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Appointed to View the
Cottonian Libraiy,
And fuch of the Publick Records of this
Kingdom, as they think proper, and to
Report to the Houfe the Condition there-
of, together with what they Ihall judge
fit to be done for the better Reception,
Prefervation, and more convenient Ufe
of the fame.
A t'
Publifhed by Order of the House of Commons.
Printed for R. V/illiamson near Grays- 1 mi-Gate in Holhorn^
and W. BowYER \^ Wh'ne-Friars, MDCCXXXII.
Jovis II Die Maij 1732.
BT Vertue of an Order of the Houfe of Commons thh
Day made, I do appoint Richard Williamfon and
William Bowyer to Print this Report, with the /Ap-
pendix, and the Proceedings of the faid Houfe there-
upon : And that no other Perfon do prefume to Print
the fame,
Ar\ Onslow, Speaker.
Appointed to View the
Ottoman Library, bV.
Mart is 9 Die Mati 17 ^i.
MR. JVinnington reported from the Committee appointed to
view the CoUonian Library, and fuch of the publick Re-
cords of this Kingdom, as they think proper, and to re-
port to the Houfe the Condition thereof, together with
what they fhall judge fit to be done for the better Reception, Prefer-
vation, and more convenient Ufe of the fame, that the Committee
had agreed upon a Report, which they had directed him to make -,
and he read the Report in his Place, and afterwards dehvered it in at
the Table, (together with an Appendix thereunto,) where the fame
was read, and is as followethj
THE Committee appointed to view the Cottoman Library, and
fuch of the Publick Records of this Kingdom, as they chink
proper, and to report to the Houfe the Condition thereof, together
with what they fhall judge fit to be done for the better Reception,
(4 )
Prefervacion, and more convenient Ufe of the fame, have, parfaant
to the Order of the Houfe, viewed the Remains of the Cottonian Li-
brary, depofued in the new Dormitory at fVeJlminJler, by the Per-
miffion of the Dean and Chapter, after the late Fire at JJhburnhani
Houfe, to which Phice the faid Library, for greater Security, had
fome time before been removed from an Houfe in Ejfdx-Street furround-
ed with Buildings, and therefore in Danger of Fire, and in other Re-
fpe£ls very improper for the Reception thereof.
Your Committee alfo viewed the Ruins of AJhhurnham Houfe, and,
having enquired into the Circumftances of the Fire, were furprized,
that fo few of the Manufcripts and Curiofities belonging to the faid
Library were epnfumed or defaced.
Your Committee thinks themfelves obliged to obferve. That the
Prefervation of a great Part of that valuable Treafure is owing to the
Care and Attendance of Mr. Speaker, who being one of the Truftees
of the faid Library, upon Notice of the Fire, perfonally aflifted in
fecuring the Volumes and Rarities, which hadefcaped the Flames,
and having appointed Perfons converfant in Records to confider of
proper Methods for retrieving the Damage, which the Manufcripts had
fuftained, did not only direft, but was pleafed to fuperintend the Ex-
ecution of their Scheme ', fo that of nine hundred and fifcy eight Vo-
lumes, which the faid Library contained before the Fire, no more
than one hundred and fourteen are totally deftroyed, and but ninety
eight confiderably damaged -, as by a Narrative, which the Committee
received from Mr. IVbiJlon, Clerk to Mr. Lawton Keeper of the
P..ecords in the Chapter- Houfe at IFejlminfier,' and which is hereunto
annexed, Appendix A. will more fully appear.
And that the Publick may be acquainced with the Particulars of
their Lofs,'and that Gentlemen, who are poflefled of Copies of any
valuable Manufcripts, may contribute to the Reparation of that Lofs
by communicating fuch Copies, Mr. Cajley, Deputy-Keeper of the
faid Library, affilted by the faid Mr, Whijlon, has by the Order of your
Committee, with great Diligence and Exaftnefs, prepared an Account
of the Manufcripts and other Curiofities, which were deftroyed, or
injured, diflinguifhing what Parts of fuch injured Manufcripts are de-
feftive, which Account is contained in Six Books hereunto annexed,
Appendix B. I, II, III, IV, V, VI.
Your Committee proceeded to view the Repofitories of the publick
Records of this Kingdom, and made the following Obfervations up-
on the Condition thereof.
The Chapter- Houfe at /^^y/wi/w/^r is the General Repofitory of the Re-
cords of the King's Bench and Common Pleas occafionally tranfmitted thi-
ther from the refpeiflive Treafuries of thofe Courts, and from the Office
of the Ciijlos Brevium of the Court of Common Pica: by Writs ifluing out
of the Court oi' Chancer-^, and by Indentures interchangeably executed,
teftifying the Receipt and Delivery of fuch Records : Thefe, toge-
ther with many other Records of different Kinds there depofued, are
conveniently ranged in proper Clafles lately made for their Reception,
under the Care of Mw Latvian, who conftantly employs three Clerks
to digeft them: But the Room is not capacious enough to contain the
many various Records, which ought regularly to be tranfmitted from
Time to Time into this Office in the Manner before-mentioned. The
Roof of this Buildin;:; is aoprehended to be in great Danger of filline:,
one cf the ButtrefTes, by which it v/as fupported, having been removed :
( 5 ) ' .
The Vaults undciTicaLli -are (aid to be filled with fpiricuous Licjors ;
and Brcvvhoufes or Walhhoufes adjoining have lately been ertC!:<-d.
The Records in a narrow Kooni near the Tally Court in the Ex-
cheque!', in the Cuftody of the faid Mr. La-U'lci/, are alio regularly dif-
pofed. Thefe Records, as well as thofe in the Chapter- 1 loufe, were
formerly in the Cuftody of fevend Perfons under feveral Keys, which
made the Accefs ot them difficult ; but that Inconvenience is now re-
moved, by committing the Care of them to one experienced and di-
ligent Officer.
The Records in the Ki^io's Brrch Treafury are well nn thodized ;
but the three Rooms, in which thofe Records remain, are in a ruinous
Condition -, and the Communication between the Rooms is interrupt-
ed by a Painter's Shop, wherein is a Sfove-Chimney.
The Treafury of the Court of Common Pleas,, is full of Records
and is dark, and fubjedl to Dull; Shelves and PrelTes are wanted v
and fome of the Records have been damaged by the Dampnefs of the
The Records in the Office of the Cujlos Brevhim of the Court of
Ccminon Pleas are well digefted ; but tlie Room at JVeJhninjfer belon-
ging to that Office feenis almoft too ruinous to be repaired ; the
Floor is broke-, and the Windows being without Glafs, the Records
are expofed to the Injuries of the Weather.
The Records of the Court of Escbcaiier are principally contained
in the Pipe Office, the Augmentation Office, the Office of the King's
Remembrancer, the Office of the Treafurer's Remembrancer, the
Office of the Clerk of the Pleas, the Offices of the two Auditors of
the Land Revenue, and the Office of the Remembrancer of the
Firft Fruits and Tenths.
The Records of the Pipe Office, which contain the Accounts of
the Publick Revenue, are very numerous, and increafe annually, and
require more Room, than is at prcfent allotted to them, and deferve
to be more carefully methodized and preferved.
The moft ufeful of the Records in the Augmentation O^cq are
conveniently difpofed, and may eafily be confulted, the prefent Keeper
of thofe Records attending diligently in that Office.
The other Records of the Court of Exchequer, which remain at
Welhninfter, are for the mofl part inconveniently placed in decay'd
and dulty Rooms, without proper Prcffes ; few of them are fo well
digefted as they ought to be-, and the Rcfort to them is often pre-
vented by the Abfence of the proper Officers.
The Record Office within the Tower of London is the Genera! Re-
pofitory of all the Records of the Court of Chancery tranfmitted by
the King's Writ or Precept, or by Warrant or Precept of the Matter
of the Rolls. The Records of this O.ffice in Wakefield Tower are
preferved in the moft exaft Order. The Records in Ceefar's Chappel
in the W^hite Tower are alio in good Condition : The Chappel itfelf
is commodious, but underneath are Scores of Gunpowder belonging
to the Office of Ordnance.
Thefe two Apartments, though defigned for the Reception of all
the Records of the Court of Chancery, are I'carce fufficient to conrain
thofe, which have been already tranfmitted thither.
The Records in the Chappel of the Rolls are fecurely placed in
W^ainfcot Prefles, and methodically digeftcd -, thofe in the Room over
the Chappel, though for the moft part wtll dig'^fted, are expofed too
B much
{ 6 )
much to the Heat of the San in the Siimmer-ft.ifon, and to Dampnefs
in the Winter.
The Records in the Office of the Six Clerks are To numerous, and
the Rooms, in which they are depoficed, are ih much out of Repair,
that it will be neceflary to remove chem to a more convenient Place
for their Prefervation.
The Records in the Offices of the Petit Bag, and of the Clerks of
ihe Inrollment, are difpofed in good Order.
The Records in the Office of the Dutchy Court of Lancafler at
Gni'js Inn are well preferved, and properly forted.
Your Committee having infpefted the Offices above-mentioned,
were informed, that many valuable Records remained in private Hands,
or in Places not affigned for the Cullody of Records, nor under the
Care of any proper Officer.
Upon this Information your Committee viewed fome Rooms adjoin-
ino- to the Houfe of Lords, where they found many Records of the
Court of Requefts, and of the Court of Wards and Liveries.
Thefc Records were brought from the Houfe of the King's Filh-
monger in FiJJj-2"ard, IVeflminfier, and are ftill in a very improper Sci-
tuation, and lye in great Confufion and Diforder.
Your Committee being perfuaded, that the Records of the Court of
Wards and Liveries may be ufeful to the Publick, as they concern
Lands, and the Dcfcents of Families, purfued their Enquiry, and
havino- fummoned Mr. Charles Grynes (whofe Father was formerly em-
ployed in making Indexes to the laid Records) were informed by him,
that eleven Bags of the Certificates of Feodaries, being Part of the
Records belonging to the faid Court, were in his Pofleffion, together
with feveral Indexes to thofe Records, mentioned in his Memorial
hereunto annexed. Appendix C.
Your Committee have alio received Intelligence from John Anjiis
Efq-, Garter, that twenty-one Bags of Records, which were formerly
lodcred in the Pell Office, and were afterwards delivered to Mr. In-
cledon Houfekeeper of the Houfe of Lords, are now in his Cuftody.
Your Committee found in two Rooms, one over the Houfe of
Commons, the other adjoining to the Speaker's Chambers, a great
Quantity of Records belonging to the Court of Kin^s Bench.
Your Committee apprehend, that all thefe Records, which being
thus difperfed are now ufelefs to the Publick, ought to be forthwith
removed to the Chapter-Houfe, in order to be methodized.
Your Committee, not being fatisfied with a curfory Infpeftion of
the Publick Offices, ordered the feveral Perfons, to whofe Cuflody
che Publick Records are committed, to lay before them Accounts in
Writing of the Nature of thofe Records, and of the Condition of the
Rooms in which they are depofited, in what Order they are digefled,
and whether there be any, and what Calendars thereof, and what is
neceflary to be done to make them more ufeful to the Publick.
Which Accounts were delivered to your Committee, and are here-
unto annnexed. Appendix D. I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX,
Your Committee upon the Perufal of thefe Accounts, as well as
upon their own View, perceiving, that feveral Records of the fame
Nature were improperly diftributed into diftinft Offices, and that the
Records of fome Offices were divided in feparate Repofitories re-
mote from each other in different Parts of the Town, by which
Means the Search for Records was made uncertain, expenfive, and
often fruitlels, direcfted the laid Mr. Lazvton (whom they judged, as well
by the Tnl'pection of his Office, as by the Account, which they had
received from him, to be accurate, dih'gent, and well acquainted with
Records) to attend the Officers, who had delivered tiie laid Accounts
to your Committee, in order to fettle the Dates of the Records in
their refpeftive Offices, and to perfeft thofe Accounts: In Obedience
to which Order the laid Mr. Lawton, to whom Mr. Holmes, Deputy-
keeper of the Records in the Tovjer, a very able and diligent Officer,
was pleafed on this Occafion to give his Affiftance, did, afTifled alfo
by Mr. Wbijfon, compile from thofe Accounts, and fsom che Informa-
tion, which he received at thofe Offices, a Table of the Records of
this Kingdom digefted in a regular Series of Time, and diftinguifh-
ing the Repofitories, in which the feveral Records are contained ; by
which a Perfon may at one View be direfted in his Search for any par-
ticular Record to the Place, where it is depofited. This Table, con-
taining fo many Materials, was in a very little Time prepared and laid
before your Committee, and is hereunto annexed. Appendix E.
By theSuccefs of this Attempt a Foundation is laid for a very ne-
ceffary and' noble Work. Calendars of the Publick Records are in
fome Offices wanted, and in moft deficient: Your Committee therefore
fubmit to the Confideracion of the Houfe, whether if Perfons of Skill
and Accuracy were appointed and encouraged by a proper Reward
to fupply that Defeifl by a general Index of all the Publick Records,
it would not be of fingular Advantage to particular Perfons, an Ho-
nour to the Nation, and bring to Light many valuable Remains of
Antiquity, which have, for want of an eafy and proper Accefs to
them, long been concealed from the Publick Notice.
Your Committee have found among the Ancient Records Di-
reftions for a Work of this Kind, and alfo Orders for the Removal
and better Prefervation of Records -, and as fuch Precedents may be
of Ufe, they have thought fit to annex Copies thereof. Appendix, F.
This defirable Work will be facilitated by the Purchafe of fuch Ab-
ftrafts and Indexes of the Publick Records, as are the Property of
private Perfons, and by reftoring thofe, which belong to the Publick,
and remain in private Hands, to their refpeftive Offices.
Your Committee think it their Duty to reprefent to the Houfe,
that as the Publick Intereft is concerned in providing more fecure
and decent Repofitories for the Records of this Kingdom, the Pub-
lick Faith is engaged for the better Recepdon and Prefervation of
the Cottonian Library.
By an Ad made in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Years of King Wil-
liam the Third, Intitled, An A£l for the better fettling and preferving
the Librar-j kept in the Houfe at Wefl-minfler, called Cotton-Houfe, in
the Name and Family cf the Cottons, for the Benefit of the Publick ;
which Recites, " That Sir Robert Cotton, then late of Connington in
" the County of Huntington Baronet, did at his own great Charge
*' and Expence, and by the Affiftance of the moft learned Antiqua-
" ries of his Time, colledt and purchafe the moft ufeful Manu-
" fcripts,' Written Books, Papers, Parchments, Records, and other
" Memorials, in moft Languages, of great Ufe and Service, for the
*' Knowledge and Prefervation of our Conftirution, both in Church
" and
( 8 )
'' and State; and chat thofe Manufcripts, and other Writings were pro-
" cured, as well from Parrs beyond the Seas, as from fevera! private
" Collectors of fuch Antiquities within this Realm, and were generally
" elteemed the beft Collec;tion of its Kind, then any where Extant ■, "
And further recites, " That the faid Library had been preferved
" with the utmoft Care and Diligence by Sir i'bomas Cotton, Son of
*' the iaid Sir Robert, and by Sir John Cotton of f'Fe/l?ninJier, then
"■ living, Grandfon of the faid Sir Robert, and had been very much
" augmented and enlarged by them, and lodged in a very proper
" Place in the faid Sir 'John's Ancient iVIanfion Houfe at IVeJlfnmjhr,
" which was very convenient for that Purpofe -, and alfo, That the
" {a\d Sir John Cotton, in Purfuance of the Defire and Intentions of
" his faid Father and Grandfather, was content and willing, that the
" faid Manfion Houfe, and Library fliould continue in his Family and
" Name, and not be fold, or otherwife difpofed, or imbezled, and
" that the faid Library fhould be kept and preferved by the Name
" of the Cottonian Library, for PublickUfe and Advantage ; there-
" fore for the better fetling and alTuring the fame according to the
" Defire of the Hiid Sir John Cotton, and at his Requeft, the faid
" Manfion Houfe, with the Gardens, and all other Appurtenances,
" and alfo all the faid Library or Colledlion of Manufcripts, Written
" Books, Papers, Parchments, Records, and other Memorials (all
" which are particularly mentioned and named in a Schedule then re-
♦' maining in the (ixid Library) together with all Coins, Medals, and
" other Rarities and Curiofities in the faid Library then contained,
" were fettled, limited, and vefted in the Truftees in the (liid Ad;
" named, to have, hold, and enjoy, to them, and their Succeflbrs
♦' for ever, from and immediately after the Death of the faid Sir
»' John Cotton, to the Ufes, Intents, and Purpofes following; That
«' is to fay. As for the faid Houfe, Gardens, and Appurtenances, o-
" ther than the Room, where the faid Library theji was, or thereafter
" might be lodged, and a convenient Way, Pafiage, and Refort to
*' the fiime, at the Will and Difcretion of the Heirs of the Family,
'' and the Library thereafter mentioned, to the only proper Ufe, and
" Behoof of the feveral Perfons of the Name and Family of the faid
" Sir John Cotton in the faid Aft mentioned; And as for and con-
" cerning the faid Library, and the Room, wherein the fame was, or
" fhould be contained, together with a convenient Pafl^age for re-
" forcing thereunto, upon this Trufl: and Confidence, that the faid
" Truftees, and their Succeflbrs fhould and would from Time toTime,
" and at all Times thereafter, as Occafion fhould require, infpeft,
" confult, and take care of the faid Library, and other Particulars
" above-mentioned ; and alfo make and appoint fuch Orders and Rules,
" as they fliould think proper for the reading, and ufing the fame,
" and for their better Prefervation ; and to the Intent and Purpole
" that the faid Truftees, or the major Part of them, fliould nomi-
" nace and appoint a good and fufficient Perfon, well read in An-
" tiquicies and R^scords, to have the immediate Care and Cuftody of
" the faid Library, fubjecT: to the Regulations and Provifoes in the
" faid A& more particularly expreffed.
And by an Ad: made in the Fifth Year of the Reign of Queen
Jn>i, Intitled, Ji; A^ for the belter fsrurirg her Majeftfs Purchafe of
Cotton Houie in Weftminfter, reciting the former Ad, " And that
" fince the making of the faid Ad very little had been done in Pur-
" fuance thereof to make the fud Library ufeful to the Publick, ex-
'« cepc
" cept what had been lately done at her Majefty's Charge; and that
" there was no Way or PafTage to it fet out, as the Aft did direft,
" nor could there be any Paliiige to the fame but through the beft
" Rooms in the Houfe, which would render the Houfe wholly ufe-
" Icfs to the Family ; fo that the Library could not be reforted un-
" to; nor had any Orders or Rules been appointed for reading
♦' or ufeing the fame, and thereby the Publick was wholly deprived
" of the Benefit and Advantage defigned by the Aft ; and the Place,
" wherein the Library was then contained, was a narrow, little
" Room, damp, and improper for preferving the Books and Papers •,
*' and the Condition thereof having been humbly reprefented to her
" Majefty, her Majefty, to the Intent fo great a Treafure of Books
*' and Manufcripts, fo generoufly given for the Publick Service,
" might not remain any longer ufelefs, and in Danger of perifhing, for
" want of due Care, and that it might be in her Majefty's Power
" to make this moil valuable Colleftion ufeful to her own Subjefts,
" and all learned Strangers, did give Direftion for treating with the
" faid Sir John Cotton^ for the Purchafe of the faid Cotlon Houfe and
♦' Gardens, and an Agreement had been made for the purchafing the
♦' Inheritance thereof for the Sum of four thoufand five hundred
*' Pounds, which her Majefty had direfted to be paid on the inverting
" the Inheritance of the Premifles in her Majefty, her Heirs and Suc-
" ceflbrs, which could not be done but by Aft of Parliament; the
*' faid recited Aft having direfted it might not be fold or alienated ;
*' Therefore the faid Capital Mefluage, called C0//0K Houfe, with the
*' Gardens, and Buildings, with the Appurtenances ufed or enjoyed
*' with the fame, were vefted in her Majefty, her Heirs and Succef-
" fors, with this exprefs Direftion, That a convenient Room fhould
*' be built on or near part of the faid Ground, thereby intended to
*' be vefted in her Majefty, as her Majefty, her Heirs and Succeflx)rs
" fhould by Writing under" the Sign Manual appoint ; in which Room,
" when built, all the faid Manufcripts, Written Books, Papers,
*' Parchments, Records, and other Memorials ; as alfo, all Coins,
" Medals, and other Rarities and Curiofities in the faid Library con-
" tained, ftiould be lodged, and there remain to all Pofterity ; and
" the faid Room, when built, fliould for ever be called and known
♦• by the Name of the Cottonian Library ; and, from the building
" thereof, the faid Library fhould be managed and direfted by the
" Perfons in the faid Afts named, and their SuccefTors, as Truftees
*' to and for the Ufe of the Publick for ever, under the fame Recru-
" lations, Direftions, and Management of the faid Truftees, to all
" Intents and Purpofes, as the Library, and every thing therein con-
" tained, then was by the faid recited Aft liable and fubjeft to : And
" a fit Perfon for Library-Keeper fhould be appointed by the faid
" Truftees from Time to Time, as they, or the major Part of them,
" ftiould think fit; and the faid Library and Library- Keeper fhould
♦' be in every Refpeft under the fame Direftions and Government, a»
" the Library and Library-Keeper by the faid recited Aft were fub-
" jcft to, except where the fame was therein particularly altered.
The Publick being thus obliged to preferve this valuable Gift ol
the Cottonian Family, and to perpetuate the Memory of their Munifi-
cence ; your Committee thought fit to view the Ground vefted in the
Crown by the laft mentioned Aft, and having furveyed and meafured
the fame, are of Opinion that a convenient Room may and ought to
be Built on or near Part of the fjid Ground for the Reception of the
C Ccttcnlan
( 10 )
Cottenian Library, Purfuant to the Diredlions of the faid Aft -, and
that the faid Room may be Part of an Edifice to be eredted for other
Ufes, and particularly for the Prefervation of fuch Publick Records,
as fhall be thought proper to be depofited therein.
And your Committee think that a proper Stipend ought to be
granted to the Keeper of the faid Library, to engage him to Dif-
charge the Duty of his Office with the greater Care and Diligence, for
which there is at prefent little or no Allowance.
Your Committee, Purfuant to the Inftrudtion of the Houfe, have
alfo confidercd of a proper Place and Plan for erefting an Edifice,
that may be made ufe of for the Reception of the Parliament, and
have received feveral Defigns for that Purpofe. And it appears to
your Committee, that the Building before propofed for the (^ottoman
Library may be fo defigned, as to have Relation to a future StruiSture,
in which the Parliament may be Aflembled.
( " )
A Narrative of the Fire which happened at AJh-
hurnham-Houfe^ OB. 23, 1731. and of the Methods
ufed for preferving and recovering the Manufcripts
of the Royal and Cottontan Libraries.
ON Saturday Morning 05iober 23, 173 1. about two o' Clock, a
great Smoak was perceived by Dr. Beniley, and the reft of the
Family at JJhburnbam-Houfe, which foon after broke out into
a Flame: It began from a wooden Mantle-Tree's taking Fire, which
lay acrofs a Stove-Chimney, that was under the Room, where the MSS.
of the Royal and Cottontan Libraries were lodged, and was communi-
cated to that Room by the Wainfcot, and by Pieces of Timber, that
flood perpendicularly upon each end of the Mantle Tree. They were
in hopes at firft to have put a Stop to the Fire by throwing Water
upon the Pieces of Timber and Wainfcot, where it firft broke out, and
therefore did not begin to remove the Books fo foon as they otherwife
would have done. But the Fire prevailing, nocwithftanding the Means
ufed to extinguifh it, Mr. Cajley the Deputy-Librarian took Care in
the firft Place to remove the famous Alexandrian MS. and the Books
under the Head of Auguftus in the Cottontan Library, as being efteemed
the moft valuable amongft the Colleftion. Several entire Preffes with
the Books in them were alfo removed; but the Fire increafing ftill,
and the Engines fent for not coming fo foon as could be wiflied, and
feveral of the Backs of the Prefles being already on Fire, they were
obliged to be broke open, and the Books, as many as could be, were
thrown out of the Windows. Some were carried into the Apartment
of the Captain of Wejlmitijlar School; others into the little Cloifters;
whence, after the Fire was extinguiftied, they were convey'd into the
great Boarding Houfe oppofite to AJhhurnhatn-Honfe^ and upon Mi9«-
X. Afta inter Angliam & Bel-
gium, ab anno 1593 ad an-
num 1595.
XI. Afta inter Angliam & Bel-
gium anno 1595.
XII. Afta inter Angliam & Bel-
gium, ab anno 1596. ad an-
num 1 602.
XIII. Adla inter Angliam, Ger-
maniam & Belgium , ab an-
no 1583 ad annum 1603.
* XIV. Compotus Johannis de
Neubury , Thefaurarii Hof-
pitii nuperse Regins Ifabel-
Ije, anno 32 E. iii.
A few burnt Leaves of this are
preferved ; of little ufe.
This Book is burnt at one End
and the Side, in feveral Places into
the Writing: yet a great deal of it
is flill ufeful.
Some of the Leaves of this
Book are mifplaced ; but, I think,
none wanting.
The two firft Leaves are want-
ing in this Book.
This is a Bundle of loofe
Leaves, burnt at the Sides into
the Writing, fo as not to be of
much ufe.
A Bundle of loofe Leaves, burnt
at the Ends and Sides ; not of
much ufe.
B. IV,
B. IV.
Books deftroyed or defaced in the Prefs called
r H 0.
or HO A.
*I. I. CYnodalia gefta a Curhber-
O CO, Arcliicpifcopo D )ro-
bernenli, aliifqutEccIcfurum
Chrifti Praslulibus, ex diverfis
Bricannise provinciis congre-
gacis, initio mcnfis Septem-
bris, prope loca, qua? vocan-
tur DebeOioas, anno Domi-
nicre incarnationis d.cc.xlvii.
indidlione xii. anno vero reg-
ni yEchilbaldi, Regis Mercio-
rum, qui tunc aderat, cum
fuis Principibus ac Ducibus,
trigefimo fecundo. F. i.
Epiftola Bonifacii, in Germa-
nia Romans Ecclefije Lega-
ti, ad Cuthbertum, Archi-
epifcopum Cantuarienfem,
F. 26.
Donatio five conceffio iEthel-
baldi, Regis Mcrciorum, Mo-
nafteriis & Ecclefiis , ut a
publicis vecftigalibus, oneri-
bus & fervitutibus fint literal,
nifi in quibufdam cafibus il-
lic expreffis ; perafta anno
C. D. CG. xLix, trigefimo ter-
tio anno regni ejus, cum fub-
fcriptionibus Epifcoporum.
F. 40.
Paftoralis S. Gregorii pars
fecunda. 'Tantum debet a£iio-
nem popiili a£lio tranfcendere
PrtefuUs quantum a grege dijlare
filet vita Paftoris. F. 43. Pro-
logus partis tertije. ^da igi'
tur, qualis ejfe deb eat Pajlor^
ofiendimtis, nunc qualiter do-
ceat, demonftremus. F. 52. b.
Codex fane venerabilis, lice-
ris Lombardicis exaratus.
M * II. Re-
{4<^ )
o r H o A.
*II. Regiftrum Monafterii deBeg-
ham in Comitatu Canciano,
continens redditualia, chartas
Poncificales, Regias aliafque,
in quibus aut terras donantur
auc privilegia firmantur, alia-
que ejus generis.
Monafterium illud primo erat
conditum a Radulpho de De-
na in Otteham in Suflexia,
in ufum Canonicorum ordinis
Prasmonftratenfium , poftea
tranflatum ad Begham in
Cantio, per Elam de Sankvil,
ejus filiam.
*ni. Rituale Ecclefiafticum anti-
quum de prjefentatione, con-
firmacione & confecratione
Epifcopi, de ordinatione Sa-
cerdocum, de Abbacibus be-
nedicendis, de confecratione
Ecclefurum & vaforum facro-
rum, aliifquecongenerisargu-
menti. Hymni pafTim inter-
fperfi notis muficis diftinguun-
tur. Additur verfus finem
ordo in coena Domini ad re-
conciliandos poenitentes.
*IV. I. Liber Annalium Regura
Anglorum, ab adventu Wil-
lielmi Conquelloris ad Ricar-
dumlli h. e. ab anno io65
ad ann. 1336; per quendam
Monachum de Bruiton. F. i.
2. Nomina Capitaneorum ve-
nientium cum Willielmo
Conqueftore in Angliam.
F. 121. b.
3. Epiftola Senatus Romani ad
Papirium Decemvirum, Pro-
confulem Gallise, de cavenda
Gallorum incurfione. Epi-
ftola dicicur reperiri inter
epiftolas Quinti Curtii. Plane
fpuria eft. F. 122, b.
4. Romani Pontifices, ab ad-
ventu Normannorum ad Be-
nediftum Papam XII ; h. e.
ad annum Ch. 1334. F. 123.
5. Nomina Regum Anglise,
poft adventum Normanno-
rum, quot annos regnarunt,
& quando mortui funt, ufque
ad R. Edwardum III 1 h. e. ad
annum Ch. 1337. F. 125.
7 - 6. Ar-
6. Archiepifcopi Cantuarienfes,
ab adventii Normannorum,
h.e. a Lanfranco, ad Joannem
deSrratford; h.e. ad annum
Ch. 1333 -, cum notatione
temporis illorum promocionis
& obitus. F. 1 26.
7. Epifcopi Bathonise, ab ad-
ventu Normannorum, a Jo-
anne, annoCh. 1088. ad Ra-
dulphum de Salopia : h. e. ad
annumCh.1329 -, cum cadem
notatione. F. 127.
8. Liber Italice fcriptus de cu-
rationibus morbonim ac de
medicamentis prseparandis ;
cum aliis mifcellaneis de duo-
decim fignis, Latine, fuper-
fliciofis quibufdam obferva-
tionibus de nominibus Ange-
lorum, qui prsfunt menfibus
anni, initrfertis; de origin!-
bus & antiquitate Ci vitatis Eu-
genias, quse poltea Patavium
dicebatur, & Venetiarum, &
de aliis memorabilibus Italise.
F. 128.
*V. I. Tabula ad inveniendum
Pafgha in perpetuum. F. i.
2. Calendarium Latinum, cum
notatione motus folis perZo-
diacum. F. 3.
3. Defcriptio p.nni, five explica-
tio Kalendarii, Anglice, ele-
gantiPiinis Charadteribus deli-
neata cum tabulis & figuris
fcripta circa annum Ch. J 534.
F. 14.
* VI. I. Boethius, Saxonice verfus
per R iElfredum. F. r.
2. Excerpta qujedam Hiftorica
de S. Edwardo Rege & Con-
feflbre. F. 141.
3. Hiftoriola de quodam infano
ad bonam mentem reftituto
permeritaS.Edwardi. F. 14?.
4. Vita S. Regis Edwardi, per
Ailredum, Abbatem Rieval-
lis. F, 143.
*VII, I. Andres Dominict Flo-
rentini ad Cardinalem Placen-
tinum de Romanis Poteftad-
bus libri duo: Editi funt fub
nomine Feneftellae. F. i.
2. Com-
( 48 )
O t HO A.
2. Comparatio quasdam Alexan-
dri, Hannibalis & Scipionis,
de prascedentia, per Minoem
judicem decifa. Ex Graseo
in Latinum verfa. F. 60.
3. Leonard! Aretini Ifagogi-
cum moralis difciplins , ad
Galeoctum. F. 6^.
*VIII. I. Vita S. Praxidis virgi-
nis. F. I.
2. Vita S. Mildritha? virginis :
fcripta tempore Scotlandi,
Abbatis S. Auguftini Can-
tuarienfis, ut manu fua anno-
tavit Joannes Jofcelinus. F.2.
3. Textus tranilationis & infti-
tutionis Monafterii B. Mil-
drithse, cum miraculorumat-
teftatione. F. 22.
4. De obitu Beds, Cuthberti,
ejus difcipuli, epiftola. F. 42.
Joh.Jofcelini manu.
5. Vita S. Machuti, Epifcopi,
Ventani, Saxonice. F. 43.
6. Homilis in nataliS. Machuti,
Chrifti Confeflbris ; ita titu-
lus fe habet: fed defiderantur
ipfe, unico folio tantum re-
lifto. F. 87.
7. Verfus de duodecim Apofto-
lis. F.88.
8. Oratio in Hebdomada majo-
ri, feria quarta. F. 88, b.
9. Oratib S, Gregorii Pap^,
cum interlinear! glofla Saxo-
nica. ib.
10. Fragmentum orationis Beds
Prefbyteri, itidem Saxonice
interlineatum. F. 90, b.
11. Tabulse Chronologicje a
Chrifto nato ad annum Ch.
1550. interfertis paflim me-
morabilibus hiftoricis. F. 91.
1 2. Epitome Privilegiorum Mo-
nafterii S. Auguftini Cantua-
rjje a prima fundatione per
Regem ^thelbertum, ex va-
riis Regum Chartis. Vixit
Audor tempore R. Henrici V
Regis AnglijE. F. 115.
' IX. I . Anfegifi Abbatis Capitu-
lare. F. i.
2. Capituli Caroli Imperatoris.
3. Gapi-
(49 )
or HO A.
3. Capitula Ludovici Augufti,
& Clotarii Csefaris. F, 60.
4. Excerpta ex libris legum Ro-
manorum , & Francorum.
F. 61.
5. Fragmentum vetus codicis
Theodofiani. Incipit a fine
libri IX : & continuatur ad fi-
nem libri xvii. F. 68.
6. Leges Novellje Divi Theo-
dofii. F. 72, b.
7. Leges Novelise Divi Valen-
tiniani. F. 75.
8. Leges Novelise Divi Marti-
niani. F. 78.
9. Leges Novelise Divi Majo-
riani. F. 78, b.
10. Leges Novelise Divi Seve-
ri. F. yg.
11. Caii Liber inflitutionum. ib.
12. Pauli Sententiarum libri
quinque. F. 83.
13. Gregorian! liber primus.
F. 104.
14. Papiniani liber primus.
F. 105.
*X. I. Fabii Quseftoris iEthelwer-
di Chronicon ab initio mundi
ad tempora R. Eadgari. Li-
ber vecuftus, & pulcherrime
fcriptus. F. I.
2. HiftorisB gentis Langobardo-
rum libri fex, per Paulum
■Warnefordum, charaderibus
antiquis & elegantiffimis.
3. Concilium R. i^thelredi &
magnatum regni apud Wudu-
ftock de gubernatione regni,
Saxonice fcriptum, Solum-
modo duas paginas continet.
F. 194, b.
* XL I. Concilium Romanorum
Innocentiilll, Papse. F. i.
2. Fragmencum Chronici, quod
incipit a Concilio, quod Ale-
xander III Papa tenuit Ro-
mse. Verfatur in rebus enar-
randis, quse contigerunt tem-
poribus Henrici I & II, Re-
gum AnglijE. F. 16.
3. Liber, qui dicitur Secretutn
Philofophorum. Continec in-
ftitutiones Scientiarum , &
N multa
O T H O A.
multa curiofa ad cognitionem
nacur.-e Ipeftantia. F. 20.
4. Libtllus Aftronomis ; Gal-
lice. P'. 60.
5. Seneca ad Paulum de virtuti-
bus Cardinalibus. F. -jG.
6. Liber Pro verbiorum Seneca:.
F. 80.
7. Flos totius Philofophise.
Dialogus inter Philofophum,
& Ducem Normannorum.
F. 86, h.
S. De diebus &horis^gyptia-
cis. F. 151.
9. Figuraca mundi delineatio.
F. 152, Z-.
10. Traftatus Philofophicus de
dementis & hyle, de corpo-
ribuscsleftibus, demixtione,
compofitione, aliifque Phy-
fiologicis. F. 153,
*XII. I. Allerius Menevenfis de
geftis Alfredi Regis, chara-
ftere antique, F. i.
2. Exorcifmus fuperftitiofus ad-
verfus febres ; Latine ; prje-
mifTis & intermixtis Saxoni-
cis. F. S5, b.
3. Fragmentum quoddam Hi-
ftoricum de rebus geftis
Byrhtnodi &c. Saxonice, &
poetice fcriptum. F. 57.
4. Vita & Paffio S. i^lphegf,
Archiepifcopi Cantuarienfis
& martyris, per O/bernum,
Monachum Cantuaricnfem.
5. Tranflatio S. iElphegi. F. 85.
6. Vita S. Odonis, Cantuarien-
fis Archiepifcopi, per O/ber-
num, Monachum Cantuaricn-
fem. F. 87.
7. iElmeri, Monachi Ecclefia;
Chrifti Cantuarienfis, epifto.
]«; in quibus traftatdemun-
ditia cordis, de difcretioneju-
dicii, de affabilitate in fer-
mone, de amore liberaJicatis,
profecutione juftitis, vigore
difciplinje, doftrinas ftudio,
cura pauperum, & erga de-
biles vel mente vel corpore
compaffione ; de bono vit^
cUuftraJis, cum m#ditationi-
( JO)
o r H O A.
( 51 ]
bus facris, tujufmodi funt
excitatio mentis in inquifitione
Dei, & querimonia de ab-
fentia metus Dei. Liber af-
ccticus & vere pius. F. 100.
8. PafTio undecim mille virgi-
num, a Rogero Fordonenft
Monacho fcripta, anno iiSi.
F. 139.
9. Trandacio S, Vulfhildis vir-
ginis. F. 146.
10. Vita S. Bertini Abbacis.
F. 147,/;.
11. Vita B. Vulfhildis virglnis.
F. 148,^.
12. Excerpta de vita S. Virgi-
nis iEthe]burg?e. F. 150, h.
13. DeS.Erchenwaldo. F. 155,/;.
*XIir. r. Vicarum colleftio ajiti-
qua, fafta tcmporibus Saxo-
num : in qua continentur,
1. Paffio S. Euftachii martyris*
F. I.
2. Paffio S. Marci Evanseliil.-e.
F. 22.
3. FafTio S. Cafllani martvris,
F. 28. ^
4. PafTio S. Cornelii, Epifcopi
& marcyris. F. 30, h.
5. Pafflo S. Ferrioli martyris.
F- 33-
6. Paffio S. Saturnini, Epifcopi
& martyris. F. 38.
7. Vita five Paffio B. Tecls:
Virginis. F.41.
8. Paffio beatiffimorum marty-
rum, FauftfE Virginis, Evi-
lafii, & Eufebii. F. 57.
9. Vica & vifio S. Furfei. F.57,
10. Revelatio fafta Baronto,
Monaclio in MonafterioS. Pe-
tri in pago Biturico. Ad fi-
nem : Aitafunt bee omnia vrii
Kalendas Aprilis, anno vi, rpg-
Jtante Tbeodorico, Rege Fran-
conm. Ita mentiunturSuper-
ftitiofi Monachi. F. 94.
*i. Vifio, qu?e pridie nonas
Maii Fratri Rotheario oftenni
ell. F. l^lJ,,
12. Vifio, qua? apparuit Fratri
Wettino tcmporibus Hludo-
vici , Principis Francorum,.
F. 125.
( 5^ )
O T H O A.
2. Quoddam miraculum B. Mar-
tini, quod contigic in feftivi-
tacetranflationisejus, perHu-
gonem Archidiaconum , ad
Fulbertum , cum fequentia ,
five hymno muficisnotulis di-
ftindo: cujus inicium, Dei
virtus i^ fapientia, cujus nutit
fubfijlunt omma^ i^c. F._ 1 5 1 .
