, plain), Large plain square shield, divided by a broad plain cross; above, 1574, wt. 51 grs. (Bud. pi. xiii, 13), well preserved, excessively rare 1 *x* From the Marsham collection (lot 465), where it sold for £27. 129 Milled Sixpence, 1575, m. m. mullet on both sides, same type and legends as the last coin, but stops on obv. and rev., rosettes, and date 1575, wt. 47 grs. (Bud. pi. xiii, 14), very fine and of the highest rarity [PL II] 1 *** From the Hollis, Cuff, Bergne (lot 615, £31) and Addington collections. 130 Milled Threepence, 1575, m. m. mullet on both sides, same type as lot 128, but reading obv. Elizabeth, d! g! ang fra & hi? regina; rev. posvi. dev! adivtorem mev! (stops, plain on both sides), wt. 23| grs. (Bud. pi. xiii, 15), very fine and of great rarity 1 * # * From the Dymock, Murchison (lot 195, £32) and Addington collections. 131 Portcullis Halfpenny, m. m. annulet on obv. only; obv. Portcullis; rev. Cross moline with three pellets in each angle ; no legends, wt. 3 grs., very fine, extremely rare, and unpublished 1 132 Proof Milled Sixpence, 1561, m. m. star on both sides; obv. Eliza- beth, d. G. ang. fra. et. hib. regina., Bust of Queen to left, crowned, embroidered dress ; behind, large rose ; rev. posvi devm. adivtorem. mevm., Plain square shield on cross fourchee ; above, 1561, wt. 48 grs. (Bud. pi. xiii, 4), extremely fine and very rare 1 *$* From the Pembroke, Bergne and Brice collections. JAMES I. A.D. 1603-1625. Gold. 133 Rose Ryal, 1605-1612, m.m. rose; obv. iacobvs. d! g! mag', brit^ fran'. et. hiber! rex., The King seated facing on throne, holding sceptre and orb ; at his feet, portcullis ; around, tressure ; rev. A. DNO ! FACTVM. EST. ISTVD. ET. EST. MIRAB ! IN. OCVLIS. NRIS., Royal shield on large double rose, wt. 213 grs. (Bud. pi. XII, 1), extremely fine and rare [PL III] 1 *** From the Duncombe and Addington collections. The m. m. unless otherwise stated is always on the obv. and rev. 19 134 Rose Ryal, 1605-1612, m. m. coronet, same type and legends as the preceding coin, but omitting the stops after brit, wt. 213 grs., very fine and rare, a rare mint mark 1 135 Spur Ryal, 1605-1612, m.m. rose; obv. iacobvs. d! g! mag! brit! Fran! et. HIb! rex., King standing facing in ship, holding sword and shield ; mast on either side ; at prow, flag with letter I ; rose On ship ; rev. A. DNO ! FACTVM. EST. ISTVD. ET. EST. MIRABILE., Floriated cross with radiate rose in centre ; in each angle, lion with crown above him; tressure of eight arches with trefoil in each spandril, wt. 105 grs. (Bud. pi. xn, 2), extremely fine and rare 1 *** From the Shepherd (lot 301) and Brice collections. 136 Spur Ryal, 1605-1612, m.m. mullet, same type and legends as the preceding coin, wt. 104 grs., extremely fine and an extremely rare m. m. [PI. Ill] 1 *** From the Cuff, Forster and Addington collections. This specimen is the only one cited by Kenyon as bearing the m.m. mullet (see p. 141). 137 Spun Ryal, 1612-1619, m. m. cinquefoil pierced, same type and legends as lot 135, wt. 106 grs. (Num. Chron. N.S., iv, p. 229), extremely fine but slightly chipped at edge, rare 1 * # * From the Henderson, Bolland, White, Brown and Addington collections. 138 Thirty-Shilling Piece or Rose Ryal, 1619-1625, yn.m. spur rowel; obv. IACOBVS D : G : MA BRI : fr : ET HIB : rex., King seated facing, on throne, the back of which is flowered, holding sceptre and orb ; at his feet, portcullis ; the field on either side is ornamented with lis and roses ; rev. A DNO : FACTVM EST ISTVD ET EST MIRAB : IN oc : nris., Eoyal shield on cross fleury, surrounded by double circle of dots, within which and in each angle of cross are a lis, a lion and a rose ; above shield, xxx, wt. 194 grs. (Ken. 96), extremely fine and rare [PL III] 1 *** From the Durrant (lot 559), Brown and Addington collections. 139 Thirty-Shilling Piece or Rose Ryal, 1619-1625, m.m. thistle, same type and legends as the preceding coin, wt. 192 grs. (Bud. pi. XII, 5), very fine and rare 1 *#* From the Brice collection. 140 Thirty-Shilling Piece or Rose Ryal, 1619-1625, m.m. trefoil slipped, same type and legends as lot 138 ; but the back of the throne is plain not flowered, and the legends read hi : for hib :, and mira : for mirab :, wt. 193 grs., extremely fine, and a very rare variety 1 *** From the Brice collection. 2 20 141 Fifteen-Shilling Piece or Spur Ryal, 1619-1625, m. m. spur rowel; obv. IACOBVS D : G : MAG : BRIT : FRA : ET HI: REX., Lion sejant, facing, crowned, holding sceptre in right paw and shield with left ; in field, x v j rev. a dno : factvm est istvd et est mirabi :, Radiate rose on cross, each limb terminating in a crowned lis ; in each angle, lion, above which, crown ; tressure of eight arches with pellet in each spandril, wt. 97 grs. (Bud. pi. xn, 6), extremely fine and very rare [PL III] 1 *** From the Murchison (1860), "the Property of a Gentleman" and the Addington collections. 142 Fifteen-Shilling Piece or Spur Ryal, 1619-1625, m. m. trefoil slipped, same type as the preceding coin, but reading obv. iacobvs D : G : MAG : BRI : FR : ET HI : REX ; rev. A DNO : FACTVM EST istvd ET EST mirabile, wt. 97| grs. (Ken. 101), extremely fine and very rare 1 *** From the Cuff, Hastings and Brice collections. 21 SECOND DAY'S SALE. JAMES I — continued. Gold, lot 143 Pound Sovereign, 1603-1604, m.m. thistle; obv. iacobvs. b'. g ang ! sco ! fran '. et. hib ' BEX., Half-length figure of the King to right, crowned and in armour, slightly decorated ; sceptre in right hand, orb in left ; rev. EXVRGAT. DEVS. DISSIPENTVR. INIMICL, Square garnished shield, surmounted by crown and between I R, wt. 171 grs. (Bud. pi. xi, 1), extremely fine and rare [PI. Ill] 1 *** From the Dimsdale, Martin, Hastings and Nash collections. 144 Pound Sovereign, 1603-1604, m.m. lis, same type and legends as the preceding coin, but the armour of the King is more richly damascened, wt. 171 grs., very fine and extremely rare, being an unpub- lished m.m. 1 V From the Kirk (1885) collection. 145 Unite, 1604-1612, m.m. lis; obv. iacobvs. d : g! mag', brit! fran I et. hib '. rex., Half-length figure of the King to right, crowned and in armour much damascened ; sceptre in right hand, orb in left ; rev. faciam. eos. IN. gentem. vnam., Square garnished shield, crowned, between I r, wt. 154£ grs. (comp. Bud. pi. XI, 5), extremely fine 1 *** From the Alchorne, Bergne and Brice collections. 146 Unite, 1604-1612, m, m. rose, same type and legends as the preceding coin, but the bust of the King is smaller and the armour plain, wt. 153 grs. (Ken. 98), very fine, an unpublished variety with this bust 1 147 Unite, 1604-1612, m. m. escallop, same type &c. as the last coin, i.e. with small bust and plain armour, wt. 154 grs., very fine 1 * # * From the Marsham collection (lot 480). 148 Unite, 1604-1612, m.m. bunch of grapes, same type and legends as lot 146, wt. 153| grs., very fine, a rare m. m., and specially mentioned by Kenyon (p. 139) 1 *** From the Wigan and Brice collections. 149 Unite, 1604-1612, m. m. coronet, same type and legends as lot 146, but reading on obv. hi '. for hib!, wt. 153£ grs., extremely fine, and a very rare m. m. 1 22 150 Unite, 1612-1619, m. m. trefoil slipped, same type and legends as the preceding coin, wt. 154 grs., very well preserved and a rare m. m. (see Ken. p. 140) 1 151 Unite, 1612-1619, m. m. cinquefoil pierced, usual type as lot 146, but reading obv. iacobvs : D '. G '. MA ! BRIT ! fra '. et '. HI ' rex j rev. FACIAM : EOS : IN : GENTEM : VNAM., wt. 153 grs., fine 1 152 Unite, 1612-1619, m. m. book, same type and legends as the last coin, but one pellet only between words on rev., wt. \5b\grs., well pre- served, a rare m. m. (see Ken. p. 140) 1 153 Unite, 1612-1619, m.m. saltire or St. Andrew's cross, usual type, but reading on obv. iacobvs ! D '. G '. mag ! br ' fr ! et '. Hi I rex ; rev. FACIAM. eos. &c, with one pellet only between words, wt. 153 grs., fine, unpublished, excessively rare and probably unique 1 *#* Of this coin Mr. Montagu notes " the only piece in gold or silver that I have met with having this m. m." 154 Half Sovereign, 1603-1604, m. m. thistle; obv. iacobvs . d! g! angl! SCO '. fran '. et. hiber ' rex., Bust of King to right, crowned, armour decorated; rev. exvrgat . devs . dissipentvr . INIMICL, Plain square shield, crowned, between I R, wt. 85 grs. (Bud. pi. XI, 2), very fine and excessively rare [PL III] 1 *** From the Bergne and Brice collections. 155 Half Unite, 1604-1612, m.m. rose, same type as the last coin, but reading obv. iacobvs. D ' G ! MAG '. BRIT ! fran '. et. HIB '. rex. ; rev. henricvs. ROSAS, regna. iacobvs., wt. 75 grs. (Bud. pi. XI, 6), fine 1 %* From the Brice collection. 156 Half Unite, 1604-1612, m.m. rose, same type and legends as on the preceding coin, but the armour of the King is but slightly decorated, wt. 75 grs., fine, an unpublished variety, and exceedingly rare 1 157 Half Unite, 1604-1612, m.m. scallop, same type and legends as the preceding coin, wt. 76 grs., very fine, a well struck and round coin 1 *** From the Chetwynd and Brice collections. 158 Half Unite, 1612-1619, m.m. book, usual type, but face and armour different, hair longer, and I Ron rev. much smaller, and reading on obv. IACOBVS ! D '. G ! MA ! BRI ! FRA ! ET ! HI ' REX.; rev. HENRICVS. rosas. &c, wt. 76 grs., well preserved, an unpublished m. m. of this denomination 1 159 Half Unite, 1612-1619, m.m. cross, same type and legends as the preceding coin, but reading hib '. for HI \ wt. 76 grs., fine, an un- published variety 1 23 160 Crown, 1 603-1604, m. m. thistle ; obv. iacobvs. d ! g ! ang ! sco ! fra ! et. hib ! rex., Bust of King to left, crowned, in armour ; rev. tvea- tur. vnita. devs., Square shield surmounted by crown between I r, wt. 42-| g r s. (Rud. pi. xi, 3), fine and very rare 1 *x* From the Bank of England and Brice collections. 161 Britain Crown, 1604-1612, m.m. lis; obv. iacobvs. d! g! mag I brit! fra ! et. hib ! rex., Bust of King to right, crowned, in armour ; rev. henricvs. rosas. regna. iacobvs. Square shield surmounted by- crown between I r, wt. 39 grs. (Bud. pi. xi, 7); Half Crown, 1604-1612, same m. m. and type, but reading obv. i!d! g!rosa. sine, spina. ; rev. tveatvr. vnita. devs., wt. 18| grs. (Bud. pi. xi, 8), both fine 2 *#* Both from the Brice collection. 162 Britain Crown, 1604-1612, m.m. cross, and Half Crown, 1604-1612, m. m. scallop, same types and legends as the previous lot, but the former reads ma! bri! fra! et. hi., wis. 38 and 19 grs., both very fine 2 *** No. 1 from the Bergne and Brice collections. 163 Half Crown, 1603-1604, m. m. thistle; obv. iacobvs. d! g! an! sc! fr ! et. hi ! rex., Bust of King to right, crowned, in armour ; rev. tveatvr. vnita. devs., Square shield surmounted by crown be- tween I R, wt. 21 grs. (Bud. pi. XI, 4), exceedingly rare and extremely fine, a beautiful specimen, as fine as from the die," W. B. [PI. Ill] 1 *** From the Martin, Murchison and Shepherd (lot 295) collections. 164 Laurel, 1619-1625, m. m. spur rowel ; obv. IACOBVS. D : G : MAG : BRIT : FRAN : et hib rex, Bust of King to left, laureate, in mantle and armour; behind, xx; rev. faciam EOS in gentem vnam., Plain square shield on cross fleury ; above, crown, wt. 139 grs. (Bud. pi. xi, 9), very fine and of fine work, rare 1 *** From the Brice collection. 165 Laurel, 1619-1625, m. m. rose, same type and legends as the preceding coin, but reading on obv. bri : FRA : ET hib : for brit : FRAN : ET hib, small lettering, wt. 139 grs., extremely fine 1 166 Laurel, 1619-1625, m.m. thistle, same type and legends as the pre- ceding coin, wt. 139 grs. (Bud. pi. xi, 10), very fine 1 167 Laurel, 1619-1625, m.m. lis, same type and legends as lot 164, but reading on obv. bri : for brit ; and legend on rev. differently divided, and small shield, wt. 139 grs., extremely fine 1 * # * From the Bergne and Brice collections. 168 Laurel, 1619-1625, m.m. lis, same type and legends as the preceding coin, but reading obv. BRI : FRA :, and harp on shield larger, wt. 140 grs., fine "%* From the Chesham Find. 24 169 Laurel, 1619-1625, m. m. trefoil slipped, usual type, but reading on obv. IACOBVS D : G : MAG : BKI ! FRA : ET HI : REX. ; rev. FACIAM EOS, &c, wt. 140 grs., an unpublished obv. reading, fine 1 170 Half Laurel, 1619-1625, m. m. lis ; obv. iacobvs d : g : mag : bri : fra : et hib : rex., Bust of King to left, laureate, in mantle and armour j behind, X ; rev. henric ! ROSAS regna iacob !, Plain square shield on cross fleury ; above, crown, wt. 70 grs. (Rud.pl. xi, 11) ; Quarter Laurel, m. m. trefoil slipped, same type and legends as the Half Laurel, but behind head of King V, and reading on obv. BR : FR : ET hi :, wt. 35 grs. (Bud. pi. xi, 12), both fine 2 *#* Both from the Bergne and Brice collections. 171 Half Laurel, 1619-1625, m. m. trefoil slipped, same type and legends as last lot, but reading obv. iacobvs d : mag : bri : FR : et hib : rex. (g. omitted), wt. 71 grs. ; Quarter Laurel, m.m. trefoil slipped on obv., lis on rev., same type as in last lot, but reading obv. IACOBVS. D. G. MA. BRI. FRA. ET HI REX ; rev. HENRICVS ROSAS REGNA IACOB ! wt. 35 grs., the m. m. on rev. precedes the legend and does not follow regna as usual, both fine, the second a rare variety and unpublished 2 %* Both from the Chesham Find. 172 Half Laurel, 1619-1625, m. m. trefoil slipped, usual type and legends, but reading obv. iacobvs. d. g. ma. bri. fra. et. hib. rex. ; rev. henric! rosas regna iaco!, wt. 70 grs. ; Quarter Laurel, m. m. rose, usual type, but reading obv. iacobvs d : G : MAG : BRI : FRA : ET HIB : REX ; rev. HENRICVS ROSAS REGNA IACOBVS., wt. 34 grs., both fine 2 173 Thistle Crown, 1604, m. m. lis; obv. ia'. d! g! mag' br! f! et. h! rex., Rose on stalk, crowned, between I R ; rev. tveatvr. vnita devs, Thistle on stalk, crowned, between I R, wt. 30 grs. (Bud. pi. xi, 13), extremely fine and scarce 1 *** From the Brice collection. 174 Thistle Crown, 1605, m. m. rose, same type and legends as the pre- ceding coin, wt. 31 grs., very fine, a rare m. m., and only mentioned by Buding 1 *** From the Leckenby collection. 175 Thistle Crown, 1615, m.m. tun, same type and legends as lot 173, but omitting the letters I R in field on obv., wt. 31 grs., fine, an un- published m. m., and an unpublished variety 1 176 Thistle Crown, 1618, m. m. plain cross, same type and legends as lot 173, but reading on obv. ma! for mag!, wt. 30 grs., fine, an un- published m. m. 1 *** From the Webb collection (lot 376). 25 177 Angel, 1605-1612, m. m. rose ; obv. iacobvs. d '. g '. mag '. brit '. fra \ ET. hi ! rex., St. Michael piercing the dragon ; rev. A. dno '. factvm. est. istvd :, Ship to right with bowsprit, two ropes from stern and two from prow, shield attached to mast, at sides of which I and rose, wt. 70 grs. (Bud. pi. xn, 3), extremely fine and rare 1 *#.* From the Brice collection. 178 Angel, 1612-1619, m.m. book, same type and legends as the previous coin, but the ship has no bowsprit, and one stop only after each word oi rev. legend, wt. 70 grs. (comp. Ken. 105), very fine and rare 1 *** From the Marsham collection (lot 485). 179 Angel, 1619-1625, m. m. thistle; obv. iacobvs d : g :MAG : BRI : fra : ET. HIB : REX., St. Michael piercing the dragon ; on right under his wing, mark of value x ; rev. A. dno. factvm. est. istvd., A three- masted ship sailing to left, with royal arms embroidered on sail ; lions at stern, prow and on pennon, wt. 64 grs. (Rud. pi. xil, 7), extremely fine and rare [PI. Ill] 1 *** From the Cuff, Hastings and Brice collections. 180 Angel 1619-1625, m. m. trefoil over lis (1), same type and legends as the preceding coin, but reading on rev. domino, for dno., wt. 64 grs., fine and rare 1 181 Half Angel, 1612-1619, m. m. cinquefoil pierced, same type as the Angel, lot 178, ship without bowsprit, but reading obv. iacobvs. D ! G '. MA '. BRI ! FRA ! ET. HI '. REX. ; rev. A. DNO. FACTVM. EST. ISTVD., wt. 36^ grs. (Bud. pi. xn, 4), very fine and very rare 1 %* From the Wigan and Brice collections. 182 Half Angel, 1612-1619, m. m. trefoil slipped, same type and legends as the preceding coin, wt. 35 grs., fine, extra rare, being an unpub- lished m. m. 1 Silver. First Coinage. 183 Crown, to. m. thistle ; obv. iacobvs. d '. g ! ang ! sco ! fran '. et. hib .' rex., The King on horseback to right, sword in right hand; the hous- ings decorated with crowned rose ; rev. exvrgat. devs. dissipentur. inimicl, Square garnished shield (Bud. pi. xvi, 1), extremely fine and rare [PI. Ill] 1 \* From the Bank of England and Brice collections. 184 Crown, m. m. lis, same type and legends as the preceding coin (Sndling, pi. vin, 7), ivell preserved and rare 1 * *** From the Neville-Rolfe collection. 26 185 Half Crown, m. to. thistle, same type and legends as the Crown, lot 183 (Bud. pi. xvi, 2), extremely rare, and the finest example known of this coin [PI. Ill] 1 *** From the Hodsell, Tyssen, Durrant, Dymock, Foster (£50) and Addington collections. 186 Half Crown, to. to. lis, same type and legends as the Crown, lot 183 (Snelling, pi. viii, 6), in good condition, extremely rare 1 * # * From the Hall collection. 187 Shilling, m. m. thistle ; obv. iacobvs. d '. g'. ang '. sco '. fra: et. hib : rex., Bust of King to right, crowned, in armour ; behind, XII ; rev. exvrgat. devs. dissipentvr. inimici, Plain square shield (Bud. pi. xvi, 3), extremely fine and in this state very rare 1 *** From the Shepherd (lot 310, £15 15s.) and Brice collections. 188 Sixpence, 1603, m. m. thistle, same type and legends as the last coin, but on rev. above shield, date 1603 (Bud. pi. xvi, 4), exceedingly fine and most rare in this state [PL III] 1 *** From the Shepherd (lot 311, £17 15s.) and Brice collections. " This coin is in beautiful condition, perfectly round, and looks as if struck for a proof." — W.B. 189 Shilling, Sixpence, 1604, Twopence, Penny and Halfpenny, usual types, all with m. m. thistle, the first two well preserved, the last three fine, a desirable set 5 *** No. 1 from the Ignatius Williams, no. 3 from the Bergne and Brice, and no. 5 from the Walpole-White collection. 190 Shilling, Sixpence, 1604, Twopence, Penny and Halfpenny, usual types, all with m. m. lis, well preserved 5 Second Coinage. 191 Crown, m. m. thistle ; obv. iacobvs. d '. g ! mag ! brit ' fran '. et. hib ! rex., The King on horseback to right, sword in right hand ; the housings decorated with crowned rose ; ground under horse ; rev. qvm. devs. conivnxit. nemo, separet., Square garnished shield (comp. Bud. pi. xvii, I), fine and rare 1 *** From the Duchess of Beaufort's collection. 192 Crown, m. m. lis, same type and legends as the preceding coin (Bud. pi. xvii, 1), extremely fine and very rare in this condition 1 *** From the Bergne and Brice collections. 193 Crown m. m. rose, same type and legends as lot 191, but on the housings of the horse a rose and thistle united (1) crowned, well preserved, a very rare m. m. and variety 1 *** From the Wakeford collection. 27 194 Crown, m. m. scallop, same type and legends as lot 191, fine and an extremely rare m. m. 1 *** From the Marsham collection (lot 494). 195 Crown, m. m. grapes, same type and legends as lot 191, well preserved, a rare m. m. 1 196 Crown, m. m. lis, same type and legends as lot 191, but the rose and crown on the housings are smaller, there is more ground under the horse, and on the rev. the shield at bottom pierces the inner circle ; it reads bri : for brit! ; two stops after words of legend on obv. except iacobvs and et, and none on rev., very fine and a rare variety 1 197 Crown, m. m. lis, same type, legends and varieties as the preceding coin, but on rev. the shield does not pierce the inner circle, and there is a plume over it (comp. Bud. pi. XVII, 2), extremely fine and rare, especially in this condition 1 *** From the Cuff, Murchison, and Brice collections. 198 Crown, m. m. trefoil, same type, legends and varieties as the last coin, and also with plume over shield on rev., extremely fine [PL IV] 1 *** From the Shepherd collection (lot 313). 199 Half Crown, m. m. thistle; obv. iacobvs d : g : mag : bri : fra : et hib : rex., The King on horseback to right, sword in right hand ; crowned rose on housings; rev. QVM DEVS CONIVNXIT NEMO SEPARET, Square garnished shield (Bud. pi. xvn, 3), very well preserved 1 200 Half Crown, m. m. lis, same type and legends as the preceding coin, extremely fine and rare in this state, "probably the best known" 1 201 Half Crown, m. m. trefoil, same type and legends as lot 199, but reading fr : for fra :, well preserved 1 202 Half Crown, m. m. thistle, same type and legends as lot 199, but on rev. plume above shield (Bud. pi. xvn, 4), very fine and scarce 1 *** From the Shepherd collection (lot 314). 203 Half Crown, m. m. lis, same type and legends as lot 199, but on rev. plume above shield, extremely fine and rare in this state 1 *** From the Brice collection. 204 Half Crown, m. m. lis, same type and legends as lot 199, but reading FR : for fra :, and plume above shield, well preserved 1 205 Shilling, m. m. tun ; obv. iacobvs ! d I g ! ma ' bri ' fra ' et '. hi ! rex., Bust of King to right, crowned, in armour ; behind, XII ; rev. QVJE, devs. conivnxit. nemo, separet., Plain square shield (Bud, pi. XVII, 5), in perfect condition, a very sharply struck and round coin, not improbably a proof [PI. I VJ 1 *** From the Bolland, Brunell, Bergne and Brice collections. " The finest known specimen." — W. B. 28 206 Shilling, m. to. rose, same type as the preceding coin, but reading obv. IACOBVS D : G : MAG : BRI : FRA : ET HIB : REX ; rev. QV^E DEVS CONIVNXIT nemo separet, extremely fine 1 %* From the Shepherd (lot 315) and Brice collections. 207 Shilling, to. to. lis, same type and legends as the last coin, but reading brit : for bri :, and pellet after each word on rev., very fine • 1 *** From the Webb collection. 208 Shilling, to. to. lis, same type and legend as lot 206, but on rev. plume above shield (Bud. pi. xvn, 6), extremely fine and rare in this state 1 209 Shilling, m. to. thistle, same type and legends as lot 206, but on rev. plume above shield, extremely fine 1 *** From the Cuff, Murchison, Bergne and Brice collections. 210 Shilling, Sixpence, 1606, Half Groat, Penny and Halfpenny, all with to. to. escallop, except the last piece, which has no to. to., usual types, mostly well preserved 5 211 Shilling, Sixpence, 1608, Half Groat, Penny and Halfpenny, all with to. to. coronet, usual types, fine, the shilling unpublished 5 212 Shilling, Sixpence, 1609, Half Groat and Penny, all with to. to. key ; also Shilling with to. to. bell, usual types, very well preserved 5 213 Shilling, Sixpence, 1611, and Half Groat, all with to. to. mullet; also Shilling, Half Groat and Penny, all with to. to. tower, usual types, mostly fine 6 214 Shilling, m. to. coronet; and Sixpence, 1621 (Brice collection), Half Groat (Brice collection), Penny, and Halfpenny, all with to. to. rose, usual types, very fine 5 215 Shilling, Sixpence, 1622 (Brice collection), and Half Groat, all with to. to. thistle; also Shilling, Sixpence, 1623, and Half Groat, pierced, all with to. to. lis, usual types, mostly fine 6 216 Shilling, Sixpence, 1624, Half Groat (no inner circle on rev.), Penny, and Halfpenny, all with m. to. lis, usual types, all fine, the Half Groat unpublished 5 %* Nos. 1 and 2 from the Bergne and Brice collections. 217 Shilling, to. to. trefoil ; Sixpence, 1624, same to. to. ; Half Groat, to. m. plain cross ; Penny, obv. to. to. lis, rev. two pellets ; and Halfpenny, to. to. cinquefoil, usual types, all fine 5 218 Shilling, to. to. trefoil (plume over shield) ; Sixpence, 1613, same to. to. ; Half Groat, to. to. plain cross; Penny, to. to. on rev. two pellets; and Halfpenny, to. to. bell, usual types, fine except last piece, which is pierced 5 29 CHARLES I. A.D. 1625-1648. Tower Mint. Gold. 219 U n ite, type l,m.m. lis ; obv. CAROLVS D : G : MAG : BR : fr : et HI : REX. , Bust of King to left, wearing double-arched crown, ruff, mantle and collar of the Garter ; behind head, XX ; rev. florent CONCORDIA REGNA, Square garnished shield surmounted by crown j two inner circles on both sides, one plain, the other beaded, wt. 138 grs. (Bud. pi. xni, I), fine and scarce 1 *** From the Brice collection. The types of this reign are those as given by Kenyon and Hawkins. 220 Unite, type \,m.m. lis, same type as the preceding coin, but reading hib. for hi : ; no dot before m. m. on obv., one dot between each word of obv. and rev. legends, and m. m. on rev. after REGNA., wt. 140 grs., very fine 1 * # * From the Chesham Find. 221 Unite, type 1, m. m. lis, same type as lot 219, but reading obv. carolvs D ! G ! MAG ! BR ! FR ! ET HI ! REX ; rev. FLORENT : CONCORDIA : REGNA V , wt. 141 grs., fine and scarce 1 *** From the Chesham Find. 222 Unite, type 1, m.m. lis, same type as lot 219, but reading on obv. CAROLVS : D I G '. MAG ! BRIT '. FRA ! ET : HIB ! REX : J rev. FLORENT. CON- CORDIA, regna., wt. 138 grs., very fine 1 223 Unite, type 1, m.m. lis, same type as lot 219, but the king's crown is large, flat and single arched ; reading obv. CAROLVS D ! G ! MAG ! BR I fr!et hi! rex. ; rev. florent concordia regna, wt. 139 grs. (comp. Ken. 113), very fine and a rare variety 1 224 Unite, type 1, m. m. cross on steps, same type (with single-arched crown) and legends as on the previous coin, but with different arrangement of dots, viz. two after each word on obv. and none on rev. ; one inner circle only on obv., wt. 138 grs. (Ken. p. 151), fine and very rare 1 *.£* This is the only specimen cited by Kenyon. It forms the connecting link between type 1 and type la (see next coin). 225 Unite, type la, m. m. cross on steps ; obv. carolvs Id '. g ! mag '. brit I FRA ! et ! hi ! rex, Bust of King to left, crowned, wearing ruff, armour and mantle tied on shoulder ; behind, XX ; rev. FLORENT CONCORDIA regna, Square garnished shield, crowned ; one inner circle only on obv. and rev., wt. 140 grs., fine 1 30 226 Unite, type la, m. m. negro's head, same type and reverse legend as the preceding coin, hut reading on obv. CAROLVS . D '. G '. MAG ! br' I. fr!et. hib ! rex., wt. 138 grs., very fine 1 227 Unite, type la, m.m. castle on obv., castle over negro's head on rev.; same type as lot 225, hut reading obv. carolvs D ! G ! mag ! br ! fr ! ethi'. rex; rev. florent. concordia. regna., wt. 140 grs., very fine, an unpublished variety 1 228 Unite, type la, m.m. castle, same type and legends as the preceding coin, but reading fra! for fr! and no stops between words on rev., wt. 139 grs., very fine 1 229 Unite, type la, m. m. upright anchor, same type as lot 225, and same reverse legend ; but reading obv. carolvs d : g : mag : br : fr : et hi : rex, wt. 140 grs., very fine 1 230 Unite, type la, m.m. heart, same type as lot 225, but the bust of the king pierces the inner circle and divides the legend ; reading obv. CAROLVS . D ! G ! MA ! BR '. FR ! ET . HI ! REX ; rev. FLORENT. CONCORDIA. regna, wt. 138 grs., very fine 1 231 U nite, type 2, m.m. plume ; obv. carolvs. d '. g ! mag ! brit ! fr ! et. hib! rex., Bust of King to left, crowned, wearing ruff, armour and mantle tied on shoulder; behind,xx; r^.FLORENT. concordia. regna., Oval garnished shield, crowned, between c R ; plain inner circle within beaded one on both sides, wt. 138 grs. (Bud. pi. xm, 4), very fine 1 232 Unite, type 2, m. m. rose, same type and legends as the preceding coin, but reading on obv. bri ! fra ! for brit ! fr !, and plain inner circle on rev. only, wt. 139 grs., extremely fine [PI. IV] 1 233 Unite, type 2, m. m. rose, same type as lot 231, but pellet above C and R on rev. ; and reading obv. carolvs. d ! g ! mag ! br ! fr ! et. hi ! rex . ; beaded inner circle only on both sides, wt. 137 grs., very fine 1 234 Unite, type 3, m. m. harp, obv. carolvs . d ! g ! mag ! brit ! fra ! et . hib ! rex., Bust of King to left, crowned, wearing mantle with falling lace collar and ribbon of Garter ; behind, xx ; rev. florent concordia regna., Oval garnished shield, crowned, between c R both crowned, wt. 139 grs. (Bud.pl. xm, 5), very fine 1 235 Unite, type 3, m. m. portcullis, same type and legends as the preceding coin, but reading br!fr! for brit! fra!, wt. 140 grs., extremely fine 1 236 Unite, type 3, m. m. bell, same type and legends as lot 234, but reading BR ! fr ! et. hi !, and pellet after each word on rev., wt. 140 grs., very fine 1 237 Unite, type 3, m.m. crown, same type and legends as the preceding coin, but four pellets ♦:• after rex and smaller bust of king, wt. 138 grs., very fine and of fine work 1 31 238 Unite, type, 3, m. m. tun, same type and legends as the last coin, but reading MA '. BR ' fr ! et . hi ! rex., wt. 1 40 grs., fine 1 *** From the Nash collection. 239 Unite, type 3, m. m. horizontal anchor on obv., upright anchor on rev. ; same type and legends as the preceding coin, wt. 139 grs., very well preserved, an unpublished variety of m. m. 1 240 Unite, type 3, m. m. triangle over anchor on obv., plain triangle on rev. ; same type and legends as lot 238, but no stops after words on rev. ; four pellets after m. m. on obv., wt. 140 grs., well preserved but slightly bent, an unpublished variety 1 241 Unite, type 3, m. m. star, usual type, but reading obv. carolvs. d ! g'. MAG '. BRI ! FRA ! ET . HIB ! REX. ; rev. FLORENT. CONCORDIA. REGN., wt. 143 grs., fine, an unpublished rev. legend 1 242 Unite, type 3, m. m. triangle in circle, same type and legends as the preceding coin, but florrent. for florent., and regna., wt. 137 grs., fine 1 243 Unite, type 3, m. m. (p), usual type, reading obv. carolvs . D ! G '. MAG '. BRI ! FRA '. ET . HIB '. REX. ; rev. FLORENT. CONCORDIA. REGNA., wt 141 grs., fine, but a little double-struck 1 244 Unite, type 3, m. m. eye, usual type, but with bust varied, hair brushed forward, collar smaller, lace and armour different, &c. ; same legends as the last coin, wt. 134 grs. {see Num. Chron. vol. I, p. 33), well preserved and a very rare m. m. 1 245 Unite, type 3, m. m. sun, same type, peculiarities of bust of king and legends as on the preceding coin, wt. 139 grs., fine 1 246 Unite, type 3, m.m. sceptre, same type, bust of king and legends as lot 244, wt. 1 39 grs., in fair condition, slightly double-struck, a rare m. m. 1 247 Half Unite, type 1, m. m. lis j obv. carolvs d : g : mag : bri : fr : et hib : rex, Bust of King to left, crowned, wearing ruff, mantle and collar of the Garter ; behind, x j rev. cvltores. svi. devs. pro- tegit., Square garnished shield, crowned ; two inner circles on both sides, one plain, wt. 71 grs. (Bud. pi. xiii, 2) ; Crown, type 1, same m. m. and type as the Half Unite, but mark of value v behind head of king, and reading obv. carolvs. d. g. mag. br. fr. et. hi. rex. ; rev. cvltores svi devs protegit., wt. 35£ grs. (Bud. pi. XIII, 3), both very fine and rare 2 No. 2 from the Bergne and Brice collections. 248 Half Unite, type \,m.m. lis, same type and reverse legend as in the preceding lot, but reading on obv. carolvs . D ' G '. mag '. brit ' fran ! et . hib ! rex, wt. 68 grs., fine and an unpublished reading 1 32 249 Crown, type 1, m. m, cross on steps, same type and reverse legend as in lot 247, but reading on obv. carolvs D : G : mag : br : fr : et HI : REX., wt. 34 grs., well preserved, an unpublished m. m. of this denomination and probably unique 1 250 Half Unite, type la, m. m. cross on steps ; obv. carolvs : d : g : mag : BR : FR : ET : HI : REX :, Bust of King to left, crowned, wearing ruff, armour and mantle tied on shoulder ; behind, x ; rev. cvltores svi devs protegit, Square garnished shield, crowned, wt. 69 grs. (Ken. 120); Crown, same m. m., type and legends, but mark of value v, and reading bri : fra : for br : fr :, wt. 35 grs., both fine but a little chipped , 2 %* No. 1 from the Marsham collection. 251 Half Unite, type la, m. m. negro's head, same type as the preceding coin, but no inner circle on obv. and plain one on rev. ; reading obv. CAROLVS. D ! G ' MAG ! BR ! FR ! ET. HI ! REX. J rev. CVLTORES. SVI. &C, wt. 69 grs. ; Crown, same m. m., type and legends, but with beaded inner circle on rev. only and single dots after words on obv. and rev., wt 34 grs., both fine 2 No. 1 from the Brice collection. 252 Half Unite and Crown, type la, m. m. negro's head, same types as the preceding lot and same legends, but the former reads hib! for hi!, and the latter MA. for MAG. ; beaded inner circle on both sides on each, wt. 68 and 34 grs., the first fine, the second well preserved 2 253 Half Unita, type la, m.m. castle, usual type, with beaded inner circle on obv. and plain on rev.; reading obv. carolvs d : g : mag : br : FR : ethi:REX. ; rev. cvltores svi, &c, wt. 70 grs. ; Crown, same m. m., type and legends, but with plain inner circle on rev. only, single stop after each word on obv. and rev. and prote. for pro- tegit., wt. 35 grs., both fine 2 254 Half Unite and Crown, type la, m.m. castle, same type and legends as in the preceding lot, but plain inner circle on rev. only ; and on the Crown, two stops after each word on obv. and none on rev., wt. 70 and 34 grs., both well preserved 2 255 Half Unite, type la, m. m. upright anchor, same type and legends as lot 253, but pellet after each word on rev., and plain inner circle on obv., beaded on rev., wt. 68 grs. ; Crown, same m. m. and type, but with beaded inner circle on both sides ; reading obv. carolvs. d : g : MA : BR : FR : ET . HI : REX ; rev. CVLTORES. SVI. DEVS. PROTEGIT., wt. 34 grs., the first well preserved, the second fine 2 33 256 Half Unite, type la, m. m. heart, usual type, with beaded inner circle on each side ; reading obv. carolvs d ! G '. ma '. br I fr ! et . hi ! rex. ; rev. cvltores. svi. &c, wt. 70 grs. ; Crown, same m. m., type and legends, wt. 35 grs., both very fine 2 *** No. 1 from the Martin, Hastings and Brice collections, and no. 2 from the Hugh Howard and Brice collections. 257 Half Unite, type la. m. m. heart, same type and legends as in the pre- ceding lot, but the bust is larger, and dividing the inner circle extends to the edge of the coin, wt. 69 grs., extremely fine and a rare variety [PI. IV] 1 258 Half Unite, type la, m. m. plume, same type and legends as lot 256, wt. 70 grs. ; Crown, type 2, same m. m. and obv. type and legends ; but on rev. Oval garnished shield, crowned, between c R, wt. 35 grs., both fine, the second unpublished 2 *** No. 2 from the Addington collection. 259 H alf U n ite, type 2, m. m. rose ; obv. carolvs d '. g ! mag ! br ! fr ! et . hib ! rex., Bust of King to left, crowned, wearing ruff, armour and mantle ; behind, x ; rev. cvltores. svi. devs. PROTEGIT., Oval gar- nished shield, crowned, between c R, wt. 76 grs. ; Crown, same m. m., type and legends, but reading ma '. for mag '., and no stops after words on rev., wt. 36 grs. (Bud. pi. xiii, 7), the first very fine, the second fine and an unpublished m. m. 2 %* No. 1 from the Bergne and Brice collections. 260 HalfUn ite, type 3, m. m. harp ; obv. carolvs . d I g '. mag ! bri '. fr ' et . hib !rcx., Bust of King to left, crowned, wearing mantle with lace collar; behind, X; rev. CVLTORES SVI DEVS PROTEGIT, Oval garnished shield, crowned, between c and R crowned, wt. 69 grs. (Bud. pi. xiii, 6) ; Crown, m. m. three pellets on obv., harp on rev. ; same type and rev. legend as the Half Unite, but reading obv. CAROLVS . d ! g ! mag ! br ! fr ! et. h '. bex, wt. 34 grs. (Bud. pi. xiii, 7), both well preserved, the second very rare 2 261 Half Unite, type 3, m.m. portcullis over harp, same type and legends as in preceding lot ; but stop after each word on rev., wt. 70 grs. ; Crown, m. m. portcullis, same type and rev. legend ; but reading obv. carolvs . D ! G ! ma ! br '. fr ! et. hi ! rex., wt. 35 grs., both very fine 2 * # * No. 1 from the Yorke-Moore and Brice collections. 262 Half Unite, type 3, m.m. crown, same type and legends as lot 260, but reading MA ! br ! fr '. et . hi !, and pellet after each word on rev., wt. 70 grs. ; Crown, m. m. tun, same type and legends, but no stops on rev., wt. 35 grs., both very fine 2 %* No. 2 from the Hugh Howard and Brice collections. I) 34 263 Half Unite, type 3, to. to. star over triangle, usual type, reading obv. CAROLVS . D ! G ! MAG ! BRI '. FRA ! ET . HI '. REX J rev. CVLTORES SVI : devs : protegit., wt. 68 grs. ; Crown, same to. to., type and rev. legend, but reading obv. carolvs . d ! g ! ma ! br ! fr ! et . Hi '. rex ; one pellet after each word on rev., wt. 36 grs., the first well preserved, the second fine, a rare m. m. 2 264 Half Unite, type 3, to. to. triangle in circle on obv. and triangle in circle over star on rev. ; same type and legends as in the preceding lot, but hib ! for hi !, and one pellet only after each word on rev., wt. 68 grs. ; Crown, to. to. triangle in circle on both sides, same type, &c, as in last lot, but reading obv. carolvs . D ! G ! MAG ! bri ! FRA ! ET . hi ' rex., wt. 34 grs.. both fine, the first an unpublished to. to., the second rare 2 *#* No. 1 from the Webb collection. 265 Half Unite, and Crown, type 3, with m. m. P in circle, same types and legends as in the preceding lot, wts. 70 and 35 grs., both well pre- served, the first unpublished, the second rare 2 266 Half Unite, type 3, to. to. sun, same type and legends as lot 264, but bust of King smaller, wt. 68 grs. : Crown, to. to. sun over eye on both sides, same type and rev. legend as the Half Unite, but reading obv. CAROLVS . D : G : MAG : BRI : FRA : ET . HIB : REX., wt. 35 grs., both fine and unpublished to. m. 2 267 Half Unite, type 3, to. to. anchor upright on obv., horizontal on rev. ; usual type, reading obv. carolvs . d ! g ! ma ! br ! fr ! et . hi ! rex. ; rev. cvltores. svi. devs. protegit., wt. 70 grs., very fine, an un- published variety 1 ■%* From the Marsham collection (lot 512). 268 Half Unite, type 3, to. to. triangle, usual type and same legends as on the previous coin, but reading mag!br!fra! et. hib ! rex., wt. 70 grs., extremely fine [PL IV] 1 *+* From the Webb collection. 269 Half Unite, type 3, m. to. sun, usual type but with large bust; reading as last coin but bri! for br!, wt. 70 grs., extremely fine but slightly clipped, a rare variety and an unpublished mint mark 1 "%* From the Shepherd and Bieber collections. 270 Crown, type 3, to. to. upright anchor, usual type, reading obv. CAROLVS. D : G : MA : B : FR : ET . HI : REX; rev. CVLTORES. SVI. DEVS. PROTEGIT. ; wt. 35 grs. ; another, to. to. sceptre, same type and rev. legend, but reading obv. CAROLVS . D : G : MAG : BN : (sic) FRA : ET . HIB : REX, wt. 35 grs., both well preserved and unpublished mint marks 2 35 271 Angel, m. m. lis ; obv. carolvs . d : g : mag : bri : fr : et . hi : rex., St. Michael piercing the dragon; rev. amor ! popvli '. pr^esidivm ! regis :, Three-masted ship to left, with large sail decorated with royal arms ; lion at stern, on prow and on pennon (comp. Ken. 119), fine, but pierced, extremely rare and unpublished 1 * # * This angel belongs to the first issue, A.D. 1625, of which Kenyon gives no example. 272 Angel, m. rn. cross on steps, same type and legends as the preceding coin, but three pellets after regis on rev., wt. 64 grs. (Ken. 119), fine and very rare 1 273 Angel, rn. m. castle, same type and legends as lot 271, but mark of value x in field on right and one pellet only after each word on rev., wt. 64 grs., fine and rare 1 *** From the Wigan and Brice collections. 274 Angel, m. m. castle and helmet (?) on obv., castle on rev. ; same type and rev. legend as the preceding coin, but reading obv. carolvs. d. g. mag. bri. fra. et. HiB. rex, wt. 65 grs., very well preserved and an unpublished obv. m. m. 1 * # * From the Marsham collection (lot 513). 275 Angel, m. m. heart over anchor on both sides, same type and rev. legend as lot 273 ; but reading obv. carolvs d : G : MAG : BR : FR : et hi : rex., and no stops after words on rev., wt. 64 grs., very fine, an unpublished m. m., and rare in this state 1 "%* From the Hall collection. 276 Angel, m. m. harp on obv., rose on rev. ; usual type, but with mark of value x on left of St. Michael, reading obv. CAROLVS. D '. G ! MAG ' BR ! FR I ET. HI ! REX. ; rev. AMOR POPVLI PRjESIDIVM REGIS., Wt. 64 grs. (comp. Bud. pi. xiii, 8), fine, extremely rare, neither of these rn. m. being published 1 277 Angel, m. m. bell on obv., bell over portcullis on rev. ; same type as the preceding, coin, but reading bri ! fra !, and stop after each word on rev., wt. 65 grs. (Bud. pi. xiii, 8), very fine, extremely rare, both for m. m. and condition [PI. IV] 1 "%* From the Bieber collection. 278 Angel, m. m. an arched crown, same type as lot 276, but reading rri ! fra ! ET. HIB ! rex, and stop after each word on rev., pierced, well preserved, an unpublished m. m. 1 D 2 36 THIRD DAY'S SALE. CHARLES I — continued. Silver, lot 279 Crown, type la, m. m. lis; obv. carolvs d! g'. mag! bri! fra! et hib! rex., King on horseback to left, wearing ruff, sword in right hand ; horse with plume on head and crupper, housings ornamented with floral pattern; rev. christo. AVSPICE. regno, Square garnished shield on cross fleury (Bud. pi. xviii, 1), extremely fine and very rare in this condition [PL IV] 1 *** From the Thomas, Durrant, Shepherd (lot 323, £12.) and Brice collections. 280 Crown, type la, m. m. lis, same type and legends as the preceding coin, but the m. m. on the rev. precedes the legend instead of at end, fine and scarce 1 * # * From the Bergne and Brice collections. 281 Crown, type la, m. m. cross on steps, same type and legends as lot 279, but reading fr ! for fra !, and no stops after words on rev. (Hks. 472), fine and very rare 1 282 Crown, type 1&, m. m. lis, same type and legends as lot 279, but on the rev. there is a plume over the shield and no cross fleury ; three pellets after regno, none after other words ; the m. m. on rev. pre- cedes the legend, very fine and unpublished 1 283 Crown, type lb, m. m. castle, same type and legends as on the preceding coin, but one pellet after each word of rev. legend (Hks. 473), very fine 1 *** From the Bergne and Brice collections. 284 Crown, type 2a, m. m. harp ; obv. carolvs. d ! g ! mag ! brit ! fra ! et. hib ! rex., King on horseback, both smaller ; he wears scarf and holds sword over right shoulder ; horse with plume on head, and housings ornamented with broad cross ; rev. christo avspice regno (four pellets after each word), Oval garnished shield on cross fleury ; above, c R (Hks. 474), extremely fine 1 %* From the Tyssen, Bergne and Brice collections. 37 285 Crown, type 2b, to. to. plume, same type and legends as on the pre- ceding coin, but on the rev. plume over shield and no cross fleury ; five pellets before to. to. on obv., before and after to. to. on rev. and before christo, and seven pellets after other words on rev. (var. Bud. pi. xvm, 2), extremely fine and rare 1 286 Crown, type 2b, to. to. rose over plume on both sides, same type, legends, and varieties as on the preceding coin ; but seven pellets before to. to. on obv. (Bud. pi. xvm, 5), very fine and rare 1 * * collections From the Murchison, Shepherd (lot 326, .£14 15s.) and Brice 287 Crown, type 2b. to. m. harp, same type and legends as lot 285, but one pellet before and after to. to. on obv. and rev., and after words of rev. legend {Num. Chron., N. S., vol. xvi, p. 144), fine, and a rare to. m. 1 288 Crown, type 3a, to. to. bell ; obv. carolvs. d '. g '. mag ! bri ! fra ! et. hi! rex., King on horseback to left, wearing scarf and falling lace collar ; sword held upright ; horse without plumes or trappings ; rev. christo. avspice. regno., Oval garnished shield ; floral orna- ment before and after legend, very fine and rare 1 289 Crown, type 3a, m. m. crown, same type and legends as on the pre- ceding coin, but reading br '. fr '. et. hib ! ; one pellet before and after m. to. on each side, very fine and rare 1 290 Crown, type 3a, m. m. horizontal anchor, same type and legends as on the preceding coin ; but four pellets before and after to. to. on both sides, fine 1 *** From the Webb collection (lot 388). 291 Crown, type 3a, to. to. triangle over anchor, same type as lot 288, but reading br '. fr ! ; one pellet on either side of to. to. on obv., four on rev,, very fine, and a rare to. m. 1 292 Crown, type 3a, to. to. star, same type and rev. legend as lot 288, but reading on obv. carolvs. d I g '. mag ! brit ' fran '. et. hib ! rex. ; one pellet on either side of m. to. on obv., four on rev., fine, and a rare variety as it varies in the obv. legend from any described by Hks. 1 * " The finest specimen known with this to. to." — H.M. 293 Crown, type 3a var., to. to. triangle in circle, similar type to lot 288, but varying in having ground under horse, and obv. legend reading carolvs. D ! G ! MAG '. brit ! fr ! et. hib ! rex ; no pellets before or after to. to. on obv., four on rev., well preserved, an unpublished m. to. and variety of type 1 38 294 Crown, type 3b, m. m. portcullis, same type and legends as lot 288, but on the rev. there is a plume above the shield ; one pellet on either side of m. m. on both sides (Rud. pi. xvm, 3), extremely fine and rare [PL IV] 1 * # *. From the Durrant, Wigan and Brice collections. 295 Crown, type 3b, m. m. crown, same type and legends as the preceding coin, but reading fr ! for fra '. ; four pellets after legend on obv. (Hks. 475), very fine 1 %* From the Walpole- White collection. 296 Crown, type 3b, m. m. tun, same type and legends as lot 294, but reading br ! fr '. ; one pellet on either side of m. m. on obv., four on rev., well preserved and scarce 1 297 Crown, type 4, m. m. p in circle ; obv. carolvs. d '. g ! mag', bri '. fra '. et. hib! rex., King on horseback as type 3a, but horse fore- shortened and with long mane; rev. christo. avspice. regno., Oval garnished shield ; one pellet on either side of m. m. on obv., four on rev. (comp. Hks. 476), fine, and an extra rare m. m. 1 %* From the Street and Marsham collections. 298 Crown, type 4, m. m. R in circle, same type, legends and varieties as the preceding coin {Hks. 476), fine and scarce 1 %* From the Maynard collection. 299 Crown, type 4, m. m. eye, same type, legends and varieties as lot 297 {Rud. pi. xvm, 4), fine, and a rare m. m. 1 300 Crown, type 4, m. m. sun, same type, legends and varieties as lot 297, extremely fine and rare in this state 1 *** From the Chetwynd and Brice collections. 301 Crown, type 5, m. m. sun, same type and legends as lot 297, but the horse is large, tall, head erect and not fore-shortened ; one pellet on right of m. m. on obv., four on either side on rev. {Hks. 477), very fine and an exceedingly rare variety 1 *** From the Neville-Eolfe collection. 302 Half Crown, type la, m. m. lis; obv. carolvs. d. g. mag. bri. fr. et hi. rex., King on horseback to left, wearing ruff, sword in right hand ; horse with plume on head and crupper and housings deco- rated with crowned rose ; line under horse ; rev. christo. avspice. regno., Square garnished shield on cross fleury {comp. Rud. pi. xix, 1), very fine, and very rare with the housings ornamented with rose and ground under horse [PI, IV] 1 %* From the Dymock, Wigan and Brice collections. 39 303 Half Crown, type la, m. m. castle, same type, &c, as the preceding coin, but no line under horse, and floral ornament on housings, &c, cross fleury on rev. with short limbs ; reading obv. CAROLVS. D ! g! mag ' BR ! fr ! et. hib ! rex ; another, m. m. cross on steps, similar, but no cross at sides of shield on rev., the first rare and in fair condition, the second fine 2 * # * No. 1 from the Lawrence and no. 2 from the Webb collection. 304 Half Crown, type lb, m. m. lis, same type as the preceding lot, but with rev. Square garnished shield, surmounted by plume, no cross ; reading obv. CAROLVS. D: G: MAG: BR: FR: ET: HI: REX; rev. CHRISTO. avspice. regno., well preserved, unpublished, and perhaps unique 1 305 Half Crown, type lb, m. m. cross on steps, same type and legends as the preceding coin ; another, same, but with m. m. castle, and reading bri ! fr ! et. hib '., both in fair condition and rare 2 *#* No. 1 from the Webb collection. 306 Half Crown, type lb, m. m. negro's head, same type and legends as lot 304, but with hib : for Hi :, well preserved aud very rare 1 %.* From the Street and Marsham collections (lot 532). 307 Half Crown, type lb, var., m. m. heart, same type as lot 304, but on the obv. the king wears a scarf, plume on horse's head only and housings ornamented with crowned rose j also same legends, but no stops between words on rev. [Bud. pi. xix, 2), very well preserved, exceedingly rare, and probably the best known specimen of this coin 1 * From the Webb collection (lot 398). 308 Half Crown, type 2a, m. m. plume ; obv. carolvs. d ! g '. mag ! brit ! fran ! et. hib ! rex, King on horseback to left, sword over right shoulder, plume on horse's head and housings marked with cross ; rev. christo avspice regno (seven pellets after each word ; five before christo), Garnished oval shield ; above, c R divided by lis (comp. Bud. pi. xix, 5), very fine and rare in this state 1 *** From the Neck and Webb collections. 309 Half Crown, type 2a, m. m. rose on plume on obv., rose on rev. ; same type and legends as the preceding coin, but reading fr ! for fran! and one pellet only after each word on rev., very fine 1 *** From the Neck and Webb collections. 310 Half Crown, type 2b, m. m. rose, same type and legends as the prece- ding coin, but on rev. plume above shield, well preserved and extra rare 1 311 Half Crown, type 2c, m. m. harp, similar type to lot 308, but on rev. Oval garnished shield with C R at sides ; and reading obv. CAROLVS. D ! G '. MAG '. RRI '. FRA ! ET. HIB ! REX. ; rev. CHRISTO. AVSPICE. regno (Hks. 482) ; another, similar, with m. m. portcullis, and reading BR '. FR ! ; no stops in rev. legend, both fine 2 *** No. 2 from the Webb collection. 40 312 Half Crown, type 2d, m. m. harp, same type and legends as second coin in the preceding lot, but with plume above shield and four pellets on either side of m. m. on rev., fine and very rare 1 *#.* From the Street and Marsham collections. 313 Half Crown, type 3a, m. m. bell j obv. carolvs. d '. g '. ma ! br '. fr '. et. hi ! rex., King on horseback to left, wearing falling lace collar and scarf; sword upright; no plume or caparisons on horse; rev. CHRISTO. avspice. regno., Oval garnished shield (Bud. pi. XIX, 4) ; another, similar, with m. m. crown, reading mag '. and with four pellets each side of m. m. on rev., both fine for these coins 2 314 Half Crown, type 3a, m. m. tun, same type and legends as first coin in preceding lot ; another, same, with m. m. upright anchor, both well preserved 2 315 Half Crown, type 3a, m. m. horizontal anchor, same type and legends as last lot, but reading obv. rrex for rex, and on rev. rrego for regno, obv. well preserved, rev. fine, and struck on a large flan 1 *#* From Lady Hood's collection. 316 Half Crown, type 3a, m. m. triangle, same type and legends as lot 313 ; another, similar, with m. m. star, and reading mag '. bri ! FRA !, both well preserved, the first rare 2 317 Half Crown, type 3a, m. m. triangle, usual type, but struck on a diamond-shaped flan, well preserved, exceedingly rare, and perhaps unique 1 *** From the Webb collection (lot 414). 318 Half Crown, type 3b, m. m. portcullis, similar type to lot 313, but on rev. plume over shield ; reading obv. carolvs. d ' G ! MAG ! brit ! fran ! et. hi '. rex. ; rev. christo. avspice. regno., fine and exceedingly rare [PI. IV] 1 *** From the Webb collection. 319 Half Crown, type 3b, m. m. bell, same type as the preceding coin, but reading MA '. BR ! FR ! ; another, similar, but with m. m. crown and reading mag '., both well preserved and very rare 2 %* No. 1 from the Webb and no. 2 from the Street and Marsham collections. 320 Half Crowns, type 3b, m. m. crown and tun, same type as lot 318, but with legends as in the previous lot, well preserved and both unpub- lished 2 "%* No. 2 from the Street and Marsham collections. 321 Half Crowns, type 4, m. m. star ; obv. carolvs. d ! g ! mag ' bri ! fra '. ET. hib '. rex., King on horseback to left, holding upright sword, &c, horse foreshortened and with long mane in front; rev. CHRISTO. avspice. regno., Oval garnished shield (Bud. pi. xix, 6) ; another, same type, with m.m. triangle in circle, both fine and scarce 2 41 322 Half Crown, type 5, rn. m. p in circle, similar type to the preceding lot, but no mane in front of horse, and reading fr '. et. hi I ; another, similar, with m. m. eye and reading fra! et. hib'., both well preserved and scarce 2 323 Half Crown, type 5, m. m. R in circle, same type as last coin; no mane in front of horse, and reading obv. carolvs ! D ! G '. MAG \ bri fra. et hib. rex • ; rev. christo avspice regno, a fine round coin and a very rare m. m. 1 *** From the Bergne (lot 673) and Brice collections. 324 Half Crown, type 5, m. m. sun, same type and legends as the pre- ceding coin, but stop after each word on rev. ; another, m. m. sceptre, same type and legends, both well preserved, the second a very rare m. m. 2 325 Shilling, type 1, m. m. lis, Bust of King with ruff, mantle and collar of the Garter ; rev. Square plain shield on cross fieury (Bud. pi. xix, 7), very fine ; another, m. m. cross on steps, same type, fine, rare in this state 2 *#* No. 1 from the Cuff, Bergne and Brice collections, and no. 2 from the Webb collection. 326 Shilling, type 1, m. m. lis, same type as in the preceding lot ; another, type la, m. m. negro's head, Bust of King with ruff, armour and mantle tied on shoulder ; rev. Square shield on cross fieury (Rud. pi. xix, 8); another, type lb, m. m. castle, same, but plume over shield on rev. and no cross fieury (Hks. 512), all fine, the second piece a rare m. m. 3 327 Shilling, type 1, m. m. lis, same type as lot 325, but on rev. Plain square shield surmounted by plume, no cross fieury, exceedingly fine and a very well struck coin, very rare in this state [PL V] 1 *** From the Brice collection. 328 Shilling, type la, m. m. cross on steps, Bust with ruff, armour and mantle tied on shoulder ; rev. Square plain shield on cross fieury (Bud.pl. xix, 8) ; another, type lb, same m. m. and type, but on rev. plume above shield and no cross fieury (var. Hks. 512), both fine 2 %* Both from the Webb collection. 329 Shilling, type lb, m. m. heart, same as the second coin in the preceding lot, with plume above shield on rev. ; but the bust of the king is larger, and piercing the inner circle divides the legend (Hks. 512), exceedingly fine, and struck in a collar as if for a proof [PI. VJ 1 * # * From the Cuff, Bergne and Brice collections. 330 Shilling, type lb, m. m. plume, same type as the preceding coin with large bust, and plume over shield, extremely fine and rare 1 %* From the Rostron collection. 42 331 Shilling, type 2a, m. m. plume, Bust of King to left, crowned, in ruff, armour and mantle ; rev. Oval garnished shield j above, C. R. ; seven pellets on either side of m. m. on rev. (Hks. 513), very fine and scarce 1 *** From the Wakeford collection. 332 Shillings, type 2a, same type, &c, as the preceding lot, with m. m. plume and rose ; others, similar, but with plume above shield on rev. (type 2b), with m. m. plume and rose, all well preserved 4 333 Shilling, type 2b, m. m. plume, same as lot 331, but with plume over shield on rev ; four pellets on either side of m. m. on obv. ; seven after words on rev. (Rud. pi. xix, 11), fine, a very round and well struck coin, probably the work of Briot 1 334 Shilling, type 3, m. m. portcullis, Bust of King to left, crowned, in armour and falling lace collar ; rev. Oval garnished shield between C R (Rud. pi. xix, 12) ; others (2), type 3a, similar, but no c R on rev., and no inner circle on either side, m. m. bell and crown (Hks. 516); another, type 3b, same type, but plume above shield, m. m. bell (Rud. pi. xix, 3), mostly fine, the last rare 4 335 Shillings, type 3a, same type as in last lot, m.m. crown and tun; another, type b, similar, with plume above shield, m. m. crown ; another, type 4, similar bust, but on rev. Square plain shield on cross fleury, inner circle on both sides, m. m. tun (Hks. 515), all fine, the last rare 4 *** No. 4 from the Marsham collection. 336 Shilling, type 3a, m.m. tun, same type as in lot 334, with oval gar- nished shield only on rev. ; others, type 4, as in last lot, with square shield on cross fleury; m. m. horizontal anchor, upright anchor, and triangle, all fine, the third piece rare 4 *#* No. 3 from the Neck and Webb and no. 4 from the Marsham collection. 337 Shilling, type 4, m. m. horizontal anchor; obv. CAROLVS. D : G : MA : BR : fr : et. HI : REX v Bust of King to left, crowned, in lace collar and armour ; behind, XII ; rev. CHRISTO. AVSPICE. REGNO., Square plain shield on cross fleury ; inner circle on both sides (Rud. pi. xix, 10), extremely fine and rare in this state, equal to a proof [PL V] 1 *** From the Dimsdale, Durrant, James, Bergne (lot 681) and Brice collections. 338 Shillings, type 4, same type as the preceding lot, with m. m. horizontal anchor, triangle, star, and triangle in circle, all very fine and desirable coins 43 339 Shilling, type 4, m.m. P in circle, same type, &c. as lot 337, but with Head much larger and broader, and reading obv. CAROLVS. D ! G '. mag ! bri ! fra '. et. hib ! rex. (Rud. pi. xx, 12), a perfectly round and full- spread specimen, and in " unique preservation " [PI. V] 1 *** From the Henderson, Dimsdale, Durrant, Cuff, Bergne (lot 683) and Brice collections. 340 Shilling, type 4, m. m. eye, same type and varieties as the preceding coin, "probably the finest specimen known," very rare in this state 1 \* From the Shepherd and Webb (lot 429) collections. 341 Shillings, type 4, same type, &c, as lot 337, with m. m. triangle, R in circle, sun, and sceptre; the last with " coarse" features, all very well preserved 4 %* No. 4 from the Webb collection. 342 Shilling, type 1, Bust of King in ruff, collar and mantle of the Garter ; rev. Square shield, &c. ; Sixpence, 1625, same type; and Rose Half Groat, Penny and Halfpenny, all with m. m. lis, except the last piece, very well preserved 5 343 Shilling, type 2a, Bust of King in ruff, armour and mantle ; rev. Oval garnished shield with c. R above ; and Sixpence, Half Groat and Penny of same type ; the last two without c. R., all with m. m. plume, very well preserved 4 344 Shilling, Sixpence, Half Groat and Penny, same type as the last lot, but on the Sixpence, plume over shield, all with m. m. rose, very well preserved 4 345 Shilling, type 3a, Bust of King in armour and falling lace collar; rev. Oval garnished shield ; and Sixpence and Half Groat, same type, all with m. m. crown ; also Shilling, Sixpence and Half Groat, same type, but with m. m. tun, viell preserved 6 346 Shilling, type 5, Bust of King as in last lot; rev. Square plain shield on cross fleury, m. m. anchor ; and Sixpence and Half Groat with same in. m. ; also Shilling, Sixpence and Half Groat, same types, but with m. m. sun, the last a rare m. in., all well preserved 6 347 Shilling, type 5, same types as the preceding lot, with m. m. sceptre ; and Sixpence and Half Groat with same m. m., all with " coarse " bust of king, fine and very rare 3 *** All from the Marsham collection. 348 Sixpences (2), type 1, Bust of King in ruff, collar and robe of the Garter; rev. Square shield, m.m. lis (1625), and m. m. negro's head obv., cross on steps rev. (1626), rare m. m. ; another, type la, similar, but with bust of king in ruff, armour, &c, m. m. castle (1627) ; Rose Half Groats (3), in. m. lis, negro's head, and castle ; Rose Pennies (3), m. m. one or two pellets, all well preserved, some fine 9 44 349 Sixpences (3), type la, as in the preceding lot, with to. to. negro's head (1627), cross on steps (1626), and plume (1630); another, type 3a, Bust with lace collar and armour ; rev. Oval shield, to. to. cross ; Half Groats (4), with king's bust, to. to. rose (2, one with plume above shield), harp, and portcullis ; Pennies (4), same, but without inner circles, to. to. harp, triangle, and two pellets (2 var.), well preserved, some fine 12 350 Sixpence, type 2b, to. to. plume, Bust of King in ruff, armour, &c; rev. Oval shield ; above, c R and plume ; others (3), type 4, Bust of King in lace collar, &c. ; rev. Square shield on cross fleury, to. to. tun, star, and triangle in circle; Half Groats (4) with king's bust, to. to. port- cullis, star, bell, and triangle in circle ; Pennies (4), same type, to. to. two or three pellets, well preserved, some fine 12 351 Sixpences (4), type 4, same as in the preceding lot, with to. to. tun, upright anchor, P in circle, and eye ; Half Groats (4), with king's bust, to. to. portcullis, p in circle, anchor (horizontal), and triangle ; Pennies (4), with to. to. plume, and two pellets (3 var.), well preserved, some very fine 12 PATTERNS AND PROOFS. Gold. 352 PATTERN FIVE-BROAD PIECE, by Rawlins, usually known AS " THE JUXON MEDAL," obv. CAROLVS. D ! G '. MAG ! BRIT ! FRAN ! et. hibernle .' rex., Bust of King to left, bareheaded, in falling lace collar, armour and scarf across the breast ; rev. florent. CONCORDIA, regna., The royal arms in high relief on an oval gar- nished shield, crowned ; at the sides C R, both crowned ; to. to. rose ; engrailed border on both sides ; edge plain, wt. 732 grs., highly preserved and unique [PI. V] 1 %* This splendid coin has a double interest attached to it, for, besides being one of the finest works of the engraver, ThomasRawlins, and as such a unique specimen of his skill, it also possesses a history, which is in itself unique, on account of its having been presented by King Charles I to Bishop Juxon on the scaffold just before his execution.* From this circumstance, though in fact a coin, it is generally known * The admiration of Charles I for such works of art is well known, for in the inventory of pictures and rarities belonging to him and deposited by his orders in the newly-erected Cabinet in Whitehall, the following entry occurs : " Item, a very thick peice being prest, done upon ye King's Coronation in Scotland being with a Thistle tree & letters printed at ye edges, much worn in his Majty's pocket " (Harl. MS. 4718/, 23). 45 Lot 352 — continued. as "The Juxon Medal." Its pedigree too is well authenticated. From the faithful Prelate, it passed in a direct line to his descendant Mrs. Mary Gythens, who amongst other bequests mentions "her Gold Medal of King Charles the first to James Commeline," who was a Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, and had married her grand- daughter, Miss Gythens. The late Lieut.-Col. John Drummond purchased the coin of a grandson of the Eev. James Commeline, and he in turn disposed of it to Mr. Till, the dealer, who sold it soon afterwards to Mr. Cuff. From the Cuff collection it has passed successively into the possession of Mr. Thomas Brown, for many years a partner in the firm of Messrs. Longman & Co., the pub- lishers, of Mr. Edward Wigan, of Mr. Samuel Addington, and lastly into that of Mr. Hyman Montagu. Of all the relics of the Stuart Family there are none of higher interest than this one ; and the executors of the late Mr. Montagu, whilst complying with the terms of his Will in disposing of it with the rest of his collection, cannot but express a hope that it will find its way into such safe- keeping as will preserve it to all posterity, so that it may never be mislaid or lost sight of. 353 Pattern Broad, by Rawlins, m. m. lis, same type and rev. legend, as the preceding coin, but reading on obv. CAROLVS. D ' G ! MAG ! brit '. fra ' et. hi '. rex., wt. 178 grs., very fine and extremely rare 1 *** From the Marshall, Murchison (lot 338) and Addington collections. 354 Pattern Broad, by Rawlins, m. m. plume ; obv. carolvs. d '. g ! mag ! BRI ! fr ! et. hib ! rex., Bust of King to left, head bare, in lace collar, armour and scarf across the breast ; behind, xx. ; rev. florent. CONCORDIA, regna., Royal arms on oval garnished shield in high relief ; above, crown ; at sides c R, not crowned and small letters, wt. 152| grs. (var. Snelling, pi. vi, 4), exceedingly fine and very rare [PL V] 1 * !* From the Trattle, Cuff, Brown, Bergne (lot 854) and Brice collec- tions. This is a variety of the preceding piece. 355 Pattern Broad, by Rawlins, m. m. plume, similar type and legends to the preceding coin, but on the obv. the bust of the king is crowned and he wears falling collar, not laced, armour and mantle tied on shoulder ; two inner circles, one plain, the other beaded, and read- ing brit ' for BRi ! ; the rev. is precisely the same as that of the preceding coin, but not from the same die, wt. 141 grs. (Snelling, pi. VI, 5), very fine and believed to be unique [PL V] 1 %* From the Eussell, Bergne (lot 856, £30.) and Addington collections. 46 356 Proof Unite, m. m. heart sideways on obv., upright on rev. ; obv. CAROLVS. D ! G I MAG ! BRIT ! FR ! ET. HIB ! REX., Bust of King to left, crowned, in ruff, armour and mantle tied on shoulder ; behind, XX. ; ornament of five pellets at each side of m. m. ; rev. FLORENT. CON- CORDIA. REGNA., Oval garnished shield, crowned ; at sides C R (small letters) ; one pellet on each side of m. m. ; plain and beaded inner circles on both sides, wt. 140 grs., very fine and very rare ; it is probably the first coin struck with the oval shield, it may have been intended as a pattern 1 *** From the Shepherd and Webb collections. 357 Proof Unite, m. m. plume, same type and legends as the preceding coin, but the letters c. R. on the rev. are larger, as also the crown, and the shield is differently garnished, wt. 140 grs. (Rud.pl. XIII, 4), brilliant and extremely rare 1 *** From the Wigan and Brice collections. 358 Proof U nite, m. m. harp ; obv. carolvs. d ' g ! mag ! bri ! fr '. et. hib ! rex., Bust of King to left, crowned, in lace collar, armour and scarf ; behind, xx ; rev. florent. concordia. regna., Oval garnished shield, crowned, between c R, both crowned ; beaded inner circle only on both sides, wt. 140 grs. (Bud. pi. xm, 5), extremely fine and in this state extremely rare 1 "%* From the Hugh Howard and Brice collections. 359 Pattern Half U nite, type I, m. m. trefoil slipped ; obv. carolvs. d \ g \ MAG '. BRIT '. FRAN ! ET. hib '. rex., Bust of King to left, crowned, in ruff, collar and mantle of the Garter; behind, X; rev. cvltores. svi. devs. protegit., Square garnished shield, crowned, wt. 70 grs. (comp. Bud. pi. xm, 2), very fine and very rare, an unpublished m. m. 1 *#* From the Martin, Bergne and Addington collections. " Clearly a pattern owing to the m. m." — E. M. 360 Pattern Crown, type la, m. m. cross on steps on obv. only ; obv. CAROLVS : D : G : MAG : BRI : FRA : ET : Hi : REX., Bust of King to left, crowned, in ruff, armour and mantle tied on shoulder ; behind, V. ; rev. CVLTORES : SVI : DEVS : PROTEG :, Square garnished shield, crowned, plain inner circle on both sides, wt. 34 grs., well preserved and UNIQUE 1 Silver. 361 Pattern Broad, by Bawlins, m. m. lis, precisely the same type, &c, and from the same dies as lot 353, wt. 102 grs., very fine and rare 1 47 362 Proof Half Crown, type 2c, m. m. harp ; obv. carolvs. d '. g '. mag ! bri ! fra '. et. hib ! rex., King on horseback to left, sword over shoulder ; plume on horse's head ; housings marked with large cross ; rev. christo. avspice. regno., Oval garnished shield between C R, wt. 233 grs. (comp. Hks. 482), extremely fine, struck in a collar, and very rare in this condition 1 "%* From the Brice collection. 363 Pattern Half Crown, type 3a, m. m. portcullis ; obv. carolvs. d ! g .' mag ! brit '. fran ! et. hi ! rex., King on horseback to left, sword held upright ; no plume or housings on horse ; rev. CHRISTO. AVS- PICE. REGNO., Oval garnished shield ; ornamental scroll on either side of to. to., and words separated by small roses, wt. 238| grs. (comp. Bud. pi. xix, 3 obv., 4 rev.), a beautiful and probably unique pattern [PL V] 1 *** From the Durrant, Dimsdale, Bergne (lot 846, £45. 10s.) and Addington collections. 364 Proof Shilling, type 2b, to. to, plume ; obv. carolvs. d ' g ! mag ! brit ! FR ! et. hib ! rex., Bust of King, crowned, in ruff, armour and mantle tied on shoulder ; behind, xii ; four pellets on either side of to. to. ; rev. christo. avspice. regno., Oval garnished shield ; above, plume between c R, wt. 91 grs. (Rud. pi. xix, 11), a very large spread coin, and in the finest state of preservation 1 * * * From the Durrant, Bergne and Brice collections. 365 Pattern Shilling, to. to. rose; obv. carolvs. v\ g!mag !brit!fra! et. hib ! rex, Bust of King to left, crowned, in lace collar, armour and scarf; behind, XII ; rev. CHRISTO. AVSPICE. REGNO., Oval gar- nished shield between c R ; no inner circle on either side ; ornament of five pellets before obv. to. to., and before and after rev. to. to., wt. 99 grs., of large size, struck in a collar, extremely fine, only one other specimen known, which was sold among Mr. Montagu's duplicates [PI. V] « 1 *** From the Bartlett, Durrant, Bergne (lot 847) and Addington collections. 366 Proof Shilling, type 3, to. to. harp, same type and legends as the pre- ceding coin, but beaded inner circle on both sides, wt. 93 grs. (Hks. 514), " a splendid specimen," struck in a collar and very rare [PI. V] 1 *** From the Durrant, Bergne (lot 678) and Brice collections. 367 Proof Shilling, type 3a, m. m. portcullis, similar type and legends to the last coin, but without c R at sides of shield, and no inner circle on either side ( Rud. pi. F, 7), extremely fine and rare 1 %* From the Tyssen, Edmonds, Durrant, Dymock, Murchison, Bergne (lot 679) and Brice collections. 48 368 Proof Shilling, type 3b, m. m. bell, similar type and legends to the preceding coin ; but bust of king and shield smaller, and plume over shield (Bud. pi. xix, 13), very fine and very rare 1 *** From the Pembroke, Bergne (lot 680) and Brice collections. 369 Proof Shilling, type 4, m. m. tun, obv. Small bust of King, crowned, in lace collar, armour and scarf ; behind, XII ; rev. Plain square shield, on cross fleury ; beaded inner circle on both sides ; usual legends, wt. 93 grs., an extremely fine and round coin, struck in a collar, neat and sharp work, and very rare 1 *** From the Marshall collection. 370 Pattern Sixpence, m. m. plume ; obv. carolvs. d ! g '. mag '. bri '. fr '. ET. hib ! rex., Bust of King, crowned, with ruff, armour and mantle ; behind, VI ; rev. cristo (sic.) avspice regno., Oval garnished shield surmounted by large plume and c R at sides, wt. 43 grs., brilliant and probably unique, unpublished [PI. V] ] *** From the Brice collection. 371 Pattern Sixpence, m. m. portcullis ; obv. carolvs. d ! g '. mag ! brit '. FR '. ET. HI '. rex, Bust of King, crowned, in lace collar, armour, &c. ; behind, VI ; rev. christo. avspice. regno., Oval garnished shield ; no inner circle on either side, wt. 53 grs., extremely rare and in the highest state of preservation [PI. V] 1 *** From the Greaves, Murchison (£22.) and Addington collections. 372 Pattern Sixpence, m. m. rose, similar type and legends as the last piece, but bust of king small, and on rev. c R at sides of shield, which is differently garnished and larger, wt. 51 grs., brilliant, unpublished and perhaps unique 1 %* From the Brice collection. 373 Pattern G roa.t,m.m. bell ; obv. carolvs. d ' g : ma ! b '. f '. et. h ! rex., Bust of King, crowned, in lace collar, armour, &c. ; rev. christo. AVSPICE. regno., Oval garnished shield ; no inner circle on either side, wt. 28 grs. (Snelling, pi. V, 33), fine and extremely rare 1 374 Pattern Threepence, 1634, m.m. bell; obv. carolvs. d ! g '. ma '. br '. FR ! ET. H '. rex, Bust of King as on the preceding coin ; behind, rose ; rev. salvs. reipublioe. svprema. lex., Oval garnished shield; above, 1634; no inner circle on either side, wt. 21 grs. (Snel- ling, pi. V, 30), fine and extremely rare 1 "%* From the Brice collection. 49 375 Pattern Half G roat, m. m. rose ; obv. carolvs. d ! g ! ma ! br ! f ! et. h ' rex, Bust of King, crowned, with lace collar, armour, &c. ; behind, n ; rev. ivstitia. thronvm. firmat., Garnished oval shield between C R ; no inner circle on either side, wt. 15 grs., brilliant, unpublished and perhaps unique 1 *** From the Brice collection. 376 Pattern Penny, m.m. three lis on obv. only ; obv. caro : d : g : ma : er : fr : et. h : rex., Bust of King crowned to left, with ruff, armour and mantle tied on shoulder ; it extends nearly to the edge of the coin and divides the legend ; rev. Oval garnished shield with c R at sides, no legend, but outer beaded border, wt. 7 grs., unpublished and extremely fine 1 k * From the Bergne (lot 831) and Addington collections. Only one other specimen of this coin is known ; it is in the British Museum. * Briot's Coinage. Gold. 377 Unite, m. m. b and flower on obv., b on rev. ; obv. carolvs. d : G : magn. britann. fran. et. hib. rex., Bust of King to left, crowned, in lace collar, armour and mantle ; behind, xx ; rev. florent. Concordia. REGNA., Square garnished shield, crowned, between c R both crowned and lozenge under each, wt. 139^ grs. (Bud. pi. xiv, 1), extra fine and rare [PI. VI] 1 "%* From the Bergne and Brice collections. 378 Unite, same rn. m., type and legends as the preceding coin, but reading hiber. for hib. and no lozenge under C and R on rev., wt. 139 grs., extremely fine and rare 1 * # * From the Tyssen, Corke, Duncombe and Addington collections. 379 Half Unite, m.m. b and flower on obv., b on rev., same type as lot 377, but mark of value X on obv., and reading obv. carolvs. d : G. MAG. BRITAN. FRAN. ET. HIB. REX. ; rev. CVLTORES. SVI. DEVS. PRO- tegit., wt. 70 grs. (Bud. pi. xiv, 2), very fine and very rare 1 *** From theTyssen, Dimsdale, Durrant, Murchison and Brice collections. 380 Half Unite, m. m. b under lozenge on obv., .B. before legend on rev., same type and legends as the previous coin, wt. 70 grs., in beautiful condition and very rare [PI. "VI] 1 * # * From the Shepherd collection (lot 371, £20. 10s.). 381 Crown, m, m. B under lozenge on obv., .B. before legend on rev., same type and legends as lot 379, but mark of value .V. on obv., and reading brit. fr. for britan. fran ; and on rev. no lozenges under c and R, wt. 35 grs., extremely fine and of the highest rarity, only one other specimen known, which is in the British Museum [PI. VI] 1 *** From the Tyssen, Dimsdale, Durrant, Cuff and Shepherd (lot 372, £62. 10s.) collections. E 50 Silver. 382 Crown, m. m. b and flower on obv., b on rev. ; obv. carolvs d : g. magn. britan. fran. et. hiber. rex., King on horseback to left, upright sword in right hand, ground under horse; rev. christo. avspice. regno., Oval garnished shield, crowned, between c R both crowned, lozenge under each letter (Bud. pi. xxi, 1 0), very fine and rare 1 *** From the Wigan collection. 383 Half Crown, m. m. b. and flower on obv., b on rev., same type and legends as the Crown, but reading hib. for hiber. (var. Rud. pi. xxi, 11), extremely fine and rare in this state [PI. VI] 1 * From the Shepherd and Brice collections. 384 Half Crown, m. m. anchor and b on both sides, same type and legends as the Crown, lot 382, but reading MAGN. britann. fr. et. hib. (Bud. pi. xxn, 7), very fine and rare 1 385 Shilling, m. m. b and flower on obv., b on rev. ; obv. carolvs. d : g. MAGN. britann. fran. et. hib. rex., Bust of King to left, crowned, in lace collar, armour and mantle tied on shoulder ; behind, xn ; rev. christo., &c, Plain square shield on long cross fleury (Bud. pi. xxi, 12) ; Sixpence, same m. m. and type, but mark of value vi, and reading fr. for FRAN. (var. Bud. pi. xxi, 13), both very fine 2 * # * No. 1 from the Bergne and Brice, and no. 2 from the Shepherd and Brice collections. 386 Shilling, same m.m. and type, &c. as in the previous lot, but from different dies ; Sixpence, same as last lot, but no m. m. on rev. and reading britan. for britann., both very fine 2 387 Shilling, m. m. anchor; obv. carolvs. d: g. mag. brit. fr. et. hib. rex, Bust of King crowned, in lace collar and armour; behind, xn; rev. christo., &c, Plain square shield on short cross fleury ; Six- pence, same m. m., type and legends, but mark of value VI, both extremely fine and rare m. m. 2 *** Both from the Shepherd and Brice collections. 388 Sixpence, m. m. anchor and mullet pierced on obv., anchor only on rev., same type, &c, as in the preceding lot, but reading chisto. for christo. (comp. Bud. pi. xxn, 9); Half Groat, obv. carolvs. d: G. &c, Bust of King crowned, &c. ; behind, II ; below, B ; rev. ivstitia. thronvm. firmat., Square shield on long cross fleury (Bud. pi. xxii, 12); Penny, similar type, but on obv. Bust divides legend, which commences below ; mark of value, I ; and on rev. the legend begins in third quarter of cross (ib. pi. xxii, 13), all very fine and scarce 3 %* All from the Brice collection, and nos. 2 and 3 from the Bergne collection. 51 Patterns. Gold. 389 Pattern Broad, 1630, m. m. flower on obv., b and St. George and dragon on rev. ; obv. carolvs. d : G. magn. britann. franc, et. hib. rex., Bust of King to left, head bare, hair long, in lace collar and armour ; rev. AVSPicns. REX. MAGNE. tvis., Square garnished shield, crowned ; at sides c R. both crowned, lozenge under each j over crown of shield, 1630, wt. 210 grs., fine, extremely rare and unpublished [PI. VI] 1 %* From the Brice collection. * 390 Pattern Broad, 1630, m.m. b on obv., b and St. George and dragon on rev., same type and legends as the preceding coin, but the bust of the king is crowned and he wears lace collar, armour and mantle, and the obv. legend reads hibe : for hib., wt. 139| grs. (comp.Snelling, pi. vi, 3), very fine and extremely rare 1 *** From the Bergne (lot 857) and Brice collections. Silver. 391 Pattern Broad, 1630, m. m. b. on obv., b and St. George and dragon on rev., precisely the same type and legends as the preceding coin and struck from the same dies, wt. 121 grs., highly preserved and extremely rare [PI. VI] 1 *** From the Trattle, Cuff, Bergne (lot 850) and Brice collections. 392 Pattern Broad, 1630, m. m. b after legend on obv., b and St. George and dragon on rev. ; obv. car. d : G. magn. britan. fr. et. hib. rex., Large bust of the King reaching to the edge of the coin and dividing the legend, crowned, wearing lace collar, armour and mantle ; rev. same type and legends and from the same dies as lot 389, wt. 153 grs. {figured in Snelling, pi. vi, 1), in a beautiful state of preservation, and of the highest rarity [PI. VI] 1 %* This coin was figured by Snelling and is described by him as unique. A second example, however, is known but in bad condition, it was in the Bieber collection (see Sale Cat., lot 193). The above specimen is from the Brown, Tyssen, Bergne (lot 849, £40. 10s.) and Addington collections. 393 Pattern Broad, 1630, m.m. b before bust on obv., b and St. George and dragon on rev. ; obv. CAR. D : G. magn. britan. fr. et. hib. rex., Large bust of King to left dividing legend, head bare, in lace collar, armour and mantle tied on shoulder ; rev. same type and legends, and from the same die as lot 389 (Rud. pi. xxi, 9), very well preserved, and very rare 1 *** From the Addington collection. E 2 52 394 Pattern Crown, m. m. flower on obv., b. before legend on rev. ; obv. CAROLVS D : G. MAG. BRITANNIA. FRAN. ET. HIB. REX. FIDEL DEFEN- SOR., Bust of King to left, head bare, in lace collar, armour and mantle, all in beaded circle ; rev. HAVD. VLLI. VETERVM. VIRTVTE. secvndvs., King on horseback to left, holding upright sword, ground under horse {for rev. comp. Snelling, pi. VI, 7), extremely fine and of the highest rarity [PL VI] 1 %.* This splendid Pattern is by far the finest of the few specimens known and is the chef d'ceuvre of Briot. It is from the Mead, Hodson, Tyssen, Trattle, Cuff, Wigan, Sparkes and Brice collections. 395 Pattern Crown, obv. carolvs. d : g. mag. brit. fran. et. hib. rex. fidei. deor., The four shields of England, Scotland, France and Ireland arranged in form of cross and united at their bases by chain; in centre, rays ; the English shield is crowned ; rev. similar to the preceding coin, but in the exergue are a palm and a laurel-branch united, and below them B (Briot), well preserved, of the highest rarity and unpublished 1 *** The only other known specimens of this coin are at Munich and Vienna. This is the first English coin with the four shields on the rev. arranged cruciformly. The above specimen is from the Addington collection. 396 Pattern Half Crown, 1628, m.m. flower on obv. only; obv. o rex. da. FACILEM. CVRSVM., King on horseback to right; sword over shoulder; ground under horse; in the exergue N. briot. f. ; rev. atqve. avdacibvs. annve. COEPTIS., Oblong garnished shield, crowned ; at sides, 1628 (Bud. pi. xxn, 2), very fine and very rare [PL VI] 1 "%* From the Brice collection. 397 Pattern Shilling, m. m. plume ; obv. carolvs. d ! g '. mag '. brit '. fra ! et. hib '. rex., Bust of King to left, head bare, in lace collar, armour and scarf; behind, XII; rev. christo. avspice. regno., Oval garnished shield ; above which C. R. ; five pellets after legend on each side, wt. 94 grs. (Bud. pi. xxii, 1), extremely fine and extremely rare [PL VI] 1 *** From the Brice collection. 398 Pattern Shilling, 1635, no m. m., obv. carolvs. d : g. magn. britann. franc, et. hiber. rex., Bust of King to left, crowned, in lace collar, armour and mantle ; rev. archetypvs. monetae, argents, angli^e., Plain square shield ; above, crown dividing date, 1635; at sides, c R, each crowned, and lozenge beneath, wt. 96 grs. (Bud. pi. xxii, 6), very fine and of great rarity 1 "%* From the Thomas, Bergne (lot 848) and Brice collections. 53 Pattern Shilling, dbv. car. d : g. mag. brit. fr. et. hib. rex., Large bust of King to right, dividing legend, crowned, wearing plain collar, armour and mantle; below B; rev. fidei. defensor., Square shield crowned within the motto of the Garter, wt. 141 grs. (Bud. pi. xxil, 5), extremely fine and very rare [PL VI] 1 ■** From the Devonshire, Durrant, Bergne (lot 851) and Brice collections. Pattern Groat, 1634, no m. m., dbv. carolvs. d : g. mag. brit. fr. et. hib. r., Bust of King to left, crowned, in lace collar, armour and mantle ; behind, nil with rose above and D below ; rev. christo. AVSPICE. regno., Square shield on long cross fleury ; above, 1634, wt. 29 grs. (Snelling, pi. v, 32) extremely fine and rare [PL VI] 1 * * * From the Cuff, Bergne (lot 842) and Brice collections. Pattern Threepence, 1634, no m.m., dbv. car. d: g. mag. brit. fr. ET. H. R., Bust of King as on the preceding coin, but extending to edge of coin and dividing legend ; behind, in with rose above and D below ; rev. salvs. reipvb. svprema. lex., Square shield on cross fleury, &c, as on the last coin ; date above, wt. 21 grs. (Bud. pi. xxn, 11), extremely fine and rare [PL VII] 1 *** From the Cuff, Bergne (lot 843) and Addington collections. Pattern Half Groat, no m. m., similar type to the Groat (lot 400), but behind bust of King n with rose above and D below, and reading rex for R., and on rev., legend ivstitia. thronvm. firmat; no date, wt. 14 grs., extremely fine and unpublished 1 *** From the Cuff, Bergne (lot 844) and Addington collections. Pattern Penny, no m. m., dbv. same type and legends as the Three- pence, lot 401, but reading F. for FR., and behind head, I with rose above and D below ; rev. same type and legend as the preceding coin, wt. *l\ grs. (Snelling, pi. v, 23), very fine and of the highest rarity 1 *** From the Cuff, Bergne (lot 845) and Addington collections. Pattern Three Halfpence, dbv. car. d : g. mag. brit. f. et. h. r., Bust of King to left, dividing legend, crowned and wearing lace collar and mantle ; rev. CHRIS, avspice. regn., A rose ; in exergue, - vi • f . , wt. 10^ grs., extremely fine, of the highest rarity, unpublished [PL VII] 1 *** From the Murchison and Addington collections. Pattern Five Farthings, same type and legends as the preceding coin, but in the exergue on the rev. • v • F • , wt. 9 grs. (Snelling, pi. V, 24), extremely fine and very rare 1 *** From the Murchison and Addington collections. 54 406 Pattern Halfpenny, obv. OR- surmounted by a crown; rev. A rose, wt. 3| grs. (Snelling, pi. v, 18), very fine and of extreme rarity 1 *** From the Murchison, Bergne (lot 832) and Addington collections. Aberystwith Mint. Silver. 407 Half Crown, m. m. open book ; obv. King on horseback to left, holding upright sword, long flowing mantle ; behind, plume ; rev. Oval garnished shield surmounted by plume ; five pellets after REGNO ; usual legends (Rud.pl. xx, I i), fine and rare 1 *** From the Dimsdale, Durrant and Shepherd (lot 380) collections. 408 Half Crown, m. m. open book, same type, &c. as the preceding coin, but without the five pellets after regno, very fine and very rare [PI. VII] 1 *** From the Murchison and Shepherd (lot 381) collections. 409 Half Crown, m. m. open book, same type and variety as the last coin ; but on the obv. ground under the horse ; small plume over shield, and harp in arms differently shaped, fine and very rare, but not a round piece 1 %* From the Wigan, Street and Marsham (lot 595) collections. 410 Half Crown, 1642, m. m. open book, usual obv. type and legend, but on rev. exvrgat devs dissipentvr inimici: and "Declaration" across the field ; above which one plume without bands, and below, 1642, fine, of the highest rarity, only one other specimen known, unpublished 1 *** From the Webb collection. The reverse of this coin may have been imitated by a Shrewsbury moneyer from an Aberystwith type {see Hks. p. 325, and also the Shilling in lot 415). 411 Shilling, m. m. open book, Bust of King, crowned, in lace collar and armour ; before, plume ; behind, XII ; fine plain inner circle ; rev. Oval garnished shield surmounted by plume ; beaded inner circle ; usual legends, unusually fine and rare in this state, an unpublished variety [PI. VII] 1 *** From the Bergne and Brice collections. 412 Shilling, m. m. open book, similar type, &c. to the preceding coin, but no inner circle on rev. (var. Eud. pi. xx, 15), fine, and a rare variety 1 413 Shilling, m.m. open book, similar type, &c. to lot 411 ; but beaded inner circle on both sides, different garniture to shield and the harp in the arms is differently shaped (Hks. 518), very fine, but not a round coin, scarce 1 55 414 Shilling, m.m. crown, usual type, but with small bust of king and small oval shield ; beaded inner circle on both sides, fine, an unpub- lished m. m. and "perhaps unique " 1 415 Shilling, 1642, m.m. open book on obv. only, usual obv. type; but on rev. EXVRGAT. DEVS. &c. and " Declaration " in three lines across the field ; above, three plumes without bands ; below, 1642 (Hks. 648), very well preserved and exceedingly rare 1 *** Hawkins gives this coin to Shrewsbury, but Mr. Montagu classed it as a late issue of Aberystwith (see also lot 410 note.) 416 Sixpence, Groat, Threepence, Half Groat and Penny, usual types, all with m. m. open book except the last piece, which has m. m. four pellets on rev., and with inner circle on both sides (Bud. pi. xx, 17, 18, 19, 20), a very fine set, the penny is unpublished 5 *** No. 1 from the Gibbs collection ; the others from the Bergne and Brice collections. 417 Sixpence, with inner circle on rev. only, and Groat, Threepence, Half Groat and Penny, with inner circle on both sides, all with m. m. open book, usual types, all fine except the last, which is pierced, the sixpence is unpublished 5 418 Sixpence, Half Groat and Penny, without inner circles ; Groat (small bust), and Threepence, with inner circle on both sides, all with m. m. open book ; usual types, all very fine and desirable coins, 5 *** Nos. 1-3 from the Bergne and Brice collections. 419 Sixpence, Groat and Threepence, with m. m. crown, usual types, with small shield surmounted by plume on rev., and inner circle on both sides, all exceedingly rare, the sixpence being only known from Snelling's MS. note, very well preserved 3 *** No. 1 from the Webb collection. 420 Half G roat, m. m. pellet ; obv. carolvs .D:G:M:B:f:et.h: rex. Bust of King in lace collar and armour ; behind, II ; rev. ivstitia. thronvm. firmat. Plume dividing date 16 46 (var. Bud. Suppl. pi. V, 6), fine and exceedingly rare [PL VII] 1 *** From the Brice collection. 421 Penny, m. m. lis on obv., mullet on rev. ; obv. caro . d : g : M : b : F : et . H : rex, Bust of King in armour and mantle ; behind, I ; rev. ivstitia. thron. firmat. A plume (Hks. 551); and Halfpenny, obv. Rose ; rev. Plume ; no legends (Hks. 554), both exceedingly fine and very rare 2 *** No. 1 from the Murchison and Addington collections. In the former sale catalogue it is described as "a little gem." 56 FOURTH DAY'S SALE. CHARLES I. — continued. Bristol Mint. Gold, lot 422 Unite, 1645, m. to. BR (mon.) on obv., plume on rev. ; obv. carolvs . D : G . mag : BR : fr : et . hib : rex, Half-length figure of the King to left, crowned, holding sword and olive-branch; behind, xx; rev. exvrgat. devs. &c. and "Declaration" on continuous scroll; three plumes above; 164^.5 below, wt. 139 grs., extremely fine and extremely rare 1 *** From the Edmonds, Shepherd (lot 385, £36) and Brice collections. Silver. 423 Half Crown, 1643, to. to. pear(?) between four pellets on obv., br (mon.) on rev. ; King on horseback holding sword directed forwards ; behind, plume ; rev. exvrgat. devs. &c, and " Declara- tion " reading relig : prot : &c, in two lines across field ; above, three plumes; below, 1643 (Hks. 485), very fine and a rare m.m. 1 %* From the Nash collection. 424 Half Crown, 1644, to. to. plume on obv., br (mon.) on rev., same type as the preceding coin, but the King holds his sword upright and date on rev. 1644 (Hks. 490 for obv.), fine and scarce 1 *** From the Walpole-White collection. 425 Half Crown, 1644, no m. m., usual type, King holds sword upright, monogram of br under horse ; small plume behind King ; on rev., three plumes above "Declaration" and below 1644 and monogram of br, extra fine and rare 1 %* From the Street and Marsham (lot 588) collections. 426 Half Crown, 1644, similar type to the last coin, but m. m. plume on obv. only ; large plume behind King ; and " Declaration " relig : PRO : &c. (Bud. vl. xxiv, 2), extremely fine and rare 1 *^ k From the Addington collection. 57 427 Half Crown, 1644, same m. m., type and varieties as the preceding coin, but the " Declaration " reads REL : prot : &c, extremely fine and rare in this state [PL VII] 1 *** From the Bentham, Bergne (lot 705) and Brice collections. 428 Half Crown, 1645, m. m. plume on obv., br (mon.) on rev., usual type; monogram of br under horse, large plume behind; and on rev. date 1645 and br (mon.) under "Declaration," which reads REL: PROT: &c, fine and rare 1 ■%* From the Street and Marsham (lot 589) collections. 429 Half Crown, 1645, same type, &c, as the last coin, but no m. m. on rev., and no monogram under date, well preserved 1 430 Half Crown, 1645, no m. m. on obv. or rev., usual type ; monogram of BR under horse; small plume behind; date 1645 and br (mon.) under "Declaration," which as before reads REL : PROT : &c, extremely fine and very rare in this state [PI. VII] 1 %* From the Rich, Durrant, Maydwell, Shepherd (lot 386) and Brice collections. 431 Shilling, 1643, m. m. plume on obv., br (mon.) on rev. ; Bust of King crowned, in lace collar and armour ; behind, XII ; rev. EXVRGAT. devs &c. ; and " Declaration in three lines reading relig : PRO : &c. ; above, three plumes; below, 1643 (Snelling, pi. xi, 25); another, 1644, similar type, but obv. m. m. five pellets, and br. (mon.) on rev. ; plume before King's face and date 1644 under "Declaration," both in fair condition 2 ■%* No. 1 from the Nash collection. 432 Shilling, 1644, no m. m. usual type, small plume before face of King and on rev. date 1644 divided by br. (mon.), under " Declaration," which reads rel : prot : &c. (var. Snelling, pi. xi, 28), very fine but slightly chipped 1 433 Shilling, 1644, same type, &c, as the last coin, but m. m. on obv. five pellets; small plumes above " Declaration " and small monogram under date ; another, similar, with same obv. m. m., but on rev. br. (mon.) as m. m., instead of under date 1644, both very well preserved 2 *** No. 1 from the Marsham collection. 434 Shilling, 1644, in. m. five pellets on obv., none on rev., usual type; small plume before King's face, and on rev. " Declaration," reading rel : PRO:, &c, small plumes above, and below, date 1644 divided by br. (mon.) (Bud. pi. xxiv, 3); Sixpence, 1644, no m. m. on obv., br. (mon.) sideways on rev., usual type ; plume before bust ; VI behind; and on rev. exvrgat. devs., &c. ; date 1644 under " Declaration," which reads relig : pro :, &c. ; plumes above (Hks. 531), both unusually fine, the second very rare 2 * * * Both from the Bergne (lot 706) and Brice collections. 58 435 Shilling, 1644, m. m. plume over x in rex on obv., br. (mon.) on rev., usual type, small bust with large lace collar ; no plume before face j on rev. large plumes above " Declaration," which reads relig : pro : &c. ; and below, date 1644; Groat, 1644, no m. m., usual type, plume before head ; mark of value nil behind ; rev. exvrgat. devs., &c. ; plumes above " Declaration," which reads REL. pro., &c, and below, date 1644 divided by br. (mon.) (Rud. pi. xxiv, 9), both fine and rare 2 *#* No. 1 from the Webb, and no. 2 from the Shepherd and Brice collections. 436 Shilling, 1645, m. m. five pellets on obv., br (mon.) on rev., usual type, plume before bust of King; and on rev. 1645 only under "Declara- tion," which reads REL : prot : &c. (Snelling, pi. XI, 26) ; Groat, 1644, as in previous lot, no m.m., and date 1 644 only under " Declara- tion," which reads rel : prot :, &c, the first fine and a rare date, the second well preserved 2 *** Both from the Marsham collection. 437 Half Groat, no m. m., obv. carolvs. d: g: m: b: F: et. H: rex, Bust of King crowned ; behind, II ; rev. exvrg : devs. dissip : inimici. " Declaration " RE : PR le : AN : Li : PA : in three lines and between two straight lines ; below br. (mon.) (var. Rud. Suppl. pi. V, 11), very fine and extremely rare [PI. VII] 1 *** From the Bergne and Brice collections. Chester Mint. Silver. 438 Half Crown m. m. three gerbs; obv. carolvs. d: g:, &c, King on horseback to left, long flowing mantle, sword in right hand ; horse of peculiar form with large chest ; below, chst ; rev. christo : AVSPICE. regno., Oval garnished shield (Rud. pi. xxvi, 2), very rare and very fine 1 *** From the Cuff, Bergne (lot 709, £17) and Brice collections. 439 Half Crown, m. m. a gerb placed horizontally between four pellets on obv. and rev., similar type and legends to the preceding coin, but no name of city under horse, and the shield on the rev. is crowned and has garniture of lion's skin (Hks. 507), very fine and of the highest rarity [PI. VII] 1 *** From the Trattle, Durrant, Bergne (lot 765) and Brice collections. There can be no doubt about the classification of this coin to Ches- ter (see Hks. p. 338, no. 29). 59 Half Crown, 1644, m. m. three upright gerbs on obv., plume on rev. ; obv. CAROLVS. D : G : MAG : BRI :, &c, King on horseback, &c, as in lot 438 j horse with large chest ; rev. exvrgat. devs., &c, " Declaration " in two lines across the field, small lettering ; above, three plumes ; below, ■ 1 ■ 6 ■ 4 ■ 4 ■ (Hks. 486), extremely rare and the finest specimen known 1 *** From the Cuff, Lloyd, Murchison, Neck and Webb collections. Combe-Martin Mint (?). Silver. 441 Half Crown, 1645, obv. carolvs. d : g : mag : brit :, &c, King on horseback as usual ; ground with grass under horse's feet ; rev. christo. avspice. regno., Oval shield within the Garter, crowned, and with supporters ; above c R, both crowned ; below, 1645 (Hks. 508), fine and extremely rare 1 * # * From the Brice collection. Exeter Mint. Silver. 442 Crown, m.m. rose ; obv. carolvs ! d ! g!, &c, King in profile on horse- back to left, holding sword j rev. christo ! avspice '. regno., Oval garnished shield (Hks. 478), very fine, of very neat work 1 * # * From the Nash collection. 443 Crown, m. m. rose, same type, &c, as the last coin, but the King's head nearly full face, the horse is smaller, and the shield on the rev. is differently garnished (Hks. 479), very fine 1 444 Crown, 1644, m. m. rose, same type as the last coin, with King's head nearly full face, but with date 1644 after regno, in the rev. legend (Bud. pi. xviii, 6, obv. ; xxv, 2, rev.), very fine and rare 1 *** From the Shepherd (lot 336), and Brice collections. 445 Crown, 1644, m. m. rose, very similar in all respects to the preceding coin, but the date on the rev. is divided by the m. m. (Hks. type 4 ; Bud. Suppl. pi. v, 21), well preserved and a rare variety 1 446 Crown, 1645, m.m. castle, usual type as lot 444, with King's head nearly facing, and date 1645 at end of rev. legend (Hks. 480), rare and very fine, and sJwwing the face of the kiny quite distinctly, very unusual with this coin 1 %* From the Bergne and Brice collections. > 60 447 Crown, 1645, m. m. castle on obv., ex on rev ; same type, &c, pre- cisely as the preceding, but the date 1645 at end of reverse legend appears to have been struck over 1644 (Snelling, pi. xin, 17), fine and extra rare with this m. m. on rev. 1 448 Half Crown, m. m. rose ; obv. carolvs. D : G : &c, King on horseback to left, head in profile, holding sword, ground under horse (Oxford type) ; rev. CHRISTO. &c, Oval garnished shield ; no date, fine and unpublished 1 *** From the Street and Marsham (lot 612) collections. 449 Half Crown, m. m. rose, usual type, but the King's head is nearly full face ; there is no ground under horse ; and on the rev. the shield is oblong and is surmounted by c R with lis between ; four pellets between words of legend, well preserved but chipped, of neat work } extremely rare 1 450 Half Crown, m. m. rose, similar type to the last coin, but the c R is at the sides of the shield and not above it (Hks. 488), very well pre- served and of neat work, very rare 1 451 Half Crown, m. m. rose, same type, &c. as the preceding coin, but the King's head is in profile, extremely fine, but for slight failure in the striking, of very neat work, and an unpublished variety 1 * From the Bergne and Brice collections. 452 Half Crown, 1644, m.m. rose; obv. carolvs. d : g : &c, King on horseback to left, head in profile, sword in right hand, ground under horse (Oxford type) ; rev. christo. avspice. regno. 1644, Oval garnished shield ; large lettering on both sides (Hks. type 8), very fine and extra rare 1 *** From the Shepherd collection. 