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In 4 large \ohhSyo. si. 12*. 6d. Bds. the Third Edit. \ REMARKS ON THE \ PRESENT SYSTE3I OF ROAD MAKING. By JOHN LOUDON M'ADAM, Esq. iOci^if^l Surveyor of the Rojids in the Bristol pfstrict^ Third Edit, in Svo. Price 0*. Gd. Bds. 'p-" MEMOIR, ' To the southward of the Tagus, the French had been unable to retain any part of the Alemtejo. About the end of July, Junot detached a corps, under the orders of General Loison, to repress, in the first instance, the insurrections of that province; next, to give whatever assistance might be wanted by the garrison of Elvas; and, lastly, to return by Abrantes to the north ctf the Tagus, and to wreak a signal vengeance upon Coimbra. General Loison, in execution of these directions, marched to Evora, where the Portu- guese had collected the force of the provinces^ and, assisted by some Spaniards, resolved to defend the town. General Loison attacked it, and after meeting with a considerable resist- ance, entered it, and delivered it over to pil- lage. The inhabitants, threatened with indis- criminate massacre, endeavoured to shelter themselves in the churches and convents, where they had been accustomed ^o look for protec- tion ; but this was of no avail against their mer- ciless enemies ; thousands of them were drawn from their places of refuge, and fell victims to a licentious soldiery, excited by the unre- strained desire of plunder and revenge. from Evora, General Loison marched to Elvas, and from thence returned by Abrantes to Thomar, where he was arrested in the further execution of his instructions, by the news that Sir Arthur Wellesley had landed. 10 and was at Leyria, upon his march towards Lisbon. During this period Sir Arthur had pre- pared for the campaign he was about to un- dertake. He had 13,000 British infantry and 300 ca- valry; he selected 5,000 of the best Portuguese troops that were assembled at Coimbra, and with an army so composed, determined to move forward. He was in daily expectation of a corps of 5,000 men from England, and he was also apprized that the body* of men who had been under Lieut.-General Moore in Sweden, had received orders to proceed to the Pe- ninsula. The Commissariat, under Sir Arthur Welles- ley, was defective ; an army just landed must necessarily be without the means of transport ; it was, therefore, evident that it must depend en- tirely upon its communication with the shipping for its support throughout its operations : Sir 11 Arthur Wellesley upon these considerations determined to advance by the road nearest the coast; by that movement he secured to himself the advantages of being able to receive his reinforcements at any time they should ar- rive ; and in addition, he was not cramped by any line of communication which it would be necessary for him to maintain, or which he must have defended, had the enemy (as was once contemplated) made any demonstrations upon his rear. Before he quitted the Mondego, he left instructions for the corps under General Ackland to proceed along the coast to join him. He also left a statement of the infor- mation he had obtained, and of the opinions he had formed, to be delivered to Sir John Moore upon his arrival. Sir Arthur Wellesley recommended, that the corps under that officer should be landed in the Mondego, and marched to Santarem, so as to operate to the southward of the Tagus, if necessary, and to prevent the enemy from retiring through the province of 12 Alemtejo, in case he should be beaten by the force which Sir Arthur was leading against him. Other objects were in contemplation, but these were the principal. This proposed system of operations was afterwards subjected to considerable discus- sion ; it was objected to, and set aside. The mind, however, which conceived it, would have executed it with success, though in other hands it might appear impracticable. The battle of Vimiera, in which only half the force under Sir Arthur Wellesley was engaged, proved the correctness of his calculations, and warrants a belief that if the whole campaign had been directed according to his views, the result would have proved more advantageous than it did under a different arrangement. On the 9th of August, Sir Arthur Wellesley made his first movement from the Mondego, and reached Leyria on the 10th; he halted two days to make the necessary arrangements for his advance, and to bring up the Portuguese who 13 were at Coimbra. On the 13th he moved to the ground about Batalha, where a patrole of French, from the corps under General La Borde, at Alcoba^^a, was first discovered. Ge- neral Frere, who commanded the Portuguese, here made an objection to advance any further, stating, as his reason, the improbability of find* ing provisions. Sir Arthur Wellesley was not disconcerted by this defection : after attempting in vain to alter General Frere's determination, he decided to move forward, taking with his army a detachment of 1,600 men, from the force under that officer's command, which he placed under the orders of Colonel Trant, and which Sir Arthur undertook to provision. These arrangements being made, he advanced to attack the corps that occupied Alcobai^a ; the enemy had, however, abandoned it in the night, and the British army took up its position upon the heights beyond it. The next day the army moved forward to Caldas ; the advance, under Brigadier General Fane, to Obidos ; where some skirmishing took place between the light troops under his orders, and the French rear. 14 On the ] 7th Sir Arthur Wellesley moved to attack General La Borde, who had not as yet been joined by the force under General Loison, which was marching by Alemquer, to effect that object. General La Borde was posted at Roli^a, in a strong position upon some heights which covered the road from Obidos to Lisbon. Sir Arthur first formed his army in columns of battalions, behind Obidos, from thence he detached the light troops, under Brigadier- General Fane, supported by Major General Ferguson's brigade, along some heights which led to the right of the enemy's position. The rest of the army passed through Obidos, and ad- vanced along the plain towards Roli«f a. The enemy was first discovered, drawn up at the foot of the hill, and in front of the po- sition; but upon seeing our advance he re- tired to the heights. Sir Arthur, upon a close examination of the 15 ground thus taken up, and wishing to prevent the possibility of General La Borders retiring upon the fortress of Peniche, determined to ad- vance the right of his army as well as the left, and thus to attack both flanks of the enemy's position. The attack on the enemy's left was led on by the brigade under Major General Hill, while the 45th and 29th Regiments under Major General Nightingale were ordered to advance upon the centre ; Major General Ferguson's brigade was brought from