3. Vita, five potius miracula
S. Swichini Epifcopi. F. 161.
4. Oratio Hiftorica in feftotran-
flationisS.Edwardi, Regis &
Confeflbris, quae celebrata e-
rat anno Chrifti 1163, 3 idus
Oftobris, die Dominico, a
Rege Henrico, Affiftentibus
Thoma, Archiepifcopo Can-
tuarienfi, Gilberto, Epifcopo
Londonienfi, mulcifque aliis
Prsfulibus & Magnatibus.
F. 165.
5. Traftatus de officio Miffse.
F. 173-
6. Conftitutiones cujufdam con-
cilii Anglican! circa tempora
Henrici ITI. F. 200.
7. Traftatulus de confeffione.
F. 20i, h.
8. Sermones fivehomilisv i. in
die Nacalis Domini ; 2. in E-
piphania-, 3. in die palma-
rum -, 4- in hsec verba, Ele-
vatus eft Sol in aelum, i^ luna
ftetit in ordine fuo ; 5. Sermo
de S. Jacobo Apoftolo;
6. Sermo de Dominica ;
7. Sermo B. Maris Virginis ;
8. Sermo de S. Maria Mag-
dalena-, 9. Sermo de Apo-
ftolis; 10. in iiaec verba, Ego
fum panis vivus, qui de ccelo de-
fcendit; veteri fermone An-
glicano compoficse circa tem-
pora Henrici II. F. 202.
9. Incantatio contra variolam
oculorum -, in qua nomen S.
Nicafii ufurpatur. F. 216. _
* XIV. I . Narratio de morte fubita-
nea Joannis WiclifF; fcripta
propria manu Tho.Gafcoigne,
qui olim erat Dodtor facrse
Theologiae in Academia Ox-
onienfi. F, 2.
2. Ex-
( 53 )
T H A.
i. Excerpta five Chronica Ivo-
nis, Epifcopi Carnocenfis.
3. Compendium de primis Re-
gibus Francorum ; h. e. a Pha-
ramundo ad Clodoveum, fi-
lium Dagoberci. F. 100, b.
4. Indicuius annorum & tempo-
rum, quibus vixeruntlmpera-
tores & Paps, a Chrifto &
Oiflaviano ad Henricum, fi-
lium Conradi & Gregorium
Succeflbrem Alexandri. F.
5. Verfus Nicolai Manuacutiiad
incorrupta Pontificum nomina
conlervanda ; ne videlicet di-
camus Eleutherius pro Eleu-
therus, & Hilarius pro Hila-
rus, & ad fciendum, qui fine
antiquiores. Initium:
Pnino Papatus Petrus ejlinfede
locatus :
^li confederunt, Linus Cletuf-
qiie fuerunt. F. 1 04.
6. Annocata qusedam de S. Bri-
gita & miraculis ejus, manu
propria Tliomas Gafcoigne,
F. 106.
7. Verfus in laudem aut vitupe-
rium Pontificis, prout ordine
re6to aut retrogrado leguntur.
Initium :
Ecdefia Pater aut Pajlor^ non
gaudia mundi,
Luhrica feSfaris ^ dans tua
largiflue, i^c. F. 106, b.
8. Libellus Provincialis; h. e,
nomina xi Regionum conti-
nentium infra fe Provincias
Regiones funt Italia, Gal-
lia, Africa, Hifpania, Illyri-
cus, Thracia, Afia, Oriens,
Pontus, vEgyptus, Britannia.
F, 107.
*XV. I. Liber Epifcopalis ; in
quo continentur adla beato-
rum Pontificum UrbisRoms,
cum Epiilola S. Hieronymi ad
Damafum P. & cum DamaQ
refponfo. Liber olim erac
S. Andreas RofFenfis. Con-
tinuatur ad Stephanum inclu-
( 54 )
O T H A.
five. Sequitiir indiculiis Pa-
parum ab Adriano ad Calix-
tum, cum nocacioneannorurn
Ponuficacus &obitus illorum.
F. r,
2. Petri Alphonfi Judaifmus ;
five dialogus de capitibus
Chriftians Religionis concra
Judsos & Saracenos, inter
Petrum, tunc converfum ad
religionem Chriftianam , &
quendam Moyfen. Ilium de
facro fonte levavit Alphon-
fus. Rex Hifpanis-, die nata-
li S. Petri, anno C. I io6: un-
deilliutrumquenomen, F. 8r.
* XVI. I. Decreta feu leges GulieJ-
mi Conqueftoris. F. i.
2. ProfapiaDucum Normannire
a Rollone ad Stephanum R,
- F. 4, b.
3. Prodigiofe qusdam narra-
tiones de S. Godmanno, Fur-
feo, aliifque, qus plane fa-
bulam (apiunt. F. 5.
4. Forma eligendi Prslatum ia
Monafteriis. F. 17.
5. Capitulum generale Canoni-
corum Regularium Ordinis S.
Auguftini, celebratum apud
Sourhwarke, extra Londi-
num, Odtabis S. Trinitatis,
anno mccix: in quo recen-
fentur ftatuta & ordinationes
in variis generalibus capitulis
in Anglia fads. F. 18.
6. Conftitutiones Ottonis, quon-
dam Legati in Anglia ; edits
London, anno Ch. 1222
F. 28.
7. Conftitutiones Ottoboni, Le-
gati in Anglia anno Ch. 1228.
F.38, ^.
8. Statuta Oxonienfis Concilii,
anno C. 1222. F. 58.
5. Statuta Concilii de Lamhethe ;
edita per Bonifacium, Archi-
epifcopumCantuarienfem, an-
no Ch. 1 261. F. 64.
10. Conftitutiones Fratris Joan-
nisdePecham, quondam Ar-
chiepifcopiCantuarienfis; edi-
tje apud Lamheth, anno Ch.
12S1. F.71.
BE. Con*
( JJ )
o r H O A.
11. Conftitutiones Benedidi Pa-
pje de Retbrmatione Cano-
nicorum Rcgularium Ordinis
S. Auguftini. F. 8i.
12. Conftitutiones Joannis Pec-
cham, Archiepifcopi Cantua-
ricnfis ; edits apud Reading
3 Kal. Augufti, anno Ch. 1 279.
F. 105, b.
13. Conftitutiones Provinciales
Roberti de Winchelfea, Ar-
chiepifcopi Cantuarienfis-, edi-
tas apud Mercon. F. 109,/'.
14. Conftitutiones Provinciales
Stephani Langcon, Cantuari-
enfis Archicpilcopi -, edits a-
pud Lamhyth anno Ch. 1206.
F. 1 1 1 .
15. Conftitutiones Simonis Me-
pham •, edits in Concilio Pro-
vinciali apud S. Paulum Lon-
don, menfe Februario, anno
Ch. 1318. F. 112.
16. Conftitutiones Joannis Strec-
ford, Archiepilcopi Cantua-
rienfis; edits London, in Con-
cilio Provincial!, 10 Odtob.
anno Ch 1342. F. 114.
17. Conftitutiones alls ejufdem,
die Mcrcurii poft ftftum S. Ed-
ward! Regis & martyris, an-
no Ch. 1342. F. 1 20.
18. Conftitutiones Provinciales,
edits in Concilio apud Weft-
monafterium, an. Ch. 1065.
F. 127, b.
19. Conftitutiones Provinciales
S. Edmundi , Cantuarienfis
Archiepifcopi. F. 128, b.
20. Conftitutiones Provinciales
Simonis Mepham, Archiepif-
copi Cantuarienfis ; edits a-
pud Lamhith. F. 133, b.
2 1. Conftitutiones Si monislflepe,
Archiepifcopi Cantuarienfis,
anno Ch. 1362. F. 135.
22. Charts Regis -, continentes
cafus, in quibus Judex Eccle-
fiafticus poteft cognofcere ,
Regia prohibitione non ob-
ftante. F. 136.
23. Conftitutiones Simonis Win-
chelfea , Archiepifcopi Can-
tuarienfis; edita: apud Magh-
( jO
field 1 6 Kal. Augufti, anno
Ch. 1^4-2. F. 138, b.
24. Cohllitutiones cujufdam fa-
crseSynodi, Epifcopi Winto-
nienfis ad clerum fuum lice-
ris municae. F. 141.
* XVII. I. Cereorum & hidarum The lare Johu Bridges ECq-, of
Humerus, quasad Coenobium Lincoln'' s-Lm, had a Copy ot this
Petriburgenfe fpedVant. F. i. whole Book.
2. Paffio SS. Ultadi & Ruffini,
filiorum Wlferi Regis, Fun-
datoris iftius Domus •, quo-
rum paffio erac occafio funda-
tionis F. 4.
'^. Hiftoria Ccenobii Petnbur-
genfis, a prima fundationead
annum Ch. 1220 aut circicer i
in qua tradat Auftor de an-
tiquitatibus, de ficu loci, de
charcis Regiis & Pontificali-
bus, de reliquiis lacris, de
Abbacibus &c. F. 2J.
4. Vetufta defcriptio Anglise
quoad longicudinem & lacicu-
dinem, comitatus & Epiico-
patus & numerum hidarum.
F. 76.
5. Prgedii de Pokebroc menfura
& redditus. F. 77,/'.
6. Hiftoria vetus Ccenobii Pe-
triburgenfis, verfibus rhyth-
micis Gallicanis. F. 78.
7. Regiftrum terrarum & pr^e-
diorum ad idem Coenobium
fpedantium, cum nominibus
Tenentium, & confuetudini-
bus & fervicutibus debitis.
F. 94-
* XVIII. I. Vita SS. Pacrum ■, ab
Hieronymo Prefbytero ad
^gyptios Monachos fcripta.
Liber anciqua manu accurate
defcriptus. F. i.
2. Confuetudines Cartufiae ;
Lxxx capitulis comprehenfe.
F. 94.
3. Brevis Hiftoria PnorumCar-
tufije, a Brunone Fundatore
ad Guigonem. F. 125.
4. Ricuale -, in quo continentur
exorcifmus Salis, ordo ad vi-
fitandum infirmum moribun-
dum & ritus de cura mortuo-
rum. F. 127, b.
^. Vita
( )7 )
O T H U A.
j. Vita S, Nicolai i perjoannem
Diaconum. F. 136.
6. Breve Compendium hiftori^e
Anglicanre, a Bruto ad Ri-
cardum II, prasmiflis quibuf-
dam epochis Chroiiologicis.
F. 153.
7. Fragmentum Saxonicum dc
Sanclo Laurentio, unico folio
trontentum. F. J56.
8. De ordinatione Monachorum
in Scliireburnenfi Ecclefu ;
per Wultfinum Epilcopum ,
ex confenfu & mandaco R,
^thelredi, anno DominicjE
incarnacionis Dccccxcvai.
F. 157.
9. Liters Gulielmi Conquefto-
ris, fignacie ab Epifcopis &
Magnatibus, de concroverfia
agitata inter Azfaftum Epif-
copiim & Baldwinum Abba-
tem de Ecclefia B. Edmundi,
quam Epifcopus pro fua fedc
Epifcopalivendicat. F. 157,^.
10. Liters Alexandri Papse ad
Balduinum, de fufcipiendo
Monafterio S. Edmundi, ad
poftulationem Gulielmi Regis,
in tutelam Romans Eccleiis.
F. 158.
11. Liters Alexandri Regis
Scotoruni ad Friorem & Con-
ventum Coenobii Wigornien-
fis •, in quibus gratias agit pro
munere quodam, h. e. ficon-
jedturam facere licet, quod
admiflfus fuifTet in fraternita-
tis illius confortium. F. 158, b.
12. Hiftoria Britonum ; quo-
modo terra Anglis conque-
fta fuit per Bricones a Gigan-
tibus, & poftea sdificata per
cos Britones. F. 159.
13. Recognicio confuetudinum
& libertatum Anglis apud
Clarendon per Alexandrum
III, anno quarto Regis Hen-
rici II, anno Ch. 1164. F.
1 6 1 , Z'.
14. Liters gratulatoris Alexan-
dri III ad Henricum Regem,
Epifcopos, Comites ac Ba-
rones, quod deftinarint: mit^ ,
( 58 )
O T H O A.
tew Epifcopos ad celebratio-
nem Concilii. F. 162, b.
J 5. Charta donationis Conftan-
tini Pap:e Sylveftro. F. 163.
16. Bulla Papas Bonifacii, tnifla.
ad Edwardum I Regem An-
glic per Robertum de Win-
chelfea, Archiepifcopum Can-
tuarienfem, pro terra Scotias.
F. 164, b.
17. Rerponfio D. Robert! de
Wincheirca , Archiepifcopi
Cantuaricnfis, ad Bullam Pa-
ps, 8 Idus Odob. anno Ch.
1300. F. 166, b.
18. Refponfio Comitum & Ba-
ronum Anglise ad Bullam Pa-
pse, 12 Febr. anno Ch. 1300.
F. 168, b.
19. Refponfio D. Edwardi Re-
gis Anglife, ad eandem Bul-
lam, 7 Mail, anno Ch. 1301.
F. 170.
20. Homagium Joannis Bailliol,
miirum D. Edwardo, Regi
Anglise, apud Berwicum Ca-
ftrum, 5 Aprilis, A. D. 1 296, •
per Gardianum fracrum Mi-
noriim de Rokefburgh & fo-
cios fuos. F. 174.
21. Nota de Ranulpho, Ceftri-
enfi Monacho ; & quod Flo-
rentius Wigornienfis adauxic
ipfius Chronicon. Recenci
manu. F. 174, b.
S2. Vita & Virtuces S. Germani,
Antifllodorenfis Ecclefias E-
pifcopi ; per Conftantium
Prefbyierum; quilibrumde-
dicat S. Patienti, LugdunenQ
Epifcopo, ac S. Cenfurio, E-
pifcopo Antifliodorenfi. F.
23. Miracula ejufdem S. Ger-
man! -, per Henricum, Mo-
nachum Antiffiodorenfem, ad
gloriofum Regem Carolum.
F. 187.
24. A Ballade, made by Gef-
frey Chaucer upon his Death-
bed, lying in his Anguifli.
F. 208.
25. Ballade ryall i made by
Chaucer, ib.
26. Chau-
( 59 )
O T H O B.
26. Chaucer's Ballade to his
Purfe. F. 208, b.
27. Cantiis Troili. ib.
28. Pidtura GuJfridi Chauceri.
F. 209.
* I. I. Johannis Forcefcue Militis,
de Lcgibus Anglic, Liber.
F. I.
2. Ejufdem, of the Difference
between Dominium Regale &
Dominium Politicum Regale.
F. 40.
3. Ejufdem Defenfio juris Do-
mus Lancaftrise. F. 98.
4. A Defence of the Houfe of
Lancajler : one Leaf. F. no.
5. S'xrjohn Fortefcue'sGsnsdXo^y
of the Houfe of Lancajler.
F. 1 1 r. (butfhou'd be 91, be-
ing mifplac'd by the Binder.)
6. Ejufdem, Of the Title of the *
Houfe of Tork to the King-
dom of England. F. 92.
7. Genealogia Regum Scotise a
R.Jacobo 2'* ufque ad Adam,
F. 96, b.
8. Sir John Fortefcue*^ Defence
of the Houfe of Tork and K.
Ed.lY. F. 67.
9. Nots in Cjefaris Commenta-
rios. F. no.
ID. VerfusProphetici de Regno
Anglic & Scotia. F. 113,^.
* II. Liber Paftoralis Gregorii M.
Papse ; Saxonice converfus a
Rege Alfredo.
III. I. Annales a Chrifto nato ad Of this 84 loofe Leaves remain,
annum Ch. 1255 '■ '" quibus burnt at the Ends and Sides, fo as
multa de rebus Anglias adno- jq be of no ufe.
tantur, prsfertimpoftadven-
tum Normannorum in An-
gliam ; & verfus finem de ob-
fidione Ceftrias, & de prjelio
ibidem, & de geftisRanulphi,
Comitis de Cellria. F. i.
2. Annales ab orbe condito ad
annum C. 1 137. F. 51.
3. Chronica Frodoardi, Mona-
chi S. Albani, ab Oftaviano
Imperatore ad annum Ch. ^66.
F. 73. _
4. Chronica Reginaldi, Archi-
diaconi Andegavenfis : conti-
2 ' duatid
( 6o )
or HO B.
nuatio nempe prioris ad an-
num 1277. In fine ell Ge-
nealogia Regum Francorum
a Pharamundo ad Phihppum
filium Hamonis. F.76, ^. _
g. Figura de difporuione tn-
buum Ifraelis in eremo. F.81.
(5. Annales ab initio mundi ad
R. Joannem, cum figuris &
Schematifmisgenealogicis. F.
U. ...
7. Annales Acephah, qui inci-
piunt ab anno 1195* conti-
nuad ad annum 1307 : deinde
ab alia manu ; alii Annales,
ad annum decimum R. Ed-
wardillv in quibus res gefts
illius regni accurate tradan-
tur: ad annum vero 131 1,
h. e. in quarto Edwardi II,
inferuntur proceflus five «-
^ teftationes de flagitiis Tem-
plariorum, & inquifitiones la
Concilio Provincial! traftan-
d£E, & multa quoque de re-
bus Londinenfium, & circa
id temporis multa; ordinatio-
nes fadse. F. m.
8. De prima inftitutione Tem-
' plariorum, ex hiftoria Antio-
chena, circa annum Domini
J 120. F. 188, />.
9. De prima inftitutione Hofpi-
taliorum, circa annum Ch.
612. F. 189.
*1V. I. Gefta paucula Abbatis
Joannis VI, i. e. Joannis Whe-
thamfted, Abbatis Monafteni
S. Albani, de tempore lUo,
quo prsfuic primo in officio
Paftorali. F. i .
2. Annotates Suffragiorum,
concelfe eidem Abbati a lo-
cis diverfis, propter varia be-
neficia impenfa ipfis. F.7, ^.
3. Caufa fub brevibus, quare
Abbas didus baculum ad
tern pus repofuit regiminis pa-
ftoralis. F. 17.
4. Proceflus fub brevibus totius
fu£e moleftationis port fua;
temporarefignationis. F". 17,^.
5. Exclamationcs Varias, quas
Abbas diftus in fucceflbrem
( 6i )
O T H O A.
eruftaverat, propter inhuma-
nitatem, ingeneroluatcm &:
ingracicudinem, quas in fua,
perfona inveniebat. h'.iijb.
6. Declaracio qusdam folennis
in his, qus fibi primo obji-
cicbantur per ingracicudinem
fuccefibris. F. 28.
7. Metra varia, tarn inveftiva
quam etiani alia, dc torma
& modo, quibus ipfe fuccel-
for in fimilem accufacionis Ja-
qiieum incidic, qualem para-
vit concra prsdecefToreni feu
parari fecic. F. ^;^.
8. FrocelTus fub brevibus forma
& modo, quibus fucceflfor
diftus veniam petiit a prede-
ceflbre pro exceffibus fuis.
F. 38, i'.
9. Nomina & numerus Libro-
rum, quos ipfe fcribi fierique
fecit, cemporibus fui regimi-
nis & ante praelationem. F.
10. Procefllis indudlionis mane-
rii five prioratus de Penbroke
in partibus South-Wallias i
metrice. F. 44.
11. Proceflfus ereftionis Ecclefias
de Wymundham de Ceila ia
Abbatiam ; metrice. F. 45.
12. Proceflus brevis fuper trina
variatione fortunee in regno
Anglise-, metrice. F.46, ^. ;..;..'
13. Proceflfus brevis fuper qua-
dam plebis infurreftione in
regno Anglic-, metrice. F.
14. Articuli illi omnes, quos
contra Joannem porrexerac ..lO'.iJ
fuccelTor. F. 49. ■r.miliu
15. Refponfiones ejufdem ad nvutti'
eofdem. F. 66.
16. Metra varia; puta de mife- IrVIfiU::-
ra force regni Anglic, de '■BJiliidui ?\i^u.
hello commiflb infra viliam ■ '[
S. Albani. Item, Epitaphia *
varia. F. j6, b.
17. Excerpta varia de prima
parte Rupinarii Abbatis prjE-
didli. Concinet explicatio-
nem communium locorum,
alphabecice digeftorum, Ab-
( ^^ )
o r 11 o B.
fthiere^ Ailvocatm , Aiiwitio-
fus &c. Liber olim erac Hen-
rici , Comicis Scaffbrd , filii
Edwardi, Ducis Buckingha-
mix, 1560. F. S<).
* V. Chronica Rogeri de Wendo-
ver, a Chrifto nato ad A. C.
1234: in qua res Ecclefiafticje
& Civiles fecundum ordinem
temporum fufe enarrantur.
VI. Liber Genefeos; pulcherri-
mis figuris hiftoriam facram
diverfimode reprxfentancibus
illuminatus, & antiquiflimis
liceris capitalibus ante mille
quadringentos annos aut cir-
citer exaratus ; quern de Phi-
lippis in Angliam fecum ad-
portarunt duo GrasciEpifcbpi
tempore HenriciVIII, ei do-
noofferentesi &periiibentes,
ex antiqua tradicione recep-
tum, quod olim polTeflbrem
agnofceret Origenem. Eliza-
betha Regina, felicis memo-
rije,eum in BibliothecEB Regis
Archivis repertum dedit D.
Joanni Fortefcue Equici, fuo
in Grjecis Prasledtori , qui
confulens pofteritati eodem
beavit Thefaurum Cottonia-
num. Ita D. Jamefius, hjec
omnia ii D. Roberto Cottono
edoftus, annotavit. Incipit
a verfu decimo tertio capitis
primi, definit vero in verfu
penultimo capitis quinquage-
fimi : ultimus verfus cum fi-
guradeeft. Defuntquoquepaf-
lim folia qu^edam -, quaedam
vero tranfponuntur, errore
bibliopegi. In fine ultimo
paginje appofuit nomen fuum
Thomas Wakefeldus.
* VIII. Abuel Birkat Abdalla Naf-
fii Thefaurus fubtilitatum.
Continet Syncpfin religionis
& legis Mohammedicas; A-
rabice. Ubi habentur multa
de peregrinatione fandla, five
vifitatione Templi Meccani.
IX. Evangelia, quse j^ithelftanus
dedit Ecclefiae Dunelmenfi.
Prfefiguntur prtefatio S, Hic-
Of this valuable Monument of
Antiquity, about 60 Pieces of
Leaves remain.
' ., « r
:ii til) i.'h
..- t3;if;<^r!.
^r.vqh. .
.ini.dIA .?.
A dozen Pieces of Leaves re-
main of this old Boofei ' iT^^"
4 IX. E.
r H O A.
( 6i )
tony mi ad Damarum P. arau-
nitntuin S. Hieronymi , &
epiftoIaEulebii de Evangelio,
cum canonum tabulis. Argu-
menta eciam casceris Evan-
geliis pn-emictuntur; & fuis
Jibris figure iv Evangelifta-
rum apponuntur. Habetur
quoque figura R. iEchelftani,
roronam in capite geftantis,
cum libro in dextra, & fcep-
tro in finiftra, & poplite flexo
offerentis Evangelia S. Cuth-
berto fedenti in Cathedra.
Enumeratio capitulorum S.
Macthsi 8i : habentur verfus
S. Marci46: verfus 1700,
S. Lues 62 : verfus 4800.
SJoannis 35: verfus 1700.
Sed hi Humeri funt male ad-
Prsmittitur lex omnium
veniencium ad feftum S. Cuth-
berci. Dedicatio hujus libri
ad S. Cuthbercum, per R.
vEthelftanum ; Saxonice. Ca-
picula Evangeliorum, h. e.
index Evangeliorum, qus ia '.
diebus feftis legi folebant per
fingulos menfes. In fine ap-
ponicur liber Homiliarum &
vitarum; Saxonice.
*X. I. Homiliadecreatione, cafu
Dasmonum, &adventu Chri'
fti. F. I.
2. In Hexaemeron. F. 8.
3. Depofitio S. Bafilii. F. 17, . •
4. De S. Mauro Abbate. F. 27.
5. Pafllo S. Julian! & ejus fponfse
BafilifTs. F. 32, /-.
6. Paffio S. Sebaftiani, marty-
ris. F. 40.
7. PafTio S.A.gnetis, virginis &
marcyris. F. 48,
8. Paffio SS. Joannis & Pauli. ;..;.',•..
9. Paffio S. Eugenias, virginis. .^^^^.a
F. 55.
10. De S. Euphrofyna. F.6i,^.
11. De S. Chriftophoro, mar-
tyre. F. 6^.
12. De S. Maria .(Egyptiaca.
F. 77.
'3. D«
o r H B.
13. De SS. feptem Dormienti-
bus. F. 96.
14. De invencione S. Crucis. F.
116, b.
i5.-Paflio Alexandii Papre, E-
vencii, ac Theodoli. F. 118.
16. Sermones tres ad infticuen-
diim populum in religione ;
in quorum alcero incroducitur
diabolus, oftendens cuidam
Anachoretse omnes pjenas in-
ferni. F. 120.
17. In natalem S. Joannis Bap-
tirts. F. 136.
18. Ritus ordinandi Monachum,
cum precibus. F. 140, b.
19. Hiftoria Holofernis & Ju-
dichse; ubi plura de captivi-
tate Judasorum : & ad finem
hiltoria Malchi Monachi ex
Hieronymo. F. 143.
20. Hiftoria libri cadentis de
cslo coram porta Ephraim a-
pud Hierofolymam ; in qua
varia func prjecepta de fanfti-
ficando fabbato, &c. Ec in
fine ait, tertimn hoc fcriptum
ejfe^ quod Dens de ccbIo miferit^
neqiie pojl hoc aliud expeEian-
diim. F. 152.
21. Canones antiqui Synodales.
Illic reperitur confeflio fidei
Catholicae, quam PapaDama-
fus mifit ad Paulinum, An-
22. Pcenitentiale Saxonicum. F.
23. Charadleres Alphabeti pe-
regrini , numero tafttum de-
cern. Aliqui ex his videncur
effe liceris Runicis fimiles. F.
165, b.
24. Liber Genefeos ; h. e. 357
capite ad finem ; Sasonice. '^- '?''ii^^"'
F. 166.
25. Depofitio S. Swithini; &
ejus miracula, de quorum fi-
lentio Auftor recencior incre-
pat priora tempora. F. 182.
26. Natale S. Edmundi, Regis
& Martyris. F. 186.
27. Nacale S. Georgii marty-
ris. F. 190,
28. De
( 6j )
r H O B.
28. DeS. Etheldrytha. F. 193.
29. Pafllo S. Margaretae. ¥^1^5.
*XI. I. Venerabilis Beds gentis
Anglorum hiftoria, a R. JE\-
fredo convcrfa ; Saxonice. p.i.
Addicur Appendix, viz.
2. Chronicon a Chrifto nato,
continuatum ad annum Ch.
looi. Saxonice. p. 231.
3. Nomina Pontificum Romanae
Urbis per ordineni ; Petrus,
Linus, Cletus, Clemens, Eua-
riftus, nulla fafta mentione
Anacleti ; ad Damafum P.
p. 302.
4. Nomina Archiepifcoporum
Ecclefis Dorobernenfis, ab
Auguftino ad Dunftanum, &
alia manu ad jElfheah, qui
eft ordine vicefimus fepti-
mus. p. 303.
5. Nomina Epifcoporum Hro-
fonenfis Ecclefis, a Paulino
ad Godwinum. ib.
6. Nomina Epifcoporum Orien-
taiium Saxonum, a Mellico
ad iElfhun. ib.
7. Nomina Epifcoporum Au-
ftralium Saxonum, aWilfriJo
ad JElmerum. p. 304.
8. Nomina Epifcoporum Ocd-
dencalium Saxonum, a Birino
ad ^chelwoldum. ib.
9. Nomina Epifcoporum Scire-
burnenfis Ecclefiae. Solum-
modo duo ponuntur. Aid-
helm & Forthhere. Hie fo-
lium exfeftum videtur. ib.
10. R. ^ifredi") in unum cor-
leges, ( puscolledts;
11. R. In£B le-( Saxonice. p.
ges, & alls,) 305.
Liber fane venerabilis, primitus
S. Marias de Suwica. v. p. 18
& 19.
-* XII. I. L'ordenance du Confeil
du Parlement, & de la cham-
bre des comptes, faice a SainC
Germain en Laye au mois de
Juigne: I'ann mill ccc xvi, que
le Roy eftoitlors regent. F. i.
2. Autre ordenance du maifon
du Roy. In initio Paginse ab
alia manu fcribitur, leu ne fit.
{ 66 )
o r H O B.
quant cejle ofdenance fut faite :
mats elle fu du Pen Monfieur^
qiii ores eft. F. 5.
3. L'ordenance de I'oftel Phi-
lip Roy de France & de Na-
varre, qui ores eft : faifte au
bois de Vincennes aumois de
Decembre, I'ann mill ccc xvi.
F. 13.
4. Ordenances extraordinares,
qui fe faiflent en I'hoftel. F.
25, h.
5. Ordenances de I'hoftel de
Madame de Poitiers, ih.
6. La maniere de compter des
Offices de I'hoftel de Mon-
feigneur pour chafcun jour.
F. 28, k
7. Les ordenances de I'hoftel
de Monfeiur le Roy d'Angle-
terre, Edoard troifieme, F.
8. Les ordenances de I'hoftel
de Monfieur le Due de Bur-
goign en tou eftas, donne a
Bruxelles, i Januar. A. 1468.
*XIII. I, Topographica Croylan-
dis delineatio. F, i.
2. Hittoria, five, u: titulus ha-
bet, defcriptio compilataper
D. Ingulphum, Abbatem iVlo-
nafterii Croylandis, natione
Anglicum , quondam Mona-
chum Fontavillenfem ; conti-
nuaca per Petrum Blefenfem
& alios ad tempora R. Hen-
rici VII. Inferta eft hiftoria
de Slandardo, ita infcribitur,
qUafi effecinitium operis: fed
nihil aliud eft, quam narratio
de bello inter Davidem, Re-
gem Scotias, pro Nepotefuo
Henrico, & R. Stephanum.
Sic autem nuncupatur ob Re-
gium fignum five vexillum a
Tjanftiumbranis Proceribus
in campo juxta Alvertonam
confticucum; ad quod omnes
debebant confluere in defen-
fione regni contra Scotos il-
iac irrumpentes. F. 2.
3. Chronica de Geftis Anglo-
rum poft Conqueftum, ab an-
or H B, c.
noC. 1067 ad annum C. 1307 •,
h. e. a coronatione R. Guliel-
mi I ad mortem R.Edvvardil.
Eadem quoad magnam par-
tem habentur apud Mat-
thseum Weftmonafterienfem :
alia vero in hoc libro fufiiis
enarrantur. F. 208.
*XIV. Charcularium Prioratus de
Lenton in agro Notcingha-
mienfi, a Gulielmo Pevereilo
fundati, cum fyllabo maneri-
orum, advocationum Eccle-
fiarum, portionum garbarum
& foeni, penfionum, terra-
rum & reddituum ad ejufdem
Priorem & Conventum fpe-
*XV. Regiftrum Monafterii S.
Augurtini CantuarijE, aprimo
Augufti die anno Cii. 1434, '
ad annum Ch. 149 1 : in quo
preefentaciones & permuta-
tiones Ecclefiarum & inden-
turze maneriorum, reftoria-
rum, grangiarum , & tene-
mencorum, &c. ad idem Mo-
nafterium fpeftantium, conti-
* I. I. Codex Evangeliorum;
Saxonice. Liber <»k£
( 74)
o r H o c.
* XIII. Hifloria Britonum a Bruto
ad iEchelftanum, veteri lin-
gua Anglicana.
*XIV". i.EpillolsRoberri Grofle-
tefte, Epilcopi Lincolnienfis,
numeroi28: quanim antepe-
nulcima valde longa eft, ni
potius tradtatus appellari me-
reatur, nempe contra exemp-
tionem Capiculi Lincolnien-
fis. F. I.
2. Ejufdem fermopropofitus co-
ram Papa Innocenuo IV &
Cardinalibus in Concilio Lug-
diinenfi. F. 145.
3. Expofuio brevis oracionis Do-
minicfe. F. 165.
4. Nomina Philofophorum, Hi-
ftoricorum, Poetarum, Ora-
torum, ordine Alphabetico.
F. 168.
5. Nota de fundatione Abbatise
S. Marije de Fontibus. F.
168, b.
6. Epiftola Turftini Archiepif-
copi Eboracenfis, ad Guliel-
mum Cantuarienfem, de rcfor-
matione & difcordiis Mona-
chorum Ecclcfise S, Mariae
Ebor. anno Ch. 1132. ib.
7. EpiftoljB tres Satyricse ; dus
contra Malgerum, & una con-
tra Rixvaldum. F. 175, b.
8. Inveftio, h. e. invedtiva in
quendam, in defenfione R.
Epifcopi Herefordenfis, F,
176, k
9. Epiftola Bernard! Abbatis
Clarevallenfis ad Lucium Pa-
pam fuper eledtione Gulielmi
ad Archiepifcopatum Ebora-
cenfem. F. 178.
10. Ejufdtm Epiftola ad Euge-
nium Papam fuper eadem re.
Initium , Importunatus futtty
fed habeo exciifationem : uti &
fequens ejufdem epiftola de
eodcm quoque negotio. F.
11. — ad Cardinales Ro-
man£e Curiae. F. 179, b.
12. ad Eugenium Pa-
pam ; Auditum ejt i>t terra no-
Jtra, & celebri fennone vulga-
(75 )
O T H C.
turn ; pro Archiepifcopo Can-
tuarienfi contra Eboracenfem
& Wintonienfem fuper que-
rela de legatione. F. i8o.
13. Epiftola Imari Tufculani E-
pifcopi adCanonicos Ecclefis
London fuper tiedlione Ri-
cardi Epifcopi. F. 181.
14. Epiftola Eugenii Papa;, ad
Epilcopum Dunelmeniem, &
Carleolenfem , Decanum &
Canonicos S. Petri, fuper e-
le6tione pr^edifti Gulieimi in
Archiepifcopatum Eboracen-
fem. F. I? i^ b.
15. Epiftola Barnard! Abbatis
Clarevallenfis ad Innocentium,
Papam de hasrefibus Magi-
ftri Petri Abclardi. F. 182.
16. Ejufdem Epiftola de eodem
ad Cardinales. F. i 83.
17. Refponfio Petri Abelardi,
contra caiumniis objedlorum
articulorum. F. 184.
18. V Rhetoricje orationes. F.
19. Epiftola Henrici Imperato-
- ris ad Philippum Regem Gal-
lic contra Papam. F.188.
20. Epiftola Rhetorica, ad Mo-
nachum fugitivum. F. 189, b.
21. Epiftola Eugenii Papje: ea-
dem cum ilia, qus prius po-
nitur, num. 14. F. 190.
22. Epiftola Eugenii Papas, ad
Stephanum R. Anglire de ho-
norando Ricardo Epifcopo
Londinenfi. F. 190,/'.
23. ad Macildam Regi-
nam Anglic, ib.
24. Epiftola cujufdam Cardina-
lis Epifcopi Hoftienfis, ad
Canonicos S. Pauli. F. 191.
Epiftolse fequentes continent
hiftoriam Schifmatis, inter PP.
Alexandrum & Odavianum,
quern elevavic Imperator;
nimirum orti ex eleftione &
confirmatione utriufque, viz.
25. Alexandri P. ad Theobal-
dum Archiepifcopum Cantua-
rienfem, &ejus SufFraganeos.
26. Epiftola Patriarcharum Schif-
T H O C.
maticorum, h. e. Peregrini
Aquileienfis Patmrchx, a-
liorumq-ue Archiepifcoporum,
Epifcoporum & Abbatum, in
Concilio Papae congregato-
rum de eledlione & confecra-
tione Odtaviani. F. 192, b.
27. Epiftola cujufdam, occulta-
to nomine ; ad Alexandrum
P. F. 194, b.
28. F.piftola Frederic! Romani
Imperacoris de eleftione &
confirmatione fui Apoftolici,
miflTa cundlis fidelibus ad con-
firmationem eleftionis ejuf-
dem. F. 195.
29. Altercatio fuper Formofo .
Papa. F. 196.
*XV, I. Roberti Epifcopi Lin-
col iiienfis epiftola monitoria
ad Priorem & Conventum de
Newenham. F. i.
2. Vifitatio ejufdem conventus
in craftino Cathedrse S. Petri,
A. D. 1232. per Archidiaco-
num Lincolnienfem ex au<5to-
ritate D. Papae. F. 5.
3. Ordinationes de proceffioni-
bus, jejuniis, confefiionibus,
licaniis, & miffis celebrandis,
& quibus modis, fubfidiis, &
remediis, Ecclefiafticis &
mundanis, refiftendum fit in-
curfionibus Tartarorum in
Hungariam, Poloniam, alia-
que loca. F. 7, b.
4. Regula S. Auguftini de vita
Clericorum. F. 9.
5. Conftitutio, vel potius ordi-
natio Canonicorum Regula-
rium fecundum Canonicam
regulam S. Auguftini, a Pa-
tribus inftituta. F, 33.
6. Confuetudinarium, ita appel-
latum, feu rituale de officiis,
& ritibus per fingulos dies
feftos celebrandis. F.68.
7. Fragmentum Homilias, Saxo-
' nice, unico folio contentum.
F. 106.
8. Ordo converforum. F. 107.
' g". Libellus a Magiftro Gulielmo
deMandagoto, Archidiacono
Nemaufenfi, compofuus, fu-
o r H o c.
{77 )
per eleftionibus faciendis, &
earum proceffibus ordinandis.
F. 109.
10. Traftatus de feptem facra-
mentis, & eorum cafibus &
impedimentis: videtur a Ro-
berto Lincolnienfi efle com-
pofitus. F. 129.
11. Modus five forma confiten-
di fecundum bonx memorise
dominum Robertum, Lincol-
nienfem Epifcopum. F. 148. :
12. De inventione Mufics per
Pychagoram e diverfa malleo-
rum fuper incudem percuflio-
ne. F. 154.
13. De periculis, qus fepe ac-
cidunc circa officium Sacer-
dotis, aliifque rebus ad facra-
menca fpeftancibus. Videtur
efie pars libri numero 10 no-
tati. F. 155.
"XVI. I. Calendarium hifloricum
rerum in Angliageftarum. F.r.
2. Extraftus Chronicorum Ro-
geri Ceftrienfis. F.14.
3. Epiftola in metro ad Guliel-
mum Epifcopum Lincolnien-
fem, de vita & aftibus Ro-
berti Grofthead ; per Ricar-
dum Monachum Monafterii
Bardenienfis. F. 43,
4. Martyrium S. Hugonis pue-
ruli, apud Lincolniam a Ju-
dasis csfi, anno 1255J per
eundem; metrice. F. 63.
5. Rogerus Dymmokus, ordinis
Prsdicatorum, contra errores
& hsrefes Lollardorum ; ad
Ricardum, Regem Angli^e.
F. 70.
6. A Sermon in Defence of the
Scripture, in Englifh. Frag-
mentum. F. 136.
7. PaffioS.Kenelmi, Regis An-
glorum & martyris. F. 141,
8. Vita S. Edwardi, Regis &
martyris. F. 148.
9. De S, Guthlaco Heremita.
F. 150.
10. Vita S. EJphegi, Archiepif-
copi Cantuarienfis. F, 152.
11. Conftitutiones Eboracenfis
Ecclefis, 3 Non. Oft. edits
an. 0.1291. F. 154. tt ^jjj^
(78 )
o r H O C, D,
1 2. Vita S. Joannis Beverlaceiiris.
F. 157.
13. Nomina EpiicoporumEbo-
"racenfium, a Paulino adj. de
Thurfby, qui obiit 47 Ed-
wardi III, anno Ch. 1373.
F. 166, ^.
14. Colleftiones de vita & mi-
raculis D. Joannis Beverlaci;
ex Folcardo, Ccenobii Doro-
bernenfis Monacho, qui flo-
ruit fub Edwardo, Rege &
Confefibre, circa annum 1060.
