UC-NRLF B 3 057 775 io=/t25thYEdR EDITION 1919 CHEMICALS CHEMICAL BACTERIOLOGICAL SUPPLIES GIFT OF _ , 18941919 TWENTY- FIFTH YEAR EDITION Laboratory Supplies and Chemicals for Chemists and Bacteriologists A. DAIGGER C& COMPANY 54 West Kinzie Street CHICAGO, U. S. A. Long Distance Telephones : Cable Address 6031 "CELERITAS' 6032 CENTRAL 6033 A. B. C. 6409 5th Edition 6018 Foreword IN presenting this catalog for your consideration, we wish to call your attention to some of its most distinctive features. No attempt has been made to prepare a complete list of scientific laboratory apparatus and equipment as there are many highly specialized forms of equipment to which only occasional reference is necessary. This special apparatus is covered by separate pamphlets which are available at all times. We have attempted to list all forms of standard equipment as well as those of special design, for which there is a moderately general demand. THIS CATALOG IS A COMPILATION OF EXCLUSIVELY AMERICAN MADE GOODS AND IS A TRIBUTE TO THE PROGRESS MADE BY AMERICAN MANUFACTURERS We have elected to prepare a fairly complete catalog of convenient size, rather than an encyclopedia of scientific apparatus, which would of necessity be so bulky as to be unwieldy. In the selection and arrangement of .descriptive data and illustrations, we have been guided by the requirements of those who may have occasion to use the catalog. We have made an attempt to simplify the work of ordering our merchandise, wherever it has been possible to do so, without sacrificing accuracy or necessary information. Each illustration shows either a standard type of apparatus or a characteristic feature which may be adapted to your requirements. As a general rule, the articles described in this catalog are carried in stock for immediate delivery. Other apparatus can be promptly secured or made up at a reasonable cost. Reference to other catalogs will be understood by us and the specifications cor- rectly interpreted. The utmost care is observed in checking and packing goods for shipment, and every effort is made to avoid breakage in transit. All claims for loss, damage or breakage in transit should be promptly filed against the carrier. We will assist in every way possible, the adjustment of such claims. Any complaints will be promptly and cheerfully investigated and complete satisfaction is assured. All prices are based upon actual market conditions and are subject to change without notice. Fluctuations may be expected, but our prices will be consistent with existing conditions over which we have no control. The cost of containers and packing will be charged at cost. Acid bottles, cases, ^carboys and some drums are extra and returnable for full credit at our store or warehouse. Our terms of payment are NET CASH 30 days, F. O. B. Chicago. Where no definite shipping instructions are furnished with order, we will use our own judgment, and ship by shortest and cheapest route. All shipments are made in compliance with Interstate Commerce Commission regulations. Parcel-post shipments will be made wherever possible, with a small charge for insurance. Conditions arising out of the war require our customers to obtain licenses for the purchase of ethyl alcohol and certain chemicals classified as explosives. Whenever such materials are ordered, it is imperative that certified copies of license accompany the order, as shipments cannot be made until such certificates are received. Our GLASS BLOWING DEPARTMENT is adequately equipped to repair and make up all kinds of standard and special apparatus, either plain, graduated or ground. Our BALANCE and INSTRUMENT REPAIR DEPARTMENT has been or- ganized to inspect and repair any imported or domestic balances and instruments. We take great pride in our ability to render this service and guarantee all work of this nature. We wish to thank our friends and customers for their past consideration and hope that it will continue. We solicit all inquiries, and no order is too small to receive ur most careful attention. Our organization has been planned for SERVICE. It is at your disposal. Faithfully yours, A. DAIGGER & COMPANY. Chicago, January. Nineteen-Nineteen. LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 1000 1000 ACID CARBOY STAND. A very useful and simple device, whereby the carrying and tilting of carboys, otherwise a difficult and dangerous operation, becomes easy and their 'contents can be poured out with safety. The carrying bars are clamped to the carboy by means of two screw bolts, which rest on the cleats of the box; these bars are of such length as to project beyond the end of the box and provide handles for carrying. The stand can be folded up in a compact manner for transportation $6.50 1006 1007 a lOOTb 1006 ACID PUMP A convenient and handy arrangement for drawing acid, etc., from carboys, bottles, etc. Will fit any container having a neck from 1^4 to 2^ inches diameter $6.75 1007a ADAPTERS, straight; light wall, lamp blown. Length, mm 130 150 200 Diameter at large end, mm 22 30 40 Each $0.20 $0.30 $0.35 1007b ADAPTERS, curved; light wall, lamp blown; for connecting retorts with receiver*. Length, mm 130 150 200 Diameter at large end, mm 22 30 40 Each .....$0.20 $0.30 $0.35 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. FOR DETERMINATION OF ALCOHOL IN BEVERAGES ACCORDING TO FRITZ This apparatus, known also as the NERBEROMETER, was especially designed for the brewers and manufacturers of beverages and so-called "near" beers for the determination of alcohol content. This apparatus is recommended at this time when so many substitutes for beer are being produced on a large scale. We are prepared to furnish this apparatus complete from stock, as well as the separate items which make up the apparatus complete. The necessity for this apparatus has been brought about by the stringent requirements of the law, limiting the percentage of alcohol which these beverages (so-called "near" beers) are permitted to contain. 1011 The apparatus consists of a specially constructed copper still, gas heated, with a copper condenser, water cooled. Under proper heat control, the distillate is collected in the cylinder as shown above. An aliquot portion is withdrawn and the percentage of alcohol read with an alcoholometer. The still and condenser are made of heavy copper, water inlet and outlet on the condenser being made of lead pipe. All joints are provided with rubber gaskets. 1011 Price complete as shown $40.00 For prices on all parts which are interchangeable, as flasks, pipettes, burners, rubber tubing for gas and water, thermometers and so forth, \ see under alphabetical classification throughout the catalog. While it is impracticable to list all special apparatus required for testing materials, we wish to call your attention to our special sec- tions on Tar and Asphalt testing. We are prepared to furnish any apparatus both in Metalware and Glassware required on special tests, etc. LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 1014 1022 1028 1034 1014 ALKALIMETER Bunsen's . , $1.75 1022 ALKALIMETER Geissler's, latest form, with tv/o ground joints 3.00 1028 ALKALIMETER Mohr's (latest style) 2.50 1034 ALKALIMETER Schroedter's . . 3.00 ANNEALING CUPS, see Crucibles. 1050 1040 1042 1040 ANVIL, for Lead Buttons, 6"x6", planed on one side $1.20 1042 ANVIL, Plattner's, l^"xl^", for blowpipe work, polished steel. .50 1050 APRON, of waterproof rubber cloth, to protect the clothes from chemicals. Length 45, 48 or 50 inches, as desired 1.00 See also Sleeves and Gloves. ARSENIC TEST PLATES, see Plates, Porcelain. ARSENIC TUBES, see Tubes, Reduction. 1054 ASBESTOS SHEETS, 42x48 inches, fire and acid-proof. Approximate weight per sheet. Thickness, inches $2 1*5 2 l /% fs % . Z A l /2 Weight, about, Ibs 2J4 4^ 6^ 9 13 J4 17^ ^A 35 Per Ib $0.85 1056 ASBESTOS BOARDS, cut in squares. Size, inches 4x4x3*2 4x4xi 3 ff 5x5x3*2 SxSx'rV 6x6xg"2 6x6x1*3 Dozen $0.50 $0.80 $0.80 $1.20 $1.20 $1.80 1057 ASBESTOS CLOTH, 36 inches wide, unaffected by acid, fire, etc. Fine Medium Heavy Per yard $4.25 $5.50 $7.00 1058 ASBESTOS CEMENT, fire and acid-proof, for repairing furnaces, etc. Per 5-lb. can $1.50 1060 ASBESTOS CORD and TWINE, in one-lb. balls. Useful as a wrapping for han- dles of apparatus which become heated, and to suspend retorts, crucibles, etc. Diameter, inches 1 A 1 A ^ Per Ib $3.60 $3.60 $3.60 1062 ASBESTOS PADS, for protecting table under blast lamps, etc. Made of thick asbestos board edged with iron. Size, inches 8x8 10x13 13x20 Each $0.75 $1.25 $2.25 A. DA1GGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 1062 1064 ASBESTOS PAPER, useful in filtering acids, etc., in rolls 36 inches wide .of any length, one yard, weighing about 1 Ib. Per Ib $0.40 1065 ASBESTOS WOOD, so-called Asbestos Lumber, harder than wood, acid and fireproof, in sheets 42x48 inches. Thickness, inches J^ J4 -Hs Per square foot $0.40 $0.80 $1.25 The above prices are for full sheets 42x48 inches. If smaller sheets are desired, an extra charge for cutting and waste will be made. Care will be taken to cut to best advantage. ASPIRATORS See Filter Pumps. AUTOCLAVES See Bacteriological Apparatus. ASPHALT TESTING APPARATUS 1066 1066 CEMENTATION MACHINE, Kirschbraun's. For testing the cementa- tion values of asphalt cements. Furnished with hand power or with pulley for motor power. (The above machine is described in the Journal of the Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Volume 6, No. 12, Decem- ber, 1914) $85.00 1067 ASPHALT BRIQUETTE MOULD 5.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 1067a STANDARD METHOD FOR DETER- MINING THE SOFTENING POINT OF BITUMINOUS MATERIALS OTHER THAN TAR PRODUCTS 1067a OPERATION Carefully melt sample and till ring with material to be tested. Remove any excess. Place ball in center of ring and suspend in beaker containing approximately 400 c. c. of water at a tem- perature of 5 C. Softening point is temperature at which specimen has dropped one inch. Successive tests should average within 3 C. For temperatures above 95 C., gylcerine should be used instead of water. RING AND BALL APPARATUS Brass ring 15.875 m.m. ($ in.) in diameter, 6.35 m.m. (J4 in-) deep, 2.38125 m.m. (^ in.) wall, suspended, 25.40 m.m. (1 in.) above bottom of beaker. Steel ball 9.525 m.m. (ft in.) in diameter, weighing between 3.45 g. and 3.50 g. Standardized thermometer. Glass Beaker, approximately 600 c.c. capacity. Price $10.00 1068 DUCTILITY MACHINE. Adapted for ductility and elonga- tion tests under various conditions of temperature and speed. This machine has a standard stretch of 150 centi- meters with a 5 cm. or 60 cm. speed per minute. Three test pieces can be tested at one time. It is constructed entirely of metal, porcelain lined. Furnished with direct or alternating current motor, including three briquette moulds $200.00 1069 PENETROMETER. Latest im- proved form with finest ad- justment. By testing the depth to which, under a definite load and during a given time the Standard Needle will penetrate, you can determine the consistency of the asphalt cement or similar material. The stationary dial is graduated into 100 divisions of 1/10 m.m, each. The indicator works automatically and gives absolutely correct readings $55.00 1069 1070 1070 ADHESION MACHINE, Kirschbraun's. For testing comparatively the adhesive strength of asphalt as a binder for mineral conglomerates in the construction of asphalt pave- ments. Complete with two sample cups and in- structions 23.00 1070a EXTRA CUP for No. 1070 Adhesion Machine 1.00 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. Standard Penetrometer 1071 1072 1071 PENETROMETER, Standard, New York Testing Laboratory Type, for measuring the depth of penetration of a standard needle into the material to be tested at 77 F. or 25 C. in 5 seconds of time under a 100 gram weight; with standard clock reading in y 2 seconds and dial graduated to 1/10 mm. A set of adjustable weights is provided permitting the use of either 50 or 100 gram loads in addition to the standard of 100 grams. See "The Modern Asphalt Pavement" $75.00 1071a PENETROMETER, Miniature, exactly similar to the above but one-half the size and specially designed for engineers' portable use in making comparative tests, without clock 25.00 HOYT'S ELECTRICAL PENETROMETER 1072 HOYT'S An electrically operated, automatic instrument for determining the consistency of asphalt and similar substances by measuring the depth to which a standard needle with a definite load will penetrate during a definite period of time, at a given temperature. FOR THE STANDARD TEST THE LEFT PUSH BUTTON IS PRESSED. This releases the needle with attached weight and penetration instantly takes place. After a lapse of exactly five seconds the needle is automatically reclamped and penetra- tion ceases. The depth of penetration is read directly from the dial, each division of which corresponds to 0.1 mm. downward movement of the needle. FOR SPECIAL TESTS the instrument may be adjusted for any variation desired. Either the 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 or 350 gram test may be made with equal accuracy and speed by a simple substitution of weights. The needle may be readily clamped or released for special tests by means of a clutch. For periods of penetration other than five seconds, the push button on the right may be used and any desired time may be allowed for penetration, the period being controlled by the large minute dial at the top of the instrument. DESCRIPTION The entire instrument is automatic and is operated by two ordinary dry cells. It is enclosed in a mahogany case with glass sash, lock and key. There is also a large drawer located in the base for keeping the testing pans, ther- mometer and other accessories. ADVANTAGES 1st, produces uniform penetration tests; 2nd, controls the duration of tests; 3rd, applies uniformity of penetration weights; 4th, eliminates vibra- tion during operation; 5th, insures absence of personal equation. Price, complete $100.00 1072a NEEDLES, A. S. T. M. Standard. Description: The needle for this test shall be of cylindrical steel rod, 50.8 mm. (2 inches) long and having a diameter of 1.016 mm. (.04 inch) and turned on one end to a sharp point, having a taper of 6.35 mm. (.25 inch). Price, each $1.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 1073 1073 ASPHALT FLOW PLATE. Set consisting of two plates, each with six corrugations, and one mould $5.00 1074 1074 EXTRACTOR. New York Testing Laboratory. For the analysis of paving mixtures containing broken stone. These extractors are made entirely of metal. (Detail information and instruc- tions furnished upon request.) Complete extractor $35.00 1075 1075 RING AND BALL, for melting point test $1.00 NOTE: We are in position to furnish special apparatus for testing various grades of tar, ^ oils, etc. Send us your list of requirements for quotation. For Hydrometers, Thermometers, Metronomes and Stop-Watches used in connection with asphalt testing see under individual headings. 10 A. DA1GGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 1077 107(5 1078 1076 VISCOSIMETER, Engler's. Latest improved form with double walls. Gold plated inside, with platinum outlet. Furnished with a graduated flask, ring burner, and two fine thermometers $65.00 1077 VISCOSIMETER, ASPHALT. "New York Testing Laboratory Type." Consisting of an aluminum float, with three brass plugs, standardized 8.00 1078 CUBICAL BRASS MOULD. One-half inch, with brass plate, for melting . point apparatus 5.00 179 DRYING OVEN. "New York Testing Laboratory Type." For uniform tem- peratures. This oven has a fan mounted on ball bearings which can be revolved by any convenient power, thereby hastening the drying. The heat is gen- erated from a ten-inch rmg burner below the oven, the outside is covered with asbestos, made of Russian iron $25.00 1079a DRYING OVEN. Same as No. 1079, but made of copper 35.00 1080 BITUMEN HOLDER. Draper Type.. 3.00 1080 1081 1081 DULIN ROTAREX, de- signed for the determination of Mineral Aggregate in Bituminous pavements. A complete extraction can be made in five minutes, which would require two hours by the filtering methods. With a specially constructed elec- tric motor, which can be operated on either alternat- ing or direct current, 110 volts (unless 25 cycles or less), including 5 feet of lamp cord with plug for attaching to Edison lamp socket. Net. $70.00 (Descriptive circular upon application.) LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 11 1083 DULIN ROTAREX, as above, large size, with universal motor, capable of operating on either direct or alternating current. 110 volts, 60 cycles or on 220 volts direct current. Net : . . . $125.00 APPARATUS FOR WATER SAMPLING IN CREOSOTE OILS. 1084 SAMPLING OF CREOSOTE OIL IN TANK CARS AND STORAGE TANKS FOR MAKING WATER DETERMINATIONS "It is recommended as good practice that, in order to obtain accurate determinations as to the percentage of water contained in creosote oil in tank cars and in storage tanks, the principle of zone sampling be employed, and described in the 1916 report of your Committee (Proceedings, Vol. 17, pp. 447 to 456) and that for the purpose of obtaining zone samples an apparatus of the type illustrated in this report be used." From Bulletin of the American Railway Engineering Association, Vol. 18, No. 195, March, 1917. This apparatus consists of a brass cylinder with a pointed, perforated bottom. The holes in the bottom are closed by means of a spring valve, which can be opened by means of a wire extending along the extended stem attached to the cylinder. This stem is made in several sections, so that it can be used at any depth. The stein is calibrated in feet and inches, thus facilitating the zone sampling. The apparatus is as illustrated. Price $45.00 12 A. DA1GGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. APPARATUS FOR TESTING COAL TAR AND REFINED TARS, OILS AND PITCHES DERIVED THEREFROM As adopted in the Standard Methods of the Barrett Manufacturing Company, New York. See Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, April, 1911, March, 1913, and May, 1914. The apparatus listed below is only the special apparatus re- quired for these tests. The regular apparatus, such as tripods, burners, clamps, etc., are to be found under their respective headings throughout the catalogue. Complete lists of both the special and regular stock apparatus required for the various tests will be sent upon request. 1085 1086 1087 1089 1091 1088 SPECIAL APPARATUS REQUIRED FOR WATER IN TAR TEST 1085 CONDENSER TROUGH, of copper, on supports, with wooden base $ 8.00 1086 CONDENSER TUBE, of glass to fit Condenser Trough No. 1085 30 1087 SEPARATORY FUNNEL, with stopcock, capacity, 120 c.c 3.00 1088 COPPER STILL, with steel clamps, inside dimensions, 6x3^ inches, with six paper gaskets 15.25 1088a COPPER STILL, Same as No. 1088, but larger size, i. e., inside dimen- sions, 7^x5 inches 19.50 1089 RING BURNER, brass, to fit small Still No. 1088 1.90 1089a RING BURNER, brass, to fit large Still No. lOSSa 3.25 1090 CONNECTING TUBE, of glass 25 SPECIAL APPARATUS REQUIRED FOR SPECIFIC GRAVITY TEST 1091 SPECIFIC GRAVITY BOTTLE, Barrett modification of the Hubbard form, 50 c.c. capacity $ 1.90 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 13 1094 1095 1097 1092 1093 1096 SPECIAL APPARATUS REQUIRED FOR EVAPORATION TEST 1092 EVAPORATING DISH, of pure nickel, with flange and handle $1.90 SPECIAL APPARATUS REQUIRED FOR SLIDE TEST 1093 SLIDE BOX, of copper, with six corrugations $9.00 i SPECIAL APPARATUS REQUIRED FOR LIGHT OIL TEST 1094 HEMPEL DISTILLING TUBE $0.35 SPECIAL APPARATUS REQUIRED FOR MELTING POINT OF HARD PITCH TEST 1095 AIR MELTING POINT OVEN, of copper, with mica window, removable tray, etc $12.75 SPECIAL APPARATUS REQUIRED FOR MELTING POINT OF PITCH TEST 1096 PITCH MOULD, consisting of iron clamps with brass block $5.00 1096a THERMOMETER, for melting point, etched on stem, 0-80 C. in l/5ths... 4.50 1096b THERMOMETER, for melting point, etched on stem, 60-140 C. in l/5ths. . 4.50 SPECIAL APPARATUS REQUIRED FOR CONSISTENCY OF REFINED TARS AND SOFT PITCH TEST 1097 SCHUTTE PENETROMETER, with one plug $3.50 1097a PLUGS, only, for above Penetrometer, each 25 14 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 1099c 1099b 1098 1099cl 1098 EXTRACTION APPARATUS, Barrett modification of the Cottle, or Underwriters' form. Complete with flask, cover, coil and basket of Ger- man silver wire ." , $4.25 1098a GLASS FLASKS, only, for above Extraction Apparatus 60 1098b WIRE BASKET, of German silver, only for above Extraction Apparatus. .'. .80 1098c COVER AND COIL, of block tin, only, for above Extraction Apparatus 3.00 SPECIAL APPARATUS REQUIRED FOR STANDARD CREOSOTE OIL DISTILLATION 1099 ASBESTOS SHEET, specially cut to fold into cover for retort $0.50 1099a THERMOMETER, graduated from to 400 C. in 1. Made specially for this test 5.00 1099b CONDENSER TUBE \'...'. 35 1099c RETORT, Resistance Glass, 250 c.c. capacity. Made to special dimensions and with neck set at special angle, otherwise similar to regular retorts which, however, are not suited for this work 1.45 SPECIAL APPARATUS REQUIRED FOR ADDITIONAL CREOSOTE OIL TESTS 1099d SEPARATORY FUNNEL, with ground glass stopper and stopcock, grad- uated to 100 c.c.; for heavy oils $2.50 BAKING OVENS. For Baking Ovens, see the Despatch Electric Oven LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 15 CHAINOMATIC BALANCES ANALYTICAL CHAINOMATIC BALANCE NO. 1101 With Vernier Capacity 200 grams Sensitiveness 1/20 milligram Diameter of Pans 2^ inches Length of Beam 7 inches Bearings Agate planes Knife edges Agate Capacity of bar and vernier . .50 Mgm. to 1/10 Mgm. It is the regular No. 1105 Becker Balance equipped with chain, and gives direct rapid reading without rider or small weights. Polished mahogany case, front sliding frame, counterpoised. Mounted on black plate glass. After all the necessary large weights up to 50 milligrams are placed on the pan, the weighing from 50 milligrams to 1/10 of a milligram can be concluded without opening the balance or using the arrest, eliminating the necessity of reading and re- placing all small weights or the handling of a rider with a consequent enormous saving of time. One end of the weighing chain is hung from an arm of the scale beam, and the other end from a slide-block which is moved up and down on a vertical graduated scale. As this block is raised, more of the weight of the chain is taken from the beam and hangs from the slide-block which forms a stationary support for holding the inactive part of the chain. As the slide is lowered a greater proportion of the weight of the chain is transferred to the beam. Price $175.00 NOTE: We have produced specially designed sets of weights for the Chainomatic Balances. For full details, see page 32. 16 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. We are also in position to furnish a less expensive Chainomatic Balance of follow- ing specifications: No. 1103 Analytical Balance with Vernier (see illustration below). Capacity \ 100 grams Sensitiveness 1/20 milligram Diameter of pans 3 inches Length of beam ; 6 inches Bearings ; Agate Knife edges .Agate Capacity of bar and vernier 50 Mgm. to 1/10 Mgm. It is the regular No. 1105 Becker Balance equipped wtih chain, and gives direct rapid reading without rider or small weights. Polished mahogany case, front sliding frame counterpoised. Mounted on black plate glass. Price $130.00 ANALYTICAL BALANCE NO. 1105 Capacity 100 grams Sensitiveness , 1/20 milligram Diameter of pans 3 inches Length of beam 6 inches Bearings ;..... Agate Knife edges Agate Aluminum beam graduated in 1/5 milligram with white graduations on black background. Independent arrest for pans with automatic stop. Width of pan support 4 in.; wider if specified. Polished mahogany and glass case, glass top, front sliding frame counterpoised. Dimensions of case: 16 J4 i- long, 9 in. wide, 18^ in. high. 1105 Price $ 90.00 Price, mounted on black plate glass "..../ 100.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 17 BALANCES ANALYTICAL We have listed herein, the most popular Balances of American makes, and can supply any Balance not listed, on short notice. 1107 1107 BALANCE ANALYTICAL, Troemners. This world-famous Balance meets the most exacting demands of the analytical chemist. Short 7-inch cold rolled aluminum beam with 50 divisions on each side. Sensibility to 1/20 milligram. Capacity 200 grams. Edges and planes of agate. Pans of aluminum. Arches of cold drawn nickel silver. Mahogany and glass case with black glass base. Pan release and arrest. All brass parts gold plated. Price, each $162.50 1109 BALANCE ANALYTICAL, BECKER. An American made Balance of high reputation, in widespread use. Capacity 200 grams. Sensibility 1-20 milligram. ' Case Of polished mahogany and glass, with sliding frame coun- terpoised, mounted on black plate glass. Dimensions, 16J4 inches long, 9 inches wide, 18^ inches high. With specific grav- ity support and holder for weighing test tubes, with coun- terpoise. Beam Graduated on both sides in 1-10 milligram, with white gradu- ations on black background. Length of beam, 7 inches. Knife Edges and Planes Of agate throughout. Release and Arrest Independent arrest for pans with automatic stop. Pans 2fys inches in diameter. Pan supports 4 inches wide, or wider if specified. Price, as above described $135.00 Price, with adjustable shelf for supporting beaker when taking specific gravities. . 145.00 18 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 1111 BALANCE ANALYTICAL. Capacity 200 grams, sensitive to 1/20 mgm. under full load. All metal parts heavily lacquered, pans 2 l / 2 inches diam- eter, black beam with 50 white graduations each side of zero. Dial has red graduations so that black pointer is easily observed. All bearings of agate. Case of seasoned mahogany 17 inches long, 17 l /> inches high by inches deep . $100.00 1113 1113 BALANCE ANALYTICAL. Capacity 100 grams, sensibility 1/10 milli- gram. Beam 6 inches long of hand-rolled aluminum. Price, complete with one (1) pair 3-inch watch-glasses; three (3) five (o) milligram riders; wood bench for specific gravity weighings $85.00 Price, with metal parts heavily gold-plated 95.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 19 1115 BALANCE ANALYTICAL. Capacity 100 grains, sensibility 1/10 milligram. Beam 6 inches long. This instrument is unquestionably the greatest Balance value for 100 gram capacity and 1/10 milligram sensibility on the market. Price $75.00 Balance No. 1115. All parts heavily gold plated. Price 85.00 111 1117 BALANCE, CELERITAS, ANALYTICAL. Designed to meet the needs of educational and commercial laboratories for an economical analytical balance. Beam, polished aluminum. Capacity 200 grams, sensibility 1/10 milligram. ^ice Price, mounted on black glass plate ................... $42.50 50.00 20 , A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 1119 1119 BALANCE Analytical School Laboratory Balance. Satisfactorily meets. the needs of Chemistry, Agriculture and Physics Laboratories requiring a well-built, high-grade balance of precision. Designed and made by an expert with over twenty years' actual experience in analytical balance making. Suitable for both teacher and student use. Guarantee May be returned at our expense if after a fair trial it does not prove satisfactory. Sensibility 1/10 of a milligram under full load of 100 grams in each pan. Capacity 100 grams. Price - -$35.00 1121 1121 BALANCE Portable Analytical. The beam of this balance is made of aluminum alloy, 4 inches long, with 50 divisions on each side of the center knife edge; the bearings are of Russian agate. Total weight & l /2 pounds. Balance complete with set of first quality weights from 10 grams to 1/10 milligram, and riders ...........,.,, $91.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 21 ASSAY BALANCES In addition to the following assay balances, we can furnish any other special type known. For detailed information write to our Balance Department. 1123 1123 BALANCE ASSAY Troemner's. l l / 2 -inch beam, sensibility 1/100 gram. Beam is of special hard cold rolled aluminum. Fall-away pan and beam arrests. Full agate bearings. Aluminum pans with nickel silver hang- ers, black glass plate. Price $123.50 1125 1125 BALANCE PORTABLE ASSAY Troemner's. The beam of this bal- ance is 4 inches long and divided into 50 parts on each side of the center knife edge, and fitted with an improved locking apparatus, making it unnecessary to remove the beam from the fulcrum during transportation. The balance is sensitive to 1/100 milligram; the bearings are of agate. The case is made of seasoned mahogany, and French polished glass. Size l l / 2 inches long, 2^ inches deep, 8^ inches high. The carrying case is of walnut, fitted with lock and key and trunk strap handle. Size, 8 l /2 inches long, 5 inches deep, 9J/2 inches high. T6tal weight of outfit 6^4 pounds. Price of complete balance with a set of first-quality adjusted plati- num weights from 1 gram to 1/10 milligram and riders $91.00 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. PULP BALANCES 1127-1129 1131-1137 Pulp Balances illustrated above are used for Prescriptions, Ore, Sugar, Pulp, Jewelry, etc. Constructed of the very best materials, steel knife edges, and agate bearings, removable pans mounted on French Polished Mahogany box, with leveling screws. Balances Nos. 1131-1137 furnished with leveling screws and level. Number Capacity Sensibility Diameter of pans Length of beam Price 1127 1129 1131 1133 1135 1137 2 oz or 75 grams 5 oz or 180 grams 10 oz or 300 grams 20 oz or 600 grams 50 oz or 1500 grams 100 oz or 3 kilo 1/50 grain or 1 mgm. 1/30 grain or 2 mgm. 1/10 grain or 5 mgm. 1/10 grain or 5 mgm. 1/5 grain or 10 mgm 1/3 grain or 20 mgm. 75 m. m. 80 m. m. 100 m. m. 125 m. m. 150 m. m. 180 m. m 150 m. m. 180 m. m. 230 m. m. 270 m. m. 300 m. m. 370 m. m. $13.00 17.00 25.00 30.00 38.00 55.00 Number Capacity Sensibility Diameter of pans Length of beam Price 1139 1141 1143 1145 1147 1149 2 oz or 75 grams 3 oz or 180 grams 10 oz or 300 grams 20 oz or 600 grams 50 oz or 1500 grams 100 oz or 3 kilo 1/60 grain or 1 mgm. 1/60 grain or 1 mgm. 1/30 grain or 2 mgm. 1/10 grain or 5 mgm. 1/5 grain or 10 mgm. 1/3 grain or 20 mgm. 75 m. m. 80 m. m. 100 m. m. 125 m. m. 150 m. m, 180 m. m. 150 m. m. 180 m. m. 230 m. m. 270 m. m. 300 m. m. 370 m. m. $25.00 29.00 39.00 46.00 60.00 85.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 1151 1153 1151 Pulp Balance Improved, illustrated above, used for Prescriptions, Sugar Ore, Pulp, etc., with steel knife edges nd planes, constructed to the best materials, removable pans, has support for arresting beam and also end support for stirrups, relieving knife edges from all contact when Balance is at rest. Mounted on French Polished Mahogany box, furnished with level and leveling screws. Capacity Sensibility Diameter of pans Length of beam Price 2 oz or 75 grams 1/60 grain or 1 mgm. 75 m. m. 150 m. m. $18.00 5 oz or 180 grams 1/60 grain or 1 mgm. 80 m. m. 180 m. m. 25.00 10 oz or 300 grams 1/30 grain or 2 mgm. 100 m. m. 230 m. m. 32.00 20 oz or 600 grams 1/30 grain or 2 mgm. 125 m. m. 270 m. m. 45.00 .~>0 oz. or 1500 grams 1/5 grain or 10 mgm. 150 m. m. 300 m. m. 58.00 1153 Pulp Balance Improved, illustrates No. 1151 Balance mounted in French Polished Mahogany and glass case with front sliding door counterpoised, Jevel and leveling screws. Capacity Sensibility Diameter of pans Length of beam Price :2 oz or 75 grams 1/60 grain or 1 mgm. 75 m. m. 150 m. m. $30.00 5 oz or 180 grams 1/60 grain or 1 mgm. 80 m. m. 180 m. m. 35.00 10 oz or 300 grams 1/30 grain or 1 mgm. 100 m. m. 230 m. m. 49.00 20 oz or 600 grams 1/30 grain or 1 mgm. 125 m. m. 270 m. m. 61.00 50 oz or 1500 grams 1/5 grain or 10 mgm. 150 m. m. 300 m. m. 75.00 1155 Pulp Balance. Same Balances as above on box or in glass case, as de- sired, furnished with agate knife edges and planes, will cost net each extra, $6.00. 1155A Balance. Same balance as No. 1151 on box with marble top, agate knife edges and planes. Capacity 250 grams. Price $45.00 Capacity 500 grams. Price 65.00 We are admirably equipped for making repairs on any model of balance, either domestic or foreign. Estimates cheerfully given without obligation to the inquirer. 24 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. LABORATORY AND POCKET SCALES 1159 1157 1157 CELERITAS BAKERS' SCALE. So named as it was originally made for their use, being a small balance with large pans; length, 12 inches; width, 9 inches; height, 5 inches; pans 5 inches in diameter; beam grad- uated up to 5 grams and divided into 1/10 gram; a set of accurate brass weights in block, which is fastened to the front of the scale, are included; capacity, 210 grams to 1/10 gram. Price $13.00 1159 CELERITAS DISPENSING SCALE. With side beam and sliding weight, to weigh 4 ounces. Handsomely finished; has 3^-inch nickel-plated movable pans; a side beam in front of scale with a sliding weight; this, beam is divided into 120 divisions, each division representing one grain; an extra row of metric divisions is placed on bottom edge of beam, each representing one decigram. Platform or shelf is attached to base of scale, in which are fitted a set of solid brass Troy weights, 2 ounces and down. Sensible to J^ grain; capacity 4 ounces. Price $11.75 1161 1163 1161 EBONY BOX SCALE. In ebony box, gold lines; gilt dial; heavy nickel- plated pans; marble top. No i 1 2 Diam. of pans ins. 7 8 9 Capacity Ibs. 5 8 10 Price each $18.25 $21.00 $23.85 1163 BALANCE, HARVARD TRIP. With two 6-inch round porcelain plates and side beam for laboratory work; capacity, 1 kilogram to 1/10 gram. Price $7.50 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 25 Size No. 1 2 . Diam. of Pans 9 in. . . . . 5*/ 2 in. 1165 BALANCE Metric Solution Scales Two sizes. An even balance scale for making rapidly reagent or any other kind of composite solutions. The scale has two movable Brass pans, and the weight rack is attached to the base of the scale, and in it are fitted the weights, which are made of solid brass. The scale is provided with a side beam in front, un- divided, and is used for balancing the bot- tles or containers. With this scale can be made the most accurate solutions. Sensi- bility, % gram. Capacity Price 5 kilos, to 1 gram $26.00 1 kilo, to 1 gram 21.00 CELERITAS SOLUTION SCALE 1167 CELERITAS SOLUTION SCALE. Capacity 20 kilos, (about 45 Ibs.) It will weigh liquids with accuracy. The scale is provided with two weighing beams and sliding poises. One of these is divided into 100 parts, each part representing one gram; the other beam is divided into 10 parts, each part representing 100 grams. A bar with a sliding poise is placed under the weighing beam, for the purpose of balancing the empty bottle or container, which is quickly done by sliding the poise along the bar until a correct balance is secured. Capacity, 20 kilos. Sensibility, 1 gram. Price $32.50 1167 1169 1171 1169 MINERS' POCKET SCALES. Made in three sizes, and strictly first class. They are put up in neat tin boxes, with oval ends, and enameled green with bronze stripes; entire scale is of brass, including deep brass pans, hung with brass chains; full set of accurate weights are included. Capacity , . . . oz. Price ..each $2.75 2 $3.25 4 $4.50 1171 ARMY PRESCRIPTION SCALE. On polished box; scale can be taken apart and packed away in drawer of box; all parts nickel-plated; including a set of weights from 2 drams to y? grain. Beam ins. 6 Each $5.00 7 $6.50 8 $8.00 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 1173 1175 1173 PRESCRIPTION BALANCE, in cherry mahogany box with marble top and hinged cover; has S^-inch nickel pans; thoroughly reliable and substantial. Capacity, 1 oz. Sensibility, y\ gram $19.00 1175 ROBERVAHL BALANCE, for coarse weighing. Heavy brass pans. Capacity Ibs. 125 Diameter of pans .-ins. 5 l /2 8 9 Each $8.50 $9.75 $11.75 1179 SPECIAL "FOUR-IN-ONE" SCALE This scale, designed and manufactured by us, satisfies a long-felt want in the grain trade, for a small, complete office scale for weighing samples for moisture test and for determining test weights per bushel, dockages, weights for mailing sam- ples, etc. This "Four-In-One" Agate Bearing Scale is the most complete, compact, accurate and adaptable scale made satisfying these many needs. It renders the following weights: Equipped with a specially designed brass scoop for a convenient pouring of grain in flasks for moisture test, or in envelopes for mailing. Strongly made, with no springs or steel bearings to rust or become inaccurate. Large readable figures on beams. Highly painted and decorated. Effectively used in connection with grain sieves described upon Pages 10 and 11. Quick breaking and guaranteed accurate. Will do the work of four ordinary scales designed especially to satisfy any one of the above needs and at the small price of one. Used by country shippers, receivers and grain men everywhere. Price $25.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS SPECIFIC GRAVITY BALANCES 1181 This balance is designed to give liquid densities only. It will do this to the fourth decimal place. With jar, riders, plummet, wood case, forceps and weights. This balance is American made, and manufactured to our order. 1181 Price $25.00 1181A Plummet only. Price 7.50 1181B Set (8) Riders only. Price 3.50 1182 SPECIAL WESTPHAL SPECIFIC GRAVITY BALANCES. Agate knives and planes, in mahogany case with drawer, screw feet and level. Balance fastened in case without raising apparatus to a black plate glass base inside of case. Complete with plummet jar and riders. Price complete $60.00 1182 1181B RIDERS FOR WESTPHAL SPECIFIC GRAVITY BALANCES 15 Grams Brass Weight of rider 5 .5 .05 .005 Grams Hanging Weight Price . $0.35 .35 .55 .55 1.00 28 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 1183 1183 TORSION GRAVITY BAL- ANCE. Sensitiveness, 2 milli- grams; sensitiveness, 1/32 grain. Recording beams, upper, .01 by .0001; lower, 1.40 to .70 by .01. Tare beam, bottle, 100 C. C; case, metal and ground glass. Ar- rest, measurements, 12^ by 6 by 9^4 inches. Price with one bot- tle $50.00 When ordering extra bottles give serial number of balance. This balance is used for the ready determination of specific gravity of liquids, the result being obtained di- rect from the reading of the beam without calculation or the use of loose weights. The range is from .7000 to 1.4000. CELERITAS TRIPLE BEAM BALANCE 1185 ,JI 1187 1185 BALANCE, SPECIFIC GRAVITY. Jolly Spiral Spring. Mirror Scale. This balance is a decided improvement over the general style of appa- ratus of this kind, being made of metal throughout and handsomely finished. It consists of an upright, 3 feet high, supported by a tripod base fitted with leveling screws. The stage, scale and hook are clamped to the upright, all three being adjustable separately. The improved mirror scale is graduated in millimeters. The pans are of aluminum suspended on very sensitive springs. Two springs, a high and low ten- sion, are included with each balance $25.00 Used for determining specific gravity of minerals, etc., and in laboratories of rubber factories. 1187 IMPROVED CELERITAS TRIPLE BEAM LABORATORY BALANCE. This balance is one of the most popular of our specialties. It has a capacity of 111 grams, a sensibility of 0.01 gram, and reads directly on the aluminum beam to 0.01 gram. The beam is engine divided and is tested and adjusted at each division. The two lower weights are sup- plied with spring clips to insure accurate setting. The weights do not interfere, and they are attached to the beam so that they cannot be lost. A milled head lifts the center knife edge from its bearing when not in use. The stand is neatly enameled and is supplied with a leveling screw, spirit level, and swinging support for specific gravity work. The pan is movable and its hanger has an extra hook for specific gravity $17.50 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 29 BALANCE ACCESSORIES 1189 1191 1195 1195 (a) 119' --- 1199 1199 (a) 1201 1203 Number Price 1189 Balance Covers Of Rubber Sheeting, made to order, each $2.00 to $4.00 1191 Weighing Tube Support Nickel plated, for use in either vertical or horizontal position, each 2.00 1193 Spirit Level Circular, of brass, 1 inch diameter, each 4.00 1195 Balance Rests Of glass, for use under leveling-screws of balance, each -. 15 1195 (a) Balance Rests Of glass with rubber cushion, for use under leveling- screws of balance, each 40 1197 Balanced Watch-Glasses Without handles, accurately adjusted for analytical work 1.00 Diameter, inches Z l / 2 2^4 3 Per pair $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 1199 Forceps Brass, curved form, polished and lacquered, each 50 1199 (a) Forceps Brass, straight form, polished and lacquered or nickeled, each. . .50 1201 Forceps Brass, curved form, ivory tipped, polished and lacquered or nickeled, each 1.50 1203 Forceps With curved ivory tips, for handling small weights, each 1.50 1205 Pans for Button Balances German silver oxidized black, per pair 2.50 1207 Magnifier For index-plate, adjustable and portable, each 5.50 30 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. BRASS SCOOPS WITH TARE WEIGHT FOR BULLION BALANCES 1209 1211 1217 121'.) 1209 (a) 1209 (b) 1209 (c) 1209 (d) 1209 (e) 12 7 x 9 10 11 x!3 x!5 Price with foot .................................... ............. $10.00 with foot. . ............... ......... ..................... 10.50 with foot ................................................. 11.00 with foot ............ ................... , ................. 11.25 with foot ---- . .............................. - .............. 11.75 1209 (f) 12.}/ptl6^" with foot ............. ................................... 13.00 Spun Brass Tare Ball for Counter Balancing Scoop ................... 2.60 1211 With Long Spout 1211 (a) With Short Spout Price .$4.25 : 4.25 ALUMINUM SCOOPS WITH TARE WEIGHTS Price 1213 10 grams capacity $2.50 1215 20 grams capacity 2.60 1217 30 grams capacity 2.95 1219 Dish, Pure Nickel, deep form, with tare weight, each 4.25 1221 1221 SCALE PANS, with handles- Glass, 2^, 224, 3 in Per pair $0.75 Nickel, 2 l / 2 , 2%, 3 in Per pair 1.50 Aluminum, 2 l / 2 , 2%, 3 in Per pair 2.00 We do general Instrument repairing as well as Balance repair- ing and adjusting. Weights refinished and accurately adjusted. Our Balance Repairing Department includes the adjustment of the instrument and also the refinishing of all metal parts and cases. LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 31 WEIGHTS 1311 1315 1311 Weights adjusted to meet the requirements as set forth by the U. S. Bureau of Standards. The gram Weights are made of Tobin bronze. They are made of one piece heavily gold-plated. The fractions of the gram of Platinum. In mahogany, loose or hinged covered, velvet lined boxes, separate compartment. Each Weight fitted Grams 10 t two 20 one 20 50 100 200 500 1 kilo Milligrams Price 1 $40.00 1 . . . AS nn 1 ai 1 1 1 1 id three ric > a i ers 45 00 .... . 48 00 ... 52 00 60 00 .... ... 75 00 . 88.00 1313 WEIGHTS GRAIN. (See above). Grains Price 10 to 1/100 grain $24.00 100 1/100 grain 40.00 1000 1/100 grain 52.00 1315 WEIGHTS OF PRECISION (First Quality) These Weights are adjusted accurately for general use, where weights of First Quality are desired. Gram weights are of brass screw-knob, polished and lacquered. The fractions of the gram are of Platinum from 500 mgm. to 50 mgm., and from 20 mgm. to 1 mgm. of aluminum. In mahogany, loose or hinged covered, velvet lined boxes. Each weight fitted in separate compartment. Price Grams Milligrams Price Gold-plated 5/10 to 1/10 $ 2.00 to 1/10 20.00 $21.50 1 and three riders 21.00 23.00 1 21.00 23.00 22.00 25.00 . - 24.00 28.00 30.00 37.00 36.00 44.00 two one 10 20 20 50 100 200 500 1 kilo 43.00 53.00 1317 WEIGHTS, GRAIN. (See above.) Grains 10 100 H)00 tu Price 1/1000 grain $20.00 1/1000 grain 21.00 1/100 grain with 3 riders . 23.00 32 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. SPECIAL SETS OF METRIC WEIGHTS FOR CHAINOMATIC BALANCES 1319 1319 WEIGHTS, METRIC. Adjusted to a tolerance of Class A, Bureau of Standards, double checked. All weights to 500 milligram are lacquered brass. All weights from 500 milligram to 20 milligram are of platinum. All weights from 20 milligram to 1/10 milligram are of aluminum. In polished mahogany boxes, lined with velvet, each piece fitted separately with glass cover on small weights. Furnished with forceps in sets from 20 grams. 10 grams to 50 milligram $21.00 20 grams to 50 milligram 22.00 50 grams to 50 milligram 23.00 100 grams to 50 milligram 25.00 200 grams to 50 milligram 27.00 1321 WEIGHTS, Separate. Brass weights, single, adjusted to meet requirements U. S. Bureau of Standards. One piece, gold plated, double checked. Grams 1000 500 200 100 50 20 10 5 2 1 . Price $10.50 8.75 7.60 7.00 4.10 3.80 2.60 2.40 2.20 2.00 1323 WEIGHTS, Separate. Brass weights, single, screw knob, first quality, gold plated, single checked. Grams 1000 500 200 100 50 20 10 5 21 Price $ 7.50 5.75 4.60 4.00 2.10 1.80 1.60 1.40 1.20 1.20 l323a WEIGHTS, Separate. Brass, lacquered. Price $ 6.00 4.25 3.10 2.50 1.60 1.20 1.10 1.00 .80 .80 1325 WEIGHTS, Brass, polished and lacquered. Set of two weights 13.024 and 26.048. Price $4.00 Set of three weights 13.024 and 26.048 and 52.096. Price 5.00 1327 WEIGHTS, Above weights brass, gold plated. 2 weights. Price $4.50 3 weights. Price , . . v . 5.50 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 3.$ 1329 1331 1328 WEIGHTS, Assayton. Furnished in mahogany box as illustrated; of brass polished and lacquered. These weights are accurately adjusted to a standard of 29.1666 grams equals 1 Assayton. One A. T. contains as many milligrams as there are troy ounces in a ton (avoirdu- pois, 2000 pounds). Therefore, if one A. T. of ore assays one milligram the ton contains one troy ounce. Price 4 A. T. to 1/20 A. T $9.00 1 A. T. to 1/20 A. T 4.50 2 A. T. to 1/20 A. T 6.75 Containing 1 A. T., 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/10 and 1/20 A. T 6.00 1331 WEIGHTS, Second Grade. Gram Weights are of brass, two pieces, polished and lacquered, furnished in mahogany box with hinged cover, as per illustration. Fractions of the gram are of German silver and Aluminum. Grams Milligrams Price 1 to 1 $ 7.00 10 1 8.50 20 1 9.50 50 1 12.00 100 1 14.00 200 1 17.00 500 1 20.00 1 kilo. 1 27.00 1333 WEIGHTS, Factor. Brass polished ad lacquered. Price, Net Carbon Factor, 2.7273 grams $1.30 Y 2 Carbon Factor, 1.3636 grams 1.30 Y^ Silicon Factor, 1.1755 grams 1.30 Prosphorous Factor, 1.63 grams 1.30 1/10 Silicon Factor, 0.4702, Platinum 7.00 1335 Gram 1335 COMMERCIAL, Brass Polished and Lacquered. Troy Ounces 1 to Price 20 to 1 centigram $ 4.50 50 1 centigram 5.25 100 1 centigram 6.75 200 1 centigram 9.50 500 1 centigram 13.00 ">oo i milligram 14.50 J kilo 1 centigram 17.00 1 kilo " 1 milligram 18.50 two 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 Price grain $ 4.50 grain 7.50 grain 9.00 grain 12.00 grain 19.00 grain 26.00 grain 37.00 grain 55.00 grain 120.00 34 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 1337 1337 WEIGHTS, Commercial. Third Grade. In block. Brass Weights Polished. Gram Price 20 to 1 centigram $ 2.00 50 1 centigram 2.50 100 1 centigram 3.00 200 1 centigram 4.00 500 1 centigram 6.00 500 1 milligram 7.50 1 kilo 1 centigram 10.00 1 kilo 1 milligram 11.50 Troy Ounces 1 to two 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 Price y\ grain $ 2.50 l /4 grain 3.50 Y grain 4.25 Yt, grain 5.75 Y$ grain 10.00 Y* grain 17.50 Y grain 27.00 1 grain 40.00 1 grain 80.00 1339 WEIGHTS, Avoirdupois, Iron. These weights are made of cast iron, with seal- ing hole on top of the weight. This hole is filled with lead as the adjusting medium. On this the sealer's stamp can be placed. Fur- nished in Japanned black, as follows: 1 Ib. to Yi oz $1.75 2 Ibs. to Yz oz 2.25 4 Ibs. to Yi. oz ; . 3.25 7 Ibs. to y 2 oz., total 15 Ibs 5.75 10 Ibs. to y 2 oz., total 20 Ibs . 8.50 1341 1341 WEIGHTS, Metric Iron. 1 kilogram to 10 grams, per set $ 3.25 2 kilogram to 10 grams, per set 4.25 5 kilogram to 10 grams, per set 8.25 10 kilogram to 10 grams, per set 13.00 Owing to the present regulation of platinum consumption by the Gov- ernment officials, we have discontinued the furnishing of platinum fractions almost entirely. In the place of fractional weights made of platinum we are now supplying these made of Gold, Rhotanium and other non-oxidizing metals. These weights have been tested very carefully and found to be ex- tremely accurate. We recommend them to be equal in every respect to the platinum fractional weights. LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 35 SINGLE WEIGHTS 1343 1343 WEIGHTS, Fractional, Single. First Quality. Platinum. Milligrams 1000 500 200 100 50 20 10 5 2 1 Dble. checked -4- or .005 mgm. Price $10.00 $7.00 $4.00 $3.00 $2.00 $1.50 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 Single checked -f- or .01 mgm. Price 8.00 4.50 3.00 2.00 1.50 1.00 .60 .60 .60 .60 1345 RIDERS. Either Form as illustrated, aluminum. 1.2 .6 Grain Riders Grain f ^ .5 .12 .10 .02 .01 Mgms. .12 653 Double checked Price, $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 Single checked Price, .30 .30 .30 .30 .50 .50 .50 .50 .60" .60 .50 .50 .60 .60 1347 1345 1347 FRACTIONAL, Single. Second Quality German Silver and Aluminum. Milligrams 500 200 100 50 20 10 5 2 1 Price $0.55 $0.50 $0.45 $0.40 $0.40 $0.40 $0.25 $0.25 $0.25 1349 WEIGHTS, Single. Brass, Second Quality, Polished and Lacquered. Grams 1000 500 200 100 50 20 10 5 2 1 Price $5.00 $4.50 $2.50 $2.00 $1.25 $1.00 $0.70 $0.60 $0.55 $0.50 1351 1351 WEIGHTS, Fractional, Single. Third Quality Aluminum. Milligrams ..... ..... 500 200 100 50 20 10 5 2 1 Price ................. $0.40 $0.35 $0.30 $0.25 $0.25 $0.25 $0.20 $0.20 $0.20 1353 WEIGHTS, Single. Brass, Third Quality, Polished. Grams ................. 1000 500 200 100 50 20 10 5 2 1 Price ................... $4.25 $3.25 $2.00 $1.50 $1.00 $0.75 $0.50 $0.35 $0.30 $0.25 1355 WEIGHTS, Single Troy. Brass Price 500 oz ........... ........... $38.00 300 oz ...................... 25.00 200 oz ...................... 15.00 100 oz ...................... 9.50 50 oz ................. 6.50 Iron Price 500 oz ........................... $7.50 300 oz ................... .......... 4.50 200 oz ............................. 3.00 100 oz ..... ........................ 2.00 50 oz.... . 1.50 1357 1357 WEIGHTS, Set Pwt. 1 Pwt. down to .01. Price $3.5 1359 1359 WEIGHTS, Set Wire Grain. Five grain down to l / 2 grain. Price $1.50 36 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 140-; 1400 a. b. c. d. 1400 BALLOON, Glass, for weighing gases $0.75 1.50 3.00 2.50 See also Chancel's Bulb. 1402 BALLOON, Glass. Dumas', for determining the specific gravity of vapors. Capacity, c. c 30 50 100 150 Each $ -40 .50 .60 .75 1410 1420 1424 1431 143(3 1428 BAROMETER 1410 BAROMETER, Aneroid, brass case with 5-inch porcelain dial and curved thermometer $15.00 1420 BAROMETER, Bunsen's Siphon, graduated in millimeters, with support . . 12.00 1422 BAROMETER, Bunsen's Siphon, the graduated tube only, not filled 3.00 1424 BAROMETER, Oak Frame, plain front, oxidized scale divided to 1-10 inches, sliding metal pointer; with thermometer 15.00 U. S. Weather Bureau's Standard with vernier reading ^^^^ to 1-1000 inch, thermometer, etc 60.00 1430 BAROMETER, same, with both English and metric scales 67.50 1431 BAROMETER, same, with oak board, opal glass reflectors 72.50 1434 BAROMETER TUBE, Straight, 33 to 36 inches long, for Torricelli's ex- periment 35 1436 BAROMETER TUBE, Bent, with bulb 50 BAROMETER TUBING, see TUBING, Glass. BASKETS, see TEST TUBE, Baskets. LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 37 BATHS 1454 1450 1458 1454 BATH, Sand Bath, of sheet iron, shallow. Diameter, inches 3 Each $0.10 1456 BATH, Sand Bath, Iron, hemispherical, deep form. Diameter, inches 3 Each $0.20 1458 BATH, Sand Bath, or hot plate, an iron tray on four legs. Size, inches 6x8 8x10 10x12 Each .- $2.50 3.00 3.50 4 .12 4 .25 .15 5 .30 f> .20 6 .40 .30 .60 10 .50 10 .85 1460 146!: 1160 1462 1464 1464 BATH, Sand Bath, Ruedorff's, of wrought iron. Burner adjustable in height $10.00 BATH, Water Bath, heavy copper, tin lined, with concentric rings and cover, handles and steam escape. Diameter, inches 4 5 6 8 10 Price, each $1.25 1.50 2.00 3.00 5.75 BATH, Water Bath, heavy copper, tin lined, with Kekule's constant water level. Diameter, inches 4 5 6 8 10 Price, each $1.75 2.00 2.50 3.50 6.25 1466 1466 BATH, Water Bath, Wiley, pat. May 5, 1914. Heavy copper 25x14, J^-inch bath proper 2 inches deep. Devised to reduce time in getting up steam. Gas heated, with constant level regulator. Price, with rings $50.00 38 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 1472 1476 Water Baths of polished copper, tinned inside, with concentric rings and cover, provided with stopcock and Kekule's water level regulator, with extra sheet iron bottom and supported by four detachable legs. 1472 BATH, Water Bath, size 23 by 13^ by 5 inches, seven openings; three of 6 inches diameter and four of 4 inches diameter, with rings and cover $25.00 1472(a) BATH, Water Bath, same, but arranged with coil to be heated by steam. . 30.00 1472(b) BATH, Water Bath, same, but electrically heated 57.50 1474 BATH, Water Bath, same as No. 1480, but size 28 by 14 by 5 inches, eight openings, 5 inches diameter, with rings and cover 30.00 1474(a) BATH, Water Bath, same, but with coil, to be heated with steam 35.00 1474(b) BATH, Water Bath, same, but electrically heated 65.00 1475 BATH, Water Bath, size 14 by 14 by 5 inches, four openings, 5 inches diameter, with rings and cover 20.00 1475(a) BATH, Water Bath, same, but arranged with coil to be heated by steam. . 25.00 1475(b) BATH, Water Bath, same, but electrically heated 55.00 1476 BATH, Water Bath, with test tube rack, as used by Dr. Blair in iron analysis, made of polished copper, not tinned, 7 inches diameter, for ten test tubes 6x^5 in. . . 3.75 1480 1488 1480 BATH, Water Bath, for eighteen 6x^ inch dissolving tubes; made of heavy polished copper, tinned inside, with rack, size 6 inches diameter by 7 inches high $ 5.00 1488 BATH, Water Bath, Griffin, of copper, for hot nitration and evaporation, size 13 by 7 by 5 inches, tin-lined, with copper funnel, and one 5-inch hole with four concentric rings and cover. It is provided with a constant water level, an extra sheet iron bottom, and rests on four detachable legs 12.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 39 1495 1496 1493 BATH, Water Bath, of polished copper, tin-lined. The body of this bath is made of one piece (seamless), with concentric rings and cover, steam escape and extra plate perforated for test tubes. Diameter 5 6 8 inches 457 rings Each $3.50 4.50 6.50 1495 BATH, Water Bath, same as No. 1493, but with tripod 9 inches high; three sizes. Diameter 5 6 8 inches Each ' $4.00 5.00 7.00 1496 BATH, Water Bath, funnel shape polished copper, tin-lined, with concentric copper rings, cover and constant water level, including tripod, 8 inches high, in two sizes. Diameter 6 8 inches 5 7 rings Each $3.75 5.00 O O O O- O O O O O 1498 1499 1498 BATH, Water Bath, large, round, made of heavy copper, tin-lined, on re- movable iron stand, has six openings, each 3 inches diameter, and one opening, 6 inches diameter, with concentric rings and cover, provided with stopcock and water level, size 16 inches diameter, 4 inches deep and 13 inches high, including stand $20.00 1499 BATH, Water Bath, Electrically heated, of polished copper, with two re- movable covers, the one cover with two 5-inch openings and con- centric rings, and the other with thirty-six %-inch holes for test tubes. Size 14J4 by 6J4 by 3 inches deep; iy 2 inches high, including base. Provided with Automatic Cut-Out that cuts off current if Bath is allowed to run dry 40.00 Any size and style of Water Baths can be furnished on short notice. Estimates cheerfully given 40 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. BEAKERS 1531 PYREX BEAKERS The manufacturers of Pyrex Glass have developed a low expansion bOrosilicate glass possessing a combination of qualities which render it superior in many respects to any glass of similar type heretofore available. Composition The simple chemical composition of the glass is an advantage as regards possible contamination of liquids in contact with it. It contains no metals of the magnesia- lime-zinc group and no heavy metals. 1531 BEAKERS, Griffin Low Form, with or without spout, Pyrex Glass. Capacity, c. c.. 50 100 150 250 400 600 800 1000 1300 1500 2000 2500 3000-4000 List price, each, in broken package .$0.16 .17 .19 .23 .27 .33 .38 .54 .65 .73 .98 1.20 1.40 1.80 Number pieces in original package ..216 156 156 168 84 72 48 48 24 24 12 12 12 10 1533 BEAKERS, Berzelius or Usual Form, with or without spout, Pyrex Glass. Capacity, c. c 100 150 200 300 400 500 600 800 1000 List price, each, in broken package $0.17 .19 .21 .25 .27 .29 .33 .38 .54 Number pieces in original package 156 120 168 144 60 60 48 48 36 NONSOL BEAKERS In accordance with the specifications of the U. S. Government Bureau of Stand- ards, the designation Milliliter (ml.), instead of Cubic Centimeter (c. c.), is used in list- ing the capacity of these Beakers and Flasks. 1535 BEAKERS, Griffin Low Form, with spout, Nonsol Glass. Capac., ml 30 60 90 120 150 180 250 300 350 500 600 700 1000 1400 2000 Each, net $0.13 .14 .15 .16 .17 .18 .19 .21 .23 .27 .30 .33 .50 .70 .91 Number pieces in original pack- age, doz... 12 12 13 30 24 24 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 3 3 1535 (a) BEAKERS. Tall Form, with or without spout. Nonsol Glass. Capacity, ml 30 60 90 120 180 250 300 350 500 70010001200 Each.net $0.13 .14 .15 .16 .18 .19 .21 .23 .27 .33 .50 .55 Number pieces in original pack- age, doz 12 12 12 30 24 12 12 12 12 6 6 3 l/nless otherwise stated beakers with lips supplied. It is advisable when ordering to fully describe articles as in above headings. LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 41 1538 1549 1537 BEAKER. Very heavy, tumbler shape, with lip. Capacity c.c 200 Each $0.15 Per dozen . .... 1.50 1538 1540 1542 BEAKER. Aluminum. Capacity c.c 125 250 500 1000 Each $0.75 1.00 1.50 2.50 BEAKER, Thin Copper, tin lined, Griffin's form with lip. Capacity, c.c 125 250 500 1000 Each $0.75 1.00 1.50 2.50 250 .15 1.50 2000 3.75 2000 3.75 BEAKER, Thin Copper, Nickel Plated both inside and out for sugar analysis. Capacity, c.c 125 250 500 1000 " 2000 Each $1.00 1.25 1.75 2.75 4.00 1543 BEAKERS, Porcelain Goer's, without lip, glazed inside and outside with excep- tion of outside bottom surface. Size number. 1 la Diameter rim, mm 62 66 Diameter body, mm 52 60 Height, mm 93 108 Capacity, c.c 165 125 340 580 700 2 3 3a 4 5 6 74 87 93 103 114 122 65 78 83 93 104 110 118 143 154 167 198 200 970 1500 1775 la 2 3 3a 4 5 6 66 74 87 93 103 114 122 60 65 78 83 93 104 110 108 118 143 154 167 198 209 Each $0.75 .90 1.00 1.20 1.50 1.80 2.50 4.00 1545 BEAKERS, Porcelain, Coon's, with lip, glazed inside and outside with the excep- tion of outside bottom surface. Size number 1 Diameter rim, mm 62 Diameter body, mm 52 Height, mm 93 Capacity, c.c 165 250 340 580 700 970 1500 1775 Each $0.85 1.00 1.10 1.35 1.65 2.00 2.75 4.25 1547 BEAKERS, Porcelain Dye Pot, glazed inside and outside to the heavy sup- porting rim. Without lip. Diameter rim, 120 mm; body, 108 rnm; height, 188 mm; capacity, 1500 c.c. Each $2.75 1549 BEAKERS, Fused Silica. Vitreosil beakers have been produced in response to a wide demand for an article capable of resisting higher temperatures than glass, and having the characteristic resistance to extreme tempera- ture changes possessed by the Vitreosil laboratory crucibles and basins. The beakers are made in the standard tall and low forms and are supplied with or without lips at the same price. Capacity in c.c 50 100 150 200 250 400 500 600 800 Price, each $0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.45 1.70 1.95 2.20 2.65 42 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 1552 1550 1550 BELL GLASSES, Low form, with knob. Height, inches 1# VA &A 4 4^ Diam 3 4 5 6 7 Each $0.60 .75 1.00 1.30 1.55 1552 BELL GLASSES, Tall form, with knob. Height, inches 6 8 9 11 Dia., inches 3 4 5 6 Capacity pt. qt. y 2 1 Each $0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1554 BELL GLASSES, Open top. Height, inches 6 8 9 Diam. inches 3 4 5 Capacity pt, qt. y 2 Each $0.65 .90 1.35 5 8 1.75 14 1.75 11 6 l / 2 1 1.50 1554 8 10 11 10 12 16 2.60 3.25 5.00 15 15 18 7 sy 2 10 2 35 gal. 2.00 4.25 6.55 15 15 18 7 S l /2. 10 2 35 gal. 2.00 3.80 6.00 1556 1558a 1558b 1562 1556 1558 1559 1562 BELL GLASSES, Glass stopper, ground in. Height, inches 8 Dia., inches 4 Capacity qt. Each $1.00 9 5 X 1.45 With ground-in stopcock. Form a and b; BELL GLASSES. $2.50 extra. BELL GLASSES. Swelled form, with knob. Capacity pt. Base Dia., inches 3 Each ,, $0.75 1559 11 15 6 7 1 2 gal. 1.75 2.25 from $1.00 to qt. 4 1.00 5 1.25 BELL GLASSES. Open top, with tubulature on side. Height inside Diameter inside ^Each 1.55 2 3 5 gal. 7 8*/2 10 2.60 3.75 6.00 $2.50 11 7 3.50 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 43 1570 to 1572 1574 to 1578 1570 1571 1572 1574 1576 1578 1580 1582 1584 1586 BLOWERS Fletcher's Foot Blower, simple, compact, portable and powerful, giving a steady blast of air The step is low and is convenient for the operator whether standing or sitting. A rubber disk forms the air reser- voir and equalizes the air pressure. BLOWER. No. 9, diam. of reservoir, 7% inches $ 6.50 BLOWER. No. 9a, diam. of eservoir, 9 inches 8.50 BLOWER. No. 9b, diam. of reservoir, 11 inches 13.00 Same, mounted on legs, making the reservoir less liable to injury. BLOWER. No. 10, diam. of reservoir, 7% inches 7.50 No. lOa, diam. of reservoir, 9 inches 9.50 No. lOb, diam. of eservoir, 10 inches 15.00 Extra rubber disk for Nos. 9 or 10 75 Extra rubber disk for Nos. 9a or lOa 1.25 Extra rubber disk for 9b or lOb 1.75 Extra net for Nos. 9 or 10 50 Extra net for Nos. 9a or lOa 50 Extra net for Nos. 9b or lOb .75 BLOWER. BLOWER. BLOWER. BLOWER. BLOWER. BLOWER. 1586(a) BLOWER. 1586(b) BLOWER. 1588 1589 1590 1588 1589 1590 BLOWER, Hand. Composed of two pure gum rubber bulbs, one covered with net, for continuous blast $1.50 BLOWER. Rotary Compressor. A very small and convenient device for fur- nishing air pressure, operated by electric or other motor, requiring very little driving power. Made in three sizes. The small size will furnish sufficient air pressure for two or three Blast Burners and develops at 1,000 R. P. M. about 10 Ibs. pressure per square inch. The larger sizes give a greater volume of air and may be used in operating gas heated crucible furnaces, etc. Size No. 1 requires l /fa H. P., and sizes No. 2 and 3 require Yt H. P. motor. Size No i :: .3 Height, inches 3 4 5 Each .Net $7.50 12.50 15.00 BLOWER. Prof. Richard's water blast, direct connection is made with Prof. Richard's filter pump No. 3690, producing simultaneously, vacuum and blast. With one filter pump $9.00 44 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 1591 1593 1591 BLOWERS, Crpwell's Positive Pressure Blower, Adapted to all purposes re- quiring air under pressure of from one to ten pounds per square inch, or for any degree of vacuum not exceeding twenty-four inches. The action is very simple but positive even at lowest speed. For well regulated delivery an air reservoir is recommended. DETAILS OF CROWELL TYPE A BLOWERS Free Air Capacity : v n 01 " M ja V 6 fc U *si 3 u ||| +: a 3 IsaJ-s O^ ^ QJ pBl* P4*D g C y '53 IlL I _ u CJS o .8 ** tn 3 Uo. Ue-tflW c.*^ c/) ffi<^ 5 ^(S SSo EM ^H*^ 1-A 20 6.9 600 /4 4x1 24 W 10 x 6% $ 20.00 2-A 45 13. 500 /4 4x1^ 34 K* 12 l /2X & l /2 26.00 3-A 125 25.3 350 y 2 6x2^ 90 i 22 x!4 40.00 4-A 280 40.5 250 i 9x3 170 l T/ 2" 28 x!7 50.00 5-A 460 53.2 200 ij4 10x3 225 2 " 34 x20 75.00 6-A 690 79.8 200 2 12x4 320 2 " 38 x20 100.00 8-A 1050 121.5 200 3 l /2 14x6 575 2J^" 48 x22 150.00 10-A 1660 192. 200 5 18x6 770 3 " 54 x28 225.00 12-A 3390 392.3 200 7 20x6 1300 4 60 x31 | 390.00 1593 BLOWERS, Crowell's Rotary Compressor or Vacuum Pump, Type "D." The Crowell Type "D" Rotary Air Compressors are manufactured in nine standard sizes of from four to three hundred and ninety cubic feet free air per minute capacities and are designed for a working pressure of twenty-five pounds or less per square inch. When usec* as Vacuum Pumps, all sizes of this type will, under permissible atmospheric conditions, exhaust to a vacuum of from twenty-nine to thirty inches (mercury column). The action is simple, positive and durable with a continuous intake and delivery of the air. No valves, springs, gears or unbalanced parts are used or required in the construction. The pressure or degree of vacuum is not de- pendent upon high operating speeds and as no special foundation or great amount of floor space is required, the installation and onera- With Oil Box 1594 Without Oil Box LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS tion is a comparatively simple matter. The Crowell system of lubrication as applied to all standard Type "D" sizes, is positive and automatically controlled by the air pressure or vacuum. The oil feed valves are adjustable to suit the grade of lubricant used, and can be closed entirely when necessary. Rotates in one direction only either for use as a Compressor or a Vacuum Pump, requiring no changes in the lubricating system which operates from the outlet or pressure side under either compression or vacuum. Connections should be made to the inlet or suction side for vacuum work and it is also advisable, when using as a compressor, to run a pipe from the inlet to such place where a clean supply of air is assured. The heads are provided with water jackets for cooling, when necessary. The flow of water is regulated by the valve which is fitted to the overflow or discharge pipe. "Crowell Rotaries" are also made in other types, special sizes, etc., for lower pressures or vacuums as well as for higher pressures up to 125 Ibs. to square inch, or practically absolute vacuums. Plain or automatically controlled motor driven outfits supplied in all types. DETAILS OF CROWELL TYPE "D" COMPRESSORS OR VACUUM PUMPS Free Air Capacity a ftj O> ^ D tfi x V <2' Q. jj ej H"C o M to^ D 5 "01 = .23 . 3 o . i~ u r^ OT J.M V& nj V ( d c S S rt C 2 -s c w S *3 4> tn * c C/l Sg fe 1 5-a|g 2^ 2, r! o tn uj 0>T3 C^ C W * V u S &< V .-W 2 v >"Z O.*j 3 * a . u 'o p X Sj w fe ^* Ui ZH rt *5 'H e ft U S""rt ^ 2 c .2 >< crt 3 oj UO. oiilw <3& 6SM <^ft< OHH.O E JH 1-D 15 4.3 500 M 6x2 70 54* 13x18 $ 65.00 2-D 40 9.2 400 1 8x2 115 ^" 14x22 80.00 3-D 100 17. 300 2 12x4 250 i 19x34 108.00 4-D 280 40.5 250 4 14x4 425 1/2" 23x38 180.00 5-D 400 46. 200 5 18x6 580 2 26x44 204.00 6-D 600 69.4 200 6J/2 18x8 725 2 " 26x55 270.00 8-D 1000 115.7 200 9 20x8 1150 Z l /2" 30x64 390.00 10-D 1650 190.9 200 12 22x10 1675 3 " 36x70 600.00 12-D 3390 390. 200 20 24x10 2] 50 4 38x75 1000.00 1594 BLOWER AND VACUUM PUMP, Crowell, No. O. D. Designed for intermittent operation and principally for vacuum work, but can also be used for pressure. It is fitted in an oil immersion box, making it prac- tically leak-proof, and will exhaust to a vacuum of from 29 to 30 inches or a pressure up to 25 Ibs. to sq. inch. Capacity about 2 cu. ft. of free air per minute. Inlet and outlet tapped for J^-inch pipe size, and about J /4 H. P. is required to operate it. Speed, 600 R. P. M. Can be used with or without the oil box. Weight with oil box 50 Ibs. net; without oil box 20 Ibs. Floor space (in box) is 15x8 inches. List price (with oil box) $60.00 List price (without box) 47.00 1595-1 1595-1 BLOWERS, High Pressure Rotary Positive. AA A B C Size of pulley 2%xtyf\ 3x1 4x1^4 5x124 Cu. in. per rev. free air 11'.. 17 30 80 Cu. ft. per min. free air 4 6 iQi/ 2 i%y 2 R. P. M 600 GOO 600~ 400 Prices $20.00 24.00 34.00 45 00 D E 7x2^ 12x2^ 200 35 300 67.00 400 r>s 250 82.00 G75 200 120.00 G 16x3^ 1400 162 200 195.00 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 1595 1612 1613 1595 1696 1598 1602 1604 1605 1606 1608 1609 1610 1612 1613 BLOWERS, Muencke's, latest pattern, complete, with pump, for exhausting and compressing air for blast lamps, etc., all fittings are nickel-plated, size of chamber is 4 by 8 inches $15.00 BLOWERS, Same as above, but with vacuum gage attachment 22.50 BLOWERS, Hand Bellows. Diameter, inches 7 8 9 Each . $1.50 $2.00 $2.50 Anvil of best polished steel for blowpipe work, see No. 1042. BLOWPIPE, Black's, conical form, japanned tin, with tip $0.50 BLOWPIPE, Brass, Jeweler's form, 8 inch 25 BLOWPIPE, Brass, Jeweler's form, 10 inch 35 BLOWPIPE, Brass, Jeweler's form, 12 inch 50 BLOWPIPE, Brass, Jeweler's form with bulb, 8 inch 35 BLOWPIPE, Brass, Jeweler's form with bulb, 10 inch 45 BLOWPIPE, Brass, Jeweler's form with bulb, 12 inch 60 BLOWPIPE, Planner's, Brass, nickel plated with movable platinum tip and hard rubber mouthpiece 3.50 BLOWPIPE, Fletcher's New Patent, without blowpipe lamp, with both cold-blast and patent hot-blast, two jets and nickel-plated mouthpiece, in case ! 2.50 1614 1614 BLOWPIPE, Lamp, polished brass 1615 BLOWPIPE, Lamp, tin, for tallow. .$1.25 .50 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 47 1616 1617 1618 1620 1622 1656 1618 1620 1622 1656 BLOWPIPE Mouthpieces, hard rubber, trumpet shaped $0.25 BLOWPIPE Tips, platinum, heavy, seamless At market price BLOWPIPE Carbon Block, moulded, 4 inches diam 50 BLOWPIPE Carbon Blocks, with holder 75 BLOWPIPE Carbon Cylinders, moulded 3xl>6 30 BLOWPIPE Mattrasses, glass, bulbed, per doz 75 1680 1680 BLOWPIPE FOR BRAZING, Etc., with two lever stop-cocks $3.50 1682 BLOWPIPE, Larger Sizes, each $4.50 to 6.00 See also BURNERS, BLAST-LAMPS. 1687 1690 1687 1688 1690 1692 1694 1696 1698 1700 1702 BLOWPIPE, Fletcher's Special Chemical Blowpipe with folding stand, adjustable to any height or angle, complete with hand blower lamp, and two jets $5.75 BLOWPIPE, Fletcher-Plattner No. 5C. Blowpipe Furnace, with Blast Bun- sen and Fletcher Furnace Support 5.25 BLOWPIPE, Fletcher-Plattner No. 5E. Blowpipe Furnace, with Blast Bun- sen and Lewis Furnace Support. 5.75 BLOWPIPE, Fletcher-Plattner No. 5. Blast Bunsen, alone 4.50 BLOWPIPE, Fletcher-Plattner No. 5D. Blowpipe Furnace, alone, with bottom or side hole, and one Crucible 35 FLETCHER FURNACE SUPPORT, alone 75 LEWIS FURNACE SUPPORT, alone, including Cap 1.25 CLAY CRUCIBLES, per doz 60 CLAY CAPSULES, per doz 60 BOOKS We are prepared to supply all scientific books at publishers' prices. A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 1708 1712 1710 1714 1715 1708 BOATS, Combustion, Porcelain, glazed throughout with exception of outside bottom surface. Size number 012345678 Length, mm .' 58 60 60 62 76 76 88 97 100 Width, mm -. . 10 7 10 8 10 11 12 18 20 Height, mm 88 8 89 9 8 13 13 Each $0.22 .22 .22 .23 .24 .24 .25 .27 .28 1710 BOATS, of platinum. Length, inches '. l l /2 23-1 Appr. wt., grams 3.00 3.80 7.00 12.00 State size wanted when ordering. At market prices ruling on date of purchase. 1712 BOATS, Combustion, nickel, used in iron and steel analysis, size 3 inches by l /z inch. Each $1.00 1714 BOATS, Combustion, of Alundum, adapted to any kind of combustion work and largely used for the determination of carbon in iron and steel. No. 5733. 3^j in. long, l / 2 in. wide, i% in. high. Each, net.. 30 No. 3729. 3^4 in. long, y% in. wide, $4 in. high. Each, net 35 No. 5358. 5 in. long, % in. wide, iV in. high. Each, net 40 No. 6016. 5*/ 2 in. long, l / 2 in. wide, & in. high. Each, net 40 No. 7015. 4iV in. long, i 9 G in. wide, & in. high. Each, net 50 It is recommended that R. R. Alundum be used in connection with above boats, thereby protecting the boats and permitting of the repeated use of both. 1715 R. R. ALUNDUM. A very pure crystalline Alumina, supplied in Nos. 46, 60, 90 and 120 mesh grain. Price, ]/ 2 lb., net, 50c; 1 lb., net 85 1716 BOATS, Combustion, Johnson's, of vitrified clay, as used by C. M. John- son, for the determination of carbon in steel, ferro alloys and graphite. Five or more direct combustions of steel can be made with each boat, 120x15 mm. Each, $0.25. Per dozen 2.50 1717 BOATS, Combustion, Fused Silica Ware, glazed all over, without handles. Length, mm 44 76 76 102 152 Width, mm 13 13 16 16 12 Each $0,50 .75 .90 1.15 1.50 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 49 1718 1719 1718 BOILERS, Agateware Double, with retinnecl cover which fits both vessels. Capacity of inside boiler, quarts 1 2 4 Each $1.25 1.50 2.75 1719 BOILERS, Agateware, with water bath. Capacity of inside vessel, pints 2 4 8 12 Each . $1.25 1.50 2.00 2.50 BOTTLES 1720 1724 1728 1730 1734 1736 1738 1740 1720 BOTTLES, Round, Narrow Mouth, for corks, Flint Glass. Capacity, ounces */ 2 1 2 4 6 8 12 Per dozen $0.25 .35 .45 .60 .75 .85 .95 1722 BOTTLES, Round, Narrow Mouth, for corks, green glass. Capacity, gallons l /2 1 Each . $0.20 .30 16 1.05 1724 1726 1728 1730 1734 1736 BOTTLES, BOTTLES, BOTTLES, BOTTLES, BOTTLES, BOTTLES, BOTTLES, Round Wide Mouth, flint glass. Capacity, ounces ....... l /2 1 Per dozen ............. $0.25 .35 .45 4 .60 6 .75 8 .85 12 .95 .70 16 1.05 32 1.80 3 1.00 32 1.80 Round, Wide Mouth, green glass. Capacity, gallons ............................. Yi 1 2 5 Each ......................................... $0.35 .50 1.00 1.50 Round, Wide Mouth, "Quinine" Bottles, flint glass. Capacity, ounces .................................. 2 3 5 Per dozen .......................................... $0.40 .50 1.00 Tinctures, Narrow Mouth, with "Mushroom" glass stopper, flint glass. Capacity, oz ...... 1 2 4 8 16 32 ^2 gal. 123 Per dozen ...... $1.20 1.30 1.50 1.90 3.00 3.75 8.75 13.75 30.00 45.00 Salt Mouth, Wide Mouth, with "Mushroom" glass stopper, flint glass. Capacity, oz ...... 1 2 4 8 16 32 ^ gal. 123 Per dozen ...... $1.30 1.45 1.65 2.10 3.30 4.15 9.75 15.00 33.00 50.00 Salt Mouth, flint glass, flat stoppered. Capacity, ounces ............ y 2 1 2 4 8 16 32 Per dozen .................. $1.40 1.45 1.75 2.25 2.75 3.75 4.50 50 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 1738 BOTTLES, Tinctures, narrow mouth, flint glass, Reagent Bottle Stoppers. Capacity, ounces ^ 1 2 4 8 16 32 Per dozen $1.20 1.20 1.70 2.00 2.50 3.50 4.50 1740 BOTTLES, Tinctures, narrow mouth, flint glass, flat glass stoppers. Capacity, ounces 1 2 4 8 16 32 Per dozen $1.45 1.70 2.00 2.50 3.50 4.80 1742 BOTTLES, Tinctures, of brown glass, mushroom stoppers. Capacity, ounces 1 2 - 4 8 16 32 Per dozen $1.45 1.70 2.00 2.50 3.50 4.80 1744 BOTTLES, Salt Mouth, brown glass, mushroom stoppered. Capacity, ounces ' 1 2 4 8 16 32 Per dozen $1.60 1.90 2.25 2.75 3-85 5.50 REAGENT BOTTLES With Ground Glass Labels. The labels are raised letters blown in the glass, the surface of each letter being ground to render it distinct. The letter- ing is indestructible, and is not defaced when the bottle is washed. The glass contains no lead, zinc or other metallic flux. The shape, thin dropping lip, and perfect stoppering are unequaled. The nam.es and symbols are exactly as given in the list. Included in our list of 4 oz. and 1 oz. Reagent Bottles will be found the names of all the Test Solutions referred to in the U. S. Pharmacopoeia. 1762 1750 No. One-fourth Pint Reagent Bottles, y 8 Liter. Height, 5% inches. Hydrogen Sulphide (Amber ) H a S 2. Hydrochloric Acid HC1 3. Acetic Acid HC 2 H a O a 4. Sulphuric Acid H,SO 4 5. Nitric Acid HNO 3 6. Potassium Ferrocyanide K 4 Fe(CN) a 7. Potassium Sulphocyanide KCNS 8. Potassium Carbonate K 2 CO 3 9. Potassium Sulphate K^SC^ 10. Potassium Iodide KI n. Potassium Ferricyanide K 3 Fe(CN'; fc 12. Potassium Hydroxide ...KOH 13. Potassium Bichromate K 2 Cr a O 7 14. Sodium Phosphate Na s HPO 4 15. Ammonium Hydroxide . . . .' N H 4 OH 16. Ammonium Sulphide (Amber) (NH 4 ) S S 17. Ammonium Chloride . NH 4 C1 18. Ammonium Carbonate (NH 4 ) 3 CO 3 19. Ammonium Oxalate (NH 4 ) 3 C 2 O 4 1750a Ho. 20. Barium Chloride ...Bad., 21. Calcium Chloride CaCl, 22. Calcium Sulphate CaSO 4 23. Calcium Hydroxide.. Ca(OH), 24. Magnesium Sulphate MgS0 4 25. Mercuric Chloride HgCl, 26. Silver Nitrate (Amber) A{;NO 3 27. Lead Acelite Fb(C 2 H 3 Uj), 28. Ferrous Sulphate FeSO 4 29. Ferric Chloride V'e s Cl 30. Alcohol C,H 5 O-rf 31. Ammonium Sulphocyanide NH 4 CNS 32. Barium Hydroxide... Ba(OH),. 33. Barium Carbonate BaCO 3 35. Ether (C 2 H S ) 2 O 36. Cupric Sulphate CuSO 38, 39i 40, Blank. 59. Sodium Carbonate Na 2 CO, 5i. Sodium Hydroxide NaOH The above 40 Bottles (3 blanks) are sold in a set. Price, $7.50 per set, boxed. 1750b The above set filled with C. P. Reagents. Price, $15.00 per set, net. LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 51 1750 (continued) No. 37 Platinic Chloride PtCl No. 97. Ammonium Sulphydrate 100. Mercuric Potassium Iodide. 401. Barium Nitrate NH 4 HS Ba(N0 3 ) 2 CHC1 3 I + KI CH 3 OH Na 2 S 2 O s . .$1.75 58. Fehling's Solution. 404. Silver Sulphate 61 Sodium Hydroxide NaOH 406. Bromine Water. 407. Chloroform 81 Stannous Chloride SnCl 2 408. Cochineal. 409. Coraline. 410. Litmus. 411. Methyl-Orange. 412. - Phenolphthalein. 413. Turmeric. 414. Iodine Solution 82 Ammonium Molybdate (NH 4 ) 2 MoO 4 83 Carbon Disulphide ... . . CS 2 86 Mercurous Nitrate Hg 2 (NO 3 ) 2 87. Indigo Solution. 88. Nessler's Solution. 90. Magnesia Mixture. 93 Oxalic Acid H 2 C 2 O 4 415. Methyl Alcohol 94 Picric Acid C 9 H 2 OH(NO 2 ) 3 416. Sodium Cobaltic Nitrite. 417. Sodium Hvoosulohite . 96 Potassium Chromate KCrO4 Per dozen . 1752 Half Pint Reagent Bottles, ] No. 101 Sulphuric Acid Con . H 2 SO4 4 Liter. Height, 6 l / 2 inches. No. 114, Barium Chloride BaCl, (NH 4 ) 2 S S 2 H 5 OH Na 2 HPO 4 HC2HsO2 AgNO 3 KOH Ca(OH) 2 Pb(C 2 H 3 O 2 ) 2 $225 102 Sulphuric Acid, Dil H 2 SC>4 116. Blank. 122. Ammonium Sulphide (Amber) 126 Alcohol ... 103 Nitric Acid Con HNO 3 104 Nitric Acid Dil HNOs 105 Hydrochloric Acid Con.. . .HCl 129. Sodium Phosphate 106 Hvdrochloric Acid, Dil HCl 130. Ammonium Oxalate 107. Hydrogen Sulphide ( Amber).. H 2 S 1 31. Acetic Acid 145. Silver Nitrate (Amber) 150. Potassium Hydroxide 151. Calcium Hydroxide 111 Sodium Hydroxide NaOH 152. Lead Acetate 112 Sodium Carbonate Na 2 CO 3 Per dozen 1754 Pint Reagent Bottles, y?. Lite No. 237 Acetic Acid HC 2 H 3 O 2 r. Height, 7^ inches. No. 222. Hydrochloric Acid, Con HCl HCl Na 2 HPO 4 HN0 3 HNOs HNOs K 2 CrO 4 KOH NaOH NaOH + Aq 231. Hydrochloric Acid, Dil 226. Hydrodisodic Phosphate . . . 216. Nitric Acid 227. Ammonium Hydroxide, Dil.. . NH 4 OH+Aq 229 Ammonium Sulphide Dil (NH4) 2 S~|-Aq 219. Nitric Acid, Con 232. Nitric Acid, Dil 236. Ammonium Sulphide ( Amber). (NH 4 ) 2 S 238. Potassium Chromate 221. Potassium Hydroxide 23 Calcium Hydroxide ..Ca(OH) 2 233. Sodium Hydroxide '25 Calcium Sulphate CaSO 4 228. Sodium Hydroxide, Dil 230 Ether (C 2 H 5 ) 2 O 215. Sulphuric Acid 224 Ferrous Sulphate FeSO 4 220. Sulphuric Acid, Con 217 Hvdrochloric Acid HCl 211. Blank. Per dozen 1756 Quart Reagent Bottles, 1 Liter. Height, 9 l / 2 inches No. No. 501 Sulphuric Acid Con .. ..H 2 SO 4 505. Hvdrochloric Acid. Con HC! HCl $400 502 Sulphuric Acid Dil H 2 SO 4 506. Hydrochloric Acid, Dil.... 503 Nitric Acid, Con HNO 3 511. Blank. 504 Nitric Acid Dil HNO 3 Per dozen 1758 1 Oz. Reagent Bottles. Height, 3^ inches. No. No. 325. Silver Nitrate (Amber) AgNO 3 33fi. Gold Clilnrirlp AuCl 3 $1 25 326 Cobaltous Nitrate Co(NO 3 )-> 341. Blank. 327 Platinic Chloride PtCl 4 Per dozen 1760 1 Oz. Wide Mouth Reagent No. 350. . Sodium Carbonate Na 2 Co 3 Bottles. Height, 3J/6 inches. No. 367. Potassium Chlorate KC1O 3 .K 3 Fe(CN) a NaHCUHjO- 351 Borax . . . Na 2 B 4 O7 368. Potassium Ferricyanide .... 369. Sodium Bitartrate 353 Sodium Acetate NaC 2 H 3 O a 354 Potassium Nitrate KNO 8 370. Sodium Nitrate NaNOs 358. Potassium Cyanide KCN 371. Starch . 372. Test Paoer. 361. Am. Sod. Phosphate NaNH 4 HPO 4 52 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 1760 (continued) No. 364. Copper Cu 365. Ferrous Sulphate FeSO 4 366. Ferrous Sulphide FeS No. 373 Zinc. 374. Ammonium Phosphate (NII 4 )oHPO 375. Blank. Per dozen $1.35 4 Oz. Wide Mouth Reagent Bottles. Height, 4^ inches. 1762 No. 301. Sodium Carbonate Na 2 CO 3 302. Potassium Nitrate KNO 3 303. Potassium Cyanide KCN 304. Borax Na 2 B 4 O 1764 No. 305. Ferrous Sulphate FeSO, 307. Blank. 312. Test Paper. 313. Sodium Ammonium Hydrogen Phosphate Na(NH 4 ) Per dozen $2.00 Any names not on the list can be engraved on the Bottles. Extra, per dozen .$1.25 1766 BOTTLES FOR SPECIAL PURPOSES Loose Glass Caps for covering the necks and lips of Reagent Bottles (see cut) can be furnished at $1.25 per dozen^ extra, to fit the J4 pints, Yz pints, pints or quarts. See No. 1872. 1766 1773 1774 1776 1770 BOTTLES, Acid or Coin Test, with ground in dropper. Capacity, oz .................................... 1 Price, each ..................................... $0.40 .50 .60 1773 BOTTLES, Aspirator, of heavy glass, with tubulature at bottom drawn out for attaching rubber tubing. Capacity, cc ...................... 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 Each ............................ $0.75 1.00 1.25 1.75 2.50 5.50 1774 BOTTLES, Aspirator, of best heavy glass, with tubulature at bottom and a large smooth mouth for cork stopper. Capacity ....... pt. % % 1 2 gal j^ 1 2 3 5 Each .......... $0.75 1.00 1.25 1.75 2.00 3.25 6.00 9.00 15.00 1776 BOTTLES, Aspirator, with glass stop-cock ground in the outlet. Capacity, gallon ................................. % i 2 Each ........................................... $6.00 8.00 12.00 1778 (a) 1783 1786 1787 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 53 1788-1790 1792 1794 179G 1800 1778a BOTTLES, Balsam, for microscopical work, with ground glass cap and glass rod, \ l / 2 ounce, each $0.35 1783 BOTTLES, Dropping, TK patent, with stopper arranged to deliver contents drop by drop or hermetically seal the bottle..^, $0.25; 1, .35; 2 oz 50 1784 BOTTLES, Dropping, ground in pipettes with rubber bulb, */ 2 or 1 oz 50 1786 BOTTLES, Dropping, grooved stopper, l / 2 , 1 or 2 oz 50 1787 BOTTLES, Dropping, square, with Barnes' rubber pipette stopper, capacity 1 ounce 20 1788 BOTTLES, Dropping, Schuster's, each 30 1790 BOTTLES, Dropping, Schuster's, with stopper, each 50 1792 BOTTLES, Graduated, with glass stopper, for mixing. Capacity, c.c 250 500 1000 Each *. . $3.00 5.00 6.00 1794 BOTTLES, Homeopathic Vials, long or short. Capacity drams % 1 A */ 2 1 2 3 4 6 8 Per gross $1.25 1.25 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.25 3.25 4.50 5.50 1796 BOTTLES, Oil Sample, long form. Capacity, ounces 1 2 4 8 Per dozen $0.75 1.10 1.50 2.25 1797 BOTTLES, Oil Sample, long form, as above, but with polished bottom, capacity 4 ounces, per dozen $2.50 1800 BOTTLES, Round, Screw Neck Tube Vials, flint glass, with nickel-plated caps. Capacity, drachms 1 2 3 4 Per dozen $0.40 .50 .75 1.00 1806 1810 1812 1802 BOTTLES, Round, Screw Neck Tube Vials, flint glass, with nickel-plated caps. Per dozen $1.00 1804 BOTTLES, Specific Gravity, unadjusted, perforated stopper. Capacity, c.c 10 25 Each $0.50 .60 1806 BOTTLES, Specific Gravity, accurately adjusted, perforated stopper Capacity, c.c 10 25 Each $1.00 1.50 1810 BOTTLES, Specific Gravity, very light, with ground-in thermometer. Capacity, c.c. 10 25 50 Each $3.50 4.50 5.50 1.25 50 .80 50 2.00 100 1.25 100 2.50 100 7.50 54 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 1816 1818 1819 1821 1823 1812 50 1.25 BOTTLES, Specific Gravity, new style, with thermometer ground in central neck and a capillary stopper ground in side neck. 'Capacity, c.c 10 25 50 100 Each $4.00 5.00 6.25 7.50 1816 BOTTLES, Specific Gravity, Ostwald's Sprengel, each $1.00 1818 BOTTLES, 'Specific Gravity, Regnault's, with narrow mouth for liquids. Capacity, c.c 25 Each $1.00 1819 BOTTLES, Specific Gravity, Boot's, double wall with vacuum, with perforated stopper and cap. Especially useful in taking the specific gravity of liquids which are easily affected by temperature. Capacity, c.c 25 50 100 Each $5.00 6.00 7.50 1821 BOTTLES, Specific Gravity, Hubbard's, especially useful for semi-solid bitumens, dense oils, etc., consists of a fairly heavy straight tube with a ground in solid stopper, with a 1.6 mm opening through it instead of the usual capillary bore, capacity about 24cc, each $1.50 1822 BOTTLES, Specific Gravity, Schumann's, for cement, each 5.00 1823 BOTTLES, Specific Gravity, LeChatelier's, for cement 5.00 1823(a) BOTTLES, Specific Gravity, LeChatelier's, as above, U. S. Bureau of Standards design 7.50 1824 1826 1827 1828 1824 BOTTLES, Specific Gravity, Hogarth's, for determining specific gravity of iron ores in iron analysis. See Blair's analysis, page 279 seventh edition $3.00 1826 BOTTLES, Specific Gravity, Squibb's. Capacity, c.c 25 50 100 Each $3.50 5.00 6.00 1827 BOTTLES, Specific Gravity, Sprengel's, with ground on suction tube $1.50 1828 BOTTLES, Specific Gravity, Sprengel's, with normal thermometer and ground on suction tube , 7.50 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 55 1829 1829(a) 1830 1830(a) 1831 1831(a) 1829 BOTTLES, Specific Gravity, Geissler's new style, with ground in thermometer, graduated in Y-, C and ground in capillary tube, with ground on cap. Capacity, c.c 10 25 50 100 Each $4.00 5.00 6.25 7.50 1829(a) BOTTLES, Specific Gravity, Leach's style, with ground in thermometer, graduated in y=, C, side tube with ground on cap with fine perfora- tion. Capacity, c.c 10 25 50 Each $6.00 6.50 7.50 1830 BOTTLES, Specific Gravity, Regnault's, for solids, with ground in neck and stopper. Capacity, c.c 25 50 Each , $1.25 1.50 1830(a) BOTTLES, Specific Gravity, Regnault's, for liquids, with ground in stopper. Capacity, c.c 25 50 Each $1.25 1.50 1831 BOTTLES, Specific Gravity, Walker's, for very fluid liquids, capacity about 20 c.c. $3.50 1831(a) BOTTLES, Specific Gravity, American shape, for liquids or solids. 7.50 1832 1834 1836 1838 1832 BOTTLES, Washing, fitted with rubber stopper and movable exit tube. Capacity, ounces 4 8 12 16 24 32 64 Each $0.50 .75 .90 1.00 1.25 1.50 2.00 1834 BOTTLES, Washing, with tubes ground in neck. Capacity, ounces 4 8 16 32 Each $1.70 2.25 2.75 3.50 1836 BOTTLES, Washing, with ground-in stopper, and with stopcock in each tube, for volatile liquids. Capacity, ounces 8 16 32 Each ;. $3.50 4.00 - 5.00 1838 BOTTLES, Washing, with safety mouthpiece to prevent saliva from entering. Capacity, ounces 8 16 32 Each $2.00 2.25 . 3.00 56 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 1841 1841(a) 1840 BOTTLES, Washing, with rubber bulb and valve, giving a constant flow, each , $1.50 1841 BOTTLES, Washing, for hot water, with wicker covered neck, fitted with rubber stopper and movable exit tube. Capacity, ounces 16 24 32 Each $1.00 1.25 1.50 1841 (a) BOTTLES, Washing, most perfect wash bottle designed, fitted with Griffin's tube. Capacity, ounces 8 16 24 32 Each $1.00 1.25 1.50 2.00 1842 1844 1846 184 1842 BOTTLES for Washing Gases, Allihn's, double acting. Capacity, c.c 250 500 Each $3.00 4.25 1844 BOTTLES for Washing Gases, Bunsen's. Size, c.c 125 250 500 Each :. $0.75 1.00 1.25 1846 BOTTLES for Washing Gases, Drexel's. Capacity, c.c , . 125 250 500 Each $1.50 2.00 2.50 1847 BOTTLES for Washing Gases, Drexel's, as above, low form. Capacity, c.c 125 250 500 Each $1.50 2.00 2.50 1848 BOTTLES for Washing Gases, Haberraann's, with ground-in tube, capacity, about 250 c.c $2.00 1849 BOTTLES for Washing Gases, Muencke's, with ground-in stopper, capacity, about 250 c.c $2.75 GLASSBLOWING A SPECIALTY We are in a position to supply special apparatus according to sketch. Repair work promptly done. 57 1849(a) 1849(b) 1849(c) 1849(a) BOTTLES, Gas Washing Bottles, Cloez's. Capacity ounces 8 16 Price each $1.25 1.50 1849(b) BOTTLES, Gas Washing Bottle, Sillman's, with wide neck, fitted with rubber stopper. Height, body, inches 7 8 10 Diameter, body, inches 1$4 2J4 2^ Each $1.00 1.25 1.50 1849(c) BOTTLES, Pressure, with porcelain stopper and rubber washer.. Capacity, 12 ounces. 1850 1857 1858 1859 1862 with flat bottom and ground-in 1850 BOTTLES, Weighing (Weighing Tubes), stopper. Height, mm ......................... 50 80 90 100 Diameter, mm ...................... 15 15 18 25 Each ................. . .............. $0.40 .50 .60 .80 1856 BOTTLES, Weighing, with ground-in stoppers, flat bottom, without neck. Height, mm ...... 40 50 50 60 70 60 80 Diameter, mm ____ 25 30 40 30 35 50 40 Each .......... ,...$0.60 .70 .80 .90 1.00 1.25 1.00 1857 BOTTLES, Weighing, extra wide, with ground-in stoppers. Height, mm ..................................... 30 30 Diameter, mm .................................. 50 60 Each ................ ........................... $1.50 2.00 Weighing, conical form, glass stoppered. Capacity, about c.c ............................... 15 30 Each ........................ . ................... $0.60 .80 1858 BOTTLES, 1859 BOTTLES, 150 25 .90 115 42 .50 30 70 .00 60 .00 Weighing, extensively used for Coal Analysis, with cover ground airtight on outside of shell. Diameter of body 25 mm. Height of body 20 mm ............................................. $0 . 50 Weighing, Grethen's, for weighing corrosive liquids, capacity 1J4 to 2 c.c .................................................. 3.00 1860 BOTTLES, 1862 BOTTLES, Weighing, Lunge's, for weighing corrosive liquids 4.50 58 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 1866 1868 1870 1866 BOTTLES, Woulff's, two necks. Capacity, pints J4 V* 1 2 gal. Y* 1 Each $0.90 1.00 1.25 1.75 2.75 5.00 1868 BOTTLES, Woulff's, three necks. Capacity, pints J4 V* 1 2 gal- Vz 1 Each $1.25 1.50 1.75 2.25 3.25 5.50 1870 BOTTLES, Woulff's, three necks, with delivery tubes and stopper ground in the necks. Capacity, ounces 4 8 16 32 Each $3.00 3.50 4.00 5.50 1871a 1872 1871(a) BOTTLES, Woulff's, two neck and tubulature near bottom. Capacity .................... ........ 1 pt. 1 qt. Each ................................ $2.50 3.25 J^ gal. 1 gal. 4.75 5.75 1871b(b) BOTTLES, Woulff's, with 3 necks, and tubulature near bottom. Capacity ............................ 1 pt. 1 qt. ^ gal. 1 gal. Each ................................ $2.75 3.50 5.00 6.00 1872 BOTTLES, Caps, for keeping dust from necks of bottles. Size, inside, inches ............ 1^x2^ 1^x2*4 1^x2^4 2x2^ -Per dozen ................... $1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1879 1880 1882 1879 BOTTLE REST, made of hard rubber $0.50 1880 BOXES, Cardboard, oblong, covered with assorted tints glazed paper, */* gross in package. Size, inches 2^xl^x^ 3^x2^x1^ Per dozen $0.75 1.00 1882 BOXES, Cardboard, oblong, sliding, covered with fine glazed paper, assorted colors, J4 gross in package. Size, inches 2^xl^x?4 3^x2^x1^ 3 Per dozen $0.50 .75 1.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 59 1884 1886 1888 1890 1892 1884 BOXES, Glass, with nickel plated screw cap. Capacity, ounces '. ^ 1 2 4 8 Per dozen $0.75 1.00 1.25 2.00 3.00 1886 BOXES, Glass, with glass cover. Capacity, ounces YI 1 2 4 Per dozen $0.75 1.00 1.50 2.00 1888 BOXES, Glass, Opal glass, oblong. Capacity, ounces, ^, per dozen $2.00 1888 BOXES, Tin, seamless, round. Capacity, ounces J4 /^ 1 2 4 Per gross $1.50 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 1892 BOXES, Wood, turned wood, % gross in package. Capacity, ounces y$ Vz 1 2 3 4 Per gross $0.75 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.50 BRIQUETTE MOULDS, See Cement testing apparatus. BRUSHES 1900 190$ 1906 1908 1910 1912 1900 BRUSHES, Assay, for lead buttons, Freiberg patterns, bristles firmly set. Each ' $1.00 1902 BRUSHES, for Beakers, with wood handle, each , 25 1904 BRUSHES, Bristle, flat, for paste, etc. Width, inches 1 \y 2 2 Each $0.20 .35 .50 1906 BRUSHES, Bristle, flat, for buck board cleaning. Width, inches 3 4 5 Each $0.50 .75 1.00 1908 BRUSHES, Bristle, round, for marking, etc. Width, inches , 1 2 3 Each $0.25 .50 .75 1910 BRUSHES, for Burettes and long tubes, each $0.25 1912 BRUSHES, Camel's Hair (Pencils). Size Small Med. Large Per dozen ..$0.30 .40 .50 GO A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 1924 1913 1914 1925 1913 1914 1916 1918 1920 1924 BRUSHES, BRUSHES, BRUSHES, BRUSHES, Camel Hair, extra large double quills, each ........ ..... , ...... $0.50 Camel's Hair, flat, tin bound, wooden handle for scale pans, etc. Width, inches ............................ */ 2 1 Each .................................... $0.25 .35 Camel's Hair, flat, hard rubber bound, wooden handle. Width, inches .................................. 1 Each ........................................... $0.50 Camel's Hair, round, polished handles. No ............................ Each ............ .................. , .45 .60 .75 1.00 1 $0.15 .20 3 .25 4 .30 BRUSHES, Glass, spun glass for acids, each $0.50 BRUSHES, Bristle, wire frame with wooden handle, for cleaning jars, grad- uates, etc., each $0.30 1925 BRUSHES, Bristle, with wooden handle, for cleaning jars, cylinders, etc., length, 12 inches. Number of rows 3 4 6 Each $0.35 .45 .60 1927 C 1927(a) SHI 1927 BRUSHES, Bristle, for cleaning volumetric flasks, with pliable end, adapting itself to the curvature of flasks. Size 1 2 3 For Flasks, c.c 250 500 1000 Each $0.30 .40 .50 1927(a) BRUSHES, Bristle, with wire handle for cleaning large tubes, cylinders, etc. Length, inches 10 12 15 20 Each $0.15 .20 .25 .30 1928 BRUSHES, for Narrow Tubes, long wire handle, length of bristle, 2 inches, per dozen $0.30 61 1929 1929 BRUSHES, 1930 . BRUSHES, 1931 BRUSHES, 1932 BRUSHES, 1933 BRUSHES, 1935 BRUSHES, 1930 1932 1935 Test tube, rattan handle with sponge attached, so called pro- bangs. Each, lOc. Per dozen $1.10 Test tube, bristles on tinned wire handle, with bristle end. Each, 8c. Per dozen 60 Test tube, bristles on brass wire handle, with bristle end. Each, lOc. Per dozen 1.10 Test tube, bristles, on tinned wire handle, with sponge end. Each, 8c. Per dozen 75 Test tube, bristles on brass wire handle, with sponge end. Each, lOc. Per dozen 1.10 Test tube. On tinned iron wire; bristle. Each, 5c. Per dozen . 30 1950 1952 1950 BULB, Chancel's, for finding specific gravity of gases $7.50 1952 BULB, Glass, with tube at bottom for rubber tubing, to be used as a water or mercury reservoir. Capacity, c.c 125 250 500 1000 Each $0.50 .60 1.00 1.50 1960 1962 1964 1966 1960 BULB, NITROGEN, Arndt & Kopp's, with 4 bulbs $0.50 1962 BULB, NITROGEN, French pattern 50 1964 BULB, NITROGEN, Fresenius', for direct titration : . . .75 1966 BULB, NITROGEN, Haberman's 1.75 62 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 1969 1970 1972 1974 1968 BULB, NITROGEN, Shepherd's, with glass tube and cork $0.50 1969 BULB, NITROGEN, Shepherd's, with stopper ground in, 1.25 1970 BULB, NITROGEN, Vollhard's 50 1972 BULB, NITROGEN, Wills & Varentrapp's, with 3 bulbs 50 1974 BULB, NITROGEN, Wills & Varentrapp's, with 4 bulbs. . 50 1980 1982 1986 1989 BULB, POTASH, Bowen's (See No. 3238). 1980 BULB, POTASH, Delisle's, with ground in Ca CL tube, for many uses the shape of this apparatus will readily recommend itself. Complete, with aluminum foot $3.50 1982 BULB, POTASH, Geissler's, with Ca Cl a tube, cork joints 1.75 1986 BULB, POTASH, Geissler's, with Ca Cl, tube between the bulbs 1.75 1988 BULB, POTASH, Geissler's, with Ca CU tube between the bulbs and ground on 2.25 1989 BULB, POTASH, Wetzel's, a modification of the Geissler's with great ab- sorbing power 2.50 1990 1992 1996 1990 BULB, POTASH, Liebig's $0.75 1992 BULB, POTASH, Mitcherlich's 75 1994 BULB, POTASH, Mohr's 1.50 BULB, POTASH, Winkler's, spiral form 1996 BULB, POTASH, Small 1.25 1998 BULB, POTASH, Medium 1.75 2000 BULB, POTASH, Large .3.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 63 2001 2002 2003 2005 2001 BULB, Potash, Vanier's, with drying tube combined, used in combustion trains for COa absorption. (Patented) $10.00 2002 BULB, Absorption, Fisher's, the lightest and most compact tube made .... 5.00 2003 BULB, Bowen's; the construction of this bulb is such as to insure a thor- ough absorption of the gas. Small 2.00 2004 BULB, Bowen's, large 2.50 2005 BULB, Potash, New, as designed by C. M. Johnson, for absorbing and weighing COa 2.00 2007 2008 2006 BULB, Nesbitt, Carbon Combustion Bulb (designed by C. E. Nesbitt, Chief Chemist, Carnegie Steel Co., Edgar Thomson Works). For the rapid absorption of COa by Soda Lime, in Carbon determina- tions in iron and steel. With this bulb the combustion can be run very fast, and safely completed in 6 minutes if so desired. The bulb is refilled in less than one-half of a minute. A slight turn of the stopper closes both inlet and outlet tubes so that bulb is sealed. To Fill. Place layer of glass wool, y 4 inch thick in bottom; add about 60 grams of 12 mesh soda lime, 15% moisture; insert l /4 inch layer of asbestos fibre; add 10 grams of P a O 5 ; then another thin layer of asbestos and a thin layer of glass wool, filling bulb to neck. Fill the hollow stopper with cotton. Bulb weighs about 135 grams filled. Using a 1.363 gram sample, 125 determinations of a .50 carbon steel can be made without refilling ...................... $ 4.75 2007 BULB, Fleming, Carbon Combustion Bulb, for the rapid absorption of COa by soda lime in carbon determinations in iron and steel. The upper bulb is filled with phosphoric anhydride, the lower bulb with soda lime 2008 BULB, Absorption, Wesson's ................. 4>00 64 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 2010 2012 2014 2010 BULBS, Rubber, for pipettes, etc. Capacity 2 5 25 50 100 Each $0.05 .10 .25 .35 .50 2012 BULBS, Rubber, with hard rubber valves for exhaust and pressure. Capacity, 50 c.c., each $0.40 2014 BULBS, Rubber, with double valve, for use with wash bottles for pressure. . .35 BULBS, Rubber, pair for constant blast. See Blowers, hand, No. 1588. 2030 2034 2038 2040 2030 BURETTE, Automatic, Squibb's latest form, complete with clamp and reservoir. Capacity, 50 c.c., graduated to 1/10 c.c $ 7.50 2034 BURETTE, Automatic, Knoefler's. Complete with reservoir, clamps, bulbs, etc., burette 50 c.c., 1/10 10.00 2038 BURETTE, Brady's, a new design used by the Illinois Steel Co. Capacity, 100 c.c., holding 50 c.c., in the bulb and graduated from 50 c.c. to 100 c.c., 1/10 c.c. on tube below the bulb 4.50 2040 BURETTE, Dispensing, for expensive liquids, with Geissler's stopcock. Capacity, c.c 100 250 500 1000 2000 Graduated to c.c 1 5 10 25 50 Each $2.75 3.75 5.50 6.75 8.50 2042 BURETTE, Fresenius', with glass stopcock. Capacity, c.c 10 25 50 50 100 100 Graduated to c.c 1-JO 1-10 1-5 1-10 1-5 l-lo Each $1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.75 4.75 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 65 2050 2052 J 2054 2056 2057 2043 BURETTE, Gawalowsky, with glass stopcock and glass side tube, with stop- cock for filling from reservoir. Capacity, c.c 25 50 75 100 Graduated to c.c 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-10 Each $4.50 5.25 6.00 7.25 2050 BURETTE, Mohr's, most accurately graduated, for pinchcocks, with tip and rubber connection. Capacity, c.c 10 25 50 50 75 100 100 Graduated to c.c 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-5 1-10 1-10 1-5 Each $0.60 ,90 1.75 1.50 2.00 2.75 2.50 2052 BURETTE, Mohr's, for pinchcocks, with side filling tube, and with tip and rubber connection. Capacity, c.c 10 25 50 50 75 100 100 Graduated to c.c 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-5 1-10 1-10 1-5 Each $0.75 1.10 1.90 1.75 2.25 3.00 2.75 2054 BURETTE, Mohr's, with Geissler's glass stopcock. Capacity, c.c 10 25 50 50 75 100 100 Graduated to c.c 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-5 1-10 1-10 1-5 Each $1.50 1.75 2.25 2.00 2.75 3.25 3.00 2056 BURETTE, Mohr's, with glass stopcock and side-filling tube. Capacity, c.c 10 25 50 50 75 100 100 Graduated to c.c 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-5 1-10 1-10 1-5 Each $1.75 2.00 2.50 2.25 3.00 3.50 3.25 2057 BURETTE, Automatic, with zero point and overflow cup. With G. & F. three- way cock for discharging and filling from reservoir. Capacity, c.c., graduated to 1/10 c.c 25 50 100 Each $4.25 5.75 7.25 2057a BURETTE, Automatic, as above, but with tip for pinchcock instead of stop- cock. Graduated in 1/10 c.c. Capacity, c.c 25 50 100 Each $2.75 4.25 5.75 66 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 2058 2060 2062 2068 4 2066 2069 2058 BURETTE, Rammelsberg, with side tube to connect with reservoir. Capacity, c.c 25 50 50 100 Graduated to c.c 1-10 1-10 1-5 1-5 Each $2.50 3.00 3.00 3.75 2060 BURETTE, Schellbach, with dark enameled stripe on white enameled back- ground, giving definite meniscus, with tip and rubber connections. Capacity, c.c 25 50 50 100 100 Graduated to c.c 1-10 1-10 1-5 1-10 1-5 Each $1.50 1.75 1.75 3.00 2.50 2062 BURRETTE, Schellbach, as above, with glass stopcock. Capacity, c.c 25 50 50 100 100 Graduated to c.c 1-10 1-10 1-5 1-10 1-5 Each . . . '. '.$2.50 3.00 3.00 4.50 4.25 2064 BURETTE, Schellbach's, as above, with Greiner & Friedrich's three-way stop- cock. Capacity, c.c 25 50 75 100 Graduated to c.c 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-10 Each ....$2.75 4.50 5.25 6.00 2066 BURETTE, Schiff's, with attached reservoir having a capacity of about 250 c.c. Capacity of burette proper, 50 c.c. Graduated to 1/10 c.c. Each $8.50 2068 BURETTE, Greiner & Friedrich's, with three-way stop-cock and tube for filling from reservoir. Capacity, c.c 25 50 75 100 Graduated to c.c 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-10 Each .$2.75 3.75 4.25 4.75 2069 BURETTE, Sink's, English form, with support. Capacity, c.c 10 25 50 100 Graduated to c.c 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-5 Each $1.50 2.00 2.50 3.25 Burettes of Special design made to order Send us your inquiries Estimates cheerfully given. LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 67 2071 2072 2073 2074 BURETTES FOR PRECISION WORK These burettes have circular markings (all around) for very accurate reading; they are graduated with extreme care with distilled water at 15 C. by weighing on a delicate balance and are standardized to meet the requirements of the National Bureau of Standards, Washington. A certificate of accuracy can be supplied with each instru- ment, if desired, at a nominal cost. 2071 BURETTE, Mohr's, with tip and connection, for pinch cock. Graduated to meet the requirements of the U. S. Bureau of Standards. Capacity, c.c 25 50 100 Graduated to c.c 1-10 1-10 1-5 Each $5.00 6.50 7.50 2071a BURETTE, "Normal," Mohr's, with tip and connection, for pinch cock. Stand- ardized by the National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. with control stamp and certificate of corrections. Capacity, c.c 25 50 100 Graduated to c.c 1-10 1-10 1-5 Each $8.50 10.00 12.50 2072 BURETTE, Geissler's, with straight stop-cock. Graduated to meet the require- ments of the U. S. Bureau of Standards. Capacity, c.c 25 50 100 Graduated to c.c 1-10 1-10 1-5 Each $6.00 7.50 9.00 68 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 2075b 2075 2078 2076 2072a BURETTE, "Normal," Geissler's, with straight stop-cock. Standardized by the National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C, with control stamp and certificate of corrections. Capacity, c.c 25 50 100 Graduated to c.c 1-10 1-10 1-5 Price, each $9.50 11.25 13.50 2073 BURETTE, Mohr's; with Geissler's stop-cock; Fresenius pattern. Graduated to meet the requirements of the U. S. Bureau of Standards. Capacity, c.c 25 50 100 Graduated to c.c 1-10 1-10 1-5 Price, each $5.00 6.50 7.50 2074 BURETTE, with three-way stop-cock. Graduated to meet the requirements of the U. S. Bureau of Standards. Capacity, c.c 25 50 100 Graduated to c.c 1-10 1-10 1-5 Price, each $6.00 7.50 9.00 2075 BURETTE. After design of Dr. Edward S. Johnson. For quick meas- uring of reagents. Complete with 60 c.c. burette, 4 liter bottle, stand, etc., including also rubber force pump and pinch- cock $10.00 2075a BURETTE, Morse's Calibrating. For calibrating burettes, flasks, pipettes, etc. Complete set of three 15.00 Part 1 7.50 Part 2 4.75 Part 3 5.75 2075b BURETTE, Weighing, Ripper's, graduated to 60 c.c. in 5 c.c. subdivisions.. 5.00 2076 BURETTE Attachment, for connecting the burette with reservoir, com- plete as per sketch 50 2078 BURETTE Caps, to protect contents from dust, per doz 60 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 69 2080 2082 2084 2084a 2084b 2080 BURETTE Float, Erdmann's $0.50 2082 BURETTE Float, with points, to prevent adhering to walls 50 2084 BURETTE Float, Beutell's 50 2084a BURETTE Funnels, for filling burettes 20 2084b BURETTE Meniscus-Reader, improved with lens and reading line 1.50 2085 BURETTE Tips, per dozen . .25 BURNERS 2086 2089 2090 2092 2085 BURNER, Argand, with mica chimney, used in iron and steel laboratories for keeping even temperature $1.50 2086a Extra Mica Chimneys 35 2087 BURNER, Argand, like No. 2086, but with Copper Chimney 1.10 2087a Extra Copper Chimneys 25 2088 BURNER, Argand, like No. 2086, but with glass chimney 1.25 2088a Extra Glass Chimneys 25 2089 BURNER, Argand, like No. 2086, but without chimney and base, for screw- ing into gas pipe . 75 2090 BLAST LAMPS, Bunsen's for gas 3.25 2092 BLAST LAMPS, Fletcher's, for gas; upright 4.00 (Can also be used as Bunsen burner.) 70 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 2094 2096 2097 2094 BURNER, Fletcher's Compound; for glass workers and experimental laboratories $10.00 2096 BURNER, Wiesnegg's, French form, mounted on ball joint 5.00 2097 BURNER BLAST LAMP, Bunsen, extra large size for gas, very power- ful flame with set of two tips 9.00 2101 2103 2099 BURNER, Blast. Same as used at the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology. This burner is fitted with needle valves which afford accurate adjustment of the air and gas supply. A set of 3 gas tips of various sizes furnished with each burner $ 5.00 2101 BURNER, Blast, Meker's. With short inlet tubes, for general work. With these burners you can get the highest temperature obtainable with a gas blast burner, requiring air pressure from 1 to 2 pounds per square inch. Size No. 2, height 5%i inches 4.00 2101a BURNER, 2101b BURNER, 2101c BURNER, 2103 BURNER, 2103a BURNER, Blast, Meker's. Same as No. 2101, but larger. Size No. 4, height r l l /2 inches 5.75 Blast, Meker's. Same style as No. 2101, but with long inlet tubes. To be used in furnaces, etc. Size No. 2, height 5^$ inches 5.20 Blast, Meker's, Same as No. 2101b, but larger. Size No. 4, height 1 l / 2 inches 7.25 Blast, Meker's. Pipe shaped, horizontal. Diameter of flame, 1J4 inches. Height of burner, 6^$ inches 7.50 Blast, Meker's. Same as No. 2103, but larger. Diameter of flame, 1^4 inches. Height of burner, 8 inches ~. . . 14.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 71 2105 2107 2109 2105 BURNER, Blast, for Gasoline. Upright flame especially designed for Laboratories not having a gas supply; gives a clear blue, flame, which is adjustable. The burner is swivelled and can be burned in any position. Provided with support stand for holding cru- cibles, evaporating dishes, etc. Absolutely safe. Capacity, 1 pint. Consumption, y^ pint per hour. Price, each, net $7.50 2107 BURNER, Blast, for Gasoline. Same as above, but smaller, and without swivelled burner. Capacity, y 2 pint. Consumption, % pint per hour. Price, each net 5.25 2109 BURNER, Blast, for Gasoline. Can be used indoors or outdoors for solder- ing, melting, etc.; steel attachment included for holding soldering copper. Capacity, 1 qt. Consumption, l / 2 pint per hour. Price, each, net : 6.00 2111 2113 2111 BURNER, Blast, or automatic hand blowpipe on stand. Blowpipe may be detached and used in the hand if desired $ 7.50 2113 BURNER, Blast, Glass blowers fires, complete. Set of 2-1 light burners, per set 7.50 Set of 2-2 light burners, per set 12.00 Set of 2-3 light burners, per set 15.00 Extra tips for above, each .60 72 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 2114 2114a 2114b 2114 BURNER, Alcohol, Bartel's. Very powerful, no wick required. Five feet of flexible metallic tubing furnished to connect burner with reservoir $8.50 2114a BURNER, Alcohol Blast. Copper, upright blast 2.50 2114b BURNER, Alcohol. Stove for heating. Made of brass, generates its own gas. Capacity, 7 oz 2.00 2115 2115b 2115d Burners, Koch Safety, with automatic stop-cock, to close off the gas when the flame has gone out. These burners are very useful in laboratories, especially for incubators, which usually need only a small flame to keep up the required temperature. They are very simple in construction and not liable to get out of order. 2115 BURNER, Koch Safety, small, 5 inches high with A-inch burner tube $ 6.50 2115a BURNER, Koch Safety, large, as above, 6 inches high with A-inch burner tube 7.50 2115b BURNER, Koch Safety, small, 9 inches high, adjustable to 13 inches 9.50 2115c BURNER, Koch Safety, large, as above, 10 inches high, adjustable to 14 inches 10.50 2115d BURNER, Koch Safety, large, heavier pattern on adjustable stand, with a weight on stop-cock instead of the spring 12.00 2115e BURNER, Koch Safety, same as above but with two burners 15.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 73 2115g 2115g BURNER, 2115h BURNER, 2116 BURNER, 2117 BURNER, 2118 BURNER, 2120 BURNER, 2122 BURNER, 2124 BURNER, 2126 BURNER, 2116 2117 2122 2126 Bunsen's, Micro, 2-inch high, tube %-inch $0.50 Bunsen's, Micro, 3-inch high, tube ^-inch, nickel plated 60 Bunsen's, with air regulator 30 Bunsen's, central draught burner, open at bottom, avoiding danger of clogging gas orifice 30 Bunsen's, with 2 tubes, and air regulators 1.50 Bunsen's, with 3 tubes, and air regulators 2.00 Bunsen's, with 4 tubes, and air regulators 3.00 Bunsen's, with fork, to attach to support 1.50 Bunsen's, with stopcock 1.75 2127 2128 2130 2131 2127 BURNER, Boyce's. For gasoline or coal gas with regulators for air and gas. Height, 5 T / 2 inches $1.50 2128 BURNER, Adjustable Bunsen, for burning gas of variable quality. The size of the orifice through which the gas escapes is adjusted by turn- ing the milled cap-nut seen inside the arm which supports the upright tube. Its adjustability renders it a favorite burner for those using gasoline gas, or the mixture of gasoline vapor and air made by gas machines 1.50 2130 BURNER, Adjustable Bunsen, with attachment for triangles, dishes, etc., inside dia. 3 inches 2.25 2131 BURNER, Tirill's Form, for coal or gasoline gas. This burner is made entirely of brass, and is considered by some to be the best burner made . . 1.50 74 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 2131a 2133 2133b 2131a BURNER, Bunsen, adjustable, improved form, for coal or gasoline gas. Height, l /2 inches; diameter of tube Y* inch $1.25 2131b BURNER, Bunsen, same as above, but with J^ inch I. P. male thread in- stead of base. Height 6 inches 1.00 2133 BURNER, Teclu's, small size, with air and gas regulator. Height 6 inches; diameter of tube Yz inch 1.75 2133a BURNER, Teclu's, large size, giving a large and powerful flame, with regu- lator for air and gas. Height, iy 2 inches; diameter of tube, % inch 2.50 2133b BURNER, with stop-cock and pilot light. The dotted lines show the small tube for pilot light, which is on the inside of the burner tube. Height, 6 inches; diameter of tube, l / 2 inch 1.75 2133c 2134 2133c BURNER, Boekel's, for burning gases of various qualities. By turning the knurled part A, you can increase or lower the flame, the flow of gas and air being regulated automatically, and therefore the burner will always retain a blue flame. B is the set-screw by which to regulate the burner-tip C, sup- plying more or less air, according to the quality of gas. The supply of air is regulated by inserting the screw into the next slot, either to the right or to the left. This is the best self- adjusting Bunsen burner made, and we can recommend it to give entire satisfaction. Height, 6 inches; diameter of tube, l / 2 inch 1.75 2134 BURNER, Chaddock's, of porcelain; incorrodible; a new Bunsen Burner especially designed for use in hoods where metal, on account of the smoky flame, soon corrodes; also desirable for all laboratory purposes, no retort stand and wire gauze being required. Com- plete wilh support for dishes, chimney and three asbestos pads. . 2.50 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 75 MEKER BURNERS 2135 2135p 2135r 2135t These burners are very powerful, requiring reasonable gas pressure for economical operation. The temperature of flame is nearly uniform throughout as there is a homo- geneous mass of burning gas. Size No. 1 is very useful in sealing. Sizes Nos. 2 and 3 are most useful for general laboratory work. Size No. 4 is very useful as an ordinary blast burner. Size No 1 2 3 4 5 Diameter of Burner, mm 16 20 24 30 43 Height of Burner, mm 115 130 155 190 250 2135 BURNER, Meker. For coal gas. 2135a BURNER, Meker. For coal gas. 2135b BURNER, Meker. 2135c BURNER, Meker. 2135d BURNER, Meker. 2135e BURNER, Meker. 2135d BURNER, Meker. 2135e BURNER, Meker. Size No. 1 $2.10 Size No. 2 2.30 For coal gas. Size No. 3 3.35 For coal gas. Size No. 4 3.75 For coal gas. Size No. 5 '. . . 7.85 For gasoline gas. Size No. 1 2.65 Size No. 2 2.80 Size No. 3 4.00 Size No. 4.. . 4.25 For gasoline gas. For gasoline gas. 2135f BURNER, Meker. For gasoline gas. 2135g BURNER, Meker. For gasoline gas. Size No. 5 8.60 2135h BURNER, Meker. For natural gas. Size No. 1 2.65 2135J BURNER, Meker. For natural gas. Size No. 2 2.80 2135k BURNER, Meker. For natural gas. Size No. 3 4.00 21351 BURNER, Meker. For natural gas. Size No. 4 4.25 2135m BURNER, Meker. For natural gas. Size No. 5 8.60 2135p BURNER, Celeritas. Improved Meker form. Adjustable, can be used for either coal, gasoline or natural gas. Size No. 2, diameter of burner top, 20 mm 2.20 2135r BURNER, Meker. Flat Flame. Top of burner, 15x50 mm. Height of burner, 225 mm. for coal gas 6.65 BURNER, Meker. Same as No. 2135r, but for gasoline gas 7.25 BURNER, Meker. Same as No. 2135r, but for natural gas 7.25 2135s BURNER, Meker. Four burners, size No. 3, mounted in a row on a gas supply pipe, for coal gas 16.00 2135t BURNER, Meker. Same as No. 2135s, but for natural gas 19.00 (These burners can be supplied with any number of any size burner desired.) We can quote very attractive prices on Meker burners when required in large quantities. Write us for discount on wholesale requirements. 76 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 2136 2138 2140 2136 BURNER, Bunsen's, low shape, with air regulator $0.50 2138 BURNER, Fletcher's, with spider, for holding dishes, etc 1.25 2140 BURNER, Fletcher's Star flame, crown top, with stand. Size, inches - \y 2 3 zy 2 Each $1.00 1.25 1.50 2144 2145 2142 BURNER, Bunsen's, 4 burners in one row for heating long tubes $5.00 2144 BURNER, Bunsen's, as No. 2142, with stopcock for each burner 6.50 2145 BURNER, Bunsen, 4 tubes in line, each with stopcock and wing top, com- plete with adjustable support and trough for heating tubes 8.00 2146 2147 2146 BURNER, Bunsen's Ring form, to be attached to any support. Diameter of rings, inches 3 4 5 6 Each .....$1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2147 BURNER, Same with stopcock 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 77 2149 2151 2148 2149 BURNER, Fletcher's Cast Iron Evaporating Burner. Sizes, inches 4 5 Each .../..'..'. ]$2.00 2.50 BURNERS, Radial, Fletcher's. No. 1 R burner ring 3^-in. gas used 12 feet per hour $2.50 No. 2 R burner ring 5 -in. gas used 18 feet per hour 3.25 3.50 2149a BURNERS. As above, with wheel valve for gasoline gas No. 1 R ..... No. 2 R ........... ....... '/.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 2150 BURNERS, Fletcher's Standard Boiling Burner. Diameter, inches, for vessels ...... . Each ........................................ 2151 BURNERS, Low form, extra large, with gauze top; diameter, 2% inches; length, 14 inches, each 3.75 4.50 .$1.50 height, 7 2.00 8 3.75 5 inches; 10 7.50 .$3.00 2151a 2152 2151a BURNERS, Boiling, Fletcher's, solid flame. Small, diameter 3J^-inch, gas used 12 feet per hour ...... $1.75 Large, diameter 4^-inch, gas used 35 feet per hour .......... . . . 3.50 2151b Extra Perforated Metal Caps for above. Small, each Large, each 2152 BURNER, Fletcher's New Laboratory Burner, with stand for vessels and sand- bath. Support for flask, diameter .................... 41^ 5^ 7 8 Support for vessels flat, diameter ............. y 2 ny 2 9 n Each ..... ' .................................. $3.00 4.00 5.00 8.50 78 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 2153 2153 BURNER, Hydro Carbon, burning vaporized kerosene which is auto- matically generated as fast as needed from ordinary kerosene; gives a hot blue flame without smoke or smell; height, 9 inches; diameter of base, 9 inches $8.50 2154 BURNER, same as above, but without tripod 7.50 2155 The Case "Inverted Type" of hydro-carbon burner is of the heighest type yet pro- duced. It is a burner adapted for high grade distillates in the construction of which all the unsatisfactory features of earlier types have been eliminated. It has the distinctive feature in that it accomplishes the rapid preliminary heating in the cleanest and safest way and is compact and easily operated. In fuel consumption, the Case "Inverted Type" requires but three-fourths as much as any other burner of equal size to produce the same number of heat units. 2155 BURNERS, Case Hydro-Carbon. Diameter V/2 \Y$ 2 2% Z l / 2 Each $12.00 13.50 14.00 15.00 16.50 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 79 2156 2156 2158 2160 2161 2162 2164 2166 2170 2172 2174 2158 2160 2161 2162 2166 2164 2170 2172 2174 BURNER, BURNER, BURNER, BURNER, BURNER, BURNER, BURNER, BURNER, BURNER, BURNER, Attachment, Blowpipe Tube to set into the burner $0.85 Attachment, Short Tube to set over the burner, with rest for the blowpipe 25 Chimneys, of Sheet Iron .25 Chimneys, of Sheet Iron, with support 25 Crowns, for heating dishes 35 Forks, with attachment for burner 50 Gauze Top, gives a large round flame 35 Stars, for chimney supports 25 Tripods, for supporting dishes 25 Wingtop, for bending glass tubing . .25 2175 2175(a) 2175(e) 2175 BURNER, Guards, of vitrified earthenware. Protects the flame from drafts and affords a rigid and convenient support, 9 inches high, 8 inches diameter at bottom and 5 inches at top. Will be found a desirable addition to any laboratory $0.50 2175(a) BURNER TUBE. Metallic, Flexible. Each tube has a rubber connec- tion at both ends. Length, 2 feet 30 Same as No. 670, but 3 feet long 40 Same as No. 670, but 4 feet long 50 Same as No. 670, but 6 feet long 75 2175 (b) 2175 (c) 2175(d) 2175(e) BURNER BURNER TUBE. TUBE. TUBE. BURNER BURNER ATTACHMENT. For supporting dishes, etc. Without burner 1.00 We are in position to manufacture or furnish many other styles of burners not listed in this catalog. If interested in any particular style, we would be pleased to have you send us drawing and we will quote prices. Please advise quantity required. 80 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. CALORIMETERS 2176 2176 CALORIMETER, Standard Parr's. This instrument has been devised by S. W. Parr, professor of Applied Chem- istry at the University of Illinois. The marked features of the method are accu- racy, simplicity, ease and rapidity of manipulation. The results are absolute and not relative. The operations are such as can be carried on by one not especially skilled in laboratory processes. Oxygen under high pressure or any pressure is not used. Sodium peroxide is used as the combustion medium. The time consumed in conducting a test on a weighed and dried sample should not exceed fifteen or twenty minutes. With this instrument a determina- tion of the heat units has been made on the various types of fuel selected from widely different sources, including coal, coke, lignite and oils. The outfit consists of the apparatus as indicated in cut, including a fine thermometer graduated to 1/20 F. A two-litre measuring flask, chemical recep- tacle, measuring cup, 5-inch 100-mesh brass sieve with bottom, chemicals suffi- cient for fifty determinations, including special chemical for petroleum, etc., pincers, ignition wire, reading lens and camel's-hair brush. Latest modification, with improved bomb, complete for electrical ignition, without motor $85.00 The following items are not included in the regular outfit, as they are usually to be found in Chemical Laboratories: Electric Motor with variable speed for either direct or alternating current 110 or 220 volt 25.00 In ordering state current and voltage required. Bank of Resistance for 110 volts 7.00 Bank of Resistance for 220 volts 8.00 Water Motor and support 9.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 81 Replacements : Thermometer 65 90 F. with certificate $12.00 Thermometer 65 105 F. with certificate 13.00 New Thermometer Reading Lens 3.00 Ignition wire, electric, per card 75 Gaskets for bomb, per dozen 50 Chemical ^per J4 Ib. can (special sodium peroxide) 1.10 Chemical per y 2 Ib. can (special sodium peroxide) 1.95 Chemical per 1 Ib. can (special sodium peroxide) .' 3.00 Accelerator per bottle, 2 oz. capacity 1.00 Special chemical, per bottle 1.00 2177 PARR'S NEW PEROXIDE CALORIMETER BOMB. A new and greatly improved form of bomb for the Parr Standard Calorimeter has been devised which has marked advantages over the old pattern. A summarized statement of advantages for more convenient reference is given below: 1. A removable fusion cup, or crucible, is provided with an extra cup for duplicating determinations. These cups are made of a special alloy which is immune to the action of the fused alkali. The materials making up the charge can be weighed out and added directly to the cups, which may then be transferred to the holders for use as desired. 2. The electric terminals are short and sturdy, and do not become bent* or broken by use. 3. Provision is made by means of an air space about the fusion cup whereby the cup is permitted to come to a red heat, after which the surrounding water is brought into con- tact with the cup for quick extraction of the heat. This high temperature throughout the mass avoids the cooling eect of metallic walls which are in contact with water, thus secur- ing a complete combustion with all types of coals. 4. By use of the fusion cups a removable bottom is avoided and the process of cleaning out the fusion is very much expedited. The cups are short enough to readily go into a small No. 3 or No. 4 beaker lying flatwise, in which way the fusion is readily dissolved out without loss. 5. The electric contacts are simplified and made much more convenient. 6. A simple additional accessory makes it possible to use the fusion cups for sulphur determinations alone. This is without doubt the ideal method for making a determination of sulphur in all organic compounds and especially to be recommended for use in determining the sulphur in coal. See description following under No. 2179. Price $35.00 2177 2179 PARR'S NEW SULPHUR BOMB. sac For sulphur determinations which are to be made inde- pendently of the calorimetric process, a special apparatus, as shown in Fig. 2D, has been devised. An adaptation has been made of the same fusion cup as that used in the calorimeter bomb (Fig. 2A). By reference to Fig. 2D, it will be seen that the fusion cup (2AC) has a cover (7AC) with a gasket (27AC), and a screw cap (5AC), by means of which the container is tightly sealed. The lower half of the fusion cup, however, is exposed, and by applying heat to the bottom of the cup the charge is readily ignited. After a moment, it is held under the tap for cooling, after which the cup is removed and the fusion dissolved otft. In this way the solution containing all of the sulphur as sulphate may be made ready for precipitation in less than five minutes and with no possible accession of sulphur from gas flames or other sources of contamination. Results obtained by this method are believed to be the most reliable of any, and the time element is decidedly to its advantage. , For organic halogens, to replace the ordinary Carius method in the determination of chlorine, bromide and iodine, the use of this bomb will be found exceedingly con- venient and expeditious. $23.00 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. The method of holding the bomb in place for screw- ing on the cap and admitting the oxygen supply is simple and exceedingly convenient. The accessories for this part of the operation are shown in figure above. 2181 2181 CALORIMETER Parr's, Oxygen Bomb Calorimeter with "Illium" Bomb. Not the lease among the achievements in the construction of oxygen bombs of the Mahler-Atwater type is the doing away with the porcelain or platinum lining as a result of the development of an alloy which is proof against the solvent action of the acids generated in connection with the combustions. The first successful bomb made of this metal has been in service for a number of years and has been used in upwards of 2,000 calorimetric determina- tions without giving any evidence of corrosion. Many of the determinations were made parallel with a platinum-lined instrument, and throughout the series there was every evidence of an exact equivalent in the behavior of the alloy (Illium) bomb. The calorimeter complete with bomb, water container, insulating vessel with cover, stirrer and pulley, oxygen connection with gauge, needle valve and couplings, octagon holder for bomb, with spanner wrench, one-half dozen cap- sules of special alloy, reading lens and support, special ignition wire and gaskets. Without motor or thermometers $285.00 ACCESSORIES: Bomb only $210.00 Water Container 12.00 Insulating Vessel with cover, stirrer and pulley 50.00 Oxygen Connection with gauge, needle valve and couplings 27.50 Octagon Holder for Bomb, with spanner wrench 12.00 Electric Motor with variable speed direct or alternating 25.00 Capsules (special alloy), Illium Metal, each 3.00 Thermometer graduated in 1/20 F. with U. S. Bureau of Standards cer- tificate , 15.00 Reading Lens and support 3.00 Ring Support for holding Calorimeter cover with thermometer 2.75 Special Ignition Wire, per card 75 Large Gaskets for Bomb, per dozen 1.00 Small Gaskets for Valve, per dozen l.OO Small Gaskets for Union, per dozen .50 Extras : Beckman's Differential Thermometer graduated to 1/100 C, with certifi- cate of standardization 25.00 Oxygen cylinder with 100 cubic feet of oxygen, cylinder returnable 35.00 Ring Support for holding bomb cap while adjusting fuse wire, fuel cap- sule, etc 3.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 83 2183 2183 CALORIMETER Parr's Adiabatic with "Illium" bomb. Another form of Calorimeter, and that of the Adiabatic type, has just been per- fected, and its operation in actual use has been so eminently satisfactory that it is now being regularly manufactured for the trade. It is the completion of a design which has been in process of development for some years by Professor S. W. Parr of the Univer- sity of Illinois. The adiabatic principle has been secured, not by the use of the Dewar, or vacuum arrangement, with its somewhat questionable immunity from variation, nor is use made of any chemical or electrical method of heating the surrounding water. The principles involved are carried out as follows: A supply of hot and cold water is automatically provided immediately underneath the desk on which the calorimeter is installed. This may be drawn upon either to raise or lower the temperature of the water in the surrounding medium. By means of a stop cock and overflow, hot water, for example, can be instantly dis- charged into the jacketing water. The lag, therefore, is only that incident to the stirring of the water and the response as shown on the thermom- eter occurs at once. Showing Water Reservoir Heated by Gas Flame Price Without Motor or Thermometer $375.00 84 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 2185 2185 CALORIMETER, Emerson's, one of the most modern bomb calorimeters for determining the heating value of solid and liquid fuels. The Bomb is made of steel, consisting of two cups joined by means of a heavy steel nut. The lining is of sheet metal, spun to fit the interior. The pan holding the combustible is usually of nickel and so are the supporting wires. The fuse wire for general fuel testing should be of platinum. The Calorimeter jacket is a double walled copper tank. The calorimeter bucket is of light sheet brass. The Stirring Device consists of a propeller fitted shaft inclosed in a vertical tube to facilitate its action in circulating the water. The stirrer is mounted on a post on the calorimeter jacket as is the thermometer holder. The motor is driven by a 110-volt circuit and should be placed in series with a 16 C. P. lamp. If so desired, a battery driven motor can be specified in ordering the apparatus. The Oxygen Piping is especially strong and durable and is designed for two cylinders. Other accessories such as iron plate holder, swivel table, spanner or wrench are furnished with the outfit. A pamphlet describing the instrument fully may be had upon application. 2185(a) CALORIMETER, The complete Calorimeter as described with Nickel lined bomb <, Net 180.00 2185(b) CALORIMETER, As above, with Gold rolled copper lined bomb and nickel fittings "Net 275.00 2185(c) CALORIMETER, As above, with Platinum lined bomb and Platinum fittings, according to the market price of platinum, about Net 490.00 ACCESSORIES: CALORIMETER THERMOMETER, Standard, graduated on stem from about plus 18 to 30C in 1/100C with certificate of corrections . Net 80.00 CALORIMETER THERMOMETER, as above, without certificate Net 15.00 CALORIMETER THERMOMETER, Beckmann's Differential, with a range of about 6C graduated in 1/100 C with certifi- cate of corrections Net 80.00 CALORIMETER THERMOMETER, as above, without certificate Net 15.00 CALORIMETER CYLINDERS of Oxygen under high pressure; 40 gal- lons capacity Net 8.25 CALORIMETER CYLINDERS of Oxygen, as above, 100 gallons capacity. Net 17.00 (Cylinders returnable at $6.00 and $12.00, respectively.) New Parts: Nickel Lining for bomb Net 18.00 Gold rolled copper lining for bomb Net 95.00 Fuel pan and support Net 2.25 Nickel fuel pan Net .55 Nickel binding posts for interior of bomb Net .90 Nickel screw for deflector or interior of bomb Net .35 Large lead gaskets. Per dozen... . ..Net 1.50 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 85 1. Bomb. 2. Bomb Holder. 3. Cork Lined Case. 4. Thermometer. 5. Motor. 6. Vacuum Cup. 7. Pressure Gauge. 8. Rheostat. 9. Spanner Wrench. 2191 Briquetting Machine 2191-10 2191 CALORIMETER, The Riche Adiabatic. The Riche Adiabatic Calorimeter is constructed along practical lines, capable of standing the strain of continuous work. The inside walls of the cabinet are lined with one inch pressed cork and on the cover in addition to the cork is a piece of half- inch hairfelt, making a tight joint with the top of the vacuum cup. All fittings are brass, heavily nickeled. The rapidity with which results are obtained is a decided advantage. A complete determination may be made in 10 to 15 minutes with an accuracy of (1) three calories, thus saving from fifty to seventy-five per cent of time. The maximum time required for reading is eight minutes. The bomb is of the Mahler-Kroeker two valve porcelain lined type, guaranteed for 3,000 determinations, but it should be good for at least 8,000 combustions if proper cafe is taken. CALORIMETER, Riche Improved Adiabatic, complete with thermometer $275.00 " " " without thermometer.. 250.00 86 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 2193 CALORIMETER Sargent's, for gas: The only apparatus conforming with the suggestions of American authorities, being the most advanced type of instru- ment for testing the thermal value of inflammable gases. It has the following advantages: (1) The discharge water is weighed to one-hundredth of a pound instead of being measured in a graduate. (2) The discharge water is switched auto- matically from one receptacle to another after each one-tenth of a cubic foot of gas is burned. This eliminates errors due to hand manipulation. (3) Inlet and outlet thermometers are on the same level so that they can be read almost simultaneously. (4) A Wet Pressure Governor controls the pressure of the gas entering the burner and a constant pressure is easily maintained by means of adjustable weights. (5) To maintain a constant flow the inlet and outlet pipes are provided with wiers. A graduated quadrant valve regulates the amount of water used. (6) Since a determination can be made every three or four minutes, a curve of the heat value extending over any length of time may be plotted. (7) The heat value of the gas is determined directly in B. T. U. (8) The Bunsen burner has two tips and is adjustable for gas having 100 to 1500 B. T. U. per cubic foot. (9) The calorimeter is made of copper and brass and is handsomely nickel-plated. (10) The Wet Test Gas Meter is made of heavy brass and tin and has a water level indicator outside of the gauge glass. The meter is graduated to 0.001 cubic foot. The complete outfit consists of the first six items below. PRICE LIST Calorimeter Body with automatic attachment Bunsen burner, tubing, exhaust thermometer and beaker $135.00 Two very high grade inlet and outlet thermometers, graduated to 1/10 F. 17.00 Wet Pressure Governor with weights 17.00 Wet Test Gas Meter, with all attachments 65.00 Special 10-lb. scales weighing to hundredths of a pound 15.00 Two Balanced nickeled weighing pails 6.00 Specially fitted shipping chest 50.00 Table of Standard Reduction Factors for Gas 1-50 Descriptive Pamphlet Upon Application. LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 87 2195 2197 CALORIMETER Parr's, for Gas, devised by Prof. S. W. Parr, of the University of Illinois. This instrument is constructed upon radically new lines. A standard and an unknown gas are burned side by side under identical con- ditions. A ratio of values is thus established in a manner which eliminates errors due to radiation, metering, variable pressures, speed of combustion, etc., etc. This is decidedly the most accurate apparatus thus far devised for the measuring of heat values of gases of all types. Price $275.00 2197 CALORIMETER, American Junkers. This apparatus is of the same general de- s i g n (embodying, however, American improvements), and operates on the same principle as the orig- inal German Junkers Calorimeter which has been regarded by gas experts as the most satisfactory calorimeter in use. Calorimeter with all improvements, inlet and outlet water ther- mometers in tenths of a degree with telescopic sights and manufacturers' cer- tificates giving cor- rection factors, if any, exhaust ther- mometer, wet test meter, complete with thermometer, wet regulator with pressure gauge, fine equal arm weighing bal- ance, set brass weights in block, two copper pails, glass graduate for conden- sation, twelve feet pure rubber tubing, correction table for temperature and pressure, booklet on calorimetry, complete as shown in illustration $275.00 2198 CARBONATE APPARATUS Barker. For determining the percent- age of carbonates in limestone and other materials. The principle upon which the apparatus is based is that of a hydrometer which takes account of the law that when an object (the hydrometer) is immersed in a liquid, it is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the liquid displaced by the object. In this apparatus the carbon dioxide gas released by the sample decreases the weight. The apparatus consequently rises in the water in which it is immersed, recording on the graduated scale the percentage of carbonates from which gas escaped. Every hydrometer is thoroughly tested before leaving the factory and is accompanied by a certificate. BARKER CARBONATE APPARATUS, complete with Hydrom- eter, jar, thermometer, graduated cylinder dropping pipette and one pound of Hydrochloric Acid. Complete as described $12.00 2198 Hydrometer only 9.00 88 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 2199 2201 2199 2201 CARBON APPARATUS, Parr's, designed by Prof. S. W. Parr, of the Uni- versity of Illinois, for the determination of the total carbon in coal, coke, etc., using the residue from the determination of heat values (with Parr's calorimeter) which has the carbon of the coal combined in the form of sodium carbonate. The estimation is made by liberating the COa and measuring the gas. The outfit as illustrated Net $45.00 CARBON DIOXIDE APPARATUS, Classen's, consisting of flask, con- denser and safety funnel with stop-cock, fitted with rubber stoppers 5.50 CARBON DIOXIDE APPARATUS, Knorr's, for the determination of carbonic acid in carbonates, as recommended for the deter- mination of carbonic acid in baking powder by the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. All joints are ground to- gether. Each 12.50 N. B. For other CO 2 Apparatus, see Gas Apparatus. 2224 2226 2224 CASSEROLES, glazed with exception of rim, with lip and flat porcelain handle. Coor's ware. Size number 1 23 3a 4 4? 56 7 Outside dia., mm.. 50 70 85 95 110 135 135 165 175 Inside dia., mm 47 66 80 90 105 130 130 160 170 Height, mm 25 35 45 50 62 90 80 95 130 Capacity, cc 30 75 150 210 375 500 750 1250 2000 Each $0.40 $0.50 $0.60 $0.80 $1.00 $1.50 $1.80 $2.25 $3.90 2225 CASSEROLES, Glazed, with exception of rim, with lip and extra long handle. Size number, 4; diameter, 117 mm.; height, 56 mm.; capacity, 360 cc. Each $1.75 2226 CASSEROLES, Royal Guernsey Porcelain, with cover and wood handle. Glazed inside and out. Size number 00 1 2 3 4 Capacity, cc 125 250 375 500 720 1000 Diameter, mm 90 105 110 120 152 172 Each $0.50 $0.60 $0.75 $1.00 $1.55 $1.75 2227 CASSEROLES, Fuser Silica. Size number 1 2 3 3a 4 Capacity, cc 30 75 150 810 375 Dia. body, cm 5 7 8.5 9.5 11 Each $2.25 $2.75 $3.25 $4.20 $5.50 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 89 CEMENT TESTING APPARATUS 2229 2229 -CEMENT TESTING MACHINE, Olsen's New Automatic Shot Form. The principal advantages of this machine are as follows: The machine is automatic to its full capacity and is not touched from start to finish of test. The instant the briquette breaks, the breaking lead is read on the dial of the scale. The load is applied with absolute smoothness, and impact from falling shot is eliminated. The cut-off on the shot kettle is practically instantaneous. All shot that has escaped from the kettle has already done its work and the column of falling shot in the air when the specimen breaks is therefore weighed as it should be. A new grip which brings the strain uniformly on the specimen is used. The briquette hangs clear of the frame of the machine, giving plenty of room for the hands when adjusting specimens. This is widely used and thoroughly satisfactory outfit; 1,000 Ibs. capacity; length, 24 inches; height, 26J4 inches; weight, 50 Ibs. Price . . .$135.00 90 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. Patented Feb. 8, 1910 2231 2231 CEMENT BRIQUETTE MOULD. Improved Standard. (Patented.) With means for separating sections automatically without rapping, according to the specifications of the American Society for Testing Materials $2.75 2232 2232 (a) 2232 CEMENT BRIQUETTE MOULD. Standard, with end clamps, accord- to specifications of the American Society for Testing Materials.$2.75 2232(a) CEMENT BRIQUETTE MOULD. Standard, with C Clamp 2.75 2232(b) Extra Clamp, C Form, to be used with No. 2232 (a) 30 2233 2233 CEMENT BRIQUETTE GANG MOULDS Of brass. a. 2-Gang Moulds. Each, net $ 6.00 b. 3-Gang Moulds. Each, net : 9.00 c. 4-Gang Moulds. Each, net 12.00 d. 5-Gang Moulds. Each, net 15.00 e. 6-Gang Moulds. Each, net 18.00 2233-1 CYLINDER MOULDS. Made of cast iron, with hinged clamps. Bottom plate is removable. Accurately machined to size. Can be furnished in all standard sizes. Write for prices, stating size and quantity desired. 2235 2235 CUBE MOULD, BRASS. One inch, per gang 2235(a) CUBE MOULD, BRASS. Two inch, per gang 2235(b) CUBE MOULD, IRON. Six inch, per gang (Other sizes made to order on request.) 2233-1 .$3.00 . 4.00 . 8.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 91 2235(h) 2235(e) 2235(j) 2235(e) PAT MOULD (Forming Pat.) Used for forming pats of neat cement intended for steaming. . . . . $2.50 2235(f) VICAT NEEDLE APPARATUS. Bramwell's improved form. Very convenient to determine the normal consistency and time of setting of cement. The plunger ends are of different diameter. The small needle, when not in use, can be reversed and screwed into the body of the main plunger 20.00 2235(g) EXTRA RUBBER MOULD for No. 2235f 3.00 2235(h) GILMORE NEEDLES. These needles are used for determining both the initial and the final set of the cement. They consist of two steel needles. One needle 1/12 of an inch in diameter, loaded with a weight of Y^ pound, and one needle 1/24 of an inch in diameter, loaded with a weight of one pound 6.00 2235(j) GILMORE NEEDLES. Mounted in a vertical position so that the nee- dles are perpendicular to the surface of the pat. 7.50 2235(k) 2235(k) STEAMING APPARATUS. For boiling and steaming test specimens. Size, 12x12x24 inches. Made of copper, with stand $35.00 92 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 2235 (m) 2235(p) 2235 (m) 2235 (p) 2235 (q) MOIST CLOSET. Made of soapstcme. The wooden doors are covered with zinc on both sides and are held in place by iron hinges. The inside has cleats on which glass strips can be laid to hold briquette moulds. Write for prices, stating size desired. CEMENT SCALE. To show the finess of cement. This scale will weigh one pound down to 1/10000 of a pound $20.00 CEMENT SCALE. Same style as No. 2235 (p), but graduated in the metric system. Will weigh 500 grams down to 1/100 gram 20.00 2235 (t) 2235(r) 2235(v) 2235 (r) 2235 (s) 2235(a) 2235 (u) 2235 (v) SAND SCALE. For estimating the quantity of the various sizes of sand. The upper part of beam is graduated l&x l / 2 ounces, the lower part of beam is graduated from to 100 per cent $ 7.50 SAND SCALE. Same style as No, 2235 (r), but beam graduated in the metric system, being graduated 50 grams in 100 parts representing per cent * 7.50 MIXING TABLE. Glass Plate. Size 24x24 inches 8.00 MIXING TABLE. Slate. Size 24x24 inches 7.00 PAN, GALVANIZED IRON. For immersing briquettes in water until ready for testing. Size, 24x24x3 inches 3.50 2235 (w) 2235w CEMENT SAMPLER. With auger point to bore staves. For obtain- ing samples from center of barrel $ 7.50 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 93 2235 (x) 2235(y) 2235(x) BRUSH. For cement briquette moulds, with brass wire and wooden handle. Brush part 5 inches long $0.75 2235(y) TROWEL. For mixing cement. Small size , 1.00 2235(z) TROWEL. Same as No. 2235(y), but larger 1.25 2235-1 2235-1 SOUNDNESS TEST APPARATUS, Le Chatelier. Very easily operated. With instructions .$3.00 SPECIFIC GRAVITY FLASK 2236 2237 (a) 2237 2236 SPECIFIC GRAVITY APPARATUS, Schumann's specific gravity bottle with tube graduated to 50 cc. in 1/10 cc $3.50 2237(b) 2236(a) SPECIFIC GRAVITY APPARATUS, Le Chatelier's. For cement. .. . . .$4.00 2237 SPECIFIC GRAVITY APPARATUS, Jackson's. Consisting oi the burette so graduated as to give direct readings in specific gravity, and the heavy Erlenmeyer flask with hollow ground glass stopper as described in R. K. Meade's Portland Cement (Page 281, 1906). The burette and flask 7.50 2237(a) EXTRA FLASK for No. 2237 Specific Gravity Apparatus 3.50 2237(b) SPECIFIC GRAVITY APPARATUS. Standard. Improved form of No. 2236 (a) . 6.00 94 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 2239 Natural Size. 2244 2238 CENTRIFUGE, Purdy Electric, for examination of urine, with double urine arm carrying two tubes, two plain glass sedi- ment tubes and two graduated percentage tubes $38.40 2239 CENTRIFUGE, Purdy Electric, for examination of urine, with urine arm carrying four tubes, four plain glass sediment tubes, and four graduated percentage tubes 43.75 2240 CENTRIFUGE, Purdy Electric, same as No. 2238 with addition of Hema- tocrit arm for examination of blood and sputum 44.50 2241 CENTRIFUGE, Purdy Electric, same as No. 2239, with addition of Hema- tocrit arm for examination of blood and sputum 49.75 2242 CENTRIFUGE, Purdy Electric, same as No. 2238, with addition of Hematocrit arm and precipitating frame for concentra- tion of bacteria 50.00 2243 CENTRIFUGE, Purdy Electric, same as No. 2239, with both Hematocrit and Precipitating Arm complete for the examination of urine, blood and sputum and the manipulation of Micro-organisms 55.50 The above Centrifuges are arranged for the incandescent current of 100 to 115 volts, the price of the Centrifuge for the 220 volt current will be found on the next page. IMPORTANT. When ordering specify the voltage and current. 2244 CENTRIFUGE, "Celeritas," with urine arm, two aluminum shields, one plain glass sediment tube and one graduated glass percentage tube, complete for the sedimentation of urine $12.00 95 2249 2245 CENTRIFUGE, "Celeritas," same as No. 2244, but with Arm for holding four Tubes, with four Aluminum Shields, two gradu- ated and two plain Tubes. This machine is capable of doing the work of two ordinary centrifuges $14.50 2246 CENTRIFUGE, "Celeritas," same as No. 2244, with two Tubes for the examination of Urine and Haematocrit for the exami- nation of Blood and Sputum 15.00 2247 CENTRIFUGE, "Celeritas," same as No. 2246, with four Tubes for the ex- amination of Urine and with Hsematocrit for the examination of Blood and Sputum 20.00 2249 CENTRIFUGE, Purdy Electric, with Adjustable Speed Regulator. In order to regulate the speed of the Centrifuge more delicately than is possible with the regular device attached to the instrument and to obtain any rate of speed desired within the scope of the motor or to keep the instrument at a fixed speed where the current varies or the load is increased, a speed regulator is necessary. It is often important that an entire series of experiments should be carried on with an absolutely uniform speed. This is mostly not possible without a speed regulator, owing to the varying strength of all electric currents. Again, extremely fragile sediment must often be handled with medium speed, while very light sediments require the highest speed to produce sedimentation. The speed regulators can be supplied with any of the Purdy Centrifuges, Nos. 2238-2243 inclusive, for either the direct or alternating 60 cycle current of 100 to 115 volts at an additional cost of $9.50 THE PURDY CENTRIFUGE FOR THE 220 VOLT DIRECT CURRENT We supply the Purdy Centrifuge for the 220 volt direct current in all cases with the speed regulator. It is supplied in all combinations given under Nos. 2238-2243 inclusive, at an additional cost of $14.50 96 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. ol , I oil i 2252 2250 2253 2260 2272 2274 2275 CENTRIFUGE ATTACHMENTS WILL FIT ALL CENTRIFUGES Nos. 2238-2247 2250 HAEMATOCRIT, with two graduated blood tubes and two plain sputum tubes $ 6.00 2252 PRECIPITATING ARM, with two tapering tubes for the manipulation of micro-organisms 6.00 2253 GOETZ TUBE, for phosphorus determination, with graduated tip '. . 1.10 2253a METAL SHIELD, for carrying No. 2253 Goetz Tube 1.20 2254 PERCENTAGE TUBE, for blood analysis, for use with Haematocrit 90 2256 PLAIN SPUTUM TUBE, for use with Haematocrit 40 2258 PRECIPITATING TUBE, with plug and six washers, for the manipula- tion of micro-organisms 75 2259 DOME PROTECTOR for Purdy Electric Centrifuges. To protect the operator from flying particles or liquid and to avoid contact with the rapidly moving arms. It also lessens the air resistance and propor- tionately increases the speed. Fits Centrifuges Nos. 2238-2243 10.75 2260 GRADUATED URINE TUBE, designed by Dr. Charles W. Purdy for use with the Purdy Electric Centrifuge, and wherever his methods are employed. This tube is fully graduated to 15 c.c., with very tapering tip for the measurement of very small quantities of sediment 60 2262 PLAIN UNGRADUATED TUBE, same size as No. 2260 20 2264 TUBE FOR MILK ANALYSIS. To obtain absolutely reliable test of either breast or cow's milk, we have devised the graduated milk tube. It will give results accurate to within 1/5 of 1% of fat 60 ALUMINUM SHIELD, to carry tubes Nos. 2260 and 2262, .90 LANCET, spear point, for pocket 1.25 DROPPER, new construction, for filling the blood tubes 30 CEMENT TUBE, with 50 c.c. graduation, with tip graduated to 1/50 c.c. for cement testing and for use where the proportion of sediment is extremely small 1.80 2275a METAL SHIELD, for carrying No. 2275 Cement Tube 1.25 2275b ARM, with two metal tube shields and two 50 c.c. cement tubes for test- ing cement and for use when the percentage of sediment to be measured is very small 12.00 2275c ARM, with two metal tube shields and two Goetz tubes for phosphorus determination with graduated tips 16.75 2275d GRADUATED TUBE. Length 4^ inches, outside diameter H inch, graduated to 10 c.c 45 2275e PLAIN TUBE, Ungraduated. Length of tube 4^ inches, outside diameter il inch 30 2275f ALUMINUM SHIELD, for carrying tubes Nos. 2275d and 2275e 10 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 97 2275g CENTRIFUGE, Electric. This Centrifuge has been constructed for a medium size laboratory and can be depended upon for continuous service. It is furnished with a balance wheel to insure stability and has a rheostat for gradually leading up to the maximum speed of 1800 revolutions per minute under load with two 15 c. c. tubes. Height, 9^". Rotating diameter, 11^". The under side of the balance wheel is provided with four fan blades which create a steady air current passing through the windings of the motor, thus preventing over- heating. Weight, packed for shipment, 16 Ibs. Price, complete with cord and plug $32.50 2275H CENTRIFUGE, Electric- Many laboratories require a Centrifuge having four tubes and we have therefore provided our No. 19 Centrifuge with a special head for carrying four 15 c. c. tubes. Owing to the construction of the motor the additional tubes do not interfere with the speed to any marked extent. Weight, packed for shipment, 17 pounds. Price, complete with cord and plug $35.00 When ordering, please specify current on which the centrifuge is to be used. ,?35j\ 2275J 2275J CENTRIFUGE, Water Motor- Aluminum shields, four feet pressure tubing and patent hose connection included with each apparatus. CENTRIFUGE, Single arm, one each plain and graduated 15 c.c. glass tubes. . . .$12.50 CENTRIFUGE, double arm, two plain and two graduated 15 c.c. glass tubes. . .. 15.00 CENTRIFUGE, single arm, one each plain and graduated 50 c.c. glass tubes.... 15.00 CENTRIFUGE, double arm, two plain and two graduated 50 c.c. glass tubes. . . . 20.00 98 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 2275k to 2275t 2275u to 2275y CENTRIFUGES, INTERNATIONAL MAKE These are High Power Electric Centrifuges mounted in a heavy bell shaped casting which furnishes at the same time a rigid base, a protective housing and a strong bearing for the motor. Ample provision is made for oiling. The lower end of the shaft of the motor runs on a ball step immersed in oil. A speed control rheostat is supplied with each centrifuge. The prices of the Centrifuges listed below do not include heads or equipment. Select the ones adapted to your needs from the list on the next page. 2275k CENTRIFUGE, Size I, Type A, 110 volts direct current, 2,400 to 3,000 r. p. m. Each, net $ 78.00 2275m CENTRIFUGE, Same, but for 220 volts, D. C. Each, net 81.50 2275n CENTRIFUGE, Size I, Type A, 110 volts alternating current, 2,000 to 3,000 r. p. m. Each, net 81.50 2275p CENTRIFUGE, Same, but for 220 volts A. C. Each, net 85.00 2275q CENTRIFUGE, Size I, Type B, 110 volts D. C., 3,000 to 4,000 r. p. m. Each, net 102.00 2275r CENTRIFUGE, Same, but for 220 volts D. C. Each, net 105.50 2275s CENTRIFUGE, Size I, Type B, 110 volts A. C., 3,000 to 3,600 r. p. m. Each, net 116.50 2275t CENTRIFUGE, Same, but for 220 volts A. C. Each.net 116.50 THE BABCOCK CENTRIFUGES listed below are supplied with trunnion buckets, speed control rheostat, but without glassware or heater 2275u CENTRIFUGE, Babcock, Size I, 110 volts D. C. Each $ 98.50 2275v CENTRIFUGE, Babcock, Size I, 220 volts D. C. Each 102.25 2275w CENTRIFUGE, Babcock, Size I, 110 volts A. C. Each 102.25 2275x CENTRIFUGE, Babcock, Size I, 220 volts A. C. Each 106.50 2275y CENTRIFUGE ELECTRIC HEATER for above. Each 14.50 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 99 50 c. c. and 15 c. c. Heads and Tubes EQUIPMENT FOR CENTRIFUGES Nos. 2275(k) to 2275(t) 2275-1 TWO-TUBE, 15 c. c. Head, and metal tubes. Net $ 3.60 2275-2 FOUR-TUBE, 15 c. c. Head and metal tubes. Net 8.40 2275-3 EIGHT-TUBE, 15 c. c. Head, and metal tubes. Net 14.50 2275-4 FOUR-TUBE, Combination Head, with two each metal tubes, 15 c. c., and 50 c. c. Net 8.40 2275-5 FOUR-TUBE, 50 c. c. Head, and metal tubes. Net 8.40 2275-6 EIGHT-TUBE, Combination Head, with four each metal tubes, 15 c. c., and 50 c. c. Net 15.75 2275-7 EIGHT-TUBE, 50 c. c. Head, and metal tubes. Net 14.50 2275-8 BOARD OF HEALTH HEAD, without tubes. Net 14.50 2275-9 GLASS TUBES, 15 c. c., plain. Per dozen, net, $1.76; per six dozen, net. 7.00 2275-10 GLASS TUBES, 15 c. c., graduated. Per half dozen, net 2.90 2275-11 RUBBER CULTURE CAPS, for 15 c. c. tubes. Per dozen, net 1.25 2275-12 BOARD OF HEALTH TUBES,. 2 c. c. Per hundred, net 5.75 2275-13 RUBBER STOPPERS, for Board of Health tubes. Per hundred, net 2.25 2275-14 BOARD OF HEALTH TUBES AND STOPPERS. Per set of 20, net. . 2.50 2275-15 GLASS TUBES, Lipped, 50 c. c. Per dozen, net, $1.98; per six dozen, net 7.25 We shall be pleased to quote on other sizes and styles of International Centrifuges. 2276 CHAMOIS SKINS, of best quality, according to size $0.25 to $1.00 CHLORIDE OF CALCIUM JARS, see Jars. CHLORIDE OF CALCIUM TUBES, see Tubes. 100 A, DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. CLAMPS 2284-2286 2288-2290-2292 2284 CLAMP, Chaddocks', for holding beakers. Small size for beakers Nos. to 2. Large size for beakers Nos. 2 to 4. . $0.30 .30 2285 CLAMP, Chaddocks', for holding evaporating dishes. Small size for dishes 3 to 4 inches 30 Medium size for dishes 4 to 6 inches 30 Large size for dishes 6 to 7 inches 30 2286 CLAMP, Chaddocks', for holding test tubes and necks of flasks 30 2288 CLAMP, Burette. The most popular burette clamp made. Jaws are made of stamped steel, japanned. With checknut to adjust to any angle 50 2290 CLAMP, Burette. Same as No. 2288, of polished brass 1.00 2292 CLAMP, Burette. Same as No. 2288, of brass, nickel plated 1.25 2294 2296 2294 CLAMP, Burette, with strong spring, closing the movable jaw $0.75 2296 CLAMP, Burette, small size, universal motion, for holding burettes or tubes in any position 75 2298 2300 2298 CLAMP, Burette, Hofmann's style, small, iron, with universal movement. . .$1.50 2300 CLAMP, Burette, Hofmann's Double, for two burettes or other tubes 2.50 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 101 2301 2301 CLAMP, Burette, for two Burettes, designed by Prof. Lincoln. Will fit any rod up to J^-inch diameter. Burettes are held perpendicu- lar and are easily removed; very convenient and rigid ....$0.75 2301a CLAMP, Burette, for two burettes. The jaws are rubber covered, and close by means of coiled springs 75 2301b 2301c 2301b CLAMP, Burette. Nickel plated, can be screwed into wall $0.40 2301c CLAMP, Burette. Nickel plated, for attaching to retort stands.. .50 2302 2303 2302 CLAMP, Burette, double, brass, for two burettes $2.00 2303 CLAMP, Burtte, Allihn's. For two burettes with coiled springs, closing the clamps automatically . 3.00 2304 2306 2307 PINCHCOCKS FOR RUBBER TUBING 2304 CLAMP, Pinchcock, Mohr's, for burettes, etc., strong spring. Size Small. Med. Large. Each $0.10 $0.15 $0.20 2306 CLAMP, Pinchcock, Screw, Bunsen's, for rubber tubing, with screw on each side $0.50 2307 CLAMP, Pinchcock, Lever Screw Compressors, nickel plated; in two sizes. Size Small. Large. Each r- $ 0>40 $0 . 75 102 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 2308 2310 2312 2313 2308 CLAMP, Hoffman's, improved, for rubber tubing, screw can not cut the tubing, nickel plated, a screw compressor. Small size for tubing up to J^-inch $0.20 Large size, for tubing up to 54-inch 25 2310 CLAMP, Pinchcock, screw compressors, of improved construction, can be placed upon tubing without disconnecting apparatus, small 25 Large size, each 30 2312 CLAMP, Pinchcock, screw compressors, new style, small, each 20 Large, each 25 2313 CLAMP, Tubing, Chaddock's Pinchcocks. One piece of brass spring wire, no solder. A clamp for rubber tubing that can be put on and off the tubing from the side. It allows the tubing to open fully and closes upon it with a lively spring. Nickel finish. Sizes Small Medium Large Extra Large Each $0.15 $0.20 $0.25 $0.35 2316 2317 2316 2317 CLAMP, or Test Tube Holder, Stoddard's, of spring wire, 4^ inches long.. $0.15 CLAMP, or Test Tube Holder, of spring wire, nickel plated, with improved finger rests, 5 inches long 25 2318 2319 2318 CLAMP, Test Tube, wooden, of improved construction $0.20 2319 CLAMP, Flask, for large tubes and flasks, of wood with spring 75 2320 2324-2326 CLAMP, Table of iron, to fasten apparatus to table. Size, inches . . . 2 2^ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Each $0.25 $0.30 $0.40 $0.50 $0.60 $0.80 $1.00 $1.30 $1.50 $1.80 2324 CLAMP, Universal, the jaws adapting themselves to irregular shapes $1.00 2326 CLAMP, Universal, large, for very large apparatus, condensers, etc 1.25 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 103 2327a 2327 CLAMP, Ostwald's Universal. Will take tubes up to 2 inches diameter $2.00 2327a " Bunsen's, for attaching to supports by means of clamp holder. The jaws are V shaped and rubber covered 50 2328 2328 CLAMP, Universal motion, large size, very strong for heavy tubes, jaws rubber covered $0.75 2330-2332 2334 2330 CLAMP HOLDER, for fastening clamps to rods of supports, small $0.25 2332 Large 40 2334 " " Universal 75 2336 2338 2338 CLAMPS FOR WATCH GLASSES 2336 CLAMPS, Watch Glass, brass, nickel plated, for two 2-inch glasses. " Watch Glass, Bunsen's form. Diameter, inches 2 2J^ Each $0.25 $0.35 CLOTH, Wire, see Gauze, Wire. COBALT GLASSES, see Plates, Glass. We are prepared to make on short notice any special Clamps, and Clampholders, which are required for special work. Price upon application. 104 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. COLORIMETRIC APPARATUS mm 2341a 2341b 2341c 2341d 2341f 2341J and k CARBON BATH. See Bath. 2341 CARBON DISSOLVING TUBES Test tube form. Size, inches 6x$/ 8 8x1 Per dozen $0.50 $1.00 $1.00 2341a COLOR COMPARING TUBES Eggertz', for the colorimetric estimation of carbon and manganese in steel. Capacity, c. c 25 30 50 50 100 Graduated to c. c. . , 1/10 1/10 1/5 1/10. 1/5 Per set of 2 $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00 $5.50 Per set of 4 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 2341b COLOR COMPARING TUBES, As above, but with ground in glass stoppers. Capacity, c. c 25 30 50 50 100 Graduated to c. c 1/10 1/10 1/5 1/10 1/5 Per set of 2 $4.50 $5.00 $5.50 $6.00 $6.50 2341c COLOR COMPARING TUBES, bent ends, designed by the late Mr. Frank Julian. By inclining the tubes the contents may be mixed without loss or necessity of placing a stopper in the tube, lower portion un- graduated. Grad. from c. c 5 to 25 5 to 30 10 to 50 10 to 50 10 to 70 Divided in c.c 1/10 1/10 1/5 1/10 1/1 Per set of 2. ... $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00 $5.50 Per set of 4 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 2341d COLOR COMPARING TUBES, Camp's, for determiuning manganese in steel, designed by Mr. J. M. Camp of Pittsburgh, Pa.,' per set $ 9.00 2341e COLOR COMPARING TUBES, test tube form, graduated to 1/10 c.c. Capacity, c. c 10 15 Each $0.75 $0.90 2341f HEHNER'S CYLINDERS. For the estimation of iron in water, consist- ing of two graduated glass tubes of same size and graduation, with stop-cocks and brass bases $12.00 2341h Same, without brass bases 7.50 2341J NESSLER'S JARS. For ammonia test, of clear colorless glass with polished bottoms. Graduated to c. c 50 100 50 & 100 50-100 & 150 Each .' $0.50 $0.60 $0.75 $1.00 2341k NESSLER'S JARS. Tall form, University of Illinois pattern, of clear color- less glass, with polished bottoms, with lip, 255 mm. high, graduated at 50 c. c. In sets of 12 to agree, per set $ 6.00 In sets of 6 to agree, per set 3.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 105 2345 COLOR COMPARATOR OR CAMERA. Improved form, so constructed that shadows can not be thrown upon the tubes. With blue and ground glass. A superior instrument $10.00 2345a COLOR COMPARATOR. Designed by Oswald Schreiner, of the Bureau of Soils, U. S. De- partment of Agriculture. This instrument is used by the United States Government, and elimi- nates the objectionable features of some other instruments. All working parts coming in con- tact with the sample or standard, are of glass. Broken parts can at any time be easily replaced. The instrument is fully described in the "Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol. XXVII, Sept. 9, 1905," and "Bulletin No. 31, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Bureau of Soils." Each, net $20.00 Extra graduated tubes for above, per pair, net 4.50 Extra plain tubes for above, per pair, net 1.00 2345a 2345C 2345b COLOR COMPARATOR. "Lovibond's Tintometer," an instrument by means of which the depth of color in liquids and solids can be accurately measured in degrees, placed in their position in a permanent color scale, and registered for reproduction at any time. It consists of a graded series of standards made of colored glasses numbered according to their depth of color, and an in- strument for holding the glasses and the object to be measured. Special pamphlet covering the instruments in every detail will be furnished upon request. No. 3a Set of Apparatus for Brewers, Maltsters, Sugar and Caramel Manufacturers, Wine and Spirit Merchants, including the improved optical instrument, box with stand and reflector, ^2-inch and i^g-inch silvered cells, filtering apparatus, and 20 standard glasses, series 52 and 50 $62.50 Extra apparatus for estimating the color of dry malt, 33 standard glasses, with trays, presser and standard white 29.00 No. 6a Set of Apparatus for Estimating the Color in Oils, Waxes, Lards and other Fats, Varnishes, Gelatine, etc., includ- ing the improved optical instrument, fitted with hot water ap- paratus for melting solids, with thermometer for taking their melting point, case, 1 in., y 2 in. and 54 i n - silvered cells, without Standard Glasses 67.50 No. 6b Set for Estimating the Color in Cotton Seed Oil, including the improved optical instrument, fitted with lamp and hot water apparatus for liquifying the oil and maintaining a given temperature, with 5 y$ in. cell and 36 Standard Glasses 95.00 Standard Colored Glasses, each 90 Standard Glasses, if ordered without apparatus and in even numbers, or out of sequence of the fractional intervals in sets. Each 1.35 COLOR COMPARATOR. Lovibond Tintometer. Simple Form, for for estimating the color in cotton seed oil, fitted with standard oil sample bottle and compound standard glass (yellow 35 4- red 7.1). Complete 10.00 Set of 24 Standard Glasses for above.. . 24.00 2345 106 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 2347 2347a 2347 COLORIMETER, Kennicott-Sargent. It is especially recommended on account of the rapidity of operation while maintain- ing the highest standard of efficiency possible with the color method. The standard and unknown solu- tions come in contact with glass only. The apparatus consists of a wooden camera which exhibits on a dark background the pictures of the sample and the stand- ard side by side in the form of two large round discs of color by means of light transmitted through the sample and standard by means of swinging mirrors. The body of the camera is of the correct shape and focal length, enabling the observer to place his face close to the mouth of the instrument whereby all side lights and distracting rays are eliminated. The glass parts consist of a tubular reservoir provided with a glass plunger. From the bottom of a graduated glass chamber there extends a glass tube connected with the bottom of the reservoir, also a corresponding tube for the unknown solution to be tested. The complete apparatus as illustrated $20.00 Extra graduated cylinders, each 2.00 Extra graduated cylinder with leveling system attached 4.00 2347a COLORIMETER, Kennicott-Sargent's, modified by Campbell- Hurley. In this colorimeter the method of comparing the colors is similar to that used in a half shade polariscppe, the field consisting of a circular disc of light divided vertically into two parts. The comparison tubes are those of the well-known Kennicott-Sargent instru- ment in which the unknown is placed in the left hand tube while the color is matched by raising or lower- ing the level of a standard solution in the right hand tube by means of a glass plunger working in the attached reservoir. A person looking through the eye piece observes a single field divided vertically by an almost im- perceptible line representing the contact point of the hemispheres of the two comparison tubes. Complete Prices of separate parts see No. 2347. 20.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 107 HESS-IVES TINT PHOTOMETER 2347b 2347e The Ives' Tint Photometer is an instrument for comparing different shades and hues of light colored materials or liquids with each other and with fixed standards, in order to differentiate and classify them, and give them numerical expression. It is adapted particularly, and far better than any other existing means or device, to tests of paper-pulps, different hues and grades of white and tinted paper, transparency of waxed and similar papers, color of oils and other liquids, qualities of flour as shown in prepared baked samples, white pigments in oil or turpentine, cottonseed meal, etc., etc. The Ives' Tint Photometer is used like a telescope, presenting to the eye a circular field with vertical hairline central division, one side of which is filled through a slit with light directly from a standard white magnesia block, while the other is filled through another slit with light from the sample to be compared, measured and given numerical expression. The slits are adjustable, with a reading-scale, and the light coming through them is spread evenly across the respective half fields by means of a patent revolving optical mixing-wheel between the slits and the field lens. Especial attention is called to the fact that personal color equation and even a marked degree of color blindness do not affect the readings obtained with the Tint Photometer. In order to assure definite and constant illumination of standard and sample a "daylight" lamp must be employed. For other special purposes, such as measuring the transparency of waxed and similar papers and substances, or light colored liquids in long tubes, special fronts are provided, at an additional cost of from $5 up. PRICES 2347b HESS-IVES TINT PHOTOMETER, complete as illustrated $175.00 2347c DAYLIGHT LAMP, as shown in 2347e 20.00 (State voltage when ordering.) 2347d CABINET, as shown in 2347e 60.00 2347e HESS-IVES TINT PHOTOMETER with daylight lamp and cabinet... 275.00 108 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. Iron in blood Iron in urine Cholesterin in blood Glucose in urine Indican in urine Sugar of milk in urine Sugar of milk in milk and many other tests 2348 Colorimeter according to DUBOSCQ. The application of this colorimeter is most uni- versal and it is found in use in medical, biological, commercial and industrial laboratories for tests or an extended variety, some of which are: Sugar factories, for measuring the decolorizing power of animal carbon. Steel works, for measuring combined carbon in steel. Dye works, for comparing coloring material. Wine growers, for comparing the coloration of cut wines. Distilleries, for examining the coloration of syrups, brandies, etc. Other commercial laboratories, for testing mineral oils or any substance permitting a comparison of color or intensity. Medical and biological laboratories, for the following tests: Hemoglobin in blood Sugar in blood Phenolsulphonephtalein Uric acid in blood Uric acid in urine Creatin in blood Creatin in urine Creatinin in blood Creatinin in urine Metereological observatories, for measuring the am- moniacal nitrogen in the air. Water laboratories, for Ammonia test in water Nitric acid test in water Sulfuretted Hydrogen test in Lead test in water water Nitrous acid test in water Chlorine test in water Iron test in water "Duboscq" Colorimeter with glass cylinders 10 cm. high, complete $120.00 Extra Parts: Glass cylinder, 10 cm. high 3.50 Glass plunger, 10 cm. high . . 7.50 2348 2348A Nephelometer Attachment for the "Duboscq-Leitz" Colorimeter, con-" sisting of: 1 Light-proof housing "S," enclosing the light and illuminating lenses. 1 Light-proof housing "T," enclosing the nephelom- eter attachments. 1 Curtain "U" to prevent the entering of light from the rear of the instrument. Complete $42.00 2348B Ditto, but adjusted to suit the original "Duboscq" Colorimeter with 10 cm. tubes, of which the glass cylinders move by rack and pinion. Complete 48.00 2348C Colorimeter Petroleum. For determining color of Engine, Machinery and Cylinder Oils according to The National Petroleum Association Standards, by comparison with standard color glasses as follows: ~A Cylinder Oil, Extra Light Filtered D Cylinder Oil, Light Filtered E Cylinder Oil, Medium Filtered G Lily White N. P.'A. No. 1 H Cream White. .N. P. A. No. l f / 2 I Extra Pale N. P. A. No. 2 J Extra Lemon Pale C Lemon Pale N. P. A. No. 3 L Extra Orange Pale M Orange Pale. . . N. P. A. No. 4 N Pale O Light Red N. P. A. No. 5 P Dark Red N. P. A. No. 6 O Claret Red METHOD OF DETERMINING Lubricating Oils. The color of Lubricating Oils is determined by placing a 4-oz. bottle of oil under examination in one of the circular compartments of the instrument. In he opposite compartment place a l-oz. bottle of Water White Gaso- line or Distilled Water. Then place one of the standard glasses in the slot, and close the slide. The instru- ment should be taken to a window, where the observer, looking through, can compare the color of the oil with the standard glass. Filtered Cylinder Oils. To determine the color of Filtered Cylinder Oils they must first be mixed with Water White Gasoline in the proportions of 15% Oil and 85% Gasoline. Then proceed as described for determining color of Neutral Oils. 2 Metal screw caps "M," to hold the test tubes 2 Glass Test Tubes "N." 2 Screw Sockets "O," to hold metal cups 2 Metal Cups "P." 1 Source of light "Q" with illuminating lenses. R, R. 2348C LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 109 2349 2349 COMBUSTION APPARATUS, Vanier's, Electrical, for the direct combus- tion of carbon in steel, with special glass parts designed by Mr. Geo. P. Vanier of the Pennsylvania Steel Co. A. The Electrical Furnace, Hoskins Type, for either 110 or 220 volts direct or alternating currents, for temperatures not to exceed 1,000 C. The energy consumed is 6 am- peres for 110 volts. The tube chamber is 12 inches long and 1% inches in diameter. Other sizes can be supplied to order. Complete with a six foot connection cord and with plug for ordinary Edison lamp socket ............................. $25.00 IN ORDERING, STATE VOLTAGE DESIRED Rheostat for above ........................................ 8.50 Repair Parts for furnace: Alundum tube ......................................... 2.10 Alundum tube, wound with wire ........................ 7.00 B. Ordinary Potash Bulb ................................... 75 C. Glass Stoppered Calc. Chloride Tube, 4 inches long ...... 2.00 D. Quartz Combustion Tube, 24x% inch .................... 5.00 E. Special Zinc Tube ....................................... 75 F. Vanier's Sulphuric Acid Bulb ........................... 1.25 G. Vanier's Combined Potash Bulb and Drying Tube (Patented) .............. ............................. 10.00 H. The complete Combustion Apparatus, as illustrated, with furnace and Rheostat, supports, clamps, rods, beakers, tubing, etc., but without oxygen tank ................... 50.00 r.o O>YGEN 2349-1 2349-1 COMBUSTION APPARATUS, Fleming, complete as illustrated, with Hoskins Type FD 302 Electric Combustion Furnace, rub- ber stoppers, glass and rubber connections; without oxygen tank and pressure gauge $25.00 Rheostat for regulating temperature of furnace 8.50 When ordering state voltage of current available. Separate Parts: K. Mercury Pressure Gauge 1.75 P. Washing Bottle 1.25 T. Calcium Chloride Jar 1.25 G. Mercury Valve 75 S. Silica Tube 30 inches long, % inch inside diameter 5.75 F. Hoskins' Electric Combustion Furnace, Type FD-302... 25.00 Z. Zinc Jar 75 C. Stopcock 1.50 O. Phosphoric Anhydride Jar 2.50 W. Fleming Absorption Tube 5.00 Pi. Washing Bottle 1.25 110 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 2349-2 2349-2 COMBUSTION APPARATUS, Johnson's, Electrical, for the determina- tion of carbon in iron, steel, ferro alloys and plumbago. Designed by Mr. C. M. Johnson of the Park Steel Works of the Crucible Steel Co. of America. A. The Electrical Furnace, Hoskins' Type F. D. 302, for either 110 or 220 volts direct or alternating current, for temperatures not to exceed 1000 C. The energy con- sumed is 6 amperes for 110 volts. The tube chamber is 12 inches long and 1% inch in diameter. Complete, with a six foot connecting cord and with plug for ordi- nary Edison lamp socket $25.00 IN ORDERING, STATE VOLTAGE AVAILABLE Rheostat for above 8.50 Repair parts for furnace: Alundum tube 2.10 Alundum tube, wound with wire 7.00 B. Jar, for Potassium Hydroxide, stick form, or for any solid dryer or absorbent 1.00 C. Jar for Potassium Hydroxide Solution 1.50 D. Calcium Chloride Jar 2.00 E. Soda Lime Jar 2.00 F. Mercury Safety Valve 75 G. Mercury Pressure Indicator, for detection of leaks.... 1.00 H. Jar for Granular Zinc 80 I. Jar for Phosphoric Anhydride 75 J. Absorbing and weighing Apparatus for COa 1.50 K. Quartz Combustion Tube, 24x$4 inch 5.00 The complete Combustion Apparatus, as illustrated, with Rheostat, but without oxygen tank 55.00 "Rapid Methods for the Chemical Analysis of Special Steels. Steel making alloys and Graphite" by C. M. Johnson, describing the above determination 3.00 2351 2351a 2351 COMBUSTION CAPSULES, porcelain. Diameter, mm 40 50 Height, mm 22 30 Each $0.20 $0.25 2351a COMBUSTION CAPSULES, Fused Silica, especially adapted for ash determina- tions, ignitions, etc. Diameter, inches 1^ 1J4 2 2^ Each $0.60 $0.60 $0.90 $1.00 COMBUSTION BOATS, see Boats. COMBUSTION Furnaces, see Furnaces. COMBUSTION Tubes, see Tubes. LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS CONDENSERS 2352 2353 2356 2358 2360 In ordering glass condensers please state whether the side tubes are desired both on one side, or on opposite sides of the water jacket. 2352 CONDENSER, Allihn's, all glass. Size, inches 8 10 12 15 20 25 Each $1.20 $1.35 $1.50 $1.75 $2.25 $2.75 2353 CONDENSER, Hallock's, of copper with block tin coil, 14J^ inches long, 4 inches diameter, with 2 rods for attaching to support. . .$7.50 2356 CONDENSER, Ball form, copper nickel plated, each 5.00 2358 CONDENSER, Hopkins'. After design by Prof. C. G. Hopkins. Made entirely of glass, and consists of a thin glass water tube, 25 mm. outside diameter and 250 mm. long, provided with inlet and outlet tubes, the former reaching to near the bottom of the water tube. The water tube is sealed into a stronger outer tube having side neck and its lower end ground to point. In use the outer tube is not cooled to a temperature at which atmospheric moisture will condense upon it, wherein lies the chief advantage of this condenser over ordinary forms in fat extraction with anhydrous ether. May also be used for ordinary distilla- tion by passing the vapor through the side tube. Total length, 350 mm. Each 2.50 2360 CONDENSER, Kennicott's, all glass, specially designed for water analysis and adapted for use with a 32 oz. retort. Used by Chi- cago Health Department 3.00 2362 2364 2362 CONDENSER, Liebig's, of glass, with rubber connection, with adapter sealed on to condensing tube if desired. Length of glass body, inches. 10 12 15 20 24 30 Each $0.85 $1.00 $1.10 $1.25 $1.90 $2.00 2364 CONDENSER, Liebig's, made entirely of glass, with the condensing tube sealed in the glass jacket. Length of glass body, inches 8 10 12 15 20 Each $0.70 $0.90 $1.10 $1.25 $1.90 Our Glass Blowing Department is equipped to make special types of all Glass (plain, spiral and Bulb) condensers, as well as all types of distillation and extraction tubes and flasks. Also all apparatus requiring graduations, grindings, etc. 112 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 2365 2366 2365 CONDENSER, Liebig's, but with adapter fused to condenser tube. Length of jacket, inches 10 12 15 20 Each $1.10 1.30 1.50 2.20 2366 CONDENSER, Liebig's, made entirely of glass, but with the condensing tube in the form, of a coil sealed into the water jacket. Length of glass body, inches. 8 10 12 15 20 25 Each $2.00 2.25 2.50 3.00 3.75 4.50 2367 2367 CONDENSER, Brass Jacket, fitted with glass condensing tube and rubber stopper. Length of jacket, inches 15 20 27 30 Each $3.75 4.25 4.75 5.50 2372 2376 2372 CONDENSER, Sulphurous acid, with two stopcocks in vertical limbs, each. $4.50 2376 CONDENSER, Sulphurous acid, with two stopcocks in horizontal limbs, each 4..50 2377 2377a 2378 2380 2377 CONDENSER for Extraction Apparatus, Underwriters' Laboratories type. For the determination of extractable constituents of rubber insula- tion on wire, etc. 2377a CONDENSER, Wiley's, of copper, nickel plated, well tinned inside. 2378 CONDENSER, Worm Condenser inside a cylindrical glass water jacket. Size Pint. Quart. y 2 Gal. Each : $2.50 3.50 5.00 2380 CONDENSER, Worm Condenser, heavy block tin worm inside a zinc water jacket. Capacity of still, gallons y 2 1 2 3 5 Each $3.00 4.00 4.50 5.00 6.00 - CONDENSER TUBES, see Tubes. LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 113 2384 CONES of Platinum, see under Platinum. 2384 CORKS, XX quality, regular length. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 Dia. large end, in ft Yz ft Y% \k 24 il 7 A & 1 1ft 1/4 Per gross $0.20 .20 .25 .30 .40 .45 .55 .70 .80 1.00 1.10 1.20 No 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 24 26 Dia. large end, in... 1ft 1^4 1ft 1 3 A 1ft l/^ 1ft lH 124 1 7 A 2 Per gross $1.30 1.40 1.60 1.90 2.20 2.50 2.70 3.00 3.50 4.20 4.50 2386 CORKS, XXX quality, regular length, cut from selected wood. No 1 Dia. large end, inches... ft Per gross $0.35 No - 11 Diam. large end, inches., l-fa 2 3 4 5 6 T/Z ft ft 24 .38 .40 .45 .60 .70 12 13 14 15 16 1/4 1ft 154 1ft I2i 8 9 10 .85 1.00 1.20 1.50 17 18 19 20 1ft If* 2388 Per gross $1.60 1.70 1.90 2.10 2.40 3.00 3.40 3.70 4.00 4.60 CORKS, XX quality, short length, for wide mouth bottles, diameter same as above. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Per gross $0.18 .18 .20 .24 .30 .35 .45 .50 .60 .80 .901.00 No 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 24 26 Per gross $1.15 1.25 1.40 1.50 1.70 1.90 2.00 2.30 2.70 3.00 3.80 2392 CORKS, Flat, so-called specie corks, y 2 to 54-inch long. Diameter, large end, inches. .. 2 2^ 2J4 %H 2 1 A % 5 A 224 % 7 A 3 Per dozen $0.15 .18 .20 .25 .25 .30 .30 .35 .40 Diameter, large end, inches 3J4 % 1 A 324 4 4J4 5 5J4 6 Per dozen $0.50 .60 .70 .901.201.501.802.25 2393 CORK BORING MACHINE. For attaching to table. For boring holes of various sizes in corks and rubber stoppers. Complete with set of eight borers and special device for holding same when not in use $15.00 114 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 2395 2395 CORK BORERS. Of hard drawn brass tubing, nicely finished, each borer is supplied with a handle. In sets of.. 3 6 9 12 15 Sizes from 1 to 3 1 to 6 1 to 9 1 to 12 1 to 15 Per set $1.00 2.00 3.00 4.50 6.00 2396 2396 CORK BORERS, of polished brass, mandrel-drawn tubing. In sets of Ito3 1 to 6 1 to 9 1 to 12 1 to 15 Per set $0.90 1.75 2.75 4.25 5.75 2398 2400 2398 CORK BORER SHARPENER, a metal cone with a steel knife '. . .$1.50 CORK FILES, see Files. 2400 CORK KNIFE . .25 2404 2408 2404 CORK PRESS, improved wheel form. Small, $1.00; large $1.50 2408 CORKSCREW, with wooden handle 25 COVER GLASSES for Microscopical Preparations, see Glass Covers. Our Industrial Chemical Department is in a position to furnish HEAVY CHEMICALS in quantities from 1 oz. to Carloads. We specialize in Caustic Soda, Soda Ash, Caustic Potash, Benzol, Toluol and Coal Tar Products. LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 115 CRUCIBLES 2412 2412 CRUCIBLES, Annealing Cups, for gold. No .................................. Size, inches ......................... IMjxl Per dozen ......................... $1.25 Covers, dozen ...................... .30 $1.50 .40 $1.80 .50 2420 2420 CRUCIBLES, Black Lead, genuine Dixon's. No .............. 02-03-0 Height, in ........ 22-^2^ Diani., in ......... V/ 2 1% 4-0 3 .60 .60 .75 Each ............. $0.60 Covers, each No ............. 7 8 10 12 14 16 Height, in ...... 6^4 7% 8 8 8^' 8?4 Diam., in ........ 5^ 5% 6 6% &V 4 7 Each ...... .- ____ $1.95 2.10 2.40 2.50 3.00 3.40 3.75 Covers, each ..... 75 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 .90 No ............ 45 40 Height, in ..... 11% 12^ Diam., in ...... 9# 9J4 Each ......... $7.4") 8.40 Covers, each . . . 2.00 2.40 1 2 3 4 5 6 3% 4^ 5% 5S/& 6 6^ 3^ 3^ 4% 4^ 4% 5% .90 1.05 1.20 1.35 1.65 1.80 40 .40 .40 .40 .40 45 13 18 9} 70 20 25 .60 30 11 7% 88^ 4.20 5.25 6.25 1.20 1.50 1.50 80. 90 100 15^ 15^ 16 50 60 13^ 14 9^ 10^ 10^ 10% 9.45 10.50 12.50 13.70 16.80 18.90 21.00 2.70 3.00 3.50 4.20 4.75 5.40 6.00 2421 116 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 2421 2424-2428 CRUCIBLES, Clay. These crucibles are niade in both hard and soft burn. Capacity, grm 5 10 12 15 Height, inches 2$g 3 &A 3 T / 2 Dia. at top, inches.. 2$i % 5 A ^ % 7 /& Per 100 $2.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 Covers for above. Per 100 L $2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25, 20 30 35 40 3 4.00 3/2 6.00 6.00 8.00 3.50 4.00 4.00 5.00 2424 CRUCIBLES, American made. High form; for gasoline or open furnace work. 2428 Dixon's Assay (Sand) Crucibles ^ Height Diam. No. A B C D E F G H J K L M N O P Q Inches 2% 4% 5 5% 5% 8 * 8% 9% 10 11 12 I J K L N O Q 6 654 7J4 8 9J4 10 13 4 434 4^ 5^4 6^ 7^ 9 Per 100 . .". . $3.50 5.50 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 15.00 30.00 50.00 60.00 150.00 Covers for above. 3.50 4.00 5.00 5.50 6.00 8.75 8.75 Covers for Dixon's Assay (Sand) Crucibles Number ...Dor 6 E Height, in.. 4 4^ 5 Dia. at top. . 2}4 33^ Per 100 $2.25 Inches Per 100 Per Doz. 1% $ 2.75 $ 0.40 1 % 3.25 .50 2% 3.5O .60 2% 4.0O .70 2% 6.00 .80 3 6.50 .90 3% 8.5O 1.35 3% 15.OO 2.00 4% 2O.OO 2.5O 4% 22.00 3.OO 5% 32.OO 4.20 5% 4O.OO 5.40 ey 2 55.OO 7.20 7 SO. 00 1O.2O 7% 110.00 14.2O 8% 175.0O 22.00 F. O. B. New York Bach $0.10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .15 .20 .25 .30 .40 .50 .65 .90 1.25 2.0O Size A B C D E F G H J K L, M N O P Q Per 100 2.50 3.00 3.25 3.5O 4.0O 5.0O 6.00 7.0O 7.50 10.00 10.5O 11.00 12.OO 1I5.OO 14.00 15.00 F. O. B. Per Doz. SfSO.50 .50 .50 . .50 .60 .70 .80 1.00 1.1O 1.4O 1.50 1.8O 2.20 2.5O 2.70 3.0O New York Each $0.05 .05 .05 .05 .08 .10 .10 .12 .12 .15 " .16 .18 .20 .25 .30 .35 2429 2429a 2429 CRUCIBLES, Alundum Melting, most refractory, well adapted to experimental electric furnace work, however, not suitable for use where slags are encountered, on account of their absorbent nature. No ...... * ............. 5922 6820 5144 5923 Diameter, inches ................. VA ^A 3 lH Height, inches . . . : ............... 2 2$/s &A 3*4 Each . ........................... $0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 2429a CRUCIBLES, Hessian Sand, triangular, in nests. No. in Nest ........................................ Height of largest, inches ............................ 4 Width on top, inches ............. . ................. Nest ...... . ...................................... $- 30 6608 2.00 4 J/z $- 50 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 117 2430-2448 2440 2442 2444 2430 CRUCIBLES, Copper, with covers. Capacity, cc ....... ............ 30 50 100 200 500 Diameter, inches .............. lH *M % 3 A 3 4 Height, inches . .' .............. ' 1& 2 2^ 3^$ 3f Each .......................... $0.60 .70 .90 1.20 2.00 2440 CRUCIBLES, Gooch Form, glazed throughout except outside bottom surface. Perforations about y z mm. in diameter, without covers. No ............................... , ..... 2 2a 3 4 Capacity, cc ............................ 10 20 25 35 Diameter at top, mm . .................. 27 33 35 40 Diameter at bottom, mm ............... 18 20 22 25 Height, mm ............................ 30 33 40 43 Each ................................... $0.30 .35 .40 .45 CRUCIBLES, Cast iron, with covers. Capacity, pints Each 2444 CRUCIBLES, Light Sheet Iron, with covers. Capacity, cc Diameter, inches . . Height, inches Each 2448 CRUCIBLES, Nickel, with covers. Diameter, mm .............. 35 Height, mm ................ 