UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES I'M L^jcojsotjc SCOTISH POEMS, REPRINTED FROM SCARCE EDITIONS. THE TALES OF THE PRIESTS OF PEBLIS. THE PALICE OF HONOUR. SQUIRE MELDRUM. EIGHT INTERLUDES, BY DAVID LINDSAY. PHILOTDS, A COMEDY. GAWAN AND GOLOGRAS, A ME TR 1C A L ROMANCE. BALLADS, FIRST PRINTED AT EDINBURGH, 1508. WITH THREE PIECES BEFORE UNPUBLISHED. COLLECTED BY JOHN PINKERTON, F. S.A.PERTH, HONORARY MEMBER OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF ICELANDIC LITERATURE AT COPENHAGEN, AND OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF SCIENCES AT DKONTHEIM. IN THREE VOLUMES. VOLUME IT. LONDON: PRINTED BY AND FOR JOHN NICHOLS M,occ,xcir. PR V. O N T E N T S. VOLUME II. -page LINDSAY'S EIGHT INTERLUDES, OR HIS PLAY. I. The Auld Man and bis Wife 3 II. Humanitle and Senfualitie - - 21 III. The Pulr Man andtbe Pardonar - 59 IV. The Sermon of Felly 81 V. Flattery, Deceit, and Falfebood, ml/lead King Humanity - - - IOI VI. The Three rices overcome Truth andCbaftity 133 VII. The Parliament of Correction - - 139 VIII. The Punijhment of the Pices . 173 Auuitions from the primed Play - - 199 a 2 ERRATUM. VOL.. II. page line aoi> 1 1, for Sym read Syn, The other errata of this volume are given at the end ofiu EIGHT- INTERLUDES BY SIR DAVID LINDSAY. Copied from the Btnnatyne MS. in the Advocates' Library, Edinburgh. 1788. VOL. It. INTERLUDE I. THE AULD MAN AND HIS WIFE* P E * 8 O N r er the Meffenger. The COTTER. FYNLAW oftbefute land. TheTui The AULD MAN. BESSY his wife. The COURTEOUR. The MERCHANT. The CIERK. HEIR BEGYNIS THE PROCL AM ATlOUN OF THE.PLAy, MAID BE DAUIO LyNSAY OF THE MONTH KNIGHT, IN THE PLAYFEILD, IN THE MONETH OF THE YEIR. OF GOD ! YEIRIS. PROLOGUE. N-UNTIUS: Rlcht famous pepill, ye fall undii fiand How that ane Prince, richt wyifs and vigilenr, Is fchortly for to cum into this land; And purpoffis to haltf ane Parliament (His thre Ellaitis thairtohes done confent) In Co-Mpar toun, into thair beft array With fupport of the Lord Omnipotent, And thairto lies afiixt ane certane day. With help of HIM, that rowlis all abone, That day fall be within ane litill fpace. Our purpofe is on the SEVINT day of June, Gif weddir ferve, and we haif reft and pece, We fall be fene intill owr playing place, In gude array, abowt the hour ot SEVIN. Off thriftinefs that day I pray yow ceifs, I3ot ordane us gude drink agains avvevin. Faill nocht to be upon the Cajlell bill, Befyd the place quhair we purpoifs to play ; With gude ftark wyne you: 4 flacconis fee ye fill, And hald yourfelf the myrreaft that ye may. B 3 Be 6 THEAULDMAN Be not difpleifit, quhat evir we ling or fay; Amang fad mater howbeid we fumtyme relyie. We fall begin at SEVIN hourisof the day.- So ye keip tryift, forfuth we fall nocht felyie. SCENE I. COTTER, NUNTIUS. COTTER. I fall be thair, with Goddis Grace, Thocht thair ware nevir fo gi it ane prefe ; And foremeft in the fair. And drink ane quart in Coivpar toun, With my Goflep JOHNE WILLAMSOUN, Thocht all the nolt fowld rair. I half ane quick Divill to my Wyfe, That haldis me evir in fturt and ftryfe; That warlo, and fche wift That I wald cum to this gud toun, Sche wa'.d call me fals ladrone loun, And ding me in the duft. We men that hes fie wickit wyvls In grit langour we leidour lyvis, Ay dreifland in di'.eifs. Ye Preiili? hes gret prerogatyvis, That may depairt ay fra your wyvls, And cheifs thame that ye pleifs ! Wa!d God I had that liberty, That I might pairt, as weill as ye, Without A N D H I S W I F E. 7 Without the couftly law ! Nor I be ftickit with a knyfe, For to wad ony uder wyfe That day fawld nevir daw. NUNTIUS. War thy wyfe deid I fee thow wald be fane. COTTER. Ye, that I wald, fweit Sir, be Sana Fillane. NUNTIUS. Wald thow nocht mary fre hand ane.uder wyfe? COTTER. Na, than the dum Divill ftik me with ane knyfe ! Quha evir did mary agane, the feind mot fang thame Bot, as the Preiftis dois, ay flryk in amang thame. NUNTIUS. Than thow mon keip thy cheftety, as effeiris; COTTER, I fall leif cheft as Abbottis, Monkis, and F reins. Maifter, quhairto fowld I myfelf mifkary, Quhan I, as Preiftis, may fwy ve, ad nevir mary ? [Exit Nuntius. B 4 SCENE 8 T H E A U L D M A N SCENE II, COTTER, WIFE. WIFE. Quhtiir hes thow bene, als ladrone Icwn $ Poyttand, and drinkand, in the toun 2 Qyha gaif the leif to cum fra hame ? COTTER. Ye gaif me leif, fair lucky Dame. WYFE. Quhy hes thow taryit heir fa lang* COTTER. I might not thrift oxv throw the thrang, Till that yone mon the play preclamit. WIFE. Trowis thow that day, fals Cairle defaitiit I To g ing to" Caspar to fee the play ? COTTER. Ye j that I will, Deme, gif I may. WIFE. Ka, I fafl curfi thairto fickerly ; And thow fait byd at hame, and keip the ky. COTTER, ANDHISWIFE. * COTTER. Fair lucky Dame, that war grit fchame, Gif I that day fovvld byid at bame. Byid ye at hame ; for cum ye heir, Ye will mak all the toun afteir. Quhen ye ar fow cf barmy drink, Bclyd vow nane may itand for ftink. Thairfoir byid ye ar hame that day, That I may cum and fee the play. WIFE. Fals Cairle, be God that fall thow nocht, And all thy crackis fall be deir coft. Su-yth Cairle fpeid the hame fpeidaly Incontinent; and milk the ky, And muk the Byre, erl cum haine. COTTER. All fall be done, fair kicky Dame. I am fa drv, Dame, or J gae, I mon ga drink ane penny, or twae. WYFE. The Divill a drew fall cuin in thy throte, Speid hame, or I fall paik thy cote. And to begin, fa!s Cairle, tak ihair ane plate. COTTER. The feind reflaif thehandis that gaif me that I J befeik yow for Goddis faik, luckly Dame, Ding me na mair ihL day til! I cum hame ; f ban fall I put me evin into your wi!'. WYFE. 10 THEAULDMAN WYFE. Or evirl ftynt, thowfall half ftraikis thy fill. [Ileir fall the IVyJe ding the Car/e, and be Jail cry God&i mercy, COTTER. Now wander and wa be to thame all thair 1 vvis, The quhilk ar maryit with lie unhappy wyvis ! WYF. I ken foure wyvis, fals ladrone loun, Baldar nor I, dwelland in Cowpar loan. COTTER. Gif thay be war, ga thow and they togidder, I pray God nor the feind reffaif the fidder. [Exeunt. SCENE III. FYKLAW. The FULE. FYKLAW of the Fute land. Now mary heir is ane fellone rowt ! Speik, Schyr, quhat gait may I get owt ? 1 rew that I come heir. My name, Schyr, wald ye undirftand, Thay call me FIND^AVV of the Fute band: A nobill man of weir. Thair is na.fyifty in this land Bot I dar ding thame hand for hand; Se lit ane brand I beir. 5 Noch ANDHISWIFE X1 Nocht lang fenfyne, befyd ane fyik, Upoun the fonny fyd of ane dyk, I flew with my richt hand Ane thowfand, ye and ane thowfand to, My fingaris yit ar blcdy lo ! And nane durft me ganefland. Wit ye it dcis me mekill ill, That can nocht get fechting my fill, Noudir in peace, nor weir. Will ne man, for thair ladyis fakis, With me ftryk twenty markit ftraikis, With halbart, fvvord, or fpeir? Quhen Inglifmen come into this land, Had I bene thair with my bricht brand, Withowttyn ony help, Bot myne allane, on Pynky Craiggis, I fowld haif revin thame all in raggis, And laid on fkelp for Ikelp. Sen nane will fechr, I think it beft, To ly doun heir and tak me reft ; Than will I think nane ill. I pray the Great God of his Grace To fend us weir, and nevir peace, That I may fecht my fill. \llar I'aU he ly ih'un. THE FULE. My Lord, be him that ware the Crown rf tl-orne, ^, mair Cowarc was nevir len God was burue. He I* P fc T HE A U L D M A N He lovis himfelf, and otrnr men he lakfcis, I ken him vveill for al! his boifts and Crakks. Howbeid he now be lyk ane Captane cled, At Pyafy Cleivch he was the firtt that fled. I tak on hand, or I fleir of this (kid, This crakkand Carle to fie with ane fcheiphcid. . SCENE IV. The AULD MAN, BESSY his wife, COURTEOUS, MERCHANT, CLERK, FUIL, FYNLAW. [Heir fall the Auld Man cutn in Icidand bii U'jfe in aiie danct* AULD MAN. BefTy, my hairt, I mon ly doun and fleip, And in myne armc fee quyetly throw keip. ***'******* t BESST. My gud hufband * * * * * I pray God fend yow grit honor and eifs. \Htirfallbe ' ******** fltif, anJfcbe fall fit lejyd kirn, f Some pafiages in thefe interludes vye with the Lyfiftrata of ^riftophanes in obfcenity, and we have been obliged to caftrate Pavid Lindfay. THE A N D H I S W I F E. 13 THE COURTEOUR. Lufly Lady, I pray yow hairtfully, Git me licence to beir yow cumpany. Ye fie I am ane cumly courteour, Quhilk nevir yit did v.oruan difconour. MARCHAND. My fair Maiftres, fweltar than the lammer, Gif me licence to luge into your chammer. I am the richeft Marchand in this toun : Ye fall of filk half kirtill, hude, and goun. CLERK. I yow befeik, my lufly lady bricht, To gif me leif to ly with yow all nicht. And of your gouwan lat me fchut the lokkis^ And of fyne gold ye fall refiaif ane box. FULE. Fair Damefiell, how pleifs ye me ? I haif na mair geir nor ye fie. Swa lang as this may fteir, or ftand, It fall be ay at your command. Na it is the beft yat ever ye faw. BESSY- Now welcome to me aboif thame aw. 7 Ww 14. THEAULDMAN Was nevir wyfe fa ftraitly rokkit. ****** FULE. Thinkis he nocht fchame ; that Brybor * * **** * * BESSY. Bot fe gif ye can mak remeid, To fteill the key fra under his held. FULE That fall I do, withowttin dowt, Lat fe gif I can get it owte. Lo heir the key ! do quhat ye will. BESSY. Na than lat us ga play our fill. [Heir fall they go tofum quiet place. SCENE V. FYNLAW, CLERK. FYNLAW of the Futeband. Will nane with me in France go to the weiris, Quhair I am Captaue of ane hundreth fpeiris ? I am fa hardy, fturdy, ftrang, and flout, That ovvt of hell the Divill I dar ding owt. CLERK. AND HIS WIFE. 15 CLERK. Gif thow be gude, or evill, I cannot tell, Thay ar not fonfy that fo dois rule thame fell. At Pyncky CIe*uucb t I knew richt woundir we; 11, Thow gat na Creddence for to beir a Creill. Sen fie as thow began to brawll and boiit, The Commoun weill of Scotland hes bene loift. Thow cry is for weir, bot I think peice war beft. J pray to God till fend us piece and refr, On that condition, that thow, and all thy Fallow is, War be the Craigy'is heich hang'.t on the Gallowis, Quha of this weir hes bene the foundament, I pray to the grit God omnipotent, That all the warld, and mae, mot on thame wounder, Or ding thame deid with awtull fyre of thunder. FYNLAW. Domine Do&or, quhair will ye preich to morne ? We will haif weir and all the warld had fworne. Want we weir heir, I will ga pafs in France , Quhair I will get ane Lordly governance. CLERK. Sa quhat ye will, I think fewre peice is beft, Quha wald haif weir God fend thame little reft ! Adew Crakkar, I will na langer tary; I treft to fee the in ane firy fary. I treft to God to fee the, and thy Fallowis, Within few days hingand in Cowpar Gallowis. f&ff. FYiNLAW. 16 THEAULDMAtf FYNDLAW. Now art thow gane, the dum Divill be tky Gyd I Yone Brybour was fa fleit, he d;jrft not byid. Be woundis and paffionis had he fpokkm mare ane wotd, I fovvld half hackat his held af with my (word. [Exitt, SCENE VI. AULD MAN, BESSY, FUIL. [Heir fall the Gudman ixalkin^ and cry for Becatifs it it writ tin btlrcftre in the leif quhair FLATTERY inter rii *. Now enter r is Dame CHESTBTIE. * Beginning of Interlude V* VOL. II, 35 ACT 5 HUMANIT1EAND ACT II*. S C E N E 'l, CHESTETIE, SOUTAR, TAILOU*. Hfir fall Dame CHESTETIE pafs and feik Inging atbort all the Sprituall Ejlait, and Temper all Eftait, qubill fche cum to the Soivttar, and Teilyeour t and fay : CHESTETIE. Ye men of craft, of grit ingyne, Gif me harbry for Chryftis pyne, And win God's bennyfone and myne, And help my hungry hairt. SowfTAR. Welcum be him that made the mono Till dwell with us till it be June, We fall mend baith your hoifs and fchone, And planely tak your pairt. * This is more properly another interlude, did not the MS. ex- prefs at the end of it, that it belongs to this. TAILYEOUE. SENSUALITIE. J TAILYEOUR. Is this fairLedy CHESTETY? Now welcum be the trinitie ! I think it war a grit pitie That ye fowld be thairowt. Your grit difplefour we forthink. Sit doun, Madame, and tak a drink ; And lat na forrow in yow (ink, Bot lat us play cop owe. SOWTTAR. Fill in and drink about, For I am wounder dry. The devill fnyp off thair fnewt, That haitis this cumpany. [Heir fall tlay gar CHESTETE// doun and fank. SCENE II. JENNT, TAILOUR'S WIPE, SOUTAR'S WIFE. JENNY. Myony, how! Mynny, Mynny! TAILYEOURIS WYFE. Quhat wald thow, my deir dochter JENNY I JENXY my joe, quhat dois thy daddy f JENNY, $z HUMANITIEAKD JENNY. Mary, drinkand with a luftly laiddy, Ane fair yung madin clad in quhyt, Of quhome my daddy takkis delyte. I treft, gif I can raken richt, Sche fchaipis to luge with thame all nicht. So wx TAR i s WYFE. Quhat dois the Sowttar, my gudman ? JENNY. Mary fillis the cop, and teimfs the can* Or ye cum hame be God I trow He fall be drucken as a fow. x.uj ,.iJi -ji s ,1 jiull TAILYEOU&IS WYFI. This is ane grit difpyt I think, For to relFaiffiic ane cowclynk. SOWTTARIS WYFE. Cummar, this is my counfall lo : Ding ye the ane, and I the uder. TA. WYFE. 1 am content, be Goddis moder. To think for me thay hurfoun fmaikis, Thay ferve richt weill to get their paikis. Quhat maifter fcind neidis afl this haift ? For it is half a yeir almaift Sen evir that loun laborit my kddir, SOWT- SENSUALITIE. 55 SOWTTARIS WYFE. God nor my Cruevin meufs a tedder, For it is mair nor fourty dayis, Sea erir he cleikit up my clayis. And lad quhen I got chalmer glew, That fowill Sowttar began to fpew. And now thay will fit doun to drink In cumpany with ane yung cowclinc. Gif thay half done fie difpyte, Lat us ga ding thame quhill thay dryte. SCENE III. The fame, TAILOUR, SOUTAR, CUESTITII. TAIL. WYFE. Go hence, Harlot ; how durft thow be fo bawld To luge with our gudmen, hot our licence ? I mak ane vow to him that Judas fawld, This rok of myne fall be thy recompence. Schaw me thy name, Duddroun, with diligence. CHAISTETY. Mary, CHESTETIE is my name by Sant Blayis. TAIL. WYFE. I pray God nor he wirk on the vengence. For I luvit never Cheftetie all my dayis. E 3 SOWT- 54. HUMANITIEAND SOWTTARU WTFE. Bot my gudman, the trewith I fay the till, Garris me keip Cheftitie fair aganis my will. Becauls that monilour he lies maid fie ane mynt, With my bedftaff that daftard beiris ane dynt. And als I vow cum thow this gait agane, Thy buttokkis fal be beltit, be fant Blane. TAI. WYFE. Fals hurfone Cairle, bot dowt thou fall forthink Thar evir thou eit or drank with yone cowclink. Sowr. WYFE. I mak ane vow to Santt Crifpynane, I fall be wrockin on thy graceles gane. And to begin the play tak thair a platt. . SOWTAR. The feind refaiff the handis that gaif me that ! C 7 SOWTTARIS WYFE. What now, hurfone, begynpii thow for to ban ? Tak thair ane uddir upoun thy peild harne-pan. Qahat now, Cummer, will thou not tak a pairt? TAI. WYFE. That fall I do, Cummer, be Goddis hairt. [Heir t bay fall ding tbair GuJmen* S E N S U A L I T I E. TAILYEOUR. Allace, goffbp, allace ! how ftandis it with yow f Yone cankert carling, allace, hcs brokin my brow. Now weilis yow, prieftis, weilis yow, in all your lyvis, That ar nocht waddit with fie wicket wy vis. SOWTTAR. Bifchopis ar blift, howbeit that we be wareir, ******* am j noc h t b e mareit. Goflbp, allace, that blak band we may wary, That ordanit fie pure men as we to mary. Quhat may be done bot tak in patience, And on all wyvis to cry ane lowid vengence? SCENE IV. \UeirfaU the wyvifjiandbe tbt watered, and J^ ; SOWTTARIS WYFE. Sen of our Cairlis, we haif the viftory, Quhat is your counfale, Cummar, that be done ? * TA. WYFE. Send for gucle wyne, and hald us blyth and mirry : I hald that belt gude Cummar be Santt Clone. E 4 Sovr. 5 6 HUMANITIEAND Sow. WYFE. Cummar, will ye draw off my hoifs.and fchone j To fill the quart I fall rin to the toun. TA. WYFE. That fall I do, be him that maid the more,! With all my hairt; thairfoir, Cummar, fit doun, Kilt up your clais abone your walft, And fpeid yow hame agane in haift, And I fall provyd for a paift, Our corflls to confort. SOWT, WYFE. .- , n. Xi.l 3 mekill forrow ! I can not get, thocht I gafp, to beg nor to borrow. DILIGENCE. Quhair divell is thoir dyvour, or quhat is thyne content? PEURMAN. I dwell into Lffwtbiaue, a myle bot fr* Jranent. DILIGENCE. Quhar w*ld thow be, Carle, thefuth to me fchaw ? PEURMAN. Sir, evin tuSanfl Andruf^ evin tp feik law. DILIGENCE, 64 v THE PUIRMAN DILIGENCE. , To fyke law in Edinburgh is the narreft tray. PEURMAK. Syr, I haif focht Jaw thair this mony a deir day ; Bot I cowld nevir find law at fefiioun, or fenyie. Thairfoir the mekill dum divell droun all that menyie I DILIGENCE. Schaw to me thy mater, man, with all circumftance; How thow hes happnit this unhappy chance. PEURMAN. Gud man, will ye gif me of your cheretie? And I fall declair to yow the blak veretie. My fadir was an auld man, and ane air ; And was of aige fourfcoir yeirs and mare: And MALD, my mudir, was fourfcoir and fyiftene; And with my labour I did thame baith fuflene. We had a meir, that careit fait and coill ; And evirilk yeir fche brocht us hame a. fuill. We had thre ky, that was baith fatt and fair, Nane tydiar hyne to the topn of Air. My fader was fa walk of blude and bane He dyit, quhair foir my moder maid grit mane ; Than fche deit to, within ane oik or two ; And than began my poverty and wo. Our gude gray meir was baitand on the feild, Our landis laird tuik hir for his here geild. Our vicar tuik the belt kow be the held, "ir in AND THE PARDONAR, 6$ Incontinent quhen my Fader was deid ; And quhen the vicar hard how that my moder Was deid, fra hand he tuke fra me ane uder. Than MEG, my wyfe, did murne baith evin and morrow, Till at the laft fche dyit for very forrow : And quhen the vicar hard tell my wyfe was deid, The third kow than he cleikit be the held. Thair * * * clais, quhilk was ofreplochgray, The vicar gart his dark cleik thame away. Quhen that was gan I micht mak no debait, Bot with my bairnis part for to beg my mait. Now haif I tald yow the blak veritie, How I am brocht to this miferitw. DILIGENCE. Quhow did the perfone, was he not thy gud freind ? PEURMAN. How ? the divill ftick him 5 he curft me for my teind j And haldis me yit undir the fame procefs, That gart me want my facrament at pefs. In gud faith, Syr, thocht ye wald cut my throtf, I haif na geir, except an Inglis grott : Quhilk I purpofs to gif ane man of law. DILIGENCE. Thow art the daftifl full that evir I faw. Trowis yow, man, be the law to get remeid Of men of kirk ? na nevir till thow be deid. Vol. H. F 66 THE PUIRMAN PEURMAN. Syr, be quhat law, tell me quhairfoir or quhy, That our vicar Could tak fra me three ky ? DILIGENCE. Thay haif na law, except ana confuetude ; Quhilk law to thame is fufficent and gude. PtURMAN. Ane confwetude, aganis the comraoun weill, Sowld be no law, I think be fweit Santt JE i LL. Quhair will ye find that law, tell gif ye can To tak threky fra ane peur hufband man ? Ane for my fader ; and for my wyfe ane uder ; And the thrid kow he tuke for MEG my moder. DILIGENCE. It is thair law ; all that thay haif in ufej Thocht it be kow, fow, -ganan, gryce, or gufe. PEURMAN. Schyr, I wald fpeir at yow ane queflioun. Eehald fum prellatis of this regioun, Manifeftly, during thair lufty lyuis, Thay fwyve ladeis, madinis, and menis wyves. ****'**** Quhiddir fay ye that law is evill or gude ? DILIGENCE. Hald thy tongue, man ; it femis that thow art mangit. Speik thow of preiftis but dowt-thow wilt be hangit. PEURMAN. AND THE PARDONAR. 