ADDIS c THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF COMMODORE BYRON MCCANDLESS THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF COMMODORE BYRON MCCANDLESS THE AMERICAN CRUISER. Hoisting the "Stars and Stripes" on board the Cruiser AMERICAN CRUISER; A TAI.E OF THE LAST WAR. BY CAPT. GEO. LITTLE, AUTHOR OF LIFE ON THE OCEAN. ILLUSTRATIONS BY BILLINGS. BOSTON: WM. J. REYNOLDS AND COMPANY, AND WATTE, PEIRCE, AND CO. 1847. Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1846, By WAITE, PEIRCE AND COMPANY, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of Massachusetts. Stereotyped and printed by G. C. Rand, 3 Cornhill, Boston. LI 21 a. 7847 INTRODUCTION IN presenting this work to the public, an apology may be due to them from the Author, for intruding again so soon upon their notice. There are, however, two considerations which have induced him : the first is the rapid sale and extensive cir culation of his " Life on the Ocean " and the second, that he believes there is no work extant which describes correctly the operations of private and armed vessels of war connected with American history. The Author was personally connected with many of the scenes that are herein described, and therefore can answer for their veracity. There is a part of them, however, for which he is indebted to verbal statements, and what he could glean'from the log book of the Cruiser. He claims no farther merit for this work than that which a plain and unvarnished description of nautical life and naval warfare, founded on truth, as deduced from real life, entitles him to. He has, however, endeavored to make this work beneficial to his brother tars, by conveying lessons of instruction, that they may avoid those rocks and shoals upon which so many sons of the Ocean have been wrecked and cast away. And now, in conclusion, the Author may be permitted to observe, that he hopes the veil of charity will be thrown over any errors or imperfections that may occur in this work, and that they will be attributed either to his pecu liar affliction, or to the errors of his head, and not those of his heart. THE AUTHOR. 7 CONTENTS. CHAP. PAGE. 1. Excitement in New York in 1812, .... 13 2. The Two Seamen enter on board the Privateer, for the Cruise, etc., . . . . . . .21 3. The Privateer and her Crew, 31 4. The Supper, . ' . . . . . . .41 5. The Anchor Watch, Conversation between the Two Seamen, 53 6. Morning Duty, Preparations for Sea, Stations, etc., . 63 7. Reflections, Getting under way, First Night out, etc., 77 8. Description of the Officers, The Force of the Cruiser, The Chase, etc., 87 9. The Young Seaman's Narrative Commenced, All Hands to Mischief, etc 105 10. Chase, Engagement, Capture of a British Brig, etc., 117 11. Portuguese Brig, and Prisoners Released, . . 127 12. The Young Seaman's Narrative Continued, . . 139 13. A Gale of Wind, 147 14. Saturday Night, etc 155 15. Swedish Brig, Capture of a British Schooner and Brig, 167 16. The Squall, The Young Seaman's Narrative Con tinued, . . . . . . . 175 17. Capture of a British Letter of Marque, . . .383 18. A Dash at the Fleet, . . . . . .191 19. Disaffection of the Crew, Ludicrous Story from Jimmy, 203 20. Boarding at Night, 2] 5 21. The Young Seaman's Narrative Continued, . . 227 82. The Scotch Prize, 239 9 X CONTENTS. CHAP. PAOI. 23. The Engagement with a British Packet, . . . 249 24. Arrival at the Cruising Ground, . . . . 259 25. Chops of the Channel, Fog, etc. v j. . . .269 26. Young Seaman's Narrative Continued, . . . 279 27. Important Information of the West India and Medi terranean Fleet of Merchantmen, . . . 289 28. The Young Seaman's Narrative Concluded, . . 299 29. Capture of a British Brig in a Fog, with the Boats, 311 30. The Doom of the Cruiser, 321 31. Treatment of the American Prisoners, Arrival in Plymouth, . >.--. > ,...''. - -."' . 331 32. March to Stapleton, . -,***: . * !>* < r-V*'.. 341 33. Description of the Prisons, French Prisoners, etc., . 351 34. The Transfer to Dartmoor Prison, etc., . . .361 35. Description of Dartmoor Prison, .... 371 36. News of the Peace, Conversation between the Boat swain and Young Seaman; 379 37. The Massacre, Boatswain's Leg Shot Off, -^ v ' '>, 387 38. Conclusion, v. i, . 403 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. CHAPTER I. EXCITEMENT IN 'NEW YORK IN 1812. IN the autumn of 1812 (a period that will long be remembered in the annals of American history,) the city of New York presented a universal scene of. ex citement and commotion : every square, avenue, street, lane and- alley, from the highest location, where may yet be seen the splendid mansion of the wealthy mer chant, and where the luxurious man ,of fortune drives his liveried equipage, to the lowliest retreats of the laboring citizens, gave evidence of a profound sen. sation. A stranger might have seen the Park crowded with anxious faces. All, men, women, and children, partook of the general feeling of suspense and tumult consequent upon the unusual position which the country sustained. In the most degraded haunts of squalid mendicity and the obscure sections where misery 11 12 THE AMEHICAX CHUTES. and poverty, (though less vicious,) dwell, the excite ment was at its height. As YOU approached the extreme east and north parts of the city, you might have seen numerous artisans busily engaged in con structing hoth public and private armed vessels of war, and the merry and cheering sound of the axe, saAv and hammer, saluted the ear until its sounds died away in the distance ; and then bending your way towards Cherry and Water streets, you might have beheld numerous crowds of seamen, while at every corner was hung out the American ensign, indicating places of ren dezvous, and from almost every house might be heard sounds of music, the merry dance and the jovial laugh : nor were the old tars alone. All then wore the costume of a sailor, for the recent successes of our navy and privateers on the ocean, over those who had hitherto been considered invincible masters of the Jeep, gave a brilliancy to the vocation of a sea life, in which all now seemed anxious to embark, either for the purpose of emolument or honor. Ranging along the course of the East and North Rivers, the eye met piers and quays, crowded with vessels of every description, whose high masts resembled the splendid panorama of a dense forest of trees; while the unruffled placidity of the stream exhibited on its bosom a magnificent vessel of war, or a privateer, the finest specimen of naval arch itecture in the world. It was one of those clear and bland days in Sep tember, which so frequently marks an American autumn; the sun had declined far to the west, and THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 13 the clouds wore a rich drapery of brown and yellow, which cast a shade of mellowed softness on the heavens, reflecting on the polished surface of the water a variety of images and forms which an in ventive imagination might have personified into living existencesj the whole corresponding to the universal quiet of the elements, strongly contrasting with the living, moving mass of human beings which then crowded the Battery. There stood a group, who by their conversation appeared to be merchants of the first class, discussing with great warmth the politics of the day, the merits of the war, and the relative strength and condition as well as the chance of suc cess of the two contending parties. Another group, by their looks and conversation, seemed wrought up to the highest pitch of enthusiasm by a recent victory* of our navy; they fearlessly avowed that no doubt now remained of the Americans being able to cope with the British by sea as well as on the land. A third, no less sanguine but infinitely more calculating, had in prospect already swept the ocean of British cruisers, annihilated their armies, taken possession of Canada, and by their own valor and prowess acquired a fortune. As this conversation was being carried on by the several parties mentioned, a crowd had gathered round two fine-looking seamen, who stood leaning against the rail or barrier of the Battery, and who had been cir cumstantially detailing all the incidents connected with a short but successful cruise in a privateer, while the 2 14 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. gaping multitude, with mouth,, eyes and ears opened, swallowed every word, receiving it as pure gospel truth. These men of the ocean were dressed with the entire costume of sailors; their whole rig wore the appearance of perfect cleanliness and studied neatness, the blue jacket and snow-white trousers, with plaited bosom shirt contrasting with a black silk handkerchief tied in a sailor's knot, the long ends flowing loosely in front, and the neat tarpaulin hat ; these, together with their manly appearance and perfect sobriety, imme diately inspired the belief that they were seamen of a higher class. The elder of the two appeared to be about thirty-five years of age, finely proportioned, stout, strong, Avith a broad chest, brawny limbs, and a face which was bronzed with the burning sun of th " Here, then,, we are between two fires,-" said the Commander, " and one of them 'we must take, or I am very much mistaken. On what tack is the stranger to leeward ? " The reply was, " On the starboard tack." The Cruiser was now kept. away four points, and as the wind had freshened she flew over the blue billows at the rate of ten knots per hour ; and the stranger to windward made no secret of his character or intentions, for he displayed an English flag and sent an eighteen pound shot, by way of a token of further civilities. It now became evident, that the situation of the Cruiser was exceedingly dangerous. The frigate to leeward was closing in with her, and it was impossible to escape the fire of the sloop of war ; but they rather chose to risk that fire in preference to running down to leeward of the frigate " We shall pay some respects to the one to wind ward, so get Long Tom ready," said the Commander. The gunner was not a little gratified at this order, and he therefore charged his favorite with the utmost exactness. The most intense anxiety now prevailed. All eyes Avere fixed to windward, nor did they heed the leeward chase, until the quarter-master reported her to be only two points on the lee quarter. The chase now became intensely exciting. The two vessels were run ning abeam of each other, scarcely more than half a gunshot distance. The Cruiser, however, had the ad- THE AMERICAN CRUISER. vantage of sailing, over the windward 'chase ; but the 'frigate appeared to gain rapidly. The sloop of war perceiving the superior sailing of the Cruiser, opened a brisk fire, and the frigate being about gunshot off, sent a messenger also. Just at his moment another sail was reported from the mast-head two points on the lee bow ; and at the same time a shot from the windward chase cut away the lower studding-sail boom. In a few minutes another boom was rigged out, and the sail set. amid a shower of balls which fell around the Cruiser. " Our chance of escape depends entirely upon crip pling the windward chase," said the Commander. Long Tom was again put into requisition ; the gunner elevated it with great precision. The order was given to fire. The messenger was sent in a broad sheet of flame, and when the smoke cleared away, there was the sloop of Avar's fore-topmast hanging over her side, and almost at the same moment a shot from her passed through the Cruiser's foresail. Three cheers were given, and the Yankee stripes floated high in the breeze of heaven. But the play was not yet over, for the frigate held good way, and the sail to leeward was standing across the Cruiser's bow, but the sloop of war dropped astern, and in less than twenty minutes, the Cruiser hauled close by the wind, and in four hours, by making short boajds, she left her unwelcome companions far to leeward. CHAPTER XII. THE YOUNG SEAMAN'S NARRATIVE CONTINUED. A SAILOR'S life is exciting, and one of continued pri vation and exposure. It is seldom that he has a bright sky, fair winds, and smooth sea. Short and interrupted are his enjoyments of social life, the greater part of his time being spent on the mountain-waves ; consequently he contracts habits, entirely different from those of landsmen. His privations and frequent wants of that sustenance which is necessary to support animal life, gives him a heart to feel for the distress of others ; he is therefore proverbially generous, scat tering his money like dust, and his hand is ever open to relieve the wants and distress of the needy. His constant exposure makes him a stranger to fears, and he will hazard danger that would make a lands man quail. The ocean being his home, and seamen his companions, he is apt to think that all men are like him self; consequently he is unacquainted with the trickery and ways of the world, over whose surface he is con stantly floating, and therefore he becomes an easy dupe to every designing knave on shore. If a sea life is exciting on board of a merchant vessel, 132 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 133 it is infinitely more so on board of an armed vessel or cruiser, especially in time of war, for besides the usual necessary duty, there is constant anxiety kept up. In the first place, the great consumption of provisions and water makes it necessary to touch at some neutral port to replenish; this is attended with danger. Again, chasing and being chased, battles, captures, risk of im prisonment, all these, together with the casualties, of the ocean, keep the mind in the highest state of excite ment. Thus it was on board of the Cruiser. Scarcely had the wounds healed which were received in the action with the brig, than the close chase and narrow escape immediately followed. Here, then, was matter of conversation, which was improved to the greatest ad vantage, and which served to keep alive the excitement that prevailed fore and aft. " That was a neat chase and conducted in a seaman- like manner," observed the boatswain to the young sea man, for the latter had so far recovered from the effects of his wounds that he was able. .to go on deck, but not yet sufficiently strong for duty. " I think," continued the boatswain, " this craft, with a fair chance, and well handled, is a match for any thing that floats, especially by the wind ; but thanks to Long Tom and the gunner's eye for our escape. It was a hot chase, and that sloop of war threw her shot well, but Long Tom did her busi ness, for I'll miss my reck'ning if the fore-top-mast had not gone over the side, why then she would have crip pled us, or we must have taken the frigate's fire, or have run close aboard cf the sloop of war to leeward ; 12 134 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. - \ so d'ye see, messmate, we kind of run the gauntlet^ and a pretty hard chase we had on't, but Long Tom got us out of the scrape." "I should like to have witnessed it," replied the young seaman, "and I shall hail with pleasure the time when I leave this ward-room for active service, for idleness hangs heavy on my mind. During such hours, associations will intrude upon the thoughts and induce a kind of melancholy, which I find impossible to shake off." " Well, well," interrupted the boatswain hastily, " let's get on another tack, and as we have fine weather and moonlight nights, why then just spin out some of your yarn, for I think when you ball it all off, your mind will become easier." The last dog-watch being over, one half of the crew, according to custom, were quietly stowed away in their hammocks, while the others were on the main-deck and forecastle, spinning out ghostly yarns, and singing their favorite piratical ballads, to the no small amusement and gratification of the remainder of the watch. The boatswain and the young seaman being seated on the booms near the gangway, the latter, according to prom ise, resumed his narrative as follows : " I sought every opportunity to be in the society of her whom I now felt necessary to my very existence, and I had the unspeakable delight to see that my visits were not only acceptable, but they appeared to produce a reciprocal feeling of pleasure on her part. My parents were delighted, for they saw with evident THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 135 pleasure that my passion fbr E drew me off from those haunts of dissipation, in which I had so often disgraced myself, and they believed that a union with E would not only be greatly desirable, but also prove the means of my reformation. " Among the visitors at my father's house there was one, whose entire exterior was that of a man of fashion. With a handsome person, he combined an easy and ele gant address, and yet he was one of those undefinable characters, of which, although he moved in high style, no certain clue could be obtained in regard to any definite means he possessed to keep up these ap pearances. I had met him frequently, and I blush when I tell you it was in a gambling resort, for in ad dition to my other excesses, I had contracted a passion for gaming. At first his manners pleased me, but upon further acquaintance I perceived that although he as sumed the air of a novice, yet he wis an adept game ster. Frequently he would lose small sums, but this was only a feint to make sure work of his intended vic tim, and will you believe it, although from my heart I despised him, yet often I was .one of the party with him at the gaming table. * Pn one occasion I called on Miss E , and was astonished and surprised to find her in the society of Hastings, (for this was the name of the gamester,) enjoying a tete 'a tete conversa tion. She received me, I thought, with a degree of for mality quite unusual, and our conversation was marked with cold indifference. " In a short time I took my leave, and as I walked 136 THE AMERICAN CRUISEK. toward the door, I cast a glance on the man whom I despised, and I saw in that. face, as he directed it toward me, a look of ineffable triumph and disdain. I rushed out of the house, my head and heart burning with jealousy and revenge, and plunged into deeper excesses of riot and dissipation. My wild extravagances could no longer be concealed, and they became the sub ject of public notoriety. At the gaming table I met with frequent losses ; I sought every opportunity to meet my hated rival, that I might wreak my revenge upon him. My insatiable thirst for play soon presented the desired interview, and at the gaming table we met ; for a short time fortune favored me, and I won to a consid erable amount. Flushed with victory, and believing that I should now retrieve my former losses, the bets were increased and doubled. My triumph was short ; fortune changed, and I lost not only a ' heavy sum of money, but my temper, which gave the despised villain with whom I gamed a decided advantage, for no cir cumstance could disturb the imperturbable coolness of the gamester. The enormous sums which I lost became fearful, and remorse, like an electric shock, suddenly seized upon my whole frame, and this remorse soon changed to madness and revenge, for I was now conscious that I had been cheated, and ^s the dupe of this mis creant wretch. I drew upon my honored father, and with a trembling hand gave the draft to my detested rival ; he recevied it with an air of exultation, and then cast upon me a look of the proudest scorn. " This was more than I could bear. Seizing him by THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 137 the throat, Villain ! I cried, and with one blow laid him senseless at my feet. How I reached my lodgings I know not, for I had connected to the black catalogue of my baseness, that of being a stranger to my father' 6 house. " The next morning I fully expected to have received a message from the gamester, but two days passed, and I neither saw nor heard from him. At the expiration of the second day, I received a letter from my honored parent. Oh, my God ! the thought of that letter, even at this distant period, distracts my brain. There was no harshness, no upbraiding, no word that could be con strued into a censure ; but this only wounded me yet deeper, ' and my black ingratitude stung me to the heart. The letter was short, -advising me that my draft was duly honored, but that he would be unable, from his peculiar embarrassments, to do more ; in other words, he was a ruined man, and I, villain that I was, had by my prodigalities helped to do the foul deed. This thought filled my soul with horror. My brain turned, and my phrenzied imagination conjured up a thousand frightful visions. At one time I beheld niy father weltering in .his blood, from a wound in flicted by my own hands. Again I saw my dear parent penniless and starving ; while I conceived that I was despised by E , an outcast from society, and an alien from my father's house. These and many more, wrought me up to the highest pitch of wild ex citement. My ravings brought on a high fever, reason forsook her throne, and when morning broke forth, it found me in a high state of delirium. 12* 138 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. " How long I remained in this situation I did not as certain, until after my recovery. When consciousness returned, I found myself hi a bed enclosed with cur tains, and in the same room which I had formerly occu pied in my father's house. My mother sat at the bedside, watching me with affection's tenderest soli citude ; and when she saw that reason had re turned, her heart was too much affected for utterance, and she burst into a flood of tears. My revered father was there also, and they broke forth simultaneously with, 'My son, my dear son, we will live happy together ; ' and* then they maintained the deepest si lence, making signs to me to preserve the same precau tion. I lingered for some time, but by my youth and a sound constitution, the unremitted and attentive nursing of my mother, together with the best medical skill, in the course of three weeks I became convalescent, and able to walk out. During this period not a word escaped from the lips of my father, in relation to the bad consequences my conduct had produced. "I resolved from this time, that I would devote my whole life and energies to the support and comfort of my parents, so that by any means I might smooth their path in life, and cause their grey hairs to go down in peace to the grave. Accordingly I went forthwith to settle my father's business, and found it even worse than I had anticipated, for he had sold all his bank stock, anQ suppressed until the old seamen united ^with the oftwers, and only then by force of aims, an effectual check iras made to these outrages. CHAPTER XVIII. A DASH AT THE FLEET. THE scenes of excitement being over, and the prize being ordered to the United States, it became a matter of necessity to make some disposition of the pris oners, for they were not only an encumbrance, but the safety of the Cruiser demanded their release. It was a deplorable sight to behold the prisoners stripped 'of all their dunnage. The author being now identified as one of the number composing the officers of the Cruiser, suffered also in the general pillage of the ship ; but to the honor of the Commander and officers be it spoken, they instituted a plan of search, which proved entirely effectual to the restoration of every article of clothing to their respective owners, and thus, at least, some of the miseries of their situation were alleviated. In a few days we fell in with a Portuguese schooner, bound to the Western Islands. This being a favorable opportunity for releasing the prisoners, they were all put on board with the exception of a few, who joined the Cruiser. We were now clear of our encumbrance. But the manning of several prizes, besides the loss of life in the 183 184 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. serious actions, reduced the number of the crew to about sixty souls, and the greater part of these were any thing but seamen, yet they were capable of the most daring acts of desperation ; for when no other opportunity pre sented to exhibit their villanous propensity, they would rob each other. This was carried on to such an extent, that the shirtg of those who were sleeping in their ham mocks were cut off from their backs. A circumstance of this character was perpetrated on the person of one of the re-captured American seamen. This poor fellow had six doubloons sewed up in a flannel shirt, which he wore next to his skin, and as this matter was kept a profound secret, he was under the impression that it was known only to himself. One night, however, after he had been quietly stowed away in his hammock for about four hours, he was astonished and mortified beyond measure, when he turned out, to find himself minus shirt and doubloons. He kept quiet until the next morning, when, he related to me the circumstance of the robbery, which was immediately communicated to the Commander, and the following plan was instituted to recover the lost treasure. * All hands were piped to quarters, the muster roll was then called, and when it was ascertained that all were on deck, the object of this manoeuvre was made known to them ; the gratings were then fastened down, and all hands quietly submitted to a personal search ; this being done without any discovery, the petty officers were sent to overhaul the berth-deck. After a long and diligent search, the stolen money was found, THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 185 stowed away in the fore-peak, very carefully concealed in a box containing balls of -thread and twine. The recovery of the money in the box was the means of find ing out the miserable culprit, upon whom was inflicted a severe punishment, after which this wretched practice was measurably suppressed. A few days after the events related in the preceding chapter, I was roused up in the morning watch, by the exciting cry of " The fleet, the fleet ! " This was the long looked for, and much desired object for which the Cruiser had been furrowing these seas, to the imminent hazard of being taken. It was a clear, bland morning ; the eastern breeze blew gently, the sea was perfectly smooth, and a de fined horizon stretched far away in a long, unbroken line to the south-west. The sun already measured twenty degrees altitude, and was ascending rapidly, while his brilliant rays reflected on the ocean a light so intense that no eye, however strong, could steadfastly gaze thereon. Myriads of silvery images shot forth from the crested billows, as they rolled along and broke from the impetus of the wind. It was a day when objects on the surface of the ocean could be seen at the greatest distance, and the situation and bearings of the fleet were most favorable, being at least ten miles to the leeward of the Cruiser. "We've got the weather-guage of them chaps," ob served the boatswain to the young seaman, " and if our skipper holds this advantage till dark, why then I'll miss my reck'ning, but we '11 have some of them fat 16* 186 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. merchantmen before morning ; just enough to finish our cruise, and be off -with flying colors to Yankee land." " It is true, our prospects are fair this morning," re plied the young seaman, " and I sincerely hope that no dark cloud may obscure them. For my own part, however, disappointments have so often fallen to my lot, that they have changed the temperament of my mind. I have closely observed the conduct of our Commander, ever since the affair off Madeira, and his rashness is the most prominent trait of his character, and I fear, may yet lead to disastrous consequences. We are now too near that fleet, and you are well aware that one false movement may involve the fate of the Cruiser, with the loss of life, and the incarceration of the crew in a British prison during the remainder of the war, and thus the advantages we now have, would be forever cut off; while, on the other hand, a little pru dence and judgment would ensure a profitable cruise, and thus we might return to America with good for tune." " Why it is true what you say, messmate," replied the boatswain, " for I've just been hauling my thinking tacks aboard, and says I to myself, if John Bull gets a squint at us, why then, d'ye see, the jig's up, for the convoy will chase us away from the fleet yonder, so that it will take this craft, clean heels as she's got, to fetch up to that fleet in a week, and in my way of thinking, instead of edging off, I'd just bear to windward." As the young seaman was about to reply, orders were issued to the boatswain to pipe all hands to quarters. THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 187 " Whew ! " said the boatswain, " what's in the wind now ? are we going to capture the whole of that fleet, convoy and all ? " All hands were soon on deck, and every preparation was made for action. A consultation was now held on the quarter-deck, the purport of which was, that any nearer proximity to the fleet during the day, would be hazardous ; opinions were given, until at length the Com mander decided to bear up, and run down to the fleet immediately. The first lieutenant remonstrated against this proceeding, and the remainder of the officers, were unanimous in their dissent to the measure, and hesitated not to express their entire disapprobation to such a rash act. It was not long before the intention of the Com mander was known fore and aft. Many of the crew said they would do no duty ; others were for packing up their dunnage ; in short, the greater part of the crew and officers made no other calculation but to be cap tured. Every manoeuvre and remonstrance was, how ever, in vain, for the Commander, after settling a plan for action, could not be moved, either by remonstrance or otherwise. The light sails were therefore got in readiness, and the order was given to bear away four points ; two prize-masters were sent aloft for the look out, and the Cruiser, with slackened sheets, moved noiselessly through the water at the rate of seven knots. The relative distance between the fleet and the Cruiser lessened every minute, and scarcely had an hour elapsed, when by the proximity, the hulks of this nume rous fleet were seen above the surface of the ocean. 