THE NEW CALENDAR OF GREAT MEN THE NEW CALENDAR OF GREAT ME^ X BIOGRAPHIES OF THE 558 WORTHIES OF ALL AGES AND NATIONS IN THE POSITIVIST CALENDAR OF AUGUSTE COMTE EDITED I)Y FREDERIC HARRISON LONDON MACMILLAN AND CO. AND NEW YORK 1892 All Iliithtsrmrved Printed by T. and A. CoNSTAEr.E, Printers to Her Majesty, at the Edinburgh University Press. PREFACE This book, which has been many years in preparation, was projected in 1883 by the Newton Hall Committee, to illustrate the general theorj^ of historical development put forth in various works by Auguste Comte. His entire scheme of Sociology is based on a sense of the unity of human evolution. And with a view, he has told us, to impress visually on the public mind, a general conception of the Past, and to revive the sense of continuity in the- ages, he published in April 1849, a sheet which he described as the Positivist Calendar, " or concrete view of the preparatory period of man's history." It was avowedly provisional, intended only for the Nineteenth Century, and for Western Europe. Therein he arranged a series of typical names, illustrious in all departments of thought and power, beginning with Moses and ending with the poets and thinkers of the first generation of the present century. The greatest names were associated with the months ; 52 other great names wdth the weeks ; and one worthy was given to each day of the year, less important types being- in many cases substituted for those in Leap Year. There are in all 558 names of eminent men and women in this Calendar, distributed into four classes of greater or less importance ; they range over all ages, races, and countries ; and they embrace Religion, Poetry, Philosophy, War, States- manship, Industry, and Science. The present volume is a collection of condensed biographies of all the 558 persons thus selected as types of the general advancement of civilisa- tion. Each biographical notice varies in fulness according to the impor- tance of each name. The main object has been to give an estimate of the effective work of each, and his contribution to civilisation — the facts of the life being stated sufficiently to explain the place he occupies in the sum of human progress. The space of a single volume does not admit of exhaustive treatment of biographical or literary details ; and this book does not enter into competition with works on biography of a voluminous and miscellaneous kind. The aim has been to consult the best, and, if possible, the contemporary authorities for each life, and to summarise the results without discussion. The plan of the book differs essentially, it is believed, from that of any biographical work. It is not a dictionary. The names are not given in alphabetical order, but in historical sequence ; and the various biographies form a connected series of studies. Each month or section treats a separate subject, such as Poetry, Philosophy, or Policy, for which one author for the most part has been responsible. And each week or sub-section treats a subordinate liranch of the subject to whicli vi PREFACE its week is devoted. Within each month and week the order of names is chronological — at least for all names of the same rank. Thus the most eminent men are grouped in order of time within that branch of human progress to which their lives were dedicated. Consequently, each