HORACE A. SCOTT 2208 N. Ross Street Santa Ana,Ca1 if. // i^- J / rt. ffeinc SRU: UKL KVLC '. 4^7394 PREFACE. HE present work is the fruit of a necessity in geographical education, that has been very keenly realized by the Author during several years of expe- rience as. a public teacher. In the study of this material science, she has found it peculiarly difficult, even when following the methods of the best class-books on the subject, to array it with the same perspicuity to the mind of the pupil, that may be imparted to more metaphysical* studies. That other teachers have con- tended with the same undefined obstacle, may be zathered, not only from the confessions of a large ma- jority of them, but also from the confused and very . vod geographical knowledge in the mental posses- sion f most communities. The constant recourse to maps, every where conveniently suspended for refer- ence, bears ocular demonstration to the dimness and uncertainty that characterize our geographical attain- ments. It is an experience too universal to be disputed, that while the elements of some of the more abstruse sciences remain available in^the memory often through life, those of geography aae peculiarly shadowy and evanescent. It was in the conscientious>ndeavor to render this important branch as palpabtorto the understandings of pupils as some of thfc othe^branches of their education, that the Author was enroled to trace the source of the difficulty just alluded to, to those defects in arrange- . ; of the class-boks in use that the present work signed to remedy. She saw that it was the pre- laployment of unexplained terms, and the )>uryiug up of what, at present, only was attainable, by iha^ which should be the very last learned, that con- j tifuted the great impediment to the teacher in convey- to tli" n acquiring, geographical know- MapS, pr* i. ended to t-lundate, were rendered rather LABYRINTHS OF PERPLEXITY, by being covered with circles, lines, and various names and emblems, mysterious to the pupil, irrelevant to his stage of progress, and, by confusing the eye in its search for more radical matters, the source of much vexatious waste of time. In a word, she found in these class- books a fatal disregard of that system by which alone any desired result can be surely accomplished a system whose rules are comprehended in the five words, " one thing at a time." From the foregoing remarks, the reader will anti- cipate the claims of the present work. It has been the aim of the Author so to arrange the elements, and their exponents the maps, as to emancipate, as far as possible, this interesting science from that dryn confusion that have hitherto rendered it a weariness tad an abstraction to all classes of learners. In pur of this design it has been found expedient to issue the work in parts : the present, for the beginner, oeing the First of the Series. The system herein ad -pted will be literally retained throughout the Series ; i* having been proved by experiment the best im dium for evolving in their natural connection the sin proportions of the science. Through its opcrati. pupil is prepared not only to comprehend, bui fre- quently to anticipate, what next should follow. H i? in this manner alone, that youthful interest c engaged in any compulsory pursuit of knov. The unfolding mind craves knowledge ; but it : - that for which it has a conscious necessity. It \< tne business of teaching to create and direct this neces- sity. In obedience to this natural law. the maps and illustrations of the present work have been designed to accord strictly with the character of the lessons ; being, so to speak, A GRADUALLY ACCUMULATING. VISIBLE DEPOSIT IN ANOTHER FORM, OF THE SUBJECT OF EACH SUCCESSIVE LESSON AND NOTHING MORE: for aS Well PREFACE. might one attempt to make an accomplished architect of an individual by merely showing him the city, from time to time, from the tower of Trinity Church, as hope to impart a clear and permanent idea of the rudiments of Geography, through the instrumentality of a finished and crowded map, however accurately drawn, or gor- geously colored, said map may be. No complication with, or allusion to Mathematical Geography, therefore, will be found in the present volume. Commencing at the foundation of the science, its endeavor is to make the pupil thoroughly acquainted with the local and relative positions of the Grand Divisions of the Earthj extending their political divisions only so far as to in- clude the principal* capital cities. It also furnishes the pupil with a reasonable number of the most important islands, capes, bays, rivers, etc., on the earth's surface. The subject is developed principally by progressive questions, growing naturally out of each other ; such as might be supposed to spontaneously arise in the mind of a learner. In order to quicken the interest of the pupil, and bring his imagination to the aid of his understanding, the main features of the lessons are also pictorially presented in a series of numerous designs exquisitely drawn and engraved, that while they serve to instruct, they may also contribute to elevate and refine the taste of the pupil. This feature of the work will be duly appreciated by every teacher who has had occasion to lament the PURPOSELESS CARICATURES that deform many of our class-books, and waste the attention of scholars. Small portions of descriptive Geography are likewise introduced, at desirable intervals, as a means of relaxa- tion to the student. The maps are clear and large, and as the studies progress, throughout the Series, are amplified only with such new matter as may be fur- nish* 1 by the corresponding lessons. Through this system, the memory of the pupil EHpes so thoroughly and permanently possessed of i tents of a map, as to render him capable, after a - without consulting it, to describe each of its and political divisions and localities, with intel- ligence and accuracy. When it is remembered how much time is expended, at present, in searching out : s to questions on maps, the economy and value of the system herein offered, will more fully appear. In the *>rdT of siuresMon of the maps of the present work, that of the United States is purposely reserved .ual exercise, by virtue of its complicacy. To facilitate a recapitulatory examination of the scholar, a department denominated "Memory's Aid,' always succeeds the exercises introduced after each map. From these several departments of the work, questions may be presented in as many diversified forms, or rever- sions, as the teacher or examiner thinks advisable ; and if the pupils have properly, learned the preceding lessons, a correct and intelligent answer will always promptly follow. A Pronouncing Vocabulary, containing the names of all the natural and political divisions used throughout, the work, is appended. This Vocabulary affords the material for a final examination, by which the examiner can determine the precise kind and amount of geographical knowledge, possessed by any pupil. The importance of this original and valuable arrangement will be self-evident : as heretofore, no method of ascertaining individual deficiencies in this important science, has been furnished by the class- books on the subject ; consequently, pupils have been allowed to graduate from our schools with the crudest and most erratic ideas of a simple subject, that has occupied their patient investigation for years. Having thus, as briefly as the plan will admit, de- fined the nature and intention of the present work, the Author confidently submits the system to the ordeal of experiment. The claims it proposes for universal adoption are : First, That it will endow a pupil with a thorough- and permanent knowledge of Geography, in at least one-half of the time heretofore required for the purpose. Second, That its system is mentally refreshing, capable of enlisting and retaining the interest of the pupil, throughout the Series, and of putting the teacher in possession of a gauge to test, as accurately as in Mathematics, what the pupil knows of the science. Third, That it will promote uniformity in all the classes of a school, wherein the entire Series is used, as there is but one method for memorizing the contents of a map, for each class, the rules for which will be given in the second number of the Series, that result I being accomplished in the present number by means of the questions. Such are its claims ; and however important or pretentious they may seem on the surf;ice, the Author has the evidence of experiment to prove t power of tho system, and that these claims fu. not falsely erected. Except in tho United States and the British Isles. CORNELL'S PRIMARY GEOGRAPHY. THE PLANET WE INHABIT. INTRODUCTORY LESSONS. Lesson I. What is the planet on -which we live called ? It is called " The Earth." What is the shape of the earth ? It is very nearly round. Do we live on the outside, or inside of the earth ? On the outside. What is the outside of the earth called f The surface of the earth. Of what is the surface of the earth composed ? It is composed of land and water. Are the land and water equally distributed orer the earth's surface ? " No. Is there more land than water ? ^ there is more water than land. much m. Three times as much. What is Geography f Geography is a science which describes the surface of the earth. Lesson II. "Were I to make a drawing, showing the land and water on the earth, what would such a drawing be called f A map. What is a Map ? It is a drawing representing the whole, or any part of the earth's surface. Were a map made, representing only one half of the earth, what would such a map be called f Map of a Hemisphere. "Why would it be called Map of a Hemisphere ? CORNELL'S PRIMARY GEOGRAPHY. sT 1 a u NORTH AMERICA Because it would represent only one half of the earth ; and hemisphere means one half a sphere, or round body. Sii[.]"i-: iinothor map were made, showing the land and "n the other half of the earth, what would it be It would be called Map of a Hemisphere also. uMiM you know the ono from the other? P>y calliii'j; one the Western, and the other the Eastern Hemisphere. Lesson III. "What is that portion of the map, which is colored, in- tended to represent ? The land. What is the space inside the circle, which is not coltwl, intended to represent f The water. "What do you see printed on the map? The names of the large countries. Divisions of land, on the Western Hernia INTRODUCTORY LESSORS. 11 In what direction is Africa from Europe ? In what direction is Asia from Africa ? In what direction is Australia from Asia I In what direction is Africa from Australia ? In what direction is Asia from Europe ? In what direction is Africa from Asia ? In what direction is Asia from Australia f In what direction is Australia from Africa? In what direction is Europe from Africa ? In what direction is Australia from Europe? In what direction is Europe frgm Australia ? - Lesson VII. I Questions on the Maps of the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. If the Teacher "will have the kindness to explain, by a r by any other means deemed proper, that the two - united, represent the world, the young pupil will very readily comprehend the following questions. What are the names of the Grand Divisions of the West- ern an-1 Eastern Hemispheres? North America, Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, and South America. Jo the Eastern and Western Cemispheres re- ie entire surface of the world. What is represented on the maps besides the Grand Divisions of the land ? Water. What Grand Divisions are situated east of North and South America ? Europe and Africa. What Grand Divisions are west of North and South America ? Asia and Australia. In what part of the Eastern Hemisphere is Australia I In what direction is Asia from North America? In what direction is Asia from Australia ? In what direction is Asia from Africa? In what direction is Asia from Europe f In what direction is Afrifia from South America ? In what direction is Africa from North America? In what direction is Europe from South America? In what direction is Europe from North America? Lesson VIII. Mr YOUNG FRIENDS, I am now going to tell you about the many names given to the land, on the surface of the earth. When you have been traveHing ; you have, no doubt, ob- served that the land is greatly diversified ; that is, some of it is high and rocky, some low and sandy ; and often near a body of water it assumes a variety of forms and shapes. These and many other appearances of the land have names given them by Geographers. I -wish you to remember that these names are applied to what are called*The Natural Divisions of the Land." Questions on Lesson VHL How does the land on the surface of the earth appear to a traveller ? What have been applied to these various appearances of the land ? To what kind of divisions of land have these names been applied ? Why do we call them natural divisions of the land? Because they are divisions which have heen formed hy nature. 12 CORNELL'S PRIMARY GEOGRAPHY. DEFINITION OF TERMS USED IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. Question- on the Natural Divisions of the Land. What is a Continent ? A Continent is a very large division of land, surrounded by water. How many Continents are there ? Three. Which are they? The Western Continent, the Eastern, and the South-Eastern. What Grand Divisions of land compose the Western Con- tinent ? North and South America, What Grand Divisions of land compose the Eastern Con- tinent ? Europe, Asia, and Africa. What Grand Division of land forms the Sonth-Eastern Continent ? Australia.* In what part of the Western Continent is North America? In what part of the Eastern Continent is Asia ? What Grand Division occupies the north-western part of the Eastern Continent ? What Grand Division occupies the southern portion of the Western Continent ? Of what Continent does Africa form a part ? In what part of that Continent is it situated ? In which Hemisphere is Europe ? In which Hemisphere is North America? In which Hemisphere is Asia ? In which Hemisphere is South America? In wlii<:h Hrrni-phere is Australia? , What Natural Division of land is Australia? What Continent is it? * Australia, by aomo geographers, is called an island. Lesson IX. Questions on the Natural Divisions of the Land-continued. Wliut is an Islnnd? An Island is land surrounded by water, like a Continent, only it is not so la; An Island. Look at the picture above, and you will see a very pretty piece ot land, surrounded by water.. What is a portion of land, surrounded by water, called? Below is a drawing which shows you how we represent an Island on a Map. Map of an Island. What is a Peninsula ? A Peninsula is a portion of land not quite surrounded by water, and is always joined to some larger portion of land. What is an Isthmus ? An Isthmus is a narrow strip or neck of land, which joins a Peninsula to the land. XITION OF TERMS USED IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. 13 What is a Promontory ? A Promontory is a high or mountainous point of land which projects into the water. A Peninsula and an Isthmus. How can you tell a Peninsula from an Island ? An Island is entirely surrounded by water, and a Peninsula almost, but not entirely. A Cape. Is a Promontory like a Cape, then ? Yes ; only the land of a Promontory is higher than that of a Cape. u^jf a Peninsula and an Isthmus. Questions on the Natural Divisions of the Land continued. "What is ft - A Capo is a point of land which projects Map of a Cape. What is a Shore or Coast ? A Shore or Coast is the strip of land which borders upon any body of water. CORNELL'S PRIMARY GEOGRAPHY. What is a Mountain ? A Mountain is a very large mass of rock and earth, which is considerably elevated above the surrounding country. in the top or side, from which issue', at times, fire and smoke. Volcanoes sometimes send forth red hot stones, and large portions of melted matter, called lava. i What is the opening in a Volcano called ? A Crater. A Mountain Chain. What is a Mountain Range or Chain? Continuous elevations of land ; or many mountains joined together. What is a Volcano ? A Volcano is a mountain with an opening Map of a Mountain Chain. What are the names of the Natural Divisions of the land ? Continent, Island, Peninsula, Isthmus, Cape, Promontory, and Mountain. The above little map may be nsM to tost whether the pupil fully comprehends the ground ho has conn over, in the preceding lessons, The Teacher will please explain that all the main-land la part of * continent; the rest of the natural divisions of the land, the pn; be able to point out DEFINITION OF TERMS USED IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. 15 A View on the Ocean. Lesson XL To THE PUPIL, + You remember I toldtrfyou in a pre- ceding lesson that the land is greatly diversified, and you havu learned the names of the several Natural Divisions of the land ; now you must learn that the water also has many different names applied to it by Geographers, according to its situation, form, etc. -- --" Questions on the Natural Divisions of the Water. "What is an Ocean ? An Ocean is a very large division of "water. 'What is a Sea? A Sea is a branch of the ocean, or another sea, nartly inclosed by land. A Sea. Map of a Sea. 16 CORNELL'S PRIMARY GEOGRAPHY. What is a Gulf or Bay? A G-ulf or Bay is a branch of some large division of water, extending into the land. A Bay. There is but little difference between a bay and a gult Generally speaking, a bay is more open than a gulf. What is a Sound? A Sound is a narrow body of water suf- ficiently shallow to be sounded, that is, to haVe its depth ascertained by a lead and line. Wli:it is a Strait? -trail is a narrow body of water, which " liotjics of A\. \Vll:. .cl? A ('hanii'l is a narrow arm of ilic illy so situated as to perform rait. Map of a Lesson XII. Questions on tho Natural Divisions of the "Water continue ' j^*^ What is a 1 A Lake is a body of wa streams or springs, which is al; times quite, encircled by land. M i ; I] DEFINITION OF TERMS USED LY PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. 