67 PEURMANT. Be him that beure thecrewall crown of thorne, I cair not to be hangic evin the morne. DILIGENCE. Be fewr of preiftis thow will get na fupport. PEURMAN. Gif that be trew, the feind refaifF the fort ! So fen I fe I get none udir grace, I will ly doun, and reft me in [his place. SCENE II. The PARDONOUR. [Heir Jail the Peurman ly aoun in the field : and the Par- donnourjall cum in and fay : Devoitt Pepill, gud day I fay yow, Now tarry a little quhill, 1 pray yow. Till I be with yow knawin. Wait ye not weill quhow I am namit ? A nobill man, and undefamit, And all the futh war fchawn. I am Syr ROBERT ROME RAKAR, Ane public! perfyte Pardonar, Admit tit be the Paip. F 2 Schyr, 68 THEPUIRMAN Schyr, I fall fchaw yow for my wage, My pardonis, and my prevelege, Quhilk ye fall fe, and graip. I gif to the Divill, with gud entenr, This wofull wickit New Teftment., With thame that it tranflattit : Sen lawit men knew the veritie, Pardonaris gettis no cheretie, Withowt that we debait it. Amangis the wyvis with wrinkis and wylis, As all my mervellis men begylis Be our fair fals flattery ; Ye all tha craftis I can perqueir Richt weill informit be a freir, Callit YPOCRASY. J3ot now, allace ! owr grit abufioun Iscleirly knawin to our confufioun, Quhilk I may fair repent : Off all creddence now am I quyr, Ilk man hes me now at difpyte, That reidis the New Teftment, Wander be to thame that it wrocht, Swa fall thame that the buik name brocht, Als I pray to the rude That MARTYNE LUTER, that fals loun ******* *t Had bene fmored in thair erode* f Deleted in MS. Ee AND THE PARDONAR. 69 ^Be him that beir thecroun ofthorne, I wald Santc Pawle had nevir bene borne ; And als I wald his buikis War nevir red into the kirk, Bot amang freirs into the fnirk ; Or revin amang the ruikis. [Heir fall he lay Jo'wn bis nuaris ufoun the burde. My potent Pardonnis ye may fe, Cum fra the CAN of Tartarie Weill feilit with efter fchelKs. Thocht ye haif no difcretioun, Ye fall haiff full remiffioun, With help of buikis and bellis. Heir is a rellik, lang and braid, Of FYNMAKOWLL the richt chaft blade, With teith, and all togeddir. Of COLL ING is kwj heir is a home, Foreitting of MAKAMEILLIS corne Was flane into Baquhiddcr. Heir is the cordis, baith grit and lang, Quhilk hangit JOHNNIE ARMSTRANO, Of gud hempr, foft and found : Gud haly pepill, I {land ford, Qahavir beis hangit in this cord, Neidis nevir to be dround. . w The culum of St. BR YDDIS cow ; The grunttill of Santt ANTONIS fow, Qiihilk bure his haly bell ; Fj Quha 70 THE PUIRMAN Quha evir heiris this bell clink, Gife me a duccat to the drink, He fall nevir gang till Hell, Withowt he be with Belliall borne. Maifteris, trew ye that this be fcorne ? Cum, win this pardone, cum ! Quha luvis thair wyvis not with thair hairt, I haif power thame to depairt : Me think yow deif and dum ! Hes nane of yow curft wickett wyvis,- That haldis you into Hurt and ftryvis ? Cum, tak my difpenfatioun. Off ihat cummer ] fall mak yow quyt, Howbeid your felf be in the wyte, And mak an fals narratioun. Cum wyn the pardone, now lat fee. For meill, for malt, or for money, For cok, hen, gufe, or gryfs, Offrellikkis heir I haif a hunder. Quhy cum ye not ? this is a woundir : I trow ye be not wyte. SCENE III. PARDONAR, SOWTTAR, and SOWTTAR'S WYFE. SOWTTAR. Welcum bame, ROSINED ROME RAKAR! Our haly patent Pardonnar, G5f AND THE PARDONAR. 71 Gifye haif difpenfatioun To pairt me, and my wickit wyfe, And me delyvirfra fturt, and ftryfe; I mak yow fupplicatioun. PARDONAR. I fall the pairt, bot mair demand, Sa I get money in my hand. Thairfoir lat fe thy cunyie. - SOWTTAR. I haif na fylvir, be my lyfe, Bot fy ve fchilling, and my fchaping knyfe. That fall ye haif bot funyie. ., PARDONAP. Quhat kin a woman is thy wyfe ? SOWTTAR. A quick divill, Syr ; a ftorme of itryfe. A frog that fylis the wind. A filland flagg; a flyrie fuff; At ilka pant fche lattis a puff, And hes no ho behind. All the lang day fche me difpyttis ; And all the nicht fche flingis and flyttys ; Thus fleip I nevir a wink. That cokatrice, that cornmoun heure, The mekle divill ma notendeure Hirftubornes and (link. F 4 SOWT- 7 a THE PUIRMAN SOWTTAR'S WYPE. Theif, Cairle, thy wordis I hard full weill. In faith my friendfchip thou fait fell, And I the fang. SOWTTAR. Gif I faid ocht, Dame, be the rude, Except ye war baith fair and gude, God nor I hang ! PARDONER. Fair Dame, gif ye wald be a wowar, To pairt yovv twa I half a powar. Tell on, ar ye content ? SOWTTAR'S WYFE. Ye, that I am, with all my hairt, Fra that fals hurefone to depairt, Sa that theiff will confent. Cauffis to pairt I haiff anew, Becaufs i get na chalmer glew, I tell you verralie. I marvell not, fo mot I thryve, Suppoifs that fwingeour nevir fwyve, He is baith cawld and dry. PARDONNAR. Quhat wilt thow gif me for thy parte? SOWT' AND THE PARDON A R. 73 SOWTTAR' A cuppill of farkis, with all my hairtj The bell claith in this land. PARDONAIU To pairt fen ye ar baith content, I fall pairt yow incontinent: Bot ye mon do command. My decreit and my finall fentence is, k Slip doun thy hoifs, me think the carle is glaikit, Sett thow not by howbeid fche kill and flaikkit. SOWTTAR. * * * * * [ Here tbe Sawttarfall da the lyt. PARDONAR. Dame, pas ye to the eift end of the toun : And pas ye waft, even lyk a cukald loun. Go hence ye baith, with Baliall' braid blyfing ! .Schyris faw yow evir mair forrowles departing ? SCENE 74 THE PUIRMAN SCENE IV. PARDONOUR, WILKIN. [Heir fall his Bty Wi L K I N cry off the bill, and fay : How, Maifter, quhair ar ye now ? PARDONAR. I am heir, WILKIN Widdifow. WILKIN. Schyr, I half done yonr bidding, For I half fund a grit horfs bane, Ane farar faw ye nevir nane, Upoun theme flefch and midding. Schyr, ye may gar the wyffis trow, It is ane bane of Santt BRYDIS cow, Gude for the fevir tartane. Schyr, will ye rewill this rick weill, AH haill the wyvis will kifs and kneill, Bctvvix this and Dumbartane. PARDONAR. Quhat fay thay of me in the toun ? WILKIN. Sum fayis ye ar a very loun ; Sum fa^ is legatus natus'. Sum AND THE PARDON A R. 75 Sura fayis a fals Sarafene ; And fum fayis yow ar for certane Diabolus incarnatus. Bot keip ye fra fubjelioun Of that curft King CORRECTIOUN ; For be ye with him fangir, Becaufs ye are ane Rome Rakar, Bot dowt ye will be hangit. PARDONAR. Quhair fall I luge into the toun ? WlLKYN. With gudekind CHRISTANE ARDERSOWNB, Quhair ye will be weill treittit. Gife ony limmir yow demandis, Sche will defend yow with hir handis, And womanly debaitt it. BAWBXJRDE fayis, be the Trinitie, That fche fall beir yow cumpany, Qnbobeid yow byd all yeir. PARDONAR. Thow hes done weill, be Goddis moder ; Tak thow the ane, and I the uder, So fall we mak gud cheir. WELKIN. . , I pray yow fpeid yow heir, And mak na langer tarye ; Byd j6 THE PUIRMAN Byd ye lang thair, but weir, I dreid your weid ye wary. SCENE V. PARDONAR, PUIRMAN. [Heir fall the BEGGER ryife, and rax him, tndfay ': Quhat thing was yone, that I hard crack and cry ? I half bene dronand, and dremand on my ky. With my richt hand my hale body I fane ; Santt BR YD, Santt BRYD, fend me my ky agane ! I fe ftandand yondar ane haly man, To mak me help, lat me fe gif ye can. Haly Maiilar, God fpeid yow, and gud merne ! PARDONAR. Welcum to me, thocht thow vvor at the home. Cum, win the pardoun, and then I fall the fane. PEURMAN. Will that pardoun get me my kye agane ? PARDONAR. Cairle, of the ky I haif na thing ado. Cum, wyn my pardoun ; and kifs my rellikkis to. \Heirfal the PAR DON A R fane him with bis rellikkis. 3 PAR- AND THE PARDONAR, 77 PARDONAR. Now lowifs thy purfs, and lay doun thy offrand, And thovvfall haifmy pardoun, even fra hand. With raipis and rellikisl fall the fane agane; Gravel, nor gut, thow fall nevir haif hot pane. Now wyn the pardoun, Lymmar, or thow art loft, PEURMAN, Now, halyMaifter, quhat fall that pardoun coft ? PARDONAR. Lat fee quhat money thow beiris in thy bag. PEURMAN. I haif ane groit heir, bundinin ane rag. PARDONAR. Hes thow nane uder filver bot ane grote ? ' PEURMAN. Gif.I haif mair, Syr, cum and rype my cote. PARDONAR. Gif me that grote, man, fen thow hes na mair f PfiURMAN. With all my hairt, Maiftar ; lo, tak it thair. Now lat me fe your pardoun, with your leif, 7 8 THE PUIRMAN PARDONAR. A thowfand yeir ! of pardoun I the gife. PEURMAN. A thowfand yeir I will not leif fa lang. Dely ver me it, Maiiler ; fyne lat me gang. PARDONAR. A thowfand yeir I lay upoun thyne heid, With Miens quotient ; now mak me no moir pleid. Thow hes reilawit my pardoun now all reddy. PEURMAN. Bot I can fe nothing, Schyr, be our Leddy. Forfuth, Maiiter, I trow I be not wyifs, To pay, or I half fene my merchandyifs. That ye haiffgottyn my grote full fair I rew. Schyr, quhidder is your pardoun blak or blew ? Maifter, fen ye haiff tane fra me my cunyie, My merchandyfle fchaw me withowttyn fenyie, Or to the Bifchop I fall pafs, and planyie, In St. AndruS) and fummond yow to thair fenyie. PARDONNAR. Quhat cravis thow, Cairle? Me think thow art not wyifs. PEURMAN. I crave my grote, or ellis my merchandyifs.] PAR- AND THE PARDONAR. 79 PARDONNAR. I gaif thepardoim for a thowland yeir. PEURMAN. Quhair fall I get that pardoun, let me heir. PARDONNAR. Stand 1U11, and I fall tell the all the ftoty. Quhen thow art deid, and gois to purgatory, Beand condamnit to pane ane thowfand yeir; Than fail thy pardoun the relief, but weir. Now be content, thou art a marveilus man. PEURMAN. Sail I get na thing for my grote till than? PARDONAR. That fall thow not, I mak it to the plane. PEURMAN. Na than, Maifter, gif me thy grote agane. Quhat fay ye, Maifters ? Call ye this a gude refil'un, That he fuld promife me ane gud pardoun, And heir refiaif my money in this fteid, Syne mak me na payment till I be deid ? Quhen I am deid, I wait full feckerly My filly fowl fall pafs to purgatory ; Declair me that, now God norBaliall bind the, Quheii I am thair, curft carle, quhair fall I find the? i Mocht 80 THEPUIRMAN Ndcht into hevin, but rader into hell : Quhanthou art thair, thow can not help thy fell. Quhen wilt thow cum, my bailis for to beit ? Or I the find my hippis will get a heit. Trowis thow, Bowchour, that I will by blude lammis ? Gif me my grote, the ciivili dryte on the gammis. PARDONNAR. Swyth, ftand aback ; I trow this man be mangit. Thow gettia not this grote thocht thow fuld be hangit. PEURMAN. Gif me my grote, weill bund unto my clout; OrbeGoddis breid ROBENE fall beira rowt. [Heir fall tbay fecbt togedJer ; and the Peurman fall ca) doun the burd ; and cajl the rellikkis in the water. INTER. INTERLUDE IV. THE SERMON OF FOLLY, Voi. II. J8Jjt r TP VI FOLLY, DlLICENCI. ifsS d'f KlKG* THE SERMON OF FOLLY. S 3 ;' [Heir tndi tbli inttrluJ : and follows ane oythtr inttrluJ pf tbt famjnt play. SCENE t FoLLT. It K>8 HnrMftmFotLT. Gude day, my Lordis, and God fane ! Will na man bid guday agane ? Qahun fuli* ar fow, than ar thay fane. Ken ye not me ? Quhow call thay me ? Can ye not tell ? Now be him that herryithell I wat not how thay call my fell, Bot -/it I cowd lie* :...? \ii ' ;-.?-.? ;; -?]. . t ^ SCENE II. FOLLY, DILIGENCE. DILIGENCE. Quhat Btybour is yone, that xnakkis fie beitis ? FOLY. the feind reflaif that mowth that fpeiris ! G 2 Cud $4 " THE SERMON ' Gud man ga play yow amang your feiris, With muk upoun your mow. Found fule, quhair hes thow bene fo laic ? J. J - P, FOLY. Mary, cumand doun thr.nch the bony gait : Bot thair hes ben ane grit debaitt Eetwix me, and antffdwV The fow cryd gurfl> and rto gay, "'-toJ j ra ^.f Throuch fpeid of /ute I gatBway,.-*-" . Bot in the middis of the cawfway ... ;v., I fell into ane midding. ^ awi'io/i ^ She lap upoun me, with a bend. ';tn ysrfj ii. 1 . j Quhaevir tha middingis fowld amend,' ^c/fi m^l God fend thame ane mifchevus end, % (r.H,' worf joaj.':* I For that is Goddis bidding. .ail lv/oo I ) ' As I war pudlie thair, God wait ; Bot with my club I maid debait. I fall ne ; vir cum. agane. that gaifc j 3 Schir, be all hallowis. I wald the officiarisof the toun,. . That fuffeirs fie confufioun, That thay war harberyt with MAHOXJN ; Or hangit on the gallowis, ,&, t Fy ! that fa fair a cuntre Sowld ftand fa lang, but polletie. thaim to the diuill hairtlie That O F F O L L Y. , That has the wyte. I wald the provoil wald tak in held * Of yone middingis to mak remeid, Quhilk patt me and the.fpw at;fcid. Quhat man I do bot flyte I SCENE III. . KING, FOLLY, DILIGENCE. KING. Pafs on my ferwand DILIGENCE, And bring yone fule to our prefence. DILIGENCE. Itfalbedone, bot tareing. FOLLY thow mon go to the KING. FOLLY. The KING ? quhat kind a thing is that ? Is yone hee with the eolcfin hatt f . DILIGENCE. . Yone fame is he : cum on thy way. FOLLY. . Gif ye be king, God gif yow gud day ! I half ane plent to mak to yow. G 3 KINO. *6 T H E SERMON KINO. Quhome on Foly ? FOLIT. Mary of ane fow. Schyr, fche hes fworne that fche fall flay me, Or ellis hyt baith the bagftanis fra me. Giffye be King, fchyr, be Sancl ANN, Ye fowld do juftice to ilk man. Had I nocht keipit me with my cjub ? That fow had d round me in ane dub. 1 hair fay thair is cum to the toun Ane King callit CORRECTIOUN : I pray yo w tell me quhilk is he ? DILIGENCE. Yone with the wingis : ma thow not fe ? FOLLY. Now waly faw that weill fard mow ! Schyr, I pray you correct yone fow ; Quhilk with hir teith, but fwerd or knyfe. Had maift heve reft me of my lyfe. Gif ye will not make corre&ioun, Than gif me your protedioun, Off all fwine to be ikaithles, Betwix this toun, and Innernes. DILI- O F F O L L Y. i DILIGENCE. Hes thow, FOLY, ane wyfe at hame ? FOLLY. Ye that I hare : God fend hir fchame ! I trow be this (the is neir deid : I left ane wyfe bindand hir heid. To fchaw hir feiknes I think grit fchame, Sche hes Ac rumbling in hir wame, That all the nycht hir hairr ourcaltis With bokking, and with hinder blaftij. DILIGENCE. Paraventure fche be with bairne. " i : ? : FOLLY. Allace ! I trow fche be forfairne. Sche fobbit, and fche fell in fouu, And than thai rowit hir up and doun. Sche riftit, ruckit, and maid lie ftendis, Sche yeild, and that at bajth the endis, Till fche had caftin a cuppill of quarts $ Syne all turnd till a rak of * * Sche blubbirt, bokkit, and braikit ftill ; Hyr erfs gaid evin lyk ane wind mill : Sche puft and yifkit with fie riftis, That verry dirt come furth with d riftis : Sic dryfmell droggis fra hir fche fchot, Quhill fche maid all the fleur on flot : G 4 01 S8 THE S E R ; M,Q;N Of hir hurdes fche had na hauld, Quhill fche had teiir.d hir monyfawld. 1 DILIGENCE. Better bring hir to the leichis heir. FOLLY. I JwbVairf) & woii I Trittell, trattell ! fche raa not fteir. Hir verry buttokis makkis fie bek,l ^z-An It Ikairris baith foill and filly. .1 ui &c Sche bokkis fie baggage fra hir breift, jrfwo Thay want na bubblis that littis hir neift, With ilka quhilly billy. DILIGENCE. ; Htiv; 3d os Recuverit not fche at the lad ? FOLLY. Ye, bot wat ye weill fche fartit fair, - "Jl >.ti j! oi.. ,1 -i JA)! ;i* >.'J Yit quhen fche lichis my hairt is fairy. DILIGENCE. Will fche nocht drink? ^jHH^Uii^UiT FOL-LY. nsR'tawifl Ye be Sanft Mary: A quart at anis it will not tarey,]* tfv! And leif the divill a drop. Than fie flobbage fche layis fra hir. About the wallis God wait fie \vairc. O F F O L L Y. 8 Quhen all is drunken I get the to fhaire The lykkingis of the cop. DILIGENCE. Quhat is in that creill, I pray the tell ? FOLLY. Mary, 1 haif foly hattis to fell. [DILIGENCE. I pray the fell me ane, or tway. ' FOLLY. Na, tary quhill the markit day. I will fit doun here be Santt CLUNE And gif my babies thair disjone. Cum heir gud GUKKIS, my dochter deir, Thow fall be maryit within aneyeir Upoun ane frier of Tuttitlum : Na thow art nowther deif na dum. Cum heir STVLTY, my fone and air, My jo, thow art baith gude and fair ; Now fall I feid yow as I mae : Cry lyke the gorbeuis of ane kae. DILIGENCE. Get up, FOLLY, bot tareing, And fpeid yow haiftelly to the King. Get up: me think the Carle is dum. FOLLY. 