061 467 >ols ^ Benches FOR AL TRAINING AND TECHNICAL SCHOOL Catalogue No HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO., NEW YORK. V Catalogue No. 87. TOOLS & BENCHES FOR MANUAL TRAINING AND TECHNICAL SCHOOLS. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & Co., 209 BOWERY, NEW YORK. INTRODUCTORY. TN this CATALOGUE we have aimed to present only such items as have been most demanded in our extensive school trade, which runs back over a period of nearly 1 5 years. SINCE 1848 we have been supplying TOOLS FOR ALL TRADES, both of Domestic and Foreign manufacture, and we have united the experience thus gained with careful study and observation of tool-requirements for schools. Owing to the marked and rapid increase of special depart- ments for the promotion of the work and in fact the increase of Technical and Manual Training Schools throughout the country, the tool demands are constantly increasing and it is therefore impracticable to attempt to incorporate into a cata- logue, all of the items which may be called for, and if our book does not contain your requirements, we should be pleased to have a list of such goods, with permission to name prices. Our stocks are large and carefully selected and our facilities for handling tool orders are not surpassed anywhere in the United States. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. 2OQ BOWERY, NEW YORK. 2065674 INDEX. Adze Eye Bell Face Hammers. . . 36 " " Claw Hammers 35 Auger Bits 49 Awls, Brad 86 " Scratch 86 B Back Saws 17 Bell Face Hammers 36 Bench Cabinets 6-7 " Dusters 85 " Hooks 84 " Rules 70 " Stops 85 " Vises 92 Benches, Manual Training School, 3-5 Bevels, T-Sliding 62-64 Binders, Venetian Iron i i Bits, Auger 49 " Center 51 " Dowel 49 " Expansive 50 " Gimlet 51 " Screwdriver 58 " Twist 51 Blades. Saw, Bracket 21 ' ' Turning 19 Boards, Drawing 75 Bobs, Plumb 68 Boxes, Mitre 2 3- 2 5 " Oil-Stone 47 Boxwood Rules 69 Braces 54~5 6 Bracket Saw Blades 21 " " Frames . . 20 Bracket Saw Sets 20 Brad Awls 86 Brad Hammers 36 Brushes, File 86 Cabinet Files " Rasps " Scrapers Cabinets, Tool Carpenters' Pencils Pincers Carpentry Outfits Carriage Makers' Clamps Carvers' Knives . . " Tools Center Bits Chisel Handles Chisels, Firmer " Paring " Turning Clamps, Carriage Makers' " Steel Wood Claw Hammers Combination Bench Cabinet Squares Compass Saws Compasses, Drawing Corks, Sandpaper Countersinks 5 Crosscut Saws Cutting Gauges " Nippers " Shears. . 90 87 6-7 78 '4 1-2 83 9 10 51 43 .38 40 4' 83 35 6-7 62 ,8 73 87 '-53 16 66 '4 12 VI INDHX. D Desk Rules Dividers, Winged. Dowel Bits. . 70 i 68 49 ! Instruments 7^-70 1 II "- ' ' in Sets. . Kits '. . 71-72 (> Knives . 34 II Paper ... 70 ,. Pencils 77 Dusters Bench . . . 8s E Expansive Bits so File Brushes So " Handles 4, Files, Cabinet Sq " Flat- 88 " Hand 88 " Saw 80 Firmer Chisels 38 " Gouges 39 Flat Files 88 ' ' ' Nose Plyers 13 Frames, Bracket Saw 20 " Turning Saw IQ Gauges, Cutting 00 " Marking 64-65 " and Mortise... 65-60 " Roller 60 Gimlet Bits ... 51 Gouges, Firmer 39 " Paring 40 " Turning 41 Grindstones 47~48 H Hammers, Adze-Eye Bell Face. . . 36 ' " Claw " ... 35 " Brad 36 " Riveting 36 Hand Files 88 ' ' Saws 1 6 " Screws Si Handles, Chisel 43 " File 43 " Screwdriver 43 Turning Tool 42 Hatchets, Shingling 35 Holders, Tool 8; Hooks, Bench 84 I Instruments, Drawing 7 3-76 " in Sets. . 71-72 Iron, Venetian i i ' ' Binders n J Jewelers' Mallets 37 Keyhole Saws 18-19 Kits, Drawing 70 Knives, Drawing -54 " Sloyd 9 " Wood Carvers' 9 L Levels and Plumbs 07 M Mallets, Jewelers' 37 " Round 37 Manual Training School Benches.. 3-5 Marking Gauges 64-6s '' and Mortise Gauges.. 65-66 INDEX. VII M Metal Snips : 12 R 06 Mitre Boxes 23-25 70 Round Mallets j7 Modeling Tools Mortise Gauges . 65-66 78 70 N Nail Sets " Boxwood e>o " Desk 70 S Sandpaper Corks 87 Nippers Cutting 14 Oilers .. so Saw Blades Bracket 21 Oil Stone Boxes 47 " Files 80 Oil Stones 44-46 . . 1-2 " Sets . . . 21-22 Outfits, Carpentry " " Bracket . .... 2O ' ' Sharpening .. 8 4 P 16 ' ' Bracket '7 .... 20 '-' Compass . , ..... 18 -{. " Crosscut 10 Art " Hand 10 40 Keyhole . .. I8-IQ it ; " Panel . 10 78 ' '' Rip 10 7 s TT '' Turning 10 77 , ., Scales. Flat .... 7, 14 26-32 " Triangular 73 School Benches .... 35 Plumb Bob p ; 79 h8 Scraper Steels .... 87 f\H Scrapers, Cabinet .... 87 Plyers, Flat Nose 1} Scratch Awls 86 Screwdriver Bits ... 58 " Round Nose 1 3 " Handles Screwdrivers .... 45 . S7-S8 Protractors, Drawing. . 73 R Racks, Tool 83 Screws, Hand .... 81 Srrnlh 7=; Rasps, Cabinet oo Sets Bracket Saw .... 2O " Wood QO " Nail 78 Ratchet Braces 55 '' Saw . . 21-22 Riii Saws. . 1 6 Sharpening Outfits 84 Riveting HJmmers 36 i Shears, Rolling Cutter ... 12 Roller Cutter Shears . . 12 Shingling Hatchets. . IT Vlll INDEX. Sizers, Wood Turners 42 Sliding T Bevels 62-64 Sloyd Knives 9 Snips, Metal 12 Socket Firmer Chisels 38 " Gouges 39 Spokeshaves 3; Squares, Combination, Fox 62 " Mitre 61-62 " Steel 59 T 74 Try 60-0 1 " and Mitre 61 Stanley Planes . . 26-32 Steel Clamps 82 " Squares 59 Steels, Scraper 87 Stones, Oil. 44~46 Stops, Bench 85 Swivel Vises 02 Tacks, Thumb 76 Taper Saw Files 89 T- Bevels, Sliding 62-64 Thumb Tacks 75 Tool Cabinets 6-7 " Holders 83 " Racks 83 Tools, Carving 10 '' Modeling 79 " Parting 42 Tools, Plaster Carving 70 " Turning 4 1-42 Trays, Whittling 8 Triangles 75 Try Squares 00-61 " and Mitre Squares 61 T-Squares 74 Turning Chisels 41 " Gouges 41 " Saw Blades 19 ' ' Frames 19 " Saws 19 Tool Handles 42 Tools 41-42 Twist Bits =,! V Venetian Iron ; i i " Binders i i Vises, Bench 92 " Swivel 92 ' ' Woodworkers' 91 Whittling Trays 8 Winged Dividers 08 Wood Carvers' Knives 9 " Tools 10 " Clamps 82 ' ' Rasps 90 " Turners Parting Tool 42 " . " Sizers 42 ' ' Tools 41 -42 ' ' Workers' Vises 91 HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. CARPENTRY OUTFIT No. i. Please substitute this page for Page \ in our catalogue. i Disston's Back Saw, No. 4, 10 in. i Hammond's Adze-eye Claw Hammer, No. ;. i Bailey's Iron Adjustable Smooth Plane, No. 3. i Buck Bros.' Firmer Chisel, No. 2, \ inch, Handled and Sharpened. . ii a u u i n it u i Russell Jenning's Dowel Bit, yV inch. . x < 4 i Barber's Brace, No. 223, 8 in. sweep. i Sliding T Bevel, No. 25, 8 in. i Iron Handled Try Square, No. 12, 6 in. i Marking Gauge, No. 64^. i B. & F. Round Blade Screwdriver, 4 in. i Buck Bros.' Round Point Nail Set (about T V inch point.) i Round Hickory Mallet, No. 4. i Rule, No. 42, 2 foot. i Sloyd Knite, No. 7. i Dixon's Drawing Pencil, No. 725. i Sharpening Outfit, No. i. i Bench Duster, No. 10. i Maple Bench Hook. i H. S. & Co.'s Manual Training School Bench "J." Per Set, $ 18.