188 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. No sight could be more magnificent and noble than this fleet presented. Upwards of four hundred sail of large ships and brigs, with a fair wind, under a cloud of can vass, were rolling majestically on the great deep, and from the position of the Cruiser, they appeared to form regular lines. Such a sight under other circumstances, would have created universal delight ; but the Crui ser was incurring great hazard without any positive object in view, and without the least probability of making any captures ; on the contrary, the chances were three to one against her. All these circumstances threw a deep shade of gloom among the crew and offi cers, and quite banished from the mind the beauty of a scene which would have attracted the intense gaze and wonder of a stoic. The Cruiser had now reached within a mile of the fleet, and it was reported from the mast-head that the several ships and brigs were signal izing ; this report was corroborated by the first lieuten ant, who had the spy-glass in requisition for the last half hour, gazing intently upon the enemy. " They have discovered our character," replied he to the Commander, " which has thrown them into great excitement, for you perceive the extreme right of the line has bore up, while the van are all hove to, and the rear are crowding every stitch of canvass to close in with the convoy ; and now may I ask," he continued to the Commander, " what plan of operation do you in tend to pursue next? " The Commander paused for a moment, and appeared to have no definite plan matured, but recovering him- THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 189 self immediately, promptly replied, " We will speak with that ship you see there, about two points on the larboard bow." The Cruiser was hauled up immediately and Long Tom was got in readiness, and the old gunner gruffly observed that his friend was going to hold a very un becoming conversation, and one from which he would gain no credit. The Cruiser now ranged up boldly towards the ship, and although the enemy was under a press of canvass, the former overhauled her hand over hand, and when in speaking distance the Englishman was ordered to heave to. He however with undaunted firmness heed ed not the threats, but kept steadily on his course, un til the patience of the Commander became exhausted, and he madly ordered the gunner to let Long Tom speak to him between wind and water. The officers again remonstrated by saying that the report would bring the convoy upon their heels imme diately, and then the chances of escape would be ex tremely doubtful. But they might as well have held their breath, for the order was given to fire ; but in stead of the shot passing between wind and water, the mizen-mast was cut away. At this moment the mast-head-man reported that a frigate and sloop-of-war was bearing down under press of canvass towards the Cruiser. The ship although in much confusion, did not heave to, while a general anxiety prevailed on board the Cruiser for their own safety, as the hulls of the men-of-war became plainly 190 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. visible from the deck. Long Tom was re-charged and the Cruiser was hauled off from the ship, while every sail was set, and she boldly ran through the fleet, Long Tom paying his compliments to all within speak ing distance, cutting away the spars of some and hull ing others, while she bounded through the water like a dolphin, and the fleet scampered away like so many deer with hounds on their trail ; but what with luffing and bearing away the sloop of war had gained rapidly on the chase, and it became necessary to take every advantage in flight. The Cruiser was therefore kept away out of the fleet, and it soon became evident that the chase was no laggard, for although the Cruiser was favored with her best chances of sailing, yet the sloop of war perceptibly gained on the chase, but the frigate dropped astern. "We are likely to have a pretty day's work on't," said the boatswain to the young seaman, " and that madcap skipper of ours, although he has had some fun with the Englishmen, yet I'll miss my reck'ning if that chap astarn won't have the best conversation after all, if our old plan of trimming ship don't succeed, for you see messmate she is overhauling us. Now I don't mind having a bit of dust with an equal chance, but that twenty gun brig opposite is great odds against this Cruiser and our crew." The sloop of war was now within gun shot, and her bow-chasers were sent after the Cruiser in rapid suc cession, but without effect. The old expedient of trim ming was now resorted to, and the good effects were THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 191 plainly perceived. In less than half an hour from this time it was evident the Cruiser gained upon the chase, for every shot fell short, and in an hour and a half the Cruiser luffed up, while Long Tom occasionally paid his compliments to the sloop of war. The chase was con tinued for about four hours, during which time the Cruiser gained half a league on the chase, and the Englishman no douht believing that the Cruiser was sufficiently far to leeward of the fleet, and it would be impossible for her to overhaul them during the night, gave up the chase and hauled upon a wind. From this time, the confidence which ought to rest in the Commander by the officers and crew, was gradually withdrawn. The events of this day had proved him to be entirely incapable of the management of a private armed vessel, for this mad freak had not only destroyed the object of the cruise, but it had also uselessly put in jeopardy the lives of the crew, and had well nigh sealed the fate of the Cruiser ; it was the means, also of pro longing the cruise, and blasted the prospects which bid so fair hi the morning of that day to end in brilliant suc cess. Notwithstanding great chagrin reigned among the officers and crew, yet after all this headstrong and daring act, and the management of the Cruiser in the chase, in some degree, at least, atoned for the rashness and impetuosity of the Commander. " The events of this day have concluded like many of my history," observed the young seaman to the boat swain, " and when the sun rose with all its splen dor this morning, and when, too, the hopes of 192 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. the crew were wrought up to the greatest pitch at the fair prospect, not only of gain, but also of ending our cruise, even then you are aware, my friend, that my hopes were far from sanguine that this day would end pleasantly and profitably, and I cannot help the presen timent, that although sunshine, and fair weather, and fair prospects marked the commencement of this cruise, yet to me, dark clouds will rise, and misfortunes fall around this vessel. Yes, my friend," he con tinued, " whether it may be by the tornado, or the hurricane, or by the enemy's shot, yet I fear this craft will lay her timbers beneath the billows of the ocean." " Why, messmate," replied the boatswain, " I just had some misgivings of that sort myself; but what's the odds, if a sailor does his duty, whether he is sent under hatches by a blast of wind, or by a streak of lightning, or by the enemy's shot making daylight through him ? I say, what's the odds, if he goes to kingdom come with a clean set of papers, won't he be ready to answer to his name cheerfully when the muster-roll is called at the last day ? " " It is true," replied the young seaman mournfully; " but then something more is necessary than the mere discharge of our duty to our fellow-men, in order to en sure a peaceful end and eternal happiness in the other world. Yes, my friend, although we are true mess mates and friends, and although so far as our duty is concerned toward our fellow-men, we have endeavored to discharge it faithfully, yet, we are both of us exceed ingly deficient in the discharge of our duty toward THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 193 God in order to obtain a passport for another and a better world." " Well, messmate." replied the boatswain, " since we are upon that tack, and you're high larnt, I'd just like to know how a chap 's to square away by the lifts and bra ces, and trim his sails, and get safe into the good Port?" " The Bible is the word of God," observed the young seaman, " and may be properly compared to a chart. On this chart, then, the latitude and longitude of the good Port is correctly laid down ; here, every rock, shoal, quicksand and breaker, is faithfully and clearly pointed out. The true course is also laid down, and what is of still greater advantage to poor sailors, the track is marked off on this chart from this world to the broad Bay of Heaven, so that we may correctly learn our position each day, for there can be no mistakes in this log-book. There is one thing more that is necessary to ensure a safe passage, and happy entrance into Port, and that is, we must take on board the Heavenly Pilot. Now this Pilot is not only an able seaman, but a most skillful navigator ; he has never lost a ship, neither has he run any on shore, or carried away a spar or rope- yarn ; but then it is necessary that the strictest attention should be given to all his orders ; if we fail to do this, he will leave the ship, and then there are nine chances out of ten that she will become a perfect wreck on the shoals of Destruction. There is one thing more ; when you take this Pilot on board, you must not doubt his ability and power to get you safe into Port ; if you do, 17 194 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. you will be likely either to disobey his commands, or there will be an indifference on your part to obey them promptly ; and thus you may weary his patience, so that he may leave you to the mercy of the winds and the waves." Here the conversation closed for the present, with the request on the part of the boatsAvain to the young sea man, that he would point out the way in which he should get this Pilot on board. The young seaman promised to do so at some future opportunity, and as the first watcfy was at an end, they both turned in for the night. CHAPTER XIX. DISAFFECTION OF THE CREW, LUDICROUS STORY FROM JIMMY EVERY day brought with it fresh proofs of the gene ral disaffection of the crew and officers, and a with drawal of that confidence from the Commander which is at all times necessary to ensure a good state of dis cipline, as well as the success of the cruise. Nor was this disaffection kept silent, for they hesitated not to declare their sentiments aloud ; and although the Com mander affected to turn a deaf ear, yet he plainly saw that it was necessary t,o have some counteracting re source in order that this general disorder might not break out into an open mutiny. He saw evidently that his own imprudence and rashness had brought about this state of dislike, and also was the means of prolong ing the cruise. The chances also of falling in with British merchantmen were now comparatively small, and even if they' did so, of course they would be run ning ships well manned and armed, prepared for des perate resistance. All these circumstances combined made it necessary to attempt some daring exploit, speedy capture, or some other resource to draw off the minds of the erew and officers, in order that he 195 196 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. might regain their confidence ; as to the two former of these expedients nothing as yet had transpired to effect his plan. There was a resource, however, always at hand, and this was no other than the musical powers of Jimmy. He had gradually ingratiated himself into the good graces of the officers, and was now more than ever a favorite with the crew. In their estimation his fife discoursed eloquent music, so that with the concord of sweet sounds, and his irresistible tact in relating quaint stories, he was at this time, especially, a most important character. The little musician, therefore, em ployed all his skill in both branches : that is, when his fife was silent, the other member, namely his tongue, made up the deficiency, so that between one and the other, Jimmy's powers, (though unconsciously,) effected for the Commander that which his rashness had in some degree lost ; at any rate it served for the time being to keep down the spirit of insubordination, which if carried out, would have proved disastrous, and put an end to the cruise. It was at the conclusion of one of those Mays of mer riment and glee, inspired by the musical powers of Jim my, after four hours of hard fifing, that you might have seen him in the midst of a large group of seamen, qui etly seated on the main-deck, preparing to spin out a long yarn, to the no small gratification of the listeners, who were ready with mouths, eyes and ears open to swallow every word that proceeded from the mouth of their favorite, while Jimmy, coiling up his short legs, twisted his mouth, and threw his small eyes over THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 197 the company with such an expression of comic hu mor, that they simultaneously broke out into an immod erate fit of laughter. After the uproar had ceased, there was a profound silence, and Jimmy, with his fife in one hand, and with the two fingers of the other, as his custom was, thrust into his breeches pocket, gave two or three loud hems, and began his yarn as follows : " Gentlemen," said Jimmy, " I thought as how when there would be a good time, I'd give you a story about myself ; and as we havn't much to do about these parts, why it's just about the right time to come at it at once. Well, though I can't boast of being kin to any high bred folks, and as I don't exactly remember who my parents were, only by hearsay ; yet if they was not high bred, nor high lamt, they were high metal ; for as I was told, my father was the bully of the high-binders, and my mother used to go by the name, down to the Hook, of fighting Nance. How this was I can't tell, for all I remember of her is a sound drubbing that I had from her ; and I afterwards larnt, she filled up her days in the respectable condition of a house servant at the Hook, and my father was clapped in the peniten tiary just for knocking a man down, and making off with his pocketrbook, where he finished his days,, and I was left upon the wide world to make my fortune. As good luck would have it, gentlemen, you see I had a kind of a notion in them young days of mine about singing and music, and so after I had lost my parents, (which by the way didn't care much about me,) why then I was thrown upon the wide world, to get my living the best 17* 198 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. way I could. Sometimes I slept in the cellar, and sometimes in the garret, when any one Avas kind enough to take me in. Well, in the day time I used to stroll about the streets of York, and beg what I could to live on, and then I would go about and listen to the music. But what most of all delighted me was, to stand by the place where they listed sogers ; the rattle of the drums made me jump for joy : but when the fifer played on his instrument, (here Jimmy brandished his fife three or four times over his head in great triumph,) I used to laugh and cry all in the same breath, and so I thought I'd try to beg money enough to buy a fife and larn to play myself. Well, it was not long before I got to gether enough, and away I goes to a music shop, and got the fife, aye, and paid the money down for it too ; . ' so I spent many long days and nights before I could larn to play one tune, but perseverance and hard trying made me, as near as I can tell, not only a pretty good fife-player when I was about fifteen years old, but I could sing a pretty good song and tell a pretty funny story too, so that I used to go by the name of the little fifer. Well, one day, as I was trying my best to play . the President's March, close by a beer shop, the seund of my fife got a considerable crowd around me ; so after I had finished playing, s " ' That's not bad,' says one. " ' Where did you larn to play the fife ? ' says another. " ' Why,' says a third, he'll do to fife for the York Volunteers.' THE AMERICAN CRUISES. 199 " At the sound of these last words, I pricked up my ears, and was just about to ask a question, when a short, thick, red-faced man came up and inquired where I lived. ' Why, may 't please your honor,' says I, ' I've got no father nor mother, no home ; and if I must tell the truth, I live in the streets, only when some good person lets me sleep in his cellar, garret, or stable.' " ' Well,' says he to me, ' how would you like to come and live with me ; I'll put you into a genteel way of getting along, and if you mind your eye, it would make a man of you.' "I couldn't help making a baby of myself at this oifer, for somehow or other I felt queer, and so I thanked him, and told him I was ready to sarve him in any way ; so I thrust my fife into my bosom, ,nd walked off with this same man, until we ' came to a small house, with a sign before the door of a large bell ; so we went into this house, and there was a good many people setting round different tables, with mugs, and glasses, and pipes, and tobacco, while some was drink ing, some was swearing, and many was smoking, and the room nearly choked me, for it was in a cloud of smoke. After I had got my breath, I looked up at one end of the room, and it seemed to be all closed in from the other part, and there was barrels and kegs, and great pots, and pint pots, and half-pint pots, and when they wanted to put these out of sight, they had a red curtain which they drawed right across that part of the room. While I stood looking on, the gentleman called, " ' Here, my man,' says he, ' what's your name ? ' 200 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. " ' That's just what I can't tell you,' says I, for my father went by the name of the bully, and my mother by the name of fighting Nance ; so between them both, it was hard to tell which name to go by ; and then I had no name at all from them, but after I turned out to make my own living, I always went by the name of Pimple with those that knew me, because they said my head was so small." Here Jimmy's mouth expanded, his nostrils dilated, and his little eyes beamed with a quaint expression, and simultaneously the little musician and the whole company broke out into an immoderate fit of laughter ; for it will be recollected that Jimmy had the largest head of any man on board. After the excitement produced by this last sally was over, the little musician proceeded : " ' Pimple,' said the gentleman, ' that's an odd name anyhow, but howsomever, we'll just take off the two last letters, by way of short'ning it, and now you understand you're to go by the name of Pimp. And now Mr. Pimp, said the landlord,' for I found out it was no other than himself who kept this house, ' if you will exert yourself and sarve my interest, why then you 'shall have the best of good living with the servants, and sixpence a week for pocket money.' " I thanked him, and asked him what I should go about. " ' Why,' says he, ' you must be a kind of porter to this bar-room.' " ' And what's that ? ' says I. " ' Why,' says he, * first and foremost, you must larn THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 201 to sing well, for that will fetch in the customers ; and then you must clean boots, scrub the floor, tend the tap room, and every thing else that's wanting ; and hark 'ee, Mr. Pimp, if you are a good boy, your wages shall be raised very soon.' "I thanked him kindly, but I didn't much like the last work he spoke of, for I thought to do every thing that was wanting was a little more than I could do ; howsomever, I didn't much care, so long as I had my fife, and had time to sing songs ; so I went on cheer fully to my new business, and it was not long before I got into the good graces of the landlord and his custom ers, for my fife and my songs brought many a one of them to the house ; and this was a good thing for me, as well as the landlord, for many a sixpence and shilling I used to get when I pleased them with my songs. " "Well, things went on in this way, until I became a man .of big importance, for I sarved the landlord's inte rest, and he, to make it up, gave me all his old clothes to wear out, and raised my wages, and got me a place, sure enough, to fife for the York Volunteers. But as the saying is, there's an end of all things ; so my good fortune was not to last for ever. So you see, gentlemen, I was one day at dinner, cutting off the leavings of a leg of mutton with the cook, and she was a short, thick, squabby, red-faced, one-eyed Irish gal. " Says she to me, ' Sure Misther Pimple, I've been just a thinking we were made for each other.' "'Why?' says I. 202 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. " ' Why,' says she, ' aren't we enuff alike to be moth er's son and darter.' " ' Why that may be,' says I. " * And isn't it I,' says she, ' that saw the likeness the moment I clapped my fut in these doors.' " ' Well,' says I, ' we may be something alike, ex cept,' and then I put my finger on one eye, ' you know what I mean,' says I. " ' Mane ! that I do ; heaven be praised, I got one lift; and sure, Misther Pimple, aren't three eyes be- twane two of us better nor none at all ? ' " ' That's very true,' says I, ' but what has your one eye to do with my two eyes ? ' " ' Sure,' says she, ' won't you be afther making me spake out.' " ' 0, yes,' says I, ' I'd like to hear it all.' " * Well then,' says she, ' if I must, I must ; and to tell ye the thruth, ever since the first time I darkened these doors, and heard the sound of your whistle, didn't it go to my heart, and when ye was blowing the swate tune of Erin-go-bragh, didn't it put me in mind of the soil where I was bred and born.' " ' Did it though,' says I ; ' that's not the first time that the sound of my fife has made a gal's heart jump, aye, and her heels too, for the matter of that.' "'Sure, Misther Pimp,' says she, 'but you're a coaxer,' and here Katy, for that was her name, begun to be very melancholy. " ' Och! sure Misther Pimp, isn't it I that's getting tired of this kind of life, and isn't it you that takes up THE AMERICAN CRUISER. my thoughts, to change the way of getting my bread.' " 'Well, Katy,' says I, 'what kind of a change would you like ? ' * " ' That's just what I'll be afther telling you ; isn't it I that's been thinking that a nate little room would be a snug way of getting our bread together ; and is n't it we that looks like two pase, that it's a God's pity to sep arate us ? ' " ' Oh ho ! Katy,' says I, ' are you there ? but how shall we fix it ? ' " ' God's blessing be upon you, Misther Pimp ; but is'nt it I that's been thinking about my confession, and won't we go together, and afther Father O'Connor, God bless his sowl, has pardoned my sins, won't we just be afther asking him to marry us.' Here Katy simpered and laughed, and dropped a tear out of one eye, while the other was as dry as a powder horn, as she stam mered out, ' What's your mind to that, Misther Pimp ?' " ' Why,' says I ' that would be a change of life, sure enough, and I don't think it would be a very bad one ; so Katy laughed, and I sung, ' Come haste to the wed ding ; ' and so after we fixed the night for confession, we both parted very happy. " Well, things went on swimmingly from this time, but somehow or other I got jealous of Katy, for the sound ' of my fife brought the grenadier Irish sodger man to the tap-room, and so he scraped 'quaintance with Katy. I could see it, for she didn't talk much after this about; the ' nate little room.' Well, the night came on that we fixed for confession, and so I puts my best clothes on, 204 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. and goes down to the kitchen for Katy. When I got in, ' Are you there, Misther Pimp ? ' says she ; ' better ,late nor never.' "Just as I was going to say something to her, in walks the Irish sodger man. " ' Good avening, Misthress O'Flagherty.' " ' Good avening to ye, Misther O'Donegan.' " ' How is it wid yer health this avening ? ' said he. " ' Never was better, be God's blessing,' says she. " ' Sure,' says he, ' don't you look for all the Avorld like Pegg Me Grath, that used to set the buther-milk and petates before me, afther a hard day's drill in Kill- kenny.' " ' Isn't it I,' says Katy, ' that's been thinking about swate Ireland ever since the first night we had our chat together.' 