9 o THESERMON FOLLY. Now bumbalary ; bum, bum. DILIGENCE. I trow the Fouttour lyis in ane tranfs. Get up man with a mirry mifchanfs, Or be Sanft DENNYSS of Franfe Thow fall want thy wallatt, Its fchame man to fe quhow thow lyis, . / FOLLY. \Va yit agane, now this is thryifs, The divill worry me, and I ryifs, Bot I fall brek thy pallat. Hald dour, your held, ye ladroune loun ! Yone fair lafs, with the fating goun, Garris yow thus bek and bend. Tak thair a neidill for your lace. Now, for all the hyding of your face, Had ye it intill a quiet place, Ye wald not wane to fiend. Thir bony anis, that ar cleid in (ilk, Thay ar als wantoun as ane wilk. I wald forbeir baith breid and milk, To kifs thy bony lippis. Suppois ye luik, as ye war wreth, War we atqueit behind a claith, S Ye O F F O L L Y. 9 i Ye wald nocht fpair to preve my graich ****** Be God I ken ye wcill annewch ; Ye are fane, thocht ye mak it twich. Think ye nocht, as into the fewch, Befyd the quarrell hoillis, Ye wan fra me baith hoifs and fchone, , And gart me mak mowis to the mone, And ay lap on your courfs abone DILIGENCE. Thow mon be dung with poillis. Swyth, varlot ! haift -.he to the KING, And lat alane thy cracling. Lo heir is FOLLY, fchyr, all reddy. A richt fweir fwiageir, be our Leddy. FOLLY. Thow art not half fo fweir thy fell. Quhat meinis this pulpit I pray the tell ? DILIGENCE. Our new bifchoppis hes maid a prciching : Bot thow hard nevir fa plefand teiching. Yone bifchop will preich tliruch all the cod. FOLLY. Than ftryk ane hay into the port ; For I hard nevir, in all my lyfe, A bifchoppe cum to preiche in Pjft. Gif 02 THE SERMON Gif bifchoppis to be preichours leiris, Wallaway ! quhat fall werd of freirs ? And prellatis preiche in bruch and land, The filly freiris, I undirftand, Thay will get na mair meill nor malt; m ^ .x.urTF So I dreid freiris fall dee forfalt. i fbncup iriJ 1, Sen fvva i$, that yone nobill king Will mak men bifchoppis for preiehingJui -, t ,i Quhat fay ye, fyiy hald ye not beft ....... ;. That I ga preiche amang the reft ? Quhen I haif preichir, on my beft wyifs, Than will I fell my merchandyifs To my bredir, and tendir maitis, That dwellis amang the thre eftaitis j For I haif heir gud chaffray Till ony fule, that liftis to by. [Heir fall FOLLY king up bis hattis upoun the pulpet. God fen I had ane do&oris hude ! .ifsl vrfl :;}v! J* lfi;.i Jon iit, wt.d'I K ING< ; C-HU "inh^n ndu'J Quhy FOLLY : wald thow mak ane preiching ? Ye, that I wald, fchir, be the rude, Bot owdcr flattery, or fleiching. KING. Now, bruder, let us heir yone teiching, To pafs our tyme, and heir hym raiff* - ti ^ a ^ fl- j j ^ O F F O L L Y. 93 DILIGENCE. He war far meitar in, the kiching A:nang the pottis, fa Chvyft me faiff. Fond FOLLY, I;#ilirbe thy clark, And anfwer ay with amee. FOLLY. Now, at the beginning of my wark, The fcind rdTave that grades gane. [Heir fall FOLLY % bh Sermon*. Stultorum numerits info: tut* SALOMONS, the moift fapient king, In Ifraell quhen he did ring, ?..,.., Thir wordis in eflfedl he d:d wryte, _, , . . , .. ' . , ' " The numbir of fuhs ar innnyte." I think na fchame, fa Chryft me faive, To be ane fule amang the laive ; Hovvbeid ane hundreth Ibndisj,heirby Peranter ar as gauckit fulis as I. I haif of my genalogy Dwelland in every cuntry., Erlis, Duckis, Kingis, and Emperouris, With many gukkit conquerouris, Quiik dois in foly perfeveir ; And hes done fo this mony a yeir. Sum feikis in vvarldly dignities, And 94 THE S E R MO N And Turn in fenfuall vaneties : Quhat vailis all thair vane honouris, Nocht beand feur to lyve twa houris ? Sum gredy fule dois fill the box ; Ane uder fule cumis, and brekis the lokkiff, And fpends that uthir fulis hes fpaird, Quha nevir thocht on thame to waird. Sum dois as thay fowld nevir dee. % Is not this foly, quhat fay ye ? Safitmtia bujus mundi efljiultitia afuJ Dtum. Becaufs thair is fa mony fulis, Rydand on horfs, and fum on mulis, Heir I haifFbrocht gud chafFry Till ony fule that likkis to by. And fpecially for the thre ftaitis : Quhar I haif mony tendir maids Quhilk gart thame gang, as ye ma fe. Backwart thruche all the cuntre. With my cramery gif ye lift mell ; Heir I haif foly hatcis to fell. Quhomfor is this hatt, wald ye ken ? Mary for infaciable merchand men. Quhen God hes fend thame habundance, Ar nocht content with luffic-eance, Bot failis into the ftormy blaftis In winter, to get gritrar caftis, In mony terribil grit torment, Again s the a As of parliament* O F F O L L Y. 9$ Summ tynis their geir, and Aim ar drownd } With this lie merchands fuld be cround. DILIGENCE. Quhom to myndis thow to fell that hude ? I trow to Aim grit man of gude. FOLLY. This hude to fell richt fane I wald To him that is baith awld and cald, Reddy to pafs till Hell or Heven ; And hes fair bairnis fex, or feven, And is of aige fourfcoir of yeir ; And takkis a lafs to be his peir, Quhilk is not fourtene yeirs of aige, And bindis with hir in marriage ; Gifand hir treft that fche not wald Richt heftilly mak him cuckald. Quha mareis, beand fa neir deid, Sett on this hatt upoun his held. DILIGENCE. Quhat hade is that, tell me I pray the ? FOLLY* This is ane haly hude, I fay the. This hude is ordaind, I the afleur, For fpirituall fulis that takkis in cure The fawlis of grit dioceis, And regiment of grit abbafleis, For 9 6 T H E S E R M O N Forgreidynesofwardlypelf, That can not juftly gyd thaimfelf. Uder fawllis to faive it.fettis thame weill, Syne fendis thair ane fawl to the Deill. Quhaever dois fo, thus I conclude, Upoun his held fet on this hude. Dl " WflFribh ib> oj 3 bod iMT FOLLY, is thair onyficmen ;vz ijitd i led* mM i>T Now in the kirk, that thow can. ken ? How fall I ken thame ? 2>Tj ^ eimxtd ii&\ od ba FOLLY. ii sd oj El^l , euJJiJ bnA Na keip that clofs t ^ ^ glb , Ex frufttiuf eorum cngnffdtls eos^ ; ^j rf ,j v , u ;j aid LflA And fules fpeik of the prellaci 5>aib , It will be balden herette. .y.^^ mi KING;" *'* " Speik on, FOLLY, I gif the leif. FOLLY. Than haif I remiffioun in my fleif. Will ye leif me to fpeik of Kfiigis ? :;8*i z : fiT KING. Ye : hardelly fpeik of allkin thingis. FOLLY. O F F O L L Y. 97 FOLLT. Conformand to my firft narratioun, Ye ar all fulls, be Goddis paffioun. DILIGENCE. Thow leis ! I trow the fule be mangit. FOLLT. Gif I be God nor thow be hangit. For I haif heir, I to the tell, Ane nobill kaip imperiell, Quhilk is not ordanit for dringis, Bot for Duikis, Empriouris, andKingis; For princely, and imperiall fulis. Thay fbvvld haif luggis als lang as mulls. The pryd of princis, withowttyn faill, Garris all the warld rin top our taill. To wyn thame warldly gloir and gude, Thay care not fchedding Ciiflin blude. Quhat cummer haif we had in Scotland Be our awld ennemeis of England? Had not bene the fupport of France, We had bene brocht to grit myfchance. Now I heir fay the empriour Schaipis for to be ane conquerour, And is movand his ordinance Again* the nobill King of FRANCE. Bot I knaw not his juft querrell, That he hes for to mak battell ; . H All 9* THESERMON All the princis of Allmaryie, Spaiyie, FlanJeiris, and ////>, This prefent yeir ar all on flocht. Sum will thair wagis find deir bocht; The paip, with bombard, fpeir, and fcheild, Hes fend his army to the feild. Sant Petir, St. Paule, nor St. Andrew, Rafit nevir fie ane oift I trow, Is this fraternall cheretie ? Or furius foly ? quhat fay yow ? Thay leird not this at Chryftis fculis, Thairfoir I think ^hame verry fulii. I think it foly, be Goddis modder, Ilk Criftin prince to ding doun uder. Becaufs that tnis hatt fowld belang thame, Ga thow and parte it richt amang thame. The profely, withowttyn weir, OfF MARLING beis compleit this yeir: For my gud(iame r the GYRECARLING X^ird me this profefie of MARLING, Q^hairof I fhall fchaw the ientence, Gif ye will gif me awdience. Flan, fran, refulgent, Jimul ipfam viribus urgent. Dani vaftabunt ; Vallances bella parabunt : Sit tibi nomen in a, Mulier caccavit in olla t Hoc eepuixm comfdes. DILIGENCE. Mary, that is ane evill farrd raefs! 4, FOLLY, OF FOLLY. FOLLY. So be this profefy planely it appeiris, That mortall weir fall be amang the freiris ; That thay fall not weill knaw into thair cloyiftcris Toquhome that thay fall fay thair pater nofteris. Wald thay fall to, and fecht with fpeir and fcheild, The divill mak cair quhilk of thame tynt the feild ! Now of my fermoun I haif maid an end : To GILLY MOVVEAND I you recommend. And als I you befeik richt hairtfully, Pray for the fawle of gud KAE KAPPETIE, Quha lately dround himfelf into Locbltvln ; That his fweit fawle may be aboif in hevin. Finis of this Interlude. H 2 INTER- INTERLUDE V. FLATTERY, DECEIT, and FALSEHOOD, miflead KING HUMANITY. PERSONS. FLATTERY. FALSER O"U J Jl DlSSAIT. KING HUMANI TIE. WANTONES. HAMELINES. DANGER. SOLLACE. FLATTERY, DECEIT, &c. 105 AN UTHIR INTERLUDE. Heir tntfris FLATTRY, w landit ovjt of France ; and Jiormefteid at the May. SCENE I. FLATTERY. Mak rowm, firs ! heir that I may rin. Lo fee how I am new com in, Begareit all in fundry hewis. Lat be your din, till I begin, And I fall tell you of my newis. I < Throw all realmes Chriftin I haif paft ; And am cum heir now at the laft Stormefteid be feiny fen yule day. That we war fane till hew our maft, Not half a myle beyond the May. Bot now amang ye I will remanc ; I purpbifs nevir till failagane, To put myfelf in chance of watter : Was nevir fene fie wind and rane, Nor of fchipmen fie clitrer clatter. Sum bad haill ; fum bad ftand by ; On fteirburde ! how ! alluff! fy fy ! Quhill all the raipis began to rattill : Was nevir wy fa fleid as I H 4 Quhen 104. FLATTERY, DECEIT, AND FALSEHOOD, Quhen all the failis plaid brittill bratcill. To fe the wawis it was a wounder ; And wound that raif the failis in fchunder; Bot I lay braikand lyk a brok, And fchot fa faft above and under, The divill durft not cnm neir my dok. Now am I chaipit fra that fray. Quhat fay you fyr ? am I not gay ? Ken ye not FLATTRY your awin fule ? That yeid to mak this new array. Was I not heir with yow at yule ? Yis, be my faith, I think on weill. Quhair ar my fallowis ? that wald I feill : We fowld haif cumin heir for a call. Howl FALSAT, how! SCENE II. FLATTERY, FALSET. FALSET. Wa ferve the divill ! Quhas that cryis for me fa fall? FLATTRY. Quhy, brudir FALSET ; knawis thow not me? I am thy brudir FLATTRIB. FALSAT. MISLEAD KING HUMANITIE. 105 FALSAT. Now welcum, be the Triflitie. This melting cutnis for gude. Now lat roe brails the in my ne armes ; Quhen freindis meitis, hairtis warmis, Quod JOHUIE that frody fude. How hapnit thow into this place ? FLATTRT. Now, be my fawle, bot evin be cace I come in fleipand at the port, Or evir I wift amang this fort. Quhair is Diss AIT, that lymmir loun ? FALSAT. I left him drinkand in the toun : He will be heir incontinent. FLATTRY. Now, be the haly Sacrament, Tha tydanis comfortis all my hairt. I wat DISSAIT will tak ane pairt; He is richt crafty, as ye ken, And counfouller to the merchand men. Lat us ly ftill baith heir, and fpy, Gif we perfaif him cumand by. SCENE 106 FLATTERY, DECEIT, AND FALSEHOOD, SCENE III. FLATTERIE, FALSET, DISSAIT. Heir fall DISSAIT etttir. Bongeur, bruder, with all my hairt! Heir am I cum to take your pairt Baith into gude and evill. I met GUDE COUNSALE be the way, Quha pot me in ane felloune fray. I gife him to the divill. FALSATT. How chappit yow, I pray the tell ? D.SSAIT. I flippit in ane fowll bordell, And hid me in ane howbirdis bed : Bot fuddenly hir fchankis I fched, With hochurhudy amang hir howls : God wait giff we maid mony mowis. How cum ye heir, I pray yow tell me ? FALLSETT. Mary feikand King HUMAN i TIE. Dis. MISLEAD KING HUMANITIE. 107 DlSSAIT. Now, be the gud lady that did me beir, That famyne horfs is my awin meir. Now till our purpoifs lat us ga. Quhat is your counfale, I pray yow fa ? Sen we thre feikis yone nobill KING, Lat us devyifs fum fubtell thing : And als I pray yow, as your brudir, That we be ilk ane trew till uder. I mak ane vow, with all my hairt, In evill and gude till tak your pairt; I pray to God nor I be hangit, Bot I fall dye or ye be wrangit. FALSAT. Quhat is your counfale that we do ? DlSSAIT. Mary this is my counfale, lo. Till tak owr tyme quhill we may get it, For now thair is na man to let it ; Fra tyme the King begin to fteir him, GUDE COUNSALE than I dreid cum neir him, And be we knawin with CORRECTIOUN, It will be our confufioun. Thairfor now brether devyifs To find fum toy of the new gyifs. io8 FLATTERY, DECEIT, AND FALSEHOOD, FLATTRY. Mary, I fall find ane thowfand wylis. We mon turne our claithis, and change our ftylis, And difagyifs us that na man ken us. Hes na man clerkis cleithing to lend us ? And lat us keip grave countenance, As we war new cummin owt of Franct. DlSSAIT. Be my fawle that is weill davyifit, Ye fall fe me fone diflagyifit. FALSET. So fall I be, man, be the rude. Now lum gude fallow len me ane hude* [Heir fall FLAT TRY help bis two marrovais. DlSSAIT. Now am I buflcit quha can fpy ? The divill ftik me gif this be I ! Is this I, or nocht, I can yow not fay ; Or hes the feind, or fairfolk, borne me away ? FALSETT. And war my hair up in ane how, The feind a man wald ken me now. Quhat fayis thow of my gay garmoun ? DlSSAIT. I fay thow lukis evin lyk a loun. Now, bruder FLATTRY, quhatdoye? Quhat kind a man fchaip ye to be ? FLAT- MISLEAD KING HUMANITIE. 109 FLATTRY. Now be my faith, my bruder deir, I will ga counterfeite the freir. DISSAITT. A freir ! quhairto ? thow cannot preiche. FLATTRY. Quhat rak ? bot I can flatter and fleiche : Peraventur cum to that honour To be the King's Confeflbur. Peur freirs ar fre at every fed, And merchellit ay amang the beft. Als God has lent to thame fie gracis, 'I hat bifchoppis puttis thame in their places, Owt-thruche thair dyeceis to preiche, Bot farly not howbeid they fleiche ; For fchaw thay all the veretie, Thaili want the bifchoppis cheretie. Yit thocht the corn be nevir fa fcant, Gud wyvis will nevir lat freirs want : For quhy, thay ar thair confcflburis, Thair prudent hevenly counfallouris. Thairfoir wyvis planely takkis thair pairtis, And fchawis the fecretis of thair hairtis To freirs with better will, I trow, Nor thay do to thair bedfallow. DISSAIT. And I reft anis a freiris cowll, Betwixt St. Johnjloune and Kynnonull. I fall ga fetche it, gif thou wilt tary. FLAT-? no FLATTERY, DECEIT, AND FALSEHOOD, FLATTRY. Now play me that of cumpanary : Ye faw him nocht this hundre h ycir, That bcttir can cuntirfeit the freir DISSAIT. Heir is thy ganenyng, all and fum : This is the cowll of CuUieium. FLATTRY. Quha hes an porteris to len me ? The feind a fawle I trew will ken me. FALSET. Bruder, pafs on quhairevir thow will ; Thcw may be fallow to freir GILL. Bor with COR R i; CTIOUN and we be kend, I dreid we mak a ichamefull end. FLATTRY. For that mater I dreid na thing. Freiris ar exemit fra the king, For freirs will reddy entrefs get. FALSAT. We mon do mair yit, be Santt James ; For we mon chenge all thre our names, Criflin me, and I fall bapteifs the. DISSAIT. Be God and thairabout mot it be. How will thow call me I pray the tell ? FAL- MISLEAD KING HUMANITIE. xn FALSETT. Mary, I wat not how to call myfell. DISSAIT. Bot yit anis name the bairnis name. FALSET. DISCRETIOUN, DISCRETIOUN, a. Goddis name* DISSAIT. I neid not now to cair for thrift. Bot quhat fall be my Godbairne gift ? FALSET. Igiftheallthedwllisofhell. DlSIAIT. Na, bruder, liald that to thy fell. Now fit doun, lat me bapryifs the : Bot yit I wat not quhat to cail the. FALSAT. I pray the name the bairnis name. DISSAIT. SAPIENCE, SAPIENCE, a goddis name. FLATTRY. Bruder DYSSAIT, cum bapteifs me. DISSAIT. Than fit doun lawly on thy knee. FLAT- x xa FLATTERY, DECEIT, AND FALSEHOOD, FLATTRY. Now, bruder, name the bairnis name. DISSAIT. DEVOTIOUN, in the divills name. FLATTRY. The divill reflalf the ladroune loun I Thow hes wet all my new fchev in croun, DYISAIT. DEVOTIOUN, SAPIENCE, and DISCRETIOUN, We thre may rewill a haill regioun. We fall find meny crafty thingis For to begyle ane hundreth kingis. For thow fait crak ; and thow fait clatter : And I fall fenyie : and thow fall flattir. FLATTRY. Bot I wald haifF, or we depairtif, A drink to mak us bettir heartit. DISSAIT. Weill faid, be him that heryit hell : I was evin thinkand that myfeli. [Heir fall tbay drink ; and the King fall turn fortl of bis Cbalmer, and call for WANTON NES. ,- Now till we get the kingis prefence, We will fit doun, and keip fylence. I fe ane yunder, quhacevir he be. 1 trow full weill yone fame is he, 2 Steir MISLEAD KING HUMANITJE. 1:3 Steir nocht, bruder, hot hald us {till, Till we haif hard quhat be his will. SCENE IV. KING, WANTONES, HAMLINES, DANGER, SOLACI. \Htir the king has bene iviib bis Cunculjne^ and tbairtfter returns to bisyung Cumpanj. KING. Now quhair is PLACEBO, and SOLLACE? Quhair is my menyeoun WAN TONNES ? WANTONES, how ! cum to me fone. WANTONES. Quhy cryd ye, fchyr, till I had done ? KING. Quhat was thow doand, tell me that ? WANTONES. Mary, leirand how my fader me gat. I wait not how itftandis, bot dowt, Methink the warld rynnis round abowt VOL. II. I H4 FLATTERY, DECEIT, AND FALSEHOOD, *fr KING; And fo think I man, be my thrift, I fe fyiftene moins into the lift. WAN TONES. Lat HAM EL i NEB my lafs allane; Sche bendy t up aye twa for ane. HAMELINES; Howbeid ye gat quhat ye defyrit, Or I was temprit, ye was tyrit. DENGER. And as for PLACEBO and SOLLACE, I hald thame baith in mirrenes ; Howbeid I nlaid it fumething tewch, I fand thame chalmer glew anewch. [ SOLLACE. Mary thow wald gar ane hundreth tyre, ******* DENGER. Now fowll fall yow ! it is na bourdis Befoir the KING to fpeik fouell wordls. Or evir ye cum that gate agane, To kifs my clafFye fall be fane. SOL- MISLEAD KING HUMANITIE. 