32 Capacity, cc ................ 20 Each ....................... $0.60 2448a CRUCIBLES, As above, without covers. Each ..... , ................. $0.40 l / 2 1 2 4 8 $2.00 2.25 2.50 3.00 4.50 20 30 50 100 200 400 V/ 2 lY 4 2 2^ 3J4 3# 1# 1& l^g 22^ 3 $0.20 .25 .30 .35 .40 .70 40 45 50 60 80 100 35 40 45 55 70 85 30 50 75 100 250 500 .70 .8$ 1.00 1.20 2.00 3.00 .45 .50 .65 .80 1.60 2,50 2449 2451 2451a 2449 CRUCIBLES, Nickel, Kawin's, made of heavy pure nickel, and used in a muffle for burning off filter paper in silicon determinations in iron, 28 mm. diameter by 15 mm. high. Per dozen $3.00 Each 30 2451 CRUCIBLES, Gooch, \vith two holes for suspending in Extraction Appa- ratus. Size number 3; diameter rim 35 mm.; capacity 25 cc. Each * 50 2451a CRUCIBLES, Caldwell's Form, Coors Porcelain, with removable perforated plate to fit m bottom. Size No. 4; capacity 25cc. Without cover 60 2451b COVER only for No. 2451a >10 2451C PERFORATED DISC only for No. 2451a .25 CRUCIBLES, Platinum. See under Platinum. 118 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 2452 2452 CRUCIBLES, Rose's, of unglazed porcelain, with perforated cover and delivery tube. Complete Capacity, cc 15 30 60 Each , $1.00 1.25 1.50 2452a COVERS only of No. 2452. For crucible of capacity, cc 15 30 60 Each $0.10 .15 .20 2452b CRUCIBLES only of No. 2452. Capacity, cc 15 30 60 Each $0.20 .30 .40 2452c DELIVERY TUBE only, with flange, of No. 2452. For crucible of capacity, cc 15 30 60 Each $0.70 .80 .90 2453 CRUCIBLES, Gooch, for Bitumen in Asphalt, Coors Porcelain, with 'large filtering surface. Height, 24 mm.; width at top, 45 mm.; width at bottom, 35 mm $0.50 2455 2457 2455 CRUCIBLES, Coors Porcelain, high form, glazed throughout, without covers. No 000 00 1 2 3 4 Capacity, cc 5 10 15 30 57 95 155 Diameter at top, mm.. 26 30 35 41 52 62 72 Height, mm 19 25 27 35 43 50 59 Each $0.09 .12 .15 .24 .30 .35 .45 2455a COVERS for Crucibles No. 2455. No 000 00 1 2 3 4 Diameter, mm 32 35 42 47 59 73 81 Each $0.05 .05 .05 .07 .09 .12 .12 5 280 87 72 .55 5 95 .15 2457 CRUCIBLES, Coors Porcelain, wide form, glazed throughout, without covers. No 000 00 1 2 3 4 Capacity, cc 8 12 17 30 50 90 145 Diameter at top, mm.. . 32 37 41 46 56 67 81 Height, mm 19 21 25 29 36 44 52 Each $0.12 .15 .18 .25 .34 .43 .50 2457a COVERS for Crucibles No. 2457. No 000 00 1 2 3 4 Diameter, mm 39 44 47 52 65 76 88 Each $0.05 .05 .07 .07 .08 .12 .15 5 265 96 65 .62 5 107 .18 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 119 2459 2459b 2459 CRUCIBLES, Alundum, for high temperature work, especially suited to coal analysis drying of materials, igniting of niters and other general laboratory work. No 5202 5203 7040 Diameter, inches 1/4 l?i 154 Height, inches lA lM I 1 /* Capacity, cc 20 40 25 Each $0.30 .35 .35 2459a CRUCIBLES, Covers for above. Each $0.30 .35 .35 2459b CRUCIBLES, Alundum, Porous, for filtering, especially adapted to routine lab- oratory work where suction is available, because of the rapidity with which filterations can be made. They will hold the finest precipitates and may be cleansed by heating over a Bunsen burner. No 5204 5205 Diameter, inches 1^1$ 1$4 Height, inches 1^ lii Capacity, cc 25 35 Each $0.30 .35 Above are supplied in three degrees of porosity, RA.84 dense; RA360 medium; RA98 porous. If no degree of porosity is specified, RA98 will be sent. 2459C 2459a . 2459c CRUCIBLES, Fused Silica, low form, unaffected by sudden and extreme changes of temperature, not attacked bj acids except hydrofluoric. No 1 2 3 Diameter, about mm 41 47 57 67 Height, about mm 25 28 37 45 Each $0.60 .75 .90 1.25 2459d CRUCIBLE COVERS, Fused Silica, for above. Each $0.50 .60 .75 .90 2459e CRUCIBLES, Fused Silica, tall style, shape of platinum crucibles. No 4 5 6 Diameter, about mm 50 35 43 Height, about mm 50 35 38 Each $1.25 $1.25 $1.25 2459f CRUCIBLE COVERS, Fused Silica, for above. Each $0.60 .60 .60 2460 CRUCIBLES, Silver, pure silver, with covers. Capacity, cc 20 30 50 75 100 150 Approx. weight, grams 35 45 60 80 100 150 Each $3.25 3.75 5.25 7.00 8.50 12.00 120 A. DA1GGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 2462 2465 2462 CRUCIBLES, Skidmore's Crucible and Retort combined. This is a new design of spun iron crucible for the individual use of the laboratory student or for general experimenting. It may be used equally well as an open crucible, a closed crucible, or a retort; and being of thin metal, is easily brought to a red heat in the flame of an ordinary burner. Each $1.50 2462(a) CRUCIBLES, Extra bowls for same, each 50 2464 CRUCIBLES, Large 2.50 2465 CRUCIBLES, Pennock and Martin's, made of pure sheet nickel, with lid perforated with small hole for insertion of igniting wire, for th'e rapid and accurate determination of sulphur in coke and coal. Capacity 40 cc., size l l /2 inches diameter, 1^4 inches high 3.50 2465a 2465b 2465a CRUCIBLE HOLDER, Sargent's, for filtering crucibles. The simplest apparatus for the purpose on the mar- ket. It is of special value where the unob- structed use of the entire sides and bottoms of porous filters is desired, as it grasps only about one-eighth of an inch of the upper rim of the crucible. Can be instantly installed or removed for cleaning. Will fit any ordinary sixty degree funnel. Can be used with any crucible on the 2465c market, such as Gooch, Caldwell or porous Alundum styles. Made of one piece of soft rub- ber in three sizes only. Size No 1 2 3 For crucibles, top diam. mm 27 35 40 Each $0.30 .35 .40 2465b CRUCIBLE HOLDER, Sargent's, replaceable flange type. Has all the good points of No. 2465(a) and in addition has the advantage of greater ease of manipulation as well as provision for the easy replacement of the soft flanges when desired. Made of hard rubber with pure gum flanges. Can be made to order in any size. Size No 1 2 3 For Crucibles, top diameter, mm 27 35 40 Each $1.50 1.50 1.50 2465c CRUCIBLE HOLDER, Celeritas. For quick and easy manipulation this Gooch Crucible Holder cannot be equalled. Hot acid solu- tions can be filtered without danger of contamination, as the rubber plug is completely lined inside with a bell-shaped g-lass covering. The taper of the plug is so designed as to fit flasks of various sized necks. One complete holder will take the place of the usual carbon tube, rubber stopper and tubing. Each, complete, but without crucible $0.50 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 121 CRUSHERS Ready for use. Opened for cleaning. 2466 NO. 1 OR SMALL CASE CRUSHER, HAND AND POWER 2466 CRUSHER, Case. The Case Improved Laboratory Crusher is designed to meet the constantly increasing demand for a strong Laboratory Ore Crusher with greater capacity than any other similar Crusher. We unhesitatingly recommend it as being the strongest, fastest and best Laboratory Crusher ever built. The above cuts represent in detail the Combination Hand and Power Machine, which has the essential features of strength and speed, and, at the same time, requires the least power of any Crusher, for work accomplished, on the market. This Crusher is the most easily cleaned Crusher manufactured. It can be so thor- oughly cleaned that there is no possibility of salting. The simple turning of a large hand nut loosens the stationary jaw, which may be removed and brushed off. This large hand nut serves a double purpose it is sufficiently large so that it gives great leverage and the jaw does not work loose when the Crusher is in motion. The movable jaw is provided with loop handle cast on top, by which the jaw is lifted out of the socket for cleaning. Another special feature with reference to the jaws is that both are pivoted from a center, so that when one end becomes worn it may be reversed and you receive double wear from the Crusher plates. The Case Crusher is shipped with three replaceable shims or liners which fit be- tween the stationary jaw and the Crusher frame. By inserting these shims, your prod- uct may be ground to any fineness. This machine is lubricated by means of grease cups in place of the old method of using oil, which means that it will run for days with very little attention. The capacity of the Crusher of this character depends on the nature of the product to be crushed. This machine will take rock or soft substances 2 l / 2 " in diameter re- ducing so that same will pass through a 10 mesh sieve or finer at the rate of from 50 to 150 pounds per hour. The shaft is 1^2" in diameter, driven by a 9" pulley with a 2^4" face, at from 450 to 500 revolutions per minute, and requires 1 H. P. for general use. Opening of jaws, All parts of this machine are made on jigs in exact duplicate, consequently replace- ments can be had at minimum expense. In other words, the Case Crusher is a thor- oughly standardized machine. Floor or bench space required for small size: 14j4"x21". Net weight: 140 Ibs. Shipping weight: 165 Ibs. Kindly compare all of the above good Crusher features when in the market for a Crusher and make no mistake. Price, f. o. b. Factory ........ . ............................................. $50.00 While it is impossible to list all types of Jaw Crushers, Grinders, etc., in the limited space allotted to these machines, we are listing the representative ones for Crushing, Grinding and Pulverizing. We can furnish any special or ordinary type of Crusher or Grinder of various capacities, either hand or power driven. A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 2467 LARGE SIZE LABORATORY CRUSHER, POWER ONLY 2467 CRUSHER, Case, large size for power only. In construction, it is an exact duplicate of the smaller Crusher, having all the essential fea- tures, but is designed for greater capacity and heavier work for such samples as are required by large mills and smelters. This machine, like the smaller, is easily cleaned by removing the stationary jaw and lifting the movable jaw by handle cast at the top for this purpose. For machine of this size, we recommend a 2-horse power motor and a speed of 400 revolu- tions per minute. The shaft is lli inches, driven by a 14 inch diameter pulley with 4 inch face. Loose pulley made slightly smaller so as to take strain off the Crusher bearing and shafting when not in use. The Crusher jaws are 10^4x4^ inch face. Jaw opening: 3J4x4j4 inch. Floor space: 27x28 inch. Net weight, 540 Ibs. Shipping weight: 660 Ibs. Price, f. o. b. Factory. . . $100.00 2468 2468 CRUSHER Plate and Rubber, so-called Bucking Board, of chilled iron, for quickly reducing ores to a fine powder. Improved pattern, with plate 18x24 inches, and a muller either 8x4 inches or 8x7 inches, as desired. Without the wooden bench 10.00 2470 CRUSHER Plate and Rubber, as above, 84x36 inches 15.00 2472 CRUSHER Extra large size rubber, weighing about 70 Ibs. for above plates 4.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 123 2474 2474 CRUSHERS, Taylor's Hand Crusher, a low priced machine, substantially made, for reducing ore, coal, etc., to a fine powder. The jaws are 3 inches wide and open at the top 1^4 inches. Forty pounds of the hardest rock may be crushed in one hour, 20 per cent of this will pass a 60-mesh sieve. By tightening the adjustment and crushing again, it will all pass a 60-mesh or finer sieve. Weight, 100 pounds, packed for shipment $18.00 2475 THE CASE IMPROVED PULVERIZER Open for Cleaning 2475 PULVERIZER, Case. Capacity The capacity of the Case Grinder depends on the hardness of the ore and the size of the ore fed through the Hopper and the fineness to which it is ground. In actual tests, we find the machine capable of grinding 8 ounces of quartz, 92% of which passed through an 80-mesh sieve, in 10 seconds; 5 pounds sulphide ore in zy 2 minutes, 84% of which passed through a 120-mesh sieve. Adjustment Ore may be ground to any degree of fine- ness desired, from 60 to 150 mesh by a very simple ad- justment, consisting of a hand screw, which is fastened to the rear bearing and acts on the shaft, controlling the distance between the stationary and revolving disc. We recommend a speed of 1,000 r. p. m., which requires about 3 h. p. Shipping weight, 400 pounds. Floor space, 20 in. x 44 in. Price, f. o. b. Factory $150.00 Extra Special Metal Discs, per set 12.00 124 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 2476 2476 CRUSHER, Weatherhead's Patent. Crusher and Pulverizer combined. Quickly reduces ores, pig iron, rock, clay, coal, etc., to fine powder. Readily cleaned. Discharges material as soon as pulverized. Working surfaces chilled. The. cover is made so that it may be used as a small hand mortar, the end of the handles being rounded in form of a pestle. One pound of pig^ iron at first operation can be reduced in 12 minutes to pass through sieves from No. 80 to 140, one pound glass in 7 % minutes $25.00 2477 2477 CRUSHER, Chipmunk, Improved. This crusher is made either for hand or power, has a capacity of from 300 to 400 pounds per hour with 400 revolutions per minute. Jaws are 6x3 inches, with an opening of 1^4 inches. The feed and discharge of this crusher is such as to recommend it for the crushing of all material and especially coal, which is difficultly discharged from other crushers. Net weight, 136 pounds, shipping weight, 180 Ibs. For Hand and Power, f. o. b. Factory $ 50.00 2477a CRUSHER. As above for Power T. and L. Pulleys, f. o. b. Factory 60.00 247'7b CRUSHER, Chipmunk Improved, large size. Capacity 1,000 to 1,500 pounds per hour with tight and loose pulleys for power, f. o. b. Factory 135.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 125 2480 2478 2482 2478 CRYOPHORUS, Weinhold's form $1.50 2480 CRYOPHORUS. Wollaston's 1.00 2482 CUPS, Miners', of agate ware. Diameter, inches 5 6 Each $0.60 $0.75 2484 2485 2484 CUPELS, Of bone ash, best quality, securely packed in boxes of six dozen. Diameter on top, inches ............ . . 1 To absorb about, grams .............. 10 Per dozen, in boxes of six dozen ...... $0.25 2484a CUPELS, Dixon's "Wonder." Diameter, inches ...................... 1 Price, per hundred .................. $2,00 20 $0.30 30 $0.40 50 $0.65 $2.50 $3.00 $3.50 75 $1.00 2 4.00 2485 CUPELS, Trays, with detachable handle, for 16 cupels ............... ____ . 1.00 2486 2488 2490 2486 CUPEL Machine, Calkins' Automatic. For 1*4, IJ^ or 1^ inch cupels. Makes 600 cupels of uniform size, shape and density per hour. Price, with one size disc and die $50.00 Extra disc and die, for any one size 15.00 2488 CUPEL Machine, Calkins' Hand Feed. Table machine, making as perfect a cupel as the automatic machine. Price, with one size mould and die 30.00 Extra mould and die, for any one size 5.50 2490 CUPEL Moulds, Brass. Size, inches 1J4 1^ Each $2.50 $2.75 126 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 2492-2494 2499 CUPEL Rake, iron, 24 inches long $1.00 2494 CUPEL Shovel, iron, 24 inches long 1.00 CUPEL Tongs. See Tongs. CYLINDERS 2496 2500 2502 2504 2506 2508 CYLINDERS, Calcium Chloride. See Jars. 2496 CYLINDERS, Graduated, double graduation, so that the divisions may be read up or down. Cap., c.c. 5 10 25 50 100 200 250 300 500 1000 2000 Each ...$0.40 .45 .55 .65 .75 1.00 1.10 1.25 1.35 2.55 4.50 2498 CYLINDERS, Graduated in ounces, on glass foot, with lip. Capacity, ounces 1 2 4 8 16 32 Each $0.50 .75 1.00 1.50 2.00 3.00 2500 CYLINDERS, Graduated and stoppered, double graduation so that the divisions may be read up and down. Cap., C.C.. 10 25 50 100 200 250 300 500 1000 2000 Each ....$0.90 1.10 1.35 1.45 2.25 2.60 3.00 3.50 4.00 6.00 2502 CYLINDERS, Hydrometer Jars, on glass foot, without lip. Height, inches 5 6 8 10 12 12 15 18 20 Diameter, inches 1 1 l l /a V/* lH 2 2 2 2 Each $0.20 .25 .35 .45 .50 .65 .80 .95 t!5 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 127 2509 2509(a) 2504 CYLINDERS, Hydrometer Jars, on glass foot, with lip. Height, inches 5 6 8 10 12 12 15 18 20 Diameter, inches 1 1 \y 2 \y 2 \y 2 2 2 2 2 Each $0.20 .25. 35 .45 .50 .60 .75 .951.25 2506 CYLINDERS, Hydrometer Jars, enlarged top, to guard against overflow. Height, inches 14 18 Each $1.50 2.25 2508 CYLINDERS, Wide, with top ground for glass plates, used for observing colors of gases, etc. Size, inches 8x4 12x3 12x4 15x3 Each $1.50 1.75 3.00 3.50 2509 CYLINDERS "Drip Cups," with side funnel tube for acid chambers. Height of cylinder, inches 5 6 Each .$1.25 1.75 For other Cylinders, see Jars. DEFLAGRATING Globes, see Globes. Spoons, see Spoons. 2509(a) DEMIJOHNS, tall shape glass bottle, wicker covered. Capacity, gallon y 2 1 2 3 5 Each $1.00 1.25 1.50 2.50 3.50 2510 2516 2510 DESICCATOR, Atwater's. With triangle $3.00 2516 DESICCATOR, Fruehling's, of large size, heavy glass, with large perforated porcelain plate which will support a number of crucibles or material to be dried. It will be found to be a valuable form for laboratory use. Inside diameter in inches 8 10 Price, each $8.00 9.75 128 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 2526 2522 DESICCATOR, Scheibler's. With knob top, ground air tight. Inside diameter, inches 4 6 8 10 Each $1.50 2.00 5.50 10.00 2524 DESICCATOR, Scheibler's, With porcelain plate. Diameter, inches 4 6 8 10 Each $2.25 3.10 7.30 12.25 2526 DESICCATOR, Scheibler's. With stopcock ground in top. For Vacuum. Inside diameter, inches 46 8 10 Each .$6.00 7.50 10.00 17.50 2528 2534 2528 DESICCATOR, Bell Glass and acid dish on ground glass plate. Diameter of bell glass, inches 6 8 10 Diameter of glass plate 8 10 12 Diameter of acid dish 4J4 524 6/4 Each $4.00 4.50 5.00 2531 DESICCATOR Plates, of aluminum. Diameter, inches 3^4 ^A Each $1.50 1.50 2532 DESICCATOR Plates, of copper. Diameter, inches 3^4 5^2 Each . $1-00 1.00 2534 DESICCATOR Plates, porcelain, glazed on one side, on three small feet. Size number 1 2 3 4 5 Diameter, mm 95 115 140 190 240 Thickness, mm 44444 Number holes 34578 Diameter of holes 30 30 30 30 30 Each . . .75 1.00 1.25 2.00 2.50 2534 (a) Each (without feet) 75 .85 1.10 1.80 2.25 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 129 2535 2536 2535 DESICCATOR Plates of Porcelain, glazed on one side, without feet, with nu- merous small holes. Thumb hole in center. Size number 4 5 Diameter, mrn 190 230 Number holes 700 900 Diameter holes, mm 2 2 Each $1.75 2.10 2536 DIALYSERS, Graham's, of stout white glass. Diameter, inches G 8 Each $2.50 3.50 2538-2540 2538 DIAMOND for cutting glass; in ebony handle, with key for breaking $ 5.00 2540 DIAMOND for writing on glass; in handle 2.50 2542 DIAMOND Ink, for writing on glass, in 1 ounce gutta-percha bottle 50 2544 2548 2544 DIES, Figures, of steel, for stamping bullion, etc. Best quality. Face, inches % & % & f -fa l / 2 Set $1.50 1.75 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 2546 DIES, Letters, of steel, for stamping bullion, etc. Best quality. Face, inches & % & % ffc ^ iV V* Set $3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 6.00 8.50 9.00 10.00 2548 DIPPERS, Agate Ware, with wooden handle. Size, inches 4J4x3 5^x3^ 6x3^ 6^x3J4 Each ; $0.60 .75 .90 1.00 130 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. DISHES 2550 2552 2550 DISHES, Crystalizing, of best American glass, straight walls, flat bottoms. Diameter, cm 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Each $0.20 $0.25 $0.30 $0.35 $0.35 $0.40 $0.50 Diameter, cm 12 13 14 16 18 20 Each , $0.60 $0.70 $0.80 $1.00 $1.50 $2.00 2552 DISHES, Evaporating, round bottom, of best American glass, with lip. Diameter, cm. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 15 Each $0.20 $0.25 $0.30 $0.35 $0.40 $0.45 $0.50 $0.75 $1.50 2554 2556 2554 DISHES, Evaporating, Iron, Porcelain lined. Diameter, inches 6 8 10 12 Capacity, pint 1 2 4 6 Each $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 $2.00 Diameter, inches 13 16 18 20 Capacity, gallon 1 2 3 4 Each $2.50 $3.00 $3.75 $5.00 2556. DISHES, Evaporating. Of pure nickel. Diameter, inches 1% 2 2^ 3% 4 4^ 6 Each $0.45 $0.55 $0.65 $1.00 $1.40 $2.00 $2.45 2557. DISHES, Copper, round bottom, with lip. Diameter, inches 2 ^ 3 l / 2 4 Capacity, cc 40 100 200 300 Each ..$0.40 $0.50 $0.60 $0.80 2559 2559(a) 2559 DISHES, Aluminum, for milk analysis with flat bottom and straight sides, polished outside with smooth finish inside.. Diameter, inches 2 2J4 2^4 3 * Height, inches }/ 2 ^ % 1 1 Each $0.25 $0.30 $0.35 $0.40 $0.50 Per dozen $2.40 $3.00 $3.60 $4.00 $5.00 2559 (a) DISHES, Aluminum, for moisture determinations with flat bottom, flaring sides and slip-in inverted cover. Diameter on top, 55 mm. Height, 15 mm. Each $0.50 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 131 2560 2562 2560 DISHES, Evaporating, Coors, American Porcelain with lip. Sizes up to five are glazed inside and outside with exception of rim. Larger sizes are partly glazed outside. Size number . Diameter, .mm. Height, mm. .. . Capacity, cc. Each 000 60 24 35 . $0.12 00 70 27 60 .18 1 2 3 4 5 6 6a 7 80 85 90 100 110 120 145 162 185 30 33 37 42 43 50 48 51 54 80 100 140 175 210 300 385 535 765 .20 .30 .35 .40 .45 .55 .70 .80 .90 Size number 8 8a 9 10 Diameter, mm 215 230 265 305 Height, mm 63 70 80. 95 Capacity, cc 1285 1430 2200 3250 Each $1.20 1.50 1.80 3.00 11 12 13 360 400 460 116 140 175 5700 10000 16500 4.00 9.00 18.00 2562 DISHES, Evaporating, Coors, American Porcelain with wide lip and heavy welter rim. Glazed inside, but only partly outside. Size number 12 13 Diameter, mm 400 460 Height, mm 140 175 Capacity, cc 10000 16500 Each $12.00 20.00 2564 2568 2564 DISHES, Evaporating, Coors, American Porcelain, shallow form, with lip. Glazed inside but only partly outside. Size number . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Diameter, mm. 70 80 95 105 120 140 160 Height, mm. .. 15 20 . 23 30 34 40 48 Capacity, cc. . . 45 60 95 160 200 350 550 Each $0.20 .25 .40 .60 .75 .90 2568 DISHES, Evaporating, Coors, American Porcelain, with lip and flat bot- tom. Shallow form. Number , 1 2 3 5 6 7 Capacity cc. .. 45 60 95 200 350 550 Diameter mm. 70 80 95 120 140 160 Each $0.20 .25 .40 .50 .60 .75 .90 2569 DISHES, of Fused Silica , unaffected by sudden and extreme changes of temperature, with lip and round bottom. No 1 3 5 7 9 10 11 Diameter, mm. 51 70 83 89 98 108 137 Depth, mm. . . 21 25 30 22 30 44 57 Capacity, cc. ., 20 50 75 80 125 200 400 Each $1.00 1.15 1.25 1.35 1.60 1.85 2.85 2571 DISHES, of Fused Silica, as above, with lip and flat bottom, shallow form. No 1 2 3 4 Diameter, mm. 63 73 95 127 Depth, mm. . . 13 13 18 21 Capacitv, cc. . 20 40 50 100 Each $1.15 1.25 1.35 1.85 2572 DISHES, Silver, any size, made to order. Please write for prices. 132 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 2576 2577 5 .35 6 .40 75/2 1.70 2576 DISHES, Lead, for etching glass with hydro fluoric acid. Diameter, inches 2 y/ 2 3 4 Each $0.15 .20 .25 .30 2577 DISHES, Steel, enameled inside and outside. Very light in weight, strong and acid proof. Diameter, inches 6 J4 7^4 1M$ Capacity, pints 1 2 4 Each $0.60 .80 1.20 2579 DISHES, Tin Foil, in shape of bottle caps used extensively in moisture determinations. Size, inches 2->6 2J^x^ Per hundred $1.00 1.40 1.60 Per dozen 15 .20 .25 DISTILLING APPARATUS, see Retorts and Stills. DISTILLING FLASKS, see Flasks. DISTILLING TUBES, see Tubes. DRYING APPARATUS, see Dessicators, Ovens and Vacuum Apparatus. DRYING Ovens, see Ovens. ELECTROLYTIC APPARATUS GLASS PLUG"*! ATTACHMENT FOR ELECTROLYSIS OF WATER 2591 2593 2597 2591 ELECTROLYSIS OF WATER APPARATUS, improved with platinum electrodes that may easily be replaced by copper electrodes or by carbon electrodes for electrolysis of hydrochloric acid $7.50 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 133 2612 2616 2618 2593 ELECTROLYSIS APPARATUS (Osborne Form), for study of conductiv- ity of liquids, ionization, electro-plating and electrolysis of water. This apparatus has been constructed to supply the urgent de- mand for a simple, substantial form of electrolytic apparatus that can be used to demonstrate the principles involved in the theory of electrolytic dissociation. It consists of an outer U tube with graduated sliding tubes, shot valves, glass plug and platinum electrodes, which are easily replaced by carbon or cop- per electrodes. It allows immediate change qf liquids, permits the introduction of litmus, methyl orange, cloth for bleaching or any other indicator, is readily cleaned, requires least amount of liquid to fill it. Complete as illustrated, with instruction for use $ 7.50 2595 SUPPORT for No. 2593, with binding posts 3.50 2597 ELECTROLYSIS OF WATER APPARATUS, Hoffman's improved form with graduated tubes, glass stopcocks and removable platinum electrodes -. 10.00 2599 SUPPORT for either No. 2591, No. 2597 or No. 2601, with binding posts.. . 3.50 2601 ELECTROLYSIS OF WATER APPARATUS, same as No. 2597 but without glass stopcocks 7.50 2603 CARBON ELECTRODES, two rubber stoppers fitted with carbon elec- trodes and connectors, adapted to Nos. 2591-2601 inclusive 75 2605 COPPER ELECTRODES, two rubber stoppers fitted with copper elec- trodes and connectors, adapted to Nos. 2591-2601 inclusive 75 2607 PLATINUM ELECTRODES, two rubber stoppers with platinum elec- trodes and connectors, adapted to Nos. 2591-2601 inclusive 2.50 3612 EUDIOMETER, Bunsen's, with platinum electrodes. Capacity 55 cc. in 1-5 100 cc. in 1-5 Each $2.50 3.50 2614 EUDIOMETER, Bunsen's, graduated into millimeters, with platinum electrodes. Millimeters , 300 500 Each $2.50 $3.50 2616 EUDIOMETER, Mitchterlich's new style, with stopcock and platinum electrodes. Size 50 cc. in 1-5 100 cc. in 1-5 400 mm. Each $3.00 4.00 5.00 2618 EUDIOMETER, Ure's graduated in cc. U form, with platinum electrodes 50 cc. in 1-5 $3.50 2620 EUDIOMETER. Ure's improved form. The bend is made of heavy rubber tubing so that the instrument can be straightened out for con- venience in filling. 50 cc. in 1-5 5.00 134 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. EVAPORATORS Waste products become by-products when properly handled. During the last quar- ter of a century the Swenson Evaporator Company has been instrumental in the de- velopment of a large variety of by-product industries. Such interesting instances as the recovery and marketing of products from packing house waste waters, iron sulphate from wire and plate mills, pickle solutions, etc., are examples of successes in which they properly take a large share of credit. The Swenson Evaporator Company have installations at several institutions of learning throughout the country, among which the University of Michigan, Massachu- setts Institute of Technology, and Armour Institute of Technology are the most noted examples. Your further attention is directed to the Swenson advertisement in the advertising: section. 232 One of several Swenson types employed in the Swenson-University of Michigan Laboratory, where experiments with liquors in car lots can be made. These are the only facilities of this kind offered to American industries. 210 Swenson Jr. Single Effect, cast iron body, steel or copper horizontal tubes, jet condenser, vacuum pump, fittings. See blueprint, page 21, Swenson catalogue. LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 135 2628 2630 2632 2634 2636 2638 2640 2641 2626 EXTRACTION APPARATUS, Knorr's, with ether tight mercury joints, dispensing with corks and ground joints, complete $6.00 Extra condenser with adapter sealed on 3.60 Extra extraction tubes with platinum sieve 3.50 Extra flasks .40 2627 EXTRACTION APPARATUS, Knorr's, as above, but supplied with Sy's flask instead of Knorr's flask 6.50 Extra Sy's flasks, 150 cc. capacity 1.00 2628 EXTRACTION APPARATUS, Lehmann's, especially suitable for extrac- tion of bulky substances. With ground joints and one flask... 5.50 2630 EXTRACTION APPARATUS, Krussler's, with condenser, and 3 flasks ground on 6.00 2632 EXTRACTION APPARATUS, Mohr's, with flask and condenser 3.00 Extra outside tubes 80 Extra inside extraction tubes 30 2634 EXTRACTION APPARATUS, Soxhlet's, specially adapted to the extrac- tion of fat in milk analysis, etc. (Extraction tube only.) Capacity, cc 60 125 200 For shells, mm. 22x80 33x80 43x123 Each $2.00 3.00 4.00 2635 EXTRACTION APPARATUS, Soxhlet's, specially adapted to Cotton Seed Oil analysis, taking double thick shells 22x80 mm. (Ex- traction tube only.) A. Length of Syphon Tube, 1 inch $2.50 B. Length of Syphon Tube, 1^4 inch 2.50 2636 EXTRACTION APPARATUS, Soxhlet's, complete with flask and con- denser. Capacity, cc 60 ... 125 . . . 200 Each $2.50 5.50 6.50 N. B. For size and price of extraction tubes only, see No. 2634. 2638 EXTRACTION APPARATUS, Soxhlet's, all points ground air tight, com- plete with three flasks and condenser. Capacity, cc - 60 125 Each $6.50 7.50 2640 EXTRACTION APPARATUS, Soxhlet's, complete with nickel plated brass ball condenser and flask. Capacity, cc 60 125 175 Each $6.50 7.50 10.00 264X EXTRACTION APPARATUS, Soxhlet's modified, with ground in Hop- kins' Condenser and Knorr's flasks for mercury seal. An ideal combination of ether tight joints. Capacity, cc 60 125 For extraction shells, mm . . 22x80 33x80 Each $6.50 7.50 136 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 2641 (b) 2642 2643 2643 (a) 2641 (a) EXTRACTION APPARATUS, Wiley's, Richardson's, modification, de- scribed in the Jour, of Ind. and Eng. Chem., March, 1912. With perforated aluminum cup Extra glass tubes with flange Extra perforated cups Extra metal condensers " 2641 (b) EXTRACTION APPARATUS, as above, supplied with nickel plated syphon cup in place of perforated cup Extra Syphon cups 2642 EXTRACTION APPARATUS, Wiley's, consisting of a porcelain Gooch crucible suspended from a metal condenser which is fitted to a glass tube with ground flange, very condensed and convenient, doing away with all stonpe r s and connections 2643 EXTRACTION APPARATUS, Underwriter's pattern, described in the Jour, of Ind. and Eng. Chem., July, 1912. Consisting of special extraction flask, metallic spiral condenser and suspended porce- lain Gooch crucible Extra flasks Extra Gooch Crucibles Extra condensers " 2643(a) EXTRACTION APPARATUS, Underwriter's pattern, modified with glass syphon cup, see Jour, of Ind. and Eng. Chem., January, 1914 Extra syphon cups $5.00 1.50 1.00 2.50 5.00 1.50 4.50 3.00 .50 .75 1.75 3.00 .75 2643(b) 2643(b) ELECTRIC EXTRACTION APPARATUS. This apparatus consists of a set of six Electric Lamps, each with switch, encased in a box support made of fireproof asbestos wood, 30^2 inches long, 5J/2 inches wide and 7 inches high, including legs, with l^-inch hole over each lamp. The box support is equipped with iron uprights, extreme height 31 y z inches $50.00 2643(c) EXTRACTION APPARATUS, electrically heated, oblong form, S*/ 2 inches wide and 9 inches high, made of sheet iron. Each Heater, which is 3J4 inches diameter, is a unit, either one or all may be used at one time as desired six heaters, 24 inches long 75.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 137 2643(c) EXTRACTION APPARATUS, Sargent's, pat- ented Dec. 23, 1913, Electrically Heated, Revolving type. Will accommodate any style or size of glassware. Sliding condens- ing tubes obviate the necessity for moving the corks when once placed. No valves or washers. Adjustable in height. Requir- ing only about a square foot of space, may be set up in any out- of-the-way corner. No rubber tubing or clamps at condensers. Only one connection at water inlet and outlet necessary. Ar- ranged for either 110 or 220 volts direct or alternating cur- rent. Price without glassware $40.00 In ordering, state voltage desired. 2643(c) 2644 2644 (b) 2644 EXTRACTION SHELLS, Whatman, fat free paper, for use in Soxhlefs and other extraction apparatus. The use of these shells renders it impossible for any of the material to find its way into the solvent; can be used over and over again. Put up in boxes of 25. Length, mm 80 80 80 90 94 123 Diameter, mm 22 25 39 19 33 43 Per box of 25 $3.15 3.55 3.55 3.15 4.40 7.10 2644(a) EXTRACTION SHELLS, Whatman, as above, but of double thickness, will not permit the finest substances to pass through; put up in boxes of 25. Length, mm 80 80 80 90 94 123 Diameter, mm 22 25 33 19 33 43 Per box of 25 $5.28 5.92 5.92 5.28 7.36 11.84 2644(b) EXTRACTION SHELLS, Alundum, for use with Soxhlefs and other extrac- tion apparatus; may be used repeatedly and easily cleaned by ignition. Length, mm 60 70 80 90 100 Diameter, mm 26 25 30 19 34 Shape at bottom Round Flat Flat Flat Round Each Net $0.40 .40 .45 .50 .60 Above Shells are supplied in three degrees of porosity: RA84, Dense; RA360, Medium; RA98, Porous. If no degree of poros- ity is specified, RA98 will be sent. 138 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. APPARATUS FOR ANALYSIS OF COMMERCIAL FATS AND OILS (By Standard Methods as adopted January 13, 1918, Committee of Division of Industrial Chemists and Chemical Engineers of American Chemical Society). VACUUM OVEN 2645/1 "The Standard F. A. C. Vacuum Oven has been designed with the idea of affording a simple and compact vacuum oven which will give as uniform tem- peratures as possible on the shelf. It consists of an iron casting of rectangular sections with hinged front door, which is accurately counterpoised. The door is made tight by a gasket and which can be lowered on opening the oven so as to form a shelf on which samples may be rested. The oven contains but one shelf which is heated from above as well as below by means of resistance coils. Several thermometer holes are provided in order to ascertain definitely the temperature at different points on the shelf. ' The entire oven is supported by means of a 4" standard pipe which screws into the base of the oven and which in turn is supported by being screwed into a blind flange of suitable diameter which rests on the floor or work table." Dimensions overall 15"xll"x8" high. Price for oven $150.00 MOISTURE DISHES 2645/2 Shallow, glass dish, beaker form, approximately 6 or 7 cm. in diameter and 4 cm. deep. * Price, per dozen $3.00 EXTRACTION CYLINDERS The cylinder may or may not be glass stoppered. Dimensions 12" high and l}i" diameter. Graduated at 40, 80 and 130 cc. These cylinders are made with base or plain bottomed with nickel plated holders which may be screwed to work table. 2645/3 Cylinders, plain bottom Each, $0.50 2645/4 Cylinders, with base Each, .75 2646/5 Cylinders, glass stoppered, with base Each, 1.75 2646/6 Cylinders, glass stoppered, with plain bottom Each, 1.50 2646/7 Holders, nickel plated Each, .75 STANDARD THERMOMETER (TITER) 2646/8 "The thermometer is graduated at zero and in 1/10 from 10C to 65C, wiilj one auxiliary reservoir at the upper end and another between the zero mail* and the 10 mark. The cavity in the capillary tube between the zero mark and the 10 mark is at least 1 cm. below the 10 mark, the 10 mark is 3 or 4 cm. above the bulb, the length of thermometer being 37 cm. overall. The thermometer has been annealed for 75 hours at 450C, the bulb is of Jena normal 16" glass, or its equivalent. Bulb is about 3 cm. long and 6 mm. in diameter. Stem of thermometer is 6 mm. in diameter and made of the best thermometer tubing, with scale etched on the stem. The thermometer musl be certified by the U. S. Bureau of Standards. Thermometer as above described, with certificate of Bureau of Stand- ards, each '. $10.00 2646/9 Same, without certificate of the Bureau of Standards 6.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 139 2646 2646 EXTRACTION PAPER, Whatman, fat free. For the accurate determination of fat in milk by the Adams method. Size of strip 58x6.25 cms. Per package of 50 $2.80 Per package of 100 5.20 See also Milk Analysis Apparatus. FERMENTATION TUBES, see No. 4200. FIGURES, of Steel, see Dies. (a) 2647 (b) 2647(c) 2647 FAUCET CONNECTIONS For rubber tubing for smooth faucets. See two styles, a and b: Size faucet, inch J^ fg Each $0.60 .80 2647 (c) FAUCET CONNECTIONS For rubber tubing, with hydrant thread. Each, .60 2648-2650-2652-2654 2648 FILES, Flat, for shaping corks, etc. Length, inches 5 6 8 Each $0.25 .30 .40 2650 FILES, Half Round, for shaping corks, etc. Length, inches 5 6 8 Each $0.25 .30 .40 2652 FILES, Round, for enlarging holes in corks, etc. Length, inches 4568 Each $0.20 .55 .30 .40 2654 FILES, Triangular, for cutting glass tubing, etc. Length, inches 3 4 5 6 Each $0.16 .20 .26 .30 2656 FILE Handles.. .10 140 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 2661 2662 2663 2664 2661 FILTER APPARATUS Fitzgerald's, for constant level. Capacity of reservoir 250 cc. The lower opening is closed by means of a long glass rod with ground stopper. The side opening is intended for pouring in the liquid to be filtered. $2.50 2662 FILTER APPARATUS Consisting of glass plate, bell jar with tubulature below and at top, fitted with rubber stopper and funnel. Size of bell jar, inches 5^x8}/ 7x11 Each $5.00 8.50 2663 FILTER APPARATUS Consisting of glass plate and bell jar, 5x9 inches, fitted with rubber stopper and funnel. $5.00 2664 FILTER APPARATUS With ground in funnel and ground on cover, for' filter- ing volatile liquids. Capacity, cc 500 1000 Each $5.00 6.00 2668 2669 2671 2668 FILTER Bags, Felt. Size, inches 11x12 13x15 14x16 16x19 Capacity, gallons 1 1% 12-3 2 Each $1.75 2.00 2.25 3.25 FILTER Cones of Platinum, see Cones, Platinum, 2669 FILTER Cone For filtering, made of nickel, seamless, and profusely perforated; Size, \y 2 inches diameter $2.50 2669(a) FILTER Cones, Porcelain, glazed with exception of rim, with holes about 1 . mm. diameter. Size number 4, diameter 63 mm. Each ' $1.50 2671 FILTER CASES Japanned tin, holding 6 sizes of cut filters, from 3 to 7% inches . SL50 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 141 2673 2673 FILTER CONES, Alundum, for the rapid and complete separation of precipi- tates from solutions by means of suction. They may be used in any sixty degree funnel and are placed in operation, by stretching a wide band of rubber tubing over the funnel. No 7241 7056 7730 Diameter, inches 1^4 2% 4J^ Height, inches 1& 1^ 3}^ Each $0.30 .35 .50 Above cones can be furnished in three degrees of porosity, R A 320 Dense; R A 321 Medium; R A 322 Porous. If no degree of porosity is specified R A 322 will be sent. 2678 2678 FILTER PLATES, Hirsch Porcelain. Glazed, Perforated Beveled edges for use in funnels. Size No 1 2 3 4 5 Diameter, mm 21 25 38 50 75 100 Each $0.25 .30 .35 .40 1.00 1.50 2679 FILTER PLATES, Alundum, can be used in place of Hirsch plates in many operations. Made with straight or 60 degree beveled edge. Supplied in two degrees of porosity, R A 225 medium and R A 98 porous. Diameter, inches $4 1 1 2 3 4 Thickness, inches A ik -fa & l /i A Edges Straight Straight Bevel Bevel Bevel Bevel Each $0.25 .25 .25 .35 .50 .75 If no degree of porosity is specified R A 98 will be sent. 2680 FINGER COTS, Black rubber, thin or thick, per dozen $0.60 142 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 2681 2681 FILTER PRESS, Laboratory Moore Experimental, round pattern. For labora- tory use, built to stand a pressure of 150 pounds to the square inch. Made with flat plates and frames, so that filter cloth or paper can be used; of iron, with brass valves fitted to pump; weight, about 125 pounds. Net, each $100.00 FILTER PAPER 2716 FILTER PAPER, Celeritas. These filters are made of an excellent quality of white papers which filters rapidly, and is unusually strong when wet. They give excellent satisfaction in qualitative analysis, and in pharmaceutical and manufacturing work. Round filters, 100 in a package. Diam., inches.. 3 3]/ 2 4 5 6 8 10 13 15 18 20 Per 100 filters.. $0.20 .22 .24 .30 .40 .66 .92 1.40 1.72 2.40 3.00 In square sheets, 19x19 inches, per quire $ 0.80 Per ream.. . 13.60 MUNKTELL'S SWEDISH FILTER PAPER Weights of Ashes from MunktelTs Swedish Cut Round Filters Size 5.5 Ctm. 7 Ctm. 9 Ctm. 11 Ctm. 12.5 Ctm. 15 Ctm. Gram. Gram. Gram. Gram. Gram. Gram. No. 00 0.000011 0.000018 0.000030 0.000045 0.000058 0.000083 No. 0.000060 No. OB 0.000085 No. IF 0.00014 No. 2 0.00018 Owing to import restrictions we do not list these papers under present conditions. We shall be glad, however, to quote on your requirements of these filters from our large and comprehensive Chicago stock. 0.00010 0.00017 0.00025 0.00033 0.00046 0.00014 0.00024 0.00035 0.00047 0.00065 0.00023 0.00038 0.00056 0.00073 0.00105 0.00030 0.00051 0.00074 0.00095 0.00138 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 143 WHATMAN FILTER PAPERS (British Made) All grades are guaranteed free from Starch and Chlorine. All Whatman Circles are put up in sealed boxes, distinctively labeled. We offer the following grades of Whatman niters with imported paper equivalents conforming in quality as far as possible: 2704 FILTER PAPER, Whatman, No. 1 (S. & S. No. 595), a good, light paper, for general qualitative use. Free from chlorine, grained surface, round niters. Diam. in cms... 4.25 5.5 7 9 11 12.5 15 18.5 24 27 32 38.5 40 50 Each $0.15 .17 .20 .24 .28 .37 .51 .71 1.25 1.48 2.30 2.76 3.13 4.40 In sheets 18^4 inches x 22 l / 2 inches, per 100 $ 4.45 Ditto, per ream 20.25 2705 FILTER PAPER, Whatman No. 2 (S. & S. No. 597), a qualitative paper similar to No. 2704, but stouter, retaining fine precipitates. This is the standard grade for analytical purposes. Widely used in the qualitative analysis of the alkaline earths, and in general where fine precipitates of crystalline nature are to be filtered. Especially applicable to Fertilizer, Cement, Steel and Ore Analysis. Diameter, cm 7 9 11 12.5 15 18.5 24 Ash weight per circle, grams 0007 .0012 .0018 .0024 .0034 .0052 .0089 Per 100 circles! $0.27 .34 .42 .52 .74 1.04 1.78 In sheets 18J4 inches x 22 l / 2 inches, per 100 $ 6.85 Ditto, per ream 31.10 2706 FILTER PAPER, Whatman No. 3 (S. & S. No. 598), a very stout filter paper for general qualitative work. Slightly slower than No. 2, but very retentive. Will withstand considerable washing. Especially suited for -fine precipitates, such as Metastannic Acid, Calcium Oxalate, and Ammonium Phospho-Molyb- date. Very satisfactory for filtering the solution of a fusion made with Eschka's mixture in determining Sulphur in coal and coke; can also be used in recovering small quantities of Silver in the form of chloride. Diameter, cm 7 9 1112.5 1518.5 Per 100 circles $0.40 .50 .57 .74 1.04 1.46 In sheets, IS]4 inches x 22 J / 2 inches, per 100 $10.20 Ditto, per ream 46.40 144 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U S. A. 2707 FILTER PAPER, Whatman No. 4 (S. & S. No. 604), a soft paper of more open texture than the preceding. Extremely rapid, but not re< om- mended for use with the finest precipitates. Especially adapted for the rapid filtration of gelatinous and Jarge par- ticles precipitates such as Ferric Hydroxide and Aluminum Hydroxide; also useful for Pharmaceutical purposes, such as the filtration of fruit juices, syrups, oils, etc. Widely used in Copper and other Ore Mining, Sugar and Cement Labora- tories. Diameter, cm 7 9 1112.5 1518.5 24 Per 100 circles $0.30 .40 .50 .65 .901.302.22 In sheets 18^4 inches x 22 l / 2 inches, per 100 $ 8.75 Ditto, per ream 9.90 2708 FILTER PAPER, Whatman No. 5 (S. & S. No. 602), a very tough, hard paper of close texture, that will retain the finest precipitates, such as Barium and Lead Sulphates even when freshly precipi- tated. Especially suited for use with solutions which are filtered with difficulty, and for vacuum filtrations with the Buechner funnel, etc. Diameter, cm 7 9 11 12.5 15 Per 100 circles $0.27 .34 .41 .54 .75 In sheets, 18J4 inches x 22^ inches, per 100 $ 6.95 Ditto, per ream 31.50 2709 FILTER PAPER, Whatman No. 30 (Dreverhoff No. 207; Munktell No. 0), a single acid-washed paper of low ash content, rapid and re- tentive. Very satisfactory for the filtration of Ammonium Phospho-Molybdate, Barium Sulphate when properly pre- cipitated, for volumetric Lime determinations and for general quantitative work when the lowest ash is not important. Extensively used in Cement and Metallurgical Laboratories. Diameter, cm 7 9 11 12.5 15 18.5 Ash weight per circle, grams 00012 .0002 .0003 .0004 .00057.00087 Per 100 circles $0.68 .90 1.20 1.50 1.90 2.70 In sheets, 18^4 inches x 22^ inches, per 100 $21.55 Ditto, per ream . 97.80 2710 FILTER PAPER, Whatman No. 31 (Munktell No. OB), a single-acid-washed paper similar to No. 30, but more open in texture, making it more rapid. On account of its extreme rapidity it is not recommended for the finest precipitates. Suitable for the very rapid filtration of gelatinous and large particle precipi- tates, for volumetric determinations of Phosphates, for Sili- con in Iron Analysis, and general rapid quantitative separa- tions where the lowest ash weight is not essential. Extens- ively used in Metallurgical Laboratories. Diameter, cm 7 9 11 12.5 15 18.5 Ash weight per circle, grams 00012 .0002 .0003 .0004 .00057 .00087 Per 100 circles $0.68 .90 1.20 1.50 1.90 2.70 8711 FILTER PAPER, Whatman No. 40 (S. & S. No. 5892, White Ribbon), a double- acid-washed paper of very low ash, all mineral matter having been removed by treatment with hydrochloric and hydro- fluoric acids. Filters rapidly and retains fine precipitates. This is the standard double-washed grade for analytical pur- poses. Excellently suited for Barium Sulphate when prop- erly precipitated and filtered hot, also for Lead Sulphate, and for crystalline precipitates, such as Magnesium-Ammonium Sulphate, etc. Diameter, cm 7 9 11 12.5 15 Ash weight per circle, grams 00005 .000082 .00012 .00016 .00023 Per 100 circles $1.20 1.70 2.00 2.30 2.70 2712 FILTER PAPER, Whatman No. 41 (S. & S. No. 589, Black ribbon), a double- acid-washed paper similar to No. 40, but more open in texture and therefore filters more rapidly. Suitable for Iron, Alumi- num, and other gelatinous precipitates which can be filtered quickly and washed rapidly and easily. Widely used in deter- mining Silicon in Iron and Steel Analysis. Diameter, cm 7 9 11 12.5 15 Ash weight per circle, grams 00005 .000082 .00012 .00016 .00023 Per 100 circles $1.20 1.70 2.00 2.30 2.70 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 145 2713 FILTER PAPER, Whatman No. 42 (S. & S. No. 589 s , Blue Ribbon), a double- acid-washed paper, similar to No. 40, but much harder and extremely close in texture. On account of its close texture it is recommended for use with the filter pump and as folded niters where possible. Especially adapted for the finest pre- cipitates which tend to pass through the filter paper, such as Barium Sulphate when precipitated in cold solution, and in general for precise analytical work where speed is not im- portant. Diameter, cm 7 9 11 12.5 15 Per 100 circles $1.20 1.70 2.00 2.30 2.70 2714 FILTER PAPER, Whatman No. 43 (S. & S. No. 589*, Yellow Ribbon), a double- acid-washed paper, of the same stock as No. 40, but having been subjected to an additional chemical process which renders it fat-free. Especially suited for the recovery of the ether extract in the Roese-Gottlieb Fat Test, and in general for any purposes requiring a fat-free paper. Diameter, cm 7 9 11 12.5 15 Per 100 circles $1.50 2.20 2.55 2.80 3.60 2715 FILTER PAPER, Whatman No. 44 (S. & S. No. 590), a double-acid-washed paper of thinner substance and lower ash content than the preceding numbers. It will retain the finest precipitates, but is slightly slower in filtration than No. 40. No. 44 is recom- mended for use when the greatest possible degree of accuracy in quantitative work is required. Diameter, cm 7 9 11 12.5 15 Ash weight per circle grams 00003 .00005 .000077 .00001 .00014 Per 100 circles $1.50 2.20 2.55 2.80 3.60 2715a FILTER PAPER, Whatman No. 50 (S. & S. No. 575), a paper specially hard- ened by treatment with Nitric Acid. Very tough, will resist great pressure, and retain the very finest precipitates. Can be used repeatedly, the hard smooth surface permitting precipitates to be scraped or washed off without injury to the paper. Especially recommended for use with vacuum. Suitable for very fine precipitates and for filtering corrosive liquids such as Acids and strong Alkalies. Should be used when it is desired to transfer a precipitate without ignition. Widely used for filtering Biological products, as the hardened surface prevents contamination of the filtered product by particles of paper when scraped off. Can be used as a sub- stitute for platinum cones, and as supports for large folded . filters to prevent them bursting at the points. Diameter, cm 4% 5 l / 2 7 9 11 12.5 15 18% 24 32 50 Per 100 circles $0.55 .90 1.20 1.70 2.00 2.30 2.70 3.60 6.10 11.35 20.85 Orders less than $100.00, list prices Strictly Net Orders amounting to between $100.00 and $200.00 list prices 5% Orders amounting to over $200.00 10% For institutions of learning we can arrange Special Duty Free Importations of Whatman Filter Papers upon the condition that all necessary Government requirements are complied with. Full information upon request. 2715b FILTER PAPER, Celeritas (S. & S. No. 588), Folded, excellent quality, free from chlorine, folded in such a way as to protect the points from tearing. In boxes of 100 filters. Diameter, cm 12.5 15 18.5 24 32 50 Per box of 100 $1.50 1.80 2.25 3.00 5.00 7.50 2715c FILTER PAPER, Grey, French, Prat-Dumas make, size, 17x22 inches. Ream, 7.50 quire $0.40 Circular, put up in packages of 100 sheets. Diameter, cm 10 125^ 15 19 25 33 40 45 50 Per 100 sheets. . .$0.20 .30 .40 .66 .92 1.40 1.72 2.40 3.00 146 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. Discounts applying to Whatman Filter Papers STOCK Orders less than $100.00 list value. List prices NET. Orders of $100.00 list value. List prices less 5%. Orders of $200.00 and over. List prices less 10%. Special importations of Whatman Paper may be arranged for institutions of learning. DUTY FREE on Orders less than $125.00 list value. List prices less 15%. Orders of $125.00 list value. List prices less 15% and 5% Orders of $250.00 and over. List prices less 15% and 10%. FLASKS 2718 372G 2725; 2723 2730 2718 FLASKS, Assay, or Parting, conical with ring. Capacity, ounces 2 3 4 8 Each $0.20 .25 .30 .35 2720 FLASKS, Assay, conical, tall shape. Capacity, ounces 4 6 8 16 Each $0.20 .25 .30 .35 2722 FLASKS, Assay, Colorado form, pear shape. Capacity, ounces , 1 2 Each .$0.15 .20 2723 FLASKS, Assay, conical, for precipitating phosphorus from iron ores $0.35 2730 FLASKS, Chemical, flat bottom, vial mouth, Non Sol Glass. Capacity oz 1 2 4 6 8 12 16 24 32 48 Each $0.10 .11 .13 .15 .16 .20 .25 .35 .40 .55 Capacity, gallons ^2 1 2 3 Each . $0.60 1.25 2.00 3.00 2732 FLASKS, Flat Bottom, Pyrex Glass, with vial mouth. Capacity, c.c... 50 100 150 200 300 400 500 700 1000 1500 2000 3000 6000 12000 To take rubber stopper, No.. 00124466 7 7 8 9 10 10 Number in orig- inal case 192 168 108 144 96 84 72 36 36 24 18 12 12 6 Each $0.15 .16 .18 .20 .23 .26 .29 .36 .43 .51 .60 .76 1.60 3.00 All Pyrex Glass in original case lots at 10% discount. Special prices in larger quantities purchased at one time. LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 147 2738 2740 2744 2746 2748 2738 FLASKS, Chemical, flat bottom, heavy ring around mouth to bear tight corking. Non Sol glass. Cap cc ...."...." 250 500 1000 2000 Each $0.30 .37 .54 .77 2739 FLASKS, Flat bottom, Pyrex glass, with heavy ring neck. Capacity, cc 500 700 1000 1500 2000 3000 6000 12000 To take rubber stopper, No 6 6 7 7- 9 9 10 10 Number in original case 72 36 36 24 24 12 12 6 Each ." $0.38 .47 .55 .66 .78 .99 1.75 3.30 2740 FLASKS, Chemical, round bottom, vial mouth. Non Sol glass. Capacity, ounces 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 Each .".' ....$0.12 .14 .16 .25 .35 .55 .78 2742 FLASKS, Round bottom, Pyrex glass, with vial mouth. Capacity, c.c 100 150 200 300 400 500 700 1000 1500 2000 3000 To take rubber stopper, No... 2334447 5 7 9 10 Number in original case.. 84 ISO 144 84 72 48 42 30 24 18 12 Each $0.17 .20 .22 .28 .32 .37 .45 .56 .71 .79 1.07 2744 FLASKS, Conical, with lip, so-called Beaker Flasks, Nonsol glass. Capacity, ounces 2 4 8 16 32 Each $0.20 .20 .30 .45 .75 2746 FLASKS, Copper determination, Nonsol glass, pear shaped, wide mouth. Capacity, ounces 6 8 Each $0.20 .30 2748 FLASKS, Kje-ldahl, Pyrex glass, with long neck and round bottom. Capacity, c.c 300 500 800 Outside diameter of neck, mm 30 31 35 To take rubber stopper, No . 5 6 6 Total length, mm 298 327 365 Number in original case : 60 36 36 Each $0.28 .37 .45 The 200 C C furnished also in 9> inch overall length, packed 60 pieces per original case. The 500 C C furnished also in 9J4 inch overall length, packed 48 pieces per original case. The 800 C C furnished also in 11 inch overall length, packed 36 pieces per original case. 2,749 FLASKS, KjeldahFs, Pear shape, of Copper, with extra long necks, for Nitro- gen determination. Capacity, 900 c.c., each $5.00 2749 (a) FLASKS, Kjeldahl's, made of heavy copper, 4 inches in diameter, 8^ high, capacity about 1000 c.c. Made especially for the deter- mination of Nitrogen by the Kjeldahl method. Each $4.50 148 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 2750 2753 2756 2750 2752 2753 2756 FLASKS, Distilling, with side neck. Nonsol glass. Capacity, ounces 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 Each $0.30 .39 .44 .48 .58 .981.48 FLASKS, Distilling, Pyrex glass, with side tube in middle of neck. Capacity, c.c 50 125 250 500 1000 1500 2000 3000 Each .". $0.38 .43 .52 .70 1.00 1.25 1.40 1.95 Note: If specified when ordering, side tube may be located where desired. FLASKS, Distilling, Claisen's. Capacity, c.c 60 125 250 500 Each $0.55 .65 .75 1.00 FLASKS, Distilling, Ladenburg's, 3 bulbs. Capacity, c.c 100 200 500 100U Each , $0.75 1.00 1.50 2.00 o o 2757 2757(b) 2757(d) 2757 FLASKS, For moisture in grains, as used by the Bureau of Plant Indus- try, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Made of glass $1.00 2757 (a) FLASKS, As above, made of copper, with double walls 5.00 2757(b) FLASKS, Engler's, distilling, for the distillation of petroleum and crude oil. Capacity 125 c.c 40 Capacity 250 c.c 50 2757 (c) FLASKS, Engler's, distilling, Pyrex glass. Capacity, c.c 100 200 250 Each $0.40 .55 65 2757(d) FLASKS, Hempel's, distilling. Made especially for the distillation of creosote, as used by the Forest Service of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Each .$1.50 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 149 2760 2763 2766 2767 2758 FLASKS, Erlenmeyer's. Non Sol glass. Capacity, oz 2 4 6 8 12 16 24 32 64 Each ...$0.10 .12 .14 .16 .20 .27 .33 .42 .60 Capacity, c.c.. 25 50 100 150 200 250 300 500 600 750 1000 1500 2000 3000 4000 No .00 1 3 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 Number in original case 360 276 180 252 144 132 132 72 60 48 36 24 24 15 12 Each $0.13 .14 .15 .16 .16 .20 .21 .27 .28 .33 .42 .51 .60 .79 1.00 2762 FLASKS, Extraction, Non Sol glass, wide mouth, short neck, for Soxhlet's extraction apparatus; so-called "Carbonic Acid" flasks. Capacity, ounces 1 2 4 6 8 Each $0.13 .14 .15 .17 .19 2763 FLASKS, Extraction, Pyrex Glass, flat bottom, with wide mouth and vial neck. Capacity c.c 50 100 150 250 500 750 1000 To take rubber stopper, No 667 8 10 10 11 Number in original case 168 120 108 120 60 48 36 Each $0.13 .15 .17 .19 .29 .36 .54 2764 FLASKS, Extraction, of Aluminum. Capacity, 4 oz. Each $1.50 2765 FLASKS, Extraction, of Copper. Capacity, 4 oz. Each 1.50 2766 FLASKS, Extraction, Knorr's, with mercury seal. Capacity, 100 c.c. Each.. .50 2767 FLASKS, Acetylization, for determining Menthol in Oil of Peppermint, etc, with ground-in condensing tube. Capacity about 150 c.c. Length of condensing tube, 1 meter $1.75 2767(a) 2767 (b) 2767(c) 2767(d) 2767(a) FLASKS, Sulphur, flat bottom, with side neck bent at right angle, as used in determining sulphur in iron and steel. Capacity, 500 c.c 75 27S7(b) FLASKS, Johnson's Sulphur, of Pyrex glass with heavy vial neck. Used widely for determining sulphur in iron and steel analysis. Capac- ity, 275 c. c.; neck of size to take No. 6 rubber stopper 32 2767 (c) FLASKS, Copper. Capacity, cc 250 500 1000 2000 Each $2.25 2.50 3.00 4.00 150 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 2768 2770 2771 2771(a) 2771 (b) 2767(d) FLASKS, Round Bottom, Balloon Form, Pyrex Glass, with short ring neck. Capacity, cc 200 500 1000 1500 2000 3000 5000 12000 22000 To take rubber stopper, No 3 6 8 9 10 10 11 12 12 Number in orig- inal case 144 72 36 24 18 12 6 6 8 Each $0.24 .38 .55 .66 .78 .99 1.29 3.00 6.60 2768 FLASKS, Filter, Erlenmeyer form, of extra heavy glass, to withstand vacuum. Capacity, cc 250 500 1000 2000 Each $0.45 .65 .80 1.50 2770 FLASKS, Filter, Erlenmeyer form, with side neck, of extra heavy glass. Capacity, cc 250 500 1000 2000 4000 Each $0.45 .65 ,80 1.50 4.50 2771 FLASKS, Erlenmeyer, with ground in hollow glass stopper. Capacity, cc 125 250 400 500 1000 Each $0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 2.00 2771(a) FLASKS, Erlenmeyer, with ground in hollow stopper and gutter, for de- termination of the Iodine number, capacity 300 cc , . . .$1.50 2771 (b) FLASKS, Sy's, for extraction apparatus, with mercury seal, easily cleaned. Capacity, cc 10 o 150 Each $0.85 1.25 B 2773 2774 2775 2776 2777 2773 FLASKS, Soil or Crude Fibre, Erlenmeyer shape, with ground in condensing tube of 1 meter length. Capacity, cc 250 500 Each $200 2.50 2774 FLASKS, Giles, with bulb in neck and two marks, so-called "Percentage Flasks," with glass stoppers. Graduated at, cc 500 & 550 1000 & 1100 2000 &2200 Each , $2.00 2.50 4.50 2775 FLASKS, Cassia, for assaying Cinnamic Aldehyde, capacity about 125cc, neck graduated to 6cc in l/10cc, with glass stopper $2.50 2776 FLASKS, Sugar Flasks, with two marks on neck. Graduated at, cc 50 & 55 100 Si 110 200 & 220 Each $0.60 .80 1.20 2777 FLASKS, Sugar, Bates', pear shaped, supplied with funnel top. Graduated according to the requirements of the Bureau of Standards at lOOcc. . . .$1.25 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 151 2778 1780 2782 2773 FLASKS, Saccharometric, sugar, Kohlrausch's. Capacity, cc 50 Each $0.60 100 .80 200 201.2 201.4 1.30 1.30 1.30 2780 FLASKS, Volumetric or liter flasks, volume fixed by mark on neck. Graduated at re 10 20 25 50 100 200 Each $0.25 .30 .40 .50 .60 .75 Graduated at cc 250 300 500 1000 2000 Each $0.75 .85 1.10 1.40 2.25 2782 FLASKS, Volumetric or liter flasks, glass stoppered, with one mark on neck. Graduated at cc. 25 50 100 200 250 300 500 1000 2000 Each $0.75 100 1.10 1.25 1.25 1.40 1.50 2.00 3.00 2783 FLASKS, Volumetric or liter flasks, glass stoppered, graduated to meet the re- quirements of the National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. Capacity, cc 25 50 100 250 500 1000 Each $1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.50 3.50 2783 (a) FLASKS, Volumetric or liter flasks, glass stoppered, with one mark on neck, standardized by the National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C., with Government stamp. Capacity, cc 25 50 100 250 500 1000 Each $1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 3.00 4.25 FORCEPS 2785 2790 2784 FORCEPS, brass, straight $0.25 2785 FORCEPS, brass, ends bent 25 2786 FORCEPS, brass, ends bent, nickel plated '. 30 2790 FORCEPS, brass, ends bent, with ivory tips 1.25 2791 2792 2791 FORCEPS, French form, with platinum tips 2792 FORCEPS, Plattners, nickel plated, with platinum tips tips..) At Market Price 2793 2794 2793 FORCEPS, Steel, Plain. Size, inches 4 5 6 7 8 Price, each : $015 .25 .30 .40 .50 2794 FORCEPS, Gooseneck, Nickel-plated, 6 inches long $0.76 FRACTIONAL, Distilling Apparatus, see Flasks, Receivers and Tubes. 152 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. FUNNELS 2798 2800 2808 2809 2811 2798 2800 2808 2809 2811 FUNNELS, Agateware. Capacity, pints Each $0.40 .50 2 .60 FUNNELS, Carbon Filters or Filter Tubes, of glass. Diameter at top, inches ................................ 1 J^ Each .................................................. $0.25 4 .75 1.15 .30 .35 FUNNELS, Glass, with bulb for filtering through glass wool or absorbent cotton. Diameter, inches 468 Each $0.50 .75 1.50 FUNNELS, of best, clearest glass, stems of medium length, angle approxi- mately 60 degrees; the end of the stem ground to a point. Diameter, in.. U/z 2 2 l / 2 3 3^ 4 5 6 8 10 12 Each $0.20 .25 .30 .35 .40 .45 .60 .75 1.00 1.50 2.00 FUNNELS, Bunsen's ground top, stems ground to point, exact angle of 60 de- grees. Our Bunsen Funnels will, we believe, please the most particular user. Every Bunsen Funnel sold by us is guaranteed to be accurate and filter rapidly. Diameter, cm Length of stem, mm. Each 4 . 100 . $0.25 5 125 .30 6 125 .35 7 130 .40 9 130 .50 10 135 .60 2812 2814 2812 FUNNELS, Glass, ribbed, for rapid filtration. Diameter, inches 4J4 5 Capacity, ounces 4 8 Each $0.20 .25 2814 FUNNELS, Hard Rubber. Capacity, ounces 4 8 Each $0.50 .60 6 7J4 9 16 32 64 gal. 1 .35 .50 .80 1.00 16 32 V* gal. 1 gal. .75 1.00 1.50 2.25 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 153 2815 (a) 2815 2815 FUNNEL, single wall, of copper, suspended in Ring Bunsen Burner, attached to support; size of base, 5J4 by T l /t inches, rod 20 inches high $7.50 2815(a) FUNNEL, of copper, ribbed, for sugar analysis, diam. 4 inches 50 2817 FUNNEL, of heavy copper, single wall with coil, for hot water or steam; very desirable for the filtration of inflammable liquid 5.00 2817(a) 2818 2818(a) 2817(a) FUNNEL, of tin, for hot filtration,' double wall, according to Plantamaur.$4.00 2817(b) FUNNEL, same as above, but made of copper 5.00 2818 FUNNEL, of copper, for hot filtration, according to Dr. Koch, single wall with legs 4.00 2818(a) FUNNEL, of copper, for hot filtration, according to Dr. Koch, double wall, with detachable legs 6.00 WE MAKE SHEET METAL FUNNELS of Special Design Please Submit Sketch of Your Requirements 154 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 2820 2822 2826 2827 2820 FUNNELS, Porcelain, Straight Opening, Glazed With Handle. Size No i Diameter, mm 8 Each $0.30 2822 FUNNELS, Porcelain, Glazed, With Handle and Perforated Sides. Size No 123 Diameter, mm 110 130 160 Each $0.70 .90 1.50 2826 FUNNELS, Hirsch, with fixed, perforated plate. Size No 000 00 1 Diameter, mm 50 75 92 103 Height, mm 64 82 105 122 Dia. perforated plate, mm.... 36 44 57 59 Distance plate from rim 10 20 26 34 Each $0.60 .75 .90 1.20 2827 FUNNELS, Buchener, with fixed, perforated plate. Size No 1 2 2a 3 Diameter, mm 48 59 85 108 112 Height, mm 81 85 135 140 167 Distance plate from rim 20 25 38 43 33 Each $0.75 .90 1.50 1.95 2.10 2 120 .60 3 175 1.70 2828 2829 2830 2832 2833 500 4.00 2828 FUNNELS, Separatory, conical, Squibb's, with glass stopper. Capacity, cc 125 250 Each $2.50 3.50 2829 FUNNELS, Separatory, bell shape, 50 ec $2.50 2830 FUNNELS, Separatory, cylindrical. Capacity 60 125 180 250 Price, each $1.75 2.25 2.50 3.00 2832 FUNNELS, Separatory, cylindrical, graduated to 100 cc., with glass stopper. Capacity 60 125 250 500 1000 Price, each $2.50 3.75 5.50 7.50 9.00 2833 FUNNELS, Separatory, as above, not graduated. Capacity 60 125 250 500 1000 Price, each $1.50 1.75 2.25 3.00 4.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 155 2834 2834 2835 2836 2836 (a) 2836(b) 2836(c) FUNNELS,- Separatory, globular, with glass stopper and long stem. Capacity, ounces 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 Each $1.50 1.75 2.25 2.75 3.25 4.50 7.50 2835 FUNNELS, Dropping, Walter's, for obtaining single drops. Capacity, 60 cc. Each $3.00 2836 FUNNELS, Separatory, globular, with glass stopper, of heavy glass. Capacity 250 500 1000 2000 4000 Each $3.50 4.00 5.50 ,8.00 12.50 2836(a) FUNNELS, Separatory, for the estimation of moisture in creosoted woods as used by the Forest Service of the U. S. Deparmtent, see circular No. 134 $4.00 2836(b) FUNNELS, Shaking, for the determination of Phenol in Creosote, as used by the Bureau of Animal Ind., U. S. Department of Agriculture, see Bulletin No. 107 5.50 2836(c) FUNNELS, Separatory, for sulphonation test of Creosote, as used by the Forest Service of the U. S. Department of Agriculture 4.50 2839 2840 2842 2844 2846 2848 2839 FUNNEL-TUBES, Conical top, light glass. Length, inches 10 12 15 18 Each $0.12 .15 .20 .25 2840 FUNNEL, Thistle top, thin blown glass. Length, inches 10 12 15 18 Each $0.10 .15 .20 .25 2842 Safety Tubes, plain, without bulb, thistle top . . .' $0.20 2844 Safety Tubes, one bulb in the bend,, thistle top 25 2846 Safety Tubes, two bulbs in the bend, thistle top '. ... 35 2848 Vogel's, with delivery tube fused on 75 156 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. FURNACES 2854 2856 2864 2854 2864 FURNACE, Brown.'s Assay. Size, 29 in. high, 16 in. wide by 14 in. deep; supplied with J Muffle, 4x6x12 in. The furnace burns charcoal or coke. Crucible fusions can be made in the open fire on top of the muffle, working through the feed door on top. The sectional fire clay lining is bound with heavy sheet iron. All doors and hingers malleable iron lined with asbestos. This is the most satisfactory prospecting furnace on the market, and, where necessary to carry on pack mules, any portion of the fire clay lining may be removed to divide the weight. Weight, complete, packed for shipment, with one muffle, 155 pounds '. $25.00 FURNACE, Brown's Assay. Same as above, but larger, supplied with LL. Muffle, 5a4x9xl5; size, 33 in. high, 22 in. wide by 19 in. deep. Weight complete, packed for shipment, 310 pounds. This is an ex- tremely satisfactory furnace. Price 45.00 FURNACE, Fletcher's Crucible, for gas. This furnace takes crucibles up to 4x3}/2 inches, holding 6 pounds, and with J^-inch gas pipe, and a pressure of gas equal to 2 inches of water, supplying about 50 feet per hour, melts a crucible of gold, silver or brass in 30 minutes, and as much cast iron in 60 minutes. It is made in a substantial manner, and is recommended to manufacturing jewelers, reducing photo waste, etc. The lid never gets too hot to be lifted by the handle; with 6 feet of pipe, crucible and tongs, complete, each 20.00 Prices of separate parts Plumbago Crucibles, No. 3, each 1.00 Plumbago Cylinders, No. 15 2.00 Clay Crucibles, No. 3 25 Clay Cylinders, No. 15 50 Fire-clay Casing 3.50 Lid 2.00 Grate 1.50 No. 15 Burner 12.00 Wire Gauze Rings, each 25 Furnace may be operated with illuminating gas, natural gas or gaso- line gas without alteration. LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 157 2866 2868 2866 FURNACE, Fletcher's Monitor. A form of Gas Assaying Furnace, sug- gested by Walter Lee Brown. In this furnace the flame rises from the burner, shown on the left of the engraving, and passes horizon- tally through the body of the furnace to the chimney. The exterior dimensions are 20 inches long, 7 inches wide, and 5 l /2 inches deep. As there is no direct heat under the floor of the furnace, a platform is furnished on which scorifiers or cupels are placed. The heat pass- ing under as well as over the platform, the articles placed thereon are heated quickly and evenly. The Monitor, as represented in cut.. $20.00 Prices of separate parts Fire-clay Slabs for covers, each $ 0.50 Body of Furnace 8.50 Platform 15 Supports for Platform, each 05 Tripod 50 No. 16 Burner 9.00 Chimney Pipe, per length 35 2868 FURNACE, Fletcher's Muffle, a gas furnace for assaying, enameling, and all purposes where exact temperatures are required, not exceeding the melting point of copper. Size No. 3, with No. 15 burner. Inside muffle space, 3x4x2^ in. high. Requires ^-in. bore gas pipe and tap. Clay parts, 734x734x8 in. Inside space, 5J4x534x5}4 in. high. From table to top of lid, 16 in. Weight, as illustrated, 60 Ibs 20.00 2870 FURNACE, Fletcher's Muffle. Size No. 4, with No. 4 burner. Inside muffle space, 3^x5^x3 in. high. Requires 34-in. clear bore gas pipe and tap. Clay parts, 10x9x11 in. Inside space, 7^x6^x534 in. high. From table to top of lid, 19^ in. Weight, as illustrated, 88 Ibs 26.00 2872 FURNACE, Fletcher's Muffle. Size No. 5, with No. 5 burner. Inside muffle space, 4^x6^x4 in. high. Requires 1-in. pipe and tap. Clay parts, 1124x1034x14 in. Inside space, 834x734x634 in. high. From table to top of lid, 23 in. Weight, as illustrated, 145 Ibs 40.00 2874 FURNACE, Fletcher's Muffle. Size No. 6, with No. 6 burner. Inside muffle space, 6x8J^x4/^ in. high. Requires 1-in. clear bore gas pipe and tap. Clay parts, 14xl5J4xl7J4 in. Inside space, 10^4x9^x8^4 in. high. From table to top of lid, 27 % in. Weight, as illustrated, 225 Ibs 50.00 158 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 2877 2877 FURNACE Crucible, with improved gas burner. The burner is almost noiseless in its action, and works with a very small gas supply, pro- ducing much more economical results than an.y gas burner heretofore used for the purpose of heating furnaces. Gas supply pipe required, 5^ inch. The amount of air and gas used by this furnace is very small. Care should be taken that the right proportion of each is used. A steady blast of air will give the best results. No. 9a or No. lOa Foot Blower is recommended for this furnace; takes No. 00 Crucible. No. 40a Crucible Furnace, with one No. 00 Crucible, without Foot Blower $5.00 Extra Burners ...... 2.25 2878-80 2882 2878 FURNACE, Fletcher's Perfected Injector gas furnace, for metallurgists, jewelers, chemists, manufacturers of artificial gems, and other pur- poses where an ordinary furnace is useless or unreliable. Takes No. 1 crucible, holding 2 pounds of metal. Without foot-blower $ 6.00 2880 FURNACE, Fletcher's Perfected Injector, taking No. 3 crucible holding 6 pounds of metal. Without foot-blower 8.50 2882 FURNACE, Fletcher's Perfected Injector. Combined Crucible and Muffle Furnace, for gas. This is supplied with muffle fittings, and can be used either as a crucible or muffle furnace. The body of the furnace is large enough to receive a No. 6 crucible, holding 12 pounds of metal. The cover has a projection one side, which reduces the height of the inside of the furnace to the proper size to receive the muffle or a No. 3 crucible. By reversing the cover, a No. 6 crucible may be used. Takes a muffle 3^x2^x6^4 inches. Complete, without foot- blower 14 - Use the No. 9B or 10 B foot-blower with this furnace. The gas sup- ply must be from a ^-inch or, better, a -K-inch pipe. LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 159 FURNACE CASE GAS MUFFLE PATENTED 2883 2883 FURNACE Case Gas Muffle, Patented. Prices include furnace, iron stand, motor, blower and burner. In fact, the whole equipment complete for running. Floor space dimensions signify all space necessary for complete installation of furnace in running order. Size of muffle, 10xl6x5j4 in. Capacity, fifteen 15-gramme, or twelve 20-gramme crucibles. Shipping weight, 620 Ibs.; iron stand, 140 Ibs.; motor blower, 150 Ibs.; floor space, 21x26 in. 2885 2885 FURNACE, Muffle. Highest heat can be obtained without using blast burners. Inside measure of muffle, 7x4^x3 inches high. Complete with our No. 2135t four Meker burner No. 3 in one row $30.00 FURNACE, Muffle. Same as No. 2885, but larger. Inside measurements of muffle, 9x6x4 inches high. Complete with six Meker burners No. 4 on one supply pipe 40.00 160 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 2887 2909 (a) 2887 FURNACE, Wiesnegg's. For ash determinations, etc. Inside measure- ments of muffle, 524x4x2^4 inches high. Complete with one muffle and four No. 4 Meker burners on one supply pipe $30.00 2909(a) FURNACE, Combustion, Glaser's, modified by Anschuetz and Kekule, with mica plates so that the burner flames may be watched. The burners are on a sliding frame. Complete with clay parts. Length, inches Number of burners 15 10 23 16 30 21 36 26 Each $30.00 40.00 50.00 6Q.OO Extra Top Clays for above, each 25 Extra Side Clays for above, each 25 Extra Gutters, each 15 2910 2910 FURNACE, Combustion, Bunsen, each burner with separate stopcock and air regulator. Complete with clay parts. Length, inches Number of burners 14 10 10 15 25 20 31 25 Each $18.00 24.00 30.00 36.00 Extra Clay Tiles for above 15 Extra Clay Gutters for above ,..,.., 45 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 181 2914 2914 FURNACE, Combustion, Fletcher's. The burners are on the outside of the furnace in front and are clear from falling dirt. There is no iron work to rust, brass being the only metal used in the furnace. Length, inches 12 24 Each $30.00 60.00 Extra cover blocks, each $0.50 2915 2915 FURNACE, Combustion, Fletcher's, for very high temperatures. Heats a 1-inch iron tube to softness in ten minutes, requiring for this purpose a foot blower or other blast. It may also be used without blast, when ordinary high temperatures are desired. Length, inches 12 18 24 For blast, with adjustable flame length $15.00 20.00 22.50 As above, without adjustable flame length 13.00 18.00 20.00 162 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. FURNACES HOSKINS' ELECTRIC TYPE FD These furnaces, Type FD, are designed for industrial and laboratory purposes. Their construction eliminates all the shortcomings commonly found in wire-wound electric furnaces. Attention is particularly called to the fact that all parts of this furnace which require renewals are very easily accessible and can be replaced by the operator himself. No part of this furnace need be returned to the factory when in need of repairs. The heating unit is surrounded by bonded kieselguhr, backed up with asbestos and magnesia slabs. It is believed that this insulation is the most efficient that is available and it is responsible for the low power consumption of this FD line. The door of the furnace is of the sliding type and has an adjustable counterbalance, which causes the door to remain open at any desired point or close automatically. Construction The heating element in these furnaces is of heavy Chromel "A" wire, wound in spiral coils. The refractory, around which this wire is wound, has spirally built ribs on its surface, which give the walls of the heating-chamber a greater strength, and at the same time the spaces between these ribs act as grooves in which the wire is wound and is thus automatically and properly spaced. Temperature The maximum safe operating temperature of the FD Furnace is 1830 F. (1000 C). The minimum temperature that can be maintained with the standard rheostat is about 900 F. (480 C.). With special rheostats, they can of course be operated at lower temperatures, with the exception of the Tube Furnace. Operation Hoskins Furnaces, Type FD, are built for 110 or 220 volt circuits, alter- nating and direct current. Special windings will be made for any voltage between 100 and 300. All styles require the use of a rheostat, which is the only auxiliary apparatus required. 291G(a) 291G(b) 2916 (a) FURNACE Hoskins' Electric (Type FD), No. 101. Crucible chamber style, as shown; may be titled on its side and used for a small muffle. Particularly for making crucible combustions, incinerations and melting alloys within temperature range of furnace. Includes 6 feet twin connector, cord and attachment plug. Type and Number Size of Heating Chamber Furnace Only Refractory Furnace and without Rheostat wire Chromel Wire for winding FD-101 . . .2" dia. x 2^2" deep $20.00 28.50 1.00 1.50 103 . . . 4" dia. x 4 " deep 40.00 52.00 3.00 6.00 104.. ..5" dia. x5 "deep 60.00 72.00 5.00 8.00 2916(b) Recalescent Outfit The apparatus shown in 2916(b) is used for deter- mining the "critical points" of high carbon steels. It consists of Hoskins Type FD-101 electric furnace, with controlling rheostat, and Type PA Portable Meter and thermo-couple Type P-402, complete with handle and 10 feet of flexible leads $74.50 163 2916(c) 2916 (d) 2916(c) FURNACE, Hoskins' Electric (Type FD), Muffle chamber style. (See general description under Type FD, particularly for ash determinations, ignition of precipitates, incinerations, fusions, combustions; for enameling, harden- ing and annealing of small metal parts.) Included with each furnace is a six-foot twin connector cord with attachments. Larger Sizes The sizes designated by FD-206 and 207 are equipped with an iron stand, which puts the furnace shelf about 40 inches above the floor. The FD-206 and 207 are wound with three parallel circuits, the rheostat being in one of them. The three circuits allow very close temperature con- trol, any temperature between that of the room and 1000 C. being easily maintained. Type and Number FD-201 Size of Heating Chamber WxHxL Furnace Only $ 45.00 Furnace and Rheostat 55.00 Refractory without wire 6.00 Chromel Wire for winding 5.00 202 4J4"x3 "xlO" 60.00 72.00 9.00 8.00 203 80.00 96.00 12.50 13.00 204 7J/"x5J / "xl4" 110.00 137.00 18.50 19.00 206 12 "x8 "x!9" 285.00 312.00 27.00 30.00 207 12 "x8 "x26" 340.00 390.00 36.00 45.00 2916 (d) FURNACE, Hoskins' Electric Combustion, for rapid determination of carbon contents of steels by the direct method. The fact that these furnaces are in use in the largest and busiest steel laboratories should convince you that they are proving entirely satisfactory. Type and Number Refractory Chromel Size of Heating Furnace Furnace and without Wire for Chamber Only Rheostat wire winding FD-302 l%" dia. x 12" long $25.00 33.50 3.00 3.50 2916(e) FURNACE, Multiple Tube (Type FD-235). This furnace fills the same pur- pose as the FB-235. They differ in their type of heating elements. In this furnace five carbon combustions can be run simultaneously, at one-fifth the attention, about one-third less cost, in one-third the space and lower up-keep cost, compared with five single tube furnaces. Also built in the heavier FB Type for continuous service day and night. Type and Number Size of Heating Chamber Furnace Only Refractory Furnace and without Rheostat wire FD-235 5 holes, 1J4" d. x 12" 1. $80.00 96.00 13.00 Chromel Wire for winding 13.00 164 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. TYPE FB FURNACES 110-220-440 VOLTS Hoskins Type FB Electric Furnaces are for work requiring temperatures up to 1100 C. (2000 F.). They are especially adapted to heavy duty or continuous operation, and are capable of twenty-four-hour-per-day service if required. The heating units of all Type FB Furnaces can be removed and replaced by the operator within a few minutes. Temperature The maximum working temperature of all Type FB Furnaces is 1100 C. (2000 F.). The minimum temperature at which the rheostat-controlled fur- naces can be maintained (after having come up to heat) varies between 316 C. (600 F.) and 536 C. (1000 F.) for the different designs. The Types FB 204 to 235 inclusive can be maintained at any temperature between that of the room, in which the furnace is operating, and 1100 C. (2000 F.). Operation Type FB Furnaces operate on low voltages (10 to 67.5 volts), for which reason they are best adapted for use on alternating current circuits in connection with a transformer. They are regularly supplied for use on 110, 220 or 440 volt, 25 or 60 cycle lines, but can be supplied for other voltages and cycles at prices which will be quoted on application. Temperature regulation of the Types FB 204 to 235, inclusive, is by means of regulating transformers; the types of smaller power in-put are con- trolled by means of rheostats. Power Consumption None of the furnaces described in this bulletin, of course, draws the full load except when heating up. Once up to heat, they operate on a greatly reduced current, in some cases less than half the maximum. !91G(f) 291G(g) 2916(b) FURNACE, Hoskins' Electric (Type FB). Crucible chamber style. Espe- cially adapted to use in analytical laboratory work. Transformer Furnace and Complete Equipment Type and Number Size of Heating Chamber FB-102 . . ......... 2" dia. x 2J 105 ........... 4" dia. x 6 " deep " deep Furnace Only $25.00 60.00 Rheostat 60 cycle 25 cycle 60 cycle 25 cycle 12.00 16.00 26.00 45.00 40.00 62.50 63.00 121.00 77.00 138.00 2016(g) FURNACE Hoskins' Electric (Type FB). Muffle chamber style (see gen- eral description under Type FB). Particularly for ash determinations, igni- tion of precipitates, incinerations, fusions, enameling, hardening and annealing, melting metals and alloys and a great variety of other uses. Transformer Furnace and Complete Equipment ype and lumber Size of Heating Chamber WxHxL FB-202 4^"x3"x 9 204 7^"x5"xl2j4" 205 12 "x5"x!2^" 206 12 W x8"xl9 207 12 "x8"x26 208 12 "x8"x33 " Furnace Rheostat 60 cycle 25 cycle 60 cycle 25 cycle Only $ 90.00 16.00 52.50 72.50 158.50 178.50 125.00 None 157.50 197.50 282.50 322.50 210.00 None 180.00 225.00 390.00 435.00 285.00 None 234.00 280.00 519.00 565.00 340.00 None 272.50 332.50 612.50 672.50 400.00 None 310.00 385.00 710.00 785.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 165 HOSMNS ELECTRIC COMBUSTION FURNAC*" < 2916(h) FURNACE He-skins' Electric (Type FB 302). Tube chamber style. (See gen- eral description under Type FB). Furnace and Complete Transformer Equipment Type and Size of Heating Furnace Number Chamber Only Rheostat 60 cycle 25 cycle 60 cycle 25 cycle FB-302 1*4" dia. x 11" long $30.00 12.00 26.00 40.00 68.00 82.00 2916(j) FURNACE, Multiple Tube Combustion Furnace (Type FB-235). This furnace is of great convenience and economy where a large number of carbon determinations are to be made, using the direct combustion method. Five carbon combustions can be run simultaneously, and in approximate terms, at one-fifth the attention, one-third less space and correspondingly lower up-keep cost than that represented by five single tube furnaces of the same capacity. The combustion tubes are heated by direct radiation from the "hair- pin" heating units, between which the tubes lie. Temperature regulation is accomplished by means of a regulating transformer. This furnace is also made in the FD type. See No. 2916(e). Furnace and Complete Transformer Equipment Type and Size of Heating Furnace Number Chamber Only Rheostat 60 cycle 25 cycle 60 cycle 25 cycle FB-235 5 holes, 1J4" d. x 12" 1. $125.00 None 157.50 197.50 282.50 322.50 2916(k) 2916 (k) FURNACE CORES, Alundum. For the construction of small wire resistance electric furnaces Alundum refractory cores meet the criteria of the most efficient material for this purpose. The resistor should be spiralled and wound and then embedded in Alundum cement. Thus, fully protected, the wire does not corrode under the most severe conditions, since the Alundum mixtures are chemically inert. In addition to this the core has high heat conductivity and does not become an electrical conductor even at the highest temperatures obtained in the furnace.* Those listed below we aim to carry constantly in stock. Special sizes and styles made to order. No 6917 Bore, inches 1 Depth, inches 10 Pitch, inches 1/9 Each $3.75 *One end closed. 6271 6916 6366 *6597 *6601 1* 2 3^ 3 5 12 10 5 7 9 A 1/9 A A A 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 6.00 166 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. FURNACE CEMENT HYTEMPITE Hytempite is a high temperature fire brick cement which has proven of great value in the laying of firebrick and in the general repair of all types of furnaces, retorts, ladles and so forth. It is a scientifically compounded refractory plastic material and forms a lasting union between the materials to be joined, retaining its strength regard- less of the heat to about 3100 F. It is better than fire clay because fire clay and water has no binding strength. It does not loosen with expansion or contraction. Hytempite withstands the cutting action of the flames and is especially recommended for oil furnaces. It is largely used, also, as a coating or wash or to smoothen and harden the surface of a lining to protect it from abrasion. In 25, 50, 100 and 225 pound kegs and in barrels of 800 pounds. Also furnished in ton lots with prices on application. Below is illustrated a typical test of a firebrick broken, repaired with HYTEMPITE and then re-broken. Note the last illustration, showing location of new fracture. The Break (see note) The Test (see note) NOTE. The brick illustrated was broken and repaired with HYTEMPITE, sub- jected to a high temperature, and upon being tested fractured as shown, proving the repair stronger than the brick structure. Prices on application. 2916(e) FURNACE CEMENT. Alundum cement is recommended for use in con- nection with Alundum muffles, cores, and wherever a refractory cement with high thermal conductivity is desirable. It has the same general proprieties as the refractory article and is furnished in the form of a dry powder, which, when mixed with sufficient water to make a thick paste, is ready for application. The material should be allowed to dry and finally heated to a good red heat. In burning, the heat should be raised as high as possible, as this will give the cement a body similar in character to the refractory article. Price in 1-lb. lots. Per Ib $0.30 Price in 5-lb. lots. Per Ib 15 Price in 25-lb. lots. Per Ib 10 Prices for larger quantities on application. LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 167 2917 2918 2918(b) 2917 FUSEL OIL Determination Apparatus, Rose's, for 20 c.c. chloroform and 100 c.c. alcohol, graduated in 1/10 c.c $5.00 2918 FUSEL OIL Determination Apparatus, Rose-Herzfeld, for 20 c.c. chloro- form and 100 c.c. alcohol, graduated in 1/20 c.c 5.00 2918(a) FUSEL OIL Determination Apparatus, as above, for 50 c.c. chloroform and 250 c.c. alcohol, graduated in 1/20 c.c 6.50 2918 (b) FUSEL OIL Determination Apparatus, Bromwell's, with stop-cock and glass stopper. See Bureau of Chem. Bulletin No. 107 of U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture 6.75 LABORATORY FURNITURE The laboratory is becoming more and more a factor in education, in the profession, and in the trades. We furnish laboratory furniture not only for educational institutions, but for private experimental and clinical laboratories, such as meet the needs of physicians, commercial chemists and pathologists. We use the best grade of lumber in the manufacture of our furniture. It is kiln dried by the most modern process known. We furnish all the plumbing complete to the floor line ready to be screwed together and connected Plans showing the exact location of the different outlets should be -obtained before the floor pipes are laid. All sinks and gutters furnished in connection with our laboratory furniture are made from lJ4-inch soapstone. This stone has no equal. It will withstand the action of acid better than any other known sub- stance. While it is impossible to list all types of Laboratory Furniture we list at least representative ones of Laboratory Tables for Students' and Professors'. use for Bacteriological and Industrial purposes and Chemistry Fume Hoods and Balance Tables. We also are capable of furnishing Museum Cases and Cabinets of various kinds, for Fun- nel and Burette Supports, etc. (See under alphabetical classification throughout the catalog.) 168 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 2918(c) STUDENTS' CHEMISTRY LABORATORY TABLE ARRANGED TO ACCOMMODATE 16 STUDENTS WORKING IN SECTIONS OF 8 This table has proved to be one of the most practical for average chemical work. A gutter runs the full length of the table and drains into the sink at the end, as shown in illustration. All the plumbing is exposed and furnished complete to the floor line. This table gives each student one large and one small drawer and one cupboard. We furnish the table in any length required. SPECIFICATION SIZE 12' long, 4' wide, 3' high. TOP Soapstone 1%" thick, or birch 1J4" thick. When wood top is furnished, it is treated acid proof. GUTTER Soapstone or lead lined, draining into sink at end of table, 5^" wide x 2" deep in upper end, slanting down to 5" at the sink. SINK Soapstone, 10^"xl4"xl8", equipped with standing removable overflow and extra heavy lead waste jtrap. WATER Four nickel plated compression water cocks with detachable hose nipples. By removing the detachable hose nipples, a Richard's aspirator can be attached. We also furnish one Y^'y^A" reducer for the use of a Chapman aspirator. The end water c'ock is threaded for regular 54" hose connection. GAS Four two-way gas hose cocks, eight outlets. Water and gas plumbing is com- plete to floor line. RE-AGENT SHELVES Made with retaining rims, and are treated acid proof. DRAWERS Lap front, in order to exclude dust as much as possible. DOORS Panel and lap front. LOCKS Forty-eight master keyed mortise locks in^sets of three. This arrangement gives each student one large drawer 15^2"x9"x9^" deep, one smaller drawer 15Ji"xll"x4" deep, and one cupboard 15J4"xl7"xl8", with shelf in center. MATERIAL Exposed parts below top are plain oak. FINISH Antique (or any other shade when so ordered), with three coats of varnish and rubbed. WEIGHT Crated, with stone top, 2,700 Ibs.; with wood top, 2,000 Ibs. Prices 2918c/l With stone top and master keyed mortise locks $330.00 2918C/2 With stone top, but without locks 282.00 2918C/3 With wood top and master keyed mortise locks 305.00 2918C/4 With wood top, but without locks 257.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 169 2918 (d) This table is often used in pathological and industrial laboratories. The sinks at the ends of the tables are large and are built inside the table. The spaces on the sides of the sinks furnish ample room for practical use. There are four pull shelves. The plumbing is exposed, with the exception of connections, which are inside the table and accessible. THIS TABLE IS FURNISHED IN ANY LENGTH REQUIRED. SPECIFICATION SIZE 15' long, 4' wide, 3' high. TOP Soapstone, 1J4" thick, or birch treated acid proof. GUTTER Soapstone or lead lined, 5J the sinks. 1^4" thick. When wood top is furnished, it is " wide x 2" deep at center, slanting to 5%" at SINKS Two soapstone sinks, each 18"xl8"xl2" deep, with standing removable over- flow and extra heavy lead waste traps. WATER Four nickel plated compression water cocks with detachable hose nipples. By removing the detachable^hose nipples, a Richard's aspirator can be attached. We also furnish one H"xJ4" reducer for the use of a Chapman aspirator. The two end water cocks are threaded for regular 24" hose connection. GAS :Four two-way gas hose cocks, eight outlets. Water and gas plumbing is fur- nished complete to floor line. RE-AGENT SHELVES Made with retaining rims, and are treated acid proof. PULL SHELVES Four, two on each side. DRAWERS Lap front, in order to exclude dust as much as possible. DOORS Paneled and lap front. LOCKS On drawers and cupboards, when so ordered. MATERIALS Exposed parts below top are plain oak. FINISH Antique (or any other shade when so ordered), with three coats of varnish and rubbed. WEIGHT Crated, with stone top, 2,700 Ibs.; with wood top, 2,000 Ibs. Prices 2918d/l With stone top, but without locks ..................................... $350.00 2918d/2 With wood top, but without locks ..................................... 320.00 Locks extra, each ......................... 1.00 170 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. CHEMISTRY FUME HOOD This fume hotfd is similar in construction to our No. 1095, with the exception that it has only one compartment. In many laboratories one of these hoods is placed in each corner of the room. Six square feet are required for each hood. Plumbing is complete to floor line. This hood is regularly furnished single as illustration, although two of any number of sections may be had. SPECIFICATION SIZE 3' long, 9' high, 2' deep. TOP Soapstone I 1 /*" thick. CONSTRUCTION One compartment, 3'x2'. DOORS Lift door (with double strength glass), balanced on weights. Best bronze chain used. BACK The hood has no back. It is built to be fitted against the wall. We furnish them with back when so ordered. GAS Two gas hose cocks placed as illustrated. Plumbing is complete to floor line. MATERIAL Exposed parts are oak. FINISH Antique (or any other shade when so or- dered), with three coats of varnish and rubbed. WEIGHT Crated, 300 Ibs. Prices Without back $75.00 With back 85.00 2918F Special sizes made on short notice. This table is often used in professors' private offices, pathological and industrial laboratories. It is equipped with soapstone top, trough and sink. It has a single re-agent shelf treated acid proof. The table is 8' long, 2' 6" wide, 3' high. Gas, water and waste furnished complete to floor line. Price F. O. B. Chicago No. 2918F $160.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 171 2918 (g) BALANCE CASE AND WALL TABLE SPECIFICATION SIZE 11' 8" long x 2' wide. Table is 32" high. Each compartment measures inside 32" wide x 19" deep x 30" high. MATERIAL AND CONSTRUCTION Working top is 1^4" thick birch, matched and glued. Legs are held in place by braces and bolts. The case and the lower part of the table are constructed of plain oak. The back is paneled. The doors are supported on spring balances. Glass in doors, ends, partitions, and top is double strength A. A. The handles are solid brass. FINISH The working top is finished black and oiled. All oak is finished antique (or any other shade when so ordered), with one coat filled and three coats varnish, rubbed. WEIGHT Crated, 800 Ibs. Prices Containing four compartments $132.00 Containing two compartments 67.00 Special Laboratory Furniture made to order. Please submit your plans to us for our prices and suggestions. 