DBCUMENT8 35E GIFT 23 )91S CLASSIFICATION OP UNITS INVOLVED IN CONSTRUCTION. UNO ADDITIONS AND BETTERMENTS ISSUED BY THE Railroad Commission of Washington 1909 Forms "A" and " B." Oltmpia, Wash.: e. l. boaudman, foblic printer 1910 CLASSIFICATION OF UNITS INVOLVED IN CONSTRUCTION, AND ADDITIONS AND BETTERMENTS ISSUED BY THE Railroad Commission of Washington 1909 Fonri^ "A" and "IS." Oltmpia, Wash.: E. L. Boakdman, Public Pbinteb 1910 ^ ft . 36. Steam Locomotives. Under this account should be shown the number of locomotives pur- chased or built at the company's shops, the engine number, class, gauge, size of cylinders, number and diameter of drivers, total engine and wheel base, total rigid wheel base, total wheel base of engine and tender, capacity of tank, weight on drivers, weight of engine, weight of tender light, and total weight of engine and tender in working order; purchase price or building cost of each locomotive, freight and messenger service, and cost of setting up after receipt from builders. Under this account should be also shown* the nature and cost of improvements to steam locomotives, such as applying electric head- lights, power brakes, etc., apparatus replaced by other apparatus of improved design, and locomotives sold, scrapped, or destroyed. 30 Railroad Commission of Washington 37. Electric Locomotives. Under this account should be shown the number of electric loco- motives purchased or built at the company's shops, the size, weight, class, rating and name of builder, purchase price or building cost, and cost of transportation and setting up after receipt from builders. Under this account should also be shown the nature and cost of im- provements to electric locomotives, such as applying power brakes, etc., apparatus replaced by other apparatus of improved design, and locomotives sold, scrapped or destroyed. 38. Passenger Train Cars. Under this account should be shown the new passenger cars purchased or built at the company's shops; number, character, and car numbers of each class of car; length and width over sills, height over all; weight and name of builder, kind of heating apparatus, car lights, air signal or coupler, number of wheels in each truck and size of truck wheels, kind of air brake and vestibule, number of compart- ments and size of each, purchase price or building cost of each car or series of cars, and cost of transportation. Under this account should also be shown the nature and cost of substantial improvements made to passenger train cars of all classes, such as the application of vestibules, motors for self-propulsion, axle-lighting apparatus, etc., all apparatus replaced by other apparatus of improved design, and passenger train cars sold, scrapped or destroyed. 39. Freight Train Cars. Under this account should be shown the number, character, and car numbers of each class of new freight cars purchased or built at the company's shops, name of builder, inside length, width and height, and weight and capacity in pounds, character of under frame, air brake and coupler, purchase price or building cost of each car or series of cars and cost of transportation of each. Under this ac- count should also be shown the nature and cost of substantial im- provements made to freight cars of all classes, such as the applica- tion of motors for self-propulsion, etc., all devices replaced by other devices of improved design; and freight train cars sold, scrapped or destroyed. 40. Work Equipment. Under this account should be shown the number, class, character and car numbers of each class of new work equipment purchased or built at the company's shops. In this class of equipment should be included snow plows, derricks, pile drivers, water and sprinkling cars, ballast spreaders and unloaders, gravel plows, steam shovels, clam shells, weed burners, rail unloaders, bunk, boarding, camp, dump, sweeper, supply, sanding and tool cars and all other work equipment; the purchase price or building cost and cost of transportation. Under m _ Classification of Units — Form B 31 this account should also be shown the nature and cost of substan- tial improvements made to work equipment of all classes, such as the application of motors for self-propulsion, changing a hand derrick into a steam derrick, etc., all devices replaced by other devices of improved design; and work equipment sold, scrapped or destroyed. 41. Floating Equipment. Under this account should be shown all new floating or marine equipment necessary to the operation of the road; its purchase or building cost and cost of transportation; nature and cost of sub- stantial improvements made to marine or floating equipment of all classes, such as putting fire pumps on tugs, substitution of more powerful or modern machinery, etc., all devices replaced by other devices of improved design; and floating equipment sold, scrapped or destroyed. In case that such equipment is the property of an inter- state railroad, and is maintained on a body of water marking the boundary of two states, which is crossed by such road, one-half of the value of such equipment should be allowed to each state. GENERAL EXPENDITURES (A axd B). 42. Interest and Commissions. To this account should be charged bona fide commissions on securities sold, interest and commissions on loans effected, and on notes issued for money borrowed for the purpose of paying for work or equipment charged to additions and betterments; interest on overdue payments to contractors or other creditors on account of such work; and bank discount (prepaid interest), interest, commissions, and ex- change on other commercial paper uttered for similar purposes. Interest on bonds, notes, or other securities sold to provide funds to pay for additions, betterments, and additional equipment, that ac- crues before completion of the work or receipt of the equipment, is chargeable to this account. Interest receivable accrued on moneys or credits provided for this purpose should be credited to this account. Interest that accrues after the completion of the work or receipt of the equipment by the carrier is not chargeable to this account. — • J iuiu BTO>. -Makers Syracuse, X. y w. jui. a, i9oi