453 Half Crown, 1644, m.m. rose, similar type to the preceding coin, but the head of the King is nearly facing and there is no ground under the horse (Hks. 489), unusually fine and very rare in this state [PI. VII] 1 From the Marsham collection (lot 614). 454 Half Crown, 1644, m. m. rose, similar to the last coin, but the King's face is in profile, head thrown further back and scarf smaller, and not of such neat work (see Hks. type 7), an unpublished variety, very fine 1 * # * From the Bergne and Brice collections. 455 Half Crown, 1644, m.m. rose on obv., ex on rev., usual obv. type with King on horseback, head nearly facing ; rev. exvrgat. devs. DISSIPENTVR. INIMICI, " Declaration " in two lines ; above, three plumes; below, '1644- ex, Oxford type (Snelling, pi. xin, 12), an interesting piece, of very great rarity, and the finest specimen known [PL VII] 1 %* From the Shepherd and Webb collections. 61 456 Half Crown, 1645, m. m. rose, obv. King on horseback, head nearly facing, &c. ; rev. christo : avspice : regno. 1645, Oval garnished shield (Smiling, pi. xiii, 11), well preserved, and extremely rare with this date 1 *** From the Street and Marsham (lot 616) collections. 457 Half Crown, 1645, m.m. rose on obv., Ex on rev., same type as the last coin and same date, fine and extremely rare 1 *** From the Wigan and Marsham (lot 618) collections. 458 Shilling, 1645, m. m. rose on obv. only; obv. carolvs. d. g. &c, Bust of King to left, crowned, in lace collar and armour ; behind XII ; rev. exvrgat. devs. &c, " Declaration " in three lines across field, reading relig : PRO, &c. ; above, three plumes ; below, date 1645 (Bud. Suppl. pi. v, 19), well preserved and of the highest rarity 1 *** From the Dimsdale and Webb collections. 459 Shilling, no date, m. m. rose ; obv. Bust of King to left, &c. same as on the preceding coin ; rev. christo. &c, Oval garnished shield ; another, same m. m. and type, but date 1644 after REGNO (Bud. pi. xxv, 6), both very fine, the first rare 2 * # * No. 1 from the Shepherd and Brice, and no. 2 from the Brice collection. 460 Shilling, no date, m. m. rose, same type, &c. as in the preceding lot ; and Sixpence, 1644, m. m. large rose on both sides, usual type, bust of King, crowned ; behind, VI ; rev. Oval garnished shield and date in legend, 1644, divided by m.m.; two inner circles on obv., one plain (Bud. pi. xxv, 7), both fine and rare , 2 *** No. 1 from the Brice and Webb collections. 461 Shilling, 1645, m.m. rose, usual type, with date 1645 after regno, rare ; and Sixpence, 1644, m.m. rose, type as in the preceding lot, but one inner circle, beaded, on obv. only ; lettering of legends larger, the first fine, the second well preserved 2 *** No. 1 from the Ford, and no. 2 from the Webb collection. 462 Groat, 1644, m. m. rose ; Bust of King, to left, crowned, &c. ; behind, mi; date 1644 before legend; rev. christo &c, Oval garnished shield (Bud. pi. xxv, 8) ; Threepence, 1644, m. m. rose; Bust of King, crowned ; behind, hi ; rev. christo. &c, Square shield on cross fleury ; above which, 1644 (Bud. pi. xxv, 9), both very fine and rare 2 "%* No. 1 from the Bergne and Brice collections. 62 463 Half Groat, 1644, m. m. rose j obv. carolvs. d. g. m. b. f. et. hi. rex., Bust of King to left, crowned; behind, II; rev. thro, ivsti. firmat. 1644, Oval garnished shield (Bud. pi. xxv, 11), fine and extremely rare 1 * # * From the Shepherd and Brice collections. 464 Half Groat, 1644, rose type, m. m. rose, similar to the preceding coin, but for rev. type a large rose instead of a shield ; same legends and date (Rud.pl. xxv, 10), very fine and exceedingly rare; Hks. mentions only one other specimen, which is in the Bashleigh collection 1 %? From the Bergne and Brice collections. 465 Penny, 1644, m. m. rose; obv. carolvs. d. g. m. b. f. e. h. r, Bust of King to left, crowned, &c. ; behind, I ; rev. thro. IVS. firmat. 1644, A large rose (Bud. pi. xxv, 12), fine and exceedingly rare 1 *** From the Shepherd and Brice collections. Pattern. Silver. 466 Half Crown, 1642, m. m. rose; obv. carolvs. d. g. mag. br. fr. et. hi. rex., King on horseback, holding baton and riding to left over arms; rev. christo. AVSPICE. regno., Oval garnished shield; below in garniture, 1642 (Rud.pl. xxv, 1), extremely rare, a fully spread coin and believed to be the finest Mown [PI. VIII] 1 *n* From the Tyssen, Trattle, Durrant, Bergne and Brice collections. Oxford Mint. Gold. 467 Three Pound Piece, 1642, m. m. plume on obv., four pellets on rev. ; obv.c AROLVS : d : g : MAG : BRIT : fr : et : hib : rex., Half- length figure of the King to left, crowned, &c, holding upright sword and olive-branch ; behind, plume ; rev. exvrgat : devs : DISSIPENTVR : inimici., " Declaration." relig : PROT LEG : ang liber : PAR, in three wavy lines across the field ; above, • hi • and three plumes; below, 1642, wt. 418 grs. (var. Bud. pi. XIII, 9), extremely fine and rare [PI. VIII] 1 "%* From the James (1888) collection. 468 Three Pound Piece, 1642, m.m. plume on obv. only, same type, &c.,as the preceding coin ; but bust of King smaller and not touching inner circle (as Bud. pi. xiii, 9) ; and on the rev. the " Declaration " is on a scroll in continuation of the inner circle ; the obv. legend reads FRAN : ET : HI : and rev. LEGl :, wt. 416 grs. (Ken. no. 2), very fine and rare 1 %* From the Brice collection. 63 469 Three Pound Piece, 1643, m. m. plume on obv. f four pellets on rev., same type and legends as the last coin ; but the bust of the King is larger, and touches the inner circle ; sword and branch longer ; reading hib : for Hi :, and three pellets after REX ; and on rev. the inner circle is made part of the scroll ; mark of value, • in • ; date, 1643, and reading leg : for legi :, wt. 420 grs., extremely fine and rare in this state 1 *** From the Devonshire, Bergne (lot 820) and Brice collections. 470 Three Pound Piece, 1643, m. m. plume on obv. only, same type, &c, as the preceding coin, but the King wears long scarf floating behind, the bust breaks the inner circle below, and the legend reads fr : ET : Hi : rex, and on rev. five pellets after leg, wt. 416 grs., very fine and a rare variety 1 471 Three Pound Piece, 1643, m. m. plume on obv. only, same obv. type as lot 469, but reading FRAN : ET : HIB :,'&c, and on the rev. the " Declaration " is on a continuous scroll ; no pellet on either side of mark of value, wt. 418 grs., exceedingly fine and rare in this condition 1 *** From the Kirk (1884) collection. 472 Three Pound Piece, 1643, m. m. plume on obv. only, same type and legends as the last coin, but on rev. below date OXON in small letters, with rosette on each side as also at each side of date and mark of value; stops between words, also rosettes, wt. 419 grs. (Ken. 118), extremely rare and in beautiful condition, "a perfect coin" [PL VIII] 1 *** From the Bergne (lot 821), and Brice collections. 473 Three Pound Piece, 1644, m.m. small plume on obv., five pellets after inimici on rev., usual type, "Declaration" on rev. on continu- ous scroll, below which, date 1544 and OX; small plumes above, lozenge each side of in, and between words of legend ; and reading obv. CAROLVS. D : G : MAG : bri : FRA : ET. hiber : REX., wt. 420 grs. (as Ken. no. 1), fine and very rare 1 474 Three Pound Piece, 1644, same m. m., type and legends as the pre- ceding coin, but reading on rev. OXON for ox, and stops, pellets, wt. 419 grs. (Snelling, pi. vi, 10), extremely fine and rare 1 %* From the Bergne (lot 822) and Brice collections. 64 475 Unite, 1642, no m. m. j obv. carolvs : d : g : mag : brit : fran : et : Hi : REX., Bust of King to left, crowned, &c, holding upright sword and olive-branch ; behind, xx ; rev. exvrgat : devs : dissipentvr : inimici :, " Declaration " RELIG : prot : leg ANG : liber : PAR, in , two wavy lines across field ; above, three plumes ; below, 1642, wt. 140 grs. (Ken. 116), extremely fine and very rare 1 *x* From the Dimsdale, Durrant, Duncombe and Brice collections. 476 Unite, 1642, no m. m., same type, &c, as the preceding coin, but obv. legend reading br : fr : et : hi :, and " Declaration " in three lines and on continuous scroll, and reading legi : ANGL, wt. 139^ grs., very fine and extremely rare, unpublished 1 *** From the Bergne (lot 823) and Brice collections. 477 Unite, 1643, no m. m., same type, &c, as the last coin, but the bust cuts the inner circle ; and reading obv. hiber : for hib :, and rev. LEG : ANG for LEGI : ANGL, and date 1643, wt. 139 grs., very fine, unpublished, and exceedingly rare 1 *** From the Doulton collection. 478 Unite, 1643, no m.m. j obv. carolvs. d : g : m : br : fr : et. hi : rex. (beginning at bottom of coin), Large bust of King extending to edge of coin and dividing legend, holding long sword and long olive-branch, and wearing badge of Garter suspended to chain ; behind, XX ; rev. same as the preceding coin, wt. 138 grs. (Ken. no. 1), very fine but slightly chipped, and an extra rare variety 1 *** From the Marsham collection (lot 550). 479 Unite, 1643, m. m. plume on obv. only ; obv. similar to the last, but the bust of the King does not descend through the inner circle ; legend, beginning at top of coin, reads carolvs : d : G : MAG : br : fr : ET : hiber : REX ; rev. usual type as lot 477, wt. 140 grs. (Ken. no. 3), very fine and rare 1 *** From the Brice collection. 480 Unite, 1643, m. m. plume on obv., nine pellets in form of s on rev. ; same type, legends and varieties as the last coin, but on rev. dotted lines and inner circle, and "Declaration " in large letters, wt. 140 grs., fine and a rare variety 1 481 Unite, 1644, m.m. plume on obv. only; usual obv. type, but the bust of the King is large and breaks the inner circle, and he holds long sword and long olive-branch ; reading BR : FR : et. HI : ; rev. usual type, with " Declaration " in three lines on continuous scroll j above, three small plumes; below, .1644. ox ; stops on obv. and rev. lozenge-shaped, wt. 140 grs. (Ken. no. 2 ; Snelling, pi. vi, 9), very fine and rare 1 %* From the Bergne (lot 825) and Brice collections. 65 482 Unite, 1645, m. m. small plume on obv. only, similar to the preceding, but the bust of the King is within the inner circle ; legend same, but BRIT : for BR : ; and on rev. large plumes above " Declaration " ; 1645 below; stops on both sides plain, wt. 140 grs., extremely fine and rare [PI. VIII] 1 %* From the Dimsdale, Higgs, Durrant, Cuff, Shepherd (lot 350) and Brice collections. 483 Unite, 1645, m. m. small plume (1); obv. carolvs. d : g : MAG : brit : fran : et. hib : REX, Bust of King as on the preceding coin ; rev. exvrgat DEVS, &c. (commencing at top of coin), " Declaration " in three lines on wavy scroll; above, one plume; below, 1645 ox, wt. 140 grs., fine, unpublished, and exceedingly rare 1 *#.* From the Shepherd collection (lot 346). 484 Unite, 1646, no m.m., same type as the last coin, but reading bri : for brit : and on rev. legend on a band ; and below "Declaration " 1646 ox, wt. 140 grs. (Ken. 117), very fine and rare 1 *** From the Edmonds, Bergne (lot 827) and Brice collections. 485 Half Unite, 1642, no m. m., obv. carolvs : d : g : mag : br : fr : et : HI : rex, Bust of King to left, crowned, in lace collar and armour ; behind, x ; rev. exvrgat. devs, &c. " Declaration " in three straight lines across the field, and reading relig : prot, &c. ; above, three plumes; below, 1642, wt. 67 grs., in fair preservation, excessively rare, an unpublished variety 1 486 Half Unite, 1643, m. m. plume on obv., same type as the last coin, but on the rev. the " Declaration " is on a continuous scroll, and below, date 1643; large letters, wt. 69 grs., very fine, but somewhat chipped, exceedingly rare and unpublished 1 %* From the Marsham collection (lot 554). 487 Half Unite, 1643, no m. m., obv. carolvs. d : g : m : br : fr : et. hi : rex. (beginning on left of coin), Large bust of King in lace collar and armour, descending to edge of coin and dividing legend ; be- hind, X. ; two inner circles, one plain, the other beaded ; rev. usual type, with " Declaration " on continuous scroll ; above, plumes ; below, 1643 ; stops on rev., small annulets, wt. 69 grs. (Rud.pl. xiii, 11), very fine and rare [PI. VIII] 1 %* From the Durrant, Wigan and Brice collections, F * 66 488 Half Unite, 1644, no m. m. on obv., lozenge between four pellets after inimici on rev., same type as the preceding coin, but reading obv. MAG: for m ; beaded inner circle only ; and on rev. below " Declaration," .1644. OX; stops in legend and on either side of date, lozenge- shaped, wt. 70 grs. (Num. Chron. N. S. II, p. 232 ; IV, p. 229), very fine and unique 1 From the Ourrer, Murchison (lot 290, £40) and Addington col- lections. Kenyon, p. 163, referring to this coin, states that there was one in the Currer collection, and another in that of Capt. Murchison. These are, however, one and the same coin, and it is therefore unique. Silver. 489 Pound Piece, 1642, m.m. plume on obv., seven pellets on rev.; obv. CAROLVS : D : G : MAGNI : BRITANI : FRAN : ET : HIB : REX., King on horseback to left, holding upright sword and riding over arms and cannon j behind, plume ; rev. exvrgat : devs : &c, "Declaration " in two lines across field, relig. prot. leg ang. liber, par; above, xx and three plumes; below, 1642 (Bud. pi. xxm, 1), very fine and rare 1 490 Pound Piece, 1642, same m.m., type &c. as the preceding coin, but beneath arms on obv. the ground is chequered and the legend reads brit : for britani, very fine, but slightly cracked, and an extremely rare variety 1 * ¥r * From the Brice collection. 491 Pound Piece, 1642, m. m. plume on obv., five pellets on rev., similar type, &c, to lot 489, but of very superior workmanship ; the horse is larger, the king's sword pierces the inner circle, and the arms be- low are better defined, no cannon ; legend varied, mag : brit : fra : et : hiber : rex :, and on rev. no lower bands to plumes above " De- claration," and reading angl : for ang. (Shrewsbury type), (Hks. no. 4), exceedingly rare, and one of the finest specimens known of this coin 1 %* From the Wigan, Neck and Webb (lot 507) collections, in which last sale catalogue it is not mentioned that the rev. is from a Shrewsbury die ; an interesting fact as showing that the Shrewsbury moneyers brought their dies with them to Oxford. The obv. type is the same as lot 495, and the rev. as lot 537. 492 Pound Piece, 1643, same m. m., type and legends, and from the same dies as lot 489, but date on the rev., 1643, altered from 1642, fine and an excessively rare date 1 *** From the Gibbs collection, 67 493 Pound Piece, 1643, m. m. plume on obv., seven pellets on rev., same rev. type as the preceding coin, but on the obv. the horse is larger and similar to the Half Crowns of 1644 and later dates ; arms, but no cannon under horse, and reading carolvs : D : G : magn : brit : FRAN : et : HIB : rex, very fine and probably a unique variety 1 *** From the Johnston sale and Brice collection. 494 Pound Piece, 1643, m. m. plume on obv., seven pellets on rev. j obv. Same type and from the same die as lot 491 ; rev. Usual type, with "Declaration " in two lines across field ; below, date 1643 (Snelling, pi. xu, 17), very fine and rare 1 *** From the Addington collection. 495 Pound Piece, 1644, m.m. plume on obv. only, same obv. type and legend as the preceding coin j rev. exvrgat. devs, &c, " Declara- tion " within a compartment ornamented with lion's head ; above, • XX • and one plume ; below, 1644 and ox (Bud. pi. xxm, 3), very rare and very fine [PI. VIII] 1 496 Half-pound Piece, 1642, m. m. plume on obv., seven pellets on rev., same type as the Pound Piece (lot 489), with plume behind King, arms, but no cannon under horse, reading magn : BRIT : FRAN : ET : hib : j rev. X over " Declaration," and date 1642 below (comp. Bud. pi. xxm, 4), very fine and rare, of fine work [PI. VIII] 1 *** From the Bergne (lot 727) and Brice collections. 497 Half-pound Piece, 1642, m.m. plume on obv., none on rev., same type as the preceding coin ; the obv. is from the same die, but on the rev. there are no bands to the plumes (Shrewsbury type), very fine and extremely rare 1 ^* This is another instance of an Oxford moneyer using a Shrewsbury rev. die (see also lot 491). * 498 Half-pound Piece, 1642, same m.m., type and legends as lot 496, but of coarser and quite different work, and struck on a smaller flan, well preserved 1 499 Half-pound Piece, 1643, m.m. plume on obv., four pellets on rev., same type and obv. die as lot 496 ; but on rev. 1 643 under " Declar- ation " (Bud. pi. xxm, 4), extremely fine and very rare in this state 1 *** From the York-Moore and Brice collections, F 2 68 500 Crown, 1642, no m. m., obv. carolvs : d : g : mag : brit. fran. et. hiber. rex., King holding sword on horseback to left ; plain line under horse ; behind, plume without band (Shrewsbury type) j rev. exvrgat : DEVS :, &c, " Declaration " in two lines across field ; above, .v., and three plumes with bands j below, 1642 (Hks. 481), fine and rare 1 *** This is another instance of the use of a Shrewsbury die (see also lots 491, 497, and next piece). 501 Crown, 1643, no m. m., same type and legends as the previous coin j obv. from same die, but on rev. date 1643 under "Declaration," extremely fine and rare in this state 1 *** From the Shepherd (lot 356) and Brice collections. 502 Crown, 1643, m. m. on obv. plume, on rev. seven pellets, similar type to lot 500, but reading hi : for hiber. ; plume behind King with band ; and the horse has the off-hind leg raised instead of the near one as on the preceding Crowns; ground below ; date on rev. 1643 (Bud. pi. xxiii, 6), extremely fine and rare [PL IX] 1 From the Bergne, Young and Brice collections. 503 Crown, 1643, same m. m., type and legends as the preceding coin, but reading hib : for hi : ; of neat work and somewhat approaching in style the " Oxford " Crown, fine and rare 1 504 Half Crown, 1642, m. m. plume without band on obv. ; King on horseback to left, line under horse ; no plume behind (Shrewsbury type) ; rev. Usual legend, but ending inimi :, " Declaration " in two lines ; above, three plumes with bands ; below, 1642 (Snelling, pi. xii, 1), well preserved and extra rare 1 *** From the Wakeford collection. This is another instance of the use of the Shrewsbury dies at Oxford. 505 Half Crown, 1642, m. m. plume on obv., two pellets on rev., usual type, with plume behind King and no ground under horse, and date, 1642 ; another of 1643, same m. m., similar type, but ground under horse, and date, 1643, both very well preservd 2 * # * Both from the Street and Marsham collections. 506 Half Crowns, 1642 and 1643, same m. m., types, &c, as the preceding lot, but the first is of peculiar work, the horse is larger and one hind leg breaks the inner circle ; no ground under horse on either piece, both fine, especially the second coin 2 *#* Both from the Webb collection. 507 Half Crown, 1642, m. m. plume on obv., two pellets on rev., usual type, with plain line under horse ; another, 1643, similar m. m. plume on obv., four pellets on rev. ; no ground under horse (obv. both as hks. 490), fine and scarce pieces 2 %* No, 1 from the Webb, and no. 2 from the Marsham collection, 69 508 Half Crown, 1643, m. m. plume on obv., two pellets on rev., usual type, no ground under horse, reading fr : ET : hib : ; date on rev. 1643 (obv. as Hks. 490 ; rev. as Snelling, pi. xn, 1), very fine and scarce in this state 1 * # * From the Young and Brice collections. 509 Half Crown, 1643, same m. m., type and legends, as the last coin, but reading hi : for hib. (HJcs. no. 5), very fine and rare 1 510 Half Crown, 1643, m. m. plume and small cinquefoil on obv., usual type, but figure of King very small, sword pointed forwards ; near hind-leg of horse raised ; ground with grass below ; on rev. "Declara- tion" reading reli. prot. le. ANG. lib. par :, above, central plume large; below, 1643 ox, extremely fine, and a rare variety [PI. IX] 1 %* From the Willett, Durrant, Bergne (lot 734) and Brice collections. 511 Half Crown, 1644, m. m. plume on obv. ; five pellets on rev., same type as the preceding coin, but very little ground under horse, and on rev. "Declaration," relig. pro. le., &c. ; plumes above, all equal size; date below, 1644 ox; and small lettering, very fine and scarce 1 *** From the Brice collection. 512 Half Crown, 1644, same m. m. and obv. type as the last coin ; but on the rev. the central plume is very large and the bases of the 4's in the date, 1644 ox, are curved (comp. Hks. 493), very fine and very rare 1 *** From the Shepherd (lot 358) and Brice collections. 513 Half Crown, 1644, m. m. plume on obv. only, same type and varieties as the last coin ; but on the rev. there is a pellet outside the outer plumes, and on either side of date and ox, and the "Declaration" reads reli. pro. le ANG. lib. pa (Hks. no. 19), very fine, and a rare variety 1 514 Half Crown, 1644, m. m. plume on obv., cube between four pellets on rev.; usual type, small figure of King, little ground under horse; and on rev. cube for stop after each word of legend and before and after date and ox; large central plume above "Declaration", which reads relig : pro: le, &c.,fine, and apparently an unpublished variety, 1 *#* From the Brice collection. 515 Half Crown, 1644, m. m. plume and rosette on obv. ; same type and legends as the preceding coin, but stops plain, except rosette at sides of outer plumes on rev., and on either side of ox, unpublished ; another, 1645, m. m. plume on obv., five pellets on rev., usual type, with small figure of King ; and " Declaration " reading relig. PRO. leg. ang. lib. par. ; above, three plumes all same size, below, 1645 ox. both well preserved 2 *** No. 1 from the Ford collection. 70 516 Half Crown, 1645, m. m. plume on obv., five pellets on rev., usual type, small figure of King, horse coarse and heavy, and hilly ground with grass; three plumes of equal size above " Declaration," reading relig : PRO : leg. ANG : LIBER : PAR ; and below, .1645. .ox., wide- spread (as Hks. no. 23), very fine and rare 1 *** From the Street and Marsham (lot 563) collections. 517 Half Crown, 1646, same m. m., type and legends as the last coin, but with 1646 ox. (as Hks. no. 24), very fine and scarce, but imperfectly struck on obv. 1 * * * From the Street and Marsham (lot 564) collections. 518 Half Crown, 1646, same m. m. and type as lot 516, but horse much better executed, ground without grass ; reading mag : BRIT : FRAN : ET. hib : ; and on rev. annulet between and at sides of each plume, each figure of date and ox ; and the legend commences towards the right (Hks. 492), very fine and a rare type 1 519 Half Crown, 1646, same m. m., type and legends as the preceding coin ; but on rev. no annulets between plumes, date, &c. (var. Hks. no. 26), remarkably fine and rare in this state 1 *** From the Bergne (lot 736) and Brice collections. 520 Shilling, 1642, m. m. plume, usual type, with bust of King wearing lace collar, &c. ; straight line above and below each line of " Decla- ration"; Sixpence, 1642, m. m. open book, same type, but plume before bust; Groat, 1644, m. m. floriated cross, usual type, plume between two lis above "Declaration"; below, .1644. .OX; and Threepence, 1644, m.m. open book, usual type, three plumes above "Declaration"; below, 1644, the sixpence and groat very fine, the others well preserved 4 521 Shilling, 1643, m.m. plume, usual type, but on rev. no bands to plumes and date 1643 (Shrewsbury type); Sixpence, 1643, m. m. open book; Groat, 1644, m.m. floriated cross, same type as last lot ; and Threepence, 1644, m. m. lis on obv. only, usual type, but no plume before bust of King, three lis above " Declaration " and below 1644 (Hks. 542), all fine and scarce "%* No. 1 from the Webb, and no. 4 from the Bergne and Brice collections. 522 Shilling, 1644, m. m. plume on obv. only, obv. carolvs. D : G: mag : BR :, &c, Bust of King to left, in lace collar, &c. ; behind, xii ; rev. exvrgat. devs., &c, "Declaration," relig. prot., &c, in three lines and between two straight lines; above, stop at side of outer plume; below • 1644 *, figures curved, and ox; stops on obv. and rev. lozenges (var. Snelling, pi. xi, 30), very fine and rare [PI. IX] *** From the Shepherd (lot 360) and Brice collections. 71 523 Shilling, 1644, m. m. plume on obv., four lozenges on rev., similar type to last coin, but reading mag. br. fr. et. hiber. ; no stop at sides of outer plumes, and figures of date not curved ; stops lozenges (obv. Hks. no. 1, rev. no. 2 ; Snelling, pi. xi, 32), very fine and rare 1 524 Shilling, 1644, m. to. plume on obv., lozenge between four pellets on rev., similar type to last coin, but reading hib. for hiber., and " Declaration," relig. pro., &c. ; stops at sides of outer plumes and at sides of date, lozenges, extremely fine and rare in this condition 1 %.* From the Rhodes, Murchison, Shepherd (lot 361) and Brice collections. 525 Shilling, 1644, to. to. plume without band on obv., four lozenges on rev. ; obv. carolvs. d : G :, &c, Bust of King in figured armour, lion's head on shoulder, plain collar ; rev. usual type, but " Declaration " between scroll border, above and below ; above, centre plume, large ; below, 16 44 ox; stops on both sides, lozenges (Hks. 522), very fine and extremely rare 1 * # * From the Wylie and Webb collections. Undoubtedly the work of Rawlins : as in style it corresponds with the famous "Oxford Crown." 526 Shilling, 1646, m.m. plume on obv., floreated cross on rev. ; obv. carolvs. D. G., &c. (stops lozenges), Bust of King in lace collar, &c. ; rev. usual legends, annulets between and at sides of plumes above, and of date 1646 below " Declaration " ; also three annulets under date (Hks. 525), very fine and exceedingly rare 1 * % * From the Nash collection. 527 Sixpence, 1643, m. m. open book, usual type, plume before bust (Rud. pi. xxiv, 6) ; Groat, 1646, no m. m., Large bust of King, dividing legend ; no plume before head ; R (Rawlins) under bust ; rev. "Declaration" in a compartment ; above, one plume; below, 1646 (Snelling, pi. xi, 15) ; Threepence, 1646, to. m. lis, Bust in armour, with lion's head on shoulder ; rev. Three lis above " Declaration " and date 1646 below (Rud. pi. xxiv, 11); Half Groat, 1644, to. to. lis on both sides, Bust of King in lace collar ; rev. Three lis above "Declaration," the centre one large, and below, 1644 ox (Rud.pl. xxiv, 12), all fine and scarce 4 ■%* All from the Bergne and Brice collections. 528 Sixpences (2), 1643, m. to. open book, usual type; but one reading mg : brit : fr : ET. Hi :, small lettering and small plumes without bands above " Declaration," relig. pro : &c. ; the other reading MAG : brit : fr : ET. hi :, large lettering and large plumes above " Declaration "; relig. prot. &c; Groat, 1644, Large bust dividing legend ; rev. " Declaration " in three straight lines ; dot outside plumes ; date . 1644 ., and . ox. ; another, 1646, no m. m., and " De- claration" in a compartment as in the preceding lot, all fine 4 72 529 Penny, 1644, m. m. lis, obv. CAROL, d : G : M : B : f : et. H : REX., Bust of King crowned, in plain collar and armour ; behind, I ; rev. exvrgat. devs. &c, " Declaration " in three lines, relig. pro. leg. ANG. liber, par. ; above, three lis; below, 1644 (Hks. 553; Rud. pi. xxiv, 13), well preserved and excessively rare 1 %* From the Bandinel and Addington collections. This is one of the rarest and most difficult coins for a collector to obtain. PATTERNS. Silver. 530 THE CELEBRATED OXFORD CROWN, by Rawlins, m.m. floriated cross on obv. only ; obv. CAROLVS. D : G : mag : brit : FRAN : ET. hiber. rex (stops, lozenges), King on horseback to left, hold- ing long sword, with view of the City of Oxford beneath ; between two steeples, oxon ; under horse's forefoot, R (Rawlins) ; rev. exvrgat deus dissipentvr inimici (sprig of flowers between each word), " Declaration " in two lines and between two scrolls, relig. prot. LEG ANG. liber. PARL ; above, V and three plumes ; below, 1654, curved figures, and OXON (Rud. pi. xxiv, 1), in the finest con- dition and of excessive rarity [PI. IX] 1 *** From the Brice, Murchison (lot 280, £126) and Addington collec- tions. In the Murchison catalogue it is described as the " finest specimen known." Bergne in his copy of that catalogue notes : " This Crown was purchased by Mr. Brice, having newly turned up. Like all the other specimens that I have seen the legend is not fully struck up all round." 531 Pattern Shilling, 1644, by Rawlins, m.m. plume on obv., rosette on rev. ; obv. carolvs. d : G : MAG : bri : fr : et. hib : REX. (stops, lozenges), Bust of King to left, crowned, in lace collar and armour ; on shoulder, R (Rawlins) ; rev. exvrgat. devs. &c, " Declaration " in three lines, relig : prot leg : ANG : liber : par between two straight lines ; above, three plumes with rosettes at sides of outer ones; below, .1644. .ox.; stops, lozenges, "a beautiful coin," extremely rare, perhaps unique, unpublished 1 *** From the Currer, Bergne (lot 739) and Brice collections. 532 Pattern Shilling, 1644, m. m. lis on obv., lozenge between four pellets on rev., similar to the preceding coin, but bust of King to right ; and behind, mark of value nx (retrograde) ; and on rev. the " Declaration " reads relig. pro leg. ang. liber, pa. ; stops, lozenges outside plumes and outside date 1644; below, ox (Hks. 523), extremely rare and in fair condition 1 73 533 Pattern Shilling, 1644, no m.m., obv. carolvs. d : g : &c. (reading from right to left), Large bust of King to right, dividing legend, crowned, in plain collar, mantle, &c. ; behind, xii j rev. exvrgat. devs. &c, "Declaration" in a compartment with one large plume in coronet above, and 1644 below (Hks. 524), exceedingly rare, well preserved 1 \* From the Wakeford and Marsham collections. Shrewsbury Mint. Silver. 534 Pound Piece, 1642, m. m. five pellets on obv. only ; obv. carolvs. d : G : MAG : brit : FR : ET : hib : rex, King on horseback to left, no ground; behind, plume; rev. exvrgat. DEVS. &c, "Declaration" in two lines, relig. prot. leg ang. liber, par ; above, . xx . and three plumes; below, 1642 (Snelling, pi. xn, 15), extra rare and very well preserved 1 *** From the Marsham collection (lot 584a). To avoid repetition it is noted that the plume on the Shrewsbury coins is always without a band under the coronet. 535 Pound Piece, 1642, m.m. four pellets on obv. only, same type &c. as the preceding coin, but small figure of King, plume placed higher in the field, ground with arms under horse, and reading brit AN : fr : ; rev. same die as the last coin, fine, but slightly injured at side, very rare 1 536 Pound Piece, 1642, no m. m. on obv., two pellets on rev., same type as the last coin, but more arms under horse ; and reading magn : brit : fra : et : hi : rex. ; and angl. libert. par. (Hks. no. 3), well preserved and rare 1 *** From the Wylie collection. 537 Pound Piece, 1642, m.m. uncertain on obv., five pellets on rev., similar to last coin ; but reading mag : britan : fr : et : hib :, and angl : liber : par (Hks. no. 2), well preserved but of rather rough work, rare 1 538 Pound Piece, 1642, m. m. two pellets on both sides, usual type, but cannon as well as arms under horse, which is placed higher in the field ; and on rev. one plume only above .xx. ; reading MAG : brit : FRAN: ET: hib:, and ANG. liber, par (Hks. no. 4; Snelling, pi. xii, 16), very fine, and an exceedingly rare variety of type 1 * # * From the Brice collection. 74 539 Half-pound Piece, 1642, m. m. nine pellets on obv., four pellets on rev., similar type to the Pound Piece, with no ground under horse, large plume behind; on rev. x and three plumes above "Declaration" and 1642 below ; reading obv. CAROLVS. D : G : MAG : BRI : fra : et. hib : rex ; and " Declaration " relig : PROT : leg angl : liber : parl (Snelling, pi. xn, 13), extremely fine, of very fine work, and very rare in this state 1 *** From the Dimsdale, Thomas, Dymock, Murchison, Bergne (lot 726) and Brice collections. 540 Half-pound Piece, 1642, m. m. nine pellets on obv. and rev., same obv. type, &c. as the preceding coin and of same fabric; but on rev. " Declaration " reading PAR for parl, and above, mark of value, x surrounded by four pellets and between two plumes only, fine, unpublished and of the highest rarity 1 541 Half-pound Piece, 1642, m. m. five pellets on obv., nine on rev., similar type to lot 539, but of quite different work ; and reading brit : for bri :, and on rev. PAR for PARL, fine, and an unpublished m. m. f rare 1 %* From Archdeacon Pownall's collection. 542 Half-pound Piece, 1642, m. m. three pellets on obv., none on rev., usual type, King placed higher in the field, arms and cannon under horse; ■ X- and three plumes above "Declaration" and reading mag : brit : FRAN : et : hib : ; and on rev. ANG. liber. PAR, very fine and very rare, unpublished 1 543 Half-pound Piece, 1642, m. m. plume on obv., nine pellets on rev., usual type, but arms without cannon under horse ; no plume behind King ; and reading as last, but hi : for hib : and in " Declaration '' angl : for ANG., fine, an unpublished m. m., very rare 1 544 Half-pound Piece, 1642, m.m. plume on obv., two pellets on rev., same type and legends as the last coin ; but on rev. plumes smaller, pellet each side of x, and reading ANG. for ANGL : in " Declaration " (Hks. no. 3), fine and rare 1 545 Crown, 1642, m. m. seven pellets on rev. only ; obv. carolvs : D : G : mag : brit. fran. et. hiber. rex., King on horseback ; below, plain line ; behind, plume ; rev. exvrgat : devs : &c. " Declaration " in two lines, relig. prot. leg ang. liber, par ; above, .v. and three plumes; below, 1642 (comp. Bud. pi. xxiii, 5), very fine and exceedingly rare [PL IX] 1 * From the Homfray collection. 75 546 Crown, 1642, same type and legends as the preceding coin, but no m. m. on obv. or rev. {Bud. pi. xxiii, 5), very fine and very rare 1 * # * From the Sharp collection. 547 Half Crown, 1642, m. m. six pellets on obv. only, usual type, King on horseback, holding long sword, which pierces inner circle; no ground under horse ; behind, large plume ; reading MAG : B Rl : FRA : ET : hib :; rev. exvrgat. devs. &c. "Declaration" in two lines, relig. prot. leg ANG. LIBER. PAR; above, three plumes; below, 1642 (Hks. no. 2), fine and very rare, the obv. is of the Aberystwith type 1 *** From the Brice collection. 548 Half Crown, 1642, no m. m., same type, &c. as the last coin, but plain line under horse, small plume behind King ; reading BR : FRAN : et : hib :, very well preserved and very rare, the obv. is of the Oxford type 1 *** From the Brice collection. 549 Half Crown, 1642, m. m. plume on obv. only, same as the last piece with plain line under horse ; but no plume behind King and reading BRIT : fr : et : hib :, fine, very rare, unpublished 1 *%* From the Webb collection. 550 Half Crown, 1642, no m.m., usual type with plain ground under horse and plume behind King ; but on rev. mark of value . 2 : : 6 . and one plume only above " Declaration," which reads relig. prot. leg angl. libert. par (Comp. Eks. 647), rubbed, but excessively rare 1 "%* From the Street and Marsham collections. 551 Half Crown, 1642, no m. m., same as the last coin, but no ground under horse, and on rev. value ■ 2 • ■ 6 •, divided by one plume, and reading MAG. BR. for MA. BR. (Hks. no. 5), somewhat rubbed, but excessively rare 1 *** From the Street and Marsham collections. 552 Half Crown, 1642, no m. m., same type as lot 550, with plain line under horse, &c, but on rev. above " Declaration " one plume only between two pellets, and no mark of value, fine, exceedingly rare and unpublished 1 *** From the Street and Marsham (lot 582) collections. 553 Shilling, 1642, m. m. plume on obv. only, usual type with large bust of King to left, in plain collar, mantle, &c, no plume in front ; behind, xn ; and on rev. " Declaration " in three lines ; plumes above ; date 1642 below, in fair condition, exceedingly rare, unpublished with this m. m. 1 *** From the Webb collection. 76 Weymouth Mint. Silver. 554 Half Crown, m. m. on obv. castle; obv. carolvs. dg : mag : brit : fran : ET : hib : REX, (stops annulets), King on horseback, grass under horse ; w between his feet ; rev. christo avspice regno (lis after each word), Oval garnished shield, crowned ; on lis each side of gar- ture (Hks. obv. 501, rev. 500), well preserved and rare 1 *** From the Street and Marsham (lot 646) collections. 555 Half Crown, m.m. castle on obv., helmet on rev., same obv. type and legends as the preceding coin, but on rev. Square garnished shield, crowned; stops annulets on both sides (Hks. 501), fine and extremely rare 1 *+* From the Bergne and Brice collections. 556 Half Crown, same type and legends as the last coin, but m. m. castle on obv., three annulets on rev., very fine and exceedingly rare 1 *#* From the Cuff, Murchison, Shepherd (lot 392) and Brice collections. 557 Half Crown, m.m. two lions passant on obv., helmet on rev., similar type and legends as lot 555, with square garnished shield on rev. ; but on obv. there is no grass under the horse, whose tail passes between his legs ; the King holds a very short sword (Bud. Suppl. pi. V, 27), very fine, but somewhat clipped and very rare 1 *** From the Cuff, Street and Marsham (lot 644) collections. 558 Half Crown, 1644, m.m. on obv. effaced, on rev. four pellets, similar obv. type and legends as lot 554, but the tail of the horse passes through his legs ; between his feet, w ; no ground ; rev. exvrgat. devs. &c, " Declaration " in two lines, relig : prot : le : AN : lib : PA ; above, three large plumes ; below, 1644 (Hks. no. 6 ; see Num. Chron. N. 8. vol. I, pi. VHI, 6), very well preserved, and of very great rarity 1 \* From the Cuff, Wigan, Neck and Webb collections. The m. m. on the obv. should be two lions passant. Mr. Montagu notes that he had seen another specimen from the same die with the obv. m. m. quite distinct. * 77 FIFTH DAY'S SALE. CHARLES I — continued. Wokcester Mint. Silver. LOT 559 Half Crown, m. m. one pear on obv., three pears on rev. ; obv. carolvs. D : G :, &c, King on horseback, of fine work ; no ground and no plume; rev. christo : avspice : regno., Oval shield, the garniture of which has four small lis and contains below the letters H. C. (Eks. 494), fine and very rare [PI. IX] 1 *** From the Addington collection. York Mint. Silver. 560 Half Crown, m. m. lion on both sides ; obv. carolvs. d. g. mag. bri. fr. et. hi. rex :, King on horseback, holding sword j under horse, a line with grass, no plume ; rev. christo. AVSPICE. regno •*« , Square slightly garnished shield between c R (Eh. 495), extremely fine and a very rare type [PI. IX] 1 *** From the Dimsdale, Durrant, Bergne (lot 478) and Brice collections. 561 Half Crown, same m. m. and obv. type as the last coin, but the horse is somewhat larger, and on the rev. Oval garnished shield, christo., &c. (var. Snelling, pi. x, 18), very fine and equally rare as the last 1 *** From the Dimsdale, Durrant, Cuff, Murchison, Bergne (lot 749) and Brice collections. 562 Half Crown, same m. m. and type as the preceding coin, but struck on a square flan, extremely fine and very rare 1 *** From the Hugh Howard, Street and Marsham (lot 625, £25) collections. 563 Half Crown, same m. m. and type as lot 561, of the usual shape, and with line of pellets under horse, very fine and very rare 1 %* From the Marsham collection (lot 626). 78 564 Half Crown, same m. m. and type as lot 561, but no ground under horse (Bud. Suppl. pi. V, 9), well preserved ; another, same m. m. and similar type, but with ebor under horse (Hks. no. 4), in fair condition but has been tooled on obv., both rare 2 565 Half Crown, m.m. lion on both sides, obv. usual legend with mag. brit. FRAN. et. HIB., King on tall and spirited horse ; below, ebor ; rev. Plain shield, crowned, between c. R, both crowned ; flower before and after avspice. (Hks. 496), extremely fine and rare 1 566 Half Crown, same m. m. and obv. type as the last coin, but on rev. Oval garnished shield, crowned, between c R, both crowned ; large flower before and after avspice. (Hks. 497), very fine and rare 1 567 Half Crown, same m. m. and type as the last coin, but with different floral ornaments before and after avspice, and crown above shield ornamented with pearls, very fine and a rare variety 1 568 Half Crown, same m. m. and type as lot 566, but with small floral ornament between two rosettes before and after avspice, and crown differently ornamented, extremely fine and rare 1 569 Half Crown, m. m. lion on both sides, same obv. type and legend as lot 565, but with horse's tail visible between his legs, and on rev. Oval shield with garniture decorated with head and paws of lion, the nose and eyes of which are shown ; legend christo., &c. (Hks. 498), very fine and very rare in this state 1 *** From the York-Moore and Brice collections. 570 Half Crown, same m. m., type and legends as the last coin, but on the rev. the nose and eyes of the lion are not shown in the garniture of the shield, and the inside of the crown is frosted (Rud. pi. xxi, 2), very fine and rare 1 *** From the Shepherd (lot 364) and Brice collections. 571 Half Crown, same m. m., type, &c, as the last coin, but the crown is different, being frosted and ornamented with pearls, extremely fine and rare 1 572 Shilling, m.m. lion on both sides, Bust of King in lace collar and armour to left ; behind, XII. ; rev. Plain square shield on cross fourchee; flower in each fork; above the shield, ebor (Bud. pi. xxi, 4); Sixpence, same m. m. and obv. type, but on rev. Oval gar- nished shield, crowned, between c. R., both crowned (Bud.pl. xxi, 8); Threepence, same m. m. and type as the Shilling, with plain square shield on rev., ebor above (Bud. pi. xxi, 9), all very fine and rare 3 No. 1 from the York-Moore and Brice collections ; and nos. 2 and * 3 from the Shepherd and Brice collections. 79 573 Shilling, Sixpence and Threepence, as in the previous lot, same m.m. ; but on the reverse of the Shilling the shield is oval and garnished and with ebor underneath j four pellets after regno (Bud. pi. xxi, 6) ; and on the Sixpence there is a rosette before and after AVSPICE, all very fine and rare 3 *#* No. 1 from the Durrant, Bergne and Brice collections ; no. 2 from the Shepherd and Brice collections ; and no. 3 from the Neville- Eolfe collection. 574 Shilling, Sixpence and Threepence, as in the last lot, but on the reverse of the Sixpence no letters, c R, at sides of shield (Bud. pi. xxi, 7), very fine and rare 3 *** No. 1 from the Durrant, Bergne and Brice collections, and no. 2 from the Neville-Rolfe collection. 575 Shilling, rn. m. lion on both sides, usual bust of King with lace collar and armour ; rev. Square shield on cross fourchee ; above shield, ebor (Bud. pi. xxi, 4), well preserved ; another, similar, but with Oval garnished shield, crowned, on rev. and below, ebor ; at each side, lozenge (ib. pi. xxi, 5), fine, both rare 2 * # * No. 1 from the Neville-Kolfe collection. Uncertain Mints. Silver. Tower Type* 576 Half Crown, m. m. triangle over anchor on obv., triangle on rev. ; obv. carolvs. D. G. MAG. brit. &c. (stops, lozenges), King on horseback ; below, plain line (Briot's type) ; rev. christo. AVSPICE. regno, Oval garnished shield, fine and very rare 1 577 Half Crown, m. m. triangle on ok, triangle in circle on rev., similar type and legends to the last coin, but no line under horse, which is of the Tower type ; two pellets after each word of legend on obv. ; and on rev. three pellets before christo and after each word, well preserved and rare 1 578 Half Crown, m. m. r in circle, similar type and legend to the last coin, with no line under horse, but of very coarse work, the horse " like a buffalo ;" large stop after each word of legend on both sides, fine, and considered unique 1 *** From the Sainthill and Webb (lot 564) collections. * In cataloguing the coins, which are attributed by Hawkins and others to " un- certain mints," an attempt has been made to classify them according to the mints, at which their prototypes were issued. 80 579 Half Crown, m. m. tun on rev. only; obv. carolvs : d : g : ma : br : fr : et. hib. rex, King on horseback, holding sword over shoulder ; plume on head of horse ; no ground ; rev. CHRISTO : &c, Oval garnished shield with c R at sides (rev. as Hks. 482), well preserved and extra rare, being struck on a piece of metal lozenge-shaped 1 *** From the Webb collection (lot 413, £20. 10s.). 580 Shilling, m. m. tun, Rude bust of King; rev. Plain square shield on cross fleury ; another, m. m. horizontal anchor, similar obv., but on rev. Plain square shield without cross fleury ; and another, m. m. p in circle, and on rev., Oval garnished shield (see Hks. no. 21), all interesting pieces, and in fair condition 3 581 Shilling, m. to. tun, Eude bust of King ; reading ma : br : fr : et : hi : ; rev. christo. &c, Plain square shield on cross fleury, of better work than the similar coin in last lot, fine and rare [PI. IX] 1 "%* From the Bergne and Marsham (lot 665) collections. 582 Shilling, m. m. horizontal plume, same type as last lot ; another, m. m. tun, Large bust of King ; rev. Oval garnished shield ; and another, m. m. portcullis, Bust of King large, and head piercing inner circle ; rev. Oblong shield with c R at sides (comp. Rud. pi. XIX, 12), well preserved and interesting coins 3 *** All from the Webb collection. 583 Shillings (3), with m. m. triangle in circle, tun, and plume, same types as in the preceding lot, but on the second coin there is no inner circle on either side, and on the third, six or five pellets after each word of rev. legend, well preserved and rare 3 *** Nos. 1 and 2 from the Webb collection. 584 Shilling, m. m. triangle, Bust of peculiar work ; rev. Plain square shield on cross fleury; Sixpence, m. m. bell, obv. carolvs : d g ma b frit(sm) rex, Bust of King crowned, &c. ; rev. christo cavspice (sic) regno, Oval garnished shield; Threepence, m.m. lis, with rev. Oval garnished shield; and Half Groat, m. m. harp (?), same type, but with peculiar bust and crown of King, and reading on obv. RX for rex, all rare and interesting coins, well preserved 4 *** Nos. 1 and 2 from the Webb collection. Aberystwith Type. 585 Half Crown, m. m. flower on obv., open book on rev. ; obv. CAROLVS. D. G. MAGN. BRITAN. FRAN. ET. HIB. REX., Small figure of King on large horse ; no ground or plume ; rev. christo. &c, Oval garnished shield surmounted by large plume (comp. Bud. pi. xx, 14), fine, and of fine work, very rare, unpublished 1 %* From the Shepherd collection (lot 394). 81 586 Half Crown, m. m. open book on both sides, similar type to the pre- ceding coin, but on the obv. rude bust of King on small horse; behind, plume ; and reading mag. brit. fra. et. hi., fine, but of coarse worl; and apparently struck over an Oxford " Declaration" piece 1 *** From the Webb collection. Chester Type. 587 Half Crown, m. m. cinquefoil pierced on rev. only, usual type, King on horseback with flowing mantle ; rev. christo : &c, Large oval shield, crowned, and with garniture of lion's skin (comp. Hies. 507), fine and very rare 1 "%* From the Marsham collection (lot 640). 588 Half Crown, m. m. small lis on obv. only, similar type to the last coin, but with large and spirited horse on obv., and on rev. the paws only of the lion are seen in the garniture of the shield, which is sur- mounted by a small crown ; the legend on the obv. ends RX ; and that on the rev. reads florent. concordia. regna (comp. Eud. pi. f, 6 ; Hks. no. 20), fine and very rare 1 *** From the Gibbs collection. 589 Half Crown, m. m. plume on obv. only, similar type and legends as the last coin, but on the obv. there is chequered ground with grass under the horse, and on the rev. the shield is smaller, but similarly garnished (Hks. 505), very well preserved and very rare \ * From the Street and Marsham (lot 651) collections. 590 Threepence, m. m. horizontal gerb onrev. between four pellets; obv. Bust of King in lace collar and armour ; behind, hi ; reading mag. rrit. FRAN. ET. HIB.; rev. christo. &c, Plain square shield, not crowned (Bud. pi. xxvi, 11), well preserved and extremely rare 1 *+* From the Marsham collection (lot 641). If the attribution of the Half Crown (lot 439) with same m. m. is correct, the piece also belongs to Chester. Coventry Type (?). 591 Half Crown, m. m. two c's on both sides ; obv. King on horseback, of rather rude work, reading MAG. bri. fra. et. hib. ; rev. christo. &c, Oval garnished shield, not crowned, fine, unpublished 1 *%* This is Mr. Montagu's attribution. He also thought that the coin may have been struck after Charles's death. Exeter Type (1). 592 Half Crown, m. m. small rose; obv. King on horseback, holding sword inclined forwards ; ground under horse (Oxford type) ; rev. CHRISTO. &c. (stops, roses), Oblong garnished shield, crowned ; at sides c R, fine and excessively rare 1 %* From the Bergne (lot 767) and Brice collections. The obv. of this coin is of the Oxford type ; but the rev. should be compared with lot 450, attributed to Exeter. G 82 Oxford Type. 593 Half Crown, 1643, m. m. plume on obv., King on horseback; behind, plume ; below, A ; reading MAG : brit : fr : et. hib : ; rev. exvrgat : devs: &c, " Declaration " in two lines, relig : PROT : LEG ANG : liber : PAR; above, three plumes; below, 1643 (see Hks. no. 35), fine and very rare, unpublished • 1 *** From the Marsham collection (lot 657). 594 Half Crown, 1645, m. m. plume on obv., A on rev.; same type as the preceding coin, but small plume behind King ; reading MAG : BR : FR : et. hib : ; and on rev. the legend begins at top of coin ; and under "Declaration," date 1645 and letter A, and reading rel : prot : LE : AN : Li : PA : (Hks. no. 35), fine and very rare 1 *** From the Street and Marsham (lot 658) collections. 595 Half Crown, 1646, m. m. plume on both sides, obv. King on horseback ; behind, plume ; below, another plume, but small ; rev. exvrgat. devs. &c, commencing at top of coin; "Declaration," rel : prot : LE : AN : LI : PA : in two lines ; above, double scroll ornament and three plumes, centre one large; below, plain line and date 1646 (comp. Snelling, pi. xii, 9), very fine, very rare, and of fine work [PI. X] 1 *** From the Bergne (lot 769), Halliburton- Young and Brice collections. 596 Half Crown, 1646, same m.m., type, &c, as the preceding coin ; but on the rev. the " Declaration " reads REL : PRO : &c, and there is a plume below the date, fine but chipped, very rare 1 597 Half Crown, 1646, m.m. plume onobv., none on rev., same type as lot 595, but on the rev. the " Declaration " reads rel : PRO : &c, well preserved and rare, but not of such fine work 1 598 Shilling, 1645, m. m. plume on obv., A on rev.; obv. Bust of King in deep lace collar ; before, small plume ; behind, xn ; rev. exvrgat., &c. (commencing at top of coin), "Declaration" in three lines; above, plumes ; below, 1645 and A. (see Hks. no. 3), very fine and extra rare [PI. X] 1 *** From the Marsham collection (lot 662). 599 Shilling, 1645, same rev., m. m. and type as the last coin, but no plume before head of king, being double-struck the obv. m. m. is uncertain, well preserved and rare 1 *** From the Marsham collection. 83 600 Shilling, 1646, ra.m. plume over BR (?) onobv. only; obv. Bust of King in deep lace collar ; before, small plume ; behind, xn ; rev. exvrgat. &c. (commencing at top of coin), " Declaration " in three lines ; above, double scroll ornament and three plumes, the centre one large ; below, plain line and date 1646, very fine and rare 1 601 Shilling, 1646, m. m. plume on both sides, same type, &c. as the last coin, but the plumes above the " Declaration " are larger, and it reads rel : prot : for rel : PRO :, fine and rare 1 602 Sixpence, 1646, m. m. b on obv.; Bust of King in lace collar ; before, plume ; rev. exvrgat. &c, " Declaration " rel : prot : &c, with double scroll ornament and three plumes above j and below, plain line and date 1646 (Eud.pl. xxrv, 7) ; Threepence, 1646, m. m. plume on obv., same type, but above "Declaration," one plume only; and below, date 1646, and no plain line, both very fine and rare 2 603 Groat, 1646, m. m. plume, same type, &c. as Sixpence in last lot, but "Declaration" rel : pro : &c. ; Threepence, 1646, also as last, but no m. m. on obv. and plain line above " Declaration " ; another, 1646, similar, but three plumes above " Declaration," unpublished, the first and last fine, the second in good condition 3 "%* No. 1 from the Brice, and no. 2 from the Webb collection. Salisbury Type(1). 604 Half Crown, m. m. lis between five pellets on obv., helmet between five annulets on rev. ; obv. carolvs. D : G : &c, King on horse with long flowing tail ; below, large ball ; rev. christo : &c. (stops annu- lets), Oval shield crowned, the garniture of lion's skin, the paws only represented (comp. Hks. 502), extremely fine and very rare [PI. X] 1 "%* From the Bergne (lot 760), Halliburton -Young and Brice collec- tions. The identification of this and the following coins with Salisbury is based on the Half Crown reading SA under the horse and figured in Hks. 502. The rev. type is copied from the Weymouth coins. This attribution seems a very probable one. 605 Half Crown, same type as the preceding coin and same obv. m.m. ; but on the rev. there is a small lis before legend and after each word, fine, but somewhat clipped, very rare 1 *** From Lord Jersey's collection. 606 Half Crown, m. m. lis between four pellets on obv. only, similar type to lot 604, but no ball under horse, the king wears large spur ; and on the rev. the shield is garnished, but not with lion's skin j lis and annulet after christo and avspice. (Bud. pi. F, 4), fine but clipped, and very rare 1 *** From the Marsham collection (lot 652, £13. 10s.); see note in that Catalogue as to the attribution to Salisbury of this piece. G 2 1 84 607 Half Crown, m. m. lis only on dbv., same type as the last coin : but on rev. lis only after each word of legend, extremely fine and very rare [PL X] 1 608 Half Crown, same m. m. and type as the preceding coin, but ground under horse ; and on rev, the shield is more circular and there are three annulets after christo, and one after avspice., unpublished and fine 1 %.* From the Wigan, Neck and Webb (lot 561) collections. 609 Shilling, m. m. on rev. lis between four annulets, on obv. effaced; Bust of King in plain collar and armour; rev. CHRISTO, &c, Oval shield garnished with lis, &c. ; Threepence, m. m. lis between four pellets on obv. and rev. ; same type as the Shilling, but no lis in garni- ture of shield on rev. ; and Half Groat, same m. m. as Threepence, and type, but the shield is garnished with lis as the Sixpence, the first and last well preserved, the second fine 3 *#* The different varieties connect all these three coins, and the m. m. also connects them with the preceding Half Crowns. No. 2 is from the Webb, and no. 3 from the Marsham collection. Shrewsbury Type. 610 Half Crown, 1644, m. m. plume without lower band on both sides; obv. CAROLVS : D : G : MAG. BRI : FR : ET : HI : REX., Rude represen- tation of king on horseback ; rev. EXVRGAT : &c. (commencing at top of coin), " Declaration " in two lines, divided by dotted line ; above, three plumes without lower bands ; below, 1644 (Hks. 509), very fine and very rare [PL X.] 1 *** From the Murchison and Shepherd (lot 393) collections. 611 Shilling, 1643, m.m. plume without band on obv. only ; obv. Bust of King in large laced collar; rev. EXVRGAT DEVS : DISSIPENTR: INIM., " Declaration " in three lines, relig prot lib. ang liber pa ; three plumes without bands above; below, 1643, very fine and extremely rare, but of rather coarse work 1 *** From the Wakeford collection. Weymouth Type. 612 Half Crown, m.m. lis on obv., helmet between two annulets on rev.; obv. King on tall horse and holding short sword ; RX for rex ; rev. christo. &c. (stops annulets) Oval shield, crowned, garniture of lion's skin, very fine and rare [PI. X] 1 %* From the Bergne (lot 762) and Brice collections. 85 613 Half Crown, m. m. lis on obv., similar type to the preceding coin ; but horse and rider of coarser work, reading rex ; and the shield on the rev. garnished, but with two lis and no lion's skin ; lis before and after avspice, fine, but slightly clipped and rare 1 614 Half Crown, same type and same shaped shield as the last coin, but no m. m., and lion rampant before and after avspice, well preserved and rare 1 *** The arms of Weymouth were a lion rampant and a castle. 615 Half Crown, m. m. small shield on obv., same type as lot 613 ; but horse smaller, figure of king larger, of better work, and on rev. star before and after AVSPICE, and three annulets after regno, fine and rare 1 616 Half Crown, same m. m., type, &c. as the preceding coin, but there are three pellets after regno ; star before and after avspice, fine and rare 1 617 Half Crown, no m. m., same type as lot 615, but the king and horse are of far better work, the horse has a long mane ; and on the rev. rosette before and after avspice, very fine and very rare in this state [PI. X] 1 %* From the Bergne (lot 755) and Brice collections. 618 Half Crown, 1643, m. m. effaced on obv., four pellets on rev.; obv. King on horseback ; behind, plume ; rev. exvrgat. devs, &c, " Declara- tion " in two lines, four pellets after prot j above, three large plumes; below, 1643, fine and very rare 1 t * This is precisely the same type as lot 558, but it has no mint letter on the obv. * * 619 Shilling, m. m. lion rampant on rev. ; obv. Bust of King in plain collar, armour and with badge attached to ribbon ; rev. Oval garnished shield ; two lis in garniture ; star before and after avspice (Hks. no. 8, described from this coin), fine and excessively rare 1 %* From the Bergne and Marsham (lot 664) collections. 620 Shilling, m.m. helmet on rev.; obv. Large bust of the King in plain collar and armour; rev. christo., &c. Oval garnished shield ; Sixpence, m. m. castle on obv. boar's head (1) and ± on rev. ; obv. Bust of King as on the Shilling, but wearing badge ; rev. christo avspice regno (two lis and annulets after avspice), Square shield with lion's paw above and at each side, well preserved and very rare 2 *** Both from the Webb collection. The m. m. and varieties connect these coins with the previous Half Crowns. 86 621 Shilling, m. to. lis (?), similar to the preceding coin and same obv. type, but on rev. Square shield with lion's paws at sides, and surmounted by c e, divided by lis j Sixpence, to. to. castle on both sides, same as in last lot, but ± and four pellets after each word of rev. legend, well preserved and very rare 2 *** Both from the Webb collection. Worcester Type. 622 Shilling, to. to. one pear with ornament of four pellets at each side on rev. ; obv. Bust of King in plain collar and armour, large head ; reading MAG : BRIT : FR : ET : HI : ; rev. CHRISTO., &c. (stops, cubes), Oblong garnished shield, not crowned ; two lis in garniture, very fine and unpublished [PL X] 1 *** From Lord Jersey's collection. York Type. 623 Half Crown, to. to. two pellets on obv., three on rev.; obv. King on horse- ***' back, of the York type ; rev. christo., &c, Oval shield, crowned, garniture of lion's skin, fine and scarce 1 624 Half Crown, to. to. cinquefoil pierced on rev.; obv. King on horse- back, similar to the preceding ; rev. christo., &c, Long square shield, crowned, not garnished; at sides c R, crowned; lozenge between four pellets before and after avspice, very well preserved and very rare 1 625 Shilling, to. to. lion passant on both sides ; obv. Bust of King in large lace collar j reading MAG. BRIT. fra. e. rex ; rev. christo., &c, Oval shield, crowned, garniture of lion's skin, fine and exceedingly rare [PL X] 1 *** From the Webb collection. SIEGE PIECES. Temp. CHARLES I and CHARLES II. Gold. pontefract. 626 Unite or Sovereign, 1648 (Charles II), octagonal, obv. dvm : spiro: spero, Large crown with c. R below ; rev. carolvs : secvndvs : 1648, Castle with flag on central tower ; on left, obs. ; above, p C ; on right, mouth of cannon, wt. 138| grs. (Bud.pl. xxix, 12), very fine and unique [PL XI] 1 *** This extremely interesting piece was purchased by Mr. Montagu of Mr. Geary Milner Gibson Cullum, F.S.A., by whom it was exhibited in the Stuart Exhibition held at the New Gallery in 1889. It was given to Sir Thomas G. Cullum, Bart., by Bath King-at-arms, F. H. T. Barnwell, and was for many years exhibited in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge. It was intended to pass current as a Unite or Sovereign, the weight of which coin is 140| grs. 87 Silver. Beeston. 627 Eighteenpence, oblong, obv. Castle with tower at each side and gateway in centre ; below \ °, ; plain rev., but showing impress of obv., wt. 134 grs. (comp. Bud. pi. xxix, I), fine and extremely rare 1 *** From the Marsham collection (lot 668, £36). 628 Shilling, oblong, same as the preceding, but under castle S only; wt. 95J grs. (comp. Bud. xxix, 1), fine and extremely rare 1 *** From the Marsham collection (lot 670, £25. 10s.) 629 Shilling, irregular shaped, same type as lot 627, but below castle \, wt. 87| grs. (Bud. pi. xxix, I), fine and extremely rare 1 *** From the Martin, Hastings (lot 507) and Addington collections. 630 Elevenpence (?), oblong, obv. Rough representation of Beeston castle; below, II ; rev. showing impress of obv., wt. 81 grs., extremely rare and unpublished 1 *** From the Cuff and Marsham (lot 694) collections. 631 Seven pence, triangular, obv. Castle as on previous pieces ; below, vii; plain rev., wt. 53| grs. (comp. Bud. pi. xxvin, 14), fine and excessively rare 1 *** From the Hugh-Howard and Brice collections. Carlisle. 632 Three Shillings, 1645, octagonal nearly round, obv. Large crown; beneath which c : R between two anemones ; below mips ; rev. obs. carl. 1645. in two lines; below, anemone, wt. 236J grs. (Bud. pi. xxvin, 5), fine and very rare 1 * # * From the Cuff, Brown and Addington collections. 633 Three Shillings, 1645, octagonal nearly round, same obv. type as the preceding piece ; but on the rev. : obs : •; CARL :• • 1645. in three lines ; above and below, anemone, wt. 237| grs. (Bud.pl. xxvin, 4), fine and extra rare 1 *#* From the Bergne (lot 781) and Brice collections. 634 Shilling, 1645, circular, same type as the Three Shillings, lot 632, but on obv. under crown •; c : R *• -xii- in two lines, wt. 79 grs. (Bud. pi. xxvin, 3 and 5), well preserved and very rare 1 "%* From the Devonshire, Hall, Brown and Addington collections. 635 Shilling, 1645, circular, same obv. as the last piece and same rev. as the Three Shillings, lot 633, wt. 78 grs. (Bud. pi. xxvin, 3), fine and very rare 1 *** From the Martin, Hastings and Na»h collections. 88 Colchester. 636 Sh i 1 1 i ng, circular, obv. Representation of a castle in incuse; around Carolj Fortuna resurgam ; rev. incuse of obv., wt. 111| grs. (Bud. pi. xxix, 8), very fine and exceedingly rare [PI. XI] 1 *** From the Bergne (lot 784) and Addington collections. 637 Shilling, octagonal, same type and legend as the preceding piece, wt. 92|- g rs . (Bud. pi. xxix, 7), very fine and extremely rare 1 *** From the Bergne (lot 783) and Brice collections. 638 Ninepence, octagonal, same type and legend as the Shilling, lot 636, wt. 66| grs., fine and extra rare 1 "%* From the Marsham collection (lot 676). From its weight this piece must be a Ninepence. The standard weight would be 69f grs. Newark. 639 Half Crown, Shilling and Ninepence, 1645, usual types as Bud. pi. xxvin, 7, 8, 9, all reading Newark, all very fine 3 640 Shilling and Ninepence, 1645, as in last lot, but the former reads newarke ; and a Shilling with plain reverse, fine, the last piece very rare 3 641 Half Crown, Shilling, Ninepence and Sixpence, 1646, usual types, all reading Newark, a very fine set, the last piece shows the original granulated marks on the silver 4 PONTEFRACT. 642 Two Shillings, 1648, lozenge-shaped; obv. dvm : spiro : spero, Crown with c. R below ; rev. Castle with flag in central tower ; on left, obs; above P C; on right, hand holding sword; below, 1648, wt. 152 grs. (comp. Bud. pi. xxix, 10), very fine and excessively rare 1 *#* From the Devonshire, Bergne (lot 788) and Addington collections. 643 Shilling, 1648, lozenge-shaped, same type as the preceding piece and apparently struck from the same dies, but wt. 83 grs., extremely fine and very rare 1 %* From the Brice collection. 644 Shilling, 1648, lozenge-shaped, similar type and legends as lot 642, but of rather coarse work ; the c . R on obv. being in large letters, wt. 106 grs., very well preserved and rare 1 *** From the Gibbs collection. 645 Shilling, 1648, same type as lot 642, but octagonal ; and as on the last piece the letters c . R are larger, wt. 83 grs. (Bud. pi. xxix, 10), extremely fine and very rare [PI. XI] 1 "%* From the Bergne (lot 787) and Brice collections. 89 646 Shilling, 1648, lozenge-shaped; obv. dvm spiro spero, Crown with c . R (large letters) below ; rev. Castle with flag in central tower ; on left, OBS; on right, P XII; below, 1648, wt. 73^ grs.(var. Rud. pi. xxix, 11), well preserved and rare 1 * # * From the Maynard collection. 647 Shilling, 1648, lozenge-shaped, same type as the preceding piece, but there is no flag in the central tower of the castle ; it is also of smaller size and of the unusual wt. 99 grs. (Rud. pi. XXIX, 11), well preserved and very rare 1 *** From the Marsham collection (lot 683). 648 Shilling, 1648, lozenge-shaped, same type as the last coin, but struck on a larger flan, and wt. 69| grs., in fair condition, rare 1 *** From the Walpole- White collection. 649 Shilling, 1648, circular, same type, &c. as lot 646, with flag in central tower of castle, and two pellets after each word in obv. legend, wt. bl\ grs., very fine, of fine work and extremely rare of this shape 1 %* From the Devonshire, Holmesdale and Marsham (lot 684) collections. 650 Shilling, 1648 (Charles II), octagonal ; obv. carol : II : D : G : MAG : B : F : et : H : rex., Crown above legend in three lines, HANC : DEVS : DEDIT 1648 ; rev. POST : MORTEM : PATRIS : PRO : FILIO, Castle with flag in central tower ; on left, obs ; above, PC; on right, mouth of cannon, wt. 93 grs. (Rud. pi. xxix, 13), very fine and very rare 1 651 Shilling, 1648 (Charles IT), octagonal, same type and legends as the last coin j but reading on obv. dew : for DEVS :, wt. 59 grs., very fine and very rare 1 652 Shilling, 1648 (Charles II), octagonal ; obv. DVM : SPIRO : spero, Large crown above c . R ; rev. CAROLVS : secvndvs : 1648, Castle with flag in central tower, &c, similar to lot 650, wt. 71^ grs. (Rud. pi. xxix, 12), extremely fine and very rare [PI. XI] 1 *** From the Leckenby collection. 653 Shilling, 1648 (Charles II), same type and legends as on the last coin, but struck on a lozenge-shaped flan, wt. 70 grs., in fair condition and exceedingly rare in this form 1 *** From the Marsham collection (lot 686). Scarborough. 654 Five Shillings, square; obv. Castle with two high towers and gateway on left; below, ; rev. plain, but showing impress of obv., wt. 292 grs. (comp. Rud. pi. xxix, 3), extremely fine and of excessive rarity, cut out of a large plate or dish 1 *** From the Martin, Hastings (lot 518, £30) and Marsham (lot 690, £44) collections. 90 655 Two Shillings (?), square, same type as the preceding piece ; but s only below ; on the reverse is engraved -in letters of the time, OB Scarborough 1645, wt. 154 grs., very fine and excessively rare 1 *** From the Cuff, Wigan and Brice collections. 656 Half Crown, oblong, obv. View of castle, similar to lot 654, but of different and more crude style ; below, \ x ^ ; rev. plain, wt. 188 grs. (Bud. pi. xxix, 4), fine and extremely rare 1 *#* From the Devonshire, Martin, Hastings and Brice collections. This coin is composed of a double piece of metal turned over at the top. 657 Two Shillings, oblong, similar type to the last coin; but below, I S I ; plain reverse, but showing impress of obv., wt. 70 grs. (Bud. Suppl. pi. VI, 11), well preserved and extremely rare 1 *** From the Pembroke, Martin, Hastings and Brice collections. The weights of the Scarborough pieces are somewhat irregular (see following coins). 658 One Shilling and Ninepence, oblong, similar design of castle with f ix below; plain reverse, but showing slight impress of obv., wt. 134 grs., very fine and extremely rare 1 *** From the Martin, Hastings and Brice collections. 659 Fifteen Pence, irregular shaded, View of castle as before ; on right, f n! wt. 102 grs., fine, excessively rare, struck on a piece of silver cut out of the edge of a plate 1 "%* From the Hugh Howard and Brice collections. 660 Shilling, hexagonal, usual view of Scarborough castle ; below, \; rev. plain, wt. 107 grs. (comp. Bud. pi. xxix, 9), very fine and extremely rare 1 *** From the Marsham collection (lot 691, £31). 661 Sixpence, hexagonal, Partial view of castle as before ; below, vi ; plain reverse, but showing slight impress of obv., wt. 43 grs. (comp. Bud. Suppl. pi. vi, 8), fine, and of very great rarity 1 *** From the Martin, Hastings (lot 522) and Addington collections. COMMONWEALTH. a.d. 1649-1660. Gold. 662 Unite or Twenty Shillings, 1649, m.m. sun; obv. the. common- wealth, of. England., Shield of St. George within wreath of palm and laurel; rev. god. with. vs. 1649., Shields of St. George and Ireland ; above, .xx. (Bud. pi. xiv, 4), very fine, and a very rare date 1 *** From the Brice collection. 663 Unite, 1650, same m.m. and type, as the preceding coin; date 1650, extremely fine [PI. XT] 1 91 664 Unite, 1651, same m. m. and type ; date 1651, extremely fine 1 "%* From the Brice collection. 665 Unite, 1654, same m.m. and type; date 1654, very fine but slightly clipped, a very rare date 1 666 Unite, 1657, same m. m. and type ; date 1657, fine, and a rare date 1 *** From the Brice collection. 667 Unite, 1660, m. m. anchor, same type as before ; date 1660 {Ken. 126), fine, and an extra rare date 1 %* From the Brice collection. 668 Half Unite or Ten Shillings, 1649, m. m. sun, same type as the Unite, but mark of value, .x. above shields on rev. ; date 1649 {Ken. 127), very fine 1 *** From J. H. James's collection. 669 Half Unite, 1650, same m.m. and type as the last coin; date 1650, extremely fine [PI. XI] 1 "%* From the Nash collection. 670 Half Unite, 1651, same m. m. and type as before; date 1651 ; and dot before and after obv. legend {see Ken. p. 167, who says there are no dots), fine, and a rare variety 1 *** From J. G. Hall's collection. 671 Half Unite, 1654, same m. m. and type as before ; date, 1654, fine, a very rare date and unpublished of this denomination 1 *** From the Marsham collection (lot 696). 672 Half Unite, 1660, m. m. anchor, usual type ; date 1660, well preserved, rare m. m. and date 1 673 Crown or Five Shillings, 1649, m. m. sun, same type as the Unite; but mark of value, V over shields on rev. ; date 1649 ; dots before and after obv. legend {see Ken. p. 167), very fine 1 674 Crown, 1650, same m. m. and type as the last coin ; date 1650; pellet on either side of mark of value {Ken. 128), extremely fine [PL XI] 1 *** From the Wigan and Brice collections. 675 Crown, 1654, same m. m., type and variety as the preceding coin ; date 1654, very fine, and a very rare date 1 676 Crown, 1657, same m.m. and type; but no stops in obv. legend; date 1657, fine, and an unpublished date 1 * # * From the Wyndham collection. 92 677 Crown, 1658, m.m. anchor, usual type, but no stops in obv. legend, which ends englan ; date 1658 (Bud. pi. XIV, 6), very fine and extremely rare 1 *** From the Brice collection. Silver. 678 Crown, 1649, m.m. sun; obv. the. commonwealth, of. England., Shield of St. George within wreath of palm and laurel ; rev. GOD. with. vs. 1649., Shields of St. George and Ireland; above, .V. (Snelling, pi. xvi, 7), extremely fine and exceedingly rare, only four or five other specimens known [PI. XI] 1 *** From the Meymott, Cuff, Murchison (lot 351) and Addington collections. 679 Crown, 1651, same m. m. and type as the preceding coin ; date 1651, well preserved and an exceedingly rare date 1 680 Crown, 1652, same m.m. and type; date 1652 (Rud. pi. xxxi, 1), extremely fine 1 681 Crown, 1654, same m. m. and type; date 1654, very fine, and a very rare date 1 682 Crown, 1656, same m. m. and type ; date 1656, the last figure large, very fine, and a rare variety 1 \* Another specimen of this year has the figure 6 smaller ; it is not so rare as the above one. 683 Half Crown, 1649, m.m. sun, same type as the Crown; but above shields on rev., mark of value .II. .VI. (comp. Rud. pi. xxxi, 3), very fine, and a rare date 1 684 Half Crown, 1651, same m.m. and type as the preceding coin; date 1651 (Rud. pi. xxxi, 3), extremely fine, nearly equal to a Blondeau, and seems struck for a Proof [PI. XI] 1 *** From the Henderson, Durrant, Marshall, Bergne (lot 859) and Brice collections. 685 Half Crown, 1652, same m. m. and type; date 1652, very fine and rare in this state 1 *** From the Wyndham collection. 686 Half Crown, 1655, same m.m. and type; date 1655, well preserved and unique of this date (see Hks. p. 374 ; and Num. Chron. 1884, p. 201) 1 %* From the Wigan collection. The only other known specimen of this year is in the British Museum ; " but it is plated and manifestly a contemporaneous forgery " (see Hks. I. c.) 93 687 Half Crown, 1656, same m.m. and type; date 1656, extremely fine and like lot 684, nearly equal to a Blondeau, and probably a Proof 1 *** From the Trattle, Durrant, Sir W. Russell, Murchison (lot 350) and Brice collections. 688 Half Crown, 1660, m.m. anchor, same type as before; date 1660 (Snelling, pi. xvi, 6), a very rare date, fine, but not well struck up 1 *#* From the Wakeford collection. 689 Shilling, 1649, m.m. sun, same type and legends as the Crown (see lot 678) j but above shields on rev. mark of value .XII. ; date 1649 (Bud. pi. xxxi, 6), very fine, and a scarce date 1 *** From the Wakeford collection. 690 Shilling, 1651, same m. m., type and legends as the preceding coin ; date 1651, extremely fine, and not improbably a Proof 1 *** From the Durrant, Bergne and Brice collections. 691 Shilling, 1656, same m. m. and type ; date 1656, exceedingly fine and rare in this condition 1 *#* From the Brice collection. 692 Shilling, 1657, same m. m. and type; date 1657 (Num. Chron. 1884, p. 201), very well preserved and an excessively rare date 1 \* Hks. p. 374 says " we have not seen one (a Shilling) of this date, but one is said by Mr. Tutet to be in the Hunter collection." The above specimen is from the Wigan collection. 693 Sixpence, 1649, m. m. sun, same type and legends as the Crown (lot 678); but above shields on rev. mark of value, .vi. ; date 1649 (comp. Bud. pi. xxxi, 8), very fine, an extremely rare date 1 *^* From the Durrant, Bergne and Brice collections. 694 Sixpence, 1651, same m. m., type, &c. as the preceding coin; date 1651, very fine, but slightly chipped at edge, and rare in this state 1 695 Sixpence, 1656, same m. m. and type ; date 1656 (Bud. pi. xxxi, 8), in brilliant condition, and most rare in this slate 1 *** From the Durrant, Shepherd (lot 410) and Brice collections. 696 Sixpence, 1657, same m.m. and type; date 1657, the last figure altered from a 6, well preserved, and a date of the highest rarity 1 *#* From the Stewart Thorburn collection. Hks. mentions only one piece of this date as being in the Wakeford collection. This may be the same coin as the above. The alteration in the last figure of the date is clearly the work of the mint authorities. 697 Sixpence, 1659, m. m. anchor, same type and legends as before; date 1659, very fine, and probably a unique piece of this date 1 \* From the Brice collection. 94 698 Shilling and Sixpence of 1652 j and Sixpence of 1651, m. m. sun, usual types, fine, the last a rare date 3 699 Shillings, 1653 and 1654, and Sixpences of same dates, m.m. sun, usual types, all very well preserved 4 700 Shilling and Sixpence, 1655, m.m. sun, usual types, very well preserved, and an exceedingly rare date for both pieces, especially the second one 2 701 Shilling and Sixpence, 1658, with m.m. anchor, usual types, the first well preserved, the second fine and a scarce date 2 702 Shilling and Sixpence, 1660, m.m. anchor, usual types; date 1660, both well preserved and a rare date 2 703 Half Groat, Shield of St. George within wreath of palm and laurel; rev. Shields of St. George and Ireland ; above, • II • ; Penny, same type ; but • I • above shield ; and Halfpennies (2), Shield of St. George ; rev. Shield of Ireland {one probably a pattern, wt. 6 grs.), all very fine 4 95 SIXTH DAY'S SALE COMMONWEALTH— continued. Patterns. Silver. LOT 704 Half Crown, 1651, by Blondeau, m.m. sun ; obv. the . commonwealth . of . ENGLAND ., Shield of St. George within wreath of palm and laurel; rev. god. with. vs. 1651., Shields of St. George and Ire- land ; above, II • VI ; edge inscribed, trvth \ and | peace j 1651 — petrvs • blond/EVS \ inventor • fecit, (branch before and after engraver's name), (Bud. pi. xxxi, 3), brilliant and extremely rare 1 *** From the Long, Maydwell, Hall, Parker, Brice, Murchison and Addington collections. 705 Half Crown, 1651, by Blondeau, same m. m. and type as the last coin, but edge inscribed in. the. third, yeare. of. freedome. by. gods. blessing, restored. 1651 (Snelling, pi. vi, 14), equally fine and perhaps rarer than the preceding piece [PI. XT] 1 *** From the Devonshire, Bergne (lot 880) and Addington collections. 706 Shilling, 1651, by Blondeau, same m. m., type and legends as the Half Crown, lot 704 ; but on rev. mark of value, xil above shield ; edge milled (Rud. pi. xxxi, 5), very rare, and considered to be the finest specimen known 1 *** From the Pembroke, Bergne (lot 881) and Addington collections. 707 Sixpence, 1651, by Blondeau, same m. m., type and legends as the Half Crown, lot 704 ; but on rev. mark of value, VI ; edge milled, {Rud. pi. xxxi, 7), extremely fine and very rare 1 *** From the Brice collection. 708 Half Crown, 1651, by Ramage, m. m. mullet on both sides ; obv. THE. common, wealth, of. England., Shield of St. George within laurel wreath; rev. gavrded. with, angeles. 1651., Shields of St. George and Ireland supported by an angel ; edge inscribed, trvth. and. peace. 1651. {Rud. pi. xxxii, 2), extremely fine and extremely rare [PI. XI] 1 * * From the Tyssen, Trattle, Durrant, Wigan and Brice collections. 96 709 Half Crown, 1651, by Eamage, same m. m., type and legends as the last coin ; but edge plain, very well preserved, unpublished 1 *** From the Addington collection. 710 Shilling, 1651, by Eamage, same m. m., type and legends as the Half Crown and from the same dies, but thinner and edge slightly engrailed, wt. 97 grs. (Eud. pi. xxxn, 3), extremely fine and of still greater rarity than the Half Crown 1 * * * From the Devonshire, Wigan and Brice collections. 711 Sixpence, 1651, by Eamage, m. m. mullet on both sides ; obv. trvth. and. peace., Shield of St. George ; rev. trvth. and. peace., Shield of Ireland; edge inscribed, trvth. and. peace. 1651.; stops throughout, mullets, wt. 132 grs. {Eud. pi. xxxil, 1), this piece is struck on a thick flan, and is a piedfort, very fine and extremely rare [PI. XI] 1 *** From the Tyssen, Trattle, Durrant, Sparkes, W. Forster, " A Lady in the North " and Brice collections. Copper. 712 Half Crown, 1651, by Blondeau, m. m. sun, same type and legends as lot 704, but struck on a thin flan and with plain edge, fine and unique in this metal 1 %* From the Hawkins and Boyne collections. OLIVER CROMWELL. a.d. 1656-1658. Patterns.* Gold. 713 THE FIFTY SHILLING PIECE, 1656, by Simon; obv. olivar. d.g.rp. ANG. SCO. et. hib &c PRO., Bust of Cromwell to left, laureate, no drapery ; rev. pax. qv^eritvr. bello. 1656., Square shield of the Protectorate, crowned ; edge inscribed, + protector, literis. liters, nvmmis. corona, et. salvs., wt. 351^ grs. {engraved in Pemb. Cat. PL iv, pi. 19 ; Henfrey, pi. in, 1, and p. 104), brilliant, probably the finest known and extremely rare [PI. XII] 1 * * * From the Pembroke, Edmonds, Wigan and Brice collections. The references are to Henfrey " Numismata Cromwelliana." * As there is no evidence that the coins of Cromwell were ever in circulation, they must be considered all to be patterns. 97 714 Broad, 1656, by Simon ; same type and legends as the preceding coin and struck from the same dies ; but the edge is milled, wt. 140.1 grs. (Bud. pi. xiv, 7), brilliant and rare 1 *** From the Pembroke, Parker and Brice collections. This piece is engraved in the Pembroke Cat. Pt. iv, pi. 18. 715 Half Broad, 1656, by Simon ; obv. olivar. d. g. rp. ang. sco. hib &c. PRO., Bust of Cromwell to left, laureate, no drapery ; rev. pax. qv^eritvr. BELLO. 1656., Square garnished shield of the Protecto- rate, crowned; edge milled, wt. 71^ grs. (Henfrey, pi. ill, 3, and p. 107), brilliant and extremely rare [PI. XII] 1 *#* From the Tyssen, Thomas, Durrant, Cuff, Wigan and Brice collections. 716 Half Broad, 1656, by Simon j same type and legends as the preceding coin, and struck from the same dies, but with plain edge, wt. 71.5 grs. {Henfrey, p. 107), brilliant and exceedingly rare 1 %* From the Pembroke, Parker, Brice, Murchison (lot 381) and Addington collections. 717 Half Broad, 1656, by Tanner j similar obv. type to lot 715, but without &c. after HIB., and no dot after pro, and same rev. with date 1656; edge plain, wt. 140 grs. (Henfrey, pi. ill, 2), very fine and extremely rare, but struck from a cracked die 1 *** From the Bieber collection (lot 236). This differs from all Tanner's restrikes in having the correct date. It was evidently struck before the reverse die, the work of Simon, was repaired, as it is from the same die as his coin (lot 715). This piece is of the full weight of the Broad. 718 Half Broad, 1658, by Tanner ; same type &c, as the last coin, but the rev. from a repaired die and dated 1658 ; edge milled, wt. 72 grs. (Henfrey, pi. ill, 5), very fine and very rare 1 *** From the Maynard collection. 719 Half Broad, 1658, by Tanner, precisely the same type and from the same dies as the preceding coin, but the edge is plain, wt. 71.6 grs. very fine and very rare 1 *#* From the Brice collection. 720 SIMON'S CROWN, 1658, IN GOLD; obv. olivar. d.g.r.p. ang. SCO. hib &c PRO, Bust to left, laureate and draped ; rev. PAX. QVjERITVR. bello 1658, Square garnished shield of the Protectorate, crowned ; edge inscribed, has. nisi, peritvrvs. mihi. adimat. nemo., wt. 758 grs. (Eud. pi. xxxn, 4; Henfrey, p. 132), extremely fine and of the highest rarity, and the usual flaw on the obv. scarcely visible [PL XII] 1 *** From the Thomas, Duncombe and Addington collections. The only other known specimen of this coin in gold was in the Bieber H 98 Lot 720 — continued. collection, and was sold for £285. Its weight is stated to be 1 oz. 9 dwts. 20 grs. (=710 grs.), whereas the above specimen is heavier, and weighs 1 oz. 11 dwts. 14 grs. (=758 grs.). The Bieber coin is said to have been " formerly in the Thomas, Loscombe, Murchison and Bale collections." That pedigree is unquestion- ably wrong, as the specimen in the Thomas collection weighed 1 oz. 11 dwts. 15 grs., or practically the same as the Montagu one, which was purchased by Mr. Addington at the Duncombe sale, 1885 (lot 127), and in which catalogue it is stated to have formerly belonged to Mr. Thomas. The Montagu coin and the Thomas coin are therefore the same piece. In a MS. note Mr. Cuff states that Mr. Till had a specimen ; but as no such coin appears in his catalogue he may have sold it privately. It is very probable that the Bieber coin formerly belonged to Mr. Till. Silver. 721 Crown, 1658, by Simon. Precisely the same type and from the same dies as the i preceding coin, with the flaw in the obv. die scarcely visible, extremely fine and rare in this state 1 *** From the Duncombe and Addington collections. 722 Crown, 1658, by Tanner, similar type and legends as Simon's coin, lot 720, but struck after the dies had been repaired ; the edge is also inscribed (Henfrey, pi. IV, 2 and p. 142), brilliant and very rare [PI. XII] 1 *** From the Brice collection. 723 Crown, 1658, by Tanner, same as the preceding coin and from the same dies, but with the edge plain, brilliant and very rare 1 *x* From the Bergne (lot 886) and Brice collections. 724 Crown, 1658, known as the "Dutch Crown," same type, legends and same inscription on edge as lot 720, but varying slightly in the style of lettering and head of Cromwell, which is thinner, and the N in ang on obv. legend is upside down (Henfrey, pi. iv, 5), extremely fine and very rare, said to have been executed in Holland 1 *%* From the Addington collection. 725 Half Crown, 1656, by Simon, same type and legends as the Crown (lot 720), but reading on the obv. SCO. ET. hi. &c. pro., instead of sco. hib &c. pro, and date 1656 ; edge inscribed, has. nisi, peritvrvs. &c. (Henfrey, pi. hi, 4), extremely fine and extra rare of this date ; this coin is seldom found very fine, or even in good pre- servation 1 %* From the Kich, Durrant, Bergne and Brice collections. 99 726 Half Crown, 1658, by Simon, same type and legends as the preceding coin, but reading hib for hi. and date 1658; edge inscribed as before (Rud.pl xxxn, 5), extremely fine [PI. XII] 1 %* From the Duncombe and Addington collections. 727 Two Shilling Piece, 1658, by Simon, type and legends nearly as the Crown, but in the titles on the obv., &c. after hib is omitted ; edge plain, wt. 153| grs. (Bud pi. G, 3 ; Henfrey, p. 145), extremely fine and extremely rare [PI. XII] 1 *#* From the Baker, Wigan and Brice collections. 728 Shilling, 1658, by Simon, similar in all respects to the Crown; date 1658 ; edge milled (Bud. pi. XXXII, 7), brilliant and very rare in this state 1 *#* From the Cuff, Duncombe and Brice collections. 729 Sixpence, 1658, by Simon, same type and legends as the Shilling and same date; edge engrailed, wt. 45 grs. (Henfrey, pi. iv, I), fine and of the highest rarity, only a very few specimens known 1 *** From the Trattle, Edmonds, Cuff, Baker, Murchison and Addington collections. 730 Ninepence (?), 1658, by Tanner, same type and legends as the Crown by Simon, but reading on obv. SCO. hib. pro for SCO. hib &c. pro ; date 1658 ; edge plain, wt. 96.5 grs. (Henfrey, pi. iv, 4 and p. 146), fine and extremely rare [PI. XII] 1 *** From the Brice collection. 731 Sixpence, 1658, by Tanner, same in all respects as the last piece and from the same dies, but with edge milled and struck on a smaller flan, wt. 89 grs. (Henfrey, p. 146), very fine and very rare 1 *** From the Addington collection. Though light in weight, this may also have been intended for a Ninepence. 732 Sixpence, 1658, by Tanner, same as the last coin, but the edge is plain, wt. 51^ grs., fine and very rare 1 733 Broad, 1656, by Simon, same type and legends in all respects as lot 714, and struck from the same dies, wt. 85 grs. (see Bud. pi. XIV, 7), fine and very rare in silver 1 Copper. 734 Half Broad, 1658, by Tanner, same type and legends and from the same dies as lot 718; edge plain, fine and very rare *** From the Hugh Howard and Brice collections, H 2 100 735 Shilling, 1658, by Tanner, usual type and legends as the Crown with laureate and draped bust of Cromwell, and on rev. Garnished shield crowned ; but obv. legend reading hib. pro. without the &c, fine but imperfectly struck, probably unique 1 * ii * From the Gibbs collection. This is probably the same piece as is described and figured in the Gent. Mag. Sept. 1786. It is there called a Halfpenny (see Henfrey, p. 145). CHARLES II. a.d. 1660-1684. Hammered Coinage. Gold. 736 Unite or Twenty Shillings, by Simon, m. m. crown ; obv. carolvs. ii. d. g. mag. brit. FRAN. ET. hib. rex, Bust of King to left, laureate, hair long, in armour and mantle ; no numerals ; rev. FLORENT. Concordia, regna., Oval garnished shield, crowned, between C and R, wt. 140 grs. (Rud. pi. xv, 2), extremely fine and rare 1 *** From the Wigan and Brice collections. 737 Unite, by Simon, same m. m., type and legends as the previous coin, but there are no stops between words of legend on obv. and none before and after legend on rev., wt. 137^ grs., in brilliant condition and very rare [PL XII] 1 *** From the Hastings collection. 738 Unite, by Simon, same m. m., type and legends as lot 736, but behind head of King mark of value xx ; the letters of the legends are smaller, wt. 139 grs. (Rud. pi. xiv, 9), extremely fine and rare 1 * From the Wigan and Brice collections. 739 Half Unite or Ten Shillings, by Simon, m. m. crown, same type and legends as the Unite, lot 736, and without mark of value on obv., wt. 70 grs. (Snelling, pi. vi, 19), very fine and rare 1 *** From the Brice collection. 740 Half Unite, by Simon, same m. m., type, &c, as the Unite, lot 738, with mark of value, x, behind head of King, wt. 70 grs. (Rud. pi. xiv, 10), extremely fine and rare [PI. XII] 1 %* From the Wigan and Brice collections. 101 741 Crown or Five Shillings, by Simon, m. m. crown, similar type and legends as the Unite, lot 736, without mark of value on obv., and reading fr. for FRAN, wt. 34 grs. (Bud. pi. XV, 4), " a most exquisite specimen equal to a proof" and very rare 1 %* From the Martin, Murchison (lot 389, £34.) and Addington collections. 742 Crown, by Simon, m. m. crown, similar type and legends as the Unite, lot 738, with mark of value, V, behind head of King ; same variety of obv. legend as last piece, wt. 35 grs. (Bud. pi. XV, 1), extremely fine and very rare 1 *** From the Dimsdale, Durrant, Wigan and Brice collections. Silver. 743 Half Crown, 1st issue, m. m. crown; obv. carolvs. ii. d. g. mag. brit. fran. et. hib. rex, Bust of King to left, crowned, hair long, in lace collar and armour ; no mark of value or inner circle ; rev. christo. avspice. regno., Plain square shield on cross fleury ; no inner circle (Bud. pi. xxxiii, 1), in the most perfect and beautiful con- dition, the finest specimen known [PI. XII] 1 %* From the Durrant, Bergne (lot 897) and Brice collections. Like the gold, all the hammered silver coins are the work of Simon. 744 Half Crown, 2nd issue, same m. m., type, &c, as the last coin ; but on obv. mark of value, xxx, behind head of King, and reading fra. for FRAN.; no inner circles (Bud. pi. xxxiii, 6), fine and extremely rare 1 ■%* From the Marsham collection. 745 Half Crown, 3rd issue, same m. m. and similar type, &c, to lot 743, but with mark of value, xxx, on obv. and inner circle on both sides; reading br. fr. et. hib. (Bud. pi. xxxiii, 11), extremely fine, and a perfectly circular struck piece 1 %* From the Devonshire, Cuff, Bergne (lot 896) and Brice collections. Mr. Brice describes this coin as " a magnificent and as to condition, unique specimen." 746 Shilling, 1st issue, usual type, as the Half Crown, withm. m. crown, and without mark of value or inner circles, and reading MAG. BRIT. fr. et. hib. (Bud. pi. xxxiii, 2), extremely fine and rare 1 *^* From the Hastings and Brice collections. 747 Shilling, 2nd issue, usual type and m. m. and with mark of value, xn, on obv. and no inner circles ; reading mag. br. fr. et. hib. (Bud. pi. xxxiii, 7) ; and Sixpence of same issue and type, with mark of value, vi, and reading mag. bri. fra. et. hi. (ib. pi. xxxiii, 8), both fine, but the shilling slightly chipped 2 *** No. 1 from the Marsham, and no. 2 from the Shepherd and Brice collections. 102 748 Shilling, 3rd issue, usual type and m. m., with mark of value, xn, and inner circles on both sides j reading mag. bri. fra. et. hib. (comp. Bud. pi. xxxiii, 12), fine and rare 1 * # * From the Bergne (lot 898) and Brice collections. 749 Shilling, 3rd issue, same type, &c, as the last coin, with mark of value and inner circles, but reading brit. fr. (PMd. pi. xxxm, 12), a very fine and round specimen [PI. XII] 1 *** From the Neville-Rolfe collection. 750 Sixpence, 1st issue, usual type, with m. m. crown, and without mark of value or inner circles, reading brit. fran. et. hib. (Bud. pi. xxxiii, 3), very fine 1 %* From the Wigan and Brice collections. 751 Sixpence, 3rd issue, usual type, with mark of value, vi, and inner circles on both sides ; reading bri. fra. et. hib. (Bud. pi. xxxiii, 13)> very fine and rare in this condition 1 %.* From the Bergne (lot 901) and Brice collections. 752 Half Groat and Penny, 1st issue, without marks of value or inner circles ; Half Groat and Penny of 2nd issue, with marks of value and no inner circle ; and Groat, Threepence, Half Groat and Penny, of 4th issue (Maundy money 1), with marks of value but no inner circles, large bust of King dividing legend, all very fine and desirable pieces 8 %* All from the Brice collection. 753 Groat, Threepence, Half Groat and Penny, 3rd issue, usual types, with marks of value and inner circles on both sides, all very fine, and a rare set 4 *** All from the Bergne and Brice collections. 754 Half Groat and Penny, 1st issue ; Half Groats (2, one reading bri. fr. ; the other BR. fr.), and Penny, 2nd issue ; and Maundy Groat and Half Groat, 4th issue, as in lot 752, mostly fine 7 755 Cliches struck for the obv. dies of the Unite without mark of value; and Half Crown, 1st issue, also without mark of value, fine and rare, 2 %* Both from the Hawkins and Cockburn collections. Milled Coinage. Gold. 756 Five Guineas, 1668; obv. carolvs. ii, del gratia., Small bust of King, truncation pointed, lovelock in front; elephant below; rev. mag. BR. fra. et. hib. rex. 1668., Four shields, crowned, in form of cross ; sceptre in each angle ; four c's interlinked in centre ; edge inscribed, DECVS. ET. TVTAMEN. ANNO. REGNL vicesimo. (Bud.pl. xv, 5), extremely fine 1 * From the Brice collection. 103 757 Five Guineas, 1669, same type as the last, but no elephant under bust; date 1669; on edge, DECVS. &c, ANNO, regni. vicesimo. primo. (comp. Ken. 133), in brilliant condition, probably a proof, very rare, a variety not given by Kenyon 1 *** From the Murchison and Addington collections. 758 Five Guineas, 1676, usual type, with small bust of King, trun- cation pointed, lovelock in front ; elephant and castle below ; edge inscribed, DECVS. &c, ANNO. REGNI. VICESIMO. OCTAVO., very fine and very rare 1 *** From the Moxom and Brice collections. 759 Five Guineas, 1679, usual type, but with large bust of King, truncation rounded, no lovelock ; edge inscribed, DECVS. &c, anno. regni. tricesimo. primo. (Bud. pi. xv, 9), in brilliant condition, and quite equal to a proof 1 *** From the Duncombe, Bergne and Brice collections. 760 Five Guineas, 1684, same type as the last piece, and same varieties, but under bust elephant and castle; edge inscribed, DECVS. &c, anno, regni. tricesimo. sexto., fine 1 761 Two Guineas, 1664, usual type, as the Five Guineas, with small bust of King, truncation pointed, lovelock in front ; date 1664 ; edge milled, excessively fine and equal to a proof, and exceedingly rare 1 *** Of this coin, Mr. Montagu notes, " one in B. M. but query a third anywhere 1 " 762 Two Guineas, 1664, same type, &c, as the preceding coin, but with elephant under the bust (Bud. pi. XV, 6), brilliant and ex- tremely rare, probably a proof 1 %* From the Cuff, Wigan and Brice collections. 763 Two Guineas, 1675, usual type, with large bust of King, trun- cation rounded; no lovelock; date 1675; edge milled with diagonal lines (Bud.pl. xv, 10), a "superb specimen as from the dies, cannot be finer" 1 *** From the Cuff, Murchison, Bergne (lot 930) and Brice collections. 764 Two Guineas, 1676, same type, &c, as the preceding coin, but with elephant and castle under the bust; date 1676; edge milled with diagonal lines (Ken. 134), extremely fine and rare in this state 1 765 Two Guineas, 1682, usual type, with large bust of King, truncation rounded ; date 1682 ; large lettering on both sides ; edge milled diagonally, fine and rare, being a date not given by Kenyon 1 \* From the Hastings collection. 104 766 Guinea, 1663, usual type, as the Five Guineas with small bust of King, truncation pointed, love- lock in front ; and elephant under bust; date 1663 ; edge milled with straight lines {Rud. pi. xv, 7), extremely fine 1 *#* From the Brice collection. 767 Guinea, 1665, usual type, as the preceding coin, but no elephant under the bust ; date 1665, extremely fine, and an unpublished variety 1 * From the Hugh Howard and Brice collections. 768 Guinea, 1670, usual type, as the last piece ; date 1670; edge milled diagonally, fine 1 769 Guinea, 1676, usual type, with large bust of King, truncation rounded, very long moustache; date 1676; edge milled diagonally {Rud. pi. xv, 11), very fine 1 770 Guinea, 1678, usual type, with large bust of King, truncation rounded ; below, elephant and castle ; date 1678 ; edge milled diagonally, extremely fine and unpublished by Kenyon 1 771 Guinea, 1682, same type as the last, but date 1682; edge milled diagonally, extremely fine and a rare date 1 *** From the Brice collection. 772 Guinea, 1682, usual type, with large bust of King, truncation rounded; no elephant under bust ; date 1682 ; edge as on the last, extremely fine 1 773 Half Guinea, 1669, usual type, with small bust of King, truncation pointed ; love-lock in front ; date 1669, extremely fine 1 774 Half Guinea, 1670, same type as the last coin ; date 1670, extremely N fine and rare in this state 1 *** From the Bergne and Brice collections. 775 Half Guinea, 1677, usual type, with large bust of King; truncation rounded; no elephant; date 1677, extra fine and unpublished by Kenyon 1 *** From the Moxom and Brice collections. 776 Half Guinea, 1678, same type as the preceding coin, but under bust, elephant and castle ; date 1678, extremely fine and rare 1 %* From the Brice collection. 777 Half Guinea, 1679, usual type, with large bust of King, truncation rounded; no elephant under bust ; date 1679, extremely fine 1 *** From the Hastings collection. 778 Half Guinea, 1680, same as the last coin, but with elephant and castle under the bust; date 1680, fine, unpublished 1 105 Silver. 779 Crown, 1662 ; obv. carolvs. ii. del gratia., Bust of King to right, laureate and draped; rev. mag. BR. fra. ET. hib. rex. 1662., Four shields, crowned, and arranged in form of cross ; in centre, star of the Garter, and in each angle two c's interlinked ; edge inscribed, decvs. et tvtamen (Bud. pi. xxxiv, 6), fine and scarce 1 * # * This is the general type of all Charles II's milled silver coinage ; only varieties will be noticed. 