1 " Well," said the little musician, " they went on, talking about swate Ireland, 'till I thought it was time to go to confession ; then says I, ' Katy, have you for got your promise ? ' " ' Promise ! ' says she, in a very loud voice, ' is it you that would be afther insulting a vartuous 'oman, when she's talking wid a gintleman about her counthry ?' " ' Oh no ! ' says I, ' but then this is the night you promised to go to confession.' " ' Och ! botheration, not a word of it, you spalpeen.' " ' Yes,' says I, ' but Katy remember' " ' Kemember what ? ' she bawled out, " do ye mane to say and tell this gintleman here that I am not a var tuous 'oman, ye duck-legged, pigeon-toed,' here she THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 205 was going on with a long string of names, and I looked round and saw the tall grenadier sodger on his feet, coming toward me with a fierce look in his face ; so as the door was very near and the time for confession was now too late, I just thought I would back out, and leave the sodger and Katj to spend the evening together." The listeners to Jimmy's story could hold in no lon ger ; and when he had finished the last sentence, they broke out into a roar of laughter. When silence was restored, they questioned Jimmy as to his future opera tions. " Well," continued the little musician, " it was not long after this that Katy and the grenadier sodger went to confession, and Father 0' Conner made them man and wife ; so after this, I got somewhat mel ancholy, and thinks I to myself, this is not the place for me, so I'll get as far off from it as I can ; so, gentle men, as the war made a great talk, and as I couldn't think of remaining longer with my old master, I thought I'd try my luck in the wars, and as I heard great talk about this vessel, you see, gentlemen, I went directly and put my name down on the articles." When the little musician had finished his narrative, a score of voices bawled out for a song. Jimmy complied with the request, and as former associations were called up, to use his own language, he observed he would sing to drive away his melancholy, and forthwith struck up the famous song of " Hard, hard is rny fate." 18 CHAPTER XX. \ BOARDING AT NIGHT. THERE is no sendee connected with naval warfare that is attended with so much peril and hazard as two vessels in collision, boarding ; but when this service is executed hi the night, it is infinitely more hazardous, because the assailed has the advantage of concealment ; and further, if the actual force of the enemy is not correctly ascertained, it is always considered rashness to attempt it unless the assailants consist of a much greater force than the repellants. Many instances during the war will serve to illustrate the position here advanced. The following is one instance among many others. It will be recollected that the privateer Prince de Neufchatel, Captain Oudinot, was chased into Nantucket Roads by the British frigate Endymion. As it fell calm, the privateer, by the aid of the sweeps, pulled into the Roads beyond the frigate's guns ; she determined, however, to carry the privateer by board ing. Perceiving the disposition of the frigate, Captain Oudinot made every preparation for a determined and spirited resistance, and although there were but twenty men on board of the privateer, (as they had 206 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 207 sent them off to man the different prizes,) yet the un daunted courage of Captain Oudinot and his men did not quail at the very superior force of the enemy. Seven boats from the frigate, including the launch, were manned with one hundred and fifty of their choicest seamen, and despatched for the awful conflict. Captain Oudinot took the precaution to have the priva teer well greased all round, his boarding nettings triced up, and every port closed in ; he then cut holes sufficiently large through the ports, to point a musket at the assailant. A match was then lighted, and it was unanimously agreed to blow up the privateer, rather than to let her fall into the hands of the Englishmen. The boats of the frigate came boldly up to the con flict, receiving a heavy fire of round, grape, and lan- grage from the privateer's guns, which completely dis abled two boats with the loss of many lives. Not in the least daunted by this severe check, and now reduced to five boats, they pulled gallantly alongside of the privateer, when a most desperate and sanguinary strife ensued. The Englishmen fought to desperation, but every attempt to gain the deck was met and repelled with great loss on the part of the British, while the assailed were comparatively secure under the shelter of the bulwarks, which were impervious to the musket balls and pikes of the assailants; many of them were shot down through the holes made in the ports, and others, in attempting to climb up the sides, were either piked, or from their inability to hold 208 ' THE AMERICAN CRUISER. on, (from the quantity of grease on the sides,) met their fate by drowning. I had this report from a seaman composing one of the crew of the privateer, who assured me that he shot and piked seven English men from the hawse-hole of the privateer. This bloody battle lasted nearly two hours, and with the exception of two boats belonging to the English frigate, which made their way back, all were literally cut to pieces, and the loss of life on the part of the British was fearful, while that of the Americans was comparatively small. Since the dash at the fleet, nothing transpired to arouse excitement, or to drive away those feelings of uneasiness which had gathered around the officers in the wardroom. They were not long destined, however, to remain in this state of inactivity, for just at the con clusion of one of those meals, the coarseness of which generally brought on some angry debate, the exciting cry of " S-a-i-1 h-o ! " was heard from the mast-head, and soon the boatswain's pipe sounded " A-l-1 h-a-n-d-s m-a-k-e s^a-i-1 a-h-o-y!" In a very short time the Cruiser was under a cloud of canvass, and her course on the trail of the stranger. The necessary inquiries were now made, such as, How far is she off? " " What does she look like?" &c., to all of which interroga; tones the masthead-man replied, viz. "that she was scarcely discernible from the topgallant-yard, and as ^to her character or her course, he could give no definite answer." As the day had now advanced, and as the hour was one o'clock, P.M., it was a matter of great THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 209 uncertainty, unless there was great disparity in the sailing of the two vessels, whether they could overhaul her before night. The greatest anxiety prevailed throughout the Cruiser, for an hour had passed away, and no percep tible difference was discovered in the relative distance of the chase, and hope, which had animated the coun tenances of the crew, now settled into a kind of des pondency, for the most sanguine on board well knew that it would be impossible to ascertain her character before night, consequently fears were entertained she would elude the vigilance of the Cruiser under its cover. Add to * this, the wind now blew stiffly at W. S. W., and the weather wore a very threatening aspect ; heavy clouds rose up in enormous piles in the western board, and the scud was driven rapidly to the eastward by the increasing gale, while the mist and rain, were driven along by fitful gusts, which ever and anon blew with violence. The sea, which until this time had been comparatively smooth, rose to a con siderable height, heaving up heavy black masses of water, while the crested billows on the top broke, and the dashing foam, with silvery light, sparkled amid the angry element. The light sails were all taken in, and the Cruiser bounded over the waves, with the rapidity of a fiery courser that had been urged to his utmost speed, and the spars groaned and bent, as if unequal to the torture of bearing the immense press of canvass, and threatened every moment by their overburdened weight, either to capsize the Cruiser, or go by the board. 18* 210 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. The mist had by this time enveloped the Cruiser, and the violence of the wind had driven it far to leeward, so that the stranger could not be seen. Sail after sail was taken in, as the gale increased in violence, and all hopes were now at an end of overhauling the chase, as it became a matter of necessity to get the Cruiser away before night, and even should it clear away, it would be impossible to range alongside of the stranger, as the collision would endanger both the vessels and the lives of the crews. Hour after hour rolled away, while the tempest increased in fury, the rain fell in torrents, and the vision was entirely obscured by the heavy mist which had now completely surrounded the vast expanse of waters and the whole horizon. After the canvass had been reduced, and the light spars sent down from aloft, and the Cruiser nearly stripped of her dress to bear up under the contending elements, a con sultation was held by the Commander and first lieu tenant in regard to the best method of proceeding, so as to keep (if possible,) within sight of the stranger, and be prepared, should the mist clear away, and the gale break, to renew the chase, and ascertain her char acter. As the Cruiser was that day in the latitude of the Capes of Lisbon, and as the stranger was steering away to the eastward, it was thought by the Com mander, that she might be a licensed vessel bound to the south of Europe with supplies for the troops on the Peninsula. His counsel, therefore, was to keep the Cruiser on the same course that she was steering when she lost sight of the stranger. The first lieutenant dis- ' * THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 211 sented from this opinion, intimating that she must be some running ship, well manned and armed, and the truth of this position, he affirmed, was scarcely to be doubted, from the fact of her superior sailing. After various opinions had been given, it was re solved to steer away to the eastward, keeping as near as possible on the same course, as when the stranger was last seen. Night now came on, and brought with it no cessation of the tempest ; the wind blew in strong gusts, and with frightful intonations that shrieked through the blocks and rigging, as if proclaiming the funeral dirge of the Cruiser and her crew. It was just as eight Hells were struck, before the com mencement of the first watch at night, that the wind shifted suddenly to the northwest, and blew with re doubled violence. The cross sea occasioned by this sudden interruption of the southwester, had well nigh proved fatal to the Cruiser. As it was, the reefed sail, (which was the only sail set,) was blown away from the bolt-rope, and the craft was kept before the wind to the southeast, while the dashing foam, from the effect of both winds, broke with a violent concussion over the Cruiser's decks, and she scud away four hours before the fury of the tempest, at the rate of twelve knots. The hopes that were entertained a few hours before the commencement of this gale of taking a fat prize, were now entirely banished from every mind, and unless the stranger had taken the same squall in the same way, and its violence obliged "her to keep before the wind, there did not seem to be any probability that the 212 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. Cruiser would fall in -with her again. As soon as the violence of the northwester had abated, and a new fore sail bent, the Cruiser was hauled up again to the east ward. The heavy cloud, which until this time had risen up in the western board, now lifted from the horizon, and a long line of blue sky stretched far away, and the northwestern scud rolled along rapidly, settling away to the eastward. At midnight the wind lessened to a moderate gale, the sky was perfectly clear and cloud less, and the heavens were dressed with innumerable glittering stars and planets, while the whole scene pre sented a widely different aspect, from the former part of the night. At daybreak in the morning, the sea was compara tively smooth, although the wind still blew stiffly from the northwest. As soon as the mist cleared away, and the horizon well-defined, the look-out at the mast-head sung out, " S-a-i-1 h-o! far away on the starboard beam." Whether this was the same vessel or not which was seen the previous day, could not be deter mined from the immense distance that she was off. The Cruiser, however, was immediately hauled on the wind in chase, and sail after sail was packed on, and such was. the rapidity with which she- flew over the bil lows, that in less than an hour, it was clearly ascer tained that the stranger was a ship standing to the eastward. Nothing could exceed the joy and excite ment of the crew, for although the stranger forereached rapidly, yet from her appearance and manoeuvres, the practised eye of a seaman could not be mistaken as to THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 213 her character. The appearance of her canvass, how ever, did not indicate her to he an Englishman, and the general opinion was the same as that 'expressed by the Commander on the previous day, viz. that she was a licensed vessel bound to the South of Europe. At meridian, although the relative distance of the two vessels was somewhat lessened, yet it was not sufficient to warrant the belief or hope that she could be either overhauled, or so near a proximity as to ascertain her character. This opinion was corroborated at sun set, as she was then judged to be five miles distant. Before darkness had overspread the hemisphere, the bearings of the stranger were correctly taken, and the night being perfectly clear and cloudless, and the horizon being well defined, objects could be seen at considerable distance, especially with the aid of a night glass, and they did not fail to put this in requisition. At ten, P. M., the indefatigable gaze was rewarded by the sight of the stranger holding on her course to the eastward. As the wind had now fallen off to a moderate breeze, and the sea was smooth, it was deter mined by unanimous consent, to risk an action, or board her in the night, lest under its cover she might again take advantage and slip out of their hands. Every preparation therefore was made for action, and all were resolutely determined to capture this ship, if she proved to be an Englishman. A stern chase is a long chase, and it was not until after midnight that the Cruiser was in speaking distance with Long Tom. This message had the desired effect, 214 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. for she immediately rounded to, with her topsail to the mast. The Cruiser ranged up boldly, (her topsails and top-gallantsails being furled, and the yards braced fore and aft, so that they might not lock in with the yards of the ship,) under the lee of the vessel, which was im mediately grappled. After hailing, and receiving an indistinct answer, the Commander of the Cruiser shouted " Boarders, away ! " Again the young seaman, with his faithful friend, the boatswain, led on, followed by thirty desperate men. They were, however, much astonished to find them selves on the deck of an unarmed vessel, without encoun tering any opposition, and this astonishment was in creased, when they learned that it was an American ship, bound, as was conjectured previously, to the south of Europe. The crew were immediately remanded on board of the Cruiser, with the exception of the second lieutenant and a few men, who were ordered to remain on board during the night, and keep within hail of the Cruiser. It may not be amiss to state here, that during the war with England, the Peninsula or the south of Europe, was the great theatre of war, between the French and the allied armies of England, Portugal and Spain. The loss of the great resources of supplies from America, from the fact that the two powers were in collision, was severely felt, and in conse quence, the British Government issued licenses to American vessels, for the purpose not only . of re ceiving supplies of provisions, but also to protect them THE AMERICAN CRUISER. , 215 from capture by their own men-of-war. Now as this li censed trade on the part of the British was not recog nized by the American Government to be lawful, all such vessels were good prizes in the event of its being ascertained that they sailed under the Brit ish license. i Now this ship was strongly suspected by the Com mander of the Cruiser to be of this character, although the captain roundly affirmed that no such license was on board, and that his merchants chose to incur this great risk. In the examination of the ship's papers every thing appeared to be correct as the captain had stated, but the Commander of the Cruiser was not satisfied, and immediately instituted a diligent search for the license. After a long and most tedious investigation of some hours in every part of the ship that was comeatable, it was at length found concealed between the upper and lower parts of the anchor-stock. Every doubt, therefore, was now dispelled as to her true character, and of course she was taken possession of, manned, and ordered to the United States. The capture of this ship, the indefati gable, long chase, the daring act of boarding in the night, but especially the correct opinion of the Comman der in regard to the character of the ship, and whence she was bound, all conspired to induce a respect for the opinion of the Commander, as well as to reinstate him in a great degree to the confidence of the officers and crew. CHAPTER XXI. THE YOUNG SEAMAN'S NARRATIVE CONTINUED. IF a spectator could have stood on some high pin nacle, and observed the movements of the Cruiser, he would immediately have pronounced that she had no positive or certain destination, for she presented a very different appearance at this time from what she had the day previou3, when she was completely dressed in a cloud of canvass, bounding over the billows like an ocean bird, or like a race-horse at his full speed, in chase of the enemy. The low canvass with which she was now dressed was scarcely sufficient to keep her steady, and prevent her from rolling to windward. The un mindful helmsman, careless of the course, while the officer of the deck was discoursing upon the events of the past day, took little notice of the craft as she fell off and came to alternately, with a sweep that would have encircled nearly half the compass. It was a matter now of great curiosity and specula tion what plan of operations the skipper would next pur sue. Several rumors were afloat, one of which was that the present cruising ground did not warrant a farther delay, and that a position at the entrance of the Irish 216 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 217 Channel was intended for future operations. Another rumor reported that she was forthwith to run in for the land, to the northward of the Capes of Lisbon. They were not, however, to remain long in doubt, for the morning after the events recorded in the preceding chapter, the Cruiser, was kept away to make the land, and before night the southern coast of Europe was seen at the distance of twelve leagues. At sunset her head was laid off shore under easy sail. It was one of those peculiarly bland nights, which not only invites every seaman on deck, but also conspires to banish from his thoughts, (at least for the time being,) past events, or the hardships and perils of an ocean life. The decks presented an unusual exhibition of cheerful ness, and with present feelings, the past was merged and forgotten. " How light and buoyant are the hearts of these reck less beings," observed the young seaman to the boat swain ; " the smallest excitement would immediately change this state of feeling, and then you would behold the Avild propensities so often shown by them in this craft.'* " Why as for the matter of that," replied the boat swain, " I've sailed in all kinds of crafts, but in all my going to sea I never was cooped up with such a set of soldiers as we have on board of this craft ; and I'll tell you what, messmate, between you and I, I don't care how quick this cruise is up, for what with our skipper, and this crew, I don't think much good '11 come on't at last. But come, you havn't finished that yarn of 19 218 '"IE AMERICAN CRUISER. yours, and I'd just like to know how you come on with your box of diamonds ; so as we 've got four hours on deck, just spin out some of that yarn." The young seaman complied with the request of the boatswain as follows : " Every day brought with it renewed proofs of the affection of my parents, and I strove with the most anx ious- solicitude not only to cultivate those good feel ings toward me, but also by attentions to their com fort, to banish from their minds the melancholy reflec tions of the past. Alas! although my father had striven to bear. with fortitude the wreck of his fallen for tune, and although he exerted himself to appear cheer ful and happy, yet being naturally of a delicate constitu tion, the blow he had received was too much, and hi spite of all his endeavors at concealment, it soon became apparent that there was a worm at the root of the gourd, preying rapidly upon his vitals ; the hectic flush, cough, ghort breath, and decaying frame, were symp toms that could not be mistaken. Week after week rolled away, and those indications of pulmonary con sumption now settled into a fixed reality. The* trem bling frame of my father, and his great weakness, obliged him to confine himself to the bed. My dear mother seldom left his room, and I watched over him with feelings that can be more easily imagined than described. The best medical aid was procured, but the physicians soon pronounced his case to be hopeless. When their decisions were communicated to my mother, it had well nigh proved fatal ; as it was, the shock took THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 219 so deep a root, that it gradually preyed upon her con stitution, and she never recovered. " Our mansion at this time presented a scene of with ering gloom, and when busy reflection stole over my mind, like a guilty culprit I stood condemned as being the author of all these woes. My father lingered for two months, retaining all his faculties, and when sufficiently strong, he conversed freely. The uni form tendency of his conversation was his perfect recon ciliation to me, and resignation to his approaching death. At length nature gave way, and after a few days of intense suffering, during which I never left his bed-side, just before the hour of midnight, with a strong effort and my assistance, he was raised on the pillow, and placing his hand upon my head, he pro nounced the blessing of a dying father to his only son, and immediately expired without a groan. The scene which now took place was too much for the fortitude of my mother or myself; she was carried out of the room in a situation that nearly deprived her of her senses ; and even when the paroxysms of grief had subsided, a settled despondency made her almost insensible to this severe trial. " After two days, the remains of my father were placed in his last silent retreat, and it now became necessary to watch with tender care over the declining health of my only remaining parent. Oh ! my friend, when I look back upon those times, when I contemplate the latter days and settled melancholy of my mother, and the old family mansion shrouded in gloom, when reflec- 220,. THE AMERICAN CRUISER. tions of this nature stamp me as being the author of those scenes of ruin and death, my thoughts quite overpoAver me, although years have passed away since they took place." " Come, come," said the boatswain, " if you keep on with this kind of a yarn much longer, my head-pumps will give way." " You shall hear it all," observed the young seaman mournfully, " and then my poor heart will be relieved. The gloom and despondency which had gathered round my mother, brought with it a gradual decay ; and al though there was no disease, yet it was evident that nature could not bear up under the severe shock she had received. Why should I multiply words upon these mournful events ? Know then, my friend, that three months after the death of my father, I followed the remains of my honored mother to the silent tomb. Every scene and circumstance which was presented to me, called up associations of the most painful and melancholy kind, and I resolved to settle the affairs of my father, and bid adieu for ever to the place of my nativity. " Although I became nearly indifferent to every thing connected with the place of my birth, yet there was one object that hung about my heart, and which even my indifference could not shake off. This was no other than E ; and as parental ties were now severed, I soon found that my passion for her became stronger and more intense. I resolved, therefore, to obtain another interview, and learn from her own de- THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 221 cision, whether she would at some future period unite her happiness and fortune with one who had rendered himself unworthy of her esteem. In a few days this meeting took place, and although I did not receive from her own lips the undisguised sentiments of love, yet the assent to my proposition was not entirely withheld. In short, she flattered my hopes with expressions of kind ness, which my fond heart construed favorably. I mentioned to her my intentions of quitting W for ever ; that the grave contained all that could bind me to the place where every spot would call forth remembrances of my past follies ; adding, that on the broad theatre of the world, I would seek in a distant land some honorable employment, and not only wipe away the blot that had stained my reputation At this point of the conversation E suddenly ex claimed, " ' And are there no objects sufficiently attractive to induce you to have one lingering wish or desire to remain.' " ' Oh yes ! ' I replied passionately, ' but I dare not hope even for pity, much less affection ; and yet were I now assured that I might hope that the sentiments of my heart were returned, even then I would tear myself away, painful as the struggle might be, until I had raised my character to the point from which it has fallen. Never, never ! * I continued, * will I harbor the unjust thought, wish, or desire, that a fair fame and unsullied reputation should unite with the fortunes of one at whom the finger of scorn and contumely is 19* 222 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. pointed. Only then let me hear from your own lips, that when oceans shall roll between us,, an obscure wan derer may have a place in your thoughts. I would have asked a larger boon, and yet I dare not. Tell me then ere we part, dearest E , that you do not hate me, and this, even this, will cause my heart to beat with " I had now disclosed not only my resolution, but also my passion for E , when she falteringly re plied that the friendship which had so long existed be tween us should not cease so long as so high and hon orable a decision was manifested on my part. This de claration was expressed with much warmth', and placing my hand in hers without being repulsed, I ventured for the first time to place if on my heart. For a few moments not a word was spoken by either of us, but it was a silence that spoke more eloquently than the warmest words of the fondest lovers. It was a moment in which my future hopes were decided. " ' Promise me,' she passionately exclaimed, ' an other interview, and take back the word forever, which still painfully grates on my ear.' " My former resolutions, at this request, were imme diately shaken, and I gave the promise. Three days intervened, at the expiration of which I found myself enjoying the delightful interview requested by E ; and unlike the former part of the last meeting, (which was marked with a degree of reserve and restraint,) our sentiments mutually expressed the ardor of that love which was founded on friendship and esteem. It was THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 223 then and there that we plighted our mutual vows of constancy, for she did not solicit a change of the former part of my resolution. " Oh ! my friend, how uncertain are all things on earth. How little did I then suppose that this yfould be our last meeting. Oh ! let me banish for ever the thought, that we shall never meet again. Yes, thou dear departed saint of virtue, pure love, and con stancy, thou art happy in that bright world, where the blighting mildew of sorrow can never wither or in terrupt the joys of eternal felicity. But my feelings have been quite in advance of my history." " Aye, aye," replied the boatswain, " and my feel ings, d' ye see, have got the better of my manhood, and I just find myself blubbering as if I had lost my senses. Come, come, messmate, I do n't much wonder that you buy trouble ahead, for I think you 've had a pretty good share of it any how, but we 've got an hour yet before eight bells, so get on with your yarn, for somehow or other I want to hear the end on 't." " This meeting," continued the young seaman, " was all that the purest affection, and love, could have , desired. Our separation can be more easily conceived than described. Suffice it to say, we exchanged the parting adieu. The struggle was now over, and I hastened to my lodgings, with a resolution to make all possible despatch for my departure. It did not require much time, for all my affairs were settled, and I found myself, after paying all the claims of my father's affairs, reduced to very straitened cir- 224 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. cumstances, homeless, and about to become a wanderer without any clear destination. The next morning, I bade adieu to W , and soon arrived at B , one of the great seaports of our country. Here I deter mined to embrace the first honorable calling that pre sented. With these resolutions I made diligent enquiry, and for some tune was baffled in my pursuit. At length, however, when every effort failed to procure employment on shore, I reso)ved to try my fortune on the great deep. On this theatre I hoped (from my education and a determination to excel in the pro fession,) soon to acquire a sufficient knowledge of sea manship and navigation, and a reputation also, that would ensure confidence, and of course would lead both to profit and honor. Very soon there was an oppor tunity afforded to put this resolution into practice, and I shipped before the mast on board of an East Indiaman bound to China. It will be needless, my friend, to enter into all the details connected with the duty of a green hand, or of the circumstances of the voyage. It will be sufficient to say, that I entered upon the duties of my station, with the determined ambition and perse verance of one whose only motive is to excel ; and al though there were many sacrifices which often mortified my pride, yet the powerful stimulus always before me, made every sacrifice a pleasure, sweetened every toil, and when danger or peril was to be surmounted, my pride and ambition prompted me on in the foremost rank. It is true that I claim no merit, for I was urged by a motive that would have roused the THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 225 most indifferent ; and unfortunately, though innocently, I became the victim of jealousy in my honest endeavors to excel, for by the time we arrived in Canton, I had acquired a pretty good knowledge of seamanship, so far as the practical duties of a ship are concerned. This, and unremitted attention to every command, obtained for me the esteem and approbation of the officers. Here too a further opportunity presented itself of attaining to that degree of seamanship which is necessary to command. The ship was here stripped to a girtline, every yard and spar was also overhauled, as well as the standing rigging. This was of great service to me, for I learned more of seamanship on this voyage, than half a dozen European voyages could have afforded me ; so that when it was concluded, (although it took but twelve months for its completion,) I was con sidered competent to fill an officer's berth ; but as yet I regarded my own deficiencies too great, and resolved to make another voyage to India before I assumed any command. " On my return to the United States, I wrote imme diately to her who had now become dear as life itself to me, and received an answer such as may be imagined and desired by those who have been placed under similar circumstances. In this letter (which I have now in my possession,) there is a repetition of that pledge of love and constancy which we mutually plighted at our -last meeting. In it there are the warmest breathings of refined and virtuous affection, as well as frequent cautions that my zeal and ambition 226 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. should not exceed the hounds of prudence and dis cretion ; aye, and these were solicited not only for mine, but also her own happiness." When the young seaman had reached this part of his narrative, eight bells