^0 The Tools in this outfit are first class in every respect; are all of standard makes, and the sizes and assortment such as have been generally adopted by schools to which we have furnished Supplies and Tools. Above price is net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. CARP r JTF1T No. i. i Disston's Back Saw, No. i Hammond's Adze-eye Claw Hammer, No. 2. i Bailey's Iron Adjustable Jack Plane, No. 5. i Buck Bros.' Firmer Chisel, i inch, Handled and Sharpened. " " i " " " " i Russell Jenning's Dowel Bit, T \ inch. i " " " " i " i Barber's Brace, No. 14, 6 in. sweep. i Sliding T Bevel, No. 25, 8 in. i Iron Handled Try Square, No. 12, 6 in. i Marking Gauge, No. 64^. i B. & F. Round Blade Screwdriver, 4 in. i Buck Bros.' Round Point Nail Set (about ^ g inch point.) i Round Hickory Mallet, No. 4. i Rule, No. 42, 2 foot. i Sloyd Knite, No. 7. i Dixon's Carpenters' Pencil, No. 511. i Sharpening Outfit, No. i . i Bench Duster, No. 10. i Maple Bench Hook. i H. S. & Co.'s Manual Training School Bench "J.' 1 Per Set. $20.75 The Tools in this outfit are first class in every respect ; are all of standard makes, and the sizes and assortment such as have been generally adopted by schools to which we have furnished Supplies and Tools. Above price is net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. CARPENTRY OUTFIT No. 2. i Disston's Cross-cut Saw. No. 7, 22 inf i " Rip Saw, No. 7, 22 in. i " Back Saw, No. 4, 10 in. i Hammond's Adze-eye Claw Hammer, No. 2. i Bailey's Patent Adjustable Iron Smooth Plane, No. 3. i " " Jack " No. 5. i Buck Bros.' Firmer Chisel, ^ inch, Handled and Sharpened. i " " " Gouge, i " i " " " " $ " i Russell Jenning's Dowel Bit, ^ inch. I i Barber's Brace, No. 14, 6 in. sweep. i Eagle Sliding T Bevel, 9 in. i Iron Handled Try Square, No. 12, b in. i Marking Gauge, No. 64^. i B. & F. Round Blade Screwdriver, 4 in. i P. S. & W.'s Winged Divider, o in. i Buck Bros.'s Round Point Nail Set (about ,',. inch point.) i Round Hickory Mallet, No. 4, 2^ inch face. i Bench Rule, No. 2, i foot. i Sloyd Knife, No. 7. i Dixon's Carpenters' Pencil, No. 5 1 1 . i Sharpening Outfit, No. 2. i Bench Duster, No. 10. i Maple Bench Hook i H. S. & Co.'s Manual Training School Bench "J." Per Set, $26.00 This outfit is in all respects the same as No. i , only it has a larger assort- ment ol tools. Above price is net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL BENCHES. This is our standard school bench, and since it has been on the market has met with extremely favorable reception. It is made of selected maple throughout, except the screws which are of hick- ory, two inches thick. Our vise construction is the result of careful experiment, and as now made equalizes the strain so that it is distributed over the entire bench top. The lumber is all thoroughly seasoned, and the bench is carefully put to- gether, all joints being glued where practicable. It has wooden bench stops and a tool rack. It is very rigid and strong, and is provided with lag screws by which the legs may be bolted to the floor, and the top fastened to the legs if desired. The dimensions are as follows: 4 feet long, 18 inches wide, and recess 6 inches wide. The height can be adjusted by means of blocks to 28, 30 and 32 inches, Our "H" bench is a modification of "J," but is of the same dimensions, and made in the same manner. " J" as illustration Each, 12.00 "H" same as " J" but with head screw only " ID. so Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL BENCHES. These are of the same general construction as our "J" bench, being intended for two pupils, but have no tool rack nor recess in the center. They are some- what heavier than our "J" benches. "N." For two pupils 5 ft. long, 30 in. wide, 32 in. high, has two head screws andltwo Merrill's Bench Stops. "O." Same as "N," with the addition of two drawers and closet with two shelves. Prices upon application . HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL BENCH. Our^Q" Bench is made of maple throughout except the screws, which are of hickory i in. diameter. The top is made of if in. strips glued together, and is provided with two wooden bench stops. The dimensions are as follows: 4 feet 3 inches long, 2 1 inches wide, and 32 inches high ; recess 7 inches wide. ' Q " Bench Each, $7. 75 The above price is net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. COMBINATION BENCH AND TOOL CABINET. This comprises a practical work bench, with a complete tool cabinet, so ar- ranged as to form, when closed, a handsome piece of furniture. The bench top is made of carefully selected and thoroughly seasoned maple, the vise having a if-inch hickory screw, and opening eight inches. The front, sides and cover are made of oak, handsomely finished; the drawers and doors being provided with brass, flat-keyed locks, so as to protect the tools from meddling, etc. The cover and side door are fitted with tool racks, etc., provision being made fora very complete kit of tools without encroaching on the space provided for screws, nails and other supplies. Outside dimensions when closed are: Length, -47 inches; Width, IQ inches; Height, ^s inches. Price for Cabinet without tools $35.00 Price for Cabinet with high grade tools, list of which will be found on op- posite page 80.00 Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. LIST OF TOOLS FOR COMBINATION BENCH AND TOOL CABINET. 7 Handled and Sharpened Firmer Chisels, 3 Handled and Sharpened Firmer Gouges. 