172 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. GAS ANALYSIS APPARATUS 2920 2921 2921(b) 2920 GAS APPARATUS, Orsat Lunge's, for flue and furnace gases, for analysis of COa, CO, O and H consisting of four absorption pipettes, tube with 5 stopcocks, gas measuring tube with water jacket and aspirator bot- tle, in portable wooden case ..$40.00 For extra parts see 2921 (a). 2921 GAS APPARATUS, Orsat-Muencke's, for flue and furnace gases, for analy- sis of CO 2 CO, O and H consisting of four absorption pipettes, tube with 5 stopcocks, gas measuring tube with water jacket and aspirator bottle, in portable wooden case 30.00 For extra parts see 2921 (a). 2921(a) GAS APPARATUS, Separate parts for Nos. 2920-2921. Measuring tubes with jacket for any of above 6.00 Tube with 5 stopcocks for No. 2920 11-00 Tube with 4 stopcocks for No. 2921 10.00 Pipettes, filled with glass tubes and copper spirals, with ground in glass stopper 6.00 Pipettes, filled with glass tubes 4-00 Pipettes, plain 3.50 Soft Rubber Bags, for attaching to Orsat Pipettes 60 Aspirator Bulbs of Rubber with two valves, and rubber connections.. 1.00 Aspirator. Bottles 2.00 N. B. The above prices are for parts which fit the apparatus which we sell; special sizes we can make to order at reasonable prices. State apparatus wanted for. 2921 (b) GAS APPARATUS, Orsat Muencke's, Petrzilka modification, with large universal stopcock, dispensing with four smaller ones, in portable case , 50.00 Extra Stopcocks for above 18.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 173 2923 2923 DUST, TAR and Moisture Determination Apparatus, consisting of a test meter, across the top of which is fixed a brass pipe which serves as a flue for the gases to be tested, as well as a support for the filter holders. Each holder is separated by loosening the thumbscrews, and the filter paper through which the gas passes may be inserted or removed without disarranging the operation or adjustment of the other parts. An electric light in the clean side of the filter holder keeps any moisture in the gas sufficiently volatile to prevent disruption of the filter paper. To the filter holders are attached the calcium chloride beakers to absorb the moisture, and a manometer and 'thermometer on the meter permit reductions of metered to standard gas. Complete with meter $200.00 Single dust filter without meter 50.00 2025 2926 2927 2925 GAS BURETTE, Bunte's, with two stopcocks $ 9.00 2928 GAS BURETTE, Bunte's, with support, reservoir and rubber connections.. 15.00 2927 GAS BURETTE, Elliott's, for analysis of furnace and illuminating gases; complete with reservoirs and rubber connections 20.00 174 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. f=? f? FT 292 7 (a) 2927 (b) 2927 (a) GAS BURETTE, Morehead's (patented), as used by the Peoples Gas Light and Coke Co. and others. This Burette, while sacrificing none of the accuracy possessed by the Hempel, Orsat or Mclntosh-Elliott very greatly decreases the time necessary for an analysis. A complete analysis of coal, water, natural fuel, producer, acetylene, or gasoline gas, comprising determinations of any or all of the following constituents, carbon dioxide, illuminants, oxygen, carbon-monoxide, methane, hydrogen and nitrogen, can be made in from twenty to twenty-five minutes. The saving in time is effected by the elimination of the necessity of shifting the gas from one portion of the apparatus to another. With each outfit we send a 20-page treatise by Mr. Morehead on Industrial Gases, giving full direc- tions for using the apparatus. A. The complete apparatus with support aspirator bottles and rubber tubing as illustrated $28.00 B. The Burette only, with storage bulb 17.50 C. The complete apparatus with support, etc., as illustrated, but the burette supplied with water jacket for securing constant tempera- ture 37.50 D. The Burette only, supplied with water jacket and storage bulb. . 24.00 E. The Storage Bulb only : . 3.00 F. Induction Coil, %-inch spark 6.50 G. Metal Gas Holder, No. 2955 3.25 H. Copy of "Industrial Gases," by J. M. Morehead 25 2927 (b) GAS APPARATUS, United States Steel Corporation Official Apparatus, for the technical analysis of gases. The special features of this appa- ratus are the accessibility of the auxiliary gases and the central loca- tion of the burette, thus decreasing the error due to the capillary space. The apparatus, as illustrated, mounted on stand, complete with metal sampling tube 50.00 Individual Parts: Tube with stopcocks 10.50 Explosion Pipette 5.00 Liquid Reagent Pipettes. Each 6.50 Solid Reagent Pipettes. Each 5.00 Burette with jacket, complete . 10.50 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 175 2933 2934(a) 2936 2934 2933 GAS BURETTES, Hempel's, graduated to 100 cc. in 1/5 cc. mounted on heavy iron japanned bases with wooden ipllars, complete, per set. .^ The graduated burette only 2934 GAS BURETTES, Hempel's, as above, but with plain and 3-way stop- cocks in graduated tube, complete, per set The graduated burette only 2934(a) GAS BURETTES, Hempel's arranged for temperature and barometric correction, complete as illustrated Glass parts only 2936 GAS BURETTES, Winkler's, measuring tube divided in 1/5 and its lower part in 1/20 cc. With fittings and support complete The measuring tube and filling tube only The measuring tube only 5.00 2.50 7.50 4.50 17.50 12.00 15.00 10.00 6.25 2942 2943 2912 GAS PIPETTE, Hempel's, simple absorption, for liquid reagents, mounted. $ 3.60 2943 GAS PIPETTE, Hempel's, compound absorption, for liquid reagents, mounted .... 5.00 176 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 2944 2945 2944 GAS PIPETTE, Hempel's, simple absorption, for solid reagents, mounted. .$3.50 2945 GAS PIPETTE, Hempel's, compound absorption, for solid reagents, mounted . 5.00 2946 2947 2946 GAS PIPETTE, Hempel's, sulphuric acid, with glass, mounted 5.00 2947 GAS PIPETTE, Hempel's, for explosion, simple, with stopcock and plat- inum electrodes, mounted 5.75 2949 2949 GAS PIPETTE, Hempel's, explosion, new form, with leveling bulb 7.50 2950 GAS PIPETTE, Hempel's, for hydrogen, simple, mounted 5.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 177 2954 2952 GAS 2954 GAS 2955 GAS 2952- 2955 GAS GAS GAS GAS 2955a GAS, 2955b GAS, 2955c GAS, PALLADIUM TUBE, Hempel's, for absorption of hydrogen, filled with palladium black $5.00 to 10.00 COLLECTING TUBES, of glass, plain, with stopcock at each end. Capacity 100 250 500 cc Each ; $3.50 4.50 5.00 COLLECTING TUBES, Winkler's, of zinc, with two stopcocks; for collecting and holding gas samples; 12 inches long," 4^ inches di- ameter $3.25 BULBS, Chancel's and Dumas', see Bulbs. BAGS, see Bags. BALLOONS, for weighing gases, see Balloons. BOTTLES, Washing, see Bottles. Ammonia, Anhydrous Ammonia, liquified, in 35 and 100-lb. cylinders, Ib. $0.50 Carbonic, liquefied, in 18-lb. cylinders, Ib 25 Chlorine, liquefied, in cylinders of 100 Ibs., Ib .25 2955d 2955e 2955d GAS CYLINDERS, Steel, tested to 600 Ibs. hydrostatic pressure. The capacity is based on a pressure of 225 pounds, at which pressure the cylinders are filled by us. The price includes a brass name plate engraved with name am 1 address and the McLahlan patent double needle- valve. Cubic feet 25 40 50 Each $20.00 25.00 30.00 Cylinders filled with pure Oxygen Gas, per cubic foot $ 0.12^2 2955e GAS, Oxygen, in seamless steel cylinders, under a pressure of 1,800 pounds per square inch. 40 gallon (cylinder, $7.50; Gas, 2.50) 8,25 100 gallon (cylinder, $12.00; Gas, 5.00) 17.00 Wheel key and yoke for rubber tubing 1.75 N. B. We allow full price for empty cylinders if returned in good order within a reasonable time. Wheel key and yoke not returnable. 2955f GAS, Sulphur Dioxide, liquefied. In 20-oz. tins, each $0.50 In 6-lb. iron cylinders, each 6.00 Cylinders and tins not returnable. 178 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 2956 2958 2956 GAS Collecting Tubes. Style a, $0.35; Style b, .35; Style c, .50 2958 GAS Collecting Tube, Schroetter's .$0.50 2960 2960(a) 2961 (a) 2960 GAS DISTRIBUTOR, with four side tubes and one center burner, -all with stopcocks $7.00 2960(a) GAS DISTRIBUTOR, same as above, but with one center burner 6.00 2960(b) GAS DISTRIBUTOR, with three outlets, and one center burner, all with stopcocks , 6.00 2961 GAS DISTRIBUTOR, same as above, but without center burner 4.75 2961 (a) GAS DISTRIBUTOR, two outlets, with stopcocks 3.75 2962 296c 29G3(a) 2962 GAS GENERATORS, gas bottles, fitted wtih rubber stopper, thistle tube, and delivery tube. Capacity, ounces 4 8 16 32 Each $0.50 .60 .70 .80 2963 GAS GENERATOR. As above, with tubes ground into the neck. Pint size, each $2.50 2963(a) GAS GENERATOR. Consisting of generating bottle, funnel tube, lead basket and delivery tube with pinchcock. Quart size, each 2.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 179 2963-4 2963-1 2963-3 2963-1 GENERATOR Parson's Automatic, for H 2 S, CO 2 and H. This is the most popular generator for large requirements; used by the majority of edu- cational laboratories throughout the country to distribute HzS to labora- tory classes. The apparatus is perfectly automatic in action, and the refuse is auto- matically removed, while the pressure is almost constant. Only fresh acid comes in contact with the solid reagent, so that the full strength of the acid is utilized. There are no stoppers or valves, the apparatus being con- trolled entirely from the exits. It requires practically no attention, is easily cleaned and refilled without being taken apart. Forty outlets flow- ing at the rate of two bubbles every second can be furnished by one apparatus. Most instructors prefer exits for use with hydrogen sulphide to be situated in the hoods; the rubber connection containing a small piece of capillary tubing, being concealed behind a block, screwed to the wall; thus the student sees only a rubber tube protruding from a hole, and being unaware that his supply is limited by the size of the capillary, has no means of increasing the supply. Waste is thereby avoided. Generator of light yellow acid proof stoneware, complete with the necessary glass parts and rubber stopper $25.00 Crates and packing extra, 1.50 Special globular iron sulphide, free from dust, for use with this generator; in lots of 25, 50 and 100 pounds respectively per pound, net, .20 Lead Piping, with series of outlets for hood. Price according to number of outlets and distance. Renewals- Bottle A 3.50 Pot B 4.50 Tower C 15.00 Pot D 3.50 Disc 75 Non-syphoning tribe 50 2963-2 Ditto For Chlorine, and other gases. Of best acid proof stoneware, with air tight covers ground on. Capacity, gallons ' 6 12 20 25 33 39^ Each '. $4.50 6.50 10.00 12.00 13.50 17.50 2963-3 Ditto, With inside vessel 5.60 8.00 12.00 14.20 17.00 22.00 2964-4 Ditto For Chlorine. Of best acid proof stoneware, with perforated ground stoppers. Capacity, gallons 14 /4 /^ 1 1/4 Each $1.50 1.80 2.20 3.00 4,25 180 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 2964 2966 2964 GAS Generator for sulphuretted hydrogen, according to Dr. C. B. Dudley, of the Penna. R. R. Company. The iron sulphate is packed in the upper part of the jar. The flow of hydrochloric acid from the bottle is regulated by the glass stopcock, and becomes saturated by the time it reaches the bottom, whence it may be drawn off. Convenient for generating the gas in quantity, and as rapidly as desired. Size of jar, 18x4 inches. Capacity of acid bottle, y 2 gallon $12.00 See Electrolytic Apparatus. 2966 GAS Generator, Kipp's, complete. Capacity, liters l /2 1 2 Each $8.00 10.00 15.00 2968 2971 2972 2968 GAS Generator, Ernest form. The distinctive features of this generator are compactness and stability, incorporation of a washing device, ease of cleaning and charging, absence of rubber parts, regulation of opera- tion and greater gas storage capacity. Price 2971 GAS Holder, sliding receiver, made of leaded iron, painted, mounted on iron frame, with pulleys and weights, capacity 20 gallons $50.00 2972 GAS Holder, Berzelius' and Pepy's improved form. Capacity, gallons Of heavy copper, each $30.00 40.00 Of heavy zinc, each 20.00 25.00 2974 GAS Machines for making gas or acetylene gas in quantity for illumination or for heating purposes. Specifications and prices on complete plants on application. LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 181 2972(a) 2975 2972a Gas Recorders. Moisture, dust and fume proof. Protable type provided with U-gauge for testing the recorder. For pressure or vacuum. With U-gauge 8-inch $47.00; 10-inch $55.00 Without U-gauge 8-inch: . . .$38.00; 10-inch 44.00; 12-inch 52.00 2973 Gas Regulator, Roux, Bi-metallic, designed to meet the demands for an accurate regulator without the use of mercury or glass in its construction. It is particularly well adapted for Incubators and other Ovens where a constant, even temperature is desired. Inlet tube E is connected by means of rubber tubing to the gas supply; the outlet D is connected in the same manner with the burner under the incubator. A is a set screw to regulate the flow of gas, and B a lock nut; C is a small set screw for pilot light. Diameter of tube, 1 inch. Small size, 10 inches long '. $10.00 Large size, 12 inches long 11.00 2973(a) Gas Regulator, Thermo-Regulator, Roux. Same as above, but made for high temperature. In two sizes: Small, 10 inches long 11.00 Large, 12 inches long 12.00 2973 (b) Gas Regulator, Greenman's, made entirely of steel. The gas entering at "C" must pass the valve "H" before passing to the burner through "D", excepting that a small quan- tity, determined by the screw valve "J" passes through the by-pass "I" to main- tain the pilot flame. The mercury in the tube "A" when expanded raises the valve "H" against the conical valve seat "G" and the valve is prevented from falling too far by the pin at "O." The volume of the mer- cury is controlled by the rod "K," which is held in place by the screw "L." By ad- justing the rod "K" and the screw valve "J" an extremely accurate control of the gas supply and the temperature may be maintained. The slightest increase in the volume of the mercury contained in the tube "A" produces a considerable differ- ence in the height of the mercury in the 2973-3b passage "F" and the float "H," which is about two-thirds submerged in the mer- cury, is carried upward and closes the valve "G." The brass tube into which the regu- lator is to be inserted should be filled with glycerine 12.00 2975 Gas Pressure Regulator, Murrill's latest and most convenient form, for use with a thermostat. A constant temperature can be maintained regard- less of the pressure variations in the gas supply, with two outlets.. . . 10.00 Gas Regulator, see also Thermostats. 182 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 2975(a) 2975 (b) 2975 (c) 2975 (a) Regulating and Reducing Gauge, 3,000-pound gauge on inlet, gauge on outlet, with universal fitting for any oxygen tank $35.00 2975(b) Gas Regulator. For shutting off the supply of gas at any desired time. Consists of specially constructed cock with timing device and gas valve. The gas valve is connected by rubber tubing between the gas supply and the apparatus which it is to regulate 6.00 2975(c) Filter Attachment, for Greenman Regulator; in fact, may also be used with Roux Regulator, to clean gas of coal tar and other solids, thereby assuring perfect working of Regulator 5.00 2978 2980 2982 2976 2976 2978 2980 2982 2984 GAS Tubes, Measuring, Bunsen's. Capacity, c.c 25 Graduated to 1/5 Each $1.25 2986 GAS Tubes, Measuring, with stopcock. Capacity 50 c.c.xl/10 c.c Each $3.00 2984 2986 GAS Tube, Absorption, Babo's, filled with glass beads $3.50 GAS Tube, Absorption, Bunsen's, with bulb, graduated 2.50 GAS Tube, Absorption, Bunsen's, straight, graduated 2.00 GAS Tube, Absorption, Emmerling's, filled with glass beads 3.00 50 100 1/5 1/5 1.75 1.75 c 100 c, 100 200 1/1 1/1 2.25 2.50 c.xl/5 c.c. 3.50 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 183 2988 2990 2998 3000 2988 Gas Washing Tube, Muencke's $1.25 2990 Gas Washing Tube, Scheibler's 1.00 2998 GAUGE, Mercury Manometer, with glass stopcock and movable scale on mirror glass, mounted on support 11.00 3000 GAUGE, Metallic, indicating pressure. Diameter, inches 3 4 5 6 Each $5.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 3002 GAUGE, Metallic, indicating vacuum. Diameter, inches 3 4 5 6 Each $5.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 J " 3006 3010 & 3016 3017 3006 GAUGE for Wire, American standard, Nos. 5 to 36 $3.00 3008 GAUZE, Brass Wire. Meshes to inch 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 200 Per square foot $0.70 .80 .90 1.00 1.20 1.50 2.00 4.00 3010 GAUZE, Brass Wire, correct thickness to use in heating dishes, in square pieces. Size, inches 4 5 6 8 Each .$0.15 .20 .25 .50 3012 GAUZE, Copper Wire, for combustions, etc. Meshes, per inch 20 40 60 80 100 200 Per square foot ...$1.00 1.25 1.50 2.00 3.00 4.00 3014 GAUZE, Iron Wire. Meshes, per inch 6 10 14 16 20 30 40 60 Per square foot $0.25 .30 .35 .40 .45 .50 .60 .85 3016 GAUZE, Iron Wire, correct thickness to use in heating dishes, etc., in square pieces. Size, inches 4 5 Q g Each $0.06 .08 .10 .20 3017 GAUZE, Asbestos Centre. Made of iron wire, with flat asbestos centre. Size, inches 4x4 5x5 ' 6x6 Each $0.12 .15 .20 3017(a) GAUZE, Nichrome, superior in heat resisting quality to any wire gauze on the market. Size of sheet 20 mesh and No. 27 wire 16 mesh and No. 24 wire 4"x4" 5"x5" 6"x6" Price per sq. ft. $0.60 .90 1.30 5.00 $0.45 .65 .95 3.50 184 A. DA1GGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 3022 3023 3020 3022 3023 3024 GLASS-CUTTER, steel wheel, serving purpose of glazier's diamond...... $0.25 *J J-***ww >* ** * . . - -.-^ ** ^-* . ^J- ;-! VvA-*nfA 4-ViA rrln cc tiir\* 1C GAGE GLASS CUTTERS. Cuts a perfect circle because the glass tube is held in a parallel position in the fibre rests. The glass does not come in contact with metal except at the cutting wheel, and cutting wheel is easily renewed. . 1 aro-e 12 inches, cuts H to mcn lass U P to 8 inches m length ...... Small ' 8 inches, cuts ft inch up to 5 inches in length. . . .............. GLASS TUBE CUTTER Griffin's, made of nickel plated brass. Extra steel wheels. Each GLASS Knife, see Knife and also Files. GLASS Plates, see Plates. GLASS Rods, see Rods. GLASS Tubing, see Tubing. GLASS Wool, for filtering acids, etc. Per ounce ................. Per pound 1.50 2.50 1.00 .20 .50 6.00 ^C\ f s~) 3027 3028 3029 3030 3027 GLOVES, Black Rubber. Acid-proof, for protecting the hands in handling acids, nitrate of silver, etc. Size' Short Half long Short Half long Heavy driven No. .'.'.'.' 10 to 12 10 to 12 13 13 13 Gauntlet None 4 in. None 4 in. Sin. Pair $1.25 1.50 1.40 1.65 2.00 3028 GLOVES, White Rubber. For smelters, in use in chlorination and cyanide works, etc. No. 13 with 9-inch gauntlet $3.50 3028 (a) GLOVES, White Rubber. No. 13, 21-inch gauntlet 6.00 3029 GLOVES, Asbestos. With thumb and finger, pair 3.00 3030 GLOVES, Asbestos. Mittens, pair 2.50 3032 GOGGLES for protecting the eyes, white glass, per pair 25 3034 GOGGLES, with colored glass, per pair 25 3036 GOLD Beaters' Skins, each 25 GOLD Washing Pans and Horns, see Pans and Horns. LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS is: 3040 3042 3038 3040 3042 3044 GRADUATES, Capacity Each . . . GRADUATES, Capacity, Each GRADUATES, Capacity, Each . . . GRADUATES, Capacity, Capacity, Each GRADUATES, Glass, Minim, Conical, accurately graduated. ................................ 1 dram. 2 drams. 1 ounce. .50 16 32 .75 2.00 ................................ $0.25 .30 Glass, Ounces, Conical, accurately graduated. ounces ........... . ........ 1 2 4 8 .......................... $0.25 .30 .35 .45 Glass, Metric, Conical, accurately graduated. c.c ...... 10 15 30 60 100 200 250 500 1000 .......... $0.25 .25 .30 .35 .40 .50 .65 1.10 2.50 Glass, Metric and Ounces, Conical, accurately graduated. c.c ................. 15 30 60 120 250 500 1000 ounces ............. Y 2 1 2 4 8 16 32 ..................... $0.40 .40 .45 .60 .80 1.20 2.00 Cylindrical, see Cylinders, Graduated. 3050 3052 3054 3058 3050 HAMMERS, Mineralogical, according to Dana, square face. Weight, ounces 10 20 32 Face, inches 24 1 1/4 Each $1.25 1.50 2.50 3052 HAMMERS, Mineralogical, sharpened at both ends. Weight, ounces 11 24 Each $1.20 1.50 3054 HAMMERS, Plattner's, for blowpipe work $0.75 3056 HAMMERS, Prospecting Picks. Pick length, inches 7 8 Each $1.25 1.40 3058 HAMMERS, Wedge Shaped, for breaking ores, slagging, etc. Weight, ounces 12 15 28 Each $0.60 .65 .75 186 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. HARDNESS AND SHEET METAL TESTING MACHINES 3060 3060B 3060 BRINELL Testing Machine. This instrument measures the hardness of materials by the indentation method. A hardened steel ball is pressed into the smooth surface of the metal so as to make an indentation which is read by optical or mechanical means. Price, Style "A" (for 3000 Kg. pressure) Upon Application 3060A Attachment for BRINELL Machine to read the depth of impression. This attachment permits depth readings to 1/100 millimeters, and it was constructed when it was found that the depth of indentation could be more accurately measured than the diameter of indentation. Price Upon Application 3060B BRINELL Microscope. Designed to measure the impressions made in the Brinell Ball Test. It is a compound instrument and permits of great accuracy. Price, with suitable case Upon Application 3062 3062 Pittsburg Metal Sheet Tester. To determine the drawing, stamping, com- pressive and folding qualities of sheets of iron, steel, plated metals and so forth. Price Upon Application LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 187 3072 3072 Instantaneous Water Heater, giving instantly a continuous supply of water at any temperature, from boiling to lukewarm, free from the products of combustion, and suitable for all purposes. Designed to hang over lavatory bowl or sink. In two sizes; large size, height 19 inches, projection from wall 8 inches; small size, height 18 inches, projec- tion from wall 6 inches. This water heater is more especially in- tended for the lavatory and the general odd work of laboratory and domestic purposes where hot water is constantly wanted quickly. The gas supply should be from a 5^-inch pipe. It will work equally well, but at a proportionately slower rate, with any gas supply, how- ever small. The speed at which the water runs rules its temperature. It will heat 1 pint of water per minute from 50 to 130 degrees Fahren- heit, or will boil 15 quarts per hour. The duty of the larger size is about double that above given. It is not designed for baths. Con- sumption of gas: large size, 40; small size, 20 feet per hour. Note. The light must be applied to the gauze before the gas is turned. Recent Improvements. A pilot light attachment, which auto- matically lights the burner when the gas is turned on; also a coupled gas and water tap, operated by a hand-wheel, a turn of which lights the burner and gives an immediate flow of warm water. 3072b Water Heater, small size, with coupled taps and pilot light $38.00 3072e Water Heater, large size, with coupled taps and pilot light 39.00 For Gasoline Gas, extra 1.00 188 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 3073 3073 HEATER, Instantaneous Water Heater, height 9 inches. This gives, when connected with a water tap, hot water in three seconds after the gas is lighted, either boiling, hot, warm or cold, the water being pure and fit for cooking purposes. In one minute it will deliver sufficient hot water for washing hands. It is simple, cheap, not liable to get out of order or wear out. Gas supply required, ^-inch clear bore pipe and tap, to obtain the maximum power, at which it consumes about 60 feet per hour. It will work at a proportionate rate with any gas sup- ply, however small. If frequently used for long periods in a confined room, the products of combustion should be carried away. Water Heater, withut burner \ $ 7.00 With burner, complete, as engraved 9.00 For Gasoline Gas, with wheel valve '. . 10.40 3074 3074 Horn, Gold Washing Horn, 9 inches long, made of polished steel 1.00 3074(a) Horn, Gold Washing Horn, 9 inches long, made of heavy copper 2.50 3075 Horn, Gold Washing Horn, of black, hard rubber, showing the least color of gold 1.50 3075 (a) 3075(d) 3075 (a) Gold Pans, Miners', aluminum. Diameter, inches 6 12 16 Each $1.00 1.50 2.50 3075(b) Gold Pans, Miners', polished steel. Diameter, inches 6 12 16 Each $0.75 1.50 2.00 3075 (c) Gold Pans, Miners', copper. Diameter, inches 6 12 16 Each $1.00 1.50 2.50 3075(d) Gold Pan, Miners', steel, with copper bottom, 16 inches diameter, 2J^ inches deep $3.50 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 189 3075(e) 3075(g) 3075 (e) Hot Plates or Drying Tables for use with gas. The top is of one piece of steel, with polished surface. The legs and frame are of cast iron. Flame easily regulated. Gives an even temperature. Size of plate, inches ............ 10x18^ 14j4xl8^ 18^x25^ 18^ Number of burners .............. 1 2 3 4 Each ........................... $10.00 12.00 21.00 30.00 3075(f) Hot Plates, same as No. 3075(e), but for use with gasoline gas. Size of plate, inches ............ 10x18^ 14^x18 J4 18^x25^ 18 Each ......................... 11.50 . 14.50 23.00 33.00 3075(g) Hot Plate, Electric, for heat of circular form, mounted on enameled slate, with flexible cord, for alternating or direct current, 110 volts, unless ordered otherwise. 8 inches diameter, with cord ............. $14.00 I 3075(h) 3075 (h) Hot Plate, Electric, Rectangular form, with 3 heats controlled by plug switch. 9x12 inches, with cord and plug switch $22.00 12x18 inches, with cord and plug switch 29.00 18x24 inches, with cord and plug switch 50.00 3075 (j) 3075 (k) 3075(j) Hot Plate, Electric, finished in nickel, with switch giving three heats, consuming 220-440-880 Watts. Heating surface, 10^xlOj4 inches $10.00 3075(k) Hot Plate. Same as No. 3075 (j), with heating surface 10x21 inches. Has two burners, each with separate switch 22.50 3075(m) Hot Plate. Same as No. 3075 (j), with heating surface 14x32^ inches, with three burners and separate switches 32.50 Note. In ordering Electric Hot Plates, please state VOLTAGE. 190 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. HOSKINS HOT-PLATES 3075(n) 3075 (p) Hoskins Electric Hot Plates are guaranteed for one year against burn-out. The heating element is of Chromel wire, the same as used in Hoskins Electric Furnaces. They operate on 110 or 220 volts, alternating and direct current. 3075(n) HOT PLATE Hoskins' Electric (Type MA No. 101). Circular, 6-in. diameter. Pressed steel tops, heavy bent wire legs; spiral resistance unit; heat distribution uniform. Boils 1 litre of water from cold in 15 minutes. Furnished with 6 ft. twin-conductor flexible cord and detach- able connector plugs. Requires use of 5 ampere snap or knife switch. Draws 500 watts. Maximum temperature, 900 F $ 8.00 Extra heating unit 3.00 3075(p) HOT PLATE, Hoskins' Electric (Type MA No. 111). Square, 12x12 inches. Sheet steep top, cast-iron legs. Centrally heated by spiral resistance unit covering circular area, 5^4 inches diameter. Boils 1* litre of water from cold in 1 hour and 15 minutes. Furnished with 6 ft. twin-conductor flexible cord and detachable connector plugs. Requires 5 ampere snap or knife switch. Draws 500 watts. Maximum temperature in center is 500 F. and 250 F at the edge 12.00 Extra heating unit 3.00 3075(.q) 3075(q) HOT PLATE Hoskins' Electric (Type MA, Nos. 121, 122, 123). Steel top and legs; "blued steel" and black enamel finish. Renewable resist- ance unit composed of three parallel windings, each controlled by a snap switch on front of plate; heat distribution uniform. "Low" heat, 475 F., obtained with switch "l";"medium" heat, 600 F., with switches '.T'.and "2"; and "high" heat, 750 F., with switches "1," "2," and "3." High heat boils 1 litre of water from cold in 20 minutes. Furnished with 6 ft. twin-conductor, flexible cord and detachable connector plug. Requires use of double pole knife switch of proper capacity. Type No. Size Price MA-121, 12"xl8" x $4,0.00 122, 18"x24" 67.50 *123, 18x36 90.00 *Not carried in stock. Extra Heating Unit . 10.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 191 HYDROMETERS 3160 BEAUME SCALE FOR HEAVY LIQUIDS 3076 HYDROMETER, Beaume, 015 in 1/1 3078 HYDROMETER, Beaume, 050 in 1/1 3080 HYDROMETER, Beaume, 070 in 1/1 3082 HYDROMETER, Beaume, 0100 in 1/1 3084 HYDROMETER, Beaume, 030 in 1/5 . . . '. 3086 HYDROMETER, Beaume, 3050 in 1/5 I Each 3088 HYDROMETER, Beaume, 5075 in 1/5 I $1.25 3090 HYDROMETER, Beaume, 010 in 1/10 3092 HYDROMETER, Beaume, 1020 in 1/10 3094 HYDROMETER, Beaume, 2030 in 1/10 3096 HYDROMETER, Beaume, 3040 in 1/10 3098 HYDROMETER, Beaume, 40^-50 in 1/10 BAUME SCALE FOR LIGHT LIQUIDS 3100 HYDROMETER, Beaume, 1070 in 1/10 3102 HYDROMETER, Beaume, 1090 in 1/1 3104 HYDROMETER, Beaume, 1050 in 1/5 3106 HYDROMETER, Beaume, 1035 in 1/10 3108 HYDROMETER, Beaume, 3570 in 1/10 BEAUME AND SPECIFIC GRAVITY SCALES 3110 HYDROMETER, Beaume, 1070, Specific Gravity, 1.0000.7000 $1.25 3112 HYDROMETER, Same, with Thermometer 3.00 3114 HYDROMETER, Beaume, 070, Specific Gravity, 1.0002.000. 1.25 3116 HYDROMETER, Same with Thermometer 3.00 BRIX'S SCALE HYDROMETERS, "Standard" Brix Scale. 3118 HYDROMETER, 030; 3060; 6090 in */* 3120 HYDROMETER, 030; 3060; 6090 in 1/5 3122 HYDROMETER, 010; 1020; 2030 in 1/10, etc I Each 3124. HYDROMETER, 020; 2040; 4060 in 1/10, etc [ $1.25 3126 HYDROMETER, 5; 5 10; 10 15 in 1/20, etc 3128 HYDROMETER, For Osmose, graduated at 80 C 3130 HYDROMETER, For sweet water 5 to + 5 in 1/5 3132 HYDROMETER, "Standard" Brix Scale, wtih thermometer. 020; 2040; 4060; 6080 1/10 3.00 SPECIFIC GRAVITY SCALE 3134 HYDROMETER, Specific Gravity, 0.700 to 1.000 3136 HYDROMETER, Specific Gravity, 0.700 to 2.000, "Universal" 3138 HYDROMETER, Specific Gravity, 0.700 to 0.800 3140 HYDROMETER, Specific Gravity, 0.800 to 0.900 3142 HYDROMETER, Specific Gravity, 0.900 to 1.000 192 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 3144 HYDROMETER, Specific Gravity, 1.000 to 2.000 . . . 3146 HYDROMETER, Specific Gravity, 1.000 to 1.500. . . 3148 HYDROMETER, Specific Gravity, 1.500 to 2.000. 3150 HYDROMETER, Specific Gravity, 1.000 to 1.200. 3152 HYDROMETER, Specific Gravity, 1.200 to 1.400. 3154 HYDROMETER, Specific Gravity, 1.400 to 1.600. 3156 HYDROMETER, Specific Gravity, 1.600 to 1.800. 3158 HYDROMETER, Specific Gravity 1.800 to 2.000. Each " $1.25 Any of the above specific gravity hydrometers can be sup- piled to order, with thermometers. Any of the above hydrometers can be supplied with the corresponding Beaume scale for $0.50 extra. TWADDLE'S SCALE 3160 HYDROMETER, Twaddle's, No. 1, to 24 ... . 3162 HYDROMETER, Twaddle's, No. 2, 24 to 48. .. 3164 HYDROMETER, Twaddle's, No. 3, 48 to 72. 3166 HYDROMETER, Twaddle's, No. 4, 72 to 96 .... 3168 HYDROMETER, Twaddle's, No. 5, 96 to 120. 3170 HYDROMETER, Twaddle's, No. 6, 120 to 144. Each $1.25 MISCELLANEOUS HYDROMETERS 3172 HYDROMETER, Acid, to 70 Beaume 1 3174 HYDROMETER, Acid, to 100 Beaume.. . ! ?. a j;j} I roof and Tralle's scales 1 3178 HYDROMETER, Alcohol, with proof and Tralle's scales and thermometer. $3.00 3180 HYDROMETER, Alkali, to 50 Beaume 1.25 3182 HYDROMETER, Ammonia, 10 to 50 Beaume in 1/5 1.25 3184 HYDROMETER, Bark, 1.000 to 1.070, specific gravity 3.00 3186 HYDROMETER, Bark, 1.000 to 1.070, with thermometer 3.00 3188 HYDROMETER, Battery, Beaume scale 1.25 3190 HYDROMETER, Battery, flat bulb, short, for storage batteries 1.50 ffi AMCO 3192 3192 HYDROMETER, Battery. Combined syringe and hydrometer. The most convenient appliance for testing and equalizing the solution in storage batteries 3.00 3194 HYDROMETER, Beer, Balling's standard .- 5.00 3196 HYDROMETER, Coal Oil, 10 to 90 Beaume 1.25 3198 HYDROMETER, Coal Oil, with thermometer 10 to 90 Beaume 3.50 3199 HYDROMETER, Coal Oil, Standard, adopted by U. S. Petrol Assn., with thermometer 3.50 3200 HYDROMETER, Gasoline, 10 to 90 Beaume 1.50 3202 HYDROMETER, Gasoline, Patented Pocket Gasoline Gauge, consisting of a Beaume hydrometer held m a glass cylinder by means of a wire guard frame, which prevents the hydrometer from falling out and from striking the bottom of the cylinder, net 3204 HYDROMETER, Glycerine, 20 to 30 Beaume in 1/10 3206 HYDROMETER, Lye, to 50 Beaume NOTE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT THE PRICES LISTED IN THIS CAT- ALOG ARE THE LATEST ONES ON ALL ITEMS LISTED UP TO THE TIME OF GOING TO PRESS. WE MENTION THIS FACT FOR THOSE WHO COMPARE OUR PRICES WITH THOSE OF OTHER SUPPLY HOUSES, WHOSE CATALOGS ARE NOT OF RECENT DATE TO IN- CLUDE SUCH ADVANCES ON ALL ITEMS AS HAVE BEEN MADE DURING THE PAST YEAR. ANY IMPORTANT CHANGES IN PRICE WILL BE LISTED FROM TIME TO TIME IN OUR SUPPLE- MENTARY PRICE LISTS. CELERITAS BRAND LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 193 3208 HYDROMETER, Milk, giving percentage of water added ................ $1.25 3212 HYDROMETER, Milk, N. Y. Board of Health, with thermometer ...... 3.00 3214 HYDROMETER, Milk, Quevenne's ............... ....................... 1.50 3216 HYDROMETER, Milk, Quevenne's, with thermometer .................... 3.50 3218 HYDROMETER, Naptha, 40 to 100 Beaume ....................... 3220 HYDROMETER, Salt, to 50 Beaume ............................. 3222 HYDROMETER, Silver, or "Actinometer" ...................... ' . . HYDROMETER, Spirits, see Hydrometers for Alcohol. 3224. HYDROMETER, Sugar or Syrup, to 50 Beaume HYDROMETER, Sugar, see also Hydrometers, Brix's Scale. HYDROMETER, Urine, see Urine Analysis Apparatus. 3226 HYDROMETER, Vinegar .......................................... HYDROMETERS, see also under Oil Testing Apparatus. Note: There are a great many styles of Hydrometers, not listed herein, but which we are prepared to make. Prices upon application. LEach J 3228 3233 3228 Hydroeik, an improved form of the Mason's Hygrometer. Consists of two thermometers (wet and dry bulb) mounted upon the outer edge of a chart, which has been plotted from new and corrected tables pre- pared under the direction of the United States Weather Bureau. 3232 The Mason Hygrometer, while invariably recognized as the most accurate and satisfactory of the many forms of hygrometers in use, has never enjoyed the popularity which its merits deserve, owing to the annoy- ing necessity of reference to complicated tables for determining the Relative Humidity and Dew Point corresponding to the difference in degrees between the wet and dry bulb thermometers at different tem- peratures. The Hygrodeik chart, while complicated in appearance, is simplicity itself, and obviates entirely the use of tables for temperatures between 20 and 200 F. Full instructions with each. $10.00 3233 HYGROMETER, Mason's; with wet and dry bulbs. Lines drawn on the scale for convenience of maintaining a humidity of 50 at normal tem- peratures of the living room; size, 8j4x4^ in 5-00 HYGROMETER, U. S. Weather Bureau, consisting of two standard ther- mometers, extending below the finely polished hardwood back, metal cistern with wick and certificate for each thermometer 12.00 194 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. JARS 3278 3279 3278 JARS, Battery, glass, round. Width, inch 4 l / 2 4^ 5 5 G 5 8% 9 Height, inches 4 4^ 5 6 7 8 11 12 15 Each $0.45 .55 .60 .75 .90 1.10 1.80 2.CO 3.25 3279 JARS, Battery, square, ground top. Inches 3^x3^x5 4x4x4 2^x4^x6 2^x4 %x7 4x4x8 Price $0.50 .50 .75 .85 1.00 3280 3283 3288 3292 3289 JARS, Chloride Calcium, on foot, with tubulature near bottom. Height, mm 200 250 300 400 Each $1.00 1.25 1.50 2.50 3282 JARS, Chloride Calcium, with perforated glass stopper. Height, mm 200 250 300 350 400 Each $1.60 1.75 1.85 2.00 2.25 JARS, Nessler's, see Nos. 2341J, 2341 K. 3288 JARS, Percolator, graduated in ounces. Capacity, in quarts . . . . 1 2 4 8 Each $2.00 2.50 3.50 5.00 3290 JARS, Percolator, graduated in c.c. Capacity, in liters 1 2 4 8 Mark every c.c 100 100 200 500 Each $2.50 2.50 3.50 5.00 3292 JARS, Precipitating, of heavy glass, with lip. Capacity, pints % Y* 1 2 41 gal. 2 gal. 3 gal. Each $0.50 .60 .75 1.00 1.50 1.80 3.50 5.00 JARS, Preparation, see Stender Dishes. LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 195 3293 3295 3297 3293 JARS, Lightning, of greenish glass, with glass cover and rubber ring fastened by steel wire clamp. Capacity 1 Ft. 1 Qt. Total height, inches 5 l l / 2 Inside diameter of neck, inches 2^4 Per dozen " $1.75 2.25 S295 JARS, Preservation, for storing chemicals, etc.-, with glass cover and screw top. Capacity Pt. Qt. y 2 gal. Per dozen $1.75 2.25 2.75 3297 JARS, Inverted, specimen. Height, inches 3% Diameter, inches 1^4 Capacity, pints % Each .." $0.12 y& G 2 2^ tf T ' 9 11 3^ 4J4 2 4 14 .16 .18 .24 .36 .60 1.20 Per dozen 1.20 1.60 2.00 2.50 3.60 6.00 12.00 3298 3298 JARS, Stone or Earthenware. Capacity, gallons 1 Each $0.50 3299 3 5 6 8 10 .75 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.50 3299 JARS, Stoneware, with handles and cover, "Waste Jars." Capacity % y 2 i 3 3 4 5 ga i. Each $0.30 .50 .60 .90 1.20 1.50 1.80 3302 3304 3302 KNIVES, Amalgam, with handle, blade 3 in. wide, for cleaning amalgam plates $1.00 Knives for cutting cork, see Cork Knife. 8304 Knives for cutting glass, of hard steel 1.25 196 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 201 3308 3306 LABEL BOOKS, including the names of the most used chemicals and reagents strip form, gummed and perforated, with name and formula.. $0.50 3808 LABELS, gummed paper, of any size. No 223 217 213 261 205 '201 219 209 259 241 239 229 Box ....$0.08 .09 .10 .10 .11 .12 .10 .10 .09 .08 .09 .11 3309 LABELS. No 2004 2007 2002 2001 2006 2005 2003 Size, in 2^x1 2^x1^ 3^x1 3^x1^ 3x154 4x1% 4^x2 Box $0.20 .25 .25 .30 .35 .40 .50 , 3312 3312 LADLES, Melting, wrought iron, with lip. Dia., in Each 3314 2J^ 3 4 5 6 $0.25 .30 .35 .45 .50 3314 LADLES, cast iron, with detachable handle. Size, in Each . .' 4x2J4 4^x2^4 4x2^ $0.65 .60 .50 3316 3317 3316 LAMPS, Alcohol, glass. With ground-on cap, wick and wick holder. Capacity, ounces 2 4 Each $0.25 .30 3317 LAMPS, Alcohol, with ground cap, with wick and wick holder included. Capacity, ounces 1 2 4 Each ,$0.30 .40 .50 8 .40 80 .75 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 197 3322a 3322b 3322c 3322d 3322a LAMPS, Alcohol, polished brass, with screw top, in three sizes. Capacity, ounces 2 4 8 Price $0.75 1.00 1.25 3322b LAMPS, Alcohol, polished brass, with screw top, ratchet burner, in two sizes Capacity, ounces 3 5 Price $1.25 1.75 3322c LAMPS, Alcohol, polished brass, nickel-plated, with screw top, ratchet burner, in two sizes. Capacity, ounces 3 5 Price $1.00 1.50 3322d LAMP, Alcohol, polished brass, nickel-plated, with screw top, small flame. Capacity, 2 ounces. Price $0.75 3322e LAMP, Alcohol, polished brass, nickel-plated, wick-holder lifts out, large flame. Capacity, 2 ounces. Price 1.00 3324 LAMP WICKS, per bundle. . .10 3326-28 3330 3326 LAMPS, Dangler's, for Gasoline, giving high or low flame $ 9.00 3328 LAMPS, Dangler's, with Copper reservoir 11.50 3330 LAMPS, Davy Safety or Miners' 7.50 LAMPS. See also under Burners. We carry a full line of e. p. chemicals. Prompt deliveries our specialty. 198 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. LECTURE APPARATUS 3334 3336 3334 LECTURE Apparatus for the electrolytical decomposition of hydrochloric acid, water and ammonia. 3334a The V shaped tube with stout platinum electrodes $5.00 3334b The support 4.00 3336 LECTURE Apparatus to show that hydrochloric acid is produced by the combination of 1 vol. of Chlorine with 1 vol. Hydrogen, the apparatus consisting of tube, 2 tube supports, chloride of calcium jar, cylinder with widened mouth and decomposing cell. 3336a The tube only 5.50 3336b The tube supports only 4.50 3336c The decomposing cell only 6.75 3338 3342 3338 LECTURE Apparatus to ascertain the quantity of hydrogen contained in 1 vol. of hydrochloric acid. 3338a The tube, with 2 hollow glass stopcocks 5.00 3338b The support 5.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 199 3340 LECTURE Apparatus to show the combination of 3 vols. of hydrogen with I vol. of nitrogen into 2 vols. of ammonia. 3340a The tube, with 2 glass stopcocks $ 7.50 3340b The support 4.50 3342 LECTURE Apparatus to prove that water consists of 2 vols. of hydrogen and 1 vol. of oxygen. 3342a The tube, with platinum electrodes 7.50 3342b The tube, with graduated arms . 10.00 3342c The support, with binding screws for the poles 4 50 3344 3346 3348 3344 LECTURE Apparatus for the simultaneous electrolytical decomposition oi Water, Hydrochloric Acid and Ammonia; to show that 1 vol. of Hydrogen is combined with 1 vol. of Chlorine in Hydrochloric Acid, with Yz vol. Oxygen in Water and with YT, vol. of Nitrogen in Am- monia. 3344a The tube with platinum electrodes $ 9.00 3344b Tubes with carbon electrodes, each 9.00 3344c Supports with binding screws for the poles, each 9.00 3346 LECTURE Apparatus to show that Hydrogen and Oxygen are combined in the same proportions as they are liberated from Water by elec- trolysis. 3346a Tubes with 2 glass stopcocks, each 7.50 3346b The middle tube with glass stopcock, each 4.50 334Gc The supports, each 4.50 3348 LECTURE Apparatus to prove the invariable composition of Hydrochloric Acid. 3348a The tube * 4.50 3348b The support with collar and holder 4.00 3350 LECTURE Apparatus to show that 2 vols. of Hydrogen are contained in 1 vol. of Marsh Gas. 3350a The tube 7.50 3350b The support 4.50 3352 LECTURE Apparatus to show that Ammonia contains 3 vols. of Hydrogen and 1 vol. of Nitrogen. 3352a The tube, with stopcock, rubber stopper and connecting tubing 7.00 3352b The cylinder, 36 inches high, with leaded base 8.50 3354 LECTURE Apparatus to prove that there is no alteration of volume by the combination of Hydrogen and Chlorine to Hydrochloric Acid, and that consequently 1 vol. of Hydrogen and 1 vol. of Chlorine produce 2 vols. of Hydrochloric Acid. 3354a The tube 5.25 3354b The support of iron 4.00 3354c Small glass bulbs for sealing up carbon disulfid. Dozen 1.25 200 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 3352 3354 3356 3356 LECTURE, Prof. Hoffman's Lecture Eudiometer. 3356a The eudiometer, graduated in ce $ 9.00 3356b The support, with double clamps 6.00 (Ber. d. Deutsch, Chem. Ges. Vol. 10, p. 250.) 3358 3360 3362 3358 LECTURE Apparatus to show that oxygen has the same volume as the carbonic acid and the sulfurous acid produced from it. 3358a The tube $ 9.00 3358c The support 4.50 3360 LECTURE Apparatus for illustrating the phenomena of combustion. 3360a The tube complete, with platinum burner, 2 glass stopcocks, etc 7.60 3360b The support 4.00 33612 LECTURE Apparatus for experiments with liquid sulfur dioxide. The appa- ratus, including cylinder 7.50 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 201 3368 3374 LETTERS, see Dies. 3364 LEVELING Screws, brass, for balances, etc. For, gramme balance 50 100 200 500 1000 Set $1.20 1.40 1.60 2.00 2.30 3368 LEVELS, Spirit, mounted in brass frames. Length, inches , 4 5 6 Each $0.75 1.00 1.25 3372 MAGNET, Bar, best quality. Length, inches ... 5 6 8 10 Pair , $0.30 .35 .40 .50 3374 MAGNET, Horseshoe, best English steel. Length, inches 2 3 4.5 6 8 10 12 Each $0.10 .15 .25 .40 .50 1.10 1.80 2.50 A B C 3375 3375 MAGNIFIERS, Doublet. These doublet magnifiers are composed of two sepa- rate piano convex lenses, very carefully and accurately ground and polished, and substantially set in a rich black lacquered mount. Types B and C are nickeled. They give excellent definition and an exceptionally flat field with greater working distance than is usually found in this type of lens. Three different styles of mounting are offered, according to the different purposes for which they are to be used. A for dissecting stand. B for desk use, with hexagonal handle. C in folding pocket case. Focal I )istance Magnification Milli- meters Inches Approx. Working mm. Field mm. Mount. Price A 6x 41.G 1.6 22 22 in $1.00 B 9x 27.8 1,1 15 16 1.00 C 12x 20.8 0.8 12 11 fS'o 1 1.00 D ... 18x 13.9 0.5 8 8 ls 1.25 E : 24x 10.4 0.4 6 5.5 1.50 F .... . 6x 41.6 1.6 22 22 1.00 G 9x 27.8 1.1 15 16 C ,, 1.00 H 12x 20.8 0.8 12 11 oJS 1.00 J 18x 13.9 0.5 8 8 W g e 1.25 K 24x 10.4 0.4 6 5.5 B^ 1.50 L 6x 41 6 1 6 22 22 1 25 M 9x 27.8 1.1 1 16 1.25 TSJ 12x 20.8 0.8 12 11 UT?" 1.25 O ISx 13.9 0.5 8 8 "3(3 1.50 P 24x 10.4 0.4 6 5.5 1.50 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. NICKELED MOUNTING 3378 These magnifying glasses are made in one, two, or three lenses, which may be used singly or in combinations for different magnifications. 1-Lens 2-Lens 3-Lens 3376 Magnifying Glasses. Vulcanite Mounting, 1 inch diam- eter $0.50 .75 1.00 3378 Magnifying Glasses. Nickeled Metal Mounting, 1 inch di- ameter $0.55 .80 1.20 3380 3382 3384 These are genuine Coddington Magnifiers, very powerful, in nickel-plated folding cases. 3380 Magnifying Glasses, Coddington. Diameter, in mms 20 25 30 35 p r i ce $1.50 1.75 2.00 3.00 3382 Magnifying Thread Counters, in brass case. Diameter open square, inch 1 Y^/2 V p r j ce ...$1.50 .40 .40 3384 MAGNIFIER, Tripod Dissecting. This dissecting magnifier gives a large, clear field and magnification suf- ficient for elementary work. The lens is focused by screwing it up or down in its frame. Price, each $1.50 3386 3386 MAGNIFIERS, Reading Glasses, metal frame, polished wooden handles. Diameter of lenses, inches 2 Z l / 2 3 zy 2 4 Each $0.80 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 203 3387 3387 MAGNIFIERS, Triple Aplanat. These lenses are remarkable for their great working distance and their unusually large, flat field. They are perfectly achromatic and free from distortion. Focal ] Distance Working Diam. Pool Magnification Milli- meters Inches Apprgx. Distance mm. Field mm. Mount. Price \ . . . 6x 41 6 1 6 36 8 20 M $3 50 B 9x 27.8 ' 1 1 24 5 20 S-So 3.50 C 12x 20.8 0.8 18.4 15 3.50 D ..18x 13.9 0.5 12.1 10 ill 3.50 E 24x 10.4 0.4 9.2 7.5 31 3.50 F 6x 41.6 1.6 36.8 30 3.50 G 9x 27.8 1.1 24.5 20 js 3.50 H . . . . . .12x 20.8 0:8 18.4 15 bo-o ca rt c 3.50 J ; . . .I8x 13.9 0.5 12.1 10 BJ5 .WM 3.50 K 24x 10.4 0.4 9.2 7.5 W^ 3.50 L fix 41.6 1.6 36.8 30 3.50 M 9x 27.8 1.1 24.5 20 3.50 N ... ... .12x 20.8 0.8 18.4 15 .* 3.50 O ISx 13.9 0.5 12.1 10 us % rU 3.50 P 24x 10.4 0.4 9.2 7.5 fa 3.50 3388 3390 3388 MALLETS, hardwood $0.50 3390 MALLETS, Rawhide end 1.75 MANOMETERS, see Gauges. MEASURES 3392 3396 3392 MEASURES, Calipers, in and outside 4-inch $0.50 3394 MEASURES, Caliper, Micrometer, measures all sizes, less than ^-inch by thousandth of an inch 7,59 3396 MEASURES, Caliper, Micrometer, graduated to read to hundredths of a millimeter 7 50 204 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 3398 3398 MEASURES, Caliper, improved Pocket Venier; metric and English mea- sure. Graduated on one side to read thousandths of an inch, the other side graduated to read a fiftieth millimeter $10.00 3400 3402 3408 3400 MEASURES, Boxwood, with four folds, 2 feet; inches on one side, milli- meters on the other side , . $ 0.60 3402 MEASURES, Folding, 1 foot, divided into inches on one side, centimeters and millimeters on the other, with caliper extension 75 3404 MEASURES, Brass, with caliper, graduated into millimeters 1.50 3412 3414 3406 MEASURES, Meter Stick, on one side graduated to Mj-inch, on the other to millimeters $ 0.50 3408 MEASURES, Tape, steel, in inches and centimeters; in German silver case. Length, feet 3 6 12 Each $1.50 2.25 3.50 3410 MEASURES, For Liquids, tin. Capacity l / 2 pt. 1 pt. 1 qt. y 2 gal. 1 gal. Each $0.20 .25 .30 .40 .50 3412 MEASURES, Agate Ware, seamless. Capacity ^ pt. 1 pt. 1 qt. ^ gal. 1 gal. Each $0.50 .65 .85 1.00 1.50 3414 MEASURES, Copper. Capacity Y* pt. 1 pt. 1 qt. ^ gal. 1 gal. Each $0.75 1.00 1.25 1.75 2.50 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 205 MILK ANALYSIS APPARATUS 3422 3424 3422 THE "OFFICIAL" BABCOCK TESTER, a small, perfectly .accurate, easy running, low priced hand tester. Has enclosed cut gears. Runs without noise, jar or friction. Fitted with thumb screw and clamp, so it can be clamped to table or screwed down. Prices No. 1-2 bottle, complete for testing milk, each $5.00 No. 2-4 bottle, complete for testing milk, each 6.00 No. 3-2 bottle, complete for testing milk and cream 5.75 No. 4-4 bottle, complete for testing milk and cream 6.75 Prices include full directions for making test, acid measure, piquette, test bottles, test bottle brushes and acid. 3424 THE TWENTIETH CENTURY BABCOCK HAND TESTER. The hinged case iron cover opens downward on a spring. It cannot break. The Twenti- eth Century Babcock Hand Tester is operated with spur and worm gear, which gives the high speed necessary for a perfect test. It fills completely the demand for a high speed, accurate, durable, easily operated hand power tester. The perfect enclosure of the bottles does away 'with danger from flying acid and glass, should one of the bottles break. Prices 4 bottles . .$10.00 6 bottles 11.25 8 bottles 13.80 30 bottles 14.50 12 bottles 17.50 BABCOCK CENTRIFUGE, International Make, see under Centrifuge. 206 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 7426 3430 3446 3450 3448 3451 3456 Each Dozen $2.00 2.00 3428 MILK TESTING BOTTLES, 10%, regular in 1/5% $0.30 3428 MILK TESTING BpTTLES, With etched tops 30 (If each bottle is packed separately in pasteboard box, 75 cents per gross additional.) 3430 CREAM TEST BOTTLES, 30% in y*% 40 4.00 3432 CREAM TEST BOTTLES, 40% or 50%, straight neck, in 1% 50 5.00 3446 TEST BOTTLES, For skim milk, with double bore. Graduated in 1/20%. Each 75 3448 GRADUATES FOR ACID, 17.5 cc 25 3.00 3450 ACID BURETTES, with stopcock holding. Charges of acid of 17.5 cc. each 3 6 12 25 Price $2.50 3.00 4.00 6.00 3451 FUNNELS, For test bottles, each, net 20 3456 MILK PIPETTES, 17.6 cc., 20c; doz , 2.00 3458 MILK and Cream Pipettes, 17.8 and 18 cc., 25c each; doz 2.25 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 207 3459 3460 3462 3463 3459 3460 3462 9463 ACID BOTTLE, With 17.5 cc. Pipette, and stopcock. A very simple and practical acid measure. Each CREAMOMETER JARS, Graduated 0-90 1^" dia. 10" long. ....... '"75 CREAMOMETER JARS, Graduated 0-302 " dia. 12" long. 75 CASEIN TUBES, Hart's ' j'^ IB* 3470 3474 3467 ROEHRIG TUBE, for the determination of fat in milk, cream, ice cream, skim milk, buttermilk, cheese, etc., by the Roese-Gottlieb method. .. .$2.00 3467 (a) ROEHRIG TUBE, As above, with perforated gl,ass stopper 3.00 3468 LACTOBUTYROMETER, Marchand's .' 75 3470 LACTOSCOPE, Feser's on metal base. Complete, with directions in box.. 4.00 LACTOMETERS, see Hydrometers. 3474 ALUMINUM DISHES, For Milk Analysis. Diameter, inches 2 2 l /2 3 Z l /2 4 Height, inches l / 2 s/% ~y 7 A 1 Each $0.20 .30 .35 .45 .50 208 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 3475(a) 3475(c) 3475(b) 3476 3475(a) Single Specimen Mill, 9x1 inch pulley; R. P. M., 80-120; floor space, 9x11 inches; jar measures, 5.2x5.71 inches; l /\ oz. to l 1 /^ Ib. capacity Price . $18.00 3475(b) Double Specimen Mill, 9x1 inch pulley; R. P. M., 80-120; floor space, 9x18 inches; jar measures. 5.2x5.71 inches; , : 4 z - to I 1 /- Ib. capacity. Prices 28.0P 3475(c) MILL, Ball. The jar measures, outside, 8.75x9.65 inches, will handle from a few ounces up to 5 pounds at a charge; shipping weight, 120 pounds; floor space, 10J/2X25 inches. Hand wheel-pulley, 9x1 inches, 60 R. P. M. Price . 44.00 3676 MILLS, Laboratory, for grinding roots, herbs, seeds, etc. No 2 3 5 7 Height, inches 12^ 15 17 2\ l / 2 Weight, Ibs 15 22*/ 2 36 62 Each $5.50 8.25 12.00 16.50 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 209 3477 3477(a) 3477 MILLING MACHINE, Johnson's, for taking samples of irregular shaped steels, etc ; $35.00 3477(a) MILLS, with pulley for power, grinding cereals, cocoa beans, vanilla beans, white lead massage creams and for reducing other materials to pasty consistency. The feeding cylinder is octagonal and permits the feed shaft to grasp the material in the most effective way; all parts are heavily tinned. Height, 24 inches; length, 12 inches. Pulley, 12x^4 inches. Requires 2 to 3 H. P. motor for 300 R. P. M 60.00 3477 (b) MOISTURE APPARATUS, Brown- Duvel's, adopted by the Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Department of Agricul- ture. These testers were developed pri- marily to meet the needs of grain dealers for a rapid and exact method of deter- mining the moisture in corn. They are made in sizes for one, two, four or six complete tests at one time, and are equipped with either alcohol, gas or electric heat. Compactness is a big feature of this machine. Two compartment, alcohol or gas burners $40.00 Four compartment, alcohol or gas burners 55.00 Six compartment, alcohol or gas burners 70.00 Electrically heated at $8.00 per com- partment, in addition to the above prices. 3477(b) (Specify 110 or 220 volts.) These prices include one gallon Testing Oil, one gallon Alcohol, Automatic Oil Measuring and Grain Separating Devices, all necessary accessories, but do not include scale. An accurate scale for weighing in grams is essential. Specify either Special "Four-in-One" Scale or Harvard Trip Balance. (See Laboratory Scales.) Condensing tank on two-burner size machine will not be equipped for running water unless specified. Prices subject to change without notice. SEPARATE PARTS Distillation flasks of glass . .$1.00 Thermometers 2.00 Graduated cylinders, cap. 25 c.c 75 Condensing tubes 25 Graduates for measuring oil, 150 c.c 75 Wire gauzes 15 Special rubber stoppers for distillation flasks. . 15 210 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 3478 3482 3484 3478 MORTARS, Agate, with pestles; best quality. Dia. mm 40 50 65 75 90 Each Prices upon application Dia. mm 100 115 125 140 150 Each Prices upon application 3489 MORTARS, Agate and pestles, mounted in wood... Prices upon application 3482 MORTARS, Diamond, Planner's. Small. Large. Each $5.00 7.50 3484 MORTARS, Steel, Diamond, Leed's 3.00 3488 MORTARS, Glass, with lip and pestle. Capacity, oz 1 2 4 8 16 32 Each $0.20 .30 .40 .50 .80 1.00 3490 3494 3492 3490 MORTARS, Porcelain, with Pestles, with lip, Pestles all porcelain; medium deep form. Size No. Capacity, about c.c 75 Height, about m.m 45 Diameter, about m.m 70 Each $0.35 rough inside, glazed outside. 1 2 3 4 5 6 185 375 360 450 680 1070 1500 59 85 80 85 95 108 11? 100 126 140 160 177 210 240 .55 .85 1.05 1.20 1.35 1.60 2.20 3491 PESTLES, Porcelain. Glazed, excepting end used for grinding. Size No 1 2 3 4 5 Length, m.m 98 118 180 190 205 Each $0.15 .25 .30 .40 .60 3492 MORTARS, Porcelain, deep for, with lip, glazed outside with porcelain pestle. Size number 0; dia. 95 m.m; height 64 m.m; capacity 200 c.c.; length of pestle 113 mm. Each. $0.75 3494 MORTARS, Wedgewood, pestle with wooden handle. No 0000 000 00 Dia., inches 3 3^4 3^ 4 Each $0.70 .80 .90 1.00 No 5 6 7 8 Dia., inches 7 8 8 1 /. 9*/ 2 Each $2.50 3.25 3.75 4.50 6.00 1.10 9 1.30 10 12 7.50 3 6 1.80 11 13 2.00 12 14 8.00 10.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 211 3498 3499 3499(a) 3498 MORTARS, Iron, bell shape, with pestle. Approx. capacity Y? Diameter, inches 4 Each . $0.50 1 2 4pt. 1 23 gal. 5 5 l / 2 6 l /2 9 11 14 .85 1.20 1.75 2.50 5.00 8.00 3499 MORTARS, Iron, No. 1, high style. Best quality for powdering ore. Capacity 1 pt. 1 qt. % 1 2 3 gal. Each ! $0.60 .90 1.25 2.25 4.00 6.00 3499(a) MORTARS, Steel. Polished inside and out; with pestle. Diameter, c.m 9 12 15 Each . ..... $2.50 3.00 4.50 3500 3501 3500 MORTARS, Buck's improved, of iron, especially adapted for grinding and amal- gamating. Through the manner in which the muller is constructed, the contents of the mortar again pass under the muller. Diameter, inches & l /2 8 l /2 Weight, pounds 30 76 Weight Muller, pounds 16 49 Price, each $7.50 10.00 3501 MOTOR, for water, steam or compressed air. This motor can be attached to an ordinary apparatus stand and used for either stirring or shaking. Size, 5 inches diameter. Revolutions attained according to water pressure, as follows: 20 30 2300 2800 Price , 40 50 60 pounds water press. 3400 3850 4200 revolutions per min. .$7.50 212 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 503 3503(a) 3503 MOTOR, Series Intermittent Service, alternating and direct current. Machines or devices that have a fixed load can be successfully driven by series type motors, but where the load varies and it is necessary to maintain a con- stant speed at all times, regardless of the load fluctuation, this type of motor will not answer the requirements fully. For uses such as driving small fans, air pumps, centrifuges, etc., these little motors will be found preferable. Data Frame H.P. Volts Cycles Weight Price C-l C-l C-2 C-2 C-3 C-3 1/80 1/80 1/50 1/50 1/30 1/30 110 110 110 110 110 110 D. G. 60 D. C. 60 B.C. 60 34 oz. 34 oz. 45 oz. 45 oz. 55 oz. 55 oz. $11.30 11.30 12.35 12.35 13.50 13.50 3503(a) MOTORS, Electric. These motors are for direct current, and are guaranteed by us to be thoroughly first-class for laboratory use. They are of the bi-polar construction, having an external appearance somewhat similar to the alternating current type. The two end shields are made separate from the field frame, allowing free acQess to the internal parts. Pulleys Single groove for round belt, 2-inch pitch diameter, furnished with Nos. 28 and 26 frames; 2^-inch pitch diameter furnished with No. 26s frame. Data Frame H.P. Volts Load Speed Winding Net Wgt. Price 28 1/10 110 1125 Shunt 21 $27.00 28 1/10 220 1152 Shunt 21 29.00 26 1/8 110 1125 Shunt 24 31.00 26 1/8 220 1125 Shunt 24 33.50 28 1/8 32 1725 Shunt 21 29.00 28 1/8 110 1725 Shunt 21 27.00 28 1/8 220 1725 Shunt 21 29.00 26 1/6 32 1725 Comp. 24 33.50 26 1/6 110 1725 Shunt 24 31.00 26 1/6 220 1725 Shunt 24 33.50 26s 1/4 32 1725 Comp. 26 39.50 26s 1/4 110 1725 Comp. 26 37.00 26s 1/4 220 1725 Comp. 26 39.50 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 213 3503(c) 3503(b) 3503(b) MOTOR, Electric, A. C. These motors for alternating current are of the split phase induction type, without commutator or brushes. The assembly consists of four essential parts: the stator, carrying the winding; the rotor, or revolving element, and two end shields supporting the shaft. Pulleys Single groove for round belt, 2-inch pitch diameter, furnished with Nos. IS and 16 frames, 2^-inch pitch diameter furnished with No. 14 frame. Data Frame H. P. Volts Load Speed Cycles Net Wgt. Price 18 1/10 110 1125 60 23 $35.12 18 1/10 220 1125 60 23 39.90 16 1/8 110 1125 60 28 42.68 16 1/8 220 1125 60 28 43.44 14 1/6 110 1125 60 32 49.22 14 1/6 220 1125 60 32 50.00 18 1/8 110 1725 60 23 38.08 18 1/8 220 1725 60 23 38.86 16 1/6 110 1725 60 28 41.62 16 1/6 220 1725 60 28 42.40 14 1/4 110 1725 60 32 48.04 14 1/4 220 1725 60 32 48.82 3503(d) 3503 (c) MOTOR, Pulleys, with shaft and bearings, as shown in illustration, for connecting engine with other machinery. Diameter of pulleys, 1, 2, 3 and 4 inches Net $1.50 3503(d) MOTOR, Universal Laboratory, 60 H. P., suitable for both alternating and direct current; complete with rheostat and plug and connecting cord . . Net 17.50 i When ordering, be sure to state voltage.) 214 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. MOULDS 3504 3506 3504 MOULDS, Ingot, or Bullion, making a bar I l / 2 xl l / 2 x8 inches, with slide to cast any length desired $1.50 3506 MOULDS, Ingot, quadruple, for sample bars . 1.00 3508 3509 3508 MOULDS, Pouring Iron, with handles, 2 cavities drilled smooth. l.CO 3509 MOULDS, Pouring. Heavy solid iron, with 2 conical depressions, 2^ inches diameter, 1^ inches deep, wood handles, for crucible and scori- fication assays, each 1-50 3509(a) 3509(a) MOULDS, Pouring. Heavy, solid iron, with 6 conical depressions, 2^4 inches diameter, 15^ inches deep, solid iron handle. The slag will cool rapidly, each 3.00 3509(b) MOULDS, Pouring. Same as above, but with 8 depressions, each 5.00 3509 (c) MOULDS, Pouring. As above, with 6 conical depressions, 2 inches diame- ter, \y% inches deep, with iron ring handle, each 3.00 3509(d) 3510 3509(d) MOULDS, Pouring. For large crucibles, one only large depression, 6 inches diameter, 5 inches deep, each 80 3510 MOULDS, Iron, with handles, 3 conical cavities turned inside. . . 1.00 3512 3516 3512 MOULDS, Iron, with 12 conical cavities 1.00 3516 MOULDS, Cast Iron, 6 cavities, with handle .90 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 215 3519 3518 3518 MOULDS, Pouring, Cast Iron, with 25 spherical depressions; for crucible or scorification assays $1.50 3519 MOULDS, Pouring, as above, with 12 spherical depressions. 3520 3520 MUFFLERS, Denver. Order by letters or numbers and shape. 2.00 Outside Measurements Always used in specifying Muffles Inside Measurements For determining capacity Letter Width, Inches Length Inches Height, Inches Shape Width, Inches Side Height, Inches Greatest Height, Inches Each AAA AA BB cc c HH H CJ CF F FF D CD DD G GG KK KKK K LLL L LL FHN I II CII 2/ 2 3 3/2 43/4 43/4 VA 554 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 6 7 ' 6 8 8 7^ 10 # 12 9 10 10 12 10 io i / 2 12 12 14 12 13 14 14J4 15 15 16 16 16 16J4 1& 254 2/ 3 3 4y 4 V/8 4 4 4 4 4 434 43/4 5 4^ 5 5 4^ 5 5/2 53/4 53/4 6 6/ 6?4 63/4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 4 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 $0.50 .50 .50 .60 .60 .60 .75 .90 .75 .75 .75 .90 .75 .75 1.00 1.00 1.20 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.75 1.75 1.75 &A 5J4 5^4 5^4 4% 6 5^ 6Ji 6 6 $ 5 /& 6y 4 7 1# 75/6 73/4 1H 83/g 8/ 8/2 1^4 2 3^4 3/2 m V/8 sy& y/2 3/ 4^ B5/ & VA 4 33/4 4 4 4/2 4| 434 5 5^ 53/6 334 2y 2 23/4 2/ 2 %y 2 234 234 314 2% 3^ 3^ 216 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 3521 3521 MUFFLES Alundum, recommended for furnaces, heated by electricity, may be wound with a resistor, covered with alundum cement. Rectangular shape, open at both ends. No 201 202 203 204 Length, insfde, inches 7 10 12 14 Width, inside, inches 3 & 4J4 5% 7 l / 2 Height inside, inches 2% 3 3^ 5^4 Each ... . $2.50 4.00 5.00 7.00 The above muffles may be had with one end closed at 10% additional to the above prices. Other sizes and shapes made to order. 352l(a) 3521 (a) 3521 (b) MUFFLES Fused Silica, withstand sudden and extreme change of tempera- ture. Suitable for use in gas, oil or electric furnaces, or may be directly wound with resistance wire for electric heating. D shape. Length, inches .............................. 4^ V/ 2 Width, inches ............................... . &A 4ji Height, inches . , ............................. 2^ 3^ Each ........................................ $1.85 2.50 Prices for other sizes upon application. Q l / 2 V l / 2 6^ 5^ 6^ 4^ 5 ^ 3.75 4.25 5.00 MUFFLES Fused Silica, as above, but of rectangular shape. Length, inches ...................................... . l l /& 10 12 Width, inches ........................................ 3 43^ 5 l / 2 Height, inches ....................................... 3 2% 4 Each ................................................. $2.50 3.75 5.00 Prices for other sizes upon application. LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 217 NITROGEN DETERMINING APPARATUS 3522 3523(a) 3522 CONDENSER (Kjeldahl's), copper, tin-lined, with six coils of pure block tin, size of apparatus 24 inches long, & l / 2 inches wide, 14 inches deep; height, including legs, 24 inches. Price $25.00 3523 CONDENSER (Kjeldahl's), same as above, but with ten coils; size of ap- paratus, 40 inches long, 6^ inches wide, 14 inches deep; height, in- cluding legs, 24 inches. Price 42.50 3523 (a) DIGESTING SHELF (Kjeldahl's), round form, 1G inches diameter, 10 inches high, with six burners, each with stop-cock 21.50 3524 3525(a) 3524 DIGESTING SHELF (Kjeldahl's), oblong form, made of sheet iron, with rod to support the flasks. The shelf is supported on adjustable legs. Six burners in a row, each with stop-cock. .Size of apparatus, 24 inches long, 5^2 inches wide, 9J/ inches high. Price . 18.00 3525 DIGESTING SHELF (Kjeldahl's), oblong form, with ten burners. Size of apparatus, 40 inches long, $y 2 inches wide, 9^ inches high. Price 24.00 3525(a) DIGESTING SHELVES (Kjeldahl's), electrically heated, oblong form, 5J4 inches wide and 9 inches high, made of sheet iron, with rod to support the flasks. Each Heater, which is Z l / 2 inches diameter, is a unit, either one or all may be used at one time, as desired. Digesting Shelf six heaters, 24 inches long 70.00 Digesting Shelf ten heaters, 40 inches long. . . 100.00 218 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 3525(b) 3525(b) KJELDHAL DIGESTING SHELVES, Johnson, as used in the Connecti- cut Agricultural Experimental Station; made of heavy cast iron, & l / 2 inches wide and 8*4 inches high. The holes are $ l / 2 inches from center to center, have projections shaped to support Kjeldahl Flasks; heated by a row of Bunsen Burners, each with a stopcock. The Flasks are supported by resting their necks in a large lead pipe con- nected with the flue for carrying away the fumes; the lead pipe rests on adjustable stand. Complete as shown above, in three sizes: For 6 Flasks, length 29 inches $30.00 For 10 Flasks, length 46 inches 40.00 For 13 Flasks, length 60 inches... . 50.00 3527 3527 KJELDAHL DISTILLING APPARATUS, Kjeldahl's, on stand, espe- cially suited to the requirements of water and food chemists in deter- mination of Ammonia and Nitrogen. Very convenient form, made to stand on the table as shown in above illustration or to hang on the wall, with adjustable Bunsen Burners which can be individually regulated to any size flame. Condenser is made of heavy polished copper, tinned inside, and with block tin condenser tubes. Size, 32 inches long, 24 inches- high and 3 inches wide. The stand is 8^ inches high 55.00 3527(a) DISTILLING APPARATUS, same as above, but to hang on wall 50.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 219 3531 DISTILLING APPARATUS, for carrying on as many as six distillations at one time, for ex- periment stations and other large laboratories. Adapted to Kjeldahl distillation, Leffmann, Beam and Reichert butter methods, wine and spirit determinations, etc. This is a very con- venient apparatus, occupying only 15 inches square of table room. It is substantially made, the condenser of copper, with block tin tubing, gas connections, adjustable burners and ring supports. Extreme height of the apparatus is^ 44 inches. Price $65.00 3531 3532 3538 3532 SCHIFF'S Nitrometer, graduated to 100 c.c., on support, with reservoir and and clamp and connections 7.50 3536 LUNGE'S Nitrometer, for saltpetre, nitroglycerine, etc., graduation 50 c.c. in 1/10, without support 7.50 3538 LUNGE'S Nitrometer for saltpetre, soda nitrate, nitroglycerine, etc., gradu- ated from 100 to 140 c.c. in 1/10, without support 7.50 220 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 3554 3556 3539 3557 3557(a) 3539 NITROMETER, duPont's. A most accurate apparatus for the analysis of nitric acid and mixed acids; used by many manufacturers of ex- plosives, etc. Complete set of glass parts $26.00 3541 Ditto, separate glass parts. E B D J E F C $2.00 2.50 6.50 7.50 2.00 0.60 7.00 3554 KJELDAHL'S Connecting Bulb Tubes, 50 c.c., each 50 3556 KJELDAHL'S Connecting Bulb Tubes, Hopkins' form v . . .50 3557 KJELDAHL'S Connecting Bulb, Kjeldahl's, modified by C. A. Jennings, having a tubule in the bulb, and designed especially for water analysis; allows of the introduction of water or permanganate solution without removing the stopper, eliminating the danger of the introduction of ammonia into the flask 75 3557(a) KJELDAHL'S Connecting Bulb, Brown's, cylindrical shape 80 Nitrogen Bulbs, see Bulbs. OIL TESTERS 3559 3559(a) 3559 ELLIOTT Tester for flash points of illuminating oils only, with standard thermometer 15.60 3559(a) FOSTER Tester for flash points of illuminating oils only, with standard thermometer . ..18.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 221 3559(b) 3559(c) 3559(d) 3559(e) 3559(k) 3559(m) 3559(b) CELERITAS Improved Open Tester, for flash and fire tests of illumin- ating oil, with standard thermometer. Equipped with gas flame test- ing burner. The flame from the gas burner can be regulated by stopcock; must be no larger than the white button shown in cut at left of thermometer. The testing burner is used with wheel for the dip test; without wheel for the bar or cross test $10.00 3559(c) CLEVELAND Open Tester, for flash and fire tests of high grade lubri- cating oil. This is the most substantial tester on the market; it is made of heavy brass castings, complete with standard solid glass thermometer 80 to 640 F., with spirit lamp and Bunsen burner for gas 18.00 3559(d) CLEVELAND Open Tester, for flash and fire tests, small size, similar to No. 3559 (c), but of lighter construction. Complete with thermome- ter and Bunsen burner 12.00 3559(e) Large Pyrometer, for flash and fire tests of illuminating oils, with standard thermometer 50 to 170 F 32.40 3559(f) Large Pyrometer, for flash and fire tests of illuminating oils, with standard thermometer 80 to 250 F 32.40 3559(g) Large Pyrometer, for flash and fire tests of lubricating oils, 80 to 400 F., with Bunsen burner and thermometer . 38.90 3559(h) Large Pyrometer, for flash and fire tests of lubricating oils, 200 to 600 F., with Bunsen burner and thermometer 38.90 3559(j) Small Pyrometer, for flash and fire tests of illuminating oils, 50 to 170 F., with standard thermometer 28.80 3559(k) Small Pyrometer, for flash and fire tests of illuminating oils, 80 to 250 F., with standard thermometer . 28.80 3559(m) ABEL Closed Oil Tester, for illuminating oils; complete with two Standard Ivory Scale Thermometers. Each cup examined and passed by the Royal Petroleum Association of England. Adopted as standard by the British Government. In hardwood case, with directions for use . 75.00 222 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 3559(n) For Low Flashing Oils 3559(p) For High Flashing Oils 3559(n) U. S. Bureau of Mines Flash Tester, for oil flashing from to 110 C. Three thermometers, cup lifter, burner and Aneroid barometer. Complete in case with directions for operation $135.00 A. Porcelain Scale Thermometer for oil cup. Range to 50 C. in l /2 graduations. Round bulb 7.50 B. Same as No. A, except Range 40 to 110 C 7.50 C. Porcelain Scale Thermometer, for water bath. Range to 85 C. 1 graduations. Cylinder bulb 7.50 3559(p) U. S. Bureau of Mines Flash Tester, for oil flashing from 100 to 310 C. Two thermometers, cup lifter and burner. Complete in case with directions for operation 120.00 A. Porcelain Scale Thermometer for oil cup. Range 100 to 210 C. in 1 graduations. Round bulb 7.50 B. Same as No. A, except range 200 to 310 C 7.50 C. Same as No. A, except range 300 to 410 C 9.00 D. Oil Containing Cup only for Nos. 3559(n) and 3559(p) 7.50 3559(q) REDWOOD'S Viscosimeter for Lubricating Oil, with flask and ther- mometers. Certified for accuracy by the Redwood Laboratories. In case. One of the standard forms of Viscosimeters, extensively used in this country and abroad, especially in England 75.00 A. lOJ^-inch Engraved Stem Thermometer for No. 3559 (q). Range 50 to 145 F., in y 2 graduations. For oil container 2.25 B. 12-inch Engraved Stem Thermometer for No. 3559 (q). Range 50 to 160 F., in 1 graduations. For water bath 2.25 3559 (r) REDWOOD'S Viscosimeter for Fuel Oil, with flask and thermome- ters. Certified for accuracy by the Redwood Laboratories 127.50 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 223 3559(s) 3560 3560(a) ENGLER'S Viscosimeter; latest improved form; insulated oil container cover, deep water bath with stirrer; gold-plated oil container, plat- inum outlet. Complete with thermometers, ring-burner and flask. This instrument is considered one of the most accurate and reliable instruments by the best authorities in this country : $75.00 8^-inch Porcelain Scale Thermometer for No. 3559(s). Range 10 to 50 C, in 1 graduations 6.00 Same as No. 3559(s), except Range 10 to 150 C 7.50 Same as No. 3559(s), except Range 10 to 200 C 9.00 Flask, graduated 100 c.c-100 c.c., for No. 3559 (s) 4.50 S560 SCOTT'S Viscosimeter, an accurate, reliable instrument, designed by Mr. W. G. Scott. This instrument is so constructed that the reservoir may be readily removed and cleaned. The results obtained compare closely with those of higher priced instruments. Each instrument is accu- rately standardized and has the time in seconds and fractions thereof required for 50 c.c. of distilled water at 70 F. to be discharged stamped upon the handle of the cup. The temperature of the liquid to be tested is accurately regulated by water or liquids of higher boiling points which surround the reservoir. The Viscosimeter with good thermometer graduated to 212 F. in single degrees and with a 50 c.c. graduated cylinder 15.00 For taking the viscosity of lubricating oils an accurate finely gradu- ated thermometer is quite essential. For this purpose we are prepared to supply a high grade thermometer graduated from 50 to 120 F., in 1-5 degrees ,. . 5.00 3560(a) ENGLER'S Viscosimeter, modified by Ubbelohde, for very fluid liquids, such as petroleums. Complete with two thermometers.. . 85.00 3560(b) 3560(b) Viscosimeter, as adopted by the Pennsylvania Railroad, delivers 100 c.c. of distilled water in 34 seconds at a temperature of 100 F 2.00 224 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 3561 3563 3561 C. J. TAGLIABUE Improved Viscosimeter, with improved stop watch, and choice of two nipples, arranged for viscosity tests at 70, 10D or 212 F. Unless otherwise ordered, the C. J. Tagliabue Viscosi- meter will be equipped with 100 and 212 nipples .' . . .$102.00 3563 SAYBOLT'S Viscosimeter, for testing cylinder, valve and similar oils with bath at 212 F., and the oil at 210 F.; for testing reduced black oils, with bath about and oil at 130 F.; for testing neutral, spindle, paraffine, red and other distilled oils, with bath about and oil at 100 F, or at any temperature from 70 to 212 F. The Saybolt Viscosimeter is equipped with an electric heating device, a U-tube steam heater and a gas burner, in addition to a turn- table stirring arrangement, which permits anyone to work easily and accurately up to the temperature of boiling water. The bath liquid prescribed is a paraffine, pale engine oil, of about 350 to 400 flash, to be used for viscosity tests at all temperatures. The electric heating medium for the oil bath is an immersion Electric Element (110V.X5.5 Amperes=G05 Watts) which is easily adjustable to the bath, for immersion or removal, and which is supplied with cord for attachment to any lamp socket, direct or alternating current. (220-volt can also be supplied to order.) With Stop-Watch 82.00 Without Stop-Watch 75.00 Turn-table arrangement only, with steam, gas and electric heating attachments for equipping old-style Saybolt Viscosimeters 25.00 In ordering Turn-table, please give us the number which appears on the inner oil tube of your Viscosimeter. (JO cc. Receiving Glass 2.50 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 225 3565 3565 (g) 3565 DISTILLATION Apparatus, For testing, boiling and end point of gasoline, etc. This apparatus has been designed and perfected along scientific lines, and admirably fills a long-felt need for a simple and efficient apparatus for the distillation and analysis of gasoline, blended gasolines, and paint thinners other than turpentine. It has been adopted by the American Society for Testing Materials, also the Independent Oil Men's and Western Jobbers' Associations. Complete with Bunsen burner ; $45.00 Complete with Alcohol Lamp 55.00 3565(a) GRADUATED SETTLING TUBES, 16x1, graduated to 100 2.00 3565(b) PROOF GLASSES, 6 to 7-inch, with heavy bottoms 50 3565 (c) PRECIPITATING TUBES, Graduated to 100 cc., with tapered bottom.. 3.00 3565(d) C. J. T. VISCOSIMETER GLASSES. 60 cc. Receiving Glass 2.50 70 cc. Receiving Glass 2.50 80-90 cc. Measuring Glass 2.50 3565(e) PETROLEUM HYDROMETER SET, Consisting of four Hydrometers, divided as follows: 10' to 30, 30 to 50, 50 to 70, 70 to 90", in quarter degrees; one Standard Thermometer and one Hydrometer Jar, in fine leather-covered case, with lock 36.00 3565(f) PETROLEUM HYDROMETER SET, Consisting of eight Hydrome- ters, divided as follows: 10 to 21, 19 to 31, 29 to 41, 39 to 51, 49 to 61, 59" to 71, 69 to 81, 79 to 91, in tenth degrees; one Standard Thermometer and one Hydrometer Jar, in fine leather covered case, with lock 60.00 3565(g) OIL TUBE, Muter's, graduated 0-100 cc. in 1 cc. . . 2.25 226 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 3566 3566 OVENS, Drying Ovens (single wall), made of polished copper, with tubulation^ for thermometer and gas regulator, extra sheet iron bottom, and supported on iron stand with set screw, by which the oven is held firmly. Made in three sizes, outside measurements as follows: 6 inch by 8 inch, with one removable shelf " . .$ 5.00 8 inch by 10 inch, with one removable shelf 7.50 10 inches by 12 inches, with two removable shelves 10.50 3568 3568 OVENS, Drying Oven, three compartments, of heavy polished copper, 21 inches long, 8^4 inches high, 7 inches deep, with three partitions, each 7 inches deep and 7 inches wide, with movable shelf, separate doors, ventilator and two tubulations for each; provided with sheet iron back and support for the burners, and is arranged to set on table or stand, or to hang against the wall. Price $25.00 227 3570 3572 3570 OVENS, Drying Bath (double wall), made of polished copper, with tabulations for thermometer and gas regulator, extra sheet iron bottom and sup- ported on iron stand, with set screw by which the oven is held firmly. Made in three sizes. Outside measurements as follows: 6 inches by 8 inches, with one removable shelf $ 9.00 8 inches by 10 inches, with one removable -shelf 12.00 10 inches by 12 inches, with two removable shelves 17.50 3572 OVENS, Drying Bath (double wall), water bath top, otherwise like pre- ceding. Made in three sizes. Outside measurements as follows: 6 inches by 8 inches, with one removable shelf ' 12.00 8 inches by 10 inches, with one removable shelf 15.00 10 inches by 12 inches, with two removable shelves 20.00 3574 3581 3574 3576 3578 3580 3581 OVENS, Double Walled Drying Bath, made of heavy polished copper with two perforated shelves, false bottom of sheet iron, a sheet iron base and asbestos mat, inside dimensions, 8 inches high, 10 inches wide, 9 inches deep. Iron base, 8 inches high $20.00 OVENS, Inside dimensions, 10 inches high, 12 inches wide, 10 inches deep, Iron base, 8 inches high 25.00 OVENS, Same as No. 3574, with Water Bath top 20.00 OVENS, Same as No. 3576, with Water Bath top 25.00 OVENS, Drying Bath, made of heavy polished copper. Inside dimensions, 11 inches high, 10 inches wide and 8 inches deep, with openings for water, thermometer and Gas Regulator, with water . gage and three shelves. Mounted on strong support 35.00 228 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. HEAVY TYPE VACUUM OVEN 3581 (a) 3581 (b) 3581 (a) OVENS, Heavy Type Vacuum; this oven is used by the Bureau of Chemistry of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Sugar Laboratories and else- where, is made of heavy seamless brass tubes with 1" steam space. Door and front and rear ends heavy brass castings, and is mounted on a heavy strong stand of black iron. Price, as shown $175.00 3581 (b) OVENS, Drying Oven, double wall, for drying in current of hydrogen, etc., substantially made of heavy copper and provided with one shelf; outside dimensions, 18 inches long by 10 inches diam-. eter $55.00 3582 3582(b) 3582 OVENS, Drying Oven, Rammelsberg, made of polished copper, size 6 inches high by 5 inhces diameter $ 5.00 3582 (a) OVENS, Drying Oven, Rammelsberg, made of polished copper; size 7 inches high by 6 inches diameter 6.00 3582(b) OVENS, Drying Oven, double wall, Rammelsburg, made of heavy seam- less copper, for Hot Air, Water, Oil or Paraffine. Inside dimensions, 6 inches diameter by 7 inches deep. Outside dimensions, 8 inches diameter by 8 inches deep 20.00 As our Ovens are made in our shops, v/e are prepared to make them in any shape, size or design that may be desired. We use Heavy Copper for all Ovens coming in contact with water or the moisture from steam, when steam heated. All Sheet Metal Ovens other than those which must be of Copper are made of American Ingot Iron. This material lasts much better than the Russian Iron or plain steel which pits. For the outer coverings we use the Hard finished asbestos product, Transite, which is the best known insulator. LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 229 3582 (c) 3583 3582(c) OVEN, Sargent's Electric, patented Jan. 6th, 1914; electrically heated and automatically controlled, it may be set for any desired temperature between 50C and 160C, and is accurate to within 1C. The chamber of the oven is 10 inches high, 12 inches wide and 10 inches deep. The oven is made of an asbestos compound and bound with metal and may be connected to the usual lamp socket by a plug and cord. The units are of the replaceable type and in case of accident may be renewed in a few moments without the use of tools. The working chamber has three shelves, of which the two upper are of approximately the same temperature and are usable for constant temperature work, such as coal analysis, while the bottom shelf being close to the heating units, may be used for rapid evaporations where the temperature is of no consequence, as in inorganic work. Arranged for 110 or 220 volts, direct or alternating current. Price, complete with thermometer, six foot cord and plug and directions for operating $27.50 Extra heating units, each 1.00 Resistance wire on spools, sufficient for rewinding many heating units. Per spool 1.50 In ordering, please state voltage desired. 3583 OVEN, Celeritas, Electric; constructed of Asbestos Board, and with heavy brass binding, finished in keeping with our regular stand- ard apparatus. The regulation is positive and the control within one degree. The range at which the Oven can be used is from 50 degrees to 200 degrees Celsius. Consumption is 5 amperes. Can be used with ordinary socket on either alternating or direct current. A feature is that the contact points are outside the Oven. This eliminates any possible danger when using a combustible substance. Heating units are independent and can be renewed, but this will hardly be necessary so long as ordinary care is taken of the Oven. Electrical heat does not require draft. In fact, these changes are detrimental to all heating units. Proper ventilation at the top is all that is necessary. For 110 volts, either Direct or Alternating Current, size, 10x10x12 inches wide, with 6 feet cord and plug $40.00 Can also be furnished for 220 Volts. 230 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 3583-1 Despatch Electric Oven No. 90 For successful test baking. Proven as necessary to the small capacity miller as to the large. The demand for an oven and proofing cabinet to meet these requirements has led us to design and to now offer to the trade the oven and cabinet shown in the cuts. 3583-2 Despatch Electric Proofing Cabinet No. 510 Price for Oven and Cabinet, 110 volts $80.00 Price for Oven and Cabinet, 320 volts 87.00 Price for Oven only 62.50 Price for Cabinet only 27.50 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 231 FREAS' ELECTRIC OVEN With Accurate Temperature Control. Patented in the United States and European countries. Approved by the National Board of Fire Underwriters. The FREAS' ELECTRIC OVEN has become widely and favorably known through- out the world as the most accurate, reliable and durable electric oven for constant temperature purposes. The oven after once set for the temperature desired is always ready for use, and can be depended upon for continuous unattended operation. It is easily adjusted for the desired temperature by simply turning a milled head screw. 3583-3 3583-3 FREAS' ELECTRIC OVENS. PRICE LIST When ordering do not fail to specify voltage of current. Type R for temperatures up to 180C. Mounted on Size No. Diam. of Chamber Cast Iron base to stand Price, net on table 100 108 110 136 140 12x12x12 16x14x16 \ 14x17x18 I 26x14x22 ( 32x18x24 / Heavy base with legs. $110.00 190.00 215.00 279.00 315.00 Each Oven is furnished with flexible cord and plug to fit sockef of ordinary lighting circuit. 232 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. DEKHOTINSKY TRIPLE WALLED DRYING OVENS ELECTRICALLY HEATED AND REGULATED 3583-4 3583-4 OVEN, drying, triple walled DeKhotinsky. Distinctive Features. 1. A new bimetallic thermo-regulator (patent applied for), which is actuated by a difference in temperature of 1/C. (This does not mean control of temperature throughout the oven chamber to 1/4 C, but within the space adjacent to the regulator.) Charts made with a recording thermometer actually show less than a degree of variation through periods of 24 hours. 2. Location of the heating elements in the base of the oven beneath the false bottom instead of in the oven chamber where they are shielded by an iron deflector, preventing radiant heat from striking the lower shelf. 3. An air circulating system which reduces the difference in temperature between the top and bottom shelves to less than a degree C. instead of 12 to 20 degrees, as usually found. 4. The DeKhotinsky standard system of heating, by which extra heating units may be thrown into or out of the circuit to obtain any desired temperature up to the maximum. 5. Replaceability of heating units by the user from outside the oven in case of burn-out, at a nominal cost, without the necessity of interrupting the drying process or sending to the factory for repairs. G. Location of the contact points of the make-and-break outside the oven and their enclosure in a tight case, preventing any possibility of the explosion of inflammable gases generated within the oven. 7. Ease of adjustment of temperature, by means of the thermo-regulator, from room temperature to the maximum temperature of the oven. This is accom- plished by turning a removable key outside the oven, actuating a worm gear which sets the contact points to open or close at the desired temperature. OVENS, drying, triple wall, DeKhotinsky electrically heated and regulated, with five feet of flexible asbestos covered board. A Height, inside, inches .................................... iO->s Width inside, inches ..................................... 7 Depth inside, inches ...................... . . . . ........... 6 T /2 Shelf space, sq. inches .............................. ..... 01 Price for 110 volts ..................................... $55.00 Price for 220 volts ................................... 57.50 If for A. C., state cycles and phase. B 14?4 12 C 19?4 17 14 82 476 90 00 145.00 92.50 147.50 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS PAPER TESTING APPARATUS 35S5 3586 3385 PAPER TESTER, Mullen type, for testing the strength of paper, fiber-board and textiles. This instrument accurately and automatically registers the strength of paper in pounds to the square inch. The paper is clamped over one end of the cylinder which is filled with liquid. The liquid in this cylinder is compressed by means of turning a handwheel and the fluid is forced up against the paper. This fluid pressure is increased until the paper is burst. At the breaking point the gauge pointer remains sta- tionary, so the results can be read closely. Pressing on a button releases the pointer. Besides its use on all kinds of paper, fiber-board and so forth, the tester is used on such materials as leather, celluloid, textile goods, etc. The regular size tester is fitted with a gauge to register up to 160 pounds per square inch, although it is advisable to use lower reading gauges for such materials as tissue or .newspaper and a higher reading instrument for. boxboards and textile goods of all sorts. Paper Tester, Mullen type $100.00 3586 PRESSURE BULKER, Perkins' type. This instrument fills a very definite need by providing a positive uniform standard for measuring the bulk of paper. A pile of sheets is placed between the contact faces and the handwheel clamp is screwed down until the desired pressure is indicated on the dial. The thickness can be read directly from the vertical scale at the left. The pressure is indicated in pounds per square inch and the thickness in inches and fractions of an inch. The present and faulty method is to caliper one sheet and multiply by the number of sheets in a pile or package. This plan affords numerous errors, as the thickness of the paper varies so much that' it is impossible to obtain a representative sheet Pressure Bulker, Perkins' type On application We have the facilities for furnishing the latest types of paper and other testing machines and do not purposely list at this time such instruments which are imported and which are unobtainable at this period. However, upon the return of normal conditions, we can furnish any of the imported high grade testing machines. 234 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. PANS Gold, see page 188. PAPER, Adam's, for absorbing milk. 3587 PAPER, Drop Reaction Paper, Whatman, for quickly absorbing a drop of liquid without spreading, better adapted and more accurate for drop tests than the old method of using porcelain plate. In sheets 22x14 ctm (per sheet, $0.10), per quire $1.25 3588 PAPER, Glazed, white, black or yellow, cut in sheets 10x12 inches, for mixing assay samples, collecting filter ashes, etc. Sheets 100 1000 Price $1.00 6.00 3590 PAPER, Parchment, pound $0.75 3592 PAPER, Litmus, tumeric, congo red, etc., per quire 80 3592(a) PAPER, Litmus, Red or Blue, in small books, 25 strips in a book (per book, 5c) ; per dozen books 50 3592(b) PAPER, Tumeric or Neutral Litmus, in small books, 25 strips in a book, per book, 6c) ; per dozen books 60 3593 PAPER, Litmus, Red, Blue or Neutral, in glass vials, 100 strips per vial Each .10 3593(a) PAPER, Litmus, Red or Blue, in tape form, perforated strips; in small tin box. One box sufficient for 100 tests. Per box , 15 3594 PENCILS, Blue, red or yellow, for writing on glass, porcelain, etc. Each 20 Per dozen 2.00 3595 PENCILS, Carbon, for cutting glass, each.. 10 3598 3288 T 3600 3598 PERCOLATORS, Conical Glass. Capacity, pts y 2 1 Each $0.60 .75 3288 PERCOLATOR JARS, graduated in ounces. 3288a 3600 '2 .90 4 1 gal. 2 gal. 3 gal. 5 gal. 1.00 1.50 3.00 4.75 8.00 Capacity, quarts 1248 Each ....$2.00 2.50 3.50 5.00 PERCOLATOR JARS, graduated in metric system. Capacity, liters 1248 Mark every, cc 100 100 200 500 Each $2.00 2.50 3.50 5.00 PERCOLATOR, Oldberg's, Cylindrical. Capacity, pts V-i 1 1J4 3J4 4 Each ..$0.60 .75 .90 1.00 1.25 Capacity, gal j4 y* i 2 Each $1.50 1.75 2.50 4.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 235 PIPETTES 3606 3608 3610 3632 3613 3614 3606 3608 3610 3612 3613 3614 PIPETTES, straight, drawn to a point, not fixed. Length, inches 5 6 7 8 10 12 15 20 Each $0.04 .05 .05 .06 .07 .08 .10 .12 PIPETTES, small, Medicine Droppers, with rubber bulb end, either bent or straight ; per doz -. $0.40 PIPETTES, with Bulb, not fixed. Capacity, c.c 5 10 25 50 100 Each $0.10 .15 .20 .25 .30 PIPETTES, Volumetric, graduated most accurately. Capacity, c.c 1 2 3 5 8 10 12 15 20 Each $0.12 .12 .15 .16 .22 .25 .28 .30 .35 Capacity, c.c 25 30 50 75 80 100 200 Each $0.36 .45 .48 .60 .65 .75 1.00 PIETTES, Volumetric, short form, graduated most accurately. Capacity, c.c 1 2 5 10 20 25 50 Each $0.12 .12 .20 .25 .30 .35 .45 PIPETTES, Mohr's, accurately graduated. Capacity, c.c 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 Graduated to c.c 1/100 1/50 1/10 1/5 1/50 1/20 1/10 Each $0.50 .40 .35 .30 .40 .45 .45 Capacity, c.c 5 5 10 20 25 ^ 50 50 Graduated to c.c 1/20 1/10 1/10 1/10 1/10 1/10 1/5 Each $0.55 .50 .65 .85 .95 1.50 1.35 3615 PIPETTES, Mohr's, so-called intake pipettes, graduated from the delivery tip. Capacity, c.c 1/10 1 1 2 5 10 Graduated to c.c 1/100 1/100 t/10 1/10 1/10 1/10 Each . $0.50 .50 .40 .50 .60 .75 3615(a) PIPETTES Bacteriological, especially designed for ease of sterilization and uniform handling, all of a given size are of the same length and have straight sides. The last graduation mark toward the mouthpiece end is in all sizes, 3^ inches away. 11 15 5 10 10 .1/100 1/10 Imark 1/10 1 mark 1/10 1 mark 12 12 12 12 12 14 14 ..