IC-NRLF 17 am HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH PRIOR TO I860 RS.I.M.E.BLANDIN LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH PRIOR TO 1860 N- HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH PRIOR TO i860 By MRS. I. M. E. BLANDIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK AND WASHINGTON THE NEALE PUBLISHING COMPANY 1909 8EWEHAL COPYRIGHT, 1909, By The Neale Publishing Company *fjBR^ OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE i SOUTHERN CIVILIZATION n n SYSTEM OF SCHOOLS 16 ni URSULINE CONVENT, 1727 1908 ... 20 iv SALEM ACADEMY, WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA, 1802 1908 31 v EARLY SCHOOLS IN ALABAMA ... . 56 vi ACADEMIES FOR GIRLS ...... 63 vn ACADEMIES IN AND AROUND TUSCALOOSA . 69 vin ACADEMIES CONTINUED 75 ix ALABAMA FEMALE INSTITUTE, TUSCALOOSA, ALABAMA, 1833 1888 80 x MARION FEMALE SEMINARY, MARION, ALA- BAMA, 1835 I 98 86 xi LIVINGSTON FEMALE ACADEMY, LIVING- STON, ALABAMA, 1840 1908 .... 100 xii SOME OTHER INSTITUTES, SEMINARIES AND COLLEGES 119 xiii SCHOOLS IN FLORIDA .. 126 xiv FIRST SCHOOL IN GEORGIA FOR GIRLS . . 129 xv LAGRANGE FEMALE COLLEGE, LAGRANGE, GEORGIA, 18331903 139 xvi EARLY SCHOOLS OF KENTUCKY . . . . 153 xvii EARLY SCHOOLS OF LOUISIANA . . . 161 xviii THE WOMAN'S COLLEGE, FREDERICK, MARY- LAND, 1840 1908 172 19262? 8 CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE xix FRANKLIN ACADEMY, COLUMBUS, MISSIS- SIPPI, 1821 1908 185 xx SCHOOLS IN MISSOURI. MARY INSTITUTE, ST. Louis, MISSOURI, 1859 1908 . . 204 xxi EARLY SCHOOLS IN NORTH CAROLINA . . 217 xxii EDGEWORTH FEMALE SEMINARY, GREENS- BORO, NORTH CAROLINA, 1840 1871 . . 232 xxiii EARLY SCHOOLS IN SOUTH CAROLINA . . 251 xxiv FIRST ACADEMIES IN TENNESSEE . . . 273 xxv INSTITUTES AND COLLEGES. COLUMBIA IN- STITUTE, COLUMBIA, TENNESSEE, 1836 1908 282 xxvi EARLY SCHOOLS IN TEXAS 296 xxvii EARLY SCHOOLS IN VIRGINIA . . . .310 OF THE UNIVERSITY OF LIFOR PREFACE COLLEGES and universities were provided for the training and culture of men long centuries before such opportunities were accorded to women ; but at last men began to realize the truth of the sentiment expressed in one of the earliest acts of the legislative council of the Territory of Orleans, " that the prosperity of every State depends greatly on the education of the female sex, in so much that the dignity of their condition is the strongest characteristic which distinguishes civil- ized from savage society." However, some sections of our country were slow to recognize this truth, and the first half of the nineteenth century was well-nigh passed before girls were allowed to attend any but the " common or district school," and the expression of a desire to learn Latin or higher mathematics was con- sidered an evidence of unsound mind. Finally, women demanded a recognition of their right to educational advantages equal to those pro- vided for men. In some States women canvassed the country to arouse interest in the education of women, and to collect money to establish schools for women of a higher grade than the common school. Indeed, " they fought for every step of the way toward the recognition of their right to educational advantages equal to those provided for men." Such, however, was never the case at the South; for in every part of the South, from its earliest settle- ment, men recognized their obligations to their daughters as well as to their sons, and schools for girls were established all over the South as soon as conditions would warrant their maintenance. Well aware of the fact that the simple assertion of this truth can be doubted, is doubted, and oftentimes denied, the author has undertaken the task of collect- 9 10 PREFACE ing the strongest proof that can be offered that con- tained in the acts of the legislatures of the States, in catalogues of the schools, in data preserved in libraries of historical associations, and in letters written by people connected with such schools. The facts thus obtained are presented in the sketches of the different schools, and enough facts from every section of the South have been gathered to show that the interest in the education of women was not confined to any locality or State but was widespread. The author returns thanks to all who answered let- ters of inquiry or in any way assisted her; especially to Messrs. R. E. Steiner, Jr., and Flowers Steiner of Montgomery, Alabama, and to Mr. W. C. Richardson of Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Also to Miss Courtney Hol- lins of Nashville, Tennessee, for valuable assistance in securing data for Nashville Academy. The author fully appreciates the value of the great advantages enjoyed by Southern women as a free-will offering, and deems it an act of justice only that the record of such nobility of character should be made available for reference and put in a more durable form than it has been heretofore. History of Higher Education of Women in the South CHAPTER I Southern Civilization SINCE the South was largely settled by colonists from continental Europe, and for more than a century these colonies were under European dominion, it be- comes necessary, in order to present a truthful and in- telligent view of Southern life, its customs, manners, trend of thought, or the educational ideas and methods, to consider European civilization and the agents by which it was evolved from the chaos that ensued on the dissolution of the Roman Empire. This civilization presents a marked contrast to the civilization of antiquity; the latter were characterized by remarkable unity; they seemed the result of some one fact, the expression of some one idea; whereas, the civilization of modern Europe is diversified, con- fused, stormy. " All the principles of social organiza- tion are found existing together within it: powers temporal, powers spiritual, the theocratic, monarchic, aristocratic, and democratic elements, all classes of so- ciety, all social situations are jumbled together and visible within it; as well as infinite gradations of lib- erty, wealth, and influence." ("Guizot's History of Civilization," pp. 37-41.) These various elements were in a constant struggle among themselves, but their inability to exterminate one another compelled them to enter into a sort of mutual understanding. This understanding was brought about by a new division of property which, together with the maxims and manners to which it 11 12 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION gave rise, introduced a species of government formerly unknown, which attempted to establish a federative system. This peculiar system is now distinguished as the Feudal System. " It rested upon the same prin- ciples as those on which is based the federative system of the United States. This system gave birth to ele- vated ideas and feelings in the mind, to moral wants, to grand developments of character and passion. It jealously guarded individual rights, especially those of landed proprietors, fostered the family spirit, and made known the importance of women and the value of wife and mother." Though these feudal lords were almost always en- gaged in war, yet a " crowd of noble sentiments, of splendid achievements, and beautiful developments of humanity were evidently germinated in the bosom of the feudal life." (" Guizot's History of Civilization," pp. 98, 99, 100.) However, the real dawning of the morning that suc- ceeded the long night was the inauguration of the Crusades. These were the first common enterprise in which the European nations ever engaged the first European event. The Crusaders returned with much information, enlarged views and new ideas; their prejudices were removed, their manners, tastes, and amusements more refined. The same spirit that had induced so many gentlemen to take arms in defense of the oppressed pilgrims in the Holy Land incited others to declare themselves the patrons and avengers of injured innocence at home. Thus arose that peculiar institution chivalry whose characteristic qualities were valor, humanity, courtesy, justice, honor. Its effects were not confined to the knightly class, but showed themselves in other ranks of society. More gentle and polished manners were introduced when courtesy was recommended as the most amiable of knightly virtues; women were treated with deference and respect, and their status in society elevated. OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 13 A scrupulous adherence to truth, with the most religious attention to the fulfillment of every engage- ment, became the distinguishing characteristic of a gentleman, because chivalry was regarded as the school of honor, and inculcated the most delicate sensibility with respect to these points. The impetus given to commerce by the Crusades en- abled the seaport cities to amass great wealth and caused others to spring into existence. This wealth enabled them to acquire liberty, and with it such privileges as rendered them respectable and independ- ent communities. Thus in every State was formed a new order of citizens, to whom commerce presented itself as their proper object, and opened to them a certain path to wealth and distinction. The church, through all these changes, possessed a definite form, activity and strength; she had move- ment and order, energy and system, and the promises that address themselves to the hopes of humanity re- specting the future. The church has given to the de- velopment of the human mind an extent and variety never possessed elsewhere. Her great error was the denial of the rights of the individual the claim of transmitting faith from the highest authority down- ward, throughout the whole religious body, without allowing to any one the right of examining the grounds of faith for himself. This encroachment on the rights and liberty of individuals was not allowed to continue without a challenge, and the vast effort made by the human mind to achieve its freedom is known as the Reformation. If it did not accomplish a complete emancipation of the human mind, it procured a new and great increase of liberty. Through these agencies, at the dawn of the seven- teenth century European civilization possessed broader and more enlightened views, greater political freedom, more refined manners, and greater religious liberty than ever before; but the war between advanced re- publican ideas of government and the doctrine of the 14 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION divine right of kings and the claim to extensive prerog- atives must yet be fought, and the world had not yet learned religious toleration. The political and religious upheavals that resulted from the promulgation of these doctrines sent thou- sands of the best citizens of Europe to the wilderness of America. These people were not serfs nor peas- ants, but intelligent men of the middle class, and men of culture in whose veins coursed the best blood of Europe. Many of them found the way to the South- ern States, where they established a civilization that possessed many of the best features of feudalism and chivalry. In North Carolina the Scotch, Irish, and Moravians made large settlements; the Huguenots found homes in South Carolina, and many Scotch and English settled in Georgia. To avoid the consequence of the dispute between England and her American colonies, many of the best and most intelligent citizens of Virginia, the Carolinas, and Georgia sought homes in the Southwest, where they established communities distinguished for thrift and the observance of law and order. " A company of immigrants from New Jersey made a settlement on the Homochitto River, now known as Kingston, Mississippi. This settlement begun by men of intelligence, energy, and high moral character, be- came prosperous and rich, densely populated, highly cultivated, distinguished for its churches and schools, its hospitality and refinement, and in the course of years it sent its thrifty colonies into many counties, carrying with them the characteristics of the parent hive." (" Claiborne's Mississippi," pp. 102-107.) The same author says : " The Natchez district was proverbial for its immunity from crime and criminals, though remote from the provincial government at Pensacola and no court of record nearer. There is no British record of judicial proceedings in the Natchez district, and as there was considerable wealth in land, slaves, cattle, and merchandise the good order that OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 15 prevailed must be ascribed to the superior character of the early immigrants. The intelligent and cultivated class predominated and gave tone to the community." Similar testimonies as to the character of many other settlements could be adduced. These testimonies were made by the historians of those times, men unin- fluenced by sectional feeling or prejudice, and they warrant the assertion that a large proportion of the early settlers of the Southern States were men of in- telligence and moral worth, law-abiding citizens. 16 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION CHAPTER II System of Schools THE Southern people fully recognized the impor- tance of education, and according to their ideas made generous provision for schools. The following ex- tract from a speech by Dr. J. L. M. Curry confirms this statement: "In 1860 the North had a popula- tion of 19,000,000 whites, 205 colleges, 1,407 profes- sors, 29,044 students. In the same year, the South had a population of 8,000,000 white, 262 colleges, 1,488 professors, 37,055 students. During the same year the North expended on colleges $514,688, the South $1,622,419." (Birmingham, Alabama, Age- Herald.) In 1617 Virginia began to work out a plan for the education of the " People of the Plantation," which culminated in the establishment of William and Mary College and provided for schools to be correlated with this institution of higher learning. This " University System " that is, an institution of higher learning in each State and at least one academy in each county was adopted by each of the Southern States. These academies were maintained in part by grants of land in Kentucky and Tennessee; by legislative appropria- tions in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Louisiana, and Mississippi. (" Boone's His- tory of Education in the United States," pp. 86-87.) In Alabama the revenues from toll bridges, escheated property, and a certain percentage of the dividend of State banks were appropriated to the maintenance of academies. Every Southern State made provision for common schools. The first constitution of Georgia made pro- OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 17 vision for a general common-school education. (Con- stitution of 1777, Art. 8.) In 1821 the Legislature of Georgia appropriated $250,000 for common schools. Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, Louisi- ana, Mississippi, and Tennessee each spent annually on common schools from one-fourth to three-fourths of a million dollars. ("Boone's History of Educa- tion in the United States," pp. 348, 349.) The com- mon-school fund was increased by the establishment of a " literary fund " by legislative enactment in Vir- ginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. These funds were augmented from time to time from vari- ous sources. In 1806 Tennessee granted 100,000 acres of land to academies and colleges, and one-thirtieth of the re- maining unoccupied territory to common schools. In 1821 Kentucky and Louisiana made large grants of land to these schools. In the former one-half the net profits of the Bank of the Commonwealth were made a " literary fund " to be distributed annually for main- tenance of common schools. In 1837 Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Missouri, North Carolina, and South Carolina applied the whole of their shares of the surplus revenue to the maintenance of common schools in the respective States. ("Boone's History of Education in the United States," pp. 86, 87, 91.) This alone aggre- gated three and a half millions. Alabama and Mississippi were organized on the " sixteenth plan " ; that is, every sixteenth section of land must be appro- priated to the support of common schools. This fund in some sections was sufficient to maintain good schools and provide free text-books. The proceeds of the sale of these lands form the basis of the school fund of these States. It was estimated in 1855 (See DeBow's Review, Vol. XVIII, p. 664) that for many years prior to 1860 the South paid annually five million dollars to the North for books and instruction. IB HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION In addition to what the State appropriated for edu- cational purposes, much was done by private enterprise and denominational zeal. As early as 1655 Captain John Moon bequeathed a sum of money for the sup- port of a free school in Isle of Wight County in Vir- ginia. Two years later Mr. King bequeathed one hundred acres of land to the same county for the same purpose. (Isle of Wight Records.) The prevailing sentiment at the South opposed secular education and favored church schools; there- fore the control of the academies soon passed from the State to the various denominations, and many seminaries and institutes were established by different denominations. The Southern people were also opposed to co-educa- tion, hence girls were not admitted to the academies and colleges ; but they were not neglected. At a very early period schools, seminaries, and institutes the last two, colleges in all but name were established especially for them. The criticism is sometimes made that these schools sink into insignificance when compared with the col- leges for women of the present day. The same might be said of the schools for men the high schools and colleges of the present day are far in advance of any colleges fifty years ago. However, the principal dif- ference between the colleges for men and women fifty years ago was substitution of French for Greek and the addition of music and art to the curriculum of the col- leges for women. Judged by the test that has been applied for two thousand years, " By their fruits shall ye know them," these colleges were excellent schools. The women who were trained in them acquitted them- selves admirably in every station of life, from the highest to the most ordinary vocations of women. They have commanded the admiration of cultured peo- ple at home and abroad, by their intelligence, their accomplishments, and refined and gentle manners. When/ the antecedents of the Southern colonists OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 19 and the character of the colonists themselves are con- sidered it is not strange that in the South was estab- lished the first school in the United States, the second oldest school for girls on the continent of America, the Ursuline Convent in New Orleans. 20 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION CHAPTER III Ursuline Convent, 1727-1908 LA SALLE'S scheme of planting a colony in Louisi- ana, and others along the Mississippi River until the Great Lakes were reached, thus making an empire worthy of the " Grand Monarch/' filled all France, from court to peasantry, with enthusiasm, but his failure and the stirring events nearer home that de- manded immediate attention prevented the prosecution of this scheme. After the peace of Ryswick the all- important consideration was to take possession of the valley of the Mississippi before the English claimed it. Accordingly, plans for colonization were vigor- ously prosecuted. In January, 1699, Fort Maurepas was built on the Back Bay of Biloxi, where Ocean Springs now is, and the first settlement in Louisiana was begun. After more than twenty-seven years of labor and toil Louisiana consisted of the following settlements: New Orleans and the plantations in its vicinity, Fort Rosalie (now Natchez), and Fort Maurepas in Mis- sissippi; Mobile and Fort Tombecbe and Fort Tou- louse in Alabama. The Spaniards claimed Florida, where they had made two settlements St. Augustine and Pensacola. The English had settled three Southern colonies Maryland, Virginia, and Carolina ; the last colony was not divided into North and South Carolina until 1729. Thus what is now the Southern States was still in possession of the red man until the eighteenth cen- tury had well-nigh passed. After the death of Iberville, Bienville was made Governor of Louisiana. He fully realized that 'in or- OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 21 der to insure the prosperity of the colony the colonists must be self-sustaining and self-reliant. They must become Americans, not continue to be Frenchmen living in America. He fully realized this would never be accomplished as long as the children were sent to France to be educated. Hence he urged the home government to establish a college in Louisiana. The government refused on the ground that Louisiana was not populous enough to warrant the expense. Governor Bienville then attempted to obtain the services of some of the " Soeurs Crises " to teach the girls of the colony. This plan proved impracticable; but Bienville, undaunted by his failures, next applied to Father Beaubois, a Superior of the Jesuits who had recently come to evangelize the outlying districts of Orleans Island and the Indian tribes of the Territory. Father Beaubois suggested the Ursulines of Rouen as likely to be able to supply teachers. Application was made to them immediately. Father Beaubois, acting under the authority of Mgr. Jean de la Croix de St. Valier, Bishop of Quebec, negotiated with the Company of the Indies, which agreed to main- tain six nuns, to pay their passage, and that of four ser- vants to serve them during their voyage, and, further, to pay the passage of those who might wish for any motive to return to France. It was agreed that one of the nuns should be house- keeper of the hospital and should occupy herself with all the temporal concerns ; that two others should con- tinually be at the service of the sick ; that there should be one for the school for the poor, and another should serve as substitute to any of the others in case of sickness or the like. When the nuns might do so ad- vantageously, they were to take, if they thought proper, boarding pupils. On the 1 2th of January, 1727, all the nuns destined for the Louisiana monastery assembled in the infirm- ary of the Ursuline Convent in Rouen to meet for the first time the superior, Mother Maria Tranchepain 23 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION de St. Augustine, who had been set over the new es- tablishment by the Bishop of Quebec, in whose diocese Louisiana then was. The names of the first sisters were: Soeur Marguerite de St. Jean 1'Evangeliste, professe de la Communeaute de Rouen; Soeur Mari- anne Boulanger de St. Angelique de Rouen; Soeur Magdeleine de Mahieu de St. Francis de Xavier, pro- fesse de la Communeaute du Havre; Soeur Renee Guiquel de Ste. Marie, professe de Vannes; Soeur Marguerite de Salaon de Ste. Therese de Ploermel; Soeur Cecile Cavalier de Ste. Joseph, professe de la Communeaute d'Elbouf ; Soeur Marianne Daiu de Ste. Marthe, professe de la Communeaute de Hennebon; Soeur Marie Hochard de St. Stanislas, novice; Soeur Claude MafTy, seculiere de Choeur; Soeur Anne, se- culiere converse. These sisters were accompanied to New Orleans by Fathers Tartarin and Doutrebleau, very worthy missionaries of the Society of Jesus. On the 22d of February, 1727, they embarked on the Gironde at Port 1'Orient, but contrary winds de- tained them in the harbor until the following day. The mother superior describes the passage as most perilous, and we can well believe her statement, for it was not until the 7th of August that they reached New Orleans. Some distance below the city they left the ship and entered small craft, to hasten up the river, and thus an opportunity was given for that hospitable reception thus recorded by the superior : " When we were 8 or 10 leagues from New Orleans we com- menced to meet habitations. There was no one but stopped us to make us enter his house, and everywhere we were received with a joy beyond all expression. On every side they promised us boarding pupils, and some wished to give them to us already." She con- tinues : " The inhabitants of New Orleans wish that we should lack nothing; they vie with one another in hospitality toward us. This generosity charges us with obligation to almost everybody. Among our most devoted friends are M. le Commandant and his OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 23 lady, who are persons full of merit, and their society is very agreeable." The welcome given by Father Beaubois and the re- ception of the nuns is thus described in the " Ursu- lines in Louisiana " (p. 12) : " The delight of Father Beaubois on the arrival of the nuns, whom he had given up as lost, cannot be de- scribed. When the first greetings were over he con- ducted them to the poor church, to thank God for having rescued them from the dangers of the deep, and thence to his own house, where they sat down to a comfortable breakfast at u o'clock. Whether they walked processionally or were conveyed in the car- riages of the commandant does not appear. But, breakfast over, they were anxious to be conducted, as soon as convenient, to their own house. The monas- tery the Company of the Indies was building was far from completion, but the best house in the colony, Bienville's country house, was offered for their tem- porary abode. This, then, into which they entered on the evening of August 7, 1727, was the first con- vent on the delta of the Mississippi, the oldest, indeed, from St. Lawrence to the Gulf, by some seventy years. It was situated in the square now bounded by Bien- ville, Chartres, Douane (custom-house), and Decatur streets. It was two stories high; the flat roof could be used as a belvedere or gallery. Six doors gave air and entrance to the apartments of the ground floor. There were many windows, but instead of glass the sashes were covered with fine, thin linen, which let in as much light as glass and more air. The ground about the house was cleared : it had a garden in front and a poultry yard in the rear, but the whole estab- lishment was in the depth of the forest; the streets, marked by the surveyor some years before, had not yet been cut through as far as Bienville street, on which the nuns' garden opened: on all sides were forest trees of prodigious height and size. From the roof the nuns could look abroad on a scene of weird 24 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION and solemn splendor. The surrounding wilderness, with its spreading live oaks and ghastly cypresses, cut up by glassy, meandering bayous, was the refuge and home of reptiles, wild beasts, vultures, herons, and many wondrous specimens of the fauna of Louisiana." Almost immediately our good nuns began to teach the children, to instruct the Indian and the negro races, and to care for the sick. The Governor wished them to add a Magdalen asylum to their good works; but it is doubtful if they were able to undertake this work of mercy for the abandoned women of the col- ony. They received under their protection the or- phans of the Frenchmen recently massacred by the Natchez, and the " filles-a-la-cassete " (girls with trunks or caskets), several installments of whom the King sent out as wives for his soldiers. And later these good nuns received large numbers of the exiled Acadians. ("Ursulines in Louisiana," p. 13.) The instruction of the children was allotted to Soeur Madeleine Mahieu de St. Francis Xavier. She was the first woman engaged in the systematic in- struction of girls in the colony, and the first of the company of nuns to be called to her reward (July 6. 1728). In a circular letter issued in her honor the mother superior makes the following statement : " She solicited me many times that she might have the care of instructing savages and negresses, but that being already promised to another sister I granted her the instruction of the day pupils (externes). She took delight in them, and nothing contented her more than to see their number increase, and the more ignorant these children were the more devoted she was to them." The boarding department was under the supervision of Soeur Marguerite Judde. She died on the I4th of August, 1731, and she is thus characterized by the superior : " Her love for poverty was so great that she never wished to keep for herself any of the boarding money, or the payments parents made her." (" Tran- OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 25 chepain de St. Augustine," p. 43.) Some idea of the extent of her duties may be gained from the statement in May, 1728, less than a year after the arrival of the Ursulines, the nuns had twenty boarders, among them girls of fifteen who never had heard mass and whom they took great pains to instruct, that when they went home they might establish religion in their families. ("Ursulines in Louisiana," p. 12.) The nuns were first domiciled in Bienville's country house, but they did not remain there long. The fol- lowing account of their change of location is given in " Ursulines in Louisiana " (p. 14) : " Tradition asserts that the nuns did not remain long in Bienville's house. A plantation and some slaves had been given to them by the Indian Com- pany, to which they removed, probably, as soon as they were able to erect a temporary dwelling. Bien- ville's house, though the largest in the colony, soon became too small for the numbers placed under their charge. Not a stone upon a stone remains of these two oldest convents on the delta. The first fell a prey to a conflagration which spread from the house of a Spaniard on Good Friday, 1788, to nearly 900 houses, leaving thousands homeless. What the second was like it has not been possible to ascertain, but its site was on a short street, flanked by cotton presses, and opening on the levee, called Nun street, in commem- oration of the nuns who once prayed and taught within its limits. A long, straggling street, thickly fringed with very unpretentious houses, runs through the old Ursuline plantation, and recalls its ancient owners by its title, Religious street. Time has not left the slightest vestige of these old monasteries or the fine old trees and well-kept gardens that surrounded them." The third convent of Louisiana stands quite within the ancient city limits of the capital, on the square bounded by Chartres, Ursuline, Hospital, and Old Levee streets, on a line with the first, Bienville's 26 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION house, but at the opposite end of the city. It was be- gun in 1727 and finished in 1734, and is to-day the oldest house in the Mississippi Valley, and perhaps the strongest. Built of the very best materials, in the Tus- can composite style, its walls are several feet thick; the beams and rafters, which the saw never touched, seem as strong as when they left the forest ; the shut- ters are of iron, and the bolts and bars and hinges are not surpassed for size and strength by those of any prison. The builders made it strong enough to stand a siege, for in those days an attack from the Indians or the English was by no means improbable. The Ursulines made another removal in 1824. In 1831 their old convent became, for a brief time, the statehouse, and in 1834 was granted by them for the perpetual use of the archbishop, and since that time it has been his seat. (Cable, " The Creoles of Louisi- ana.") The writer of " The Ursulines in Louisiana " con- cludes the narrative as follows : " From the beginning the Ursulines were treated with the greatest kindness by the mother country and the colonists, and their wants were most liberally sup- plied. In 1740 they figure in the budget of the colony for 12,000 livres for the support of twelve religious and their orphans. Most of the ladies of the colony were educated at the Ursuline Convent (few went to Europe to be educated after its establishment), and their domestic virtues have won the warmest en- comiums. As daughters, wives, and mothers the Cre- oles did honor to their rearing. Their sweetness, mod- esty, grace, and industry were appreciated by the strangers who came hither to govern their country and had seen all of grace and beauty that Europe could show. To these matrons of Gallic blood the modesty and charm of maidenhood seemed to cling ; and their daughters were not unworthy of such mothers. Most of the Governors who came to the colony bore off Creole brides. OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 27 " The Ursuline schools always maintained a high de- gree of excellence. It is uncertain whether the schools of Boston, New York, or Philadelphia of those days were nearly so well provided with educational facili- ties as New Orleans while under the sway of France and Spain. Indeed, in sending out teachers these coun- tries gave the colony of their best. I have read with delight the letters of the first mother superior of the Ursulines, and those of her young disciple, Madeleine Hachard, and can testify that these ladies wrote their native language with a grace and elegance which few of the ' teachers ' who expatiate on the ' benighted ' times of old can equal. And no better evidence of the scholarship of the first teachers that enlightened the youth of Louisiana, and ameliorated the lot of the savage and the slave, by teaching them of a heaven prepared for them, of a Father who loves them, of a Saviour who redeemed them, rescuing them from the bondage of Satan, and imparting to them, for Christ's sake, that blessed freedom wherewith He hath made them free, can be found than the characters of the pupils trained in the Ursuline Convent." When Louisiana was transferred from the dominion of France to that of Spain the Ursulines were much disturbed and very apprehensive as to their future. The Spanish Governor hastened to allay these fears, and pledged the protection and favor of the govern- ment. ' You will assist the government in laboring for the preservation of morals, and the government will uphold you." When Louisiana became a part of the United States the Ursulines were much alarmed lest a Protestant government, one supposedly hostile and intolerant toward Catholics, would close their house. This transfer necessitated a change in church jurisdiction. Louisiana was transferred from the ju- risdiction of the Bishop of Cuba to that of the Bishop of Maryland, Rev. John Carroll. The superioress wrote to Bishop Carroll, stating her apprehensions. Bishop Carroll sent the letter to 28 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION President Jefferson, who answered it with the fol- lowing letter: "Washington, May 15, 1804. "To the Sister Therese de St. Xavier Farjon, Su- perioress, and to Nuns of the Order of St. Ursula at New Orleans : " I have received, Holy Sisters, the letter you have written me, wherein you express anxiety for the prop- erty invested in your Institution by the former Govern- ment of Louisiana. The principles of the Constitution and Government of the United States are a sure guar- antee that it will be preserved to you sacred and in- violate, and that your Institution will be permitted to govern itself according to its own voluntary rules, without any interference from the civil authority. " Whatever diversity of shade may appear in the re- ligious opinions of our fellow-citizens, the charitable objects of your Institution cannot be indifferent to any: and its furtherance of the wholesome purpose of society, by training up its younger members in the way they should go, cannot fail to insure it the pat- ronage of the government it is under. Be assured it will meet with all the protection which my office can give it. " I salute you, Holy Sisters, with friendship and re- spect. " THOMAS JEFFERSON." This autograph letter and one from President Madi- son, and many interesting documents, are carefully preserved in the archives of the Convent. In 1803 the number of Sisters was 1 1 and the number of board- ing pupils 170. After remaining in their third home, the Arch- bishop's palace, for 100 years, the Ursulines removed in 1824 to their present location. This convent is situated on an extensive plantation about two miles below New Orleans. The establishment is so very large that many have affirmed that had they not visited OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 29 it they could not have formed a just estimate of its vastness, or of the various advantages it possesses for educational purposes. The main building and each of the two wings in the rear are laid off into three stories, two of which are surrounded by broad galleries, where the pupils can take out-door exercise when the weather does not permit of recreation in the play-grounds or in the park. The lawn is bordered with beautiful crape myrtle, and the park is shaded by majestic pecan trees, over a century old. In front of the main building is a flower garden, and farther on, to the right and left, is an orange grove. A variety of other fruit and shade trees are also on the grounds. The milk and vegetables, etc., consumed in the establishment, being produced on the plantation, it is found easy to supply the pupils with an abundance of wholesome food. The various apartments are spacious, well venti- lated, and commodious, and great attention is paid to the rules of hygiene. It is a fact worthy of note that even during the terrible epidemic of 1878 there was not a single case of yellow fever within the enclosure. A suite of bathing rooms, twenty-five in number, is attached to the establishment. Each room is pri- vate, and is furnished with an abundant supply of hot and cold water. The program of studies in this institution has been modified as often as required, to correspond to the progress of the times and the demand of society. At present it embraces French and English grammar, rhetoric, literature, logic, ancient and modern history, geography, astronomy, arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, book-keeping, physics, botany, geology, physiology and chemistry. Lessons in penmanship, reading and elocution are daily given. The Academy possesses a library containing over four thousand volumes, philosophical and chemical apparatus, a telescope, a large assortment of the most 30 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION improved globes and maps, and a fine collection of minerals, etc. The musical and art departments are well equipped and under competent supervision. Equal attention is paid to the French and English languages, both being taught by theory and practice. The recreation hours are alternately superintended by American and French " religious " ; and during these hours the pupils are required to converse in the language of the sister who presides. Consequently, the young ladies who observe this point of their rule, and follow the course of grammar and literature adopted in the establishment, acquire a thorough knowledge of both languages, and speak them with fluency and elegance. The old-fashioned custom of training girls in cor- rect and polite behavior still prevails in this estab- lishment. Wreaths and gold and silver medals are awarded for polite and amiable conduct and neatness. On April 24, 1900, about one hundred ladies, in- cluding representatives from the graduating classes as far back as 1835, 1847, 1850, etc., assembled in the chapel of the convent to organize an alumnae association. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Rev. Father Denoyal, chaplain of the Ursuline Convent, who also later delivered an eloquent address. After prayer the meeting was called to order by the superioress of the Convent, Rev. Mother St. Stanis- laus. (The latter part of this sketch was prepared from the catalogue of Ursuline Academy for 1901-1902, and the Ursuline Alumnae, both kindly furnished by the mother superioress.) OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 31 CHAPTER IV Salem Academy, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, 1802-1908 IN 1752 a party of Moravian settlers entered the " Old North State," having received a liberal offer from Lord Granville if they would settle upon his estates in the " New World/' The tract which they settled was around the spot now occupied by the flourishing city of Winston-Salem, at that time an unbroken wilderness. The first settlement was lo- cated about six miles north of what is now Winston- Salem. The Moravians, since the days of John Huss, have paid much attention to education. A prominent ar- ticle of their faith is that in order to make good men and women it is necessary to begin work upon the children, and that, too, at a very early age. Hence, as soon as they build a church they build a school- house. Fifty years elapsed before they could put their faith into practice in North Carolina. However, in 1802 they founded Salem Academy, a school for girls. It is one of the five institutions of higher learn- ing in the United States which are the property of the American Moravian Church and are conducted under the supervision of the executive boards of its provinces North and South. The European system of grading now being widely used by American schools was the original basis of the system of the Academy. The scholastic work was divided into three departments : preparatory, requiring four years; academic, occupying four years, and the post-graduate course, whose length depends upon the pursuits of the pupil. 32 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION The curriculum, from the organization, has included music and art, and industrial art, which embraced lessons in cooking and housewifery, plain sewing, em- broidery, lace-making, and drawn work. During the early period of the school the course in music con- sisted of lessons on the piano and singing lessons in class; the work in art was confined to drawing, and painting in water-colors. Primitive as this may seem now, it was very valu- able in those days, and many a plain, unpretentious home in the Southland was adorned with these sketches made at Salem, and the monotony of work relieved by the daughter's simple ballads. From time to time the curriculum has been extended to meet the demands of the time, until now it em- braces the regular academic and collegiate courses, comprehensive courses in music and art, departments of elocution and languages, and commercial and in- dustrial departments. Buildings have also been added, until there are ten large buildings, which are situated in a very beautiful park of thirty acres. " No effort could accurately portray the permanent role which the Salem Academy for girls and women has played in the educational development, not only of North Carolina and the South, but of the whole coun- try. Thousands of alumnae sent out since its in- ception, representing the ablest educators, the most refined and cultivated women noble and grand in purpose bless nearly every community in America. The Salem Academy has ever stood paramount with the higher education of the country, and its aim has always been to afford a broad and liberal culture for women: to furnish to young women an education in classics, mathematics, and sciences equal to that ob- tained in our best colleges for young men, and to add to these a special training in social culture, music, art, and conversation which shall better qualify her to enjoy and do well her life-work. The aim has OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 33 been, not only to give the broadest and highest moral, intellectual, and physical culture, but also to preserve and perfect every characteristic of complete woman- hood." (From a sketch written by Rev. J. H. Clewell, published in " The City of Winston-Salem.") The Academy was not established, nor is it now conducted, for purposes of gain, but as a means of Christian usefulness. The principal has no pecuniary interest in the school, being simply the agent of the church, by the authorities of which he is selected for this department of its activity; and while this institu- tion is under the auspices of the Moravian Church, the strictest adherence to non-sectarian principles is observed. The charges for board and tuition have always been so moderate that the advantages offered by the Acad- emy have been placed within the reach of thousands of girls whose limited means would have debarred them from collegiate training. Early in the century the school became famous, and girls rode hundreds of miles on horseback to at- tend school at this academy. When Salem was reached the horses were sold and the saddles hung in the sad- dle-room to remain four years. At the end of the course of study the fathers returned to Salem, pur- chased horses, the saddles were taken down, and the company bade farewell to the school-home, and went forth to encounter the stern realities of life. Many of these girls filled high social positions; twice pupils of Salem Academy have presided in the White House, and almost every gubernatorial mansion in the South has had a pupil from the Academy as the lady of the house. Among the wives of distinguished military men may be noted those of Stonewall Jackson and General Hill. Never since the Academy was opened, over one hundred years ago, have its doors been closed. Dur- ing the War between the States it was considered a safe place of refuge, and it was filled to its utmost 34 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION capacity all through those dark days. When the hos- tile armies in turn filled the town, the principal al- ways secured a guard for the building and its hundreds of precious young lives. The patronage has always been good ; at the present time there are over 400 persons connected with the school. This patronage is drawn from all sections of the United States and from foreign countries. The corps of instructors numbers 35 and the alumnae 14,000. Although the school has been so popular, and its aim has always been to maintain a high standard of scholarship, it was not incorporated until February 3, 1866; the act of incorporation granted the power to confer " such degrees, or marks of literary distinc- tion, or diplomas, as are usually conferred in colleges and seminaries of learning." The Academy has had eleven principals, viz: Messrs. Kranach, Steiner, Reichel, Bleek, Jacobson, E. De Schweini, Grunet, Zorn, R. De Schweinitz, Rond- thaler, and Clewell. " Salem Academy celebrated its centennial in June, 1902. This celebration marks an epoch in the history of the " Old North State," and it is difficult to ex- actly estimate its value on succeeding years. Dr. Kemp J. Battle delivered an address on " North Caro- lina in 1800 " ; Senator Clarke of Montana, an ad- dress on "The United States in 1800"; while on " Alumnae Day " the different alumnae branches were presented, and several of the old alumnae gave reminiscences of the old Academy. " Mrs. Donald McLean of New York, Miss Louisa B. Poppenheim of Charleston, South Carolina, Mrs. Pierce of the New York Tribune, and Mrs. Johnson of New York made addresses. " The most popular visitors were Governor Chas. Aycock, known as the " Educational Governor," and Senator Ransom. " The day of the Governor's arrival the city OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 35 turned out en masse. He was met at the station by the representative citizens men and women and escorted through the city; in fact, he was always es- corted by an admiring crowd. Many prominent ed- ucators were present, among them President Mclver of the State Normal College (Greensboro), President Venable of the University of North Carolina, Dean Penniman of the University of Pennsylvania, and several others who showed their appreciation of the institution. " One evening was given up to a series of tableaux, representing the principal events in the history of North Carolina during the past century. There were many elaborate musical programs, but the most inter- esting ceremony of the week was the real commence- ment day, when thirty girls, in their classic white caps and gowns, marched into the chapel carrying their daisy chain, and when they had received their diplo- mas, filed out again under the trees to hear the Gov- ernor's address and to assist in laying the corner-stone of the Alumnae Hall. " The social functions of the week were many and most elaborate, including balls, receptions, luncheons, etc., for Winston-Salem is full of refine- ment and wealth, a most desirable combination. The alumnae served a luncheon to 500 guests in the Acad- emy Chapel. During the afternoon several distin- guished guests were called on for speeches, and there was an air of ease and grace throughout the enter- tainment. On Commencement Day Dr. and Mrs. Clewell entertained about 500 ladies and gentlemen, including the Governor and his staff, with a similar feast in the same place." (A sketch by Miss L. B. Poppenheim, in The Keystone.) The Ursuline Convent, New Orleans, Louisiana, is the only other school for girls in the Southern States that has had a continuous activity for a cen- tury. (The material for this sketch was obtained from a 36 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION sketch by Dr. Clewell, catalogues, and papers sent by him to the writer.) Nazareth Academy, 1808-1908 When Bishop Flaget was appointed pioneer Bishop of the West, in 1808, he conceived the idea of forming a band of women to educate the children of his dio- cese. He chose as the director of this new community his friend and companion, Rev. John B. David, su- perior of the newly created theological seminary of St. Thomas. A farm located amidst the picturesque knobs of Nelson county was secured, and Father David and the seminarians built a log cabin on it about nine miles from Bardstown, and here the Sis- ters of Charity of Nazareth began to teach the chil- dren of the sturdy farmers who lived around the Episcopal residence, which was also a log cabin, De- cember i. Before Easter three others had joined the order. As soon as the Bishop's plan became known Sister Teresa Carico and Sister Elizabeth Wells of- fered for the work, and before the end of the first month Sister Catherine Spalding joined the commu- nity. This little band of five women patiently endured the hardships, and faithfully performed the tasks that fell to the lot of pioneer women. They supported themselves, and in addition to the labor of teaching and nursing the sick, they spun and wove and made garments for themselves and the seminarians, and worked in the fields. The little school prospered, and in 1814 Nazareth Academy was established; and al- though many other educational institutions have been established since Nazareth was founded, it has retained its early prestige, and keeps abreast in all essentials. The community came out of those days of trial victoriously, and after a decade they numbered thirty- five, including sisters, postulants, and novices ; and the number of pupils thirty. They now felt encouraged OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 37 to seek a more extensive field of labor, and selected a tract of land lying two and half miles north of Bardstown, owned by Mr. William Hynes, which the donation of Sister Scholastica O'Connell enabled them to buy. A frame house, the dwelling of the former occupant, was converted into a schoolhouse and no- vitiate ; the log cabin near served for a chapel, in which Father David celebrated the first mass ever said on the premises. June n, 1822, was truly a joyful day, the day on which the sisters took possession of their new home. The new site was called Nazareth also, and from this date Nazareth Academy became a boarding-school only. Since the purchase of the farm the school has had no further endowment; the income derived from tuition has been devoted to improvement and expan- sion. Within six years after the removal $20,000 had been spent in improving the place, and in eight years the number of pupils had increased from thirty to one hundred and twenty. Not only has the parent school been maintained, but as many as sixty-seven branch schools have been established in the West and South. Teachers for all these schools are furnished by a normal school conducted at Nazareth, where all these teachers are trained. Nazareth Academy was chartered by the Kentucky Legislature in 1829, under the title of " Nazareth Lit- erary and Benevolent Institution," and was given the usual powers and privileges. Under this charter the institution is managed by the community, under the general supervision of a board of seven trustees, of whom the Bishop of Louisville is moderator. The most prominent of the early members of the order were Mother Catherine Spaldinsr, Sister Ellen O'Connell, and Sister Harriet Gardiner. Mother Catherine Spalding, a member of the talented Ken- tucky family of that name, and a cousin of Archbishop Spalding, seventh archbishop of Baltimore, joined the community in the first month of its existence; and 38 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION shortly afterward was elected mother superior of the order, a position she held for twenty-four years. She was the pivot on which the affairs of the growing sisterhood turned for many years. She had the at- tributes of mind that peculiarly fitted her for leader- ship purity of intention and an indomitable will. She was noted for her clear convictions of duty and her faithful performance of its demands. Mother Frances Gardiner succeeded Mother Cath- erine, and for thirty-five years was mother superior of the community. She had a great talent for admin- istration, and successfully managed the affairs of the institution. A name held in great esteem by Catholics of Ken- tucky is Mother Columba Carroll. She was a pupil of Nazareth, and was trained intellectually by "Sister Ellen O'Connell and spiritually by the saintly Sister Columba Tarleton. She was Sister Ellen O'Connell's successor as directress of studies, and held this posi- tion for thirty-five years. Mother Columba possessed extraordinary zeal and tact in ruling the sisterhood. Sister Ellen O'Connell was the first directress of studies, and held this position thirty-five years, dating from the first opening of the school at St. Thomas. She imparted to the course from the beginning that strength and thoroughness which soon made Nazareth prominent and attracted pupils from a distance. Her sister, Sister Scolastica O'Connell, was the first music teacher in the school. When a member of the sisterhood of Nazareth lives to see the fiftieth anniversary of the day she devoted herself to God in the service of the young poor the day is celebrated as a golden jubilee. The Community Annals record twenty-one golden jubilees since the celebration of the first, that of Sister Elizabeth Sut- tle, December I, 1866. Sister Martha Drnry, one of the original five that started at " Old Nazareth," lived to see her diamond anniversary. The 4th of November, 1896, will be long remembered by those OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 39 who were present at the golden jubilee of Mother Helena Tormey and Sister Alexia Macky. The most impressive ceremony of the day was the Pontifical Mass. The Mestag Mass, composed for Nazareth Convent, was artistically rendered with organ and full orchestra accompaniment. All the priests whose parochial schools are taught by the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth had been invited to attend, and when dinner was served there were, including the Bishop, exactly fifty priests present. Mother Helena was chosen to succeed Mother Co- lumba as mother superior, a charge rendered more difficult on account of the eminent qualifications of her predecessors. During her administration the com- munity prospered, new houses were opened in the East and the South, and the membership of the sisterhood increased every day. Sister Alexia devoted her life to the orphans, and for nearly fifty years rose at half-past four that she might be ready for the labors of the day. On the twentieth of June, 1896, the venerable daughters of Nazareth assembled to organize an alum- nae association. Mrs. E. Miles, nee Bradford, was elected president, and Mrs. E. Snowden, nee Tarleton, counsellor. Among those in attendance at this meet- ing were three generations of one family. Miss Mar- garet Fossick, who had received her laurels but an hour ago, her mother, Mrs. T. L. Fossick, nee O'Reilly, who was graduated in 1871, and her great- aunt, Mrs. R. Davis, nee O'Reilly, of the class of 1853. The circular setting forth the plan called out enthusias- tic responses from all parts of the country, and even from beyond the sea, where several of Nazareth's daughters now reside. Some ninety to one hundred of the alumnae assembled at Nazareth, June 15, 1896. An interesting feature of the alumnae meeting of 1897 was tne reading of a letter to the alumnae by Eliza Kinkead, who represented the sixteenth member of her family who had been pupils of this institution, 40 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION written by her great-aunt, Mrs. H. Pridle, a former graduate her great-great-grand-aunt having been one of Nazareth's earliest pupils and first graduates. The meeting of the alumnae in 1899 was remarkable for the number of those present whose school days at Nazareth had ended fifty, sixty, even seventy years before. Among this number was the venerable Mrs. Elizabeth Henshaw, a representative of the class of 1829, but not a graduate. Seventy years had passed since she bade farewell to school days, and still she was hale and hearty. Mrs. Rudd Alexander and Mrs. Emily Snowden, both of Louisville, were graduated in 1839, and were the oldest living graduates of Nazareth. Others num- bered forty, fifty years since they had left the classic shades of Nazareth. The course of instruction extends through seven years, ranging from primary to collegiate grades, and having normal, business, and domestic science depart- ments; also the departments of music and art. A large, well-trained faculty has always been maintained, and a library (containing 5000 volumes), a museum, and laboratories furnish good facilities for teaching. The patronage has always been large, the attendance having been frequently over two hundred in a year, and has come from Kentucky and the Southern States generally, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Texas, and Alabama having been and are still well repre- sented. The average number of graduates in recent years has been about twelve, and the total number of alumnae is about seven hundred. The latter are quite widely distributed throughout the Union, and many of them occupy prominent positions in teaching and other professions, especially in the West. (Lewis's History of Higher Education in Kentucky. Catalogues and correspondence.) OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 41 Loretta Academy, Loretta, Kentucky, 1812-1908 The Loretta Order is a plant of no foreign growth. A tiny seed sown amid the virgin forests of Kentucky, it germinated and flourished in the New World, and recognizes America as its native soil. In 1812 Rev. Charles Nerinckx, a devoted missionary priest of Bel- gium, lately attached to the diocese and greatly inter- ested in education, started a small school near the site of the present Academy. At first Miss Anne Rhodes was the only teacher. A few months later she was joined by Misses Christine Stuart and Anna Haven; Misses Mary Rhodes and Nellie Morgan were very- soon added to the number. The school prospered, and the ladies in charge wishing to become a perma- nent religious body, applied to Rome, through their founder, to obtain this boon. Pope Pius VII. readily granted this favor, and in 1816, the new order having received a formal recognition from the Holy See, was taken under the special protection of the Propa- ganda. From this small beginning of 1812 the teach- ing force has increased to thirty, and colonies of Sisters have gone forth from the mother-house and established themselves in various parts of the United States. These branch houses now number forty-five, and the teachers employed are provided by a normal school at Loretta, and the faculties of the various schools wherever located are appointed by the superior of the order. The first three postulants were received by Father Nerinckx, who styled them " Friends of Mary at the Foot of the Cross." They were consecrated at St. Charles Church in Marion County, Kentucky, April 25, 1812. Loretta Academy was incorporated in 1829 by the Kentucky Legislature, and empowered to grant di- plomas, and at once the Academy took a position as one of the leading schools of the country, and as 42 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION such has been patronized by representative families from different parts of the United States and Mexico. The Academy and other buildings are located on a tract of fifteen hundred acres. This is partly laid out in orchards and gardens, while other sections are used for raising grain and various food products. Much of the land is covered with magnificent forest trees, interspersed by winding brooks and murmuring water- falls, thus affording the pupils facilities for delightful rambles. The Academy is a commodious building, four stories in height, with all modern improvements, such as steam heat, gas, etc. The study hall, refectory, class, recreation, and music-rooms are cheerful and inviting. Large airy dormitories occupy the second floor, com- municating with bath and toilet-rooms supplied with hot and cold water. The other principal buildings at Loretta are the church, convent, visitors' house, chaplain's residence, novitiate, steam laundry, workmen's dwelling, and last but most interesting, a small brick building erected by the Rev. S. T. Badin, the pioneer priest of Ken- tucky. This house was afterward used by Bishop Flaget as an Episcopal residence and seminary, and is now reserved for gentlemen guests at Loretta. The course of study may be completed in four vears. The languages taught are French, German, and Span- ish by native teachers, and Latin and Greek. Music in all its branches is taught on the plan of the best conservatories under the direction of teachers of ac- knowledged ability. A large concert hall and numer- ous music-rooms are equipped with pianos, organs, harps, and the smaller musical instruments for lessons or practice. In the art department every advantage is offered to pupils interested in this pursuit. Instructions are given in object drawing, crayon, pastel, oil, china, and water colors, and in various branches of decora- tive art. OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 43 Miss Mary Jane Lancaster was the first graduate of Loretta, and the only one of that year. Her di- ploma, which is still in existence, bears the date of July 16, 1837. The names of the directors of the school at that time are also on the diploma ; they were, Mother Isabella Clarke, Generose Mattingly, secre- tary, and Sister Bridget Spalding, directress of studies ; Bishop Flaget, Ordinary of the Diocese of Louisville. The Museum contains a well-arranged collection of specimens illustrative of the sciences: botany, min- eralogy, zoology, and geology. Two laboratories, chemical and physical, are also a part of the equipment. A well-selected library of several thousand volumes forms a part of the furnishing of the Academy, and here are a number of periodicals and late papers. Elisabeth Academy, Old Washington, Mississippi, 1818 Salem Academy celebrated the one hundredth com- mencement in June, 1902, and Nazareth Academy cel- ebrated her diamond jubilee in June, 1897, and it is now ninety-three years since the Academy was es- tablished at " Old Nazareth," but it was reserved for Mississippi to be the first State to provide collegiate training for women. This was accomplished when Elizabeth Academy, at " Old Washington," was es- tablished in 1817. Because of the name " Academy " some have refused to recognize this school as a col- lege. It is not the name, but the powers granted by the charter and the curriculum taught that differen- tiates a college. By the terms of its charter Elizabeth Academy was a college, and there is ample credible testimony that a college course of study was taught. In addition to this proof, Dr. W. T. Harris, Commis- sioner of Education, remarked after reading the his- tory of this school as given in " History of Education in Mississippi," by Edward Mayes, LL. D. : "That school was a college in all but name." 44 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION This institution was celebrated in its day for the thoroughness of its work and for its large measure of success. It is also memorable for several other facts. It was the first school for girls exclusively, incorporated by either the Territorial or the State Legislature of Mississippi. It was the first school in Mississippi or any other State to aspire to the dignity of a college, and it was the first college for girls es- tablished by the Methodist Church anywhere, and the first fruits of Protestantism in the extreme South. This institution was situated near Washington, Adams County, one-half mile from the town, and near Jefferson College. The land and buildings were donated to the Methodist Church by Mrs. Elizabeth Roach, afterward Mrs. Greenfield, in 1818, and the school began its work in November, 1818. The formal act of incorporation was passed February 17, 1819. This act provides that the Academy should be under the superintendence of John Menefee, David Rawlings, Alexander Covington, John W. Bryant, and Beverly R. Grayson and their successors, who shall constitute a board politic and corporate, by the name and style of " the Trustees of the Elizabeth Female Academy," and they and their successors are made capable of receiving and acquiring real and personal estate, either by donation or purchase, for the bene- fit of the institution, not exceeding $100,000. These trustees were enabled to grant diplomas or other certificates or to confer degrees. All vacancies in said board shall be filled by the members of the Methodist Mississippi Annual Conference. The con- dition was that the Conference should maintain a high school for the education of girls. On these terms the Conference accepted the donation, and in token of gratitude for the gift, the institution was called by the Christian name of the donor. The building, in style of Spanish architecture of colonial times, was two and a half stories high, the OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 45 first of brick and the others of frame. A fire con- sumed it more than twenty years ago, leaving only the solid masonry as a memorial of the educational ambition and spiritual consecration of early Missis- sippi Methodism. Some of the grandest women of the Southwest received their well-earned diplomas within those now scarred walls, and went out to pre- side over their own model and magnificent homes. The early catalogues contain the names of fair daugh- ters who afterward became the accomplished matrons of historic families. For ten years the Elizabeth Acad- emy was the only college for girls in the Southwest; all others have been the followers and beneficiaries of this brave heroine. The Academy opened its doors to pupils November 12, 1818, under the presidency of Chillon F. Stiles, with Mrs Jane B. Sanderson as governess. Of the first president and first lady principal of that first college for young ladies in all the Southwest, the distinguished Dr. William Winans thus writes most interestingly in his autobiography: " Chillon F. Stiles was a man of high intellectual and moral character, and eminent for piety. The governess was Mrs. Jane B. Sanderson, a Presbyterian lady of fine manners and an excellent teacher, but subject to great and frequent depression of spirits. This resulted, no doubt, from the shock she had re- ceived from the murder of her husband a few years previously, by a robber. Though a Presbyterian, and stanch to her sect, she acted her part with so much prudence and liberality as to give entire satisfaction to her Methodist employers and patrons. " Some of the most improving, as well as the most agreeable, hours of relaxation from my official duties were at the Academy in the society of Brother Stiles, who combined in an eminent degree, sociability of disposition, good sense, extensive information on vari- ous subjects, and fervent piety, rendering him an agreeable and instructive companion. He was the only 46 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION person I ever knew who owed his adoption of a re- ligious course of life to the instrumentality of Free Masonry. He was awakened to a sense of his sinful- ness in the process of initiation into that fraternity. Up to that time he had been a gay man of the world, and a skeptic, if not an infidel in regard to the Chris- tian religion. But so powerful and effective was the influence upon him by something in his initiation, that from that hour he turned to God with purpose of heart, soon entered into peace, and thenceforth walked before God in newness of life, till his pilgrimage terminated in a triumphant death. " Mr. Stiles was succeeded in the^presidency by Rev. John C. Burruss, an elegant gentleman, a finished scholar, and an eloquent preacher. The school greatly prospered under his administration, as it continued to do under his immediate successor, Rev. B. M. Drake, a name that ever lived among us as the synonym for consecrated scholarship, perfect propriety, unaffected piety, and singular sincerity. In 1833 Dr. Drake re- signed to devote himself entirely to pastoral work, and was succeeded by Rev. J. P. Thomas, and in 1836 he gave way to Rev. Bradford Frazee of Louisville, Kentucky. Rev. R. D. Smith, well known throughout the Southwest for his rare devotion, was called to the president's chair in 1839." Some of the by-laws adopted by the board of trus- tees for the government and regulation of the Acad- emy recall in a measure the rigid and elaborate rules prescribed by Mr. Wesley for the school in Kings- wood. A few are given : " The president of the Academy . . . shall be reputed for piety and learning, and for order and economy in the government of his family. If married he shall not be less than thirty; if not married, not less than fifty years of age. " The governess shall be pious, learned, and of grave and dignified deportment. She shall have charge of the school, its order, discipline, and instructions, and OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 47 the general deportment and behavior of the pupils who board in or out of commons. " OF PATRONESSES " On the last day of every academic year the board of trustees shall choose three respectable matrons, who shall be acting patronesses of the Academy. It shall be the duty of the patronesses to visit the school as often as they think necessary, and inspect the sleep- ing-rooms, dress, and deportment of the pupils, and generally the economy and management of the Acad- emy, and report the same in writing to the board of trustees for correction, if needed. " ON APPROPRIATION OF TIME " All pupils boarding in commons shall convene in the large school-room at sunrise in the morning, and at eight o'clock in the evening for prayers. " The hours of teaching shall be from nine o'clock in the morning until noon; and from two o'clock in the afternoon until five; but in May, June, and July they shall begin one hour sooner in the morning and continue until noon; and from three o'clock in the afternoon until six, Friday evenings excepted, when the school shall be dismissed at five. " No pupil shall be allowed to receive ceremonious visits. All boarders in commons shall wear a plain dress and uniform bonnets. No pupil shall be per- mitted to wear beads, jewelry, artificial flowers, curls, feathers, or any superfluous decoration. No pupil shall be allowed to attend balls, dancing