separate section of this book may be read in a continuous series as a distinct chapter dealing with a special subject. And each section, or month, is preceded by its proper introduction. The aim of the work is to offer a biographical Manual of the general course of civilisation. In another respect, also, the work differs from the plan of any Biogra- phical Dictionary. The names are not selected with regard to common fame, or the space they occupy in literary discussion. Thejoll of worthies — many of them, it is true, with alnindant shortcomings and failings — consists of those only who are thought to have promoted the progress of mankind. Thus names of famous men like those of Alcibiades, Pompey, Philip II., and Napoleon will not be found ; nor are all those incltided about whom many volumes have been written. The names are chosen not as being those of Saints or Heroes ; but as men to be remembered for effective work in the development of human society — as society existed in Western Europe aljout the beginning of this present century. Nor does the book pretend to supply the reader with any such body eeond extra day was added, similarly consecrated to Good Women. viii PREFACE Thus, not only the year, but each month would regularly begin with a new week. Anniversaries and periodical occasions fixed for special days of the week would always fall on the same days of the month ; and anniversaries and periodical occasions fixed for certain days of any month would always fall on the same day of the week. Every calendar month would mean exactly 4 weeks ; the half-year Avould always be 26 weeks. There never would be 5 Mondays in any month ; New Year's Day or Midsummer Day would always fall on the same week-day ; and Leap Year would not disturb the Calendar, except by adding one extra day at the end of the year. The present work has been delayed, first, by the professional duties of several of those who had hoped to have taken part in it, and then by the lamented death of Mv. J. Cotter Morison, who had undertaken the Mediaeval History and FreHch literature. Almost the whole of this book forms the substance of lectures given j)ublicly within the last ten years at Newton Hall, to which all the contributors from time to time have afforded their assistance. It is particularly noted that the references to books at the end of each article are not given as the authorities on which the writers have relied, but solely to suggest to the general reader of English such books as he may find at hand in a fairly good library. Every effort has been made to draw the articles themselves from original sources, and, in the case of writers, from their own works. The references given at the foot, in very many cases added subsequently by a diff"erent hand, have been restricted to well-known works of easy access, and for the most part in English, so as not to burden the general reader with bibliographical details and with references to works which he cannot easily jirocure, or could not read for himself. Biographical dictionaries, encyclopaedias, and dic- tionaries of reference, English or foreign, are not specially noticed except to refer to particular articles by name. The works of Comte are referred to thus : — PhilosojMe Positive, in French {Phil. Pas.), by volume and le^on. Positive Polity, in the English translation, 1875- 1877, 4 vols., by volume and page {Pos. Pol.). FREDERIC HARRISON, Newtox Hall, ,?Vthanasius, St., , Augustin, St., . Ages PAGE 30 29 188- 51 61 200 451 149 48(5 277 181 199 289 446 303 268 213 387 47 88 86 87 234 103 19() 230 57 139 97 496 142 123 230 96 325 134 144 170 103 65 80 393 107 211 216 PAGE Augustus, 192 Aurelius, Marcus, .... 