$0.50 .35 .12 .50 .20 .50 .20 Capacity, c.c. Graduation, c.c. . Length, inches.. Price 236 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 3615B 3615B 3616 3620 3622 3623 (a) PIPETTE CALIBRATING PIPETTE Ostwald's, for calibrating Bur- ettes, capacity 2 cc., with two marks. Each $ 1.25 PIPETTES, Volumetric, with stopcock and safety reservoir to receive surplus of liquids. Capacity, c.c . 2 5 10 25 50 100 Each $2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 4.50 PIPETTE Overflow, Automatic, with patent three-way stopcock and reser- voir for collecting the excess. Capacity, c.c 10 15 25 50 100 Each $3.00 3.00 3.50 3.75 4.52 PIPETTE Overflow, Julian's, for. equal successive portions of liquids. Capacity, 15 c.c., unless otherwise ordered, without bottle $12.50 3623(a) PIPETTE CALIBRATING, as designed by Prof. C. W. Foulk of the Ohio State University. The use of the stopcock as the lower mark eliminates one-half of the readings that would otherwise be neces- sary a-nd increase the accuracy of the instrument. Full directions for use will be sent with the pipette. Each 7.50 3616 3620 3622 3623(b) 3623(d) 3623(b) PIPETTE Box, of sheet copper, with overhanging cover, for sterilizing pipettes; size 4x4x12 inches $ 2.50 3623(c) PIPETTE Box, same as above, but made of sheet iron 1.75 3623(d) PIPETTE Box, cf sheet copper, size 2 inches by 15 inches 2.00 3623(e) PIPETTE Box, of sheet iron, size 2 inches by 15 inches 1.50 3624 PLATES, Blue glass, Cobalt glass. .' .2x2 3x3 Size '. Each 3626 PLATES, Glass, Heavy Plate, rough on one side. Size, square inch 4 5 6 Each $0.25 .30 .35 7 .40 .50 .65 .$0.10 3 10 .90 15 12 1.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 237 3628 3630 2632 3636 3637 3628 2632 3636 3637 PLATES, Streak, unglazed, as used for arsenic tests and by mineralogists. Size number 123456 Length, m.m 65 70 85 90 100 140 Width, m.m 50 40 60 65 60 90 Thickness, m.m 3 3 4 4 4 4 Each $0.20 .20 .32 .35 .40 .50 PLATES, porcelain, flat surface, glazed throughout, with exception bottom surface. Length, 175 m.m.; width, J37 m.m.; thickness, 6 m.m. Each.. $1.50 PLATES, Color, glazed throughout, with exception of bottom surface. Size number 1 2 3 4 Dimensions, m.m 110x90 160x25 180x110 180x140 Number of depressions 12 12 24 30 Each $0.70 .95 1.35 1.50 PLATES, porcelain. Porous, round, for drying crystals and precipitates. Diameter, m.m 145 175 220 225 Each r $0.90 1.20 2.00 2.10 PLATES, porcelain. Porous, square, for drying crystals and precipitates. Length, m.m 150 200 300 400 300 305 Width, m.m 150 200 300 400 200 305 Each $0.25 .55 1.25 3.00 3.00 4.00 PLATINUM WARE We furnish only first-class platinum ware and every article is inspected before leav- ing the factory, and again before shipment is made. We claim that the products of this manufacture are equal to any on the market, foreign or domestic. Special care is taken in the manufacture of our platinum ware and apparatus and only the best grade of metal is used for it. We guarantee these products to give full satisfaction. We furnish everything in the platinum line. Owing to the fluctuation in the price of platinum, we cannot insert prices for the different kinds of apparatus shown, but same will be cheerfully given on application. 3639 2639 Seamless Platinum Filter Cones. Diameter, inches 34 Approximate weight, grammes 1.0 Perforation of Stock Cones, .020 inch. Perforation from .016 to .025 to order. At prevailing market price. 1.5 1 2.5 4.0 6.0 8.0 12.0 238 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 3639(a) 3639(a) PLATINUM Crucibles. Standard weights and sizes kept in stock. Platinum Crucibles, with covers, weigh approximately as many grammes as their capacity in cubic centimeters. Covers are always turnished with Crucibles unless otherwise ordered. Other weights, shapes and capacities made to order. Gold, silver and gold lined Platinum Crucibles made to order. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Approximate Capacity weight, cc. grammes No. 8 8 10 15 20 25 10 15 20 25 6 8 9 10 Approximate Capacity weight, cc. grammes 30 50 30 50 60 70 60 70 3639(b) 3639(c) 3639(b) Platinum Crucibles, Gooch Form. Weight with Cover Capacity and Cap, cc. grammes 10 13 15 18 20 25 30 24 29 34 3639 (c) Platinum Gooch Crucible, low form, capacity 30 cc. Approximate weight, 30 grammes. At prevailing Market Price, LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 239 3640 3640(a) 3641 3639D 3640 PLATINUM ANODE. 3640(a) PLATINUM ANODE 3641 PLATINUM CATHODE, Open Cylinder. 3642 PLATINUM CATHODE. 3639D PLATINUM CRUCIBLE, J. Lawrence Smith Form, for Alkali determi- nation. Weight, including cover, grammes, 35. . . . '. .$00.00 3643b 3643(b) PLATINUM COM- BUSTION BOATS. Length l l / 2 in. in. 364. r > Size: Approximate Weight 3 Grammes 3.8 Grammes 7 Grammes 12 Grammes 3644 PLATINUM BOAT AND HOLD ER, Blair's Form. A pproximate weight of Boat and Holder 30 gr. 3644 3645 PLATINUM ANODES. Gauze Cathode. Wire Frame Anode. 3645(a) PLATINUM ANODES. Open Gauge. Cylinder. 3645(b) PLATINUM ANODES. Closed Gauze. Cylinder. 3645(c) PLATINUM ANODES. Rotat- ing Gauze. 3645(a) 3645(t>) 3645(c) At Prevailing Market Price 240 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 3645(d) 3645(d) PLATINUM DISH FOR MILK ANALYSIS. Capac- ity, 45 cc. Approximate weight, 17 grammes. 3645(e) 3645(e) PLATINUM DISH FOR SU- GAR ANALYSIS. Capac- ity, 35 cc. Approximate weight, 16 grammes. 3645(f) 3645(f) PLATINUM DISH FOR IRON, STEEL AND WA- TER ANALYSIS. Capac- ity, 45 cc. Approximate weight, 16 grammes. 3645 (g) 3645(g) PLATINUM INCINERAT- ING PAN FOR SUGAR ANALYSIS, with or with- out lip or handle. Capacity, cc 10 20 '25 35 Weight, grammes 10 14 18 20 for e's 3645(h) 3645 (h) PLATINUM DISHES for incin- eration. Capacity, 15 cc., weight, 10 grammes; capacity, 20 cc., weight, 14 grammes. 3645(j) PLATINUM DISHES 1 fertilizer analysis, Payne s form, having a flat bottom and wire rimmed top. Ca- pacity, 100 cc. Weight, about 40 grammes. 3645(k) PLATINUM DISHES for electrolytic work. Classen form. Made either with polished or sand-blasted inner surface. Capacity, 250 cc. Weight, about 40 grammes. 3645(m) 3645(m) PLATINUM DISHES with or without lip. Standard weights and sizes kept in stock. 14 No 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Cap., cc 15 20 25 35 50 65 75 100 125 150 175 200 250 300 Ap. wt., gm. 5 6 8 12 17 22 25 33 42 50 55 67 80 100 At Prvailing Market Price LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 241 3646 3646 PLATINUM Triangles, with flat solid ends. ForCrucible.ee 10 15 20 Weight, about grammes 5.0 7.0 10.5 25 12.0 30 12.0 40 14.0 50 16.0 60 18.0 70 20.0 3649 PLATINUM WIRE. Sizes according to Brown & Sharpe gauge. No. . , 12 14 Size, decimal of in 0808 .0641 Weight, per ft., grammes... 1.8 1.1 No. 26 Size, decimal of in 0159 Weight, per ft., grammes 85 16 18 20 22 24 .0508 .0403 .0320 .0253 .0201 .7 .45 .28 .17 .12 27 30 34 35 36 .0142 .0100 .0063 .0056 .0050 .65 .33 .132 .101 .08 3650 3650 PLATINUM, Triangles and Holder, prices upon application. 3651 3651 PLATINUM TIPPED CRUCIBLE TONGS, Nickel and Nickel Plated. With hollow or solid platinum tips. These tongs also furnished with nichrome palan or platinum tips. At Prevailing Market Price 242 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 3653 3653 PLATINUM TIPPED TWEEZERS. Nickel plated. 3653(c) PLATINUM FOIL. Size Light Medium Heavy Thickness 1-1000 1-500 1-250 in. Weight, per square inch 0.353 0.705 1.411 grammes 3653(d) PLATINUM SPATULAS. Standard size spatulas weight approximately as many grammes as their length in centimeters. 3653(g) PLATINUM WIRE GAUZE. 52 mesh, .004 in. wire, per square inch, .550 gr. 45 mesh, .0085 in. wire, per square inch, 1.500 gr. 3653(h) CALORIMETER PAN AND HOLD- ER. Pan, 5.0 gr. Holder, 6.0 gr. At prevailing market price. 3653(h) PLATINUM SUBSTITUTES We are also prepared to supply any articles of standard shapes and sizes of PALAU WARE. This special rare metal alloy, developed for the purpose of replacing expensive platinumware, contains less iridium than the regular platin- umware usually obtained (report of Bur. of Stds., December, 1916), is guaran- teed to withstand continuously 1,300 C., and has been used by prominent chem- ists in daily laboratory routine and in varied lines of work, both metallurgical and industrial. BARIO crucibles can also be furnished by us. They are guaranteed abso- lutely resistant to both acid and alkali, and for such ordinary laboratory uten- sils are equal to platinumware and cost but a small fraction as much. 243 3654 3656 3654 PLIERS, Flat Nose. Size, inches ; 4 5 Q Each I $0.75 I.QO 1.25 3656 PLIERS, Flat Nose, side cutting. Size, inches 4 5 g Each $1.00 1.25 1.50 3658 3660 3658 PLIERS, Side cutting. Size, inches 4 Each $100 3660 PLIERS, End cutting. Size, inches 4 5 1.25 Each .$1.00 1.25 1.50 6 1.50 3662 3664 3662 PLIERS, Cutting edge parallel, with handle i 3664 PLIERS, Button, straight, for lifting cupel beads .'...'.'. '. ". '. '. '. '. '. \ \ '. \ \ \ \ i. 3666 3668 3666 PLIERS, Button, turned-down nose 3668 PLIERS, for gaswork '.'.'.'.'. POLARISCOPES Due to the great demands made by the government on all manufacturers of optical instruments, we do not deem it proper at this time to list any such instru- ments. However, when conditions have returned to normal we shall issue our customary supplement on polariscopes, spec- troscopes and so forth. 3669 PRESSES For tincture from herbs, meats, etc. Capacity, qts l 2 4 8 Each , $8.00 7.50 10.00 15.00 3669 244 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 3683 3684 3686 3688 3683 PUMP Piccard, will evacuate 1 1. to 20 mm. pressure in 1 minute $2.75 3684 PUMP Geissler, with valve, mounted 4.00 3684(a) PUMP The glass parts only 2.50 3686 PUMP Muencke's, of glass 2.00 3688 PUMP Muencke's, of glass, with 2 suction tubes 2.00 3689 3690 3691 3689 PUMP Filter Pump, Chapman's, small, size 3 fa inches, J^-inch I. P. size. $1.75 Chapman's, medium, size 4 fa inches, fa-inch I- P- si ze 3.25 Chapman's, large, size 5^ inches, *4-inch I. P. size 5.00 3690 PUMP Filter Pump, Richard's, small, size 7 inches, ^-inch I. P. size thread 1.50 Richard's, large, size 7 inches, fa-inch I. P. size thread 3.00 Richard's, extra large, size 13 inches, fa-inch I. P. size 7.50 3691 PUMP Celeritas Filter Pumps, or Aspirators, are constructed on an en- tirely new idea and will produce a higher vacuum in less time and using one-third less water than any other pump made. Small size, 3 fa inches long, J^-inch I. P. size thread 2.25 Medium size, 4 fa inches long, J4-inch I. P. size thread 3.75 Large size, 5^ inches long, ^j-inch I. P. size thread. 5.50 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 245 3691(a) 3691(b) 3691(c) 3691(a) CONNECTIONS, of brass, with hydrant thread for filter pumps, in three sizes to fit the various filter pumps 1 /%, J4, ^-inch I. P. thread $ 0.50 3691(b) ROYLE CONNECTIONS for filter pumps to connect to smooth faucet. Cannot leak or be forced off; in three sizes to fit the various filter pumps */&, l /4, $i-'mch I. P. thread 75 3691(c) CONNECTION, of brass, with hydrant thread, for extra large Filter Pump No. 3690. Richard's extra large 1.00 369S 3693 3692 PUMPS Filter on base, with vacuum gauge and with stopcocks at water and air connections $ 8.75 3693 PUMPS Filter Pump, of brass, with vacuum gauge, without stopcocks at water and exhaust connections. Each 10.00 8695 PUMPS As above, without gauge 6.50 3697 PUMPS As above, without stopcocks (with gauge) ... 8.00 3699 PUMPS As above, without stopcocks or gauge 4.50 VACUUM. 3701 3701 PUMPS Laboratory Water Jet Vacuum Pump. For the rapid creation and maintenance of a vacuum for filtration, etc. Complete, as shown in illustration, including exhauster, vacuum gauge, connecting tee and two cocks $17.50 3701(a) PUMPS Laboratory Steam Jet Vacuum Pump. Same as above, but con- structed for operation by steam. Complete, as illustrated, including exhauster, vacuum gauge, connecting tee, stock and check valve 17.50 246 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 3703 Mounted with Motor PUMPS CENCO-NELSON HIGH VACUUM These pumps represent the most recent development in High Vacuum Pumps for laboratory and commercial purposes. They are compact, operate with very small ex- penditure of power, require no attention when in operation and should last indefinitely. They measure about seven inches high by five inches in diameter at the base and weigh approximately ten pounds. The pulley is grooved for %-inch round belt. Under favorable conditions, a vacuum of 0.1 mm. may be obtained with the Two- stage Pump. On continuous service, some heating takes place, which lowers the vacuum somewhat. With the Three-stage Pump, water cooled, a vacuum of .05 mm. may be obtained by using proper precautions. The displacement of these pumps in free air, according to tests in our laboratory, is approximately 285 cu. in. per minute, or 10 cu. ft. per hour, at a speed of 900 r. p. m. They will evacuate a flask of one liter capacity to a vacuum of 1 mm. in two minutes. No A B Number of stages 2 Vacuum, mm 0-1 0.05 A PUMPS Nelson, unmounted $25.00 $35.00 B PUMPS Nelson, on hardwood base, without motor 30.00 40.00 C PUMPS Nelson, on hardwood base, with 110-volt A. C. Motor 60.00 70.00 D PUMPS Nelson, on hardwood base, with 110-volt D. C. Motor 60.00 70.00 Pumps See also Blowers. PYROMETERS 3705 3705 HIGH RESISTANCE PYROMETER, Brown. This type of Pyrometer is entirely unaffected by changes in the length of wire connecting the thermo-couple to the instrument, and is a superior type of instrument where the greatest accuracy is required. It should always be used with platinum thermo-couples, and is desirable for use with base-metal thermo-couples also ;.'; ' " 60>0 3705(a) PLATINUM RHODIUM THERMO-COUPLES in porcelain tubes, with heads and binding posts. 18 inches 27 inches 36 inches.. LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 247 3707 3707(a) 3707 PORTABLE PYROMETER, Hoskins. Type P. A., for temperatures from 200 to 2500 F. (100-1370 C). A practical laboratory and shop instrument of special value in connection with furnace operations, as it enables definite knowledge of chamber temperatures. This is the smallest and lightest high-grade portable pyrometer made. The case is aluminum, finished in black enamel. Over-all dimensions of this meter are Q l /$ inches by 6 inches by 3 inches, and the weight is only 5 pounds. Scale arc 5 l /2 inches. Highest grade movement. See table below for standard scales. With standard scale, without thermo- couple $40.00 3707(a) PYROMETER, Hoskins, with wall indicating meter. This meter is es- sentially the same as No. 3707, except that it is enclosed in a round aluminum pot for wall mounting. It is best adapted for permanent pyrometer installations. Diameter of pot, 6 inches by y/z inches deep. Scale arc, 5J4 inches. Black enamel finish. See table below for stand- ard scales. With standard scale, without thermo-couple 40.00 3707(b) THERMO-COUPLES, Low-Resistance. Temperature Limit, F. -n B. & S. Gauge Type No. Price 3-Ft. Couple Price Per Extra Ft. 2500 2500 2 6 P-505 503 $11.00 5.50 $3.00 1.25 2500 8 501 4.00 .75 2000 6 403 5.50 1.25 2000 8 401 4.00 .75 2000 11 404 3.50 .65 2000 14 402* 3.00 .50 1500 8 301 4.00 .75 1500 11 304 3.50 .65 1500 14 302* 3.00 .50 1000 8 201 4.00 .75 1000 11 204 3.50 .65 1000 14 202* 3.00 .50 *18-inch Standard Length. Couple handles Flexible Leads, 16 B. & S. Gauge, 10, 20, 25 or 30 ft. long. .$1.00 . 2.00 248 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. STANDARD SCALES FOR No. 3707 AND No. 3707(a) In ordering, specify range desired and whether Fahrenheit or Centigrade divisions. Fahrenheit 32 1000 32 1500 32 2000 32 2550 Degrees Per Division 10 20 20 25 or or or or Centigrade 550 800 1100 1400 Degrees Per Division 5 10 10 20 3709 3709(a) 3709 PYROMETERS Portable Electric Pyrometer, Brown. This instrument is supplied in either the low-resistance type, with resistance of 5 ohms, for base metal thermo-couples, or high-resistance, approxi- mately 100 ohms, for use particularly with platinum rhodium thermo- couples. The scale is 5 inches long, with mirror for accurate reading. In the high-resistance instrument a device which automatically locks the needle when the lid is closed is furnished to prevent damage in handling or iii shipment. Fifteen feet of Double Conductor Wire supplied with each instrument. Portable Pyrometer, low-resistance type, 5-inch scale $ 50.00 Portable Pyrometer, high-resistance type, 5-inch scale 60.00 Above prices include standard 36-inch Base Metal Thermo-couple, with low-resist- ance instrument. Platinum Rhodium Thermo-Couples for higher temperatures extra. Any desired Fahrenheit or Centigrade Scale can be supplied. 3709(a) RADIATION PYROMETER, Brown. For measuring temperatures above 3000 Fahrenheit, the Brown Radiation Pyrometer is one of the most accurate and satisfactory instruments to use. It can be readily focused into any furnace, or at any substance, the temperature of which is to be determined, and the temperature read off on the Indi- cator within a minute. The instrument is furnished complete in leather carrying case with tripod for permanent use where desired. Complete - $125.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 249 Fig. 84 3709(b) EXPANSION PYROMETERS, Brown. These instruments are not as ac- curate as the electric pyrometer, but for many uses where the tempera- ture is moderate and the highest accuracy is not required, they give very satisfactory results. They are extensively used in core ovens, enameling ovens, tinning pots, and for similar uses. The instrument is furnished for use either vertically or horizontally, as desired. Unless otherwise speci- fied, the horizontal instrument is furnished with stem 36 inches long. Graduated to 800 C Graduated to 1200 C Graduated to 1500' Fahrenheit $12.00 Fahrenheit 15.00 Fahrenheit . 20.00 SEGER PYROMETER CONES 3711 3711 PYROMETER CONES, Seger, for use in ceramic industry ranging from 590' to 1910 Centigrade. In the following table are shown temperatures at which cones begin to melt. TABLE OF OFFICIAL MELTING POINTS OF CONES Cone No. Degrees C. Degrees F. Cone No. Degrees C. Degrees F. Cone No. Degrees C. Degrees F. 022 590 1094 02 1110 2030 16 1450 2642 021 620 1148 01 1130 2066 17 1470 2678 020 650 1202 1 1150 2102 18 1490 2714 019 680 1256 2 1170 2138 19 1510 2750 018 710 1310 3 1190 2174 20 1530 2786 017 740 1364 4 1210 2210 26 1650 3002 016 770 1418 5 1230 2246 27 1670 3038 015 800 1472 6 1250 2282 28 1690 3074 Ol2 l / 2 875 1607 7 1270 2318 29 1710 3110 010 950 1742 8 1290 2354 30 1730 3146 09 970 1778 9 1310 2390 31 1750 3182 08 990 1814 10 1330 2426 32 1770 3218 07 1010 1850 11 1350 2462 33 1790 3254 06 1030 1886 B8 1370 2498 34 1810 3290 05 1050 1922 13 1390 2534 35 1830 3326 04 , 1070 1958 14 1410 2570 36 1850 3362 03 1090 1994 15 1430 2606 These .cones are sold in single numbers packed in boxes of 100 cones each, and also in assorted numbers, any quantity as desired. Price, per 100 ; , , $3.00 230 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 371l(a) 3711(a) PYROMETER TUBES OF ALUNDUM. These tubes are impervious to gases under normal pressures through a wide range of temperatures. They have a high deformation point which, in connection with their im- perviousness and high thermal conductivity, are very valuable in pyro- metric work. They will stand rapid changes of temperature, and are surprisingly long- lived when treated in a manner similar to the porcelain tubes. Tube iV inch bore, }& inch outside diameter. 12 inches long, each $2.40 18 inches long, each 3.60 24 inches long, each 4.80 30 inches long, each 6.00 36 inches long, each 7.20 PYROMETER TUBES, Porcelain, see No. 4095. QUARTZ GLASS APPARATUS TRANSPARENT :mi(b), etc. LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS The valuable optical properties of quartz crystal, recognized for hundreds of years, were responsible for the earliest attempts to fuse this material into a homogeneous glass. Although most entirely without success for many years, these early efforts revealed the special physical qualities of Quartz Glass, which have since secured for it such an important position among laboratory apparatus. Its melting point lies 800C (1400F.) higher than that of common glass, and it may be subjected without misgiving to the greatest and most sudden temperature changes. The coefficient of expansion of Quartz Glass, between 0-1000 C is 0,00000054; i. e., a rod of Quartz Glass 1 meter long at 0C expands 0.54 mm. when heated to 1000C. 3711(b) BEAKERS (with or without lip). Capacity, cc ............... ____ ........... 25 50 100 200 250 $5.00 7.50 12.50 18.00 21.00 3711 (c) BOATS, Combustion. r 50x8x5 millimeters .................................................. $3.75 . 05x8x5 millimeters .................................................. 5.00 75x8x5 millimeters ................................................. 6.50 3711 (d) CRUCIBLES. The dimensions in list below refer to crucibles of the (tall. narrow) Platinum shape, which is always furnished unless Berlin Porcelain shape (low, wide) is specified. Prices are the same, capacity for capacity, in either shape. Capacity Diameter at Top Price, each Price of lid Price of Rose lid cc. mm. (without lid) (for tall shape) with delivery tube 10 28 $3.60 $1.25 $3.00 20 35 6.00 1.75 3.75 30 40 8.40 2.50 40 45 9.25 2.75 50 50 12.00 3.00 60 54 13.75 3.50 80 58 16.75 3.75 100 65 20.00 4.00 Prices for lids for Berlin porcelain shape are as for next larger size in tall shape. Gooch crucibles having 7 holes, 2 millimeter diameter in bottom can be supplied at 50 per cent increase on above prices. 3711(e) FLASKS can be furnished of ihe Standard shape as illustrated with long, narrow or short wide necks, an.d with round, or flat bottoms, as may be specified. Made also in Erlenmeyer shape. Capacity, cc 15 25 50 100 150 200 250 500 750 1000 $3.30 4.50 6.00 10.75 14.50 19.25 24.00 30.00 37.50 43.50 Extra for side neck.. 2.00 2.00 2.10 2.50 2.65 3.00 3.00 3.25 3.40 4.00 Extra for ground-in stopper 1.50 1.80 2.50 3.00 3.60 4.25 4.80 6.00 7.80 9.60 We call your attention to the sections on the various types of Electric Furnaces and also to the section on Furnace Cements. We are prepared to furnish in from one pound to barrel lots. 252 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 3711(f) DISHES. A selection is illustrated. They are made hemispherical or flat- bottomed and with or without lip as preferred. Capacity, cc. Edge Diam., mm. Price, each Capacity, cc. Edge diam., mm. Price, each 10 25 50 ' 30 50 60 $2.50 4.00 6.00 100 200 250 75 100 125 $10.80 18.00 26.00 3711 (g) TEST TUBES. These are very valuable for rapid heating, as they can be applied to the hottest flame without fear of cracking. 100x10 $1.25 100x15 3.10 125x15 3.60 125x20 4.80 150x20 5.40 150x25 mm. 6.90 3711(h) WEIGHTING TUBES, 75x15 mm., with ground-in lids $4.75 3714 3716 3712 RECEIVERS, Glass, for retorts, plain. Capacity, ounces 1 2 Each $0.10 .12 4 8 16 qt. 1 2 4 8 .15 .25 .30 .40 .65 1.00 1.40 3714 RECEIVERS, Glass tubulated and glass stoppered. Capacity, ounces ....... 1 2 4 8 16 qt. 1 8 Each ............... $0.20 .25 .30 .40 .50 .70 1.00 1.40 2.50 3716 RECEIVERS, Glass, with two or three tubulatures. Capacity, pint ........................................... % 1 Each ................................................... $0.60 .70 1.00 3717 3718 3717 RECEIVERS, Bruehl's. For distillation in vacuum; with five cylinders. Capacity of cylinders, cc 25 40 80 Each U $7.50 10.00 13.50 3718 RECEIVERS, Florentine. For separation of distillates which separate into heavy and light portions, such as oil and water; capacity, 500 cc.; each $1.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 2f,3 3720 3721 3720 RESPIRATORS to prevent lead poisoning and salivation. This respirator is invaluable to those engaged in dry crushing quartz mills, quicksilver mines, white lead corroding, and all occupations where the surround- ing atmosphere is filled with dust, or poisonous vapors. Each $3.00 RETORT ADAPTERS, see Adapters. 3721 REDUCTOR, Blair's, for the determination of phosphorous in steel by re- duction of the solution by filtration through zinc; complete as illus- trated 6.00 REDUCTOR, the tube, with stopcock only. See Blair's Analysis, 7th edition, page 94. 2.50 3722 3724 3726 3722 RETORTS, Glass, plain. Capacity, ounces ............................. 2 Each ......................................... $1.00 3724 RETORTS, Glass, with glass stopper. Capacity, ounces ........................ 2 4 Each .......... . ......................... $1.00 1.25 3726 RETORTS, Glass, stoppered, with ground-in receiver. Capacity, ounces .................................. Each 4 1.25 8 1.75 8 1.50 2 $0.50 4 .75 16 1.75 12 16 2.00 2.25 8 1.00 32 2.25 32 2.50 16 1.50 3727 3727 RETORTS, porcelain, vitrified, with tubulature stopper. Size No 1 2 3 Capacity, cc 140 210 275 Each $2.50 4.00 4.35 254 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 3732 3733 3732 RETORT, of heavy polished copper, for making oxygen, with iron clamp and brass delivery tube, y 2 inch diameter. Capacity, pints ^ 1 2 4 Each $2.50 3.25 4.00 5.00 3733 RETORT, of heavy polished copper, conical shape, for making oxygen. Ca- pacity, y 2 gallon. Each $9.00 3734 3735 3734 RETORTS, Iron, for distilling mercury, etc.; cover removable, fastened by screw clamp. Capacity, pints Vi 1 A 1 2 4 8 16 Each $2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.50 5.00 6.00 3735 RETORTS, Iron, cylindrical form, for making large quantities of oxygen, consisting of barrel 40 ctm. long, 50 mm. inside diameter, with exit tube, on support 9-00 3736 3736 RINGS, Concentric, American porcelain, glazed on top, with cover. Size No 8 3 4 5 6 7 Outside diameter of largest ring, cm.. 7 r / 2 Q% 12 16 30^ 85 Number rings in set 234567 Per set . $0.60 .80 1.20 1.65 2.20 2.70 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 3737 3737 RINGS, concentric, of copper, tinned inside. Number of rir gs in set 3 4 Outside diameter, largest, inches 4 5 Each $0.80 1.00 1.25 5 6 1,50 2.00 10 3.50 9 12 6.00 3738 3740 3738 RINGS, extension, to attach with clamp holder. Sizes, inches diameter 2 3 4 5 6 Each f $0.12 .15 .18 .20 .25 3740 RINGS, iron, for supports with clamp; can be attached to any size rod. Diameter, inches 2- 3 4 5 6 Each $0.15 .20 .20 .25 .25 3740(a) 3740(a) ROASTING DISHES, of clay, very shallow. Diameter, inches 2J/ 3 4 5 6 Dozen $0.70 .80 .90 1.10 1.75 3741 RODS, Glass, best American lead-free, in 5-ft. lengths. Diameter, 3-25 mm. ; per pound $0.50 RODS, Stirring, any size and thickness, with smooth rounded ends. 3742 RUBBER CAPS for Test Tubes. Diameter, inches ^4 1 1% 3 Per dozen $0.40 .50 .60 1.25 . 3743 3743 RUBBER, Policemen, for scraping precipitates from walls of beakers, etc., to be used on glass rod; without rods $0.10 3743 (a) S743(a) RUBBER, Policemen, Blair's, with glass rod, for removing particles of pre- cipitates from walls of beakers, etc., as described in Blair's Analysis of iron. Diameter of flat end, inches .............. , ................ A T& Each ..................................................... $0.10 .12 Per dozen ................................................. 80 1.00 3744 RUBBER, Policemen, as above, without glass rod. Diameter of flat end, inches ............................... & Per dozen ................................................ $0.60 .75 256 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. RUBBER TESTER 3745 3745 This machine has been developed in order to satisfy the need for an efficient machine of great accuracy which can be easily and quickly operated. This accuracy is assured by the fact that this tester is built on the deadweight or swinging pendulum principle. The tester is about seven feet high and is built without springs of any kind which influence the test. Equipped Avith a recording head and dial which is easily read. Strength and stretch of the material under test are recorded automatically on the chart. The design of this machine permits of its application to the testing of fabrics, cords, twines and yarns, as well as rubber. Furnished for belt or direct motor drive. Price Upon Application We call your attention to sections on Asphalt and Tar, Cement, Fats and Oils, Hardness of Metals, Paper, Copper, Textile and Yarn testing. LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 257 RUBBER STOPPERS 3746 3746 RUBBER, best quality; does not harden with age. Solid, or with one or two holes for tubes. So!d by weight only. Per ounce, 25c; per pound. .$2.50 No . .00 1 2 3 4 5 Diameter at top, in mm ..14 17 18 20 23 25 27 Diameter at bottom, mm , . .10 12 15 16 1 /- i 18 20 23 Approximate weight per doz.. . 2 2^ [ 3^ ; 4 5 6^ [ 7i No . 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Diameter at top, mm .32 37 41 45 50 56 65 70 Diameter at bottom, mm , 36 30 33 37 42 50 59 60 Approximate weight per doz. . . .10 13 18 20 26 34 45 48 Unless otherwise ordered, we send solid rubber stoppers. RUBBER TUBING 3748(a) 3748(a) RUBBER TUBING, Black, pure gum, medium wall, in 12-foot lengths. Inside diam., in.... ]/$ fz A J4 & tys /^ 4 ?4 1 Thickness of wall, in. 3*2 A e\ T^ A A & & */& Ji Per foot $0.05 .08 .10 .15 .20 .30 .50 .65 .80 1.00 3748(b) TUBING, black, pure gum,, heavy wall, in 12-foot lengths. inside diameter, inches l /$ ^2 A J4 ^ Y% V* Thickness of wall, inches $s ^ & 3z A A J4 Per foot $0.09 .12 .16 .23 .28 .40 .60 3748(c) RUBBER TUBING, Black, pure gum, extra heavy wall, in 12-foot lengths. Inside diameter, inches ^g % ^s % % A Thickness of wall, inches % 3z l /% l /% -rV ^ Per foot $0.24 .24 .30 .40 .60 .60 3749 RUBBER TUBING, band, pure gum, for Gooch crucibles, etc. Diameter, when flat, inches 1 J4 1/4 1^4 2 Per foot $0.20 .25 .30 .40 3750(a) RUBBER TUBING, white, medium wall, test hand made, in 12-foot lengths. Inside diam., in }/% & y & y% ^ f Y^ 1 Thickness of wall, inches. &$i^8T?zt$!3i 1 /&% Per foot $0.05 .07 .10 .12 .15 .22 .30 .50 .60 258 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 3750(b) RUBBER TUBING, white, heavy wall, best hand made, in 12-foot lengths. Inside diameter, inches Y?> & Y^ A Thickness of wall, inches ^s JB gk $5 & y% Per foot $0.06 .09 .12 .16 .20 .30 5750(c) RUBBER TUBING, white, extra heavy wall, in 12-foot lengths. Inside diameter, inches Y% & Y\ -h Thickness of wall, inches & & y% j^ Per foot $0.12 .16 .20 .25 3752 RUBBER TUBING, red, antimony, in 12-foot lengths. Inside diameter, inches ?'"' A. -A .$$ & $ * 7$ ;'$ Thickness of wall, inches &s-&Jzlz&&ik3i Per foot $0.05 .08 .10 .13 .18 .24 .40 .48 3753 RUBBER TUBING, red, antimony, heavy wall, in 12-foot lengths. Inside diameter, inches ' y% & & 14 Thickness of wall, inches A & & & Per foot $0.10 .12 .16 .20 3755 3755 THE McCANN SAMPLER. An improvement on all others. The heavy metal base forms the sampler support and pan stop, eliminating the clumsy frame work heretofore used. The short riffles, easily cleaned, reduce to a mini- mum the danger of salting. This sampler is especially constructed for rapid work. Made in three stock sizes, as follows: Size, inches 4x6 6x10 8x12 Price, each $8.00 10.00 12.00 Larger sizes made to order. Prices on application. 3756 3756(a) 3756 SAMPLING TRAYS, of Tin. Size, inches 6x8 9x12 Each $1.50 2.75 3756(a) SAMPLER and Scoops. Trays, ^ inch wide. Size, inches 6x6 9x9 12x12 Each .$1.50 2.50 3.00 259 3756(b) 3758 3760 3761 3756(b) SAMPLERS, "Jones' Ore Sampler." Its construction facilitates quick and even sampling. It consists of hopper set in four-legged support, scoop, and four sampling pans and brush. All parts can be easily cleaned. It is made in four sizes. Size, inches 4x4 6x6 8x10 10x18 Trays, inches Vz l /2 M 1 Each $8.00 10.00 15.00 25.00 3758 3760 3761 SCOOPS, Agateware, 3x5^ inches $0.20 SCOOPS, Horn, flat and wide, with square ends. Length, ctm 10 12 14 16 Each $0.12 .15 .20 .25 SAMPLING AND AMALGAMATING SCOOP, Russian iron; size, 5x4^ inches. Each 40 3761(a) Same as above, with wood handle. Each 75 "comTeco' 3761 (b) Sampler Imbedded in Coal 3671(b) SAMPLER, "comTeco" Reliable Coal Sampler. Decidedly practical for coal sampling from cars and piles. Devised so as to sample coal that is 3 inches or smaller in diameter. The simple construction makes it practical and easy to operate. The cut shows the sampler imbedded in the coal. The sample has been extracted from top to bottom of the coal as it lies in the car. This is the true way of obtaining a thoroughly representative sample. The pipe thus surrounds the sample and keeps it intact until it is withdrawn from the coal. Then, by reversing the spiral, the sample of coal is emptied into a receptacle suitable for that purpose. The teeth at the bottom of the pipe act as "grippers," thus keeping the pipe from turning. These, together with the spiral, act also as a "clipper" and shear off pieces of coal that wedge between. 3761(c) SAND GLASSES, in wooden frames. For, minutes 1 2 3 5 10 20 30 Each $0.40 .40 .50 .60 .80 1.00 1.20 376l(c) 3761(d) SANDPAPER, fine or coarse, per sheet $0.10 260 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. "SAFETY FIRST DEVICES" It is estimated that in this country 60% of accidents are due to negligence on the part of employers and employees and 40% to the inevitable risks of employment. It is generally estimated that about 500,000 persons are yearly killed or incapacitated by industrial accidents, entailing a loss in earning power of at least $250,000,000 per year. It is necessary, therefore, that atten- tion be given to prevent such accidents. There are thousands of men in the industries who are liable to injury and a large percentage of these may escape injury by equipping themselves with safety devices. If an injury is received, knowledge and immediate accessibility to first aid appliances will greatly diminish disabilities and deaths. Therefore, for those who are engaged in hazardous occupation we are listing complete lines of helmets, respirators, goggles, asbestos gloves and suits, rubber gloves, safety first cabinets, and so forth. The articles are scientifically correct and their plan of use is based upon the highest principles of humanity. GOGGLES AND SPECTACLES In many industries, goggles are absolutely indispensable. Chemists and all other workers who are subjected to injury from flying particles or poisonous fumes require goggles made especially for their particular work. WIDE VISION GOGGLES 3754 Designed to meet the demand for a serviceable goggle at a moderate price. Light white metal frame, clear or amber lenses, 1% inches diameter, wire side guards which fold. Each goggle packed in curved case. Price, each fO.SO Patented. 3754-1 Curved metal frames, hinged center, 66 venti- lation holes in each frame, bound in silk chenille, velvet or leath- er, as desired. Lenses furnished in glass or pyralin. Each lens is easily removed and re- placed in case of break- age. Packed in individ- ual boxes. Price, each., f 1.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 261 INDUSTRIAL SPECTACLES ALL WIRE GOGGLES An excellent spectacle for use where an eye-protector with side shields is not re- quired. Has white metal frame, leather covered nose bridge and cable temples. 3754-2 AMBER LENSES, 1% inches, for auto use. 3754-2a DOUBLE HEAVY, clear lenses, for grinding. 3754-2b LIGHT SMOKE, for spot welding. 3754-2C BLUE. 3754-2d DARK SMOKE, for welding. Price, each, Amber $0.35 Price, each, other colors 5O AVIATORS' GOGGLES The very latest and most ap- proved eye protectors for aviators. They are made of extra heavy stock to pre- vent warping from the ex- treme atmospheric pressure due to the speed of the flyers. Each 92.00 3754-6 Lenses are equipped with dim- mer on upper portion, with clear or amber lower por- tion. Price, per pair $1.25 3754-8 Round aluminum eye cups. Leather mask, fitted with elastic head-band. A very popular goggle for emery use; always comes in handy. Furnished in clear, blue, amber or smoked lenses. Size iy 2 inches. Packed one dozen in a box. With clear lenses. Per dozen.$1.25 With colored lenses. Per doz. 2.50 3754-3 All wire goggle. This gog- gle is constructed of all wire, furnished in coarse or fine mesh. Neatly bound around the edge. These goggles are especially made for chippers, tannery use or for coal heavers. Price, each $0 .50 ONE-COLOR DIMMER GOGGLES 3754-5. Patented Can be furnished in clear, light, amber, dark amber or green. Rubber binding will be furnished unless chenille is specified. 3754-5 Regular size. Each $0.50 3754-5a Large size. Each 75 3754-7 All Red Rubber Goggle. Sim- ilar in construction to No. 101, but lighter in weight. Furnished with clear or amber oval lenses. Price, per pair $0.75 3754-8a. Leather mask, edged with velvet, four glass lenses (removable), set in metal holders, adjustable head- band. Price, each. . .' $0.75 262 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. EYE SHIELDS 3754-16 Velvet bound green cellu- loid, head straps without holes, adjustable with our special tooth-clasp fastener. Once adjusted always ready. The tern- pie wing supports the visor and shades the eyes from the side and rear. Packed one dozen in a box. Per doz.$1.75 3754-17 3754-17 Made from a single piece of green celluloid, adjustable to fit any- one; the lightest shade made. Packed assorted, one dozen in a box; transparent and opaque colors. Per dozen $1.75 3754-18 The most popular shade made. Cor- rect in design, perfect fitting, and extremely durable it can't wear out. Made from green celluloid, bound on both edges, adjustable to the head by buckle. Packed one dozen in a box. Price, per dozen 1.50 RESPIRATORS Our Respirating devices are suitable for use in all of the so-called dusty and poisonous trades, including foundries, lead and color works, flour mills and elevators, chemical works, galvanizing plants, stone cutting yards and quarries, metal and wood-working plants, etc. 3754-19 Here is a combination mask and respi- rator that will enable the wearer to breathe com- fortably in an at- mosphere other- wise intolerable. It is light, sim- ple, comfortable, durable and effi- cient. The body of the mask is made of brass, nickel plated. The eye pieces or loo k-o u t s are carefully ground and are optically perfect. A soft pneumatic face cushion is provided which permits of a comfortable and absolutely gas-tight contact between face of wearer and mask. Price $12.00 3574-19 ^^^^ 3754-20 The i?"^ SSr^ "Hayward" la IP* jv. one of the new- est respirators which we can W- .'Kt- ."* recommend as i. r ..- being the most efficient of any of this type. This respirator enables the wearer to breathe com- fortably in an atmosphere otherwise Intol- erable. It is light, simple but strong in makeup. It is c o m f o rtable, efficient and cheap. It la made of aluminum with a pneumatic rubber face cushion which will fit any face closely, but without discomfort. The vision is not obstructed. A double filtering device excludes smoke, gas. dust or other matter. Price, each $2.50 3754-20 3754-21 3754-21 The body is made of brass enam- eled black, with an orifice in the front conforming to the shape of the mouth, into which a fine, moist filtering sponge is fitted. This sponge takes up the impuri- ties in smoke, gas, etc., permitting only the pure air to pass through to the nose and mouth. A rubber face cushion is vul- canized on the inside to insure a close fit. Can be carried in the pocket, and is ready for use at all times. Price, complete, with goggles, each $3.50 Without goggles, each 3.00 Goggles only, Plate 704, each 1.25 3754-22 3754-22 Celluloid frame, gauze front. Price, each $O.60 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 263 HELMETS AND MASKS The war in Europe has taught us many lessons, some of which are applicable to our Industries; to it Is with the use of the gas mask. It is already In use in flre departments, gas works, mines, storage houses, breweries, ice factories, department stores, hotels, homes, boiler rooms, and in many places where one is in danger of being overcome by fumes. 3754-23 3754-23 Made of strong khaki cloth with visor cap of the same material. Helmet is fitted with fine wire mesh screens fastened by means of snap glove fasteners. These screens are interchangeable; by renewing same helmet will last indefinitely. Fitted with front and side screens. Each $4.50 3754-24 3754-24 Heavy Woolen Mask Cap, fitted with aluminum eye-cups set In flexible leather frame. Specify lenses desired when ordering. Fitted with Clear Lenses. Each $3.00 Fitted with Colored Lenses. Each 3.50 3754-26 ACED HELMET. 5.00 3754-25 3754-25 This Mask, or Helmet, is a simple device which is similar to the one used by the European sol- dier to protect him from gas and smoke fumes. It contains about 45 cubic feet or a sufficient quan- tity of air to sustain a person from five to eight minutes; and the manner of obtaining this air is quick and effective, simply shake (swing) the mask to and fro three or four times and put It quickly over the head. Price, each $3.50 Water-Proof and Damp-Proof Wood Soled Shoes These shoes are built to retard the action of salt, acids and other harmful ingredients on rub- ber or common shoes, and are used by hundreds of Tanneries, Chemical Manufacturers, Packers, Brick and Tile Manufacturers. 3754-27 Price, unlined $3.00 3754-27a Price, felt lined 4.00 3754-27b Price, oil grain 5.00 3754-27 Water-Proof, Damp-Proof, Dry, Warm, Comfortable 264 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. ASBESTOS PRODUCTS Each year the demand is becoming greater for the use of clothing of various descriptions by man- ufacturers, for the use of their employees who are obliged to come in contact with heat and fluids that are destructive to ordinary clothing, and often injure and even maim the employees. 3754-28 3754-30 3754-29 3764-28 LEGGINGS. Asbestos Leggings, absolutely fire-proof, made of heavy weight asbestos cloth, with covering over instep and foot, strap under arch of foot, fastened on side with leather strap and buckles, metal stiffening on side to prevent sagging, all seams reinforced with stitching and lined. Price according to market value of asbestos. Please write ua if interested. 3754-29 HIP LEGGINGS. This legging Is a 36-inch long slip-on legging. Very easily taken off and an article very much liked, is made from tlie strongest asbestos cloth and extra heavy flreproofed duck. Price according to market value of asbestos. Please write us if interested. 3764-30 ASBESTOS SUITS. An asbestos suit weighs no more than a suit ordinarily worn about a foundry, besides offers real protection to the body against constant dangers. Every suit is well made from only the best asbestos materials, and will wear indefinitely. Any kind of asbestos garment can be furnished. We also make to order any kind of asbestos suit. Price according to market value of asbestos. Please write us if interested. ASBESTOS GLOVES Absolutely Fireproof 5754-31 3754-32 3754-33 3754-31 3754-32 3764-33 3754-34 ASBESTOS GLOVE. Thumb and four fingers. Per pair $4.00 ASBESTOS MITTEN. Thumb and index finger, fleece lined. Per pair 8.50 ASBESTOS MITTEN. Full hand and thumb, 11 inches long. Per pair 3.00 SKELETON GLOVE. Unlmed, 11 inches long. Per pair 3.00 RUBBER GLOVES RUBBER GLOVES, see Gloves. LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 265 SAFETY FIRST SUNDRIES FIRST AID CABINETS c 3754-35 3754-36 The necessity and value of prompt and efficient first aid in injuries needs no com- ment. A First Aid Cabinet should be in every office, shop, factory, foundry, mine, camp, home, or wherever accidents may occur. The cabinet contains every conceivable article necessary in case of an emergency It includes Absorbent Cotton, Surgical and Styptic Gauze, Gauze and Cotton Bandages, Powdered Antiseptic Soap, Adhesive Plaster, Aromatic Spirits Ammonia, Peroxide of Hydrogen, Antiseptic Tablets, Tincture Arnica, and other Antiseptic Ointments. 3754-35 Price $9.00 3754-36 Price . . 9.00 FIRST AID ACCESSORIES J. AND J. ABSORBENT COTTON, Red Cross Sterilized. Plain, blue carton and blue tissue ; 1 pound cartons. Each $0.65 Also Y 2 , 1, 2, 4, 8 ounce cartons. Z. O. ADHESIVE PLASTER. 1-yard rolls. 7 inches wide, plain or porous; dozen $ 4.20 5-yard rolls, 2 inches wide, plain or porous; dozen 15.00 Also on spools in widths from l /t to 4 inches; dozen $3.00 to 9.00 PLAIN GAUZE, Red Cross Gauze, sterilized: 1 yard, in carton; per dozen $ 1.75 5 yards, in carton ; per dozen 7.20 25 yards, in carton ; per dozen 30.00 BANDAGES, Linton Gauze. Each bandage wrapped, 10 yards long; in boxes of one doz. each; widths from 1 to 4 inches; per doz...$0.75 to 2.25 Each in sealed cylinders, 10 yards long, one doz. in carton; widths from 1 to 4 inches; per doz $0.75 to 2.25 JOHNSON'S ANTISEPTIC GAUZE. Borated, Boralum, Carbolated, Corrosive Sublimate, lodoform 5%, and lodoform 10%; furnished in rolls of 1 and 5 yards at prevailing prices. 266 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 3762-3763 3762 SCORIFIERS. Regular or deep pattern. Diameter, inches 1J4 2 2% 2^2 2tt 3 3*4 4 Price, per 1,000 $12.00 12.00 12.00 13.00 16.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 No. in bbl 3850 2000 2000 1900 1400 1000 800 600 Gross weight, Ibs 250 285 305 310 290 290 275 275 3763 SCORIFIERS, Bartlett Style. Shallow bowl, especially recommended for use where a large oxidizing surface is desired; for instance, in the scorification of a heavy sulphide ore. Diameter, inches 2 J4 ^A 3 Price per 1,000 $12.00 13.00 20.00 No. in bbl 1900 1700 950 Gross weight, Ibs 295 285 375 3763 (a) 3763(b) 3763(a) SCRAPERS, Flat, for cleaning muffles $1.50 3763(b) SCRAPERS, Bent, for cleaning muffles . 1.50 3763(c) 3763(c) SHAKING MACHINE. Camp's (patented). Will hold six flasks, any size from 6 to 24 ounces capacity. Requires l/25th horse-power to operate $30.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 267 3763(d) 3763 (e) 3763(d) SHAKING APPARATUS, 2-bottle, 50 cc. Shaker. The Shaker will carry two small bottles or tubes up to 50 cc. capacity, e. g., bottles in which suspected sputum is collected. It has a speed of about 1000 r. p. m., thus subjecting the contents of the bottles or tubes to very vigorous shaking. 11C volt direct current $55.00 110 volt alternating current, 60 cycle 65.00 220 volt direct current 59.00 220 volt alternating current, 60 cycle 67.00 3763(e) SHAKING APPARATUS, 4-bottle, 1000 cc. Shaker. Ordinary bottles 200 cc. to 1000 cc. capacity can be held by the spring clamps, and smaller bottles or tubes may be held by fitting blocks. Maximum allowable speed for this Shaker with small bottles is about 600 r. p. m.; with 1000 cc. bottles, about 300 r. p. m. 110 volt direct current 90.00 110 volt alternating current, 60 cycle 97.00 220 volt direct current 93.00 220 volt alternating current, 60 cycle 99.00 3764 3766 3764 SHEARS, Tinner's Snips. Length of cut, inches 2 2,y 2 3 4 4} Each $1.25 1.40 1.50 2.50 3.00 3766 SHEARS, for cutting paper. Total length, inches 7 8 9 Each $0.45 .60 .75 268 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. SIEVES SIEVES Our Seamless brass frame. Sieves are made in one piece, without soldering, are smooth, and no rough places where the sample can lodge, and have perfectly fitting bottoms and covers. 3768 3770 3772 3768 SIEVES, Brass gauze, seamless brass frame, with pan bottom. Diameter, 5 inches. Meshes per lin. inch 1 24 6 8 10 20 30 40 Each $1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.60 1.70 Meshes per lin. inch 50 60-80 100 120 150 200 Each $1.75 1.80 2.00 2.10 2.40 4.50 6.00 Covers for above $0.50 Extra Bottoms for above .50 3768(a) SIEVES, Brass, gauze, seamless brass frame, with pan bottom. Diameter, 8 inches Meshes per lin. inch.... 1 2 4 6 8 10 20 30 40 Each $2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.25 2.30 2.40 Meshes per lin. inch 5C 60 80 100 120 150 200 Each $2.45 2.55 2.70 3.15 3.90 6.75 9.00 Covers for above $0.75 Extra Bottoms for above 50 3770 SIEVES, in sets of 5; brass gauze, seamless brass frame, one sieve fitting on top of another with one cover and bottom, for separating sub- stances into different grades of fineness. Meshes, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100. Diameter, 5 irches, set 9.00 Diameter, 8 inches, set 13.50 3772 SIEVES, Brass gauze, wooden frame. Diameter, 6 inches, mesh ; 10 20 40 60 80 100 Each $0.60 .65 .75 .90 1.15 1.35 SIEVES, as above, 8 inches diam. .. .$0.65 .75 .90 1.05 1.50 1.90 SIEVES, as above, 12 inches diam.. ..$1.15 1.15 1.50 1.80 2.40 3.60 Sieves of any kind made according to specifications. Urgent orders given immediate attention. LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 269 3772(a) SIEVES, Standard. Testing Sieves made to the Tyler Standard Screen Scale are recommended for all laboratory work, but the testing sieves from wire cloth of any mesh and diameter of wire which may be required will be made to order. The table on this page shows the prices on testing sieves made from the regular grade of brass wire and fine phospor bronze wire cloth. Sieves coarser than 20 mesh take the same list price as 20 mesh. Brass Frames Covered with Brass Wire Cloth Opening in Inches Opening in Mil- limeters Mesh Diameter of Wire Decimal of an I_ _Vi 6-Inch Diameter List Price 7-Inch Diameter List Price 8-Inch Diameter List Price 10-Inch Diameter List Price 12-Inch Diameter List Price ncn Each Each Each Each Each .0340 .864 20 .016 $2.10 $2.60 $3.00 $4.00 $4.90 .0198 .503 30 .0135 2.10 2.60 3.00 4.00 4.90 .0176 .447 35 .011 2.10 2.60 3.00 4.00 4.90 .0150 .381 40 .010 2.10 2.60 3.00 4.00 4.90 .0127 .323 45 .0095 2.20 2.70 3.25 4.25 5.25 .0110 .279 50 .009 2.20 2.70 3.25 4.25 5.25 .0087 .221 60 .008 2.20 2.70 3.25 4.25 5.25 .0073 .185 70 .007 2.30 2.85 3.40 4.50 5.65 .0068 .173 80 .00575 2.50 3.10 3.70 5.00 6.30 .0059 .150 90 .00525 2.70 3.30 4.00 5.45 7.00 .005 .140 100 .0045 2.85 3.55 4.30 5.90 7.60 .0051 .130 110 .004 2.90 3.65 4.45 6.10 7.85 .0046 .117 120 .0037 3.00 3.80 4.60 6.35 8.25 .0043 .109 130 .0034 3.15 4.00 4.95 6.80 8,90 .0042 .107 140 .0029 3.35 4.25 5.20 7.30 9.55 .0041 .104 150 .0026 3.55 4.50 5.50 7.75 10.20 .0038 .096 160 .0025 3.75 4.75 5.80 8.20 10.85 .0035 .089 170 .0024 4.00 5.20 6.40 9.10 12.15 .0033 .084 ISO .0023 4.40 5.65 7.00 10.00 13.45 .0031 .079 190 .0023 4.60 5.90 7.35 10.50 14.10 .0029 .074 200 .0021 4.75 6.15 7.60 10.95 14.75 .0028 .071 220 .0017 5.10 6.60 8.20 11.85 16.00 .0026 .066 240 .0016 ! 5.80 7.50 9.40 13.70 18.65 .0022 .056 260 .0016 6.50 8.45 10.60 15.50 21.25 Twill'd .0020 .051 280 .0016 7.20 9.40 11.80 17.35 23.85 Twill'd .0017 .043 300 .0016 \ 8.60 11.25 14.20 21.00 29.00 Brass pan and Tinned pan and cover $1.75 1.50 $2.00 1.75 $2.25 2.00 $2.75 2.50 $3.25 3.00 cover 3772(b) SIEVES, Standard, Howard & Morse's brass gauze tin frames, accord- ing to American Society of Civil Engineers, set of 8 sieves, varying in diameter from 5 to 8 inches, one of each of the following 10-20- 30-40-50-80-100 and 200 mesh. Per set nested $40.00 270 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 3772(c) SHAKING APPARATUS, adapted for use with hand or power. For the purpose of separating or mixing substances into different grades of fineness. Will hold from one to four sieves. Apparatus is fastened to a finished wood base, \2 l / 2 by 2Z inches. Height over all, 17 inches. Made for either 5, 6 or 8 inch sieves $35.00 3772(d) SIEVE SHAKER, Ro-Tap Testing Sieve Shaker, equipped with 110-volt direct current motor, or with 110-volt 60-cycle alternating current motor. (No testing sieves included.) $185.00 3772(e) STOP-RITE TIME SWITCH (extra) 18.50 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 271 3772(f) 3772(f) SIEVE AGITATOR. For sieves 8 inches diameter. The mechanical action produces a semi-rotary and undulatory movement towards acceleration of action. For hand power. Without sieves $110.00 3772(g) SIEVE AGITATOR. Same as No. 3772(f), but with direct connected D. C. electric motor 200.00 3772(h) SIEVE AGITATOR. Same as No. 3772(f), but with alternating cur- rent motor . . 250.00 3772 (j) 3772(j) SLIDE RULE, for chemists patented, adjustable, engine divided, di- visions on white facings with frameless glass indicator. In morocco case with directions for use $7.50 3772(k) SLIDE RULE, The Multiplex, with cube and reciprocal scales; 10 inches; divisions on white ivorine, glass indicator and Mack improved auto- matic adjustment; in case with book of directions, net 5.00 3772(m) 3772(n) 3772(m) SODIUM SPOON (Capsule). , Made of brass with handle. Complete with ramrod $0.50 3772(n) SODIUM SPOON. Brass gauze bowl with cover and handle 60 272 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. SOIL ANALYSIS APPARATUS 3773 3774 3773 KNOPFS ELUTRIATING APPARATUS, 20 in. high and 3# in. diameter with '4 tabulatures, 3 of which with stopcocks and one with tube fitted with rubber stoppers $15.00 Cylinder, with 4 tubulatures only 9.00 3774 MASURE'S ELUTRIATING APPARATUS, consisting of reservoir, fun- nel, beaker, etc., with support 10.00 The glass parts only 8.00 3776 3778 3776 NOEBEL'S ELUTRIATING APPARATUS, the complete set, capacity of reservoirs }/ 2 , 1, 2 and 4 pints, with support $15.00 3776a NOEBEL'S ELUTRIATING APPARATUS, the glass parts only 8.00 3778 SCHULZE'S ELUTRIATING APPARATUS, consisting of receiver, 3 test glasses with funnel tops, beaker and support 22.00 3778a SCHULZE'S ELUTRIATING APPARATUS, the glass parts only 15.00 3780 3780 SEPARATOR, Broegger-Harada's, with 1015 mm. bore of upper stop- cock . 15.00 273 3781 3781(a) 3781 ELUTRIATING FLASKS, Benningson's, for soil analysis, capacity of bulb about SOOcc., with neck graduated to 40cc. in Ice $ 3.50 3781 (a) SIEVES, For soil analysis, perforated brass plate in seamless brass frame, with circular holes of y 2 , 1 and 2 mm. diameter, in sets of 3 sieves, with one bottom and one cover. Diameter, inches 4 5 8 Per set of three $7.50 9.00 15.00 3781 (h) SIEVES, For soil analysis, as above, in set of five sieves, with pan and cover with circular holes of y 2 , 1, 2 and 3 and 5 mm. in diameter. Per set, 5 inches in diameter $15.00 Per set 6 inches in diameter. Per set 8 inches in diameter. 3781(c) SIEVES, Single sieves of above. Each supplied with pan bottom 3.60 371 3786 3782 SPATULAS, Bone, best quality; spatula on both ends. Length, inches ................................................. 6 7 Each .......................................................... $0.15 .25 3784 SPATULAS, Glass, size 6 inches ..... . ....................... ............. $0.20 3786 SPATULAS, Glass, size 6 inches, with ground blade ....................... 88 3788 SPATULAS, Horn, best quality, spatula on both ends. Length, inches .............................. 4 5 6 l / 2 8 10 12 Each ............... ............. ............ $0.10 .15 .20 .25 .35 .50 ^ . ._. sj i 3789 3789 SPATULAS, Porcelain, glazed throughout. Long spatula one end, knob on the other. Size number ............................ 1 2 3 4 5 6 Length, mm ............................ 115 155 200 275 310 442 Each ................................... $0.35 .42 .62 .85 1.10 2.65 3790 3790 SPATULAS, Porcelain, glazed throughout, spatula both ends. Size number ............................ 1 2 3 4 5 5a Length, mm ............................. 105 120 150 195 212 225 Each ................................... $0.25 .35 .42 .55 .72 .85 3791 3791 SPATULAS, Porcelain, spoon on one end, spatula on the other. Size number ................. 1 la 2 3 4 4a 5 6 Length, mm .................. 96 120 140 160 190 203 247 490 Each ........................ $0.21 .27 .38 .50 .60 .75 .85 2.75 274 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 3791(a) 3792 3791 (a) SPATULAS, Nickel, solid, spatula on both ends. Length, cm 12 15 18 21 Each $0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 3792 SPATULAS, Steel, nickel-plated, with metal handle. Length, inches 3 4 5 6 8 10 Each $0.55 .75 .80 .90 1.25 1.65 3794 3795-3797 3794 5 .45 6 .60 7 .75 8 10 .90 1.50 12 2.50 SPATULAS, Steel, with wooden handle. Length of blade, inches 3 4 Each $0.35 .40 SPATULA, Steel, flexible narrow point, for weighing, 5-inch blade $0.75 SPATULA, Steel, flexible narrow point, for weighing, 4-inch blade 60 SPATULA, Steel, flexible narrow point, for weighing, 3-inch blade 50 3797(a) 3797(a) SPATULAS, Steel, folding blade, V/* inches long $2.50 SPATULAS, Platinum, see No. 3653 (d). 3798 SPONGES, Sheep's Wool, for laboratory use, per lb., from $1.00 to $2.50 3800 3800 DEFLAGRATING SPOON. Made of brass. Diameter of bowl, y* inch.. $0.25 3801 DEFLAGRATING SPOON. Same as No. 3800. Diameter, 1 inch 50 3802 SPOONS, Bone, best quality, Length, inches 5 &y 2 Each $0.20 .25 3804 3804 Light Glass. 3806 SPOONS Tea Spoon Table Spoon Each $0.20 .40 3806 SPOONS, Heavy cut glass. Tea-Spoon Dessert Spoon Table Spoon Each $0.35 .50 .75 3808 3810 3808 3810 SPOONS, Horn, best quality. Length inches 4 5 6 8 10 12 Each $0.20 .25 .30 .35 .45 .65 SPOONS, Horn, with spatula end. Length, 5 6 8 \r\\ji Each .- ..$0.30 .35 .40 .55 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 275 SPECTROSCOPES AND ACCESSORIES We are capable of supplying any of the standard American made spectroscopes. Below we list a type of spectroscope which is in general use in laboratories today. The smaller instrument is especially adapted for school use. Any apparatus embodying special optical features can be furnished upon receipt of specifications. Estimates cheerfully given on any optical instruments, and repair of same. 3810-1 3810-1 SPECTROSCOPE. The usual standard type fitted with collimator, observing telescope and scale tube. The collimator is stationary and fitted with adjustable slit having jaws of German silver. The observing telescope has coarse adjustment only around the axis. Both collimator and observing telescope are fitted with achromatic objectives of 25 mm. aperture. The other necessary adjustments for adjusting the tubes in horizontal position are provided. This instrument is now furnished with a liquid prism for bi-sulphide of carbon, but provision is made for adjusting scale tube and observing telescope so that other prisms of any dispersion may be used. The cost of the instrument including prism is $48.00 Accessories for this instrument: 1st. Comparison Prism for Slit $ 5.00 2nd. Rack and Pinion Motion for Slit 5.00 3rd. Slow Adjustment for observing telescope (tangent screw) 5.00 4th. Illuminating Burner (gas) for scale tube or collimator 3.00 3810-2 Is a less expensive instrument for school use which is smaller, but other- wise of the same type as No. 3810-1. Price 30.00 276 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. Distilled |wate Outlet 3811 3811 STILL, Stokes' Automatic. By a clever construction this Still accomplishes several novel results. First, it utilizes the heat generated in the Still for pre-heating the incoming water to the boiling point and thus a small quantity will operate the Still after it is once started. Second, by pre- heating the feed water before it enters the distilling basin, the ammonia and other gases due to impurities in the raw water, are liberated and escape into the air through an opening provided for this purpose. Third, the condenser tubes extend to the extreme top of the steam chamber, high above the water level, so there is no danger of the raw water being carried over by the steam. Fourth, the Still can be easily cleaned by opening the valve connecting- with the drain and flushing, or by removing the lid on top and scrubbing. The copper steam coil can also be easily discon- nected for the removal of scale in case the feed water deposits same. Size Hourly Capacity Method of Heating- Size of Boiler to Operate Weight Height Price *0 Hgal. Gas 35 Ibs. 24 in. $20.00 too 3 A gal. Gas 35 Ibs. 24 in. 22.00 4:000 2^4 gals. Gas 110 Ibs. 48 in. 40.00 1 5 gals. Steam 2h. p. 275 Ibs. 3 ft. 6 in. 110.00 2 10 gals. Steam 4h. p. 325 Ibs. 4 ft. 6 in. 165.00 3 25 gals. Steam 10 h. p. 750 Ibs. 7 ft. in. 275.00 4, 60 gals. Steam 20 h. p. 1200 Ibs. 7 ft. 6 in. 500.00 5 100 gals. Steam 30 h. p. 1500 Ibs. 7 ft. 6 in. 650.00 * This size can be furnished heated by gasoline. t This size can be furnished heated by steam. $ This size can be furnished heated by steam. LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 277 THE IMPROVED "ROCHLITZ" AUTOMATIC WATER STILL 3812 3812(a) It is well known that the absorptive power of distilled water is second to only that of acids. All but the precious metals and block tin are susceptible to its action, and if it comes in contact with tanks, or pipes of other metals, it will be found to con- tain slight quantities of them in solution. In order to render this contamination impossible, the "Rochlitz" Automatic Water Stills are lined throughout with purest block tin. 3812 STILL, Automatic, Gas operated (Rochlitz improved). Simple in construc- tion. All parts readily accessible for cleaning when desired. Easily oper- ated and guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. This still is the Rochlitz Still greatly improved and enlarged, made of copper and brass throughout, tin lined inside so that the water comes in contact with the tin only. The outside is nickel plated. Size 1 2 3 4 5 Capacity 1 hour in gals l /2 1 2 3 5 Price $30.00 40.00 75.00 105.00 155.00 3812(a) STILL, Automatic, Steam operated, "Rochlitz" improved. Attachable to any boiler, costs but little to install, simple and effective in operation. Pro- duces Distilled Water at average cost of 1/10 of a cent per gallon. All impurities are thrown down in the boiling process to the apex of the conical bottom at which point is located the drain pipe and valve. By opening this valve at proper intervals, depending upon the character of the water distilled, all impurities are thoroughly flushed out, keeping the boiling chamber clean and wholesome. Size 1 Capacity 1 hour in gal. 1 Price $45.00 234567 2 3 5 8 10 15 65.00 100.00 125.00 175.00 225.00 300.00 278 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 3812b 3812b STILL, Automatic, Electrically op- erated, "Rochlitz" improved. Equipped with Westinghouse Bay- onet Type Immersion Heaters. Easily cleaned because remov- able. Efficient because all heat must go into liquid. Strong and rugged and designed to withstand abuse. Control Switch and 6 feet of cord supplied. Heating units furnished for all standard voltages up to 250 volts; alternating or direct current. Capacities y 2 to 5 gallons per hour. > Size 1 2 3 4 5 Capacity 1 hour in gal. y 2 1 2 3 5 Price ...$65.00 75.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 3813c 3813c STILL, Automatic, Gasoline or kerosene operated, "Rochlitz," powerful, wickless, odorless burn- ers. Size 1 Capacity in 1 hour ... y* Price $40.00 50.00 90.00 115.00 165.00 X 1 3813 3813 DISTILLING APPARATUS, Green's Automatic. The cheapest and best still of like capacity on the market. Capacity 34 to 1 gallon per hour. Price, with Aluminized Iron finish, net $25.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 279 3814 3814 DISTILLING APPARATUS, For water, spirits, or other liquids; made of heavy copper, tin lined, with movable head connected with pure block tiu condensing worm enclosed in zinc vessel, with proper inlets and outlets; all stills tubulated. Capacity, gallons V-2. 1 2 3 5 Each ' $13.00 17.00 22.00 25.00 30.00 3814(a) The Retort only 9.00 12.00 15.00 17.00 20.00 3814(b) The Condenser only 4.50 6.00 7.50 8.50 10.50 3814(c) Pattern of larger sizes 3814(c) DISTILLING APPARATUS, for destructive distillation. For distillation of heavy oils and liquids or solids requiring a high heat. The distillation may be made by live steam or by direct heat, with or without agitation by hot air blown through as desired. The still is made of heavy copper and will be found a great convenience in many laboratories. Capacity, gallon y 2 1 2 3 5 Each $20.00 30.00 40.00 45.00 50.00 3815 3815 DISTILLING APPARATUS, of extra heavy copper, all seams brazed or hard soldered for high temperature; with flanges secured by six thumbscrew clamps, easily taken apart to remove solids. Capacity, gallons J^ 1 2 3 Each $40.00 45.00 50.00 60.00 280 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 3815(a) 3815(b) 3815(a) 3815(b) DISTILLING APPARATUS, Sallerton's, made of copper, for determ- ining percentage of Alcohol in Wine, Beer, Cider, etc. Capacity, one-third pint $12.50 AUTOMATIC STILL For making distilled water by steam heat, made of heavy copper with steam coil near the bottom, provided with a valve which controls the water supply automatically; also water gauge and union, connected with pure block tin condensing worm, enclosed in zinc vessel, with proper inlets. Very efficient and economical, in two sizes, 3 gallons and 5 gallons capacity; 3 gallon size capacity, about 4 gallons per hour; 5 gallon size capacity, about 6 gallons per hour. Small size 3 gallons capacity $50.00 Large size 5 gallons capacity 75.00 3815(c) STIRRER AND ELECTRO AN- ALYSIS APPARATUS For the rapid determination of Copper, Tin, Lead, Zinc, etc. The stand consists of three circular castings on an aluminum pipe and may be turned nearly 180 in either direc- tion. The upper casting carries 6 resist-. ance lamps and a push button switch in series with each lamp. The center casting carries the elec- trode holders, a push button switch to, short circuit the holders when not in use, and a switch to change the polarity of the electrodes. Each lamp on the upper casting is in parallel with the electrodes on the center casting in or- der to take up the current carried by the solution when the solution is low- ered, so that the electrodes are out of contact with it. A motor on center support revolves the electrodes. The lower casting carries the beaker sup- ports. Price, complete, not including elec- trodes $200.00 3815(c) LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 281 STIRRER, GRAMERCY ELECTRIC This excellently designed apparatus will be found useful for a number of purposes besides general stirring. The motor is fitted with a pulley wheel, which can be brought to a vertical position by a turn of the adjustable extension clamp attaching the mo- tor to the support and allowing the motor to be raised or lowered, as may be desired. The removable attachment holding the stirring rod is provided with a union fitting, which firmly holds the stirrer and allows it to be quickly and easily removed. The Universal Motor, 1*5 H. P., which can be operated on either D.C. or A.C., is fully enclosed with an aluminum cover to prevent dust or particles from getting to the working parts. It is attached to the support by means of an ad- justable extension clamp. The heavy iron support, with base 16 cm. x 25 cm., is fitted with a hollow upright through which passes the wires from the rheostat to the motor, which, above the rod, are sheathed in flexible metallic tubing. A rheostat, hav- ing ten steps, is neatly fitted under the base of the support. Price with support, as illustrated $30.00 3815(d) 3816 3818 3820 3816 STOPCOCKS, brass, double ends, for tubing connection; bore, % in., 65c; y 4 inch $1.00 3818 STOPCOCKS, brass, with male screw and end for tubing; bore */& in., 75c ; bore % inch 1.00 3820 STOPCOCKS, brass, with female screw and end for tubing; bore l /s in., 75c ; bore J4 inch 1.00 3822 3824 3826 3822 STOPCOCKS, brass, with double male screws; bore Ys in., 75c; bore % in.. $1.00 3824 STOPCOCKS, brass, with double female screws; bore ^ in., 75c; bore % in. 1.00 3826 STOPCOCKS, brass, with male and female screws; bore Y% in., 75c; bore VA. inch . 1 1.00 i 3827 3827 STOPCOCKS, brass, with male screw of sVinch bore, the nipple is designed to accommodate rubber tubing from J4 to ^2-inch inside diameter $0.90 ACID PROOF CHEMICAL STONEWARE, including Acid Elevators (Montejus) automatic and non-automatic Carboy Stoppers, Check Valves, Chlorine Generators, Cocks of all kinds, Coils, Crystallizing Vessels, Dam- pers, Decanting Pots, Dipping Baskets, Exhausters, Filters, Foot Valves, Funnels, Injectors, Jars, Kettles, Laboratory Sinks, Lanterns, Mariotte Bot- tles, Mortars, Nitrating Vessels, Percolators, Photographic Tanks, Pipes of all kinds, Pots, Pumps Plunger and Centrifugal Pumps for gases, Receivers. Retorts, Safety Valves, Stills, Stirrers, Storage Vessels, Subliming Dishes, Suction Filters, Siphons, Tanks, Tourills, Towers, Vacuum Kettles, Valves. Prices on application. 282 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 3832 3834 3836 3828 STOPCOCKS, glass, capillary. The bore of the stopper is exactly the same as the bore of the tubes, each $2.70 3832 STOPCOCKS, glass, Geissler's. Bore, m.m 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 Each $1.50 1.75 2.00 2.40 2.75 3.75 5.00 7.50 3834 STOPCOCKS, glass, Geissler's, bent, same price as No. 3832. 3836 STOPCOCKS, glass, Geissler's 3-ways, new style. Bore, m.m 1 Each. $ 2 - 00 2 - 50 3 - 3838 3840 3842 3838 STOPCOCKS Glass, Fresenius, right angle. Bore 1 m.m $.175 3839 STOPCOCKS Glass, Fresenius, right angle. Bore 2 m.m 2.00 3840 STOPCOCKS, Glass, Geissler's, angle of 45 degrees. Bore 2 m.m 2.50 3842 STOPCOCKS, glass, Geissler's, 3 ways. Bore, m.m 1235 Each $2.00 2.50 3.00 4.50 3843 STOPCOCKS, Glass capillary, three-way $4.00 3844 3846 3848 3844 STOPCOCKS, Glass, Geissler's, 4 ways. Bore, m.m 1 2 3 5 Each $3.00 3.50 4.50 7.00 3846 STOPCOCKS, Glass, Geissler's, latest form, with plug bored at an angle, bore 2 m.m , $2.50 3848 STOPCOCKS, Glass, Geissler's latest form 3 ways, with three side tubes; the stopper has two slanting bores. Bore, m.m 2 4 Each $3.00 5.00 NOTE Any of the above Glass Stopcocks can be used on any form of Burettes, etc., made to order. 3849 3851 3849 STOPCOCKS, Geissler's Mercury Seal Stopcock, very accurately ground, same as used on Vacuum Pumps where a very tight joint is necessary. Size, m.m 2 4 Price $4.00 5.50 3851 STOPCOCKS, Hard Rubber, with both ends for rubber tubing connection, bore J^-inch, for use with HS $0.75 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 283 3853 STOPWATCH, fifth second, 30 minute register, start, stop and fly back from crown, in nickel case $7.50 6788 STOPWATCH, Antimagnetic, abso- lutely guaranteed, a reliable watch for laboratory purpose, in nickel case $14.00 3855 3857 3857 (a) 3857 SULPHUR APPARATUS, Meyer's, modified by Brady with 10 bulbs each 1% inches diameter .- $1.75 3857(a) SULPHUR APPARATUS, Meyer's, for determination of sulphur in iron and steel by bromine; with stop-cock and 9 bulbs 3.75 3857(b) SULPHUR APPARATUS, same as above, without stop-cock 1.75 3857(c) 3857(c) SULPHUR RACK, as used by the Illinois Steel Co. Consists of a sup- port for glass ware combined with a battery of special high tempera- ture burners supplied with individual stop-cocks and hot plates, all parts adjustable. Its rugged construction and open design tend to con- venience of operation and facilitate the cleaning up of acid and other dirt which always accumulates about this class of apparatus. Will not warp. May be supplied with rack to hold absorption tubes instead of bulbs , $30.00 284 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 3858 3860 3858 SUPPORTS, Iron, triangular base and steel rod. Size small Height of rod, inches 18 Each $0.45 3860 SUPPORTS, Iron, rectangular base and steel rod. Size small Size of base, inches .624x4 Height of rod, inches 18 Each $0.40 3861 SUPPORTS, Iron retort stands, rectangular base, with rings. Size small med. Size of bases, inches 624x4 8x5 Number of rings 2 3 Each $0.80 1.00 med. 20 .60 med. 8x5 20 .65 3861 large ex-large 26 36 .90 1.65 large ex-large 9x6 10x7 26 36 .75 1.40 No. 3740. large ex-large 9x6 10x7 4 5 1.50 2.20 N N IN 3861(a) 3862 3864 3861 (a) SUPPORTS, Iron extension rings with clamps, with triangular base and rod, medium size. Complete with three rings and holders $2.25 3862 SUPPORTS, Burette, iron, triangular base and clamp. No. 2288. Number of clamps with stand 1 2 3 With clamps of iron, each $1.00 1.50 2.00 3863 SUPPORTS, as above, with clamps of brass, each $1.50 2.25 3.25 3864 SUPPORTS, for 2 burettes, iron, with 1 double Hofmann clamp $2.25 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 285 3866 3868 3869 3866 SUPPORT, for 1 burette of wood, corklined $1.10 3868 SUPPORT, for 2 burettes, of wood, corklined 1.25 3869 SUPPORT, Burette, as above, with extra arms to keep the burettes steady. . 1.50 3872 3876 3877 3870 SUPPORT, Burette, Chaddock's, wire clamps, rubber lined, for holding the burette, which is readily placed in position or removed by simply springing back the wire. The rod and base are of polished wood, fas- tened on to the base is a piece of milk white glass. A very desirable support; for 1 burette $1.75 3872 SUPPORT, Burette, Chaddock's, as above, but for 2 burettes 3.00 3874 SUPPORTS, for 2 burettes, solid porcelain base, revolving clamps; a very desirable and elegant support 5.50 3876 SUPPORTS, for 4 burettes . . 7.50 3877 SUPPORTS, Burette, porcelain base, brass rod, revolving clamps, for 2 burettes . . 6.00 286 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 3886 3888 3890 3886 SUPPORTS, for funnels, wood, with 1 arm $0.85 3888 SUPPORTS, for funnels, wood, with 2 arms 1.25 3890 SUPPORTS, for funnels, wood, with 1 arm for 2 funnels. . .80 3892 3893 3893(a) 3892 SUPPORTS, for funnels, wood, with one double arm, for 4 funnels ....$1.25 3893 SUPPORTS, Funnel, wood, with single arm which is sufficiently large to accommodate, besides the funnel, a beaker containing the liquid to be filtered 1.25 3893 (a) SUPPORT, Funnel, wood, improved double arm for 4 funnels. . . 1.25 3894 3895 3894 SUPPORT, for funnels, height adjustable, wood, 6 funnels in one line $4.00 3895 SUPPORT, Funnel, wood, for 12 funnels in two rows 5.00 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 287 3895(a) 3895(a) SUPPORT, Funnel, wood, improved pattern, height adjustable, for 6 funnels in a row ! $4.00 3895(b) 3895(b) SUPPORT, Separatory Funnel, as described by Dr. A. E. Leach in his work on Food Inspection and Analysis $7.50 3897 3895(c) 3896 3897(a) 3895(c) SUPPORT, Funnel holder, of hardwood, with iron clamp, for attaching to supports (base and rod), with 4 bevelled holes for 4 funnels... $0.75 3896 SUPPORT, for pipettes, wood, revolving, for 12 pipettes 3.50 3897 SUPPORTS, Table, polished wood, wooden top and rod, height adjustable. Height, when closed, inches 9 12 Each .$1.50 1.60 3897(a) SUPPORT, Table, of cast iron, japanned, 5 inches diameter, with clamp for use on Retort Stand. Can also be used as a hot plate $0.50 288 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 3897(b) 3897(b) SUPPORT, for tubes and funnels. 3897(c) .$1.00 3897(c) SUPPORT, Test tube, a very desirable improved support, without glued joints, shipped "knocked down" with directions for putting together, with sixteen holes and eight pins 75 3898 3900 3898 SUPPORT, for Test Tube, 6 holes $0.45 3900 SUPPORT, Test tube, 10 holes .50 3901 3904 3901 SUPPORT, Test tube, wood, for 25 tubes with 10 drying pins $0.85 3904 SUPPORT, Test tube, 16 holes and pins 75 3906 3908 3906 SUPPORT, Test tube, wood, for 12 large tubes in 2 rows, size of inch $0.50 3907 SUPPORT, Test tube, as above, for 12 large tubes in 2 rows, holes l^j inch. .75 3908 SUPPORT, Test tube, wood, for 12 large tubes, 1^5 inch holes in 2 rows, with 12 drying pins 1-25 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 280 3910 3911 3910 SUPPORT, Test tube, wood, for drying test tubes. With pins 25 50 Each $1.00 1.75 3911 SUPPORT, Test tube, of zinc, round form, for 18 tubes, useful for heating tubes in a water bath $0.75 3913 3913(a) 3913 SUPPORT, for Wassermann tubes, made of polished copper, will stand ster- ilization, for 40 tubes 3x^4 inches in 4 rows $2.50 3913(a) SUPPORT, for Wassermann tubes, polished copper, 13 inches long, for 24 tubes SxJHj inches 2.00 3913(b) 3913(b) SUPPORT, Test tube, made of copper, with $4 inch holes for twelve test tubes. The lower shelf on which the test tube rest is flanged up, form- ing a pan to receive the contents of the tubes in case any of them should break. Large, 3 by 4 by 4^ inches high $1.00 Small, 3 by 4 by 2 % inches high 75 3914 3918 3914 SUPPORTS, Universal; Schellbach's $3.00 3918 SUPPORTS, with 22-inch extension 3.00 290 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 3922-3926 3928 3929 3922 SYPHONS, Glass, plain. Length of limb, inches 8 12 15 18 24 30 Each $0.15 .20 .25 .30 .40 .50 3924 SYPHONS, Glass, with suction tube. Length of limb, inches 8 12 18 24 30 Each $0.25 .30 .40 .70 1.00 3926 SYPHONS, Glass, with suction tube and stopcock. Length of limb, inches 8 12 15 18 *24 30 Each $1.75 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 3928 TEST GLASSES, Conical, with lip, for urine, etc. Capacity, ounces 1 2 4 6 8 Each $0.15 .20 .25 .30 .35 3929 TEST GLASSES, as above, graduated. Capacity 30 cc 60 cc 100 cc 200 cc Each $0.30 .35 .40 .50 TEST TUBES 3940 3942 3940 TEST TUBES, best American glass, even thickness, well annealed, free, from , lead. Size 3xiH$ 4x^ 5x^ 5x^ 6x^ 6x^ 6x^4 7x^ 8x1 9x1 10x1 12x1 Dozen $0.20 .25 .30 .30 .30 .35 .40 .50 .60 1.00 1.25 2.00 Gross 1.75 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.50 3.75 4.00 5.00 6.50 10.00 12.00 20.00 3942 TEST TUBE, graduated. Capacity 5 cc. 1/10 10 cc. 1/10 15 cc. 1/10 20 cc. 1/10 25 cc. 1/10 Each $0.75 .85 1.00 1.15 1.25 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 291 3944 3946 3949 (a) 3943 TEST TUBES, Bacteriological, so-called Board of Health test tubes, of best American glass, of rather thick wall, without flange. Size, inches 5xy 2 5xH 6xJ^ 6xi 6x^ 7x% Per dozen $0.30 .35 .35 .40 .45 .50 Per gross 3.00 3.50 3.50 3.75 4.60 5.50 3944 TEST TUBE, with side neck. Length, inches 5 6 8 10 Dozen $0.60 .75 1.00 1.50 3946 TEST TUBES, on foot, plain. Height, inches 4 5 6 8 10 Dozen $0.75 .85 1.00 1.50 2.00 3948 TEST TUBES, on foot, graduated. Capacity, c.c 5 10 15 25 Grad. c.c Vz Y* H V* Each $0.75 .80 .85 1.50 3949 TEST TUBES, Fused Silica, heavy wall with flared tops. Size, inside, inches 4x^ 5x^ 6x^4 7x^ Each $0.85 1.20 1.75 2.25 3949 (a) TEST TUBES, Titre Tubes, for determining the solidification point of fats, etc. Size, inches 3x# 3x1 4x^ 4x1 Per dozen $0.30 .40 .40 .50 Per gross 3.00 4.00 4.00 5.00 THERMOMETERS i 3950 THERMOMETER, chemical, scale engraved on the stem, with white back, very exact; each in pasteboard case 3950 THERMOMETER, Grad. up to C in 1 100 150 200 250 360 Each $1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 2.00 3952 THERMOMETER, Grad. up to F in 1 212 400 600 Each $1.20 1.40 1.75 3954 THERMOMETER, Chemical, milk glass scale, enclosed in glass tube; each in pasteboard case. Grad up to C in 1 100 150 200 250 360 Each $2.50 3.00 3.50 3.75 4.00 3956 THERMOMETER, Grad. up to F in 1 212 400 600 Each *. .$2.50 3.00 4.00 3958 THERMOMETER, Chemical, with paper scale, enclosed in glass tube; each in pasteboard case. Grad. up to C in 1 100 150 200 250 360 Each $2.00 2.50 2.75 2.75 3.00 3960 THERMOMETER, Grad. up to F in 1 212 400 600 Each $2.00 2.50 3.00 292 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 3962 THERMOMETERS, chemical, with two scales engraved on the stem in 1. Registering 100 C. and 212 F $2.50 Registering 200 C. and 400 F 3.00 Registering 300 C. and 600 F 4.00 3964 THERMOMETERS, chemical; filled with nitrogen, to prevent the separa- tion of the Mercury; engraved on the stem; graduation, to 400 Celsius in 1-1 3.00 Graduation, to 750 Fahrenheit in 1-1 3.00 3966 THERMOMETERS, chemical; engraved on stem in fractional degrees. Grad. from to 50 C. in 1-10 3.00 Grad. from to 100 C. in 1-5 3.00 Grad from to 100 C. in 1-10 4.00 Grad. from to 200 C. in 1-5 4.50 Grad. from 100 to 200 C. in 1-5 3.00 Grad. from 100 to 200 C. in 1-10.. 4.00 3967 3967 THERMOMETERS, Beckmann's, for molecular weight determinations, for either boiling or freezing point method, range of scale, about 6C graduated into 1-100C 25.00 3967 (a) THERMOMETERS, Beckmann's, for calorimetric determinations, range of scale, about 12C graduated into 1-50C 25.00 3969 THERMOMETERS, Cold Test, graduated on stem. Graduated from 40 to+100F., length, 30. ctm. graduated in 1 2.50 Graduated from 40 to+40C, length, 25 ctm. graduated in 1 . 2.00 3971 THERMOMETERS, Gas Calorimeter, with scale engraved on stem, +32 -to 115F. in y 5 F 5.00 3973 THERMOMETERS, Calorimeter work with certificate, graduated from 15 to 25 in 1-1000 degrees C., with scale on stem 40.00 3975 THERMOMETERS, "Titre Test," as adopted by the Assn. of Official Agri- cultural Chemists, graduated from 10 to 60C. in 1-10 degrees with zero mark and auxiliary reservoir at upper end. Also one between the zero mark and the 10 mark, length about 37 ctm. and 6 mm. diam. in case 8.00 3997 THERMOMETERS, "Titre Test." Same as above with U. S. Government certificate 10.00 3977(a) 3977 (a) THERMOMETER, Armored, with graduations engraved on stem, with white background. The "armor" is made of one piece of seamless drawn steel tube Length in inches 14 16 16 16 16 Graduated to F 400 600 750 900 1000 Each $5.25 6.00 7.50 9.00 10.50 3977 (b) THERMOMETERS, extra thermometers for above. Each $2.75 3.50 5.00 6.50 8.00 3977 (c) THERMOMETERS, Asphalt Testing, engraved on stem, in nickel plated brass armor. Made exceptionally strong to meet the requirements of use. Length, inches .' 6 16 Graduated from 200 to 400F 100 to 600F Each $4.50 6.00 3977 (d) THERMOMETERS, extra thermometers for above. . 2.25 3.75 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 293 3978 3982 3990 3991 THERMOMETERS, Chemical, bent at right angles; scale enclosed in glass tube. 3978 THERMOMETERS, graduation up to 100 C, each $ 3.00 3980 THERMOMETERS, graduation up to 212 F., each 3.00 3982 THERMOMETERS, in Japanned tin frames. Length, inches 8 10 12 Each $0.50 .75 1.00 3986 THERMOMETERS, in wooden frame, with handle, length 10 inches 1.50 3988 THERMOMETER, Maximum, self registering, mounted on polished wood frame, 12 inches long. Grad. 40+120F 4.00 3989 THERMOMETERS, Maximum, graduated from to 100 C, about 8 inches long 4.00 3990 THERMOMETERS, Minimum, self registering, mounted on polished wood frame, 12 inches long. Grad. 40-fl20F 4.00 3991 THERMOMETERS, Maximum and Minimum, each thermometer mounted on separate plate with thumb screw for resetting, mounted on pol- ished wood frame 7.50 3992 3995 3992 THERMOMETERS, Maximum and Minimum Six's, in japanned tin case, 10 inches long $6.00 3994 THERMOMETERS, Pocket, porcelain scale, hard rubber case, 220F, length 6 inches 2.00 3995 THERMOMETER, Large Diameter, 20-22 mm., with paper scale enclosed in tube. Graduated to 100C 200C 130F 220F Length about, ctm 30 35 25 30 Each $1.50 2.00 1.50 2.00 SPECIAL THERMOMETERS MADE TO ORDER IN OUR GLASS-BLOWING DEPARTMENT Any kind of paper scale or engraved stem thermometer can be promptly made by our experts. We are also equipped to manufacture industrial ther- mometers of any design in large quantities at very favorable prices. 294 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. TEXTILE AND FABRIC TESTERS 3996A 3996B 3997A 3997B 3996A SINGLE STRAND TESTERS. Hand operated. In the use of some materials it is advisable to know the strength of the individual strand. The two machines shown above are made to be driven by hand. The recording head is built as a balance wheel rotating upon two large self-aligning ball- bearings in such a manner as to be extremely sensitive. No. 3996A. Capacity 10 pounds by ounces. No. 3996B. Capacity 50 pounds by J4 pounds. 3997A. YARN TESTER. Hand operated. This machine is a development of the old English yarn tester. When a sample has been placed upon the yarn hooks the hand wheel is rotated until the break occurs. This strain causes the weight to swing outward away from its vertical position and the pawl on the lever below the weight holds it in this position until reset by the operator. Also furnished in power driven types. Capacity up to 250 pounds. 3997B CLOTH TESTER. Hand operated. Produced to satisfy the demand for a quickly and easily operated cloth tester. Capable of a great range of work. Operated on the principle applying to the above yarn tester. Also fur- nished power operated. All of the textile testers listed above require the use of specially designed clamps. We are prepared to furnish clamps for any of the testers as well as any special clamps which might be necessary for a particular test. All testers and equipment are made according to U. S. Standards and are interchangeable. Fully guaranteed for accuracy, design, material and work- manship. LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 295 COMBINATION POWER YARN AND CLOTH TESTER 3997C This tester is a combination of the machines listed on the previous page. The addition of the automatic recorder has greatly enhanced the value of the tester. By the use of the recordjer a chart line indicative of stretch and strength of the material is automatically recorded. The chart line shows the exact relation of stretch to the tensile strength, at every point of the test. Aeroplane wing fabric and other mate- rials whose elongatiln under certain tension is of vital importance can be accurately tested only by this means. Can be supplied in sizes of 50 to 600 pounds capacity depending upon the kind of material to be examined. 3997C Weights Used for Cotton Yarn 24 grs. (Troy) 109 3-8 grs. or 4 dwts. 13 3-8 grs. 218 3-4 grs. or 9 dwts. 2 3-4 grs. 437 1-2 grs. or 18 dwts. 5 1-2 grs. 7000 grs. (Troy) = 1 dwt. (Troy). = 1-4 oz. (avoir'pois). = 1-2 oz. = 1 oz. = 16 ozs. (avoir.) or 1 Ib. Measurements Used for Cotton Yarns 54 inches = 1 thread or circumference of hank. 4,320 inches = 80 threads = 120 yards 1 lea. 30,240 inches = 560 threads = 840 yards = 1 .hank. No. of yards-=-8.33 grains=counts of yarn. 1 bundle usually = 10 Ibs. weight. Worsted Yarns In its general features the system of numbering worsted yarns are similar to those of cotton. The worsted reel is two yards in circumference, and the table of measure is: 2 yds. = 1 thread. 80 yds. = 40 threads = 1 lea or warp. 560 yds. =280 threads = 7 lea or warp = 1 hank. 12 hanks = 1 doz. 144 hanks 12 doz. = 1 gross. THE COUNTS OF YARN is the number of hanks required to weigh 1 Ib. avoirdupois (or 7,000 grains Troy). RULE FOR COUNTS Reel off and weigh a suitable number of leas, add 3 cyphers to number of leas weighed, and divide by number of grains (Troy) the yarn weighs; the result gives the counts. 296 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. TEXTILE AND YARN INSPECTION 3998B 3998A 3998A YARN REEL. The reel is 54 inches, or one and a half yards, in circumference. The dial is graduated into 120 parts, indicating the number of yards reeled from each spin- dle. The yarn guides and spindles are kept in line with each other while feeding yarn upon the reel, which is very desirable when reeling fine yarns. The extra length of yarn guides is of use in increasing the friction upon the yarn by taking a half turn or more of yarn aroutid them. The automatic feed motion lavs the yarn flat upon the reel, thus securing accurate and uniform measurement, and consequently correct results as to stretch, strength and numbering. The bright spot on the web of the worm wheel is to show when the zero upon the dial approaches the index point, and thus assists the operator to stop promptly on the striking of the bell. Made in four or seven spindles. 3998B UMBRELLA REEL. This reel can be furnished with an adjustable clamp base for attaching to the edge of a table or shelf of any thickness. All parts are of metal and those coming in contact with the yarn are of solid brass and very smooth. It will hold skeins up to 72 inches and is invaluable for winding or exa'mining yarns. 3999A 3999B 3999A ROVING OR YARN SCALES. This scale will weigh one pound by tenths of grains, or one seventy-thousandth part of one pound avoirdupois, rendering it especially well adapted for use in connection with Yarn Reels, for the numbering of yarn from the weight of hank, giving the weight in tenths of grains to compare with tables. It is also useful for the weighing of any small articles, coolrs, drugs, etc., for computation of large quantities, or for postal scales. The finished parts are nickel-plated and the stand japanrted and ornamented. Ten balancing weights accompany each scale, viz.: one each of 20, 30, 60, 100, 200, 300, 500, 1000, 2000 and 3000 grains; the 20 grains on the beambeing each divided into 10 parts. A level glass, to aid in adjust ment, is set in the base. 3999B YARN INSPECTOR. For comparing and examining fine or coarse, cotton, woolen, silk, jute or other yarns. The cut shows a machine with inspection board in position. The yarn is wound from two cops or spools, and is laid evenly in parallel lines upon boards 17% inches long by 8 inches wide. These boards are held in the machine by a spring clamp and are instantly interchangeable. Defects of any kind are readily exposed and samples may be held on file indefinitely for future reference and compari- son. Twelve boards are furnished with each machine and extra boards will be sup- plied when desired. The machine is mounted upon a well-finished weathered oak base and designed with two solid iron side frames which support the mechanism. All metal parts are finished in black enamel and nickel plate, making this machine very attractive as well as serviceable. 3999C TWIST COUNTER. This machine is designed for ascertaining the number of twists in yarn. Samples from one to ten or twenty inches can be clamped in the jaws provided for the purpose and by revolving the hand wheel until th 1 ? yarn lays straight and the strands are parallel, th> dial will accurately record the number of twists un- raveled. ..'990 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 297 The Thermit reaction is based on the chemical formula Fe2O 3 +2Al=2Fe-j-Al 2 O. In other words, iron oxide mixed with aluminum in approximately volumetric pro- portions and in the proper state of division will react in such a way that the oxygen leaves the iron oxide and combines with the metallic aluminum with which it forms an aluminum oxide or slag, setting free the iron. The essential characteristic of the process is that when the Themit mixture is ignited in one spot, the combustion so started continues throughout the entire mass without supply of heat or power from outside, and produces superheated liquid steel and superheated liquid slas?. The temperature produced by the reaction attains about 4881 F in less than thirty seconds. The liquid steel produced by the Thermit reaction represents one-half of the original Thermit by weight and one-third by volume. . In order to ignite Thermit, place on top of it a small heap of special ignition powder. Place on top of the powder a parlor match, so that the head of it will come about over the center of the powder, ignite the head of this match by applying another parlor match. Care must be taken as the reaction takes place instantaneously. Welding a Small Boss to a Steel Plate by Igniting the Thermit Directly on the Plate The materials necessary are a steel plate, a refractory pouring cup, the necessary quantity of Themit (welding portion No. 1 in can) and one-half teaspoonful of igni- tion powder. Place the plate on some dry sand and put one of the pouring cups anywhere on the plate after taking care that the place selected is free from dirt or rust. Then fill the pouring cup about half full of Thermit and ignite as described above. The Thermit will burn down rapidly, giving off a bright light. It is advisable to protect the eyes with dark glasses. When the reaction has been well started, feed in the balance of the Thermit from the can in a steady stream so as to keep the reaction going until the entire welding portion has been consumed. About two minutes after the experiment has been made, tap the pouring cup gently with a hammer so as to break it up. It will be found that a lump of steel has been welded to the plate. Materials required: A 3/16" steel plate. D 2 pouring cups. J 2 cans Thermit and can of powder. Burning a Hole Through a Plate This experiment demon- strates the intense heat con- tained in the Thermit steel and incidentally teaches the proper manner of closing the outflow of the crucible (plug- ging the tap hole) and tap- ping the same when the re- action is completed. The materials necessary for two operations are: B A steel plate % in. thick, ., nnn 2 welding portions (W. P. N-.l't'apping spade T 1 crucible (size 2-A). G 4 packages plugging ma- terial. J 1 bottle ignition powder. I 1 pair dark glasses. Price List of Materials for Experiments A 3/10-in. steel plate 8x3 in., each. .