7 Auger Bits, i Expansive Bit, 7 Gimlet Bits, Hand Saw, Rip Saw, Back Saw, Compass Saw, Iron Pad Keyhole Saw, Adze Eye Hammer, Riveting Hammer, Round Ljgnum-vitae Mallet, Jack Plane, Smooth Plane, Block Plane, Rabbet and Filletster Plane, Ratchet Brace, Hand Drill, Sliding T Bevel, 2 Try Squares, Steel Carpenters' Square, Boxwood Rule, Marking Gauge, 3 Round Blade Screwdrivers, Winged Divider, Sloyd Knife, Spokeshave, Marking Awl, Cabinet Scraper, Sandpaper Cork, Flat Nosed Plyers, Round Nosed Plyers, Nickel Plated Bell Hangers' Plyers, Cutting Plyers, Burner Plyers, Pipe Wrench, Vise, Tinners' Snip, Carpenters' Pincers, Monkey Wrench, 9 Bit Stock Drills, 2 Warding Files, 2 Flat Bastard Files, 2 Half Round Bastard Files, 2 Round Bastard Files, 2 Cabinet Files, Cabinet Rasp, Level, Brass Plumb Bob, with line, Mitre Box, Sharpening Outfit, Hack Saw, Glass Cutter, Bench Duster, Screwdriver Bit, Countersink, 2 Nail Sets, Octogon Reamer. The above tools are all of the best quality, and ready for immediate use. The sizes are such as are best adapted for home use. See preceding page for prices on the Combination Bench and Tool Cabinet. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. IMPROVED WHITTLING TRAY. The Tray measures 124 X2if inches, is carefully made out of thoroughly sea- soned lumber, has a unique clamp which will hold a block up to nine inches wide and a recess 4x 20 inches for tools, and is adjustable to slanting or level desks. The tools are well adapted for the work for which they are intended, and are all up to our usual high quality standard. The [Sloyd Knife, our No. 7 has a 2$ inch blade, so that it can be used by young children. TRAYS. Without tools. .Per doz., $9.00 Each, .90 TOOL OUTFITS. Consisting of i Sloyd Knife, i Dividers, 2 Triangles, i Bench Rule, i T Square, i Try Square, Per dozen sets, 9.50 Per set, .95 Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. SLOYD KNIVES. Nos. 6 and 7. No. 2. No. .3. Per Doz. Each. No. 2. Extra quality, 2f inch blade ........................ $2.00 .20 " 3. " " 2f " " ..... ................... 2.25 .23 "6. 2f " " 4-50 '7. 2i : 4-50 -45 WOOD CARVERS' KNIVES. No. i Per Doz. Each. No. J. Extra quality, 2| inch blade $2.00 .20 2.00 .20 The above prices are net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. S. J. ADDIS' CARVING TOOLS IN SETS. Nos. J and 2 include twelve handled and sharpened carving tools, viz. : No. i ,'-J in. ; No. 2, f in. ; No. 3, i in. : No. 5,-J- and ^in. ; No. 8, f in. ; No. 1 1 ,| in. ; No. 17, 3-i6in.;No. 21, in.; No. 32, ^ in.; No. 39, 3-16 in.; and 44, ^ in. ;. one Washita oil stone, one Washita round edge slip, one Arkansas triangular file, onefspecial Washita carving tool slip, one Carvers' Marker No. 8, and an illustrated book of instructions. Set No. i , with round maple handles Each, $0.00 " 2, " octagon " " " 6.50 Nos. 3 and 4 include six handled and sharpened carving tools, viz. : No. i, 4 in.; No. s, i in.; No. 1 1, i in.; No. 17, ^ in.; No. 21, 5-32 in.; and No. 39, 3-16 in. ; one Washita oil stone, one special Washita carving tool slip, one Carvers' Marker No. 8, and an illustrated book of instructions. Set No. 3, with round maple handles Each, $3. 25 " 4, " octagon " " " -5.50 THESE SETS must not be conjoundcd u-ith the cheap class oj carving tool sets usually offered for sale. The carving tools are of the well-known S. J. Addis' London make, the sizes and sweeps being those generally used by practical wood carvers, and every- thing in the set is carefully selected and of the best quality. We issue a separate catalogue showing a complete line of Wood Carvers' Tools with accessories, a copy of which will be sent upon application. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. VENETIAN IRON WORK. The increasing popularity of Venetian Bent Iron Work is explainable when one considers that the thousands of graceful little curves interwoven into candle- sticks, lamps, etc., are not only pleasing to the eye, but are of real value as dainty house-furnishings. The work has been included in the regular course in a num- ber of prominent Manual Training Schools, and is largely practiced in the homes throughout the country. IRON IN STRIPS. Per coil of 50 feet ;$o.i6 and 3-16 in. are mostly used). 3-16 iinch. .18 .21 BINDERS. 3-i6jand i inch Per hundred, So. 10 Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. METAL SNIPS. No. Cuts," 8 P. S. & W Each, $1.70 1.30 Compton's " 1.35 i.oo ROLLING CUTTER SHEARS. FOR CUTTING VENETIAN IRON. 1.20 95 These shears are simple in construction, and can be safely operated by a child. One of them placed in a class will be found a great aid to the pupils. No. 11. Will cut No. 20 Iron Each, $4.80 " 12. " " No. 16 " " 7.20 The following tools are also used in the construction of Venetian Bent Iron Work. Riveting Hammers, No. o. Shown on page 36. Bench Vises, No. 2i. Shown on page 92. Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. FLAT NOSE FLYERS. _ No. 20. Cast Steel Black Per doz., $2.15 2.15 2.40 2.55 2.95 5.45 Each, .22 .22 .24 .26 .30 .35 " 4109. " " Polished .. Per doz. , 2.70 3.15 3.=;o 5.00 Each, .27 ' 1806V. Hand Forged Steel, Black, Best Quality Per doz., 3.38 3.38 3.38 3.75 4.35 5.10 Each, .34 .54 .34 -3 8 -44 -5' ROUND NOSE FLYERS. _ _ No. 21. Cast Steel, Black. . .Per doz., $2.15 2.15 2.40 2.55 2.9=; 3.45 Each, .22 .22 .24 .26 .30 .35 " J806J. Hand Forged Steel, Black, Best Quality. Per doz., 3.38 3.38 ^.38 3.75 4.-;^ 5.10 Each, .34 .34 .34 .38 .44 oi The above prices are net and subject to change without notice. '4 CARPENTER'S PINCERS. 6 78 9 10 in. No. 474. Cast Steel, Polished Jaw, Best . Per doz. , $i .60 i .95 2.70 3790 5.00 Each, .16 .20 .27 .39 .50 CUTTING NIPPERS. GERMAN, BLACK. ?i 4 4* 5i 6 in. No. t306A ............. Per doz., . . . $4.80 4.80 4.80 5.3? 