the heights on the left into the plain, to support this movement; by continu- ing however its original direction, that corps might have rendered more essential service, since it would have fallen upon the French right, and in conjunction with Brigadier Ge- neral Fane's corps, would have decided the fate of the action sooner : but some mistake hav- ing arisen in an order delivered to it, this ad- vantage was not obtained. The 29th Regiment ascended the hill, by a hollow way which led to the summit, and eucpuuter.ed a most determined resistance on 16 the height where the enemy was formed. The path along which the regiment moved was so narrow, as to admit but three or four men abreast ; so that when it had reached the ground upon which it was to deploy, the soldiers were exposed to the fire of the French corps which occupied the vineyards, while they were unable to form any front, from which to return it; the grenadier com- pany, however, charged that part of the enemy which was ypon the open, and by that act of heroism, (although it was afterwards driven back by the fire from the vineyards), gave time to some of the companies behind it to form, and to maintain the ground they had got posses- sion of. In the mean time, the light troops, under Brigadier General Fane, had got upon the right of the position, and Major General Hill had ascended the hill upon its left; so that the enemy was obliged to abandon his first line, and retire into the village of Zambu- gera in the rear. From this he was driven by a most gal- 17 lant charge under the direction of Major General Spencer, which terminated the action. General La Borde continued to make some resistance upon a height beyond the village, only for the purpose of collecting, and form- ing his troops in the plain behind it, which he executed with considerable ability. After having formed them upon two lines he retired, filing from his left upon the road to Torres Vedras. Such was the first battle fought by British troops in the great cause of the Peninsula : it cost us some valuable lives, among whom Colo- nel Lake, and Captain Bradford were the most distinguished ; but it gave a sample of that bravery and good conduct which have since marked the progress of our arms, and have raised the military renown of England to the glorious eminence on which it at present stands. The advantage which resulted from this action was great. General Loison was marching to join General La Borde, in the position of Roli^a; c 18 his columns, the next day, were distinctly per- ceived in the direction of Torres Vedras, to which place he was forced to retire, in conse- quence of the action of the preceding morning; but if the two corps had been at the battle of Rolijpa, the British loss must have been con- siderably greater, and the general operations of the campaign proportionally delayed. The following day, the 18th, Sir Arthur Wel- lesley marched the army to Lourinhal, for the purpose of bringing supplies from the shipping, as also to receive the reinforcements which were understood to be upon the coast from England. The 19th he moved to Vimiera, on which day, the brigade under the orders of Ge- neral Anstruther, landed, and on the morning of the 20th marched up to the army. Sir Arthur Wellesley had during the last two days sup- plied his army with provisions, had received part of his reinforcements, and directed ttie rest which were in the offing, under Major General 19 Ackland, to land in the course of the night ; he determined, therefore, to move forward to Mafra, and the orders to that effect werfe given. The enemy was known to have collected his force at Torres Vedras ; his cavalry had patroled about the British army during the pre- ceding days, without being opposed ; the su- periority of numbers in that arm was decided. But Sir Arthur Wellesley conceived that by moving along the coast road to Mafra, he should turn the position which the French occupied, and by that operation force them to retire upon Lisbon. He was also of opinion, that from the rapidity of his own march, he should ar- rive in the neighbourhood of that town, be- fore the enemy would be able to occupy, with advantage, the ground which would de- fend it, and upon which he should force them to give him battle. On the evening of this day, however, a frigate, on board which was Sir Harry Burrard, arrived in Marciera Bay ; Sir Arthur Wellesley immediately waited on that officer, C 2 20 to receive his orders, and to communicate to him the plans he was about to pursue. Sir Harry Burrard disapproved of them, di- rected counter orders to be issued to the army, to prevent its march in the morning, and deter- mined to await the arrival of the corps under the orders of Sir John Moore. Sir Arthur Wel- lesley represented that the French army was now so near, that it was impossible to prevent an action; that the corps under his orders was equal to the contest with it ; that the army of Sir John Moore would be of infinitely more service by marching upon Santarem ; and that the great- est disadvantage would arise, from our changing at once from an offensive to a defensive line of operations. Sir Harry Burrard remained, how- ever, fixed to his first intention ; the counter orders were given, and a messenger was des- patched to Sir John Moore, to direct him to move down in his transports, to Marciera Bay. Thus was the whole system of our campaign changed in a moment. With the enemy col- lected within three leagues of us, we were di- rected to remain stationary, till a corps of which we had, as yet, no tidings, should arrive. The event, however, proved what Sir Arthur Wellesley had foretold. At nine in the morning of the 21st, our advanced posts were attacked, and the glorious battle of Vimiera evinced that the British army was worthy of the confidence which its General had reposed in it, in the dis- cussion of the preceding evening. Early on this day, Sir Arthur Wellesley had been to the advanced posts, and had returned to his quarters, when the first shots were exchanged with the advance of the enemy, who had passed from Torres Vedras, through the defile in front of it, and had been marching during the whole of the night. Sir Arthur Wellesley had posted the light troops and the 50th Regiment, under Brigadier General Fane, upon a height near a windmill, in front of the village of Vimiera. Briga- dier General Anstruther was upon the right of this corps, but a part of his brigade was de- tached during the action, to occupy Vimiera ; the left of the army was placed upon a ridge 22" of heights, which run eastward into the coun- try, and across which the brigades of Major General Ferguson and Major General Night- ingale were placed in position. The rest of the army was in reserve, upon heights in rear of Vimiera, which in reality formed the position, the one in which the action was fought