4NEX 5 056 163 LAWS, BY-LAWS AND RESOLUTIONS RELATING TO THE gional COLUMBUS: PRINTED BY SCOTT & BASCOM. 1850. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE STATE BANK OF OHIO, AND OTHER BANK ING COMPANIES. SEC. 1. Be, it enacted by the, General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That it shall be lawful for natural individual persons, not fewer in number in any case than five, to associate and form companies for the purpose of carrying on the business of banking, each in such place in this State as shall be designated in its articles of association, and in the certificate hereinafter required to be made, subject, how- ever, to the contingencies, restrictions, conditions and liabilities pre- scribed in this act. SEC. 2. The aggregate amount of capital stock of all the compa- nies, authorized by this act to be formed, and to carry on the business of banking within this State, shall not, until an additional amount be authorized by law, exceed six millions one hundred and fifty thousand dollars; which sum shall not however be construed to include the capital stock of such companies, as, by name, shall be authorized to continue or resume the business of banking subject to the provisions of this act. SF.C. 3. For the purpose of securing to the several sections of the State a fair participation in the privileges granted by this act, the State shall be divided into twelve districts, and the banking capital authorized by the second section shall be apportioned among such districts, and the number of banking companies to be formed therein shall be limited as provided in this section, that is to say The counties of Hamilton, Clermont, Brown, Clinton, Warren and Butler shall compose the first district, in which the number of bank- ing companies to be formed shall not exceed five, with an aggregate capital not exceeding one million two hundred thousand dollars. The counties of Greene, Montgomery, Preble, Miarni, Darke, Shel- by, Mercer, Allen and Vanwert, shall compose the second district, in which the number of banking companies to be formed shall not ex- ceed five, with an aggregate capital not exceeding six hundred thou- sand dollars. The counties of Putnam, Paulding, Williams, Henry, Lucas, Wood and Hancock, shall compose the third district, in which the number of banking companies to be formed shall not exceed four, with an ag- gregate capital not exceeding three hundred thousand dollars. The counties of Ottowa, Sandusky, Erie, Huron, Richland, Sene- ca, Wyandott and Crawford, shall compose the fourth district, in which the number of banking companiet to be formed shall not ex- 1397375 ceed four, with an aggregate capital not exceeding four hundred thou- sand dollars. The counties of Hardin, Marion, Delaware, Franklin, Union, Lo- gan, Champaign, Clark and Madison, shall compose the fifth district, in which the number of banking companies to be formed shall not exceed six, with an aggregate capital not exceeding five hundred thousand dollars. The counties of Pickaway, Fayette, Ross, Highland, Adams, Sci- oto, Lawrence, Gallia, Pike and Jackson, shall compose the sixth dis- trict, in which the number of banking companies to be formed shall not exceed five, with an aggregate capital not exceeding five hundred thousand dollars. The counties of Meigs, Athens, Washington, Monroe, Morgan, Muskingum and Guernsey, shall compose the seventh district, in which the number of banking companies to be formed shall not ex- ceed six, with an aggregate capital not exceeding five hundred thou- sand dollars. The counties of Hocking, Perry, Fairfield, Licking and Knox, shall compose the eighth district, in which the number of banking companies to be formed shall not exceed four, with an aggregate cap- ital not exceeding four hundred thousand dollars. The counties of Wayne, Stark, Holmes, Coshocton and Tuscara- was, shall compose the ninth district, in which the number of bank- ing companies to be formed shall not exceed three, with an aggregate capital not exceeding two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. The counties of Belmont, Harrison, Jefferson, Carroll and Colum- biana, shall compose the tenth district, in which the number of bank- ing companies to be formed shall not exceed five, with an aggregate capital not exceeding five hundred thousand dollars. The counties of Trumbull, Ashtabula, Lake, Geauga and Portage, shall compose the eleventh district, in which the number of banking companies to be formed shall not exceed five, with an aggregate cap- ital not exceeding three hundred thousand dollars. The counties of Summit, Medina, Lorain and Cuyahoga, shall compose the twelfth district, in Avhich the number of banking com- panies to be formed shall not exceed eleven, with an aggregate cap- ital not exceeding seven hundred thousand dollars. SEC. 4. The number of banking companies which shall be form- ed and permitted to engage in the business of banking under the pro- visions of this act, in the county of Hamilton, shall not exceed four ; in the county of Cuyahoga, six ; in the county of Franklin, three ; in the county of Ross, two; in the county of Muskingum, two ; in the county of Jefferson, two ; in the county of Summit, three; in the county of Lucas, two ; in the county of Miami, two; in the county of Montgomery, two; and in no other county in the State shall there be more than one company formed under the provisions of this act, and permitted to engage in the business of banking, except under the circumstances mentioned and provided for in the twelfth section of this act : Provided, that not more than two companies shall be authorized to commence and carry on the business of banking, as branches of the State Bank of Ohio, under the provisions of this act, in any one of the counties named in this section, excepting the coun- ty of Hamilton, and in the county of Hamilton not more than three such branches shall be so authorized ; and if a greater number of companies formed for the purpose of banking in any such county, shall elect to become a branch of the State Bank of Ohio, the com- missioners hereinafter appointed shall reduce such number to the number in this section limited, in conformity to the rules prescribed in the eleventh section of this act. SEC. 5. To carry into effect the provisions of this act, John W. Allen, Joseph Olds, Daniel Kilgore, Alexander Grimes and Gustavus Swan, shall be and they are hereby appointed commissioners, and they, or a majority of them, after taking an oath diligently, faithfully and impartially to perform the duties assigned them by this act, a certificate of which oath shall be filed and carefully preserved in the office of the Secretary of State, shall constitute a board, to be desig- nated the board of bank commissioners; which board shall continue for one year from the date of this act, and thereafter the duties which they are required by this act to perform shall devolve on and be per- formed by the Auditor, Treasurer and Secretary of State, who shall be commissioners to perform such duties ; and if any of said com- .missioners shall refuse to serve, shall die, or resign, his place shall be filled by the General Assembly, by joint resolution, if in session, and if not, by the Governor. SEC. 6. Said commissioners shall meet in the city of Columbus, at such time, within thirty days after the passage of this act, as shall be appointed by the Governor, who shall notify each member of his appointment, and of the time and place of meeting; they shall, when met, appoint one of their number to be their president, who shall, under the order of the board, sign all official documents; and they shall cause a fair and true record of all their official proceedings to be kept in a book to be provided for that purpose. SEC. 7. Persons associating to form a banking company, shall, under their hands and seals, make a certificate, which shall specify, First The name assumed by such company, and by which it shall be known in its dealings, in which name shall be included the name of the city, village or town in which its banking operations shall be carried on ; Second The amount of the capital stock of such company, and the number of shares into which the same is divided ; Third The name and place of residence and the number of shares held by each member of the company ; Fourth The lime when such company shall have been formed ; Fifth That such company has elected to carry on its operations as an independent banking company, or, as a " branch of the State Bank of Ohio," as the case may be, which certificate shall be ac- knowledged before a justice of the peace or notary public, and shall be recorded by the recorder of the county where such company is to be established, in a book to be kept by him for that purpose, which shall at all times during office hours be kept open for the inspection of any person wishing to examine the same ; one copy of which cer- tificate, duly certified, shall be transmitted to the Secretary of State, who shall record and carefully preserve the same in his office, and another to the board of bank commissioners. SEC. 8. No company shall be permitted to commence or carry on the business of banking under the authority of this act, as a branch of the State Bank of Ohio, unless its ca-ntal stock shall be at least one hundred thousand dollars, nor as an independent banking company unless its capital shall be at least fifty thousand dollars, nor in either case shall the capi'al stock of any such company ex- ceed five hundred thousand dollars ; provided, however, that the cer- tificates of the funded debt of this State or of the United States, de- posited with the Treasurer of State as collateral security for the redemption of the notes of circulation of any independent banking company shall not be deemed a part of the capital stock of such com- pany within the meaning of this act. At least thirty per cent, of the capital stock of each company shall be paid in gold and silver coin, or their equivalent, one half of which thirty per cent, at least, shall be in gold and silver coin, and shall be in the actual possession and bona fide the property of the company at the commencement of its banking business, and at the place designated for carrying on such business, and the remainder of the capital stock of such company shall be paid in, in installments each of at least ten per cent, on the whole amount to which the company is limited, as frequently as one installment at the end of each succeeding ninety days from the date of the commencement of its banking operations, until the whole amount of capital stock is paid in; but when any banking company formed under the provisions of this act shall have paid in at least sixty per centum on the gross amount of its capital stock, and shall deem a further extension of its capital at such time unnecessary, such company may, if a branch of the State Bank of Ohio, apply to the board of control, or, if an independent banking company, to the Gov- ernor, for an extension of the time for paying in the remaining in- stallments oil its capital stock, and if, after a careful examination of the facts, the board of control or Governor, as the case may be, shall be satisfied that public convenience does not require an increase of the capital stock of such company as rapidly as required by the fore- going provisions of this section, the board of control or the Goveror, as the case may require, shall authorize such further extension of the time for paying in the remaining installments as shall be deemed compatible with the public interest ; and this section shall not be so construed as to prevent any independent banking company that pre- vious to commencing its business as a bank shall have paid on its capital stock not less than thirty thousand dollars, and shall have de posited with and transferred to the Treasurer of State certificates of funded debt, as required by this act, to any amount not less than seventy thousand dollars, and shall also have complied with the pro- visions of this act, other than such as relate to the amount of its cap- ital stock, from commencing and carrying on its business as an inde- endent banking company ; and in such case, such company shall not be required to have or pay any additional amount of capital stock. SEC. 9. If any shareholder or his assignee shall fail to pay any instalment on his stock, when the same is required by the foregoing section to be paid, the directors may sell said stock, at public auction, having given three weeks previous notice thereof, in a news- paper published in the county where the company is located, to any person who will pay the highest price therefor, and not less than the amount due thereon ; and the excess, if any, after paying the expenses of the sale shall be refunded to the delinquent stockholder. If no bidder can be found who will pay for such slock the amount due thereon to the company and costs of advertisement and sale, the amount previously paid shall be forfeited to the company ; and such stock may be subsequently sold in such manner as the direct- ors may order. SEC. 10. After the expiration of two months, and within three months from the date of this act, the board of bank commissioners shall examine the certificates of the formation of banking compa- nies, transmitted to them as required by the seventh section of this act, and shall by one of their own members, or other special agent appointed by them for that purpose, who shall not be a stockholder in any of the companies formed under this act, immediately proceed to examine the condition of each of the banking companies which shall have transmitted to the said board the required certificate ; and it shall be the especial duty of such agent to carefully count or otherwise ascertain the amount of money paid in on account of its capital stock, to ascertain the name and place of residence of each of the directors of such company, and the amount of capital stock of which each is the bona fide owner, whether such company has com- plied with all the requirements of this act necessary to entitle the company to engage in the business of banking, and he shall cause to be made and attested by the oath of the majority of the directors, and by the cashier of such company, a statement of all the material facts necessary to enable the board of commissioners to determine whether such company is lawfully entitled to commence the business of banking under the provisions of this act, and such agent shall im- mediately report to the board of bank commissioners such statement and his proceedings in the premises. SEC. 11. If, upon a careful examination and comparison of the certificates of association and the reports and statements of the spe- cial agents appointed to ascertain whether the banking companies authorized by this act have complied with its provisions, it shall ap- pear that any number of companies have been formed and are law- fully entitled to commence the business of banking, provided the number of such companies and the amount of their capital, collect- ively, in any district, shall not exceed the number and the amount of capital assigned to such district, nor in any county, the number as- signed to such county, the commissioners shall certify the same to the Governor, who shall, if he be satisfied that the law has in all re- spects been complied with, issue his proclamation, setting forth that such companies are authorized to commence and carry on the busi- 8 ness of banking, at the places severally designated in their certificates of association. But if ihe commissioners shall find that a number of banking companies shall have been formed, and shall have complied with all the requisitions of this act, preliminary to the commence- ment of the business of banking, in any district, greater than the number assigned to such district, then the commissioners shall deter- mine which of such companies are to be preferred, and certify the same to ihe Governor, as in this section provided, and, in forming such determination, they shall apply the following rules, in the order which they stand : First They shall avoid depriving any county in which one or more of such companies are formed, of at least one. Second They shall prefer such companies as have the largest capital, provided, at least thirty per cent, thereof shall have been paid in. Third- They shall prefer the company or companies whose stock is in the largest proportion owned by citizens of the county in which such company is formed. Fourth They shall prefer the company or companies whose stock is in the largest proportion owned by citizens of the State. Fifth They shall prefer companies constituted by the most re- sponsible stockholders. And in case more companies shall have been formed, and shall have complied with all the requirements of this act preliminary to the commencement of business, in any county, than the number assigned to such county, the commissioners, in determin- ing to which preference shall be given, shall observe the forgoing rules, excepting the first in the order in which they stand. And if, after reducing the number of banking companies in any district to the number assigned to such district, it shall be found that such com- panies have, collectively, a greater amount of capital than the amount apportioned to such district, then the commissioners shall bring the aggregate capital within the prescribed limits, by reducing the cap- ital which each company shall be authorized to employ in equal ratio on the amount thereof, over the minimum amount prescribed for such companies. SKC. 12. After the end of two years from the date of this act, any banking company formed in any district may increase its capital stock to any amount not exceeding five hundred thousand dollars, nor exceeding the amount of capital assigned to each district and remain- ing unappropriated ; and in case more than one banking company shall apply for an increase of its capital stock, and the amount of the proposed increase shall exceed the whole amount of capital unappro- priated in such district, then the commissioners shall assign such un- appropriated capital equally to the companies demanding the same ; but any new company, formed in any county having no banking com- pany in the same, shall be preferred at any time before such capital is finally appropriated. IN RELATION TO THE STATE BANK OF OHIO. SEC. 13. Whenever, from an inspection of the certificates trans- 9 mitted by banking companies to the board of bank commissioners, it shall appear that any number of said companies, not less than seven, inclusive of such existing companies as are by this act especially au- thorized to resume or continue banking operations under its provis- ions, have made their election to transact their banking operations as branches of the State Bank of Ohio, and have complied with the re- quirements of this act preliminary to the commencement of banking operations, then said commissioners shall immediately notify each of said companies thereof ; and within ten days after receiving such no- tice, they shall each appoint, in such manner as the directors thereof shall prescribe, one person to be a member of the board of control of the State Bank of Ohio ; and any I wo or more of such banking com- panies may unite in the appointment of the same person. But no person who is not a citizen of the United States, and a resident of this State, and who has not resided within this State at least two years next previous to his appointment, shall be a member of the board of control. SEC. 14. The members of the board of control who shall have been appointed agreeably to the provisions of the next preceding sec- tion, shall meet in the city of Columbus, at such time as shall be de- signated by the board of bank commissioners, who shall give ten days previous notice to each branch of the time of such meeting ; they shall each take an oath