parties, the- atrical performances, or festive entertainments." What would the women trained in such a school 48 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION think of the college training and manners of the pres- ent day, should they be permitted to return to wit- ness it? STUDIES OF THE SENIOR CLASS First Session Chemistry, natural philosophy, moral philosophy, botany; Latin, ^Esop's Fables, Sacra His- toria, Viri Roma Illustres. Second Session In- tellectual philosophy, evidences of Christianity, my- thology, general history, Latin, Cccsar's Bella Gallica. Students who have completed the full course above shall be entitled to the honors of the institution, with a diploma on parchment for the degree of Domina Scientiarum. Those who have pursued with honor the whole course of study shall be entitled to remain one academic year, free of charge for tuition, and be associated in an honorary class, to be engaged in the pursuit of science and polite literature, and ornamen- tal studies, after which they shall be entitled to an honorary diploma. In Mrs. Thayer's report to the board of trustees she gives some of the principles of teaching used in the Academy. " By your regulations I am required to teach the principles of the Government of the United States. On that subject I have found no book suitable to place in the hands of young ladies. This deficiency has been supplied, to the best of my ability, by familiar lectures, in which I have made The Federalist my text- book of politics. " In arithmetic, we begin with Colburn's introduc- tion. The system, of which this work gives the ele- mentary principles, is founded on the maxim that chil- dren should be instructed in every science just as fast as they are able to understand it. In conformity to this principle the pupil is led progressively and by a process so easy and gradual to the more complex and difficult combinations of numbers, that he finds him- self familiar with the subject and enjoys a satisfac- OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 49 tion in his study which he could never realize in per- forming the mechanical operation of ciphering by ar- tificial rules. " Geography and drawing are commenced simul- taneously. Our first lesson in geography consists in drawing, as well as we are able, a map of the acad- emy grounds. We draw next the little village in the suburbs of which we are located, first laying down a scale of miles and adapting our map to it in size. When this is well understood we proceed to delineate a map of the United States, and repeat the exercise until the whole or any part may be drawn with ac- curacy and dispatch without a copy. In our recita- tions no map is used by the pupil but the one she is able to draw from memory alone." In conclusion Mrs. Thayer says : " The time has been when the education of females was limited to those branches in which their imme- diate occupations lie. But, happy for the present age, and happy too, for posterity, the public sentiment has undergone a change in favor of female cultivation. Without undervaluing personal accomplishment, or disregarding domestic duties, we are permitted to aspire to the dignity of intellectual beings, and, as was beautifully expressed by a gentleman who ad- dressed us at the close of our * examinations/ * The whole map of knowledge is spread before the female scholar, and no Gades of the ancients is set up as the limits of discovery/ ' The coming of Mrs. Thayer in the fall of 1825 was an epoch in the history of the Academy, and her ad- ministration marked an era. She was a remarkably accomplished woman, with a genius for administra- tion. Of her Dr. Winans, president of the board of trustees, says: " In the evening I returned to Brother Burruss's, where I met Sister C. M. Thayer, who has come to take charge of Elizabeth Female Academy. She is a woman of middle size, of coarse features, some 50 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION of the stiffness of Yankee manners, but of an intelli- gent and pleasant expression of countenance; free in conversation and various and abundant in informa- tion." Rev. John C. Burruss, the president of the Acad- emy, said: "Mrs. Thayer is a most extraordinary woman; I have never seen such a teacher." She was a grand-niece of General Warren, the hero of Bunker Hill, educated in Boston, warmly recom- mended by Dr. Wilbur Fisk, and before coming to Mississippi had made great reputation as an author and teacher. She had taught for a while with Rev. Valentine Cook on Green River, Kentucky, and had published a volume of essays and poems that attracted wide attention. The editor of the Southern Galaxy, a paper pub- lished in Natchez, attended the semi-annual examina- tions at Elizabeth Academy in the spring of 1829, and highly commended the institution, and also the unquestioned capacity of the governess, Mrs. Thayer. He said of the recitations of the preparatory depart- ment : " They were, to say the least of them, interest- ing. The reading was spirited and correct." Of the academic department he said : " The proficiency ex- hibited in natural and mental philosophy and chemis- try by the higher classes reflects great credit upon the capacity and industry of the students, as well as the highest encomium upon the government of the institution. If at this stage of the examination we were delighted, when we heard the class in mathe- matics we were astonished ; and certainly it is a mat- ter of astonishment to witness little girls of twelve years of age treat the most abstruse problems of Euclid as playthings. Nor were they dependent upon memory alone, and we will give our reasons for think- ing so. During one of the solutions upon the black- board we forget which it was it was suggested that the young lady was in error. ' No, ma'am/ replied OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 51 the pupil, with great promptitude and self-possession; 1 1 am correct. The bases of a parallelogram must be equal/ The principle is indeed a simple one, but the readiness with which it was adduced in argument, and that too under embarrassing circumstances, was to us a most conclusive evidence of an extraordinary discipline of mind." The eloquent literary address delivered on this oc- casion by Duncan S. Walker is published in full in this issue of the Galaxy. In the same issue of the paper, March 26, 1829, is this communication: " To The Editor of The Southern Galaxy. " Sir: The following lines are the production of a pupil in the Elizabeth Female Academy at Washing- ton. If you think them worthy of a place in your paper, their insertion may aid the cause of female ed- ucation, by awakening emulation among your young readers, though their youthful author only intended them for the eyes of her preceptress. C. M. T. "'What is Beauty? Tis not the finest form, the fairest face That loveliness imply: 'Tis not the witching smile, the pleasing grace, That charms just Reason's eye. " ' No, 'tis the sunshine of the spotless mind, The warmest, truest heart, That leaves all lower, grosser things behind, And acts the noblest part. " ' That sunshine beaming o'er the radiant face, With virtue's purest glow, Will give the plainest lineaments a grace That beauty cannot show. " ' This face, this heart alone can boast a charm To please just Reason's eye, And this can stern Adversity disarm And even Time defy.'" The annual examination in early summer was a 52 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION greater occasion than the semi-annual of which an ac- count has just been given. From 1828 to 1832 Rev. Dr. B. M. Drake was pres- ident, with Mrs. Thayer as governess. An elaborate notice of the commencement which embraced August 21, 1829, was published in the papers of the young State " the first detailed account of such an event in Mississippi." A board of visitors appointed by the trustees, con- sisting of such distinguished men as Robert L. Walker, J. P. H. Claiborne, and Dr. J. W. Monette, was pres- ent and made report as follows: " The most unqualified praise would be no more than justice for the splendid evidence of their close attention and assiduity, as exhibited on this occasion; and we take pleasure in giving it as our opinion, that such honorable proof of female literary and scienti- fic acquirements has seldom been exhibited in this or any other country. And while it proves the order and discipline with which science and literature are pur- sued by the pupils, it proves no less the flourishing condition and the merited patronage the institution enjoys. Nothing reflects more honor upon the pres- ent age than the liberality displayed in the education of females; nor can anything evince more clearly the justness with which female education is appreciated in the South than this exhibition, and the interest manifested by the large and respectable audience dur- ing the whole of the exercise. The literary and scien- tific character of the governess, Mrs. Thayer, is too well known to admit of commendation from us." In addition to these notices, the essay of Miss Anna W. Boyd, who graduated with the honors of her class, appears in full. It will be interesting to many yet living to give the names of the graduates and those distinguished in the several classes: Graduates Miss Anna W. Boyd, Ireland ; Miss Su- san Smith, Adams County; Miss Mary C. Hewett, OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 53 Washington, Mississippi; Miss Mary J. Patterson, Port Gibson; Miss Sarah Chew, Adams County; Miss Eliza A. Fox, Natchez. Honorary distinctions were conferred upon the fol- lowing pupils for proficiency in study and correct moral deportment : First Class Miss Ellen V. Keavy, Pinckneyville, Louisiana; Miss Martha D. Richardson, Washita, Louisiana ; Miss Mary A. Fretwell, Natchez, Miss Ma- ria L. Newman, Washington, Mississippi. Second Class Miss Martha Crosby, Wilkinson County; Miss Sarah M. Forman, Washington, Mississippi ; Miss Catherine O. Newman, Washington, Mississippi ; Miss Susan C. Robertson, Port Gibson. Third Class- Miss Mary Scott, Alexander, Louisiana; Miss Char- lotte C. Scott, Alexander, Louisiana; Miss Mary E. Gordon, Alexander, Louisiana; Miss Emily Smith, Adams County ; Miss Emily Vick, Vicksburg. Fourth Class Miss Charlotte Wolcott, Vicksburg; Miss Mary A. Chandler, Pinckneyville, Louisiana. Fifth Class Miss Mary E. Roberts, Washington, Missis- sippi ; Miss Matilda J. Nevitt, Adams County. Sixth Class Miss Laura J. A. King, Adams County; Miss Martha B. Brabston, Washington, Mississippi. Mrs. Thayer resigned her position in 1832, and was followed by Mrs. Susan Brewer, with Miss Rowena Crane as assistant. In 1833 the study of piano music was introduced, and thenceforward was a part of the course regularly taught. In 1839 Miss Lucy A. Stillman was principal gover- ness, and Miss Mary B. Currie music teacher. In the Mississippi Free Trader of March 10, 1842, appeared the following notice: " ELIZABETH FEMALE ACADEMY. " There is probably no subject dearer to the patriot and Christian philanthropist than that of female edu- 54 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION cation. According to his view, both national and in- dividual happiness and prosperity are immediately and inseparably connected with the proper intellectual training and moral culture of the female mind. This conclusion is not the result of a long train of phili- sophical or logical deductions, but is immediately in- ferred from the important position that woman holds in the social compact and from the many endearing relations she sustains in life. I was led to these re- flections from witnessing the semi-annual examina- tions of the pupils of the Elizabeth Female Academy at Washington, Mississippi, which took place on Thursday and Friday last. " This examination did equal credit to the zeal and ability of the teachers, and the industry and mental resources of the pupils. They showed an extensive and accurate knowledge of the most important branches of mental and physical science, as well as great skill and taste in several of the more strictly ornamental branches of education. A delightful va- riety was given to the whole examination by the per- formances of a very fine class in music. " The institution is admitted by all who know its history to be more ably conducted by its present tal- ented and highly accomplished principal, Mrs. Camp- bell, and more deserving of patronage than it has been since the administration of Mrs. Thayer. " At the close of the examination a very appro- priate and eloquent address was delivered to the young ladies by Rev. D. C. Page of Natchez. " PHILANTHROPOS." The next year, 1843, was the last year of the ex- istence of the Academy ; many changes had taken place in the conditions of the country. Washington was no longer a place of importance, and its population was yearly decreasing, while other towns, Port Gib- son, Woo'dville, and Natchez, were thriving towns. Other schools had been organized, and it was deemed OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 55 best to close the school. The Academy was abandoned, and by the terms of the grant its property reverted to the heirs of the donor. Chancellor Mayes says of this institution : " For twenty-five years it did noble work. In the decade from 1819 to 1829 its boarders amounted in number annually from twenty-eight to sixty-three." Mrs. John Lane, Mrs. C. K. Marshall, Mrs. Kava- naugh, wife of Bishop Kavanaugh; Mrs. B. M. Drake, and many elect ladies of the Southwest were educated at that mother of female colleges. On its foundations others have been built, and are to-day doing great work for the Church and the world. (The material for this sketch was obtained from articles written by Bishop Galloway, for the Nash- ville Christian Advocate, and from " History of Edu- cation in Mississippi," by Edward Mayes, LL.D.) 56 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION CHAPTER V Early Schools in Alabama WHEN Sieur d'Iberville was sent to establish a French Empire on the American continent his first landing was made on Alabama soil, his first explora- tions were made in Mobile Bay. He built his first fort, Fort de Maurepas, on the " back bay of Biloxi," about where Ocean Springs now stands; but in a few years he abandoned Fort de Maurepas and located his capital at " Twenty-one mile bluff " on the Ala- bama River, and named this fort " Fort Louis de la Louisane," and around it the colonists built their houses, and " Old Mobile " was the capital of Louisi- ana for many years. Governor Bienville strenuously endeavored to es- tablish a school in " Old Mobile," but failed ; however, he did not abandon the idea of having a school in the colony, but no school was ever established in Mobile or elsewhere in Alabama during French occupation, from 1702 to 1763. Neither is there any record/ of a school during British dominion, though the government did allow fifty pounds a year for the pay of a schoolmaster. No records of schools under Spanish rule remain ex- tant, if any such schools ever were established. It is true the priests, both Spanish and French, kept schools for religious not literary instruction of the Indians, but no schools for the colonists. The records, deeds, transfers of property, and other legal documents made during foreign supremacy in Alabama indisputably attest the illiteracy of the colo- nists. These papers are signed with an X (cross) in- stead of the written name. OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 57 A century passed after the first settlement of Ala- bama before a school was opened or a Protestant church established, but a new era dawned toward the close of the eighteenth century, when citizens of other States began to seek homes in Alabama. So rapidly did this population increase that only a few years elapsed before the English-speaking citizens far out- numbered the foreign population, and for these Eng- lish-speaking citizens schools were a necessity. The first school opened in the State was taught by a Mr. Pierce at the " Boat Yard " on the " cut off " above Mobile. Mr. Pierce was one of those " pioneers of the mind " so frequently found in the Southern States in frontier settlements during the early part of the nineteenth century. No portrait or pen picture of him has been preserved, save, " He was a typical Connecticut Yankee," whatever that may mean. His schoolhouse was a log cabin, with a door in one end, a huge fire-place at the other, a window on each side, closed by board shutters. The furniture consisted of puncheon benches, and a shelf around the wall, between the windows and the door. This shelf served as a depository for books and dinner buckets, also for a writing-desk. On a shelf just outside the door the water-bucket was placed, and on a nail beside it hung a long-handled gourd, which served as a drinking-cup. The pupils belonged to several nationalities French, Spanish, American, Indian, and half-breeds of several different amalgamations. They were of all shades of complexion, from the fairest blonde to the ebony hue. They diligently conned their lessons, and the sound thereof loudly proclaimed the fact that the school teacher had arrived. The subjects taught were spelling, reading, writing, and " ciphering." Books were scarce, and Webster's Spell ing-Book served as speller and reading-book. Slates also were scarce ; one often served a family of three or four. Copy-books were home-made, and con- 58 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION sisted of a quire or half quire of fools-cap paper cov- ered with a sheet of coarse brown paper. Pens were made of goose quills. Primitive as this school was, it is notable because it ushered in a century of enlightenment. No records of schools of the " Pierce type " are extant, but attention must have been given to edu- cation, and these schools must have multiplied rapidly, because the Legislature of Mississippi Territory, of which Alabama was then a part, granted a charter to Washington Academy, located in St. Stephens, in 1811, only eight years after the first school began. The next year, 1812, Green Academy in Huntsville was chartered. These academies were supported, at least in part, by public funds; for in 1814 the Legislature appropriated $1,000 for their use. Another academy, St. Stephens, was chartered in 1817 by the Territorial Legislature of Alabama, and the same Legislature appropriated 10 per cent, of the profits of the banks to the use of the three academies Washington, St. Stephens, and Green. When the Alabama Territory was formed, none of the academies for girls chartered by the Legislature of Mississippi Territory were within the limits of Alabama. The School System of Alabama The children of Alabama were not dependent on private schools for the means of education. Alabama was a Territory only two years, and by provision of the act admitting Alabama as a State into the Union of States, the sixteenth section of every township was set apart for use of schools ; also two townships were set apart for support of a " seminarv of learning." Without delay the work of establishing a system of schools was begun. The General Assembly, during its first session (1819), passed an act appointing commis- sioners to take charge of the school lands. The duties OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 59 of these commissioners was clearly defined by act of Legislature in 1820. One clause of this act directs that the lands be divided into farms of not less than forty acres, and not more than one hundred and sixty acres. For many years each Legislature spent much time in discussing educational measures, and in en- deavoring to perfect the school system. In 1821 the Legislature passed an act requiring the appointment of township trustees, and defining their duties. The principal duty, of course, was to employ teachers, but they were also required to supervise the building of schoolhouses, to see that the furniture, books, and stationery were kept in good order. Again the school law was amended in 1821, by adop- tion of an act requiring the examination of teachers, and forbidding the trustees to employ any teacher who could not pass a satisfactory examination in the studies of the usual academic course, and who did not have a good moral character. Much emphasis was laid on this last requirement. The expectation was, that the " sixteenth section " fund would be sufficient to pay the whole expense of the schools ; that is, teachers' salaries, building school- houses, furnishing them, and also providing books, slates, and stationery. In sections where the land was rich and adapted to agriculture the fund was ample for all these expenses, and provided the means for a common-school educa- tion for every child in the township. These schools prospered in what is now known as the agricultural section of the State, but in the now- called mineral sections the fund was greatly inadequate to the demand. The last named sections needed the fund far more than the agricultural sections did. and the great question was, how to equalize the school fund? While providing for common schools, the General Assembly did not forget to provide for the establish- ment of the university system one institution of 60 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION higher learning or university, and an academy in each county; for in 1820 the University of Alabama was established by act of Legislature. The two townships set apart by Congress for the benefit of a " seminary of higher learning " were applied to this university, which was located at Tuscaloosa ; the fund being held in trust by the State. The same Legislature made provision for the support of the three academies al- ready established. University for Women The General Assembly, while making provision for the education of boys and men, was not unmindful of the claims of girls and women to equal educational advantages. This recognition was incorporated in the same act that established the University of Alabama for men. One section of this act provided for the establishment of a " branch of said university " for " female education." This bill passed with very little opposition ; the only question raised was whether the State was financially able to equip and support two institutions of " higher learning." However, this consideration did not seem to trouble the masses of the people very much, for so deep-seated and so widespread was the interest in the education of girls, that just two years after the pass- age of the bill to establish the university, on December 24, 1822, the section of the original bill providing for the establishment of a " branch of the university " for " female education " was amended by adoption of sec- tion 17, which reads as follows: " There shall be also established three branches of said university for female education, to be located at such places as may be deemed by the Legislature most for the public good, and the Legislature shall proceed to locate and fix the sites of said branches at the same time and by the same manner of election that the site OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 61 of the principal university is to be located, and said branches shall each be governed by twelve directors to be elected by the board of trustees of the University, and government thereof shall be in all respects accord- ing to the by-laws of the University, framed and or- dained for that purpose." It is true this grand scheme for higher education of women was never put into operation, neither was the act ever repealed ; hence it is reasonable to suppose the men of that and succeeding generations neither regretted their acts of justice and generosity nor abandoned their lofty ideals. The writer has made diligent search for some ex- planation of the failure to put into effect the statute establishing a university for women, but has failed to find any mention of the subject subsequent to the adop- tion of the act. Probably the financial embarrassment that so long delayed the completion of the University buildings and the opening of the school rendered the realization of the " seventeenth section " an utter im- possibility. For a short time, a few years, the finances of Ala- bama were in a flourishing condition, so much so, that the expenses of the State government were borne by the surplus of the State banks, and the people were exempt from taxation. But reverses, failures, and panics came, and so much embarrassed was the State, and so deplorable the condition of the people, that Congress, at the urgent insistence of Hon. William R. King, Senator from Alabama, passed a bill for the re- lief of the State. But even before this state of affairs culminated, the trustees of the University found themselves greatly embarrassed by lack of funds; the income from the university lands proved greatly inadequate to the amount necessary for the support of one school. This deficiency was caused by the mistake of the commis- sioners in selecting the two townships set apart for the 62 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION University, in what is now known as the " mineral belt " of the State. At that time its true value was wholly unknown. Though this grand scheme never materialized, every daughter of Alabama can have the proud consciousness of the fact that the men of Alabama fully recognized the justice of making provision for the education of their daughters as well as for their sons. The fact is, that the very first Legislature of Alabama (1819-20) by the same " act of Legislature " proposed to provide " a Seminary of Higher Learning " for men and women alike, but not co-educational as the word is now understood. This action on the part of the General Assembly of Alabama is unique in the history of the establishment of State Universities. As yet, the subject of " woman's rights " and co-educational advantages for boys and girls had not claimed public attention, there- fore no pressure was brought to bear upon the men who projected this scheme. Furthermore, this act places them in the rank of advanced thinkers and just and honorable men. OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 63 CHAPTER VI Academies for Girls HAVING established the " sixteenth section " schools, and so far as legislative enactment would do it, estab- lished a " Seminary of Higher Learning " for men and women, the next work was to provide for the connect- ing link in the system to provide for academies. Naturally these would be first located in the most populous sections of the State. These sections were in the southern part of the State, around Mobile, and thence along the lower Alabama River ; the " Bigbee Settlements " on the western border, and the settle- ments in the valley of the Tennessee River. The settlers of this last named section were largely from that Scotch-Irish stock that has played so con- spicuous a part in the development of the South. They were noted for their intelligence and culture. In this section there were several thriving towns. Of these, Athens, in Limestone County, ranked second in popu- lation; the population was constantly increasing, and already several schools of primary and grammar- school grades had been established, and an academy was much needed. Some enterprising citizens, among them the men whose names appear in the charter as trustees, called a meeting of the citizens to consider the educational needs of the town. After some discussion a resolu- tion to establish an academy for girls was adopted, and Athens Female Academy was opened October, 1822, and on December 9, 1822, just a few days before the " section 17," which estab- lished a university for women, was adopted, a charter 64 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION was granted to this first academy in Alabama exclu- sively for girls. The trustees were Robert Beaty, John D. Carroll, Beverly Hughes, Daniel Coleman, Andrew Foster, John W. Smith, and Joshua Martin. The corporation was declared perpetual, and em- powered to buy and sell or otherwise dispose of the property of the Academy as might seem best to the trustees; and these trustees were empowered to make such regulations for the government of the Academy as were not repugnant to the law of the State or of the United States. Daniel Coleman and Joshua L. Martin were very active in the interest of the Academy. These men be- came quite prominent in the history of Alabama. Judge Martin rendered valuable service to the State at a time when the judiciary as well as the executive department needed strong and fearless men of unim- peachable integrity. It is not surprising, therefore, that Athens took the initiative in so important an en- terprise as the establishment of an academy for girls. A few years after the incorporation of the Academy, provision a teacher and one piano was made for a course in music. Some time after this addition was made, the advantages of the Academy were extended to a course in drawing. Music was elective and an extra, but drawing was taught to the whole school free of extra charge. A number of the distinguished men of Alabama were natives of Limestone County, and many of their wives were educated at the Athens Academy. This Academy had a long and a prosperous career, and was finally merged into the Athens Female Institute. Tuscumbia Female Academy, 1826 Encouraged by the success of the Athens Academy, the citizens of Tuscumbia decided to organize an academy for girls and applied for a charter. OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 65 The trustees named in the charter were Thomas Wooldridge, Alexander A. Campbell, William H. Wharton, and Robert B. Marshall. The corporation was declared perpetual, and the usual powers concerning acquiring, holding, and dis- posing of property granted. Also the power to make any regulation deemed advisable, provided it was not repugnant to the constitution and laws of the State and of the United States. A music department was added to the usual academic curriculum at the organization of the school. For a time the school flourished, but misfortune came, and after six years it became necessary to amend the char- ter, to avoid closing the school. The charter was approved January 13, 1826, and on January 13, 1832, the following amendment was ap- proved : " Whereas, the trustees of Tuscumbia Academy appointed and incorporated by an act to which this is an amendment, have ceased to act as such, and a majority of the surviving said trustees having removed from the State, without having appointed or elected successors, be it enacted that Philip G. Godby, Sterling R. Cockrill, William H. Wharton, Branham Murrill, David Dreshler, and Micajah Tarver, and their successors appointed or elected, shall be a body politic and corporate by the name of Trustees of Tus- cumbia Female Academy. Second and third section^ of act to which this is an amendment are hereby re- vived. The powers granted to these trustees are the same as those granted by the original charter." The Academy thus revived continued with varying success, until closed by the War between the States. It was never reopened. The building was repaired and remodeled, and used for the Public School of Tus- cumbia. Financial Troubles During the first decade of Alabama history schools 66 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION did not flourish nor their number increase as the people had expected and as was very desirable. The " sixteenth section " lands were not good agri- cultural lands in many parts of the State, and the commissioner found it very difficult to maintain the schools even when supplemented by tuition fees. The lack of funds prevented the completion of the univer- sity buildings, and perhaps the same reason prevented the establishment of many academies. However, dur- ing this decade several academies for boys were estab- lished and two for girls. This did not discourage the friends of education of girls or incline its advocates to abandon the cause. On the contrary, they deter- mined to make more strenuous efforts, and accordingly the General Assembly prepared a " memorial to Con- gress in behalf of academies for girls." Memorial to Congress The work of establishing schools for girls progressed slowly, though interest in the cause never died, as is manifest from the following Memorial by the General Assembly to the Congress of the United States. It was entitled: "Memorial (Joint) Regulating a grant of lands by Congress of United States, for use of a Female Academy in each County of the State." " The Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Alabama, in General Assembly convened, respectfully represent to the Congress of the United States: That your memorialists have witnessed with great pleasure the munificence and liberality of your honorable body in the promotion of education by grant of 1 6th section for use of common schools in every township, and of other lands for the advancement of an asylum for the use of deaf and dumb, and for the establishment and maintenance of a university, and whilst they have been greatly benefited and much pleased with such liberality in the promotion of objects so intimately and essentially interwoven with the moral OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 67 and political prospects of the country, they respectfully suggest that another subject of equal or superior claims upon your liberality and munificence has not received the attention due to the importance which properly belongs to it, either from our own citizens or their Representatives in the National Legislature, to wit : the proper and necessary education of the females of this free and happy Republic. Your memorialists beg the indulgence of your honorable body, in remark- ing that the ornaments of this and every other country, so -far as relates to talents, learning, and virtue, rest their claims mainly on the early impressions made by mothers. That it seldom happens that impressions derived from this source are calculated to sap the foundations of morality or to injure in the smallest degree the best interests of society, but, on the contrary, the education, information, and examples drawn from them exalt and ennoble our character, and constitute the foundation and prop of our most estimable virtues and consequent prosperity in life. Your memorialists derive much pleasure from the reflection that the peo- ple of this State have aroused from their lethargy upon this all-important subject, and are now making exer- tions to compensate in some measure for their former apathy, by laudable attempts on their part to promote female education. But your memorialists would here remark that common schools are not places at which females can receive more than the first rudiments of education, and the importance of institutions exclu- sively for the use of female education must be admitted by all. " Your memorialists therefore respectfully request, that your honorable body will grant to the State of Alabama as much as two sections of land for each county and to be exclusively applied to the erection and support of an academy in each county of the State for the education of females. Your memorialists sincerely believe that by the selection of the best un- appropriated lands and prudent management of the 68 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION same, that no portion of the public land has been here- tofore, or will be hereafter applied in a manner to accomplish more good: Therefore, be it resolved, That our Senators be instructed, and our Representa- tives requested to use their best exertions to obtain the object of this memorial. And be it further re- solved, That it shall be the duty of the Governor to transmit, as early as may be, a copy of this memorial to each of our Senators and Representatives in Con- gress, and one to the President of the United States. Approved January 13, 1830." This memorial did not receive attention from Con- gress, but the people had awakened from their apathy, and academies began to multiply rapidly. OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 69 CHAPTER VII Academies In and Around Tuscaloosa THE State University had been located in Tus- caloosa, and when Cahaba proved an undesirable loca- tion for the capital of the State, Tuscaloosa was chosen as the best location for the capital. Thus the little town became a place of much importance and man> interests centered there. Before the first decade of Statehood had passed, the Methodists, Presbyterians, and Baptists had estab- lished churches in the town, and were earnestly advo- cating the establishment of schools. Common schools had been established, and in 1829 Mr. Edward Sims, an energetic business man. an ardent Methodist, and a strong advocate of higher education of women, as a step in that direction built a large brick house which he offered to the Methodist Conference for an academy for girls as long as the Conference would keep a school in it. A school called " Sims's Female Academy " was opened in the building in October, 1829, and on Janu- ary 15, 1830, a charter for this school was approved by the Legislature of Alabama. This charter, after granting the usual judiciary powers, and declaring the corporation perpetual, and giving the trustees power to establish and break the common seal at will, also empowered the trustees to make such by-laws as would not be repugnant to the laws and constitution of the State and of the United States ; and provided that the trustees should not at any time hold property of greater value than twenty thousand dollars; and provided no religious tenets to the exclusion of others should be taught. This charter also prohibited the trustees from 70 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION dealing in notes, or bills of exchange, or exercising banking powers. There is a strange inconsistency between Mr. Sims's avowed intention of establishing a Methodist academy and the positive statement in the charter that the tenets of any one church should not be taught to the exclu- sion of others. It is very certain that Mr. Sims was disappointed, and the Sims's Academy passed out of existence in 1830, after continuing only one year. It is very uncertain whether the Methodist Confer- ence ever accepted Mr. Sims's offer, but if it did, its connection with the school very soon ceased. Since this school continued for so short a time, little is known of it, no records are extant, nothing to show what the curriculum was, except the name " Acad- emy." When Mr. Sims decided to close the school he sold the building to Dr. Leach, and it is still known as the " Leach Place/' Tuscaloosa Female Association About the same time the Sims's Academy was char- tered, at the session of the Legislature of 1830 there was chartered an association called " The Tuscaloosa Female Association," whose object was the " promo- tion of female education, and a higher standard of morals in the community." This association thought an undenominational school preferable to a denominational school. Mr. Sims did not oppose their plans, but to some extent co- operated with this association in establishing the Tus- caloosa Female Academy, which was chartered Janu- ary 15, 1831. The first provision of this charter was: Presi- dent and trustees and stockholders of the association founded in Tuscaloosa, in 1830, are hereby created a body politic and corporate in law, with powers to establish in Tuscaloosa a female academy according OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 71 to any plan and system they may see fit. They may have a common seal, changeable at pleasure." The usual powers concerning acquisition and dis- posal of property were granted, and the following ad- ditional powers : " And finally to do all such things, by themselves, their agents, trustees or servants as may be necessary and proper to carry into effect said Female Academy. The affairs of the corporation are to be transacted by the president and the trustees. Corpora- tion property to be exempt from taxation." Ideas concerning morals have so changed that the next provision of the charter seems rather a strange one to twentieth century people; but in the early part of the nineteenth century it was not uncommon to call in the aid of the lottery for educational and civic pur- poses. " Said corporation shall have power to raise by lottery in one or more classes upon such scheme as they may devise, any sum or sums of money not ex- ceeding fifty thousand dollars ($50,000), to be applied to the use of said Academy." Having granted this power it was only consistent that they should make the following prohibition : " Said Academy shall be purely literary and scientific; and trustees are prohib- ited from the adoption of any system of education which shall provide for the inculcation of the peculiar tenets or doctrine of any religious denomination." The trustees, thus granted almost unlimited powers, and provided with a lottery, indulged in " great ex- pectations." In the Tuscaloosa Gazette of September 10, 1830, under heading, " Tuscaloosa Female Academy," A. Ready, Esq., secretary of the board of trustees, made the following announcement : " A union between the ' Tuscaloosa Female Educational Society ' and ' Sims's Academy ' has been effected. The first session of the Tuscaloosa Female Academy commenced on Friday, September 6, 1830, under management of Miss Brewer, Miss Howe, and Mrs. Robinson. Mr. A. Pfister and Mrs. Patrick have charge of the music 73 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION department. The board is making arrangements for the erection of a suitable edifice." This beginning was a favorable augury for the suc- cess of the school. Music was a great attraction, as every one was anxious for his daughter to have a musical education. Mr. Pfister had a favorable repu- tation as a music teacher, and he also taught French, which was another popular study. Notwithstanding the favorable conditions under which the academy began, its career, for some unex- plained reason it did not meet the expectations of its friends and they agreed to promote the establishment of the Alabama Female Institute. (This institution will be treated under another chapter.) Wesley an Academy This Academy, as its name implies, was under Methodist direction, but there is no evidence that it was ever the property of the Methodist Conference or was controlled by it. Its existence was largely due to the energy and zeal of Mr. Edward Sims, who be- gan to plan for the establishment of a Methodist academy for girls, as soon as the Tuscaloosa Female Academy was fairly under way. What pressure was brought to bear upon him to induce him to abandon the establishment of a Methodist school, when the Sims Academy was established, or why the charter of the school he had projected so positively forbade its being a Methodist school, cannot now be ascertained; but certain it is, that, though he relinquished his scheme, and united with the Tuscaloosa Female Educational Association " in establishing an undenominational school, The Tuscaloosa Female Academy, he never entirely abandoned his intention of establishing" a Methodist academy for girls. He made a decided effort to have the Alabama Institute a Methodist school, but failing in that attempt, he purchased the McLester residence, a large brick building in the OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 73 suburbs of the town, and in it the Wesleyan Academy was opened in 1834. Its charter was approved in 1835- At last Mr. Sims's long desired school was estab- lished, and the following announcement was made, July 10, 1836: " The Wesleyan Female Academy will be prepared by opening of fall session to accommodate one hun- dred and fifty pupils. After all our enlarging our fear is we shall not have room for all who will apply. The main building and the boarding-house are now finished, and the large brick building will be finished in a few weeks. Other buildings and the grounds will undergo thorough repair. " Signed, J. FOSTER/' Miss Chapman was the principal and Mr. Pfister had charge of the music department. Mr. Sims offered this school also to the Methodist Conference, but whether it was accepted or not the record does not say. However, it had a brief exist- ence. Tuscaloosa was too small to support so many schools, and one of them exclusively a Methodist school. The buildings were sold to Mrs. R. E. Fitts for $6,000, and Mr. Sims abandoned the idea of a Methodist school. Washington and Lafayette Academy This academy was chartered about the same time as the Wesleyan, 1835, an< ^ attained its greatest popular- ity in 1837, when Alexander M. Robinson was prin- cipal. It continued to flourish for six or seven years, and then its popularity began to wane, and about 1846 it was closed and the buildings sold for a private residence. John S. Boale purchased the property and thoroughly renovated it, and presented it to his daughter, Mrs. Eddins. In 1905 Sloan purchased it 74 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION and converted it into a veritable palace, and it is now the handsomest residence in Tuscaloosa. Location of Schools: The Athenaeum was on East Major street; The Institute, Ninth street and Twenty-second avenue; Washington and Lafayette, Tenth street and Twenty-fourth avenue; Wesleyan Academy, Fourth street and Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth avenues. OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 75 CHAPTER VIII Academies Continued THE interest in the establishment of academies for girls seems to have revived during the thirties; and from that time until 1860 twenty-one academies ex- clusively for girls and sixty-six academies for boys and girls were chartered ; besides these there were seven academies for girls whose charters granted the privilege of conferring certificates or diplomas, and ten for boys and girls granting such privilege. The academies exclusively for girls were : Somerville, Morgan County, chartered January 21, 1824; Moulton, Jackson County, chartered January 21, 1832; Wesleyan, Tuscaloosa, December 15, 1835; Talladega, Talladega, January 5, 1836; Demopolis, Demopolis, December 23, 1836; Hayneville, Lowndes County, December 15, 1835; Gainsville, Sumter County, December 23, 1837; Farmer's, Carterville, Butler County, December 23, 1837; Livingston, Sumter County, January 15, 1840; Spring Grove, Russell County, January 15, 1840: Warcoochee, January 15, 1840; Dayton Association, Marengo County, February 14, 1843 ; Florence, Limestone County, March 24, 1848; Uchee, Russell County, March 3, 1848; Newbern, Green County, March i, 1848; Carrollton, Pickens County, February 12, 1850; Citronelle, Mobile County, February 5, 1858; Palmyra, Barbour County, January n, 1860; 76 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION Newbern, Green County, February 9, 1852. Academies granting honors: Northport, Tuscaloosa, December 15, 1835; Jacksonville, Calhoun County, January 28, 1837; Turnbull, Monroe County, February i, 1843; Aberfoil, February 15, 1843; Claiborn, Wilcox County, January 13, 1844; Mesopotamia, Eutaw, Green County, January 17, , 1845; Gainsville, Sumter County, February 8, 1854; Mountain Home, Lawrence County, February 9 1852; Irwinton, Barbour County, 1835. Eufaula Female Academy, Eufaula, Alabama, 1844 Eufaula was first settled in 1833, an d incorporated as Irwinton in 1837. The Irwinton Academy for girls was incorporated in 1836. By requirement of its charter it was to be strictly a literary school, and peculiar tenets of every denomination were prohibited. The usual privileges of buying, selling, and disposing of property were granted, but the amount of property that could be owned by the corporation was limited to twenty thousand dollars. This charter was approved January 9, 1836, but was amended December 22, 1836. This amendment referred mostly to property rights, but it also empowered the trustees to confer honors on graduates. In December of the same year an academy for boys was chartered, and in 1841 these academies were consolidated and the charter for this school was approved December 20, 1841. The name was changed from Irwinton to Eufaula in 1843, an d in 1844 t^ e Eufaula Female Academy was established. The " act to incorporate the Irwin- ton Female Academy," also the " act to consolidate Irwinton Male and Female Academy," were repealed. This act was approved January 17, 1844. OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 77 The school question was by no means settled, for the next year another change was made, and the several acts incorporating the Eufaula Female Academy and the Alabama Military and Scientific Institute were repealed and all property belong- ing to said corporation, also all property belong- ing to the late Eufaula Male and Female Academy of Irwinton, was vested in the body corporate of the Male and Female Academy. This act was approved Janu- ary 27, 1845. J ust wnv a ^ these changes were made does not now appear; one fact is well substantiated at no time were the so-called male and female acad- emies co-educational. The last arrangement seems to have lasted until the academy was merged into the public school, the build- ings being used for the public school of Eufaula. The interest in education seems to have been great, for in spite of the many changes Eufaula always has had good schools. A few years after the Eufaula Male and Female Academy was chartered the Metho- dist Church established a college in Eufaula, which flourished for a number of years; and was finally merged into the Eufaula High School. Union Female College Alabama Brenau, In 1853 the citizens of Eufaula decided to establish an undenominational school for the higher education of women, and in 1854 they put this determination into practical effect by the opening of what was known as Union Female College for more than fifty years. This school belongs now to the Odd Fellows, the Masons, and the city of Eufaula. The founders ex- perienced much difficulty in maintaining the high standard they had planned, and to complete for patron- age with institutions maintained by the treasury of the State and denominational support. The decline began in the seventies, but under able and persevering presidents it was able to keep its doors 78 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION open, with varying degres of success, until 1905, when for lack of patronage and means the school was abandoned, as its friends thought, for all time. Just at this time Presidents VanHoose and Pearce, of Brenau College-Conservatory, Gainsville, Georgia, decided to extend the sphere of usefulnes of Brenau in other States. One of the first cities to attract their attention was beautiful Eufaula, situated on the Chattahoochee. When the citizens of Eufaula learned that there was a possibility of inducing these gentle men to undertake the task of founding an institution, they responded instantly to the opportunity. A subscription of $1,500 was quickly raised for the purpose of putting the old buildings in first-class re- pair, and a lease of ten years, free of charge, was offered the Brenau association. The offer was ac- cepted. The old building of the Union Female College had been christened " Minerva Hall," on account of the quaint wooden figure of a woman which crowns the building, and which, somewhat facetiously, was christened " Minerva " by the students. This figure has stood guard over the College for more than fifty years, and has a sacred place in the memory of many an old-time student. By the terms of the original charter the property was given to the control of three fraternal orders, the Masons, Odd Fellows, and the Sons of Temperance, and the board of trustees was composed of members elected by these orders. When the Sons of Temperance ceased to exist its interest was transferred to the city of Eufaula. For many years this institution was recognized as one of the foremost institutions of learning for women in the eastern section of the State. It did not close its doors during the War between the States, and dur- ing the Reconstruction period, when educational af r fairs were in a chaotic state, it was a real blessing to have this well-established school of high grade to which girls could be sent, and where they could study OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 79 free from the interruptions of political or religious dis- cussions ; for by the terms of the charter no tenets of any religious sect were to be taught; and the College has always been non-denominational, though all de- nominations are represented by members of the faculty and board of trustees. The present management has restored the school to its former popularity and efficiency, and in some re- spects the school enjoys a greater popularity than ever before. The music department has been much en- larged, and the pupils attain a higher proficiency than ever before. New departments have been introduced and new buildings erected to meet the educational demands of the present day. Several degrees are now conferred, whereas for- merly only one the A. B. was granted. During the commencement in June, 1908, the alumnae held a reunion and the essays of the olden time were read, and compared favorably with those of the present students ; also papers were read and dis- cussions held which were calculated to show that the old-time training was thorough and lasting. 80 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION CHAPTER IX Alabama Female Institute, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, 1833-1888 THE friends of this school proposed to raise the standard of education for girls, to extend the curric- ulum, and to establish a school of collegiate grade. The Institute was the heir of the Tuscaloosa Academy, and thus owned commodious buildings and a suitable equipment for the departments of music, art, and natural science, as well as a boarding department. The school opened November, 1833, but was not chartered until January 9, 1835. This charter empowered the trustees to grant such rewards and confer such honors on graduates as might be deemed expedient, and conferred the usual powers relating to purchase and disposal of property, but made no stipulation as to amount of property. The merging of one school into another seems to have been authorized by the Legislature, for one sec- tion of the charter granted to the Alabama Female In- stitute reads as follows : " The lots, grounds, and buildings erected by the trustees of the Tuscaloosa Female Academy now the property of the trustees named in this charter, together with all other buildings they may erect or grounds they may purchase for the exclusive use of the said female institution, shall be exempt from taxation whatever." From this statement it would seem that the trustees of the Tuscaloosa Female Academy had made exten- sive preparation for maintaining their school ; and it would be quite interesting if the causes of the merging of one school into another could now be known. The first, Sims' s Academy, continued only one year, OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 81 and was merged into the Tuscaloosa Female Academy, which had an existence of three years and was merged into the Alabama Institute. It is almost certain that the curricula of the first and second were nearly identical, and the teachers the same for both, therefore the character of the schools could have had little to do with the change. However, the Institute was very popular and quite successful as to numbers. According to an old cata- logue, 1836, only three years after its commencement, there were 10 teachers connected with the school, and 184 pupils; 60 in the primary department and 124 in the advanced department. The trustees of the Institute for the year ending July 14, 1836, were Hon. Peter Martin, president; Wiley J. Bearing, secretary ; John O. Cummins, treas- urer; John F. Wallace, James H. Bearing, H. C. Kid- der, William H. Williams just the same, with the exception of John J. Webster, who had retired, as the trustees named in the charter, January 9, 1835. The following extract from an old catalogue will show something of the views of educators of that early time: " This institution proceeds upon the principle that education does not consist merely in acquiring knowl- edge, or in unfolding the reasoning powers, or facul- ties, or in cultivating the moral feelings, or in forming the manners, or in developing the physical powers; but in the pursuit of all these objects combined or rather, in rendering the mind the fittest possible instru- ment for discovering, applying, and obeying the laws under which God has placed the universe; if either of these objects be pursued exclusively, the result is, the character is not well balanced. " The object of this institution is, to aid young ladies to educate themselves to answer the great end of their being to enjoy and impart happiness. " The system of government is really one of self- government, induced by the principles of moral recti- 82 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION tude. The interests of teachers and pupils are one and the same, and the co-operation of both to promote the general good renders the business of instruction and study, of communicating and receiving instruction peculiarly delightful." The health of the pupils was a prime consideration with the management; provision for exercise in the open air, and suitable recreation hours was made. " Calisthenics, designed to give ease, grace, and elas- ticity of motion, and erect forms, and bodily and men- tal vigor, is a daily exercise in the institution. Indeed, the entire arrangements, both general and particular, are conducive to health/' From an old catalogue the following classification and curriculum have been copied : " After completing the primary studies, the pupils are arranged in three classes: junior, middle, and senior; pupils ,who pass a satisfactory examination may enter either class. " Junior Class : English grammar exercises, analyzing, critical reading of the poets, transpositions, etc. Watts on the Mind, ancient geography, intro- ductory lessons in botany, political economy, algebra, rhetoric commenced, philosophy of natural history, ancient and modern history Worcester's Elements of History, with Goldsmith's Greece, Rome, and Eng- land and Grimshazv's France. " Middle Class : Geometry Euclid or Legendre; natural history Olmstead's; chemistry, astronomy, botany, physiology, evidences of Christianity, eccles- iastical history. "Senior Class: Geometry finished; rhetoric concluded; mental philosophy Upham's; Logic Whateley's; moral philosophy Wayland's; natural theology, Milton's Paradise Lost, analogy of natural and revealed religion." Latin was studied throughout the course, and usually French also ; vocal music, drawing and needle- work were taught to the whole school without extra OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 83 charge, and competent teachers for modern languages and music were employed. Reading, spelling (until the pupils were proficient in spelling), composition, writing, and vocal music were daily exercises through- out the course; also calisthenics and such other exer- cises as tended to advance a " moral, intellectual, physical, and polite education." A part of every Fri- day afternoon was devoted to ornamental needle- work. The equipment included a philosophical and a chem- ical apparatus, and a telescope, maps and globes, but just how complete this equipment was cannot now be known. It was the original intention of the founders of the State University to establish a " branch of the Uni- versity for female education," but this intention was never put into effect. However, a few years after the; establishment of the Alabama Institute the regents of the University decided to extend the advantages of the University to this school, by allowing its classes to attend such lectures of the professors of the Univer- sity as the principal of the school should select, especi- ally those lectures on natural science and mathematics. The first principal of this school was Rev. W. H. Williams; his principal teachers were Miss Maria Belle Brooks (afterward Mrs. Stafford) and Miss Abby Fitch (afterward Mrs. Searcy). In 1842 Professor and Mrs. Caroline Lee Hentz took charge of the school. In 1852 Miss Lavinia Moore was principal and the assistant teachers of the collegiate department were Miss Mary W. Humphreys, Miss Martha A. Inge, and Miss Sarah W. Bigelow. Professor and Mrs. Stafford again became principals in 1856. A few years later they associated with them- selves, Mrs. W. C. Richardson, and Mrs. R. E. Rodes, widow of General Rodes. They retained charge of the Institute without interruption, except during a few months while Tuscaloosa was occupied by Federal 84 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION troops, until Professor Stafford's death. Mrs. Staf- ford continued in charge until 1888, when she sold the property to the city of Tuscaloosa for public school purposes and left the State. (The information on which this sketch is founded was furnished by Hon. W. C. Richardson of Tus- caloosa, also the catalogues; the charter is on record in the Acts of Legislature of 1834-5.) The Athenaeum, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, 1835-1908 This school has had many and various vicissitudes during its existence from 1835 to the present time. When it was organized the Baptist denomination had not established a school for girls in Tuscaloosa, and was anxious to do so. They bought the large com- modious brick house then recently built by Dr. Drick, and situated in the suburbs, and opened a school, with Rev. James Dagg, principal. Dr. Alva Woods, presi- dent of the University of Alabama, was president of the board of trustees. Mr. Dagg did not enter upon his duties immediately, and until his arrival the school was conducted by one of the professors, Rev. J. C. Koeney of South Carolina. The school did not prosper as its founders had hoped. The Baptist denomination made strenuous efforts to maintain this school, and from time to time changed the principal, in the hope of finding some one who could make it popular. The last principal who had it in charge under the original management was Professor Saunders and his wife, who had charge from 1859 to ^65 ; then Dr. J. H. Foster and Rev. Eldred Teague leased the build- ing and conducted a school for boys. After a year or two the building was sold to Chancellor Landon C. Garland for a private residence. When Dr. Garland left Tuscaloosa he sold the building to the North Alabama Conference, and it became known as the Methodist College and was restored to its original pur- OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 85 pose, a school of high grade for girls. After a year or two the Conference sold it to Rev. B. F. Larrabee, who endeavored to have a first-class school ; but not succeeding as he had hoped to do, he sold out to Prof. Alonzo Hill, who continued the school with more or less success until his death, when his widow leased the building to a Mr. Perry, who continued for a year or two, and cancelled the lease; then Mrs. Hill sold the building to the North Alabama Conference, or rather to a member of the Conference, who donated it to the Conference. It is still the property of the Conference and under its supervision. After the last transfer the charter was amended. This amendment of February 7, 1860, granted all the powers and privileges usually conferred on colleges in the United States, and changed the name from Athen- aeum to Tuscaloosa Female College. The school opened under the new management Octo- ber, 1860, with Rev. W. G. Melton, president. Since that time the buildings have been completely renovated, and two large buildings erected; apparatus bought, a modern gymnasium fitted up, several hundred volumes added to the library, and the equipment for a thorough course in music and art supplied; the curriculum ex- tended to embrace a commercial course ; in short, it is a modern school. Dr. Melton resigned in 1901, but the school has continued to flourish under the manage- ment of B. F. Giles. 