196 Austin, St., 231 Averrhoes, 130 Avicenna, 130 Bacon, Lord, 509 , Bacon, Roger, 487 ^^arneveldt, 554 Barthez, 032 Basil, St., 221 Bathilda, St., 296 Bayard, 279 Beatrice, . . . ... 236 Becket, St. Thomas, . . .289 Beethoven 472 Bell, Sir Charles, . . . . ()29 Bellini, 475 Belus, 12 Benedict, St., 228 Benezet, St., . . . . . 237 Bergmann, 618 Bernard, St., 237 Bernoulli, Daniel, .... 612 Bernoulli, James, .... 595 Bernoulli, John, .... .')96 Berosus, 144 Bertliollet, 623 Berzelius, 624 Bichat, 586 Black, 403 Blainville, 639 Blanche of Castile, . . . .301 Jioccaccio, 317 Boerhaave, 031 Bolivar, 576 Bonald, 533 Bonaventura, St 489 Boniface, St., 230 Borda 417 Borromeo, St. Charles, . . . 242 Borromeo, Frederick, . . . 243 Bossuet ■ . 249 Bouguer, 416 Bourdaloue 246 XIV INDEX OF BIOGKAPHIES PAGE Bourgelat 414 Boyle, 401 Bradley, 597 Brahe, Tyclio, 589 ^ Briggs, S80' Broussais, 040 Bruno, Giordano, .... 502 Bruno, St., 233 Brutus, Junius, .... 183 ^ Buddha, 18 Buffon, 520 Bunyan, 355 ' Burns, 323 Byron, 360 Cabanis, 508 Cadmus, 7 Csesar, 164 --^ Calderon, 438 Camillus, 184 Camoens, 342 Campanella 494 Campomanes, 567 Carnot, 418 Castro, Guillen de, . . . 431 Catharine of Siena, St., . . 244 Cavendish 622"'' jCellini, Benvenuto, . . . 386 Celsus, 127 Cervantes, 320 Chardin, Sir J., .... 373 Charlemagne, 254 ■^^^harlesMartel, . . . 270 Charles v., 54S *^ Chateaubriand, .... 344 Chaucer, 318 Chrysostom, St., . . . . 220 _, -Cicero, 104 Cid, The, 271 J^imon 171 Cincinnatu.s, 185 Clairaut, COS Clement of Alexandria, St., . . 114 Clotilda, St., 29o Cojur, Jacques, .... 374 Colbert, 504 .Columbus, 384 Columella, 154 Comines, Philippe de, . . . 545 Condorcet, 530 Confucius, 27 Constautine, 218 Rente 31,5 Cook, Captain, . . . 332 Cooper, J. F., . . . . . 347 Copernicus, Corneille, Corvinus, Matthias, -Cosmo de' Medici, Coulomb, ^Cromwell, Ctesibius, Cujas, Cusa, Cardinal, Cyprian, St., . Cyrus, D'Ague.sseau, . D'Alembert, . Dalton, Damiani, Peter, ,Dante, D'Aranda, Dare, Jeanne, . David, Davy, Sir H., . Defoe, Delanibre, Democritus, . Demosthenes, - -Descartes, De Sales, St. Frangois, De Witt, . Diderot, . Diophantus, . Dollond, . Dominic, St., . Donizetti, Druids, The, . Duelos, . Duhamel (du Monceau), Dunoyer, . Edgeworth, Maria, Eligius, St. Elizabeth of Hungary, St. Empedocles, . Ennius, . Epaminondas, Epee, Abbe de 1' Epictetus, Erasistratns, . Erasmus, Eratosthenes, . Euclid, . Eudoxus, Euler, Euripides, Fabhiciu.s, Feneloii, . INDEX OF BIOGRAPHIES PAGE Ferdinand in., St., .... 302 Ferguson, Adam, .... 531 Fermat, .... .607" Fichte, 529 Fielding, 460 Fleiiry, C, 246 Fo-Hi 20 Fontenelle, 514 Fourier, Joseph 614 Fox, George 248 Francia, 577 /Francis of Assisi, St., . . .291 Franklin, Benjamin, . . . 570 V^rederick ii., 542 Freret, 517 Froissart, 339 Frontinus, 157 Fulton, 405 Galen, 128 ^alileo, 600 Gall, 641 tiama, Vasco da 376 "Genevieve, St 223 Geoffroy, 623 Gerbert, 284 Germain, Sophie, .... 