diligently, faithfully and impartially to per- form the duties imposed on them by this act ; a certificate of which oath shall be filed and preserved in the office of the Secretary of State, i'hey shall organize, provided two-thirds of the whole num- ber shall be convened, by electing some suitable person as president, whose duty it shall be to preside at the meetings of the board, and sign its official documents. They shall appoint a secretary who shall keep a fair and true record of the proceedings of the board. They shall keep an office in the city of Columbus, which, together with their books, papers, records, and accounts of every description, shall at all times, be open to the inspection of any committee of the Gen- eral Assembly, or either branch thereof, and of any commission or commissioners especially appointed for that purpose by the General Assembly, and of any person appointed by any one of the branches. They shall procure and furnish each branch with notes for circula- tion, and decide on the amount to be furnished from time to time to each, within the limits, and agreeably to the rules and restrictions prescribed by this act. They may prescribe rules for the settlement of balances between the branches, three-fourths of the votes given, according to the rule of voting herein prescribed, concurring. They shall have power, by themselves, or by a committee of one or more members of their own board, or by a special agent appointed by them for that purpose, whenever and as often as they shall think proper, to visit any branch, inspect its books, records and accounts, and all the evidences of debts due to and securities held by such branch ; examine and ascertain the amount of money and other property held by such branch ; examine on oath the president, directors, cashier, and all other officers, agents, clerks, or servants of the branch, touch- 2 10 ing of its condition, means, and liabilities. They shall have power to require any branch to reduce its circulation, or other liabilities, within such limits as they shall, after full enquiry into its condition, deem necessary to secure from loss either the dealers with such branch, or the other branches of the State Bank of Ohio. They may require the officers of each branch to make out, under oath, and trans- mit to the office of said board, at Columbus, statements of the condi- tion thereof, in such, form as such board shall prescribe, and as fre- quently as they shall deem proper, which statements shall be record- ed in a book or books to be kept for that purpose. They may appoint an executive committee of not less than five, of whom the president shall be one, to act in behalf of the board in all such cases, and per- form all such duties as shall be prescribed by the by-laws of said board not inconsistent with this act. SEC. 15. The president and secretary of the board of control shall each receive such compensation for their services as said board shall allow, which shall be assessed upon the several branches of the State Bank of Ohio, in the ratio of their capital stock. The board may also allow the executive committee such compensation as they shall deem just and reasonable, to be paid by the several branches in the same manner ; and the expenses of procuring plates and print- ing notes of circulation shall be paid by the several branches, in the ratio of the notes of circulation received by each. SEC. 16. The board of control, from the time of its organization until the first day of May, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six, and thereafter, until the affairs of the several branches of the State Bank of Ohio shall be finally closed up, shall be a body corporate, with succession, and by the name of the STATE BANK OF OHIO, capable of contracting and of prosecuting, and defending in suits or actions at law, or in chancery, as fully as natural persons, and of doing all other acts and things necessary to effect the object contemplated in this act by the formation of said board. SEC. 17. Each member of the board of control shall continue in office until the first Monday of February, next after his appointment, and until his successor shall be appointed and qualified ; vacancies in the board shall be filled by the branch by which the appointment vacated was made. In voting, each member shall be entitled to one vote, and to one additional vote for every fifty thousand dollars of the amount of notes of circulation, to which the branch or branches rep- resented by him is, or are entitled at the time of such voting. The president of the board shall hold his office for one year, and until his successor shall be appointed, but may be removed by a resolution of the board. He shall take an oath faithfully, diligently, and impar- tially to fulfil the duties of his appointment, and not knowingly vio- late any of the provisions of this act. He may be required to give bond in such sum, and with such securities as the board shall pre- scribe ; and all vacancies in said appointment shall be filled by the board. SEC. 18. All notes issued by any branch, intended to circulate as money, shall be payable at the branch by which they are issued, 11 in gold and silver coin, the lawful currency of the United States, or either, at the option of the branch, on demand; they shall be signed by the president of the board of control, countersigned by the cashier of the branch by which they are issued, made payable to bearer, and shall be negotiable by delivery ; all other evidences of debt, issued by any branch, shall be negotiable or transferable in the same manner as f if issued by a natural person, and shall be binding on the branch, whether under seal or not ; and all such evidences of debt, other than notes of circulation, shall be payable to the order of some person therein named. SEC. 19. No branch of the State Bank of Ohio shall, at any time, have in circulation notes in the similitude of bank notes, to an amount bearing a greater proportion to the capital stock of said branch actually paid in, and at the time remaining undiminished by losses or withdrawal, exclusive of its portion of the safety fund, than the proportion hereinafter specified, that is to say : On the first hundred thousand dollars, or any lesser amount of its capital, not more than twice the amount of such capital. On the second hundred thousand dollars, or part thereof not more than once and half of the amount of such capital, over one hundred thousand. On the third hundred thousand dollars, or part thereof, not more than once and a quarter the amount of such capital, over two hun- dred thousand. On the fourth hundred thousand dollars, or part thereof, not more than once the amount of such capital, over three hundred thousand ; and, On any amount of capital over four hundred thousand dollars, not more than three-fourths the amount of such capital, over four hun- dred thousand, and on its portion of the safety fund an amount equal thereto. SEC. 20. Notes designed for circulation shall be delivered by the board of control to each branch, on a written order, signed by the president and a majority of the directors of such branch ; such or- ders shall be carefully preserved by said board in their office ; an accurate account of all the notes so delivered, the amount of the notes of each denomination so delivered, and the date of such de- livery, shall be kept by the board of control, in a book or books, to be provided and kept in their office at Columbus ; all notes so worn, defaced, or mutilated, as to be unfit for circulation, shall be returned by the branch by which they were issued to the board of control, and an equal amount of new notes received therefor ; all such notes so returned by a branch, shall be credited, and all new ones delivered in their stead shall be charged to such branch on the books of said board ; and the notes so returned shall be burned to ashes in the presence of the president, and at least two of the members of said board . SEC. 21. Before the board of control shall deliver to any branch, notes for circulation, they shall require such branch to pay over or deposit to the credit of said board, as said board shall order, either in money or in certificates of the stocks of this State, or of the Uni- ted States, at their current value in the city of New York, but in no instance above their par value, an amount equal to ten per cent, on the amount of the notes for circulation delivered to such branch. And so from time to time, as any branch may, by the paying in of an additional amount on its capital stock, or by not having received the amount of notes for circulation to which it was previously entitled, be authorized to demand an additional amount of notes for circula- tion, such branch shall deposit with the board of control ten per cent on the amount of notes so required; and the stocks and money so deposited shall be denominated the " safety fund," and shall be in- vested as hereinafter prescribed, and held by the board of control as the property of said board, ia trust for the benefit of the several branches of the State Bank of Ohio, and as a fund for the redemp- tion of the notes of circulation of any one or more of said branches that may fail to redeem its notes, to be applied to that purpose in the manner pointed out by this act. SEC. 22. All money so deposited or paid to the board of control on account of the safety fund, by any branch, shall be, under the di- rection of said board invested by such branch either in stocks of the State or of the United States, or in bonds secured by mortgages on un- encumbered real estate situate in the county where such branch is lo- cated, or in adjoining counties, of at least twice the value in each case of the amount secured thereby, exclusive of buildings or other fix- tures subject to be destroyed by fire, by floods or other accidental occurrences, or of timber, mines or minerals subject to waste ; which bond shall be made payable on demand to the State Bank of Ohio, and shall bear such rate of interest as shall be agreed on by the par- ties, not exceeding seven per cent, per annum, payable semi-annual- ly. Each branch shall be entitled to receive the interest accruing on the stocks or bonds in which its portion of the' safety fund shall have been invested ; and in case of the insolvency of any branch, the stocks and bonds in which the money of such branch shall have been invested as aforesaid, if the proceeds of such stock and bonds shall be sufficient to redeem its outstanding notes of circulation, shall, as far as practicable, be first converted into money and applied to that purpose before any part of the safety fund belonging to other branches shall be so applied. SEC. 23. The stockholders, collectively, of any branch shall at no time be liable to such branch, either as principal debtors or sure- ties, or both, to an amount exceeding one third part of the capital stock of such branch, then actually paid in and remaining as capital stock ; nor shall the directors, collectively, be so liable to an amount exceeding one-fourth part of the stock actually paid in, standing in their names, and of which they are collectively the bona fide owners in their own right : provided, that such directors may be further per- mitted to become liable as drawers or indorsers of bona fide bills of exchange drawn in this State and payable at any place out of this State, to an amount, when added to their other liabilities, not exceed- ing one-third of the capital stock actually paid in and standing in the 13 names of such directors ; and the stockholders may become liable in like manner in such sum as, when added to their other liabilities, will not exceed one-half of the capital stock of any such branch ac- tually paid in. SEC. 24. If any branch of the State Bank of Ohio shall refuse to pay its notes of circulation, or any of them, in gold and silver coin of the lawful currency of the United States, on which pay- ment shall be lawfully demanded at its banking house or customary place of doing banking business, during usual banking hours, such branch shall be deemed to have committed an act of insolvency, and thereupon all its property, credits, securities, liens and assets of every description shall forthwith vest in and be the property, credits, secu- rities, liens and assets of the board of control, for the uses and pur- poses declared in this act. SEC. 25. The board of control, on receiving information that any branch of the State bank of Ohio has committed an act of insolven- cy, shall forthwith appoint a committee of one or more of its mem- bers, who shall make immediate inquiry into the truth of such infor- mation and report thereon to the board ; and if the board shall be satisfied from the report of the committee that such branch has sus- pended the payment of its notes in gold and silver, they shall forth- with appoint a suitable receiver or receivers, who shall take immedi- ate possession of the books, records, money, choses in action and pro- perty of said branch of every description, and hold the same for the joint use and benefit of the other branches of the State Bank of Ohio, and the creditors of the said failing branch ; and said board of control shall immediately provide money and place the same in such solvent branch or branches as may be most convenient for the purpose of re- deeming the notes of such failing branch, and shall give public no- tice thereof in some newspaper printed in the place where such failing branch is located, and also in some newspaper of general cir- culation published at Columbus. SEC. 26. Each solvent branch shall contribute, in the ratio of the circulation to which it is entitled, to the sum necessary for re- deeming the notes of the failing branch, as provided in the pre- ceding section, on the requisition of the board of control and may be remunerated for such contribution, from the safety fund, as soon as money sufficient can be raised from .that fund, by a sale or hypothecation of the stock, funds, or other securities belonging thereto. SEC. 27. The receiver or receivers appointed as provided in the twenty-fifth section, shall be required to give bond in such sum and with such securities as the board of control shall judge sufficient, and under the direction of the said board, shall proceed to settle up its affairs and convert its assets into money ; the money so made shall be applied : First To reimburse all moneys which shall have been advanced by the several branches for the redemption of the notes and bills of the insolvent branch, and which may not have been previously reim- bursed from the safety fund. 14 Second To reimburse all moneys advanced from the safety fund, other than moneys derived from that portion of the safety fund fur- nished by the failing branch. Third To the payment and discharge of all the remaining lia- bilities of such branch ; and, Fourth The residue shall be divided among the stockholders of the failing branch, in proportion to the stock by them respectively held. SEC. 28. If any branch against which the board of control shall have instituted proceedings on account of any supposed act of in- solvency, as prescribed by the twenty-fifth section of this act, shall deny having committed such act of insolvency, such company may apply to any court of competent jurisdiction for a writ of injunction to said board of control to suspend all further proceedings against such branch as an insolvent company ; and such court, after citing said board of control to appear and show cause why such writ should not be granted, and after the finding of a jury that such branch has at all times continued, and still continues to redeem, in gold and sil- ver coin, its notes of circulation, shall make an order enjoining the board of control from all further proceedings against such branch on account of the supposed act of insolvency on which such proceed- ings were instituted, and thereupon all the property and assets of such branch shall be restored to its directors. SEC. 29. If the board of control shall, in any case, fail to pro- ceed in the manner prescribed in the foregoing sections of this act, in providing for the payment of the outstanding notes of circulation, and in closing the affairs of any branch that shall have committed an act of insolvency, the holder of any of its notes of circulation, or other creditor of such branch may, in case payment of such notes of circulation or other claim has been refused when lawfully demanded, and remains unpaid, apply to any court of competent jurisdiction for its writ, commanding the board of control so to proceed ; and it shall be the duty of such court, after citing such board to appear and show cause why such writ should not issue, and upon the finding of a ju- ry that such act of insolvency has been committed, to issue their writ commanding said board of control forthwith to proceed in the manner pointed out in the preceding sections of this act, to provide for the payment of the outstanding notes of such branch, close up its affairs and make application of its assets. IN RELATION TO INDEPENDENT BANKING COMPANIES. SEC. 30. Each company that shall have elected to carry on its business as an independent banking company, and shall have com- plied with the requirements of this act, preliminary to the com- mencement of banking business, shall, before it shall commence such business, and before it shall be held to have acquired corpo- rate powers, deposit with and transfer to the Treasurer of State certificates of the funded debt of this State or of the United States, at least equal in amount to the amount of its capital stock at such 15 time paid in ; and from time to time as an additional instalment or portion of its capital stock shall be paid in, additional certificates of the funded debt above specified, at least equal in amount to the amount of such additional payments of capital stock shall, within thirty days after such payment, be deposited with and transferred to the Treasurer of State ; but no such certificate of funded debts shall be received by said treasurer at a rate or price above the average sel- ling price of such certificates at the New York stock exchange for the four weeks next preceding the time of the receipt thereof by the treasurer, nor shall any certificate of the funded debt of this State be received at any rate above its par value, exclusive of the unpaid in- terest that may have accrued thereon ; and if such company shall fail to make deposites or transfers of stock, as in this section requir- ed, all its franchises and powers derived from this act, except such as may be necessary to settle up its affairs, shall immediately cease and determine. SEC. 31. The Treasurer of State shall deliver, from time to time as he may be prepared so to do, to any independent banking compa- ny that may have entitled itself thereto, on the written order of the president and a majority of its directors, notes for circulation to any amount not exceeding the value of the certificates of funded debt de- posited with and transferred to him by such company as prescribed by the preceding section ; but at no time shall the total amount of such notes delivered to any such company exceed three times the amount at such time actually paid in on its capital stock, and remain- ing as capital stock undiminished by losses or otherwise. SEC. 32. In order to furnish suitable notes for circulation to such independent banking companies, the Treasurer of State is hereby authorized and required to cause to be engraved and printed in the best manner to guard against counterfeiting, such quantity of circu- lating notes in the similitude of bank notes, in blank, of the several denominations provided for in this act, as he may, from time to time deem necessary to furnish to such independent banking companies according to the provisions hereinafter set forth ; which notes shall be countersigned, numbered and registered in proper books to be pro- vided and kept for that purpose in the office of said treasurer, under his direction, by such person or persons as he may appoint, so that each denomination of such circulating notes shall bear the uniform signature of one of such registers ; and all the notes of each separ- ate denomination shall bear the same device, and bear a general sim- ilitude ; and the notes or bills to be so countersigned shall have stamp- ed or printed on their face the words " secured by the pledge of stock." SEC. 33. The plates, dies and materials to be procured by the Treasurer of State for the printing and making the circulating notes provided for in the thirty-second section of this act, shall remain in the custody of said treasurer and under his direction ; and the ex- pense necessarily incurred by him in executing the provisions of this act, shall be audited and settled by the Auditor of State, and paid out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated ; and 16 for the purpose of reimbursing the same to the treasury, the said treasurer is hereby authorized and required to charge against, and receive from each company receiving such circulating notes, such rate per centum thereon as may be sufficient for that purpose, and shall, from time to time, equalize said expenses among the companies to whom such circulating notes may be furnished. SEC. 34. After any such independent banking company shall have caused to be executed and signed by the president and cashier thereof, the circulating notes received from the Treasurer of State, in such manner as may be requisite to make them obligatory notes, payable on demand at its place of business, such company is hereby authorized to issue and circulate the same as money. SEC. 35. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer of State to receive mutilated circulating notes issued by him to any of such independ- ent banking companies, and to deliver in place thereof other circula- ting notes to an equal amount, and the said mutilated notes, after a memorandum shall have been entered in the proper book or books, shall be burned to ashes by the said treasurer, in the presence of the Secretary of State and the officer or agent of said company by whom the said notes shall have been delivered to the said treasurer, and a certificate of said burning, signed by said treasurer, shall be made in the books of the register, and a duplicate thereof given to said agent. SEC. 36. The Treasurer of State shall give to any company by whom any stock shall have been deposited, according to the provis- ions of the thirtieth section of this act, powers of attorney to receive the interest or dividends thereon, which interest or dividend such company may receive and apply to its own use ; but such powers of attorney shall become void upon any such company failing to redeem the circulating notes issued by such company ; provided, however, that whenever the price of any of the stocks pledged for the security or redemption of the circulating notes issued by any such company, as aforesaid, shall be at the stock exchange, in the city of New York, for four consecutive weeks, at a price or rate less than the value at which such stock shall have been estimated when so deposited and pledged ; the treasurer shall receive and retain the interest or divi- dend on such depreciated stock so pledged, until the interest so re- ceived, when added to the market value of stocks so pledged, to be ascertained as in this section before provided, will be equal in amount to the amount for which such stocks were pledged ; and he shall de- posit the amount so received with any solvent banking company in this State, at such rate of interest as shall be agreed upon, or, at the option of the company by which such stocks were deposited, invest such interest or dividends in any of the stocks by this act authorized to be pledged, in the name of the Treasurer of State, in trust for the banking company by whom the stocks on which such interest or di- vidends may have accrued shall have been pledged ; and whenever the price of such depreciated stocks, at the New York stock ex- change, shall rise to the price at which they were pledged by the company, and so remain for four consecutive weeks, such investment 17 shall be assigned to such company, and all accruing interest on such pledged stock shall thereafter be paid to such company. SEC. 37. The stocks transferred to the Treasurer of State by an independent banking company, for the security of its circulating notes, shall be held by him exclusively for that purpose until such notes shall be redeemed, except as hereinafter provided. SEC. 38. If any such independent banking company shall fail to redeem, in gold or silver coin, any of its circulating notes issued in pursuance of the provisions of this act, when payment thereof shall be lawfully demanded, during the usual hours of business, at the office of such company, the holder of such note or notes may cause one or more thereof to be protested by a notary public, who shall, on protesting the same, forthwith* forward notice of such protest to the Treasurer of State ; and after such protest suffered, it shall not be lawful for the company thus suffering protest, to pay out any of its notes, discount any notes or bills, or otherwise engage in the business of banking, except to receive and safely keep moneys belonging to it, and to deliver special deposits ; provided, however, that if satis/ac- tory proof be produced to such notary public that the payment of any such note or notes is restrained or delayed by order of any court of competent jurisdiction, such notary public shall not protest the same. Where the holder of such notes shall cause more than one to be pro- tested on the same day, he shall not receive pay for more than one such protest. SEC. 39. In case any such independent banking company shall fail to pay and redeem its circulating notes on demand, in gold or silver coin, as specified in the next preceding section of this act, the Treasurer of State shall, within thirty days after he shall have re- ceived notice of such failure, cause the stocks pledged by such com- pany^ or so much thereof as may be necessary to redeem the out- standing circulating notes of such company, to be sold either at the stock exchange, in the city of New York, after giving notice of such sale to such company, and also advertising the time and place of sale, with a pertinent description of the stocks to be offered for sale, in two or more newspapers published in the city of New York, for not less than ten consecutive days before the day of sale, or at the State Trea- sury in the city of Columbus, giving notice to said company, and, also advertising in one or more newspapers published in the city of Columbus, and one or more newspapers in general circulation in the county where the office of such failing company is situated, which advertisements shall contain the same particulars as are required herein where sales are to be made in the city of New York ; and out of the proceeds of such sale the treasurer shall pay in a ratable pro- portion the circulating notes of such company, of which due notice shall be given, calling upon the holders of such notes to present them for such payment at the State treasury ; provided, that if any of the circulating notes of such failing company shall not be presented for redemption at the State treasury until after the term of two years from the date of the first publication of the notice to the holders of such notes to present the game at the State treasury, the treasurer 3 18 may pay ratably tc the holders of the notes previously presented, if such notes shall not have been previously paid in full, whatever tf the proceeds of such sale remaining in his hands may be needed to fully discharge such notes so presented. SEC. 40. The Treasurer of State may, if he shall deem that the interests of the note holders of any insolvent banking company will be best promoted thereby, with the advice of the Auditor and Secre- tary of State, hypothecate or sell, at private sale, any of the stocks transferred to and deposited with him by such company to any other independent banking company, or to any individual person or firm, and receive therefor either money or the circulating notes of such failing company ; provided that no such stock shall be sold by private sale at less than the par value thereof/norat less than its selling price at the New York stock exchange at the date of the last received in- formation, nor shall any such stock be sold on credit. SEC. 41. On receiving notice that any such independent banking company shall have committed an act of insolvency, as hereinbefore defined, the Treasurer of State, the Secretary of State, and the Au- ditor of State, or a majority of them, shall appoint a special agent, who shall immediately proceed to ascertain whether such company has refused to pay its notes in gold and silver coin when lawfully de- manded, and report to the said treasurer, secretary and auditor, the facts so ascertained, and if from the report so made, said treasurer, secretary and auditor, or a majority of them, shall be satisfied that such company has suspended the payment of its circulating notes, when lawfully demanded, in gold and silver coin, they shall forthwith appoint a receiver or receivers, and require of him or them such bond and security as they shall deem proper, who shall proceed to take possession of the books, records, and assets of every description of such company, collect all debts, dues, and other claims belonging to such company ; settle, and, with the approbation of an agent to be appointed by the stockholders for the protection of their interests, compound for all bad and doubtful debts ; sell all the real and per- sonal property of said company, and to pay over all moneys so made to the Treasurer of State, and the Treasurer of State shall cause no- tice to be given by advertisement in one or more newspapers pub- lished in the city of Columbus, and also in one or more newspapers in general circulation in the county where the office of such insolvent company shall be situated, for six consecutive months, calling on all persons who may have claims against such company to make legal proof thereof; and after the end of one year from the first publica- tion of such notice, the treasurer, after full provision shall have been made for redeeming the circulating notes of such company, shall make a ratable dividend of the moneys so paid over to him by such receiver or receivers, inclusive of moneys received by him on sales of stock transferred to and deposited with him by such company on all such claims as may have been so proved ; and from time to time, as the proceeds of the assets of said company shall be paid over to him, the said treasurer shall make further dividends, as aforesaid, on all claims previously proved, and the remainder, if anything, shall be 19 paid over to the stockholders of the company or their legal represen- tatives, in proportion to the stock by them severally held ; provided, however, that if any independent banking company, against which proceedings have been instituted as prescribed in this section, on ac- count of any supposed act of insolvency, shall deny having cornmit- ed such act, such company may apply to any court of competent ju- risdiction to enjoin further proceedings in the premises ; and such court, after citing the Treasurer. Secretary, and Auditor of State, to show cause why further proceedings should not be enjoined, and after the finding of a jury that such company has not suspended the pay- ment of its notes when legally presented, in gold and silver coin, shall make an order enjoining said Treasurer, Auditor and Secretary of State, and any receiver or receivers appointed by them, from all further proceedings on account of such supposed act of insolvency. SEC. 42. If the original capital stock of any of such indepen- dent banking companies shall, in any manner be diminished, or any portion thereof be withdrawn for any purpose whatever, while any debts or demands againt such company remain unsatisfied, no divi- dends shall thereafter be made on the shares of the capital stock of such company until the original amount of the capital stock shall be restored, either by contribution of the shareholders or out of the profits of the business of such company ; and in case any dividend shall be made while the capital stock shall remain so diminished or withdrawn, it shall be the duty of any court, having competent juris- diction, to issue the necessary orders and decrees for closing the affairs of such company and dividing its effects among its creditors and shareholders, as in this act provided. SEC. 43. All fees for protesting the notes issued by any such in- dependent banking company shall be paid by the person procuring the protest to be made, and such company shall be liable therefor; but no part of the stocks pledged by such company to the treasurer shall be applied to the payment of such fees ; and all expenses in curred in conducting the sale of any such pledged stocks and adver- tisements thereof, shall be paid out of the proceeds of such sales. SEC. 44. The stockholders, collectively, of any independent banking company, shall at no time be liable to such company, either as principal debtors or sureties, or both, to an amount greater than three-fifths of the amount of capital stock actually paid in and re- maining undiminished by losses or otherwise, nor shall the directors be so liable except to such amount, and in such manner as shall be prescribed by the by-laws of such company, adopted by its stock- holders to regulate such liabilities , and it shall be the duty of the Auditor, Treasurer, and Secretary of State, or a majority of them, as often as once in each year, to appoint some suitable person in the vicinity of each independent banking company, who shall not be a stockholder in any bank of this State, who shall have power to make a thorough examination into all the affairs of the bank which he may be appointed to examine, and in so doing to examine any of the officers and agents of such bank on oath, and such agent shall make a detailled report of the condition of such bank to the Auditor 20 of State ; and the banking companies deriving their powers and privileges from this act shall not be subject to any other visitorial powers than such as are authorized by this act, except such as are vested in the several courts of law and chancery ; and every agent appointed, as in 'this section provided, shall receive for his services at the rate of two dollars for each day by him employed in such ex- amination, and two dollars for every twenty-five miles he shall neces- sarily travel in the performance of his duty, which shall be paid by the banking company by him examined. SEC. 45. Whenever any independent banking company, being desirous of diminishing the amount of its circulating notes, shall de- liver to the Treasurer of State any portion of such notes not Jess in amount at any one time than five thousand dollars, to be des- troyed, the treasurer shall destroy the same as prescribed in section thirty-five, and shall thereupon retransfer and deliver to such com- pany certificates of funded debt deposited with him by such com- pany, to an amount equal to the amount of notes so delivered up ; provided that the amount of such certificates remaining with the treasurer shall not thereby be reduced below the amount of the cap- ital stock of such company at the time paid in, nor in any case below the sum of fifty thousand dollars, nor in value, estimating the same at their then current price in the city of New York, below the amount of circulating notes still retained by such company , nor shall the treasurer be required to retransfer such certificates in fractional sums of less than one thousand dollars ; and whenever any such company, being desirous of relinquishing its banking business, shall have paid at least ninety per cent, of the maximum amount of its cir- culating notes, and shall have delivered the same to the Treasurer of State to be destroyed, shall have provided means and given security to the satisfation of the Treasurer, Secretary, and Auditor of State, for the redemption of its oustanding notes of circulation, at the place where the office of such company was established, and shall have given notice thereof by advertisement, for six consecutive months, in two newspapers of general circulation published at Columbus, and at least one published in the city, town, or village where the office of such company is located ; and it shall be lawful for the Treas- urer of State to retransfer and deliver to such company all the cer- tificates of funded debt previously pledged with him by such compa- ny, and thereupon all the corporate powers of such company, ex- cept such as shall be necessary to close up affairs, shall cease. GENERAL PROVISIONS. SEC. 46. The capital stock of each banking company shall be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each and shall be assign- able on the books of the company in such manner as its by-laws shall prescribe, but no shareholder shall have power to sell or trans- fer any shares held in his own right so long as he shall be liable, either as principal debtor, surety, or otherwise to the company, for any debt which shall have become due and remains unpaid , nor in such case shall such shareholder be entitled to receive any dividend, interest or profit on such shares, so long as such liabilities shall con- 21 tinue, but all such dividends, interests or profits shall be retained by the company, and applied to the discharge of such liabilities, and no stocks shall be transferred without the consent of a majority of the directors while the holder thereof is indebted to the company. SEC. 47. No banking company shall take, as security for any loan or discount, a lien on any part of its capital stock, but the same security, both in kind and amount, shall be required of share- holders as of persons not shareholders ; and no banking company shall be the holder or purchaser of any portion of its capital stock, or of the capital stock of any other incorporated company, unless such purchase shall be necessary to prevent loss upon a debt previ- ously contracted in good faith, on security which at the time was deemed adequate to insure the payment of such debt, independent of any lien upon such stock, or in case of forfeitures of stock for the nonpayment of instalments due thereon, as provided in the ninth section ; and stock so purchased shall in no case be held by the company so purchasing for a longer period of time than six months, if the same can be sold for what the stock cost, or at par. SEC. 48. In all elections of directors, and in deciding all ques- tions at a meeting of the stockholders, each share shall entitle the owner thereof to one vote ; stockholders may vote by proxies duly authorized in writing, but no officer, clerk, teller or book keeper of the company shall act as proxy, and no stockholder whose liability to the company is past due and unpaid shall be allowed to vote. SEC. 49. The affairs of every company formed and organized to carry on the business of banking under the provisions of this act, shall be managed by not less than five nor more than nine directors. Every director shall, during his whole term of service, be a citizen of the United States and a resident of this State. At least three- fourths of the directors shall have resided in this State two years next previous to their election as directors ; each director shall own in his own name and right at least one per cent, of the capital stock of the company, up to two hundred thousand dollars, and the half of one percent, on its capital stock over two hundred thousand dollars. The directors of each banking company, collectively, shall own at least one