F. 169.
* I, i.Defcriptio Anglis, ex variis
Auftoribus coUefta, anno
Domini 1444, 23HenriciVI
Regis. F. 1.
2. Genealogiarum feries, cum
hiftoricis narrationibus, ab A-
damo per Reges Britannicos
perdufta ad Henricum VI Re-
gem Angli£E. F. 6.
3. Compendium hiftorise facrs,
ab orbe condito ad S. Joan-
nem Baptiftam & Chrifl:um
natum, cumcatalogo Impera-
torum Romanorum & Ponti-
ficum, ad Nicolaum V; &
narratione hiftorica interfper-
fa, ufque ad annum 1446 : per
eundem. F. 34.
4. Polychronicon Ranulpm Ce-
" ftrenfis, cum continuatione ;
in qua habetur plena narratio
de renunciatione , refignati-
one, dimifllone, ceffione &
depofitione R. Ricardi II, &
de vindicatione corona An-
glise per Henricum IV tunc
Ducem Lancaftrise, cumver-
fibus rhythmicis Joannis Go-
weri, ex libro ejus, qui dici-
tur, vox clamantis, dc illis re-
bus, qu£e accidebant tempore
R. Ricardi II ; & narrationi-
bus hiftoricis ufque ad mor-
tem R. Henrici V, h. e. an,
1422. F. 57.
5. Liber Bedae de imagine mun-
di. F.223.
6 Tradatus Fratris Rogen Ba-
* con, in quarta parte Mathc- ^^^.^^
( 79 )
Til O D.
7. Beda Prefbyter de fitu cerrse
Sandtae. F. 253.
8. Extradlus Itinerarii Joannis
Maundevill, milicis, de fando
Albano, qui iter fuum ince-
pit anno 1322. F. 254, b._
9. Icinerarium Fratris Odorici de
Foro Julii, per partes five re-
giones Infidelium. F. 259, h,
10. Fragmentum hiftori^ de
temporibus Henrici VI. F.
Series Fundatorum Mona-
fterii de Theokfbury, poft
genealogiam Henr. VI, occur-
II, I. Traifte de I'eftat & des con-
ditions de XIV Royaumes
d'Aife, & des Empereurs,
qui puis 1' incarnation de no-
ftre Seigneur ont regne en
yceulx , & regnent encore :
& du paffage d'oukre mere a
la terra fainte, & de la puif-
fance du Soudain d'^gypce,
qui nous appellons le Soudain
delaBabyionie; fait en Latin
par Mr. Ayton, Seigneur de
Curfey, Chevaliere, & ne-
vea du Roy d'Armenie , &
tranflate per Frere Jehan le
Long, ditd'Ypre, Moynede
I'abbaie de St. Bertin in St.
Omer, de I'ordre de St. Be-
noit. F. I.
2. L'ltinerair de la peregrination
& du voyage de Frere Bicult,
de I'ordre des Freres Pref-
cheurs •, trandate du Latin en
Francois, anno 1350, par le
mefme. F.^j,b.
3. L'ltenerair de la peregrinati-
on d'Odric de Foro Julii, de
rOrdre des Freres Mineurs;
tranflate par le mefme. F.60.
4. Traide de I'eftate de terre
fainte, & auffi in partie de la
terre d'^gypte -, fait par M.
Guillaume de Bondefelle, an-
no 1336, & tranflate par le
mefme. F. 84.
5. La copie des lettres , que
I'Empereur Soveraign des
{ 8o )
o r H D.
Tartares, Le grand Caan de
Cathai, envoye au Pape Be-
noit le XII anno 1338 -, & de
la reponfe. F. 95, b.
6. L'eftate & la governaunce du ,
grand Caan de Cathai, Sovc-
raign Empereur des Tartares,
& de la difpoficion de fon
empire; interprete en Latin
par un Arcevefque, que on
dit I'Arcevefque Saltenfis, au
command du Pape Jehan
XXII de ce nom. F, 9S.
7. Hiftoire de la noble fortrefs
de Lufignen en Poitou ; com-
pile felon diverfes croniques.
F. loi.
Liber ifte, elegantiffimis
figuris illuminatus, olim per-
tinebat ad D, Jaquettam
Luxemburgicam, Duciflam
Bedfordias; ut ilia propria
manu in fine libri teftatur,
III. Regiftrum chartarum Mona- A burnt Lump,
fterii S. Albani, de poffeffio-
nibus, libertatibus, privile-
giis, redditibus, aliifque re-
bus ad idem monafterium
IV. 1. Nomina familiarumantiqua- This Book is a Bundle of loofe
rum gentis Anglicans, ex- Leaves, having the Sides burnt
cerpta e regiftris antiquis , ofF a good way into the Writing,
chartis, & rotulis. F. i.
2. Epitome hiftorias Rogeri Ho-
veduni. Ita infcribitur. Pro-
prie eft compendium hiftorise
Regum ScotisE a Rege Ewain,
qui obiit anno 721. Hie paf-
fim vitje & gefta illorum con-
tinentur in Epigrammatibus ;
verfus finem interfperfis rebus
Anglicanis, ad annum 1270.
F, 109.
3. Chartae antique & Stemma-
ta, excerpta ex libro charta-
ceo fcripto tempore R. Hen-
rici VI. Inter quas, i. The
Pedigree of Chaalons , five
GenealogiaComitum Cabilo-
nenfium: and 2. The Pedi-
gree of Boftock in comitatu
Ceftris, and of Egerton. F.
123, i^.
4. Excenta feodorum, quje fue-
( 8i )
V r H o c.
runt Hugonis de Courteney
Comitis DevoniEe. F. 136. b.
5. Nomina Nobilium, ad quo3
Papa Calixtus Icripfic, ut ter-
ras Ecclefise Landavenli ab- ,
reptasreftituerenc. F. 138,/'.
6. Excerpta ex magna hiftoria
Britannia Armoricanse. F,
7. Armes de Chevaliers, qui fa-
rent al Tornement, fiic a
Donftaple, I'ann feptiefme du
Roy Edward tiers. F. 150.
8. De monafteriis de Furnefia
& Ives, cum excerptis e regi-
ftris chartarum di.
Laurentius, Epifcopus.
Lethardus, Epifcopus.
Machutus, Epifcopus.
Maglorius, Epifcopus.
Malachias, Epifcopus.
Margarita, Reg. Scotias.
Maxentia, Virgo & Martyr.
Mellitus, Epifcopus.
Mello, Epifcopus.
Melorus, Martyr.
Milburga, Virgo.
Mildreda, Virgo.
Modwenna, Virgo.
Neotus, Abbas.
Ninianus, Epifcopus.
Odo, Epifcopus.
Ofitha, Virgo.
Ofmanna, Virgo.
Ofwaldus, Epifcopus.
Ofwaldus, Rex & Marc.
Ofwinus, Rex & Mart.
Oudoceus, Epifcopus.
Paternus, Epifcopus.
Patricius, Epifcopus.
Petrocus, Abbas.
Piranus, Epifcopus.
Ricardus, Epifcopus.
Robertus, Abbas.
Rumwoldus, Confeflbr.
Sampfon, Epifcopus.
Sexburga, Regina.
Swithinus, Epifcopus.
Theliaus, Epifcopus.
Theodorus, Epifcopus.
Thomas, Epifcopus Herefor-
Thomas, Archiepifcop. Can-
tuar. & Martyr, exfcinditur.
Thomas, Monachus a Gallis
Walburga, Virgo.
Wallenus, Abbas.
Wenefreda, Martyr.
Werburga, Martyr.
Wilfridus, Epifcopus.
Willibrordus, Epifcopus.
Willielmus , puer a Judjeis *
Willielmus, Epifcopus.
"Winwalcus, Abbas.
Wiftanus, Rex.
Withburga, Virgo.
Wilfhilda, Virgo.
"Wlricus, Confeflfor.
"Wlfinus, Epifcopus.
( 88 )
or HO D.
Wlftiinus, Epifcopus.
X. Opera Roberci Gi ofthead,
Epifcopi Lincolnienfis : viz.
1, Tradatus de oculo morali.
F. I.
2. Deveneno. F. 21, &c. tra-
ftatus 66.
XI. Hiftorica qusdam.
1. De diftindtionibus regnorum
in Anglia ; de Regibus An-
glic, h. e. deSledda, Seber-
to, Egfrido, Offa, Withre-
do, Ethelbaldo, Elredo, Ed-
berto, iEthelberco, Alfredo ;
de difputadone de Pafchas ob-
iervatione, & de primis rega-
Jibusornamentis regni Anglic.
F. I.
2. De dedicatione Ecclefise B.
Petri, Weftmonafterii. F. 15.
3. De renovatione Ecclefi^e S.
Petri, per R. Edgarum &
S. Dunftanum. F. 16, h.
4. Charta Regis Edgari. F. 17.
2. La genealogie de Pierre de
Luxemburg, Conte de S.
Pol. F. 19.
3. La genealogie de Madam
Marguerite fon Efpoufe. F.
4. ReguljE quomodo Dominus
terrarum debet conftituere
Senefchallum, aliolque officia-
rios & miniftros, &difponere
de fuis terris -, Gallice. F. 28.
5. Modus parandi cibos, alia-
que ad rem culinariam fpe-
ftantia; Galilee. F. 30, />.
6. Medicamenca aliquot. F. 34.
7. De gemmis pretiolis & her-
bis falutaribus. F. 34, />.
8. Decima triennalis, antiqua
taxatio beneficiorum appro-
priatorum , & nova taxatio
eorundem, foluta pro Eccle-
fiis, Abbatiis, Prjebendis in
Epil'copatu Eboracenfi, cum •
firmis & Ecclefiis pertinent!-'
bus ad Abbatiam B. Marias
Eborac. & redditibus perti-
nentibus ad Prs-bendas, &
feodis militum. F. 40.
9. Propheiiia de mails & bellis,
quze contingerent inter Gal-
los, Germanos, Itajos, An-
( 8? )
O T H O D.
glos , Briconas, & Scotos,
A. D. 1290-, oratione foluta
& ligata. F. 105.
10. Literse Edwardi III Regis
Angliae ad univerlbs, decla-
rantes injurias fibi illatas a
PhilippoValefio RegeFran-
cise, eo tempore, quo cxpe-
ditionem in terram fandlam
contra Saracenos meditatus
eft. F. 106.
11. Literae dus Benedidlii P. ad
Edwadum Regem Anglis,
de caula inter Romanam Ec-
clefiam & Ludovicum de Ba-
varia agitata. F. 107, b.
12. Liters ejuldem ad eundem
de componenda pace inter
ipfum & Philippum. F. 1 10.
13. Liters Regis Edwardi III
ad Cardinalium collegium, de
eodem argumento. F. no, ^,
14. Liters relponforis R. Ed-
wardi III ad Papam. F. 112,^.
15. Liters R. Edwardi III
ad univerfarum Ecclefiarum
Prslatos & Perfonas, & alios
Ecclefiafticos, Pares, Duces,
Barones, Nobiles ac Plebeios,
in regno Francis conftitutos,
de fuo jure fucceflbrio ad reg-
num Francis. F. 113.
16. Liters patentes Johannis
Regis Bohemis, & Comitis
Luxemburgici, Radulphi E-
pifcopi Leodienfis aliorumque
de treucis inter iftos Reges
paftis initifque; Gallice. F.
113, J.
17. Mutus Liters Ludovici
Romanorum Imperatoris &
Edwardi III Regis Anglis,
de eadem re. F. 1 14, /;.
18. Liters Ambaldi & Rai-
mundi Cardinalium ad R. Ed-
wardum de eleftione demen-
tis VI Pontificis, in ipfius du-
catu nati, & de illius volun-
tate erga ipfum. F. 115.
19. Liters Edwardi Regis ad
Cuftodem fpiritualitatis Ar-
chiepifcopatus Eboracenfis, ut
celebrari faciat per civitatem
& provinciam miflas, prsdi-
cationes, procefliones, acalia,
( 90 )
O T H O D.
pis placationis officia, ob fe-
licem expeditionis in Scotos
fucceffum. ib.
20. Liters Ricardi Laurentii,
Severi & Clementis, libertatis,
pacis , jufticiseque Tribuni,
ac facrs RomariEe Reipubli-
cje liberatoris. F. 115, I?.
21. LiterjB R. Edwardi III ad
Bartholomjeum de Burgerf-
ham , Conftabularium caftri
Dovor, & cuftodem Quinque
Porcuum, uc impediat, quo
minus quifquam Bullas, Pro-
ceflus , relervationes benefi-
ciorum, inftrumenta, feu ali-
qua alia in regnum Anglise a
Papa deferar. F. 1 18.
22. Literae R. Edwardi III ad
Archiepifcopos , Epifcopos ,
Abbates, Decanos , Archi-
diaconos, de iifdem Papali-
bus provifionibus inhibendis.
F. 119.
23. Liters R. Edwardi III ad
Vicecomitem Eboracenfem ,
de eadem re. F. iig,b.
24. Liters R. Edwardi ad H.
Epifcopum Lincolnienfem ,
vel ad ejus Vicarium genera-
lem, ipfo Epifcopo in remo-
tis agente, ut non exigi finac
per Coiledores decimam nu-
per a Clero in Parlamento
conceflam, ab Abbate &
Fratribus Abbatis B. Maris
Eborac. ob illorum paupe-
riem. F. 120.
25. De modo circuitus Judicum
itinerantium; Gallice. F. 123.
26. Articuli , ut appellantur,
Itineris. F. 123, b.
* I. Didlionarium Latino- Saxoni-
cum, ordine Alphabetico :
fed non continuatur ultra li-
teram P.
* II. Vita Cofmi Ducis Florentis;
incerto Auftore.
III. Copies of Charters granted to
Merchants trafficking into
Spain and Portugal, and to
the Merchants Adventurers,
and to the Merchants of the
Weft Countrey, trading into
Of this about 100 loofe Leaves
remain : but burnt fo at the Ends
and Sides, as to be of little ufe.
o r H D.
France, from the Time
{9^ )
King Henry VIII.
* IV. Copies of Letters to Sir
Francis Walfingbam and others,
about the Year 1580.
* V. Pars Libri lecundi Hiftoris
Elienfis, quomodo Ecclefia
eft reftaurata, & a quibus di-
tata; recenti manutranfcripta.
* VI. A Hiftory, beginning from
the Affyian Monarchy, with
an Account of the feveral Em -
pires, Kingdoms and States
of the World.
VII. Letters, Warrants and o-
ther Papers relating to the Of-
fice of the Ordnance and Na-
vy -, from the Time of K.
Ed. VI to K. Charlesl; with
feveral Things relating to the
Filhery : where is alfo a little
Difcourfe about the Domini-
on of the Sea, and that the
King of England has an exclu-
five Propriety and Dominion
in the Seas coafting upon his
Kingdoms, both concerning
the paffage and fifhing in the
VIII. Colledions of Letters, and
Relations concerning Voyages
an Expeditions to Sea, by
feveral Perfons.
IX. Colleftions of Expeditions at
Sea •, containing original Let-
ters, Relations and Inftru-
aions , from King H. VIII
till after K. James I.
X. I. Of Minerals, of Gold, Sil-
ver, Copper, Lead and Iron,
out of ancient Records. F. i.
2, Of a Gold Mine in Stotland.
F. 13.
3, Of Weights, Meafures, Mo-
ney, Orders to bring in Bul-
lion, Proportions and Alloy
of Money, Exchange of Mo-
ney, and about the Exchange
of Money in King //.VIIl's
time ; written by Sir Tho.Grc-
Jham. F. 15.
4. About prohibiting the expor-
tation of Gold and Silver. F.
()l., 82, 146.
5. A way to increafe the reve-
A Bundle of loofe Leaves, fo
much burnt at the Ends, as to be
of little Ufe.
The End burnt;
of much ufe.
fo as not to be
This is burnt a little at the End
and Side: but moft of it may be
made out. As alfo are the two
( 9*
o r H o E.
nue of the Crown by advan-
cing the Coin, 1610. F. 236.
"With feveral matters relating
to the Mint.
XI. I. Colleftions about levying
of men for the fervice ot the
War, out of ancient Records.
F. I.
2. Several original Warrants of
K. Henry VIII, Ed. VI, Q^Mz-
ry, and Q^ Eliz. about Ma-
ilers. F. 22.
3. Expences of the Warr againfl:
France and Scotland, in the
time of K. Henry Ylll and K.
Ed.Yl. F.69.
4. Ways and means for eafy
trayning in the fervice of Har-
quebiifs. F. 410,
5. Orders to be obferved in the
marflialling the City of Lon-
don in the true form of difci-
pline. F. 418.
* XII. Braftonus de legibus &
confuetudinibus Anglicanis.
* XIII. Statuta Synodorum , per-
anciquo charadtere fcripta, ex
colledione, utdicitur, nefcio
qua audtoritate, Theodori
Archiepifcopi Cant.
Prsfigitur, poft x prjecepta.
Epitome judicialium legum
Mofaicarum ; deinde Canones
& Conflitutiones Ecclefiafti-
C£e fub 67 titulis comprehenfje.
In primo folio Liber S. Auguft.
Cantuar. h. e. Monafterii S.
Reperi quendam Theodorum
ter citatum.
Inferitur Epiftola, five potius
fabulofa narratio de vn dor-
mierrtibus, qui in Ephefo dor-
Occurrunt etiam Canones A-
damanni; &e Synodo Roma-
na fub Gregorio non pauca.
Ifidorus citatur ftepe, ut &;
S. Patricius.
Poft fequuntur multi alii mif-
cellanei Canones.
Liber fane prteclarus & quan-
tivis pretii.
* XIV. Hugonis de S. VicTrore de
Sacramencis Libri 2.
B. V.
(P3 )
B. V.
Books deftroyed or defaced in the Prefs called
y 1 r E L L I u s.
II. 4. ^Harta R. Henrici con- This is fo fhrivell'd up as not
V-f firmans prscedentes to be read
Charcas & Privilegia Eccle-
fise Cantuarienfis. F. 19 to 28,
to be read.
End of this.
Ill, I. Liber PanormiEc Ivonis, ve- TwpJvp t «n.,» i n. r
n^rabilis Carnotenfis Epifco- End of this ^'^'^ '""^
pi, de multimoda diftindione
Scripturarum fub una cafto-
rum eloquiorum facie conten-
tarum. F. i to 123. tv,:„ 'r rt • r /, .
3. Cauf^ XXXVI Gratiani. Ad- be ufeJefT '"''^' '''°
duntur quaedam de Confecra-
tione ScDedicatione Ecclefia-
rum, de Matrimonio & affi-
nitate, de Simonia, aliifque.
F. 151, ^.
*V. Traftatus de poteftate gene-
ralium Conciliorum, & Ro-
manorum Pontificum : in quo
favet Auftor Conciliorum au-
ftoritati, illam prjeponendo
poteftati Romanorum Ponti-
ficum. Creditur, quod eun-
dem Traftatum compofuic
magifter Joannes de Segobia,
* VI. I. Hymni ad B. Mariam vir-
ginem &c. F. i.
2. Gildas de excidio Britannise.
Liber charadlere affini Saxo-
nico exaratus. F, 2.
3. Hymni ad Theodorura Archi-
prsfulem & Abbatem Adria-
num, ad finem paginarum
prasfationis. ib.
4. Hymni ad S. Auguftinum
Cantuarienfem, in fincLibri.
F. 72,_^.
Hymni omnes notulis muG-
calibus infigniti. Ex dono
A a Clarif-
ClarilTHTii Gulielmi Camdeni.
* VII. Rituale antiquum •, in quo
variae Rubricse habentur de ri-
tibus facris in omni officio eu-
VIII. I. Calendarium vetus: in quo
Obitus quorundam Magna-
tum, Abbacum, Sacerdotum,
Monachorum aliorumque ad-
10. Annales a Chrifto nato ad
annum 1448, fcripti a quo-
dam Monacho de Lacock.
F. ii8.
11. De Gulielmo Longfpee, 8e
filiis ejus. F. 135, b.^
12. Convencio & finis, quern
Willielmus, R. Scoti^e, fecit
cum Domino fuo R. Henri-
co II, quo tempore devenie-
bat ejus homo ligeus; cum a-
liis exemplis ex Regiftris &
Hiftoriis defumptis ad pro-
bandum jus Regum Anglise
in Scotiam. F. 139.
13. Epiftola R. Edwardi I ad
Papami qua tuetur jus fuum
ad regnum Scotias ; fcripta vi-
cefimo nono Regni fui; h. e.
anno 1301 : quam idem Rex
in ada publicaCancellarise in-
rotulari five referri juffit.
F. 144, h.
IX. I. Colledio ordinationum,
. compofuionum , concordia-
rum, & confirmationum de
variis Cantariis, Vicariis, &
Hofpitalibus &c. in Dioecefi
Dunelmenfi. F. i.
2. Statutum R. Edwardi III;
in quibus cafibus locum ha-
bea. regia prohibitio contra
judicem fpiritualem. F. 74.
3. Petitiones Cltri, & Refpon-
fiont-s Regis ad Articulos Sta-
tuti prsdifti in Parliamento
Regis. Solummodo prooe-
mium illic extat, castera defi-
derantur. 74, h.
4. Refponfiones Prioris Dunel-
mife ad querelas Majoris &
Bnrgenfium Vills Novi Ca-
ibri kiper Tinam. F. J^.
5. Compilatio venerabilis patris.
All but the laft Leaf wanting.
Shrivell'd, and Part wanting.
And the three following Trads
are wanting.
This Book is fo fhrivell'd up, as
to be quite ufelefs.
(95 )
Joannis WefTington, Prions
Dunelmias, pro tucela & de-
fenfione jurium, libertatum
& pofTeflionum Ecclefise Du-
nelmias adverfus malicias &
machinationes ipfa molien-
tium impugnare. F. 83.
XIV. Ada inter Angliam & Ro-
mam ab anno 1527 ad annum
XVIII. Ada inter Angliam &Ger-
maniam ab anno 1 5 1 o ad 1 5 1 6.
Anno 15 1 6.
ab Anno 1517 ad
ab Anno 1525 ad
* V. Sermones varii
XIV. I. Sermo Roberti, epifcopi
Lincolnienfis, habitus coram
Innocentio IV Papa & Car-
dinalibus apud Lugdunum.
2. Notabilia excerpta ex epifto-
lis ejufdem. F. 6,
3. Tradlatus ejufdem de oculo
morali. F. 13.
4. Traftatus ejufdem de modo
conficcndi. F. 61.
5. Traft. ejufdem de x preceptis
Dei. F. 69.
6. Traft. fratris Malachise, Or-
dinis Minorum, & Provincis
Hibernife, de veneno, i. e. de
7 peccatis mortalibus. F. 1 13.
7. Tracft. Parifienfis de Prjeben-
dis, auro pretiofwr, ut ibi in
fine dicitur, tit patet intuenti.
F. 129.
8. Tradt. docens homines, quo-
modo deberent prjedicare.
F. 144.
9. Tradb. WillLelmi de Sandlo
amore, de periculis novifTi-
morum temporum, ex Scrip-
turis divinis excerptus, & in
capitulacertadigeftus. F.155.
10. Tra6tatus extradtus de libro
S. Auguftini de civitate Dei,
de omnibus diftis poetarum,
quse Auguftinus tangit, cum
This burnt at the End : and a
third Part of the Writing gone.
Thefe four burnt at the Sides and
Ends , fo that part of the Writing
is burnt.
This Book has the End con-
traded with Heat, and part burnt
quadamexplicatione-, fivepo-
tius abbreviatio iftius libri.
F. 179.
11. Traftatulus, qui vocatur
Convertimini, a primis verbis,
Convertimini adme in toto corde ;
five Sermones Roberti Lin-
colnienfis. F. 247.
12. Bonus poftillator fuper li-
brum Ecclefiaften. F. 317.
XVI. I. A Dilcourfe abour Mar- This Book has the Side burnt,
riages and Divorces: wherein and Part of the Writing in forae
the Queftion about the lawful Places.
liberty of marriage after di-
vorcement for adultery is ful-
ly ftated, withfeveral mifcel-
laneous Papers relating to rhe
cafe of Robert Earl of EjfeXy
and Frances Howard., daugh-
ter of the Earl of Suffolk. F. i.
2. Traftatus matrimoniales in-
ter Reges Anglise & exteros
Principes, viz.
I. inter Henricum VII
Regem & Margariram Du-
ciffkm Subaudise. F. 129, b.
138, 167, 242.
2. inter Mariam, filiam
Henrici VIII, & Caroluni
Hifpaniarum Regem & Im-
peratorem. F. 130, Z". 234,
246, 30S.
3. inter Henricum VIII
& Annam Clivenfem: with
feveral other Papers relating
to that marriage. F. 238,248,
4. ■ inter Comitem Pala-
tinum & Mariam, filiam R.
Henrici VIII. F. 102, 277.
5. ■ inter R. Edwardum
VI & Ehzabetham, filiam
Henrici II R. Gallic, anno
1551. F. 238,^. 298.
6. inter Principem Ed-
wardum & Mariam Reginam
ScotijE. F. 239, 307.
7. inter Reginam Ma-
riam & Philippum Principem
Hifpani^. F. 133, 309.
8. Lady Elixaleth\ Anfwer in
April., 1558, to Sir Thomas
Pope., fen t from Queen Afrtr^y,
to know how her Grace liked
the motion of Marriage made
(.97 )
V ir E L L lU s c.
by the King o{ Sweden's Mef-
fenger. F.323.
9. Inquifuion of what is next to
be done in the matter of the
Requeft of Archduke Charles,
AiDio 1567. F. 325.
10. Confiderations about the
Neceffity of Q^ Elizabelb's
marrying. F. 332. -vib 3:1.
11. Articuli propofui fuperma- ■■ •
trimonio R. Elizabeths &
Ducis Andegavenfis, in 1549.
F. 285, 335^347-.
12. Tradlatus Matrimonialis in-
ter Fredericum Principem Pa-
latinum, & Elizabetham, fi-
liam Regisjacobil. F. 346.
13. inter H. Principem
Walli^ & Mariam Infantem
Sabaudise : cum politicis qui-
bufdam obfervationibus: Ita-
lice. F. 372.
14. inter Dominam Eli-
zabetham, filiam unicam R.
Jacobi I, & Principem Pede-
moncii. F. 382.
15. Facultas five commiffio a
R. Jacobo I data ad tradtan-
dum de Matrimonio inter Ca-
rolum, Principem Wallis, &
Principiflam Chriftianam, fe-
cundam filiam Francias. F,
i39> 393-
16. Several Papers relating to
the Cafe of the Earl of EJfex
and Lady Frances Howard his
Wife : ubi de difTolutione Ma-
trimonii ratione impotentis
fufeagitur. F. 79, 116, 150,
1 72, 39 ' ' 395».404> 45S, 506-
17. De nuptiis inter Comitem
Hertfordise, & D. Kathari-
nam Greiam, anno 1560. F.
150, 398, 442, 500, 510.
18. A Difcourfe of Sir Walter
Rawleigb, touching the Mar-
riage of Prince Henry and the
eldeft Daughter of the Duke
of Savoy, and the Marriage of
the Lady Elizabeth with the
Prince of Piedmont, Anno
161 1. F. 511.
19. A rough Draught of the
Propofitions for a Treaty of
B b Marriage
(98 )
Marriage between Charles
Prince of Wnles, and the fe-
cond Daughter of the King
of Spain, Juno 1 6 1 5. F. 5 2 1 .
* I. I. MiiTa multum devota de
nomine Jefu. F. i.
2. Liber de quibufdam volucri-
bus & animalibus, quae divi-
na fcripcura annumerat, cum
myfticis expofitionibus , &
cum eorundem pifturis. F. 3.
3. Pidura monftrorum, quse ^
finguntur efle in India, aliif-
que exteris Regionibus. F.47.
4. Liberhieroglyphicusfiveem-
blematicus, continens varias
rerum reprefentationes, cum
illarum morali expofitione ;
veteri lingua Gallicana. F.^x.
5. Verfus eadem lingua condi-
ti de quibufdam moralibus ar-
gumencis. F. 65.
6. Narrationes quzedam de Mo-
nachis, praefertim iEgyptia-
cis : h. e. de diftis, moribus
& vitaeorum; Gallice. F. 67.
7. Elucidarium, five Dialogus
inter magiftrum & difcipu-
lum, in quo obfcuritas diver-
farum rerum Theologicarum
elucidatur, F. 102.
8. Libellus Petri Blefenfis, Ba-
thonienfis Archidiaconi, de
transfiguratione Domini, ad
Atrebatenfem Epifcopum. F.
9. Ejufdem homilia de conver-
fioneB. Pauli. F. 130.
10. Ejufdem libellus de vita B.
Jobi ; five, expofitio in caput
primum, fecundum, & ulti-
mum illius libri, ad R. Hen-
ricum II. F. 132. ^<. , . , • i.« ^ ---
II. I. Hiftoria Anglorum poft Con- Of this there rcmam about 120
quifitionem Anglic, & Nor- loofe Leaves.
mannorum, ad finem Regni
R. Henrici III. F. i.
* 2, Infignia gentilitia coloribus
depifta Haroldi, Godefridi
R. Hierofolymitani &c. qui
floruerunt fub H. III. F. 279.
♦ill. I. De fundatione Abbatijede
Fifcamps in Normannia, h. e. _..
( 99 )
Fifcanenfis; de trunco fangui-
nis Chrifti ibidem invenco, &
de portione ejufdem fangui-
nis, per Epifcopum Norwi-
cenfem advcdta. F. i.
2. Liber de via bona-, five dc
bello facro cruce fignatorum.
Initium : Cum jam appropin-
quajfet ille terminus, quern Do-
tninusquotidie fuis demonftrat fi-
delibus y atque fpiritualiter, in
Ecclefia dicenSy Si quis vuU ve-
nire pojl me, abneget fejnetipfum,
£5? tollat crucem fuam, & fe-
quatur me, fa£la eft mentio vali-
da in univerfis Galliarum Re-
gionibus, ut &c. F. y,b.
3. Verfus dehiftoriis facrisvete-
ris & novi Teftamenti, veteri
lingua Gallicana. F. 49.
4. Verfus de amoribus Florifii
juvenis & Biancheflorje puel-
Jse, lingua veteri Anglicana.
5. Gefta Amyfii & Amylonis,
verfibus Gallicanis. F. 78.
6. Meditationes pise & preces
dc Jefu & Maria, ejus paf-
fione,alii per Ofber-
num, S. Cantuarienfis Metro*
politinEE Ecclefiae filium.
2. Tranflacio ejufdem.
3. Pafllo S. Paterni Epifcopi.
4. Homilise, Saxonice : viz.
1. De Paffione SS. Petri &
2. In natali S.Jacobi, fratris
3. In natali S. Joannis, Apo-
ftoli & Evangel iftse.
4. In natali SS. Apoftolorura,
Philippi & Jacobi.
5. De S. Jacobo.
6. In natali S. Bartholomsi,
p. De pafllone Apoftolorum,
Simonis, &Jud£e.
8. In natali S, Marci, Evan-
9. De quatuor Evangeliftis.
10. In natali S. Scephani,
Protomartyris ; item,
11. De S. Stephano.
12. In natali Innocentium.
13. In natali S. Sebaftiani.
14. In paflione S. Pantaleo-
15. In natali S. Matthjei, A-
1 6. In depofitione S. Benedi-
fti, Abbatis.
17. In natali S. Martini, Epif-
18. De S. Gregorio.
19. De S. Michaele, Archan-
20. De Inventione S. Crucis.
21. De pafllone SS. Alexan-
dri, Eventii, & Theodoti.
22. De S. Andrea Apoftolo.
23. In natali S. Laurrntii.
24. In natali S. dementis, Pa-
25. In natali S. Ceciliae, Vir-
iS. In
26. In natali S. Apollinaris.
27. In natali SS. Abdonis,
& Sennes.
28. De Abgaro narratio,
29. In natali S, Euftachii, cum
foci is.
30. In natali S. Georgii,
3 1. In natali S. Ofwaldi Regis*
3 2. In natali S. Thomae, Apo-
ftoli, cum Sermone.
33. In natali S. Mauritii, cum
fociis fuis.
34. In natali S. Dionyfii, cum
fociis fuis.
S5- De aflumptione B. Ma-
^6. De annunciatione S. Ma-
ris, Dei genitricis.
27- De exaltatione S. Crucis.
38. De uno Confeflbre inhasc
verba: Vigilate ergo.~~
39. In hajc verba: Defignavit
Domims fcf alios feptuaginta
40. In hsBC verba: Homo qui-
dam peregre proficifcens.
41. In Dedicatione templi,
42. De paflione S. Eadmundi,
43- In depofitione S. Bafilii,
44. In natali S. Pauli, Apo-
45. De paflione S. Maccha-
46. De paflione S. Agnetis.
47. Alia fententia, quam
fcripfit Terentianus.
48. De paflione S. Agathze,
49. De S. Lucia, Virgine.
50. De Cathedra S. Petri.
51. De paflione S. Albani,
^2. De Injuftis.
Si . In natali S. ^theldry th»,
54. Ubi Sanftorum Anglije
corpora requiefcunt.
*XX. I. Epiftola Adrianill P. in
qua prascipit, ut Monachi de
Boaleia folvant decimas paro-
chialibus Ecclefiis. F. i.
2. Quxdam breviufculs narra-
tiones de Beda. F. i,^.
3. Hym-
( iio )
V ir ELL ]US Ti,E.
3. Hymni in S. Cuthbprtum,
notulis muficalibus infignici.
F. 2.
4. Officium, cum Leftionrbus
in feftivhatibus ejufdem. F.
5. Reliquia;, qure in Ecclefia
Dunelmenfi continenlur. F.
19, b.
6. De firu Dunelmi, & de San-
dtorum reliquiis, qus ibidem
continentur, carmen compo-
fuum S ixonice. F. 20, b.
7. Uf tribus M.iriis. ;/'.
8. Nomina & defcripcio trium
Magorum, qus muneraobcu-
lerunc Domino, ib.
9. Nomina Epifcoporum Lin-
disfiirnenfis feu Danelmenfis
Ecclefis, ab Aidano ad Phi-
lippum. F. 21.
10. Vita S. Cuthberti , Lin-
disfarncnfis Ecclefia Antifli-
tis ; partim ex Beda, parcim
ex Turgoto defumpta. F. 22.
11. De Drychelmo a morte re-
fiifcicato, cum narrationeake-
rius vifionis. F. 1 15.
12. Vira & miracula Gloriofini-
mi & Sanftiffimi Regis, Of-
waldi, ex libro Ecclefiaftico
gentis Anglorum. F. 121.
13. Vica S. Aidani, Lindisfar-
nenfis Ecclefise Antiftitis, ex
eodem. F. 130, /;.
Liber o]im erat Robert! Kegg
* I. I. Beds; Ecclcfiaflics hiftoris
Anglorum quinquelibri. P". i.
2. Epiftola de cranfuu venerabi-
]is Beds, Prefbyteri, & Gir-
venfis Monachi. F. iio, ^.
3. Enumeratio librorum Bedie.
F. Ill, ^.
4. Vita venerabilis Bedas, Pref-
byteri. F. 1 12.
5. Sergii P. epiftolje ad Ceolfri-
dum Abbatem, ut Bedam
mittat Romam. F. 115, b.
6. Vita; SS. Abbatum Monafte-
rii in Wiramutha & Girwin -,
viz. Benedidti, Ceolfridi,
Eaftermini, Sigfridi, & Aerh-
( iii )
wetberti a Beda compofits.
y. Gefta Britonum; a Gilda fa-
piente compofica. F. 121.
8. Nomina Epifcoporum Lin-
disfernenfis & Dunelmcnfis
Ecclcfias, ab Aidano ad Hu-
gonem. F. 127, b.
9. Orationes duse ad S. Cuch-
bcrtum. ib.
10. Donatio R. Egfridi. F. 128.
11. Liber devica, miraculis, &
tranficu S. Cuchberti, Lindif-
farnenfis Epifcopi. ib.
12. Reliquise, qus in Duncl-
menfi continentur Ecclefia.
F. 170.
13. Vifio S. Ofwaldi, cum effet
paratus ad beilum contra
Cuthlonem Regem, cum qui-
bufdam miraculis ejuifdem.
F. 171.
14. De ampulla olei revelata per
B. Mariam Virginem S. Tho-
rns Cantuarienii, qua>ungen-
di erant Reges Anglis. F.
II. 1. Fragmentum de regibus
Francorum, a Rege Childeri-
co, a Scephano Papa depofito
& detenco ; ubi de btrllis Re-
gis pocentiffimi Caroli agitur.
F. 1.
2. Defcriptio locorum, quae vi-
dit B-rn.irdus fapiens, quando
iv'it in Jerufalem, & rediit ; &
de ipla Jeriilalem, & de locis
circa earn. F. 3, ^. ■
3. Hiftoria Langobardorum ;
per Paulum Diaconum. F. 4.
4. De locib fandlis in Palaeftina,
&de Conllantinopoli, ScBafi-
lica, quce crucem Domini
continet. Ni fallor, efl pars
Itineiarii Bernardi.
5. Hiftorica quasdam analeda,
& Geographica.
6. GelTra Alexandri magni, quse
fcripfit Ariftoteli magiftro fLio.
7. Orofius de tribus partibus
t-n;E ; Afia, Europa, Africa.
8. Dares de Trojana liiftoria.
F. ^i.
5. Quasdam fragmenta hiftoris
( iiO
Romanae, Gr^cse, & facra:.
10. Eutropius. F. 35.
11. Excerpta ex quadam hifto-
ria Regum Francorutn, F.
12. Excerptum ex Martiano.
F. 44, b.
13. Libere dida vel fafta, ib.
14. De mutatione morum &
fortune. F. 45.
15. Mifcellaneaquasdamhiftori-
ca excerpta. ib.
Juftinus de Sardanapala.
16. Excerptum ex libro Julii
Firmici Materni. F. 46.
17. Excerpta ex geftis Romano-
rum Regum, ac Pontificum,
a Tiberio Csefare ad R. Da-
gobertum. F. 48, b.
J 8. Excerpta de Angelis, ani-
ma, came, aliifque, ex libro
Rabani Mauri. F.65.
19. Sumptum ex libro demen-
tis Papse. F. 66.
20. Fragmentum de tempio
Hierofolymitano. F. 69.
21. Fragmenta Geographica de
provinciis Galjiae, Scythis,
Italia, 8cc. F, 6^, b.
22. Hiftoria de Regibus Fran-
corum, a R. Philippo, qui in
oriente cum exercitu degebat,
ad R. Ludovicum Craflum ;
cum elegantibus piduris. Li-
ber prseclarus ; mutilus vero
aliquantulum principio &fine :
Galilee. F. 72.
23. Fragmentum hiftoria de R.
Ricardo I, & fratre ejus, R.
Joanne. F. 248.
24. Fragmentum de decimis.
F. 249.
25. Apologia de verfutiis & per-
verfitatibus Pfeudo-theologo-
rum & Religioforum. F. 250.
26. Prophetia venerabilis Joa-
chimi contra reJigiones tenen-
tes ordinem mendicantium.
F. 268.
27. Opus Arnoldi de Villa nova,
de generibus abufionum ve-
ritacis & de pfeudo-miniftris
Antichrifti cognofcendis, &
( 113
de paftorali officio contra gre-
gem exercendo. F. 258, b.
28. Philofophia Catholica adni-
chilandi arrem & vcrfutias
Antichrifti & omnium mem-
brorum ejus, fecundum Ma-
giftrum Arnoldum de Villa
nova. F. 260, ^.