were struck, and the watch was piped below. CHAPTER XXII. m * THE SCOTCH PRIZE. DURING the whole night the Cruiser stood off shore under easy sail, and it was confidently expected that by her proximity to the land, she would fall in with vessels bound to the westward or to the northward. At daybreak the look-outs were at their stations at the mast-head. It was one of those clear days which sel dom appears on the southern coast of Europe, in the month of November. The sun rose from beneath a well defined horizon, and as it ascended into the azure vault, its bright rays reflecting on the clouds, exhibited a rich drapery in every variety of color, such as the pencilings of no human skill could imitate. The wind was light, the sea smooth, and in short, it was not only one of those mornings which are so grateful to a seaman, but also from its peculiar mildness and clearness, objects might be seen at their greatest distance by the sail or's strengthened vision. In vain, however, did the practised eye of the look-out scrutinize the whole' hori zon ; in vain did he try to fix his intent gaze upon any definite object, for the land was now beyond the reach of his keen glance, and no sail appeared in sight to stimu- 227 228 THE AMERICAN CRUISEK. late and excite the keen appetites of the expectant but now disappointed officers and crew. " Mast head, there ! " bellowed out the officer of the watch, " is there nothing in sight ? " The reply was 'in the negative, and the officer mut tered out something about having wool in his eyes, and then ordered an old quarter-master, who had served long on board of a man-of-war, to* go aloft and take a thorough look-out. The old seaman went aloft, but his observation resulted with no better success, for his an swer to the interrogatory of the officer was, that it was as clear as a kitten's eye, and that nothing was in sight. By this time the officers and crew were on deck, and their chagrin was so great that they swore at this rate they would all starve to death, if they kept dodging about on this cruising ground any longer. The Cruiser was still kept with her head off shore, under easy sail, and the calculation by the intelligent sailing-master, (for it will be remembered that all his calculations were made by guessing,) was, that the land was fifty miles distant that morning, for as he affirmed that he had not worked up the log, he guessed he was pretty near right. The down-easter, although having had considerable experience hi navigation, .did not un derstand the more correct way of ascertaining a vessel's position, viz. by lunar observation, for he roundly af firmed that there were more vessels lost by these new inventions than by the "old way of navigating, for the plain reason that not more than one in twenty knew any thing about them. It was true that the down-easter, so THE AMERICAN CRUISER. far from having any knowledge of lunars, did not know how to correct the sun's declension, for he invariably worked up a meridian altitude without addition or sub traction, just as it was laid down in Bowditch's Naviga tion. But he was always on the safe side in regard to navigation, for no one on board ever heard him assert positively the situation of the Cruiser, and the log-book, if examined, would prove the truth of this assertion. Toward meridian the breeze freshened, and the wind hauled to the westward ; dark clouds hove up in that quarter, indicating strong breezes and squaljy weather ; it Avas not long after dinner before the exciting cry of " Sail ho ! " was heard from the mast-head. In a few moments all were in excitement, and when the boatswain's whistle piped all hands " make sail, a-hoy," every seaman sprang to the aid of his- messmate, and the Cruiser was dressed with all the canvass she could carry upon the wind for the chase. The stranger in question bore directly in the wind's eye, distant at least from twelve to fifteen miles. The correct bearings of the stranger were taken, and no per ceptible difference or alteration was manifest in the speed of, the two vessels, except that the Cruiser, hold ing a better wind, and laying nearer to it, gained rap idly to windward, so that by two o'clock the hull of the stranger was lifted from the deck of the Cruiser. Every glass was now put in requisition, and serious opinions were expressed in relation to the character of their neighbor. The second lieutenant from the mast head reported her to be a long ship with bright sides, 20 230 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. very square yards, having her fore and mizen top-gal lant-masts sent down, with her main top-gallant-sail set, and her main-course hauled up ; and he also affirmed that she had bales of cotton slung over her quarter. The Commander observed that she could not be an American vessel from the appearance of her canvass, and further, he observed that he did not know where a vessel could be bound, steering as she was in this lati tude and longitude. The second lieutenant observed, that from her great length, square yards, &c., he thought her to be a man-of-war in disguise. This opin ion was immediately rejected by the Commander, for he averred that no man-of-war could be so perfectly meta morphosed as that ship to windward. " In my judgment," replied the first lieutenant, " before one hour passes away you will see as great a transformation in that ship, which you now look upon as a merchantman, for by that time all doubts will be solved in reference to her true character." "I sincerely hope so," observed the Commander, " for by that time I trust we shall be in possession of a good fat prize. Nevertheless, we must be in readiness to bear away, should we be deceived." The report from the mast-head rather corroborated the opinion of the first lieutenant, for the stranger by this time had his fore and mizen top-gallant-masts on end, the sails also were set, and the main-tack hauled aboard, and it was now clearly perceived that she fore-reached upon the Cruiser. Again and again the mast-head was hailed, and as often the report confirmed the opinion of . 1 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 231 the first lieutenant, as the proximity of the two vessels enabled them to see distinctly that the stranger had four reefs in her topsails, a reef in her top-gallant-sails, and that every sail was sheeted close home, and every yard swayed up taut to the mast-head. The opinion of the Commander was now entirely shaken, and orders were given in quick succession to rig out the studding-sail booms, and to get the square-sail yard ropes bent on, ready to set the sail. Nor were these orders out of place, for by this time the two ves sels were not more than a league apart, and further, the mast-head now reported that the ship was swaying up her royal-mast, and rigging out her flying jib-boom. From all these preparations very little doubt remained in re ference to her true character. The greatest anxiety now prevailed, as the distance between the two was lessening every moment, for al ready they were nearly within point-blank shot of each other. The crew were posted at their different stations, and every sail was ready to be set, when orders were given to bear away. The mast-head now reported in a hurried manner that the ship had kept away and was under a cloud of canvass, bearing down upon the Cruiser. Orders were now rapidly given to bear away and make 'sail, so that in a few minutes every yard of canvass was spread to the breeze, and every sail was trimmed with seaman-like precision, while the Cruiser bounded over the waves with the ra pidity of an ocean bird. In a short time, however, it was perceptible that her antagonist was no laggard, for 232 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. when the relative bearing of the two vessels was taken, it was evident that the frigate gained upon the Cruiser, and so confident was the enemy of his victim, that he sent messenger after messenger from his bow-chasers, which, however, fell without doing any execution. The wind now freshened, with squalls of rain, which ever 4 and anon excluded the frigate from the sight of the Cruiser, but as often as the mist drove away to leeward, the frigate sent her compliments in the shape of a thirty two pound shot. The general impression now was that it would be impossible to get away from the frigate, for every yard of canvass was set, and she was now running at her greatest speed ; the squall, too, had increased in violence, and the masts and spars, groaning under the weight of canvass, seemed to be unequal to the torture. At this crisis a consultation was held on the quarter deck, and the opinion of the Commander was, that the Cruiser should be hauled close by the wind, taking ad vantage of a squall, which would of course close her in from the view of the frigate, and thus enable her to get the weather-guage. " For it is very evident," he con tinued, " that we cannot keep out of his way more than three hours, and should a chance shot cripple any of our spars, why then the fate of the Cruiser will be sealed." At this moment the mastrhead reported that the land was in sight, stretching north and south as far as the eye could reach. " Now gentlemen," resumed the Commander, " you THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 233 perceive that we have but one alternative left us, for at the rate we are now running, the bones of this craft will shortly be lying on the beach yonder." "In my judgment," replied the first lieutenant, " as the night is rapidly advancing, and the weather threat ening, and as it indicates a strong breeze with heavy squalls during the night, it will be impossible to elude the vigilance of that frigate, so long as daylight lasts ; and as the enemy cannot overhaul us in less than two hours, why then in my judgment our safest plan will be, to run on until night shuts in, and under its cover, in one of those heavy squalls we may with some security haul by the wind, take every sail in and ray under our poles until the frigate shall get to leeward." The Commander did not entirely assent to this opinion, but as past experience convinced him, that in more than one instance his judgment and opinion had proved erroneous, he reluctantly consented that the Cruiser should still be kept before the wind. " Well, I have just been thinking," observed the boatswain to the young seaman, " unless we have the devil's luck and our own too, that the bones of this craft will be bleaching on them rocks under the lee before midnight, or that you and I will have a snug berth in the cable tier of that frigate yonder ! Why look 'ee, messmate, she's coming up hand over hand, and at the rate we are now going, in less than two hours we shall hear .the roar of the breakers. Now what 's your opinion of it, messmate ? " " It is true," replied the young seaman, " that the 20* 234 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. % * nearness of the frigate augurs very unfavorably of our escape, and the land not being far distant, presents an appalling danger, but then if my feelings do not de ceive me, this craft will be reserved for another fate." The boatswain expressed some astonishment at this declaration, but as he had many proofs of the prophet ical truth of the young seaman's decision, he subscribed to this without hesitation, averring at the same time, " that it would be little less than a miracle if the Cruiser should get safe out of two fires." Night now began rapidly to close in, and squall after squall, with increased fury and more frequent repe tition, drove the Cruiser furiously on toward the lee- shore, and when the last glimpse of the frigate was seen, she was not more than half gun shot distant. She had ceased firing, for the reason that her shot were sent at random. The darkness had now shrouded the whole hem isphere with an impenetrable gloom, so profound that objects could not be seen twenty yards distant. The men were now ordered to lay aloft, to be in readiness to take in all light sail, every halyard fore and aft was or dered to be clear for running, and every man was at his station, while a death-like silence prevailed. The lights were all extinguished, and nothing was heard but the roar of the elements, and the dashing spray at the Cruiser's bow. The interval for the next squall was marked with the deepest anxiety; not a word was spoken forward or aft ; the wind whistled through the rigging and blocks with an intonation so melancholy, THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 235 ft that the superstitious seamen swore that it was ominous of the disaster that would befall them that night. " Silence ! fore and aft. Hark ! " A death-like stillness immediately prevailed. "What noise is that I hear?" echoed the Com mander in rather a subdued tone. In a few moments a roar like distant thunder fell upon the ear of every man on board. The sound was appalling, for the truth flashed upon every mind : it was the roar of the dashing breakers upon the rocks ! No time was now to be lost. The squall which had risen in the western board came driving furiously on, sending before it a huge mass of black waters, which threatened to deluge the Cruiser with instant destruc tion ! " Are you ready fore and aft ? " The reply was in the affirmative. " Hark ! " again echoed the Commander. The tolling bell from the frigate was distinctly heard. Orders were now rapidly given, and the light sails, to gether with the jibs and mainsail, were taken in and secured, in less time than I have taken to describe it. The helm was put to starboard, and in the same moment the heavy squall struck the Cruiser, but she was stripped for the fight, rounding to gallantly by the wind, forging ahead at least a quarter of a mile. In a few minutes the frigate came driving on, and was dis tinctly marked by her battle lanterns until she was far to leeward. The Cruiser's sails were now reefed down and set, and although the night was threatening, and 236 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. the western gale blew briskly, with heavy squalls ; yet tbe Cruiser, under a press of canvass, stood off on a wind to tbe westward. At dayligbt in the morning, nothing was seen of the enemy, and it was now deter mined to shift the cruising ground. CHAPTER XXIII. AN ENGAGEMENT WITH A BRITISH PACKET. THE general topic of conversation on board of the Cruiser, related especially to the events recorded in the preceding chapter. It is true the Commander deserved great praise for carrying into execution the masterly manoeuvre which saved the Cruiser from- capture ; nevertheless the greater deference and respect for the opinion of the first lieutenant was elicited from the officers and crew, for the success which had resulted from his plan of escape suggested on the previous day. It may be easily conceived, therefore, that the confi dence naturally reposed in the Commander, was gradu ally diminished, and transferred to the first lieutenant. Subsequent to this, and during the remainder of the cruise, his judgment and opinion secured for him the most unbounded confidence and respect, and when it was ascertained that the next plan of operations would be to cruise off the chops of the Irish Channel, there was a general demur ; but when the first lieutenant urged the propriety of this measure, as being the best plan to finish the cruise, not a murmur was heard from any quarter. 237 238 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. After breakfast in the morning of the following day which had marked the successful escape of the Cruiser from the British frigate, orders were given to pipe all hands on deck. As soon as the crew had mustered up, 1 the Commander, after passing a eulogium on their good conduct and bravery, addressed them as follows : " Our cruise has been protracted, unavoidably, longer than I expected at its commencement. Nevertheless, we have no reason to complain, although we have had some hard fighting, and hard chases, and the chances of war, and other casualties of the sea, have cut off some of our shipmates. This, however, was to be expected, and con sidering the great hazard we have had to encounter, the ratio of deaths has been very inconsiderable to the pro portion of the men composing the crew of this Cruiser. We have been on this cruising ground for a con siderable length of time, and it has been owing to your intrepidity and activity, that this craft is not in the pos session of the British. To remain here any longer, Avould be attended with great hazard, and endanger our safety, as it must be pretty well known, that we have been cruising on this ground for some time past. I have therefore determined to change our position, and cruise off the chops of the Irish Channel for a short time, and although it will be attended with much risk, yet we shall be more likely to fall in with merchant vessels, which will enable us speedily to finish this cruise. Our success, however, still depends upon your good conduct. I hope, therefore, as you have heretofore behaved gallantly, I shall have no reason in the future THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 239 to change my opinion, and I trust we shall ultimately be rewarded for all our dangers and toils." At the conclusion of this harangue, there was a low, buzzing murmur of disapprobation among some of the men, for they swore that but for the skipper the cruise might have been finished long ago ; while the others proposed to give three cheers, which was done, yet so faintly, that it rather expressed a kind of disrespect than esteem for the judgment and opinion of the Com mander. The Cruiser was now bending her course under a press of sail toward the chops of the Irish Channel, and the only thing which reconciled the crew and officers to this measure,. was the probability that the cruise would soon be terminated. " I 've been thinking," observed the boatswain to the young seaman, " since the skipper gave us that bit of small talk, that he don't feel quite so easy in his mind, for he knows pretty well that this craft will have to run the gauntlet off the Channel there, and to my mind, why d' ye see, it would be much better to have run his craft down towards the West India Islands, for then we should have a little pleasant weather, and our chance would be as good to fall in- with vessels, and what 's more, we should be likely to keep out of the way of English men-of-war, and have a short run to Yankee land. What 's your opinion of it, messmate ? " " The opinion you have advanced," replied the young seaman, " is correct, and such would have been the proper course ; but there seems to me to be a strange kind of fatality hanging over this Cruiser, and although 240 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. I have endeavored to shake off this feeling, yet in spite of all my efforts to the contrary, I cannot help thinking but that this craft is preserved for some melancholy dis aster ; and this opinion is founded upon the observation and experience of the past. For you are aware," he con tinued, " that the recklessness and impetuosity of our Commander, has not only lengthened out the cruise, but also in more than one instance the safety of the Cruiser has been jeopardized, as well as the lives of the crew ; and therefore I should not be surprised, that instead of cruising off the chops, he would run this craft up Chan nel, and thereby finish the cruise with her capture, and our incarceration in a British prison during the war." " Well, as I 've had pretty good reason for believing your word, and besides this is about my way of thinking, why then, messmate, we '11 make the best on 't ; but some how or other I should just like to have that first lieutenant take charge of this craft, especially now as we are about to have some hard knocks or hard chases, for to my mind he can bring this craft into action, aye, and get her out of it too, in a more seaman-like manner than our skipper, and as to the matter of judgment, why d'ye see, messmate, the skipper'can't hold a candle to him." The conversation was suddenly interrupted by a report from the mast-head, that there was a sail in sight, bearing on the starboard beam, and apparently standing to the southward. The usual interrogatories were made, to all of which an indefinite answer was returned. The second lieutenant went aloft, and in a few minutes re- THE AMEKICAN CKUISER. 241 ported confidently that the stranger was standing to the southward. The Cruiser immediately wore round, and made all sail in chase. The excitement of the previous day had scarcely subsided, when in less than twenty- four hours there was sufficient material to keep alive the exciting flame. This proved to be of great importance to the Commander, for the respect due to him as such, was declining day by day. It is true, he merited great commendation for his coolness and intrepidity on the previous day ; but even this was overbalanced in the opinion of the crew, from the fact, that he only executed the judgment and opinion of the first lieutenant ; he resolved, therefore, that whenever a favorable opportunity presented, to strike a blow that would at once reinstate him in the confidence and esteem of the officers and crew. The stranger in question was at length ascertained to be a brig, and the report from the mast-head was, that she had greatly forereached, and was now bearing two points on the larboard bow. This was easily accounted for, from the fact that the Cruiser was kept nearly before the wind, while the stranger had the wind abeam, and of course every sail would draw to advantage and increase her speed. The Cruiser had now dropt in the wake of her neighbor, so that in a very short time it would be manifest which of the two had the advantage in sailing. In less than an hour every doubt was re moved, for at -her mast-head the topsails were raised, and scarcely had another hour passed away, before she was seen from the Cruiser's deck. Every preparation 21 242 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. was now made for action, for although the stranger had not altered her course, from the time she was first dis covered, yet from the tautness of her rig, her square yards, and the cut and set of her sails, all went to con firm the opinion, that she was either a sloop-of-war, or packet ; consequently, they would have sufficient work, in either case. The superior speed of the Cruiser enabled her to gain rapidly on the chase, and a close proximity of the two vessels, served to confirm the opinion already entertained of the stranger. It was a matter of some astonishment, when she was clearly distinguished with the glass, that she had no studding-sails set. This could be accounted for only on the supposition of decoy, for confident in her own strength, she used but little effort to avoid an action. Great caution and prudence were now necessary, and indeed, having been taught a severe lesson on the preceding day, the Com mander was more than usually cautious, for he fre quently consulted the first lieutenant as to the best plan of operations. " From the manoeuvres of that craft," observed the Commander, " and at the rate we are now overhauling her, we shall bring her to an action before sunset, and my plan would be, to lay this craft alongside, and en deavor to carry her by boarding. What is your opin ion, sir," he observed to the first lieutenant. " It is evident," he replied, " that unless she has used some stratagem to decoy us, we have the advan tage of speed, and can therefore change our position. THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 243 In my judgment, then, as our battery is small, and we have only Long Tom to depend upon, it will be better to engage him at long shot ; this I believe to be the most prudent course ; for should she prove to be a man- of-war, notwithstanding we have the advantage in sail ing, by engaging her at close quarters, she might cripple our spars, and thus prevent the possibility of escape ; and even should she turn out to be a packet, which I am inclined to believe, my plan is still more feasible, because in point of armament and men, they are nearly equal to a man-of-war, and commanded by a naval officer. The strong sense and force of the suggestions were very apparent to the Commander and officers, and it was decided to engage the enemy on the plan proposed by the first lieutenant. It was half an hour of sunset before Long Tom was in speaking distance, at which time the Cruiser yawed, and sent her compliments to the stranger, and the stars and stripes were run up to the peak, and the enemy, (for she now displayed the bunting having St. George's cross on it,) returned the compliment in the shape of a twelve pound shot. As the antagonists were now at short point-blank shot dis tance of each other, the Cruiser took in sail, so as to avoid a closer proximity to the enemy. This was no sooner discovered by the Englishman than he hauled close upon a wind on the starboard tack, when she im mediately furled all her light sails, hauled down the jib, and hauled up her courses. By this time the strife had fairly commenced at long shot, without much execution 244 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. on either side. The Cruiser having, as had been sug gested by the first lieutenant, the advantage in sailing, chose a position on the starboard-quarter of the enemy, and being to windward, could maintain that, or any other position she chose. A brisk fire was now kept up on both sides, which did no other damage than to cut away some of the rigging, and some of the shot passing through the sails. Thus far there was a pretty general average of loss in the rigging and sails on both sides, when the Commander's impetuosity ordered the helm to be put up, and run down, so as to engage the enemy at close quarters. Night was coming on, and from the manner in which the brig was brought into action, and the determined resistance and courage which had already been mani fested, it was very evident, that she was. strongly manned and armed, and that it would not be so easy a matter to capture her as it was at first contemplated. As soon as the Cruiser had approached to within half gunshot, a sheet of flame issued from the whole broad side of the enemy. This was a severe check to the Cruiser, for it cut away her midship bulwarks, and fore gaff, wounding several of the crew, but Long Tom amply repaid this unwelcome salutation, by cutting away the jib-boom and starboard night-head of the enemy. Darkness was now rapidly approaching, and a heavy fire was kept up on both sides ; the Englishmen fought like bloodhounds, and with so much impetuosity and courage, that the Cruiser was severely handled, her rigging, spars, and sails being so much cut to pieces THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 245 that it became necessary to haul off and repair damages. The strife, however, was not yet over, for the Com mander of the Cruiser signified his intention to the first lieutenant, that he would board the enemy. This in tention was immediately made known to the cre~w, and the Cruiser was kept away, and run down, receiving at the same time the heavy fire of the Englishmen with tremendous effect ; nor was Long Tom slow to speak for himself, for he dealt out death and destruction when ever his voice was heard. The conflict now was terrific and bloody, the Englishman working and fighting his craft at the same time, with so much courage and in such a seaman-like manner, that three attempts by the Cruiser to board was as repeatedly repulsed, and so desperate was this combat on both sides, during the subsequent half hour, that many lay wounded on the deck of the Cruiser, and it was supposed that the carnage on board of the enemy was equally as great, as the close proximity of the two exhibited much less in the Englishman's spars, rigging, and sails ; indeed each of them fought with such desperation, that before an hour rolled away, they were glad to haul off from each other and repair damages. 