UC-NRLF OF THE American Entomological Society OF PHILADELPHIA. Adopted tit Held Deot'T-i-iHer 113, 1887. Q1M& STOCKHAFSEN, ENTOMOLOGICAL PRINTKR, No. 55 North Seventh Street. 1889. THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID BY-LAWS OF THE America!! Entomological Society OF PHILADELPHIA. Adopted at a meeting Ineld December 12, 1887. PAUL C. STOCKHAUSEN, ENTOMOLOGICAL PRINTER, No. 55 North Seventh Street. 1889. ftf BY-LAWS. CHAPTER I. OF OFFICERS AND THEIR DUTIES. ART. I. The officers of the Society shall consist of a President, a Vice-President, a Corresponding Secretary, a Recording Secretary, a Treasurer, all of whom shall be elected annually, at the stated meeting in December. ART. II. The President shall preside at the meetings of the So- ciety, enforce the laws, preserve order and decorum, regulate debates, state and put questions agreeably to the sense and intention of the members, and announce the determination of the Society thereupon. He shall nominate the Chairman of all Committees other than those especially excepted, give the casting vote when required, and call special meetings of the Society at such times as he may deem it necessary, or at the request of any three members in writing. He shall be, ex-officio, a member of all Standing Committees. ART. III. In the absence of the President, his duties shall devolve upon the Vice-President, or in the absence of both, a President pro tempore, selected from the members ; or at his request when present, his duties may be performed by the Vice-President. ART. IV. The Corresponding Secretary shall conduct and pre- serve the correspondence of the Society, keep correct copies of all letters written on the business of the Society, acknowledge the receipt of all donations from persons who are not members of the Society, notify all corresponding members of their election and keep a correct list of all such members, with the dates of their election, resignation or death. He shall have charge of the certificates of membership, and cause one to be properly filled up,' signed, sealed and delivered to each member, and shall lay before the Society at the stated meet- ing in December a written report of his transactions during the pre- ceding year. M3B8904 ART V. The Recording Secretary shall take and preserve correct minutes of the proceedings of the Society, preserve in regular files all documents belonging thereto that may come in his possession, read all communications made by resident members, notify all resi- dent members of their election, and all committees of their appoint- ment, keep a correct list of the resident members of the Society, with the date of their election, resignation or death, and lay before the Society at the stated meeting in December a written report of his transactions during the preceding year. In his absence a Re- cording Secretary pro tempore may be appointed. ART. VI. The Treasurer shall receive and take charge of the funds of the Society, except those especially provided for, and attend to the collection and payment of moneys, but no payment shall be made by him except on an order from the President, attested by the Recording Secretary. He shall keep a clear and detailed statement of all receipts and expenditures which is laid before the Society at the stated meeting in December, and at such other times as called upon by the Society. ART. VII. In addition to the foregoing officers, provided for in the Charter, there shall be a Librarian and a Curator, to be elected annually in connection with the officers of the Society. ART. VIII. The Librarian shall take charge of all books and pamphlets belonging to the Society, prepare a bibliographical cata- logue of the same, collect and preserve materials for a history of the Society, and report on the condition and state of the library to the Executive Committee when called upon, and to the Society at the stated meeting in December. ART. IX. The Curator shall take charge of the collections of the Society and keep the keys thereof subject to the call of Execu- tive Committee. He shall, under the supervision of the Executive Committee, keep the collections in perfect order and arrangement, shall incorporate therein all new material, and shall make exchanges with kindred societies and individual collectors. Under the direc- tion of the Librarian it shall also be his duty to perfect and maintain the arrangement of the library, incorporate therein and carefully catalogue all additions thereto, as opportunity affords prepare a thorough system of card-catalogues thereof and from time to time prepare all unbound books for binding. He shall announce all ad- ditions to the collections at each meeting of the Society, and shall make to the Executive Committee a monthly report of the work done on the collections and the library. He shall receive compen- sation, and shall remain in attendance in the rooms of the Society certain hours each day, the compensation and