III. Liber authenticus taxationum
fori, & mercium in regno
Portugallias, per R. Manue-
lem, anno 1504. figillo Re-
gis, & quorundam Confilia-
riorum Subfcriptionibus mu-
nitusi inter fpoiia, qufe ab
expedicione Lufitanica redux
rcportavit Robertus Comes
EITexise, repertus.
* IV. I. Hiftoria Anglias, aBruto
ad tempora R. Hunrici VI.
F. I.
2. Fragmenta cujufdam piaeme-
ditationis. F. 50.
3. Epiftola Wintonienfis Eccle-
fis ad Alexandrum Papam '
anno 1071 ; in qua fupplices
petunt, ne malevolorum fug-
geftione ab ifta Ecclefia,
quam a tempore R, Edgari &
S. Dunftani poflederant, a
Clericis decurbarentur ; cum
epiftola vel relcripto ejufdem
Papas, ut Ecclefia ifta in eo
ftacu Monaftici ordinis, quo
haftenus manfit, deinceps fine
omni lasfione&perturbatione
confiftac. F. 55, b.
4. Alexandri Papas Epiftola ad
Lanfrancum Doroberniae Ar-
chiepifcopum, de eodem ar-
gumenco. F. s7' ^•
5. Ejufdem altera ad eundem
in favorem Monachorum ,
conrra cos, qui moliuntur de
Ecclefia S. Salvatoris in
Dorobernia illos repellere,
& Clericos inibi ftatuere.
6. Epiftola Honorii P. ad Wil-
lielmum, Cancuarienfis Ec-
clefiae Archiepifcopum, &cse-
teros Anglic Epifcopos, de
queremoniis Urbani, Epifco-
pi Landavenfis, contra Epif-
( 114)
copos, Bernardum S. Dewi,
& Ricardum Herefordenfem ,
de quadam Parochia ab ipfo
detenca. F. 58,^.
7. Fragmencum hiftorise Tho-
mse Sprott, Monachii Mona-
fteriiS. AuguftiniCantuarien-
fis, ab anno 1055, ad annum
1202, fecundum feriem Ab-
batiim, a Wilfrico ad Roge-
rum primum. F, 69. Vide co-
ram Tib. A. IX. 12.
8. Liber Thorns Scubbs, ordi-
nis Prsdicatorum, de Epifco-
pis Eboracenfibus, a S. Pau-
lino ad Chriftophorum Bayne-
brigg. F. 115.
9. Adami, Herefordenfis Epif-
copi, qusedam, ad Joannnem
P. de rebus quibufdam &con-
rroverfiis ad Ecclefiam fuam
fpeftantibus. F. 161.
10. Walter!, Archiepifcopi Can-
tuarienfiSjmandatum direftum
ad W. Epilcopum Herefor- •>
denfem, ad levandasprocura-
tiones Nunciorum fedis Apo-
ftolicse, cum aliis ad id nego-
tium fpcftantibus. F. 165.
11. Stephani Epifcopi Londi-
nenfis mandatum adDecanum
& Capitulum Ecclefis Lon-
don, pro Hofpitalariis. F.i65.
12. Liters Prjelatorum Cantua-
rienfis provincis, direds D.
P. Joanni pro Canonizatione
D.Joannisde Ealderbi, quon-
dam Lincolnienfis Epifcopi,
datse London. 7 Idus Martii,
anno 1326. F. 166, b.
13. Litera Joannis, Epifcopi ^
Elienfis, direftaJoanniP.de
vexationibus fu£e Ecclefis, &
contra provifiones Papales.
14. Liters dugs Epifcopi Lin-
colnienfis ad Joannem Papam,
ejus opem pro fua Ecclelia
implorantis. F. 167.
15. Epiftola AlexandriPaps ad^
univerfos Epifcopos Anglije,
de Confuetudine, qus tunc
inoleverat, qua Laid Eccle-
fias & Ecclefuttica Beneficia
( iiy )
folerent paffim in regno, qui-
bus veiJenc, conferre ; data
Avenioni 2 Id. Jul. Pontifi-
catus anno undecimo. F,
16. Bulla Joannis P. pro appro-
priatione Ecclefias de Al-
brichton, Coventrienfis &
LichfeldenfisDioecefeos, Ab-
bati & Conventui de Dora,
Ciftercienfis ordinis, in Dioe-
cefi Herefordenfi. F. 168.
17. Gratia fadla per Joannem
Papam D. Thomse de Tril-
lak de canonicatu & prsben-
da in Ecclefia Wellenfi, una
cum executoria & procelTu.
F. 16%, b.
18. Gratia altera fafta eidem de
canonicatu in Ecclefia Here-
fordenfi. F. 170.
15. Gratis alise de Ecclefiis va-
cant ibus. F. 171.
20. Sententia lata pro appro-'
priatione Ecclefia de Swyter-
field, & prasfentatione Vica-
rias ejuldem, contra Epifco-
pum Wigornienfem, & tunc
Vicarium inc'umbentem, F.
21. Ariftotelis Ethicorum ad
Nicomachum pars ; Latine
verfa. F. 173.
22. Brevia quasdam colleftanea
de provinciis & civitatibus
Orientis, &c. recenti manu.
F. 213, b.
v. I. Giraldi Cambrenfis de-
fcriptio Wallis, ad Huber-
tum , Archiepifcopum Can-
tuarienfem. Lib. 2. F. i, ;
2. Ejufdem traftatus retradla-
tionum. F. 13.
3. Ejufdem catalogus. F. i^,b.
4. Ejufdem dialogusde Ecclefia
Menevenfi, ad Stephanum,
Archiepifcopum Cancuarien-
fem. F. 15.
5. Ejufdem poemata qusedam.
Haec omnia recenti manu de-
6. Mr. Jones's Anfwer to Mr.
Tate\ Queftions about the
About 200 Leaves of this Book
are faved ; but burnt round into
the Writing.j
( 11^)
Druids, and other Britilh An-
tiquities. F. c,6.
7. Tranfcripta ex rotulis Pipse,
annis primo & fecundo R.
Henrici II, decomputis red-
ditis in comitacibus & civita-
tibus Anglias, cum novis pla-
citis&conventionibus. F. 64.
8. Tranfcripta ex libro in Scac-
cario de divcrfis inquifitioni-
bus ex officio captis tempore
R. Edwardi I : in quibus con-
tinentur nomina feodorum mi-
litarium & baronatuum An-
glise. F. 82.
9. Excerpta ex quodam antiquo
Regiftro Prioris de Tyne-
mouth, remanente apu \ Co-
mitem Northumbris, de Ba-
roniis & feodis. F. 124,
ID. Nomina Epifcoporum In
Somerfet, a tempore Danie-
lis Epifcopi, anno ab incar-
natione 704, ad Joannem de
Harewell, qui erat Edwardi
Principis, primogeniti R. Ed-
wardi III, in Vafconia Cancel-
larius, cum brevi rerum gefta-
rum narratione, F. 139.
11. Colleftanea qujedam Saxo-
nica de donationibus terrarum
faftis a Regibus Eadfrido,
Eadgaro, & Edwardo. F,
139, b.
12. Catalogus Epifcoporum Ba-
thonienfium & Wellenfium.
F. 140, b. Hffic tria per
Francifcum Thynne. A. D.
1592 tranfcripta.
13. Scholies and other Notes
out of Sir Thomas de la Moore*%
Life of King Edward II. F.
14. Appendix hiftori^e Hiber-
nije, ab anno 1369 ad annum
1433- F-I44, i'.
15. Chronica Glaftoniae Guliel-
mi Malmefburienfis, colieda
per Laurentium Noell ; in qui-
bus occurrit charta S. Patritii
Epifcopi. F. 147,^. Et haec
tria per F.TliynneA. D.1592
16. Epiftola Bonifacii, Archic-
( 117)
pifcopi Cantuarienfis , ad
Henricum R. Anglise, quod
Epifcopus RofFenfis omnia
temporalia, qus in Epifcopa-
tu fuo obtinec, teneat a fcdc
Cantuarienfi. F. 163.
17. Literse R. Henrici III, de
corde patris fui ad monafte-
rium Fontis Ebrardi deferen-
do, uc illic fepeliretur. F.
18. Leges R. Edwardi Confef-
foris. F. 165.
19. Leges Canuti Regis. F, 172.
20. Leges & Confuetudines,
quas Willielmus Rex poft ac-
quificionem Angiise cum po-
pulo Anglorum conceffit ce-
nendas ; esdem fcil. quas prse-
deceflbr fuus & cognatus,
Edwardus Rex, fervavit in
Anglorum Regno. F. 174,^.
21. Charta R. Henrici I de li-
bertatibus, quam conceffit S.
Ecclefi^ & populo Anglo-
rum. F. t8o.
22. Charta R.Joannisde iifdem.
F. 181,^.
23. Charta R. Henrici III de
iifdem. F. 186.
24. Colledlanea brevia de variis
regnis Saxonum, de Archie-
pifcopis Cantuarienfibus &
Eboracenfibus, & de Comi-
tatibus & Epifcopatibus An-
glias. F. 1^6, b.
25. Leges & Inftirutiones R.
Canuti, quje vocantur Dane-
lave. F. 189, b.
26. Decreta Willielmi, R. An-
glise, quae funt iegum muta-
tiones & emendationes, quas
in Anglia pofuit. F. 199.
27. Genealogia Ducum Nor-
mannorum, a Rollone, pri-
mo Duce, ufque ad R. Joan-
nem R. Anglije: & cua Au-
dorit.ite S. Edwardus Ducem
Wiilielmum conftituit hsre-
dem. F. 199, b.
28. Leges qusdam Anglise j
G.illicc. F. 202.
29. Rhychmi, Latine & Gallice,
g de
( ii8 )
de corruptis temporum mori-
bus. F. 206.
30. Bulla Alexandri IV Paps
ad Archiepircopum Cantua-
rienfem, Epifcopos, Clerum-
que iftius Frovmcis, de juri-
bus & privilegiis Abbatum
& Monachorum Ciftercienfis
ordinis conlervandis, & ne
decimse ab ipfis exigantur &
extorqueancur. F. 208.
31. Bulla Innocentii Papas de
iifdem privilegiis. F.ioS,^.
32. Donationes qusdam R. R.
Ethelredi &Eadgiri. F. 210.
33. Chronica excerpta de me-
dulla diverforum Chronico-
rum, prsecipue Ranulfi Mo-
nachi, fcripta per Henricum
de Marleburgh, Vicarium de
Balifchadan, unacum quibuf-
dam capiculis de Chronicis
Hibernis. Excerpta autem
A. D. 1406, anno R. Henri-
ci IV poll: conqueftuni fepti-
mo. F. 212,
Incipiunc haec colleftanea a
nativicate Chrifti, & conti-
nuantur ad annum R. Henri-
ci VI duodecimum.
34. Vita & mors R.Edwardi 11;
Gallice confcripta a genero-
filTimo milice, Thoma de la
Moore -, Lacine verfa. Ex
vetuftifllnio exemplari, quod
penes Gulielmum Lambard
erat, tranlcripfiC Laurencius
Noelus. F. 276.
VI. I. Excerpta quaedam ex Chro- About a hundred Leaves of this
nicis Hollandise. F, i. Book are faved ; alio burnt round,
2. Chronicarum Hollandenfium and in feme Places into the Wri-
libri decern, a prima gentis ting.
origine ad annum 1470. Prs-
mittuntur prologi tres fuper
hilce Hollandrinoium Chro- •^
nicis: i. Cujufdam devoti:
2. Joannis Bceck : 5 Fratris
Johannis Gherbrandi de Ley-
dis, ordinis Fratrum B. Ma-
ris de monte Carmeli. F. 4.
*VII. I. Vita /Edhelberti, Regis
& Martyris, a Giraldo Cam-
brenfi digefta. F. i.
2. Vita S. Davidis, Archiepif-
( Iln
copi Menevenfisi ab eodem
digefta. F. 17.
''3. Vita S. Patricii, Archiepif-
copi & Confeflbris, Primatis
totius Ibernije, & Doftoris
ejufdem gentis. F. 31.
4. Regula D. Ailredi Abbatis, de
infticutionelnclufarum. F. 39.
5. Ordo Includendi famulam Dei.
F. 57, b.
6. Reguls vita? Anachoreta-
rutn utriufque fexus; fcriptje
per Simonem de Gandavo,
Epifcopum Sarum, in ufum
fuarutn fororum. Hunc li-
brum Frater Robertus de
Thorneton , quondam Prior,
dedit Clauftralibus de Barde-
nay. F. 61.
7. Regula Anachoretarum ; ex
fuperiore (uc videtur^ extra-
aa. F. 133.
8. Rob. GrofTeteft Epifcopi
Line. Tradtatus de oculo.
F. 140,
* VIII. I. Liber ^chici tranflatus,
philofophico editus oraculo
ab Hieronymo Prefbycero,
dilatus ex Cofmographia, an-
tique charadtere. In fine haec
verba occurrunt : Explicit
Liber Mthici Philofophi , Cof-
mographi, natione Schiiica, no-
hili profapia parent um. Ab eo
enim ethica Philofophia a reli-
quis fapientibus originem traxit.
F. I.
2. Liber Honorii folitarii de
imagine mundi. Continet
mifcellanea Geographica &
Hiftorica de Romano Imperio
& Romanorum Imperatori-
bus, &c. F. 102.
3. Epiftola B. Bernard!, ad Rai-
mondum, Dominum Caftri
Ambrofii, de cura rei fami-
liaris utilius gubernanda. F.
136, b.
4. Oratio Leonard! Are ini ad
Nicolaum de Tolentino Ca-
pitaneum, die Joannis Bap-
tiftee, anno 1442, F. 137.
5. Clariffimi & eloquentiflimi
Leonard! Aretini hiftoriaj
luiice. F. 137, b. 7. Epi-
( lio)
7. Epiflola Poggii ad Scipio-
nem Ferrarienlem, quis fic
prjeferendus, anScipio Csfa-
ri, an Csefar Scipioni Africa-
no. F; 138.
8. De magiftratibus Romanis.
F. 140, i*.
9. Epitaphia Scipionis & Au-
gufti Csfaris. F. 141.
10. Vita M. Tullii Ciceronis ;
traduftaper Aretinum. F. 141,
11. Epiflola Lentuli ad Roma-
nos de Phyfiognomia Chrifti.
F. 146.
12. Alcercatio Scipionis Africa-
ni, Alexandri M. & Hanniba-
Jis; & Minois fententia de
eorum prsvalicura. "f/'.
13. Liber Senecje de remediis
fortuicorum. F. 146, b.
14. Proverbia Senecs, & alio-
rum. F. 147.
Epiftols inter eum & S. Pau-
lum. F. 149.
15. Seneca de confolatione, ad
Martiam. F. 149, /».
16. Concroverfia habita inter
Publium Cornelium &Caium
Flaminium ante Senatum de
nobilicate. F. 150.
17. Quaedam notabilia Senecse
in Epiftolis ad Lucilium, &
in Hbris aliis. F. 152, h.
iS. Leonardi Aretini invedliva
contra hypocritas. F. 154.
19. Excerpta ex tragoediis Se-
necse, &c. F. 156,
20. Epiftola Laurentii Grimani
Veneci ad Pontificem de ex-
pugnatione Conftantinopolews
per Turcas, quos Tettcrosz^-
pellat, anno 1453. F. 160.
21. Epiftola Confolatoria Fran-
cifci Barbari ad Leonardum
Juftinianum. F. 162, b.
22. Hiftoria fuccindta, edita
avenerabili Ivone, Carnoten-
fi Epifcopo ; in primis de ge-
ftis quorundam Regum Affy-
riorum, & de geftis omnium
Romanorum Imperacorum,
& ad ultimum de Carolo mag-
no, Rege Francorum, & ip-
fius fucceflbribus. h. e. ad
( III )
tempus Ludovici Pii, anno
814. F. 163.
23. Compendiofa Chronica de
Regibus Francorum, a Pha-
ramundo ad Philippum, fili-
um Henrici. F, 201, b.
24. Fragmentum de diverfitate
idololatri£e. F, 203.
25. Solutio de Joanne Baptifta.
F. 203, b. ^
* IX. r. Calendarium Vetus. F. r.
2, Orationes, cum pidluris hi-
ftorias varias N. Teftamenci
repraefentantibus. F. 8.
3. Pfalcerium Latinum cum
verfione Gallicana ad fingulos
verfus appofita ; mutilum ab
initio ; incipit enim a verfu
fexto Pfalmi tercii. Item Can-
tica V.Teftamenti, Symboliim
Athanafianum , Oratio Do-
minica, Symbolum Apoftolo-
rum, hymnus Te Deum, qui
ibi appellatur S, Niceti Epif-
copi, canticum trium Puero-
rum , canticum Zacharise,
Gloria in excelfis Deo, uti &
alia cantica N. Teftamenti,
itidem cum verfione Gallica-
na, cum orationibus & Lita-
nia. F. 290.
Erat olim liber Katherins,
DucifTas Norfolcienfis, filias
Radulphi, Comitis Weftmor-
landise, & Jans uxoris, fills
Joannis de Gandavo, Duels
Lancaftriae, quam dono de-
dit Cecilise Dudleije, nepti
fu^ei ut ilia propria manu
. teftatur.
X. I. Hiftoire de Leys, Due d'Or- About 150 Pieces of Leaves of
leans, Frere du Roy de this Book are preferv'd ; but fo
France, Charles le bien ame ; much of them burnt away, that
vel potius Hiftoria Rerum ge- they are entirely ufelefs.
ftarum in Gallia & Burgundia
poft ejus mortem, viz. ab an-
no 1407 ad annum 1424;
Gallice. F, i.
2. Les Rues de Paris, verfibus.
F. 62.
3. De lege Salica, & mafcula
Francorum regno & imperio;
carmen Elegiacum, Philippi
Valefii, quondam Francorum
H h Regis
. ■ ( •" )
Regis inviftiffimi, ftacuse
equeftri appenfum. F. 74.
4. Buchanani quidam verlus de
Aula, cum verfione Anglica-
na. F.78.
5. Formulse qujedam Notario-
rum. F. 81.
6. EpiftolaRupertiRomanorum
Recris ad Henricum, R. An-
glic, de morte Nurus fiias,
qujeerac filia ejus; i4junii,
anno 1409. F. 82, ^.
7. Epiftola Lodowici, Comitis
Palatini & Ducis Bavaiis, ad
eundem Regem, de morte
Uxoris, filiae ejus. 4 Junii, an-
no 1409. F. 83, b^
8. Epiftola Alexandri Pap^,
contra quendam Thomam in
fedem Cantuarienfem eleftum
per Simoniam: quam ekdio-
nem caffat, & irricam pro-
nunciat -, jubetque , ut ifte
fatuus joculator five bijlrio ab
aula expellatur, & in arfto
monafterio recludatur: fcrip-
ta Romas fecundo Die De-
cembris, Apoftolatus anno
prime. Videtur effe fuppofi-
titia & plane irriforia. F. 85.
9. Literasquamplurims R. Ed-
wardi III ad Papam, Comi-
tes, Epifcopos, Abbates &c.
& exteros Principes, & alio-
rum viz. Ifabells Reginas,
Philippi, filii regis Gallic, &
Ducis Burgundia;, Caroli re-
gis Francias &c.
ID. Epitome variorum trada-
tuumde pace, aliifque. F. 87.
11. Monitiones, quas Rex Lo-
dowycus fecit Philippo filio
fuo, & manu propria fcripfic
anno 1270. F. 112.
12. Bulla revocationis fafta a
D. Papa Joanne fuper privile-
oio Univerfitatis Oxon. in
caufa vifitationis Metropoli-
tic£, dataRoms 12 Kal.De-
cemb. Pontificatus fecundo:
h. e. tempore R. Henrici IV.
F. 115.
13. Liters quasdam Univerfita-
tis Oxonienfis. F. 115, Z^. H • •
14. Literae quamplurimas R. Henrici
( 1^3 )
Henrici IV & aliorum de re-
bus ad id tempus fpedantibus.
F. 115.
15. LiterjE Thorns Arundel,
Archiepifcopi Cantuarienfis ,
ad Academicos Oxonienfes,
&c. F. 125, b.
16. Quomodo Reges & Prin-
cipes Ecclefiam defenfare, &
in fuis juribus tueri, ac Leges
& ftaruta contra hsreticos e-
dita & promulgata obfervare,
exequi, & debitse execucioni
demandare debenc ex legibus
Imperialibus, decretis Apo-
ftolicis, & SS. Patrum Au-
doritacibus. F. 132.
ly. Literse Gilbert! Stone, Can-
cellarii Epifcopi Winton. ad
Archiepifcopum Cantuarien-
fem ; uti etiam Univerfitatis
Oxon. ad Regem Henricum,
& aliorum. F. 134.
i8. Colloquium inter R. Csfa-
ris Burgi Pr^fulem & cubi-
cularium fuum de rebus auli-
cis fub initio regni R. Edwar-
di IV, de Aulicorum rapinis &
grafTationibus, &decohiben-
dis in proximo Parliamento
illis, quos Regis fervit ores ap-
pellat, ne cupidines fuas exe-
qui valeanc. F. 146,
19. A Sermon made at the be-
ginning of a Parliament about
King Richard the Ill's time ,
anno 1483, on thefe Words:
In imo cor pore mult a membra ha-
bemus ; omnia autem membra
nan eundem aHim hahent. F.
20. Oratio habita in Capitulo
RofFenfi in eleftione Prioris.
F. 171.
21. Sermo habitus in vifitatione
Monialium apud Steliyfwold
in Dioecefi Lincolnienfi, in
hasc verba : Erant mitheres af-
ficientes a longe, inter quas e-
rat Maria Magdalena. F. 174. •
22. Sermo in inftallatione cujuf-
dam . Ingrejfus Angelus
ad earn dixit, Ave, circa an-
num 1481. F. 177.
23. A
( iM )
23. A Speech or Sermon in Par-
liament, in the firft Year of
King Edward V, in hasc ver-
ba : Audite infulce, l^ attendite
populi de lotige. F. 182.
24. A Speech or Sermon in Par-
liament, annoprimoR.Ricar-
di III, in hsec verba : Lucerna
corporis ttii ejl ocidus tuus. F.
25. Dialogue between the Un-
derftanding and Faith, writ-
ten by Sir John Fortefcue, in
the Time of King Henry VI :
in quo oftendit, quibus modis
fc? rationibus Deusfape cafligat
^ punit Reges per eos , qui
magis contra ilium deliq^uerunt.
F. 196,
26. Confirmatio privilegiorum,
donationum & decimarum
pertinentium ad monafterium
Lewes in comitatu Suflexienli
Latifaquenfe, Ordinis Cifter-
cienfium , per Radulphum,
Epifcopum Ciceftrenfem, an-
no 1 121. F. 203.
27. The Bible of EngliOi Poli-
cy, exhorting all England to
keep the Sea environ; and
namely the narrow Sea; in
old Englifh Verfe. F, 206,
28. Poems of Skelton, LaureaC
Poet. F. 223.
29. Inflitutio&ftatuta Collegii
Jefu & Rotheram, Dicecefeos
Eboracenfis, fundati per Tho-
mam Archiepifc. Eboracen-
fem. F. 242.
30. Figura feretrorum Joannis
de Bridlington Confeflbris ,
Gregorii Prioris, & Georgii
de Ripley. F. 251.
31. Epiftola Regis Henrici ad
Concilium Bafileenfe, & alia
ejufmodi. F. 252.
32. Prophetia Thoma^ Aflel-
don; in old Englifh Verfe,
33. Tradlatus Bartholomjei de
Tyranno. F. 259.
34. Tradtatusfuper materia Hee-
reticorum: ubi etiam multa
habentur de Inquifitione &
inquificoribus, per Laughi-
num Hugolini Advocatum^
F. 269.
* XII. I. Martyrologium anti-
quum. Vide an non fu Beds.'*
PrsBmittitur prasfatio ex S.
Hieronymo df fcftivicatibus
SS. Apoftolorum feu JVIarcy-
rum, quas antiqui pacres ill
venerationis mylteriocelebra-
ri fanxerunt. F. i. adhujusfi-
nem apponitur,
2. Adjuratio five obteftatio Eg-
wini Epifcopi, cum teftimo-
nio WilFridi, fuccelloris fui,
qui monafterium in Cronu-
chomme conftruxit, de Ab-
bate ex Monachis inrer le, fi
habeanc quendam idoneum,
eligendo, & ne fibipotenciam
hac in re vindicenc Reges be
3. Lediones & poftills breves
in Dominicis & fellis tocius
anni. F. 61.
4. Calendarium -, in quo Benc-
faftorum monafterii Evcfha-
menfis, qui dicbus illic figna-
tis commemorantur, nomina
apponuntur. F. 73.
5. De dilacione fi;iei Ciiriftianse,
& orcu religionum. F. 84.
6. Traftarus de prima Mona-
chorum inflitutione & eorun-
dem fucceffione: concinet hi-
ftoriam Monachorum, &enu-
merationem librorum, quoa
fcripfere. F. 85.
7. Brevis Monachorum hifloria,
ordine alphabctico, five tabu-
la, ut ibi appellattir, quje
compilata erat in Monafterio
Dunelmenfi, ex libris ad fi-
nem illic adnotatis. F. 91.
8. Chronica brevis Regum An-
glise, a Bruto ad R. Ricar-
dum II h. e. ad annum 1377 J
per quendam Monachum Du-
nelmenfem. F. 102.
9. Colledtio Sententiarum pro-
verbialiumrhythmicc. F. 107.
10. Articuii e.xtrafti ex rcgula
S. Benedicfti, inquirendi in vi-
Ctatione Moaachorum illiiw
i t ofdmk,
( ^i6 )
ordinis, per magiftrum Ricar-
dum de Rypon. F. ioj,b.
11. Articulialii, feciindiim Ma-
giftrum Uthredum. F. io8.
12. De fundatione Monafterio-
rum Nigrorum Monachorum
in regno Anglis. F. io8, b.
13. Pecitio, ad Regem, Ducem,
& cteteros Magnates Regni
Anglican!, cam feculares quam
Ecclefiafticos viros, in Par-
lamento congregatos, contra
Monachos & alios religiofos.
Vide annon fit Wicliffi.F. 112.
14. Summa decimarum cujufli-
bet Dioecefeos Regni Angli.-E,
cum numero Ecclefiarum Pa-
rochialium, villarum, feodo-
riim militum, comitatuum,
&c. Anglic. F. 114, ^.
15. Taxatio bonorum Epifco-
porum Anglic; imperfefta.
F. 115.
16. Nomina Abbatum citato-
rum ad Provinciale Capitu-
lum, fecundum librum Ab-
batis de Selby. F. 115, b.
17. Nomina Priorum citatorum
ad CapitLilum Provinciale. ib.
18. Inquirenda in vifitatione Ec-
clefiae Parochialis vel Colle-
giatje. F. 116.
19. Nota, quod Ordo IVIona-
chorum per figuram Cherubi-
ni apte reprsefentatur. F,
117, b._
20. Nomina Sanflorum de or-
dine Monachorum, extrafta
de tabula, lecundum ordinem
dignitatis & modum depin-
gendi ; h.e. Paparum, Impe-
ratorum, Cardinalium, Pa-
triarcharum, Regum, Archi-
epifcoporum Cantuarienfium
& Eboracenfium, & aliorum
regnorum Epifcoporum, Ab-
batum , Priorum feu Pr.TS-
pofuorum, Doftorum & Mar-
ty rum. F. n8.
21. Hiftoris qusedam de SS.
Cedda & Wiltrido. F. 122,^.
22. De regioneNortliumbricE, &
Epifcopatibus illius. F. 123,^.
23. Brevis annotacio deantiquo
& moderno ftatu Hauguftal-
denfis Ecclcfia;, & de Ponci-
fieibus ejufdem; per Ricir-
dum, MoDLichum Hauguftal-
denfem: percingit ad annum
II 14. F. 124.
24. Bulla Eugcnii IV, P. de privi-
legio fpiricuali Priori Dunel-
menfi conceflb, libere dif-
penfare cum fuis fuper obfcr-
vatione ftatutorum & pi JEcep-
torum, qua; non func de lub-
ftantia Regulse, & etiam li-
bere abfolverede coram tr in -
gr'efTione : daca Florcntife viii
Kal. Martii, anno 1439. Qt'^
Bulla impetrata fuit per folici-
tudinem D. Joannis WelTing-
tonPrioris. F. 130.
25. Nomina Ecclefiarum & ca-
pellarumconftruilarum inho-
noremS. Cuthberti. F. 130, ^.
26. Forma profefTionis Monachi
Ordinis S. Benedi6ti. F. 1 3 2, h.
27. Primum Capitulum proviri-
ciale nigrorum iVIonachorum
celebratum apud Northamp-
ton anno 1338. F. 134.
28. Capitulum provinciale eo-
rundem Monachorum , cele-
bratum apud Weftminfter,
anno 1422, ad mandatum R.
Henrici V, ejus regni anno
o(5tavo. F. 136.
29. Regiftrum taxationum Ab-
batiarum & Prioratuum ordi-
nis S. Benedidi. F. 138,^.
30. Secundum Capitulum pro-
vinciate nigrorum Monacho-
rum, celebratum apud North-
ampton anno 1340. F. 141.
31. Memoria aduum Capituli
provincialiseorundem Mona-
chorum, celebrati apud Nor-
thampton anno 1443. F. 144.
32. Numquid licitum fit Mona-
chis,fecundum B.Benedifti re-
gulam profefTis, carnes edere,
exceptis debilibus & infirmis?
per Uthredum, Monachum
Dunelmen'fem. In utramque
partem fufe difputat Audlor.
In fine dicitur efi'e tra.
27. Articuli Exonias. F.38,/'.
28. Scatutum de libertate cla-
manda. F. 40.
29. Statutum de emptoribus
terrarum & tencmcntorum.
F. 40, b.
30. Modus faciendi homagium
& fidelitatem. ib.
31. Stacucum de quo Waranco
vetus. F. 41.
3a. Statutum de quo Warranto
novum. F. 41, b.
33. Statutum de confpiratoribus.
34. Statutum de Berewick. F.
35. Placita qujedam cum brevi-
bus. ib.
36. Statuta K'/ fly^wr. F. 45.
37. Summa magna Hcngliam.
F. 53, b.
38. Summa parva Hengham.
F. 65, b.
39. Judicium EfToniorum. F.
40. Tradatus de Baftardis. F.
41. Summa, Cum fit necejjariiim.
42. Summa, Cadit AjfSa. F. 80,
43. Exceptiones contra brevia.
44, Tr»-
( 135 )
44. Traftatus Corona?. F. 87.
4 V Placita Coronre. F. 88, b.
4L). Q,u()C modis dicitur excep-
tio. F. go,/'.
47. Collfftanea ex variis Char"-
tis & Librisantiquis, inScac-
cario & alibi excantibus. F.
II. i.StationesUrbisRomfe. F.I. This Paper Book is burnt at the
2. Ddcripcio Jefu Chnfti, quoad End and Sides into the Writing,
Stacuram & lineamenta oris, fo as to be of little ufe.
3. Dc conftrflione & virtutibus
Agni Dei. ih.
4. Regiltrum five formularium
Cunre Romans; : in quo con-
tinentur Epiftols, Decrcta,
BliI1;e, Edifta & Conftitu-
tioncs quorundam Poncificum
Romanorum, dc difpenfanoni-
bus, gratiis, collarionibus,
priviiegiis, provifionibus, in-
dulgenciis, exempcionibus ,
confirmacionibus , furroga-
tionibus , quamplurimifque
alJis ad Papas poceftatem &
iurifdidlionem & praxin iftius
Curisefpeftantibus. F. i, ^.
5. Tenurs; qusdam ex Charcis
& Rocuiis anciquis, tempori-
; bus R. R. Edvvardorum I, II
& III, Ricardi II & Henrici
IV. F. 224.
6. Collectanea ex variis Chartis
anciquis, per Henricuni Bow-
ler, ex interior! Templojurif-
confukum. F. 265.
7. Chronicon Monafterii de Hi-
da juxta Wincon, five Novi
Monalterii, a tempore R. ]E-
thelitani ad R. Edwardum III ;
exlcriptum per eundem. F,
8. Genealogis qusdam Gilber-
ti, Comitis Brionis & Au-
cenfis, Hannonis de S. Claro,
Guliclmi de Mandevil, Ra-
diilphi Baflet , aliorumque
Magnatum Anglise J pereun-
dem. F. 309.
*IIl. I. Vita & Miracula S. Ed-
wardi Regis ; per Ailredum,
Abbatem Rievailis; ad Lau-
rentium VVeftmonafterii Ab-
Sbatem. F. i. 2.. Vita
( 15^
2. Vita pacific! & pii Regis Da-
vid R. Scotia ■, per cLindem ;
ad R. HemicLim 11 : & genea-
Jogia iftius Regis -, in qua de
Regibus Saxonicis & Angliie
mulca habencur ulque ad R.
H. II. F. 43.
3. Vita & miracula S. Niniani
jEpjfcopi; pereundem. F. 66.
,-4iijSfPiTio five homilias in tian-
flacionem SartdVorum Haiigu-
ftaldenfis Ecclefije, v Id. Mar-
tii. F. jy.
5. Miracula Sandtorum, qui in
Sandla Hauguft^ildenfi Eccle-
fia requiefcunt. F.82, b.
6. Vita & Paffio S. Agadias ,
Virginis. F. 93, b.
IV. I. Collectanea ex variis Mo-
nafteriorum Regiftris & Char-
tis anciquis. F. i,
■ * 2. Concordia five traftatus in-
ter R. Henricum V. & Caro-
lum R. Francis, anno 1428..
F. 269.
V. Annals of Englifli Hiflory, be-
o;inning at the fourth Year of
K. Ed-ward VI, anno 1554,
and ending in the fifth Year
of Q^Eliz. anno 1563.
VI. I. Mifcellanea genealogica &
hiftorica, tarn lacra quam ci-
vilia, ex variis hiftoriis ex-
cerpta, prscipue de rebus
Anglorum. F\ i.
2. Succefllo Regum poft Cona-
num de Stirpe Saxonis, five
Anglica, fecundum ordinem.
F. 29.
3. Succeffio Regum Anglic de
ftirpe & fanguine Normanni-
co, a Gulielmo Conqueftore
ad mortem R. Edwardi III.
* VII. La reule de Femmes religi-
oufcs & reclufes : five, de vita
folitaria & anachoretica; per
Simonem de Gandavo, Epif-
copum Sarifberienfem ; in u-
fum Sororum ipfius.
VIII. Colleftanea ex variis Mona-
fteriorum Regiftris & antiquis
Chartis in Scaccario & alibi
Burnt at the End and Side, fo
as to be ufelefs.
The End burnt off, fo as to be
The End burnt off with a good
Part of the Writing.
About 50 Leaves of this Book
are preferved: but fo burnt as to
be ufelefs.
( 137 )
IX. I. The Names of the Cufto- The End of this Book is burnt
des or Wardens and Bailives, off, with part of the Writing : As
and after, of the Mayors and alfo of the following.
Sheriffs of the City of Lon-
don, from the firft Year of
K. Richard J, Anno 1189, to
the feventeenth Year of K.
Henry VI, with the Hiftory
of the feveral Occurrences
happening, in that Interval.
2. Two Books of the Hiftories
of Ireland, compiled by Ed-
tniind Campion , Fellow of
St. John BaptijVs College in
Oxford; dedicated to Robert
Earl of Leicejier. F. 76.
3. Chronica Regum Anglic, per
Thom. Outerburn, a prima
origine gentis ad tempora R.
Henrici V. F. 154.
i 4. Excerptiones de libro Gildae
Sapientis de primis habitato-
ribus Britannia. F. 249.
X. Chronica Mufcovidca ; Mufco-
vitice, Charadtere Sclavonico.
* XI. I. Pfalterium vetuftum,
cum Cantico Mofis ad filios
Ifrael; charaderibus Hiber-
nicis exaratum. F. i.
2. Qufedam Hibernica; chara*
Citre Hibernico. F. 97.
3. Oratio in benediflione panis
novi. F. 97, b.
*XIII. Poema mifcellanei argu-
menti, veteri Lingua Angli-
cana compofitum, & in tres
partes divifum. Capitibus
prsfiguntur tituli contento-
runi Latine; ut, inter alia,
de duodecim defedlibus ia
mundo exiftentibus, &c. de
difpofitionibus mundi, de ho-
minum conditionibus, decer-
tis fignis in Sole, Luna &
Stellis, de infolentiis Domi-
norum ac Subditorum in Re-
ligiofos propter corum inde-
votiones; cum qiiam plurirais
aliis. F. I.
2. Verfus prophetici per Prio-
rem de Brydiington. F. 87.
3. Prophecies, itn Englifh Verfe.
F. <)7.
M m » XIV.
( "38 )
* XIV. I. Poemata; Lingua &
charafteribus Hibernicis. F.i.
2. Speculum pedoris ; eadem
3. Herbarium; Latine&Hlber-
nice ; ordine Alphabecico.
F. 61.
4. Tradatulus de morbis ; La-
tine & Hibernice ; mutilus
initio & fine.
B. VI.
Books deftroyed or defaced in the Prefles called
Charters, Pidures, ^c.
* XXI. i."KT^""'' Hiftoria de
J^ Britannia. Exem-
plar vetuftum & emend.uum.
2. Vita S. Guchlaci; per iElfri-
cum Monachum ; ad Alf'wol-
dum, Oriencalium Saxonum
Regem; Saxonice. F. 35.
3. Sedulii Verfus-, charafteribus
' vetuftis & psene evanidis.
F-42. . -
*XXV. Pfilmi 98 priores, verfi-
bus Alcaicis fcripti.
r / r t/ s D.
* IX. Leges Howelis Dha ; i. e.
Boni ; Lingua Wallica.
Three Charters or Grants of Ed-
ward the Confefibr to IVeJlmin-
Jler- Abbey, with the Broad Seals
(he being the firft, that generally
ufed the Bi oad Seal in England.)
One Grant of PrtlHam the Con-
queror to iVeftminller-Abbey.
Henry the Firft's- Grant to I'P'eJi-
Anotlier of his to St. Andrew's,
Another to Chrijl's Church, Can-
The Seal of one is not much da-
maged j the other two burnt.
The Seal fpoiled.
The Seal melted.
The Seal melted.
The Seal melted,
' T'-»
The Terms of ReconciJiation be-
tween K. Henry the Second and
t- his Sons.
King John\ Magna Charta of the
I-iberties of England.
YJ\n% Edward \}i\t Firft his Confir-
mation of Magna Charta and
Charta de Forefta.
A Grant o'i William King of Scots
•- to the Monks of Salterey.
A Grant of the Abbot and Monks
of St. Aujiin'% Canterbury.
* Medals of 13.
* Five Pi<5lures, viz.
The Altar Piece of St. Bartho-
lomew's Hofpital.
Sir Harry Spelman.
Judge Dodderidg.
fVilliam Lambert, who wrote
the Survey of Kent.
Thomas Jllen, Principal of Ch-
The Seal melted.
The Impreffion of the Seal is
melced away : And rhe Charter fo
fcorched and (hrivcJIfd up, that
it is hard to be read in fome Places.
But by the Diredtion of the Right
Honourable the Speaker of the
Houfe of Commons, a Copy hath
been taken of it, attefted by feve-
ral Perfons.
The Seal melted.
The Seal melted.
Several Seals that hung at this
Grant, are quite meked oj.