5.85 Each, ... .48 .48 .48 .53 .59 " 1306AY. Best ...... Perdoz.,$8.65 8.6s 8.65 8.6, 9.5010.15 Each, .85 .85 .85 .85 .95 i.oo Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. PANEL, HAND AND RIP SAWS. The following cuts represent the full sizes of the Points per inch, of the Panel, Hand and Rip Saws, which we carry in stock. Be careful not to confuse the Points with the Teeth, as there is always one more point, per inch, than there are teeth. Points, Rip. For 20 to 28 inch Saws. 6 Points, Crosscut. For 26 and 28 inch Saws. 6 Points, Rip. For 2Q to 24 inch Saws. 7 Points, Crosscut. For 22 to 28 inch Saws. 8 Points. Crosscut. For 1 6 to 28 inch Saws, 9 Points, Crosscut. Fori6 to 26 inch Saws. 10 Points, Crosscut. For 16 to 26 inch Saws. 1 1 Points, Crosscut. For 16 to 26 inch Saws. 12 12 Points, Crosscut. For 16 to 24 inch Saws. This V T V Cut i [POINT.] Shows more explicitly the difference between a Point and a Tooth. 10 HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. HAND, PANEL AND RIP SAWS. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO.'S "EXTRA." This Saw has a Polished and Carved Applewood Handle, Patent Ground, Jessop's Steel, Highly Polished Blade,Th?n Skew Back, is fully warranted, and is recommended for excellence of material and care in workmanship. 1 6 18 20 22 24 26 28 in. Crosscut Each, $1.10 1.20 1.30 1.45 1.55 1.65 1.85 Rip " 1. 10 1.20 1.30 1.45 1.55 1.65 1.85 DISSTON'S No. 7. Warranted Fine Ribbed Cast Steel Blade, Beech Handle, Polished Edges, Four Improved Brass Screws. 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 in. Crosscut Each, fo.So .86 .98 1.10 1.10 1.22 1.44 Rip " .80 .86 .98 1. 10 1. 16 1.22 1.44 Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. '7 BACK SAWS. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO.'S " EXTRA." Polished Jessop Steel Blade, Heavy Blued Steel Back, Applewood Handle. 8 10 12 14 16 in. Each . ifo.oo i.oo 1.10 1.25 1.40 DISSTON'S No. 4. Warranted Cast Steel, Blued Steel Back, Applewood Handle, Polished Edges, Three Improved Brass Screws. 8 10 12 14 16 in. Each $0.84 .92 1.05 1.17 1.30 NOBLE'S No. J. Blued Steel Back, Beech Handle, Polished Edges, Three Improved Brass Screws. 8 10 12 14 16 in. Each. ).57. .63 .75 .90 i.oo Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. i8 HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. COMPASS SAWS. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO.'S " EXTRA." Each . Jessop's Steel, Thin Back, Polished and Carved Applewood Handle. 10 12 14 16 in. X32 .34 .u> .38 DISSTGN'S No 2. Cast Steel, Applewood Handle. Each . 10 12 14 ID in. .$0.28 .30 732 .33 KEYHOLE SAWS. IO 12 111. Richardson's, Applewood Handle Each, $o. 18 .20 Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. 10 IRON PAD KEYHOLE SAWS. No. 1. Complete with Iron Handle E acn $o. 16 Extra Blades. . Patent Adjustable Iron Handle. No. 2. Complete with Iron Handle Each, $0.24 Extra Blades. . .11 Each TURNING SAWS IN FRAMES. & rfa 12 14 1 8 24 30 in. .$0.75 .85 1.05 1.25 i. so TURNING SAW BLADES. 12 14 1 8 20 24 26 28 30 32 in. Per doz $0.97 1.07 1.34 1.50 1.87 2.07 2.30 2.54 2.80 Each 10 .11 .13 .15 .19 .21 .23 .25 .28 Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. BRACKET SAW FRAMES. Steel Frame, Nickel Plated Each, $0.88 No. 20. Same as above, but lighter metal " .6s " 1061. Iron Frame Plain '' BRACKET SAW SETS. .96 i .05 These sets are packed in paper boxes, and include a Rosewood Handled Spring Steel Saw Frame, polished and nickle-plated, 5x12 inches, with patent Clamps for holding the Saw Blades and fifty full sized designs, embracing a great variety of fancy and useful articles; twelve Saw Blades, one Awl and one Sheet of Impression Paper. No. 2 Per set, $i .00 44 J. In nicely finished oak box. Containing the same assortment of tools as above, with the addition of a Saw Table and 3 pieces of Cherry 9x14 in. and 3-16 in. thick Each,$2.5o Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. BRACKET SAW BLADES. STAR BRAND. No. o i 34568 5 in. long, for Wood Per gro., $0.75 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 .90 Perdoz., .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .09 MONARCH SAW SET. For Hand Saws ot every description. No. I. Japanned Each, $0.50 " 2. Polished " .70 Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. MORRILL'S SAW SETS. No. JO. For Band, Scroll and Jig Saws, from No. 32 to 16 Gauge. . .Each, fo.So No. \ J. For Hand, Scroll and Band Saws from the thinest up to No. 16 Gauge Each, $0.85 No. 95. For Hand Saws of every description, from No. 32 up to 16 Gauge Each, $0.80 Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. MITRE BOXES. BEECH. No. 00. i 2 inches long, for 2X} inch Moulding. . . . p er doz., $i .90 Each, $o. 19 " 0. 18 " " 2|x3i " " .... " " 2.90 " .29 MAPLE. Designed particularly for School Use. No. JO. 12 inches long, will take moulding up to 3^ inches wide. Per doz., $3.20; Each, $0.32 A'sove prices are net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. MITRE BOXES. NEW LANGDON. Jit Arranged for Back Saw, Size i gives 6 inches width at right angles, 4 inches at mitre; size 2 gives ()i inches width at right angles, 6^ inches at mitre; size 24 is same dimensions as size 2. but is made heavier and arranged for wider back saws. Each. No. 17 is size i, with 18 x 4 inch Saw. . . ..*6.6o No. 22 is size 2. with 22 x 4 inch Saw. . Each. No. 1 No. 19 No. 20 20 x 4 22 x 4 24 x 4 No. 23 No. 24 No. 2S 2, " 24x4 " " .... 8.70 2, " 26x4 " " .... 9.15 2.J " 28 X S " " . . . . IO.20 OLMSTED PATENT. Adjustable to any thickness of Saw. No. 3. For Moulding 1^x3 inches Each, $i .25 " 4. " " 2^x4 " " 1.75 Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. EXTRA PARTS. FOR NEW LANGDON MITRE BOX. In ordering, please state number of piece, also for what size machine it is in- tended. i No. i. No. 2. No. 2*. No. 20. Swinging Lever Ei ch $i ~>^ " 2J. I ears i ^ I ; | C " 22. Stop Lever jo " 23. Stop Gauge 10 10 IO " 24. Sliding Gauge. . .85 " 25. Stop Lever 45 45 ' ; 26. Thumb Lever 2O .20 " 27. Guide EC 5C .OO " 28. Gib |t 25 .25 " 29. Swinging Lever 1.25 1.35 " 30. Bed and Back l.45i 1.45 1.60 " 3J. Thumb Screw IO to . IO Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. 26 HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. STANLEY PATENT ADJUSTABLE IRON PLANES. No. J. Smooth Plane, ^ inches lone, i inch cutter Each, $ " 2. " 7" if " " " " 3. " " 8 " " if " " " " 4. " " 9 " " 2 " " " " 4i. " " 10 ' " " 24 " " " 35 47 ,70 No. 5. Jack Plane, 14 inches long, 2 inch Cutter Each ,$1.70 " 5t. " " '5 " " 2 i " " " '-9 2 " 6. Fore " 18 ' " 2f " " " 2.15 " 7. Jointer " 22 ." " 2f " " " 2.48 Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 can be furnished with Corrugated Bottom at the same price as the regular. Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. 27 STANLEY PATENT WOOD PLANE. No. 2J. Smooth Plane, 7 inches long if inch Cutter E:ich,|o.9o " 22. " " 8 " " if " " " .90 "23. " " 9 " " if " " " .90 "24. " "8 " " 2 '' " " .90 No. 35. Smooth Plane, 9 inches long, 2 inch Cutters Eich, $1.12 " 36. " 10 " " 2f " " " 1.25 No. 26. Jack Plane, i s inches long, inch Cutter Each, ft ,02 27. " i ^ \ f - I > 28. Fore 18 ( u | f (1 7^ 29. " 20 t u 4 ; u u ^^ 30. Jointer i 1 1 | i IS 3J. " 24 | t IS 32. " 20 i * . .. 17 33. " 28 < 17 34. " 50 i i i s8 Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. STANLEY IRON BLOCK PLANES. No. 110. 7i inches long, if inch Cutter Each, $0.27 " 120. Adjustable, y.V inches long, if inch Cutter '' .40 ADJUSTABLE BLOCK PLANES. These Block Planes are adjusted by a screw and. lever movement, and the mouth can be opened wide or made close, as the nature of the work may require. No. 9-K Japanned, Excelsior, <> inches long, if inch Cutter Each, $0.08 " 15. " "7 " " '* " " " .72 " 16. Nickel Plated, " 6 " " if " " " .7-5 " 17. " " " 7 " " ' : < " " " -80 The knuckle-joint in the cap of this plane constitutes it a lever also, and the single movement of putting the cap in position will clamp the cutter firmly in its seat. No. 18. Nickel Plated Knuckle-joint, 6 inches long, if inch Cutter. Each. $0.80 " 19. " " " 7 " " ij " .84 Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. 29 STANLEY ADJUSTABLE BEADING, RABBET AND SLITTING PLANE. . This Plane embraces in a compact and practical form a Beading and Centre Beading Plane, Rabbet and Filletster Dado, Plow, Match Plane and a Superior Slitting Plane. In each of its several forms this Plane will do perfect work, even in the hands of an ordinary mechanic its simplicity of construction and adaptation of parts (as described in the directions which accompany each tool) being easily understood. Cg~ Each Plane is accompanied by seven Beading Tools (|, 3-16, f, 5-16, f, 7-16, and i inch), ten Plow and Dado Bits (, 3-16, J, 5-16, , 7-16, |, f , and - inch), a Slitting Tool, a Tonguing and a Sash Tool. No. 45. Complete with tools mentioned above Each, $=,.40 HOLLOWS AND ROUNDS FOR No. 45 PLANE. No. o 8 10 12 f in. wide. Works, i 1 1 ii in. circle. Price with Bits Per Pair, $0.9=5 .95 .95 .95 NOSING TOOL FOR No. 45 PLANE. No. 5. ii inch Cutter Each, $0.7^ REEDING TOOLS FOR No. 45 PLANE. 2345 Beads. if, 3-16 or i inch Each, fo. is .23 .34 .38 Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. STANLEY UNIVERSAL PLANE. This Plane comprises a Plow, Dado, Rabbet, Beading, Reeding, Fluting, Round, Hollow, Sash, Filletster, Match, Slitting, Chamfer and General Moulding Plane in one tool, is easily adjusted, and can be used for a greater variety of work than any other Plane in the market. The directions which accompany each tool are readily understood. No. 55. Price complete, with 92 cutters, a few of which are shown an op- posite page Each, $10.80 Above price is net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. CUTTERS FOR STANLEY UNIVERSAL PLANE, NO. 55. Plow, Dado and Rabbet Tools. Quarter Rounds with Beads. Quarter Hollows. Roman Ogees. Grecian Ogees. See preceding page for price on this plane. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. STANLEY PATENT PLANES. DUPLEX RABBET PLANE AND FILLETSTER. No. 78.* Iron Stock and Fence, 8 inches long, \i inch Cutter. . . .Each, $1.02 Remove the arm to which the fence is secured, and a Handled Rabbet Plane is had with two seats for the cutter, so that the tool can be used as a Bull-Nose Rabbet if required. The arm to which the fence is secured can be screwed into either side of the stock, thus making a superior right or left hand Filletster, with adjustable spur and depth gauge. PATENT IMPROVED RABBET. No. 190.* Iron Stock, 8 inches long, i inch wide, with spur Each, $0.78 " 191.* " 8 IJ if " " " .78 " 192* " 8 " i " " " .78 * These Rabbet Planes will lie perfectly flat on either side, and can be used with right or left hand equally well while planing into corners or up against perpendicular surfaces. Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO IRON SPOKESHAVES. No. 51. Double Iron, 10 inch, 2J, inch Cutter Per doz., $1.67 each, $0.17 No- 52. * Double Iron, loinch, 2 J inch Cutter Per do/., $1.67. Each. fo. 17 No- 53. Adjustable, i o inch, 2 k inch Cutter Per doz., $2. 14. Each, $o.: i No.54. Adjustable, loinch, 2^ inch Cutter Per doz., $2.14. Each, $0.21 This Shave has a throat regulator which will present to the knife four faces, one Hat, two oval or convex, and one concave. Either handle may be taken off to work in cramped places. No. 2. Each, $0.90 Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. DRAWING KNIVES. White's Carpenter's (Razor Blade). 6 7 8 o 10 11 12 in. .. H;ich, 0.71 .78 .85 .02 i.oo 1.67 1.14 ADJUSTABLE FOLDING HANDLE DRAWING KNIVES. Length of Blade. 6 inches Each, $i .50 Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. 35 SHINGLING HATCHETS. COLLINS. No. i HAMMONDS. No. i i Cuts 4 4jin. Cuts 3f 4 in. Per doz., $5.70 6.00 6.30 Each, .57 .60 .63 Per doz., $6.co 6.40 6.85 Each, .60 .64 .68 ADZE EYE CLAW HAMMERS. Hammond's. Weight, 20 1 6 1 3 7 oz. .Per doz., $5. 95 5.65 5.25 4.95 Each. .60 .57 .53 .50 Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. ADZE EYE BELL-FACE HAMMERS. No. ii 1 Weight, 20 1 6 Hammond's. .Per doz., $s.9S 5. 6s 5,25 4.95 Each. .60 .57 .53 .50 BRAD HAMMERS. Germantown Per doz. , $3. 5 3. Each, .32 .35 .45 Germantown, Adze Eye, No. 77, 15 ounces Per doz., $4.25 Each, $0.53 RIVETING HAMMERS. H.S.&CO. No. vo 2-0 o i S 6 Weight, i-J- 2 4 6 8 12 16 20 oz. H. S. & Co.. Per doz., $3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.7=; 4. so 5.25 6.00 0.7, Each, .30 .30 .30 .30 .38 .45 .S3 .60 .68 Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. 