hours to be determined by the Society at their stated meeting in December. CHAPTER II. OF MEMBERS. ART. I. The Society shall consist of resident members and cor- responding members. ART. II. All candidates for admission into the Society as resident members must be proposed and vouched for in writing by two mem- bers, who shall be required to have some personal acquaintance with the one they propose, and shall also be required to state the character, profession, qualifications and place of residence of the candidate. All propositions for resident membership must be made at a stated meeting, and be balloted for at the next stated meeting, when the affirmative votes of three-fourths of the members present shall be necessary to elect a candidate. ART. III. The right of voting, of holding office, and of trans- acting business, shall be confined solely to resident members. Cor- responding members shall have all other privileges of resident members. ART. IV. Propositions for admission into the Society as corre- sponding members must be made in writing by two members at a stated meeting, and be balloted for at the next stated meeting, when the affirmative votes of three-fourths of the members present shall be necessary to elect a candidate. ART. V. No person residing in Philadelphia, unless he be an officer of the army or navy, can be elected a corresponding member, nor shall he continue as such after he shall have removed perma- nently to Philadelphia. In such case a re-election is not necessary, but the member becomes liable for the annual contributions. ART. VI. No resident member shall be entitled to the privileges of membership until he shall have paid the initiation fee and signed the following obligation : In becoming a resident member of the AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY, I promise to conform myself to the Charter, By-Laws and Regulations, and in testimony whereof I do hereunto subscribe my name. ART. VII. If any person shall be balloted for and rejected, or his name withdrawn previous to the ballot, no note of said rejection or withdrawal shall be made on the minutes of the Society. CHAPTER III. OF CONTRIBUTIONS. CHAPTER IV. OF RESIGNATIONS AND EXPULSIONS. CHAPTER V. OF COMMITTEES AND THEIR DUTIES. ART. 1. There shall be three Standing Committees who shall be elected annually at the stated meeting in December, viz. : one on Publication and one on Finance, to consist of three members each, and an Executive Committee consisting of five members, including the Librarian and Curator. ART. II. The Committee on Publication shall receive all papers that have been accepted for publication by the Society, have them published as early as possible, and follow in publication, as far as practicable, the order in which they have .been reported upon ; and also to publish such abstracts of the records of the Society as may be of general interest, and at the stated meeting in December of each year submit a report of its operation. ART. III. The Committee on Finance, with the Treasurer, shall take charge of all moneys coming to the Society, and invest the same ; change any or all of the investments of the Society whenever it may deem it advantageous so to do. and report such changes to the Society at its next stated meeting, with the reasons for making the same, and at the stated meeting in December submit a report of its operations. ART. IV. The Executive -Committee shall have charge of the rooms of the Society, and, under its rules (Chapter VII), shall have general supervision of the arrangement, preservation and increase of the collections, and all exchanges of duplicates. They shall report when repairs are needed and when ordered, see that they are properly executed, and shall provide all such conveniences as may be necessary for the accommodation of the members of the Society. They shall meet at least once a month to inspect the rooms, the library, and the collections, and shall report to the Society at the stated meeting in December upon their condition, and the work done thereon during the year just closing. They shall promptly report to the Society any neglect of duty on the part of the Curator. ART. V. In appointing all other Committees the President shall name the first member, who is to nominate the second, the second a third, and in like manner successively, until the number agreed upon be complete. ART. VI. All committees must report in writing, and every re- port must be signed by a majority of the committee. CHAPTER VI. OF SPECIAL FUNDS. ART. I. The Society is authorized to accept in trust, and also to create separate funds for specific purposes, which shall be distinctly named. The principal of each fund shall be kept invested in the name of the Society in such good lawful securities the loans of the United States, the loans of the State of Pennsylvania, or of the City of Philadelphia, sound real estate securities, or others as the So- ciety may direct, and