Several other Parchments of
Value, in the Drawers where the
abovenamed are kept, are da--
e. To
( "4° )
To the Honourable Comm'tttee appointed to view the
Cottonian Library, and fuch of the pnblick Re-
cords of this Kingdom^ as they think proper^ and
to report to the Houfe the Condition thereof, toge^
ther with what they Jhall judge fit to be done for
the better Reception, Prefervation, and more con-
venient Ufe of the fame j
The Humble Memorial of Charles Grymes,
Setting forth,
THAT in the Year 1687. his Father William Grymes was direft-
ed by the Lords Commiffioners of the Treafury to infped the
Records belonging to the late Court of Wards, and give an
Account thereof: Accordingly, after he had forted them, he made his
Report to their Lordfhips of the State he found them in ; upon which
their Lordfhips ordered, he (hould have the Cuftody of them, and pro-
mifed to fettle an annual Allowance to enable him to employ Clerks to
digeft them, and make Indexes thereto.
Altho' no fuch Allowance was ever made, yet Grymes continued to
employ Clerks, and alfo his three Sons, to methodize and make Indexes
to the mofl: ufeful of the faid Records until the Year 1709, when they
were removed from under his Care to the Rooms, where they now
The Indexes and Calendars fo made by the Diredion of the faid
Gryjnes are now in the Cuftody of your Memorialift, viz.
Two Calendars in Folio bound, containing the Names of all the
Manors and Lands colleded into their feveral Counties from thirteen
large Folio Books, containing fpecial Liveries in the Reigns of Henry
the Eighth, Edward the Sixth, Queen Mary, Queen Elizabeth, and
King James ; and to which thefe two Calendars refer :
One Folio Index bound, containing the fame Names as in the Calen-
dars above, taken from the fame thirteen Books of Liveries, but al-
phabetically coUefted into diftind Counties ; but it wants Suffolk and
Tork ; which are done in two other Books unbound :
Onefmall Folio Index bound, containing alphabetically the Names
of Perfons fuing out their Liveries, contained in the faid thirteen Books
of Liveries :
One large Folio Calendar bound, containing the Names of the Lands
(each County feparate) contained in a great Number of Certificates
made by the Feodaries of feveral Counties, after the Office taken up-
on the Deaths of the King's Tenants , containing the Particulars of
( hO
their PofTeffions -, Thefe Certificates themfelves are alfo in the Cufto-
dy of your Memorialilt, and fill eleven Bags :
One Calendar unbound, containing the Names of Lands mentioned
in five Books of Decrees made in the laid Court, entered as they occur
in the Books :
Another Calendar unbound of the fame Thing, but digefted into
their feveral Counties:
Another Calendar unbound, referring to other Books of Decrees,
tetnp. Eliz. Jac. & Car.
A large Folio Calendar of the Names (alphabetically) of all thofe
Perfons, after whofe Deaths any Office hath been found, from the firft
Ereftion of the fiid Court to the Time of the fupprefTing thereof
Jum 1645, which refer to the Bundles of Tranfcripts of the Inquifitions
pojl Mortem :
This Memorialift hath alfo feveral other Calendars and Alphabeti-
cal Indexes, which he conceives refer to fome of the faid Records ; but
they wanting proper Titles, and he not having had free Accefs to the
faid Records thefe twenty Years, he is not able to fay exprefsly to what
or which of them they refer.
Tour Memorialift therefore hmnlly prays, you will take the Premijfes
into Confideration ; And alfo prays, that if any Provifion he made
for digefiing the faid Records, -he may have Employmetit therein, having
been always bred ainongft Records, and made them his whole Study ; and
he, not having Employment at prefent in any Fuhlick Office., is wil-
ling to apply his whole Time to fuch Service.
D. I.
Report by the Keeper of the Records in the Chapter-
Hoiife concerning the State of Records in his
To the honourable Committee appointed to view the
Cottonian Libravy^ and fuch of the Publick
Records of this Kingdom^ as they think proper,
and to report to the Houfe the Condition thereof
together with what they Jhall judge fit to be done
for the better Reception^ Prefervation^ and more
convenient Ufe of the fame.
IN Obedience to the Order of the Committee of the i;""" Inflant,
whereby I am directed to give an Account in Writing of the Na-
ture of the Records in the Chapter-Houfe, in what State they are,
and what is neceffary to be done to put the fame into a more proper
N n Condi-
( 142 )
Condition, and make them more ufeful to the Publick ; I prefume to
acquaint the Committee, that in the Chapter-Houfe, and a fmall Office
near the Tally-Court in his Majcfty's Receipt of Exchequer^ are depo-
fited the following Records, viz.
The Records of the Curia Regis, from Richard I. inclufive to Hen-
ry III. when (it is fuppofedj that Court was firft divided into the
Kin^s-Bench and Co?nmon- Pleas.
The King's-Bench Records from Henry III. to HeJjry V. inclufive.
The Records of the Common- Pleas from Henry III. to Henry VII.
The Rolls of Affife and ^lo JVarranto, and the Placita Corona of
Henry III, Edward I, II, and III.
Fines from the latter End of the Reign of Henry II. to James II.
Writs of every Species from Ed-wardl. to James II. inclufive.
In the abovementioned Records is a perfeft Syftem of the old Englijh
Law contained, and the Principal, if not the only. Evidences of the
Riorhts, Privileges, and Liberties of many publick Bodies, as alfo of
particular Perfons, efpecially in regard to Honours, Manors, and
Bills, Anfwers, Interrogatories, Depofitions, and Commifllons of
the Court of Star-Chamber.
Records and Papers of various kinds, fome ufeful, fome curious,
viz. Treaties, Letters of Publick Minifters and Ambaffadors, Ac-
counts, Court Rolls, Pope's Bulls, Privy-Seals, Contrails, Perambu-
lations of Forefts, and Indentures of the Mint.
It may not be improper here to mention, that it has been the
Opinion of the Houfe of Lords, (as appears by a Report agreed to
and laid before his Majefty Amio 1728,) that the Records of the
Court of Wards and Liveries, and of the Court of Requefts (now
decaying in Rooms belonging to the Black-Rod) ought to be
fent to the Chapter-Houfe to be methodifed, preferved, and bound
up properly.
Amongft the Records of the Court of Wards and Liveries, are many
Inquifitions pft Mortem very valuable, as are the Decrees of that
Court, which together afcertain and diftinguifli the Boundaries, as well
as Privileges of mod of the beft Eftates in England.
The Rolls of the Curia Regis, Kin^s- Bench, Common Pleas, Jffife,
9luo Warranto, and the Placita Corona are generally forted with Care
and properly difpofed.
To fome Rolls of the Kin^s-Bench, and fome few of the Common-
Pleas, there are Indexes, which I found in the Office and colledted to-
gether i and at a Sale of the Books of Mr. Le Neve (v/ho was formerly
a Deputy-Chamberlain) I purchafed a large Quantity of Indexes to
AJfife and ^0 Warranto Rolls, and to fome of the Fines, with which I
acquainted the Commiffioners of his Majefty's Treafury, who were
pleafed to order Payment for them for the Benefit of the Office, to
which, it is reafonable to believe, many of them heretofore of Right
belonged : Thefe ferve for prefent ufe very well, but are not quite
. corrcft.
Therefore I humbly propofe, that perfeft Indices Nominum ^ Lo-
corum to thefe Records rfiould be made and printed, as well as to thofe
of the Court of Wards and Liveries; and that all the fpecial Judg-
ments in the Rolls oi ih^ Curia Regis, Kin^s-Benchy and Common- Pleas,
( '43 )
fhould, with the Pleadings, be literally tranfctibed, and publiflTed. As
this Copy would be made from the Records themfelves, fo it would be
more authent/c, more ufeful, and lefs troublefome than the Volumes
of Year-Books, and Reports, often uncertain in the State of Fadts,
and often miftaking the Record.
This Work (which I flatter myfelf will be very valuable, when finifli-
ed, in regard both to the Law and the Hiftory of the Nation) might
be brought to Perfeclion in a reafonable Time, by adding two Clerks
to the three already employed, and a Perfon to remove and clean the
Records; which is abfolutely neceffiiry to fave the Time of Clerks, and
to preferve the Records from their greateft Enemy — Dud.
The Papers and Letters of State, I propofe, fhould be placed in or-
der of Time, and bound up together.
All the other Records ought to be forted into Reigns, before the
Copies and Indexes are begun, left (as is often the Cale) any of the a-
forementioned Records fliould be mixed with them, and thereby the
Chain of the Work broke.
Paper, Parchment, Uc. fhould be allowed, and the Perfon, who
dufts the Records, ought to fow on Covers to thofe, that want them.
For the better Satisfadtion of the Publick, I humbly prOpofe, that
the Progrefs made in this Work fliould be laid before each Houfe of
Parliament every SelTions by the Perfon, who has the Condud; thereof.
If it is the Opinion of the Committee, that the Records of the Court
of Wards and Liveries, of the Court of Requefts, thofe over the Houfe
of Commons, and the Manufcripts of Mr. Ry!?ier i]-io\i\d be fent to the
Chapter-Houfe, Room would be wanted to difpofe them properly,
great Numbers of Writs having been tranfmitted tliither from the Of-
fice of the Ci/Jlos Brevii/m, fince the abovementioned Report of the
Committee of Lords.
It is therefore humbly fubmitted to the Confideration of the Com-
mittee, that other proper Conveniences be made, as well for the Re-
ception of thofe Records, as of fuch others, as may be fent from the
Treafuries of the Kuig^s- Bench and Common- Pleas: And here I beg Leave
to mention, that fome Rooms and Offices have been built contiguous
to the Chapter-Houfe, and Vaults made under ir, wherein I appre-
hend Brandy and other fpirituous Liquors may be fometimes kept,
which may expofe the Records to Accidents of Fire ; and that by re-
moving fome of the Buttereffes the Roof appears to be too heavy for
the prefent Support. All which is moft humbly fubmitted to the Con-
.fideration of the Committee.
February 4, 1 73 1- J O H N L AW TO N.
( 144 )
D. II.
Report of his Majefty's Coroner, ^c. of the Records
in the Crown-OfEce.
To the Honourable Committee of the Houfe of Com-
mons appointed to view the Cottonian Library y
and fuch of the Publick Records of the Kingdom
as they think proper.
IN obedience to your Order, bearing date the Twenty-feventh Day
of March 1732, by which I am directed to give an Account in
Writing of the Nature of the Records in my Cuflody, and what
State they are in, i^c. 1 do humbly certify, that the moft ancient Re-
cords in my Cuflody commence about the firfi: Year of the Reign of
Edivard the Third, and confift of long Parchment Rolls bound up
together, every Year diftinft by it felf, with an outfide Roll of Vel-
lum fomewhat longer than the reft, the better to preferve them", v/hen
rolled up-, upon the Outfide of which faid Roll of Vellum is endorfed.
in a large old Text Charafter the Year of every particular King or
Queen's Reign.
Thele yearly Rolls, thus bound up, are diftinguiflied and forted un-
der their refpedfive Terms, by mentioning at the Top of each Roll in
a large Letter the Name of the Term, it is of.
And the Rolls of each Term are diftinguifhed under feveral Deno-
minations, and alfo forted in their proper Order •, as firft, the Bagg
Rolls, fecondly Controulment Rolls, and thirdly the Special Wric
And as to the Contents of them, the Bagg- Rolls contain an Abftratft
or Memorandum of every Caufe or Profecution inftituted or commen-
ced in each Term, viz. a Note of the Defendant's Name with his Ad-
dition, the Nature of the Offence, and whether the Caufe or Profecu-
tion is by way of Indiftment, Appeal, Information, Writ of Error,
or otherwife.
The Controulment-Rolls contain a Docquet or Memorandum of
all the Proceedings in every Caufe in each Term, as Appearances,
Pleas, Replications, Rejoynders, Sur-rejoynders, Demurrers, Con-
fcflions, Judgments, Pardons, and the like.
The Special Writ Rolls are thofe, upon which the Special Writs of
each Term are always inrolled; whether they be Original Writs as
Mandamus's., Scire Faciai's, No^anters, and the like; or Judicial Vvj its,
as Writs of Execution for Treafon, Felony, ^c. Capias's ad jaii'fa-
ciendinn. Capias's fro Fine, Levari's, i^c.
Upon thefe Special Writ Rolls are alfo entered all Returns of Refcues,
and Returns to Writs of Mandamus : And I find, that anciently all Re-
turns to Writs, of what kind foever, were enrolled, which was the moft
eiteftual Way to perpetuate them, and which I think ftiould have been
3 Upon
Upon thefe Rolls were likewife anciently entered all the Proceedings
at large, in the fame Manner they are now entered upon the Plea
Rolls at the Treafury, as well in Capital Cafes, as in other criminal
Proceedings: But how thefe Inrollments came to be left off, is not at
this Time eafily to be accounted for,
Ic will not in this Place be improper to take Notice, that, whenever
the Proceedings in any Caufe branch out and terminate in an Iffue, the
IlTue or Plea Roll, containing thofe Proceedings, is fent into the Trea-
fury, to be there filed and kept-, but before it is fent thither, it is
numbered at the Bottom according to its Place, and the fame Num-
ber is alfo put to the Controulment of that IflTue, to tallie with it by
way of Reference. And without thofe References upon the Records in
the Crown Office, it would be very difficult to find any Entry-Roll
of any Antiquity at the Treafury.
There are alfo in my Cuftody other Records, which pafs under the
Denomination of Files; and they are of feveral Sorts, and are ufed for
different Purpofes ; fome for Indiftments, Appeals, Informations,
Writs of F>ror, and the like ; others for Orders, Returns for Manda-
vius's. Habeas Corpus's, Scire Facial's, NoSianten, &'c. others for Re-
cognizances and Articles of the Peace, &c. others for Fiats ; others for
the King's Procefs ; others for Interrogatories and Depofitions; others
for Certificates againft Popifh Recufants ; and others for Certificates
concerning the Qualification of Members to ferve in Parliament.
All thefe feveral Files are covered with Vellum ; and upon the Out-
Iide of eadi File is indorfed the Name of the Term it is of, in a large
Text Chara(5tcr.
They are all in good Condition, but go no farther back than about
the Time of the Revolution -, Mr. Harcotirt my Predeceffor having fenc
all the old Files to the Treafury, for want of Room (at that Time) in
the Office to contain them.
The old Records in the Time of Edward III, Rich. II, Hen. IV, V,
and VI, and Edw. IV, fome of them are greatly impaired, but the
greateft Part of them are very legible. The Records from that Time
are in very good Condition, in which the beft way to continue and pre-
ferve them, I think, would be to put them up into Preffes of fuch a
Size, that in Cafe of Fire or any other Accident they might be remo-
ved without any great Difficulty out of the Way of Ruin.
In order to make the Records of the faid Office more ufeful to the
Publick, I think, it would be neceflary to have the principal Matters
contained in the laid Records, efpecially the Names of the Perfons,
Titles, Places and Things, reduced into a proper Order, by making
Alphabetical Tables and Indexes to them.
And with Regard to Profecutions by Information, I find they were
very frequent in the Time of Hen. VII. and Hen. VII, and long be-
The Records of Attainder were formerly kept in the Baga de Secre-
tisy which is a Cheft or Prefs in the Treafury faftened with three Locks,
one Key of which was in the Hands of the Lord Chief Juftice of his
Majefty's Court of Ktng's-Beiicb, one other in the Hands of his Majefty's
Attorney- General, and the other of the Clerk of the Crown for the
Time being.
Thefe Records are not Records of the Court, but Proceedings upon
Special Commiffions in Cafes of High-Treafon, and other Capital Of-
fences ; and (as I have been informed) were originally kept by the
O o Clerk
( i4<5 )
Clerk of the Crown, as being the proper Officer for that Purpofe. But
as they were Records of the higheft Importance in relation to the Ti-
tle of the Crown, this Method of keeping them was thought the Cakfi
and mofl; proper.
All which I humbly fubmir.
2 2 Jpril, 1732. W. BELL AMY, ///j M.iyjl^'s
Coroner and /Ittorney in the Court of
King's-Bench, Wefiminfter.
Common - Pleas Treafury.
To the Honourable the Commtttee appointed to view
the Cottonian Libray^^ and fiich of the Puhlick
Records of this Kingdom as they think proper.
IN Obedience to your Honour's Order of the Twenty-ninth Day
of February lall, whereby I the Keeper of the Records in the
Treafury of the Court of Common-Pleas am required to lay before
your Honours an Account in Writing of the Nature of the Records
in my Cuftody, and of the Condition of the Rooms, in which they are
depofited, in what Order they are < igefted, whether there be any and
what Calendars thereof, and what is neceflary to be done to make
them more ufeful to the Publick -, I do humbly certify unto your Ho-
nours, that in the Treafury belonging to his Majefty's Court of
Cornmon-Pleas at IVefitninjler, being a large fquare Room under the
Court of Exchequer, are kept the Records of the faid Court of
CoittmoH- Pleas; which do contain all Common Recoveries, Entries of
the Money, which the King hath upon Fines, all Judgments and Iffues,
with the Pkadings and Verdifts thereon in all real, perfonai, and
mixed Adlions, Inrollments of Deeds, Warrants of Attorney, Re-
cognizances, and Philazers's, and Exigenters's Rolls containing the
Entries of Writs ifluing out of their refpeflive Offices from the firft
Year of YAn^Henry the Eighth inclufive down to this prefent Time;
which are bound up in diftindl Bundles of their refpedive Terms and
Years, and are all of them fo well digefted in their proper Order, and
due Courfe of Time, in Chefts and Prefles lined, and other conve-
nient Places, that they may be eafily and readily reforted to.
There are no Calendars of thefe Records kept in this Office; bur
at the Offices of the three Prothonotaries of the faid Court there are
Calendars (otherwife called Docquets) of the faid Records, which
arc ufually reforted to, before any Search can be made in the Trea-
( 147 )
fury. The Clerk of the Effoigns of the fiid Court doth alfo keep
an Alphabetical-Table of all Judgments brought into this Office,
in purfiunce of the Stature of the Fourth and Fifth of King IFiUiam
and Queen A/.vv, and tiie Clerk of the Warrants of the Kiid Court
doth keep a Docquet of all Common Recoveries and Deeds in-
I do not find, that there is any Thing wanting materially neceffary,
to put thefe Records into a more proper Condition, or to make them
more ufcful to the Publick, except lome few Repairs of the Floor,
Shelves and PrelTcs for the better preferving them from Duft, and
except fuch a Quantity of Vellum, or Parchment, and Cording, as
fliall be fufficient for new covering and binding fuch of them
whofe Covers and Bindings, and the Marking or Texting are worn
out, or greatly decayed by Time, which may be repaired and made
good at no great Expence. All which is humbly fubmitted to your
Honours by
Tour Homun
Common- Pleas Treafui-^y
1 6 March 1731. Moft Dutiful and
Obedient Servant^
D. IV.
D. IV.
Cuftos Brevium.
IN obedience to an Order of the Honourable Committee appointed
by the Houfe of Commons, dated the Twenty-ninth of February
1 73 1, to view the Cottonhw. Library, and fuch of thepublick Re-
cords of this Kingdom as they think proper, i^c.
Walter Ba'^nes, Deputy to the Right Honourable the Earl oi Litch-
field, Cujlos Brevium of his Majefty's Court oi Common- Pleas at IVell-
mi}ifter, doth lay before the (Iiid Committee an Account of the Na-
ture of the Records in his Cuftody, in what Order they are digefled,
and what Books or Calendars are made thereof, with the Condition of
the Rooms or Treafury, in which they are depofited ; and are as follows,
N. B. All the Writs and Records to the Revolution are tranfmitted
into the Exchequer, and depofited in the Chapter-Houfe belong-
ing to IVcJlminfier- Abbey.
The Kingdom is divided into the five Divifions of the Heart,
Ladder, Crow, Buckle and Bell
I. Heart, which contains
C\i)'oi Norwich.
II. Ladder, which contains
City of Canterbury.
III. Crow, which contains
Vill. Southampton.
City of Brijhl.
Vill. Pool.
City of Ex on.
City of Worcejier.
Wore eft erjhire.
City of Gloiicefter.
And firft the
IV. Buckle, which contains
OxfordJJjire. \
City of Litchfield.
V. Bell, which contains
Warivickfiire. i
Cityof Co^'ifK/rj.
Leiceft erjhire.
Vill. Nottingham.
No 1 1 ingbamfijire.
City of Lincoln.
City of Tork.
Vill. of Kingfton fuper
Vill. Newcafile fuper
{ H9 )
N. S. All Originals and Special Writs are filed according to the
faid fevenil Divifions; and in every Divifion is contained for
every Term twu Bundk-s, viz. one of the firfl: and lail Returns,
and the other of the middle Retiiins ; upon .il! which Bandits are
indorfed in a large Hand, the Term and Returns contained in
fuch Bundles.
Proclamations are filed, the whole Term in a Bundle.
Mittimus's and Tranfcripts upon Writs of Entry are filed, the whole
Year together.
Exigents are filed, one Term in a Bundle.
Pollea's are filed, the Year the Judgment is figned of, the whole
Year together.
Concords of Fines are filed according to the Term, they are pro-
claimed of, one Term in a Bundle.
Feet of the Fines are filed, one Term in a Bundle.
Writs of Fntry, Summorfs, and Seifinf, are filed, each Term in a Bun-
dle (except Writs of Seifin returned indiUite) are filed with the Writs
of Entry.
Venire faciai's, in London a.nd Middlefex are filed, EaJlerTtrmon one
File, and Michaelmas on another, and both put into one Bundle.
Inquifitions upon Utlawries, Elegies, Writs of Enquiry, and Bills
againft Attorneys and priviledged Pcrfons; and alfo Writs ad EUgend'
Coronator\ and other Writs of the like Nature are all filed together,
each Term in a Bundle.
The Writs of Covenant are every Teriti entered into a Book of the
fame Term, they are returnable, and according to the Term the Con-
cord is proclaim'd of.
The Treafury belonging to the Cujlos Brevium in JVeJl?ninJler-Hall, is
out of Repair, and wants very much to be amended, as your Ho-
nours will fee, when you view the fame.
The Order of fileing the Writs and Records, being very numerous,
and of fo many different Natures, yet being fo digcfted as above, any
Writ or Record (the Term and Year being known) may be found in a
quarter of an Hour : And whether any other Way, than what is now,
and always heretofore has been praftifed, can be found out to make
the fame more ufeful to the Publick, is humbly fubmitted to your
N. B. There are no other Books or Calendars, than of Fines, as are
above mentioned.
Pp D.V.
( 'JO )
D. V.
The Report of the Deputy Clerk of the Pipe.
To the Honourable the Committee of the Honourable
Houfe of Commons^ appointed to view the Cotto-
nian Librar'yy and fuch of the Puhltck Records of
this Kingdom^ as they think proper.
IN obedience to your Honours Order of the Twenty-ninth of Fe-
bniary, which came to hand the Fourth of this Inftant, whereby
I am required to lay before your Honours an Account in Writing,
of the Nature of the Records in the Pipe-Office, in what Condition
the Rooms are, where they are depofited, in what Order they are
digefted, and what is neceflary to be done to make them more ufeful
to the Publick ;
I do in the humbleft Manner certify, that the Records of this Office
are of three Sorts: The great Roll of the Exchequer ; the foreign
Accompts ; and Leafes of the Crown Lands, and of Lands of Pcr-
fons out-Iawed, which pafs under the Exchequer Seal,
The Great Roll contains an Accompt of the ancient Revenue of
the Crown, writ out in Procefs every Year to the feveral Sheriffs
of England, who were the general Receivers and Colleftors thereof,
and by them levied, and anfwered to the Crown upon their an-
nual Accounts before the Clerk of the Pipe: Which Method is
continued for fo much of the faid Revenue, as yet remains, and hath
not been alienated from the Crown. For all which the refpedive
Sheriffs do now accompt, and take their ^ietus out of this Office
The foreign Accompts are the Supplies, and that Part of the Re-
venue, which is granted by Parliament, and are made up by the Audi-
tors of the Revenue and Imprefts -, and all thcfe Accomptants do like-
wife annually receive their Quietus out of the Pipe. So that the Re-
venue of the Crown paffing through this Office, the Records thereof
-are both valuable and numerous.
The Great Rolls made up from the Time of King Stephen (as fup-
pofed) to King James the Second, do for the moft Part lie in good
Method and Order in Wainfcot Preffes in the Court of Exchequer
at Weft7ninfter ; and whatever is contained in them may eafily be found,
becaufe the feveral Counties and Cities are placed in an alphabetical
Order, and the Year of each King's Reign being texted (except thofe
defaced) on the Cover of each Roll in large Charaeters. The great
Rolls fince that Time are lodged in the Pipe-Office in Gra)'s,-hm \n
good Plight and Order, ready to be carried to the Exchequer at IVeJl-
7nmjier, when any Conveniency offers to put them in.
The Foreign Accompts before the Year One Thonfind Six Hun-
dred and Eighty Eight were not many ; Part of them are made up
in -large Rolls, and Part promifcuoufly thrown into Chcfts at the Ex-
( IJt )
chequer at TFcJlmiuJltT. But fince that Time they are numerous, and
by reafon of Accountants lying many Years behind, it is almoft im-
prafticable to make any regular Calendar or Index thereof: But the
levera! Records, that contain theAccompts, arc indorfed with fuch pro-,
per Memorandums, that any Account may be found; and they are
kept at the Pipe-Office aforelaid.
There are a Series of Records of Leafes, from the Beginning of the
Reign of King James the Firft to this prefent Time, which are all
well digefted, each Reign being in a Prefs by it fclf, and each Year in
a feparate Bundle; fo that any Leafe from that Time may be prefently
found. They are kept at the Leafe- Office in d-ay's-Imi. As to the
Leafes before the Reign of King Ja?nes the Firft (if any) I cannot cer-
tify, where they ?re placed.
That the State and Condition of the Office in his Majefty's Court of
Exchequer at IVcpninJier, is not in extraordinary Repair; the Rain
finking through the Ceiling has damaged feveral Records ; the PrefTes
which contain the great Rolls are very old, and by reafon of the De-
cay of the Materials the Records are much injured, many of their Co-
vers and Texting being worn out and defaced.
To make the great Rolls, which want it, more ufeful to the Publick,
it is humbly propofed, that they be new covered, marked and textcd,
the Records which lye in Chefts to be bound up and labelled ; that
all the Prefles be made of found and well feafoned Wainfcot, the
Shelves whereof to be ftrong, broad and fufficiently fupported ; That
new Prefles be made, not only for the great Rolls, which for the future
muft be repofited there, but for thofe Accounts, which are at prefent
laid up in great Chefts; by which Means thofe valuable Records will
not only be made more eafy to be found for the Service of the Pub-
lick, but the Records be preferved to future Ages.
All which is humbly fubmitted to your Honours by
Pipe-Office, Grafs-Inn, ROB. GARDNER,
16 March i-j^i. Bep. CI. Pipe.
D. VI.
An Account of the Records in the Augmentation
To the Honourable the Committee appointed to view
the Cottonian Library , and fuch of the publick
Records of this Kingdom^ as they thmk proper.
IN obedience to your Honours Order of the Twenty-ninth of Fe-
bruary laflr, I do moft humbly certify.
That there are in the Augmentation Office feveral Accounts of the
ancient Revenues of the Crown in divers Counties before the Diffo-
( -p )
lution of the Abbies, ^c. made up in Parchmenc-RoIIs, according to
the feveral Counties, they rehice to, and are chitfly kept in Canvas
Conventual Leafes before the Diffolution in feparate Bundles ac-
cording to the refpedtive Monaftcries they belonged to.
Surrenders of Abbies, Monafteries,
cords of the faid Office, confining all Matters inrolled in the faid
Office, and chiefly confiding of the Particulars following, viz. Writs
of Scire facias, and Proceedings thereupon, for Recovery of Debts
due to the Crown : Extents, and Proceedings thereupon: Commif-
fions of Enquiry, and Proceedings thereupon, whereby the Eftates of
Debtors and Accomptants to the Crown, and Eftates forfeited to, or
belonging to the Crown, are feized into the King's Hands : And Com-
milTions and Inquificions thereupon returned, or certified into the Court
of Exchequer on Attainders, or Forfeitures for Treafon or Felony :
Informations on Seizures, made in the feveral Ports of England^ of
Goods forfeited for Non Payment of Cuftoms, or unlawful Importa^
tion, and Proceedings thereupon : Perfonal Informations, and Proceed-
ings thereupon, for Forfeitures arifing to the Crown, and fometimes
to the Crown and the Informer, by Otfences committed againft Penal
Laws : Tranfcripts of Outlawries certified into the Court of Exchequer,
and Proceedings thereupon, whereby Seizures are made of Lands a;id
Goods into the King's Hands :
All Recognizances taken in the faid Office:
Profers, being the particular Sums of Money payable half yearly
into the Exchequer by the Sherifi^s of the feveral Counties, Cities and
Towns in England, and Bailiffs of particular Liberties:
Several Grants and Patents under the Great Seal, and Privy Seals
for feveral Purpofes, and Warrants and Conftitutions under the Sign
Several Deeds and Conveyances of Eftates made by private Per-
fons :
Affidavits of fuch Goods, for which Cuftoms have been paid, and
which have been afterwards either loft at Sea or taken by Enemies.
Aifo many Decrees and Proceedings in Equity on Englifli Bills and
The above Memoranda begin in the Reign o^ Henry the Third, and
are digefted into Annual Rolls, which are lubdivided into Terms, and
the Year of the King or Queen is endorfed on the Outfide of each
Roll : Of which Memoranda, Entries or Calendars are made in Books
in the laid Office, ftylcd Books de Agendis, from the Reign of Edward
the Firft, which are likewife entered on Rolls called Repertories from
the Reign of Edward the Second to the Time of King Charles the Se-
cond, containing the Number and Contents of each particular Roll of
the laid Memoranda,
Other Records, not included in the faid Memoranda, are fuch as are
not Inrolled; particularly, Englifh Informations in the Name of the
Attorney General, for the Time being, on behalf of his Majefty's Re-
venue, and at the relation of private Perfons on account of Charities
and other Publick Trufts and Ufes ; and Englifti Bills between Party
and Party, and Anfwers thereto, and Proceedings thereupon. The
faid Informations and Bills, to which the Pleadings thereto are annexed,
are numbered, and filed in Parchment Covers, each Cover containing
one hundred Bills, all of the flimc County, on the Outfide whereof is
indgrfed the County, in what King or Queen's Reign, and the Number
of the firft Information or Bill on each File ; And Entries are made
in Books kept in the faid Office, divided into parcicul ir Counties,
containing the Number of each Bill, together with the Names of the
Parties, Plaintiff's and Defendants, referring to the faid Bills and Infor-
Depofitions, taken by virtue of Commiflions for Examination of
Witneffes, are alio filed in Parchment Cdvers, formerly containing
whole Years, and lately only two Terms, each Cover being indorled
with the Terms or Years of the King's or Queen's Reign, the Depofi-
tions therein contained vvere taken; and Entries are alfo made, in
Books kept in the faid Office, of all fuch Commiffions, fpecifying the
Number of Schedules annexed to each Commiffion, the Term and
Year in which each Commiffion was returned, aiid the Names of the
Parties between whom taken, and of the County where taken.
Orders and Decrees made by the faid Court, on all Proceedings in
the faid Office, are entered in Books kept for that Purpofe; to the
former of which there are Calendars from Michaelmas Term, in the fe-
cond Year of K'xngjames the Second, and to the latter from HUlar-y
Term, in the fifteenth and fixteenth Years of King Charles the Second,
containing the Term and Year of the King or Queen, when they were
pronounced, the Names of the Counties where the C^ufe of Suit arofe,
and the Surname of the firft Plaintiff and Defendant mentioned in each
Order or Decree.
Port Books, annually fent to and returned by the Cuftomers and
Patent Officers 6f the feveral Ports of England and Wales ; containing
Entries of all Goods and Merchandizes imported arid eicported, and
carried Coaftwife. And
Forfeited Port Bonds, for carrying Goods Coaftwife, kept alpha-
betically in Prefles ; and Entries thereof are made in Books referring
to the faid Bonds, in the Cuftody and under the Care of the Clerk of
the Port Bonds.
Procefs againft Receivers and Colleflors of AfTeflTments and Taxes
granted to the Crown, to bring them in to pafs their Accompts, and
to pay the Money by them received, and to feize the Lands and Goods
of them, who refufe or negleft fo to do, kept on particular Files proper-
ly indorfed.
Bonds entered into by his M.ijefty's Subjefts to the Crown, upon
their Admiffion into feveral Employments under his Majefty, and for
their due Execution of other Offices and Trufts, which nre in the imme-
diate Cuftody of the Deputy to the King's Remembrancer for the
Time being, at the King's Remembrancer's Office in the Inner-Temple 't
all which Bonds are placed on Files, and Abftradts thereof are entered
in Books with an alphabetical Index, whereby eafy Recourfe may be
had to any of the faid Bonds.
Duplicates of Land and Window Taxes digefted into Years, and
kept in Bags, called Bags of Particulars , with proper Endorfements
thereupon, under the Care of the Clerk of the Duplicates.
States of the Accompts of the great Officers, Accomptants to the
Crown, and the Receivers General of the Land Tax and Duties on
Houfes, payable into the Receipt of his Majefty's Exchequer: And
Depofitions taken before Barons of the faid Court *, and an Abridg-
ment of Domefday Book; the Book called the red Book; and feve-
ral ancient Statutes in Manufcript; and other ancient Books, in the Cu«
ftody of the firft Secondary of the faid Office.
And in further obedience to your faid Order, I have carefully in-
( M^)
fpeded the Condition of the Rooms at IVeJlminfter, allotted and be-
longing to the King's Remembrancer's Office, for the Cuftody of the
Records, and Difpatch of the Bufinefs of the faid Court (the Keys of
which Rooms are kept by the Chief Ufher of the Exchequer, or his
Deputy, who, at the Entrance into his faid Office, takes an Oath well
and fafely to keep and preferve all the Records, Books, ProcefTes,
and other Evidences, Bonds and Writings whatfocver, remaining in
the faid Court, in his Cuftody, to the Ufe of the King's Majefty, his
Heirs and SuccefTors) and humbly certify, that the great and principal
Record-Room is a very convenient Room, and furniffied with good
Wainfcot Preffes for the fafe Cuftody of the Records there ; but the
fame want repairing in feveral Places, and alfo the Floors and Cieling,
and the Walls want to be lined in many Places with Deal or Wainfcot,
to preferve the Backs of the Records, and new Preffes are wanted,
with Doors thereto, and Ladders, Stools, and Tables to lay the Re-
cords upon, in order to be perufed, and copied from Time to Time
by the Clerks of the faid Office, for the Service of the Crown, and
his Majefty's Subjeds, as occafion may require : And the faid Room
is very much incumbered with a great Number of large old Chefts,
which greatly obftruft the PafiTage through it, containing great Quan-
tities of Papers undigefted, which are fuppofed to be of no great Ufe,
and moft of them not to relate to the Office of the King's Remem-
The Room adjoining, called the Seizure Room, and the Room
•within the Office, where the Clerks fit, are incumbered alfo with old
Chefts, and undigefted Papers, and want repairing in feveral Places ;
and the two Rooms in the Brick Tower are in great Diforder ; in one
of which there are great Numbers of Tallies, and loofe Parchment and
Papers, fcattered promifcuoufty upon the Floor; and in the other.
Port Books relating to the Cuftoms, and Bags of Duplicates of Taxes,
and other loofe and undigefted Papers,
And I further humbly certify, that the beft Method, lean think of,
to make the faid Records more ufeful to the Publick, is, to make the
Alterations in the Rooms abovementioned ; and to new bind and co-
ver fuch of the Me7noranda Books and Files, as are likely to fuffer for
want thereof, and new indorfe the fame ; to fupply and perfcft fuch of
the Repertories and Calendars, as may appear to be deficient ; to fet
the Books of Decrees and Orders, which now lye in Chefts, with the
other Books, upon good Shelves in Prefles to be made for that Pur-
pofe, and indorfe on the Back of each Book the Contents thereof, fo
as to have a more ready recourfe to the fame ; and more particularly, to
methodife and digeft the Books and Papers in the Chefts abovemen-
tioned, and the other Records, that are in Diforder, under the Care
and Infpeftion of fome proper Perfon or Perfons, to be for that Pur-
pofe appointed, with fuitable Encouragements ; and to remove the
faid Chefts, and fuch of the Records and Papers as fhali be found of no
great Ufe, or effaced by Time, or other Accidents, or not to relate to
the Office of the King's Remembrancer, into fome other Rooms, in
order for the better Accommodation of fuch of the valuable Records
of the King's Remembrancer's Office, as are there at prefent, and for
the better Reception of fuch Memoranda^ and other Records, as ffiall
be fent, from Time to Time, to be there depofited, from the Office
of the King's Remembrancer in the Inner -Temple.
All which I humbly fubmit to the Honourable Committee.
21 March 173 1. C. TAYLOR, D. R. R.
D. VI ir.
( >;7 )
Report from the Deputy to the Trcafurer's Remem-
brancer in the Court of Exchequer.
To the Honour ahle the Committee of the Houfe of
Commons for tnfpeBmg Records^ &c.
From the Treafurer''s Rememhrancer's Office.
IN obedience to the Order of this Honourable Committee of the
Twenty-ninth Day oi February laft, whereby I am required to Jay
before you an Account in Writing of the Nature of the Records in
the Treafurer's Remembrancer's Office, and of the Condition of the
Rooms, in which tiiey are depofited, in what Order they are digefted,
whether there be any, and what Calendars thereof, and what is necel-
fary to be done to make them' more ufefui to the Publick -, I do hum-
bly certify, that the principal Records in this OfEce are the Memoran-
da, and the Originalia.
The Memoranda contain great Variety of Pleadings, relating to the
Tenures and Eftates of the Nobility and Gentry of England, with
Judgments given by the Court of Exchequer thereupon -, Plead-
ings and Judgments upon Claims of Franchifes and Privileges within
Manors, Towns and Liberties ; A61:s of the Court of Exchequer con-
cerning the Accounts of Sheriffs, Efcheators, &'c. Variety of Matters
concerning the Charge and Difcharge of the King's Debtors, and Ac-
comptants -, Entries of Accounts of greater and lefTer Accomptants ;
many A6ls and Orders of Court concerning the Land Revenue, and
Cafual Revenue of the Crown, fuch as Fee Farms, Fines, Poll Fines,
Iffues, Amerciaments, and Recognizances, Sc. Of all which Memo-
randa there is a Series from the Beginning of the Reign of King Hen-
ry the Third to the prefent Reign.
The Originalia are the Eflreats from the Chancery of all Patent
Rolls, and Grants from the Crown, and are tranfmitted into this Of-
fice to be put in Charge for the King's Service, and commence about
beginning of the fame King's Reign, and have been continued in a Se-
ries ever fmce: Thefe Records are bound up and fecured with ftrong
Covers and Banding, and the King's Reign, the Year, and Term, is
mentioned on the faid Covers ; and there are Repertories (or Calen-
dars) which contain a fhort Abftraft of each Record by way of Index
to the whole: The Rooms and PrefTes, in which thefe Records are kept,
are in very good Condition, and all the Records from the Reign of
King Henry the Third, down to the End of the Reign of King Charles
the Firfl:, are very properly digefted. But as many of the Covers
of thefe Records are either quite worn away, or greatly decayed by
Time, it is highly neceflary to have thoie Defeds made up -, to
which end a confiderable Quantity of Vellom will be wanted for new
covering the faid Records, and Cording to bind them up to preferve
R r them
( '58 )
them from Diifl: •, which Work will require a competent Clerk to exa-
mine the Records, and indorfe the Covers in the Manner before men-
Since the end of the Reign of King Charles the Firfl: to the pre-
fent Time, the Memoranda Irave not been fo carefully preferved ; and
there are great Numbers, that have lain undigefted in Chefts, occa-
fioncd (as 1 apprehend) by the Clerks in the faid Office having had no
Recompence for the Labour and Time, that muft neceffarily be fpent
in methodizing and making Remembrances thereof, fince the fuppref-
fing the Court of Wards and Liveries, the Bufinefs of which Court
was tranfaded in this Office, and confequently was attended with a
confiderable Profit to the Clerks then in the faid Office.