535 Gessner, 360 .Gibbon, 525 Gluck, 469 Godfrey de Bouillon, . . .280 ^Gothe, 434 Goldsmith, 324 _^Gracchi, The, 190 Graham, George 392 ^^Gregory the Great, St., . . . 223 jSresham, 375 ■^^Gretry, 468 Grotius 512 Guevara, 432 Guglielmini, 411 Guicciardini, 547 ■"■^^Gustavus Adolphus, . . . 555 *^><5utenberg, 371 Gnyton-Morveau, .... 622 Hadrian, 194 ^ Haller, 636 Halley 592 /'Hampden, 571 Handel, 470 Hannibal, .... 187 ^ Haroun-al-Raschid, ... 35 Harriott, 605 Harrison 389 Harvey, .627 Hegel, 533 Heloise, 235 Henry iv., 550 y Henry the Fowler, . . . 262 ■^ Henry, St., 263 Heraclitus, 87 Hercules, . . . . . 8 Herder, 516 Heron 135 Herodotus, 90 Herophilus, 126 Hesiod, ... ,45 Hildebrand, 225 Hipparchus, 150 Hippocrates, 130 Hobbes, 499 Holbein 332 Homer, 41 Horace, 69 Hume, 535 Huyghens, 593 ICTINUS, 55 , Innocent iii., 293 Irenteus, St., 113 Isabella of Castile, . . .547 Isaiah, 33 Isidore, St 232 Jacquard, 394 James, St., 209 Jefferson, 574 Jerome, St., 212 Joachim, 491 John of Austria, Don, . . . 265 John the Baptist, St., ... 34 John the Evangelist, St., . . 112 John of Salisburj-, . . . .487 Joinville, 340 Joseph, 30 Jouffroy, 405 Jussieu, Bernard de, . . . 636 Justin, St., 112 Juvenal, 64 Kamehameha, .... 26 Kant, 528 Kempis, Thomas a, . . . 352 Kepler, 590 Klopstock, 359 Kosciusko, 574 Lacaii.le, Lafayette, Mme. dc, 380 355 INDEX OF BIOGRAPHIES La Fontaine, Lagrange, Lamarek, Lambert, John, Lambert, Mnie. tie, >ac, Manzoni, . Marcian, . Maria de Molin Marina, . Mariottc, . Marias, Matilda of T Maui)ertuis, Mazarin, . Menander, P.\GE 322 613 638 r."0 505 233 21 265 626 522 282 169 509 391 ■^' 457 433 333 90 554 633 503 50 354 304 552 564 577 241 72 65 68 209 470 489 10 56 575 193 378 37 432 504 25 347 223 545 276 400 188 Meucius, . Menu, Mercoeur, Elisa, Metastasio, P., Michael Angelo, Miltiades, Milton, . Moliere, . Monge, . Monica, St., . Montague, Lady Mary, Jklontaigne, M. de, Montalvan, Montesquieu, . Montgolfier, . More, Sir Thomas, Moreto, . Morgagni, Moses, Motteville, Mine, de, Mozart, . Murillo, . Napier, . Xasir-ed-Bin, Nearchus, Xerva, Newton, . Numa, Ok EX, Origen, Orpheus, . Ossiaii, . .X>tho llie Great, Otway, . Ovid, Oxenstiern, Palestrina, . Palissy, Bernard de Papin, Papinian, Pappus, . Pascal, Paul, St., Pelayo, . Penii, W., Pergolese, ..Pericles, . Peter the Hermit, Petrarch, Pliii'drus, Phidias, . Philip, . INDEX OF BIOGRAPHIES y Pliilo of Alexandria, Philolaus, ,Piiiloi)oeiiien ^hocion, . Pi 1 pay, . Pindar, Plato Plautns, . Pliny the Elder, Pliny tlie Younger Plutarch, . Poinsot, . Polo, Marco, Polybius, Ponibal, . Poussin, . Praxiteles, Priestley, Prometheus, Ptolemy, Ptolemy i., Pulcheria, St., Pythagoras, Pytheas, . ^Rabelais, Racine, . Jlaleigh, . Ramus, . ^^apliael, . ReguluH, liembrandt, Richard Coeur Richardson, iticlielieu, Riquet, . Ritter, Robertson, Rijmer, Rojas, Roland, Mnic. Romulus, Rossini, . Rubens, . Ruyter, . Sacchin'i, Saladiii, . Samuel, . Sapiiho, . Saussure, Sauveur, . Scheele, . Schiller, . Scipio, leL TAGE 111 97 ISO ' Scopas, ... ^cott, Walter, . Senuraniis, 173 Sesostris, 01 Sevigne, Mme. de, . 47 117 6-2 ' Shakespeare, . ...Shelley, . Sidney, Algernon, . 159 Sixtus v., lOo 158 ' _^mith, Adam, Sobieski, . 609 372 .xSoerates, . Solomon, . 181 ^ Solon, 566 ,_,Soi)ho('les, 333 Sosigcnes, 55 619 7 14!?- Spanish Romancers, Spenser, . _^pinoza, . Staal, Mme. d(^, 179 Stael, Mme. de. 222 Stahl, 98 Stephen of Hungary, St. 142 Sterne, Stevin, 318 Strabo, 441 278 491 Suger, Sully, Swift, 336 186 332 273 Tacitus, . Tailored, . Tasman, . 