37 ROUND MALLETS. HICKORY. No. 2-0 o Diameter of Face, 4^ 3i Per doz $2.45 2.o> 1.85 i.bs 1.40 1.25 i.oo Each 25 .21 .19 .17 .14 .13 .10 LIGNUM-VITAE. No. 2-0 012345 Diameter of Face, 4^ 4 3 2* Per doz ^-^ 3- 2 5 2.85 2.4^ 2.05 1.85 i.6s Each 37 .33 .29 .25 .21 .19 .17 JEWELERS' MALLETS. No. 6 7 8 Diameter of Face, i* li i^in. Lignum-vitae Per doz., $i .so i 40 1.30 Each, ' 5 '4 . i 3 Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER &' CO. FIRMER CHISELS. HANDLED AND SHARPENED. Best Quality Applewood Handles. The i inch Chisel is 5^ inches long from Bolster to Point. 7-16 ^ in. Buck Bros., No. 2. 1-16 -J- 3-16 5-16 Per doz., $2.13 2.13 2.17 2.21 2.30 2.42 2.68 2.08. Each, ..20 .20 .20 .20 .21 .22 .25 .25. Per doz ........ $2.943.15 3-49 3- 6 5 4-7 5-7 0-8 7-99 Each ........... 27 .29 .32 .34 .44 .53 .63 .74 In Sets of 1 2 (containing -J-, 3-16, , 5-16, , i, i, f, 1. i, 8 3. 10 3.90 Each, .17 .18 .22 .26 .31 .39 COMBINED TRY AND MITRE SQUARES. iTi'l IT No. 2. Rosewood Stock, Brass Faced, Graduated 4^ 6 7^ Q 12 in. Steel Blades, square inside and outside. .Per doz., $2.^7 2.8s 3.42 4.00 5.12 Each, .26 .28 .34 .40 .50 Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. FOX COMBINATION SQUARE AND MITRE. All Steel, 10 inch Blade Per doz.. $7.35 Each, $0.73 SLIDING T BEVELS. No. 25. Rosewood Stock, with Flush Lever b 8 10 12 in. and Tempered Steel Blade Per doz., $2.10 2.28 2.48 2.65 Each, .21 .2} .25 .27 Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. SLIDING T BEVELS. Eagle Iron Stocks, Tempered Steel Blade, Fully Nickel-plated. Per doz o 12 in. . ; oo ^.20 s 40 .-o .42 .54 No. 2. Rosewood Stock, with Improved Flush Screw and Tempered Blade. IO 12 Per doz $2.00 2.20 2.40 2.60 Each....i 20 .22 .24 .26 14 in. 2.80" .28 Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. 6 4 HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. SLIDING T BEVELS. No. J8. Nickel-plated Iron Stock. Steel Blade. 8 Per doz $4.20 4.55 Each 42 .46 53 MARKING GAUGES. No- 64. Beech. Plated Head, Boxwood Thumb Screw, Per doz.,$i. 1 8 Each, $0.12 " 64^. " " " Brass Thumb Screw and Shoe " " 1.93 " .19 " 65. Boxwood, Plated Head, Brass Thumb Screw and Shoe " " 2.57 ' .20 " 66. Rosewood, Oval Plated Head and Bar, Brass Thumb Screw and Shoe " " 2.57 " .26 Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. 6=5 IMPROVED MARKING GAUGES. For marking curves as well as ordinary work. No. J62. Beech, "Boxwood Thumb Screw Per doz., $1.30 Each, $0.15 No. 165. Boxwood, Brass " " and Shoe, Plated Head " " 3.00 " .30 DOUBLE MARKING AND MORTISE GAUGES. No. 7J. Beech, Plated Head and Bars, Brass Thumb Screws and Shoes Per doz., $3.42 Each, $o. 34 No. 72. Beech, Boxwood Thumb Screws " " 1.70 " .17 No. 74. Boxwood, full Plated Head and Bars, Brass Thumb Screws and Shoes. . , . " " 6.00 " .60 Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. 66 HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. DOUBLE MARKING AND MORTISE GAUGES. No. 77. Rosewood Plated Head, Improved Screw Slide, Brass Thumb Screws and Shoe Perdoz., $4.28 Each, $0.43 CUTTING GAUGES. No. 9- Beech Per doz., 82.50 Each, So. 2^ No. J3. Boxwood " " 4.00 " .40 BARRETT'S COMBINATION ROLLER GAUGE. Nickel-Plated. This tool can be used either as a single or double gauge, and in place of spurs has fine steel rollers with beveled edge, enabling them to run over knots and cross-grained wood with perfect ease and accuracy. Each.. $0.90 Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. 67 PLUMBS AND LEVELS. No. 00. Cherry, Arch Top Plate. 2 Side Views, Polished, i8,-2o, 22 and 24 inch Each, $0.45 No. If. Mahogany, Arch Top Plate, 2 Brass Lipped Side Views, Polished and Tip- ped, 12, 14, 16 and 18 inch Each, .75 No, 104. Cherry, Arch Top Plate, 2 Side Views, Pol- ished, 12, 14, 1 6 and 1 8 inch Each, .40 ADJUSTABLE. No. 3. Cherry, Arch Top Plate, 2 Side Views, Pol- ished and Tipped, 18, 20 22, 24, 26. 28 and 30 inch Each, $0.85 No. 9. Mahogany, Arch Top Plates, 2 Brass Lipped Side Views, Polished and Tipped, 26, 28 and 30 inch Each, 1.33 No. 23. Mahogany Triple Stock, Arch Top Plate, 2 Brass Lipped SideViews, Tipped and Polished, 26, 28 and -50 inch Each 1.28 No. 00. 23. Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. 68 HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. PLUMB BOBS. No. 00. i8ox., Iron Japanned Per doz., $1.20 Each, $0.12 No. 0. 42 " " ." " " 2.00 .20 No. 5. 6 " Brass, Steel Point " 3.75 .38 No. 6. ni" " " " " " 5- 20 " -52 WINGED DIVIDERS. Polished;Cast Steel, with Set Screw Perdoz., $1.65 1.65 1.95 2.25 2.70 3.00 3.60 Each, .17 .17 .20 .23 .27 .50 .36 BEMIS & CALL. Extra quality Cast Steel, Highly Polished, with Heavy Steel 5 6 7 8 9 1012 in Joint and Set Screw Perdoz., $2.80 3.00 3.65 4.10 5.00 5.50 6.60 Each, .28 .30 .35 .40 .50 .55 .65 Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO, 69 BOXWOOD RULES. Round Joint. Square Joint. Arch Joint. TWO FOOT, TWO FOLD. (i| inch wide when closed). No. J. Round Joint, 8ths and i6ths Per doz., $0.77 Each, $0.08 " 2. Square Joint, 8ths and i6ths and Octagonal Scales " ' ' o .11 TWO FOOT, FOUR FOLD. (i inch wide when closed). No 41. Round Joint, Middle Plates, 8ths and i6ths..Per doz., $0.88 Each, $0.09 42. Square Joint, " " H " " - " " 1.10 " .11 48. Arch Joint, Edge " i2ths and i6ths and drafting Scales " 1.75 - l8 Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. 7 o HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. BENCH RULES. miiiiiiimTTTTi No. 1. 12 iii. long, Boxwood, Brass Bound on ends. .Per doz., ?.?=; Each, .$0.34 No. 2. No .2. 12 in. long, Maple Per doz., $0.60 Each, $0.06 * 3. 12 in. il Boxwood ' .00 .09 DESK RULES. COMBINATION RULE. 12 15 1 8 24 in. Maple, with Brass Edge Per doz., sj>i.3S LOS 2.00 2.90 Each, .14 .17 .20 .29 Boxwood, with Brass Edge Per doz., 3.60 4. so 5.40 7.30 Each, .36 .'45 .54 -73 Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. 