The Originalia have likewife remained undigefted for feveral Years,
and partly upon the fame Reafon i and though fcveral EflTays have
been made at different Times to put them in a better Condition, ic
will require much Time and Labour to make them perfedt : For the
doing this confiderable Service, an ancient Fee of Forty IVIarks is al-
lowed by the Government (being the fame Fee, that, I prefume, hath
been allowed ever fince the Originalia have been tranfmicted into this
Office) •, but the Clerk in the faid Office (to whom by Ufage it belongs
to tranfadt this Bufinefs) finding great Numbers of Originals remaining
undigefted, that were tranfmitted from the Chancery in the Time of
his Fredeceflbrs, and that it would be a Work of mucli Difficulty
and Expence to put the faid Records in proper Order, hath for fe-
veral Years declined receiving the faid Allowance, as he apprehends
it to be by no Means a Recompence for doing that Bufinefs.
Under thefe Circumftances, I humbly fubmit it to the Confideration
of this Honourable Committee , whether it would not be for the
Publick Service to have reafonable Salaries eftablifhed, and an Al-
lowance made for Vellom and Cording, as an Encouragement to the
Remembrancer and his Clerks to methodize and digeft thefe Records,
which for many Years have lain in Diforder, and to carry on that Work
for the future in fuch Manner, that all the faid Records may be pre-
ferved and made ufeful to the Publick.
All which I moft humbly fubmit to the Judgment of this Honou-
rable Committee.
Dated this Twenty- firft of iWijrc^ 1731.
RO. BAR BO R, D. R. Uef.
( 159
D. IX;
Account of the Records in the Office of Pleas of the
Court of Exchequer,
To the Honourable the Committee of the Houfe of
Commons appointed to view the Cottonian Libra-
ry, and fitch of the Pub lick Records of this King-
dom as they think proper.
IN purfuance to your Order, I hereby certify, that the Records in
the Cuftody of the Clerk of the Pleas of his Majefty's Court of
Exchequer, confift of
I. Rolls, on which the Pleadings between Party and Party, the
Judgment of the Court thereon, and the Warrants of Attorney are en-
Thefe are rolled up in Bundles, and divided into Terms, diftin-
guifhed by an Indorfement of the Name of the Term, and the Year
of the King then reigning : Some few of thefe Bundles contain the
Proceedings of a whole Year together.
The oldeil Roll is one in the Reign of Edward the Firlf ; there are
two of Edward the Second; nine of Edward tht Third; three of Ri-
chard the Second ; eight of Henry the Fourth; twelve of Henry the
Sixth; twenty three of Edward tlie Fourth; two of Richard the
Third; thirteen of Hcfiry the Seventh; forty one of Henry the
E'giith ; eleven of Edward the Sixth ; nineteen of Philip and Mary ;
thofe from the Reign of Queen Elizabeth are compleat.
It. Books of Orders, in which Rules to plead, and Rules made by
the Order of the Court are entered; in thefe alfo Judgments are
III. Minute-Books, in which are contained the Minutes of Orders
pronounced by the Court, which are afterwards entered at large in the
Books of Orders.
IV. Writ Books, in which there is an Entry made of every ^o mi-
Kus, of the Day it ifTues, and of the Place, to which it is direfted ; in
thefe alfo is an Account of the feveral Records made up for Trial.
V. Appearance-Books, in which the Appearances of Defendants,
and Rules given for the Plaintiffs to declare, are entered ; in thefe
alfo Judgments are figned, in cafe the Plaintiff does not declare.
VI. Docquet-Books, fome of which refer to the Rolls, and others to
the Judgments in the Books of Orders : The oldeft of thefe is in the
Reign of jQueen Elizabeth.
There are two old Repertories; one refers to the Reigns of Edward
the Third, Richard the Second, and Henry the Fourth; the other to
the Reigns of Edward the Fourth, Richard the Third, and Henry the
Seventh. a
VII. Files
( i6o )
VII. Files of Bills, on which the Bills or Declarations, and Affida-
davits made in Caufes between Party and Party are filed.
Thefe Files have a Parchment Cover, and are divided into Terms ;
on each File is indorfed the Name of the Term, the Year of the King,
and the Year of our Lord.
VIII. Files of Writs -, on thefe all Writs returned by the Sheriff are
filed : Thefe are likewife divided into Terms, and have a Parchment
Cover, indorfed in the fame Manner as the Files of Bills.
Thefe Records are digefled into Order, and are in good Condition ;
they are kept at fVeftfiiinjter ; in a PafTage behind the Exchequer Court,
where they are locked up in PrefTes afTigned for them -, on the Outfide
of thefe PrefTes is affixed a Note, which lliews the particular Sort of
Records kept therein, and to what Reign they belong.
The Place, wherethey are kept, is inconvenient on feveral Accounts,
as well in refpeft of the Records themfelves, as of thofe, who confult
them i for as it is a common PafTage, where People are continually
pafTing, it is impofTible but the Records muft contradt a great deal of
Duft, efpecially the Files of Bills and Writs, which from the Nature
of them cannot be kept fo clofe as the Rolls : The Place is likewife
dark, and made ftill darker by being incumbered with feveral old
Chefls and other Lumber : If thefe Incumbrances were removed, the
Records might be confulted more commodiouQy ; but even then
there will remain an Inconvenience from their being in a PafTage.
The Records of later Date, beginning with the Reign of Charles the
Firft, are kept at the Office of Pleas in Lincoln's- hut, which are in
very good Condition digefled into Terms and Reigns, and locked up
in PrefTes in the fame Manner as thofe at IVeJlminJler.
W. HALL, Dep. Cler. Placitorim.
{i6i )
D. X.
To the Committee appointed hj the Honour ahle Houfe
of Commons to view the Cottonian Library^ and
fuch of the Ptihltck Records of this Kingdom as
they Jhall think proper ,• and to report to the Houfe
the Condition thereof ^ together with what they (hall
JJmll judge Jit to he done for the better Reception^
Prefervation , and more convenient Ufe of the
The Humble Report of William Lowndes, Efq;
one of the Auditors of the Court of Exchequer,
IN obedience to your Precept of the Twenty-ninth of February hd
to me diredted, I have viewed and infpefted thefeveral Records,
Accompts, Books, Papers, and other Muniments now remaining
in my Cuftody, belonging to the faid Office of Auditor; the Nature
and Condition of which I find to be as follows :
In one large Ground Room next to the Water-Side adjoining to the
Exchequer in New-Palace-Tard IVeftminfter (the Ground Floor of which,
hath been feveral Times raifed, in order to keep it dry for the Prefer-
vation of the Records) are contained inWainfcot Prefles well lined, fe-
veral Minifterial Accounts ingrofled in Parchment Rolls, beginning in
the Reign of King Henry the Eighth, and continued down to the
Reign of- King Charles the Firft, though not in a regular Series, con-
fiding of the feveral Rents, Profits and Revenues arifing from the
feveral Lorddiips, Manors, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments,
which came to the Crown by the Diflxjlution of the feveral Monafte-
ries. Priories and Abbies, i£c. and likewife by Attainder, Efcheatand
other Forfeitures; as alfo the Accompts of the Receiver's General of
the Rents, Iflues, and Profits arifing out of the faid Honours, Ca-
ftles, ^c. containing the Receipts and Payments of the faid Revenue
for that Time.
There are alfo in the fiiid Room feveral ancient Surveys of divers
Manors, Lands, and Tenements, which were formerly held of the
Crown, and fome Copies and Entries of Surveys of fuch Manors, Lands,
and Tenements ; together alfo with feveral Books of Inrollment, con-
tinued down to this Time, containing the Inrollment of the feveral
Grants from the Crown in Fee, and alio for Terms of Years: There are
fome few Indexes to thefe Books of Inrollment not perfeft: There
are alfo in this Room fome few Books of Particulars, containing the
Eftates in the Crown, before granted away ; but no Schedules or Cata-
logues of the feveral Records abovementioned, which ought to be
made, and will be a Work of a great deal of Labour and Time,
There are likewife in this Room the Books of Inrollment of the
Joynture of Catherine late Queen Dowager, with Calendars to the fame
Sf in
( ^6x )
in good Order: Moft of the Records in this great Room are in good
Condition, very ufeful, and may be turned to without much Trou-
At the Entrance into the Exchequer Court, on the Right Hand m
Wejhninjler-Hall, are likewife kept in a dry Wainfcot Prefs, and in
' ftrong old Oak Tables, feveral Minifterial Accompcs, Accompts of
Receiver's General, Books of InroUment, i^c. very dry. Part of which
want binding, but all without Calendars or Indexes.
In a large dark Square Room up one Pair of Stairs over the Court
of Exchequer^ are contained great Numbers of old Minifterial and
Receiver's Accounts of the faid Revenue, without any Index or Cata-
logue, moft of which want new Labels ; and likewife View Books of
Receivers, moft of which want new binding and alphabeting ; and will
be a Work, if well done, of great Labour and Pains. • ■
There are likewife in the faid Room feveral Accompts of the Re-
ceivers of the Revenue late in Joyntiire to Catherine Qjieen Dowager,
with Books of Entry, Court Rolls, Surveys, Counterparts of Leafes
(very valuable) depofited in about five or fix Wicker Hampers, moft
Part of which are rotten and in great Decay, and ought to be digefted
by proper Hands in dry Chefts or PreflTes, in order to preferve them
from the Weather, which will be a Work of feme Time and Expence.
Memorandum. Thefe Records by Decree of the Court of Exche-
quer, m Hillary Term Primo Georgii nuper Regis, were delivered into
the Office of my Predeceffor Thomas Jett, Efq; late one of the Audi-
tors of the Court of Exchequer, there to remain upon Record.
The Right Honourable the late Earl of Oxford, Lord High Trea-
2i Dec. lyt^-furer of England, did then appoint Thomas Madox Efq-, and William
Soley Gent, to digeft the faid Books, Accompts, Surveys and Wri-
tings, ^c. according to the refpeftive Natures thereof into feveral
Prefies for that Purpofe, and to make two exaft Schedules or Reper-
tories of the fame to be indented, whereof one to remain in the Office
of the Lord High Treafurer, and the other in fuch Office, as the Court
of Exchequer fliould appoint. But the faid Lord High Treafurer be-
ing foon after that removed from his Office, and the faid Mr. Madox
being then in an ill State of Health, and fince dead, nothing was done
In two long Rooms over the Top of the Exchequer fronting New-
Palace-Tard, are kept great Numbers of other Minifters and Receivers
Accompts, View Books of the fame. Entries of Surveys, and many
valuable Things; in the firft of which are alfo feveral Accompts in
Paper of the Stewards, Bayliffs, Reeves, and Beadles of divers Ma-
nors, which lye in great Diforder, and ought to be forted and digeft-
ed -, in the furthermoft Room are many Papers and Accompts of the
faid Revenue, tyed up in about feven or eight Canvas Bags, lying up-
on the Floor quite worn out ; Time hath made the Locks and Keys
fo very Rufty, that moft of the Prefles muft have new Locks, Keys,
and Hinges, &c. before they can be of any Ufe.
I beg Leave to obferve, that to put in Order in a requifite Manner
thje Books of Surveys, and other Books in my Office, is a very neceffa-
ry Work ; but the fame will take up a great deal of Time and Labour,
attended with fome Expence for proper Clerks, which I cannot readily
There are two large Leaden Drains, which go through thefe two
Rooms, to carry off the Water from the Top of the Court of Exchc'
quer; but being deep and well leaded, it does not appear that the
faid Rooms are damag'd thereby : the Cielings of thefe two RoomSj
and the Tileing thereof, are in a ruinous Condition, and now want
repairing, which if not fpeedily done, the Records therdn may be
much damaged thereby.
All which is moft humbly fubmitted to your Confideration by
March s, 1734. W. LOWNDES, And.
To the honourable Committee appointed to view the
Cottonian Library.^ and fuch of the Publkk
Records of this Kingdom, as they think proper y
and to report to the Houfe the Condition thereof^
together with what they Jhall judge fit to be done
for the better Reception, Prefervation, and more
convenient Ufe of the fame.
The humble Report of George Wright, Deputy
to Sidney Godolphin, Efq; one of the Auditors
of the Court of Exchequer^ and Auditor of Wales,
IN obedience to your Precept of the Twenty-ninth Day of Felruary
laft to me direfted ; I have viewed and infpefted the feveral Re-
cords, Accompt Books, Papers, and other Minuments now re-
maining in my Cuftody belonging to the faid Office of Auditor ; The
Nature and Condition of which I find to be in Manner following.
In one Ground-Room next to the Water-Side, adjoyning to the
Exchequer in New-Palace-Tard, Wejlminjler, (the Ground- Floor of which
hath been feveral Times raifed in order to keep it dry for the Prefer-
vation of the Records) are contained in Preffes well lined feve-
ral minifterial Accompts, ingrofTed in Parchment Rolls, beginning in
the Reign of King Hoiry the Eighth, and continued down to the Reign
of King Charles the Firft imperfedl; but confifl: of the feveral Rents,
Profits and Revenues arifing from the feveral Lordfhips, Manors,
Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, which canie to the Crown
by the Diflx>Iution of the feveral MonafterieS, Priories, and Ab-
byes, ^c. and likewife by Attainder, Efcheat and other Forfeitures j
as alfo the Accompts of the Receivers General of the Rents, IlTues
and Profits arifing out of the faid Honours, Caftles, &c. containing
the Receipts and Payments of the faid Revenue for that Time.
There are alfo in the faid Room feveral ancient Surveys of divers
Manors, Lands, and Tenements, which were formerly held of the
( 1(54 )
Crown, and fome Copies of Surveys and Entries of fuch Manors,
Lands and Tenements; together alfo with feveral Books of Inrollment
continued down to this Time, containing the Inrollment of the feve-
ral Grants from the Crown in Fee, and alfo for Terms of Years :
There are fome few Indexes to thefe Books of Inrollmnenc not per-
fe<5l : There are alfo in this Room, fome few Books of Particulars,
containing the Eftates in the Crown before granted away, but no Sche-
dules or Catalogues of the feveral Records abovementioned, which
is very necefiary to be done, and will be a Work of a great deal of
Labour and Time.
At the Entrance into the Exchequer Court on the Right-Hand in
IVeJlminjler-Halli are likewife kept in ftrong old Oak Tables, feveral
Minifterial Accompts, Receivers Generals Accompts, Books of In-
rollment, l^c. very dry and in tolerable Order, but without Calendars
or Indexes.
In a large dark fquare Room up one Pair of Stairs, over the Court
of Exchequer, are contained great Numbers of old Minifterial and Re-
ceivers Accompts of the faid Revenue, without any Index or Cata-
logue, mofl: of which want new labelling ; and likewife Books of Re-
ceivers Views, moft of which want new binding and alphabeting, and
will be a Work, to be well done, of great Labour and Pains.
In one fmall Room up two Pair of Stairs adjoining to the Court of
Exchequer, in the Round Tower, commonly called the Brick Tower,
fronting New-Palace-Tard , art kept great Numbers of other Mini-
fter's and Receiver's Accompts, View Books of the fame. Entries of
Surveys, and many valuable Things -, and alfo feveral Accompts in
Paper of the Stewards , Bailiffs , Reeves and Bedells of divers
Manors, which lye in great Difordcr, and ought to be forted and
I beg Leave to obferve, that to put in Order, make Labells, In-
dorfements, new-bind the Books of Survey, and other Books in the
faid Auditor's Office, is a very necefiary Piece of Work; but the fame
will take up a great deal Time and Labour, attended with fame Ex-
pence for proper Clerks, which I cannot readily eftimate.
All which is moft humbly fubmitted to your Honour's
Confideration, per
^'"Day of March, 1731. ' GEO. WRIGHT,
Deputy Auditor.
( >^; )
Mr. Hanmer's Account of the Records in the Cuffod^"
of the Remembrancer of the Firll-Fruits and Tentlis.
7c? the Hoyioiirahle Commtttee of the Houfe of Com-
moKs appointed to view the Cottonian Library ^
and fuch oj the Puhhck Records of this Kingdom
as they think proper \ and to report to the Houfe
the Condition thereof, together with what they floall
judge fit to he done for the better Reception^ Pre^
fervaiion, and more convenient Ufe of the fame.
IN humble Obedience to your Order of the eleventh of this Inftant
March, I certify, that the Records in the Cuftody of the Remem-
brancer of the Firft Fruits and Tenths, in the Court of Exchequer,
confift of four Parts, (viz.) Firjl, Of Surveys of all Ecclefiaftical Be-
nefices, ^c. and Copies of the fame ; Secondly, Of Rolls of Pleas and
Proceedings in the Court of Exchequer ; Thirdly, Of Certificates of all
Ecclefiaftical Livings not exceeding the yearly Value of Fifty Pounds j
and Fourthly, OfBifliops Certificates of Inftitutions and Patronages.
T. Surveys of Archbifliopricks, Bifliopricks, Abbacies, Monafteries,
Priories, Colleges, Hofpitals, Archdeaconries, Deaneries, Provoft-
fhips, Prebends, Parfonages, Vicarages, Chauntries, Free-Chapels,
or other Dignities, Benefices, Offices, or Promotions fpiritual within
this Realm, taken by Virtue of certain Commiffions of King Henry
the Eighth, according to the Tenor and EfFeftof an A61 of Parliament
provided in that Behalf in the Twenty-fixth Year of his Reign :
Of which thefe that follow are Originals, or reputed to be fuch.
jflfdph Bifhoprick ; Bangor BiOioprick; the Counties of Bedford and
Buckingham ; Carlijle Bifhoprick ; the Counties of Chejter, Derby, Dur^
ham, Dorfet, Gloucejler, Hereford, Leicejler ; Litchfield and Coventry
Diocefe •, Lincoln Penfions -, Valuation of the Bifhoprick and Cathedral
Church of Norwich ; the Counties of Northampton and Norfolk ; the
Archdeaconry of Richmond; the Counties of Southampton, Stafford,
Suffolk, Surry, Suffex, Warzuick, JVeJfmoreland, IVilts; and Admiffions
to Benefices, with their Values, in the Diocefe of I'ork in the Twenty-
eighth Year of King Henry the Eighth.
Kent, upon Parchment (fuppofed to be an Original, but not allow-
ed to be given in Evidence in the Cafe of jB^/t-j at the AfTizes held at
Maidjlone in Trinity Vacation, in the fecond Year of his prefent Ma-
efly's Reign, for want of the Commifilon) Landaff upon Paper ; Lin-
coln in an old Paper Book, with an Index of the Deaneries ; Oxford
upon Paper; Somerfet upon Parchment; JVorceJier two Books upon
Parchment :
T t And
( ^66 )
And the following are
Copies of fome of the foregoing Originals, (viz.) two large old
Vellum Books, both bound in Wood, and covered with Leather; on
the Outfides of them are ftamped in Gold Letters the following In-
fcriptions :
Primicias & Decitnas Afferte Mkhl.
Decimas id Prmkias tuas non Tardalis Offare.
One of thefe Books contains
The Counties of Huntingdon., Lincoln., London and Midddlefex, and
Nottingham ; alfo the Valuations of all the new eieded Bifhopricks,
Deaneries, Prebends, i^c. in the Reign of KingA^w^y the Eighth:
The other Book contains
The Counties of Chejler, Derby, Lancafter, Salop, Stafford, Surrey, '
Siiffex ; Landaff Diocefe, and St. Davids Diocefe.
Thefe Books are finely written, and have not yet received any con-
fiderable Damage by long ufe, except that the Binding of one of them
is fomewhat fliaken, and the Clafps broken off and loft: They are of
great Antiquity, fuppofed to be near as ancient as the Originals them-
lelves. It may be prefumed, that all the faid Surveys of King Henry
the Eighth were thus tranfcribed into Vellum Books-, but by what un-
happy Accidents the Publick hath been fo long deprived of the other
Parts of this valuable Colleftion, I am not able to account. The nrft
of the faid Vellum Books was recovered out of private Hands, and rc-
ftored to the Office by Sir George Wheeler, Knight, Doflor of Divinity,
in the Year 1702 -, and many of the aforefaid Rolls were likewife reco-
vered and reftored by Sir Thomas Hanmer Bart.
And it is humbly hoped, that fuch Bodies or Private Perfons, into
whole Hands any of the Rolls or Books of this kind are fallen, will be
generous enough to reftore them to the Office for the Publick
The following Surveys are wanting, (viz.)
Ely Diocefe ; Exeter Diocefe (faid to be with the Dean and Chapter
of Exeter) the Counties of Hertford, Effex, Berks, Rutland, Northum-
herland, I'ork, now in the Cuftody of the prefent Archbifhop of Tork^
for which a Receipt was by him given to Mr. ESlon, late Deputy Re-
membrancer of the Firft Fruits and Tenths, dated the Eleventh of
February 1724 ; but the Roll has not yet been returned to the Office.
II. Eighteen Rolls of Pleas and Proceedings in the Court of Exche-
uer, from the Firft of Queen Mary, to the Third of King George the
irft; containing Variety of Privy Seals, and Judgments of the Courc
of Exchequer ; new Valuations of fome Bilhopricks, and other fpiritual
Promotions ; Orders concerning Sheriff's Accompts, Charges and Dif-
charges of Firft-Fruits and Tenths ; and fome Proceedings againft Re-
ceivers of thofe Revenues, for not accompting for Monies received.
III. Certificates of all Ecclefiaftical Livings, not exceeding the year-
ly Value of Fifty Pounds, returned into the Court of Excb-'quer, by
Virtue of an Aft of the Sixth of Queen Anne, and now difcharged
from Firft-Fruits and Tenths.
IV. Bifhops Certificates of Inftitutions and Patronages : Thofe be-
fore the Reftorat ion were but irregularly prefcrved, of which only the
( 1^7)
folldvving do remain ; Archbifhops of Canterbury from 1594 to 1640 j
York from 161 5 to 1645-, Bifliops of St. Jfaph from 1614 to 1646 j
Bath and PFelb from 1615 to 1641 j Brijlol from 1614 to 1641 j
Carlijle from about 1565 to 1639; Chejler from 1617 to 1646;
Chicbejler from 1614 to 1640; Coventry and Litchfield from 1607
to 1640; 5^ David's from 1554 to 1613; £/)i from 161 5 to
161 8; Exeter from 16 14 to 1646; Gloucefter from 16 14 to 1639;
Hereford from 1614 to 1637; Lincoln from 1617 to 1642; Norwich
from 16 1 5 to 1645 J IVincheJler from 1637 to 16405 VVorcefter from
16 1 5 to 1646.
All the Certificates of Inftitutions in all the Diocefes from the Refto-
ration down to the Year 1720, are depofited in Prefles in the Court of
Exchequer at Weftminfter \ and all the Certificates fince that Time, are
kept filed and carefully preferved in the Firfl-Fruits Office in the
Thefe Records afe for the moft Part in very good Condition ; but
the Surveys and Plea Rolls, for want of proper Calendars, are not at
prefent altogether fo ufeful to the Publick, as they may be made to be:
But they are all difpofed into good Order, in clofe Deal Prefles, well
lined, and the Rooms are in very good Repair.
All which is moft humbly fubmitted to this Honourable Com-
mittee by
Your Honours moft dutiful
Firft-Fruit-s Office, and moft humble Servant^
March lo J 1731.
Primitiarum & Deci?/iarum.
Mr. Holmes's Report concerning the Records in
the Tower,
To the Honourable the Committee appointed to view
the Cottonian Library-^ &c.
IN obedience to your Order of the Twenty-ninth of February 1731,
whereby I am directed to give an Account in Writing of the Na-
ture of the Records in the Tower of London, and of the Condition of
the Rooms, in which they are depofited, in what Order they are digeft-
ed, whether there be any and what Calendars thereof, and what is
neceflary to be done to make them more ufeful to the Publick •, I do
humbly acquaint the Committee, as followeth, viz.
That in the great Room in IVakefeildTower, the Parliament, Pa-
tent, Charter, Claus, French, Scotch, Roman, Vafconian, Norman,
( i6% )
Fines, Liberate, and other Rolls, in the Reigns of King John, Henry
the Third, Edivard the Firft, Second and Third, Richard the Second,
Henry iht Fourth, Fifth and Sixth, and Edzvard the Fourth, are re-
gularly depoficed in Years under each King's Reign in two great
Preflfes, which iland in the Middle of the Room, which I caufed to
be covered with Lead to preferve them from Dampnefs and Wet.
As to the Natures of the before mentioned RoJls, they are ofdi-
verfe Kinds.
The Parliament Rolls beginning Anw 5 Edw. II. and ending with
Edzv. IV. are abridged and pubiifhed by Mr. Prynn.
In the Patent Rolls beginning j^nno 3 Johan. and ending with the
Reign of Edw. IV. are contained Grants of Offices, Lands, and Re-
ftitution of Temporalities to the Bifhops, Abbots, i^c. Confirmations
of Grants made to Abbies, Priories, and Corporations: On the Back
of the Rolls are CommifTions to Juftices of the Peace, and Commiffio-
ners of Sewers, ^c.
In the Charter-Rolls, beginning with the firft Year oF King John
and ending with Edw. IV. are Grants and Confirmations of Liberties
and Privileges to Cities, and Towns Corporate, and to private Per-
fons, of Markets, Fairs, Free Warren, Common of Pafture, Waifs,
Strays, Felons Goods, Deodands, Return of Writs, i£c.
Foundations of Abbies, Priories, Colleges and Schools, Patents
of Creation of Noblemen.
In the Clauf. Rolls, beginning the fixth Year of King John, and
ending with Edw. IV. are Inrollments of Deeds between Party and
Party ; Proclamations •, Writs of Summons to Parliament, of Expences
of Knights, Citizens and Burgefles coming to Parliament; with other
Writs of various kinds.
In the French Rolls, beginning the firft Year of Edw. II. and ending
with Edw. IV. are Leagues and Treaties with the Kings of France, and
other Matters relating to that Kingdom.
In the Scotch Rolls are contained the Leagues and Treaties with
that Kingdom •, there are alfo three Ralls of the Homage of the Scots
to Edward the Firft : I have made an Abftradt of the Scotch Rolls.
In the Rovian Rolls are Letters to and from Popes and Cardinals,
and other TranfacStions of that See.
In the Vafcon Rolls, Matters relating to Gafcoign.
In the Norman Rolls, Things relating to Normandy ; of which I have
made an Abftrafl:.
In the Liberate Rolls, Writs direfted to the Treafurer and Barons of
the Exchequer, for the Payment of Money.
In the Fine Rolls are Fines paid to the King upon fcveral Occa-
In a litde Clofet adjoyning to the forefl^id Room, are
The Statute Rolls, beginning with the Statute of Gloucefler, Anno
6 Edw. I. and eliding with the eighth of Edw. IV.
The ChartcE Antique, containing old Charters granted to Abbies, Ci-
ties and Burroughs 5 of which I have made an Abftraft.
Original Letters from foreign Kings, Cardinals and Princes.
Popes Bulls.
In another little Room adjoyning, are
The Claims and other Proceedings before the Juftice in Eyre in the
Forefts of IVindfor, PFhittlewood.y Rockingham, Deane, Waltham, New-
'■ _ 3 / Forejl,
( 1^9 )
Forefi, Chute, Alkeholt and Wolmere, in the Time of King Charles the
The AfTociacions of the Commons in Parliament, and of all the
v'"u"'i'«-^''^'-^"'^rS"''°"S^'' to King ^^7/;«^, upon the Difcovery
of the Aflaflination Plot. '
In the Room up two Pair of Stairs are
Inquintions after the Death of Perfons, to inquire what Lands they
died ieifed of, and who was the next Heir, from the firft Year of King
Henr-j the Third, to the third Year of Richard the Third
Inquifitions adquodDampnum, from the firft of £ize;^r^ the Second
to the End of Henry the Fifth. ^--""u.
Petitions in Parliament, in the Reigns of divers Kings
Writs of Summons and Returns to Parliament, from the ReiVn of
hdward the Firft, to the feventeenth of Edward the Fourth
A Bundle or Roll of the Value of all the Churches, being the Taxa-
tion Roll of Pope Nicholas the Fourth, Anno 20 Ed. I. with other Re-
cords relating to Ecclefiaftical Affairs.
In CcEfar'i Chapel in the White Tower, ^re
Bills, Anfwers, and Depofitions in Chancery, in the Reigns of
Queen Ehzaheth King James the Firft. and King Charles the Firft,
placed ,n alphabetical Order, of which there aFe exad Calendars
..aVm^ S?l^"'^''r''- ^^"""^ ^'^ ^^^^'■^' '° ^ g'"^^^ rtiany of the Rolls,
and Bundles of Inquifitions, but very imperfeft, and want to be tran-
icribed anew, and made more perfedt.
The Rooms in which all the abovementioned Records are kenr
are at prefent in good Repair. ^ *
' ^^ , GEO. HOLMES, Beputy to
10 March, 1731. DAVID POLHILL, Efq,
Keeper of his Majejly's Records
in the Tower of London.
^ " D. XIV.
( 17° )
Report of the Clerk of the Chapel of the Rolls.
To the Committee appointed hy the Honourable Houfe
of Commons to view the Cottonian Library,, and
jfiich of the Publkk Records of this Kingdom^ as
they think proper ; and to report to the Houfe the
Condition thereof^ together with what they ffoall
judge fit to be done for the better Reception, Pre^
fervation^ and more convenient Ufe of the fame.
IN obedience to your Order, dated the Twenty ninth Day of F^-
bruary laft, whereby I am required to lay before you an Account
in Writing of the Nature of the Records in my Cuftody, and of
the Condition of the Rooms, in which they are depofited, in what
Order they are digefted, whether there be any and what Calendars
thereof, and wha^ is neceflary to be done to make them more ufeful tp
the Publick ; I humbly certify, as follows i
I. As to the Nature of the Records in the Chapel of the Rolls,
they confift of,
1. The Parliament Rolls. 9. The Privy Seal Bundles.
2. The Coronation Rolls. lo. The Signed Bill Bundles.
3. The Treaty Rolls. 11. The Efcheat Bundles.
4. The Patent Rolls. 12. The Parliament Return Bun-*
5. The Confirmation Rolls. dies.
6. The Fine Rolls.
7. The Clofe Rolls.
8. The Decree Rolls.
1. The Parliament Rolls contain all publick Afts from the firfl: Year
of King Richard the Third, to the fecond Year of his prefent Majefty
inclufive, and are kept in the Rolls Chapel, being brought thither by
the Clerk of the Parliament, when they are inrolled.
N. B. There are no Rolls of Private Adts, but fuch as are brought
thither by Writs of Certiorari.
1. The Coronation Rolls begin with King Jarties the Firft's Reign,
and are continued to the Time of his prefent Majefty inclufive (fave
that the Coronation Roll of King Charles the Firft is wanting ;) and
thefe contain the Proceedings of the Commiflioners appointed to hear
and determine Claims of Services to be performed at Coronations.
3. The Treaty Rolls contain CommilTions to EmbaflTadors, as alfo
all Leagues and Treaties made between the feveral Kings and Queens
of this Realm, and Foreign Princes and States.
Thefe begin -in the firfl Year of the Reign of King Richard the
Third, and are continued to the feventeenth Year of the Reign of
King James the Firft; but from that Time to the prefent, they are
kept by the Prothonotary of the Court of Chancer'^.
4., The
( 171 )
^ 4. The-Patent Rolls begin with a fmall Roll of King Edward the
Fifth ; and the Patent Rolls of all the feveral Kings and Queens to the
laft Year of his late Majefty King William the Third, are kept in the
faid Chapel : Upon which Rolls are inrolled all Grants in Fee Farm ;
all Leafes, that pafs the Great Seal -, Grants of Charters and Liberties ;
Grants of Offices -, Licences and Pardons of Alienation •, Prefentations
(but thefe laft have not been inrolled of late as formerly,) Special Live-
ries and Grants of Wardfhips •, fpecial and general Pardons -, Licences
of all Sorts, that pafs the Great Seal: And on the Back of thefe Patent
Rolls, are endoried all Commiffions and Proclamations, that pafs the
Great Seal.
When thefe Patents are brought into the Chapel, there are ufually
brought with them the Original Privy Seals, and the Warrants, other-
wife called the Signed Bills, each of which are marked with a Recepi
dated, purporting the Time, when the Lord Chancellor, Lord Keeper,
or Lords Commiffioners of the Great Seal received fuch Privy Seals or
Signed Bills, and which are their Warrants for putting the Patents un-
der the Great Seal. But I crave Leave in this Place to obferve, thac
this Method has, fince the Time of King Ja7nes the Firft, been bet-
ter obferved, than it had been before that Time-, for the Bundles of
Privy Seals, as alfo of figned Bills of divers Years in the Time of King
Henry the Seventh, and fo downwards to King Jafnes the Firft's Timej
are wanting.
5. The Confirmation Rolls begin with K.\n^ Richard the TWxtd, andt
end with the twelfth Year of King James the Firft, there having never
been any Roll of that kind fince that Time : And thefe contain Confir-
mations of Charters to Towns, or of other Grants to any Corporate
or Politick Bodies ; but all Charters or Patents of Confirmation fince
that Time, arc always inrolled promifcuoufiy with other Patents on
the Patent Rolls.
6. The Fine Rolls begin with King Richard the Third, and end with
the fifteenth Year of King Charles the Firft, and contain the Inrollments
of Patents to Efcheators, Cuftomers, Comptrollers, Searchers, (^c.
But fince the Reftoration they are inrolled promifcuoufly alfo with o-
ther Grants, and are feldom or never inquired after or fearched for.
7. The Clofe Rolls begin alfo with King Richard the Third, and
are continued down regularly to the End of the Reign of King James
the Second (the Clofe Rolls after that Time being lodged in the In-
rollment Office of the Chancery) and contain all Indentures and Re-
cognizances inrolled in Chancery^ as alfo all other Inrollments by Order
or Warrant from the Lord Chancellor, Lord Keeper, or Mailer of the
8. The Decree Rolls contain the Decrees and DifmifTions of the
Court oi^ Chancery ; and thefe are brought in by every particular Clerk
of the Chancery Office, who makes up his own Decrees, fome fooner
than others; the firft of thefe Inrollments begins in the twenty-fixth of
King Henry the Eighth ; and the Decrees are continued to be inrolled
to the prefent Time in the fame Manner.
9. The Privy Seal Bundle contains fuCh Inftrumenfs, as have pafTed
that Seal, and are a Warrant to the Lord Chancellor to pafs the Patent
under the Great Seal; and when the Patent is fealed, the Privy Seal is
delivered over to fuch of the Six Clerks as are called the Riding Clerks,
in order to be inrolled.
10. The Signed Bill Bundle contains fuch Inftruments, as pafs the
Great Seal by immediate Warrant figned by the King j and when the
{ '71 )
Patents are fealed, thefe Bills are likewife delivered over to the Riding
Six Clerks, to be inrolJed in like Manner as the Privy Seals are.
11. Ihe Efcheac Bundles contain the Returns of all Offices /)o/?Af(7r-
tem, from the firft Year of King Henry the Seventh to the Year 1644,
which was 20 Carcli primi.
12. The Parliament Return Bundles from the Thirty-third Year of
King Henry the Eighth, to the fixteenth Year of King Charles the
Firft, are kept at the Rolls-Chapel; but fince that Time the Returns to
Parliament are at the Petty-Bag-Office, and the Crown Office.
Before I finifh this Head, I beg Leave humbly to certify to the
Committee, that upon the pulling down of the Rolls Houfe in the
Month of Augujl 1717, there were found in a Room near the Chapel
great Numbers of Papers and Parchments ■, fome of them being Bills,
Anfwers, and other Proceedings in Chancery (but among them there
were no Decrees,) others of them being Licences to fell Wine, and
other Commodities, from thofe who had Patents from the Crown to
grant the fame; others of them being old Papers, Books of Accompt,
Bills, Bonds and Securities for the Payment of Monies, Performance
of Covenants; and divers other kinds of Papers.
Thefe Papers and Parchments appear to be of the Time of Queen
Elizabeth, and of the fublequent Times to the Rcftoration. They were
found loofe in Heaps, and in great Confufion ; but by the Dire-
d;ion of his Honour the prefent Mafter of the Rolls, they were all
put into Bundles for the Prefervation of them.
II. As to the Condition of the Rooms, in which the Records are de-
pofited, and in what Order they are digefted,
I humbly certify, that all the Parchment Rolls, the Coronation
Rols, the Patent Rolls, Part of the Clofe Rolls of Queen Elizabeth^
the Clofe Rolls of the Reigns of Kingjames the Firft and K'wgCharks
the Firft, the Clofe Rolls from the twenty-fourth Year of King Charles
the Second's Reign, to the End of the Reign of King James the Se-
cond inclufive, as alfo all the Parliament Rolls, and the Decree-Rolls
of modern Times, are all kept in five PrefTes, which are conveniently
placed in the Body of the Chapel ; and the Records in thofe feveral
PrefTes are well fecured from any Dampnefs of the Walls, there being
thick Deal-Boads between the Walls of the Chapel, and the Shelves
in thofe PrcfTcs.
The faid Records in the faid feveral Preffes are difpofed Seriatim, ac-
cording as they are divided into Pai-ts each Year, the Patent Rolls of
one Year being laid on Shelves above thofe of the preceding Year;
and may be very readily confulted by the References in the Calendars
or Indices thereof; as may alfo the Clofe Rolls, and the Parliament
and Decree Roils, which are difpofed in the faid Preffes in the fame
Form and Order as the Patent Rolls are.
Ad:s of Parliament brought hither by Certiorari, the Coronation
Rolls, and the Parliament Returns, are alfo difpofed in feveral Benches
in the Body of the Chapel, and lye in good State and Order.
T beg Leave here to obferve, that moft of the Bundles of the Parlia-
ment-Returns are but in a bad Condition, a great many of thtm be-
ing obliterated and defaced, by having formerly laid unprotefted from
Duft ; but they are in the fame Plight and Condition, they were in,
when the prefent Mafter of the Rolls entered upon his Office.
As to the reft of the Records mentioned herein, they are all placed
in a large Room over the Chapel, which, though not wainfcotted,
2 yec
( 175 )
yet fuch of the Records, as are placed therein, have received no Ba-
mage or Injury, the faid Room being weJl prote<5ted from Rain • an(^
the leveral Records therein, which lye next to the Walls, do not appear
to be any ways damaged by DalDpnefs.
The feveral Rolls in the ia:d Room, lye in the lame Method and Or-
der, as is above defcnbed ; and the Privy Seals and Signed Bills Ive on
more open Shelves. '
The Efcheat Bundles lye moftly upon the Floor of the faid Room ;
but are dilpofed in fuch Method and Order, that they are as cafily found
out from the Calendars thereof, as the other Records are
The loofe Papers and Parchments, which I mentioned under the firft
Head ol this Certificate to have been difcovered dn pulling down the
Rolls Houle, lye all bundled up promifcuouQy together in the faid
Room on the Pioor thereof.
III. As to the Calendars, which refer to the Records in the Chape),
I humbly certify, that the Calendars in the Office, which have frorti
Time to Time been compiled, as the Records were brought into tht
Office, are no more than Indices Nomimon, that refer to the Names of
Perlons only ; but exadl LuHces or Calendars of the Names of Places to
moft of the Records have been compiled by Ur.Sanderjhn fmv Prcde-
ceHor in this Office) and my felf '
Several Calendars or Indices relating to the Records in the Rolls
Cliapel, were earned from the fud Chapel by Mv. milium Grynes de-
ceaf^^d formerly a Clerk thereof, under Pretence that they had been
made by him and were therefore his Property ; though I believe it will
appear upon Inlpedion, that a great many of them had been made bv
Mr Ironmonger arid Mr. Haljlecl, or fome others his PredecelTors in the
laid Office.