tenth of its capital stock. Each director shall take an oath that he will, so far as the duty devolves on him, diligently and hon- estly administer the affairs of the company, and not knowingly vio- late or willingly permit to be violated any of the provisions of this act ; that he is the bona fide owner, in his own right, of the stock standing in his name on the books of the company, and that the same is not hypothecated, or in any way pledged as security, for any loan obtained or debt owing ; which oath, subscribed by himself and certified by the magistrate before whom it is taken, shall be filed and carefully pereserved in the office of the recorder of the county in which the banking company is located. SEC. 50. The directors of any banking company first elected shall hold their places until the first Monday in January, next there- after, and until their successors shall be elected and qualified ; all subsequent elections shall be held annually on the first Monday of 22 January, and the directors so elected shall hold their places for one year, and until their successors are elected and qualified ; but any director removing from the State, or ceasing to be the owner of the requisite amount of stock, shall thereby vacate his place. Any va- cancy in the board shall be filled by appointment by the remaining directors ; the director so appointed, shall hold his place until the next annual election : and if from any cause an election of direc- tors shall not be made at the time appointed, the company shall not for that cause be dissolved, but an election may be held on any sub- sequent day, thirty days' notice thereof having been given in a newspaper printed in the county where the company is located. SEC. 51. Every banking company authorized to carry on the business of banking under the provisions of this act, whether as a branch of the State bank of Ohio, or as an independent banking company, shall be held and adjudged to be a body corporate with succession until the first day of May in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty six, and thereafter until its affairs shall be closed ; and by its corporate name shall be competent to contract, prosecute and defend suits and actions of every description as fully as natural persons, and process against such company may be served upon its president or cashier, or by leaving a copy thereof at its usual place of business during the usual business hours. Each of said banking companies shall, until the first day of May, in the year one thou- sand eight hundred and sixty-six, if so long it shall comply with the provisions of this act, have power to loan money, buy, sell and dis- count bills of exchange, notes, and all other written evidences of debt, except such as it shall be prohibited by this act from buying, selling or discounting; receive deposits : buy and sell gold and sil- ver coin and bullion : collect and pay over money, and transact all other business properly appertaining to banking, subject, however, to the provisions and restrictions contained in this act ; may ac- quire, hold and convey such real estate as may be necessary to the convenient transaction of its business, and no more, but may, how- ever, acquire title to any real estate pledged to secure any debt pre- viously contracted or purchased on an execution or order of sale, to satisfy any judgment or decree in its favor, or which shall have been conveyed to it in payment of any previous debt, but shall not hold any real estate so acquired longer than 19 necessary to avoid a loss of any part of the debt, interests and costs, for the collection or security of which it was acquired, but at any time before selling the same, upon being tendered by the last preceding owner, or his legal representatives, such sum as shall be necessary to save such company from loss of any part of the debt, interest, taxes, costs and other necessary charges for the collection or security of which such real estate was acquired, such company shall release to such owner, his legal representatives or assigns, all its right, title and interest therein. SEC. 52. Notes of one dollar, two dollars, three dollars, five dol- lars, ten dollars, twenty dollars, fifty dollars, and one hundred dol- lars each, and no note of any other denomination may be issued by 23 any banking company deriving any of its powers or privileges from this act ; of the notes issued by any such banking company, not more than ten per cent, of the amount shall be in notes of one dollar each ; not more than five per cent, in notes of two dollars each ; not more than ten per cent, in notes of three dollars each ; not more than twenty per cent, shall be in notes of all denominations under five dollars ; not more than fifty per cent, in notes of all denominations under ten dollars. SEC. 53. No banking company deriving any of its powers or privileges from this act, shall at any time issue or have in circulation any note, draft, bill of exchange, acceptance, certificate of deposit, or other evidence of debt which, from its character or appearance shall be calculated or intended to circulate as money, other than such notes of circulation as are by this act described, and which such companies are expressly authorized to issue for the purpose of being circulated as money. SEC. 54. Each independent banking company shall receive at par, at the office or banking house of such company, in payment for debts due for notes of hand, bills of exchange, or other evidences of debt, discounted or purchased by or belonging to such compa- ny, the notes of circulation issued by any other independent bank- ing company authorized to issue such notes by this act which shall at the time redeem its notes in gold and silver coin ; and eve- ry branch bank of the State Bank of Ohio shall receive at par at the office or banking house of such company in payment of debts due for notes of hand, bills of exchange, or other evidences of debt discounted or purchased by, or belonging to, such branch bank, the notes of circulation issued by any other branch of the State Bank of Ohio. SEC. 55. Each banking company shall at all times, have on hand, in gold and silver coin, or their equivalent, one half at least of which shall be in gold and silver coin in its vault, an amount equal to at least thirty per cent, of the amount of its outstanding notes of cir- culation ; and whenever the amount of its outstanding notes of cir- culation shall exceed the above named proportion, for the space of twelve days, or whenever the said gold and silver coin, or their equivalent, shall at any time fall below the amount of twenty per cent, of its circulation, no more of its notes shall be paid out, or oth- erwise put in circulation, by such banking company, nor shall such company increase its liabilities, by making any new loans or dis- counts, other than discounting or purchasing bills of exchange, pay- able at sight, nor make any dividend of its profits, until the required proportion between its outstanding notes of circulation, and gold and silver coin, or their equivalent on hand, shall be restored. Actual deposites with any solvent bank or banker, of established credit in the cities of New York, Boston, Philadelphia or Baltimore, subject to be drawn against at sight payable in gold and silver coin, shall be deemed equivalent to gold and silver coin, wherever these terms are used in this act. SEC. 56. No banking company, deriving any of its powers or 24 privileges from this act, shall at any time be indebted or in any way liable to an amount exceeding, if a branch of the State Bank of Ohio, two-thirds, or if an independent banking company, the whole amount of its capital stock at such time actually paid in, and remaining as capital stock undiminished by losses or otherwise, except on the fol- lowing accounts, that is to say : First On account of its notes of circulation ; Second On account of moneys deposited with or collected by such company. Third On account of bills of exchange or drafts, drawn against money actually in deposite to the credit of, or due such company ; Fourth Liabilities to its stockholders on account of money paid in, on capital stock and dividends thereon. SEC 57. No banking company shall either directly or indirectly, pledge, hypothecate or exchange, any of its notes of circulation for the purpose of procuring money, to be paid in on its capital stock, or to be used in its ordinary banking operations, or for the purpose of purchasing certificates of State stock to be deposited with the Treasurer of State, or with the board of control ; nor shall any banking company apply or permit to be applied, hypothecated or pledged, any portion of its capital stock to the purchase of certificates of State stock, to be deposited with the Treasurer of State as collat- eral security for the redemption of its notes of circulation. SEC. 58. No banking company shall, during the time it shall con- tinue its operations as a bank, withdraw or permit to be withdrawn, either in form of dividends, loans to stockholders for a longer period of time then six months, or in any other manner, any portion of its capital stock ; and if losses shall at any time have been sustained by any banking company, equal to or exceeding its undivided profits then on hand, no dividend shall be made, and no dividend shall ever be made, by any banking company while it shall continue its bank- ing operations to an amount greater then its net profits then on hand, deducting therefrom its losses, bad and suspended debts ; and all debts due to a banking company, on which interest is past due and unpaid for a period of six months, unless the same shall be well secured, and shall be in the process of collection, shall be considered bad or suspended debts within the meaning of this section. SEC. 59. The directors of each banking company shall, semi-an- nually on the first Monday in May and November, declare a divi- dend of so much of the net profits of the company as they shall judge expedient ; and, on each dividend day, the cashier shall make, and verify, by his oath, a full, clear, and accurate statement of the con- dition of the company, as it shall be on that day, after declaring the dividend ; and similar statements shall also be made on the first Mon- days of February and August, in each year ; which statement shall contain First--The amount of the capital stock actually paid in, and then remaining, as the capital stock of the company ; Second The amount of the bills or notes of the company, then in circulation, specifying the amount of each denomination; 25 Third The greatest amount in circulation, at any time, since the making of the last previous statement, as shall have been exhibited by the weekly statements of the cashiers, specifying the times when the same accrued ; Fourth The amount of balances and debts of every kind due to the branches of the State Bank of Ohio, the amount due to other banking companies of the State, and the amount due to banks not of this State ; Fifth The amount due to depositors ; Sixth The total amount of debts and liabilities of every descrip- tion, and the greatest amount since the making of the last previous statement, specifying the time when the same occurred ; Seventh The total amount of dividends declared on the day of making the statement ; Eight The amount of gold and silver coin and bullion, belong- ing to such company, and in possession, at the time of making the statement, designating the amount of each ; Ninth The amount subject to be drawn at sight, in gold and silver, then remaining on deposit with solvent specie paying banks, or bankers in the cities of New York, Philadelphia, Boston and Bal- timore ; Tenth The amount then on hand, of bills or notes, issued by branches of the State Bank of Ohio, the amount issued by other banking companies of this State, and the amount issued by banks not of this State ; Eleventh The amount of balances due from branches of the State Bank of Ohio, the amount due from other banking companies of this State, and the amount from banks not of this State, exclud- ing, in the latter case, deposits in the cities of New York, Phila- delphia, Boston and Baltimore, subject to sight drafts, payable in specie ; Twelfth The amount on hand of bills, bonds, notes, and other evidences of debt, discounted or purchased by the company, speci- fying particularly the amount of suspended debt, the amount con- sidered bad, the amount considered doubtful, and the amount in suit or judgment; Thirteenth The value of the real and personal property, held for the convenience of the company, specifying the amount of each ; Fourteenth The amount of real estate, taken in payment of' debts due the company ; Fifteenth The amount of the undivided profits of the company ; Sixteenth The total amount of the liabilities to the company by the directors thereof, collectively, specifying the gross amount of such liabilities as principal debtors, and the gross amount as endor- sers or sureties. Seventeenth The total amount of liabilities to the company of the stockholders thereof collectively, specifying the gross amount of such liabilities as principal debtors, and the gross amount as en- dorsers or sureties ; which statement shall be forthwith transmitted to the Auditor of State. 26 SEC. HO. Each banking company organized under this act, or ac- cepting thereof, and complying with its provisions shall, semi-an- nually, on the days designated in the fifty-ninth section for declaring dividends, set off to the State six per centum on the profits, de- ducting therefrom the expenses and ascertained losses of the com- pany for the six months next preceding; which sum or amount so set off shall be in lieu of all taxes to which such company, or the stockholders thereof, on account of stock owned therein would oth- erwise be subject ; and the cashier shall, within ten days, thereafter, inform the Auditor of State of the amount so set off, and shall pay the same to the Treasurer of State on the order of said Auditor ; but in computing the profits of the company, for the purpose afore- said, the interest received on the certificates of the funded debt of this State held by the company, or deposited with and transferred to the Treasurer of State, or to the Board of Control by such com- pany, shall not be taken into the account. SEC. 61. Every banking company deriving any of its powers and privileges from this act may take, reserve, receive and charge on any loan or discount made, or upon any note, or bill of exchange, or other evidence of debt, at the rate of six per centum per annum on the amount of any such note, bill of exchange, or other evidence of debt, so discounted, and no more; provided, however, that inter- est may be reserved or taken in advance at the time of making the loan or discount, according to the usual rules of banking, or as calculated in Rowlett's tables ; and the knowingly taking, reserving or charging, on any debt or demand payable to such company, of a rate of interest greater than that allowed by this section shall be held and adjudged a forfeiture of such debt or demand, but the pur- chase, discount, or sale, of a bill of exchange payable at another place than the place of such purchase, discount or sale at the cur- rent discount or premium, shall not be considered a taking, reserv- ing or receiving interest, provided no agreement or understanding shall be made that the same shall be' paid at any other place than that at which it was made payable;. SEC 62. The total liabilities of any person, or of any company or firm (including in the liabilities of a company or firm the liabil- ities of the several members thereof) to any banking company de- riving any of its powers or privileges from this act, inclusive of lia- bilities as acceptor or acceptors of bona fide bills of exchange pay- able out of this state, shall at no time exceed one-half, exclusively of liabilities as acceptor or acceptors one-fifth, and exclusive of liabili- ties on such bills of exchange one-tenth part of the amount of the notes which such company is authorized to circulate, at the time of such liabilities. SEC. 63. No banking company shall, at any time, pay out on loans or discounts, or in purchasing of drafts or bills of exchange, or in payment of depositors, nor shall it in any other mode put in circulation, the notes of any bank or banking company either in or out of this State, which notes shall not at that time be receivable at par in payment of debt.?, and by the company so paying out or cir- 27 culating such notes, nor shall it knowingly pay out or put in circu- lation any notes issued by any bank or bunking company which, at the time of such paying out or puling in circulation is not redeem- ing its notes in gold and silver, nor any notes issued by any bank out of this State of a denomination less than five dollars. SEC. 64. All notes, bills, and other evidences of debt, excepting bills of exchange, discounted by any banking company, shall be made by the terms thereof, or by special endorsement, payable solely to such company, and no such evidence of debt shall be assignable except for collection, or for the following purposes : First To pay and redeem the circulating notes of such com- pany. Second To pay other liabilities of the said company; and after such liabilities shall have been discharged Third To divide among the shareholders on their stock. SEC. 65. All transfers of the notes, bonds, bills of exchange, and other evidences of debt owing to any banking company, or of depos- its to its credit ; all assignments or mortgages or other securities on real estate, or of judgments or decrees in its favor; all deposits of money, bullion, or other valuable thing for its use, or for the use of any of its stockholders or creditors ; all payments of money to either, made after the commission of an act of insolvency or in contempla- tion thereof, with a view to prevent the application of its assets in the manner prescribed by this act, or with a view to the preference of one creditor to another, except in payment of its circulating notes, shall be held utterly null and void. SEC. 66. If the directors of any banking company which shall have availed itself of any of the privileges granted by this act, shall knowingly violate, or knowingly permit any of the officers, agents or servants of such company, to violate any of the provisions of this act, all the rights, privileges and franchises of said company, derived from this act, shall thereby be forfeited; such violation shall, how- ever, be determined and adjudged by a court of competent jurisdic- tion, agreeably to the laws of this State and the practice of such court, before the corporation shall be declared dissolved ; and in case of such violation, every director who participated in, or assented to the same, shall be held liable in his personal and individual capacity for all damages which the company, its shareholders, or any other persons, body politic or corporate, shall have sustained in consequence of such violation. SEC. 67. Every president, director, cashier, teller, clerk or agent of any banking company, who shall embezzle, abstract, or wilfully misapply any of the moneys, funds, or credits of such company, or shall, without authority from the directors, issue or put in circulation any of the notes of such company, or shall, without such authority, issue or put forth any certificate of deposit, draw any order or bill of exchange, make any acceptance, assign any note, bond, draft, bill of exchange, mortgage, judgment or decree, or shall make any false en- try on any book, report or statement of the company with an intent in either case to injure or defraud such company, or to injure or de- 28 fraud any other company, body corporate or politic, or any individu- al person, or to deceive any officer or agent appointed to inspect the affairs of any banking company in the