being only the advance of it. The French army was divided into two divisions, under Generals La Borde and Loison, and the reserve, composed of the grenadiers and light infantry, together with the cavalry, under General Kellerman. Junot separated his army, to attack the po- sitions of our right and left at the same mo- ment, connecting his two wings by the force tinder General Kellerman ; they were, how- ever, at too great a distance from each other, and their attacks were unconnected. • The left column was first engaged with the brigade of Brigadier General Anstruther ; it at- tempted to turn his right, but after a contest of some duration, in which the superiority of the 23 British fire, in the first instance^ and afterwards of British bayonets, was completely proved, the enemy was repulsed with great slaughter, and forced to abandon his undertaking. The right column (which had moved to the left of the Bri- tish) began its attack upon the brigades of Major Generals Ferguson and Nightingale, at the time that the left had been beaten by Brigadier Gene- ral Anstruther. It commenced with considera- ble vigour, but the steadiness with which it was received, soon stopped its career ; in less than half an hour the column was beaten^ and pur- sued beyond the heights ; General Bregnier and six guns taken. A French regiment after- wards rallied near the village of Ventoso, at the extremity of the hill, and made an attack, in column of mass, to recover the guns; but it was completely routed, with great loss. The attack upon the village of Vimiera, as the decisive effort, was made by the reserve, in close column, supported by artillery, but was most gallantly resisted by the 50th and part of the 43d Regiments, who charged the flank of the column and totally defeated it. Two squa- 24 drons of the 20th Regiment of cavalry moved upon it when broken, and cut down and took prisoners a considerable number of those com- posing it, who were escaping from the infantry. A short time before the victory was decided. Sir Harry Burrard arrived from the frigate, on board which he had remained during the night; Sir Arthur Wellesley was preparing to follow up the advantages he had gained; and had already brought up Brigadier General Bowes' ^nd Major General Ackland's brigades, (who had as yet been in the reserve and unengaged) with which he had intended to pursue the enemy. He had also directed Major General Hill to be ready to move from his right along a road which he was in possession of, and which led by the nearest line to Torres Vedras. But Sir Harry Burrard, conceiving that such a movement would be attended with risk, desired Sir Arthur Welles- ley to discontinue the pursuit, and to rest satis- fied with the advantages that had been gained. Sir Arthur Wellesley remonstrated on the. 25 field against the order to halt, but it was of no avail ; the decision was not to be changed or modified; the enemy retired at his leisure; our light troops even were not ordered to attend his movements, and a part of the rear-guard remained upon a hill within a short distance of our position till the following morning. Without wishing to cast any reflection upon the conduct of Sir Harry Burrard, admitting that (called upon to take the command of an army already considerably advanced in the operations it had undertaken, and so nearly in contact with the collected force of the enemy as to make an action inevitable), he was placed in a situation of great difficulty; yet it is impossible not to regret that the per- son, in whose mind the plan of the campaign originally was formed, was not allowed to exe- cute it throughout. The system which Sir Arthur Wellesley had laid down had now been altered in three most essential points. First, the not proceeding on «^ 26 the morning of the 21st to turn the left of the enemy, by the movement he had ordered upon Mafra ; thereby changing the operations of the army from the offensive to the defensive. Se- condly, the not pursuing the enemy after the victory of Vimiera ; and, lastly, the having changed the direction of Lieutenant General Sir John Moore's corps, from its march upon Santarem to its junction with the army of Sir Arthur Wellesley. It may not be uninteresting to trace the probable effects which these movements would have produced. • General Junot had taken the command of the whole disposable force under his orders in Portugal (amounting to 14,000 men), at Torres Vedras on the 20th ; and presuming upon the boasted superiority of French troops to those of any other nation, he had resolved to attack the left of the British army, thereby leaving it no retreat if defeated, but to the sea- shore, and to its transports, if it could effect its embarka- 27 tion. With this intention he marched on the night of the 20th by a road leading through a most difficult defile, which brought him to the eastward of Vimiera, near which place he ar- rived soon after nine o'clock on the 21st. The order which had been issued the day before for the British army was to march at five o'clock, by the road to the Ponte de Roll, and from thence direct upon Mafra. This road was separated about two leagues from that upon which the French army was advancing, and leading in a totally different direction; divided also from it by a woody and almost impervious tract of country ; so that if the movement had been executed, the British army would have been considerably advanced towards Mafra, before the enemy had arrived at Vimeira. If indeed this march had been discovered by the French patroles, it would still have been impossible to arrest our progress, from the difficulty of getting to us; and in all probability, the enemy would have had no other resource than to have returned to Torres Vedras (where 28 the whole of his baggage had remained), and from thence tried to attack us at Mafra, which would have been attempted under many disadvantages; or to have marched in the greatest haste by the Cabe^a de Montachique to have covered Lisbon. To those who are ac- quainted with the country I am speaking of, the difficulty of such movements (with an army which had already been marching since the morning of the 20th), will be duly appreciated : if the attempt to cover the capital had been made, the confusion and hurry with which a position must have been taken up would have bid fair for the success of our attack upon it, which could not have been delayed beyond the 23d; the proximity of Lisbon, which was ripe for insurrection, must have added to the diffi- culties of the enemy; and upon a review of all the circumstances of the case, together with the great talents which Sir Arthur Wellesley has since displayed, we may be warranted in believing that complete success would have attended his operation ; and that the possession of Lisbon would have been effected with a 29 smaller loss, with greater