780 Crown, 1662, same as the preceding coin, but rose under King's bust ; reading gra. for gratia., and dated on edge decvs., &c, 1662 (Rud. pi. xxxiv, 5), very fine and scarce in this state 1 *** From the Brice collection. 781 Crown, 1663, usual type, no rose under bust; date 1663, and in- scribed on edge, decvs. &c, anno, regni. XV., very fine and rare in this state 1 %* From the Bergne (lot 912) and Brice collections. 782 Crown, 1662, usual type, rose under bust; date 1662; edge in- scribed, decvs. et. tvtamen. only; another, 1663, with no rose under bust; date 1663; on edge, DECVS. &c, ANNO. REGNI. XV.; no stops in rev. legend, the first fine, the second ivell preserved, both some- what scarce varieties 2 783 Crown, 1664, usual type, but with smaller bust of King ; date 1664 ; edge inscribed, decvs. &c, anno, regni. xvl, extremely fine and rare, this coin is altogether smaller but thicker than usual 1 *#* From the Bergne (lot 913) and Brice collections. 784 Crown, 1665, same as the preceding, but date 1665; and edge in- scribed, decvs. &c, anno, regni. xvil, very fine and an exceedingly rare date, the year of the Plague 1 *x* From the Kishton and Brice collections. 785 Crown, 1666, usual type, but with elephant under bust; date 1666 ; and edge inscribed, decvs. &c, anno, regni. xviil, very fine and rare, probably the best specimen known of this date, which rarely occurs in even tolerable condition 1 %.* From the Durrant, Bergne (lot 914) and Brice collections. 786 Crown, 1667, usual type; date 1667; on edge, decvs. &c, an. reg. decimo. nono. ; another, 1668, same, but on edge, decvs. &c, anno. REGNI. VICESIMO., both well preserved 2 106 787 Crown, 1669, usual type; date 1669; on edge, decvs. &c, anno. REGNI. vicesimo. primo. ; another, similar; date 1670; on edge, anno, regni. vicesimo. secvndo. j and Half Crowns of same type and dates, 1669 and 1670, those of 1669 are well preserved , of 1670 fine 4 ■%* All from the Wakeford collection. 788 Crown, 1671, usual type; date 1671; on edge, decvs. &c, anno. regni. vicesimo. tertio. ; also Half Crown and Shilling of same type and date, fine 3 *V* Nos. 2 and 3 from the Wakeford collection. 789 Crown, 1672, usual type; date 1672; on edge, decvs. &c, anno. regni. vicesimo. qvarto.; also Half Crown and Shilling of same type and date, the first two fine 3 *** Nos. 2 and 3 from the Wakeford collection. 790 Crown, 1673, usual type, but with large bust of King; date 1673 ; on edge, decvs. &c, anno, regni. vicesimo. qvinto., very fine and rare in this state 1 %* From the Brice collection. This change in the bust is preserved to the end of the reign. 791 Crown, 1675, usual type; date 1675; on edge, decvs. &c, anno. regni. vicesimo. septimo. ; also Half Crown, Shilling and Sixpence of same date, all fine except the Crown, which is well pre- served 4 *** All from the Wakeford collection. 792 Crown, 1676, usual type, with large bust; date, 1676; on edge, decvs. &c, ANNO, regni. vicesimo. octavo., extremely fine and rare in this state 1 *** From the Brice collection. 793 Crown, 1677, usual type, as last coin; date 1677 ; on edge, decvs. &c, anno, regni. vicesimo. nono., extremely fine and very rare 1 * From the Shepherd collection (lot 432). 794 Crown, 1679, usual type; date 1679; on edge, decvs. &c, anno. regni. tricesimo. primo.; also Half Crown, Shilling and Sixpence of same date, all very fine, a desirable set 4 795 Crown, 1680, usual type; date 1680; on edge, decvs. &c, anno. regni. tricesimo. secvndo; also Half Crown, Shilling, un- published, and Sixpence of same date, in good condition 4 *** All from the Wakeford collection. 796 Crown, 1681, usual type; date 1681; on edge, decvs. &c, anno. regni. tricesimo. tertio.; also Half Crown, Shilling (with elephant and castle under bust), and Sixpence of same date, all well preserved 4 107 797 Crown, 1682, usual type; date 1682; on edge, decvs. &c, anno. regni. tricesimo. qvarto.; also Half Crown, Shilling, unpub- lished, and Sixpence, of same date, the first two in fair condition, the last two fine 4 * # * Nos. 1 and 2 from the Wakeford collection. 798 Crown, 1683, usual type ; date 1683 ; on edge, decvs. &c, anno. regni. tricesimo. qvinto.; also Half Crown, Shilling, very rare, and Sixpence of same date, all fine, a rare set 4 799 Half Crown, 1663, usual type as the Crown; date 1663 ; on edge, decvs. &c, anno, regni. xv., very fine and scarce 1 *** From the Durrant, Bergne (lot 917) and Brice collections. 800 Half Crown, 1666, usual type, but with elephant under the King's bust; date 1666; on edge, DECVS. &c, anno, regni. xviii. (Rud.pl xxxiv, 11); another, dated 1668; on edge, DECVS. &c, ANNO, regni. vicesimo., both in fair condition and excessively rare ; Hies. p. 383 says that the B. M. specimen of 1668 is unique ; a few speci- mens however are known 2 *** No. 1 from the Wakeford collection. 801 Half Crown, 1670, usual type; date 1670; on edge, decvs. &c, anno, regni. vicesimo. secvndo.; another, dated 1673; on edge, decvs. &c, anno, regni. vicesimo. qvinto., both very fine 2 802 Half Crown, 1673, usual type, but with plume under King's bust; date 1673; on edge, decvs. &c, anno, regni. vicesimo. qvinto., in good condition, of the highest rarity, " only one other specimen known, and that not so good and in the National Collection." — H.M. 1 *** From the Wakeford collection. 803 Half Crown, 1674, usual type; date 1674; on edge, decvs. &c, anno, regni. vicesimo. sexto.; another, dated 1676 ; on edge, decvs. &c, anno, regni. vicesimo. octavo., both extra fine and very rare dates, especially the first piece 2 *** No. 1 from the Eishton and Brice, and no. 2 from the Brooks collection. 804 Half Crown, 1677, usual type ; date 1677 ; on edge, decvs. &c, anno, regni. vicesimo. nono.; another, dated 1678 ; on edge, decvs. &c, anno, regni. tricesimo., both extremely fine, the second a rare date 2 805 Half Crown, 1681, usual type, but with elephant and castle under King's bust ; date 1681 ; on edge, decvs. &c, anno, regni. tri- cesimo. tertio., fine and exceedingly rare, believed to be the finest specimen known 1 *** From the Wakeford collection. 108 806 Shilling, 1663, usual type ; date 1663 ; on the rev. the shield of Ireland is placed on the right, of Scotland on the left ; edge milled with straight lines (Eud. pi. xxxiv, 12), brilliant, and equal to a proof 1 *** From the Durrant, Bergne and Brice collections. 807 Shilling, 1663, same as the preceding, but the obv. is struck from a different die, the arrangement of the hair is varied, and the shields on the rev. are correctly placed, also brilliant and as fine as a proof 1 *** From the Shepherd (lot 435, £11.) and Brice collections. 808 Shilling, 1666, usual type, but the bust of the King is as on the Guinea, not draped and with lovelock before ; under it, elephant ; date 1666; edge milled with straight lines; another of 1671, usual type, with draped bust ; plume below, and also on rev. ; date 1671; edge milled diagonally (comp. Eud.pl. xxxiv, 14), both ex- tremely fine and very rare, especially the first piece 2 %* Both from the Brice collection ; no. 1 also from the Bergne collection. 809 Shilling, 1666, usual type ; date 1666, struck on a large flan ; another, of same date, but with elephant under King's bust, the finest known ; and another of 1673, with plume under King's bust and on rev., fine ; the first two with edges milled, straight lines ; the last diagonally, all very rare *** Nos. 1 and 3 from the Wakeford collection. 810 Shilling, 1669, usual type; date 1669; edge with diagonal milling, fine, and as regards its date probably unique, unpublished 1 *** From the Rhodes, Murchison, Rishton and Brice collections. 811 Shillings, 1668, 1674 (2 specimens, one with large bust), and 1676, of the usual type, all very fine, that with the large bust very rare *** Nos. 2, 3 and 4 from the Wakeford collection. 812 Shilling, 1674, usual type with plume under bust and on rev. ; date 1674; another, 1684, with large bust of King; no plume; and Sixpence, 1674, all with diagonal milling, and extremely fine and rare "%* All from the Bergne and Brice collections. 813 Shilling, 1676, usual type, but with plume under bust and on rev., fine ; another, 1677, similar, but with plume on obv. only, well preserved ; and Sixpences, 1676 and 1677, also of the usual type and without plume, extremely fine, the first two very rare *** Nos. 1 and 2 from the Wakeford ; no. 3 from the Gibbs, and no. 4 from the Bergne and Brice collections. 109 814 Maundy Money, complete sets (Groat, Threepence, Half Groat and Penny) of 1670, 1671, 1672 and 1673, all very fine 16 815 Maundy Money, complete sets of 1674, 1675, 1676 and 1677, all very fine 16 816 Maundy Money, complete sets of 1678, 1679, 1680 and 1681, all very fine 1 6 817 Maundy Money, complete sets of 1682, 1683 and 1684, all very fine 12 Patterns and Proofs. Gold. 818 Pattern Broad, 1660, by Simon; obv. carolvs il rex., Large bust of King to right, laureate, hair long, wearing armour and mantle ; above his head, star ; below bust, S (Simon) ; rev. magnalia. dei 1660., A cross formed of the numerals n, four times repeated and surmounted by two c's interlinked and crowned ; star in centre ; in angles, the shields of England, Scotland, France and Ireland ; edge milled, wt. 137 grs. (Bud., silver, pi. xxxiv, 1 ; Snelling, pi. vi, 16), brilliant, " a splendid specimen" and of the highest rarity 1 * % * From the Tyssen, Trattle, Cuff, Bergne (lot 973) and Brice collections. 819 Pattern Broad, 1660, by Simon, same as the preceding piece and struck from the same dies, but with edge plain, wt. 132 grs. in bril- liant condition as the last, and also of the highest rarity 1 %* From the Addington collection. 820 Pattern Broad, 1662, by Simon; obv. car. il d. g. m. br. fr. et hi. rex, Bust of King to left, laureate, hair long, wearing armour and mantle ; nine leaves in wreath and berries ; below, S (Simon) ; rev. florent. CONCORDIA, regna. 1662., Plain square shield crowned ; edge plain, wt. 140 grs. (Rud. pi. XIV, 8), very fine and rare [PL XIII] 1 *** From the Lansdowne, Durrant, Bergne, Halliburton- Young and Brice collections. 821 Pattern Broad, 1662, by Simon, similar to the preceding coin, but the obv. is from a different die, the wreath of the King having ten leaves and no berries ; rev. same die as last coin ; edge plain, wt. 140 grs., extra fine and rare 1 *** From the Halliburton- Young and Bieber (lot 276*) collections. 110 822 Pattern Broad, 1662, by Simon, similar to the last piece, but the obv. is from a third die, which has ten leaves and also berries in the wreath ; the letters in the obv. legend are frosted ; the rev. is also the same as the last, but from a different die ; varieties very slight ; edge plain, wt. 137 grs., very fine and a very rare variety [PI. XIII] 1 823 Pattern Crown, 1662, by Roettier ; obv. carolvs. ii. del gratia (letters frosted), Bust of King to right, laureate, hair long ; no drapery ; truncation pointed ; rev. mag. br. fra. et. hib. rex. 1662., Four shields crowned and arranged in form of cross; arms of England and France quarterly on 1st and 3rd shields; star of the Garter, in the centre ; two c's interlinked in each angle ; edge inscribed in small letters, * + * decvs. et. tvtamen., wt. 799 grs., brilliant and of the highest rarity, unpublished [PI. XIII] 1 *** From the Trattle, Thomas, Baker, Duncombe and Brice collections. 824 Proof of Crown, 1663, by Roettier, same as the preceding coin, but the bust of the King is draped after the usual type of the Crown, and the arms of England and France are on separate shields ; date 1663; edge inscribed, + decvs. et. tvtamen. anno, regni. xv. + , wt. 900 grs. (comp. Rud., silver, pi. xxxiv, 6), extremely fine and very rare 1 *** From the Trattle, Wigan and Addington collections. Silver. 825 Pattern Broad, 1660, by Simon; Same type and struck from the same dies as the Gold Broad, lot 818, " magnalia. dei 1660.," but with edge inscribed, * reversvs. sine, clade. victor — simon fecit ; laurel-branch before artist's name, wt. 193 grs. (Rud. pi. xxxiv, 1), extremely fine and excessively rare, one of Simon's finest works 1 *** From the Tyssen, Trattle, Edmonds, Cuff, Murchison, Bergne (lot 967) and Addington collections. The obverse shows that the die had cracked. This is probably the last example struck of this rare piece. 826 Pattern Broad, 1660, by Simon, same as the preceding coin, but struck on a thinner flan and with edge grained, wt. 143 grs., fine, but rather roughly struck, the obv. has no flaw 1 827 Pattern Broad, 1660, by Simon; obv. carolvs. ii. d. g. mag. br, fr. et. hi. rex, Large bust of King to right, extending to edge of coin and dividing legend ; laureate, in armour and mantle ; below, s. (Simon); rev. magna, opera. Domini. 1660., Plain square shield crowned, arms of England, Scotland, France and Ireland separately quartered; edge plain, wt. 125 grs. (Rud. pi. xxxiv, 2), fine and very rare [PL XIII] 1 %* From the Wakeford collection. Ill Pattern Broad, 1660, by Simon ; obv. carolvs. ii. d. g. ang. sco. fr. et. hi. rex., Large bust of King to right, dividing legend above and below, crowned, wearing collar and robe of the Garter as on the Coronation Medal ; below, T. s. (Thomas Simon) ; rev. same as the preceding ; edge plain, wt. 126 grs. (Bud. pi. xxxiv, 4), extremely fine and of very great rarity, apparently only two other specimens known 1 \* From the Edmonds, Cuff, Hawkins, Bergne (lot 969) and Brice collections. 829 Pattern Broad, 1660, by Simon; obv. probasti. me. dne. sicvt. argentvm, Garnished shield crowned ; arms of France and England quarterly ; rev. magna, opera. &c, Plain square shield, crowned, as lot 827 ; on edge, * reversvs. sine, clade. victor — simon f. ; laurel-branch before artist's name, wt. 174 grs. (Bud. pi. xxxiv, 3), almost unique and in mint state [PI. XIII] 1 *** From the Pembroke, Sparkes, Murchison, Bergne (lot 968) and Addington collections. 830 Pattern Broad, 1662, by Simon, ; obv. car. ii. d. g. &c, (letters frosted), Bust of King to left, wearing wreath with ten leaves and berries, &c. ; rev. florent. CONCORDIA, regna. 1662., Square shield crowned ; edge plain, wt. 146 grs. (from the same dies as the Gold Broad, lot 822), extremely fine and very rare 1 *** From the Tyssen, Trattle, Durrant, Sparkes and Brice collections. 831 Angel, by Simon, Pattern for reverse, amor popvli pr^esidivm regis, Three-masted ship sailing to right, the main-sail is decorated with the royal arms and the top-sail with c. n. R. surmounted by crown (Bud., gold coins, pi. xm, 12), extremely fine and of the first rarity 1 *** From the Brice collection. This is an impression on a thin plaque. No obverse die appears to have been made by Simon. 832 THE CELEBRATED PETITION CROWN, by Simon; obv. carolvs. II. dei. gra, Bust of the King to right, laureate and draped, long flowing hair, slight moustache ; below, Simon ; rev. mag bri. fr ET. hib rex. 1663., The crowned shields of England, Scotland, France and Ireland arranged in form of cross ; the George of the Garter within the motto in centre ; two c's interlinked in each angle ; on the edge is engraved the Petition — THOMAS Simon most, hvmbly. prays, yovr MAJESTY to. compare, this. his. tryall. piece, with. the. dvtch. and. if. more trvly. drawn & embossd. more. grace : fvlly. order'd. and. MORE. ACCVRATELY. ENGRAVEN. TO. RELEIVE. (sic) HIM. ; two C's 112 Lot 832 — continued. interlinked, crowned and within two palm-branches, separate the end of the inscription from the beginning, wt. 537^ grs. (Bud. pi. XXXIV, 7), extremely rare, in beautiful condition, " without damage of any kind, and the Petition is well struck and perfect " [PI. XIII] ' 1 *+* This beautiful specimen of Simon's best work is said, according to Num. Chron. vol. xvi,p. 137, to have belonged to Mr. Thomas Selbye, whose collection was sold in 1755. It does not occur in his Cata- logue, but it appears to have been previously purchased by Mr. Wilbraham Bootle, whose collection was sold to Mr. Richard Miles, the dealer, who in turn sold the coin to Mr. Marmaduke Trattle. Mr. Trattle on obtaining another specimen, viz. that recently sold by Mr. Bieber, relinquished the above one to Mr. Abraham Edmonds, who disposed of it to Mr. W. S. Higgs. At the latter's sale in 1830 it was purchased by Mr. Thomas Thomas, and at his sale in 1844 it passed into the possession of Mr. Alfred Wigan. Mr. James Brice purchased it on the death of Mr. Wigan, and when Mr. Montagu obtained the whole of Mr. Brice's collection, this piece came into his possession. In the Num. Chron. (I.e.) this specimen is described as fine, but in fact it is in perfect condition, without a scratch or flaw of any kind. It is possible that Mr. Bergne in writing its pedigree may not have seen the coin itself. In Mr. Bieber's Cata- logue, Mr. Montagu notes against lot 277, " a very fine coin but I prefer mine." — H.M. 833 THE CELEBRATED REDDITE CROWN, by Simon. Same type, legends and date as the Petition Crown (see preceding piece), and struck from the same dies ; but the edge is inscribed, reddite. qv^e. C-iESARis. OffiSARi. &ct, post and the sun appearing out of a cloud, wt. 510 grs., of the first rarity, in beautiful state and probably the finest specimen known 1 *** The history of this remarkable coin is very similar to that of the Petition Crown above described. It was originally in the col- lection of Mr. Thomas Selbye. At his sale in 1755 it was purchased by Mr. Carmey for Mr. Wilbraham Bootle. The latter's cabinet was purchased by Mr. Richard Miles, and the coin then passed into the possession of Mr. Marmaduke Trattle, by whom it was sold to Mr. Abraham Edmonds, and at whose sale in 1834, it was purchased by Mr. Cuff. From the last collection it has passed successively into the cabinets of Mr. Wigan, Mr. Sparkes, Mr. Brice, and finally into that of Mr. Montagu. Again, Mr. Bergne (Num. Chron. vol. xvi, p. 143), describes this coin as in good con- dition. This gives it but scanty praise, whereas but for two or three slight and almost imperceptible scratches on the King's face, the coin is in perfect condition. 113 834 Pattern Crown, 1662, by Roettier; obv. carolvs. ii. del gratia. (letters frosted), Bust of King to right, laureate, hair long ; no drapery; truncation pointed; rev. MAG. BR. FRA. et. hib. rex. 1662., Four shields crowned and arranged in form of cross; star of the Garter in centre ; two interlinked c's in each angle ; edge inscribed, * + * decvs.et. tvtamen., extremely fine, exceedingly rare and unpublished 1 *** From the Devonshire, Cuff, Bergne (lot 964) and Brice collections. This piece is struck from the same dies as lot 823. 835 Proof Crown, 1662, by Roettier, similar type to the preceding coin ; but the bust of the King is draped and the edge is plain (Rud. pi. xxxiv, 6), extremely fine and very rare, the finest specimen known (see Num. Chron. vol. xiii, p. 46) 1 *** From the Hawkins and Brice collections. 836 Proof Crown, 1662, by Roettier, same as the last piece, but there is a rose under the King's bust ; the obv. legend reads del gra, and the edge is inscribed, decvs. et. tvtamen * (Rud. pi. xxxiv, 5), extremely fine and very rare 1 *** From the Brice collection. 837 Proof Crown, 1664, by Roettier, similar type to lot 835, but with small bust of King, draped, &c, and with the arms of England and France on separate shields on the rev. ; dated 1664 ; edge inscribed, decvs. et. tvtamen. anno, regni. xvi. (as Rud. pi. xxxiv, 10), a splendid specimen and very rare in this condition 1 *** From the Hodsoll, Tyssen, Durrant, Baker, Murchison, Duncombe and Addington collections. 838 Proof Half Crown, 1663, by Roettier, same type as the preceding coin, but dated 1663, and edge inscribed, decvs. &c, anno, regni. XV., extremely fine and very rare 1 *** From the Hawkins and Brice collections. Pewter. 839 THE CELEBRATED REDDITE CROWN, by Simon. Same type, legends and inscription on edge as the silver specimen (lot 833), and struck from the same dies, extremely fine and excessively rare 1 *.£* From the Devonshire, Chetwynd and Whitehead collections (see Num. Chron. vol. xvi, p. 144). 840 PATTERN CROWN, 1663, by Simon. Precisely the same type, legends and date (1663), and struck from the same dies as the Petition Crown (lot 832), but with plain edge, extremely fine and unique (see Num. Chron. vol. xvi, p. 146) 1 *** From the Devonshire and Shepherd (lot 433) collections. 114 SEVENTH DAY'S SALE. JAMES II. a.d. 1685-1688. Gold, lot 841 Five Guineas, 1686 ; obv. iacobvs. ii. del gratia., Bust of King to left, laureate, hair long, no drapery ; rev. MAG. BR. fra. et. hib. rex. 1686., Four crowned shields arranged in form of cross ; sceptre in each angle ; on edge decvs. et. tvtamen. anno, regni. secvndo. (Rud. pi. xv, 13), in brilliant state 1 "%* From the Cuff, Shepherd and Brice collections. This is the general type of all the gold coins of this reign ; varieties only will be noticed. 842 Five Guineas, 1687, same as the preceding coin, but under bust of King elephant and castle; date 1687; edge inscribed, decvs. &c, anno, regni. tertio. (Rud. pi. xv, 17), extremely fine and rare 1 *** From the Brice collection. 843 Two Guineas, 1687, same type &c, as the Five Guineas; no ele- phant and castle under bust ; date 1687 ; edge milled (Rud. pi. xv, 14), extra fine and rare 1 * From the Chetwynd and Brice collections. 844 Two Guineas, 1688, usual type as the last coin; date 1688; edge milled, brilliant and very rare in this state 1 *** From the Brice collection. 845 Guinea, 1685, same type &c, as the Five Guineas; elephant and castle under King's bust ; date 1685 ; edge milled (Rud. pi. xv, 19), very fine 1 846 Guinea, 1686, usual type, without elephant and castle on obv. ; date 1686, the finest specimen known, and probably a proof , rare 1 *** From the Edmonds, Bolland, Baker, Bergne (lot 986) and Brice collections. 847 Guinea, 1687, same type as the preceding coin, but date 1687, extra fine 1 848 Guinea, 1688, usual type, with elephant and castle on obv ; date 1688, very fine 1 %* From the Maynard collection. 115 849 Half Guinea, 1686, usual type, same as the Guinea, no elephant and castle under King's bust ; date 1686 ; edge milled (Bud. pi. xv, 16), very fine 1 *** From the Brice collection. 850 Half Guinea, 1688, same type as the preceding coin ; plain under bust; date 1688, extremely fine and rare 1 *** From the Brice collection. Silver. 851 Crown, 1686, obv. Usual type, with bust of King, laureate and draped to left ; rev. Four crowned shields in form of cross ; star of the Garter in centre; date 1686 ; edge inscribed, DECVS. &c, anno, regni. secvndo. (Bud. pi. xxxv, 2), fine 1 852 Crown, 1687, same as the preceding coin; but date 1687 ; on edge, decvs. &c, anno, regni. tertio., extremely fine and as such rare 1 853 Crown, 1688, usual type; date 1688; on edge, decvs. &c, anno. regni. qvarto., extremely fine and equal to a proof, very rare in this condition 1 854 Half Crown (anno, regni. primo.); Shilling, Threepence and Penny, 1685, usual types, fine, a complete set of this year's coinage 4 855 Half Crown (anno, regni. secvndo.); Shilling and Sixpence of 1686, usual types, all very fine 3 *** All from the Brice collection. 856 Half Crown (anno, regni. tertio.); Shilling and Sixpence of 1687, usual types, all very fine 3 857 Half Crown (anno, regni. qvarto.) ; Shilling and Sixpence of 1688, usual types, fine 3 858 Maundy Money, complete sets for 1686, 1687 and 1688, all very fine and difficult to obtain 1 2 WILLIAM AND MARY. A.D. 1688-1694. Gold. 859 Five Guineas, 1692; obv. gvlielmvs. et. maria., &c, Busts con- joined to right, &c, bare ; below, elephant and castle ; rev. mag. br. fr. &c, 1692, Square garnished shield, crowned; edge inscribed, decvs. &c, anno, regni. qvarto. (Bud. pi. xvi, 5), extremely fine and rare . 1 *** From the Wigan and Brice collections. J 2 116 860 Five Guineas, 1694, same as the preceding coin, but plain under busts ; date 1694 ; and on edge, decvs. &c, ANNO. REGNI. sexto. (Bud. pi. xvi, 1), extremely fine, an unpublished date 1 *** From the Bergne (lot 1003) and Brice collections. 861 Two Guineas, 1693, same type and legends as the Five Guineas ; but edge milled ; without elephant and castle under busts; date 1693 (Bud. pi. xvi, 2), extremely fine 1 %* From the Addington collection. 862 Two Guineas, 1694, same as the preceding coin, but date 1694, brilliant and rare in this condition 1 *** From the Bergne (lot 1004) and Brice collections. 863 Two Guineas, 1694, usual type, but with elephant and castle under the busts ; date 1694 (Bud. pi. xvi, 6), well preserved and rare 1 864 Guinea, 1689, usual type and legends, as the Five Guineas, but the shield on the reverse is more simply garnished ; date 1689 ; edge milled (Bud.pl. xvi, 3), extremely fine 1 *** From the Brice collection. 865 Guinea, 1689, same type, date, &c, as the preceding coin; but elephant and castle under busts (Bud. pi. xvi, 7), brilliant and rare in this state 1 *** From the Brice collection. 866 Guinea, 1690, usual type ; plain under the busts ; date 1690, fine 1 *** From the Brice collection. 867 Guinea, 1692, usual type; but under busts, elephant without castle; date 1692, extremely fine, a very rare variety and perhaps unique 1 868 Guinea, 1693, usual type; plain under the busts; date 1693, extremely fine 1 *** From the Brice collection. 869 Guinea, 1694, same as the last coin; but struck on a large flan; date 1694, very fine and rare 1 *** From the Brice collection. 870 Half Guinea, 1689, same type, &c, as the Guinea, with shield on rev. slightly garnished; date 1689 ; plain under busts (Bud. pi. xvi, 4), very fine, but of rather rough work 1 871 Half Guinea, 1690, same type, &c, as the preceding coin ; date 1690, extremely fine, and of fine work 1 *** From the Brice collection. 117 872 Half Guinea, 1691, usual type, with elephant and castle under busts; date 1691 (Rud. pi. xvi, 8), very fine 1 %* From the Chetwynd and Brice collections. 873 Half Guinea, 1692, usual type; plain under busts; date 1692, fine 1 *** From the Addington collection. Silver. 874 Crown, 1691 ; obv. gvlielmvs. et. maria. &c, Busts conjoined to right, draped, &c. ; rev. mag. br. fr, &c, Four shields crowned and arranged in form of cross ; in centre, that of Nassau ; around it, 1691 ; w. M. interlinked in each angle; edge inscribed, decvs. &c, anno, regnt. tertio. (Bud. pi. xxxv, 9), very fine and rare 1 875 Crown, 1692, same as the preceding coin, but date 1692, and on edge, DECVS. &C, ANNO. REGNI. QVARTO., fine 1 876 Crown, 1692, same type and same date on rev. as last coin; but on edge, decvs. &c, anno, regni. qvinto., very fine and rare 1 877 Half Crown, 1689, usual type, busts to right; rev. Plain square shield (arms of France in 4th quarter), surmounted by crown, the caul and interior of which are frosted ; dated 1689 ; edge, DEC vs. &c, ANNO, regni. primo. {Rud. pi. xxxv, 14); another, 1690, similar, but arms of England and France in 1st and 4th quarters, crown not frosted ; date 1690 ; on edge, secvndo. (ib. pi. xxxv, 13) ; another, 1691, with rev. Four crowned shields in form of cross, &c; W. M. interlinked in each angle ; date 1691 ; on edge, decvs. &c, anno, regni. tertio. (ib.pl. xxxv, 12), all extremely fine, the last a rare date 3 *** Nos. 1 and 3 from the Bergne and Brice, and no. 2 from the Wakeford collection. 878 Half Crown, 1689, as in last lot; but shields 1 and 4 arms of France and England quarterly ; caul and interior of crown not frosted ; another, 1690, as in last lot, but on edge, tertio. ; and another, 1692 ; with rev. Shields in form of cross, &c. ; on edge, DECVS. &c, anno, regni. qvarto., all very fine 3 879 Half Crown, 1690, usual type, as before (see lot 877), crown not frosted, and reading on obv. GRETIA for gratia ; on edge, decvs. &c, anno, regni. secvndo., fine, and a very singular variety 1 *** From the Bergne and Brice collection. 118 880 Half Crown, 1691, busts of King and Queen as usual, but of rough work, and rev. Square shield, crowned, with arms of England in 1st and of France in 4th quarter, as type of 1689, without frosting on crown; date 1691; on edge, decvs. &c, anno, regni. vice- simo. no • NO. (described in Hks. p. 389), of rather rough work, excessively rare 1 *** From the Wakeford collection. This is probably a counterfeit of the time, struck on a flan of a coin of Charles II of 1677. 881 Half Crown, 1692, usual type, with 4 shields on rev. in form of cross, &c. j date 1692; on edge, decvs. &c, anno, regni. qvinto. (Brice collection) ; Shilling, 1692 ; Sixpence, 1694 (Wakeford collec- tion) ; and G POat , 1 6 89, all very fine, the half crown a rare date, all scarce 4 882 Half Crown, 1693, usual type, as last; but date 1693 altered from 1692 ; on edge, decvs. &c, anno, regni. qvinto. ; Shilling, 1693, and Sixpence of same date, all extremely fine and rare 3 *** All from the Devonshire, Bergne and Brice collections. 883 Maundy Money, Groat, Threepence and Twopence, 1689; Groat, Threepence and Penny, 1690; and Groat, Threepence, Twopence and Penny, 1691, a^Z very fine 10 884 Maundy Money, complete sets for 1692, 1693 and 1694, all very fine 12 Wl LLIAM III. A.D. 1694-1701. Gold. 885 Five Guineas, 1699; obv. gvlielmvs hi. del gra,, Small bust of King to right, laureate, bare, lovelock on shoulder ; rev. mag. br. fra. &c, 1699., Four shields arranged crosswise; shield of Nassau in centre ; sceptre in each angle; edge inscribed decvs. &c, anno, regni. undecimo. (Bud. pi. xvi, 9), brilliant and rare in this state 1 886 Five Guineas, 1699, same type and date as the preceding coin, but elephant and castle under King's bust ; edge same (Bud. pi. xvi, 13), extremely fine and rare 1 %.* From the Brown, Bergne (lot 1040) and Brice collections. 887 Five Guineas, 1701, similar type to lot 885, but bust of King larger, and hair thicker; no elephant under bnst ; date 1701; on edge decvs. &c, anno, regni. decimo. tertio., brilliant and rare in this state 1 * # * From the Brice collection. 888 Two Guineas, 1701, similar to the Five Guineas, but no lovelock on shoulder, hair thick; date 1701; edge milled (Bud. pi. xvi, 10), extremely fine 1 119 889 Guinea, 1695, similar type to the Five Guineas (lot 885), but small lovelock on shoulder; date 1695; edge milled (Bud. pi. xvi, 11), very fine 1 890 Guinea, 1697, same as the preceding coin, but with somewhat larger bust ; date 1697, extremely fine and rare, being an unpublished date 1 *** This coin places the change in the bust of the King one year earlier than stated by Kenyon, p. 181. 891 Guinea, 1698, usual type ; date 1698, very fine 1 *** From the Brice collection. 892 Guinea, 1698, usual type as lot 890, but with elephant and castle under bust ; date 1698 (Bud. pi. xvi, 15), extremely fine and unpub- lished by Kenyon 1 %* From the Brice collection. 893 Guinea, 1700, usual type; plain under bust; date 1700; extremely fine 1 *** From the Wigan and Brice collections. 894 Guinea, 1700, same type and same date as the preceding coin, but elephant and castle under King's bust, extremely fine and very rare 1 *** From the Brice collection. 895 Guinea, 1701, usual type; plain under bust ; date 1701, very fine 1 896 Guinea, 1701, usual type, but with large bust as on the Five Guineas of the same year, and long lovelock on shoulder (see lot 887) ; no elephant and castle ; date 1701, exceedingly fine and very rare 1 *** From the Brice collection. 897 Half Guinea, 1695, usual type, with small bust, &c, as the Guinea of same date (see lot 889) ; date 1695, very fine 1 *** From the Brice collection. 898 Half Guinea, 1696, same as the preceding coin, but with elephant and castle under King's bust ; date 1696, extremely rare and fine 1 %* From the Hugh Howard and Brice collections. 899 Half Guinea, 1698, usual type ; no elephant and castle under bust; date 1698, fine 1 *#* From the Brice collection. 900 Half Guinea, 1698, same type and date as the preceding coin, but with elephant and castle under bust, fine and rare 1 *** From the Brice collection. 901 Half Guinea, 1701, usual type, plain under bust; date 1701, ex- tremely fine 1 *** From the Brice collection. 120 Silver. 902 Crown, 1695 ; obv. gvlielmvs hi. &c, Bust of King to right, laureate, draped and wearing curved cuirass ; rev. MAG. BR. FRA. &c, 1695., Four shields in form of cross, &c. ; on edge, DECVS. &c, anno, regni. septimo. (Rud. pi. xxxvi, 1); also Shilling and Sixpence of same year, all fine 3 903 Crown, 1695, same type and date as the previous coin, but the edge is dated octavo., very fine and very rare with this date 1 904 Crown, 1696, usual type, with curved cuirass ; date 1696 ; on edge, decvs. &c, ANNO, regni. octavo., extremely fine and rare in this state 1 %* From the Shepherd (lot 443) and Brice collections. This is the only silver coin of this reign, which Mr. Shepherd possessed. 905 Crown and Half Crown, 1696, both with King wearing straight cuirass, and date on edge, octavo. ; also Shilling and Sixpence of same date, all very fine 4 906 Crown and Half Crown, 1697, both with King wearing straight cuirass, and date on edge, nono. ; also Shilling and Sixpence of same date, all very fine except the Crown, which is rubbed, but is ex- ceedingly rare 4 907 Crown, 1700, usual type, King wearing straight cuirass; date on rev. 1700 ; on edge, decvs. &c, anno, regni. dvodecimo., exceedingly fine and rarely to be met with in this state 1 908 Half Crown, 1698, usual type with straight cuirass; date 1698 ; on edge, decimo; also Shillings (2, one with flaming hair, very rare); and Sixpence of same date, all very fine 4 909 Half Crown, 1699, Bust with straight cuirass; date on edge, UNDECIMO; another, similar, date 1700; on edge, DECIMO. TERTIO. rare; also Shilling of 1699, all very fine 3 910 Half Crown, 1700, Bust with straight cuirass ; date 1700 ; on edge, dvodecimo; and Shilling and Sixpence of same year, all extremely fine 3 *** All from the Bergne and Brice collections. 911 Half Crown, 1701, Bust with straight cuirass; date 1701 ; on edge, decimo. tertio.; and Shilling and Sixpence of same date, all very fine, the first a rare date 3 912 Half Crown, 1701, usual type, with straight cuirass and date 1701 ; but on obv. elephant and castle under King's bust ; on edge, DECVS. &c, decimo. tertio. (Bud. pi. xxxvi, 26), well preserved and exceed- ingly rare 1 %* From the Brice collection. 121 913 Shilling, 1698, usual type, but with plumes in the angles on the rev. ; and Sixpence of same date and type (Bud. pi. xxxvi, 28, 29), both very fine and very rare 2 %* No. 1 from the Cuff, Bergne and Brice collections. 914 Shilling and Sixpence, 1699, same type, &c. as in the previous lot, with plumes on rev. ; but date 1699, both very fine and very rare 2 ■%* Both from the Devonshire and Brice collections. 915 Shilling and Sixpence, 1699, usual type, but on rev. rose in each angle of cross (Bud. pi. xxxvi, 25, 24); and Sixpence of 1700, with plain angles on rev., but plume under bust of King on obv., remarkably fine and very rare 3 *** No. 1 from the Brice, and no. 2 from the Wakeford collection. 916 Half Crown, 1701. usual type, King wearing straight cuirass, but on rev. plume in each angle ; on edge, decvs. &c, anno, regni. decimo. tertio. (Bud. pi. xxxvi, 27), extremely fine ; and Shilling of same type and date (ib. pi. xxxvi, 28), fine 2 %* No. 1 from the Devonshire, Bergne and Brice collections. 917 Maundy Money, completesets of 1698, 1700 and 1701 ; and Three- pence, Half Groat and Penny of 1699, all very fine, a complete series of this coinage of this reign excepting one piece, the Groat of 1699 15 Local Issues. 918 Half Crown (octavo) ; Shilling and Sixpence of 1696, struck at Bristol, with b under bust ; and Half Crown, Shilling and Six- pence of same date, struck at Chester, with c under King's bust (Bud. pi. xxxvi, 9, 14, 19 ; and 10, 15, 20), all fine 6 *#* All from the Brice collection. 919 Half Crown (octavo); Shilling and Sixpence of 1696, struck at Exeter, with E under bust (all Ford collection) ; and Half Crown, Shilling and Sixpence of same date, &c. struck at Norwich, with N under bust (all Brice collection), (Bud. pi. xxxvi, 11, 16, 21, and 12, 17, 22), all fine and scarce 6 920 Half Crown (octavo) (Wakeford collection) ; Shilling and Sixpence of 1696 (Brice collection), struck at York, with Y under bust; and Half Crown (nono) ; Shilling (Wakeford collection) and Sixpence (Brice collection) of 1697, struck at Bristol, with B under bust, all fine and some scarce 6 921 Half Crown (nono) ; Shilling and Sixpence of 1697, struck at Chester, with c under bust, all very fine and rare in this state 3 *** No. 2 from the Brice collection. 122 922 Half Crown (nono); Shilling and Sixpence of 1697, struck at Exeter, with E under bust, all very fine 3 *#* All from the Brice collection. 923 Half Crown (nono) ; Shilling and Sixpence of 1697, struck at Nor- wich, with N under bust ; and Half Crown, Shilling and Sixpence of same date, struck at York, with Y under bust, some fine 6 924 Half Crown (nono); Shilling and Sixpence of 1697, struck at York, with Y under bust, all fine, the Half Crown very fine 3 *** No. 1 from the Bergne and Brice collections. Patterns and Proofs. Silver. 925 Proof Crown, 1695, usual type, King wearing curved breast plate ; date 1695 ; edge plain (Bud. pi. xxxvi, 1), extremely fine and very rare [PL XIII] 1 *#* From the Brice collection. 926 Proof Crown, 1696, usual type, with curved breast plate ; date 1696 ; edge plain, extremely fine, but with marks of cracked die, and very rare with this shaped cuirass . 1 *** From the York-Moore and Bieber (lot 322) collections. 927 Proof Crown, 1696, same as the preceding coin, but the King wears a straight cuirass ; edge plain, well preserved and rare 1 928 Proof Half Crown, 1696, King wearing straight cuirass, &c, usual type ; date 1696 ; edge plain (Bud. pi. xxxvi, 2), fine and very rare *** From the Wakeford collection. 929 Proof Half Crown, 1696, same type and date as the previous coin ; but struck on a thicker flan ; edge plain, extremely fine and rare [PI. XIII] 1 *#* From the Wigan and Brice collections. 930 Proof Half Crown, 1697, very similar to the preceding coin, but date 1697; edge plain; and struck on a thinner flan, extremely fine and rare 1 *** From the Brice collection. 931 Proof Shilling, 1696, usual types with large bust of King ; date 1696 ; edge milled ; struck on a thick flan, wt. 1 28 grs. (Bud. pi. xxxvi, 3), fine and extremely rare 1 932 Proof Shilling, 1698, same as the last coin, but date 1698 ; and edge plain, very fine, but with marks of broken die, rare 1 *** From the Bergne (lot 1048) and Brice collections. 123 933 Proof Shilling, 1699, usual type, but with bust of King with flaming hair; date 1699 ; edge plain, extremely fine and excessively rare [PI. XIII] 1 *** From the Wakeford collection. 934 Proof York Shilling, with bust of King on both sides, and below, y ; edge milled (Bud. pi. xxxvi, 18), very fine and probably unique 1 *** From the Addington collection. 935 Pattern Sixpence, 1697 ; obv. gvliemvs. (sic) in. del gra., Large bust of King to right, laureate and draped ; rev. Usual type, four shields crosswise, and date 1697 ; edge milled, very fine and very rare 1 Copper. 936 Pattern for Irish (?) Shilling, 1691 ; obv. gvlielmvs. hi. del gra., Large bust of King to right, dividing legend above and below ; rev. mag. br. FRA. et. hib. rex. 1691, Four shields crosswise, viz. Ireland, England, France and Scotland ; that of Nassau in centre, fine, and struck on an octagonal flan, unique 1 *q r * This is probably a mint trial-piece and may have been intended for an Irish Shilling, as that shield takes the usual place of the English one. The date too is peculiar. From the Boyne collection. ANNE. a.d. 1701-1714. Before the Union, A.D. 1701-1707. Gold. 937 Five Guineas (Vigo), 1703, usual type, Bust of Queen with lovelock on right shoulder ; below, VIGO ; and on rev. Rose in centre of four shields (1) England, (2) Scotland, (3) France and (4) Ireland, crowned and placed crosswise, &c. ; on edge, decvs. &c, anno, regni. secvndo. (Bud. pi. xvi, 17), brilliant and extremely rare 1 "%* From the Wigan and Brice collections. 938 Five Guineas, 1705, same as the preceding coin, but plain under bust; date 1705; on edge, DECVS. &c, ANNO. REGNI. QVARTO., brilliant, and in this state very rare 1 *.£* From the Brice collection. 939 Guinea, 1702, usual type, as the last coin; date 1702 ; edge milled (Bud. pi. xvii, 6 and 2), very fine and rare 1 *+* From the Brice collection. 124 940 Guinea (Vigo), 1703, usual type, but with vigo under the Queen's bust; date 1703 (Eud.pl. xvi, 19), well preserved and excessively rare, probably only three or four specimens known 1 *** From the Leycester collection. 941 Guinea, 1705, usual type, plain under bust; date 1705, very fine 1 *** From the Brice collection. 942 Guinea, 1707, similar; date 1707, very fine, and a very rare date 1 "%* From the Brice collection. 943 Half Guinea, 1702, of the same type as the Guinea; date 1702 (Bud. pi. xvn, 7), extremely fine and very rare 1 *** From the Cuff, Murchison, Bergne (lot 1067) and Brice collections. 944 Half Guinea (Vigo), 1703, usual type, but with vigo under Queen's bust ; date 1703 (Rud. pi. xvi, 20), very fine and very rare 1 * From the Wigan and Brice collections. 945 Half Guinea, 1705, similar to last, but plain under bust; date 1705, very fine, and rare of this date 1 * * * From the Baker, Thomas Brown and Adding ton collections. Silver. 946 Crown, 1703, Bust of Queen without lovelock; rev. Star of the Garter in centre of four shields, crowned, crosswise and arranged as on the Five Guineas (lot 937) ; angles plain ; date 1703 ; on edge, decvs. &c, anno, regni. tertio. ; Half Crown, same ; and Shilling and Sixpence, of same date and type, all with vigo under Queen's bust (Rud. pi. xxxvn, 9-12), a very fine set and rare 4 *** Nos. 2 and 4 from the Hugh Howard and Brice, and no. 3 from the Wakeford collection. 947 Half Crown, 1703, usual type, but without vigo, and plain field on rev.; date 1703; on edge, decvs. &c, anno, regni. tertio. (Rud. pi. XXXVII, 2), very fine and extremely rare 1 "%* From the Le Grand (1836), Hawkins and Brice collections. 948 Crown, 1705 (qvinto) ; Half Crown, same ; and Shilling and Six- pence of same date, all with plumes in angles of cross on rev. (Rud. pi. xxxvn, 17-20), a very fine set and rare in this state 4 *** No. 1 from the Bergne and Brice, and nos. 2-4 from the Wakeford collection. 949 Crown, 1707 (sexto); Half Crown, same; and Shilling and Six- pence of same date, all with plume and rose in alternate angles on rev. (Rud. pi. xxxvn, 13-16), a very fine set 4 *+* All from the Brice collection. 125 950 Shilling, 1702 (rev. plain); another, same date, but VIGO under bust; another, same date (plumes on rev.); and another, 1705 (roses and plumes on rev.) ; and Sixpence, 1705 (roses and plumes), all very fine and scarce in this condition 5 *** Nos. 1 and 3 from the Bergne and Brice collections. After the Union, a.d. 1707-17H. Gold. 951 Five Guineas, 1706, usual type, but on rev. instead of a rose, the star of the Garter in centre of four shields, which are (1 and 3) England and Scotland dimidiated, (2) France, (4) Ireland; date 1706; on edge, decvs. &c, anno, regni. qvinto. (Rud. pi. xvn, 4 and 8), brilliant and rare 1 *.£* From the Chetwynd and Brice collections. For note on date see Ken. p. 183. 952 Five Guineas, 1709, similar to the preceding piece, but letters of legends larger; date 1709; on edge, DECVS. &c, ANNO. REGNI. octavo., brilliant 1 953 Five Guineas, 1714, usual type as before; date 1714; on edge, DECVS. &C, ANNO. REGNI. DECIMO. TERTIO., brilliant 1 954 Two Guineas, 1711, same type, &c, as the Five Guineas, lot 951 ; date 1711 ; edge engrailed (Rud. pi. xvn, 9), extremely fine 1 *** From the Brice collection. 955 Guinea, 1707, as the Two Guineas with edge engrailed, but with bust of Queen as on the Guinea before the Union; date 1707 (Rud. pi. XVII, 6 and 10), fine and an unpublished variety 1 *** From the Addington collection. The difference of the bust before and after the Union consists only of slight variations in the hair. 956 Guinea, 1707, same as the preceding coin and same date, but with the new bust of the Queen (see Rud. pi. xvn, 9 and 11), fine 1 * # * From the Brice collection. 957 Guinea, 1708, usual type, but with elephant and castle under the Queen's bust ; date 1708 (Rud. pi. xvn, 3), very fine and very rare 1 958 Guinea, 1709, same as the last, with elephant and castle under the Queen's bust ; date 1709, very fine and rare 1 * i( * From the Wigan and Brice collections. 959 Guinea, 1709, usual type, without the elephant and castle; date 1709, extremely fine and very rare, unpublished 1 126 960 Guinea, 1711, usual type, plain under bust; date 1711, extremely fine 1 *** From the Brice collection. 961 Guinea, 1712, same as the last, but date 1712, extremely fine 1 *** From the Brice collection. 962 Guinea, 1713, usual type, plain under bust; date 1713, extremely fine 1 *%* From the Brice collection. 963 Guinea, 1714, same as last coin; date 1714, extremely fine 1 *** From the Brice collection. 964 Half Guinea, 1707, same type as the Guinea after the Union, and with second bust; date 1707, very fine 1 *** From the Brice collection. 965 Half Guinea, 1709, same as the last; but date 1709, extremely fine 1 *** From the Brice collection. 966 Half Guinea, 1711, usual type; date 1711, extremely fine 1 *** From the Brice collection. 967 Half Guinea, 1713, usual type; date 1711, extremely fine 1 *+* From the Bergne (lot 1069) and Brice collections. 968 Half Guinea, 1714, usual type; date 1714, very fine 1 *** From the Brice collection. Silver. 969 Crown, 1707, usual type, Bust of Queen without lovelock ; and rev. The four shields crowned and arranged crosswise with arms as on the Five Guineas (see lot 951); angles plain; date 1707; on edge, decvs. &c, anno, regni. septimo. ; Half Crown, same; and Shilling and Sixpence of same type and date, a very fine set 4 *#* No. 1 from the Bergne and Brice, and no. 4 from the Hugh Howard and Brice collections. 970 Crown, 1708 (septimo); Half Crown, same; and Shilling and Sixpence of same date ; all with angles of cross on rev. plain, a very fine set 4 971 Crown, 1708 (septimo); Half Crown, same; and Shilling and Sixpence of same date ; all with plumes in angles of cross on rev., an equally fine set 4 *** Nos. 1, 3 and 4 from the Brice collection. 127 ' 972 Half Crown, 1709 (octavo); and Shilling of same date, both with angles plain; also Half Crown, 1710 (nono), Shilling and Sixpence of same date, with plume and rose in alternate angles on rev., all fine 5 973 Half Crown, 1712 (undecimo); and Shilling of same date, with plume and rose in alternate angles; also Half Crown, 1714 (decimo. tertio); and Shilling of same date, both with same rev. type as the others in this lot, all very fine 4 *** No. 1 from the Wakeford, and no. 3 from the Brice collection. 974 Crown, 1713 (dvodecimo); Half Crown, same; and Shilling of same date, all with rose and plume in alternate angles on rev., extremely fine 3 %* No. 1 from the Shepherd, and no. 2 from the Addington collection. 975 Shilling, 1707, plumes; another, 1708, roses and plumes; and another, 1711, plain angles; also Sixpence, 1707, plumes; and another, 1711, plain angles, all very fine specimens 5 976 Crown, 1707 (sexto); Half Crown, same; and Shilling and Sixpence of same date, all with plain angles on rev. and E (Edinburgh) under the bust, all fine 4 *■** Nos. 1 and 3 from the Brice collection. 977 Crown, 1708 (septimo); Half Crown, same; and Shilling and Sixpence of same date, all with plain angles on rev. and with I (Edinburgh) under the bust, well preserved, the Crown fine 4 978 Shillings, 1707 and 1708, and Sixpence, 1708, all with plain angles and with E * under the bust, all very fine, the last very rare 3 "%* Nos. 2 and 3 from the Brice collection. )79 Half Crown, 1709 (OCTAVO), with plain angles of cross on rev., and E (Edinburgh) under the bust ; date 1709, well preserved and of the highest rarity 1 *** From the Ford collection (lot 948). )80 Shilling, 1709, usual type, with e under bust and plain angles on rev.; date 1709, well preserved and of the highest rarity, unpublished 1 *** From the Wakeford collection. )81 Shilling, 1709, same as the last coin, but with e * under the bust, extremely rare and extra fine for this coin, being the best specimen known 1 )82 Maundy Money, complete sets (Groat, Threepence, Half Groat and Penny) of 1706, 1708 and 1709, all very fine 12 )83 Maundy Money, complete sets as before for 1710 and 1713, all very fine 8 * 128 Patterns and Proofs. Gold. 984 Pattern Guinea, 1702, by CroJcer; obv. anna, del gratia., Bust of Queen to left, bare, head bound with ribbon; lovelock on left shoulder; rev. mag BR: FRA et. hib REG: 1702., Four shields of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, crowned and arranged in form of cross ; in centre, M monogram ; in each angle, sceptre ; plain edge (Bud. Suppl. pi. VI, 27), excessively fine, in mint condition and of the highest rarity [PI. XIII] 1 *** From the Cuff (£51), Thomas Brown and Addington collections. 985 Pattern Guinea, 1702, by CroJcer; obv. anna, del gratia, Bust of Queen to left, draped ; lovelock on right shoulder ; rev. mag br. fra et. hib REG. 1702., same type as the preceding coin, but in centre a rose ; plain edge, extremely fine and very rare [PI. XIII] 1 *** From the Brice collection. This piece is very like the current Guinea ; but it varies in several details, such as the stops after the words, &c. ; it is therefore a Pattern. Silver, 986 Proof Edinburgh Shilling, 1707, by CroJcer, usual type after the Union, but with e (Edinburgh) under the Queen's bust ; and plain angles on rev.; date 1707; plain edge (seeRud.pl. xxxvill, 12), extremely fine and extremely rare 1 *** From the Tyssen, Bowles, Murchison, Bergne (lot 1088) and Brice collections. 987 Proof Edinburgh Sixpence, 1707, by CroJcer, same type as the preceding coin and same date, equally rare and very fine 1 *** From the Tyssen, Bowles, Murchison, Bergne (lot 1089) and Brice collections. 988 Pattern Shilling, 1710, by CroJcer, Legends as usual, but with large letters; a large and bold bust in high relief to left; rev. Shields of arms as usual after the Union ; plain in the angles and plain edge; date 1710, wt. 123 grs., brilliant and extremely rare [PL XIII] 1 *** From the Hugh Howard and Brice collections. end of sale. Dryden Press : J. Davy & Sons, 137, Long Acre, London. PI. I. 4-6 'U'd'Zi* 4[df& ENGLISH COINS MONTAGU COLLECTION PI. II >*< '**&- ?'? 126 ENGLISH COINS MONTAGU COLLECTION PI. III. ^ - &% iff ^K l|| p%S%^ 71'/= ".T i^SC/S ENGLISH COINS MONTAGU COLLECTION. PL IV I TOTVPE. ENGLISH COINS MONTAGU COLLECTION. PI. V ENGLISH COINS MONTAGU COLLECTION. Pl.VI. 392 5r % n - 7^\am Mm>xM f^mk^p 'fm. 396 'JLZ2T~, 392 CA fb f Ijg§j i 2 3 397 ENGLISH COINS MONTAGU COLLECTION PL VII. ENGLISH COINS MONTAGU COLLECTION, Pl.VIIL ENGLISH COINS MONTAGU COLLECTION. Ft. IX. 545 X-S^ r r^ 530 510 ■" r -' — ~i" ^^V 545 is?*: C'RITf^ -I ''"UJ?- 581 U' ENGLISH COINS MONTAGU COLLECTION. Fl.X. ENGLISH COINS MONTAGU COLLECTION, PI. XI. ENGLISH COINS MONTAGU COLLECTION. PI. XII. 730 737 booJ^ 730 740 740 749 743 749 ENGLISH COINS MONTAGU COLLECTION Pl.XIII. ENGLISH COINS MONTAGU COLLECTION. fey HfJ> First Day Monday, 23rd March Lots 1 to 135 Second Day Tuesday, 24th March Lots 136 to 271 Third Day Wednesday, 25th March Lots 272 to 405 Fourth Day Thursday, 26th March Lots 406 to 538 Fifth Day Friday, 27th March Lots 539 to 683 Sixth Day Saturday, 28th March Lots 684 to 816 Illustrated Catalogue Pnine Four Shillings. THE MONTAGU COLLECTION OF COINS. CATALOGUE OF THE (Smk Jlerns, WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, jbrtiottms of f iterarg ^ropcrtg & WioxUz ilhistrattoe of thz JFitte ^ris, AT THEIE HOUSE, No. 13, WELLINGTON STBEET, STEAND, W.C. On MONDAY, 23rd of MARCH, 1896, and Five following Days, AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. MAY BE VIEWED TWO DAYS PRIOR. CATALOGUES MAY BE HAD. DRYDEN PBESS : J. DAVY AND SONS, I37, LONG ACRE, LONDON. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The highest bidder to be the buyer ; and if any dispute arise between bidders, the lot so disputed shall be imme- diately put up again, provided the auctioneer cannot decide the said dispute. II. No person to advance less than Is. ; above five pounds, 2s. 6d., and so on in proportion. III. In the case of lots upon which there is a reserve, the auc- tioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the seller. IV. The purchasers to give in their names and places of abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, if required, in part payment of the purchase-money ; in default of which the lot or lots purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The sale of any lot is not to be set aside on account of any error in the enumeration of the numbers stated, or errors of description. VI. The lots to be taken away at the buyer's expense, imme- diately after the conclusion of the sale ; in default of which Messrs. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will not hold themselves responsible if lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise destroyed , but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, If at the expiration of Two Days after the conclusion of the sale, the lots are not cleared or paid for, they will then be catalogued for immediate sale, and the expense, the same as if re-sold, will be added to the amount at which they were bought. Messrs. SOTHEBY. WILKINSON & HODGE will have the option of re- selling the lots uncleared, either by public or private sale, without any notice being given to the defaulter. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money required and deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited , and if any loss is sustained in the re-selling of such lots as are not cleared or paid for, all charges on such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulters at this sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend this sale, may have their Com- missions faithfully executed by their humble Servants, SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, 13, Wellington Street, Strand, London. PREFATORY NOTE. A few details relating to the formation of this splendid series of Greek coins will be found in the sale catalogue describing the British and Anglo-Saxon sections of Mr. Montagu's Collection. As, however, that sale appealed more to collectors of English coins, the catalogue may not have reached the hands of some of those who devote themselves specially to Greek coins. For that reason we will recapitu- late some of our remarks on the Greek series, which were included in the biographical sketch of Mr. Montagu. It was not till he had completed the formation of his cabinet of English coins that Mr. Montagu turned his attention to those of earlier times. It may be of interest to note that the first Greek coin which Mr. Montagu purchased was the beautiful Stater of Croton described in lot 73. The extreme beauty of this coin, as a work of art, particularly attracted Mr. Montagu, and he purchased it, not at the time having any serious intention of devoting himself to forming a collection of this series. So much so, that, shortly after acquiring it, he offered to hand it over to a brother-collector, who, to his after- regret, did not accept the offer. This coin proved to be the deciding point; and, when Mr. Montagu met his friend shortly afterwards, he remarked " I am glad you did not take that coin, because it has made me a collector of Greek coins/' This occurred in 1889, and thus fixes the date of the commencement of the formation of this cabinet of Greek coins. The zeal which Mr. Montagu had shown in collecting English coins was now turned to those of Greece, and he was quite as successful in this second instance as in the first ; for, as we have previously re- marked, " what Mr. Montagu undertook it was always his endeavour to accomplish thoroughly, and this dominant feature in his character was the keynote to his success." Even in the pressure of the multi- farious duties of his profession Mr. Montagu had always kept up his acquaintance with the classics : so that the pages of Eckhel were as accessible to him as any other numismatic work in his library. ( iv ) At first, as in the case of forming his English cabinet, Mr. Montagu purchased cautiously, chiefly at public sales and of dealers, always, however, selecting fine specimens, and such as were of special numis- matic or historical interest. His practised eye told him at once what was true and what was false, so that he had not that difficulty to contend with, which always meets a beginner. He was a past-master in his art. The acquisition, in 1893, of the whole of the stock of M. Hoffman, the well-known dealer in Paris, placed Mr. Montagu's collection on a very firm basis. It was a splendid acquisition, as it contained a very large number of very fine and exceedingly interesting coins.* From that date Mr. Montagu increased his collection with remarkable rapidity, such as never before was the fortune of a collector to accomplish. His frequent visits to the Continent placed him in correspondence with the foreign dealers, and there was scarcely one of any standing over the whole width and breadth of Europe and in Asia Minor with whom he had not transactions at one time or another. Mr. Montagu was also on terms of friendship with most of the private collectors on the Continent, through whom he obtained many interesting coins. The rapidity with which he collected is shown by the extent of his collec- tion : and, had he lived but a few years longer, in completeness it would probably have rivalled his English series. The present occasion offers to collectors a rare opportunity of add- ing to their treasures. Since the dispersion of the Northwick cabinet in 1859, no collection of Greek coins so remarkable for their beauty, condition and numismatic importance, as that formed by Mr. Montagu has been offered by public auction in this country. A perusal of the pages of this catalogue must convince the reader of the truth of this remark. To attempt to particularise what is of a special nature would mean the recapitulation of nearly the whole catalogue. The plates will give some idea of the beauty and fine condition of the coins : but it must be understood that these form but a limited selection. There, would have been no difficulty in reproducing double, or even treble, the number of equally fine pieces. Where possible the previous collections through which the coins have passed are quoted : of these the greater number are from recent sales. As Mr. Montagu purchased very largely of dealers there are many cases where such information is not possible. * The duplicates and coins in inferior condition in this collection were elimi- nated by Mr. Montagu, and sold at this house in December, 1894. O — (O t» fc Qi O* •■>* OT • O -fees q/^Ae Coins. Scale of Mionnet. CATALOGUE OF THE VEKY VALUABLE AND EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF GREEK COINS, THE PROPERTY OP THE LATE HYMAN MONTAGU, ESQ. F.S.A. Vice-President of the Numismatic Society. FIRST DAY'S SALE. LOT HISPANIA. Iliberi (Baetica). M Drachms, Head with curled hair to right; Jjt Horseman with circular shield, riding one horse and leading a second, legend in exergue (Heiss, pi. xlviii, 1). Turiaso, JR, Bearded head to left, letters in field ^.A-M. ; £> Horseman with couched lance, to right ; legend beneath (Heiss, xxn, 2). Romano Iberian, Saguntum under name of Arsenses, JR, Bearded head to right, in front, dolphin, behind, plough; 9> Horseman to right, legend below. Segobnia, JR, Beardless Head to right, behind, crescent and below M ; V° Horseman helmeted, going to right holding couched lance. JR, Hemidrachm of Barcide King, Male bust to right wearing corn-wreath ; R Horse to right, Punic letters below, fine 5 Minorca. Hemidrachm JR Punic issue. Cabiros (Bes) facing 9> Bull to left (Heiss, pi. lxiii, 2), wt. 36 grs., pierced, rare 1 B GALLIA. 3 Massalia. ^Drachms (3) after B.C. 350, Head of Artemis wearing triple earring to right; 9> MAZZ A, Lion to right (wt. 64 grs.). After B.C. 200, Bust of Artemis, diademed and draped, with bow and quiver on shoulder, to right; $> MAZZ AAHT.fr N., Lion to right, in front AA (mon.), wt. 411 g rs . Another but with head of Artemis, and without quiver or bow ; $k MAZZ A., Lion to right. An example showing only rev. type one side incuse ; inscribed M AZZ A and K A A in exergue, wt. 41 grs. Obols (2) Head of Apollo to left ; $> MA. in spaces of wheel, ivt. 9 grs. ; the other specimen is of similar type but head of Apollo to right, wt. 12 grs. 5 ITALY. 4 Popu Ionia. M Ten Litra, Head of Apollo laureate to left, behind value X ; $k plain, wt. 65 grs. Two-and-a-half Litra, Male head to right with value behind; 9> plain, wt. 13 grs., both in very excellent condition and scarce 2 5 Alba Fucentis (Latium) B.C. 303-268. M Diobol (Nummi), Head of Hermes wearing petasos to right; 9> ALBA, Griffin to right, wt. 18 grs. Obol (Half Nummi), Head of Pallas to left; 9> Eagle on fulmen, wt. 9| grs., very fine. Signia (Latium) B.C. 300-268, M Obol (Half Nummi), Head of Hermes wearing petasus, to right, in front caduceus; ^ ^EIC, Head of Silenos and head of boar conjoined, wt. 8^ grs. 3 CAMPANIA. 6 Cumae, B.C. 480-423. ^RDidrachm, Lion's scalp facing between two boars' heads; £> K[Y]M AION, Mussel shell, to righta conch shell, wt. 116i gr & Obols (2), Head of Pallas; fy KV-, Mussel shell, wt. 9^ and 8^ grs., one as symbol has an escallop shell 3 7 Hyria, B.C. 420-340. JR Didrachm, Head of Hera nearly facing, wearing Stephanos and necklace, the hair long and flowing 9> YPINA (in Oscan letters), Campanian bull to right, wt. U2| grs., fine 1 8 Neapolis. M Didrachms (3) B.C. 400-340. Female head to right wearing triple earring and necklace, the hair confined by broad bandeau, behind head E; 9> NEOPOAITHS. (in exergue). Campanian bull, Victory flying above, wt. 115 grs. Female head to left, the hair partly rolled and confined by broad bandeau, with dotted border, behind head, a thyrsos; $> legend as last, Cam- panian bull with Victory above, below bull IZ, wt. 108 grs. Female head to right, hair of rather more ornate style, below head AIOANOYZ; and behind, a bunch of grapes; & legend as before, Bull and Victory; below bull monogram, wt. 114| grs., fine 3 9 Neapolis. M Didrachms (3), B.C. 340-268. Female head to left, hair rolled in front and confined by broad bandeau, behind head a crater; £> NEOnOAITHN., Campanian bull, with flying Victory above ; below bull A-, wt. 116 grs. Female head to right with XAPI. below neck, and behind head Artemis ? with long torch ; B> similar, wt. 116 grs. Female head similar to last, XAPI. beneath and behind kantharos ; 9> similar to the preceding, K. in field, wt. 114 grs., fine 3 10 Nola, B.C. 340-268. M Didrachm, Head of Kore ?, the hair turned up at back and confined by broad diadem ornamented with mseander pattern; Jfc NI2AAION. (in exergue), Campanian bull to right, Victory above, wt. 115^ grs. Phistelia, B.C. 420-400. Litra, <|> I ZTEA I A M Young head facing; 9> Fistlius (in Oscan characters), Mussel, corn grain and dolphin, wt. 10 grs., fine 2 11 Phistelia, B.C. 420-400. iR Didrachm, Head of Hera facing wearing necklace, hair loose 9> Fistlius (in Oscan letters), Campanian bull to left, in exergue dolphin, wt. 115^ grs., very fine and scarce [PL I] 1 12 Suessa Aurunca, B.C. 313-268. JR Didrachm, Head of Apollo, laureate, to right, in field a lyre 9> SVESANO. (in exergue), One of the Dioskuri on horseback, carrying a palm branch to which is attached a fillet, and leading a second horse, wt. 110 grs., fine 1 13 Teanum Sid ici n u m, B.C. 300-268. M Didrachm, Head of Herakles in lion's skin, behind head a cornucopiae £> Tianud (in Oscan lettering), (in exergue), Victory driving triga to left, wt. 104 grs., very fine [PL I] 1 APULIA. 14 Arpi, B.C. 326-213. M Didrachm, APPANHN., Head of Persephone, wearing wreath of corn, to left, behind head an ear of corn 9> AAlOY., Prancing horse to left, star above, wt. 109 grs., very fine [PL I] 1 15 Arpi. M Obols (2), A-, a hook (harpa 1) ; 9> A-, prancing horse to right. Rubastini or Rubi, circa B.C. 300. M Diobol, Head of Pallas in Corinthian helmet, ornamented with a star, to right ; 9> PY., Ear of corn, wt. 14 grs. Hemi-Obol, Head of Helios facing ; 9> PY., two crescents above A A., wt. 4| grs., fine 4 B2 CALABRIA. 16 Tarentum, B.C. 400-330. tf Stater, TAPA., Head of Demeter or Hera 1 to right, wearing Stephanos decorated with palmettes, veil on back of head, triple ear-ring and necklace, in front of head a dolphin; under neck KOH 9> The Dioskuri riding to left, the further horse in advance, the near figure carries a palm branch to which is attached a wreath and fillet, ZA. in exergue, wt. 132 grs. (Carelli, cm, 12), very fine and very rare [PL I] 1 17 Tare nt urn, b.c. 400-330. N Drachm, TAPA [Z] (retrograde). Head of Goddess with partially flowing hair bound with cord, and wearing earring and necklace, behind head Z A. ^ Taras, wearing scarf and holding trident, seated on dolphin to left, in front flying Victory about to crown him ; below waves and H 1 1., wt. 65 grs., an unpublished variety, rare 1 18 Tarentum, b.c. 400-300. tf Diobol, TAPAZ., Head of Hera wear- ing Stephanos, earring and necklace, to right 9> TAPAZ-, Taras kneeling on left knee, holding in right hand a distaff, and in the left hand a ball ; below, a dolphin, wt. 21 grs. {see Num. Chron., Series III, vol. IX, pi. V, 13), in brilliant condition and extremely rare [PI. I] 1 19 Tarentum, b.c. 400-300. N Diobol, TAPAZ., Head of Apollo, laureate, to left, in front ZA. and dolphin #> Herakles contending with lion, in field hH. and bow and quiver, wt. 21| grs., very fine [PL I] 1 20 Tarentum, b.c. 330-272. ■#" Stater, Head of Zeus, laureate, to left, behind head NK. (monogram) 9> Legend wanting. Eagle with open wings standing on fulmen, in field, two amphorae surmounted by two stars, magistrate's, name, in exergue NIKAP., wt. 132 grs., rare [PL I] 1 21 Tarentum, B.C. 320-272. N Hemidrachm, Head of Apollo, laureate, to right, behind <|>. £> TAPANTINI2N., Eagle on fulmen, wt. 34 grs., rare [PL I] 1 22 Tarentum, B.C. 320. N Drachm, Head of Young Herakles in lion's skin, to right 9> TARANTI NUN., Taras with trident, in biga to right, wt. 65%grs., fine [PI. I] 1 23 Tarentum, B.C. 330-272. N Tetrobol, Head of Pallas in crested Corinthian helmet to right 9> Taras with trident in biga to right, below horses, a dolphin, wt. 44 grs., very fine [PL I] 1 24 Tarentum, b.c. 330-272. N Sicilian Litra, Head of Young Herakles to right lfc> TAPAZ., Taras on dolphin, wt. 12| grs., fine 1 25 Tarentum, b.c. 500-470. Didrachms (2), thick fabric, TARAZ. (retrograde), Taras on dolphin to right, below, escallop shell, $> Wheel of four spokes, wts. 125£ grs. and 123| grs., both fine 2 26 Tarentum, b.c 500-473. M Didrachm, TAPAZ., Taras on dolphin to left, with outstretched hands, below, an escallop shell border of dots 9> Archaic head (Taras?) within linear circle, wt. 122 grs., fine and scarce 1 27 Tarentum, B.C. 470-460. M Didrachm, TAPAZ., Taras seated on dolphin to left, below an escallop shell #> TAPAZ. (retrograde) Taras 1 nude to waist, seated right, holding staff and kantharos, wt. 124 grs., fine 1 28 Tarentum, b.c. 473-400. ^l Didrachm, TAPANTINHN., Taras on dolphin, below escallop shell B> Taras, nude to waist, seated left, holding kantharos and distaff, wt. 121^ grs., fine 1 29 Tarentum, B.C. 420-380. M Didrachms, Horseman to right in field A. E. j #> TAPAZ., Taras seated on dolphin to right, the left hand extended, wt. 121 grs. B.C. 302-281. Youthful rider crowning his horse, in field ZA., and below horse <|>IAI APXOZ. ; 9> TAPAZ., Taras on dolphin to left, holding bunch of grapes, below ATA., wt. 123 grs., very fine 2 30 Tarentum, b.c. 212-209. JR Didrachm (Class n, Hist. Num. p. 48), Female head to left, wearing triple earring and necklace, the hair drawn back at sides and rolled over broad diadem £> AT., Youthful horseman to right crowning his horse, below a dolphin, of fine style and very fine condition [PL I] . 1 *** From the Carfrae collection. 31 Tarentum, b.c. 420-380. ^l Didrachms (3), Boy galloping to left; 9> Taras on dolphin to right, wt. 122 grs. Youthful rider crowning horse in front upright caduceus; Ifc TAPAZ., Taras on dolphin to right, left hand raised, below dolphin A., wt. grs. B.C. .302- 287. Youthful rider crowning his horse, above ZA-, and under horse APE0HN. ; 9= TAPAZ. Taras seated on dolphin to left, holding a tripod, in field TAY., wt. 122 grs., fine 3 32 Tarentum, b.c. 400-272. M Drachms (2), Head of Pallas to right, wearing crested helmet adorned with Scylla ; 5= TAP., Owl on olive branch, in field nOAY., wt. 49 grs. Another, B.C. 212-209. Youthful rider to left, crowning his horse, above Xfl., and under the horse ZI2TENHZ. ; V° Taras on dolphin, holding figure of Victory and cornucopia, wt. 53^ grs., fine 2 33 Tarentum, B.C. 212-209. JR Drachm, Horseman to right carrying palm branch and fillet; under horse XHKANNAZ; 9> TA PAZ. Taras on dolphin to left holding Kantharos and trident in field an eagle, wt. 53^ grs. Diobol, B.C. 400-272. Head of Pallas left, in crested helmet adorned with wing; 9> Herakles contending with lion, in field a bow, wt. 19| grs. Litrae (2), O and £> head of bridled horse, wt. 6| grs. O and 9> Kantharos 4 LUCANIA. 34 Heraclea, 380-300. ^R Didrachm, head of Pallas to right, wearing crested Athenian helmet adorned with scylla R h HPAKAHIX1N., Herakles contending with lion, in field KAA and club, between the legs of Herakles an owl facing, wt. 117g grs., fine style and condition [PI. I] 1 35 Heraclea, B.C. 380-300. ^R Didrachm, Head of Pallas nearly facing, wearing triple crested helmet adorned with Scylla, to left monogram 9> [HPAK]AEinN, Herakles standing facing, right hand rest- ing on club ; over the left arm he carries the lion's skin and in the hand a bow, to left flying Victory about to crown him ; in field to right <|>| AO-> wt. 119£ grs., fine and scarce 1 36 Heraclea, b.c. 380-300. M Didrachm [h]HPAKAHin.N., Head of Pallas to right wearing crested Corinthian helmet adorned with Scylla, behind head K- 9> H H PAKAH II2N., Herakles, naked, standing facing holding club downwards in right hand, in left hand he holds a bow, and over the arm hangs the lion's skin partially supported by a strap passing over shoulder, in field to left, a one-handled vase and A0A., wt. 122 grs., very fine 1 37 Heraclea, b.c. 432-380. M Diobol, Head of Herakles wearing lion's skin, R 3H-, Lion to right, wt. 18 grs. (B. M. Guide, pi. xv, 5), fine. Diobol, Head of Herakles, nearly facing, wearing lion's skin, to left, club ; #> Herakles contending with lion, in field a club and between legs of Herakles <|>. wt. 16 grs., fine ; and another Head, of Pallas to right wearing crested helmet adorned with Scylla ; $> Herakles and lion, on lion's back a bird, wt. 1 5 grs. 38 Laus, B.C. 500-450. M Didrachm, ^AA., Bull looking back ^ ^AA., Human headed bull to right, wt. 122 grs., rare 1 39 Metapontum, first period, circa B.C. 550-480. M Didrachm, ME-T A. (retrograde), Ear of corn in high relief the whole within dotted border R; Same type incuse (Hist. Num. type of fig. 37), wt. 123 grs., fine 1 40 Metapontum, B.C. 550-480. JR Didrachms (2) Compact fabric, META. to right of ear of corn, the whole within ornamental border; $> incuse, wt. 118 grs.,fine; the second specimen similar, but bolder work, and not quite so well preserved. Tetrobol, B.C. 550-480, M ET. to left of ear of corn in high relief, wt. 38 grs. Diobol, B.C. 550-480, M ETA. to right of ear of corn ; #> Bull's head facing, incuse, wt. 20| grs. ; and an Obol, same date, M E- ear of corn ; Ifc same type incuse, wt. 6 grs. 5 Metapontum, B.C. 480-400. ^l Didrachm, META-, Ear of corn, symbol to right, a locust $> Apollo, naked, standing, holding laurel branch, bow and arrow ; to left an altar, wt. 120 grs., fine [PL I] 1 Metapontum, B.C. 400-350. ^l Drachm (Period of finest art), Young male head laureate, with ram's horn and ear E> [M]ETA. Ear of corn, wt. 119 grs., fine [PI. I] 1 Metapontum, B.C. 400-350. M Didrachm, Head of Hygeia wearing earring and necklace, the hair turned up at back and bound by cord, the whole within wreath of olive & ME., Ear of corn, wt. 120£ grs., fine [PI. I] 1 44 Metapontum, B.C. 400-350, M, Female Dionysiac head to left wearing a broad diadem, fastened by bow at back of head, and ornamented with mseander pattern, from which rises a row of ivy leaves, below neck ZP. 9> MET All., Ear of corn, wt. 121 grs. (Carelli, N.I.V.T., clvii, 146), very fine and rare in this condition [PI. I] 1 45 Metapontum, B.C. 350-330, ^l Tetradrachm, Head of Leukippos to right, wearing helmet adorned with quadriga driven by Victory, behind head, forepart of lion and AnH. 9, METAnONTINHN., Ear of Corn, to left a club and AMI., wt. 241-^ grs. very rare 1 Metapontum, B.C. 350-330. ^l Didrachm, AEYK[innOZ] Head of Leukippos in Corinthian helmet, behind head, a dog seated 9> META., Ear of corn, to right, a bird and AM[|.], wt. 122 grs., fine 1 Metapontum, B.C. 330-300. M Didrachm, Head of Demeter to left, wearing triple earring, necklace and wreath of corn leaves 9> ME[TA.], Ear of corn, to left tongs and A0A-, wt. 121 grs. ; back of head and portion of rev. have suffered from corrosion, otherwise very fine 1 Metapontum, B.C. 350-300. M Didrachm, Head of Demeter to left, the hair turned up at back and decorated with ears and leaves of corn 9> META., Ear of corn, to left, caduceus, wt. 118 grs., fine 1 46 47 8 49 Metapontum, B.C. 300. M Didrachm, Head of Demeter to right wearing single earring and plain necklet, the hair long and wreathed with ears and leaves of corn, in front of head AAP. (?) & META-, Ear of corn, to right a plough and MAM. (?) wt. 122 grs., fine 1 50 Posidonia, B.C. 550-480. M Stater, POM. (retrograde), Poseidon naked, with chlamys hanging loosely across his shoulders, wielding trident, the whole within dotted and scroll border $1 Same type incuse with legend and details in relief, wt. 116| grs., fine 1 51 Posidonia, B.C. 550-480. ^ Drachm similar in type to the Didrachm in preceding lot, wt. 57 grs. JR Didrachm, B.C. 480-400. POM El. retrograde, Poseidon nude to right with chlamys hanging loosely over shoulders hurling trident, border of dots; $> nOMEI. retrograde, Bull to left, in exergue, 3., wt. 124 grs. Diobol, same date, POMEL, Poseidon as on preceding; B> POZE-, Bull to right, in front a plant and in the exergue a dolphin ; and two Obols of similar type and date 5 52 Posidonia, B.C. 480-400. M Didrachm, nOZEIAAN., Poseidon nude with chlamys hanging loosely over shoulders wielding trident, in field, to left, a dolphin 9> POZEIAANI-, Bull to left, in exergue a dolphin, wt. 124$ grs., very fine 1 53 Sybaris, B.C. 500. ^RDidrachms (2), MY. retrograde, Bull with head reverted ; Bj same type incuse but the letters not shewn, wt. 122| grs. ; the second specimen has the letters in the exergue, wt. 115| grs. Tetrobol, B.C. 443, Head of Pallas to right; R XYBAPL, Bull to right, in exergue a fish, wt. 35| grs. 3 54 Thurium, B.C. 420-390. M Didrachm, Head of Pallas in crested helmet decorated with olive wreath; ]£, 0OYPII2N., Bull to right, beaded exergual line and below, a fish, wt. 118 J grs., fine. JR Diobol, b.c. 420-390, same type, but reading 0OYPI. and the bull is to the left 2 55 Thurium, B.C. 390-350. ^l Tetradrachm, Head of Pallas to right wearing crested helmet adorned with Scylla, behind neck A. 9> 0OYPII2N., Bull butting to right, in exergue a fish, wt. 236 grs., fine [PI. I] 1 56 Thurium, B.C. 390-350. ^l Tetradrachm, Head of Pallas in crested helmet adorned with Scylla £> ©OYPiniM. - EY<|>A., Bull butting to right, in exergue a thyrsos, wt. 245 grs., fine 1 9 57 Thurium, B.C. 390-350. M Didrachm, Head of Pallas in crested helmet adorned with Scylla 9> 0OYPIHN., Bull butting to right, in exergue a fish, wt. 124 grs., fine 1 58 Thurium, B.C. 390-350. yR Didrachm, Head of Pallas to right wearing crested helmet adorned with Scylla, in front E. & 0OYPII2N., Bull butting to right, in exergue a fish, wt. 120 grs., very fine and of fine style [PI. I] 1 59 Thurium, B.C. 390-350. Head of Pallas to right wearing crested helmet adorned with Scylla, behind neck AP- !R Bull butting to right, above XXX, in exergue lion bounding to right, wt. 123 grs., very fine 1 60 Velia, B.C. 400. M Drachm, Female head of transitional style, the hair turned up at back and bound by pearl bandeau and wearing necklace of pearls; $> VEAH-, Owl to right, in front olive branch and E. ivt. 62£ grs., fine. B.C. 540-400. M Didrachm, Head of Pallas to left in crested helmet adorned with dolphin, on neck piece <|>. ; $L VEAHT.QN. (in exergue), Lion passant right, above 4> - I. and trident, wt. 114^ grs., very fine 2 61 Velia, B.C. 400-268. M Didrachms (2). Head of Pallas to right in crested helmet adorned with a griffin, in field A ; 9> VEAH TI2N. (in exergue), Lion passant right, above, <|> - |. and pentagon., wt. 114 grs., very fine. Head of Pallas as on preceding, behind neck A., and in front of neck ., 9> VEAHTI2N-, Lion passant right above, I - <|>. and dolphin, wt. 116 grs. Drachm, B.C. 430-400, Forepart of lion devouring prey, rev. Quadripartite incuse square, wt. 59£ grs., very fine 3 62 Velia, B.C. 400-268. M Didrachm, Head of Pallas to right in crested helmet adorned with Pegasos 9> VEAHTX1N., Lion passant right, wt. 116 grs., very fine 1 BRUTTIUM. 63 Bruttii, B.C. 282-203. ^"Drachm (Attic), Head of Poseidon wearing plain diadem to left, behind, trident, beneath neck bucranium, the whole within dotted border 9> BPETTII2N. Amphitrite veiled, seated on sea horse to left, before her stands Eros drawing a bow, in field to right cornucopia, wt. 64| grs., very fine and rare [PI. I] 1 64 Bruttii, B.C. 282-203. N Hemidrachm, Head of bearded Herakles to left, behind club V° BPETTIX2N., Victory in biga, beneath horses, a coiled serpent, wt. 32| grs., very fine [PL I] 1 10 65 Bruttii, B.C. 282-203. M Octobol. Busts of the Dioskuri to right, behind heads a cornucopia 9> BPETTIX2N. (in exergue). The Dioskuri on horseback going to right, in field lance head with portion of shaft, tot. 86 J grs., very fine and rare [PL I] 1 66 Bruttii, B.C. 282-203. M Bust of winged Nike to right, behind, a club ; #> B PETTI UN., Naked male figure, horned, crowning himself, in field a rudder and T-, wt. 69| grs., very fine. Tetrobol, B.C. 282-203., Head of Pallas in crested Corinthian helmet to right; ^ BPETTIX2N., Eagle with extended wings to left, in field a rudder, wt. 38 grs., very fine and scarce 2 67 Cau Ionia, B.C. 550-480. M Stater, KAVA., Apollo, nude, holding in his raised right hand a branch, and on his outstretched left arm a small running figure, who also carries a branch, in front a stag looking back, the whole within an ornamental border $ Same type incuse, but inscription not shewn, wt. 129 grs., very fine 1 68 Cau Ionia, B.C. 550-480. M Stater, similar in type to the preceding, over the stag O., wt. 120J grs., very fine 1 69 Croton, B.C. 550-420. M Stater OS?., Tripod, crab to right, den- tated pattern in exergue, the whole within broad dotted border $> Same type incuse, wt. 121 grs., very fine 1 70 Ooton, B.c. 550-480. ^l Stater, 9 PO-, Tripod, dotted exergual line, the whole within a dotted border 9> Eagle flying, incuse, wt. 123| grs., very fine 1 71 Croton, B.C. 550-450. JR Stater of compact fabric, ?po. retrograde to right of tripod ; 9> Eagle flying, incuse, with details in relief, wt. 124| grs., very fine 1 72 Croton, B.C. 480-420. M Stater, Eagle standing on stag's head, looking back #> 9PO. Tripod with ivy leaf to left, wt. 123 grs., very fine 1 73 Croton, circa 420. M Stater, KPOT-, Head of Hera Lakinia nearly facing, with flowing hair, wearing necklace, with amphoraic pendants, and Stephanos, adorned with honeysuckle design in centre, and on either side, foreparts of Griffins 9> Herakles, nude, seated, left, on rock covered with the lion's skin, holding in right hand wine cup ; in field above, his bow and club, wt. 122| grs., (Carelli, N.L.V.T., clxxxiv, 38), a charming coin in beautiful condition [PI. I] 1 11 74 Ooton, B.C. 420-390. M Stater, Head of Hera Lakinia nearly facing wearing necklace and Stephanos, the latter ornamented with honeysuckle pattern 9> KPOTHN I ATAZ., Herakles, nude, seated on rock covered with lion's skin, holding in right hand wine cup, he holds with left hand club by his side, and his bow rests against the rock, lot. 120 grs., very fine [PI. I] 1 *** From the Smith collection. 75 Croton, b.c. 390. M Stater, KPOTONIATAX., Head of Apollo laureate to right, the hair long and flowing #> The Infant Herakles seated on cushion strangling two serpents, wt. 117 grs., a beautiful piece in perfect preservation [PL I] 1 *** From the Smith collection. 76 Ooton and SybaHs, before B.C. 510. M Stater, ?PO to left of tripod in plain border 9> Bull looking back, the details in relief, wt. 120 grs., fine and very rare [PI. I] 1 *** From the Carfrae collection. 77 Loch Epizephyri, b.c. 344-322. Staters (2) (Corinthian type), AOKPflN-, Helmeted head of Pallas to left 9> Winged Pegasos to left, below, fulmen (one has the Pegasos bridled), wt. 132£ grs. and 132 grs., both very fine 2 78 LocPi Epizephyri, b.c. 326-300. JR Stater, AOKPI2N., Head of Zeus to left 9> Eagle tearing hare, in field fulmen and monogram AP, wt. 117 grs., very fine 1 79 Rhegium, B.C. 480-466. M Tetradrachm, Mule car to right, driven by bearded charioteer, in exergue olive leaf; $k RECINON. (retrograde), Hare running, wt. 265| grs., fine. Drachm, B.C. 494- 480. Scalp of lion ; #> R EC I ON., Calf's head to left, wt. 87£ grs., fine. Drachm, 480-466. Mule car; £, RECINON., Hare run- ning to right, wt. 66^ grs. Obol, 480-466. REC (retrograde) ; $> Hare running to right, wt. 14| grs., fine 4 80 Rhegium, circa B.C. 466-415. Lion's head facing 9> REC I NO. (retrograde), Male figure seated, naked to waist, resting on staff, the whole in laurel wreath, wt. 247 J grs., fine 1 81 Rhegium, B.C. 415-387. M Tetradrachm, PHTINON., Laureate head of Apollo to left, of ornate style, sprig of olive behind £> Lion's scalp within a dotted border, wt. 267 grs., very fine and scarce [PI. I] 1 82 Rhegium, B.C. 415-387. M Tetradrachm, PHTINON., Laureate head of Apollo to right, behind spray of olive 9= Lion's scalp facing, wt. 265 grs., very fine [PI. I] 1 12 83 Terina, b.c. 440-400. M Stater, TEPINAION., Head of the Nymph Terina to right, hair bound with sphendone 9> Winged Nike seated on square cippus, with small bird perched on her forefinger, wt. 120| grs., very fine [PL I] 1 84 Terina, b.c. 400-388. M Stater, TEPINAIX1N., Head of the Nymph Terina, richly ornate, with curled hair, triple earring and necklace 9> Winged Nike seated on square cippus holding small bird, as on preceding piece, wt. 115 grs., very fine [PL I] 1 SICiLY. 85 Agrigentum, B.C. 415-406. N Hexas, AKP-, Eagle on summit of rock about to attack a serpent 9> Crab, and below a dolphin, wt. 19^ grs., very fine and rare 1 86 Agrigentum, b.c. 415-406. N Hexas, obv. AKP-, Eagle about to attack serpent, beneath, marks of value $1 Crab, beneath, magistrate's name, ZIAANOZ., wt. 20 grs., very fine and rare 1 87 Agrigentum, b.c. 472-415. M Tetradrachm, AKRACANTOZ., Eagle to left 9= Crab, with double volute beneath, wt. 262 grs., very fine 1 88 Agrigentum, b.c. 415-406. M Tetradrachm, AKRATANTINON., Eagle with wings spread, standing to left on supine hare and about to devour it, supporting the hare a rock, on which, a conch and escallop shell 9> Crab and broad sea fish with open mouth, on either side of crab an escallop shell and conch, wt. 270^ grs., very fine and rare [PL I] 1 89 Camarina (or Catana), circa b.c. 415-403. N, Head of Pallas to right, wearing crested Athenian helmet adorned with hippocamp 9> KA-, between two olive leaves with berries, wt. 18 grs., very fine and rare [PL II] 1 90 Camarina, B.C. 461-405. M Didrachm, Corinthian helmet on round shield V° KAM[API]., Dwarf palm with fruit, between two greaves, wt. 128^ grs., in good condition and rare 1 91 Camarina, B.C. 461-405. M Tetradrachm, Head of Herakles wearing lion's skin to left 9> Quadriga driven to right by Pallas, above, flying Nike about to crown charioteer, in exergue two amphorae, and on the exergual line EHAKEZTIAAZ., wt. 263 grs., fine, but the surface is somewhat rough, rare [PI. I] 1 13 92 Catana (after the Restoration), b.c. 461-415. M Tetradrachm, KATANAION., Laureate head of Apollo to right, the hair at back waved and turned up under the tie of wreath 9> Quadriga of walking horses to right, wt. 266 J grs., very fine 1 93 Catana, b.c. 415-403. M Tetradrachm, Head of Apollo three-quarter face to left, at right side signature of the artist HPAKAEI A AX., within dotted border 9> Quadriga, Victory erect, crowning charioteer, in exergue KATA- N AiniM. and below a fish (B. M. Cat. no. 32), wt. 265 grs., very fine and rare [PL I] 1 * + * From the Carfrae Collection. 94 Catana, B.C. 461-415, after the Eestoration. M Tetradrachm, KATANAION-, Young male head with short hair laureate (perhaps the river god Amenanus), behind olive leaf with two berries 9> Quadriga going to right, above Nike flying right carrying fillet, in exergue a bird flying, wt. 267 grs., very fine [PL II] 1 95 Eryx, B.C. 480-415. M Tetradrachm, Aphrodite seated to left holding a dove, in front stands Eros with uplifted hands £> EPYKAITI B-, retrograde on tablet, Hound going to right, behind him three stalks of corn, wt. 264 grs., fine and excessively rare [PL II.] 1 %* From the Duca di Tagliaria find, and hitherto only published by Salinas. 96 Gela, B.C. 415-405. AT [Z]f2ZIPOAIZ., Female head to left wearing necklace and sphendone 9> TEAAZ-, Forepart of man-headed bull to left, wt. 16| grs., very fine and rare 1 97 Gela, B.C. before 466. M Tetradrachm, CEAAZ. in a line above, fore-part of man-headed bull (river Gelas) 50 Quadriga, horses crowned by flying Nike, wt. 266| grs., very fine 1 98 Gela, b.c. 466-415. JR Tetradrachm., CEAAZ. around fore-part of man- headed bull (river Gelas) $o Quadriga, the horses crowned by flying Nike, wt. 266 grs., very fine [PL II] 1 99 Gela, B.C. 466-415, early fine style. M Tetradrachm, TEAAZ., Fore- part of man-headed bull to right 51 Quadriga going to left, above Victory flying to left about to crown the horses, wt. 268| grs., very fine 1 100 Gela, B.C. 400. M Tetradrachm, traces of legend, fore-part of man- headed bull of fine style to right 9> Quadriga to right, above flying Victory about to crown horses, in exergue, honeysuckle design with volutes, wt. 265 grs., very fine 1 14 101 Heraclea-Minoa, b.c. 409-241. ^ft Tetradrachm, Head of Perse- phone, copied from the coins of Syracuse, wearing necklace and earring, and crowned with corn leaves, around, four dolphins $k Quadriga to right, horses galloping, the charioteer crowned by flying Nike, in exergue Punic legend (Eesh Melkarth) (B. M. Cat., Sicily, p. 251, no. 6), ivt. 265^ grs., very fine and scarce [PI. II] 1 102 Himera, before circa B.C. 482. JR Drachms (2) (a) Cock to left, within dotted border; $> Mill sail incuse, wt. 81 grs. (b) HIM., Cock to right, in field a locust, the whole within dotted border ; 9> Mill sail incuse, wt. 87^ grs., both very fine 2 103 Himera (under Theron and Thrasydaeus), B.C. 481-467. M Didrachm, HIMERA., Cock to left $> Crab, wt. 134 grs., very fine and scarce 1 104 Himera, B.C. 472-415. ^Tetradrachm, Nymph Himera sacrificing at altar, behind her, Silenus bathing under a fountain, which issues from a lion's head, above, a grain of corn 9> IMEPAION., (retrograde) and cock in exergue, Quadriga to left, charioteer crowned by Nike, wt. 259£ grs., in moderate condition 1 105 Leontini, circa B.C. 500-466. M Tetradrachm, Quadriga going slowly to right, above Nike crowning horses V° AEONTINON., large lettering, Lion's head, with open jaw, around, four corn grains, id. 264 grs., fine 1 106 Leontini, B.C. 500-466. M Didrachm, AEONTINON., Lion's head to right, around four grains of corn 9> Horseman cantering to right, wt. 134 grs., very fine [PI. II] 1 107 Leontini, B.C. 466-422. M Tetradrachm, Laureate head of Apollo to right, border of dots 9> AEONTINON. retrograde, Lion's head, open jaws, to right, around four corn grains, wt. 264| grs., very fine 1 108 Leontini, B.C. 466-422, early fine style, M Tetradrachm, Laureate head of Apollo, ivy plant behind 9) AEONTINON., Lion's head with open jaws to right, in field three grains of corn, and below a fish, wt. 268 grs., fine [PI. II] 1 109 Messana, circa B.C. 493-480. M Attic Tetradrachm (struck under Anaxilas), Lion's head facing, within dotted border 9> MESS EN ION., Calf's head to left within dotted border, wt. 2^\ grs., fine and rare [PI. II] 1 110 Messana, circa b.c. 480. M Tetradrachm, Biga of mules driven to right by seated charioteer, in exergue olive leaf 9> M ESSEN ION (retrograde), Hare running to right, wt. 263| grs., fine and scarce 1 15 111 Messana, circa B.C. 480. M Didrachm, Biga of mules to right, driven by male charioteer, border of dots and dotted exergue line fy M ESSEN ION., Hare running to right, wt. 129 grs., in very excellent condition and very rare, no specimen of the Didrachm is given in Historia Numorum or in British Museum Catalogue [PI. II] 1 112 Messana, B.C. 480-420. M Tetradrachm, MEZSANION., Hare, beneath which, dolphin Bj Biga drawn by mules ; Nike crowning mules, in exergue, olive leaf and two berries, wt. 264| grs., very fine [PL II] 1 113 Messana, B.C. 420. M Tetradrachm, MEZZ AN I ON., Messana in mule car to right, in exergue, two dolphins facing, dotted border B. MEZZANION, Hare to right; below dolphin, wt. 263 grs., very fine 1 114 Morgantia, before circa B.C. 480. M. Drachm, Bearded head (Zeus 1), with taenia, to right, border of dots & MOPTANTION., Ear of corn or barley, wt. 63 grs., fine and excessively rare, presumably unpublished, a specimen similar is quoted in the San Angelo Catalogue, No. 7998 [PI. II] 1 115 Motya (period of transition). M Tetradrachm, Head of ArethusaC?) to left (as on the coins of Syracuse by Kimon), wearing broad diadem and hair in net, around four dolphins 5> Crab, wt. 263| grs., in very good state and of great rarity, see Salinas (Account of West Sicilian find), Tav. xvn, 18 1 116 Motya, B.C. 420-397. M Didrachm, Head of Nymph, hair waved and drawn back at sides, and bound by cord passing three times around ; in field, two dolphins Bj Youth seated sideways on horse prancing to left, wt. 129 grs., fine and very rare 1 117 Naxos, B.C. 461-415. M Tetradrachm, Head of bearded Dionysus, crowned with ivy, of early style Bj N AX I ON., Naked Silenus with pointed ears and horse's tail, seated on the ground with a wine cup in his hand, wt. 262 grs., fine and rare [PI. II] 1 118 Naxos, B.C. 461-415. M Drachm, Head of Dionysos, of early style, wearing wreath of ivy, hair slightly turned up at back, beard long Bo N AX I ON., Bearded Silenos seated on ground holding kan- tharos, border of dots, wt. 6Q^ grs., extremely fine and rare in this condition [PI. II] 1 119 Naxos, B.C. 415-403. M Tetradrachm, Head of Dionysos bearded, to right, the hair bound by broad diadem ornamented with ivy wreath 9> NAZI ON., Silenos seated on ground, from which a vine springs, holding thyrsos and kantharos, wt. 264 grs., very fine and rare [PL II] 1 16 120 Naxos, B.C. 415-403. JR Didrachm, NAZII2N., Laureate head of Apollo to right, behind, laurel leaf with berry, under neck a pellet 9> Silenos seated with thyrsos and kantharos, similar to last, in field to right, priapic term, wt. 129 J grs., very fine and rare [PL II] 1 121 Segesta, B.C. 500-480. M Didrachms (2) (a) Head of Nymph Segesta of archaic style, hair turned up behind ; 9> ZATEZTA I IB-, Dog to right, wt. 130 grs., fine (B. M. Cat, no. 17) ; (b) 480- 415, Head of Nymph Segesta wearing diadem, hair turned up at back ; fy Dog to right, wt. 134| grs., fine 2 122 Selinus, B.C. circa 466. M Didrachms (3) Wild parsley leaf; $t Incuse square variously divided, vit. averaging 133 grs. Obols (2). One with parsley leaf on either side, wt. 17£ grs. ; the other, later, Seated nymph seizing snake; & ZEAINOEZ., Man-headed bull to right, in exergue a fish, wt. 10 grs. 5 123 Selinus, B.C. 466-415. M Tetradrachm, ZEAINOZ, Young river- god Selinus sacrificing at altar, before which is a cock, indicating it as sacred to Asklepius, in the left hand of Selinus is the lustral branch, behind him, a selinon-leaf and an image of a bull standing on a base 9> ZEAINONTION, Apollo and Artemis in quadriga, Apollo dis- charging arrows, in exergue, grain of corn, wt. 269 grs., very fine [PL II] 1 124 Selinus, B.C. 466-415. ^l Didrachm, ZEAINONTION, Herakles contending with a wild bull which he seizes by the horn and is about to strike with his club 9= HY-V AZ, River Hypsas sacrificing before an altar, around which a serpent twines. He holds branch and patera ; behind him is a stork and in the field a parsley leaf, wt. 133 grs., fine and scarce 1 125 Syracuse before B.C. 500. M Tetradrachm, ZVRA., Slow Quadriga to right ; border of dots 9> Incuse square divided into four parts, in the centre the head of a nymph or goddess, of archaic style, wt. 262f grs., very fine and rare [PL II] 1 126 Syracuse, before B.C. 500. M Tetradrachm, ZYPA?0-ZION in two lines, slow quadriga to right ; border of dots 9> Incuse square divided into four parts, in the centre the head of a nymph or goddess, of archaic style, wt. 265^ grs., very fine and rare 1 127 Syracuse, B.C. 500-478. M Didrachm, ZYPA?OZION., Female head of early style, hair delineated by dots, surrounded by dolphins $> Man riding one horse and leading a second, wt. 133 grs., very fine and scarce [PL II] 1 17 128 Syracuse, B.C. 485478. M Tetradrachm, ZYRA9OZIOIM., Female head surrounded by four dolphins, to right, the hair is confined by plain bandeau, the portion over forehead delineated by dotted lines, the remainder by cross hatched lines 9> ZYRA (in exergue), Quadriga driven by male charioteer to left, above winged Nike flying to right, about to crown the charioteer, border of dots, wt. 267| grs., fine and scarce [PL II] 1 129 Syracuse, circa B.C. 480. M Tetradrachm, Head of Goddess to right surrounded by dolphins, she wears necklace of pearls ; the hair is delineated by dots and is turned up at back, the ends passing under beaded cord 9> Quadriga to right, above Nike flying to right, about to crown the horses (compare Head, pi. 1, 4), wt. 269 grs., very fine 1 130 Syracuse, B.C. 485-478. M Tetradrachm, ZYPAKOZION., Female head of somewhat early style, the hair over brow delineated by dots, the remainder by lines descending below truncation, confined by bandeau of pearls £> Quadriga going at walking pace to right, above horses flying Nike, wt. 267^ grs., very fine 1 131 Syracuse, b.c 479-466. M Tetradrachm, ZY- RAKOZION., Female head to right wearing earring and necklace, hair waved at sides, turned up at back, the extreme ends passing over pearl ban- deau ; around, four dolphins 9> Quadriga to right, above, Nike flying right with fillet ; in exergue, pistrix (Head, pi. 11, 1), wt. 267| grs., fine 1 132 Syracuse, B.C. 479-466. JR Tetradrachm, ZYRAKOZ-ION., Fe- male head to right wearing earring and necklace, hair waved at sides, turned up at back and held by plain bandeau, around, four dolphins 9> Quadriga to right, above, Nike flying right, about to crown the horses ; in exergue, pistrix, wt. 266^ grs., fine 1 133 Syracuse, B.C. 479-466. M Tetradrachm, ZYRAKOZIO— N., Female head to right, wearing earring and necklace, the hair waved at sides and bound with cord passing once round the head and twice round the back hair ; around, four dolphins Ijk Quadriga going slowly to right, above, Nike flying left, about to crown charioteer ; in exergue, pistrix (Head, pi. II, 6), wt. 266 grs., fine 1 134 Syracuse, b.c. 479-466. M Tetradrachm, ZVRAKOZION., Female head to right wearing earring and necklace with pendant, hair bound with a double cord passing three times round head and once round back hair, which descends to line of truncation, around, four dolphins 9> Quadriga going slowly to right, the charioteer holds a long goad in right hand and the reins in both, above, Nike flying right, about to crown horses (Head, pi. 11, 10), wt. 266i grs., very fine [PL II] 1 18 SECOND DAY'S SALE LOT 135 136 137 138 139 140 (SYRACUSE— continued). Syracuse, B.C. 479466. M Tetradrachm, ZVRAKOZI - ON., Female head to right, wearing earring and necklace, the hair waved at sides and bound by band of pearls, the back portion coiled, around, four dolphins 51 Quadriga driven by female charioteer to right, above, horses, Nike flying right ; in exergue, pistrix (Head, pi. 11, 7), wt. 268 grs., very fine [PI. II] 1 Syracuse, B.C. 479-466. M Tetradrachm, ZVRAKOZION. Female head to right wearing earring and necklace, the hair waved, the ends turned up at back and confined by pearled cord 5> Quadriga to right, above, Nike flying right, about to crown the horses, in exergue, pistrix (Read, pi. II, 9), wt. 267 grs., fine 1 Syracuse, B.C. 466-406. N~. ZYPA., Head of young Herakles clad in lion's skin 9> Z.Y-P.A in the angles of quadripartite incuse square with female head in circular indent in centre (Head, pi. in, 9),wt. 17| grs. } very fine 1 Syracuse, b.c. 466-406. N. ZYPA., Head of Nymph to right, the hair blown back, wearing necklet with pendant bulla 9> Trident head, with volutes between prongs and on either side of socket, within incuse square, unpublished, wt. 21| grs., very fine style and condition, extremely rare [PI. II] 1 Syracuse, 466-406. N. ZYPA. (retrograde), Head of Pallas left, wearing crested Athenian helmet 9> Aegis with Gorgon head (Head, pi. in, 10), wt. 10£ grs., very fine [PL II] 1 Syracuse, b.c. 466-406. M. ZYPAKOZION., Female head to left, wearing earring and plain necklet, the hair waved and bound with cord wound five times round the hair, which is formed into a kind of chignon, leaving loose curls on crown of the head and at back of neck ; around, four dolphins Ijk Quadriga going slowly to right, driven by female charioteer who holds goad, above, Nike with wreath, about to crown horses, in exergue, a locust (Head, pi. in, 6) (B. M. Cat., no. 125), wt. 267 grs., very fine and a scarce type [PI. II] 19 141 Syracuse, B.C. 466-406. JR Tetradrachm by Eumenos, signed? ZYPAKOZION. (above head), Female head to left, wearing earring and necklace, the hair waved on brow and turned up at back, beneath neck EVM H NOV-, around, four dolphins $> Quadriga to left, horses in high action, above flying Nike about to crown charioteer, under horses a crane, and in the exergue a fish swimming left, followed by a dolphin (B. M. Cat. no. 141), wt. 266 grs., O very fine, the 1$> not so good, due in a measure to faulty striking [PI. II] 1 142 Syracuse, B.C. 466-406. M Tetradrachm, by Eumenos, signed, ZYPAKOZION., Female head, of charming style, to left, wearing earring and necklace, the hair turned up at back and light curls on forehead, under neck EVMH-, and behind head NOV., around four dolphins 9> Quadriga going rapidly to left, horses in high action, above flying Nike, with untied wreath, about to crown charioteer, in exergue . EVM H NOY . (B. M. Cat. 144), wt. 267f grs., very fine [PI. Ill] 1 143 Syracuse, B.C. 466-406. M Tetradrachm, by Eukleides and Eumenos, signed, ZYP[AKZION]., Female head, to left, wearing earring and necklace, the hair rolled at sides and turned up at back, in front of neck a diptych (with loop for suspension), on the tablets FVKA of which EIAA , around, four dolphins 9> Quadriga to left, &c, as on the preceding piece, in exergue EVM H NOV- (B. M. Cat. 193), wt. 26£ grs., very fine and rare [PI. Ill] 1 144 Syracuse, B.C. 466-406. M Tetradrachm, ZYPAKOZ., Female head wearing earring and plain necklace, the hair waved at sides and bound by a cord passing round three times, the back hair arranged in a plaited knot at back, around four dolphins 9> Quadriga to right, above Nike flying to right, about to crown horses (Head, pi. in, 4), wt. 267 grs., fine 1 145 Syracuse, b.c. 466-406. ^Tetradrachm, by Eukleides, [Z]YPAKO [XI ON]., Female head to left, wearing earring and necklace, the hair bound with sphendone, over which several tresses fly back, around four dolphins 9> Quadriga to left, horses prancing, above Nike flying right, about to crown charioteer, in exergue dolphin (Head, pi. IV, 5), (B. M. Cat. 195), wt. 265| grs., fine and scarce [PI. Ill] 1 146 Syracuse, B.C. 405-345. N Piece of 100 Litra or Double Deka- drachm (by Euanetos), ZYPAKOZII2N., Head of goddess to left wearing sphendone ornamented with stars, single drop ear-ring and necklace, behind neck signature of artist, EYA[INETOZ]. 