17 A Lake. What is a stream called that flows into a Lake ? An Inlet. What is a stream called that flows froin^ a Lake ? An Outlet. By what are Rivers formed ? Rivers are formed by lakes, or by small streams which issue from the mountains. What is a River ? A River is a stream of water flowing in an >pen channel through the land. is the Source or Head of a River? The Source or Head of a River is where it r begins to flow. What is the Mouth of a River ? Mouth of a River is where it empties some other body of water*-. v A Kivcr. Are these small streams of water called Rivers ? No. What are they called? Brooks, Creeks, Rivulets, or Rills. Map of a Eivcr. What are the names of the Natural Divisions of the Water ? Oc < lujf, Bay, Strait, Sound, Chan- rer. EXERCISES ON THE MAP OF THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE. 19 Lesson XIII. QUESTIONS ON THE MAP OF THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE, Systematically arranged. What ocean is in the northern part of the Western Hemisphere ? What ocean in the eastern part ? What ocean in the southern part ? What ocean in the western part ? What sea is north of South America ? What sea is north-west of North America ? What bay in the northern part of North America? H. What gulf east of North America ? St. L. What gulf south of North America 1 What gulf is west of North America ? What bay lies between* Prince William's Land and Greenland? B. AVhnt strait is between the southern part of South America and the Island of Terra del Fuego ? What strait is between North America and Asia? What strait is between Prince William's Land and Greenland ? * The north-western part of this land is now called Cockburn Isl nd, and the southern part Cumberland Island. Lesson XIV. Map Questions Systematically arranged What river in North America runs a northerly :',nd empties into the Arctic Ocean ? M. What river runs a Ti' , ly course, and empties ;e Gulf of Sc. Lawrence ? What river runs a southerly course, and empties into Mexico ? river runs a sooth-easterly course, and empties :ino Gulf? ,r, river, in South America, runs a westerly, 'ly and north-easterly course, and empties into \ Je Atlantic Ocean? 0. |What river flows an easterly course, and empties into Atlantic, south of the Orinoco River ? A. t hat river runs a south- westerly course, and emp- ;o the Rio de la Plata ? P. Into what ocean does the Rio de la Plata empty ? What river, in North America, runs a south-westerly course, and empties into the Gulf of California ? Lesson XV. . Map Questions Systematically arranged. What island is situated north of North America ? Pr. W's L. What island is east of Prince William's Land ? What island is east of North America ? N. What group of islands south-east of North America ? W. I. What island south of South America ? What groups of islands are west of South America? New Zealand, Friendly and Society Islands. What groups of islands west of North America ? S.&A. In what ocean are these groups situated ? In what direction from North America is South America ? What natural division of land is South America ? A Peninsula. What isthmus connects it with North America ? D. What cape projects from the northern part of North America ? What capes project from the east coast? S. & H. What cape in the northern part of S. America ? G. What cape in the eastern part ? What cape south of South America ? What cape projects from the west coast ? What two capes on the west coast of North America What cape at the southern extremity of Greenland ? In what part of South America are the Andes Moun- tains ? Where are the Rocky Mountains? Lesson XVI. Map Questions Promiscuously arranged. Into what body of water does the Mackenzie's River empty ? What course does it run ? 20 CORNELL'S PRIMARY GEOGRAPHY. "What sea is north of South America ? What gulf is north-west of the Caribbean Sea ? What ocean is west of America ? Into what body of water does the St. Lawrence River empty ? In what direction does the St. Lawrence flow ? What ocean is east of America ? What sea is north-west of North America ? K. What island is north of North America ? What river empties into the Gulf of California? What capes project from the east coast of North America ? Where are the Andes Mountains ? What ocean is situated north of North America 1 Where is the Gulf of St. Lawrence ? What strait is between the Island of Terra del Fuego and South America ? What bay is west of Greenland ? What strait connects that bay with the Atlantic ? What ocean is south of South America 1 What groups of islands lie west of North America ? Which group lies farther south ? Lesson XVII. Map Questions Promiscuously arranged. What cape south of South America ? What natural division of land is South America ? What bay lies south-west of Baffin's Bay"? What rivers empty into the Gulf of Mexico? Which one takes a southerly course ? What course does the Ilio Grande flow? What, island is south of South America? . hat strait is it separated from South America? What cape projects from the west coast of South rical Where, are the Rocky Mountains? In what direction is North America from South ica? Where, is the. I- land of Newfoundland ? What river empties into the Atlantic, north of the Amazon? O. What course does that river run ? Docs the Amazon I: in the western, or east- ern part of South America ? In what direction does it flow? Where are the West India Islands ? What river south of the Amazon ? Lesson XVIII. Map Questions Promiscuously arranged. Into what river does the Parana flow ? What gulf lies between Newfoundland and the coast, ofNorth America 1 \Vhat natural division of land is Newfoundland ? What strait separates North America from Asia ? What two oceans does Behring Strait connect ? In what direction is Greenland from North America ? What cape projects from the northern coast of North America ? What cape is south of Greenland ? What natural division of land is Greenland ? Which lies farther north, Greenland or Newfound- land? Which is the larger island of the two ? What two capes on the west coast of North America ? Which is farther north, Cape Mendocino or St. Lucas 7 What are North and South America, when taKen together, called ? America. What natural division of land is America ? A continent. What is a continent ? How many continents are there ? What isthmus connects North and South America ? What is an isthmus ? Which is the longest river in North America? Which thi- longest in Scud: -America? What is a river ? . What is a river called that flows into a lake? What is an outlet? AY hat is a river called that flows into anothcl v river '? A branch. Of what river is the Parana a branch? Rio de la Plata. What is the commencement of a river called ? Its source. What is the termination of a river called? Its nouth. EXERCISES ON THE MAP OF THE AVKSTEU.N J 21 mOT W7 I ifi E T S ft I B CONTENTS OF THE MAP OF THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE. To THE TEACHES: It would be well to have the pupils refer to the map while repeating these lessons, until they are able to recognize the order of memorizing the several natural and political divisions upon a map. They might, after having accomplished thus much, say the lesson without the map, as many times as may be deemed necessary. One member of the class could be called upon to name the Islands ; another, the Capes ; a third, the Rivers and so on. Lesson XIX. The Grand Divisions on the "West- ern Hemisphere are : I^ORTH AMERICA. SOUTH AMERICA. The Islands are :- The Peninsula is :- | The Isthmus is : The Capes are : itain Ranges arc :- PRINCE WILLIAM'S LAXD. GREENLAND. NEWFOUNDLAND. WEST INDIES. TERBA DEL FUEGO. FEW ZEALAND. FRIENDLY. SOCIETY. SANDWICH. ALEUTIAN. SOUTH AMERICA. DARIEN. BARROW. SABLE. II ATT. GALLI>.\-% ST. ROQUE. HORN. BLANCO. ST. LUCAS. MENDOCINO. FAREWELL. ANDES. ROCKY. Lesson XX. The Oceans that wash the coasta of America, are.: ARCTIC. ATLANTIC. SOUTHERN. PACIFIC. The Seas on the Western Hemis- phere are : The Gulfs and Bays are: The Straits are: The Rivers are: CARIBBEAN. KAMTCIIATKA. HUDSON. ST. LAWRENCE. MEXICO. CALIFORNIA. BAFFIN'S. MAGELLAN. BEHRINO. DAVIS. MACKENZIE'S. ST. LAWRENCE. -IPPL Rio GRANDE. ORINOCO. AMAZON. Rio DE LA PLATA. PARANA. COLORADO. EXERCISES ON THE MAP OF TIIE EASTERN HEMISPHERE. 23 Lesson S ON THE MAP OF THE HEMISPHERE, Systematically arranged. "What ocean is in the northern part of the Eastern Hemisphere ? What ocean is in the eastern part ? What ocean in the southern part? Southern Ocean. What ocean in the western part ? Wliat ocean north of the Southern Ocean ? I. What sea is north of Europe ? W. What three seas are east of Asia ? I What sea south of Asia ? What sea bet\veen Africa and Asia ? What sea north of Africa ? What sea north-east of the Mediterranean Sea? What two seas west of Europe ? N. & B. What sea lies east of the Black Sea ? C. ' What gulf north of Asia ? What gulf south of Asia, near the China Sea ? What bay south of Asia, west of the Gulf of Siam ? What gulf is situated north-west of the Arabian Sea? What gulf is west of Africa ? What bay west of Europe ? What strait is south of Asia ? What strait is between Africa and Asia ? What strait separates Africa from Europe ? What strait is between the Continent of Europe and the Island of Great Britain ? Strait of Dover. What channel east of Africa ? Lesson XXII. Questions Systematically arranged. liver, in Asia, rises in the Altai Mountains, north- westerly course, and empties into the Gulf I of the Obe ? Among what mountains does that river rise ? What course does it flow ? Into what ocean does i*. empty ? What river do you find, on your map, east of the Yenesei ? What course does that river flow ? Into what body of water does it empty ? What river flows an easterly course, and empties into the Sea of Ochotsk? In what range of mountains docs it rise ? What river empties into the Yellow Sea? What river empties into the China Sea ? What course does it run ? Near what range of mountains do the Yang-tse- Kiang and Cambodia Rivers rise ? What river, in Africa, empties into the Gulf of Guinea? In what part of Africa does it rise ? What river, in AfrRa, empties into the Mediterra- nean Sea? Describe that river. In describing a river tell where it rises, what course il flows, and into what body of water it empties. What rivers, in Europe, flow into the Caspian Sea 1 Which river is farther east, the Ural or Volga ? Among what mountains does the Ural rise ? Does the Volga rise in that range of mountains ? What course does the Volga flow ? Lesson XXIII. Map Questions Systematically arranged. What Grand Divisions are on the Eastern Hemi- sphere ? What two islands lie north of Europe? What island south of the Sea of Ochotsk ? S. What group of islands south of Saghalien ? What group lies south of the Japan Islands ? What island lies north of Australia ? N. G. What island is south of Australia ? What island lies west of New Guinea ? What island is situated west of Celebes ? What island south-west of Borneo ? * What island north-west of Java ? In what direction from Asia is Sumatra? What island is east of Africa? What islands are west of Europe ? British Isles. CORNELL'S PRIMARY GEOGRAPHY. In what direction from Asia is the Peninsula of Africa ? In what direction is Africa from Europe 1 By what isthmus is Africa united to Asia? S. What cape projects from the northern part of Europe ? What cape from the northern coast of Asia ? What cape from the southern coast of Asia? What cape projects from the eastern coast of Africa ? What cape from the southern coast of Africa ? What is the name of the most westerly cape of Africa ? Cape Verde. i What cape on the northern coast of Africa ? What range of mountains between Europe and Asia ? What range in. the northern part of Asia? What one in the southern part ? What range in the central part of Africa ? What one in the southern part of Europe ? Lesson XXIV. Map Questions Promiscuously arranged. In what direction is Africa from Europe ? What natural division of land is Africa? "What ocean is north of Europe and Asia ? Where is the Cape of Good Hope ? By what strait is the Red Sea connected with the Indian Ocean ? What is a Strait? What sea is South of Europe? In what direction is that sea from Africa? What island is east of Borneo ? In what direction is Borneo from Asia? What large gulf indents the western coast of Africa? What natural division of land is Borneo? What natural division of land is Asia? It forms part of a continent. What other countries are included in the Eastern Continent? Kurope and Africa. In what diivr-tion is Borneo from Australia? What natural division of land is Australia? What is the name of the southern cape. of Asia? Into what ocean docs that raj if pro; Bet \vtvn what oi-aiis does ihe Island, or Continent of Australia lie? In what ocean is the Island of Madagascar ? What channel separates it from Africa ? On which side of tb^.island is that channel Where is the hat channeLJi^^ Lesson XXV. Map Questions Promiscuously arranged. What island is west of Borneo ? What strait unites the Mediterranean Sea with tho Atlantic Ocean ? What bay is west of Europe ? What three seas are east of Asia ? What gulf lies west of the China Sea ? Which lies farther north, the Sea of Ochotsk or tho Yellow Sea ? Which is farther south, the Yellow Sea or the China Sea? What strait separates Great Britain from the con- tinent of Europe ? D. What natural division of land is Great Britain ? An Island. What are the islands of Great Britain and Ireland usually called ? The British Isles. What ocean is east of Asia ? What range of mountains in Northern Africa ? In what part of Africa are the Kong Mountains ? What cape projects from the west coast of Africa ? What rivers, in Asia, flow northerly and empty into the Arctic Ocean ? In what range of mountains do those rivers rise ? Through what gulf does the,0be River flow ? What mountain range, beside the Altai, in Asia ? In what part of Asia are those mountains ? In what direction from Africa and Europe is tho Atlantic Ocean ? What sea is north of Europe ? W. Into what body of water does the Nile empty ? What course docs the Nile River flow? In what direction from Africa is the Mediter; Sea? Which is larger, the Mediterranean or the Ked Sea "\ Which lies further south ? Between what two countries does the Red Sen Between which two does the Mediterranean S , EXERCISES ON THE MAP OF THE EASTERN HEMISPHERE. 25 Lesson XXVI. Map Questions Promiscuously arranged. What 4BPPuth of Asia ? What gulf is north-west of that sea ? What large bay south of Asia? Which is farther east, the Bay of Bengal or the Ara- bian Sea ? What course does the Cambodia River flow 1 Into what sea does it empty 1 What group of islands lies east of the China Sea ? Where is the Niger River 1 Into what gulf does it empty 1 What other large river in Africa? What seas are between Europe and Asia ? Which is farther west, the Black or the Caspian Sea ? Which lies nearer the Mediterranean Sea? What gulf indents the northern shoro of Asia 'f To what ocean is that gulf tributary ? Arctic. Into what sea does the Ural River ompty ? Among what mountains does it rise ? What islands are north of Europe ? S & N. Z. In what ocean are those islands situated / Where are the Japan Islands ? In what direction are they from the Philippine ? What cape projects from the northern coast of Asia ? AVhat is the most easterly cape of Africa called ? Where are the Alps Mountains ? What is the came of the most northerly cape of Eu- rope ? Into what ocean does it project ? What isthmus is north of the Red Sea ? What two countries does it connect ? Between what seas is that isthmus ? AVhat strait connects the Red Sea with the Indian Ocean ? What Grand Divisions, on the Eastern Hemisphere, lie farthest north ? What Grand Division lies farthest south-west ? In what part of the Eastern Hemisphere is Europe ? Which Grand Division is the largest? Which the smallest? Which one is surrounded by water ? Australia. Wh : ch one is almost surrounded by water? Africa. Lesson XXVII. REVIEW. What is the name of the planet on which we live ? Of what is the surface of the earth composed } Is there more water than land on the earth 't How many Hemispheres are there 't What does Hemisphere mean ? What names are given to designate the two Hemis- pheres ? What are the names of the four Cardinal Points ? North, East, South, and West. In what direction would a place be, were it situated about half way between North and East ? What is a Map ? Is the earth's surface represented on a map, as it would be hi a picture ? How is it represented on a map ? It is represented on a plane. To what part of tho map do you look for North ? Which side of the map is West ? AY hat cardinal point is opposite the North ? W hat one is opposite the West ? What are the names of the natural divisions of the land ? . What is a cape ? Where is Cape Comorin ? AVhat oipe projects from the east coast of Africa ? Into what water does that cape project ? AVhat is an isthmus ? AVhere is the Isthmus of Darien ? AVhat isthmus connects Africa with Asia ? What are volcanoes ? AVhat is the difference between a volcano and a mountain ? Lesson XXVIII. Be view continued. What is a continent ? How many continents are there ? Which are they ? What continents arc on the Eastern Hemisphere ? In what part of the Eastern Hemisphere is Aus- tralia? 26 CORNELL'S PRIMARY GEOGRAPHY. On which Hemisphere is the Continent of America ? What is the difference between a continent and an island ? There is no difference, except in regard to I size. A very large island is called a conti- nent. What Grand Divisions compose the Western Con- tinent ? What is an island ? What islands are in the Western Hemisphere ? Where is the Island of Madagascar ? What Grand Divisions compose the Eastern Con- tinent ? What is a peninsula ? Where is the Peninsula of South America ? What peninsula lies east of South America ? How can you tell a peninsula from an island ? What is a mountain ? When many mountains are joined together, what are they called ? What mountain ranges are there on the Eastern Continent? Has the water different names applied to it ? What are the names of the natural divisions of the water ? How many oceans are there ? Which ocean is the largest ? What is a river ? How are rivers usually formed ? What are rivers called which flow into other rivers ? Branches. What are very small streams of water called ? What name do you give to a point of land which pro- jects into a body of water ? Suppose the land is very high and rocky, do you call it a c-ape then? What do you call it? Lesson XXIX. Review continued. What is a Rtrait? What is a fihore or coast? What is a channel? What is a sound ? What :i Africa and Asia? What What seais n-.rth of South America? What is a bay or gulf? What gulf is south of North America ? What group of islands lies at the entrance of that gulf? ^ What gulf is between Newfoundland and North Amer- ica? What bay is west of Europe ? What are the names of the rivers on the Western Continent ? "When called upon to tell the rivers of any country, always begin in the north-west part; mention first those rivers which flow into bodies of water on the north, then those which flow into bodies of water on the east, next those which flow into bodies of water on the south, and then those which flow into bodies of water on the west "When a river has branches, say them after the main river. According to this order, which river on the Western Continent should you mention first ? The Mackenzie's Eiver. Which next ? St. L. Which last ? C. What islands are in the Eastern Hemisphere ? Begin with Spitzbergen, pass along east, west, and north, quite round the Hemisphere, and mention the islands in tho order you find them on the map. If you mention these islands in the proper order, which comes third ? Saghalien. What group of islands would be mentioned ne..t ? I. As you pass on, going south, what group would you find next? P. What island do you mention after New Guinea? In what direction from the Australian Continent is Van Diemen's Land? What mountain ranges are on the Western Continent ? What bays indent the coasts ? What rivers are on the Eastern Continent ? Which of those rivers flow northerly and empty into the Arctic Ocean ? Which one empties into the Gulf of Guinea? Which two flow into the Caspian Sea? Which one empties into the China Sea ? Which three are mentioned last, if you say them in the proper order ? What bays and gulfs indent the shores of the Eastern Continent? Which of them indent the coast of Asia? Does the Gulf of Guinea indent a part of the eastern, or u cstern coast of Africa? Will I find the Bay of Biscay by looking alon^ tho coast of Africa ? Where will I find it? EXERCISES ON THE MAP OF THE EASTERN HEMISPHERE. 