86 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION CHAPTER X Marion Female Seminary , Marion, Alabama, 1835-1908 THIS was the name given to the school established by the " Society for Promotion of Education," and after the Baptists withdrew in 1838 this school con- tinued without any other charter privileges than those granted to the association. In 1841 William E. Jones was the owner of the stock of this association, and he applied for a charter for the school and for management of the stock. This charter granted him the power to sell to parties shares in this seminary not exceeding fifty dollars each nor less than that sum. " The purchasers of these shares shall be known as the ' Marion Female Association/ and by that name and style shall be entitled to buy, sell or dispose of the shares of said Association ; they shall have judiciary powers, and make such regulations as are not repugnant to the constitution and laws of this State and United States. The amount of property shall not exceed five thousand ($5,000) more than the value of said property and building of said Associa- tion. Purchaser of stock shall be liable to amount of stock he owns and no more. All stock or shares of said seminary shall be a separate and not a joint in- terest or property." The property was exempt from taxation, and certificates of stock were assignable. This charter was approved January 9, 1841. The stockholders were the trustees. An amendment which empowered the trustees to grant diplomas, certificates, or other evidences of scholarship; and to own property to the amount of fifty thousand dollars, and confirming the name OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 87 " Marion Female Seminary,'* was approved Decem- ber 14, 1841. This school has three departments, primary, aca- demic, and collegiate, and schools of music, art, elocu- tion, and physical culture. The equipment includes a library, chemical and physical apparatus, a cabinet of minerals and fossils. The art department has a liberal assortment of models, studies, and other facilities for art study. The building is not large, but it has been remodeled and made up to date, and is lighted with electricity. Only fifty boarders can be accommodated in it. Recently a business department has been added to the school. It includes stenography, typewriting, and telegraphy. Also a large, well-ventilated gymnasium has been added to the equipment. This school has had an unbroken and fairly pros- perous career, and though its annual enrollment has never been large, the names of hundreds of women who have been useful and honored citizens are enrolled among its alumnae. Centenary Institute, Summer -sfield, Alabama, 1838 The beginning of this Institute dates back to 1829, when the Valley Creek Academy was established. The charter of this school, which was approved Janu- ary 6, 1829, authorized the sale of the sixteenth sec- tion in which the school was situated and the proceeds of the sale to be applied to the said school. The pur- chaser of this sixteenth section was T. J. Goldsby, and the patent issued for the protection of said purchaser is still in the possession of his descendants. The school was a success as a local institution, but the trustees, two-thirds of whom were Methodists, ad- vocated the establishment of a school of a higher grade, and in order to celebrate the centennial of Methodism, they projected a Centenary Institute; or rather, two schools under that name. Accordingly, they enlarged 88 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION the building used for the boys' academy, and purchased several acres, and built a large two-story brick build- ing with wings, for the girls' school. This school was known as the Centenary. Its first session opened October, 1838, and the attendance was good, quite as large as its friends expected, but not as large as they hoped to make it. The first president did not meet expectations, and in 1843 tne board elected Rev. A. H. Mitchell of Georgia, who took charge of the school October, 1843, an d con- tinued in charge until 1856, when he returned to the regular pastorate. During the time of his administration the school flourished as to numbers, and the standard of scholar- ship was high. During this period many sons and daughters of Methodist preachers were trained for their life-work. Rev. W. A. Montgomery and Dr. Rivers each for a few years was president of Centenary, and from 1865 Prof. William Vaughn, now of Vanderbilt, was presi- dent until 1872, when he resigned to go to Franklin, Tennessee. After Professor Vaughn left the school became a local school again, and in a few years was merged into the public school. However, the buildings were owned by the Alabama Conference, and when the Ala- bama Conference decided to establish an Orphan Home the building was appropriated to that purpose. This orphanage was especially interesting to Dr. Mitchell, who had always felt a deep interest in Cen- tenary from his first connection with it, and his last work was supervising the building of a fence around the farm. He contracted a severe cold while thus engaged, and from it he never rallied. This work of love proved too arduous for a man of ninety-five. The charter of this institution was twice amended. In 1843 five trustees were added to the board of trustees, and by the amendment approved January 6, 1845, tne trustees were authorized and empowered to OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 89 grant diplomas and confer degrees under the same rules and regulations governing all other institutions of a similar character. The first diplomas were granted June, 1845, when a class of nine young ladies graduated. They repre- sented the nine muses. Miss Lucinda Swift repre- sented Clio, muse of history, and Miss Sallie Smith of Orrville represented Euterpe, muse of music. These two are the only ones surviving ; the others have been graduated from life's school and have joined the throng beyond. The first president was a Mr. Horton, who was not a success as a teacher of girls, and Mr. D. I. Harrison was appointed to supply his place until a president could be found. This president was Rev. A. H. Mitchell, who remained fourteen years. Then Mr. J. N. Montgomery was president until the War be- tween the States began, when he raised a regiment and went to the front, and was succeeded by Dr. R. H. Rivers. In 1865 Dr. R. K. Hargrove succeeded him. Prof. J. W. Vaughn was his successor, and then Rev. A. D. McVoy took charge and remained a number of years. The school was declining all the time, and at last was only a small local school, which was sup- planted by the public school and the building was closed for several years. (The material for this sketch was obtained from the Acts of the Legislature, 1838, 1840, 1845, an< 3 from letters from Rev. A. H. Mitchell, D.D. ^Mrs. B. M. Woolsey, nee Swift, gave the information concerning the first graduating class.) Dallas Academy, Selma, Alabama, 1839-1908 In 1838 certain public-spirited ladies of Selma, feel- ing the importance of having good schools for their children, organized what was known as the " Ladies' Education Society " of Selma, and began to raise money to establish a school of high grade. Among 90 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION the most diligent of these may be mentioned Mrs. William Treadwell, Mrs. Phillip J. Weaver, Mrs. Wil- liam Waddell, Mrs. Elias Parkman, Mrs. Isaiah Mor- gan, Mrs. Hugh Ferguson, Mrs. Robert L. Downman, Mrs. Robert Patteson, Mrs. John F. Conoley, Mrs. Andrew Hunter, Mrs. Stephen Maples, and Mrs. Uriah Griggs. In 1839 tne Society was incorporated by the General Assembly with the following gentlemen as trustees: Nicholas Childers, Robert N. Philpot, John W. Lapsley, Elias Parkman, John W. Jones, Jeremiah Pitman, and Harris Brantly. In 1844 William Johnson, a wealthy citizen, donated to the Ladies' Educational Society a lot. By the united efforts of the Society and the Masonic fraternity a brick house was erected, the first floor for school purposes, and the second for a Masonic lodge. Professor Lucius B. Johnson and his wife were em- ployed, and opened the school, calling it Dallas Male and Female Academy. The school soon grew so large as to require the whole building, and the trustees bought the interest of the Masons. In 1845 it was deemed best to change the plan. The new institution was incorporated as the Dallas Male and Female Academy with a new board of trustees. The act incorporating the Ladies' Educational Society was repealed, and their property rights and privileges were transferred to the new board of trustees. This board was made self-perpetuating by the act of incor- poration and has so continued until the present time. The building was still inadequate to the demands of the school. The charter of this school was amended January 25, 1845. This amendment granted the power to grant diplomas and to confer degrees, and all the privileges usually enjoyed by institutions of like grade in the United States. The Society, continuing as a voluntary organiza- tion, began to raise money for another building, by giving concerts and other entertainments. They re- OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 91 ceived large subscriptions from the public-spirited men of the place, and the donation of another lot by the same benevolent citizen, William Johnson. The pres- ent Dallas Academy stands on this lot. The original brick building was used for boys, and the new build- ing for girls. Some Northern teachers were brought out and other teachers from among our own people were employed, and thus an excellent corps was organized. Among the latter were two Misses Meek, sisters of Prof. A. B. Meek of the State University. Each year a teacher of instrumental and a teacher of vocal music and an instructor in military tactics were employed. Success crowned the efforts of the able principal and his wife and the efficient corps of teachers. The school at- tracted citizens to the place and thus increased its business and prosperity. These were the flourishing days of Dallas Academy. Rigid discipline was maintained and a high grade of scholarship required. The sessions lasted nine months and were closed with public examinations, continued morning and evening for a week, with military drills and concerts at night. Large numbers of people came from different parts of the State to witness these clos- ing exercises. It is stated that as many as four thou- sand persons were present on one occasion. The crowds were so great that the exercises were held in the city warehouses, the buildings being entirely too small. " Hundreds of the best men and women in Alabama and other States," says " Hardy's History of Selma," " graduated during this period of Dallas Acad- emy, and remember with gratitude until this day Prof. Lucius B. Johnson, and his wife, Harriet B. Johnson." In 1851 the Johnsons, under strong inducements, left Selma to establish a school in Camden, Alabama, and Dallas Academy was placed under the charge of Rev. A. R. Holcombe. Under the administration of the Rev. Mr. Holcombe the school waned, its popular- 92 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION ity and patronage declined, its classes withdrew, and with them the income, until the trustees found them- selves in debt, and were compelled to sell the brick building and lot to Col. P. J. Weaver, to refund the money he had advanced for them. In October, 1853, Professor Johnson and his wife returned to Selma to take charge of Dallas Academy. Professor Johnson died soon after his arrival, a victim of yellow fever. Mrs. Johnson continued the school and conducted it successfully until 1864, when she re- tired to private life. She died in Hartford, Connecti- cut, in 1887, closing a long and useful life, cherished in the memories of many Alabamians of the present day. In 1866 the trustees began to prepare to reopen the school that had been temporarily suspended. The re- maining building was repaired and suitably furnished. Prof. W. B. Seals of Columbus, Georgia, was placed in charge of the Academy, and continued with good classes for two years. Dependent upon tuition fees for the support of himself and family, and the pay- ment of assistant teachers, Professor Seals did not find the place sufficiently remunerative, and resigned the position at the close of the session of 1868. In May, 1868, Dr. Albert Barnes Sears, agent of the fund donated by George Peabody, for the benefit of education in the Southern States, visited Selma, and after consultation with some of the prominent citizens made the following proposition : " The Trustees of the Peabody fund will pay $2,000 if the people of Selma will raise $4,000, or more, to provide free edu- cation for all the white children of the city, in the com- mon English branches for one year, the school to be under the control of some committee of men that shall fairly represent the public interests of the schools, to be appointed by the citizens who contribute to the fund." On the 1 4th of May a public meeting was held to consider the above proposition, at which it was re- OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 93 solved to make an effort to establish free schools in Selma. A committee consisting of Messrs. Joseph Hardie, Geo. O. Baker, Geo. Peacock, Ed. Woods, and B. Eliasburg, was appointed to draft resolutions expressive of the sense of the meeting, which after consultation reported in substance that there should be established in Selma two good schools, one for boys and one for girls, and that the sum of $4,000 at least would be required to be subscribed to effect the object desired. The report was adopted by the meeting. On May 15 another public meeting was held. The com- mittee on subscriptions reported progress showing that the citizens were responding liberally to the calls. The trustees of Dallas Academy, through their president, the Hon. J. R. John, proposed to co-operate with the movement in such manner as might be deemed best, to render the grounds and building, known as Dallas Academy, available in its aid. On the 1 3th of June the subscription having amounted to a sum deemed sufficient to warrant the inauguration of the proposed system of schools, a meeting of the subscribers was held for the purpose of selecting " a body of men that would fairly repre- sent the public in respect to schools " in accordance with the terms of the proposition made by Dr. Sears. The selection resulted in the choice of the following men : Jos. R. John, Jos. Hardie, Geo. O. Baker, Geo. Peacock, Chas. M. Shelly, A. G. Mabry, James M. Dedman, Edward Woods, John White, James W. Lapsley, and S. C. Pierce. Of these, Messrs. John, Baker, Woods, and Mabry were already members of the board of trustees of Dallas Male and Female Acad- emy. The remaining gentlemen above named were suc- cessively elected to members of the board of trustees of Dallas Male and Female Academy, one to fill a vacancy caused by death, and the remainder to fill vacancies caused by resignations to make room for them. In this manner the new board acquired the property, powers, rights, and immunities conferred by 94. HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION the act of incorporation in compliance with terms of the charter of Dallas Male and Female Academy. The new board thus created organized on the 22nd of June, 1868, by the election of the following officers and the adoption of its by-laws, viz: Jos. R. John, president; Ed. Woods, secretary; Jos. Hardie, treas- urer. The Board proceeded to appoint a building commit- tee to secure accommodations for the new free graded school, now for the first time to be established in Selma. This committee, after various efforts, decided to enlarge the accommodations of the Dallas Academy building by erecting another of the same dimensions alongside the original building, thus increasing the capacity to double the original size; and to rent a building in East Selma for a branch school. The board next proceeded to elect the following teachers: Capt. N. D. Cross, principal and superintendent; Mr. G. M. Callen, principal of the boys' department; Miss Ella Thompson, principal of the girls' department ; and eight assistant teachers; and Mrs. Moore, teacher of vocal music. As the building was not completed, the boys' school was opened in the basement of the Metho- dist Church, and the girls' school in the basement of the First Presbyterian Church, October n, 1868. In 1869 the city of Selma was made a separate school district under the general control of the State Board of Education and a special superintendent, and thenceforward became a part of the public-school sys- tem of the State. An arrangement was made with the City Council and City Board of Education, by which the board of trustees should control and manage the school, under the general supervision of the City Superintendent arid the City Board of Education. This arrangement has continued until the present time, and has always worked harmoniously and satisfac- torily. The school has been maintained by special tax, the State appropriation, and tuition fees. The income OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 95 from public monies has never been sufficient to make the school entirely free. In 1873 the high school was organized with twenty pupils, mainly girls under charge of Miss Julia Nixon. In 1878 diplomas were conferred on a class of six. Since that time this honor has been conferred on about one hundred and thirty. The board of trustees has been wise and fortunate in the selection of principals and teachers for the school. Since 1868 there have been three principals Captain Cross, three years; Prof. Woodward, eleven years; Prof. Hardaway, twenty years. Through all this time they have been assisted by the very best teachers to be found, several of whom have been in the school for many years. One teacher, Miss Emily F. Furguson, has taught continuously since 1868. The combined labors of the trustees, principals, and teachers has made Dallas Academy the pride of Selma, and an honor to those who have brought it to its pres- sent efficiency and usefulness. Judson Female Institute, Marion, Alabama, 1839-1908 When Alabama became a State much interest in education already existed, and the new State began with commendable zeal to organize a school system, and to establish academies and other seminaries for the benefit of girls ; but, before the close of the first decade, this zeal was much decreased difficulties had proved much greater than had been foreseen, and many which the people could not anticipate had arisen. However, the people were not discouraged, and in the larger towns " Female Associations for the Promotion of Education " were organized. These associations were called " female " not because they were composed of women, for as many men as women belonged to them, but because the prime object of their organiza- tion was the advancement of the education of girls. In 1833 such an association was formed in Marion, Alabama, and a charter was obtained. This charter 96 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION empowered the stockholders to establish a school for girls, of any grade desired. As a matter of course all denominations belonged to this association, and all patronized the school established in 1835. This harmonious arrangement was not destined to continue very long. The Baptists were the first to tire of it, and withdraw. In 1833 the Alabama Baptist State Convention, a corporate body, had established " a Seminary for Young Men," afterward known as Howard College, and at the session of 1837 the sub- ject of education occupied much time and attention, and after mature deliberation the Convention decided to establish a school for girls, to be located in Marion. Therefore, the Baptists withdrew from the " Society for the Promotion of Education," and the school established by the Society, and began preparations for the accommodation of their own school. The first session of this school the " Judson Female Institute " began January 7, 1839, in a modest two-story wooden building thirty by forty, and having two wings. Rev. Milo P. Jewett was the first president ; General Ed. D. King, president of the board of trustees ; William Hornbuckle, secretary, and Langston Goree, treasurer. A small beginning was made with forty-seven pupils and six teachers; the third session closed with one hundred and fifty-seven pupils. In two and one half years a house answering all the demands of the time had been constructed, which was unsurpassed by any school building for girls in the South at that time. It was supplied with apparatus, a library, a cabinet of minerals, music-rooms and an art studio. This build- ing was destroyed by fire, but was soon replaced by three handsome three-story brick buildings, joined by two-story wings, forming a structure two hundred and forty by one hundred and twenty feet. This building was also destroyed by fire, but was replaced by build- ings on a larger and more elegant plan, and greatly superior to those which preceded them. Meanwhile, OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 97 thanks to the public spirit and liberality of the citizens of Marion, the exercises of the school were not sus- pended. All the classes were taught as usual during the erection of this building. When first organized this school adopted a uniform dress for the students, and the graduates have always worn plain white dresses, without trimming or orna- ment. On May 24, 1906, the sixty-eighth commencement was held. To the graduating class and to the great audience assembled in Alumnae Hall, President Patrick read the first graduating essay ever read at the Judson the graduating essay that was read in the remote year of 1841, by Miss Carolina Frances Smith of Lowndes County. To them was shown the first diploma issued from the Judson, the diploma issued to Miss Smith. Every word of it was written by hand, and it was signed by that famous educator, Milo P. Jewett, who became the first president of Vassar Col- lege. Mr. Patrick also showed an oil portrait, life size, of Miss Smith, Judson's first graduate. On the evening of May 24, 1906, the thirty-six graduates marched down the aisles of Alumnae Hall to the stage, while the great pipe organ pealed a stately march. To begin the exercises the large audience arose and sang " Praise God from Whom all blessings flow." A beautiful and touching prayer, by Rev. S. M. Provence, followed. Then the graduating class sang " The Lord is my Shepherd." Diplomas were awarded to each of the following- graduates : Literary president, Mayo Provence ; vice- president, Jane Elizabeth Massey; treasurer, Annie Lorena Warren. Degrees Bachelor of Arts, Mayo Provence; Bachelor of Science, Elva Goodhue; Bachelor of Literature, Margaret Ansley, Warre Boyd, Janie Ida Bean, Mamie Crew, Inez Webb Col- lins, Hattie Eloise Collins, Mary Lou Dean, Loucile Donald, Louise Davie, Frances Ruby Holley, Ethel Yvette Hill, Ruth Hobson, Rosa Ramsey, Carrie 98 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION Spigener, Mabel Catherine Hauff, Annie Vinceil Strong, Evalyn Thompson, Annie Lorena Watts. Bonnie Pearl Watts, Jane Elizabeth Masse, Harriet Cecil Hampton. Music Pianoforte, Bessie Inez Burk, Ida Holley, Margaret Bacon; voice, Harriet Hosmer Reynolds; violin, Annelu Burns; organ, Maude Robinson; elocution, Ruth Hobson, Carrie Spigener, Cecyle Clyde Metcalf, Ethel Salter. Art Annie Vonceil Strong, Edna Middleton. The presi- dent of the class, Miss Mayo Provence, was the recipi- ent of the highest honor of her class. The Judson is the property of the Alabama Baptist Convention. Its interests are committed to a board of trustees elected by the convention, to whom the board annually reports. This board assumes the responsi- bility of all expenses, so that no officer or teacher is pecuniarily interested in its income. The manage- ment of the affairs of the school is entrusted to a presi- dent, who is elected by the board, and whose term of office is determined by the condition of mutual satis- faction between the contracting parties. At the annual meeting of the board in 1906 the an- nual report of President Patrick was received with general satisfaction by the board, for in it was out- lined the remarkable growth of the Judson during the past ten years. After a thorough examination of the books and management, and in view of the fact that about sixty pupils have been turned away every fall for three years, the trustees decided to build an annex on the north side of the dormitory, similar to the one on the south side; also to beg-in work immediately on the Carnegie Library, the building to cost $15,000 furnished by Mr. Carnegie; the College has raised $15,000 endowment fund. It was also definitely decided to build a house for the president that will be in keeping with the form and importance of the Judson. The board of trustees in 1906 consisted of fourteen OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 99 ministers and laymen of the Baptist Church of Ala- bama, B. F. E. Ellis, Orrville, president. The Judson had been in operation well-nigh three years before a charter was applied for. The trustees named in this charter were Edwin D. King, James S. Goree, Larkin Y. Tavnat, A. C. Eland, Langston Goree, Francis Lowery, John Lockhart, William E. Blasingame. The usual powers concerning the own- ing and disposal of property were granted, but the amount of property owned by the institution was restricted to fifty thousand dollars. Trustees were em- powered to grant diplomas, certificates, or other evi- dences of scholarship as they may prescribe. This charter was approved January 9, 1841. 100 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION CHAPTER XI Livingston Female Academy, Livingston, Alabama, 1840-1908 THIS academy was incorporated January 15, 1840, and without cessation of regular exercises has con- tinued until the present time. The full course of in- struction includes three departments: primary, inter- mediate, and collegiate. In the first two departments are three classes each. In the collegiate department, four. One year is required for each class, or ten years for the entire course. Latin and French are required ; German and Greek are elective. For the benefit of graduates of this and other in- stitutions the collegiate course will be supplemented by an elective course of higher grades whenever the neces- sity arises. In this course it will be the aim to bring the standard of scholarship as nearly as possible to that recom- mended by the Committee of Ten appointed by the National Educational Association. To meet the demands for trained teachers for the public schools of the State the Legislature of 1882-83 made a yearly appropriation of $2,000 for the support of the Normal School, and $500 for the purchase of school appliances. The Livingston Academy being an undenominational school, the directors were empow- ered to establish in connection with it a normal depart- ment to enable young women to prepare for teaching in the public schools of the State. As the Academy was well organized, or graded, and supplied with many excellent appliances, this arrangement enabled the normal department to begin work without delay. The name was changed to Normal College and a new OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 101 charter was granted February 28, 1883. The Acad- emy became the literary department of the Normal College; and an industrial department, including stenography, typewriting, telegraphy, a printing de- partment, and a dressmaking and fitting department have been added to the other advantages offered by the Normal College. Vocal music in classes, and draw- ing, both free-hand and outline, are taught in all de- partments. The boarding department and music department (special lessons) and art department (including draw- ing and painting) belong to the principal. A unique feature of this school is the " annual ex- cursion." During the winter of 1881 the plan of school excursions was inaugurated by sending the first to the Atlanta Exposition. The success of the trip caused the principal, Miss Tutwiler, to decide in favor of an annual trip if a sufficient number of the parents desired it for their daughters. Almost the whole school visited the New Orleans Exposition. In 1887 a party of twenty-six pupils and two teachers, chap- eroned by Miss Tutwiler, made an excursion of ten days to Washington City. The graduating class of 1895 decided not to have graduating costumes, not even a white fan, gloves, or ribbons, but to wear the simple uniform they wore every Sunday, and to ask their parents to give each of them $25 to be used for an educational excursion. They visited Tuscaloosa during the commencement week of the University, met many prominent citizens and distinguished Ala- bamians, and visited places of interest; then on to Birmingham, where they visited the rolling mills, fur- naces, and other places of interest ; then on to Chatta- nooga, Lookout Mountain, and Mounteagle, where they spent two weeks, keeping house for themselves in a cottage belonging to Miss Tutwiler. The neces- sary cost of these excursions is $25. The College buildings were burned to the ground Christmas night, 1894, but the exercises of the school 102 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION were not interrupted for a single day. Two commo- dious buildings, close together, one for the boarding department the other for sole use of the school, have been erected. The Normal College has had only one principal, Miss Julia Strudwick Tutwiler, who was principal of the Livingston Academy when the normal department was established. A library, and reading-room sup- plied with current literature, a laboratory, a museum, a telegraph office, and a printing-press afford facilities for teaching. Athens Female Institute, 1842-1908 It had been obvious for some time to the leading men of Athens that in order to maintain her prestige Athens must provide schools of a higher grade than the academy for girls. Indeed, this sentiment largely pervaded the community, but the Methodists seemed to take the lead in its discussion. Thus the way was prepared for action when the Tennessee Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church (at that time that part of Alabama lying north of the Tennessee River belonged to the Tennessee Conference) met in Athens, in October, 1842, and after mature deliberation the enterprise was projected. In 1843 a charter was obtained from the legislature of Alabama incorporating the " Female Institute " of the Tennessee Conference. The dignity and high character of the undertaking was amply manifested in the selection of the trustees named in the charter, men prominent in church and state. The lofty aim of the institution was further shown in the election of the learned and sweet-spirited Dr. R. H. Rivers as its first president. Gradually the boundaries of the conferences were made to coincide with the boundaries of the State, and in 1869 the North Alabama Conference was or- ganized, embracing the northern portion of Alabama, OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH IPS in which Athens is situated, thus acquiring all the church property in this section formerly belonging to the Tennessee Conference. In this way the Institute became the property of the North Alabama Conference. In 1872 the charter was amended, changing the name to the " Athens Female Institute," and again was amended in 1889, changing the name to " Athens College for Women." These amendments included other changes, as extending the curriculum, enlarging the powers of the trustees, and defining property rights. Several additions have been made to the beautiful Ionic structure erected by the founders; one of these, a spacious chapel ; another, a large two-story building for accommodation of the music department. Re- cently the whole building has been remodeled and made modern in its appointments, and refurnished. The entire structure is of brick, the main building being three stories high. The course of study embraces kindergarten, pri- mary, intermediate, academic, and collegiate depart- ments; the last requiring four years. The languages taught are Latin, Greek, French, and German. To these courses are added the schools of music, art, voice culture, elocution, and business. Two literary societies, a current events club, a chorus club, an orchestra, musical recitals, and lectures by the best platform speakers are some of the means of culture used to render the course interesting and practical. The College has been a church school from the be- ginning, hence the Bible is studied throughout the course, and a regular course of Bible study forms a part of the work of the collegiate course. The College has an honorable history and a future full of promise. It is enshrined in the hearts of thou- sands, and there are mothers all over the South who reflect with thanksgiving upon the gracious influences shed upon them while students in its classic halls, 104 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION and remember with loving kindness the advice and training received from the long line of eminent and worthy presidents, whose lives were a benediction. For several years the College has been under the supervision of Miss Mary Moore, a woman eminently fitted for the position. Under her guidance the stand- ard has been raised, the equipment enlarged, and the efficiency of the College greatly enhanced. The great need of this College is an ample endowment; with this advantage it could take rank with the first colleges in the country. (The material for this sketch was obtained from catalogues, acts of Legislature, and correspondence.) Alabama Central Female College, Tuscaloosa. 1845 Although the Baptists had established one school for girls which had not been as successful as they had anticipated, they were willing to make another venture whenever an opportunity should present it- self. The opportune time came when Montgomery became the capital of the State. When this came to pass, the Legislature gave the old Capitol to the L^ni- versity. The trustees of the University soon realized they had " a white elephant " on their hands, and gladly leased the building to a syndicate for ninety- nine years, on condition that it should be kept open and a school kept in it. The charter granted to this syndicate demanded that two-thirds of the syndicate should be members of the Baptist denomination, and limited the amount of stock to $300,000; hence this college is locally known as " The Baptist College," though its charter name is " Alabama Central College." The provision of the charter necessarily places it under the control of the Baptist Church, though the Baptists maintain it is not a denominational school : as a proof of this contention, the teachers, other than the principal, who has always been a member of the OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 105 Baptist Church, have been drawn from all denomina- tions. Among- the many presidents who have had charge of this College during its existence of sixty-one years are the following: Professors Bacon, Browne, Lan- neau, Samuel B. Foster, Yancey, and Dr. Murfee. Auburn Masonic Female College, Auburn, Alabama, 1852-1908 This school had its beginning in the forties, and exact records are not extant ; however, tradition says it was successfully managed by Mr. Pelot Lloyd, and became so popular at home and abroad that more commodious buildings became necessary. In 1852 it became the property of the Masonic Lodge of Auburn, and a new charter was approved February 10, 1852. The judiciary powers granted by this charter were the same as were usually granted to institutions of learning, and the trustees were empowered to con- fer degrees and to grant diplomas to graduates, and issue certificates of scholarship. One clause of this charter forbids the sale of liquor within two miles of the College. This seems a peculiar precaution for a school for girls. The rieht to elect trustees was vested in the Ma- sonic Lodge in Auburn, and the trustees named in the charter were to hold office until the Lodge should see fit to appoint their successors. Under the name and title of Auburn Female Col- lege the school seemed to take on new life. Mr. Lloyd was still in charge, and Mrs. Agnes Clower was the first music teacher employed by the College. General Holtzclaw of Montgomery delivered the first baccalaureate address, June, 1854. After a few years the Masonic Lodee relinquished the management of the school and it became a pre- paratory school for boys. At this juncture Judge 106 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION John Harper, a wealthy, liberal, and public-spirited citizen, donated a beautiful grove contiguous to the old school building, and a $6,000 brick house was erected. This building was of the best material and workmanship, as time and hard usage have proven. It withstood the cyclone that swept over the town in 1870, and the less violent, but equally destructive, at- tacks of the jack-knives of a generation of school boys. This school continued until the exigencies of the War between the States converted it into a hospital for Confederate soldiers, and for some time after peace was declared it served as a refuge for weary, travel-worn soldiers. For a short time it was degraded from its original purpose and converted into a factory for furniture for a time only, for the citizens, aroused from their lethargy and determined to restore the old building to its former use, re-established the school. Both boys and girls were admitted to this re-established school. The discipline was rigid, the teaching thor- ough; the examinations were conducted publicly; and visitors were often requested to quiz the pupils. During the half century that had elapsed since the establishment of the school many changes had been made, and the building had been used for several purposes. Another, and the last change up to date, was made in 1900, when the school became again a school for girls, the name was partially restored, and it became known as the Auburn Female Institute. The graduates of this Institute are admitted to the junior class of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute, also located in Auburn. When the last change was made the old building had served its purpose and its usefulness was passed, and it was torn down and a modern schoolhouse erected near the site of the old schoolhouse. The same grand old oaks beneath whose shades some of the noblest men of Alabama played " town-ball " and OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 107 marbles, shelter the school girls of the present day as they indulge in the pastimes so dear to the modern girl. In 1900 Prof. G. W. Duncan was principal; his as- sistants, Misses Potterfield and Martin. (The material for this sketch was furnished by Miss O'Hara of Auburn, Alabama.) Orrville Institute, Dallas County, Alabama, 1852 This school was established by James R. Malone, and was in a flourishing condition some years before application was made for a charter. The trustees named in the charter were Wiley Thomas, James F. Orr, Henry Cobb, Edward B. Halloway, John McEl- ray, James White, Felix G. Adams, Lewis B. Moseley, Abner Y. Howell, P. T. Woodall, James D. McElray, B. E. Cobb, John A. Norwood, and Alfred Averzt. " These trustees were authorized, with the consent and concurrence of James R. Malone, but not otherwise, to make such rules and regulations for the government of said institution as they deem expedient, provided such regulations are not in conflict with the constitu- tion of the State and of the United States. If James R. Malone should sell his interest to said trustees, then they shall have full and exclusive control of said institution. " This institution shall not hold property to exceed $10,000, exclusive of buildings, apparatus and library. The principal, James R. Malone, and his associate teachers and their successors, who shall be styled the faculty of Orrville Institute, shall have power to or- ganize said institution on a college basis, and the same is hereby declared to be a college proper, and said faculty of said institution shall be empowered to con- fer degrees, honors and diplomas, arid have all the rights and privileges and immunities of all regular colleges." This charter was approved February 9, 1852. 108 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION The College continued in active operation until closed by the exigencies of war. The buildings re- mained intact, and when schools were reopened after the War between the States they were turned over to the use of the public schools. East Alabama Female College, Tuskegee, 1852 According to the terms of the charter of the Col- lege, which was, granted January 27, 1852, the faculty of said college may instruct in all the arts and sciences usually taught in similar institutions, and grant di- plomas and confer all degrees of literary distinction which can be conferred by other institutions of learn- ing in the United States. One section of the charter is a stringent law against the sale of liquor within three miles of the College. No license shall be received in justification for a violation of this law. The property was limited to $130,000 exclusive of apparatus and library ; the grounds to fifteen acres. Baptist Female Institute at Moulton, Alabama, The trustees of this Institution were appointed by the Muscle Shoals Association, No. 13. They were empowered to grant diplomas, and to make such regu- lations as were not contrary to the constitution of the State or of the United States. A two-thirds vote was necessary to elect a principal. No law concerning sale of liquor, but a fine of $1,000 was imposed on any bowling-alley within three miles of the institution one-half allowed to the pros- ecutor and one-half placed in the county treasury. This school was closed by Federal troops, the build- ings destroyed, and never rebuilt. OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 109 Salem Female Academy, Jefferson County, Alabama, 1852 This academy was maintained by a stock company, and the trustees elected by stockholders. The shares were $25 each, and one share entitled to one vote, either in person or by proxy. The stock was trans- ferable, but limited to $20,000. The trustees had full power to decide as to the competency and number of teachers, to make rates of tuition, and to grant diplomas on adequate attain- ments as well as certificates or other evidences of scholarship, and in short do any and every thing neces- sary and proper to promote the objects of said institu- tion, or which other institutions of like kind may lawfully do. This charter was approved February 10, 1852. Rehoboth Academy, Rehoboth, Wilcox County, Ala- bama, 1852 The corporation of this academy was perpetual, but it was not a stock company. The trustees had the same powers as the trustees of Salem Academy. This charter was approved Feb- ruary 9, 1852. Isbell College, Talladega, Alabama, 1847-1908 In 1847 the Presbyterians of Talladega County re- solved to establish a school for girls in the town of Talladega, where their own daughters and as many others as would patronize the school could obtain col- legiate training. They appointed a board of trustees to carry out the measure. The names of these trustees are a guar- antee to all Alabamians that the school was excellent in all its apppointments ; they were Lewis E. Parsons, 110 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION Alexander White, Dr. J. E. Knox, Rev. A. B. Mc- Corkle, Major James, General William B. McClellen, Andrew Cunningham, Thomas Cameron, and Colonel Henry Rutledge. These trustees obtained a charter which empowered them to establish a school on a college basis, and they erected suitable buildings, which cost $20,000. The buildings were completed in 1849, an d in October of that year the school opened under the management of President Hoyt, a Presbyterian minister. In 1854 the trustees made a proposition to the Synod of Alabama to transfer the school and the buildings to the Synod and change the name from Presbyterian Collegiate Institute to Synodical Institute. The prop- osition was accepted, and in 1856 the transfer was made, and from that time the Institute was under the control of a board of trustees appointed by the Synod, who made reports to the Synod at its annual sessions. In 1888 the Presbyterian Church in Talla- dega requested the Synod to transfer the Institute to the church. After two years' negotiation this was done, and the transfer was made in 1890* and the name changed to Isbell College. The departments are, literary, consisting of an aca- demic and a collegiate course, requiring eight years to complete both ; music and art. The buildings originally were large two-story brick buildings. They have been enlarged and improved, and facilities required to conduct these departments according to modern ideas have been added. The College is still in a flourishing condition. East Alabama Female Institute, Talladega, 1849 In 1849 the Masonic fraternity of Talladega re- solved to establish a school of high grade for girls, which would not be denominational in its teaching. In 1850 the corner-stone was laid with appropriate ceremonies, and the building hurried to completion. OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 111 This building, which cost $25,000, was placed in the center of a twenty-acre lot, which was divided into a campus, a park, and a farm. The building stands on the top of a hill, which is terraced down to the level of the street. The terrace immediately around the house is laid out for a flower garden, the one below is planted in grass and shaded by live- oak trees. The school opened in October, 1851, under manage- ment of Professor Patrick, president, and Professor Thomas Cook associate president, with a corps of competent teachers. The departments of music and art were well equipped; the former was in charge of Professor J. W. Blandin, a graduate of the Con- servatory of Music in Boston; the art department was in charge of Mrs. Shelly. The Masons did not realize their expectations in the success of this college, and in 1854 they sold the property to the Alabama Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. The school did not suc- ceed under this management, and in 1858 the Confer- ence closed the school and rented the property to Dr. Joseph H. Johnson of Cave Springs, Georgia, who opened a school for the deaf, October i, 1858. In 1860 the State bought the property for $16,000, and in February, 1860, the State Institution for the Deaf and Dumb was organized. In 1866 the School for the Blind was added, and in 1887 the Academy for the Blind was established, all under the supervision of Dr. Johnson, who continued in charge until his death, when he was succeeded by his son. When the State bought the property it was en- larged and a herd of Jersey cattle placed on the farm. This farm supplies the school with vegetables and milk and butter, and affords a means for training in practical agriculture and dairy work. The departments of the school are furnished with suitable appliances for teaching, and the teachers are experts in the different lines of work. HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION In 1890 the State bought an adjoining tract of land, erected suitable buildings, and in 1892 opened a sepa- rate school for deaf and dumb and blind children of the African race. (The material for this sketch was furnished by Mr. L. L. Lewis of Talladega, and obtained from cata- logues sent by him.) Oak Bowery Female College, Oak Bowery, Alabama, 1850 This school began as Oak Bowery Academy, whose charter was approved December 25, 1837. By terms of the charter the corporation was perpetual and en- titled to a common seal alterable at pleasure, and the property rights and judiciary powers were defined. The first amendment to this charter was approved February i, 1843, an d read as follows: "After the passage of this act the Oak Bowery Academy shall be known as Chambers Collegiate Institute. Henry C. Marcell, J. Alma Pelot, and their successors, to- gether with the present board of trustees, shall have the power to confer degrees and fill vacancies both in the board of trustees and professors, provided no va- cancy shall be filled unless there be present and voting a majority of the trustees." The second amendment was approved February 4, 1850. An entirely new board of trustees is named in this act, most of them Methodist preachers, and they and their successors are declared a body cor- porate by the name and style of the " Oak Bowery Female College/' under the direction of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. The College was in charge of a first-class faculty, and did efficient work of a high order. It was not closed by the exigencies of war, but continued ef- fective some years after the war closed, when it was merged into the public-school system. OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 115 Alabama Conference College, Tuskegee, 1854-1908 This College was chartered in 1854, under the name of Tuskegee College. The usual powers concerning honors, diplomas, and literary distinctions were granted; the amount of property was limited to $130.- ooo and the land to fifteen acres. Rev. A. A. Lipscome was the first president, and continued in office until the close of the War between the States. It was not closed during the war ; indeed, it was quite prosperous until the Reconstruction caused utter financial ruin. At one time the closing of the College seemed in- evitable in spite of the utmost endeavors of its friends. Rev. J. W. Rush, Rev. M. S. Andrews, and Rev. Henry D. Moore particularly exerted themselves in its behalf. The Methodists were anxious to build up this College. They had already donated to the State two colleges the East Alabama College for men at Auburn, and LaGrange College at Florence; the first became the A. & M. College, the second the State Normal. After strenuous efforts they succeeded in paying the debt on the College, and in 1872 they applied for a new charter. By the terms of this charter the property limitations were removed ; the College was recognized as the property of the Methodist Episcopal Church South; and the name was changed from Tuskegee College to Alabama Conference Female College. John Mas- sey, A.M., LL.D., was elected president and a new board of trustees was also elected. The attendance at the opening of the next session was encouraging, and since that time the numbers steadily increased. Only a few years after Dr. Massey took charge it became necessary to enlarge the build- ing, and in a few years it became necessary to erect another building, and still another to meet the demands 114 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION of the school. The school now has suitable buildings for all its departments, well equipped laboratories, and gymnasium, and studios for music and art. The curriculum has been changed to accord with modern ideas of a college course. The literary departments of this institution were from the beginning and are, primary, preparatory, and the college proper. This gives the advantage of send- ing all the girls of a family to the same school. Though entirely separate they are under the same manage- ment. The alumnae, now numbering hundreds, have formed an alumnae association, which meets during commencement week, in Alumnae Hall in the College. (Facts contained in this sketch are taken from ad- vertisements in papers, and from Acts of Legislature, 1854.) Montevallo Female Institute, Montevallo, Alabama By act of the General Assembly of Alabama, ap- proved February 6, 1858 (Acts of Alabama, 1857-58, page 88), the_" Montevallo Male and Female In- stitutes of the Union Synod of the Cumberland Pres- byterian Church of Alabama " was incorporated. Among the powers granted were, " grant diplomas, and confer all the degrees of literary distinction usually granted in similar male and female institutes of learn- ing in the United States." These institutes, for there were two separate and distinct schools, began work October, 1857. The girls were taught in the building now used for the Monte- vallo Industrial School ; the boys in a building which has been converted into a private residence. Dr. Roach was the first president ; he was succeeded by Rev. A. J. C. Hail. The Synod ceased to operate the school in 1864, and during the latter part of the War the building used for the girls' institute, now the chapel of the OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 115 Industrial School, was used as quarters for soldiers camped in Montevallo. Shortly after the War the Synod turned over the chapel and lot to Rev. W. H. Meredith, who with his wife continued the Montevallo Female Institute till about 1875, after which time Mrs. Meredith continued to teach a mixed school until 1887 or 1888. The In- stitute was considered a high-grade school, and af- forded an opportunity for advanced study that many otherwise would not have had. In 1888 the Alabama Industrial School for Girls was established in the old buildings of the Institute. Rev. Frank Peterson was the first and only principal. Greenville College, Greenville, Butler County, Florida This institution was organized on a regular college basis February 5, 1860. Clayton College, Barbour County, Alabama This was also declared a college by its charter, and all the powers and privileges of a college granted to it. Its property rights and judicial powers were clearly defined, but the amount of property exclusive of buildings and equipment was limited to $50,000. This charter was approved February 10, 1860. Only four days after this charter was approved, a charter was granted to Woodlawn Institute, Marengo County. This was also empowered to confer degrees and grant diplomas. Hamner Hall Seminary, Montgomery, Alabama, 1860 This school was established by the Protestant Epis- copal Church. It opened October, 1859, and its char- ter was approved February 10, 1860. It was situated in the western suburb of Montgomery in a large, beautiful grove of oaks. Ample provision was made 116 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION for accommodating boarders, and for a few years it prospered. Soon after the close of the War between the States the boarding department was discontinued, but the school continued until about 1890, when it ceased to be profitable. There were two other high-grade schools for girls opened about the same time as Hamner Hall the school of the Misses Follansbee on Perry street, and Mrs. Chilton's school on Sayre street. The last was closed on account of the ill health of Mrs. Chilton, and the building rented to the Public School Trustees. The school of the Misses Follansbee continued until about 1890. These schools did efficient work and are gratefully remembered by many of the leading women of Montgomery. Canebrake Female Institute, Uniontown, Perry County, Florida This was chartered February 4, 1850. Though called an institute, it was a college and had the power to confer degrees. The school opened under favorable auspices October, 1849, an< ^ continued until 1862, when the building was burned and never rebuilt. Though a small college, it was fairly well equipped. It was furnished with chemical and physical apparatus, and globes, charts and a telescope ; also musical instru- ments. The prime object of its organization was to give an opportunity to the girls of the Canebrake section to obtain collegiate training free from the evils of a large boarding-school; and this it effectually did dur- ing its short existence. Chunnanugga Ridge Institute, 1846 This was another small college that did good work until closed by the exigencies of war. OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 117 Its charter was approved January i, 1846. The amount of property allowed by this charter was limited to $20,000, exclusive of building and equipment. This charter was amended to give full collegiate powers to the College, and allowing property to the amount of $100,000. Courtland Masonic Institute, Laivrence County, Alabama This was the property of Courtland Lodge, No. 37. Trustees were elected by the Lodge. The charter, dated February 8, 1854, granted the power to grant rewards of scholarship. . Gainsville Institute, Sumter County, Alabama The Institute could confer degrees and grant di- plomas. Charter dated February 8, 1854. Forest Hill Seminary, Talladega County, Alabama This had the same powers as Gainsville Institute. Amount of property, exclusive of library and appa- ratus, was not to exceed $50,000. Date of charter, February, 1855. East Alabama College, Tuskegee, Macon County This was under auspices of the Baptist Church. It was burned about the close of the War between the States, and never rebuilt. Charter granted January 27, 1852. Robinson Institute, Autauga County, Alabama The charter approved January 2 1,1845, was amended February u, 1850, by changing the name to McGehee College, with all'the powers and privileges of a college, 118 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION and a normal department was added to the College. This was the only college established in Alabama by the Protestant Methodist denomination. Glenville College Charter dated February i, 1852. Lowndesborough Institute, Lowndesborough, Lowndes County, Alabama Charter dated January 29, 1852. Gaston Institute, Sumter County The trustees had power " to make such rules and regulations and prescribe such forms for granting di- plomas, certificates, or other evidences of scholarship as they may choose." Charter dated February 4, 1852. DadevilU Masonic Seminary, Dadeville, Tallapoosa County, Alabama This was under control of Tohopeka Lodge, No. 71, and Chapter No. 45, of Dadeville. It had all the powers and privileges of a regular college. Charter approved February 4, 1852. OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 119 CHAPTER XII Some Other Institutes, Seminaries, and Colleges LITTLE is known of many institutes, seminaries, and colleges that once were efficient schools, except what can be found in the " Acts of the Legislature." Among these are: Columbia Institute, Henry County. Charter ap- proved February i, 1843. Robinson Institute, Autauga County. Date of char- ter January 21, 1845. Central Masonic Institute, Dallas County. Date of charter January 13, 1846; power to grant diplomas and confer degrees granted January 29, 1850. Orion Institute, Prospect Ridge, Pike County. Charter granted January 25, 1845; repealed February 10, 1848. Union Franconia Institute, Pickens County. Char- tered March i, 1848. Pickensville Institute, Pickens County. Chartered January 29, 1848. Dayton Literary Association changed to Masonic Institute, Dayton, Marengo County, January 24, 1848. Hayneville Institute, Lowndes County. Chartered February 5, 1848. Montevallo Collegiate Institute, Montevallo, Shelby County. Chartered February 6, 1848. Mobile High School, Mobile. Chartered February 3, 1850. Wilcox Institute, Camden, Wilcox County. Char- tered January 31, 1850; amendment granting power to confer degrees and grant diplomas, February 2, 1852. Carrollton Academy given power to confer degrees 120 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION and grant diplomas, January 26, 1850. Seal of the Academy and the signature make them valid. Carroll- ton is in Pickens County. Octavia Walton Le Vert Normal College, 1860 This college was located in Dadeville, Tallapoosa County, Alabama, and began its career under favor- able auspices. It was named for Madam Octavia Wal- ton Le Vert, who was very popular in Alabama. Strange as it may seem to some that any attention was paid to normal training of teachers prior to the advent of the public-school system, nevertheless it is true that this college was organized and chartered for that very purpose. However, there was scarcely time to show what the work would be before it was closed by the War between the States. Synodical Female College, Florence, Alabama, 1854 Florence is situated on the Tennessee River, and is one of the oldest towns in the State of Alabama, hav- ing been laid out under the direction of The Cypress Land Company, in 1818, by an Italian, Mr. Sinoni, who named the new town in honor of his native city, Florence, Italy. The population increased slowly; even as late as 1870 it was only 2,000; notwithstand- ing, the interest in education was always great. The first school was taught by Mr. Charles Sullivan; his successor was Rev. Wallan, an Episcopal clergyman. Later Mrs. Caroline Lee Hentz had a large and flourishing school for young ladies. She employed a German professor of music, a native Frenchman to teach French, and competent teachers of art. After her departure in 1842, the Florence Female Academy was organized, but not chartered until 1848. The curriculum was the usual academic course of study, with departments of music and art. When the town was laid out The Cypress Land OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH Company gave two large lots in the center of the town for school buildings one for boys and one for girls. On the one donated for a girls' school the citizens built a large, rather imposing structure sur- rounded by a board colonnade whose colonial columns were two stories high. In this building the Synodical Female College commenced its existence in October, 1854. It was chartered December 13, 1855; the bill was vetoed by Governor Winston, but passed by the constitutional majority. The incorporators were William Mitchell, Robert M. Patton, James Irvine, Richard W. Walker, Syd- ney C. Posey, Neal Rowell, Thos. Kirkman, Samuel D. Weakly, Charles Gookin, Benjamin F. Foster, John S. Kennedy, William K. Key, Benjamin Taylor, Boyles E. Bourland, John T. Edgar, A. Smith, A. A. Doak, and R. B. McMillan. These trustees were em- powered to hold real and personal property in trust in perpetuity for use of said college and for the Pres- byterian Synod of Nashville, Tennessee, and all powers concerning property usually conferred upon trustees were granted to this board; also all legal title to property heretofore donated or conveyed to the Synod of Nashville by the president and trustees of the Florence Female Academy or by the mayor and aldermen of Florence, or by any others, was vested in the President and Trustees of Florence Synodical Female College. In addition, the power was given to confer diplomas upon graduating pupils, and to do all other necessary and proper things for the promotion of education in said college. Mrs. David, corresponding secretary of the Ala- bama Division of U. D. C., has kindly furnished the following sketch of this old school: " This was for many years one of the largest and most popular of the many colleges for girls in the South. At that time our schools were all supplied with Northern teachers, there were no Southern teach- ers, except men; therefore, all the teachers in this HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION school, except the president, were Northern women. When satisfactory they were retained for years. " The first president was a Mr. Stebbins ; a man highly esteemed. He was connected with the school for several years. He was followed by a Mr. Nicholls, a red-headed, high-tempered, disagreeable man who was a terror to the girls; in fact, little else than a bear ; therefore his stay was short. " The next president was Mr. Rogers from Georgia, a fine man and excellent president. He presided dur- ing the most prosperous years of the school. During this time every department was conducted by compe- tent teachers. There was a German professor of music, Professor Neumayer, with competent assistants. Music was never more successfully taught ; the piano, violin, guitar, pipe organ, and harp were skilfully taught. The professor was proud of his class, and the frequent musicals and concerts given in the chapel were enjoyed by large and appreciative audiences. Light operas were rendered, when the girls dressed in the required costumes. A native Frenchman, Monsieur De Soto, taught French, and creditable recitations were given, and compositions read in French, at the entertainments of the school, and these were frequent. " There was always a large class in art, to whom everything in art of that day was taught. Beautiful work in oil paintings done by the pupils of these classes to-day beautify the homes of the old pupils in many of our States. " The president of the board of trustees, Hon. Robert M. Patton, afterward Governor, who devoted much time and thought to the school, and was de- votedly loved by all the pupils, was once invited to the art-room, where he was informed that the art pupils intended to paint his portrait, and then and there he had the first sitting. Each girl gave some strokes to this portrait, and when it was finished they presented it to him. It was ever afterward one of his most highly prized treasures. OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 123 " Every pupil dreaded the examinations, at which time the chapel was filled to overflowing. Business of the town was almost suspended, and everybody at- tended the exercises. There was then none of the humbuggery about written examinations of the pres- ent day ; the classes were called up to take seats on the stage and were examined on the work done during six or twelve months, and each girl was required to stand while reciting. " After the teachers had finished their questioning an invitation was given to any one in the audience who wished to ask questions to do so. This invitation was always accepted, and the girls were truly thankful if only one accepted. " The pupils were drilled in spelling through the entire course, and were really taught to spell, and of course to read. Few children can now either spell or read well. " I remember especially among the teachers in the school two beautiful and elegant women from the North. They were of the English style in appearance large, handsome women, having beautiful fair com- plexions, luxuriant black hair, and large brown eyes the Misses Reynolds. They were delightful women in society, useful in church and Sunday-school, and their services were highly valued. They were excel- lent teachers, a blessing in the school-room, and much loved by their pupils. Everything breaks down in time, and after many years these teachers were not satisfactory, and they returned to their Northern homes and friends, and wrote a book against the South called ' Peter Still/ When compared with this pro- duction, * Uncle Tom's Cabin ' was tame indeed. " Peter Still, the hero, was the overseer of course a Northern man on a plantation where the Misses Reynolds had visited, been hospitably entertained, treated royally. ' It was ever thus ' with the Southern people. " Dr. Rogers resigned the presidency on account HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION of the ill health of his wife, and was succeeded by Dr. William N. Mitchell, who had been for many years the Presbyterian minister in Florence. The school was large and flourishing under his administra- tion, until his health failed and he resigned. Mr. J. S. Anderson next took charge, and had a large school of lovely girls, from all over the South ; however, he remained only a few years and resigned and bought property in Huntsville, and for many years had a large and flourishing school in that city. " Mr. Frierson succeeded as president. The school did not prosper under his administration. His health failed and he remained only a short time. " Dr. Bardwell, a lovely Christian gentleman, then took charge. He was a Presbyterian minister, and very acceptable as a teacher and presiding officer, but his health failed and in a year or two he died. " The impression that misfortune came to ministers who abandoned the regular work of the ministry for any other work seemed to prevail in the community, and the trustees made a decided departure from the long established custom of electing a minister to pre- side over the school, and elected Miss Sally Collier president. " The school continued during the War between the States, as the invading armies did not enter that portion of the State. " During the Reconstruction period the school be- gan to decline; and the trustees, anxious to restore it to its pristine greatness, decided that an addition to the first building would be advantageous. They borrowed money to make the improvement, and thus encumbered the property with debt, which they have not been able to liquidate. " After the establishment of the State Normal and the public school, the attendance steadily decreased until it was thought advisable to close the doors for- ever. " A year or two ago the property was sold to a OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 125 Northern man, for a very small sum, and he has now sold a portion of it to the government for a very large sum." (The material for this sketch was taken from the Acts of Legislature, 1855; the remainder is a sketch by Mrs. McDavid.) 