11$ SOLLACE. Now fchaw me, fyr, I yow exhort How ar ye of your luve content ? Think ye not this ane mirry fport ? KINO. Ye that I do in verement. Quhat bairnis ar yone upon the bent ? I did not fe thatne all this day. WANTONES. Thay will be heir incontinent. Stand flill ; and heir quhat thay will fay. SCENE V. KING, Sec. FLATTERY, FALSET, DISSAIT. [Heir fall the tbre VYCIS cum, and mak tbair/alutatioun to the KlNG t and Jay ^ Laud, honor, gloir, triumph, and vi&orie, Be to your molt excellent Majeftie. l^ KING. 1 1 6 FLATTERY, DECEIT, AND FALSEHOOD, KING. Yearwelcum, gud freindis, be the rude. Apperendly ye feme grit men of gude. Quhat ar your namis tell me withowt dellay ? DISSAIT. DISCRETIOUN, fyr, that is my name per fay. KING. Quhat is your name, fyr, with the clippit croun ? FLATTRY. But dowt my name is callitDEVOTioUN. KINO. Welcum DEVOTIOUN, be Sanft Jame. Now Sirrah tell quhat is your name ? FALSETT. Mary, thay call me, quhat call thay me f I wat not weill, but gif I lie. Can thow not tell quhat is thy name ? FAISET. I kend it, or I cam fra hame. KIN** MISLEAD KING HUMANITIE. n; KING* Quhat aillis the can not fchaw it now ? FALSAT. Mary, thay call me tbyn Drink I trow. KING. 7% Drink! quhat kin a name is that ? DlSSAlT. SAPIENCE thovv fervis to beir a platt; Me think thow fchawis the not weill wittit. FALSAT. SYPYNS, Syr, SYPYNIS; mary thair ye hit it. FLATTRY. _ Syr, gif ye pleifs to lat me (a, Forfuth his name is SAPIBMTIA. FALSET. That fame is it by St. Michaell. KING. Quhy cowld thow not tell thy name thy fell ? I 3 FAL- u8 FLATTERY, DECEIT, AND FALSEHOOD, FALSET. I pray your grace to pardone me, And I fall fchaw the verretie; I am fa full of Sapience, That fumtyme I will tak a trance j My fpreit was reft fra my body Now heich abone the Trinitie. KING. SAPIENCE fowld be ane man of gude. FALSET. . jL: ^ , . , :..: <7o^; *diu $M Sir ye may knaw that be my hude. KING. /i\3 ,v? Now haife I SAPIENCE and DISCRETIOUN, Quhow can I faill to rewill this regioun ? And DEVOTIOUN to be my confeflbur. I trow thir thre cum in a happy hour. Heir I mak the my Secretar ; And thow fall be my Thefawrar ; And thou fait be my Counfallour, In fpirituall ;hingis to be Confeflbur. FLATTRY. Soverane, I fweir yow be Santt Ann, Ye met nevir with an wyfar man j Mony MISLEAD KING HUMANITIE. 119 Mony a craft, Syr, I can, War thay weill knawn. IhaiffnafeillofFIattry, Bot fefterit with philofophy, A ftrange man in Aftronomy, Quhilk ihall be fone fchawn. FALSAT. And I haif grit intelligence In quelling of the quyntacence j Bot to preve my experience Syr lend me fourty crownis, To mak multiplication ; And tak my obligatioun. Gif we mak fals nartatioun, Hald us for very lovvnis. DlSSAIT. Schyr, I ken be your phifnomye, Ye fall conqueifs, or ellis I lye, Drunken Denmark, and all Allmant t Spittelfcild, and the realme of Spent. Ye fall haif at your governance Renfrew, and the Realme of France ; Ye Rngling) and the town of Rome ; Ctirfiorpbine, and all Chriftindome. Qjhairto, Syr, be the Trinitie, Ye ar an very A per 'ft. I 4 Fi-AT- 1 20 FLATTERY, DECEIT, AND FALSEHOOD, FLATTRY. Syr, quhen I dwelt in Italy I leirit the craft of palmeftry. Schaw me the luffe, Syr, of your hand, And I fall gar yow tfndirltand Gif your grace be unfortunat, Or gif ye be predeftonat. I fee ye will haif fyiftene quenis, And fyiftene fcoir of cuncubynis. Now the Virgin Mary faif your grace, Saw cvir man fa quhyt a face ? Swa grit ane arrne, fa fair ane hand ? 1 hair is not fie ane leg in all this land. War ye in harnefs I think na wonder, Howbeid ye dangdoun twenty bunder. DISSAIT. Be my fawle that is trew thow fayis, Was nevir man fet fa weill his claisj Thair is na man in Chriflianitie So meit to be ane King as ye. FALSET. Syr, thank the Haly Trinitie That fend us to your cumpany ; For God nor I gaip in ane gallowis, Gif evir ye fand thre bettar failowis. i KING. MISLEAD KING HUMANITIE. 121 KING. Ye ar all welcum, be the rude, Ye feme to be thre men of gude. Finis of this Interlude, and pair t of play : beireftir fail GUDE COUNSALL afpeir, and fall be loft it away\ and Lady CHE^TETIE and VE- RETiEfa/I be put in ftokkis: L 1 T I E fall gyd tleyuvg king for a time. INTER- INTERLUDE VI. THE THREE VICES OVERCOME TRUTH AND CHASTITY. PERSONS. KING HUM AN i TIE. DISSAIT. FLATTERY. FAtSET. GUDE CoUNSAL. VERETIE. SPIRJTUALITIE. CHESTETIE. DILIGENCE. SOLLACE. SENSUALITIE. THE THREE VICES, &c. INTERLUDE VI. SCENE I. KIN, DISSAIT, FLATTERY, FALSAT, GUDE CoUNSAt. KING. Bot quha is yone that flandis fa fiill ? Go fpy, and fpeir quhat is his will ; And gif he yairnis my prefence, Bring him to me with diligence. DYSSAIT. That fall be done, be Goddis breid! We fall him bring, owder quick or deid. FLAT- r6 THE THREE VICES FLATTRY. I dreid full foir, be God himfell, That yone awld Carle be GUD COUNSALL. Get he anis to the kingis pretence, We tlire will get na audience* DlSSAIT. That mater fall I tak in hand, And fay it is the kingis curamand, That he anone devoyd this place, And cum not neir the kingis grace ; And that undir the pane of treflbune. FLATTRY. Bruder, I think that counfall reflbne. Now lat us heir quhat he will fay. Awld berdit mowch ! gude day ! gude day I GUDE COUNSALL. Gude day agane, Syr, be the rude ; 1 pray God mak yow men of gude. DISSAIT. Pray not for that to Lord, or Leddy. For we ar men of gude allreddy. Schyr, fchaw till us quhat is your name? Gui> OVERCOME TRUTH AND CHASTITY. 117 GUD COUNSALE. GUD COUNSALL thay call me at hame. FALSETT. Quhat fayis thow Carle? art thow GUD COUNSALL? Swyth pafs the hence, unhappy unfale ! GUD COUNSALE. I pray yow, Syr, gif me licence To cum anis to the kingis prefence, To fpeik hot thre wOrdij with his grace. FLATTRY. Swyth, hurfone Carle, devoid this place. GUD COUNSALL. Broder, I ken yow weill enewch, Howbeid ye mak it never fa tewch : FLATTRY, DISSAIT, and FALS REPORT, Thay, will not fuffer to refort GUD COUNSALE to the Kingis prefence. DISSAIT. Swyth, hurfone Carle, ga pak the hence. [Heir fall tbay burle away Gude Coutifalle. GUDE COUNSAL. Sen at this tyme I can get na prefence, Is no remeid hot tak in pacience. Howbeid 128 THE THREE VICES Howbeid GUDE COUNSALL heftely be not hard, With yupg Princis yit fowld thay no: be fkard ; Bot quhen yowthheid bes blawn his wantoun blaft, Than fall GUD COUNSALL rewill him at the laft. SCENE II. FLATTRY, FALSAT, DISSAIT. Heir fall tbt tbre VYCI s pa/s to one Cotnfall* FLATTRY. Now quhill GUD COUNSALL is abfenf, Breclir, we roon be diligent ; And mak betwix us four bandis, Quhen vacains follis in ony landis, That every man fall help his fallow. DISSAIT. I hald, deir bruder, be all hallow : So thow fifche not within our boundis. FLATTRT. Thai fall I not, be cokkis woundis, Bot I fall planely tak your painis. FALSET. OVERCOME TRUTH AND CHASTITY. FALSET. So fall we thyne, with all our hairtij. Bot baift us quhill the King is yung, And lat ilk man keip weiil a tung, And in ilk quarter Haifa fpy, Us till adwertyifs heftelly Quhen ony cawfualicies Sail happin in our cuntries ; And lat us mak provifioun, Or he cum to difcretioun, No moir he wat now, nor ane Santt, Quhat thing it is to haife of want. Or he cum to his perfetl aige, We fall be fekir of our waige, And than lat ilk ane carle travel uthir. DISSAIT. That mowth fpeik mair, my awin deir bruthir. VoL.IL K SCENE 130 THE THREE VICES SCENE Iir. VERETIE, DISSAIT, FLATTRY, FALSET. [Heir fall VERETIE entir, and pnfs to bir place ; qubalr Fl,ATTRY_/W7yy hir with fair. VERITIE. Gif men of me wald half inti'ligence, Or knaw my name, thay call me VERITIE. Off Chryftis law I half experience ; And hes ourfalit mony ftormy fee. Now am I feikand King HUMANITJE, For of his grace I haif gud experance, Fra tyme that he acquantit be with me ; His heich honour and gloir I fall avance. DISSAIT. SanQe Pater ! quhair haif ye bene ? Declair to us of yowr novellis. FLATTRY. Thair is new licht on the grene Dame VERITIE, be buikis and bellis. Bot cum fche to the Kings prefencc, Thair is na bute for us to byde, Thairfoir I rid us all ga hence. FALIET. OVERCOME TRUTH AND CHASTITY. 131 FALSET, That will we not yit, be Santt Bryde* But we fall owdir gang, or ryde, To Lordis of Spintuahtie* And gar thame trow yorie bag of pryde He*, fpokin manifeil herefie. [Heir the VYCIS gat's to the Spiritual Eftait, andljii upon VERETIE, d? fir ing hir to Ic put in capti*uitie t quhilk is done nuitb diligence* . FLATTRY. Quhat buik is that, harlot, into thy hand ? Ovvt Walloway ! this is the New Teflament InJttglis tung, and printit in Inglaml. Ilerefy, Herefy, fyre, fyre, incontinent ! VERETIE. Furfuth, freir.d, ye half ane wrang jugement> For in that buik thair is na hereSe, Bot Chriftis word, richt dalce and redolent, And fpreingand weill of fincere veretie. DISSAIT. Cum on your way, for all your yallow lokkis, Your wantone wofdis but dowt ye fall repent. This nicht ye fall bedryt ane pair of ftokkis, And fyne the morne be brocht to judgement. VERETIE. For Chriftis faik I am richt wcill content To fuffeir all thing that fall pleifs his grace ; K * Howbeid , 3 z THE THREE VICES Howbeid ye put a thowfand to torment, A hundreth thowfand fall ryifs in their place* [Heir fall VEIETIE^ dcnun on &ir kneis t and fay : Get up, thow fleipis all to lang, O Lord ! And mak ane reflbnable reformatioun On thame quhilk dois tramp doun thyne hevenly word; And hes ane deidly indignatioun At thame quhilk makis trew narratioun. Suffer thame not moir to be moiled. Lord ! I mak the fupplicatioun, With thyne unfreindis lat me not be oppreft. 1 haif no moir to fay. FIAT TRY. Sit down, and tak yow reit All nicht, till it be day. D:SSAIT. My Lordis, we haif with diligence Bucklit weill up yone bladdrand baird. SPRITUAHTIE. I think ye farve fum recompenfe ; Tak thair tea crownis for vour revvaud. SCENE OVERCOME TRUTH AND CHASTITY. 133 SCENE IV. CHESTITIE, BILIGENCE. [Heir fall entir CHESTITIE, and fay j Quhow long fall this inconftant warld endure, That I fould baneift be fa lang ! Allace ! Few cewratouris or none tak of me ceure, Quhilk garris me mony nichtis ly hairteles. Thocht I haif paft all nicht from place to place Amang the TEMPORALL, and SPRITUALL, ESTAITIS, Nor arr.ang Princis, I can get na grace; Dot boufteoufly am haldin at thair ya'ntis. DILIGENCE. Lady, I pray yow fchaw to me your name j It dois me noy your lamentatioun. CHAISTETIE. My friend, quharof I neid not think na fchame, Dame CHESTETIE, baneift frame toun to toun. DILIGENCE. Than pafs to ladies of religioun, Quha makkis thair vow to obferve Cheftetie. Lo quhar thair fittis ane Priores of renoua, Amang the reft of SPRITUALITIE. K 3 134 THE THREE VICES [Heir fall fcbe pafs to the haill SPRITUAL EsTAlT and Jcbe fall not be refaivit, lot put away. DILIGENCE. Madame, quhat garris yow gang fa lair, Tell me how ye half done dcbait, With TEMPORALL and SPRITUALL STAIT, Quha did yow maift kyndnes ? CHESTETIE, In faith I fand hot ill, and war; That gart me ftand from thame afar, Evin lyk a beggar at the barr, And flemit me inoir.and lefs. DILIGENCE. I counfale yow, bot tareing, Pafs till HUMANITIE the king, Perchance he of his Grace benyng, Will mak to yow fupport. CHESTETIE. Of your counfale I am content To pafs to him incontinent ; And my fervice till him prefenf, In hop of fum confort, SCENE OVERCOME TRUTH AND CHASTITY. SCENE V. KING, SENSUALITIE, SOLACE, DISSAIT, &c. CHESTITIE, VERETIE. SOLLACE. Soverane, get up, and fe ane hevenly ficht, A fair lady in quhyt abilyement. Sche may be peir to ony king or knycht, Moiil lik ane angell be my jugement. SENSUALITIE. Now lat me fe, quhat this matter may mene ; Perchance that 1 may ken hir be hir face. Bot dowtthis is Dame CHESTETIE I wene. Shyr, fche and I ma not byd in a place : Bot gif it be the plefour of your grace That I remane into your cumpany, Than this woman richt heftelly gar chace, That fche be no moir fene in this cuntre. KING. As evir ye pleifs, fweithairt, fo fall it be. Difpone hir as ye think expedient ; j Evin as ye lift to lat hir leif or de ; I willreferr to yow that judgement. K 4 SIN. 136 THE THREE VICES SENSUALITIE. Pafs on than, SAPIENCE and DISCRETIOUN, And baneifs hir out of the kings prefence. D SSAIT. Madame, that fall we do, be Goddis paffioun, We fall do your cummand with diligence, And at your hand ferve gudly recompence. Dame CHESTE TIB, cum'on, be nocht agait j We Tail richt fone upoun y>ur awn expence Into the ftokkis your bony feit mak fad. [Heir fa'l t bay barle CHESTETIE to the Jlokkis ; and fcbtfalljay, I pray you, Syr, be patient, For I fall be obedient Till do quhat ye cuinand, Sen I fe thair is no remeid ; Howbeid it war to fuffer deid, Or flemd out of the land. I wyt the Empriour CONSTANTYNE That I am put to fie rewyne, And banefit from the Kirk. For fen ye maid the Paip a king In Rnme I cowld get na lugeing Bot hyde me in the mirke. Bot Lady SENSUALITIE Senfyne hes gydit that cuntre And mekle of the refl. And OVERCOME TRUTH AND CHASTITY. 137 And now fche rewllis all this land And hes deredit hir cummand That I fowld be oppreft. Bor all cumms for the beft To thame that lovis the Lord ; Thocht I be now oppreft I treift to be reftord. [Heir fall thay put blr in tie fiokkis : and fcbe fall fay to VERETIE, Syfter, allace this is a tairfull cace, That we 'with Princis fa fowld be abhord. VEXETIE. Be blyth, Syfler, I treift within fchort fpacc That we fal be richt honorablie refcord ; And with the King we fall be at concord. For I heir tell Divyne CORRECTIOUN Is now landid, thankit be God our Lord. I wait he will be our protedtioun. Finis oftbii Interlude. Ane proclamation to It tane in efiirwart of the Parliament, [PART [PART II. OF THE PLAY *.] INTERLUDE VII. THE PARLIAMENT OF CG?.RECTION T , * See the Prologue next following. PERSONS KING CORRECTION. KING HUMANITIE. GUDB CoUNSAL. DILIGENCE. KING CORRECTION'S SERVANT. FALSET. FLATTRY. DISSAIT. WANTONES. VERITIE. CHESTETIE. THE T,HREE ESTAITS. JOHN IE the Common Weil. SARJANTES. Po v E R T i E , or the P airman. THE PARLIAMENT, &c. i 4I INTERLUDE VII. PROLOGUE. Heir fall Mf/engir DILIGENCE fay : At the cumand of King HUMANITIE I warne and charge all Memberis of Parliament, Baith SPRITUALL STAIT, and TEMPORALITIE, That to his Grace thay be obedient ; And fpeid thame to the Court incontinent, In gud order arrayit ryally. Quho beis abfenr, or inobedient, The kingis difplefour thay fall underly. And als I mak yow exortatiuun, Sen ye half haird the firft pairt of our play, To tak ane drink, and mak collatioun : Ilk man drink to his marrow I yow pray. Tary nocht lang ; it is lait of the day : Lat lum drink aill : and lum the cleret wyne. Be grit Doclouris ot Phefick I heir fay That michty drink confortis a dull ingyne. Tbn ver/s eik'.t qubilk is in tbtfirft proclamat'totin. Prudent Pepiil, I pra;, }Ow all, Tak na man grief in jpeciall, 7 For i4i THE PARLIAMENT For we fall {peik in general, For paftyme, be my fay. Thairfoir till that owr rymes be rung And owr miftonat fangis be fung Lat every man kelp weill a tung And every woman tway. * * * I pray yow, For that is even anevvch to i]ay yow ; Becaufs thair is to cum I fay yovv The belt pairt of our play. SCENE L KING CORRECTION'S BOY* \lleirfoll Entlr CORRECTIONS farlct, for REFORMATIOUN, and 'fay : Syrs, fland abak, and hald yow coy ; I am the King CORRECTION'S Boyj Cum heir to dreifs his place* Se that ye mak obedience Unto his nobill Excellence, Fra time ye fe his face. i For OF CORRECTION. 143 For he makkis reformatiounis Owt thruch all Criitin nationis, Quhair he findis grit debaitis. And, fa far as I undiritand, He fall reforme into this land AllthCTHUE ESTAITIS. God furth of hevin he hes him fend, To puncifs all that dois offend Unto his Majeftie ; As evir him lift to tr,k vengeance, Sumtyme with fwerd and peftilence, With derth and powcrtie. Bot quhen the Fepill dois repent, And beis to God obedient, Than will he gif thame grace : Bot thay that will not be corre&it, Richt feddanly will be dire&it, And flemid far from his face. For fylence I protefl Off Lord, Laird, andLeddy; Now will I run but reft, And[tell that all is reddy. SCENE 144 THE PARLIAMENT SCENE II, DISSAIT, FLATTRY, FALSET. DISSAIT. Bruder, hard ye yone Proclamatioun ? I dre'td full fair for REFOR.MATIOUN, Yone meflage makis me mangit. Quhat is your Counfale to me tell ? Remane we heir, be God him fell, We will all tbre be hangit. FLATTRY. I will ga to SFIRTUALITIE, And preiche owt thruche his Dyocie, Quhar I will be unknawin. Or kelp me cloife into fum clofter, With many petious pater nofter, Till all the boift be blawin. DISSAIT. I will be tretitt as ye ken With all my maiiters the MARCHAND MEN, Quhilk can mak fmall debait. Ye ken rycht few of thame that thryves, Or can begyle the landwart vvyves, Bot me thair man DISSAIT. Now FALSAT quhat fall be thy chift ? FAL- OF CORRECTION. 4$ FALSAT. Na cair thou not, man, for my thrift; Trow thou that I be daft ? Na I will leif a lufty lyfe, Withowttyn ony fturt or ftr) fe, Amang the Men of Craft. FLATTRT. I will remane ha mair befyd yow. 1 counfal yow richt weill to gyd yow : Byd nocht upoun CORRECTIOUN. Fairweill ! I will na langar tary. I pray the alreche Quene of Far/ To be your prote&ioun. DlSSAIT. FALSAT, I wald we maid ane Band, Now quhill the King is found fleipand Quhat rax to fteill his Box* FALSAT. Na weill faid, be the Sacrament, That f 1 I do incontinent, Thocht it had twenty lokkis. [Heir fall tlayfteill the Kingh lot. Lo heir the Box ! now lat us ga r This may fufFyce for our rewardis. VOL. II. L DISSAIT. 