462 567 Tasso, Teniers, . 412 625 524 59S _, Terence, . Teresa, St., TertuUian, Thales, 431 ' Themistocles, . 453 11 473 Theocrats of Japan, Theocrats of Thibet, Theocritus, 335^ 557 Theodoric, Tlieodosius, Tlieodosius of Rithyiiia, 408 Tlieophrastus, 31 Tlieseus, . Thilni-irr, 4(1 415 - .Thurydides, . Tibullus, 000 019 Tircsias, Tirso, 447 191 Titian, '^ Titus, . . . . INDEX OF biographip:s ^^^ VkCt, PAGE Torricelli, ... . . :«'9 Vitruvius, .... . 155 Trajan, . . i!01 Volta, 599 Troubaildiiis, The, . liKi Voltaire 443 ^Tur-<^t, . .■.Cii ' Vondel, 440 Tyrtii'us. . 45 W.\, 606 Ul-PIAN, . lliS _ -- ■Waljiole, 563 Ulysst'S, . 10 ^AVasliiujiton, .... Watt, 572 408 V.\ri(;n()X. .'•.il4 Wcljer 476 VaiT(j, 153 Wlieatstone, .... 3S8 Vaubali, . 419 I^ViUiani tl.e Sileiil. 558 Yaiicaiisoii, •Mb ^ William iii 557 VauveiiarKUcs. r,0.) Winckeliuann, 518 Vega, Loiie ilc 429 Worcester, .... 403 Velazquez, 'iSi Veronese, Paul, 3;U X.wiER, St. Francis. 240 Ve.sjui.sian, VXi Xeuocratcs, .... 110 Vicd, \m\ d'Azyr, . Vieta, Villiers, . ilo 604 * Xenophanes, .... Xenoplion, . . . Xinienes, .... 94 172 500 Vincent Ue Paul, .SI lM.j Zex.), 104 Vinci, Leonardo da, .■'.27 /euxi.s 54 Vir«il, . To Zoroaster, . . . . . 16 CALENDAR 5 tref (mont^ MOSES TllKOCRATIC CIVILISATION HOMER ANCIFNT POETRY ARISTOTLE ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY foul arc: 1 Prometheus 2 Hercules. . . :i i Orpheus. . 4 i Ulysses. 5 Lycurcus. (i Romulus. 7 NUMA. .Cadimis Hesiod. , . Theseus Tj'rtaeus . Tiresiaa Anacreon. I I'indar. ! Sophocles. . . Theocritus. . /ESCHYLUS. Sappho . Eitripides Longm Anaximander. Anaximenes. Heraclitus. .VuaxaRordS. Democritus. . Herodotus. THALES. ' Theophrastu Herophilus. 1 Erasistratus. Celsus. .Leitcippiis Galen. Avicenna i HIPPOCKA Belus Utinimmis 8esS _.^ — - - - j Ahraham Joseph ' Kuuius. . Pilpai/ Aristippus. i Eudoxus. . Antistheues. P.vtheus. . . . . e)Ut>ider \ Zeuo. , Aristiirchus. Cicero PUiii/ tlte ydnuger Eratostheue Epictetus Arrian , Ptolemy. Tacitus 1 Albategmus SOCRATES. '• HlPPARCf Samuel. Lucretius 24 Solomon Iinrid i Horac 2.) . Isaiah. ' Tihullus. 26 St. .Tohn tlif Daptist. ; Ovid. 27 Haroun-al-Kaschid. Abdcirahnirm Lucan. •JS .MAHO.MET. [lU. VIR(aL. Xenocrates. I Varro. Philo of Alexandria. ' Columelli. St. John the Evangelist. , Vitruvius. St. Justin at. li-eiutm i Strabo. St. Clement of Alexandria. | Frontinu>. Oriften Tertullian Plutaruli. PLATO. iPLIXYTir DANTE -MciUKRN v.vic 1'oi:ti:v (Utnt^ (mont^ GUTENBERG MODEKN INDUSIRY Zenti, Qtlont^ SHAKESPEARE THK MODi:ilN DF.AMA (Bfe| Dlt .C'hdun The Troubadours. ISoocaccic) Ralwlais Cervantes. La Fontaine Runvt LacaiUe De Foe fioldmnith Cook. ARIOSTO. 3lari-o Pf.lo. . JacQues CiL-ur. Sii-ift Vasco da (ianm Napier ..dhdrdin .'ri-eshnm .Mayelhm Jiripps .JMariibre ■ ■ Tasnuin COLUMBUS. I.*onardo da Vinci Titinn Michael Angelo I'aiil \'t 12 I ;« Benvenuto Cellini. .