27 m? ?f? ft ft V a UR 3? Kl A CONTENTS OF THE MAP OF 1 9 S HBo [HE EASTERN HEMISPHERE. Lesson XXX. The Grand Divisions of the Eastern Hemisphere are: EUROPE. ASIA. AUSTRALIA. Lesson XXXL The Oceans that wash the coasts of the Eastern Continent are : ARCTIC. PACIFIC. INDIAN. ATLANTIC. AFRICA. The Seas on the Eastern Hemis- The Islands are : SPITZBERGEN. NOVA ZEMBLA. SAGHALIEN. JAPAN ISLES. PHILIPPINE ISLES. NEW GUINEA. VAN DIEMEN'S LAND. CELEBES. BORNEO. JAVA. phere are: WHITE. OCHOTSK. YELLOW. CHINA. ARABIAN. RED. MEDITERRANEAN. BLACK. NORTH. BALTIC. CASPIAK. SUMATRA. MADAGASCAR. BRITISH ISLES. The Gulfs and Bays are: OBE. SIAM. BENGAL. The Peninsula is : AFRICA. PERSIAN. GUINEA. The Isthmus is: SUEZ. BISCAY. Tl dt '< \* The Capes are: NORTH. NORTH-EAST. COMORIN. BAB-EL-MANDKB. GIBRALTAR, DOVER. GOOD HOPE. VERDE. BON. The Rnrers are : OBE. YKNESEI. LENA. AMOOR. The Mountains are:^- URAL. ALTAI. HIMALAYA, ATLAS. ALPS. YANG-TSE-KIANG. CAMBODIA. NIGER. NILE. VOLGA. URAL. 3 NOR': AMERICA EXERCISES ON THE MAP OF NORTH AMERICA. 29 Introductory Remarks on the Map of North America. Having committed to memory the lessons prepared for you, 011 the Haps of the Hemispheres, you may now com- mence the study of the Map of North America, You will perceive by looking upon the map, that North America is divided into several countries, each having a separate name ; these constitute the chief political divis- ions of North America. When we speak of natural or physical divisions in geography, we mean only those which have beea formed by nature such as rivers, bays, islands, mountains, c is in the southern part of the Peninsula of California? What <-ajo projects from the western coast of the United States. \vhat body of water does Cape Mcndocmo pro- ject t What cape is south of Greenland? What range of mountains is in the eastern part of the United States ? What range of mountains in Mexico ? Mexican Cordilleras. This range is also called the Sierra Madre. What range in the western part of the United States and British America ? In what direction is British America from the Unit- ed States ? In what direction is Mexico from Central America? Yucatan from Central America ? Russian America from British America? Greenland from British America? Which country in North America lies farthest north- west? Which one farthest south ? Which one extends farthest east? Which is bounded on the north by the United States ? What two countries extend from the Atlantic t-> <^c Pacific Ocean ? What .irulf hounds Mexico on the east? What sea bounds Central America on the east ? EXERCISES ON THE MAP OF NORTH AMERICA. 31 The Citadel, Quebec. Lesson XXXV. Map Questions Systematically arranged. What ocean is on the north of North America ? What one on the east ? What one on the west ? What sea is east of Central America? What sea is west of Russian America ? What gulf indents the northern part of British Amer- ica, and is tributary to the Arctic Ocean ? Where is Hudson Bay ? What gulf js east of British America ? What body of crater is east of that gulf? What bay is fast of the Peninsula of Nova Scotia? What bay indents the eastern coast of the United States T What large gulf is south of the United States ? In what direction is it from Mexico ? From Yucatan ? What bay is east of Yucatan ? To what water is that bay tributary ? In what direction is the Bay of Honduras from Cen- tral America ? What gulf lies between the Peninsula of California and Mexico 1 Where is Baffin's Bay ? What strait connects Hudson Bay with the Atlantic Ocean ? What strut separates Russian America from Asia-? \Vhcrv, is Davis Strait? does Davis Strait connect? loes Behrins; Strait connect? Lesson XXXVI. Map Questions Systematically arranged. What two lakes are in the northern part of British America? Where is Lake Winnipeg? In what direction from Lake Winnipeg is Lake Supe- rior? What Lake is south of Lake Superior? In what direction from Lake Michigan is Lake Huron? What Lake is south-east from Lake Huron ? In what direction from Lake Erie is Lake Ontario ? - What river empties into the Arctic Ocean ? What course does the Mackenzie's River llo\v ? In what lake does it rise ? Great Slave Lake. What two rivers empty into Hudson Bay? In what lake does the Nelson rise ? What course does the Churchill flow ? What river empties into the Gulf of St. Lawrence ? Of what lakes is the St. Lawrence the outlet ? Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and On- tario. In what part of the United States does the Missis- sippi River rise ? Into what body of water does it empty ? What river flows a south-westerly course and unites with the Mississippi ? What is the Ohio River ? A branch of the Mississippi What three rivers empty into the Mississippi on the west side ? Which one is farthest south ? Which one is the longest ? Among what mountains do those rivers rise ? Mention the branches of the Mississippi. 0. M. A. &R. What river is between the United States and Mexico ? Tell where that river rises, what course it flows, and where it empties. What river empties into the Gulf of California ? Describe this river as you did the last. Where is the Columbia River ? Does it rise in the United States or in British Amer- ica? 32 CORNELL'S PRIMARY GEOGRAPHY. CAPITOL AT "We would llko to have you remember the appearance of the building in the above picture, as it is the finest and most important one in the United States. Hera, the officers, who are chosen by the people of the several states, assemble to make laws, etc. for the whole country. Lesson XXXVII. Map Questions Promiscuously arranged. What ocean is west of North America ? Where is the Isthmus of Darien ? Where is Russian America ? "What cape in the southern part of Florida? What is Florida? "Where is Melville Peninsula? "Where is the Sea of Kamtchatka ? Of what ocean is that sea a branch ? The Pacific Ocean. What strait connects the Arctic Ocean with the Sea of Kamchatka? What, Grand Divisions does that strait separate? What frnl f is west of Newfoundland ? In what dircrtioji is Newfoundland from Greenland? What rape south of Greenland? In what direction from Greenland is Iceland? Where- is the- peninsula of Nova Scotia? Is a strait a natural division of land, or of water? Where is Ilud-on Strait? In what part of North America is Mexico? What gulf indents the v. .re? What peninsula is we-t of that pulf? Where is the Caril>l>e:in Where is Coj>; "What island lies south-west of Baffin's Bay ? Where is Cockburn Island ? In what direction from British America is Cumberland Island ? What ocean is north of North America ? What strait is at the entrance of Baffin's Bay ? ^Between what islands is Davis Strait ? Which is farther north, Davis or Hudson Strait? What rivers empty into Hudson Bay ? Into which side of the bay do they empty ? Which of those rivers is the outlet of Lake Winni- peg? Which are the three western branches of thejMissis- sippi River ? M. A. & R. View on the M i EXERCISES ON THE MAP OF NORTH AMERICA, 33 MEXICO. Lesson XXXVIII. Map Questions Promiscuously arranged. Where are the Rocky Mountains 1 What cape projects from the northern coast of Rus- sian America ? What city is the capital of the United States ? What lakes are in British America ? Great Bear, Great Slave, and Winnipeg. What lakes are between British America and the United States ? Superior, Huron, Erie, and Ontario. Where is the Columbia River? Into what ocean does it empty ? In what direction from North America is the Atlan- tic Ocean ? In what direction is the Arctic ? In what direction is the Pacific ? AVhat is the name of the most southerly country in North America ? What country is north-west of Central America ? What city is the capital of Mexico ? In what pai-t of Mexico is the capital situated? ^ ' shes the eastern coast of Mexico ? Bay of Honduras ? What peninsula lies between the Bay of Honduras and the Gulf of Mexico ? What river forms the eastern branch of the Missis- sippi River ? AVhat large lakes in the northern part of the United States? Which one of those lakes is the largest ? Which lies farthest east ? Which one is not between British America and the United States ? Lake Michigan. Where are the AYest India Islands ? AVhich is the largest of those islands ? Cuba. Where is the Colorado River ? \Vhat course does it flow ? Into what gulf does it empty ? AVhat peninsula is west of that gulf? AVhat cape is-t the extremity of that peninsula ? AVhat range of mountains in the western part of Brit- ish America? AVhat city is the capital of British America? How is it situated ? How is Quebec situated ? On which side of the St. Lawrence ? AVhat country occupies the central portion of North America ? AVhat ocean bounds it on the west ? AY hat one on the east ? CORNELL'S PRIMARY GEOGRAPHY. EKSffiOfiY'S MB* . CONTENTS OF THE MAP OF NORTH AMERICA. THE experienced Teacher will readily perceive that the lessons, called " Memory's Aid," admit of being used in a variety of ways. I would, however, suggest that the pupils be required first of all, to repeat the names of thu several natural and political divisions, both with and without the map, until all that it contains is thoroughly memorized ; that is, as far as the names of those divisions, and the ord>r of saying them, are concerned. ' Thus much accomplished, the pupil should bound each country, state the location of each capital city, and correctly describe each natural division. One member of the class might be called upon to mention the first river in order on the map, and another. to describe it In this way, the pupils could proceed with all the other natural or physical divisions. Lesson XXXIX. The Countries of North America are : The Capital Cities of the Countries of North America are : The Islands near the Coast are : RUSSIAN AMERICA, BRITISH AMKISH-A, I'NITED STATES, MEXICO, YUCATAN, and CENTRAL AMERICA. OTTAWA, WASHINGTON, MEXICO, Mi: T ;n. -. . Lesson XL. The Oceans that wash the Coasts of North America are : ARCTIC, ATLANTIC, and PACIFIC. The Seas arc : The Gulfs and Bays are : Tli: Peninsulas are: '.ipes are: CUMBERLAND, GRKJCNLAND, ICELAND, NEWFOUNDLAND, WEST INHII:-, - VI.K'S, and < 'HAIU.OITK'S. MKI.YII.I.I:, NOVA SCOTIA, JDA, YUCATAN, I:M\, aii.l ALASKA. BARROW, BATHI ODD, J 1 vri'EKAS, ST. I.' IV), ELL. Ranges arc: AM.M.IIANV, I'.DILLEKAS, & The Straits are : The Lakes arc: The Rivers are : CARIBBEAN, and KAMTCHATKA. CORONATION, HUDSON, ST. LAWRENCE, FUNDY, CHESAPEAKE, MEXICO, HONDURAS, CALIFORNIA, and BAFFIN'S. HUDSON, BKHHING, and DAMS. OUKAT BEAR, (!;:KAT SLAVE, WINNIPEG, SUPERIOR, MICHIGAN, 1 IIT.ON, lj:ii:, and ONTARIO. MACKENZIE'S, .Ni;i.soN, ST. LAWRENCE, \IUCA COL", NORTH AMERICA. 35 DESCRIPTIVE GEOGRAPHY. Lesson XII. NORTH AMERICA. Area in square miles 8,000,000. Population 40,000,000. Boundary. North America is bounded on the north by the Arctic Ocean, on the east by the At- lantic, and on the south and west by the Pacific. Divisions. North America is divided into Rus- sian America, British America, the United States, Mexico, Yucatan, and Central America. Russian America. Tips division is situated in the north-west part of North America. It is a very cold coun- try, inhabited by Indians and Esquimaux, who sub- sist chiefly by hunting and fishing. British America. This is a very large coun- try, situated in the north- ern part of North America. An American Indian. The climate is Very Cold, 6S- pecially in the northern part. The inhabitants are principally Indians and Esquimaux. The whites live in the south- eastern portion of the territory, along the banks of the river St. Lawrence. This part of British America is called Canada, and the inhabitants are called Canadians. Ottawa, on the Ottawa River, is the capital city of British America. The United States. These States oc- cupy the middle portion of North America, extending from British "America on the north, to the Gulf of Mexico and Mexico on the Atlantic to the. Pacific. WASHINGTON, the capital city, is pleasant- ly situated on the Potomac River, in the Dis- trict of Columbia. Mexico. This is a large country situat- ed south of the United States, from which it is partly separated by the Rio Grande. The climate of Mexico is very warm, and the soil produces a great variety of fruits, such as oranges, figs, lemons, &c. It also has many rich mines of gold and silver. MEXICO, the capital city, is situated in a delightful valley about half-way between the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific Ocean. Yucatan. This country occupies a pen- insula, situated south-east of Mexico. The climate, like that of Mexico, is very warm. MERIDA is the capital city. Questions on the Map of Central America. How is Guatemala bounded 1 Name the capital. How is Honduras bounded 1 What city is the capital 1 How is Nicaragua bounded 1 What city is the capital 1 How is Costa Rica bound- ed 1 What city is the capital of Costa Rica 1 How is San Salvador bounded 1 What city is the capital 1 What ocean is west of Central America 1 What sea east 1 Where is Honduras Bay 1 Where is Lake Nicaragua 1 What river is its out- let 1 Into what sea does it empty ? Central America. This country lies between Mexico and the Isthmus of Darien. It is divided into several States, and is 0ted for its warm climate, its numerous vol- Jinoes, and its rich silver mines. SOUTH AM] RXOA Introductory Remarks on the Map of South America. "We take great pleasure in offering you another map for study, and hope that you will find it as interesting as the one you have just learned. South America, you will remember, is a very large pen- insula, joined to North America by the Isthmus of Darien, or Panama. These two countries, or Grand Divisions, form the West- ern, or as it is often called, the American Continent. Lesson XLII. QUESTIONS ON THE MAP OF SOUTH AMERICA, Systematically arranged. yfh&t countries are in the northern part of South America? What country is in the eastern part ? What countries are in the south-eastern part 1 What country forms the southern part of South America 1 What countries are in the western part ? What country is north of Ecuador ? What city is -the capital of New Granada ? In what part of New Granada is Bogota ? What country lies east of New Granada 1 What city is the capital of that country ? Is Caraccas in the northern, or, southern part? Is it in the interior of Venezuela, or, very near the coast? What country bounds Venezuela on the east ? Which is the largest country in South America ? What city is the capital ? In what part of Brazil is it situated ? Is Rio Janeiro an inland city, or is it situated on the coast 1 In what direction from Brazil is Uruguay ? What city is the capital of Uruguay ? How is Montevideo situated ? What country bounds Uruguay on the west ? What other names are sometimes given to La Plata ? Buenos Ayres, or the Argentine Republic. What ocean bounds La Plata on the south-east ? hat city is the capital of La Plata ? k of what river is Buenos Ayres sit- country bounds La Plata on the south ? Has Patagonia any capital city ? What country bounds La Plata on the west ? What city is the capital of that country ? Is Santiago on the coast ? No ; it is about sixty miles from the coast. Near what range of mountains is it situated ? What ocean bounds Chili on the west ? Lesson XLIII. Map Questions Systematically arranged. What country lies north of Chili and La Plata? What city is the capital of Bolivia ? In what part of Bolivia is Chuquisaca ? What ocean and country bound Bolivia on the west? What city is the capital of Peru ? How is Lima situated ? What country lies north of Peru ? What city is the capital ? What ocean bounds Ecuador on the west ? How is Ecuador bounded on the east ? What country is on the north of Ecuador ? In what part of South America is Paraguay ? What countries lie west of Paraguay ? In what direction from Paraguay is Brazil ? What city is the capital of Paraguay ? On what river is the capital city situated ? On which side of that river ? Does Paraguay border on the coast? Do all the other countries of South America have a sea-coast ? In what direction is Peru from Brazil ? What countries are north of Brazil ? Which city is farther north, Bogota or Caraccas ? What two countries are south of Bolivia ? Is La Plata, or Chili farther west? Which country in South America is situated farthest south ? What one lies farthest north-west ? What one lies farthest east? Which are the capital cities of South America? B.. C., Rio J., M., B., S., C., L., Q. and A. How is each situated ? Bogota, is situated in the central part of New Granada. Caraccas, near the Caribbean Sea. Eio Janeiro, on Eio Janeiro Bay. 38 CORNELL'S PRIMARY GEOGRAPHY. Rio JANEIRO, This city, tlie Capital of Brazil, is finely situated on the west side of Eio Janeiro Bay. It is the most important seaport in South America. Montevideo, on the north bank of the Eio de la Plata. Buenos Ayres, on the Eio de la Plata. Santiago, in the eastern part of Chili. Chuquisaca, in the southern part of Bolivia. Lima, near the Pacific coast. Quito, inland. Assumption, on the Paraguay Kiver. Lesson XLIV. Map Questions Systematically arranged. What island is north of Venezuela? What islan 1 is near the mouth of the Amazon? AVhat frr<>u;> of islands is cast of Patagonia? In what ocean are those islan What island lies south of Patagonia? Wl at islands lie we.