146 THE PARLIAMENT DlSSAIT. Ye, that it may, man, be this day It may weill mak us landward Lairdis* Now latt us caft away thir Clayifs, In dreid fum follow on the Chace. FALSAT. Richt weill deyyfit, be St. BLAIS. Wald God we war out of this place ! \Heirfall tbey caft away their Counterfeit Claif, DlSSAIT. Now fen thair is no man to wrang us, I pray yow, Bruder, with all my hairt, Latt us now pairt this pelf amang us ; Syne heftelly lat us depairt. FALSAT. Trowis thow to get as mekill as I f That fall thow not : I ftall the box. Thow did nothing but luik it by, And lurkit lik a wily fox. DlSSAIT. Thy heid fall beir a cuppill of knokkis^ Pelouiy withowt I get my pairt. Swyth, hurfone fmaik, ryve up the lokkis, Or I fall ftik the thruche the hairr. [Heir Jail tbay fecht withfylcnct, FALS/VT. OF CORRECTION, 147 FALSAT. Allace for evir, myne Ee is owt ! Wallouway will no man red the men? DISSAIT. Upoun thy cloff tak thair a clowt I To be cowrtace I fall the kei. Fairweill, for I am at the flycht, I will not byd on na demandis; And we tway melt agane this nycht, Tuay feit fall be worth fourty handif. SCENE III. CORRECTIOUN, GuDE CoUNSALL. CORRECT IOUN enterris. I tak heir lot certane fcbort pair t is owt of tie fpticbis ; Itcaus of the lang Proceft of tire Play, CORRECTIOUN. I am ane Juge, richt potent and fevere, Cum, to do Juftice, mony thowfand myle. I am fa conftant, baith in peafe and weir 4 Na bud nor favour ma my face ourfyle. Thair is thairfoir richt mony in this Yle Of my repair, but dovvt, quhilk dois repent : Bot vertowfsmen, I treft, fall on me fmylej And of my earning be richt weill content, L a GUDE 148 THE PARLIAMENT* GUDE COUNSALL. Welcum, my Lord, welcum ten thowfand tymis Till all faithfull and trew men of this regioun ! Welcum for till correft all faltis and crymis, Amang this cankart Congregatioun ! Lowifs CHESTETIE, I mak ye fupplicatioun, And put till fredome fair Lady VERETIE, Quhilk be unfaithfull folk of this regioun Lies bind ful faft into captivitie. CORRBCTIOHN. I mervel, GUD COUNSALL, quhow that may bej Ar ye not with the King familiar ? GUD COUNSALL. That am I not, my lord, full wais mef Bot lyk ane brybour halden at the Bar; Thay play Boktik, even as I war a Ikar. Thair come thre knavis, in cleithing counterfeit, And fra the King thay gart me (land afar ; Quhois names war FALSA T, FLATTRY, andDissAiT. Bot quhen the knavis hard tell of your coming Thay ftall away, ilk ane ane fundry gait, And keft fra thame thair counterfeit clothing : For thair loving full weill thay can debait; The MARCHAND MEN thay haife reflet DISSAIT; And for FALSE T full weill, my Lord, I ken He will be richt weill trettet, air and late, Amang the maiil pain of the CR.AFTISMEN. OF CORRECTION. 149 FLATTRY hes tane the hebit of a Freir, Purpoifing to begyle the SPIRITUALL ESTAIT. CORRECTIOIW. But dowt, my freinds, and I life half a yeir; I fall dryve fer owt thair Iniquitie. Q^uhair lyis yone Laddies in captivitie? Quhow now Syfteris quho hesyow fo difgyfit? SCENE IV, CORRECTIOUN, GlJDE CoUNSALL, VERITIE, CHESTITIE. VERITIE. Unmerciful Memberis of Iniquitie Difpytfully hes us, my Lord, fuppryfit. CoRRECTIOUN. Ga put yone Ladies to thair libertie Incontinent, and brek doim all the Scokkis. Botdowt they ar full dcir welcum to me. Mak diligence ; me think ye do bot mokkis ; Speid hand, and fpair not for to brek the lokkis, And tendirly tak thame up be the hand. Had I thame heir the knavis fowld ken my knokkis, That thame oppreft, and baneifit this land. \Heir fall tbty be I ant out of the Stokkii: and tbej fall fay: We thank you, Syr, of yourbenignitiej L 3 Bot t S o THE PARLIAMENT Bot I befeik your Majellic Royall, That ye wald pafs to King HUM A NIT IE ; And fleme fra hym yone Lady SENSUALL, And entir in his Service GUD COUNSALE, For ye will find him very counfalable. CORRECJIOUN. Cum on, Sifteris ; as ye haif faid I fall. And gar hym (land at yow thre fume and flable. SCENE V. CORRECTIOUN, GUD CoUNSAL, VERlTIE, CHESTITIE, KING HUMANITIE. [HeirfallGw COUNSALL, VERETIE, with CORRECTIOUN. CORRECTIOUN. Get up, Syr King! ye baif fleipit anewch Into the armes of Lady SENSUALL. Be feme that moir belangis to the p'euch, As afterwart peixhans reherfs I fall. Remember how the King SARDANPALL Amang fair Ladys tuk his luft fa lang, So that the maift part of his Leigis all Rebeld, and fyne hym dulfully iK un thrang,. Remember how, into the tyme of NOY, For thefowlle ftinkand fin of Lechery, God, be my wand, did all the warld deflroy, OF CORRECTION. i 5 t Sadom and Gamer richt fo full rigouroufly For that felf fyn war brunt richt crewally. Thairfoir I the cummand incontinent Toceife from that hair SENSUALITIE, Or ellis hot dowt rudly thow fait repent. KING; Be quhome haif ye fa grit awtoritie, Quhilk dois prefome for till correct a King ? Knavv ye not me the King HUMAVITIE, That in my regioun royally did ring ? CORRECTIOUN. I haif power grit Princis to doun thring, That lei vis contrar the Majeftie Devyne; Agane the trewth quhilk planely dois maling; But thay repent: and put thame to REWINE, I will begin at the, quhilk is the heid, And mak on the firft Reformatioun. Thy Leigis than will follow the but pleid. Swyth, Harlott, hence without dellatioun ! SENSUALITIE. My Lord, I mak yow fupplicatioun Gif me licence to pafs a^ane to Reme^ Amang the Princis of that natioun I lat you wit my bewty thair will blome. \Ht\rfall SENSUAL i TIE depairtfra the KING. L 4 COR- 15* THE PARLIAMENT CORRECTIOUN. My Lord, fen ye'ar quyt of SENSUALITIE, Reffiif into your Service GJD COUKSALE, And richt fo this fair Ledy CHESTETIE, Till ye mary fum Queue of blucle royall. Obierve than CHESTETIE matrimoniall. Richt fo reflaif heir VERETIE be the hand. Ufe thair Cunfale, your fame fall never fall ; Thairfoir with thame mak ane perpetuall band. \Htirftll the King refiaiff the tire Per tuts < KING. I am content your cunfall till inclyne j Ye beand of fa gud conditioun. At your curnmand fall be all that is myne. And heir I gif you full Commiffioun To punifh fauhis, and gif remiffioun. To all vertew J (hall be confonable : With you I fall confirme an unioun ; And at your counfall Hand ay firme and flable, CORRECTIOUN. I counfale yow, incontinent, Agane proclaine the Parliament Of all the THRE ESTAITIS. That thay be heir with diligence, To mak to yow obedience, And lone drefs all debaites* JvING, O F C O R 11 E C T I O N. 155 KING. That fall be done, but mair demand. How Diligence ! cum heir fra hand, And tak your inform atioun.* Ga warne the SPR ITU ALIT IE, Richt fo the TEMPORAL IT IE, To gif us their Counfaiiis. Quho fo beis abfent, to thame fchaw That thay fall underly our Law, Aud puneifl be that failis. DILIGENCE. Schyr, I fall baith in Bruch and Land, With diligence do your cumand, Upon my awin expenfp. Schyr, I half ferwitt all this yeir, Bot I gat nevir ane dynneir Yet for my rtcompenfe. KING. Pafs on; for thou fall be regairdit, And for thy fervice weill rewardit. For quhy, with my confenr, Thou fall haif yeirly for tliy hyre, The teind mufiells of the Ferry myre, onformand to Failiamcnt. * Here half 3 ftanza feeros wanting. Di- i 5 4 THE PARLIAMENT DiLICENCI. I will get riches with that rent, Eftir the day of Dome, Quhen in the coillpitts of Tranent Butter will grow on brome. All nicht I had fa mekill drewth, I micht not fleip a wink. Or I proclame ocht with my rnovvth, But dowt I mon have di ink. SCENE VI. KlNG, HUMANITIE, CORRECTIOUN, WANTONES, VERITIE, CHASTITIE. CORRECTIOUN. "* ' Cam heir, PLACEBO, and SOLLACE, With your Cumpanyeoun WANTONES; I ken weill your conditioun. Fortyfting of HUMANITIE To reflaiffSENSUALiriE, Y,e mon fufFerpunitioun. * WANTONES. We grant, my Lord, we haif done ill ; Thairfoir we put us in your will. Bot we have bene abufit. For in gud faith, Syr, we beleivit That OF CORRECTION. That Lichery co\vld na man haiffgreivit, JBecaus it is fo utit. Schyr, we fall mend our conditioun, So ye gif us ane free remiffioun ; Bot gif us leif to fing, To dance, and play at Chefs, and Tabblis ; To reid Storyis, and mirry Fabiiiis, for pleibur of the King. CORRECTIOUN. So that ye do nott udyr Cry me, Yefal bepardon'd at this tyme. For quhy, as I fuppoife, Princis fumtyme mon feik foJiace With mirth, and lefullmirrenes, Their fpreitis to rejoyife. KING. Quhair is SAPIENCE, and DISCRETIOUN ? And quhy cumis not DEVOTIOUN nar ? VERETIE. SAPIENCE, Syr, was ane verry Loun, And DESCRETIOUN was nyne tymes war. The futh, Syr, gif I wald report, Thay did begyle your Excellence j And wald not fuffer to refort Npn of us thre to your piefence. CHAIS- i$6 THE PARLIAMENT CHAISTETIE. Thay thre was FLATTRY, and DI fall /*THRE ESTAITIS comptir ft t Parliament ; And tfje Ki NG Jail fay : My prudent Lordis of the thre Eftaitis, It is our will, aboif all oydir thing, P'or to reforms all thay that makkis debaitis; Contrair the richt quhilk daylie dois maling. And thay that dois the commoun weill doun thring. With help and counfall of king CORRECTIOUN, It is our will for to mak puniffing, And plane OpprefTouris put to fubje&ioun. DILIGENCE. All mener of men I warne, that beneoppreftj Cum and complene, and thay fall be redreft ; Forquhy it is yone nobill Princis willis, That all Compleneris fall giff in thair billis. JOHNIE THE COMMOUN WEILL. Owt of my gait, for Goddis faik lat me gae. Tell me agane, g'ld maiiler, quhat ye fae ? 158 THE PARLIAMENT DILIGENCE. I warne all that bene wrangufly affendit, Cum and complene, and they fall be amendit. COMMON WEILL. Thanket be Chrift, that ware the Croun of Thorne ! For I was never fo blyth fen I war borne* DILIGENCE. Quhat Is thy name, Fallow, that wald I feill ? JOHNIE. Forfuch they call me JOHNIE the COMMOUN WEILL* Gude maifter, I wald fpeir at you ane thing, Quhar treft ye fall I find yone new maid king? DILIGENCE. Cum our, and I (hall fchaw the till his grace. JOHNIE. Now Goddis braid benniefon licht upon that face ! Stand by the gait : lat fe gif I can loup. I mon run faft in dreid I get a cowp. [Heir f*U JoHNip run to lowp oiur tbt ivatfer, and be fall fall in the midd'u of it. DILIGENCE. Speid the away, them tarreis all to lang* JOHNIE. OF CORRECTION. i& JOHNIE. Syr, be this day I micht not fafter gang. Cud day ! Gud day ! God faif baith your Gracis ! Waly, Waly, fa tha twa weill fard facis ! KING. Schavv me thy name, Gud man, I the command. JOHNIE. Mary, JOHNIE THE COMMOUN WEILL of FAIR SCOT- LAND. KING. The Common weill has bene amang his Fais, JOHNIE. Ye, that, fyr, garris the Commoun weill want Claia. CORRECTIOUN. Quhome upoun complene ye, or quho maks yow debaitis ? JOHNIE. Syr I complene upoun the KING, and all the THRE Es- TAITIS. As for our reverend Faders of SPRITUALITIB Ar led be eovetyce this Carle, and Temporalitie. And, als ye fe, TEMPORALITIE hes need ofcorretfiouiu Quhilk hes lang tjme bene led be publick Oppreflbun, Lo fe quhair the loun lyis lurkand at his bak ! Get up, I think to fe thy Craig gar a raip crak. 7 Hovr, 160 THE PARLIAMENT How, fenzeit FLATTR Y ! the feind fart on that face; Quhen ye war gydiiar of the Court we gat littill grace. Ryis up FALSAT, and DIS?AIT, withowttyn ony fenyie, I pray God nor the Divills Dam dryt on that grunyie. Behald as the loin luikis even lyk a ThiefF. Mony wicht workmen ye haif brocht to mifcheifF. My Soverane Lord CORRECTIOUN, I mak yow fup- plication, Putthir tryit tratouris from Chriflis Congregatioun. As ye haif devyfit, but dowt it fall be done. Cum heir aimone, my Serjandi^, and do your det fone. Put firft the three pilouris into the prifon ftrang : Hoivbeid ye hangthame heftelly ye do thame na wrang. FIRST SARJAND. Soverane Lord, we fall obey all your commandis. Bruder, upoun thay Harlottis lay your handis. Ryifs up, Lowry, ye luikeven lyk a lurdane, Your mowth war meit even to drink owt a jurdane 1 . zd SARJAND. Cum heir, Goflbp, cum heir, cum heir. Your rakles lyffye fall repent : Quhen had ye wont to be fa fweir? Stand (till, and be obedient. ift SARJAND. Thair is not ane in all this toun, (Bot I wald nocht this tale was told> Bot- OF CORRECTION. 161 Sot T wald hang him for his goun, Quhidder he war Lord or Laird. I trow this pylour be fpurgawd, Thow art ane ftiff knaife I (land ford". Howbeid I fe thy fcalp, Syr, ikawd ; Put in thyne handis into this cord. [Heir artbay led, and put in tleflokki** GUD COUNSALL. My werdy Lordis, fen that ye half on hand Sum reformatioun to mak into this land, And als ye knaw it is the Kingis mynd, Quhilk to the COWMOUN WE ILL hes ay bene kind> Thocht reifFand thift war ftanchit weill ancvvch, Yit fumthing mair belangis to the plewch. New into peas ye fowld provyd for vveiris, And be feur off how mony thowfand fpeiris The king man be, quhen he hes ocht ado : Forquhy, my Lordis, this is my reflbune lo, The hufoandmen and commonis thay war wownt, Go in the battell, formafl in the brount. Bot I haif tynt all my experience, Withowt ye mak fum better diligence, The Common Weill mon othir wayis be ftylir, Or be my faith the realme will be begylit. Thir pear Commounis, daylie as ye may fie, Declynes doun till extreme povertie ; For fome ar heichtit fo into thair maill, Thair wynning will nocht find thame water caill. VOL. II. M How t6* THE PARLIAMENT How Kirkmen heicht thair teindis it is weill knawin, That hufbandmen noways may hald thair awin. And now begynnis a plaig upoun thame new, That Gentellrr.en their headings takkis in few. Thus mon thay pay grit fairm, or leiff the (lad ; And fum ar planely hurlit owt be the had, That ar deflroyit, without God on thame rew. POVERTIE. Syr, be Goddis breid, that taill is very trew. It is weill kend I had baith nolt and horfs ; Now all my geir ye fe upoun my corfs. CoRRECTIOUN. Or I depairt I think to mak gud ordour. COMMOUN WEILL. I pray yow, Syr, begyn then at the bordour. For quhow fowld v\e defend us agane Ingland^ Quhen we can not, within our native land, Diftroy our awin Scittis, tratourThewis, That to leill labouriris daily dois myfcheivis. War I ane king, my Lord, be cokkis woundis Quhaevir held commoun theivis within their boundis, Quhairthruch that leill men daily micht be wrangit, Without remeid thair cheftanis fowld be hangit, Quhidder he war a knycht, Lord, or Laird ; The Divili beir me till Hell, and he war fpaird ! TEM OF CORRECTION. 163 TEMPORALITIE. Quhat oydir ennemyifs hcs thow, lat us ken ? COMMOUN WEILL. Schyr, I complene upoun all ydill men. Forquhy, Syr, it is Goddis awin bidding All Criftinmen to wirk for thair leving. Santt Pavvle, the pillar of the kirk, Sayis to tha wrachis that will not wirk, And bene to vertowifs labour laith, )ui non laborat, non manduca! : This being in Inglis toung to treit, " Quholaboris nocht he fall not eit." This bene agane thir ftrang beggams, Fidlaris, Pypparis, and Pardonnares, Thir Juglaris, Jeftouris, and ydill fenjouris, Thir Ballett Beraris, and thir Bairdis ; Thir fweir fwengeouris with Lordis and Lairdis, Mo than thair renris may fuftene, Ar to thair profeit neidfull bene. Quhilk bene ay blythift of difcordis, And deidly feid amang the Lordis. For than thay Tratouris mon be treittit, Or ellis thair quarrellis ar undebaitit. And Monkis, Preiflis, Channonis, and Freiris, Auguftynes, Carmalytis, and Cordeleiris j And uthyrs that in Cowllis bene cled ; Quhilk laboris not and bene weill fed. M 2 Co*- 164 THE PARLIAMENT CORRECTIOUN. Quhome upoun, man, wilt thow complene I JOHNIE. Mary, Syr, ma and mae agane. For the peur pepill cryis with teiris The grit mifufing of Juftice Airs, Exercit mair for covetyce, Nor for punifling of vyce. Ane pegrall theif, that fteilis a cow, Is hangit ; hot he that iteilis a bow With als mekill geir as he may turfs, That theift" is hangit be the purfs. So pykand peprall theivis ar hangit: Bot he that all the warld hes wrangit, A crewill tyrrand, a ftrang tranfgreflbur, Aue commoun public plane oppreffour, By buddis will he obtene favouris : Off Thefaurar, and Compofitouris, Thocht he ferve grit puniffioun, Gettis efy Compofitioun ; And thruche lawis Confiftqriall, Prolixt, corrupt, and peniall, The Commoua pepill ar put at under : Thocht thay be peur it is na wonder. COR. OF CORRECTION. 165 CORRECTION. GudJoHNiE, I grant all that is trew, Your infortune full fair I rew. Or I pairt off this natioun I fall mak reformatioun. And als my LORDIS TEMPORALITIE, I yow cummand in tyme that yee Expell oppreffioun of your landis. And als I fay to yow MARCHANDIS, And evir I fynd, be land or fee, DISSAIT into your cumpanie, Quhilk ar to commoun weill contrair, I wow to God I fall not fpair, To put my fword to executioun, And mak on yow extreme puniffioun. Mairattour, my LORD TEMPORALITIS, In gudly haift I will that yie Lett into few your temporall landis, To men that labourris with thair handis j Bot nocht to Jenkyne Gentill man, That nowdir will he work, or can ; Quhairby that pollece may encrefs. TEMPORALITIE. 1 am content, Syr, be the Mefs, Swa that theSpRiTUALiriE Lett thairis in few, als weill as we. My SI-BLITUALL Lordis ar ye content? M 3 Srii 166 THE PARLIAMENT SPRITUALITIE. Na, we man tak avyfiment. In fie materis for to conclude Our heftelly, I think nocht gude. COREECTIOUN. Conclude ye not with the commoun weill, Ye fal be puneift be fweit Sant JEILL. SRITUALITIE. Syr, I can fchaw yow exemptioun Fra yowr temporall puniffioun, The quhilk we purpoifs to deba'ut. CORRECTION. Wa than ye think to ftryve for Staiu My Lordis, quhat fay ye to this play ? TEMPORALITIE. My Soverane Lord, we will obey, And tak your pairt with hairt and hand, Quhatevir ye pleifs us to cummand. [Heir fall tbayjit doun and ajk Grace. Bot we befeik yow our Soverane Of all our crymes that ar bygane To gif us twa ane full remiffioun. And OF CORRECTION. 