Thele leveral Calendars or Indices, by an Order of Court in a Caufe
rrherWren^ the then Sua*-
veyor of her late Majefty's Works, to view the Records fo ordered to
be tranfmitted, and alfo the Record Office in the Tower, and to make
his Report thereof to his Lordfliip, that thereupon proper Direftions
might be given:
That the faid Surveyor having made his Report, that he found the
Records to be tranfmitted amounted to 2200 Bundles, and that the
Record Room at the 'rott^r was already fo full, that it could receive
very few of them, but that there was a large Room in the White-Toiver
adjacent to the Record-Office, and belonging to the Board of Ord-
nance, not ufed, which might be appropriated for that Purpofe; His
Lordfhip thereupon reprefented the fame to the then Lord Treafurer,
who in Jiilj 1 71 4 caufed a Letter to be wrote to the Board of Ord-
nance, defiring to know, if they had any Objedion thereto, and if not,
that proper" Diredlions might be immediately given for fitting up the
faid Room for that End :
That no Anfwer being returned to this Letter, the Six Clerks ap-
plied to the Lords of the Treafury, who in March 17-f-s-. caufed an-
other Letter to be wrote to the Board of Ordnance on the fame Sub-
jedt, who thereupon by Memorial acquainted their Lordfliips, that they
had fitted up the faid Room, and lodged Stores in it, and hoped their
Lordfhips would find another Place for the Records, there being other
Towers, which might be applied to that Purpofe :
That upon the Six Clerks further Application to the Lords of the
Treafury, that the Board of Ordnance might be direfted to allot fome
one or more of thofe Towers, as they fhould think proper for the Re-
ception of the Records, their Lordfliips in Auguft iyi6. directed the
Officers of the Board of Works to view the faid Tower, and to report,
which of them might be proper to receive the faid Records, and an
Eftimate of the Charge of fitting up the fame :
That after a long Application of the Six Clerks to the Board of
Works, that Board in July 1718, after having viewed the faid Towers,
reported, that the Room formerly propofed by Sir Chriflopher Wren
was the moft proper for the Purpofe aforefaid, and might be fitted up
for about 400/. and that at that Time the faid White Tower was only
ufed for Courfe Stores and Utenfils, which might be placed at Wool-
wich, for which a plainer Building might be erefted at a moderate Ex-
pence :
That in December 171 8. the Lords of the Treafury referred the faid
Report to the Board of Ordnance for their Opinion thereon, who in
7fl«««r3i following, by Memorial, acquainted their Lordfhips, they had
been obliged to lay out 5000/. in repairing the faid White Tower v
and that if his Majefty fhould think fit to appropriate any Part of it
for the Records, they hoped, they fhould not be difpofl^efTed, till they
fhould be reimburfed to the Value of what fhould be taken from
them :
That the Six Clerks acquainting the late Lord Chancellor Maccles-
field with fuch their Proceedings, and the Delays occafioned by the
( 176 )
(everal References abovementioned for upwards of four Years, there*
upon in February 171 8, upon Application made to tiie Houfe of
Lords in Parliament, their Lordfhips were pleafed to appoint a Com-
mittee to view the Records of the Court of Chancery, and in what
Manner and Place the fame were then kept, who thereupon ordered
the two Senior Six Clerks to attend them, and give an Account of
the Condition of the Records in their Cuftody, and whether there
was any Convenicncy for keeping them there for the future:
That upon Examination of the faid Six Clerks it appearing to their
Lordfhips, that Application had been made by them for feveral Years
for a Tranfmiffion of their Records to the T'oiver, which for want of
Room were crowded into improper Places, and lay very much expofed
to Danger, and which had been carefully bundled up and fcheduled
fome Years before, in order to be fent thither; but that no Place
could be obtained there for their Reception; the Lords Committees
in Jpnl 171^, having themfelves viewed the faid White Tower, made
their Report, that they were of Opinion a large Room in that Tower,
adjoyning to the prefent Record Rooms, being fixty-four Feet long
and thirty-one Feet broad, fliould be allotted for the Reception of the
faid Records:
That upon the Hiid Report the Houfe of Lords prefented an Ad-
drefs to his late Majefty, defiring his Majefty to give fuch Direflions
upon the feveral Matters aforefaid, as his Majefty fhould think proper:
To which his Majefty was pleafed to give his moft gracious Anfwer,
that he would take the faid Report into Confideration, and give pro-
per Diredions thereupon:
That no Diredlions having been given, the Six Clerks in February
172 1, prefented a Memorial to the Lords of the Treafury, fetting
forth the faid Order, Report, and Addrefs of the Houfe of Lords,
with his M;ijefty's moft gracious Anfwer, and praying the Lords of the
Treafury to lay this Adair before his Majefty, to obtain his Dire-
(ftions thereon ; and thereupon by their Lordfhip's Order in Jpril
1722, a Letter was wrote to the Board of Ordnance, defiring them to
quit the faid Room, and to give Notice thereof to their Lordfhips, or
to the Officers of his Majefty's Works, fo as the fame might be fitted
up for the Reception of the faid Records.
That inftead of complying with this Order, the Board of Ordnance
in July 1722, wrote a Letter to the late Earl Cadogau, then Mafter of
the Ordnance, acquainting him, that the laid Room could not be
fpared without great Inconveniency, before proper Places were built for
the Reception of the Stores of War then depofited therein ; but that
they had confidered of another Place, which they conceived would be
more proper for the Records, than the propofed Room in the White
Tower, which was a Houfe belonging to his Lordfhip's Secretary,
which he was ready to part with, provided the I^ords of the Treafury
would enable the Board of Ordnance to build him another in lieu
thereof; and therefore fubmitted to his Lordfliip, whether it might
not be proper to lay the faid Propofal before the Treafury :
That nocwithftanding many and repeated Applications of the
Six Clerks to the Earl Cadogan , and to the Treafury and Board
of Ordnance, they were never able to make any further Progrefs
in this Affair, and were forced after a long and expenfive Appli-
cation for near the Spice of ten Years, to give over the Purfuit :
( -^77 )
That, pending thefe Applications, the Number and Weight of the
Records yearly increafing to the great Danger of the Six Clerks
Office, which is an ancient Brick Building of one hundred Years
Handing, feveral of the Pillars thereof beginning to give Way, and
fome of the Floors of the Record Rooms finking very much, and
the North Wall beginning to part from the Roof; the Six Clerks
in the Year 1717. were neceliitated to remove fo much of the
Weight, as was proper for preventing the Ruin of the Building,
and to bring down a confiderable Part of the Records, and place
them in the Vaults, and in the Paffage under their Office in Cafes and
Stands made for them ; where they ftill remain, but very inconve-
niently, for want of room , lying piled up in Heaps , and in great
Danger of being utterly fpoiled by the Damp; and by the continual
Increafe of the Records fince that Time, the Record Rooms over
their Office are as much crowded as before, to the great Hin-
drance of the regular Difpofition and eafy Accefs to them , and to
the manifeft Danger of the Building, although the Six Clerks have
been at great Expences in repairing and ftrcngthening it from Time
to Time.
The Six Clerks therefore humbly beg Leave to acquaint this
Honourable Committee, that to prevent the fpoiling of great Part
of the faid Records, and rendering them not legible and utterly
ufelefs to the Publick, and the many Families, whofe Eftates may
be concerned therein-, they conceive it abfolutely neceffiiry, that
fome convenient Place be fpeedily allotted at the Tozvcr, or elfe-
where, for the Reception and regular Difpofition of fuch Part of
their Records to be tranfmitted thither, for which at prcfent they
have not convenient Place in their Record Rooms-, and for fuch fu-
ture Tranfmiffions of their Records, as from their gradual Increafe
may from Time to Time become ncceffary,
Y y D. XVI.
( 178 )
An Account of the feveral Records now remaining in
the Office of the Petty Bagg in the Court of
To the Committee of the Honourable Houfe of Com-
mons^ appointed to view the Cottonian Library ,
and fuch of the piMick Records of this Kingdom^
as they think proper^ and to report to the Houfe
the Condition thereof together with what theyjhall
judge fit to be done for the better Reception, Pre-
fervatton, and more convenient Ufe of the fame.
IN obedience to your Order of the twenty-ninth of February Jaft,
whereby we were required to lay before you an Account in Writing
of the Nature of the Records in our Cuftody, and of the Condition of
the Rooms, in which they are depofited, in what Order they are di-
gefted, whether there be any and what Calendars thereof, and what is
necefliary to be done to make them more ufeful to the Pubh'ck ; we
the under-written. Clerks of the Petty-Bagg Office in the Court of
Chancery, do humbly certify. That the Records in the faid Office con-
fift of the following Particulars.
I. Special Commiffions to inquire of Eftates forfeited to the Crown,
with the Inquifitions and Traverfes thereon, from the thirteenth Year
of King Charles the Firft to this Time, and fome few in the Reign of
King Jatnes the Firft.
II. Inquifitions and Decrees of Commiffioners of Charitable Ufes,
purfuant to the Statute of the forty-third Year of Q^Elizabeth, with the
Proceedings on fuch Decrees, from the Commencement of the Sta-
tute to this Time, together with the Inrollments of the Confirmation
or Difmiffion of fuch Decrees, made on Appeals from fuch faid Com-
miffioners Decrees.
III. Extents, and Re-Extents, and other Proceedings on the Statute
Staple, from the Beginning of the Reign of King Charles the Firft to
this Time, and fome few in the Reign of King Jatnes the Firft.
IV. Brevia Regia, viz. Writs of ad quod Dampmm, Dedimus's to fwear
Mafters Extraordinary in Chancery, Juftices of the Peace, and Sheriffs
Return of Writs for elefting Coroners and Verderors of the Forefts,
Writs of Enquiry of Damages , Writs of Certiorari to remove Re-
cords, Writs for calling Serjeants at Law, and fuch like, from the ninth
of King Charles the Firft to this Time,
I V. Laws
( 179 )
V. Laws and Adjudications of Sewers, viz. Some few in the Reigns
of King James the Firft, and King Charles the Firft, and feveral in
the Reign of King Charles the Second, concerning the great Level of
the Fenns called Bedford- Level, and fome few fince that Time.
VI. Judgments on Scire Facias's, and alfo on Declarations for and
againii Officers of the Court of Chancery, from the fird Year of the
Reign of King Charles the Firfl: to this Time, and fome few in the
Reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King James the Firft.
VII. Commifllons and Inquificlons of Lunacy and Ideocy, and Tra-
verfes thereon, from the lall Year of the Reign of King Charles the
Firft to this Time.
VIII. One Bundle of Perambulations of Forefts in the feventeenth
Year of King Charles the Firft.
IX. One Bundle of Certificates of Qualifications of Members of
Parliament, of Popifh Convids, and of Perfons concealed in the
Reigns of Queen June, King George the Firft, and his prefent Majefty.
X. Indentures on Returns of Members of Parliament, from the
twelfth Year of King Charles the Second, to the feventh Year of his
late Majefty, from which Time they are in the Hands of the Clerk of
the Crown.
XI. Inrollments of Patents and the Eftreats thereof, with the War-
rants or Privy Seal Bills for the fame, annually fent from the Riding
Six Clerk into the Petty Bagg Office ; and of thefe there are now re-
maining from the firft Year of Queen Jmte, to the fourth Year of his
prefent Majefty.
XII. Several Bundles of Inquifitions poji Mortem, being the Re-
mains of fuch Bufinefs, as formerly belonged to the Court of Wards
and Liveries taken away by the Ad: of the twelfth of King Charles the
And we do further humbly certify, that the faid Records are depo-
fited on Shelves, and in Prefles made for that Purpofe, in the Rooms
belonging to the faid Office, and are in good Order and Condition j
and that there is kept in the faid Office, Books, wherein are entered
every Term all the Records, which are filed that Term, under the fe-
veral Heads to which they properly belong, by which Means any Re-
cord may eafily be found on Search for that Purpofe. AH which we
humbly certify this fixteenth of March 173 1.
{ i8o )
Report of the Clerks of the Inrollments.
To the Honourable Committee of the Houfe of Com-
mons appointed to view the Cottonian Library,
and fiich of the pnbltck Records of this Kingdom^
as they think proper j &c.
IN obedience to the Order of the faid Committee, dated the twenty-
ninth of February 1731, the Clerks of the Inrollments of the Court
of Chancery, humbly lay before this honourable Committee the follow-
ing Account :
That by Letters Patents, bearing Date the fixteenth of Queen Eli-
zabeth, the Six Clerks and the three Clerks of the Petty-Bagg were in-
corporated Clerks of the Inrollments of the High Court of Chancery^
to inroll all Recognizances, Deeds, and other Matters, which fhould
be inrolled in the faid Court; which Office is executed by two
Deputy Clerks, approved of and fv/orn before the Lord Chancel-
lor, or Lord Keeper of the Great Seal for the Time being, who
has Power to examine and amend the Abufes of the faid Office,
and if any Failure fhould happen therein, the Corporation is to be
" That there has been ever fince an Office in or near and is now un-
der the Six Clerks Office in Chancery-Lane, where the Records and
Inrollments are fafcly preferved, and from Time to Time tranf-
mitted from thence to the Chapel of the Rolls, and there remain
under the Care and in the Cuftody of the Right Honourable the
Mafter of the Rolls, where they are depofited in Places eredled for
that Purpofe:
That the Records in their Office are Inrollments of Recognizances,
Indentures of Bargain and Sale, and other Deeds, Papifts Wills, Con-
veyances of Forfeited Eftates, Sales of Bankrupts Real Eftates, and
other Deeds ufually inrolled in Chancery :
That in order to the inrolling a Deed of Bargain and Sale, &c. of
Lands, Tenements, ^c. it muft firft be acknowledged before the Lord
Chancellor, Mafter of the Rolls, a Mafter in Cbmcery, or Mafter-
Extraordinary in the Country, that the Deed cr Writing was duly
executed, which being certified on the Original Deed by the Officer,
before whom fuch Acknowledgment was taken, it is thereupon inrol-
led: And by the tenth of Queen /^nne, if a Bargain or Sale be plead-
ed, a Copy from the Inrollment thereof, figned by the proper Offi-
cer, and proved on Oath, ihall be of the fame Effcft, as if the origi-
nal Indenture had been produced:
That the Office is in good Repair, being about feven Years ago
fitted up with ftrong Wainfcot Prefles, &c. at a great Expence, and
is, as we humbly apprehend, made very proper for the preferving the
Records, till removed to the Rolls Chapel.
( .8. )
That the Inrollments of Deeds, ^c. are entered In a flrofig Hand,
on Prefles of Parchment of equal Breadth fewed together, until they
come to be of moderate Sizes, when rolled up, that they may be the
lefs liable to Damage in the opening for Copies to be taken, and for
InfpccStion of any Perfon, who defires the fame. The Rolls are, as near
as may be, of equal Size ; and the Deeds thereon written are numbered
ptogreffively as they are entered on each Roll-, to which is affixed a
Label, fhewing the Number of the Roll, and the Year, to which ic
belongs :
• That there are Books kept in the faid Office of all Inrollments,
from the fi;ft Inftitution thereof in 1573 ; by Inlpection of which, and
by the Method obferved in placing and labelling the Rolls, all Perfons
may have immediate Recourfe to any Record in the faid Office: And
the Clerks of the Inrollmen'^, together with their Deputies, do once in
every Year ftridtly examine the Records on each Roll for that Year,
and compare the fame with the Book, and after fuch Examination one
or more of them do fign the fame.
The Clerks of the Inrollment do therefore humbly apprehend, that
the Records in their Office cannot be made more ufeful to the Pub-
lick, than by the Method, in which they are already kept.
z z D. xvm.
( i82 )
To the Honourable the Committee for mfpeB'tng of
Records^ &c.
The humble Report of John Selman, Clerk of the
Clerk of the Council of his Majefty's Dutchy of.
Lancajier^ and Keeper of the Records, ^c.
IN obedience to the Commands of this Honourable Committee,
fignified to me by Precept of the twenty-ninth Day of February
laft, I do humbly certify, that the Records in the Office of the Clerk
of the Council of the Duchy of Lancafter^ now kept in Graf s-Inn^
confift chiefly of Minifterial Accounts, Rentalls, Court Rolls, Books
of Surveys of Honours, Lands, Tenements, ^c. within the faid
Dutchy and County Palatine of L^wffl/?^', Receiver's Accounts, Grants
of Lands in Fee-Farme, Dutchy Charters, Patents, and Leafes, Maps
of Caftles, Parks, and of divers Manors within the faid Dutchy, Spe-
cial Commiffions, Privy Seals, Royal Signs Manual in the Reign of
feveral Kings and Queens, Bills, Anfwers, Depofitions and other
Pleadings in the Dutchy Court of Lancajler, Books of Orders and De-
crees, Regifters of Grants, Leafes, Prefentations and Commiffions.
Thefe Records are for the mod Part in good Order, and in as good
Condition as the Nature of the Chambers will admit of, and are mark-
ed with the Year or the King's Reign, of which there ar? feveral Books
of Calenders and Indexes, for the moft ufeful Part of them ; and are
lodged in Trunks, Preffiss, Boxes, and in Clofets upon Shelves (ex-
cept fome of the Pleadings in the Duchy Court, which art bundled up
and laid in an upper Chamber.) The Records in the Office are very nu-
merous, and for the mofl: Part valuable and ufeful to the Subjeft; the
Chambers where they are now kept, and have been kept for more
than an Hundred Years, are in a convenient Scituation for Bufinefs
and are dry, but the Infide and Flooring fomewhat decayed, which
may be repaired and put in good Order at a reafonable Expence, and
make the Office more ufeful to the Subjed.
All which is humbly fubmitted to this Flonourable Committee.
E. To
( iSj )
The Report of John Lawton, Efq; Keeper of the
Records in the Exchequer.
To the Honourable Committee of the Houfe of Com-
mons^ appointed to view the Cottonian Libra-
ry ^ and fuch of the Publtck Records of this
Kingdom^ as they think proper, &c.
I Humbly prefume to lay before the Committee a general Table,
hereunto annexed, of the Records of this Kingdom, diftinguifhed
under four different Heads: viz. The Records of the Court of Chan-
cery, of the Common Law, of the Exchequer, and of the Dutchy
Court of Lancafier. This Table has been compiled from the feveral
Reports laid before the Committee by the Officers, who have the Cu-
ftody of Records, and from fuch Informations, as I have received from
feveral Officers, whom I attended in purfuance of the Committee's
Order of the twenty-feventh of March: That I might be the more
exaft, I have had the Affiftance of Mr. George Holmes of the Tower^
and of Mr. William Whijlon, junior, to examine and compare the faid
I humbly fubmit to the Confideration of the Committee, whether
it would not be proper, upon the Removal of any publick Records for
the future from one Office to another, that the Officers, who fhall re-
ceive the faid Records, fhall from Time to Time give publick No-
tice in the Gazette of fuch Alteration of Cuftody ; and whether it
would not be more convenient, that all the Records, which are now
improperly placed in Offices, fhould be tranfmitted to their proper
Repofuories : This Work, I humbly conceive (however difficult it
may at firft appear) would not prove difficult in the Execution, or re-
quire a very great Expence of Time.
A^ril^, 1732. JOHN LAWTON.
( i84 )
Records of the High Court of CHANCERY.
Parlmmerit Rolls.
Statute Rolls.
IN the Reign of Ediuardl. be-
ginning the eighteench Year
of his Reign ^. D. 1289, are ac
the Receipt of the Exchequer at
From the fifth Year of Ed-
zvardW, yl.D. 131 1, to the End
of the Reign of Ed-ward IV, J. J).
1483,-are in the Tower.
From that Time down to the
fecond Year of his prefcnt Maje-
fty, J.J). 1728, they are at the
N. B. One Parliament Roll in
the fcventh Year of Henry V.
J.D. 141 9, is at the Receipt
of the Exchequer.
And alfo an Aft of Refump-
tion made in the twenty-
ninth Year of Hcftry VI,
J. D. 1450.
From the fixrh Year of Ed-
ward I, J.D.iiyy, to the eighth
Year of Edward IV, J. D. 1468,
are in the Tower.
One Roll, containing the Sta-
tutes made at IVmchelier in the
thirteenth Year of Edward I, is
ac the Receipt of the Excbeqiier.
Patent Rolls.
From the third Year of King
John, A. D. I 20 1, to the End of
the Reign of Edward IV, J. D,
14^^, are in the Tower.
From that Time to the End of
the Reign of milia?n HI, J. D.
1702, they are at the Rolls.
From J.D. 1702, tothefoiirth
of his prefentMajefty, J.D. 1730,
they are in the Petty-Bagg Office.
■ N. B. Three Patent Rolls, one
of the feventh Year of King
John, J. D. 1 205 ; another
from the firft Year of Ed-
wardll, J.D. 1307, to the
fourteenth J.D. 1320 inclu-
five •, and the third of the
twenty-fecond, twenty-third
and twenty- fourth Years of
King Henry VI, are at the
Receipt of the Exchequer at
Clofe Rolls..
From the fixth Year of King
John, J.D. 1204, to the End of
the Reign of Edward IV, J. D.
1483, are in the Tower.
From J. D. 14S3, to the End
of the Reign of James II, J. D.
1688, they are at the Rolls-, and
from that Time down to the pre-
fent, they are in the Inrollment-
Office of the Chancery.
( 1^5 )
Decree Rolls.
From the twenty- fixch Year of
King /7d;:r)i VIII, A. D. 1534, to
the prefenc Time, are at the Rolls.
Ckarter Rolls.
From the firft Year of King
John, A. D. 1 199, to the End of
the Reign of Edward IV, J. D.
1483, are in rhe "Tozi'er.
From thence to the End of the
twelfth Year of Ja^nes I, J. D.
1614, they are at the Rolls.
N. B. There are no Rolls of
this Kind later than the faid
twelfth Year of James I, be-
caufe the Charters fince that
Time are inrolled promifcu-
oufly with other Patents on
the Patent Rolls.
Coronation Rolls.
The Coronation Roll of King
Edward II, and the Claims of
Services to be done at the Coro-
nations of Richard 11, and Hen-
T'j V, are in the Tower.
Thofe of James I, Charles II,
James II , William and Mar"^ ,
Queen Anne., George I, and his
prefent Majefty, are at the Rolls.
Treaty Rolls
From the firft Year of Ri-
chard III, A. D. 1483, to the fe-
venteenth of Jamesl, A. D. 1619,
are at the Rolls.
From that Time down to the
prefent, they are in the Cufbody
of the Prochonotary of the Court
of Chancery.
Liberate Rolls.
From the fecond Year of King
John, A.D. 1200, to the End of
the Reign of Edward IV, A. D.
1483, are in the Toiver..
Fine Rolls.
From the fixth Year of King
John-, A.D. 1204, to the End of
the Reign of Edward IV, A. D.
1483, are in the Tower.
From that Time to the fifteenth
Year of King Charles I, A. D.
1639, they are at the i?o//j.
Scotch Rolls.
French Rolls.
From the nineteenth of Ed-
ivardl, A.D. i2go, to the End
of the Reign of Edward IV,
A. D. [483, are in the Tower
One Roll of Treaties in the
Reigns of Richard t, and King
John ; and the Treaties with
. „. France from the thirty-eighth of
The Treaties and TranfaftiOns Henry III, A. D. 1254, to 'the
with A a a tenth
( iB(5 )
with that Kingdom, from the firfl:
of Richard], y^.D.ii^^, toJ.D.
1586. J. 29 Reg. Eliz. amongft
winch are the Rolls of the Petiti-
ons, Pleadings, and Procefs in the
Caufc of Rot'c-ri de Brus , and the
other Competitors for the King-
dom of Scotland, in the nineteenth
and twentieth Years of King Ed-
ward \, A. D. 1290, are ac the
Chapter-Houfe, IFeJlminJler.
tenth of James I, A.D. 1612, are
at the Chapter- Hotife, lFeJt7ninjler,
From the firft Year of Ed-
ward U, J.D. 1307, to the End
of the Reign of Edward IV,
A.D. 1483, are in the Tower.
Roman Rolls.
Popes Btdlsy
From the thirty-fourth Year of Are fome in the Tower, and
Edward I, J. D. 1305, to the great Numbers in the Cbapter-
F.nd of the Reign of Edward IV, Hoiife, tVepninJler.
A. D. 1483, are in the Tower.
Vafcon Rolls.
From the twenty-fixth Year of
Hem-j Hi, A. D. 1^41, to the
End of the Reign of Richard III,
yL D. I4'i5, are in the Tower.
Norman Rolls,
In the Reigns of King Johjt,
and of King Henr'^ IV, and King
Henry V, are in the Tower.
I Frits of Summons., and j -r- a \/r «.
" '^ V "^ , l}jquijttions poit Mortem.
Returns to Parliament.
From the forty-ninth Year of
Henr^Wl, A.D. 1264, to the fe-
venteenth of Edward W, A. D.
1477, are in xhcTower.
From the thirty-third Year of
Henry VIII, A. D. 15415 to the
fi xtee nth of C/:;^r/« I, A.D. 16^0,
are at the Rolls.
From the Reftoration to the fe-
venth of George I, A. D. 1721,
they are in the PettyBaggCfice.
From thence to the prefent
Time they are in the Cuftody of
ihe Clerk of the Crown.
From the firft of Henrj III,
A.D. 1216, to the End of the
Reign of Richard III, A. D. 1485,
are in the Tower. From that Time
to the twentieth Year of Charles I,
A. D. 164.4., they are at the RollSj
except fome Bundles from the
thirty-firfl: of Qi^ieen Elizabeth^
A.D. 1589, to the faid twentieth
Year of Charles I, which are in the
Petty Bagg Office.
Several Bundles from A.D.i6a-4-
to A. D. 1652, are in the Petiy-
Bagg Office.
Authentic Tranfcripts or Dupli-
cates of Inquifitions poft Mortem,
fince the Eredion of the Court of
JVards, A.^2 Hen.Nlil, ^.D.1540,
are amongfl: the Records of that
Court in a Room adjoining to the
Floufe of Lords.
( i87 )
A/^/^i////!?;?^ ad quod Damp- Bills ^ Atifwers^ Depofitt-
num. ons.^ 8cc. tn Chancery.
From the firfl: X^iso^ Edward II,
A. D. 1307, to the End of the
Reign of Henr^ V, A. D. 1422,
are in the 'Tower.
In the Reigns of Henry VI and
Edward IV, are in the Tower,
From the firft of Richard III,
A.D. 1483, to the End of the
Reign of IVilUam III, A.D. 1702.
they are at the Rolls.
In the Reigns of Queen Eliza-
beth., James I, and Charles I, ai^
moft of them in the Tower., but
feme of thofe Reigns, and fome
from thence down to the Reftora-
tion, are at the Rolls.
From the Year 1649 to the pre-
fent Time , they are at the Six
Clerks Office.
Pettitom in Parliament.
Taxation Roll.
In the Reigns o^ Richard l\. Of the Valueof all the Churches
Henry IV, V, and VI, and Ed- in the twentieth of Edward I,
ward IV, are in the Tower. A. D. 1291, is in the Tower,
Privy Seals.
In the Reign of Edward I, and
from the Beginning of Edward 11,
A. D. 1307, to the End of the
Reign of Edward IV, A.D. 1483,
and fome in the Reign of Ri-
chard III, are in the Tower,
Some in the Reign of Ri-
chard III, and from the firfl: of
Henry VII, A. D. 1485, to the
End of the Reign of PFilliarn III,
A. D. 1702, they are at the Rolls.
From that Time to the fourth
Year of his prefent Majeflry,
A. D. 1730, they are in the Pelly-
Bagg Office.
Signet Bills,
In the Reign of RichardU, and
from thence to the End of the
Reign of Edward IV, A. D. 1483,
are in the Tower.
( i88 )
S/gf^is Manual.
In the Reigns of Henrj VI, and
Edward IV, are in the Tow^r; and
from Richard III to the End of
the Reign of IVilliam III, J. D.
1702, they are mod of them at the
Rolls. Some Sig'is Manual in the
Reign of He/jry VIII, are at the
Chapler-Hoiife, (Vejiminjler ; and
feme in the Reigns of Ja?nes I, and
Charles I, are in the Tower.
Special Comm'ijfiom ^ In-
qmfitions and Traverfesy
relating to forfeited E-
A few in the Reign of James l^
and from the thirteenth of C/?;^;r/; J I,
J. D. 1637, to the prefent Time,
they are in the Petty- Bagg Office.
Inquifit'tons and Decrees of Laws and Adjudications of
CommiJJloners of Chart- Sewers.
table Ufes, and Inroll- t ,, „ p . . w r
rt 1 In the Reigns of James I,
mentS OJ Proceedings on Charles I, and Charles II, and
Appeals from fuch Com-- fon^e few fmce that Time, are in
Af„ •> j^ the Petty-Bagv Office.
mijfioners Decrees. •' ^
From the Commencement of
the Statute in the forty-third of
Queen Elizahetb, A. D. 1600,
to the prefent Time, are in the
Petty- Bagg Office.
Proceedings on the Statute
A few in the Reign of James I,
and from the Beginning of the
Reign of Charles I, A. D. 1625,
to this prefent Time, they are in
the Petty-Bagg Office.
Judgments on Scire Fa-
cias's, and on Declara-
tions for and agamfi
Officers of the Court of
A few in the Reigns of Queen
Elizabeth and James I, and from
the firft Year of Charles I, A. D.
1625, to this prefent Time, they
are in the Petty-Bagg Office.
(1&9 )
Commtjfiom and hiqmfi- Certtjicatesy of ^lal'ificd^
tions of Lunacy and Uons of Members oj Par-
From the laft Year of Charles I,
A. D. 164S, to this prelenc Time,
are in the Petty-Bagg Office.
hamentf of Popiflo Con-
v'l&s and Perfom con-
In the Reigns of Queen yJmie,
George I, and his prefent Majeftyj
are in the PetlyBagg OJfice.
Treaties and TranfaBiom Treaties and Tranfacltons
with Germany. with Italy.
From the fixth of Edward I,
A.T). 1278, to the twenty-fifth of
Queen Elizabeth^ A.D. 1582, are
at the Chapter-Hmfey Wejlminfter.
From the Twenty-fixth of Ed~
'■joardlW, A.D.\o,^i, tothenine-
teenth of //d'/zr): VIII, A.D.i^ijj
are at the Chapter- Houfet (Vejimin-
Treaties and Tranfactions Treaties and TranfaBions
with Spain.
From the eighth of Henry VII,
A. D. 1492, to tiie third of Jam^s I,
A. D. 1 605 , are at the Chapter-
Houfe, JVeJlmi/^Jler.
With Portugal.
From the forty-feventh of Ed-
wardlU, A.D. 1372, to the fifth
Year of //f«r;y VII, A.D. 1489,
are at the Chapter- Houfey Wcjlmui-
Treaties and TranfaBions Treaties and TranfaBions
with Caftile.
From the thirty- eighth of Hen-
?■}• Ill, A,D. 1254, to the tweaty-
firft of Edward IV, A. D. 1481,
are at the Chapter-Houfe ^ Wefi-
Viinjier. .
with Arragon.
From the eighteenth of Ed-
ward I, A. D. 1289, to the fe-
venth of Henry VIII, A.D. 1515,
are at the Chapter- Hsufe., Weji-
( ipo )
Treaties and TranfaB'tom
%v'tth Flanders.
From the eighth of Henr'^ II,
A. I). 1161, to the tenth of Ben-
r)! IV, A. D. 1408, are at the
Chapter-Houfi\ iVeJtminJler,
Treaties and TranfaBiom
with Holland, and with
the United Provinces.
From the nineteenth of Hen-
ry Y\, ^. D. 1440, tothetwenty-
fecond oi James I, A. D. 1624,
are at the Chapter-Houfe ^ JVefi-
Treaties and Tranfa&ions Treaties and TranfaBions
with Burgundy. with Navarre.
From the eighth of Uenr-^ V,
A. D. 1 41 9, to the firfl: of Ri-
chard Illy A.D. 1484, are at the
Cbapter-Houfe, PVeJlminJler.
From the firft of Richard II,
A. D. 1378, to the fourth of //f«-
rjiVIII, A.D. 1 512, are at the
Cbapter-Houfej Wejlminjter.
Treaties and TranfaBiom
with Bretagne.
From the fifteenth of King
John, A.D. 121^, to the feventh
Year of Henry VII, A. D. 1491,
are at the Chapter-Houfey Wefi-
Welch Rolls.
From the fifth of Edward I,
A. D. i2y6, to the twenty-fourth
of the fame King , A. D. 1 295,
are in the Tower.
A Roll containing Extrafts out
of the Patent and Clofe Rolls of
Matters relating to fValeSy from
the firft of Henry 111, A.D. 1216,
to the thirty-feventh of the fame
King, A. D. 1252, and two Rolls
containing the Statuta JVallia ,
made in the twelfth Year of Ed'
ward I, ^. D. 1 284, are ac the Re-
ceipt of the Exchequer,
( '9' )
Records of the Courts of King's -Bench and
Common-Pleas; Assise -Rolls ; Placita
DE Quo Warranto & Coron^e ; Placita
Forest^; Proceedings in the Star-Chamber,
Court of Wards and Liveries, ^c.
Rolls of the Court of
King's- Bench.
FROM the fixth Year of Ri-
chard I, J. D. 1 194, to the
End of the Reign of Henry V,
yi. D. 1422, are at the Chapter-
Houfcy Weftminfter.
From that Time to the prefent,
they arc in the Kin^s-Bencb Trea-
iaga de Secretis^ containing the
Records of Attainders, is in the
King's-Bencb Treafury.
Other Proceedings in this
Court, fuch as Rolls of Special
Writs, Original and Judicial, In-
diftments. Appeals, Informations,
"Writs of Error, Mandamus's,
Habeas Corpus's, Scire Facias's,
Recognizances, and Articles of the
Peace, isfc. arc fome in the King's-
Bench 'treafury^ and fome in the
JV, B. What Docquets or Re-
pertories to thefe Proceedings
are remaining, are in the
Rolls of the Court
of Placita de Quo Warranto,
From K.\n^Jobn, A. 13. 1199,
to the End of the Reign of Hen-'
ry VII, A. D. 1509, are at the
Chapter- Houfe, Wejlminjler.
From that Time to the prefent,
they are in the Treafury of the
Court of Common- Pleas.
Iri the Reigns of Edward I,
II, and III, are at the Receipt
of the Exchequer at Wejlminjler.
N. B. Since the tenth Year of
the Reign of Edward III,
A. D. 1335, my Lord Hale
obferves, that Pleadings and
Judgments upon Franchifes
and Liberties, have not been
before the Juftices Itinerant,
but in the Courts of Kin^s-
Bench or Exchequer ^ and fo
are refpeflively entered either
upon the King's-Bencb Rolls,
or Memoranda of the Court of
Exchequer in the Treajurer's
Remembrancer's Office,
( i5>i )
Placita Corona.
From the fifteenth Year of the
Reign of Henrj III, A, D. 1230,
to Edward III inclufive, are at the
Receipt of the Exchequer ^ and
Chapcr-Houfey Wejljninjier,
AJfife Rolls.
From the fixth Year of RU
chard I, A.I). 1194, to the End
of the Reign of Henr^ VI, A. B.
1460, and fome few in the Reign
of Edward IV, are it the Chapter-
Houfe, IVeJlminJler ; except feveral
Rolls in the Reigns of Henry III,
Edward I, and Edward II, which
are in the Tower.
Bills ^ Anfwers^ Depoft^
t'lons^ and other Proceed-
ings m the Court of
Star Chamber.
From the third Year of Uen-
ry VII, A. D. 1487, to the Reign
of Charles I. inclufive, are at the
ChaPter-HouJc, JVejhninJler.
N. B. The Decrees of this
Court are not at prefent any
where to be found.
Placita Foreftae, Perambu-
latiom^and otherProceed-
mgs relating to Forefts.
From the tenth Year of King
John., A. D. 1208, to the End of
the Reign of Edward III, A. D.
i'^y~, are at the Receipt of the
Exchequer, except fome Perambu-
lations of Forefts in the fevench,
and twenty ninth Years of Ed-
ivardl, which are in the Tower.
Since the Time of Edward III,
the Proceedings before the Juftices
in Eyre feem not to have been re-
gularly tranfmitted into the Trea-
luries of the Exchequer, as they
iifed to be before that Time, which
is the Reafon probably why we
have no more Remains of Forefl:
Proceedings fince that Time than
thefe following, viz.
From the latter End of the
Reign of Henry II, A. D.ii 80, to
the Revolution, A. D. 1688, are
at the Receipt of the Exchequery
and Chapter-FIoufe, Wejiminjler. ;.
From that Time to the prefent,
they are in the Cujios Brevium
A Book of Proceedings before
the Lieutenants of the Chief Ju-
flice in Eyre of the Forefts on the
North of Trent, in the thirtieth
and thirty-firft Yearsof Henry VIII,
at the Receipt of the Exchequer.
Foreft Claims and Proceedings
in the Swanimote Court, Annis 10
^ 1 1 of Charles I, in the Tower.
A Bundle of Perambulations in
the fevcnteenth of Charles I, A. D.
1 641, and Writs for elefting Ver-
derors from the ninth of Charles I,
A. D. 1633, to the prefent Time,
in the Petty- Bagg Office; and the
Claims, Perambulations, and o-
ther Proceedings before Aubrey de
Fere, Chief Jultice in Eyre of the
Forefts on this Side of the Trent,
in the New Foreft in Hampfiire.,
and Waltham Foreft in Ejfcx, in
the Reign of Charles II, which are
at tke Receipt of the Exchequer.
( 193 )
An JJfay-Roll in the Reign of
Edward I, and Indentures between
the Kings of England and the Ma-
ilers and Workers of the Mini: in
the Reigns oi Edwardlll, HenryYl,
EdwardlV, RichdrdlU, Henry VII,
and Henry VIII, Edward VI,
Queen Mary, Queen Elizabeth and
Charles I, w.ich other Papers rela-
ting to the Mint, are at the Chapter-
Hoiife, Wejlminjler.
Goal Deliveries.
From the Beginning of the
Reign o( Edward I, A. D. 1272,
to the End of the Reign of Hen-
ry VI, A.D. 1460, and fome few
in the Reign of Edward IV, are at
the Cha^ter-Hotife, Wejlminjler.
Writs of moji Kinds.
A Roll or Regifter of Writs a-
bout A. D. 1240, or the Middle
of the Reign of Henry III, and
"Writs from the Beginning of the
Reign of Edward I, A. D. i2jz,
to the Revolution, A.D. 1 688, are
at the Chapter- Honfe, Weftminjier.
From that Time to the prefent,
they, are in the Ciijios Brevium
C(9«;'/ o/Wards and Liveries. Court of Requefts.
The Proceedings in this Court,
from the thirty-fecond of Hen-
ry VIW, A. D. 1540, when the
faid Court was erefted, with feve-
ral Books of the Decrees (?iine in
Number as is fuppofed) are in a
Room adjoining to the Houfe of
Eleven Bags of Certificates of
Feodaries, belonging to this Court,
are in the Hands of Mr. Charles
Grymes in Gray's-Lin.
The Proceedings in this nomi-
nal Court, are in the fame Room
with thofe of the Court of IVards
and Liveries, near the Houfe ol
C c c
( 194 )
Records of the Court of Excheqjjer.
Pipe Rolls.