-t. <.f Chili ! \vliat two oceans docs the Island of Terra del Fuego lie? What strait separates this island from Patagonia ? The Strait of Magellan. In what ocean are the Islands of Juan Fernandez ? What natural division of land is South America 1 What is a Peninsula ? What waters nearly surround South America ? Wliat natural division of land is Patagonia ? What waters nearly surround it ? What isthmus is in the northern part of New Gra nada? What cape projects from the northern coast of South. America ? Which is the most easterly cape in South America 7 ? Which is the most southerly ? If you will look upon the map you will observe a very small island south of Terra , N r_-j 1^ ! i i* 1 S^S fe situated? S s g 5 ^3 S ' ^ c " fe ^ c-. 'S ^ "? "s g 5 .a * I s~^ sj IJf<8.|| .^ ^ % "5 "g, T;, .2 B " ^ | pq S O CM rT ^. c- PH v- ^0 g II jl P^^IJ ' 3 "s CK a ^s ~ c _, g g < 5 s a 3 ^ ^ H r- ^ ^, Q -+-* ^ ol^i ^ ^ ^ o ^ -^ "" S '^ c? -* j( " > .tia^'^ ,.-, So rr -^ s '~ /. ~: -M 1 1 's -1 1 If 'S- i . TC 'Hn | ^ 1 'f ^i^f-r 1 's' ^ 3 S dl o c C! H C3S-"~S/ ^&jO2 '"o 1C O -)J '^ -y j 7 3 E> 8 BO 3 ' "S G 5 C-. S3 o i I - 1 1 j sis >* c - - M -S .2 .S 7 ~ i&lf J w .2 "^ " '" 5 ^ 1co5So^"o'0 ? -^ -^3 oa ja ;, *> fe ? .a ' *" c J8 * ; S a 8 .9 o ' ^ " 02 PH 'o -r' 5 ~ ^ :: ? r^ C -^ 3 .2 8 'o -S ^ Jill's i a 5-j 63 .a |Fu || II L^&os** 3 ^ o- 2 "S v "S 8 "S .25- o M 5 *S "rt "rt > rt C_ "ti > "Jl ~c3 ' " ~c3 ~rt"rt If *> 5 ~ "si iv5 'rt 'rt ^ ~S' S ~ 1 ' F >^S F >"S ^ ^ ^ ^ .^! f ! 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Q Ct Q oa W^^c^'S /2 o? *tl "oa 2 5 'E o o r^ r-H r .j grj O ^ ^ C S O *cc ' ^ o O r S 13 rt ^^ ^^ 1 -5 ^ ^ o 1 s 3 o -5 i o* S K * -9 ^ * ^ '"6 ^ c ^"^ 1 -= _>. J | ^ 1 * S -j ^ C J3 2 e3 S-t ^j ^> SC ^ o M j^ ^j ^^ v; ^Zj "* *~~* *p iJ ^ * ^2 O *|3 r* "^ ^D O """ """ o ^ "" o G "^ O zr: c. - S-^ 1 "" 1 * ? ? Si o - ^ F 1 fn ^ H 3 ^ ^ a 1 I S s 3 U 1> r C ~"^i *- *- O ^~i K^, Cj *-* **"^ O "^ -*-* ^, Jz t? 'S _M '* '" 5 1 * s *B ^2 ^ i .*5 fe aa crf3 C^^-^r--^: ^^>? Pi * ^ J3 ^ "cS -H 1 3 ^ o J ^ - J . ,1 -^ 'o ^ J | J -f .1 ^ k S J '"i |, "^J 3 b j3 1 | 1 ?= ?= ^ O .2 C^ f^ ^ Ji p^ ^L "S 5 ?^ S 1^ c. ? " i K^ ^ __, X* -*j ^ p* j^ ^ ^ rt O S-i O 3 - ^ _^3 H-( O ^3 5 | t 5 | 'J 'o ^^ " - e k j^ 0" "if s* -^ . s - 1|^ f - ^ 'a -j r ~. o H W 9 * * w cu * S r * n iJ EH 1 h O o 4J -!-> OQ IB ^ ti _ 5 J J a if =s | o ft ,2 <^. d *3 a a ^ ss a S ff g. S ^ S 03 e* S -2fi ^-f5 ^ ^ ? W ^ S 2 -S 5 g d s ' II 1 - s 1 I ^ I | ^ S^l S^J'j 9 g c "" ^ *^*1 38*12 ^ H r^> ^ S3 O ^ C- O^- I5/"cy2 C- " ** S oO^-^-S.S^aj i > l = 1 S PH 1 'o P? "S = ^'2 5? = r ^'woi"l^'2 w x * "~ V. ~ ~~ V^ '^ 5^ r ~ - S o ^j _j V2 i ** ^r ' w QQ CJ j^* ""* 3 - r. - 3 - s / R, .J ^* 1^ ri " ^ ,. ^ 3^2 ?. 5 - ~ 1 E s a a fl -a a ^ "3 "T* 3 ^OrtS'5~OV3 t ^ '? -w O _i "" i t s S .i . "c ^'^ 1 i ^ H 1 ^ V-i CM S- l-t^^^ll-^^^l ^ *: ti J Tj X 5 5 " H s ^ !i ^ "32 ^'5S ^'I'llls'^'fj 1 IIFil . ^1 ? ? ^ ^ j| ^ ^ | ^ ^ ' ^. ^ v- 46 CORNELL'S PRIMARY GEOGRAPHY. ST. PETEESBUBO. But a small portion of the city is shown in the picture. The bridge which you see, crosses the river Neva. ' Jf Lesson LIV. **r Map Questions Systematically arranged. In what direction is Prussia from Denmark ? Prussia from Russia? Prussia from Austria ? What city is the capital of Prussia? "What country divides Prussia ? Germany. What country is east of Eastern Prussia? "What t\vo countries are west of Western Prussia? Belgium and Holland. "What country lies hot ween France and Austria, di- rectly north of Italy ? S. "What city is the capital ? In what direction is Switzerland from Germany? : many from Denmark ? "What si'.-i lies west <>f I'eninark? W^iat country 1 i :' E. "What city is the capital of England? In what part of England i* London? "What country bounds England on the north ? "What ocean is west of Scotland? Vv'hat sea What city is the capital of Scotland ? On what natural division of land are Scotland. Eng- land, and Wales situated ? An Island. These three countries are situated upon an island. It is called the Island of Great Britain. In what direction from England is Ireland ? What city is the capital of Ireland ? What are Great Britain, Ireland, and other islands in the vicinity called ? The British Isles. Which are the capital cities of Europe ? S., P., C., A., V., R, P., M., L., B., II., P., C., B., Be., E., L. & D. How is each situated ? Stockholm is situated on Lake Malar. St. Petersburg on the Neva River. Constantinople on Bosphorus Strait. Athens near the gulf of ./Egina. Vienna on the Danube River. Rome on the Tiber River. Paris on the Seine River. Madrid on the Manzanarcs River. Lisbon on the Tagus River. Brussels on the Senne River. Hague near the North Sea. EXERCISES ON TIIE MAP OF EUROPE. THE EMPEKOE'S PALACE, ST. PETERSBURG. Frankfort on the Main Kivcr. Copenhagen on the Island of Zealand. Berlin on the Spree River. Berne on the Aar Eiver. Edinburgh near the Frith of Forth. London on the Thames Eiver. Dublin on the Liffey Kiver. Lesson LV. Map Questions Systematically arranged. What island is south-east of Greece ? What group of islands lies west of Greece and Tur- key? In what sea are these islands situated ? Are the Ionian Isles situated farther east than the Island of Candia ? By what water is the Island of Candia surrounded ? What island do you find, sailing westerly from the Ioni..n Isles ? li what oes it iiow au easterly, or a westerly course ? What river in Southern Brace ? Among what mountains does the Rhone rise ? Into what gulf does it empty ? On what river is Lisbon .situated ? Describe that river. What river in France flows a northerly and westerly course, and empties into the Bay of Biscay ? On what river is Paris situated ? Describe that river. Describe the Rhine River. It rises in the Alps of Switzerland, flows a northerly and north-westerly course, and emp- ties into the North Sea. In what country of Europe does the Vistula rise ? Among what mountain? ? What course dues it flow? Into what sea does it empty ? Is the mouth of the Vistula in Russia ? Lesson LVIII. Map Questions Promiscuously arranged. Which i.*the largest country in Europe? What rivers in Russia flow toward the Arctic Ocean ? 50 CORIfELL'S PRIMARY GEOGRAPHY. Pont NeuC This is a celebrated bridge which connects an island in the river Seine with both banks of the river. This island was the original site of the City of Paris. What rivers flow into the Caspian Sea ? Which is the longest river of Eussia ? V. Where is Sweden? What city is the capital ? In what direction is Norway from Sweden ? North Sea from Norway ? What countries are west of that sea? S. & E. Which one is farther south ? What country south of England? What gulf indents the southern shore of France? What river flows into that gulf? Where does it rise ? In the Alps of Switzerland. Does not the Rhine also rise in Switzerland? Does the Rhine empty into the Gulf of Lyons ? Into what does it empty ? Where is the Island of Sicily ? By what strait is it separated from Italy ? What sea is north of Russia? Where is Cape Matapan ? Into what sea does that cape project ? What range of mountains in Austria? Where are the Balearic Isles? What city is the capital of Scotland ? What country bounds Scotland on the south? Where is the North Sea? What bay is west of France ? In what direction is it from Spain ? AVhat city is the capital of Denmark? How is that city situated? What natural division of land is Denmark? What peninsula lies north of Denmark? What strait lies between these tuo peninsulas? What gulf is east of Swed.-n ? What gulfs empty into the Baltic, south of the Gulf of Bothnia ? What city is the capital of Russia ? Where are the Ural Mountains ? What natural division of land is Greece ? In what direction does it lie from Turkey ? From Italy ? What city is the capital of Turkey ? What river flows through Turkey ? Describe that river. What countries are in the northern part of Europe ? Lesson LIX. * Map Questions Promiscuously arranged. What countries bound Turkey on the north ? What countries bound Austria on the east ? What two countries are west of Austria ? S. & G. What country west of Switzerland ? What city is the capital of France ? Into what sea does the River Don empty ? What two rivers empty into the Caspian Sea ? What two into the Black Sea ? Of what country, in Europe, is Athens the capital ? By what water and country is Italy bounded on the west? What river empties into the Bay of Biscay ? Through what country does that river flow ? Where is the Adriatic Sea ? Is the Tagus River in France, or in Spain ? Through what country does it flow, after leaving Spain? Into what ocean does it empty ? What sea is north of the Black Sea ? What city is the capital of England ? In what direction is Denmark from England ? What sea lies between ? W T hat country is south-east of Denmark ? How is Prussia bounded on the east ? AVhat city is the capital of Prussia ? Which is farther north, Berlin or Frankfort ? In what direction is Germany from Switzerland? In what country is the Rhone River ? Docs it flow a southerly, or northerly course ? Among what mountains does it rise ? In what country ? S. Of what country is Vienna the capital ? In what direction is Spain from France ? In what part of Spain is Madrid ? What is Madrid ? Where is Belgium ? What city is the capital of Belgium ? 51 LONDON. Only a very small part of the city is shown in the above cut The water in the foreground of the picture is the river Thames, on both sides of which, the city is situated. The large building is St. Paul's Church, and the bridge is called Blackfriar's Bridge. I would like to have you remember that London is the largest city in Europe, and that it is situated on an island off the coast of Continental Europe. Lesson LX. Hap Questions Promiscuously arranged. In what direction is Holland from Belgium ? What country is east of Holland ? What sea is north 1 What city is the capital ? How is Italy bounded on the north ? What gulf is south of Italy ? Where is the Seine River ? Into what body of water does it empty ? Where is the Black Sea 1 What river runs into the northern part of the Black Sea? Where is the Strait of Dover? What city is the capital of Switzerland ? How is Switzerland bounded on the north ? Where are the British Isles ? What islands compose the British Isles ? What three countries are on the Island of Great Bri- tain? What channel is south of England ? Where is the Mediterranean Sea ? What country lies west of England ? What sea is between Ireland and England ? What city is the capital of Ireland ? Into what sea does the Volga River empty ? What group of islands south-east of Italy? In what direction are they from Greece ? What islands are west of Italy ? Which is farther south, Corsica or Sardinia ? What cape is north of Norway ? What range of mountains in Norway ? Through what countries does the Rhine flow ? Intb what sea does it empty ? What strait separates Europe from Africa? What two bodies of water does it connect ? Where is the Vistula River? Into what sea does it empty ? What country is south of the English Channel ? What strait connects the Adriatic Sea with the Med- iterranean? Where are lakes Ladoga and Onega ? What is a lake? 52 CORNELL'S PRIMARY GEOGRAPHY. CONTENTS OF THE MAP OF EUROPE. * Lesson LXI. The Countries of Europe fire : NORWAT SWEDEN RUSSIA, TURKEY, GREECE, AUSTRIA, ITALY, FRANCE SPAIN, PORTUGAJU, BELGIUM, HOLLAND, GERMANY, DENMARK, PRUSSIA, SWITZERLAND, SCOTLAND, ENGLAND, WALES, and IRELAND. The Capes are : The Mountain Ranges are: NORTH, MATAPAN, and FINISTERRE. DOVREFLKLD, URAL, CAUCASUS, ALPS, PYRENEES and CARPATHIAN. Lesson LXIL The Oceans that wash the coasts ARCTIC, and of Europe, are : ATLANTIC. The Seas are: The Gulfs and Bays of Europe are: The Straits arc: The Channel is: The Lakes are : The Rivers are: WHITE, CASPIAN, Azov, BLACK, MEDITERRANEAN, ADRIATIC, NORTH, BALTIC, and IRISH. The Capital Cities of the Countries of Europe are : STOCKHOLM, ST. PETERSBURG, CONSTANTINOPLE, ATHENS, VIENNA, ROME, PARIS, MADRID, LISBON, BRUSSELS, HAGUE, FRANKFORT, COPENHAGEN, BERLIN, BXBNZ, EDINBURGH, LONDON, and DUBLIN. TARANTO, LYONS, BISCAY, RIGA, FINLAND, and BOTHNIA. OTRANTO, MESSINA, GIBRALTAR, DOVER, and SKAGER RACK. ENGLISR LADOGA, and ONEGA. mi. T i j i-u n I '.MAN ISLES, II.Y, Su'.niNiA, CORSICA, BALEARIC ISLES, BRITISH ISLKS, LAND, and ICELAND. DWINA, PETOHORA, URAL, VOLGA, DON, DNIEPER, DANUBE, Po, RHONE, TAGUS, LOIRE, SF.INE, Km \ro, and VISTULA. The Peninsulas of Europe are : NORWAY and SWEDEN, . ITALY, SPAIN and PORTUGAL, I ARK. EUROPE. 53 DESCRIPTIVE GEOGRAPHY. Lesson LXIII. EUROPE. Area in square miles, 3,700,000. Population. 260,000.000. Animals of Europe. Boundary. Europe is bounded on the north by the Arctic Ocean, on the east by Asia a^nd the Cas- pian Sea, on the south by the Black and Mediterra- nean Seas, and on the west by the Atlantic Ocean. Political Divisions. The chief political divi- sions of Europe are Norway, Sweden, Russia, Tur- key, Greece, Austria, Italy, France, Spain, Portu- gal, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Denmark, Prussia, Switzerland, Scotland, England, and Ireland. Norway occupies the western portion of a large peninsula in the northern part of Europe. The climate is very cold during the great- er part of the year. Norway is a rugged and mountainous country, and a large portion of its surface is covered with forests. Sweden occupies the eastern portion of a large peninsula of northern Europe. The climate resembles that of Norway. The surface of the country is generally flat, id abounds in lakes and rivers. STOCKHOLM, the capital city of both Swe- den and Norway, is pleasantly situated on Lake Malar. Russia, the largest division of Europe, is situated in the north-eastern part. The climate in the northern part of Kus- sia is very cold, but in the southern part it is* more mild. The surface of the country is generally level, and it contains many sandy deserts call- ed steppes. ST. PETERSBURG is the capital city. Turkey is situated in the southern part of Europe. The climate is temperate and healthy, and the soil produces a great variety of delicious fruits. The capital city is CONSTANTINOPLE. Greece is a small peninsula of southern Europe, situated south of Turkey. The climate and productions are similar to those of Turkey. ATHENS is the capital city. Austria is a large division of Central Eu- rope. The climate is pleasant, and the mineral productions of the country are numerous ; such as salt, coal, copper, quicksilver, and iron. VIENNA, the capital of Austria, is a large and beautiful city. Lesson LXIV. Europe continued. Italy occupies an important peninsula in the southern part of Europe. This country is noted for its delightful mate, its beautiful scenery, and its fertil* which yields a great variety of delicious fri : - ; such as oranges, figs, dates, etc. HOME is the capital city of a part of I ^ *. CORNELL'S PRIMARY GEOGRAPHY. DUBLIN. Here we have a very fine view of the capital city of Ireland. This city is situated on both sides of the river Liffoy. The large building fronting the water is the Custoin-House, and the bridge on the right of the picture, crosses the river Liffey. France is a very large and important country of Western Europe. The climate is temperate and delightful. France is much celebrated for the manu- facture of silks, woollens, brandy and wines. PARIS, the capital, is a very large and ele- gant city. It is the largest city in Europe next to London. Spain lies south of France, from- which it is separated' by the Pyrenees Mountains. It is the most mountainous country in Eu- rope except Switzerland and Norway. The climate is exceedingly rnild. The capital city is MADRID. The palaces and other public buildings of this city arc Bjplendid. Portugal is a small division of Europe, situated west of Spain. The climate is like that of Spain. The country is noted for the manufacture of wines. LISBON is the capital city. Belgium is a very small division of Eu- rope, north-east of France and west of Prussia. It is said to be- a beautiful country, possess- ing a fertile soil, which is highly cultivated. The capital city of Belgium is BRUSSELS. Holland is a small country of Europe, situated north of Belgium. It is noted for its numerous canals. The capital city is HAGUE, situated four miles from the North Sea. Germany is an extensive country, situat- ed in the central part of Europe. It comprises many different States, each of which has a capital city. The capital of Germany is FRANKFORT. Lesson LXV. EUROPE continued. Denmark occupies a small peninsula north of Germany. It is quite a level coun- try, and the climate is moist but healthy. EUROPE. COPENHAGEN, the capital city, is situated on the Island of Zealand. Prussia, an important division of Central Europe, is divided into two parts. West Prussia borders on the Rhine, and East Prus- sia extends from Germany on the west, to Russia on the east. BERLIN, situated in East Prussia, is the capital city. A Scene in Switzerland. \ Switzerland is a small coun- try, situated in Central Europe. It is noted as being the most mountainous division of Europe, and abounds in wild and romantic scenery. I ts lakes though small are very beautiful. ;:NE, one of the capital cities of Switzer- un>l. is pleasantly situated on the river Aar. Questions on the Map of the British Isles. Mention the countries of the British Isles. Mention the capital cities. I n what part of Scotland is Dundee ? Glasgow ? Where is Portsmouth? Liverpool? Manchester? Birmingham? In what part of Ireland is Belfast ? In what part is Cork ? Where are the Orkney Isles ? The Hebrides ? What ocean is west of Ireland ? What gea east of England ? Where is the Irish Sea ? The English Channel ? The North Channel ? St. George's Channel ? Where is the Strait of Dover? Describe the Tharues River. Describe the Shannon. Scotland occupies the northern part of the Isle of Great Britain. EDINBURGH is noted foj its elegant streets, and its many fine public buildings. England, a very important country of Europe, is situated on the Isfand of Great Britain, south of Scotland. LONDON, the capital city, is the largest and richest city in the world. Wales is a small country lying west of England. It is very mountainous and abounds in picturesque scenery. Ireland occupies one entire island, situat- ed west of Great Britain. DUBLIN, the capital city, is finely situated on both sides of the river Liifey. It is noted for the beauty and magnificence of some of its streets and public edifices. -*-5 CM* t | i * ** S -t-j e^- 1 .si 1 c rt H ^ ^ ^a C^ 1 ' 5 +5 g S O -^ *H 1 jj ^ | 43 B (U bD fC VH ^ S 02 i rt ^ rti 'SJ s ^ -2 J 11 12 .