Slate, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be confined in the penitentiary at hard labor, not less than five nor more then ten years. SEC. 68. The Stockholders of the Bank of Geauga of the Western Reserve Bank of the Columbiana Bank of New Lisbon of The Lafayette Bank of Cincinnati, and of the Ohio Life Insur- ance and trust Company shall, in each case be considered as hav- ing associated and formed a company for the purpose of banking under the provisions of this act, with such amount of capital stock, by such name and at such place, within the county where such banking company is now located, as shall be determined on by a majority of the directors or trustees : and after making, acknowl- edging and filing with the county recorder a certificate setting forth the name, amount of capital, and the place of banking of such com- pany, and transmitting to the Board of Commissioners a copy there- of as prescribed in the seventh section ; and after baid commission- ers shall have examined the condition of such company, and found that as to the amount of its capital, its gold and silver coin, or their equivalent, on hand, the requirements of this act have been com- plied with, such company shall be authorized to recommence, and during the time limited by this act, carry on the business of bank- ing, subject to the limitations, resirictions and liabilities herein pre- scribed ; and on depositing with the Treasurer of State, (subject, in case such company shall elect to become a branch, of the State Bank of Ohio to the order of the Board of Control,) certificates of funded debt, or money to an amount equal to the amount required of new companies formed and organized under the provisions of this act, as compared with the amount of their circulating notes, such company may immediately proceed to issue its notes of circu- lation to any amount within the limits in such cases prescribed by this act : But when the Board of Control or the Treasurer of State, as the case may be, shall be prepared to furnish notes for circula- tion, the notes previously issued by such company shall not be re- issued or in any way put in circulation by such company, but shall be transmitted to the Treasurer of State, or to the Board of Con- trol, to be destroyed, as in the case of defaced or mutilated notes, and new notes received in lieu thereof: Provided, however, that the capital set apart for banking purposes by the Ohio Life Insur- ance and Trust Company, and the capital of the Lafayette Bank of Cincinnati, may each extend to any sum not less than three hun- dred thousand dollars, nor exceeding one million dollars; but the circulating notes of neither of said companies shall at any time ex- ceed six hundred and fifty thousand dollars. In determining the number, qualifications and liabilities of the directors or trustees of the two last named companies, they shall each be governed by their respective acts of incorporation : and the Ohio Life Insurance and Trust Company shall in all things except as to its banking opera- tions, be governed by its original charter. 29 SEC. 69. That the Bank of Wooster, at Wooster, the Bank of Massillon, at Massillon, the Bank of Norwalk, at Norwalk, the Bank of Circle ville, at Circleville, the Clinton Bank of Columbus, at Co- lumbus, the Bank of Xenia, at Xenia, and the Bank of Sandusky at Sundusky, rnay, within one year from the passage of this act, and whenever two-thirds of the directors, or the owners of a majority of the capital stock, of any such bank, shall elect to do so, become an incorporated bank under the provisions and during the time limited by this act, and as such, be entitled to use and enjoy all the privile- ges, and be subject to all the liabilities and restrictions of the same : Provided, that the banks named in this section may, as far as the liabilities of their directors incurred previous to their acceptance of the provisions of this act, and as to their qualifications, be gov- erned by the provisions of their several original acts of incorpora- tion until the expiration of their respective charters ; provided also, that the acceptance of the provisions of this act by the Ohio Life In- surance and Trust Company, shall not be construed to take away, or abridge, the banking powers now enjoyed by said company, under its act of incorporation, after the franchises granted by this act shall have expired. SEC. 70. That before any banking institution, named in the next preceding section, shall be entitled to the privileges granted by this act, the board of commissioners, or the board of control, as the case may be, shall appoint some suitable person to examirle the assets, moneys, credits, effects, and liabilities of such bank, and report the same to the commissioners, or board of control; and every such bank shall be considered as having a capital equal to the amount of its existing capital not exceeding the amount authorized by the act incorporating the same, deducting any amount of losses, bad debts, or debts not well secured, that may exist, greater in amount than the surplus property of said bank, undivided and on hand ; provided that each of the banks, named in the preceding section, shall be al- lowed to fill up its capital stock by new subscriptions or otherwise, to the amount authorized by the law creating the same ; and, provi- ded further, that the bank of Xenia, and the bank of Sandusky, shall be authorized to receive subscriptions to the capital stock of their respective institutions, to any amount not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars, in addition to the amount authorized by their re- spective acts of incorporation. SEC. 71. That before any banking institution, named in the sixty- ninth section of this act, shall be entitled to enjoy the privileges in this act granted, it shall deposit with the proper board, the amount of safety fund required by this act ; and every such banking insti- tution shall, whenever seven or more institutions shall have been formed for that purpose, including those designated by name in this act, that may have accepted and complied with its provisions be- come, and thereafter be considered, a branch of the State Bank of Ohio ; and, as such enjoy all the rights and privileges, and be sub- ject to all the liabilities and restriciions provided for in the same ; provided that any of the banks named in the sixty-ninth section of 30 his act, may, after examination and report, as provided in the next preceding section of this act, elect to become an independent bank ; arid upon compliance with the rules and regulations prescribed for the government of independent banks, as far as may be applicable, such banking company shall be entitled to all the privileges, and be subject to all the restrictions of this act. tit:c. 72. That whenever any branch of the State Bank of Ohio shall desire to close the business of such branch and withdraw the capital thereof, it may be lawful to do so with the consent and under the direction of the board of control, but not otherwise. SEC. 73. The commissioners appointed by the fifth'section of this act shall each be entitled to receive two dollars for each day actually employed, and the like sum for each fifty miles they shall travel in the performance of the duties enjoined on them by this act, which compensation shall be paid out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, on the order of the Auditor of State ; and the Auditor shall assess an equal portion of the amount so paid on each banking company that shall have availed itself of the privileges granted by this act ; and each special agent appointed by said com- missioners to examine and report the condition of any company, as provided in the tenth section, shall receive the same compensation as is allowed to a commissioner, for his services, which shall be paid by the company whose condition he was appointed to examine. SEC. 74. Whenever, by the terms of this act, it shall be required to publish a notice in a newspaper of any particular county, and there is no newspaper at such time printed in such place, a notice printed in a newspaper of general circulation in such county for the time required, shall be considered as sufficient notice ; and when- ever to comply with the provisions of this act, an oath is required, an affirmation shall, in all such cases, be considered a sufficient com- pliance with the same ; and whenever the term funded debt is used in this act, as applicable to the debts of this State, it shall be con- strued to mean all the debts of this State due upon certificates of debt on State bonds, and drawing not less than five per cent, per annum interest. SEC. 75. The act entiled " An act to regulate banking in Ohio," passed March 7, 1842, and an act entitled " An act to amend the act entitled an act to regulate banking in Ohio," passed February 21, 1843, are hereby repealed ; provided, that the Bank of Sandusky, the Lafayette Bank of Cincinnati, the Bank of Xenia, the Bank of Wooster, and the Bank of Norwalk, shall be subject to all the provis- ions of their respective original charters, and all amendatory acts relating to the same respectively, not heretofore or by this act repeal- ed, until they respectively conform to and accept the provisions of this act; provided, further, that nothing contained in this act shall be so construed as to permit any of the banks of this State to issue notes of a less denomination than five dollars, except such banks as shall accept of and comply with the provisions of this act. JOHN M. GALLAGHER, Speaker of the House of Representatives. DAVID CHAMBERS, February 24, 1845. Speaker of the Senate. 31 AN ACT SUPPLEMENTARY TO THE ACT TO INCORPORATE THE STATE BANK OF OHIO, AND OTHER BANKING COMPANIES. SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That the duties imposed, and the powers conferred by the "act to incorporote the State Bank of Ohio, and other Banking companies," on the commissioners named in the fifth section of that act, so far as such powers and duties relate to banks, or newly formed banking companies, electing to become branches of the State Bank of Ohio, shall, from after the time of passing this act, devolve upon, and be exercised by the board of control of the State Bank of Ohio. SEC. 2. If, after a careful examination of the condition, and the responsibility of the Stockholders and directors of any such banks, or newly formed banking company, the board of control shall be of opinion that its condition is unsound, or that the character of its stockholders or directors, for responsibility and integrity, is such as not to entitle such bank, or banking company, to public confidence, and that the admission of such bank, or banking company, to com- mence, and carry on banking business, as a branch of the State Bank of Ohio, will jeopardize the safety of the other branches, or indi- viduals who may deal with such bank, or banking company, said board, or a majority of its members concurring, may refuse to cer- tify to the governor that such bank, or banking company, is entitled to commence, or to carry on the business of banking, and in such case, the board of control shall lay before the bank commissioners first named in the fifth section of the above recited act, (who for this purpose, shall be continued in office until all the banks author- ized by said act shall be organized,) a full statement of all the facts disclosed by such examination, and the reasons which shall have in- duced said board of control to believe that the admission of such bank, or banking company, will jeopardize the safety of the other branches, or of individuals ; and if said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall concur with the board of control, such bank, or banking com- pany, shall not be authorized to commence, or to carry on the bu- siness of banking ; but if a majority of said commissioners shall be of opinion that such bank, or banking company, is in a sound con- dition, that its stockholders and directors are entitled to public con- fidence, and that the requirements of the above recited act, prelimi- nary to the commencement of banking operations under said act, have been in all respects, complied with, they shall so certify to the governor, who shall govern himself accordingly as in other cases arising under said act. SEC. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after the time the board of control, a majority of said board concurring, shall file their assent to its provisions with the Secretary of State. ELIAS F. DRAKE, Speaker of the House of Representatives. SEA BURY FORD, January 6, 1H46 Speaker of the 32 AN ACT IN RELATION TO THE STATE BANK OF OHIO, AND OTHER BANK- ING COMPANIES. SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That if any branch of the State Bank of Ohio, now or hereaf- ter established, shall neglect or refuse to comply with any order of the board of control, requiring such branch to reduce its circulation or other liabilities, or to provide a larger amount of specie or other means, or to pay in its stock, or to do, or cease to do, any other mat- ter, or thing which said board of control may deem necessary for the f-ecurity of such branch, or any other branch, or branches, said board of control, or any member thereof, acting for said board, may apply to any judge of the supreme court, court of common pleas, president judge of the court of common pleas, any judge of a supreme court, or to the supreme court, or court in bank, in session, by peti- tion, or bill in chancery, addressed to the judges of the supreme court, in which the State Bank of Ohio shall be made party, petitioner, or complainant, and the branch implicated defendant, setting forth the substance of such order, or orders, and such neglect, or refusal, on the part of the branch, its officers, or agents, to comply therewith ; and if the President, or any member of the board of control, shall make affidavit of the truth of the facts therein stated, it shall be the duty of such judgn, or court, to allow an injunction and to enjoin such branch, its officers, and agents, and all others in its employ, or connected therewith, from doing, or suffering, or permitting to be done, any business whatever, as a bank, and from intermeddling with, or in any manner disposing of, the books, papers, money, choses in action, assets, or property of the branch, whatsoever, until the fur- ther order of the supreme court or court in bank. SEC. 2. The petition, or bill in chancery, may be ordered by the judge, or court, allowing the injunction, to be filled in any county of this State, and the supreme court shall hear and determine the same as in other cases. SEC. 3. Upon the allowance of such injunction, the property, credits, securities, liens and assets, of every description, of such branch, shall forthwith vest in the board of control, who shall ap- point a receiver, to take possession of the same, as provided by the twenty-fifth section of the act incorporating the State Bank of Ohio, and other Banking Companies, passed February twenty-four, eigh- teen hundred and forty-five ; a certificate of appointment of such re- ceiver, shall be sufficient authority to him to take possession of the books, property, and rights, of every description, of such branch, and shall be full authority to the sheriff of the county, where the branch is located, to give such receiver full possession of such books, property, and rights, with the aid of the county, if required ; and said board and receiver, shall as far as applicable, be governed by all the provisions of said act, as provided in cases of suspension ; and upon the dissolution of the injunction or a discontinuance of such suit by the board, all the rights and property of such branch, shall be restored to and vest in said branch. 33 SEC. 4. The forfeiture mentioned in the sixty -first section of the act to which this is an amendment, shall only be established by an action in the name of the person or persons from whom the illegal interest has been taken, and the amount, when recovered, shall go to the use of common schools for the proper county. SEC. 5. If any banking company, formed under the act to incor- porate the State Bank of Ohio and other banking companies, shall have assumed, at the time of their formation, or subsequently thereto, an amount of capital greater than the minimum amount of capital required by said act, and if there shall have not been actually paid in, on account of capital stock, such excess over the smallest amount required by said act, such banking company, whether a branch of the State Bank of Ohio, or independent banking company, may, by a vote of the stockholders owning a majority of the stock of such company, relinquish all, or such part of such stock over the minimum amount required by said act, and give notice of such relinquishment, if a branch of the State Bank of Ohio, to the board of control ; if an independent banking company, to the bank commissioners. SEC. 6. If any such banking company shall have assumed, at the time of its formation, or subsequently thereto, a greater amount of capital than the smallest amount required by said act, and if any in- stallment or installments, required by said act to be paid on said capi- tal, shall remain unpaid after the time when, by the terms of said act, such installment or installments should have been paid, the board of control, if such delinquent company be a branch of the State Bank of Ohio, or the bank commissioners, if an independent bank, shall, on receiving satisfactory proof of such delinquency, declare so much of such capital as shall not have been paid up to have been relin- quished by such banking company, but not reducing thereby the capital stock of such company below the minimum amount required by said act for the formation of such banking companies. SEC. 7. In case of a voluntary relinquishment of capital stock, or of a relinquishment for the non-payment of installments, as provi- ded in the two preceding sections, the board of control, or the bank commissioners, as the case may require, shall give notice of such relinquishment by publication thereof for three consecutive weeks, in two newspapers having the most general circulation, published in Columbus, and from and after such publication such relinquished capital shall be considered an appropriated capital, subject to be as- sumed by any banking company, formed or to be formed, as in case of banking capital that shall not have been appropriated. SEC. 8. In case when there shall remain in any banking district unappropriated capital, bnt not sufficient for the formation of a new banking company, a banking company may be formed in any county in said district, with a capital, if a branch of the State Bank, of not less than one hundred thousand, if an independent banking company, not less than fifty thousand dollars, and the additional capital, over the amount of the unappropriated capital of such district, may be trans- ferred from such other banking district or districts as shall have re^ 34 maining an amount of unappropriated capital less than the minimum amount required by said act for the formation of a banking company ; provided that no such transfer of capital shall be made until after the expiration of two months from the passage of this act, nor shall any such transfer be made unless the bank commissioners and board of control of the State Bank of Ohio shall concur in the opinion that such trans- fer is required by the public convenience and the commercial interests of the State. SEC. 9. The first four sections of this act shall be in force from and after the acceptance of the same, by members of the board of control, representing a majority of the stock of the State Bank of Ohio. JOSEPH S. HAWKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. CHARLES B. GODDARD, February 24, 1848. Speaker of the Senate. AN ACT TO AMEND THE ACT SUPPLE MENTAKY TO THE ACT TO PREVENT UNAUTHORIZED BANKING AND THE CIRCULATION OF UN- AUTHORIZED BANK PAPER. SEC. 1. Be enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That it shall be unlawful for any Bank or incorporated com- pany, doing a banking business, or exchange brokers, or private banker, or other person or persons, who shall receive money on de- posit, or exchange one kind of bank bills for another, with a view of profit, to issue, pay out or give in exchange for other money, so as to go into circulation in this State, any circulating notes or bills, except the notes or bills of the banks of this State, issued according to law. SEC. 2. Any Bank, incorporated company or other person de- scribed in the first section of this act, who shall offend against the provisions of said section, shall forfeit and pay a sum equal to one half the amount of the notes and bills so paid out, to be recovered and paid over for the use of the State, in the manner prescribed by the " act to prohibit unauthorized banking and the circulation of un- authorized bank paper," passed March 12, 1845. SEC. 3. The provisions ^of this act shall not be construed to ex- tend to the paying out of notes or bills by any person or persons in his or their ordinary business in nowise connected with the business of any banking broker or dealer, nor to the paying out or exchang- ing such notes or bills by any bank, banking company or person de- scribed in the first section of this act, when suoh notes or bills shall be paid out or exchanged in good faith to be taken out of the State of Ohio, and when such bank, company or person has good reason to believe, and does believe, that the same will not be put in circula- tion within this State. 