9> Hercules and lion, wt. 89| grs., fine and rare [PI. Ill] 1 c 2 20 147 Syracuse, B.C. 405-345. N Piece of 100 Litra or Double Deka- drachm, [ZYP]AKOZION., Head of goddess to left, wearing triple earring and necklace, hair in sakkos decorated with stars, behind neck a star $> Hercules and lion, wt. 90 grs., very fine and rare [PL III] 1 148 Syracuse, B.C. 405-345. N Piece of 50 Litra or Golden Dekadrachm, EYPAKOZII2N., Young male head (the River Anapus ?) to left & [ZY]PAKOZI[.QN]. upon a band, free horse prancing to right, the whole within a shallow incuse, wt. 44^ grs., fine 1 149 Syracuse, B.C. 405-345. N Piece of 50 Litra, or Golden Deka- drachm, ZYPA-, Young male head (the river Anapus ?) to left, behind head corn grain 5k [ZY]PAKOZI12[N]. upon a band, free horse prancing to right, whole within shallow incuse, wt. 44| grs., very fine and rare [PL III] 1 150 Syracuse, B.C. 405-335. N Dekadrachm or Medallion by Euainetos , signed, ZYPAKOZII2N., Head of Persephone to left, wearing earring and necklace, hair turned up at back, arranged in wavy curls and bound with wreath of corn leaves, around, four dolphins, and below the dolphin, under neck, EY A I N ETO Y. 9> Quadriga driven to left, horses in high action, above flying Nike about to crown charioteer, in exergue, suit of defensive armour, wt. 663 grs., very fine [PL III] 1 151 Syracuse. B.C. 405-335. M Dekadrachm by Euainetos, without signature, ZYPAKOZII2N., Head of Persephone to left wearing triple earring, necklace and wreath of corn leaves, in front of neck I and behind an escallop shell 9> Quadriga driven to left, horses in high action, above, flying Victory about to crown charioteer, in exergue, suit of defensive armour, wt. 669 grs., a fine and exceedingly well spread medallion [PL III] 1 152 Syracuse. B.C. 405-345. M Dekadrachm or Medallion by Kimon, ZYKAKOZII2., Female head Arethusa ? hair in net, and wearing broad bandeau ; around, four dolphins, on the one immediately below neck the signature of the artist in full, KIMI2N. 9> Quadriga driven to left, the horses in high action, above flying Victory about to crown charioteer, in exergue, suit of defensive armour, cuirass, greaves, helmet, &c, under cuirass A0AA., signature of artist KIMI2N. on exergual line, wt. 657 grs., very fine condition [PL III] 1 153 Syracuse. B.C. 415-404, APE0OZA. Head of Arethusa, nearly facing ; wearing the necklaces, upper one plain, the lower formed of pearls, dolphins darting in and out among her flowing locks. On her diadem traces of the artist's name Kl MilN. 9> ZYPAKOZII2N,, Quadriga, horses prancing, Nike alighting on 21 their heads, is about to crown the charioteer, the horses have overturned the meta, and the driver looks back as if at a rival chariot close behind him; in exergue, ear of barley; wt. 258 grs., fine and excessively rare, a variety of the specimen in the British Mus eum, (No. 208) [PL III] 1 154 Syracuse. b.c. 415-404. M Tetradrachm by Kimon, signed, Head of Arethusa nearly full face, inclined to the left, wearing two neck- laces, the hair flowing in loose tresses with dolphins swimming among the locks ; across her forehead, ampyx (the signature of the artist is effaced); above, outside border APE0[OZA]. 9> ZYPAKOZI.QN. in exergue, with ear of barley below. Quadriga driven by male charioteer holding long goad and touching with it the head of third horse, horses in high action, above Nike flying right about to crown charioteer; on exergual line KIMflN., wt. 263£ grs., fine and excessively rare [PL III] 1 155 Syracuse. B.C. 405-345. M Tetradrachm, Female head to right wearing earring and necklace, hair in korymbos, round, four dolphins 9> Quadriga to left, horses in high action, charioteer holding upright goad, above flying Nike about to crown charioteer, in exergue ear of barley (Head, pi. v, 5), wt. 267| grs., fine [PI. Ill] 1 156 Syracuse. b.c. 345-317. El. Piece of 100 Litra, ZYPA- KOZII2N., Head of Apollo laureate to left, hair long, dotted border 9> [Z]f2TEIPA., Head of Artemis to right, wearing earring and necklace, hair turned up behind over diadem, behind neck, quiver, wt. 106 grs., very fine and rare [PL III] 1 *** From the Du Chastel Collection. 157 Syracuse. b.c 345-317. El. Piece of 50 Litra, Laureate Head of Apollo to left, behind, amphora $» ZYPAKOZiniM., Tripod, wt. 57 grs., very fine [PL III] 1 158 Syracuse, B.C. 345-317. El. Piece of 50 Litra. Laureate Head of Apollo to left, behind, a helmet ¥° ZYPAKOZIO[N]., Tripod, wt. 60 grs., (B. M. Guide, pi. xxvi, 34), fine 1 159 Syracuse, B.C. 345-317. N Piece of 30 Litra, ZYPAKOZII2N. Head of Zeus laureate to right, behind, fulmen V° ZI2., Pegasos to right, wt. 32 grs., very fine and scarce [PL III] 1 160 Syracuse, b.c 345-317. A^ Piece of 30 Litra, EEYZ. EAEY. [0EPIOZ.], Head of Zeus to left £> ZYPAKOZiniM., Pegasos to left, in front A., wt. 31 grs. 1 161 Syracuse, B.C. 345-317. El, Laureate head of Apollo to left hair long 9> ZYPAKO -ZIHN., Lyre with four cords (Head, pi vi, 5), wt. 26£ grs., very fine 1 22 162 Syracuse. Democracy, B.C. 345-317. M Didrachms (2). (a) ZYPAKOZI.QN., Head of Pallas in Corinthian helmet; IjL Pegasos to left (Head, Hist. Num. fig. 105), wt. 132 grs. (b) Head of Pallas to right in helmet adorned with griffin; #> ZYPAKO- ZinN.,Pegasostoleft, beneath, triskelis, wt. 130 grs., both very fine, 2 163 Syracuse, B.C. 317-310. M Tetradrachm, Head of Persephone to left, wreathed with leaves of barley, around three dolphins, two in front of head and one behind ; beneath neck N K 9= ZYPAKOZI.QN. (in exergue), Quadriga to left, horses in high action, above, triskelis; in exergue, below legend, A I. (mon.), wt. 265 grs., extremely fine 1 164 Syracuse, B.C. 317-310 (Agathocles, 1st period). N Drachm, Laureate head of Ares or young Herakles to left 9> ZYPAKOZIHN., Biga to right, beneath the horses, triskelion (Head, pi. vm, 1), wt. 67 grs., very fine [PI. Ill] 1 165 Syracuse, B.C. 317-310. A T Drachm, Head of Ares or young Herakles to left, under neck X 9> ZYPAKOZIX2N-, Biga to left, below horses, triskelion (Head, pi. vm, 1), wt. 66 grs., fine 1 166 Syracuse, B.C. 317-310. N Diobol, Head of Persephone to right, crowned with corn and wearing earring and necklace B. ZYPAKOZII2N., Bull to left (Head, pi. vm, 3), wt. 22 grs., fine and rare 1 167 Syracuse. Agathocles, B.C. 307-289. N Drachm, Head of Pallas to right 9> AI~A0OKAEOZ. BAZIAEOZ., Thunderbolt above mono- gram, wt. 88 grs., very fine and rare [PL III] 1 168 Syracuse. Agathocles, B.C. 310-307. M Tetradrachm, KO PAZ., Head of Persephone crowned with corn to right 9> ATA0OKAEIOZ., Nike erecting trophy, in field, triskelion, wt. 265 grs., very fine and exceedingly good style [PL III] 1 169 Syracuse. Agathocles, b.c. 307-289. M Didrachm, Head of Pallas in Corinthian helmet to right Bj Pegasos to left, below triskelion (Head, pi. ix, 12 var.), wt. 104 grs., very fine 1 170 Syracuse. Hicetas, b.c. 287-278. A* Drachm, ZYPAKOZIftN., Head of Persephone, corn wreath in hair, behind head cornucopia 9> EPI. IK ETA-, in exergue, Biga driven by winged Nike to right, beneath the horses ear of corn, and in field above a thunder- bolt (Head, pi. x, 1), wt. 65| grs., very fine [PL III] 1 171 Syracuse. Hicetas, b.c 287-278. N Drachm, ZYPAKOZIUN., Head of Persephone as on the preceding piece, behind head a torch 9> EPI. I KETA, in exergue, Biga to right, &c, under horses a circle with pellet, and above moon (Head, pi. x, 1), wt. 65^ grs., very fine 1 23 172 Syracuse. Hicetas, B.C. 287-278. M Tetradrachm, Head of Per- sephone with long hair, wearing wreath of barley leaves, behind head a bee 9> ZYPAKOZI.QN. (in exergue), Quadriga driven by winged Nike to left, above, a star, wt. 194| grs., very fine and rare, variety of Torremuzza, lxxiv, 3 1 173 Syracuse. Hieron II,b.c. 275-216. N, Head of Persephone to left wearing necklace and earring, hair bound with wreath of barley, behind wreath V° IEPI2NOZ., Biga to left driven by female charioteer, below horses |~1., wt. 66 grs., very fine and scarce 1 174 Syracuse, Hieron II, B.C. 275-216. Head of Pallas in Corinthian helmet to left, behind head a trident 9» [|]EPI2NO[Z]., Pe g asos t0 «gH infield B. (Head, pi. xi, 2), wt. 87^ grs., very fine 1 175 Syracuse, Gelon II, B.C. 275-216. M Piece of 8 Litra, Head of Gelon diademed to left 9> ZYPAKOZIOI. BA. rEAHNOZ., Biga driven by Nike going slowly to right, in front of horses Ml (cf. Head, pi. xi, 4), wt. 104^ grs., very fine [PI. Ill] 1 176 Syracuse, Gelon II, b.c. 275-216. ^l Piece of 8 Litra, Diademed head of Gelon to left within dotted border 9>ZYPAKAZIOI. rEAHNOZ., Biga driven by winged Nike to right, in front of horses KL, and in exergue, wheat-ear, wt. 103 grs. (Head, pi. XI, 4), very fine 1 177 Syracuse, Gelon II, B.C. 275-216. Piece of 4 Litra, Diademed head of Gelon to left Vo ZYPAKOZIOI. TEAI2NOZ. BA-, Eagle standing right, on fulmen (Head, pi. xi, 5), wt. 47^ grs., fine and rare [PL III] 1 178 Syracuse, Philistis, b.c. 280-190. M Tetradrachm, Veiled head of Philistis to left, behind head a star £> BAZIAIZZAZ. BAZIAEOZ. IEPHNYMOY., Thunderbolt, and Ml. in field, wt. 313 grs., very fine and of the highest rarity [PI. Ill] 1 *** From the celebrated Wigan collection. 182 Syracuse, Hieronymus, 216-215. M Piece of 10 Litra, Diademed head of Hieronymus to left, >l behind. &BAZIAEOZ. I EPHNYMOY., Thunderbolt above Kl (Head, pi. XII, 11), wt. 130 grs., very fine and scarce 1 183 Syracuse, B.C. 215-212. ^l Piece of 12 Litra, Head of Pallas to left, helmet ornamented with a griffin #> ZYPAKOZI.QN., Artemis huntress with hound, in field to left 2A ' wt. 152 grs., fine 1 184 Syracuse, B.C. 215-212. Democracy, M Piece of 8 Litra, Helmeted head of Pallas to left, the helmet adorned with a griffin E>ZYPAKOZIf2N., Fulmen, in field YA. and Z. A (Head, pi. xiii, 4), wt. 105 grs., very fine [PL III] 1 185 Tauromenium, B.C. 275-210. N Piece of 15 Litra, Laureate head of Apollo to left, behind Pileus &TAYPOME— NITAN., Tripod-lebes, in field to right riA. (mon.), wt. 16 grs., very fine 1 186 Tauromenium, B.C. 275-210. M Piece of 4 Litra, Laureate head of Apollo to right, star behind $ TAYPOM E— N ITAIM., Tripod-lebes (B.M. Guide, pi. xlvii, 40), wt. 50 grs., fine and scarce 1 MACEDON, THRACE, AND THE EUROPEAN COASTS OF THE EUXINE. 187 Orrescii, before B.C. 480. M Stater, HRHZKION., Centaur kneeling on one knee, to right, carrying in his arms a female clad in long chiton 9> Quadripartite incuse, wt. 140 grs., very fine and rare 1 i88 Orrescii, before b.c. 480. M Stater, Centaur kneeling on one knee, to right, carrying in his arms a female clad in long chiton 9> Crested helmet in incuse square, wt. 145£ grs., unpublished, very fine and rare [PI. IV] 1 189 Zaeelii, before b.c. 480. ^l Stater, IAIEAEX2N-, Centaur kneeling on one knee, to right, with nymph in his arms & Incuse square quartered, wt. 142 grs., fine and very rare [PI. IV] 1 25 190 Neapolis, a.c. 500-411. M Stater, Gorgon head facing. $> Quadri- partite incuse square (Hist. Num., fig. 116), wt. 148| grs. JR */, Stater, same date and similar type, wt. 59 grs. M Hemidrachm, B.C. 411-350, Gorgon head facing, & NEOP-, Head of Aphrodite? (B. M. Guide, pi. xxi, 12), wt. 27£ grs., all fine 3 191 Lete, B.c. 500-480. Flat fabric ^l Stater, Naked Ithy phallic satyr, with horse's feet, &c., seizing by the wrist a woman clad in sleeve- less talaric chiton with diplois, pellets in field $t Quadripartite square, wt. 154 grs., very fine 1 192 Lete, B.C. 500-480. M Stater, AET- [AION] (retrograde), Centaur kneeling on one knee, to right, carrying nymph 9> Crested helmet in incuse square, wt. 149 grs., very fine and very rare [PL IV] 1 193 Bisaltae, circa B.C. 500-480. M Drachm, Naked warrior armed with two spears and wearing kausia, standing beside horse to right ; 9> Quadripartite incuse square, wt. 59£ grs., fine. Mosses, King of the Bisaltae, circa B.C. 500-480, Warrior beside horse as on the pre- ceding piece, fy MOZZEI2. in incuse square with raised square in centre, wt. 51 grs., fine and scarce 2 194 Orthagoreia, circa B.C. 400-350. M Persic Stater, Head of Artemis to right J*> OP0ATO- PEI2IM., Macedonian helmet surmounted by a star, below HI - - (monogram), id. 156 grs., fine and rare 1 195 Acanthus, B.C. 500-424. M Tetradrachm, Lion attacking bull, above 0., in exergue floral ornament, the whole within dotted border 9> Quadripartite incuse square, wt. 277| grs., very fine and rare [PL IV] 1 196 Acanthus, after B.C. 424. M Tetradrachm, Lion attacking bull, above AH., beneath T(?), border of dots 9= AKAN0ION. around shallow incuse, in centre square, divided into four parts, wt. 265*1 grs., very fine 1 197 Acanthus, B.C. 424-400. M Tetradrachm, Lion attacking bull, in exergue ONOMAZTO-, border of dots V° AKAN0ION. on raised framework in shallow incuse, the centre divided in four quarters, raised and granulated, wt. 219 grs., very fine and rare [PL IV] 1 198 Olynthus, B.C. 479-332. JR Tetradrachm, Male charioteer driving quadriga slowly to right, above, a large pellet 9> Eagle flying, in incuse square, within an outer incuse square, wt. 267 grs., very fine and rare [PL IV] 1 26 199 Chalcidice, Epoch of the League, b.c. 392-370. JR Tetradrachm, Laureate head of Apollo to right B> XAA. KIA. EI2N., Lyre with seven cords, wt. 221^ grs., very fine and rare [PI. IV] 1 200 Chalcidice, Epoch of the League, B.C. 392-379. JR Tetradrachm, Head of Apollo, of fine style, to right 9> XAA. KIA- EflN., Lyre with seven strings, above Ell I. l~IO- AYZENOY., wt. 224 grs., very fine and rare [PL IV] 1 201 Mende, circa B.C. 500-450. M Tetradrachm, Ass to left, on his back a crow ; $> Five incuse triangles, wt. 270 grs. JR Tetrobol, B.C. 500-450, MIN- Ass to left; 9> Mill sail incuse, wt. 41£ grs. JR Tetrobol, , B.C. 450-424, Ass to right, $> Crow in incuse square, wt. Sh grs., fine, 3 202 Potidaea, B.C. 500. JR Tetradrachm, Poseidon Hippios carrying trident, a six-pointed star below horse 9> Incuse square diagonally divided, wt. 264 grs., fine and very rare * # * From the Carfrae collection. 203 Amphipolis, b.c. 424-358. JR Tetradrachm, Laureate Head of Apollo, three-quarter face to right, lion on shoulder 9> AMPHinOAITEHN., on a raised framework, in centre racing torch, the whole within an incuse square, wt. 219 grs., very fine and rare [PI. IV] 1 204 Amphipolis. B.C. 424-358. JR Tetradrachm, Laureate Head of Apollo, three-quarter face to right 9> AM unfortunately leaves much to be desired [PI. IV] 1 205 Philippi, circa B.C. 358. A 7 Stater, Head of Herakles wearing lion's skin to right 9> 4>IAIPPf2N., Tripod, to right Head of horse, wt. 132 grs., very fine and scarce 1 206 Alexander I, B.C. 498-454. JR Octadrachm, Horseman wearing kausia and chlamys, carrying two spears and standing by his horse, in field a crescent 9> AAEEANAPO. around shallow incuse, in centre raised square divided into four parts, wt. 450 grs. very fine and rare [PL IV] 1 207 Alexander I, B.C. 498-454. JR Octadrachm, Horseman wearing kausea and chlamys, carrying two long spears with leaf-shaped blades going to right, he is accompanied by a dog running by side of horse, border of dots 9> Legend and type as the preceding, wt. 417 grs., unpublished and very rare, the O of this piece, which is of fine early style, is exceedingly good, the $t, however, has been overcleaned [PL IV] 1 27 208 Alexander 1 I (?), B.C. 498-454. M Tetra drachm, Horseman going to right, wearing kausia and chlamys, and carrying two spears, plain border 9> Incuse square, within which linear square, containing forepart of goat, head reverted, near foreleg bent, unpublished, fine and rare [PL IV] 1 209 Alexander I (?), B.C. 498-454. M Tetradrachm, Horseman going to right, wearing kausia and chlamys, and carrying two spears, under horse A (?) 9> Incuse square, within which, linear square containing forepart of goat, the near leg bent, an unpublished variety, wt. 197 grs.,fine and rare [PL IV] 1 210 Perdiccas II, B.C. 454-413. M Tetrobol, Free horse to right 9> Incuse square within which double linear square, containing crested Macedonian helmet to right, wt. 28£ grs., extremely fine and scarce [PL IV] 1 211 Perdiccas II, B.C. 454-415. M Tetrobols (2), (a) Horseman to right, wearing kausia and chlamys, and carrying two spears, horse prancing; 9> Forepart of lion in shallow incuse square, above caduceus placed horizontally, wt. 35^ grs., fine; (b) Horseman wearing chlamys, bare-headed, to right (the kausia is slung at back of neck), and carrying two spears, below horse P. ; $> Forepart of lion in shallow incuse square, wt. 35| grs., fine and scarce 2 212 Archelaus I, B.C. 413-399. ^l Stater, Young male head to right, wearing taenia, border of dots $k APXEAAO-, Horse walking to right with trailing rein, in incuse square, wt. 160 grs., fine and scarce 1 213 Pausanias, B.C. 390-389. M Stater, Young male head bound with taenia to right 9> PAYZ[A]NIA-, Incuse square within which linear square con- taining horse, with trailing rein, standing to right, off foreleg raised, wt. 155 grs., fine and rare [PL IV] 1 214 Amyntas III, first reign, B.C. 389-383. M Stater, Head of bearded Herakles to right 9> AMYNT[A]-, Horse standing to right in square incuse, wt. 134| grs. 1 215 Amyntas III, second reign (?), B.C. 381-369. M Stater, Horseman wearing kausia and chiton, with chlamys, prancing right and striking downwards with lance, plain border 9> AMYNT[A], Lion standing to left, holding in his jaws the broken shaft of a spear, wt. 145£ grs. (B.M. Cat., Macedonia, p. 173, 15), fine and scarce 1 28 216 Philip II, b.c. 359-336. AT Double Stater, Laureate Head of Apollo to right, beneath I 9> | A I P POY., wt. 132| grs., in beautiful condition 1 219 Philip II, b.c. 359-336. ^7" Stater, Head of Apollo as on preceding, R Biga to right, symbol, a bee under horses, and below the name IAIPPOY. across the field between fulmen and club, below the latter a bow, wt. 32| grs., very fine 1 223 Philip II, b.c. 369-336. N Eighth of Stater (2), Head of young Herakles to right wearing lion's skin; $> <|>|AIP - POY., a diota, wt. \§\ grs., very fine ; the other specimen has for reverse type a fulmen and the name <|>IAIP - POY. in two lines across the field, wt. 15f grs. {pierced) 2 224 Philip II, B.C. 359-336. M Tetradrachm, Laureate Head of Zeus to right V° IAIPPOY., Macedonian horseman wearing kausia and chlamys going to left, the right hand raised, beneath horse monogram and a wreath, wt. 222 grs., very fine 1 29 226 Philip II, B.C. 359-336. M Tetradrachm, Laureated Head of Zeus to right & IAI PP OY., Boy rider to right, beneath horse upright fulmen, wt. 107 grs., the obv. very fine, the rev. rather less fine, very rare [PI. IV] 1 228 Philip 1 1, B.C. 359-336. M Drachm, Head of young Herakles in lion's skin; 9> IAIP- POY., Youthful boy rider to right, horse prancing, wt. 44^ grs. ; (b) Head of Apollo of later style; £ <|>|AIPPOY., horseman prancing to right, below club, wt. 36 grs., extremely fine (from the Wigan collection) 3 229 Alexander the Great, B.C. 336-323. N Double Stater, Head of Pallas in crested Corinthian helmet, adorned with serpent V° AAEZANAPOY., Winged Nike holding trophy stand and wreath, in field to left A, wt. 265 grs., very fine 1 230 Alexander the Great, B.C. 336-323. N Stater, Head of Pallas, Helmet adorned with coiled serpent AAEZANAPOY., Nike with wreath, &c, I. to right and mono- gram to left, wt. 132 grs., in extremely fine condition 1 231 Alexander the Great, B.C. 336-323. .Y Stater, Head of Pallas, the helmet adorned with coiled snake 9> BAZIAEftZ. AAEZANAPOY., Nike holding wreath, &c, in field left, male head (Socrates ?), and monogram in wreath to right, wt. 131 grs., fine 1 232 Alexander the Great, B.C. 336-323. N Stater, Head of Pallas, the helmet adorned with coiled serpent £> AAEZANAPOY., Nike holding wreath, and trident instead of trophy stand, in field to left, an aplustre, wt. 131 grs., very fine and scarce 1 233 Alexander the Great, b.c. 334. ^Stater, Head of Pallas, helmet adorned with griffin & AAEZANAPOY-, Nike with wreath, &c, in field to right, ijO = (Ace), wt. 132 grs., very fine and scarce 1 30 234 Alexander the Great, b.c. 336-323. N Stater, Head of Pallas, the helmet adorned with coiled serpent i& AAEZANAPOY., Victory holding a sceptre and wreath, in front Uraeus, and at the feet of Victory a small A- (Damascus), wt. 133tf grs., fine, and a rare variety, apparently unpublished 1 235 Alexander the Great, b.c. 336-323. M Tetradrachm, Head of Young Herakles in lion's skin to left 9> AAEZANAPOY., Zeus iEtophorus seated to left, high back to throne, with figures of Victory holding wreaths, in field to left trident head, and beneath throne nO-, wt. 259^ grs., very fine 1 236 Alexander the Great, b.c. 336-323. M Tetradrachm, Head of Young Herakles in lion's skin to right (Muller, Class iv-v) £> AAEZANAPOY., Zeus ^Etophorus seated to left, in field, left, a dolphin and throne, TP. (mon.), and in the exergue a tor- toise (struck at Aegina) (Muller 899), very fine and a scarce mint 1 237 Alexander the Great, b.c. 336-323. JR Tetradrachm, of thin flat fabric, Head of Young Herakles in lion's skin to right & BAZIAEHX. AAEZANAPOY., Zeus ^tophorus seated to left, high back throne, in field, left, palm branch, and under throne XI (Sidon), wt. 253| grs., fine and scarce 1 238 Alexander the Great, B.C. 336-323. M Tetradrachms (2), early fabric, Head of Young Herakles in lion's skin to right; 9> AAEZ- ANAPOY., Zeus ^tophorus seated to left, high back to throne, in field, left, club and M., below throne monogram ; the other has same legend, no back to throne, in field, right, K., to left X, and under throne <|>., both very fine 2 239 Alexander the Great, b.c. 336-323. JR. Tetradrachms (2), of similar types, both reading AAEZANAPOY, one has YIT (mon.) to left, the other is without symbols or monogram, but has Phoenician ? inscription under the extended arm of Zeus, both very fine , 2 240 Alexander the Great, b.c. 336-323. ^l Didrachm, early fabric, Head of Young Herakles in lion's skin to right 9> AAEZANAPOY., Zeus iEtophorus to left, in front plough share 1 under throne |~., wt. 127 grs., very fine and very rare [PL lVJ 1 241 Alexander the Great, B.C. 336-334. JR Drachm of first coinage, Head of Young Herakles to right in lion's skin 9> AAEZAN — APOY, Eagle, head reverted, standing on club, wt. 65^ grs., very fine and very rare and presumed to be unpublished 1 242 Philip III (Aridaeus), B.C. 323-316. N Stater, Head of Pallas to right, the helmet adorned with coiled serpent V° WAIPPOY. BAZIAE[12Z]., Victory to left, with wreath and trophy stand, in field left, M., and at feet of Victory AY., wt. 131 1 grs., very fine and scarce 1 244 Philip III (Aridaeus), B.C. 323-316. M Tetradrachms (2), Head of young Herakles in lion's skin to right; $> 4>IAIPPOY. BAZI AE.QZ., title under throne, Zeus seated to left, one has M. in field to left, monogram under throne ; the other has head of Helios to left, and KY (Cyzicus?) under throne, wt. 263£ and 263 grs. respectively, both fine and somewhat sea rce 3 245 Demetrius Poliorcetes, b.c. 306-283. ^Stater, Head of Pallas to right, the helmet adorned with coiled serpent $[B]AZIAEnZ. AHMETRIOY., Victory to left holding wreath and trophy stand, in field, to left, monogram ANTI. (Antigonus), wt. 132^ grs., fine and very rare [PI. IV] 1 246 Demetrius Poliorcetes, B.C. 306-283. ^l Nike, or Fame, carrying a trophy stand, and blowing a trumpet, standing on the prow of a galley $ AHMHTPIOY. BAZIAEI2Z., Poseidon, naked, wielding trident, his chlamys wrapped round his left arm, in field, left, HP. mon., to right bipennis, wt. 264 grs., very fine 1 247 Demetrius Poliorcetes, b.c. 306-283. ^l Nike, or Fame, carrying a trophy stand, and blowing a trumpet, standing on the prow of a galley $ AHMHTPIOY. BAZIAEI2Z., Poseidon, naked, wielding trident, his chlamys wrapped round his left arm, in field, left, £., to right, star and dolphin, wt. 262 grs., very fine 1 248 Demetrius Poliorcetes, b.c. 306-283. ^l Tetradrachm, Head of Demetrius horned and wearing plain diadem to right $ BAZIAEHZ. AHMHTPIOY., Poseidon seated on rock, holding trident and aplustre, monograms in field, one in front, the other behind Poseidon, wt. 265 grs., very fine [PI. IV] 1 249 Demetrius Poliorcetes, b.c. 306-283. ^l Tetradrachm, Head of Demetrius, horned, and wearing plain fillet, to right $° BAZIAEI2Z. AHMHTPIOY., Poseidon with one foot resting on rock, holding long trident in left hand, two monograms in field, wt. 260 grs., very fine 1 250 Antigonus Doson (1), b.c. 229-220. Head of Poseidon to right, with flowing hair bound with marine plant #> BAZIAEI2Z. ANTITONOY. on prow, upon which is seated Apollo naked, holding bow, on lower part of prow a sword, in field below, monogram, wt. 263 grs., very fine and scarce [PL IV] 1 32 251 Antigonus Gonatas, B.C. 277-239. M Tetradrachm, Macedonian shield, in the centre of which a head of Pan, horned ; behind his head, pedum £ BAZIAEHZ. ANTITONOY., Athena Alkis hurling thunder- bolt ; in field to left a helmet, to right KT., wt. 260| grs., very fine 1 252 Antigonus Gonatas, B.C. 277-239. M Tetradrachm, Macedonian shield, in the centre of which a head of Pan, horned ; behind his head, pedum S> BAZIAEHZ. ANTITONOY., Athena Alkis hurling thunder- bolt ; in field to left a helmet, to right HA. (mon.), wt. 263 grs., fine (Hist. Num., fig. 146) 1 253 Philip V, B.C. 220-179. M Tetradrachm, Diademed Head of Philip V to right E> BAZIAEHZ. 4>IAinnOY., Athena Alkis hurling thunderbolt, in field, ZP. and EP., wt. 256 grs., very fine and excessively rare [PL IV] 1 254 Philip V, B.C. 220-178. ^l Drachm, Head of Philip to right, wearing plain diadem 9= BAZIAEHZ. BAZIAEHZ. IAinnOY., Club in oak wreath ; wt. 264 grs., very fine and rare [PL IV] 1 256 Perseus, B.C. 178-168. M Tetradrachm, Diademed Head of Perseus to right & BAZIAEHZ. PEPZEHZ., Eagle on fulmen, above KA. [mon.), and between the legs of eagle <|> ; the whole within a wreath of oak, below tie of wreath a plough, wt. 236| grs., very fine [PL IV] 1 KINGS OF PAEONIA. 257 Lycceius, B.C. 359-340. M Tetradrachm (debased Macedonian weight), Head of Apollo, hair short and curled to right, border of dots 9> [AY]KKEIOY, Hercules contending with lion, in field, bow and quiver, wt. 193^ grs., very fine and rare 1 258 Lycceius, B.C. 359-340. M Drachm, Head of Apollo laureate to right, hair long 9> AYKKEIO., Lion to right, wt. 40 grs., fine and rare 1 33 259 Patraus, B.C. 340-315. M Tetradrachm, Head of Apollo laureate, to right #> riATPAOY., Horseman spearing prostrate foe, wt. 190 grs., very fine (Hist. Num., fig. 151) 1 260 Patraus, B.C. 340-315. M Tetradrachm, Male head with taenia, border of dots 9> PATPAOY., Horseman to right, lance couched about to attack foot soldier armed with sword and Macedonian shield, below horse Y., wt. 198£ grs., very fine and a scarce variety 1 261 Audoleon, circa B.C. 315-286. M Tetradrachm, Head of Pallas facing, wearing triple crested helmet 9> AYAflAEONTOZ., Free horse walking to right, in field, pellet, wt. 191^ grs., very fine (Hist. Num., fig. 152) 1 262 Audoleon, circa B.C. 315-286. ^t Drachm, Head of Pallas in triple crested helmet nearly facing, $> AYAHAEONTOZ., Free horse walking to right, wt. 46^ grs., fine; and a Drachm of Patraus, Head of Apollo? with taenia; 9> PATPAOY, Forepart of wild boar to right, below, monogram, wt. 44 grs., fine but pierced 2 263 Macedonia, under the Eomans, B.C. 158-146. M Tetradrachm, Bust of Artemis to right, in centre of Macedonian shield & MAKEAONHN nPHTHZ., Club, three monograms in field, the whole within wreath of oak, outside wreath, fulmen, wt. 259 grs., very fine (Hist. Num., fig. 153) 1 264 Macedonia, under the Romans, after B.C. 146. M Tetradrachm, Laureate bust of Artemis in high relief in centre of Macedonian shield 9> MAKE — AONI2N in two lines divided by club, in field, mono- gram, the whole within wreath of oak, wt. 259| grs., very fine and very rare [PI. V] 1 265 Macedonia, under the Romans, after B.C. 146. M Tetradrachm, Diademed bust of Artemis in high relief in centre of Macedonian shield 9> LEG. MAKEAONI2N., Club; above, hand with sprig of olive ; below, monogram, the whole within wreath of oak with acorns, wt. 259£ grs., very fine and very rare 1 266 Macedonia, under the Romans, after B.C. 146. M Tetradrachm, MAKEAONHN., Head of Alexander the Great, hair long and flowing j behind head g fy AESILLAS Q., Quaestorial insignia, the whole within wreath, wt. Ihl^ grs., very fine style and condition (Hist. Num., fig. 155) 1 D 34 THRACE. 267 Aen us, circa B.C. 450-400. M Tetradrachm, Head of Mercury to left, wearing close fitting petasos with dotted border, the hair on fore- head delineated by straight lines and at back of head by straight lines and plait 9> . A I N., Goat to right, symbol, Term of Hermes with goat and branch on throne with high back, the whole within square incuse, wt. 253£ grs., very fine style and condition [PL V] 1 268 Aen us, circa B.C. 450-400. JR Tetradrachm, Head of Mercury to right wearing petasos ornamented with beads, the hair in curls 9= A IN., Goat walking to right, in front upright caduceus; the whole within shallow incuse, wt. 248 grs., very fine and scarce [PL V] 1 *** From the Carfrae collection. 269 Aen us, B.C. 400-350. JR Tetradrachm, Head of Hermes nearly facing, inclined to left, wearing petasos, with beaded ornament around 9> AINION., Goat; in field, an eight pointed star, wt. 245 grs., very fine [PI. V] 1 270 Maroneia, B.C. 450-400. ^-Tetradrachm, Prancing horse to left; above, a wheel 9> MHTPOilN • around shallow incuse; in centre within linear square, grape vine, wt. 181^ grs., fine (B. M. Cat., no. 14) 1 271 Maroneia, before B.C. 400. ^R Tetradrachm, Prancing horse to left with trailing rein, beneath, trident head V° Ell I. EYnOAIOZ., around shallow incuse, in centre within linear square a grape vine with four bunches of grapes, wt. 162| grs., fine 1 35 THIRD DAY'S SALE. THRACE (continued), TAURIC CHERSONESE, &c. LOT 272 Maroneia, B.C. 146. M Tetradrachm, Head of Young Dionysos to left 9. AIONYZOY. SI2THPOZ. MAPHNITHN., Dionysos standing, holding bunch of grapes and ten stalks of the narthex, in field monograms, wt. 251 grs., fine (Hist. Num. fig. 160) 1 *** From Genl. Moore's Collection. 273 Abdera, B.C. 500. M Tetradrachm, Griffin with pointed wings, rearing to left, Efll-IA. beneath the griffin a kylix, border of dots $1 Shallow incuse square divided into four compartments, wt. 232 grs., very fine and rare [PI. V] 1 *** From the Carfrae Collection. 274 Abdera, B.C. 450-430. M Tetradrachm, Griffin with pointed wings rearing to left, perched on wing is an owl R Ell I. AEONIA[0 ?]Z. around shallow incuse, in centre square divided into four parts, each division filled with dots, wt. 229£ grs., fine 1 275 Abdera, B.C. 450-430. M Tetradrachm, Griffin with curled wing, seated on fish to left, one paw raised, magistrate, KAAAI A AM AZ. V° ABAHPITEI2N., in shallow incuse, in centre smaller square quartered, wt. 231 grs. (B. M. Cat. Thrace, p. 67), very fine 1 ■%* From the Huxtable Collection. 276 Abdera, B.C. 408-350. M Stater, ABAHPITEHN., Griffin recumbent to right, offside paw raised 9> EPI. AIONYZAAO[Z]., Laureate head of Apollo to right, wt. 155 grs., fine 1 277 Thasos, B.C. 550-465. ^51 Stater, early thick fabric, naked ithyphallic Satyr kneeling on one knee, and carrying in his arms a nymph & Quadripartite incuse square, wt. 143 grs., fine 1 278 Thasos, B.C. 550-465. M Stater of more spread fabric, Naked ithyphallic Satyr kneeling on one knee carrying in his arms a nymph ^o Quadripartite incuse square, wt. 149 grs., fine 1 279 Thasos, B.C. 465-411. iR Stater, Naked ithyphallic Satyr with long ears and horse's tail kneeling on one knee to right and carrying in his arms a nymph, in field to right A. 9> Quadripartite incuse square, wt. 132| grs., very fine [PI. V] 1 D2 36 280 Thasos, B.C. 465-311. M Drachm. Naked ithyphallic Silenos, with horse's tail, kneeling on one knee, carrying in his arms a nymph 9> Quadripartite incuse square, wt. 56*5 grs., very fine [PL V] 1 281 Thasos, after B.C. 146. M Tetradrachm, Head of young Dionysos crowned with ivy to left ^HPAKAEOYZ. ZHTHPOZ. 0AZIHN., Herakles naked, standing with club and lion's skin, wt. 258£ grs. (Hist. Num. fig. 166) 1 282 Byzantium, B.C. 350. ^l Tetradrachm, YIY., Bull standing on dolphin to left, offside foot raised, in front, D,. 9= Incuse of shallow mill sail pattern, each division garnished with dots, wt. 231 grs. (Hist. Num. fig. 167), very fine and scarce 1 283 Byzantium, B.C. 350. M Tetradrachm, YIY., Bull standing on dolphin to right, offside foot raised, in front PH (mon.) $> Mill-sail pattern incuse, each division partially garnished with dots, wt. 233 grs. (Hist. Num., fig. 167, var.), very fine and scarce 1 284 Byzantium, B.C. 400-350. M Drachms (2), YIY., Type as the Tetra- drachms in preceding lots, one has a monogram in front of bull. Tetrobol, same type ; and a Diobol, 430-350 ; all fine 4 285 Byzantium, B.C. 277-270. yR Tetradrachm, Head of veiled Demeter wearing corn wreath Ijl Poseidon seated on rock to right, holding trident and aplustre, in field Zl and YIY. ; and in exergue En I. ZAPIA., wt. 211 grs. (Hist. Num., fig. 168), fine and very rare [PL V] 1 286 Byzantium, B.C. 277-270. M Octobol, Head of veiled Demeter; rev. Poseidon seated on rock to right, holding trident and aplustre, in field n Y. and monogram; and in exergue .... AX2N Tl n ATI . ., wt. 82 grs., in moderately good state, but has been pierced, very rare. Callatia. M Octobol, Head of young Herakles in lion's skin; 9> KAAAATIA., Club, bow in case, and ear of corn, wt. 75| grs., in good state and rare 2 287 Istrus, circa B.C. 300. M Drachms (2), Two heads united in opposite directions, upwards and downwards; $> IZTPIH., Eagle on dolphin, wts. respectively 103£ and 89 grs. ; and a Diobol of similar type, wt. 22 grs., fine 3 288 Odessus, after circa B.C. 200. M Tetradrachm, Bearded head bound with taenia, the hair falling in lank locks &0EOY. MErAAOY. OAH[ZITHN]., Bearded figure draped, standing, holding patera and cornucopia, in exergue, KYPZA-, wt. 247 grs. (Hist. Num., fig. 169). This interesting piece of the highest rarity (no specimen in the British Museum), is in very satisfactory con- dition, although pierced [PL V] 1 37 289 Odessus, after circa B.C. 146. M Tetradrachm of the Alexandrine type. Head of young Herakles in lion's skin # BAZIAEX2Z. AAEZANAPOY., Zeus seated, in field EKA., and in exergue O A HZ I TUN., beneath throne, six pointed star, wt. 2 48 \ grs., very fine 1 290 Panticapaeum, circa B.C. 350. AT Stater, Head of Pan in profile to left, wearing wreath of ivy 9> n AN., Lion headed gryphon, horned and winged, standing on a stalk of barley and holding in his mouth a javelin, wt. 132| grs., in brilliant condition and very rare [PI. ~V] 1 291 Panticapaeum, b.c. 350. N Stater, Head of Pan in profile to left, wearing wreath of ivy V° n AN., Lion headed gryphon, horned and winged, standing on stalk of barley and holding in his mouth a javelin, wt. 139 grs., very fine and very rare 1 292 Lysimachus, King of Thrace, &c. B.C. 323-281. N Stater (of the Alexandrine type), Head of Pallas in crested Corinthian helmet, adorned with coiled serpent & AYZIMAXOY. BAZIAEJQ[Z], Victory standing to right, holding wreath and trophy stand, in front, forepart of lion and AN (mon.) in circle, at the feet of Victory, bucranium, wt. 131^ grs., in almost brilliant condition and of the highest degree of rarity (there is a specimen quoted in the Berlin Museum) [PI. V] 1 293 Lysimachus, King of Thrace, B.C. 323-281. N Stater, Head of the deified Alexander, with the horn of Ammon R BAZIAEI2Z. AYZIMAXOY., Pallas seated, in front monogram, wt. 131 grs., extremely fine, and of very fine style [PL V] 1 294 Lysimachus, King of Thrace, B.C. 323-281. N Stater, Head of the deified Alexander, with the horn of Ammon £ BAZIAEI2Z. AYZIMAXOY., Pallas seated to left, in field B. (struck at Byzantium), in exergue, trident, wt. 132 grs., very fine style and in almost brilliant condition, although slightly double-struck 1 295 Lysimachus, King of Thrace, B.C. 323-281. M Tetradrachm of the Alexandrine type, Head of Young Herakles in lion's skin 9> BAZIAEJ2Z. AYZIMAXOY., Zeus seated, in field forepart of lion and monogram in circle, beneath throne AK. mon., wt. 264 grs., very fine and very rare 1 296 Lysimachus, King of Thrace, B.C. 323-281. M Tetradrachm, Head of the deified Alexander, with the horn of Ammon ^BAZIAEftZ. AYZIMAXOY., Pallas Nikephoros seated, in front, ram's head, and two monograms in exergue, wt. 263 -3 grs., very fine, and of fine style 1 38 297 Lysimachus, King of Thrace, B.C. 323-281. M Tetradrachm, Head of deified Alexander, with horn of Ammon to right 9> BAEIAEnX. AYZIMAXOY., Pallas seated, to left, terminal statue and KA. (mon.) at feet of Pallas an amphora, wt. 262 grs., very fine style and in fine condition 1 298 Lysimachus, King of Thrace, B.C. 323-281. M Drachms (3), two of Alexandrine type, with head of young Herakles; JJc Pallas seated, half-lion in field and monogram below, one has fulmen under throne, the other a trident ; the third specimen is with head of deified Alexander ; 9> Pallas seated, A. on throne, fine 3 THESSALY. 299 Aen i an es, circa B.C. 168-146. M Didrachm? Head of Athena, her helmet adorned with four horses, behind head, <|>OPMII2N., dotted border 9>[A]INIANI2N., Slinger adjusting his sling, behind him, two javelins, in field to right, small figure of Athena Alkis hurling thunderbolt, magistrate's name APIZTAN[APOZ]-, wt. 120 grs. {Hist. Num. fig. 173 var.), very fine and probably an unpublished variety 1 300 Aenianes, B.C. 168-146. JR Triobol(?) Head of Pallas in crested Corinthian helmet, above head AAIME-, and below, traces of AXO- (?) #> AINIANI2N., Slinger adjusting his sling, chlamys wrapped around his left arm, behind him two javelins, and in field to right a palm branch, wt. 34| grs., very fine 1 ■%* From the Photiades collection. 301 Cierium, circa B.C. 330. M Trihemiobol, Head of Zeus (similar in style to the head on the tetradrachms of Philip II of Macedon) ; $> KIEPIEII2N., Nymph Arne kneeling on one knee and playing with astragali (B. M. Cat., pi. II, 9), fine and rare. Demetrias, circa B.C. 290. M Tetrobol, Bust of Artemis to right, £AHMHT Pl EI2N., Prow, behind monogram, wt. 36| grs. (B.M. Cat.,pl. ill, 1), fine and rare 2 302 Larissa, circa B.C. 450-400. M Drachm, Youth restraining bull, to left, he wears chlamys which is flying behind, and in field his petasos which has fallen from his head, border of dots 9= AAPI-ZAIA., Horse galloping to right, rein flying loose, all within incuse square, wt. 94 grs. (compare B.M. Cat. pi. v, 2), of fine style and in very fine condition, although the obv. shews a fracture of the die 1 39 303 Larissa, B.C. 400-344. M Drachm, Head of the fountain nymph Larissa in profile to left, wearing sphendone and earring, border of dots; ^ AAPIZAL, Horse with trailing rein galloping to right, wt. §\% grs., fine. M Hemidrachm, Head of the fountain nymph Larissa, three-quarter face to left ; $> [A]APIZ. NI2IA- (latter portion of legend in exergue and retrograde), Horse grazing to right, off-side leg raised, under horse X., wt. 33 grs.,fine and scarce (B.M. Cat. pi. vi, 5) 2 304 Larissa, B.C. 400-344. M Didrachm, Head of the fountain nymph Larissa, three-quarter face inclined to left, of very fine style, copied from Kimon's head of Arethusa 9- AAPI. [JvjAIHIM. in exergue, Bridled horse walking to right, near leg raised, in front M-, wt. 179 grs., fine and exceedingly rare i[Pl.V] 1 305 Larissa, B.C. 400-334. M Drachm, Head of the fountain nymph Larissa wearing earring, nearly facing, of fine style 9> AAPI. (in exergue) ZAII2N. Mare with foal walking to left, wt. 93| grs., very fine, and scarce in this state [PI. V] 1 "%* From the Photiades collection. 306 Larissa, B.C. 400-344. M Drachm, Head of the fountain nymph Larissa, of exceedingly fine style, nearly facing, from a different die to the preceding, the earring not shewn 9> [AJAPIZ — (AII2N. in exergue), Horse grazing to right, off fore- leg raised, wt. 92| grs., very fine and rare in this condition [PI. V] 1 307 Larissa, B.C. 400-314. M Drachm, Head of the fountain nymph Larissa, nearly facing V° AAPI., Horse with trailing rein galloping to right, wt. 93 grs., very fine and scarce [PL V] 1 *** From the Photiades collection. 308 Magnetes, B.C. 197-146. JR Drachm, Head of Zeus crowned with oak to right, behind head AT- (mon.) 9> MArNHT[X2N]., Artemis with bow seated on prow to left, in front, a dolphin, in field to right monogram, wt. 64| grs. (B.M. Cat. pi. VII, 2), very fine and rare 1 309 Melitaea, circa B.C. 350. M Drachm, Head of Zeus laureate, of fine style to right, under neck, fulmen 9> M EAITE, portion of A- visible, Bull grazing to right, in exergue a branch of oak with acorn, wt. 93 grs., very fine and excessively rare (presumed to be unpublished) [PI. V] 1 *** From the Photiades collection. 310 Phalanna, B.C. 400-334. M Drachm, Young male head, with short curly hair, border of dots 9> AAANNA[II2N]-, Bridled horse going to right, wt. 86 grs., very fine and rare [PL V] 1 40 311 Pharsalus, B.C. 400-344. M Drachm, Head of Pallas of very fine style, wearing close fitting crested helmet, the back portion adorned with palmette ornament ft 2 Thessalian horseman galloping to right, wt. 93^ grs., the obv. is very fine, rev. less fine, due to defective striking, rare [PL V] 1 312 Pherae. Alexander, Tyrant, b.c. 369-357 (?). ^iDidrachm, Head of Artemis Pheraea, three-quarter, to right, wearing earrings and necklace, the head adorned with myrtle wreath ft AAEZANAPOY, Warrior wearing helmet and cuirass, on prancing horse to right, beneath horse a bipennis, and a similar weapon is depicted on the horse's flank, wt. 183 grs., very fine and of the highest rarity [PL V] 1 *** From the Carfrae collection. 313 Pherae. Alexander, Tyrant, b.c. 369-357. M Drachm, Head of Artemis Pheraea in profile to right, below, the magistrate's name ENNOIOZ. ft AAEZANAPEIA-, Lion's head to right with open jaws, wt. 93£ grs., very fine and very rare [PL V] 1 *** From the Photiades collection. 314 Scotussa, B.C. 480-400. ^l Drachm, Forepart of horse to left ft [2]KO-, Grain of corn with husk, the whole within shallow incuse, wt. 91 grs., fine and rare (B. M. Cat. pi. xi, 1) 1 *** From the Photiades collection. 315 Thessalian League, b.c. 196-146. M Double Victoriatus (2), Head of Zeus crowned with oak, behind, name of Strategi, the first specimen has that of NIKOKPATOYZ. (B.C. 182); the second example AllOAA . . . NIL, ft 0EZZ A- AI2N-, The Thessalian Athena Itonia in fighting attitude, magistrates' names, <|>IAOE ENIAOZ-riETPAlOY and KPATinilOY- Nl. respec- tively, wts. 94 grs. and 97 grs., both fine. Attic Drachm, Head of Apollo with monogram of the Strategos H P-; R> 0EZZA — AI2N., Athena Itonia, magistrate, PL, wt. 62| grs. ; and another with head of Athena Itonia, with AIP. above; ft 0EZZAAI2N., Horse walking to right, wt. 58 grs., all fine 4 ILLYRIA. 316 Apollonia, circa B.C. 400. ^l Stater, Cow to right suckling calf; above a bee ft AP[0]A., Double floral pattern within double linear square, to left a bow, and below a club, the whole within plain border in cir- cular shallow incuse, wt. 173| grs., fine and very rare 1 41 317 Apollonia, after B.C. 100. M Denarius, Head of Apollo laureate to left, in front AYZX2N., border of dots £> AnOA., Three nymphs hand in hand, two carry torches, between them a fire, magistrate's name in exergue, AIONY- XOA.QPOZ-, wt. 60| grs., in brilliant condition {not inB. M. Cat.) 1 * # * From the Bompois collection. 318 Apollonia, after B.C. 100. M Denarius, Head of Apollo bound with taenia, in front AllOA., Three nymphs hand in hand, one bearing a torch between them a fire, in exergue BIX2N-, wt. 64^ grs. (B. M. Cat. no. 71, pi. xn, 14), very fine. M Quinarius, Head of Pallas to left, wearing crested Corinthian helmet, in front ANAPHNOZ-; 9> AnOAAH- N I AT AN., An obelisk, magistrate TIMHN-, wt. 25§ grs. 2 319 Dyrrhachii, b.c. 400-300. ^l Stater, Cow to right, suckling calf 9> AY P., Double floral design in double linear square, with pellet at each corner, in field a club, wt. 169^ grs., in brilliant condition 1 320 Dyrrhachii, circa B.C. 350-250. Staters of the Corinthian types and weights (2), Head of Pallas in Corinthian helmet, behind head A and club, in front dolphin ; $> Winged Pegasos to right, beneath A., wt. 131 grs., fine 2 321 Dyrrhachii, b.c. 229-100. (New Series of Dyrrhachian Coins adjusted to the weight of the Eoman Victoriatus) (5), Cow to right suckling calf ; T£> Double floral ornament in double linear square, with the following names of magistrates and moneyers, AnnANTIAA- AAEZII2NOZ. KAAAIKPATEOZ. in. (obv.) <|>AINin nOY. <|>IAnN., Head of Helios, torch in field, and dog in exergue, on obv. 0EOTENEOZ. ZI2 (obv.) <|>AINinnOY., all very fine 5 KING OF ILLYRIA. 322 Monunius, circa B.C. 300-280. M Stater, Cow to left suckling calf, above jaw bone of Calydonian boar #BACIAEnC. MONOYNIOY. AY PPA, around a double linear square, containing double floral ornament, in field club, wt. 158 grs., very fine and scarce 1 "%* From the Photiades collection. ILLYRIO-EPIROTE COINAGE. 323 Damastium, circa B.C. 300. iR Stater, Head of Apollo laureate to right # AAMAZT (on raised band), Tripod, to right I NUN., to left KE|., wt 202^ grs., very fine 1 42 EPIRUS. 324 Nicopolis, before B.C. 161. M Quinarius, 06A AYCTe|NA., Bust of Faustina to right 9> AKTIA-, within wreath of reeds, wt. 26 J grs., very fine and rare 1 *** From the Belfort collection. KINGS OF EPIRUS. 325 Alexander (Son of Neoptolemus), B.C. 342-326. JR Stater, Head of Zeus Dodonaeus to right fy AAEEANAPOY. TOY. NEOnTOAEMOY.,Fulmen, eagle to left, wt. 169^ grs., in very fine condition and excessively rare [PI. V] 1 326 Pyrrhus, B.C. 295-272. N Stater, Head of Pallas in crested Corinthian helmet and wearing earring ; beneath neck A, and behind plume of helmet an owl ¥° BAZI AE.QZ. PYPPOY, Nike to left carrying trophy and wreath, in field fulmen and cylix, wt. 133 grs., very fine and very rare [PL VJ 1 327 Pyrrhus, B.C. 295-272. M Half Stater, Head of Artemis to right, behind head fulmen V° BAZIAEHZ. PYPPOY., Nike with trophy and wreath, in the field a crescent and fulmen, wt. 65^ grs., in extremely good condition and very rare 1 328 Pyrrhus, B.C. 295-272. M Tetradrachm, Head of Zeus Dodonaeus to left, crowned with oak leaves ; beneath, and monogram 9> BAZIAEHZ. PYPPOY., Dione, seated left on throne, wearing Stephanos, holding long sceptre, and raising peplos with left hand, wt. 259-^ grs., very fine and of the highest rarity [PL V] 1 329 Pyrrhus, B.C. 295-272. M Drachm (?), Head of Persephone, with flowing hair crowned with corn, to left ; behind the head torch and letter A. 9> BAZIAEHZ. PYPPOY., Pallas, left, in fighting attitude, holding spear and shield, in field fulmen, wt. 88 grs. (Hist. Num., fig. 186), very fine and scarce 1 *** From the Photiades Collection. 330 Epirote Republic, B.C. 238-168. ^R Didrachm, Jugate heads of Zeus Dodonaeus and Dione, behind KE. (mon.) 9> APEIPX2TAN., Bull rushing to right, the whole within wreath of oak, below tie of wreath a trident head, wt. 151| grs. (Hist. Num., Jig. 187), very fine and rare 1 43 331 Epirote Republic, b.c. 238-168. M Drachm, Head of Zeus Dodo- naeus to right, behind head 3K (mon.) ; 9> AP El PUT AN., Eagle on fulmen to right, the whole within wreath of oak, wt. 76 grs., very fine. JR Victoriate, Heads jugate of Zeus Dodonaeus and Dione to right, same monogram as on preceding piece ; IJ> AP El PUT AN., fulmen, the whole within wreath of oak, wt. 48|- grs., fine. M, Half Victoriate, Head of Zeus Dodonaeus to right, same monogram as the preceding ; ^ AP El PUT AN., fulmen, the whole within wreath of oak, wt. 23^ grs. 3 CORCYRA. 332 Corcyra, B.C. 585-500. M Stater, Cow to left suckling calf 9> Two star-like designs of elongated form, each enclosed in a separate oblong incuse, wt. 175 grs., very fine 1 333 Corcyra, b.c. 500-450. M Stater, Cow to left with head reverted, suckling calf, the whole within a kind of guilloche border £> Kadiate disc or fully expanded flower within double linear border, wt. 123 grs. (unpublished), very fine and very rare [PL V] 1 334 Copcyra, circa B.C. 300. M Stater, Cow to left suckling calf V° KOP. 0., Double floreate pattern within linear square, the whole in shallow circular incuse, wt. 156^ grs., very fine 1 335 Corey ra, circa B.C. 300-229. ^l Stater, KOPKYPAIHN., Forepart of cow to right ; $> Double floreate ornament in linear square, at sides Z-fl., bunch of grapes and ivy leaf, wt. 80 grs., very fine. Hemidrachm, circa B.C. 400. An Amphora ; $> Star of eight points with a dot between each point, wt. 37| grs., fine. Half Victoriate, circa B.C. 229-48. Head of Aphrodite, behind A ; 9> Pegasos, wt. 26£ grs., very fine 3 336 Corcyra, circa b.c. 229-48. M Drachm, Head of young Dionysos bound with ivy ; 9> Pegasos, with two monograms below, wt. 72 grs. (B. M. Guide, pi. LV, 19), very fine. M Victoriate, Head of Dione veiled; $ Pegasos, monogram below, the whole within wreath, wt. 46£ grs., fine 2 ACARNANIA. 337 Anactorium, b.c. 350-300. ^l Drachm, Head of goddess nearly full face, inclined to right 9> Pegasos galloping to left, below AN (mon.) and AKT., referring to the worship of Apollo Actios in the territory of Anactorium, wt. 38£ grs., fine and scarce 1 *** From the Photiades collection. 44 338 Anactorium, circa after B.C. 450. M Drachm, ANA KTO PI HN., Laureate head of Apollo to right, behind leaf 9> Pegasos galloping to right, below AN (mon.), wt. 44 grs., very fine and rare 1 339 Anactorium. ^l Staters ofthe Corinthian type (3). (a) B.C. 350-300. Head of Pallas to left, the helmet adorned with wreath of laurel, behind lyre ; ^ Pegasos galloping to left, below ANA., wt. 127 grs. (B. M. Cat. Corinth, pi. xxxi, 16), fine, (b) Head of Pallas to right, helmet plain, behind head tripod and ]£. ; Jji Pegasos galloping to right, below A, wt. 129 grs. (B. M. Cat. Corinth, pi. xxxn, I), fine. (c) Head of Pallas to left, helmet plain, behind, bunch of grapes and Cylix j Jl Pegasos galloping to right, below A, wt. 132 grs., very fine 3 340 Argos Amphilochicum, B.C. 350-250. M Stater of Corinthian type, APTEI., Head of Pallas to left, behind crested Corinthian helmet; 9> Pegasos galloping to left, below A, wt. 130 grs. (B. M. Cat. Corinth, pi. xxxn, 5). Leucas, B.C. 400-330. M Stater of Corinth- ian type, Head of Pallas to right ; $t> Pegasos galloping to left, below A., wt. 130£ grs., very fine. Thyrrheium, B.C. 350-250. JR Stater of Corinthian type, Head of Pallas to left, — Y in field, below neck AY, and behind head an earring ; $1 Pegasos galloping to left, below 0., wt. 131 £ grs. (B. M. Cat. Corinth, pi. xxxvin, 7), fine 3 341 Leucas, after B.C. 167. M Attic Didrachm, Statue of goddess with attributes — crescent, aplustre, owl, stag, and sceptre, the whole within a wreath 9> AEYKAAljQN., Prow to right, in front bunch of grapes, magis- trate <|>IAANAPOZ., m field above, monogram, wt. 125 grs. (Hist. Num. fig. 189), fine 1 342 Thyrrheium, after B.C. 167. M Stater, type of Federal Coinage, Head of Beardless Achelous, magistrate's name ZENOMENHZ. (in reference to this name see interesting note in Hist. Num., p. 282) fy [0Y]PPEII2[N], Apollo Actios seated, naked, holding bow, wt. 151 \ grs., fine and rare 1 343 Federal Coinage of Acarnania, b.c. 250^-167, struck at Leucas. ^l Drachm ?[AK]APNANI2N, Head of bearded Achelous to right 9> Apollo Actios seated, naked, on rock, to right, holding bow, in field torch, and to left magistrate's name MENNEIAZ., wt. 7\\ grs., very fine 1 344 Federal Coinage of Acarnania, b.c. 250 ?-167, struck at Leucas. M Drachm?, [A]KAPN ANI2N., Head of beardless Achelous 9> Artemis running to right holding torch, in front a torch, and in field, left, magistrate's name MENNEIAZ., wt. 61 grs., fine 45 AETOLIA. 345 Aetolian League, b.c. 279-168. N Stater, Head of Pallas, helmet adorned with coiled serpent & AITI2AHN., Aetolia represented as a female figure wearing kausia, short chiton, chlamys, and holding upright spear in left hand, while on extended right hand she supports a small statuette of Nike, seated on a pile of shields, in field to right, tripod, monogram in . exergue, wt. 131|- grs., fine and very rare [PL V] 1 346 Aetolian League, B.C. 279-168. N Stater, Head of Pallas to right, helmet adorned with coiled serpent V° A I Til AH N., Aetolia seated, as on the preceding piece, in field, to right, monogram and in exergue A AT-, wt. 131^ grs., fine and very rare 347 Aetolian League, b.c. 279-168. M Tetradrachm, Head of young Herakles in lion's skin, to right V*> AITX2AX2N., Aetolia represented as a female figure holding sword and spear, wearing causia, short chiton, &c, seated on a pile of shields, whereof the upper one is Macedonian, the remainder Gaulish ; below, the Gaulish trumpet; in front of figure n A. (mon.), and IN., wt. 263 grs., very fine and very rare [PL V] 1 *** From the Photiades collection. 348 Aetolian League, b.c. 279-168. M Drachm, Head of Artemis to right, laureate; bow and quiver at shoulder; 9> AITflAHN., Aetolia represented as a female figure wearing short chiton and chlamys, seated on pile of shields and holding spear and sword, in field monogram and trophy of Gaulish arms, wt. 76 grs., fine ; and a Tetrobol ? Head of Aetolia wearing causia to right ; $> A I THAU N., Calydonian boar; below monogram, and in exergue lance head, wt. 37| grs., very fine 2 349 Aetolian League, B.C. 279-168. ^R Stater, Head of Aetolos laureate, to right, below truncation <|>|. P> [AI]T.QAI2[N], Aetolos standing to left one foot on rock, and holding spear, he wears chlamys wound round left arm and the kausia slung at back of neck, wt. 164| grs., very fine 1 LOCRIS. 350 Loom Opuntii, circa B.C. 369-338. M Stater, Head of Persephone wearing earring and necklace, hair bound with wreath of corn leaves, to left 9> OnONTIXIN., Ajax naked, armed with sword and shield and crested Corinthian helmet, in fighting attitude, to right, inside shield, a griffin, in field a lance, and between the legs AIA2L, wt. 188 grs., THE RARE VARIETY AND IN VERY FINE CONDITION [PI. V] 1 *** From the Photiades collection. 46 351 Locri Opuntii, circa B.C. 369-338. ^51 Stater, Head of Persephone wearing earring and necklace, hair bound with wreath of corn leaves, to left & OnONTIHN., Ajax naked, armed with sword and shield and crested Corinthian helmet, in fighting attitude, to right, inside shield, a serpent, and on ground two javelins, wt. 181 grs., very fine and rare 1 "%.* From the Photiades collection. 352 Locri Opuntii, after B.C. 338. M Hemidrachms (2), Head of Perse- phone, to right, as on the ^ft Stater, £> AOKPI2N., Ajax in fighting attitude, between his legs YPOK in monogram, 41^ grs., fine. Head of Pallas in crested Corinthian helmet to right; fy AOKPI1N, Ajax laureate in fighting attitude, inside shield sea horse, and in field a trident head, wt. 43 grs., very fine; and an Obol, B.C. 405-367, OP -ON., an Amphora, the body decorated with vine tendril and bunch of grapes at either handle ; $ a star, wt. 13 grs., very fine 3 PHOCIS. 353 Phocis, B.C. 550-371. ^l Triobol, Bull's head facing; & <>. O, Female head of archaic style, hair turned up at back and bound by pearled cord, in incuse square, wt. 46 grs., very fine. M Triobol, B.C. 357-346, Bull's head facing; ]£> 4> f2, Laureate head of the Delphian Apollo behind lyre, wt. 44 grs., very fine; and an Obol, B.C. 550-371, 4> O over bull's head facing; 9> Forepart of boar in incuse square, wt. 15 grs., fine 3 354 Phocis, B.C. 357-346. JR Triobol, Bull's head facing; #> <|> n Head of the Delphian Apollo to right, behind branch, wt. 44 grs., very fine. Delphi, circa B.C. 421-375. M Trihemiobol, Eam's head to left; 9> AG between the horns of goat's head facing, on either side a dolphin, tail downwards, the whole within incuse square, wt. 21 £ grs., very fine 2 BOEOTIA. 355 Boeotian League, b.c. 550. JR Stater, Boeotian shield 9) Wheel with 4 spokes, wt. 184 grs., very fine and very rare 1 %* From the Photiades collection. 356 Boeotian League, b.c. 600-550. M Drachm, Boeotian shield ; R Incuse square, in eight triangular compartments, four of which are deeply indented, wt. 94 grs. (Read's History of the Coinage of Boeotia, pi. I, 1). JR Hemidrachm, Boeotian shield ; R Incuse square of four divisions, two of which are deeply indented, the other two divided by diagonal line, wt. 46 grs., fine. Obol, Boeotian shield ; 9> Mill-sail pattern incuse, wt. 13£ grs. ; and a Tetartemorion, Boeotian shield ; 9> Square incuse with four indentations of varying depths, wt. 4 grs., fine 47 357 Boeotian League, B.C. 379-338. M Stater, Boeotian shield 9> An Amphora on tall stem, the neck and portion of the body of the vase ornamented, at sides AN-AP., wt. 188 grs., fine 1 *** From the Photiades collection. 358 Boeotian League, b.c. 379-338. M Stater, Boeotian shield Bj An amphora, the neck and upper part of body of vase ornamented, above grain of corn and at sides FA-Z[T]., wt. 189 grs., very fine and scarce 1 359 Boeotian League, circa b.c. 379. M Hemiobol, Half of Boeotian shield ; Bj B.O and bunch of grapes, wt. 7% grs., fine. M third of Tetradrachm, B.C. 244-197, Head of Persephone facing; 9= BO IflTHN., Poseidon, naked to right holding trident and dolphin, in field An (mon.) and buckler, wt. 76% grs. (B. M. Guide, pl.xui, 19), fine. Third of Tetradrachm, B.C. 197-146, Head of Poseidon ; 9> BOII2TI2N., Nike with trident and wreath, infield monogram and Z, wt. 77 grs., fine and scarce 3 360 Haliartus, before B.C. 480. M Stater, Boeotian shield ; $> El in centre of mill sail incuse, wt. 188 grs., fine (from the Photiades collection). Orchomenus, B.C. 550-480. M Obol, grain of corn sprouting ; 9> incuse, wt. 14J grs., fine. Mycalessus, b. c. 387-384. M Obol, Boeotian shield, $k M-Y at sides of fulmen, wt. 13f grs., fine 3 361 Pharae, B.C. 550-480. JR Stater, of globular form, Boeotian shield Bj (D in centre of mill sail incuse, wt. 190^ grs. 1 362 Tanagra, B.C. 550-480. JR Stater, Boeotian shield with T-A in the lunette openings at sides Bj Wheel of four spokes in circular incuse, wt. 187 grs., fine and very rare 1 363 Tanagra, B.C. 600-550. ^ft Drachms (2), Boeotian shield with T in one of the lunette openings at side ; 9> Incuse with four deep indents, wt. 92£ grs. Another of the second period 550-480, O similar to the preceding; Bj Four incuse compartments symmetrically arranged, in the alternate one T — T., wt. 88| grs., rare 2 364 Tanagra, b.c. 387-374. ^fl Stater, Boeotian shield B^ T-A-, Forepart of bridled horse galloping to right, the whole within square incuse, wt. 188f grs., very fine and rare 1 365 Thebes, B.C. 550-480. JR Stater, Boeotian shield ; B^ © in centre of mill-sail pattern incuse, wt. 187| grs. (Hist. Num. fig. 195) ; and a Drachm of issue and same type, wt. 93 grs., fine 2 366 Thebes, B.C. 446-426. ^l Stater, Boeotian shield B> ©EBAIOZ., Herakles, nude, kneeling on one knee to left, stringing his bow, before him club, wt. 185 grs., fine and rare 1 48 367 Thebes, B.C. 446-426. M Stater, Boeotian shield 9> — E., Head of bearded Herakles wearing lion's skin, to left, the whole in incuse, wt. 186 grs., very fine and of fine early style, rare 1 %* From the Photiades collection. 368 Thebes, B.C. 426-387. M Stater, Boeotian shield Bj 0- E., Bearded head of Dionysos crowned with ivy, within shallow incuse, wt. 188 grs., very fine and rare 1 369 Thebes, B.C. 426-387. El. or pale gold, Hemidrachm, Head of bearded Dionysos, wearing wreath of ivy to right Bj L^J gj the infant Herakles strangling serpents, the whole within shallow incuse, wt. 46 grs., very fine and very rare [PI. V] 1 370 Thebes, B.C. 426-387. M Stater, Boeotian shield Bj 0E, the infant Herakles strangling serpents, in field to left a bow, the whole within circular shallow incuse, wt. 186 grs., very fine and very rare [PI. V] 1 371 Thespiae, B.C. 387-374. M Stater, Boeotian shield Bj 0EZP I KON. (retrograde), Head of Aphrodite Melainis to right, wearing earring and necklace with pendant bulla, in front of head a large crescent, and below neck a smaller crescent, wt. 186 grs., very fine and very rare [PI. V] 1 EUBOEA. 372 Carystus P circa B.C. 600-480. M Stater, Cock to left Bj Incuse square, irregularly divided, wt. 190 grs., very fine and rare, probably from the Santorin find, see article by W. Wroth, Esq. in the Num. Chron., 3rd series, vol. IV, p. 276 [PL VI] 1 373 Carystus, B.C. 197-146. N Third of Stater, Head of bearded Herakles wearing lion's skin to right, the paws knotted under chin 9> KAPY., Bull recumbent to left, above trident head, and below, a club, wt. 441 grs., fine and very rare (B. M. Guide, pi. xliii, 29) 1 374 Chalcis, circa B.C. 700-480. M Drachms (2), Wheel of four spokes ; Bj Incuse square. (One specimen has very simple straight spokes, and shows the hub, the inner line of wheel forming a kind of quatrefoil, the B; shows the incuse divided diagonally, with three divisions indented ; the other piece has the spokes of more spandril form springing from centre pellet, the Bj is more irregular, wt. 65 and 66 grs. respectively) ; and an Obol, of same date, Wheel, B> Incuse, wt. 10 grs., all fine and scarce . 3 375 Chalcis, circa B.C. 480-445. M Tetradrachm, Eagle flying to right, holding in his beak a serpent 9> "S'AV-in wheel of five spokes, the whole within incuse square, wt. 259 grs., very fine and very rare, presumably from the same die as the piece in the Photiades collection which is described as unpublished [PI. VI] 1 49 376 Cyme ? circa B.C. 500 1 M Didrachm, Forepart of horse to right Jfc Two incuse squares of different sizes, the larger containing solar symbol, wt. 173| grs., rare 1 377 Cyme, circa B.C. 500 ? Hind part of horse within linear border $> Incuse square, diagonally divided, wt. 65^ grs., very fine and rare 1 378 Cyme P circa B.C. 500. M Tetrobol, Man on horseback to right, on raised disc $k Incuse square, diagonally divided, wt. 41 grs., very fine and rare 1 379 Eretria, B.C. 480445. M Didrachm, Cow scratching herself; below E. 9> Sepia in incuse square, wt. 131 grs., fine and scarce 1 380 Euboea, Federal Coinage, after B.C. 411. JR Drachm, Head of nymph Euboea to left 9> EY., Head and neck of bull three quarters to right, bound with sacrificial fillet, in field a bunch of grapes, wt. 58-| grs., very fine 1 381 Histiaea, B.C. 369-336. M Drachm, Head of Maenad wearing vine wreath ; $, IZTI. (in exergue), Bull to right, in background, vine, and in field to right monogram, wt. 47-^ grs., fine. Tetrobols (3) of the same town, B.C. 313-265. Head of Maenad wearing vine wreath; 9> IZTIAEI2N., Nymph Histiaea seated on stern of galley holding trophy stand, wt. about 34 grs., fine 4 ATTICA. 382 Athens, circa b.c. 550. El. Hecta, Owl to left, head facing fy Incuse square in which A I wt. 21 grs., very fine and rare 1 383 Athens, B.C. 590-525. M Tetradrachms (2) of globular fabric, Head of Athena of very Archaic style, to right, wearing round earring and close fitting helmet with simple volute behind, the crest adorned with dentated pattern with dots in the angles; £> [A]0E., Owl, head facing, with closed wings, to left, olive spray with two leaves and berry, all in shallow incuse, wt. 259| grs. (B. M. Cat.pl. i, no. 4), fine ; the other specimen is of somewhat coarser fabric and resembles B. M. Cat. pi. i, 6 2 384 Athens, before B.C. 527. M Tetradrachm, Head of Athena in high relief to right, of less primitive style, the hair is waved at sides, the hel- met is similar in type to the earlier pieces being close fitting and with simple volute ornament at back, the crest is plain with border of dots 9> Well defined square incuse, A0E. to left of owl with head facing, in right hand lower corner small olive spray with berry and two leaves, wt. 261| grs. (compare B. M. Cat. pi. II, I), fine 1 S 50 385 Athens, B.C. 527-430. JR Tetradrachm, of good Archaic work, Head of Athena to right, wearing close fitting crested helmet, with floral ornament at back and three upright olive leaves in front, the pupil of the eye is shown 9> A0E., Owl, head facing, with closed wings to right, behind small crescent and olive spray with two leaves and berry, wt. 264 grs. (compare B. M. Cat. pi. in, class A), very fine 1 386 Athens, B.C. 527-430. M Tetradrachm of refined Archaic style, Head of Athena in close fitting helmet, the front adorned with three upright olive leaves, the back with flower and volute $> A0 E. , Owl, head facing, in field, left, crescent and spray of olive with two leaves and berry, wt. 264 grs. (Hist. Num. Jig. 211), very fine 1 387 Athens, B.C. 527-430. M Didrachm, Head of Athena wearing crested helmet, adorned in front with three upright olive leaves, the back with flower and volute $k A0E. Owl, head facing, within square incuse contained in circular incuse, to left olive spray, half within and half without square incuse, wt. 128 grs. (compare B. M. Cat. pi. iv, class A, no. 4, and Hist. Num. fig. 212), very fine and very rare [PI. VI] 1 388 Athens, B.C. 525-430. M Drachm, Head of Athena ; £> A0E-, owl, head facing, to left spray of olive with bud, wt. 65| grs., very fine. Triobol, B.C. 525-430. Head of Athena ; $ A0E., Owl with closed wings standing facing, on either side olive branch, wt. 32| grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. iv, 8), fine. Obol, B.C. 525-430. Head of Athena; & A0E-, Owl, &c. in square incuse, wt. 10 grs. Tritemorion, B.C. 430-350. Head of Athena; £> A0E. (retrograde), three cres- cents, wt. 7i grs. Hemiobol, B.C. 525-430. Head of Athena ; fy A0E-, Owl, to left olive spray, one leaf and one berry to left, the whole in square incuse, wt. 5£ grs. Trihemitetartemorion, B.C. 430-350. Head of Athena ; £> A0E-, Kalathos, wt. 3| grs. Tetar- temorion, B.C. 430-350. Head of Athena; 9> A0E., Crescent, wt. 2| grs. ; and Hemitetartemorion, B.C. 430-350. Head of Athena, B> A0E., Owl, head facing, wt. 2 grs., fine and very rare 389 Athens, B.C. 220-197. M Tetradrachm, Head of Athena Parthenos, wearing earring necklace, and close fitting triple crested helmet adorned with the foreparts of four horses and a pegasos, on the back portion a scroll resembling an aplustre, border of dots 9> A-0E., Owl with closed wing standing on amphora which lies upon its side, in field on either side a monogram and to right, two ser- pents, on amphora A. ; the whole within a wreath of olive, wt. 259 grs. (B. M. Cat., series Hi, pi. viii, 3), a large spread Tetradrachm in exceptionally fine condition [PI. VI] 1 *** From the Photiades collection. 51 390 Athens, B.C. 186-146. M Tetradrachm, Head of Athena Parthenos to right, the triple crested helmet adorned with pegasos, foreparts of horses, &c. & A0E., Owl on amphora on which E-, Magistrates HPA. APIZ- TO. 4> I Afl. in field, left, club, lion's skin and bow in case, below amphora r. A-, the whole within olive wreath, wt. 258^ grs., very fine 1 391 Athens, B.C. 186-146. M Tetradrachm, Head of Athena Parthenos, similar to the preceding 9> A0E., Owl on amphora upon which K-, Magistrates MIKII2N. EYPYKAEI. APEZTOZ., in field, to right two naked male figures (The Dioskuri 1), one carries patera, the other rests upon his spear, below amphora Z., the whole within wreath of olive, wt. 25 7f grs., fine 1 392 Athens, B.C. 146-86. M Tetradrachm, Head of Athena Parthenos, similar to last, but of somewhat coarser style and the side curl is longer fy> A0E., Owl on amphora, upon which |~., magistrates HENO- KAHZ. APMOZENOZ., in field, to right, coiled serpent, and below amphora n E-, the whole within wreath of olive, wt. 254 grs., very fine 1 393 Athens, B.C. 88. N Stater, Head of Athena Parthenos, in triple crested helmet adorned with foreparts of horses and pegasos $ A0E., Owl on amphora, BAZ[l]AE[nZ]. MI0PAAATHZ. APIZTIX2N., in field, to right, sun between two crescents, arms of the Achaemenidan kings (Pontus), wt. 127 grs., very fine and OF THE HIGHEST RARITY [PI. VI] 1 *** From the Photiades collection. " Friedlander and A. von Sallet, dasKoningl. MunzMbmet,2nd edition, p. 96. Only three of these interesting Staters with the name of the King of Pontus as an ally of the Athenians are known, the first belonged to the Due de Luynes, and the second is in the Museum at Berlin. We are enabled to fix the date exactly, Aristion having been elected strategos at the same time as the king, after his return from the residence of Mithradates, in the summer of the year 88 B.C." MEGARIS. 394 Megara, after B.C. 307. ^t Drachm, Laureate head of Apollo of fine style to right 9> META-PEI2N., Lyre, wt. 48 grs., fine and rare 1 *** From the Photiades collection. AEGINA. 395 Aegina, circa B.C. 700-550. M Staters (2), Tortoise with plain shell and row of dots down the middle of back; ^ Incuse square irregularly divided, wt. 184^ grs., very fine; another, of later date, B.C. 480-456, Tortoise similar to the preceding piece, but the struc- ture of the shell is shewn ; J& Rough incuse, wt. 185| grs., very fine 2 E 2 52 396 Aegi n a, after B.C. 404. M Stater, Tortoise of more developed form and the structure of shell fully shewn ; $> AITI. and dolphin in compartments of incuse square, which is divided into five divisions, wt. 186 grs., fine. Half Stater, similar, but with A. I. at sides of tortoise; $k Nl. and dolphin as on preceding, wt. 88 grs., fine. Obol, similar in type to last, but on $> A I. only and dolphin, wt. 14 grs., very fine 3 CORINTHIA. 397 Corinth, B.C. 500-430. M Staters (2), 9 Pegasos with curled wing to right ; ]£> Helmeted head of Athena Chalinitis, in incuse square, one has 9 behind head of Athena. Drachm, Pegasos with curled wing to left, below 9 ; $> Head of Aphrodite, in incuse square, wt. 42-^ grs., fine ; Half Drachm, Pegasos with curled wing ; 1}L Head of Pallas in linear square within incuse square, wt. 41| grs., fine 4 398 Corinth, B.C. 400-338. M Staters (5), Usual type of Pegasos, with ? below and ^ Head of Pallas Chalinitis, two examples have helmet adorned with wreath ; symbols, dolphin, Head of Helios within wreath, Balaustium flower and E., Kantharos and N., Eagle and A P., wt. averaging 130 grs., fine 5 399 Corinth, circa B.C. 350-338. JR Trihemidrachm, Bellerophon wearing chlamys and petasos, riding on bridled pegasos to right and striking downwards with his spear, beneath pegasos 9 9> Chimaera at bay to left, below A I. and across exergual line on amphora, wt. 62| grs., very fine and scarce [PI. VI] 1 "%* From the Photiades collection. PELOPONNESUS. PHLIASIA. 400 Phlius, circa B.C. 430-322. M Drachm [4>]AEIA. (in exergue), Bull butting to left ; $> XI ON. (termination of G inscription) in the four corners of incuse square, in centre of which a wheel with four spokes, wt. 90 grs., fine (from the Photiades collection) ■ Obol, forepart of butting bull ; $> : : wL 12 grs., fine 2 SICYONIA. 401 Sicyon, B.C. 400-322. M Stater, ZE-, Chimaera at bay, in field a wreath 9> Dove flying, in laurel wreath, wt. 189^ grs., fine 1 402 Sicyon, B.C. 400-322. ^l Stater, ZE., Chimaera at bay 9> Dove flying, in olive wreath, wt. 189 grs., fine 1 53 403 Sicyon, B.C. 400-322. ^l Drachm, Zl., Chimaera at bay; 5= Dove flying, in olive wreath, in field I., wt. 89 grs., very fine. Triobol, Zl"., Chimaera at bay ; R Dove flying, in field All. Obols (2), one with head of Apollo ; Ifc Dove and Zl. ; the other O and 9> Dove, fine 4 ACHAIA. 404 Patrae, B.C. 146-43. ^l Triobol, Head of Aphrodite; & AAMA- Cl AC and riATP. (mon.), all within wreath, wt. 33| grs., fine. Pellene, B.C. 370. M Triobol, Head of Apollo to left; $> flEAAA. within laurel wreath, wt. 40£ grs., unpublished (?). Pellene, B.C. 370-322. M Triobol, Head of Apollo ; £ IHEA. in laurel wreath, wt. 41 \ grs., fine 3 405 Achaean League, before circa B.C. 330. M Hemidrachms, Head of Zeus Homagyrios; $, AX. {mon.) of the following towns Aegium, magistrate, APICTOAAMOC. Dyme, TAP. (AP. mon.), symbol, crayfish. El is, symbol, fulmen. Tegea, TE., all fine 4 54 FOURTH DAY'S SALE. ELIS. LOT 406 Elis, B.C. 471-421. M Stater, Eagle flying left carrying hare, in field circular countermark with radiate design £> F. A-, Fulmen with wings and volutes in shallow circular incuse, wt. 186 grs., very fine, unpublished var. not in B. M. Catalogue [PL VI] 1 407 Elis, B.C. 421-365. M Stater, HPA-, Head of Hera wearing lofty Stephanos adorned with conventional flowers R F. A., Fulmen in wreath of wild olive, wt. 185| grs., very fine (Hist. Num. fig. 231) [PL VI] 1 408 Elis, B.C. 365-322. M Stater, Head of Zeus of fine style to right 9> F. A., Eagle to right on capital of Ionic column, in field, fulmen, wt. 188 \ grs., very fine [PI. VI] 1 * ¥e * From the Photiades collection. 409 Elis, B.C. 322-312. F. A., Head of Hera to right wearing earring, and Stephanos adorned with palmettes, hair turned up at back I£> Eagle with open wings to right, within wreath of olive, wt. 189 grs., very fine and scarce [PI. VI] 1 *** From the Photiades collection. 410 Elis, B.C. 322-312. Head of Hera to right, wearing triple earring, necklace, and diadem, the latter inscribed FAAEII2N. #, F., Eagle, with open wings, standing on rock looking to right, the whole within wreath of wild olive, wt. 189^ grs., very fine 1 *#* From the Photiades collection. 411 Elis, B.C. 312-271. ^l Stater, Head of Zeus, of good style, to right V° FAAEII2N., Eagle with closed wings standing on capital of Ionic column to right, wt. 185 grs., fine 1 %* From the Photiades collection. 412 Elis, B.C. 312-221. M Stater (struck under the despot Aristotimus), Head of Zeus to right 9> F. A., Eagle with closed wings standing on rock to right, in field A P., wt. 188 grs., very fine 1 55 MESSENIA AND LACONIA. 413 Messene, after B.C. 330. M Tetradrachm, Head of Demeter to right 9> MEZZANI.QN., Zeus Ithomatas striding to right, wielding thunderbolt and holding eagle on outstretched left hand, in field a tripod, magistrate ZOZIKPA., wt. 249| grs., fine and rare [PL VI] 1 414 Lacedsemon, B.C. 310-266. M Tetradrachm, Diademed head of king (Areus King of Sparta ?) to left, border of dots 9> A — A-, Archaic agalma of the Apollo of Amyclse helmeted, holding spear and bow, and adorned on the side with a cock, standing on aplustre, to right of statue a goat, and to left a wreath, wt. 259 grs., very fine and excessively rare [PL VI] 1 415 Lacedsemon, circa B.C. 200. M Tetradrachm, Head of Pallas to right in crested Corinthian helmet 9> A. — A-, Herakles seated on rock, which is covered with lion's skin, his right hand resting on club, wt. 261 grs., fine and very rare 1 416 Lacedsemon, Nabis, Tyrant, B.C. 206-192. M Tetradrachm, Bearded and laureate head of Nabis to right V° BA[Z]IAEX2Z. NABIOZ-, Herakles naked, seated upon rock, covered with lion's skin, his right hand rests upon upright club in front, and his left hand on rock, wt. 263 grs., very fine and of the highest rarity [PL VI] 1 This very remarkable Tetradrachm is presumed to be absolutely unique and UNPUBLISHED. ARGOLIS. 417 Troezen, B.C. 400-322. M Drachm, Head of Apollo to left #> TPO-, Trident head with volutes, in incuse square, wt. 51|- grs., fine and scarce 1 * # * From the Photiades collection. ARCADIA. 418 Arcadian League, B.C. 370-300. M Stater, Head of Zeus Lykaeos of very fine style and in high relief, to left fy A PIC (mon.), Pan seated left on rock, covered with his chlamys, he holds his pedum in right hand, the end of which rests upon rock, at his feet the syrinx, on the rock the artist's name, OAY., wt. 181 grs., very fine and very rare [PL VI] 1 *»* From the Photiades collection. 56 419 Cleitor, b.c. 400-322. M Triobol, Head of Helios facing ; # KAH-, Bull butting to right, in field a small centaur, wt. 39f grs. Mantineia, B.C. 500-400. M Obol, an Acorn, and in field two ivy leaves; £t MAN., below large M., wt 12£ grs. Megalopolis, M Triobol, Head of Zeus Lykaeos ; $> MET., Pan seated on rock, in field flying eagle and monogram, wt 36| grs., fine 3 420 Pheneus, B.C. 362. A\ Stater, Head of Demeter crowned with corn leaves, wearing necklace and earring with five pendants fy ENEI2N., Hermes naked, running to left and carrying on his arm the infant Arkas, in his right hand he holds caduceus, in field to right APKAZ., wt. 186 grs., very fine and exceedingly rare, pro- bably not more than five examples known [PI. VI] 1 421 Pheneus, B.C. 400-362. M Triobol, Head of Demeter to left #> ENIKON., Bull to right, on his side is depicted a caduceus in relief, beneath P., wt. 42 grs., very fine and rare [PI. VI] 1 422 Stymphalus, b.c. 400-362. M Triobol, Head of young Herakles in lion's skin; £, ZTYMAAII2N., Head of Stymphalian bird springing from the calyx of a flower, wt 43 grs., fine and scarce. Obols (2), Head of Herakles in lion's skin; $ ZTYMAAON., Head of Stymphalian bird, wt about 13 grs., fine 3 CRETE. 423 Aptera, B.C. 350-300. M Stater, AnTEPAIft[N]., Female head Artemis (?) wearing stephane and earring 9> riTOAIOITOZ., Armed warrior standing before sacred tree, to the branches of which he raises his hand in adoration, wt. 160 grs. 1 *#* From Admiral Spratt's collection. 424 Arcadia, circa B.C. 300. M Drachm, Head of Zeus Ammon to left 9> APKAAI2N., Pallas standing, resting on spear and shield, wt 76 \ grs., very fine and scarce [PI. VI] 1 *** From Admiral Spratt's collection. 425 Chensonesus, B.C. 350-300. JR Stater, Head of Britomartis to right 9> XEPZONAZION., Apollo on omphalos holding lyre, in field thymaterion, wt. 156| grs., rare 1 426 Cnossus, B.C. 400-350. M Stater, Head of Demeter (?) to right 9> Labyrinth, magistrate Bl P., wt. 172£ grs., fine and rare 1 *** From the Photiades collection. 427 Cnossus, B.C. 116-67. M Tetradrachm, Bearded and diademed Head of Zeus or more probably Minos $> KNI2ZII2N., Square labyrinth, wt 257 grs., very fine and rare [PI. VI] 1 *** From the Photiades collection. 57 428 Cnossus, b.o. 116-67. ^R Tetradrachm, Head of Apollo to left between ["lOA— XO[Z]. P> KNX2X[l]i2[N]., Circular labyrinth, wt. 221 grs., very fine and rare [PI. VI] , 1 *** From the Photiades collection. 429 Cydonia, B.C. 350-300. M Dracam, Helmeted head of Athena Kydonia to right i fy KYA12N., Infant suckled by bitch, star above, wt. 65 grs., fine and scarce 1 %* From the Weber collection. 430 Cydonia, B.C. 350-300. ^Et Stater, Dionysiac head to right, behind signature of artist NEYANTOX[EP O El] 9> KYAX1N., Kydon as naked archer stringing his bow, wt. 174| grs., fine and rare 1 "%* From the Photiades collection. 431 Eleutherna, b.c. 400-300. M Stater, Head of Apollo to right, plain linear border 9> Apollo, or Minos, standing looking to left and holding a globe or stone, and bow, wt. 177 grs., very fine and very rare 1 432 Gortyna, b.c. 400-300. M Stater, Europa seated in sorrowful atti- tude amid the branches of an ancient tree 9> Bull to right, head reverted, wt. 177 grs. (compare Hist. Num., fig. 250), very fine and exceedingly scarce in this condition 1 433 Gortyna, B.C. 400-300. M Stater, Europa with eagle in tree 9> Bull, wt. 177 grs. (B. M. Cat., pi. x, 8), very fine and rare 1 434 Gortyna, B.C. 300-200. M Drachm, Head of Zeus to right 9> rOPTYNIHN., Europa with inflated veil riding on bull, wt. 70 grs. 1 *** From the Photiades collection. 435 Gortyna, b. c. 200. ^ft Tetradrachm of the Athenian type, Head of Athena Parthenos, in triple crested helmet, the front adorned with foreparts of horses, and at the sides winged Pegasos, in front of neck, B. #> rOPTYNiniM. MENANTI., Owl upon an amphora on its side, in field, to right butting bull, the whole within wreath of olive, wt. 238 grs., fine and of the highest rarity; Mr. Montagu was of opinion that there was only one other specimen known (compare B. M. Cat., pi. xi, 6) [PI. VI] 1 436 Gortyna, B.C. 200-67. ^l Drachm, Diademed head of Zeus or Minos to right $1 rOTYNIHN., Hunter seated on rock, he holds bow and arrow, over his shoulders chlamys, and at his back quiver, in field in front A A., and behind NAP. (?), wt. 46| grs., fine and scarce 1 58 437 Hierapytna, B.C. 200-67. M Tetradrachm, Female head turreted £> lEPAnY-TNiriN., Eagle before a palm tree, to left <|>AYOZ. and AnE. in monogram, wt. 233 grs., very fine and very rare (B. M. Guide, pi lvi, 33) 1 *** From the Photiades collection. 438 Hierapytna, B.C. 200-67. M Didrachm, Female head turreted $ IEPAnYTN[l]I2N., Eagle to left of palm tree, to right ZAMATOPAZ. and MT. mon., wt. 1121 g rs . } very fine, although the obv. is a little defective, due to faulty striking, and very rare 1 439 Itanus, B.C. 400-300. J* Drachm, Head to left of Athena Salmonia in crested Athenian helmet 9> ITANII2N., Eagle looking back, to right in field a fish god, the whole with incuse square, wt. 84 grs. (B. M. Cat., pi. XIII, 6), very fine and scarce 1 440 Lappa, B.C. 200-67. M Hemidrachm, Head of Apollo to right $> AAnnAI., Apollo, nude, standing, holding lyre and plectrum, to right ZYAX2., and in exergue KOZ., wt. 47 grs., fine and scarce 1 441 Lissus (V), circa B.C. 300 (?). El, Eagle with open wings to right 9> Eagle flying to right in incuse of irregular form, wt. 14£ grs., fine and very rare ; ("from the Photiades collection, where it was attributed to Sicyon, H.M.") 1 442 Lyttus, B.C. 450-330. JR Stater, Eagle flying to left 9> AYTTSO-, Boar's head to right, the whole within dotted linear square in incuse square, wt. 155^ grs., very fine and scarce 1 443 Lyttus, B.C. 450-330. M Drachm, Eagle flying to left ; $> AYTT- 80N., Boar's head to right in dotted linear square within incuse square, wt. 44 grs. Hemidrachm, similar type, but reading only AYTTI., wt. 27| grs., fine 2 444 Phaestus, B.C. 431-300. ^l Stater, Herakles, naked, standing, facing head to right, in right hand he holds club downwards, and in left hand bow, in field to right barley corn, and to left lion's skin, &c. 9> [C A I M]TI KON., Bull to left with both fore-legs hobbled, grazing, the grass depicted by upright lines, wt. 184| grs., fine and rare 1 445 Phaestus, B.C. 431-300. ^l Stater, Herakles, naked, advancing to right about to strike with club held in right hand, at the Hydra which rears up before him, and whose nearest head he grasps with his left hand, his left foot is on the tail of the monster, and over his left arm hangs the lion's skin £> <>AIZTin[N]. (retrograde), Bull to right, wt. 179 grs. very fine condition and style, and of high rarity [PL VI] 1 * % * From the Carfrae collection. 59 446 Phaestus, B.C. 431-300. M Stater, TAAflN., Talos as a winged youth, hurling a stone 9> Bull butting to right, wt. 176 grs., very fine and very rare [PI. VI] 1 ■%* From the Spratt and Carfrae collections. 447 Phalasarna, B.C. 400-300, M Stater, Head of Diktynna, hair rolled and bound with cord 9> <|>. A., between the prongs of upright trident head, volutes below, in shallow circular incuse, wt. 167 grs., very fine and rare 1 448 Polyrhenium (?) B.C. 300 (V) N (3), Eagle; $> Fly, Eagle, & Star, Eagle, £> CEnochce, weighing respectively \2 grs., 12% grs., and 10% grs., very rare 3 *** These interesting coins, from Admiral Spratt's collection, were procured at Polyrhenium, and will be found described in the Num. Chron., Series 3, vol. VII, pp. 309-311. 449 Polyrhenium, B.C. 200. Tetradrachm of the Athenian type, Head of Athena Parthenos in triple crested helmet adorned withpegasos and foreparts of horses, border of dots 9> nOAYPHNIHN., Owl facing on amphora, in field to right small figure of Artemis Diktynna, wt. 243| grs., very fine and exces- sively rare [PL VI] 1 450 Polyrhenium, B.C. 350-300. ^l Drachm, nOA. YSHIM. IHN-, Bull's head facing bound with sacrificial fillets ; $> IIOAY. PH N I., Spearhead of broad leaf-shaped type with side ribs descending below base of blade, wt. 74| grs., fine; and a Hemidrachm, B.C. 200-67, Diademed head of Diktynna facing, with bow and quiver at shoulder; £» nOAYPHNIfiN., Apollo with palm branch, wt. 29| grs., very fine 2 451 Praesus, B.C. 400-300. M Stater, traces of legend, Zeus Diktaeos wearing himation over lower limbs, seated towards left, on throne with back, he holds in right hand an eagle, and his left supports a long sceptre 9= nPAIZIO[NJ., Bull to left, wt. 165 grs., rare 1 452 Praesus, B.C. 400-300. M Stater, Zeus Diktaeos enthroned as on preceding piece, but from a different die 9> Forepart of Cretan goat head reverted, wt. 169 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xvn, 9), fine and rare 1 453 Praesus, B.C. 400-300. M Stater, Head of Apollo laureate, hair long $ n PAZ I OS. (retrograde), Forepart of Cretan goat, head reverted, wt. 176^ grs., fine and rare 1 60 454 Priansus, B.C. 430-300. M Stater, Female figure, her hair bound with wreath, and falling in two tresses, wearing chiton, and peplos over lower limbs, seated facing on throne with back, turned towards left ; her right hand caresses a serpent by her side, her left hand rests on seat ; date palm on right (Persephone and Zeus in form of serpent ?) 9> nPIANZIEXIN., Poseidon wearing himation wound round left arm and lower limbs, standing to left, in right hand he holds a dolphin and in left hand a trident, wt. 173 grs. (B. M. Cat.pl. xvm, 6), fine work and very fine condition, and of considerable rarity in this state [PI. VI] 1 455 Priansus, B.C. 431-300. M Drachm, Head of Artemis to right, hair rolled, knotted at top of head and loose tresses behind, she wears earring and necklace 9> nPIAN-XIEHN., Date palm, to right a rudder and to left a dolphin, wt. 90 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xviii, 8), extremely good work and in very fine condition 1 456 Rhaucus, B.C. 400-300. M Stater, Poseidon leading horse to right and holding trident 9= PAV[M]ION. (retrograde), Double barbed trident head, the whole within incuse square, wt. 178 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xix, 1) 1 457 Rhaucus, B.C. 400-300. M. Stater, Poseidon naked, leading horse to right and holding trident 9> PAY K I ON., Head of double barbed trident, volute on either side of socket, wt. 165 grs., rare 1 458 Sybrita, B.C. 350-300. M Stater, Youthful Dionysos riding to left on panther, and holding in left hand thyrsos, in field, countermark in incuse square V° ZIBPYTII2[N]., Hermes wearing chlamys, standing left tying sandal on right leg, which rests on rock, before him caduceus wt. 166 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xix, 12), in very good state and excessively rare 1 %* From Admiral Spratt's collection. THE ISLANDS OF THE AEGAEAN SEA. 459 Carthea, B.C. 600-480. M Stater, Amphora 9> Incuse square, divided into eight triangular parts, some deeply in- dented, wt. 1 87| grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xxi, 7), fine and rare 1 460 Coresia, B.C. 600-480. M Stater, Sepia and dolphin #» Incuse of mill sail pattern, wt. 172 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi XXII, 1) (Hist. Num. fig. 257), rare 1 61 461 Delos % B.C. 550 ? M Stater, Two dolphins in same direction 9> Two incuse squares, one large and one small, each divided into four parts, 189 grs., fine and rare 1 462 Delos 1, B.C. 550 1 M Stater, Two dolphins going in opposite directions £> Incuse square divided into eight parts, some deeply indented, wt. 193| grs., very fine and rare 1 463 Naxos, circa B.C. 600-490. M Stater, Kantharos, with bunch of grapes depending from each handle ; above an ivy leaf $> Incuse square quartered, wt. 184 grs., fine and rare 1 464 Paros, B.C. 600-480. M Stater, Goat kneeling, right, on one knee, head reverted, below a dolphin 9> Incuse square divided into six triangular parts, some deeply indented, wt. 192 grs. (Hist. Num. fig. 259), very fine and very rare 1 465 Paros, circa B.C. 200. M Stater, Female head, Artemis (?) bound thrice round with a riband 9> riAPI., Magistrate's name ANAZIK-, Goat to right, wt. 117 grs. (Hist. Num. fig. 260), very fine and very rare [PI. VI] 1 466 Siphnos, B.C. 600-500. M Stater, Eagle flying to right 9> Incuse square divided into eight triangular compartments, some of which are deeply indented, wt. 186 grs. (Hist. Num. fig. 261), very fine and very rare 1 467 Ten os, B.C. 300-200. M Stater, Beardless head of Zeus Ammon to right 9> THNI., Poseidon standing left, wearing himation which depends from left arm and envelopes lower limbs, right arm and upper part of body bare ; in outstretched right hand he holds a dolphin, and with left hand supports a trident ; in field a bunch of grapes, wt. 99^ grs., very fine and very rare [PI. VI] 1 *** From Admiral Spratt's collection. ASIA. COLCHIS. 468 Colchis, circa B.C. 400. M Tetrobols (2), Head of Archaistic style, rev. Bull's head to right, wt. 35 grs. and 33^ grs., fine 2 469 PONTUS. Amisus, B.C. 400-300. ^t Drachm, Head of female to left wearing turreted Stephanos, ornamented with palmettes, &c. £> A4>-PO-, Owl facing with extended wings, wt. 86£ grs., very fine 1 62 KINGS OF PONTUS AND BOSPORUS. 470 Mithradates IV, B.C. 250-190. M Tetradrachm, Portrait of king of bold style in high relief, to right ty BAZIAEHZ MI0PAAATOY., Zeus Aetophoros seated, in front a star and crescent, beneath throne, and in field right, mono- grams, wt. 249 grs., fine although the field has suffered somewhat by over cleaning, very rare [PI. VII] 1 471 Mithradates VI, the Great, B.C. 121-63. Diademed head of king to right, the hair blown back 9> BAZIAEftZ. MI0PAAATOY. EYIIATOPOZ., Stag browsing, in field, crescent and star, monograms and the date |"KZ=223, the whole within wreath of ivy, wt. 260 grs., very fi% [PI. VII] 1 472 Mithradates VI, the Great, B.C. 121-63. M Tetradrachm, Head of Mithradates Eupator diademed to right $ BAZIAEHZ. MI0PAAATOY. EYnATOPOZ, Pegasos to left drinking, in field star and crescent, to right HZ=208, with monogram below, and under legend 0=9th month, the whole within ivy wreath, wt. 260 grs., in very fine condition and of very fine style 1 473 Rhescuporis, a.d. 14-22 ?. N Stater, Bare head of Augustus to right, linear border $t Bare head of Tiberius to right, below date EKT=325, and behind head monogram of Khescuporis, wt. 122| grs., very fine and rare [PL VII] 1 474 Cotys I, a.d. 46-78. N Stater, Laureate head of Claudius to right, linear border 9> Laureate bust of Nero draped to right, behind head monogram ol Cotys, and below bust ENT=355, wt. 122£ grs., very fine and rare [PI. VII] 475 Cotys II, a.d. 124-132. N Stater, BACIAewC. KOTYOC Diademed and draped bust to right of Cotys II 9> Bare bust of Hadrian laureate to right, below KY=420, wt. 119| grs., very fine and scarce [PI. VII] 1 PAPHLAGONIA. 476 Amastris, B.C. 302. M Stater, Head of Mithras in Persian head dress, laureate and ornamented at side with a star 9> AMAZTPIE.QN., Seated female figure wearing modius and holding Nike and sceptre, in field a rose, wt. 143 grs., fine and very rare [PI. VII] 63 477 Oomna, circa B.C. 330-300. M Tetrobol, Bearded head laureate to left 9> KPX2MNA-, Head of Amazon to left, wearing earring, necklace and turreted Stephanos, in front N-, above Lf,, wt. 52| grs., very fine and scarce 1 478 Sinope, B.C. 480-430. M Drachm, Degenerate type of eagle's head 9> Quadripartite incuse square, the alternate divisions deeper and with pellet in each, wt. 94^ grs., fine and rare 1 479 Sinope, B.C. 480-430. M Drachms (2), Eagle's head to left ; 9> Quad- ripartite incuse square (one has dolphin under head of eagle and A., in one division of R), id. 95| and 95 grs., both fine and scarce 2 480 Sinope, B.C. 290-250 (?). ^R Didrachm, Turreted head of Sinope to left, countermarked with circular indent containing full-faced bust of Helios radiate, having between radiations Z. I- N. X2. n. E. X2. N. 9> Poseidon seated, holding dolphin and trident, behind ZI-NX2-, below B., in front the countermark, head of Zeus, wt. 95*5 grs., fine. Sinope, circa B.C. 333-306. M Drachm, Head of Sinope to left, hair in sphendone, wearing necklace and earring, in front aplustre, & Zl NXX, Sea Eagle on dolphin to left, in field to right ATPEXI, wt. 93 grs., very fine 2 481 Sinope. Datames, Satrap, circa B.C. 368. M Drachm, Head of Sinope, hair in sphendone and wearing earring to left R [-A]ATA[M]., Sea eagle on dolphin to left, wt. 87 grs., fine and scarce 1 482 Sinope. Abrocomas, Satrap, B.C. 360-330. M Drachm, Head of Sinope wearing earring and necklace, hair in sphendone, in front aplustre, chisel cut, but it does not go through the coin, wt. 69^ grs. R. Name of Satrap in Aramaic, Sea eagle on dolphin, wt. 69| grs., very fine and very rare 1 *#* Bab. pi. ix, 20, who identifies it with the Abrocomas of Xenophon and Isocrates ; by Dr. B. V. Head it has been read " Abdsasan " ; by MM. Waddington and Six " Abdemon " j and by M. Th. Reinach " Abdammu" or " Abdammon," see Num. Chron., 1893, p. 7. BITHYNIA. 483 Calchedon, B.C. 400. ^l Tetradrachm, KAAX., Bull to left, in front V. R> Mill sail incuse, the surface covered with small dots, wt. 233| grs., very fine and rare [PI. VII] 1 484 Calchedon, B.C. 400. M Tetradrachm, KAAX., Bull to left, in front BKD. (mon.) ]jl Mill sail incuse, the surface covered with small dots, wt. 232 grs., very fine and rare 1 64 485 Calchedon, B.C. 400. M Drachm, Bearded male head to left, hair short V° KAAX. in the spaces of a wheel of four spokes, wt. 58 grs., fine style and rare [PI. VII] 1 486 Calchedon, B.C. 350-280. M Drachms (2), KAAX., Bull on ear of corn to left, one has caduceus in front and monogram, the other monogram only ; 9> Incuse square divided into four parts covered with small dots, wt. 58 grs., very fine 2 487 Calchedon, circa B.C. 280-270 ?. M Tetradrachm, Head ot Demeter, veiled and crowned with corn to right 9> KAAX., Apollon seated on omphalos holding in outstretched right hand an arrow, the left hand rests upon his knee, in field two monograms, wt. 213 grs., fine and very rare [PI. VII] 1 *** From the Photiades collection. 488 Cius, B.C. 330-300. M Drachm, Head of Apollo laureate to right £ Prow to left, magistrate HTEZTPATOZ., wt. 77| grs., very fine and rare [PI. VII] 1 489 Timotheus and Dionysius, B.C. 347-338. M Stater, Head of young Dionysos crowned with ivy, thyrsus at shoulder & TIMO0EOY. AIONYZIOY., Herakles with lion's skin over arm, erecting trophy, wt. 148| grs., fine and rare 1 490 Dionysius alone, B.C. 338-306. M Stater, Head of young Dionysos crowned with ivy, thyrsus at shoulder 9> [A]IONYZIOY., Herakles erecting trophy, as on preceding piece, wt. 143 grs. 1 491 Dionysius alone, B.C. 338-306. ,31 Drachm, Head of young Dionysos crowned with ivy to left V° AIONYZIOY., Herakles erecting trophy, as on preceding, wt. 74| grs., very fine and rare 1 492 Prusias I, B.C. 228-180. JR Tetradrachm, Bearded and diademed head of Prusias I to right V° BAZIAEI2Z. nPOYZlOY, Zeus, semi-draped, standing to left, holding in right hand a wreath and resting on sceptre held in left hand, in field fulmen T. and A I., wt. 260 grs., very fine and very rare [PL VII] 1 493 Prusias I, b.c. 228-180. M Tetradrachm, Bearded and diademed head of Prusias I, the beard is more fully grown than on preceding piece, and the portrait at a more advanced period of life V° BAZIAEHZ. nPOYZIOY., Zeus standing as on preceding piece, fulmen and two monograms in field, wt. 245 grs., very fine and very rare 1 65 494 Prusias II, B.C. 180-149. M Tetradrachm, Beardless diademed head of Prusias II to right, the diadem winged 9> BAXIAEHZ. nPOYZIOY., Zeus, semi-draped, standing to left, holding in right hand a wreath and resting on sceptre held in left hand, in field, eagle on fulmen, below monogram, wt. 250| grs. very fine and rare [PI. VII] 1 495 Prusias II, b.c. 180-149. M Tetradrachm, Beardless diademed head of Prusias II to right, the diadem winged & BAZIAEHZ. nPOYZIOY., Zeus standing, as on preceding piece, in field eagle on fulmen, ML, mon. below, wt. 235 grs., very fine and very rare 1 496 Nicomedes II, B.C. 149-91. M Tetradrachm, Diademed head of king to right 9>BAZIAEf2Z. EnWANOYX. N I KOMHAOY., Zeus stand- ing, holding spear and wreath, in field eagle on fulmen, mon. and date BZP.=162, wt. 246| grs., very fine 1 *** From the Yorke Moore Collection. MYSIA.