21* CHAPTER XXIV. ARRIVAL AT THE CRUISING GROUND. DURING the preceding night, the watch was em ployed as far as practicable, in repairing the severe damages which the Cruiser sustained, in the awful con flict with the supposed British packet, and so great were the damages, that many of the sails were unfit for service, consequently they were replaced by others ; in short, four days were necessary to reinstate the Cruiser's condition, as it had been previously to the action, and it was a matter of surprise, that considering the desperation in which this terrific action was fought, there were none killed on board the Cruiser, although many were wounded, among whom was one of our heroes, the intrepid boatswain. The crew, in consequence of this action, became much weakened, and it was necessary not to be hasty in approaching the contemplated cruising ground, but rather afford the wounded a sufficient opportunity that they might recover strength, and be in a fit condition for actual service when those services were required. The wound which the boatswain had received was neither mortal nor very severe, being occasioned by a 246 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 247 splinter, which had struck him, making a large con tusion on the thigh. The young seaman had now an opportunity not only of showing his gratitude, hut also of returning the favors he himself had received from the boatswain, when the former was in a similar condi tion. He was therefore unremitting in attention to his friend, beguiling many tedious hours of confinement, which would otherwise have been almost past 'en durance. As the young seaman was aware, that the hour of sickness and confinement was peculiarly applicable to make an impression with serious con versation, he took occasion to enlarge on the subject of man's duty toward the Supreme Being, in order to get a regular set of papers and a clean pass port for a happy admission into the other world. " Every hour," observed the young seaman to his friend, " brings with it renewed obligations on our part, from him whom we derive every blessing that we enjoy, and I have often thought," he continued, " if we ap preciated those blessings as we should, they would not only inspire our hearts with gratitude, but stimulate us also, to devote our lives and services to that Being from whom alone we derive consolation and support here, and eternal happiness in the world to come." ""Well, well," replied the boatswain, " I 'm glad you 've got on that tack, so now, messmate, as we was chatting on that before we had the dust with the Englishmen, suppose you overhaul your knowledge box, and just tell me how to get that good Pilot on board." 248 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. The young seaman, with all seriousness, complied as follows : " It is a source of great pleasure to me, my friend," lie observed, " that I can in any way relieve your hours of pain and confinement, and if I know my own heart, there is no one in this world for whom I would more willingly and cheerfully exert my utmost endeavors. This world to me," he continued mournfully, " would be a mere blank, unless I had one in whom I could repose all my sorrows. For such a one I long sought in vain, until an all-wise Providence brought us together pardon me, my friend, for- this di gression well then," he continued, "to secure the favor as well as the assistance of this Pilot on board of your vessel, you must attend strictly to his written instructions." " What are they ? " enquired the boatswain. " First, you are to relinquish every evil practice, and especially those to which sailors are so much accus tomed. I do not say that you are in the habit of com mitting many transgressions and sins, but then you will soon discover by reading those instructions, that there is one clause which reads thus, ' He that ofiendeth in one, is guilty of all ; ' that is, you can never get this good Pilot on board, so long as you voluntarily disobey the least part of these instructions. But again, after there is a full obedience to this part of the instructions, then you must heave in stays, and get on the other tack, for as you have been on the wrong course all your life, and could never receive the favor or service of the Pilot THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 249 on that tack, so now you must get on the true course, where you will be sure not only to fall in with this good Pilot, but he will then most cheerfully come on board, by your request and permission." " Well," interrupted the boatswain hastily, " I do n't exactly understand, although I 've been boxing the compass for many years, and can work a ship, in all kinds of weather, and under any sail, yet I say, mess mate, I do n't exactly know how to get this old hulk of mine about on the other tack." " Why as to that," replied the young seaman, " this knowledge is only to be obtained by the written in structions." "Aye, aye," answered the boatswain, "but then what 's a chap to do that can't read a word in the book ? tell me that, messmate." " I will inform you according to the best of my knowledge in these matters," replied the young seaman, " what I mean by your having steered the wrong course all your life, and getting on the other tack, is this : you and I have been committing sin, and have lived all our days in open violation of the commandments of God ; this is the wrong course. Now what I mean by heaving in stays, is, to be sorry for having pursued this course, and then by sincere and unfeigned repentance, to fill away on the other tack. Again, what I mean by steering on the true and the right course is, by making prayer to God, and an implicit reliance upon the ability and willingness of this good Pilot to save your old weather-beaten hulk, and bring her safely into port. 250 THE AMEKICAN CKUISER. Then, and not until then, will this Pilot take possession of your ship, and so long as you keep him on board you are safe. Aye, although there are sunken rocks, shoals, and quicksands, and although there may be storms, and the foaming billows may sometimes dash their crested tops over your bark, and although the thunders may roll, and the lightnings flash, nevertheless, if you keep this Pilot on board, attend to his orders, and keep a good look-out ahead by faith and prayer, he will get your weather-beaten bark safely into the port of eternal rest." At this point of the conversation, the boatswain passionately grasped the hand of the young seaman, and exclaimed : " But for you, messmate, I should long ago been strandSd on the sunken rocks, and this hulk would have been carried down by the whirlpool, into which so many poor sailors are lost ; but while you was marking off the course, messmate, I boused my thinking tacks aboard, and says I to myself, what shall I do when I get on shore ? how shall I sheer off from all these matters that draw sailors away to destruction ? " " The best course to pursue," replied the young seaman, "is to steer clear of all those haunts of dissi pation which allure seamen, and the first of those that I would name, are those resorts which drown the sensi bilities by partaking of the intoxicating bowl, which reduces the man to a level with the brute. In short, it is this which leads to every species of dissipation and folly which marks the general conduct of seamen t ' THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 251 when on shore ; it is this that makes him shunned by all respectable society, and looked upon as a kind of outcast, and draws the line which divides the sailor and landsman. It is not," he continued, " the dress, sea technicalities, or manners, as some have vainly sup posed, that causes this distinction. If seamen would conduct themselves as other men, they would be equally respected, nay, I believe more, for a little reflection will convince every man that they are a most useful class of society." " It is very true," answered the boatswain, " but then do you think Jack is to blame for all his bad con duct when on shore ? " " Why as to that," replied the young seaman, " there may be some palliation ; for when it is taken into con sideration how many privations they are obliged to endure, such as almost a total absence of domes tic comforts, as well as the intercourse with society, and then to look at his peculiar mode of life when at sea, often compelled to live on the hardest fare, and at the same time to the treatment which he endures, to which no landsman would submit, when all this is taken into consideration, it is no wonder that sailors are com pared to wild animals when they are on shore, especially when there are numbers who are always on the watch to decoy them, and by seeming acts of friendship entice him to quaff the intoxicating bowl, and then strip his pockets of his hard earnings ; and it is certainly true that landsmen will have much to answer for in this respect." 252 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. " I believe," replied the boatswain " that sailors are not quite so bad as they were when I first went to sea," " It is owing principally, if not entirely," observed the young seaman, " to the great efforts exerted by re ligious and philanthropic men for their reformation." "Well, well," answered the boatswain, "I'm glad that poor Jack has not all the blame to carry off on his shoulders ; and I'll tell you what, messmate, it is a long time since I've had a bit of small talk like this, and if every sailor had a good messmate, just to put him in the right way, as you've done to me, why then d'ye see, we should 'nt have so much drinking, and frolicking, and fighting among us blue jackets." " There is no want of instruction, if seamen will re ceive it ; for in all our seaports there are men who are appointed for that especial purpose, viz. to distribute Bibles, tracts, and other good books, and impart such advice, to which if seamen will only adhere and follow, as will make them better men, and what is infinitely more important, it will make them wise unto salvation." This grave and serious conversation made a deep im pression on the boatswain, so that during his confine ment, which was not of long duration, he frequently in terrogated the young seaman, in regard to these, and other subjects of a similar nature. While the two friends were happy in the society of each other, their time passing not only pleasantly but profitably together, it was not so in the ward-room, or among the crew, for the events which have been re corded resulting in such an unfavorable issue, caused a THE AMEEICAN CRUISER. 253 general dissatisfaction, especially the unlucky movement of the Commander during the action, (in opposition to the judgment of the first lieutenant,) which had ena bled the enemy to make her escape, and which had proved so disastrous to the Cruiser; all these fell heavily upon the Commander, who now, in the judgment of all on board, was not only instrumental in their dis asters, and in prolonging the cruise, but it was universally believed that, by his mad acts, he would run them into further difficulty. " I wish I were well out of this craft," said an old prize-master, who had been retained on board, fearing if he were put on board of a prize, his old habits would return, and thus jeopardize the safety of the vessel, and the liberty of the prize-crew. " For the matter of that," replied the Down Easter, " I don't think it will be long before you will have your wish accomplished, and I don't much care 'myself, for I don't think there is much fun in scampering away like, a race-horse, and that too, with rocks and breakers a-head, and John Bull close under your stern, throwing his shot like peppercorns; no, no; I don't see the use of dodging about here, first running, then fighting, and getting cut all to pieces when there's no prize-money in the way." " Yes, yes," ejaculated the prize-master, " we shall have a few more chases and hard knocks, through the rashness of the skipper, and then we shall spend some tkae on shore, in a British prison." " That would not be quite as acceptable to my mind," 22 254 THB AMERICAN CRUISER. replied the Down Easter, " and although I can't say I like dodging about in this craft, yet I should greatly pre fer a birth in this ward-room, to being locked up in the narrow compass of the prison and prison yard." " If I'm any judge of men," observed the pme-mas- ter, " this mad-cap skipper of ours will make a bold dash up the Channel, and I should 'nt wonder if he de clared the whole British coast in a state of blockade." " As to that," replied the Down Easter, " it will not be of so much consequence if he does not madly rush into danger, without a probability of escape ; but at all events, it is more than likely that you would be on board of some prize, as there are but tAvo of you left." How long this interesting conversation might have lasted is not exactly known, but it was suddenly inter rupted by a report from the mast head that a sail was in sight. CHAPTER XXV. CHOPS OF THE CHANNEL, FOG, ETC. THE events of the last week having terminated so unfavorably, especially the action with the British Packet, wrought an entire change in the tempera ment and actions of the Commander. The impet uosity and rashness, which had marked his course during the former part of the cruise, entirely forsook him, and the opposite extreme of indecision and apathetic indiffer ence took its place. The fact of a sail being in sight, which, in any former part of the cruise, would have roused him to the highest pitch of excitement, was now nearly disregarded, so much so that he scarcely exhib ited sufficient interest to look at her with the glass. There were several causes which might have produced this alteration ; first, he well knew that his own rash ness had not only blasted the prospects of a brilliant cruise, and his false judgment in many instances jeop ardized the lives of the crew, but his ambition also received a deep cut, for that respect which was due to him as the Commander, was now transferred to the first lieutenant. Disappointment and chagrin had also brought on a 255 256 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. state of despondency among the officers and crew. No interest, no speculation, no excitement was seen or ap peared to be felt by them, although, like the Com mander, they would have been all excitement under the same circumstances previous to this period. With the exception of the first lieutenant's, not a glass was in re quisition. He alone, among the officers and crew, maintained a high and manly bearing, coolness, and intrepidity, a sound judgment, and the most perfect equanimity, which no reverse of fortune, or change of circumstances, or peril, or danger could shake, or alter for a moment his steady and unwavering purpose. He descended into the captain's cabin, where he found him sitting with his elbow on the table, and his head reclined on his hand, as if he were in a deep reverie. " Is it your intention, sir," inquired the lieutenant, " to look after the stranger ? She is plainly visible, and her courses are already raised from the deck ; she is close hauled, standing on the starboard tack, and I judge from the appearance of her canvass, square yards, and taut rig, that she is a British frigate." The last word was scarcely finished when the Com mander roused from his seat, his eyes flashing, when he immediately sprang on deck, and seizing a spy-glass, ho fixed a long and searching gaze at the stranger, at the t same time repeatedly hailing the look-out aloft. The result of this inspection corroborated the opinion of the first lieutenant, for he quickly observed, " I believe she is a man-of-war ; however, we shall know by and by, for when she gets in our wake, if my THE AMERICAN CRUISER. "257 opinion is correct, she will tack after us, and give us chase." The hands were now turned up, and every prepara tion was made to dress the Cruiser with all the canvass that could be set close-hauled. In less than half an hour >the stranger had ranged up into* the wake, and there was no mistake at this time in the opinion of the Com mander, for the look-out reported that the ship astern was now in stays. The distance between the two ves sels was judged to be two and a half leagues. Every yard of canvass was spread that could be set to advan tage upon a wind, and very shortly the speed of the Cruiser was greatly increased. The chase was kept up during the remainder of the day, and there was no per ceptible gain on either side. Night closed in, and of course with it the chase was lost sight of. During the whole night, a heavy press of sail was carried on, and toward morning, the wind hauled to the S. W., with thick cloudy weather, and at daylight the ship was out of sight. The wounded men were now recovering rapidly ; some of them were already convalescent, and the boat swain, whose wound was slight, once more resumed his station on deck for actual service. The crew, however, were yet in a weakened condition, consequently there was but little disposition manifested to push the Cruiser on to her intended destination. The state of things which now existed was truly de plorable. Indecision on the part of the Commander, and the despondency of the crew, rendered the Cruiser, 22* 25$ THE AMERICAN CRUISER. at this time, unfit for any rencontre with the enemy, and indeed, it would have been infinitely better to have shaped a course for the United States, and made an end of the cruise, than to have run into' peril and danger, in the present state of the Cruiser and her crew. No de finite action, however, was taken either way, and the Cruiser was suffered to jog on her course, without any apparent decision in regard to her next operations. ' Day after day passed away, and nothing transpired to change or alter the state of feeling, or to rouse the crew from the dull monotony which had gathered over them. At length, however, the lead being cast, and soundings struck in the Chops of the Irish Channel, it produced an excitement, from the fact that every mo ment they were in constant expectation of falling in with men-of-war, as well as merchant vessels ; it was also the season for heavy mists and fogs, which are so prevalent on the British coast. This was an additional danger, which could not be controlled by human pru dence or foresight, and therefore rendered the situation of the Cruiser more perilous than she otherwise could have been. This combination, however, produced a happy change among the officers and crew, for the salvation of the Cruiser, and the ultimate and speedy conclusion of the cruise, as well as their own freedom and liberty, now depended on their good conduct and bravery ; they were well convinced of this, and it had the effect of pro ducing a reaction upon all their subsequent movements. The manly bearing of the first lieutenant, his evenness of mind, which no circumstance elated or depressed, had THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 259 also inspired the Commander at least with a degree of the same feeling. Thus, then, we have endeavored to describe the condition of the Cruiser and her crew on her arrival at the cruising ground. It was after one of those long nights in the month of December, nearly in the parallel of 50 deg. north, the wind blowing at the same time from the south-west, that the crew, when daylight broke, were almost transfixed to the deck with a sight so appalling that it made the stoutest hearts to quail. The whole hemisphere in that region from whence the wind came, appeared like a moving mass, as if the whole Island of Britain had its foundation unloosed, and was driven along by the wind. As the morning light advanced, and the south-west wind increased, it had the appearance of a terrific^ white squall, driving furiously toward the Cruiser. In ad vance of this apparent phenomena, there appeared to be a huge mass of black water, piled in heaps, and from its immense height and apparent velocity, threatened to engulph the Cruiser in immediate destruction. She was instantaneously stripped of every yard of canvass, and made ready for the awful conflict, which was every moment expected to ensue. After a few moments of suspense, in which neither the Isle of the Ocean, nor the white squall came into collision ivith the Cruiser, the truth of this marvellous appearance flashed upon every mind, for it was nothing more nor less than a dense mist which had risen in the distant seaboard, and which had shrouded the whole of that quarter in obscurity, and had assumed the appearances which had so terrified and 260 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. affrighted the crew. The sea of fog that lay above the watery sea, was about seventy feet in height, and seemed to be moving towards the Cruiser, before the south-westerly wind, which wafted the vessel on. Its surface, as viewed from the deck, was undulating and restless, like the billowy ocean, now curling upward in fantastic wreaths like smoke, now tossing and eddying in feathery streamers, as the fickle wind sported with it at its will. Sometimes masses of the misty vapor would heave themselves into the air above the general surface, in cloudy pinnacles, till the breeze -would break and scatter them, dissolving in air as they flew. In a short time, as the Cruiser was under easy sail, the whole mass moved along with the breeze, and presently she was enveloped in a dense and impenetrable fog. This AY^S a more fearful situation, than a hard chase, or severe action, from the fact that there could be no means of escape, in the event of falling in with an enemy of superior force, and the dense mist would also prevent the possibility of making any captures, unless mere chance would throw them into collision or contact. There Avas, however, from the height of the fog, a pos sibility to get sight of the mast-head of any taut-rigged vessel that might not be too far distant. Again, there was a bare possibilitj 7 to discover a sail, if the sight was fixed near the surface of the Avater, for it will be recol lected by all those who have knowledge and experience in these matters, that there is a short space between the surface of the water and the lower edges of a dense fog. These, then, were all the chances at present for THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 261 the discovery of vessels, upon "which the safety of the Cruiser measurably depended ; and these were improved to the best advantage, for it became a matter of great uncertainty, as the wind had died away, when this thick fog would be dispelled. " I believe," observed the Commander to the first lieutenant, " that these fogs sometimes last for days, especially when the -wind is light at S. W., as is the case at present. The fogs on the British coast are fre quent, arid sometimes of long duration, and are often very disastrous to vessels in the Channels, and it often becomes necessary to keep up a constant firing of can non, or tolling of the ship's bells, in order to avoid col lision with vessels on opposite courses or different tacks." " The perils of war, however," replied the first lieu tenant, " prevent us 'from taking advantage of this method, for it would endanger our safety yet more than it is at present, so that in my judgment the most pro found silence should be maintained (during the preva lence of. this mist,) not only among the crew, but I should think that every block, spar, yard, with all the rigging, should be secured and put in such a manner, that the least possible noise might be heard from them. This I would recommend as a matter of security, for I have often been in a light wind, and the fog so dense, that it was impossible to discover any object one yard ahead of the vessel, and at the same time I have heard the creaking of blocks, or spars, or the flapping of can vass, when the vessel has been at least three or four hundred yards distant." 262 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. " It is very true," observed the Commander, " I like your suggestion, and we will endeavor to use every precaution, so let all the sails be lowered and stopped, as well as the other means applied to prevent noise and surprise." It was not long before the first lieutenant, by his promptness in having the orders of the Commander executed, had the Cruiser as noiseless as an albatross that floats on the top of a mountain billow, sleeping Avith its head under the wing. These preparations were scarcely finished, when the look-out from the top-gallankyard reported that the mast-heads of a vessel were in sight on the larboard quarter. This was all that could be ascertained, but as it was a leading breeze to that point where the strange sail was discovered, it was determined to proceed with great caution, and if possible ascertain her character. Although this movement would be attended with some hazard, yet as there was now a unity of feeling and action among the officers and crew, and as the Cruiser had decidedly the advantage of being undiscovered, and again, as they were all deeply anxious to bring this pro tracted cruise to a termination, they i-esolved to run the hazard. As the head of the Cruiser was put in the di rection of the strange sail, of course the deepest anxiety prevailed, and she proceeded with a silence so profound, that if she had been fallen in with during the night, she might well have been taken for a haunted vessel. Even the reports from the mast-head were conveyed in silence by a second person, who alternately went up and THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 263 It was very soon reported that the dense fog had risen, and that the mast-heads of the stranger were no longer to be seen. A long and scrutinizing gaze was now made from the boat, (which had been hoisted out for that purpose,) near the surface of the water, but in vain ; no trace of the stranger was seen from below, or aloft. The Cruiser held on her course in the direction that the stranger was first seen, for nearly two hours, when it was judged, that unless she was steering the same course, she must by this time be up with her, or had run past her. "In my opinion," observed the Commander to the first lieutenant, " we had better take in sail, for it is perfectly useless to dodge about in this way on wild goose chase." " Hist, silence ! what noise is that I hear ? " said the first lieutenant in a hurried tone. The next minute there was death-like silence, and the creaking of blocks, and a noise as if from the flapping of sails, was distinctly heard on the larboard beam. From the distinctness and clearness with which these sounds were heard, the strange sail could not be more than two or three hundred yards distant. From the proximity of the two, the greatest precaution was neces sary. To close with the stranger without having some knowledge of her, would be madness, and to remain stationary, would (if the fog continued,) preclude the possibility of ascertaining whether the strange sail was a man-of-war or not. They were, however, not long in suspense, for the look-out at the surface of the water 264 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. reported that he could see the lower part of the hull of a vessel of great length, and that her head was to the eastward. " The stranger has seen us, I believe," observed the Commander, " for it is evident from his bearings, that she could not be in that position with her head to the eastward, if she had been steering that course from the time we first saw her, and should this fog suddenly clear away, and my conjectures are right, without doubt she is a man-of-war, I say then, if this fog should clear away, our capture would be inevitable." The boat was hoisted in as noiselessly as possible, all sail was then set, and the Cruiser's head was put to the westward. At sunset the fog had cleared away, so that the whole eastern hemisphere presented a clear blue expanse of waters, and a well-defined horizon, with a sail far away in the distant eastern board. CHAPTER XXVI. THE YOUNG SEAMAN'S NARRATIVE CONTINUED. IF the day had been obscured by the dense gloom of an impenetrable fog, the night, as if to return good for evil, was entirely the reverse : the moon rose in ma jestic splendor, scattering her golden rays, and tinging the clouds, which when reflected on the deep blue sea, presented to a fervid imagination a thotisand beautiful images, that might have been personified into real life. As she ascended into the azure vault, the clouds which had been beautified by her rays, now disappeared, and the twinkling stars, as if ashamed of their dim inutive light, receded before the broad blaze of the nightly luminary, leaving here and there only a bright planet, or star of the first magnitude. 