7' DRAWING INSTRUMENTS. IN SETS- Brass, Nickel-plated. No. 2589. Cloth Covered Pocket Case, containing 44 inch Needle Point Dividers, with Pen and Pencil Points; 4 in. Plain Dividers; Drawing Pen; Protractor and Rule . Per set, Si .00 No. 77. Morocco Pocket Case, containing 4 A in. Dividers, with Pen and Pencil Points, and Lengthening Bai'4 in. Plain Dividers; Drawing Pen and Protractor Per set, i .00 No. 81. Morocco Pocket Case, containing z, in. Needle Point Dividers, witli Pen and Pencil Points, and Hinged Drawing Pen Per set , I . -,o No. 83. Morocco Pocket Case, containing =; in. Needle Point Divi- ders, with Pen and Pencil Points, and Lengthening Bar; s in. Plain Dividers; 3* in. Spring Bow Pn and Hinged Drawing Pen Per set, 2.05 Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. DRAWING INSTRUMENTS. IN SETS. German Silver. No. 2472. Cloth Covered Pocket Case, containing 5^ in. Dividers, with Pencil, Pen and Needle Points, and Lengthening Bar; 5 in. Drawing Pen and Leads Per set, $1.55 No. 279. Morocco Pocket Case, containing 5* in. Dividers, with Pen, Pencil and Needle Points, and Lengthening Bar; s in. Plain Dividers, and Ivory Handle Hinged Drawing Pen. . .Per set, 1.20 No. 28JA. Morocco Pocket Case, containing 5^ in. Fixed Needle Point Dividers, with Pen and Pencil Points, and Lengthening Bar; 5 in. Plain Dividers; Spring Bow Pen and Pencil, and 5 in. Ivory Handle Hinged Drawing Pen Per set, 4.2 5 No. 282. Morocco Case, containing 5^ in. Dividers with Pen Pencil and Needle Points, and Lengthening Bar; ? ^ in. Dividers with Pen, Pencil and Needle Points; 5 in. Plain Dividers; 44 and 5^ in. Ivory Handle Hinged Drawing Pens, Needle Points Per set s. 5 " Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. 73 DRAWING INSTRUMENTS. White's Compass, Nickel-plated Per do/., $i .65 Each,:$o. 1 7 No. 1266. Brass Protractor, semi-circular 4 in. in diameter, i degrees, Each, $0.20 No. 556. Flat Scale, Boxwood, 12 in. long divided in , , 4 ]and i inch Each, $0.40 No. 488. Triangular Scale, Boxwood, 6 in. divided in J, ^, |, 4, f, i, i i, 2, 3 and 4 in. to the foot Each, $0.50 No. 489. Triangular Scale, Boxwood, 12 in. divided in /%, $, T ? s , , f i, f , i i i and -; in. to the foot Each, $0.80 Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. 74 HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. DRAWING INSTRUMENTS. No. 363. Pearwood T-Square, with Stationary 15 18 24 join. Head Each, $0.16 .18 .23 .27 No. 37J. T-Square, Mahogany, Ebony Lined, Shellac 18 24 30 in. Finish, Stationary Head Each, ^0.38 .55 .68 No. 384. T-Square,with Adjustable Walnut Head, Adjusting Screw and Highly Polished Maple Blades, Nickel-plated Trimmings. 24 30 36 42 in. Complete Each, $1.70 1.7=; 1.85 1.90 Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHI.EMMER & CO. 75 DRAWING INSTRUMENTS. 30 x 60. 45 x 45. 30o x 60. 7 No. 124. Penrwood Triangle Each, $0.12 .is .. No. 130. Mahogany " Ebony Lined " .30 .37 .50 No. 145. Transparent Amber Triangle " .40 .=52 45o x 45. No. J25. Pearwood Triangle ......... Each, $0.10 .12 .15 No. 133- Mahogany " Ebony Lined '' .27 .-50 .37 No. 146. Transparent Amber Triangle " .4; . =;o -75 SCROLLS. No. Pearwood . i 3 in. .53 Each, $0.15 .1=; .2-5 .23 DRAWING BOARDS. No. 442. Clear White Pine, 18 x 24 in. ; with Cleats at End Each, $0.70 No. 444. Clear White Pine, i8x 24 in. ; Extra Heavy, with Heavy Cleats on under side -95 No. 444. Clear White Pine, 20x26 in.; Extra Heavy, with Heavy Cleats on under side. . *' 1.30 Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. 76 HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. DRAWING KITS. Each kit consists of i Drawing Board, i T-Square and 2 Triangles. No. 1. 10 x 12 in. Board Each, $0.30 " 2. 13x19 " " " .50 1 3. 17x22 " " " .70 THUMB TACKS. BRASSED. No. 2. f in. diameter Per Hundred, $0.45 Per dot., $0.07 : 3. i " " " " .55 " " .08 BRASS. No. 2. f in. diameter Per gro., fo.So Per do/., fo.oS " 4. i " " '' " .00 " " .00 GERMAN SILVER. No. 2. f in. Diameter Per gro. , $1.25 Per do/. , $o. i 3 " 4. i " " " " i. ?o " " .1-5 DRAWING PAPER. 36 inch, Unglazed. In original rolls (about i oo Ihs. ) Per Ib. , $0.08 In lots of 10 Ibs " " .09^ Smaller quantity " .12 Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. 77 DIXON'S DRAWING PENCILS. UiXON'S ARTISAN ROUND, CEDAR. No. 268. Artisan, Rubber Plug Per gro., $i .20 Per doz.. $o. 12 ROUND, POLISHED CEDAR. No. 724 Grade of Lead, Either number. . Sott, Medium, Hard. Per gro., S;.oo Per doz.. $ ROUND, POLISHED CEDAR. No. 141 142 142^ 143 144 Grade of Lead. Soft, Soft Medium, Medium Black, Medium, Hard. Either Number Per gro. , $4.7=; Per doz. , ^0.48 Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHHR, SCHLEMMER & CO. CARPENTERS' PENCILS. No. 20. Oval, White Wood, 7 in. long Per gro., 1.35 Per doz., $0.14 I No. 51 J. Dixon's, Beveled Corners, Polished Cedar, 7 in. long Per gro. . $1.40 Per doz. , So. 34 NAIL SETS. Polished, Round Knurled Handle, with -,'B to A > n - Cup Points Per doz.. Si.oo Each, $o. 10 Buck Bros. Square Polished, with i to J? in. Round Points.. .. .Per doz., $1.14 Each, $0.10 Buck Bros. Square Polished, with to S 7 g in. Square Points Per doz., $1. 14 Each, $0.10 Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. 79 BOXWOOD MODELING TOOLS. No. 301. No. 310. WIRE MODELING TOOLS. No- 401. STEEL PLASTER-CARVING TOOLS. No. 246. No. 121. We issue a separate catalogue of Modeling and Plaster-Carving Tools, showing a complete line of this class of goods. A copy will be sent upon application to those having use for it. 8o HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. OILERS. DRAPER'S PATTERN. Steel. No. _ Diameter, Length of Spout 12 13 <4A 3 in. Per doz., $1.67 2.04 2.78 3.43 Each, .17 .20 .28 .34 Brass. No. 130 iso Diameter, 3! Length of Spout, Per doz., $4.80 Each, .48 .72 GRACE'S PATTERN. Steel. No. o i 2 Diameter, 2 2^ 3^ Per doz., $0.60 .70 .93 Each, .06 .07 .09 Brass. 3 4 S 6 4*'"- No. o Diameter, 2 IS 1.30 1.65 2.10 I .13 .17 .21 5 6 4 4i Per doz., $1.58 1.75 2.35 2.80 3.30 4.20 5.25 Each, .16 .18 .24 .28 .33 .42 .53 Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. HAND SCREWS. R. BLISS MANUFACTURING GO'S. No. 801 802 805 807 809 811 812 Length of Jaw 22 20 18 Size of Jaw 2JX2J 2fX2| 2fx2f Length of Spindle 26 24 20 Diameter of Spindle i-| it 'j Open 1 5i_ 13} ioj '4 2X2 816 8j3 814 _L__z_ ifxif i|*ij |x|" 4 in. Per doz $840 -760 Each .. 