* 497 Cyzlcus. El. Stater, The omphalos with fillets suspended from the top, on each side an eagle standing with closed wings, the one facing the other, beneath tunny to right 9> Incuse square of mill-sail pattern, wt. 246^ grs. (Greenwell, pi. I, 23), very fine and rare [PI. VII] 1 498 Cyzicus. El. Stater, Helios naked, radiate, kneeling right and arrest- ing with outstretched arms two horses prancing in opposite directions, below tunny to right 9> Incuse of mill-sail pattern, wt. 247 grs. (Greenwell, pi. I, 24), very fine and rare [PL VII] 1 499 Cyzicus. El. Stater, Female head (Pallas ?), of Archaic style to left, wearing a plain Corinthian helmet, the hair behind hanging in a square mass, and represented by dots ; behind tunny downwards 9> Incuse square divided into four parts, wt. 247| grs. (Greenwell, pi. II, 2), fine and rare . 1 500 Cyzicus. El. Hecte, Head of Pallas in close-fitting crested helmet with cheek piece ; below tunny to left fy Incuse of mill-sail pattern, wt. 41 grs. (Greenwell, pi. n, 4), very fine 1 * References to "The Electrum Coinage of Cyzicus," by the Rev. W. Greenwell, M.A. D.C.L. F.R.S. F.S.A., Rollin and Feuardent, London & Paris, 1887. 66 501 Cyzicus. El. Stater, Head of Gorgon, below tunny to left 9> Incuse square, wt. 248 grs., very fine and very rare [PI. VII] 1 502 Cyzicus. El. Hecte, Head of Gorgon, below tunny to left 9> Incuse square, wt. 42 grs. (Greenwell, pi. Ill, 27), very fine and very rare [PI. VII] 1 503 Cyzicus. El. Hecte, Naked male figure kneeling on one knee to left, holding tunny by the tail in his right hand 9> Incuse, wt. 40^ grs. (Greenwell, type pi. iv, 8), very fine 1 504 Cyziciis. El. Stater, Lion standing left on tunny, with closed mouth and tail turned outwards $t Incuse of mill-sail pattern, wt. 246| grs. (Greenwell, pi. IV, 32), very fine and scarce [PL VII] 1 505 Cyzicus. El. Stater, Head of lioness, mouth closed, to left, behind tunny upwards 9. Incuse of mill-sail pattern, wt. 250 grs. (Greenwell, pi. V, 8), very fine and rare [PL VII] 1 506 Cyzicus. El. Stater, Head of goat to left ; behind, tunny upwards Jl Incuse, wt. 247-^ grs. (Gi-eenwell, pi. v, 29), very fine 1 507 Cyzicus. El. Hecte, Dog standing left on tunny, right fore paw raised 9> Incuse, wt. 41| grs. (Greenwell, pi. v, 35). 1 508 Cyzicus. El. Twelfth of Stater, Winged tunny to left Jjk Incuse, wt. 20 grs. (Greenwell, pi. vi, 23), fine 1 509 Cyzicus. El. Twelfth of Stater, Tunny to right, above tail of fish, below head of fish to left . 9> Incuse, wt. 19f grs., unpublished 1 510 Cyzicus. El. Twelfth of Stater, Two fish heads to left, one above the other, behind them tunny upwards, a dot above and below fish heads 9> Incuse, wt. 19f grs. (Greenwell, pi. VI, 33), fine and rare 1 511 Cyzicus. El. Twelfth of Stater, Head of tunny to right, holding an uncertain object in the mouth 9> Incuse, wt. 19f grs. unpublished (?) 1 512 Cyzicus. El. Twelfth of Stater, Head of boar to right, holding tunny in mouth 9> Incuse, wt. 20 grs., unpublished, very fine and very rare 1 513 Cyzicus. El. Stater, Head of Cora to left, wearing earring, necklace and stephane, corn wreath, and veil wound round head, the ends flying in front, and behind, below neck, tunny $L Incuse, wt. 246 grs., unpublished, very fine and very rare [PL VII] 1 67 514 Cyzicus, B.C. 400-300. M Ehodian Stater, Head of Cora to left, wearing stephane, corn wreath and hair bound in veil 9> KYI |., Lion's head to left, below tunny to left, and in field right kantharos, wt. 231 grs., very fine and rare 1 515 Cyzicus, B.C. 330-280. ^l Drachm (?), Head of Cora to left, wearing earring, necklace, stephane, corn wreath and veil wound round head & KY[I I]., Apollo, the lower limbs draped, seated left on omphalos, right hand extended, the left arm resting on lyre placed behind him, in field KE. (mon.), wt. 89f grs., fine and very rare [PI. VII] 1 516 Cyzicus, after B.C. 200. M Tetradrachm, Female head (Apollonis 1), wearing oak wreath, &c, to right £> KYI I - KHIMI2N., Divided by flaming torch, above AT. (mon.), and below M H. (mon.), the whole within wreath of oak, wt. 240| grs. (B. M. Cat, pi. x, 1), in good condition and very rare 1 517 Pharnabazus. Satrap, B.C. 410. M Stater, struck at Cyzicus, 4>A[PN]ABA., Bearded head of Pharnabazus, wearing Persian tiara to right 9. Prow of vessel to left, the front in form of swan's neck, the side adorned with a griffin, on either side a dolphin, head downwards, below a tunny to left, the whole within a circular incuse, wt. 220^ grs. (Babelon, pi. IV, 5), of the highest rarity 1 518 Lampsacus, circa B.C. 500. FA. Stater, Fore-part of a winged horse to left Bj Quadripartite incuse square, wt. 239 grs., fine and scarce 1 519 Lampsacus, B.C. 450-412. El. Stater, Fore-part of a winged horse to left, in vine wreath, below H. 9> Quadripartite incuse square, wt. 235 grs., fine and scarce 1 520 Lampsacus, B.C. 412-350. N Stater, Head of Zeus, of exceedingly fine style and relief, at neck fulmen Bj Fore-part of winged horse within incuse square, wt. 1 29 grs., in brilliant condition and very rare [PL VII] 1 521 Lampsacus, B.C. 412-350. N Stater, Female head, wearing earring, sakkos and wreath (of lotus ?) Bj Fore-part of winged horse within incuse square, wt. 129| grs., very fine and very rare [PI. VII] 1 522 Parium, B.C. 150. M Tetradrachm, Head of Demeter, veiled and crowned with corn $> [An]OAAniMOZ. [A]KTAIOY. n API ANX1N., Semi-nude figure of Apollo Actaeos holding in right hand a patera over lighted altar, his left hand rests upon his lyre placed on omphalos, in exergue . : ANAPOAIK — and in field to right, monogram, wt. 216 grs., a piece of the highest rarity. 1 %* Hist. Num. p. 458, quoting the specimen described in the Bompois catalogue, where the compiler states that the piece in question was only the second known. F 2 68 KINGS OF PERGAMUM. 523 Eumenes I, B.C. 263-241. M Tetradrachm, Diademed head of the King to right J£> 4>IAETAIPOY., Pallas enthroned, holding shield in front, ivy leaf in field, and bow behind king's name, vi. 264 grs., very fine and scarce 1 524 Attalus I, b.c. 241-197. M Tetradrachm, Diademed head of the King to right 9> IAETAIPOY. (in front), Pallas enthroned crowning name, behind shield and bow, in field XAP- {mm.), wt. 262 grs., very fine 1 526 Attalus II, B.C. 159-138. M Tetradrachm, Diademed head of the King to right |jk . and star, wt. 259 grs., very fine 1 527 Pergamum. Cistophorus, B.C. 200-135. M Tetradrachm, Cista mystica, &c, within wreath of ivy $nE., (in field to left) Q.METELLVS PIVS SCIPIO IMPER-, Two coiled serpents with heads erect, between them legionary eagle, wt. 177^ grs. {B. M. Cat., pi. xxvi, §),fine and very rare 1 TROAS. 528 Abydos, b.c 196 (?). M Tetradrachm, Bust of Artemis, with bow and quiver at her shoulder Vo ABYAHN.QN., Eagle with spread wings to right, infield a palm branch, below AnOAA04>ANOY., wt. 252| grs., very fine and rare [PL VII] 1 529 Tenedos, B.C. 200 or later. JR Tetradrachm, Janiform head (Dionysos and Ariadne) 9= TENEAII2N., Double axe ; to right, figure of Corybas ; to left, a bunch of grapes and TA. {mon.), the whole within wreath, wt. 258 grs., very fine and rare [PI. VII] 1 530 Tenedos, B.C. 200 or later. M Tetradrachm, Janiform head (Dionysos and Ariadne) 9> TENEAII2N., Double axe ; to right, wreath ; to left, bunch of grapes and A-, the whole within wreath, wt. 247 grs., P> very fine, O not so well preserved 1 69 AEOLiS. 531 Cyme, circa B.C. 190. M Tetradrachm, Head of Kyme to right, diademed 9> KYMAII2N., Horse with off-side fore-leg raised, in field one- handled vase, in exergue KAAAIAZ., the whole within a wreath, wt. 249| grs., fine and scarce (B. M. Guide, xlix, 14) 1 532 Mypina, B.C. 197. M Tetradrachm, Head of Apollo laureate to right 9> MYPINAIflN., Statue of Apollo Gryneus, standing with lustral branch and patera, at his feet omphalos and amphora, behind KA. (mm.), the whole within wreath, wt. 233 grs., very fine [PI. VII] 1 533 Myrina, circa B.C. 197. M Tetradrachm, Laureate head of Apollo to right 9> MYPINAII2N., Statue of Apollo Gryneus, standing, with lustral branch and patera, at his feet omphalos and amphora, wt. 237 grs., fine 1 LESBOS. 534 Lesbos, circa end of Fifth century B.C. Potin Staters (2), (a) Gorgon head, Jji Small incuse square, wt. 221 grs., very fine ; (b) Two calves' heads, face to face, with an olive tree between them, fy Small incuse square, wt. 171 grs., very fine 2 535 Methymna, B.C. 500. M Stater, Head of Pallas, of Archaic style, wearing helmet, with plain crest and simple projection in front, the side ornamented with a scroll, within dotted and linear square, in incuse 9> M A©VM N AIOZ-, Boar to right, wt. 130^ grs., very fine and rare 1 536 Methymna, b.c. 500. M Stater, MA®VMNAIOZ., Head of Pallas, of Archaic style, wearing helmet, with plain crest, the front adorned with projecting fore- part of Pegasos, the side ornamented with a scroll, the whole within dotted and linear square £> [MA]®VMNAIO[Z]., Boar to right, wt. 130 grs., very fine [PL VII] 1 537 Methymna, circa B.C. 400-387. JR Stater, Head of Pallas, of early fine style, the helmet adorned with crescent and volute ornament 9^ MAOYMNAION. around incuse square, in centre a lyre on raised square, wt. 100 grs., very fine and very rare [PL VII] 1 538 Mytilene, B.C. 400-300. ^ Stater, Head of Apollo, of fine style, laureate to right 5k MY T. I.j Lyre with palm tree to left, all within linear square, -wt 171 grs., very fine, apiece of high rarity [PL VII] 1 70 FIFTH DAY'S SALE. LESBOS. ELECTRUM COINAGE OF MYTILENE.* (Weight averaging about 40 grs.) HecTjE, b.c. 480-440. LOT 539 Fore-part of winged boar to right 9> Lion's head, with open jaws, incuse to left, very fine [PL VII] 1 B. M. Cat. pi. xxxi, 7 var. 540 Fore-part of winged boar to right fy Lion's head, incuse to right, very fine [PL VII] 1 B. M. Cat., pi. xxxi, 8. 541 Fore-part of calf to left 9> Lion's head, incuse to left, very fine [PL VII] 1 B. M. Cat., pi. xxxi, 10. 542 Eam's head to right, below, cock feeding 9> Lion's head to left, incuse, very fine [PL VII] 1 B. M. Cat., pi. xxxi, 13. 543 Head of lion, with open mouth to right R Cock's head, incuse, very fine [PL VII] 1 B. M. Cat, pi. xxxi, 25. B.c. 440-350. 544 Head of bearded satyr, with pointed ear 9> Two rams' heads facing one another ; above, palmette, all within incuse square, very fine [PL VTII] 1 B.M. Cat., pi. xxxn, 11. 545 Youthful male head to right, hair short and bound with taenia $> Aged male head, with pointed beard, fine [PL VIII] 1 Compare obv. B. M. Cat, pi. xxxn, 24. 546 Female head to right, the hair rolled at side, and turned up at back 9> Lion's head in incuse square, very fine [PL VIII] 1 Not in B. M. Cat * References to Catalogue of the British Museum " Troas, Aeolis and Lesbos" by W. Warwick Wroth, Esq., 1895. 71 547 Head of Apollo to right 9> Lyre in linear square, very fine [PL VIII] 1 B. M. Cat, pi. xxxiii, 4. 548 Head of Sappho (?) hair in sphendone $£> Lyre in linear square, very fine [PL VIII] 1 B. M. Cat., pi. xxxiii, 5. 549 Head of Demeter, hair rolled at back, wearing round earring and wreath of corn #> Bull butting left, in linear square, very fine [PL VIII] 1 B. M. Cat., pi. xxxiii, 9. 550 Head of Ariadne (?) wearing veil and diadem, with bunches of grapes in hair $> Lion devouring prey, in linear square, very fine [PL VIII] 1 B. M. Cat, pi. xxxiii, 10. 551 Youthful male head, wearing kausia, cord passing under chin l?k Leopard in linear square, very fine [PL VIII] 1 B. M. Cat, pi. xxxiii, 11. 552 Head of Pallas nearly facing, in triple-crested helmet, wearing earring 9> Male head with curly hair, the kausia slung at back of neck, in linear square, very fine [PL VIII] 1 B. M. Cat, pi. xxxiii, 14. 553 Female head wearing wreath, earring with three pendants, and neck- lace, to right 9) Youthful head, crowned with wreath of ivy leaves, in linear square, very fine [PL VIII] 1 Similar to pi. xxxiii, 17. 554 Head of young Dionysos, ivy crowned, to right $1 Youthful head, wearing plain fillet and projecting horn, in linear square, very fine [PL VIII] 1 B. M. Cat, pi. xxxiii, 25. 555 Laureate head of Apollo to right $> Female head, wearing sphendone, to right, in linear square, very Une [PL VIII] 1 B.M. Cat, pi. xxxiv, 2. 556 Head of Apollo laureate to right, behind head coiled serpent 9> Female head wearing sphendone to right, without linear square, very fine [PL VIII] 1 B. M. Cat, pi. xxxiv, 3. 557 Head of Pallas in close fitting crested helmet Ijk Owl in linear square, very fine [PL VIII] 1 B. M. Cat, pi. xxxiv, 20. 72 558 Youthful male head, with the horn of Ammon to right 9> Eagle looking back, in linear square, very fine [PL VIII] 1 B. M. Cat, pi. xxxiv, 22. 559 Head of Asklepios laureate to right 9> Head of serpent in linear square, fine [PL VIII] 1 B. M. Cat, pi. xxxiv, 25. 560 Head of Demeter, veiled, wearing earring and wreath of corn 9> Tripod with pendant fillet, in linear square, very fine [PI. VIII] 1 B. M. Cat, pi. xxxiv, 28. 561 Female bust (Atalanta 1) partially draped, and wearing sphendone, the hair blown back 9> Eace torch in linear square, very fine and rare [PI. VIII] 1 B. M. Cat, pi. xxxiv, 30. IONIA. 562 Clazomene, B.C. 500-394. M Didrachm, Drachm and Half Drachm, of Phoenician standard. Forepart of winged boar to right; $k Incuse square, weighing respectively 107^ grs., 54 grs., and 20f grs., all fine 3 563 Clazomene, B.C. 387-300. M Hemidrachms (2), Head of Apollo nearly facing; 9> Swan, magistrates MNEZIO- and nYOEOZ., wt 29 J grs. and 30f grs., fine. Colophon, B.C. 300. JR Drachm, Head of Apollo Klarios to left; $> KOAOI2., magistrate, ZHNHZ., Lyre, wt 52| grs. Hemidrachm, Head of Apollo Klarios to left; $ [KO]AO[H]., magistrate, KONNIUN., Tripod, 23^ grs., very fine. Diobol, Head of Apollo as on preceding ; $t> Lyre, wt. 15 grs. 5 564 Ephesus, circa 6th century B.C. M Drachm, E — ., Bee; 9> Incuse square quartered, wt 50| grs., fine. JR Third of Tetradrachm, B.C. 295-281, Head of Artemis; Tfc EE., Bow and quiver, in field a bee, magistrate's name, which appears to be unpublished, KAEOAE., wt. 83 grs. Drachm, B.C. 202-48. E— ., Bee, border of dots ; $> Stag to right, before palm tree, magistrate, : AAEAZ-, wt 64 grs., very fine 3 565 Ephesus, B.C. 394-295. ^l Tetradrachm, E. 4>., A bee 9> Forepart of stag with head turned back, behind it a palm tree, magistrate, 0PAZYAAOZ. (Head's coinage of Ephesus, p. 34), wt. 232 grs., fine and scarce [PI. VTII] 1 566 Ephesus, B.C. 258-202. M Didrachms (2), Bust of Greek Artemis to right 9> E.-4>., Forepart of stag looking back, in field above the 4>. a bee, magistrates, MINNOZ., TPYAIZ. and XAPOniNOZ, «i 100 and 95| grs., fine 2 73 567 Ephesus, B.C. 87-84. N Stater, Bust of Greek Artemis, with bow and quiver at shoulder £> E.-<>., Cultus-image of the Ephesian Artemis, a fillet hanging from each hand, wt. 130 grs., fine and excessively rare [PL VIII] 1 568 Erythrae, before circa B.C. 480. M Didrachm, Naked horseman prancing to right $, Quadripartite incuse square, wt. 108 grs., very fine 1 569 Erythrae, B.C. 330-300. M Drachm, Head of youthful Herakles in lion's skin; R EPY., Club and bow in case, in field tripod, magistrate, AZTYNOYX-, wt. 57^ grs. ; and a Quarter Drachm, B.C. 450-400, Pegasos to right, above, pileus ; 9> EPY0. (retro- grade), expanded flower, the whole within incuse square, wt. 21 1 grs., very fine 2 570 Heraclea ad Latmum, B.C. 190. M Tetradrachm, Head of Pallas, wearing helmet richly ornamented, with forepart of horses, Pegasos, &c, as on contemporary coins of Athens 9> HPAKAEI2TI2N., Club in oak wreath, symbol, Nike with wreath, and two monograms, wt. 242| grs., fine and very rare [PL VIII] 1 571 Magnesia ad Maeandrum, after circa B.C. 190. M Tetradrachm, Head of Artemis to right & MArNHTHN., Apollo beside tripod, on mseander pattern, magistrate's name, nAYZANIAZ. IIAYZANIOY., the whole in laurel wreath, wt. 256 grs., very fine and rare [PL VIII] 1 572 Magnesia ad Maeandrum, b.c. 350-300. M Hemidrachms (2), Horseman, wearing short cloak, with couched lance to right ; $> MATN-, Bull butting to left, magistrate NEANAPOZ., the whole within circular border of mseander pattern ; the second speci- men is without magistrate's name, wt. 25£ and 23 grs., very fine 2 573 Miletus, B.C. 700-494. El. Trite, Head of lion with open jaws to right ; 9> Oblong incuse roughly divided into two parts, wt. 73 grs., fine ; Hemihecton, Lion's head with open jaws to right ; 9> Incuse, wt. 17| grs., fine 2 574 Miletus, B.C. 700-494. El. Sixth of Stater, Lion of very archaic style to right, fore paw raised, head looking back 9- Square incuse roughly divided, wt. 42£ grs., very fine and very rare [PL VIII] 1 575 Miletus, after circa B.C. 190. M Tetradrachm, Head of Apollo laureate to right & MIAHSII2N., Lion looking back, above star, and in the exergue name of magistrate, OYAIAAHZ., in field PE. (mon.), wt. 248| grs., very fine, this tetradrachm, which is of the HIGHEST RARITY, IS PRESUMED TO BE UNPUBLISHED [PL VIII] 1 74 576 Phocaea, circa 6th century. El. Hecte, Archaic head of Pallas in plain helmet, wearing necklace, hair long and indicated by dots, behind head seal R> Incuse square, wt. 40 grs., very fine and rare [PI. VIII] 1 577 Phocaea, B.C. 500-400. El. Hecte, Head of griffin to left, seal behind £> Incuse, wt. 39^ grs., very fine 1 578 Phocaea, B.C. 500-400. El. Hecte, Head of young Dionysos wearing ivy wreath, beneath, seal B> Incuse, wt. 39| grs., fine (B. M. Cat. {Ionia), pi. iv, 26) 1 579 Phocaea, B.C. 500-400. El. Hecte, Head of Athena, in crested Athenian helmet, the side adorned with recumbent griffin, beneath, seal & Incuse, wt. 39| grs., fine (B. M. Cat. (Ionia), pi. v, 2) 1 580 Phocaea, B.C. 500-400. El. Hecte, Head of Athena in crested Corinthian helmet, below, seal 9> Incuse, wt. 39| grs., fine (B. M. Cat. (Ionia), pi. v, 3) 1 581 Phocaea, B.C. 500-400. El. Hecte, Head of Omphale to left wearing lion's skin, club at shoulder 9> Incuse, wt. 39£ grs., fine (B. M. Cat. (Ionia), pi. v, 12) 1 582 Phocaea, B.C. 500-400. El. Hecte, Female head, hair in saccos and wearing ivy wreath, beneath, seal #> Incuse, wt. 39 grs., fine 1 583 Smyrna, B.C. 190-133. M Tetradrachm, Head of Kybele wearing turreted crown 9> IMYP-NAIX2N., below, a monogram, the whole within a wreath, wt. 251 grs., very fine [PI. VIII] 1 584 Smyrna, b.c. 190-133. M Tetradrachm, Head of Kybele wearing turreted crown £ IMYP-NAIUN., below, monogram, the whole within a wreath, wt. 230 grs., fine 1 585 Smyrna, B.C. 190-133. M Tetradrachm, Head of Kybele to right, wearing turreted crown 9> XMPYNAIflN., Lion to right, the off side forepaw raised, in exergue AI"10AAOANHZ., the whole within wreath, wt. 236 grs., very fine 1 586 Smyrna, b.c. 190-133. M Drachm, Head of Apollo laureate V° IMYPNAII2N-, Homer seated left wearing himation, right hand raised to his chin, his left hand holds scroll on knees, behind him transverse staff, magistrate's name in front, AflOAAflNOZ., wt. 60 grs., fine and very rare [PI. VIII] 1 587 Teos, B.C. 540-400. M Stater, TH., Griffin, with rounded wing, seated to right, forepaw raised 9> Quadripartite incuse square, wt. 174f grs., fine and rare 1 75 SATRAPAL COINAGE IN IONIA. 588 Memnon, B.C. 334, Satrap at Ephesus. M Tetradrachm, Darius III kneeling to right, wearing Persian tiara and candys, he holds bow in left hand, and spear in right 9> Granulated incuse of irregular form with curious design in relief, tot. 232 grs. {Bab., " Les Perses Achdmenides &c." pi. IX, 17, 18), [PI. VIII], very fine and very rare 1 ISLANDS OF IONIA. 589 Chios (?), B.c. 600-490. El. Stater, Sphinx with rounded wing seated to left, holding flower in raised paw 9> Eough incuse square, wt. 216 grs., very fine and very rare [PI. VIII] 1 590 Chios, circa B.C. 600-490. M Didrachms (2), Sphinx to left, in front, an amphora 9> Quadripartite incuse square, wt. 122 grs. 1 591 Chios, B.C. 412-350. ^R Tetradrachm, Sphinx seated to left, in front, a pointed amphora $t> Incuse square divided by two broad bands, on one of which the name of the magistate H PI AANOZ., wt. 206 grs., very fine and scarce 1 *** From the Carfrae collection. 592 Samos, B.C. 494-439. M Tetradrachm, Lion's scalp facing $> ZA., Forepart of bull to right, in front |~., and behind an olive branch, wt. 20 1| grs., fine and scarce 1° 593 Samos, B.C. 439-394. JR Tetradrachm, Lion's scalp facing 9> Z A., Forepart of bull to right, with branch of olive behind, above, magistrate's name, HTHZIANAZ., and below monogram in circle, the whole within incuse square, wt. 228 grs., very fine and scarce [PI. VIII] 1 CARIA. 594 Alabanda, circa B.C. 280-260. M Tetradrachm, Head of Apollo laureate to right, border of dots V° AAABANAEHN., Pegasos galloping to right, below, quiver (?), and in exergue, magistrate's name, AHMHTPIOZ., wt. 246 grs., very fine and very rare [PI. VIII] 1 595 Alabanda, under the name of Antiochia, B.C. 280-260. M Tetra- drachm, Head of Apollo laureate to left 9> ANTIOXE[IlN]., Pegasos galloping, to left, below, monogram, wt. 252 grs., fine and very rare 1 76 596 Alabanda, under the name of Antiochia, B.C. 280-260. M Drachm, Head of Apollo to left ft [A]NTlOXE[ON]., Pegasos to left, below, magistrate's name, • ••MArOPAZ., wt. 60| grs., well preserved and very rare 1 597 Aphrodisias and Plarasa, circa b.c. 200. M Drachms (3), Head of Aphrodite, veiled, to right ; ft riAAPAZEHN. KAI. APO" AEIZIEHN. [A ?]nOAOAOTOZ. MENANAPOY., Eagle on fulmen, wt. 53| grs., fine ; the second specimen reads on ft nAAPAZEHN. KAI. APOAEIZEII2N. APTEMHN. APTEMIAOPOZ. ZHrinN(?), wt. 54* grs. ■ on the third example the outer legend is wanting, the magistrate's names XPYZI n nOZ. XPYZI n nOY., wt. 51 grs., scarce 3 598 Cnidus, B.C. 600-480. JR Drachms (2), (a) Forepart of lion to right ; ft Head of Aphrodite of archaic style to right, in incuse square, wt. 95^ grs. ; (b) Forepart of lion to right ; ft Head of Aphrodite, hair in sakkos, to right behind, A-, the whole in incuse square, wt. 95 grs., both very fine 2 599 Cnidus, B.C. 412-330. M Tetradrachm, Head of Aphrodite Euploia to right, wearing earring and necklace, behind, prow ft KNI., Forepart of lion to right, magistrate ...AAAIPI2N., wt. 225 grs., very fine and very rare (the specimen in B. M. has lion's head to left) [PI. VIII] 1 600 Cnidus, b.c. 412-330. M Tetradrachm, Head of Aphrodite Euploia to right, wearing diadem, earring and necklace, of very fine style, and varying very considerably in treatment from the preceding ft KNI., Forepart of lion to right, magistrate's name apparently ending ...MEAI2N., wt. 227^ grs., very fine and very rare [PI. VIII] 1 601 Cnidus, b.c. 412-330. M Drachms (2), Head of Venus Euploia to right; ft KNI., Forepart of lion, magistrates' names AITOK- PATHEZ. and ...TEAEAZ., wt. 49 and 48 grs., both fine 602 Taba, B.C. 200 and later. JR Drachm, Head of bearded Herakles, bare, to right; ft APTEMflN. [nAniOY.] AP. TABHNX2N., Artemis Ephesia facing between crescent and star, wt. 49 grs. ; Hemidrachms (2), Bust of Pallas to right; ft TABHNtUN., Nike with palm to right, &c, wt. 29 grs., scarce 3 SATRAPS OF CARIA. 603 Mausolus, B.C. 377-353. jR Tetradrachm, Head of Apollo laureate, nearly facing ft MAYZZX1AA[0]-, Zeus Stratios or Labraundeus armed with spear and bipennis, walking to right, wt. 230 grs. (Hist. Num., fig. 310), O very fine, although the piece is of somewhat small module 1 77 604 Pixodarus, B.C. 341-335. AT Diobol, Head of Apollo, laureate, to right £> niZn[A]., Zeus Stratios, as on preceding piece of Mausolus, wt. 22 grs., very fine and very rare [PI. VIII] 1 605 Pixodarus, B.C. 341-335. N Hemiobol, Head of Apollo, laureate, to left #> P - |., Labrys, wt. 5£ grs., very fine and very rare [PI. VIII] 1 606 Pixodarus, B.C. 341-335. M Didrachm, Head of Apollo, laureate, nearly facing #> niZHAAPOY. Zeus Stratios similar to preceding coins, but he carries a trefoil-headed sceptre instead of spear, id. 110£ grs., very fine (legend double struck) [PI. VIII] 1 ISLANDS OFF CARIA. 607 Calymna, circa B.C. 350-335. M Didrachm, Young head in crested helmet, with cheek pieces 9> [K]AAYMNION M Lyre within dotted square, wt. 99| grs., very fine and scarce 1 608 Poseidion Carpathi, B.C. 550-450. M Stater, Two dolphins in opposite directions ; below, a smaller dolphin, the whole within a dotted and linear square #> Two oblong depressions divided by a broad band, with two lines, wt. 207 grs., very fine and rare 1 609 Cos, circa 550 B.C. 1 M Stater, Crab 9> Two incuse squares, the larger one irregularly divided, wt. 191 grs., fine and rare 1 610 Cos, B.C. 480-400. JR Tetradrachm, Kill ON., Naked Athlete pre- paring to hurl the discus, behind him the prize tripod 9> Crab in shallow incuse square within dotted border, wt. 252 grs., fine and rare 1 611 Cos, B.C. 300-200. M Tetradrachm, Head of young Herakles, in lion's skin, to right $ KI2ION— riMUZIAIKOZ., Crab, and below a bow in case, the whole within incuse square with dotted border, wt. 219| grs., very fine and scarce 1 612 Cos, B.C. 300-200. M Tetradrachm, Head of young Herakles in lion's skin to right $ KHION -TIMOAYKOZ., Crab, and bow in case; the whole within square incuse with dotted border, wt. 226 grs., very fine and scarce 1 78 613 Camirus Rhodi, circa b.c. 500. JR Stater, Fig leaf with K. below $L Two oblong incuse depressions, separated by a broad band, wt. 174£ grs., very fine and rare, apparently unpublished 1 614 Camirus Rhodi, B.C. 500. JR Hemistater, Fig leaf $k Incuse square, wt. 94| grs., very fine and scarce 1 615 Lindus Rhodi, B.C. 500-408. M Tetradrachm, Lion's head, with open jaws to right 9> Two oblong incuse depressions, separated by a broad band, wt. 213| grs., very fine and very rare [PI. VIII] 1 616 Rhodes, B.C. 400-304. M Tetradrachm, Head of Helios, nearly facing, of very fine bold style 9> POAION-, Rose with bud to right, in field, left <|>. ; the whole within shallow incuse square, wt. 230 grs., very fine and rare [PI. VIII] 1 617 Rhodes, B.C. 400-304. JR Didrachm, similar to the preceding, of very fine style, in the field E. and grapes, wt. 104^ grs., fine and rare 1 618 Rhodes, B.C. 304-168. JR Tetradrachm, Head of Helios nearly facing, surrounded by rays 9> POAION., a rose with bud to right, and prow to left, AMEI- N I AT., wt. 206 grs., very fine and scarce [PI. VIII] 1 619 Rhodes, circa B.C. 304-168. AT Stater, type of Lysimachus, Head of the deified Alexander with horn of Ammon 9- AYZIMAXOY. to right; Pallas Nicephoros enthroned, infield to left, the Rhodian magistrate's name, APIZTOBOYAOZ. and rose; in exergue, trident, wt. 132 grs., in extremely fine condition and of the highest rarity ; the only other specimen known is IN THE DE LUYNES COLLECTION [PI. VIII] 1 620 Rhodes, B.C. 189-168. N Third of Stater, Head of Helios, radiate, nearly facing 9 P-O- divided by rose with bud, above, ANTAIOZ., the whole within shallow incuse square, wt. 41 grs., very fine and very rare [PI. VIII] 1 LYDIA. 621 Lyd ia, temp. Croesus P B.C. 568-554. N Stater (Babylonic standard), Foreparts of a lion and bull facing one another B> Oblong incuse divided into two parts, wt. 163| grs. (Hist. Num., fig. 315), very fine and rare 1 622 Lydia, B.C. 568-554. N Stater (Euboic standard), Foreparts of lion and bull facing one another 9> Oblong incuse, roughly divided into two parts, wt. 123| grs., very fine and rare 1 79 623 Lydia, B.C. 568-554. M Stater and Hemistater of the Babylonic standard, Foreparts of lion and bull facing one another 9> Oblong incuse square roughly divided into two parts, wt. 157^ grs. and 82f grs. respectively, fine 2 624 Tralles, Cistophori, B.C. 100-48. M Tetradrachms (2), Cista mystica with half opened lid, from which a serpent issues, the whole within wreath of ivy & TPAA., Two coiled serpents with heads erect, between them bow case, one specimen has the letters AE. below, and eagle to right, wts. 197 grs. and 193 grs., fine 2 PHRYGIA. 625 Apameia, Cistophorus, B.C. 100-50. M Tetradrachm, Cista mystica with half opened lid, from which issues a serpent ; the whole within a wreath of ivy 9> All A. (to left), Two coiled serpents with heads erect, between them, bow case, magistrate's name between heads of serpents, AnOAAniMIOY., wt. 193 grs., fine 1 626 Apameia, Cistophorus, B.C. 55-54. M Tetradrachm, Cista mystica with half-opened lid, from which issues a serpent, the whole within a wreath of ivy JSk An A. (to left), Two serpents with heads erect, &c. above; PVLCHER. IMP. and below, HPA. TIMXINIIS., wL 180 grs., very fine and rare 1 DYNASTS OF LYCIA.* 627 Uncertain Dynast, circa B.C. 530-480. M Stater, Forepart of wild boar bounding to right 51 Incuse square divided by four y shaped divisions cruciformly arranged, wt. 146| grs. (B.,pl. x, 19), fine 1 628 Uncertain Dynast, circa b.c. 480-450. M Stater, Forepart of wild boar to left, on shoulder traces of letters PV- ? P> Square incuse and by its side triangular punch marks of different sizes, wt. 141 \ grs. (B., pi. x, 21 var.), very fine 1 629 Uncertain Dynast, circa b.c. 450-400. ^l Stater, Wild boar to right, scratching nose with fore paw (as on the coins of Methymna, no. 536, pi. vn), dotted exergual line 9> Tortoise in incuse square, with dotted border, wt. 143 grs. (B.,pl. xi, 14), fine and scarce 1 * References to Les Perses Ache'me'nides les Satrapes et lesDynastes tributaires de leur Empire Cypre et Phdnice par M. Ernest Babelon, Conservateur du Departement des Midailles et Antiques de la Bibliotheque Nationale, 1 vol. crown ito, xxxvn. pi., Rollin & Feuardent, Paris and London, 1893. 80 630 Uncertain Dynast, circa b.c. 450400. M Stater, Wild boar walk- ing to right, border of dots 9> ^J/ and triskelis terminating in cocks' heads, the whole within incuse square with dotted border, wt. 139 grs. (B., pi. xi, 21), very fine and rare - 1 631 Spintaza of Telmissa, circa b.c. 410. M Stater, Head of Aphro- dite to left, the hair bound, and arranged in a chignon at back, over forehead a triple row of curls 9> *Sr , xTI > Jl > l > ., Tetraskelis to left, the whole within incuse square with dotted border, ivt. 153 grs. (for type compare B., pi. xiii, 11), very fine and extremely rare, presumably unpublished 1 632 Trebenimis, circa b.c. 410. M Hemidrachm, Lion's scalp facing &TPB-B&IM-EME., Triskelis to left, the whole within shallow circular incuse, wt. 38 grs. (B.,pl. xv, 3), fine and rare 1 633 Ved ? circa B.C. 380. M Stater, Lion's scalp 9> FnJ/ A. within the spaces of a triskelis, the whole within circular shallow incuse, wt. 145 grs. (B., pi. XV, 4), very fine and rare 1 634 Pericles, circa B.C. 375-360. JR Tetrobole, Lion's scalp 9>[P]^P-EK-A/N., Triskelis to left, wt. 35 grs. (B., pi. xv, 8), fine and scarce 1 635 Uncertain Dynast, circa b.c. 450-400. M Diobole, Wild boar to left; 9= YP? Triskelis, to left, an ibis, the whole within incuse square with linear border, wt. 22£ grs., fine and rare. Federal Coinage, circa B.C. 167-A.D. 43, Cragus, M Hemidrachm, A— Y., Head of Apollo to right ; fy K — P., Lyre with palm branch to right, the whole within shallow incuse square, wt. 22 grs. Myra, JR Drachm, Head of Apollo (countermarked); #> AYKIX2N., Lyre with M — Y. at sides ; in field, left, uraeus ; the whole within shallow incuse square, wt. 44| grs., fine and scarce 3 PAMPHYLIA. 636 Aspendus, B.C. 400-300. JR Staters (2), Two wrestlers engaged 9> EZTFEAIIYZ., Slinger to right, in field, triskelis, the whole within shallow incuse with dotted border, one specimen has two circular countermarks on $1, the other example XO. on O, wts. 168 grs. and 167 grs., fine 2 637 Perga, after B.C. 190. JR Tetradrachm, Head of the Greek Artemis, laureate, with quiver at shoulder 9= APTEMIA[OZ]. PEPrAIAZ.', Artemis Pergaea standing to left, holding wreath and long sceptre, at her feet a doe looking up to her, in field 0., wt. 222 grs. (pierced), very rare 1 81 638 Side, B.C. 500-400. JR Stater, Pomegranate $k Head of Pallas to right, in crested Corinthian helmet, in front, olive branch, the whole within incuse square (Hunter, pi. xlix, no. 3), wt. 159 grs., fine and very rare 1 639 Side, B.C. 400-300. JR Stater, Pallas, standing to left, with spear and shield, holding on right hand, figure of Victory with crown, in field, right, +1O9. and to left, a pomegranate Jk Aramaic legend ? to right, Apollo standing left before altar, hold- ing patera and long branch, wt. 164^- grs., very fine and rare [PI. IX] 1 640 Side, B.C. 400-300. JR Stater, very similar to the preceding, and nearly as fine, wt. 165 grs. 1 641 Side, B.C. 190-36. ^R, Tetradrachm, Head of Pallas wearing triple crested Corinthian helmet to right $fc> Victory to left carrying wreath, in field, pomegranate, and A El. man., wt. 260 grs., of exceptionally good style and condition 1 PISIDIA. 642 Sagalassus, after circa B.C. 50 (1). M Drachm, Head of Zeus, laureate, to right, border of dots 9> ZATAAAZXEflN., Cornucopiae, wt. 60 grs., very fine and very rare [PI. IX] 1 CILICIA. 643 Celendris, before circa B.C. 450. JR Drachm, Goat kneeling on one knee to right, border of dots ; $> Incuse square quartered, wt. 92 grs., fine. B.C. 400-350. M Obol, Free horse to right; R KE., Goat kneeling on one knee to left, head reverted, wt. lOf grs., fine 2 644 Celendris, circa B.C. 400-350. JR Stater, Naked horseman with whip, seated sideways, prancing to right, border of dots 9, KEA-, Goat kneeling on one knee, to left, head reverted, in front, P., dotted exergual line, wt. 161| grs., very fine [PI. IX] 1 645 Mai I us, B.C. 485-425. JR Stater, Female winged figure kneeling on one knee to left and looking back, holding caduceus and wreath 9> Incuse square, containing pyramidal stone with the letters V — I". at sides, wt. 161^ grs., fine and very rare [PL IX] 1 646 Mai I us, B.C. 485-425. JR Triobol, Female winged figure kneeling to right and looking back, holding caduceus and wreath (?) Jl Griffin to right, in incuse square, with dotted border, wt. 43£ grs. (Imhoof Choix, pi. v, 179), fine and rare 1 a 82 647 Mallus, B.C. 425-385. M Stater, Youthful male figure, with curious volute ornament on head, winged, kneeling on one knee to right, holding with both hands disc with solar symbol 9> MAP., Swan to left, in field crux ansata and fish, the whole in shallow incuse, wt. 164 grs., very fine and rare 1 648 Nagidus, B.C. 400-380. M Stater, Head of bearded Dionysos, crowned with ivy & [N]ATI AIKON., Head of Aphrodite, with hair in sphendone, wt. 153 grs., very fine and very rare [PL IX] 1 *+* From the Carfrae collection. 649 Nagidus, B.C. 400-380. M Stater, Aphrodite enthroned, holding patera, behind her, figure of Eros 9> NATIAEXIN., Dionysos half draped standing to left, resting on thyrsos and holding vine branch, wt. 165£ grs., fine and rare 1 650 Nagidus, B.C. 380-333. M Stater, Aphrodite seated left, on throne with curved back, on which her left arm rests, holding in extended right hand a patera, and crowned by flying Eros, in field, rose with bud, beneath throne a jerboa (?) 9> N ATI AIKON., Dionysos half draped resting on thyrsos and holding vine branch, in field PY. and MO-, wt. 157 grs. (Hist. Num., fig. 324), very fine although chisel cut on rev. 1 651 Soli, B.C. 450-385. M Stater, Head of Pallas in crested helmet adorned at side with griffin, border of dots |t ZOAION., Bunch of grapes, in field a crescent, border of dots, wt. 155£ grs., very fine (chisel cut on $1 out it does not go through the coin) 1 652 Soli, B.C. 385-333 or later, Head of Pallas in crested Corinthian helmet 9> ZOAE12N., Bunch of grapes, in field 4>|A., symbols, rose and owl on either side of grapes, wt. 129| grs., the rev. is very fine, the obv. has suffered from double striking, rare 1 KINGS OF CILICIA.* 653 Uncertain King, circa B.C. 400-360, struck at Soli, M Stater, King wearing Persian tiara, half kneeling to left stringing his bow, slung from his shoulder is a quiver containing a second bow, in field to right a mask of Pan facing 9> [Z]OAEQ[N]., Bunch of grapes, to right a locust (?), the whole within shallow incuse with dotted border, wt. 164 grs. (B. pi. Ill, 11), fine and rare 1 * References to E. Babelon, Les Perses, AcMminides, les Satrapes, &c, &c, see note, page 79. 83 654 Uncertain King, circa B.C. 430-360 ('?), struck at Mallus. M Stater, Artaxerxes II Memnon, advancing rapidly to right, holding in out- stretched right hand a strung bow, and in the left a javelin, the butt of which terminates in round knob, in field, to left, a grain of barley Jk MA A., Herakles contending with lion, in field, left, his club, border of dots, wt. 154| grs. (B., pi. in, 14), very fine and rare 1 655 Uncertain King, b.c. 400-360, struck at Mallus. M Stater, Artaxerxes II Memnon, as on the preceding piece 9> The king half kneeling, holding in extended right hand a strung bow, while with his left hand he is about to withdraw an arrow from his quiver slung at back, wt. 160 grs. (2?., pi. in, 15), very fine and very rare 1 656 Tiribazes, B.C. 386-380, struck at Mallus. M Stater, Head of Aphrodite wearing earring and necklace, hair in sphendone, border of dots 9> MA A., Bearded head of Tiribazes to right, wearing Persian tiara and necklace, wt. 127 grs. (B., pi. iv, 1), very fine and very rare [PL IX] 1 657 Tiribazes, b.c. 386-380, struck at Mallus. M Stater, Bare head of bearded Herakles to right, the lion's skin around neck, the paws knotted under chin 9> MA A., Bearded head of Tiribazes to right, wearing Persian tiara, wt. 158 grs. (B., pi. IV, 3), very fine and rare [PI. IX] 1 658 Pharnabazus, b.c. 379-374, struck in Cilicia. M Stater, Tin 1 ?^!., Baaltars half-draped, seated left on throne without back, and holding before him a long sceptre, under throne, bunch of grapes $t 1T221H) 1^2- . Bearded head of Ares in crested Athenian helmet to left, chlamys fastened under chin, wt. 170 grs. (B., pi. IV, 6 var.), fine and rare (chisel cut on rev.) 1 659 Pharnabazus, b.c. 379-374, struck in Cilicia. M Stater, Diademed head of Arethusa nearly facing, the hair flowing, and wearing neck- lace with pendants 9> Legend similar to lot 658, Bearded head of Ares in crested Athenian helmet to right, in front, crux ansata, wt. 165 grs. (B., pi. iv, 9), very fine and rare [PL IX] 1 660 Datames, B.C. 378-372, struck in Cilicia, Head of Arethusa nearly facing, the hair flowing, wearing earring, and necklace with pendants, border of dots 9> ]Q"T1J1. (to right), Bearded head of Ares wearing crested Athenian helmet, to right, chlamys fastened around neck, wt. 164^ grs. (B., pi. IV, 11), very fine and scarce 1 G 2 84 661 Datames, B.C. 378-372, struck in Cilicia. M Stater, Head of Arethusa as on preceding piece 9> Legend similar to last, Helmeted head of Ares to left, wt. 165f gis. (B., pi. iv, 12), rev. very fine, the obv. not so well struck up, scarce 1 662 Mazaios, b.c. 361-333, struck in Cilicia. M Stater, nfi^JQ-j Baaltars, half-draped, seated on throne without back, holding vine branch and lotos-headed sceptre, beneath throne %. 9>mD-, Lion attacking stag, the whole within shallow incuse square, wt. 165£ grs. (B., pi. v, 1), very fine and scarce [PI. IX] 1 663 Mazaios, B.C. 361-363, struck in Cilicia. JR Stater, Legend and type similar to last, in front of Baaltars Q. $fc> Legend and type similar to preceding, in field B ; the whole within very shallow incuse with dotted border, wt. 167 grs. (B., pi. v, 3 var.), very fine and scarce 1 664 Mazaios, B.C. 361-363, struck in Cilicia. M Stater, nj-^yi., Baaltars seated left on throne without back, holding in outstretched right hand a bouquet formed of a bunch of grapes and an ear of corn, his left hand supports a lotos-headed sceptre, beneath throne, crux ansata 9> "HTE-j Lion attacking stag, the whole within circular linear border, wt. 170 grs. (B., pi. v, 4 var.), very fine and rare 1 665 Mazaios, B.C. 361-363, struck in Cilicia. M Stater, p/l^yi., Baaltars seated to left, head and body facing, he holds in left hand a long sceptre, and on extended right hand an eagle, and in the field to left 0=y, the whole within dotted border 9> HID., Lion devouring a bull, in field below O D-, the whole within plain border, wt. 168 grs. (B., pi. v, 11), very fine and scarce (chisel cut on obv.) 1 666 Mazaios, B.C. 361-333, struck at Tarsus. M Stater, Bust of Athena, three-quarter face to left, wearing triple crested Athenian helmet, earring and necklace, the bust draped; in field, left, a crested Corinthian helmet 9> Baaltars semi-draped, seated on throne to left, holding long sceptre, in field, to left, bunch of grapes and stalk of corn, to right an ivy leaf and B., beneath throne T., wt. 165£ grs. (B., pi. vi, 5), fine and scarce 1 667 Mazaios, B.C. 349-332, struck in Cilicia or in Syria, ^t Stater, Tin'pyi., Baaltars seated to left on throne without back, the upper part of body nude, the chlamys wrapped around legs and left arm, in right hand a sceptre, under the chair -» 1 9> ^"70., Lion passant to left over a crescent, above a star ©f sixteen points, wt. 166£ grs. (B.,pl. VI, 18), very fine and very rare [PL IX] 1 85 668 Mazaios, B.C. 361-333, struck in Cilicia. M Stater, n/l^ft., Baaltars seated on throne without back, upper portion of body- nude, the chlamys wrapped around legs and left arm, in right hand a long lotos-headed sceptre surmounted by an eagle, in field, left, a bouquet composed of corn and grapes, under throne Q., border of dots 9> ibm N-irO-py by ^ HTD- (Mazais, Governor of the Transeuphratic and Cilicia), Lion attacking bull, below, the walls of the city with eight turreted towers, wt. 167 grs. (B., pi. V, 18), fine and rare 1 669 Anonymous (struck by the Generals of Alexander the Great in Baby- lon and Syria), B.C. 328-306. M Tetradrachm, Baaltars seated on throne without back, to left, the upper part of body nude, the chlamys wrapped around legs, in righthandlongsceptre,borderof dots #> Lion passant to left, above AY., border of dots, wt. 261 grs. ("Imhoof Mon. Gr." p. 377, no. 5), very fine and of fine style [PL IX] 1 CYPRUS.* SALAMIS. 670 Evagoras I, b.c. 411-374. N Tenth of Stater, Bearded head of Herakles to right, linear border 9> Forepart of kneeling goat, linear border, wt. 10| grs. (B.,pl. XVI, 23), fine and scarce 1 671 Evagoras I, b.c. 411-374. M Stater, Head of bearded Herakles in lion's skin, to right, legend in front, in Cypriote characters 9> Name and title in Cypriote characters, recumbent goat to right, in field, grain of barley, wt. 1 62 grs. (B.,pl. xvi, 26), very fine and very rare 1 672 Evagoras I, b.c. 41 1-374. M Tetrobole (Evagoras in Cypriote charac- ter), Herakles, nude, seated on rock covered with lion's skin, the right hand rests on his club, and he holds in left hand a rhyton 9> Name and title in Cypriote character, recumbent goat to right, wt. 70 grs. (B., pi. xvi, no. 27), fine and rare (pierced) 1 673 Nicocles I, B.C. 374-368. N Twelfth of Stater, Head of Aphrodite wearing richly adorned Stephanos, earring and necklace, the hair long 9> Head of Athene in crested Corinthian helmet, wt. 10 grs. (B., pi. xvii, 2), fine and scarce 1 674 Evagoras II, B.C. 361-351. N Twelfth of Stater, Head of Pallas to right #> V=Sa(lamis), Owl to right, wt.8grs., unpublished, very fineandvery rare 1 675 Evagoras II, B.C. 361-351. N Twelfth of Stater, Turreted head of Aphrodite to right, plain linear border & EYA., Head of Athena in crested Corinthian helmet, wt. 8f grs. (B., pi. XVII, 5 var.),fine and scarce 1 * References to E. Babelon. Les Perses, Achiminides, les Satrapes, &c. see notep. 79. 86 676 Evagoras II, B.C. 361-351. M Tetradrachm, The King of Persia, Artaxerxes III, Ochus, half kneeling to right, shooting with bow and arrow 9> The King Evagoras on horseback galloping to right, and brandishing a javelin, beneath horse 0=y., v& 231 grs. (B., pi. xvn, 15 and 16 var.),fine and rare 1 677 Pnytagoras, B.C. 351-332. ^l Tetrobole, PN-, Diademed head of Aphrodite, to left £> B A., Head of Artemis, to right, the hair rolled at sides and turned up at back, wt. 34 grs. (B., pi. xvn, 23), Jine and rare 1 678 Nicocreon, B.C. 331-310. M Stater, NIK. (in num.), Turreted head of Aphrodite to right, wearing earring, and necklace, the neck lightly draped 9> BA-, Laureate head of Apollo to left, behind, bow, wt. 94| grs. (B., pi. xvn, 5 var.),fine and rare 1 CITIUM. 679 Azbaal, circa B.C. 449-425. M Stater, Herakles, nude, going to right, holding bow and brandishing his club $> ^JQTJ^.} Lion attacking stag, the whole within incuse square with dotted border, wt. 173 grs. (B., pi. xvm, 13), fine and rare 1 680 Baalmelek 1 1, circa B.C. 425-400. M Tetrobole, Herakles, nude, going to left, holding bow and brandishing club 9> "\bi2bV2b; Lion attacking stag, the whole within incuse square with dotted border, wt. 54 grs. (B., pi. xvm, 17), fine and rare 1 681 Pumiaton, B.C. 361-312. N Hemistater, Herakles wearing lion's skin, the body nude, walking to right, holding bow and brandishing club, in field, right, crux ansata, border of dots V° 1JTD3 l^O^v Lion attacking stag, in field, to right, date Z 1 1 1 1 1 1 I =year 27, the whole within incuse square with dotted border, wt. 63^ grs. (B., pi. xix, 13), very fine and scarce 1 682 Pumiaton, B.C. 361-312. N Hemistater, Herakles wearing lion's skin, the body nude, walking to right, holding bow and brandishing club, in field, right, crux ansata, border of dots #> 1JTDD "]'?Q i 7-> Lion attacking stag, in field, to right, date MM — year 40, the whole within incuse square with dotted border, tot. 63£ grs. (B., pi. xix, 16), very fine and scarce 1 PAPHOS. 683 Stasand ros, circa b.c. 440-420. yJLStater, Bull to left, above, solar disc, and in front, crux ansata, in exergue, palmette ornament with volutes #> Eagle to left, in front, one handled vase, in field right and left, name and title in Cypriote characters, the whole within incuse square with dotted border, wt. 165 grs. (B., pi. XX, 18), fine and very rare 1 87 SIXTH DAY'S SALE. KING OF GALATIA. LOT 684 Amyntas, B.C. 36-25. N Diobol, Head of Pallas to right, wearing crested Corinthian helmet 9= BAZIAEI2Z. AMYNTOY., Nike advancing left, carrying sceptre bound with diadem, wt. 20 grs.,fine 1 KINGS OF CAPPADOCIA: 685 Ariarathes IV, B.C. 220-163. M Tetradrachm, Diademed head of the king to right £ BAZIAEHZ. APIAPA0OY. EYZEBOYZ., Pallas Nike- phoros standing, in field three monograms, and in exergue A. (year 30), wt. 249 grs., fine and very rare (see Revue Numismatique, troisieme series, troisilme trimestre 1886, pp. 335-336) [PL IX] 1 686 Ariarathes IX, Son of Mithridates the Great, B.C. 94-84. M Tetra- drachm, Head of Ariarathes with diadem to right, the hair curled and somewhat flowing $ BAZIAEHZ. APIAPA0OY., Pegasus drinking, infield to left, crescent and star, to right, monogram, under Pegasus EYZEBOYZ #1 AOnATOPOZ., the whole within wreath of oak, wt. 256 grs., very fine and very rare [PI. IX] 1 687 Archelaus, b.c. 36-a.d. 17. M Drachm, Youthful head of Archelaus diademed to right $ BAZIAEHZ APXEAAOY BAZIAEHZ ZEAEYKOY., Zeus seated on throne with back, in field to left, head of Pallas turned to right, and beneath throne a crescent, struck at Side (B. pi. I, 7), wt. 262| grs. 1 * References to " Les Rois de Syrie D'ArmSnie, et de Commagbne," par M. Ernest Babelon, 1 vol. crown Mo, xxix pi., Rollin & Feuardent, Paris & London, 1890. 88 689 Seleucus I, b.c. 312-280. M Tetradrachm, Head of Herakles in lion's skin to right $ ZEAEYKOY BAZI AEHZ-, Zeus Aetophorus seated on throne with back, in field to left, mon. 16 and dolphin, and under throne, mon. 14 (Type of pi. I, 8), very fine 1 690 Seleucus I, B.C. 312-280. M Tetradrachm, Head of Zeus laureate to right V° BAZI AEI2Z ZEAEYKOY., Quadriga of elephants in which stands Pallas fighting, in the field, the Seleucid anchor and I1Z., wt. 266 grs. (pi. ill, 1), very fine [PI. IX] 1 691 Antiochus I, Soter, b.c. 281-261. M Tetradrachm of the Alexan- drine type, Head of Herakles in lion's skin to right & ANTIOXOY to right, BAZIAEHZ below throne, Zeus seated on throne with back, on extended right hand he holds a small statuette of Victory presenting a crown, in left a long sceptre, in field left AZ., and under throne a monogram ; struck at Ascalon (compare pi. iv, 4), apparently unpublished, very fine and very rare [PI. IX] 1 692 Antiochus I, Soter, B.C. 281-261. N Stater, Diademed head of Antiochus to right $> BAZIAEI2Z (to right), ANTIOXOY. (to left), Apollo laureate, seated on omphalos, which is partially covered with his chlamys, portion of which drapes the right thigh, in extended right hand he holds an arrow, and his left rests upon his bow behind omphalos, in field A., wt. 126 grs. (var. of pi. iv, 7), extremely fine and very rare [PI. IX] 1 693 Antiochus I, Soter, b.c. 281-261. ^Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Antiochus I in bold relief and of fine style, to right 9> BAZIAEHZ ANTIOXOY., Apollo seated left on omphalos, holding two arrows in right hand, the left resting on a bow, in exergue, mons. 13 and 22, wt. 264 grs., very fine 1 694 Antiochus I, Soter, b.c. 281-261. M Tetradrachm, diademed head of Antiochus I to right 9> BAZIAEI2Z ANTIOXOY., Apollo seated left, on omphalos, holding three arrows in right hand, the left resting on a bow, in field to right, mons. 3 and 91, symbol at feet of Apollo, a half horse drinking. Struck at Larissa (Syria), wt. 281 grs., very fine 1 695 Antiochus II Theos. B.C. 261-246. M Tetradrachm, Head of Antiochus II to right, wearing diadem ornamented with a wing at side 9> BAZIAEHZ ANTIOXOY., Apollo seated on omphalos hold- ing arrow in right hand, the left resting on bow, in field to left, monogram 27, in exergue, horse grazing, (struck at Alexandria Troas) (pi. vii, 11), wt. 260| grs., very fine and rare 1 89 696 Seleucus II, Callinicus, B.C. 246-226. N Stater, Youthful diademed head of Seleucus II to right £> BAZIAEI2Z ZEAEYKOY., Apollo holding an arrow in right hand, the left resting on his bow, in field, right, B., wt. 131^ grs., very fine and very rare [PI. IX] 1 697 Seleucus II, Callinicus, b.c. 246-226. ^l Tetradrachm, Youthful diademed head of Seleucus II to right, border of dots & BAZI AEI1Z ZEAEYKOY., Apollo, the left arm resting on a tripod, holding an arrow in right hand, monograms in field, no. 36 and JE, y wt. 261 grs., in very fine condition and rare 1 698 Antiochus Hierax., B.C. 227. M Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Antiochus to right, strongly resembling the portrait of Seleucus II £> BAZIAEHZ ANTIOXOY-, Apollo seated on omphalos, hold- ing arrow in right hand, the left resting on a bow, in field left, a lighted torch, and in exergue mon. 139 var. and an eagle. (Struck at Cyzicus) (no. 287), wt. 263 grs., extremely fine and rare [PL IX] 1 699 Seleucus III, Ceicaunus, B.C. 226-222. M Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Seleucus III to right, border of dots 9> BAZIAEHZ ZEAEYKOY., Apollo seated on omphalos to left, in extended right hand he holds an arrow, the left rests upon bow held behind the omphalos, in field left, the mon. 1 24 and to right p., wt. 259 grs. (no. 297 var.), very fine and very rare 1 700 Antiochus, Son of Seleucus III, B.C. 222. Infantile head diademed, of Antiochus, to right, fillet border 9> BAZIAEHZ ANTIXOY., Apollo seated to left on omphalos, holding in right hand an arrow, the left resting on bow placed behind omphalos, in field to right a tripod, and in the exergue, mon. 40, wt. 263| grs., very fine and rare 1 701 Antiochus III Magnus, B.C. 222-187. N Stater, Head of Antio- chus III, diademed, to right $ BAZIAEHZ ANTIOXOY., Apollo, seated on omphalos, hold- ing in right hand an arrow, the left resting on a bow placed behind omphalos, in field to left, lyre and the mon. 156, above, star, wt. 128 grs., extremely fine and rare [PI. IX] 1 702 Antiochus Ml, Magnus, b.c. 222-187. M Tetradrachm, Young head of Antiochus diademed, to right, fillet border #> BAZIAEI2Z ANTIOXOY., Apollo seated on omphalos, hold- ing arrow in right hand, the left resting on a bow, in field, to left mon. 160, wt. 260 grs. (pi. IX, 13), very fine and rare 1 90 703 Antiochus III, Magnus, B.C. 222-187. M Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Antiochus at a more advanced age, dotted border V° BAZI AEHZ ANTIOXOY., Apollo seated on omphalos holding in right hand an arrow, the left resting on a bow near omphalos, in exergue EllO-, wt. 261^ grs., very fine and scarce 1 704 Seleucus IV, Philopator, B.C. 187-188. M Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Seleucus IV to right, fillet border & BAZI AEHZ ZEAEYKOY., Apollo seated on omphalos holding an arrow in right hand, the left resting on bow ; in field to left, a palm branch and crown, and in exergue, mon. 198, wt. 262 grs., very fine and rare 1 705 Antiochus IV, Epiphanes, B.C. 175-164. M Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Antiochus, within fillet border $ BAZI AEHZ ANTIOXOY 0EOY EPIANOY[Z]., Zeus Nicephoros enthroned, in exergue, mon. no. 47, wt. 255 grs., very fine and scarce 1 706 Antiochus V, Eupator, B.C. 164-162. /R Tetradrachm, Youthful head of Antiochus V, diademed, to right, within fillet border R BAZIAEHZ ANTIOXOY EYI1ATOPOZ., Zeus semi draped, seated to left, holding small statuette of Victory and spear ; in field to left m., wt. 254 grs., very fine and rare 1 707 Demetrius I, Soter, b.c. 162-150. JR Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Demetrius, within fillet border R BAZIAEftZ AHMHTPIOY ZOTHPOZ., Figure of For tune seated to left, holding an arrow and cornucopiae, in field to left, two monograms, nos. 93 and 98, and in the exergue the date, £P=160, wt. 256£ grs., very fine 1 %* From the Bompois collection. 708 Alexander I, Bala, B.C. 152-144. M Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Alexander I to right, fillet border 9> BAZIAEHZ AAEZANAPOY 0EOPATOPOZ EYEP PETOY., Zeus Nicephoros semi-draped, enthroned, to left, in field AA. (mon.) in exergue, 9 HP. = 166 ; and mon. 40, wt. 253 grs., very fine and scarce 1 709 Alexander I, Bala, B.C. 150-145. M Tetradrachm, Draped bust of Alexander wearing broad diadem to right, within dotted border R BAZIAEflZ AAEEANAPOY., Eagle on prow, in front, monogram of Tyre, and behind eagle IZP. = 168, and monogram 232, wt. 217 grs., of exceedingly good work and very fine 1 91 710 Demetrius II, Nicator, First reign, b.c. 146-138. ^l Tetra- drachm, Youthful head of Demetrius II, diademed, to right, fillet border ftBAZIAEHZ AHMHTPIOY OY NIKA TOPOZ., Figure of Fortune seated on throne to left, holding an arrow and a cornucopiae, in exergue mon. 80 var., wt. 238£ grs., very fine and scarce 1 711 Demetrius II, Nicator, B.C. 146-138. M Tetradrachm, Young head of Demetrius II diademed to right, fillet border ft BAZIAEI2Z AHMHTPIOY 0EOY Y NIKATOPOZ., Apollo seated left on omphalos, holding in right hand an arrow, the left resting on bow, in field mon. 175, and in exergue IE P. =167, and XP. mon., wt. 257-^ grs., very fine and scarce 1 712 Antiochus VI, Dionysos, B.C. 145-142. M Tetradrachm, Diademed and radiate head of Antiochus VI to right, within fillet border ftBAZIAEHZ ANTIOXOY EnWANOYZ AIONYZOY., the Dioskuri on horseback, with couched lances, to left, beneath OP.=170; in field to right TPY. ZTA. (Tryphon Staphylus), the whole within border of lotus, ivy and corn, wt. 248 grs., very fine and very rare 1 *** From the Sim collection. 713 Antiochus VII, Evergetes, B.C. 138-129. M Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Antiochus VII to right, fillet border ft BAZIAEHZ ANTIXOY EYEPrETOY., Athena Parthenos to left, holding figure of Victory on outstretched right hand, the left resting on shield; in field left, monograms 122 and 140, the whole within laurel wreath, wt. 257 grs., very fine and scarce 1 714 Antiochus VII, Evergetes, b.c. 138-129. M Tetradrachm, struck, at Tyre, Draped and diademed bust of Antiochus VII to right, within dotted border ft BAZI AEI2Z ANTIOXOY., Eagle on prow, palm branch near right wing, in field to left, monogram of Tyre, and jA , to right mon. 245, and ZOP.=176, between legs of eagle mon. 231, wt. 220 grs., very fine 1 715 Demetrius II, Nicator, b.c. 130-125, second reign, Bearded and diademed head of Demetrius II to right, fillet border ft BAZIAEHZ AHMHTPIOY 0EOY NIKATOPOZ., Zeus semi-draped, enthroned to left, in right hand figure of flying Nike, and in left hand lotos-headed sceptre, in field to left Z., and under throne O., wt. 252 grs., very fine and scarce 1 92 716 Alexander II, Zebina, b.c. 128-123. A 7 " Stater, Diademed head of Alexander Zebina to right, fillet border 9= [B]AZIAEI2Z AAEZANAPOY. to right, 0EOY. EI1WA NOYZ. to left, and in exergue NIKHOPOY., Zeus semi- draped, seated on throne with back, holding figure of Nike and lotos-headed sceptre, wt. 133£ grs., extremely fine, of the HIGHEST RARITY, AND UNIQUE [PI. IX] 1 " Peu apres, Alexandre II Zebina ayant mecontente le roi d'Egypte, se vit opposer par Ptolemee un nouveau competiteur dans la personne d' Antiochus VIII Grypus, frere de Seleueus V. Zebina, battu, se renferma dans Antioche, et la, pour solder les troupes qui lui restaient, il pilla le tresor du temple de Zeus et poussa l'audace jusqu'a enlever la Victoire d'or que le dieu tenait a la main : Iovis solidum ex auro signum Victoria tollijubet, dit Justin. En vain essaya-t-il de se rendre le dieu et le peuple propices en disant qu'il acceptait la Victoire que Zeus lui offrait. Ce jeu de mots rapelle le fameux (rvyxpyiff6inQa reus Nix«"s «fe rbv 7r6\efiov, prononce a Athenes, lorsque, pour soutenir la guerre en 406 av J. C. on fit f ondre les Victoires d'or du Parthenon. Mais ce qui est PARTICULIEREMENT INTERESSANT, C'EST QUIL NOUS EST PARVENU UN SPECIMEN DE CETTE MONNAIE D'OR FABRIQUEE AVEC LES TRESORS ET LA Victoire enleves k Zeus. N'est-il pas pabticulierement curieux DE RAPPROCHER CETTE PIECE DOR DE L'ANECDOTE QUE NOUS VENONS DE rapporter? " — Babelon, Introduction, pp. cxlix, CL. 717 Alexander II, Zebina, b.c. 128-123. M Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Alexander Zebina to right within filleted border 9> BAZIAEI2Z AAEZANAPOY., Zeus semi-draped seated on throne with back, holding in the right hand a statuette of Victory, and in left a long sceptre, in field to left mon. 55 and under the throne A., surmounted by a star, wt. 259 grs., fine and scarce 1 718 Cleopatra, Thea, and Antiochus VIM, Grypus, b.c. 127-121. M Tetradrachm, Jugate busts of Cleopatra diademed and veiled, and Antiochus diademed, to right, within dotted border 9> BAZIAIZZHZ KAEOI1ATPAZ 0EAZ KAI BAZI- AEI2Z ANTIOXOY-, -Zeus semi-draped seated to left, holding figure of Victory and long sceptre, Z. (Sidon) to left, and in exergue date 0nP- = 189, wt. 250 grs., very fine and rare 1 719 Antiochus VIII, Grypus, b.c. 125-96. ^l Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Antiochus Grypus to right, border of dots R BAZIAEHZ (to right), ANTIXOY. (to left), Eagle to left standing on thunderbolt, in field, left, mon. 278, and to right BST.=192, wt. 213 grs. (B., pi. xxiv, 15), very fine and very RARE 1 720 Antiochus VIII, Grypus, B.C. 125-96. M Didrachm, Diademed head of Antiochus Grypus to right, the truncation extending beyond dotted border $o BAZIAEI2Z (to right), ANTIXOY. (to left), Eagle on thunder- bolt to left, in field to left mon. 270 (Aradus ?), and to right, date C 1P.=199 ) wt. 104£ grs., very fine and very rare 1 93 721 Antiochus VIII, Grypus, B.C. 125-96. M Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Antiochus Grypus within fillet border 9>BAZIAEHZ ANTIOXOY EPIANOYZ., Semi-draped figure of Zeus standing to left, head surmounted by a crescent, he holds in right hand a long spear, and in the left a star, in field, left, mon. 270 var., the whole within laurel border, wt. 255^ grs., very fine * 722 Antiochus VIII, Grypus, B.C. 125-96. M Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Antiochus VIII to right, within fillet border # BAZIAEHZ ANTIOXOY Eni4>ANOYZ., Altar of Sandan, in field to left, monograms 282 and 22, wt. 248£ grs. (B., pi. xxv, 5), fine and rare 1 723 Antiochus VIII, Grypus, B.C. 125-96. M Tetradrachm, Diademed head of king to right, within fillet border $> BAZIAEHZ ANTIOXOY EniANOYZ.,PallasNicephorus to left, in field to left I E., and below 0., the whole within laurel border, wt. 254£ grs. (B., pi. xxv, 7), very fine 1 724 Antiochus IX, Cyzicenus, B.C. 116-95. M Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Antiochus IX, with slight beard, to right, within filleted border Vo BAZIAEHZ. ANTIOXOY. WAOIIATOPOZ., Fortune standing to left with calathos on her head, the right hand rests upon the bar of a rudder, and in left hand she holds a cornucopiae ; in field to right, a rose, to left Z. and mon. 22, in exergue date HZ.= 208, the whole within laurel border, wt. 248^ grs., A-, very fine and of excessive rarity 1 725 Antiochus IX, Cyzicenus, b.c. 116-95. M Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Antiochus IX, with slight beard, to right, within filleted border 9> BAZIAEHZ ANTIOXOY IAOHATOPOZ., Pallas standing to right, with shield and spear ; to left mon. 89, with A. below, and to right A., the whole within laurel border, wt. 256 grs., very fine and rare 1 726 Seleucus VI, Epiphanes Nicator, b.c. 96-95. Diademed head of Seleucus to right, within filleted border $ BAZIAEHZ ZEAEYKOY EniANOYZ NIKA- TOPOZ., Pallas standing with lance and shield, holding a statuette of Victory, who is presenting a wreath; in field, ANTP-, mon. and IZL, and outside legend, a lotos flower, wt. 245 grs. (B.,pl. xxvn, 2), very fine and very rare 1 94 727 Antiochus X, Eusebes, B.C. 94-83. M Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Antiochus to right, within filleted border $ BAZIAEHZ ANTIOXOY EYZEBOYZ Y., Zeus, semi- draped, seated to left, holding long sceptre and statuette of victory ; in field to left, mon. MA- ? the whole within laurel wreath, wt. 235 grs., fine and excessively rare 1 729 Philippus, Philadelphia, b.c. 92-83. JR Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Philippus to right, within fillet border 9>BAZIAEnZ WAinnOY EnWAIMOYZ OY., Zeus, semi-nude, seated to left, holding figure of Nike and a long sceptre, in exergue T., the whole within a wreath of laurel KING OF ARMENIA. 730 Tigranes I, the Great, b.c. 97-56. M Tetradrachm, Bust of Tigranes to right, wearing the Armenian tiara and diadem, the tiara ornamented with a star between two eagles, the whole in fillet border 9> BAZIAEHZ. TITPANOY., Tyche of Antioch seated, holding palm, the river Orontes swimming at her feet, in field mon. 209, and on rock to left mon. 98, in laurel border, wt. 240£ grs., very fine 1 731 Tigranes, B.C. 97-56. M Tetradrachm, Head of Tigranes wearing the Armenian tiara to right, the top of the tiara is dentated, and is ornamented with one star only $ BAZI AEHZ TITPANOY., Tyche of Antioch seated to left on rock, the right hand outstretched, and holding in left hand cornu- copiae, at her feet, half length figure, the Orontes, swimming; in field to left S?£ and A., and in exergue the date TMZ=243, the whole within laurel wreath, wt. 221 grs. {B.,pl. xxix, 11), an exceedingly rare variety 1 SELEUCIS AND PIERIA. 732 Seleucia, B.C. 104-82. M Tetradrachm, Head of Tyche, turreted, wearing veil and necklace, within filleted border 9>ZEAEYKEHN THZ IEPAZ KAI AYTONOMOY, Fulmen on throne, between legs of throne, AI=H; the whole within laurel border, wt. 230 grs., very fine and very rare [PI. IX] 1 95 733 Antioch, Cleopatra VII and Mark Antony, B.C. 36-30. M Tetra- drachm, BACIAICCA KA60P[ATPA 0EA NeUTjTEPA., Draped and diademed bust of Cleopatra wearing necklace of pearls, etc. $ ANTwNIO C AVTOKPATWP TPITON TPItUN ANAPtUN., Head of Antony to right, wt. 239 grs. (B. M. Guide, pi. lxi, 14), very fine and rare in this condition 1 734 Laodiceia ad Mare, B.C. 39-17. M Tetradrachm, Head of City veiled and turreted, within fillet border S-AAOAIKEHN THZ IEPAZ KAI AYTONOMOY., Zeus Nicephorus enthroned, in field left, Zl. and in exergue 2EE., wt. 229| grs., very fine and rare 1 PHOENICIA.* 735 Aradus, B.C. 350-332. M Stater, Bearded and laureate head of Melkarth to right ; $> W2-> Phoenician galley to right, the whole within shallow incuse with dotted border, wt. 164 grs. (B. pi. XXII, 12), very fine, although chisel cut on obv. Tetrobol, similar in type to the preceding, wt. 54 grs. (B., pi. xxu, 17), very fine 2 736 Aradus, B.C. 136-46. M Tetradrachm, Veiled and turreted head of City to right 9> APAAII2N-, Nike standing, holding aplustre and palm, in field, left, ©SP=199, and AN the whole within laurel wreath, wt. 228 grs., fine 1 737 Aradus, B.C. 136-46. M Tetradrachm, Turreted, diademed and veiled head of City to right ; 9> APAAI12N., Nike, to left, holding palm and aplustre, to left, €SP=195, below 9 and NX., the whole within wreath, with tie, wt. 229 grs., very fine. Hemidrachm, Turreted head to right, with palm branch at shoulder ; $1 Prow, above 0C9-> an ^ below AM P=141, wt. 29-^ grs., very fine 2 KINGS OF SIDON.* 738 Straton I (Abdastart), B.C. 374-362. M Double Stater, Galley anchored before fortress with five towers, in exergue two lions going in opposite directions 9> The King of Persia, Artaxerxes II, Memnon, in chariot, driven by charioteer, and drawn by two horses galloping to right, beneath, a goat to left with head reverted, in incuse, wt. 434 grs. (B., pi. xxix, nos. 21, 22), fine and very rare 1 * References to E. Babelon, see Note page 79. 96 739 Straton I (Abdastart), B.C. 374-362. JR Shekel or Half Stater, Galley, before a fortress with four towers j in exergue, two lions going in opposite directions ft The King Artaxerxes II, Memnon, seizing by the mane, a lion who stands erect before him, and holding poignard in right hand, the whole in shallow incuse square, wt. 104| grs. (B.,pl. xxix, 2i),fine and rare 1 740 Tennes, B.C. 362-350. iR Double Stater, Galley going to right, waves depicted by four parallel zigzag lines, above, 1 1 1 (year 3) ft The King Artaxerxes III, Ochus, in chariot drawn by three horses and driven by charioteer, behind, an attendant carrying a sceptre terminating in an animal's head, in field, above, 0"l"|=yrT-> border of dots, wt. 398 grs. (B., pi. xxx, 2), very fine and rare 1 741 Straton 1 1 (?), B.C. 346-332. M Double Stater, Galley going to left, as on preceding, above g='D, ornamental border ft King in biga, with his charioteer followed by an attendant in Egyptian costume, carrying sceptre surmounted by bull's head with disc between the horns, within ornamental border, wt. 428 grs. (comp. B., pi. xxx, 5), very fine and rare 1 742 Si don, B.C. Ill, a.d. 117. M Didrachm, Turreted, diademed and veiled head of the City to right ftZIAHNIXlN THZ IEPAZ KAI AZYAOY, Eagle to left, with palm branch at shoulder, in field [_ ANP=154, and BEZ , wt. 97^ grs., fine and rare 1 743 Sidon, B.C. 111-117. M Tetradrachm, Head of the city turreted and veiled, with palm branch at shoulder ftZIAHNIXlN THZ IEPAZ KAI AZYAOY., Eagle with palm standing on rudder, in field, monogram no. 60, and date L — n=80, wt. 200 grs., fine and of the highest rarity 1 744 Tripolis, after circa B.C. 200. M Tetradrachm, Bust of the Dioskuri draped and laureate, surmounted by stars, within fillet border ftTPinOAITHN THZ IEPAZ KAI AYTONOMOY., Figure of City, right hand resting on rudder bar, and holding cornu- copiae, in field mon. Al. and aplustre, in exergue AZA.=201, the whole within wreath, wt. 233 grs. (B., pi. xxx, 21), extremely fine and rare [PI. IX] 1 745 Tyre, B.C. 405-309. M Stater, Melkarth riding on hippocamp, to right, he holds in one hand bow and sheaf of arrows while with the other he grasps the bridle of hippocamp, beneath, waves, and dolphin swimming to right, cable border ft Owl to right, head facing, carrying Egyptian sceptre and flail, cable border, wt. 21 1| grs. (B., pi. xxxv, 11), very fine and rare 1 97 746 Tyre, B.C. 312-275. M Didrachm, Melkarth on hippocamp, as on pre- ceding piece, with dolphin below 9> Owl with sceptre and flail, in field to right 1 1 "-|=year 2, wt. 133^ grs. (B., pi. xxxv, 17), fine and rare 1 747 Tyre, B.C. 450-332. M Triobol, Melkarth on hippocamp, as on the pre- ceding pieces 9> Owl with sceptre and flail, wt. 47| grs. (B., pi. xxxv, 14), very fine and rare 1 748 Tyre, B.C. 126, a.d. 57. M Tetradrachm, Laureate head of Herakles #TYPOY IEPAZ KAI AZYAOY., Eagle on rudder, in field club and LK— 20, and ZK. mon., between legs of eagle Y., wt. 221 grs., (B., pi. xxxv, 20), very fine 1 JUDAEA. 749 Simon Maccabaeus, b.c. 143-135. M Shekel, Shekel Israel, Cup or Chalice, with date above (tf.:=year 1) 9> Jerushalem kedoshah, branch with three buds, wt. 219 grs. (Mad- den, p. 67), very fine and rare [PL IX] 1 750 Simon Maccabaeus, b.c. 143-135. Half Shekel Chatzi-ha-Shekel, the same year as the preceding, wt. 109| grs., very fine and rare (Madden, p. 67) 1 751 Simon Maccabaeus, b.c. 143-135. M Shekel, Shekel Israel, Chalice with date above 2W = SJienath Shethaim, year 2 9> Jerushalaim ha-kedoshah, branch with three buds, wt. 217| grs. (Madden, p. 68), in extremely fine condition and rare 1 752 Simon Maccabaeus, b.c 143-135. Half Shekel, Chatzi ha-Shekel, Chalice with date above, as on preceding piece 9> Jerushalaim ha-kedoshah, branch with three buds, wt. 104 grs. (Madden, p. 68), very fine and rare 1 753 Simon Maccabaeus, b.c 143-135. M Shekel, Shekel Israel, Chalice with date above M. = Shenath Shelosh, year 3 $> Jerushalaim ha-kedoshah, branch with three buds, id. 218 grs (Madden, p. 68), extremely fine and rare 1 754 Simon Maccabaeus, b.c 143-135. Half Shekel, Chatzi ha-Shekel, similar in type to preceding and of the same year, wt. 109 grs. (Madden, p. 68), very fine and rare 1 755 Simon Maccabaeus, b.c 143-135. iR Shekel, Shekel Israel, Chalice with date above "jttf- = Shenath arba, year 4 #> Jerushalaim ha-kedoshah, branch with three buds, wt. 218^ grs. (Madden, p. 69), exceedingly fine and rare [PL IX] 1 H 98 756 Simon Barcochab, a.d. 132-135. ^t Shekel, Struck during the Second Revolt, M Tetradrachm, pyottf, a tetrastyle temple, border of dots 9> Schin Beth=Shenath Shethaim Lacker [utK] Israel. " Year two of the deliverance of Israel," Ethrog and Lulab, wt. 228^ grs. (Madden, p. 239), very fine and very rare [PI. IX] 1 757 Simon Barcochab, a.d. 132-135. M Shekel, Struck during the Second Revolt, JR, Tetradrachm, as above, a tetrastyle temple, border of dots £> Schin Betk=Skenatk Shethaim Lacker [uth] Israel. " Year two of the deliverance of Israel," Ethrog and Lulab, wt. 228 grs. (Madden, p. 239), very fine and very rare 1 758 Simon Barcochab, a.d. 132-135. M, struck during the second revolt (2). (a) Simon, Bunch of grapes ; $= The deliverance of Jerusalem, a palm branch, wt. 47 grs. (Madden, p. 237) (Hamburger, 2), very fine, (b) Simon within a wreath, traces of TPAIAN. CEB- rE. ; 9> The deliverance of Jerusalem, vase and palm branch, wt. 38 grs. (Madden, p. 234) (Hamburger, 4), very fine 2 759 Simon Barcochab, a.d. 132-135. M (2), struck during the second revolt, (a) Simon, a bunch of grapes ; $> The deliverance of Jerusalem, Three-stringed lyre, wt. 43 grs. (Madden, p. 236) (Hamburger, 5), very fine, (b) Simon within wreath; 9> The deliverance of Jerusalem, Vase and palm branch, wt. 49 grs. (Madden, p. 234) (Hamburger, 6), very fine 2 760 Simon Barcochab, a.d. 132-135. M (2), struck during the second revolt, (a) Simon within wreath ; 9> The deliverance of Jerusalem, a palm, wt. 47 grs., traces of legend (Hamburger, 16), very fine, (b) Simon within wreath ; Jl The deliverance of Jerusalem, a palm branch, wt. 44| grs. (Hamburger, 26), very fine 2 761 Simon Barcochab, AD. 132-135. M (2), struck during the second revolt, (a) Simon within wreath ; l?t The deliverance of Jerusalem, Vase and palm branch, wt. 47| grs. (Madden, p. 234) (Hamburger, 27), very fine, (b) Simon within wreath ; ^ The deliverance of Jerusalem, Vase and palm branch, wt. 54^ grs. (Madden, p. 234) (Hamburger, 32), extremely fine 2 762 Simon Barcochab, ad. 132-135. M (2), struck during the second revolt, (a) Simon within wreath; 9> The deliverance of Jerusalem, Vase and palm, wt. 52 grs. (Madden, p. 234) (Hamburger, 30) very fine [PL IX]. (b) Simon within wreath (traces of legend P. C A ES- VESP-); $> The deliverance of Jerusalem, Vases (traces of legend PONTIF .MAXIM.), wt. 51 grs. (Madden, 235) (Hamburger, 34), very fine 2 99 763 Simon Barcochab, a.d. 133-132. M (2), struck during the second revolt, (a) Simon within wreath ; & The deliverance of Jerusalem, Three-stringed lyre, wt. 50% grs. (Madden, p. 235) (Hamburger, 37), very fine, (b) Similar to preceding, shewing on obv. traces of legend N EP TRAI ANUJ A., wt. 48| grs. (Madden, p. 234) (Hamburger, 39), very fine 2 764 Simon Barcochab, a.d. 132-135. M (2), struck during the second revolt. Simon within wreath; 9> The deliverance of Jerusalem, a palm branch, wt. 52| grs. (Hamburger, 44), very fine, (b) Similar to the preceding, traces on obv. of legend, AVG. GER. DAC, wt. 53 grs., very fine (Hamburger, 47) 2 KINGS OF PARTHIA. 765 Arsaces VI (Mithradates I), b.c. 174-136. M Tetradrachm, Draped and diademed head of Mithradates to right, fillet border &BAZIAEHZ MErAAOY APZAKOY ANOYZ, Arsaces seated right on omphalos, holding bow, in field a palm branch and monogram, wt. 239 grs., very fine, of fine style, and very rare 1 KING OF THE SASSANIDAE. 767 Shahpur II, a.d. 310-370. N Stater, Pehlvi legend, name and titles, Draped and diademed bust of the king to right 9> Fire altar, with figures of king and priest on either side, ivt. 111^ grs., very fine and rare 1 PERSIS. 768 Uncertain King. M Tetradrachm, Bearded bust wearing Persian tiara, surmounted by an eagle, below truncation "]. 9> King in attitude of adoration before fire-altar, above Ahuramazda, &c, in field to right a standard surmounted by an eagle, wt. 260 grs. (compare Mordtmann Zeitschrift fur Num. 1877, 1, Taf. I, 7), very fine and rare 1 PERSIA. 769 Darius III, Codoman, B.C. 337-330. N Double Daric, The king kneeling right, wearing candys and dentated crown, holding in right hand bow, and in the left a javelin, the butt terminating in a knob 9> Incuse with wavy lines in relief, wt. 257| grs. (Babelon, pi. II, 17 var.), very fine and rare 1 100 770 Darius III, Codoman,B.c. 337-330. N Daric, The king kneeling to right, wearing candys and dentated crown, holding in right hand a bow, and in left a javelin, in field, left, a coiled serpent #> An elliptical depression with wavy lines in relief, wt. 128 grs., very fine and scarce 1 771 Darius III, Codoman, B.C. 337-330. ' N Double Daric, The king kneeling to right, wearing candys and tall tiara with six dentations, he holds in right hand bow, and in left, javelin, in field, left, <|>. and mon. 9> An elliptical depression with two crescents ( DC) and pellets in relief, the inner portion of the incuse, with escallop border, the edge hammered, wt. 254^ grs., very fine and rare 1 KINGS OF BACTRIA AND INDIA. 772 Diodotus, circa B.C. 250. Diademed head of Diodotus to right #> BAZIAEflZ. AIOAOTOY., Zeus striding to left about to hurl thunderbolt, aegis over left arm, at his feet an eagle, and in field wreath and javelin head, wt. 127^ grs., very fine and extremely rare [PI. IX] ' 1 773 Euthydemus I, Successor of Diodotus II, circa B.C. 220-189. M Tetra- drachm, Head of the king wearing diadem to right 9> BAZIAEHZ. EY0YAHMOY., Herakles bearded, naked, seated left on rock, covered with lion's skin, holding in right hand a club which rests on his knee, behind rock PK. (mon,), wt. 255 grs., very fine and very rare [PL X] 1 774 Eucratides, B.C. 200-150. 1? Stater, Draped bust of Eucratides to right, wearing crested helmet, adorned at sides with bull's horn and ear £ BAZIAEHZ. MErAAOY. around, EYKPATIAOY. in exergue, the Dioscuri on horseback with couched lances, in field IAI., wt. 13H grs., of the highest. rarity, but has suffered by being mounted as a stud or button, portion of shank remaining on rev. ; which has also received a chisel cut 1 775 Eucratides, B.C. 200-150. M Tetradrachm, Diademed and draped bust of Eucratides to right, fillet border & BAZI AEI2Z- EYKPATIAOY., Apollo to left wearing chlamys, holding in right hand an arrow, the left hand resting on bow ; in field, left, AH. (mon.), wt. 260 grs., extremely fine and rare [PI. X] 1 %* From the Sim collection. 101 776 Eucratides, B.C. 200-150. M Tetradrachm, Nude half-length bust of king to left, seen from behind, wearing helmet decorated with bull's horn and ear, the right raised hurling a javelin &BAZIAEHZ. MErAAOY. EYKPATIAOY., The Dioscuri on horseback ; in field mon., wt. 252 grs., very fine and very rare [PL X] 1 *** From the York Moore collection. 777 Heliocles, b.c. 150-125. M Tetradrachm, Draped and diademed bust of Heliocles to right, within border &BAZIAEI2Z. HAIOKAEOYZ. AIKAIOY., Zeus, semi- draped, standing, holding fulmen and sceptre, in field mon., wt. 261 grs., an exceedingly fine specimen and very rare [PI. X] 1 EGYPT. 778 Alexander IV, Aegos, b.c. 323-311 (struck by Ptolemy I as Gover- nor for the young Alexander). A\ Tetradrachm, Head of Alexander covered with elephant's skin, aegis around neck 9> AAEZANAPOY., Zeus enthroned, in field fulmen, and beneath throne mon., wt. 258 grs., fine and rare 1 779 Alexander IV, Aegos, b.c. 323-311 (struck under Ptolemy I). A r Stater, Head of Pallas in crested Corinthian helmet to right &[A]AEZANAPOY., Nike to left, holding wreath and trophy stand, in field, left mon. as on Tetradrachm in next lot, wt. 132| grs., of very fine style and in brilliant condition [PL X] 1 *** From the Du Chastel collection. 780 Alexander IV, Aegos, B.C. 323-311 (struck under Ptolemy I). Youthful head of Alexander to right, wearing diadem, and covered with the elephant's skin, A- near ear & AAEZANAPOY.. Athena Alkis to right with shield, hurling javelin, in front Ptolemaic eagle on thunderbolt, in field mon., as on Stater in preceding lot, and helmet, wt. 241| grs., very fine and scarce 1 781 Alexander IV, B.C. 323-311 (struck under Ptolemy 1). M Tetra- drachm, Youthful head of Alexander to right, wearing diadem, and covered with the elephant's skin & AAEZANAPO[Y] v Athena Alkis to right with shield, hurling javelin, in front Ptolemaic eagle on thunderbolt, in the field two monograms, wt. 243 grs., a fine piece in beautiful condition [PL X] 1 782 Ptolemy Soter, b.c. 305-284. N Stater, Diademed head of Ptolemy, the aegis knotted around neck 9> [njTOAEMAIOY. BAZIAEHZ., Ptolemy driving biga of elephants to right, and holding three ears of corn; in exergue If! nO. mon. and a second mon., wt. 109 grs., in brilliant condition and very rare [PI. XJ \ 102 783 Ptolemy Soter, B.C. 305-285. N Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Soter to right 9> BAZIAEJ1Z. nTOAEMAIOY., Eagle to left on thunderbolt, in field to I., wt. 255^- grs., very fine and rare [PI. X] 1 784 Ptolemy II, Philadelphia, b.c. 285-244. N Octadrachm, AAEAf2N., jugate busts of Philadelphus diademed and draped, and Arsinoe diademed and veiled, behind shield & 0EI2N., Deified heads of Ptolemy Soter diademed and draped, and Berenice diademed and draped, wt. 429 grs., in brilliant con- dition [PI. X] 1 785 Ptolemy II, Philadelphus, b.c. 285-244. IT Tetradrachm, AAEA<|>I1N., Jugate busts of Philadelphus and Arsinoe, as on the preceding 9> 0EX2N., Jugate busts of Ptolemy Soter diademed and draped, and Berenice diademed and draped, wt. 214 grs., same fine state 1 786 Arsinoe II, b.c. 285-247 (wife of Ptolemy Philadelphus). N Octa- drachm, Diademed and veiled bust of Arsinoe to right, of fine style, behind Z. $ APZINOHZ. IAAAEA4>OY., Double cornucopia, with pen- dant, taenia, &c, wtA29 grs., very fine 1 787 Arsinoe II, B.C. 285-247 (wife of Ptolemy Philadelphus). AT Octa- drachm, Diademed and veiled bust of Arsinoe to right, behind K. $ APZINOHZ. IAAAEA<|>OY., Double cornucopia, with pendant, taenia, grapes, &c, wt. 430 grs., in brilliant con- dition 1 788 Arsinoe II, b.c. 285-247 (wife of Ptolemy Philadelphus). AT Tetra- drachm, Diademed and veiled head of Arsinoe to right, behind K., border of dots & APZINOHZ. IAAAEA<|>OY., Double cornucopiae, with pendant, taenia, wt. 213 grs., very fine and excessively rare [PI. X] 1 789 Arsinoe II, B.C. 285-247 (wife of Ptolemy Philadelphus). M Deca- drachm, Veiled and diademed head of Arsinoe to right, behind A. £> APZINOHZ. 4>IAAAEA<>OY., Double cornucopiae, with pendant, taenia, wt. 548 grs., very fine and of fine style 1 790 Arsinoe II, b.c. 285-247 (wife of Ptolemy Philadelphus). MDeca.- drachm, Veiled and diademed head of Arsinoe to right, behind A. 9> APZINOHZ. IAAAEAOY., Double cornucopiae with pen- dant, taenia, wt. 547 grs., very fine and of fine style 1 103 791 Arsinoe, B.C. 285-247 (wife of Ptolemy Philadelphia). M Tetra- drachm, Veiled and diademed head of Arsinoe to right, A. behind & A PZ I N O H Z. I A A A E A0 Y. , Eagle on thunderbolt to left, between legs X., wt. 217^ grs., very fine and very rare, presumably unpublished 1 792 Ptolemy III, Euergetes, b.c. 247-222. N Octadrachm, Radiate bust of Euergetes draped, to right, wearing aegis, and with trident sceptre, the centre barb lotos-headed, over his shoulder 9> BAZIAE&Z. nTOAEMAIOY., Radiate cornucopiae with pendant taenia, in field AI-, wt. 428 grs., very fine and scarce [PL X] 1 793 Berenice II, Queen of Cyrenaica and Queen Consort of Egypt, B.C. 247-222. N Triple Stater, Veiled and draped bust of Berenice to right $> BEPENIKHZ. BAZIAIZZHZ., Single cornucopiae, with pen- dant taenia, on either side a star of six points, wt. 329£ grs., very fine and of the highest rarity [PI. X] 1 794 Berenice II, Queen of Cyrenaica and Queen Consort of Egypt, B.C. 247-222. N Piece of One-and-a-half Staters, Draped and veiled bust of Berenice to right £> BEPENIKHZ. BAZIAIZZHZ., Single cornucopiae, with pen- dant taenia, on either side star of six points, wt. 164| grs., in brilliant condition and of the highest rarity, probably no specimen has hitherto been offered by public sale in this country [PI. X] 1 795 Ptolemy IV, Philopator. JR Didrachm, Bust of Ptolemy draped, wearing aegis, and crowned with ivy to right, thyrsos at shoulder $ BAZIAEI2Z. nTOAEMAIOY., Eagle on fulmen to left, wt. 100 grs., very fine and scarce 1 796 Ptolemy IV, Philopator, b.c. 224-204. ;R Tetradrachm, Diademed bust, aegis around neck, Philopator R. BAZIAEI2Z. nTOAEMAIOY., Eagle on thunderbolt, in front L. X- 7, and behind Kl. (Citium), wt. 220 grs., very fine 1 797 Ptolemy V, Epiphanes, B.C. 205-181. M Tetradrachm, Draped and diademed bust of the young Prince to right, a wheat ear on diadem $ BAZIAEX2Z. nTOAEMAIOY., Eagle on thunderbolt, in field Ml. (mon.), wt. 219 grs., very fine and rare 1 798 Cleopatra I, Regent, Minority of Philometor, B.C. 181-173. M Tetradrachm, Jugate busts of Serapis and Cleopatra as Isis to right $ BAZIAEI2Z. nTOAEMAIOY., Eagle on thunderbolt, between the legs A., and behind double cornucopiae, wt. 184 grs., very fine and rare 1 104 CYRENAICA. 799 Cyrene, b.c. 431-321. AT Stater, KYPANAI I2N. (first seven letters of legend in the exergue), quadriga, facing, in which stands Kyrene also facing B> [IJAZONOZ., Zeus Ammon, semi-draped, enthroned to left, hold- ing in right hand a long sceptre, behind him an eagle, wt, 132| grs., fine, a very rare variety [PI. X] 1 800 Cyrene, B.C. 431-321. N Stater, KYPAN AION., Victorious quad- riga driven by Kyrene to right #> nOAIAN0EYS., Zeus Ammon, semi-draped, standing to left, holding patera and sceptre, before him a thymiaterion, wt. 132 grs., extremely fine, and rare in this condition [PI. X] 1 801 Cyrene, b.c. 431-321. AT Stater, KYPAN AION., Victory quad- riga driven to right by Kyrene, above, to right, a star Vi XAPIOZ., Zeus Ammon, semi-draped, enthroned to right, holding on outstretched right hand an eagle, before him a thymiaterion, wt. 1Z3 grs., in brilliant condition [PL X] 1 802 Cyrene, B.C. 321-308. A T Third of Stater, Youthful rider to right, his kausia slung at back of neck, in field, right, a star ty> KYPA., Silphium plant, in field to left, a monogram, wt. ligrs., very fine and scarce [PI. X] 1 803 Cyrene, B.C. 321-308. Twelfth of Stater, Head of Kyrene to right 9> Laureate head of Apollo to left, behind, star, wt. 10| grs., very fine and scarce [PL X] 1 804 Cyrene, B.C. 431-321. M Didrachm, Youthful male head of Aristgeos ? to left, with ram's horn, in front POAIAN0EY. £> Hermes standing to left wearing petasos slung at back of neck, and a sheep, or goat's skin hanging from shoulders, he also wears the talaria, and holds in right hand a caduceus with pendant fillets, in field, right, AAMI2KYPAZ-, border of dots, wt 130 grs., very fine and excessively rare, presumed to be the second specimen known [PI. X] 1 805 Cyrene, B.C. 431-321. M Tetradrachm, Head to right of Zeus Ammon laureate and with ram's horn, behind neck 0EY[l AEYZ] 9> p J divided by Silphium plant, wt. 195^ grs., very fine and very rare [PL X] 1 * From the Wigan collection. 806 Cyrene, B.C. 321-308. ^R Didrachm, Young male head with ram's horn to left 9> KY-PA-, divided by Silphium plant in field, to right a star, and to left monogram, wt. 120£ grs., very fine 1 105 ZEUGITANA. 807 Carthage, B.C. 410-310. M Tetradrachm, Fore-part of bridled horse to right, crowned by Victory flying above, in front corn-grain, and below, Punic legend 9> Date-palm tree, Punic legend on either side, wt. 266 grs., very fine and scarce [PI. X.] 1 808 Carthage, B.C. 410-310. M Tetradrachm, Head of Persephone (very closely copied from the coins of Euainetos), wearing triple earring, necklace, and wreath of corn leaves ; around, four dolphins £> Horse standing to right before palm tree, wt. 266 grs., very fine and of fine style [PL X] 1 809 Carthage, B.C. 410-310. M Tetradrachm, Head of the Tyrian Herakles, Melkarth, in lion's skin, to right $t> Punic legend below bust of horse to left, behind, a date-palm, wt. 265 grs., very fine and of fine bold style [PI. X] 1 810 Carthage, B.C. 400-310. M Tetradrachm, Head of Persephone to left, wearing triple earring, necklace and wreath of corn leaves j around, four dolphins 9> Punic legend, Bust of Horse, with palm tree behind, ivt. 263£ grs., very fine 1 811 Carthage, B.C. 400-310. M Tetradrachm, Head of Persephone, as on the preceding piece, and of equally fine work 9> No legend, horse prancing to left, before palm tree, wt. 262 grs., very fine 1 812 Carthage, B.C. 340-242. N Stater, Head of Persephone to left, wearing earring, and necklace with pendants, and corn wreath in hair 9> Horse standing to right, wt. 144 grs., very fine and of fine style 1 813 Carthage, B.C. 340-242. El. Stater, Head of Persephone to left, wearing earring, and necklace with pendants $fc> Horse to right, wt. 117 grs., very fine and of fine style 1 814 Carthage, B.C. 241-218. M Dekadrachm, Head of Persephone to left wearing earring, and wreath of corn 9> Punic legend beneath Pegasus to right, wt. 560 grs., very fine and very rare [PI. X] 1 814* Carthage, b.c 218-164. El. Piece of One and a half Staters, Head of Persephone wearing triple earring, necklace with pendants, and corn wreath in hair 9> Horse standing to right, above, radiate disc with two uraei, wt. 162 grs., very fine and scarce 1 I 106 815 Carthage (?) b.c. 241-218. N Hemi-stater, Head of Persephone to left, hair rolled at sides and turned up at back and decorated with corn wreath 9> Nike in biga to right, in exergue >l., wt. 66£ grs., very fine and excessively rare [PI. X] 1 816 Carthaginian Coinage of Spain, (?) after b.c. 146. N Hemi- stater, Head of Persephone as on the Staters of Carthage fy Bull to right, on shoulder of bull A., above star of eight points, and below crescent and disc, wt. 58^ grs., very fine and very rare [PI. X] 1 END OF SALE. Dryden Press : J. Davy & Sons, 137, Long Acre, London. PL I. MONTAGU COLLECTION MONTAGU COLLECTION. MONTAGU COLLECTION PI. IV. MONTAGU COLLECTION. PL.V. 369 M ONTAGU COLLECTION PL VI. 467 4-67 MONTAGU COLLECTION. AUTOTYPE pi.vn. r 543" 541 ® & m MONTAGU COLLECTION PL VIII t &&j <&% : &$ ^3># 552 558 559 560 & 567 .65 0-O 570 N. '* 'm mm i &> m -Tic 576 576 575 ^V. ^ 583 k 588 ■*i'iirif-"nii^r 589 593 ^ 60E c*2* 600 _ 599 >>< 605 MONTAGU COLLECTION. 619 PI. IX. MONTAGU COLLECTION P1.X. i/inMTArii rni l FTTIDN SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, LONDON. Pi mm m& MONTAGU COLLECTION OF COINS. mm CATALOGUE m$ daihttian at zbah. mm mm Third Day Wednesday, May 26th Lots 284 to 42c Fourth Day Thursday, May 27th Lots 426 to 560 Fifth Day Friday, May 28th Lots 561 to 702 Sixth Day Saturday, May 29th Lots 703 to 862 ILLUSTRATED COPY.— PRICE THREE SHILLINGS. THE MONTAGU COLLECTION OF COINS. CATALOGUE OF THE VERY VALUABLE AND EXTENSIVE Ctflkrtitftt of JiUirals COMHEMOKATIVE OF BKITISH HISTORY. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, JVtutimtms of f itcrarg fpropertjr & Wioxkz tUustratibe of tlje JFtns Jtrta, AT THEIR HOUSE, No. 13, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, W.C. On MONDAY, the 24th of MAY, 1897, and Five following Days, AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. MAY BE VIEWED TWO DAYS PRIOR. CATALOGUES MAY BE HAD. DRYDEN PRESS: J. DAVY AND SONS, 1 37, LONG ACRE, LONDON, CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The highest bidder to be the buyer ; and if any dispute arise between bidders, the lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again, provided the auctioneer cannot decide the said dispute. II. No person to advance less than Is. ; above five pounds, 2s. 6d., and so on in proportion. III. In the case of lots upon which there is a reserve, the auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the seller. IV. The purchasers to give in their names and places of abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, if required, in part payment of the purchase-money ; in default of which the lot or lots purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The sale of any lot is not to be set aside on account of any error in the enumeration of the numbers stated, or errors of description. VI. The lots to be taken away, at the buyer's expense, imme- diately after the conclusion of the sale ; in default of which Messrs. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will not hold themselves responsible if lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. If, at the expiration of Two Days after the conclusion of the sale, the lots are not cleared or paid for, they will then be catalogued for immediate sale, and the expense, the same as if re-sold, will be added to the amount at which they were bought. Messrs. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will have the option of re-selling the lots uncleared, either by public or private sale, without any notice being given to the defaulter. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money required and deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited, and if any loss is sustained in the re-selling of such lots as are not cleared or paid for, all charges on such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulters at this sale. Gentlemen, who cannot attend this Sale, may have their Com- missions faithfully executed by their humble Servants, SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, 13, Wellington Street, Strand, London. INTRODUCTION. The Executors of the late Mr. H. Montagu not having succeeded in effecting a private sale of this unequalled collection of Medals en bloc, as was at first thought might have been done, in order to preserve it in its entirety, have now decided to offer it by public auction ; and it is hoped that such a unique opportunity of acquiring rarities of the highest magnitude, and other interesting medals, may not be lost sight of by the various national and local museums, and collectors generally, in Europe and America. The collection ranges from the earliest period of English medallic work (Henry VIII) down to the end of the reign of George II, and to a great extent illustrates that interesting work "The Medallic Illustrations of British History," but it also contains a great number of very rare medals, which are not published in that or any other medallic work, and of which, in many instances, no other specimens have been met with. It is particularly rich in medals commemorative of the most eventful and troublesome periods of our history, viz. the destruction of the great Armada, and other Spanish defeats on land and sea under Elizabeth ; the Peace with Spain, Gunpowder Plot, Synod of Dort, &c. under James I ; the Great Civil War under Charles I ; the French and Dutch wars of the Commonwealth and Charles II ; the Monmouth Kebellion and War of the Eevolution under James II ; the great French wars and Marlborough's victories under William and Mary, William III and Anne ; the unsuccessful attempts of Prince James Stuart (Elder Pretender); the Quadruple Alliance and Jacobite con- spiracy under George I ; the Spanish and French Wars, Jacobite Eebellion, 1745, Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle, 1748, and the English and French struggle for supremacy on the American Continent, &c. under George II. ( iv ) A special feature in this fine collection is the Gold Medals, of which, for want of space, we are only able to enumerate a few. These comprise medals of the Battle of Nieuport, 1600, Synod of Dort, 1619, and of Henry Prince of Wales ; Charles I, commemorating his return to London from his Scottish Coronation, 1633, the Scottish Bebellion, 1639, and oval badges of Lord Essex (with gold chain) and Sir Thomas Fairfax ; others of Cromwell as Captain- General of the Parliamentary Army, and on his assumption of the Protectorate ; the celebrated " Blake " Medal, by the greatest of English artists, Thomas Simon, struck by order of the Parliament, and given as a naval reward for victories over the Dutch under Van Tromp in 1653 ; this size without border being awarded to officers under Post rank ; Charles II, Peace of Breda, 1667; another on the same Peace and Alliance of England and Holland, 1667 ; Landing of William of Orange at Torbay, 1688 ; Capture of Vigo, 1702 ; Capture of Bonn, Huy and Limbourg, 1703 ; Battle of Blenheim, 1704 ; the extremely rare Culloden Medal, 1746 (oval, with loop), given to officers commanding regiments present at the battle, and of which only four or five specimens are at present known ; rare medal on the Capture of Loutsbourg, 1758, by Thomas Pingo; Medals of the great Circum- navigators, Lord Ansori and Captain Cook; a brilliant series of Coronation Medals, from Charles I to Her Majesty Queen Victoria, &c.,&c, and in conclusion, we must not omit to mention the existence in this cabinet, of a few beautiful examples of the work of that talented engraver Simon Passe, all of which are of the highest rarity. We may add that the present collection took the late Mr. Montagu many years of close pursuit to get together in as complete a state as possible ; and to this end, he spared no expense or labour, and it is not too much to say, that such an immense series of medals, illustrative of British, and in a great measure, the world's history, could hardly be got together at the present time. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE. CATALOGUE OF THE VERY VALUABLE AND EXTENSIVE COMMEMOBATIVE OF BRITISH HISTORY, THE PROPERTY OF THE LATE HYMAN MONTAGU, ESQ. F.S.A. Vice-President of the Numismatic Society. N.B. — The References are to the Medallic Illustrations of British History {Franks and Grueher), whose classification has been followed as far as possible. The sizes are given in inches and tenths. tf=Gold. M= Silver. M= Copper. FIRST DAY'S SALE. EDWARD I.— RICHARD III. a.d. 1272-1485. LOT 1 Roger Bacon, by Gayrard, M, two varieties; Prize Medals of Winchester College M (4), one gilt, commemorating its founder William of Wykeham, by Milton, Yeo, B. Wyon, &c. ; Elizabeth of York, M and M ; John Wiclif, M and M, by Dassier ; and three brass Counters of Burgundy, &c, probably of the 14th Century (vol. I, p. 4, 9, 10 and 11), all very fine 13 2 Winchester College Prize Medals, M, three varieties, with bust of William of Wykeham, and another with bust of Queen Victoria, rev. the tomb of Wykeham, by Milton, Yeo, B. Wyon, &c. (vol I, p. 9, 10 and 11), all very fine 4 B HENRY VII. a.d. 1485-1509. 3 Union of York and Lancaster, 1486, N 2-25. Half length figures of man (with wreath) and wife (crowned) facing, their right hands clasped, &c, in front of an altar, with celestial rays above, Leg. ivngimvs. optatas., &c; rev. +sicvt. sol. omens., &c, and in centre, a wreath of roses enclosing inscription, vxor. casta, est., &c. in four lines (vol. I, 1 T 9 )» wry fine and rare, but a little burnished in field \ *#* This medal is supposed to commemorate the marriage of Henry VII with Elizabeth of York, and belongs to a series of similar medallions said to have been executed by some goldsmiths at Prague towards the close of the 16th Century. 4 Two others, M gilt, on the same event, similar legends and type but varying in treatment and size (one 1*95), both unpublished in this metal and fine 2 *** The smaller medal is from the Voelcker collection. HENRY VIII. a.d. 1509-1547. Protestant Safeguard, 1526, M 2-35, obv. rex. anglie., the king's bust nearly full faced, hat with drapery looped under the brim, long hair and short beard, highly decorative doublet, and with cloak on shoulders, the date divided by the king's head ; rev. secvritas. altera. Portcullis with chains above enclosing an open crown, vol. I tj, a very fine and extremely rare medal of German work of the period [PI. VI] 1 *** From the Bieber collection. Richard Fox, founder of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, 1516, M, 2-75, with full faced bust on obv. and on rev. an inscribed cippus within a wreath, (vol. I, y), a very fine Tercentenary medallion, by Pidgeon, and unpublished in this metal 1 Two Portrait Plaques, M of Henry VIII, wearing the collar of rubies which (according to Evelyn) were afterwards sold by the family of Charles I to supply the necessaries of life during their exile, one with legend henricvs. viii. de gratia., &c, and the other without legend (vol. I, 4$), 00 ^ fi ne cas t s °f a f^ore recent date, probably after a painting by Holbein 2 8 Sir Thomas More, on his death in 1535, M, bust to right, rev. SVAVivs. olet. a cypress tree just felled, with axe remaining in stump (vol. I, §|), very rare and of coarse expressive work, perhaps of the period; another Portrait Plaque, M, of Henry VIII, with legend as in previous lot, but a more recent cast. Two Jettons JE, on the Peace of 1544, king on horseback to right, both varieties and unpublished; Myles Coverdale, translator of the Bible 1535, Tercentenary Medals, 3 varieties, M, and pewter; and three Dassier's Medalets in M, M, and M gilt, of Patrick Hamilton, Scottish Reformer, all fine 10 9 Queen Anne Boleyn, Portrait Medals, M, two varieties, one anna. DE. boulen., bust to right with coif and necklace with pendant, plain on rev. with loop ; the other anna, bolena. draped bust to right; rev. fortis. et. FELIX., lion to right looking back, both very rare and unpublished medals, the former apparently of French work and contemporaneous, and the latter of Florentine work of the beginning of the 18th Century. 