- o ^ & H t T: c" rt >> ' o rf *3 *o "a T3 3 1 3 "a ^ * g o S * o "S **"* 1 .2 1 *s Q" Near what sea is Mec What country lies m What sea bounds Tu; What city is the capi Constantinople. Is Constantinople in No. Constantin o S PH ^ g r fH .rt ^ C fi 1 J?| rt g^ '" " 8 g, ^4' ' a; -e H Is M O .a .a T: ,0 s K. ^ H a*>> a -"rt -u O c, rt O M C- cS w eg rj O T3 | | ^ - 5 Jc b {f _2 "g f 3 By what other name lown ? Independent Tur] What country lies be rv and Beloochistan ? What two cities are t n ? Which is farther KKMARK. Cabul is the ca] il Herat is the capital of i,'h;ini^taii. How is Afghanistan I On the west 1 On tl] p - Is o C -S 2 2 ^ ^| H "S S 3 'U O o ^ 43 _^ 2 d ^ ^ '-5 ^ c> '&, rt S .S O ^ S S g ?| J3 C H <1 EH o H P- o <* $ *M 3 ^ ^ A at fl O C* 1 * e* e* Si o . i-l ^5 tr ,^~! rt p 4 23 l ^J *> O r ' "S 13 LI Pi b PH *-3 O 5 ,,,. ^ S o | 'J g rt IL ri c ^ ^ (>;. r^ -^. i if 4 ^ - rS to is IT? ^ J T * S3 S * - 08 o o - O pQ t/2 1 ill 1 j2 g .S li 1 I 1 1 1 1 HI 1| -| ^ >> ^ o bl 50 rt 2 H *?! '1 - 2 -a ~ -"^ Ef H 13 O!EH o 7i ^T3 P-< 5^ "sib 5 s ^ 8 3 5 j . 2 ""^ rt *T3 3 C5 w C rt M -jj * - a 02 -4-> "73 li -W .9 to J5 O CO HH SO .ti fl O H- 1 ^ 0< ^ ^ bounded c :apital of 11 andostan is es bound I 3 Beloochis O 3 +J ^J g,l O Systematical] sia is Arab: ^ e O Cw ^: o s ! ^ ^ -+j PS w .2 P* 8 S t> o 1^? CQ O ^i CQ W t j "IT* r-^ <- r o o "tj o 3 PH c^ to o rf Q Sn fli U3 .2^ "*^ rt c. -+^ Cw O rr4 CO 2 o o |l *^ 02 "^ C3 C*** S< c3 ~ *> .S =3 "*"* O -'OQ o E ^ 17;} r3 O S c ^ -^ M ^ r H-> rt * .S ^ c *-< ^^ C3 ^ 3 & "" cc tc '3 o "^ J? 1 * 2 J? ^ 1 a t! 8 ! L.'*E g t! ^ | If JT |.f| J f ill two coun What bou: to o 11 . S !-c S <5 -Z3 *> S II 5 ft rt ^a ~ .? |-s -a "S ^ .S " "te "rt "rt ffi "rt "rt 'S "rt "rt ^ "rt "rt "rt 'fe "^ 'fe H "rt "rt 1 ^ ~ -tj ; ' *-^ r^ (_, i i g 5 ^4 *""" i-^ t-^1 ^~3 ^ ^ o **^ ^ C J * F^ -^ _r _^ q rt ^ o M 5 H ^ ^ ^ " ^ F hS ^ r* O ^ P ^ H ^ M ^ "S ^ ^ I i pr ^ 'to to 3 a I f r tf o: 3 -*^ O 3 ^ *tC P-i 1 to S ^ - p^. rH P<< *"3 *S O i 9 ^ w -1 S~*^ 'S b '^ : cl ^ ^j r-l o r/5 o .2 ,*"i s -*^ O ** O V C- ZZ Z? < ' u "S o c3 tT rt ^Q I ! "* ^ ^4-4 >-, O o JS "" "S * iJ) t- "" c O O) 02 _Q X D JB E x 8 -a 2 " rf m S o cs 53 | g .2 .2 2 1 a B 1 8 1 H g PH O J~. g ^ *J p en -M i ^ l| *1 4 " t- 1 g H 00 fill S 8 I* *V "-a 8 ^*e j 5 '5, 5 J s o i a S ^ d Q.g C3 n = 5 c y .2 'S 4^ c .2 . '^ K -3 <" O t"l H- 3 rt" 8 l II 3q ^ ^ w K |||^ j -fj -*j ^ 3 2 3 & H r? rr o t^- fc h-H - F F H 3 o ^ o || "^ X *& to 3 ^ *0 *o 13 '&, CORNELL'S PRIMARY GEOGRAPHY. PEKDT. By the draTring hare given, you loam that the city Is Inclosed by a wall This wall is much higher than it appears in the picture, and is entered by sixteen gates. In what direction is Siam from Birmah ? Hindostan from Thibet ? What country is bounded on the north by the Arc- tic Ocean ? "What one is bounded south by the Sea of Arabia ? What one is bounded west by the Caspian Sea ? What one is bounded north by the Black Sea ? What one is bounded west by the Red Sea ? Lesson LXVIII. Map Questions Systematically arranged- What island is north-east of Chinese Tartary ? What group of islands lies east of the Chinese Em- pire? What water is west of Saghalien Island ? What waters surround the Japan Islands ? What group of islands south of the Japan Isles ? What waters surround those islands 1 Is the Chinese Sea east, or west of those islands ? What island is south of the Philippine Isles ? What island is west of Celebes? What island south of the Malay Peninsula ? What island south of Ilindostan? What peninsula is in the eastern part of Siberia ? What one in the eastern part of the Chinese Empire ? What one in the southern part of Siam ? What large peninsula south of Thibet ? What peninsula south of Turkey ? What two peninsulas are in the eastern part of Asia ? What three in the southern part ? Which of them extends farthest south ? Which one is farthest west ? Which one is west of the Bay of Bengal 1 What isthmus connects Asia with Africa ? What cape projects from the northern coast of Asia ? What cape at the southern extremity of the penin- sula of Kamtchatka ? What cape in the southern part of Hindostan ? What range of mountains in the northern part of Asia ? Between what two countries docs that range extend ? What range in the southern part of Asia V Lesson LXIX. Map Questions Systematically arranged. What ocean is north of Asia ? What ocean washes the eastern coast ? What one is south of Asia ? What sea is east of the Peninsula of Kamtclmtka ? EXERCISES ON THE MAP OF ASIA. 69 The Government House, Calcutta. What sea west ? In what direction are these two seas from Siberia ? What sea lies between the Japan Isles and Chinese Tartary? What sea is west of Corea ? What sea is east of Anam ? What sea is south of Beloochistan ? What country is east of that sea? What country is west ? What sea is west of Arabia ? What sea is west of Turkey ? In what direction frcm Turkey is the Black Sea ? In what direction from Persia is the Caspian Sea ? What sea is hi the central part of Independent Tar- tary? In what direction is the Caspian Sea from Indepen- dent Tartary ? What gulf indents the northern shore of Siberia ? What gulf is east of Anam ? In what direction from Siam is the Gulf of Siam ? What bay is east of Hindostan ? In what direction is it from Birmah ? What gulf is between Arabia and Persia ? What strait separates the Japan Isles from Corea ? What strait separates the Malay Peninsula from Su- matra ? What is Sumatra ? What is an island ? What strait is at the entrance of the Red Sea? What two bodies of water does that strait connect ? What countries does it separate ? Arabia and Africa. What channel is between the Island of Saghalien and the Chi'iese Empire ? What two seas does that channel connect ? Lesson LXX. Map Questions Systematically arranged. What lake is in the southern part of Siberia ? What river empties into the Gulf of Obe ? In what range of mountains does that river rise ? What course doef: it flow ? What river is east of the Obe ? Into what body of water does it empty ? What river runs from Lake Baikal to the Yenesei ? What river rises near Lake Baikal ? What is the general course of the River Lena? Into what ocean does it empty ? What river empties into the Channel of Tartary ? Describe that river. Into what sea does the Hoang Ho empty ? What river is sojuth of the Hoang Ho ? Describe that river. Through what countries does the Cambodia River flow ? T. C. and A. Into what sea does it empty ? What river is west of the Cambodia ? What is the general course of the Irrawaddy ? Into what bay does it empty ? What river is west of the Irrawaddy ? What river is in the northern part of Hindostan ? Describe that river. What river runs between Ilin- dcstan and Beloochistan ? What river empties into the Persian Gulf? In what part of Turkey docs that river rise ? Mention the rivers of Asia in the proper order. Which three empty into the Arctic Ocean? Which one empties into the Yenesei ? Which three empty into the Bay of Bengal ? What course does the Indus flow? What river empties into the Channel of Tartary? What river empties into the China Sea ? A" hat river is in Turkey'? Tli rough what countries does the Yang-tse-kiang flow ? Through what countries docs the Irrawaddy llo\v ? Which rivers empty into bodies of water on the north of Asia? Which into bodies of water east of Asia ? Which into bodies of water south of Asia ? A Chinese. 60 CORNELL'S PRIMARY GEOGRAPHY. CONSTANTINOPLE. Tliis city Is situated on the Sea of Marmora and tho Strait of Bosphorus, and presents an imposing appearance, with its numerous mosques, cu polas, and minarets, and its port crowded with shipping. Is this city in Europe, or In Asia? Lesson LXX1. Map Questions Promiscuously arranged. What country is in the northern part of Asia 1 "What three peninsulas are in the southern part ? is (lie Chinese Empire divided? four rivers are in Siberia? In what mountain chain do they rise ? Does the Angara rise in that range ? Between \\-liat countries is the Altay range? What is a mountain ? What fity is the capital of Western Siberia? What city is the capital of Eastern Siberia? On what river is Irkoutsk situated? Near what lake ? "What island is south of Ilindostan? What country is oast of Ilindostan? What bay lies between Ilindostan and Birmah? AVhere is the Arabian Sea? Of what ocean is it a branch or part ? Whore is the Arctic Ocean? AVhere arc the Himalaya Mountains? What city is the f-apital of the Chinese Empire? What is tin- iioriheni p;,rt of that empire called? What is the south-eastern part called? What division of the empire is west of China Proper ? What peninsula is in the eastern part of Siberia ? What cape at the southern extremity of that penin- sula? Where is the Ganges River ? Does that river empty into the Sea of Arabia, or into the Bay of Bengal ? In what direction is that bay from Birmah ? Where is the -Sea of Aral ? What city is the capital of Independent Tartary ? In what direction is that country from Persia ? AVhat natural division of land is Arabia? What is a peninsula? What waters nearly surround Arabia ? Of what country is Teheran the capital ? Is Teheran in the northern, or southern part of Pcr- iia? Lesson LXXII. Map Questions Promiscuously arr Where is the River Indus ? Among what mountains does it have its soun Of what two countries is Constantinople the EXERCISES OX THE MAP OF ASIA. In which Turkey is it situated ? What is a river ? Where is the Amoor Kiver ? Into what body of water does it empty ? What island lies east of that channel ? What seas are connected by that channel? AVhat is a channel ? Where are the Japan Islands ? What sea is west of those islands? Where is the Caspian Sea ? What country is south of Turkey ? What city is the capital ? Where is the Strait of Malacca? Into what body of water does the River Eu- phrates empty ? Where is the Black Sea? Which is farther west, the Black or Caspian Sea? Where is the Gulf of Obe ? What two seas are east of Siberia ? What country bounds Siberia on the south ? What bounds Chinese Tartary on the west? What bounds Independent Tartary on the south ? What country is east of Afghanistan ? What river is between the two countries ? What country bounds Thibet on the south ? What range of mountains lies between ? What country is east of Birmah ? What east of Siam ? W'hat bounds Anam on the east ? What city is the capital of Anam ? "Where is the Island of Borneo ? What group of islands north-east of Borneo ? In what ocean do the Philippine Isles lie ? What sea is west of those islands ? Lesson LXXIII. Map Questions Promiscuously arranged. "What cape is hi the southern part of Hindostan ? Where is the Isthmus of Suez ? What is an isthmus ? What two countries does the Isthmus of Suez connect ? Where is Cape North-East ? Into what ocean does that cape project ? Where is the China Sea ? "Where is Lake Baikal ? Where is the Channel of Tartary ? What sea is south of that channel ? What country lies between Anam and Birmah ? What city is the capital of Siam ? What country bounds Turkey on the east? A Scene in China. Persia on the north ? Independent Tartary on the east ? What waters bound the Chinese Empire on the cast? What group of islands east of the Chinese Empire? "What island is east of Borneo? Which group is farther south, the Japan or the Philip- pine Isles ? Do Celebes and Borneo belong to either of these groups ? No. Where are the Altai Mountains? Is the Hoang Ho River in Siberia ? In what country is it ? What other river in China? Which is the more southerly ? What city is the capital of Birmah ? What country lies west of Birmah ? What natural division of land is Hindostan ? What waters nearly surround it ? What city is the capital of Hindostan ? What two cities are the capitals of Afghanistan ? What ocean is east of Asia ? Between what two countries lies the Arabian Sea ? Of what ocean is the Arabian Sea a branch, or part ? Where is the Strait of Corea? Where is the Persian Gulf? here the Gulf of Siam? What three rivers empty into the Bay of Bengal ? Which country in Asia is farthest north ? Which extends farthest east ? Which farthest south? India. Which farthest west? Which farthest south-west ? .62 CORNELL'S PRIMARY GEOGRAPHY. MWffl^^Y 9 ^ H $ $1 KA iWA 5i? <1 A & iTA Black Sea, Caspian Sea, and Europe. Political Divisions. The chief political divisions of Asia are Siberia, Chinese Tartary, China Proper, Thibet, Anam, Siam, Birmah, Hindostan, Beloochistan, Arabia, Turkey, Persia, Independent Tartary, and Afghanistan. Siberia is a very large extent of country, situated in the northern part of Asia. The climate is very cold, and the country abounds in metals and fur-bearing animals. TOBOLSK and IRKOUTSK are the capital cities. Chinese Empire comprises Chinese Tar- tary, China Proper, and Thibet. The noted productions are rice, and tea. PEKIN is the capital of the Empire. India comprises Anam, Siam, Birmah, and Hindostan. These countries occupy two large peninsulas in the southern part of Asia. An Arab. The chief productions of India are dia- monds and other precious stones, spices, drugs, and a great variety of valuable woods. ? Beloochistan is situated in the southern part of Asia. It abounds in sandy deserts. KELAT is the capital city. Arabia is a large pen- insula, situated in the south- western part of Asia. It consists chiefly of vast sandy deserts, and is inhab- ited by a wandering race of people, called Arabs. The capital city is MECCA. Turkey is situated in the western part of Asia. It is a very fine and fertile region, but very badly cultivated. Among the noted productions are pomegranates, olives, and figs. CONSTANTINOPLE, the capital city, is situ- ated in Turkey in Europe. Persia is situated east of Turkey in Asia. The inhabitants are celebrated for the manufacture of beautiful shawls, carpets, and various articles of silk. TEHERAN is the capital city. Independent Tartary is situated south- west of Siberia. It is inhabited by various tribes, called Tartars. BOKHARA is the capital of a part of Inde- pendent Tartary. Afghanistan lies south of Independent Tartary. A great part of the inhabitants are warlike, and dwell principally in rude tents, made of coarse cloth of camel's or goat's hair. HERAT and CABUL are the capital cities. AFRICA ^ W- -:S : 1 . -- X .^^"Sl^rr' ^a. J\ ..-- ^>"xss > .- \p^ i^r*^1^s^r- EXERCISES OX TIIE MAP OF AFRICA. 65 Introductory Remarks on the Map of Africa. Africa is a large peninsula, joined to Asia on the north- east, by a narrow strip, or neck of land, called the Isthmus of Suez. This country forms one of the Grand Divisions of the Eastern Continent Lesson LXXVI. QUESTIONS ON THE MAP OF -AFRICA. Systematically arranged. What country is in the north-western part of Africa ? Ho\v is Morocco bounded on the south ? "What strait separates Morocco from Europe ? What city is the capital of Morocco ? In what part of Morocco is the capital situated ? What country lies east of Morocco 1 . What sea is north of Algiers ? What city is the capital of that country ? What country is east of Algiers ? What city is the capital ? How is Tunis bounded on the south ? What city is the capital of Tripoli ? How situated ? What two countries belong to Tripoli 1 Barca and Fezzan. What country lies east of Barca ? In what part of Africa is Egypt ? What countries comprise the Barbary States ? Morocco, Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoli. What sea is east of Egypt ? What sea north ? What city is the capital of Egypt '?- On what river is Cairo situated ? What country bounds Egypt on the south ? What city is the capital of Nubia ? What sea lies east of Nubia 1 What desert west? What country south ? What city is the capital of that country 1 On what lake is Gondar situated ? What territory lies south-east of Abyssinia ? What city is the capital? It has no capital city. In what direction from the Somauli Territory is Zan- guebar ? What city is the capital of a part of that country ? Z. How is Zanzibar situated ? On an island near the coast of Zanguebar. Lesson LXXVII. Map Questions Systematically arranged. What country is south of Zanguebar ? What country lies west of Mozambique ? What channel east ? What city is the capital of Mozambique ? What country bounds Mozambique on the south? What ocean is east of that country ? What town is the capital of a part of Caffraria ? Is King William's Town in the southern, or northern part of Caffraria ? What is that part of Caffraria called ? British Ca. What country in Africa lies farthest south? What town is the capital ? In what part of Cape Colony is Cape Town? What ocean lies east of Cape Colony ? I. What one lies west? In what direction from Cape Colony is the country of the Hottentots ? What country lies along the west coast of Africa, north of the country of the Hottentots ? What country lies to the east of Cimbebas ? What country lies north ? Of what country are Benguela and St. Salvador the capitals ? Along what coast of Africa does Lower Guinea ex- tend ? What country is east of Lower Guinea ? In what direction from Lower is Upper Guinea ? What city is the capital of a part of Upper Guinea ? What country lies south-west of L'pper Guinea? In what part of Liberia is the capital situated ? In what direction from Liberia is Sierra' Leone? What city is the capital ? In what part of Africa is Senegambia ? What ocean is west of Senegambia ? What country east ? What city is the capital of Senegambia ? In what part of Africa is Sahara ? From what ocean on the west, to what countries on the east, does it extend ? What states are north? B y S s. What countries south? Which lies farther east, Soudan or Senegambia? What two capital cities do you find in Soudan ? Near what lake is Kouka situated ? On what river is Sego ? Soudan is divided into many small kingdoms, and each one has a cap- ital city. This is the case with some other countries in Africa. You will learn more about the different divisions of Africa in the "Second Book" of this series. What country is south of Soudan ? The greater part of Ethiopia is an unknown region. 