$O.3O B %-in. steel plate 9x9 in., each... l.OO C ^4-in. steel plate 9x9 in., each... 1.55 D^Pouring cups, each 25 E Crucible, No. 2-A, each 8.OO F Tripod, No. 1, each 2.75 G Plugging material, per pkg., each .20 H Tapping spade, each 30 I Dark glasses in case, each 35 J Ignition powder, small bottle, ea. .25 K Ignition powder, large bottle, 2 oz. .50 Jj Fire-brick molds, each .50 M Bag of luting sand, each NT Welding Portion No. 1, each O "Welding Portion No. 2, each P Welding Portion No. 3, each Q, Welding Portion No. 4, each R 1-in. Standard Pipes 6 in. long, per pair, each S 1 in. Standard Mold, each T 1 crucible (2-S), each U 1 pair tongs, each V 1 pair clamps, each $0.10 .30 3.00 3.20 .60 .30 2.00 3.00 2.00 25.00 Write for Booklet of Experiments 298 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. TONGS 4016 4018 4016 TONGS, CRUCIBLE, Steel, single bent, 9 inches long $0.35 4017 TONGS, CRUCIBLE, Steel, single bent, 9 inches long, nickel plated 50 4018 TONGS, CRUCIBLE, Steel, double bent, 9 inches long 35 4022 TONGS, CRUCIBLE, Steel, double bent, 9 inches long, nickel plated 50 4023 TONGS, CRUCIBLE, Brass, single bent, 9 inches long 65 4023(a) TONGS, CRUCIBLE, Brass, single bent, 9 inches long, nickel plated... .90 4023(b) TONGS, CRUCIBLE, Brass, double bent, 9 inches long 65 4023(c) TONGS, CRUCIBLE, Brass, double bent, 9 inches long, nickel plated.. .90 4023(d) TONGS, CRUCIBLE, Steel, double bent, 12 inches long 50 4023(e) TONGS, CRUCIBLE, Steel, double bent, 12 inches long, nickel plated.. .75 4023() TONGS, CRUCIBLE, Brass, double bent, 12 inches long 75 4023(g) TONGS, CRUCIBLE, Brass, double bent, 12 inches long, nickel plated. . 1.00 4024 TONGS, CRUCIBLE, German Silver, double bent, 8 in. long 1.50 4026 TONGS, CRUCIBLE, Pure Wrought Nickel, 8 in. long 5.00 4028 TONGS, CRUCIBLE, Pure Wrought Nickel, provided with platinum tips, if required; price according to weight of platinum at market value. 4029 4029 TONGS, CRUCIBLE, Chromel Solid. One size only, 9 inches long $3.25 4031 TONGS, CRUCIBLE, with chromel tips 2.75 4032 4032 TONGS, CRUCIBLE, Julian's Steel, nickel plated, bent with elbow, for lift- ing platinum crucibles from muffles furnace, 20 in. long $2.00 4034 TONGS, CRUCIBLE, Malleable Iron, single bent. Length, inches 12 17 Each $0.50 .75 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 299 i u u 4036 4038 4040 4042 4044 4046 4048 4036 TONGS, Crucible, steel, single bent. Length, inches 18 24 32 Each $1.25 1.50 2.00 4038 TONGS, Crucible, steel, double bent, 30 in $2.00 4"040 TONGS, Crucible, steel, for lifting vertically ,. 2.50 NOTE Larger sizes made to order. Mention size or number of black lead crucibles they are wanted for. Price according to size. 4042 TONGS, Cupel, steel, light with guide. Length, inches 20 25 30 Each $1.50 1.50 1.50 4044 TONGS, Cupel, steel, with rounded ends $1.25 4046 TONGS, Cupel, steel, with flat rounded ends 1.25 4048 TONGS, Scorifier, steel. Length, inches 20 25 30 36 Each $1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 4052 4054 4056 4050 TRIANGLES, Glass. Size, ctm 6 8 9 10 12 15 Dozen $1.00 1.10 1.25 1.40 1.50 2.00 405fc TRIANGLES, Iron, plain, in three sizes, length of sides inside, 1%, 2 and 2% inches. Each $0.05 4054 TRIANGLES, Iron, pipe stem covered. Length of sides inside, inches 1% 2 2% 3 4 Per dozen $0.90 .90 .95 1.25 2.00 4056 TRIANGLES, Iron, covered with flanged pipe stems. Length of sides inside, inches 2 2% 3^ Each ...- $0.12 .12 .12 300 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 4057 4057 TRIANGLES, Hoskin's. These triangles are made from a special metallic alloy of very high melting point, remarkable resistance to oxidation and practically unaffected by ordinary acids; cost but one-sixteenth the price of platinum and last longer in service. Size No. Wire Size B. & S. Gauge Length of Sides, Inches Diam. of Inscribed Circle, Inches Type XA Square Wire Net Price Each Type XC Round Wire Net Price Each 1 15 1/2 H $0.28 $0.18 2 15 2 i& .28 .18 3 14 2^ l& .40 .25 4 14 3 i% .40 .25 Type XA Chromium-nickel alloy. Type XC Chromium-nickel-iron alloy. 4057 (a) 4057(c) 4057(a) TRIANGLES, Fused Silica tubes on iron wire. Length of side, inches \ l / 2 2 2 l / 2 3 4 Each $0.13 .13 .16 .20 .30 4057(b) TRIANGLES, Fused Silica tubes on Nichrome wire. Length of side, inches l l / 2 2 2 l / 2 3 4 Each $0.25 .25 .35 .40 .50 4057(c) TRIANGLES, All Fused Silica. Length of side, inches l]/ 2 2 2*/ 2 3 4 Each $0.75 .75 .90 1.00 1.25 4057 (d) TRIANGLES, Pure nickel wire. Length of sides inside, ctm 468 Each $0.20 .25 .30 4057 (e) TRIANGLES, Platinum, see Nos. 3646-7. LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 301 4060 4062 4063 4058 TRIPODS, brass, for alcohol lamp 4060 TRIPODS, of malleable iron, for Bunsen burners, single ring, much more ser- viceable than cast iron. Diameter of ring, inches 5 6 8 10 12 Price, each $0.35 .40 .55 .75 1.00 4062 TRIPODS, of malleable iron, very durable, with rings. Diameter of largest ring, inches 5 6 8 10 12 Number of rings 2 3 4 5 6 Price, each $0.45 .60 .75 1.25 1.60 4063 TRIPODS, Iron, with easily removable legs, occupying the minimum of space when packed away, at the same time excel in strength and rigidity during use. Ring outside, inches 5 6 7^j$ Each $0.25 .35 .50 ill.!. ! 4064 4070 4071 (a) 4064 15 TROUGHS, glass. Length, inches .................. : .................. 8 10 12^ Width, inches ...................................... 46 8 9y 2 Height, inches ..................................... 4 -5 6 7 Each .......................... . ................... $3.00 3.75 6.50 10.00 4070 TROUGHS, Pneumatic, of zinc, with sliding shelf and overflow. Size, inches ............................ ._ ....... 5x9x12 6x11x15 8x12x18 Each .................................... " ........ $1.60 2.20 2.40 4071 TROUGHS, Pneumatic, of tin, well japanned, with shelf and overflow, for stu- dents' use ; size, 10x6x4 inch ....................................... $1.00 4071 (a) TROUGHS, Pneumatic, container supports, or so-called "Bee Hives." These are used as a support for the inverted receptacles. Diameter, inches ............................................. 3 4 Glass ........................................................ $0.40 .50 Zinc .30 .35 303 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. TUBES 4072 4074 4076 4078 4080 4082 4084 4072 TUBES,Chloride Calcium Tubes, with one bulb. Length, inches ............................ 4 5 6 8 10 Each ..................................... $011 .12 .13 .15 .20 4074 TUBES,Calcium Tubes, with two bulbs. Length, inches ................................. 4 5 6 8 Each ................................ . .......... $0.12 .13 .15 .20 4078 TUBES, Calcium Tubes, with small inside tube to collect moisture in the bulb. Length, inches ....................................... 5 6 8 Each .................................................. $0.25 .30 .35 4078 TUBES, Chloride Calcium Tubes, plain U-shape. Length, inches .............. 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 Each ........................ $012 .14 .18 .22 .25 .30 .40 4080 TUBES, Calcium Tubes, U-shaped, with side tubes. Length, inches ................................. 4 5 6 8 Each .................................... ....... $0.15 .20 .25 .35 4082 TUBES, Calcium Tubes, Schwartz', with side tubes and perforated glass stoppers. Length, inches ....................................... 4 5 6 Each .................................................. $2.00 2.50 3.00 4084 TUBES, Calcium Tubes, Pelligot's, U-shaped with 3 bulbs. Length, inches ....................................... 5 Each .................................................. $0 40 .50 4086 4088 4090 4092 4086 TUBES, Calcium Tubes, with ground-in outlet tubes. Length, inches 5 5 Each $1.50 2.00 4088 TUBES, Chloride Calcium Tubes, Marchand's. Length, inches Each . 4 5 b .$0.30 .35 .40 4090 TUBES, Calcium Tubes, Schmitz', IS ctm. high $5.00 4092 TUBES, Chloride Calcium Tubes, Volhard's. Length, inches 5 6 8 bach $0.30 .35 .50 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 303 4094 4094 TUBES, Combustion, porcelain, suitable for high temperature work. Specify glazing desired. Size number Outside diameter, mm 10 Inside diameter, mm 6 Length, mm 1000 Each $5.60 If longer or shorter lengths are required add or subtract .01 of price for each centimeter. 11.20 14.00 4095 4095 TUBES, Pyrometer, porcelain, closed on one end, suitable for high tempera- ture work. Specify glazing desired. Outside diameter, mm 12,5 17 Inside diameter, mm 10,5 12 Length, mm 1000 1000 Each $7.00 7.70 If longer or shorter lengths are required add or subtract .01 of price for each centimeter. 4097 4097 TUBE, Combustion, Vitrified Clay, Johnson's. For combustions in carbon determinations in steels and alloys. Tube only, 24 inches long. For use in electrically heated furnaces only $5.00 4097(a) TUBE, Separate Tapered End, 4^ inches long with slip-over connection. . 2.00 4099 4099 TUBES, Fused Silica, very refractory, unaffected by rapid and extreme changes of temperature, in lengths up to 8 feet. Bore, inches. Per foot $0.45 Bore, inches 1/2 Per foot $1.50 .75 .90 1.10 Above can be closed at one end at slight additional cost. 1.75 2.10 2.30 1.25 1 2.50 4099 (a) TUBES, Combustion, made of pure fused silica, with reduced end. Length, inches 24 30 24 30 24 30 Bore, inches Y* 1 A 14, 7 A 1 1 Unqlazed, net $5.20 6.25 5.60 6.75 6.25 7.50 Glazed, net 6.20 7.50 6.60 8.00 7.75 9.40 304 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 4099(b) 4099(b) TUBES, Alundum, suitable for use as electric furnaces, etc., where the resistor is to be covered with Alundum cement, the same as in case of cores or muffles. Bore Wall Length Length inches inches 12 inches 18 inches 1 156 154 5* 54 54 Length 12 inches $2.00 200 2.00 2.00 2.10 2.20 2.40 2.60 280 $3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.40 3.50 3.90 4.25 4.55 Larger sizes made to order. Prices upon application. Length 24 inches $4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.70 4.95 5.40 5.85 6.30 4100 4100 TUBES, Condensers, Tubes of glass, with adapters. Length, inches 20 25 30 35 40 Each $0.25 .35 .45 .55 .65 4102 4104 4106 4110 4116 4102 4104 4106 4108 4110 4112 4114 4116 TUBES, Condensing, V shape with bend at top. Length, inches Each . $0.40 10 .50 12 .60 TUBES, Condensing, W shape, 6 inches high $0.50 TUBES, Condensing, W shape, with two bulbs 60 TUBES, Condensing, Y shape 50 TUBES, Condensing, Y shape, with stopcock 3.50 Condensing, for sulphurous acid. See condenser. TUBES, Condensing, T shape, brass. Bore, inches l /% -?s Y^ Each 7 .$0.35 .35 .35 TUBES, Y shape, brass, same price as glass. TUBES, Connecting, T shape, of glass. Diameter, inches J^ & Each $0.15 .18 .40 .50 y* .65 .20 .23 .25 1 .75 X .30 4118 TUBES, Connecting, T shape, of capillary glass tubing, heavy wall $0.35 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 305 u 4120 4122 4120 4122 4124 4126 TUBES, Connecting, T shape, glass with two stopcocks $3.50 TUBES, Connecting, Y shape, glass. Diameter, inches }/& 3$ J4 & -M$ l /2 Each $0.15 .18 .20 .23 .25 .30 TUBES, Connecting, Y shape, glass, to connect a large pipe with two smaller ones. Diameter, large end, inches } ^ Each $0.30 .40 TUBES, Connecting, Y shape, of capillary glass tubing, heavy wall $0.35 Tubes, Fermentation. See Urinalysis Apparatus. 4128 4130 4132 4128 TUBES, Fractional Distillation $0.35 4130 TUBES, Fractional Distillation, one bulb 35 4132 TUBES, Fractional Distillation, two bulbs 50 4134 4136 4138 4139 4134 TUBES, Fractional Distillation, according to Lebel & Henninger. No. of bulbs 2 3' 4 5 Each $300 2.25 2.50 3.00 4136 TUBES, Fractional Distillation, according to Glinsky, with glass valves. .$3.00 4138 TUBES, Fractional Distillation, according to Anderlirii 5.00 4139 TUBES, Fractional Distillation, Walter-Hempel's, filled with glass beads. Length, ctm 30 40 Each $2.50 3.00 306 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 4140 4140 TUBES,Ignition, heavy hard glass, test tube form without lip. Length, inches 4 5 Per dozen $0.50 .70 6 .85 1.00 4144 4146 4148 4150 4152 O 4146 4148 TUBES, Ignition, hard glass, with bulb at end. Length, inches 4 5 Each $0.15 .18 TUBES, Reduction, for Arsenic test. Form a, b, c, e, f, g, per doz. TUBES, Reduction, hard, glass. With bulbs 1 Each $0.20 4150 4152 6 .20 2 .25 .30 .$0.50 3 .35 TUBES, Safety, after Babo ............................................. $0.75 TUBES, Specimen, flat bottom, of heavy glass. Corks are charged extra. Size, inches Per dozen ............. $0.18 Per gross ............. 1.80 Size, inches ........... 4x% Per dozen ............. $0.30 Per gross ............. 3.00 .20 2,00 5x3/g 3x*/ 2 3x34 3x1 4-X.I/2 .20 .20 .26 .30 .26 2.00 2.00 2.60 3.50 2.60 5x1 6x*X> 6x34 6x1 8x1 .50 .40 .48 .60 .80 5.00 4.00 4.80 6.00 8.00 4154 GLASS 4158 4160 4162 4164 4166 4168 4170 4172 4176 4178 4180 4182 4184 2x34 .24 2.40 5x34 .30 .40 3.00 4.00 TUBES, Specimen, Round bottom, prices and dimensions as No. Tubes, Titre, see No. 3949 (a). TUBING, medium wall, best lead free, made expressly for chemical use; the only suitable tubing for glass blowing and fitting up chemical ap- paratus; in lengths of l T /2 metres. GLASS TUBING, Size from 3 to 25 millim. extern, dia., per Ib $0.50 GLASS TUBING, Size from 26 to 50 millim. extern, dia., per Ib 60 GLASS TUBING, Size from 51 to 65 millim. extern, dia., per Ib 75 GLASS TUBING, light wall, same price as above. GLASS TUBING, Barometer Tubing, from 7 to 10 millim. extern, dia., per Ib 75 GLASS TUBING, Capillary Tubing, from 2.5 to 5 millim. extern, dia., per Ib ....'. 1.00 GLASS TUBING, Combustion, hard glass, per Ib 80 GLASS TUBING, Same as above, small sizes for blowpiping, 6-10 mm., per Ib . 1.00 GLASS TUBING, Gauge Tubing, for Mercury or Water Gauges, well annealed from 6 to 50 mm. extern, dia., glass, extra stout, double annealed .80 GLASS TUBING, As above, cut in any length to order, per Ib 1.00 GLASS TUBING, Test Tube Tubing, sizes 12, 16, 20, 23, 25 millim., per Ib 50 GLASS TUBING, Thermometer Tubing, per Ib 90 GLASS TUBING, Same as above, white back, per Ib 1.20 NOTE. When ordering please give exact outside and inside measure- ments in millimeters or send samples. LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 307 GLASS TUBING ACTUAL SIZE CHART 308 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. URINE ANALYSIS APPARATUS Til 4186 4188 4190 4192 4188 ALBUMOSCOPE, a new and scientific instrument for determining albumin in urine $1.25 4188 ALBUMINOMETER, Eschbach's, for direct reading of amount of albumen in urine. Scale graduated on tube; with directions for using. Each.. .50 4190 SACCHAROMETER, Dr. Einhorn's, fermentation, consisting of one grad- uated fermentation tube and graduated test tube; in case, with directions. Each .75 4192 SACCHAROMETER, Dr. Einhorn's improved, glass-stoppered, with flask and test tube v 2.50 4198 4200 4202 4198 4200 4202 SUGAR TEST, for urine, by Dr. Purdy. Consists of an iron support with ring and clamp, a 10 cc. or 200 grain glass stopcock burette, flask, iron gauze, alcohol lamp or Bunsen burner, and 50- cc. or 2 ounce graduate, with 1-lb. testing solution, with full directions for use. Price, net $3.75 The solution, per Ib. bottle . , - 1.00 Plain On foot TUBES, Fermentation, (a) Medium size, ungraduated $0.20 .30 (b) Large size, ungraduated. 25 .35 UREA APPARATUS, Squibb's, for the estimation of urea in urine by dis- placement, complete, with vials, graduated pipette, graduated cylinder, 50 cc., bottle of chlorinated lime and directions for using. Each $3.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 3U9 4204 4206 4208 4212 4204 4206 4208 4210 4212 UREOMETER, Doremus', for determination of amount of urea in urine by hydrobromate method. Consists of a graduated fermentation tube and graduated pipette for introducing the hydrobromate solution; graduations read to 1/10 per cent. On glass foot. Each $1.50 UREOMETER, the same as No. 4204, without foot. Each 1.00 UREOMETER, The same, improved by Hinds; urine required for test is delivered with greatest accuracy, and no gas escapes from the bulb.. . . 3.25 UREOMETER, The same, with glass foot 4.00 UREOMETER, Huefner's, for determinaticn of the amount of nitrogen in urea . 5.50 4213 4216 422l(a) 4222 4213 PURINOMETER, Hall's. For estimating the amount of "Purin" nitrogen in urine, with directions for use $12.00 4216 URINOMETER, according to Dr. Squibb, with thermometer, cylinder and table of corrections 3.00 Without thermometer 2.00 4218 URINOMETER, 1,000 to 1,060, with cylinder, in box, single instrument 1.00 4220 URINOMETER, The same, with fine thermometer in body, with cylinder, in box 2.50 4221 URINOMETER, Set of three spindles (1,000-1,020, 1,020-1,040, 1,040-1,060), for exact estimates, per set 4.00 4221 (a) URINOMETER, Ammonia Tube, Folin's, for the absorption of Ammonia in Urine Analysis 1.50 4222 URINE TEST GLASS, with hollow stopper, for removing sediments for microscopic examinations 3.50 310 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. V JJ I 4226 4227 4229 4226 VAPOR DENSITY APPARATUS, Victor Meyer's, complete as illustrated, with 2 glass stoppered vials $2.75 4226a Inner Tube 1.50 422b Outer Bath 1.50 4226c Small glass bottles with stoppers, per dozen 3.00 4227 VAPOR DENSITY APPARATUS, Lunge's, with side tube attached to the inner vessel, complete with 2 vials 2.75 The outside tube only 1.50 The inside tube only 1.50 4229 VAPOR DENSITY BULBS, Dumas. 35 VOLUME OF LOAF APPARATUS Two aluminum receptacles, connected with a graduated tube, are suitably mounted on a pedestal and pivoted in the center for reversing the alternate ends. A funnel orifice in the center of the tubing causes the seed to flow uniformly from the top to the bottom receptacle like an hour-glass. This mechanical filling of the lower receptacle insures the same degree of compactness under all conditions, therefore, machine accuracy. To operate the measure, the lid of the top receptacle is removed, mustard seed is poured in until the standard quantity is registered. The loaf is secured to the top lid by a spring clamp; the lid is then replaced and the position of the two receptacles reversed; the seed flowing through the orifice in the center of the tubing fills in around the loaf in the bottom receptacle. The amount of seed dis- placed registers the volume of the loaf on the tubing, graduated in cubic centimeters. The operation is repeated \v ; lh additional loaves, using the alternate receptacles. The recep- tacles are made to accommodate the regular commercial pound loaf. Price $50.00 4231 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 311 TEST TUBE OR BOTTLE WASHER 4233 The above illustration shows the Washer made with 24 Washing Tubes. Twelve 8" and twelve 12". Dimensions over all 14"xl7". Two Control Cocks. This Washer, designed for the Johns Hopkins Hospital, enables one to rapidly Cleanse Test Tubes of all lengths, the longer Tubes being suitable for washing any tube up to 14" long, as the water when turned into the High Tube section by turning off the low service will spout six or more inches in the air. The whole 24 Tubes can be used where there are only short tubes to be washed and if the head of water has sufficient pressure. The waste water will run off the Washer into the sink at the vent shown at the opposite end from the Control Cocks. Hot or cold water can be used as desired. The inlet is at opposite end from the Control Cocks, and we furnish ample length Heavy Rubber Hose to connect to the usual water supply. Price $45.00 We are listing the above test tube washer, which we consider is an essential in a laboratory of any size. This washer is also adapted for washing such articles as Babcock Milk and Cream Testing Bottles. The apparatus washes both short and long tubes. Also furnished for tubes of 6, 8, 10 and 12" lengths, with a control cock for each size of tube. Prices for types other than the one herein listed upon request. TEST TUBE BOILER AND STERILIZER A most unique and practical addition to the laboratory. It consists of a small cylindrical ^jjjnjrjjjfr . drum, having a nickel-plated metal body with a top and bottom of J4-inch trans- ite. The dimensions of this drum are: height, 2 l /4 inches; diameter, 3 l / 2 inches. The apparatus is mounted upon three leg's. Located near the center of the drum there is a metal cup or cylinder 1 1/16 inches in diameter and \ l / 2 inches in depth. This is the heating receptacle. The cup is encased in a resistance coil, which provides equal distribution of heat to the entire surface of the receptacle simultaneously, heating it uniformly and very quickly. This resistance coil or heating unit is controlled by an automatic-electro thermo-regtilator, contained within the drum. It is adjusted by means of a small screw. To reach the adjusting screw of the thermostat it is necessary to use a small screwdriver. This pre- vents tampering. The thermo-regulator completely con- trols the temperature so that the con- tents of the test tube may be brought to the boiling point without boiling over. Metal rings are provided for the receptacle, permitting the use of the following sizes of test tubes: Yz inch, Hs inch, y inch, and 1 inch. Price, complete, including test tube and small crucible, as per 4235 illustration $10.00 312 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 4238 4238 WATCH GLASSES, Best glass, well annealed with edges ground and polished, for covering beakers, etc. Diam., inches 1 l l / 2 2 2*4 2^ %H 3 3J4 3^ Per dozen.. $0.20 .25 .28 .50 .55 .60 .70 .75 .80 Diam., inches 3^ 4 4 1 /. 55^ 6 6# 7 8 9 Per dozen $0.90 1.00 1.40 1.75 2.00 2.40 2.80 3.00 4.00 6.00 4239 WATCH GLASSES, with hole in center for use with stirring apparatus, etc. Diameter, inches 3 314 4 E ach $0.20 .25 .35 4241 WATCH SPRINGS, For burning in oxygen, per dozen $0.40 WATCH GLASSES, Counterpoised, see under "Balances/' WATCH GLASS CLIPS, see Clamps. WATER ANALYSIS APPARATUS 4252 4254 4252 MUENCKE'S DISTILLING APPARATUS, entirely of glass, with ground joints, capacity of flask 500 cc., complete $12.50 4254 APPARATUS FOR DISTILLING, as used by Chicago Board of Health for determination of ammonia, mercury seal. The flash is with inlet for the adding of the permanganate solution after the free ammonia has been distilled off 9.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 313 4256 4257 4258 4260 4262 4264 4266 4268 4270 4256 4257 APPARATUS, Maharg's, for determination of ammonia in water, con- sisting of 1000 cc. G. S. flask, etc., with mercury seal $ 8.00 DISTILLING APPARATUS, For the determination of ammonia in water, as used by the Department of Health of New York City, consisting of a metal condenser with block tin condenser tube, eight Nessler cylinders graduated at 50 and 100 cc. in revolving support. Com- plete with flask, condenser, support; eight Nessler jars and support for same ; 15.00 The Flask ot.ly 2.60 The Condenser only 4.00 The Support for Nessler Cylinders 3.00 HEHNER'S COLORIMETER, see No. 3241 (f). NESSLER'S JARS, see No. 234l(j). WEIGHING BOTTLES AND TUBES, see Bottles, Weighing. WICKS, see Lamps. WIRE, Aluminum. B. & S. Gauge, No 16 18 20 22 24 26 Per ounce $0.15 .15 .15 .20 .25 .30 Per pound 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.20 2.00 4.00 WIRE, Copper, on one pound spools, B. & S. Gauge. Number 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Per pound $0.75 .75 .75 .75 .75 .90 1.00 1.10 Number 28 30 32 34 36 Per pound $1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 2.00 WIRE, Copper, insulated, cotton covered, B. & S. Gauge. Number 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Per pound $1.00 1.00 1.25 1.25 1.35 1.50 1.60 2.00 Number : ,. . 32 34 36 38 40 Per pound $2.30 3.75 5.00 15.00 20.00 WIRE, Copper, insulated, silk covered. Number 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Per pound $1.552.002.252.502.753.00 3.25 4.50 Number 32 34 36 38 40 Per pound $5.00 6.00 9.00 18.00 30.00 WIRE, German Silver, plain or covered, prices on application. WIRE, Iron, chemically pure, for standardizing, per pound $1.50 WIRE. Nickel, per ounce 30 Per pound 3.50 PLATINUM, see Platinum Wire. WIRE GAUGE, see Gauge. WIRE GAUZE, see Gauze. 314 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. BACTERIOLOGICAL SECTION The important position now occupied by Bacteriology in all considerations of the Public Health and in many industries has produced a constantly increasing demand for high grade Bacteriological Apparatus. While it rs impossible for us to list all of the Apparatus required for Bacteriological work, we present in this catalog most popular forms of Incubators, Sterilizers, Auto-Claves, Microscopes, Microtomes and Bacteriological Glassware. On the following page we have a list of equipments necessary for the operation of a Bacteriological Laboratory of medium size. We are prepared to furnish this outfit complete or separately. We have on hand at present a stock of "Gruebler's" Bacteriological Stains, as well as those made in this country, as listed below. If interested kindly write us regarding this stock of original Gruebler's Stains and we shall gladly quote price on same. AMERICAN MADE BACTERIOLOGICAL STAINS In glass vials with metal screw cap AZ _J Gjemsa .' ? f 4^' $fo' AZUR II Giemsa 1.35 5.4O AZUR II Kosin Giemsa '. ' 1.70 e'.SO Misiiiark Brown Brilliant Green .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' Congo Red Crystal Violet Eosin, soluble in water Eosin, soluble in alcohol Erythrosin Fuchsin Basic, for bacilli .......[.......... Fuchsin Acid Gentian Violet Hsematoxylln, pure crystals Jenner's Dry Stain .25 .80 Malachit Green, crystals Methyl Orange Indicator . Methyl Violet 1 B Methyl Violet 2 B Methyl Violet 6 B ".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Methylene Blue, Bact., for bacilli Methylene Blue, B. X Methylene Blue, medicinal pure Neutral Red 25 i.oo Orange G Safranin, soluble in water Scarlet Red Thionin Tolnidin Blue Victoria Green Wright's Dry Stain .35 1.40 Additional stains will be added from time to time, as soon as they have proven to be thoroughly reliable. STAIN IN SOLUTION 10 gm. 25 gm $9.75 8.75 12.25 .45 $0.9O .80 1.60 .45 .90 .OO 1.2O .60 1.2O .60 1.2O l.OO 2.00 .60 1.20 .00 1.8O .60 1.20 .60 1.20 1.20 2.40 .80 1.6O .so 1.6O .60 1.2O .60 1.20 .60 1.20 .45 .90 .60 1.20 1.00 2.OO 1.5O 3.00 .60 1.20 .60 1.20 .90 1.8O .90 1.80 .90 1.80 .90 1.80 2.50 5.00 $3.15 5.6O 3.15 4.2O 4.2O 4.2O 7.00 4.20 6.30 4.20 4.20 8.40 5.60 5.60 4.20 4.20 4.20 3.15 4.2O 7.OO 10.50 4.2O 4.20 6.30 6-30 6.30 6.30 17.50 been tested and Alum Carmine $0.25 Alum Haematoxylin 25 Bismark Brown 25 Borax Carmine 25 Carbol Fuchsin, Gabbett's .25 Carbol Fuchsin, Ziehl-N-eelsen 25 Carmine Neutral 25 Delafield's Haematoxylin Solution 25 Rosin, 1 p. c., Alcoholic 25 Eosin, 1 p. c., Aqueous 25 Eosinated Methylene Blue, Jenner's... .50 Eosinated Methylene Blue, Hasting's.. .50 Eosinated Methylene Blue, Wright's. . .50 Ehrlich's Tri-Acid 50 Gabbett's Carbol Fuchsin 25 Giemsa's Spirochaete l.OO Gabbett's Acid Methylene Blue 25 Gram's Gentian Violet 25 Gram's Solution of Iodine 20 Gentian Violet, 1 p. c., Aqueous 25 Gentian Violet, 2 p. c., Alcoholic 25 Thymol Blue acid range Brom-Phenol Blue Methyl Red Brom-Cresol Purple Brom -Thymol Blue Phenol Red Cresol Red Gentian Violet, Gram's $0.25 Goldhorn's Polychrome Methylene Blue .40 Haematoxylin Solution, Delafleld's 25 Hasting's Eosinated Methylene Blue.. .50 .Tenner's Eosinated Methylene Blue 60 Krauss-Giemsa, Two Solution 1.25 LoefHer's Methylene Blue 25 Methylene Blue, Acid, Gabbett's .25 Methylene, Loeffler's 25 Picro Carmine .25 Polychrome Methylene Blue, Goldhorn's .40 Solution of Iodine, Gram's 2O Solution Toison's 15 Spirochaete, Giemsa's l.OO Toison's Solution 15 Tri-Acid Ehrlich's 50 Wright's Eosinated Methylene Blue... .50 Ziehl-Neelsen Carbol Fuchsin 25 Other Stains and Solutions Made Upon Request. $0.50 per decigram Thymol Blue alkaline range These indicators are manufactured in a spirit of co-operation with medical research, rather than for profit. It is desirable, therefore, to distribute them in quantities of not more than five decigrams to a large number of investigators. In special instances, larger quantities may be obtained, should they be actually needed, and in the future, if large quantities of the indicators are required, the demand will be met. LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 315 Equipment for a Bacteriological Laboratory of Medium Size Cat. No. 1402 1 only Waterbath, with rings and cover 9 1531 6 each Beakers, low form with lip. of 100, 250, 600 and lOOOcc 1778a 1 Balsam bottle 1784 1 Capped bottle for cedarwood oil 1783 6 Dropping bottles 1932 1 dozen Test tube brushes 2O54 2 only Burettes, glass stopcock, 25cc, 1/10 2O54 2 only Burettes, glass stopcock, 50cc, 1/10 2224 2 Porcelain Casseroles, 375cc.. 2249 1 large Laboratory Centrifuge, preferably supplied with a combination head for 4 tubes, 15cc and 4 tubes, 50cc 22O 6 only Centrifuge tubes, 15cc, graduated 2262 6 only Centrifuge tubes, 15cc, plain 2275e 3 dozen Centrifuge tubes, 50cc, plain 2288 4 only Burette clamps 2317 2 only Test tube holders 2560 4 Porcelain evaporating dishes, 100mm. diameter 2716 1 quire Filter paper, 20x20 inches square 2716 6 each packages of Filter paper of 75, 100 and 150mm diame- ter, 100 per pack 2738 6 each Boiling flasks, flat bot- tom, of 100, 300, 500 and 1000 cc 2760 6 each Erlenmeyer flasks of 100, 250, 500 and lOOOcc 28O9 6 each Funnels, long stem of 50, 75, 100 and 150mm. diam- eter 3490 1 each Porcelain mortar with pestle, of 100 and 140mm 3594 6 each Wax pencils, red and blue 3614 6 only Mohr's pipettes, lOcc; 1/10 3614 1 dozen Mohr's pipettes, Ice; 1/100 3613 6 each Volumetric pipettes, 1, 5, 10 and 25cc 3623d 2 Sterilizing boxes for pipettes, made of sheet iron or copper 374O 1 each Filter ring of 2 and 3 inch diameter 3862 1 only Burette support, medium 3814 1 Water still 3904 2 Test tube racks for 16 tubes. 394O 6 gross Test tubes, 4x% inch, with lip 3940 6 gross Test tubes, 6x% inch, with lip 3050-2 1 Thermometer 4188 2 Albuminometers, "Eschbach" 4204 1 Ureometer, "Doremus" 4216 1 Urinometer, "Squibb" 500O-2 ] High pressure Sterilizer autoclave either vertical or horizontal pattern Equipment above ordered Price Cat. No. 5042 1 i 5.75 ( 1.27 . 5036 6 c .35 5138 1 5132 1 ( .50 1 1 2.10 \ .75 5140-2-0 5192 1 ' 3.50 5198 1 ; 2818a 1 ] 4.50 i 2.00 6114 1 1 1 2 2O.OO 1 6180 3 6188 1 ] 3.60 I t 1.20 i i 6194 1 ] 1.50 6224-38 1 2.00 0222 1 ] .50 I 0296 3 1.6O 1 6334 1 ] .SO 6342 1 1 I 5.40 1 I 1 ] 6366 1 1 7.70 I 6394-8 2 6.90 6424 1 1 0438 6 "< 10.50 t 0432 1 ( 1.60 1 0434 2 c 2.00 t 0434 1 c 3.90 1 0434 1 c 6.00 1 6472 1 ' 1.05 C 3.OO 1 1 1 1 .40 2 1 l.OO % 1 17.00 1.50 V& 1 | 15.00 1 1 10 t 20.00 I 1.50 ] 1 1.00 ( 1.50 3.00 1 2 i 75.00 Price Price Sterilizing box for petri dishes, made of either sheet iron or copper. .' $ 2.5O dozen Petri dishes, lOOklSmm. 18.OO Slide forceps 15 Cover glass forceps .15 Instrument sterilizer, by hot water 10. (to 3 Dissecting forceps 1.5O "Sahli" Haemoglobinometer. . 9.00 Talquist Haemoglobin scale. . 2.0O Hot water funnel for filter- ing culture media, copper. . . . 4.OO Bacteriological incubator, having dimensions of about 26x18x18 inches, either heated by gas or electricity 77.00 Staining jars 1.05 Laboratory microscope, sup- plies with Abbe condenser, triple nosepiece, objectives 16 and 4mm., oil immersion 1/12 and two oculars, in case 90.OO Mechanical stage for same . . . 19.OO 12 ounces Cover glasses 12.OO Darkfleld Illuminator equip- ment 1O.OO Slide boxes for 100 slides, 3x1 inch 2.25 Freezing attachment 1O.OO Spencer rotary microtome with knife 130.OO Razor strop l.OO Belgian hone 1.00 Blue green hone l.OO Innoculating needle with platinum wire .75 Dissecting scissors 1.10 Hot air sterilizer of medium size 8.75 Wire baskets for test tubes, to fit autoclave 4.80 only Celenta's syringe, 5ca, plain 4 25 only Luer syringes, 2cc, with two needles 2.50 only Luer syringe, lOcc, with two needles 4.50 only Luer syringe, 20cc, with two needles 6.25 "Elei" Wassermann water- bath, large model, with nec- essary accessories for gas or electric heating 90.OO Animal operating board 4.75 Ib. Peptone 2.50 Ibs. Agar Agar 2.50 Ib. Cedarwood oil for immer- sion 1.50 Ib. Balsam Canada, dry dis- solved in Xylol 1.5O Ib. Xylol 4O grams each of the following stains, dry powder: Bis- marck Brown, Eosin, Fuch- sin, Gentian Violet, Methyl- ene Blue, Safranin, Orange G. Scarlet Red, Neutral Red, Wright's stain 9.OO grams each Azur I and II. ... 8.0O . $790.02 complete a discount of 5% is allowed. 316 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. BACTERIOLOGICAL AND MICROSCOPICAL APPARATUS 5000 5000 AUTOCLAV OR DIGESTER, "Eclipse" Patented, Made of extra heavy copper and brass throughout, no iron or other metal to rust or corrode. The ingenious construction of the door, which is of cast brass and is convexed to maintain perfect symmetry of the body. When opened, it fits snugly the inside body of this sterilizer, leaving the entrance and interior en- tirely clear. The door and head are perfectly ground and fitted, requiring no packing or gaskets, which are always a source of considerable annoyance and expense. The Eclipse sterilizers have no locks or spring on the door. No device to get out of order. They may be opened or closed instantly without effort. It is impossible to open the door while there is the slighest pressure in the interior, and there is never any danger of scalding. We emphasize this statement as numerous accidents have occurred with faulty mechan- ical arrangements on sterilizer doors or leaky gaskets. The steam fills the outer jacket and enters the inner chamber at once. This operation prevents the contents from becoming moist by the con- densed steam. Can be used as a free steam, non-pressure sterilizer by opening the air cock if desired. Mounted on white enameled stand. Heated by Steam, Gas, Gasoline or Petroleum. No. OB Diameter 12" Insi( 16" IB 16" 20" 2B 20" 24" SB 22" 28" 4B 25" ?,8" Diameter Door 8" Copper Nickel-Plated $146.25 $155.25 10" 168.75 180.00 12" 200.00 215.00 14" 250.00 270.00 16" 333.00 358.00 Special Prices for Electric Heat. State voltage when inquiring for prices. LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 317 5002 5008 5002 AUTOCLAV, For sterilization under Steam pressure. This Apparatus is for sterilization under steam pressure. The boiler is made of heavy polished copper, tin-lined, with seamless bottom provided with a perforated tray with two shelves, and four tube burner. The lid is made of cast brass, nickel plated and fitted with a ground joint, no washers being necessary to make it steam-tight; it is held in position by 6 thumbscrew clamps. The apparatus is tested and guaranteed to stand a pressure of 35 pounds to the square inch, is provided with a pressure gauge, ther- mometer and safety valve, the latter is set at 30 pounds, but may be increased or decreased. The small pet valve must be kept open until the steam escapes, thereby forcjng all the air out of the boiler. The inside dimensions are 24 inches deep and 11 inches diameter. The base is made of sheet iron and is 8 inches high. Extreme height of the apparatus is 44 inches $75.00 5004 AUTCCLAV, same as above, but with hinged lid 80.00 5006 AUTOCLAV, same as above, hinged lid and nickel-plated 85.00 5008 AUTOCLAV, same as described above, but larger size, with hinged lid, 10 thumbscrew clamps, inside tray and large burner. The inside dimensions are 26 inches deep and 14 inches diameter; ex- .treme height, including base, is 46 inches 100.00 501C AUTOCLAV, same as No. 5008, but nickel-plated.. ..110.00 318 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 5012 5012 AUTOCLAV OR DIGESTER, same as No. 5002, but Electrically Heated, complete, with cord and plug; size, 11x24 inches $100.00 5014 AUTOCLAV, size 11x24 inches, with hinged lid 105.00 5016 AUTOCLAV, size 11x24 inches, but nickel-plated 115.00 5018 AUTOCLAV, size 14x26 inches, with hinged lid. ^ 130.00 5020 AUTOCLAV, size 14x26 inches, but nickel-plated 140.00 5022 5024 5022 BOTTLES, Immersion Oil, with ground on glass cap and wire mounted in glass rod. very convenient and economical; capacity, 10 cc $0.50 5024 BOTTLES, Immersion Oil, Leitz', convenient form with ground on glass cap and cedar wood dropper; capacity, 30 cc 50 BOTTLE, Balsam, see Bottles. BURNER, Safety, Koch's, see Burners. LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 319 LABORATORY CAGES We furnish bacteriological laboratories with all types of cages. They are con- structed of various materials depending upon the use to which the cage is to be put. These cages, of which only a few are listed, are used for breeding purposes and for the close observation of animals used as subjects in innoculations and so forth. Each cage is designed to fit the particular animal under study, as the cat, dog and rodent. All cages are made so that they may be easily and quickly cleaned, and many are collapsible for storage and convenience in sterilizing. We shall be pleased to furnish detailed description and prices of any type not listed below. Any special type involving new ideas can be furnished by us with price upon appli- cation. Mh "HI,. -1111111,,.. ''Hi'llMi 'Hi -I, INI 5025 5025 OAK DOG CAGE; this High Grade Dog Cage is constructed throughout of Solid Oak, Rubbed Oil Finish. The inside is lined with extra heavy Zinc. Rods being of J4 in- Steel heavily galvanized. The floor is closely woven Steel Wire Cloth, very strong, mounted on a framework of pipe heavily galvanized. Drain Pan is galvanized Steel, very thick. Floor and Drain Pan are easily removed for cleaning. The Front Door drops down out of the way. The Top may be raised to any angle desired . The Shelf beneath holding the Urinal Collecting Vessel, is adjustable so any size vessel may be used. Domes of Silence are used on the bottom of the legs to facilitate moving the cage about the Laboratory when desired. These cages can be made any size desired. The measurements as indi- cated in the illustration have proven satisfactory for the usual large dogs, such as Setters or Newfoundlands, as well as smaller breeds. Price $100.00 320 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. Single Cage 5025a This is a much superior cage to the old type. The bottom is removable for cleaning or repairs as this is the part that wears soonest from corrosive action of Urine. Bottom and Extra Brass Wire Drain underneath are easily removable. This is an Extra Heavy Cage, not flimsy, and makes a cage that is thoroughly satisfactory. Suit- able for Guinea Pigs, Rats or Rabbits. Dimensions, 20"xl6"x8"; height over all, 19". 5025a Price, each $10.00 Style No. 1. Has movable partitions which can be adjusted so as to make small com- partments when desired or the entire Cage may be thrown into one by removing all the partitions. Price, No. 1 Cage, 48 inches wide, each $35.00 24 inches wide, each 25.00 Style No. 2. This case may be subdivided by Partition. The Top is fine mesh Wire Cloth over a strong frame. One small Feeding Door provided in the top of each Cage. No. 2 Cage, 48 inches wide $30.00 24 inches wide 20.00 Style No. 3. The cheapest Rodent Cage which will give satisfaction. The Door only is Wire Mesh, has no feeding door. The balance of the Cage being of Heavy Galvanized Iron. No. 3 Cage, 24 inches wide $19.00 16 inches wide 17.00 12 inches wide . 15.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 321 5026 5028 5026 IMMERSION OIL DROPPER; This is a new device and fills a real need for a convenient and thoroughly clean method of handling and applying immer- sion oil to the object slide when used with immersion-oil objectives. It drops just one drop of oil at a time exactly where wanted by simply hold- ing in position, point dov/n over the slide, and pressing the top with thumb, or finger. For refilling with immersion oil, the top portion is easily re- moved by simply unscrewing same. Price $2.00 5028 COUNTING APPARATUS, Wolffhuegel's. For counting colonies of bac- teria in plate cultures. Consists of a wooden base, 270 mm. square, with drawer for accessories, and a ruled glass plate. The rulings are 10 mm. squares, with the diagonal rows ruled to 3 mm. squares. The ruled surface is 120 mm. square. Black and white backgrounds are provided $7.50 Extra ruled plate 3.00 5030 5032 5030 COUNTING PLATE, Jeffer's; ruled on glass; for use with the Wolffhuegel apparatus; the circular surface is divided into sectors which are sub- divided into small spaces of equal area. (See Journal of Applied Microscopy and Laboratory Methods, Vol. 1, No. 3.) $2.50 5032 COUNTING PLATE, of paper, 4 inches in diameter, for use with Petri dishes, per doz 50 COUNTING APPARATUS, Stuart's, consisting of a hardwood box carrying a 16-candle-power, 110-volt electric lamp and with adjustable platform for holding Petri dish, which is il- luminated by the oblique rays from the lamp, complete with counting plate $17.50 5034 322 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 5036 5038 5036 DISHES, Double or Petri Dishes, of best glass, properly annealed. Diameter of lower dish, mm 50 80 100 100 150 Height of lower dish, mm 12 12 14 16 16 Per set of two $0.20 .20 .25 .25 .50 5038 DISHES, Petri Dish Covers, of red porous Clay, Nos. 1 and 2, without glaze. Nos. 10 and 20 glazed on bottom. Recommended for the Absorption of Moisture during incubation. Sizes Nos. 1 and 10 to fit upper and lower part of Petri Dishes 94 mm. in diameter. Size Nos. 2 and 20 Petri Dishes 100 mm. in diameter. Size No 1 2 10 20 Diameter, inside, mm 96 105 96 105 Per Hundred . . $9.00 9.00 10.00 10.00 5040 5042 5046 5040 PETRI DISH HOLDER, to hold a number of Petri dishes 100 mm. in diameter for sterilization, made of nickeled spring wire. Size, for dishes 3 6 Each $0.50 .75 5042 PETRI DISH HOLDER, made of polished copper, with inside tray to lift out; size, 9 inches high by 4J/2 inches diameter $4.00 3044 PETRI DISH HOLDER, same as above, but made of sheet iron , 2.50 5048 CULTURE-PLATE BOX, sheet iron, for holding plates during sterilization and storing them until used, with deep, overhanging cover; size, 5J/2 inches by 2 inches by l l / 2 inches high 2.50 5048 CULTURE-PLATE BOX, same as above, but of polished copper 4.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 323 5052 5050 PETRI DISH HOLDER, round form, made of polished copper and nickel- plated, with five shelves, according to Dr. Pfuhl, for sterilization and sterile transportation of Petri and other glass dishes; size, 8 by 5 inches $10.00 5052 PETRI DISH HOLDER, same as above, but square form; size, 7 by 5 by 5 inches . 9.00 5054 5056 5054 DISHES, Double Dishes, or Moist Chambers, of heavy glass, with polished edges, without knob. Diameter, ctm 14 18 20 25 Each $0.75 1.00 1.20 1.40 5056 DISHES, Preparation, so-called Stender Dishes, American make, covers ground on. Diameter, mm 36 50 50 Height, mm 24 30 35 90 Each $0.12 .15 .18 .20 5058 5062 5058 DISHES, Staining or Mounting, of glass, square form with vertical surface ground for writing on, with glass plate cover. Per dozen $1.00 5060 DISHES, same as above, best cut and polished. Per dozen 3.00 5062 DISHES, Staining or Mounting, so-called Syracuse Watch glasses, improved form, ou'Lside diameter 6.5 mm., inside diameter 50 mm., beveled plain edges. Per dozen 75 5064 DISHES, same as above, with 'ground beveled edges for writing on. Per dozen 1.25 5066 DISHES, same as above, with special ground in grooves so that dishes stack up airtight. Per dozen . 1.50 324 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. H n -- -_r --. -'-'- 1 ""', 5068 5074 5070 5068 DISHES, Staining, Kraus', of Aluminum for heating three slides in a mini- mum quantity of stain ; each $0.30 Per dozen , 3.00 5070 DRYING OVEN, Haematological, for blood work and fixing specimens by dry heat; made of polished copper, 4x4x4 inch; with attached clamp mounted on rectangular support 6 00 5072 DRYING TABLE, for fixing blood preparations and sections on slides, consisting of heavy copper plate, 15 inches long, 4 inches wide, mounted . on legs S inches high 1.50 5074 DRYING or Warming Table. Professor Carl Huber is the designer of this table. It is intended for fixing blood preparations to be stained by the Ehrlich method, also for fixing sections to slides, drying, mounting, etc. The top is of copper with rounded edges; the legs are removable. 10x39 cm., height 20 cm . 1.75 5076 5078 5076 EMBEDDING BOXES, for embedding objects in paraffine, consisting of two metal right angles with metal plate. By placing the two parts in different positions, various sized objects may be embedded. Height, mm 20 30 Each , $0.50 .50 5078 EMBEDDING TABLE. This table is for embedding objects in paraffin. It consists of a triangular copper plate 40 cm. long and 19 cm. wide at the large end. A burner is placed under the acute angle of the plate and the heat is transmitted through the metal. + $3.50 5080 FIBER BLOCKS, of red fiber, with finished edges, for holding specimens for sectioning. Size, mm 15x15x10 20x15x10 Per hundred $5.00 7.50 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 325 5082 5084 5086 5082 FILTERS, Pukal's, of porous Porcelain Clay, for filtering solutions from the outide to inside of flasks by means of filter pump. Capacity, cc 50 140 150 1000 Each $0.75 1.00 1.75 3.00 5084 FILTER Funnel, Maasen's, of porcelain, with stationary porous filter plate. Diameter, mm 70 110 165 Each $1-50 2.50 4.00 5086 FILTER, Berkefeld Laboratory; neatly nickel-plated and designed to be screwed to any regular J^-inch hose bib faucet. A two-way cock may be used, which enables either filtered or unfiltered water to be drawn without removing the filter. Length, 6 inches; diameter, 2^4 inches. .$4.50 5088 Cylinder for renewal for No. 5086 1.75 5090 5092 5094 5096 5098 5090 FILTERS, Bougie-Pasteur-Chamberland, of porous clay with glazed rim, 20 cm. long, 25 mm. diameter $1.25 5092 FILTERS, Bougie, as above, with glazed rim and nipple; 25 cm. long, 25 mm. diameter 1.25 5094 FILTERS, Bougie, as above, pencil form, with small bore, 15 cm. long, 10 mm. diameter 30 5096 FILTER APPARATUS, Meucke's, for filtering fluids under pressure, con- sisting of glass vessel with side tubes and filter bougie, complete.... 4.75 Extra glas<= parts 2.50 Extra filter bougie 2.25 5098 FILTER APPARATUS, Witt's, with ground joints, jar G^ inches high and 4^ inch inside diameter, complete 6.50 H26 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 5100 5102 5104 5100 FILTER APPARATUS, Buchner's consisting of glass jar with two tabulatures and ground on porcelain sieve. Diameter of sieve, 15 ctm. complete $9.00 Extra glass jars 5.00 Extra porcelain sieves 4.00 5102 FLASKS, Culture, Pasteur's, with long bent neck and side tube. Capacity, cc... : 100.. 250 500 Each $0.50 .65 1.00 5104 FLASKS, Culture, Chamberlain's, with ground on helmet. Capacity, cc 25 50 100 200 Each , $0.50 .75 1.00 1.60 5106 FLASKS Culture, Billings', with ground stopper and ground on cap, for gelatine and serum. Capacity, cc 100 250 500 Each $0.60 .75 1.00 5108 5110 5114 5116 5108 FLASKS, Culture, Kolle, Pyrex Glass. Capacity, 320 c.c 75 5110 FLASKS, Culture, Freudenreich's, with ground on helmet. Capacity, cc 25 50 100 200 Each $0.50 .75 1.00 1.60 5112 FLASKS, Culture, Freudenrich's, with ground on helmet and side tube. Capacity, cc 25 50 100 200 Each $0.50 .75 1.00 1.65 0114 FLASKS, Culture, Miquel's, with flat bottom and ground-on cap; for use with bacterial counting apparatus. Capacity, cc 50 75 100 Each $0.75 1.00 1.55 5116 FLASKS Culture; much used in yeast cultures. Capacity, 20 cc 50 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 327 5118(A) 5118(B) 5118(C) 5118 FLASKS, Culture, Fernbach's Antitoxine. For diphtheria cultures. Of best clear white glass. Capacity, 2 liters. Style ABC Each . $1.60 2.90 2.50 5120 5122 5124 5126 5128 5130 5120 FORCEPS, Bone-Cutting. Strong, accurately made blades; pinless lock joint holding the blades together firmly during use, and also permitting their separation for cleaning. The spring is also removable. Length, inches 8 9 Each $4.25 5.CO 5122 FORCEPS, Cover Glass. Bent blades; length, 4V inches $0.75 5124 FORCEPS, Cover Glass. Thin, straight blades; guide pin; length, 4^ inches. .75 5126 FORCEPS, Cover Glass. Self-closing; thin, bent blades; length, 5 inches 1.00 5128 FORCEPS, Cover Glass, Cornet's. Made of one piece of spring brass, nickel plated. They are self-closing and hold the cover firmly. Only a small surface of the cover is touched by the tips of the forceps. Length, 4^4 inches 50 5130 FORCEPS, Cover Glass, Ehrlich's. With long, flat blades which come to- gether accurately so that a cover is held firmly on the edge during the operation of making a blood spread. Have locking device to hold blades together. Length, 5J4 inches 1.50 328 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 5132 5134 5136 5138 5132 FORCEPS, Coverglass, Stewart's, nickel plated, 4^ inches long $0.15 5134 FORCEPS, Coverglass, Novy's, with lower flattened plate and upper nar- row curved point, enabling the easy picking up of coverglasses; 4J4 inches long 1.00 5136 FORCEPS, Coverglass, Novy's, as above, but with lock; 4J4 inches long 1.25 5138 FORCEPS, Miller's, of nickel plated spring wire, for holding microscopic slides when staining '. 15 5140 5142 5140 FORCEPS, Dissecting, of steel, nickel plated, straight, with medium, file cut points, 4J^ inches long 50 5142 FORCEPS, Dissecting, very heavy, straight, with corrugated points, 4J4 inches long 50 5144' FORCEPS, as above, 5^ inches long " 75 5146 5148 5146 FORCEPS, Dissecting, of steel, nickel plated, straight, with fine, smooth points, 4 inches long 35 5148 FORCEPS, as above, curved, with fine, file cut points and guide pin, 5 inches long 50 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 329 >150 5152 5150 FORCEPS, Dissecting, best quality, nickel plated, straight, with fine, file cut points, 4J/2 inches long 50 5152 FORCEPS, as above, curved, 4J^ inches long 50 5158 5154 HAElMACYTOMETER, American Standard, complete with Levy counting chamber with Neubauer ruling, with two cover glasses and one pipette for red and one for white corpuscles, in leather case $15.00 5156 HAEMACYTOMETER, American Standard, complete with Levy counting chamber with Neubauer ruling, with two cover glasses and one pipette for red and one for white corpuscles, in leather case, with Bureau of Standards certificate for both counting chamber and pipettes 20.00 5158 HAEMACYTOMETER, American Standard, complete with Levy counting chamber with double Neubauer ruling, with two cover glasses and one pipette for red and one for white corpuscles, in leather case 18.00 5160 HAEMACYTOMETER, American Standard, complete with Levy count- ing chamber with double Neubauer ruling, with two cover glasses and one pipette for red and one for white corpuscles, in leather case, with Bureau of Standard certificate for both counting chamber and pipettes 24.00 The Levy Counting Chambers possess the following distinct characteristics: Increased visibility of the rulings when chamber is filled with solution. The new method of construction entirely avoids the cemented cell and the attendant danger of its looseniqg by the drying out of the balsam cement, and the possibility of the loosening of the ruled counting surface is also greatly reduced by this construction. The parallel form of cell first suggested by Biirker and used in all Levy counting chambers provides a more uniform distribution of corpuscles over the ruled area and entirely removes the effect of atmospheric pressure upon the depth of the solution, a souce of considerable error in the circular form chambers. 330 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 5162 1170 Neubauer Ruling for blood counting Fuchs-Rosenthal Ruling for spinal fluids COMPONENT PARTS OF HAEMACYTOMETERS 5162 Levy Counting Chamber with Neubauer ruling, with two cover glasses, without case $ 7.00 6164 Levy Counting Chamber with Neubauer ruling, with two cover glasses, without case, with Bureau of Standards certificate 9.00 5166 Levy Counting Chamber with double Neubauer ruling, with two cover glasses, without case 10.00 5168 Levy Counting Chamber with double Neubauer ruling, with two cover glasses, without case, with Bureau of Standards certificate. 13.00 5170 Levy Counting Chamber with Fuchs-Rosenthal ruling, for cytological in- vestigations of cerebro-spinal fluids, with counting chamber 0.2 mm. deep, with two cover glasses, without case '. . 6.00 5172 Diluting Pipette, Thoma, for red corpuscles, diluting 1 to 100 and 1 to 200, with rubber tubing and bone mouthpiece 2.00 5174 Diluting Pipette, Thpma, for red corpuscles, as above, but with Bureau of Standards certificate . . 3.50 5176 Diluting Pipette, Thoma, for white corpuscles, diluting 1 to 10 and 1 to 20, with rubber tubing and bone mouthpiece ; 2.00 5178 Diluting Pipette, Thoma, for white corpuscles, as above, but with Bureau of Standards certificate 3.50 5180 Mouthpiece, only, of bone, for above diluting pipettes 05 5182 Rubber Tubing, 3 mm. bore, 1 mm. wall, for use with above diluting pipettes, per foot 10 5184 Cover Glass, size 20x21 mm., approximately 0.5 mm. thick, with accurate ^plane surface in accordance with the requirements of the Bureau of ^Standards, for use with Levy counting chamber with single ruling; also suitable for use with the ordinary Thoma form of counting chamber 30 5186 Cover Glass, size 20x26 mm., similar to above, for use with Levy counting chamber with double ruling 30 5188 Case, of leather, velvet lined, for counting chamber only 1.00 5190 Case, of leather, velvet lined, for complete Haemacytometer 4.00 Prices subject to change wtihout notice DOUBLE COUNTING CHAMBERS We especially recommend the use of the double chamber, in which the rectangular strip in the center of the cell is divided by parallel moats and each half provided with a Neubauer ruling, so that both red and white counts may be made at the same time without the necessity of cleaning and refilling the counting chamber. This double type of counting chamber has been for several years used in, and recommended by, the clinical laboratories of the Johns Hopkins Medical School and has been recently purchased in large quantities by the U. S. Army Medical Department, and is rapidly coming into wide use because of its convenience. LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 331 5192 5194 5192 5194 HAEMAGLOBINOMETER, Sahli, for determining the percentage of hamoglobin in the blood. A measured amount of blood diluted with distilled water is placed in a graduated tube until it is of the same color as a tinted tube provided, when the percentage is read off on the scale Accurate to within five or ten per cent. Latest modification for either day or night use. Complete in case $ 9.00 HAEMAGLOBINOMETER, Dare's, manipulated with undiluted blood which is drawn by capillarity into a chamber of definite thickness and then compared with the colored prism by modified light from a candle . 27.50 5196 iltt 5196 HAEMAGLOBINOMETER, Grower's, Simple Form. Consisting of -sealed tube containing standard tint, graduated comparing tube, capillary pipette for measuring the blood and rubber base. Complete in case with directions 5.00 5198 HAEMAGLOBINOMETER, Talquist's, a simple bed side test adapted to the use of every physician on account of its ease and accuracy of manipulation and inexpensiveness. Consisting of 50 strips of ab- sorbent paper with scale attached, showing tints of Haemaglobin from 10 to 100 per cent, bound in book form 2.00 332 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 6100 6100 INCUBATOR, Bacteriological. Three walls, made of highly polished cop- per, having both air and water space, the outer surface being covered, with insulating material to insure an even temperature, and the exposed copper parts are lacquered to prevent tarnishing. It is pro- vided with two doors, the inner one of beveled glass, which permits observation of cultures, without disturbing the temperature. The outer door of copper, double wall, is prismatic, properly fitted, with felt buffers to insure perfect fit and close contact. There are tabu- lations for thermo-regulator, thermometer and for filling into water space; these are properly marked. A metal tube passes through the air space for connecting with gas supply. The control of temperature in the air space is affected by a ventilator on top of the oven. Height of base, 11 inches, with two shelves. Inside dimensions, 14 inches high, 12 inches wide, 10 inches deep; out- side dimensions, 19 inches high, 17 inches wide, 14 inches deep 75.00 6102 INCUBATOR, with two shelves. Inside dimensions, 19 inches high, 12 inches wide, 10 inches deep; outside dimensions, 24J^ inches high, inches wide, 14J4 inches deep 87.50 6104 INCUBATOR, with two shelves. Inside dimensions, 20 inches high, 18 inches wide, 10 inches deep; outside dimensions, 25% inches high, 23J4 inches wide, 14^ inches deep . 100.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 333 6106 6106 INCUBATOR, Bacteriological, three wall. In construction this is the same as No. 6100, with the exception that both doors are of glass, the outer one having a sliding and removable insulated cover, which permits the observation of objects within, without subjecting them to loss of temperature; with one shelf. Inside dimensions, 12 inches high, 9 inches wide, 9 inches deep; outside dimensions, J.7 inches high, 14 inches wide, 13 inches deep. Enclosed sheet. iron base is 10 inches $75.00 6108 INCUBATOR, Electric. Inside dimensions: Height, 9 inches; width, 7 inches; depth, 7 inches. Single door fitted with blue glass. Heating Medium One 8 C. P. carbon lamp, controlled by our latest automatic electro-thermostat. Furnished with wire screen shelf and Centi- grade thermometer. It is of single ply con- struction, but the space is so small that but a short time is required to bring it up to 37J/2 degrees Centigrade. Price, complete 20.00 6108 While we are listing only representative types of single, double and triple Walled Incubator Sterilizers, both electrical and gas heated, we are admirably equipped to furnish on short notice and at reasonable prices any special types of Bacteriological Incubators, Paraffin Baths and Sterilizers. 334 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 6110 6112 6110 ELECTRIC INCUBATOR. Inside dimensions: Height, 12 inches; width, i) inches; depth, 9 inches. Single door, fitted with blue glass. Heating Medium Two 8 C. P. carbon lamps, or, if preferred, electric heating unit with pilot lamps, controlled by our latest automatic electro- thermostat. Furnished with one wire screen shelf and Centigrade thermometer. Incubator is made of five-ply contruction. Price, complete $25.00 6112 ELECTRIC INCUBATOR. Inside dimensions: Height, 15 inches; width, 12 inches; depth. 10^ inches. Double door, the inner door fitted with clear glass. Heating Medium Two 8 C. P. lamps provided with steel chimneys for protection or, if preferred, electric heating units with pilot lamp, controlled by our latest automatic electro-thermostat. Furnished with one wire screen shelf and Centigrade thermometer. The construction is five-ply Vcr>*'ation is particularly featured in this incubator, along the same lines a= in our larger ones. As the in- cubating chamber increases in size, the question of proper ventilation becomes a most important factor. The steel chimneys which are used for protection, start a rapid motion of the air, thus stimulating cir- culation of the air currents, as soon as the electric current is turned on. This is just the incubator for a small laboratory. Price, complete 44.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 335 6114 6118 6114 ELECTRIC INCUBATOR. Inside dimensions: Height, 26 inches; width, 18 inches; depth, 18 inches. Double door; the inner door fitted with beveled plate glass. Heating medium used: Either two 16 C. P. Car- bon lamps, provided with steel chimneys for protection, or, if pre- ferred, electric heating units with pilot lamp, controlled by our latest automatic electro-thermostat. The incubator is furnished with one shelf, having an area of more than three square feet, and is mounted upon an enameled angle iron stand 32 inches high. It is artistically finished in quarter-sawed oak, with metal mountings, and is just the incubator for hospitals and laboratories doing a moderate amount of work. It has long been one of our most popular sized incubators. Price, complete, with stand $88.50 6116 ELECTRIC INCUBATOR. Identically the same as No. 6114, but without angle iron stand, for use on table. Price, complete 75.00 6118 ELECTRIC INCUBATOR. Inside dimensions: Height, 30 inches; width, 20 inches; depth, 18 inches. Double door, the inner door fitted with beveled plate glass. Heating medium used: Either two 16 C. P. Car- bon lamps, provided with steel chimneys for protection, or, if pre- ferred, electric heating units with pilot lamp, controlled by our latest automatic electro-thermostat. The incubator is furnished with three wire screen shelves and Centigrade thermometer. Five-ply construc- tion, artistic design and finish. Furnished complete with angle iron stand 32 inches high. Price, complete 97.50 612f ELECTRIC INCUBATOR. This Incubator is the same as No. 6118 Elec- tric Incubator, but without angle iron stand for use on table. Price, complete . 85.00 336 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 6122 6124 6122 ELECTRIC INCUBATOR. Inside dimensions: Height, 50 inches; width, 18 inches; depth, 18 inches. Has two inside doors fitted with beveled plate glass and one outside panel door covering the two inside doors. The heating medium is either two 16 C. P. carbon lamps provided with steel chimneys for protection or, if preferred, electric heating units with pilot lamp, controlled by our latest automatic electro- thermostat. Four wire screen shelves, 10 inches apart, provide amply for shelf room. Within a floor space of 20 inches square there are nine square feet of shelf room. Furnished with angle iron stand 20 inches high and Centigrade thermometer. Weight, packed for ship- ment, 300 pounds. Price, complete $140.00 6124 ELECTRIC INCUBATOR. Inside dimensions: Height, 30 inches; width, 36 inches; depth, 18 inches. The cabinet of this Incubator has two double doors, the inner doors fitted with beveled plate glass. Heat- ing medium either three 16 C. P. carbon lamps provided with steel chimneys for protection, or, if preferred, electric heating units with pilot lamp, controlled by our latest automatic electro-thermostat. This Incubator is furnished with three wire screen shelves and centi- grade thermometer. The Incubator is mounted on an angle iron stand 32 inches high, as shown in illustration. Weight, packed for shipment, 265 Ibs. Price, complete, with stand 180.00 6126 ELECTRIC INCUBATOR. This Incubator is identically the same as our No. 6124, except without stand for use on table. Weight, packed for shipment, 220 Ibs. Price, complete . 160.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 337 6132 ELECTRIC INCUBATORS WITH DRAWER COMPARTMENTS The Compartment Incubator is manufactured in three sizes to contain either 24, 36 or 48 drawers. The idea is to furnish a separate drawer or compartment for the individual use of each student. Inside dimensions of each compartment: Height, 6 inches; width, 5 inches; depth, 18 inches. The Incubators are heated with lamps provided with steel chimneys for protection, or, if preferred, electric heating units with pilot lamps. Controlled by our latest automatic electro-thermostats. The drawers rest upon steel frames and the entire Incubator is lined inside with animal hair and transite for perfect insulation t and to guard against fire. These drawers are made of perforated galvanized steel so as to permit the heated air currents to circulate freely through all the compartments. Proper ventilation and air circulation have required much careful investigation. These questions had to be settled by actual test, to the end that each and every com- partment might retain its proper degree of temperature relatively. The cabinets are mounted on angle iron stands to raise them to a convenient height from the floor. It is the ideal Incubator for Universities, Colleges, Schools or wherever cultures are made. 6128 INCUBATOR Twenty-four drawer compartments. Outside dimensions of cabinet: Height, 41 inches; width, 42 inches; depth, 23^4 inches. Furnished complete with 26-inch angle iron stand and Centigrade thermometer. Price, complete $350.00 6130 INCUBATOR Thirty-six drawer compartments. Outside dimensions of cabinet: Height, 48 inches; width, 42 inches; depth, 23J4 inches. Furnished complete with 20-inch angle iron stand and Centigrade thermometer. Price, complete 490.00 6132 INCUBATOR Forty-eight drawer compartments. Out5ide dimensions of cabinet: Height, 55 inches; width, 54J^ inches; depth, 23J4 inches. Furnished complete with 20-inch angle iron stand and Centigrade thermometer. Price, complete 575.00 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 6134 8134 Combined Electric Incubator and Paraffin Oven. The above illustration repre- sent an apparatus both unique and practical in Electrical Laboratory Equipment. The size and construction is the same as in our No. 6133 Electric In- cubator, except that a dividing partition has been added, which separates the compartment into two chambers of equal size of the following dimen- sions: Height, 30 inches; width, 17^ inches, depth, 18 inches. The partition is made of cork 1 inch thick, protected on each side with a layer of transite; the whole being 1% inches thick. This construction insures perfect insulation between the two chambers, to the end that both may be used simultaneously one for incubation and the other for paraffin work. Each chamber is supplied with its own heating units, pilot lamp and Electro-Thermostat, thus permitting the use of either chamber irrespective of the other. The Paraffin Oven contains Paraffin Receptacle (see description), which is provided with five shelves, each having nine holes 2tV inches in diameter for paraffin dishes, thus affording large capacity for work. This Combination Incubator and Paraffin Oven not only represents economy of space, but also obviates the necessity of having two separate pieces of laboratory apparatus. It is supplied with an angle iron stand 32 inches high and with thermometer for each compartment. Price, complete, with stand as shown $275 00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 339 6136 6136 ELECTRIC INCUBATOR, for Maintaining the Entire Microscope at a Constant Temperature. For those desiring to make a special study of Micro-organ- isms at blood temperature for any length of time, we have constructed a special Incubator, in which the entire microscope may be placed. Both sides arc provided with hand holes, which enable the operator to manipu- late the microscope in the ordinary way. When not in use the hand holes are closed by metal slides. The Incubator is made of insulating material and has a removable plate glass front. A Bausch & Lomb B B H miscroscope, which is shown outlined in the cut, requires an Incubator 7 inches x 7^ inches x 9 inches deep inside dimensions. Where the size of the microscope is similar to above, no extra charge will be made, but should the size of the microscope necessitate a consider- able change, such alterations will be charged for accordingly. . This Incubator is particularly well adapted for universities and research laboratories. It is used to advantage in watching developments of Em- bryos of animal parasites and also in watching the growths of normal and abnormal tissues. It is convenient in bacteriological and zoological research work and in research work on blood. An apparatus like this opens up many new lines of research. Price, complete, without microscope $55.00 340 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 6138 6138 ELECTRIC INCUBATOR, for the Microscope Stage. This warming stage is a miniature Incubator complete in itself. It fits the mechanical stage of any standard microscope. The outside dimensions are 3^ inches x 2 inches x Yz inch in thick- ness. The incubating chamber measures 3 inches x 1 inch x Yz inch in depth and has a removable glass bottom consisting of a regular 3x1 slide. The specimen to be examined is placed on this slide. The condenser may thus be brought up close to the glass, same as under ordinary conditions, permitting the use of the oil immersion lens. \ To cover top of Incubator we furnish a piece of clear Mica having a hole cut in center through which the lens is passed when making adjust- ment for the bottom, slide. A rubber washer slipped over the lens is pro- vided for sealing the opening between the lens and mica. (See illustration.) By this arrangement a perfect incubating chamber is obtained where bacteria may be observed for any length of time. The Incubator is complete in every detail with heating element, ther- mometer and adjustable electro-thermostat, which automatically main- tains a constant temperature inside the incubating chamber, as long as the electric current is on. This device can be adjusted for any temperature between 80 and 110 degrees Fahrenheit and is very accurate. To operate, simply screw the current tap with its lamp into any 110- volt electric lamp socket and turn on the current. Incubator answers all the requirements that a warming stage should have. In the Widal test for typhoid it may be used to great advantage. It is particularly well adapted for observation of Plant micro-organisms, such as bacteria and yeasts in a hanging drop, or a hanging Agar block; also for observation of Microscopic animal-organisms such as Malarial Parasites, Trypanosomes and Amoeba. A number of diseases found in all tropical countries cannot be properly examined without a Warm Stage. For cultivation of Spirochetes and tumor cells by the recent methods of Harrison, Noguchi and others, this apparatus has no equal. Price, complete in velvet-lined case $18.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 341 6140 6140 Electrically Heated "Warm Stage" for the Microscope. Our electrically heated "Warm Stage" is the only appliance of its kind now on the market. It will be found most compact and convenient and always ready for use, as it fits the stage of any microscope without adjustment. To operate, simply screw the current tap with its lamp into any 110- volt electric lamp socket and turn on the current. The Warm Stage measures 8^2 inches in diameter x J/2 inches in thick- ness and has a 54-inch hole in the center over which the regular micro- scopic glass slide may be placed. It is complete in every detail with heating element, thermometer and adjustable electro-thermostat that automatically maintains a constant tem- perature on the top of the disc, as long as the electric current is turned on. With this Warm Stage, micro-organisms requiring blood heat temperature (98 Fahrenheit) for maintaining their motility, can be readily discovered and examined. The most important purposes for which the Warm Stage may be used, among others, are as follows: a. To determine if a case of dysentery is of amoebic variety, Entamoeba Dystenteriae (Histolytica). The stools or scrapings from the rectum are searched on the Warm Stage for living moving Amoeba. b. To search for Plasmodium, Plasmodium Malarae, in the fresh prepara- tion of patient's blood in the diagnosis of suspected Malaria. c. To ascertain if the fresh Spermatozoa is alive. This is of particular value in the Medico-legal cases. d. To discover the presence of Amoeba, Entamoeba Buccalis, in suspected cases of Pyorrhea Alveolaris. When it is desired to examine a large area the Warm Stage is most practical. This device is intended to supplant the old, cumbersome hot water warm stage. It is light, compact and convenient. It relieves the operator of all worry as to its positive efficiency. The illustration shows the application of the "Warm Stage" to the microscope .^ table. Price, complete : $12.00 342 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 6142 6142 THELCO LOW TEMPERATURE INCUBATOR. Constant temperature in the Thelco Incubator is maintained by circulation of cool air around the nar- row water jacket of the incubator chamber. The cool air is admitted from the ice chamber through a shutter operated by a milled head screw on the outside. This shutter is adjusted to maintain a cool air temperature slightly below that required and the electric heating plate under the water jacket brings the chamber to the right temperature. A Thelco spiral bimetallic regulator controls the heating plate. This method maintains a uniform temperature throughout the chamber and is very economical of ice. In ordinary weather a single supply of ice will last several days. Although designed primarily for gelatine culture cultivatipns at 20 C, the incubator can be used just as satisfactorily at any predetermined temperature from, about 10 C. to 40" C, or at temperatures below 10 C. by using a suitable cooling mixture. The heating plate is a wire-wound resistance, readily removable and controlled by the strong but sensitive Thelco regulator, which maintains the temperature constant to 1 C. A switch for turning on and off the current and a pilot lamp are mounted on top of the apparatus. The incubator chamber is double-walled, of heavy copper and pro- vided with three perforated shelves, which may be placed at any desired height. It has a felt-cushioned, glass door, which is air-tight. The cabinet is of wood, insulated with felt and dead air-spaces, making in all 10 walls. It is entirely sheathed in steel plate, handsomely finished in white porcelain, with polished aluminum trimmings. The incubator is mounted on a heavy iron base. Size, 46 inches high, 38 inches wide, 31 inches deep $325.00 (Please state voltage and current when ordering.) LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 343 6144 6148 6144 OPSONIC INCUBATOR. This is the form usually employed in America and has proved very reliable in research work where serum contain- ing the washed leucocytes and the organisms under investigation must be kept at 37 C. for some time. The incubators are made of heavy polished copper, and are constructed with tubulations for a thermometer, thermo-regulator, and for filling the bath. A cup, 25x89 mm., is provided for holding instruments, and there are re- ceptacles for twenty pipettes. Size, 14x8x4 inches. Sheet iron base 8 inches high $25.00 6146 OPSONIC INCUBATOR. Same as above, including 6 tubes, 7/ & inch diameter, in the top to hold test tubes 30.00 6148 JARS, Anatomical, Glass, with air-tight ground stopper. Height, cms , 9 11 14 16 20 26 30 Diam., cms 8 10 12 13 15 18 20 Each $1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4,75 8.25 6150 6154 6150 JARS, Aquaria. Capacity, gal */> 1 2 3 5 Each $1.50 2.00 3.00. 4.00 5.00 6152 JARS, Aquaria, on foot. Capacity, gal y 2 1 2 3 Each $2.00 2.50 4.00 5.00 6154 JARS, Culture, Novy's. For tube cultures of anaerobic bacteria by gas or pyrogallate methods. Consists of a glass jar with inlet and outlet tubes in neck, and hollow stopper, having tube reaching to bottom of jar, and handle for turning, ground into neck. See Journal of Applied Microscopy, Vol II, No. 2. Height, inches 6 8 Diameter, inches 314 4 Each : $4.50 $6.00 344 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 6156 6158 6156 JAR, Culture, Novy's. For plate cultures of anaerobic bacteria by gas or pyrogallate methods. Similar in construction to No. 6154, but in two sections to permit the use of Petri dishes. The sections have wide ground flanges, which, with rubber band between, form air-tight con- nection, being held by three metal clamps. This jar may also be used as a desiccator for drying in a current of hydrogen or other gases. Lower section, height, 6 inches; diameter, 5J^ inches. See Journal of Applied Microscopy, Vol. II, No. 2. Complete with rubber band and three clamps $15.00 6158 JAR, Culture, Novy's Improved. For plate cultures of anaerobic bacteria by vacuum, gas, or pyrogallate methods. The feature of excellence over other jars is the addition of a stopcock supported horizontally by glass tubes on the regular stopper, which relieves the latter from pressure and allows the vacuum method to be easily employed. Other- wise same as No. 6156. Complete with band and three clamps 17.50 6160 Bands of rubber, for culture jars, each, net .20 6162 Clamps for above culture jars, each, net 75 6164 6166 6168 6164 JARS, Preservation (Lightning). Capacity, ozs 16 24 32 64 Each $0.15 .18 .20 .25 6166 JARS, Preservation, of clear white glass, with metal screw cover. Capacity, ozs. 4 8 16 32 64 Per doz $1.00 1.40 1.75 2.25 2.75 Each 10 .14 .16 .20 .28 6168 JARS, Specimen, of clear glass, with self-acting clamp. Body and mouth of same diameter, made air tight by means of rubber ring. Capacity, ounces 4 8 10 16 24 Height, inches 2 l / 2 3y & 3^ 5^ 4^ Diameter, inches 2f 3 3^ Z 1 A 4J4 Per dozen ... .$100 1.25 1.50 2.00 3.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 345 6170 JARS, Specimen, made of glass without contraction at the neck, so that the width of the mouth is the same as the inside diameter of the body of the jar. The contents are inclosed entirely in glass with a thin rubber medium under the lid to make a tight joint. The lid is securely fastened down with a metallic clamp. On the under side of the lid are two glass rings, from which specimen may be suspended so that they will stay in any position. 6170 Width of Mouth 2J4 inches. . 2% inches. . Height without lid . . 4 inches. . . 6 inches . Capacity (approx.) . .. 54 pint 34 pint. . 2% inches.. . . 8 inches. . . . 1 pint 2 J4 inches. . . . 12 inches. . . . 154 pints 2^4 inches . . . .18 inches. . . . 2J4 pints 3/4 inches. . . . 6 inches . . . . 1/4 pints .... 354 inches. . . . 8 inches. . . . 2 l /2 pints y/2 inches. . . . 12 inches . . . . 4 pints 354 inches. . . .18 inches. . . . 6 pints 5 inches. . . . 8 inches. . .. 2^4 Quarts 5 inches. . . .12 inches. . . . 4 quarts 5 inches. . . . 15 inches . . . . 5 quarts 5 inches. . . .18 inches. . . . 6 quarts 6J4 inches. . . . 8 inches. . . . 1 gallon 6/4 inches. . . . 12 inches . . . . 154 gallons 75^ inches . . . . 6 inches. . . . \y% gallons 7^ inches. . . . 8 inches. . .. \ l /2 gallons 7% inches. . . . 12 inches. . . . 2J4 gallons 7^ inches . . .15 inches. . .. 234 gallons 7'5'6 inches. . . . 18 inches. . . . y/2 gallons 7^ inches . . . .24 inches. . . . 4/ gallons 75^ inches 36 inches. . . . 7 gallons 1154 inches . . . . 12 inches. . .. 434 gallons 11/4 inches. . . .18 inches. . .. 754 gallons \\ 1 A inches. . . .24 inches. ..10 gallons.. Each $ 1.05 1.10 1.20 1.35 1.50 1.55 1.70 2.00 2.40 3.00 3.10 3.80 4.10 3.90 4.35 5.55 6.00 6.80 7.50 8.00 9.25 12.00 14.25 18.00 22.50 6172 JARS, Specimen, made of clearest flint glass, with mouths nearly as wide as the jars themselves, and glass stoppers carefully ground in. In ordering give Diameter of Body and Height to shoulder. 6172 Diameter Height to Height to Width Capacity of body- shoulder top of stopper mouth to neck Each 154 inches. . 2 inches. . 354 inches. .154 inches. . 154 ounces, $0.45 1/2 inches. . 3 inches. . 454 inches. 154 inches. . 254 ounces. .50 2 inches. . 254 inches. 454 inches. .154 inches. . 3/2 ounces. .55 2 inches. . 334 inches. . 554 inches. .154 inches. . 5 ounces. .60 2 inches. . 5 inches. .634 inches. .154 inches. . 7 ounces. .65 2/2 inches. . 354 inches. . 5/2 inches. .2 inches. . 8 ounces. .70 2/2 inches. . 5 inches. . 7 inches. .2 inches. . 11 ounces. .75 2f4 inches. . 7 inches. . 9 inches. .2 inches. . 16 ounces. .80 3 inches. . 4 inches. 654 inches. .2/2 inches. . 12 ounces. .90 3 inches. . 6 inches. . 854 inches. .254 inches. . 20 ounces. .95 3 inches. . 8 inches. .1054 inches. .254 inches. . 28 ounces. 1.20 33/4 inches. . 6 inches. . 854 inches. .3 inches. . 32 ounces. 1.25 334 inches. . 8 inches. .1054 inches. .3 inches. . 40 ounces. 1.55 334 inches. .10 inches. .1254 inches. .3 inches. . 56 ounces. 1.80 454 inches. . 5 inches. 734 inches. .354 inches. . 40 ounces. 1.65 454 inches. . 8 inches. .1034 inches. .354 inches. . 64 ounces. 1.95 454 inches. .12 inches. .1434 inches. .354 inches. . 92 ounces. 2.40 6 inches. . 7 inches. .10 inches. .5 inches. .100 ounces. 2.85 6 inches. .10 inches. .13 inches. .5 inches. .144 ounces. 3.75 6 inches. .12 inches. .15 inches. .5 inches. .168 ounces. 4.05 6 inches. .15 inches. .18 inches. .5 inches. .212 ounces. 4.60 346 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 6174 6176 6178 6174 6176 JARS, Specimen, of best glass, with foot and ground in air tight stoppers. Mouth of same diameter as the body of the jar. Height, ctm 10 14 16 20 26 30 Diameter, ctm 9 12 13 15 18 20 Each $1.00 1.75 2.25 3.00 6.75 10.50 JARS, Specimen, Rectangular, with flat ground on lids for permanent sealing of heavy, clear flint glass, the wide faces ground and polished. Inside Height, ctm 10 12 15 18 Inside Width, ctm 8 10 12 16 Inside Depth, ctm 5 5 6 6 Each $1.80 2.50 3.40 4.00 Inside Height, ctm 20 23 26 31 Inside Width, ctm 10 13 10 17 Inside Depth, ctm 6 7 6 7 Each $4.00 4.50 4.50 6.50 6178 SPECIMEN BOTTLES. Bent neck, for insects. Size Small Medium Large Capacity, oz y 2 \ 2 Each $0.50 .75 1.00 CROSS-SECTION SHOWING SLIDES IH POSITION 6180 6182 6180 6182 6184 JARS, Staining Dish. Of heavy, clear white glass, with cover. Requires very little fluid and the slides are easily introduced and removed. Inside dimensions are 3x3>3 inches, yet 20 slides can be treated at one time. .$0.35 JARS, Staining, Coplin's for holding 10 slides; very convenient for the manip- ulation of sections attached to slides, with ground on cover. Each 50 LENS PAPER, in sheets of 27x37 ctm., in packages of 50 sheets, per pack- age 50 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 347 6186 6186 MICROSCOPE Spencer^ Lens Co. No. 64. This microscope has proven a standard of its own. It is exceedingly desirable for general biology and is in daily use in hundreds of laboratories. The Body Tube is our standard, 37 m.m. in diameter, taking standard objectives and oculars. The Arm and its Side Fine Adjustment "D" are identical with Micro- scope No. 44. This adjustment is patented, is exceedingly durable, will with- stand very hard usage and not develop lost motion. (See description and diagram illustration under No. 44.) It travels laterally, giving an instant visible index of the position of the adjustment relative to the total excur- sion. Steel pins in heads of buttons produce an absolute stop at either end of excursion, preventing jamming or binding of screw. There are but two bearing surfaces and three working parts. The main bearing is made of one single piece. One revolution moves the tube .2 mm. Ad- justment ceases to work when objective comes in contact with slide. The .Stage, 112x108 mm., is completely covered with vulcanite rubber, vulcanized directly to the stage plate. Beneath the stage is an iris dia- phragm operated by a knurled wheel, 62 mm. in diameter. Abbe Con- denser is supplied when ordered, and is fitted in a simple, spiral focusing substage ring. Distance is 80 mm. from optical center to arm. Furnished in hardwood cabinet, lock and key. Nosepiece Achromatic Objectives Equiv. Foe. mm. Huyghenian Oculars Price A 16 4 lOx $36 00 B Double 16 4 10v 40 75 C 16 4 A-V in-v 37 75 D Double 16 4 i... tn-v 42 "50 348 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 6188 6188 MICROSCOPE, Spencer Lens Co., No. 44-H. This instrument has pnoven the most popular of all Spencer Microscopes. Many hundred are in daily use, in medical and general laboratories, also by physicians. This, we believe, is the best microscope value on the market. The Body Tube is standard, taking standard objectives and oculars. The Arm is strong and very graceful, fitted with Side-Fine Adjustment and possessing many exclusive features. It has but two bearing surfaces and three working parts. The patented one-piece construction bearing carries the solid steel screw. This screw, with no less than twenty threads engaged even at the limit of its motion, has a heavy flange, F, working against the level, L. When the screw is turned in snch a direction as to carry F forward, the lever is so swung as to raise the body tube. The reverse motion permits the tube to be lowered under the influence of the spring, The focusing buttons at either end of this screw travel laterally and serve as a visible index of the center of the fine adjustment action. Steel pins in the heads form positive stops at either end of the excursion. The direction in focusing is the same with both fine and coarse adjustments. One revolution moves tube .2 mm. The Stage, 112x108 mm., is completely covered with genuine vulcanite rubber, vulcanized directly to the stage plate. Distance is 80 mm. from optical axis to arm. The Substage is standard quick-screw form. Furnished in hardwood cabinet, lock and key. Equipped with Huyghenian Oculars 6x and lOx, objectives 16 mm. (2/3"), 4 mm. (1/6"), dry, and 1.8 mm. (1/14") immersion, triple nosepiece, quick- screw substage, Abbe Condenser N. A. 1.20 with iris diaphragm. Com- plete in cabinet $90.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 349 6190 6190 MICROSCOPE, Spencer Lens Co. No. 15 This microscope is a very high grade instrument. The Body Tube is standard size, taking standard objectives and oculars. The Arm is large enough to comfortably grasp same with the whole hand. It is fitted with Fine Adjustment "B," which is very durable, automatically taking up wear. There is no lost motion. The button is graduated with 100 divisions, giving a reading of single microns. One revolution moves the body tube .1 mm. The Revolving Stage, 120 mm. diameter, is covered with vulcanite and centered by means of centering screws. The distance from optical center to arm is 90 mm. This stage with The Mechanical Stage is in reality two stages in one. The lateral move- ment is 60 mm. and the to-and-fro excursion, 38 mm. Rack-and-Pinion Substage, complete, equipped with Wide Angle Con- denser. The 150 mm diameter mechanical stage, identical with circular vernier, may be substituted for the one regularly supplied at $10.00 addi- tional. The plain revolving stage, 120 mm. diameter, may be substituted at a reduction of $20.00 from prices below. The cabinet is polished mahogany, lock and key. Wide Angle Condenser Nose piece Objectives Equiv. Foe. mm. Achromatic Outfits Huyghenian Oculars Price N. A. 1.40 Triple 16, 4, 1.8 Oil-imm. 6x, lOx $160.00 150 mm. diameter mechanical stage described in text above, Additional $10.00 120 mm. diameter plain stage described in text above. Deduct. . . . 20.00 350 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 6192 6194 6192 MICROSCOPE, Spencer Lens Co. No. 18. This is a new microscope. It is very high-grade instrument. It is specially recommended for research work ^and for those who wish the very best equipment, but with a plain, rectangular stage. No. 18 Microscope is similar to No. 15, excepting the stage. The Stage, 112x108 mm., is completely covered with vulcanite . rubber, vulcanized directly to the stage plate. The distance from optical center to arm is 90 mm. The Body Tube is standard size, 37 mm. diameter, taking standard ob- jectives and oculars. The Arm is large and may easily be grasped with the whole hand. It is fitted with Fine Adjustment "B," which is very durable. It automatically takes up wear and there is no lost motion. The focusing button is grad- uated with 100 divisions giving a reading of single microns. - Rack-and-Pinion Substage, complete, and equipped with Wide Angle Con- denser. The cabinet is polished mahogany, lock and key. Wide Angle Condenser Nosepiece Objectives, Equiv. Foe. mm. Achromatic Outfits Huyghenian Oculars Price N. A. 1.40 Triple 16, 4, 1.8 Oil-imm. 6x, lOx $120.00 6194 MECHANICAL STAGE, Spencer Lens Co. The most popular mechanical stage yet produced; attachable to any modern square staged microscope. A stop at the front always insures its return to the same position on the microscope stage. Should work be interrupted and the mechanical stage be removed, when replaced, the object of interest may readily be found, providing the vernier readings have been noted. The vernier of the lateral movement is placed slightly to one side of the arm of the microscope where it may easily be read. The movements are by diagonal rack and pinion, and are firm and reliable, permitting the most delicate adjustments. The range of movement is ample to cover the entire area of the standard slide, 1x3 inches. Finished in alcohol-proof black enamel, complete in cabinet $19.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 351 6204 6208 6212 Spencer Achromatic Objectives 6216 Equivalent Focus XT.. Working Distance Diam. of the real field . Price Catalog No. Num. Aperture With 160 mm. tube mm. inches approx. length and lOx eyepiece Fixed Mount. mm. mm. 6198 48 2 0.10 28.0 6.5 $4.75 6198 32 m 0.10 15.0 4.7 4.75 6200 25 i 0,25 9.5 3.3 6.00 6204 1(3 2/3 0.25 5.0 2.1 6.00 6206 8 1/3 0.50 1.0 1.0 9.75 0208 4 1/6 0.70 0.6 9.75 6210 4 1/6 0.85 0.46 0.40 9.75 6212 1.8 1/14 1.25 9.13 020 32.50 Oii-lm. 6214 1.5 1/16 1.25 0.10 0.14 50.00 Fluorite Objective 2 mm. Oil-lmm. 6216 2 1/12 1.25 0.17 0.16 56.00 Oil-Im. - 6218 Huyghenian Power Equivalent Focus Price Oculars 4x 62 5 mm. 2 l / 2 in. $1.75 5x 50 mm. 2 in. 1.75 6x 40 mm. l$i in. 1.75 8x 30 mm. V/ 5 in. 1.75 10x 25 mm. 1 in. 1.75 12x 20 mm. Y$ in. 1.75 6220 Orthoscopic Power Equivalent Focus Price Oculars 8x 30 mm. l*/s in. $5.00 lOx 25 mm. 1 in. 5.00 12x 20 mm. j4 in. 5.00 15x 16 mm. % in. 5.00 20x 12 mm. y 2 in. 5.00 6222 6222 DARK FIELD ILLUMINATOR. The constuction of this illumintor is such that it can be used on any microscope. The condenser is mounted in a solid piece of brass with slots at the end for the stage clips of the microscope. The illuminator being held in this way permits the use of ordinary slides on the top surface. In case $10.00 352 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 6224-6230 6332-6238 6280 MICROSCOPIC COVER GLASSES Shape Thickness 'Dimensions Price per oz. 6224; Squares No. Selected, extra thin 15, 18, 22 or 25 mm. $2.50 6226 Squares No. 10.13 to 0.17 mm. 15, 18, 22 or 25 mm. 2.00 6228 Squares No. 20.17 to 0.25 mm. 15, 18, 22 or 25 mm. 1.50 6230 Squares No. 30.25 to 0.50 mm. 15, 18, 22 or 25 mm. i.OO G232 Circles No. Selected, extra thin 15, 18, 22 or 25 mm. 2.75 6234 Circles No. 10.13 to 0.17 mm. 15, 18, 22 or 25 mm. 2.25 6236 Circles No. 20.17 to 0.25 mm. 15, 18, 22 or 25 mm. 1.75 6238 Circles No. 30.25 to 0.50 mm. 15, 18, 22 or 25 mm. 1.25 *Always designate size wanted with catalog number. RECTANGULAR COVER GLASSES No. 1 Approx. No. per oz. Per oz. No. 2 Approx. No. per oz. Per oz. 6240 22x30 mm. 120 6260 22x30 mm. 90 6242 22x40 mm. 106 6262 22x40 mm. 65 6244 22x50 mm 75 6264 22x50 mm. 62 6246 6248 22x60 mm. 22x70 mm. 65 54 $3.00 6266 6268 22x60 mm. 22x70 mm. 48 46 $2.50 ner 6250 24x30 mm. 110 per 6270 24x30 mm. 86 oz 6252 24x40 mm. 100 oz. 6272 24x40 mm. 62 6254 24x50 mm. 70 6274 24x50 mm. 60 625(3 24x60 mm. 54 6276 24x60 mm. 40 6258 24x70 mm. 50 6278 24x70 mm. 38 MICROSCOPIC SLIDES; free from defects in the glass. The surfaces are plane, so that the slide lies flat upon the stage. Edges well ground. 6280 SLIDES, 75x25 mm. (3x1 inch) medium thickness, per gross $1.50 6282 SLIDES, 75x25 mm. (3x1 inch) extra thin, per gross 2.00 6284 SLIDES, 75x38 mm. (3x1*^ inch) medium thickness, per gross 2.00 6286 SLIDES, 75x50 mm. (3x2 inches) medium thickness, per gross 3.50 6294 6288 SLIDES, 75x25 mm. (3x1 inch) one concave center, per dozen $0.75 6390 SLIDES, 75x25 mm. (3x1 inch) two concave centers, per dozen 1.25 6292 SLIDES, 75x25 mm. (Sxl inch) three concave centers, per dozen 1.75 6294 SLIDES, 75x25 mm. (3x1 inch), drop culture, cavity, 16 mm. diameter and 2 mm. deep, in polished plate glass, each 50 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 353 6300 6296 6298 6300 6302 6304 6306 6308 6310 6312 6296 6302 MICROSCOPIC SLIDE BOX, grooved to hold one hundred object slides, 25x75 mm., covered with a dark-brown cloth, hinged cover and two catches. Price $0.75 MICROSCOPIC SLIDE BOX, same as No. 6296, but grooved to hold but thirty slides. These boxes are especially desirable where it is necessary to keep objects which are constantly used in a secure and handy recep- tacles. Price 50 MICROSCOPIC SLIDE BOXES, made of white wood, with cover so arranged that when removed, the ends of the slides are exposed so that they can be easily removed. Grooved to hold twenty-five objects size 25x75 mm., numbered and indexed, per ten 1.00 MICROSCOPIC SLIDE BOXES, made of white wood, with closely fit- ting covers. Grooved to hold twenty-five objects, 25x75 mm., num- bered and indexed, per ten 1.00 MICROSCOPIS SLIDE BOXES, same as No. 6302, but grooved to hold twelve objects, size of slide 25x75 mm., numbered and indexed, per ten 75 MICROSCOPIC SLIDE BOXES, same as No. 6302, grooved to hold twenty- five obiects, size of slide 5/)x75 mm., per ten 2.00 MICROSCOPIC SLIDE TRAYS, map form, to hold fourteen slides, each.. .40 MICROSCOPIC SLIDE TRAYS, map form, to hold twenty slides, each 50 MICROSCOPIC SLIDE MAILING CASES, tops, middles or bottoms, per dozen .25 6814 6314 MICROSCOPIC CABINET, Minot's Metal Cabinet. This cabinet, designed by Dr. Chas. S. Minot, is very compact, occupying much less space than a wooden cabinet and affording better protection against fire. It is strongly made of metal throughout, neatly finished on the outside in maroon-colored japan with bronze stripes. The inside finish is in black japan. It contains thirty japanned metal trays, each holding twenty-four glass slides, 75x25 mm. The trays are provided with convenient knobs and with card holders. The new, improved construction of the trays holds each slide independently in its place, preventing shaking or slipping of slides when trays are removed The cabinet is furnished with a good brass lock, and measures 36.5 cm. in height, 32.5 cm. in depth, and 17.5 cm. in width, outside. Capacity seven hundred and twenty slides. Price, complete, with 30 trays, each $30.00 354 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 20 1 631* 6326-6332 Best White Paper, Gummed, Black Border, for Microscope Slides. 