84 76 6 40 560480 400 3 40 280 220 160 64 56 48 40 34 28 22 16 Extra Spindles or Jaws, one-third price of Complete Hand Screw. M. ALDRICH'S, Oiled. No. o 2 5 m 12 '4 16 '7 8 74 18 16 "4 12 10 6 in. Size of Jaw 3 3 2} J 2 || it '1 '* " Length of Spindle 26 24 22 18 16 '4 12 10 8 " Diameter of Spindle it >t ,j i i * I + * " Open 15 '3 12 g* 8 7 ^ 4 3 " $10 50 9 75 9 oo 90 225 225 225 725 73 i 88 183 183 625 63 .63 ' 75 ' 75 450 45 ' '3 i '3 ' '3 400 40 I OO I OO I OO 300 3o 75 75 75 270 27 68 68 68 Each i 05 98 2 63 2 50 2 63 2 50 2 63 2 50 Above prices are net and subject to change without notice HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. STEEL BAR CARPENTER'S CLAMP. Malleable Head and Slide, Japanned. ;-io x \ inch bar, $ inch screw. Open i 2 3 4 5 ft. Each. Each. ,..!t>l.2O 1.25 1.70 1.90 2.IO Jxif inch bar, f inch screw. For extra large or heavy work, Open j 6__ 7 ( 8 ft. $3.20 }.6o 4.00 465 WOOD BAR CARPENTER'S CLAMP. This Clamp is suitable for all purposes in which wood work is required to be held firmly in a powerful clamp. The bar is made of thoroughly seasoned hard wood, oil finished, ifx2f inches. The jaws, crank and end plate or head are malleable, Japanned. Open 4 8 ft Per doz Each . . .12.05 13.70 14.40 15.85 ' i.2a 1.25 1.32 1.45 " Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. IRON CLAMPS. CARRIAGE-MAKERS. i 14 IT 10 17 1 8 2O Malleable Iron, Per doz., 8 i.oo 1.40 1.50 2.10 2. so ^.15 3.804.35 5.35 Each. .10 .14 .15 .21 .2*, ."52 .18 .44 . TOOL HOLDERS. Per gro Per dox Width of opening, 4 j J i \ $1.00 i.oo i.oo 1.25 1.2; 10 .10 .10 .i', . i ; TOOL RACKS. No. 2^0 Width of Clasp, inside * * In 2 feet lengths Per dox., $1.7=; 2.00 Each, .18 i in. 2.00 .2Q Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. MAPLE BENCH HOOK. For odd sawing and chiseling, so that the bench will not be marred Per doz., $2.00 Each, $0.20 SHARPENING OUTFITS. Can be held firmly by lastening the tongue in the bench .vise. When not in use it can rest on the leg braces underneath the bench, the tongue being of the proper length to go between the leg braces on our '* J" bench. No. I. Consists of a 6 in. Red Washita Oil Stone in Mahogany case, fastened to the block, a No. O Steel Oiler and some Cotton Waste. . .Per doz., $10.50 Each, $1.05 No. 2. Same as No. i , but has also a No. 1 1 Red Washita Oil Slip (^x iix T \ to i in). Per " 11.75 " 1.18 Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. BENCH DUSTERS. No. 2. Black Bristles, about 9 in. of Bristles Per doz., $5.20 Each, $0.52 No. 2. Extra Boston, White Outside, Black Center, all Bristles. About 9 in. of Bristles " " 7.20 .72 No. AH 3. All Bristles. About 9 in. ^ of Bristles (i " 3.95 " .40 No. 10. Black Bristles. About 5 in of Bristles. This is our Regular Manual Training School Duster. ... " " 2.35 .24 BENCH STOPS. Morrill's No. I. Merrill's No. 2. No. 1. Morrill's Rach, $0.50 No. 2. " " .70 Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. 8o HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. FILE BRUSHES. No. I. Wire Brush Per doz., 81.70 Each. $0.17 No. 2. Wire Brush and Bristle Brush Per doz., $-5.00 Each. $0.30 HANDLED BRAD-AWLS. Collier's, Forged Blades, i i fc i i >i itf if 2 2 2i_in. Apple Handles, -Per do/., $0.42 .42 .42 .4^ .48 .50 .^ .=;o .04 .70 Each, .04 .04 .04 .0=; .0=; .os .05 .00 .00 .07 HANDLED SCRATCH-AWLS. Collier's Forged Blades, Maple 2^ vV 4 4 A ^ ^i in. Handles, Per doz., $0.65 .80 .qo i .00 i . 10 i .20 Each., .07 .08 .00 .10 .11 .12 Buck Bros., Heavy Forged Blades, Apple Handles (Assorted) Per doz., $1.25 Each. $0.13 Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. CABINET SCRAPERS. ixo i^xO 2x0 3x4 3x5 3x6 in. Richardson's Per doz., ijpo.s 1 ; -. .. .55 .55 .55 Each, .07 . . . . .08 .09 . 10 Jennings, 'Jessop Steel, Per doz., .. .. .. 1.90 I.QO 1.90 Each . . . . . . .10 ..19 .19 PeugeotFreres'FrenchjPerdoz., 1.4=; 1.45 1.60 1.70 1.80 2. is Each, .IS .IS .10 .17 .18 .22 SCRAPER STEELS. Square, 5 in. long, Applewood Handle Per doz., $i .80 Each. $o. i ^ SAND-PAPER CORKS. i Jr x 3x4 inches Per doz., $1.20 Each, $o. 12 1^x4x0 " " ' ' i. 44 '' .14 11x4x12 " ' " 2.8s ' " .29 The illustrations below indicate the different cuts of Files (about) 12 in. Bastard. Second Cut. Smooth. Above prices are r.et and subject to change without notice. 88 HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. - 3g% RS- oo a. ' o _' O p- cc r- 1^ ' . 00 ' 00 co c\ 2 f- 00 O ./- O _ O 00 O o o. c o- o o y c- r>- o rf a. ;i; f-t o ^- r^ ! o M 'T" r/N ^ HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. 89- COC-OoOri r- C 1 ri O rv ON ,OO O u- O o o f> "^ <' O M - '.V>'V V~*-V -X, or, w u: z . C n O ci O UJC-tUC-UJQ-UJ HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. c/5 0- H I CQ u HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. WOODWORKERS' VISES. TOLE'S. No. 20. Rapid Acting Flush Vise, Jaws 10 in., open 12 in Each, $5.40 CHAMPION. o inch Jaws, opens 1 2 inches Each, $4.70 Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. SWIVEL VISES. SIMPSON'S. This vise is operated the same as an ordinary screw vise, but can be in- stantly closed or opened full length by slightly raising front jaw. No. Jl Jaws 2^ in., opens 2f in Each, $2.80 No. J2. " 2f " " ? i" " 3.85 BENCH VISES. PHOENIX. No. Jaws. Opens. Each. 2i i A in. if in. $0.30 2j If " 2 " .58 U 2 " 2i " .88 4i 2| " 2f " I. 4 Above prices are net and subject to change without notice. IN ADDITION TO THE GOODS SHOWN IN THE FOREGOING PAGES, WE CARRY LARGE STOCKS CONSTANTLY ON HAND of Nails, Screws, "Bolts, Glue, Sandpaper, Wrought Brass "Butts, Brass Furniture Trimmings, Handles, Knobs, Escutcheons, 'Pulls, Etc. {Mill and Factory Supplies including ''Belting, Cotton Waste, Etc. Shipping Room Supplies, including Box Trucks, 'Box Openers, &ail T'ullers,- Etc. and in General, TOOLS FOR ALL TRADES. Separate Catalogues are issued of WOOD CARVERS' TOOLS, PLASTER CARVING AND CLAY MODELLING TOOLS, HAND SCREWS AND CLAMPS, SAWS, VISES, ETC., ETC. Parties requiring any of the above goods are requested Jo correspond with us. HAMMACHER, SCHLEMMER & CO. A 000 039 886 7