advantages, and at a much earlier period, than it was obtained by the system which was adopted. The next point to be considered is the effect which would have been produced by following up the enemy after the victory of Vimiera. General Junot had advanced from Torres Ve- dras by a circuitous road to Yimiera ; and after his defeat the corps under Major General Hill, which had taken no part in the action, was in possession of the direct road to that place. The ground about Torres Vedras is extremely strong ; and it is the only good pass by which the French army could have retired to Lisbon. Sir Arthur Wellesley was convinced that Major General Hill might have occupied the town before the enemy could have reached it ; and that he might have defended the positions about it, till the army which was to have fol- lowed the French should have been able to communicate with him. The great objection that was raised to thiis 30 project was, that the British army was almost destitute of cavalry, whilst the French had of , that arm a force of at least 1,200 men; but Sir Arthur Wellesley relied upon his own genius to provide a remedy to this objection ; our infantry was in the best order, and it has too often since been tried in presence of a superior cavalry, to leave doubt in the mind of any British officer, that (if judiciously managed and supported with artillery), it is competent to advance in the face of cavalry. If, therefore, Sir Arthur Wellesley's intentions had. been carried into effect, the probability is, that General Hill would have taken the ' enemy's baggage at Torres Vedras ; that pur- sued by the British army. General Junot would have been unable to force the positions about that town ; that he must, consequently, have retired by some other road, and his army have been subjected to considerable loss. There remains only for us to consider the effects produced, by bringing the corps under the orders of Sir John Moore to Marceira 31 Bay, instead of allowing it to proceed to San- tarem. Sir Arthur Wellesley had from the first con- ceived, that the corps under his immediate command was as considerable as could conve- niently be employed upon the advance to Lis- bon, and was of sufficient force to secure the success of that operation; but he foresaw that it would be impossible for him to prevent the French army from retiring through the Alem- tejo, to Elvas, unless he could bring a separate corps to intercept it ; with that view he had recommended the march of Sir John Moore upon Santarera, and that excellent officer, upon his arrival in Mondego Bay, disembarked a considerable portion of his troops with the view of executing that movement. From the moment Sir Arthur Wellesley was apprized of the determination of Sir Harry Burrard to prevent that operation, and found himself arrested in his pursuit of the enemy after the battle of Vimiera, he gave up all hope of enclosing the French in Lisbon, or of pre- venting their protracting the campaign (if they thought fit to do so) by a movement into the southern provinces of Portugal. We must now proceed to the relation of the events which took place after the battle of Vimiera. Sir Arthur Wellesley employed himself, in the evening of the 21st, in getting stores and provisions landed for the troops, and strenu- ously urged an advance on the 22d ; but on the morning of that day, he was informed that Sir Hew Dairy mple was arrived in Marceira Bay, and was landing, to take the command. This officer soon afterwards reached Vi- miera ; he gave directions for the advance of the army on the next day ; but about three o'clock in the afternoon, General Kellerman arrived at the advanced posts, and requested a conference with the English comfnander-in- chief. Some officers were directed to conduct him to head • quarters, with the persons who 33 formed his suite ; and soon afterwards lie pro- posed the terms to Sir Hew Dalrymple, upon which General Junot was prepared to conclude an armistice, with a view to his total evacuation of Portugal. General Kellerman insisted much upon the still remaining strength of the French army ; that 10,000 Russians were prepared to land from the squadron which was in the port of Lisbon, and to assist in the defence of Portugal; that General Junot (in possession of the for- tresses, and with his movements upon Elvas undisturbed) was not in a situation to be dic- tated to, as to the terms upon which he was willing to evacuate the country ; that although a part of the French army had been repulsed from the position of the British, it still pos- sessed considerable resources; that it had the opportunity of occupying, undisturbed, the positions which had been marked out for the defence of Lisbon ; it therefore commanded respect ; but that General Junot was willing to surrender the entire kingdom, with the ports 54 and fortresses, upon condition that the French army should be sent, with its whole military baggage, and at the expense of England, to its own country. Sir Arthur Wellesley had conceived from the first, that the policy of Great Britain was, to bring as early as possible to the assistance of the Spaniards, who were now upon the Ebro, the British army that was occupied in Portu- gal. The plan upon which he had commenced th« campaign was formed with that intention ; the hope of seeing it accomplished, by force of arms, was now nearly at an end. The march of the French Emperor into Spain was already talked of; and there seemed to be no hope, if the French were determined to protract the campaign in Portugal, that a British army, after having beaten them in the field, and besieged the fortresses they occupied in the country, could arrive in time to be of any assistance to the Spaniards. If, on the contrary, the terms 35 proposed for the evacuation of Portugal were. agreed to, the embarkation of the enemy migl^t be immediately effected, and the British army might in a short time be marched to the assistance of the Spaniards. With this view of the various circumstances of the moment. Sir Arthur Wellesley gave his voice in favour of the principle of the armistice proposed; the minor details of it were objected to by him, particularly the wording of the ar- ticle which related to the baggage, and which might be construed into a permission to carry off the plunder of Portugal ; but it was thought, (after an understanding with General Kellerman, that it included only the baggage *'' purement militaire,'" ) that the most proper moment for its correction, would be, in the arrangement of \h% conventioEu With this explanation Sir Arthur Wellesley, in pursuance of Sir Hew Dalrymple's directions, signed the Armistice. P 2 36 It would be needless to relate here the terms of a document, which gave rise afterwards to so much discussion in England, and which must consequently be in the recollection of every Englishman. The period of the armistice wa§ two days, with twenty-four hours' notice of its rupture, and it precluded the British army from advancing beyond the line of the Zizandra, To give an opinion upon its merits would be presumption ; but if the opportunity which it afforded of preparing the British army for its advance into Spain, had been properly made use of, and if the execution of this object had not been so considerably delayed, by the tardiness of the embarkation of the French, it is probable that greater advantages would have resulted from it, than have generally been brought into consideration, in the discussions which it has occasioned. The morning after the signature of the armi- stice, the British army advanced to Ramalhal. Colonel Murray was sent into the French head- quarters, to discuss the terms of the convention. 