100 in a Box. 6316 6318 6320 6322 6324 6326 6328 6330 6332 MICROSCOPIC LABELS, 22 mm. square, per 100, lOc; per 1,000 $ .75 MICROSCOPIC LABELS, 22 mm. x 15 mm., per 100, lOc; per 1,000 75 MICROSCOPIC LABELS, like No. 6316 in books of 500 labels, each 50 MICROSCOPIC LABELS, printed like No. 6316 or No. 6318, with two lines of printing in blue or red, in lots of 12,000, per lot 10.00 MICROSCOPIC LABELS, printed same as No. 6322, but in black, in lots of 12,000. per lot 10.00 We can make these rates on lots of 12,000, because this quantity can be printed at one time mosv economically. Smaller quantities will cost much more proportionately. We can furnish labels without borders if desired. In ordering, be sure to send sample or clear copy* and state shape, and color cf ink wanted. MICROSCOPIC LABELS, red border, oblong, 23x30 .mm., 100 in a box, per 100, lOc; per 1,000 75 MICROSCOPIC LABELS, red. border, oblong, ;>7x37 mm., 100 in a box, per 100, lOc ; per 1,000 75 MICROSCOPIC LABELS, red border, oblong, 35x45 mm., 100 in a box, per 100, lOc; per 1,000 75 MICROSCOPIC LABELS, red border, oblong, 40x65 mm., 100 in a box, per 100, lOc; per 1,000 .75 6334 6334 MICROTOME, Ether Freezing Attachment, Spencer Lens Co. This freez- ing attachment consists of a freezing chamber of hard rubber which so prevents the radiation of the cold that the tissue is quickly frozen. It will freeze tissue, 15 mm. in diameter and 3 mm. thick, in one minute, using only 5 cc. of ether. The ether is held in the metal tank, which for filling may be unscrewed from the support from which it is suspended. Any excess of ether which does not evaporate is drained back into the metal chamber from which it came. There are no bottles or entangling tubes and no waste of ether. It is simple, compact and efficient. It can be used on any sliding microtome $7.50 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 355 6336 6336 MICROTOME Freezing Attachment, for use with Carbonic Acid. The superior qualities of this freezing chamber have been well recog- nized during the past ten years. It is substantially made, easy to operate and eminently efficient. There is a hard rubber non-conducting ring (the suggestion of Dr. L. D. Wilson of St. Mary's Hospital, Rochester, Minn.) between the corrugated plate to which the object is frozen and the rest of the apparatus. This prevents the conduction of the cold from the speci- men to the other parts, thus saving time and gas. This freezing attachment may be used with Microtomes Nos. 6338 and 40. Complete, with copper tube connections , $10.00 6338 6340 6338 MICROTOME, Automatic, Spencer Lens Co. An excellent instrument for cutting celluloidin or frozen sections, may also be used for paraffine sections and can be adjusted for any thickness of cut. This peculiar motion of the knife makes this microtome especially desirable for cutting frozen sections, and when used with our CO 2 freezing chamber it has no equal. Sections may be cut, stained and mounted in one and one'-half minutes from the time the tissue is placed on the freezing plate. Without Freezing Attachment, with one knife $45.00 6340 MICROTOME Table, Spencer Lens Co. For sectioning with Hand Knife, running on glass traveling ways. This instrument may be used with freezing attachment No. 6334 or No. 6336. Without knife $12.50 356 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 6342 6343 MICROTOME Spencer Lens Co., No. 820. The Spencer Rotary Microtome is an original construction. It is intended for the most accurate and careful work. An inclined plane feed, which is independent of the up-and-do.wn movement on the perpendicular support, overcomes the inaccuracies inher- ent in other rotary microtomes. The most important element in a micro- tome is an accurate and reliable feed mechanism. This, and rigidity, are vital. These points are paramount in this instrument. The feed is so arranged that it can be set for sections of any thickness, from 1 micron to 60 microns, by turning the knurled button at the back of the case until the number representing the desired thickness appears opposite the indicator at the small opening in the side of the case near the balance wheel. The total excursion of the feed is 37 mm., allowing a sufficient range for cutting a complete series of a very large object without the necessity of a break due to resetting the knife and feed mechanism. The object clamp is a part of a ball which fits into its socket so uniquely that it is clamped as solidly as though it and its socket were one piece. The object is easily, accurately and delicately oriented to any de- sired angle. The angle can be changed in any plane without interfering with any angle already attained in another plane. The object may easily be rotated. The up-and-down stroke of the object clamp is 50 mm., which permits the cutting of very large sections and gives sufficient stroke for celloidin cutting. The knife is fastened by two clamps, each of which clamps the knife at the back and along \Y$ inches of the edge as well. It may be turned to any desired angle, and the clamps may also be moved toward one another to bring them as near to the ribbon as desired to gain additional rigidity. When the clamps are thus drawn together, the knife may be moved so that practically all of the cutting edge can be used before the necessity of resharpening. The adjusting screws provide for knives of different widths. The balance wheel is grooved, so that the instrument may be run by a motor. Spencer Rotary Microtome, with one knife, handle and back for sharpening, and with three object discs $130.00 Knife holder for celloidin sections extra, 15.00 Knife for paraffin sections extra, 7.00 Knife for celloidin sections extra, 7.00 Adjustable knife holder, permits entire block carrying knife to be shifted sideways, \y 2 inches (3 inches in all) either way from center extra, 10.00 Table with motor, and speed regulator enclosed for 110-volt direct current extra, 75.00 Same for 220-volt direct current extra, 90.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 357 f V 6344 6346 6348 6350 6352 6354 6356 6358 6360 6362 NEEDLES, Dissecting. Made of knife steel, with ebony handle. Description Length, inches Each 8344 Straight, sharp 5J< $0.50 6346 Curved, sharp 5 .50 6348 Curved, blunt 5 .50 6350 Spear, single cutting edge 5 .60 6352 Spear, double cutting edge 5 .60 6354 Harpoon, two cutting edges 5^4 -75 6356 Hook, fine and delicate 5^ -60 6358 NEEDLES, Dissecting. Straight, in cedar wood handle. Per dozen 75 6360 NEEDLES, Dissecting. Bent. Per dozen 75 6362 NEEDLE Holders, with bone handle and nickeled, adjustable clamp holding any size needle. The steel needles illustrated, No. 6364 are recom- mended. Length, inches 3 Y 2 4^4 Each $0.15 .25 6364 NEEDLES. For above holders. O steel; length, 2 inches. Style A B C D Per dozen ; $0.25 .25 .25 .25 '--imnut 6370 6366 NEEDLE, Platinum Inoculating, in glass handles, of No. 27 wire 75 6368 NEEDLE, Platinum Inoculating, in glass handles, of No. 24 wire 1.00 6370 NEEDLE, Platinum Inoculating, removably set in metal handle by screw chuck, complete with 3 inches of platinum wire, No. 27 1.00 6372 NEEDLE Holder, as above, without platinum wire 75 358 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 6374 6374 PARAFFINE OVEN, Dr. Lillie, of polished copper, having three walls and covered with an insulating material. Provided with drawers, which are numbered, size 10 inches long, 4 inches wide and 3% inches deep. The sides and back being perforated zinc, allow circulation of heat from the top to the bottom of the chamber. The fronts of the drawers are of copper, with drop handles; also provided with water gauge, stop-cock and tubulations for thermometer and thermo-regu- lator. A complete water bath for general laboratory work. The enclosed sheet iron base is 10^ inches high. Eight drawers. Outside dimensions, 13^ inches wide, 19J^ inches high, 14 inches 'deep ...... $ 90.00 6374(a) PARAFFINE OVEN, same, Electrically-heated ....................... 150.00 6378 PARAFFINE OVEN, 16 drawers. Outside dimensions, 22y 2 inches wide, inches high, 14 inches deep ................................... 125.00 6376(a) PARAFFINE OVEN, same, Electrically-heated ....................... 175.00 6378 PARAFFINE OVEN, 24 drawers. Outside dimensions, 26 inches wide, 28 inches high, 15 inches deep ............................... '. ..... 150.00 6378(a) PARAFFINE OVEN, same, Electrically-heated ........................ 200.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 359 6380 6380 PARAFFINE BATH, Naples, made of polished copper, 12 inches long, 9 inches wide and 5 inches high, including a sheet iron base 13 inches high. The Bath is provided with two nickel-plated cups, one of them 2^ inches diameter by 1J/2 inches deep, and the other 2% inches di- ameter by ?4 inch deep, watch glass shape; also five imbedding pans with supports to prevent overturning and seven tubes for vials, 1^4 inches deep, two are ^5 inch, two % inch and three 1 inch diameter. Provided with tubulations for thermometer and gas regulator. The imbedding compartment is 5x4x3 inches deep. Under this is a drying chamber with a drawer. The warming table, 9x3 inches, in front of the Bath, is very useful for keeping imbedding pans warm, etc. Price $30.00 6382 PARAFFINE BATH round, made of polished copper, 12J/2 inches di- ameter, 3^2 inches deep, with sheet iron base, l l /i inches high. There are ten cups, seven be- ing of a deep form and three shallow; provided with five tubulations in the top for glass tubes, and tubulations for ther- mometer and gas regu- lator. Price $25.00 6382(a) PARAFFINE BATH, same as above, complete with gas regulator, ther- mometer, burner and gas tubes. Price $35.00 6382 360 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 6384 6384 PARAFFINE BATH, Miller's, made of polished copper, 8 inches long, 4 inches wide and 4 inches deep, provided with an extra sheet iron bot- tom to prevent burning out, and iron base 5 inches high. The Bath has two nickel-plated cups, one shallow and one deep. The shallow cup is 2J/6 inches diameter and ^ inch deep, watch glass shape, and the deep one is 2% inches diameter and l l / 2 inches deep; also pro- vided with two drawers to hold slides and tabulations for thermome- ter, gas regulator and five test tubes. Price. -.$20.00 6386 6386 PARAFFINE BATH, designed by Prof. W. M. L. Coplin. The bath is supplied with four cups, 3 inches diameter by 4 inches deep, and one large central res- ervoir 7x3x4 inches deep, the latter connected with stopcock to draw off melted paraffine. Three spaces in front are for heating material in glass vessels or beakers, etc.; also provided with valve to draw off the water. The iron stand is 17 inches high, and a cylindrical shield for the gas flame is pro- vided; also Tubulations for Thermometer and Gas Regula- tor. Outside dimensions, 12x 12x23 inches high. Price $50.00 6388 PARAFFINE BATH. Same as above, but large size. Outside dimensions, 24x12x23 inches high. Price $75.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 361 D E F G H 6390 K L 6390 SCALPELS. Of be&t grade steel, properly tempered to retain a good cutting edge. They are carefully finished in every detail. The all-steel scalpels are easily cleaned and sterilized. Cutting Edge, inches Style Each Cutting Edge, inches Style Each 6390a . . 134 A $0.60 6390g 13/ G $0.50 6390b . . 13/& B .60 6390h 1 J A H 50 6390c . . iy% c .65 6390J . . l*A T .50 6390d . . 2/3 D .65 6390k . 1 K 50 6390e .. 2 E .75 63901 . y. L 50 6390f . . .2 F .60 6392 6392 SCALPELS Cartilage Knives, all steel, with corrugated handles, cutting edge 45 mm $0.50 6394 6396 6394 SCISSORS, Dissecting, of good quality steel, nickel plated, medium heavy, t l /2 inches long $0.50 6396 SCISSORS, Dissecting, extra quality, nickel plated, straight, fine points, t l / 2 inches long .60 6398 6400 6398 SCISSORS, Dissecting, as above, points bent at angle, 4J4 inches long 80 6400 SCISSORS, Dissecting, as above, but curved on the flat, 4 l / 3 inches long 80 362 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 6402 6402 SCISSORS Shears, Cartilage, of best steel, with knife shaped plates and lock joint, corrugated handles. Length, 8 inches .$4.25 6404 6406 6408 6410 6412 6414 6404 SECTION LIFTERS Of German silver, with thin blade, 4 inches long $0.30 6406 SECTION LIFTERS Of aluminum, 5^ inches long 30 6408 SECTION LIFTERS In ebony handle, with flexible blade, 12 mm. wide... .50 6410 SECTION LIFTERS As above, with blade 20 mm. wide 50 6412 SECTION LIFTERS As above, wi,th blade 38 mm. wide 60 6414 SECTION LIFTERS In ebony handle with concave perforated bowl 18 mm. diameter . 1.50 6416 6416 SECTION RAZOR Of best quality steel, with folding handle, one side flat, other concave, 8 ctm. cutting surface, each in case 2JDO LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 363 6418 6418 SLIDE WARMER, Electric, to provide a convenient method of mounting paraffin sections. The slides are heated slowly and evenly over their entire extent to a temperature just below the melting point of the paraffin, thereby giving maximum flattening without damage to the specimen. Forty slides can be accommodated at one time. A ther- mometer is placed just below the block of transite and registers a temperature somewhat lower than that on the surface. With paraffin of 55 the best results are obtained when the regulator is set to main- tain a thermometer 'temperature of 43. The slides are protected from dust while drying by a metal hood which is placed over the apparatus. With this slide warmer drying is cut down from 24 hours at room temperature to 2 or 3 hours at a temperature just under the paraffin melting point. Price, complete.. $35.00 6420 6420 ELECTRIC STERILIZER or Drying Oven. The construction of this Steri- lizer is the same as our 6422, except for single walls and a maximum current consumption of only six amperes. Inside dimensions: Height, 10 inches; width, 14 inches; depth, 10 inches. Single door and two removable shelves. Designed to maintain temperatures of from 60 to 150 degrees Centigrade. Furnished with six-foot cord and attach- ment plug. Chemical thermometer included. Weight, packed for shipment, 38 pounds. Price, complete $55.00 364 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 6422 6422 ELECTRIC STERILIZERS or Drying Ovens. The frame work of our Sterilizers are made of steel, with bodies of transite and fittings of lacquered brass. Electric Sterilizer is made with double walls of transite, with an intervening dead air space and is furnished with double doors, thus insuring perfect insulation. It is constructed to maintain temperatures of from 60 to 200 degrees Centigrade, with a maximum current consumption of approximately nine amperes. The inside dimensions are: Height, 10 inches; width, 18 inches; / depth, 10 inches. It has two removable shelves and will, therefore, accommodate glass apparatus of various sizes. The Heating Medium consists of six self-contained wire units, which are wound on natural lava stones, thus preventing crumbling and disintegration, with greatly increased stability of the unit. The units can be easily removed with the aid of a screwdriver and re- placed with new ones, should they burn out. A pilot lamp is pro- vided to indicate when the current is on or off. The heating units are governed by a controller and thermo-regu lator, the operating screws of which are located on the side of the Sterilizer near the bottom. These afford means of utilizing two or more of the units at a time, as occasion may require. The elec- trical connections are complete, including special six-foot cord, with snap switch, ready for instant connection. Chemical thermometer included. Owing to the amount of current (9 amperes) required to operate this Sterilizer at its maximum heat, special provision must be made for an electric circuit other than the ordinary light circuit. Weight, packed for shipment, 85 pounds. Price, complete as per cut $110.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 365 6424 6424a 6424 STERILIZERS Arnold's, Boston Board of Health Pattern. Made of copper throughout, with double walls, double doors and two removable shelves. The square form, with doors opening conveniently at the side, make these sterilizers much more desirable for laboratory purposes than other styles. Size 1 2 Inside height of chamber, inches 14^4 15J4 Inside width of chamber, inches 8^4 12/4 Inside depth of chamber, inches 9 12J4 Each $40.00 45.00 The above Sterilizers can also be furnished so arranged that either steam or dry heat can be used in the sterilizing chamber at the pleasure of the operator, for an additional charge of $5.00. 6424a STERILIZERS Arnold's. Inexpensive and maintaining an unvarying tem- perature of 100 C. in all parts of the sterilizing chamber, without needing any care or attention. Made of heavy tin with copper bottom. No , 622 623 624 625 Height inside, inches 7j 10^ Diameter inside, inches 8J4 9 Each $4.50 5.25 6.00 6.75 STERILIZERS, as above, made entirely of polished copper. No 632 633 634 635 Dimensions as above. Each $10.75 14.75 17.00 19.00 6424b STERILIZERS Arnolds, similar to 6424a. Side Door pattern. Made of heavy tin with copper bottom. No 622J^ 623^ 624^ Height inside, inches 7^j 10% 11^4 Diameter inside, inches 8^2 9 10% Each $5.00 5.75 6.50 7.00 6424c STERILIZERS, as above, made entirely of polished copper. No! 632J4 633^ 634J4 635^ Dimensions as above. Each $12.00 16.00 18.50 20.00 366 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 6426 6426a STERILIZER, Hot Air, Lautenschlager. These Hot Air Sterilizers are very efficient, being constructed with three walls, providing two air spaces through which currents of hot air, heated by a row of small Bunsen burners between the outer walls, pass continuously in the direction indicated by the arrows in the illustration. An even temperature is maintained, and there is no danger of withdrawing the temper from any instrument placed near the wall of the oven. The sterilizer is constructed of Russia iron covered with asbestos. A temperature of 150' C. can be attained within fifteen minutes. Twelve inches high, 18 inches wide, 9 inches deep, with one shelf. . .$ 50.00 STERILIZER, 18 inches high, 24 inches wide, 14 inches deep, with two shelves 65.00 6426b STERILIZER, 24 inches high, 30 inches wide, 18 inches deep with three shelves 90.00 6426c STERILIZER, 30 inches high, 36 inches wide, 20 inches deep, with three shelves 125.00 STERILIZERS, Hot Air, for sterilizing instruments, bandages, etc., in dry heat; made of Russia Iron, with double walls. In order to secure a perfectly even circu- lation of the heat, there are con- necting openings between the door and oven. The heat is fur- nished by a powerful Bunsen Burner, which is placed below the funnel-shaped opening in the center of the bottom of oven, circulating through the double walls and escaping through the ventilator in the center of the top. Upright pattern, with ears to hang on wall and support fof burner. The inside measurement is 12 inches high, 9 inches wid( and 9 inches deep, with one shelf. Price $20.00 6428(a) STERILIZER, Hot Air, same as above, but covered with as- 6428 be&tos. Price $30.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 367 6430 6430 SERUM OVEN, Apparatus for Coagulating Blood Serum, Koch, made of copper, double wall, heavily tinned on the inside, while the outside is covered with an insulating material, and the glass top with a heavy felt; supported by four legs, the two in front being slotted, and mov- ing in grooves, allows the oven to be tilted as desired. It is provided with a water level and drip cock, and in addition there are two open- ings for inserting a thermometer and a gas regulator. Size, 12xlOx2J/ inches deep, inside dimensions $35.00 6430a SERUM OVEN, size 16x8x2 J4 inches deep, inside dimensions 42.50 6430b SERUM OVEN, size 16x14x2^ inches deep, inside dimensions 50.00 SYRINGE IMPROVED MILITARY OUTFIT 6431 6431 The Ideal Emergency Hypodermic Equipment. Outfit is less than half an inch in thickness and curved to conform to the body. Adapted to any pocket, preferably the fob pocket. Unequaled for convenience. Sim- ply release the spring which holds the cover. in place and immediately syringe, tablets and needles are at your service. The telescoping cover accommodates standard Hypodermic Vials and entirely eliminates dust from the tubular vial holders by completely closing over them. Price, nickel-plated case $ 4.00 368 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 6432 6438 SYRINGE, Record Precision Syringes. The "Record" Syringe consists of metal and glass only. The metal mountings are soldered to the barrel by means of a metal alloy, thus forming an inseparable whole. The glass barrel is ground inside to form a perfect cylinder, and is provided with an accurate graduation etched into the glass. The nickel plunger is "ground in" to fit the glass barrel hermetically; it slides smoothly, yet tightly, with- out any lubricant. Complete with two steel needles and sterilizing rack in seamless metal case. Capacity, cc Each, net $3.25 4.00 6432a SYRINGE Only, net 2.50 3.00 5.50 4.25 10 6.50 5.00 20 8.00 5.75 6434 6484 SYRINGE, Luer's, glass aseptic syringes. Constructed without any washers or packing and is easily sterilized in solution or boiling water. Each plunger is ground to fit its own barrel and is not interchangeable, insuring a perfect fit and obviating back-flow or regurgitation. Complete with two steel needles in seamless metal case. Capacity, cc 2 5 10 20 Each, net... $2.50 3.50 4.50 6.25 6434a SYRINGE, Syringe only, net 1.25 2.25 3.00 4.00 6436 6436 SYRINGE, Luer's Tuberculin Syringes, for the administration of Tuberculin. Concentrated Serums, etc. Complete with two steel needles in metal case. Capacity, cc l /2 1 Graduated to cc 1/40 1/100 Each, net $3.25 2.75 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 369 opened, insure dust-proof compartments. LABORATORY TABLE The Laboratory necessitates the use of an assortment of various apparatus, chemi- cals, glassware, etc., that always take up valuable space and usually consume time in assembling, whenever a test is to be made. To facilitate the work in the Laboratory, we have designed a compact Laboratory Table, with a place for everything, thus eliminating time usually spent in looking for things, or in connecting or disconnect- ing electrical apparatus, that are being used. General Description. The Cabinet is made horn selected quar- ter-sawed oak, with a massive and substan- tial construction. It is finished in light oak with the finest high grade hand-rubbed fin- ish. The top of the working table is fin- ished in the customary acid-proof black. The dimensions over all are: height 56", width 56", depth 33". Size of working space, 5524"xl8". Height from floor 30". The upper part of the cabinet is divided into two equal compartments, each 20^4" high x 25 l /z" wide x 31J4" deep and provided with two adjustable shelves. Specially constructed roller curtains, easily closed or A hole 3" in diameter is provided in the right hand corner of the second compartment, permitting the convenient disposal of refuse into a jar. placed on a small shelf in the compartment belo^. The lower part of the cabinet has two compartments, each 25" high x 15" wide x 30" deep, equipped with doors. The right hand compartment is provided with an exceptionally solid, stationary shelf intended to support a Centrifuge. The space below this shelf as well as the left hand side compartment are jntended for storage purposes of glassware, etc. There are two drawers, each 2^2" high x 8^" wide x 2124" deep. One of them is divided into several small compartments while the other one is without divisions. All compartments and drawers are furnished with locks and keys, thus preventing tampering. ATTACHMENTS AND ACCESSORIES A porcelain sink, 7 inches in diameter by 6J^ inches deep, is furnished together wtih a gooseneck faucet. Water and gas connections are provided and arranged so that every convenience is offered the operator. Size of water connection y% inch Size of gas connection $ inch Size of drain i inch A Burette Holder is also furnished. This holder is attached to the side of the dividing partition in the upper part of the Cabinet. It may be removed, when not in use, so as not to interfere with the closing of the roller curtain. The Burette is held in position by an easily adjusted spring, permitting adjustment both hori- zontally and vertically. Electrical Connections. The table is wired for electricity. A push switch, located on the right hand side, cuts off the electric current to the entire table. Four Edison Base Sockets installed conveniently at the right hand corner of the working space, afford connections for the electrical apparatus required. A special socket in the lower right hand compartment provides connection for a centrifuge. An adjustable Desk Light is installed at the top of the Cabinet, directly over the dividing partition. This light is provided with a separate switch. In the center of the table, in a position most appropriate for the use of a micro- scope, there is embedded an electric microscope lamp, covered with approved daylight glass. A convenient push switch is provided for this lamp. When not in use the daylight glass is protected by a hinged metal cover, which folds down flush with the top of the table. An electric cord wtih attachment plug is also furnished and the table may be attached to any electric light socket without danger of burning out the fuse. MANUAL In order to enable the physician to more accurately perform the laboratory tests, essential to clinical diagnosis, we furnish a complete working manual with each table. Price of the Physicians' Laboratory Table, complete with the above mentioned attachments and accessories, but without apparatus, stains or glassware, F. O. B. Chicago .1500.00 370 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. 6438 6438a 6438 TEST TUBE BASKET, of Wire, for sterilizing test tubes, etc., rectangular shape, with partition in the middle. 8 in. long, 5 in. high, 4 in. wide. .$1.00 6438a TEST TUBE BASKET, as above, square shape, 5 in. long, 5 in. high, 4 in. wide 80 6438b TEST TUBE BASKET, size 6 inches by 6 inches by 6 inches 1.00 6438C TEST TUBE BASKET, size 9 inches by 9 inches by 9 inches 2.00 6438d TEST TUBE BASKET, size 5 inches by 4 inches by 5y 2 inches high 1.00 6438e TEST TUBE BASKET, size 8*/ 2 inches by 5 inches by 5^ inches high 1.50 6440 6442 6440a TEST TUBE BASKET, as above, round form, 9 in. diameter, 9 in. high 2.00 6442 TEST TUBE BASKET, Brown's, of perforated brass, 8x4x3 inches, with partition . , 3.75 6444 6446 6444 TEST TUBE SUPPORT, made of tinned wire, square form for 48 tubes 1.50 6446 TEST TUBE SUPPORT, as above, round form for 48 tubes . . 1.50 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 371 THERMOMETERS In bacteriological work it is essential that the thermometer be reliable and accurate. Those which we list below have been found entirely satisfactory in the different kinds of work for which they are intended. o 6454 6450 6452 6448 6448 Incubator Thermometer. This high grade thermometer is made of the best quality normal glass and is provided with a milk glass scale on which the standard temperature, 37J4, is indicated by a red line. Length, 500 mm.: scale to 60C, graduated in 1/10 $7.50 S448a Incubator Thermometer, as above. Length, 450 mm.; scale to 50C, graduated in 1/5 6.00 6450 Incubator Thermometer, self-registejing; maximum and minimum on Sixe's system. The milk glass scales are 160 mm. in length and are gradu- ated from minus 20 to plus 50C. The standard temperature is indicated by a red line. The lower part for insertion in the tubulation of the incubator is 200 mm. long. The thermometer is furnished complete with horse-shoe magnet for readjusting the indicators 7.50 6452 Incubator Thermometer with very distinct graduations on a white back- ground. Graduated from to 50 C with standard temperature indicated by a red line. Total length 250 mm 3.00 6454 Chemical Thermometer with Centigrade scale etched in degrees on stem with white background. Length 300 mm. Scale graduated to 100C.. 1.10 6454a Chemical Thermometer, as above. Length 300 mm. Scale graduated to 150C 1.25 6454b Chemical Thermometer, as above. Length 350 mm. Scale graduated to 200' C 1.35 6454c Chemical Thermometer, as above. Length 400 mm. Scale graduated to 360 C . . 1.50 372 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. THERMO REGULATORS 6450 6458 6460 6462 6456 Muencke's Improved Thermo-Regulator for low pressure only. In this regulator a stopcock controls the passage of gas through the horizontal tube to the reserve flame. When the temperature rises the gas supply is reduced by the mercury closing the passage at the fork $7.50 6458 Reichert's Thermo-Regulator, improved form with stopcocks to prevent extinguishing the flame 5.00 6460 Dunham's Thermo-Regulator. This is an extremely sensitive regulator in which the sensitiveness is derived from a large alcohol bulb. The minute changes in the volume of the alcohol as caused by the varia- tions in temperature act upon a U-shaped column of mercury and control the volume of gas which passes through" the tubes Adjust- ments for the different temperatures to be maintained are made by sliding the gas inlet tube upward or downward as required. The thermostat is furnished complete with liquid and mercury for rilling. A set of directions for use is supplied with each instrument 5.00 6460a Glass Parts only for Dunham's Thermo-Regulator 3.00 6462 Reichert's Thermo-Regulator for high temperatures 4.25 6462a Reichert's Thermo-Regulator for low temperatures 4.25 6462b Reicherfs Thermo-Regulator, short form for water baths 4.25 6464 6i64 Reichert-Novy's Thermo-Regulator. This is an improved form for high or low temperatures and the regulator may be adjusted so that the maximum flow of gas, which is ample for high temperatures, may be reduced to an amount just sufficient to keep the flame from going out. When used in connection with the gas pressure regulator, Merrill's, it will be found to work to the greatest satisfaction $10.00 See, also, Gass Pressure Regulators. LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 373 6466 6468 6466 THERMOSTAT, Pencil Type. The Thermostat shown herewith is used for controlling temperatures of liquids. It consists of a thin copper tube hermetically closed at the bottom end, so that it may be partly immersed in liquids without damage to the interior. A sensitive bimetallic bar extends from the bottom half way up the tube The range of the Thermostat is from 30 to 80 degrees Centigrade. A special condenser is mounted inside the tube. The .condenser kills the electric spark when the contact points are separated, thus protecting same against destruction, provided the electric current does not exceed 1 ampere. The dimensions of the Thermostat are: 6 inches in length x 54-inch in diameter. Price, complete. $12.00 6468 Combination Electric Heater and Pencil Type Thermostat for Heating and Con- trolling Temperature of Liquids in Water Baths. The apparatus consists of a heating disc, measuring five inches in diam- eter by one-half inch in thickness and an adjustable pencil type electro- themostat, measuring six inches in length by five-eighths of an inch in diameter, together with a pilot lamp indicating when the current is on or off. They are mounted together and are self-contained, with a six-foot cord and attachment plug, which may be connected to any 110-volt electric light socket. Constant water level in the bath is desirable for best results; water bath heater provides for the maintenance of any temperature between 35 de- grees and 60 degrees Centigrade in any suitable utensil. It is not necessary to use a water bath as shown in the illustration. The apparatus can be applied to any water bath where the maximum capacity of water does not exceed two quarts. Price, complete without water bath $25.00 374 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. :RMOSTAT ILOT LAMP 6470 15 47 La 6470 PARAFFINE BATH, made of poHshed copper, 7 inches long, 3^ inches wide and y/ 2 inches deep, with extra sheet iron bottom and iron base, which is 5 inches high. It is provided with a space for heating slides, and two nickel- plated cups. The shallow cup is 2^ inches diameter and ^ inch deep, watch glass shape, and the deep one is 2^ inches diameter and \]/ 2 inches deep. Also tubulations for thermometer, gas regulator and three test tubes. 6471a BATH. Inside dimensions of water compartment, 9x9x5 inches deep. Furnished with two No! 55 test tube racks, thermometer and 96 3x^4 inch test tubes. Adjusted for either 37^ or 56 Centigrade. Maximum current consump- tion 2 amperes. Price, complete $50.00 6471b BATH. Inside dimensions of water compartment 9x4^x5 inches deep. Fur- nished with one No. 55 test tube rack, thermometer and 48 3x->6 inch test tubes. Adjusted for either 37^2 or 56 Centigrade. Maximum cur- rent consumption 1^ amperes. Price, complete $37.50 6472 6472 WATER BATH, Wassermann's, with four copper racks, each to hold 24 blood tubes, with glass doors at the top at an angle, which prevent the condensed moisture from dripping into the tubes. This arrangement also allows the blood tubes to be very easily observed without opening the door and thereby changing the temperature. This bath is constructed of heavy copper, tinned inside, with double wall, the outer surface cov- ered with insulating material, provided with stopcocks for water outlets from the bath and jacket, also tubulations for Regulator arid Thermometers, one of which can be conveniently fitted inside the bath so that it can be read without opening the door. Outside dimensions are 18 inches high, 18 inches long and 16 inches wide; the base is 9 inches high. Price ; , ,', $90.00 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 375 ARMY MEDICAL SCHOOL MODEL WASSERMAN BATH 6374 DESCRIPTION This Pattern Wasserman Bath which has been adopted as the Standard for the United States Army, is most economical in operation. The Water Vessel which measures 30"x23"xl2" deep, on the standard size, per- mits the use of a very large volume of water. Being surrounded by a Case of Polished Rust Resisting Iron, lined with a heavy layer of asbestos, the water holds its temperature with the minimum expenditure of heat. A single Micro burner being sufficient for this large bath when gas is used. The only part exposed to the air is the lid. The Lid is made double the outer, or top being flat, the inner lid sloping to rear. The condensation which forms on the outer lid falls on the inner lid, flowing to the two rear corners prevents any dripping of water into the Tubes from injuring the specimens being tested. There is furnished with each bath a Thermometer, also a Gas Thermo Regulator and two Micro Burners. The Constant Level which maintains the correct height of water in the bath is very simple, and easily connected with two rubber hose, one from the water supply and the other to the waste pipe. The use of this feature is optional. The amount of water evaporated being very little. When Electric Equipment is ordered with this, we furnish an Electro Regulator of the best make and all necessary connections, Lamp Switch, etc., to use on either 110 or 220 volts. The racks furnished, 20 in number, are marked from 1 to 200, are the Standard Army Medical School Wasserman Type. 376 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. WASSERMAN BATH This Bath designed for Doctor S. R. Miller of the Phipps Psychiatric Clinic of Johns Hopkins Hospital of Baltimore, Md. Being mounted in an As- bestos lined Russian Iron Stand, maintains the re- quired temperature 37^" with the smallest possible consumption of gas. The Water Pan and the Lid made of Heavy Copper, heavily coated on the inside with pure block tin and pol- ished outside, having a spe- cially constructed Double Lid the inner one of which slopes toward the rear, pre- venting any dropping of the Condensation of the Sera being tested. The Thermometer Holder is so arranged that the Ther- mometer maintains its up- right position at all times, thus when necessary to place near a wall, the Thermome- ter does not have to be re- moved when raising the lid. There are two other tabla- ture openings provided for such times as they may be desirable. Prices and Sizes Small Wasserman Bath $45.00 Outside dimensions, 24"x 14"xl8" high. Hold 6 Racks 16 Tubes each. Large Wasserman Bath, $50.00. Outside dimensions, 24"xl8"xl8" high. Holds 10 Racks 16 Tubes each. When desired we can make a special provision on the side for Thermom- eter, Thermo Regulator, Constant Level Device and Glass Water Gauge. Extra, $10.00. Racks for Above White Enamel Metal Rack for 12 Tubes, each $1.50 White Enamel Metal Rack for 16 Tubes, each *. . 2.00 6378 Inactivation Bath. Measurements, 11" diam- eter and 12" high. De- signed to prevent the loss of heat and to maintain the proper temperature 56 with minimum cost. Water compartment of heavy copper, tinned inside with pure block tin. Test tube holders may be used in such a way that all small or all large tubes may be used or the outer or inner row may be small or large as suits the- conditions that may arise. Price, complete $35.00 Extra Outer Holders $6.50 Extra Inner Holders $7.50 6376 6378 Special and ordinary glassware made in our glass blowing department. Culture Basks, fermentation tubes and so forth made exactly to specifications with prices reasonable. Quotations on special bacteriological apparatus, both metallic and of glass gladly given upon request CHEMICAL SECTION In the following pages of our CHEMICAL SECTION, we are listing the prices on all Chemicals commonly handled by us. While it is impossible to guarantee against the fluctuations in prices during these times, the prices shown are those prevailing at the time of going to press. Additional charge is made for containers, depending upon the size and character of same. A. DAIGGER & CO. 378 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. Oz. Lb. Abrastol $ 2.00 Absinthin Acetal pure 1.50 Acetaldehyde See Aldehyde Ethylic Acetamide 1.25 Acetanilide, cryst. or powd. U. S. P 15 $ 1.20 Acetin (mono) Acetone techn .60 Acetone pure U. S. P 80 Acetone c. p 1.45 Acetone, Monochlorated see Chloracetone Acetone Sulfite 30 2.50 Acetonitrile Acetophenone, (Hypnone) Acetphenetidin U. S. P 4.00 Acetphenylenediamine Para Acetotoluid, ortho Acetoxim Acetyl Acetone Acetyl Bromide 1.30 Acetyl Chloride 60 Acetyl diphenylamine Acetyl iodide Acetyl methylhexylketone Acetyl methylpropylketone Acetyl Oxide see (Acid) Acetic Anhydride Acetyl phenylhydrazine (Hydracetin) 2.50 Acid Acetic 36% U. S. P 35 Acid Acetic 50% c.p .60 Acid Acetic 80% c.p .80 Acid Acetic 99.5% glacial c.p .85 (Acid) Acetic, anhydride c.p. .45 4.75 Acid Acetylsalicylic (Aspi- rin) 1.40 Acid Aconitic Acid Amidobenzoic (Ortho) techn Acid Ammo-acetic See Gly- cocoll Acid Aminosuccinic see Acid Asparaginic Acid Anilinesulfonic see Acid Sulfanilic Acid Anisic Acid Arsenic pure 20 1.30 Acid Arsenic c.p 15 .80 Acid Arsenous lump or powd. techn 10 .35 Acid Arsenous powd. c.p 15 .70 Acid Asparaginic Acid Benzaminoacetic see Acid Hippuric Acid Benzoic from Resin sublimed 1.10 Acid Benzoic from Toluene (Acid) Benzoic Anhydride Oz. Lb Acid Boric cryst. c.p 10 .50 Acid Boric powd. c.p 15 .60 Acid Boric cryst. or powd. U. S. P 10 .35 (Acid) Boric Anhydride (fused) whole c.p (Acid) Boric Anhydride (fused) powd. pure 20 1.90 Acid Borobenzoic 45 Acid Borotungstic 2.50 Acid Bromacetic (Mono) Acid Bromic 1.12 40 5.00 Acid Butyric 60% pure 30 2.70 Acid Butyric 80% 40 3.25 Acid Butyric iso c.p Acid Camphoric medic U.S. P. .60 6.00 Acid Camphoric DAB 5 . Acid Capric (Acid Caprinic) synthetic Acid Caprylic Acid Carbolic crude Com'l .30 Acid Carbolic white cryst U. S. P 20 1.40 Acid Carbolic white loose cryst. C. P 20 1.60 Acid Carbolic synthetic Acid Carbonic (liquefied) .25 Cylinders not returnable for credit but refilling only Acid Carminic Acid Chloric 1.12 (30%) 65 Acid Chlorplatinic see Pla- tin. Chloride Acid Cholic (Acid Glycocho- lic) 30% 65 Acid Chromic technic 20 2.00 Acid Chromic pure 25 2.35 Acid Chromic c.p 30 3.00 Acid Chrysophanic medic. U. S. P . -70 7.50 Acid Cinnamic (Cinnamylic) .85 Acid Citric cryst. U.S.P 20 1.25 Acid Citric powd. U.S.P 20 1.25 Acid Citric cryst. c.p 25 1.85 Acid Citric powd. c.p 25 1.95 Acid Cresylic see Cresol Acid Dichloracetic 2.50 Acid Formic 1.06 abt. 25% pure 15 .60 Acid Formic 1.20 abt. 75% pure ., 20 1.50 Acid Formic 1.20 abt. 90% pure 25 2.00 Acid Mumaric Acid Gallic cryst. U.S.P 25 2.25 Acid Glycocholic Acid Hippuric cryst. c.p Acid Hydrobromic diluted 10% 15 1.05 Acid Hydrobromic cone. 34% .25 2.40 Containers Extra Prices Subject to Market Fluctuations Special Prices in Quantities LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 379 Oz. Lb. Acid Hydrobromic fuming 1.31 pure $ 0.30 $ 2.60 Acid Hydrochloric 20 com'l 6-lb. bottle 07 Acid Hydrochloric 20 120-lb. carboy ., -05 Acid Hydrochloric 1.20 c.p .. .10 .20 Acid Hydrochloric 1.20 c.p. 6-lb. bottles 13 Acid Hydrochloric 1.20 c.p. 10x6-lb. bottles 12 Acid Hydrochloric 1.20 c.p. 120-lb. carboy .11 Acid Hydrochloric 1.20 c.p. spec. As free 10 ,45 Acid Hydrochloric diluted 10% U.S.P 15 Acid Hydrocyanic diluted 2% U.S.P 15 .60 Acid Hydrofluoric 48% techn in rubber bot 2.25 Acid Hydrofluoric 48% techn in ceresin bot .90 Acid Hydrofluoric 48% techn 10-lb. lead jug .35 Acid Hydrofluoric 48% techn 80-lb. lead jug 30 Lead and ceresin not returnable Acid Hydrofluoric 48% c. p . . .25 Acid Hydrofluorsilicic 1.16 techn 15 1.25 .90 2.25 Acid Hydrofluorsilicic c.p Acid Hydriodic 1.5, pure 60 Acid Hydriodic 1.7, pure 80 Acid Hydrio diluted 10% 20 1.80 Acid Hypophosphorous 10% U.S.P 15 .75 Acid Hypophosphorous 30% U.S.P 20 1.50 Acid Hypophosphorous 50% U.S.P 25 2.25 Acid lodic cryst. C.P 1.50 Acid lodic Anhydride 2.25 Acid Lactic 1.21 C.P 45 4.50 Acid Malic cryst. pure Acid Malonic Acid Meconic cryst Acid Metacetonic see Acid Propionic Acid Metacresylic see Cresol Meta Acid Methanedicarboxylic see Acid Malomc Acid Methoxylbenzoic see Acid Anisic Acid Methylacetic see Acid Propionic Acid Molybdic pure 85%... .55 6.00 (Acid) Molybdic Anhydride c.p. 100% 1.00 12.50 Acid Monochloracetic cryst. .30 2.75 Acid Mucic pure Oz. Lb. Acid Muriatic see Acid Hydrochloric ........... .......... Acid Nitric 40 Be techn. 7-lb. bottle .................... $ 0.17 Acid. Nitric 40 Be techn. 140-lb. carboy .............. .. .15 Acid Nitric 1.42 c.p ......... $ 0.10 .25 Acid Nitric 1.42 c.p techn. 7-lb. bottle ................... .20 Acid Nitric 1.42 c.p. techn. 10x7-lb. bottle ................ Acid Nitric 1.42 c.p. techn. 140-lb. carboy Acid Nitric diluted 10% U. S. P... Acid Palmitic techn Acid Palmitic cryst. pr Acid Para-amidobenzolsul- fonic see Acid sulfanilic. . . . Acid Para-anilinesulfonic see Acid sulfanilic Acid Pararosolic see Acid Para . .18 17 .65 Acid Nitric fuming 1.60 pure ____ Acid Nitric fuming 1.60 c.p. .20 .80 Acid Nitrobenzoic Meta c.p ......... Acid Nitrobenzoic Ortho c.p ......... Acid Nitrobenzoic Para c.p .......... Acid Nitrohydrochloric U.S. P. Acid Nitrohydrochloric di- luted 70% .40 .30 Acid Nitrosonitric see Acid Nitric fuming . ... .... .... Acid Nitroanthic see Acid picric Acid Octoic /see Acid Acid Octylic \ Caprylic Acid Oleic techn .30 Acid Oleic pure 10 .35 Acid Orthobic see Aci'd Boric Acid Orthocresylic see Cre- sol Ortho Acid Orthooxybenzoic see Acid Salicylic (Acid) Osmic Anhydride Acid Oxalic cryst. techn 15 1.15 Acid Oxalic cryst. c.p 20 1.55 Acid Oxalic Anhyd. c.p 25 2.00 Acid Oxyphenic see Pyro- catechin Acid Oxysuccinic see Acid Malic . .20 .90 Acid Paratartaric see Acid Racemic Acid Perchloric 1.12 c.p 50 Acid Perosmic see Acid Os- mic . Containers Extra Prices Subject to Market Fluctuations Special Price in Quantities 380 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. Oz. Lb. Acid Phenylformic see Acid Benzoic Acid Phenylic see Acid Car- bolic Acid Phosphomolybdic cryst. c.p Acid Phosphomolybdic 10% sol $ 0.20 Acid Phosphoric Ortho 10% U.S.P Acid Phosphoric Ortho 50% c.p Acid Phosphoric Ortho 85% Acid Phosphoric Meta glac. sticks Acid Phosphoric Meta c.p. . . (Acid) Phosphoric Anhydride Acid Phosphorous 1.12 solut. Acid Phosphotungstic cryst.. Acid Phosphotungstic 10% .10 .15 .15 .20 .20 .25 .45 1.10 solution .40 1.80 .30 .55 .80 1.25 1.50 1.90 4.25 3.50 (Acid) Phtalic Acid Picric techn 45 Acid Picric c.p 50 20% water; cannot be shipped, Acid Propionic ; . Acid Prussic 2% see Acid Hydrocyanic Acid Pyrocatechuic see Py- rocatechin . dry 4.25 4.00 Acid Pyrogallic resubl 50 Acid Pyroligneous crude Acid Pyroligneous purif Acid Pyrophosphoric 25 Acid Quinic cryst Acid Racemic inactive (Acid Uvic) Acid Rosolic 80 Acid Rufigallic Acid Saccharolactic see Acid Mucic . 5.00 .20 .40 2.00 Acid Salicylic amorph U.S.P. .40 Acid Salicylic Natural from oil wintergreen 50 Acid Silicic fine powd. techn Acid Silicic c.p 20 Acid Silicofluoric see Acid hydrofluorsilicic Acid Stearic techn Acid Stearic pure 20 Acid Stibic see Antimonic Oxide 1. Acid Stibious see Antimo- nous Oxide.. 3.75 5.00 .85 1.85 .50 1.05 Acid Cuccinic c.p 90 Acid Sulfanilic 60 3.50 Acid Sulfocarbolic .40 Acid Sulf osalicylic 1.05 Acid Sulfuric 66 Be com'l 9-lb. bottle.. .07 Oz. Lb. Acid Sulfuric 66 Be com'l 180-lb. carboy $0.06 Acid Sulfuric 1.84 c.p .13 Acid Sulfuric 1.84 c.p. 10x9-lb. bottles .12 Acid Sulfuric 1.84 c.p. 180-lb. carboy .11 Acid Sulfuric 1.84 spec. c.p. 9-lb. bottle N. free .20 Acid Sulfuric ' diluted 10% U. S. P .... .15 Acid Sulfuric fuming 20% SO 3 techn .40 Acid Sulfuric fuming 15% SO 3 c.p .70 (Acid) Sulfuric Anhydride in sealed bulbs Acid Sulfurous solut. 5-6% c.p .28 Acid Tannic $ 0.20 1.85 Acid Tartaric cryst. or powd. U. S. P 15 l.io Acid Tartaric cryst. c.p 20 1.60 Acid Tartaric powd. pure 20 1.50 Acid Thioacetic c.p Acid Thymic see Thymol Acid Trichloracetic 60 .... Acid Tungstic c.p Acid Uric (Uric Oxide) Acid Uvic see Acid Racemic (Acid) Valerianic trihydrated .80 .... Acid Wolframic see Acid Tungstic ' .... Aconitine Alkaloid cryst. Po- tent. U.S.P Adonite cryst Adurol Aesculin Agar Agar white shreds 15 1.00 Agar Agar white powd 20 1.25 Agaricin 3.00 Airol (Bismuth Oxyiodogal- late) 1.35 Alanin Alpha Alantin see Inulin "Kiliani" ,. .. Albumen from Blood 20 .90 Albumen from Eggs sol 20 1.55 Albumen from Eggs powder .25 1.55 Alcohol Allylic Alcohol Amylic (Fusel Oil) . .20 1.55 Alcohol Amylic c.p 35 3.00 Alcohol Amylic (iso) Alcohol Amylic Tertiary (Amylene Hydrate) Alcohol Benzylic Alcohol Butylic, normal Alcohol Ethylic denatured .25 Alcohol Ethylic 95% U.S.P.. .10 .55 Alcohol Ethylic absolute 20 1.15 Alcohol Methylic com'l .20 Alcohol Methylic 95% 25 Alcohol Methylic Absl 15 .80 Containers Extra Prices Subject to Market Fluctuations Special Prices in Quantities LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 381 Oz. Lb. .40 .40 .15 .10 Alcohol Propylic c.p Alcohol Wood see Alcohol Methylic Aldehyde see Aldehyde Eth- ylic Aldehyde Acetic see Alde- hyde Ethylic Aldehyde Ammonia cryst. c.p Aldehyde Ethylic cone $ 0.35 Aldehyde Formic see For- maldehyde Aleuronat 10 Alizarine Paste about 20% . . .35 Alizarine Sod. Mono-Sulfo- nate Alkannin 75 Alloxan Alloys: Auer Metal 2.50 Babbit's Metal 15 Devarda for reduction 25 Fusible Rose's Fusible Wood's M.P. about 73-74 Pewter Type Allylthiocyanate (Oil Mus- tard artif.) 30 Aloin 20 Alphanaphthol recryst 45 Alphanaphthylamine see Naphthylamine A Alum see Alumin. Potass. sulfate Alum Ammonia see Alumin. Ammon. Sulfate Alum Chrome see Chrom. and Potass. Sulfate Alum Rubidium Alum Sodium see Alumin and Sodium Sulfate Alumina see Aluminum Ox- ide Aluminum Metal bars 15 Aluminum Metal foil 0.006- inch 20 Aluminum Metal mossy 20 Aluminum Metal powd 20 Aluminum Metal finest pow- der Aluminum Metal sheet Aluminum Metal sticks Aluminum Metal turnings. . . Aluminum Metal wire Aluminum Acetate c.p 20 Aluminum Acetate c.p. solu- tion 8% Aluminum Acetotartrate cryst 20 Aluminum Ammon Sulfate cryst. techn $ 2.60 .30 .15 .15 .15 .20 .75 3.50 15.00 .80 2.00 4.00 4.00 .75 .60 3.00 1.65 1.10 1.65 1.75 1.90 2.50 1.40 1.20 1.40 1.65 1.30 .40 2.25 .25 Oz. Aluminum Ammon Sulfate powd. techn Aluminum Ammon Sulfate c.p Aluminum Benzoate pure...$ 'Aluminum Bromide pure .... Aluminum Carbide Aluminum Chloride cryst. c.p. Aluminum Chloride sub. c.p.. Aluminum Chromate pure. . . Aluminum Fluoride c.p Aluminum Hydrate ppt. techn Aluminum Hydrate ppt. pure Aluminum Hydrate ppt. c.p.. Aluminum Nitrate cryst. c.p. Aluminum 'Nitrate dry c.p. . . Aluminum Oleate Aluminum Oxalate c.p Aluminum Oxide anhydr techn Aluminum Oxide anhydr. c.p. Aluminum Palmitate pure . . . Aluminum Phosphate c.p .... Aluminum Potass. Sulfate cryst. techn Aluminum Potass. Sulfate pure Aluminum Potass. Sulfate cryst. c.p Aluminum Potass. Sulfate powd. c.p Aluminum Potass. Sulfate dry cryst. c.p Aluminum Potass. Sulfate burnt alum Aluminum Sodium Chloride cryst. c.p Aluminum Sodium Chloride anhydr. c.p Aluminum Sodium Sulfate techn Aluminum Sodium Sulfate cryst. c.p Aluminum Sodium Sulfate anhydrous c.p Aluminum Solder Aluminum Sulfate techn Aluminum Sulfate cryst. c.p. Aluminum Sulfate anhydr. c.p Aluminum Sulfide c.p Aluminum Tartrate c.p Alundum 30, 40 or 60 mesh. . Alundum cement Amidoacetophenone-Para . . . Amidobenzoic Acid-Ortho techn Amidol (Diaminophenol Hy drochloride) Amido Phenol Para Amido Phenol Para Hydro- chloride . 0.75 .55 .20 .20 .25 Lb. $ 0.30 .35 1.40 .90 1.90 .25 .15 .25 .15 .20 .20 .20 .25 .15 .25 .10 .15 .15 .20 .30 .15 .15 .25 .10 .15 .25 .35 .20 .75 1.65 .70 .90 1.80 .90 1.25 1.70 1.00 1.25 .70 1.70 .30 .35 .40 .60 .75 .45 1.15 2.50 .35 .80 .90 1.75 .25 .30 .70 1.70 2.50 .80. .20 Containers Extra Prices Subject to Market Fluctuations Special Prices in Quantities 382 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. Oz. Lb. Ammonia Alum see Ahimin. Ammon. Sulfate . . . . .... Ammonium Acetate c.p $ 0.15 $ 1.25 Ammonium Arsenate c.p 20 1.75 Ammonium Arsenite c.p 20 1.75 Ammonium Benzoate Ammonium Bicarbonate c.p. .15 Ammonium Bichromate c.p.. .25 Ammonium Bifluoride c.p... .25 Ammonium Binoxalate c.p. . .20 Ammonium Biphosphate c.p. .20 Ammonium Bisulfate c.p 15 Ammonium Bisulfite solut. c.p 20 Ammonium Bitratrate c.p 25 Ammonium Borate c.p 20 Ammonium Bromide c.p 30 Ammonium Carbonate pure. .10 Ammonium Carbonate powd. .10 Ammonium Carbonate c.p. . . .10 Ammonium Carbonate cubes .15 Ammonium Chloride lump Ammonium Chloride granul. techn Ammonium Chloride granul. pure 10 Ammonium Chloride c.p 15 Ammonium Chloride c.p. spe- cial 15 Ammonium Chromate neutr. c.p 35 Ammonium Chromium Sul- fate c.p 30 Ammonium Citrate c.p 30 Ammonium Fluoride granu- lar 20 Ammonium Fluoride cryst. c.p 30 Ammonium Formate c.p Ammonium Hydrate 26 Ammonium Hydrate 10x4-lb. bottles Ammonium Hydrate 90-lb. carboy .11 Ammonium Hydrate 90 c.p .25 Ammonium Hydrate .90 c.p. 10x4-lb. bottles .18 Ammonium Hydrate .90 c. p. 90-lb. carboy 17J^ Ammonium Hydrosulfide 15 .40 Ammonium Hypophosphite. .25 2.50 Ammonium Hyposulfite c.p.. .20 1.35 Ammonium lodate c.p Ammonium Iodide c.p .70 6.75 Ammonium Lactate Ammonium Molybdate c.p. .. .70 6.75 Ammonium Molybdate c.p. solut 2.00 Ammonium Muriate see Am- mon. Chloride Ammonium Nitrate .40 Ammonium Nitrate fused pure .50 Ammonium Nitrate c.p .15 .50 .80 1.75 1.65 1.30 1.10 .70 1.50 2.25 1.65 2.40 .30 .35 .35 .65 .35 .30 .35 .45 .85 2.75 2.40 2.40 .90 2.20 Ammonium Nitrate fused c.p.: Ammonium Nitrite liquid. . . Ammonium Oxalate c.p Ammonium Oxalate c.p. spe- cial Ammonium Persulfate c.p... Ammonium Phenolsulfonate Ammonium Phosphate com'l Di Ammonium Phosphate sec. c.p Ammonium Phosphate prim. c.p Ammonium Phosphomolyb- date c.p Ammonium Picrate c.p Ammonium Potass. Phos- phate c. p Ammonium Salicylate U.S. P. Ammonium Selenate Ammonium Sodium Phos- phate c.p Ammonium Succinate cryst. Ammonium Sulfate techn.. . . Ammonium Sulfate c.p Ammonium Sulfide see Am- mon. hydrosulfide Ammonium Sulfite cryst. c.p. Ammonium Sulfocyanate pure Ammonium Sulfocyanate c.p. Ammonium Tartrate pure . . . Ammonium Tartrate c.p Ammonium Tetroxalate c.p. Ammonium Thiocyanate see Ammon. Sulfocyanate .... Ammonium Thiosulfate see Ammon. Hyposulfite Ammonium Tungstate Ammonium Valerate Ammonium Vanadate c.p. . . . Amygdalin Amyl Acetate techn Amyl Acetate pure Amyl Alcohol Tertiary see Amylene Hydrate Amyl Butyrate Amyl Hydrate see Alcohol Amylic Amyl Hydride see Pentane. . Amyl Nitrate Amyl Nitrite Amyl Valerate Amylacetis Ether see Amy- lacetate Oz. Lb. > 0.15 $ 0.85 .15 .90 .20 1.60 .25 .20 .20 .10 .15 .20 1.50 .50 .20 .40 .15 .10 .25 .30 .35 .20 .25 .25 1.90 Amylene c.p Amylene Hydrate (Amyl Al- cohol Tertiary) Anethol (Anise Camphor).. Aniline pure Aniline c.p 2.10 1.25 .70 1.00 1.15 4.00 1.50 4.25 .80 .25 .35 2.25 3.00 3.25 1.25 1.75 1.75 .15 1.25 .20 1.60 .55 5.50 .50 .50 1.20 11.00 .25 .30 1.75 2.00 Container* Extra Prices Subject to Market rinctuations Special Price* In Quantities LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 383 Oz. Lb. Aniline Acetate Aniline Hydrochloride c.p. . . Aniline Nitrate Aniline Oil see Aniline pure. Aniline Oxalate. . . Aniline Salt see Aniline hy- drochloride . Red, Red, Red, Red, Aniline Sulf ate Aniline Dyes Black, Nigrosine, soluble in water $ 1.25 Black, Nigrosine, soluble in alcohol 1.25 Blue, soluble in alcohol... 1.50 Blue, methyl 1.50 Blue methylene 1.25 Brown, Bismarck 1.25 Green, Malachite 1.25 Orange, Methyl (Helianthin) 1.50 Orange, Methyl (indicator) 2.00 Red, Aurine 1.25 Aniline Dyes Red, Congo 1.25 Red, Coralline 1.25 Red, Eosine blueish 1.25* Red, Eosine yellowish.... 1.25 Erythrosine 1.75 Fuchsine 1.25 lodeosine 2.00 Magenta 1.25 Red, Rosaniline hydrochloride 1.25 Red, Safranine T 1.25 Red, Scarlet 1.25 Red, Scarlet Biebrich 1.25 Violet, Crystal 1.25 Violet, Gentian 1.50 Violet, Hoffmann 1.25 Violet, Methyl B 1.25 Yellow, Chrysaniline 1.50 Yellow, Chrysoidine 1.25 Yellow, Martins 1.25 Yellow, Primuline 1.25 Anthracene 20% com'l Anthracene Kahlbaum spec Anthraquinone Anthrasol (Purif. colorless tar) Antifebrin (Phenylacetamide) Antimony Metal (Regulus Antimony) 15 Antimony Metal powd 20 Antimony Anhydride see Antimony (ic) Oxide Antimony (ic) Chloride Penta c.p 25 75 25 0.85 1.00 2.10 Oz. Antimony (ous) Chloride Tri c.p $ 0.25 Antimony Fluoride c.p 30 Antimony (ic) Oxide Penta c.p 25 Antimony (ous) Oxide Tri c.p 25 Antimony Oxychloride c.p . . .2.5 Antimony Potass. Sulfurated (Liver Antimony) 25 Antimony Potass. Tartrate c.p 20 Antimony Sulf ate c.p 20 Antimony (ous) Sulfide Tri black c.p 30 Antimony (ic) Sulfide Penta yellow c.p 20 Antimony (ous) Sulfide Oxy red (Kermes miner- al) 20 Antipyrin (Dimethyloxyquinizone) . 2.50 Apiol fluid green 40 Apotnorphine Hydrochloride cryst. U.S.P Aqua Ammonia see Ammon. Hydrate Aqua Fortis see Acid Nitric Aqua Regia see Acid Nitrohydrochloric Arabinose cryst. (Pectin Sugar) Arbutin Arecoline Hydrobromide Argols see Potass. Bitratrate .... Aristochin (Diquinine Car- bonic Ether) Arrowroot see Starch Arsenic Metal Arsenic Metal powd Arsenic Bromide Arsenic Chloride Arsenic Iodide U.S.P Arsenic Sulfide red powd. . . . Arsenic Sulfide yellow powder Arsenic (ous) Oxide see Acid Arsenous Arsenic (ic) Oxide see Acid Arsenic Arsenic White see Acid Arsenous . 2.75 .20 .10 .60 .55 .80 1.00 1.00 Lb. i 2.10 2.35 1.55 1.70 1.75 1.75 2.25 1.50 2.25 2.25 2.25 1.30 .50 Asbestos shore fibre, Ital... .30 2.25 Asbestos long fibre, Ital 60 5.90 Asbestos short fibre washed in acid, Ital 35 2.65 Asbestos short fibre washed and ignited, Ital 40 2.75 Asbestos long fibre washed in acid, Ital 60 6.00 Asbestos long fibre washed and ignited 65 7.00 Asbestos platinized 5% 6.50 Asbestos platinized 10% 12.75 Containers Extra Prices Subject to Market Fluctuations Special Prices in Quantities 384 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. Lb. ; 0.40 Oz. Asphaltum Egyptian $ 0.10 Aspirin see Acetylsalicylic acid Atropine Alkaloid U.S.P A tr opine Sulfate U.S.P Auer Metal (Iron Cerium Al- loy) see Alloys Auripigment see Arsenic sul- fide yellow Azobenzene (Azobenzol) Azolitmin (indicator) 5.75 Balsam, Canada in Xylol 50 .... Balsam Fir 15 .65 Balsam Peru 60 6.50 Barium Metal Barium Acetate c.p 20 1.20 Barium Borate c.p 20 1.10 Barium Bromide c.p 75 Barium Carbonate techn 10 .30 Barium Carbonate c.p 15 1.00 Barium Carbonate c.p. spe- cial 20 1.30 Barium Chlorate powd 15 1.50 Barium Chlorate cryst. c.p.. .20 1.80 Barium Chloride pure .30 Barium Chloride c.p 10 .40 Barium Chloride anhydrous c.p 15 .80 Barium Chromate c.p 20 1.10 Barium Dioxide pure 10 .80 Barium Dioxide c.p .15 1.15 Barium Fluoride c.p 20 1.25 Barium Hydroxide cryst. techn .... .25 Barium Hydroxide cryst. pure 10 .50 Barium Hydroxide cryst. c.p. .15 ' .65 Barium Hydroxide anhydr. c.p 20 1.00 Barium Hyposulfite c. p Barium lodate c.p .90 .... Barium Iodide c.p 90 Barium Manganate c.p 40 .... Barium Molybdate c.p 70 .... Barium Nitrate pure .45 Barium Nitrate c.p 15 .70 Barium Nitrate powder c.p.. .15 ,75 Barium Nitrate c.p Barium Oxalate c.p 20 1.60 Barium Oxide pure Mono... .15 .95 Barium Peroxide see Barium Dioxide Barium Phosphate c.p 25 2.20 Barium Silicate c.p 20 1.60 Barium Sulfate techn .25 Barium Sulfate c.p. powder. . .15 .50 Barium Sulfide techn .40 Barium Sulfide pure 15 1.10 Barium Sulfite c.p 15 1.15 .75 .60 .60 Oz. Barium Tartrate c.p $ 0.55 Barium Thiocyanate c.p Barium Thiosulfate Barium hyposulfite ^.20 Barium Tungstate 60 Barytes see Barium sulfate Battery Fluid Bebeerine Hydrochloride . . . 2.90 Bebeerine Sulfate 2.90 Beeswax see Wax Benzaldehyde (Oil bitter al- monds artif.) Benzidine (Paradiaminodi- phenyl) techn Benzidine c.p Benzin Benzol (Benzene) 90% Benzol (Benzene) c.p 20 Benzol (Benzene) c.p. cryst. (thiophene free) Benzol (Benzene) hexochloride Benzonaphtol (Beta Naphtol Benzoate) Benzophenone (Diphenyl Ketone) Benzoylchloride Benzoyl Hydride see Benzaldehyde Benzoyl Oxide see (Acid) Benzoic anhydride Benzyl Acetate Benzyl Alcohol Benzyl Benzoate Benyzl Chloride c.p 60 Beryllium Carbonate Beryllium Chloride Beryllium Nitrate Beryllium Sulfate Betanaphthol 50 Betol (Beta Naphthol salicylate) 85 Bismal (Bismuth Methylene digallate) 95 Bismuth Metal 60 Bismuth Metal powd 65 Bismuth Acetate c.p 80 Bismuth Arsenate c.p 1.10 Bismuth Benzoate 90 Bismuth Betanaphthol (Orphol) 65 Bismuth Carbonate (Bis. Lb. I 5.50 Subcarbon.) c.p Bismuth Chloride c.p . . . Bismuth Citrate U.S.P.. Bismuth Hydroxide c.p. Bismuth Iodide c.p Bismuth Lactate . . .60 .60 .55 .60 1.10 1.40 .15 8.00 5.25 5.25 .20 .35 1.10 5.00 5.75 6.00 6.50 8.50 6.00 6.00 5.50 6.00 Bismuth Nitrate cryst. c.p.. .45 4.35 Bismuth Oxide c.p 60 6.00 Bismuth Oxide tetra c.p ... .75 7,75 Containers Extra Prices Subject to Market Fluctuations Special Prices in Quantities LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 385 Oz. Oxychloride c.p...$ 0.60 Oxyiodide Oxyiodogallate see Lb. ; 6.00 Bismuth Bismuth Bismuth Airol . Bismuth Phosphate c.p 1.10 Bismuth Phosphate soluble. . 1.30 .... Bismuth Salicylate basic U.S.P 60 6.50 Bismuth Subbenzoate 85 Bismuth Subcarbonate U.S.P. .55 5.75 Bismuth Subgallate pure 45 4.75 Bismuth Subiodide see Bis- muth Oxyiodide Bismuth Subnitrate c.p...., .60 6.00 Bismuth Sulfate c.p 65 6.50 Bismuth Sulfide c.p 1.10 Bismuth Tannate 45 4.50 Bismuth Valerianate 95 .... Bismuth and Ammonium Citrate U.S.P 65 6.50 Bisol see Bismuth Phosphate soluble Bitumen see Asphalt Black Lead see Graphite Bleaching Powder see Calc. hypochlorite Bone Ash .15 Borax see Sodium Borate Borneou Bromalin (Bromethylformin) 1.65 .... Bromine 3.00 Bromobenzol Bromoform .70 7.00 Bromural (Monobrom- isovaleryl-urea a.) 2.20 .... Brucine 2.00 Brucine Sulfate 2.00 Butyl- Chloralhydrate 80 Butyrin, mono Cadmium Cadmium Cadmium Cadmium c.p. . . . Cadmium Cadmium Cadmium Cadmium c.p. . . . Cadmium Cadmium Cadmium Cadmium Cadmium Cadmium Cadmium Cadmium Cadmium Cadmium Metal sticks 30 3.00 Metal powd 30 3.00 Acetate c.p 35 3.25 Ammon. Bromide Bromide c.p Carbonate c.p Chloride cryst. c.p. Chloride anhydr. Fluoride c.p Hydrate c.p Iodide c.p Nitrate c.p .50 .35 .25 .40 .50 .50 .70 .30 Oxalate c.p 55 Oxide, c.p 55 Phosphate c.p 55 Potass. Iodide Sulfate c.p 25 Sulfide c.p 35 5.00 3.25 2.30 3.75 5.25 5.00 7.00 2.75 5.50 5.50 5.65 2.50 3.45 Oz. Lb. Caesium Metal . . . Caesium Alum. . . Caesium Chloride Caffeine Caffeine pure $ 1.60 Benzoate 1.75 Caffeine Citrate 1.00 Caffeine Hydrobromide 1.50 .... Caffeine Hydrochloride 1.85 Caffeine Salicylate 1.50 Caff eine Sodium Benzoate ... 1.50 Caffeine Sodium Salicylate.. 1.25 .... Calcium Metal 1.10 Calcium Acetate grey techn $ 0.25 Calcium Acetate c.p 15 .95 Calcium Aluminate Calcium Arsenate c.p 25 1.85 Calcium Arsenite c.p 25 1.85 Calcium Bichromate Calcium Biphosphate 15 Calcium Bisulfite solut. c.p . . .10 Calcium Borate c.p 15 Calcium Bromide c.p 30 Calcium Carbide Calcium Carbonate, precipi- tated chalk Calcium Carbonate Calcium Carbonate c.p 15 Calcium Carbonate c.p. special 20 Calcium Carbonate, Iceland Spar 40 Calcium Chloride lump, com'l Calcium Chloride for desiccators 10 Calcium Chloride cryst. c.p.. .10 Calcium Chloride cryst. neu- tral c.p 15 Calcium Chloride anhydr. sticks 15 Calcium Chloride anhydr. gran, c.p .15 Calcium Chromate c.p 20 Calcium Citrate c.p 25 Calcium Ferrocyanide c.p... .30 Calcium Fluoride native powder Calcium Fluoride c.p 20 Calcium Formate c.p Calcium Glycerophosphate . . .30 Calcium Hydrate pure 15 Calcium Hypochlorite techn Calcium Hypochlorite c.p.. .15 Calcium Hypoposphite U.S.P 20 Calcium lodate Calcium Iodide c.p 90 Calcium Lactate soluble.... .25 2.25 Calcium Lactophosphate cryst. soluble 35 3.00 Calcium Lactophosphate powder soluble 40 3.50 .95 .50 1.10 2.90 .30 .20 .10 .70 1.30 4.00 .15 .30 .45 .65 .65 .60 1.65 2.20 2.80 .15 1.30 3.00 .55 .25 .90 1.35 Containers Extra Prices Subject to Market Fluctuations Special Prices In Quantities 386 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. Oz. Lb. Calcium Nitrate c.p $ 0.15 $ 0.90 Calcium Nitrite cryst Calcium Oxalate c.p 20 1.60 Calcium Oxide from Marble .20 Calcium Oxychlorite see Calc. Hypochlorite Calcium Permanganate 60 .... Calcium Peroxide 30 2.80 Calcium Phosphate crude, see Bone ash .... Calcium Phosphate secondary c.p 15 Calcium Phosphate primary c.p 20 Calcium Phosphate tertiary c.p 20 Calcium Phosphide pr 30 Calcium Silicate pure 20 Calcium Silico Fluoride c.p.. .25 Calcium Sulfate, crude (Gypsum) Calcium Sulfate (Gypsum) powder Calcium Sulfate, calcinated (Plaster Paris) Calcium Sulfate c.p 10 Calcium Sulfate anhyrd. c.p. .15 Calcium Sulfide pure 15 Calcium Sulfide luminous... .40 Calcium Sulfite c.p 15 Calcium Tartrate c.p Calomel see Mercury (ous) chloride Camphor Camphor Monobromated cryst 45 Camphoric Anhydride see acid camphoric anhydride .... Canada Balsam see Balsam Fir Cannabine .Tannate 5.50 .... Cantharidin .... Carbamid (see Urea) Carbon Bichloride .... Carbon Dioxide see Acid Carbonic .... Carbon Bisulfide pure .30 Carbon Bisulfide c.p .50 Carbon Tetrachloride pure .50 Carbon Tetrachloride c.p. 20 .75 Carborundum cryst 1,10 Carborundum powd Carmine 60 5.00 Carnauba wax 20 1.10 Carvol Casein 15 .60 Casein ace. to Hammarsten Catechol (Pyrocatechin) 75 .... Catechu .40 Catechu powd .60 Ceresin Black (Ozokerite) .50 Ceresin White. . .50 .25 .20 .90 1.20 1.10 2.75 1.10 2.10 .12 .20 .10 .40 .95 .55 4.00 .55 2.25 1.15 4.25 Oz. Lb. Ceresin Yellow $ 0.40 Cerium Metal tech Cerium Chloride c.p Cerium Fluoride c.p Cerium Nitrate Cerium Nitrate c.p Cerium Oxalate c.p Cerium Oxide c.p Cerium (ic) Sulfate Cerium Tungstate c.p - Charcoal Animal granul $ 0.10 .20 Charcoal Animal purif. moist .15 .65 Charcoal Animal c.p. powd.. .30 3.00 Charcoal Blood acid washed .35 3.00 Charcoal Wood powd .15 Charcoal Wood sticks Chinolin Chinone Chloracetone (Monochlora- cetone) Chloral Alcoholate Chloralhydrate cryst 30 2.50 Chloralose (Anhydrogluco- chloral) 6.50 Chloranil Chlorbenzol Chlorethane, penta 15 .60 Chlorethane, tetra 15 .65 Chlorinated Lime see Calc. hypochlorite .... Chlorine cubes for generat- ing Cl 45 Chlorine Water .40 Chloroform pure U.S. P 15 .95 Chloroform pure Squibbs 1.25 Chloroform purif. for anaes- thesia 15 .95 Chloroform c.p 20 1.50 Chlorophyll techn. Fat and Oil soluble 1.25 Chlorophyll Alcohol soluble 1.00 Chlorophyll Water sol 1.00 Cholesterin Chrome Alum see Chrom. Potass, sulfate Chrome Green see Chrom. oxide .... Chrome Yellow see Lead chromate ppt Chromium Metal Chromium Acetate basic c.p. .50 Chromium Ammon. Sulfate c.p. solut 20 Chromium Borate c.p 40 Chromium Bromide c.p 40 Chromium Carbonate basic c.p 35 Chromium (ic) Chloride subl 1.20 Chromium (ic) Chloride dry c.p 25 5.50 1.35 3.00 1.80 Containers Extra Prices Subject to Market Fluctuations Special Prices in Quantities LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS -381' Oz. Lb. Chromium (ic) Chloride so-. lut 50% c.p $ 0.20 $ 1.10 Chromium Fluoride c.p 35 3.00 Chromium Hydroxide dry... .15 1.00 Chromium Hydroxide c.p. . . .20 1.50 Chromium Nitrate dry c.p... .30 2.35 Chromium Nitrate solut. 40% c.p 20 1.30 Chromium Oxalate c.p 20 1.75 Chromium Oxide c.p 30 2.75 Chromium Phosphate c.p 25 1.90 Chromium Phosphate tri (see Acid chromic) .... Chromium Potass. Sulfate techn. (Chromic alum) 1.10 Chromium Potass. Sulfate c.p. (Chromic alum) 15 1.50 Chromium Sulfate dry c.p... .30 2.50 Chromium Sulfate 30% solut. c.p 20 1.10 Chrysarobin (Acid chryso- phanic) Cinchonidine Alkaloid 1.75 .... Cinchonidine Sulfate U.S.P.. 1.25 Cinchonine Crystals 60 .... Cinchonine Hydrochloride. . . .75 .... Cinchonine Sulfate U.S.P 50 Citral (Aldehyd in lemon oil) Cobalt Metal cubes 80 Cobalt Metal reduced powd Cobalt Acetate c.p 45 4.40 Cobalt Ammonium Chloride c.p 40 3.50 Cobalt Ammon. Sulfate c.p.. .30 2.75 Cobalt Arsenate c.p 1.00 .... Cobalt Bromide c.p 1.00 Cobalt Carbonate c.p 35 3.25 Cobalt Chloride c.p 30 2.80 Cobalt Chloride Ni free c.p. . 1.35 Cobalt Chromate c.p 50 5.00 Cobalt Hydroxide c.p 40 4.00 Cobalt Nitrate c.p 30 2.70 Cobalt Nitrate Ni free c.p... 1.40 Cobalt Nitrate anhydr. c.p.. .35 3.20 Cobalt Oxalate c.p 45 4.00 Cobalt Oxide c.p 40 3.35 Cobalt Oxide from Nitrate.. .50 4.50 Cobalt Phosphate c.p 1.10 Cobalt Sulfate c.p 25 2.10 Cobalt Sulfate anhydr. c.p... .30 2.50 Cocaine Alkaloid U.S.P 6.50 Cocaine Hydrochloride 5.50 . . : . Cocoa Butter .90 Cochineal 20 1.70 Cochineal powd 25 2.00 Codeine Alkaloid cryst 13.50 Codeine Hydrochloride 12.50 .... Codeine Nitrate 12.50 .... Codeine Phosphate 11.50 Codeine Sulfate 12.50 Colchicine . Oz. Lb. .35 .15 .15 .20 Colchicine Sylicylated Collodion U.S.P Collodion U.S.P. flexible Cologne Spirit see Alcohol Ethylic Colophony see Rosin Coniine Alkaloid pure Coniine Hydrobromide Convallamarin Convallarin Copper Metal, gran $ 0.15 Copper Metal, foil .002 inch. .20 Copper Metal, sheet 15 Copper Metal, turnings 15 Copper Acetate basic, refined powder 20 Copper Acetate neutral pure cryst -15 Copper Acetate c.p 20 Copper Acetoarsenite (Paris Green) c.p Copper Ammon. Chloride c.p. Copper Ammon. Sulfate c.p. Copper Arsenate c.p Copper Arsenite c.p 25 Copper Benzoate c.p Copper Bichloride see Cop- per (ic) Chloride Copper Borate c.p 25 Copper Bromide c.p 70 Copper, Carbonate Ppt Copper Carbonate moist, pure Copper Carbonate c.p 15 Copper (ic) Chloride c.p 15 Copper (ic) Chloride anhydr. c.p Copper (ous) Chloride techn. Copper (ous) Chloride c.p... Copper Chromate c.p Copper Citrate Copper Cyanide c.p 30 Copper Ferrocyanide Copper Fluoric c.p .20 Copper Formate c.p 30 Copper Hydroxide c.p 20 Copper (ous) Iodide c.p 1.00 Copper (ous) Monochloride see Copper (ous) Chloride .... Copper Nitrate techn 10 Copper Nitrate c.p 15 Copper Oleate c.p 30 Copper Oxalate c.p 30 Copper Oxide black fine c.p. .20 Copper Oxide black coarse c.p 20 Copper Oxide red c.p ... . .35 Copper Oxide c.p. spec 25 Copper Oxide wire c.p 25 Copper Pentammoniate c.p.. .20 Copper Phosphate c.p 30 0.70 .70 .15 .20 .25 .85 1.60 .75 .90 1.75 1.25 1.55 3.00 .65 .65 2.00 1.50 2.40 .55 .50 1.50 .85 1.10 1.40 1.65 .40 1.50 2.50 1.50 .60 .80 2.20 2.50 1.50 1.60 3.25 1.75 1.60 1.25 2.50 Containers Extra Prices Subject to Market Fluctuations Special Prices in Quantities 388 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. Oz. Lb. Copper Potass. Chloride c.p.$ 0.15 $ 1.25 Copper Potass. Sulfate c.p... .15 1.25 Copper Silicate c.p 15 .90 Copper Subacetate see Cop- per Acetate basic Copper Suboxide see Copper Oxide red Copper Sulfate cryst. techn .35 Copper Sulfate techn. powd .55 Copper Sulfate cryst. pure.. .15 .60 Copper Sulfate cryst. c.p 15 .70 Copper Sulfate anhydr. c.p.. .20 1.20 Copper Sulfide c.p 25 1.60 Copper Sulfite c.p Copper Tartrate c.p 25 2.00 Copper Thiocyanate c.p 45 4.00 Copperas see Iron (ous) sul- fate 50 Corallin (indicator) 50 .... Cornutine Citrate Corrosive Sublimate see Mer- cury (ic) Chloride Cotoin Para 5.40 Cotoin True Cotton absorbent .50 Cotton non-absorbent .50 Cotton Wool for culture tubes 30 Cream Tartar see Potass. Bitartrate Creolin Pearson's .90 Creosote from Coal Tar..... .15 .60 Creosote from Beechwood U. S. P 45 4.50 Creosote carbonate 1.50 Cresol U.S.P 60 Cresol Meta Cresol Ortho Cresol Para. Crocus martis see Iron Oxide red Croton Chloralhydrate (Bu- tyl Chloralhydrate) 85 Cumarin 1.25 .... Cumene (Cumol) 30 3.00 Cumene (Cumol) c.p Curare .... Curcumin cryst Cymene (Cymol) .15 .70 Damar Gum Daturine pure Daturine Sulfate pure Delphinine Dermatol see Bismuth sub- gallate Dextrin techn. yellow or white .25 Dextrin ale. ppt. c.p 50 5.75 Dextrose (Glucose) white lump Dextrose (Glucose) pure Dextrose (Glucose) anhydr. c.p 60 6.00 Oz. Lb. Diacetin Diacetyldioxim (Dimethyl- glyoxim) $ 8.00 Diacetylmorphine pure 12.50 Diamidoazobenzol Diamidophenol Hydrochlo ride see Amidol Diamond Ink 50 Diastase of Malt medic 60 $ 7.75 Diatomaceous Earth see In- fusorial earth Dichloracetone Dichlorethylene Dicyandiamid Dicyandiamidin Sulfate Didymium Nitrate Diethylamine Diethylamine Hydrochloride Digalen (Sol. Digitoxin) Digipuratum powder Digitalin vedum. Digitalin German Digitoxin Dimethylamidoazobenzene Para Dimethylamidobenzaldehyde Para Dimethylaminobenzene 2.25 .... Dimethylaminobenzaldehyde Para 11.00 Dimethylaniline (Dimethyl- amido Benzol) ". .... Dimethylbenzene see Zylene Dimethylethylcarbinol see Amylene Hydrate Dimethylglyoxime (Diectayl- dioxime) 8.00 Dimethylparaphenylenedia- mine HCl (Paraamidodim- ethylaniline Hcl) Dinitrobenzene 45 Dionin (Ethylmorphine Hy- drochloride) 15.00 Dioxyanthraquinone see Ali- zarine Dioxtriphenylphtalide see Phenolphtalein Dipenteneglycol see Terpin- hydrate Diphenylamine Diphenylamine Sulfate Diphenylhydrazine Hydro- chloride Diphenylketone see Benzo- phenone Distilled Water Diuretin (Salicylate Sodium' Theobromine) 2.25 .... Dormiol 50% (Amylenechlo- ral) 55 Duboisine Sulfate Dulcit Dutch Metal leaf Dyes, Aniline and Phenol, see Aniline, etc .... Containers Extra Prices Subject to Market Fluctuations Special Prices in Quantities LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 389 Oz. Lb. Eikonogen Elaterin U.S.P Elaterium $ 2.50 Emery fine, medium and coarse powd $ 0.25 Emetin Resinoid Emetin Alkaloid Emetine Hydrochloride Emulsin Epichlorhydrin (Chloropro- pylene Oxide) . . . Epsom Salt see Magnes. Sul- fate Ergotin Bonjean 1.35 .... Erythrite (Erythrol) Eschkas Mixture c.p 25 2.00 Eserine Alkaloid (Physos- tigmine) Eserine Hydrobromide Eserine Hydrochloride Eserine Salicylate U.S.P Eserine Sulfate U.S.P Eserine Pilocarpine Ether (Sulfuric) Ethylic Ether cone. U.S.P. 1900... .10 .45 Ether (Sulfuric) Ethylis washed 20 1.00 Ether (Sulfuric) Ethylis dist. over Na 25 1.40 Ether (Sulfuric) Ethylic Squibb .95 Ether Acetic U.S.P 15 .90 Ether Acetic absol. c.p 25 1.70 Ether Amylacetic see Amyl Acetate Ether Petrolic 15 .50 Ether Petrolic, Special 2"- .CO Ether Pyroacetic see Acetone . . Ethyl Acetate see Ether Acr. - tate Ethyl Acetoacetate (Diacetic Ether) Ethyl Benzoate Ethyl Bromide 60 5.50 Ethyl Butyrate cone Ethyl Butyrate absol Ethyl Carbamate (Ethyl Urethane) Ethyl Chloride U.S.P Ethyl Formate cone 30 2.75 Ethel Hydroxide see Alcohol Ethylic Ethyl Hydrosulfide (Mercap- tan-Ethyl) Ethyl Iodide .80 Ethyl Nitrite 50% Ethel Oxide see Ether Sul- furic Ether Salicylate 60 5.75 Ethyl Valerianate 80 8.00 Ethylamine solut. 33% Ethylaniline-Mono . Oz. Lb. Ethylene Bromide (Dibrom- ethane) $3.25 Ethylene Chloride (Dichlo- rethane) Ethylidene Chloride Ethylidenediethlic Ether see Acetal Ethylmorphine Hydrochlo- ride see Uionin Ethylurethane see Ethyl Car- bamate Eucalyptol 20 Eugallol (Pyrogallol Mono- acetate) 1.25 Eugenol .50 Euphorin (Phenyl Urethane) 1.65 Equinine (Quinine Carbonic Ether) Euresol (Resorcinol Mono- acetate) 2.25 Exalgine (Methylphenylace- tamide) $ 1.60 5.00 Feldspar Ferric and Ferrous Salts see Iron. Ferratin powder 1.10 Ferropyrine (Ferric chlo- ride- Antipyrine) ' 1.70 Fluorescein (Diresocinolph- talein) 1.05 Fluorescin (Resorcinolphta- lein) 1.90 Fluorspar see Calcium Fluo- ride native Formaldehyde Medic. U.S.P. 40% (Oxymethylene) 10 Formaldehyde Solidified Formamide (Methanamide) Formin (Hexamethylena- mine U.S.P.) 20 Formol see Formaldehyde Formonitrile see Acid Hy- drocyanic Fossil Flour see Infusorial earth Fructose see Levulose Fruit Sugar see Levulose Fullers earth Furfurol (Pyromucic alde- hyde) Fusel Oil see Alcohol Amylic .... .10 .40 1.45 .10 Gaduol (Ale. Extr. Cod- Liver Oil) 1.25 Galactose c.p. (Lactoglucose) .... Garantose refined (Benzosul- finide) 2.25 Gasoline Gelatine White Gold Label.. .20 Gelatine White Silver Label. .15 Gelatine powder 10 Gelseminine Alkaloid. . . .10 1.20 .90 .70 Container* Extra Prices Subject to Market Fluctuations Special Prices in Quantities 390 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. Oz. Lb. Gelseminine Hydrochloride Geraniol Glass Soluble see Potass, or Sodium silicate Glass Wool Bohemian coarse. $ 0.45 $ 4.80 Glass Wool Bohemian fine.. .50 5.60 Glucinum see Beryllium and Salts Glucose see Dextrose Glycerin white U.S.P 10 .90 Glycerin c.p 15 1.25 Glycine (Photo, develop.) Glyocoll (Aminoacetic acid) Glycogen > Glycophenol see Saccharine Glycosine see Saccharine Glycosal (Monosalicylic acid Glyerine ester) 1.75 Glycyrrhizin Ammoniated.. . .45 5.25 Gold Leaf Gold Bromide mono-pure Gold Bromide tri-pure Gold Chloride tri- pure 14.00 Gold Cyanide mono-pure Gold Cyanide tri- pure Gold Oxide tri-pure Gold Sodium Chloride 8.00 Grape Sugar see Glucose Graphite powder .30 Guaethol (Guaiacol Ethyl) . . 1.65 Guaiacol Guaiacol Carbonate Guanidine (Carbamidinei) Carbonate Gum Arabic white best 15 .60 Gypsum native powd .... .12 Gypsum Calcined (Plaster Paris) -;.10 Hematoxylin pure cryst Hemogallol (Deoxidized He- moglobin by Pyrogallol).. 1.15 Hemoglobin powder 50 .... Hemol (Deoxidized Hemo- globin by Zinc 1.15 .... Heroin see Diaoetylmor- phine Hexachlorethane (Carbon trichloride) Hexachlorobenzene Hexahethylenamine U.S.P... .15 1.35 Hexamethylenamine Bro- methylate see Bromalin Hexamethylenetetramine Hexaoxyanthraquinone see Acid Rufigallic Hide Powder com'l 30 Hide Powder for standardiz- ing 45 4.50 Homatropine Alkaloid Homatropine Hydrobromide Homatropine Hydrochloride Oz. Lb. Homatropine Salicylate Homatropine Sudfate Hydracetin see Acetylphe- nylhydrazine Hydrastine Alkaloid $30.00 Hydrastine Hydrochloride. . . 30.00 Hydrastine Sulfate 30.00 Hydrtstinine Hydrochloride Hydrazine Hydrate 50% so- lut Hydrazine Hydrochloride Hydrazine Sulfate Hydrogen Peroxide 3% = 10 Vol. % U.S.P 10 $ 0.35 Hydrogen Peroxide 3% Mar- chand .85 Hydrogen Peroxide 30% = 100 Vol. y z c.p. (Perhy- drol) 75 7.50 Hydroquinone (Paradioxy- benzene) 65 .... Hydroxybenzene see Acid Carbolic Hydroxylamine Hydrochlo- ride Hydroxylamine Sulfate c.p Hyoscine Hydrobromide Hyoscine Hydrochloride Hyoscine Sulfate Hyoscamine Alkaloid amorph : .... Hyoscamine Alkaloid cryst Hyoscamine Hydrobro- mide Hyoscamine Sulfate cryst Iceland Spar for standardiz- ing 60 Ichthalbin (Ichtyol albumi- nate) 1.20 Ichthargan (Silver Sulfoich- thyolate) 3.70 Ichthoform (Ichthiol-For- maldehyde) 1.25 Ichthyol Indigo Madras 20 .... Indigo-Carmine paste 20 1.50 Indigo-Carmine dry 75 7.50 Indium Metal Indium Chloride Indole cryst Infusorial Earth 20 Inasite (Meat Sugar) Inulin Kiliani Iodine crude 65 6.25 Iodine resublimed 70 7.00 Iodine Pentoxide see (Acid) jodic anhydr lodoform cryst. or powd 70 8.00 lodol (Tetraiodopyrrol) 1.55 Iridium Metal powd Iridium Chloride Containers Extra Prices Subject to Market Fluctuations Special Price* in Quantities LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 391 Oz. Lb. Indium Oxide sesqui- Indium Sulf ate Iron Filings $ 0.15 Iron Powder 30 Iron Powder reduced by hy- drogen $ 0.20 2.00 Iron Wire for standard, on spools 20 .... Iron Acetate basic 20 1.55 Iron (ic) Albuminate scales. .30 3.25 Iron (ic) Ammon. Chloride c.p 15 .65 Iron (ic) Ammon. Citrate brown scales 20 1.35 Iron (ic) Ammon. Citrate green scales 20 1.45 It on (ic) Ammon. Oxalata c.p 25 1.75 Iron (ic) Ammon. Sulfate c.p. .15 .65 Iron (ous) Ammon. Sulfate c.p 15 .25 Iron (ous) Ammon. Sulfate c.p. large cryst 20 .90 Iron (ous) Ammon. Sulfate, special, 100% Cu, P, Zn, Cl free 20 1.05 Iron (ous) Bromide 50 Iron'(ic) Carbonate precip... .10 .70 Iron (ous) Carbonate moist c.p 10 .55 Iron (ous) Carbonate saccha- rated 15 .50 Iron (ic) Chloride cryst. C.P. .15 .55 Iron (ic) Chloride cryst. c.p. Phos. free 20 1.40 Iron (ic) Chloride anhydr. subl 25 1.90 Iron (ous) Chloride c.p. dry. .15 1.00 Iron (ous) Chloride c.p 15 .90 Iron (ic) Chromate Iron (ic) Citrate scales U. S. P .20 1.20 Iron (ic) Ferrocyanide insol- uble .25 2.50 Iron (ic) Ferrocyanide solu- ble 25 . 2.50 Iron (ic) Glycerophosphate . .55 5.35 Iron (ic) Hydroxide moist c.p 15 .80 Iron (ic) Hypophosphite U. S. P 25 2.40 Iron (ous) Iodide 65 6.50 Iron (ous) Iodide saccha- rated 45 Iron (ous) Lactate cryst 25 2.25 Iron (ous) Lactate powd 20 2.00 Iron Lactophosphate 25 2.25 Iron (ic) Nitrate cryst. c.p. . . .15 .90 Iron (ic) Oxalate cryst. c.p... .35 280 Iron (ous) Oxalate c.p 20 1.80 Iron (ic) Oxide red ignited .80 Iron (ic) Oxide red c.p 15 .85 Iron (ic) Oxide red saccha- rated soluble .15 .80 Iron (ous) Oxide c.p. from Oxalate $ Iron (ic) Peptonate (Pepton- ized) Iron Perchloride see Iron (c) Chloride Iron Persulfate see Iron (ic) Sulfate Iron (ic) Phosphate ppt. C. P Iron (ic) Phosphate soluble scales U.S.P Iron (ous) Phosphate c.p.. . . Iron (ic) Potass. Oxalate... Iron (ous) Potass. Sulfate c.p Iron (ic) Potass. Tartrate scales Iron (ic) Pyrophosphate sol- uble U.S.P Iron (ic) Quinine Citrate sol- uble Iron (ic) Quinine Strych- nine Citrate Iron (ic) Sodium Oxalate... Iron (ic) Succinate Iron (ic) Sulfate Basic c.p... Iron (ic) Sulfate cryst. C.P.. Iron (ous) Sulfate cp. ale. ppt. Phos. free Iron (ous) Sulphate C.P Iron (ous) Sulphate tech .... Iron Sulfide lumps Iron Sulfide gran Iron Sulfide sticks Iron (ic) Valerianate Isatin Isinglass American best Isinglass Japanese see Agar Agar Isobutylcarbinol see Alcohol Amylic Isodulcit (Rhamnose) Isopropyltoluene see Cy- mene . Oz. ; 0.20 .40 .20 .20 .20 .25 .15 .20 .25 .45 .50 .25 .75 .10 .10 .15 .15 1.20 .20 Ivory Black see Charcoal, Animal . Lb. 1 1.75 3.80 1.00 1.25 1.00 2.25 .90 1.50 1.35 4.50 5.00 1.85 .50 .50 .70 .35 .20 .20 .20 .20 1.60 Japan Wax 10 .40 Kaolin .15 Kaolin Acid washed 35 Kermes Mineral see Anti- mony sulfide red Kieselguhr see Infusorial Earth Kryolith 20 Containers Extra Prices Subject to Market Fluctuations Special Price* in Quantities 392 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. Oz. Lb. Lacmoid scales $ 1.35 .... Lactophenin (Lactylpheneti- din) 1.35 Lactose (Milk Sugar) powd $ 0.45 Lactose (Milk Sugar) cryst. c.p 15 .85 Lampblack .20 Lanthanum Nitrate c.p Lanum hydrous (Wool Fat) .20 1.10 Lanum anhydr. (Wool Fat). .25 1.70 Lead com'l sheet .25 Lead, Shot .25 Lead, Test Lead Ag free gran .50 Lead, Com'l. Mossy .50 Lead Metal com'l sticks .35 Lead Acetate cryst. techn .45 Lead Acetate cryst. U.S.P 50 Lead Acetate powd. -U.S.P 50 Lead Acetate gran, pure U. S. P 50 Lead Acetate c.p 15 .50 Lead Acetate (sub) Basic so- lut. C. P 15 .40 Lead Acetate (sub) Basic c.p. dry 15 .85 Lead Acetate Tribasic c.p .20 1.35 Lead Arsenate c.p .25 1.85 Lead Borate c.p 25 Lead Bromide c.p 75 .... Lead Carbonate White Lead 60 Lead Carbonate c.p 15 .60 Lead Chloride pure 15 1.00 Lead Chloride c.p 20 1.15 Lead Chromate ppt. c.p 20 1.10 Lead Chromate c.p. fused... .20 1.10 Lead Dioxide see Lead Oxide Brown Lead Iodide 50 4.75 Lead Nitrate pure .30 Lead Nitrate cryst. c.p .40 Lead Oleate Lead Oxalate c.p 20 1.50 Lead Oxide di- Brown techn. (Peroxide) .55 Lead Oxide di- Brown c.p... .20 .95 Lead Oxide Mono- Yellow (litharge) 35 Lead Oxide Mono- Yellow c.p 15 .70 Lead Oxide Red (Minium) .30 Lead Oxide Red c.p .40 Lead Peroxide see Lead Oxide-di Brown Lead Phosphate c.p 20 1.75 Lead Silicofluoride 35 2.90 Lead Subacetate see Lead Acetate Basic Lead Sulfate techn., 10 .50 Lead Sulfate c.p 15 .75 Lead Sulfide native .40 Lead Sulfide c.p 15 .70 Oz. Lb. Lead Tannate dry $ 0.35 Lead Tartrate c.p 25 $ 2.25 Lecithin 2.50 Lenigallol (Pyrogallol Tri- acetate) 1.35 Leucine (Aminoisocaproic Acid a.) Levulose Syrup (laev'ose) . . .75 .... Levulose cryst Levulose from Inulin Ligroin .50 Lime see Calcium Oxide Lime Chlorinated see Calc. Hypochlorite Linalool Litharge see Lead Oxide- Mono Lithium Metal cubes Lithium Acetate pure .30 2.65 Lithium Benzoate pure U.S.P. 1.25 Lithium Bichromate pure Lithium Bitartrate pure 35 2.65 Lithium Bromide pure U.S.P. .85 9.00 Lithium Carbonate pure 25 2.00 Lithium Chloride C.P 40 3.25 Lithium Chromate pure Lithium Citrate C.P 40 3.00 Lithium Hydroxide pure Lithium Iodide pure 85 Lithium Nitrate C.P 40 3.00 Lithium Phosphate pure Lithium Salicylate U.S.P 60 5.50 Lithium Sulfate C.P 40 3.50 Litmus cubes 20 2.25 Litmus powd 20 2.00 Litmus purified 65 Litmus Paper see Test Papers Logwood .25 Logwood Extract .25 Lycopodium 20 1.65 Lysol 1.00 Magnesia see Magnesium Oxide .... Magnesite calcined .30 Magnesium Metal powd 1.00 .... Magnesium Metal ribbon... 1.60 .... Magnesium Metal Rods.... 1.20 Magnesium Metal Wire 1.20 .... Magnesium Acetate c.p 15 1.25 Magnesium Ammon. Chloride c.p 15 .55 Magnesium Ammon. Phos- phate C.P 20 1.40 Magnesium Ammon. Sulfate c.p 10 .50 Magnesium Borate c.p 25 Magnesium Borocitrate powd 25 .... Magnesium Bromide C.P... .75 Magnesium Carbonate powd .40 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 393 10 10 15 Oz. Magnesium Carbonate pure.$ 0.15 Magnesium Carbonate c.p. cryst ...................... 20 Magnesium Carbonate c.p. Special ................... 25 Magnesium Chloride cryst. pure ................ . ---- Magnesium Chloride cryst. c.p ....................... Magnesium Chloride cryst. c.p. special ............... Magnesium Chloride fused lumps c.p ................ Magnesium Chloride fused sticks c.p ................. Magnesium Citrate c.p ....... 35 Magnesium Glycerophos- phate pure ................. 45 Magnesium Hypophosphite pure ...................... 35 Magnesium Hyposulfite pure .45 Magnesium Iodide pure ..... 1.00 Magnesium Lactate pure ..... 35 Magnesium Lactophosphate pure Magnesium Nitrate c.p ....... 15 Magnesium Oxalate c.p ...... 25 Magnesium Oxide light, techn .................... .15 Magnesium Oxide pure ...... 20 Magnesium Oxide heavy 35 U.S.P. Magnesium Oxide c.p Magnesium Oxide c.p special Magnesium Oxide and Sod. c.p Perborate Peroxide Phosphate pri- .20 .25 .45 .20 .45 .30 .30 ter- .15 .20 .35 carbonate Magnesium Magnesium Magnesium mary c.p Magnesium Phosphate ondary c.p Magnesium Phosphate tiary c.p Magnesium Salicylate pure . . Magnesium Silicate c 30 Magnesium Sulfate cryst. (Epsom salt) Magnesium Sulfate cryst. (Epsom salt) c.p Magnesium Sulfate anhydr. c.p 15 Magnesium Sulfite pure 15 Magnesium Tartrate c.p 30 Maltose (Malt Sugar) c.p Manganese Metal cryst Manganese Metal pure 40 Manganese Acetate c.p 20 Manganese Ammon. Sulfate c.p Manganese Borate c.p 15 Manganese Bromide c.p 80 Manganese Carbonate c.p... .15 Lb. ; o.eo .95 1.85 .35 .45 .90 .75 .85 .65 2.25 1.05 1.50 1.10 1.85 3.00 1.75 3.75 3.00 2.75 .90 1.25 3.75 3'. 00 .20 .30 .70 .75 2.25 1.35 .90 .90 Manganese Chloride techn.. $ Manganese Chloride c.p Manganese Citrate c.p Manganese Dioxide see Man- gan. Peroxide Manganese Glycerophos- phate Manganese Hypophosphite pure Manganese Iodide c.p Manganese Nitrate c.p Manganese Oxide brown c.p Manganese Oxide hydrated c.p Manganese Peptonized pure Manganese Peroxide nat. gran Manganese Peroxide nat. powd Manganese Peroxide artif. techn. powd Manganese Peroxide artif. c.p Manganese . Peroxide artif. powder c.p Manganese Phosphate c.p . . . Manganese Sulfate c.p Manganese Sulfide c.p Manganese Tartrate c.p Mannit Mannose Marble Chips Meconin Melampyrit see Dulcit Menthol cryst Mercury Metal Mercury Metal redistilled... Mercury (ic) Acetate c.p. ... Mercury (ous) Acetate pure. Mercury Ammoniated Chloride Mercury (ic) Arsenate pure. Mercury (ous) Arsenite pure Mercury (ic) Biniodide red Oz. 0.15 .15 .40 Lb. i 0.60 .80 Mercury Mercury Mercury cryst. Mercury powd. Mercury c.p. .. Mercury Mercury Mercury Mercury Mercury Mercury Mercury Mercury Mercury (ic) Bisulfate c.p ... (ic) Bromide c.p.. . (ic) Chloride (Bi) (ic) Chloride (Bi) (ic) Chloride (Bi) (ous) Chloride c.p . . (ic) Chromate c.p. . (ic) Cyanide c.p ... (ic) Iodide red. . . . (ous) Iodide c.p. . . (ic) Nitrate c.p. ... (ous) Nitrate c.p. . Oleate 25% U.S.P.. (ic) Oxide Red c.p. .55 .30 .90 .20 .20 .15 .45 .15 .20 .30 .15 .30 .40 .45 .75 .20 .20 .35 .80 .90 .90 .90 .25 .90 .30 .30 .30 .90 .90 .90 .90 .40 .45 .50 .35 2.70 1.60 1.10 .65 4.75 .25 .25 .30 .80 1.25 2.25 1.10 2.50 3.75 4.85 .10 1.70 1.90 3.25 2.75 2.00 2.40 2.60 2.60 2.75 3.95 4.30 3.60 Container! Extra Prices Subject to Market Fluctuations Special Prices In Quantities 394 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. Mercury (ic) Oxide Red powder i Mercury (ic) Oxide Yellow c.p Mercury (ous) Oxide Black c.p Mercury (ic) Oxycyanide . . . Mercury (ic) Phosphate pure Mercury (ous) Phosphate pure Mercury Protoiodide see Mercury (ous) iodide Mercury Salicylate Mercury Subsulfate yellow . . Mercury (ic) Succinate Mercury (ic) Succinimide . . . Mercury (ic) Sulfate c.p Mercury (ous) Sulfate c.p... Mercury (ic) Sulfide c.p Mercury (ic) Sulfide Red Cinnabar c.p Mercury (ic) Sulfide Red powd. (Cinnabar) Mercury (ic) Sulfocyanate c.p Mercury (ous) Tannate pure Mercury with Chalk U.S.P.. Mesothorium Metadioxybenzene see Resorcin Metals Fusible see Alloys . . . Methanamid see Formamide Methenyl Tribromide see Bromoform Methyl Acetate c.p Methyl Alcohol see Alcohol Methylic Methyl . Hydroxide see Alcohol Methylic Methyl Iodide c.p Methyl Orange (indicator) . . Methyl Red (indicator) .... Methyl Salicylate (Synthetic Oil Wintergreen) Methyl Sulfate (Dimethyl sulfate) c.p Methylacetyl see Acetone... Methylal pure (Formal) Methylamine Solut. 33% Methylamine Hydrochloride Methylbenzene see Toluene. Methylbenzoylecgonine see ' Cocaine Methylenedimethylate see Methylal Methylenetramine Hexa see Formin Methylmorphine see Codeine Methylpara-amido-metacresol Sulfate or Hydrochloride see Metol Methylpropylphenol Normal see Thymol Oz. I 0.30 .40 .45 .60 .40 .40 .90 1.20 .45 .40 .45 .40 .35 .45 .30 .70 1.65 1.80 1.30 .40 .70 Lb. 2.80 4.00 4.25 4.25 3.75 4.25 3.75 3.50 4.25 1.40 Oz. Lb. Methylpropylphenyl Hexa- hydride see Menthol Methylprotocatechuic Alde- hyde see Vanillin Methyltheobromine see Caffeine .... Methylthionine Hydro- chloride (Methylene Blue Medic) $ 0.95 .... (Metol) Velatol substitute.. 1.50 Michler's Keton (Tetra- methyldiamino Benzophe- nuone) Microcosmic Salt see Sodium Amon. Phosphate Milk Sugar see Lactose Milk Sulfur see Sulfur praecipit Mineral Blue see Iron Ferrocyanide Mineral Carbon see Graphite Mineral Green see Copper Carbonate .... Mineral Pitch see Asphaltum Mineral Wax see Ceresin... Mineral Wool .... $ 0.25 Minium see Lead Oxide red Mixture, Eschka's 20 1.75 Mohr's Salt see Iron (ous) Ammon. sulfate Molybdaenum Metal Molybdaenum Oxide Molybdaenum Trioxide see (Acid) Molybdic anhydr Monoamidodiphenylamine Hydrochloride see Di- phenylhydrazine HC1 Monobromethan see Ethyl Bromide Monobromo-Naphthalene . . 1.75 Monochloracetone see Chloracetone Monochlorethane see Ethyl Chloride Monoiodoethane see Ethyl Iodide Monomehylcatechol see Guiacol .... Monsel's Salt see Iron (ic) Sulfate Basic Morphine Alkaloid Morphine Acetate 10.50 .... Morphine Bimeconate see Morphine Meconate Morphine Diacetyl pure see Diacethylmorphine Morphine Hydrobromide 9.00 Morphine Hydrochloride (Muriate) 11.50 Morphine Meconate (Bimeconate) Morphine Sulfate 8.00 Morrhuol see Gaduol Mucilage .75 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 395 Oz. Lb. Naphtha, Coal Tar see Benzol . . . Naphtha, Petroleum see Benzin . . . Naptha, Wood see Alcohol Methylic Naphthalene white pure Naphthalene Alcohol purif. c.p $ 0.20 Naphthol Alpha .70 Naphthol Beta 40 Naphthol Beta Benzoate 95 Naphthol Beta Nitroso 2.25 Naphthylamine Alpha 90 Naphthylamine Alpha Hydrochloride 90 Naphthylamine Beta 85 Narceine 15.00 Narcophin powder 11.00 Narcotine Neurodin (Acetylparaoxy- phenylurethane) 5.00 Nickel Metal cubes 20 Nickel Metal pure sheet Nickel Metal wire 30 Nickel Metal powder Nickel Acetate c.p 20 Nickel Ammon. Chloride Nickel Ammon. Sulfate techn Nickel Ammon. Sulfate c.p.. Nickel Bromide c.p Nickel Carbonate c.p Nickel Chloride c.p Nickel Chloride c.p. (Co free) Nickel Chloride anhydr. c.p. . Nickel Cyanide pure Nickel Hydroxide c.p 30 Nickel Nitrate cryst. c.p 20 Nickel Nitrate Co free c.p . . .55 Nickel Oxalate c.p Nickel (ic) Oxide black Nickel (ic) Oxide black c.p.. Nickel (ous) Oxide green c.p Nickel Phosphate c.p Nickel Sulfate cryst. techn . . Nickel Sulfate cryst. c.p.... Nickel Sulfate cryst. Co free c.p Nickel Sulfide c.p 30 Nicotine Alkaloid c.p Nitre see Potass. Nitrate. ... .... Nitraniline Meta Nitraniline Para Nitrobenzol rectif. (Oil Mirbane) 20 Nitrobenzylchloride Ortho Nitrobenzylchloride Para Nitroglycerine Solut. 1%... .25 Nitroglycerine Solut. 15% . . 1.50 .15 .70 .30 .20 .55 .30 .30 .20 .35 .25 .25 .15 .25 .55 0.55 1.20 3.75 1.50 2.50 2.50 2.40 1.90 .30 .75 2.75 1.75 2.30 2.65 1.20 3.00 1.75 3.30 2.00 2.00 .45 2.00 3.00 1.30 1.80 .$ 0.20 Para Lb. > 1.70 Oz. Nitron Nitronaphthalene Nitrophenol Para .... Nitrosodimethylaniline Nitrotoluene Ortho Nitrotoluene Para Novargan (10% Silver Albumonate) 1.70 Nutgall U.S.P 55 Nutgall U.S.P. powder 70 Oil Almond Bitter true 1.35 Oil Almond Bitter artific. (Benzaldehyde) 75 8.00 Oil Aniline see Aniline -pure Oil Anise double rectif 60 Oil Ants artif. see Furf urol Oil Apple see Amyl Valerate Oil Bergamot rectif 90 .... Oil Cade U.S.P 90 Oil Cajeput rectif 25 1.85 Oil Castor 30 Oil Cedar Wood. 15 1.10 Oil Cedar Wood for immersion 45 ' .... Oil Cedar Woo.d Zeiss Oil Cloves rectif 30 2.70 Oil Cotton Seed. 30 Oil Fennel la 40 3.90 Oil Fusel see Alcohol Amylic Oil Lavender la 50 5.25 Oil- Lemon la.. 40 3.00 Oil Linseed raw. .30 Oil Linseed boiled .35- Oil Mirbane see Nitrobenzol Oil Mustard artif. (Allyl Sulfocyanide) 2.00 Oil Mustard true dist 2.25 Oil Olive 55 Oil Origanum Cretan la 40 4.00 Oil Paraffin Yellow 30 Oil Paraffin White 40 Oil Peppermint rect 40 3.25 Oil Petroleum crude .15 Oil Phenylmustard (Thiocarbanil) 2.50 Oil Rape Seed 35 Oil Turkey Red 35 Oil Turpentine . . . : .... .50 Oil Turpentine double rectif .60 Oil Wine true heavy 65 .... Oil Wine true light .40 Oil Wintergreen (Sweet Birch) .55 Oil Wintergreen Synthetic (Methyl Salicylate) 30 Omegachlorotoulene see Benzyl Chlorid Opium Smyrna natur. U.S.P 17.50 Opium Smyrna gran. U.S.P 17.50 Opium Smyrna powd. U. S.P 17.50 Containers Extra Prices Subject to Market Fluctuations Special Prices In Quantities 396 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. Oz. Lb. Orcin Orexine (Phenyldihydro- quinazoline Tannate) $ 2.50 Orlean (Anatto) 20 $ 0.95 Orphol see Betanaphthol Bismuth Orpiment see Arsenic Sul- fiide yellow Orthodioxybenzene see Pyrocatechin Orthomethylphenol see Cresol Ortho- Ortho-Oxytoluene see Cresol Ortho- Ortol (Methylortho- amidophenol) 1.20 Osmium Metal powd Osmium Tetroxide see (Acid) Osmic Anhydride Ox-Gall inspiss 20 1.80 Ox-Gall inspiss dry powd. (Kip's) .... 