'As she sailed along high in the heavens, the brightness of her light, which had partially obscured the distant horizon, was so universally diffused around the hemisphere, that an unobscured and well-defined horizon might be seen wherever the sky seemed to meet and kiss the fathom less deep. Her shining light falling on the broad ex panse, shadowed forth a long line of intense brightness, ind the rippling sea, as it rose from the agitation of the 23 265 266 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. | wind, ever and anon sent forth innumerable sparkling gems, which might be traced far away in the distant seaboard. The western breeze blew gently, and the Cruiser being under short sail, was slowly impelled, with a noiselessness so profound, that not even the breaking of the water* at her bows was heard. The high excitement of the day had now produced a severe reaction, and the officers and crew, as if by common consent, had (except a few of the watch, the Commander, helmsman, and officer of the deck,) fallen into a sound sleep ; naught was heard except the flap ping of the low sail as she rolled to windward, or the creaking of the yards ; and a contemplative mind, in a scene like this, might have subsisted on its sublimity for hours. " How different is this scene," observed the young seaman to the boatswain, as they were walking the main-deck together, " to that of the day which is now past. How often have I, in such a night as this, when , the gallant ship has been impelled through the water by the steady trade wind ; how often, in pacing the deck during my watch, has my mind dwelt with rapture on future scenes of happiness, which, alas ! had their only existence in my poor heart, and were never, never destined to have a brighter reality. Ah ! my friend," he continued, " our day dreams and night visions of hap piness have their greatest enjoyment in the anticipation; for behold, how few realize what they have in prospect, and when the chances of reality accumulate, and hope's expectations are wrought to the highest point, at the THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 267 moment, when we are just about to seize the prize, it eludes our grasp, and vanishes away, leaving not a wreck behind. Now I would not disturb your feelings, that have been induced by the calm serenity of this night, yet, my friend, the day past, which has been shrouded in gloom and obscurity, together with the dangers we have escaped, was more congenial to my feelings, than this night which is marked with so much beauty and magnificence. I know not how it is, but as this cruise winds along to its termination, thoughts crowd over my mind, of a dark and foreboding nature. It is true we have made 'many narrow escapes, and you and I have neither, lost life nor limb ; yet mark the condition of this Cruiser and her crew, weakened as she is in her complement of men, and even those who are now on board, not capable of actual service. Mark again, the alteration in the temper of our Commander, and then you will agree with me that we are not in a fit condition to remain on this cruising ground, and further, if my judgment does not deceive me, such is the peculiar state of the skipper, that it would not cost him many hours of sorrow 7 , if this craft fell into the hands of the British. I do not mean that he would not gal lantly defend her, so far as his courage is concerned, yet if she is captured by a superior force, mark what I now say : the stars and stripes will not be hauled down, until this craft is literally cut to pieces." " Well, well," replied the boatswain, " I do n't think you 're the chap to flinch, but I do n't see that there 's any fun in fighting a frigate or a line-of-battle ship, if 268 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. we get under their shooting irons, nor do I see any use in nailing the colors to the mast-head, to be shot at like a parcel of dogs, when the fortune of war chanced to throw us in the poAver of the enemy. I '11 tell you what, messmate," he continued, " this craft has been poorly managed, and I begin to think like yourself, that it '11 wind up at last with some rash act, that will put her in the possession of the British, and you and I (if we do n't lose the number of our mess,) will have a place where the dogs won't bark at us. I've been thinking," he continued, " that this cruise will soon come to an end one way or the other, and now, mess mate, if we should be taken, why d' ye see, we may be parted for a long time, or perhaps we may never meet again. Now if it should please God that I should slip my moorings first, why then all that I 've got in this world, (and that 's not much, excepting my prize-money in this craft, and a few shiners in the Savings' Bank in York,) I say all I 've got is yours. Only just give me your word, that if I'm popped off the hooks by a chance shot from the enemy, your own hands will lash the hammock that contains my mortal body, and you will see me decently buried in the blue ocean. Promise me this, and then your old messmate, whenever the order comes, I trust will be ready to heave up his anchor, and make sail for the good port. I '11 tell you what, messmate, since we had that bit of small talk the other day, I 've been overhauling my reck'nings, and it just puts me in mind of what old marm used to say, when I 'd slip home after a long cruise at sea ; but then THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 269 I was a wild, rattlebrain, harum scarum kind of a chap, and did n't much care about such ^things ; but, messmate, since I've been in your company, and tracked your course all along, and see that you 're not the chap to flinch when danger comes, or dodge at a shot, or hang back when the boarders are called, I say I've looked at all these matters, at the same time you do n't drink grog, nor rip out oaths, and you 're good and kind to all hands, obedient to every order, and re spected by every man fore and aft. I say, thinks I to myself, I '11 just try to get on the same tack, and steer the same course, with my messmate, so as to get the good Pilot on board." The young seaman grasped the hand of his friend passionately, exclaiming : " Nature has made you my superior. I would now in return get the same promise from you, should it please God to call me away first, that your own hand should pay the last sad office to my mortal re mains, whether on the ocean or on the land ; and to you, my friend, do I give most cheerfully all that I have in this world ; nay, it belongs to you and more, even my life itself, for you have saved it more than once at the risk of your own." The two friends were now so completely overpowered by their emotions, that they remained for some time in deep silence, until the boatswain broke the spell, by inquiring of the young seaman when he would finish his yarn. " As we have yet two hours on deck," he replied, 23* 270 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. " and perhaps shall never have a better opportunity, and as my feelings are suited to its melancholy conclu sion, I will endeavor to proceed. v " Again I embarked on a second voyage to the East ladies, and such was my application to obtain a thorough knowledge of seamanship and navigation, that at the expiration of the passage, I felt that I was com petent to discharge the duty of an officer, and deter mined not to hesitate, if an offer were made. It was not long before an opportunity presented, for the second officer's berth on board of our ship ; for the person who had filled that station on the passage, was discharged for disobedience of orders, and drunkenness. .It is true, it was rather an unpleasant matter to sustain this rela tion, with the same crew, and on board of the same ship, in which I had been before the mast ; for you know, messmate, that a second officer is something be tween an officer and seaman in a merchant ship, and is also a kind of servant for both sides. I accepted the berth, however, and although there were many jeerings, such as, ' our second dickey,' and ' you won't speak to a chap, now you've got a handle to your name ; ' these, and many other strokes of sailor's wit, were thrown at me, all of which I regarded not, but persevered dili gently in the discharge of my duty, during the re mainder of the voyage, at the conclusion of which I had the- satisfaction of not only meeting with the appro bation of my superiors, but was also offered a chief mate's berth in an Indiaman belonging to the same employ. THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 271 " After our arrival I lost no time in writing to her who now held my future destiny. Our correspondence was marked with the purest strains of virtuous love. Often when I received her letters, and after perusing the warm breathings of a heart so devoted, and so con stant to 'one that was every way unworthy of her love, I resolved to break my promise and see her again, and throw myself in the embraces of her who was now more than all the world or even life itself to me ; but then re flection taught me, if I sacrificed my honor to this passion, she would then have cause to withdraw her con fidence, which would be worse than death. My mind was so entirely engrossed, and the ardor of my affection so strong, that I was compelled to fly from myself, and seek in the gayety and bustle of the city other objects on which the current of my thoughts and reflections might change their course. With this determination I sallied forth, without any definite end in view, until I found myself walking at a rapid pace, down a narrow street which led to the more frequented and gayer scenes of the city. When I had nearly reached the end of this street, I encountered a man who was walking in the opposite direction. The moment we came in contact, I raised my eyes, fixing them on the person before me, and suddenly starting back, recog nized the infamous wretch who had been the author of all my woes. He spoke not a word, yet he cast upon me a look of the proudest disdain and triumph. ' You are a villain ! ' I pronounced in an audible voice. His dark countenance changed into a savage ferocity, and 272 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. his eyes flashed the fire of rage, yet not a word escaped his lips, and he passed on. " With hurried steps I regained my lodgings, scarcely knowing -what step to pursue, for this encounter had called up all the melancholy associations of my past life. I had once more met the author of my ruin, the ruin of my father's house, and one who had been instru- mentally the cause of hurrying my honored parents to the grave. Yes, I had encountered the man who, under the garb of friendship, robbed me of my fortune, reputation, and honor, and but for him I should have been in the possession of all that could render life happy ; and to make up the catalogue of woes, he too was the cause of banishment from my home, and sent me forth as a wanderer, to acquire a reputation which had been wrested from me by his repeated acts of vil- lany and fraud. These associations, one after another, crowded upon my mind, and so entirely occupied my thoughts and feelings, that madness and revenge got the complete ascendency, and my uncurbed and un bridled passion, being wrought up nearly to phrenzy, I swore in that moment to have redress for all my wrongs. I neither saw nor heard from the detestable villain the whole of the day, during which a thousand plans were suggested by my bewildered brain, to execute that deep revenge which had now gotten entire possession of me. Sometimes I determined to call him out, and settle the affair, in the way the world falsely denominates honor ; that is, by exchanging shots with pistols at the distance of ten paces. Again, I determined to reek my ven- THE AMERICAN CRUISER. ' 273 geance by giving him a severe castigation with a horse whip in some public place. These thoughts occupied my mind until a late hour at night, and I still found myself without any fixed purpose of action. Nearly bewildered in mind, and all the bad passions working upon wild and heated imagination, my brain whirled, and I threw myself on the bed, to seek that repose which my tumultuous passions had so greatly 'disturbed. " Broken slumbers soon took possession of my frame. I dreamed that the gamester and myself had a meeting, and that we had exchanged three shots, mine having taken effect the second time, as the ball passed through his heart, and he instantly expired. This awful dream' of my slumbers continued to harass my mind almost beyond endurance, for I dreamed that I looked upon his blood, his wound and ghastly remains, with a mali cious pleasure that completely satiated my revenge. Then again, as if the mighty phantom sought to harrow up my soul, I dreamed that I was a murderer, that I was guilty in the sight of a just and holy Being, that I had offended against the law, that I must now seek refuge from its penalty, and become an outcast in so ciety. Then, as if to cap the climax, I dreamed of E , her constancy and love remained unshaken, until she received the dreadful intelligence of my ren contre with the gamester, which fell upon her ear and her heart as the death-knell of those in whom all our hopes of happiness centre in this world. The voice, look, and figure of her, who now lay prostrate in a swoon at the receipt of this intelligence, all, all were 274 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. before me in my slumbering imagination. It was too much. I started from my couch, and when I was entirely conscious of being awake, the subject of my visions floated across my brain, as matters of real ex istence. With hurried steps I paced my chamber, and it was long ere my disturbed imagination was sufficiently composed to recognize that the dreams of the past few hours had no existence except in the slumbering phan toms of the brain. " At ten o'clock the following morning, I was startled by a rap at my door. The servant entered, and an nounced that a gentleman was in waiting to see me on particular business. I immediately descended into the parlor, and beheld an exceedingly well-dressed, gentle manly looking man, who politely accosted me, and after the customary morning salutation, handed me a note, the seal of which I broke, and read as follows : " ' Sir : On a former occasion, I received a gross insult from you, which my pity for your youth in duced me to overlook at the time, but you have seen proper to add insult to injury upon an unoffending man, and as I can no longer brook this contumely, I re quest that you will meet me on , and at , to settle this affair, with such weapons as . the laws of honor dictate. The bearer, Mr. S , who is my friend, will make all the requisite arrangements for this meeting. Signed II .' " At this moment, the watch being relieved, the two friends separated for the night. CHAPTER XXVII. IMPORTANT INFORMATION OF THE WEST INDIA AND MEDITER RANEAN FLEET OF MERCHANTMEN. As the termination of this cruise depended for its success, on the prudence, management, and good judg ment of him who had the control of it, and as the tem perament of that person had undergone a manifest al teration, and as he was not blind in regard to the impor tance of the first lieutenant's judgment and opinion, so now upon all occasions, he endeavored to obtain those opinions before he would act in any matter of great importance. In short, his general deportment, stability, equanimity, and unwavering courage, had se cured for him the esteem and confidence, not only of his brother officers and the crew, but also of the Com mander. The terms of intimacy which now existed betAveen the first lieutenant and the Commander, had a very salutary influence upon the officers and crew ; but it was feared among the more sagacious that this compliance on the part of the skipper was only a feint, to call back or se cure once more that confidence and respect which was transferred to the first lieutenant, and that it was only 275 276 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. requisite to present some circumstance or temptation be fore him, in order to rouse into action that impetuosity and rashness which had marked his conduct previously, and had proved so detrimental to the interest of the cruise. Be this as it may, there -was at present an air of good feeling existing throughout the Cruiser, so much so, that no action of importance was executed without a general consultation with all the officers. Even the ward room, which had, for a long time, been the scene of discontent and dissatisfaction, now assumed a cheer fulness that was quite unusual to its inmates. " I begin to think," said the old prize-master, " that we shall make a good cruise of it, and come off with flying colors, after all." " Well," returned the other, " it won't be in a fog, any how, nor it won't be dodging about here, for in my way of thinking, every craft we see about these parts will be a man-of-war ; so, then, if we make a good cruise 'according to your notion, we'll have to get another cruising ground." " Why I don't know," replied the prize-master, " but that you're half right ; but what do you think of shoving this craft a little further up the Channel ? " " And what do you think," returned the Down Easter, " of a snug berth in a British prison ? I think we are just near enough to that Island, and as I never had * much liking for an Englishman, and particularly for long confinement, and as I think prudence and discre tion are the better parts of honor as well as valor, why then, rather than to run up Channel, I'd sooner see the THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 277 head of this craft put to the westward, steering off for Yankee land." " Well, I don't believe the skipper will have much respect for your feelings," grunted out the old prize- master, " and in my way of thinking we shall finish this cruise before many days roll over our heads." " What do you mean by that ? " inquired the Down Easter. " Mean," returned the other, " why I mean just this, that in my opinion, we are going up Channel, and that's all one, you know, as running the gauntlet ; so when we get up yonder, we shall not be long before we have plenty pf work one way or the other, that is, we shall fall in with plenty of vessels, and they will either be men-of-war or merchantmen. Now if they are men-of- war, why then the game is up with us, for we shall be sure to be taken, and then the cruise is finished. Now if we should happen to fall in with merchant vessels, and make two or three prizes, why then, in that case, we shall square away for the ' United States ; but mind what I say, if we should take any prizes in this region, it would be little less than a miracle, if they are not re captured." During this conversation, to which the officers of the ward-room were attentively listening, the doctor inquired very gravely, in reference to the capture of crusing vessels by the enemy, what disposition was made of the surgeon. " I have heard," he continued, that they are consid ered as non-combatants, consequently they are not put 24 278 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. under close confinement, but are entitled, with the cap tain and first lieutenant, to their parole." " A very Avise consideration," replied the old soaking prize-master, " on the part of the British, for the Lord himself knows that they could have affixed a more ap propriate name to these gentry, except that some credit may be given, to them for the shedding of blood." ' That may be true Avith many of them," observed the Down Easter, " but our surgeon will never have that sin to answer for, that is, I mean on board of this craft. Now what he may have done on shore in the Avay of taking off arms and legs, and shedding blood in this way, is not for me to say ; " the Down Easter would have proceeded farther, but was suddenly inter rupted by the non-combatant, who remarked, that if the patient, upon whom he had performed the operation of amputating the leg, bled to death, it was not his fault, because the operation was perfomed according to the laws of science and medical practice. " That may be, but the Lord help me," said the Down Easter, " if a man is to bleed to death according to the laws of science, and that science to be exhibited by such practitioners, who don't know how to take up the arteries, and save a man's life ; why then I say, the Lord defend me from such, for I had rather the ball would pass through my body and do the work genteelly, than to come under the cutting and slashing of many of those who are dubbed with the title of M. D." As this conversation no doubt was intended for the doctor, and as it applied to him in truth, he said but THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 279 little in his own defence, and after a confirmation of his suggestion, in regard to the parole of surgeons, he shrunk back into one corner of the ward-room, well satisfied that in any event his condition would not be as bad as that of any other part of the crew. Morning brought with it one of those beautiful and bland days, which are so rare on the coast of England at this season of the year. The wind was light, the sea smooth, and the horizon clearly defined ; the look-out was at his station aloft before the sun made his appear ance, while the practised eye of the seaman (which had been strengthened by long use,) ranged the whole circumference of the horizon by a long and searching gaze ; his silence proclaimed the intelligence that there were not any vessels in sight. The customary duties of the morning watch were being performed, and when finished, seven bells denoted the welcome news for the hour of breakfast. This necessary duty being performed, and the watch on deck at their accustomed duties, the officers of the ward-room were all summoned on deck, after which a consultation began as follows : " Gentlemen," observed the Commander, " I have thought proper to call upon you, in order that each may give his opinion in regard to the general interest of this cruise, as well as the interest of each one of us in par ticular. You are all aware that on this cruising ground we run much hazard, and in this particular season of the year, dense mists and fogs are exceedingly preva lent. The experience of one day alone has shown us, 280 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. that little can be done -with any degree of security in such weather. Again, should any vessels heave in sight, they are more likely to be men-of-war than merchantmen, for the plain reason that few vessels, (except those that are well manned and armed,) will venture out without convoy. To remain here, therefore, of course must be attended with danger, and without the chance of suc cess. I have weighed this matter, and think the better plan to adopt is, to run well up Channel. It is true we shall be likely to fall in with men-of-war, but we shall be mucn more likely to fall in with merchantmen there, than on this cruising ground. I am aware that we shall increase the hazard of being captured, but then it is necessary to our success, that we risk the chances of war, for unless we do so, we may as well give up the interest of the cruise, and steer immediately away for the United States." The Commander paused a moment, and then re quested the first lieutenant to give his opinion freely, without bias, or with any reference to that which he had just advanced. " In my judgment," observed the first lieutenant, " to remain any longer on this ground would only be a consumption of time, and a waste of provisions and water; for we have the most positive demonstration, by the small amount of provisions and water, that in any case it cannot be long before we must go into port. I therefore coincide with your opinion, sir, to leave this ground as quick as possible, and run up Channel. It is true we shall incur some risk, but I trust with caution , THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 281 and a good look-out, we shall ultimately finish the cruise with honor and profit." After the first lieutenant had given his opinion, each of the officers were interrogated in their turn ; some of Avhom coincided with the first lieutenant, but the greater part of them were decidedly opposed in getting so close to " John Bull's dominion," as they termed it. While this consultation was being carried on, and many con flicting opinions advanced, it was suddenly interrupted by a report from the look-out at the mast-head, that a sail was in sight to the westward. In a very short time the Cruiser was under a press of sail, with her head on the trail of the stranger. The state of feeling which now existed on board of the Cruiser was indeed very different from that high excitement which was mani fested on such occasions on the former part of the cruise ; whether this was owing to the perilous location of the cruising ground, or the prospect of running up Channel and thus increase the risk of being captured, or whether it was owing to a want of that confidence which they ought to have, in the ability of the Com mander, or whether the combination of these circum stances together, had not their united influence to produce this apparent listlessness, is a matter I shall leave to the opinion of the reader. It is true every preparation was made for action, but then even a casual observer would not be at a loss to discover, that there was but little desire to encounter the enemy. . There was now every prospect that the Cruiser would overhaul the chase before night, as two hours had 24* 282 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. scarcely passed since the stranger was first made, and her courses 'were . already raised from the deck, and further, it was yet early in the day. So rapidly -did the Cruiser come up with the chase, that before' two o'clock her character was ascertained to be a bri? O standing to the westward, and her whole appearance was that of a merchant vessel. At five o'clock the stranger was in reach of Long Tom, and after the first salutation she rounded to, and displayed the Dutch flag at her peak. In thirty minutes the boats of the Cruiser might have been seen boarding the Dutchman, from whom they not only received some supplies of pro visions and water, but also important information. This brig was from Liverpool, bound to Surinam, the captain of which informed the Commander of the Cruiser, that the combined Mediterranean and West India fleet of merchantmen were now at their rendezvous in Cork, and would sail in a very few days under a strong convoy. The Dutch skipper was remunerated liberally for his provisions and water, and after expressing many thanks to him, for his kindness and the information he had given, he stood on his course to the southward and westward. On the receipt of this important intelli gence, as might have been supposed, it produced a uni versal burst of feeling and excitement ; for it was con fidently believed, that the Commander's experience had taught him a salutary lesson, so that in the event of falling in with this fleet, he would not rashly or impru dently jeopardize the Cruiser or the lives of the crew, and throw away the chances of completing the cruise ; THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 283 nevertheless they relied more implicitly on the judgment and coolness of the first lieutenant, and as the Com mander had manifested a disposition to act measurably in concert with the judgment of his officers, it recon ciled them to the perilous undertaking of cruising up Channel, so that they might fall in with the fleet. The Cruiser's head was now put to the eastward, and as they were in hourly expectation of hard chasing or hard fighting, they embraced the present favorable oppor tunity to ascertain with the greatest precision her best trim for sailing, and her best rates. After repeated trials, it was decided that her greatest proportional speed was before the wind, although she was no laggard close hauled. Being now satisfied in regard to her sailing, every preparation was made for action, such as fitting preventer slings for the yards and gaffs, stoppers for the rigging, tomkins for shot-holes, &c., the arma ment was also put in the best order, and additional am munition was being made ready with cartridge and ball ; in short, the Cruiser was now in the best possible pre paration, according to her strength," either for the fight or chase. ' CHAPTER XXVIII. THE YOUNG SEAMAN'S NARRATIVE CONCLUDED. THE following morning, after having received the im portant intelligence from the Dutch brig, the Cruiser might have been seen, steering gallantly up the Irish Channel. Her snow-white canvass, which was now spread on every yard and spar, looked at a small dis tance, like a white cloud, and formed a striking con trast to the dark, heavy appearance, that marked in these days the distinction between the American and British cruiser. She glided along over the sur face of the smooth sea, as a creature of life and reason, obedient to every impulse, and increasing her speed as sail after, sail was spread. Like an ocean- bird that floats on its native element, so the Cruiser, with buoyant wings, was driven forward, over the swelling flood, toward her intended place of destination and probable conflict. Every heart (excepting those of the more reflecting,) was light and merry, nor dreamed of any reverse of circumstances. To this enjoyment the musical powers of Jimmy contributed not a little, and although the main-deck and forecastle presented the bright gleams of 284 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 285 sunshine, yet there were those on the quarter-deck and ward-room whose whole exterior depicted the lowering cloud of foreboding evil ; yet no traces of fear or cow ardice could be discovered, and if every heart could have been laid open for inspection, the result would have been that no quailing or flinching would be mani fested in the hottest battle or the hardest chase. " Well, messmate," observed the boatswain to the young seaman, " I believe we are now in the Channel, and it won't be long with this fine weather, before some thing heaves in sight to make work for us. Now whether it will be good work or bad work, is not for me to say ; but there is one thing I will say, and that is, that this craft was never in a better condition to fight or run (except that we 've not got men enough,) than she is now, and I should n't mind having a bit of a dust, with an equal chance, especially if our first lieutenant has his way in the matter ; but just so sure as that madcap skipper of ours takes to his old follies again, and we should get jammed up this Channel, why then the jig's up with us, and there 's an. end on 't." " We have been messmates together," replied the young seaman, " upwards of three years, and I know not how it is, yet there is something in my heart which tells me, that one of us will never reach the United States again. How often, my friend, have I told you hi regard to my own history, that the brightest pros pects have terminated with evil. And what is our condition at the present moment ? Almost every heart seems to bound with joy, nay, even the condition 286 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. of this craft, and the bright and beautiful weather, and the glorious sun, that sends forth its refulgent rajs, giving light and heat to creation, all seem to inspire the heart with feelings of happiness and ultimate success ; yet the very reverse has taken entire pos session of my feelings. Yes, there is a dark cloud of foreboding evil, which has gathered around me, and although I fear not to face the enemy or death if need be, yet I cannot say that this pulse of mine moves quite as regularly, when I contemplate the hour that I shall be called to separate from you." This prophetical declaration, made a very serious im pression upon the boatswain. " Well, well," the old tar replied, " I can't help be lieving what you say, and I know you 're not the lad to flinch ; but what 's the use of taking all this melancholy upon interest ? Come, come, messmate, cheer up, and let'? take things as they come, for d'ye see, I believe you and I will have some bright days together after all. It 's very true, by the way, that your prophesying gen erally comes out like a good lunar observation." " What do you mean by that ? " observed the young seaman. " Why just this," replied the boatswain. "When the distance is worked up, you '11 know exactly where the ship is ; but if what you say should turn" out to be so, and as we have a bit of time in our watch below, why I 'd like to hear the balance of your yarn." The young seaman complied as follows : " I accepted without hesitation, aye, and without re- THE AMERICAN CRUISER. flection too, the challenge which I had received, and after addressing a note to this effect to the gamester, I delivered it to his friend. We arranged the usual matters, such as the weapons, distance, time, place, &c. Nothing was now left for me to do except to procure a friend, who should act as my second ; this was easily effected, in the person of one with whom I was very intimate, and in whom I had confided all my past his tory. Would you believe it, my friend ? my whole soul was so filled with the thoughts of revenge on the mis creant wrefcch, that I scarcely thought of my fair E , nor the dreadful crime which I was ahout to commit, nor the offence against the laws. All these were foreign to my thoughts and feelings, yet I had made the necessary arrangements to elude the arm of the law and make my escape, should my antagonist fall in this coirtest. When, however, the excitement of the day passed off, and cool reflection assumed its empire, then I shuddered at the prospect before me. It is true, I was about to raise my arm against the life of a fellow creature. But then, did he not deserve pun ishment ? Was not his heart as black as his life was in famous ? Had he not been guilty of the basest crimes of robbery and murder ? Was he not too the author of all my sorrows and woes ? These questions could be an swered affirmatively, yet they could not, and did not quiet my conscience. 