37 and the French retired from Torres Vedras, t(> their positions in the vicinity of Lisbon. After the lapse of some days, the corps of Sir John Moore arrived in Marceira bay, and w^as landed near Vimiera. The following days it w^as ad- vanced, and the v^hole army moved into Torres Vedras. The second day from its entrance into that place, Sir Arthur Wellesley was directed to proceed with the corps with which he ori-' ginally landed, to the town of Sobral, which commanded one of the great passes to Lisbon ; on his march to that place he received a message from Sir Hew Dalrymple, informing him that Colonel Murray had arrived with the convention which he had signed, and that Sir Hew was prepared to ratify it. V The feeling of the army which had fought the battle of Vimiera, was at this time most hostile to the armistice which had been agreed upon. The expression of a private in one of the regiments which had most gallantly asserted 38 the superiority of the British arms, deserves t<5 be recorded : whilst marching in his column to Sobral, he appeared to be looking for something which he had lost ; and upon being asked what he was in search of, replied, ten days, which he believed he should never find again. Sir Arthur Wellesley took up the ground about Sobral, with the corps which he coih- manded; a patrole of French fired upon one of his piquets, but upon its being returned, retired. The second day. Sir Arthur Wellesley moved on to Bucellas, where a line of demarcation was drawn between the British and French posts. The corps under the orders of Sir John Moore marched from Torres Vedras to Mafra. The leading division, under Major General the Honourable Edward Paget, had nearly reached that place, when a French officer, who commanded a piquet in the town, de- sired that the English army would not advance, as he had no orders to retire; the circum- S9 stance was reported to Sir Hew Dalrymple, who attempted to persuade the French officer to evacuate, but finding his efforts ineffectual, and being desirous to avoid engaging in any fresh hostilities, he ordered his troops to bivou- aque, for the night, on the ground they occu- pied. The next morning the French officer sent word, that he had received orders to retire with his 100 men, and that the British army was at liberty to enter the town. This story was the occasion of much witticism among the soldiers. From Mafra, Sir Hew Dalrymple removed his head-quarters to Cintra; from thence to the village of Acyras, near Fort St. Julian's ; and * from thence to Aquinto, between Pa^o d'Aquas and Lisbon, where he remained till the em- barkation of the French army had been com- pleted. After the signature of the convention by Sir Hew Dalrymple, at Torres Vedras, and not at Cintra, as has generally been supposed, two offi- 40 cers, Major General Beresford and Lord Proby, were sent into Lisbon to superintend its execu- tion. The hi&tory of their disputes with the French would hardly be believed. It would be interesting to record them, as instances from which the characters of many of the individuals belonging to the French army might be collect- ed, and the value of their point of honour appreciated. - The first object to which the attention of the British commissioners for the execution of the convention was drawn, was to enforce the spirit of that instrument, by preventing the French from carrying off the plunder of Portugal. With this view General Junot, after much opposition on his part, was constrained to issue an order to his army, requiring it to deliver up, into the hands of the commissioners appointed for that purpose, every species of plundered property which it retained in its possession. Within a few hours, however, of the issuing of this order, information was brought to Major General Beresford, that Colonel Cambyse, 41 aide-de-camp to General Junot, had seized upon the Prince Regent's horses, had carried them from the royal stables, and was embark- ing them as the property of General Junot. The statement, upon being inquired into, was found to be correct, and General Kellerman was applied to, to prevent this robbery ; he im- mediately attacked Colonel Cambyse with great severity of language, and ordered the horses to be restored. The next day an attempt of the same sort, by the same officer, was made upon one of the car-^ riages belonging to the Duke of Sussex, which was actually embarked ; Major General Beres- ford, upon being made acquainted with it, sent his aide-de-camp to Colonel Cambyse, to re- monstrate with him (in terms not very agree- able) upon the repetition of a conduct so disgraceful to the character of an officer. This lecture was, however, of but little avail, for during the time that Major General Be- resford's aide-de-camp was speaking, the 4S jiecond carriage belonging to the Duke of Sussex was removed to the river, for the same purpose of embarkation; both carriages w^ere afterwards recovered, and Colonel Cambyse threatened with a voyage to England as a prisoner, if he continued a line of conduct such as he had till then pursued. Various other traits might be related of this officer, but an act of General J 's, will be more interesting, and more worthy of record : he had carried off a considerable number of pictures, and embarked them on board his own vessel, from the house of the Marchioness of Anjija; upon being required to give them up, he answered, that they had been given to him. This having been found to be incor- rect, he denied all knowledge of the transaction, and impeached a relation of his who was on board the ship with him, but who immediately proceeded to one of the transports, where he hoped to remain concealed. A threat of pre- venting the General from sailing, till the pictures were disgorged, soon brought this gentleman back to the frigate, and Captain Percy directed 48 him to go on shore io give an account of the transaction ; he refused, however, to acknow- ledge the jurisdiction of the commissioners, and declared his determination not to land. The bayonets of