35 SEC. 4. Every note, bond, bill of exchange, draft, check or other evidences of debt discounted, bought or otherwise obtained by any bank or corporation, private company or individual described in the first section of this act, and paid for in the first section contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act, and shall be held and adjudged null and void, and no suit or action for the recovery thereof shall be sustained by any court in this State ; and all contracts, promises, and agreements founded in whole or in part on the payment, ex- change or putting forth of such bank notes contrary to the provisions of this act, shall be held and adjudged utterly null and void. SEC. 5. This act to take effect and be in force from and after the rst day of June next. JOSEPH HAWKINS, Speaker of the House of Represntatives. CHARLES B. GODDARD. February 24, 1848. Speaker of the Senate. AN ACT TO RESTRAIN BANKS FROM TAKING USURY. SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That the fourth section of an act entiled an act in relation to the State bank of Ohio, and other banking companies, passed Feb- ruary 24, 1848, be and the same is hereby repealed, and the sixty- first section of an act entitled " an act to incorporate the State Bank of Ohio, and other banking companies," passed February 24, 1845, is hereby re-enacted as far as the same may have been repealed by the enacting of the said fourth section above recited. SEC. 2. Whenever any person or person shall have paid to a bank- ing institution of this State a sum of money for the loan or forbear- ance of which such banking institution shall have charged, received, reserved or taken illegal interest, and such person or persons shall omit or neglect to bring suit therefor within six months from the time of such payment, it shall be lawful, and it is hereby made the duty of the prosecuting attorney of the county in which such banking in- stitution is located, to institute suit against such banking institution in an action of debt in the name of the State of Ohio, and prosecute the same to final recovery for the amount of the debt or demand on which such illegal interest shall have been charged, reserved or tak- en as aforesaid, and all moneys so recovered shall be paid over for the benefit of common schools in the county in which such bank is loca- ted ; Provided, that the prosecuting attorney shall be entitled to charge and retain a commission of twenty per centum on the first thousand dollars, and five per centum on the excess over one thousand dollars of all moneys so by him collected and paid over as aforesaid, and pro- vided such suit shall be commenced within eighteen months from the payment of such principal sum. 36 SEC. 3. It shall not be lawful for any banking institution in this State to charge, reserve, receive or take more than six per centum in advance on the discount or purchase of any note, bill of exchange or evidence of debt payable at any place within the State of Ohio, nor charge, receive, reserve or take under any pretext whatever, on the discount or purchase of any note, bill of exchange or evidence of debt payable at a place without this State, any per centage or sum greater than six per cent, interest in advance, and the actual cost to such bank of converting the proceeds of such note or bill of ex- change into available funds at par, when the current rate of exchange is not in favor of the place of payment ; provided that such banking institution may charge and receive on the discount or purchase of notes, bills of exchange, or certificates of deposites, bona fide, drawn upon or payable at a place within the State other than the place of such discount or purchase, a reasonable sum for the collection there- of, not however exceeding one fourth of one per cent, thereon. SEC. 4. It shall not be lawful for any banking institution in this State, in the discount or purchase of notes or bills of exchange on time, drawn on any place without the State, and while the current rate of exchange is in favor of such place and against the place where such bank is located, to charge, reserve, receive, or take any per centage or sum by way of discount or interest, which when added to the current premium of exchange in favor of such place of payment ta the date of such discount or purchase shall produce to said bank a net profit of more than at the rate of twelve per centum per annum, on the money so paid or loaned by such bank, and when the current premium of exchange as aforesaid shall be equal to or exceed the rate of twelve per centum per annum, it shall be unlawful for such bank to charge, reserve or receive any discount or interest on such note or bill of exchange. SEC. 5. The discount or purchase by any banking institution in this State of any note or bill of exchange on time, or other evidence of debt on time, payable at a place without the State, when the offi- cer or agent of such bank knows or has reason to believe that the parties to such paper will not be prepared, or do not intend to pay the same at the place of payment, or when any device is resorted to in order to secure to said bank a greater profit than it could realize from the discount or purchase of such paper if made payable at its own counter, shall be deemed and held usurious and unlawful with- in the meaning of this act ; Provided that nothing contained in the third and fourth sections of this act shall in any way impair or affect any right conferred upon any bank heretofore incorporated or organ- ized. BENJAMIN F. LEITER, Speaker of the House of Representatives. CHARLES C. CONVERS, March 19, 1850. Speaker of the Senate. AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR TAXING BANKS AND BANKING COMPANIES. SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That the cashier or president of every banking institution in the State, whose charter does not prescribe any particular mode of taxation for the same, and every banking institution hereafter establish- ed in the State, shall annually, within ten days after the fifteenth day of November, make out, under oath, and transmit by mail, or other- wise, to the Auditor of State, a statement showing the amount of the capital stock of said bank actually paid in and existing undiminishedby losses, and the amount of surplus or contingent fund then on hand; deducting, however, from such surplus or contingent fund, the amount of money paid for real estate belonging to said bank, and upon which it pays taxes in any other manner than that which is hereinafter provided. SEC. 2. The Auditor of State shall, annually, as soon as he receives such statement, ascertain the total per centum of taxation assessed for all purposes, on money at interest, at the place where such bank is located, and shall, immediately the/eafter, assess upon such capital stock and contingent fund, a per centum of tax equal to that so as- certained. SEC. 3. That so soon as the amount of such tax is ascertained, the said auditor shall inform such bank thereof, and said bank shall pay the same to the Treasurer of State, upon the order of the audi- tor, and shall have a lien upon the stock of each of its stockholders for the reimbursement of his or her share of the tax so paid. SEC. 4. That if any existing bank, the charter of which does prescribe any particular mode of taxation for the same, shall, by a vote of the stockholders owning a majority of its stock, consent to the provisions of this act, and file the evidence of such consent with the Auditor of State, such bank shall thereafter, for the purpose of taxa- tion, be subject to the provisions of this act, and shall be exempt from the payment of any other tax imposed by its charter. SEC. 5. If any cashier or president of a bank, liable to be taxed under the provisions of this act, shall neglect or refuse to furnish the statement required by the first section of this act to the Auditor of State, such president or cashier, so neglecting and refusing, shall forfeit to the State a sum equal to three per cent, upon the capital stock of such bank to be recovered by an action of debt, in any prop- er court : Provided however, that putting into the post office a letter containing such statement, addressed to the Auditor of State, at Co- lumbus, shall be deemed a compliance with the provisions of said section. SEC. 6. That if any branch of the State Bank of Ohio shall suf- fer its specie and sight funds in the eastern cities, as provided in the fifty-fourth section of the act to which this is an amendment, to fall 38 below thirty per cent, of the amount of its circulation, and remain so for thirty days, it shall be the duty of the board of control to require said branch to return a proportional amount of its circulation, which circulation, when so returned, shall be burned ; and thereupon the board of control shall declare a proportional amount of the stock of said branch extinguished. SEC. 7. That any branch of the State Bank of Ohio, when a majority of its shareholders shall so determine, may with the consent of the board of control, return her circulation in any amount not to exceed forty per cent, and the board of control shall, upon the re- ceipt of said circulation, burn the same, and thereupon declare a pro- portional amount of the stock of said branch extinguished ; but in no case shall said branch be permitted to reduce the amount of her safe- ty fund. SEC. 8. All laws and parts of laws, inconsistent with the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed. BENJAMIN. F. LEITER, Speaker of the House of Representatives. CHARLES C. CONVERS, Speaker of the Senate. March 23d, 1850. BY-LAWS. ARTICLE 1. SEAL. SEC. 1. The Board of Control shall have a seal, on which shall be engraved " The State Bank of Ohio," to be kept by the President, and to be used by him and the Secretary when necessary. ARTICLE 2. OFFICERS. SEC. 1. All officers shall be elected by ballot, and the majority of votes given shall be necessary to constitute a choice. SEC. 2. Each voter shall place upon his ballot the number of votes to which by law he is entitled. SEC. 3. The President of the Board of Control shall be elected annually at the regular meeting in May, and shall give bond, with security, to the acceptance of the Executive committee, in the penal- ty of fifty thousand dollars, conditioned that he will faithfully and honestly perform his official duties. SEC. 4. The Secretary shall give bond, with security, to the accep- tance of the Executive committee, in the sum of ten thousand dollars, conditioned that he will faithfully and honestly perform his official duties, and account for all money and property of the State Bank of Ohio and branches, which shall corne to his hands. SEC. 5. The officers' bonds shall be deposited with the Secretary of State. SEC. 6. The Secretary may at any time be dismissed, by a vote of the Board of Control, or the Executive committee. SEC 7. In case of the sickness, death, resignation, removal, or absence of the President or Secretary, it shall be the duty of the Executive committee forthwith to appoint a President or Secretary, as the case may be, to hold such office until the disability be removed, or until the next meeting of the Board. Each officer, so appointed, shall give bond and security as aforesaid. SEC. 8. The President and Secretary shall keep separately an ac- count of notes received from engravers -- of those returned by branches, and delivered for circulation. SEC. 9. The Secretary shall open and keep a general ex- pense account, and also an expense account with each Branch. He shall have the custody of the safety fund, and the evidences belong- ing thereto. SEC. 10. That a majority of the Directors of each Branch of the State Bank of Ohio shall be residents of the county in which such Branch is located ; and the seats of those removing, reducing the number of residents within the county below a majority, shall be vacated. 40 SEC 11. It shall be the duty of the President, on the first day of each regular session of the Board of Control, to communicate in writing to the members thereof, all such matters in relation to the ad- ministration of the State Bank of Ohio, and of the several Branches thereof, or any of them, as in his opinon may be useful and proper ; and also to recommend such measures for the action of the Board of Control, as he may deem just and expedient. ARTICLE 3. MEETINGS, &c. SEC. 1. The regular meetings of the Board of Control shall be on the third Mondays of May and November, but the Executive committee may call special meetings. SEC. 2. Except in cases otherwise directed by the act of incor- poration, a majority of the members of the Board of Control shall be competent for the transaction of business, provided the whole num- ber convened at the opening of the session, shall not be less than two thirds of the members. SEC. 3. On all questions any member may require the yeas and nays, and in such case the names shall be recorded. SEC. 4. At the request of any member or members his or their respectful protest may be entered upon the journal. ARTICLE 4. EXPENSES. SEC. 1. Each branch established at or since the session of the Board held May 20th 1847, or that may hereafter be established, shall pay towards office expenses, books, &c., in the proportion of seventy-five dollars for one hundred thousand of capital ; and when the stock of any Branch has been, or may hereafter be increased, the like proportion upon such increase ; and such amount shall be distrib- uted to the Branches previously organized in the ratio of their capi- tal stock respectively. SEC. 2. The expenses of the office and all others, except for plates and notes for circulation, shall be assessed upon the Branches in proportion to their capital respectively. Branches admitted since the last assessment shall in addition to the amount specified in the fore- going section, pay their due proportion of these expenses, reckoning from the time each may have received notes for circulation. The amounts before paid by Branches shall be deducted. SEC. 3. The expenses for plates and notes for circulation shall be added together from the commencement to the time of the assess- ment, and each Branch shall be charged therefor in the ratio of their circulation to which each by its capital is entitled by law, reckoning the capital of those which have, or may be permitted to suspend the payment of capital, and which have actually suspended, and remain suspended, further payment, than sixty per cent. ; at the amount paid. SEC. 4. In making up the expenses of plates and notes, the Sec- retary shall add all notes for circulation which have been received by any Branch in lieu of mutilated, torn, and defaced notes returned, to the amount to which such Bank is entitled by its capital. SEC. 5. The Secretary shall apportion expenses according to the preceding principles, and the amount shall be paid to the President. Each apportionment shall exhibit the basis of circulation, and the amount to be paid. SEC. 6. The books shall be balanced and closed to the first day of the month in which the Board shall hold its regular meeting. The expenses since the prior regular meeting shall be laid before the Board, and audited. Between the time of closing and balancing the books as aforesaid, and the adjournment of the Board, the President shall deliver no notes for circulation to any of the Branches, unless by its special order. SEC. 7. That each Branch pay all its postages to and from the Board of Control. ARTICLE 5. SAFETY FUND. SEC. 1. The safety fund shall immediately be invested agreeably to the act of incorporation ; and if invested in bonds and mortgages, the interest shall be seven per cent., and shall be paid semi-annually on the first Mondays of May and November. SEC. 2. Forms shall be furnished by the President to the Branch- es ; and every instance powers of attorney shall be taken to confess judgment, and suffer a decree in case the interest shall not be punc- tually paid, or the principal when required. SEC. 3. An agent shall be appointed by the board or Executive committee, to examine titles and furnish abstracts thereof, offered as security for the safety fund. His opinion in favor of the goodness and validity of the title shall appear in every abstract, and his appraise- ment accompanying the same, together with the valuation as the same appears on the duplicate for taxation. The President may fill va- cancies in the office of this agency in the recess of the Board and Executive committee. SEC. 4. The abstract of title, and the bond and mortgage, shall be submitted to the Directors of the Branch, and their acceptance in writing had thereto before the Board of Control or Executive com- mittee shall authorize the loan. SEC. 5. The borrower shall defray the expense of the abstract and other preliminary matters. SEC. 6. If the safety fund shall not be invested by the Branch within ninety days after it shall be deposited to the credit of the Board of Control, the President may withdraw it, and with the approbation of the Board of Control or Executive committee, invest the same in stocks of this State or the United States. SEC. 7. The Secretary may receive and endorse on any bond and mortgage given for safety fund any amount not less than one hundred dollars. When the whole amount shall be paid he shall give a power to release the mortgage of record. He may, with the approbation of the Board, Executive committee, or the President, and on the evi- dence that the Board of Control has credit with the Branch to the full amount, and that all interest is paid, assign to the Branch, or other person or persons, on its request, in writing, any bond and mortgage 6 42 taken for safety fund in the same Branch, but invariably without re- course to the State Bank of Ohio, expessed clearly in such assign- ment. SEC. 8. With the monthly statement, on each dividend day, each Branch shall furnish a statement of the interest, paid and unpaid on the bonds and mortgages for safety fund ; and it shall be the duty of the secretary, under the direction of the President, without any un- necessary delay, to cause suits to be instituted upon all the bonds and mortgages upon which the interest has not been paid, which shall be