167 And heir we mak to yow condiffioan, The Commoun Weill for till defend, From hyneforth till our lyvis end. CORRECTIOUN. On that conditioun I am content Till pardoun yow, fen ye repent, And COMMOUN WEILL tak be the hand, And mak with him perpetual band. [Heir fall thay embrace tbt CoMMOUN WE ILL. CORRECTIOUN. JOHNIE, half ye ony mae debaitis Aganis my Lordis the SPRITUAL Eftaitis ? JOHNIE. Na, Syr, we dar not fpeik a word. To plene on Preiftis it is na bowrd. SPRITUALITIE. Flyte on the fule, fule, I defy the, Sa thow fchaw bot the veretie, JOHNIE. Gramercy, than fall I not fpeir. Firft to complene to our Vicar; The peur cottar lyand to die, Havand fmall Bairnis twa or thre, M 4 And i68 TAE PARLIAMENT And hes twa ky, withowttyn mo, The Vicar muft haif on of tho, With the gray coit, that happis the bed, Howbeid the wyfe be peurly cled. And gif the wyfe de on the morne, Thocht all the bairnis fowld be forlorne, The udir cow he cleikis away, With hir peur coit of raplack gray. Wald God this cuftome war put doun, Quhilk nevir wes foundit be reffone. TEMPORALITIE, Ar all thy tailis trew that thow tellis? POVERTIE. Trew, Syr ! the Divill ftik me ellis. For, be the holy Trinitie, That fame was praclik upoun me. For our Vicar, God gif him pyne, Hes yit thre tydy ky of myne; Ane for my fader, and for my wife ane uder, The thridkow he tuik for MEG my meder. JOHN IE. Our perfone heir he takkis no othyr pyne, Bot to reflaiff hys teindis, and fpend thamefyne. Howbeid that he be obleift be reflbun To preiche the Evangill to his parichoun ; And OF- CORRECTION. 169 And thocht thay want the preiching feventyneyeir, Our parfone will not want ane fneiffof beir. TEMPORALITIE. Furfuth, my Lordis, I think we fowld conclude, Towching this cow ye haif ane confwetude, We will decerne heir that the kingis grace Sail wryte unto the Paipis halynefs, With his confent, be proclamatioun, Baith cors prefent, and cow, we fall cry doun SPRITUALITII. To that, my Lordis, planely we difconfenu Notar, thairof I tak an inflrument, SCRYBE. Ye gar me wryt mony fundry aft, And to me ye nevir caft in a plach. * POVERTY. Ha, my Lordis, for the holy Trinitie, Remember for to reforme the ConMory ; It hes mair need of reformatioun, Nor PLUTOIS Court, be cokkis paffioun. PERSONE. Quhat caufs hes thow, pylour, for to plenyie ? Quhair wes thow evir fummond to thair fenyie ? Po- 170 THE PARLIAMENT POVERTIE. Mary, I lent my goflbp my meir to fetche in coillis, And he hir drownit into the quarrell hoillis; And I ran to the Conftry for to plenyie, And thair I hapnit amang ane gredy menyie. Thay gait me firir. ane thing thay call eit*ndum t Within aucht dayis I got \)0ilybtllandum^ Within ane month I gat, ad opponendum^ In half a yeir I gat ad interloqucndum> And fyn I gat, quhow call ye it, ad rtpUt andum. Bot I cowld nevir ane word yet underftand him. And than thay gart me caft owt mony plakkis; And gart me pay for four and twenty aftis ; Eot or thay cum half gait ad condudendum^ The fiend a plack was lefc for to defend him. Thus thay poftponit me twa yeir with thair traine; Syne hodie ad ofia bad me cum agane. And than thay ruikis thay rowpit woundir faft ; For fentence-fylver thay cryit at the lafh Off pronunciandum thay maid me wounder fane But I gat never my gud grey meir agane. TEMPORALITIE. My Lordis, we mon reforme thir confiftory lawis, Quhois grit defame abone the Hevin blawis. I wift ane man in perfewing a cow, Or he had done he fpendit half a bow ; i So OF CORRECTION. 171 So that the Kingis honour we may advance We wJl conclude as thay hair done in France. Lat fpirituall maters pals to SPRITUALITIE ; And temporall maters to TEMPORAL ITIE. Quho failis in this fall coift thame of thair gude. Scryb, mak an Ac~l for fo we will conclude. SPRITUALITIE. That a6r, my Lordis, planely I yow declair, It is aganis our profeirt fingular. Till all your aclis planely I difcontent. Notar, thairof I tak an inilrument. INTER- INTERLUDE VIII. THE PUNISHMENT OF THE VICES. x . PERSONS. CORRECTION. KINGHUMANITIE. GUDE CoUNSAL. COMMON WEIL. -jI^ i SARJANTS. POVEB.TIE. COMMOUN THIFT. OPPRESSIOUN. FLATTRY. FALSET. DISSAIT. THE PUNISHMENT, &c. 175 INTERLUDE VIII. SCENE I. COMMOUN THIFT, POVERTIE, Heir fall entir COMMOUN TH i FT. Ga by the gait, man, lat me gang. How Divill corne I into this thrang ? With forrow I may ling my fang, And I be tane. I haif run, baith uicht and day : Thruch fpeU of futc I gat away. Bot be I kend heir, walloway, I will be flane. POVERTIE. Quhat is thy name, man, be thy thrift ? THIFT. Hurfone, thay call me COMMOUN THIFT, for I had nevir na udir chift, Sen I was borne. 176 THE PUNISHMENT In Eiuifdale was my dwelland place. Mony wyf gart I cry allace ! At jmy hand thay gat nevir grace* Bot ay forlorne. Sum fayis ane king is cum amang us, That purpoiffis to held and hang us ; Thair is na grace and he may fang us, Bot on ane pin. Ring he, we thieves will get na gude, I pray God, and the holy rude, Sen he had fmord untill his cude, And all his kyn.' Get this curft king men in his grippis, My craig will wit quhat weyis my hippis*. The Divill I gif thair tung and lippis, That off me tellis. Adew ! I dar nocht langar tary, For be I kend thay will me kary, And put me in ane fery fary, I fee nocht ellis. I raif, be him that herreit hell, I had almaift forget myfell. Will na gud fallow to me tell Quhair I may find The Erie of ROTHES' beft haikney? That wes my eirand heir away. * Thisfeems a tranflation of the noted line of Villon the French poet, who wrote about 1450, S^auroit mon col que mon culpoife. He OF THE VICES; 177 He is richt flark, as I heir fay, And fwift as wind. Heir is my bryddill, and my fpurris, To gar him lanfs our feild and furris. Might I him gett now owir the diirris I tak na cure. Off that horfs micht I get ane ficht, I haif na dowt yit or midnicht, That he and I fowld tak the flicht Thruich Dyfart rnuir* Off cumpanary tell me, bruder, Quhilk is the richt way to the Stouderi I wald me welcum to my moder Giflmichtfpeid. I wald gif baith my hat and bonnat, *Io gett my Lord ; and fayis Broun JON AT War we beyond the watter of Annat We fowld not dreid. Quhat now OPPRESSOUN, irty bruder deir, Quhat mekill Divill hes brocht the heir ? Maifter tell me the caufs perquier Quhat ye haifF done ? VOL. II. N SCEN 7 E 178 THE P U N I S H M E N T SCENE II. COMMOUK THIFT, OPPRESSOUN. Forfuth the Kingis Majeftie Hes fet me heir as ye may fe. Micht I fpeik with TEMPORALITIE, He wald releiff me fone. Bot half an hour for to fit heir * Ye know that I was nevir fweir Yow till defend. tut in your leg into my place ; And heir I fweir be Goddis Grace Yow to releiff within fchort fpace, Syne latt yow wend. THIFT. Than Maifter deir, g'rf me your hand, And mak to me ane fewir band, That ye fall cum agane fra hand Withowttyn faill. * A line wanting. Or. O F T H E V I C E S. 179 OPPRESSOR. Tak thair my hand richt hairtfully ; Als I promit theverealy To giffto the ane cuppill of ky, In Uddifdale. Heir fall COM MO UN THIFT put bisfeit in tbejtokkit\ and OppREssoUNy2z///;W away andlutray him. Bruder, tak patience in thy pane, For I fweir the be Sandl FILL AN* We twa fall nevir meit agane, In land nor toun. THIFT. Maifter, will ye not keip conditioun ? And put me furth of this fufpicioun ? OPPRESSOUN. Na, nevir quhill I get remiffioun. Adew my cumpanyeoun. I fall cummand the to thy dame. Adew than, in the Divillis name. For to be fals thinkis thow na fchame ? To leif me in this pane Thow art ane loun, and that ane lidder. OPPRESSOUN. Roman, I will go to Baqubidder. It fell be pafche, be Goddis moder, N 2 Or i8o THE PUNISHMENT Or cvir we meit agane. Half I nocht maid ane honeft chift That ties betrafitCoMMOUNE THIFT? For thair is nocht under the life A curftar corfs. I am richt feur that he and I, Within this halfyeir, craftelljr Hes ftowin ane thowfand fheip and ky. By meiris and horf?. War God that I war found and haill Nowliftit into Llddtfdaill^ The Merfi fowld fynd me beiff and caitt, Quhat rack of breid ? War I thair lyftit with my lyfe, The Divill fowld ftyk me with a knyffe, And evir I cum agane in Fyfe y Quhilllwerdeid. Adew ! I leif the Divill amang yow, That in his fingaris he may fang yow, With all leill men that dois belang yow. For I may rew That ever I cum into this land. For quhy ye may weill underftand I gat na geir to turn my hand. Yitanisadew! [Exit. SCENE O F T H E V I C E S. SCENE III. CORRECTION, KING HUMANITIE, FLATTRY, FALSET, DISSAIT, GUDE C"OUNSAL, SARJANTS, POVERTIE. CORRECTIOUN. I Counfall yow, Syr, now fra hand, Gar baneifs yone frier owt of this land, And that incontinent. Do ye not fo, withowttyn weir, He will mak all this toun on fteir, I knaw his fals intent. Yone flatrrand knavis, withowttyn fable, I think thay are nocht profitable For Chriftis Regioun. To begin reformatioun Mak of thame deprivatioun, This is my opinion. FIRST SARJAND. Come, Syr, pleifs ye that we twa inbind thame ? And ye fall fe us fone degrade thame Of rewle, and ikaiplarie, N 3 COR l8a THE PUNISHMENT CORRECTION. Pafs on, I am richt weill content. Syne baneifs thame incontinent Out of this countre. FIRST SARJAND. Cum on, Syr Freir, and be nocht fleit ; The king our maiiler mon be obeyit, Bot ye fall half na harme. Gif ye wald travaill fra town to town, I think this hude, and haly gown, Will hawld your wame ounvarme. FLATTRY. Now quhat is this, yone monftouris menis ? I am exemit fra kingis and quenis, And fra all human law. 20 SARJAND. Tak ye the hud, and I the gown. This lymmar luikis als lyk a loun, As ony that evir I faw. IST SERJAND. Thir Freirs to efcaip puniffioun, Haldis thame at thair exemptioun, And no man will obey. Thay ar exemit, I yow afieure, Fra O F T H E V I C E S. 183 Fra Paipis, Kingis, and Empreour, And that makkis all the play. JD SARJAND. On Domefday, quhen Chryft fall fay The Freiris will fay, withowt delay, Nosfuimuj extmpti. [Htirfall tbayfpulyie FLATTRY of tit Kingi babite* GUD COUNSAL. Syr, be the Haly Trfnitie, This famen is fenyeit FLATTERIE, I ken hym be his face. Belevand for to get promotioun, He faid that hys name was DEVOTIOUK ; And fo begyld your Grace. 1ST SARJAND. Cum on, Syr FLATTRY, bethemefi We fall leir yow to daunce, Within any bonny littill fpace, Ane new paven of Fraunct. FLATTRY. Now, my Lord, for Goddis faik lat nocht hang me, Howbeid thir widdy fowis wald \vrang me ; I can male no debait, To win my meit at plewch or harrowis. N4 Bot 184 THE PUNISHMENT Hot I fall help to hang my marrowis, Bath FALSAT, and DISSAIT. CQR.RECTIOUN. Than pafs thy way, and graith the gallowis, Syne help for to hang up thy fallowis, Thow gettis na udder grace. FLATTRY. Off that office I am content. Bot our Prellattis I dreid repent Be I fleand from thair face. Heir fall FLATTRY pafs to thejlokkis, DISSAIT. Now FLATTRY, my awld cumpanyeoun Quhatdois yoneKingCoRRECTiouN ? Knawis thow not his entent r Peclair till us of thy novellis. FLATTRY. Yeill all be hangit, I fe nocht eUis, And that incontinent. DISSAIT. Now Walloway ! will he gar hang us ? The Divill brocht yone curil king amang us, For mekill flurt and flryfe. FLAT- OF THE VICES. 185 FLATTRY. I had bene put to deid aman\ yow, Had nocht I tuik on hand to hang yow, And fo I favit jny lyf. I heir thame fay thay will cry doun All freiris and prriftis of this regioun, Sa far as I can feill ; Becaus thay ar not neceflar. And als thay ar all haill cnntrar To JOHNIE THE COMMON WfilLL. POVERTIE. Now I befeik yow, for all hallowis, Gar hang DISSAIT, and all his fallowis j And baneils FLATTRY off the town, For thair was nevii fie ane loun. That beand done I hald it beft That every man go tak his reft. CORRECTIOUN. As thow hes faid, it fall be done. Swyth Sarjands ha'ig yone fwingeours (one, Heir Jail the Sarjands lowifs tbamefirft oftbejlokkh ; and Icid tbame to the Gal/owis, IST SARJAND. Cum heir, SirTheif; cum heir, cum heir. Quhen war ) e wont to be fa fweir ? i86 THE PUNISHMENT To hunt cattell ye war ay fpeidy ; Thairfor ye fall waif in a widdy. THIFT. Man I be hangit ? Allace I Allace ! Is thair nane heir may get me grace ? Yit or I de gif me a drink. jar SARJAND. Fy hurfone Cairle, I feill a fiink. THIFT. Thocht Iwald not that it war wittin Schyr, in gud faith * * * To wit the veretie gif ye pleifs, IST SARJAND. Thow art ane lymmar, I ftand ford. Slip in thy heid into this cord, For thow had never ane metar tippit. THIFT. Allace ! this is ane fallone rippat ! The widdifow wardantris tuik my geir, And left me nowdir horfs nor meir, Nor erdly gud that me belangit : Now Walloway I mon be hangit ! . i Repent O F T H E V I C E S. 187 Repent your lyvis, all plane oppreflbwris, Or ellis ga chufe yow gude confefTouiis ; And mak yow ford. For, and ye tary in this land, And cum undir CORRECT IONIS band, Your grace fall be, I undirftand, Ane gud (hairp cord. Adew my bruthir Annan theivis, That holpit me in my mifcheivis ; Adew Groffars, NikfoniS) and Bellis, Oft haif we fairne owthruch the fellis. Adew Rob/on^ Ho. Rex. Quhat gart yow bid fa lang fra my prefence ? I think it lang fince ye depairtit thence. P 4 Quhat so4 LINDSAY'S Quhat man was yon, with an greit boftous beird ? Methocht he maid yow all thrie very feard. Diffait, It was ane laidlie lurdan loun, Cumde to break buithis into this toun. Wee have gart bind him with ane poill, And fend him to the thefis hoill. Rex. Let him fit thair, with ane mifchance : And let us go to our paftance. Wantonnes. Better go revell at the rackat, Or ellis go to the hurlie hackat : Or then, to fchaw our curtlie corffes, Ga fe quha beft can rin thair horfles. Solace. Na, Soveraine, or we farther gang, Gar Senfualitie fing ane fang. [Heir Jail the Ladies Jing ane fang ; tie King fall ly dcnuji amang the Ladies ; and then Veritie fall enter. -i . Veritie. Diligite jufticiam qui judicatis terram* Luif Juftice, ye quha hes ane Judges cure, In earth, and dreid the awfull judgement Of him, thai fall cum judge baith rich and puir, Rycht terribiliy, with bludy wounds rent. That dreidful day into your harts imprent : Belevand weill how, and quhat maner, ye Ufe Juftice heir til uthers, thair at lenth That day, but doubt, fa fall ye judgit be. Wo than, and duill, be to yow Princes all, Sufferand the puir anes for till be oppreft I In everlailing burnand yre ye fall, With Lucifer, richt dulfullie be drefr. Thairfoir in tyme, for till efchaip that neft, ->-P Feir PLAY. 205 Feir God, do law, and juftice equally Till every man : fe that no puir oppreft Up to the hevin on yow ane vengeance cry. Be juft judges, without favour or fead, And hauld the ballance euin till everie wicht. Let not the fault be left into the head, Then fhall the members reulit be at richt. For quhy, fubiedts do follow, day and nicht, Thair governours in rertew and in vyce. Ye ar the lamps that fould fchaw them the licht: Lo leid them on this fliddrie rone of yce. Mobile mutatur femper cum principe vulgus* And gif ye wald your fubie&s war weil gevin, Then verteouflie begin the dance your fell, Going befoir ; then they anone, I wein, Sail follow yow, either till hevin or hell. Kings fould of gude exempills be the well: Bot gif that your llrands be intoxicate, Infteid of wyne, they drink the poyfon fell. Thus pepill follows ay thair principate. Sic luccat lux vejirx coram hominibus^ ut ou command? To counfal Kings how gat ye commiffioun ? I dreid, without ye git ane remiffi un, And fyne renunce your new opiniones, The fpritual ftait fall put you to perditioun, And in the fyre will burne yow, fleiche and bones. Veritie. I will recant nathing that I have fchawin ; I have faid nathing bot the veritie. Bot with the King fra tyme that I be knawin, I dreid ye fpaiks of Spiritualise Sail rew that ever I came in this cuntrie ; For gif the veritie plai'nlie war proclamit, And fpeciallie to the King's Mai; file, For your traditions ye will be all defamit. Flattrie ao8 LINDSAY'S Flattrle. Quhat buik, &c. P. p. 38. P. 132. bottom. Yak tbir ten cronunis for your rewaird. Ventie. The prophefie of the Propheit Efay Is praclickit, alace, on mee this day, Quha faid the veritie fould be trampit doun Amid the ftreit, and put in ftrang prefoun ; His fyve and fyftie chapter quha lift luik Sail find thir words writtin in his buik. Richt fa Sand Paul wrytis to Timothie,' That men fall turne thair earis from veritie. Bot in my Lord God I have efperance, He will provide for my deliverance. Bot ye, princes of Spiritualitie, Quha fould defend the finceir veritie, I dreid the plagues of Johnes Revelatioun Sail fall upori your generatioun ; I counfal yow this miffe t' amend Sa that ye may efchaip that fatal end. Chaft. <%wbou langfall, &c. Play, p. 39. P. 133. bottom. Play, p. 40. Amang the reft of Spritvalitie. Chajlitie. I grant yon ladie hes vowit chaftitie, For hir profeffioun thairto fould accord. Scho maid that vow for ane Abefie, Bot nocht for Chrift Jefus our Lord. Fra tyme that thay get thair vows, I (land ford, They banifh hir out of their cumpanie : With Chaftitie thay can mak na concord, Bot leids thair lyfis in fenfualiiie. I fall obferve your counfal, gif I may, Cum on, and heir quhat yon ladie will fay. i \Cbtf- PLAY. 209 [Cbaftitie paffis to the Ladle Prior fs, andfayis JMy prudent luftie, Ladie Priores, Remember how ye did vow chaftitie, Msdame, I pray yow of your geutilnes, That ye wald pleis to haif of me piae ; And this ane nicht to gif me harberie. For this I mak you fupplicatioun. Do ye nocht fa, Madame, I dreid perdie, It will be caus of depravatioun. Priores. Pas hynd, Madame, be Chrift you cum nocht heir, Ye ar conrrair to my complexioun. Gang feik Judging at fum auld Monk or Freir, Perchance thay will be your prote&ioun ; Or to Prelats mak your progreffioun, Quhilks ar obleift to yow, als weil as I. Dame Senfuall hes gevin dire&ioun You till exclude out of my cumpany. Cb*ft. Gif ye wald wit mair of the veritie, I fall fchaw yow be fure experience, How that the lords of Spritualitie Hes baneift me, alace, fra thair prefence. \ChaftltlepaJJes to the Lords of Spritualitie. My lords, laud, gloir, triumph, and reverence, Mot be unto your