shall be held for the special purposes for which each fund may be created. ART. II. All money which may accrue in the process of changing the investment of a Trust Fund shall be invested again without delay for the same trust ; but no investment shall be changed without the consent of the Society. CHAPTER VII. OF CABINET. ART. I. The keys of the cases containing the collection shall be kept by the Curator, subject to the call of the Executive Committee, 8 who have the liberty to open the cases, and shall be responsible for all specimens committed to their charge. ART. II. No specimen or specimens contained in the collection of the Society shall be loaned from the Kooms without the consent of the Executive Committee, and then only to students on condition that all such specimens will be returned correctly determined as far as possible. ART. III. The collections of the Society may be opened at any time by a member of the Executive Committee, and shall be opened for the inspection of members and students at all times that the Curator is in attendance, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter I, Article VIII. ART. IV. Duplicates may be exchanged for other material. Four specimens of a species, or a greater number where species is represented by many varieties, shall be retained in the collection. Provided, however, that where an exchange of great advantage to the collections can be effected, one of two specimens, when of the same sex, may be exchanged. CHAPTER VIII. OF LIBRARY. ART. I. The library shall contain books having reference to Entomology, and no books shall be loaned, except under proper guarantee of their safe return, or on deposit of the value of the same. ART. II. Books deposited in the library shall at all times be at the command of the depositor, and shall not be loaned unless with his written consent, the Society assuming no responsibility on account of such deposit. CHAPTER IX. OF PUBLICATION. ART. I. All written communications intended for publication, read or presented to the Society, shall be referred to the Committee on Publication, to report thereon at the next stated meeting. ART. II. All such communications become the property of the Society, and shall be deposited in its Archives after publication ; a copy, however, of any paper read before the Society, may be taken by the author ; but all written communications which shall not be accepted for publication may be returned to the author if requested. ART. III. No author shall be permitted to make any other than verbal alterations in a paper while it is in the hands of the Publica- tion Committee, without their consent ; nor shall the Committee make any alteration in a paper committed to it without the consent of the author. All alterations proposed, other than verbal, must be approved by the Committee, and if the types are set, such alterations shall be made only at the expense of the author. ART. IV. The regular publication of the Society shall be called the " TRANSACTIONS of the American Entomological Society," and shall be published in numbers of a uniform octavo size, at as short intervals as practicable. The expenses of publishing the " TRANS- ACTIONS" shall be defrayed by subscriptions and sales, aided by the interest arising from the permanent Publication Fund. ART. V. The Committee shall keep a correct account of its money transactions, receiving all moneys arising from the sale of the " TRANSACTIONS" and interest from the Publication Fund, and pay- ing all bills for publishing the same, these having been first approved by a majority of the Committee. CHAPTER X. MEETINGS. ART. I. The stated meetings of the Society shall be held on the second Monday evening of June and December, at such hours as may be fixed from time to time by the Society. ART. II. Special meetings of the Society may be called by the President whenever he may deem it necessary, and it shall be his duty to call a special meeting at the request of any three members in writing. ART. III. Five members shall constitute a quorum for the trans- action of business. 10 as ART. IV. The order of business at stated meetings shall be I l/MI7i3 follows 1. Minutes of last stated meeting shall be read. 2. Reports of Officers and Committees. 3. Donations to Cabinet. 4. Donations to Library. 5. Written communications. 6. Verbal communications. 7. Unfinished business. 8. New business. 9. Proposals and Elections. 10. Rough minutes read and adopted. 11. Adjournment. CHAPTER XI. ART. I. In all such points of order as are riot noticed in these By-Laws, the Society is to be governed by the established usages of similar institutions. ART. II. Every proposition to alter or amend these By-Laws shall be submitted in writing at a stated meeting, and acted upon at the next stated meeting, and if adopted by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present, it shall become part of these By-Laws. ART. III. None of these By-Laws shall be suspended.