\inont<>n9 10 \ Holbein Hembi-andt ] Harrison Poussiu Ltsi Velazquez Murilli/ l:i ' Teniers Rubens Conto 14 RAPHAEL. .JtnnfiUe ■ -Spemer Froissart Camoens The Spanish Rommicers. Chateaubriand. Walter Scott Manzoni. Petrarch. \and HnniKin Thomas a Kcmpis.y,o"Mo/';/-«?w('7a Mmc. dc Lafayette. . ..Vm«. (/•', Stail Kenelnn St. FrfincU < if Hales K lopstock liessne.r Byron.. . Klisa Merctiir ami tiheUey MILTON DoUond. Arkwright. VAUCANSON. Stevin. . Mariotte. Papin. . . Black. Joiiffrov. Daltoi,. . WATT. Lope de Vega ^^nntaJvan .VUwrtus M i Jloreto GniUemdt, Castro , Roger Bacci Rojas Guevara St. Bonave f . . ^^'hl'/ltstfme .I'ieii-i' J^,rc;/ Graham Jacquard Otway. Lessing. Gothe. CALDERON. Tirso. Vondel. Racine. Voltaire. Metiistasio .Schiller. CORNEILLE. Ramus. Montaigne ( Carapanell; I ST. THOjf Hobbes. . . t Pascal. ...\ Locke. ... I Vauvenarg I , Diderot. .1 Cabanis. i > LORD B^i . T>irrU>m h'liide ■ Worce-'iter ....Fidton . . Thilurier ' ( Alarcon. : Grotius. ..i Mme. de Motteville. Mme. Kuland Fontenell ( Mme. de Sevigne. Ladij M. Montagu Vico i Lesaae Sterne Fr<5ret. . . , 1 Mme. de Sbial Miss Edgeimrth Jlontesqu i Fielding RUhardson Butfon. ... MOLIERE. LEIBNIZ ■ Bcniard dc Palissy. Gugliclraini Ri-piet Duhamel (du Mouccau k Jix'tryKlat Saussure Hougufr ( 'oulomb Bord'i ( 'arnot Vauban MONTGOLFIER. Pergolesi. Sacchiui. . . (Jluck Beethoven. Rossini. .. Bellini. . . . MOZART. ...I'altstrina Robcrtsoi ; Gretri/ .AdamiSn. LuUn Kant. ... Handel Condorce i Weber ■ .Joseph de i Donizetti Hegel. .. : HU'ME. MEDES SCIENXE Arattia .. . .ytui'cktrs Berosiui Hosigeties . Xasir-Eddin C^SAR MILITARY CIVILISATION lliltiades. Leouidas. Aristides. Cimon. Xenophoii. £l'J'^',11'„^ Uliuminuiuius THEJIISTUULKS. ST. PAUL CATHOLICISM Pericles. Philip. Demostlieucs. Ptolemy I. Philoptemen. Polybius. ALEXANDER. Junius Brutus. Camillus Fabricius Hannibal. ^Einiliua PaulIuH Slarius . Citicinmitiis lieyahis SflPIo. -Augustus. .. VL's|)asiuii. . . , Hadrian. .Antoninus. . Papinian Alexander .Se\ erus TRAJAN. St. Luke St. Cyprian. St. Athanasius. St. Jerome. St. Ambrose. St. Monica. ST. .VUGUSTIN. Constantine. Theodosius. St. Chrysostom St. I'ulcheria St. Genevieve of Paris. St. Gregory the Great. HILDEBRANJJ. ■ St. James CHARLEMAGNE FEUDAL CIVILISATION St. Benedict St. Boniface •St. Isidore uf .Seville Lanf ranc Heloise. St. Aiitouii .S(. Austin .St. Bruno St. Ansehn Beatrice Architects of Mid. .\ges. St. Bennet ST. BERNARD. [the Uas Theodoric the Great. Pelayo. Otho the Great. . . Henry the h'owlcr St. Henri'. X'l'iers La Valette Don Jolin of Austria. John HobiesH ALFRED. Charles Martel. Thecid Richard I Jeanne Dare. . . Albuquerque. . . Bayard. GODFREY. St. Leo the Great. Gerbert Peter the Hermit. Suger Alexander III St. Francis of .Assisi. INNOCENT III. — Tuncred — Saladin Marina . W. Raleigh UoIV. Peter Itamianl St. Eligiug .St. T.Becket .St, JJominic M'umia.'i ( St. Francis Xavier. Irjnatius hi.iola Titus I St. Ch. Borromeo. Fredk. Borrumeo ; ; ■ - yerva St. Theresa. . . St. Catharine of Siena Marcus A urehus St.A'incent de Paul. VAbbede VEpie . . Ulpian I Bourdaloue Claude hleuri/ .Aiitiii AV. Penn... BOSSUET. (t. Fox St. Clotilde. >^t.JiiMnlda,.St.MuthildanfTusainij St.Stephenot Hungary. J/ottia« Cor- St. Elizabeth of Hungary. [vinus Blanche of Castile. St. Ferdinand III Alfonso X. ST. LOUIS. (nXont^ UTES FREDERICK II. -MODERX IP BICHAT JIODKRN SCIENCE itin of Salisbury ' Maria de .Alolina. Ha i/nwnd Lullij <'osnio de' Medici the Elder. -Joachim Philippe de Comines. Gaicciurdini irdinal of Cusa Isabella of Castile. Erammia Charles V Sixtus V r Thomas More Henri I\^ INAS. LOUIS XL , ...Spinoza Coligny VHopital wrdano Bruno Barneveldt. . . Malebranche tJustavus Adolplms.