126 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION CHAPTER XIII Schools in Florida ACCORDING to information obtained from the Cath- olic Historical Association there were no schools in Florida, during Spanish dominion, except schools for the Indians, taught by the fathers of the monastery of St. Francis in St. Augustine. During British occupation, from 1763 to 1783, at- tention was principally directed to warlike affairs. Neither did Spain pay any attention to education when she assumed control the second time. From the organization of the territorial government by the United States, in 1822, to 1842, the unsettled condition of the country, produced by the Seminole War, prevented progress in the arts of peace. All the schools in Florida prior to 1850 were common schools. The first step taken by Florida toward the estab- lishment of schools for higher education is found in the Act of the Legislature, January 24, 1851, in which it is provided : " That two seminaries of learning shall be established, one on the east, the other on the west side of the Suwanee River, the purpose of which shall be the instruction of persons, both male and female, in the art of teaching all the various branches that pertain to a good common-school education; and, next, to give instruction in the mechanical arts in hus- bandry, and in agricultural chemistry, in the mechan- ical arts, in the fundamental laws, and in what regards the rights and duties of citizenship. . . . Lectures on chemistry, comparative anatomy, astronomy, and the mechanic arts, agricultural chemistry, or any branch of literature that the board of education may direct, may OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 187 be delivered to those attending the seminary in such manner, and at such time, and on such conditions as the board of education may prescribe." One of these schools was established in Tallahassee, the other in Ocala subsequently removed to Gains- ville. They were until the formation of the State constitution, in 1868, and for a decade following, the only public educational institutions of collegiate grade. On November 24, 18^6, the board of trustees of Florida Institute (owned by the city of Tallahassee) offered to the Legislature of Florida the college build- ing with its appliances, to be given at an appraised value, and the remainder in money, $10,000 in all, to locate the State Seminary in Tallahassee. The prop- osition was accepted March 27, 1857. Until June 14, 1858, this university received boys only, then it was resolved, " That the board provide for the instruction of females from and after the first day of October next." August 28, 1858, the board accepted a deed of con- veyance from the president of Leon Female Academy of two lot's in the north addition of Tallahassee, and the college has ever since maintained a female de- partment. It was taught in the academy building until 1882, when the two schools were merged. By an Act of 1861 the Seminary was authorized to assume a collegiate standard as a basis of its organ- ization. At the annual meeting, June 5, 1901, the board of education resolved " that the official title of the school now located in the city of Tallahassee, and formerly known as the ' Seminary West of the Suwa- nee,' or the ' West Florida Seminary/ shall, from and after this date, be the Florida State College." The buildings are College Hall, two dormitories, Westcott Memorial Chapel, and Gymnasium. The equipment consists of Library of several thou- sand volumes and the University Library, physical, chemical, biological, physiological, and histological 128 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION laboratories, museum, and mathematical instruments, and a telescope. To prepare for this college a high school has been established. The course of the high school requires three years. It offers two courses, classical and com- mercial, and diplomas are awarded to those com- pleting either. The Alumni and Alumnae each have an association. Each holds annual convocations during commencement week. There are two debating societies the Platonic and the Anaxagorean ; each has a hall and each gives pub- lic debates during commencement week. In a note appended to the catalogue of the State College the President says, " Florida has never fallen into the old routine of instruction " meaning, I sup- pose, the establishment of separate schools for girls; also, " Florida can boast of good schools for both white and black." The only distinctly girls' school of which the writer could find any record is Leesburg Institute, established by Florida Conference of M. E. Church South, in Lees- burg, Florida. OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 129 CHAPTER XIV First School in Georgia for Girls THE first immigrants who came to Georgia after its settlement by Oglethorpe were the Salzburgers. They were cordially welcomed and permitted to se- lect lands. The land selected was twenty miles from Savannah, and here they settled a village and called it Ebenezer. As soon as they built their houses of pine boards, sixteen by twenty, they built a tabernacle for public worship; then a schoolhouse. Few records of this school have been preserved, but it is certain that both boys and girls attended it. The records of the early Lutheran school that are now extant show that they did not favor mixed schools, and it is pre- sumable that this school was not a mixed school. They brought their teacher with them, and their pub- lic library at Ebenezer contained books in thirteen languages. (Letter from Mrs. Gignilliat.) This school continued until the colonists were driven from their homes by the British forces when Savannah was captured. Doubtless there were other schools for girls estab- lished in Georgia during the eighteenth century, but no record of them remains. Notwithstanding Georgia was settled by intelligent and cultured people, they were for some reason decidedly opposed to granting a charter to a school exclusively for girls, and though bills for such charters were many times introduced in the Georgia Legislature, not one was ever passed prior to 1827. However, the Georgia people were not un- mindful of the importance of schools, and they made provision for common schools and established acad- emies, some of which had a department for girls. A 130 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION few of them were endowed and are reaping the benefit of that endowment even now. The first school for girls of which any record re- mains was that of Madam Dugas at Washington, Wilkes County. Madame Dugas was one of the refugees from the San Domingo massacre of 1791. That she was a woman of great refinement and well educated is the testimony of a daughter of one of her pupils. The school began in 1792, but in what month is not known. It became a very popular boarding-school. The only record obtainable is found in the " Report of the Academy Commissioners of Wilkes County Academy," located in the town of Washington. This notice is: " In March, 1806, Madam Dugas asked the commissioners to patronize her school, and to ap- point a day to visit and examine her pupils ; the min- utes show that the visit was made." This is all that can be learned of the history of the school. The next school for girls was College Temple at Newnan, taught by Mr. M. P. Kellogg. It was es- tablished about 1820, and was conducted on a college basis, but was never chartered, and had only one president, and when he died the school was discon- tinued. Among institutes, seminaries and colleges that were organized in Georgia prior to 1860 may be mentioned: Culloden Seminary, at Culloden, Monroe County; Monroe College, Baptist, Forsyth, Monroe County; private academy taught by Early Cleveland, Forsyth, Monroe County; Georgia Masonic Female College, Covington; Girls' High School, Appling. Columbus County, organized in the thirties : Levert Female Col- lege, Talbotton, Talbot County; Mrs. Warne's Acad- emy, Sparta, Hancock County ; Harmony Grove Acad- emy, Jackson County; Methodist College in Madison, Morgan County; Baptist College also in Madison; Americus Female College, Americus; Warrenton Academy, Warrenton; Georgia Episcopal Institute, OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 131 Montpelier Springs; several seminaries for girls in Augusta; LaGrange Institute, founded in 1845, m ~ corporated in 1846, conducted on a college basis; La- Grange Female Seminary, established in 1843, by Rev. John E. Dawson plan of instruction strictly collegiate; furnished with chemical and philosophical apparatus, minerals, and a small library. Clinton Female Institute, Clinton, Jones County, Georgia In 1833 R CV - Thomas B. Slade established Clinton Female Institute, at Clinton, Jones County, Georgia. This school continued there in much prosperity until he accepted a professorship in the Georgia Female College, which opened January, 1839. After much persuasion Mr. Slade consented to close his school and transfer as much of the patronage of his school to the Georgia College as he could. Many of his pupils followed him to Macon, and formed the majority of those present on that memorable opening day. He also took his own apparatus, chemical and physical, and his pianos; and his music teacher, Miss Maria Lord, and her assistant, Miss Martha Massey, were also employed as teachers in the College. The pupils from Mr. Slack's school formed the first graduating class of the Georgia College a fact not generally known, and never mentioned in any of the catalogues of Wesleyan. The president, Rev. George Pierce, and Rev. T. B. Slade resigned their places, at the close of the second session of the College, about eighteen months after the opening. At the earnest solicitation of the trustees of Mer- cer University, Mr. Slade accepted the position of principal of a school in Penfield. This school was deemed essential to the welfare of Mercer. This school did not prosper, and again Mr. Slade packed his equipment, and this time he went to Colum- HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION bus and opened a private school, The Columbus In- stitute. This school flourished until closed by the War between the States, in 1863. A quotation from an obituary notice will serve to show the character of the man and his methods. " In all his enterprises he never asked and never received pecuniary assistance from any one. He paid his own way, put up his own buildings, hired and al- ways paid his own teachers, bought his own pianos, and supplied amply and fully all apparatus illustrating natural sciences. He never electioneered for pupils, and no pupil was ever rejected because she was un- able to pay her tuition fee. "Mr. Slade was one of the pioneers in the higher education of women in Georgia, and the good influence of himself and his most estimable wife runs like a thread of gold through many lives that bless our country." (This account of Mr. Slade's school was kindly sent by his daughter, Mrs. J. E. Gignilliat. It is the only information obtainable of the Clinton Institute and the Institute in Columbus.) In 1829 or 1830 Dr. Brown had a school for young ladies at Scottsboro, a small place near Milledge- ville, which was well patronized. There was also a school for young ladies, estab- lished in Fort Gaines in the thirties by Mr. Taylor, who made music a prominent feature of his school. He had a number of pianos and a large pipe organ brought from Germany. This school, though well patronized, did not last long. (This also is from a letter from Mrs. Gignilliat.) Wesleyan, Macon, Georgia, 1839-1908 In 1835 Hon. Daniel Chandler, an alumnus of the University of Georgia, delivered an address on fe- male education before the Demosthenian and Phi OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 133 Kappa Societies of the University. It was so highly esteemed that the Phi Kappa Society requested a copy for publication; five thousand copies were printed and it was widely circulated. Through its inspiration the Wesleyan sprung into existence. The proposition to establish a college for women received favorable con- sideration from men in high position in church and state. As a majority of these belonged to the Metho- dist Episcopal Church, when the annual session of the Georgia Conference convened the projectors of the College offered to place it under the charge of the Conference, and this offer was cordially accepted. Dr. Lovick Pierce was appointed traveling agent, and other agents were appointed. The institution was chartered by the Legislature of Georgia, in 1836, as Georgia Female College. The Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church at the session of 1836 appointed the following board of trustees : James O. Andrews, John W. Tall}'-, Wil- liam Arnold, Samuel K. Hodges, Lovick Pierce, Ig- natius A. Few, Alexander Speer, Thomas Samford, William J. Parks, George F. Pierce, Elijah Sinclair, Henry G. Lamar, Jere Cowles, Ossian Gregory, Rob- ert Collins, E. Hamilton, George Jewett, Henry Solo- mon, Augustus B. Longstreet, Walter T. Colquitt, Jas. A. Nesbitt, Robert Augustus Beall. The board held many meetings and had many interesting discus- sions as to the plan of the building and the ways and means, the ceremony of laying the corner-stone, the course of study, etc. Two years after their organization, in June, 1838, the trustees elected a president of the College and one professor, and in November following, the other pro- fessors and officers. The College, crowning Encamp- ment Hill, since known as College Hill, was opened to the public and beean its appropriate work January 7, 1839, with tn e following faculty: Rev. G. F. Pierce, president, and professor of English literature; Rev. W. H. Ellison, professor of mathematics; Rev. T. B. 134 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION Slade, professor of natural science ; Rev. S. Mattison. principal of preparatory department; B. B. Hopkins, tutor; John Euhink, professor in music; Miss Lord, first assistant in music; Miss Massey, second assistant in music; Mrs. Shelton, matron; Mrs. Kingman, de- partment of domestic science ; A. R. Freeman, steward. The following notice of the opening of the College is taken from the " History of Macon " by John C. Butler, Esq. : . " It was an occasion of great interest and deep and thrilling excitement. A large and respectable number of citizens of Macon assembled in the Col- lege chapel to witness the opening scene. The hopes of the friends of the College, and speculations of its enemies, and the eager delight of the congregated pupils, all conspired to invest the service with an in- terest additional to its intrinsic importance." On the first day ninety young ladies enrolled their names as pupils ; during the term the number increased to one hundred and sixty-eight. Notwithstanding Dr. Pierce had traveled two years as agent to collect funds to build the College and put it in operation, the College was encumbered with a large debt when it was opened. Dr. Pierce encoun- tered many difficulties and met many objections to the enterprise that would be considered ridiculous at the present time. On one occasion he was urging the claims of the College upon a gentleman of large means and liberal views as to the education of his sons, and received the reply : " No, I will not give you a dollar. All that a woman needs to know is how to read the New Testament, and to spin and weave clothing for her family." Another man said : " I will not give you a cent for any such purpose. I would not have one of your graduates for a wife, for I could never build even a pig-pen without her criticizing it, and saying that it was not put up on mathematical principles." These prejudices did not die, and when the College OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 135 was about to enter on its fourth year, President El- lison and Professor Darby deemed it wise to issue a circular combating them. A question constantly asked was, " Will the study of conic sections and spher- ical trigonometry aid a woman in making a pudding, or in performing any other household duty, and if not, what is their use?" The answer given to this was an eloquent vindication of " woman's right " to the highest form of culture, including even the dry subject of conic sections and spherical trigonometry. This state of feeling made it impossible to get sub- scriptions for the enterprise, and at the end of five years the College was irretrievably bankrupt. Most of the friends of the College surrendered the enter- prise as an entire failure : but two of the number, Rev. Samuel Anthony and William H. Ellison, determined to make an effort to continue the school. They con- sulted their friend Mr. William Scott, who suggested that they should allow the sale to proceed, and that they would find five other men who would assist them in buying the property. The claim of the contractor, Mr. Elam Alexander, was $10,000; this was divided into shares of $i,coo, and five men took one share each and two men took two shares each. The plan was car- ried out, and the property became legally the property of these men, who gave it to the Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. They offered the building to the trustees for what it had cost them.. Rev. Samuel Anthony was appointed agent, and by many and laborious efforts he succeeded in collecting about $2,000. Mr. James A. Everett proposed to pay the remainder on condition that the trustees would give him four perpetual scholarships. The trustees accepted the proposition and secured a title to the College building leg-ally and lawfully. Thus the Georgia Female College passed out of ex- istence. The College was given to the Annual Con- ference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and the name changed to Wesleyan Female College. The 136 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION president and faculty resigned and were immediately elected to fill like places in the Wesleyan. Thus the College, without loss of time in its great work, passed under a new jurisdiction and set out on a new career. The new board of trustees was almost identical with the old, almost every surviving member of the old being retained in the new. Several women were added to the faculty at this time, and ever since the faculty has been largely composed of women. The College was kept open during the War between the States and went on regularly with its work, with the excep- tion of two or three weeks, when General Sherman passed by on his way to the sea, and of two or three days when General Wilson took possession of the city. During the winter of 1873 the exercises were suspended for six weeks on account of an epidemic of small-pox. With these exceptions the regular ex- ercises of the school have not been interrupted since the opening in 1839 until the present time. During the collegiate year of 1859-60 the Alum- naean Association was formed. This association holds triennial reunions. These occasions have been highly enjoyable. The following ladies have been president of the association : Mrs. Harriet H. Boring, Mrs. M. H. de Graffenreid, Mrs. A. B. Clayton, Mrs. Alice C. Cobb, Mrs. Eugenia Fitzgerald, Mrs. C. E. Benson, Mrs. L. V. Farrar, Mrs. W. R. Rogers. Bishop George F Pierce was the first president of the Georgia Female College, Dr. William H. Ellison the second and also the first president of Wesleyan College. During the sixty years of its existence the College has had five presidents. Degrees While the charter of the College author- izes the trustees to confer all degrees usually con- ferred by universities and colleges, they have only ex- ercised that authority by conferring the following de- grees: Degree Artium Baccalaureae, upon regular graduates, and as an honorary degree. Degree Lit- erarum Baccalaureae, conferred on all who complete OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 187 regular course with Latin language, but no modern language. Degree Artium Magistrae. This degree was conferred upon all regular graduates of ten years' standing, up to 1886, when the custom was discon- tinued. It may be conferred upon distinguished lit- erary ladies, and upon candidates after careful examin- ation in a prescribed course of study. Degree Ar- tium Pingendi et Lineandi Baccalaureae is conferred upon those who complete a full course in Art Depart- ment. Degree Musica Baccalaureae is conferred upon those who accomplish the prescribed course in Music Department. THE SENEY BENEFACTION In the year 1881 Mr. George Ingraham Seney of Brooklyn, New York, whose mother was an alumna of Wesleyan, donated $125,000 to the College. Fifty thousand of this amount was designated by him as a permanent endowment fund for two chairs, one to be called the " Lovick Pierce Chair of Mathematics and Astronomy " ; the other was named by the trustees " Seney Chair of Mental and Moral Science/' in honor of the donor. Five thousand was designated by the donor as a fund for furniture and grounds for a li- brary; while $70,000 was placed at the disposal of the trustees, and used by them for building and im- provement. In order to show the appreciation of the noble Christian character of Mr. Seney, and of his generous gift to the institution, Wesleyan has adopted his birthday, which occurs on the I2th of May, as a regu- lar College anniversary, to be known in the College calendar as " Benefactor's Day," and to be observed with suitable literary and musical exercises. The origin of the Everett scholarships has already been mentioned. These scholarships are not under the control of the trustees or faculty, but are controlled by the founder, Mr. James A. Everett, of Fort Valley, Georgia. They secure to the holder board and tuition 138 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION in all departments of instruction. There are no regu- larly endowed scholarships yielding revenue for the gratuitous instruction of pupils, but the " lessee " of the College gives free tuition in the " regular course," to all the daughters of all ministers who live by the ministry, and to all worthy girls in needy circum- stances who desire to prepare themselves to teach. Free scholarships in tuition are offered to one pupil each year in the Alexander School, and the high school of the city of Macon, and to one pupil in the Bibb County public schools; the pupils holding the highest rank in their respective schools receiving the scholar- ships as a reward of merit. The awards are made annually and for one year. (This sketch was prepared from catalogues.) OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 139 CHAPTER XV La Grange Female College, La Grange, Georgia, 1833-1908 THIS institution commenced its work under the name of La Grange Female Academy, in 1833, under the supervision of Rev. Thomas Stanley, a Methodist minister. He taught successfully until his death in J 835, when his wife, Mrs. Ellen Stanley, took charge of the school until the close of the session. She was succeeded by Mr. John Park, who continued until 1842. During that year Mr. Joseph T. Montgomery leased the Academy from the trustees, and took charge of the school January, 1843, beginning with thirteen pupils. In less than two years the enrollment was more than one hundred and increasing rapidly. Mr. Montgomery wished to make it a school of high grade, and a new charter was obtained granting the privilege of conferring degrees, and La Grange Fe- male Institute was organized with increased facilities and extended charter privileges. In 1846 the first three graduates of the new school commenced the roster of alumnae which now contains hundreds of names. Besides those who have com- pleted the curriculum, received diplomas and had their names recorded as children of their alma mater, hun- dreds of others receiving here wholesome instruction and fit preparation for after life have gone forth to bless the world. The College continuing to grow, it was deemed necessary to increase its teaching facilities and to ex- tend its charter privileges. On July 4, 1852, the cor- ner-stone of old La Grange College was laid with ap- propriate ceremonies by the Masonic fraternity of La 140 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION Grange; and in June or July, 1853, the first class was graduated in the new chapel. Mr. Montgomery had associated with him his brothers, Mr. Hugh T. Montgomery and Rev. T. F. Montgomery. In December, 1856, the Messrs. Mont- gomery sold their entire property to the Georgia Con- ference of the M. E. Church South. On March 28, 1860, the college building, with pianos, library, apparatus, and many minor requisites for a well-furnished school for girls were entirely consumed. In less than thirty days $20,000 had been subscribed and the work of rebuilding commenced. Before the building was completed the War between the States began, and financial ruin was the result. In the division of the Georgia Conference this prop- erty was given to the North Georgia Conference, and was formally accepted at the Annual Conference held at Augusta, Georgia, December, 1867. The walls were then unfinished, and somewhat dilapidated by exposure to the rains and frosts of seven winters. For thirteen long years the Rev. J. R. Mayson labored faithfully and energetically to rebuild the walls. The friends of the enterprise were loyal and liberal even in their poverty, and in Mareh, 1875, the work of completion commenced and was finished in 1879. Since that time the College has made steady, healthy progress, under the presidency of Rev. J. R. Mayson, and then of Dr. J. W. Heidt. In 1885 Dr. Heidt resigned and Rufus W. Smith was elected president. In 1887 the increasing patronage required more boarding room, and College Home was doubled in size at a cost of $10,000. In 1891 the second annex to College Home was built, and other improvements made at a cost of $5,000. In 1892 Mr. William S. Witham endowed the " Laura Haygood Witham Loan Fund," with a donation of $10,000. The proceeds of this fund are to be used in educating dependent young ladies. In 1894 the College added a $4,000 OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 141 pipe organ to the advantages of its music department. In 1897 about $2,000 were spent in improving the college grounds, home chapel, and college auditorium. These facts and figures show that this valuable prop- erty, estimated at $100,000, is making rapid progress in material growth and improvement. Its record of literary, moral, and religious status is no less en- couraging. During the past five years its graduates, with two or three exceptions, have gone forth Chris- tian women. During the past session the entire patronage of the boarding-department found the " pearl of great price."- Over half of the alumnae are engaged in successful teaching. In 1898 the prospects were brighter than ever before. (From letters, catalogue, and sketch furnished by the president, Rufus W. Smith.) Southern Female College, College Park, Georgia, 1843-1908 The first session of this school began January, 1843, under the management of Rev. John E. Dawson, D. D., whose aim was to establish a college of high order for women. On account of failing health he retired from the presidency during the year and was succeeded by Milton E. Bacon, A. M. Through his efforts the College was chartered under the name of La Grange Female Seminary, in 1845. I n I ^5 tms charter was amended and the name changed to La Grange Collegiate Seminary for Young Ladies, Pro- fessor Bacon being the sole incorporator. In 1852 the name was changed by Act of Legislature to South- ern and Western College, all the rights, privileges, and powers of the old corporation passing over to the new. In 1854, by Act of Legislature, the name was changed by Mr. Bacon to Southern Female College of La Grange, and all the rights and privileges trans- ferred and confirmed. In 1857, by Act of Legisla- ture, the charter was again amended, and that provi- HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION sion of the original charter limiting the franchise to a period of thirty years was repealed and its existence made perpetual. Professor Bacon erected the buildings and conducted the College as an " individual enterprise." Never knight espoused a cause and followed it with more ability, zeal, and chivalry than Mr. Bacon undertook the education of girls, when it was a novel and doubt- ful experiment. The faded and stained parchments of the early records of the College, containing his printed addresses and circulars in advocacy of the edu- cation of girls, glow with noble enthusiasm as he com- bats prejudice against his noble work and outlines the ideal woman, consecrated and cultured. Under his administration the College prospered wonderfully, maintained high standards, received patronage from all over the South, and achieved wide celebrity. In 1855 President Bacon retired from the school and removed to Mississippi. He was succeeded by Hon. John A. Foster, A. M., who was joined by Rev. Henry E. Brooks from Alabama, in 1856. As asso- ciate presidents they conducted the school through 1856-57. In 1857 I. F. Cox, A. M., became president. When he volunteered with the La Grange Home Guards for the War between the States the community asked for his detail, and arrangements were made for him to teach in the basement of the Baptist Church, as the College had been seized and was used for a Confederate hospital. From 1860-63 Rev. W. H. Roberts, D. D., was associate president, and for a year or two sole president. From 1855 to 1864 the West- ern Baptist Association owned a one-half interest in the school. In 1864 the College building, while oc- cupied by the Confederates, was accidentally burned, and as the Southern government was then in ruins and soon dissolved, it could make no recompense. With the exception of some insurance paid in Con- federate money that soon became worthless, the loss was total, and Mr. Cox was the chief loser. OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH The distressing condition of the country during the period of Reconstruction and recurring panic added to the calamity of the College. With fortitude and indomitable energy President Cox resolutely set to work to overcome what seemed insurmountable obstacles in the way of rebuilding and refurnishing the institution. Alone, except with the aid of his wife, he undertook the arduous work as a private enterprise. The story of toil, self-denial, and struggle will never be fully told on earth. After teaching for several years in rented buildings, first in one place and then in another, he purchased in 1871, in his own name, a new site, paid for part of the cost in cash, borrowed money at high rates of in- terest, began the erection of buildings, and by degrees paid off all claims. In recognition of his labors and services for the College, and as a tribute to his per- severance and success, the public gradually inaugu- rated the custom of calling the institution " Cox Col- lege," by which name it is now more generally known than by its formal title. The chapel on the south side of the grounds, erected in 1877, besides being a monument to the enterprise of President Cox, which indeed may be said of the entire College, is also memorable evidence of the generosity of the citizens of LaGrange and surround- ing section, who largely aided in the construction of that edifice by individual subscriptions amounting to $2,345. Citizens also gave in 1872 about $800 in contributions for the construction of the school build- ing on the north side of the premises. These gifts have been highly appreciated, and enabled the College to show its gratitude to the community in many sub- stantial ways. At the time of President Cox's tragic death, which occurred from apoplexy in the midst of the commencement exercises, June, 1887, he left the College free from debt, equipped with handsome build- ings, supplied with the best teaching appliances, and strengthened by a large and able faculty. President 144 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION Cox bequeathed the College to his family, who im- mediately assumed charge. The administration was as follows : Mrs. I. F. Cox, " Mother of the Col- lege " ; Charles C. Cox, principal of the literary de- partment; Misses Sallie and Alice Cox, directors of music and disciplinarians in the College home; Mr. W. S. Cox, business manager, and Miss M. E. Stakely, secretary. In 1888 President Cox married the youngest daughter of Milton E. Bacon, and the descendants of the two men who established the College in fame and prosperity as a private enterprise are united in per- petuating, promoting, and extending the life-work of their parents as a sacred trust and labor of love. The semi-centennial celebration, during the com- mencement of 1893, was a notable occasion. The orator was Hon. Henry Watterson. The alumnae reunion was especially impressive. Upon the stage were seated grandmothers, with their daughters and grandchildren, who offered tributes of love and praise to their alma mater. It was a memorable scene as the representatives of the classes from 1893 back to 1845 came forward to read their papers, now pre- served among the historical records. Feeling that it had done its full duty in the field where it had labored so long and pleasantly, the Col- lege decided, in the summer of 1895, to remove to College Park, Atlanta, where it believes it may occupy a wide territory of usefulness and honor. It pur- chased for cash its extensive property and holds it free of debt; has enlarged its work and increased its pat- ronage. The removal was largely effected by the labors of Mr. W. L. Stanton and Dr. J. B. Hawthorne, and by the co-operation of the board of advisers at large. The old charter has been transferred and con- firmed for the College. President Bacon usually prefaced the annual cata- logues with remarks in behalf of the education of women. His discussion of the utilitarian objections OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 145 to the education of women, in the catalogue of 1845, is interesting as an exposition of the prevailing senti- ment on that subject in Georgia in his day. " If, in alleging that the education of women is un- necessary, reference is had exclusively to its agency in coining dimes and dollars, no argument need be adduced. So contracted a view could not be affected by an exhibition of its most evident benefits. The same objections may be urged against food and dress. The plainest diet and the coarsest apparel may subserve the necessities of man; but the means used to elevate his condition form the mainspring of civilized life. It perpetuates the degradation of the savage, that he is contented when the wants of nature are satisfied; but it is the character of civilized man to aim at higher attainments in his mental, moral, and physical condi- tion, and to find happiness on loftier aspirations and nobler employments. " The well-informed man who confines his views of education simply to its pecuniary benefits does not consider the happiness which his own acquirements afford. Like the free air around him, though the source of life and health, he has ever enjoyed its gratuitous support with scarcely a reflection of its existence." While Professor Bacon entered with whole soul into the arena for woman's cause, he deprecated the ante-bellum Northern conception of the ideal of womanhood that partakes of masculinity and " woman's rights." For several years after its organization, the school opened its sessions in January, sometimes in February, and continued work until the last of October or No- vember. These sessions closed with public examina- tions and the usual graduating exercises. During Professor Bacon's administration there were in 1850 13 officers of the College and 160 pupils; in 1851 there were 210 pupils, no being music pupils; in 1852 there were 217 pupils, and in 1853, 220. The 146 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION patronage was drawn from Georgia, Tennessee, Ken- tucky, and Texas. Of late years no less than ten States are usually represented in the boarding-depart- ment, and students are enrolled from Canada to Mex- ico and Cuba, and from all over the United States. The average yearly enrollment has been 200, of whom nearly one-half have been boarders. During the first session after the removal of the College to College Park (1895-6), there were in attendance over 200 pupils from a distance, representing eleven States and one foreign country 146 music pupils, 52 in art, and 40 in elocution. The College is located in a suburb of Atlanta, the situation furnishing on the one hand the freedom and peace of rural life and on the other embracing the ap- proved attractions of a city. The campus includes about forty acres, of which twelve at the front are devoted to the cultivation of choice ornamental plants, many being quite rare, while the remaining area is used as experiment grounds for fruits and vegetables. The main building is constructed of stone, brick, and slate, and supplied with all modern conveniences. A gymnasium is properly equipped, recreation grounds for tennis and other games are laid off, and an in- firmary or retreat is conducted by an experienced nurse. The teaching appliances include a library of five thousand volumes; a museum of natural history and industrial chemistry with about seven thousand five hundred specimens; physical and chemical labora- tories; a four-inch telescope with other astronomical outfit; also well-furnished studios for art and music. All primary work has been discontinued, and the time is devoted exclusively to college work. This work is divided into, I. College of Liberal Arts, which is organized into the following schools : Mathematics, English, Latin, Greek, modern languages, natural sciences, history and Bible philosophy, and elocution. II. College of Fine Arts: This department of the College consists of music, drawing, and painting. OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 147 III. College of Practical Arts: This department is divided into commercial arts; book-keeping, penman- ship, phonography, and typewriting. IV. Household Arts: This department includes dressmaking, cook- ery, home decoration and embroidery. Music, painting, and elocution are specialties for which this college has long been distinguished, and its summer concert tours have attracted much attention. A Christian atmosphere pervades the school. At daily twilight prayers all the hundreds of pupils who have ever attended the College are remembered in prayer. Many of the old pupils send back requests for prayer as they enter upon new duties and trials. A religious meeting is conducted every Sunday evening by the teachers of the College. Bible study is promi- nent in college work. The degrees conferred are A. B., A. M., B. L. The aim of this school, above all things, is to prepare for home life. (From catalogues sent by Dr. Cox.) Andrew College for Girls, Cuthbert, Georgia, 1854- 1908 Andrew College is the property of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and is controlled by the South Georgia Conference, being the only college for girls belonging wholly to this Conference. Andrew was founded in 1854, very largely through the heroic efforts and sacrifices of Rev. Jno. H. Cald- well, who spent much time and money in securing the erection of the first buildings of the College. A. A. Allen was the first president, and at the end of the first year of his presidency was succeeded by a man who afterward became a noted figure in Georgia Methodism, Rev. Weyman H. Potter. He was suc- ceeded by Rev. Oliver P. Anthony, who in turn was succeeded by Rev. Morgan Calloway, whose adminis- tration continued to the opening of the War between the States, when he gave up the work of the school- 148 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION room to take the field of active military service. The College was practically closed, its buildings for a part of the time being used as a Confederate hospital. Mean- while, the ladies conducted a private school in connec- tion with the College. In 1866 the College proper was again opened, and Dr. A. L. Hamilton was elected president. Under his able administration and man- agement the College grew rapidly in influence and reputation. After finishing his fifth year as president of the College, Dr. Hamilton resigned, and was suc- ceeded by Rev. J. B. McGehee and Capt. A. H. Flewel- len as joint presidents. In 1872 Dr. McGehee resigned and Captain Flewel- len continued at the head of the College until 1887, when Dr. Hamilton was again called to preside over the affairs of Andrew. He remained at this post till the early spring of 1881, when death closed his earthly labors. The trustees placed Mrs. Hamilton in charge for the remainder of that session. In the fall of 1881 Dr. Howard Key was called to take up the work of the lamented Hamilton. For ten years the College enjoyed much prosperity under his management, and its patronage was widely extended. His successor, Rev. P. S. Twitty, held the office for four years, and of all men who have labored for the College, none have had greater obstacles to surmount than he met when in 1892, near the close of a pros- perous year, the entire buildings and nearly all the equipments were destroyed by fire. In the midst of financial depression, by persistent labors, with the assistance of the South Georgia Conference, he suc- ceeded in obtaining funds to build the present struc- ture, one of the best in the State. In 1895 he was succeeded by Rev. Homer Bush, who continues in office. Cuthbert has a very high elevation, being the high- est place between Macon and Montgomery. This renders it free from malaria and causes it to have a health record unsurpassed. Andrew is a Christian OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 149 school. The managers believe that any education claiming to be complete must develop not only the physical, mental, and moral side of our being but must also give special attention to the spiritual. The Bible is taught as a regular text-book in all four of the College classes not in the least with a purpose of inculcating sectarian bias, but for the sole end of de- veloping a high type and healthful form of Christian character. The corps of instructors is composed of teachers of successful experience, whose educational advantages have been the best to be obtained. A large three-story building has recently been added to the equipment. Some of the appointments are large grounds, a tennis court, croquet sets, a natatorium, a well-selected library, a well-supplied reading-room, and laboratories. Lucy Cobb Institute, Athens, Georgia, 1858-1908 Early in the year 1857 there appeared in the Athens Watchman a striking article on the subject of " The Education of Our Girls." The article called atten- tion to the fact that the State provided at Athens every advantage of culture and education for the boys, but had made no provision for the girls. It proceeded to show that woman had received from her Creator the " same intellectual constitution as man, and had the same right to intellectual culture and development." The article was signed " Mother," and it was a most earnest plea for equal advantages of education for boys and girls. It caught the eye of Gen. T. R. R. Cobb, at that time one of the leading lawyers and most pro- gressive men of the town. He had several intelligent and promising young daughters, and he immediately realized the necessity of providing such a school in the town as would obviate the necessity of sending girls out of the State to be educated. No sooner did he see that a thing ought to be done than he went to work 150 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION to do it. Being a leader in almost every enterprise in the town, he soon succeeded in raising a sufficient amount of money to purchase the land and to have the present school building erected. He believed that everything that was worth doing at all was worth do- ing well, so that the building was designed and built in the very best manner. After its completion the equipment was the very best that could be procured. The parlors, bedrooms, dining-halls, and school halls were all furnished in the most comfortable and attrac- tive manner. " Lucy Cobb " was designed as a home for her pupils, and essentially a home it was then and has been ever since. A faculty of the very best teachers was employed, and in 1858 the doors of the institute were thrown open to young women of the South. Just about the time of the opening of the school, Lucy Cobb, the eldest daughter of Gen. T. R. R. Cobb, died, and the trustees, who had been chosen by the stock- holders of the school, met and unanimously decided to name it in honor of her, the daughter of the founder. The school, from its beginning, became popular, and was then, as it is now, patronized by the best families of the South. Even during the War between the States, when business was interrupted, railroad communication destroyed, fortunes threatened, this school was full. During its history of forty-five years the following principals and presidents have presided over its inter- ests and affairs: R. M. Wright, 1859-1860; W. H. Muller, 1860-1862; Madam S. Sosnowski, 1862-1869; Rev. Mr. Jacobs, 1869-1870; Mrs. A. E. Wright, 1870-1873; Mrs. A. E. Wright and Rev. P. A. Heard, associate principals, 1873-1880. For the past twenty- three years Lucy Cobb has been under the manage- ment of Miss M. Rutherford and Mrs. M. A. Lips- comb, nieces of Gen. T. R. R. Cobb, the founder, and, what seems a coincidence, the daughters of the mother OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 151 whose article on " The Education of Our Girls " first attracted the notice of General Cobb. Year by year the curriculum of the Institute has been advanced, until it is abreast with the leading- col- leges for young women in the land. Within the last few years a beautiful addition to the school has been made, the Seney-Stovall Chapel, a gift from Mr. George I. Seney of New York. It is admirably adapted to all commencement exercises and entertain- ments. Mr. Seney placed in it a large pipe organ. The Art Department is also indebted to Mr. Seney for eighteen large paintings, the work of eminent artists. These paintings are placed in the parlors and reading-rooms, where they are a constant source of pleasure and inspiration to the students. One of them is a portrait of " Aunt Dot," by E. L. Henry, who was sent out from New York to paint the portrait of this faithful retainer of the Institute; and another a family servant of the principal. The artist has admirably portrayed the kindliness, honesty, and faithfulness of a representative Southern slave as she stands in char- acteristic attitude, ready for duty when called upon to serve. There is a pleasant piece of history connected with Mr. Seney 's interest in the Lucy Cobb and his numerous gifts to it. When it became apparent that a new chapel was necessary for the advance- ment of the school, Miss Rutherford, who was then principal, began to devise means to procure the necessary funds to build it. The citizens of Athens were called upon for contributions. Many responded, but the sum collected was not sufficient. Finally, one day Miss Rutherford called the school together and asked if each girl would not make an individual effort to procure the needed funds outside of Athens. The pupils were enthusiastic, and wrote to various friends and the leading philanthropists of the North and South for aid, and many responded with gifts from five dol- lars up to five hundred. Gen. Henry R. Jackson of 152 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION Savannah, Georgia, was one of the most liberal con- tributors. A beautiful and girlish letter from the hand of Miss Nellie Stovall, telling the needs of the school, touched the heart of Mr. George I. Seney, and the Seney-Stovall Chapel, which stands to-day as a monument to a cultured Southern woman and to this great philanthropist, is the result. The school is without endowment, but the present principal is endeavoring to secure an educational fund which will enable her to make loans to deserving and ambitious young women on condition that when they become self-supporting they return the funds, thus making these funds a constant benefaction. The course of study is divided into primary, inter- mediate, and collegiate; the last two requiring four years each for completion. The Institute provides a course of lectures supplementary to its regular course. These lectures will be given by the professors of the University of Georgia and by specialists in the lecture field. OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 153 CHAPTER XVI Early Schools of Kentucky INTEREST in the history of education in Kentucky, from the early settlement to 1820, centers in the de- velopment of the splendid system of higher education, a State University and a subsidiary academy in each county. These academies were quite fully developed, and reached their culmination during this period; while Transylvania University was fairly established. This system made no provision for the education of girls; in fact, they were entirely excluded from these schools. The only schools open to them were the " old field " schools ; perchance, in some neighborhoods, a school supported by a few families. For a consider- able period the only schools in the State claiming to give girls a grammar-school course were those of Rev. John Lyle, at Paris, and of Mrs. Keats, at Washing- ton, Mason County. Rev. John Lyle's School, Paris, Kentucky Rev. John Lyle was one of the Presbyterian min- isters prominent in the early history of Kentucky. He attempted to supply the great lack of educational facil- ities for girls by opening, in 1806, at Paris, the first seminary for girls in Kentucky. Mr. Lyle proved a suc- cessful teacher, and soon had a school of 200 or more pupils. He continued his school until 1810, when he withdrew from the seminary because some persons con- nected with the school refused to allow the Bible to be read publicly in the school. His withdrawal seems to have broken up the school, as nothing more is known concerning it. 154 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION Mrs. Louisa Fitzherbert Keats's School, Washington, Kentucky In 1807 Mrs. Keats opened a school for girls at Washington, the most important town in Mason County. It is said the daughters and wives of many of the distinguished men of the State received their scholastic training in this school, which was very popular at that time. For some unknown reason it was closed in 1812. Lafayette Seminary, Lexington, Kentucky " This Seminary was established in 1821 at Lexing- ton. An annual announcement of the Seminary for 1825 says it was visited by Lafayette on May 16, 1825. It had then 9 instructors and 135 pupils, and in the four years previous had had altogether 366 pupils. It claimed to furnish every facility ' for making thor- ough and accomplished scholars/ ' (Lewis's " His- tory of Higher Education in Kentucky.") Science Hill, Kentucky, 1825-1908 Since the days of John Wesley, Methodists have been interested in education, hence it is no surprise to find that Rev. John Tevis, a member of the Kentucky Conference, and his wife opened a school for girls at Science Hill, March 25, 1825. It was and still is a private enterprise, without a dollar of endowment, having no support from any source but from its pupils. Although Mr. Tevis was associated with Mrs. Tevis in conducting the school, and rendered efficient services in its behalf, yet from the inception of the enterprise the burden was borne by Mrs. Tevis, and to her must be attributed the largest share of its success. After the death of Mr. Tevis, in 1861, she conducted the school alone until 1879, when Dr. W. T. Poynter pur- chased it. Mrs. Tevis remained at Science Hill until OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 155 her death in 1880. She was a gifted woman, far ahead of her time, and had a strong and fine influence over her pupils, who remember her with great admira- tion and affection. Her life was strong and helpful, her old age was lovely; to the last she was full of energy, full of interest in past and present, full of faith and hope and love. Prior to the War between the States many hundreds of girls attended school at Science Hill, often remain- ing four or five years without returning home, as steam had not then annihilated distance. During the war many girls from the South remained with Mrs. Tevis two or three years, some never hearing from home during that time. They remained at the expense of that noble-spirited woman. After the war the South- ern patronage was greatly diminished, owing largely to the impoverishment caused by the war. Science Hill was the third academy for girls estab- lished in Kentucky, and the second oldest academy (Protestant) that has continued to the present day. The school was small at first, the enrollment for the first term being but 20, four of whom were boarders ; but gradually the prejudice in Kentucky against higher education for girls was overcome, a reputation was established, and the rooms were crowded the matric- ulation being limited only by the accommodations that could be offered. The catalogue of 1859 shows an enrollment of 370. Science Hill celebrated the closing of her seventy- fifth year June 3, 4, 5, 1900, with a diamond jubilee a grand reunion of former pupils. They assembled from nearly all the Southern States and many of the Northern and Western, 800 being present the last day. Ladies were present who had attended the school in 1831, '33, '35 and so on. When they parted sixty- four years before they were in the bloom of youth, bright with anticipations for the future; now they were faded, white-haired pilgrims nearly at the jour- ney's end. 156 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION The school was always a preparatory school, the course offered comprising the usual English studies, music, and French. When Dr. Poynter took charge of the school he changed the course to make it a secondary school in the fullest sense of the term, its requirements being made to conform to those laid down by the Committee of Ten. The school is correlated with Wellesley and Vassar, but its diploma admits to other colleges of first rank. A diploma admits to the freshman class of these colleges, and the course in music prepares for the fifth grade in the New England Conservatory. The faculty is composed of college-trained women, each a specialist in her department. The music teach- ers are also skilled musicians. No Sham is the motto of teachers and pupils. The school has had only two principals. Mrs. Tevis was principal for fifty-four years, and since that time Mrs. Poynter has had charge, though she was assisted by Dr. Poynter until his death. Few institutions have been so favored. The school is now known as an " English and Classical School for Girls." The buildings at first consisted of one dwelling- house, and as there were no funds save the profits of the school, the enlargement was gradual ; but after the reputation was established new buildings were added every vacation, until the equipment was ample for the accommodation of three or four hundred girls. The last building added during Mrs. Tevis's regime was the large chapel, opened in 1860. The buildings have been remodeled to conform to modern ideas of comfort and convenience, and the library and scientific apparatus and other means of instruction have been enlarged and otherwise adapted to the requirements of modern teaching. Almost all the records of the school during Mrs. Tevis's administration have been lost, but it is known that more than 2,000 pupils had been edu- cated in the school in Mr. Tevis's lifetime, and more than 3,000 up to 1875. The average attendance in OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 157 recent years is 130 and in many instances the pupils are the daughters and even the granddaughters of former graduates. (From catalogues, and letters from Mrs. Poynter.) Beaumont College, Harrodsburg, Kentucky, 1841- 1908 The college now known as Beaumont College had its origin in 1841, when Prof. S. G. Mullins bought the property and founded Greenville Springs College, which he conducted as president till the close of the collegiate year, in June, 1856. In the summer of 1856 the College was bought by Dr. C. E. Williams and his son, Prof. Augustus Wil- liams. In September of the same year (1856) Prof. John A. Williams as president changed the name of the school to " Daughters' College," and conducted it with marked success as such till the summer of 1893. In 1894 the College, with all its grounds, buildings, and appurtenances was bought by Th. Smith, who as its president changed the name to Beaumont College. Professor Smith opened the school in September, 1894, since which time he has continued in charge. The curriculum is a broader and more comprehensive one than it has had in its previous history. The aim of Professor Smith is to make the work more distinctively university work than is usually done in schools for girls. Beaumont College provides good facilities for teach- ing art, music, elocution, and physical culture; but especial stress is given to music. In addition to the conservatory course, a normal course in piano, organ and singing is offered. Like its predecessors, Beau- mont College is entirely a private enterprise. It is an accredited school of the University of Tennessee, and prepares for the best American and German Uni- versities. (This sketch was furnished by Professor Smith, 158 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION who also sent a catalogue from which a few addi- tional facts were taken.) Caldwell College, Danville, Kentucky, 1859-1908 Schools for girls were established in Danville at an early period of its history, the first of these being founded by Rev. J. K. Burch, who was for a time a professor in a theological department attached to Center College. None of these schools had a first- class equipment and their duration was short. Very soon after its establishment, Danville became an edu- cational center for young men, especially among the Presbyterians, who also endeavored to provide equal advantages for their daughters. A united and deter- mined effort toward the accomplishment of this pur- pose was made in 1856. In this enterprise the more intelligent citizens of the town of Danville and Boyle County were interested, but the Presbyterians were the prime movers. After much canvassing and many ear- nest, eloquent addresses had been delivered in favor of the higher education of women, an amount sufficient to purchase a lot and erect a building was raised. In 1859 Prof. A. E. Sloan of Alabama was elected prin- cipal. At his suggestion another building equal in size to the first was erected, and school opened in 1860 with a large attendance and every prospect of success. The original name of the institution was Henderson Institute, but in consideration of the great liberality of Mr. Charles Caldwell the name was changed to Caldwell Institute; and under this name a charter was obtained for the enterprise, placing it under the management of the two Presbyterian churches. A disagreement between these Presbyterian churches con- cerning the issues of the War of 1861-65 and the withdrawal of the Southern patronage, on which the management had largely depended, made it necessary to close the school in 1862. It remained closed two years, then a Mr. Hart opened school and taught two OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 159 years, when the original management elected Rev. L. G. Barbour principal. He conducted a good school for eight years, and resigned to accept a chair in the newly established Central University. The lack of co-operation between the controlling Presbyterian churches had for some time greatly impaired the use- fulness of the school. They had become divided by the issues of the war, and now decided not to occupy the property conjointly. Finally an arrangement was made by which the Second Presbyterian Church as- sumed the indebtedness of $20,000 and control of the school. Since that time the elders of that church have acted as trustees. Prof. W. P. Hussey of Boston, Massachusetts, suc- ceeded Dr. Barbour as principal of the school. His enthusiasm infused new life into the school, and his plans to raise the standard and enlarge the scope of the work were favorably received. His first step was to induce the trustees to apply for a new charter, which changed the name to Caldwell College, a distinctive name which defined the character of the school. In 1876 the buildings were destroyed by fire. Noth- ing remained but the ground, which was sold as town lots. With the funds thus obtained another lot was purchased, a building erected, and school was re- opened in 1880 under the management of Rev. John Montgomery, president. Mr. Montgomery conducted a fairly successful school for six years, and during his superintendency the material equipment was increased by the addition of a brick chapel. In 1886 Miss C. A. Campbell succeeded Mr. Montgomery, and was a suc- cessful manager for eleven years. During her admin- istration a large building containing four large recita- tion-rooms and a gymnasium was added to the equip- ment. A new charter was obtained granting the power to confer degrees, a power the college did not have under the old charter, the standard raised, and the course of study enlarged, the aim being to make it equal to that of the colleges for men. 160 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION Miss Campbell was succeeded by Rev. J. D. Ely, who seems to be maintaining the prosperity of the in- stitution. A recent catalogue announces that all mod- ern conveniences have been added to the building, and a well-ordered home is offered to the boarders. Professor Ely has extended the preparatory course one year, thus making the time required for the full course seven instead of six years. The College offers four courses : a classical course, which entitles the graduate to A.B. degree; a scientific course, which entitles to B.S. degree; a seminary course, which entitles to a diploma. An elective course has been arranged for those who cannot complete the degree courses. A normal course has been added for the benefit of those preparing to teach. The other departments of the school are the schools of modern languages, music, art, elocution, physical culture, and business; the last includes stenography, typewriting, book-keeping and telegraphy. The institution was originally established to provide facilities for higher education for women, and Presi- dent Ely thus states the present purpose of the institu- tion : " . . . nor shall we retrench in any effort to make it one of the leading institutions in the State for the higher education of women. The idea should be to afford the highest and broadest intellectual training, and at the same time preserve the essential character- istics of a refined Christian home. Our aim will be to give a broad and generous culture, founded upon Christian principles, so that those seeking its advan- tages shall become intelligent and cultured Christian women." (The facts contained in this sketch have been ob- tained from Lewis's " History of Higher Education in Kentucky/' from catalogues, and correspondence.) OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 161 CHAPTER XVII Early Schools in Louisiana ALTHOUGH the colonists did not give much atten- tion to the establishment of schools during the French or the Spanish supremacy, yet a school for girls the Ursuline Convent was established in 1727; this school claims the distinction of being the first school for girls ever established in the United States. The educational apathy seems to have been dispelled, to some extent, by the transfer from European dominion to republican rule; for the first Territorial Legislature, notwithstanding the commotion produced by the transfer, passed " An Act to institute an uni- versity in the Territory of Orleans." This Univer- sity was to be called and known by the name of " The University of Orleans." Section IV of this Act re- quired the regents of the University to establish, as speedily as may be, within each county, one or more academies for the instruction of youth in the French and English languages." The next section is introduced by a short preamble : " And whereas the prosperity of every State depends greatly on the education of the female sex, in so much that the dignity of their condition is the strongest char- acteristic which distinguishes civilized from savage society; Be it further enacted, That the said regents shall establish such a number of academies in this Territory as they may judge fit for the instruction of the youth of the female sex in the English and French languages, and in such branches of polite literature and such liberal arts and accomplishments as may be suit- able to the age and sex of the pupils." These schools were not free schools, and therefore 162 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION did not meet the approval of Governor William C. C. Claiborne, and no action was taken until 1806, when an Act establishing free schools was passed. Still the authorities were in no hurry to put in force the provi- sions of the act; not before 1811, when the Legislature made the first appropriations to the academies, allow- ing $2,000 to each of twelve counties for buildings, and $500 for salaries, is there any record of academies. Even then there is no mention of academies for girls, under State control, but this deficiency was supplied by private enterprise; but as these schools were not chartered and no records were kept, it is difficult al- most impossible to find any details of them. On March 6, 1819, the Academy of Natchitoches was chartered by a total of forty-eight incorporators, who were empowered to elect from their own number five trustees. The charter required the establishment of a school for boys and one for girls ; in both French and English were to be taught, and such other lan- guages, ancient and modern, as the funds would ad- mit, as well as the usual academic studies. The Academy of Ouachita, Ouachita, Louisiana, was opened in 1811, but the location of the building proved very unsatisfactory, and in 1824 the building was sold and suitable quarters in a convenient place secured. After the change the school was known as Ouachita Academy. The provisions of the charter re- garding funds leads to the conclusion that this charter also provided for a school for girls. The Academy of Covington was another school of the same class and established by a similar charter; but Clinton Female Academy was distinctively a school for girls. It was incorporated March n, 1830, and put under the trusteeship of seven trustees. Nothing was said as to the scope of studies, neither were the duties of these trustees defined ; they were simply em- powered " to direct and establish plans of education in said academy if deemed necessary by the board." Ouachita Female Academy, Ouachita, Louisiana, OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 163 was incorporated on March 12, 1837; the seven trustees were simply empowered to " direct and estab- lish plans of education, if deemed necessary by the board." An appropriation annually for five years was made to Clinton Female Academy and to Ouachita Female Academy, on condition that ten indigent children re- ceive instruction each year. Covington Female Seminary was incorporated March 13, 1837. An appropriation of $4,000 was granted, conditioned on maintaining and instructing four indigent females, to be taken from each of the parishes of the senatorial district. On March 7, 1838, Johnson Female Academy, of Donaldsonville, and Greensburgh Female Academy were incorporated. An appropriation of $1,000 an- nually for five years was given, on condition that the Johnson Academy should board and instruct five in- digent children from the fifth senatorial district; and the Greensburgh Seminary should board and instruct ten poor children during that period. Minden Female Seminary was incorporated March 12, 1838, and an appropriation of $1,000 annually for five years was made, conditioned on free instruction of ten children. Union Male and Female Academy was incorporated March 8, 1841, and received an appropriation of $1,500 without stipulations. Silliman Female Collegiate Institute, 1852-1908 This institution is located in the suburbs of Clinton, the site of East Feliciana Parish, Louisiana, 120 miles north of New Orleans and about 100 miles south of Vicksburg. The institution began under the management of <\ joint stock company, chartered in 1852 by the Louisi- ana Legislature. In 1856 Mr. Silliman donated to the Presbytery of Louisiana 102 shares (being a majority 164 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION of the stock) valued at $5,000. The interests of the Presbytery continued until 1866, when the institution, having become embarrassed under the joint manage- ment, was sold and the entire interest, valued at $10,000, was purchased by Mr. William Silliman, and by him donated to the Presbytery in 1866. In October of the same year Mr. Silliman made an- other donation of $20,000 to constitute an endowment, the interest only to be used for education of girls, under the direction of the Presbytery's local board of trustees. By will, Mr. David Pipes left $500 as a fund toward building a concert hall for the institution. Mrs. A. R. Dickinson had established a school in Plaquemine, Louisiana, but it did not succeed, and she transferred the fund to Silliman Institute, the interest of which is to be used to pay the board of daughters of Presbyterian ministers. In honor of the donors of these funds the building recently added to the college was named " Pipes-Dickinson Annex." The institution has been successively presided over by Rev. H. Mosely, Rev. A. G. Payne, Rev. James Stratton, Mr. Edwin Fay, Mrs. E. H. Fay, George G. Ramsay, and Rev. Frank W. Lewis, D.D. Rev. H. H. Brownlee was elected August, 1906, to preside in the future. There are four departments, as follows: I. Primary and Preparatory Department. II. Collegiate Department. In this department there are seven schools, or sub-departments, separate and distinct, and the pupil may, at her option, become a candidate for graduation in any one, or in all. i. School of English Language and Literature, compris- ing analysis and composition, rhetoric, English litera- ture, parallel readings. 2. School of History, com- prising history of England ; history of France ; general history. 3. School of Mathematics, comprising arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry plane and spherical; analytical geometry. 4. School of OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 165 Natural Science, comprising physiology, botany, phys- ical geography, physics, chemistry, astronomy, geology. 5. School of Ethics, comprising mental and moral science, logic, evidences of Christianity, civil government. 6. School of Ancient Languages, com- prising Latin and Greek. 7. School of Modern Lan- guages, comprising French and German. III. Department of Fine Arts. 8. School of Music instruction given on the piano, organ, violin, guitar, and mandolin. The cultivation of the voice, singing at sight, part singing, thorough bass, harmony, ora- torio and chorus practice. 9. School of Drawing and Painting. It is the aim of this school to give a prac- tical knowledge of the arts of form, color, and design, and to awaken in students true appreciation of artistic work. The studio is well supplied with casts and studies. 10. School of Physical Culture and Expres- sion. Physical culture has for its aim the harmonious development of the entire body. To secure the " sound mind in the sound body " so necessary for happiness and success. The course of physical train- ing includes Delsarte, Swedish, and light gymnastics. The aim of the Department of Expression is primarily the development of personal power. It has in view the physical, mental, and moral development of the pupil, and also the thorough appreciation and correct interpretation of good literature. IV. Business Department. The course of study in- cludes shorthand, typewriting, book-keeping, and com- mercial law. The buildings were originally erected at a cost of $30,000; in 1894 an annex one hundred by fifty feet was completed at a cost of about $15,000. The school is well supplied with charts, maps, and globes ; the chemical and physical laboratories are well furnished and additions are constantly being made. The reading-room is well supplied with religious and secular newspapers, and the leading magazines, and will be open every day except Sunday. 166 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION The Sigma Phi Literary Society, an association organized and conducted by the young ladies, holds weekly meetings. It is regarded as a valuable auxil- iary to the usual methods of instruction, cultivat- ing ease of speech and composition, and love of higher literary culture. Lambda Delta Fraternity was organized in 1906. Its aims are social culture. Each year arrangements are made for lectures, read- ings and musicales. Though the school is under Presbyterian control, it is avowedly and conscientiously non-sectarian in its aims and purposes. However, it takes its place in full- est sympathy with Christian morals and culture, and all proper means are used to direct the young -to the Saviour, without interfering with denominational pref- erences. A certificate of proficiency is given in each study at the intermediate and final examinations when the student has passed successfully upon the work of the previous half session. A certificate of distinction is given at the final examinations to each student whose general average of scholarship for the past year is as much or more than 9 (10 being the highest grade) and her name is placed on the " Honor Roll." A diploma, with the title of " Graduate " in each partic- ular school, is awarded after satisfactory examination in all the studies of that school. This includes the schools of Music and Art. The degrees are B.S., B.L.. B.A., and M.A. (From catalogues sent by the president, Rev. H. H. Brownlee.) Keachle Female College, Keachie, Louisiana, 1856-1908 This college was founded in 1856 by the Baptist denomination. Like the Silliman Institute at Clinton founded by the Presbyterians, and Mansfield founded OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 167 by the Methodists, this college has had various vicissi- tudes, but it is still doing the work for which it was originally organized a college for women. The work was suspended during the War between the States, and the building used as a hospital for Confederate sol- diers. After the war it became Keachie College, a co-educational institution. In 1887 the name was changed to Keachie Male and Female College. In 1899 ^ was rechartered, and the name changed to Louisiana Female College, becoming then a school for girls and young women exclusively, as was first intended. Rev. J. H. Tucker was president from 1857 to 1861 ; exercises suspended from 1861 to 1865; Rev. Peter Crawford was president from 1865 t I ^7 I > Rev. J. H. Tucker from 1871 to 1881 ; Rev. T. N. Coleman from 1 88 1 to 1886; Rev. P. Fountain from 1886 to 1889; Rev. C. W. Taukies from 1889 to 1899; Rev. G. W. Thigpen from 1899 to present time. The course of study is distributed into separate schools of Latin, Greek ; English ; history ; philosophy ; mathematics ; geology and biology ; natural philosophy and chemistry; modern languages; music; art. Candidates for the B. A. degree may substitute French and German for Greek. Those for the B. L. degree may take two years of Latin in place of Ger- man. The school has well equipped studios for music and art; and makes quite a feature of needlework. (The material for this sketch is taken from a letter from Dr. Thigpen, and a catalogue sent by him.) There was a college in Minden, founded about the same time as the three colleges already mentioned ; it was suspended during the War between the States, and never reopened as a college, and when the pres- ent school system was organized the building was used for the Minden High School. (From a private letter.) 168 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION Mansfield Female College, Mansfield, Louisiana, 1854-1908 In 1854, when this fertile section of the country was rapidly settling up and attracting the attention of the emigrant from older States, Dr. Thweatt saw the need for an institution of high grade at some point west of the Mississippi. He came to the parish of Caddo, and met Rev. William E. Doty, a liberal and intelligent man, and of ardent temperament and en- thusiastic nature like himself, who was possessed with considerable wealth and influence. They set out to- gether on a prospecting tour for a location of a fe- male college. When they reached Mansfield, DeSoto Parish, they found an ideal location. They selected the site where the College now stands, on an elevated plateau forming the watershed between the Red and Sabine rivers a location free from malaria, with a dry sandy soil, and a rich agricultural country on all sides. Dr. Thweatt resolved to build a college here with ample facilities for the education of the daughters of the land. He immediately entered upon an active canvass of the subject before the people, without, at first, much success; but his earnestness and zeal soon inspired them with an interest in the subject. His efforts in behalf of the founding of this institution were met by liberal voluntary contributions on the part of the citizens of Mansfield and surrounding country, amounting in the aggregate to quite $30,000. The foundation stone of this splendid college edifice was laid the latter part of the year 1854. Mean- while, the school was opened in a commodious frame structure, now standing in the rear of the College building, and used as a dining-hall. In 1856 the main building as it now stands was completed and opened for the intended purpose of a college. OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 169 The first president of this institution said of the establishment of the College : " In the enlightened wisdom and by the munificent liberality of the citizens of Mansfield, this Institution was projected." By their magnanimity, generosity, and public spirit these grounds and this college building were presented to the Louisiana Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and placed under its direc- tion and control in the month of January, 1855. The institution was adopted by the Conference, which as- sumed control of its affairs. Its founder, Rev. H. C. Thweatt, a graduate of the University of Virginia, was made its first president. The Act of the General Assembly No. 88 of the session of 1855 which granted a charter to this col- lege, was approved on March 9, 1855. The subscriptions had not all been paid when the War between the States began, and then could not be collected ; therefore the College was sold to pay these unpaid balances, and Mr. Lewis Phillips, then a resi- dent of Mansfield, became the purchaser. During the greater portion of the four years of struggle the school was closed and its campus a tented field. But before the smoke of battle had cleared, in 1864, Dr. John C. Keener, afterward Bishop Keener, purchased the property, and freed it of debt and gave it to the Louisiana Conference. Dr. Charles B. Stuart was made president. Since then the College has been under the presidency of Rev. Thomas Armstrong, to 1880; J. Lane Borden, to 1883; Rev. F. M. Grace, to 1889; Rev. A. D. McVoy, to 1896. In 1896 President Sligh was elected to the presidency, and has retained the place ever since. President Sligh came to this institution with the prestige of eminent scholarship, and years of experi- ence as a successful educator. A new era seems to have opened with his coming. All the buildings have been put in good condition, a new assembly hall has 170 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION been built, water works and bath-rooms have been added. Other buildings are in contemplation to meet the growing demand. The buildings now are the original three-story brick building; the primary department, the conservatory of music, and the session hall form each a separate building; and a new three-story brick building con- nected with the main building by a hallway. The library now contains about sixteen hundred books, and is well supplied with magazines and papers, and also a few late books. The Cadmean and Clionian Literary Societies, hav- ing for their object the promotion of literary and ethical culture among the students, have added much to the interest in literary research, and have stimulated some to do original work of real merit. The plan of instruction embraces a primary and preparatory course of seven grades, followed by col- lege course. College course. The course of study is arranged according to the requirements of the Board of Education of M. E. Church South. The regular plan of instruction, as given in this depart- ment, embraces ten schools, as follows: I. School of English Including English, philol- ogy, literature, rhetoric, old English (Anglo-Saxon) and history. II. School of Greek Including Greek language and literature and the history of Greece. III. School of Latin Including Latin language and literature and history of Rome. IV. School of Modern Languages Including French and German languages and literature, with history of France and Germany. V. School of Mathematics Including pure mathe- matics, mechanics and astronomy. VI. School of Natural Science Including botany, physics, chemis- try, natural history, geology, and biology. VII. School of Philosophy Including logic, psychology, ethics, and political economy. VIII. School of Elo- cution Including physical training, respiration, vo- cal culture, articulation, orthoepy, gesture, the laws of OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 171 inflection, analysis in reading, dramatic and practi- cal reading, artistic and oratorical recitations. IX. School of Commercial Law and Business Forms In- cluding bookkeeping and the laws of business. X. School of Art Including drawing, painting, wood- carving, designing, and pottery. XL School of Mu- sic Including vocal and instrumental music and voice culture, science of music. The course of Bible study is divided into four years. The degrees conferred are A. B., B. S., A. M., M. E. L. (This sketch is taken from a catalogue furnished by President T. S. Sligh.) 