prosecuted to judgment when once commenced, unless principal and interest shall both be paid ; and when suit shall once be commenced, no loan of safety fund shall afterward be made to such delinquent. SEC. 9. The executive committee shall have power, on applica- tion of a Branch to receive in exchange for a bond and mortgage, another bond and mortgage ; and to receive one description of stock in exchange for another description, given as security for the safety fund. ARTICLE 6. POWERS AND DUTIES OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. SEC. 1. The Executive committee shall consist of five members, of whom the President shall be ex-officio one, to be elected annual- ly, by ballot, at the regular meeting in May. SEC. 2. When the Board of Control is not in session, its powers and duties shall devolve upon the Executive committee. The Exec- utive committee shall not, however, contravene, alter or amend any by-Jaw, rule or order of the Board. SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the Executive committee to ascer- tain, by the appointment of a special agent whether any branch which may have been required by the Board or Executive committee to re- duce its circulation or other liabilities, or to do or not to do any other matter or thing, shall have complied with such order or orders ; and in every case when any such branch shall neglect, refuse or fail to comply therewith, it shall be the duty of said committee forthwith after ascertaining such neglect, refusal or failure, to institute such legal proceedings in the name of the State Bank of Ohio against such Branch as they shall deem necessary and proper to enforce a com- pliance with such order or orders, and to secure from loss as well the other Branches as the dealers with such delinquent Branch. SEC. 4. When any vacancy shall happen in the Executive committee, the residue, or majority of the members shall fill such va- cancy ; and the person or persons so appointed shall hold the office until the next meeting of the Board. SEC. 5. Whenever the Executive committee shall be satisfied that any Branch is so conducting its affairs, or is in such condition as to endanger the safety of its creditors, or subject to probability of loss the other Branches, said committee may make an order requiring such Branch to reduce its liaoilities by suspending further discounts, reducing the amount of its notes in circulation, or otherwise in such a manner and to such extent as said committee shall deem necessary to secure from loss the other branches, or the dealers with such 43 Branches ; and such Branch shall, upon receiving such order, forth- with comply therewith ; but such Branch may appeal from such or- der to the Board of Control, which shall be convened by the Presi- dent with the least possible delay, on receiving notice from such Branch of such appeal. Such Branch shall, nevertheless continue to comply with the order of said committee until the same shall be mod- ified or rescinded by the Board of Control. If the orders of said committee shall be approved of by the Board of Control, the expen- ses shall be paid by such appealing Branch. ARTICLE 7. QUALIFICATIONS OF MEMBERS OF THE BOARD. SEC. 1. No officer of any Bank other than a Branch, shall be a member of the Board. ARTICLE 8. DUTIES OF BRANCHES. SEC. 1. Each Branch, on the first Monday of every month, in- cluding the business of that day, shall immediately forward to the office of the Board of Control, under the oath of the Cashier, or per- son acting as such, an abstract of the condition of the Branch, accord- ing to the forms prescribed by the Board of Control, or the Executive Committee, and the Secretary shall, as soon as practicable, send an abstract of the whole to each Branch. SEC. 2. At the same time, and verified by oath as aforesaid, each Branch shall send to the office a full list of its stockholders, designating therein the amount owned by each, and showing who are Directors; provided, that when the stockholders are the same as in the last pre- ceding statement, the fact may be so stated. Also, in like manner verified, an alphabetical list of notes and bills past due on that day, and designating the parties and setting . forth the amounts ; and the Secretary shall, as soon as may be, furnish each Branch with a schedule of the whole of such bills and notes past due. SEC. 3. That the Cashier of each Branch shall return, with trie February monthly statement, his certificate of the fact of each Direc- tor having been duly sworn, or affirmed, and that such oath, or affir- mation, has been duly filed with the Recorder of the county, and the date of such filing ; and a like certificate, at the succeeding monthly statement, next after the appointment of any Director to fill a vacancy. SEC. 4. On each dividend day, or within the week preceding, the Directors of each Branch, or a committee appointed by them from their own body, shall make a thorough examination of the books, ac- counts, notes and bills of the Bank, and count, or otherwise ascer- tain the specie and all notes on hand, and make a report thereof to the Board of Control, designating the amount of specie, the amount of currency, of bills and notes, and all descMfcpn of assets found in and belonging to the Branch. SEC. 5. Each Branch shall quarterly, on the first Mondays in January, April, July and October, and at such times as the Board of Control or Executive Committee shall require, transmit to the Board of Control an alphabetical list, containing the names and places of 44 residence of each person, company, or firm, indebted or in any way liable to the Branch ; the amount and nature of such indebtment or liability, and when due and where payable ; and in case of a company or firm, the names and places of residence. SEC. 6. Each Branch shall be subject to examination, and be examined by an agent, who shall be a member of the Board of Con- trol, or an officer thereof, once a year, at least, and oftener, if deemed necessary. All agents or examiners shall be appointed by the Execu- tive Committee ; or, in the absence of said committee, the President shall have power to make such appointment, if he deem it necessary. No previous notice shall be given to a Branch of such intended exam- ination. The money shall be counted, or otherwise ascertained, the accounts examined fully, the value of assets ascertained as nearly as practicable, and a detailed report made to the office of the Board of Control as soon as convenient. SEC. 7. The Executive Committee shall furnish general instruc- tions to the agents as to the mode of conducting the examination, and special ones, should they deem the latter necessary. SKC. 8. Upon the application, in writing, of two or more stock- holders in any Branch, and upon cause shown, it shall be the duty of the Board of Control, or Executive Committee, to have a special examination of the branch implicated; and upon the return of such report, the board or committee aforesaid shall institute such proceedings as may be deemed necessary. SEC. 9. Each examiner of a Bank shall be entitled to receive from the Bank examined three dollars per day, and his actual traveling and living expenses for the time employed in traveling to and from said Bank in making said examination ; provided, that when two or more Banks are examined by the same examiner at the same time, the whole time and expenses shall be equitably divided between them. SEC. 10. If any Branch shall purchase, or receive by forfeiture or otherwise, such proportion of its capital stock as to leave in the Hands of other stockholders an amount less than the proportion to the amount of circulating notes received from the Board of Control, re- quired by law or by order of the Board or Executive Committee, such Branch shall immediately return to the said Board such amount of its notes for circulation, as shall be required to restore the proper ratio between its capital stock and of its circulation ; and when such stock shall be sold, such notes shall be returned to the Branch. SEC. 11. No Branch shall by itself, or in combination with other Banks or Branches, establish an agency at any place in this State, or elsewhere, for carrying on the ordinary business of Banking. SEC. 12. That individuals or companies holding deposits belong- ing to a Branch, are liable to such Branch within the meaning of the sixty-second sectionJjH^ie Bank law. SEC. 13. Each flKftch shall, in its monthly reports, designate the name of every Bank-W Banker in the city of New York, or else- where, with whom it shall have deposits or notes, or bills for collec- tion, and the amounts with each. No deposit shall be deemed equiv- alent to specie, if the Board of Control or Executive Committee shall 45 deem such Bank or Bankers irresponsible, and not of established credit, nor unless such deposit shall have been in good faith made by such Branch, in money actually belonging thereto. SEC. 14. That upon every piece of paper discounted by a Branch, at least two persons, corporations, or firms, of known responsibility, not connected as partners, or collateral security to at least ten per cent, more than the amount discounted, shall be required, and that no dis- count shall be made or note or bill purchased by a Branch without the concurrence of at least two of its Directors. SEC. 15. That the President of each Branch, upon all notes here- after issued, shall write his name lengthwise upon the face of each note in such a manner, that his first name, or the initial thereof, shall be to the left, and his surname to the right of the centre thereof. SEC. 16. That each Branch on each dividend day shall set apart at least one per cent, on the capital, to be taken out of the net profits of the preceding six months, if so much has been made or earned, as a contingent fund, uritij that fund shall amount to ten per cent, upon the whole capital ; and no dividend shall be made by a Branch to diminish or impair such contingent fund, without a special order of the Board of Control ; provided, that any excess over and above one per cent, so set apart at any former dividend day, may be taken into account in fixing the amount of subsequent per centum of said con- tingent fund. SEC. 17. That when it shall be made to appear, to the satisfaction of the Directors of a Branch, that any note or notes issued by it have been wholly or in part destroyed, and a full indemnity shall be ten- dered to the Branch issuing the same, such Branch shall redeem such note or notes in full ; and when such destroyed notes shall be so re- deemed, the President shall deliver others to the Branch, to an equal amount and of the same denomination. SEC. 18. It shall be the duty of each Branch to keep on hand at all times, at least thirty per cent, in coin, or its equivalent, on its notes in circulation, in compliance with the organic law, at least twenty per cent, of which shall be in coin in vault ; provided, that when the spe- cie in vault falls below that amount, but not below the amount required by law, the Branch shall have forty days to make up such deficiency of coin ; but should said deficiency not be procured and placed in the vault by that time, then said Branch shall cease discounting, and cease to issue notes for circulation, until said circulation is reduced so as to have twenty per cent, in specie upon the amount thereof. ARTICLE 9. MUTILATED NOTES, &c. SEC. 1. A record shall be kept of the amount and denomination of all mutilated, torn, or defaced notes, returned by the Branches to the Board of Control. SEC. 2. Mutilated, torn and defaced notes may be returned at such times and in such amounts as shall be ordered by the Board of Control, or Executive Committee, and shall be burnt to ashes, as re- quired by the twentieth section of the act of incorporation. Reports 46 thereof shall be rendered in writing and filed, and the Branch, unless ordered to the contrary by the Board of Control, or Executive Com- mittee, may receive an equal amount of new notes of the same de^ nomination. The President may deliver the new notes to the person returning the mutilated, torn and defaced ones, so soon as the same shall be burnt as aforesaid, without an order from the Directors or Cashier of the Branch for that purpose. ARTICLE 10. RULES FOR CLOSING AND WITHDRAWING. SEC. 1. Whenever any Branch shall desire to close its business and withdraw its capital.it shall, by an order of its stockholders owning a majority of its stock, by a special meeting called for the purpose, adopt a resolution to that effect, a certified copy of which shall be filed in the office of the Board of Control ; and from the time of filing such Branch may return its notes received for circulation, cancelled or otherwise, and shall be credited for the amount returned ; and such notes shall be burnt to ashes, as is provided by law in case of torn, defaced, and mutilated notes. SEC. 2. From the time said copy shall be filed, and as the notes of such Branch shall be returned, it shall be deemed to have its cap- ital reduced inversely, as the capital authorised the issue of such notes, and no more notes shall be issued by the President to such Branch. SEC. 3. As the notes of a Branch so closing its business and withdrawing its capital shall be returned, an amount of its safety fund equal to ten per cent, thereon, shall be assigned or returned to said Branch by the Secretary, without recourse to the State Bank of Ohio. SEC. 4. When the circulation of such closing and withdrawing Branch shall be reduced and returned as aforesaid to the office of the Bo ird, ninety per cent, upon the circulation to which by its capital it was entitled, the whole of the safety fund of such Branch may be assigned and transferred to it, on its giving security satisfactory to the Board of Control, or the Executive Committee, for the redemption of its outstanding notes of circulation. SEC. 5. Before any Branch shall be permitted to withdraw its entire capital and close its business, any loss, by insolvency or other- wise, of any Branch or Branches, shall be accurately ascertained by a committee to be especially appointed for that purpose by the Board of Control, or the Executive Committee, whose duty it shall be to report the proportion to be paid by the Branch or Branches seeking to close its business and to withdraw its capital ; and such proportion shall be deposited with the Board of Control, or otherwise secured, as said Board or the Executive Committee shall direct. ARTICLE 11. CONTRIBUTION, &c., TO FAILING BRANCHES. SEC. 1. So soon as the Board of Conlrol, or the Executive Com- mittee, shall be satisfied from a report of one or more members of the Board by either appointed, that any Branch has suspended the pay- ment of its notes in gold and silver, a requisition shall be made upon the Branches, fn proportion to the circulation to which they are sev- erally entitled, for an amount in the notes of such failing Branch, or in specie and checks upon one of the specie paying Banks in New York, Philadelphia, Boston, or Baltimore, sufficient in their judgment to meet the redemption of the notes of such insolvent Branch, and so from time to time until all the notes of such Branch shall be redeemed, according to the requirements of sections twenty-five and twenty-six of the act of incorporation. SEC. 2. Should any Branch neglect or refuse to furnish the pro- portion of notes of such failing Branch, or of specie or checks upon the Banks aforesaid, according to such apportionment, such neglect or refusal shall be deemed an act of insolvency, and such neglecting or refusing Branch shall be dealt with accordingly. SEC. 3. The receiver or receivers shall make monthly returns to the Board of Control, under oath, of the true state and condition of such failing Branch, as nearly as can be ascertained. He or they shall return monthly the notes on hand of such failing Branch, which shall be credited to the circulation of the Branch, and which shall be burnt to ashes, as in the case of mutilated, torn, and defaced notes, received at the office. SEC. 4. The receivers shall be allowed a reasonable compensation for services, to be paid out of the assets of the failing Branch ; and in case these are insufficient, the same shall be paid by the other Branch- es, in proportion to the circulation to which they are severally entitled. ARTICLE 12. EXPENSES OF COLLECTION, AND FOR COPIES. SEC. 1. The expenses of collecting bonds and mortgages, given for safety fund, shall be defrayed and paid by the Branch to which they may belong, and shall be deemed a deficit in its safety fund to the amount, to be supplied by a credit on the books of the Branch ; and a certificate of such credit shall be forwarded to the Board of Control. SEC. 2. When copies from the office shall be wanted for evidence, or other legitimate purpose, they shall be furnished at the rate of ten cents for every hundred words ; and when the seal shall be required, fifty cents in addition may be charged. All fees thus received shall be credited to the State Bank of Ohio. ARTICLE 13. PENALTY FOR VIOLATING BY-LAWS, &c. SEC. 1. If any Branch of the State Bank of Ohio, or its officers, shall knowingly and wilfully violate any of the by-laws adopted by the Board of Control, or neglect or refuse to yield obedience thereto, or any resolution which has been or may hereafter be passed by said Board, it shall be the duty of said Board, if in session, or the Execu- tive Committee in its vacation, in their discretion, to forthwith order such Branch to cease discounting, and to return to the Board of Con- trol such amount of its circulating notes as may be deemed necessary 48 to make it for the interest of such Branch to submit to and comply with the by-laws and resolutions as aforesaid; and in case such Branch shall neglect or refuse to obey such last mentioned order, thereby endangering the safety of said Branch, or others, the Board of Control, or Executive Committee, may forthwith proceed to deal with such Branch by injunction, or in any other manner authorized by law. ARTICLE 14. AMENDMENTS, &c. SEC. 1. These by-laws may be altered, amended, or rescinded, at any meeting of the Board of Control, two-thirds of the members present agreeing thereto. S?,c. 2. All by-laws and resolutions of a general nature, hereto- fore passed, are hereby repealed. Form of Bond. Know all men by these, presents, That I, of bind and oblige myself to pay unto the State Bank of Ohio, or order, dollars, being part of the Safety Fund of said Bank, on demand, with interest at the rate of seven per cent, per annum. The interest to be paid* on the first Monday next, to that time, and from that time semi-annually. 18 [Seal.] Form of the Warrant of Attorney. Know all men by these presents, That I, the above bounden authorize and empower any attorney at law, or solicitor in chancery, to appear for me in any court of record, to waive all notices and the issuing of process, and to confess judgment for the amount specified in the above bond, and for interest and costs ; and also to waive process and to appear to a petition or bill in chancery, to foreclose the mortgage of the same date collateral thereto ; and in any court of chancery, to consent that a final decree be entered against me for the amount specified in said mortgage, and for interest and costs. And my said attorney or solicitor is further authorized and empowered to release all errors and all right and ben- efit of appeal, writs of error, or other proceedings in law and equity, to prevent delayer hinder execution upon the judgment so to be con- *If the bond be executed after the first Monday of May, and before the first Monday of November, fill the blank with the words " of November ;" ; nd if after the first Monday of November, then fill the blank with the words "of May." 49 fessed, or the proper process to enforce the decree so to be entered. Witness my hand and seal, this day of A. U. 18 fmr. [Seal.] N. B. The above bond and power are to be on the same sheet. Know all men by these presents, That of in the county of in the State of Ohio, for the consideration of dollars, to in hand, paid by the State Bank of Ohio, the re- ceipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby give, grant, bar- gain, sell, release, convey and confirm unto the said The State Bank of Ohio, and its assigns forever, the following described of land situated in and described as follows, to wit : *5 .