halie ipritual ftait ! I yow befeik, of your benevoleuce, To harbry mee that am fo defulait. Lords, I have pad throw mony uncouth fchyre, Bot in this land I can get na ludging. Of my name gif ye wald haif knawledging, Forfukh, aio LINDSAY'S Forfuith, my lords, thay call me Chaftitie. I you befeik, of your graces bening. Gif me ludging this nicht for charitie. Sfritualitie. Pas on, Madame, we knaw you nocht ; Or be him that the warld wrocht Your cumming fall be richt deir coft, Gif ye mak langer tarie. Abbot. But doubt we will baith leif and die With our luif Senfualitie ; Wee will haif na mair deall with the Then with the Queene of Farie. Parfone. Pas hame amang the Nunnis, and dwell, Quhilks ar of chaftitie the well ; I traift thay will, with buik and bell, Reflave you in thair clofter. Chaftitie. Sir, quhen I was the Nunnis amang, Out of their dortour they mee dang, And wald nocht let me bid fa lang To fay my Paternofter. I fee na grace thairfoir to get. I hauld it beft, or it be lait, For till go prove the Temporal (lair, Gif thay will mee refaif. Gud day my lord Temporalitie, And yow merchant of gravitie, Ful faine wald I have harberie To Judge amang the laif. Temporal, Forfuith we wald be well content To harbrie yow with gude intent, War nocht we haif impediment, For PLAY. an For quhy, we twa ar maryit. Bot wift our wyfis that ye war heir, Thay wold mak all this town on fteir. Thairfoir we reid yow rin areir In dreid ye be mifcaryit. Chafh Ye men of craft of greit ingyne, &C. as Interlude II. Aft ii. P. 134. The fame ftanzas occur p. 57. P. 135. A ftanza wanting. Diligence. Hoaw Solace ! gentil Solace, declair unto the King, How thair is heir ane ladie fair of face, That in this cuntrie can get na ludging, Bot pitifullie flemit from place to place, Without the king, of his efpeciall grace, As ane fervand hir in his court refaif. Brother Solace, tell the King all the cace, That fcho may be refavit amang the laif. Solace. Soveraine get up, &c. Play, p. 47. P. 141. This prologue in the Play, p. 62, more pro- perly forms the epilogue to part I. of the Play. P. 142. Scene i. immediately follows the former in- terlude, P. 147. Correfl. Beati qui efuriunt ctjitluntjujlitiam Thir ar the words ot the redoutit Roy, The Prince of Peace, above all Kings King, Quhilk hes me fent all cuntries to convoye, And all mifdoars dourlie to down thring. I will do nocht without the conveining Ane Parliament of the eltaites all ; 2ii LINDSAY'S In thair prefence I fall, but feinyeing, Iniquitie under my fword doun thrall. Thair may no Prince do ads honorabill, Bot gif his counfall thairto will affift. How may he knaw the thing maift profitabill, To follow vertew, and vycis to refift, Without he be inftrucYit and folift? And quhen the King flands at his counfell found, Then welth fall wax, and plentie as he lift, And policie fall in his realm abound. Gif ony lift my name for till iuquyre, I am callit Divine Corre&ioun. I fled throuch mony uncouth land and fchyre, To the greit profit of ilk natioun. Now am- 1 cum into this regioun, To teill the ground that hes bene lang unfawin ; To puniftie tyrants for thair tranfgreffioun ; And to caus leill men live upon thair awin. Na realme, nor land, but my fupport may Hand, For I gar Kings live into royaltie: To rich and puir I beir an equal band, $i ^.- That thay may live into thair awin degrie. Quhair 1 am nocht is no tranquiilitie : Be me tratours and tyrants ar put doun, Quha thinks na fchame of their iniquitie Till thay be punifhed be mee Correctoun. Quhat is ane King f Nocht bot an officiar, To caus his leiges live in equitie ; And under God to be ane punifcher Of trefpaffours again ft his Maieilie. Bot L A V. 213 Sot quhen the King dois live in tyrannic, Breakand juftice for fear or affeftioun, Then is his realme in weir and povertie, With fchamefull flaucbter, but corre&ion. lam ane judge t &c. (Play, p. 52, 53.) P. 150. end of Scene 4. \Correflhun pajfis towards tie King *witb Veritie^ Cbaftitle^ and Gude CounfelL Wantonnes. Solace, knawis thou not quhat I fe ? Ane knicht, or ellis ane king, thinks me, With wantoun wings as he wald fle. Brother, quhat may this mein ? I underftand nocht be this day Quhidder that he be freind er fay : Stand flill and heare quhat he will fay ; Sic ane I haif nocht fene. Solace. Yon is ane ftranger, I Hand forde & He femes to be ane luftie lord. Be his heir-cumming for concord, And be kinde till our King, He fall be welcome to this place And treatit with the Kingis grace* Be it nocht fa we fall him chace, And to the divell him ding, Placebo. I reid us put upon the King,' And walkin him of his fleiping. Sir, rife and fe an uncouth thing. Get up, ye ly too lang. Senfualitie. Put on your huide, John Fule, ye raif. How dar ye be fo pert, Sir Knaif, VOL. II. Q_ T *i4 LINDSAY'S To tuich the King ? Sa Chrift me faif Fals huirfone thow fall hing. Correa. Get up, Syr King, &c. (Play, p. 55, 56.) P. 151. bottom, 1 lat you owV, &c. Adew Sir King, I may na langer tary. I cair nochc that als gude luife cums as gais. I recommend yow to the Queene of Farie ; I fe ye will be gydit with my fais. As for this King, I cure him nocht twa ftrais. War I amang Bifchops and Cardinals, 1 wald get gould, filver, and precious clais : Na earthlie joy but my prefence avails. [Heir fall fche paft tt Spiritualite. My Lords of the Spirituall ftair, ;.-}. . Venus preferve yow air and lait ! For I can mak na mair debait, I am partit with your king ; And am baneifcht this regioun, By counfell of Correftioun. Be ye nocht my protectioun I may feik my ludging. Spir. Welcome our dayis darling ; Welcome with all our hart ; We all, but feinyeing, Sail plainlie tak your part. [/fezV fall the Bijbops, Allots^ and Parfons kit the Ladies. Correct. Sen ye are qujt, &c. (Play, p 57.) P. 152. Correft. Now Sir tak tent quhac I will fay, Obferve thir lame baith nicht and day, And let them never part yow fray ; Or P L A V* ** 5 Or els, withoutin doubt, Turne ye to Senfualitie, To vicious lyfe, and rebaldrie, Out of your realme richt fchamefulli Ye fall be ruttit out. As was Tarquin, the Roman King* Quha was for his vicious living, And for the fchameful ravifching Of the fair chaifl Lucres. He was degraidit of his crown, And baneift of his regiouu : I maid on him correftioun, As ftories dois expres. Rex. I am content, &C. (Play, p. 58.) P. 153. The itanza deficient is thus to be fupplied: Gang warne the Spiritualise, Rycht fa the Temporalitie, Be oppin proclamatioun, In gudlie haift for to compeif, In thair maid honorabill mancir, To gif us, &c. P. 156. Honufall I keep my realme in reft} Gude Counf. Inltium faplentla eft timer Dorttin:, Sir, gif your hienes yeayiis lang to ring, Firft dread your God abuif all uther thing, For ye ar bot ane mortal inftrument To that great God and King Omnipotent, Preordinat to his divine Maieflie To reull his peopill intill unuie. The principall point, Sir, of ane Kings office la for to do to everilk man jufticef a And *i6 LINDSAY'S And for to mix his juflice with mercie, But rigour, favour, or partiaiitie. Forfuith it is na little obfcrvance Great regions to have in obfervance. Quhaever taks on him that Kinglie cuir, Ta get ane of thir twa he fuld be fuir : Great paine and labour and that continual!; Or ellis to have defame perpetual!. Quha guydis weill, they win immortal fame ; Quha the contrair, they get perpetual! fchame. Efter quhais death, but dout, ane thoufand yeir Thair life at lenth rehearfl fall be perqueir. The Chroniklis to knaw I yow exhort ; Thair fall ye finde baith gude and euill report t For everie Prince, efter his qualitie, Thocht he be deid his deids fall neuer die. Sir, gif ye pleafe for to ufe rny counfall, Your fame and name fall be perpetuall. [Heir fall the meffinger Diligence return, and cry * Hoyyes, a Hoyyes, a Hoyyes, and fay, At the command of King Humanitie, &c. as here, p. 141, 142. (Play, p. 62, 63.) to the line The bejl pairt of our Play ; then follows, " The End of the firft part of the Satyre. Now fall the pepill mak collatioun, then beginnis the Interlude, the Kings, Bifchops, and principal players, being out of their feats." Part II. The Puirman and the Pardoner, as Int. III. Play, p. 64 80. After this occurs Scene 7. p. 157. but the following pages are previoufly inferted. [Heir PLAY. 2,7 [Heir fall Diligence ntak bis preclamatioun. Diligtnce. Famous peopill tak tent, and ye fall fe The thrie eftaits of this natioun Cum to the court, vvi'h ane flrange gravitie; Thairfoir I mak yow fupplicatioun, Till ye have heard our haile narratiou'n, To keip fileoce, and be patient I pray yow : Howbeit we fpeik hot adulatioun, We fall fay nathing hot the iuith I fay yow. Gude verteous men, that luifis the veritie, I wait thay will excufe our negligence ; Bot vicious men, denude of charitie, As feinyeit fals flattrand Saracens, Howbeit they cry on us ane loud vengence, And of our paftyme make ane fals report; Quhat may wee do bot tak in patience, And us refer unto the faithful fort > Our Lord Jefus, Peter, nor Paul!, Culd not compleis the peopill all, But fum were mifcontent ; Howbeit thay fchew the veritie, Sum faid that it war herefie Be thair rnaift fals judgement. {Heir fall the ^hrle Eftaits cum fra the palycoun t gangand backiuart, led be thair vyces, Wantonnes. Now braid benedicitc i Quhat thing is yon that I fe ? Luke Solace, my hart. Solace *i8 LINDSAY'S Solace. Brother Wantonnes, quhat thinks thow ? Yon are the Thrie Eft aits I trow, Gangand backwart. Wanton. Backwart, Backwart ! Out wallaway I Jt is greit fchame for them, I fay, Backwart to gang. I trow the King Corrediioun Man mak ane reformatioun, Or it be Jang. Now let us go, and tell the King. Sir, we have fene ane mervelous thing Be our judgement. The Thrie Eftaits of this regioun Ar cummand backwart throw this toun To the Parliament, Rex. Backwart, backwart ! How may that be ? Gar fpeid them haiftelie to me, In dreid that thay ga wrang, Placebo. Sir, I le them yonder cummand, Thay will be heir evin fra hand. Als faft as thay may gang. Gudc Counf. Sir, hald you ftill and fkar them nocht, Till ye perfave quhat be thair thocht, And fe quhat men them kids. And let the King Correftioun Mak ane fcharp inquifuioun, And mark them be the heids., Quhen ye ken the occafioun That maks them fie perfuafioun, Ye may exptll the caus : Syne PLAY. 319 Syne them reform, as ye think beft, Saa that the realme may live in reft According to Gods laws. [Heir fall the Thrie Eftaits' cum, and turne their faces to the King. Spir. Gloir, honour, laud, triumph, and viftorie, Be to your michtie prudent excellence! Heir ar we cum, all the Eftaits Thrie, Readie to mak our dew obedience, At your command with humbile obfervaiice, As may pertene to Spiritualitie, With counfel of the Temporalitie. 'Temp. Sir, we, with michtie curage at command, Of your fuper-excellent Majeflie Sail mak fervice, baith with our hart and hand, And fall not dreid in thy defence to die. Wee ar content, but doubt, that we may fee That nobile heavenlie Kinj, Correctioun, Sa he with mercie mak punitioun. Marchand. Sir we ar heir your burgeffis and mer- chands, Thanks be to God that we may fe your face, Traiftand we m.iy now into divers lands Convey our geir, wi h fupport of your grace. For now I traii't wee fall get reft and peace ; Quhen mifdoars are with your fword ore-thrawin, Then may leil m rchands live upon their aw'm. Rex. Welcum to ms my prudent lords all ; Ye ar my members, fuppois I be your he id. Sit down, that we may with your juft couniall Q^4 Aganis sio LINDSAY'S ; Aganis mifdoars find foveraine remeid. Wee fall nocht f^ air, for favour nor for feid, With your avice to mak pucitioun, And put my fword to execution, Corr. My tender friends, I pray you with my harfc Declair to me the thing that I wald fpefr, Quhat is the caus that ye gang all backwart ? The veritie thairof faine wald I heir. Spirit. Soveraine, we have gane fa this mony a yeir, Howbeit ye think we go undecemly, Wee think we gang richt wonder pleafantly. Dilig. Sit down my lords into your proper places ; Syne let the King confider all fie caces. Sit down, Sir Scribe: and fit down, Dempfter, to, And fence the Court as ye were wont to do. \Thay arfet doun^ and Guid CounfellfaH fas to hi* feat. Rex. My prudent krds, &c. (Play, p. 83.) P. 157. And plane opprej/buris, c. Ibid. Spirit. Quhat thing is this, Sir, that ye have devyfit ? SelVirs, ye have neid for till be weill advyfit. Be nocht haiftie into your executioun ; And be nocht our extreime in your panitioun. And gif ye pleafe to do, Sir, as wee lay, Poftpone this Parlament till ane uther day. For quhy ? The peopill of this regioun May nocht endure extreme corre&ioun. Correfi. Is this the parr, my lords, that ye will ta,k, To mak no fupportatioun to correcl; ? It dois appeir that ye ar ctilpabill, That ar nocht to CorredYioun aoplyabill. Suyith, PLAY. Hi Suyith, Diligence, ga fchaw it is our will, That everilk man oppreft geif in his bill. Dilisj. All nttnner of men, &c. (Play, p. 83.) P. 159. Tetbat t Sir, gar r is, Sec. Rex. Quhat is the caus the Common Weil is crukit? Jobne. Becaus the Common- Wcill has bcne overlukit. Rex. Quhat g^rs the luke fa with ane dreirie hart? Jobne. Becaus the Thrie Eftuits gangs all backvvart. Rex- Sir Common-Weil], knaw ye the iimmers that them leids ? Johns., Thair canker cu'lours I ken them be the heads. As for our reverend fader /, &rc. Play, p. 85. IbH. Get up I think tofe thy Craig, &c. Loe htir ii- Falfir, and-DiiFai:, weiil I ken, Leiders of the merchants and fillie crafts-men, Quhat mervtl tho:ht the Thrie Eftaits backvvart gang, Quhen fie anc vyle cumpanie dwels them amang ? Quh Ik ties reulit this rout monie deir dayis ; Quhilk gars John the Common Weil want his warme clais. Sir, call them befoir yow, and put them in ordour, Or els John the Common Veil man beg on the bordour, Hvwfeinyeit Flatry ! &c. p. 160. P. p. 8;. P. 161. \Heirarthayled, &C. (?iay, p. 86, 87.) JJowbcit I fe thy Ikap Ikyre (koird, Thou art ane fluvat I {land foird. , (tranfpofed) id Serj. Put in your leggis into the flocks, For ye had never ane meiter hois. Thir ftewats (link as thay war broks ; - Now *i* L I N D S A Y S Now ar ye fikker I fuppoii. [Paufa. My Lords wee have done your commands. Sail we put Covetice ia captivitic ? Correfl. Yea, hardlie lay on him your hands, Rycht fa upon Senfualitie. Spirit. This is my Grainier and my Chalmerlaine, And hes my gould, and geir, under hir cuiris. I mak ane vow to God, I fall complaine Unto the Paip how ye do me injuris. Covet. My Reverent Fathers tak in patience, I fall nocht lang remaine from your prefence ; Thocht for ane quhyll I man from your depaitt, I wait my fpreic fall remaine in your hart. And quhen. this King Corredlioun beis abfenr, Then fa 1 we tiva returne incontinent. Thairfoir adew. Spirit. Adew ; be Sanft Mavene, Pas quhair ye will, we ar twa naturall men. Senfual. Adew, my lord. Spirit. Adew, my awin fweit harf. Now duill fell me that wee twa man depart ! Senfual. My Lord howbei: this parting dois me paine, I traift in God we fall meit fone r.gaine. Spirit* To cum againe I pray you do your cure; Want I yow twa, 1 may nocht lang indure. [ffeir fal the Sergeants chafe them air. Sum fayis, be him that woare the crowne of thorne, It had ber.e gude that Paull had neir bene borne. Counf. Bot ye may knaw, my lord, San6t Paul's intent. Schir, red ye never the New Teftament? Spir. Na, fir, be him that our lord Jefus fauld, I red never the New Teftament, nor Auld. Nor ever thinks to do, Sir, be the Rude : I heir freiris fay that reiding dois na gude. Counf. Till you to reid them I think it is na lack ; For anis I faw them baith build on your Jback. That famin day that ye was confecrat. Sir quhat meinis that ? Spir. The feind ftick them that wat. Merch. Then, befoir God how can ye be excufu, To haif an office, and waits not how ro us it ? Quhairfoir was gifin you all the temporal lands, And all thir teinds ye haif among your hands ? Thay war givin yovv for uther caufes, I weine, Nor mummil matins, and hald your clayis cleine. Ye fay, to the Apoftills that ye fucceed, Bot ye fchaw nocht that, into word nor deid. The law is plaine ; our teinds fuld furnifch teichours. Counf. Yea, that it fould; or fafteine prudent prei- chours. Pauper. Sir, God nor I be ftickit with ane knyfe, Gif ever our Perfoun pieichit in all his lyfe. Per/on. Quhat devil raks the of our preiching, un- docht ? Paup. Think ye that ye fuld have the teinds for nocht? R a P As quha fa lifts to reid the veritie, In halie icriptore he may find this thing, Sic PLAY. *4 Sic Deus dilexit mundum* Tuiching nathing the t;reat prerogative Quhilk God to man in his creation lent, How man of nocht creat fuperlative Was to the image of God Omnipotent, Let us confider that fpecial luif ingent God had to man, quhen our foir father fell, Drawing us all, in his loynis immanent, Captive from gloir in thirlage to the hell. Quhen Angels fell, thair miferabill ruyne Was never reftorit : hot for our miferie The fun of God, fecund perfon divyne, In ane pure Virgin tuke humanitie; Syne for our fake great harmis fuffered he, In fading, walking, in preiching, cauld and heit; And at the lail ane fchameful death deit he, Betwix twa theifis on croce he yeild the fpreit. And quhair an drop of his maift precious blude Was recompence fufficient and conding Ane thoufand warlds to ranfom fra that wod Infernal feind, Satan ; notwithilanding He luifit us fa, that for our ranfoning He fched furth all the blude of his bodie ; Riven, rent, and fair wondir, quhair he did hing, Naild on the croce on the Mont Calvary. Et coplofa apud eum redemptio. O cruel death, be the the venemous Dragon, the Devill infernal loft his