the marines were called for, to persuade him; they proved effectual, the gen- tleman was landed, and soon after, the pictures were returned. Another general officer, on the day of his embarkation, carried off, from the office of the commissioners, all the papers and documents which he was able to collect, in a short visit he made to it while the commissioners were absent ; and if he haid not been driven back to Lisbon by contrary winds, (when he was forced to return them) would have involved their proceedings in complete confusion. On the 1 0th of September the French garrison evacuated Lisbon, and General Hope was ap- pointed Governor. The joy of the inhabitants, when the national flag was hoisted, is beyond any description ; an universal shout re-echoed through the town ; 44 innumerable banners, emblems of a new life of liberty, were displayed from every corner of the capital. The ships in the river, decorated with the proud symbols of national independence, proclaimed the triumph of the day, by repeated discharges of artillery ; and for nine nights the town was universally illuminated, in token of the joy of the inhabitants at their deliverance, and of hatred to the oppressors, who still wit- nessed from their transports the detestation which was manifested of them. » Thus was ended the campaign in Portugal, Parts of it are to be regretted, but the great object for which it was undertaken was accom- plished. Portugal was freed from the enemy by the genius of Sir Arthur Wellesley, and the bravery of British troops. Those means have preserved it independent, and have since ac- complished the deliverance of the Peninsula. The succession of general officers to the com- mand of an army considerably advanced in the operations of a campaign, will rarely be attended with advantage ; to cast any blame upon those 45 who succeeded in this instance to the command of the British army in Portugal, would be unjust; but we may be permitted to observe, that thq genius of a great commander was marked in the first operations of tiie campaign ; whilst a cold calculating policy conducted it to its final issue. Sir Arthur Wellesley soon after em- barked for England ; Sir Hew Dalrymple and Sir Harry Burrard were recalled ; and the British army was intrusted to the command of Sir John Moore. The events of the campaign in Spain had been various, during the period of which we have been speaking. When the revolution first broke out in that country, when the massacre of the 2d of May had roused every patriot to revenge the murder of his countrymen, the force of the French in Spain was unprepared to repress so universal an insurrection. A corps of 20,000 men was, however, soon despatched, under the orders of General Dupont, to relieve the French fleet at 46 Cadiz, and to seize upon that important post. General Dupont was too late ; the Governor Solano, suspected of some attachment to the French, was murdered by the people, and the revolution was organized throughout Andalusia. General Castanos was appointed Captain Gene- ral, and was invested with the command of all the troops in the south of Spain. He had a considerable number of veteran regiments, besides the volunteers who had at that time hastened to enrol themselves under the banners of their country. With an army so composed, General Castanos marched to oppose the progress of General Dupont. This officer was waiting, at Cordova and Andujar, the junc- tion of a corps under General Wedel, which was marching to his assistance from Madrid; for although General Dupont had not as yet been opposed by any regular force, yet the universal hostility he had met with from the peasants, as well as the loss he had sustained by their desul- tory warfare, made it dangerous for him to at- tempt a further advance into the country. 47 General Castanos resolved to meet the French force before it should receive its expected re- inforcements ; he arrived with rapidity upon the Guadalquivir, opposite Cordova, and ad- vanced upon Andujar. At the same time he detached a considerable corps, under Generals Coupigni and Reding, to pass the river higher up, to place itself in rear of Dupont, and to in- tercept his communications with Madrid. Thiu object was effected ; the corps reached Baylen on the 19th of July, and was placed between the army of Dupont and the reinforcement of 6,000 men under General Wedel. General Dupont had on the same evening determined to break up from his position near Andujar, where he had suffered considerably from the hostility pf the peasants, as well as from the army of Castanos, which was engaged in continual skir- mishes with his troops. He marched during the whole night towards Baylen, and arrived theri^ in the morning ; he found, however, the Spanish corps in position to receive him. General Du- pont made immediate dispositions for attack; but he was foiled in all his attempts to penetrate 48 the Spanish lines. He expected the arrival of General Wedel; but being at last exhausted, and dreading an attack both in front and rear, (as the corps of Castanos was following him), he sent a flag of truce to the Spaniards about two o'clock in the afternoon, and desired to capi- tulate. While the terms were discussing, but after some advantages had been seized over General Dupont's army, the corps of General Wedel began to appear in rear of the Spaniards ; it soon after made an attack upon them, but was repulsed ; and General Dupont was told, that unless General Wedel was ordered to desist, and unless his corps was included in the capi- tulation, the whole of his army would be put to the sword. General Dupont was obliged to agree, and General Wedel was ordered to re- main quiet, and to consider his corps as a part of the army which was to surrender. General Wedel feigned obedience to this order, but finding his communication with Madrid was open, he moved off in the course of the night, and endeavoured to reach La Mancha. When his march was discovered, the Spaniards an^ 49^ nounced to Dupont, that his whole army should pay for the atrocities committed by the French throughout Spain, and be immolated in the morning, unless Wedel was brought back. General Dupont had no means of preventing the execution of so alarming a menace, but complying with the alternative ; he sent a se- nior officer in quest of Wedel, and brought him back from Carolina, which he had already reached : the whole of the two corps laid down their arms the same day, in conformity to a ca- pitulation entered upon for that purpose. There never was a more singular extinction of an army of near 25,000 men than that which has been described. General Dupont was esteemed the best officer in the French army ; yet he sur- rendered a most effective corps to an army but just formed, and in part composed of in- experienced officers and soldiers. The results were most fortunate for the Spaniards; the kingdoms of Andalusia were freed from ene- mies, and their armies rendered disposable for the other operations of the war. E 50 About the time that Dupont had been de- tached to Cadiz, General Moncey had been Isent with 8,000 men to reduce Valencia to obedience ; he marched for that purpose from Madrid, and arrived without much opposition within sight of the town. Valencia is an old Moorish capital, sur- rounded by ' a very high wall, and secure against a coup de main. Moncey determined to attack it; but, without a battering train, he was reduced to the necessity of storming, without having made any preparations for it. 