-{./ni'Tc-} And the said for himself, his heirs, executors and administrators, covenants and promises to and with the said The State Bank of Ohio, and its assigns, that he will well warrant and forever defend the premises aforesaid, unto the said The State Bank of Ohio, and its assigns, against the demands of all persons whomsoever. To have and to hold the above described premises with the appur- tenances, unto the said The State Bank of Ohio, and unto its assigns forever; provided, and this deed is upon the condition, that if the said shall and do well and truly pay, or cause to be paid, unto the said The State Bank of Ohio, the sum of dollars, being part of the Safety Fund of said Bank, on demand, with interest at the rate of seven per cent, per annum ; the interest to be paid* semi-annually, agreeably to a bond this day executed by the said to said Bank, then this obligation to be void, otherwise to be and remain in full force. In testimony whereof have hereunto placed hand and seal, this '*0ftt1onivday of niio*<>? 18 .bn*c* t *>'! *oi ii-ji/ia a^ogi-ioin bu*: [Seal.] [Seal.] *If the mortgage be executed after the first Monday of May, and before the first Monday of November, fill the bbmk with the words, "on the first Monday of November next to that time, and from that time" and so with the first Monday of May, if the mortgage shall be executed after the first Monday of No ember. tr 50 Form of Acknowledgment by Husband and Wife. The State of Ohio, County, ss. I hereby certify, that on this day of A. D. 18 , before me personally appeared grantors named in the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the signing and sealing thereof, to be their voluntary act and deed ; and the said wife of the said having been by me examined, separate and apart from her husband, and the contents of said instrument then by me made known to her, did, upon such separate examination, declare that she did voluntary sign, seal arid acknowledge the same, and that she was then still sat- isfied therewith. Form of Certificate of Deposit of Safety Fund. Bank No. 18 There has been placed to the credit of the Board of Control in this Branch, being part of its Safety Fund, the sum of dollars, which is subject to the check or order of the President or Secretary. Form of an Order by the President and a majority of the Directors for Notes. Bank 18 at all notes for c f Control to or to his order. Ordered, That all notes for circulation for this Branch be delivered by the Board of Control to Cashier, President. > Directors. nsd Form of Certificate for the payment of interest on Bonds and Mortgages given for Safety Fund. Bank 18 I certify that the interest has been paid on the bond and mortgage of for $ and that the interest has not been paid on the bond and mortgage of Cashier. Resolved, 1, That it be recommended to the several Branches to return no person as a member of the Board of Control unless he have the qualifications of a Director, or be Cashier of the Branch he rep- resents, or be the representative of some other Branch. Resolved, 2, That a telegraphic despatch from a Branch, containing the certificate of the Cashier, (or other person acting as such,) of the appointment of a member of the Board of Control, shall be received as evidence of the fact of the appointment. Resolved, 3, It is the duty of each Branch to receive in payment of debts, the notes of all the Branches; and when the same cannot be identified by reason of the fading out of the ink, it shall not be again paid out or put into circulation in any manner. The Branch which is the holder of such paper, shall return the same to the Board of Control, at any of the meetings of said Board, and the President shall appoint a committee of three experienced Cashiers, to whom all such paper shall be delivered for examination. If said committee shall be able to identify said paper, or any part thereof, they shall re- port that fact, and the name of the Branch to which it belongs, to the Board ; whereupon the Branch to whom said committee decides it to belong, shall redeem the same. If said committee shall not be able to decide to what Branch the faded paper belongs, they shall care- fully count the same, and report the same to the Board for its further order, with the name of the Branch which has redeemed it, to the Board; and the Branch shall thereupon receive credit therefor ; and the amount so credited shall be charged to a separate account of non- identified paper, and the expense thereof shall be adjusted among the Branches in the same manner as the cost of notes for circulation is adjusted. Resolved, 4, That any two members of the Board, whose Branches have returned torn, mutilated and defaced notes, be constituted com- mittees to count, burn and report the same. Resolved, 5, That the practice, if it exists, of loaning considerable sums to corporations, with or without individual names attached, ought to be abandoned. Resolved, 6, That fictitious, nor any other than legitimate and bona fide bills of exchange, should never be purchased or discounted by a Branch. Resolved, 7, That the Branches be requested to retain from circu- lation, and return to the Branches which issued them, any notes which, from mutilation or fading of the filling up, have the appear- ance of losing or being about to lose their identity. INDEX, A. ACCOUNT of non-identified notes to be kept 51 AC KNO WLEDGMENT of ar tic les of associations to be made 5 ACTION not given to recover debts on prohibited notes 35 AFFAIRS of State Banks may be closed, and how 30, 46 AFFIDAVIT made to obtain injunction AGENT to examine Branches- to examine titles to examine funds of associations to examine old Banks AGENCIES shall not be established AMENDMENT to By-Laws allowed APPEAL allowed from Board to Bank Commissioners from Executive Committee to Board of Control Expenses of, how paid ARTICLES of Association, how made ASSENT of old Banks to become new required of the Board of Control to law January 6, 1846-- February 24, 1848 March 23, 1850- - ASSETS of insolvent Bank, how to be disposed of what to be done with, on injunction being allowed cannot be assigned in contemplation of insolvency ASSIGNMENT of Bank stock, how made of debts conditionally permitted of bonds and mortgages may be, given for a safety fund 41 ASSOCIATION for banking 3,4 AUCTION stock may be sold at, to pay instalments 7 AUDITOR of State to act as commissioner 06 B. BALLOT .officers to be elected by- ,-,,- W ,^-, T ~~ 89 53 BANKS incorporated and general powers 23 how many allowed 4 circulation of limited 11 capital, how much 3 failing, how to proceed r 13, 46 may wind up, and how 30, 46 must have 30 per cent, in specie and deposits-- 37 may not take usury except in certain cases 36, 35 may purchase notes, bills, &c. 26 restriction in purchasing notes, bills, &c. 36 must receive each other's notes for debts 23 cannot circulate depreciated notes-- 26 cannot circulate notes of foreign Banks 34 cannot pledge or exchange notes -U3-W 24 certain old may join in association 28 may by consent be taxed- 37 may take 12 per cent on foreign bills 36 what discount may be charged on domestic bills 36 how stock may be in part extinguished 38 BANK COMMISSIONERS who and oath- 5 to regulate number of Banks 8 their compensation 30 to appoint agents to examine associations 29 old continued for special purposes 31 BANK DIRECTORS number, andi how elected 21 must declare dividends 24 amount they may be liable for, collectively 12 violating charter works forfeiture of franchise-- 27 knowingly violating charter individually liable- - 27 majority of must be residents of the county 38 BANK DISTRICTS number of,&c. 3 BANK STOCK to be divided into shares of $100- 20 cannot be taken as security for debts 21 each share to have a vote 21 directors to own how much 21 maybe extinguished 38 when received by branch, what consequence -- 44 Banks have a lien upon for debts 20 of other companies cannot be purchased 21 BEARER all notes payable to 10 BILLS IN CHANCERY may be filed against branches in certain cases 32 BILLS OF EXCHANGE, &c. may be bought and sold- 22 what interest allowed on 36 discount at 6 per cent, and ? per cent for collecting 36 purchasing at discount not illegal 26 fictitious not to betaken 51 54 BOARD OF CONTROL incorporated, powers and duties 9, 10 may extend time of paying stock 6 created Bank Commissioners, and powers 3.1 when to meet 40 noofficerof an independent Bank to be memberof 43 telegraphic despatch to be evidence of member of 51 BOND President and Secretary to give 10,39 receivers to give 13 form of a safety fund 48 BOOKS to be kept to show delivery of notes 11 when to be closed and balanced 41 to be opened for non-identified paper 51 BRANCHES incorporated and general powers 22 may take forfeited stock 7 limited in the purchase of stock ' 21 must set off State tax-- 26 violating charters, franchises forfeited 27 must deposit safety fund- 11 may take seven per cent, on safety fund 12 must invest safety fund-- 41 notes furnished to, and amount--- 11 must not issue except of specified denominations 22, 23 each to contribute in case of insolvency 13, 46 may be restricted, and how 32, 44 may be examined and must pay examiners-- 44 must not exchange notes 24 failing, how sustained 13, 46 must furnish abstracts of condition 43 must return that directors have been sworn 43 must return alphabetical list of debtors generally 44 must pay postage 41 acting improperly, subject to order of Exec. Com. 42 general duties under by-laws 43 what amount of specie, &c., to be kept on hand- 45 may close business, and how 46 may agree to be taxed differently 37 may take interest or profit on foreign bills of 12 p. c. 36 may take a reasonable sum for collections 36 must furnish statement of interest paid and unpaid 42 Directors must examine, and when 43 BY-LAWS- 39 maybe amended, and how 48 Penalty for violating 47 I n U CAPITAL amount authorized 3 minimum 5,6 55 CAPITAL Continued. cannot be withdrawn may be withdrawn, and how may be increased after two years . 8 not paid in may be relinquished, and how 33 CERTIFICATE members of associations to make 5 of appointment member of Board by telegraph 51 CIRCULATION in proportion to capital 11 in proportion to coin,&c. 23 notes for, how obtained 11 denominations 11, 22 maybe restricted and reduced 10, 32 may be withdrawn in part, and how 38 may be reduced by order of Exec. Committee 42 COLLECTIONS what may be charged for 36 of safety fund to be paid by branches-- 47 COMMISSIONERS Bank appointed-- 5 to regulate the number of Banks 8 their compensation 30 their powers to be exercised by the B. of Control 31 old continued for special purposes 31 COMMITTEE Board of Control to appoint Executive-- 10 of General Assembly to examine State Banki-^- 9 must be appointed in case of insolvency 13 may be appointed to examine branches 9 to identify defaced notes 51 of two to burn paper , _-__ H, 45 any two members of the Board are to burn 51 COMMITTEE EXECUTIVE see Executive Committee 10, 42 CONTINGENT FUND to be kept by branches 45 COPIES from office must be paid for 47 CORPORATIONS Board of Control created a, and name- 10 all Banks created and powers defined 22 should not receive large loans 51 CONTRIBUTION to failing branches - 13, 46 COSTS of collection may be taxed 36 ^ JH of copies from office 47 COUNTIES what to form Bank districts --s533 ItSt COURTS to adjudge violations of charter 27 may allow injunctions 32 D- b INJUNCTION - when branch may obtain-^-*.! Q3T A J ' I ifc when and how State Bank can obtain '-'--- 32 INSOLVENCY what shall be deemed, and where assets shall go 13 Board of Control failing to act may be coerced- 14 all acts of a branch after, or in contemplation of, void 27 what the Board or Exec. Com. shall do in case of 47 INTEREST on safety fund goes to the branch {; ,1$ paid and unpaid must be certified monthly 42 on loans 6 per cent, allowed in advance - 26 on the funded debt of the State not to be taxed- 26 purchasing bills at a discount not illegal 26 forfeiture for taking too much 26, 33 not to take more than 6 per cent, in advance and costs 36 may take 12 per cent, as net profits on foreign bills 36 INSTALMENT, on stock, when and what amount to be paid 5 stock may be sold to pay 6, 7 L. LIABILITIES of Banks total allowed - 23, 24 of individuals and companies 26, 44 of stockholeers and directors --- 12 8 58 LIEN Banks shall not take on stock for discounts 21 Banks shall have for liabilities of stockholders-- 20 of insolvent Banks go to the Board of Control-- 10 LOANS must be made by two directors 45 how secured 45 on bills must be legitimate 51 to corporations not to be large 51 M. MEETINGS of the Board of Control, when, regular 40 special may be called 40 of stockholders, votes regulated 21 at, of the Board, majority may transact business 40 MEMBERS of the Board of Control, how appointed, &c. -- - 9 any two of, may count and burn paper 11, 45 may be certified by telegraph-- 51 majority, of may transact business 40 number of votes of 10 MEMBERS of the Board of Bank Commissioners appointed 5 old continued 31 compensation 30 MEMBERS of the Exec. Com., how appointed and duties 10, 42 MISDEMEANORS defined, and officers guilty of, punished 27 MUTILATED PAPER to be returned and burnt 11, 45 any two members of the Board, &c,, a committee to burn 51 N. NAMES, corporate, must contain place of location 5 NEGOTIABLE Bank notes are by delivery-- 10,11 debts only are, for special purposes 27 NOTES, for circulation, Board of Control to furnish 9 must be made payable at branch 10 what amount on capital 11 denominations, &c.-- 22 must be received in payment of debts by all 23 must be withheld from circulation if specie reduced 23 how paid for 10, 40 circulation of, may be restricted and reduced -9, 32, 42 not to be paid out unless received at par 27 penalty for circulating foreign Bank -- 34, 38 mutilated, may be returned and burnt, and when 11, 45 faded may be returned to Board of Control 51 must be endorsed by President of branch when reissued 45 must be delivered on written order--!- 11 59 NOTICE defined 30 to be given before sale of delinquent stock- 6 Bank Commissioners to give Governor when Banks are formed 7 may be given for election of directors 22 o. OATH of directors wishing to bank 7 to be taken by directors and filed-- 21 of members of the Board of Control 9 of President - 10 of Cashier to abstract, list of officers, &c. 43 affirmation same as 30 OFFICERS members of the B. of Control, how appointed 9 of Bank Commissioners 5 .01 .-: of Executive Committee 10,42 of President and Secretary 9, 39 how elected-------- 39 punished for embezzlement 27, 2o ____ ^ , . , '.MI : 01 ORDER written, necessary to obtain notes 11 made by Board of Control, how enforced 32 of the Board and Executive Committee must be obeyed LJOfi-39al4lU^iX 48 >. >':M*'.\n\&) ^jnu * :ii li.iilno" ho -biijocJ PENALTY for embezzlement and fraud- 27 for not redeeming notes 13 for usury 32, 35 for paying out foreign Bank notes 'r7"T^~~ ^' ^ for violating by-laws -- --'r.----~ 47 PENITENTIARY officers guilty of fraud to be confined in 27 PLACE of banking must be part of corporate name 3 PL ATES how paid for JU_^-u 10, 40 POSTAGE branches to pay 41 POWERS of the Board of Control generally and as Bank commissions 9, 31 of Bank Commissioners ^ 7 of Executive Committee generally 10, 42 of thebranches 22 of attorney to confess, &c., safety fund 41 PRESIDENT, of the Board, when elected, and bond 9, 39 must make a communication 40 to appoint a committee to identify notes expenses to be paid to how to deliver new for mutilated notes may withdraw safety fund 41 of a branch must write his name across notes before reissued * - --- 46 60 PROTEST may be entered ---------------------------- 40 PROCLAMATION, of Governor of Banks chartered-- 7 PROFITS to be divided and taxed -- - 24, 26 PROXIES, who may be-- 21 PURCHASERS Banks may be of real estate, stock ---- 21, 22 Banks cannot be, of stocks except to prevent loss 21 if Banks become, they must return circulation-- 44 Banks must not be. of fictitious bills, &c.-- 51 R. REAL ESTATE Banks may purchase--- 22 RECEIVERS of insolvent Banks-- -------- 13, 32, 47 to be appointed when injunction allowed ----- 32 REDEMPTION of notes to be at the branch where issued-- 10 of notes of insolvent Banks provided for-13, 46. 47 REPEAL of certain acts ---------------------------- 38, 30 part of act Feb. 24, 1 845 ------ 35 REPORTS to be made to Auditor of State, when ---- 24 monthly, debtors, &c., general ----------- 43 RESOLUTIONS general--- 51 REVIVAL Gist sec. act Feb. 24, 1845- - 35 RULES for forming banking companies ----------------- 7 Board ot Control may prescribe forsettling balances 9 and by-laws ------------------------------- 39 SAFETY FUND what called and amount on circulation- 11, 12 in whose charge and how invested ----------- 12, 41 branches advancing for insolvent to be repaid 13 in State stocks not to pay tax ---------- ------ 26 belonging to insolvent Banks first converted ---- 12 may be sold or mortgaged, when ---- 13 expense of collecting, how paid ------------- 47 part of may be received -------------------- 41 bond given for may be assigned ----- 41 President may withdraw in certain cases ------ 41 interest must be paid on or suit - 42 Secretary to have custody of ----------------- 39 j j SALARY President, Secretary and Executive Committee may have ---------- 10 SEAL of the Board, how used ----- ---------------- 39 SECRETARY of the Beard of Control, elected when, duties 9, 39 of State, to be Bank Commissioner, &c. 5 SECURITY Bank stock not to be taken as ------------ 21 what required on discounts ----------------- 45 91 61 SHARES of Bank stock, how much, and assignable 20 how many each director to have, may be sold, &c. 21 may be sold for delinquency 6 when taken in payment, circulation must be with- drawn 44 Banks have a lien on for debts 21 votes for each 21 SPECIE all notes must be paid in at the branch 10 proportion to circulation 6 when, withEastern deposits, below 30 p.ct., what 37 STATE BANK incorporated 10 STATEMENTS to be made to Auditor of State, when and how 24 to be made to Board of Control, when and how 43 STOCK -how much allowed and minimum 5 may be increased 8 may be sold for delinquency 6 may be purchased, when 21 may be assigned 20 time for payment may be extended 6 may be relinquished 33, 38 Banks have a lien on for debts 20 Banks shall not discount on 21 votes on 21 shall not be purshased only in certain cases T 21 when taken in payment, circulation returned- - - 44 STOCKHOLDERS debts of limited 19 extent of liability . 12, 24 delinquent, cannot vote 21 T. TAX to be paid on profits not on State stocks 26 an act to tax Banks 37 TELEGRAPH certified, evidence in what cases 61 TITLES what kind, for safety fund 12 an agent to examine 41 TRANSFER of stock allowed, conditionally 20 of assets of insolvent Banks, void 27 of notes, bills, &c., for special purposes 27 of bonds and mortgages, safety fund 41 TRUST safety fund to be held in, by Board of Control-- 12 u. USURY cannot be taken except on foreign bills 35, 36 V. VACANCIES in office of President, &c., how filled ------- 10, 39 in Executive Committee, how filled in Bank Commissioners in Bank Directors VOTE regulated a* to member, &c. delinquent stockholders cannot Y. YEAS and nays may be required University of California Library Los Angeles This book is DUE on the la 42 5 22 10, 21 21 40 A 000 085 533 8 \ Uni\ S