66 CORNELL'S PRIMARY GEOGRAPHY MOKOCCO. This city, the capital of one of the Barbary States, is situated in a fine plain, and is surrounded by a strong wall of lime and mnd thirty fcei in height Look at the picture and you -will see one of the gates, or entrances to the city, of which there are eleven. The streets of this city are very narrow, crooked, and dirty. Between what countries do the Kong Mountains ex- Lesson LXXVIII. tend? Map Questions Systematically arranged. What islands lie north of Africa? In what sea are they situated ? What island lies east of Mozambique Channel? What group of islands west of Senegambia? What group north-west of the Great Desert ? What group north of the Canary Isles ? In what water do these three groups lie ? Where are the Madeira Islands ? What natural division of land is Africa ? How is it connected with Asia ? In what part of Egypt is that isthmus ? What cape projects from the northern coast of Af- rica ? Bon. What is the eastern cape of Africa called ? Wliat cape at the southern extremity of Africa? What capo projects from the western coast of Sene- gambia ? V. Mention the northern, eastern, southern and west- ern capes of Africa. Where arc the Atlas Mountains? A Water-spout What range of mountains in the southern part of Af, Wate P<>*. '** ' '" '" *> * , 1 ocean. 1 licy arc formed by contrary winds meeting and moving round rica ? Where are the Kong Mountains ? in a very rapid EXERCISES ON THE MAP OF AFRICA. CAJEO Cairo b the largest and most important city in Africa. It is situated about a mile distant from a river, (what river is it?) and lies In the mM>t of gardens, and groves of mimosas and palm-trees. The streets are all narrow many of them not wide enough to admit of two camel's passing abreast. Lesson LXXIX. Map Questions Systematically arranged. What ocean is cast of Africa ? What ocean is west ? What sea lies north of Africa? Between what two countries is that sea situated ? What sea is east of Africa ? What gulf indents the northern shore of Tripoli ? What large gulf indents the western shore of Africa ? What strait is north of Morocco ? AY hat two bodies of water docs that strait connect ? What strait at the entrance of the Red Sea? What channel is west of the Island of Madagascar ? What lake is in Abyssinia? In what part of that country is it situated ? Where is Lake Tchad ? What river flows through Nubia and Egypt ? What course does it flow ? What two rivers empty into the Nile ? Which one rises in Lake Dembea ? In what mountains does the White River rise ? Into what body of water does the Nile empty ? What river crosses the country of Mozambique ? What course does it flow ? Where docs it empty ? What river flows through the country of the Hotten- tots? Describe that river. On what river is St. Salvador situated ? Into what body of water does that river empty ? What river empties into the Gulf of Guinea? Describe that river. What river flows through Senegambia ? What river in Africa flows northerly and discharges its surplus waters into the Mediterranean Sea ? What rivers flow westerly and empty into the Atlan~ tic? What one flows south-easterly to the Mozambique Channel ? Which, of all these rivers, is situated farthest south? Which farthest north ? Which one is in Senegambia ? Which one crosses I ower Guinea? Which one flows through Mozambique ? Which one is formed by the White and the Blue Rivers ? What two rivers have their source in Ethiopia ? Z. &, C. 68 CORNELL'S PRIMARY GEOGRAPHY. CAPE TOWN. Cape Town lies on Table Bay, which empties into the Atlantic Ocean. Look at the cut and notice how the city is situated. Does it not lie at the foot of a mountain ? It is called Table Mountain. A great many vessels stop at Cape Town to get a supply of water, etc. Is Cape Town in Asia f In what quarter of the world is it? Lesson LXXX. Map Questions Promiscuously arranged. What ocean is west of. Africa? What group of islands is west of Sahara ? What is Sahara? Where is the fertile district of Fezzan ? What town may be considered as the capital? To what country docs the district belong? Where is the Isthmus of Suez? What two countries dues it connect? AY here is Mozambique Channel? What is a channel ? In what part of Africa is Lower Guinea? \Vliat country is south of Lower Guinea? Where are the Barhary States? Which are they? Which one is situated farthest east ? Which one farthest west ? What rr\Tt JT> mi IT r JY T fx SIS li ;iLi '17 CO, ii 5 L 3 / o CONTENTS OP THE MAP OF AFRICA. Lesson LXXXIII. The Countries of Africa are : r MOROCCO, TRIPOLI, BAKDARY STATES. -< ALGIERS, FEZZAN, L TUNIS, BARCA, EGYPT, NUBIA, ABYSSINIA, SOMAULI TERRITORY, ZANGCEBAR, MOZAMBIQUE, ZOOLU COUNTRY, CAFFRARIA, CAPE COLONY, COUNTRY OF THE HOTTENTOTS, ClMBEBAS, LOWER GUINEA, UPPER GUINEA, LIBERIA, SIERRA LEONE, SENEGAMBIA, SAHARA, SOUDAN, and ETHIOPIA. The Islands off the coast of Africa are : SARDINIA, SICILY, CANDIA, CYPRUS, MADAGASCAR, ST. HELENA, CAPE VERDE ISLES, CANARY ISLES, and MADEIRA ISLES. The Peninsula is : AFRICA. : hmus is : SUEZ. The Capes are : BON, GUARDAFUI, GOOD HOPE, and VERDE. The Mountain Ranges are : ATLAS, SNOW, and KONG. Lesson LXXXIV. The Oceans that wash the coasts The Capital Cities and Towns of the Countries in Africa are : f MOROCCO, 1 ALGIERS, -1 TUNIS, TKII'UI.I, [MOURZOUKJ CAIRO, KlIARTOOM, GOSIXAB, ZANZIBAR, MOZAMBIQUE, KING WILLIAM'S TOWN, CAPE TOWN, f BKNGKKI.A, [ ST. SALVADOR, Coov KOMBOTIA, FRKI; TOWN, TlMBOO, ( SKC;O, and \ KOI'KA. of Africa, are : INDIAN, and ATLANTIC. The Seas are MEDITERRANEAN, and RED. "The Gulfs are: SIDRA, and GUINEA. The Straits are: GIBRALTAR, and I!AI:-EL MANDEB. The Channel is: MOZAMCK The Lakes arc: DKMBK.A, and TCIIAII. The Rivers are: NILE, . JBi.i-E, \ WHITE, ZAMBEZI, ORANGE, CONGO, NIGER, and SK.NECAL. n n- nr , 4 AFRICA. 71 DESCRIPTIVE GEOGRAPHY Lesson LXXXV. AFRICA. Area in square miles, 12,000,000. Population, 61,000,000, Animals of Africa. Boundary. Africa is bounded on the north by the Med- iterranean Sea, on the east by the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean, and on the south and west by the Atlantic. Political Divisions. The chief political divisions of Af- rica are Morocco, Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli, Fezzan, Barca, Egypt, Nubia, Abyssinia, Somauli Territory, Zanguebar, Mozambique, Caffraria, Cape Colony, Country of the Hot- tentots, Cimbebas, Lower Guinea, Upper Guinea, Senegam- bia, Sahara, Soudan, and Ethiopia. The Barbary States. This part of Af- rica extends along the Mediterranean, from the Atlantic Ocean to Egypt. It is divided ^gpto four distinct countries viz ; Morocco, Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoli. Fezzan and Barca belong to Tripoli. Egypt is an important division of Africa. If is noted for its numerous temples and pyra- mids, which surpass those of any other country. The people of Egypt, and of the Barbary States, are chiefly Moors and Arabs. The capital city is CAIRO, situated near the Nile Kiver. Nubia is situated south of Egypt, and west of the Eed Sea. It abounds in rocky and sandy deserts. The climate of this country, and also Egypt, is hot and dry. The capital city of Nubia is KHARTOOM. Abyssinia, situated south of Nubia, is a very mountainous country, The Abyssinians are of a dark olive com- plexion, and are described as being very rude and brutal in their manners and customs. GONDAR is the capital city. Eastern Africa. This part of Africa comprises Somauli Territory, Zan- guebar, and Mozambique. The inhabitants are chiefly Negroes. Southern Africa in- cludes Caffraria, Cape Col- ony, and the Country of the Hottentots. Nearly half of the pre- sent population of Cape Colony are whites, the most of whom are from Great Britain. Western Africa comprises Cimbebas, Lower Guinea, Upper Guinea, and Senegambia. The inhabitants are Negroes. The coasts of Western Africa are frequent- ly visited by ships from other countries, for the purpose of obtaining from the natives, gold-dust, ivory, palm-oil, feathers, &c., hi ex- change for fire-arms, tobacco, liquors, cotton-^ cloths, and various articles of. hardware. Sahara is a vast sandy desert, situated in the northern part of Africa, directly south of the Barbary States. There are a few fertile spots called oases, in this vast desert. Central Africa includes Soudan and Ethiopia. Soudan is divided into several kingdoms. Ethiopia is an extensive unknown region. A Negro THE UNI Lesson LXXXVI. Exercises on the Map of the United States. How arc the t'nited Statos bounded ? How many states arc there in the United States? Thirty-two. How many territories? I'.i-.'lit. How arc the states divided ? Into four sections. What names are triveii to tlicso sections? Eastern or New England, Northern or Middle, Southern, and Western States. Mention the territories. Washington, Nebraska, Dacota, Kans: Indian, New Mexico, Utah, and On-iron. ..... How is Washington Territory hounded ? "What city is the capital? How is it situated ? On Pugct Sound. I'.ound Nebraska. What city is the capital? How is it sit How is Dacota bounded ? How is Kansas bounded ? What city is the capital? How is it situated ? i;,n: ml Indian T. How is New Mexico bounded ? What eity is the rapital.? How is I'tuh bounded ? What city is the capital f \ What city is situated a few miles south of Gn-ni >alt Lake ? uuxncnfiQ M^ IPVCrwn. ' JWii.l.-i'l.^lCfeyVr 4f /./ ~ ior & May How is Oregon bounded? "What city is the capital? What other Hies in Oregon ? How is each situated ? What three mountain ranges in the western part of the United States ? Where is Great Salt Lake ? Mention the western branches of the Mississippi KfVer. "What rivers emptj- into the Missouri River? Describe each. "What river empties into the 6ulf of California ? Describe it "What two rivers form the Colorado River ? "What river empties into the Colorado River near its month ? What river flows between Oregon and Washington ? What three rivers low into the Columbia River ? Describe each of these rivers. Provinces of British America, How is Canada divided? Into Canada East and Canada West. Where is Canada West? What city is the capital? Where is Kingston? What city is the capital of Canada East ? How is it situated? How is Montreal situated' On Montreal Island, in the St. Lawrence River. How is New Brunswick bounded ? What city is the capital ? Bound Nova Scotia. What city is the capital ? What island north-east of Nova Scotia ? Where is the Gulf of St. Lawrence ? Where is the Bay of Fundy ? What river in New Brunswick ? What river divides Canada? Describe each of these rivers. EASTERN STATES. Lesson LXXXVII. Questions on the Map of the Eastern or New England States, SYSTEMATICALLY AUK A In what part of the Eastern or New England States is Vermont? How is it hounded on the north? How on the south ? What city is the capital? How is it situated ? Where is Burlington ? Is Burlington a capital city ? No. To THE PUPIL. Look upon the map and you will see that the capital cities are marked thus ;j-;, and other cities thus @. In what part of Vermont is Brattlehoro ? On what river ? Where is Bennington ? What state- is east of Vermont ? What city is the capital ? -, On what river is Concord? Whore is Portsmouth ? On what river is Manchester? Where is Nashua? EXERCISES OX THE MAP OF THE EASTERN STATES. How is New Hampshire bounded on the south ? How on the north? What state is east of New Hamp- shire ? What ocean bounds Maine on the south ? What city is the capital of Maine 1 On what river is it situated ? What country bounds Maine on the north ? What one on the east ? Where is Eastport ? Where is Bangor ? What city is situated on the Kennebec River, about 30 miles south of Augusta ? On what bay is Portland situated? i What state is bounded on the north by Vermont and Xe\v Hampshire? Lesson LXXXVIII. Map Questions Systematically Arranged. What bounds Massachusetts on the east ? What on the west ? What city is the capital of Massachusetts ? Where is Lowell ? Salem ? New Bedford ? How is Massachusetts bounded on the south ? How is Springfield situated ? How Worcester ? How is Rhode Island bounded on the north ? How on the south ? How on the west ? What two cities are the capitals of Rhode Island ? How is Newport situated ? On the Island of Rhode Island. How is Providence situated ? At the head of Narragansett Bay. How is Connecticut bounded on the north ? How on the east ? How on the south 1 What two cities are the capitals of Connecticut? On what river is Hartford situated? In what part of Connecticut is New Haven? In what part is New London? Where is Bridgeport ? What bounds Connecticut on the west ? Which of the New England States are bounded north \>y Canada East ? Which two are bounded north by Massachusetts ? Which two are bounded south by Massachusetts ? Which three are bounded west by New York ? Mention the capital cities of the New England States. M., C., A., B., N., P., H., N. H. How is each situated ? MONTPELIER is situated on the Onion River. CONCORD, on the Merrimac River. AUGUSTA, on the Kennebec River. BOSTON, on Massachusetts Bay. NEWPORT, on the Island of Rhode Island. PROVIDENCE, on the Providence River. HARTFORD, on the Connecticut River. NEW HAVEN, on New Haven Bay. Lesson LXXXIX. Map Questions Systematically Arranged. Mention the most important cities in the New Ens- land States, besides the capitals. How is each situated ? ( BURLINGTON is situated on Lake Champlain. < BHATTLEBOEO, on the Connecticut River. [ BENNINGTON, in the southern part of Vermont. f PORTSMOUTH, at the mouth of Piscataqua River. < MANCHESTER, on the Merrimac River. [ NASHUA, on the Merrimac River. f EASTPORT, in the eastern part of Maine. I BANGOR, on the Penobscot River. I BATH, on the Kennebec River. [PORTLAND, on Casco Bay. f LOWELL, on the Merrimac River. SALEM, on the east coast of Massachusetts. < NEW BEDFORD, on a branch of Buzzard's Bay. SPRINGFIELD, on the Connecticut River. [ WORCESTER, on the Pawtucket or Blackstone River. f NEW LONDON, on the Thames River. 1 BRIDGEPORT, on Long Island Sound. What island is south of Connecticut ? To what state does that island belong ? New York. What capes are on the east coast of Massachusetts ? What range of mountains in Vermont and Massachu- setts ? What mountains are in New Hampshire ? What ocean is east of New Hampshire ? What bay is east of Maine ? What bays are south of Maine? What bay east of Massachusetts ? Where is Narragansett Bay ? What sound is between Long Island and Connecticut ? What lake is between Vermont and New York ? What river is its outlet ? In what part of Maine is Grand Lake ? Where is Moosehead Lake ? What river is its outlet ? Where is Connecticut Lake ? What river is its outlet ? What river in Vermont empties into Lake Champlain ? What river forms the boundary line between New Brunswick and Maine ? In what lake does the St. Croix River rise ? Into what bay does the St. Croix River empty? What course does the Penobscot River flow ? In what lake does the Kennebec River rise ? Where does it empty ? What course does it flow ? Describe the Merrimac River. Describe the Pawtucket or Blackstone River. What river is the boundary line between Vermont and Xcw Hampshire ? What is the general course of the Connecticut River ? In what lake does it rise ? In what state ? What two states does the Connecticut River cross? Into what sound does it empty ? CORNELL'S PRIMARY GEOGRAPHY. BOSTON. Here is Boston, the capital city of Massachusetts. It seems to be built on hills, and so it is. What bay lies in front of the city? The building on the top of the highest ground in the city, is the State House. Ci\TC 5R> !t\5T Jf\ JB) *W J ' F? M. ft fRX uu ia 5p xjr aft 2 & x& v zj . CONTENTS OF THE MAP OF THE EASTERN STATES. Lesson XC. The Eastern States arc : VERMONT, MASSACHUSETTS, NEW HAMPSHIRE, RHODE ISLAND & MAINE, An, BOSTON, CONNECTICUT. The Capital Cities are : MONTPKLIEH, NEWPORT, CONCORD, FROVIDKNCK, HARTFORD, & NEW HAVEN. The other Cities are: HATH, BURLINOTON, PORTLAND, BRATTLEHORO, LOWELL, SALEM, I'liiM.-MorTH, NEW BEDFORD, MANCHESTER, SPRINGFIELD, NASHUA, WORCESTER, EASTPORT, NEW I,ONDON, & BANGOR, BRIDGEPORT. Lesson XCI. The Capes of the East- ern States arc : COD and MALABAR. The Mountains are : The Bays arc : The Lakes are : The Rivers are : GREEN -and WHITE. CASCO, PASSAMAQUODDT, MASSACHUSETTS, & PENOIISCOT, NARRAGANSKTT, CHAMPI.AIN, GRAND, MOOSKIIKAD, & CONNECTICUT. ONION, or WINOOSKI, ST. CROIX, PKNOHSCOT, KENNEDEC, MKKRIMAC, TAWTITKET, & CONNECTICUT. REMARK TO THE TEACHER^ The method for using "Memory's Aid " is given on page 34. REVIEW OF THE EASTERN STATES. 