0, no ! there is an hour of retributive justice rolling on, when the murderer's doom shall be irrevocably fixed, and shall I by this act place myself among that number, and be instrumental ia 288 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. hurrying a wretch to his .final doom ? These reflections nearly overpowered my senses. I shuddered in wild amazement, and would have retraced niy steps, but alas ! I had gone too far, and if I now retracted, I should be branded with the epithet of coward. I could not bear it, and the laws of honor (falsely so called,) forbade retraction. I thought of my fair E ; her love and constancy were more virtuous and true, than romance has ever delineated. Alas ! would she not despise the hand that could imbrue itself in human blood ? And would she unite a heart pure and spotless to one that had been guilty of the foul deed of murder ? 0, no ! she could not, she would not ; the lovely and beauteous flower would be nipped by the withering blasts of sorrow, until death should transplant it to a purer and fairer clime. My friend, I would have given worlds to have recalled one short day. It was not yet too late, but alas ! I had not moral courage to stop, but rushing madly on, I sought to drown my feelings in the fashion able amusements of the day. But these afforded no relief. " The appointed time of meeting drew near. I wrote to E , with renewed protestations of love and con stancy, with my determination of making another voyage to the East Indies, and then throw myself at her feet. This letter was written with a trembling hand, hastily sealed, and sent off; after which I pre pared myself for the conflict. The day and hour had now arrived. We met with our seconds according to THE AMERICAN CRUISER. appointment, and as the laws of duelling gave me the choice of weapons and distance, I selected pistols, and the distance to be twelve paces. I fixed a keen glance upon my antagonist, and saw that he was pale and hag gard, his whole frame shaking violently, and it was evident to the most superficial observer, that his courage had failed. Unwilling to take the advantage of him, I sought a reconciliation, through the medium of iny friend ; but his friend declined any' com promise, except by exchange of shots. The distance was measured, and by lot he had the first shot. He fired, and the ball grazed the back of my neck, merely breaking the skin. It now came to my turn, and I discharged my pistol in the air, and still asked for a compromise. His friend and himself were inexorable, and apparently elated in having another chance, and, as I supposed, thirsting for my blood, he fired again without any effect. As it was impossible to come to any terms of reconciliation, I de termined, if possible, to avoid killing him, but at the same time to inflict such a wound as would place him beyond the power of renewing the attack. I dis charged my pistol, and he fell. " I saw no more. My friend hurried me away from the ground to a place of concealment, in order that I might avoid the infliction of the law, until the ship was ready to sail for the East Indies. The deepest suspense hung over the next twenty-four hours ; all was dark, gloomy, and foreboding. I had now shed human blood, and whether the subject of my wrongs had received a mortal wound or not, was a matter that involved my 25. 290 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. peace of mind forever. The mental sufferings of a few short hours nearly deprived me of existence. At length, however, I was relieved from this state of insufferable anguish ; my friend informed me that he had ascertained that the wound was not mortal, the ball having entered above the shoulder blade, had been extracted, and that his confinement would be of short duration. In a feAv days the ship was ready for sea. Again I wrote to my dearest E , and gave her an account of all that had passed, imploring her forgive ness and the continuance of her unabated love. Once more, then, I found myself measurably free, and as the ship was to sail immediately, I left my place of conceal ment, embarked on board, and was soon installed with the first officer's berth. We got under way immediate ly, and with a leading breeze and flowing sheet, in a few hours I bade adieu to the place of my sufferings, and to the home that contained all that was dear to me on earth. " Rumor, with her busy tongue, and with much ex aggeration, had detailed the account of my unhappy meeting with the gamester ; but then it operated great ly to my advantage on board, for I was extolled as a courageous chap that would not dodge at a shot, but also that my conduct in the whole affair was honorable, and that my antagonist richly merited punishment at my hands. Nor was this all ; this affair procured for me a degree of respect and awe from my superior, as well as the crew, to which perhaps I was not entitled. I will not enter into a detail of this voyage, suffice it to say THE AMERICAN CRUISER. that nothing transpired of particular import. I believe that I discharged the duties of my station to the entire satisfaction of the Commander. " We arrived in the United States after a year's ab sence, and as I had distinguished myself, and my con duct was much approved, I was offered an excellent command. " Now then my friend, x you perceive that I had re-es tablished my reputation, and could honorably claim my prize, having fulfilled my pledge. The sun shone brilliantly upon my prospects, although dark clouds would occasionally flit across my mind and obscure the future. Nevertheless the buoyancy of youth, and the bright and cheering path that lay before me, and above all, that my dearest E would soon be mine, by virtue of all that was sacred and honorable all these considerations conspired to make me happy, and drive far away every unwelcome anxiety. " Alas ! this was the happiness of anticipation, des tined never to have an existence in reality. It was the morning of brightness, that exhibited the cloudless sky and brilliant orb of day, which, ere he had performed half his destined round, was shrouded in gloom, and storms and tempests closed the mournful scene. I had scarcely reached the place of my nativity, when my ear was saluted with the overwhelming and dreadful intelligence, that she for whom I had braved every danger who had been the stimulus of all my acts that she whose love never diminished, and whose constancy for me had never shaken, and whose 292 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. last words were an invocation that Heaven would grant a meeting of our two spirits in that bright world where the blighting sorrows of earth are unknown that this dearest object of all my affection and love, was no more. Over whelmed with the dreadful shock, my firmness entirely forsook me, and it was many days before I recovered suffi cient composure of mind, to listen to the details of her ill ness and subsequent death. Exaggerated accounts of my unhappy rencontre with the gamester, reached her through the medium of the newspapers, in which it was stated that a bloody affair had taken place, in which I had killed my antagonist, and that I was obliged to leave my country forever. This account was never con tradicted, and although she had received my letter, which detailed the account of the whole affair, yet it was so entirely different from that in the newspaper, that she knew not on which to rely. Numerous vague reports, some of which were not very favorable to my character as a duellist, were freely circulated, and which made such a melancholy impression upon her mind, that her health gradually declined, and her deli cate frame sunk under the violence of the shock it had received. Yet the pure breathings of her love for me, were poured forth in her greatest bodily and mental af fliction ; and never for a moment did she doubt my honor, or by any word or action cast a shade of reproach upon my integrity. " Notwithstanding the predictions of physicians and friends, her father could not realize that her end was near. He still dreamed that 'she might be raised again THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 293 to comparative health, and be spared a while longer ; and to her earnest and solemn predictions that the part ing hour was near, he still replied in the language of hope and assurance. The pure spirit that still inhabited the tenement of clay, notwithstanding the assurance of her father, was rapidly passing to mingle in ce lestial joy with bright seraphs above, while expressions of holy trust, showed that the spirit felt its affinity to the world of purity and peace she Avas approaching. She died praying for me. ' " Time's withering hand can never, my friend, efface the sad remembrance of those days. Solitary and alone I struck the pathway that led to the noise and bustle of the seaport, and notwithstanding the tu multuous confusion and hurry which in every street crowded upon me, yet more and more the loneliness of my condition, gathered around my poor heart, and the gay and busy world afforded me no consolation, for I looked upon it all as 'one vast charnel house. In short, my mind became so much depressed, that I was com pelled, if I may thus speak, to fly from myself. I wan dered up and down, not having any definite object in view, except that a vague thought would sometimes cross my mind, that if I could find one in whom I could confide, and to whom I could unburthen my soul, and pour forth the sorrow of my heart, I should then be relieved. " My messmate you know the rest. In you I have found a. faithful friend, and to you have I poured forth the sorrows of my aching spirit. I look only to death for 25* 294 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. comfort. Then I shall be ready to enter into the enjoy ment of peace and happiness, to which I have been a stranger on earth." Overcome by this sad and melancholy recital, the tears fell from the young seaman's eyes, and he sunk back, and strove to hide his anguish from his sympa thizing friend. CHAPTER XXIX. * CAPTURE OP A BRITISH BRIG IN A FOG, WITH THE BOATS. THE wind blew briskly from the south-west, with thick foggy weather, as the Cruiser dashed along over the rough sea under short sail ; from the- observation of the previous day, she was now judged to be off the old Head Kinsale ; consequently the deepest anxiety pre vailed, for the information received from the Dutch brig was correct. It was now time for the fleet to be under way. But in this state of weather she would be as likely to pounce alongside of a man-of-war, as a merchantman; and although on the one hand they might consider the dense mist as a friend, yet on the other, the chances were two to one against them. However, nothing daunted, they dashed along, being determined to risk all the chances against them in reference to the weather, and improve all the favor able circumstances which were afforded to them by the dense fog which now prevailed. The wind freshened, and ever and anon blew in fitful gusts, driving the mist before it, so that now and then objects might be seen at a half a mile distance ; but soon the fog again shut in, and objects could not be seen the 296 296 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. length of the vessel. This, indeed, was highly favor able to the Cruiser ; for if perchance she got into the fleei, she would of course. have the advantage of Elect ing out a merchant vessel, at the same time the fog would enable her to keep clear of the convoy. The morning watch passed away with the same state of wea ther, and nothing was seen by the look out aloft ; but they were not long destined to remain inactive, or with out some source of excitement ; for before two hours had passed away in the forenoon watch, the fog raised up from the surface of the water, and discovered the Cruiser to be in the midst of the fleet. Scarcely had they time to take the bearing of a large merchant brig, that was about an eighth of a mile distant, ere the whole fleet was again shrouded from the view by the dense and impenetrable fog. The greatest caution and prudence was now necessary. At first it was thought best to run the Cruiser alongside the brig, and carry her by boarding. This plan, however, was overruled by the first lieutenant, because, as he affirmed, should the fog clear up when the two vessels were in contact, and should they be seen by the convoy, of course it would create suspicion, and the Cruiser would be taken and the prize re-captured. " In my judgment," observed the first lieutenant to the Commander, " our best plan is, to endeavor to take that brig with our boats, and if we succeed, of course we shall avoid alarming the convoy, and we may then put prize-master and crew on board of her, with orders THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 297 to keep with the fleet until night, and then make the best of her way to the United States." Tke proposition of the lieutenant was so plausible, that it met with the entire approbation of the Commander. But now a dangerous service was to be performed, and it required stout hearts to carry it into execution. Vol unteers were called for, when the boatswain and the young seaman were in the foremost rank. The com plement, however, was soon completed, and twenty men were despatched in the two boats, the one commanded by the second lieutenant, and the other by a prize- master with our two heroes. Now the danger of this service was not confined ex clusively to the boarding of the brig, but the peril was increased from the fact that one of the boats was small, and it Avould require great management and ability to keep her afloat in the heavy sea which was now run ning ; but she was ably manned, and if courage and skill could execute this enterprise, they were not want ing in these two boats. They were, however, ordered to keep alongside until the fog should clear away, so that the bearings of the brig could be correctly taken. The wind now increased, and the fog, which had not lifted for the last hour, seemed to increase in density. In a moment of the deepest anxiety the shadow of the brig, which was now close on board, shot through the almost impenetrable gloom, and in the next minute she was lost sight of in the fog. . " B-o-a-r-d-e-r-s a-w-a-y ! " shouted the Commander. The fasts were cast off, and during the next minute, THE AMERICAN CRUISER. the boats were seen pulling on the top of the waves, and then disappearing in the impenetrable mist. For several minutes, the Cruiser stood on theasame tack as that on which the brig was steering, and in the same direction which the boats had given way. Ten minutes twenty minutes ! the Cruiser stood on, yet nothing was seen of the brig or the boats. But if they were perplexed and anxious in the Cruiser, they were much more so, and -indeed had much greater cause to be perplexed and anxious in the boats ; for it not only required all their skill, but also excessive labor to keep them above water. Add to this the deep state of uncer tainty in regard to the position and course of the brig. Now they might be seen struggling with .almost super natural strength at the oars, endeavoring to impel their frail barks against the heavy sea. Then again they might have been seen driving away with incredible rapidity before the wind, and the roaring sea with crested tops breaking over them, while the dashing spray in heavy showers came tumbling in the boats. The weight and pressure of this body of water, had nearly swamped them. The perplexity of their situation now gave way to a very different feeling, for until the last ten minutes the boats had managed to keep in sight of each other, but now they were separated, and chance alone would again throw them together. For the next ten minutes it re quired all the exertions of the lesser boat's crew (which Avas commanded by the prize-master) to keep her afloat, for a squall had rendered her nearly unmanageable ; THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 299 and they were obliged to let her drive before the wind and sea, which poured in on either side, so that it re quired more than human exertions to keep her from sinking. After the strength of the squall had passed over, and the bow of the boat was laid head to sea, the prize-master inquired of the boatswain, what course he thought most likely would bring them in sight of the brig or the boat. " Why, as to the matter of that," replied the old tar, " one way is about as good as another, but in my way of thinking, if we keep our bow head to this cockling sea, we may fall in with our shipmates." " What 's that," inquired the young seaman hastily, as a dark shadow shot across his vision. The next moment two or three voices exclaimed, " The boat the boat." The surprise and satisfaction was so great at this un expected but much desired meeting, that for a few minutes the object of this perilous enterprise was mea surably forgotten. At length, however, a plan was concerted, so that if possible they might not again separate ; for the chances were indeed very limited to fall in with the brig, and it would require all their care and management to keep the small boat from sinking, as she had strained and worked hard, and her gun-wales were carried away by the violence of the waves. It therefore became abso lutely necessary that the larger boat should be near to save the crew of the other, in the event of her foun dering. 300 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. These arrangements being all made, again they tug ged at the oars for the next half hour, and with in credible labor they managed to keep head on to the sea. But the fatigue occasioned by these great exertions nearly exhausted their strength, and they had nearly come to the conclusion to give over the chase, when a sail was discovered not more than thirty yards to wind ward. " The Cruiser the Cruiser !" was the cry of many voices. And they were not deceived, for the next moment she darted past the boats like an arrow, without perceiving them, close-hauled on the larboard tack. The chagrin and mortification of the boats' crews may be more easily imagined than described, because it was highly probable that the Cruiser had seen the Eng lishman, and was now steering on the same course, so as to protect the boats. It was agreed, therefore, to keep after the Cruiser, as the safest plan for their own security, and also to fall in with the brig. Again the bows of the boats were directed on the track in which the Cruiser was last seen, and it required all their remaining strength and skill to keep them in that position. The mist had become if possible more dense, and of course it increased more and more their difficulty. They toiled incessantly ; pulling, and baling the water from the boats for three quarters of an hour. Faint and weary with extreme exhaustion, they were about to lay their oars in and let the boat drive along at the mercy of the wind and waves ; but just at that THE AMERICAN CRUISER. critical moment (when both the mind and the body were completely wora out with fatigue, and which had brought on a kind of apathetic listlessness,) the brig was seen close under the lee. She was discovered si multaneously by the two boats. " Give way, my lads !" shouted the prize-master and the second lieutenant at the same instant. The order was unnecessary, for the men sprung to the oars like so many lions, and in the course of the next ten minutes, the two boats were grappled to the Englishman's main chains, on the lee side. " Keep in your boats," shouted the English skipper, " or I will sink you." The discharge of a brace of pistols by the young sea man, obliged John Bull to retreat from his position. Taking advantage of the temporary absence, the crew of the small boat, with the prize-master, boatswain, and the young seaman, at their head, sprang up the side and gained the deck before the English Captain had time to rally. It was in vain for him now to contend against ten resolute, determined, well-armed men ; for although some resistance was made, yet they were soon over powered by the courage and impetuosity of the Yankee tars, and in less than fifteen minutes after they had gained the deck, the British brig was a prize to the Americans. According to the previous arrangement, the prize- master and crew, (that had composed the crew of the larger boat,) now took possession of the brig, and to the 26 302 THE AMERICAN CRTJI8EB. great joy and satisfaction of the Americans, this ar rangement had scarcely been finished when the Cruiser hove in sight, about forty yards to windward. She im mediately bore down, and very soon learned that her boats had captured the brig. The Americans, all except the prize crew, again took to their boats. The Captain of the brig, with one half the crew, were also taken on board the Cruiser. But although she had run to leeward of the prize, yet it was not without the greatest difficulty and exertion that the small boat was kept afloat, for when within about ten yards of the Cruiser, she went down, and the crew narrowly escaped with their lives, being saved by the other boat. The joy and satisfaction of all on board, at the capture of the brig, and especially the praise that was bestowed on the prize-master, boatswain, young seaman, and crew of the small boat, knew no bounds. Indeed, the perilous situation of the Cruiser and her prize was almost lost sight of, from the fact that the brig was richly laden, and if she reached the United States in safety, the proceeds of her sale would nett at least five hundred dollars per share. The joy and transport of the crew may therefore be imagin ed, and it was not till the fog had once more lifted (which presented several vessels close by) that this feeling merged into another source of high excitement ; for the expectations of the crew were now wrought up to the highest point, from the fact that the bearings of a splendid looking merchant ship were taken, and so confident were they of capturing this vessel, that the THE AMERICAN CRUISER. prize-master and crew were selected to take possession of her. Their excitement was also kept up by the assurance that had been given by the Commander, that after the capture of one more prize, they would return directly to the United States. Gratified beyond mea sure at the speedy prospect of their return, as well as highly elated at the almost certainty of capturing an other prize, every command was obeyed with the utmost cheerfulness, nor did they for once dream of any thing but home, a large amount of prize-money, and the con sequent jovial sprees when on shore. The interminable fog had again settled, and so thick and dense, that objects could not be seen the length of the vessel. The Cruiser was now close hauled on the larboard tack, and the ship when last seen, wa's on the same tack, under a press of sail. The next minute, no trace could be seen of her through the impenetrable mist, and the exultation and excitement were measur ably lost, for every moment the perilous situation of the Cruiser increased, as she had been standing on that tack for nearly four hours ; consequently it was judged they were in the vicinity of the convoy. " What is your opinion," observed the Commander to the first lieutenant, " in regard to the sailing Of that ship whose bearings were taken." " It is impossible to answer that question," replied the lieutenant, " as we have no opportunity of ascer taining her speed." - l - 1 Where away do you think she may be now ?" again observed the Commander. THE AMERICAN CRUISER. " In my judgment," replied the first lieutenant, " we cannot be a great distance apart, and I sincerely hope that it may not be long before this fog clears away suf ficiently, so that we may get sight of her, for the risk of falling in with the convoy increases upon us every moment." The Commander was silent and thoughtful, and after a few moments changed the conversation, and remarked that they would be amply compensated, if the brig which they had just taken arrived safe into the United States. At that moment, the mist was driven away be fore the south-west gale, when not only the ship, their intended victim, but several other vessels, among which the prize brig was seen. The brig, however, was dodging about as if she had neither helm, pilot, or com mander. This was not a matter of much surprise, for the old soaking prize-master had charge of her, and it was supposed that the brandy bottle had charge of him ; in the next five minutes all again was lost sight of in the mist. CHAPTER XXX. THE DOOM OF THE CRUISER. PERHAPS there is no situation more perilous in time of war than to be on the enemy's coast, in the midst of a fleet xinder strong convoy, and, at the same time-, im mersed in an impenetrable mist. This, then, was the situation and condition of the Cruiser. It is true there were some advantages ; but even when the dense fog would settle or lift up from the surface of the ocean, the interim was so limited between that and the profound gloom that obscured every object from the vision, that it was impossible to designate the peaceful merchant vessel from a man-of-war. No mistake, however, could possibly have been made in regard to the ship which had been selected for the next prize ; the only difficulty that could now occur arose from the circumstance that as the mist was clearing off to windward, it would bring the Cruiser in sight of the convoy before she could pos sibly make the second capture. The ship was again seen directly ahead, at not more than the distance of a musket shot off. It had been determined to run the Cruiser alongside and carry her by boarding ; and so confident were they that the ship 26* 305 306 THE AMERICAN CRUISEK. would be in possession of the Cruiser, that the baggage and trunks of the prize-master and crew were at the gangway to be in readiness to throw on board of the prize. Every moment their expectations increased, as the Cruiser was overhauling her rapidly. " Sail ho !" shouted the look out from the mast head, " three points on the starboard bow, and standing on the starboard tack ; she is close aboard, -sir, 'and looks like a frigate." The fog was now driven away to leeward by the wind, and in a few minutes the frigate shot out of the mist not more than five hundred yards distant from the Cruiser. The enemy being under her topsails and fore- topsail stay-sail, immediately