pray; Be the the ftinkand, mirk, contageous, Deip pit of hell mankynd efcaipit fray. VOL. II. S Be 246 LINDSAY'S Be the the port of Paradice alway Was patent maid unto the heavin fa hie, Opinnit to man, and maid ane reddie way To gloir eternal with the Trinitie. And yit for all this luife incomparabill God afkis no rewaird fra us againe, Bot luife for luife : in this command hot fabill Conteinit ar allhalie the law is ten, Baith all and new, and commandiments everilkane. Luife bene the ledder, quhilk hes bot Iteppis twa, Be quhilk we may clime up to lyfe againe, Out of this vaill of miferie and wa. Diliges Dominant tuum, Deum tuum t ex toto corde tuo, et proximum tuum Jicut teipfum j in his duobus mandatis, &c. The firft ftep fuithlie of this ledder is To luife thy God, as the fountaine and well Of luife and grace : and the fecund, I wis, To luife thy nichtbour as thou luifis thi fell. Quba tynis ane ftep of thir twa gais to hell, Bot he repents, and turne to Chrift anone, Hauld this na fabill, the halie Evangell Bears in efFeft this wordis everie one. Si vis ad vitam ingredi, ferva mandata^ &c. Thay tyne thir fteps, all thay quhaevir did fin In pryde, invy, in ire, and lecherie; In covetice, or ony extreme win, Into fweirnes, or into gluttanie ; Or quha dois nocht the deids of mercie, Gif hungrie meit, and gif the naikit clayis. Per/. PLAY. Perf. Now walloway, thinks thou na fchame to lie J I trow the devill a word is trew thou fayis. Thou fayis thair is hot twa fteppis to the heavia, Quha failyies them man backwart fall in hell. I wait it is ten thoufand mylis, and fevin, Gif it be na mair I do it upon thy fell. Schort leggit men I fe, be Bryds bell, Will nevir cum thair, thay fteppis bene fa wyde ; Gif thay be the words of the Evangell The Spirituall men hes mifter of ane gyde. Abbot. And I belief that cruikit men and blindc Sail never get up upon fa hich ane ledder. By my gude faith I dreid to ly behinde, Without God draw me up into ane tedder. Quhat and I fall, than I will break my bledder. And I cum thair this day the devill fpeid me, Except God make me lichter nor ane fedder, Or fend me doun gude widcok wingis to flie. Perf. Cum doun daftart, and gang fell draifij I unde'rftand nocht quhat thow faid ; Thy words war nather corne nor caiffj I wald thy toung againe war laide. Quhair thou fayis pryde is deidlie (in, I fay pryde is bot honeftie ; And covetice of warldlie win Is bot wifdome, I fay for me. Ire, hardinefs, and gluttonie, Is nathing ellis but lyfis fude ; The natural iin of lecherie Is but trew luife ; all thir ar gude. S z S4 8 LINDSAY'S DoRor. God and the Kirk has given command That all gude Chriftian men refufe them. Perf. Bot war thay fin I underftand We men of Kirk wald never ufe them. - Doll, Brother, I pray the Trinitie Your faith and charitie to fupport, Caufand you knavv the veritie, That ye your fubjecls may comfort. To your prayers, psopill, I recommend The rewlars of this nobill regioun, That our Lord God his grace mot to them fend On trefpaflburs to mak punitioun ; Prayand to God from feinds yow defend, And of your fins to gif yow full remilfioun, I fay na mair to God I you commend. [Heir Diligence fpyis the Freir roundancl lo Prelats. Dilig. My lords, I perfave that the Spiritual ftait Be way of deid purpois to mak dehait ; For be the counfall of yon flattrand freir Thay purpois to mak all this toun on fteir. ijl Licent. Traift ye that thay will be inobedient To that quhilk is decreitit in Parliament? Dilig. Thay fe the Paip with awfull ordinance Makis weir againft the michtie King of France ; Richt fa thay think that Prelats fuld nocht funyie Be way of deid defend thair patrimonie. ijt Lie. I pray the, brother, gar me underftand Quhair ever Chrift poffeffit ane fut of land. PLAY. $49 Dilig. Yea that he did, father, withouttin faill, For Chrift Jefus was King of Ifraell. ifi Lie. I grant that Chrift was king abuife all kings, Bot he mellit never with temporal things; As he hes plainlie done declair himfell, '*_''- As thou may reid in his halie Evangel 1 ; * Birds hes thair nefls, and tods hes thair derij " Bot Chrift Jefus, the Saviour of men, * In all this warld hes nocht ane penny braid, " Quhairon he may repois his heavenlie head* Dilig. And is that trew ? Lie. Yes> brother, be Allhallow*, Chrift Jefus had na propertie, bot the gallows. And left nor, quhen he yeildit up the fpreit> To by himfelf ane fimpill winding fcheit. Dilig, Chrift's fucceflburs, I underftand, Thinks na fchame to have temporal land. Father, thay have na will, I you affure, In this warld be indigent and puin ! X m Bor, fir, fen ye are callit fapienr, Declair to me the cans with trew intent Quhy that my luftie ladie Veritie Hes nocht bene weill treatit in this cuntrie? Batchelor. Forfuith quhair Prelats uies the counfell Of beggand freirs, in mony regtoun, And thay Prelats with Princis principal, The veritie but doubt is trampit doun j And Common -weil put to confufioun. Gif this be trew to yow I me report, Thairfoir, my lords, rnak reformatioua Ox ye depairt, hairtlie, I yov* exhort. S ' 3 Sirs, *;o LINDSAY'S Sirs, Freirs wald never yit, I yow affure, That ony Prelats ufit preiching ; And prelats take on them that cure Freirs wald get nathing for thair fleiching. / c Qunfall _yow, *rr, &c. p. 181. (Play, p. 122.) About eight pages omitted. (Play, p. 123.) The fpeech of the Firft Sarjand Hands thus in the Play. Cum on my Ladle Prior fs t We fall leir yow to dance, And that within ane lytill fpace, Ane new pavin of France. \Heirfallthayfpoilye the Priores 9 and fcbe fall have ane kirtil (f filk under htr htibit, Now, brother, be the mafic Be my judgement I think This halie Priores Is turnit in ane cowclink. Priores. 1 gif my freinds my malifoun, That me compellit to be ane Nun< : . ; And wald nocht let me marie ; It was my freinds greadines That gart me be ane Priores. Now hartlie then I warie. Houbeit that Nunnis fing nichts and days, , Thair hart waits nocht quhat thair mouth fays, The fuith I yow declair. Makand yow intimatioun, To Chriftis congregatioun Nunnis ar nocht neceflair* Bot PLAY. ap Bot I fall do the bell I can, And marie fum gude honeft man, And brew gude aill and tun. Mariage, be my opinioun, It is better Religioun As to be Freir or Nun. Flat. Freir. My Lordis for Gods f alii let nocbt bang me, Sec. here, p. 183 to 185. Johnie the Commm* f vjei II. (P. p. 125.) [Heir fal the Kings and the 'temporal Sfait round togider. Correfl. With the advice of King Humanuie Heir I determine with rype advyfement, That all thir Prelats fall deprivit be ; And be decreit of this prefent Parliament That thir thre cunning Clarkis fapient Immediatlie thair places fall pofles, Becaus that thay have bene fa negligent, Suffring the word of God for till decres. Rex Hum. As ye have faid but doubt it fall be done; Pas to and mak this interchainging fone. [The Kings Jervants lay bands on the thrie Prelats ^ and fays. Wantonn. My lords, we pray you to be patient, For we will do the Kings commandement. Spirit. I mak ane vow to God and ye us handill, Ye fall be curft and graggit with buik and candil; Syne we fall pas unto the Paip, and pleinyie, And to the devill of hell condemne this mcinyie. S 4 For *5* LINDSAY'S For quhy? Sic reformatioun, as I weine, Into Scotland was never hard nor feine. \Heir fall they fpuilye them with Jilence, and put t\>alr habits on the tbrie Clarks Merchant. We marvell of yow, paintit fepulturis, That was fa bauld for to accept fie curis, With glorious habite rydand upon your muillis ; Now men may fe ye are hot verie fuillis. Spir. We fay the Kings war greiter fuillis nor we, That us promovit to fa greit digniiie. Abbot. Thair is ane thoufand in the Kirk, but doubt, Sic fuillis as we, gif thay war weill focht out: Now, brother, fen it may na better be, Let us ga foup with Senfualitie. \_Hcirfall thay pas to Senfualitie. Spir. Madame, I pray yow mak us thrie gude cheir, We cure nocht to remaine with yow all yeir. Senfual. Pas fra us fuillis ; be him that has us wrocht Ye ludge nocht heir, becaus I knaw yow nocht. Spir. Sir Covetice, will ye alfo mifken me? I wait richt weill ye wil baith gif and lend me. Speid hand my freind, fpair nocht to break the lockii, Gif me ane thoufand crouns out of my box. Covet. Quhairfoir, Sir fuill, gif you ane thoufand crouns? Ga hence, ye feime to be thrie very louns. , Spir. I fe nocht els, brother, withouttin faill Bot this fals world is turnit top ouir taill. Stn all is vaine that is under the lift, To win our meat we man make uther fchift ; With PLAY. 253 With our labour except we mak debait, I dreid full fair we want baith drink and meat. Perf. Gif with our labour we man us defend, Then let us gang quhair we war never kend. Sprit. I wyte thir freirs that I am thus abufit, For by thair counfal I have bene confufit; Thay gart me trow it fuffyfit, alace, To gar them plainlie preich into my place. Abbot. Alace, this reformatioun I may wane, For I have yit twa dochtirs for till marie ; And they are baith contracYit, be the rude, .^ ^ i( ' t And waits nocht how to pay thair tocher gude. Perf. The devill mak cair for this unhappie chance, For I am young, and thinks to pas to France, And tak wages amang the men of weir, And win my living with my fword and fpeir. [The Bifchop, Abbot ', Perfone, and Priores, depa'irts altogeder. Gude Counf. Or ye depairt, Jir, of this regioun, &c, here p. 197, 198. (PJay, p. 127, 128.) And Commoun IVeill be tirrandis Jirampit do-iune* [Paufa. The Speech of Comnrion Weal, p. 198. is given ia the Play to Correction, and is thus continued. Now Maiitcrs, ye fall heir incontinent, At great ley four, in your prefence proclamit The Nobill AcYis of our Parliament, Of cjuhilks we neid nocht to be afchamit. Cum heir, Trumpet, and found your warning tone That every man may knaw quhat we have done. 1254 LINDSAY'S [Heir fall Diligence, with the Scribe, and the Trum- pet t pas to the pulpit, and proclame the Aftis* The Firft Aft. It is devyfit be thir prudent Kings, Corredlioun, and King Homanitie, That thair Leigis, induring all their ringis, With the avyce of the Eftaitis Thrie, Sail manfullie defend and fortifie The Kirk of Chrift, and his religioun, Without diffimulance or hypocrifie, Under the pain of their punitioun. 2. Als thay will that the Aftis honorabil', Maid be our Prince in the laft Parliament, Becaus thay ar baith gude and profitabill, Thay will that everie man be diligent Them till obferve, with unfeinyeit intent. Quha difobeyis inobedrentlie Be thair lawis, but doubt they fall repent, And painis conteinit thairrn fall underly. 3. And als, the Common-weil for til advance, It is ftatute that all the temporal lands Be fet in few, efter the forme of France, Till verteous men, that labours with thair hands, Refonabillie reftrictit with fie bands, That thay do fervice nevertheles. And to be fubjecr. ay under the wands ; That riches may with policie incres. 4. Item, this prudent Parliament hes devyfit, Gif lords hold under thair dominiouh Theifis, quhairthroch puir peopil bene fupprifir, For them thay fall make anfweir to the croun, i And FLAY. And to the puir mak reftrtutioun, Without thay put them in the judges hands, For thair default to fufter punitioun ; Sa that na theifis remaine within thair lands. 5. To that intent that juftice fould incres, It is concludit in this parliament, That into Elgin, or into Innernefle, Sail be ane fute of Clarks fapient, Togidder with ane prudent Prefidenr, To do juftice in all the Norther Airtis Sa equallie without impediment, That thay neid nocht feik juftice in thir palrtis. 6. With licence of the Kirks halines, That juftice may be done continuallie, All the maters of Scotland, mair and les, To thir twa famous faits perpetuallie Sal be direc~Ut, becaus men feis plainlie * Thir wantoun Nunnis ar na way neceflair, Till common-well nor yit to the glorie Of Chrifts Kirk, thocht thay be fat and fair. And als that fragill ardour feminine Will nocht be miffit in Chrifts Religioun, Thair wits ufit till ane better fyne, For common-weill of all this regioun, Ilk Senature for that erectioun, For the uphalding of thair gravitie, Sail have fyve hundreth mark of penfioun, And alfo bot twa f fall their nummer be. * Here feems a defeft. f Of Edinburgh, and of th North. Inte S 6 LINDSAY'S Into the North faxteine fall thair femaine; Saxtein richt fa in our mail! famous toun Of Edinburgh, to ferve our Soveraine^ Chofen without partiall afflicYioun Of the ma:ft cunning Clarks of this Regioun ; Thair Chancellar chofen of ane famous Clark, Ane cunning man of great perfecYioun, And for his penfioun have ane thoufand mark- 7. It is devyfit iu this Parliament, From this day furth na mater Temporall, {Our new Prelats thairto hes done confent,) Cum befoir Judges Confiftoriall, Quhilk hes bene fa prolixt and partiall To the great hurt of the comm unities Let Temporall men feik Judges Temporall, And Spiritual men to Spritualitie. 8. Na benefice beis giffin, in tyme cumming, Bot to men of gude eruditioun, Expert in the Halie Scripture, and cunning, And that thay be of gude conditioun, Of publick vices but fufpitioun ; And qualefiet nicht prudentlie to preich To thair awin folk, baith into land and touri; Or ellis in famous fcuillis for to teich. 9. Als becaus of the great pluralitie Of ignorant preifts, ma than ane legioun, Quhair-throca of teichours the heich dignititf Is vilipendit in iik regioun, Thairfoir our Court has made provifioun That na Bifchops mak teichours in tyme cumming,- , (t Except PLAY. Except men of gude eruditioun, And for Preiftheid quaiefeit and cunning, Siclyke as ye fe, in the borrows town, Ane tailyeour is nqcht fufferit to remaine, Without he can mak doublet, coat, and gown; He man gansj till his prenteifchip againe. Bifchops lonid nocht reflave (methink certaine) Into the Kirk, except ane cunning Clark : Ane idior preift I fay compaireth plaine Till ane dum dog^e, that can nocht byte nor bark. 10. From this day furth fe na Prelats pretend, Under the paine of inobedience, At Prince or Paip to purchafe ane commend, Againe the kow * becaus it dois offence : Till ony Prieft we think fufficience Ane benefice, far to ferve God withall. Twa Prelacies fall ru man have from thence, Without that he be of the blude Royall. 11. Item this prudent Counfall has concludit, Sa that our haly Vickars be nocht wraith, From this day furth thay fal be cleane denudit Baith of corf-prefent, cow, and umell claith ; To puir commons becaus it hath done fkaith. And mairover we think it lytill force, Howbeit the Barrouns thairto will be laith, From thence fqtth thay fall wanr thair hyrald-hors, 12. It is decreit that in this Parliament Ilk. Bifchoj), Minijkr, Piiour, and Peifouo, *r,8 LINDSAY'S To the effeft thay may tak better tent To faulis under their dominioun, Eftei- the forme of thair fundatioun, Ilk Bifchop in his Diofie fall remaine ; And everilk Perfone in his parachoun, Teiching thair folk from vices to refraine. 13. Becaus that clarks our fubftance dois confume For bi!s and proces of thair prelacies, Thairfoir thair fall na money ga to Rome, From this day furth for any benefice, Bot gif it be for greit Archbifchopries. As for the reft na money gais at all, For the increffing of thair dignities, Na mair nor did to Peter nor to Paull. 14. Confidering that our Preifts, for the maift part, Thay want the gift of Chaftitie we fe, Cupid o hes fa peril them throch the hart, We grant them licence and frie libertie * That thay may have fair Virgins to thair wyfis, And fa keip matrimoniall chaftitie, And nocht in huirdome for to leid thair lyfis. 1 5. This Parliament richt fa hes done conclude From this day forth our Barrouns temporall Sail na mair mix thair nobil ancient blude With baftard bairns of Stait Spiritual!. Ilk ftait amang thair awin felfis marie fall. Gif Nobils marie with the Spritualitie, From thyne fubjeft thay fal be, and all Sal be degraithit of thair Nobilitie ; * A line wanting. And PLAY. 359 And from amang the Nobils cancellate, Unto the tyme thay by thair libei tie, Rehabilit be the civill magiftrate. And fa fall marie the Spiritualitie; Bifchops with Bifchops fall mak affinitie, Abbots and Priors with the Priores, As Bifchop Annas in Scripture we may fe, Maryit his dochter on Bifchop Caiphas. Now have ye heard the Aftis honor abill Devyfit in this prefent Parliament ; To Common-weill we think agreabill All faithfull folk fould heirof be contenf, Them till obferve with hartlie trew intent, I wait nane will againft our A6ls rebell, Nor till our law be inobedient, Bot Plutois band, the potent prince of hell. [Heir Jail Pauper cum befoir the King and fay t Pauper. I gif yow my braid bennefoun, That has givin Common Weill a gown; I wald nocht for ane pair of plackis Ye had nocht maid thir nobill A&is. I pray to God, and fweit Sainft Geiil, To gif yow grace to ufe them weill ; Wer thay weill keipit I underiland It war great honour to Scotland ; It had bene als gude ye had fleipi', As to mak a5ts and be nocht keipit. Now I befeik yo*vj for all-hallowis, &c. p. 1 8;. Play, p. IJJ. Minute Minute Corrections, and Variations^ Pag. Lin. 23. NUNTIUS Play, DILIGENCE. 24. 8. for gleeris, read elciir. 46. 9. /or mot, raz^/ mot keip. 2. 5. /or thame, read him. 53. I. for Cruevin meufs, read trewker mens. 56. 14. Go eaft about the nether mill ; probably va- riation bet*weene the representations at Coupar and at Edinburgh. 7. The fame Jlanzas occur p. 134. 61. line laft, wald not that wald not cut, 62. 3. /or , Black Bullinger, and Melanfthoun, /. loft, erode cude. 69. 1 7 Makameillis Makconnals. 74. 6. read Upoun Dame Flefchers midding, 78. 15. for fenyie, read fenyie. 80. 5 for blude, read blin J ' .> >*uV JV ^ ) -%v