'The assault was directed against the southern gate, where the Spaniards had placed two igutis, and secured them by some woi*ks which \v6Te not easy to be carried ; the troops ad- Vianced from one of the streets of the suburbs, "along which the Spanish guns did great execution, and at last obliged Moncey to give up the attempt, and retire with a consi- derable diminution of his numbers. The Spanish corps that were without the town menaced his retreat and Moncey was forced 51 to march with great rapidity towards Alcira and St, Phihppe, to secure a passage by a different road from that by which he had entered the kingdom. He was continually harassed, but he succeeded in crossing the river Xucar, and afterwards retired to Madrid with about half the corps he had originally taken from it. The French were more successful in the battle of Rio Seco, mention of which has already been made in the first pages of this work, yet they were unable to follow up their successes ; and the noble resistance of Saragossa, under the directions of Palafox, obliged them to march a considerable corps to besiege it. The events of this campaign were so destruc- tive to the enemy, that Joseph resolved to quit Madrid, and seek a safer and more concentrated position behind the Ebro. The first columns of his troops began to retire from the capital upon the 30th of July, and it was totally aban- doned on the 10th of August; the siege of E 2 52 Saragossa was also raised, and the head-quar- ters of the French armies were established at Vittoria. Such was the state of things when Lieutenant General Sir John Moore was ordered to carry the British army from Portugal to the assistance of the Spaniards. The Spanish troops were generally assembled in two great corps ; the left, under the orders of General Blake, in the provinces of Asturias and Biscay ; the right, along the south bank of the Ebro, at Logrono, Tudela, &c., and under the command of Castanos ; Palafox commanded the army of Arragon ; which, (although incor- porated with that of Castanos), yet yielded but an unwilling submission to his orders. The Marquis of Romana, with the troops that had been withdrawn from Denmark, had landed in Gallicia, and was moving forward to take the chief command of the troops of Blake and the whole northern army. Sir John Moore began his march from Lisbon on the 27th of October ; he determined to as- 53 «emble his troops at Salamanca ; but, from the difficulties of roads, and of subsistence for the army, he was induced to separate his corps, and to march them at distances so great from each other, that they no longer were of any mutual support. The infantry arrived in good order at Salamanca towards the end of Novem- ber ; but the cavalry and artillery, which had moved within a few leagues of Madrid, did not reach that place till three weeks or a month afterwards. Sir David Baird was sent from England with a corps of 13,000 men to Corunna, and was directed to place himself under the orders of Sir John Moore, and effect his junction with him as early as possible. This officer met with considerable obstructions from the Junta of Gallicia; he was, in the first instance, re- fused the permission to land ; and afterwards was subjected to great inconvenience in pro- visioning his troops. Soon after the arrival of Sir John Moore at Salamanca, he was apprized that Buonaparte, with a large army, was already in Spain ; and; 54 that his first successes had been considerable ; Sir John Moore seemed to think them deci- sive. The army of General Blake was beaten at Espinora de los Monteros on the 10th and 11th of November ; and the battle of Tudela on the 28th put to rout the army of Castanos. Sir John Moore had a most difficult card to play. His army was not assembled, his cavalry and artillery had not formed their junction, and a considerable distance divided him from the corps of Sir David Baird. He resolved there- fore to abandon offensive operations, and direct- ing this last-mentioned corps to retreat to Vigo, and "there embark for Lisbon, he himself prepared to retire into Portugal. The direction of the French army upon Madrid changed, however, Sir John Moore's determination. He stopped the movement of Sir David Baird, and ordered him to advance his corps to Benavente ; from whence it was his intention to combine an operation with the whole British force upon the rear of Buonaparte. 55 General Soult commanded a corps of the French army upon the Carrion ; Sir John Moore determined to attack him, and moved forward with that intention with the whole force under his command, which he had as- sembled on the 20th of December at Ma- yorga, combined with the corps of Romana upon his left. The British force amounted to 29,360 effective men. After severe marches, Sir John Moore reached Sahagun on the 21st of December, and prepared on the 23d to force the position of General Soult. He received, however, information that Buonaparte was marching upon Salamanca, and was seeking to surround his army. Sir John Moore instantly gave up the offensive, and retired in the great- est haste upon Benavente. When he arrived there, he found the advanced guard of Buona- parte's army at a short distance from the place; and on the 29th of December, the British rear guard of cavalry distinguished itself in an affair with the cavalry of the imperial guard. . The superiority of the British was manifest 56 on this occasion ; they had in several preceding actions given samples of their bravery and good conduct ; Lieutenant General Lord Paget and Major General the Honourable C. Stewart had led them on to the most decisive successes, and in an affair at Sahagun, on the 21st of Decem- ber, had almost annihilated a regiment of French cavalry. The fall of Madrid, after an inconsiderable resistance, had made a deep : impression upon the mind of Sir John Moore ; he looked with despondency upon the affairs of the Peninsula, after its surrender ; and considered the great cause of Spanish independence completely lost. He had made one effort to relieve the southern provinces of Spain from the irruption with which they were threatened ; he succeeded in diverting it against himself; and from that time he conceived that his first