crowded on her canvass, and stood on until she had reached the Cruiser's quar ter, then tacked and discharged her forward division, or battery, at the Cruiser, which however did no other damage than to cut away two of her lee main shrouds, which were quickly secured with stoppers. The Cruiser was hauled close by the wind, and, as it blew stiffly, it be came a fair trial of speed between the two vessels. In less than thirty minutes it was abundantly evident that the Cruiser not only held a better wind, but consider ably fore-reached the enemy. If this advantage, there fore, had continued, the Cruiser could have escaped with out much difficulty ; but a perplexing circumstance now arose, from the fact that the prize brig was but a short distance off, and from her manoeuvres the least saga cious seaman would immediately discover that something was wrong, ,'* , THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 307 Now, as the Cruiser was in the midst of the fleet, the strong presumption among all the officers was that the frigate would come at the truth, or that her officers would immediately know that she was a captured vessel. As this, then, was the undivided opinion on the quar ter deck of the Cruiser, and, as no doubt remained of the superiority of her sailing upon a wind, it was there fore thought advisable 'by the Commander to bear up before the wind ; expressing his belief that the Cruiser would greatly outsail the frigate, and by this manoeuvre they would save the prize brig, as the frigate no doubt would continue the chase after the Cruiser. The first lieutenant immediately remonstrated against this mea sure. " Observe," he continued, " is she not more than one point under our lee quarter, and scarcely a gun shot distance from us ; now if this craft is kept before the wind, in less than five minutes the enemy will have the weather guage ; besides, we shall be closing in with the frigate, so that her whole broadside will bear upon us." The opinion of every officer on board was now taken, and all coincided with the first lieutenant, that the only plan to secure the safety of the Cruiser was still to keep her close by the wind under a press of sail. The Commander, however, obstinately persisted in his own opinion, and ordered all the light sails to be got in readiness for the contemplated movement. " A pretty decent kind of business this," observed 808 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. the boatswain to the young seaman ; "in my way of thinking we shall make a sorry afternoon's work on 't. Well, well, I thought just as much, for when our skip per takes his own head for it, why then there's always some mishap." " See all clear there forward, to set the square-sail and studding-sail ! Port your helm, and run out the canvass !" shouted the officer of the deck, having previ ously received these orders from the Commander. The next minute the Cruiser was running before the wind under a crowd of sail. " We'll have a short jig on 't this time," said the boatswain to his young friend, " or I'll miss my reck'ning." Just at that moment the frigate yawed off, and dis charged her forward battery with tremendous effect ; cutting away the fore gaff, fore yard, and shivering the lee bulwarks into a hundred fragments. The Commander now saw his error, but it was too late. " Luff!" he shouted, " haul aft the sheets, and take in all the light sails." Every man sprung to his duty, but the principal sail for the Cruiser was now rendered useless from the fact that the gaff was cut away. This, however, was remedied in fifteen minutes ; all the light sails were taken in, and once more the Cruiser was close-hauled by the wind. But the error was now irretrievable, for the frigate had not only gained upon the Cruiser, but she had also the weather guage. She kept up a heavy THE AMERICAN CRUISER. and constant fire, -which was occasionally returned by Long Tom with some execution. The enemy being to Avindward, came down rapidly on the Cruiser with flow ing sheets, and the next discharge from her battery sealed the fate of the Cruiser, for her main-topping-lifts were cut away ; so that what, with the heavy seas and the immense weight of the boom, the main sheet was immediately parted, causing the heavy spar to take possession of the quarter-deck, smashing and tearing away the bulwarks on either side into a thousand pieces, until the Cruiser was relieved from this addi tional enemy by the dexterity of the carpenter's axe, who cut away the spar amid a shower of bullets from the enemy. There was now another misfortune the en sign halliards had been rove to the main-topping-lift ; these were also cut away, and the stars and stripes wound their folds around the lifts, and could not be hauled down. The frigate now came up hand over hand, and took about a musket shot off on the weather quarter of the Cruiser, keeping up a most deadly and murderous fire, and the little craft lay like a log upon the water nearly unmanageable. The enemy ceased firing with her large guns, after which she took her po sition abeam of the Cruiser, and then opened a most galling fire with the musketry of the marines. During the whole of this fire the Commander of the Cruiser stood on the trunk in full uniform ; a musket ball passed through his hat, and another through his coat. Many of the crew by this time lay wounded upon the deck, 810 THE AMERICAN CRUISEfU but a greater part went below, by order of the first lieutenant. Every yard of canvass spread on the Cruiser was rent by the shot of the enemy ; her fore top-mast, fore yard, jib-boom, and head of the main-mast were cut away, and she was now totally unmanageable. There was a moment of awful suspense ; the marines ceased firing, and immediately a sheet of flame issued from six thirty- two pound carronades : every shot did execution, and the little craft was ripped up fore and aft ; her decks were literally cut to pieces ; both arm-chests, which were lashed on the trunk, were shivered into a Imndred fragments ; in short, she was now in a sinking condition, and the prevalent opinion among the few officers that remained on deck was that the enemy did not intend to show any quarter. It is true the American ensign was still aloft, but that too was cut to pieces, and it was im possible to cut it away. It was highly probable, there fore, that John Bull was greatly incensed from the fact of the Cruiser's having made some resistance ; and see ing the colors still were aloft, and not knowing the cause of it, it is possible this might have been the reason of his long continued and murderous fire. The mystery, however, was in a few minutes solved ; for, as the frigate dropped down close to the wreck, she discovered the reason why the stars and stripes were still aloft, and immediately ceased her fire. Several boats from the frigate were now despatched to the Cruiser, to take possession, and convey the prisoners on board. In a few minutes the Cruiser's decks were THE AMERICAN CKUISER. 313 covered with Englishmen, and the Commander, after some formalities, delivered up his sword to the English lieutenant ; but now a great difficulty arose with the Englishmen, for their prize was nearly unmanageable, and she was also supposed to be in a sinking condition, and they were totally unacquainted with the manage ment of these kind of craft. Notwithstanding they allowed but a short time to the prisoners to get ready to go on board of the frigate, yet they were exceedingly desirous that one of the officers and a half a dozen of the men should remain, in order that they might show them how they might work the craft, as they were ex tremely anxious to get her into port. This, however, the Yankees absolutely and promptly refused, " pre ferring," they said, " to go on board of the frigate, than to go to Davy Jones's locker," which they affirmed the Cruiser would do in less than two hours. Notwithstanding the excessive toil, the deep suspense and anxiety, the high excitement in the boats, and capture in the brig the chase, action and subsequent capture of the Cruiser, not an expression of fear, mis fortune, or mean submission, could be seen in the ap pearance or general deportment, among the officers or crew ; no, not even in Jimmy Ducks, the non-combatant, or the Down Easter. Every man on board of that craft had discharged his duty faithfully, defended her gal lantly, and had not flinched from his post, in the hottest of the action, and amid the most galling and murderous fire of the enemy ; yet, a casual .observer might have traced on every countenance the deepest 27 814 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. chagrin and mortification. The more reckless part of them did not hesitate to vent their spleen arid anger upon the now subdued Commander, and epithets, such as " Madman, fool, if you did n't know how to work the craft, why did n't you give her up to the first lieu tenant ? " were often heard. Their mortification did not arise so much from the fact of their being prisoners of war, but it referred to the foolish manner in which the Cruiser had been taken ; for none were so blind or so ignorant, as not to perceive that the whole of their misfortunes were entirely owing to the obstinancy, mis management, and false judgment of the Commander. But of all that crew fore and aft, none wore so high and manly a bearing as our two heroes, the boatswain and young seaman. Their undaunted courage, for they had never left the deck of the Cruiser, and had per formed the most dangerous and difficult services, amid a shower of the enemy's bullets, but above all, their skill in the management of the boat, as well as their coolness and daring intrepidity in the capture of the English brig, had won for them the esteem and admi ration of every man on board ; and when the pri soners were ordered in the boats, the Commander solicited for them the same berth and treatment that would be conferred upon his officers ; but they firmly refused to accept of any favor, other than that to which they were entitled, according to the usage of civilized nations in time of war. Shortly after the murderous and galling fire from the six thirty-two pounders from the frigate's quarter-deck, it was per- THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 315 ceived thr.t the Cniiser was gradually settling down into the water ; for one of the shot had entered a little below her waist, forward of the gangway, which started several of the butts near the water-line. Through these apertures, the water had gradually pressed in, until she had settled sufficiently deep to bring them under water, from which time she settled rapidly, and there was scarcely sufficient time (although all the frigate's boats were employed,) to transport the pri soners and their baggage on board of the frigate, and many were the strokes of wit from the Yankee tars, as they tumbled into the boats. " By all that 's lovely," said an old quarter-master, "she is not struck yet, and she's going to pay* her respects to Davy Jones, with her stars and stripes flying," for the colors were still wound round the top ping-lift. " Well, well," said the old gunner, " I should just like to have Long Tom pay his compliments to the frigate by way of politeness, before he takes his long journey." " Come, come ! " bawled out several voices, "Jimmy, let 's have a bit of a ditty, to drive away our melan choly. Where 's your whistle, lad ? " At the sound of the whistle Jimmy's face relaxed into a broad grin, and as he had his constant companion and his " disperser of melancholy," as he called it, always about' him, he drew it forth, and would actually have given them some sweet sounds, but the officers of the boat ordered him to put up his fife. The Cruiser 316 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. had already settled so rapidly, that the after part of her main-chains was in the water. No time was now to be lost ; the last boa{,. with the American prisoners, had pulled off from the sinking Cruiser ; none now remained on board, except the English lieutenant and a few men. For these there was a boat despatched from the frigate, and before they left her, she had settled nearly to the decks. It was a melancholy, yet a grand spectacle ; for just as the sun was setting beneath the western horizon, the American Cruiser sunk beneath the blue billows, and disappeared from the sight for ever. CHAPTER XXXI. TREATMENT OF THE AMERICAN PRISONERS ARRIVAL IN PLYMOUTH. THE reception of the American prisoners on board of his Britannic Majesty's frigate L was not of the most agreeable and delicate nature. Whether this was owing to the loss of the prize, or to the trouble they had in her capture, or to the audacity which the Cruiser had manifested in daring to fire a shot at his Britannic Majesty's frigate L , or to all of these circum stances combined, the reason or reasons of the polite reception of the crew, Ave may leave the reader to judge. However, as they each came over the gang way, they were strictly searched and examined, after which a genteel epithet was bestowed, such as " pi ratical villain," &c., and then, they were driven down into the cable tier, in charge of a marine. All under went the same scrutinizing and rigid search, with some few exceptions, for a few of the seamen were selected out as Englishmen, who were threatened by the indo mitable first lieutenant to be hung up at the yard arm, for being found fighting against their country. Nor did the officers meet with a much better reception, except 21* 317 318 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. that the location assigned to them was a little more in consonance with their rank, although they, in common with the seamen, were looked upon as so many pirates ; but they condescended, nevertheless, to stow them against the ward-room bulkhead, and their sleeping place (if they chose to enjoy it,) was the soft side of a plank, for they were not allowed mattrass or bedding of any description. This was truly a deplorable state of things, but it would have been infinitely worse, if their frames had not been relieved from the prac tical demonstration of the hard location on which they were destined to repose. Although much could not be said in favor of the warm feelings and sensibilities of the captain and first lieutenant of the frigate, nevertheless there were some honorable exceptions among the sub6rdinate officers. From these, especially the junior lieutenants, masters, mates and midshipmen, the officers received as much kind treatment as they could bestow ; for it may be remarked, that the first lieutenant was not slow or backward in censuring all those whom he saw well disposed, or who kindly treated the American pri soners. The captain and first lieutenant of the Cruiser messed in the ward-room with the lieutenants ; the other officers, six in number, messed alternately with the masters, mates and midshipmen, from whom they re ceived a part of their own bedding, which made them tolerably comfortable. The crew, however, fared badly, for they were all stowed away in the cable tiers, nearly suffocated for want of air, and almost choked with the THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 819 stench of the villanous compound of smells of a ship's hold. This, then, was the location assigned them for their nightly repose ; they were, however, somewhat relieved in the day time, being permitted to range the spar and gun decks, from the waist forwards, and were unmolested in their loungings and spreeings about, to satisfy the various curiosities possessed by the crew, who in appearance, speech, and deportment, were dif ferent from the frigate's orderly and well-dressed sea men. The privilege, however, of ranging the gun deck was soon cut off, for the frigate's crew having much more of the milk of human kindness than the first lieutenant, not only shared their grub, and bedding, but seemed disposed in their way to alleviate their situation as prisoners of war. For this mortal offence the pri soners were not only deprived of the liberty to range the spar and gun deck, but many of the frigate's crew were severely reprimanded, while others were taken to the gangway, for disobedience of orders, and were com manded not to have any intercourse with the Yankee pirates. But all this was not to be compared to their living ; for the most rigid orders Avere now issued to the frigate's crew, that if they were found conveying provisions or sharing their own allowance with the prisoners, for every such offence they should be flogged at the gang way. This was a severe interdiction for the Yankees, especially as their allowance was what is called " six upon four," that is, six men are obliged to subsist on the same amount of provisions which is usually allowed 320 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. to four men. Add to this, the provisions were of the very worst kind, viz. lean salt beef, which sailors usually denominate soldier's beef, because they affirm that it might be carried a whole campaign in the knap sack, without any danger of its being greased. The bread was of the very coarsest and blackest kind, and so old, that instead of presenting the natural qualities of its material, it seemed like a living, moving mass ; for instead of the real staff of life, the greater part of it was living animals. At their breakfast and. supper, they were allowed shells, this is what sailors call an apology for cocoa. Even this, however, would have been a great treat, if they could have had a sufficient supply of the beverage ; nor was this all, for the inter course between the officers and seamen of the Cruiser, was entirely cut off. The officers were not allowed to go on the quarter-deck, but the condition of the seamen was infinitely worse, being confined night and day to the lower hold two only being permitted to go on deck at the same time, in charge of a marine with a loaded musket ; in short, nothing was left undone that could mortify the officers, and render the miseries of war more intolerable, than they ought to be, at least, among civilized nations. Fortunately, however, for the American prisoners, this state of things was not destined to be of long dura tion. It seems the frigate was not attached to the fleet as one of the convoy, as she had been on the Channel station for some time previously, and as her cruise was nearly up, and having a number of prison- THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 320 ers on board, it was determined immediately after the capture of the Cruiser to go into Plymouth in order to ^t rid of her incumb ranees. As soon, therefore, as she had taken the Cruiser, she stood down Channel, in order to get round the Land's End of Plymouth. It was nearly fifty-six hours before the famous chalky cliffs of England were in sight, which appeared more and more cheerful to the eye of the beholder as the fri gate ncared it. The frigate soon entered the famous naval depot, the port of Plymouth, and anchored far up in the harbor, having passed numerous vessels, while running in, of every fashion and rig, as well as many forts and views which are not only picturesque but ex tremely interesting to all who had not seen the entrance to this romantic harbor. It was a matter of great sur prise and astonishment to behold the sudden and great number of boats, which were waiting for the frigate to anchor, loaded to their gunwales with eatables and gew gaws of every description, to entice the hard-earned money from the pockets of the sailors. Many of these boats were occupied by those who were prepared to traffic : long-bearded Jews, woolly-mouthed Christians, blarney-primed Irish, burly-bellied English, and skip jack, grinning Frenchmen, were all eager to show off the good qualities of their merchandise, and depreciate that of their neighbor, each with an earnestness, dia lect, and grimace peculiar to himself. But the greater portion of the boats contained the wives and children of the seamen, who came off to welcome again their hus bands and fathers to their homes. There was but little 822 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. restriction, and people flocked off in great numbers, all claiming relatives on board, which procured them per mission to enter with freedom. And it would almost seem, that half the people of England had the largest share of their relatives in this vessel, so numerously they appeared, and so constantly were they coming and going the entire day on which the frigate arrived. There was one man belonging to the frigate much esteemed by his shipmates, and was a general favorite among those who came off from the shore ; for there was scarcely a boat that had not a wife, a sister, or mother of his on board, of all ages, from the gay, laughter-loving lass of sixteen, to the staid matron of fifty. Nay, some were entirely peopled with those per taining to his family. Had he but the least portion of these motley and bedizened families to provide for, his chance was small of becoming rich from the savings of his monthly pay, or paying the debt of his nation, should he wish to be handed down to posterity as a public benefactor. However, this man knew how to keep on the fair-weather side of those who rioted in abundance, if the privilege of opinion is allowed, by the store of eatables each brought off for the regaling of themselves whilst visiting the ship, and the carte-blanche for free quarters he enjoyed with the whole troop, day and night. It is said that sailors have a wife in each port they touch at, but this addition of numbers was rather out of character. But were all wives to provide as liberally as these, it certainly is not so uncomfortable to have them in abundance. The number of females THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 325 that flock on board of these men-of-war is incredible, especially those which come into port after a long cruise say from five to seven hundred. On the morning following the arrival of the frigate, the prisoners were piped up with the command, from the deep growl of the boatswain, to bear a hand, and go on board of the prison-ship. " Ah ! " said one, " we have found favor and will make a visit to his Britannic Majesty's ship, so as to be back time enough for dinner." " I would sooner take the dinner without the visit, if it 's all the same to the skipper ; for I am sharp set enough now to eat the head from a nine inch bolt, without spice or salt," said another. " For one, my appetite is sufficiently sharp, and do n't need any whet ting up by this visit." " And so is mine," cried another ; " for since yes terday I have tasted nothing but a thimble full of pea soup, not enough to say whether it was victuals or physic." " Physic me into a figure-head, to lap cold spray, but I would rather go on board of the prison-ship, than to stay here in this dog's hole we are forced to sleep in." " Aye, and that would I too, Jack ; fof here one breaks his fast less often than he does one of the ten commandments, and at this rate, when shall we receive absolution ? " " If fasting brings holiness, I have been free fronv sin, since twelve of yesterday, for since then I have not broken it; but it's a severe way of proving one's re formation." 28 326 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. "Yes, I'm blessed if it isn't, for I have tried it, and find the cure worse than the ailment." " And," said one who had not before spoken, " if I am not blessedly mistaken, you will not break your fast again, unless you take a slice from your shoe heel ; for depend upon it, this early going on board of the prison- ship, before breakfast, means nothing more nor less, than to content yourself until the grub is served out for dinner." So it proved ; for in less than thirty minutes after they were called, the prisoners were tumbling over the side of the ship, bag and baggage, into a launch pre pared for the purpose. Each sixth man, as he passed the gangway, had thrust into his hands or pockets the mess rations for the day, of hard biscuit and raw salt beef, dripping from the briny tub, out of which it was but just taken, and transferred to the crew, who could make no use of it. The distance from the frigate to the prison-ship was about two miles, and while rowing up the harbor, Ply mouth and its environs, with an immense number of men-of-war of every description, presented to the eye as well . as to the mind, a most delightful contrast, when compared to the miserable treatment and confine ment of the frigate. The boats passed close under the stern of Lord Nelson's one hundred and ten gun ship, Victory, on the deck of which he received his mortal wound during the battle of Trafalgar. There were also many others, whose names had become renowned in the history of naval warfare. It was not difficult to per- THE AMERICAN CRUISER. 327 ceive the ships or hulks that were appropriated for the reception of prisoners of war. Several of these were at a distance from the ships in commission, and could easily be designated from the rest, as they were entirely dismantled, being without spars, armament, &c., and fitted up as temporary residences, for the incarceration of prisoners. The one in which these were destined to enter could not be mistaken, from the fact that num bers of American prisoners were crowded on her upper deck, ready to receive the unfortunate beings who had fallen into British, captivity ; but, in confirmation of the old adage, " misery loves company," they were wel comed on board with many smiles and greetings, the whole of them being under the firmest conviction that they would soon be exchanged, and their durance vile be of short duration. *% The reception of the prisoners on board of this hulk, which had formerly been a line of battle ship, and one which had composed a part of St. Vincent's fleet, and from her great age had been long out of com mission, was marked with much show, in order to impress the prisoners with the great precaution they would, observe, to secure these victims in their future confinement. Files of soldiers were placed at each side of the gangway, and as each man passed up, he was critically examined by several naval officers, in order to ascertain if there were Englishmen .among them. Several were scrutinized with the utmost rigor, among whom were oar two heroes, the boatswain and young seaman. They were decidedly the best looking 828 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. men among the whole crew ; their whole exterior com manded the admiration and respect, even of the naval examiners ; but the) 7 were so well secured by their Am erican passports and protections, that although unwil lingly, yet they were compelled to let them pass on. The name of each man was taken, and recorded in a book, and it was said that the number of prisoners on board, now amounted to nearly five hundred. CHAPTER XXXII. MARCH TO STAPLETON, &c. THREE weeks had scarcely elapsed since the confine ment of the crew, when the captured American prison ers poured in in such great numbers, that it was impos sible for them to remain at Plymouth on board of these hulks. Orders were therefore issued to send four drafts, of a hundred men each, to the depot for prison ers at Stapleton, near Bristol. The prisoners received this intelligence with a degree of satisfaction, because of their uncomfortable situation, being crowded in such great numbers on board of this ship. This feeling, however, was mixed up with much gloom and despond ency, because they began to suspect that the prospect of exchange was less probable than if they were to remain at Plymouth ; nor were their fears exaggerated, for there were at this time many American seamen who had given themselves up from British men-of-war. Of course these would be exchanged before others who had been captured in battle. Add to this that there .was but little care taken of British subjects by the American government when captured by American 28* 329 330 THE AMERICAN CRUISER. cruisers, so that there would be but few comparatively to exchange. The time having arrived, the first draft, in which was contained the whole of the seamen and petty officers of the Cruiser, was landed at Plymouth Dock, where there was an escort consisting of one hundred soldiers of the infantry and fifty mounted dragoons ; the latter were a part of that noble regiment of Scotch Greys, which subsequently so highly distinguished itself in the war of the Peninsula. The commander of this escort, a man of about five and thirty, was of noble birth, and had been promoted to the rank of colonel for his bravery, of which he bore honorable marks, having many wounds, some of which were visible. This officer was in every respect opposite in his character to the Captain and first lieutenant of the frigate. He was manly, generous, and humane, and sought by every means in his power, (so far as his duty and obligation permitted), to alleviate the miseries and sufferings of the prisoners ; of this, however, we shall have occasion presently to speak more fully. The troops were drawn up in quadrangular form, the American prisoners were in the centre, the infantry forming the line on each side, while the dragoons were in the van and rear, and the whole train of baggage wagons followed at a distance of not more than three hundred yards. In one hour from the time