2 10 Cession of Tournay to France, 1519, M 21, laureate bust of Francis to left; rev. pace, stabilita, &c. ; and a Medal, M 2*15, on the Supremacy of the Church 1545, with Hebrew and Greek inscriptions on rev. (vol. I, \L and f^), both fine, the former a modern impression from the die, and the latter a cast and chased production 2 EDWARD VI. a.d. 1547-1553. 11 Coronation, 1547. A beautiful chasing, M 2-4, probably by Stuart, of the extremely rare medal of this King with Hebrew and Greek inscriptions on reverse, (7, s -£) 1 12 Coronation Jetton, 1547, M 1-1, edward vi., crowned rose on stalk between e— r ; rev. insignia, potentissimi., &c, in 5 lines, a fine and rare comtemporaneous cast ; and a pretty chasing, JR, by Stuart, of the same type (vol. I, y) 2 13 Christ's Hospital, Society of Blues, finely chased oval badge, M, without legend, with bust surrounded by laurel border terminating in loop, scarce ; Medal, M, by Pingo on the Foundation of Christ's Hospital, 1553 ; Foundation of Birmingham Free Grammar School, 1552 (6) four varieties, M and white metal ; and a Medal, M, by Pingo, on the Foundation of Christ's Hospital, same type as the silver piece in this lot (vol I, p. 59, 60, 61 and 62), all very fine 9 B 2 14 Christ's Hospital, Amicable Society of Blues, finely chased oval badge, M gilt, 2 by 1*7, with King's bust, and legend edwardvs. sextvs., mounted in frame with back engraved " Amicable Society of Blues, " Will m . H y . Staveley, 25 April, 1780," and hall marked, rare ; and two small silver Honorary Rewards for boys of the school of Christ's Hospital, both varieties, one with loop 3 MARY I. A.D. 1553-1558. 15 Lady Jane Grey, 1553, two Jettons, M, in imitation of coins, with her bust on obv. ; and a crowned rose between I — r on rev., one, perhaps, by Emery, and the other a chasing of more modern style ; Another, M, also perhaps by Emery, with profile bust crowned to right ; and rev. Cross quartering arms with date below, unpublished. Mary Queen of Scots, octagonal badge, M, with bust between M — R, within a grained border with loop, a cast of more recent times, perhaps the prototype from which Count Potocki's fabrications were made 4 16 Francis and Mary Q. of Scots, Jettons, 1553, JR (2), 1.15, fm in mon. under a crown; rev. delicie. dni., &c, Arms crowned. Another of Mary (Sola), M under crown between crowned thistles, MARIA. DEI. G., &c. ; rev. as before {vol. I, 6 T 5 and 6 /), both very fine and scarce, by some these pieces are considered to be coins 2 17 Pope Julius III, on the restoration of popery in England, 1554, M, T85, with his bust to right on obv. ; and on rev. anglia. resvrges, a group of persons, consisting of the Pope, Charles V of Germany, Mary, Philip II, and Cardinal Pole (vol. I, -*-£)> a fi ne an d rare original (and gilt at the time), by Cavino of Padua 1 18 Pope Julius III, Medal, JR, on same event as in last lot, but struck from modern dies; another, 2&, struck from flawed die, with crack right across the field. Philip and Mary, 1555, M, 2*65, by Trezzo, bust of Mary on one side and Philip on the other, with titles on both sides (vol. I, \\), an early cast, perhaps contemporaneous 3 19 Mary, on the state of England, 1555, JR, 2*65, bust of Queen wearing coif to left, with artist's signature below (iac. trez) ; rev. cecis. VISVS, &c, Mary applying flaming torch to arms, &c, (vol. I, ||), a fine and rare contemporaneous medal by Trezzo, cast on an extra thick flan 1 20 Mary, on the state of England, medal, JR, 2*65, as in previous lot, but a rather finer cast, and on a thinner flan 1 21 Mary, by Trezzo, as before, but 2E, and without artist's signature ; and another, M, with artist's signature, but without rev., both fine and rare contemporaneous medals (latter unpublished), but pierced 2 22 Philip of Spain, M, 3' 15, bust in armour and with Golden Fleece to left; rev. virtvs. NVNQ., &c, Fountain in form of a female statue, &c. (vol. I, |-§-), a cast in high relief, said to be the work of Leone Leoni, Three Counters in JE of Philip, referring to his journey to England, &c. Oval Badge {JR gilt) of Philip, with rope border and loop, and inscription on rev. Dassier's Medalets, JR, of Cramner, Ridley, Latimer, Lasco, &c. ; and a similar lot in JE 15 23 Philip and Mary, M, Busts of Mary and Philip on opposite sides {after Trezzo) with their titles {vol. I, \ f ), cast and chased ; Two others JE of Philip (alone), one 1556, by Poggini, with Bellerophon on pegasus on rev., said to refer to the defeat of Wyatt's rebellion {vol. I, ||), and the other by Trezzo, SIC. erat, &c, without allusion to England, all very fine and contemporaneous medals, rare 3 24 Philip II, JR, by Poggini, 1556, bearded and cuirassed bust of king to left, rev. me. non. decidet, Bellerophon on pegasus slaying the chimaera ; in the exergue, I. PAVL. POG. F., a fine and rare contem- poraneous medal, and unpublished 1 25 Mary I, JR, gilt, half-length figure of the queen to left wearing a jewelled coif, and a highly decorative bodice with pendant (after Trezzo), within a border of various flowers, amongst which are Tudor roses, rev. A pomegranate (badge of Granada) between M — R, within a similar border with loop at top and bottom, 2 -15 by 1*85 {vol. 1 ||), a beautiful and very rare chasing by Stuart 1 26 Philip II, on the Siege of St. Quentin, 1557, JR, by Jacques Jonghelinck, laureated bust to right; rev. anno, mdlvii. qvarto. id. AVG. memorabilil, &c, reading obsidiois., medallion of St. Quentin in centre ; another variety, JR, gilt, and with rope border, reading on rev. ANNO. MDLVII. DEN. X. TAG. AVG. WARD. DVRCH. KVNIG. PHILIP. &c. {vol. I If and |f ). Another of Philip II and Charles V of Ger- many by the same artist ; rev. Laureate and cuirassed bust to right, with date 1557 on truncation, a variety of vol. 1 -§£, reading hispa., all fine and scarce contemporaneous medals 3 27 Philip II, on Siege of St. Quentin, 1557, JR, type as second medal in previous lot but without border. Another of Philip II and Charles V, as before but JR, gilt ; and a small oval Badge, JR (of modern work- manship), of Mary Queen of Scots, with m. r. in mon. engraved at back. Siege of St. Quentin, JE, type as silver specimen in this lot ; Henry II of France, M, on the peace between France and Spain {v. Mieris III, 433) ; various Counters, M, of Philip and Mary (9), dated 1557, 1558, 1560, including one of Philip, dated 1567, with English title ; and Dassier's Medalet, JE, of Martin Bucer, mostly fine, some unpublished 1 5 ELIZABETH. A.D. 1558-1603. 28 Portrait badge, M (oval), Elizabeth, d. g. a. f. et. hib. regina., half- length and full-faced bust of queen holding sceptre and orb, and wearing a highly ornamental dress ; rev. plain, a beautiful and rare chasing, perhaps by Stuart, and unpublished, has been gilt 1 29 Francis, and Mary Queen of Scots, M, on their marriage, 1558, busts vis-a-vis under a crown; rev. fecit, vtraqve. &c, Arms of Dau- phine and Scotland impaled under a crown, &c; Francis and Mary as before, JEa (2), one gilt. Francis II on the Peace of Edinburgh, 1560, M, laureated bust to left ; rev. abvndantia, &c, and in exergue, pax. CVM. anglis. (vol. I, ^ and ±%), all fine modern impressions from the original dies preserved in the Paris mint 4 30 Penrith Free Grammar School, founded 1564, prize medals (2), M, with bust of Queen Elizabeth, engraved legends, HOC. meriti. singularis. &c, and varying in size and hall-marks, with loops (vol. I, VV), unpublished in this metal; Dassier's Medalet of John • Knox, M ; and another in M. St. Saviour's School, South wark, founded 1562, prize medals (3), M, one gilt, varieties with view of building, by Kirk and Taylor (vol. I, s\\§-g)> all fine 7 31 Phoenix Badge of Elizabeth, M, with her bust to left; rev. felices. arabes. mvndi. &c, Phoenix in the flames, and above, the queen's monogram under crown, a beautiful chasing by Stuart 1 32 Mary Queen of Scots, Portrait Plaque, M, a fine cJiasing by Stuart (?), after Primavera, with plain reverse (vol. I, 1 -^) ; and two Jettons, M, of 1579, mea. sic. mihi. &c, a vine tree with one branch withered, the other receiving water from an urn in the clouds, and virescit. vvlnere. &c, a hand issuing from clouds pruning the withered part of a vine (vol. I, p. 128 and 129), all fine 3 33 Jettons, M (7), and others in M (9), relating to Elizabeth's assistance to the United Provinces, 1585, 1586, Protection of Bergen-op-Zoom, 1586, Belgian jealousy of Leicester, 1586 (vol. I, p. 133, 134, 135, 138), all varieties in detail, and mostly very fine 16 34 Queen Elizabeth's Support to Protestants in Belgium, 1587, M; rev. qvem. devs. conficiet. &c, Pope, bishops and other ecclesias- tics, &c. falling from heaven (vol. I, ^); two others, in brass, one without legend ; and an Electrotype (gilt) of the Earl of Leicester as Governor-General of the Low Countries (of which no original exists, as it was destroyed by fire), the first in extremely fine condition 4 35 Queen Elizabeth's Support to Protestants in Belgium, 1587, M; rev. qvem. devs. conficiet. &c, Pope, bishops, andothei eccle- siastics falling from heaven (vol. I, y^), a very fine and rare variety, struck on an extra thick flan 1 36 Jettons, M (3), on the destruction of the Spanish Armada, 1588 (vol. 1, p. 146 and 147), all varieties; three others, M, of same types; chased silver Medal of Philip II on the same event, SIC. ERAT. &c. j Elizabeth, chased oval Badge, M, with portrait, and arms surrounded by the Garter motto on both sides (vol. I, ^ ), all fine 8 37 Defeat of the Spanish Armada, 1588, M, allidor. non. l^dor., a cast medal with loop and ring ; two Electrotypes (gilt) of the medal on averted dangers, 1589, bay tree, &c. ; and Phoenix Badge, the latter with floral border, and Nicholls on truncation of queen's bust ; oval cast, M, of the Phoenix Badge ; modern Medal, M, by Petit, of Queen Elizabeth, with plain rev. ; and a pewter Medal (oval) of the bay tree type 6 38 Naval Reward of Queen Elizabeth, M, ditior in. toto. &c, Ark on waves, with rainbow and sun above, and dove bringing the olive branch to the ark, and other details, a fine and unpublished chasing, perhaps of the last century, with wreath border 1 39 Naval Reward, M, similar to the above, but differently treated, and legend on rev. sevas. tranqvilla. per. vndas. (vol. I, £££), a fine chasing, probably of the last century ; and a modern Chasing in brass, both very fine 2 40 Averted Dangers, 1589, JR (gilt), 1*90, ditior. in. toto. &c. rev. Bay tree on an island in the sea between E — R. NON. ipsa, pericvla. &c. (vol. I, tM)j a fi ne an d apparently early cast, with loop and eyelets; and two others in iE, one of the size 2*3, perhaps contemporaneous, the other a modern cast with plain reverse 3 41 Elizabeth's Support of Protestants in Belgium, 1587, M 2-1, qvem. devs. conficiet. &c, Pope, bishops, and other ecclesiastics falling from heaven, &c. (vol. I, 1 -£§)- Kobert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, M, on his resignation of the Governorship of the Low Countries, 1587, NON. gregem. &c. (vol. I, \%%), the former fine, and the latter very rare as a contemporaneous cast 2 42 Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, 1587, as before, but modern chasings in M and JE ; Dissensions of the United Provinces, 1587, TRAHITE, jeqvo. &c, M, 1/1 (vol. |£f) ; and another, M, T55, on same event but dated 1588 (vol. I, y£|), a fine and rare, and perhaps contemporaneous cast. Queen Elizabeth, Counter, M, on the new coinage, rev. Justice with scales (vol. I, VV)> all fine 5 8 43 Defeat of the Spanish Armada, 1588, JR, 21, tv. devs. magnvs. &c, Spanish war vessels on the rocks, and above, veni. vide. vive. 1588 (vol. I, 4ff) > another variety, JR, 2, on the same event, allidor. NON. l^edor., Church on a rock in the sea subjected to the force of the elements, &c. (vol. I, T f f ), both very fine state, the former rare, and struck on a thick flan 2 44 Defeat of the Spanish Armada, 1588, JR, 2-1; and another of smaller module, JR, 2, same types, both fine casts, and scarce, the latter on a thinner flan 2 45 Sir Thomas Heneage, Treasurer at War, 1588, Counter, JR, 1, armorial bearings of Heneage, Or, a greyhound courant Sa., between three leopards' faces az. ; rev. fast thoe untyed, a knot with loosened ends (J, yf i)> a ver y fi 716 an d ex ^ ra rare engraved counter 1 46 Alliance of England, France, and the United Provinces, 1596, Counters, M (4), M (4), and another in brass, all varieties of type or metal (vol. I, p. 160, 161, 162). Trinity College, Dublin, founded 1591, three modern prize medals, one JR, 2-, with rev. legend, ethicis. et. logicis., &c, the other two M, 2- and 1*55, without legend (I, yff), all very fine 12 47 Public Thanksgiving for the Defeat of the Spanish Armada, 1589, Counters, JR (2) and M (2) varieties in each metal (vol. I, p. 153, 411). Alliance of England, France, and the United Pro- vinces, 1596, JR, 2*05, Hand holding the allied shields from a cord; rev. nexos. favore, &c. (2, y|f ), all fine and scarce 5 48 Alliance of England, France, and United Provinces, 1596, JR, 2', type as in previous lot. Invasion defeated, 1596, JR, 2; similar obverse; rev. QVID. me. perseqveris., Spanish ships in distress, above Jehovah in Hebrew characters (I, y-|f), both in very fine state 2 49 Invasion defeated, 1596, JR gilt, with loop and ring, qvid. me. perseqveris, &c, as in previous lot. Spanish Defeat at Turnhout, 1597, JR, 2-15, The forces of Prince Maurice pursuing the Spanish troops ; rev. alpen. berc. mevrs, &c, and in centre venit. vidit. &c. (I, -H-f), both fine and rare, the latter cast, with border and loop 2 50 Spanish Defeat at Turnhout, 1597, JR, 2-05, type as before, but a struck medal ; another, iE, 2 - , and cast ; another variety on the same event, JR, 2 -05, Belgic lion to left, rev. ordinvm. avspiciis. principis, &c, in eleven lines across the field (I, yff )> the first and last are fine struck medals 3 51 Spanish Defeats, 1597, M, 2*05, Trophy of arms, &o. j rev. signis. AD. tvrnhovt, &c, in seven lines across the field (7, yf-f). Capture of Grol and Bredevoort, by P. Maurice, 1597, M, 1*7, Cock with expanded wings standing on warlike implements under two shields ; rev. grolla. et. bredevorda, &c, in nine lines, with the shields of P. Maurice and Holland above (I, i|f ), the former extremely fine, and the latter rare 2 52 Spanish Defeats, 1597, JR, 2-1, Shield of Overyssel joined to those of Deventer, Campen and Zwolle, encircled by legend, ordinvm. transissvlanle, &c, and around are shields of the seventeen Members of the Council of Overyssel ; rev. hispanis. del opt. max. manv., &c, in eleven lines across field (I, -fH), an d i* i s stated in the Medallic Illustrations that no specimen of this medal has been met with, fine and extremely rare, and unique as far as is known 1 53 Battle of Turnhout, 1597, Counters, M (3) and M (3) varieties in detail (I, yff ) '> two others, JR and M (I, iff). Spanish Defeats, 1597, JR and M, Military trophy, &c. ; three others, JR, and M (2), Belgic lion, &c. Defection of Henry IV of France from the Allies, 1598, M, mvtva. defensio., &c, Three mailed hands issuing from wreath, &c. (/, yy^), mostly very fine, and the last very rare 14 53a Deliverance of the States of Overyssel from the Spaniards, 1597, JR, 2'2, Prince Maurice on horseback to right, with view of city and river underneath ; rev. ordinvm. transissvlani^e., &c, on band encircling the four shields of Overyssel, Deventer, Campen, and Zwolle, &c, with m. m. cross-crosslet on obv. (I, i£§) ; another, JR, on same event, but with to. m. quatrefoil, and struck on a somewhat thinner flan, both very fine 2 53b Two other varieties, JR, 2-2, on same event, one m. m. open quatrefoil, the other with m. m. closed quatrefoil, and with loop; a third variety with m. m. lis between date 16 — 41, and small stars in legend, all very fine, the last a retrospective medal 3 54 Battle of Nieuport, 1600, N, 2-05, compvlso. addedit. pr^esid. Andrew. CiESO. fvgatoq' a. neop. alb. avst., Siege of Fort St. Andrew; rev. captis cxxx milit. signis. ord. avsp. princeps. mavr. victor, rediit, to. to. cinquefoil on both sides, Prince Maurice on horseback to right, sword in hand, and trampling on his enemies, in the distance a battle on land and sea, above, in clouds the name of Jehovah, and in field the date 1600 (/, T y T ), in brilliant 10 Lot 54 — continued. state, and of extreme rarity ; this is from the Voombergh sale, and is probably the Trattle specimen {afterwards Mr. Thomas's) [PI. VI] 1 *** This beautiful medal commemorates Prince Maurice's victory over the Archduke Albert, and his success was mainly owing to the presence of 1500 English troops, under the command of Sir Francis Vere, which were placed in the fore front of the battle. Specimens of this medal were struck in gold and silver for distribution amongst the officers. 55 Battle of Nieuport, 1600, three varieties in M, M gilt, and M, types as previous lot, all rare and very fine, the second holed 3 56 Battle of Nieuport, 1600, M, 1-85, hoc. opvs, &c, Battle scene (I, Tyf ), struck to weight of the Ecu ; Counters, M and M (2), on same event, varieties as (vol. I, p. 175 and 176). Rheinberg taken and Ostend defended, 1601, Counters, M (2), and M (2) varieties as (/, |ff) ; two others, M and M, on same event, P. Maurice's army intrenched before Rheinberg (Van Loon, 1 — 542), all very fine, last two rare, not known to Med. III. 10 57 Rheinberg taken and Ostend defended, 1601, Counter, N, 115 with loop and ring, HANC. CAPIMVS., &c, Rheinberg invested; rev. defendimvs istam. mdci, Ostend invested, the letters s — c in the waves (/, 4yf )> an ^tremely rare (if not unique) piece in this metal, and in the finest state 1 58 The Capture of Grave, by P. Maurice, and Defeat of Spanish Squadron, 1602, M, 2*2, gravia. CAPTA., &c, Plan of the fortifica- tions of Grave and adjacent country ; rev. trirem. vi. depress., &c. (vol. I, Tg$), struck on an extra thick flan, rare, and very fine 1 59 The Capture of Grave, 1602, M, 2-2, type as medal in previous lot, but struck on a thinner flan ; another, 2& gilt, of same type, and a contemporaneous cast, both fine and rare 2 60 Maurice, Prince of Orange, on his Capture of Grave, 1602, JR, 1*60, by Conrad van Bloc, Bust to right with con. bloc. f. below ; rev. tandem, fit. svrcvlvs, &c, An orange tree growing from an old trunk (vol. I, 4-ff ) ; another, /R gilt, with loop, same type ; and two others in ^E and brass, all fine casts, and contemporaneous 4 61 Maurice, Prince of Orange, on the same event, A r , 1*3, similar, but under bust the artist's signature c. B. V. F. (vol. I, ttj)> a fi ne an d very rare cast medal, and unpublished in this metal 1 11 62 Maurice, Prince of Orange, on the same event, M (2), 1-80 and 1*70, with loops and open work borders; another, M, 1*55, with rope border but no loop; another, M, 1-35, similar type, but a struck specimen, all fine and rare medals, especially the last 4 63 Maurice, Prince of Orange, on the same event, and of similar type, N, 1*35, a rare and beautifully struck medal by Bloc, and unpublished in this metal [PL I] 1 64 Defence of Ostend, 1602, M and M, 1-2, fortis. armatvs, &c, Arm issuing from clouds holding sword over portico between the date (/, iff), both very rare and latter unpublished in this metal. Prince Maurice of Orange, on the Capture of Grave, 1602, cast Medals in JR, JR gilt (2), one with loop, M gilt (2), one with loop, all of same type as before, with c. B. v. f. under bust. Elizabeth Portrait cliche, small oval with loop, unpublished; and three Nuremberg Counters in 2&, M gilt, and brass, chiefly fine 11 65 Queen Elizabeth, in commemoration of her successful reign, 1602, M, 1-6, CADET. A. LATERE. TVO. M a ET. M a . A. DEXTRIS. TVIS. ELIZ. regina. a • co., Half-length figure of Queen (nearly full-faced), in rich dress, with small ruff and stiff collar, and holding sceptre and orb; rev. castis. diadema. perenne., Minerva to left with streaming drapery, and treading on a dragon and snail, above her head, two hands issuing from the sun and moon, holding a crown, in the field minerva — 1602, a fine medal of great rarity and interest [PL I] 1 This rare medal is of the weight 285*4 grs., and was formerly in the Addington collection. * 66 Queen Elizabeth, Medallic Portrait, stamped in imitation of engra- ving, by Simon Passe, M, oval, 2-40 by 1-95, Crowned bust of Queen three-quarter face to right, in rich puffed gown, with erect ruff, &c, above Si. Pas. fe; rev. Royal arms within the Garter crowned and with lion and dragon supporters, above diev. et. mon. droit., and below on a tablet qvi. leo. de. ivda. est. et. flos. de. iesse., &c, in four lines (vol. I, |ff-), extremely rare and in fine condition 1 *** This rare oval plate was executed some years after the Queen's death, as the earliest works of Passe are dated 1613. The portrait on this piece is copied from a miniature by Isaac Oliver. * * * 12 JAMES I. A.D. 1603-1625. 67 Thomas Sackville, Lord Buckhurst,Counter,;fl,M5,1602,T.SACK- VIL. B. D. bvch, &c, Arms within the Garter ; rev. semper, fidelis, A leopard rampant to left, between the date (7, x f 8 ) ; two others, M and 2&, varieties with larger shield and leopard, and obv. legend terminating av ra (I, 1 % 9 ), all fine and rare contemporaneous pieces 3 *** Sir Thomas Sackville was created Lord Buckhurst in 1567, and in 1599 he was appointed Lord High Treasurer, which office he held till his death. 68 Sir Edward Coke, Counter M, 1 -1, edw. coke attornat : generalis, Arms of Coke ; rev. prvdens qvi. patiens, Ostrich with horse-shoe in its beak ; and a Modern Leaden Plaque (oval) of the same famous lawyer, with his bust to right, and on rev. his name engraved. Sir Robert Cecil, afterwards Earl of Salisbury, K.G., Counters (4), in M, M gilt, M and Mplated, 1*15, sero. sed. serio. (1, 1 | 9 ), modern copies of the original, struck by order of the late Marquis of Salisbury for use as Card Counters, the first rare, all fine 6 Sir Edward Coke was Attorney-General under Queen Elizabeth and James I, and in the latter reign was appointed to the offices of Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas in 1606, and Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench in 1613. 69 Sir John Fortescue, Counter, M, 1-15, nobilitas. sola., &c, Armo- rial bearings of Fortescue ; rev. magnanimis. ingenita., &c, Lion statant to left (I, 1 f°). Anne of Denmark (Queen of James I), Counter, M, 1*1, on her Coronation, 1603, astvtia. fallax., &c. (/, 1 1 ^ ? ), struck on a thin flan, both rare and very fine 2 70 Anne of Denmark, Counter, M, 1*15, on same event, type as before, but struck on a thick flan. James I, JR, T15, on his Coronation, 1603, struck for distribution on that occasion, and the first medal issued in England for that purpose, laureated and cuirassed bust to right; rev. ecce. phaos., &c. (I, W); an( i a Counter, JR, 1-1, of Thomas Cecil Lord Burghley, with crest 2 lions supporting a wheatsheaf ; rev. Escutcheon (I, x f 9 ), all very fine and the last rare 3 71 James I, on the Peace with Spain, 1604, JR, 1*4, iacobvs. d. g. ang. SCO., &c, Three-quarter faced bust of King to right, with hat crowned and plumed, and with a jewel under the brim ; rev. hinc. pax. copia., &c, Peace holding a palm branch opposite to Religion holding a beacon, the date in the exergue (I, x 9 4 3 )> a fi /m an d ver V rare struck medal 1 72 Another Medal on the same event, same legends and type, but a very fine cast and rare in this state 1 13 73 Two other Casts, in M and M, on same event, former with openwork border, and latter with loop ; and a Plaque, JR, 1*50, with laureated and cuirassed bust to right, the last a modern chasing 3 74 The Gunpowder Plot, 1605, Counters (2), in JR and M, non. dor- mitasti. antistes., &c, with chronogrammatic date (/, \^ 6 ). Alliance of England, France and the United Provinces, 1609, Counters (2), in JR and M, Three shields supported by hand issu- ing from clouds, &c. ; rev. ORD. foed. belg., &c. ; and a medal, in JE gilt, 2; on the same event, and of the same type; another Counter, M, 125, struck on the same occasion by the Province of Utrecht, contra, vim. tyrannorvm, &c. (/, X 2% 9 ), all fine and interesting 6 75 Alliance of England, France and the United Provinces, 1609, JR, 2-, a- domino, factvm, &c, Three shields, two of them crowned, suspended from a hand issuing from clouds ; rev. ORD. FOED. belg. A. REGE, &c, in ten lines, an extremely fine medal and rare in this state 1 76 Alliance of England, France and the United Provinces, 1609, JR, 2-5, IVNCTA. corda. fidelivm., Three conjoined hearts with iehovah above radiated ; rev. CONTRA. VIM., &c, The French lis and English rose crowned above the Dutch lion (J, \^ 8 ), very fine, rare 1 77 Sir Thomas Bod ley, Founder of the Public Library, Oxford, JR, 1-7, chased modern copy of the original. Henry, Prince of Wales, on his death, 1612, Counter, JR, 1*15, fax. mentis, honesty., &c, Arms surmounted with coronet and plumes (I, ^%°), very fine but unfortun- ately plugged ; another, JR, 1*4, of similar type, but set in a plain silver rim, with a fancy punched out inner circle on both sides, all fine 3 78 Henry, Prince of Wales, on his death, 1612, Counter, JR, 1*15, fax. mentis, &c, similar type to the specimen in the previous lot, in extremely fine state, rare in this condition 1 79 Henry, Prince of Wales, Counter, on his death, 1612, as before, but struck in N, a very fine and extremely rare piece in this metal, of which the Medallic Illustrations only give one other specimen, in the Hunterian Museum [PI. I] 1 80 Frederick, Count Palatine and Princess Elizabeth, on their Marriage, 1613, JR gilt, cast and chased, oval with open-work border (I, *$£ ) ; two others, JR, of the Princess alone, without rev., one with loop, and the other a beautiful cliche (struck) ; another, JE, oval, 1 *3 by 1 '15, with bust on either side, all fine, and one (the second) from the Voelcker cabinet, unpublished 4 14 81 Frederick, Count Palatine and Princess Elizabeth, on their Marriage, 1613, two beautiful Portrait Cliches, M, of the Count and Princess, attached to the interior of an original and curiously turned wooden box of the period, this extremely rare medallic box is perhaps unique 1 82 Princess Elizabeth, Complimentary Medal, M, 1*7 by 1-45, with loop, bust of the Princess nearly full-faced, wearing jewels in her hair, and with stiff lace ruff with Vandyked edge ; rev. SPE. fide, veritate., &c, Fame winged and seated in car drawn by lion and unicorn, and holding trumpet and anchor, &c, a fine and very rare medal consisting of two plates united by a rim 1 83 The Honorable Irish Society, Badge, N, oval, 21 by 17, cast, and enamelled in various colours, iacobvs. D. G. MAG. brit., &c, Crowned and draped bust of King to right ; rev. Scroll border in place of legend, and in centre a crowned harp, the whole surrounded by an outer scroll border, with loop and ring for suspension, fine and rare 1 * # * Mr. Montagu considered this badge might be contemporaneous, but that the enamelling was of a more recent period. 83* Princess Elizabeth, on her death, M, oval, with loop, 1-45 by 1*2, QVM. sim. post., &c, Bust to right, with coronet, and wearing a very low bodice ; rev. sic. nvnc. pvlcherrima., &c, Death over a tomb stone, with left hand on hour glass and below cvm. privil., &c, a very fine and rare medal, and unpublished ; from the Voelcker cabinet 1 84 Lady Arabella Stuart, M, 2; half-length figure, three-quarter face to left in high headdress, collar, and richly ornamented dress ; rev. QVHO. CAN. compare, with. me. &c. (/, 2 ^'), a beautiful chasing by Stuart (?) 1 85 Maurice, Prince of Orange, on his Investiture as a Knight of the Garter at the Hague, 1615, M, 2-15 by 1*8, Prince's bust, three- quarters right, in armour, rev. Arms within the Garter crowned (I, 2 ^ 5 ); another of similar type, M (gilt), both fine contemporaneous casts 2 86 Maurice, Prince of Orange, M, on same event and of similar type, but with loop ; another, a Plaque in 2&, similar obv. but with plain rev., both fine casts and beautifully chased 2 87 Two others of the same personage, ^E and JE gilt, with loops, both fine contemporaneous casts, the former not chased ; and a cast Medal of the Princess Elizabeth Countess Palatine, on her marriage, 1613, variety with Vandyked edge of the ruff omitted, with loop 3 15 88 James I, oval Portrait Medal, M, 2-2 by 1*7, by Simon Passe, bare- headed bust of king, three-quarters right, in lace ruff and ermine robe, with collar, and George of the Garter, above, a crown between i — k. ; and below, Jacobus. D. G. Mag. Britt. Fra. & Hybe. Rex., at the sides s. P. in mon. and fe ; rev. iacobvs. del gratia, magnae. britanniae. &c, Koyal arms within the Garter, with supporters, helmet and crest, and lambrequins ; below on a scroll, beati. pacifici. (7, Vr ), a very fine and rare specimen of this great artist's work 1 89 Queen Anne, oval Portrait Medal, M, 2-2 by 1*7, by Simon Passe, bust of Anne, three-quarters, right, with jewels in hair, stiff lace collar, necklace and low bodice ; below, Anna. D. G. Mag. Britt. Fra. & Hyb. Regina. ; at the sides, s. P. in mon. and fe. ; rev. anna, del gratia. MAGNAE. BRITANNIA. &c, Armorial shield of Anne of Denmark garnished, crowned, and with supporters ; below, La mia Grandezza. dal. Eccelso. (I, Vg 5 ), a beautiful example of this artist's work, and in his best style, extremely rare 1 "%* This medal served as a companion to that in previous lot. 90 Charles, Prince of Wales, 1616, oval Portrait Medal, M, 2-4 by 2; by Simon Passe, bare headed bust of the Prince, three-quarters right, with lace ruff and rich doublet, and with the George of the Garter around his neck suspended from a riband, legend around, illvstris. et. poten. princ. carolvs. &c. ; rev. The Prince on horseback to right, holding a baton, with a view of Hampton Court in the distance ; below, CAROLVS. princeps., divided by shield bearing the Prince's plumes (I, 2 ^y), a charming specimen of Passe' s work, and extremely rare, but with tiny hole at the top, which, however, does not interfere with any part of the legend or type 1 *** Mr. Montagu was of opinion that this medal was unsigned, but on the left edge of the obv. just above et., a minute sp. can be traced with a powerful glass. 91 Maurice, Prince of Orange, 1616, oval Portrait Medal, M, 2-4 by 1 -9, by Simon Passe, bare headed bust of the prince, three-quarters right, in lace ruff, wearing decorative armour, and with scarf across, legend around, ILL. ET. EXC. PR. MAVRITIVS. pri. A7. CO. nas. &c. ; rev. Armorial shield of the prince within the Garter; above, a coronet and motto, IE. maintiendrai. nassou. ; below, an orange branch and scroll inscribed " Tandem, fit. surculus. arbor.", and "Simon Pafsazus sculpsit, io." (II, 7 £ 5 ), an extremely fine piece of work, and of great rarity 1 16 92 Nicholas and Dorothy Wadham, 1618, Founders of Wadham Col- lege, Oxford, JR, 2-15 by IS, when. Christ, who. is. &c, bare headed bust of Nicholas in ruff and plain cloak ; rev. Bust of Dorothy in ruff, broad-brimmed hat and rich gown, narrow wreath border on both sides, and with loop (7, W), a fine and rare contemporaneous medal, consisting of two plates soldered together 1 93 Nicholas and Dorothy Wadham, JR, as before, but of different work, executed at a later period; Counter, JR, 1*15, on the Cautionary Towns restored to the United Provinces, 1616 (7, V?)- Charles Prince of Wales, a small Shell, JR, '9, with title of Prince of Wales omitted (7, y^) ; Counter, JR, 1*1, on the Coronation of Frederick of Bohemia, 1619, dante. deo. &c. (Fan Loon, 11 — 120); a small and perhaps unpublished Badge, JR, '7, of Henry Prince of Wales and Prince Charles, roughly engraved and busts cut round, all fine and rare 5 94 The Synod of Dort, 1619, JR, 2-3, asserta. religione., the Council assembled in the Chamber of the Doel at Dort ; in the foreground are spectators dividing cvm — priv. 16 — 19; rev. ervnt. vt. mons. &c, Temple on rock assailed by the four winds, &c. (I, %pf), very fine 1 95 The Synod of Dort, 1619, JR, of similar type, but with long rays below the name of Jehovah, and pathway and pilgrims up the rock more clearly defined, very fine 1 96 The Synod of Dort, 1619, N, similar but with short rays below the name of Jehovah, the inscription cvm — priv. omitted, and a dog introduced amongst the spectators in the foreground on the obv. (1, W)> an extremely fine medal with loop, of great rarity, unpublished and presumed unique in this metal [PI. VT] 1 97 Another Medal on the same event, of exactly the same type, but in JR, in extremely fine state 1 98 Peter Blundell's School at Tiverton, founded 1604. Prize Medals, JR and M (2), one in bronze, by L. Pingo. Art Union Medals, M, of Inigo Jones, who designed the Banqueting House, Whitehall, in 1616. James I, Anne and Prince Charles, cast and chased oval bronze Plaque of modern work. Two oval leaden casts of Simon Passe's medals of Frederick and Elizabeth of Bohemia and son, and Richard Sackville Earl of Dorset 7 17 99 Frederick and Elizabeth of Bohemia, on their Coronation, 1619, M,1'Q5 by 1-4, conjoined busts to right; m\FRiDERi.D.G.COM.PALAT &c, and in centre, in an oval cartouche, five hands supporting a crown under the name of Jehovah (/, s ¥ a ^ 5 ) ; another, M, gilt, on same event, but with bust of Frederick alone (/, 2 ¥ 2 ¥ 5 ), both very fine and rare 2 100 The Synod of Dort, 1619, M, 2-3, the Belgic lion crowned to left, with the name of Jehovah above ; rev. respvblica. demvm. &c, the initials c — w. (Cornelius Wyntjes), divided by fleur-de-lis in legend ; another, M, of same type, but with loop for suspension (7, 2 ^ 3 ), both fine and rare 2 101 The Synod of Dort, 1619, M, 2-35, as before but without loop, the crown on rev. composed of strawberry leaves, and lozenge stops in legend, a rare medal, struck on thick flan, and in extremely fine state 1 102 The Synod of Dort, 1619, JR, 2-3, similar type, but a variety with C to left of arms, and w to right ; another, M, of same type, but with loop for suspension, and on a thinner flan, the former an ex- tremely fine medal 2 103 Maurice, Prince of Orange, M, 2*7, in commemoration of the victories gained by the Dutch fleet over that of Spain off Peru and Brazil in 1624, bust of the Prince within a border of the seven shields of the United Provinces, and on rev. Arms within Garter and scroll crowned, below, on tablet, le Maintiendray, and Cum Privil. between date (I, 2 ^) ; and another in M of same type, with loop, both fine and rare, the latter unpublished in this metal 2 104 Maurice, Prince of Orange, M, 2-6, on same event, but a variety without Cum Privil. between date, and with loop ; another variety, M, 2*6, with date 1627, engraved le Meintiendray (sic) on tablet under arms, and obv. legend engraved, both rare and unpublished medals, and fine. William Camden, JE, by CdquA 3 CHARLES I. 1625-1649. 105 Marriage Jettons, 1625 (3), JR, -9, fvndit. amor. &c, rays above busts ; another, JR, -8, similar type, but with crown above busts, and dated 1626, holed. Coronation, 1626, M, 1*2, by Briot, two varieties, donec. pax. &c, with sword point dividing REDDITA. between D — D and d — I (J, 2 ^ 3 ), one very fine, and a Cliche", JR, 1*, by Briot, on the same event, with bare-headed and armoured bust to right with ruff, and N. B. F. below (J, V T 3 ) (engraved), mostly fine, and the last rare 7 C 18 106 Charles I, on his Coronation, 1626, JST, 1*2, by Briot, crowned bust in ruff, ermine robes, and collar of the Garter, and N. B. below, rev. donec. PAX. &c. hand issuing from clouds holding sword, (7, 2 T 4 o 3 )> extremely fine and very rare in this metal 1 107 Francis Bacon, Lord Verulam, died 1626, Royal Institution Medal, 1828, "For Chemical Discoveries," M, 1'75, by W. Wyon, frosted and under glass, a beautifully executed medal, and unpublished in this metal ; three others in JE, of the same personage, one by Dassier, the other two of the "Series Numismatica," by Cdqui, all fine 4 108 Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange, M, 2-25, by Jan van Bylaer, on his election as a Knight of the Garter, 1627, bare-headed bust of Prince in armour, lace collar and scarf surrounded by titles and the seven shields of the United Provinces, rev. Arms within Garter crowned (/, 2 ^- 6 ) ; another, 2E, 2*2 by 1*75, on same event, but Prince's bust three-quarters right, and on rev. patrleqve, &c. ; arms as before (2, *^- 6 ), both fine and rare, the latter a cast and chased medal, pierced 2 109 Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange, K.G., M, 3-35, fredericvs. henricvs, &c, bare-headed and three-quarter faced bust to right, with lace collar and order of the Garter, rev. AMELIA, d.g. princeps, &c, veiled bust of the Princess to leit(Fan Loon, ir, 289), a very fine and rare hollow medal, nicely embossed and chased 1 110 Louis XIII, Attack on the Island of Rhe, 1627, JE, 1*75, lvdovic. xiii. rex. christianiss. pivs. ivstvs. fel. avg. &c, laureated bust of King to right, with ruff; rev. victis. fvsis. fvgatis. terra, mariq. ANGLis, the King standing upon a rostral column amidst implements of war, on a rock in the sea, with fleet in the distance, below, 1627 (/, Vb')> a fi ne an d extremely rare contemporaneous medal 1 This medal was executed in commemoration of the repulse of the English from the Isle of Rhe under the command of the Duke of Buckingham. * * * 111 Tribute to Henrietta Maria, 1628, two varieties, M, 11, with date or n.b. in the exergue of rev. (I, g^&f 4) — Charles I (2), JR and JE, 1*1, on his request to Parliament to increase the naval and military forces of the kingdom, 1628, rev. regit, vnvs. and sceptre, and trident in saltire (7, *-££) ; three others in M, M, and M with brass centre, on the same event, varieties, with the royal arms on obv. instead of the King's bust (7, y y °) ; another, in brass, 1*1 on the Order of the Garter, 1629, all fine and rare counters, some unpublished 8 19 112 Birth of Prince Charles, 1630, Counter, N, 1-2, hactenvs. anglorvm. nvlli., Eoyal arms crosswise in four heart-shaped shields united at the bases, rev. Inscription in five lines in square tablet, (7, *££); another in M of the same type, both very fine, and the former scarce 2 113 Birth of Prince Charles, 1830, Counter, AT, 1-2, similar legends, but garnished oval shields cross-wise with sun's rays in the angles, and inscription in an oval tablet, reading FRA. et. hib. (/, yg) ; another in M of the same type, both very fine, and the former rare 2 114 Birth of Prince Charles, 1630, Counter, M, 1% a variety of the preceding pieces reading fr. et. hi. ; two others, jV, "95, and M, •92, of similar type, but of smaller module, and reading fra. et. HI. Baptism of Prince Charles 1630 (2), M, 1*15 and 1*, similar obv. but legend commencing MEM. caroli. &c. in seven lines, all very fine, the gold piece rare 5 115 Charles I, Dominion of the Sea, 1630, by iV. Briot, M, 2-3, bust with ruff; rev. NEC. meta. mihi. qvi. &c, Ship in full sail to right (I, Vo 6 )> a cast; and two smaller Counters, JR, 1*1, on same event, both varieties, cast and chased, one unpublished. Sir Hugh Myddelton, -^E, 2 by 1*70, modern oval chasing of the last century, of pretty work 4 116 Dominion of the Sea, 1630, by N. Briot, M, 2-3, another variety reading on obv. mag. britann., bust with plain falling collar; riband and George pendant, and on rev. NEC. meta. mihi. qyje. &c. (/, Vt )> o: fine and unpublished medal (in this metal), cast and chased [PI. VI] 1 117 Dominion of the Sea, 1630, by K Briot, bust with ruff, jetton, JR, 1*1 type as 7, ^ , rare as a struck variety, and very fine. Frede- rick Henry, Prince of Orange, on the Capture of Maestricht and Rheinberg, 1633, M, 2'2, bare headed bust three-quarters right, around, patriae, qve. patriqve., and below rynberck. j rev. Plan of the city and fortifications of Maestricht, &c. (7, 2 ^ 4 ), a fine and rare cast medal of the time 2 118 Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange, on the recapture of Maes- tricht and Limburg 1632, M, 2% bust as before, but legend AVSPIC. potent, belg. &c. in two circles ; rev. Plan of the city and fortifica- tions of Maestricht, &c. as before (I, 2 T 6 /), a very fine and rare struck medal / another on same event, M, 2*15, similar type, fine and a contemporaneous cast, unpublished in this metal 2 119 Charles I, on his Scottish Coronation 1633, N, 1-1, by Briot, crowned bust to left, with falling lace collar, ermine robes, and collars of the Garter and Thistle, rev. HINC. NOSTRA. &c. (/, 9 T 8 ^), fine, and rare in this metal \ c 2 20 120 Scottish Coronation of Charles I, as before, but struck in M, on thick and thin flans, the former in very fine condition, and rare 2 121 Return of the King to London from his Scottish Corona- tion, 1633, by K Briot, N, 1-65, king on horseback to left, head bare, and in armour, with baton in right hand, under the horse a plumed helmet amongst flowers, and below the date; rev. sol. orbem. rediens. &c, View of London, with mid-day sun in clouds above, and the letter E. (for Edinburgh) (/, 2 ^ 6 ), a fi ne ms ^ medal, and rare in this metal 1 122 Return of the King to London from his Scottish Corona- tion, 1633, cast medal of type and size as before, but in M ; another similar, but JR, 1 "75, and a struck specimen, the latter rare, both very fine 2 123 Return of the King to London from his Scottish Corona- tion, M, l - 8, similar type, but struck on an extra thick flan, extremely fine, and very rare, unpublished of this size 1 124 Return of Charles I to London from his Scottish Corona- tion, as before, but M gilt, 1*7, and struck on a thin flan, very fine and scarce. Baptism of Prince James, 1633, Jettons (2), JR, 1-2, NON. SIC. MILLE. cohortes., varieties with different arrange- ment of wreath, (I, 2 ~t)> one fine, both somewhat scarce 3 125 Charles I, his Queen, and children, 1635, by Briot, M, 1-2, half-length figures of King and Queen clasping hands, and on rev. regis, regnorvm. &c, the Princess Mary and Princes Charles and James (I, 3 ^ 3 ) ; a very fine and very rare jetton 1 126 Earl of Traquair, 1635, Counter, M, 1-1, has. recto, metas. &c, triangle enclosing a pair of scales, &c. (I, 2 tjV 5 ), fine and rare. Dutch Fishery Treaty, 1636, M, 3*1, conjoined busts of King and Queen to right, rev. ivstitia. ET. PAX. &c. (/, %%£), a cast and chased medal 2 127 Sir William Ducy, 1636, by Jean Varin, M, 3-2, bust with long hair and falling lace collar to right, plain reverse (7, VV), a fine and rare plaque, with traces of the original gilding. Henri, Due de Rohan, on his death, 1638, JE gilt, 1*75, bust in armour to left, with lion's head on shoulder; rev. et. adhvc. spes. &c, a young tree growing out of a decayed stump (I, %*■£), fine and rare, slightly fractured on edge 2 128 Henri, Due de Rohan, on his death, 1638, M gilt, 1 -75, henr. roh. D. fr. &c, terminating scot, pr., bust as before ; rev. et. adhvc. spes. &c, young tree growing out of an old trunk (I, W ), with loop ; another of same type, but in M, and pierced, both fine and rare medals of this Scottish Prince 2 21 129 William Juxon, Bishop of London, 1637,^1, 1 05, Arms of Juxon impaling those of the See of London ; rev. NON. dormit. &c, hand issuing from clouds holding a crozier surmounted by a stork, with view of London in the distance (I, W 9 )- Installation of Prince Charles as a Knight of the Garter, 1638, M, 1*05, nearly full-faced bust of the Prince in hat, robes, and collar of the Garter, rev. magni. spes. &c, Prince's plume and motto between c - P, encircled by the Garter (7, Vy)> both fine and interesting counters, and rare 2 *** Bishop Juxon was the Prelate who attended Charles I in his last moments on the scaffold, and for which he received as a souvenir from the King, the celebrated " Juxon Medal," or pattern Five- Broad piece by his favourite engraver, Kawlins. 130 Installation of Prince Charles as a Knight of the Garter, 1637,^1, 1*2, seris. factvra. &c, sheep sheltering under a high tree amongst smaller ones (I, 9 ¥ y). Prince Charles styled Prince of Wales, 1638, by N. Briot, M, 1-3, crowned bust of the King (his father) to left on obv., and on rev. the Prince of Wales on horseback to right, with plumes behind (I, %*■$), both rare and interesting counters, the last in beautiful state . 2 131 Suppression of the Scottish Rebellion, 1639, Medalet, AT, 1-25, by Thos. Simon, carol vs. d.g. mag. brit. &c, King crowned and in armour on horseback to left, riding over arms, and holding baton in right hand; rev. QVOS. devs. &c, hand issuing from clouds suspending a cord uniting a rose and thistle (I, 2 -^ 3 ), a variety without artist's initials or flowing scarf, extremely fine and very rare in this metal [PI. I] 1 132 Suppression of the Scottish Rebellion, 1639, Medalet by Thos. Simon, as before, but in JR, variety with flowing scarf behind King, and date in exergue on obverse (I, *■£?); another variety in JR of smaller size, 1*1, with monogram of T.s., within shoulder of cuirass, and no date in exergue (J, 2 ^ 3 ), both rare and interesting jettons, and the former in extremely fine state 2 133 Destruction of the Spanish Fleet, under Oquendo by the Dutch Fleet under Tromp in the Downs, off Dover, 1639, JR, 2*5, Naval battle, a coast with cliffs and castle in the distance, and in the foreground a sinking galley and crew ; rev. . an extremely fine medal by Blum 1 136 Marriage of William Prince of Orange and Princess Mary of England, as before, but struck in JR gilt, equally fine 1 137 Arrival of Princess Mary in Holland, 1642, JR, 29, by Sebastian Dadler, libertas. patrle., &c, Prince Frederick Henry of Orange seated on throne decorated with military trophies and shields of arms, &c. ; rev. QVO. te. mars. et. amor, vocat., &c, a palace, garden and pleasure ground enclosed within a wattled fence (in allusion to the Hague) ; above the entrance is the Belgic lion, and below, the Prince receiving his bride at the entrance (I, H$), an unusually fine example of this artistic medal 1 138 Arrival of Princess Mary in Holland, by Sebastian Dadler, as before, but struck in JR gilt, with inscription, Belgium pacatum, in exergue of obv., and A° 1648, $$ Janu in that of rev., equally fine and an unpublished variety 1 139 Earl of Essex, General of the Parliamentary Army, 1642, oval Badge, N, 1 -4 by 1 -2, Should hear both Houses of Parliament, for true Religion and subjects' fredom (sic) stand, and inner legend, Pro Beligione,lege, Bege, et Parliamento, both incuse, bust in armour three-quarters right, and holding sword, above sx. ; rev. The two Houses of Parliament, with the King and Speaker (7, f-f-|), without border, with original chain and ring, of great interest, very fine and extremely rare in this metal 1 *** This and the following badges were issued in gold and silver, to be given to persons of various ranks in Essex's army. It was formerly in the Hamilton, Sanders, and Addington collections [PI. I] 1 23 SECOND DAY'S SALE. CHARLES I. — continued. LOT 140 Earl of Essex, oval Badge as before, but in M, and without chain or loop and ring, very fine and rare 1 141 Earl of Essex, oval Badge as before, but M gilt, and with wreath border, loop and ring, very fine and rare 1 142 Earl of Essex, oval Badge, M gilt, T6 by 1-25, bust of Essex, as before, but above head, a hand holding a sword and encircled by the incuse legend, the sword, of. the. lord. and. of. gydeon. j rev. Houses of Parliament with incuse legend around, in. the. mul- titude, of. councellors. there. IS. PEACE. (7, f?|) ; Another small oval, M, 1 '05, full-faced bust (R.-C. engraved at sides) ; rev. Arms, without legends, (I, f-f-f-), loth fine and rare, and with loops 2 143 Earl of Essex, oval Badges as before, but both with full-faced busts, and M. gilt, both rare and in very fine state 2 144 Peace or War, 1643, Jettons, by Briot, and Rawlins, M (2), M and 2Et gilt, varieties with date, and with and without numeral after king's name ; two others in 2E>, one without date, the other with the extraordinary date 1660, for which there is apparently no reason (■^> tH.tzt an d fir!* a M fi ne ' some rare varieties 6 145 Peace or War, 1643, N, 1*1, similar type, but a variety with nu- meral after king's name, and reading angl., slightly holed at top, otherwise very fine, unpublished in this metal 1 146 Earl of Manchester, General of the Parliamentary Army, 1643, oval Badge, M, 1 # 05 by '85, bust of the Earl three-quarters left, bare head with long hair, plain falling collar, and scarf across the armour ; rev. Arms of Montagu in a garnished shield with Earl's coronet above (I, f§f)> very fine and rare, with loop ; another, M, 1 *30 by 1 '20, a chased copy of a later period, perhaps by Stuart, with engraved inscription on obv. in still more recent letters, E. M. L D ., kimbolton. Jan. 2 d , 1641-2, with wreath border on both sides, the latter very fine and unpublished 2 24 147 Earl of Manchester, as before, oval Badge, M, V7 by 1-45, similar bust of the Earl, with outer legend Should hear both houses of Parlia- ment, &c., and inner legend Pro. Religione lege rege et Parliament, both incuse ; rev. The two houses of Parliament with King and Speaker (/, fit )> wreath border on both sides, with loop, very fine and extremely rare 1 %* This and the preceding badges were evidently issued as military rewards to persons of various ranks in his army, after the manner of the Essex badges. A specimen of this badge in M, gilt, exists in the national collection, and is described in the Medallic Illus- trations as " unique." 148 Earl of Essex, General, 1644, M, 1*45, nearly full-faced bust of the Earl, in armour and plain falling collar ; rev. MAG S . protec r . liberta. t v ., &c, and in centre, s. X. above a scroll inscribed G. L. (/, fH)> a fine and very rare contemporaneous medal, cast and chased ; another, a modern chasing, perhaps by Stuart, M, 1 '45, of similar type, very 'fine 2 149 Sir Richard Brown, 1644, oval Badge, M, 1-3 by 11, non. vir. sed. virtvs., bust of Sir Richard, three-quarters left, in plain falling collar, armour and scarf across breast ; rev. FOR. KING. AND. parliament., 1644, armorial shield of Brown (/, fff), wreath border on both sides, and with loop, very fine and very rare 1 *** Sir Richard Brown was a citizen of London, and commanded a small army for the Parliament in the neighbourhood of Abingdon. [PI. I]. 150 William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, executed 1645, M, 2-3, by John Eoettier, sancti. caroll, &c. winged cherubs bearing the mitre and crozier of Laud towards heaven, followed by two others with the crown,sceptre and orb of Charles I, &c. (I, f^f-), very fine ; Two other medals in Brass, both cast, one perhaps contemporaneous with plain reverse, both apparently unpublished; and a "turned" oaken Medallion with bust of Laud, and plain reverse, s. 2*55 4 151 Sir Thomas Fairfax, General, 1645, oval Badge, M, gilt, VI by -95, bust three-quarters left, with long hair and plain falling collar, armour and scarf across the breast ; rev. sr. tho. FAIRFAX, knt. for. king. AND. parliament., escutcheon of Fairfax suspended from chain (7, f ^), wreath border on both sides, with loop and ring ; another oval, M, gilt, l - 35 by 1*15, of same General, bust to left, with long hair, and in armour; rev. mervisti. 1645 (I, fii)> b°th very fine and rare military rewards 2 152 Sir Thomas Fairfax, as before, with mervisti, but in M, with loop and ring ; and a smaller oval Badge, JR, '95 by '8, without loop or ring (/, ?yi)> both very fine and rare military rewards for the battle of Marston Moor 2 25 153 Sir Thomas Fairfax, Military Keward for the battle of Marston Moor, oval, N, 1 ■ by *8, bust to left, with long hair, and in armour ; rev. post. HAC. meliora, and in centre mervisti, a fine and very rare Badge in gold, and in this metal probably given to officers of Ugh rank 1 154 Sir Thomas Fairfax, a modern chasing, M, of the "Meruisti" Badge, with the unusual date of 1649 ; and two other modern chasings of Fairfax, perhaps by Stuart, M and M, 1-8 by 1*6, armoured bust ; rev. Arms, above the bust, on the silver piece, is Lord Fairfax, both with wreath border, all fine chasings of pretty work 3 155 Lord Chief Justice Heath, 1645, oval, M, 1-25 by 1; effig. r. HEATH. MIL. CAP. IVS. D. BANC. REG., bust to left with close fitting cap on head, plain falling collar, official robes and chain, beneath ^etat. sv^e. 71. 1645. R (Thomas Rawlins); rev. Armorial shield of Heath within a laurel wreath (engraved) (2, \^%), a very fine and extremely rare contemporaneous badge, cast and chased 1 156 Lord Chief Justice Heath, as before, M, by Rawlins, but better engraved on rev., and the shield garnished, very fine, and an extremely rare variety 1 157 Baron de Reede, 1645, Dutch Envoy Extraordinary to England, M, 1 "4, by T. Simon, bust of the Baron to left, with long hair in skull cap, buttoned doublet, and broad falling collar edged with narrow lace; rev. Inscription, 1645, 10 : DE : reede. d : de. RENSWOVDE, &c, in twelve lines (I, r f£), a very fine and rare contemporaneous cast [PI. I] 1 158 Baron de Reede, JR, by T. Simon, as before, but unfortunately holed, and not fine. Another, a modern chasing M, of same type. Lord Inchiquin, 1646, a modern chasing JR, the last two of very pretty work, perhaps that of Stuart 3 159 John Campbell, Earl of Loudoun, M, 1-45, by Abraham Simon, bust of the Earl to left, long hair, in skull cap, broad falling collar, and buttoned doublet, on truncation of bust A.s. ; rev. IOHAN. COM. LOVDOVN., &c.,in five lines (I, f$})i & very rare contemporaneous cast, in good condition. Another, a modern chasing, JR, of pretty work, perhaps by Stuart 2 160 Prince Rupert, 1645, oval Badge, M, gilt, 1-45 by 1*2, bust of Prince three-quarters left, long hair, falling lace collar, armour, scarf across breast, badge of King Charles suspended from riband, and truncheon in right hand ; rev. Prince's arms on three shields, with lion supporters, helmet, crest, and lambrequins, in the field, r-p (7, iff), a fine and very rare cast in high relief, presumed to be a military reward for his officers 1 26 161 Prince Rupert, M, 2*1, by Deric van Riswick, young bust of the Prince, three-quarters right, with long hair, and plain collar, under the shoulder, D. V. R. F. ; rev. plain but with R. P. (Rupertus Princeps) scratched perhaps contemporaneously, this rare and un- published medal appears to have been struck as a badge ; and a modern chasing JR, 1*5, of Charles Earl of Dunfermline, 1646, reading fernelino. and dvni. con., the former medal is as far as we know at present the only specimen said to exist 2 162 Albert Joachim, Ambassador Extraordinary of the United Provinces, 1646, JR, 1-4, by Abraham Simon, bust to left, with short hair and beard, officially robed, and wearing a plain falling collar, on truncation of bust is A. S. ; rev. 1646, ALB : IOACHIMI : eq. f^ederat : &c, in seven lines (J, |-g4 ), a very fine contem- poraneous medal, and very rare [PL I] 1 163 Albert Joachim, JR, 1*5, type as before. Sir Sidenham Pointz, Governor of York for the Parliament, 1646, JR, 1'45, variety reading sideni. and gvbern on rev. Martinay, French Exile in England, 1647, JR, 1-45; rev. IE ne vis QVA regret (7, fff). Edward Rossiter, Parliamentary General, 1646, oval JR, LI by L ; rev. inscribed rossiter, and above and below, engraved " July 26, 1660, Colle. Knighted," with floral border terminating in a loop, all modern chasings of pretty work, perhaps by Stuart 4 164 Death of the Earl of Essex, 1646, oval JR, -85 by -7, by Thos. Simon, bust of the Earl to right with mantle over shoulders, rob. Essex. com. mil. parl. dvx. gen., below, t. s. f. ; rev. hinc. ill^e. lachrymle, &c, Grief seated to left amongst ruins lamenting over a fallen column inscribed F.E.R.T. (I, \\%),fine and very rare 1 165 Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange, on the approaching peace between Holland and Spain, 1647, JR, 2 # 65, by P. van Abeele, bust of Prince three-quarters right, with falling lace collar, and badge of Garter, usual titles, and in field P. v. abeele. ; rev. vltimos. ante, omnes., &c. Eight escutcheons in centre of olive and laurel branches, &c. (Fan Loon, II, 288), a very fine and rare hollow medal 1 166 Giles Strangways, Esquire, on his liberation from the Tower of London, 1648, JR, 2-4, by John Eoettier, bust of Strangways to right, with long hair and bare neck, in armour and mantle, below, JAN. R. F. ; rev. decvsqve. ad versa. &c, the White Tower sur- mounted by the Royal Standard (7, f-f-f-), a very fine and rare medal 1 167 Call to Unanimity, for the King's Release, 1648, portrait Jet- ton, JR, 1*15, by Briot, $t. vnit^e. invict^e., three crowns united by a cord (I, f §£). Betrothal of Charles Louis Elector Palatine, and Char- lotte of Hesse Cassel, 1649, JR, *85, busts vis-a-vis; rev. perfeci. 27 Lot 167 — continued. Cupid with wreath and bow, &c, with date below (I, f ff). Memorial of Charles I, 1649, small oval, JR, -65 by -55, bust to left, long hair, falling collar, &c. ; rev. BEAT AM. ET. ETERNAM., &c, skull between C-R., over it a celestial crown with a label gloria., and below an earthly crown labelled vanitas. (/, f f-f), all very fine, and the last two very rare 3 168 Charles I, Portrait Medal, M, 2-75, carolvs. i. d. g. magn. brit. franc., &c, bust of King to right, with long hair, and falling lace collar, scarf and medal, and with lion's head on figured armour, on truncation of shoulder, natvs., 1649; rev. plain, very fine and extra rare [PI. VI] 1 *** This Medal, apparently issued after the King's death, is beautifully cast and chased (perhaps the work of Rawlins), and is unpublished and probably unique. 169 Charles I, on his Death, 1649, JR, 1-6, divvs. carolvs., &c, King's bust to left, with long hair, falling lace collar, and highly decorative armour; rev. INEXPVQNABILIS., 1648, hammer striking a diamond upon an anvil (/, tIt)' a fi ne an ^ wea % executed medal by Thomas Rawlins, and very rare with loop 1 *** This medal was published upon the King's death to commemorate his fortitude. 170 Charles I, on his Death, 1649, JR, 1-65, by T.Rawlins/ obv. as before, but reading svccessor. vervs., &c, and on rev. constantia. CiESARis, &c, Salamander to left in the flames (I, ff^-), without loop. Two Jettons of Charles I, on the same event, JR and JE, 1*15, by Rawlins, immota. trivmphans., rock exposed to the fury of wind, waves and storm (/, $$£), all fine and rare 3 171 Charles I, on his Death, of exactly the same type, without loop, but in JR, gilt. Memorial of Charles I, 1649, JR, 1*1, with loop, bust of King to left, holding a crown of thorns and a scroll inscribed christi. tracto., the legend carolvs. primus., &c, in two circles; rev. immota. trivmphans., type as in previous lot, but stamped in imitation of engraving (I, ? £f), both fine and rare medals 2 172 Charles I, Memorial Medal, 1649, JR, 2-35, by Norbert Roettier, King's bust to right, with long hair, lovelock, and in armour ; rev. REX. pacific vs. vict vs., &c, in six lines across the field (/, fif)- Another of same type, but struck in JE, gilt, on an extra thick flan ; and a German Memorial of Charles I, JR, 1*85 ; rev. bey. des. pofels., &c, a seven-headed monster rampant over the trunkless head of Charles I, his crown and sceptre (/, $£§), all very Hue, the two first rare 3 28 173 Charles I, Memorial, 1649, JR, 2-45, popvle. mevs., &c, and on rev. Medusa's head surrounded by a triple concentric legend commenc- ing conciliabvlvm. angli^e. (I, §£-§-) ; and another variety, JR, 2*25, reading on obv. popvle. ml, both cast and cliased medals of Dutch work, both scarce, but the former has been unfortunately hammered much to its detriment. Four other Memorial Medals by T. Roettier, JR, 1-4, M, 2-, and 1-4, and M, gilt, 2; virtvt. ex. me., &c, hand from Heaven holding a celestial crown above a landscape (I, fff and I, fff), all fine but the first 6 174 Oxford University Memorial of Charles I, 1649, JR, 115, Altar inscribed P.M. ACAD. oxon. between the date 16—48; rev. deo. ecclesle. ppjnctpi. victima. in four lines (I, fty|), with loop, rare. Royalist Badge, oval, JR, gilt, 1'55 by 1*2, bare headed bust of Charles I, with plain falling collar edged with lace ; rev. Arms crowned within Garter, incuse legends, without border, but with loops (I, H^), both fine and interesting relics of the Stuart period 2 175 Royalist Badge of Charles I and Henrietta Maria, JR, 19 by 1-5, by Rawlins, bare headed bust of Charles I, with plain falling collar edged with lace, carolvs. d.g. mag. brl, &c. incuse ; rev. Hen- rietta, maria. D. G. MAG. britan., &c, The queen's bust to left, hair flat at the top, and drawn through a small coronet at the back, bust terminating in drapery, and below, T. rawlins (7, ffi), with wreath border, loop and ring, a rare badge in unusually fine state 1 176 Royalist Badge, by Rawlins, type as before, but in M, gilt, equally fine 1 177 Royalist Badge, by Rawlins, JR, 1-9, bare headed bust, and incuse legend on obv. as before ; rev. Royal arms crowned within the Gar- ter and motto (incuse) (I, f f i ), with wreath border, loop and ring, very fine and rare in this state 1 178 Royalist Badge, by Rawlins, JR, 1*55 by 1-2, bust and incuse type as before, but without border or loop. Two other small Badges of Charles I and Queen, JR, and JR gilt, *7 by '6, bare headed bust of King to left with lovelock over left shoulder ; rev. Queen's bust to left, with hair twisted and corded behind, and stiff bodice (I, fff ), with loops and floral borders, all fine, the last two rare 3 179 Royalist Badge of Charles I and Henrietta Maria, /R, gilt, 1*15 by '85, bust of King nearly full-faced, and bare headed, in plain falling collar, armour, and medal, c-R at sides of head ; rev. Queen's bust three-quarters left, with lovelock on shoulder, rich lace collar and bodice, and with cross on breast, M-R at sides of head (I, fff )> in high relief, without border, but with loop and ring, a fine and extremely rare little badge of artistic merit 1 29 180 Royalist Badge of Charles I and Henrietta Maria, M, 1*2 by 1*15; of same type but not in such high relief, and with a floral border, equally rare, but not so fine. Four other small Royalist Badges, JR, •8 by # 65, with loops and engrailed borders, bare-headed bust of king with falling lace collar, two (one gilt) with bust of Queen with coronet and stiff lace collar on rev., and the other two, varieties with armorial bearings incuse on rev. (I, fff and ffj), all fine 5 181 Royalist Badge of Charles I and Henrietta Maria, M, 1*5 by 1% by Rawlins, King's bust laureated to left, long hair, armour and mantle, and with medal and chain, carolvs. d. g. mag. BRITAN, &c. ; rev. Queen's bust to left, hair flat at top, and drawn through a coronet at back, necklace and low bodice terminating in drapery, below, t. rawlins., legend, henretta. maria., &c, both legends con- tained in an outer rim, a fine and unpublished badge of great rarity 1 182 Royalist Badge of Charles I and Henrietta Maria, M, 125 by 1*, by T. Rawlins, type as before but without legends, with loop, and neat floral and corded border (/, $ff)j another, M, 1*15 by *85, exactly the same, with loop and ring, but without border, both fine and rare badges, the former being in exceptionally fine condition 2 183 Royalist Badge of Charles I and Queen, M, gilt, 1*8 by 1-5, by Rawlins, carolvs. d. g. mag. britan., &c, crowned bust of king to right, with long hair, falling lace collar, ermine mantle and collar and George of the Garter; rev. henretta. maria., &c, Queen's bust to left, hair flat at top, and drawn through a coronet at back, necklace, and low bodice terminating in drapery, below, t. rawlins (7, f f f )> « fine badge with loop and ring, and floral border 1 184 Royalist Badge, M gilt, T6 by 1-2 by Rawlins, legends and type as before, with loop and ring, but without border (I, § f f ) ; another JR gilt, 1-5 by 1*15, similar obv., but on rev. a garnished square shield, within the Garter crowned, and without loop or border, both rare, the former very fine with " tear drop " pendant (pearl gone) 2 185 Royalist Badge, M, 1*7 by 1*4, by Rawlins, legend and crowned bust as before, rev. garnished square shield within Garter crowned (I, ff § ), with loop and floral border, rare and very fine 1 186 Royalist Badge, crowned bust and arms as before, with loop and floral border, but M gilt, rare and very fine 1 187 Royalist Badge, as before, with loop and floral border, but in M, and at sides of King's head on obv. in engraved letters of the period " Semper Idem," and on rev. in similar letters " Ego Sum Martyr Populi," a very fine and rare badge of much interest 1 30 188 Royalist Badge of Charles I and Queen, M, l'S by 1-, King's bust to right, wearing arched crown, falling lace collar, richly ornamented armour with lion's head on shoulder, medal and riband and scarf, with incuse legend carolus. d.g. rex. around, the whole encircled by the Garter and motto, also incuse ; rev. henreta. (sic) MARIA. &c. incuse, usual bust of the Queen to left (I, f-ff-), with loop, obverse in high relief, very fine and extremely rare 1 189 Royalist Badge of Charles I and Queen, as before, but M gilt; two others of the King only, M, gilt, *85 by '1, bareheaded bust to right with falling lace collar, armour, medal and riband, rev. a crown within a band inscribed incusely, long. may. king. Charles, reigne. (I, §f4) ; M, gilt, -5 by -4, King's bust to left, in plain falling collar, armour and scarf, rev. royal cypher c. R. crowned between two ornaments (I, f ^|), with loop and ring, all fine and rare badges 3 190 Royalist Badge of Charles I and Queen, M, 1-5 by 1-25, by Thos. Rawlins, King's bust to left crowned, long hair, plain falling collar, armour with lion's head on shoulder, medal and riband, legend carolvs. &c, and below the bust 1644; rev. Queen's bust to right crowned, and titles around (I, fff)> with loop and ring, of rude work, very low relief, and struck upon two pieces of metal united at the edges. Two Cliches, M, 1*45 by 1 *2, King's bust to left, with falling collar with lace edges, armour and mantle, titles around , unpublished, and JR, 1*15 (circular), King's bust, full face, love-lock on shoulder, plain falling collar, armour and scarf (7, |-£§), all very fine, rare, and one unpublished 3 191 Royalist Badge or Pendant, M, 2- by T45, in the form of the bust of Charles I to right, with long hair, plain falling collar, medal and riband, and richly figured armour, of rough work, perhaps Dutch. Three small Badges, JR and JR gilt, -85 by *65, King's bust to right, rev. Arms crowned within Garter, one gilt, with loop and ring; JR, "7 by *6, similar type but with floral border, with loop. A leaden Cast silvered of Charles I, s. 1*2, carolvs. d.g. ang. sc. &c, bust of King to right, in plain falling collar, armour and mantle, T.R. on truncation, without reverse, rare, mostly fine 5 192 Royalist Badge of Prince Charles, JR, 165 by 13, bust of the Prince to left, with long hair, richly embroidered robes open in front, and with riband and medal; rev. Arms within Garter crowned ; with loop for suspension, a very fine and extremely rare badge, quite unpublished 1 31 193 Small heart-shaped Locket, JR, -85 by -75 (enclosing a small Badge, JR, '45 by -40, King's bust to left, with long hair), engraved on lid with a heart pierced by two arrows, and " / live and dy in loyaltye," and on the other side, a skull dividing c. - R., and above, " Janu- ary 30th, 1648," inside the lid is engraved " Martyr populi," and there is a ring for suspension (/, fff). Engraved pear-shaped Badge, JR, 1*45 by *9, bust of Charles I to right, and in front " remember," rev. two clasped hands with "united" above, and 1719 below, within a border, with ring (perhaps issued by the adherents of Prince James Stuart), both very rare and interesting badges, the latter unpublished 2 194 Charles I, Medalet, JR, 1-35, Incuse titles, bare-headed bust to left lovelock on shoulder, falling lace collar, and scarf, rev. Arms within Garter crowned, surrounded by a floral border (I, § ^f ) ; Another, of same type, with rev. stamped in imitation of engraving, as before, but in lead, and unpublished; Another, JR, 1*4, similar obv., but rev. Arms within Garter, with supporters, lambrequins and royal motto, dieu. et. mon. droit. (I, f f f ), all rare, the two first fine, and the last cracked 3 195 Charles I, Medalet, JR, l - 4, Bust of King and incuse inscriptions as before, but a more recent chasing (/, f £f ) ; Another, JR, 1 -4, similar obv. but a lozenge separating the beginning from end of legend, rev. Full-blown rose within a laurel border (/, |-|f), both very fine and the latter very rare 2 196 Silver filigree Box (with bust of Charles I at top, and that of Hen- rietta Maria at bottom) containing 36 Counters, JR, T05, after Passe, of the Sovereigns of England from Edward the Confessor to Q. Anne, and including others of Frederick of Bohemia, Charles Louis Count Palatine, Lord Darnley, Anne of Denmark, Henry Prince of Wales and Prince Charles (I, f f~f -), a fine set without dupli- cates, complete sets are extremely rare 36 197 Silver Box with open-work lid, containing 36 Counters, JR, 1*05, after Passe, of the Sovereigns of England and others, some duplicates, mostly fine 36 198 Another selection of 31 Counters, JR, '95, of the Sovereigns of Eng- land, half-length figures three-quarters right or left ; rev. Armorial shield within a narrow floral border (/, §§§), mostly fine 31 199 Charles I and Henrietta Maria, Counter, by Passe, JR, 1'25, CAROLUS. D. G. MAG. brit., &c, ending 1649. 27. JANU., King's bust to right, in high-crowned and broad-brimmed hat, lace collar and Garter star ; rev. MARIA D. G. MAG. brit., &c, bust of Queen three-quarters left with pearl necklace and lace ruff, in extremely fine state, unpub- lished and very rare, perhaps unique 1 32 200 Gustavus Adolphus and Maria Eleanora of Sweden, Counter, JR, 1 -2, titles on both sides, bust of King, laureated, on one side, and that of Queen with coronet and stiff lace collar on the other; Charles I and Henrietta Maria, JR, 1*1, King's bust crowned to right, and with ruff ; rev. Queen's bust to left, wearing necklace and stiff lace collar ; and four others, JR, 1 ■ of Charles I, Henrietta Maria, Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden, and Marshal John Banier of Sweden; and other duplicates of previous lots, mostly fine, some scarce 13 COMMONWEALTH. a.d. 1649-1660. 201 Succession of Charles II, 1649 (2), M and Brass, -85, admitt, noe. partners., Three crowns with c.R. n. below ; rev. perfecl, Cupid, &c, (7, 3 f 4 ). Henry Scobell, Clerk of Parliament, 1649, JR, 1*45, modern chasing, by Stuart. John Lilburne, on his acquittal of high treason, 1649 (2), JR, gilt, and JE, 1*35, bust to left ; rev. Full-blown rose in centre of legend in four concentric circles (7, 3 f 5 ) ; and a modern chasing JR, 1*1 by "95, all very fine and the first two very rare 6 202 John Lilburne, on his acquittal of high treason, as before, but in JR, a very fine specimen of fairly good workmanship attributed to Thos. Simon. Oliver Cromwell as Captain-General and Commander-in- chief, 1650, Oval, JR, 1*2 by 1*1, by Thos. Simon, bust three-quarters to right, in plain falling collar, armour, and fringed scarf, plain reverse (I, 3 f 8 ), both very fine, scarce 2 203 Henry Ireton, Cromwell's son-in-law, and Deputy in Ireland, 1650, M, 1-2 by 1*15, with silver rim and loop, qvid. tibi. retribvam., Bust of Ireton to left, long hair, and undraped, below T. s. 1650 ; rev. ivstitia. NECESSITAS., &c, a soldier climbing up a rock and firing a cottage, a battle in the distance (1, 3 f 7 ), a very fine cast, extremely rare and beautifully executed, by Thos. Simon; Another, a modern chasing, JR, 1*25 by Stuart, with inscription on edge 2 204 Oliver Cromwell as Captain-General of the Army of the Parliament, 1560, M, 1*45, by Thos. Simon, oli. cromwel. milit. parl. dvx. GEN., bust three-quarters right, with plain falling collar, armour, and fringed mantle, reverse plain (I, 3 f 8 ), this rare medal, which is finely executed, is unpublished in this metal [PI. I.] 1 205 Oliver Cromwell as Captain-General of the Army, as before, by Thos. Simon, two very fine and rare specimens struck in JR and J& 2 33 206 Cromwell and Fairfax, satirical, M, 1*3, two grotesque and reversible heads, conjoined of Cromwell and the Devil, D. een. mens, &c, and on rev. similarly placed heads of Fairfax and Jester, reading farf AX. in field (i, 3 f 8 ) ; another of similar type, M, 1*4, reading den. een. mens., &c. on obv. and farfox in field on rev. (I, 3 T 8 ( f), both fine and very rare cast medals of Dutch workmanship, and the latter variety unpublished in silver 2 207 Naval Reward, 1650, oval, M, -95 by -85, by Thos. Simon, mervisti., two shields, one bearing St. George's Cross, and the other the Irish harp suspended from the beams of an anchor, on which is inscribed T. s. the whole encircled by the cable ; rev. the Parliament assembled in one house with the Speaker (I, 3 -j^°), an extremely fine little medal, and very rare 1 %* This medal was struck in 1650 by order of the Parliament as a reward for naval services. 208 Dunbar Medal, 1650, M, 1-45 by 1-2, by Thos. Simon, THE LORD OF HOSTS, WORD AT DUNBAR SEPTEM Y 3, 1650, bust of Cromwell to left, with long hair, plain falling collar, armour, and scarf festooned on the breast, on truncation tho. SIMON. FE ; rev. the Parliament assembled in one house with the Speaker (I, W), a very fine and rare original, pierced, and with ring for suspension 1 209 Dunbar Medals (2), M and M, 1*35 by 1-15, by Thos. Simon, of same type, but later struck specimens, both very fine 2 210 Dunbar Medal, 1650, Pewter, 1- by -85, by Thos. Simon, of same type as before, but on the truncation T. SIMON. F. (7, 3 1 V), unpub- lished in this metal, very rare, and a marvellously executed specimen of the work of this great master, probably the first proof from the die 1 211 Dunbar Medals (2), M and M, -95 by -8, by Thos. Simon, of same obverse as before, but with plain reverse, later struck specimens with flaw at top of head ; and a modern chasing, M, 1" by -9, with bust of Cromwell three-quarters right, with plain falling collar, and armour, and legend, hitherto hath the Lord, &c. plain reverse (I, 3 Yo )) oil very fine and scarce 3 %* The medals in the last four lots were issued by order of the Parlia- ment as rewards for naval services. 212 William II, Prince of Orange, on settlement of the disputes between the Prince and the States, 1650, M, 2-55, by P. van Abeele, bust three-quarters right, long hair, plain falling collar, armour with fringed scarf across, George of the Garter and riband, P.V.A. under bust, rev. Arms crowned within the Garter and motto (I, « v ^ r V fi ne emr bossed and chased medal, rare 1 35 218 Admiral Martin Tromp, on his death, 1653, M, 2*8, a copy of the above, cast in a solid piece ; another, a Plaque in JE, of the obv. only. The obverse plate of another variety, M, 2-9, with bust of Tromp three-quarters right, with plain falling collar, gorget, St. Michael's badge with riband, and over his head two genii supporting a naval crown, all fine, the last rare 3 219 Admiral Martin Tromp, on his death, 1653, M, 2*75, by Jerian Pool, bust of Tromp nearly full-faced, with plain falling collar, gorget, and badge with his own arms suspended from riband ; rev. Lieutenant. Admiral, &c, Naval action, with an English ship sinking in the foreground (I, 4 ^ 3 ) ; another of same type, but struck in 2& on a thicker flan, two fine and rare struck medals, the latter un- published in copper 2 220 Admiral Martin Tromp, on his death, 1653, M, 2-9, by 0. Muller, myn hert en handt, bust of Tromp three-quarters right with plain falling collar, gorget, and badge suspended from riband, above, two infant genii holding a naval wreath j rev. Waarom doet Muller, &c, a Naval engagement with an English ship sinking in the foreground (7, *■§£), a fine and scarce embossed and chased medal 1 221 Admiral Martin Tromp, as before, but M, 3, and with loop and ring for suspension, an equally fine medal by Muller 1 222 Admiral Martin Tromp, M, 2-8, by Muller, a Medal of similar type, but in higher relief, without the word "ob'yt" in reverse legend, and no sinking ship in the foreground, very fine, and a rarer variety 1 223 Admiral Tromp, another of same type, but of smaller module, M, 2*6 ; and a bronzed leaden cast of Tromp, 2 - 6, with incuse reverse and legend, Tromp driemal, &c, the former a fine and rare variety, embossed and chased, and the latter an unpublished type 2 224 Admiral Tromp, M, 2-55, by Muller, mart. harp, tromp. &c, ending hol. ze. wes., nearly full-faced bust of the Admiral, the whole within a laurel border ; rev. as before without " oby't " or sinking ship, a beautifully chased embossed medal, very rare, and an unpublished variety 1 225 Admiral Tromp, Portrait Plaque, M (4| by 3 T 9 g), by F. Lanting, Martinus Herp. Tromp, three-quarter length figure of Tromp, nearly full-faced, holding baton with right hand, and his left resting on a cannon, in the field to right a ship in full sail ; plain reverse, a fine cast pldque of Dutch rSpousse work, and quite unpublished I "%* From the Yoelcker sale. D 2 36 226 William II of Orange and Admiral Martin T romp, engraved Medal in Niello work, JE, 3*1 ; Wilhelmus II, Prins van Oranie, bust of Prince to right with long hair, plain falling collar, armour, medal and riband ; rev. Admirael Martin Harpertsen Tromp, admiral's bust three-quarters left, plain falling collar, and gorget, very fine, and very rare, and quite unpublished 1 *** From the Voelcker Cabinet. 227 Admiral Tromp, JR, 2*55, Myn hert en handt, &c, bust similar to other medals, with this motto, but much smaller, short hair, laureated, and with broad scarf; rev. Tromp. driemaal, &c. Naval engagement, without sinking ship in foreground, the whole engraved; very fine, very rare, and unpublished 1 *** From the Voelcker Cabinet. 228 Admiral Tromp, JR, 2-6, marten, harpertsen tromp. rid. l. adm. &c. Admiral's bust nearly full-faced, with long hair, plain falling collar, gorget, medal and riband, the whole surrounded by a laurel border ; rev. as before, engraved, very fine, very rare, and unpub- lished 1 229 Admiral Tromp, JR, 2-2,by Berk van Ryswick, martinvs. herperti. trompivs, &c, bust nearly full-faced, in plain falling collar, armour and mantle, decorated with lion's head on right shoulder, medal and riband, in field Ml. lv., and under bust, the artist's name; rev. victor, hostivm., &c, Naval engagement (7, *^ 4 ), with loop ; two other casts, JE, 2*2 and 2*15 of same type, the latter with loop, the first and second fine and rare, the last a later cast 3 230 Admiral Tromp, as before, but of larger module, JR, 2*4, and a solid cast, with loop for suspension, very fine and very rare, unpub- lished of this size and weight 1 231 Prince William of Orange, on the Defeat of the English by Admiral van Galen, 1658, JR, 3-25, den. ovden. willem. vorst. VAN. nassoven, &c. Bust three-quarters right, in ruff and in armour ; rev. ridder. marten, harpertsen, tromp, &c, a con- ference of the four Admirals named on the medal, all with tall hats, and seated round a table (Fan Loon 11-360), a beautifully embossed and chased medal, very rare, and a chef d'ceuvre by Van Abeele 1 232 Secretary John Thurloe, JR, 1-3, bust to right, in skull cap, long hair, plain falling collar, and closely buttoned doublet; rev. s. thurloe in two lines (I, Vo 6 )? a beautifully executed early chasing, presumably prior to Stuart's time, and of much finer work General Lambert, JR, 1-05 by -95, bare head of Lambert to left, with lambert behind ; rev. engraved Pari. M. Gen 1 . Pomfret Castle, 164-f, a fine chasing of a later period by Stuart, and unpublished 2 37 233 Secretary Thurloe, JR, 13, a modern chasing of same type as that in previous lot, but engraved in addition 10 Feb. 1653-4 — Died 21 J^J. 1667-8. JEtat, 51. William Lenthal I, 1653, ^l, 14, bust to right, with long hair, plain falling collar, and official robes (as Speaker of the Long Parliament) ; rev. SP. lenthall (7, \y). Sir James Harrington, M.P. for Rutland, and Parliamentary- General, JR, 1-4, bust to left; rev. the effigies of, &c. (I, \°g 8 ), all fine chasings of a later period 234 Oliver Cromwell, on his elevation to the Protectorate, 1653, N, 1*55, by Thos. Simon, bust of the Protector to left, in plain falling collar, decorated armour with scarf looped on left shoulder, and below bust, tho. SIMON. F. ; rev. PAX. QViERiTVR. bello., a lion sejant laureate supporting the shield of the Pro- tectorate (I, *^ 9 ), with loop and ring, a very fine and very rare struck medal [PI. II] 1 235 Oliver Cromwell, as before, JR, 1*5, by T. Simon, same type, but a ~ine cast medal, rare ; and a modern chasing, by Stuart, of Cromwell and Fairfax, JR, 1*2, with bust on each side, very fine 2 236 Oliver Cromwell, on the same event, JR, 1*35, Protector's bust, three quarters right, in plain falling collar, armour (with rivets shewn), and fringed scarf, and below, T.S.; rev. Legends and type as before (I, ±±£-) ; and another of exactly the same type, but struck in JE on an extra thick flan, both very fine medals executed by a Genevese artist in imitation of Simon 2 237 Peace between Great Britain and Holland, 1654, JR, 3-2, by 0. Mutter, hier. bint. de. heil'ge. vree., &c, Two armed figures holding spears surmounted by flags and caps of liberty, &c. ; rev. waarom. zeilt. t'vredeschip., &c, A ship in full sail propelled to right by favourable winds, Fame above, and tritons below (I, -^f), a very fine and rare medal of two embossed plates, and chased 1 238 Peace between Great Britain and Holland, 1654, JT, 265, bje. mihi. ervnt. artes., Justice and Peace with their appropriate symbols, each resting a hand on a cornucopia between them, above the name of Jehovah radiate, and in exergue mdcliiii. ; rev. q.f.f. q. s. POST, atrox. belvm., &c, in 18 lines (I, Vr*), a beautiful medal, and of the highest rarity, perhaps unique struck in this metal 1 239 Peace between Great Britain and Holland, 1654, JR, 2-4, by S. Dadler, Britannia and Holland supporting a cap of liberty between them ; rev. lvxvriat. gemino. nexv., &c, a British and a Dutch ship of war sailing amicably together on a calm sea (I, Va 5 )> rare and very fine 1 38 240 Another on same event, M, 2 35, by Jerian Pool, amantivm. IRA. amicitj,e., &c, Neptune in marine car drawn by hippocamps, sup- porting on his knees the armorial shields of the Commonwealth and Holland ; rev. Ter memorie de Vrede, &c, in 15 lines across the field (/, Vr)) a rare s t ruc k medal in the finest state 1 241 Many Princess of Orange and her son, 1654, M, 255, by P. van Abeele, Bust of Princess to left, with jewels in her hair, neck- lace and drapery, and behind, P. v. abeele. j rev. wilhelmvs. hi. d. G., &c, Infantile bust of William wearing a hat decorated with plumes and jewels, the whole surrounded by a wreath of orange and laurel (/, -W), a fi 716 embossed and chased medal ; another of same type, but a solid cast in brass, last unpublished 2 242 William III Prince of Orange, 1654, ^R, 255, by P. V. Abeele, wilhelmvs. in. d. G., &c, Infantile bust of William with hat decorated with plumes and jewels, the whole surrounded by a wreath of orange and laurel ; rev. TIME. DEVM., Minerva seated to left with) the young prince in front, holding baton, a fine embossed and chased medal ; another of same type, but a solid cast in brass 2 243 William III of Orange, 1655, M, 2-45, by Jerian Pool, obv. as before, but with a somewhat thinner wreath, and varying in details ; rev. A phoenix in flames, and in exergue, Jeurian Pool fecit Amsteld. Anno. 1655, a very fine and rare struck medal 1 244 William III of Orange, M, 2-45, by Jerian Pool, a struck medal as before but gilt ; two others, M and brass, 2*4, of same type, but cast, all fine and scarce 3 245 William III of Orange, M, 2-55, by P. V. Abeele, obverse as lot 242, with broad wreath around infantile bust ; rev. wilhelmvs. II., &c, Bust of his father William II to right, with long hair, plain falling collar, armour, scarf across breast, George of the Garter and riband (/, 4 sV 8 )» a very fine and rare embossed and chased medal 1 246 John Selden, Philologist, Antiquary, and Statesman, on his death, 1654, M and M, V7, by Dassier (I, ±±?-). Cromwell, on the subservience of France and Spain, 1655, M, 1-85, retire, toy. l'honnevr. appartiet., &c, The French and Spanish Ambassadors disputing precedence (/, -Ytt )> a cast i another as before, M, 1 -85, cast and highly chased 4 246* William III, Prince of Orange, M, 2-2, by P. van Abeele, Infantile bust in hat and plume to right ; rev. EMORITVR., &c, and Phoenix looking right, within wreath ; another, M, 2% similar, but Phoenix looking to left, and cast and chased ; another, M, 1.9, similar obv., but inscription in eight lines on rev. and dated 1657, all fine and scarce Dutch medals not relating to England, the first and last are struck 3 39 247 Cromwell, on the subservience of France and Spain, 1655, M, 1-85, same type as before, but a fine chasing by Stuart. Edward Montague, afterwards Earl of Sandwich, 1658, M, 1*5, engraved on rev. ED. movntagv. tribvnvs. eqvitvm., &c, in seven lines (I, ~yt), a finely chased copy by Stuart, both rare 2 248 Colonel John Desborough (the Protector's brother-in-law), 1657, M, 2-15 by 1.85, bust to right with long hair, plain falling collar, armour, and scarf across breast, rev. COL. desbo. rough. 1657., A.s., (I, V/)> extremely rare, a cast and chased medal of coarse work, perhaps an altered copy of the last century from an original 1 249 Mrs. Elizabeth Cleypole, 2nd and favorite daughter of Cromwell, 1658, M, 1*25, bust of Mrs. Cleypole to right, hair flat at top of the head, curled at the side and fastened with a bow, necklace and low bodice ; rev. engraved u Mrs. Elizabeth Cleypole" in three lines (/, - 4 T 3 ¥ °), a beautiful chasing of later date, without T. S. on truncation, and very rare 1 250 Mrs. Elizabeth Cleypole, Medals (2), M and M, 1-35, by Kirk, reading ANN. cleypole., &c, in five lines, within laurel wreath (1, ^5°) ; and another, an oval chasing, M, 1 8 by 1 - 6, with wreath border like those used on Royalist badges, plain reverse. William Harvey, physician and discoverer of the circulation of the blood, 1657, iE, 1*6, by Binfield, one of the "Series Numismatica " ; two Medals, M, 1 '6, by Mauger, of Louis XIV, on the battle and cap- ture of Dunkirk, 1658 (I, ±j$) and *f£), all fine 6 251 Cromwell and Masaniello, 1658, M, 2-85, Bust of Cromwell three-quarters to right, hair long, plain falling collar, and armour between two soldiers holding wreath over his head, below on a cartouche, olivar. cromwel. protector., &c, rev. Bust of Masa- niello three-quarters to right, between two sailors holding crown over his head, below on a cartouche, mas'aniello. visscher. en. coninck., &c. (I, *rg-), a fine and rare embossed and chased medal, probably by 0. Muller 1 252 Cromwell and Masaniello, M, 2-85, of same type, but with large loop for suspension, equally fide and rare 1 253 Cromwell and Masaniello, JE, 2-9, as before, but cast in a solid piece of metal and no loop ; another, M, 1 -9, by F. St. Urban, Bust of Cromwell laureate and draped to left ; rev. Bust of Masaniello to left, with s. V. below (I, ^ 2 ) ; and a leaden Plaque, 1*75, of Cromwell, a struck specimen, all fine and interesting, the last unpub- lished 3 40 254 Oliver Cromwell, on his Death, 1658, termed the "Punning Medal," AT, -85 by -75, by Thos. Simon, olivar. d.g.r.p. ang. SCO., &c, Bust of the Protector to left, laureate, hair short, in plain falling collar and armour, on truncation, T. SIMON. ; rev. NON. DEFI- tient. oliva., Sep. 3, 1658, a young olive-tree growing out of an old stump, shepherds with flocks of sheep in the distance (I, ^ 3 -), a very fine and very rare struck medal with loop for suspension 1 255 Cromwell, on his Death, 1658, N~, 1-15, legends and type as before, but the Protector's bust laureated and draped (7, *££), rare and in extra fine condition with plain edge 1 "%* This medal is of Dutch work and copied from the small one by Simon. 256 Cromwell, on his Death, as before (2), JR, 1-1 of the same type as the preceding, varieties from different dies, with plain and grained edges ; a fine chasing, JR, *85 by "75 of the small oval medal by Simon, without artist's name on bust; and a Medalet, JE, 1*, by Kirk, all fine 4 257 Cromwell, on his Death, as before, small oval medal, by T. Simon, struck in iron, with artist's name on truncation of bust, and with plain reverse ; Another, on same event, in pewter, 1*95, similar legends and type, and laureated bust, but obv. Legend terminating hibernle. protector,, and of Dutch work (I, ^ 5 -), both fine and very rare, amd unpublished in these two metals 2 258 Cromwell, on his Death, as before, large medal, JR, 1-95, similar to latter medal in previous lot, with legend terminating hiberni^e. protector., and of Dutch work (I, Vt 5 -)» a ver y fi ne struck medal and rare 1 259 Another, on same event, JR, struck from a different die, and of slightly smaller module, equally fine and rare 1 CHARLES II. a.d. 1649-1685. 260 Royalist Badges (2), JR, -85 by -75, bust three-quarters right, and square shield within the Garter crowned (I, ± |-), varieties, one with loop and chain ; two others, JR, and JR gilt, - 9 by '8, oval shield within the Garter crowned, and on obv. bust three-quarters left (I, -£-), both with loops and rings, all fine and rare 4 261 Royalist Badges (2), JR, -7 by -6; rev. two angels supporting a crown, incuse, with crowned bust to left, and uncrowned bust to right on respective obvs. (I, ^p-) and - 4 r V-) ; two others, ;R, -95 by •8, crowned bust to right ; rev. oval shield within the Garter crowned between c — R (I, ± -^), all fine and rare, and with one exception with loop and rings 4 41 262 Royalist Badges (4), M, -95 by -8 as before, but with uncrowned bust (7, ^rr), JR, "8 by "75, bust as before, but with plain reverse, unpublished variety ; two others, A\, '8 by '7 ; rev. Phoenix in flames on a radiated field, varieties of obv. one with bust between C2 and R crowned (7, rllfe")* a ^ fare, and with one exception fine, and with loops and rings 4 263 Royalist Badges, M, 1-2 by 1*1, crowned bust of Charles II to right, within an ornamental border ; rev. square shield within the Garter crowned, between c — R (7, - 4 ^) ; another M, of same size, and similar type, but with the King's bust crowned on both sides within an ornamental border, both with loops, fine and rare, and the latter unpublished 2 264 Royalist Badge, M, 1-25 by 1*1, obv. as before; rev. plain square shield crowned between c — R (7, ^f)j another, Al, 1*1 by 1* vivat. carolvs 2. rex. and crowned bust to right on both sides, both with loops and rings, fine and rare, and the latter unpublished 2 265 Royalist Badges (4), M, VI by -95, King's bust crowned to left between §. — R, within a floral border on both sides (7, -V/)> struck in low relief on two thin pieces of metal ; A\, '6b, full-faced bust crowned within a beaded border ; rev. incuse (I, *£$■) ; M, "55, similar bust, but c — R at sides, with eyelets as if part of a garter buckle (7, -\ 4 /), M, -55 by -50, Crowned bust to left between c— R, plain reverse, all fine and rare, the last unpublished 4 266 Charles I and Charles II, M, 2-8, by P. van Abeele, carolvs. d.i. bust of Charles I, three-quarters to right ; rev. CAROLVS. II., Full-faced bust with long hair, plain falling collar, &c, tracery of flowers in field on both sides (7, *££■), a fi ne an ^ rare embossed and chased medal, of Dutch work ; and a contemporaneous cast, ^E, 2*3, with crowned busts of Charles I and his son between c — R. I and c — R II, this latter fine, but of coarse work, and unpublished 2 267 Restoration of the Monarchy, 1660, M, 1-4 by Simon, tandem. revirescet., three crowns on the branches of a leafless oak, with sun above bursting through clouds (7, ^^), struck on two pieces of metal united by a rim, with loop, a beautiful little medal of great merit, and rare in this state; another, M, gilt, 1 "3, of same type, but a solid cast 2 268 Royalist Badge, on same event, M, 1*4 by 1*15, carolvs. secvn- dvs. incuse, crowned bust to right ; rev. legend and type as before, but incuse, and with i-s in field (7, *^), with loop and ring, fine and very rare 1 269 Royalist Badge, M, -9 by -75, similar legends and type (incuse), (I, ^ 1 4 ), with loop only; another, M, 1-25 by 1*05, similar obv., but the King's bust uncrowned ; rev. Dove with olive branch in its beak, on top of a mountain (Ararat), the whole within a wreath with F H scratched in field (7, -W)> w i tn 1°°P an d ring, both fine and very rare 2 42 270 Embarkation of Charles II at Scheveningen, 1660,^1, 2-75, by P. van Abeele, King's bust three-quarters right, long hair, and in armour, necktie and bow, George of the Garter, &c. ; rev. IN. nomine, meo, &c., and with Dutch inscription on shell s. M. is uit. Hollant, &c. (/, --££-), a very fine embossed and chased medal, in two plates 1 271 Embarkation at Scheveningen, 1660 (2), as before, A\, 2-7, and M, 2'75, same type, but both solid casts, and apparently contem- poraneous. William III, Prince of Orange, a solid cast, M, 1*95, of later date, bust three-quarters left, with long hair and drapery, all fine, and unpublished 3 272 William III, Prince of Orange, A\, 2-75, by P. van Abeele, wilhelmvs. in., D. G. PRINC. AVRAIC.E., &c. The Prince on horse- back to right, with plumed hat, and holding baton ; rev. IN. NOMINE. meo., &c, type as medal in previous lot, referring to the embarka- tion at Scheveningen, a very fine and rare embossed and chased medal in two plates, unpublished [PL VI.] 1 273 Charles II and his nephew William III of Orange, M, 2-75, by P. van Abeele; obv. as the Scheveningen medal, 1660; rev. the Prince of Orange on horseback to right, as before, with titles around, a very fine and rare embossed and chased medal in two plates, and unpublished 1 274 Landing of Charles II at Dover, 1660, M, 2-3, by John Eoettier, king's bust to right, with long hair, necktie, &c, within laurel branches ; rev. si. devs. est. cvstos., &c, a ship nearing the coast, where three warriors (symbolical of the three kingdoms) await its arrival (I, -Y^ 7 -), a beautiful medal, and presumed to be the first executed by Roettier in England. Another of same type, but a cast in M gilt 2 275 Charles II, on the Execution of the Regicides, 1660, M, 2-5, by G. Bower, king's bust to left, with long hair, lace cravat, robes, collar, and George of the Garter ; rev. Jove seated on eagle, destroy- ing the giants, and below, G. Bower, F., on both sides, a rich raised border (/, - 4 g^), a rare and very fine medal 1 276 Charles II, on the Execution of the Regicides, 1660, legend and type as before, but a cast and chased medal in JEi, differing slightly in details. Another on the Eestoration, 1660, by G. Bower, Ai, 1*4, king's bust to right, laureate, long hair, and decorated armour and mantle ; rev. invidia. MAIOR., Pallas seated to left, piercing envy with her spear (/, W 9 -), both very fine and rare, the former unpublished 2 43 277 Charles II, on his arrival in London, 1660, M, 3-4, by John Roettier, bust of king to right, long hair falling upon the shoulders, scale armour with lion's head on breast, and mantle fastened with brooch on the shoulder; rev. felicitas. Britannia., 29, mail 1660, in incuse letters, Justice laureate, with scales and fasces, accom- panied by Hercules and Pallas, presenting an olive branch to Britannia seated to right on the sea shore, &c. (I, ^f), a rare and extremely fine medal, and one of the most beautiful specimens of John Roettier' s work 1 278 Charles II, his arrival in London, 1660, a rare and beautiful medal by John Roettier, as before, but struck in M, and unpublished in this metal. Restoration, 1660, M, 1*2, by Thos. Simon, Moses approaching the people of Israel, &c. ; rev. in. /ETER. memor. caroli. il, &c, within wreath of oak (I, -Vs 2 -). very fine and scarce 2 279 Restoration, 1660, M, 2-5, by John Roettier, bust of Charles II to right, short hair, bare neck, and in rich armour draped ; rev. NVLLVM. nvmen., &c, Hercules, Minerva, Peace and Mercury assembled around an altar, &c, in exergue Britannia. (7, - 4 5^ -), a very fine medal, of which the dies are in the British Museum 1 280 General Monk, M, 1-35, by A. Simon, and beautifully worked up by his brother Thomas, whose initials are under the bust ; rev. georgivs. monke. omnivm. copiarvm., &c, in seven lines (I, - 4 ¥ V-)> very fine and very rare [PI. II] 1 281 General Monk, a fine chasing of the above, M, 1*45, by Stuart, reading HIBERNI^E. ; and three oval Badges (one with loop), M gilt, 1*55 by 1*45; rev. his arms under a ducal coronet, two of which are electrotypes, and the third a solid cast; various bi'ass Counters (one plated), by Conrad Lauffer, &c. (16), mostly on the Restoration, all fine 20 282 George Monk Duke of Albemarle, 1660, Badge, M gilt, 1-45 by 1-25, george. dvke. OF. Albemarle, incuse ; rev. Arms under a ducal coronet, with laurel border within two corded circles on both sides (I, -V 5 6 -) ; another, M, gilt, 1'2 by 1*15, of similar type, but reading george. d. Albemarle., and with laurel border on both sides without corded circles, both fine and rare cast and chased medals with loops for suspension, latter unpublished 2 283 George Monk Duke of Albemarle, Badge, M, 1-2 by 1-15, same type as that in last lot, but loop broken off; another, JR, Tl by *95, Bust of Monk to right, george. dvke. of. Albemarle., incuse ; rev. Arms as before but incuse, with rose and thistle border on both sides (I, V6 7 )> both fine and rare cast and chased badges, former un- published 2 44 THIRD DAY'S SALE. Charles II — continued. LOT 284 Charles II and William III Prince of Orange, M, 2-8, by P. van Abeele, carolvs. d. il, Full faced bust of Charles II, with long hair, plain falling collar, and buttoned doublet ; rev. WILHELMVS. III. D. G. princ. avraicle., &c, The prince on horseback to right, with plumed hat and holding baton (1, V* 1 )> a very fine and rare embossed and chased medal 1 285 Coronation of Charles II, 1661, N, 1-15, by Thomas Simon, Crowned bust of king to right, long hair, and wearing royal robes, on truncation T. S. ; rev. EVERSO. MISS VS., &c, Peace crowning the king seated on chair of state (7, $ri)> rare in this metal, and not to be surpassed for delicacy of treatment 1 286 Coronation of Charles II, 1661, M, 1-15, by Thos. Simon, of exactly the same type as the previous medal in gold ; another, a cast in 2&, 1*1, the former a brilliant specimen with a beautiful tone, and rare in this unusual state 2 287 Coronation of Charles II, 1661, M, 1-3, by Thos. Rawlins, Crowned bust of king to left, long hair and in ermine robes ; rev. dixi. CVS- todiam., &c, The king as a shepherd tending his flock, edge in- scribed coronato. pastore., &c. (7, *//) > two others, M, 1*35 and 1 '3, as before but obv. legend terminating coro., the former size with R. under bust, and inscribed edge, and the latter with plain edge (I, 8T&I2-),
another, M, gilt, of similar type, with the positions of the figures on rev. trans- posed, all very fine and scarce 4 292 Marriage of Charles II and Catherine of Braganza, 1662, M, 2*1, by G. Bower, vis-a-vis busts of King and Queen, with G under former, and B under latter ; rev. qvantvm. sat. erit. &c, Fame with trumpet and olive branch (I, 4 g^°), variety reading ANNO, for ANO. ; another on same event, M, gilt, 2*15, by same artist, busts of King (laureate) and Queen (with coronet) to right on opposite sides, with titles, with edge inscribed hinc. progeniem. virtvte. &c. (I, Yt )> both fine and rare 2 293 Marriage of Charles II and Catherine of Braganza, by G. Bower, as before but in JR; another of same type, JR, 2*15, but with a different edging, sic. SINE. fine. &c. (I, Y3 2 ), both very fine and rare 2 294 Marriage of Charles II and Catherine, as before, JR gilt (1-7 by 1*45), by G. Bower, bust of King to right (crowned), and Queen to left (with coronet) on opposite sides, without date (I, 4 ¥ 8 t )• Three Marriage Badges of Charles II and Queen, JR, 1-2 by 1*1, fvtvri. spes., with floral border, loop and ring (I, Ye 3 ) > &> "75 by *6, bust of King to left between c — R, and Queen to left, on reverse (7, *^ 4 ). Heart-shaped Locket, M, -7 by -65, same type with loop, unpublished, all fine and rare 4 46 295 Marriage Badges of Charles II and Queen (4), JR, -9 by 8, fvtvri. SPES. without border, with loop and ring, unpublished ; JR, •7 by 6, bust of King and Queen to left on opposite sides, no legend, with loop (I, f§-§) ; M, '7 (circular), similar, but King to left and Queen to right, with beaded border (1, f|f ) ; M, '9 by *7, crowned bust of King to right and Queen's bust to left on opposite sides, with CAROLVS. SECVNDVS., and CATHERINA. REGINA. iflCUSe, with loop (7, -£§!•) ; M, 1- by -85, Queen's bust to left, with coronet, infanta, dona, catherina. incuse ; rev. Two orange trees intertwined, incuse loop and ring (7, fff ) ; and three Cliches, M, *95 of Charles II, Catharine, and crowned rose, with gadrooned borders (7, %%% and Tjjfii-)> a ^ fi ne an d scarce 8 296 Charles II and Catherine, 1662, M and M, 1-4, by John Roettier, bust of king laureated and undraped, and queen with draped bust to right on opposite sides, with titles around (7, f§-|), unpublished in copper ; another variety of the above, M, 1"4, with wow. I.R. under the king's bust, and with two ringlets behind the queen's neck, also struck upon a thick flan (7, ff£), all very fine and scarce 3 297 Charles II and Catherine, termed " The Golden Medal," M, 1-7, by John Roettier, bust of king laureated, long hair, scale armour, and mantle, and queen with pearls in hair and draped, on opposite sides, with titles around (I, ff-J). The Feast of St. Catherine, 25 Novr. (the Queen's Name day), M, 1*7, by F. Roettier, obverse as rev. of last medal, rev. pietate. insignis., St. Catherine standing nearly full-faced, holding sword and palm branch, and with broken wheel at her feet (7, tt%), both scarce and very fine 2 298 Commercial Treaties between Holland, France and Eng- land, 1662, tin, and bell metal,' 2*1, devs. nobis. &c, the god of war prostrate under the feet of peace, &c. with Dutch inscription on rev. (I, 4 ^ 6 ). Tranquillity of United Provinces, 1662, M, and M, 1*4, non. telis. primis. &c, Belgic lion with arrows and scales ; rev. Shields of the seven United Provinces, around a high crowned hat (Van Loon II, 477) ; and three Medals of Louis XIV, M, 1-55 on the Cession of Dunkirk, 1662, types as (7, xrf&iVg-)* two unpublished varieties, all fine and scarce 7 299 Thomas Wriothesley Earl of Southampton, Lord High Trea- surer, M, 2, by Thos. Simon, Bust to left in skull cap, and robes, and on truncation Tho. Simon ; rev. thomas. comes, sovthamptonle., in five lines (7, frf")> a fi ne an d ver y rare contemporaneous cast [PL II] 1 47 300 Earl of Southampton, as before, M, gilt, 1-65, cast and chased at a later period, without artist's name on truncation; Another, JR, 2 -75, a modern chasing, by Stuart. Memorial Badge of M rs. Rachel Brodnax, M, 1-35, by 1-2, Bust to left in broad-brimmed hat, and around, Mrs. Rachel Brodnax, dau r of Mr. John Horfmanden, &c, the whole engraved ; rev. Death contemplating an hour-glass on a sarcophagus, on which is engraved a coat of arms, all fine and the last unpublished 3 301 Naval Reward for Services, 1665, M, 2*5, by John Roettier, King's bust, laureate and draped, to right ; rev. PRO. talibvs. avsis., Charles II standing on the sea-shore viewing a naval engagement, &c. (I, -f-ff), a very fine medal 1 *** This medal was struck in gold and silver for presentation to officers of the rank of captain and upwards (Stuart Papers, Windsor). 302 James Duke of York, on the Naval Action with the Dutch off Lowestoft, 3rd June, 1665, M, 3*05, by John Roettier, NEC. minor. IN. terris. 3. JVNii., 1665., a naval action, with the Royal Admiral's flagship in the foreground (7, f££), a fine and rare medal 1 303 James Duke of York, Naval Reward, 1665, M, 25, by John Roettier, Draped bust with short hair to right ; rev. GENVS. ANTI- qvvm., Antique trophy with naval engagement in the distance (I, f|f.) ; and a cast Plaque, M, 3*2 by 2*4, with similar bust and plain reverse, both fine and scarce, the latter unpublished 2 "%* The former medal was used as a naval reward, and is described in the list of medals by Roettier (Stuart Papers, Windsor). 304 Charles II, Honorary Naval Reward, 1665, M (I, f|), by Thos. Rawlins, King's bust to right, laureate, long hair and richly figured armour, with mantle, on truncation, t.r. ; rev. NOS. penes, im- perivm., the Duke of York's flagship, "The Royal Charles," with pennant, charged with c — R. at the mainmast, floral border on both sides f||), an extremely fine and very rare medal [PL II] 1 *#* This medal was struck both in gold and silver, and was doubtless awarded to the naval officers under the Duke of York, for the defeat of the Dutch under Opdam, whose flagship was blown up by the " Royal Charles " and himself killed. In this battle twenty -four ships were captured, burnt and sunk, and 3,000 prisoners taken. — Calendar of Victory, p. 500. 305 Dominion of the Sea, 1665, M, 1-05, by Thos. Simon, laureated and draped bust of Charles II to right, below, Simon; rev. et. pontvs. serviet., 1665, king in royal robes, crowned, and holding trident, seated in marine car drawn by four sea-horses (I, r££), a rare and beautiful little medal of minute treatment, without flaw, an early impression struck before the failure of the rev. die 1 48 306 Naval Action with Dutch at Bergen, 1665, JR, 215, by G. Pool, naval action within the harbour of Bergen ; rev. Op de roof zugt van Caret, &c, in four lines, and below Das wort Brittanjes trotz, &c, in six lines, with laurel branches below (/, ffj-), with flaw in die on reverse. Another, JR, 2-15, on same event ; obv. as before, but rev. Anno, 1665, den 10 Augusti genaakte d'Engelsche Graaf vd Zandwigh, &c, in sixteen lines, within a border of oak leaves (/, y%%), both very fine and rare 2 307 Naval Action with Dutch at Bergen, 1665, JR, 21, by G. Pool, obverse as before ; rev. a similar inscription but differently spelt and arranged (I, fif)) a fine and rare contemporaneous cast. George Lord Berkeley, 1666, leaden cast, 2, by /. B. Du Four, regibvs. atavis. (7, fH). Tnree medals of Louis XIV, M, 1-65, by Mauger, on the alliance of France and Holland, 1666, all varieties, one reading christianiss. (/, f if ), all fine and rare 5 308 Abraham Simon, JR, T8 by 1-5, bust of Abraham to right, short hair and beard, plain falling collar, doublet, and medal of Queen Chris- tina of Sweden suspended from chain, with plain reverse (I, ffcf). Thomas Simon, JR, 1-8 by 1*5, half length figure of Thomas, three quarters left, long hair, plain falling collar, and buttoned doublet ; rev. plain (I, f$-f)> both fine and rare chasings by Stuart, executed perhaps about the middle of the eighteenth century, the former from a wax model by Abraham himself, in the B. M. 2 309 Peace between Holland and the Bishop of Munster by the Mediation of the Elector of Brandenburg, 1666, JR, 3-4, by 0. Mutter, bust of the Elector, three quarters right, between two soldiers holding over his head a wreath; rev. laat. nv. den. bittren. brit. of. mvnsters., &c, two armed figures holding lances with pennons, each surmounted with a cap, and united by Peace in centre, with an olive wreath, &c. (2, fi^)> a very fine and rare medal of two embossed plates, chased 1 310 Peace between Holland and the Bishop of Munster, as before, but JR, 3; and without any legends beyond kevrvorst. VAN. brandenbvrg. on obv., a very fine and rare medal by 0. Muller, of two embossed plates, and chased, unpublished 1 311 Peace between Holland and the Bishop of Munster, as before, but a struck specimen, JR, 3 '35, of coarse and grotesque work in imitation of the original cast medal as (/, ££-£) with legend on both sides, very fine, very rare, and unpublished 1 49 312 Proposed Commercial Treaty with Spain for the free passage of the Scheldt, 1666, M, 2-2, by John Roettier, lau- reated and undraped bust of Charles II ; rev. redeant. commercia. &c, the king as a Roman Imperator, standing upon a pedestal near the sea crowded with shipping (2, f|£) j two others of same type, in M, one a fine struck medal with m. m. mullet on obv., the other a cast ; all fine and scarce, and the second unpublished in copper 3 313 Another on the same event, M, 2-25, by John Roettier, laureate bust of Charles II, hair long, and with fringed mantle around shoulders ; rev. as previous lot (I, f£4). Capture of the Island of St. Christopher by the French, 1666, M, 1*65, by Manger, bust of Louis XIV; rev. colonia. FR. stabilita., American Indian supporting French shield, &c. (I, -f^), both very fine and rare 2 314 Naval Action between the Dutch and English Fleets in the Downs, 1666, M, 2-8, by Christopher Adolf szoon, a naval engage- ment with a ship on fire, in the foreground ; rev. mnemosynon. spectand^e. victoria., &c, in 13 lines, within a laurel wreath, to which are attached the shields of the Seven United Provinces with their respective bundles of arrows (I, -fif ) ; and a Medal, M, 1 '8, struck at Amsterdam by Fan der Wey, to commemorate the same naval action, and awarded to the town guard, a soldier with sceptre and laurel wreath, caressing a lion, &c. (I, -finr), both very fine and rare, the latter with loop 2 315 Naval Action between the Dutch and English Fleets in the Downs, 1666, M, 2-25, a naval battle with a piece of wreckage in foreground inscribed G. pool, feict. I. A. DAM. ; rev. Be Godt der Goden zet. den oceaen. de wet, &c, with the seven shields of the United Provinces suspended above (I, -§■ |-|) ; and a Medal, JR., 1*8, struck at Amsterdam by Van der Wey, to commemorate the above battle, and for presentation to the town guard, type as medal in previous lot, but without loop, both very fine and scarce 2 316 Michael de Ruyter, Dutch Admiral, 1666, M, 3-1, by 0. Midler, bust of the Admiral, three-quarters right, with two Tritons holding naval crown over head ; rev. HiER. stryckt. het. britsch., &c, naval action with sinking ship in foreground (7, fff ), a rare and very fine medal of two embossed plates, and chased ; and a Plaque, M, 3*2, of the reverse only 2 317 Michael de Ruyter, 1666, M, 3-1, by 0. Miiller, a variety of the Admiral's bust, wearing the collar and badge of St. Michael ; rev. dvsmoet menjvychen, &c, incuse, a naval engagement with ship on fire in the foreground, in the exergue, PVGNANDO, a very fine and rare medal of two embossed plates, unpublished 1 50 318 Michael de Ruyter, 1666, M, 2-8, by Christopher Adolf szoon, Admiral's bust with collar and badge of St. Michael, three-quarters left ; rev. naval engagement with ship on fire in the foreground, in exergue, pvgnando. (J, f§-f), a very fine and rare struck medal 1 319 Michael de Ruyter, 1666, two other struck medals of the same type, pewter, 2*8, and M, 2-85, and a cast of the latter, M, 275, the two last unpublished in this metal 3 320 Michael de Ruyter, 1666, M, 2-2, by Jerian Pool, full-faced bust with cravat and plain doublet between trophies of arms ; rev. Naval battle, with the artist's name on a piece of wreckage (/, -f-ff), a cast hollow medal with broad rim. Cornelius Evertsen, Dutch Ad- miral 1666, M, 3-05, by 0. Mutter, bust of Evertsen three-quarters to right, with lace cravat, doublet and scarf, between trophies of arms, and two Tritons above holding laurel wreath over his head ; rev. HIER. stryckt. het. britsch. &c, Naval action with sinking ship in foreground (2, fff)» o> solid and contemporaneous cast, both fine and very rare, latter unpublished 2 321 Cornelius Evertsen, 1666, M, 3*05, of exactly the same type as latter medal in previous lot, but a cast medal of two embossed and chased plates, in extremely fine state and very rare 1 322 Cornelius Tromp, Lieut.-Admiral of Holland, 1666, M, 315, by 0. Miiller, bust of Tromp three-quarters right, between trophies of arms, and two Tritons above, holding laurel wreath over his head ; rev. hier. STRYCKT. het. britsch. &c, Naval action with sinking ship in foreground (I, fffX a fine and rare medal of two embossed and chased plates 1 323 Cornelius Tromp, 1666, M, 3-15, by 0. Mutter, exactly the same type as before, but a solid cast, contemporaneous ; another, a solid chasing, JE, gilt, 2*7, similar, but on band below bust cornelis. tromp. admiraal v. holl. ; rev. plain, both very fine and unpublished in this metal 2 324 English Ships Burnt in the Medway by Admiral de Ruyter, 1667, M, 2*9, by P. van Abeele, bust of De Euyter three-quarters right, with collar and badge of St. Michael ; rev. Ships burning near Chatham, one sinking in the foreground, below, a shell in- scribed Door. Order van haer E. Hoogh. Mog., &c. (I, ff-f), a very fine medal of two embossed and chased plates 1 325 Admiral de Ruyter, on the same event, M, 2-1, m. add. rvyter. rl. admiraal. genvhole ., nearly full-faced bust with cravat and plain doublet, below in script letters Chattam Jun : At 1667, plain re- verse, with loop, a fine and very rare chasing, unpublished 1 51 326 Admiral de Ruyter, on the same event, M, 2-9, by P. van Abeele, obverse as last medal but one; rev. De Kuyter's shield of arms within collar and badge of St. Michael, with crest and lambrequins, and below anno 1667, a very fine and rare medal of two embossed and chased plates, and unpublished [PL VI] 1 327 Peace of Breda, 1667, M, 2-8, by Christopher Adolfszoon, mitis. et. fortis., Holland trampling upon Discord, &c, in the exergue, procvl. hinc. mala, bestia., inscribed edge (/, ff-f), a rare and extremely fine medal 1 328 Peace of Breda, 1667, pewter, 2-8, by C. Adolfszoon, same type as before, but with plain edge ; another, similar, but a cast, M, 2-75, both fine and rare, unpublished 2 329 Peace of Breda, 1667, M, 2-8, by Jan Lutma, a lion sporting amongst arms and cannon, &c, with chronogrammatic legend sIC. fInes. nostros. Leges. &c. above, and below leo. batavvs., behind lion O.A.L. in mon. ; rev. DEO. AVSPICE. &c in 19 lines (T, |2-9 ) ? very fine, and the only specimen of the medallic work of this artist referring to English History 1 330 Peace of Breda, 1667, by Jan Lutma, as before, same type, but struck in tin ; another, similar, but a cast, M, 2 -7 of contemporaneous work, both fine and scarce (former unpublished) and with plain edges 2 331 Peace of Breda, 1667, M, 3-5, Peace accompanied by Love, on clouds, &c. ; rev. breda. BELLON.E. SEDES. &c, Bird's-eye view of Breda (7, -f-ff), a very fine and rare medal of coarse workmanship 1 332 Peace of Breda, 1667, two varieties of the preceding medals, one M 3-5, with the date in the legend of the obv. micivii. and view of Breda taken from a higher point (/, ffi), and the other M, 3*4, with correct date, mdclxvii., both fine cast and chased medals, ex- tremely rare and unpublished in this metal 2 333 Peace of Breda, 1667, M, 3-2, by 0. Muller, view of Breda from the river, above, Fame proclaiming peace, &c. ; rev. hier. zeiilt. het. vrede., &c, a Ship to right in full sail propelled by favour- able winds (1, ff^)> a ver y fi ne an, d rare medal of two embossed and chased plates 1 334 Peace of Breda, 1667, N, 1*2, Shield of the City of Leyden crowned and dividing date; rev. ASSERTO. per. wlcanvm., &c. a Ship sailing to right with A.S. on flags (I, fff ) ; Another of same type but in M, both very fine and rare, the latter unpublished in this metal 2 *#.* This medal was struck by order of the Magistrates of Leyden, and a specimen in gold was presented to each of the overseers, who were appointed to supply lists of the hearths of that city, for the pur- poses of levying the hearth-tax for the support of the navy. E 2 52 335 Ships burnt in the Medway and Proclamation of Peace, 1667, M, 2 "9, by P. Fan Abeele, burning ships near Chatham, one sinking in the foreground ; rev. Peace facing, and seated upon piles of arms, supported by infant genii of war, above a scroll inscribed, soli. deo. gloria., &c. (I, fti)> a fi ne an ^ rare hollow medal of two embossed and chased plates 1 336 Ships burnt in the Medway, 1667, by P. van Abeele, as before, but JR, 2*8, and a solid cast. Proclamation of the Peace of Breda, 1667, M, 2-1 by Jerian Pool, Neptune on car to left, sic. cvnctvs. pelagl, &c, (I, fit)' both ver y fi ne an d rare me dals, the former un- published, and the latter struck 2 337 Proclamation of the Peace of Breda, 1667, M, 21 by Jerian Pool, as before, with legend, sic. cvnctvs. pelagl, &c, but vary- ing in details, an extremely fine specimen of this interesting and rare medal 1 338 Peace of Breda and Alliance of England and Holland, 1667, N, 1*75, by C. Adolf szoon, an English and a Dutch ship sailing amicably alongside each other to right ; rev. britan. batav. pax., and above, the Shields of England and Holland suspended from a festoon of fruit and flowers encircled by a wreath of laurel (I, -f|f), an extremely fine and rare medal in this metal, on which the artist has committed the error of placing Scotland in the first and fourth quarters of the shield 1 339 Peace of Breda and Alliance of England and Holland, 1667, by C. Adolf szoon, as before, but struck in M, 1*75 ; Another, similar, but a contemporaneous cast, both fine and rare, and the latter unpub- lished 2 340 Peace of Breda, 1667, M, 2-25, by John Roettier, laureated bust of Charles II to right with fringed mantle around shoulders ; rev. favente. DEO., Britannia seated to left at foot of rock viewing her navies, in the exergue, Britannia., with edge inscribed carolvs. secvndvs. pacis., &c. (I, f§-f), extremely fine and scarce 1 341 Peace of Breda, 1667, N, 2-25, by John Roettier, as before, but the king's bust is without drapery, inscribed edge as before (7, ft!)* a fine and very rare medal in this metal 1 "%* The figure of Britannia on the preceding and following medals of this type, is said to be a portrait of the famous court beauty Mrs. Stuart, Duchess of Richmond. 342 Peace of Breda, 1667, M, 2-25, by John Roettier, type and edging as before ; another of same type, but M gilt, 2-25, and a variety of edging avgvstvs. PACIS. et. imperil &c, both very fine medals, and the latter very rare and unpublished 2 53 343 Peace of Breda, 1667, M, 1*75, by John Roettier, conjoined busts of Charles II and queen to right, with R. below ; rev. favente. deo. Britannia seated to left under rock, with long spear in right hand, with ships in the distance under the meridian sun (/, -fif)> very fine and rare 1 344 Charles II and Catherine, 1667, M, 1*1, by Philip Roettier, draped bust of king to right, with P.R. below j rev. catherina. regina. draped bust of queen to right (J, fff). Quiet state of Britain, 1667 (2), inland M, 1*1, by P. Roettier, king's bust undraped to right; rev. qviescit., sleeping lion (I, ffi), latter unpublished in copper; another M, T05 of same type but cast at the time, un- published ; another, obv. as before, M, 1*05, but rev. ANTE. OMNES., a rose bush (I, ff^), all fine and rare 5 345 Duchess of Richmond, 1667, M, 2-8, by John Roettier, bust of the Duchess to left with loose bodice fastened on each shoulder by a brooch, without legend, and with plain reverse (/, \%\), unpublished in this metal. Another of same type, but in JE, both rare and the latter in very fine state 2 346 Results of Triple Alliance, 1668, M, 2-5, semi-draped female sym- bolical of the United Provinces leaning against a trophy of arms with ships in the distance on either side ; rev. assertis. legibvs. &c. in twelve lines within a garland suspending the seven shields and seven bundles of arrows of the United Provinces ( Van Loon, ill, 22). Investiture of Charles XI of Sweden with the Garter at Stockholm, 1669, M, 1-7, salvs. popvlorvm., St. George and the Dragon (7, fif), °°th very fine and rare 2 347 Investiture of Charles XI of Sweden with the Garter at Stockholm, 1669, JV, 2-5, Concordia, regvm., the Garter passed through two crowns and two interlinked c's, and suspending the George medal; rev. SALVS. popvlorvm., St. George and the Dragon (J, M|), extremely fine and rare, unpublished and perhaps unique in this metal 1 348 Sir Edward Nicholas, Secretary of State under Charles II, a fine modern chasing by Stuart (?), M, 1-45 ; rev. edoardvs. Nicholas. &c, in three lines (/, f£f). British Colonization, 1670, JR. 165, by John Roettier, conjoined busts of king and queen to right; rev. diffvsvs. in. orbe. &c, The Globe (/, f£f). Barbara Villiers, Duchess of Cleveland, M, 2-5, by John Roettier, bust of the Duchess to right, wearing low drapery, with- out legend, and with plain reverse (I, !££), all very fine 3 54 349 Installation of John George Elector of Saxony as a Knight of the Garter, at Windsor, 1671, A 7 ", 1-9, St. George on horse- back, armed and caparisoned as for a tournament, slaying the dragon J rev. DV. TRE. HAVT. TRE. PVISSANT. ET. TRES. EXCELLENT. prince. CHARLES. II. &c. in nine lines within a laurel wreath (/, fff), very fine, extremely rare, unpublished in this metal [PI. II] 1 350 Installation of the Elector of Saxony as a K.G., 1671, as before, but in JR. Elector of Saxony Memorial Thaler, JR, 1*95, Fame supporting Electoral cap and arms within the Garter and motto ; rev. nvmmvs. exeqvalis. &c. in 16 lines, not in Medallic Illustrations. Installation of the King of Sweden as a K.G., 1671, JR. 1-7, St. George and Dragon to right; rev. CONCORDIA. regvm. &c, the Garter passed through two crowns and two inter- linked c's within the collar and badge of the order (2, f^f), all fine and rare ' 3 351 Death of Captain Joost Verschver, 1671, JR, gilt, 415, The arms of the deceased officer surmounted by helm and crest, and surrounded by trophies, the flag to the right bearing three cres- cents, and that to the left, St. George's cross, above, a laurel wreath enclosing the inscription, Gestorven den \ m en Begraven den 7 en van Wijnmaend, 1671, &c. ; rev. Two cherubim holding up a winged hour glass, and supporting a tablet on which is inscribed ter Gedachtenisse van D. E. Manhaften R T . ioost. verschver. Capiteijn ordinaris Voort Collegie van d' Edel-mogende Heren ter Admiraliteyt in Amsterdam., qvo. fata, trahvnt., &c, in eleven lines, a fine large medal of two embossed and chased plates united by a broad rim, and of fine bold treatment, of extreme rarity, and unpublished 1 *** This gallant officer distinguished himself in the expedition against the Algerine pirates, under the command of Admiral van Ghent, allied with an English fleet under Vice-Admiral Allen in 1670, to which an allusion is made in the lines on the reverse. 351* Tranquillity of the United Provinces, 1671, JR, 14,Belgic Lion to left holding seven arrows, and scales; rev. SED. constant. libra., &c, High crowned hat of Liberty surrounded by the escutcheons of the Seven United Provinces (Van Loon, in, 44). Theatre Royal Ticket, JR, 1-3, for. the. pit., 1671, with laureated and cuirassed bust of Charles II to left, struck as a proof and with plain edge, both very fine and rare 2 352 Baron de Reede, Ambassador Extraordinary of the States of Holland to Charles I, 1671, jR, 1*95, Bust of Baron de Keede to left in skull cap and wearing the Order of the Elephant ; rev. inter, ord. foed. belgil, &c, in eighteen lines (I, |£f), extremely fine and very rare 1 55 353 Duke of Lauderdale, 1672, M, 2-5, by John Roettier, Bust of the Duke to right; rev. consilio. et. animis., Minerva seated to right, bearing the Duke's crest, &c. (I, f£f). Battle of Solebay, 1672 (2), M, 1-6, Bust of Louis XIV, victoria, navalis., varieties with and without artist's name (/, J-§4), latter unpublished. Elevation of William III Prince of Orange to the dignity of Stadt- h older, 1672, M, 1*5, Prince (full-faced) on horseback to left, baton in hand ; rev. Arms within garter (2, f ff)- Another on the same event, M, 1*6, a. iehovah. hoc. factvm. est., &c, wounded lion springing towards an orange on a young tree, to which a hand from clouds is pointing (I, Iff), a ^ wr V fi ne an ^ mre & 354 The Siege of Groningen, 1672, JR, Bust of William Henry Prince of Orange to right in centre, surrounded by six circular medallions of Charles II of England, Charles Rabenhaupt Lieut.-General, Louis XIV of France, Bernard Prince Bishop of Munster, John and Cornelius de Wit, &c, with their titles in Dutch ; rev. A view of the siege, with inscription around, als. groningen. was. BELEGERT. DEN. 9. IVLI. EN. VERLATEN. DEN. 17. AVGVSTL, 1672., &c, which is surrounded in its turn by twenty small circular medallions of the Administration with their names below, a beauti- fully engraved plaque from the Voelcker cabinet, unpublished and probably unique 1 355 Charles the Second's Declaration of Liberty and Con- science, 1672, M, 2-35, by Philip Roettier, fidei. defensori. religionis., &c, Seated figure of Liberty, holding book inscribed fides., sword and cornucopia ; edge inscribed architecture, navalis., &c. (I, ffi), an extremely fine and very rare medal 1 356 Declaration of Liberty and Conscience, 1672, M, 2-35, by P. Roettier, as before, but with plain edge, unpublished. Lucy Duchess of Portsmouth, 1673, M, 1-15, by G. Bower, Draped bust to right ; rev. omnia, vincit., Cupid on globe (7, ||f ), unpublished in this metal ; another Medal of the same lady, 2E, 2*3, by John Roettier, Bust draped to right, with a lock of hair detached from knot behind head, without legends, and with plain reverse (I, Iff), all fine and rare 3 357 Charles the Second's Foundation of a Mathematical and Nautical School in Christ's Hospital, 1673, M, 2-85, by John Roettier, king's bust draped, and in richly figured armour to right ; rev. institvtor. avgvstvs., 1673, a blue-coat boy encou- raged by Arithmetic, Astronomy, Mathematics, and Mercury as Commerce, above, Fame and Plenty, &c. (I, fff), extremely fine and very rare, and termed by Evelyn the " Glorious Medallion." 1 56 358 Christ's Hospital Badge, 1673, JR, 2-75, by John Boettier, obverse similar to reverse of last medal, but the figure of Commerce (repre- sented by Mercury) absent, and the legend avspicio. carol, secvndi. regis., no reverse (7, fff). Christ's Hospital Mathematical Medal, M, 2-25, by John Boettier, laureated and bare bust of Charles II to right ; rev. A. pentagono. ad. lineam., &c, two mathematical diagrams (J, f-f£), both rare and in very fine state 2 359 Naval Action near the Helder between English and Dutch, and Death of Capt. van Gelder, 1673, M, 3 05, escutcheon, helmet and crest of Van Gelder, decorated with lambrequins, with inscription to his memory, below in a compartment ; rev. DE. vader. WON. DE. SLAG. DE. ZOON. VERLOOR. ZYN. BLOED., &C, naval engagement with ship on fire in the foreground, in exergue, pvgnando. (2, f-f-J), a very fine and very rare medal of two embossed and chased plates, united by rim [PL VII] 1 * # * Captain Van Gelder was the son-in-law of Admiral De Ruyter. 360 Peace of London, 1674, M, 2-4, William of Orange on horseback to left ; rev. Chronogrammatic legend, A. DoMIno. VenIt. PaX., &c, Dove with palm and olive branches, flying over a calm sea, at sun rise (I, |-fl)« Another of same type, M, 2*45, but a contem- poraneous cast, both rare and very fine, latter unpublished 2 361 Siege of Naerden, 1673, M, 3-1, bust of the Prince of Orange, three-quarters left, in armour, long cravat, and scarf; rev. Be Belegeringe der Stadt Naerden Zynde de Eerste, &c, view of the siege operations and bombardment of the town, a very fine and rare engraved medal, and unpublished 1 361* Siege of Naerden, 1673, M, 2-8, by P. van Abeele, bust of Prince, three-quarters right, in armour, with cravat, scarf and George of the Garter ; rev. Prince on horseback in the midst of his troops, a town in the distance, and above on a scroll naerden over wonnen, &c, a very fine and rare embossed and chased medal in two plates, unpublished 1 362 Peace of London and popularity of William III of Orange, 1674, M, 1-6, hinc. hostes. debello., man in armour extending left hand towards an orange held by a hand in clouds, &c. (/, f f £ ), rare. John Milton the Poet, M, 16, by Dassier, the reverse referring to the opening passage of Paradise Lost published in 1667. Admiral Adr. de Ruyter, M, 1-8, by Simon of Brussels, struck in the first quarter of the present century, unpublished. Anne, Countess of Dorset, 1676, a fine chasing, M, 1-6, by Stuart, Faith crowned, holding Bible, &c, all fine 4 57 363 Anne Countess of Dorset, M, 1-65, nearly full-faced bust, veiled, and wearing deep lace cape ; rev. sole, davghter. & heire., &c. (I, |f|), cast and chased, and with loop. M arriage of Wi I Nam 1 1 1 of Orange and Princess Mary, 1677, M, 34, by 0. Miiller, William and Mary clasping right hands and holding between them a naming heart, &c. ; rev. bier. bint. t>E. heil'ge. vree. den. brit. &c, Britain and the United Provinces holding spears, each surmounted with flag and cap of Liberty, with Peace between them, uniting the shafts with a wreath of laurel (I, ffi), composed of two plates embossed and chased, and united by a broad rim, both rare, and the latter very fine 2 364 Marriage of William III of Orange and Princess Mary, 1677, M, T65, by Nicholas Chevalier, bust of William to right, with broad cravat, and in armour ; rev. Bust of Mary to left, with drapery fastened with two brooches (I, fff). Another variety, JR, 1*65, from a different die, distinguished by the absence of any brooch to fasten the drapery (1, ||-|). Another Medal on same event, M, gilt, 2-5, by F. N., bust of William, three-quarters right, with long hair, cravat, and in armour, with George of the Garter ; rev. Arms crowned within Garter and motto {I, f-g-f), all very fine, the last rare 3 365 Marriage of William III of Orange and Princess Mary, as before, but a contemporaneous cast in M,, 2-5, and unpublished in this metal. Festival of the Garter, held on St. George's Day, 23rd April, by the Elector of Saxony, at Dresden, 1678, M, 1*95, St. George and the Dragon to right ; rev. inscription, DV. TRE HAVT. TRE PVISSANT. ET. TRES EXCELLENT. PRINCE. CHARLES. II. &c, in nine lines, within a wreath of laurel (7, |^f ), both fine and rare 2 366 John George II Elector of Saxony, 1678, Thaler, M, 17, square, electoral Arms within the Garter, and those of Saxony, Juliers, Cleves, and Mons, in respective corners ; rev. mdclxxviii. einweyh. d. neuen. schieshauses, in three lines, divided by Hercules with lion's skin and club, and below, on a cartouche, 1. thal., very rare, and unpublished. Peace of Nimeguen, 1678 (2), M, l'l, view of Nimeguen beneath rays from Heaven; rev. gallo. batava pax, the shields of France, England, and Holland, suspended from an olive wreath, varieties, one cast, all very fine 3 367 Murder of Sir Edmundbury Godfrey, 1678, M, 155, by G. Bower, bust of Godfrey to right with two hands strangling him ; rev. tantvm relligio, &c, Green strangling Godfrey in the presence of the Pope, inscribed edge (I, f^f) j another in pewter, T55, with brass rim, and plain edge ; two others of same type, in ^R and M, by Milton, all very fine and scarce 4 58 368 Murder of Sir E. Godfrey, 1678, JR, 1-55, by G. Bower, obv. similar to preceding ; rev. eqvo. credite. tvcri. Hill on horseback to left carrying the dead body of Godfrey, with another assassin in front on foot, with Primrose Hill in the distance, inscribed edge as before (/, f|-f ) ; another, in pewter, with plain edge, unpublished in this metal ; two other varieties, JR, 1*5, by same artist ; rev. ecclesia. perversa, &c, heads of the Pope and Devil joined in one, with plain and inscribed edges (1, J-|-§), the latter unpublished, all very fine and scarce 4 369 Murder of Sir E. Godfrey, 1678, JR, 14, obv. as rev. of preceding, but reading ECOLESIA (sic); rev. STVLTI. ALIQVANDO. SAPIENTES. heads of priest and fool joined in one, cast and unpublished ; another, m pewter, 1*55, reading ecclesia, and of smaller lettering, unpub- lished in this metal ; two others, in JR and pewter, 1 -55, Godfrey, walks. VP. hil, &c, plain edges (/, ||-r), latter unpublished in pewter. The Popish Plot, 1678, o. why. so. fickle, Janiform head of a Jesuit and Monk ; rev. a cluster of seven faces, &c. (I, £-|-f ), three varieties in JR and pewter cast, and in pewter struck. Two small Medalets, M and M, plated, -75, of Titus Oates ; and a Jetton, M, 1*2 on the Alliance of Spain, France, and England, 1681 (Van Loon, in — 275), mostly fine and rare 10 370 Sir Samuel Morland, Bart., Master of Mechanics to Charles II, 1681, JR, 1*3, by John Roettier, King's bust to right, laureate; rev. IN. adversis. svmmo. vitae, &c, in nine lines, and on edge, SAMVEL. MORLAND VS. EQ. AR. ET. BAR., &C. (fff-). Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of Shaftesbury, on his acquittal of high treason, 1681, JR, l'6,by G. Bower, l^etamvr, view of London from Southwark (7, fff). Charles Count Palatine of the Rhine, as a Knight of the Garter, 1681, Thaler, JR, 1*75, svstentante. deo. Arms within the Garter. Named Hamet and Keay Nabee, Ambassadors of Morocco and Bantam to Charles II, 1682, M, T55, a cast, all fine, the first very rare 4 371 Named Hamet and Keay Nabee, Ambassadors of Morocco and Bantam to Charles II, 1682, JR, 1-6, by G. Bower, bust of Named Hamet to right ; rev. Keay Nabee full-faced (ff£). James Butler, Duke of Ormond, termed the "Loyal Ormond," 1682, JR, 1-9, pr^esidivm. ET. dvlce. decvs, sword and olive branch in saltire through a coronet (/, |-§-§-)i a fine chasing by Stuart. James Duke of York, 1682, JR, 1*1, by G. Bowyer, nvllvm. nvmen. abest. Britannia seated to left with spear, &c, with retrograde n's (I, fff), the first two fine and scarce, the latter very rare 3 X.fy 59 like of Beaufort, 1682, M, 2-45, by John 1 to right ; rev. marchio. et. comes, branovii., jo i (I m)- John .Gidley, 1682, M, gilt, 2-7, /V lon., Bust to right, without reverse (1, Iff), e for suspension. Two other Medalets, JR and ley, obv. iohn. gidley. of. London., &c. ; rev. 7 f !32., Armorial shield (7", f-ff). Bartholomew .1, 1683, M, 2-9, Armorial shield of Gidley with h flowers and fruit ; rev. M. S. Mnemosymon. et. Bartholomcei. Gidley., &c, in sixteen lines (I, H4), he second) and very rare 5 *ler, died 1683, M, 1*4, by F. Avern; rev. His Howard, 1683, M, 2-8, by Gtiov. Hamerani, Cardinal's robes; rev. NE. VICTA. RESVRGANT., ith a torch the decapitated necks of the Hydra, '^^ 4> wning him with laurel wreath (J, f-ff ), very rare ; 2T~ ardinal as before, but a cast in lead. Theatre ^ 14, FOR. THE. pit. 1684., with conjoined busts Catherine, a very fine and rare proof by Boettier 4 »83, JR, 1*8, by 0. Bower, Charles II as Hercules skin warding off the attacks of a Hydra, &c. ; HiEC. otia. fecit., Shepherd watching his flock, j two wolves on a gibbet, London in the distance on same event, same type, but struck in JE, both 2 I " Medal, no date, N, 2*15, by Boettier, King's r long, falling over right shoulder, in armour and tion, R. ; rev. Royal arms within the Garter, with r ith lambrequins, crest and supporters, in exergue, •ROIT. (I, H-f), extremely fine, very rare, and un- etal [PL VII] 1 al " Medals, as before (2), JR and M, 2'15, by fine and rare, especially the latter metal ; another of cast M plated, and of the size 2*1 3 s II, JR, 2*15, by Boettier, obverse as before; rev. ;h rays extending nearly to edge of medal, no md very rare, quite unpublished [PL VII] 1 378 Firmness ot onurles II, JR, 2-2, King's bust to right laureate, and with a profusion of hair ; rev. semper, adamas., A diamond amidst flames on an altar on the summit of a rock in the sea (/, |-f|). Death of Charles II, 1685, JR, 1-95, Bust of king with lion's 58 368 Murder of Sir E. Godfrey, 1678, JB to preceding ; rev. eqvo. credite. n carrying the dead body of Godfrey, on foot, with Primrose Hill in tin before (I, f^f ) ; another, in pewter, this metal; two other varieties, JR, 1* perversa, &c, heads of the Pope plain and inscribed edges (I, f^f), th and scarce 369 Murder of Sir E. Godfrey, 1678, M but reading ecolesia (sic); rev. ST heads of priest and fool joined in one in pewter, 1*55, reading ecclesia, an lished in this metal ; two others, in / walks. VP. HIL, &c., plain edges < pewter. The Popish Plot, 1678, head of a Jesuit and Monk ; rev. a c |^-|), three varieties in M. and pew Two small Medalets, M and M and a Jetton, M, 1-2 on the All England, 1681 (Van Loon, in— 275), i 370 Sir Samuel Morland, Bart., Mastei 1681, M, T3, by John Boettier, King's IN. ADVERSIS. SVMMO. VITAE, &C, i SAMVEL. MORLANDVS. EQ. AR. ET. Ashley Cooper, Earl of Shaft( high treason, 1681, JR, 1*6, by G. Bowt from South wark (/, fff). Charles Rhine, as a Knight of the Gart< SVSTENTANTE. deo. Arms within the and Keay Nabee, Ambassadors o Charles II, 1682, M, 1'55, a cast, all fi; 371 Named Hamet and Keay Nabee, 1 Bantam to Charles II, 1682, M, 1-6, Hamet to right ; rev. Keay Nabee full-f; Duke of Ormond, termed the "Lo PR^ESIDIVM. ET. DVLCE. DECVS, SWOrd through a coronet (/, f|4), a fine chasing by Stuart. James Duke of York, 1682, M, Tl, by G. Bowyer, nvllvm. nvmen. abest. Britannia seated to left with spear, &c, with retrograde n's (i, J-f£), the first two fine and scarce, the latter very rare 3 59 372 Henry Somerset Duke of Beaufort, 1682, M, 2-45, by John Boettier, Bust draped to right ; rev. MARCHIO. ET. COMES. BRANOVIL, &c, in twelve lines (/, |ff). John Gidley, 1682, M, gilt, 2-7, iohannes. gidley. lon., Bust to right, without reverse (I, Hf), a cast plaque with hole for suspension. Two other Medal ets, JR and M, 1\ of John Gidley, obv. iohn. gidley. of. London., &c. ; rev. borne, may. 21. 1632., Armorial shield (2, f££). Bartholomew Gidley, Memorial, 1683, M, 2-9, Armorial shield of Gidley with crest, festooned with flowers and fruit ; rev. M. S. Mnemosymon. et. vel. aere. perennius. Bartholomcei. Gidley., &c, in sixteen lines (I, -f|-^), all very fine (except the second) and very rare 5 373 Izaak Walton, Angler, died 1683, M, 1-4, by F. Avern; rev. His tomb. Cardinal Howard, 1683, M, 2-8, by Giov. Hamerani, Bust to right in Cardinal's robes ; rev. NE. VICTA. RESVRGANT., Hercules searing with a torch the decapitated necks of the Hydra, above, an eagle crowning him with laurel wreath (I, Iff), very rare ; another of same Cardinal as before, but a cast in lead. Theatre Royal Pass, M, 1-4, for. the. pit. 1684., with conjoined busts of Charles II and Catherine, a very fine and rare proof by Boettier 4 374 Rye House Plot, 1683, JR, 1*8, by G. Bower, Charles II as Hercules reposing on lion's skin warding off the attacks of a Hydra, &c. ; rev. devs. nobis, ilec. otia. fecit., Shepherd watching his flock, and near them are two wolves on a gibbet, London in the distance (2, fff ) ; another on same event, same type, but struck in M, both fine and very rare 2 375 Charles II, " Royal " Medal, no date, N, 2-15, by Boettier, King's bust to right, hair long, falling over right shoulder, in armour and mantle, on truncation, R. ; rev. Eoyal arms within the Garter, with crowned helmet with lambrequins, crest and supporters, in exergue, diev. et. mon. droit. (J, H-f), extremely fine, very rare, and un- published in this metal [PI. VII] 1 376 Charles II, " Royal" Medals, as before (2), JR and M, 2-15, by Boettier, both very fine and rare, especially the latter metal, another of same type, but a cast JE plated, and of the size 2*1 3 377 Death of Charles II, M, 2-15, by Boettier, obverse as before; rev. A large sun with rays extending nearly to edge of medal, no legend, very fine and very rare, quite unpublished [PI. VII] 1 378 Firmness of Charles II, iR, 2-2, King's bust to right laureate, and with a profusion of hair ; rev. SEMPER, adamas., A diamond amidst flames on an altar on the summit of a rock in the sea (/, |-f-|). Death of Charles II, 1685, M, 1-95, Bust of king with lion's 60 Lot 378 — continued. skin head-dress to right ; rev. omnia, orta. occidvnt., Sea with setting sun, in exergue, mdclxxxv. (I, f^§-), both fine and very rare medals, perhaps of German or Dutch workmanship 2 379 Death of Charles II, 1685(2), M, silvered, 1-9, and pewter, 1-95, type as medal in preceding lot, unpublished in these metals ; two others on the same event, JR and M, 1*6, by Roettier, to. the. cold, tomb., &c, from right to left, Time seated to right on tomb ; rev. king, charles. the. second., &c. (/, f f|) ; another, M, 1-6, of same type, bat legend transposed all. heads, mvst. come., &c. (/, fff), all fine and rare 5 JAMES II. A.D. 1685-1688. 380 First Day of Accession, 6 Feb., 1685, JR, 1-85, inscription iacobvs. ii. REX. ang. SCO., &c, in centre, with ferendvm., &c, around; rev. fvlcitvr., &c, and a crowned harp in centre with legend around, maiora. minoribvs., &c, (/, ^). Accession of James II, 1685, JR, 1*85, same type, but on obv. the King's titles and bust, as on the coronation medal by John Roettier (I, ^f A ), both very fine and very rare cast and chased medals 2 381 Accession of James II, 1685, M, 1-1, Lion rampant and god. save. king, james. II., rare, cast (I, ^%±) ; Another, on same event, JR, -7, by Christian Wermuth, King's bust, full-faced ; rev. tvebitvr. omnes., a burning lamp on altar (/, ^ ± ), very rare. Coronation of James II, 1685, JR, 1*4, by John Roettier, A. militarl, &c. (I, ±%±); Another variety of smaller module, JR, 1*3, with frill of King's shirt puckered (/, -%^), scarce, all (except the first) very fine 4 382 Coronation of James II, 1685, N, 1-35, by J. Roettier, as before, but the variety with frill of King's shirt puckered as in preceding lot, extremely fine and rare in this metal 1 383 Coronation of Mary, 1685, N, 1-3, by John Roettier, o. dea. certe., Queen seated on a mound (I, ^f^-) ; Another of same type, but struck in JR, both very fine, and the former rare in gold 2 384 Coronation of James II, JR, 1*4, by Roettier, Medal composed of the obverses of the coronation medals of James II and Mary of Este ( I, &§£). James II, on the Opening of the Scottish Parliament, 1685, JR, 1-9, by Jan Smeltzing, King's bust laureate and with short hair to right; rev. nemo. me. impvne. lacesset., Lion couchant crowned to right, with sceptre and orb (I, y%), both very fine and tJie latter very rare 2 61 385 Prudence of James II, 1685,-51, 1*15, by G. Bower, nvllvm. nvmen., &c, Britannia seated to left (I, ? ^- 7 ). Complimentary Medal to King and Queen, 1685, M, 1-15 by G. Bower, King's bust to right; rev. Queen's bust to right (7, 6 T ° ¥ 8 ). Two others, similar, M and M, gilt, Tl, latter cast. Another, M, 1*75, by G. Bower, King's . bust to right; rev. Queen's bust with three detached ringlets (7, 6 T ° 4 9 )> all fine (except M gilt) and scarce 5 386 James II and Mary, 1685, M gilt, 2*05, by G. Bower, conjoined busts of King and Queen to right ; rev. fortes, radii, sed. benignl, Sun in full rays (I, Va )- Touch pieces (2), N and M, •75, soli. deo. gloria., St. Michael, holed as usual (I, yfi^x,), all very fine, the first very rare 3 387 James II, his reign under heavenly protection, 1685,^1, 175, by G. Bower, tvtamen. ab. alto., Angel, with flaming sword, pro- tecting the British crown laid upon a chair of State, &c. (/, 6 T yJ« Duke of Monmouth, on the suppression of the rebellion and his defeat at Sedgemoor, 1685, M a,nd pewter, 1-95, by Jan Smeltzing, parvm. svccessit. feci., &c, a Soldier trying to open a lion's jaws (/, 6 -^), all very fine and rare, the last unpublished in pewter 3 388 Duke of Monmouth, on his defeat at Sedgemoor, 1685, ^l and pewter, 2; by G. Bower, Bust to right, without legend; rev. svperi. risere., &c, Monmouth failing in his attempt to seize three crowns on the summit of a rock in the sea (/, ^g 3 ), latter un- published in pewter. Another, on same event, pewter, 1-5, by Jan Smeltzing, HVNC. sangvinem. libo., &c, the Duke's head upon the ground spouting blood (J, 6 2^ 5 ), all rare, the first and last very fine 3 389 The Dukes of Monmouth and Argyle beheaded, 1685, M, 2*4, by B. Arondeaux, Bust of James II to left resting on four sceptres upon a pedestal, &c. ; rev. ambitio. malesvada. rvtt., Justice trampling on a serpent and weighing three crowns against the sword, torch, and serpent of discord, at her feet are the headless bodies of Monmouth and Argyle, with their heads on two blocks, &c. (I, Vr)> an extremely fine medal and rare in this state 1 390 Military and Naval Reward, 1685, ^l and M, 25, by John Boettier, bust of James II to right, with short hair, and draped ; rev. GENVS. antiqvvm., ail antique trophy, with naval engagement in the distance (7, V/), both .very fine and rare 2 *** This and the following medals were intended as military and naval rewards for distribution amongst those who had commanded the royal forces and the fleets which opposed the double invasion of Monmouth and Argyle. 62 391 Military and Naval Reward, 1685, M, 2-55, by John Roettier, as before, but the bust of James II to right, with longhair, and draped in an ample mantle, with mon. of artist under bust (2, W). Another M, cast and chased, of similar type, set in a brass rim, pierced. Sir John Speelman, Bart., 1686, leaden cast, 1-65, arms of Speelman ; rev. EO. omnia, vnde., sea, with two suns, one setting (I, 3V 8 ), the first and last fine and rare 2 392 Recovery of Spanish treasure off Hispaniola, 1687, M, 2*2, by G. Bower, conjoined bust of James II and Queen to right ; rev. SEMPER. TIBI. PENDEAT., HAMUS., ship's boats engaged in fishing up treasure from a wreck (2, 6 ^). Christopher Duke of Albe- marle, Governor-General of Jamaica, 1687, M, 185, by G. Bower, ex. aqva. omnia., Neptune reposing on sea-shore, holding trident, and resting upon an urn (2, 6 -££), both extra fine, and the latter very rare 2 393 Religious toleration in England, 1688, M, 2-35, by Ian Smeltzing ; rev. res. immoderata. cvpido. est., a dog with rosary around neck, swallowing a book inscribed M. I., trampling upon another with L. a, and upsetting a third with s. R. P., &c. (2, 6 ^°). Imprison- ment of the Seven Bishops, 1688, tin, 2-4, by Ian Smeltzing, the White Tower of London ; rev. sic. SOL. LVNAQVE. in. libra., the Sun and Moon equally balanced in scales suspended from clouds (2", 6 ^$), both very fine and rare, latter unpublished in tin 2 394 Archbishop Sancroft and Bishops committed to the Tower, 1688, M, 2*05, by G. Bower, bust of Sancroft to right ; rev. Medallion portraits of the Seven Bishops, and below, G. B. r., with inscribed edge, si. fractvs. illabitvr., &c. (2, 6 g 2 T 2 ). Another of same type, a cast, JR, 2; with plain edge. Another, M, 1*25, bust of Sancroft to left ; rev. immota. trivmphans. church on a rock in the sea, assailed by four winds (7, Vt )> a ^ wry fine, and the last very rare 3 395 Archbishop Sancroft and Bishops, 1688, JR, 2; by Daniel Warou, a variety of the preceding, with artist's initials D. w. F. on rev. and plain edge (I, xr), a very close copy of the one by G. Bower. Another variety, M, 2-05, differing in the date, which is written mdclxxxviil, and in the omission of the artist's initials, plain edge (I, VV 3 )* both very fine and rare varieties 2 396 The Church and Seven Bishops, 1688, M, 2-25, of Dutch work- manship, the. gates, of. hell., &c, a Jesuit and a Monk trying to undermine a church supported by a hand from heaven ; rev. WISDOM, hath, bvilded., &c, medallion portraits of the Archbishop 63 Lot 396 — continued. and six Bishops (I, a -££), a fine and rare contemporaneous cast Two others, M, 2*35, of same type, but a modern cast and much chased ; and lead, 1-6, with edge inscribed, upon. this. ROCK. HAVE. I. built, my. church. (I, \ 2 -£), the last struck, and rare 3 397 Birth of Prince James, 1688, (2), M and M, 1-2, monstris. dant. fvnera. CVN^E., the young prince as the infant Hercules strangling two serpents (J, 6 4 2 ¥ 8 )- Danish commemoration of the Prince's birth by Sir Gabriel Wood the British Envoy, 1688 (2), M, 1*4 and 1*5, conjoined busts to right of James II and Queen ; rev. illas. fvgat., &c, Map of the British Isles, varieties in the exergual legend (1, ^f&lo)- Another, JR, 1*9, on the Dutch commemoration of the same event, 1688; rev. felicitas. PVBLICA. the Queen in bed nursing an infant, and in exergue, OB. felicis., &c, all very fine, and the last very rare and unpublished, and a contem- poraneous cast 5 398 Dutch commemoration of the birth of Prince James, 1688, M, said pewter, 2*4, by Ian Smeltzing, bust of James II to right, laureate and draped ; rev. felicitas. pvblica., the Queen in bed nursing an infant, and in exergue, OB. feliciss., &c. (I, Vr°)> 00 ^ 1 rare and extremely fine, the latter unpublished in pewter 2 399 Birth of Prince James, 1688, M and pewter, 2*35, by Jan Smeltzing, Truth radiate treading on serpent and opening the door of a cabinet, inside which a Jesuit is supporting the young prince through the top; rev. eqvo. nvnqvam. tv. crede., &c, The Trojan horse with inscription on saddle cloth (I, % 3 ^), both very fine and rare, and the latter unpublished in pewter 2 400 Birth of Prince James, 1688, M, 1-95, infantem. qve. vident. apporrectvmqve., &c, Aglauros opening the basket and discovering Erichthonius, &c. (I, 6 -^). Antichristian Confederacy of Soiiman III, LouisXIV, Mezzomorto, and James 11,1688, JR and pewter, 1 *5, by Jan Smeltzing, The four monarchs swearing alliance around an altar ; rev. in. foedere. qvintvs., three lilies supporting a crescent, and above a Satanic imp (7, *■&), all very fine and rare, the last unpublished in pewter 3 401 Antichristian Confederacy, 1688, JR, 19, similar type; rev. Three lilies, &c, as before, but issuing from a scroll ornament in which is the date (I, 6 ^- s ) ; two others of same type, but M, 2', and JE, gilt, 2 - 3, all cast and chased. Dispute between James II and the Seven Bishops, 1688, M, 1*9; rev. tekel., Scales issuing from clouds, with rays shining upon the Bible which weighs down the emblems of Popery (I, 6 ^/), all fine and rare 4 64 402 Invitation to William and Mary of Orange, 1688, M, 2-5, Con- joined busts to right ; rev. iam. mihi. ROMA, minax., &c, Religion trampling upon the emblems of Popery, &c. (I, Vt )• Landing of William of Orange at Torbay, 1688, M, 1-85, by Jan Luder, Laureated and draped bust to right; rev. GVIL. NAS. in. torbay. brit., William on cliff directing disembarkation of cavalry, &c. (J, Vt 7 )j both fine and rare 2 403 Embarkation of William of Orange at Helvoetsluys, 1688, M, 3 - 2, by 0. Miiller, Bust of William, three-quarters right, between Prudence and Valour crowning him with laurel ; rev. T. vertrek. VAN. SYN. HOOGHYT. DEN. HEER. PRINS. VAN. ORANJE., &C, A large fleet in full sail leaving harbour cheered by people on pier, &c. (I, VV 5 )> an extremely fine and very rare medal of two embossed and chased plates 1 %.* The inscription on the tablet under the bust on this medal is quite perfect, but on the British Museum and Hague specimens it has been erased. 404 Landing of William of Orange at Torbay, 1688, M and pewter, 2 '3, by Jan Smeltzing, William as a Roman Emperor holding up the shield of England, &c. ; rev. minatvr. soli. sed. favet., &c, The Belgic lion under the rays of the sun (France) guarding the globe on which is a cap of Liberty, wreath, &c. (I, ^ 8 ), the former very fine, both very rare ; two others on the same event, M and pewter, 1*95, both cast with plain edges (I, 6 g^ 9 ), and fine 4 405 Landing of William of Orange at Torbay, 1688 (2), M, 2- by G. Bower, bust of William to right in armour, and with ornamented cravat; rev. terras, astr^. reuisit., review of the army of invasion; inscribed edge, non rapit. imperivm, &c. (/, 6 e^ B ); another, M, 2- by G. Bower, as before, but with plain edge, both very fine and rare struck medals 2 406 Landing of William of Orange at Torbay, 1688, same typeas before, but a variety, M, 2; reading gvilh instead of gvilielmvs, and the Prince with a plain cravat, inscribed edge as before ; another, JR, 2*1, a cast as in a former lot, but with corded border, loop, and ring, both fine, and the former a rare and unpublished variety 2 407 Landing of William of Orange at Torbay, 1688, IT. 195 by B. Arondeaux, William III, as a Roman Emperor, clasping hands over a lighted altar with Britannia wearing a triple crown, in the distance are seen King James and Father Petre fleeing, the latter with the young Prince playing with windmill; rev. contra, infantem. perditionis, boats landing troops near a fortified harbour, &c. (/, \ 3 ^), extremely fine, and very rare in this metal 1 [PI. II] 65 408 Landing of William of Orange at Torbay, 1688, JR, 1-95, by Arondeaux, two varieties, one as preceding lot, the other from a different die, without artist's initials, and the fugitives are repre- sented as a Jesuit carrying a pyx, and a Monk with cross (/, 6 ¥ 4 - ), very rare. Another, on same event, M, 1*75 ; rev. in. tvitionem. relig, &c. Belgic lion with sword wreathed in laurel, resting one foot on the Bible and trampling on a serpent, &c. (1, Yr 1 )> oU in very fine state 3 409 Alliance of William of Orange and the Elector of Branden- burg, 1688 (2), M and M, 1*9, by E. Faltz, bust of the Elector Frederick III to right; rev. exped. eritan. CONSIL., &c. Juno with sceptre, and with finger on her lips, eagle at her feet (I, 8 ^ 2 ), both rare. Flight of Prince James, 1688 (3), M and 2E, 125, Father Petre mounted on a lobster, &c. ; rev. les. armes. et. l'ordre. dv. pretendv. prince, de. galles, Miller's arms, with motto, "hony. soit. qui. bon. Y pense." (/, 6 ^r 3 ); another, ^R, 1*25, reading d'galles, unpublished ; three other varieties, M, JE, and M gilt, 1-25, similar, but motto reading HONI. soit. qvi. non. y. pense. (I, 6 -^),two last unpublished. Abdication of James II, 1688, pewter, 1*5, King in boat passing the stairs at Lambeth, struck in 1788 during the Jubilee of the Revolution (I, 6 T V)» ■B ver y fine 8 WILLIAM AND MARY. 1688-1694. 410 Flight of James II, 1689, M, 1-95, by Jan. Smeltzing, bust of James to left, with hair in bag behind ; rev. NON. ICTV. HVMANO. &c, column destroyed by lightning (/, ^). Administration offered to William, 1689 (2), M, and pewter, 1-95, pro. glan- dibvs. &c, broken oak near a flourishing orange tree, &c. (I, — I 1 ), all fine and rare medals, the last unpublished in pewter 3 411 Arrival of James II in France, 1689, pewter, 2-4, by Jan Smeltzing, rev. magnis. interdvm. PARVA. &c, Vixen setting fire to a tree in which is an eagle's nest, &c. (/, ^j-), unpublished in this metal. Reception of James II by Louis XIV, 1689 (2), M, 165, by Mauger, perfvgivm. regibvs., varieties with different bust of Louis XIV, one without the artist's name (/, ^p-). Another medal on same event, M, 2-4, by Jan Smeltzing, bust of James II to left, laureate ; rev. ORBATA. LVCE. lvcidvm. &c, Seascape with sun par- tially eclipsed by the moon, &c. (7, t£), all very fine and rare 4 F 66 A L ** r 412 Throne of England declared vacant, 1689, M, 1-95, by Jan Smeltzing, poena, comes, sceleris., a bear wearing rosary stung by bees from three hives, &c. (I, *-&), very rare. William and Mary as Restorers of the Church, 1689, M, 2-, coelo. delabitvr. &c. (I, 6 t£), a contemporaneous cast with plain edge. Another on same event, M, 2 -05, by G. Bower, similar, but a struck specimen, with inscribed edge, dvm. micat. hoc. geminvm. &c, all fine and scarce 3 413 Rebellion in Ireland, 1689, M, 2-1, by Jan Luder, bust of William to right, laureate and draped ; rev. The Ark of the Covenant rest- ing on a hill, and above, an armed warrior with EMANVEL. overhead, around are other warriors, and in foreground, Father Petre and the young Prince, &c. (7, 6 ^ 2 ). William and Mary as Restorers of the Church, M, 2-1, by G. Bower, coelo. delabitvr. &c, Statue of William III on a pedestal inscribed jere. perennivs. &c. struck, and with plain edge, loth very fine, and the former very rare 2 414 Coronation of William and Mary, 1689 (2), N, and M, 14, by John Roettier, NE. totvs. absvmatvr., Jove thundering against Phaeton, who is falling from his chariot (/, *-££), both very fine 2 ^o^r- i IA ,415 2*^^*416 417 418 Coronation of William and Mary, 1689 (2), N, and M, 1-4, by John Roettier, varieties from a different die, with rather smaller lettering, both extremely fine 2 Coronation of William and Mary, 1689 (2), N, and M, 1*5, by G. Bower, pretivmq. et. cavsa. laboris., Perseus delivering An- dromeda from a sea monster (I, y<£), both extremely fine 2 Coronation of William and Mary, 1689, M, 1-5, by Jan Smeltzing, similar type, but of neater workmanship (I, % 6 /)- -^ 1"5, by same artist ; rev,, non. patitvr. &c, Eagle ejecting an eaglet from nest, &c, two varieties with draped and undraped busts (I, -^i^o)- &• 1*5, by same artist, nrnc. svmma. dies., Papal emblems, sword, dagger, serpents, &c. destroyed by lightning, (J, 6 3§ r 5 ), all very fine and rare 4 Coronation of William and Mary, 1689, Lead plated, M; and M, gilt, 1*6 by G. Hautsch, bust of king to right; rev. Queen to left, the first with edge inscribed coronat. d. xi. April. &c, and the other two with plain edges (I, %$£). Another JR, 1-6, similar, but with edge inscribed rex. est. CONQVESTOR. &c. (I, 6 -££). Two others, M, 1 *6, similar, but one with edge coronat. west, monast. &c, and the other with plain edge (I, 6 ^ 7 ), all fine and rare, some unpublished 6 67 419 Coronation of William and Mary, 1689 (2), JR, 2-2, by G. Bower, conjoined busts of king and queen to right ; rev. idolatria. ser- vitvte. &c. (7, 6 -^8 8 ), one struck, rare, the other cast. Another on the same event, JR, 2*5, by B. Arondeaux, busts of king and queen vis-a-vis in two wreaths of rose and orange under a crown; rev. meliorem. lapsa. &c, an uprooted oak lying near a flourishing orange tree, &c. (I, 6 3 6 /), rare, all fine 3 420 Coronation of William and Mary, 1689, JR, 2-3, by Jan Smeltzing, Laureated bust of king to right, with name of Jehovah in Hebrew on the breastplate ; rev. DEO. ivdice., William crowned, and with sceptre and orb, kneeling upon the globe under the eye of Providence (J, 6 ^) ; another on same event, M, 2 - 3, similar, but reading on obv. wilhel. hi., &c, and without name of Jehovah on breast-plate (I, ^ ), both very fine and extremely rare medals 2 421 Coronation of William and Mary, 1689, JR, 2-, by Jan Smeltzing, Conjoined busts of King and Queen to right ; rev. ite. missa. EST., The Arms of Britain suspended from an orange tree, and at the sides are James II, Father Petre, and the young prince compelled to flee by lightning, &c. (I, W)> anotner on same event, JR, 1 "9, by same artist, similar type, but William's bust only, to right, undraped (I, *■£■£), both very fine and rare medals • 2- 422 Coronation of William and Mary, 1689, JR, 2-85, Busts of King and Queen vis-a-vis in high relief ; rev. M. BRIT. EXP. NAV. bat. lib., &c, Belgium armed and bearing the shield of Orange, being welcomed by Britannia, &c. (I, *£?) ; two others on same event, JR, 1*75 and 1*7, Conjoined busts of King and Queen to right, the former size, rev. in. tvitionem. relig., &c, Belgic lion with sword wreathed in laurel resting one paw on the Bible, and trampling on the serpent of discord (7, 6 ^), and the latter, rev. PRINC. AVR. et. NASS., &c, Garnished shield of Britain crowned, surrounded by the arms of the Seven United Provinces (I, *£j), all very fine and rare 3 423 Coronation of William and Mary, 1689 (3), JR, M, an&pewter, 1-95, by F. Kleinert, Bust of William to right laureate; rev. Chronogrammatic inscription gvilielm. princeps. AVRIACVS., &c, within the Garter entwined with orange branches, and decorated with the shields of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland crowned, with inscribed edge, rege. crede. mihl, &c. (1, 6 ^ 5 ); another of same type, JR, 1*95, with edge regia. res. ideoqve., &c, all fine and rare, the last three unpublished 4 F 2 68 424 Coronation Festival at the Hague, 1689(2), N and M, 1-35, Arms crowned of William III as Prince of Orange ; rev. HANC. tvemvr. hac. nitimvr., Armed figure of Liberty resting on a bible placed upon an altar (I, 6 -^}), both with grained edges, and very rare in gold 2 425 Coronation Festivities at Amsterdam, 1689, JR, 2-4, William and Mary seated facing in royal robes, &c. ; rev. TER. gedagtnis. dat. op. de. dagh. der. kroning., &c, the Captain, Lieutenant, and Ensign of the City Guard of Amsterdam standing facing (I, 6 ^f 8 ). Two Medals on the Coronation, in pewter, 1*5, struck, and M, 1 - 5, cast ; rev. indignvs. regia. ira., two suppliants before the throne of Jove, in the foreground, Saturn departing devouring an infant (I, 6 ^g), all fine and very rare, the first an em- bossed and chased medal 3 69 FOUKTH DAY'S SALE. WILLIAM AND MARY— continued. LOT 426 Coronation Festivities at Rotterdam, 1689, M, 1-3, the shield of Rotterdam attached to a palm tree, &c. ; rev. a feast in front of a triumphal arch decorated with bust of William III, and inscribed PRINCIPI. patriae, qve. s.c. (I, Vr 8 ) > two others on same event, N and M, 1 *2, same type, but from a smaller die, all very fine, and very rare in gold 3 427 Security of Britain, 1689 (3), M, M, and Pewter, 2-2, by P. H. Mutter, conjoined busts of King and Queen to right, former laureate ; rev. avrea. florigeris. svccrescvnt, &c, Britannia holding cross, scales, cornucopia, &c, seated under an orange and rose tree, with a crown in the branches, &c, with inscribed edge, externo. male, pressa, &c. (I, Vo 1 ); two Nuremberg Counters on the coronation, M, 1- and Brass, "75 ; rev. Arms (/, s-fi-^-), all very fine, (he first three rare, and unpublished in copper and pewter 5 428 Toleration Act, 1689 (2), M and M, 1-95, by P. H. Mutter, bust of William III to right, laureate ; rev. te. servatore. &c, Britannia crowned, accompanied by Religion, &c, clasping the hand of William, with Belgic lion at his side, with inscribed edge regia. crede. mihl, &c. (/, *££) ; two others on same event, M and M, 1 -95, same type, but with edge regia. res. ideoqve, &c. ; another, M, 1*95, similar, but with plain edge, all very fine and rare, last three unpublished 5 429 Tribute to William III, 1689, .£1, 2-75, by Jan Zwder, cuirassed and draped bust to right ; rev. amor, batavae. gentis. et. britannicae. &c, in 12 lines, and the edge inscribed DAT. sceptra. solvs. sceptra, &c. (/, 6 ^ 4 ), very fine and extremely rare, and unpublished with inscribed edge [PI. VII] 1 430 William and Mary, 1689, M, 1-95, gvli. hi. d.g.m. brit., &c, bust of King to right, with w. R. in cypher on breastplate ; rev. bust of Mary to left, draped with fringed mantle (i, 6 ^ 6 ), a very fine and very rare medal in high relief, struck in Holland, but the artist is unknown. Four Nuremburg Counters, in brass, Tl, '9 and -7, in honour of William and Mary 5 70 431 William and Mary, M, 2-4, by Anton Meybusch, gvilielmvs. hi. d.g. MAG. brit., &c, bust of William to right, laureate, in armour, with straps on shoulder, and mantle ; rev. bust of Mary to right, with high hair, and with drapery fastened with brooch in front (J, %^ ), a very fine and very rare Medal, struck perhaps at Copenhagen, where A. Meybusch was working at that period 1 432 William and Mary, M, 2-5, gvilielmvs. d. g. anglor., &c, ending F. D. P. P. P. F. A., Bust of king to right, in armour and draped ; rev. MARIA. D.G. &c, ending Fidel defensatrix. P.F.A., Queen's bust to left, with plaited and twisted hair, and fringed mantle (I, %rw), a very fine and very rare medal, of which Chevalier "Hist, de Guillaume III" p. 152, says that it was struck in 1690 on the King's return from Ireland 1 433 William and Mary, N, 1-5, hyJ.Boskam, invictissimvs. gvillel- mvs. MAG., laureated and bare bust of King to right, with I. bos- kam. f. below ; rev. maria. ii. d. g. mag. brit., &c, Queen's bust to left with high hair and adorned with pearls, and undraped, and below, I. B. F. (/, 6 7 § f!)> i> n brilliant condition, extremely rare, and unpublished in this metal, said to have been struck in Holland, where Jan Boskam resided during the early part of this reign [PL III] 1 434 William and Mary, leaden cast, 1-9, Bust of king and queen on opposite sides (I, 6 T 9 ¥ )- Two Counters, on the Coronation of William and Mary, M and M, 1*25, rev. Cross fleury with w. M. in mon. crowned in each angle (I, 6 ¥ 9 ¥ 6 ), unpublished in copper. Relief of Londonderry, 1689, M, 1-8, Bust of Louis XIV on pedestal between Gallia and Germania ; rev. Bust of William III to right on pedestal between Pallas and Plenty, &c, wilhelm. maxi- mvs. in. belgica., &c. (7, 6 f '), all fine and rare 4 435 Fortunes of Rebellion, 1689, M and M gilt, 1*9, by Jan Smeltzing, a Hydra holding a crown and trampling upon sword and scales ; rev. ille. crvcem. hic. diadema., &c, Fortune (with two faces) standing on a globe perforated by a serpent and holding axe and crown, &c. (I, %££). Frederick III, Elector of Brandenburg, elected a Knight of the Garter, 1690, pewter, 2-2, by Jan Smeltzing, Bust of the Elector to right, terminating in scroll work ; rev. eqves. NOB. ORD. perisc, &c, St. George and the Dragon within the Garter (1, -fg-| ), all fine and rare, the last unpublished, in pewter 3 436 Dutch Discontent, 1690, M, L95, by Jan Smeltzing, Belgic lion rampant to left with staff surmounted by cap of Liberty; rev. quantvm. mvtatvs., &c, Same lion chained to an orange tree 71 Lot 436 — continued. (I, ^f- ). Another, on the re-establishment of union and confidence in the States, M, T9, by same artist, Bare bust of William to right ; rev. animos. ivngit., &c, Belgic lion rampant to left crowning fasces with laurel wreath, &c. (I, f^|), both fine and very rare 2 437 Regency of Queen Mary, 1690 (4), M, M bronzed and M gilt, 1-95, by one of the Boettiers, Bust of the Queen draped to right; rev. velvt. inter, ignes., &c, a Full moon shining in the midst of clouds and stars over a landscape (/, frf )> M fine, and the first very rare and unpublished in silver 4 438 Regency of Mary, 1690 (2), M and M, 1*95, by one of the Boettiers, similar obverse, but rev. EX. NOCTE. diem., a full moon shining in the midst of clouds, unaccompanied by stars (I, f T f ) 5 unpublished in copper. Arrival of William III in Ireland, 1690, iE, 21, and a brass cast, 2*05, draped and cuirassed bust of king to right ; rev. non. metam. ABIECTA., &c, Unicorn galloping to right over three frogs towards the sea, &c. (I, -ff f ), all fine and the last two very rare, and unpublished in this metal 4 439 Arrival of William III in Ireland, 1690 (2) pewter, and pewter-gilt, 1-9, by Jan Smeltzing, rev. alis. NON. ARMis., Eagle flying left carrying bay and orange branches and sceptre (I, -ff-f). Battle of Fleurus, 1690, M, 1*65, by Manger, mars, vltor. foedervm, &c, two varieties of Bust of Louis XIV (I, |f|). Action off Beachey Head, 1690, M, 1-65, by Mauger, mersa. et. fvgata. anglorum., &c, three varieties of the bust of Louis XIV (7, T §f), a ^ fi ne an ^ scarce 7 440 Naval Action off Beachey Head, 1690, M, 2-75, by Molart, Bust of Louis XIV to left, laureate, with rich armour and fringed mantle ; rev. mersa. et. fvgata. anglorvm., &c, Trophy of captured Eng- lish and Dutch ships surmounted by a victory, Med. Louis XIV, fol. 229, very fine and very rare [PL VII] 1 *** This is the original medal figured in " Med. Louis XIV," and not that described in Med. III. (I, T fo)> which has a different obverse. 441 Naval action off Beachey Head, 1690,iE, cast, 2-8, invictissimvs. LVDOVICVS., &c, draped and cuirassed bust of Louis XIV to right ; rev. matvrate. fvgam., &c, Louis XIV, in marine car to right (I, f|f). Another on same event, M, 2 -85, by Ian Smeltzing, a rare variety of the above, but struck, and reading lvdovicvs. magn. gall. rex. pivs. AVG. and with s. under bust which also differs ; rev. as before, very rare and unpublished, and very fine 2 72 442 Naval action off Beachey Head, 1690, M, 1-6, by Mauger, VICTORIA, obseqvens., three varieties with and without artist's initials under bust of Louis XIV, and on rev. the positions of King and Victory are reversed (I, t^sVttb-)- Regency of Mary, 1690, JR, 1*5, by Ian Smeltzing, conjoined busts of King and Queen to right : rev. dissipat. et. reficit., Mary, crowned and robed, holding trident and cornucopise (I, 4if )> wr V rare - Battle of the Boyne, 1690, M, cast, 2-25, and pewter, 2-3, apparvit. et. dissipavit., William crossing river at head of troops, &c. (/, ^-£), all fine and rare, last two unpublished 6 443 Battle of the Boyne, 1690, JR, 1-95, by R. Arondeaux, laureated, draped, and cuirassed bust to right, gvilh. hi. d. g. MAG. brl, &c. ; rev. et. vvlnera. et. INVIA., &c, William crossing the river at the head of his troops, &c. (/, yif)- Two others on same event, JR, 1*95, and M, cast, 1*9, of same type, but reading on obv. GVIL. Hi. M. brit. r. de. iac. et. lvd. trivmp. (I, Qf), all rare, and the first extremely fine 3 444 Death of Marshal Schomberg, 1690, JR and M, 1-95, by Hein- rich Miiller, bust of the Marshal, three-quarters right, in armour, cravat and riband ; rev. plant avit. vbiqve., &c, Schomberg as a Roman soldier, resting on his shield, and holding a young orange tree, &c, with inscribed edge, pro. religione. et. libertate., &c. (/, fg~£), both rare medals in extremely fine state 2 445 Flight of James II from Ireland, 1690, JR, and pewter, 1*95, by Jan Smeltzing, bust of James II to left, draped, and with back hair confined in bag ; rev. pedibvs. timor. addidit. alas, stag with wings on its feet, running at full speed to left (I, fj-f ), both very fine and rare 2 446 Entry of William III into Dublin, 1690, JR, 2-3, by Jan Luder, apparvit. et. dissipavit., William crossing the river to left at head of his troops ; rev. focos. servavit. et. aras., William pre- senting to Hibernia a cap of Liberty in the distance, James II and a soldier are fleeing, &c. (7, |fj), very fine and rare. [PI. Ill] 1 447 Amnesty in Ireland, 1690, JR, M, and tin plated, 1-6, by G. Hautsch, hibernia. restitvta., William crowned by Victory, and presenting an olive branch to Hibernia kneeling, edge inscribed armis. ivngit., &c. (/, {-££). Two other varieties, in JR and Pewter, same type and edge, but without artist's initials under bust, all fine and rare and unpublished in copper and pewter 5 73 448 The Pacification of Ireland, 1690, JR, 1-95, Conjoined busts of William and Mary to right ; rev. pacem. arrogat., &c, William on horseback to right in the costume of a Roman Emperor (7, ff^ ), a contemporaneous cast, and very rare, unpublished. The Regency of Queen Mary, 1691, JR, 1-45, by Jan Smeltzing, te. absente. tvebor., Lion departing from lioness and cubs (77, T j%). William's Return to Holland, 1691, pewter, 1*95, by Jan Smeltzing, matvrare. hvc, &c, the Sun in the sign Leo (Batavus) (77, T ts)> all fine and rare medals, the last unpublished in pewter 3 449 William's Return to Holland, 1691, JR, 2-35, by Jan Smeltzing, King's bust to right laureate, draped, and with sun's rays in front of cuirass; rev. recreo. dvm. redeo., The rising sun shining upon the Dutch Coast, &c. (77, T f-g), very fine and very rare [PI. VII] 1 450 Triumphal Entry of William III into the Hague, 1691, JR, 1-95, by R. Arondeaux, vnvs. pvgnando., &c, William III as a Roman Emperor with Christian standard, and attended by Hibernia, being welcomed by Holland, &c. (7, jfe) ; another on same event, JR, 1*95, by Jan Smeltzing, Triumphal arch of three avenues, &c. ; rev. SERVANDVM. servatos., William and his suite in an open boat near the shore at Oranie Pold, &c. (77, ty*), both very fine and rare 2 451 Fireworks at the Hague in honor of William's Return, 1691, JR, 1*8, qvid. metvas. (LESAREM., &c, William III and his suite in an open boat, &c. (77, ^g) ; another on same event, JR, 2*3, by Jan Smeltzing, m. r. gvlielmo. hi. victori., &c, inscribed on a suspended drapery, and above, the three principal triumphal arches erected at the Hague (77, rwo)> both very fine and rare 2 452 Congress of the Allies, 1691, JR, M, and M plated, 2; by R. Arondeaux, ingentes. animo. dignas. iove., &c, Jove seated in the midst of the gods in council, and edge with chronogrammatic inscription, REX. regVM., &c. (77, ^2) ; Three other Medals on same event, JR, and pewter (2), 1*7, by G. Hautsch, CVRA. hvc. tradvcitvr., &c, Prudence seated to left holding dart and mirror, two with inscription on edge, and the other (pewter) with plain edge (77, xgV), all fine and scarce, last two unpublished in pewter 6 453 William III and Louis XIV contrasted, 1691, JR, 2-05, lvdo- vicvs. xiiii, oppressor, decrepitvs., Louis XIV as a Roman Em- peror leaning upon a sword resting on an exploding bomb ; rev. gvilelmvs. HI. liberator, florens., William III as a Roman Emperor holding a standard decorated with the Christian monogram, and the cap of Liberty, &c. (77, -fa), very rare. The Capitu lation of Mons, 1691, M, 1-6, four varieties of the medal of Louis XIV, by Mauger, tota. evropa. spectante., &c. (77, ^), all very fine 5 74 454 Admiral Cornelius Tromp, 1691, JR, and Pewter, 195, bust of Tromp to right ; rev. Hollands, et. westerisle, &c, in nine lines (II, T 2 ^). The Relief of Coni, 1691, Pewter, 2-25, by Jan Luder, bust of William III to right ; rev. sabavd. valdens. etc. serv. &c. Four female warriors clasping hands over a blazing altar, &c. (II, xW), unpublished in this metal. Another, on the same event, 1691, Pewter, 1*95, by Jan Smeltzing, non. penetrant, radii. the sun behind mountains, obscured by clouds (77, T yg), unpublished in this metal, all very fine 4 455 Defeat of the French and Irish at the Battle of Aghrim, 1691, Pewter, 1*45, by Jan Luder, absens. vincit. battle scene, with cavalry charging (II, -^), unpublished in this metal. Two other medals on the same event, JR and Pewter, 2*2, by Jan Smeltzing, hibernis. gallisq. devictis. battle scene, with cavalry engaged in front (II, -^i), unpublished in pewter, all fine and very rare 3 456 Battle of Aghrim, 1691, JR, 1-45, by Jan Smeltzing, sic. vno. perit. &c, a lion trampling on a prostrate dog, and clawing a fleeing cock (II, $t) ; another, on the same event, JR, 2-05, by F. D. Winter ; rev. legend and type similar, but in exergue, iacobo. et. lvdovico. hibernia pvlsis, &c. (II, if^), both very fine and rare 2 457 Battle of Aghrim, 1691, JR, 1-5, impares. vni. Hercules with uplifted club standing over a prostrate Irishman, a Frenchman in flight (II, ^Vy)- Capture of Athlone, Galway, and Sligo, 1691, JR, and Pewter, 1*95, by Jan Smeltzing, armis. nominisq. terrore., Three medallions representing the capture of the three towns, with Irish shield in centre, &c. (II, ^fV )> a ^ ver 1/ fi ne an d rare 3 458 Capture of Limerick, 1691, JR and Pewter, 2*2, by Jan Smeltzing, NON. H^EC. SINE nvmine, &c. Fame flying to right blowing her trumpet, with distant view of a besieged town, &c. (II, £&), unpublished in pewter; another, on same event, JR, 1*45, by Jan Luder, bona, cavsa. trivmphat. Keligion and Liberty kneeling at the foot of an orange tree, &c. (II, ■£&), all very fine, and the last extremely rare 3 459 General Ginkell, Earl of Athlone, 1691, Pewter, 1-8 by d.s. bust of General Ginkell to right ; rev. iovis. vndiqve. fvlmina, &c. Hibernia seated facing upon a pile of arms, above Jove's eagle, &c, (II, ^t 8 8")> unpublished in this metal ; another, on same event. Pewter, 1*85, with similar reverse, but with bust of William III to right on obv. with f.d.w.n.c.a.f. below, unpublished. Pacification of Ireland, 1691, JR, 2*15, by D. Trapentier, parcere. svbiectis. ET. DEBELLARE, &c, a raging lion trampling upon a prostrate Hydra, &c. (II, ^o), with inscribed edge, et. regnare, &c, all very fine and rare 3 75 460 Pacification of Ireland, 1691, M, and pewter, 1*9, by B. Arondeaux, iam. placidvm. sonitvra. &c, the Genius of Nassau playing upon a harp, and seated upon a pile of arms, &c. (77, 7/3), unpublished in pewter. Two other Medals on the same event, M, and M, 1-6, by G. Hautsch, restitvtori. hibernia. &c, Victory flying with attend- ant Genii bearing six shields, &c, with battle scene below (77, yW), the silver medal is an unpublished variety reading hibernia., both with inscribed edges, all fine and rare, the last unpublished in copper 4 461 Establishment of William III on the Throne, 1691, pewter, 1-85, by Jan Luder, qvatvor. ex. vno., William as a Roman Emperor, holding out a sword from which are suspended four crowns (77, ■£&). Another Medal on the same event, M, Vh by 1-35, by D. Koehne, cavsa. del est., Four warriors of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Holland defending an orange tree, &c. (27, ^.). Restoration of Peace, 1691, M, 1 -35, by C. J. Leherr, restitvit. lvcem., Minerva seated on a cloud under sun's rays, &c. (77, ■££%), very rare. Small Medalet on same event, M, - 7, restitvit. lvcem., sun shining over the sea (77, yW)? all fine and rare 4 462 Deventer Testimonial, 1691, M, 1*85, and brass, 1*8, by Jan Luder, hibernia. SVRGE., William as a Eoman Emperor holding Christian standard, and raising Hibernia, &c. (77, y%y), latter a cast, and un- published in brass. Ireland reunited, 1692, M, T85, by Jan Luder, William standing on a cliff directing the disembarkation of his cavalry ; rev. rex. avget. &c, William uniting Hibernia to Anglia and Scotia standing near an empty chair, &c. (77, yrV)? all very fine and rare 3 463 Battle of La Hogue, 1692, pewter, 2*1, by Jan Smeltzing, Hercules with club seated on a rock to left ; rev. BRITANNIA, et. belgica. &c, a Naval action (77, y%). Another on same event, M, 1"55, by J. van Dishoecke, mar. britann. pvls. gall. &c, Naval action with a trophy of England and Holland in front (77, ^^). Same event, M, 2-25, by Jan Smeltzing, asserta. maris, imperil &c, Naval action with sinking ship in front (77, 2ir)> all fine and rare 3 464 Battle of La Hogue, 1692, M, 2-2, by Jan Boskam, imperivm. pelagi. nobis., Naval action, with a cock fleeing from a lion and unicorn in front (77, ^s)- Another varying in bust, with scale armour, and with 1. boskam. below (77, ■££§), both very fine and very rare 2 465 Battle of La Hogue, 1692, M, 2-9, by Jan Luder, bust of William III to right in scale armour, with lion's head in front, and mantle ; rev. simili. poena, commissa. lvvntvr., Neptune (William III) punish- ing the false Neptune (Louis XIV) (77, yVoX a ver y fi ne an d extremely rare medal [PI. VIII] 1 76 466 Battle of La Hogue, 1692, M, pewter and lead bronzed, 1-95, by P. H. Miiller, non. illi. imperivm. &c, William as Neptune driving Louis XIV from his marine car, &c. (II, arr), unpublished in pewter. Another on same event, M, 1 -45, by Jan Smeltzing, bust of Wil- liam III to right ; rev. divvmq. sibi. poscebat. &c, two officers in marine car inscribed RVSS. et. almon. driving Louis XIV from the sea, &c. (II, 2^3)*
an d ^ ^ ver y mre 4 467 Battle of La Hogue, 1692, ;R, 1-95, by Arondeaux, armed warrior holding trident surmounted by laurel wreath ; rev. psevdo. nep- tvno. marl &c, two officers in marine car inscribed rvssel. et. almonde. driving Louis XIV (the false Neptune) off the sea (II, 2%V)' a fi ne an d extremely rare medal. [PI. Ill] 1 468 Battle of La Hogue, 1692, M, 1-5, Two officers in marine car as before ; rev. nvnc. plvribvs. impar., the blowing up of the French Admiral's flag-ship " Le Soleil Royal " (II, -££5). Another on same event, M, 1*5, same type on rev. but obv. lvdovicvs. magnvs. rex. undraped bust of Louis XIV to right (II, ■££$), both very fine and very rare medals 2 469 Battle of La Hogue, 1692, M, and pewter, 1-6, by G. Hautsch, nvnc. plvribvs. impar., Naval action, with the flag of the "Soleil Royal " sinking, and the sun setting behind the French ships, in- scribed edge sic. phaethontaeo. &c. (II, -££$). Two others on same event, M,, and pewter, 1*6, varieties without artist's initials under bust (II, ^° 9 ). Same event, ^R, 1-9, by F. Kleinert, hev. qvis. iam. miseris. &c, Turks on shore bewailing the destruction of the French fleet, with inscribed edge, OB. deletam. &c, (II, oVr)> all fine and rare medals 5 470 Battle of La Hogue, 1692, ^R and pewter, 2-2, by P. H. Midler, solis. iter., Naval action, with the Zodiac above, and the Sun about to pass on to Cancer from Gemini, inscribed edge and chrono- grammatic, ConCastIgatVs., &c. (II, ¥ 6 ^) ; another on same event, M, 2*15, type as before, but with plain edge, all fine and rare, the last two unpublished 3 471 Battle of La Hogue, 1692, pewter, 2*05, sol. oriens. fvgat., &c, Admiral Russell's ship the Britannia sailing by a rock in the sea, and on the other side of it, the Soleil Royal sinking (27, ^ 6 ^). The " Tupper" Medal on same event, JR, 2; by Jas. Roettier, Conjoined busts of William and Mary to right ; rev. NOX. NVLLA. secvta. est., Naval action with the Soleil Royal in flames (77, ^). Same event, M, T8, by G. Hautsch, memorise, ^etern^e., Bust of William III between two Genii supporting the shields of England and Holland upon a pedestal, &c, with inscribed edge matvrate., &c. (II, 2%)' attfiue and rare 3 77 472 Capture of Namur, 1692, JR, 2-85, by Mauger, Bust of Louis XIV to left, laureate, in armour with lion's head in front ; rev. a pedestal surmounted by a Victory, and inscribed, lvdovicvs. magnvs. namvrc., &c, at sides of the pedestal are captured standards, and the river gods Mosa and Sabis (77, -£fc ), a very fine and very rare medal 1 473 Capture of Namur, 1692, M, 1-6, by Mauger, namvrcvm. captvm., two varieties of bust of Louis XIV (77, ^-). Jetton on same event, brass, 1; invictissimi. trivmphatoris., &c, View of Namur and citadel (II, -gW), where it is mentioned, that no specimen of this piece has been met with. Battle of Stein kirk, 1692, M, 2-85, by Molart and Mauger, DE. hispanis. anglis., &c, a trophy of captured arms (II, 2V9), unpublished variety with laureated and plainly draped bust of Louis XIV to right. Same event, M, 1 -65, by Mauger, type as before (II, ^ft-). Two others on same event, M, 1-6, by Mauger, virtvs. peditvm. francorvm. (77, Jfo), all fine and rare 7 474 Battle of Steinkirk, 1692, M, 2-25, by Jan Smeltzing, ex. vngve. leonem., A cock furiously attacking a retreating lion (77, ^g-). Execution of Barthelemi de Lignieres Chevalier de Grandval, 1692, M, 2-35, by Bosham, in victissimvs. gvillelmvs. mag., Cuirassed and draped bust to right ; rev. A monument on which an executioner is breaking a malefactor, and inscribed BARTHELEMI. DE. GRANDVAL. AVRO. LVDOVICiEO., &c. (77, 2*0), both very fine and rare medals 2 475 Execution of Grandval, 1692, M and M silvered, 1*9, by Jacob van Dishoecke, Bust of Louis XIV to left ; rev. A monument as pre- ceding, but legend par. sceleri. (77, ^). Relief of Rheinfels, 1692-3, M, 1*9, by Jan Smeltzing, a drooping lily with sun above in clouds ; rev. NEC. AVRO. NEC. ARMis., French army retreating (77, ^r.), all fine and rare 3 476 John George IV of Saxony created a Knight of the Garter, 1693, M, 1*75, by Martin Heinrich Omeis, ivngimvr. hoc. signo., &c, electoral arms surmounted by cap within the Garter, inscribed edge, cvsa. est. anglorvm, &c. (77. ^). Another on same event, M, 1-65 (square), j.g.c. 4 in cypher within the Garter; rev. qvi. male, sentit., &c, two swords in saltire under electoral cap, &c. (JI> inrk)- Return of Louis XIV to Versailles, 1693, M, 1-4, by C. Wermuth, nil. cantvs. nil. nvmervs., cock and hens flying from fox issuing from bush (77, ~ 8 -^ s ), all very fine and rare 3 78 477 Return of Louis XIV to Versailles, 1693, M and Pewter, 1-5, by Jan Smeltzing, venit. vidit. sed. non. vicit. Louis XIV in a triumphal car, drawn by ladies of his court, &c. (77, aVe)* Naval action off Gibraltar, 1693, JS, 1-65, by Mauger, commercia. hostibvs., &c, two varieties of the bust of Louis XIV (77, ^). Battle of Landen, 1693, Pewter, 2; by F. D. Winter, victo. victore. gallo. nvmero. dvplice., &c. in twelve lines (77, £&), very rare, all fine and rare medals 5 478 Battle of Landen, 1693, M, 2-35, by Jan Boskam, invictissimvs. gvillelmvs. mag. laureated and cuirassed bust of William to right; rev. forti. sic. victor., &c, falcon swooping at a heron, which receives it upon its beak (77, ^^)- Two others on same event, JE, 1-65, by Mauger, caesa. host. xx. mill, tormenta, &c, trophy of captured arms, varieties of the bust of Louis XIV (77, ^5), all fine and rare 3 479 Battle of Landen, 1693, M, 2-4, by Ian Boskam, similar rev. to pre- ceding medal, but obv. wilhelmvs. hi. d. g. mag. brit. franc, et. hib. REX. bust of William III to right, laureate, in armour, and with mantle across, a very fine and extremely rare variety, unpub- lished 1 480 Battle of Landen, 1693, M and Pewter, 1 95, bust of William III to left, in scale armour, and with hair confined in a bag ; rev. MON. SORT. d'estre. battv., a drum beaten by a hand issuing from clouds, &c. (77, tj 8 oV)> both ver y fi ne an d very Tare, the latter unpublished in pewter 2 481 Presage of a new era of prosperity, 1693, M and M, 2-3, by Pi,. Arondeaux, bust of Mary to right in bodice and mantle, and with hair decorated with handsome bandeau ; rev. secvr. pvbl. et. felix. &c, William and Mary standing with extended hands, with a globe surmounted by a phoenix between them, and below two river gods. thamisis and rhenvs, &c. (77, -gfe), both very fine and very rare, the latter a contemporaneous cast 2 482 Distrust of Louis XIV, 1693, M, 2-2, by Jan Smeltzing, bust of William III to right, in armour and mantle ; rev. felix. qvem. facivnt. aliena., &c, an altar decorated with the Belgic arrows, on which are a Bible and the cap of Liberty, and over it is a hand holding a sword entwined by an inscribed scroll, &c. (77, ^j-), very fine and very rare 1 483 Distrust of Louis XIV, 1693, M andpewter, 2-25, Louis XIV seated on throne fishing for Belgians with a hook baited, with scroll inscribed pax., between them, Minerva cautioning them, &c. ; rev. felix. qvem. facivnt., &c, type as the preceding medal (77, -^), both very fine and rare, the latter unpublished in pewter 2 79 484 Arrival of Prince Lewis of Baden in London, 1694, -pewter, 2-, by Jan Boskam, rec. p. badens. lond., William receiving the Prince of Baden at the gates of his palace (II, ^ T ). Expedition to Brest, 1694, M, 1-65, by M auger, custos. orae. aremoricae., Minerva on sea-shore near a naval trophy (II, -^ts), three varieties of bust of Louis XIV. Bombardment of Dieppe, 1694, M, 2-, by Jan Boskam, Bust of William III, nearly full-faced ; rev. et. proximvs. ardet., &c, Neptune in car drawn by two unicorns, &c. (77, g 9 ^-), all very fine, the first and last very rare 5 485 Bombardment of Dieppe, 1694, M, 2, type on rev. as before, but obv. rec. P. badens. LOND., William receiving the Prince of Baden at the gates of his palace (II, ^). Bombardment of Havre, 1694, M, 2-4, by Jan Boskam, svis. perit. ignibvs. avctor., Brazen bull amidst flames, &c. (II, -^V), 00 ^ ver y fi ne an d mre % 486 French Coast Bombarded, 1694, /R, 175, by F. Kleinert, iovi. tonantl, William III as a Roman Emperor, with fulmen ; rev. vrbes. aspicet. accensas., &c, Ships bombarding the Coast of France, inscribed edge, vangionvm. nemetvmqve., &c. (II, -££5). Two others, M and M, 175, of same type, but with incolvmi. mens. OMNIBVS., &c, on edge. Another, pewter, 1*75, with plain edge, all very fine and the last three unpublished varieties 4 487 Capture of Huy, 1694, M, 2-4, by Jan Boskam, fvgite. hinc. testes., &c, the Duke of Holstein commanding at the siege of Huy (II, iff). Another variety, M, 2*4, without artist's initials under bust, both very fine and scarce 2 488 Impotence of the French Army, 1694, lead, 185, Louis XIV on the back of the Gallic cock to left, incuse on reverse, with legend impotens. exercitvs., a first impression in soft lead from a rev. die by Martin Brunner, unpublished. Campaign of 1694, M and M, 1-95, by P. H. Mutter, virtvti. et. concordle., &c. Seven genii helmeted holding their respective national flags, surrounding the standard of Christianity, &c, inscribed edge, dominvs. protectio., (II, if|), unpublished in copper. Thomas Neale, Master of the Mint, (fi£f), M, 1-2, tho. neale. armiger., Draped bust of Neale to right, plain reverse (II, ^*), very rare, mostly very fine 4 489 William III and Louis XIV contrasted, 1694,iil undpewter, 165, by C. Wermuth, William III standing pointing with his sceptre to the sun on his left, to which he is looking, &c, tale. fvi. talis. nvnc. svm., &c, rev. talis, eram. talis, nvnc. svm., &c, Louis XIV in similar attitude, but pointing with his sceptre to the sun on his right, inscribed edge, vnivs. incrementvm., &c. (27, iff), both fine and extremely rare medals, of which only one other specimen is known in silver (Gotha), and unpublished in pewter 2 80 490 Queen Mary, 1694, M, gilt, 3-15, with rope border and loop, maria. D. G. ANG. SCO., &c, Crowned bust of Queen to left wearing neck- lace and ermine mantle, within a floral inner border, between the inner and outer borders is a wreath of leaves (engraved) ; rev. same type incuse, a fine and extremely rare plaque, unpublished, and perhaps unique 1 491 Death of Queen Mary, M, and pewter, 2-35, by Jan Boskam, invic- tissimvs. gvillelmvs. mag., Bust of William III to right, laureate, in armour and mantle ; rev. MARIA. D. G. MAG. brit., &c, Bust of queen to left with bodice and mantle with ornamental edging, below, I. BOSKAM. F. (27, |ff), both very fine and very rare, the latter unpublished in pewter 2 492 Death of Mary, 1694, M and pewter, 2*4, by Jan Boskam, wilhelmvs. in. D. G. MAG. BRIT., &c, bust to right, laureate in armour and mantle ; rev. MARIA. II. D. G. MAG. brit., &c, draped bust to right, with hair bound with strings of pearls, and tiara on head (77, |4^), both varieties with plain edges, fine and very rare, unpublished in pewter 2 493 Death of Mary, 1694, M, 1-95, by B. Arondeaux, bust of Mary to right, with high hair and handsome bandeau, and wearing a richly ornamented mantle ; rev. popvlis. liberatis. erepta., &c, the body of the Queen lying in state under a canopy, with the King seated at the foot of the bed weeping, &c. (77, ±%% ), very fine and very rare 1 494 Death of Mary, 1694, JR, 2-35, by Jan Boskam, bust of Queen to left, with hair high and curly, and bodice and mantle edged with lace ; rev. EX. ocvlis. erepta., &c, snake, scorpion, toads, and the French lily dead and prostrate, in the distance a unicorn galloping up a steep rock, &c. (77, $£f)i very fine and very rare [PI. VII] 1 495 Death of Mary, 1694, M, M, and M gilt, 1-95, by Jas. and Norbert Boettier, svblatam. ex. ocvlis., &c. (77, |^|). Same event, M, M plated, and pewter, 2*3, by Jan Luder, qvando. vllam., &c, Wisdom, Piety, and Constancy in front of a funeral pile (77, -§4-f), all fine, the last unpublished in pewter 6 496 Death of Mary, 169-f-, M, 23, a variety of the preceding medal, with Obv. MARIA. II. D. G. MAG. BRIT. FRAN. HIB. REGINA., undraped bust of Mary with strings of pearls in hair, and tiara on head (77, i-if), very fine and very rare, and unpublished in silver 1 497 Death of Mary, 169£, M, and^E, 2-4, by W. Bonkens, bust of Queen to right, draped, with hair decorated with tiara in front, and bound up behind with strings of pearls ; rev. florant. in. fvnere., &c, Britain and Holland seated on the base of a tomb, with the Queen's cypher above, and her bust in front, &c. (77, Mf)> ver y fine and very rare, but of poor execution, unpublished in copper 2 81 498 Death of Mary, 169|, JR, M, and M gilt, 2-3, draped bust of Queen to right, with tiara and pearls in hair ; rev. tristitia. pvblica., Britannia seated in a mournful attitude against a monument decorated with a medallion of Mary (II, ^|"tX a ^> very fine, rare, and unpublished in copper-gilt 3 499 Death of Mary, 169-f, M cast, 2-3, and pewter (struck), 2-4, by Jan BosJcam, vnica. digna. deo., the three Fates seated upon a monu- ment of three gradations decorated with a medallion of Mary (II, ^jf). Another on same event, JR, 2 -4, by Jan BosJcam, similar rev. but obv. MARIA. D. G. mag. BRIT., &c, bust of Mary to left, hair high and curly, and wearing mantle and bodice edged with lace (II, ^f ), the last very fine and very rare 3 500 Death of Mary, 169f, JR, and pewter, 2-4, by Jan BosJcam, coelitvs. data., &c, a tomb with bas-relief illustrating a sacrifice, on the top of which are three obelisks, the central one decorated with a medal- lion of Mary (II, |4f)- Same event, JR, 2*4, by Jan BosJcam, a variety of the above, with obv. bust of Mary to left, with hair high and curly, and wearing a lace-edged bodice and mantle (II, ^f ), all fine and rare medals 3 501 Death of Mary, 169f, JR, 1-5, by Jan BosJcam, undraped bust of Queen to left ; rev. moriens. evaset. ad. astra., four mourners at a square tomb on which is an obelisk decorated with medallion of Mary, &c. (II, -Hf)* Another on the same event, pewter, 2; the body of Mary lying in state under a canopy, with King and atten- dants mourning ; rev. CORONA, meliore., &c, Mary with palm branch, reclining on a cloud, and below, four crowns and a sceptre on the earth (II, ^§)> D0 ^ very fine and very rare 2 502 Death of Mary, 169|, JR, 1-8, by Jan Drappentier, o. serves. anim^e. dimidivm, &c, Britannia kneeling and praying at an altar, with spear and shield behind her (II, if -}). Another variety, JR, 1*7, differing in details, and with the name of the artist in full, i. drappentier on obv. (II, -iff). Same event, JR, 1 -55, die. eine. diser. rosen., &c, two flags, one flying, the other drooping, each decorated with a rose (II, |ff). Same event, JE, 1*6, by John Boettier, o. grave, where, is. thy. victory., Mary seated on a globe, holding palm branch (77, |f-j), all very fine and rare 4 503 Death of Mary, 169f, JR, 1*95, by Jakob van Dishoeke, meliori. ornata. corona., A sarcophagus surmounted by a laureated skull, and with a cyprus-tree at each corner, &c. (II, ifi) ; two others of same type, JR, 1 -95, with engraved inscription on edge, and JE, 1-9 (cast), with plain edge; same event, pewter, 2*3, by Jan Luder, The royal coffin under a canopy supported by four obelisks in "West- minster Abbey, &c. (II, iff), all fine and rare 4 G 82 WILLIAM III. 1694-1702. 504 Capture of Casale, 1695, JR, 15, by Jan BosJcam, plvribvs. impar., A boar attacked by four dogs (II, iff- ). Same event, M and M, 1-8, by P. H. Mutter, carpimvs. occidvo. speratam., &c., Turreted figure of Italy seated on a rock at the feet of Victory, &c. (II, -g-ff). Bombardment of Dunkirk, 1695, iE, 1-65, by Mauger, dvn- kerca. iLLiESA., Harbour of Dunkirk, three varieties with bust of Louis XIV (//, Af-|), all fine and rare 6 505 French Attacks on Indian Trade, M, 1-65, by Mauger, indkle. hostivm. opes., &c, Men moving goods in a harbour filled with shipping (II, iff ), three varieties. Brussels bombarded and Namur retaken, 1695, M, and pewter, 1-95, by M. Smeltzing, vrit. fvrit. NON. proficit., A fox endeavouring to set fire to a rock on which an eagle has built her nest, &c. (II, Iff), all fine and the last two very rare 5 506 Namur retaken, 1695, M, 1-9, gvilh. m. brit., &c, Bust of Wil- liam III to right, with high hair, and wearing decorative armour and large gorget; rev. namvr., Bombardment of a city on the further side of a river, in exergue recvper. 