172 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION CHAPTER XVIII The Woman's College, Frederick, Maryland, 1840-1908 THE Maryland Legislature granted a charter to the Frederick Female Seminary in 1840, and gave to the corporation full collegiate powers. The trustees were authorized to raise $50,000 to carry out the purposes of the charter, and the requisite amount being obtained the first building was erected in 1843, an d the Semi- nary was thereupon organized with the late Professor Hiram Winchester as the first president. His ability, energy, and scholarly excellence did much to make the institution a success. In the course of a few years it was found neces- sary to erect a second building equal in dimensions to the first. The Seminary was well patronized, and became a powerful influence for good in this and the surrounding communities. The first trustees of the Frederick Female Semi- nary were Christian Steiner, David Boyd, and Gideon Bantz. In 1893 the management of the school passed from the original board of control to the management of the Evangelical Reformed Church, and the name " Wo- man's College " was adopted. In connection with the College is a conservatory of music and art, and school of expression. The equipment includes a library, laboratories, gvmnasium, and infirmary. (The data of this sketch was kindly furnished by Miss Bertha Trail.) Patapsco Institute, Ellicott's Mills, Maryland, 1841 " The Patapsco Female Institute is situated within five minutes' walk of the depot of the railroad, in the OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 173 vicinity of Ellicott's Mills, Maryland, ten miles west of Baltimore, with which, as with Washington, there is a constant communication, both by railroads and turnpikes. The buildings for the accommodation of the school are of dressed granite, erected at an ex- pense of $27,000. The adjacent grounds, consisting of about twelve acres, belonging to the institution, are beautifully situated, and afford many advantages for health and recreation. " The location of the Institute in the mountainous region of Elk Ridge, and overlooking the Patapscc River and surrounding country, is eminently health- ful, and combines in a high degree the beautiful and picturesque in scenery." On March 4, 1852, Thomas B. Dorsey, president of the board of trustees of the Patapsco Female In- stitute, requested Mrs. Lincoln Phelps, principal of Patapsco Female Institute, to submit to the board a written statement of the mode and principles by which its operations had been conducted, from which such important public benefits had resulted. She responded as follows: " In compliance with the request of the board of trustees, the undersigned, principal of the Patapsco Female Institute, proceeds to lay before them the following report: !< This Institution was organized in 1841 under the direction of the present principal, who with six teach- ers and twenty pupils came from her school in New Jersey to this place, the teachers bringing with them the system of discipline, and the pupils the habits of study, order, and obedience which had there been practiced and acquired. The whole number of board- ing pupils the first term was forty-one; there was a gradual increase of numbers up to the year 1850, when the Institution numbered seventy boarders, which is found to be about as many as our buildings can con- veniently accommodate. ^ " Besides the great improvements made in the in- 174 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION terior of the building for comfort, accommodation and embellishment, much expense has been incurred by the principal in the erection of out-buildings, and improve- ment of the ground belonging to the Institution. In addition to expensive water-works, green-house, laun- dry, and servants' house, the principal during the year has erected at her own expense a building which affords music, drawing, dancing, and lecture-rooms, with suit- able private apartments for gentlemen connected with the Institution, as professors, or other officers. Many thousand loads of stone have been carried off the grounds, which are now under high cultivation, and ornamented with a rich variety of shrubbery and other exotic plants and trees. It is estimated that in ad- dition to the expenditure above named, more than $20,000 have been expended by the principal in musi- cal instruments, scientific apparatus, furniture, etc., for the use of the Institution. Such is a brief outline of what has been accomplished in respect to render- ing this place better fitted and furnished for the pur- poses of a Female Collegiate Institute. " The organization of the Institution is as follows : A principal, vice-principal, chaplain, eight lady teachers associated in the care and discipline of the pupils, and teachers of common English branches, mathematics, Latin, belles-lettres, natural sciences, music, drawing, etc. ; a French governess, four professors of music and drawing, two domestic superintendents, a matron, and secretary, or business-agent. Besides these regular and constant teachers and officers, other persons are occasionally employed, as professors of dancing, elo- cution, lecturers on physical sciences, etc. " The number of graduates of the Institute is found to be 122. The course of studies here pursued, as respects literary and scientific branches, is not less extensive than that of the first colleges in the coun- try, and scarcely less so in the higher branches of the pure and mixed mathematics; in Latin, though fewer books are prescribed, our course is thorough and ex- OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 175 tensive; and for the acquisition of modern languages and accomplishments great advantages are enjoyed. Teaching is, here, thorough and practical, founded upon the principles of the philosophy of the mind as learned by observation and experience ; and the highest principles of morality are combined with the sanction of the Christian religion, without bigotry on the one hand, or fanaticism on the other. To cultivate, to the highest degree, the mind, and elevate the characters of the future women of our country, is the object of this Institution. " It is, furthermore, our aim and object to do all we can in influencing the minds of our pupils, to stem the torrent of foreign licentiousness which is in danger of inundating our country; to teach that fashion and pleasure should never be allowed to take precedence of morality and duty; that woman's mission is a high and holy one, which she, as an immortal being, is bound to perform in short, to render our pupils earn- est and sincere lovers of truth and virtue, and to in- spire them with abhorrence of vice, under whatever form of allurement it may approach." After setting forth in glowing terms the aims and objects of the Institution, and what she, Mrs. Phelps, had done to attain the ideal, Mrs. Phelps discusses the question which gave rise to the report the with- drawal of the annual appropriation by the Legislature to the support of this school. She says : " Without the fostering care of the State, this In- stitution must have been a failure as to the great and important objects for which it was designed, and which it has now attained. By the liberality of the trustees in offering the use of the property on favorable terms, the principal was induced to undertake the formidable task of building up an Institution, where, hitherto, after several attempts, little had been accomplished; rendering thereby difficulties greater than if a pre- vious character of mediocrity had not been stamped upon the school; a disadvantage which even at this 176 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION day, by development of circumstances, sometimes be- comes apparent." Though Mrs. Phelps says at the outset that the school began in 1841, under her management, in this last paragraph she admits it had been in operation some time before she took charge; and in another paragraph she says, " It is said that when the Institute building was erected it was designed to accommodate one hundred or more pupils." The beginning of this school is really unknown, but tradition says it was in existence ten or more years before Mrs. Phelps took charge in 1841 ; the records, if they ever existed, must have been destroyed when the change was made, as nothing but traditions of it now exist. The normal, or teachers' class, was a pet scheme of Mrs. Phelps, and much exploited by her. It was not, however, a training class for any and all who might wish to prepare for teaching, but a class of young women who wished to teach, but who did not have the means to defray the necessary expense of the training. These young women usually paid their board by work in the domestic department of the In- stitution, and made a written contract to refund the amount of tuition and clothes, if these were furnished, but this seldom was the case, with interest. These young women seldom failed to meet their obligations in full. Occasionally some one failed to pay the whole amount, and sometimes payment was long delayed, but according to Mrs. Phelps's own statement this very sel- dom happened, and a very small amount of indebted- ness was lost by her. Mrs. Phelps boasted much of her system of dis- cipline, which was the " curatress system " ; that is, the school was divided into sections of from six to ten pupils; each section was under the supervision of a teacher called a " curatress." Once a month each " curatress " made a written report to the principal, OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 177 which was read before the whole school, " of the kind and quantity of work performed, with the general de- portment, industry, etc., of the pupils under her charge." The " monitorial " system was fully carried out. Each pupil " was in turn a subordinate officer " ; that is, each pupil was required to be a spy and informer. These monitors reported weekly to the officers and teachers the conduct and deportment of each individual pupil, and these reports were read before the assembled school. The principal of this institution from 1841 to 1856 was Mrs. Lincoln Phelps, known to the public as the author of Lincoln's Botany, of a series of works on chemistry, natural philosophy, and sundry works on the subject of education. Mr. Phelps, who had been the " power behind the throne," died in April, 1849. Mrs. Phelps retired from control in 1856, and was succeeded by Mr. Rob- ert H. Archer, who continued in charge until 1879 or 1880. However, during the War between the States the school was closed, as its patronage was entirely from the Southern States. Mr. Archer was succeeded by Miss Sarah Randolph, who continued the school until 1896, when it had decreased in numbers so much it was deemed unwise to continue any longer, and the trustees sold the property to parties for a summer boarding-house. The principal reason for its decline was, as local institutions improved, boarding-schools became less and less in demand, and the local patronage was not suf- ficient to sustain it profitably. From the establishment (about 1831) this school was an incorporated school and had the right to grant diplomas. These were granted for a full course in English and proficiency in one foreign language. The school sessions were of long duration in those days. The annual opening was on the first of October, 178 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION the annual commencement occurred on the first Wed- nesday in August, thus leaving only eight weeks for vacation. During Mrs. Phelps's regime the text books were: Preparatory Department Greenleafs Grammar: Emerson's Arithmetic, 2d part; Willard's Geography for Beginners; Woodbridge and Willard's Rudiments of Geography; Willard's Abridgment of American History and Historic Guide ; Phelps's Chemistry, Bot- any, Geology and Natural Philosophy for Beginners. Junior Year Kirkman's Grammar; Emerson's Arithmetic, 2d part; Willard and Woodbridge's Uni- versal Geography; Willard's Ancient Geography; Dillaway's Roman Antiquities; Phelps's Larger Nat- ural Philosophy and Chemistry ; Willard's Republic of America and Universal History; Newman's Rhetoric; Boyd's Rhetoric. Middle Year Kirkman's Grammar; Emerson's Arithmetic, 3d part; Totten's Algebra; Davies' Alge- bra; Davies' Legendre's Geometry; Willard's Univer- sal History, Chronographer and Historic Guide ; Bur- ritt's Geography of the Heavens; Lincoln's Botany; Phelps's Chemistry ; Hedge's Logic ; Legal Classic by Hon. J. Phelps; Campbell's Philosophy of Rhetoric, or Kames' Elements of Criticism. Senior Year Marsh's Book-keeping; Olmstead's Mechanics ; Trigonometry ; Lee's Physiology ; Willard on the Circulation of the Blood; Lincoln's Botany; Phelps's Chemistry; Wayland's Elements of Moral Science ; Brown's Intellectual Philosophy ; Paley's Evi- dences of Christianity ; Paley's Natural Theology. French, Latin, Italian, and German were the lan- guages taught. All the pupils were required to at- tend lectures on botany, chemistry, natural philosophy, history, and geology. This list shows that half the text-books used were written by Mr. and Mrs. Phelps and her sister, Mrs. Willard of Troy Seminary. As none of these books OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 179 sold for less than $1.50 and most of them for $2.00 and $3.00, this was an important item in connection with the school and netted a handsome income. Much space has been given to this school, because at one time it was very popular in all the Southern States, and many of its text-books may still be found scat- tered through the country, regarded as relics of a happy past by a few who still survive, and investigated as cu- riosities by a younger generation accustomed to a very different style of text-book. Perhaps some of the old diplomas may still be in existence, cherished as me- mentoes of the past or regarded as curios. After Mrs. Phelps's resignation, the text-books, the discipline, and the whole regime of the school were changed to suit modern ideas Southern ideas. Mrs. Phelps boasted that she made Patapsco, " a Northern school in all essential features and characteristics," and some time before she retired her patrons were tired of her system. (Mrs. Mackubin, an alumna of Patapsco, kindly furnished the catalogue, Mrs. Phelps's report, and gave some additional facts, from which this sketch has been written. ) Kee Mar College, Hagerstown, Maryland, 1851-1908 Upon an eminence commanding a view of the entire Cumberland Valley is located Kee Mar College. From its porches may be seen the Blue Ridge, Crampton's Gap, and South Mountain. The surrounding country is rich in historical association, and famed for its healthfulness, and the beauty of its scenery. The buildings comprise a main college building, a music hall, and a large auditorium. These are all heated by steam and lighted by gas and electricity, and the sanitary arrangements are complete as science can make them. The campus contains ten acres, adorned with shrubbery and evergreens, and shaded by maples and choice trees of many varieties. The 180 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION greatest care is taken to promote the health of the students, and careful attention is given to physical culture and gymnasium work. However important physical development is or may be, it is at best only the beginning of education. In- tellectual training naturally follows, and the means which college life affords for development in this di- rection are practically three : the faculty, including all lectures and means of instruction in general; student organization and publications which foster the acquire- ment of knowledge ; and libraries and other apparatus which are of assistance in illustrating the facts and truths taught in the class-room. Kee Mar has spared no pains to secure the very best faculty. Some of its members have national reputa- tions, one an international reputation, on the platform. A close relation with the American Society for Exten- sion of University Teaching is sustained ; one member of its staff is an affiliated teacher. Two courses of university extension lectures were given during the year 1905-^06 and other lectures were heard frequently. Two literary organizations The Society of Elaine and The Society of Antigone help the students to put in practice the knowledge gained in the school- room. The separate departments of the College have spe- cial libraries of well-selected books, adapted to their special work, and the reading-room is well supplied with reference books and works of general interest. The large and excellent library of the city of Hagers- town is always available for the use of the students; altogether, about 30,000 volumes are at their command when needed. Painting is taught as an allied department of the institution, and history of art is studied as an im- portant feature of the curriculum. A splendid col- lection of art reproductions brought from Italy add interest to the work. A series of over thirty reproduc- OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 181 tions of the Sistine frescoes of the Vatican, made under the supervision of John Ruskin, which is prob- ably unique of its kind in America, is available for the use of students; while a large collection of similar reproductions of drawings of the great masters, chiefly Leonardo, Angelo, and Raphael, is also in the posses- sion of the College. Music has always received careful attention in this College. The faculty is composed of teachers who have received training from the best schools in this country and the best conservatories of Europe. Much attention is given to voice culture. The Margaret Barry School of Expression, founder! by one of the best readers in America, and under her personal direction, affords an excellent opportunity for development of aesthetic culture. The capstone of the arch of education is character. Intellectual training without proper moral balance can only produce dangerous rather than useful members of society, and the same is true of aesthetic culture. A college that does not insist upon the absolute and supreme worth of the moral life is an institution which may do great harm, and which cannot accomplish great good. Therefore, high ideals are constantly kept before the minds of the pupils, and chapel services are held every day during the week, and students are expected to attend the church to which they belong or which their parents select, on Sunday. Vesper services conducted by ministers of different denominations are held in the college every Sunday. Social life is scarcely less important than intellectual training; therefore, formal receptions are held during the school term, and the laws of polite society observed at all times. The curriculum embraces the departments of philos- ophy, English, Latin language and literature, Greek language and literature, history, mathematics, German language and literature, French language and litera- ture, and natural science. 182 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION The degrees conferred are A. B. and A. M. ; diplo- mas are conferred for literary course, music and art. The President of Kee Mar is Bruce Lesher Kersh- ner. This school has had a continuous and progressive career since its organization in 1851, and has adapted its equipment, its standard, and its curriculum to the demand of the educational ideals of the present time. The college seal is a reproduction of an intaglio found among the ruins of Pompeii. The original in- taglio has been in the British Museum, has belonged to a king of Saxony, and is at present in the possession of Miss Margaret Barry. Much space has been given to this school, because so few schools of Maryland could be put on record, though this is by no means the oldest school in Mary- land. (The information on which this sketch is based was obtained from catalogues sent by the president.) Maryland College, Lutherville, Maryland, 1853-1908 Maryland College for Women was chartered in 1853 by the Legislature of Maryland. In 1895 a new charter was granted, enabling the institution to confer the usual collegiate and honorary degrees on women of merit and distinction in literature and science. It is located at Lutherville, a beautiful village suburban to Baltimore, Maryland, on the Northern Central Rail- way, in a high, healthy, and beautiful section of coun- try. The main college building is of stone in a castellated style of architecture, presenting a front of 126 feet, and a depth of 68 feet, surmounted by a cupola, which affords an extensive view of the surrounding country. The campus is extensive and retired, occupying eleven acres. The grounds in the rear are covered with a forest of native oaks ; in front they are laid out in OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 183 walks and promenades, planted in ornamental shrub- bery and shade trees. The Institution is provided with pianos, organs, chemical and philosophical apparatus, maps and charts, and a cabinet of minerals, sufficient for the practical illustration of the sciences. Baltimore is only a few minutes' ride by rail from Lutherville, and this center of wealth and culture at- tracts the finest talent from all parts of the world, thus the best in art and music is accessible to the pupils. They have opportunities to hear great dramas, ora- torios, operas, symphonies, and lectures, by noted art- ists. The Peabody Art Gallery is open all the year round, and the private art collection of Mr. Walter Walters is open six months each year. These galleries afford opportunities of surpassing excellence to lovers of art. The College has a library of standard authors, and a reading-room furnished with choice periodicals and scientific and religious journals, magazines, and news- papers. The Morris and Lyceum Literary Societies afford opportunity and stimulus for the cultivation of habits of reading and discussion, and literary taste. The Current Comment Club meets weekly for recital and discussion of current events. Collegiate Department This department embraces three separate and distinct schools : The English, Latin, Classical (or Scientific) and Greek Classical, each cov- ering a period of four years. The Greek and Latin classical courses each require one modern language; the English course requires two modern languages. Pupils may become candidates for graduation in either of them. The completion of either of them, upon satisfactory examination, will entitle the applicant to a diploma in that school. The Greek course leads to the degree of B. A. ; the Latin course to B. S. ; the English course to B. L. Bachelor of Literature. The honorary degree of M. A. will be conferred on such 184 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION persons as may be recommended by the faculty and approved by the board of control. A diploma, with the title Graduate of Music of Maryland College for Women, will be awarded to those who finish the course of music prescribed by the institution to the entire satisfaction of the faculty. The Department of Art offers two courses: i. A thorough course for those who expect to pursue art as a profession; 2. A course for those who can give but little time to the study of art, but who desire some knowledge of it for home decoration. All the branches of art taught in colleges receive attention. Preparatory Department In order to provide for those pupils who are unprepared to enter the regular college classes, a sub-freshman class is conducted by the regular faculty of instructors, offering the advantage of preparing for and completing the collegiate course under the same direction. (This sketch is taken from catalogues sent by the president of the College, Rev. J. M. Turner.) OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 185 CHAPTER XIX Franklin Academy, Columbus, Mississippi, 1821-1908 THIS school, though not strictly a school for girls, should be mentioned, because from its establishment in 1821 there were two entirely distinct schools one for boys and one for girls. It was a " sixteenth-section " school, and still has an income from its sixteenth-section lands. This school has been the subject of much legislation and much discussion, and its management has been much opposed and criticised. At one time great opposition arose against the " high school department." It was contended that the children of the poor could not at- tend school longer than was necessary to complete the grammar-school studies, therefore, the money should not be used to maintain a school for the benefit of the rich, who should maintain a school for their own children. To meet this objection, a small fee was charged for each of the higher classes. Still the dis- satisfaction continued, and it was proposed to close the school and distribute the funds among private schools of primary grade. This proposition was submitted to a vote of the citizens. Two tickets " School," the other " No School " were presented ; the school ticket was elected, and the school continued its course. Fortunately, the city of Columbus was built on about two-thirds of its school lands. This gave it an in- creasing income, but even then this amount was not sufficient for all expenses, and the manner of supple- menting this fund was a bone of contention until the Academy became a part of the State School system in 1869. Since that time it has had its pro rata of the State fund, and its own sixteenth-section fund. 186 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION In 1875 or 1876 the trustees of this school bought the " Freedmen's Bureau " building and established a school for negro children under the management of the Franklin Academy. The school has never been closed since it was char- tered in 1821 until the present time. It has continued its session nine months in every year, being three months more than required by law. The establishment of this school on the old " Military Road," that Gen- eral Jackson had opened through the wilderness, at- tracted settlers, a land office was opened, and soon the town of Columbus was a thriving, busy mart. The community was noted for its intelligence and high- toned morality, and has maintained these characteris- tics until the present time. Mississippi College, Clinton, Mississippi, 1830-1850 Hampstead Academy was incorporated in 1826, and located at Mount Salus, now Clinton, in Hinds County. F. A. Hopkins was first principal of the school, which began active work in January, 1827. On the fifth of February, the same year, an Act of Legislature was passed by which the name of the institution was changed to Mississippi Academy, and to this institution was donated, for a term of five years, the rent of such portions of thirty-six sections of land granted by Con- gress in 1819, for the aid of an institution of learning, as had been leased. In April, 1827, the trustees published this announce- ment : " The school has been in operation three months, and now numbers upwards of thirty students; both boys and girls are admitted, but the house is so con- structed that the boys and girls are taught in separate rooms. The entire building will probably be com- pleted this year, and when finished will accommodate from 150 to 200 students." An amendment to the charter, by which the name and grade of the school were changed to Mississippi College, was approved in OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 187 December, 1830. However, the implication of the name did not exist; it was never adopted as a State institution, but was under a board of management nominated by the citizens of Clinton. The Constitutional Flag published an account of a commencement in June, 1832, which gives us a glimpse of an old time commencement. " Male Department : The examination of the pupils of this institution closed on Friday, the i^th inst. On Monday (forenoon), Thursday, and Friday the stu- dents of this department were rigidly examined in various studies. The young gentlemen in the classes distinguished themselves in a manner highly creditable ; such was the spirit of emulation among them that it would be difficult to distinguish any one in particular. The oratorical society exhibited on Thursday and Tues- day nights. This society elicited most unbounded ap- plause, and promises a high degree of usefulness, and to become a valuable auxiliary in the school. The composition (original) was elegant and the elocution superior. " Female Department : This department is divided into four classes, and the studies of each class pre- scribed. The first class is distinguished by a red badge, the second by a pink badge, the third class, by a blue badge, and the fourth by a white badge. " On Monday forenoon those studying music were examined ; and it would be ungenerous to withhold the mead of praise ; their performance met the admiration of a large and respectable audience. On Tuesday and Wednesday the young ladies were examined in classes. Each class, stimulated by a laudable emulation to ex- cel, afforded a triumphant refutation of their supposed incapacity of high scientific attainments. " On Wednesday morning two young ladies were graduated. The ceremony of graduating and con- 188 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION ferring the degrees was truly imposing, and excited the most lively interest. After the conferring of the degrees, the young ladies were presented with a gold medal with a suitable inscription, and a diploma." The buildings having been completed, in 1834 the institution was organized in two departments, entirely separate from each other, and each had its own faculty. In 1842 the school was placed under the control of the Clinton Presbytery, and both departments were placed under the same president, though still separate. In 1848 the girls' department was again placed under separate management; and Dr. Newton, an educator of large experience, was president of this department. He was assisted by Prof. John P. Mapes and Miss Eliza Warren, who had been educated in Europe. She was a linguist and musician, and had had much experience in teaching. The school continued to prosper until 1848, when Rev. P. Cotton, president of the College, resigned. The affairs of the College began to decline, and in 1850 the buildings, grounds, and apparatus of the College became the property of the Baptist State Con- vention. After this transfer the girls' department was discontinued. (This sketch is taken from " History of Education in Mississippi," by Hon. Edward Mayes.) Holly Springs Female Institute, 1836 From its earliest day the educational advantages of the city of Holly Springs were of a high order. This was especially true in regard to schools for girls. They extended unusual facilities for learning, under the guidance of enlightened and experienced teachers. These benefits attracted the residence of families of wealth and refinement, who came from a distance to secure the education of their children. They brought with them a high standard of religious, moral, and OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 189 intellectual culture, and gave unusual elevation to the society of the place. This was so eminently the case that in a very short time the population was over 4,000, and its real estate was in demand at high prices. In January, 1836 (the same year in which the Chickasaw Cession was organized into counties), a meeting of the citizens of Holly Springs and its vi- cinity was held for the purpose of electing trustees for the " Female Academy " of Holly Springs. At this meeting a Miss Mosely was employed to teach dur- ing the first session, with the rates of tuition fixed at $8, $12, and $15, for the first, second, and third classes, respectively. The building was south of the road to Hernando, and fronting it. It was a modest but comfortable structure of hewn logs, with clapboard roof, overhung by friendly oak trees. A Mr. Cottrell and his wife were elected to take charge of the school, and agreed to open their session the ist of January, 1837, but for some reason failed to do so, and opened a school near Hudsonville in the same county. A Mr. Baker and his wife were in- stalled as principals for 1837. The school seems to have prospered so much that the trustees determined to provide larger and more comfortable accommoda- tions. During this year the town of Holly Springs was incorporated. The owners of the land on which it was located donated fifty acres to the city, and this tract sold for enough money to build an excellent court-house and jail and furnish means towards the enlargement and improvement of the academy. The sum of $10,500 was appropriated to the last purpose by the police court, and private subscriptions increased the sum to $14,121.59. About this time an unsuccessful effort was made to engage a Mr. Hollister as principal. Deeming it im- portant to have at the head of the institution " a gen- tleman of literary abilities and one who has practical experience in conducting a female school/' the ses- 190 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION sion of 1838 was postponed until February, and mean- while Colonel Henderson was dispatched on the special mission of finding an acceptable man. The result was, Mr. Thomas Johnson was selected. Notwithstanding the financial calamities of the period, there was prosperity throughout this commu- nity. The frictions and disorders incident to new settlements yielded so promptly to the power of a re- fined and cultured element that they seemed hardly to have existed. The trustees resolved to readjust their plans; it was determined to move the academy to a more desir- able site. On the Qth of April, 1838, the special com- mittee reported the purchase of a lot of four acres from Mr. W. S. Randolph. A committee was ap- pointed to make contracts and superintend the work. It was further resolved to lay the corner-stone on the 24th of June with Masonic honors, and Holly Springs Lodge, No. 35, was invited to perform the ceremony. This program was duly carried out, and the academy (now called Holly Springs Collegiate Institute) was established on grounds amply capa- cious and beautifully located amidst residences well improved, and even in some instances ambitious in style. The grounds were laid off and shade trees planted. Dr. William Hankins testified his interest in the enterprise by the gift of an " elegant electrical machine." In 1838 there were about eighty pupils. The musi- cal department was under the care of Mr. and Mrs. Kenno, and was well conducted. The institution embraced a primary and a colle- giate department. The primary were taught orthog- raphy, reading, writing, English grammar, geography, history, and arithmetic. The collegiate department was divided into three classes junior, intermediate, and senior and the studies were arranged in this order : Junior Class Elocution, English, Latin or some OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 191 modern language, natural philosophy, chemistry, his- tory, arithmetic, composition, vocal music. Intermediate Class English, rhetoric, Latin or some modern language, physiology, outlines of geol- ogy, mineralogy, botany, natural history, algebra, vo- cal music. Senior Class English, Latin or some modern lan- guage, optics, astronomy, natural theology, mental and moral philosophy, criticism, logic, geometry, composing themes, music. The Institute was then provided with five teachers in the collegiate department, including the president and two teachers for art and music. There was a sufficient additional force for the primary department. The trustees paid no salaries, the principal and as- sistants depending entirely upon tuition fees. In the Republican of January 12, 1839, President Johnson published an open letter to the public urging the claims of the Institute. It contains a good presen- tation of the advantages of a high education, a fine insistence on the desirability of a home education rather than a foreign one, and it has this passage of interest : " The people of Holly Springs have given such evi- dence of their convictions on the subject of education that we think the public may rely upon their establish- ing schools of such a caste as to meet their views, how- ever elevated. They have raised by subscription $30,- ooo to erect and endow a college for young gentle- men, and have already commenced improvements upon a liberal scale for its accommodations, part of which is already prepared ; the balance is in progress. This college is now furnished with a faculty that would do honor to any school. 1 They have appropriated $15,000 to erecting and endowing a high order of female school, the principal edifice of which is now in progress and will be finished early next spring. This edifice is of the Tuscan order, 64 feet front, two tall stories upon a basement, with a 192 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION wing extending back 60 feet. When completed it will be one of the best buildings for the purpose in the Southwest, sufficiently large to accommodate the teacher's family, 140 pupils, and 60 boarders. " Our object is to impart a sound, substantial, lib- eral education, not masculine, but approximating as near to it as the peculiarities of the female intellect will permit." The Institute was granted a charter in 1839, and in May of that year Mr. Johnson severed his con- nection with the school, and was succeeded by Rev. C. Parish, A. M., who remained until 1842. The faculty during the latter part of 1839 was composed of Rev. C. Parish, A. M., president and professor of natural science, mathematics, languages, and belles- lettres; Miss Ruth Beach, assistant teacher; Rufus Beach, Esq., and daughter, Eliza, teachers of music; Mrs. E. Langley, teacher of ornamental branches. The students registered January, 1840, were 80 in number. During the summer of 1841 a Mr. Foster set up a rival school, and for some months there was a con- tention which school was the true Holly Springs In- stitute; at last, in January, 1842, Rev. C. Parish re- signed, and was succeeded by Mr. Foster. The board accepted the resignation with reluctance, and passed very complimentary resolutions on that occasion. Dur- ing Mr. Parish's incumbency he graduated several young ladies with the degree of M. P. L. possibly these letters stand for " Mistress of Polite Literature." Mr. Foster leased the institute for five and one-half years. A fine cabinet of minerals was provided, and a good philosophical apparatus, also a library; and part of the grounds was laid out in a botanical gar- den. Mr. Foster was remarkably successful for a time. An account of the closing exercises of the session of 1844 ma y be found in the Holly Springs Gazette of that date : " On the Thursday, Friday, and Satur- OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 19S day of the last week in December, 1844, there was a public examination; the pupils gave numerous experi- ments and illustrations in practical chemistry; they conversed publicly in French, and read compositions in that tongue ; they were quizzed in mental philosophy, in geometry, and in geology; they gave a public con- cert, which was creditable to pupils and teachers. In all they acquitted themselves with great credit." Mr. Foster was succeeded by Rev. James Weatherby, who was quite prosperous for two years, and was succeeded by Rev. G. W. Sill, who remained ten years, and was prosperous from the first of his administra- tion ; indeed, the school was at its best during his ad- ministration. It had tided over the financial crisis of 1837-40, the buildings were completed, and the pur- poses of the trustees were crowned with success. This board of trustees counted among its members some of the most intelligent and influential gentlemen in the State. The Institute was destroyed by the War between the States, and never rebuilt, but its work remains; it contributed largely to the development of a high order of Culture in the community, and to the establishment of other fine schools, its natural and direct successors. Sharon Female College, Madison County, Mississippi, 1837 This institution, located at Sharon, in Madison County, was founded by B. W. Minter, J. W. P. Mc- Gimsey, E. F. Divine, Kinsman Divine, William Joiner, and James M. Baker, with others. The scheme was to have a union school, under the direction of the Methodists, Baptists, and Presbyterians ; each of these denominations was represented on the board of trus- tees and the faculty. The institution was incorporated in 1837. The plan of organization was a college for men and an academy for girls. These were distinct establishments and faculties under one president. As 194 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION had been anticipated, this union did not last long, about six years, when the school for girls was placed in the hands of the Methodist Church. It was reor- ganized, obtained a new charter, and began an era of prosperity under the name of Sharon Female College. The following extracts from an advertisement of the date September 6, 1843, w ^^ show something of its organization : " SHARON FEMALE COLLEGE, MADISON COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI " This institution, under the patronage of the Mis- sissippi Annual Conference, will commence its regular session on the first Monday of October. " Board of Instruction Rev. E. S. Robinson, A. M., principal and teacher of ancient languages, mathe- matics, and natural sciences; C. W. F. Muller, Esq., (a native of France, and a gentleman of thorough edu- cation), professor of music and modern languages; Mrs. J. A. Robinson, chief governess and teacher of botany, history, and ornamental needlework ; name not given, second governess, and teacher of drawing, paint- ing, and vocal music. A preceptress of the prepara- tory department will be selected by October ist. " Course of study : Preparatory department Or- thography, reading, writing, English grammar, geog- raphy, arithmetic, mythology, progressive exercises in composition, Bible and its natural history, Latin and Greek grammars, Latin tutors and readers, and vocal music. Collegiate department Ancient and modern languages, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, mensuration, syntax and English composition, analy- sis, rhetoric, natural philosophy, chemistry, geology, mineralogy, botany, astronomy, logic, elements of criti- cism, ancient and modern history, ancient geography, philosophy of natural history, physiology, mental and moral sciences, introduction to the study of the Bible, evidences of Christianity, daily use of sacred Scrip- OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 195 tures, music, drawing, painting, wax, coral, and orna- mental needlework. " The last examination closed the first semi-annual session of its existence under the patronage of the Mississippi Annual Conference. Its success has equaled the highest expectations of its trustees and patrons, having closed with more than 80 students, and the prospect of large accessions at the opening of the next session. " J. P. THOMAS, "President Board of Trustees." In 1845 Mr- Robinson was succeeded by Rev. Pleas- ant J. Eckles; in 1854 Rev. J. W. Shelton was elected; he resigned after a few months and was succeeded by Rev. Mr. Guard, who remained until 1861, when he was followed by Rev. William L. C. Hunnicut. Mr. Hunnicut very soon enlisted as a chaplain in the Confederate Army, and Rev. Samuel Aikin took his place in the College ; in 1867 he resigned, and Mr. Hun- nicut was re-elected and served until 1869, when he was succeeded by Rev. Josiah M. Pugh. President Pugh resigned in July, 1870, on account of ill health, and Mr. Hunnicut was elected for the third time. He served one year and was succeeded by Mr. Pugh. In 1868 the boarding-house was destroyed by 'fire, and this calamity eventually led to the closing of the College. In 1872, under President Pugh, the last graduating class of Sharon College received their de- grees. They were Mattie E. Holliday, Mary J. O'Leary, and Emma M. Wiggins. The last named was valedictorian. The commencement that year was said to be the most brilliant in the history of the institution. But it was the last. In July of that year President Pugh resigned to take the presidency of Marvin College, Texas, and was succeeded by Rev. Mr. Moss of Alabama. At the close of the year 1873 the College closed its 196 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION career. The suspension was due to the destruction of property during the war and by the war, the general upheaval of society, the destruction of the boarding- house, and removals of many families and other con- ditions that could not be changed. (This sketch is taken from " History of Education in Mississippi," by Hon. Edward Mayes.) Oxford Academy Union College Woman's College, Oxford, Mississippi, 1836-1908 Scarcely had the Indians been expelled from their ancestral hunting grounds when the Mississippians be- gan to establish schools. Only two years after the Chickasaws slowly and sadly wended their way to the far West, the Methodists of the little town of Ox- ford established a school for girls. In 1838 this school was incorporated under the name of Oxford Female Academy, and placed under the control of a regular board of trustees. Miss Charlotte Paine was the first principal, and was remarkably successful in the management of the school. Her first session closed December, 1839, with an enrollment of thirty-four. Three years later the music department gave an exhibition recital in the court-house of Oxford. Though the numbers were simple, the pupils must have applied themselves dili- gently to be able to render them in the creditable man- ner they did. The style of music preferred in that day was simple melody rather than the class that calls for showy execution finger gymnastics or the purely classical. Under the management of several principals the school was a decided success; but its friends and pa- trons desired something better a higher standard; and as at that time the impression prevailed that a de- nominational connection was the only sure road to a great career, the school was placed under the control of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. In 1854 a OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 197 new charter was obtained and the name changed to Union College. While the College is under the management of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, no sectarian test is made in the selection of teachers, and it is patron- ized by all denominations, and is conducted on a Christian basis. When organized as an academy there were three departments literary, musical and art. The literary was divided into primary, middle and advanced. The following was the course of study for the advanced department : " Comstock's Natural Philosophy, Corn- stock's Chemistry; Lincoln's Botany; Playfair's Eu- clid ; Day's Algebra ; Newman's Rhetoric ; Alexander's Evidences; Goodrich's Ecclesiastical History: history of England; history of France; Abercrombie's intel- lectual Powers ; Abercrombie's Moral Feelings ; Watts on the Mind; Burritt's Geography of the Heavens; logic; Roman and Grecian antiquities; political econ- omy ; composition." The literary course of Union Col- lege embraces a preparatory and a collegiate depart- ment. The latter requires the usual four years. The College offers a short course of two years to those who have not time to take the full course. There is also a school of fine arts and a school of vocal and instrumental music. The College is unendowed, and is dependent upon tuition fees for its support; these range from $20 to $50 for day pupils, per annum. Music, art, and French are extras. The average attendance is 1 50 pupils. The first class graduated under the charter of 1854 num- bered six, and was graduated in 1856. The War of 1861-65, caused a suspension of five years, but with that exception the school has had a continuous ex- istence from 1836 to the present time, and has sent out hundreds of young women to disseminate the truths of Christianity and morality. The original building presented much the appear- ance of a dwelling-house. It was a two-story brick 198 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION structure arranged for schoolrooms and music-rooms; the boarders were accommodated in private families. The Academy was furnished with a complete philo- sophical, chemical, and astronomical apparatus, globes, and a small library. When the Academy was enlarged or advanced to a college, a three-story brick building was erected, and the " old academy " was connected with it by a corridor. These buildings were valued at $50,000 and there was no debt on them. In 1896 another three-story brick building was added, at a cost of $15,000. The College added a much larger and more modern chemical and philosophical apparatus, and enlarged the library. The campus of 10 acres, shaded by several hundred native trees, affords ample ground for exercise and amusement. In 1899 some prominent ministers and members of the North Mississippi Conference of the M. E. Church South, recognizing the great value of the plant and the favorable location for a college for women, as well as the great need of such an institution within the bounds of the Conference, negotiated with the owners and purchased the entire plant. This school enjoys the distinction of being the old- est chartered school for girls in the State that has had a continuous existence. All those established at an earlier date have passed out of existence. It is now a modern college and conservatory. Port Gibson Female College, Port Gibson, Mississippi, 1843-1908 The town of Port Gibson is located on the Louisville, New Orleans, and Texas Railway. It is one of the oldest towns in the State, and at a very early period in its history began the establishment of schools. In 1809 the Territorial Legislature chartered the Madi- son Academy, then in successful operation under the OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 199 care of Henry C. Cox. This academy had a success- ful career for many years. In 1826 Clinton Academy was incorporated, and in 1829 its name was changed to Port Gibson Academy, which was more or less success- ful until about 1843. ^ n tnat Y ear a number of gentle- men established Port Gibson Collegiate Academy. This institution was opened for the reception of stu- dents in 1844. The first faculty was Mr. John Har- vie, A.M., principal; Mrs. Mary A. Harvie, his wife; Mr. W. L. Whitney, A.M., Miss Mary J. Smyth, Miss Marcia Howe, assistants, and Mr. L. G. Hartge, professor of music. Provision was made for teaching the usual college curriculum, modern languages and music. An exten- sive apparatus for teaching natural philosophy and chemistry was supplied. The building and one block of ground were donated by the founder: these were valued at $15,000. The management of Mr. Harvie was successful; his term of service continued from 1844 to 1859. This institution did not receive its charter until 1854, when it was chartered under the name of Port Gibson Female Collegiate Academy. In 1859 Rev. Benjamin Jones, a minister of the M. E. Church South, was president. How long he re- tained the position the record does not say, but he was president again in 1871. It is not stated whether he retained this position until 1875, when Rev. John A. B. Jones was elected. Mr. Jones served seven years, and was succeeded by Rev. Thomas C. Bradford, who served six years and was succeeded by Rev. Edwin H. Mounger, in 1888, who still retains the position. In 1869 the College was taken under the patronage of the Mississippi Conference of the Methodist Epis- copal Church South, and the property duly conveyed to that body. This college was exempt from doing pioneer work, for the way had been prepared for it by the fine schools mentioned at the beginning of this article. 200 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION From the first it was successful ; even the turmoils and disasters of the War of 1861-65 did not cause a sus- pension of exercises. As the academies mentioned were merged into it, its existence may be dated from 1809, and certainly some years earlier, perhaps from the beginning of the nineteenth century. Several buildings have been added to the original Academy, and the property is now valued at $20,000. The degrees conferred are M. E. L. (Mistress of English Literature), B. A., M. A. Grenada Collegiate Institute, Grenada, Mississippi, 1851-1908 This institution had many vicissitudes and changes of name before it arrived at its present status and name. In 1851, before Grenada was in existence, the Yalo- busha Baptist Association was an active denomina- tional organization, whose circle included all of Yalo- busha and parts of Carroll and Choctaw counties. That association founded a school of high grade, under the name of The Yalobusha Baptist Female Institute. For its accommodation they erected the present edifice, at a cost of $30,000. The money obtained came from voluntary and varying contributions. Dr. W. S. Webb, who was teaching school in what is now Grenada, was elected president; he accepted and moved his school into the building, September, 1851. He was very successful, and continued for six years, command- ing a large patronage from the surrounding country. The school was closed during the War of 1861-65, and the buildings used for a hospital. It seems it had never been fully paid for, and the creditor pro- cured a sale and it passed out of the control of the Baptists. The purchaser, Mr. George Ragsdale, leased it to a Mrs. Holcombe, who opened a school in the building called " Emma Mercer Institute/' She was OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 201 not successful, and after a few years was succeeded by Prof. R. A. Irwin. At this period, 1873, the county superintendent of public education said in his report to the State super- intendent : " The Emma Mercer Institute is an institution of considerable renown as a female seminary, under the management of Prof. R. A. Irwin, a gentleman of high moral character, a fine scholar, and a thorough educa- tor, being assisted by his wife, a most estimable lady, who exercises a maternal supervision over the young ladies intrusted to her care; and with the above are associated three lady teachers of superior qualifica- tions, making in all five, all of whom, combined, insure the advancement and best interest in every respect of the highest type of mental and moral train- ing. The number of young ladies in attendance averages 80. " The institution was in debt, and about 1873 it was sold for $7,000 or $8,000, and bought by a joint stock company. The Episcopalians thought of buying it, but some fear about the title prevented them. The company changed the name to Grenada Female College. From this time until 1882 there were fre- quent changes of presidents, and the school did not prosper; it accomplished little good. In 1882 it was purchased by the North Mississippi Conference for a nominal sum, and the Rev Thomas J. Newell, a member of the Conference, became presi- dent and has remained in office ever since. The Con- ference obtained a new charter, in 1884, under the name of Grenada Collegiate Institute. The completion of the college course, without an- cient or modern languages, entitles a student to the degree of M. E. L. ; the completion of the English course and Latin and one modern language entitles to the A. M. degree. The institution has no income except its earnings. 202 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION The Central Female Institute, now Hillman College, 1853-1908 This school was established by the Baptist Church at Clinton, Hinds County, in 1853. Its work was not interrupted by the War of 1861-65, and it is now pursuing- its fifty-fourth year of uninterrupted work. The Baptists planned a building to cost $60,- ooo, but it has never been finished. The part that was finished before the war cost $4,000, and since that time additions have been made as demanded. The institution was incorporated in 1853. Estab- lished in Clinton, where the Baptists had already established Mississippi College, and fostered by that denomination, its success was assured from the begin- ning. The attendance averages 120 per annum; the highest number was 169, in 1859, and the lowest 60, in 1865. The plan of instruction includes literary, musical, ornamental and industrial departments. The literary department is divided into primary, preparatory, and collegiate schools. In the collegiate department there are three courses leading to graduation. The English course, without foreign languages, leads to the M. E. L. degree; the English course with Latin and Greek, or Latin and French, or Latin and German leads to the A. B. degree; the English course with one ancient or one modern language entitles the student to a di- ploma. Notwithstanding the $60,000 building has never been completed, the Institute has ample room for all purposes a large, well-furnished boarding depart- ment, well-supplied laboratories, suitably equipped studios for music and art, and a valuable museum of geological and mineralogical specimens and natural history specimens, including fossils, shells, and algae. The Institute does not own a library, but the Pres- ident owns a library of 1,500 volumes, and the Les- OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 203 bian Society has a large library, both of which are accessible to the students. Prof. William Duncan was the first president; for many years Rev. Walter Hillman has been president. At the commencement of 1891 the name was changed to Hillman College, as a slight recognition of the many and valuable services rendered to the Col- lege by Mr. Hillman. 204 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION CHAPTER XX Schools in Missouri Mary Institute, St. Louis, Missouri, 1859-1908 THE Mary Institute was founded under the pro- visions of the charter of Washington University, in 1859, and was thus established as a branch of Wash- ington University. The design of its founders was to establish a school of so high a grade that the people of St. Louis could educate their daughters without sending them away from home; and so far as school requirements go, this standard has always been main- tained. But although the Institute makes a specialty of fitting girls for the higher institutions of learning, it does not do work that is beyond the most advanced high-school grades. The Institute was organized in a building erected on Lucas Place, at a cost of $25,000; but it gradually outgrew these accommodations, and in 1878 a more spacious and convenient structure was built on the corner of Locust and Beaumont streets, at an expense of $70,000. This building, which easily accommodates 400 pupils, is heated with hot air, well ventilated and lighted. It has served a useful purpose, but since it was erected the residence portion of the city has ex- tended westward, and in order to meet the new condi- tions that have thus arisen a still more commodious structure has been erected on Lake avenue, near Forest Park. The new building is completed in all its ap- pointments, and is expected to provide the school an adequate and permanent home. The Institute is well provided with works of refer- ence, maps, charts, and apparatus. The instruction OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 205 in natural science is accompanied with laboratory work with the most modern apparatus. The department of botany has special advantages through being incor- porated as part of the Shaw School of Botany. The equipment of the Institute includes also a kitchen, fitted with the appliances used in the best cooking schools, in which instruction in cooking and domestic science is given to the senior class by a trained and competent teacher. The domestic science depart- ment also has entire control of the lunch-room, which has been established by the Institute in order that pupils and teachers may be able to obtain a wholesome and palatable meal at midday without leaving the school building. The school is divided into primary, preparatory, and academic departments. Each of these three departments is entirely distinct and separate from the other two, having its own study and recitation rooms, its own methods of work, and its own teachers. The primary department is open to children of five, who have had no previous instruction. This course is completed in three years, and includes singing, draw- ing, and calisthenics, in addition to the regular branches in the course of study. The preparatory department has four classes, which follow a course very similar to that prescribed for the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh grades of the pub- lic schools. Oral training in French is begun in the primary department and continued through two years of the preparatory department. German is begun in the third year of the preparatory department, thus giv- ing a seven-year course. The academic department gives substantially the same training that is provided in the best high schools. All students receive instruction in drawing, singing, and calisthenics. The certificate of the Institute admits to Smith, Vas- sar, Wellesley and Wells ; also to Washington Univer- sity and the University of Missouri. 206 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION The following communication will explain in part why the Institute was called " Mary Institute." " To the Board of Directors of Washington Univer- sity : " The undersigned have placed in the hands of Geo. Partridge, Esq., four thousand dollars, to aid in the completion of the building and purchasing the equip- ment for the Female Seminary in Lucas Place on condition that the same seminary be called ' Mary In- stitute,' and its founding bears the date May n, 1859. Signed, Wayman Crow, R. P. McCrury, James Smith, George Partridge.'* It happened that the name " Mary " was borne by some of the members of the families of these gentle- men and they thought it the most beautiful and most honored name among women. (The writer is indebted for much of the material for this sketch to Miss Sarah G. Hayes, who kindly copied it from the records of Washington University. The remainder was taken from catalogues. ) Christian College, Columbia, Missouri, 1851-1908 This college was chartered by an Act of the General Assembly of the State of Missouri, January 18. 1851. (Laws of Missouri, 1:51, pp. 310-312.) According to the terms of this charter, James Shannon, T. B. B. Smith, Thomas M. Allen, D. P. Henderson, William McClure, W. W. Hudson, Robert S. Barr, Thomas D. Grant, Levi T. Smith, Flavel Vivian, John Jami- son, W. F. Birch, J. J. Allen, J. C. Fox, Lewis Bryan, Elijah Patterson, John S. Phelps, Wayman Grow, S. S. Church, and Moses Land were to constitute a corporate body with perpetual succession. (Sec. I, P- 3 11 -) Also, " said College shall be located at such a place OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 207 within the State as shall be designated by a majority of the trustees herein named/' (Sec. 2.) At the time of locating the College the trustees, or a majority of them, shall determine the name. (Sec. 3.) After the College has been located and named the trustees shall have absolute control of the property belonging to the College. (Sec. 3.) Trustees shall have power to make all by-laws for the governing of the College (Sec. 4.), and to fill all vacancies which may occur in their body, and reduce their number to nine. As soon as the funds permit a building shall be erected. (Sec. 8.) Trustees have power to appoint all necessary officers to conduct and manage the insti- tution, and to remove them from office, and fix their compensation. Also power to grant such literary honors as are usually granted by colleges or univer- sities in the United States. (Sees. 8-9.) Diplomas of this College shall " entitle the possessor to all the immunities which by law or usage is allowed to pos- sessor of similar diplomas granted by any college or university in the United States." (Sec. n.) Trustees shall have power to add other departments to the College whenever they deem it necessary. ( Sec. 13.) Neither the number of departments nor the course of study is indicated in the charter. " As early as 1848 the idea of founding a female college in the interests of the Christian Church began to take shape in the minds of some of the leaders of that body." Christian College owes its existence more, perhaps, to D. P. Henderson (a minister of the Chris- tian Church of Missouri) than to any one else. In 1850 James Shannon, president of Bacon College at Harrodsburg, Kentucky, was elected president of Missouri State University. President Shannon, as- sisted by D. P. Henderson, S. S. Church, and F. M. Allen, obtained a charter for Christian College. (Baccalaureate address before Christian College, May 31, 1888, pp. 40-53 of the thirty-seventh annual cata- logue of Christian College.) 