77 Lesson XCII. REVIEW OF THE EASTERN STATES. REMARK. The pupil should be able to answer the following questions without referring to the map. How many states are called the Eastern or New Eng- land States ? Mention them. Which one lies furthest north-east? "Which one furthest south-west ? Which one is the smallest ? Which one the largest ? Of which one is Augusta the capital ? On which side of what river is Augusta situated ? In what state is Burlington located 1 On what lake ? On what side of the lake ? Near the mouth of what river ? What capital city is situated on this river? What capital city is situated on the Merrimac Kiver ? Of what state is Montpelier the capital 1 Of what state is Concord the capital ? Which city is further north, Nashua or Manchester ? Which is further east, Manchester or Portsmouth ? In what state are these three cities situated ? In what part of the state ? Which one of these cities is on the coast ? Where is Lowell? Which is situated further down the Merrimac River, Lowell or Nashua ? AY hat coast does Massachusetts Bay indent ? Which of the New England States have two capitals ? Mention the capitals of Connecticut. Which is the larger state, Massachusetts or Connec- ticut ? Rhode Island or Connecticut ? Lesson XCIII. Keview continued- Mention the capital cities of Rhode Island. Which one is situated on an island ? What bays indent the southern shore of Maine ? To what ocean are these bays tributary ? jOf what lake is the St. CroLx River the outlet ? Which is further east, the Penobscot Eiver or the Kennebec River? On which of these rivers is Bangor situated ? What city is at the mouth of the Kennebec River? About how many miles below Augusta is it situated ? In what state is Bath situated 1 AY hat city stands at the head of Narragansett Bay ? In what direction Is Rhode Island from Connecticut ? Massachusetts from Rhode Island? New Hamp- shire from Massachusetts ? Maine from New Hamp- shire ? Maine from New Brunswick ? Canada East from Maine ? New Brunswick from Maine ? Vermont from New York ? Of what state is Boston the capital ? What city on the coast about 14 miles north-east of Boston ? What city is situated on a branch of Buzzard's Bay ? In what direction is Worcester from New Bedford ? Is Worcester in Rhode Island ? In what state is it ? Where is Springfield ? What three cities in the southern part of Connecticut ? Of these, which one is on the Thames River ? Which one is furthest west ? Which one is a capital city? What states border on Massachusetts? Which of the Eastern or New England States border on New York? "Which border on.Canada East? Which border on the Atlantic Ocean ? Which one borders on Long Island Sound ? What states border on Connecticut? What states border on the Connecticut River ? HILL MOICTTMMT. Tliis monument is situated in ( 'harlestown, a place opposite Boston. It wa< iTcctetl to mark the spot whero an important battle was fought during the war of the Revolution. D MIDDLE STATES. Lesson Xf'IV. Questions on the Map of the Middle States, SVS1 KM ATICAI.I.V AUKAM.I l>. "\Vliirh one of the Middle State- lies furthest north? What three Mates hound Ne\v York on the e;i-l > "What lake and river hound New York on the north? AVhal city is the capital of New York? On what river is -Alhany situated? In what part of New York is Troy situated? In what part is New York City situated? In what part is Khnira? In what part is Buffalo? EXERCISES OX THE MAP OF THE MIDDLE STATES. On what lake is Buffalo situated ? In what part of New York is Rochester ? lu what part is Oswego? On what river is Rochester ? On what lake is Oswego ? In what part of New York is Syracuse ? Auburn ? Utica ? W hat city is situated on Long Island ? How is Xew York bounded on the south 1 Which is further east, New Jersey or Pennsylvania? How is New Jersey bounded on the east ? "\Vhat river separates it from Pennsylvania on the west ? What city is the capital of New Jersey ? On what river is it situated ? In what part of the state ? In what part of New Jersey is Paterson ? In what part is Jersey City ? On what river ? In what part is Newark ? In what direction from Newark is New Brunswick ? Where is Camden ? In what direction is Delaware from New Jersey ? What state bounds Delaware on the south and west? What city is the capital of Delaware ? In what part of Delaware is Wilmington ? What large state bounds Delaware on the north? What bounds Pennsylvania on the north ? What on the east? What two states are on the west ? What city is the capital of Pennsylvania ? In what part of Pennsylvania is it situated ? On what river ? On which side of the river ? What city in Pennsylvania on Lake Erie ? In what part of Pennsylvania is Easton ? On what river '{ In what part of the same state is Reading ? In what part is Philadelphia ? On what river is Reading ? Between what two rivers is Philadelphia situated ? What states bound Pennsylvania on the south ? In what direction from Philadelphia is Lancaster? In what part of Pennsylvania is Pittsbunr ? At the junction of what rivers is it situated? Which one of the Middle States is furthest south? Which one furthest west ? Which one furthest east ? Lesson XCV. Map Questions -Systematically Arranged. Mention the capital cities of the Middle States. A., T., D., H. How is each situated ? ALBANY is situated on the Hudson River. TRENTON, on the Delaware River. DOVER, on Jones' Creek. HARRISBURG, on the Susquehanna River. Mention the most important cities of the Middle States, besides the capital cities. How is each situated ? TROY is situated on the Hudson River. NEW YORK, on Manhattan, or New York Island. ELMIRA, on a branch of the Susquehanua River. BUFFALO, on Lake Erie. ROCHESTER, on the Genesee River. OSWEGO, on Lake Ontario. SYRACUSE, on Onoudaga Lake. AUBURN, near Owasco Lake. UTICA, on the Mohawk River. BROOKLYN, on Long Island. PATERSON, on the Passaic River. JERSEY CITY, on the Hudson River. NEWARK, on the Passaic River. NEW BRUNSWICK, on the Raritan River. CAMDEN, on the Delaware River. WILMINGTON, two miles from the Delaware River. ERIE, on Lake Erie. EASTOX, on thfe Delaware River. READING, on the Schuylkill River. PHILADELPHIA, between the Delaware and the Schuylkill River. LANCASTER, inland. PITTSBURG, at the junction of the Alleghany with the Monongahela River. What peninsula cast of Pennsylvania ? New Jersey. What cape is in the southern part of New Jersey ? What cape is in the eastern part of Delaware? What mountains in New York ? What mountain ranges in Pennsylvania ? What ocean cast of New Jersey ? What bay west of Long Island? What bay between New Jersey and Delaware ? What lake north of Western Pennsylvania ? What river is its outlet? Niagara River. What lakes are between New York and Canada? What lake between New York and Vermont ? Into what river docs its outlet empty ? St. L. What river runs from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario? What river crosses the western part of the State of New York ? Docs it rise in New York ? Into what body of water docs the Genesee flow ? What river in the eastern part of New York ? II. Describe the Hudson River. What branch empties into the Hudson River near Troy ? \Vhat course does tlyj Mohawk flow ? What is the general course of the Delaware River? Does it rise in New Jersey? What branch empties into the Delaware at Philadelphia? What large river is west of the Schuylkill River ? AVhat course does the Susquehanna River flow ? Into what bay does it empty? Describe its west branch. What two rivers form the Ohio River? 80 CORNELL'S PRIMARY GEOGRAPHY. ALBANY. CONTENTS OF THE MAP OF THE MIDDLE STATES. Lesson XCVI. The Middle States arc : NEW YORK, DELAWARE, & Ni;\v JKKSKY, PKNN.SYJ.YAMA. Tin- r;i[iit:il ('iiics arr: AI.HAXY, TKKXTON, DOVER, & flic other Cities are: Tr.ov, JERSEY CITY, NK \vYoRK, NEWARK, EI.MIRA, NEW BRUNSWICK, u.o, CAMDKX, I ROCHESTER, "Wn.MJXGTOX, OSWKCJO, EKIK, SvRACrsK, EASTOX, Ari:n:s, UKADIXU, I'TIC \, I'llII.AIIKI.I'IIIA, BROOKLYN, LAXCASTKR, & PATI PiTTsurRu. Tlir- Lesson XCVII. The Capes of the Mid- dle States are : The Mountains are : The Bays arc : The Sounds are : The Lakes are : The Rivers arc : MAY, & * SANDY HOOK, HEXLOPEN. ADIRONDACK, CATSKILL, BLUE RIDGE, & ALLSGHANY. NEW YORK, and DELAWARE. ISLAND, and STATEN ISLAND. ERIK, CIIAMPLAIN, & ONTARIO. NIAGARA, DKLAWABE, > - j ' r 3 1 * t I-- i f o C t-j a; o 5 - o u ^ 3 LI &- = i' s - - c c / 3 3 E, S S J = 2 B S /r i 3 Q C now is cacn situated { f BALTIMORE is on the Patapsco River. 1 r!iTM TJPD T ixm nn tVi lJr>tnmo/> niirQw ( WHEELING, on the Ohio River. (H O _> 4 ^ ' W, ^f ^ rETERSBURG, on tne Appomattox Kiver. ( NEWBERN, on the Neuse River. J Wir.MTNttTnM nil flip Piinf TVnr T?ii7f>r [ FAYETTEVILLE, on the Cape Fear River. f CAMDEN, on the Wateree River. \ CHARLESTON, on the Ashley & Cooper River. 1 TT 4-V\ Q 1 1? * i t j i 2 i _ 3 ^c a 2 -. ^ \< ^ ll L^ rt rt3 OJ 2^ ^02 v"~ COLUMBUS, on the Chattahoochee River. [MACON, on the Ocmulgee River. f S-r AlTr-TlOTl-wir' nn tlir. oncf ocf r>f Fl^T-Jrlo 1 PENSACOLA, on Pcnsacola Bay. ( HUNTSVILLE, inland. i 3 r c , <-; ^E . i ? 3 2 ? 3 * 2 H 2 ^j ~" f "7 ^ . j MEW ORLEANS, on the Mississippi River. I OPELOUSAS, inland. H - ^ - - > 5 : "= ^ - - ^ i ^~ ./ ~ i ~ 5 c - t- f HOUSTON, on a branch of Galveston Bay. 1 GALVESTON, on Galveston Bay. What capes are at the entrance of Chesapeake Bav ? What cape east of North Carolina ? Where is Cape Canaveral ? Cape Sable ? What mountains in the Southern States ? Which two arc on the Savannah River? What two states bound Florida on the north? What gulf and state are on the west? 1 OH 49 .1 i" 2 * ^ .- o .2 5 * 5 -3 tl aj S'S 2 > s H If > c i i is St. Augustine ? In what part Pcnsacola ? What gulf and state bound Alabama on the south I W hat state and river on the cast ? fj- "c? 1 ~ ~ ^ C -u 5 ^ - -t^> O J5 &e s c 43 " s * Sfjf " I II to <1 ^.2 -f-> "s ^ -s -w "w rt 2 ft j *" >- J^ ^ci ri >-< fi lennessee Kiver f C-- rt 1 ^ O *j i* E, S s VJ 1 ^J S >> O S ^ C-. p< G g J 03 O ? o *^ C .r- o s o -w 2 ? >. S 3 -S 'C c3 r 43 h 5 ^ ^ ^^ 1, 2S & (H "i O .3 > 00 - n .22 I* 1 * s 5 , 5 "\\ hat other cities in Mississippi ? Of these, which one is on the Tombigby ? "\\ Inch two on the Mississippi River ? ?* 5 V Ei . x ^ M OQ r^H =( 00 r 2 -*-> 2 ^ > ^3 C^. 03 X! u ^ o o II go. T3 a 11 ii 1 OQ i>. 3 ^ 9 S H 2 i; "5 o c 3 C - cS to c* 3 3^ ' 8 1 : " f- t*. w P r3 '3 o -t^> -*j cS cS -S 43 PS Which two are on the Red River? Which one is on the Mississippi ? How is * Texas bounded ? What city is the .9 M 'S e-- t- G i ' 3 S -g " - ^ 43 .2 fe > C- ' E S *> 3 C- UQ -0 2 * c ~ O 03 = 1 rt 43 es B situated on Galveston Island ? | 1 t 43 -j IM c- to "73 -s -s 3 45 -3 '33 -S 43 n s-; +* ? o 1 s g no -u CQ ANNAPOLIS is situated on the Severn River. KICHMOND, on tne James Kiver. RAIEIGH, near the Neuse River. COLUMBIA, on tho Cone-aree River. MILLEDGEVILLE, on the Oconec River. TALLAHASSEE, inland. MONTGOMERY, on the Alabama River. i M 1 ^ | C 1 i<9 & 1 5 XI w "5 t> o .d ^ & o o OQ * o f C| 5 C" g CM O J' C*| fc C e* g C". a <^ .23 i oT a o PH o h O S ^ 5 -u a o p ^ c* ^ ** t: *H rt p p. a o ? g & 1 o "it 'S) " o o o o ,fl O Lesson XCIX. Questions on the Map of the Southern Sta SYSTEM A'lTCALI.V AUUAM . 11'. What Southern State lies north of th ^ c rr o -3 j C S C* ~ o > 5 S e ~. ~-> 'S- B8 O OB i ~2 5 b vS r<; t; g c ^9 3 o s r^ S O ->-> _2 j. +j 2 ^ ~ 5 p 'T Z, X O 2 It -*i rt S C* -fcj :/. ci O In what part of Maryland is Balt : mon In what part Cumberland? What rii & I ^ Q a '1 ^ ~z 5 5 CJ E o s H C _o "7; "x -r j; ' O "s ^ !> "^ r C H "w S CO "S & > *j r: 4= ? Mention the capital city of Virginia. How is it situated? What city in Virginia on the Ohio Ri 1 What one on the Potomac? In what rginia is Norfolk ? What city south of Richmond? Wliat state and river bound Virginia jst ? How is North Carolina boundec What city is the capital? 'What other cities in this state? Of these, which two are on Cape Fear Which one on the Neuse lliver ? How is South Carolina bounded ? What ciiy is the capital ? How is it si On what river is Camden ? In what part of South Carolina is Char In what part Hamburg ? Where is G What river and ocean bound it on the C"- :/. O i; ^ C o 2 ~ = 1 k. [; 'H 2 ^ 9 e* O |s C o >-. - g, 2 ^ ^ ~ 'Si ^ O I^J o 42 e* -^ f- ' S i* ti * l ^ tlanta? In what part Augusta? Savannah? Columbus? Macon? 1 c c EE D C [^ ^ oT ^, "G o 1 I B i '3 hoochee? On the Ocmulgee? S " C > P <5 -5 84: CORNELL'S PEIMARY GEOGRAPHY. What ocean is east of the Southern States ? What bay indents the shore of Maryland? Where is the Gulf of Mexico? What two sounds are east of North Carolina 1 What river is between Maryland and Virginia ? What course does the Potomac flow? Into what bay empty ? What river south of the Potomac ? In what range of mountains does this river rise ? Into what bay does it empty ? What river empties into Albemarle Sound ? What into Pamlico Sound ? What river south of the Neuse River ? What course does it flow, and into what ocean empty? What course does the Great Pedee flow ? In what state does it rise ? What two rivers form the Santee River ? What river is between South Carolina and Georgia ? Describe it, What two rivers form the Altamaha ? What river in the eastern part of Florida ? What one in the western part ? What two rivers form the Appalachicola ? What two rivers form the Mobile ? What two the Alabama ? The Coosa and the Tallapoosa. In what state does the Tombigby River rise ? Describe the Pearl River. Describe the * Mississippi River. What river empties into the Mississippi from Louisi- ana ? What river is between Louisiana and Texas ? What rivers in Texas ? Describe each. * See Map of the United States. svic CONTENTS OF THE MAP OF THE SOUTHERN STATES. Lesson CI. . Lesson OIL The Southern States The Peninsula is : FLORIDA. arc : MARYLAND, FLORIDA, VIRGINIA, ALABAMA, The Capes are : HATTERAS, NORTH CAROLINA, MISSISSIPPI, ' CHARLES, CANAVERAL, & SOUTH CAROLINA. LOUISIANA, & rp , - \- t a HENRY, SABLE. GEORGIA, 1EXAS. The Mountains are : ALLEGHANY, and BLUE RIDGE. The Capital Cities are : ANNAPOLIS, TALLAHASSEE, RICHMOND, RALEIGH, MONTGOMERY, JACKSON, The Bays are : CHESAPEAKE, and MEXICO. COLUMBIA, BATON ROUGE, & MlLLEDGEVILLE, AUSTIN. The Sounds are : ALBEMARLE, and PAMLICO. The other Cities arc : COLUMBUS, The Rivers are : ST. JOHN'S, BALTIMORE, MACON, POTOMAC, APPALACHICOLA, CUMBERLAND, ST. AUGUSTINE, JAMES, ' CHATTAHOOCHEE, WlIEELINO, PENSACOLA, ROANOKE, FLINT, ALEXANDRIA, Hr.NTSVILLE, NEUSE, MOBILE, NORFOLK, MOBILE, CAPE FEAR, TOMBIGHY, PKTERSBURO, TUSCALOOSA, GREAT PEDEE, ALABAMA, NEWHKUV, ABERDEEN, SANTEE, PEARL, WILMINGTON, NATCH KZ, WATEREE, * MISSISSIPPI, FAYETTEVILLE, YlCKSIiURO, CONGAREE, RED, . CAMDEN, Ni w ORLEANS, SAVANNAH, SABINK, ''n.UU.KSTON, Ol-KLOUSAS, ALTAMAHA, BRAZOS, II AMHHRG, SlIUKVKI'ORT, OCONKK, <'i>I.OKADO, & ATLANTA, Al,K,\ANI)IUA, OCMULGEE, * Rio GRANDE. AUGUSTA, HOUSTON, & SAVA' GALVESTON. * See Mop of United States. i REVIEW OF THE SOUTHERN STATES. 85 Lesson CIII. REVIEW OF THE SOUTHERN STATES. REMARK. The pupil should be able to answer the follow- ing questions without referring to the map. How many states compose the Southern States ? . Mention them. Which of these border on the Atlantic Ocean ? Which do not ? Which border on Tennessee ? Which on the Gulf of Mexico ? Which one borders both on the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean ? What two states border on the Potomac River? What two on the Savannah River ? What Southern State lies furthest north-cast ? What one furthest south-west 1 What one extends furthest south ? What one is a peninsula ? What is a peninsula ? What two states and river bound Texas on the east ? W T hat two rivers and gulf bound Louisiana on the east ? What two states bound Louisiana on the north ? In what direction is Alabama from Mississippi ? Georgia from Alabama ? Georgia from Florida ? South Carolina from Georgia ? North Carolina from South Carolina 1 Virginia from North Carolina ? Maryland from Virginia ? Virginia from Ohio ? What bay nearly divides Maryland ? Of what ocean is Chesapeake Bay a branch ? What two rivers empty into Chesapeake Bay on the west ? On what coast are Cape Charles and Cape Henry ? Of what state is Raleigh the capital ? What important city is on the Mississippi River, be- low Baton Rouge ? What states are partly separated by the Sabjne River ? By the Chattahoochee River ? By the Potomac River ? Through what states does the Great Pedee River flow? Through what states does the Tombigby River flow ? Through what states does the Roanoke River flow ? Lesson CIV. Be view continued. In what state is St. Augustine situated ? In what state is Huntsville ? In what state is Mobile? In what state is Baltimore ? In what state is Savan- nah ? In what state is Wheeling ? In what direction is Augusta from Milledgeville ? What city, on the Savannah River, about 120 miles above Savannah? In what state is Augusta situated? In what direction from Milledgeville is Columbia ? From Columbia is Charleston ? From Charleston is Savannah ? From Savannah is Mobile ? From Mobile is Jackson ? From Jackson is Natchez ? From Natchez is New Orleans ? What city in Virginia about five miles below Wash- ington 7 On what river is it situated ? In what direction from Alexandria is Baltimore ? From Alexandria is Richmond? From Richmond is Raleigh ? From Raleigh is Fayetteville ? From Fayetteville is Wilmington ? From Wilmington is Charleston ? In what part of South Carolina is Charleston situated ? REMARK. Here is a map of a small part of South Carolina, drawn on a much larger scale than the map of the Southern States. You can see, by this map, exactly how the city of Charleston is situated. Between what two rivers is Charleston located ? Into what ocean do these two rivers empty ? Which one of the Southern States is the largest ? Which one is the smallest ? Which is next in size to Texas ? Virginia, What mountain ranges are in Virginia ? What sounds are east of North Carolina ? Where is Cape Hatteras ? What is a cape? "What river empties into Albemarle Sound ? What one empties into Pamlico Sound ? ' What two rivers unite and form the Santee River? What two rivers form the Appalachicola River ? What two rivers form the Mobile River? What two rivers form the Altamaha River? Where is the Brazos River ? Describe its course. What river is the boundary fine between Texas and Mexico ? On what river is Austin ? What river crosses the northern part of Alabama ? What one is the boundary line between Virginia and Ohio? WESTERN STA1 /^U;>;->V (( ,, TJT-A- ''.- EXERCISES OX THE MAP OF THE WESTERN* STATES. 87 Lesson CT. Questions on the Map of the Western States, SYSTEMATICALLY ARRANGED. How is Minnesota bounded 1 What lake and state bound Wisconsin on the north ? What state and lake on the east 1 What city is the capital of Wisconsin? In what part of the state is it situated ? What other cities in the southern part of Wisconsin ? Of these, which two are on Lake Michigan ? What state lies east of Lake Michigan ? What lake bounds Northern Michigan on the north ? What lakes bound Michigan on the east ? What city is the capital of Michigan ? How is it located ? How is Detroit situated ? On Detroit River. In what part of Michigan is Kalamazoo ? On what river is Grand Rapids ? What state and lake bound Ohio on the north ? What state and river on the east ? What river on the south ? What city is the capital of Ohio ? What cities in the northern part of Ohio ? What city on the Ohio River ? Where is Dayton ? From what three states does the Ohio River separate Kentucky ? "What city is the capital of Kentucky ? What other cities in this state ? Of these, which two are on the Ohio River? What river separates Kentucky from Missouri ? How is Tennessee bounded ? What city is the capi- tal of Tennessee ? In what part of the state is it ? In what part is Knoxville ? Columbia ? Memphis 1 Of the cities of Tennessee, which one is on the Cum- berland ? Which one on the Mississippi 1 How is Arkansas bounded ? What city is its capi- tal ? On what river is it situated 1 In what part of Arkansas, and on what river, is Batesville ? In what part Van Buren ? What three states are east of Missouri ? What river separates them from Missouri ? What bound Missouri on the west 1 What city is the capital 1 In what part of the state, and on what river, is it located ? In what part of the state is Hannibal? In what part St. Louis ? Independence ? St. Joseph ? Of these cities, which two are on the Mississippi ? Which one is a little south of the Missouri River ? Which are on the Missouri 1 How is Iowa bounded ? What cities are situated in Iowa ? Of these, which one is the capital ? Which two are situated on the Mississippi River? Which one is situated on the Iowa River ? Which one on the Des Moines River ? What lake, state, and river bound Illinois on the east ? What rivers on the south and west ? What city is the capital of Illinois ? In what part of the state is it 1 In what part of the state is Galena? In what part Chicago? Alton ? Quincy ? Peoria ? Which one is on Lake Michigan ? Which two are on the Mississippi River ? Which one on the Illinois River? * What lake and state bound Indiana on the north ? What city is the capital 1 How is it situated ? What three cities in the southern part of Indiana ? On what river are they ? Where is La Fayette ? What ocean bounds California on the west ? What ter- ritories and river on the east ? What city is the capital ? Where is San Francisco ? Where is Stockton ? KEMABK. For California, see map of the United States. Mention the capital cities of the Western States. How is each situated 1 ST. PAUL is situated on the Mississippi River. MADISON, on Fourth Lake. LANSING, on the Grand River. COLUMBUS, on the Scioto River. FRANKFORT, on the Kentucky River. NASHVILLE, on the Cumberland River. LITTLE ROCK, on the Arkansas River. JEFFERSON CITY, on the Missouri River. DES MOIXES. on the Des Moines River. SPRINGFIELD, near the Sangamon River. INDIANAPOLIS, on the West Fork of White River. SACRAMENTO, on the Sacramento River. Lesson CVI. Map Questions Systematically Arranged. Mention the most important cities of the Western States, besides the capitals. How is each situated ? ST. ANTHONY is situated on the Mississippi River. ST. PETER, on the Minnesota River. MILWAUKEE, on Lake Michigan. RACINE, on Lake Michigan. JANESVILLE, on the Rock River. ( DETROIT, on the Detroit River. < KALAMAZOO, on the Kalamazoo River. [ GRAND RAPIDS, on the Grand River. f TOLEDO, near the mouth of the Maumee River. SANDUSKY, on Sandusky Bay. ! CLEVELAND, on Lake Erie. CINCINNATI, on the Ohio River. [DAYTON, on the Great Miami River. f LOUISVILLE, on the Ohio River. | COVINGTON, on the Ohio River. [ LEXINGTON, 25 miles south-east of Frankfort. C KNOXVILLE, on the Holston River. | COLUMBIA, on the Duck River. [ MEMPHIS, on the Mississippi River, f BATESVILLE, on the White River. I VAN BUREN, on the Arkansas River. 