ONE Roll of the fifth Year
oiK\ngStephen, A. D. ii^g-
(as fuppofed) and from the firfl
Year of Henry II, A. D. 1 154, to
the Revolution, A. D. 1688, are
at the Court of Exchequer at fVeJi-
From that Time to the prefent,
they are at the Pipe-Office in Gra-fs-
One Pipe Roll in the third Year
of King John^ A. D. 1201, is at
the Receipt of the Exchequer.
Plea Rolls.
Thefe begin in Edward the
Firft's Time (of which Reign
there is one Roll) from which
Time down to King James I, in-
clufive, they are in the Office of
the Clerk of the Pleas at fVeJtmin-
From Charles I, inclufive, to
this prefent Time , they are in
the Office at Lincoln's- Inn.
Rolls of Foreign Ac-
counts-^ containing Sub-
fidtes^ Aids-i &c.
Thofe few that are before the
Revolution, A. D. 1688, are ac
the Court of Exchequer at Weji-
From that Time to the prefent,
they are at the Pipe-Office in Gray's-
Bills, Anfwers, Depofitions,
Decrees, and other Pro-
ceedings in the Court of
In the Reigns of Henry VIII,
and Edward VI, are fome in the
Augmentation-Office at Wejtminfter^
and fome in the Chapter -Houfe.,
From the Beginning of Queen
Mary to Charles I inclufive, thejr
are in the Augmentation-Office .
Fifteen Books of the Decrees
of this Court, from the twenty-
eighth Year of Henry VIII, A. D.
1536. (which was the Year imme-
diately following the Eredion of
the faid Court) to the End of the
Reign of Edward VI, A. D. i ^^^^
are in a Cheft in the Kin^s Remem-
brancer's Office at the Court of
Exchequer^ H'''ejiminjler,
( ip; )
Leafes from the Crown. Rolls of Mm'ijiers Accounts.
In the Reigns of Henr-^ VIII,
Edward VI, Fhilip and Mary,
Queen Elizabeth^ and a few in the
Reign of Jamei I, are in the Aug-
mentation-OJJic/;, JVeJlminJier.
From the Beginning of the
Reign of 7«?»^i I, A.D. 1603, co
the prefent Time, are ac the Leafe-
Office in Grafi-Inn.
Before the Reign of Benr'-ffl/a-
refi Remembrancer'' i Office.
Rolls of Pleas and Pro- Bijhofs Certificates of In"
ceedings m the Court of ft'ttutions and Patronages.
Exchequer: containing
nyf ^ ^ 1 ■ i< From the thirty-feventh of
. Matters relating to be- c^een ElizahetK A.B. 1594, to
clefiaflical Perfons and the prefent Time, are at the
Benefices, &C. Brji Fruits Office.
From the firfl: of Queen Ma-
ry, A. D. 1553, to the third of
George I, A. D. 1717, are in the
Firjl Fruits Office.
Records of the Dutchy Court of Lancaster.
Billsy Anfwers., Books of Min'iflers Accounts, Surveys
Orders and Decrees, and of Honors withm the faid
other Proceedings in the Dutchy, Leafes, Char-
Dutchy Court of Lanca- ters. Patents, &c. of
fter at Weftminfter. the faid Court.
In the Reign of Edward IV,
and from that Time down to the
prefent, are in the Office of the
Cieri< of the Council of the faid
Dutchy in Graf s- Inn.
From the twenty-fifth of Ed-
ward III, A. D. 1350, at which
Time the Dutchy and County Pala-
tine of Lancajler were erefted, and
Regifters of Grants, from the fifti-
eth of Henry III, A. D. 1265, when
that King granted the Earldom of
Lancajierto his fecond Son Edmundy
down to the prefent Time, are in
the Office of the Clerk of the
Council of the faid Dutchy in
Graf s- Inn,
D d d F. I.
( «9« )
F. I.
Rot. Claiif. 14 Edw. II. m. 22.
Tro Rege de fupervidendo Rotulos ^ al' &c. in Turri London' G?
Clericis necejjdriis minijlrand' .
REX Thefaurario & Baronibus fuis de Scaccario, ac Camerariis
fuis ibidem, Salutem. Quia, ut intelleximus, Res noftrse tam in
Thefauraria noftra quam in Turri noftra London' exillentes, ac etiam
Rotuli, Libri, & Memoranda alia didlum Scaccarium, de tcmporibus
Progenitorum noftrorum quondam Regum AngI' concingentia, non
ica bene difponuntur, ut pro Nobis & Republica expediret : Nos vo-
lentes in hac parte remedium adhiberi, Vobis mandamus quod ad
pragmifla omnia & fingula citra inftans feftum Sanfti Michaelis fuper-
vidend', difponend', & in Statum Competentem dirigend', aliquos de
Clericis noftris, tot videlicet & tales qui ad hoc fufEciunt, affignetis.
Tefte meipfo apud Weftm' vii die Augufti.
Per Breve de Privato Sigillo.
REX Thefaurario & Camerariis fuis, Salutem. Cum pro eo quod
intelleximus quod Res noftrje &c. ut fupra: Mandaverimus vo-
bis & Baronibus noftris de Scaccario noftro quod ad prasmiffa omnia &c
fingula citra inftans feftum Sanfl-i Michaelis fupervidend', difponend*
& in Statum Competentem dirigenda, aliquos de Clericis noftris, toc
videlicet & tales qui ad hoc fufficiant, aflignari faciant, [facials,] Vobis
mandamus quod prsedidlis Clericis, pro tempore quo circa praemifTa &
aliaqusein hac parte fuerint neceflaria contigerit immorari, Expenfas
rationabiles habere faciatis.
Tefte ut fupra.
Per Breve de Privato Sigillot
Rot. Clauf. 16 Edw. II. m. 19. dorfo.
De Bullis, Scrtptis, Carfis, C^c. in Kalendari certo ponendis.
REX Thefaurario & Camerariis fuis, Salutem. Quia volumus
quod omnesBuilas Papales, & omnia alia. Carts, Scripta & Memo-
randa, Nos & Statum noftrum ac Libertates noftras[f«] Angl', Hibern*,
Waliia, Scotia & Pontivo, contingentia, & tam in Thefauraria noftra
fubcuftodia veftra, quam in Garderoba noftra & alibi in diverfis Locis
exiftentia, in certo Kalendari ponantur&arraientur per aliquos fufficientes
pervos ad hoc fumptibus noftris deputand',proutvos[w^»Jpr2efateThes',
1 per
( 199 )
per Nos plenius eft injundum, Vobis mandamus quod priemifTa, quam
citius commodius fieri poteric, fieri faciatis, & illis, quos ad hoc depu-
taveritis, fumpcus fuos neceflarios de Thefauro noftro liberecis.
Tefte Regc apud Ebor' tertio die Decembr*.
Per ipftim Regem.
Rot. Pat. i6 Edw. II. p. i. m. 28.
De Scrutinio Cartarum &c. faciend*.
REX omnibus ad quos &c. Salutem. Sciatis quod Afllgnavimus
dileflos Clericos noftros Robertum de Hoton & Thomam de
SibthorpadScrutand', Arraiand', &Re6loOrdine ponend', Cartas no-
ftras, fcripca, & omnia alia Munimenta noftra in Caftris noftris de
Ponte Fradto, Tuttebury, & Tonebrigge exiftentia, necnon ilia quae
de novo venerunt & funt in cuftodia Cuftodis Turris noftrse London',
& etiam omnia ilia quas funt in Domo Fratrum Prasdicatorum infra
Civitatem noftram London'. In cujus &c.
Tefte Rege apud Aldewerk xxiiii die Julii.
Per Breve de Privato Sigillo.
Et mandatum eft fingulis Cuftodibus, & Conftabulariis Caftrorum
praediftorum, ac Priori Ordinis Fratrum Prsedicatorum London' quod
ipfos Robertum & Thomam, Caftra, & Turrim, & Domum didlorum
Fratrum ex caufa pra^difta ingredi permittant, &: eis Cartas, Scripta,
& alia munimenta Regis in eifdem exiftentia liberari fac' ad eadem fcru-
tanda & refto ordine ponend', juxta tenorem Literarum prjedidarum,
eifque in prasmiffis fint confulentes & auxiliantes, prout pro Expedi-
tione negotii illius melius fuerit faciend'.
Tefte ut fupra.
Rot. Clauf. 14 Edw. III. p. 2. m. 10. dorfo;
Memorandum de Liberatione Rotulorum Cancellario; Regis.
MEmorandum quod die Sabbati fecundo die Decembris omnia,
Rotuli, Bundell', & Memorand' de Cancellar', quas in Hofpitio
Domini Johannis de Sandto Paulo tunc Cuftodis Rotulorum ejufdem
Cancellaria: extiterunt, de prascepto Domini Regis ufque Turrim Lon-
don' mifta, & ibidem Domino Willielmode Kyldeftjy Cuftodi Privati
Sigilli ejufdem Domini Regis, per Willielmum de Emeldon Clericum
praedi£t;i Domini Johannis, liberata fuerunt, & fie in eadem Turri in
Cuftodia ejufdem Willielmi de Kyldefby ufque ad diem Mercurii prox*
poft feftum Circumcifionis Domini prox' fequen' detinebantur, quo die
omnes Rotuli, Bundel', & Memoranda, qui fuerunt in quatuor Bagis,
videlicet de ifto anno, de prjecepto ejufdem Willielmi Domino Thomse
de Eveftiam, qui coram Domino Roberto de Burghchier Cancellar', &
praefato Willielmo de Kyldeft)y, ac aliis de Concilio didi Domini Regis
( 2C0 )
apud Weftm' Sacramentum prseftitic de Officio Cuftodis Rotulorum
CancellarijB pr^diftse fideliter taciend', liberari extiterunt, & omnes alii
Roculi prsdifli adhuc in Cuftodia ejufdem WiiJielmi de Ki^defby in
Turri prsedidta morantur, & poftmodum die Martis prox' feqaen' om-
nia difta, Roculi, Bundell' & Memoranda qu£ fie in Cuftodia prjedidli
Willielmi in didta Turri remanferunt, videlicet in decern & odo Bagis de
Canevace, &unofaculo deCorio, unacum quodam MagnoHanaperiode
diverfis Indencuris, ac Clavibus Ciftarum in eadem Turri refidtntium,
in quibus quidem Ciftis diverfa alia, Roculi, Bundell', & Memoranda in-
cluduntur, prsfato Thomse liberac' excicerunt".
Roc. Clauf. II Edw.III. p. 2. m. i^. confimile Memorandum uc
Rot. Clauf. 34 Edw. III. p. i. m. 15.
lie DefeSlibus Domus, pro Rotulis Cancellar' ordinatie, reparand'.
REX dilefto Clerico fuo Willielmo de Lambhich Superviforl Ope-
racionum noftrarum in Turri noftra London' Salucem. Quia
quamplures Defeftus cam in Coopertura quam in Oltiis & Feneftris cu-
juidam Domus infra Turrirti pffedidam, in qua Roculos & alia Memo-
randa Cancellar', cam de cempore Progenicorum noftrorum quondam
Reoum Angl', quam noftro, pro Salva & Secura Cuftodia Rotulorum
&Memorandorum prsdiftorum, reponifecimus, exiftunc, uCaccepimus,
per quod dampnum maximum & periculum eifdem Rotulis & Memo-
randis, nifi defeftus illi cicius reparencur, de facili poflent evenire, Nos
volenccs pro Salvatione Rotulorum & Memorandorum prsdidorum
prout convenic providere, Vobis mandamus quod omnes Defedus
Domus prjedids fupervideacis, & defedus illos fine dilacione reparari
& emendari, necnon tres Almorias infra Domum prsedicftam, pro fe-
curiori Cuftodia Roculorum & Memorandorum eorundem, de novo fie-
ri fi\ciatis, &: de Cuftubus quos in hac parte apponeritis, vobis in
Compoto veftro debitam allocacionem habere faciemus.
Tefte Rege apud Weftm' xx die Augufti.
Per tpfum Regetn.
Rot, Clauf. 36 Edw. III. m. 25. De defedlibus Turris pro Rotu-
lis Cancellarije infra Turrim London' tam in Coopertura quam ia
Oftiis, Feneftris, Seruris & Clavibus reparand'.
F. 11.
( Jo> )
F. II.
Placita coram Domino Rege apud Wcjlm' de Termino
PafchcE Anno R. R. E. tertii a Conquejlu Anglic vice-
Jimo quinto.
Ad hue de Tcrmino Tafchce. W. de Sharejhull.
Rot- 7'- T^Oti'^ii^s ^^'^ mandavit diledlo & fideli fuo Willielmo de Sharefhull
X^ capitalijuftic' fuo Breve fuum claufum in hsc Verba, "Edwardus
Dei Gratia Rex Angl' & Franc' & Dominus Hibern' diledo & fideli
fuo Willielmo de SharefliuU capicali Juftic' fuo faiucem. Mandamus
vobis, quod omnia Roculos, Recorda, & alia Memoranda Placita co-
ram nobis tangentia, ab Anno Regni Angl' primo ufquead finem ejuf-
dem Regni noflri tertium decimum, fine dilatione mittatis ad Scacca-
rium noltrum Tiies' &Camerariis noftris ibidem liberanda ; & hoc nul-
latenus omittatis. T. meipfo apud Weftm' xxii die Januarii Anno
R. noflri Angl' vicefimo quarto, R. vero noftri Francis undecimo".
Prjetextu cujus Brevis idem Willielmus liberavit Venerabili Patri W.
Epifcopo Wynton' Thefaurario fuo apud Weftm' Rotulos, Recorda &
Memoranda, prout continetur in quadam Indentura inde fada, qus qui-
dem Indentura fequitur in hsc verba; Memorandum, quod Termino
Pafchse Anno Regni Regis E. tertii poft conqueftum vicefimo quinto,
Willielmus de Sharefhull capitalis Juftitiarius Domini Regis ad Placita
coram Rege tenenda afiignatus Praetextu cujufdam Brevis Domini Re-
gis fibi direfti, quod quidem Breve Rotulo Ixxi inter communia Placita
irrotulatur, liberavit venerabili inChrifto Patri W. Wynton' Epifcopo
& Thefaurario Domini Regis & Camerariis ipfius Regis Rotulos, Bre-
via, & Memoranda de Placea Domini Regis, ab Anno Regni ejufdem
Regis Angl' primo ufque annum tertium decimum ejufdem Domini
Reg. videlicet, De Anno primo quatuor groflx)s Rotulos Placito-
rum, Tres Ligulas Brevium, Rotulos Eflbn', Recorda cum prseceptis
eifdem annexis & Panellis, de toto Anno primo prsdido ; de Anno
fccundo quatuor grolTos Rotulos Placitorum, quatuor Ligulas Brevium,
Rotulos Eflbniorum, Recorda cum prasceptis eifdem annexis, & pa-
nellis de toto anno fecundo predifto ; & fie de Anno in Annum ufque
ad Annum tertium decimum Tot Rotulos Placitorum, Ligulas Bre-
vium, Rotulos Eflbniorum, Ligulas de Recordis cum Prsceptis & Pa-
nellis ficut in Anno fecundo fuperius continetur. In cujus rei teftimo-
nium prasdiftus Willielmus de Sharefhull parti hujus Indenture penes
pr^efatos Camerarios remanentiSigillum fuum appofuit, alteri vero parti
penes diftum Willielmum remanenti prasfati Thefaurarius & Camerarii
Sigillum Officii fui appofuerunt.
Data apud Weftm' die Veneris in craftino Afcenfionis Domini, Anno
Regni Regis Edwardi tertii poft Conqueftum Angl' vicefimo
E e e Placita
( 101 )
Placita coram Domitio Rege apud Weft?n' de 'Termhio
PafchcE, Anno R. R. E. tertii poji Con^uejium tricefimo
quinto. H. Grene.
Rot. 70. Jclhuc de Tennino P.7fch(e. H. Grene.
InDorfo. fT. TkyTEMORANDUM quod die Mercuril proxima pofl tres
XVa feptimanas Pafchs hoc Anno qusdam Indentura fa6ta fu-
it apud Wellm' inter Dominum Willielmum de Sharefhull Militem
ex una parte, & Dominum Hcnricum Grene Militem ex altera parte in
hrec verba. Hasc Indentura f.ida inter Dominum Willielmum de
Sharefhull Militem ex una parte, & Dominum Henricum Grene Militem
ex altera, teftatur, quod idem Dominus Willielmus die Mercurii proxi-
ma poft tres feptimanas Pafchse Anno Regni Regis Edwardi tertii pod
Conqueftum tricefimo quinto liberavit didlo Domino Henrico per Breve
Domini Regis Rotulos, Record.i, ProceflTus, Indidlamenta, & omnia alia
Memoranda, Bancum Domini Regis tangentia, Subfcripta, videlicet,
Rotulos Placitorum, Reccrda, Brevia, Eflbnia, Panella, cum Brevibus
AfTifarum retorn' & coram Dom.ino Rtge capt', & Billas Originales
terminat' cum prasceptis earundem de Terminis Hillarii, Palchse,
Trinitatis & Michaelis, de Annis Regni Regis Edwardi tertii poft
Conqueftum, tertiodecimo, quartodecimo, quintodecimo, fextodeci-
mo, decimo feptimo, decimo oduvo, decimo nono, vicefimo, vice-
fimo primo, vicefimo fecundo, vicefimo tertio, vicefimo quarto, vice-
fimo quinto, vicefimo fexto, vicefimo feptimo, vicefimo odavo. vi-
cefimo nono, tricefimo, trirfimo primo, tricefimo fecundo, trie; fin.o
tertio, tricefimo quarto, &c de toto Termino Sanfti Hillarii Anno
Regni Regis fupradicti tricefimo quinto, pra^ter Rotulum Placitorum,
Recorda, Bievia, Effonia, Panella, & Billas de Termino SanftjE Tri-
nitatis Anno Regni fupradidi Regis vicefimo tertio, quo Termino
*Sic. null'i fu't^ * Ce.ffio Juftic' de Banco Domini Regis propter tern-
pus Peftilentise ; Item feptuaginta & quinque Bagas cum diverfis Prs-
fentationibus Feloniarum & Tranfgreffionum, Billis tranfgrefiionum,
Prseceptis, & aliis Memorandis coram Domino Rege in diverfis Comi-
tatibus, & etiam coram diverfis Julticiariis in diverfis Comitatibus cap-
tis & poftmodum coram Rege milfis j Item Centum quater viginti &
novem Pyxides; Item quandam parvam Forceram cum Cuneis Ferr*
& aliis Inftrumentis ad falfam monetam fabricandam ; Item Librum,
fuper quo Juratur.
In cujus Rei Teftimonium huic Indenture prsdidli Domini Williel-
mus & Henricus Sigilla fua alternatim appofuerunt.
Dat' Die & Anno fupradiftis.
{ 103 )
Anno tertio Regis Edwardi Tertii.
EDWARD US Dei Gratia Rex Angliae, Dominus Hibernise, &
Dux Aquicanis, Thelaurario & Camerariis fuis falucem. Cum
conftituerimus dileftum & fidelem noftrum Johannem de Stonore ca-
pitalem Jull'iciarium nollrum de Banco ad Placica in eodeni Banco
una cum aliis fidLJibus noftris fecundijm Legem & Conruetudinem
Regni Noftri tenenda, quamdiu nobis placuerit, & mandaverlmus di-
ledto & fideli noftro Willielmo de Herle, quod Rotulos, & omnia
alia officium illud tangentia, qus in cuftodia lua exiftunt, ad Scaccan-
um noftrum fine dilatione venire faceret, vobis per Indenturam inde
conficiendam liberanda ; Vobis mandamus, quod Rotulos, & omnia
aliadiftum officium tangencia, quas prsfatus Wiilielmus vobis, ur prse-
mitfitur, liberabit, prEefato Jolianni per Indenturam modo debito in-
de conficiendam liberetis, ad facienda ea, quse ad officium fuum perti-
nent in hac parte.
Tefte meipfo apud Glouceftriani tertio Die Septembris, Anno
Resni nollri tertio.
Per qfutn Regem i^ ConfiUum.
AnM OSiavo ejiifdem Regis.
EDWARDUS Dei Gratia Rex Anglia;, Dominus Hibernise, &
Dux Aquitanije, diledto Clerico fuo Ad^e de Stayngreve falutem.
Mandamus vobis, quod omnia Brevia, Recorda, & Memoranda, quse in
Cuftodia veftra de ultimo itinere Kane' adhuc exirtunt, ut dicitur, fine
dilatione habeatis ad Scaccarium noftrum, Thefaurario & Camerariis
noilris ibidem liberanda, una cum hoc Brevi. Mandavimus enim
eifdem Thefaurario & Camerariis, quod Brevia, Recorda, & Memo-
randa hujufinodi a vobis recipiant cuftodienda, prouc decet.
Tefte meipfo apud Ebor' vigefimo tertio Die Februarii, Anno
Regni noftri odavo.
Placita apud Wejlrn coram Roberto Bealknapp" G? Sociis
fuis Jujiic' Domini Regis de Banco de Termino SanSfce
T^rinitatis Anno Regni Regis Ricardi fecundi prima.
Rot. i.-pv OMINUS Rex mandavit Juftic' fuis hie Breve fuum
!_>/ claulum in haec verba. Ricardus Dei Gratia, Rex An-
gl', & Jtranc', & Dominus Hibern' diledo, & fideli fuo Roberto
5 Bealknapp*
( i04 )
Bealknapp' falutem. Cum conftituerimus vos Capitalem Juftic' no-
ftrum de communi Banco, quamdiu nobis placuent, prouc in Liceris
noftris Patentibus inde confeftis plenius continetur ; Volumus, quod
omnes Rotuli de tempore Celebris Memorije Domini E. nuper Recris
Angl', Avi noftri in cuftodia veftra ex commifllone ejufdem Avi no-
ftri exiftentes in Cuftodia veftra remaneant; Ira quod Roculos illos
coram vobis & Sociis veftris Juftic' noftris in eodem Banco habearis
adjuftitiam omnibus, quorum intereft, quotiens opus fuerit, fecundum
Legem & Confuecudinem Regni noftri Angl' inde faciendam, quoufqje
aliud inde duxerimus ordinandum : Et hoc vobis innotefcimus per prse-
Tefte meipfo apud Weftm' vicefimo odavo Diejunii, Anno
Regni noftri primo.
^nno decimo qiiinto Regis Henrici Sexti.
HENRICUS Dei Gratia Rex Anglias, & Francias, & Dominus
Hibernije, diledlo &: fideli fuo Joiianni Juyn capitali Jufticiario
luo de Banco Salutem, Mandamus vobis, quod omnia Recorda, &
Proceftus, ac Eflbnia, ab Anno vicefimo nono Domini E. nuper Re-
gis Angliae tertii poft conqueftum, ufque Annum primum carifTimi
Domini & Avi noftri Henrici nuper Regis Anglise defundi, in Banco
pr^edifto cum Rotulis & Memorandis, & omnibus aliis ea cangenti-
bus, habeatis ad Scaccarium noftrum indilate Thefaurario & Camera-
riis noftris ibidem liberanda, in Thefauraria noftra, prout moris eft,
cuftodienda : Et habeatis ibi hoc Breve.
Tefte meipfo apud Weftm' decimo quinto Die Oftobris Anno
Regni noftri quinto decimo.
His Majejlfs Warrant for a Precept to remove Records outqftk
Common-Pleas into the Exchequer. ^
Charles R.
"HERE AS We have received credible Information, that the
T y Plea Rolls of our Court of Common-Pkas, being grown very
numerous, do not only begin to perifh for want of convenient Room
in the Treafury where they now lye, but for want of Calenders unco
them are utterly ufelefs to our good Subjedts : Thefc are therefore to
authorize you to feal a Precept direfted to the Lord Chief Juftice of
that our Court of Common Pleas, for the fpeedy Delivery of all fuch
Plea Rolls, from the End of the Reign of King Richard the Second,
until the Beginning of the Reign of King Edward the Sixth, as are
now in your Cuftody in the faid Treafury, unto the Treafurer and
Chamberlains of our Exchequer, to be by them kept and fitted with
proper Calenders, as the reft of that kind until the End of the faid
( "5 )
Reign of King Edward the Second are. And for fo doing this fhall
be your Warrant.
Given at our Court at Whitehall^ the fifth Day of December 1667.
To our right Trujly mdlFell-belovedCounfellor
Sir Orlando Bridgcman, Knt. and Bart.
Keeper of our Great Seal of England.
CAROLUS Secundus, &c. DileftoSj Fidel' fuo Orlando Bridge-
man Mil' & Bar' Capital' Jufticiar' fuo de Banco, Salucem. Man-
damus vobis, quod omnia Record* & ProcelTusac ElTonia veftraab An.
uk' Regni Ricardi Secundi R. Angl' predeceflbr' noftri ufque Annum
primum Regni Edwardi Sexti, itidem R. Angl' ac predecefTor' noftri
in Banco prsediClo terminac', quse in Cuftodiaveftra exiftunc, ut dicicur,
cum Rotulis & Memorand' & omnibus al' ea tangen' habeatis ad Scac-
carium noftrum indilate Thefaurar' & Camerar' noftris ibidem liberand'
in TheAiurar' noftro, prout moris, eft Cuftodiend'. Et habeatis ibi hoc
Bieve. Tell' 16° Dec. An. Regni noftri 19.
DileHo y Fidel* fuo Orlando Bridgeman
MW y Bar* Capital* Jufticiar* fuo
dg Banco. De Record* is? Procei'y
i£c. deliberand*.
■^C Indentura teftatur, quod per Breve Domini Regis noftri
Caroli Secundi, fub magno Sigillo Anglise, direftum dilefto, &
fideli fuo Johanni Vaughan Militi Capitali Jufticiario fuo de Banco,
de Recordis deliberandis, & per Warantum ejufdem Johannis direftum
Georgio Ingram Armigero, Cuftodi Recordorum in Curia communi-
um Placitorum, Robcrius Long Baronettus, Clericus, five Deputatus
Dominorum Commiffionariorum pro execucione Officii Domini The-
fauraiii, & Edwardus Fauconberge, & Johannes Lowe Generofi, Cle-
rici, five D'-putati Camerariorum Scaccarii Domini Regis, receperunt
de eodem Georgio Ingram omnia ilia Recorda, Rotulos & Memora-
bilia ejufdem Curie, a Fine Regni Domini Ricardi Secundi quondam
Regis Anglie, ufque ad primum Annum Regni Domini Henrici Oc-
tavi quondam Regis Anglie, in Thefauro Recepte Scaccarii Domini
Regis Caroli Secundi per diftos CommifTionarios pro Thefaurario, &
Camerarios ibidem cuftodienda, que continentur in quadam Scedula
huic Indenture annexa. In cujus Rei Teftimonium Sigilla Scaccarii
Recepte, & prasdidi Georgii, funt appenfa.
Data apud Weftm' primoDie Augufti, Anno R. R. Caroli Secun-
di vicefimo fecundo, Annoque Domini 1670.
Fff F. IV.
{ loii)
F. IV.
WHEREAS there are remaining in the Cuftody of the Six
Clerks of the Court of Chancery divers Bundles of BilU, An-
fwers, Depofitions of Witnefles, and other Pleadings in form r King's
Reigns until the firll Year of the Reign of his Majefty, that now i.i,
which are in Danger to receive Prejudice for want of convenient Room
in their Office to keep the fame in, for which there is no Place in tr.e
Chapel of the Rolls to lay the fame in -, In which Cafe it is mofl: conve-
nient to remove the fame to the Tower of London, where rhfy are
likely .o be in moft Safety for the Service of his Majefty and People (if
any Contingency by Fire or the like Hiould come:) Thele arc there-
fore to require and authorife you to receive irom the Six Clerks afore-
faid, all the faid Bundles of Bills, Anfwers, Depofitions of WitnellfS,
and other Pleadings, with the Filing Books belonging thereunto, in
their Cuftody, until the firft Year of his now Majefty's Reign, to be
kept by you in your Office in the Tower of London. And for fo do-
ing this Ihall be your Warrant.
Dated the twenty-fourth Day of Jul-j 1671.
To Sir Algernoone May Knight, Clerk of
his Majejlfs Records of the Court of Chan-
cery within the Tower of London, or his
Deputy there.
REceived this eighteenth Day oi O^foher 1671, oi Matthew Pindar,
Efq; one of the Six Clerks of the Court of Chancery, into the
Tower of London, by Virtue of the Order above mentioned, ninety
one Bundles of Bills and Anfwers, and thirty large Bundles of Com-
miffions, and one Bundle of fingle Bills ; all of them being before
and unto che Year- 1649.
Keeper of his Majejlfs Records in the
Tower of London.
F. V.
107 )
F. V.
WHEREAS there are remaining in the Ciiftody of the Six
Clerks of the Court of Chancery, divers Bundles of Bills, An-
fwers, Depofitions of Witneffes, and other Pleadings, from the Be-
ginning of the Reign of King Charles the Second, of Glorious Memo-
ry, to this Time, which are become fo numerous, that they art- ia
Danger to receive Prejudice for want of conveni<-nt Room in their Of-
fice to keep the fame in , for which there is no Place in the Ch.ipel of
the Rolls to lay the fame in; In which Cafe it is moft convenient and
neceffary, according to former Ufage, to remove the fame to the
Tower of London, where they are likely to be in moft Safety for the
Service of her Majefty and People, from the Contingency of Fire and
other Accidents : Thefe are therefore to require and authorife you
forthwith to remove and tranfmit fafely ('by Land and not by Water)
to her Majefty's Tower of London, all the faid Bundles of Bills, An-
fwers, Depofitions of Witnefles, and other Pleadings covered m good
and proper Forrells, with the Filing Books or Calendars belonging
thereunto in your Divifion and Cuftody, from the Beginning of the
Reign of King Charles the Second, of glorious Memory, to the firft
Year of the Reign of King James the Second, of glorious Memory,
to be fafely kept amongft her Majefty's Records in the faid Tower of
Tendon, by the proper Officer there : And for fo doing this Iliali be
your Warrant.
Dated this fixth Day of Augiijl lyiz.
To Bafil Heme Efq; fenior Six Clerk
of the Court of Chancery ; Or in
his Abfsnce, to Mr. Benjamine
Renolins his Deputy.
F. VI.
WHEREAS there are remaining in the Cuftody of the Six
Clerks of the Court of Chancery, divers Bundles of Bills, An-
fwers, Depofitions ofWitneffes, and other Pleadings, from the Be-
ginning of the Reign of King Charles the Second, of glorious Memo-
ry, to this Time, which are become fo numerous, that they are in
Danger to receive Prejudice for want of convenient Room in their
Office to keep the fame in, for which there is no Place in the Chapel
of the Rolls to lay the fame in ; in which Cafe it is moft convenient
and neceffary, according to former Ufage, to remove the fame ro the
( xo8 )
Tower of Loitdofi, where they are likely to be in moft Safety, for the
Service of her Majefty and People, from the Contingency of Fire,
and ocher Accidents: Thefe are therefore to require and authorize
you to receive from the feveral and refpedive Six Clerks aforefaid,
all the faid Bundles of Bills, Anfwers, Depofuions of WitnefTes, and
other Pleadings, with the Filing Books or Calendars belonging there-
unto, in their Cuftody, from the Beginning of the Reign of King
Charles the Second, of glorious Memory , to the firfl Year of the
Reign of King James the Second, of glorious Memory, to be fafely
kept by you in your Office in the Tower oi London, amongft her Ma-
jefty's Records there-, upon Delivery whereof you are to give your
Receipt; and for fo doing this Ihall be your Warrant.
Dated the fixth Day of Attguft 171 2.
To Richard Topham Efq; Clerk of her Ma-
jfy^'s Records of the Court of Chancery
within the Tower e/" London, or his De-
futy there.
GULIELMUS Tertius Dei Gratia Angl', Scot', Franc', &
Hibern' Rex, Fidei Defenfor &c. Diledlo & fideli noftro Willi-
elmo Petyt Armigero Cuftodi Recordorum & Archivorum nodroruni
in Turri noflra London' remanentium, Salutem. Qiioddam Breve no-
ftrum c Curia Cancellar' noftra nuper emanatum chariflimo Confangui-
neo & Confiliario noftro Carolo Duci Shrewfbury principali Secreta-
rio noftro directum ad certiorandam quandam Aflbciationem in fcriptis
fadtam, & nobis prefentatam per Milites, Cives & Burgenfes in Parlia-
ment' in Menfe Aprilis Anno Domini 1696, afTemblat' ac omnes alias
Aft'oriaiiones per Communes Angl* fadas & fubfcriptas, necnon Retorn'
ipfius Caroli Ducis Shrewfbury in dorfo ejufdem Brevis fcript' una cum
fcparal' Aflbciacion', & fcripc' inde prsdift', & particulariter in qul-
bufdam Schedulis eidem Brevi annex' mencionat' & nobis in Cancel-
lar' noftram retornat', tibi mittimus prefentibus intercluf, mandanies
quod feperal' Afibciation' & fcript' Alfociation' pr.T£didl' cum omnibus
ea tange.n' accipis, & eas inter Recorda noftra infra Turrim noftram
London' deponis, & affilas ad prefervandum & falvo cuftodienduni
eadem imperpetuum fecundum veram Intentionem, & tenorena Brevis
noftri de certiorand' & harum prefentium.
Teftibus Thoma Archiepifcopo Cantuar', & ceteris Cuftodibus
& Jufticiar' Regni apud Weftm' decimo die Augufti, Anno
Regni noftri nono.
c Refolved,
( iop )
Refolved Nemiiie Cofitradicentey
TH A T an humble Addrefs be prefented to His Majefty, that he
will be gracioufly pleafed to give fuch Direftions, as he in his
great Wifdom fhall think proper, for the better Reception and more
convenient Ufe of the Publick Records of this Kingdom, and parti-
cularly of the Cottoiiian Library, and to aflure His Majefty, that what-
ever extraordinary Expence fhall be incurred for thefe Purpofes, this
Houfe will make good the fame.
That a Committee be appointed to draw up an Addrefs, to be pre-
fented to His Majefty, upon the faid Refolution.
And a Committee was appointed accordingly.
That the faid Report and Appendix be referred to the faid Com-
Mercuru lo Dte Mali 17^1.
Mr. Winnhigton reported from the Committee appointed Yefterday
to draw up an Addrefs to be prefented to His Majefty, that the
Committee had drawn up an Addrefs accordingly, which they had di-
refted him to report to the Houfe ; and he read the fame in his
Place, and afterwards delivered it in at the Table, where the fi;me
was read, a-nd agreed unto by the Houfe Nemine Contradicente, and is
as followeth, viz.
Most Gracious Sovereign,
WE Tour MajeJIy's mojl Dutiful and Loyal SubjeHs the Commons of
Great Britain in Parliament ajfembled, having taken into our Con-
ftderation the great Colle^ion of valuable Records belonging to this Na-
tion, and the Necejfity of tranfmitting them down fafe and entire for
the Ufe of our Pojlerity, humbly beg heave to reprefent to Your Majefly^
the State, in which we found them, together with the Inconveniencies, that
may ar'ife from their remaining in their frefent Situation.
A great Tart of the Cottonian Library, with the Variety of curious
and ufeful Matters therein contained, has (nolwithflanding the late Fire
at Afhburnham Houfe) by the great Diligence and Attention of the
I'ruflees been -preferved : And that the Publick may not for Want of
due Care be gradually deprived of fo noble and generous a Benefaction,
We beg Leave to recommend it in the mofi particidar Manner to Tour
Majeflfs Confiderationy Favour, and Prote£lion.
G g g The
( iio )
^he feveral Places ajftgned for the Prefervatlon of all thefe inejiimahle
Monuments of Antiquity are too narrow and confined for their Reception^
and fome of them in a very ruinous and dangerous Condition.
We find alfo fome Records not depofited in their proper Offices., hut
either remaining in private Hands, or in Places not affiled for pullick
Records, nor under the Care of any fated Officer.
Nor has the antient Method of removing Records from the Offices,
wherein they are originally formed, to fuch Places, as are appointed ta
preferve them, been duly obfervsd, chiefly for Want of Room in the pre-
fent Offces allot led for their Reception.
Great Inconveniencies have arifen to the Inquirers after this iifeful
Knowledge, not only from thefe Difficulties, but alfo from the undiftin-
guifhed and confufed Manner, in which fome of the Records of this King-
dom have been kept, there being no general Calendars or Indexes to the
whole, which with proper Encouragement may he co?fiplcated hy Perfons
of Skill and Ability , and would probably bring to Light many material
Remains of Antiquity, which from the Difficulty of Accefs have long lain
unknown and negle£ied,
'the prefent fhort Enquiry, imperfeB as it is, has produced an In-
flame of this, hy difcovering amongfl the ancient Records, That Directions
for Works of this Kind have been formerly given hy Tour Majefly's
Royal Predeceffors.
Tour faithful Commons beg Leave further humbly to reprefent to Tour
Majefly, That as the puhlick Inter efl is concerned in providing more fe-
cure and decent Repofitorics for the Records of this Kingdom, fo the pub-
lick Faith is engaged for the better Reception and Prefervation of the Cot-
t-onian Library^ fo generoufiy given for the puhlick Service.
And as there is at prefent little or 710 Allowance to the Keeper of the
faid Library, We humbly fubmit it to Tour Majeflfs Confideration, whe-
ther if a proper and reafonable Stipend were granted to him, it would not
engage him to perform his Duty with greater Care and Ddigence.
Having thus with the greateft Humility laid the State of the Records
of this Kingdom, and of the Cottonian Library before Tour Majefly, We
afflire Ourfelves, that it will he intirely agreeable to Tour Majefly's graci-
ous Difpofition to tranfmit to future Ages thefe Monuments and Remains of
Antiquity, fo neceffary and ufefid to the Knowledge and Prefervation of
Our excellent Ccnflitution, which we hope will go down to Poflerity toge-
ther with the Family, under which it now flourijhes, as infeparable and per-
petual Bleffings to this Nation.
Tour Faithful Commons do therefore mofl humbly befeech Tour Majefly^
that Tou will he gracioufly pleafed to give fuch DireElions (as Tour Majefly
in Tour great Wifdom fhall think fit) for the better Reception, and more
convenient Ufe of the publick Records of this Kingdom, and of the Cotto-
nian Library.
( 2,, )
And we beg Leave further to ajfiire Your Majejl'^, that whatever ex-
traordlnary Expences are incurred by the Dire£lions, Tour Majejly in Tour
great IViJdom Jljall think fit to give on this Occafion, fhall with great
Cheat fulnefs and Unanimity be provided for and made good by Tour Faith-
ful Commons.
That the faid Addrefs be prefented to His Majefty by fuch Mem-
bers of this Houle, as are of His Majefty's molt Honourable Privy
Jov'is II Dte Mail 1732.
Mr. Comptroller reported to the Houfe, that their Addrefs of ye-
fterday had been prefenced to His Majefty ; and that His Majefty had
commanded him to acquaint this Houfe, that he will give Directions
according to the faid Addrefs.
That Sir Thomas Robinfon have Leave to make a Motion, it being af-
ter Three of the Clock;
And he moved the Houfe accordingly.
That the Report from the Committee appointed to view the CottO'
man Library, and fuch of the publick Records of this Kingdom, as
they think proper, and to report to the Houfe the Condition thereof,
together with what they fhall judge fit to be dene for the better Re-
ception, Prefervation , and more convenient Ufe of the fame, with
the Appendix to the faid Report, and the Proceedings of the Houfe
thereupon, be printed-, and that Mr. Speaker do appoint the Printing
thereof; and that no Perfon, but fuch as he fhall appoint, do prefume
to print the fame.
Price Five Shillings.
rjV3.jQ>' ■-^J'jijaNv-sov^^"
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