208 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION In November, 1849, Dr. Samuel Hatch and Prof. Henry White of Bacon College, Harrodsburg, Ken- tucky, came to Columbia with the view of inaugurat- ing a " Female Collegiate Institute." They, in con- nection with Dr. Henderson and President Shannon of the -State University, successfully carried their plan into execution, and on the recommendation of Dr. Shannon, John Augustus Williams of Kentucky was elected the first president of the newly founded institu- tion. A small house in the town was at first used, but so rapidly did the school grow a new building be- came necessary. The incomplete residence and twenty-nine acres of land, belonging to the estate of Dr. J. H. Bennett, were purchased in 1851, and the building was opened for the regular session in Sep- tember of the same year. In 1856 Mr. Williams was succeeded as president by Mr. L. B. Wilkes. In 1858 J. K. Rogers was elected president and held the office for twenty years. Sev- eral times during the War between the States Northern soldiers bivouacked near the building, but the College was not closed. The presidents since Mr. Rogers have been Prof. O. S. Bryant of Independence, Missouri ; W. A. Old- ham of Lexington, Kentucky ; Mr. F. P. St. Clair, who was succeeded a few months later by his widow, Mrs. Luella Wilcox St. Clair, the first woman president of Christian College. Mrs. St. Clair resigned her position four years later and was succeeded by Mrs. W. T. Moore. Two years later Mrs. St. Clair be- came co-principal with Mrs. Moore. They still hold this position. The average attendance of boarding pupils is now something over one hundred. There are nearly as many day pupils. This college ranks as a secondary school ; that is, its diploma admits a pupil to the freshman class of the Missouri State University. It has been in active service fifty-two years since char- tered, and two years prior to the granting of the charter. OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 209 (This sketch was taken from a brief sketch of Chris- tian College by Mrs. W. T. Moore in the Columbia (Missouri) Herald of December 20, 1901.) Baptist College for Women, Lexington, Missouri This college was incorporated by an Act of General Assembly of December 12, 1855, under the name of the Baptist Female College. The names of twenty men are enrolled in the charter as trustees. These trustees were to hold office for one year, then the stockholders were to meet and elect from their number twenty trustees, each stockholder having one vote for each share of stock he held. The charter gives the trustees full control of the property of the College, except that they may not sell any of the property nor erect any additional buildings unless a majority of the stock- holders shall request the same to be done. The trustees also have full control of the administrative affairs of the College. (See Local Laws and Private Acts of the State of Missouri, Adjourned Session of the 1 8th General Assembly, 1855.) The College has been in successful operation from the time of its foundation until the present, with the exception of the four years of the War between the States. It is the oldest existing college for girls under the control of the Baptist denomination in Mis- souri. According to the catalogue for the session of 1875-76 (the oldest belonging to the State Historical Association of Missouri), the College had then the three departments, preparatory, academic, and col- legiate, with the extra departments of music, orna- mental and fancy work, and post-graduate. The num- ber of pupils was 107. This number included some day pupils, as the College could accommodate only 60 boarding pupils. Since then the departments of litera- ture, art, elocution, physical culture, and business have been added to the former departments. Also addi- tional accommodations for boarders have been made, 210 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION and in 1900 there were 118 pupils. The music depart- ment of the College increased so rapidly that it has become necessary to reorganize it on a different basis. A new building near the main building has been pur- chased for the conservatory, and it is proposed to charter this department as a separate organization under the name of " Missouri Conservatory of Music." (See catalogue for 1900.) Stephens College, Columbia, Missouri, 1856 On March 15, 1856, a meeting was held for the purpose of establishing a " Baptist Female College " in Columbia. The plan of organization was to issue stock to subscribers, each share being valued at $100 and entitling its holder to one vote in the election of curators. At a meeting held May 26, 1856, the curators were elected, and it was decided to open the College in September or October, 1856. In June of the same year William Rothwell was elected the first president, and it was decided to open the College in September. The College was chartered January 26, 1857, under the name of Columbia Baptist Female College. By the provisions of the charter the curators have full control of the property of the College, except that they cannot mortgage or sell the real estate of the College unless the stockholders owning a majority of the shares request the same. All property of the Col- lege is held free from taxation. The number of cura- tors provided for in the charter is not less than seven nor more than twelve. They have control of the ad- ministration of the affairs of the College. (See Laws of Missouri, 1856-57, pp. 227, 228.) In 1869 the Missouri Baptist General Association took decided steps toward the establishment of a State female college, and a committee was appointed to de- vise ways and means to carry out this purpose. The following year, 1870, the General Association met in OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH St. Louis, and at this meeting the committee reported " such an institution a necessity." The report was adopted, and the Association invited all communities to enter into competition for the location of the school. The offer made by the trustees of the Baptist Female College of Columbia being deemed the best, was ac- cepted, and a committee was appointed to nominate a board of curators. This committee in making its re- port also presented a bond for $20,000 given by the Hon. J. L. Stephens, as a beginning of a suitable en- dowment for the College. The bond having been accepted, the General Association instructed the cura- tors to incorporate the new enterprise under the name of Stephens College, in recognition of this generous gift of Mr. Stephens. The College at present has real estate and school equipment to the value of $125,000. (From a sketch of Stephens College in the Columbia (Missouri) Herald, December 20, 1901.) When the College was organized there were three departments, the preparatory, the collegiate and the or- namental. The last included music, drawing and painting. The course now includes primary and pre- paratory departments, English, scientific, classical, and post-graduate courses. Also schools of music, ora- tory, physical culture, and arts; and a commercial de- partment. This is a secondary school. Its graduates are admitted into the freshman class of the State Uni- versity. (See catalogue for 1901.) The Elizabeth Aull Seminary, Lexington, Missouri, 1859-1899 " The Elizabeth Aull Seminary was founded by the lady whose name it bears, in the desire to provide for the education of young women according to Christian ideals. For this noble purpose Miss Aull gave build- ing and grounds." The Seminary is under the joint control of Lafayette HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION Presbytery of Missouri and the Presbyterian Church of Lexington. The church is represented in the man- agement by a board of trustees and the Presbytery by a " committee of visitors." Dr. Lewis G. Barbour, now and for many years an honored member of the faculty of Central University of Kentucky, was the first president of Elizabeth Aull Seminary. He held the office from 1860 until 1865. Dr. J. A. Quarles, now of Washington and Lee Uni- versity, of Virginia, should be mentioned, because, in as much as his term of service was twice as long as that of any other president, his influence upon the character of the school was probably more decided. (From the Elisabeth Aull Student, June, 1896.) Thirteen trustees are named in the charter. Their successors were to be elected by the Presbyterian Church at Lexington. Their term of office was three years from and after the election which was to be held each year on the first Monday in April. The board was divided into three classes to be determined by lot four in the first class, whose term of office was to expire the first Monday in April, 1860; four in the second class, whose term of office was to last until April, 1 86 1, and five in the third class, whose term of office was to last until April, 1862. The trustees were given the powers usually conferred upon the trustees of a College or Seminary. The charter is found in the Laws of the State of Missouri passed at the first session of the General Assembly, 1859. The first catalogue in the library of the Historical Association of Missouri shows that there were 137 pupils during the years 1871-72, and the catalogue for 1898-99 shows only 58 enrolled. The College has suspended, but was in continued existence from its foundation until after the session of 1899. There is a resolution passed by the board of trustees just before the session of 1871-72 that deserves mention. " Re- solved, That there shall, from this time forth, be no OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 213 public exhibitions, no cantatas, in fact nothing ap- proaching a theatrical display in the exercise of this Seminary." The reason for this resolution was " that woman's sphere is the home circle; that she is neither fitted nor designed by God for the public life of man " ; believing this, " our purpose is to educate her for her hallowed privacy. On this account we have entirely discarded the custom of parading our girls before the common crowd in annual exhibitions/' (Catalogue for 1871, 1872.) Howard-Payne College, Fayette, Missouri, 1828-1908 Mr. Green begins his great history of the English people by a study of their condition in the forests of Germany before the migration to Great Britain. Similarly, the history of Howard-Payne College may be begun with the establishment of Fayette Academy by Mr. Archibald Patterson, in 1828. The Academy building was a one-story brick building having two rooms, one for the boys and one for the girls. Mr. Patterson's great ambition was to establish a college of high grade in Fayette, and he labored assiduously to accomplish this purpose. Doubtless largely through his influence a more imposing edifice than the little red-brick schoolhouse was begun. The work pro- gressed slowly, and before the building was com- pleted Mr. Patterson moved the school into it. The building caught fire from a stove in one of the rooms of the lower floor and was destroyed February, 1838, and the school returned to the little red-brick school- house. Mr. Patterson continued the school success- fully until the spring of 1844, when he accepted a call to Marion College, Palmyra, Missouri. Meanwhile, the location of the State University was exciting much interest. The citizens, in anticipation of this, circulated subscription papers, raised some money, and commenced work on a large two-story building with four imposing columns in front; but HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION failing to attain their ambition the work lagged and the interior was not finished when the contractors caused the building to be sold December 6, 1844. Mr. William D. Swinney bought it, and in 1847 conveyed it to a board of trustees to be held in trust for a public institution of learning, to be under the control of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. In the summer of 1844 Dr. William T. Lucky and his young wife, Mary Scarritt, became citizens of Fay- ette, and in the fall of that year he opened a school in the little red schoolhouse, commencing with seven pupils. The school was so popular that in less than two years the building was crowded, and the family accommodations of the town were taxed to accommo- date the pupils from abroad. Mr. Lucky taught his classes by day, and in his leisure hours and often by night assisted in the work on the college building. In 1845 Mr. Lucky, assisted by his brother-in-law, Mr. Nathan Scarritt, organized Howard High School. Two years later it was transferred to the control of the board of trustees chosen by Mr. Swinney, and thus became identified with Southern Methodism in Mis- souri. The Annual Conference of M. E. C. South, which met in Fayette, 1851, was so favorably im- pressed with the school that Rev. J. S. Riggs was ap- pointed financial agent to raise funds for a boarding- house, which was much needed. In January, 1854, the building with the furniture, library, apparatus and books of 352 pupils were destroyed by fire. The of- ficers of the different churches kindly tendered the use of the churches, and such was the administrative ability of Dr. Lucky that only one day was lost from school work. Previous to the fire the boys and girls had been taught in different apartments of the same building; henceforth they were to be taught in separate build- ings. The boys' school became the foundation of Central College, which was organized in 1857; while OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 215 the girls' department was chartered as Howard Female College in 1859, by the Legislature of Missouri. A heavy debt on the College necessitated its sale in 1869. It was purchased by Moses U. Payne and deeded by him to the " board of curators," " to have and hold for the use of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, in the State of Missouri, subject to the discipline, usages, rules, and regulations of the Mis- souri Conference of said church, as from time to time enacted and declared by said Conference; and that said premises be used for female school purposes ex- clusively." In consideration of the liberality of Rev. Moses U. Payne, the board of curators, at its session in June, 1892, and by authority of the Missouri Conference granted at its session in September, 1891, changed the name of the institution to Howard-Payne College. Thus this school has been in active operation since 1828; first as a department of an academy, then as a department of a high school, and for forty-eight years a school for girls exclusively. The first graduating class received certificates in 1849. This was a bright era in the history of the school. Gradually the usual departments of a first- class seminary had been added and the standard of scholarship had been much elevated. Its first class was regarded as equal to any in the West. During the first fourteen years of its existence more than 2,000 pupils received instruction in Howard High School; many of these became teachers. The in- fluence of this school upon the standard of education, particularly the education of girls, has been felt in every part of Missouri. The first and only principal of Howard High School was Dr. Lucky. He was also the first presi- dent of Howard College, which office he held two years, resigning in 1861. The present course of study is arranged as prepara- 216 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION tory and collegiate, each requiring four years for its completion. The Bible has been arranged in a four- year course, and all who take the full course are re- quired to take this also. Ample provision has been made for the departments of music, art, elocution, and physical culture. A museum containing an excellent collection of minerals, ores, etc., a library containing 1,200 volumes, and a reading-room furnished with current literature afford good facilities for teaching. The College grants diplomas conferring the degrees of Mistress of Arts and Mistress of English Litera- ture ; also diplomas or certificates of graduation in the schools of instrumental music, vocal music, expression, painting and drawing. Elective courses are offered to those not desiring a regular college course, and a nor- mal course is offered to those wishing to prepare to teach. OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 217 CHAPTER XXI Early Schools in North Carolina DURING the period of Proprietary government (1663-1729) only two or three schools are on record. The first report of any schools in the Province was made by Dr. John Blair, a missionary to the colony in 1704. From his reports we find that the first churches Episcopal churches had lay readers to supply them with sermons, and these readers were teachers in almost every case. Near every parish church was a parish school. Neither the population nor the churches nor the schools increased rapidly. It was not until 1752, when the Scotch-Irish began to come in great numbers, that the population exceeded 50,000. These Scotch- Irish Presbyterians brought with them deeper and more practical ideas of religion and culture, and churches began to multiply. Every Presbyterian preacher was a teacher, and schools became the right arm of the churches. The Moravians came about the same time, and churches and schools have been vital points of their life. Even their records are meager. Only in con- nection with the life and labors of some pastor a school is mentioned ; no details ; nothing to show whether girls were allowed the benefit of these schools or not. About 1782 the interest in education had advanced so much that the Legislature began to incorporate acad- emies. From 1782 to 1799, seventeen years, there were thirty-three academies incorporated, but only the names of the incorporators, the name of the academy, the date, and the property rights can now be ascer- 218 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION tained, and it is only through the descendants of the girls who attended school, by means of old books and papers still extant, that anything can bs learned about the scholastic advantages of the girls of that period. Catalogues were not used, paper was scarce and very high priced even newspapers were printed on sheets 6 by 7 inches. From such sources it has been ascertained that some of these charters established two schools, one for boys and one for girls. The first academy for girls so established was New Berne Academy, Craven County, in 1764. Bladen Academy was chartered in 1797, and Adams Creek, Craven County, in 1798. The only incorporated school of the old days in Brunswick County was Smithville Academy, chartered in 1798. It had numerous trustees, and was author- ized to raise $7,000 by lottery. This scheme failed. Hon. A. M. Waddell says his mother, daughter of Alfred Moore, Jr., and granddaughter of Judge A. Moore, attended this school at Smithville. Mrs. Clitherall, nee Burgwyn, was the principal in 1820. This school was established after the close of the Revolutionary War, but prior to 1800. In 1805 Union Hill Academy was chartered, and in 1809 the trustees of this academy were authorized to raise by lottery $5,000 to complete the building and to establish an academy for girls at Asheville. The Female Academy at Raleigh was established in 1809. Also in 1809 a school for girls was taught by J. Mordecai and assistants. The closing examination was held in December, on English grammar, history, and geography with the use of the globes. Parents, guardians and friends of the school were invited to attend. A commendation of the management and the proficiency of the pupils was published in the local paper, signed by over twenty citizens. Music, draw- ing and painting were taught under the direction of OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 219 Mr. Miller. The terms for board and tuition were $105 per annum. Many of the young ladies appeared in dresses embroidered and made by themselves; and other specimens of needlework were displayed. In 1 8 10 Miss Frances Bo wen opened a school for girls in Kayetteville. In February, 1810, Mr. William White, secretary of the board of trustees, sent out the following cir- cular : " Mrs. Sanbourne will teach music, plain sew- ing, and ornamental needlework, embroidery, drawing, and painting. The other branches, history, writing, reading, arithmetic, English grammar, and geography, and French, will be taught by the teachers of the acad- emy for boys, until further notice." Morgan Academy was chartered in 1783; Morgan- ton Academy in 1823 and again in 1844. In the Act of 1823 it was recited that " there had been for many years an academy at Morganton with a flourishing male and female school attached to it." Among the teachers for girls at Morganton mention is made of the Misses Maria and Harriet Allen from Pennsylvania, Miss Mcllwaine, Miss Cowan, and Miss Correns. The Shocco Female Seminary, Warren County, was announced as follows : " Mrs. Lucas informs her friends and the public that her school will be resumed the first Monday in February. Having associated with her an able female assistant, the following branches will be taught: Spelling, reading, writing, arithmetic, grammar, geography, astronomy, natural philosophy, rhetoric, chemistry, logic, history, myth- ology, and botany. Board and tuition, $50 per session of five months ; music, $20 ; half in advance. Decem- ber 5, 1826." On the same date appeared the announcement of the Hillsboro Female Seminary: " The principal informs the patrons of this school that in addition to the able female help already em- 220 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION ployed, he will be assisted by a gentleman in every way qualified to teach advanced classes. An apparatus for a chemical laboratory, and for use of pupils in natural philosophy and astronomy, has been purchased; and a foundation for a mineralogical cabinet made. Tuition from $10 to $15; music, $24; drawing and painting, $10 each; needlework $i per session. "WM. M. GREEN, Supt." This must have been an Episcopal school, for Mr. Green was, some years later, the Bishop of Mississippi. In 1827 Rev. Elisha Graves taught a school at Wal- nut Grove, twelve miles from Hillsboro. " Every nec- essary and useful branch of literature and some orna- mental branches " were taught. In 1830 Mr. and Mrs. Spencer O'Brien, principals, assisted by an able assistant in each department, taught the Williamsboro Female Academy. In 1830 the Southern Female Classical Seminary, at Oxford, Granville County, was " conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Hollister, assisted by a young lady every way qualified for her work. The course of instruction is more extended than heretofore; and more than is usually obtained in girls' schools." Since its settlement Charlotte has been an educa- tional center. Very early in its history there was an institution known as the Charlotte Female Institute. In 1838 it was in charge of Mr. and Mrs. Spencer, who were considered excellent teachers. Some other schools in Mecklenburg County, in the vicinity of Charlotte, were Providence Whitehall Acad- emy, taught in 1852 by Miss H. G. Graham; and Providence Female Academy, taught by Miss Sarah J. Parks, principal. In 1853 T. M. Kirkpatrick, who had been teaching at Davidson Colleee, began Sharon Female Academy, seven miles from Charlotte. At his death, in 1855, he was succeeded by Miss Eliza Parker. In 1855 Miss Susan Rudesill was teaching a school for girls at the residence of Mrs. Margaret Greer, in OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH the Paw Creek section. Rev. J. M. Caldwell and his wife taught at Sugar Creek several years prior to 1845. Then Misses Gould and Chamberlain conducted Clare- mont Academy, and in 1852 Miss Mary Ann Frew taught there. About the same time a Miss Alexander taught a girls' school near Charlotte, and in 1853 Miss Brandon conducted Mt. Carmel Academy. The next year Adolphus Evveite introduced a new system of draw- ing. Mecklenburg has had an interesting history, and her citizens have wielded a powerful influence on the destinies of the " Old North State," but much of the history of her schools for girls has been lost ; however, one interesting fact the name of the first lady teacher has been preserved. She was Miss Eliza- beth Cummins, who taught a four months' school in the county in 1774. In the small isolated settlements it was impossible to have a regular school, but even then the girls were not neglected; some gentlemen would assume the responsibility of employing a governess and providing a schoolroom, and his neighbors, with his full and free consent, would avail themselves of this oppor- tunity to send their daughters to school. Such a school was established in Chatham County, by Mr. Edward Jones, Solicitor-General of the State of North Carolina. In course of time the daughters took charge of it, and one of them named the school Kelvin, be- cause she so much admired the Scotch song, " Let us haste to Kelvin Grove, Bonnie Lassie, O." The school was removed to Pittsboro, the county-seat, where Miss Charlotte Jones married Mr. William H. Harden. They continued the Kelvin school until they went to Columbia Institute, Tennessee, during the forties. Alamance County was settled by Germans and Ger- man was the language used. English was not intro- duced until 1812, and did not become the principal language until 1828. However, schools sprang up in 222 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION Alamance prior to 1740, and there is little doubt that there were schools for girls as well as for boys. About the same time the Friends (Quakers) had schools about Cane Creek and Spring Meeting-house. One of these, taught by Mr. Matt Thompson and his wife, must have been a school for girls, at least it had a department for girls. Dr. Kemp Battle had prepared a list of teachers most eminent in their day and generation, which has been published in the biennial report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction of North Carolina. From this list the names of women so distinguished and the names of schools for girls have been culled. At a very early period tradition points to a period prior to the Revolutionary War a school was estab- lished at Springhill, Lenoir County, and was greatly prosperous as late as 1812. About the same time Kinston Female Seminary was under the charge of the Misses Patrick. Also prior to the Revolution Miss Ann Earl had a school of some note in Chowan County. Between 1800 and 1825 Rev. Gilbert Morgan and Mrs. Morgan were principals of a school at Greens- boro. This school must have had a department for girls, as women did not teach school for boys, and mixed schools were not in favor with Southern people, The schools at Nashville and Louisville were of this type; these schools were taught by John B. Bobbitt and Mrs. Bobbitt. During this period Mrs. Robert L. Edmonds was principal of Wadesboro Female Semi- nary ; and Miss Ann Hall was also principal of a school in Wadesboro. Between the years 1825 and 1850 the teachers who began teaching were: Miss Mary B. Cotta, who es- tablished a school of justly deserved repute in Wash- ington, Beaufort County, some time in the 30*8. She taught there many years, then married Rev. Thomas R. Owen. She then returned to Tarboro, where she and her husband opened a similar school. After her OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH departure from Washington the school was taught by Miss Fanny Owens. Mrs. Harriet Banks taught a school in Murfreesboro, Miss Emma J. Taylor in Caldwell County, Mrs. Martha Hutsell in Buncombe County, Miss Hoye was principal of Edgeworth Female Seminary, Miss Maria J. Holmes and Miss Charlotte Jones taught in Pittsboro, and Miss Mabel Bingham in Fayetteville. The Goldsboro Seminary was under the charge of Rev. James H. Brant, and Miss Maria L. Spear was the principal of Hillsboro Seminary. Miss Mary Mann taught a school for girls in Columbia, Tyrrell County; Miss Margaret Smith in Milton, Miss Sara Kolloch in Greensboro and Hillsboro, Mrs. Charles Mock in Davidson, and Misses Sarah and Maria Nash taught in Greensboro, but whether in the same school with Mr. and Mrs. Morgan or not does not appear. Rev. Angus B. McNeill, principal of Spring Vale Academy established a school for girls about a quarter of a mile from the Academy, and brought Miss Har- riet Bizzle from the North to take charge of it. This school had a large patronage. After the marriage of Miss Bizzle and Mr. McNeill they continued the school for some time, and then moved to Carthage in Moore County, and taught successfully until the people objected to Mrs. McNeill's unreasonable severity of discipline. After the departure of the McNeills, Rev. Murdock McMillan and Mrs. McMillan took charge of Spring Vale Academy. About 1850 there was an institute for girls in Buck- land, Gates County, of which Samuel E. Smith was principal. About 1852 James W. Coston founded a seminary for girls at Sunbury; all the teachers were from the North and all have been forgotten, even their names are unknown, except Miss Mary Williams, whose name has been preserved by the following in- cident: She and some of the scholars lived in the family of Mr. Coston, who was in the habit of prefac- ing breakfast with prayers of unreasonable length. HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION Once when Miss Mary's appetite was particularly sharp, after kneeling until her patience was exhausted, she arose with a snap, and exclaimed, " Mr. Coston, are you going to pray three weeks ? " In 1837 Rev. William McPheeters, D. D., the emi- nent principal of Raleigh Academy, took charge of a school for girls in Fayetteville, but failing health caused him to resign at a very early period in its his- tory. Mrs. Carr, widow of Rev. Daniel Carr, of Christian (Methodist) Church and editor of the Chris- tian Sun, taught a school for girls in Graham, Ala- mance County. This school attained some popularity and was well attended, though just when it flourished does not appear in the records. In 1848, and for some years afterward, Rev. Thomas Meredith, founder of the Biblical Record, was principal of an institution for girls in Raleigh. Chalk Level Academy for boys and girls was estab- lished in 1835 b y Mr - Doyle Pearson of Person County. His sister Elizabeth was principal of the department for girls. The school acquired a high reputation. The boys' department averaged about seventy, and the girls' about one hundred. The build- ings were half a mile apart. Washington Academy, Washington, Beaufort County, was chartered in 1808 and again in 1834. Trustees have been regularly elected since the latter date. The Academy was wisely made capacious, and is now allowed to be used as a part of the graded- school system, the trustees retaining the ownership. About 1826 Mr. and Mrs. Sanford were principals; then Rev. George W. Freeman, afterward D. D., rector of the Episcopal Church in Raleigh, and then Bishop of Arkansas. He is remembered as an excel- lent teacher. After him Miss Richmond from Massa- chusetts was employed by a few heads of families to take charge of a select school, which she did to their great satisfaction. Beginning with 1832, for five years Washington secured the services of Mr. May- OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 225 hew, an estimable man and a skilled instructor. Among his pupils were Mrs. O'Branch, Miss Marcia Rodman, and Mrs. Olivia Myers, and other like ac- complished ladies. In the fall of 1843 Mr. William Bogart left his school in Edenton, and with great ac- ceptability took charge of Washington Academy until the War between the States. (Much of the data concerning these old schools have been furnished by Mrs. H. DeB. Wills, who searched through old newspapers and other records for the facts here recorded. Much has been taken from Mr. Kemp P. Battle's paper, " Partial List of the Most Prominent Teachers to 1850." Also some facts from " The Church and Private Schools of North Caro- lina.") Greensboro College for Women, Greensboro, North Carolina, 1838-1908 The necessity of establishing a college for women was felt by prominent ministers and intelligent lay- men of the Methodist Episcopal Church for several years before any direct effort was made to establish such an institution. The subject was frequently dis- cussed in the annual conferences ; finally definite action was brought about by the petition sent by the trustees of Greensboro Female College to the Virginia Con- ference, which met in Petersburg, January 31, 1836. At that time the North Carolina Conference was or- ganized, and the churches in North Carolina ceased to belong to the Virginia Conference, The petition was referred to a committee consisting of Rev. Moses Brock, Rev. Peter Doub, and Rev. Samuel S. Bryant. After setting forth the necessity of a school of high grade for the education of women, under the auspices of the North Carolina Conference, the committee reported the following resolutions, which were adopted: " Resolved, i. That the Conference will co-operate 226 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION with the trustees of ' Green's Female School/ provided that one-half the number of the board of trustees shall at all times be members of the North Carolina Con- ference. " Resolved, 2. That the board thus constituted shall petition the Legislature of North Carolina for a proper charter for a seminary of learning, to be called the Greensboro Female College. " Resolved, 3. That the Conference appoint Moses Brock, John Hand, James Reid, Bennett T. Blake, William E. Pell, and Samuel S. Bryant, trustees, to carry into effect the object contemplated by the pre- vious resolutions. " Resolved, 4. That the Bishop be requested to ap- point an agent for the purpose of raising funds for this object. " MOSES BROCK, Chairman." In accordance with the foregoing resolutions the ten ministers named in the third resolution, and ten lay- men, constituting the board of trustees, secured from the Legislature a charter granting the rights and priv- ileges usually bestowed upon colleges of high grade. The charter was ratified December 28, 1838. (T. M. Jones, in " Centennial of Methodism in North Caro- lina.") On account of the severe depression in all lines of business it required several years of canvassing to raise sufficient funds to erect the building. For the accomplishment of this difficult task we are indebted to the untiring efforts of S. S. Bryant, Moses Brock, James Reid, and Ira T. Wyche, who were agents for the College in those trying years. The corner-stone was laid in September, 1843. In l8 46 the building was completed and ready for occupancy, but the trustees did not select a faculty until the following- year. In the fall of that year the classes were or- ganized and work commenced uftder the administra- tion of Rev. Solomon Lea, who had the honor of be- OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH ing the first president of the first chartered college for women in North Carolina. Mr. Lea resigned at the close of the first session, and was succeeded by Rev. A. M. Shipp, D. D., of South Carolina. For three years the College pros- pered under his wise administration and twenty-six young women were graduated from the institution. Rev. Charles F. Deems, D. D., who succeeded Dr. Shipp in 1850, grasped the situation and mastered it immediately, and the patronage was largely increased. It continued to flourish to the close of his administra- tion in 1854. At that time Rev. Turner Myrick Jones, afterward Rev. T. M. Jones, D. D., was a professor in the College. The board of trustees recognized in him the qualities needed in a man to render him suited for great enterprises. Fortunately for the College, he was elected president and held that position until his greatly lamented death in 1890. For thirty-six years Dr. Jones labored for the cause of education of women as no other man in North Carolina evei labored. His valuable life was given to this work. While he was president, in 1863, the College buildings were destroyed by fire in the midst of its greatest pros- perity. The Conference immediately formulated plans to rebuild. In 1871 work was begun, and on the 27th day of August, 1873, the College was reopened in the present commodious building. Dr. B. F. Dixon was elected to succeed Dr. Jones. For three years the College enjoyed unusually large patronage, and ninety-three young ladies were gradu- ated during Dr. Dixon's administration. In April, 1893, Dr. Dixon resigned, and Rev. Frank Reid was elected president of the faculty. Dr. Reid came to the College in the prime of life, and his first year's work proved the wisdom of his election. The fall session of 1894 opened with most favorable prospects, but the honored president was not destined to see the fruits of his labors. On September 24, 1894, this gifted scholar and preacher was called from earth to heaven, and left 228 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION the College family in deep mourning for its beloved head. Dred Peacock, at that time a professor in the College, was elected to succeed Dr. Reid, and is now the president of the faculty. Under the present administration the different de- partments have been thoroughly reorganized. The courses of study have been expanded and enlarged. This was rendered possible only by the addition of more appliances in the form of laboratories equipped with ample chemical and physical apparatus, mathe- matical instruments and figures, and new pianos. A well-selected library containing more than 6,500 vol- umes, besides pamphlets and general magazine and periodical literature, has enabled the students to do a grade of work unattainable in the average school for women. The past six years have been unusually suc- cessful, both as regards numbers in attendance and the highly satisfactory quality of the work accomplished. A very large debt was incurred in erecting the pres- ent building, which the Conference tried for years to pay. Having failed to do this, the College was finally sold at auction for debt. At this juncture a syndicate of large-hearted, liberal men was formed to purchase it in order that it might be continued as a college for women for the Methodist Church in North Carolina. These gentlemen still own and control the College. They have no desire or expectation of making any money out of the investment. The building is a three-storied brick structure, and stands on the top of a beautiful hill in the center of a grove containing forty acres. It is heated by steam and lighted by electricity, and connected with the water-works of the city. It affords ample accommo- dation for one hundred and twenty-five boarders. The course of study requires four years for its com- pletion, and is divided into freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior classes. Latin and either French or German are required to secure a diploma, but a certificate is given on completion of the course without OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 229 the study of the languages. Ample provision has been made for the departments of music, art, elocution, busi- ness, and physical culture. During the latter part of 1894 Mrs. Dred Peacock established and endowed the Ethel Carr Peacock Read- ing-Room. The board of directors immediately fur- nished and decorated a room at their own expense. The Alumnae Association has established the " Lucy Mc- Gee Fund " in loving memory of Lucy McGee Jones, wife of Dr. Turner M. Jones, fourth president of the College. The annual income will be loaned to worthy students of limited means. From the opening of the College in 1847 till its destruction by fire in 1863, 191 young ladies were graduated; graduated elsewhere, between 1863 and 1874, under the administration of the same president (Dr. Jones) and on the same course of study, 51. Since the reopening of the College in 1873, 450; mak- ing a total of 692. The College provides for a systematic course of Bible study. (This sketch is based on information obtained from annual catalogue for nineteen hundred.) THE ACTION OF THE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION OF GREENSBORO FEMALE COLLEGE The church, in common with other institutions, as well as individuals, was embarrassed financially after the War between the States, and, in spite of heroic struggles, was unable to discharge the debt incurred in erecting the new building, and it seemed impossible for the church to retain the ownership of this be- loved daughter. At this crisis a syndicate of promi- nent laymen, actuated by the generous purpose of not allowing the College to pass from the control of the church, purchased the property in 1882, and held it until August 5, 1903, when it became the property of the Alumnae Association. The syndicate held the 230 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION property subject to the control of a board of directors, for educational purposes and as a school for the Metho- dist Church in North Carolina. Though this syndicate did not purpose to make money by this investment, it could not afford to hold the property and lose money on it. For several years the income of the school had not met the expenses, and the debt in 1903 amounted to $42,000; therefore, when Trinity College offered to buy the plant, the syndicate was not averse to selling it. Trinity College, in ac- cordance with the idea that only large colleges are really helpful and that co-education is the proper method, desired to enlarge her facilities and to remove every school likely to compete with her desire to con- trol the Greensboro College. Arrangements had been completed between the managers of Trinity College and the syndicate, when on June 19, 1903, the syndi- cate announced that the doors of the College were closed, and that it would go out of existence as an educational institution. This announcement was a painful surprise to the citizens of Greensboro and espe- cially so to the alumnae of Greensboro College. The resident alumnae immediately drafted resolutions to be presented to the board of directors of the College, praying them to grant the alumnae time to rally their forces and formulate plans for saving the College for the alumnae and through them for the Methodist Church. They received no answer for some time, but they saw a notice that there would be a meeting August 5 to settle the affairs of the College. Realiz- ing that the emergency must be promptly met, they called a mass meeting of the citizens of Greensboro. The meeting was addressed by Rev. S. B. Turrentine, D. D., Governor Aycock, and others prominent in church and state; the amount secured was $12,895. The alumnae all over the South rallied to the aid of the resident alumnae, and by August 5 they had raised $52,000, the amount necessary to obtain possession of the College, and had pledged themselves to raise OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH $50,000 for an endowment fund. Thus Greensboro College belongs to the Alumnae Association. In the spring of 1902 Dr. Peacock having suffered several years from ill health, resigned the presidency of the College and the board of directors elected Mrs. Lucy H. Robertson as his successor. Mrs. Robertson had been a teacher for twenty-five years, and eighteen of those years had been in connection with the College. Her management of the school for the session of 1902-03 was satisfactory, and the Alumnae Associa- tion announced that the school would be continued under her management. An active canvass for the en- dowment fund has been begun, and the Alumnae As- sociation feel assured that the ultimate success of the school will be secured when this fund is raised. (The material for this sketch was obtained from catalogues and papers sent by Dr. Dred Peacock, and Mrs. Lucy H. Robertson.) HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION "CHAPTER XXII Edgeworth Female Seminary, Greensboro, North Carolina, 1840-1871 REV. WILLIAM D. PAISLEY moved to the little vil- lage of Greensboro in 1820, and took charge of an academy for boys. Later he took charge of an acad- emy for girls. This academy stood between the resi- dences of Mrs. Dillard and George McDonnell. The first teacher, so far as can be ascertained, was Miss Judith Mendenhall. According to the Greensboro Patriot of February 23, 1831, Miss Ann D. Salmon, of Fayetteville, was in charge of this school. She was succeeded by a Miss Humphries, who taught a short time. In 1836 Miss Mary Ann Hoye, and a young lady who afterward became Mrs. Robert Lindsay, took charge of the school, which they retained about three years. Miss Hoye made such a fine impression on the daughters of Hon. John M. Morehead, who was Gov- ernor of North Carolina, 1841-1845, and one of the most illustrious characters of the State, that he became interested in the education of girls and determined to erect a fine building for a school for girls. In 1840 he purchased a large tract of land, extending from the old homestead of the Mebanes to what is now the prop- erty of the Greensboro College for Girls, and from Market street on the north to his home, Blandwood, on the south. This property is now occupied by the resi- dences of Mrs. Scales, widow of Governor A. M. Scales, and Mrs. Ellington, widow of Capt. Neil Elling- ton. At his own expense Governor Morehead built a large four-story building with all the conveniences for OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH a school. As soon as this building was completed school was opened in it, in 1840, with Miss Hoye as principal. It was a great success from the first. Pu- pils from many Southern States were received. It was the intention of Mr. Morehead to make it one of the finest schools for girls in the whole country, and he spared neither time nor money to accomplish this pur- pose ; however, it was not a success financially. Among the early teachers with Miss Hoye were Misses Emily Hubbard and Eliza Rose of the literary department, Misses Nash and Kolloch, teachers of music and French, Rev. John A. Gretter, teacher of Latin, and Profs. Breitz and Brant, music teachers. In 1844 Miss Hoye died, and Dr. and Mrs. D. P. Weir took charge of the school. Dr. Weir managed the business of the institution, and taught chemistry and natural philosophy. They held the position for a short time. In 1845 Governor Morehead secured the services of Rev. Gilbert Morgan and wife. Mr. Mor- gan immediately changed the course of study from the academic to the collegiate system. According to an advertisement in the Greensboro Patriot, under date of February I, 1845, their course of study was First Department Davies' Arithmetic, Bullion's English, Latin and Greek Grammars, Town's Spelling Book and Analysis, Webster's 8vo Dictionary, Woodbridge and Willard's Geography, with the use of Mitchell's Outline Maps ; History of the United States, Book of Commerce, Elements of Mythology, with lectures on Jewish Antiquities; Watts on the Mind, with lectures on Self-Knowledge and Self-Culture; the French. Latin or Greek language, with one ornamental branch. Second Department Davies' Algebra, Legendre's Geometry, Newman's Rhetoric, Lincoln's Botany, Paley's Natural Theology, Ancient and Mediaeval History, Burritt's Geography of the Heavens, Blair's Lectures. Third Department Maffett's Natural Philosophy, with experiments, Critical study of the English Language as the Vehicle of Thought its 234 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION Etymology, Lexicography and History ; Abercrombie's Chapter on Reason, with lectures as a system of Prac- tical Logic; Smillie on Natural History, with lectures on Astronomy and Physiology ; Alexander's Evidences. Fourth Department Philosophy of Mind, Astronomy as a Science, Kame's Elements of Criticism, Critical Study of Milton and Shakespeare, Constitution of the United States, Principles of Interpretation, Wayland's Moral Philosophy, Guizot on Civilization, Butler's Analogy, Lectures on the Harmony of Truth, or Method and Plan of Self-Education. There was also a preparatory department, to which girls of seven and eight could go for their training for the first collegiate class. The first term began on the 28th of May, the second one, on the I3th of November. At the close of the first session the examinations took place before a com- mittee of visitors ; the final examinations at the end of the year were public. The expenses per session of five months were : board, washing, fuel, lights, and in- struction in the ordinary branches, $75 ; piano, $20 ; guitar, $15; drawing and painting, each $10; Latin, Greek and French, each $10; wax work, $10; shell work, $5 ; silk and worsted work, $5. The school prospered under the management of Mr. Morgan. In 1848 there were more than one hundred boarders, and a large building was erected for the ac- commodation of boarders, and also a building for an art studio. Mr. Morgan resigned in 1 849-1850 and was succeeded by Prof. Richard Sterling from Hamp- ton-Sidney College, Virginia, who served until 1862, when the school was closed by the War between the States. When Mr. Sterling took charge of the school it had reached its greatest enrollment, and had ample equipment for the accommodation of boarders, a laboratory well supplied with apparatus for scientific courses, a music studio well supplied with musical in- struments, an art studio, and a good library belonging OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 235 to the school and a large one belonging- to the prin- cipal, which was free to the pupils. The faculty for 1856-1857 were: Richard Sterling, A. M., principal and professor of belles-lettres and physical science; Andrew J. Wood, A. B., professor of ancient and modern languages; Isaac B. Lake, A. B., professor of mathematics and geology; Rev. J. J. Smith, A. M., lecturer on moral science; J. Jaques Eyers. professor of oil painting and drawing ; Heinrich Schneider, pro- fessor of piano and harp; Miss Minna Raven, in- structor in piano and vocal music; Miss Bettie Scott, instructor in piano and guitar ; Miss M. Lizzie Dusen- berry, instructor in piano ; Alfred M. Scales, steward ; Mrs. A. M. Scales, matron ; Professor Maurice, French department. In 1862 J. D. Campbell, A. M., was professor of mathematics and rhetoric. He and Mr. Sterling wrote and published "Our Own Third Reader" in 1863, and in 1866 they published " The Southern Primer." Professor Sterling also wrote and published " Sterl- ing's Southern Second Reader " in 1866, and " Sterl- ing's Fourth Reader" in 1865. All these were pub- lished by Sterling, Campbell and Allbright, of Greens- boro, North Carolina. During the War between the States the building was used by the Confederates as a hospital, and after the war by the Federals for the same purpose ; hence there was no school in the building from 1862 to 1868. In the latter year the building was leased to Rev. J. J. M. Caldwell, grandson of the distinguished Dr. David Caldwell, who opened school September, 1868, and continued to manage it until August, 1871. He then returned to Rome, Georgia, where he had established a school prior to the War between the States. His departure closed the school of Edgeworth. For a short time the building was occupied by Mr. Julius A. Gray, a son-in-law of Governor Morehead. During the year 1872 it was burned. 236 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION Warrenton Female College, Warrenton, North Caro- lina, 1841-1873 Warren County is situated in the section between the Roanoke and Tar rivers. This section has been noted for the variety of resources, its mild climate, and especially for its hospitality and its cultured people. Good schools have been maintained in this section since the beginning of the nineteenth century. The two schools for girls which flourished from 1841 to about 1865 were known far and wide. The first of these was Warrenton Academy, which was founded as early as 1841, and was located on the south side of the town. The trustees bought the private residence of Mr. Kemp Plummer for school purposes, and added to it the old Presbyterian Church for a chapel. The first principal was Rev. N. Z. Graves, a Presbyterian preacher from Vermont. Mr. Julius Wilcox, who was Mrs. Graves's brother, was his assistant, and afterward became his associate. These men were fine scholars and success- ful instructors, and the school became prosperous im- mediately. In 1846 Hon. Daniel Turner, who had been a Congressman for a short time, was elected prin- cipal. He was a man of great ability and fine reputa- tion; his wife was a daughter of Francis Scott Key, the author of " The Star Spangled Banner."^ Under the management of these principals and their assist- ants the school rapidly increased in numbers. In 1856 Mr. Turner received a fine offer to go to California, and gave up the institution to a company of citizens of Warren County. These men were mem- bers of the Methodist Church South, and immediately obtained a charter and changed the name to Warren- ton Female College, and from this time the school was a Methodist institution. After the reorganization, in 18.^6, Rev. Thomas S. Campbell, a member of the North Carolina Conference, became president. He collected a large and strong OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 237 faculty, among whom was Edwin E. Parham, M. A., who two years afterward became president. Profes- sor Parham kept the school open most of the time during the War between the States, but left in 1866. The rivalry between the two schools Warrenton College and Warrenton Collegiate Institute was beneficial to both schools. For several years after the reorganization there were more than one hundred pupils attending Warrenton College. After the buildings of Greensboro College were burned, in 1863, Dr. Jones moved his school to Kittrel, then to Louisburg, and about 1870 to Warrenton, and occupied the buildings of the Warrenton College. After Dr. Jones returned to Greensboro, in 1873, the school was closed and never reopened as a college. Mrs. Mary Williams and Miss Lucy Hawkins have been conducting a private school of high grade in the buildings for a number of years. The course of study of Warrenton College was about the same as that of Edgeworth Seminary and that of Greensboro College. Warrenton Female Collegiate Institute, Warrenton, North Carolina This school was always a private school. It was opened in 1846 by Messrs. Graves and Wilcox, who had been principal and associate principal of Warren- ton Academy. Luke Graves, A. M., became an asso- ciate principal with his brother and Mr. Wilcox about 1848; in 1853 Edwin L. Barrett took his place, and the firm name became Graves, Wilcox & Com- pany. In 1859 Mr. Wilcox bought the interest of Mr. Graves; he continued as principal until his death in 1865. From that time until 1880, when the last exercises of the Collegiate Institute were held, it was under the management of Mrs. Wilcox. For a number of years HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION the attendance was 125 girls each year. Its pupils are scattered over the whole South, but most of them are to be found in Virginia and North Carolina. Its diploma graduates number 135, and the gold medal graduates 82. The course of study required four years for com- pletion, and was arranged as first, second, junior, and senior years. The course for diploma was : First class reading, spelling, geography, arithmetic (Emer- son's First Part), history of the United States, natural history. Second class Arithmetic (Davies'), geog- raphy, penmanship, English grammar, history of the United States, spelling, French, composition, reading, moral lessons. Junior class Arithmetic, algebra (Davies'), French, Latin, Greek, rhetoric, botany, natural philosophy, composition, chemistry, reading. Senior class Intellectual philosophy (Abercrombie's), logic, languages, astronomy, elements of criticism, moral philosophy, evidences of Christianity, geology, anatomy, physiology, geometry. There was also a course for graduation with gold medals, and a some- what extensive course in music, drawing, painting, and fancy work as extras. The cost of board, lights, fuel, washing and tuition in the regular department was about eighty-five dollars per session of five months. The expense of the extras about the same as in Edge- worth Seminary, and other schools for girls of the same grade at that time. St. Mary's School, Raleigh, North Carolina, 1842- 1908 St. Mary's School was founded in May, 1842, by the Rev. Albert Smedes, D. D. Desiring to move South in search of a milder climate, he consulted with Bishop Ives and decided to take charge of a diocesan school for girls and to locate it in Raleigh. For thirty- six years Dr. Smedes was rector and principal, allow- ing nothing to interrupt the work he had undertaken. OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 239 During the War between the States St. Mary's was a refuge for those who were driven from their homes. It is a tradition, of which all her daughters are proud, that all through those years of struggle St. Mary's doors were open, sheltering at one time the family of the beloved President of the Confederacy. On the 25th of April, 1877, the venerated founder of St. Mary's was called to his rest, leaving to his son, Rev. Bennett Smedes the school for which he had so long and faithfully labored. This trust was consid- ered a sacred one, and for twenty-two years Dr. Smedes, sparing neither expense nor pains, gave his every energy to the work. In May, 1897, Dr. Smedes proposed to the Diocese of North Carolina, at its annual convention, that the church take charge of the school which had been the lifework of his distinguished father, as of his own. This was done, the church purchasing the property from the heirs of Mr. Paul Cameron, from whom until then it had been rented. In the fall of 1897 a charter was granted by the General Assembly of North Caro- lina (Chapter 86, Private Laws of 1897), and after- ward amended, incorporating the trustees of St. Mary's School, consisting of the Bishops of the Dioceses with- in the States of North and South Carolina, and clerical and lay trustees from each. The charter provides (section 8) : " That the fac- ulty of said school, with the advice and consent of the board of trustees, shall have power to confer all such degrees and marks of distinction as are usually conferred by colleges and universities." This dis- position of St. Mary's had long been the wish of Dr. Smedes. Its organization as the school of the church completed, Dr. Smedes continued as rector for a year and a half, and on February 22, 1899, entered into rest. From its organization until 1897 the school was a preparatory school, and for a number of years it was correlated with Vassar. The course of study was ar- 240 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION ranged for five years, but if a pupil desired to add " ac- complishments," as music and art were considered, a longer time was required. Dr. Smedes thought a pupil could not pursue at one time, with advantage, more than four subjects of an advanced grade. A four-year course in Latin was required to the attain- ment of a diploma, but proficiency in modern lan- guages was accepted as a substitute for an advanced course in Latin. The Church Catechism, Bible history, the Christian year as illustrated by the Prayer-book, and ecclesiasti- cal history, form a part of the regular course of study. The school has always offered good facilities for the study of music and art, and these have been en- larged and extended to meet the demand of the times. The main building is of brick, three and a half stories high, and is connected with two " rock houses " each two stories high, by covered corridors. The other buildings are the art building, the chapel, the infirmary, and the rectory. The chapel is a beautiful Gothic structure, designed by Upjohn, and is furnished with a pipe organ of two manuals and sixteen stops, the " in memoriam " gift of Mrs. Bennett Smedes. It is devoted exclusively to religious purposes. The services of the church are celebrated there on week days as well as on Sundays. In May, 1900, the College was established on an equal standard with other colleges for women in the South. In addition to the preparatory school and the col- lege, St. Mary's offers instruction in the schools of music, art, elocution, physical culture, and business. A kindergarten has been established in a separate build- ing but under the same management. Thus St. Mary's offers opportunity for study in all the departments of knowledge usually pursued in schools for girls, and under the present management bids fair to attain suc- cess. OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 244 Asheville Female College, Asheville, Buncombe County, North Carolina, 1842-1908 Some time prior to 1842 the Asheville Female Seminary was established. Its principals were John Dickson, M. D., and Rev. Erasmus Rowley, D. D. Under their management it was a very efficient school. Some time between 1842 and 1866 it became the prop- erty of the Holston Conference, its name was changed to Asheville Female College, and a new charter was granted. In 1866 the property passed over to a joint stock company, composed for the most part of Asheville citizens. When it became the property of the stock company Dr. James S. Kennedy was elected presi- dent, and held the position for about ten years. Then Rev. J. R. Long served as presiding officer for two years. From 1878 to 1879 the institution was sus- pended. In September, 1879, Rev. James Atkins, A.M., D. D., t assumed control and was at its head for ten years. Rev. S. N. Barker, of Texas, was president 1889-1890; and B. E. Atkins, A. M., 1890-1893. In the fall of 1893 Dr. James Atkins, who had been presi- dent of Emory and Henry College, Virginia, for four years, returned, and had control until the summer of 1896, when he was elected Sunday-school Editor of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. During the year 1896-1897 it was kept by Mrs. James Atkins. In 1897 the property was sold to Archibald A. Jones, who had been president of Central Female College, Lexington, Missouri, from 1889 to 1897. In 1897 the present building was erected by Dr. Atkins, at a cost of $30,000. During the eighteen years with which he was connected with the school, as president of the faculty or of the trustees, it had an annual enrollment of about one hundred and fifty, and the pupils were from almost every Southern State, HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION and from Massachusetts, Ohio, Illinois, and Nebraska. The course of study was equally as high as that of any of the schools for girls in the State. Mr. Jones has enlarged the faculty, extended the curriculum, and increased the expense to a consider- able extent. The courses advertised in English, Latin, Greek, French, German, mathematics, physics, chemistry, ge- ology philosophy, and history are as extensive as those given by any of the higher institutions for men in the State. Music, art, and elocution are extras, and cost from $15 to $45. (This sketch is condensed from a sketch of the school in " Church and Private Schools of North Caro- lina," by Charles Lee Raper.) The Fayetteville Female Seminary, Fayetteville, North Carolina, 1854 This Seminary was established by a company of stockholders, the majority of whom were citizens of Fayetteville. The corner-stone was laid June 9, 1854. Rev. W. E. Pell, a prominent minister of the Metho- dist Episcopal Church South, was the first president. He was succeeded by Mr. W. K. Blake, who was suc- ceeded by Mr. Thomas Hooper, who retained the po- sition until the school was closed by the War be- tween the States. This school held the same rank as other schools for girls established during this period, though its patron- age was never large nor its influence never great. Since its close as a college the building has been used for many and various purposes. It is now used by Col. T. J. Drewry for his military academy. Thomasville Female College, 1849-1893 This was a private school from the beginning. Its principals were members of different churches. It was OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 343 opened in 1849 by Mrs. Charles Mock, as a preparatory school for Greensboro College. She sold out. to Dr. Charles Force Deems, September, 1852. He changed the name from Sylva Grove Female Seminary to Glen Anna Seminary, in honor of his wife. Glen Anna Seminary was opened January, 1853, an d in 1855 Dr. Deems secured a regular charter. Mr. John W. Thomas became interested in the school, and erected a large building for its accommo- dation, at a cost of $1,200. In 1858 the school was in its new quarters under the management of Mr. Thomas, though he did not teach himself. He em- ployed a large, well-trained faculty. The school flour- ished under his management. In 1860 there were 150 pupils, and Mr. Thomas, by prudent and discreet man- agement, succeeded in keeping the school in operation during the war. In 1867 its name was again changed, and it was called Thomasville College. Mr. Thomas retained the management until his death in 1873, when the school was closed for a short time, but reopened in 1874, by Prof. H. W. Reinhart, who purchased the property. Professor Reinhart was sole proprietor until 1884, when Rev. J. N. Stallings bought a half interest and became co-principal. Soon after this transaction the school began to decline, and in 1889 the whole plant, faculty, and students were transferred to High Point. The school continued to decline until it was closed in 1893. A new charter was secured March n, 1889, and the name changed to High Point Female College. This school was in active operation for fifty-four years, and had a fairly successful career. During one-half of this time the faculty numbered twelve or more trained teachers. The curriculum was the same and the facilities for studying music, art, and fancy work the same as those offered by other schools for girls of the same period. 244 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION Floral College, Robe son County, North Carolina, 1847-1887 Floral College was located about four miles from Maxton, Robeson County, North Carolina. It was chartered in 1847, and was in successful operation forty years. The buildings one large building, a steward's hall, and two smaller buildings were lo- cated in a large grove. Centre Presbyterian Church was also situated in the same grove, and its pastor, Rev. John R. Mclntosh, was one of the first presi- dents of the College. For a short time during the War between the States the school was closed, but was reopened in 1865 under supervision of Rev. Luther McKinnon, D. D. The College had six presidents; two before it was closed by the War between the States and four after its reopening in 1865. Several teachers succeeded these presidents, each of whom had control for a short time. The buildings are still used for school purposes, but the school has become a county school sustained by local patronage. The school closed its effective work in 1887. At that time the original incorporators were all dead and the institution was heavily in debt. Prior to the War between the States it had a yearly attendance of one hundred or more pupils. It was always under Presbyterian control, and its faculty was composed of men and women well prepared to teach. Its curriculum was the same as that of other schools of the same rank, and has been given under Edge- worth Seminary. Chowan Baptist Female Institute, 1848-1908 Murfreesboro has been the center of a large Baptist community for a long time, and the Baptists here, as elsewhere, have always been active in the way of education. OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH In 1848 the Chowan and Portsmouth Associations decided to establish a school for the higher education of young women. A company was formed, land pur- chased, and a house erected, at a cost of $1,225. The school opened in October, 1848, with Rev. A. Mc- Dowell, D. D., principal. He remained at the head for a short time only, and was succeeded by Rev. M. R. Forey, who held the position until August, Its prosperity was great, and it soon became neces- sary to have more room, and a large brick building was erected in 1852. Rev. William Hooper, D. D., LL. D., was presi- dent from 1853 to 1862, when Mr. McDowell, the first president, returned and served until his death in 1 88 1. In 1897, John C. Scarborough, A. B., ex-Su- perintendent of Public Instruction of North Carolina. became president. Throughout the fifty-eight years of its existence the Institute has never been closed. During this time it has sent out about five hundred graduates. For a long time the faculty has numbered ten. The course of instruction is about the same as that of Greensboro College and other schools of that grade in the State. Carolina Pewwle College, Ansonville, North Carolina, 1849-1868 This school was established at Ansonville in 1849, by a joint stock company. The buildings, costing $20,000, were erected in 1850, a charter was obtained the same year, and the school was formally opened in 1851. It was very prosperous. The yearly attendance was two hundred until the school was closed in 1862. It was reopened in 1864, an d was closed as a college in 1868. Since that time the buildings have been used for a high school. Prof. R. B. Clarke is the present principal. The College had four presidents : Rev. Alex- ander B. Smith, of Anson County, 1851 to 1852; Rev. 246 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION Tracy R. Walsh, 1852 to 1862; Rev. J. R. Griffith of Virginia, 1864 to 1866; Professor James E. Blink- inship, 1866 to 1868. The curriculum was the same as Edgeworth and other colleges for women of that period. Oxford Female Seminary, 1851-1908 Another Baptist college was opened in Oxford, in 1851. At the Baptist State Convention of 1849 tne following report was made : " The necessity of estab- lishing a female college for the State, in which suit- able testimonial of a high grade of scholarship will be awarded, is seriously entertained by many of our brethren and is an object worthy of their united and zealous efforts." The Convention of 1850 was as- sured by the town of Oxford of at least $10,000, if the college would be located there. By this same con- vention the school was located, and trustees appointed, and Elder J. J. Jones selected as agent. He secured a charter in March, 1851. Rev. Samuel Wait, D. D., was elected president in April, 1851, and the school began July 21, the same year. At the end of a year the school was reported $9,000 in debt. The trustees appointed four agents, succes- sively, who did not collect enough to pay their own salaries. Then Mr. Wait tried to collect, with no bet- ter success. In 1857 Mr. Mills offered $5,000 for the property and it was accepted. From this time Mr. Mills took charge of the finances and J. H. Phillips, Rev. R. H. Marsh, Dr. R. H. Lewis and others had charge of the literary work. In 1880 Mr. Hobgood bought the property, and since that time it has been a private school under the name of Oxford Seminary. The property is worth $20,000. The faculty consists of ten members. Average annual enrollment is one hundred and twenty. The curricu- lum is the same as Greensboro College, (The material of this sketch was obtained from Ra- OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 247 per's " Church and Private Schools of North Caro- lina.") Davenport College, 1858 About 1850 the Presbytery of Concord obtained a subscription of $10,000 for a girls' college, and soon determined to locate their school at Statesville. In 1853 the Methodists began to investigate the sub- ject, and at the Centre Camp Meeting in 1855 raised a subscription of $12,000 for a school. Col. William Davenport was one of the most liberal subscribers, and for him the school was named. With the money subscribed they erected a brick building and bought sixteen acres of land, and furniture. In 1857 the trustees offered the whole property to the South Carolina Conference. The offer was accepted and Rev. H. M. Mood elected president. In July, 1858, the school was opened under the name of Davenport College. Only fifty-six pupils were matriculated the first year. However, Mr. Mood's ad- ministration of four years was very successful. He resigned in 1862, and was succeeded by Rev. R. N. Price, who remained one year and was succeeded by Rev. A. G. Stacy. When Stoneman's army invaded that part of the country, Mr. Stacy took his school into North Carolina. The army occupied the building for two days, pillaged and despoiled the library and furniture, and left little but the naked buildings. After peace came it was reorganized, and has had various de- grees of success and many changes. In 1870 the General Conference transferred that section of the State from the South Carolina to the North Carolina Conference. It was expected that the new Conference would help support the school, but this expectation was not realized. The buildings have been consumed by fire, and re- built. Several principals have presided over its for- tunes. It has ceased to be a boarding-school and be- come local. MS HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION The average enrollment is about eighty. The last principal is Mr. Minick, who took charge in 1889, and has kept the school in a fairly prosperous state ever since. Louisburg Female College, 1826-1908 In 1826 the Louisburg Academy was chartered. This school was probably merged into an institute dur- ing the thirties, and continued as a small school until 1857, when the Louisburg College was chartered. Mr. A. M. Ray was in charge from 1845 to l &$6- His building was small until the present commodious build- ing was erected in 1855-57. Mr. J. P. Nelson was president - 1857-58; Columbus Andrews, 1858-61; James Southgate, 1861-65. It was closed by the war and not reopened until Dr. T. M. Jones removed Greensboro Female College to the building in Janu- ary, 1866. Dr. Jones had about two hundred boarders, the largest number the institution ever had. In June, 1869, he went to Warrenton, and Rev. F. L. Reid, D. D., was president until 1878. From that time until 1889 the college was closed, and a high school was taught in the building. Mr. S. D. Bagley reopened it as a college in 1889, and kept it five years. Then Rev. J. A. Green was president 1894-1896, and Mathew S. Davis from 1896 to the present time. In theory the College belongs to a stock company of Louisburg, but really it belongs to Mr. Washington Duke by virtue of money loaned by him to the school. When Mr. Green was in charge it decreased in numbers and popularity, but Mr. Davis and his daugh- ters have increased the patronage very much. Statesville Female College, 1857-1908 In 1850 the Concord Presbytery contemplated es- tablishing a college for girls at Lenoir, but decided to locate it at Statesville instead. The College was es- tablished in 1857, under whose management does OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 249 not appear. During the War between the States Rev. J. M. M. Caldwell took charge, and continued until he went to Greensboro in 1868. Then Rev. E. F. Rockwell was president until 1872, then Mrs. Eliza- beth N. Grant and Miss Margaret E. Mitchell, daugh- ters of Prof. Elisha Mitchell of the University of North Carolina, took charge until 1884. It was dur- ing this period that the school made its reputation. In 1885 Miss Fannie Everett assumed control, and maintained its reputation until she retired in 1894. From that time until 1896 the school was closed. In the fall of 1896 John B. Burwell, A. M., became president. The College has again begun to manifest life and influence. Mr. Burwell has a faculty of nine and offers a course suited to the training of girls, at very low terms. The property is worth $30,000. Mr. Burwell has had the largest experience in edu- cating girls of any living North Carolinian. He was co-principal of the Charlotte Female Institute for ten years and principal of Peace Institute for eighteen years. (This sketch is also based on Raper's " Church and Private Schools of North Carolina." These sketches are not what I hoped to make them, but it is the best I could do with the material obtainable. I bought all the books I could find bearing on the subject and wrote many letters, got catalogues, and got the assistance of Mrs, DeBernier Wills, who searched old newspa- pers, and had access to private letters and records, still I could not obtain just what I wished to make these sketches interesting and profitable.) Wesleyan Female College, Murfreesboro, North Carolina, 1853-1893 Wesleyan College was opened in 1853. It was a very flourishing institution until it was burned August 5, 1877. During this period as many as 1,500 stu- dents matriculated. It was rebuilt in 1881, and Prof. 250 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION E. E. Parham was president for eleven years. It was again destroyed by fire, May 27, 1893, and has not been rebuilt. The property belonged to the Metho- dist Episcopal Church South, and most of the presi- dents were members of the North Carolina Conference. OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 251 CHAPTER XXIII Early Schools in South Carolina FAILING to find any record of the early schools for girls in Charleston, a request for such information was inserted in the Keystone, and in response to this re- quest the following sketch was sent : SOME OF CHARLESTON'S MOST NOTED SCHOOLS " In glancing over the past and its many changes in Charleston, there is, perhaps, no more interesting field than that of the schools in which the last two or three generations of girls have been trained. Seventy or eighty years ago the rival schools were those of Madame Talvanne and Miss Datey. Madame Tal- vanne kept school in the house on Legare street which is now occupied by Judge Simoton; and Miss Datey first opened school on Glebe street, in the large square brick house known to older generations as the * Bish- op's Residence/ it having been the home of the Co- lonial bishops, and part of the glebe assigned to St. Philip's Church, which still owns it. There was quite a rivalry between these two schools, each, as is always the case, claiming superiority for the school to which she was attached. Both, it is certain, were of recog- nized merit. " Of Madame Talvanne's personal history, beyond that she was a woman of marked characteristics and culture, I know but little, therefore, may not be able to say as much as should be said of her. Of Miss Datey there was almost a romantic side which was pathetic. With her family, driven from St. Domingo in one of the many insurrections to which that island HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION has been subject, after many wanderings, bereft of all, they were stranded in Charleston, without money and without friends. There was nothing open to this lady but menial service, which she most gladly ac- cepted as affording food and shelter. She was em- ployed in the Trapier family at Georgetown, and ac- cepted her lot with courage and endurance; fortu- nately it did not last long. Mrs. Trapier chanced one day to see the new * help ' bending over the ironing- table, and observing the beauty of her hands and the turn of her wrists, promptly decided that this woman was not in her proper sphere. She sent for her, and after some questioning promoted her to the position of governess, which she filled for many years, until under the patronage of the Trapiers and other wealthy families, who desired their daughters to have the bene- fit of instruction from this highly cultured woman, she removed to Charleston, and occupied first the house on Glebe street, and afterward that known as No. 31 Legare street, now the residence of Hon. A. T. Smythe. " Miss Datey must have been a woman of rare character, combining firmness and gentleness in a marked degree. Her pupils always spoke of her with deepest affection and respect. She was a devout fol- lower of the Roman Church, and while she made no effort to influence the belief of her pupils, she so im- pressed them with her earnest efforts to live worthy of her own faith, that they would often, in after years, when hearing aspersions against the creed of the Ro- man Church, say, ' It isn't so ; Miss Datey would never have believed it/ About sixty-five years ago this saintly woman closed her school, and took the vows of a nun in one of the many orders of her church, and thus passed from Charleston forever. " The Misses Murden, ladies whose value as educa- tors has always been recognized in Charleston, were pupils of Madame Talvanne. Every thinking girl who attended the school kept by these ladies has always felt the value of the ' groundings ' she then received, OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 255 particularly in arithmetic, and the same may be said of their pupils and successors of to-day the Misses Sass. " Fifty years ago the most flourishing school in Charleston was that of Madame DuPre, who was aided by her accomplished daughter, Madame Bonnetheau. This school was kept at the corner of East Bay and Lauriens streets. It was generally considered an ad- vanced finishing-school, and would receive more than one hundred boarding pupils. Many from adjoining States availed themselves of its advantages. " The rival of this school was that of the Misses Bates, those cultivated ladies who kept school on Church street, beloved and revered by all their pupils. ' Honor ' was the only discipline used. " There was a marked change in the style of schools when, about 1854, under the patronage of the Hon. James L. Petigru, Madame R. A. Togno opened her French and English school on Tradd street. This was considered the most select school of its day. Applica- tion for entrance had to be made one year in advance, for the number of pupils was strictly limited. French was the language of the school, and woe be to the girl who was heard using her English tongue save in the English classes, during school hours. The poor, shy, trembling girls, who had never been forced to rely upon French as a means of expression, felt some- what as Robinson Crusoe must have felt on his desert island. ' Madame, puis m'en aller ? ' was probably the first sentence they found courage to utter. This school was not dismissed as a whole, but four or five, or perhaps a class, was dismissed at the same time, hence the necessity for the request. '' There were no desks in use ; the girls sat in classes on long benches. A table in the center of the room was used when they needed to write. Many were the in- novations supposed to have been introduced by Madame Togno, and they were the cause of much criticism. In the first place, the vacation months had been heretofore April and December, as most con- 254 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION venient to the planters' families. Madame gave no vacation in these months, and substituted a vacation from July to October a custom now in universal use. " Over the door of the Tradd street house was the sign, ' Pensionat des Demoiselles,' which an old gen- tleman in the neighborhood interpreted to mean that Madame Togno was the French consul, and called on her for advice as such. When she removed to Meet- ing street, next to South Carolina Hall, the sign was not put up. Here the school was carried on most successfully until the fall of Fort Walker, in 1861, when Madame removed to Barhamville, near Colum- bia, taking many of her pupils with her. She re- mained here a year or two until the death of her youngest daughter, when she closed her school and went through the lines to New York. " She by no means forgot her friends at the South, many of whom, after the war, received substantial proof of her affection for them. " A small woman, of most erect carriage, losing not a quarter of an inch of her height, full of nervous energy, Madame never took a seat, but walked up and down in front of her classes during recitation, oc- casionally stamping her small foot encased in black bottines, to give emphasis to her utterances. Notice of Madame Togno's school would not be complete with- out mention of that woman so gifted herself, who be- yond comparison was enabled to impart her knowl- edge to her pupils in a most attractive form Mrs. Elizabeth Wotton teaching them so to drink of the ' Pierian Spring ' that the desire often was to ' drink deep or not at all.' A most ardent daughter of the South, a firm believer in States' rights, in her eyes South Carolina could do no wrong. If any of her pupils have been lukewarm in their allegiance to the South, the fault does not lie at her door. She did her utmost to teach them what was to her view the only right view that could be taken. OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 255 " About the time of Madame Togno's advent in Charleston, under the auspices of C. G. Memminger, Jefferson Bennett, and others, Mr. F. S. Sawyer, with a full corps of teachers, was brought from the North to establish the normal, or public-school system, which still holds sway in Charleston. " Madame Petit, for some years prior to the war, conducted a very flourishing school, her methods be- ing somewhat that of Madame Togno. They may be considered the rivals of their day. " After the war the two Misses Bates, the only remaining members of a large family, returned to Charleston and re-opened their school, but owing to the death of one, and the advancing years of the elder of the sisters, it did not last long. Then, for a time, Mrs. Hobson Pinckney, a gentlewoman in every sense of the word, divided with Miss Winston the honor of conducting the two best schools in Charles- ton. " The college girl of to-day has perhaps many ad- vantages over her mother, but in Charleston the stand- ard of study has always been a high one, which is evidenced by the gentle, refined old ladies we see all around us, who unfortunately are so fast passing away that they will soon be only a cherished memory, leaving for us an example worthy of imitation of what a high- bred woman should be. Had their education not been of a high grade they would not have been the women they are. Brought up in the homes of refinement, they acquired that tact and 'savoir-faire' that only at- trition can give. Whence but from this training has come that wonderful endurance which has so uncom- plainingly borne the many untold privations brought about by the misfortunes of our country? Endurance which teaches us that the story of the Spartan boy and the fox may be an allegory. "M. B. W." (This sketch is given as written by M. B. W., who 256 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION kindly sent it in answer to an advertisement for in- formation concerning early schools in South Carolina.) Presbyterian Seminary, Anderson, South Carolina, Certainly as early as 1835, and perhaps earlier, the Presbyterian Synod of South Carolina established a school for girls at Anderson, known as the Presby- terian School. The first principal of the school of whom there is any record was a Mr. Leverett; his successors were Mr. McElroy, Mr. Pressley, and Mr. Jones. These principals were assisted by competent teachers. The curriculum embraced the usual Eng- lish studies, and French, music, painting, drawing, and embroidery. For several years no diplomas were given, but about 1840 the charter was amended and the power to con- fer degrees granted. This school was very popular, girls from every part of the State attended it; but as there was no boarding-department, they boarded with the citizens. The school was closed by the War be- tween the States. (Information in this sketch was obtained from a letter written by Mrs. Lulah Ayer Vandiver of An- derson, South Carolina.) The Johnston Female University, Anderson, South Carolina About 1850 there was established in Anderson, South Carolina, a school for girls quite famous in its day in upper Carolina. This school was known as The Johnston Female University, and was endowed by the Baptists of South Carolina. Dr. Wm. B. Johnston was chancellor from its inception until it was broken up by the War between the States. Girls from all parts of the State attended this school, and there were several boarding-houses erected for the exclusive use OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 257 of these students. The degrees A. B. and A. M. were conferred. Judging from some women I know who were educated at this school, it must have been a school of high grade. (Written by Mrs. Lulah Ayer Vandiver.) Greenville Female College, Greenville, South Carolina, 1854-1908 Greenville is situated in the northwestern part of South Carolina, in the Piedmont section of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Its pleasant and healthful climate renders it a suitable location for a school. Greenville College was founded in 1854. It is the property of the State Baptist Convention of South Carolina. The affairs are managed by a board of trustees appointed by the Convention to manage this college and Furman University. The board of trus- tees appoints an executor for the management of the affairs of these institutions. Its officers and teachers all receive stipulated salaries, so that no one has any personal interest in the pecuniary profits arising from its management. Its object is not to make money, but to offer its patrons the best possible educational advantages. Should any profit arise from enlarged attendance it would be promptly applied to the im- provement and enlargement of the institution. The buildings are on a quiet, retired, and beauti- ful elevation in the northwestern portion of the city. There are three large three-story brick buildings con- nected by three-story brick connections. The build- ings have all modern conveniences. The collegiate course is divided into the following schools : I. School of English and English Literature ; II. School of Ancient Languages; III. School of Modern Languages; IV. School of Mathematics; V. School of Physical Sciences; VI. School of History; VII. School of Political Sciences; VIII. School of Mental and Moral Sciences and Theistic Studies ; IX. 258 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION School of Pedagogics ; X. School of Bible Study ; XL Conservatory of Music; XII. School of Art; XIII. School of Expression and Physical Culture; XIV. Business Department. The fourteen schools are sepa- rate and distinct, each in charge of a competent teacher with necessary assistants. Pupils may become candi- dates for graduation in any one or all of these schools, though it is hardly possible to pursue successfully more than five at the same time. Primary and kindergarten departments are under the general supervision of the College, but entirely separated from the other departments. The Kindergar- ten Normal Course is offered for the benefit of those interested in child study and desiring to become trained kindergartners. Regular diplomas will be given to those finishing the course required for graduation. (From catalogues.) Columbia College for Girls, Columbia, South Carolina, 1856-1908 In 1852 the South Carolina Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church South appointed a com- mittee to receive " any offers that may be made on the subject of establishing a college for girls in some central or suitable place." The result was the es- tablishment of two such colleges one at Spartan- burg, the other in Columbia. The work of erecting the building of the Columbia College for Girls began in January, 1856, and the first session began on the first Wednesday of October, 1859, under the presi- dency of Rev. Whiteford M. Srnith, D. D. The col- lege received immediately a liberal patronage. Dur- ing its second session 160 students matriculated. In 1863 tne institution was forced to close, on account of war and debt, and for several years the building was occupied as a hotel. In 1873, under the. presi- dency of Rev. Samuel B. Jones, D. D., the College was again opened to the daughters of Carolina. OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 259 The original building, an excellent example of the Italian Renaissance architecture, was enlarged in 1878. In 1895, under the presidency of Rev. J. A. Rice, D. D., the building was again overhauled, and fitted with modern heating and sanitary equipments, and the Annex, a large, commodious building, was erected on the eastern campus. The following have occupied the office of president : Rev. Whiteford Smith, D. D., 1859-60; Rev. William Martin, 1 860-6 1 ; Rev. H. M. Mood, 1861-64; Rev. S. B. Jones, D. D., 1873-76; Hon. J. L. Jones, Ph.D., 1876-81; Rev. O. A. Darby, D. D., 1881-90; Rev. S. B. Jones, D. D., 1890-94; Rev. John A. Rice, A. M., D. D., 1894-1900; Rev. W. W. Daniel, D. D., 1900 to the present day. " The great aim of the College is to offer to young- women facilities and opportunities for broad and deep culture, careful and exact training and thorough edu- cation, equal to the best." It has always been the policy of the College to raise its standard from time to time, as much as the work done in the preparatory schools would justify. Under the presidency of Dr. John A. Rice the requirements for entrance and gradu- ation came abreast with those of the leading colleges for men in the State. The faculty is composed of thirteen thoroughly trained teachers. The course of study is carefully graded and arranged on the university plan, allowing girls to enter the class for which they are prepared, as far as possible, in every department. As at present arranged there are thirteen departments of instruction, viz. : English language and literature, modern lan- guages and literature, ancient languages and literature, English Bible, art, music, elocution, physical culture, business department. In addition to the usual advantages, Columbia Col- lege offers some special advantages. It is located at the seat of the legislative, judicial, and executive de- partments of the State, thus affording object-lessons in 260 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION the science of government. Columbia is visited by dis- tinguished lecturers, tourists, etc. ; thus the pupils are brought in touch with the leading men and measures of the day. The pupils have access to several large li- braries, in addition to the College library and well- selected reading-table especially that of the South Carolina College, containing 30,000 volumes. The so- cial advantages are unsurpassed in the State. The College is near all the leading churches in the city, and is kept in touch with spiritual forces at work. The Columbia Lyceum brings to the city lecturers of na- tional renown and musicians of reputation. The de- grees conferred are B. A. and B. S. (This sketch was compiled from letters and cata- logues. ) Dr. Marks and the Barhamville School. " In 1785 the rice and indigo planters of South Caro- lina invited Mr. Humphrey Marks, together with a syn- dicate of wealthy men, to come to South Carolina to invest money in mortgages on plantations along the seaboard. Mr. Humphrey Marks had three sons Alexander, who removed early in the nineteenth cen- tury to Louisiana and settled in Avoyelles parish and gave his name to its shire town or county-seat, Marks- ville, on the Red River; the youngest son, Frederic, always lived in Columbia; the other son, Dr. Elias Marks, was born in Charleston, December 2, 1790, and died in Washington, D. C, 1886. " Dr. Marks early became a Christian, having been converted by an old negro nurse. Some accounts tell us that he was a Methodist, while others hold he was an Episcopalian. He attended the public schools in Charleston, and was graduated at the New York City Medical College in 1815. His thesis, being distin- guished by publication in the transactions of that Col- lege, received special recognition of encouragement from the celebrated Dr. Nott of that institution, and OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 261 he had every prospect of becoming a successful prac- titioner. " After conducting a drug store a year or so he re- turned South, and settled in the new capital, Columbia, and opened a school for girls, called in the old phrase- ology, ' a female academy.' Dr. Marks was an en- thusiast, a gentleman of ingratiating address, and an upright, pure-minded man, particularly adapted to the education of girls. He said that knowledge consti- tuted the essential difference between savage and civi- lized man ; that the torch of intellect is to be kindled on the altar of domestic affection ; that it burns intensely and permanently only when fed by genuine piety. " And here, he said, arose the question in what re- spect ought the education of the female to differ from that of the other sex ? * The education of either sex is to be directed to the respective duties which each is destined to perform on the great theatre of human existence.' " He held that the right education of woman is es- sential to the general weal ; that it is a legitimate source of moral character and political happiness of a peo- ple. ' Do we wish that a woman should be pious, re- fined, and elevated ; do we desire a flexibility, strength, and expansion of mind, essential to the every-day oc- currence and vicissitudes of life, and yet not incom- patible with all that is lovely and graceful in female character? These can proceed only from an intellect cultivated in all its parts, from an active, sustained, and vigorous exercise of its powers, directing them to practicable and valuable ends.' Dr. Marks held that there were four difficulties that lay in the way of pur- suing an efficient course of education: ' (i) The errors in domestic education; (2) the desultory and imperfect manner in which an academic course is pur- sued ; (3) the desire of blending the advantages of fashionable society with those derived from the teacher; (4) the incapacity of the teachers themselves/ HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION Despite these difficulties, Dr. Marks's school was a most successful one and he was universally beloved. "About 1817 he married Miss Jane Barham of New York City, and the two were principals of the Columbia Academy, 1817 to 1820. The building was afterward occupied by the Rev. Mr. Gladney, then by Mr. Muller, and later by the Misses Reynolds, all of whom kept a high school for girls. At that time the Marks's school was principally a day school. " About 1819 the nearness of the Congaree flats and the prevalence of contagious fever in the late summer months directed Dr. Marks's attention to the sandhills north of Columbia. There about a mile and a half out, near the old sandy road that leads to ' sandhill cracker- dom,' he erected a building, the plans of which, we learn from Dr. Marks's daughter, are believed to have been drawn by Mr. Zimmerman. In 1740 this gentle- man resided just on the eastern edge of the town, near the spot where the Methodist college stands. " About 1821 the first ' gable roof range ' was built. This was taken down about 1840, and three cottages were erected from it. Then the center range was built and the south range, and afterward, about 1841, the north range. This academy was constructed after the plan of Edgeworth School in Maryland, and all the elder people thought it was an ideal place for a girl to get an education, ' being very healthy and away from the boys.' " Mrs. Marks was a beautiful woman, a true aid and ally in her husband's work. She died about 1828. The school in the Sandhills was named for their only son, who died in early life. Dr. Marks was now ( 1829) a widower with three children and in charge of a large family of school girls, and although from the first he was surrounded by competent lady teachers, it was evident that a lady head of his household was im- peratively required. " We are told that Providence directed him to the one woman who could fully supply this responsible OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 263 position. Mrs. Julia Warne (nee Pierpont), who was in 1830 at the head of a large and flourishing ladies' school at Sparta, Georgia, at Dr. Marks's request assumed the direction of the household and studies at Barhatnville, in 1832. This lady was born at Har- winton, Connecticut, March 9, 1/93, and died in Washington, D. C, June 21, 1878. She had been one of the earliest pupils of the celebrated Emma Willard of the Troy Seminary, New York, and was educated by her at Middlebury, Vermont, before Mrs. Willard moved to Troy. She was the daughter of Robert Pier- pont, of Litchfield, Connecticut, who moved to Man- chester, Vermont, about 1776. One of Mrs. Julia P. Marks's sisters married the Governor of Vermont, another became the wife of Dr. Isham, whose grandson became a partner of Robert Lincoln, afterward United States Minister to Great Britain, and whose son, Pier- pont Isham, was a judge of the Supreme Court of Vermont. John Pierpont, the poet, was a first cousin of Mrs. Marks and resembled her greatly. " All of her associations at the North were of the highest distinction. We are told she was an enthu- siastic educationist, a woman endowed with remark- able powers of quiet, unconscious government, of deep religious feeling, dignified what we call at the South, and mean much when we use the term, a lady. " From the first she was welcomed by the Hamp- tons, the Prestons, and other prominent people of Columbia ; the relations with the Hampton family be- ing almost affectionate and fraternal. So with the Taylor family, who at times occupied a lovely, breezy country-seat on the Camden road to the east of Bar- hamville. Judge Cheves also had a place near by, and these two families often exchanged visits. Dr. Rey- nolds then owned and occupied a place east of Colum- bia, afterward purchased bv General Hampton. The Howells were not far off. The Trezevants, the family of Dr. Shands, rector of Trinity, Mrs. de Bruhl and the Bryces were people with whom the Marks family 264 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION interchanged visits during the early forties. Mrs. Warne was married to Dr. Marks in the chapel at Bar - hamville in 1833, and continued in active service there until June, 1861, when they gave up teaching and leased the school to Madame Togno of Charleston. She was succeeded as lessee by Madame Sosnowski, who was followed by Madame Torriani, a refugee from Charleston. From 1865 to 1867 Dr. Marks and his family lived on the place. In the latter part of 1867 they went North, leaving the buildings in charge of a negro janitor. February 18, 1869, tne school buildings were destroyed by fire. It was a complete loss, as there was no insurance. " Dr. Marks was a most excellent educator, and the fame of his school brought daughters of wealthy parents from all over the South ; every State was rep- resented. The North also took advantage of the merit of the school and its locality. So here were educated together the representatives of the politics so diamet- rically opposed. " From the first coming of Mrs. Julia Pierpont Marks (1832) the school became a college with colle- giate classes and progressive, systematic methods. The best teachers necessarily from the North were employed and at high salaries. Between 1850 and 1 86 1 the annual outlay for teachers was from $12,000 to $14,000. There was a chaplain, who taught Chris- tian Evidences, Paley's Moral Philosophy, Ethics, and Butler's Analogy, besides preaching every Sun- day. " Each year Dr. Marks would engage a chaplain of a different denomination, and very often he would take the girls in to service in the city of Columbia. A gentleman, a graduate of a first-class college, was em- ployed to teach the classic languages, the sciences, and higher mathematics. There were also two lady teachers of mathematics, geography, history, etc. Dr. Marks lectured from his notes an hour every day, on history. There were two foreign music teachers. OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 265 teachers of painting and drawing, and also a dancing- master. " Mrs. Marks organized the school into classes twice a year, and made out an individual ' list of time/ or schedule of studies, for each hour of the day, for each pupil, and supervised teachers and scholars alike. She always had more trouble with the teachers than with the scholars. It was a home school ; each pupil when she arrived there was put upon her honor and expected to govern herself and report herself. The day was divided into recitation periods of three-quarters of an hour each, beginning at 8 A. M. and closing at 4 or 5 p. M. Students were required to attend prayers every morning at 7.45. About 8.15 they had breakfast, fol- lowed by an intermission of an hour, when classes were called and continued until 11.30; then every one went to luncheon, when soft gingerbread was served. After luncheon recitations continued until 2 o'clock, when every one enjoyed a good dinner. Dinner was followed by classes until 4 or 5. Prayers were held at night as in the morning, and the roll was called as in the morning. " The pupils studied in their rooms, in the halls, and under the trees, but there was perfect discipline and good scholastic results. The written examinations now so much in vogue were then unknown, though exhaustive reviews took their place. The highest mark possible was 10. " The girls the thoroughbred ones, and they were mostly that kind loved Dr. and Mrs. Marks, who loved them in return. In 1854, when a malignant dis- ease took one life and nearly took another, these kind preceptors scarcely slept for weeks; their rooms were given up to the sick and their strength exhausted in behalf of the suffering ones. " * If one had rung the door bell/ said the late Mrs. Sophia Reynolds, ' he would have been answered by an elderly brown man, who would take the cards and usher him in through a wide, carpeted hall and up a HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION broad, carpeted, winding stair, with mahogany balus- trades. This led to the upper hall, the counterpart of the one below, from which he would enter a large parlor into which the morning sun shone cheerfully. Here he would see a wood fire burning in an open fire- place. He would hear no sound but the notes of musi- cal instruments coming from various directions through the great building. In a few minutes an old gentleman, gray-haired, but brisk in his movements, would enter, accompanied by an elderly lady. Then the Doctor would offer to show the visitors through the school, and after thorough inspection they would receive an invitation to dinner. They would go down the winding stair into a piazza 120 feet long, from which they would enter a small door and ascend a nar- row, dark stairway. This led into one of the upper rooms of the two-story brick range. " * It was a large room, near the center of which was a fire-place surrounded by several chairs as if they had just been occupied, for the fire was still burning. A curtain divided the room through the middle; an- other also ran through the middle at right angles to the first, so the room was divided into a parlor and three bedrooms a very pleasant arrangement. I have also heard that the large room was divided into four smaller ones two bedrooms and two dressing- rooms. This room, which was lighted by six large windows, opened into another, also lighted by six win- dows, having deep window seats. A curtain divided this room into two a parlor and a bedroom. Each suite of rooms contained a parlor, because the young ladies studied in their rooms instead of in a general schoolroom. They always had plenty of fire, and their apartments were carpeted and very comfortable. " ' Leaving the brick range rooms and passing down to the lower floors, the visitor would enter a large, long recitation-room. They would see one girl at the blackboard, trying to explain an apparently knotty problem, the teacher near by keeping her and the class. OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 267 some twenty girls, paying the closest attention. Pass- ing out another door, through the long piazza, down a few steps and through an open covered way they would reach the laboratory. Here they found a class of about sixteen girls, also closely attending to the explanation, which the teacher was illustrating by ex- periments. " ' When the class was dismissed the girls walked quietly out, but when they reached the covered way they ran skipping, sliding, running, and chatting. Then another class would take the place of those who had just gone out, and so on through the day. At in- tervals of three-quarters of an hour the monitress ran along the piazza ringing the school bell, the signal for the classes to change. For five minutes there would be the sound of merry voices and rushing feet, then would follow a hush, a silence to be wondered at in a house as large and filled with so many young peo- ple, but this was a school where work was done, good work, thorough work, for education at Barhamville was equivalent to practical sense with all the accom- plishments acquired by young ladies of that era of time. From those dear and consecrated walls, hundreds of women went forth, types of the ladies of those days of the long ago. Dr. Marks spared no pains, no expense, to get good teachers wherever they could be found. And these teachers knew how to interest young girls in study, and Mrs. Marks knew how to make them happy and contented/ " Sons and daughters from the same family would be sent respectively to the South Carolina College and Barhamville. Dr. Marks had many encounters with the college students to prevent intercourse between the young people. Only brothers and cousins were al- lowed to visit the girls, and these relations were often declared where there was no blood tie. History re- peats itself. ' The young ladies were allowed to receive their brothers and cousins on Friday evenings. Of course HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION there was always great excitement over getting ready to receive their company, for certainly every girl had a kinsman at the South Carolina College. They all entertained in the parlor and sometimes in the library. Dr. J. Marion Sims in ' The Story of My Life/ gives an account of a serenade given to the girls at Bar- hamville, which started in fun, but barely escaped end- ing in tragedy. " Notwithstanding the tone of this school was high and exceedingly refined, this did not prevent the girls from harmless tricks. At the table when one or more had an unusual hungry fit she would cut a sweet po- tato in half, eat the potato on the sly, fill the two holes of the skin with bread, ham, etc., fit them together and put them in her pocket ' for future reference.' " Another bond of unity between the college life of those days and that of the present time is ' mess-hall biscuit ' they seem to have been always the same, for the boys would ride around Barhamville grounds on fleet-footed horses and throw these articles of food with notes written on them to the girls. " The girls had regular May-day parties. At these they elected their queen, danced around the May-pole, and enjoyed themselves quite as much as college girls of the present time. Half of the girls would tie a handkerchief on the arm and thus act the part of boys. " Whenever there were any very good performers or musical companies in Columbia Dr. Marks would get them to come out to Barhamville and play for the young ladies. When Ole Bull, the famous violinist, was in the city he played at the Academy before leav- ing, and Blind Tom, the wonderful pianist, did the same. " Another bond of union between the college girl of past and present was midnight feasts. ' There was a rule that lights should be put out at nine o'clock, but it is easy to imagine how that was obeyed when one of the girls received a box from OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 269 home. Of course a midnight feast followed, and they had all sorts of devices for hiding the lights. On the first of April one girl would receive a box of old shoes, then she would invite all of her friends to come help open the * box from home.' When all were assembled and the cover removed it was a great joke, and all had a hearty laugh, hearty though smothered, and of course each one had to take a pair of shoes, or more likely two odd ones, as a souvenir. During these per- formances of course they would lock the doors, but if the monitress (one of the teachers), knocked, no mat- ter at what hour of the night, the door must be opened. Should she happen to come there would be a general shoving of things under the beds, pushing into closets and scrambling into bed with clothes on, followed by a wonderful silence. Of course some teachers were lenient and would overlook these things, while others were very strict and would report the girls on every occasion. Then next morning the culprits would have to appear before Mrs. Marks, unless the transgression was very serious, when Dr. Marks was appealed to. The Doctor was decided but not harsh ; Mrs. Marks's supervision over the girls was not severe, though she too was positive. " The spring was indeed a busy time at Barhamville. Then the girls received boxes of ready-made clothing from home, or more often, boxes of material to be made. At that season a good seamstress or dressmaker was employed, sometimes for months. The girls were allowed to make purchases in Columbia, but were al- ways accompanied by a teacher. Unless they preferred to walk, they were driven over in one of the two car- riages belonging to the school. Indeed, they went to no place without being accompanied by a teacher ; not even sketching from nature, or to the home of one of the professors to gather grapes. Whenever they went out- side the academy enclosures they were accompanied by a teacher. "When the school was at its zenith (1850) the 270 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION building consisted of a large three-story wooden build- ing, with one long two-story brick wing, stretching southward, all of which were painted white. There was a large vegetable garden and a well-stocked poul- try yard on the Barhamville farm, and much of the food was raised there. " There were two chapels, called the lower and the upper chapel. The lower one was fitted up with maps and blackboards all around the walls. Here Dr. Marks taught history, using the maps and frequently illustrating his lectures with drawings on the black- board. In the upper chapel desks were placed all around the walls, and here Mrs. Marks taught writing. Every girl took writing lessons and learned to write the famed * Barhamville hand/ well known and easily recognized wherever seen. "At that time (1850) Dr. Marks was at the head of a corps of teachers, about eight in number, gathered from the best sources. Professors taught music, paint- ing, modern languages, chemistry, philosophy, mathe- matics, and English. The pupils numbered one hun- dred and twenty, and often many more came from Southern homes where wealth and luxury gave ele- gance and refinement to genial, generous Southern girls. " Between 1857 and 1861 the following were a few of the members of the faculty lack of space prevents the mention of more: Elias Marks, M. D., principal, department of history and belles-lettres; Mrs. Marks, writing; M. Douvilliers, French, drawing, modern lan- guages ; Rev. Mr. Donnelly, Prof. Reynolds, Mr. Alex- ander, Mr. Ward, chaplains at different times ; Mr. Or- chard, music master; Madame Sosnowski, painting and drawing; Madame Feugas, M. Strawinski, danc- ing; M. Manget, French. " Board and the entire course of studies, exclusive of extra studies, which were chemistry, botany, Latin and French languages, lessons on piano, harp, guitar, and dancing lessons all fancy dances were taught and OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 271 very gracefully danced by the young ladies, also draw- ing and oil painting, was $250 per collegiate year; this charge included table board, washing, firewood, candles, etc. " There were two secret societies at Barhamville ; the most prominent of which was the * Tri-une.' The organization was very secret, being composed of only ten or twelve members. Of course these societies were organized with the consent of Dr. Marks. The badge of this society consisted of a cross and an anchor joined in some fanciful way. Only a very few of them are still in existence, and these few are treasured as priceless. The graduating badge was a six pointed star, similar in shape to the Euphradian Society badge of the South Carolina College. At commencement time all the relatives and lady friends of the girls came to the graduating exercises. The graduates were all dressed in white and each girl in turn read her essay. " The following young ladies were admitted to the highest honors of the institute, June 15, 1860: Misses Mary A. Dubose, Harriet C. Geiger, Maria L. Garling- ton, Eliza E. Johnson, Anna E. Kirtland, Sallie D. McCall, Elizabeth W. Verdier, Caro B. H. Yancey. " Many famous ladies have been graduated from this school, among whom was Miss Pamela Cunning- ham, who conceived the idea of purchasing and pre- serving Mount Vernon, and was known as the ' South- ern Matron/ Barhamville also enjoys the distinction of having been the alma mater of Miss Bulloch of Georgia, the mother of Theodore Roosevelt. " Attached to the institute were a well-selected li- brary, philosophical and chemical apparatus, and a cabinet of minerals. The laboratory, where chemistry, philosophy, and the languages were taught, is still standing. It was bought by the late Dr. Frank Greene, repaired and fitted for a dwelling. The cottage on the hill a little east of the institute was sold to Mr. Beard. ' The Spring lot ' south of the school was 272 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION purchased by Dr. Kendall. * Rose Hill cottage/ on the north, was sold during the War between the States to Mr. Arthur Middleton, and he sold it, I think, to the party who owns it. The third cottage toward Colum- bia was sold by Dr. Marks, during the War between the States, to a man named Gruber. " * Barhamville ' ! How the name calls up hallowed associations work, earnest and true, fun and frolic, the noble, the beautiful, the generous. Some have filled the highest walks of life, some have lived in humbler spheres, but the principles taught will ever exalt the name of ' Barhamville.' ' (This sketch was written by Mrs. Jean H. Wither- spoon of Columbia, South Carolina, for The State, published in Columbia, South Carolina. It was sent to the author of this history by Mr. Dreher, Superin- tendent of Public Education, South Carolina.) OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 273 CHAPTER XXIV First Academies in Tennessee THE first Territorial Legislature of Tennessee as- sembled in Knoxville, August 25, 1794, and on loth September " a bill to establish Blount College " was passed. The College was named for the Territorial Governor. Co-educaton was practiced for a while, and this is one of the rare instances of co-education in the Southern States prior to the War between the States. Barbara Blount, daughter of the Governor, gained such high distinction among the young ladies that the hill on which the College was built was named " Barbara Hill," in her honor. Fisk's Female Academy, at Hillam, Overton County, was chartered September n, 1806. A "female" academy at Knoxville was chartered in 1811, and the Female Academy at Maysville, Blount County, was chartered in 1813. These were all the "female" academies that were chartered in Tennessee before the establishment of the Nashville Academy. (Crew's "History of Nashville.") Nashville Female Academy The first school established in Nashville was organ- ized on the flag-boat of General James Robertson's pioneer fleet, by Mrs. Ann Robertson, and perhaps it may seem strange that any one should think of teaching children who were hourly exposed to danger of death from attacks of Indians, from drowning, from tempest, and perhaps from cold or starvation; but these stalwart backwoods people were building for the future. This unique traveling school landed 274 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION at Big Salt Lick on Sunday, Arpil 24, 1780, after a winter voyage of four months. Thus the city of Nash- ville had a school before its citizens had houses, and it is not surprising that the city became a center for educational enterprises, and famous for its schools and the culture of its citizens. Other excellent schools were soon opened in the rapidly growing town, but people desired something better, something of a high order for their girls, and early in the year 1816 they began to discuss the ad- visability and the possibility of establishing an Acad- emy for girls. The formation of a stock company was the plan adopted. The organization of this company was completed on July 4, 1816. The members of this corporation were Joseph T. Ellison, James Jackson, James Hanna, John Baird, Stephen Cantrell, Wilkins Tannehill (resigned and John Anderson admitted in his place), John E. Back, James Trimble, Samuel Clai- born, Thomas Childress, Elihu S. Hall, Samuel Elam, Thos. J. Read, John Childress, Robert Searcy, David Irwin, James Porter, John Nichol, John P. Ewin. Willie Barrow, Felix Grundy, George M. Deadrick, John C. McLemore, Robert Weakley, Robert White. In the charter immediately following, the subsequent names, making fifty in all, complete the original stock- holders of the Nashville Female Academy: M. C. Dunn, Joel Lewis, John Stump, Eli Talbot, John M. Smith, Andrew Hynes, Thomas Crutcher, Thomas Hill, Wash. L. Hannum, Thomas H. Fletcher, James Roane, Thos. Williamson, John Williamson, John Harding, Alpha Kingsley, Alex Porter, Thomas Ram- sey, Christopher Stump, David Vaughn, G. G. Wash- ington, N. B. Tryor, Alfred Balch, George A. Bedford, and Matthew Barrow. So liberally did these men contribute to this enter- prise that years later, when the money invested in the school was returned to the descendants of the original subscribers, $1,000 came to one family. Yet the worldly possessions of that man did not exceed $10,- OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 275 ooo ; in fact, none of these men was wealthy, but they realized the importance of a sound education. The school's grounds occupied a block, a little be- low what is now Tulane Hotel, east of the old Chatta- nooga depot, running from Church to McLemore and to Cedar street. The lawn, with its grassy turf, shaded by magnificent forest trees, was very beautiful. There were three separate buildings in front, the center one three stones, the others two stories. They had a front of 180 feet and extended back 280 feet, and were so arranged as to give sunlight to all the rooms. This rambling structure was of gray brick. The door- ways were colonial. There were no front verandas, though at the rear, where were several large additions, there were connecting galleries with paved courts. The building was handsomely fitted for school purposes. It contained a spacious chapel, a recreation hall, and other attractive features. No expense was spared by Dr. Elliott to make the school first class, and the build- ing suited to this purpose. When any new feature was presented, if he thought it would add to the cpmfort or convenience of the pupils, he immediately adopted it regardless of expense. It is estimated that during the twenty years of his connection with the school he spent $143,000 in improvements. The first principals were Dr. Daniel Berry and Mrs. Berry, formerly of Salem, Mass., from 1817 to 1819. The much-beloved Rev. William Hume was principal from the retirement of Dr. Berry until 1833, when his death occurred from cholera. Dr. R. A. Lapsley suc- ceeded him, and remained until 1838, when he retired on account of ill health. Rev. W. A. Scott was next principal, and remained until 1840, when Rev. C. D. Elliott and Dr. R. A. Lapsley became joint principals. Very soon Dr. Lapsley retired and Dr. Elliott became sole principal, and so continued until the close of the school in 1862. In 1840 there were enrolled 198 pupils; in 1860 there were 513 students, 256 of whom were boarders. 276 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION So popular was this school and the advantages offered so highly esteemed, that girls traveled hundreds of miles, making the trip by stage coach, private con- veyance, and on horseback, to enjoy the benefits to be derived from it. Dr. Elliott always employed the very best teachers he could find. He imported experts from the East, from England, from France, and from Italy. In or- der to keep in touch with the best talent and the best means of obtaining it, Dr. Elliott corresponded with Count Cavour and other prominent personages abroad. Sometimes the French and Italian women engaged knew not a word of English. They were sent over in care of the captain of the vessel, and forwarded to their destination. One of the ladies thus brought over was Madame Curso. Her daughter, Camille, was a young girl when she arrived at the Academy, and received her training there. She afterward taught music in the Academy, and later achieved celebrity as a violinist. Her first husband, a Mr. Tay- lor, was also instructor in music at the Academy and organist for the First Presbyterian Church. Though much attention was paid to music, art, and modern languages, the more solid branches were not neglected : The standard was high, and the students were thoroughly drilled in reading, mathematics, and Latin. Much attention was paid to reading, and the pupils usually became good readers. A prominent teacher of this study was Miss Collins, a Quakeress, who was an accomplished instructor and a charming woman. She introduced a " phonetic " reader. Doubt- less many of her old pupils can readily recall this unique character, always dressed in unobtrusive gray, and wearing her hair cropped in short ringlets. Most prominent of all the faculty, however, from length of service, and success, was Miss Lucy Lanier. The name of Miss Lanier appears on the di- plomas of both mothers and daughters in a number of instances. One is that of Miss Emmeline Hill, after- OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 277 ward Mrs. Mortimer Hamilton, in 1831, and on that of her daughter, Mrs. Leonora Hamilton Daviess, in 1859. Miss Lanier was, in commercial phrase, an A i teacher. She estimated her pupils according to their ability and adapted her teaching to their mental calibre. As an instance of her sagacity it is said that she singled out Miss Mary Murfree as perhaps the brightest mind she ever taught. Miss Ann Lanier, Miss Lanier's sister, was also a member of the faculty, and the late Miss Fannie O'Brian, whose name is so much revered in Nashville, was presiding teacher for a number of years. The venerable Miss Martha O'Bryan was Dr. Elliott's pri- vate secretary, and Mrs. O'Bryan was also connected with the domestic department. * In the quaint language of that time, the assistant teachers were called officially " auxiliary tutoresses," and a very large number of these assistants have been connected with the school. For many years the faculty consisted of thirty-eight members, and during the last few years of the " old Academy " even a larger num- ber. The most cordial relations existed between Dr. El- liott and his teachers. He appreciated the nervous strain consequent upon teaching, and had a special row of rooms reserved for teachers. These rooms were aloof from the girls' quarters, hence the teachers could have rest and quiet. Ten years were required to complete the entire course, and many of the pupils have this record to their credit two years in the primary department, four for the academic, four for the collegiate depart- ment. There were two sessions a day, from g to 12 A. M. and from 2 to 4 P. M., and holidays were rare. There was one day's vacation at Christmas. While the mind was studiously cultivated, the phys- ical development was by no means neglected. The lawn afforded a pleasant opportunity for such games as " battledore and shuttlecock," " grace hoops," and 278 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION other games of that period, and the girls were en- couraged to indulge in them. However, Dr. Elliott was not satisfied with this voluntary exercise, but deemed some systematic drill necessary, and imported a teacher from Boston to teach calisthenics; and he deemed dancing among the girls not promiscuous dancing one of the best forms of physical culture, and well suited for a school exercise. The recreation hall was 120 feet long and 40 feet wide, and had a gallery at one end and a platform at the other. There was a piano, and a " dancing piano " ; the latter ground out polkas, mazurkas, reels, and other old-fashioned dances, by turning a crank. In this hall the girls danced three-quarters of an hour every evening after supper. Much stress was laid on dignity and grace of carriage, and awkwardness was carefully corrected. Courtesy was demanded from every one connected with the school, and honor was the atmosphere of the school. A matron could not enter a pupil's door with- out knocking and waiting for permission; correspon- dence was sacred ; no teacher was allowed to accept a present with a money value from a pupil, nor correct a pupil in the presence of others. There never were any run-away matches, nor was a breath of scandal connected with the school. This school was never endowed, but depended en- tirely on tuition fees ; yet annually there were admitted five daughters of Masons, five daughters of Odd-Fel- lows, and all the daughters of ministers actively en- gaged in the ministry. Notwithstanding the discipline was very strict, the girls were never allowed to speak to acquaintances when they took their daily walks or attended McKen- dree Church, or other churches, there were red-letter days when they were released from restraint. One of these days was in 1825, when General La- fayette visited Nashville, and was received at the Acad- emy; another occurred in 1846, when the girls of the OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 279 Academy made the gift of a handsome flag to the First Regiment of Mexican Volunteers. Another grand event was in 1851, when Jennie Lind, the " Swedish Nightingale," gave three concerts in Nashville, under the management of P. T. Barnum, in the new Adelphi Theatre. The tickets were sold at $6 apiece, and the best seats were sold at auction at $200 apiece, but ar- rangements were made for the boarders to attend the concert. A patriotic event was the presentation by the school, in June, 1861, of a handsome silk flag made by the pupils to the First Regiment of Confed- erate Volunteers. The annual May-Day picnic was a great event, and commencement was a grand occasion. These exer- cises required three or four days, as each pretty maiden was scheduled to read an original essay, a number appearing on each programme, on the installment plan. A list of the graduates and the titles of their essays was recently published in the Nashville Banner, and makes interesting reading. The diplomas bore curious Cupid devices with curv- ing wings in pen and ink drawings, and many are still preserved. They were duly dated, signed, and sealed by the faculty and trustees. The following is the quaint form used in the inscription : " These presents shall certify to all whom they may concern that has completed the course of study prescribed by the in- stitution, and that her diligence in pursuit of knowl- edge and her uniform good conduct whilst a member of the Academy may receive their appropriate reward, we have granted unto and conferred upon her this diploma, as a testimonial of our approbation of her correct deportment and of her literary attainments." When Fort Donelson was captured the citizens of Nashville were dazed. Doubtless many thought the end of time had arrived. The news was read at the churches Sunday morning. While others were inac- tive, Dr. Elliott worked, and by night he had obtained cars, and all the boarders of the Academy were safely 280 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION on their journey home. As soon as the invading army entered the city Dr. Elliott and four prominent citi- zens were arrested and thrown in the city prison, and later sent to Camp Chase; the Academy was stripped of its furniture, and the fine pianos were shipped North. His family remained for a time in the dis- mantled building, but were finally forced to leave it by an adverse decision. For one year, 1866, at the close of the struggle, a school was carried on in the name of the trustees of the Academy, but then discon- tinued, the United States Government still occupying the " Old Academy," and a suit was pending. This suit, when decided, sent Dr. Elliott out a ruined man financially, a broken man in prospects, but still the possessor of ardent convictions and loyalty to his State. The old Academy degenerated into a boarding- house, and later was demolished to make room for business houses. A sketch of the " Old Academy " would scarcely be complete without some mention of Dr. Elliott's life and character. His parents emigrated from Maryland to Butler County, Ohio, where Dr. Elliott was born in 1810. He was not at all fond of mentioning his birthplace, he was such an ardent Southerner. He received his collegiate training at Augusta College, Kentucky. Afterward he taught in LaGrange College, Georgia, for a number of years, and resigned this position to take up work in the Nashville Academy, where he spent twenty-two years of the prime of his life. Dr. Elliott's baptismal name was Collins, but while at college he added D. to his name for another initial, and to make the alphabetical order correct, C. D. E. He attained at one time a fortune, and his yearly profit from his school in 1860 was $25,000. His home when not residing at the Academy was what is now the Protestant Orphan Asylum, then a palatial residence surrounded by a large yard enclosed in a rustic cedar rail fence, which was one of the owner's OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 281 prides. When residing there he went to and from the Academy in a buggy drawn by a black thoroughbred, driven by a faithful retainer. When once convinced that a course of action would be a proper course, he allowed nothing to turn him from his course. He demonstrated this in the case of allowing the boarders to dance. The Methodist Church, of which he was an ordained minister, dismissed him from her com- munion. He neither complained of nor resented this action, and during the severance of his church relation- ship he joined no other church, but quietly pursued the even tenor of his way, allowing the dancing and beginning the school exercises with religious service and closing with the same, and having family prayers before "retiring for the night. A few years later he was lovingly reinstated. Dr. Elliott believed in the observance of the small courtesies of life, and he greeted his pupils with the gracious courtesy due to ladies. When school was dismissed the pupils formed a line and marched past the platform, each making a curtsy, to which he re- sponded with a courteous bow. To his slaves he was a kind and loving master, and the bond of friendship between them was severed only by death. Dr. Elliott retained his mental vigfor unimpaired un- til he passed away, July 31, 1899. He was survived by several children, who with many of his old pupils ren- dered him loving service in his sweet-spirited old age. His faithful servant, Henry Trabue Porterfield, was his honorary pall-bearer, following veterans from the First Tennessee Regiment, walking close to the cof- fin. The pall was a Confederate flag, on which rested a beautiful tribute from pupils of the Academy. (A long description of the " Old Academy " and a sketch of Dr. Elliott was published in the 'Nashville Banner in July, 1906, and from that this sketch was taken. ) 282 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION CHAPTER XXV Institutes and Colleges Columbia Institute, Columbia, Tennessee, 1836-1908 THE Institute is situated on a terraced hill in the suburbs of Columbia. The building is a castellated structure, unique in architecture, having been de- signed by an English architect, after a foreign model. Since the erection of the original building, seventy-two years ago, two memorial halls have been erected; the first the Museum, a memorial to Bishops Leonidas Polk and James Harvey Otey, of the Protestant Epis- copal Church; the second, Margaretta Bowles Memo- rial Hall. Columbia Institute was established in 1836 by Bish- ops Polk and Otey, who were desirous to establish a school for girls, of collegiate grade, which would be under the direction of the Episcopal Church. Bishop Otey was especially interested in this work. In 1852 he wrote : *' I have spent the best energies of my soul and passed the most vigorous years of my life in its [the Institute's] cause, or it would have been hope- lessly ruined by its load of debt. For five or six years I have labored incessantly, being sometimes absent for six months from my home and family in my ef- forts to raise funds for its relief. I have worked hard and worked long without hope of fee or reward other than the humble expectation of being serviceable to the people among whom Providence has cast my lot/' (See " Higher Education in Tennessee.") Another devoted friend of the Institute was Miss Margaretta Bowles. Miss Bowles was a lady of leisure and culture, who had spent many years and large sums OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 283 of money in collecting a museum which comprised cabinets of minerals, rocks, and fossils; of zoology, illustrating all the sub-kingdoms, and especially rich in ornithology ; a botanical collection containing speci- mens from every part of the world ; an anatomical cab- inet and a collection of curios and virtu. The most valuable of the last named are the celebrated ala- baster vase from the Medici collection, the Portland vase, and an Etruscan cist between 2,500 and 3,000 years old ; a statue of Cupid by Gibson and a few original paintings by Cana, Gainsboro, and Carter. Miss Bowles also collected a library of 10,000 vol- umes, compiled with a view to its educational uses, and containing old and rare books. Among these are two works of Erasmus, " The Praise of Folly " and the New Testament, Froben edition, published in 1530; the first English translation of " Don Quixote," published in London in 1612; the Black Letter Bible of 1690; the Breeches Bible of 1582; the Prayer of St. Nersetis, in thirty-three languages, published in the Arminian Convent of Venice; Boydell's Shakespeare, which has now become so rare as to bring $500; and Beda's Ecclesiastical History in the original Latin, and many other ancient books of equal value and in- terest. Miss Bowles wished to bequeath this collection to some school, and after visiting many schools in the South she selected the Institute as the school to which she would donate the collection. She also taught gratuitously in the Institute for nine years, and be- queathed to it all her unentailed estate. The building was occupied and much abused by the Federal troops during the war between the States. As soon as it could be repaired after the withdrawal of the troops, school was again begun. With this in- termission the school has been in active operation since its opening in 1836. It has always been a char- tered institution, having the power to confer degrees, and has always granted diplomas ; though now it does 284 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION not claim to be a modern college, but a preparatory school. The course adopted was the usual A. B. course of the colleges for men, modified by substituting French for Greek and adding courses in music and art. This course has been still further modified by the adop- tion of modern methods and the addition of the busi- ness and domestic science departments. The present principal, Miss Mary A. Bryant, says : " We do not claim to be a college, but we are a church school. Believing that thoroughness is necessary to the formation of Christian character, we endeavor to do thorough preparatory work to make a home school where the best formative influences are to be found, where the education is sound, and the moral and spirit- ual culture is uplifting and helpful." Hozvard College, Gallatin, Tennessee, 1837-1908 Howard College was established in 1837. It be- came the property of the Odd Fellows and was char- tered in 1856. It has had a number of prominent educators as its presidents and members of its facul- ties. One of the most successful presidents was Prof. A. M. Burney, who took charge of the College in 1882, and administered its affairs until his death in 1895, leaving it in a flourishing condition. The course of study is divided into primary, inter- mediate, and collegiate. In addition to the regular course, there will be offered a normal course, includ- ing school law and theory and practice of teaching". The equipment provides for the departments of art, music, elocution, and physical culture. The degrees conferred are Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts. Appropriate degrees will be con- ferred upon students who complete the course of study in the music, elocution, and art departments, provided they are good English scholars and have met the other requirements of the school. OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 285 The College buildings and grounds belong to Howard Lodge, No. 13, I. O. O. F., at Gallatin, Tennessee, and the College is conducted under the auspices of the Grand Lodge of Tennessee. The re- lation of the order to the College is, therefore, that of a fostering patron; but it extends the same advantages and privilege to all students, regardless of church re- lations or section. Free tuition in the literary depart- ment is offered to all worthy orphans of the order. (This sketch was taken from the catalogue for 1901- 1902.) Clarksville Female Academy, Clarksville } Tennessee, 1846-1908 The first exclusively girls' school in Clarksville was " Mrs. Killebrew's boarding and day school for young ladies." Mrs. Killebrew was the daughter of Rosanna and Daniel Barry of Bardstown, Kentucky, where Mr. -Barry was a famous teacher of the classics. Many most elegant women were educated at this school, which continued until 1835. In 1833 Dr. L. D. Ring taught a high school for girls at the Masonic Hall. It was called " high " be- cause he taught the classics, including French. Dr. Ring deserves credit for the amount of solid instruc- tion he gave the young people who attended his school. In 1835 Rev. Mr. Russell and wife taught success- fully a female academy in Masonic Hall. This school continued a year or two, when Mrs. Whitman taught there " The Masonic Female Institute." In 1842 Mrs. Eugenia Poston, one of the most impressive and characteristic educators of Clarksville, taught a " school for young ladies." She certainly laid the solid foundation of many excellent educations. White Hall, a select boarding and literary school for young women, six miles in the country, was estab- lished and managed by Miss Mollie Ward, with pro- ficient assistants. For years she collected and faith- fully taught, not only pupils from this, but all Southern 286 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION States. Wherever her pupils entered, after being trained for any length of time under the White Hall discipline, they took high standing. There were teachers of music, Professors Wendle and Herblin, and French Professors, Guillet and Manton,'all graduates from the old country. Clarksville was advancing in material wealth, pioneer days had passed, and there arose a general clamor for more permanent and advanced schools. The representative people seriously discussed the matter, and declared, " We must have improved home schools for young people." Under the leadership of Rev. Henry Beaumont, a local Methodist preacher, measures were taken to establish an academy for girls. The re- sult was the Clarksville Female Academy, as a char- tered institution of learning, was organized in 1846, the charter having been granted by the Tennessee Legislature of that year. The necessary funds were raised by a stock company, chiefly by the efforts of the Methodists of the town and vicinity, liberally aided by other denominations, and many of no denominational proclivities. The Tennessee Annual Conference of the Methodist Epis- copal Church South took thirty-two shares of stock $800 in the institution. The Academy opened auspiciously, and was satisfactorily conducted with constantly increasing attendance until 1852, when the charter was amended, and the institution reorganized. In 1854 a new board of directors was elected and the capital stock largely increased, and the trustees were enabled to enlarge the building. During the first decade of its existence the Acad- emy had three presidents, and began the second decade under the management of Rev. A. L. Hamilton of Alabama. From 1856 to 1861 the Academy enjoyed great prosperity. The annual enrollment was between three and four hundred, between two and three hun- dred of whom were boarders. During this period, lec- tures, " soirees musicale," and literary evenings with OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 287 social features added, were in order, and the week of examinations at the end of the long term was con- cluded with a grand " reception." The school was closed by the war and the building was used as a hospital for Federal troops. In 1866 the building was repaired, and school opened October, 1866, with very good prospects, with Rev. J. B. West, D. D., principal. In 1882 the old building was replaced by a commo- dious modern building, furnished with suitable appli- ances for teaching. The course of study is divided into primary, including kindergarten; intermediate, two years ; academic, two years ; collegiate, four years, and post-graduate courses. To these courses are added the schools of music, art, elocution, and voice culture. When Mrs. Buford took charge of the school in 1884 she introduced the university course of Bible study. She also raised the standard to suit modern requirements. The literary society of the Academy in ante bellum days was called The Irving, in honor of Washington Irving. The literary societies of the present time are, the Philolethian motto, " The beaten track is the safe one " ; the Hypatian motto, " To be is better than to seem." These societies edit The Academian, a period- ical that would do credit to any college class. The original charter granted the Academy power to confer honors, certificates, diplomas, and degrees upon all worthy students of the school. The curriculum adopted was the curriculum required to obtain the de- gree of A. B. The degree of A. M. is conferred upon post-graduates. The degree of B. M. (Bachelor of Music) is conferred upon those who finish the course in music on the piano; the degree of B. P. (Bachelor of Painting) is conferred upon those who finish the course in painting : the degree of M. E. L. upon those who finish an English course. Although not so called, the Academy has always been a college. ("History of Clarksville Academy," by Mrs. 288 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION Nannie H. William. Catalogues and correspond- ence. ) Rogersville Synodical College, Rogersville, Tennessee, 1849-1908 Rogersville Synodical College is a corporation, char- tered under the laws of the State of Tennessee, and is authorized to confer degrees, diplomas, and other hon- orary testimonials, and the possessors of these honors shall be entitled to all of the privileges and immunities allowed by statute and usage to the recipients of like testimonials from other colleges of the State. The College is the property of the Synod of Nashville (Presbyterian), and is under direct control of a board of trustees appointed by the Synod, whose object is the maintenance of a first-class college for girls in the interest of Christian education. (Catalogue for 1901- 1902.) This school was organized in 1849 by the Odd Fel- lows, whose purpose was to establish a non-denomina- tional school of collegiate grade for girls. Although the school was very successful, the cost of the buildings far exceeded the expectation of the founders and they determined to sell the property. It was purchased by a joint stock company composed of the membership of the Old and New School Presbyterians of the town, and continued to prosper until the Federal troops oc- cupied East Tennessee. After the war the property was sold several times before it came into the posses- sion of its present owners. The school was in a languishing condition until the incumbency of Rev. J. W. Bachman, D. D., in 1871-74, but since that time its growth has been rapid but steady. The buildings have been remodeled and sup- plied with modern conveniences. The property is valued at $6o,coo and is free from debt. The school has had almost uninterrupted prosperity, having never been closed since its commencement in 1849. I* nas OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 289 had a long line of presidents, the first of whom was Rev. Wm. D. Jones, D. D., and the thirteenth Rev. T. P. Walton, the present incumbent all of them, except Prof. H. B. Todd and Mrs. F. A. Ross, minis- ters of the Gospel. The school now has prospects for greater usefulness and success than ever. (Sources of information are Merriam's "Higher Education in Tennessee," catalogues, and letters from Rev. T. P. Walton.) Mary Sharp College, Winchester, Tennessee, 1850- 1908 This college was established under the name of The Tennessee and Alabama Institute, in Winchester, Tennessee, in 1850. Dr. Z. C. Graves was the first president. He began under very discouraging circum- stances, as the building was not finished for three years after the opening of the school, it owned no apparatus or " helps " of any kind, and had no funds. After a time Mrs. Mary Sharp, a wealthy widow, made a gift to the school, and its name was changed to Mary Sharp College. This college claims to be a real college, having the same curriculum and requiring the same amount of work for the degrees of A. B. and A. M. as is required in colleges for men. The standard of scholarship has always been high, the courses of study comprehensive and advanced, the training careful and thorough. The course in mathematics is quite severe. The high standard and the success of the school is mainly due to Dr. Graves, who had great gifts as a teacher; how- ever, he had able colleagues, who contributed much to the success of the school. Mary Sharp claims that she was the first college that made Greek a requisite for graduation. She appealed to Hon. John Eaton, Com- missioner of Education, to sustain her claim, and he answered that no college that had communicated with 290 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION his office had made Latin and Greek a sine qua non for the degree of A. B. prior to 1853. While the standard of literary excellence has been high, comparatively little attention has been paid to music and art ; and so far as the writer could ascertain, Mary Sharp has not extended her curriculum so as to embrace practical or commercial courses of study. Mary Sharp has had three presidents. Dr. Z. C. Graves, who was president thirty-nine years, was suc- ceeded by Rev. John L. Johnson, D. D., LL. D. ; Dr. Johnson resigned in 1891 and was succeeded by Rev. Otis Malvin Sutton. Mary Sharp is a Baptist insti- tution. It sustains no official relation to the church, but two-thirds of its twenty-five trustees must be Bap- tists. The College is sustained entirely by tuition fees, never having had an endowment fund. .(The writer has had a knowledge of the require- ments of Mary Sharp for some years, having prepared pupils for entrance to the College. For a more de- tailed account see Merriam's " History of Higher Edu- cation in Tennessee.") Cumberland Female College, McMinnville, Tennessee, 1850-1908 Cumberland College was organized in 1850 and placed under the management and control of the Mid- dle Tennessee Synod of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. It was located in the town of McMinnville, in Middle Tennessee, at the foot of the Cumberland range, which is in full view east and south. The war forced the school to close and left of its building noth- ing but naked walls. Despite the disheartening pros- pect, the building was refitted and the school reopened, and it is now on a firmer basis than ever. In 1888 the board of trustees leased the property and trans- ferred the financial management to the Cumberland Female College Association for a term of years, re- taining for themselves only such duties as the char- OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 291 ter renders obligatory. The College has in all depart- ments twelve teachers. It has had five presidents. (From catalogue.) Brownsville College, Brownsville, Tennessee, 1851 In 1850 the Baptist Church in Brownsville sub- scribed $io,oco for the purpose of securing the loca- tion of a college for girls in or near Brownsville. What action the Baptist General Convention took in this matter is not now known. However, the Browns- ville school obtained a charter in 1852 under the legal name of West Tennessee Baptist Female College. The members of the first board of trustees were ap- pointed by the West Tennessee Baptist Convention. Thereafter the board was self-perpetuating. The school remained the property of the West Tennessee Baptist Convention until the latter was merged in the Baptist General Convention of Tennessee in 1874. Since that time it has been owned by the Brownsville Baptist Church, although controlled by the self-per- petuating board of trustees. The College was opened in September, 1851, with Rev. Harvey Ball, professor of languages, in charge. Rev. John B. White, A. M., president of Wake For- est College, North Carolina, was called to the presi- dency, but owing to sickness in his family did not definitely enter upon his duties until September, 1853. Rev. Dr. William Shelton was president from 1856 to 1866. During the war the college was suspended and Dr. Shelton taught a private school in the buildings. Brownsville College was fortunate enough not to suffer any loss to her grounds and buildings from war. The most elementary instruction is given, at the same time calculus, Greek, astronomy, and Anglo- Saxon are taught. For Mistress of Arts, the highest degree of the institution, successful examinations must be passed in the schools of English, Latin, French, German, natural science, mental and moral science, HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION mathematics, history, political economy, and civics. Greek, calculus, Anglo-Saxon, and Spanish are offered as optional studies. (Merriam's " Higher Education in Tennessee.") Tennessee Female College, Franklin, Tennessee Tennessee Female College was established chiefly through the efforts of John Marshall, a gifted lawyer of Franklin. The school was placed under the patron- age of the Tennessee Annual Conference of the Metho- dist Episcopal Church South. "The ownership of the property was vested in a stock company. The school was chartered in 1856 and opened in 1857. John M. Sharp was the first president and a Mr. Callendar the second. After the fall of Fort Donelson the school was closed, and after the battle of Franklin the college buildings were used as a hospital for wounded soldiers. The school was opened again in 1865, but did not prosper under the management of Mr. Callaghan, and in 1868 the property was sold to Dr. R. K. Hargrove for $10,000, the amount of its indebtedness. The school remained under the management of Dr. Har- grove and Professor William J. Vaughn, now of Van- derbilt University, for twelve years. They raised the standard of the institution above the ordinary schools for girls in Tennessee. In 1880 Mrs. M. E. Clark leased the property for five years and at the expiration of her lease it was purchased by Mr. Thomas Edger- ton. In 1886 the buildings were burned. It was re- built by a stock company and the school continued under the management of Mr. Edgerton. In 1893 the school was leased by Rev. Wilbur F. Wilson, under whose management it still remains. The course of instruction includes primary, inter- mediate, and collegiate departments. It also has facili- ties for instruction in music and art. (Merriam's " Higher Education in Tennessee.") OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH Soule College, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, 1852-1908 The predecessor of this college was " The Old Acad- emy " on the hill. It was chartered in 1830. (See Records of Rutherford County.) In 1852 the charter of this academy was amended so as to grant the power of conferring degrees and all the privileges usually granted to colleges, and Soule College was established. The buildings were not com- pleted until 1853. About the middle of the session of 1852-53 the school was transferred to the new build- ing. The presidents were: Prof. J. R. Finley, 1852- 1853; Rev. S. D. Baldwin, 1853-1856; Prof. C. W. Callendar, 1856-1858; Rev. George E. Naff, 1858 Feb., 1862. The war suspended the exercises from February, 1862, to January, 1866. Rev. J. R. Plum- mer, 1866-1868; Rev. D. D. Moore, 1868-1874; Rev. J. D. West, 1874-1877; Rev. B. R. Thomson, 1877- 1889; Rev. Z. C. Graves, 1889-1892; Miss O. V. Wardlaw, A. M., 1892 Mr. Baldwin was the author of " Armageddon." Dr. Graves had made a reputation for building up schools at Mary Sharp, and the management secured his services to restore Soule College to its former flourishing state. Thus for a time the school passed into the hands of the Baptists; but it was not in the nature of human events that a school named Soule and baptized in that name, could be merged and sub- merged, and after a while it emerged and found its proper place under the management of Miss Wardlaw. The first graduating class, 1853, consisted of Miss Josephine Plummer and Miss Sallie Higgins. Mrs. Sue F. Mooney in a letter to the author says of Miss Wardlaw's management, " It would be impossible to say too much in praise of this administration, both as to regime, religion, home life of students and financial management. I think it in all these respects a model school, and I know whereof I speak." Mrs. Mooney 294 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION was a member of the second graduating class, a teacher in the institution, and has always had much interest in the school. Preparatory and academic schools are conducted in connection with Soule College; and in addition to the regular college curriculum there are the departments of music, art, and elocution. The degrees conferred are A. B. and B. S. and the course in art, music, and vocal music leads to a diploma. The school again became the property of the M. E. Church South in 1904. (The information contained in this sketch was ob- tained from a letter from Mrs. Mooney, one from Mr. De Jarnatt, and a catalogue sent by Miss Wardlaw.) Columbia Athenaeum, Columbia, Tennessee, 1852- 1908 The Columbia Athenaeum was opened on September i, 1852. Its founder, Rev. Franklin G. Smith, a graduate of Princeton College, and his no less accom- plished wife, Sarah Ann Smith, had previous to this time achieved enviable reputation as teachers not only in Columbia, but in Lynchburg, Virginia. In 1858 the Legislature of the State granted a char- ter to the Columbia Athenaeum, giving full university privileges, with power to confer degrees. In August, 1866, Rev. Franklin G. Smith closed his earthly labors, leaving to his wife the direction of the school, which trust was successfully administered until her decease in January, 1871, when the Athenaeum passed under the personal direction of their eldest son, Robert D. Smith. The Athenaeum of to-day, there- fore, fairly represents and embodies the accumulated experience of more than half a century in the care and training of the young. While it keeps abreast with the progressive tendency of the times, it is pervaded, nevertheless, by the traditions of an honorable past that renders its policy conservative, as befits the alma OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 295 mater of our daughters, now numbered by the thou- sands, and widely scattered both in this and foreign lands. The Athenaeum grounds, comprising about sixteen acres of high rolling land, are located at the western edge of Columbia, the county-seat of Maury County, Tennessee. The school buildings occupy a broad eminence com- manding an extensive view of the town and surround- ing country. They consist of Study Hall, a Doric structure; Davis Hall, the boarding department; rotunda, pavilion, gymnasium, and rectory. The grounds and buildings are valued at $100,000. Be- sides the gymnasium building and its numerous appli- ances, there are a tennis court and croquet grounds. The library contains 10,000 volumes, and is one of the appointed depositories of the United States Govern- ment publications. The museum contains specimens in all departments of natural history. It is a very valuable collection, properly classified and labelled. Chemical, physical and astronomical apparatus, costing $6,000, include all that is necessary for experiments in the department of physical science. The art depart- ment contains a fine collection of the finest paintings. The music department is well equipped. The commer- cial and industrial departments are supplied with all necessary material for conducting and illustrating actual business. The course of instruction is divided into a primary course of three years, a preparatory course of four years, and a collegiate course of four years. The de- grees granted are B. A., B. S., and B. Lt. The annual enrollment during the fifty years of the Athenaeum's history has varied from 125 to 30. In- cluding the president the Athenaeum employs twenty- three officers and teachers. 296 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION CHAPTER XXVI Early Schools in Texas FOR a time both Spaniards and the French claimed Texas, but the Spaniards succeeded in establishing their claim, and they rapidly increased settlements not only in the southern part of Texas, but established some settlements in the northern and eastern parts of the State. These settlements were called sometimes " Presidios " and sometimes " Missions " ; in reality they were both. No settlement could be made without a " presidio " or garrison for soldiers ; and usually wherever a presidio was located a church was built near by, and in connection with the church a monastery for the priests; the whole, including many acres of land, was enclosed by a wall. At each of these " pre- sidios " there was a school ; not a literary school, but a school to teach the tenets of the Roman Catholic faith ; a school for the conversion of the Indians to that faith. Church and state were firmly united in Mexico at that time, and the church allowed no schools to exist save those taught by priests, and if any attempt was made to violate the law, the teacher and patrons were liable to heavy fine or imprisonment or both. Therefore, schoolhouses were seldom if ever built, and schools were taught in private residences, or under the trees. The first American school in Texas was taught under four large oaks which grew near a residence in the vicinity of Victoria. The text-books were just what any pupil happened to have; some of the books were Pike's Arithmetic, Murray's Grammar, Smith's Grammar, Peter Parley's History, and the Bible; there were a few slates, but no blackboard ; however, everybody had a " blue-back speller." With this slender equipment the pioneer OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 297 children were prepared for the stern realities that awaited them, and judging from the results obtained, they were well prepared. After Texas gained her independence schools multi- plied rapidly; of course all primary schools were co- educational, and the schools of higher grade were co- educational or not, according to the views of the sec- tion of the State in which they were located. The American population usually settled in colonies, and when single families immigrated to Texas they drifted to the colonies that had emigrated from their own section of the country. These colonies retained the opinions and practices of the home section on edu- cational methods, politics, and religion. Hence in dif- ferent sections of Texas widely different views on these subjects were entertained. This was particularly noticeable in regard to schools. In some sections all schools were co-educational, in others separate schools for boys and girls were maintained. Notwithstanding the Republic of Texas made liberal provision for schools, the early schools of a higher grade were denominational schools. The Methodists entered this field of activity at an early date. Rev. Martin Ruter, first missionary to Texas, visited Houston in the latter part of 1837, and preached before Congress and made a fine impression on the officers of the government. Consulting with leading men, he laid plans for the establishment of a literary institution. However, these plans did not def- initely locate the institution in Houston, though that seems to have been Dr. Ruter's intention. After his death in May, 1838, his friends formed a company, and bought a league of land near Rutersville, and located the college there. The school was opened to pupils in the fall of 1838, and its charter was approved February 5, 1840, undei the name of Rutersville College, and according to the terms of the charter it had the usual powers granted to colleges. 298 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION By the liberality of the Texas Congress and private individuals, Rutersville College received a large en- dowment of land ; but the trustees had no money, and this land was sold and bartered to erect buildings, to pay teachers, and pay mechanics. Good buildings were erected and the best teachers available employed, and thus the endowment was expended, and the people had the benefit of a good school, that exerted no in- considerable influence throughout central and western Texas. After the endowment was expended the school be- came dependent on tuition fees, and in 1847 ceased to be a Conference school, but continued until 1850, when it was consolidated with the Monumental Institute, a school established on an undenominational basis. This school retained the original charter powers of the Rutersville College, and the charter was amended August 6, 1856, changing the name to Monumental and Military Institute, otherwise retaining the same powers. This last arrangement continued until 1861, when the majority of the men left college halls for the army. This so much reduced the number of students that the school did not reopen in the fall, and the con- ditions during the Reconstruction period were such as to forbid any attempt to reopen the college. Thus passed out of existence the first college established in Texas. McKenzie Institute, Clarksville, Texas, 1840-1908 McKenzie Institute was commenced as a private co- educational school by Rev. J. W. P. McKenzie, near ClarksVille, Red River County, in 1839 or 1840. It soon became very popular, and the annual attendance was from 200 to 300. The school had been in active work about fifteen years when Mr. McKenzie applied for a charter, which was approved February 5, 1854. The charter name was McKenzie Institute, but it was really a college, as the charter granted the power to grant diplomas and confer degrees. OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 299 In 1859 Dr. McKenzie donated the buildings and grounds, valued at $40,000, to the trustees for the East Texas Conference. In 1860 the charter was amended by changing the name to McKenzie College. This school was always co-educational. The War between the States very materially inter- fered with the prosperity of the school, and the attend- ance has never been so large since 1860 as it was prior to that date. The school is now correlated with the Southwestern University, and recognized as a training school for that institution. Chappell Hill College, Chappell Hill, Texas, 1850-1908 In 1850 the citizens of Chappell Hill established schools for boys and girls. These schools were suc- cessful as to numbers, and were taught by the best teachers obtainable. While the schools were satisfac- tory as grammar schools, the citizens desired some- thing higher a more advanced course for their chil- dren, and in 1855 Soule College for men and Chappell Hill Female College for women were established. These colleges were partially endowed, but this fund was rendered unavailable by the results of the War between the States ; however, the college for girls con- tinued to receive pupils, depending solely upon tuition fees. The first interruption to the work of the College was in 1867, when a visitation of yellow fever caused the closing of the school, and for a time it was dis- organized; but in 1870 it was reorganized, and still continues to do good work, though it is not now rec- ognized as a first-class college. * Paine Institute, Coliad, Texas, 1854 Another school of high grade established by the Methodists was Paine Institute, which was opened to pupils in 1854, and was chartered August 6, 1856. By the terms of this charter the Institute w r as empowered 300 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION to grant diplomas and to confer degrees. The school became popular immediately but labored under the dis- advantage of being in debt, until 1868, when the $2,000 then due was paid. This school had a fair degree of success for more than twenty-six years, then it was made a part of the public-school system. The next year, 1855, the Methodists established Paris Female Institute, in Paris, and the Starkville Female High School in Starkville. However, pre- vious to the establishment of these schools the same denomination had established Waco Female Academy in 1850. The charter of this school was approved December 31, 1850. No mention is made of honors in this charter, but it was amended or changed August 7, 1856, and then the name was changed to Waco Female Seminary, and the trustees were empowered to grant diplomas and confer degrees. The school then became the property of the Methodist Confer- ence. In the Acts of the Legislature of Texas, Volumes VII and VIII, may be found the charters of Waco Academy, granted August 15, 1856, and of the Union Female Institute, granted February 16, 1858; also the act by which the Academy, the Seminary previously mentioned, and the Waco Institute were consolidated. This act was passed February, 1860, and the name and style of the school henceforth was Waco Female Col- lege, which under this charter has all the powers and privileges usually granted to colleges. This school was never endowed, but for many years had a large patronage. Notwithstanding, a heavy debt was incurred, and in 1895 or 1896 the property was sold to liquidate this debt, and the school passed out of existence after a successful career of about one- half century. Another Methodist college for girls was Segiiin Col- lege, established in Seguin in 1858, and continued in successful operation until 1895, when the patronage OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 301 began to decrease, and somewhat later it was incor- porated in the public-school system. Wesley College, San Augustine, Texas, 1842 As Rutersville College was in the western part of the State, almost on the frontier, the Methodists thought best to establish a college in the northeastern part of the State. Accordingly, in 1842, they asked for a charter for a college to be located in San Augustine. As was Rutersville, so Wesley College was co-educa- tional. For a time it was very popular and gave to hundreds of young women an opportunity to acquire a collegiate training, which otherwise they could not have had. The College was not endowed, and depended en- tirely on tuition fees for its maintenance. There was trouble about the title, and the East Texas Conference relinquished all claims to the property; however, the school continued under local management and patron- age until 1868, when the buildings were destroyed by fire during the session of the East Texas Conference in San Augustine. Baylor College, Belton, Texas, 1845-1908 While the Methodists were the pioneers and actively engaged in establishing schools for boys and girls, the Baptists were not idle or indifferent. The first college established by them was Baylor College and Baylor University. The charter of this institution was granted by the Republic of Texas, February i, 1845. Thus the establishment of this college antedated the admission of Texas into the Union as a State. The design of the Baptist fathers in Texas was to establish in what was then a frontier region an institution of high rank for the education of their sons and daughters. Baylor College was at first only a department or 302 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION annex to the University; but this plan did not meet the approval of those interested in the school, and after a trial of twelve years of co-education the board of managers decided to make the departments separate schools, and the department for girls was chartered under the name of Baylor College, and committed to its own board of control and trustees. In 1851 Mr. Horace Clark was elected principal of the girls' department, and in 1867, when the College was established, he became its first president. He held this position some ten years. During this time the in- stitution gained a State-wide reputation. This institution was first located at Independence, but in 1885 the State Convention decreed the removal of the College to Belton. The citizens of Belton fur- nished the building. The buildings are a main building, a T-shaped structure of cut stone, three stories in height, modern in style of architecture, and furnished with modern conveniences. Surrounding this building are a num- ber of resident cottages, dining-hall, laundry, and en- gine-room; and just outside the campus are the alumnae cottages, seven in number ; a building for the accommodation of the industrial department of the college, " Cottage Home/' a building of cement blocks, three stories in height ; and a new administration build- ing. The equipment consists of chemical and philosophi- cal apparatus well suited for all experiments and illus- trations necessary for the study of the natural sciences; a museum, consisting of minerals, fossils, botanical and zoological specimens, and articles of his- toric or ethnological interest; a library of well-chosen books, selected from standard authors ; and each of the societies the Historical and Academia has a library, one of which is the Effie Smythe Memorial Library founded by Mr. T. V. Smythe in memory of his daughter Effie, who was a member of the Academia Society. There are also a reading-room, a large sup- OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 303 ply of instruments for the music department, and the necessary outfit for the art department. When Baylor College was a part of Baylor Uni- versity of course the curriculum was the same for boys and girls. After the separation the standard was not lowered, but raised if any change was made. It has always been an institution of high rank. The motto of the College has always been, " A liberal education with true womanliness." Its aim is to cultivate the intellect and at the same time to pre- serve and perfect the truest womanhood. The degrees conferred are Bachelor of Literature, Bachelor of Science, and Bachelor of Arts. Diplomas and certificates are conferred on pupils of music and art who complete the prescribed course in these depart- ments. The College also offers a post-graduate course, and on those who successfully complete this course the de- gree of M. A. Mistress of Arts is conferred. Baylor claims to be the pioneer in higher education of women in Texas, but this claim is not well founded. Rutersville College was founded seven years prior to the establishment of Baylor, and on the same plan co-educational. Though Rutersville did not obtain a charter when founded, it did obtain one prior to the establishment of Baylor. These three colleges Rutersville, 1838, Wesley College, 1842, and Baylor College, 1845 were tne three pioneer colleges established in Texas. The first and second were Methodist institutions. The interest in education, especially the education of girls, was increasing about as rapidly as the popula- tion was increasing, and during the decade from 1850 to 1860 eleven schools of high grade were established. With few exceptions these were discontinued by war. Some were merged into the public-school system as high schools; one yet remains independent. 304 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION Margaret Houston Female College, Danger-field, 1856 While the Methodists were busy establishing schools, the Baptists were not idle. They began very early to foster the cause of education, and established one col- lege in 1845, and another, the Margaret Houston, in 1856. This college was under the direct supervision of the Baptist Convention and a board of fifteen trustees ; the teachers were to be known as professors, and the property was limited to $300,000. The char- ter was approved August i, 1856. Undenominational Schools From the list of schools chartered by the Legislature the following list of schools for girls has been ob- tained : Union Academy, Washington County, chartered February 4, 1840. Wheelock Academy, Wheelock, Robertson County, 1847. Mount Vernon Academy, Titus County, January 24, 1850. Richmond Academy, Richmond, Fort Bend County, February 13, 1852. Bastrop Academy, Bastrop, January 24, 1852. This academy was established by an Educational As- sociation, and its charter granted the power to grant diplomas and confer degrees. Linden Academy, December 15, 1853. New Danville Masonic Academy, January 24, 1854. Comal Union School, San Marcos, Comal County, 1852. Shearn Union School, November 30, 1853. Undenominational Institutes and Colleges LaGrange Female Institute, LaGrange, Fayette County, 1846. Galveston Seminary, Galveston, Galveston County, OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 305 was an interdenominational school, though the Metho- dists were the leaders in the movement by which the school was established. Notwithstanding the fact that the Galveston City Land Company, at its first meeting April 13, 1838, set apart one block of land for a col- lege for men, and three valuable and eligible lots for a seminary for girls, the citizens did not make use of this valuable gift for some years after the city had attained considerable size. Schools by private indi- viduals were taught from 1838 and down to the present day, but no school of any importance was established in Galveston until 1843, when the Galveston Seminary was opened to pupils, with the Misses C. S. and E. M. Cobb as principals. The school obtained a charter in 1849, but it was not until 1857 that the new building erected on the ground donated in 1838 was ready for use. Masonic Female Institute, Marshall, Titus County, January 24, 1850. Cold Springs Collegiate Institute, Cold Springs, 1852. Conferred usual degrees. Henderson Female College, Henderson, Rusk County, 1856. Milam Institute, Cameron, Milam County, August 5, 1856. Mound Prairie Institute, 1856. This was a college proper, situated a short distance north of Palestine, Anderson County. It had " full powers to confer de- grees, and the rights and privileges of any college or university in the State." Private Schools Mrs. C. H. Wright, a teacher of many years' experi- ence and great reputation, took charge of the Mata- gorda Academy. This school had been in existence many years, but so far as the record shows never was chartered. Notwithstanding, the course was the usual academic course. 306 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION Several such schools were taught in Houston, and according to the advertisements in the Houston Tele- graph, these schools were of high-school grade; the modern and ancient languages and higher mathematics were taught. However, some were more popular and continued longer than others. Among this class was the school taught by Mr. A. M. Ruter and Miss C. Ruter, which commenced April 7, 1856, and continued several years. On the ist of October, 1856, Mr. and Mrs. Bolinger opened the Houston Male and Female Academy in the Masonic Temple on a permanent basis. This school seems to have been modeled on the collegiate plan; its divisions were primary, junior, middle and senior classes. The curriculum was in part : Algebra, geometry, natural and moral philosophy, chemistry, mensuration, trigonometry, Latin, French. Mr. James A. Bolinger, the principal of this school, was a native of Kentucky, and had made quite a reputation before casting his lot in Houston. His first announce- ment informed the citizens that they would have an opportunity to give their children a classical education. The name was changed to Bolinger Academy, and judging from the favorable notices of this Academy in the Houston Telegraph it had a successful career until closed by the chaos of Reconstruction days. Certainly there were some pleasant times connected with it. One of these was a May-day picnic in 1858. On this oc- casion the different classes were distinguished by badges the primary by green, the junior by pink, the middle by blue, and the senior by white ; and each class had a banner of the same color as its badge. The school formed in line on Court-house Square, and headed by Fisher's Band, marched to the Tap Road Station. A short run landed them in a grove near Bray's Bayou. Here eighty speeches by thirty queens and fifty knights were made, and ten dialogues recited. One of these is especially mentioned. It was supposed to be a conversation between a Yankee and a British OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 307 general; the boys representing these characters were Ed. Taylor and John Hale. After this exercise the dinner, which had been prepared by the parents of the pupils, was served. Unless the speeches were very short, the dinner must have been served about the middle of the afternoon, and by that time every one was very hungry. Houston Academy This seems to have been a favorite name for schools of higher grade than the common schools. Several schools established at different times and taught by different faculties have borne this name; but the one which has been known longest and the only chartered school of that name was established by an " Educa- tional Association " which was formed in the early part of 1853. The members of this Association were Col. Ashbel Smith, Messrs. Cornelius Ennis, L. J. Palmer, B. A. Shepherd, Wm. J. Hutchins, Wm. M. Rice, P. W. Gray, T. W. House, Sr., Henry Sampson, A. J. Burke, M. D. Conklin, Wm. Baker, B. B. Botts, L. J. Palmer, and some others whose names have not been recorded. A number of these men subscribed $1,000 each, and Mr. Ennis, or rather Mrs. Ennis, gave one block of ground instead of the money. The present Houston High School stands on the same block of ground. The Association elected a board of trustees, and of this board Mr. B. A. Shepherd was president. These trustees applied for a charter, which was approved August 29, 1856. This charter empowered the trustees to grant diplomas and to confer degrees. The building erected was a two-story brick struc- ture, and cost $30,000. The school was opened to pupils October, 1857, with Col. Ashbel Smith, prin- cipal, and a competent corps of teachers. Colonel Smith retained the position only a few months, and was succeeded by Mr. Petit, who continued in charge of the school until June, 1860, when he resigned and 808 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION was succeeded by Dr. J. R. Hutchison. Dr. Hutchi- son was removed by the military authorities of the Confederate States, who converted the building into a hospital. At the time of this removal Dr. Hutchison's enrollment was 150. After Dr. Hutchison left the Academy he taught a private school in Turner Hall K where he also preached to the Presbyterian congrega- tion until their church, which had been destroyed by fire, could be rebuilt. Although the school commenced in 1857, the school building was not completed until 1858. In the mean- time the school was taught in rooms in the Masonic Temple. In November, 1858, Mr. B. A. Shepherd, president of the board of trustees, announced through the columns of the Houston Telegraph that the build- ing was completed and would be occupied by the school December i, 1858. He also gives the views of the board and the friends of the institution. " The chief object of the Institution will be to impart a thorough English and practical education. Mathematics, pure and applied, will be taught to those wishing to acquire such knowledge, as extensively and as thoroughly as in any of the American colleges. Latin, Greek, French, and German will also be taught. A small chemical apparatus and a few philosophical instru- ments have been purchased and others will be bought as occasion requires." In 1865 the trustees regained possession of the building, and in the fall of that year once more school began, with Mr. J. A. Hancock as principal. The school flourished, and very soon the enrollment was 150, a large school for the size of the place. The school continued fairly prosperous, though other schools were established in the city. Some seven or eight small schools and two of equal grade with the Academy were taught in different parts of the city until 1879, when the citizens decided to adopt the pub- lic-school system. Then the Academy became the high school, and these small schools were city schools. OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 309 Much has been added to the curriculum of the " Old Academy," but the lovely old ladies who were the graduates of the old school compare very favorably with the " sweet girl graduates " to-day. Indeed, it would be very difficult to equal the record made by the women trained in the schools of the first half of the nineteenth century, no matter what the equipment or the methods, or courses of study. The schools mentioned in these sketches are not all the schools established for girls and women in the Southern States, but they are a sufficient number, and so widely scattered over the country that they will show the estimate put upon the education of girls in the Southern States before 1860, before modern sys- tems were introduced. 310 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION CHAPTER XXVII Early Schools in Virginia NOTWITHSTANDING the oft-repeated and generally received in some sections of our country statement that the Virginia colonists were opposed to schools, the very reverse is found to be true, as can be shown from old records still extant. Of course they had their own ideas concerning education; and being loyal English- men, they had no desire to abolish the customs of the mother country, or to ignore the teachings and tradi- tions of their fathers. They were almost without ex- ception loyal, devoted churchmen, whether they were Christians or not, and as the church taught the doc- trine that the education of children should be directed by the church and not by the state, of course they did not advocate free schools under state control. Governor Berkeley's oft-quoted remark, " God grant it may be many years before Virginia will have FREE schools," when correctly quoted applies to free schools and not to schools in general. Schools for girls as well as for boys were established in Norfolk, Williamsburg, Isle of Wight and other places early in the seventeenth century; yet the usual plan pursued was the employment of tutors, which was necessary because of the distances between plantations and from towns. However, Boone in his " Education in the United States " admits that within ten years after the settle- ment of Jamestown arrangements were made to estab- lish a college and a training school. A hundred labor- ers were sent over and were at work on the building, under the supervision of a superintendent appointed for the special purpose, and a president was elected OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 311 Rev. Patrick Copeland. Also, in 1621, a preparatory school was opened in Charles City. All these plans were completely overthrown by an Indian massacre which reduced the population from 10,000 to 8,coo, and deranged all the affairs of the colony. This calamity alone prevented Virginia from having the first college in the New World. After a time, when the colony recovered from the shock of this calamity, they renewed their efforts in behalf of education, and schools for boys and girls were estab- lished in all the towns, and free schools also. One of the earliest of the free schools was established in Isle of Wight, in 1655, and another in the same place in 1658. (Isle of Wight Records.) Notices of such schools are found in Williamsburgh Quarterly, Vir- ginia Gazette, and Isle of Wight Records. These schools began about the middle of the seventeenth cen- tury, and were established at intervals during the re- mainder of that century and the next, and even in the early part of the nineteenth century. They were en- dowed, and this endowment was sufficient to meet the demands. Both boys and girls were taught in these schools. So far as the record shows, the earliest schools exclusively for girls, of a higher grade than primary, were established in Norfolk and Richmond. Miss Whateley's Boarding School for Young Ladies was established in Richmond in 1776. (Virginia Gazette.) The following notice is given in " Richmond By- Gone Days," p. 204: "Haller's Academy, 1798-99. Haller was a Swiss or German adventurer who estab- lished an academy for girls in Richmond. He em- ployed good teachers; the teacher of French was Monsieur Fremont, father of Col. J. C. Fremont of Rocky Mountain fame." During the latter half of the eighteenth century (the exact date is not given) Mrs. Anne Maria Mead estab- lished a boarding school for girls in Norfolk. This became very popular, and most of the prominent Vir- 312 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION ginia girls as well as many girls from other States were educated in this school. The school passed into the hands of Mr. Le Fevre, the French teacher employed by Mrs. Mead. Later Mr. D. Lee Powell had charge of the same school ; then Mr. John H. Powell, and some others. At the present day Mr. Charles Wil- liamson has practically the same school. Lynchburg was laid out in 1787, and very early in its history began to give attention to education. The Lynchburg Star publishes several notices of schools very early in the nineteenth century, but does not men- tion whether for boys or girls. However, in 1815 John and Sarah Pryor opened a school for girls, and Mrs. Mary B. Deane also had a school for girls. The same year Rev. William S. Reid, a Presbyterian min- ister, established a school for girls of high grade. It was extensively patronized, and continued for many years. About 1820 Rev. Franklin G. Smith established the Lynchburg Seminary, a school of collegiate grade. In 1832 or 1833 he took charge of a school in Columbia, Tennessee, and then the school gradually declined. About 1820 the Methodists, under leadership of Bishop John Early, established the Buckingham Female Collegiate Institute. It was very prosperous, and continued many years. There were some other schools whose names only have been preserved, as Hayes's school for girls, which was flourishing in 1843 date of establishment not given. Miss Jane McKenzie's school was also a flourishing school of this period. The sister of Edgar Allan Poe attended this school early in the nineteenth century. George Persico taught a popular school for girls 1830-1840. These last mentioned were in Rich- mond. The interest in education so early manifested by the people of Lynchburg did not grow dull, but rather in- creased, and in 1829 the Misses M. A. and G. Gordon opened a school for girls. In 1848 this school had so OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 313 increased that they built a large brick house for its accommodation, and the name was changed to Lynch- burg Female Seminary. In 1836 Mrs. Botsford and Mrs. Kirkpatrick each had a school for girls. About 1850, or perhaps earlier, the Montgomery Female College at Christiansburg was established, and continued until closed by the War between the States. None of these schools issued catalogues, or if they did they have not been preserved, as none are now extant. Therefore, it is impossible to give the curric- ula or, any details of them. * Virginia Institute, Staunton, Virginia, 1833-1908 About 1833 or 1834 Mrs. Maria Sheffey "opened a school which became in 1843 tne Virginia Female In- stitute. The Episcopalians of Virginia deemed a diocesan school a necessity, and this school was incor- porated with a capital stock of $30,000 in shares of $100 each. The corner-stone was laid in May, 1846, the Masons and the Sons of Templars uniting in the procession. The early life of the Institute was not prosperous, the cost of a suitable lot and the buildings far exceed- ing the original estimate. The board sought relief from this financial embarrassment through the Con- vention of the Diocese of Virginia. New bonds were issued, and the public-spirited men of Staunton con- tributed liberally to this fund. Seven thousand dol- lars was raised and the diocese became the chief stock- holder. The Rev. James McElroy and Mrs. Sheffey were the first principals. Then Mr. B. B. Minor held the posi- tion for a short time. In June, 1848, the position was tendered to Rev. R. H. Phillips. In January, 1856, it was thought best to rent the property to some one who would become responsible for the management of the school. Rev. R. H. Phillips assumed the respon- 314 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION sibility and continued in charge until July, 1861, when the State of Virginia impressed the buildings for the use of the deaf, dumb and blind pupils whose own in- stitution in the town had been taken for a hospital. The school was not opened again until the fall of 1865, when the buildings were restored after a petition to the House of Delegates then sitting in Richmond. Under the wise and judicious administration of Mr. Phillips the school enjoyed a long season of prosperity. In 1870 a wing was added to be used for a mus'ic hall and studio. In 1874 Bishop Johns became presi- dent of the board, and Bishop Whittle, vice-president. Buring the next few years additions were made to the property and modern improvements were intro- duced. In i$$, after a faithful service f twenty-nine years, Mr. Phillips resigned on account of ill health, and on the 3*th *f March, 1880, Mrs. Stuart, widow of Gen. J. E. B. Stuart, was asked to take charge of the school. For more than eighteen years she held the position, and those who have been under her care know her wonder- ful fitne c s for it. Born and reared on the frontier, being the daughter of Gen. Philip St. George Cooke of the old Army, her military bias is great, and her vari- ous experiences during the War between the States, as the wife of a Confederate general, gave her a peculiar training in self-control, courage, and those stronger qualities which make up noble character. By a wonderful ability to read human nature and capacity for choosing, she surrounded herself with women of a very high order as teachers. It was her aim to secure only those whose gentle qualities of mind and soul might influence the young to develop the womanly traits for which the Southern woman has always been distinguished. The Institute is not a college proper, but the solid and faithful work done by it gives ample preparation for a higher college course. However, a diploma from the Institute means years of hard and faithful study. OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 315 Bishop Whittle never signed his name to one unless he was satisfied that it was merited. The Institute, confers three diplomas one for a course in English and Latin and one modern language ; one for English, and one for music. On February 16, 1898, the board met to consider the renewal of Mrs. Stuart's lease for another term of five years. This done, the important question of re- modeling and adding to the building was discussed and plans for raising the money on the property sub- mitted and officially acted upon. The plan adopted was to issue new bonds upon the property by first mortgage, by taking up the old debt. The building committee toc*k active steps toward the work decided upon, and in April, 1898, the first ground was broken for the new hall. The work went on through the spring and summer, but the opening day of the fifty- fifth session found it incomplete, and it was not until Thanksgiving that the new dining-hall was used for the first time, and the following Monday " Stuart Hall " was opened with its new desks and many com- forts. Few institutions are so blessed in a board of trustees and directors as Virginia Institute. These men are among Virginia's strongest characters, spiritually and intellectually. They embrace those foremost in church and state, and have given generously of their time and talent. A great sorrow came upon the Institution, the shadow of which cast a widespread gloom. Mrs. Stuart was called to sustain the greatest loss possible to her, in the death of her only daughter, who left her the care of three small children, and after deep and prayerful thought she decided she must give up the work which she had for nineteen years carried on so faithfully and successfully. She sent in her resigna- tion, but the board refused to accept it. A meeting was called April 4, 1899, but the business was so great that it lasted until the evening of the 5th. Mrs. 316 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION Stuart again sent in her resignation, which was ac- cepted after due deliberation. The school is well equipped, having twenty-one teachers and four officers, the same faculty Mrs. Stuait had with few exceptions. The buildings are four mas- sive four-story brick buildings, heated by steam and lighted with gas. They contain a chapel, large gymnasium, well furnished with necessary apparatus; ample music-rooms ; large class-rooms ; schoolrooms ; a new auditorium with large stage, art studio, library, and infirmary. The school organization consists of primary, aca- demic and collegiate departments. The academic re- quires three years, the collegiate four. In addition to these courses, the Institute has the departments of music, art, elocution and the commercial course; the last consists of book-keeping, stenography, and type- writing. In the sixty-two years of its existence the Institute has had only five principals, Mr. McElroy and Mrs. Sheffey, associate principals, Mr. Phillips, Mrs. Stuart, and Miss Maria Pendleton Duval, the present incumbent. Miss Duval has proved a worthy successor of the lamented Mrs. Stuart, and has fair prospects for continued success. (This sketch was prepared by Miss Duval. Only a few items, taken from a catalogue sent by her, have been added.) Mary Baldwin Seminary, S taunt on, Virginia, 1842- 1908 The Valley of Virginia was settled by Scotch-Irish- men, who are called in history " the most intelligent, industrious, and best educated of the English-speaking races." Thomas Carlyle says " a man's religion is the chief fact in regard to him." The character of these people is given in the statement that they were mostly Presbyterians; and they built the church and OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 817 the schoolhouse side by side. It is not surprising then to find a school for girls in this little settlement about 1796. It was taught by Mrs. McGlassau. Following Mrs. McGlassau was Monsieur Labas and his wife, who taught in " Hilltop," which afterward became a part of the Seminary buildings. His successor, Mr. Easterbrook, from New England, taught from 1820 to 1830 at Hilltop. He was well patronized, but for some unknown reason went to Knoxville, Tennessee. Following him came Mr. Thatcher, also from New England. His school was so large as to require several teachers, one of whom was Mrs. Sarah Mosby Taylor, teacher of drawing and painting. She was a former pupil of Mrs. McGlassau. Mr. Thatcher's closing ex- hibitions were the delight and talk of the town. In 1833 Mr. Robert L. Cook, at the request of the Pres- byterians, opened a successful boarding-school, the boarders being accommodated in private houses. These schools were taught in private or rented houses. In 1840 the Presbyterians, with a view to establish- ing a permanent school, bought from Mrs. David W. Pattison a brick-yard near the church, leveled and sodded the ground, planted trees, and enclosed it with a neat paling fence, but did not build a schoolhouse. In 1842 Rev. Rufus Bailey, assisted by his wife and two daughters, inaugurated the Augusta Female Semi- nary, with neither lot nor building nor funds. Both schoolroom and board were furnished by Mr. William Craig in the Peck house on Greenville avenue. That same year a plan or constitution of the Augusta Female Seminary was adopted, the first article of which reads, " The founders of this Institution design it to afford the means of a thorough literary and religious educa- tion to the female youth of this portion of our coun- try." The board of fifteen trustees worked to such purpose that on June 15, 1844, tne corner-stone of the main building was laid. Dr. B. M. Smith delivered the address, and Rev. Francis McFarland, president of the board, and Rev. R. R. Howison, pastor-elect of the 318 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION Staunton Church, offered prayers. Within the stone were placed The Staunton Spectator; a copper plate inscribed with the names of the trustees, officers and pupils, the architect, stone-cutter, mason and carpenter ; the Holy Bible, wrapped in oil silk, with the super- scription, " The only rule of faith, and the first text- book of the Augusta Female Seminary." The pupils numbered sixty, one of whom was Miss Mary Julia Baldwin. Board was $8 and $9 a month, and tuition fees $100 and $130 for a session of ten months; music was $20 a session, while French, drawing, and paint- ing were $10 each. From 1849, when Dr. Bailey resigned, until 1863 the principals of the Seminary were Messrs. Matthew and Campbell, Miss Reinnelles, and Messrs. Browne, Mar- quis and Tinsley. About the time Mr. Tinsley resigned Mrs. Elizabeth McClung, a sister of Dr. Archibald Al- exander, visited her son-in-law, Mr. J. A. Waddell. She wished with her daughter, Miss Agnes, to exercise their mutual gift for business, so their host proposed they should invite Miss Baldwin to join them and take charge of the Seminary. They repudiated the scheme as preposterous, despite the promise of twenty boarders, the assurance that Miss Baldwin's peculiar skill in managing young girls would win pupils, and the fact that experienced teachers were easily obtained. The trustees met and elected Misses McClung and Baldwin joint principals and Mrs. McClung matron. In the midst of the War between the States friends arose on all sides, and gave or loaned all necessary furnishings. Tuition fees were paid in flour ($25 a barrel), bacon ($i a pound), or in corn meal, beef, potatoes, sorghum molasses, and wood. Whenever the cry " The Yankees are coming ! " was made, the schoolgirls gleefully hid the cord wood in the cellar, the hams in the desks and stoves, and arrayed the flour barrels as toilet tables in voluminous white petticoats. The first session under Misses McClung and Bald- win there were 25 boarders and about 75 day scholars. OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 319 Miss Baldwin taught, and was assisted by Misses E. E. Howard, Emma and Julia Heiskell, M. Alansa Rounds, and Prof. Joel Ettinger. The distinguished Dr. W. H. McGuffey, of the University of Virginia, as- sisted Miss Baldwin in devising a course of study, meanwhile assuring her she was choosing too high a standard to ever make the Seminary a popular institu- tion. In 1893 a few of the full graduates met at the re- quest of Mrs. Elizabeth Andrew Hill of Georgia (class of 1879-80), and formed a temporary organization with Miss Nannie Tate as president, Mrs. Hill, secre- tary, and Mrs. McCullough, historian. Then the glad reunion was held in 1894, the jubilee year of the Semi- nary's foundation. By an Act of the Legislature of Virginia, passed during the session of 1895-96, at the request of the board of trustees, the name of the institution was changed from Augusta Female Seminary to Mary- Baldwin Seminary, as an acknowledgment of their high appreciation of the valuable services and unparal- leled success of the principal for "thirty- four years. To the original Seminary building and the chapel, which was the old church, Miss Baldwin added by pur- chase and construction " Hill-Top," " Brick House/' " Sky-high," and sundry smaller buildings, making this establishment one of the most extensive and pleasant colleges in the Southland. The buildings are lighted with gas and furnished with modern conveniences and heating apparatus. The equipment includes a gymnasium and swimming-pool, a well-selected library, well-furnished studio, forty music-rooms, and a laboratory for chemical and phys- ical experiments. The course of study is divided into primary, prepar- atory, academic and university departments. The plan of the last department is that of the University of Virginia, modified only so far as to adapt it to the peculiar requisites of the education of women. The 320 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION course of study is divided into schools, each constitu- ting a complete course on the subject taught. The school of business training consists of book-keeping, stenography and typewriting. The degree of Bachelor of Music is given to the graduates of music. The degree B. A. is conferred on those who satisfactorily complete the university course. An event in the session of 1895-96 was the death of "Uncle Chess," Chesterfield Bolder, who once be- longed to Miss Baldwin's grandfather, and was the faithful mail-carrier and guardian of the grounds for twenty-five years. He was eighty-eight years old, and will descend into history on the strains of the Seminary song in the verse ending, " His last words were ' Pretty tol'ble ; mail, mum/ ' Miss Baldwin controlled the Seminary for a full generation, and at the time of her death she was edu- cating " her grandchildren," the daughters of her former pupils. One hundred teachers and officers have been asso- ciated with the school, and thousands of pupils, mostly from the Southern States, are scattered widely. Some are missionaries in distant lands, many are earnest, faithful teachers, many more are useful daughters and sisters, happy wives and mothers, and each and all have tender memories of the school days spent under Miss Baldwin's care at the Mary Baldwin Seminary. (This article was compiled from a sketch of " Au- gusta Female Seminary," prepared by Mrs. McCul- lough for the alumnae meeting of 1894, published in the Record of the Alumnae Association, and kindly sent by Miss Weimar, the present principal.) Hollins Institute, 1842-1908 The question as to the best location of a boarding- school for girls is one to which much attention has been given in recent years. After an experience of two cen- OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 821 turies on this continent the general conclusion has been reached that country localities, easily accessible to cities, are decidedly preferable from many consider- ations. This school has these advantages. It is lo- cated in Roanoke County, Virginia, seven miles from the city of Roanoke, and one and one-half miles from Hollins Station on the Norfolk and Western Railway. Roanoke County lies in the extreme southwestern sec- tion of the great valley of Virginia, between the Blue Ridge and Alleghany Mountains. The Institute owns a tract of five hundred acres, and the buildings are so located that they are excluded from the annoyance of close proximity to public thor- oughfares. About eighty years ago the premises now 'held by the Institute were improved and equipped with a view to render available valuable mineral waters. In 1842 the whole property was purchased for educa- tional purposes, and since that time has been so used. All the original buildings have been removed, and others better adapted to school purposes erected. The main buildings (of which there are six) are of brick, and contain ample accommodations for a large school. They are modern in structure and furnished with all the conveniences of the best homes. This school opened its first session in the spring of 1842, under no distinctive name. It was known as the " School of Botetourt Springs," and was conducted in the interest of both boys and girls. Subsequently, as it continued to grow in strength and numbers, it was called " The Valley Union Seminary." For ten years it prospered on the original plan, and during that period sent forth many young men who became promi- nent in business and professional life. It was under the control of a joint stock company. In the year 1851, both departments being filled with pupils, the company determined from various reasons, the control- ling one being inadequacy of accommodations, to sus- pend the department for boys, or transfer it to another locality. HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION The most potent reason for continuing this school for girls only arose from the fact that there was at that time no chartered institution for girls in all Vir- ginia, city or country no institution with elaborate and systematic courses of study. The session of 1852-53 opened for girls only, with broad and elevated courses of study. The accommo- dations were soon all rilled, and since that time the school has continued to prosper. The fact that girls from many parts of Virginia eagerly entered school and took advanced courses of study, many of them from uncultured homes, had a startling effect ; for it demonstrated the fact that the people were in advance of their leaders on the question of higher education for women. This school continued to overflow with pupils. In 1855 Mr. John Hollins of Lynchburg, a gentleman of wealth, inspired by his pious wife, Mrs. Anne Hollins, proposed to the company having charge of the prop- erty to place the entire enterprise in the hands of a self- perpetuating board of trustees. The company acceded to this proposition, and Mr. Hollins placed at their dis- posal the sum of $5,000 for further improvements. Soon after this arrangement was made Mr. Hollins was stricken with paralysis, from which attack he never recovered. Mrs. Hollins continued the friend of the school, and made several handsome donations, and would doubtless have endowed it at her death had not her investments been totally swept away by the results of the War between the States. Until 1870 the school was sustained by Virginia patronage alone. Since that time it has drawn pupils from other States, about twenty being represented. In 1846, while holding a professorship in Richmond College, Mr. Charles Lewis Cocke was invited to take charge of Valley Union Seminary. The school at that time was in great financial difficulties, but under Mr. Cocke's management its halls were soon filled with students of both sexes, and so continued until OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 323 1852. By that time Mr. Cocke and his coadjutors be- came convinced that co-education was not the best way of conducting a school. When the board of trus- tees decided that the school was thenceforward to be for one sex only, the question arose, for which? and then Mr. Cocke, seeing the opportunity for realizing the aspiration of his early youth, threw all the weight of his influence in favor of making it a school for the higher education of women. The speed with which all the rooms available were at once occupied by eager and enthusiastic students, the numerous applicants for admission, necessitating enlargement of accommoda- tions every year, all demonstrated how accurately Mr. Cocke had discerned the supreme need of the young women of Virginia. The original scheme of instruction and standard of graduation have been maintained during its whole career. The doors of this institution have never been closed, not even during the War between the States; indeed, at no time in its history were its rooms so crowded as in the stern time of war. When nearly all the schools were closed, Hollins, from its secluded situ- ation, was supposed to be a safe retreat from the rav- ages of war, and proved an asylum to refugees from Maryland and Washington, D. C., and the eastern parts of Virginia. The establishment and the great success of this institution were due to the efforts of Charles Lewis Cocke, who, after graduating at Richmond College, entered Columbian College, Washington, D. C., from which he graduated with the degree of Master of Arts. Immediately after his graduation he was elected pro- fessor of mathematics in Richmond College. On De- cember 31, 1840, he was married to Miss Susanna Pleasants, fifth child of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pleasants of Picquenocque, Henrico County, Virginia. Profes- sor Cocke remained with the Richmond College un- til 1846, when he was invited to take charge of Valley Union Seminary, a co-educational institution. Pro- HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION fessor Cocke's management soon filled the halls with students, and so continued until 1852, when Rollins Institute was established. At the regular meeting of the board, on June 2, 1900, after due deliberation, the board decided to make a deed and convey the real estate and premises owned by the board to Charles L. Cocke and the legal repre- sentative of Charles H. Cocke, or to such corporation as they may designate. They also transferred to the grantee, in the deed mentioned, the right to use the title " Hollins Institute." The General Assembly of Virginia, during its ses- sion for 1901, granted a new charter to the corpora- tion known as Hollins Institute, and in pursuance of the foregoing resolutions a deed was executed grant- ing and conveying to the new corporation premises, property, and franchises formerly held by the " Trus- tees of Hollins Institute." Under this new charter, Hollins Institute is empowered to hold funds and prop- erty to the amount of $300,000. Extensive and costly improvements have been made, wholly, however, by private means, and the school is finely equipped. Instruction is offered in the following departments: English, Latin, Greek, French, German, history and political economy, moral science, the English Bible, mathematics, physics, chemistry, astronomy, botany, physiology and hygiene, music (pianoforte, voice cul- ture, organ, violin, theoretical studies), art (drawing, painting, history of art), elocution and physical cul- ture, stenography, typewriting, and bookkeeping. These departments are separate and distinct, each con- ducted by a professor, with such assistance as may be demanded. Each department being distinct, the pupil may, at her option, become a candidate for graduation in any one or all of them. The degree conferred is A. B. A certificate of dis- tinction is given after satisfactory examination in any study in which the student does not receive a certificate of proficiency or a diploma. A certificate of proficiency OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 325 is given after satisfactory examination upon certain special studies, either not included in the course for diploma, or upon certain portions of the regular de- partments. A diploma is awarded after satisfactory examinations of the prescribed course. The presi- dent's medal for scholarship is awarded to a student of the regular collegiate department who has three senior classes, and has maintained the highest stand in daily recitation and examinations, and who has a gen- eral average of 90 per cent. The two literary societies are Euzelian and Eupian. The Euzelian Society founded the Euzelian Scholar- ship in 1896, designed to assist deserving but needy students in attaining higher training in English and other branches of a liberal course of instruction. The Eupian Scholarship was founded in 1900, for a simi- lar purpose. For many years the societies had charge of the li- brary, and maintained it. In 1882 the alumnae asso- ciation permanently established it for the school at large. It is self-supporting, dependent on the fees paid by the students. The reading-room is under the same management, and is provided with newspapers, literary, religions, and scientific magazines, among which are French, German, and British periodicals. (The material for this sketch was obtained from the catalogue of 10,04-05, and from the Hollins Quarterly, both sent by Miss Helen Steiner of Montgomery, Ala- bama, a student in Hollins Institute.) Rowlings Institute, Charlottesville, Virginia, 185^-1908 The Albemarle Institute, now Rawlings Institute, was established in 1857 by the Albemarle Association (Baptist), chiefly through the efforts of Prof. John Hart and Dr. A. E. Dickinson. In 1875 Prof. R. H. Rawlings purchased a three-fourths interest in the property and conducted the school successfully for a 326 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION number of years. In 1897 Mr. Rawlings donated his interest in the property to the Baptist denomination, through trustees named by him. These trustees pur- chased the remaining interest and now hold the prop- erty in trust for the denomination. The course of study is divided into two departments, preparatory and collegiate. In the latter there are ten distinct schools besides the departments of music, art, elocution, physical culture, and stenography and type- writing. Each student may select one or more of these by advice of parent or guardian. The time re- quired for graduation in each of these varies from two to four years, depending upon the qualifications of the pupil at time of entrance. Graduation in eight of the ten schools is required for the degree of M. A. The degrees are scientific, literary, B. A. and M. A. Diplomas are conferred upon all pupils who have passed successfully both intermediate and final exam- inations of any of the several schools, or have com- pleted the prescribed courses in music, physical culture, and elocution departments. Special arrangements have been made whereby young ladies may take exactly the same work at the Institute and stand, on the same day, the same exam- inations as the University of Virginia in the B. A. courses in Latin, French, German, Italian, and Span- ish. The examination papers will be submitted to the University authorities and passed upon by them, and a certificate signed by the professor given to the suc- cessful candidate. Five gold medals are given by the Institute, viz. : scholarship, piano, voice culture, art and physical cul- ture, and elocution medals. The Browning Medal is given by Dr. J. H. Brown- ing of Charlottesville, Virginia. It will be awarded to the pupil who shall make the highest general average on class-work and examinations in the department of elocution, on subjects of lung gymnastics, and physiol- ogy and physical culture. The candidates for this OF WOMEN IN THE SOUTH 327 medal will be required to submit essays on some rele- vant subject assigned by the teacher. A system of annual scholarships and half scholar- ships has been established. The emoluments of these are $60 and $30 per year. The donors of these make the gifts every year or every year for a specified time. Appointment is made by the donor or by the president. Two of these scholarships are now available The Dr. W. B. Gray Scholarship, established by Dr. W. B. Gray of Richmond, Virginia, in memory of his wife. Emoluments, $60 a year. Appointment by donor. Also the Alphonso and Virginia Carver Scholarship, established by Mr. T. P. Carver of Charlottesville, Virginia, in honor of his children whose names it bears. Emoluments, $60 a year. Appointment by the presi- dent. There have been started a series of permanent scholarships, only one of which has been fully estab- lished. Messrs. Bedford Glascock, George B. West. B. F. Johnson, and Z. H. Rawlings, donors. The equipment consists in part of a commodious and well-equipped gymnasium and art hall, music-rooms, a reading-room, and a chapel. (This sketch has been prepared from catalogues.) Martha Washington College, Abingdon, Virginia, i86o-ipo8 This college was projected by the Odd Fellows, in 1859, but before the buildings were completed they transferred the property to the Virginia Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church South, and the school was organized in 1860 as a Conference school, with Rev. W. G. Harris president. The first board of trustees, in part, were Messrs. G. W. L. Litchfield, M. Hoof- naugh, T. G. McConnel, E. Longley, and Judge N. I. Campbell. The first diplomas were granted to the class of 1863. The school was closed two or three years during the HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION War between the States, but was opened to pupils again in 1865, with Rev. W. G. Harris president He retained the position until his death, and was suc- ceeded by his daughter, Miss Mattie Harris. This school was commenced so short a time before the great upheaval, it can scarcely be classed with the old schools of the South ; but its very existence is only another evidence of the interest taken by Southern people in the higher education of women, long before other sections aroused to the importance of this work. The school continues. It is a modern school with all modern equipments and ideas. 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