88 CORNELL'S PRIMARY GEOGRAPHY. f HAJSTNIBAL, on the Mississippi River. I ST. Louis, on the Mississippi River. 1 INDEPENDENCE, on the Missouri River. [ ST. JOSEPH, on the Missouri River, f DUBUQTJE, on the Mississippi River. {BURLINGTON, on the Mississippi River. [ IOWA CITY, on the Iowa River. f GALENA, on the Fevre River. * CHICAGO, on Lake Michigan. -1 ALTON, on the Mississippi River. QUINCY, on the Mississippi River. [PEORIA, on the Illinois River. f MADISON, on the Ohio River. I NEW ALBANY, on the Ohio River. ] EVANSVILLE, on the Ohio River. [ LA FAYETTE, on the Wabash River. | SAN FRANCISCO, on San Francisco Bay. 1 STOCKTON, near the San Joaquin (ho-a-keen'). "What mountain ranges in Tennessee ? Where is Lake Superior ? What river is its outlet ? Between what states is Lake Michigan ? Where is Lake Huron ? Where is Lake St. Clair ? What river is the outlet of Lake Huron ? Of Lake St. Clair ? What lake is north of Ohio ? What river empties into Lake Michigan on the east ? What large river in Wisconsin ? Describe it. What large river flows through Illinois 1 What two rivers form the Ohio River ? The Alle- ghany and the Monongahela. What course does the Ohio flow 1 Of what is it a branch ? Mention the northern branches of the Ohio River. Mention the southern. Describe the Kentucky River. Describe the Cumberland River. Through what states does the Tennessee River flow ? Where is the Minnesota River ? Describe it. What two rivers flow through Iowa ? Describe the * Missouri River. What river flows into the Missouri below Jefferson City ? Describe the * Arkansas. Describe the White River. * See the Map of the United States for the entire course of this ' river. % rrwr m> SVTC Jt\ fra "w > JT? ja re rov CIS Hoi CiJJi w ttH ,A i25 . JI it tGf o CONTENTS OF THE MAP OF THE WESTERN STATES. Lesson CYII. The Western States are : MINNESOTA, WISCONSIN, MICHIGAN, OHIO, KENTUCKY, Tr.NNi ARKANSAS, MISSOURI, IOWA, ILLINOIS, INDIANA, & CAI.IKOUNIA. BURLINGTON, MADISON, GALENA, NEW ALBANY, CHICAGO, EVANSVILLE, ALTON, LA FAYETTE, QUINCY, SAN FRANCISCO, & PEORIA, STOCKTON. The Cape is : * MKNDOCINO. The Mountains are: ALLEGHANY, and CUMBERLANH. The Capital Cities are : ST. PAUL, MADISON, I,. \NS1NU, CoUWBUB, FllANKKORT, NASHVILLE, LITTLE ROCK, JKFFKUSON CITY, DES MOINES, Sl'UIMiFIKLD, INDIANAPOLIS, & SACRAMENTO. The Bay is : * SAN FRANCISCO. The Lakes are: HURON, SUPERIOR, ST. CLAIR, & MICHIGAN, ERIE. The Rivers are : WEST FORK, ST. MARY'S, KENTUCKY, GRAND, CUMBERLAND, ST. CLAIR, TENNESSEE, DETROIT, IOWA, f MISSISSIPPI, DES MOINES, WISCONSIN, f MISSOURI, ILLINOIS, OSAGE, f Oino, ARKANSAS, SCIOTO, WHITE, & WAIIASH, * SACRAMENTO. REMARK : St. Mary's Eivcr, St. Cliiir River, and the Detroit River are, strictly speaking, straits. The other Cities are : MILWAUKEE, RACINE, JANESVII.LE, DETROIT, KALAMA/OM, GRAND UAIMI-S, TOLKDO, SAM .. CLEVELAND, CINCINNATI, DAYTON, LOCUTILLB, COVINGTON, LEXINGTON, KNO.XVII.I.K, Coi.rMiiiA, MllMI'IIIS, UATKSVII.I.K, VAN I'.; [BIX, \CK, ST. JiiSKI'H, IOWA CITY. * Set- C:i1if(inii:t on tin- M:I|I of the Tinted States. t S'<: Map of the' Ciiit.'d Siiitcs lor the entire course. REVIEW OF THE WESTERN STATES. 89 Lesson CVIII. REVIEW OF THE WESTERN STATES. REMARK. The pupil should be able to answer the following questions without referring to the map. How many "Western States are there 1 Mention them. Which of these border on the east side of the Mississippi River ? Which border on the west side of the same river ? Which are bounded south by the Ohio River 1 Which border on Lake Michigan ? Which border on Lake Erie 1 Which on Lake Superior ? Which one borders on Lake Huron 1 Which one is bounded north by the Ohio River ? From what two states is Illinois separated by the Mississippi River ? What important city in Missouri, about 20 . miles south of the Missouri River 1 On what river is St. Louis situated ? In what state is Alton situated ? In what direction is Alton from Springfield ? Of what state is Springfield the capital ? What important city in this state on Lake Michigan ? In what direction from Chicago is La Fayette ? From La Fayctte is Dayton ? In what state is La Fayette situated 1 On what river? In what direction from La Fayette is Toledo ? Where is Toledo ? From Toledo is Columbus ? From Columbus is Cincinnati ? Where is Columbus ? What city in Kentucky opposite Cincinnati 1 On which side of the Ohio River is Cincinnati? On which side is Louisville ? In what direction from Louisville is Frankfort ? Of what state is Nashville the capital ? In what direction is Nashville from Frankfort? Nashville from Memphis ? Where is Memphis ? Where is Little Rock ? Where is Columbia ? Of the cities in the Western States, whose location you have learned, which are on the Grand River ? Which on the east side of the Mississippi River? Which on the west side of the same river ? Which on the north side of the Ohio River ? Which on the south side of the Ohio River ? Which on the Missouri River ? Which on the Arkansas River ? Which one is on the Scioto River? Which one on the West Fork of White River? Which one on the Detroit River? * Which one on the Illinois River ? Which one on the White River ? Which one on the Sacramento River ? Which one on the Kentucky River ? Which one on the Cumberland River? Which one on the Holston River ? Knoxvillc. Which one on the Fevre River ? Galena. Which one on the Rock River ? Janesville. Which one on Fourth Lake ? Madison. Which one on Sandusky Bay ? S. Near the mouth of the Maumee River ? Toledo. Near the Sangamon River ? Springfield. In what state is Knoxville ? In what state is Janes- ville ? In what state is Batesville ? In what state, and in what part of it, is Galena? What rivers flow into the Ohio River from the north ? From the south ? What rivers flow into the Missis- sippi River from the east ? From the west ? St. Louis, Missouri. From what two states does the Ohio River separate Ohio? From what state does the Ohio River sepa- rate Illinois ? Through what states does the Tennessee River flow ? Of what state is Lansing the capital ? What two states bound Michigan on the south ? What important city in the south-eastern part of Michigan? D. What river is the outlet of Lake St. Clair? Of Lake Huron? Of Lake Superior? What states border on the west side of Lake Michigan ? What two cities on this lake in the south-eastern part of Wisconsin ? In what direction from Milwaukee is Dubuque ? In what state, and in what part of it, is Dubuque ? In what direction is Dubuque from Iowa City ? Which of the Western Stati-s is the largest 2 C. "U^Kfch the smallest ? Indiana. Which one borders on the Pacific Ocean ? 90 CORNELL'S PRIMARY GEOGRAPHY. STATE HOOTE AND TALE COLLEGE, (New Haven.) Lesson CIX. JtflSCELLANEOUS QUESTIONS ON THE UNITED STATES. What city is the capital of the United States ? Washington. In what District is it situated ? In the District of Columbia. Between what states does this district lie ? Between Maryland and Virginia. l:r.\i A UK : The District of Columbia is situated on the Potomac Ilivcr, on the Maryland side. It contains about sixty square mile.". Ynii can sco how this District is located, by looking on the Map of the ' States. What city in the United States has the greatest num- ber of inhabitants ? New York. What city ranks next to New York in this respect? Philadelphia. What city in the Eastern States has the greatest number of inhabitants ? Boston. What city ranks next to Boston in this respect? Providence. What city in the Southern States has the greatest numlxjr of inhabitants ? Baltimore. What city ranks next to Baltimore in this respect? New Orleans. Wli;it city in the Western" States has the greatest number of inhabitants ? Cinciimat i. What city ranks next to Cincinnati in this respect ? St. Louis. What city ranks next to St. Louis in this respect ? Chicago. What lakes are situated between British America and the United States ? S., H., St. C., E., 0. What large lake lies wholly within the boundary of the United States 7 Lake Michigan. What state is situated the most north-easterly in the United States ? What state is furthest west ? What one furthest south-west ? What one furthest south? What one is the largest? Texas. What one is the smallest ? Rhode Island. What states border on the territories ? Have all the territories capitals ? No, only those which are organized. What is the difference between an organized and an unorganized territory ? An organized territory is on in which the peo- ple choose a Legislature, or officers, to make laws for the territory ; and an unorganized territory has no special form of government. The Governor of a state is elected by the pen). ]<> residing in the state, and the Gov- ernor of a territory is appointed by the Presi- dent of the United States. UNITED STATES. 91 "WASHINGTON. The wide avenue near the centre of the picture, is called Pennsylvania Avenue; and the large building in the background, at the end of the avenue, la the Capitol A small part of the President's house is shown in the foreground. DESCRIPTIVE GEOGRAPHY. Lesson CX. UNITED STATES. Area in square miles, 3,230,000. Population, 23,260,000. Boundary. The United States are bounded on thenorth by British America, on the east by the Atlantic Ocean, on the south by the Gulf of Mexico and Mexico, and west by the Pacific Ocean. Chief Divisions. The United States comprise thirty-one States, eight Territories, and one District. The states are divided into four sections, viz. : the Eastern or New Eng- land, the Northern or Middle, the Southern and the Western. THE NEW ENGLAND STATES. Vermont is situated the most north-west- erly of the Eastern States. The surface of the state is mountainous, and the chief productions are butter, wool, and maple-sugar. MONTPELIER, the capital, is pleasantly sit- uated on the Onion River. New Hampshire lies between Maine and Vermont. This state is frequently called " the -Swit- zerland of America," on account of its beau- tiful and romantic scenery. The chief occu- pations of the inhabitants are agriculture and manufactures. CONCORD, the capital, is situated on the Merrimac River. Maine is the most north-easterly state of the United States, and of the section to which it belongs. The inhabitants are largely engaged in the lumber trade, fisheries, and ship-building. AUGUSTA, the capital, is pleasantly situat- ed on the Kennebec River. Massachusetts lies south of Vermont and New Hampshire. The inhabitants are largely engaged in commerce, manufactures, and the whale fish- ery. It is the oldest and most populous of the New England States. 92 CORNELL'S PRIMARY GEOGRAPHY BOSTON, situated at the head of Massa- chusetts Bay, is the capital of Massachusetts, and the largest and most important city of New England. Lowell, on the Merrimac Kiver, is noted for its extensive cotton and woollen manufac- tories. Rhode Island, the smallest state in the Union, is situated south of Massachusetts. This state is noted for its manufactures. PROVIDENCE, the semi-capital of the state, is situated on "both sides of Providence Kiver. NEWPORT, on the Island of Ehode Island, is a celebrated watering place. Connecticut lies south of Massachusetts. This State is noted for the extent and variety of its manufactures. The chief pro- ductions are grain, butter, cheese and cider. HARTFORD and NEW HAVEN are the capi- tal cities. A Vicw/m the Hudson Lesson CXI. THE NORTHERN OR MIDDLE STATES. New York is situated west of Vermont, Massachusetts, and Connecticut. This state is largely engaged in commerce ami inaiiufarturrs. Tin; chief productions are wheat, hay, butter, cheese, and maple-sugar. ALBANY, the capital, is situated on the west side of the Hudson. NEW YORK, on Manhattan Island, at the confluence of the Hudson and East Rivers, is the most popu- lous, and chief commercial city in the United States. New Jersey is situated south of New York, and east of Pennsylvania This state is noted for its fruit, garden vegetables, and manufactures. TRENTON, the capital, is situated on the east side of the Delaware Eiver. Delaware is situated south of Pennsyl- vania, and east of Maryland. This state is noted for its excellent wheat. DOVER, the capital, is situated on Jones' Creek. Pennsylvania is, next to New York, the largest of the Middle States. This state is remarkable for the abundance, of its coal and iron. HARRISBURG, the capital, is finely situated on the Susquehanna Eiver. PHILADELPHIA, on the Delaware, is the largest city in the state. Lesson l/XII. THE SOUTHERN STATES. Maryland lies south of Pennsylvania, and east of Virginia. Its chief productions are flour and to- bacco. ANNAPOLIS, the capital city, is situated on the Severn Eiver, about three miles from its entrance into Chesapeake Eay. BALTIMOUK, on the Patapsco, near Chesapeake Bay, is the largest city in the state. Virginia the largest of the Southern States, except Texas, lies south of Pennsylvania and Maryland. The chief productions of this state are wheat, corn, and tobacco. Lesson CXYI. OCEANIA OR OCEANICA. Area in sq. miles, 4,500X)00. Population, 21,000,000. Oceania comprises the South-Eastern or Australian Continent, and most of the islands in the Pacific Ocean. How Divided. It is divided into three principal parts, viz. : Polynesia, Australasia, and Maylasia. The most important islands and groups of islands in Oceania are, the Sandwich Isles, So- ciety Isles, Friendly Isles, New Zealand, Van Piemen's Land, New Guinea, Celebes, Java, Sumatra, Borneo, and the Philippine Isles. Questions on the Hap of Oceania. In what direction from North America are the Sand- wich Isles ? In what direction from South America ? In what direction from the Sandwich Isles are the Society Islands ? Where are the Friendly Isles ? Where are the islands called New Zealand ? ^Yhat city is the capital of New Zealand ? On what island is it situated ? Mention the three islands, called New Zealand. Which one is furthest north ? Which one furthest south ? In what " direction from Australia is Van Diemen's Land 1 What island north of Australia ? In what direction is Celebes from New Guinea ? From Celebes is Java? What island lies north-west of Java ? Where is Borneo ? What group of islands lies north-east of Borneo? What sea is west of the Philippine Isles ? In what ocean are the Islands of Oceania situated? What islands lying in the Pacific Ocean, east of Asia, are not included in Oceania ? The Japan Isles. Are the Aleutian Isles included in Oceania ? Xo. What continent is included in Oceania ? How is Australia bounded ? What two cities are situated in the south-eastern part of Australia ? Of the islands of Oceania, which are in Polynesia ? Which are in Australasia ? Which are in Malaysia ? TO TEACHERS. As the following Vocabulary contains the names of all the natural and political divisions introduced int rolume, it will be obvious, that it presents the foundation for a great number and variety of questions, which r instituted by the teacher or examiner, in order to ascertain whether the pupils have thoroughly memorized the cc of the work. It may also be used to great profit as a spelling and writing exercise. PRONOUNCING VOCABULARY, OF GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES. KEY TO THE PRONUNCIATION. Fate, far, fall, bat. Mete, there, hGr, help. Pine, fig. Note, wcilf, 16rd, moon, not. Tune, bull unto. f>u. as in our. G, as in the word go. EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS. G. D. grand division cont. continent i. island p. peninsula i^th. isthmus ca. cape m. tain lei: territory sta. state c. country t. town o. ocean s. sea g. gulf 6. bay tr. strait sd. sound eh. channel I. lake r. r A B C AMERICA, cont. a-nwr'i-ka. BAREOW, str. bffr'ro. CARIBBEAN, s. k<7r-rib'be-an AMERICA, (Xth.) G. D. BLANCO, ca. blan ko. CALIFORNIA, sta. g. <&p. kal-i-for ne-a. AMERICA, (Sth.) G. D. &p. BAFFINS, 6. baf'flnz. COLORADO, r, kol-o-ru'do. AMF.KIOA, (Russian) c. ru -she-an. BEHRIKG, sir. be'ring. CELEBES, *'. sel-e-bC-z'. AMKRICA, (British) c. brit ish. BORNEO, i. bor ne-o. CO.MORIN, co. kom'o-rin. AMERICA, (Central) c. sen'tral. BRITISH, ides, brit'ish. CHINA, *. . /. kon go. Ar-TRiA, <: BII:MAII. <. ber ma. CnuyuisAfA. city, choo ke-f;i'ka ath i nz. BKLOHCIIISTAX, c. bcl-u'sliis-tiin'. Ci'Vs-iA.N-iiM. IM.E, city, kon'stan-ti-nc az'or. BAN<:K<>K, fit;/, bang-kok'. CiipKNiiA(;EN. city, ko-pcn-ha'gei: AIIKIAIHT, . ad-ri-atik. BOKHARA, city, bo-kA'rS. A. /. klT Bl A SAM. . ii naiii. BAIKAL, /. \,\ kal. ( An ASI s. mtfs. ka kii-sus. A r. A in A, c. Ap. tir-H- bi'-.i. IliiAiiMAruTRA, r. lirii inii-pu'tra. CARPATHIAN, mtu. k.ir-pa'the-nn. -., c. af-L'an-Ls-t iij'. j;..si.v. i-it y. b:'is -tun. CIIINK.SI: '|'ARTARY, c. clii-iirz' tar'-t ARAL, x. ii r'- ill. Ill IL1.IM.-I.IN, City, 2. tun. CHINA I'IKIPKII, c. clii -na prop'- v, r. i ra. HAM;'.' bant.' : ('Ai.c'UTTA, city, kal-kiitta. 'y, 2. is'ta. l;rFF\i.->. OttU. bnf?a-lo. . city, kii-brol'. Al.llAN 1 .. Illl'. l;i:<",i;t.t s, < ////, brok'lln. ( KI I.ON, i, Fr-lon'. .' \. "tit. ( r. nl-.i-l.uh'-ma. RODOK, city, ba-tong-r66zh'. \. //. -p