4.00 Oxone Cubes (Sod. peroxide fused for generating O) .75 Oxone Cartridges (Sod. peroxide fused for generat- ing O) - t Oxydimethylquinizine see ' Antipyrine Oxyethylacetanilide see Acetphenetidin Oxymethylene see Formaldehyde Ozokerite see Ceresin Black Palladium Metal sheet and wire Palladium Praecipit. (Palladium Black) Palladium Chloride dry Palladium Nitrate dry Pancreatin pure 35 Pankrepn (Tannin Pan- creatin comp.) powder Papain (Papayotin) 70 .... Papers-Test see Test Papers Para-Amidoacetanilid see Acetphenylenediamine Para- Para-Amidophenol see Amidophenol Para- Para-Aminotoluene see Toluidine Para- Paradiaminodiphenyl see Benzidine Paradioxybenzene see Hydroquinone Paraffin Solid soft 43 M.P 35 Paraffin Solid medium 54 M.P 35 Paraffin Solid hard 58 M.P 35 Paraffin Liquid see Oil Paraffin Paraform (Trioxymethylene) .25 1.40 Oz. Lb. Paraformaldehyde (Trioxymethylene) $ 0.20 $ 1.20 Paraldehyde U.S.P 40 3.50 Paramethoxypropenylben- zenene see Anethol Paramethylphenol see Cresol, Para Paramethylpropylbenzene see Cymene Paramidodimethylaniline Hydrochloride see Dime- thylpara-phenylenediamine HC1 Paranaphthalene see Anthra- cene Paraoxytoluene see Cresol, Para- Paraphtalein see Phenolphtalein Parapropylmetacresol see Thymol Parchment Paper .35 Paris Green see Copper Acetoarsenite Pear Oil see Amyl Acetate Pearl Ash see Potass, car- bonate crude .... Pearl White see Bismuth Oxychloride Pectin Sugar see Arabinose. Pelletierine Tannate Pentane (Amyl Hydride) from Petroleum Pepsin Ph. G. powd 35 3.25 Pepsin U.S.P. powd. or scales 40 3.75 Pepton dry from Albumen .. .80 .... Pepton dry for Bact. work.. .50 4.50 Perchlorethylene see Carbon Bichloride Perchloromethane see Car- bon Tetrachloride Perhydrol see Hydrogen Peroxide 30% Petroleum Crude .10 Petroleum Ether see Ether Petrolic Petrolatum yellow -18 Petrolatum white .... .30 Phenacetin see Acet- phenetidin Phenacetolin indicator 1.25 Phenanthrene Phenazone see Antipyrine Phenol see Acid Carbolic Phenolphtalein (indie.) 2.30 Phenolphtalin Phenyl Hydride see Benzol Phenyl Hydroxide see Acid Carbolic Phenyl Urethane see Euphorin Phenylacetamide see Acetanilide .... Containers Extra Prices Subject to Market Fluctuations Special Prices in Quantities LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 397 Oz. Lb. Phenylanime see Aniline Phenylaniline see Diphenyla- mine Phenylenediamine Meta- Phenylenediamine Para Phenylenediamine Meta Hy- drochloride Phenylethyl Carbamate see Euphorin Phenylhydrazine pure $ 0.75 $ 6.50 Phenylhydrazine Acetate Phenylhydrazine Hydro- chloride 75 Phenylmethane see Toluene Phenylmustard Oil see Oil Phenylmustard Phloridzin Phloroglucin (Phloro- glucinol) 9.00 .... Phosphoric Anhydride see Acid Phosphoric anhydride Phosphorus Yellow sticks. .. .25 1.30 Phosphorus Yellow sticks thin & in 35 2.25 Phosphorus Red amorph 35 2.75 Phosphorus Oxychloride 35 2.00 Phosphorus Pentachloride . . .25 1.85 Phosphorus Pentoxide see Acid Phosphoric anhydride Phosphorus Pentasulfide 60 Phosphorus Trichloride 25 1.75 Photol 4.50 Phtalin see Phenolphtalin. . Physostigmine and salts see Eserine .... Picrotoxin Pilocarpine Pilocarpine Pilocarpine Pilocarpine Pilocarpine Salicylate Pilocarpine Sulf ate Pipe Clay .10 Piperazine mine) . Piperidine Piperine Alkaloid cryst 1.25 Piperonal (Heliotropin) Piperonyl Aldehyde (Helio- tropin) Pitch Black .15 Pitch Burgundy .20 Pitch Green .20 Pith Plaster Paris see Calcium sulfate calcined Platinum foil or wire Platinum Abestos 5% Platinum Black (Platin. Mphr) Platinum Scrap Platinum Sponge Alkaloid Hydrobromide . . Hydrochloride. . Nitrate. . (Diethylenedia- Oz. Lb. c.p., (ous) Magnes. Platinum (ic) Chloride dry Platinum (ic) Chloride Solut. 5% Platinum (ic) Chloride Solut. 10% Platinum (ic) Ammon. Chloride Platinum (ic) Barium Cyanide Platinum (ous) Barium Cyanide Platinum Cyanide Platinum (ic) Potass. Chloride Platinum (ous) Potass. Chloride Platinum (ous) Potass. Cyanide Platinum (ous) Sodium Chloride Podophyllin powd. U.S. P. . . Potash Lye see Potassium Hydroxide Com'l Potassium Metal Potassium and Sodium Alloy Potassium Acetate U.S.P... Potassium Acetate c.p Potassium Alum see Alumin Potass. Sulfate Potassium Ammon. Sulfate c.p Potassium Antimoniate c.p . . Potassium Antimoniate Pyro-c.p Potassium Antimony Sulfide (Liver Antimony) Potassium Arsenate c.p Potassium Arsenite c.p Potassium Benzoate Potassium Bicarbonate cryst. U.S.P Potassium Bicarbonate cryst. c.p Potassium Bichromate cryst. techn Potassium Bichromate powd. tchn Potassium Bichromate c.p . . Potassium Bichromate fused c.p Potassium Biniodate Potassium Binoxalate cryst . . Potassium Binoxalate c.p .... Potassium Biphosphate (pri- mary) Potassium Bisulfate cryst. c.p Potassium Bisulfate fused c.p Potassium Bisulfite techn. cryst Potassium Bisulfite c.p $ 0.40 $ 4.50 3.50 .25 .30 .15 .25 .35 .20 .25 .25 .70 .30 .20 .20 .25 .30 .20 2Q .20 .25 2.25 2.50 .90 2.10 3.10 1.10 2.25 2.35 3.00 1.10 1.30 1.30 1.55 2.00 2.30 3.00 1.35 1.60 1.40 2.10 Container* Extra Prices Subject to Market Fluctuation* Special Price* la Quantities 398 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. gran. Oz. Potassium Bisulfite Meta- (Pyrosulfite) c.p $ 0.25 Potassium Bitartrate crude (Argols) powd .15 Potassium Bitartrate powd. c.p 20 Potassium Bitartrate powd. (Cream Tartar) U.S.P 20 Potassium Bitartrate c.p 25 Potassium Borate c.p 20 Potassium Bromate c.p 35 Potassium Bromide cryst. or gran. U.S.P .30 Potassium Bromide cryst. c.p. .30 Potassium Carbonate crude (Pearl ash) Potassium Carbonate purif. (Salt tartar) Potassium Carbonate cryst. c.p , .30 Potassium Carbonate anhyd. c.p .30 Potassium Carbonate dry powd. c.p 35 Potassium Chlorate cryst. techn Potassium Chlorate techn Potassium Chlorate powd. techn Potassium Chlorate small cryst c.p 20 Potassium Chlorate large cryst. c.p 20 Potassium Chlorate powd. c.p 20 Potassium Chloride techn Potassium Chloride pure white 15 Potassium Chloride c.p 15 Potassium Chromate pure Potassium Chromate c.p 25 Potassium Chromate powd. c.p 25 Potassium Citrate U.S.P 25 Potassium Citrate c.p 30 Potassium Cyanate c.p. Potassium Cyanide 98-100% lump . . . 15 Potassium Cyanide 98-100% gran 15 Potassium Cyanide c.p Potassium Ferricyanide cryst. .35 Potassium Ferricyanide cryst. c.p .40 Potassium Ferrocyanide cryst. .20 Potassium Ferrocyanide an- hydr 30 Potassium Ferrocyanide cryst. c.p 30 Potassium Fluoride cryst. c.p. .35 Potassium Fluoride fused c.p. .35 Potassium Formate c.p 35 Lb. , 2.10 .95 1.50 .90 1.40 2.00 2.25 2.60 2.75 1.25 2.50 2.60 2.85 2.95 1.50 1.50 1.60 1.60 1.65 1.80 .75 .85 1.60 1.70 1.85 1.95 2.50 3.00 1.00 .95 5.00 3.50 3.75 1.90 2.75 2.50 3.25 3.25 3.00 Oz. Potassium Glycerophosphate.$ 0.35 Potassium Guaiacolsuldfonate (Thiocol) 2.00 Potassium Hydroxide techn. lump. (Lye) Potassium Hydroxide techn. gran Potassium Hydroxide Elec- trolytic 35 Potassium Hydroxide c.p. by ale 40 Potassium Hydroxide with Lime sticks 50 Potassium Hypophosphite U. S. P 25 Potassium Hyposulfite pure Potassium lodate c.p 90 Potassium Iodide cryst. or gran. U.S.P 60 Potassium Iodide cryst.' c.p. . .65 Potassium Manganate 40 Potassium Metabisulfite pure .20 Potassium Molybdate c.p 95 Potassium Nitrate cryst Potassium Nitrate powder .20 .20- .30 .3\) .30 .35 2.50 Potassium Nitrate cryst. c.p. Potassium Nitrate powd. c.p. Potassium Nitrate fused, stticks cp.. Potassium Nitrite cryst Potassium Nitrite cryst. c.p.. Potassium Nitrite sticks c.p.. Potassium Nitroprusside .... Potassium Oxalate pure 25 Potassium Oxalate c.p 25 Potassium Oxalate anhydr. c.p 30 Potassium Oxalate acid see Pot. Binoxalate Potassium Percarbonate c.p Potassium Perchlorate c.p. . . Potassium Permanganate cryst. pure Potassium Permanganate cryst. c.p Potassium Permanganate spec, cryst Potassium Persulf ate Potassium Phosphate second- ary c.p Potassium Phosphate mary c.p Potassium Phosphate ary c.p Potassium Pyrophosphate pure Potassium Pyrophosphate c.p Potassium Platinum Salts see Platinum Potassium Pyrosulfate see Pot. bisulfate fused pri- terti- .35 .40 .45 .50 .40 30 .25 .25 Lb. ! 3.75 .50 2.35 3.20 4.50 5.00 2.50 5.75 6.00 4.25 1.75 .95 1.05 1.20 1.30 2.15 2.60 2.80 3.00 2.25 2.50 3.00 3.90 3.60 4.75 5.25 4.25 2.85 2.80 3.25 2.70 2.85 Containers Extra Prices Subject to Market Fluctuations Special Prices in Quantities LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 399 Oz. Lb. Potassium Pyrosulfite pure see Pot. metabisulfite Potassium Salicylate pure... 5 Potassium Silicate tech. dry. Potassium Silicate techn. solut. 30-33 Be (Potash Waterglass) Potassium Silicate pure cryst. Potassium Silicate solut. c.p.. Potassium Silicofluoride c.p.. Potassium Sulfate pure cryst. Potassium Sulfate cryst. c.p. Potassium Sulfate powder c.p Potassium Sulfate Acid see Pot. Bisulfate Potassium Sulfide fused pure Potassium Sulfide cryst. c.p. Potassium Sulfite c.p Potassium Sulf ocarbolate. . . . Potassium Sulf ocarbonate . . . Potassium Sulfocyanate pure Potassium Sulfocyanate c.p. Potassium Tartrate powd. pure Potassium Tartrate cryst. c.p. Potassium Tetroxalate c.p. . . Potassium Thiocyanate see Pot. Sulfocyanate Potassium Zinc Sulfate c.p. . . Propionic Glyocoll see Ala- nin a Propionitrile (Ethyl Cyan- ide) Proponal (Dipropylmalony- lurea) Propyl Carbinol see Alcohol Butylic Propylamine see Trimethyla- mirre Protocatechin Methyl Ester see Guaiacol. Protocatechuicaldehyde Methylene Ester see Pip- eronal Prussian Blue see Iron Fer- rocyanide Pumice lump Pumice powd Pyoktanin Blue Pyoktanin Yellow Pyrazine Hexahydride see Piperazine Pyridine pure Pyridine c.p Pyroacetic Ether see Acetone Pyrocatechin resubl. (Ortho- dioxybenzene) Pyrocatechinmonoethyl Es- ter see Guaethol Pyrocatechinmonomethyl Es- ter see Guaiacol... 0.40 .20 .25 .35 .35 .15 .20 .20 .30 .35 .40 .25 .30 .30 .20 6.50 3.20 3.20 .35 .45 1.00 4.25 2.00 2.10 2.25 3.50 3.25 .90 1.00 1.10 2.25 2.50 2.75 1.75 2.60 2.60 1.70 .15 .15 3.50 5.00 Oz. Lb. Pyrogallol see Acid Pyrogal- lic . Pyrogallol Monoacetate see Eugallol Pyrogallol Triacetate see Lenigallol Pyrolusite see Mangan. Per- oxide nat Pyromucic Aldehyde see Furfurol Pyrrol Pyrrol Tetriodide see I idol . Quercit (Acorn Sugar) Quinidine Alkaloid cryst. ...$. 1.75 Quinidine Alkaloid Precip. .. 1.75 Quinidine Sulfate 1.25 Quinine Alkaloid pure 1.75 Quinine Acetate 1.75 Quinine Arsenate 1.50 Quinine Arsenite 1.50 Quinine Bisulfate 1.10 Quinine Carbonic Ether see Euquinine Quinine Citrate 1.50 Quinine Dihydrochloride . . . . 1.60 Quinine Ethyl Carbonate see Euquinine Quinine Ferrocyanide 1.60 Quinine Glycerophosphate . . 2.25 Quinine Hydriodide 1.75 Quinine Hydrobromide 1.50 Quinine Hydrochloride 1.50 Quinine Hypophosphite 1.60 Quinine Lactate 1.60 Phosphate 1.50 Salicylate 1.50 Sulfate 1.50 Tartrate 1.50 Valerianate 1.60 and Urea Hydro- chloride 1.85 Quinoidine 15 Quinol see Hydroquinone. . . .... Quinoline pure 70 Quinoline Tartrate. 70 Quinone (Benzoquinone) Quinine Quinine Quinine Quinine Quinine Quinine Radium, pure element Radium, salts in all activities Realgar see Arsenic Sulfide Red Red Lead see Lead Oxide Red Praecipitate see Mer- cury (ic) Oxide Renaden 1.75 Resorcin recryst. white (Re- sorcinol) 2.75 Resorcin resubl 3.50 Resorcinol Monoacetate see Euresol .. . 1.00 Containers Extra Prices Subject to Market Fluctuations Special Prices in Quantities 400 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. Oz. Lb. Resorcinolphtalein see Fluo- rescein Resorcinolphtalin see Fluo- rescin .... Retinol $ 0.90 Rhamnose see Isodulcit Ricin Rochelle Salt see Sod. and Potass. Tartrate Rock Salt $0.10 Rodinal see Amido Phenol para Rosaniline see Aniline Dyes, Red . Rosin Yellow (Colophony) Rosin Yellow powder Rosin white Rouge Jewelers 15 Rubidium Metal Rubidium Alum Rubidium Bromide Rubidium Chloride Rubidium Iodide Rubidium Sulfate Rufigallol see Acid Rufigallic Ruthenium powder Ruthenium Chloride Ruthenium Oxychloride .12 .25 .20 .60 Saccharin 2.25 Saccharose c.p 20 1.35 Saf rol Salicin U.S.P 1.00 Salicylic Aldehyde (Acid Sal- icylous) Saliformin (Formin Salicyl- ate) 1.40 Salinaphthol see Betol Salipyrine (Antipyrine Sal- icylate) 1.00 Salit (Salicylic Acid Ester of Borneol) 40 4.20 Salol (Phenyl Salicylate) ... .50 5.00 Saloquinine (Quinone Sali- cylic Ester) 1.75 Salt Best .10 Salt Schlippe's (Sod. Sulfan- timoniate) 20 2.25 Salt Sea 05 Salt Soldering 1.00 Salt Sorrel see Pot. Binoxa- late Salt Tartar see Pot. Carbon- ate Saltcake see Sod. Bisulfate techn Saltpetre see Pot. Nitrate Sand, Quarz, washed and ig- nited .25 Sand, Sea .10 Sand, Sea washed and ig- nited .25 Oz. Lb. Sand, Silica, powdered $ 0.10 Santonin cryst $ 4.25 Santyl (Santalol Salicylic Acid Ester) 1.55 Saponin crude 45 4.75 Sarcosin (Methylaminoacetic Acid) Schlippe's Salt (Sod. Sulfan- timoniate) see Salt .... Scopolamine Hydrobromide Sealing Wax 45 Sealing Wax, best, sticks .75 Seignette Salt see Sod. Pot. Tartrate .... Selenium powd 90 .... Selenium sticks Selenium (ic) Hydroxide (Acid Selenic) Selenium (ous) Hydroxide cryst. (Acid Selenious) .... Selenium (ous) Hydroxide siibl. (Acid Selenious) Sennax 85 Shellac Orange flake .85 Shellac Orange powd .80 Shellac White 95 Siderite .30 Silica powd. see Sand Silicon amorph Silicon cryst Silicon Carbide cryst. (Car- borundum) " .... Silicon Carbide powd. (Car- borundum) Silver Metal, gran 1.20 Silver Metal, foil and wire. . . 1.20 Silver Metal, ppt. powd 1.75 .... Silver Metal, leaf Silver Acetate c.p 1.70 .... Silver Arsenite c.p 1.50 Silver Bromide c.p 1.35 Silver Carbonate c.p 1.30 Silver Chloride pure 1.00 Silver Chromate pure 1.50 .... Silver Citrate pure 1.50 Silver Cyanide pure 1.50 Silver Ichthyol see Ichthar- gan Silver Iodide pure 1.50 Silver Lactate 1.50 Silver Nitrate cryst. c.p 75 10.50 Silver Nitrate powd. c.p 85 .... Silver Nitrate sticks 1.00 Silver Nitrite c.p 1.80 Silver Oxide pure 1.30 .... Silver Phosphate pure 2.00 Silver Sulfate c.p 1.35 Silver Sulfide pure 2.00 Slag Wool see Mineral Wool Soap Castile white bars .25 Soap Castile white powd .60 Container* Extra Prices Subject to Market Fluctuations Special Prices in Quantities LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 401 Oz. Soap Soft (Green Soap) U. S. P Soda Ash see Sodium Car- bonate Soda Lime see Calc. Hy- drate Soda Lye see Sodium Hy- droxide Sodium Metal 5 Sodium Acetate cryst Sodium Acetate cryst. c.p... Sodium Acetate anhydr. c.p. Sodium Acetate fused c.p... Sodium Alum see Alumin. Sod. Sulfate Sodium Aluminate c.p Sodium Amalgam 5%, 10% or 15% Sodium Amalgam 2% Sodium Amidobetanaphthol- betamonosulfonate see Ei- konogen Sodium Ammon. Phosphate pure Sodium Ammon. Phosphate c.p Sodium Arsenate techn. lumps Sodium Arsenate c.p Sodium Arsenate anhydr. c.p. Sodium Arsenite techn Sodium Arsenite c.p ..... Sodium Benzoate Sodium Bicarbonate powd... Sodium Bicarbonate cryst. pure Sodium Bicarbonate powd. c.p Sodium Bichromate powd. techn Sodium Bichromate dry powd. c.p Sodium Bichromate cryst. c.p Sodium Binoxalate c.p Sodium Bismuthate c.p Sodium Bisulfate techn. powd. (Saltcake) Sodium Bisulfate cryst. c.p . . Sodium Bisulfate powd. c.p. Sodium Bisulfate fused c.p.. Sodium Bisulfide c.p Sodium Bisulfide techn. dry. Sodium Bisulfide c.p Sodium Bisulfide sol. c.p. ... Sodium Bitartrate cryst. c.p. Sodium Borate ref. cryst. and powd. (Borax) Sodium Borate cryst. c.p Sodium Borate powd. c.p ... Sodium Borate anhydr. powd. c.p Lb. $ 0.30 0.25 .10 .12 .15 .15 .25 .60 .25 .12 .15 .15 .20 .15 .15 .10 .20 .15 .20 1.00 .10 .15 .15 .15 .15 .20 .12 .15 .15 1.50 .40 .60 1.00 .90 1.75 1.85 .65 .75 .35 .80 1.10 .50 .90 .10 .30 .35 .75 1.75 1.60 1.35 10.50 .15 .30 .65 .60 .45 .35 .80 .30 1.60 .20 .50 .55 1.00 Oz. Sodium Borate fused ground (Borax Glass) Sodium Borobenzoate $ 0.35 Sodium Bromate c.p 60 Sodium Bromide pure 25 Sodium Bromide c.p 25 Sodium Calcium Hydrate, dry for N. Det 15 Sodium Calcium Hydrate 15% H 2 O for CO 2 Det 15 Sodium Carbonate cryst. techn. (Sal Soda) Sodium Carbonate calcined (Soda Ash) Sodium Carbonate calcined dry purif Sodium Carbonate anhydr. c.p 10 Sodium Carbonate anhydr. c.p. special 15 Sodium Carbonate cryst. c.p. .10 Sodium Carbonate monohy- drated U.S.P Sodium Chlorate cryst 10 Sodium Chlorate cryst. c.p.. .15 Sodium Chloride techn Sodium Chloride cryst c.p.. .10 Sodium Chloride cryst. c.p. special 15 Sodium Chloride fused c.p.. .12 Sodium Choleate 45 Sodium Chromate acid see Sod. Bichromate Sodium Chromate c.p 20 Sodium Cinnamate 50 Sodium Citrate pure 15 Sodium Citrate c.p 20 Sodium Cobaltic Nitrite c.p. .70 Sodium Cyanide 15 Sodium Dimethylarsenate see Sod. cacodylate Sodium Dioxide see Sod. peroxide Sodium Ethylate dry 90 Sodium Ethylate liquid 35 Sodium Ferrocyanide c.p... .30 Sodium Fluoride techn. powd Sodium Fluoride c.p 15 Sodium Formate c.p 20 Sodium Glycerophosphate 75% 20 Sodium Glycocholate 90 Sodium Hydrosulfide (Sod. Sulfhydrate) Sodium Hydrosulfite Sodium Hydroxide 98% gran Sodium Hydroxide electrolyt. sticks 15 Sodium Hydroxide gran. pure free from NH S Sodium Hydroxide by Baryta .25 Lb. 5 0.40 3.00 5.75 2.00 2.20 .50 .65 .10 .15 .30 .40 .90 .30 .30 .90 1.10 .10 .25 .60 .50 1.50 1.10 1.60 1.00 2.50 .60 .85 1.85 3.00 .15 .60 .30 2.50 Containers Extra Prices Subject to Market Fluctuations Special Prices in Quantities 402 A. DA1GGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. Sodium Hydroxide by ale. c.p 5 Sodium Hydroxide from Na. Sodium Hydroxide with Lime Sodium Hypochlorite solut.. Sodium Hypophosphite Sodium Hyposulfite see Sod. Thiosulfate Sodium lodate c.p Sodium Iodide c.p Sodium Lactate syrupy Sodium Lactophosphate Soda Lime see Sod. Calcium Hydrate Sodium Metaphosphate c.p . . Sodium Methylarsenate di- see Sod. Cacodylate Sodium Molybdate c.p Sodium Monosulfide see Sod. Sulfide cryst Sodium Nitrate cryst. techn. Sodium Nitrate cryst. c.p Sodium Nitrate powd c.p... Sodium Nitrite cryst. techn . . Sosium Nitrite cryst. c.p Sodium Nitrite sticks c.p Sodium Nitroprusside Sodium Oleate Sodium Oxalate techn Sodium Oxalate c.p . Sodium Oxalate c.p. for standardizing Sodium Perborate c.p Sodium Permanganate Sodium Peroxide Sodium Peroxide special car- bonate free Sodium Peroxide fused Sodium Persulf ate pure Sodium Phenolsulfonate Para- pure Sodium Phosphate secondary cryst Sodium Phosphate secondary cryst. c.p Sodium Phosphate secondary anhydr. c.p Sodium Phosphate primary c.p Sodium Phosphate tertitary c.p Sodium Phosphite c.p Sodium Picrate Sodium Potass. Carbonate Oz. 0.20 .40 .25 1.20 .90 .50 .40 .25 .50 .10 .15 .15 .15 .20 1.50 .15 .15 .20 .20 .45 .25 .20 c.p. Sodium Potass. Nitrate c.p . . Sodium Potass. Phosphate c.p Sodium Potass. Sulf ate c.p . . Sodium Potass. Tartrate powd. c.p Sodium Potass. Tartrate cryst. c.p .10 .15 .20 .50 .30 .15 .18 .20 .15 .18 .18 Lb. ; 1.50 3.50 .20 1.80 1.75 5.00 .30 .40 .50 .45 .80 .95 .95 .90 1.50 1.65 4.25 5.50 1.50 1.90 .30 .60 .95 1.05 1.20 2.50 .90 1.00 1.30 .85 1.10 1.00 Oz. Lb. Sodium Pyroborate see Sod. Borate, Borax Sodium Pyrophosphate cryst. c.p i Sodium Pyrophosphate dry c.p Sodium Salicylate U.S. P. powd Sodium Salicylate c.p. cryst. Sodium Salicylate fr. nat. Oil Wintergreen Sodium Santoninate ; . Sodium Selenate Sodium Selenite Sodium Silicate techn. solut. 40-42 Be (Soda Water- glass) .Sodium Silicate cryst. c.p ... Sodium Silicate pure 40% solut Sodium Silicofluoride c.p. . . . Sodium Stannate c.p Sodium Stearate c.p Sodium Succinate Sodium Sulfate techn. cryst. . Sodium Sulfate purif. cryst.. Sodium Sulfate cryst. c.p. ... Sodium Sulfate purif. dry powd Sodium Sulfate anhydr. c.p . . Sodium Sulfide cryst c.p.... Sodium Sulfide fused Sodium Sulfite cryst. pure . . Sodium Sulfite cryst. c.p .... Sodium Sulfite dry. powd. pure Sodium Sulfite anhydr. c.p. . . Sodium Sulfocarbolate pure U.S.P Sodium Sulfocyanate pure . . . Sodium Tannate pure Sodium Tartrate c.p Sodium Taurocholate Sodium Tellurate Sodium Tellurite Sodium Tetraborate see Sod. Borate (Borax) Sodium Tetroxalate c.p Sodium Thiosulfate cryst. tchn Sodium Thiosulfate dry pure Sodium Thiosulfate cryst. c.p Sodium Thiosulfate anhydr. c.p Sodium Tungstate pure Sodium Tungstate c.p. cryst. Sodium Valerianate Sodium Wolframate see Sod. Tungstate Solder Solder Aluninum. . 0.15 .20 .30 .35 .55 4.50 1.00 .20 .20 .20 .20 .70 .10 .15 ..12 .15 .10 .10 .15 .20 .25 .45 .20 7.00 .30 .10 .12 .70 .75 1.00 0.90 1.60 3.00 3.50 .10 1.05 .15 1.60 1.60 1.30 .15 .20 .30 .20 .50 .45 .60 .30 .35 .35 .45 1.45 1.10 2.75 .15 .20 .25 .45 7.25 7.75 .15 .25 .75 2.00 Container* Extra Prices Subject to Market Fluctuation* Special Prices in Quantities LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 403 Oz. SOLUTIONS Solution Acid Rosolic (indicator) Solution Alkaline Pyrogallol, for gas analysis Solution Alumin Acetate 8% Solution Ammon. Bisulfite c.p Solution Citrate, neutr Solution Ammon. Molybdate ace. to Blair Solution Ammon. Nirite Solution Ammon. Sulfhy- drate Solution Barium Hydroxide T. S Solution Brazil Wood T. S Solution Bromine T. S $ 0.40 Solution Calcium Bisulfite C-P ; Solution Calcium Chloride T. S Solution Calcium Hydrate T. S Solution Chlorine T. S Solution Chromium Ammon. Sulfate c.p Solution Chromium. Chloride 50% c.p Solution Chromium. Nitrate 40% C.p Solution Chromium. Sulfate 30% c.p Solution Cobalt Nitrate T. S Solution Cochineal T. S Solution Copper (ous) Chloride acid .... Solution Copper (ous) Chloride ammoniated Solution Diphenylamine T. S Solution Hydrogen Sulfide. Solution Indigo T. S Solution Iodine T. S Solution Iron Acetate (ous) .... Solution Iron (ic) Chloride Solution Iron (ic) Sulfate normal Solution Lead Acetate basic T. S Solution Litmus T. S Solution Magnesia Mixture T. S Solution Mercury (ic) Chloride alcoholic T. S Solutiont Mercury (ous) Nitrate T. S Solution Methyl Orange T. S.. Lb. $ 1.50 2.50 .40 1.25 .55 1.10 1.00 .40 .80 1.50 .55 .85 .85 .80 1.30 1.10 1.30 1.15 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 .80 .95 1.65 .45 .55 .35 .85 1.60 .85 1.50 1.50 1.50 Oz. Lb. SOLUTIONS Solution Phenolphtalein T. S $ 1-50 Solution Platinic Chloride 5% Solution Platinic Chloride 10% Solution Potassium Acetate .... Solution Potassium Hydrox- ide, for gas analysis Solution Sodium Bisulfite 30 Be Solution Sodium Cobaltic Nitrite T. S Solution Sodium Hydrate Solution Sodium Silicate 40-42 Be com'l Solution Sodium Silicate 10% pure Solution Tin (ous) Chloride T. S Solution Zinc Chloride c.p Solution Zinc Chloroiodide . . $ 0.80 Solution Zinc Iodide Starch .... SOLUTIONS SPECIAL TEST Benedict's, sugar Dragendorff's, Alkaloids Esbach's, Albumen Fehling's Sugar Gunzberg's, HC1 in gastric juice 1.25 Haine's, Glucose Hayem's, blood Mayer's, Alkaloids Millon's, Albumen Nessler's, Ammonia and Aldehyde Nylander's, Glucose Schuchardt's, HC1 in gas- tric juice Schweizer's, Cellulose Tanret's, Alkaloids Toepfer's, HC1 in gastric juice .50 Toison's, blood 35 Valser's Alkaloids Winkler's, Alkaloids 1.05 2.00 .15 2.70 .85 .15 .80 .50 .50 1.20 .90 3.00 .60 1.25 .40 1.50 2.50 1.50 1.75 1.75 1.95 1.50 1.50 1.50 SOLUTIONS STANDARD VOLU- METRIC Acid Hydrochloric 1/10 N. Acid Nitric 1/10 N Acid Oxalic 1/10 N Acid Sulf uric 1/10 N Ammon. Hydrate 1/10 N . . Ammon. Thiocyanate 1/10 N Arsenous Trioxide 1/10 N. 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.40 1.40 Containers Extra Prices Subject to Market Fluctuations Special Prices in Quantities 404 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. Oz. Iodine 1/10 N Potass. Bichromate 1/10 N Potass. Hydrate 1/10 N Potass. Permanganate 1/10 N Silver Nitrate 1/10 N Sodium Carbonate 1/10 N Sodium Chloride 1/10 N Sodium Hydrate 1/10 N Uranium Acetate Uranium Nitrate Sorbit Sozoiodole, Mercury $ 1.95 Sozoiodole, Potassium 1.65 Sozoiodole, Sodium 1.30 Sparteine Sulfate 4.50 Stannic and Stannous Salts see Tin Starch, Arrow-Root Starch, Corn Starch, Potato Starch, Rice Starch, Wheat Starch Iodized 60 Starch Soluble 20 Starch Sugar see Dextrose Stearin Strontium Metal Strontium Acetate c.p 20 Strontium Bromide cryst . . . Strontium Bromide anhydr.. Strontium Carbonate pure . . Strontium Carbonate c.p .... Strontium Chlorate cryst. pure Strontium Chloride cryst. pure Strontium Chloride cryst, c.p Strontium Chromate c.p Strontium Fluoride c.p Strontium Hydroxide c.p Strontium Iodide Strontium Lactate Strontium Nitrate dry powd. techn Strontium Nitrate dry powd. c.p Strontium Oxalate Strontium Oxalate c.p 25 Strontium Phosphate c.p ... .25 Strontium Salicylate U.S.P. .30 Strontium Sulfate com'l Strontium Sulfate c.p 15 Strontium Sulfide c.p 25 Strophanthin Strychnine Alkaloid cryst... 2.00 Strychnine Alkaloid powd..$ 1.75 .25 .30 .15 .18 .15 .18 .25 .20 .20 .70 .30 .15 .20 Lb. i 1.50 1.20 1.20 1.50 1.75 1.50 1.50 1.20 1.75 1.75 .40 .25 .50 .60 .25 1.35 .35 2.10 2.25 2.75 .80 .95 .60 .95 2.55 1.65 1.75 2.85 .70 .95 2.00 2.50 1.75 3.00 .50 .90 2.00 Oz. Lb. Strychnine Acetate 2.40 Strychnine Arsenate 2.40 Strychnine Arsenite 2.40 Strychnine Citrate 2.40 Strychnine Glycerophosphate Strychnine Hydrochloride. . . 2.40 Strychnine Hypophosphite . . 2.75 Strychnine Nitrate 2.40 ... Strychnine Phosphate 2.40 Strychnine Sulfate cryst 1.80 Strychnine Sulfate powd 1.80 Strychnine Valerianate 3.50 Stypticin (Cotarnine Hydro- chloride) 7.50 .... Styptol (Cotarnine Phtalate) 7.50 Styracin cryst. pure. .... Slyracol (Guaiacol Cinna- mate) 1.50 Styrax Balsam $ 0.45 Styrone Liquid... 3.20 Succrose see Saccharose Sugar, Acorn see Quercit Sugar, Cane see Saccharose Sugar, Grape see Dextrose Sugar, Lead see Lead Ace- tate Sugar, Manna see Mannit Sugar, Milk see Lactose Sulfide 'Cubes (For H a S) is" .60 Sulfite Cubes (For SO 2 ) 15 .75 Sulfonal (Diethylsulfondime- thyl-methane) Sulfur Roll (Brimstone) Sulfur Sublimed (Sulfur Flowers) Sulfur Sublimed washed Sulfur Precipit. pure Sulfur cryst 20 Sulfur Chloride 15 Sulfur Dioxide, 6-lb. Cylinder Sulfur Iodide 65 Sulphonethylmethane U.S. P.. 1.60 Sulphonmethane U.S.P 1.25 Talcum powd .18 Talcum powd. purif .30 Tannalbin (Tannin albumin- ate exsicc.) 1.15 .... Tannin see Acid Tannic Tannoform (Tanninformal- dehyde) 75 Tartar Emetic see Antimon Pot. Tartrate Tartar Soluble see Potass Tellerium Metal Terbene Optically inactive.. .20 1.00 Terpin Hydrate 15 .85 Terpineol 20 2.00 .15 .20 .20 .60 1.50 .75 Containers Extra. Prices Subject to Market Fluctuation* Special PrlOMi in Quantities LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 405 Oz. Lb. Terpinol $ 0.30 $ 2.50 Test Lead see Lead Metal Test Paper- Litmus red, blue and Tur- meric 100 strips Litmus neutral, Brazil Wood, Congo Red, Dimethylamid- oazobenzol, Lead Ace- t a t e, Methyl-Orange, Phenolphtalein, Potass. Iodide, Potass. Iodide, Potass. Iodide Starch Saltpetre, Starch, Tro- paeolin, etc 100 strips Azolitmin, Lacmoid, Phlor- oglucine, Sod. Nitroprus- side, etc. 100 strips Tetrachlorethene see Carbon Dichloride Tetrachlorethylene see Car- bon Dichloride Tetrachloromethane see Car- bon Tetrachloride.. . Tetrachloroquinone see Chlo- ranil Tetraiodopyrol see lodol '.... Tetramethyldiaminobenzo- phenone see Michler's Ke- tone Tetraoxyphtalophenonanhl- dride see Fluoresceine Thallium Metal Thallium Chloride Thallium Iodide Thallium Nitrate: Thallium Oxide Thallium Silver Nitrate Thallium Sulfate Theine see Caffeine Theobromine (Dimethylxan- thine from Cocao 1.90 .... Theobromine Sodium Ace- tate (Agurin) 1.75 Theobromine Sodium . Salicylate 1.60 Theophylline (Dimethylxan- tine from Coffee and Tea) Thermit 15 .80 Thigenol 40 3.75 Thiocarbanil see Oil Phenyl- mustard Thiocol (Potass. Guaiacolsulfonate) 2.10 .... Thiol liquid (Mixt. Sulfur- ized Hydrocarbons) 40 3.75 Thiol powder 1.00 Thiosinamine (Allyl Sulfo- carbamide) 90 .... Thorium Metal Thorium Chloride c.p 2.00 Thorium Nitrate c.p 1.00 .... Thorium Oxide Thorium Sulfate Thymol cryst 1.00 .20 .20 .15 .25 .15 .15 .20 .20 .30 .30 Oz. Thymol Iodide U.S.P $ 1.10 Thymophtalein Thyroidin 1.55 Tin Metal pure sticks 20 Tin Metal pure gran 20 Tin Metal pure shot 20 Tin Metal pure fine powd. . . .20 (Tin) Foil, Com'l composi- tion 10 Tin Metal foil 25 Tin Bichloride see Tin (ic) Chloride .... Tin (ic) Chloride cryst. c.p. .15 Tin (ic) Chloride fuming c.p. Tin (ous) Chloride cryst. pure Tin (ous) Chloride cryst. c.p. Tin (ous) Oxalate c.p Tin (ic) Oxide gray Tin (ic) Oxide white pure. . . Tin (ic) Oxide white c.p. ... Tin (ous) Oxide black techn. Tin (ous) Oxide black c.p.. Tin (ous) Phosphate c.p.... Tin (ous) Sulfate c.p 20 Tin (ic) Sulfide (di) c.p 50 Tin (ous) Sulfide (mono) ... .25 Titanium Carbide Titanium (ic) Oxide anhydr. c.p 75 Titanium (ic) Oxide c.p 1.50 Titanium Potass. Fluoride c.p Titanium Potass. Oxalate... .25 Titanium Sulfate pure Tolidin (Ortho) Toluene (Toluol or Methylbenzene) 15 Toluene c.p .25 Toluidine (Ortho) Toluidine (Para) Traumaticin (Gutta Percha Chloroform sol. 5% 50 Tribromomethane see Bromoform Tribromphenolbis-muth see Xeroform Tributyrin Trichloracetamid Trichloromethane see Chloroform Trichlorophenol Triferrin (Iron Para- nucleinate) 1.25 Triiodomethane see lodo- form Trimethylamine 10% aq. solut. (Propylamine) 1.10 Trimethylamine 33% aq. solut Trimethylamine Hydro- chloride . Lb. 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.35 .35 1.90 1.20 1.75 1.25 .95 2.00 1.35 1.25 1.75 1.75 2.75 2.75 1.75 5.00 2.00 7.00 1.60 1.50 2.25 Container* Extra Price* Subject to Market Fluctnations Special Price* In Quantities 406 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. Oz. Lb. Trimethylbenzene see Cumene Trimethylethylene see Amylene , .... Trimethylxanthine see Caffeine Trinitrophenol see Acid Picric Trioxybenzene see Phloroglucin Trioxymethylene (Para- form) $ 0.20 $ 1.20 Triphenin (Propionyl- phenetidin) 85 .... Tropacocaine Hydrocloride Trypsin Tungsten Metal Tungsten Oxide see Acid Tungstic Tumeric powd 15 .60 Tumeric Yellow see Curcumin Turpentine Spirits see Oil Turpentine Turpentine Venice .60 Tyrosin Uranium Metal fused Uranium Acetate 80 Uranium Acetate Na free . . . 1.05 Uranium Bromide pure Uranium Chloride pure 95 Uranium Nitrate cryst c.p.. .90 Uranium Nitrate Na free ... .80 Uranium (ous) Oxide bl#ck pure Uranium (ic) Oxide red pure 1.65 Uranium Sulfate Uranium Yellow (Sod. Uranate) Urea Pure (Carbamide)... Urea Nitrate c.p Urea Sulfate c.p 1.00 Urethane (Ethyl Carbamate) .60 Urethane Phenyl see Euphorin Urotropin see Hexa- methylenamine .75 .80 .50 .70 Vanadium Metal Vanadium Chloride 5.00 Vanillin 1.00 Vaselin see Petrolatum : Velatol 1.50 Veratrine pure 3.40 Veratrine Sulfate 3.50 Verdigis see Copper Acetate Veronal (Diethylbarbituric acid) 3.00 Veronal Sodium 3.00 Volumetric Solutions see Solutions . 2.40 Oz. Water Distilled Water Ammonia see Ammon. Hydrate Water Bromine see Bromine .... Water Chlorine see Chlorine .... Water Hydrogen Sulfide Water Javelle Water Lime Wax White Wax Yellow, Bee's Wax Carnauba $ 0.20 Wax Japan.... Wax Mineral see Ceresin Wax Sealing Wax Sealing best sticks White Arsenic see Acid Arsenous White Lead see Lead Car- bonate White Praecipitate (Mercury ammoniated) 25 White Praecipitate Fusible (Mercury Ammon. Bi- chloride) 30 White Vitriol see Zinc sul- fate Wolfram see Tungsten Wood Alcohol see Alcohol Methylic Wood Vinegar see Acid Pyroligneous I . . Wool Fat see Lanum Xeroform (Tribromphenol bismuth) .60 Xylene (Dimethylbenzene) . . .15 Xylene c.p 20 Xylidine 1:2:4 Xylidine 1:3:4 Xylose Yttrium Nitrate c.p. Lb. 0.50 .12 .12 .85 .55 1.25 .45 .35 .75 2.60 2.85 .70 1.20 Zinc Metal coml. mossy, or gran 15 .70 Zinc Metal coml. powd. (Dust) 18 1.10 Zinc Metal coml. sheet 4x^" -15 !- 50 Zinc Metal pure turnings for H 2 O analysis . .18 1.50 Zinc Metal c.p. sticks, shot, mossy or gran 15 .90 Zinc Metal c.p. gran. 30 mesh .15 .90 Zinc Metal c.p. gran. 20 mesh .20 1.05 Zinc Metal c.p. gran. As free .20 1.40 Zinc Metal Amalgamated ... .20 1.50 Zinc Acetate c.p 15 1.25 Zinc Arsenite c.p 35 3.75 Zinc Benzoate 80 .... Zinc Borate c.p 30 3.25 Zinc Bromide 75 .... Zinc Carbonate ppt 15 .80 Container* Extra Prices Subject to Market Fluctuations Special Price* in Quantities LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 407 Zinz Carbonate c.p Zinc Chloride Tech Zinc Chloride gran, c.p Zinc Chloride sticks c.p Zinc Chloride pure Zinc Chloride fused Zinc Chloroiodide Zinc Chromate c.p Zinc Cyanide pure Zinc Ferrocyanide Zinc Gallate see Zinc subgallate Zinc Hypophosphite Zinc Iodide Zinc Lactate Zinc Nitrate cryst. pure Zinc Nitrate sticks c.p Zinc Oxalate c.p Zinc Oxide Tech Zinc Oxide dry process c.p. Mn. free Zinc Oxide wet process c.p. . Zinc Perborate Zinc Perhydrol 50% Zinc Permanganate Zinc Peroxide see Zinc perhydrol Oz. P 0.20 .10 .15 .18 .15 .20 .25 .35 .45 .45 .80 .40 .15 .20 .25 .10 .15 .20 .50 .60 .75 Lb. ; 1.50 .60 .85 1.00 .65 1.30 2.15 1.00 1.50 2.00 .45 .75 1.40 Oz. Lb. Zinz Phosphate c.p $ 0.20 $ 1.70 Zinc Phosphide 60 Zinc Phosphite pure Zinc Potass. Cyanide Zinc Potass Sulf ate c.p Znic Salicylate 40 Zinc Stearate 15 .90 Zinc Subgallate 30 Zinc Sulfate cryst. techn 10 .30 Zinc Sulfate cryst. pure 15 .65 Zinc Sulfate dry c.p 20 1.20 Zinc Sulfate cryst. c.p 15 .70 Zinc Sulfide techn 20 3.50 Zinc Sulfide c.p 30 2.75 Zinc Sulfide Phosphorescent strong for demonstration purpose Zinc Sulfide phosphorescent extra strong, containing Radium .... .... Zinc Sulfocarbolate pure 25 2.25 Zinc Tannate pure 40 Zinc Valerianate powd 1.30 .... Zirconium Hydroxide Zirconium Nitrate Zirconium Oxide anhydr 408 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. INDEX Item Page Abel's Oil Tester 221 Absorbent Cotton 265 Absorption Apparatus 175-177 Absorption Bulbs 63 Absorption Tubes 182 Acetylene Gas Blast Burner 69 Acetylene Gas Bunsen Burner 73 Acetylization Flasks 149 Achromatic Objectives 35i Acid Bottles 52 Acid Bottles for Milk Test 207 Acid Brushes 60 Acid Carboy Stands 3 Acid Dishes 131 Acid Helmets 263 Acid Hydrometers 192 Acid Measures for Milk 206 Acid Pipettes for Milk 206 Acid Pumps 3 Actinometers 193 Adams Fat Free Paper 207 Adapters 3 Adapters for Retorts 3 Adhesion Machine 7 Adhesive Plaster 265 Adiabatic Calorimeter 83, 85 Adjustable Bunsen Burners 73-74 Agar Agar Filter Paper 144 Agate Mortars 210 Agate Ware Boilers 49 Agate Ware Cups 125 Agate Ware Dippers 129 Agate Ware Funnels 152 Agate Ware Measures 204 Agate Ware Scoops 259 Air Analysis Apparatus 176 Air Baths 226 Air Melting Point Oven 13 Air Pumps, all kinds 245 Albuminometers 308 Albumiscope 308 Alcohol Determ. Apparatus 4 Alcohol Lamps 72, 196-197 Alcoholometers 4 Alkalimeters, all kinds 5 Allihn's Burette Clamps 101 Allihn's Condenser Ill Allihn's Gas Wash Bottle 56 Aluminum Beakers 41 Aluminum Desicc. Plates 128 Aluminum Dishes 130, 207 Aluminum Ext. Flasks 149 Aluminum Gold Pans 188 Aluminum Weigh Scoop 30 Aluminum Wire 313 Alundum Boats 48 Alundum Cement 166 Alundum Crucibles 116, 119 Alundum Filter Crucibles 119 Alundum Cone Filters 141 Alundum Extract Shells 137 Alundum Filter Dishes 119 Alundum Filter Plates 141 Alundum Furnace Cores 165 Alundum Muffles 216 Alundum Pyrometer Tubes 250 Alundum R. R 48 Alundum Tubes 304 Amalgam Knives 195 Amber Glass Bottles 49,50 Item Page Am. Junkers Calorimeter 87 Ammonia Deter. Apparatus 313 Ammonia, Anhydrous 177 Ammonia Hydrometer 192 Ammonia Test Cylinders 104 Ammonia Test Tubes 104 Ammonia Tubes, Folin's 309 Analytical Balances 15-20 Analytical Weights 31-35 Anderlini's Distill. Tubes 305 Aneroid Barometers 36 Anatomical Jars 343 Animal Cages 319 Annealing Cups 5, 115 Anodes Platinum 339 Antimagnetic Stopwatch 283 Antimony Rubber Tubing 257-258 Anvils 5 Apparatus, Fats and Oils Analysis... 138 Apparatus, Hoffman's 133 Apparatus for Determination of Al- cohol 4 Apparatus Water Sampling Creo- sote Oils 11 Aprons 5 Aquaria sis Argand Burners 69 Armored Thermometers 292 Army Med. School Wasserman Bath. 375 Army Prescription Scales 25 Arndt & Kopp's Nitrogen Bulbs..'... 61 Arnold's Sterilizer 365 Arsenic Determ. App 306 Arsenic Test Plates 5 Arsenic Tubes 5, 306 Asbestos Boards 5 Asbestos Cement 5 Asbestos Centre Gauzes 183 Asbestos Cloth 5 Asbestos Cord 5 Asbestos Gloves 184 Asbestos Leggings 364 Asbestos Mittens 184, 264 Asbestos Pads .' . . . 5 Asbestos Paper 6 Asbestos Products 264 Asbestos Suits 264 Asbestos Twine 5 Asbestos Wood 6 Asphalt Test Apparatus 6-13 Asphalt Test Thermometers 13, 292 Asphalt Testing Viscosimeter 10 Aspirator Bottles 52 Aspirators, all kinds 6, 244 Assay Balances 21 Assay Brushes , 59 Assay Flasks 146 Assay Furnaces 156 Assay Pocket Scales 25 Assay Ton Weights 33 Attachments for Burettes 68, 69 Attachments for Centrifuge 96,99 Atwater Desiccators 127 Autoclaves : 316-318 Automatic Burettes 64-66 Automatic Hand Blowpipe 71 Automatic Microtome 355 Automatic Pipettes 236 Automatic Stills 276-278 Avoirdupois Weights 34 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 409 I N D E X Continued B Item Page Babcock Centrifuges 98 Babcock's Milk Tester 205 Babcock's Milk Test Bottles 206 Babo's Absorption Tube 182 Babo's Safety Tube 306 Bacteria Filters 325-328 Bacteriological Apparatus, etc 315-400 Bacteriological Flasks 326-327 Bacteriological Test Tube 291 Bacteriological Incubator 332-342 Bacteriological Pipettes 235 Bacteriological Stains 314 Bacteriological Table 369 Bags, Filtering 140 Bags, Gas 177 Bags, Rubber 177 Baker's Oven 230 Baker's Scale 24 Balances, Assay 21 Balances, Accessories 29 Balance Brushes 60 Balance Case 171 Balance, Chamomatic 15 Balance Covers 29 Balance Levels 201 Balance Pans 29, 30 Balances, Portable 20, 21 Balances, Pulp 22, 23 Balances, Repairs 23 Balance Rests 29 Balance Riders 27 Balance Scoop and Counterpoise 30 Balance Tables 171 Balance Watchglasses 29 Balances, all kinds 15-28 Balances, Spec, grav 27-28 Balance Weights 31-35 Ball Condenser Ill Ball Mills . . 208 Balloons for Collect. Gases.... 36 Balloons of Glass 36 Balloons Form Flasks 150 Balloons, Spec. Grav 36, 61 Balsam Bottles 53 Band Tubing 258 Bandage 265 Bar Magnets 201 Bark Hydrometers 4. 192 Bario Crucible 242 Barker's Carbonate App 87 Barometer Tubing 36, 306 Barometers, all kinds 36 Barrett, Hubbard Form Bottle 12 Barthel's Blast Lamps 72 Barthel's Lamps 72 Barthel's Stoves 72 Bartlett Scorifiers 266 Basket Extraction App 14 Baskets, Test Tube 370 Baths, all kinds 37-39 Battery Hydrometer 192 Battery Jars 194 Beaker Brushes 59 Beaker Clamps 100 Beaker Flasks 147 Beakers, all kinds 25, 40, 41 Becker's Balances 15-20 Becker's Weights 31-33 Beckman's Thermometer 292 Bee Hives 301 Beer Hydrometers 192 Item Page Bell Glasses, all kinds 42,128 Bell Shape Funnels 154 Bellows 46 Benningson's Elutr. Flask 273 Benzine Blast Lamps 71 Berkefield Filters 325 Berzelius Form Beakers 40 Berzelius Gas Holder 180 Bessemer Goggles 261 Beutell's Floats 69 Billings Culture Flasks 326 Bink's Burette 66 Bischof's Calc. Chlor. Tubes 302 Bitumen Holder JQ Bituminous Products Test. . .... Black Lead Crucibles '.'.'. 115 Black's Blowpipe 45 Blair's Carbon Bath 38 Blair's Plat. Boat & Holder ...... 239 Blair's Reductors g53 Blair's Rubber Policemen .....'...!!. 255 Blast Apparatus 44, 45 Blast Burners ..70*71 Blast Furnace 157 Blast Lamps . . 69-71 Blast Lamp for Benzine .'.'. 71 Blast Burner for Gasoline '.'. 71 Blood Drying Apparatus 323 Blood Testing Apparatus 329-331 Blowers, all kinds 43-46 Blowpipes, all kinds 46-47 Blowpipe Anvils 5, 46 Blowpipe Goods 46^ 47 Blowpipe for Furnaces '47 Blowpipe Lamps 45 Blowpipe Mouthpieces 47 Blowpipe Tips of Platinum 47 Boats, Combustion 43, 251 Boats of Platinum 48, 239 Boards, Asbestos 5 Boekel's Burner 74 Boilers 49 Boilers, Test Tubes 311 Bombs, Calorimeter ..80-84 Bone Ash Cupels 125 Bone Cutting Forceps 327 Bone Spatulas 273 Bone Spoons 274 Boot's Spec. Gr. Bottles 54 Borers for Cork 113, 114 Bottle Caps 52, 58 Bottle Rests 5S Bottle Washer' 311 Bottles, all kinds 7, 12, 49-58, 206, 318 Bottles, Milk Test 206 Bottles, Reagent 50-52 Bottles, Spec. Grav 12, 53-55 Bottles, Specimen 346 Bougies for Filtering 325 Bowen's Potash Bulb 62, 63 Box Scales 24 Boxes, all kinds 13, 58, 59, 236 Boxes, for Imbedding 324 Boxes for Filter Paper 140 Boxes, Culture Plates 322 Boxes for Sterilz. Pipettes 236 Boxwood Measures 204 Boyce's Bunsen Burner 73 Brady's Burette 64 Brady's Sulfur Apparatus 283 Brass Alcohol Lamps 197 Brass Blowpipes 46 410 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. I N D E X Continued Item Page Brass Condenser 112 Brass Crucible Tongs 298 Brass Forceps 151 Brass Sieves 268 Brass Stopcocks 281 Brass Tripods 301 Brass Tube Moulds 90 Brass Single Weights 35 Brass Wire Gauze 183 Braun's Crushers 124 Brazing Blowpipes 47 Brinell Microscope 186 Brinell Testing Machine 186 Briquette Moulds 6, 90-91 Briquette Mould Brushes 93 Bristle Brushes 59, 60 Broegger-Garada's Separator 272 Bromwell's Fusel Oil App 167 Brown-Duvel Moisture App 209 Brown's Connecting Tubes 220 Brown's Expansion Pyrometers 249 Brown's Furnace 156 Brown's Pyrometer 246, 248, 249 Bruehl's Receiver 252 Brushes, all kinds 59-61-93 Brushes for Briquette Moulds 93 Buck's Mortar 211 Bucking Boards 122 Bucking Board Brushes 59 Buechner's Filter App 154,326 Buechner's Funnels 154 Bulb Tubes Kjeldahl's 220 Bulbs, Chancel's 61 Bulbs, Glass 61 Bulbs, Nitrogen 61 Bulbs, Potash : 62, 63 Bulbs, Rubber 64 Bulbs for Mercury Pumps 61 Bulbs for Weighing Gases 61 Bullion Moulds 214 Bunsen's Alkalimeter 5 Bunsen's Barometer 36 Bunsen's Blast Lamps 69, 70 Bunsen's Burners 73, 76 Bunsen's Burner for Gasoline Gas.... 73 Bunsen Clamps 101, 103 Bunsen's Combus. Furnace . ... 160 Bunsen's Eudiometer 133 Bunsen's Funnels 152 Bunsen's Gas Absorp. App 182 Bunsen's Gasometers 182 Bunsen's Gas Meas. Tubes 182 Bunsen's Gas Wash Bottles 56 Bunsen's Ring Burners 76 Bunte's Gas Burette 173 Burette Attachments 68, 69 Burette Brushes 59 Burette Caps .' 68 Burette Clamps 100-101 Burette Floats 69 Burette Funnels 69 Burette Meniscus Reader 69 Burette Supports 284-285 Burette Tips 69 Burette Valves 69 Burettes, all kinds 206, 173, 5, 64-68 Burettes Explosion 173-175 Burettes Gas 173-175 Burner Attachments 79 Burner Blowpipe Tubes 79 Burner Chimneys 79 Burner Crowns 79 Burner Gauze Top 79 Item Page Burner Guards 79 Burner Ring 12 Burner Stars 79 Burner Tips 79 Burner Tripods 79 Burner, Tube 79 Burner Wing Tops 79 Burners, all kinds 69-79 Burners, Hydro Carbon 78 Burners, Micro 73 Burners, Safety 72 Button Balances 21 Button Brush 59 Button Pliers ... . 243 Cages 319 Calcium Chloride Jars 194 Calcium Chloride Tubes 302 Caldwell's Crucible 117 Calibrating Apparatus ." 68 Calibrating Pipette 236 Caliper Rules 204 Calipers 203, 204 Calkin's Cupel Mach 125 Calorimeters 80-87 Calorimeter Accessories 81-82 Calorimeter Pan 242 Camel Hair Brushes 60 Camp's Color Comp. Tubes , 104 Camp's Shaking Machine . . . . 266 Campbell-Hurley Colorimeter 106 Capillary Stopcocks 282 Capillary Tubing 306 Caps for Bottles 52, 57 Caps for Burettes 68 Caps for Test Tubes 255 Capsules, Illium 82 Capsules, Porcelain 110 Capsules, Pore, for Blowpiping 47 Carbon Apparatus 88 Carbon Baths 38 Carbon Blocks for Blowpiping 47 Carbon Combustion Bulbs 63 Carbon Comparing Tubes 104 Carbon-Cylinder for Blowpiping 47 Carbon Determinat. App 14 Carbon Dioxide Gas 177 Carbon Dissolving Tubes 104 Carbon Electrodes 133 Carbon Filter Tubes 152 Carbon Pencils for Cutting Glass Tubing 234 Carbonic Acid Determ. App 87, 88 Carbonic Acid Flasks 147 Carboy Stands 3 Carboy Tilter 3 Cardboard Boxes 58 Cartilage Knives 361 Cartilage Scissors 361 Case Burner ' 78 Case Crusher 121-122 Case Gas Mufflers Furnace 159 Case Pulverizer 123 Casein Tubes 207 Casseroles, all kinds 88 Cassia Flasks 150 Cast Iron Crucibles 117 Cast Iron Ladles 196 Cathodes of Platinum 239 Celeritas Crucible Holder 120 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 411 I N D E X Continued Item Page Celeritas Electric Oven 229 Celeritas Filter Paper 142 Celeritas Oil Tester ". . 221 Celeritas Pumps 244 Cement Asbestos 5 Cement Briquette Moulds 90-91 Cement, Furnace 166 Cement Indenting Needle 91 Cement Pans 92 Cement Plates 92 Cement Samplers 92 Cement Scales 92 Cement Sieves '..... 268 Cement Testing Apparatus 89-93 Cement Trowels 93 Cementation Machine 6 Cenco Nelson Pump 246 Centrifuge Attachments 96, 99 Centrifuge Electric Heater 98 Centrifugal Machines 94-99, 205 Chad Jock's Burner 74 Chaddock's Burette Support 285 Chaddock's Clamps 100-102 Chainomatic Balance 15 Chainomatic Balance Weights ....... 32 Chamber's Moisture 321 Chamberland Culture Flask 326 Chamois Skins 99 Chancel's Bottle 61 Chapman's Filter Pumps 244 Charcoal Capsules for Blowpiping. . . . 47 Charcoal Crucibles for Blowpiping. . . 47 Chemical Flasks 145-147 Chemical Thermometers 292 Chemists' Slide Rule 271 Chicago B. of H. Distill. App. 312 City of Chicago Distill. App 312 Chimneys for Argand Burners 69 Chimneys for Bunsen Burners 79 Chipmunk Crushers 124 Chloride of Calcium Jars 194 Chloride of Calcium Tubes 302 Chlorine Gas 177 Chromel Tongs 298 Chromel Triangles 299-300 Claisen's Distilling Flasks 143 Clamp Holders 103 Clamps, all kinds 100-3 Camps for Beakers 100 Clamps for Burettes 100-101 Clamps for Condenser 102-103 Clamps for Crucibles 100 Clamps for Culture Jars 344 Clamps for Dishes 100 Clamps for Flasks .- 100-102 Clamps for Rubber Tubing 101-102 Clamps for Test Tubes 102 Clamps for Watch Glasses 103 Classen's Carbonic Acid App 88 Clay Capsules for Blowpipe 47 Clay Combustion Tubes 303 Clay Crucibles 116 Clay Crucibles for Blowpipe 47 Cleaners for Beakers 59-60 Cleaners for Burettes 59 Cleaners for Test Tubes 61 Cleveland's Oil Tester 221 Clips for Watch Glasses 103 Cloez's Gas Washing Bottle 57 Cloth Asbestos 5 Cloth Tester 294 Coal Oil Testers 192 Item Page Coal Sampler, Comters 259 Coal Tar Testing Apparatus 12 Cobalt Glasses 236 Coddington Lenses 202 Coin Test Bottles 52 Cold Test Thermometers 292 Color Camera 105 Color Comp. Tubes 104 Color Comparators 105 Color Reaction Plates 237 Colorimeters 105-106 Colorimetric Carbon App 104-107 Colton's Hammer 135 Combination Heater and Thermostat. 373 Combination Yarn and Cloth Tester. 295 Combustion Apparatus , 109-110 Combustion Boats 43, 239, 251 Combustion Capsules '....' 110 Combustion Furnaces 160-163 Combustion Tubes 303 Combustion Tubing 306 Comparing Tubes ! 104 Compound Burner 79 Compressor, Rotary ! 1 ! ! 43, 45 Comters, Coal Sampler 259 Concentric Rings 254 Cone-Shaped Graduates 185 Cone and Spiral of Platinum 237 Cones of Platinum 237 Cones, Pyrometric 249 Condenser Clamps 102, 103 Condenser Supports 284, 285 Condenser Tubes i^ 304 Condensers, all kinds 12, 14, 111] 112 Condensers. Kjeldahl's 217 Condensing Tubes 304 Cones, Filter 140 Congo Red Paper 234 Conical Sep. Funnels 154 Connecting Bulb Tubes 220 Connecting Tubes 12, 220, 304 Connections for Faucets 139-245 Connections for Filter Pumps 245 Coor's Ware 88 Coplin's Paraffin Bath 360 Coplin's Staining Jars 346 Copper Beakers 41 Copper Crucibles 117 Copper Dishes 130 Copper Distilling Flasks 149 Copper Drying Ovens 226-228 Copper Electrodes 133 Copper Evap. Dishes 130 Copper Flasks 147, 149 Copper Funnels 153 Copper Gas Holder 180 Copper Gold Pans 188 Copper Measures 204 Copper Oxide Flasks 147 Copper Plates Bessicator 128 Copper Retorts 254 Copper Rings for Water Bath 255 Copper Stills 12, 279 Copper Supports 289 Copper Water Baths 37-39 Copper Wire 313 Copper Wire Gauze 183 Cord, Asbestos 5 Cores, Furnace 163 Cork Borers 113, 114 Cork Borer Sharpener 114 Cork Knives . .114 412 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. I N D E X Continued Item Page Cork Presses 114 Cork Screws 114 Corks, all kinds 113 Cornet's Coverglass Forceps 32 Cotton, Absorbent 265 Counter, Brushes 59-61 Counter, Twister 296 Counterpoised Watch Glasses 29 Counterpoised Weighing Scoops 30 Counting Apparatus 321 Counting Chambers 328 Counting Plates 321 Cover Glass Forceps 327 Cover Glasses, Microscopic 352 Covers for Balances 29 Covers for Beakers, etc 312 Covers, Petrie Dishes 322 Cover and Coil 14 Cream Test Bottles 206 Creamometers 207 Creosote Funnels 155 Creosote Oils Water Sampling Ap- paratus 11 Crowell's Blower 44, 45 Crowell's Compress, Pump 44 Crowns for Bunsen Burners 79 Crucibles, all kinds 5, 47, 115-120 Crucibles of Platinum 238 Crucible Clamps 100 Crucible Furnaces 156, 158 Crucible Holders 120 Crucible Tongs 241,298-299 Crucible Tubes, Rose's 118 Crude Fibre Flasks 150 Crushers 121 Cryophorus 125 Crystallizing Dishes 130 Cube Mould 90 Cubical Mold for Asphalt 10 Culture Jars 343 Culture Jars, Rubber Bands 344 Culture Plate Box 322 Culture Tubes 29 Cupel Machine 125 Cupel Moulds 125 Cupel Rake 126 Cupel Shovels 126 Cupel Tongs 126-299 Cupel Trays 125 Cupels 125 Cups, Annealing 5, 115 Cups, Miner's 125 Cutters for Glass Plates 184 Cutters for Glass Tubing 184 Cylinder Moulds 90 Cylinders, all kinds 47, 104, 126-127 Cylinders, Ammonia Test 104 Cylinders, Chloride of Calcium 194 Cylinders, Extraction 138 Cylinders, Hehner's 104 Cylinders, Hydrometer 126 Cylinders, Nessler's 104 Cylinders and Spiral of Plat 239 Cylindrical Sep. Funnels 154 Dana Hammers 185 Dangler's Burners ; 197 Dangler's Lamps 197 Dare's Haemaglobinometer 321 Dark Field Illuminator . . 351 Item Page Davy's Safety Lamps 197 Deflagration Spoons 274 Dekotinsky Ovens 232 Delisle Potash Bulbs 62 Demijohns 127 Dennison's Labels 196, 354 Denver Crucibles 116 Denver Muffles 215 Denver Roasting Dishes 255 Denver Scorifiers 266 Desiccator Dishes 128 Desiccator Plates 128 Desiccators, all kinds 127-128 Despatch Electric Ovens 230 Destructive Distillation App 279 Dialyzers 129" Diamond Ink 129 Diamond Mortars 210 Diamonds for Cutting Glass 129 Diamonds for Writing on Glass 129 Dies of Steel 129 Digesters 316 Digesting Apparatus 218 Digesting Flasks 57 Digesting Shelves 218 Diluting Pipettes 330 Dippers, Agate Ware 129 Disc Pulverizer 123 Discs for Crucibles 117 Discs for Foot Bellows 43 Dish Clamps 100 Dishes, all kinds 130-132 Dishes, Acid 128 Dishes, Aluminum 130, 207 Dishes, Copper 130 Dishes, Crystallizing 130 Dishes, Culture 323 Dishes, Desiccator 123 Dishes, Evaporating 13 Dishes, Lead 132 Dishes, Moisture 131,138 Dishes, Petrie 322 Dishes, Platinum 240 Dishes, Preparation 323 Dishes, Roasting 255 Dishes, Steel 132 Dishes, Tin Foil 132 Dispensing Burettes 64 Dispensing Scales ' 24 Dissecting Forceps 328 Dissecting Magnifiers 202 Dissecting Needles 357 Dissecting Scalpels 361 Dissecting Scissors 361 Dissolving Tubes 104 Distilling Apparatus 219, 225, 279,312 Distilling App., Kjeldahl's 218 Distilling Flasks, all kinds 148 Distilling Shelves, Kjeldahl's 218 Distilling Tubes 13, 305 Distilling Tubes, Hopkins' 220 Distilling Tubes, Kjeldahl's 220 Distributors, Gas 178 Dixon's Crucibles 115 Dixon's Cupels 125 Doremus Ureometer 309 Double Boilers 49 Double Counting Chamber 330 Double Dishes , 323 Double Magnifiers 201 Double Specimen Mill 208 Draper Bitumen Holder 10 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 413 I N D E X Continued Item Page Dreschsel's Gas Wash Bottle 56 Drip Cups 127 Drop Reaction Paper 234 Dropper Immersion Oil 321 Droppers, Medicine 235 Dropping Bottles 53 Dropping Funnels 155 Drug Mills 122, 208 Drying Apparatus 227 Drying Baths, all kinds 227 Drying Ovens, all kinds. .363, 10, 220-7, 324 Drying Oven for Asphalt 10 Drying Table 324 Drying Tubes 302 Dubosc Colorimeter 108 Ductility Machine 7 Ductility Moulds 9 Dudley's Gas Generator 180 Dulin Rotarex 10-11 Dumas Bulbs 36, 310 Dunham Thermo Regulator 372 DuPont's Nitrometer 220 Dust Tar and Moisture App 173 Dye Pot Porcelain 41 E Earthenware Burner Guards 79 Earthenware Jars 195 Eclipse Autoclave 316 Eggertz Color Comp. Tubes 104 Ehrlich's Cover Glass Forcep 327 Einhorn's Saccharometer 308 Electrical Motors 212-3 Electrical Centrifuges 94-98 Electrical Combust. Furnace 109 Electrical Drying Ovens 36, 39, 220-30 Electrical Extraction App 136 Electrical Furnaces 162-165 Electrical Heater 98 Electrical Hot Plates 189-190 Electrical Incubators 333-337 Electrical Milk Testers 205 Electrical Paraffine Ovens 358 Electrical Penetrometer 8 Electrical Stirrer 281 Electrical Water Bath 39 Electrical Water Stills 278 Electrolytic Support 133 Electrolytical Anal. App.. .132, 133, 198, 280 Electrodes, Electrolysis 133 Elliott's Gas Burette 173 Elliott's Oil Tester 220 Elutriating Apparatus 272, 273 Embedding Boxes 324 Emerson's Calorimeter 84 Emmerling's Absorption Tube 182 Engler's Distilling Flasks 148 Engler's Viscosimeter 10, 223 Engler's Viscosimeter (Ubbelohde) . . 223 Engravers' Pencils 234 Equipment for Bact. Lab 315 Erdman's Floats 69 Erlenmeyer Flasks 149, 150 Ernst Gas Generator 180 Esbach's Albuminometer 308 Ether Bottles 52 Eudiometers 133, 200 Evaporating Burners 13, 77 Evaporating Dishes 13, 130-1 Evaporators 134 Experiments with Thermit 297 Item Page Explosion Burettes 175 Explosion Pipettes 176 Extraction App. Condensers 112 Extraction App., all kinds 14,135-7 Extraction App., Knorr 135 Extraction App., Krussler 135 Extraction App., Lehmann's 135 Extraction App., Mohr 135 Extraction App., Richarson 136 Extraction App., Sargent 137 Extraction App., Soxhlett 135 Extraction App., Underwriters 136 Extraction App., Wiley's 136 Extraction Cylinders 138 Extraction Flasks 14, 149 Extraction Paper 139 Extraction Shells 137 Extraction Thimbles 137 Extractor 9 Eye Shields 262 Fabric Tester 294 Fat Free Paper 139 Fat Free Thimbles 139 Fat Extraction Flasks 149-150 Fatty Acid Flasks 150 Faucet Connections for Filter Pump. 139 Faucet Connections for Rubber Tub- ing 139 Felt Filters 140 Fermentation Tubes 308 Fermentation Tube Support 308 Fernbach's Culture Flasks 327 Feser's Lactoscope 207 Fibre Blocks 324 Figures, Steel for Bullion 129 File Handles 139 Files 139 Filter Apparatus 140 Filter App., Bacteriological 325 Filter Attachment 182 Filter Bags 140 Filter Bougies 325 Filter Cases 140 Filter Cones of /flundum 141 Filter Cones of Nickel 140 Filter Cones of Platinum 237 Filter Cones of Porcelain 140 Filter Felt 140 Filter Flasks 150 Filter Paper 142-146 Filter Paper Boxes 140 Filter Plates 141 Filter Presses 142 Filter Pumps 244 Filter Racks 286-287 Filter Stands 286-287 Filtering Apparatus 140, 325 Filtering Bags 140 Fineness Scale for Cement 92 Finger Cots 141 First Aid Accessories 265 Fischer's Absorption Bulbs 63 Fitzgerald Filter Apparatus 140 Flask Point Testers 220, 221 Flask Brushes 60 Flask Holders 102 Flasks, all kinds 14, 146-151, 251 Flasks, Acetylization 149 Flasks, Bacteriological 326 414 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. I N D E X Continued Item Page Flasks, Cassia 150 Flasks, Culture 326 Flasks, Elutriating 273 Fleming's Combustion Apparatus 109 Fleming's Combustion Bulbs 63 Fletcher's Blast Lamps 69 Fletcher's Blower 43 Fletcher's Blowpipe 46,47 Fletcher-Plattner Blowpipe Furnace.. 47 Fletcher's Boiling Burner 77 Fletcher's Bunsen Burner 75 Fletcher's Combustion Furnace 161 Fletcher's Furnaces 156-158 Fletcher's Compound Burner 70 Fletcher's Crucible Furnace 156 Fletcher's Evaporating Burners 77 Fletcher's Furnace Support 47 Fletcher's Laboratory Burner 77 Fletcher's Monitor Furnace 157 Fletcher's Muffle Furnace 157 Fletcher's Radial Burner 77 Fletcher's Star Flame Burner 76 Floats for Burettes 69 Florence Flasks 146-147 Florentine Receivers 252 Flow Plates for Asphalt 9 Flue Gas Apparatus 172-176 Foil, Platinum 242 Folding Measures 204 Folding Spatulas 274 Folin's Ammonia Tubes 309 Foot Blowers 43 Forceps, all kinds.... 29,151,327 Forceps, Cover Glass 327 Forceps, Dissecting 328 Forks for Burners 79 Foster's Oil Tester 220 Foulk's Calibrating Pipette 236 Fractional Distilling Flasks 148 Fractional Weights 35 Freas' Electric Oven 231 Free Carbon Test Apparatus 14 Freezing Attachment Microtomes. 354-355 French Pattern Nitrogen Bulbs 61 Fresenius' Burettes 64 Fresenius' Nitrogen Bulbs 61 Fresenius' Stopcocks 282 Freudenreich Culture Flask 326 Fruehling Desiccator 127 Fume Hood 170 Funnel Brush 61 Funnel Supports 286-287 Funnel Tubes 152, 155 Funnels, all kinds . 12, 14, 152, 155 Funnels for Burettes 69 Funnels for Milk Bottles 206 Funnels, Separatory 12, 14 Funnels, Separatory for Creosote.... 155 Funnels, Stemless 153 Furnace, Blowpipe 47 Furnace, Combustion 160-163 Furnaces, all kinds 156-165 Furnace Cement 166 Furnace Cores 165 Furnace Support 47 Furniture 167-172 Fused Silica Boats 48 Fused Silica Capsules 110 Fused Silica Casseroles 88 Fused Silica Combustion Tubes 303 Fused Silica Crucibles 119 Fused Silica Dishes.. . 131 Item Page Fused Silica Muffles 216 Fused Silica Triangles 300 Fused Silica Test Tubes 291 Fused Silica Tubing 303 Fusel Oil Deter. Apparatus 167 Gas Absorption Apparatus 175-177 Gas Absorption Tubes 182 Gas Analysis Apparatus 36, 88, 172-176 Gas Balloons (Glass) 36 Gas Bottles 173 Gas Burettes 173-175 Gas Burners 69-79 Gas Calorimeter 86-87 Gas Collecting Tubes 177-178 Gas Collectors 177 Gas Cylinders 127, 177 Gas Distributors 178 Gas Drying Apparatus 182 Gas Filters 182 Gas Furnaces 156-160 Gas Generating Bottles 178 Gas Generators 178-180 Gas Holders 180 Gas Hot Plates 189 Gas Machines 180 Gas Measuring Tubes 182 Gas Pipettes 175-176 Gas Pliers 243 Gas Pressure Regulator 181 Gas Records 181 Gas Regulators 181 Gas Sampling Tubes 177 Gas Stoves 189 Gas Time Regulator 181 Gas Volumenometer 219, 220 Gas Washing Bottles 56, 57 Gas Washing Tubes 183 Gases 177 Gasoline Blast Lamps 71 Gasoline Gas Burners 75 Gasoline Gas Machine 110 Gasoline Gas Stills 278 Gasoline Hydrometers 192 Gasometer, Bunsen's 182 Gauges, Manometer 183 Gauges, Pressure 183 Gauges, Regulating 18a Gauge Tubing 306 Gauges, Vacuum 183 Gauges, Wire . , 183 Gauge Glass Cutter 183 Gauntlet Gloves 184 Gauze Bandage 265 Gauze Top Burner 79 Gauze Wire 183 Gawolowsky's Burette 65 Generators, Gas 178-179 Geissler's Alkalimeter 5 Geissler's Burettes 65, 67 Geissler's Potash Bulb 62 Geissler's Pump 244 Geissler's Spec. Gr. Bottle 55 Geissler's Stop Cocks 282 Giles' Flasks 150 Gilmore's Needle 91 Glaser's Combustion Furnace 160 Glass Blower's Fires 72 Glass Boxes 59 Glass Brushes 60 Glass Condensers Ill LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 415 I N D E X Continued Page Item Item Glass Cutters 184-195 Glass Jars 343 Glass Mortars 210 Glass Plates . 236 Glass Receivers 252 Glass Retorts 253 Glass Rods 255 Glass Spatulas 273 Glass Spoons 273, 274 Glass Stopcocks . . . .' 282 Glass Syphons 290 Glass Syringes 368 Glass Triangles 299 Glass Troughs 301 Glass Tubing 306 Glass Wool 184 Glasses, Magnifiers 202 Glazed Paper 234 Glinsky's Distilling Tubes 305' Gloves, all kinds 184 Glycerine Hydrometer 192 Goggles 184, 260-262 Goldbeater Skins 184 Gold Washing Horns 188 Gold Washing Pans 188 Gooch's Crucibles of Plat 238 Gooch's Crucibles of Pore 117, 118 Gooch's Filter Tubes 152 Gooch's Rubber Tubing 258 Gooseneck Forceps ; 151 Grower's Haemoglinometers 331 Graduated Bottles 53 Graduated Cylinders 126 Graduated Flasks 151 Graduated Percolator Jars 234 Graduated Sep. Funnels 154 Graduated Test Tubes 290 Graduated, all kinds 126, 185 Graham's Dialyzer 129 Grain Testing Flasks 148 Grain Weights 31, 35 Grammercy Electric Stirrer 281 Green's Automatic Still 278 Greenman's Gas Regulator 181 Greiner & Friedrich's Burettes 66 Grethen's Weighing Bottle 57 Griffin Beakers 40 Griffin's Glass Tube Cutter 184 Griffin's Wash Bottles 56 Griffin's Wash Bottle Tube 56 Griffin's Water Bath 38 Grinding Mills 121 Grower's Haemoglinometers 331 Guards, Burner 79 Gummed Labels 196, 354 Guy Lussac's Support 289 H Haberman's Gas Wash Bottle 56 Haberman's Nitrogen Bulbs 61 Haemacytometers 328 Haemacytometers, component parts for 330 Haemaglobinometer 331 Haemotoligical Drying Oven 324 Hall's Purinometer 309 Hallock's Condenser Ill Hammers, all kinds 185 Hand Bellows 46 Hand Blow Pipes 46-47 Hand Centrifuges 24 Page Hand Scales 25 Handles, for files, etc 139 Hard Rubber Funnels 152 Hard Rubber Spatulas 273, 274 Hard Rubber Stopcocks 282 Hard Wood Mallets 203 Hardness Tester ... 186 Harris' Nitrogen Bulbs 61 Hart's Casein Tube 207 Harvard Trip Scale 24 Heat Gauges 221, 246 Heaters, Electric Centrifuge 98 Heaters, Water 187-188 Heavy Beakers 41 Hehner's Cylinders 104 Helmets 263 Hempel's Desiccators 128 Hempel's Distilling Flasks 148 Hempel's Distilling Tube 13 Hempel's Gas Burettes.. 175 Hempel's Gas Pipettes 175-176 Hempel's Palladium Tube 177 Hess-Ives Test Photometer 107 Hessian Sand Crucibles 116 Hirsch's Funnels 154 Hoffman's Clamps 100, 102 Hoffman's Lecture App 200 Hogarth's Spec. Gr. Bottles 54 Holder for Bitumen 10 Holders for Burettes 101-102 Holders for Crucibles 120, 241 Holders for Charcoal 47 Holders for Clamps 103 Holders for Dishes 100, 322 Holders for Flasks 100 Holders, Petrie Dishes 323 Holders for Plat. Wire 357 Homeopathic Vials 53 Hood,. Fume 170 Hopkins Condensers Ill Hopkins Connecting Bulb 220 Horn Scoops 259 Horn Spatulas 273 Horn Spoons 274 Horn for Washing Gold 188 Horse Shoe Magnets 201 Hoskins Combusting Furnace. .... .109, 163 Hoskins Crucible Tongs 298 Hoskins Electrical Furnace 162-165 Hoskins FB Furnaces 164-165 Hoskins Furnaces 162-165 Hoskins Hot Plates 190 Hoskins Pyrometer 247 Hoskins Triangles 300 Hot Air Funnels 153 Hot Air Ovens 366 Hot Plates 37, 189 Hot Water Funnel 153 Hot Water Ovens 366 Household Filters 325 Household Thermometers 293 Hoyt Penetrometer . 8 Hubbard's Spec. Gr. Bottles 12,54 Huefner's Ureometers 309 Hydro Carbon Burner 78 Hydrogen Sulphide App 179 Hydrometer Jars 126 Hydrometers, all kinds 191-193, 225 Hygrodeik 193 Hygrometers 193 Hypodermic Syringe 367 Hytempite , 166 416 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. I N D E X Continued Item Page Ideal Syringe 367 Ignition Tubes 306 Ilium Capsules 82 Illinois Steel Co.'s Sulphur Racks.... 283 Illuminator, Dark Field 351 Immersion Oil Bottles 318 Immersion Oil Droppers 321 Inactivating Water Bath 376 Incubator Thermometer 371 Incubators 332-343 India Rubber Tubing 257 Ingot Moulds 214 Ink, Diamond 129 Inoculating Needles 357 Inspectors, Yarn 296 Instantaneous Water Heaters 187-188 International Make Centrifuges 98 Inverted Show Jars 195 Iodine Flasks 150 Iron Crucibles 117 Iron Evap. Dishes 130 Iron Gold Pans 188 Iron Mortars 211 Iron Moulds 20, 214-215 Iron Retorts 254 Iron Retort Rings 255 Iron Sand Baths 37 Iron Supports 284-287 Iron Test Tubes 291 Iron Triangles 299 Iron Tripods 301 Iron Water Baths 37-39 Iron Weights 34> Iron Wire 313 Iron Wire Gauge 183 Ivory Tip Forceps 151 Jackson's Spec. Gr. App 93 Japanned Frame Therm 293 Jar Brushes 59-eu Jars, all kinds 104, 194, 207 Jars, Anatomical 343 Jars, Battery 194 Jars, Chloride Calcium 194 Jars, Creamometer 207 Jars, Culture 343-344 Jars, Hydrometer 126 Jars, Nessler's 104 Jars, Percolating 194, 234 Jars, Preserve 195 Jars, Preservation 344 Jars, Specimen 344-346, 195 Jars, Staining 346 Jeffer's Counting Plate 321 Jenning's Connecting Bulb 220 Jeweller's Blowpipes 46 Johnson's Burette 68 Johnson's Combust. App 110 Johnson's Combust. Boats 48 Johnson's Combust. Tubes 303 Johnson's Sulphur Flask 149 Johnson's Milling Machine 209 Johnson's Potash Bulb 63 Jolly Balance 82 Jones Sampler 259 Junker's Calorimeter 87 Julian's Burner Attachment 79 Julian's Color Compar. Tubes 104 Julian's Crucible Tongs 298 Julian's Pipette 236 K Item p a ge Ka win's Crucibles 117 Kennicott-Sargent Calorimeter 106 Kennicott's Condenser ill Kerosene Burners 78 Kipp's Gas Generator 180 Kirschbraun's Adhesion App 7 Kirschbraun's Cementation Machine.. 6 Kjeldahl's Condensing Shelf 217-218 Kjeldahl's Digesting Shelf 218 Kjeldahl's Dist. App 218 Kjeldahl's Flasks 147 Kjeldahl's Connecting Bulbs 220 Knives, Amalgam 195 Knives, for Cork 114 Knives, for Glass Tubing 195 Knives, Cartilage 361 Knop's Elutriating App 272 Knopler's Burette 64 Knorr's Carbonic Acid App 88 Knorr's Extraction Apparatus 135 Knorr's Extraction Flasks 149 Koch's Serum Oven 367 Koch's Safety Burners 72 Kohlrausch Flasks 151 Kolle's Culture Flask 326 Kraus Staining Dish 324 Kruessler's Extract App 135 Labels 196, 354 Label Books - 196 Laboratory Aprons - 5 Laboratory Balances 24 Laboratory Burner, Fletcher's 77 Laboratory Cages 319 Laboratory Hoods 170 Laboratory Jet Pumps 245 Laboratory Mills 122, 208 Laboratory Motors 213 Laboratory Scales 25 Laboratory Sleeves 5 Laboratory Tables 168-171 Lactic Acid Tube 207 Lactobutyrometers 207 Lactodensimeters 193 Lactometers 193 Lactoscope 207 Ladenburg's Distilling Flasks 148 Ladles 196 Lamp Wicks 197 Lamps, all kinds 197 Lamps, Blast 197 Lamps for Blowpipe 46 Lautenschlager's Sterilizer. 366 Leach's Sep. Funnel Support 287 Leach's Spec. Gr. Bottle 55 Lead Dishes 132 Lebel & Henninger Distilling Tube.. 305 LeChatelier's Soundness Tester 93 LeChatelier's Spec. Gr. Bottle 54,93 Lecture Apparatus 198-200 Leeds Mortar 210 Lehmann's Ext. App 135 Leitz Immersion Oil Bottle 318 Lens Paper 346 Lenses 201, 203 Letter, Steel, for Bullion 129 Leveling Apparatus 201 Leveling Screws 201 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 417 I N D E X Continued Item Page Levels 29,201 Levels for Balances 29, 201 Levy's Counting Chamber 329,330 Lewis Furnace Support 47 Liebig's Condenser Ill Liebig's Potash Bulb 62 Lightning Jars 195 Lincoln's Burette Holder 201 Liquid Measure . . . . '. 204 Litmus Paper 234 Litmus Pencil 234 Litre Flasks 151 Lovibond's Tintometer 105 Low's Copper Assay Flasks 147 Luer's Syringes 368 Lunge's Apparatus 219 Lunge's Nitrometers 219 Lunge's Vapor Dens. App 310 Lunge's Weighing Pipette 57 Lye Hydrometers 192 M Maasen's Funnels 325 Machine Cupel 125 Magnets, all kinds 201 Magnifiers, all kinds 29,201-203 Magnifiers for Balances 29 Maharg's Distilling App.., 313 Malleable Iron Tongs 298 Mallets 203 Manometer Tubing 257, 258 Manometers 183 Marchand's Chlor. .Calc. Tubes 302 Marchand's Lactobutyrometer ...... 207 Masks 263 Mason's Hygrometer 193 Masure's Elutriating App 272 Matrasses 4.7 Matrass Holders 47 Maximum and Min. Therm 293 McCann's Sampler 258 Measures, Calipers 203 Measures, Meter and Yard 204 Measures, Liquid 204 Measures, Tape 204 Mechanical Stages 350 Medicine Droppers 235 Meker's Blast Burners 70 Meker's Burners 75 Melting Ladles 196 Melting Point App 9, 13, 19 Melting Point Oven 13 Meniscus Readers for Burettes 69 Mercurial Barometers 36 Mercury Bulbs for Air Pump 61 Mercury Gauges 183 Mercury Seal Stopcocks 282 Meter Sticks 204 Metric Solution Scales 25 Metric Weights 31-35 Meyer's Condenser 112 Meyer's Vapor Density App 310 Michel's Culture Flasks 326 Micro Burners 73 Micrometer Calipers 203-204 Microscopes 347-350 Microscope Brinell 186 Microscope Stage Incubator 340 Microscopic Cover Glasses 352 Microscopic Slides 352 Item Page Microscopic Slideboxes 353 Microscopic Slide Forceps 328 Microscopic Slide Mailing Cases 353 Microscopical Labels 354 Microtomes 355-356 Microtomes, Accessories 354 Milk Absorption Paper 139 Milk Analysis Apparatus 130,305-307 Milk Analysis Bottles 206-207 Milk Analysis Dishes 240 Milk Centrifugal Machines 305 Milk Dishes 207 Milk Extraction Apparatus 135 Milk Pipettes 206 Milk Test Bottle Brushes 59-61 Milk Testers 193, 205 Miller's Paraffine Bath 360 Miller's Slide Forceps 328 Miller's Washerman Bath 376 Mills for Grinding 208-209 Milling Machine 209 Miner's Cups 125 Miner's Gold Pans 188 Miner's Horn 188 Miner's Pocket Scales 25 Miner's Safety Lamps 197 M;ineralogical Hammers 185 Minimum Thermometers 293 Minot's Cabinet, Microscopic 353 Minute Glasses 259 Miquel's Flask 326 Mitscherlich's Eudiometer 133 Mitscherlich's Potash Bulb 63 Mittens, all kinds 184 Mixing Bottle 53 Mixing Table 92 Mohr's Alkalimeter 4 Mohr's Burettes 64, 68 Mohr's Extraction App 135 Mohr's Pinchcocks 101 Mohr's Pipettes 235 Mohr's Potash Bulb 62 Morehead's Gas App 174 Morehead's Gas Burette 174 Moist Chambers 92, 323 Moisture Dishes 138, 207 Moisture Scales 26 Moisture Testing App 155, 209 Morse's Calibrating App 68 Mortars, all kinds 210-211 Motors 80, 211-213 Motor Pulleys 213 Moulds, all kinds 6,10,13,214-215 Moulds for Blowpipe use 47 Moulds for Cement 90, 91 Moulds for Cupels 125 Moulds for Pitch 13 Mounting Dishes 323 Mouthpieces, Blowpipes 47 Muencke's Blower 46 Muencke's Dist. App 312 Muencke's Filter App 325 Muencke's Filter Pump 244 Muencke's Gas Wash Bottle 56 Muencke's Gas Wash Tube 183 Muencke's Thermo Regulator 372 Muffle Furnaces 157-159 Muffle Scrapers 266 Muffles, all kinds 215-216 Mullen's Paper Testing App 2 Multiple Tube Furnace 163 Multiplex Slide Rule 271 418 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. I N D E X Continued Item Page Munktell's Filter Paper 142 Murill's Pressure Regulator 181 Museum Jars 345 Muter's Tube 225 Muter's Oil Burette . 225 N Naphtha Hydrometer 193 Naples Paraffin Bath 359 Natural Gas Burners 75 Near Kid Gloves 184 Needles for Penetrometer 8 Needle Holders 357 Needles, Dissecting 357 Needles, Cement Testing 91 Nerberometer 5 Nesbitt Combustion Bulbs 63 Nessler's Cylinders 104 Nets for Foot Bellows 43 N. Y. B. of H. Distill. App 313 N. Y. Test. Lab. Extractor 9 N. Y. Test. Lab. Drying Oven 10 N. Y. Test. Lab. Penetrometer 8 N. Y. Test. Lab. Asphalt Viscosimeter 10 Nichrome Tongs 298 Nichrome Triangles 299 Nichrome Wire Gauge 183 Nickel Combustion Boats 48 Nickel Filter Cones 140 Nickel Crucibles 117 Nickel Crucible Tongs 298 Nickel Evap. Dishes 13,130 Nickel Spatulas 274 Nickel Triangles 300 Nickel Weighing Scoop 30 Nickel Wire 313 Nickel Wire Gauzes 163 Nitrogen Bulbs 61,62,220 Nitrogen Determinat. App 218-220 Nitrometers 219-220 Noebel's Elutriating App 272 Nonsol Beakers 40 Normal Burettes 67,68 Normal Pipettes 235 Normal Volumetric Flasks 151 Novy's Cover Glass Forceps 328 Novy's Culture Jars 343-344 Novy's Gas Regulator 372 Novy's Improved Jars 344 Objectives, Achromatic 351 Oil Burette 225 Oil Decanting Tube 225 Oil Distilling App 225 Oil Sample Bottles 53 OH Testing App 220-225 Oldberg's Percolator 234 Olsen's Cement Test. Machine 89 Open Fire Testers for Oils 220-221 Opsonic Incubator 343 Ore Crushers 121 Orsat Gas Apparatus 172 Orsat Lunge Gas App 172 Orsat Muencke Gas App 172 Osborne Electrolysis App 133 Ostwald Calibrating Pipette 236 Ostwald Clamp 103 Ostwald's Sprengle Bottle 54 Item Page Oven, Air Melting Point 13 Ovens, Drying 10,13,226-232 Ovens Paraffine 353 Ovens, Serum 357 Ovens Test Baking 230 Ovens, Vacuum 138, 228 Overflow Pipettes 236 Oxygen Bomb Calorimeter 82 Oxygen Gas 177 Oxygen Generating Retorts 254 Oxygen Generator 180 Pads, Asbestos 5 Palau Ware 343 Palladium Tubes 177 Pans for Balances 29, 30 Pans for Briquettes 92 Pans for Gold Washing 188 Pans for Ore Samples 258 Paper, all kinds 234 Paper, Asbestos 6 Paper, Fat Free 139 Paper, Filtering 142-146 Paper for Lenses 345 Paper Parchment 234 Paper, Sand 259 Paper Scale Thermometers 293 Paper Testing App 233 Paraffine Baths 338, 359-360, 374 Paraffine Ovens 353 Parr's Adiabatic Calorimeter 83 Parr's Carbon Apparatus 88 Parr's Coal Calorimeter 80 Parr's Gas Calorimeter 87 Parr's New Peroxide Bomb 81 Parr's Oxygen Bomb Calorimeter... 82 Parr's Sulphur Bomb 81 Parson's Generator 179 Parting Flasks 146 Pasteur Culture Flasks 326 Pasteur Filters 325 Pat Mould 91 Path. Laboratory Tables 169 Pelligot's Tubes 302 Penetrometers 7, 8, 13 Penetrometer Needle 8 Pencils, all kinds 234 Pencil Type Thermostat 373 Penn. Ry. Viscosimeter 223 Pennock & Martin's Crucibles 120 Penny Weights 35 Peppy's Gas Holder 180 Percolating Jars 194, 234 Percolators 234 Perkins Pressure Bulker 233 Petrie Dishes 322 Petrie Dish Covers 322 Petrie Dish Holders 322,323 Petroleum Hydrometer Set 225 Petrzilka's Gas App ; . 172 Phenol Tube 155 Photometer, Tint 107 Piccard Pumps 244 Picnometers 53-54 Pilot Flame Burner 74 Pinchcocks 101-102 Pipestem Triangles 299 Pipette Boxes 236 Pipettes, all kinds 206,235-236 Pipettes, Explosion 176 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 419 I N D E X Continued Item Page Pipettes, Gas 176 Pipettes, Milk 206 Pipette Supports 287 Pitch Mould 13 Pitch Testing App 12 Pittsburgh Metal Tester 186 Plaster, Adhesive 265 Plate Asphalt Flow 9 Plate and Rubber 122 Plates, Arsenic 237 Plates for Desiccators 128 Plates, Filter 141 Plates, Glass 236 Plates, Porcelain 5, 128, 237 Plates, Porous 237 Plates and Rubbers 122 Platinum App., all kinds 133,237-242 Platinum Calorimeter Pan 242 Platinum Combustion Boats 239 Platinum Crucibles 238 Platinum Crucible, Smith's 239 Platinum Dishes 240 Platinum Electrodes 239 Platinum Electudes 133 Platinum Filtering Cones 237 Platinum Foil 242 Platinum Gauze 242 Platinum Spatulas 242 Platinum Pointed Forceps 151,242 Platinum Tipped Crucible Tongs 241 Platinum Triangles 241 Platinum Triangle Holders 241 Platinum Plated Balance 15-25 Platinum Weights 31-35 Platinum Wire 241 Plattner's Anvil 5 Plattner's Blowpipes 46 Plattner's Forceps 151 Plattner's Hammer 185 Plattner's Mortar 210 Pliers, all kinds 243 Plugs for Schutte Penetrometer 13 Pneumatic Troughs 301 Pocket Scales 25 Pocket Thermometers 293 Polariscopes 243 Policemen, Rubber 255 Porcelain Beakers 41 Porcelain Capsule 110 Porcelain Casseroles 88 Porcelain Combust. Boats 48 Porcelain Combust. Tubes 303 Porcelain Desiccator Plates 128-129 Porcelain Evapor. Dishes 131 Porcelain Filter Cones 140 Porcelain Filter Plates 141 Porcelain Funnels 154 Porcelain Mills 208 Porcelain Mortars 210 Porcelain Plates 5, 237 Porcelain Retorts :. ! 53 Porcelain Rings 254 Porcelain Spatulas 273 Porcelain Spoons 273 Porous Clay Covers 322 Porous Crucibles 119 Porous Filters 141 Porous Plates 237 Portable Balances 20-21 Portable Pyrometers 247-248 Potash Bulbs 62, 63 Pot Dye Porcelain 41 Pouring Moulds 214-215 Item Page Prat Dumas Filter Paper 145 Precision Weights 31 Precipitating Jars 194, 225 Preparation Dishes 323 Preservation Jars 344 Prescription Scale / 25-26 Presses for Corks 114 Presses, Filter 142 Presses for Tinctures 243 Pressure Bottles 57 Pressure Bulker (Paper) 233 Pressure Flasks 57 Pressure Gauges 183 Probangs 61 Proof Glasses 225 Proofing Ovens 230 Prospector's Hammer 185 Prospector's Picks 185 Pukal Filters 325 Pulleys 213 Pulp Balances 22-23 Pulverizers 123-124 Pumps, Acid 3 Pumps, Air, all kinds 244 Pumps, Filtering 244 Furdy's Centrifuge 94 Purdy's Sugar Tester 308 Purinometer 309 Pyrex Beakers 40 Pyrex Flasks 146-150 Pyrometer Cones 249 Pyrometer Tubes 250, 303 Pyrometers 221, 246 Quartz Apparatus 250-252 Quevennis Milk Hydrometer 193 Quevennis Milk Hydrometer with Thermometer 193 Quinine Bottles 49 Racks, all kinds 283 Radial Burners 77 Radiation Pyrometer ' 248 Rake for Cupels 126 Rammelsberg Burette 66 Rammelsberg Drying Oven 228 Rawhide End Mallets 203 Reading Glasses 202 Reagent Bottles 50-52 Receivers 252 Receivers, Bruehl's 252 Receivers, Florentine 252 Record Syringes 368 Reducing Gauge 182 Reduction Tubes 5 Reductors 253 Redwood's Viscosimeter 222 Reel, Yarn 296 Regnault's Spec. Gr. Bottle 54, 55 Regulating Red Gauge 182 Regulators, Gas 181-182 Reichert's Gas Regulator 372 Reichert Novy's Thermo Regulator.. 372 Respirators 253, 262 Rests for Balances 29 Rests for Bottles 58 Retort Adaptors 3 420 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. I N D E X Continued Item Page Retort Clamps 102 Retort Stand Rings 255 Retort Stands and Supports 284 Retorts, all kinds 14, 253, 254 Revolving Extract Apparatus ' 137 Ribbed Funnels 152 Richard's Blowers 43 Richard's Filter Pump 344 Riche's Adiabatic Calorimeter 85 Riders for Balances 27, 35 Right Angle Thermometers 293 Ring and Ball Test 7, 9 Ring Burners 12, 76 Rings, Concentric 254, 255 Rings, Copper 255 Rings, Porcelain 354 Rings for Retorts 255 Ripper's Weighing Burette 68 Roasting Dishes 255 Robervahl Balances 26 Rochlitz Water Still 277-278 Rodent Cages 320 Rods, Glass 255 Roehrig Tube 20? Rose's Crucibles 118 Rose's Fusel Oil App 167 Rose-Herzfield Fusel Oil App 167 Rotarex Dulins 10-11 Rotary Compressor 43, 45 Rotap Sieve Shaker 270 Roux Gas Regulator isi- Royle Connections 245 Rubber Bulbs 64 Rubber Caps 255 Rubber Discs for Foot Bellows 43 Rubber Funnels 152 Rubber Gloves 184 Rubber Goggles 260 Rubber Hose 257-258 Rubber Policemen 255 Rubber Scrapers 255 Rubber Spatulas 274 Rubber Stoppers 257 Rubber Tester 256 Rubber Tubing 257-258 Ruedorff s Sand Bath 37 Rules . 204 Saccharimetric Flasks 151 Sacchrometer, Einhorn's 308 Safety Burner 72 Safety First Devices 260 Safety First Sundries 265 Safety - Lamp 72, 197 Safety Tubes 155, 306 Sahli's Haemometer 331 Sallerton's Distilling App 280 Salometers 193 Salt Mouth Bottles 49 Sample Bottles for Oil 53 Sample Grinder 121 Samplers 11, 258, 259 Samplers for Cement 92 Sampler for Water in Creosote Oils. 11 Sampler and Scoop 258 Sampling Trays 258 Sand Baths 37 Sand Crucibles 116 Sand Glasses 259 Sand Paper 259 Item Page Sand Scale 92 Sargent's Calorimeter 86 Saigent's Crucible Holder 120 Sargent's Electric Oven 229 Sargent's Extr. App 137 Saybolt's Viscosimeter 224 Scale Pans 30 Scale Pan Brushes 59 Scales 24-28, 92 Scales, Yarn 296 Scalpels 361 Scheibler's Desiccators 128 Scheibler's Gas Wash Tube 183 Schellbach's Burettes 66 Schellbach's Universal Support 289 Schiff s Burette 66 Schiff's Nitrometer 219 Schleicher & Schuell's Ext. Shells... 137 Schleicher & Schuell's Filter Papers.. 143 Schmitz's Calc. Chlor. Tubes 302 Shoes, Wooden Soled 263 Schreiner's Calorimeters 105 Schroeder's Alkalimeter 5 Schroetter's Gas Tube 178 Schultze's Elutriating App 272 Schuman's Spec. Gr. Bottle 54 Schuster's Dropping Bottle 53 Schutte's Penetrometer 13 Schwartz's Cal. Chlor. Tube 302 Scissors 267 Scissors, Dissecting 361 Scissors, Cartilage 361 Scleroscopes 186 Scoop and Sampler '. . 30, 258 Scoops 30, 259 Scoops and Counterpose 30 Scoops for Weighing 30 Scorifier Moulds 214 Scorifier Tongs 266, 299 Scorifiers 266 Scott's Oil Tester 223 Scott s Viscosimeter 223 Scrapers of Rubber 255 Scrapers for Muffles 266 Screw Compressors 101-102 Screw Capped Bottles 53 Screws, Leveling 201 Section Lifters 363 Sediment, Glasses for Urine 309 Seger Pyrometric Cones 249 Separating Funnels 12, 13, 154 Separator Broegger-Harada's 272 Serum Ovens 367 Shaking Apparatus 266-267, 270 Sharpeners, Cork Borers 114 Shears 267 Sheet Metal Tester 186 Shells, Extraction 137 Shepherd's Nitrogen Bulbs 62 Shields, Eye 262 Shovels for Cupels 126 Show Jars 195 Sieves 268 Sieve Agitator 271 Sieve Shaker 270-271 Sieves for Soil Analysis 273 Silica Beakers 41 Silica Boats 48 Silica Capsules HO Silica Casseroles 88 Silica Combustion Tubes 303 Silica Crucibles 119 Silica Dishes 131 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 421 I N D E X Continued Item Page Silica Muffles 216 Silica Triangles 300 Silica Tubing 303 Sillman's Gas Washing Bottle 57 Silver Crucibles 119 Silver Evaporating Dishes 31 Silver Hydrometers 193 Single Specimen Mills 208 Single Strand Tester 294 Siphon Barometer 36 Six Registering Thermometer 293 Skidmore Crucible and Retort 120 Skins, Chamois 99 Slide Box for Slide Test 13 Slide Rule 271 Slides, Microscopic 353 Slide Warmer, Electric 363 Smith's Platinum Crucible 239 Sodium Spoons 271 Soil Analysis Apparatus 272 Soil Analysis Sieves 273 Soil Flasks 150, 273 Solution Scales 25 Soundness Test App 93 Soxhlet's Extract App 135 Soxhlet's Flasks 149 Spatulas, all kinds .242, 273, 274 Spatulas of Platinum 242,274 Specific Gravity App. for Cement.... 93 Specific Gravity App. for Coal Tars and Oils 12 Specific Gravity App. for Gases 36 Specific Gravity Balances 27-28 Specific Gravity Bottles 12,53,55,93 Specimen Bottles 346 Specimen Jars 195, 345-346 Specimen Mills 208 Specimen Tubes 306 Spectacles 260-262 Spectroscope Accessories 275 Spectroscopes 275 Spencer's Microscopes 347-350 Spiral Condenser 112 Spirit Levels 29, 201 Sponges 274 Spoons, all kinds 271, 274 Sprengel's Specific Grav. Bottle 54 Squibb's Burette 64 Squibb's Separatory Funnel 154 Squibb's Spec. Grav. Bottle 54 Squibb's Ureometer 308 Staining Dishes 323 Staining Jars 346 Stains, Bact 314 Standard F. A. C. Oven 138 Standard F. A. C. Thermom 138 Standard Needles for Penetrometer. 8 Standard Sieves 269 Stands, all kinds 284-285 Stars for Bunsen Burners 79 Steaming Apparatus 91 Steam Funnels 153 Steam Sterilizers 316-318, 365 Steam Stills 276-278,280 Steam Water Baths 37-39 Steel Crucible Tongs 298, 299 Steel Dishes 132 Steel Forceps 151 Steel Gold Pans ' 188 Steel Measures 204 Steel Mortars 211 Steel Spatulas 274 Stender Dishes 323 Item Page Sterilizers 311, 316-318, 363-366 Stewart's Cover Glass Forceps 328 Still s 12, 276-280 Stirring Apparatus 280 281 Stoddard Test Tube Clamps.:.. 102 Stokes' Water Stills 276 Stoneware Jars '. 195 Stopcocks, all kinds 281, 282 Stoppers, Cork ' 113 Stoppers, Rubber ' ] 257 Stop-Rite Time Switch ....'. 270 Stopwatches 283 Storage Jars ...,.] 195 Stove, Alcohol 72 Streak Plates 237 Stuart's Counting App 321 Substitute for Platinum 242 Sugar Flasks ' . 159 Sugar Hydrometers 193 Suits, Asbestos 264 Sulphonation Funnel 155 Sulphur Bomb, Pans 81 Sulphur Determ. App si, 283 Sulphur Dioxide Gas 177 Sulphur Flasks " 149 Sulphur Rack 283 Sulphuretted Hydrogen App 179-180 Sulphurous Acid App 112, 200 Supports, all kinds 29, 47, 133, 284-289 Supports, Test Tube 370 Support Rings 255 Swenson Evaporator 134 Sy's Flasks 150 Syphon Barometer 26 Syphons 290 Syracuse Watch Glasses 323 Syringes 367-368 | Tubes 304 Table Clamps 102 Table Microtome 355 Table Support 287 Tables, Drying 324 Tables for Yarn Testing 295 Tagliabue's Viscosimeter 224 Talquist's Charts 321 Tape Measures 204 Tar Test App 7, 12 Taylor's Crusher 123 Teclu's Burner 74 Test Glasses 290, 309 Test Paper 234 Test Tubes 252, 290, 291 Test Tubes, Bact 291 Test Tube Baskets 370 Test Tube Brushes 61 Test Tube Clamps 102 Test Tube Sterilizer 311 Test Tube Tubing 306 Test Tube Washer 311 Tester, Rubber 256 Textile and Fabric Tester 294 Thelco Incubator 342 Thermit Experiments 297 Thermo Couples 247 Thermometers, all kinds. . .13, 138, 291-293 Thermometers for Incubator 371 Thermometer Tubing 306 Thermo Regulators 372 Thermo Regulator Gas 181 422 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. I N D E X Continued Item Page Thermostats 181, 373 Thimbles for Extract. App 137 Thistle Tubes 155 Thoma-Zeiss Counting Chambler.... 328 Thread Counters 202 Time Switch 270 Tin Boxes 59 Tin Funnels 153 Tin Foil Dishes 132 Tin Measures 204 Tincture Bottles 49 Tincture Presses 243 Tintometers 105-107 Tips for Blowpipes 47 Tips for Burettes 69 Tirrill's Bunsen Burner 73 Tirrill's Gas Machine 180 Titre Test Thermometer. 138, 292 Titre Tubes 291 Tongs, Crucible 298 Tongs, Cupel 126 Tongs, Scorifer 299 Tool Steel Mortars 210-211 Transparent Quartzware 251-252 Trays for Cupels 125 Triangle Golders 241 Triangles 299, 300 Triangles of Plat 241 Trip Scale 24 Triple Alphabet Lens 203 Triple Beam Balance 28 Tripod Lenses 202 Tripods 301 Tripods for Bunsen Burners..., 301 Troemner's Balances 15-21 Troughs, all kinds 12, 301 Trowels for Cement 93 Troy Weights 34, 35 Tubercular Syringes 368 Tubes, all kinds 12, 79, 96, 104, 302-307 Tubes, Absorption 184 Tubes, Ammonium Test 104 Tubes, Arsenic 5 Tubes, Barometer 36 Tubes, Burner 79 Tubes, Casein 207 Tubes, Chloride of Calcium 302 Tubes, Combustion 303 Tubes, Color Comparison 104 Tubes, Condenser 12, 304 Tubes, Connecting 12, 220 Tubes, Distilling 12, 13 Tubes, Fermentation 308 Tubes, Funnel 155 Tubes, Ignition 306 Tubes, Pyrometer 250 Tubes, Reduction 5, 306 Tubes, Roehrig 207 Tubes, Specimen 306 Tubes, Titre 291 Tubes, T 304 Tubes, Test 290-291 Tubing, Barometer 306 Tubing, Combustion 303 Tubing, Glass 306,307 Tubing, Rubber 257,258 Tubing, Silica 303 Tubing, Thermometer 306 Turmeric Paper . . 234 Turned Wood Boxes 59 Twaddle's Hydrometers 192 Twentieth Century Milk Tester. 205 Item Page Twine Asbestos 5 Twist Counter 296 Twitchell's Acetometer . 192 U U Tubes 302, 304 Umbrella Reel 296 Underwriters' Ext. App 135 Universal Clamps 100, 102, 103 Universal Motors 213 Universal Supports 289 Ure's Eudiometers 133 Ureometers 309 Urine Analysis App 308 Urine Hydrometers 193 Urine Sediment Glasses 309 Urinometers 309 U. S. Bureau of Mines Flask Tester.. 222 U. S. Signal Service Barometer 36 U S. Steel Corporation Gas App 174 U. S. Weather Bureau Hygrometer... 193 Vacuum Drying Oven 228 Vacuum Gauges 183 Vacuum Pumps 246 Vanier's Potash Bulb 63 Vapor Density App 310 Varrentrapp's Nitrogen Bulb 62 Vernier Calipers 204 Vials, Homeopathic 53 Vicat's Indent. App 91 Victor Meyer's Density App 310 Vinegar Testers 193 Viscosimeters 10, 222-223 Viscosimeters for Asphalt 10 Viscosimeter Glasses 225 Vitreosil Beakers 41 Vitrified Clay Tubes 303 Vogel's Funnel Tubes 155 Volhard's Chlor. Cal. Tube 302 Volhard's Nitrogen Bulb 62 Volume of Loaf App 310 Volumetric Flasks 151 Volumetric Pipette 235, 236 W W Shape Tubes 304 Walter's Funnels 155 Walter-Hempel's Tubes 305 Walker's Spec. Grav. Bottles 55 Warming Tables 324 Washers, Test Tube and Bottle 311 Washing Bottle for Gas 56-57 Washing Bottle for Water 55,56 Wasserman's Support 289 Wasserman's Water Bath 374 Wasserman's Bath. Army Med. School 375 Waste Jars 195 Watchglass Clamps 103 Watchglasses for Balances 29 Watch Springs 312 Water Analysis App 312-313 Water Baths, all kinds 37-39 Water Baths, Bacteriological 374 Water Heaters 187-188 Water Jet Vacuum Pump 245 LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS 423 I N D E X Continued Item Page Water Motors 80, 211 Water Power Centrifuge 97 Water Stills 276-279 Weatherhead Crusher 124 Wedgeshaped Hammers 185 Wedgewood Mortars 210 Weighing Bottles 57 Weighing Burette 58 Weighing Pipettes , . 57 Weighing Scoops 30 Weighing Spatulas 273-274 Weighing Tubes 57,252 Weight Blocks 33-34 Weights, all kinds 31-35 Weights, Precision 31 Weinhold's Cryophorus 125 Wesson's Absorption Bulbs 63 Westphal's Spec. Gr. Balance 27 Wetzel's Potash Bulb 62 Whatman's Ext. Paper 139 Whatman's Ext. Shells 137 Whatman's Filter Paper 143-145 Wicks, Lamp 197 Wiesnegg's Blast Lamp 70 Wiesnegg's Furnace 160 Wiley's Water Bath 37 Wiley's Extract. App 136 Wiley's Extract. App. Richardson... 136 Wills & Varentrapps Nitrogen Bulb.. 62 Wine Test Apparatus 280 Wingtops for Burners 79 Winkler's Gas Burettes 175 Winkler's Gas Holder 177 Winkler's Potash Bulbs . 62 Item Page Wire Baskets 370 Wire Gauge 183 Wire Gauzes 183, 242 Wire, Platinum 242 Wire, various kinds 313 Wire Test Tube Holders 102 Witt's Filter App 325 Wolffhuegel's Count. App 321 Wollaston's Cryophorus 125 Wood Asbestos 6 Wood Boxes 59 Wood Frame Sieves -268 Wood Frame Thermometers 293 Wood Supports 285 Wooden Soled Shoes 263 Wooden Test Tube Holders 102 Wool Glass 184 Worm Condensers 112 Woulff Bottles 58 Yarn Inspector 296 Yarn Reel 296 Yarn Tester 294 Y Tubes 304 Yeast Culture Flasks 326 Zinc Condenser Ill Zinc Test Tube Supports 289 We have excellent facilities for the repairing of Balances, Microscopes, Refractometers and other instruments, both of domestic and foreign make. Write for estimate. ADVERTISEMENTS The following pages contain advertisements of a few representative AMERICAN firms, who wish to introduce their products to Chem- ists, Bacteriologists, and in general all Scientific and Technical Men 1875 1918 American Platinum Works 225-231 New Jersey Railroad Avenue, NEWARK, N. J. PLATINUM For Chemical Processes For All Routine Analyses For Special Research Work Standard Shapes and Sizes in Stock. Special Forms to Specifications. Platinum Sponge Gauze, Tubing, Wire, Foil. Chloride of Platinum and Salts of the Platinum Group. Platinum Gold, Pal- ladium Gold. Gold, Silver and Special Al- loys for All Purposes. We Specialize in re- fining of all substances containing Platinum Metals, Gold and Sil- ver, Under Laboratory Control. For Platinumware in conformation with re- quirements of highest Chemical Authorities, use and specify that stamped with our Trade Mark. It is the warrant of special purity and thorough workmanship. Old ware bought or exchanged against new. New York Office, Charles Englehard, 30 Church St. BARIO Perfect Substitute for Platinum Wonderful Help to Win the War Not attacked by Nitric Sulphuric Hydrochloric Hydrofluoric Acids Alkalis and Sea Water A, Daigger & Company Chicago Illinois Melting Point, 3100 F Non-magnetic Can be Soldered, Brazed and Welded Bario is much cheaper than platinum. Laboratory utensils, 35 cc. crucible, $2.40 Chemical plants installed. The Bario Metal Corporation New York City 167 West 18th Street Acid - Alkali - Rust - Proof Laboratory Utensils LABORATORY service requires substantial utensils which i re not subject to deterioration which will not corrode nor affect the chemicals being handled. That Duriron has suc- cessfully met these requirements is evidenced by its continued use in the laboratories of prominent chemical plants and colleges of the country. The illustration examples only a few such utensils we will gladly send you details, or a sample laboratory dish free you can be your own judge of Duriron's characteristics. We also manufacture Sinks for laboratory uses, Pipe, Fittings, Valves, Cocks, Pumps, Steam Syphons, Exhaust Fans, Jacketed Kettles, Pots, Towers, Jets, Condensers, Manifolds, Stir- rers, Scrapers, Concentrating Apparatus, etc. NEW YORK: 90 WEST STREET CHICAGO: HARRIS TRUST BLDG. CALORIS GLASSWARE Carried in stock at all times by A. DAIGGER & CO. CHICAGO, U. S. A. Manufactured by INTERNATIONAL GLASS CO. MILLVILLE, NEW JERSEY, U. S. A. METRIC WEIGHTS Thompson Balance Co. This firm makes a specialty of high grade weights for assay ers and chemists who require something better than the ordinary grades. These weights are carried in stock by A. DAIGGER & CO. CHICAGO Gram weights are made of brass, coated with a tough durable lacquer. From 500 milligrams to 50 milligrams the weights are made of solid gold and below 50 milli- gram of aluminum. Copy of certificate of test given below proves how accurate these weights are. National Bureau of Standards Test No. 18394 Distinguishing Designation Correction Marks Designation Correction (1 g.) 0.000 mg. (10 mg.) 0.008 ing. 1 dot (500 mg.) +0.008 mg. (10 mg.) 0.001 mg 2 dots (200 mg.) +0.009 mg. - ^ ( j Qt ( 5 mg.) 001 mg (100 ing.) +0.002 mg. 2 dots ( 2 mg.) +0.002 mg. 1 dot (100 mg.) +0.002 mg. ( 2 mg.) 0.002 ing. 2 dots ( 50 mg.) 0.002 mg. ( 1 mg.) +0.003 mg. 1 dot ( 20 mg.) 0.008 mg. ( I'mg.) 0.000 mg. 2 dots Signed S. W. STRATTON, Director. Swenson Evaporator Co. 945 Monadnock Block, Chicago Manufacturers of "America's Standard" Evaporator Largest double effect in use today for hide glue liquor. Standard Swenson horizontal tube type. Over 80 per cent of the glue made in the U. S. A. is concentrated in this type evap- orator which turns out the strongest and lightest colored glue. Single and multiple effects for handling any liquor in commercial quantities. Sizes reg- ularly range from 100 to 10,000 gallons of evaporation per hour. We manufacture five standard types, although when these do not meet the requirements we construct combinations of these types or special types to produce the desired results. We frequently find it necessary to employ some special material of construction such as aluminum or bronze or tile or lead. Specialists Swenson engineers are specialists in evaporation and all reclaiming machinery which includes vacuum pans, leaching batteries, beet sugar machinery, pulp mill machinery, special chemical and waste product machinery. Catalogue The Swenson catalogue containing evaporation data and tables will be mailed gratis to responsible parties showing their business or collegiate connection, Your attention is further directed to the information on Swenson Evaporatoi s on Page 134. LITERATURE OF THE CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES On our shelves is the most complete stock of technical, industrial, engineering and scientific books in the United States. The technical literature of every trade is well represented, as is also the literature relating to the various sciences, both the books useful for reference as well as those fitted for students' use as textbooks. A large number of these we publish and for an ever increasing number we are the sole agents. ALL INQUIRIES MADE OF US ARE CHEER- FULLY AND CAREFULLY ANSWERED AND COMPLETE CATALOGS AS WELL AS SPECIAL LISTS SENT FREE ON REQUEST. VAN NOSTRAND'S CHEMICAL ANNUAL, IT GIVES THE FACTS AND FIGURES OF CHEMISTRY AND CHEMICAL ENGINEER- ING. HAVE YOU A COPY ? $3.00 POSTPAID. D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY Publishers and Booksellers 25 PARK PLACE NEW YORK 1301 1321 1101 1201 1615 GUERNSEYWARE LABORATORY PORCELAIN THIS ON ARTICLE OUR GUARANTEE EVERY OF MANUFACTURE M&rk. Largest American Manufacturers 3001 5005 1503 1502 The Guernsey Earthenware Co. Cambridge, Ohio r N " J ' . 1 T4| < THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. SEP -6 1932 SEP l&tf 7 DEC 3 19 JAMS 1955 IS LD 21-2 YD060719 494226 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY