108 691 ) THE JEWS IN ROUMANIA SPEECH OF HON. J. HAMPTON MOORE THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 1913 4401 12190 WASHIXGTON 1913 HOX. J. HAMPTON MOORE. Mr. MOORE. Mr. Speaker, at the instance of certain of my constituents who are students of international conditions, I have introduced a resolution request- ing the Secretary of State to inform the House with respect to the prospects of an adjustment of the problem of the Jews in Roumania. Since the Russo- Turkish War and the Berlin treaty of July, 1878, there have been frequent reports of the failure of the Roumanian Government to observe that clause of the treaty which provided that citizenship should not be denied on account of religion. It is claimed by Jews who have migrated to the United States that the citizenship clause was inserted on the motion of the French plenipotentiary, M. Waddington, seconded by Lord Disraeli, of England, especially with a view to the rights of those natives of Rouuiauia who responded to the Jewish faith. It appears that these complaints were officially recognized by John Hay, the Secretary of State, in 1902, and that there was considerable diplomatic corre- spondence with reference thereto, without effectuating relief. As late as 1904 it was reported to the Secretary of State that a better feeling existed as between the so-called "indigenous Jews/' and the Government and that certain of the Jewish newspapers advised " a'gainst any measures from outside in behalf of Roumanian Jews." Little appears to have been done since 1904 by the United States or any other country to induce the Roumanian Government to place itself in harmony with the other powers signatory to the Berlin treaty on the Jewish citizenship ques- tion. The attitude of the Roumanian Government, hedged about as it is by contending and ambitious powers, appears to have been directed toward keeping the Roumanian nationality free from possible Jewish assimilation. It was esti- mated by Mr. Hay in 1902 that the number of Jews in Roumauia all told did not exceed 400,000. It appeared, however, that the Roumanians, numbering 7,000,000 or 8,000,000, were fearful of being overrun, and that this constituted the real objection to the observance of the Berlin treaty with regard to the Jews. The adoption of any naturalization agreement which would enforce the rccivirnition of Jews not indigenous to Roumania seems to have been objected to upon the same ground. The failure of Roumania to treat with the United States in this matter might be excused, because the United States was not a party to the treaty of Berlin. At iirst blush it must be conceded that notwithstanding the human rights involved, to say nothing of the breach of treaty stipulations, the United State.-; has no right to meddle in this affair. Apparently this thought has been in the minds of diplomats, who, with the exception of Mr. Hay, have hitherto ap- proached the question with great delicacy. While Mr. Hay was characteris- tically diplomatic, he was also extremely frank, and did not hesitate in his instructions to the American minister to Greece and Roumania to point out the political disabilities of the Jews in Roumania and the effect of Roumanian oppressive measures upon their manhood. Mr. Hay even maintained that by reason of the conditions prevailing in the country of their birth many of them on i i grated to the United States, upon which an additional responsibility was imposed because of such immigration. He raised the rather novel point that "human beings so circumstanced have virtually no alternatives but submissive suffering or flight to some land less unfavorable to them " And that " such emigration is necessarily for a time a burden upon the community upon which fugitives may be cast." Continuing, Secretary of State Hay said: "Self-reliance and the knowledge and ability that evolve the power of self- support must be developed and at the same time avenues of employment must 440112190 (3) 211785? be opened in quarters where competition is already keen and opportunities scarce. The teachings of history and the experience of our own Nation show that the Jews possess in a high degree the mental and moral qualifications of conscientious citizenhood. No class of emigrants is more welcome to our shores when coming equipped in mind and body for entrance upon the struggle for bread and inspired with the high purpose to give the best service of heart and brain to the land they adopt of their own free will. But when they come as outcasts, made doubly paupers by physical and moral oppression in their native land, and thrown upon the long-suffering generosity of a more-favored community, their migration lacks the essential conditions which make alien immigration either acceptable or benefical. So well is this appreciated on the Continent that even in the countries where antiseniitisni has no foothold it is difficult for these fleeing Jews to obtain any lodgment. America is their only goal." Since this important declaration by one of the greatest of our Secretaries of .State there has been a steady flow of Roumanian Jew immigration to the United States, until it is estimated that not more than 2r>o.<)00 or .'JOO.OOO indigenous Jews continue to reside in Roumania. This is indicative of their lack of opportunity and the great disadvantages under which they continue their Roumanian r<>sit subject to any foreign protection."- thereby expatriating tliem from their land of nativity, denying them allegiance to or protecti.ni from any other government. Fourth. Over ~<;o governmental restrictions are now in force against the native Jewish inhabitants, which deny them every human right and close to them almosi every avenue of earning a livelihood in Koumania. The statement of detailed facts submitted by the federation also constitutes the argument for the friendly intercession of the United States. It is as follows : STATKMKXT OF FACTS AROUT THK JEWISH JT*KSTIOX IN KOUMANIA. "When the Riisso-Turkish War broke out in 1S77. Russia claimed that her only object in fighting the Turks w:;s to free the Christ i:;ns from Mussulmanic oppression. Koumania. then a tributary .State of Turkey, fought by the side of Russia for tin- same reasons. "On the 1st day of July. isTS. while the peace congress was in progress at Berlin, lemeiubering that the Jews of Roumania were the subject of persecu- tion under the Roumanian rule, as were the Christians under that of the Turks. M. Waddington, the French plenipotentiary, arose and moved that re- ligion shall be no bar to tho enjoyment of all civil and political rights in Roumania. The motion was seconded by Benjamin Disraeli [Lord Beacousfield] for England. A similar motion was made for Servia. Bulgaria, and Montenegro by M. Waddington for Fran.' 'onded by Bismarck for Germany aud de Lan:!;:y for Italy. As regards Roumania. the provision is incorporated under article J4 of th ' treaty of Berlin. Koumania was given independence under article 4-'> of the same treaty, subject to the faithful observance of article 44. "The treaty was signed by Fngl.md, France, Germany, Russia, Austria, Italy, and Turkey. "Servia. Bulgaria, and Montenegro had faithfully observed the mandate of the powers. Roumania alone ignored it. "After }; -oncliided. K<"MI:;M-!:I amended article 7 of her constitution, which reads, in substance an , ihat Parliament alone shall confer the rights of citizenship, and that only upon individual applications. The Jews were not lo be enfranchised en masse, as was the sense of the treaty. Since IsTS until (lie beginning of the present Turko-Balkan War about 200 Jews were naturalized by this moiho.l and only a couple of hundred more since the two month 1 -!, which, of course, is only intended to throw dust in the eyes of Europe. THE RESTRICTIONS. "Jews have no right to vote or hold public office, be it ever so humble. They are not given any contract work by the Government, even if they do it 5 per cent cheaper than the Roumanians. They can not be employed in the railroad, postal, telephone, or tel<- rvice. They can not own land, live or do business in villages, or even hire out as laborers upon farms. They are not admitted into the State's schools until all th; c.'iildr.Mi of the Roumanians are accommodated, and then only upon the payment of a tax. There are not many schools there, so the Jewish children are generally left out. So they must, maintain their own schools, and yet pay taxes to support the Government's schools. From certain State schools, such as manual training, the Jewish children are excluded altogether. " The law prohibits any factory, even if it be owned by a Jew, to have in its employ more than one-third Jews of the entire personnel. Jews may not be lawyers, not even clerks to lawyers; they may not own pharmacies; they may 4-10112100 not engage in the sale of tobacco or matches government monopoly; Jews must serve in the army, but may hold no rank higher than private; they ;ire subject to expulsion within VI or l!4 hours for anything said or written politi- cally displeasing to the (government, and other restrictions, over 200 in number; they must pay all taxes the same as the rest of the population who are citizens. "Let it be understood that there are no laws in Roumania against 'Jews,' but only against 'aliens.' The law reads that only Roumanians or naturalized Roumanians may do this or that or the other. The Jews are considered ' aliens not subject to any foreign protection.' Before the Berlin congress the ,1 Roumania were considered as Roumanian subjects. ' The condition of the Jews in Roumania is worse to-day than it has been previous to the Berlin congress. " The position of the Jews in Roumania is worse than that of the Jews in Russia. The latter enjoy in Russia many rights which are denied to the Ji i ws in Roumania. The Russian Jews, are Russian citizens, with the right to vote and be represented in the Duma ; in fact, Jews have served as deputies in the Duma of Russia. " The Jews have lived in Roumania for centuries their history there dates back to the eighth century. "The Jews have helped develop the country. To them alone belongs the credit of Roumania's present commercial and industrial life. They have given her the best in its literature and drama. " Strange as it may seem, the statesmen who oppose the enfranchisement of Jews are not themselves of pure Roumanian blood. Most of them are the descendants of the Greek, Russian, Bulgarian, and Armenian invaders of old who exploited the poor Roumanian peasants to the last drop of their blood. The King of Roumania is himself a foreigner Charles, a prince of the German house of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, imported to Roumania in lsr>(>. " Roumania has a population of 7,000,000, of which 250,000 are Jews. About 70 per cent of the population is engaged in agriculture, except the Jews. It is a constitutional monarchy; has a Parliament with two branches, a chamber of deputies and a senate. The cabinet is responsible to Parliament. There is free speech and free press. The Jews are prohibited these privileges; that is, they may make speeches and publish newspapers, but may not say anything displeasing to the Government on penalty of expulsion. "The Government fosters and encourages anti-Semitic agitations. The Jew can not lay much claim to protection from the mob at the hands of the Gov- ernment Anyone may abuse a Jew. Some time ago a colonel in the Rou- manian Army slapped a civilian four times across the face in a street car and then offered the apology, ' I thought you were a Jew,' after he discover/', his victim happened to be a gentile. "A highwayman was recently tried at Botoshany, Roumania. and his defense was that he only robbed Jews. The public prosecutor in vai .^1 to prove that his victims were also gentiles, for the court acquitted him." THE RESOLUTION. To this statement I append a copy of the resolution drawing the attention of the State Department to this problem and asking for information. [House resolution 183, Sixty-third Congress, first session.] I.\ THE HOUSE OF REriiESEVTATIVns. 1913. Mr. MOORE submitted the following resolution, which was referred to the Co-iunit'-e on Foreign Affairs and ordered to be printed : Resolution requesting the Secretary of State to inform the House as to the Berlin treaty of 1878 with respect to Jews in Roumania. TVhereas it is reported that the Roumanian Government has failed to observe that article of the treaty of Berlin (1878) which provides lhat religion shall be no bar to the rights and privileges of citizenship in Roumania : and Whereas the failure of i\\s Roumanian Government to observe the provisions of the Berlin treaty would be discriminatory aw against the native .lews of Koumania aff them prejudicially in matters of employment and preferment: Tli<-r Resolved, That the Secretary of State he requested to inform the l!ou-r whether anv communication has been had with the Roumanian Government or tin nator'v to the treaty of Berlin in relation to the observance of said treat v. or with respert to a naturalization convention between the United States and the Roumanian and if so, and no conclusions have been reached thereon, whether the i such interests with respect to said treaty and the operation thereof as to make further diplomatic negotiations desirable. 440112190 o