1695. D. 1. sept. (II, -giH!), said to have been executed at Gotha by Sorberger. Same event, M, 1-55, by J. van Dishoecke, vi. ignis, et. ensis., Officer on horseback commanding at the bombardment of Namur (II, \\%), both very fine and very rare medals 2 507 Namur retaken, 1695, M, 1-9, by Sorberger, as in preceding lot, but slightly gilt. Same event, pewter, 1*7, by R. Arondeaux, florem. gallle. c. M. MILITVM. elvdit., &c, Naniur kneeling presenting her keys to William, &c. (II, ifi). Same event, M, 2*35, by Jan Boskam, coram, c. m. host., &c, William on horseback commanding at the siege (II, iff), all fine and rare 3 508 Namur retaken, 1695, M, M (cast), &ndpewter, 1-85, by Jan Boskam, varieties of the medal in previous lot, with obv. invictissimvs. gvillelmvs. mag., Bust of William III to right laureate, in cuirass and mantle (i7, -g-§-|), a ^ fi ne an d very rare, and unpublished in pewter 3 509 Namur retaken, 1695, M, 2-35, by N. Chevalier, forti. pectori. nil., &c, Ostrich with key in its mouth, Namur in the distance; rev. Inscription namvrcvm. mvnitissimvm., &c, in fourteen lines within a laurel wreath (II, iff), a very fine and very rare medal com- posed of two reverses 1 83 510 Namur retaken, 1695, ^l, JE, and ^wter (cast), 1-95, by P. H. Muller, provincia. restitvta., &c, Namur murally crowned seated between two river gods, &c. ; rev. A pyramid inscribed namvrcvm. indefessa., &c, in eleven lines (II, iff), the first two with inscribed edges, and the last with plain edge. A Box Medal, M, 1*95, on same event and type as before, with inscribed edge, all very fine and rare, the second and last unpublished 4 511 Namur retaken, 1695, M, 1-95, by Jan Luder, namvrc. arx. et. castr. expvgn., &c, A warrior overturning with his standard an obelisk which Gallia vainly endeavours to support, &c. (II, ^f-f ). Same event, M, 2*35, by Jan Boskam, vincit. amor, patris., &c, A pedestal with inscription surmounted by a victory, with captured French flags at the sides, and two river gods at the base (II, if§), both very fine and rare medals 2 512 Namur retaken, 1695, M, and pewter, 1-8, by G. Hautsch, Hercules supporting medallions of William III and the Elector of Bavaria ; rev. NON. avro. virtvte., &c. View of Namur and fortifications, with chronogrammatic inscription on edge, rex. angLVs., &c. (27, ^ff), unpublished in pewter. Same event, 2E, 2*, by Jan Luder, ivsti. dvo. fvlmina, &c. Europa kneeling at an altar in front of a pedestal, on which are two medallions of William III and the Elector of Bavaria, &c. (II, -jfy), unpublished in copper, all fine, and the last very rare 3 513 Namur retaken, 1695, M, 1-95, by Jan Luder, namvrc. recept, the Genius of the Meuse reclining near the City of Namur in flames, &c. ; rev. Europa kneeling at an altar as before (II, H4)» an extremely fine and very rare medal composed of two reverses [PI. III.] 1 514 Namur retaken, 1695, JR, 1-2, by P. Roettier, mvlta. viri. virtvs. virgil. bust of the Elector of Bavaria to right ; rev. vincendvm. non. reddendvm. Namur with staff and cap of Liberty standing by an altar, on which is the Electoral shield, &c. (II, ^f ), where it is stated that no specimen had been met with ; from the Voelcker sale. Another variety, M, 1-2, by P. Roettier, with same reverse, but obv. Hie. SPES. fidissima. BELG.E. turreted bust of the Elector of Bavaria, with 1696 below (II, |£f), where it is also stated tJiat no specimen had been met with ; from the Voelcker sale. The Earl of Balcarres, 1695, Jetton (octagonal) Pewter, 1-6, by N. Roettier, Arms of the Earl surmounted by a ducal coronet (II, ^f), all very fine and extremely rare, the last presumed unique 3 g 2 84 515 Nicholas Witsen, Burgomaster of Amsterdam, Ambassador to England, 1695, N, M, and M, '95, undraped bust of Witsen to right; rev. labor, omnia, vincit. a battering ram, with a breach broken in a wall (77, l^g-), all very fine and very rare little medals, unpublished in gold and copper 3 516 Fortunes of William III, 1696, M, 1*05, heroitate, a military trophy, with date in the exergue (77, iff). Assassination Plot, 1696, JR, 2-3, by Jan Boslcam, bust of William III to right, laureate, and with shield inscribed non. LjEDITVR., &c, and with the name of Jehovah radiate in centre ; rev. dextra. latens. coercet., six female figures armed with daggers, torches, and snakes, bound and restrained by cords, and suspended from clouds (77, -jff), both very rare medals, and the latter extremely fine 2 517 Assassination Plot, 1696, M, M, and pewter, 1*75, conjoined busts of Louis XIV and James II to right ; rev. irrita. conspiratio. Louis XIV, James II, and Father Petre within a netted enclosure, &c. (77, |ri)> a tt ver y fi ne an d fare, unpublished in copper and pewter 3 518 Assassination Plot, 1696, M, 2-25, by Jan Smeltzing, pivs. gener. impio. socero, &c, David taking away the cruse of water from Saul, asleep in his tent, &c. (77, ^ff), very rare. Amicable Society Instituted, 1696, M, 1-6, two hands clasped under crown, with date below (77, ^-§-§)> an interesting souvenir of this the first company in England for the insurance of houses against loss by fire, and which still exists under the name of " the Hand in Hand," both very fine and rare 2 519 Anticipations of Peace, 1696, Lothair Franz, Archbishop of Mayence, Double Ducat, N, *95, Arms on mantle surmounted by Electoral cap; rev. ara., pacis. implements of war burning on the altar of peace. Ducat, 1696, N, -8, of same type, but with ein. to left, and dvc. to right of altar, two fine and rare medallic coins antici- pating the Peace of Ryswick in the following year 2 520 Anticipations of Peace, 1696, Lothair Franz, Archbishop of Mayence, Ducat, N. -8, obv. as before ; rev. favente. nvmine. Minerva to left with olive branch. Another Ducat, N, -85, arrange- ment of Electoral Arms slightly differing ; rev. Concordia. Concord seated to left with wreath and cornucopia?, both very fine and rare 2 521 Anticipations of Peace, 1696, Lothair Franz, Archbishop of Mayence, N, 1*75, bust to right in ermine robes; rev. pro. gloria, del et. salvte. imperii. Peace standing near a flaming altar, and holding the Christian standard and the legionary eagle, a fine and extremely rare medal, unpublished, and from the collection of Prince Alexander of Hesse 1 85 522 Anticipations of Peace, 1696, Franz Lothair, Archbishop of May- ence, ^l and M, VI h, by P. H. Mutter, non. nisi, conivnctis. radiis., trophy of arms burning through the concentration of the sun's rays by means of a glass held by hand issuing from clouds, both unpublished, and the specimen in copper is from a different die on the obv. Two others, JR, 1*75, mvnimvr. si. vnimvr., and pewter, 1*75, irrigat. vt. erigat. electoral arms on pedestal, &c, both by P. H. Mutter, and the last with inscribed edge, all fine and very rare, and from the collection of Prince Alexander of Hesse 4 523 Anticipations of Peace, 1696, Nuremburg Thaler, JR, 1'65, chrono- grammatic legend, eXpeCtata. reDI. paX., &c, Peace carrying two escutcheons, &c. Successes of Louis XIV, 1697, M, 1-65, by Mauger, gallia. invicta. two varieties of the bust of Louis XIV (77, iff). Negotiations for Peace, 1697, JR, -95, yvstitia. AC. pace, evropae, &c, Justice and Peace presenting a cornucopia to Europa, &c. (II, iff). Peace of Ryswick, 1697, JR, M and pewter, 1-25, ne. tota. dehiscat. Mercury and Peace trying to close up a large crack in the globe marked evropa., &c. (II, ^f|), all very fine and rare, last two unpublished in copper and pewter 7 524 Peace of Ryswick, 1697, two other varieties of the previous lot, N and JR, 1*25, the latter struck on an extra thick flan (II, ^-|^), both very rare and unpublished 2 525 Peace of Ryswick, 1697, JR a,n& pewter, 1-8, by P. H. Mutter, coelo. demittitvr. alto., a caduceus entwined with olive resting on a globe inscribed evropa, &c. (II, iff). Same event, JR, 1 *5, by Jan Boskam, un draped bust of William III to right ; rev. PACIS. ALVMNA. ceres., corn growing within the hollow of a helmet, &c. (II, -j-ff)> with edge engraved, Anna Elizabet van Vrmont, &c, all very fine and rare, the second and last unpublished 3 526 Peace of Ryswick, 1697, JR, 1*5, by Jan Boskam, type on rev. as previous lot, but obv. coevnt. in. foedera. dextrae., four clasped hands issuing from clouds, and arranged crosswise (II, ^f-f )• Same event, JR, 2*4, by Jan Boskam, Europa seated on a bull, &c. ; rev. pax. hvic. domvi., the palace of Eyswick (II, ^£|), both very fine and rare 2 527 Peace of Ryswick, 1697, JR 2ma\ pewter, 2*4, by Jan Boskam, lion crowned to right, holding holding olive branch, sword and scales, supporting a globe inscribed evropa; rev. pax. hvic. domvi. Palace of Ryswick (II, £$$-), both very fine and rare, latter unpublished in pewter , 2 86 528 Peace of Ryswick, 1697, JR and M, 1-5, by G. Hautsch, the palace of Ryswick ; rev. CONCORDI. PACE., &c, Peace standing facing, carrying an olive branch, and garland of six shields, &c, inscribed edge, et. pacem. et. otivm., &c. (27, iff). Another, M, of same type, with pavement of square compartments and with plain edge, unpublished. Same event, /R, 2", by R. Arondeaux, caesa. firma- bant., &c, temple of Janus being closed by the plenipotentiaries of peace, &c. (77, -jff)> a ^ rare > an ^ ver y fi ne ^ 529 Peace of Ryswick commemorated by Friesland, 1697, M and pewter, 2*65, by R. Arondeaux, the Genius of Friesland seated to left on arms, &c, with temple of Janus (open) in the distance ; rev. CLAVSO. pia. grata., &c, the Genius of Friesland standing holding a standard, and offering at an altar, &c. (77, iff), both fine and rare, the latter unpublished in pewter 2 530 Peace of Ryswick, 1697, N, 2-7, by /. Drappentier, pax. ades. et. toto. mitis., &c, Europe crowned, and offering at an altar inscribed pacis. ara. ; rev. tranqvillvs. gavdeat. orbis., Peace seated to left on a broad pedestal holding an olive branch, and a caduceus, at her feet a cornucopiae ; the pedestal inscribed, pace, frvgifera. inter, gallos., &c. (77, ?££), extremely fine and very rare [PL VIII] 1 *** This and the following medal were struck by order of the magi- strates of Amsterdam, and specimens in gold were presented to each of the thirty-six members who composed the council of the city. 531 Peace of Ryswick, 1697, M, 2-7, by J. Drappentier, legends and type exactly the same (77, -Hi), extremely fine and very rare 1 532 Peace of Ryswick, 1697, M, 3-05, by Jan Boskam, the new arms of the city of Amsterdam crowned on two fasces in saltire, from which are suspended the shields of the four Burgomasters of the year, and around are the thirty-six shields of those who composed the City Council ; rev. tenet. jEQVORA. tvta., The ancient arms of Amster- dam, viz., two armed men in a ship, one holding a sword, and the other a flag, (Van Loon, iv, 273), extremely fine and very rare 1 533 Peace of Ryswick, 1697, M, 3-2, and pewter, 31, by «/. Boskam, legend and type exactly the same, the former a hollow medal, and the latter unpublished in pewter, both very fine and very rare 2 534 A magnificent Silver Box, on the same event, s. 3-2, by Jan Boskam, formed from the obv. and rev. of the preceding medals, with the names of the thirty-six councillors around the edge on a con- tinuous scroll, a very fine and rare and interesting relic, both sides of which are struck from finely engraved dies 1 *** The gold medal (lot 530) is said to have been presented contained in this box. 87 535 Peace of Ryswick, 1697, M, M (cast) and pewter, 1-05, by C. Wermuth, villa, regis, risvicana., The Palace and Gardens of Ryswick (II, ^^), unpublished in pewter. Same event, M gilt, *85, by C. Wermuth, Bust of William III to right ; rev. Bust of Louis XIV to right, with edge inscribed sic. bene, convenivnt., &c, (II, Of), very rare. Same event, M, -85, pax. orbis. terrarvm., A globe within an olive wreath (II, ^f), very rare. Same event, M, '7, pax. rysvicensis., Trophy of arms in front of which is the shield of Ryswick (three branches) (27, i|~|). Medalets of William III, M, -55, M, -75, and M gilt, 1; with bust to right, but without reverse, mostly fine and rare 9 536 Peace of Ryswick, 1697, AT, -85, by Jan Luder, Peace standing with olive branch, and with bird at her feet, raising a kneeling mother with baby; rev. de. vreede. tot. ryswk. geslooten., Implements of war burning on altar, &c. (II, ^f-f ), very rare and unpublished in this metal, but with small hole. Six varieties of this medalet, M, -85, differing in the position of the bird and other details, all fine 7 537 Peace of Ryswick, 1697, M, 2-7, by Henri Boussel, Bust of Louis XIV to right, laureate, in armour and with mantle ; rev. salvs. evrop^e., Peace standing holding olive branch, and burning implements of war with a torch (II, i|-§-), a very rare medal in very fine state 1 538 Peace of Ryswick, 1697, M, 1*5, by Martin Smeltzing, sjeva. sedet. svper. arma., Mars bound and seated to right on a pile of French arms and flags, &c. (II, \^\). Same event, M, 1*6, by Mauger, salvs. evrop^e., three varieties of the bust of Louis XIV (II, |ff ), all fine and rare 4 539 Peace of Ryswick, 1697, M, 275, by Henri Boussel, Bust of Louis XIV to right, laureate, in armour and drapery ; rev. virtvs. et. ^eq vitas., Mars and Justice holding up between them a wreath (II, -^-i-), a very fine and very rare medal, unpublished in this metal [PL VIII] 1 540 Peace of Ryswick, 1697, M, 2-3, by P. Roettier, Bust of Charles II of Spain to right on a pedestal inscribed carolo. regnante., &c. ; rev. hostes. percvssit. bavarvs., &c, The Elector of Bavaria on horseback to left, trampling on fallen Turks, &c. (II, -*-ff ), a Spanish memorial of the peace, struck at Ghent. Same event, JE>, 1*6, by Mauger, virtvs. et. ^eqvitas., two varieties of the bust of Louis XIV (II, ±-}Jj), all fine and rare 3 88 541 Peace of Ryswick, 1697, M and M, 1*2, by P. Roettier, Bust of Charles II of Spain to right ; rev. ^eternvm. coronata. manebvnt., Military trophy (77, ^f%)i where it is mentioned that no specimen has been met with. Same event, M and M, 1-2, same rev. but obv. gect. povr. le. bvreav., &c, Arms of Spain within collar of Golden Fleece, both unpublished. Same event, M and M, 1 % clavdvntvr. belli. PORTvE., &c, Elector of Bavaria closing the doors of the Temple of Janus (II, \f\), where it is mentioned that no specimen has been met with, all very fine and very rare 6 542 Peace of Ryswick, 1697, JR and M, 1-25, by Philip Roettier, nemo. impvne. reclvdet., Elector of Bavaria standing by Temple of Janus with closed doors (II, H4)> where it is mentioned that no speci- men has been met with. Same event, M, and M, 1*15, Armorial shield of Jean Baptiste de L., Treasurer of Brussels ; rev. stabilita. pace. &c, Batavian lion resting under two joined hands holding olive branches and caduceus (Van Loon, iv, 253). Same event, M, •9, by C. Wermuth, gott. ist. versohnt., a crown with olive branches in saltire above a globe inscribed evropa. &c. (II, J -^ ± ), all very fine and rare 5 543 Swedish Memorial of the Peace of Ryswick, 1697, M, 205, by Aroid Karsteen, bust of Charles XII of Sweden to right ; rev. avspicivm. imperii, felicitas. evropae., Charles presenting an olive branch to Europe with bull at her side (77, vff). Same event, M, 1 -65, by Henri Roussel, pater, patriae., three varieties of the bust of Louis XIV (II, £ff), all very fine and rare 4 544 German Memorial of the Peace of Ryswick, 1697, M, 85, by C. Wermuth, bust of Leopold I, to right ; rev. Bust of Louis XIV to right, with inscribed edge, sit. pax. in. regionibvs. &c. (II, ±-§-f-), extremely rare. Same event, JR, and 2E gilt, 1'3, by G. Wermuth, pax. germano — gallica., Peace standing to left, with caduceus and olive branch (II, ^f|), extremely rare. Same event, M, 1*2, gott. 1ST. versohnt., olive branch entwined around spear, &c. ; rev. Inscription within wreath, all very fine, the last unpublished 4 545 Peace of Ryswick, 1697, pewter, 1-35 by C. Wermuth, an ordinary drum with hole in its side, and MDCIHIC. in exergue ; rev. HERR. mache. ganz. vnd. fest. dem. friede. &c, Basket receiving the contents of a cornucopia (77, ^ff), var. Another variety, M, 1*55, with broken top to drum, and reading fride. A third variety, M, 1*55, with broken drum as before, but rev. legend wer. aber. flickt. dem. fride. &c, all fine and unpublished varieties, and very rare 3 89 546 Peace Rejoicings at Gouda, 1697, pewter, 2-9, by J. Drapentier, William III as Hercules trampling upon the monster of Discord, &c. ; rev. paci. rysvicle., Peace with olive branch and lyre, seated facing, upon a pedestal, around the base of which are arranged Bacchus, Gouda, Neptune, and Mercury, &c. (77, £f|). Another variety, M, 2-9, signed I. drapentier., with Peace looking towards the left, and differing in other details (77, |f£), both very fine and rare 2 547 Peaceful State of Britain, 1697, M and M, 2-75, by John CroJcer, bust of William III to right, laureate, in armour and mantle ; rev. restitvtori. BRITANNIA., Britannia seated on ground to left, navally crowned, and with trident and shield, &c. (II, iff), both very fine 2 548 Prince James Stuart, 1697, JR, 1-8, by Norbert Roettier, bust of Prince to left ; rev. iactatvr. non. mergitvr. &c, a Ship in dis- tress (77, iff). Prince James Medalets ^10), M and M, I; clarior. e. tenebris. (II, iff), M, . M, M plated and pewter, I; QVO. COMPRESSA. MAGIS (II, |ff ), ^l and M, I', OMNIA. FACIT. IPSE. SERENA. (II, iff), M and M, V, MANSVR,E. nvntia. pacis. (II, ifi), all fine, some rare 11 549 Nuremberg Commemoration of the Peace of Ryswick, 1698, AT, 1-7, chronogrammatic legend eXoptata. DIV.PAX. CoeLI. &c, Peace standing on pedestal holding caduceus, and olive branch, with two angels at the base supporting two shields, &c. ; rev. View of Nuremberg, &c. ,extremely fine and rare, unpublished 1 550 Nuremberg Commemoration of the Peace, as before, M and M, 1 - 7 of exactly the same type, the latter extremely rare in copper. Anthony Leeuwenhoek, F.R.S. Naturalist, 1698, M gilt (cast), 2*2, bust to left ; rev. in. tenvi. labor, &c, Bee-hive and rose bush, with a distant view of Delft (II, if §), all fine and scarce, the last a production of later date 3 551 Presentation of a New Collar and Medal to the Corpora- tion of Dublin, 1698, M, 3*35, by Jas. Roettier, bust of William III to right, in armour and mantle ; rev. gvilielmvs. III. ANTIQVAM. ET. fidelem. &c, in eight lines (77, -g-ff), a very rare and finely executed medal [PL VIII] 1 552 Treaty of Carlowitz, 1699, JR, 2; bjR. Arondeaux, the Emperor of Germany presenting an olive-branch to the Turkish Sultan, &c. ; rev. nassavivs. britan. batav., &c, Hercules repairing globe with a hammer (77, ffr)- Same event, M, 1*5 by M. Smeltzing, the Emperor of Germany joining hands with the Turkish Sultan in front of a palm-tree ; rev. distracti. liliis., &c, Two arms holding sword and scimitar separated by lilies, and above, two hands clasped over a bunch of roses (77, f^4)> °°th very fine, and rare 2 90 553 James II [and Prince James, 1699, M and M gilt, 145, by Nor- bert Roettier, Undraped bust of James II to right ; rev. Bust of Prince James to left (27, -fry)- Same personages, M, 1*1, by N. Roettier, two varieties, one reading iaco. ii. del gratia. (77 } _^o & 2__j # Two others of Prince James, M, 1 -05, by same artist, pax. vobis. (II, %%%), and sola. lvce. fvgat. (27, ff|), all very fine and rare 6 554 Bombardment of Tonningen, 1700, M, 1-5, pressa. non. oppressa., Tonningen bombarded, sun and rainbow above the city ; rev. ANNO, christi. mdcc, &c, in ten lines (II, ff f). Another variety, JR, 1'5, ANGOR. NON. tangor., with rainbow only above city, and rev. eodem. anno., &c, in ten lines (II, f|f), both fine and very rare 2 555 Bombardment of Tonningen and Copenhagen, 1700, M, (cast and chased), 2-3, View of the bombardment; rev. par. pari., Ships bombarding Copenhagen (II, f||). Storming of Tou- bucan, 1700, pewter, 2-3, by M. Smeltzing, qvid. non. pro. patria., an armed Highlander with sword and shield, and a battle scene in the distance, rev. the armorial shield and motto of the Scottish African Company (II, fff). Rupture of the Second Parti- tion Treaty, 1700, Counter, M, 1*1, me. cvstode. tvtvm. (II, f^i), all very rare, and the first two very fine 3 556 Compliment to William III, 1700, M, and M, 285, by N. Che- valier, Bust of William III to left surrounded by the names of twenty-five kings of England from Egbert to Stephen in six con- centric circles ; rev. Dutch inscription, Deesklommenten Troone, &c, under a crown surrounded by similar circles, containing the names of kings and queens from Henry II to William and Mary (27 -Hf), both very fine and very rare medals, the latter unpublished in copper 2 557 Compliment to William III, 1700, pewter, 285, by N. Clievalier, same type as before, but edge inscribed nicolavs. chevalier., &c. (22, !?|f), very rare. Princesses Matildaand Sophia, 1701, M, 2*65, by Lambelet, Bust of Matilda to right, veiled ; rev. sophia. ex. stirpe., &c, Bust of Sophia to right, semi-veiled and with high hair, below s. L. (II, f-jf), the latter extremely fine 2 558 Princesses Matildaand Sophia, 1701, M, 2-6, by Lambelet, same type, but with S.L. only on obv. and no initials on rev. (II, f-L| ). Death of William III, 1702, JR, 2; by R. Arondeaux, bust of the King to right, laureate and draped ; rev. redii. iam. vos. vigil ate., Britain and Holland mourning at the base of a funeral pile of four gradations (II, fff), 00 ^ 1 rare an ^ ^ latter very fine 2 91 559 Death of William III, 1702, M, 2-4, by Jan Boskam, bust of King to right, laureate, in armour and draped ; rev. non. nisi. sole, occidvo. revolat., eagle flying to the top of a mountain, sun setting, (77, -§-£-f). Same event, pewter, 1*5, by Jan Smeltzing, consecratio. gvilielmi. max., William mounted upon an eagle flying to left (II, f-ff), both very fine and rare, latter unpublished in pewter 2 560 Death of William III, 1702, M, and pewter, 2; by M. Smeltzing, invicta. virtvte. resvrget., Temple of Janus with open doors, with burning funeral pile inside, above, an eagle flying forth (II, ff£). Same event, M, 1*6, doch. was. got. hevte. nimt., &c, the British Isles, with the sun setting (77, ffr)» Same event, pewter, -85, by C. Wermuth, bust of William III to right ; rev. est. plvs. qvam. perfectvm., &c. (77, fff), very rare. Another M, 1 "9, one of a series of medals executed by Jean Henri Simon, of Brussels (77, fff), all fine and rare 5 92 FIFTH DAY'S SALE. ANNE. 1702-1714. LOT 561 Queen's Accession, 1702, tf, 1*4, by John Croker, entirely. English., heart under a crown enclosed within branches of oak and laurel, and resting upon a pedestal inscribed atavis. regibvs. (77, ^^i), extremely fine, and very rare in this metal [PI. Ill] 1 562 Queen's Accession, 1702, JR, 1-45, and M, 1-4, by J. Croker, of exactly the same type as the preceding medal (II, — f- 1 ). Same event, M and M, 1-4, vnited. by. god. in. love. and. interest., a circlet of hearts and roses suspended from a crown, &c. (II, ^ & ), all very fine 4 563 Coronation, 1702, tf, 14, by Croker, vicem. gerit. illa. tonantis., Anne as Pallas hurling thunder against a double-headed and four- armed monster, &c. (II, ^ § -), very fine and scarce 1 . 564 Coronation, 1702, N, 1*4, by Croker, same type as before, but struck V7 yyc all fine, and the last very rare 5 600 Relief of Barcelona, 1706, M, M and pewter, 1-7, by P. 27. Muller, bust of Charles III of Spain to right; rev. VNIVS. liberatio. alterivs., &c, an eclipse of the sun over the city, pier and harbour of Barcelona, with view of captured cannon, inscribed edges, (II, 2 -£r), one in copper differing in inscription on edge, REGIA. CREDE., &c, all very fine and rare 3 601 Relief of Barcelona, 1706,^1, 1-7, by Martin Brunner, bust of Charles III of Spain to right, laureate, in armour and mantle ; rev. tvtori. AC. conservatori. svo., Charles protecting Barcelona against Philip of Anjou (77, 2 ¥ 8 T *) very rare. Battle of Ramillies, 1706, JR (2), and M (2) 1*35, by CroJcer, gallis. ad. ramellies. ViCTis., &c, varieties with fr. and fra. in obv. legend, and artist's name in full, or initials (II, 2 ^), all very fine 5 602 Battle of Ramillies, 1706, N, 1-4, by CroJcer, with artist's name in full under Q. Anne's bust, and with FRA. in obv. legend ; rev. gallis. AD. ramellies. ViCTis., &c, as preceding lot (II, 2 ¥ 8 ¥ *), extremely fine and rare, unpublished in gold. [PI. IV] 1 603 Victories of Marlborough, 170$, JR, 2-8, aeqvat. marlbvrgivs. ambos. medallion portrait of Marlborough supported by Hercules and Mars, above Fame flying, and below, a military trophy, &c, the whole within a decorative border, no reverse (II, * ¥ V)> a very fine and extremely rare plaque [PI. VIII] 1 604 Joint Commemoration of the Relief of Barcelona and the Battle of Ramillies, 1706, JR, 1*2, arm in armour to left, holding badge of the Golden Fleece ; rev. ALLER. ehren. 1ST. oestereich., &c, I and C interlinked under two crowns (Fan Loon, v-35). Conquest of Brabant, 1706, JR, M, pewter and pewter-gilt, 1-45, by G. Hautsch, pretivm. non. vile, laborvm., with inscribed edges (II, W_). Another, JR, 1*45, by G. Hautsch, as before, but with plain edge, all fine and rare 6 99 605 Victories of Anne over Louis XIV, 1706, M andpewter, 1-7, Anne as Minerva overthrowing Louis XIV; rev. CVRA. pvgnacis. facta., &c, Victory with a palm tree and mural crown to left, behind, a trophy of arms with shield inscribed clades. &c, the whole encircled by twelve shields, inscribed edges (II, 2 -£f), very rare, unpublished in pewter. Same event, JR, M, and pewter, 1*7, percvte. me. ne. dicatvr, &c, obv. as before, and inscribed edges as before (II, 2 ¥ 8 ¥ 9 ), unpublished in copper and pewter, all very fine and rare 5 606 Relief of Barcelona and the Conquest of Brabant, 1706, JR, and pewter, 1 -8, by G. Hautsch, victoriarvm. impetvs. Marlborough on horseback receiving the keys of supplicant cities (II, *-££), in- scribed edges. Three other varieties, JR, M (cast), and pewter, 1 -7, same type, but with plain edges, all fine and rare, unpublished in pewter 5 607 Successes of the Allies in Spain and Brabant, 1706, JR (2), one with loop ; and M, 2-1 (lozenge-shaped), MIT. GOTT. DVRCH. M. 0. G. vnd. l., &c, a Eadiant sun, with human face crowned, and in its rays three other crowns representing the Empire, England and Holland (II,\%%), all fine and very rare, unpublished in copper 3 608 Successes of the Allies in Spain and Brabant, 1706,^, 1-8, by Martin Smeltzing, the Sun obscured by clouds over a segment of the globe, marked evropa. ; rev. DOMINVM. QVE. IN. REGNA. tvlere., Medallion of Charles III of Spain, in centre of three laurel wreaths enclosing views of Barcelona, Eamillies and Madrid, &c. (II, %%\), a beautiful and very rare medal, unpublished in this metal [PI. IV] 1 609 Successes of the Allies in Spain and Brabant, 1706, JR, 1*75, by M. Smeltzing, same type as medal in preceding lot, but two varieties, one with small date on obv. (II, f§|), very rare. Battle of Almanza, 1707, M, 1*65, adsertvm. philippo. v. hispa- NIARVM., &c, three varieties with t. b. (Thomas Bernard), I. MAV- ger. F., and no signature under bust of Louis XIV (II, t§-§w)> a ^ very fine 5 610 Union of England and Scotland, 1707, JR, 1-9, by CroTcer, Bust of Anne, with ornamental shoulder straps ; rev. mail i. mdccvii., British arms (England and Scotland impaled in 1st and 4th quar- ters), within Garter crowned, upon a pedestal inscribed with double cypher of A.R., &c. (IT", -fff). Two other varieties, JR and JE, 1*9, by Croker, as before, but the Queen's bust with plain shoulder straps. Three Jettons on same event, JR, 1* and JE, 1*05, reading on obv. BRI. FR. ET. hib., the latter struck on wide and thick flan ; JR, 1, with BR. fr. et. Hi. (II, Tul, 9 fT^)> <•# very fine 6 H 2 100 611 Union of England and Scotland, 1707, M, 1-35, by Croker, two varieties, reading fra., with artist's name in full, and initials, under Anne's bust (II, -f-f-f). Four other varieties, M and M, 1*35, read- ing FR., with and without artist's initials under bust (II, ttt, 9 ttt)' Anne, Jettons, on same event, JR, l\ two varieties, with rev. Two infant genii supporting crown over arms, &c. (i/,fri)> all fine 8 612 Union of England and Scotland, 1707, JR and M, 2-8, by Croker, nov^e. palladivm. trole., Statue of Anne as Pallas armed v- ffl - -/—-/• / w ^ n s P ear an d Glorgon's shield (II, fff ). Another, on same event, "^^ ' JE, 2*8, with small lettering on rev. ; and an oval cast, pewter-gilt, 2-6, by 2-1, without legends, and with obv. only, all fine 4 613 Union of England and Scotland, celebrated at Leipsig, 1707, JR and M, 1*7, by C. Wermuth, et. exteris. etiam. grata, two female figures holding two wreaths interlinked, with vivat. anna, below, &c, with inscribed edge, qvae. bello., &c. (II, \$%), loth very fine, and very rare, unpublished in copper 2 614 Death of John William, Duke of Saxe Gotha, 1707, JR, 1-55, by G. Wermuth, Duke's bust in armour to right ; rev. s. C^ES. MAI. regin. M. britann., &c, in two circles, and in centre, natvs. div. octobr., &c, in eleven lines (II, fff)> struck to the weight of a dollar, and current as such. Same event, pewter, 2*2, by J. C. Koch, in. minimis, fideli., a globe inscribed with the monogram of the Duke interspersed with four crowns crosswise above a scroll, chrono- grammatically inscribed, sac. cms. hisp., &c. (II, f|-t)> 00 ^ fi ne and very rare, the latter unpublished in pewter 2 615 Relief of Toulon, 1707, M, 1-65, pvlsis. ad. varvm. hostibvs., Toulon murally crowned seated to left, &c, three varieties with T.B. (Thomas Bernard), I. MAVGER. f., and no artist's signature under bust of Louis XIV (II, f||). Silesian Churches relieved, 1708, M, 1-75, by C. Wermuth, busts of Anne and Charles XII of Sweden vis-a-vis; rev. tres. regvm. schlesiam. decorant., &c. Justice and Eeligion seated joining hands under three hands united, and issuing from clouds, &c. (il, ff£). Another variety, JR, 1-75, with inscription, d.t.o.m. avgvstissimo, &c, in 14 lines on rev. (II, fj§), all very fine, two last very rare 5 616 Expected Restoration of the Elder Pretender, 1708, JR, M, M, plated, and Brass, 1-5, by N. Boettier, reddite, map of the British Isles marked brit. l. scot, e., and hib. d. (77, fi|). Five other varieties of similar type, ^R, (2), grained and plain edges, JE, M gilt, and pewter, 1 -2, map of British Isles marked brit. scot, and HIE. (II, fL|), all fine 9 101 i . 617 Expected Restoration of the Elder Pretender, 1708, JR,JE, 2-05, and M (cast), 2- by N. Roettier, reddite. igitvr., same type, but map marked anglia. l., scot, e., and hib. d., the two first with titles, and the last with cvivs. est. on obv. (II, ts^ttb-)- James II and Elder Pretender, 1708, pewter, 1-5, by N. Roettier, bust and titles of James II ; rev. CVIVS. est. and bust of Prince James to right (II, fif ), a very rare " mule," struck by Mr. Young from Roettier 's dies. Three Touch pieces, JR, "8, of "James III," "Charles III," and "Henry IX," all fine and rare 7 618 Attempted Invasion of Scotland, 1708, ^fl and M, 1-6, by CroJcer, classe. gall. fvg. Britannia protecting kneeling figure of Scotia, &c. (II, f!f). Same event, JR, JE, and pewter, 1*6, by G. Hautsch, fvgere. non. fallere. trivmphis., French fleet fleeing from the English fleet, inscribed edges (II, f|^), all fine and scarce, the two last unpublished in copper and pewter 5 619 Attempted Invasion of Scotland, 1708, JR and pewter, 19, by M. Smeltzing, qvis. nos. impvne. lacesset. vnitas., sceptre of Providence entwined with rose and thistle, &c. (II, f^f)- Same event, JR, 1*75, by C. Wermuth, qvod. devs. et. reges. legitimi. henricvs. ROSIS., &c, in thirteen lines, variety with plain edge (II, fff ), unpublished, all very fine and very rare 3 620 Attempted Invasion of Scotland, 1708, JR and pewter, 1*7, by Martin Brunner, inimicvs. odor, appetitv. fortior., an ass driven away from a thistle by the smell of a rose, inscribed edges (II, f f i), very rare, and unpublished in pewter. Battle of Oudenarde, 1708, JR, JE, and M gilt, T75, by Croker, gallis. ad. aldenard. victis., two captives bound to a triumphal column surmounted by Victory (II, -f-ff ), all very fine 5 621 Battle of Oudenarde, 1708, JR and pewter, 17, by M. Brunner, ivstitiaqve. dedit. gentes., &c, Marlborough and Eugene extending hands and trampling upon foes, &c. (II, \ £ f ), unpublished in pewter. Same event, JR, 175, by P. H. Mutter, SALVTARIVM. SIDERVM. apparitio., Castor and Pollux on horseback, charging to right (II, ffl), an unpublished variety with plain edge, all very fine and rare 3 622 Battle of Oudenarde, 1708, JR md pewter, 1-75, by P.H. Mutter, same type with Castor and Pollux, but inscribed edges, NIL. desperandvm., &c. (II, \%%). Same event, pewter, 1-7, v^E. tibi. lvdenti. nam. mox. post, ivbila. flebis., a boy seated under a tree catching a cock with hook and line (II, |f|), extremely rare, unpublished in pewter. Same event, pewter, 1*5, vis. et. celeritas., a winged fulmen (II, xM), all very fine and rare 4 102 623 Admission of George Louis of Hanover" into the Electoral College, 1708, JR and M, 2*6, by E. Hannibal, bust of the Elector to right ; rev. caes. avth. et. vnan. s. r. imp. ordinvm., &c, in eight lines (II, ff^), both very fine and very rare, unpublished in copper 2 624 Capture of Sardinia and Minorca, 1708, JR and JE, 16, by Croker, Sardinia, et. balearis. minor. caytm., Victory standing on a shell on the sea, with palm branch and Union Jack (II, -Hf), varieties from two dies, all very fine 4 625 Capture of Lille, 1708, JR, M, and pewter-gilt, 1*8, by P. E. Mutter, spes. hostivm. perterritorvm., &c, Pallas seated amidst piles of arms terrifying a French soldier with the Gorgon shield, inscribed edges (II, -f-ff), unpublished in copper. Same event, JR, 1*7, by M. Brunner, liliis. discerptis. LILIVM. CAPTVM., Lille surrendering her keys to Marlborough and Eugene, &c, with inscribed edge (II, fzh)> all fine, the last very rare 4 626 Death of Prince George of Denmark, 1708, JR, 2- by Michael Boegg, bust of Prince George to right ; rev. celsissimvs. PRINCEPS. GEORGIVS. MAGNI. REGIS. FILIVS. MAGNI. REGIS. FRATER. &C in fifteen lines (II, fff). Relief of Brussels, 1708, JR, 1-5, con- joined busts of Van den Bergh and De Rheede to right; rev. ser- vata. sic. brabantia., Constancy and Wisdom at sides of an altar, with Victory crowning them (Fan Loon, V, 116), both very fine and very rare 2 627 Citadel of Lille taken, 1708, JR and M, 1-75, by Croker, insvl^e. captve., Victory murally crowned, holding up the shield of Lille, &c. (II, fff). Same event, JR, 1*95, the building of the Tower of Babel; rev. siste. sol. in. gibeon. et. lvna. &c, bombardment of the citadel with sun and moon above, with plain edge (II, f f§), all fine, and the last very rare, and unpublished, with plain edge 3 628 Citadel of Lille taken, 1708, N, 1-95, building of the Tower of Babel, and rev. siste. sol. in. gibeon. &c. as before, but with in- scribed edge, vnita. virtvs. valet. (II, ^fg-), very fine and extremely rare, unpublished, and perhaps unique in this metal. [PI. IV] 1 629 Citadel of Lille taken, 1708, JR, JE, pewter, and pewter-bronzed, 1-95, building of the Tower of Babel as before, with similarly in- scribed edges, all very fine and very rare, unpublished in copper, and pewter 4 630 Citadel of Lille taken, 1708, JR, and pewter, 1-75, by M. Brunner, gallia. moerens. ob. lilivm. deperditvm., Gallia seated bewailing the loss of a lily that has dropped from a shield (II, fff), inscribed edges. Prince Eugene and the Capture of Lille, 1708, JR, 103 Lot 630 — continued. 1*75, by Boskam,, Eugene on horseback to left, commanding at the siege of Lille ; rev. Chronogrammatic legend, h^eO. feCerVnt. hI. tres. arML &c, three medallions of Eugene, Marlborough, and Overkirk, with a smaller one of Victory in the centre (77, fff), all very fine and very rare 3 631 Duke of Marlborough, and the Capture of Lille, 1708, M, 175, by Boskam, CORRVAM. evm. gladio. &c, Marlborough on horseback commanding at an attack upon the trenches ; rev. as the companion medal of Eugene in preceding lot (27, f£f). Battle of Oude- narde, 1708, M (cast), 1*7, in. gallos. varios. &c, plan of the battle field (II, ff|). Campaign of 1708, pewter, 1'75, by M. Brunner, expeditio. foederat. feliciss. &c, Inscribed shield with mural crown suspended from tree, with standing Victory and re- cumbent Genius of the Scheldt at the sides, &c. (27, ffi), all fine and very rare, the last unpublished in pewter 3 632 Ghent retaken, 1708, M, 1-7, View of Ghent and the trenches of the besiegers ; rev. caroli. v. imp. A. gallis. technis. &c, Monsr. La Motte the Governor of Ghent and French officers pre- senting a glove to the Duke of Marlborough on horseback, &c. edge inscribed mens. vna. sapiens. &c. (77, fff), ver ¥ fi M an ^ extremely rare. [PI. IV] 1 633 Campaign of 1708, M, 3-2, An armed warrior holding banner of Holland, and shield of England, and trampling the French shield under foot • rev. men. love. en. danke. god. eendragtig., &c, Four medallion portraits of Eugene, Marlborough, Overkirk, and Prince of Orange, surrounded by ten cartouches illustrating various actions (77, f£i), a very fine and very rare engraved medal 1 634 French Negotiations for Peace, 1709, M, 1-65, by C. Wermuth, cyllenivs. h^eret. et. coelvm. mars., &c, Louis XIV con- sulting an astrologer who stands before him near a table, &c. (77, f-ff ), where it mentions that no specimen had been met with. Same event, M, 1*4, by O. Wermuth, A rainbow stretching over mountains and corn-fields ; rev. " Ein Schelm ders Guthmeint," two right hands clasped, and issuing from clouds (77, f-f-lr), where it mentions that no specimen had been met with, both very fine and extremely rare 2 635 Capture of Tournay, 1709, M and pewter, 1-6, by Croher, tornaco. expvgnato. (77, ff£). Same event, M and M, 1*75, by C. G. Lauffer, VT. melivs. procedat., Victory holding in chains the prostrate figure of Discord, &c, with inscribed edges (77, \%%),very rare. Another variety, M, 1*75, with plain edge, unpublished in this metal, all fine, and the last three very rare 5 104 636 Capture of Tournay, 1709, M xntii pewter, 1*8, ne. pereat. per- du., A Spanish vessel with French arms affixed to her stern labouring in a heavy sea, &c, with inscribed edges (II, f|f )• Two other varieties, JR and JE, 1*75, with plain edges, all very fine and rare, unpublished in pewter and copper 4 637 Capture of Tournay, 1709, M (plain edge) and pewter (inscribed edge), 1*75, Gallia crowned and seated in great distress, in the dis- tance a tower struck by lightning ; rev. vltimvm. opvs. martis., &c, Plan of Tournay (II, -rff)> 00 ^ 1 ver V rare 7 ^ e latter unpublished. Same event, JR (lozenge-shaped), 1*7, Temple of Victory upon a rugged eminence ; rev. Chrono-grammatic legend, hILfpt. gott. so. kan. Man., &c, in five lines within branches of thorn and grapes (II, flf)* all fine and rare 3 638 Battle of Malplaquet, 1709, JR, M, and M gilt, 1*9, by Croker, Concordia, et. virtvte., Allied attack on French entrenchments in a wood (II, fff)- Same event, pewter and pewter-gilt, 1*75, Busts of Eugene and Marlborough vis-a-vis; rev. CRVENTVS. OCCIDIT., Landscape and sun setting amongst clouds (II, fft)» all fine, the last unpublished in pewter 5 639 Battle of Malplaquet, 1709, M and pewter, 1-75, by G. Hautsch, Busts, vis-a-vis, of Marlborough and Eugene, rev. crventvs. occidit., type as before (II, ff f)> the latter an unpublished variety, without artist's initial under busts. Same event, JR and M, 1*7 by M. Brunner, Louis XIV as Phsethon in the chariot of the Sun with broken reins ; rev. SOL. rvit. interea. ET. MONTES., &c, Sun setting behind a mountain, inscribed edge (II, f-§^), very rare, and the last (in copper) a cast, all fine 4 640 Capture of Mons, 1709, JR, M (two varieties), and M gilt, 1-6, by Croker, montibvs. IN. HANNONIA captis., Victory flying over the City of Mons (27, f$f). Same event, JR and Brass (cast), by M. Brunner, mole. rvit. sva., the Colossus of Ehodes falling to pieces (II, f-g-fX all very fine, the last very rare 6 641 Campaign of 1709, ^l and pewter, 1-75, by P. H. Mutter, tvrris. castra. montes. viCTi., Mars and Hercules seated upon a pedestal, with Fame placing a mural crown and two laurel wreaths at the top, &c. (II, | £f-), unpublished in pewter. Same event, JR, 1 "75, by same artist, laureated bust of the Emperor Joseph to right, in armour and mantle, and wearing the Golden Fleece, rev. Same legend and type as before (II, ff|), where it is mentioned that no specimen had been met with, all fine and very rare 3 105 642 Campaign of 1709, M, 1*75, by P. H. Midler, same legends and type as before, but the Emperor Joseph wearing the iron crown of Lombardy instead of a laurel wreath, very fine and very rare, unpub- lished, and perhaps unique ; from the Voelcker cabinet [PI. IV] 1 643 Henry Newton, British Ambassador to the Republic of Genoa, 1709, M (cast), 3*4, by Max Soldani of Florence, alterivs. altera., &c, Pallas and Prudence embracing (II, $#§). Dr. Henry Sacheverell, 1710, M, 1-4, h. sach. d. d. ; rev. is. firm. to. thee., Mitre (II, f f£). Another variety, M, 1-4 ; obv. Legend and type as before ; rev. Bust of Pope Innocent XI to right in papal tiara and robes (JJ.fff). Capture of Douay, 1710, M, 1-9, by Croker, VALLO. gallorvm. dirvto., Victory affixing a shield to a column, &c. (II, ff|), struck on an extra thick flan, all fine and rare 4 644 Capture of Douay, 1710, M and M, 1-9, by Croker, vallo. gal- lorvm. dirvto., type as before (II, ffi)- Same event, M, M and pewter, 1*75., SPES. perdens., Two soldiers seated on a military cloak playing with dice, &c. (II, fii), very rare, and unpublished in copper and pewter, all very fine 5 645 Battle of Almenara, 1710, M (two varieties) and M (two varieties), 1*9, by Croker, pvgna. eqvestris., a cavalry action, with General Stanhope killing the Spanish General Amezaga in single combat (II, -Iff), all fine 4 646 Battle of Almenara, 1710, M, VI, by P. H. Mailer, bust of Charles III of Spain to right ; rev. scit. patrio. sonteis. harpyas., &c, armed warrior putting three harpies to flight (Van Loon, v, i -f x ). Same event, M and M, 1*75, by same artist ; obv. similar ; rev. nvnc. CRVOR. ET. WLS.E. LABVNTVR, &c, Imperial eagle and Gallic cock fighting in mid air ( Van Loon, v, -^f^), all very fine and rare, not in the Medallic Illustrations 3 647 Battle of Almenara, 1710, M, 1-7, by M. Brunner, bust of Charles III of Spain to right; rev. qvem. fvgiam. novi. ad. qvem. AVTEM., &c, King Philip meeting Jesuit in his flight (Van Loon,\, 1 f^), very rare. Battle of Saragossa, 1710, M and M (two varie- ties), 1-95, by Croker, hispanis. profligatis. Victory presenting captured standards to Queen Anne (II, f f|), all very fine 4 648 Capture of Bethune, St. Venant, and Aire, 1710, M and M, (two varieties), 1*9, by Croker, bethvnia. fano. venantil, &c, a trophy of French arms, flags, &c, erected upon a pedestal (II, ff|). Successes of the Allies in the Netherlands, 1710, M (cast), 3-5, Belgic lion to left, with sword and holding together three shields; rev. spoliisqve. MICANTES., &c, Pallas seated amongst captured arms on pedestal (II, fff), where it is mentioned that no specimen had been met with, all fine 4 106 649 Successes of Eugene and Marlborough, 1710, M &ndpewter, 1*8, by Q. Hautsch, busts vis-a-vis of Eugene and Marlborough ; rev. mvnimenta. occvpata., five compartments illustrating the military successes of the year, &c. (II, -§-££), unpublished in pewter. Battle of Villa Viciosa, 1710, Louis XIV, M, 165, victoria. REDVX., four varieties by M 'auger, Thos. Barnard, and without artist's signature (2), one reading victorta. (sic.) (II, -rjIMr?)* a ^ wry fine, scarce 6 650 Battle of Villa Viciosa, 1710, M, silvered, VI, bust of Philip of Spain to right ; rev. fvgatis. captis. c^sis., &c, Victory flying over trophies to left, unpublished. Claim of the Elder Pre- tender, 1710, M and M, 1*2, by N. Roettier, cognoscvnt. ME. me^e., landscape with sheep (77, f§^), unpublished in copper. Two other varieties, iE and brass, 1 '2, reading on obv. dominvm. COGNOS- cite. vestrum. (II, §§£), unpublished in brass. Anne and Charles I, oval Stuart Badge, JE (cast and chased), 1*6 by 1*35, with floral border on reverse (II, fff), unpublished in copper. Anne and Prince James, 1710, M, plated, 1-85, cvivs. est., bust of Prince James to left (II, fff), all fine 7 651 Sir John Cass' Schools, Aldgate, 1710, oval Badge, M, 27 by 24, "Sr. John Cass, K'., Aid. of Port Ward, 1710," Cass arms in centre, without rev., unpublished, one in pewter, in the Guildhall Museum. Capture of Gerona, 1711, Louis XIV, M and M, 1-65, gervnda. itervm. expvgnata., varieties by /. Mauger and Thos. Bernard (II, fff), all very fine, rare 4 652 The French lines passed, and Bouchain taken, 1711, M and M, 1-75, by CroJcer, hostes. addeditionem. coacti, French soldier surrendering his sword to Fortune on globe, &c, two varieties in each metal, one reading on obv. ANNA. D. G. MAG. bri. fr. &c. (II, f ff), latter variety unpublished, and very rare 4 653 Concord of Britain, 1711, M said pewter, 1-75, by P. H. Muller, chronogrammatic legend, DVLCe. MeLos. VnIta. sonat. a harp (II, fff), unpublished in pewter. James (III) Elder Pretender, and Princess Louisa, 1712, ^l and M, 2*05, by N. Roettier ; rev. princeps. lvd. ser., &c, bust of Princess to left (77, fff). Another 2& (cast and chased), 2*8 by 3; with plain reverse, perhaps the lid of a box, all very fine and scarce 5 654 James (III) Elder Pretender, and Princess Louisa, 1712, M and M, \% by N. Roettier; rev. bust of Princess Louisa to left (II, fff), the silver specimen has a grained edge. Secret under- 107 Lot 654 — continued. standing between France and England before the Peace, 1712, M, 1-15, by Thos. Bernard, mortalem. eripvit., &c. Daphne changing to a laurel, Van Loon (V, -^r-). Congress at Utrecht, 1712, 2E, gilt, l - 75, by Wermuth, chronogrammatic legend, rIgIDVs. non. MItIs. paCIfICator, &c. Device divided by londini., retrograde, the Gallic cock and the British lion exchanging peace offerings, &c. (II, Iff), extremely rare, but holed in two places. England abandoning the Allies, 1713, M, 115, by Thos. Bernard, longvm. havd. l^etabitvr, &c. Nessus who is carrying off Deianeira is shot by Hercules (II, f~£f), very fine and rare 5 655 Congress at Utrecht, 1712, M, 1-75, by P. Wermuth, chrono- grammatic legend, rIgIDVs. MItIs. paCIfICator, &c, device divided by londini. retrograde Gallic cock crowing pax. pax. pax., and British lion exchanging peace offerings, &c. , in the lower half a plank balanced on a winged globe, covered with a row of bottles, at the lower end is an ape drinking the wine, and uttering the words schlvck. schlvck. SCHLVCK., and at the other end, a cock holding a palm branch, playing on a harp, and singing GLVCK. GLVCK. glvck. Before it is the Trojan horse with Holy Lamb below, and a Fox in front holding a sword, &c. (II, f £§), a very fine and extremely rare satirical medal [PL. V] 1 656 Peace of Utrecht, 1713, M and M, 235, by Croker, compositis. VENERANTVR. ARMIS., Britannia holding olive branch, seated to left, on one side are ships, and on the other agricultural pursuits (II, fff ), both very fine 2 657 Peace of Utrecht, 1713, N, 1-4, by Croker, compositis. venerantvr. armis., similar type, but Britannia in a standing position (II, |£y), very fine and rare in this metal 1 658 Peace of Utrecht, 1713, M (three varieties), and M, 1-4, by Croker, same legends and types as preceding lot. Same event, M, 1*95, EVROPiE. PAX. reddit^e., Peace locking the door of the Temple of Janus, &c. ; rev. Europe seated to left on seashore, with ships in the distance (II, f$|)> a ^ very fine, and the last very rare 5 659 Peace of Utrecht, 1713, N, 1-9, evrop^:. pax. reddit^:., Peace locking the door of the Temple of Janus, &c, as in preceding lot, but with inscribed edge, in. mem. NAT. ACAD. D. G. et C. z. hard, d. xi. APR. mdccxiii. (variety of II, f^f), an extremely rare and beautiful medal, unpublished and perhaps unique with inscribed edge 1 108 660 Dutch Memorial of the Peace of Utrecht, 1713, N, 265, by /. Drapentier, invidia. fremente. pax. et. libertas., &c, Peace and Liberty standing upon captured arms, and embracing; rev. H.MG. mvnera. pacis., Caduceus entwined with olive branches, cornucopias in sal tire, and other symbols of Art and Science, on a pedestal inscribed pace, traiecti. ex. difficill, &c. (77, f-gf), an extremely rare and beautiful medal, unpublished and perhaps unique in this metal, contained in an ivory box [PI. VIII] 1 *** From the Voelcker cabinet. 661 Dutch Memorial of the Peace of Utrecht, 1713, ^,2-65, by /. Drapentier, same legends and type as medal in preceding lot (II, | £f) ; very fine and rare 1 662 Peace of Utrecht, 1713, M, 1-8, by D. De Wys, Time seated on clouds ; rev. diffingite. arma. pax. est., Mercury watching two blacksmiths who are forging a ploughshare out of armour, &c. (II, |£-f). Same event, M, T05 (struck by the town of Bois-le- Duc to commemorate the Peace of Utrecht), agvnt. in. pace., View of Bois-le-Duc, and in the foreground is the Genius of the town (77, f^pf), both very fine and rare medals 2 663 Peace of Utrecht, 1713, M, and M (three varieties of obv.), 1-65, Bust of Louis XIV to right; rev. spes. felicitatis. orbis., Astrsea seated on clouds (II, -f£f). Same event, JE, 1*65, two varieties, by Mauger and Thos. Bernard, liberatori. pacifico., the city of Contances presenting on her knees a wreath to Louis XIV (II, f$|), all very fine, and the last two very rare 6 664 Peace of Utrecht, 1713, M, 1-3, Three lilies on one stem around which is a serpent; rev. " Was neues wird es Friede ist man des Krieges miide," &c, in eight lines. Same event, JEt, gilt, l - 35, H at. diese. dame. in. schlaf. gefallt., Queen Anne asleep on a curtained bed. Two small Medals on same event, N and JBL, 1-8, so. bald. DIE. harmonie. gemacht., A hand issuing from clouds playing upon a harp in front of which is a cock, all fine and unpublished medals 4 665 Papal Commemoration of the Peace of Utrecht, 1713, M, 1 -6, by Hamerani, two varieties of bust of Pope Clement XI ; rev. in. viam. pacis., Moses dividing the Eed Sea for the people of Israel to cross. Satirical Medal of the Peace of Utrecht, 1713, M, 1-05, pavci. NON. plvres., Ambassador to left carrying a treaty parchment ; rev. migrate, veteres., Similar personage walking to right. Another on same subject, JR., 1*75, concordia. res. parv^e. crescvnt., an Englishman, Frenchman, and a Dutch- man making a deposit in common under a wall, in the exergue PAX. ov. trec. (77, fff), all very fine and rare, the three first unpublished 4 109 666 Accord of France and Spain after the Peace of Utrecht, M, 1-95, busts vis-a-vis of Charles VI and Louis XIV; rev. HIS. IVNCTIS. IVNGITVR. ORBIS., Jove and Apollo trying to unite the frac- tured globe, in the exergue, vna. dvos. iterata. deos. concordia. &c, a very fine and extremely rare medal, and unpublished. [PI. V] 1 667 Peace of Utrecht, 1713, N, 2-8, by Daniel Warou, diva, tegens. BATAVOS. QVA. CVSPIDE. REPPVLIT. HOSTES. &C., Pallas to left, supporting a shield charged with a cat and striking the ground with a lance, to the left is the Belgian lion within an enclosure ; rev. PACE. CVM. POTENTISSIMIS. GALLIARVM. ET. HISPANIARVM. &C. in nineteen lines within a wreath, with the arms of Amsterdam below {Van Loon, v, 248), an extremely fine medal of great rarity 1 %* This medal was distributed amongst the members of the Council. 668 Peace of Utrecht, 1713, JR, and pewter, 28, by D. Warou, diva. tegens. batavos. QVA. cvspide. &c, Pallas and the Belgic lion as before, both very fine and rare 2 669 Peace of Utrecht, 1714, M, 1-3, by /. Drapentier, the province of Utrecht seated on arms to left, &c. rev. vrede. met. spangien. &c, Dove flying across the sea, with olive branch in its mouth (Van Loon, v, 248), very rare. Death of the Electress Sophia of Hanover, 1714, M, 1*65, 1-15, and 1*, bust of the Electress to right ; rev. nata. xin. OCT. mdcxxx. nvpta. mense. &c, struck to the weight of the Thaler, Quarter, and Eighth, and known in Ger- many asa" Sterbe-thaler " (Death Coin) (II, ^y¥), all fine 4 670 Preservation of the Church, brass, 1-35, a church; rev. love. as. bretheren., a serpent with tail in mouth (emblem of eternity) clasped by three hands, unpublished. Medal lie Portrait of Queen Anne, oval cliche, M, 1-6 by 1*2, no reverse. Card Counters (3), M, I; two with Anne's bust to left, and the third with vncvreable., a heart transfixed by cupid's arrow and sword in saltire, on a coronet. Queen Anne Medalet, M, -55, with bust on both sides. Silver Box, with bust and titles of Queen Anne on lid, and containing three incuse counters, M, *75, unpub- lished. Various Nuremberg and other Counters of Queen Anne, in ^ and brass, mostly fine and many unpublished 18 GEORGE I. 1714-1727. 671 Proclamation, 1714, M and pewter, 1-4, by Martin Brunner, fidivm. DVLCEDINE. MITES., Apollo seated facing upon a rock and charming a lion and leopard with his lyre (II, 4 -f 9 ), both very fine, extremely rare, and unpublished in silver 2 110 672 Proclamation, 1714, M and M, 2-65, by E. Hannibal, princ. opt religionis. ET. libertatis. cvstodi., Britannia presenting the Elector in cap and robes with the insignia of royalty, &c. (77, 4 f °), both rare and very fine, unpublished in copper 2 673 Accession, 1714,' M, 1-75, by G. W. Vestner, regnorvm. albionis. nvnc. ivra. georgivs., &c, The Sun entering the constellation Leo (77, 4 f l ), very rare and extremely fine 1 674 Arrival of George I in Britain, 1714, M and M, 2-7, by John Croker, rector, marivm., The King as Neptune in marine car and attended by Tritons and Nereids approaching the English coast (77, 4 |- 2 ), both very fine medals 2 675 King's Entry into London, 1714, M and M, 19, by Croker, l^etitia. pvblica., The city of London presenting the keys to the king in a car drawn by four horses (II, *f 3 ). Coronation, 1714, 2Ei, 2', by E. Hannibal, Britannia supporting the royal shield and crowning the king seated under a canopy (7/, 4 § 3 ), all very fine, the last rare, unpublished in copper 3 676 Coronation, 1714, N, 1-35, by Croker, The king seated in royal robes, being crowned by Britannia, in the exergue, INAVGVRAT. XX. OCT. mdccxiiii. (II, 4 | 4 ), very fine 1 677 Coronation, 1714, M and M, 1*35, by Croker, same type as preceding medal, two varieties in copper (II, 4 -| 4 ). Same event, Counters (2), M, 1- and -8, types of II, W- and -\V>-- Two others, M, *75, type of II, % 3 -^-. Various Nuremberg and other Counters, in brass (7) on the Coronation, types of 77, ^, **£, $&, ^ and 4 ^ 9 . Sensorium Club, 1715, JR, 1-4, sensorivm. anno, primo. GEORG. II., Meridian sun with human face (II, V? )> chiefly fine, some rare 15 678 Coronation, 1714, M, 1*75, by G. W. Vestner, fidei. defensor, et. aeqvl, St. George slaying the Dragon, above, Victory crowning him (II, \V). Battle of Dunblain, 1715, M, V8, by Croker, perivrii. vltrix., Victory pursuing fleeing cavalry (II, ^ 4 ), both very fine, the former very rare 2 679 Capture of Preston, 1715, JR (two varieties), and JE, 1-8, by Croker, FIDES, militvm., Two captives chained to a pedestal on which is a military trophy (II, 4 ^), all rare and very fine, unpublished in copper 3 680 Treaty of Antwerp and Commemoration of the Peace of Utrecht, 1716, M, 2-9, by Drappentier, tandem, expectata venis., Peace giving the caduceus of Mercury to the river Issel, at whose feet are the arms of Gouda ; rev. Q. F. f. Q. s. traiecti. ad. rhenvm. Ill Lot 680 — continued. pace., &c, in fourteen lines (Van Loon, V, 262), a rare and extremely fine medal 1 *** The Treaty of Antwerp was negotiated with the assistance of the English representative, Mr. Cadogan, who signed it. 681 Attempt of James (III) to recover the English throne, 1708-16, M, 1-3, nihil, efficiens., Bust of Prince James to right; rev. Bis. venit. vidit. NON. vicit., &c., Map of the British Isles, surrounded by ships, &c. (II, W), very rare. Act of Grace and Free Pardon, 1717, M and M (two varieties of bust), 1-8, by Croker, clementia. AVGVSTL, Clemency leaning upon a column touching the head of a serpent with a caduceus (II, %\ 6 &-sj) } all very fine 4 682 Treaty of Passarowitz, 1718, M and^E, 1-8 by Croker, pacts, ar- biter., the King within a tent pointing to the Morea on a globe, &c. (II, VV). Death of William Penn, 1718, M and M, 1-6, by Lewis Pingo, by. deeds, of. peace., Penn grasping the hand of an American Indian (II, *■£$), all fine and rare 4 683 Naval Action off Cape Passaro, 1718, JR and M, 1-8, by Croker, sociorvm. protector., a rostral column in centre of a pile of arms and surmounted by a statue of the king as Neptune (77, 4 ^). Same event, M, 1*75, by G. W. Vestner, Busts of Charles VI and George I within laurel wreaths divided by a caduceus ; rev. SIC. MOTOS. fas. EST., &c, Jove and Neptune destroying the Spanish fleet (II, W ), all very fine and the last very rare 3 684 Naval Action off Cape Passaro, 1718,'pewter, 1-15, by Benj. Bichter, Bust of the Emperor Charles VI to right ; rev. bellvm. italicvm. propvlsatvm., Naval trophy on prow of galley, and above, an eagle on trident, &c. (II,*&). Same event, M, 1-75, by G. W. Vestner, nvnca. nadie. contra, sv. senor., an Eagle destroying seven smaller birds (II, *■£%). Same event, M, 1*75, Busts, vis-a-vis of Philip II and V; rev. classes, invict.e. per. Anglos., &c, Naval action, all fine and very rare, the last unpublished 3 685 Escape of Princess Clementina from Innspruck, 1719, M and M, 1-9, by Earner ani, fortvnam. cavsamqve. seqvor., Princess escaping in a two-horsed car (II, 4 ¥ Y)- Joseph Addison, Poet and Statesman, 1719, M, 1-65, by Bogat, one of the "Series Numismatica" (II, *$•), Marriage of Prince James and Princess Clementina, 1719, regivm. connvbivm., Hercules taking the hand of Venus, &c. (II, 4 ^), all fine 5 112 686 Marriage of James (III) and Princess Clementina, 1719, iR andiE, 1*95, by Otto Hamerani, bust of Prince to right, with titles, rev. bust of Clementina to left, with otto, hamerani. on truncation (II } yg). Another of same time, but a cast in bell metal, which appears to have been silvered. Sir Thomas Dereham, 1719, M, 3-4, bust of Dereham to right ; rev. virtvte. me. involvo. draped female greeting an angel, with Fortune in the background, (II, 4 ^), all fine and rare 4 687 John Law of Lauriston, Financier, 1720, pewter, IS, by C. Wer- muth, half-length figure of Law three-quarters right, in cocked hat, embroidered coat and the badge of the St. Esprit, &c. ; rev. DIMANCHE. NOVS. VIDONS. PAR. LES. BILLETS. DE. BANQVE., &C. (II, *-££), unpublished in this metal. Another, JR, 1*3, obv. as before ; rev. dvrch. ACTIEN. credit, teich. gaerten., &c, in 15 lines, both very rare, the former fine, and the latter very fine and an unpub- lished variety 2 688 John Law of Lauriston, 1720, pewter, 1-75, Law standing with ship in right hand and in left, a paper inscribed LOUISIANA, &c, above Fame blowing two trumpets; rev. invidia. lvcripetas. ALLicis. &c, in 21 lines. Another, pewter, 1*75, bust of Law, nearly full-faced, with Hie. NIHIL, expectes. underneath ; rev. chronogram- matic legend, La Vs. tIbI. et. IMpostor., &c, and across the field, ita. actvm. est. cvm. iis. QVL, &c, in 18 lines. Another,^, 105, an escutcheon with following arms, two Scotsmen at sides of a coffer, emptying water out of a vessel ; rev. MANN. SEZT. SICH. nicht. fvr. ma AS., &c, all very fine, extremely rare, and unpublished 3 689 John Law of Lauriston, 1720, M, 1-6, John Law standing between table and an open chest, and holding a glass, in exergue, den. actien. BETRVG. VND. LIST. ; rev. DAS. SPIEL. 1ST. NVN. ENDECKT. DAS. BLAT. &c, one man hanging from a tree, another drowning, and two others walking away, in exergue, der. ganzen. welt., &c, an extremely fine and very rare medal, unpublished 1 690 John Law of Lauriston, 1720, M, 1*35, a man blowing script from bellows to right, and saying wer. KAVFT. ACTIEN. ; rev. der. kan. verwirrvngs. voll., &c, a dog on a bridge over a stream, dropping a bundle of script, and snatching at its shadow in the water, in exergue, soll. dich. esopi. hvnd., &c. (II, yg) t very fine, and very rare 1 691 John Law of Lauriston, 1720, M and pewter, 1-3, les. richesses. DE. FRANCE, a windmill in action emitting script, &c ; rev. chrono- grammatic inscription across the field, en. Magnas. Dat. opes. CeLeber. laws., &c, both very fine and very rare, unpublished 2 113 692 John Law of Lauriston, 1720, M, 1-, banqverodt. ist. a. la. mode., back view of Law ; rev. credit ist Mausetodt, an old man prostrate grasping in his right hand a winged caduceus, and in his left a packet of script, &c. (II, ^). Same event, M and pewter, T25, tollvntvr. IN. altvm., &c, in seven lines across the field; rev. PA BIS. missisippischer. ACTIEN. general-director, est. LAWS., &c, in 15 lines across the field, all fine and very rare, the last two unpublished 3 693 Birth of Prince Charles Edward (the Young Pretender), 1720, M and M, 1*65, by Otto Hamerani, conjoined busts of James and Clementina to right ; rev. providentia. obstetrix. (II, \% 2 ). Same event, M and M, 1-75, by N. Roettier, SPES. britannle. Providence standing with infant on right arm (II, Vt)» oM very fine, and the last rare 4 694 Prince James Stuart's appeal against the House of Hanover, 1721, M, and M (2), 2-, by Otto Hamerani, qvid. gravivs. capta., Hanoverian horse trampling upon the lion and unicorn (II, yg). Matthew Prior, Poet and Diplomatist, 1721, M, 1-3, by J. Milton, bust of Prior to right, with cap, and shirt with open collar, and legend, matthew. prior, plain reverse (II, VV), all very fine, and the last extremely rare, unpublished in copper 4 695 Death of Marlborough, 1722, M and M, 195, by G. W. Vestner, MARS. ALTER. MARLBROVGH. DE. MARTE. ET. MORTE., &C. Victory with palm branch and two wreaths walking between Mars and Death (77, Vy)> both very fine, and very rare, unpublished in pewter 2 696 Death of Marlborough, 1722, ^l and M, 1-7, by Dassier, vbi. aderat. ibi. victoria. (II, Vs 7 )- Two bronze-gilt Plaques, diam. 4^ in., of Marlborough and Eugene, companion pieces. Sir Christopher Wren, M, 2-25, by B. Wyon; rev. St. Paul's Cathedral, all very fine 5 697 Death of Sir Christopher Wren, Architect, 1723, M, 385, by Gaab, bust of Wren to left; rev. FAMA. loqvatvr. opvs., &c. Facade of St. Paul's Cathedral, a rare contemporaneous medal, very finely cast and chased 1 698 Conyers Middleton, Librarian of Cambridge University, 1724, M, 3-45, by G. Pozzo ; rev. academia. cantabrigiensis., &c. Interior of the University Library at Cambridge (II, %ff>), cast and chased, in high relief. Starkey Myddleton, Man Midwife, 1724, M, T55, Arms of Myddleton, and motto, SPES. IN. deo. (//, W)> ver V raw- Archbishop of Wake, 1725, Dedication Medals, M and M, 1-7, by Dassier (II, %^), all fine 4 I 114 699 Revival of the Order of the Bath, 1725, M and M, 1-85, by Croker, spes. altera., young Prince William of Cumberland stand- ing, costumed as a K.C.B. (II, Vr 3 )- Daniel Wray, F.R.S., V.P.S.A., Trustee of the British Museum, 1726, M, 2-7, by G. Pozzo, bust of Wray to right ; rev. nil. actvm. repvtans., &c, in four lines (II, %f£). John Henley, known as "Orator Henley," 1726, M, 1*4, STA. SOL. Joshua commanding the Sun to stand still (II, %f£ ), this medal was a ticket of admission to the Oratory. Outbreak of hostilities between England and Spain, 1728, M, 1-4, gott. lob. der. krieg. hat. nvn. ein. (Loch), a kettledrum with hole at the top, which does not perforate the medal; this is an imitation of the Peace of Ryswick medal, 1697, all fine, the last unpublished 5 700 Sir Isaac Newton, 1727, M and M, 2-05, by John Croker, felix. COGNOSCERE. cavsas., Science to left with wings on her head (II, ^ 9 ). Another of same personage, with obv. only, medallion in Tassie's paste, rare. Another, M, 1 -3, by Dassier, Bust three- quarters, with nearly full face, unpublished in this metal, all very fine 4 701 Sir Isaac Newton, 1727, M (2), 1*7, by Dassier; rev. His tomb in Westminster Abbey (77, W ). Two others, M and M, 2*1, by James Roettier, erit. qvi. demonstret., &c, Science with wings on her head, &c. (II, Ve 1 ), wr V mre > latter in copper, a cast. Another of the " Series Numismatica," M, 1-6, by Petit (II, Vr)> ail fine 5 702 Peace of Paris, 1727, M and M, 1-65, by Du Vivier, Bust of Louis XV to right; rev. SPES. PACIS. STERNA., &c. (II, Vo 3 )- Death of George I, 1727, M, and M damascened, 1*15, by Dassier, magni. solatia, lvctvs. (II, \ 7 ^). George I and Charles VI of Germany, M, 1-25, by Dassier; rev. Bust of the Emperor to right, unpublished. George I, " Sterbe-thaler," 1727, JR, 1-6, Half-thaler, M, 1-35, Quarter-thaler, M, 1-1, and Eighth-thaler, 1-, by C. P. Spangenberg, NAT. hanover. viii. ivn. mdclx., &c, across the field (II, % 7 ^), all fine 9 115 SIXTH DAY'S SALE. GEORGE II. 1727-1760. LOT 703 Coronation, 1727, M t 1-4, by CroJcer, volentes. per. popvlos. (77, A79), very fine 1 704 Coronation of Queen Caroline, 1727, If, 1*4, by Croker, hic. amor. kjec. PATRIA., Queen attended by Eeligion and Britannia (27, ± ^), very fine 1 705 King's Coronation, 1727, ^ft and M, 1-4, by Croker, volentes., &c. (77, ±%2). Queen's Coronation, 1727, M (two varieties), and M, 1-4, hic. amor., &c. (II, -ifa). George II and Caroline, 1727, M and M gilt, 1-4, Bust of King to right ; rev. wilhelmina. Caroline., &c, Bust of Queen to right (II, * T V 2 )- Nuremberg Counter, M, -9, Bust of King to left; rev. Arms with supporters (II, 4 ^ 3 ) ; and various Nuremberg and other Counters of George II and Queen Caroline, chiefly relating to their coronation, mostly fine and some unpublished 22 706 Order of Blue and Orange, 1727, Badge of a club formed about the year 1727 by officers of the King's Own Eegiment of Foot, in pewter, 2- by 1*25, vis. vnita. fortior. (II, \y), fare. Congress at Soissons, 1728, M, 1-65, by J. Du Vivier, conciliandis., &c. (II, Vt 7 )- Two other Medals on same event, pewter, 1*65, by Wermuth, one NEC. ianvs. bifrons., &c, and the other praeten- dvnt. NON. propter., &c, across the field, both unpublished. Dr. John Freind, 1728, M (two varieties), 2-35 and 2-3, medicina. vetvs., &c. (II, W 8 ). Prince Frederick created Prince of Wales, 1729, M, 1-6, by Dassier, virtvte. ingenita., &c. (77, Vo 9 )- William Congreve, Dramatist, 1729, M, 1-65, "Series Numismatica" (77, Vo )- Dp - Samuel Clarke, 1729, M and M, 1-7, by Dassier, qvo. Veritas., &c. (77, Yt°)j °M> very fine, some rare 10 707 First Visit of George II to Hanover, 1729, M, 21, by B. Wahl, bust of king to left, and around, chronogrammatic legend georgIVs. scCVnDVs. prIMo. &c. ; rev. vnd. da. die. sonne. avfging. &c, View of a mineral country, and the interior of a mine, with Hano- verian Horse upon a distant mountain, &c. (77, Va 1 )? a very fine and very rare medal I I 2 116 708 Visit of George II to the Hartz Mines, 1729, M, 1-95, by Hannibal, NON. SIBI. servat. opes. &c, a wild man pouring coins out of a cornucopia, &c. (II, 4 ^ 2 ). Same event, pewter, 2*6, by same artist, avrea. herctnle. sterilitas., a mining property with work in full operation, and around two pine trees are entwined two cornucopia?, out of which coins are pouring, both fine and very rare, the latter unpublished 2 709 Prince Charles and Prince Henry Stuart, 1729, M, and M 1-65, by Otto Hamerani, micat. inter, omnes. (II, *-£?), two varieties in copper, one with plain edge, unpublished. Same personages, JR, and M, 1*8, by same artist, hvnc. saltem. everso. ivvenem. (II, *Yi), all very fine, the last rare 5 710 Second Treaty of Vienna, 1731, M and M, 1-85, by John CroJcer, pr^estat. componere., Neptune appeasing winds and waves (II, 4 ^r°). Same event, M and JE, l - 95, by Holtzhey, busts vis-a-vis of Charles VI and George II j rev. tranqvillitati. evrop^e. &c, Jove and Neptune joining hands (II, 4 ^ 6 ), all fine, the last rare and unpublished in copper 4 711 Second Treaty of Vienna, 1731, N, M, and pewter, 1-7, bust ot Charles VI laureate and in armour to right ; rev. regna. ligat. qvo. CONGREGET. &c, four escutcheons suspended from a tree with olive boughs at the top, and above, a triangle in rays, all fine, and very rare, unpublished 3 712 Second Treaty of Vienna, 1731, M, 1-65, by Vestner, vndiqve. decerptae. frondi. &c, Victory crowning a seated Hercules with olive wreath, unpublished. Same event, pewter, 1*95, by Holtzhey, assertori. mercatvr^e. &c, an Indian kneeling, and presenting the produce of his country to Neptune (II, \ 9 T 7 ), unpublished in pewter. Happy State of Britain, 1731, M and pewter, 1-75, by Werner, imperivm. sine. fine, dedl, Britannia seated on throne, supported by Germany and Hanover (II, *-££), both unpublished in these metals, all very fine, and very rare 4 713 The Royal Family, 1732, AT, 2-75, by John Croker, busts vis-a-vis of George II and Caroline • rev. felicitas. imperii., busts of the seven royal children, that of the Prince of Wales in the centre (77, 5 T ° T °), a magnificent medallion, and rare in this metal 1 714 The Royal Family, 1732, M, M, and pewter, 2-75, by John Croker, felicitas. imperil, the seven royal children as before (II, 5 ^°), all very fine, unpublished in pewter 3 117 715 William Prince of Orange, K.G., 1733, N and JR, 145, by A. Andeles, bust to right, in armour, with lion's head in front, and A.A. on truncation ; rev. Arms within Garter and motto crowned, surrounded by the arms of the eleven provinces, both very fine and rare, and unpublished 2 716 William Prince of Orange, K.G., 1733, N and JR, 1-45, by A. Andeles, as before, but varieties with ANDELES. in script letters on truncation of bust, both very fine and rare, and unpublished 2 717 William Prince of Orange, K.G., 1733, M (oval), 5-20 by 4-, bust of Prince to left, wearing the riband and star of the Garter ; no rev., cast and chased. Same Prince, engraved oval plaque, M, 2*1 by 2*75, bust of William to left, with riband and star of the Garter, within a circular band inscribed with his titles, the whole surrounded by the seven escutcheons of the United Provinces attached to an orange wreath, both very fine and rare, and un. published 2 718 William Prince of Orange, K.G., JR, 2-6 by 3-25, a similarly engraved medallion portrait of the Prince, surrounded by five smaller medallions of the Prince's ancestors, &c, very fine and very rare, unpublished 1 719 Charles Sackville Earl of Middlesex, 1733, JR, 175, by Natter, AB. origine., Harpocrates leaning against a column, with his finger on his mouth and holding a cornucopia, on the ground are emblems of Freemasonry (II, s ^ 4 ), a very rare and interesting Masonic medal, struck in Florence. Projected Marriage of William Prince of Orange, and Princess Anne, 1733, pewter, 1-75, by G. W. Vestner, tertia. britonio. cvm. sangvine., &c, Prince and Princess united by Hymen (II, 5 ^ 8 ), both fine and very rare 2 720 Projected Marriage of William Prince of Orange, and Princess Anne, 1733, ^R and pewter, 2-35, by M. Holtzhey, busts vis-h-vis of Prince and Princess ; rev. ^eterno. foedere. ivngas. , Hymen facing, supporting the united shields of Britain and Nassau upon an altar, on which are two flaming hearts (II, 5 -££), both fine and very rare, last unpublished in pewter 2 721 Marriage of William Prince of Orange, and Princess Anne, 1734, JR and M, 1*75, by M. Holtzhey, in. spem. temporis. fvtvrl, Prince and Princess joining hands before a priest (II, 5 ^ 6 ), unpublished in pewter. Same event, JR, 1*95, by A. Andeles, TV. VOTA. dedistl, hand from heaven supporting a drooping orange tree near an altar, on which are two burning hearts, &c. (II, V°/)> all very fine and very rare ■ 3 118 722 Marriage of William Prince of Orange, and Princess Anne, 1734, M, 1-75, by P. P. Werner, frondosa. tvtior. vlmo., two winged genii supporting shields of Britain and Nassau, joining hands in front of an orange tree (II, 6 -££). Same event, JR, 1*85, by N. van Swinderen, Prince's bust to right ; rev. bust of Princess to left, with titles on both sides (II, 5 ^- 8 ), both very fine, and rare 2 723 Marriage of William Prince of Orange, and Princess Anne, 1734, M, 1*15, three varieties, by Holtzhey, with bust of Princess to left; on reverse (II, ss, io, & to)) -^ an( ^ pewter, 1-15, adventvs. PRINCIPVM., &C. (II, y T °); M, 1*15, VIRTVTIS. PRAEMIA. (II, " T V)j M, 115, FAVSTIS. MICAT. IGNIBVS., &C. (II, 5 r V); M, 1*15, VOTA. pro. principis. avriaci., &c (II, s ^), all fine and rare, and com- pleting the series of medalets, by Holtzhey, commemorating the recovery and marriage of Prince William of Orange 9 724 May-day at the Hague, 1734, M, 2-15, by Holtzhey, military trophy, and escutcheon in front of a maypole, with four oval shields of the United Provinces, Holland, Orange, and Great Britain suspended from it ; rev. deze. vereert. AAN. DE. onder. &c, and above, the escutcheons of the five officers of the town guard (Van Loon, Supp. ii, 98). University of Gottingen instituted, 1734, M, 1-95, by E. Hannibal, in pvblica. commoda. Infant Genius crowning Gottingen seated to right, &c. (II, y T 3 ), both fine and rare 2 725 Bishop Berkeley's Greek Medal for the University of Dublin, 1734, M, 1-35, by John Kirk, aien. apisteyein. Race- horse to left (II, y T s ). Marriage of Frederick, Prince of Wales, 1736, M and pewter, 1*7, by G. W. Vestner, avspicatvm. matrimon. trivm., &c. (II, 6 ^ 4 ), unpublished in these metals. Two other varieties, M, 1*75, by same artist, ANGLIA. saxoniae. foedere., &c. (II, VV)} unpublished in copper ; M, 1-65, by Koch, conjoined busts to right, and on rev. solennitatis. avspicatissimae., &c, within a wreath, unpublished. Child-birth of Princess Anne of Orange, 1736, JR, 1-6, by N. V. Swinderen, spes. altera, svrgit. mother seated, with new-born babe on her lap, &c. (II, Vr 8 )> all fine and rare 6 726 Jernegan's Lottery, 1736, ^l and M, 1-55, by Tanner, Caroline. protecting. (II, ift), unpublished in copper. John Conduit, M.P., Master of the Mint, 1737, M and M, 2-3, by Tanner, memores. fecere. merendo., Truth introducing Conduit to Newton, &c. (II, VV 8 )> M fine and rare 4 119 726* Restoration of Breda to the House of Orange, 1737, JR, 1-65, by N. V. Swinderen, virtvs. et. fama. trivmphant., William and Anne of Orange in a car drawn by a lion and unicorn to right (II, V* 8 )- Same event, JR, 1*1, divino. favore., Pelican feeding her young (II, VV)- University of Gottingen opened, 1737, M, 1-9, by E. Hannibal, vniversitas. Georgia, avgvsta, &c, in seven lines (II, 5 -ri). JR, '95, Inscription as before on reverse (II, Vr )- &> 13 > VT - CAPIANT. frvctvs., a Tree in full fruit (17, V 2 8 )- ^> 1<6 » mvsarvm. ivngit. amores., Minerva and For- tune joining hands over an altar (II, %ri), all fine and rare 6 727 Death of Queen Caroline, 1737, JR, 1-1 (Quarter Thaler), divae. carolinae. conivgis., &c. (II, 6 ¥ y). Royal Society " Copley" Medal, 1737, JR and M, VI, by Tanner, Arms of the Society with hound supporters and eagle crest, and below, motto, nvllivs. in. verba. (77, 5 8i 2 )- John Milton, on the erection of his Monument in Westminster Abbey, 1737, JR and M, 21, by Tanner, e. marmore. in. ecclesia., &c. (II, 5 ¥ 2 ¥ 4 ), all fine and rare 5 728 Jubilee of the Peace of Utrecht, 1738, M, 2-25, by N. V. Swin- deren, orbis. christian, qviete., &c, The crowned shields of Bri- tain, Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, &c, suspended from one bow of riband (II, %\ 5 ), rare. Brass Medals (3) of Thomas Birch, Surgeon, 1*5, unpublished; Convention of Prado, 1739 (two varieties), (II, 5 ¥ 2 o 8 an d W ) '> John F. Ostervald, Swiss Pastor, 1740, M, 1-7, by Dassier (II, ff£). Martin Folkes, P.R.S., P.S.A., Antiquary, 1741, M, 2-15, by Dassier (two varieties), one damascened with gold (II, fl-f)> mostly fine, some scarce 7 729 The Beggar's Benison Club, 1739, JR, gilt (oval), 1-4 by 1*15, be. frvitfvll. and. mvltiply. ; Adam and Eve walking towards a bower, &c. (II, Vr 6 )? w ^ 1 l°°P> an d ^ n case - Another of a more recent date, JR gilt, 1*3, similar type (II, 5 ¥ 2 ¥ 8 ), with loop and green riband, both very fine and rare specimens of this curious badge 2 730 Admiral Vernon and the Capture of Portobello, 1739, JR, 1-55, The Hon ble edw d vernon., Esq r ., &c, Bust of Vernon three- quarters to left ; rev. Fame reclining on cloud, above a large fleet (II, VV)> very fine and very rare, unpublished in this metal 1 731 Admiral Vernon and the Capture of Portobello, 1739, JR, 1-5, the. British, glory, reviv.d., &c, half-length figure of Vernon, three-quarters left; rev. HE. took, porto. bello. with. Six. SHIPS. ONLY., six ships entering Portobello harbour, in exergue, Nov. 22, 1739 (//, -fff). Same event, JR, 1*5, same legends and type, but with inner circles, and in exergue on rev. BY. covrage. and. CONDVCT. (II, ff§), both very fine and rare, and unpublished in silver 2 120 732 An interesting series of Vernon Medals, relating to the capture of Portobello, 1739, Forte Chagre, 1740, Carthagena, 1741, Proposed attack on Havana, 1741, &c, various types and sizes, chiefly M, 1 '5, including three 2E, plated, one pewter, and another, JE (oval), mounted as a corkscrew ; these medals are mostly in fine state, some being unpublished, and are generally described in Med. III., vol. II., pages 530-557 45 733 Marriage of Princess Mary and Frederick Landgrave of Hesse, 1740, M, 1-55, felicitas. popvlorvm., Frederick and the Princess Mary joining hands over a lighted altar, unpublished. Frederick and Augusta Prince and Princess of Wales, on the birth of Princess Elizabeth, 1740, M, 1*65, by Koch, aeterni- tas. imperii., &c. (II, f|£). Medals (4), M, 1*6 and 1*5, Admiral Vernon and Duke of Argyle, Duke of Argyle and Sir Robert Walpole, and Admiral Vernon, Commodore Brown and Sir Robert Walpole, Sir Robert Walpole, 1741, yRand M, 1-95, by Natter, regit, dictis. animos. statue of Cicero (II, fff ), all fine and scarce 8 734 Edward Harley Earl of Orford, 1741, M, 1*7, Angel restraining a stag, and placing her left hand on the head of a. lion standing in front of an obelisk, &c. ; rev. s. M. prenobilis. dni. dni. edvardi. harley, &c. (77, fff), very rare. Abraham de Moivre, 1741, M, 2-15, by Dassier (II, f|f). Alexander Pope, 1741, M and JE, 2*15, by Dassier (II, Iff)} unpublished in silver. Resignation of Sir Robert Walpole, 1742, M, 1-45, i. am. kicked, out. of. doors. (77, %%%), some fine and rare 5 735 Sir Robert Walpole Earl of Orford, 1742, M, 1-6, by L. Natter, envy, shall, not prevail, &c. (77, fff-). Charles Spencer Duke of Marlborough, 1742, M, 2-15, by Dassier (II, |ff). Monument of Princess Clementina at Rome, 1742, M and M, 1-4, with bust of Pope Benedict XIV to right (77, f^). William Wyndham, 1742, M and M, 1-65, by Dassier (II, tfft). Martin Folkes, 1742, M and M, 1-45, sva. sidera. &c, Sphinx and pyramidal tomb (77, J-£i-), all very fine, some scarce 8 736 Birth of Princess Caroline of Orange, 1743, M, 19, by N. van Swinderen, cara. devm. soboles., female figure carrying infant to left, under rays from heaven, below leovardi^e (77, f^-). Arch- deacon Brideoake of Winchester, 1743, M, 215, by Dassier, two varieties differing in the rev. legend (77, f£f and fff). John Campbell, Duke of Argyle, 1743, M, 2-15, by Dassier (77, m), all very fine, the first rare 4 121 737 Marriage of Frederick Prince of Denmark, and Princess Louisa, 1743, N, 1-6, by P. 77. Godecke, Prince and Princess joining right hands ; rev. hoffnvng. kronet. reich'. vnd land., &c, two hands clasped over an altar with crown above (77, ff§), very fine and rare 1 738 Re-marriage of Frederick Prince of Denmark, and Prin- cess Louisa, 1743, M, 2-45, by G. W. Wahl, avitorvm. connvbiorvm. felicitas., Hymen and Plenty holding a myrtle wreath enclosing the Danish, English, and Hanoverian arms (II, |fi). Same event, M, 1*75, by Magnus G. Arbien, magnorvm. soboles. regvm., &c, bust of Princess Louisa to left (II, ff£), &°& fine and rare 2 739 Alexander Pope, 1743, M and M, 1-1, by Dassier (II, ff ?), un- published in silver. Philip Stanhope Earl of Chesterfield, 1743, M, 2-15, by Dassier (II, fff). Action off Toulon, 1744, brass, 1*5, human body suspended from gallows, &c. (II, fff). Alexander Pope, 1744, M, 1-65, of the "Series Numismatica." Robert Walpole Earl of Orford, 1744, M and M, 2-2, by Dassier (II, fff), unpublished in silver 8 740 Robert Walpole Earl of Orford, 1744, ^E, 19, by Bauert; rev. laurel wreath (II, ff-f-), very rare, flawed in die on obv. Medals, M, by Dassier, all of one size, 2-15, of Lord Carteret, William Pulteney, Earl of Bath, Sir John Barnard, Robert Barker, Sir Hans Sloane, P.R.S., Edmund Halley, Astronomer Royal, Sir Andrew Fountaine, Warden of the Mint, and an ivory turned Medallion of Edmund Halley (Med. Ill, il, pages 586-590). Recapture of Prague, 1744, M, 1-75, by Kirk, svbsidio. Britannia. (II, fff), and three other medals, M and M silvered, on the same event, all fine 13 741 Recapture of Prague, 1744, M and M (2), 17, bust of Charles of Lorraine, three-quarters right; rev. svbsidio. britannle. (77, fff), unpublished in silver. Same event, yll, M (2), and M gilt, 1-7, Prince Charles on horseback to right (77, gfl.VoX unpublished in silver. Battle of Fontenoy, 1745, M and M, 1-65, by 7< Marteau, bust of Louis XV to right ; rev. DECVS. imperii, gallici. (77, fff ), all fine, some rare 9 742 Threatened banishment of the Jews from Bohemia, 1745, JR, 2*55, Maria Theresa seated upon her throne, attended by Justice and Charity, in front, a warrior interceding for a Jewish High Priest ; rev. decreto. aboleto., a Jewish temple with • worshippers kneeling, on the walls are the armorial escutcheons of England, Denmark, Poland and Holland (77, |||), a very fine and very rare medal 1 122 743 Capture of Spanish Ships, 1745, M, 1-55, by Kirk, Two infant genii bearing two medallion portraits of Captains Jas. Talbot and John Morecock (II, ff£). Campaign of 1745, M, 1-65, two varieties with bust of Louis XV (II, f § £ ). Expected Arrival of the Young Pretender, 1745, JR (2), 1-65 and 1-2, and M, 1-65, amor. et. spes., the smaller size in silver has a grained edge (II, f §f ), and ff£). Loyal Association, 1745, JR, 1-4, by Kirk, where, hearts, are. right. &c, two men grasping right hands (71, §££ ), unpublished in silver, all fine, some scarce 7 744 Loyal Association, 1745, JR, 1-6, by T. Pingo, pro. (lesare. pro. aris & foots., General on horseback reviewing troops ; rev. qvid. contra, sonantem. palladis. &c., Pallas with the aid of Jove overthrowing the giants (II, f f f), fine and very rare, and with loop for suspension as a badge, unpublished in silver 1 745 Capture of Carlisle, 1745, JR, 1-45, by/. H. Wolff, pro. patre. et. patria. two varieties with pvl. and pvllsi. in exergue (II, xf£ Vsr)* latter unpublished in silver. Repulse of the Rebels, 1745, JR, 1-35, by Kirk, spem. redvcis. mentibvs. &c. (II, f££.) Same event, JR, 1-3, by T. Pingo, ivstitia. trivmphans., Lion over- coming a wolf (II, f £ I), all very fine, scarce 4 746 Repulse of the Rebels, 1745, JR, 1-65, by Kirk, qvid. non. pro. patria., George II receiving mural crowns from the Duke of Cum- berland (II, fff), unpublished in silver. Same event, M, 1'2, by Kirk, Veritas, libera vit. vos. (II, Iff), JR and M, 1 -2, perficit. miracvla., Map of the British Isles, &c. (II, f££), unpublished in silver. Attempts of the Pretender, 1745, JR, -9, diese. er- worben. &c, crown surmounted by a crowned lion ; rev. vnd. das. war avch eytel., boy blowing bubbles, unpublished, all fine and rare, the last especially 5 747 Battle of Culloden, 1746, JR and JE, 2, by Yeo, perdvellib. ex. ANG. FVGAT. AD. cvllod. &c, the Duke of Cumberland as Hercules trampling upon Discord and raising Britannia (II, £ j-f), both very fine and rare 2 748 Battle of Culloden, 1746, ^1(2), 1-65, by Holtzhey, restitvtori. qvietis., the Duke of Cumberland crowned by Victory, trampling upon prostrate foes, varieties with obv. legends terminating magn. brit. imp., and M. brit. imp. and busts differing (II, f|f and fif), both very fine and rare 2 749 Battle of Culloden, 1746, N (oval), L75 by 1*45, by Yeo, bust of the Duke of Cumberland to right, below yeo. f. ; rev. ACTVM. est. ilicet. periit., Apollo leaning on bow pointing to a dragon 123 Lot 749 — continued. wounded by his arrow ; with ornamental border, and loop for sus- pension (77, f |-|), a beautiful medal of the highest rarity, only four or five specimens known in gold, one being in the National Collection [P1."V] 1 *** This medal was given to officers who commanded regiments present at the battle, and was worn round the neck with a broad crimson riband with green edges. 750 Battle of Culloden, 1746, a fine cast in pewter of the rare " Cul- loden" Medal, type as preceding lot. Same event, M, 14, gvl. avg. dvx. CVM. terror, reb., Duke of Cumberland on horseback to right, with date 1746 in exergue, no reverse, on a square flan (II, f-|f ), for general distribution after the battle of Culloden, very rare. Same event, M, 1 -4, by Kirk, insvla. chara. deis. herovm., &c, Fame flying over the globe (II, -f jf). Suppression of the Rebellion, 1746, JR, 1-75, by Vestner, Bust of George II to right ; rev. diev. et. mon. droit., Victory on a pedestal decorated with the royal arms amidst trophies of arms and flags (II, fil), very rare, fine 4 751 A series of " Cumberland " Medals in M, M gilt, and brass, of various sizes and types, commemorating the Capture of Carlisle, Eepulse of the Rebels, Battle of Culloden, &c, 1745-46, including three Theatre Tickets, chiefly described in Med. III., II, pages 604- 617, Nos. 258-271, 273-279, 281-286, 289-290, generally fine, some rare and unpublished 31 752 Concord of Holland, England, and Germany, 1746, M (3), 1*75, 1-4, and 1*, by M. Holtzhey, belgivm. foederatvm., Holland standing three-quarters right ; rev. fert. regibvs. opem., Three urns inscribed scald (Scheldt), tham. (Thames), and rhen. (Rhine), all flowing into one sea, &c. (II, f^f), all fine and rare, the two larger sizes unpublished 3 753 Concord of ;Holland, England, and Germany, 1746, N, -85, fert. regibvs. opem., Three urns flowing into one sea as before, an extremely fine and very rare little medal, unpublished in this metal 1 754 Sir Cornelius van den Brande, died 1746, M, 28, Arms with lion and griffin supporters, and red hand of Ulster in escutcheon in centre, with motto non. est. mortale. qvod. opto., and around, CORN. VAN. DEN. BRANDE. EQVES. BARONS". ANGL., &C. ; rev. D.O.M. exactis. vit^e. LXXII., &c, in sixteen lines within a circle formed by a serpent with tail in its mouth, &c, very fine, very rare, and unpublished. Battle of Roucoux, 1746, M, 1*6, Bust of Louis XV to right ;.rev. expeditions, belgice., &c. (II, |f|) 2 124 755 Counters of the Royal Family, 1746, JR (14), 1-, by Kirk, George II and Duke of Cumberland (II, ||f ) ; Frederick Prince of Wales (f-ff ) ; Princess Augusta of Wales and Frederick Prince of Wales (ff-f) > Augusta Princess of Wales, ten varieties, 299-303, 305-308, and 310 ; William Duke of Cumberland (£f£), all very fine and some rare 14 756 Elevation of William IV of Orange to the Stadtholderate, 1747, JR, 1*7, by M. Holtzhey, Busts vis-a-vis of William of Orange and Princess Anne; rev. WILH. CAR. henr. friso., &c, within wreath of orange and oak (II, fy-0. Same event, JR, 1*7, obv. as rev. of preceding medal ; rev. terra, mariqve., Zeeland standing upon the serpent of Discord, &c. (II, affaYs)- Medal in M, 1 "35, on same event (II, -frt)> all fine an d wry raw 3 757 Elevation of William of Orange to the Stadtholderate, 1747, M (three varieties, one cast), and M gilt, 1*5, by N. van Swin- deren, gladivs. domini. et. gedeonis., Belgic lion resting left paw on a pedestal inscribed hony. soit., &c. (II, fff). Another, M, 1*1, on same event, same type, but without hony. soit., &c, on pedestal, unpublished of this size, all fine and rare 5 758 Elevation of William of Orange to the Stadtholderate, 1747,^,1-15, by Holtzhey, Bust of Prince to right; rev. By't. opgaan. der. oranjezon., &c, in four lines, with orange branch and bundle of arrows above and below, I.V.D. STRENG. and Sun's rays (II, f f f ) for rev. only, unpublished with this obv. and in this metal, very fine and extremely rare, with loop for suspension 1 759 Same event, JR, 1*15, by Holtzhey, type as gold medal in preceding lot. Two others, JR and Al gilt, 1*15, by same artist, type on rev. as before, but with conjoined busts of William and Anne to right on obv. (II, fyf), Same event, JR, 1*5, by N. van Swinderen, Arms of the Prince of Orange crowned within the Garter ; rev. pro. aris. ET. focis., Female figure armed with spear entwined with orange branch, supporting the shield of Utrecht crowned, on either side of her, vltra— jecti. (II, f f$), all fine and rare, the first un- published 4 760 Same event, M, damascened with gold, 2*15, by /. Dassier, MOVEBIT. fortis. in. arma. viros. (Fan Loon Sup., p. 234). Two others, M, 1-55 and 1*3, by KirJc, dvlce. decvs. salvsq. popvli. (II, ffj), unpublished of the former size. Prince William and Princess Anne of Orange, 1747, JR, 1-15, by Holtzhey, vivat. princeps. avr. MDCCXLVH. in four lines, unpublished. Another, JR, 1*15, of same type on rev., but with bust of Prince only to right, unpublished. Four roughly executed Medals, brass, 1*65, of the Prince and Princess of Orange (II, ff-§)> an ^ tne Prince of Orange on horse- back, all fine 9 125 761 William Prince of Orange, 1747, IT, 1-15, by Eoltzhey, Bust of Prince to right, with riband and Garter star ; rev. vivat. princeps., avr., &c, in four lines, extremely fine and rare, unpublished 1 762 William IV and Anne of Orange, 1747, JR, 15, by N. van Swin- deren, Bust of Prince to left with riband and Garter star ; rev. anna. brit. REG. fil. primog., &c, Bust of Princess Anne to left with tiara, lovelock, and mantle fastened by a chain (77, fff)> very fine, and extremely rare ; the Editors of the Medallic Illustrations stating that they give their description of this medal from Van Loon, as they had not met with a specimen 1 762* William IV of Orange, 1747, N, 1-5, by N. Van Swinderen, Bust to right, long hair, armour, and ermine mantle ; rev. CONCORDIA. res. parv^e. CRESCVNT., Mars crowned within the Garter, sur- rounded by the armorial shields of the Seven United Provinces, &c, very fine and rare, unpublished 1 763 William Prince of Orange, 1747, heart-shaped badge surmounted by a crown, N, 1*5 by *9, Prince's bust to left and titles within an ornamental garter, inscribed with je. maintiendrai. ; rev. armorial shield of the Prince within the Garter and motto (II, ff-f), w ^ loop for suspension, very fine, extremely rare, and unpublished in this metal [PI. V] 1 764 William Prince of Orange, 1747, heart-shaped badge surmounted by a crown, JR gilt and pewter-gilt, 1*5 by *9, of exactly the same type as the preceding lot (77, fff), unpublished in latter metal. Armorial Badge of William Prince of Orange, JR gilt, 2' by 1*75, arms crowned, encircled by the Garter with motto, honi. soit., &c, plain reverse with loop for suspension, unpublished, all fine and rare 3 765 William Prince of Orange, 1747, JR, 2-, by Holtzhey, bare bust of Prince to right ; rev. de. liefde. van't. gemeen. de. vuist. des. STAATS. IN'T. VELD., ETC., EN. DE. VRENGD. VAN. GROOT. BRITTANJE., &c, in nine lines across the field, and below, J. v. streng., the name of the composer of these lines (Van Loon, Sup., xxv.-247), very fine and very rare, not in Medallic Illustrations 1 766 Lord Anson's Capture of the French Fleet off Cape Finisterre, 1747, N, 1-7, by T. Pingo, bust of the great circumnavigator to left crowned by Victory on the prow of a galley ; rev. six laurel wreaths enclosing the names of keppel, savmarez, savnders, &c, and in centre circvmnavigation. and Victory standing on sea lion (77, f f f), very fine, and extremely rare in gold [PI. V] 1 126 767 Lord Anson, as before, M and M (two specimens, bronzed and unbronzed), 1-7, by T. Pingo (II, ff|). Prince of Orange and the Duke of Cumberland, 1747, M, 1-3, by T. Pingo, bust of William of Orange to left on obv. and that of the Duke of Cumberland on rev., with their titles (II, £$£), rare. Battle of Lauffeld, 1747, M, 1*6, by F. Marteau, fid A. principis. comes. (II, ff*). Four medals in brass, 1*6, 1*5, 1*45, 1*3, of Prince William of Orange, with no particular reference to England, all fine 9 768 Birthday of Princess Caroline, 1748, M, 1-6, by Eoltzhey, conjoined busts to right of William and Anne, with mart. HOLTZHEY. FECIT, below ; rev. CAROLINA, D.G. PRINCEPS. ARAVS., &c, bust of Princess Caroline to right, within a wreath of orange and rose branches, &c. (II, ffo)> var - Other varieties, JR, 1*15, 1', and '85, and pewter, 1*2, differing in the reading of legend and artist's name (II, fff an< i ftf )>
some fine 5 848 Marriage of Charles I, 1625, JR, -85, fvndit. amor, lilia., &c. a variety with king's bust with longer hair and wearing a deep falling lace collar (I, H^), rare. Francis Bacon Lord Verulam, 1626, JR (oval), 3*75 by 3*1, Bacon seated studying a book at a table on which are also placed a globe, tobacco-pipe, &c, with a curtain in the background, a fine cliche' (cast and chased) of a later period, unpublished 2 849 Charles I, on proposed increase of military and naval forces, 1628, JR, 1-1, by N. Briot, regit, vnvs. vitroqve. (I, \%°). Birth of James Duke of York, 1633, Counter, JR, 1-2, non. SIC. MILLE. COHORTES., Crowned lion sejant supporting a shield, &c. (I, 26 ¥ 7 ). Installation of Prince Charles to the Garter, 1638, JR, 1'05, by Briot, Bust of Prince in hat, robes and collar of 139 Lot 849 — continued. the Garter ; rev. magni. spes., &c. (I, ^J ). Death of Charles I, 1649, M, 1*6, by T. Rawlins, a variety reading on obv. svccessor. vervs. vtrivsqve. ; rev. inexpvgnabilis., a hammer striking a diamond upon an anvil (7, ffi)> a ^ fi ne but ^ e ^ as ^ which is however very rare 4 850 Manteau van Dalen, Esq., 1647, M, 1-4, by Abraham Simon, Bust to right with long hair, plain falling collar, and in armour, and on truncation, A. s. j rev. p T manteav. van. dalen. esq. ingen. gen., 1647, across the field, very fine, extremely rare, and unpublished, but has been somewhat burnished in field on rev. 1 851 Memorial of Charles I, 1649, M (oval), 3-7 by 3-2, by N. Roettier, CAROLVS. D.G. MAG. BRIT. FRA. ET. HIB. REX. GLORIA. MEMO. OBIIT. IA. 30, 1648, ^ETAT. 49, bust of King to right, long hair, and love- lock on left shoulder, in armour, and drapery covering truncation, without reverse (I, $$£), a fine and extremely rare cliche' struck upon an unusually thin piece of metal 1 852 Memorial of Charles I, 1649, M (cast), 2-15, conciliabvlvm. anglle. surrounding Medusa's head, &c (I, f £f- ), unpublished in this metal. Royalist Badge of Charles I, M, gilt, -75 by -65; rev. Garnished shield of arms crowned within the Garter, with floral border on both sides (I, fff). Charles I Medalet, M, 1-4, Garnished shield of arms within the Garter, with supporters, and helmet and crest with lambrequins (J, f £f ), reverse stamped in imita- tion of engraving. Acquittal of John Lilburne, 1649, M, 1- by •85, bust of Lilburne to left; rev. OCTOBER. 26. 1649., Armorial shield (I, 3 ^ A ), all fine and rare 4 853 Sir James Harrington, 1653, M, 1-3 (with loop), by Thos. Simon, bust to left in armour, with T. S. on truncation ; rev. the. effigies, of. sr. james. Harrington, of. sweakley. &c, in fourteen lines (I, *££-), very fine and very rare 1 854 Investiture of Charles XI of Sweden with the Garter, 1669, M, 1*7, St. George and the Dragon; rev. Concordia, regvm. Garter and George entwined with two interlinked c's crowned (I, m). Elevation of William III of Orange to the Stadtholderate, 1672, M and M 1-, a. Iehovah. hoc. factvm. est. (i, fff). William III of Orange and his Mother, 1677, M, gilt, T55 (with loop), bust of William to right in armour ; rev. bust of his mother Princess Mary to left, with titles (/, f|f ), all fine and rare 4 140 855 Archbishop Sancroft and Bishops, 1688, pewter, 2-05, usual type with medallion portraits of the seven Bishops on rev., but a variety with obv. legend ending mdclxxxviii (7, - 6 ^). Birth of Prince James Stuart, 1688, pewter, 2*3, by Jan Smeltzing, eqvo. nvnqvam. TV. crede. britanne. Trojan horse, &c. (I, ^=- 3 /). Flight of Prince James, 1688, M, 2-3, indignvm. eiicit., an eagle casting a young bird out of a nest, &c. (I, ^VO- Tribute to Mary II, 1689, pewter, 1-45, by Jan Smeltzing, digna. qv.e. longe. plvres., Mary imploring the protection of heaven upon a young orange branch, &c. (I, - 6 ^). Regency of Mary, 1690, vewter, 1*45, by same artist, dissipat. et. reficit., Mary crowned and wielding the trident, &c. (I, -f-if ), all very fine and rare, the pewter medals unpublished 5 856 Regency of Mary, 1691, pewter, 1-5, by Ian Smeltzing, te. absente. tvebor. (II, T ^). Battle of Agh rim, 1691, pewter, 1-5, by Ian Smeltzing, sic. vno. ferit. vngve. dvos. a variety of (II, ^ T ), with obv. of (I, ?|-f), unpublished. Same event, pewter, 2; by F. D. Winter, similar rev. but in exergue, iacobo. et. lvdovico. hibernia. pvlsis., &c. (II, 2^b")» unpublished in pewter. Battle of La Hogue, 1692, M, 1-55, by G. Hautsch, nvnc. plvribvs. impar., naval action, without artist's initials on obv. (II, ^-). Return of Louis XIV to Versailles, 1693, pewter, 1-5, by C. Wermuth, venit. vidit. sed. non. vicit. (II, ■£&). Campaign of 1694, pewter, 1-95, by P. H. Muller, virtvti. et. concordle. chris- tianorvm., Seven genii with flags surrounding the Christian standard (II, \%\), unpublished in pewter. Capture of Lerida, 1707, /E, 1*6, by Mauger and Thos. Bernard, bust of Louis XIV to right ; rev. NOVA, gloria. (II, f ff ), three varieties, all fine and rare 9 DASSIER'S MEDALS. 857 Silver. William the Conqueror, William II, Henry I, Richard I, John Henry III, Edward II and III, Richard II, Henry IV, V, and VI Edward IV and V, Richard III, Henry VII, Henry VIII (2 varieties, one on thick flan), Edward VI, Mary I, Elizabeth, Oliver Cromwell, Charles II, William III, George I, George II (two varieties, one with rev. bust of Queen Caroline), all very fine, and scarce in silver 27 141 858 Silver. Mary I, bust to right; rev. a monument, with a figure of Popery seated in front holding a tiara and cross, &c, extremely rare ; Oliver Cromwell, a cast in bell metal of the ordinary type ; other Medals, damascened in gold, of William II, Edward I, and Richard III, all very fine, and the damascened specimens rare 5 859 Copper. A complete set of Dassier's Kings and Queens of England, including a duplicate of Oliver Cromwell's Medal, all very fine 36 *** These Medals are all described in Vols. I and II of the " Medallic Illustrations" under their respective reigns. 860 Pewter. A similar set, by Dassier and Thomason, but not perfect 36 SHAKESPEARE MEDALS. 861 Silver. Medals commemorating Shakespeare, or Jubilee Celebrations of the Immortal Bard, by Ingram, Taylor, Westwood, including a Boydell's Shakespeare Medal, with edge inscribed : SIR. M. M. sykes. Bart., and a badge with plain rev. and loop for suspension, all fine and interesting 9 862 Shakespeare Medals in M (16), and pewter (11) of various designs, and by different artists, all in very fine state, and equally interesting as a series 27 END OF SALE. DRYDEN PRESS: J. DAVY AND SONS, 137, LONG ACRE, LONDON, W.C. PI. I. MONTAGU COLLECTION PI. II. MONTAGU COLLECTION. PI. III. MONTAGU COLLECTION PL IV. MONTAGU COLLECTION PI. V. AUTOTYPE MONTAGU COLLECTION Fl. VI. MONTAGU COLLECTION. (f of the actual si^ej PI. VII. 4-94 4-4-9 494- MONTAGU COLLECTION ( 1 of the actual si^ej PI. VIII. AUTOTYPE MONTAGU COLLECTION (\ of the actucul stjej UNIVERSITY OF CAL1 BORROWED MTUR N TO DESK ^Z^^a*** Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. JUN1 # ^ ^ REC'D LD AUG 2 2 r. 21 _100m-l,'54(1887 S 16)476