duty was to with- draw from the country. With that view he commenced his retreat into Gallicia; he at first determined to embark his army at Vigo ; he afterwards led it to Corunna. It had been ex- ff:^ 57 pected that he would have defended the strong ground he was passing over, but he continued his retreat, and once only, on the 8th of Janu- ary at Lugo, offered battle to his pursuers*. The enemy was neither strong enough nor mad enough to accept it ; and after a retreat, the most disastrous for an unbeaten but brave and gallant army that history records. Sir John Moore arrived at Corunna on the 11th of January 1809. He took up a position in front of the town to await the arrival of the transports ; fortunately they were not long delayed ; they reached the harbour on the 14th; and Sir John Moore prepared to embark his troops. Hap- pily for the honour of the British army, though we must lament the loss that ensued, the French were too proud of the reputation they had gained against other armies, to permit * One of the principal causes of the uninterrupted CQntinuation of this retreat was the total failure of the Commissariat in the establishment of the Magazines which had been directed to be formed on the line of hiarch now pursued by the army. 58 the embarkation to be unmolested. They at- tacked the British corps, reduced by fatigue, by loss upon the march, by sickness, and by the absence of its cannon, which was already on board the transports ; they attacked it when mustering only 16,000 men, placed in a bad position, with its retreat cut off if beaten ; yet they were completely repulsed,with very severe loss, and a part of the position which they occupied before the action, was carried at the point of the bayonet, and maintained. The loss on the side of the British was considerable; Sir John Moore fell in the arms of victory ; he died a deathworthyof the character he had main- tained through a long life of service and renown ; he fell by a cannon-shot while directing a charge against the enemy, and commanded the re- spect, the admiration, and regret of his brother soldiers and his countrymen. Sir David Baird was severely wounded, and obliged to quit the field, and the command devolved upon Sir John Hope. This officer withdrew his troops from the position, and embarked them in the course of the night and succeeding day; the rear- P9 guard was commanded by Major General Be- resford, and the whole army was embarked without loss, and sailed on the 17th of January. Thus ended the second campaign in which the British troops had been engaged in the Penin- sula. It would be a melancholy task to canvass it • throughout ; the last action was worthy of the men that have since delivered Spain from its merciless invaders ; but the movements which preceded it were far from being generally approved. Great difficulties were indeed op- posed to Sir John Moore ; but it would appear that in his own mind they were too highly rated. He discharged his duty to his country, however, with his utmost zeal. He died fighting to maintain its glory, and his name will ever be ranked amongst its heroes. During the period of Sir John Moore's cam- paign in Spain, Sir John Craddock had been appointed to the command of the British troops in Portugal. Their number was small, and va- ried considerably during the winter; some detachments which had been sent to Sir John 60 Moore returned without having effected their junction, and many stragglers and sick from that army found their way into Portugal, and were formed into battalions. The brigade under Major General E-. Stewart was also incorporated with the army under the orders of Sir John Craddock. Before the retreat of Sir John Moore was known in England, a corps, under the orders of Major General Mackenzie, had been sent to Cadiz, with the view of being admitted as the garrison of that place. The conduct of the Spaniards, in refusing to allow the British army to enter Ferrol, although pressed by a superior enemy, made it necessary Tor the Government of England to secure a point of safety for its fleet and armies, before it could consent to the further co-operation of any British force in Spain. It therefore required, as a condition to the employment of an army for the defence of the southern provinces of the Peninsula, that a British force should be admitted within the walls of Cadiz. Much ne- gotiation took place upon this point, but the 61 Spanish Government at last refused the per- mission, and thus put an end to the proposed assistance of a British army. The corps under Major General Mackenzie sailed from Cadiz to Lisbon, and added to the force under Sir John Craddock. After the evacuation of Corunna, by Lieute- nant General Sir John Hope, the French had entered it w^ith two corps, those of Marshals Ney and Soult ; the latter was detached, about the beginning of February, to the at- tack of Portugal. He succeeded, with little opposition, in occupying the country to the north of the Douro. In Oporto, the Portu- guese force was collected to a considerable amount ; but having neither discipline nor re- gularity, it was unable to oppose more than a feeble resistance to the French. Marshal Soult, who was anxious to strike terror amongst the inhabitants of Portugal, permitted his sol- diers, after storming the town, and destroying an immense number of people, to continue their 6a cruelties during several days. The plunder of the place was accompanied with every descrip- tion of outrage; but the measure only succeeded in increasing the detestation in which the enemy was held, without effecting the subjugation of the country. After the success of Buonaparte in the centre of Spain, and the expulsion of the English army from Gallicia, General Victor had been de- tached against the Spanish corps of General Cuesta, which was quartered about Medellin. After some previous movements a general battle was fought, in which the Spanish army was completely routed ; it retired to the mountains about Monasterio, where, with the assistance of the reinforcements which were sent to it, it made head against the French army. Victor at this time concerted with Marshal Soult,in Oporto, a combined attack upon the unconquered pro- vinces of Portugal. Soult was to move through Coimbra, upon Lisbon ; while Victor was to co- operate from the Spanish frontier, through Por- talegre, or Alcantara, upon Abrantes, and from 63 thence to march upon the capital. Sir John Craddock had collected the British force, which had now become respectable from the different reinforcements which had arrived, in positions in front of Santarem, and upon the road to Coimbra, so as to be prepared to move upon either of the two French corps, which threat- ened to advance upon him. But on the 22d of April, Sir Arthur Wellesley (w^ho had been se- lected for the command in Portugal) arrived with som^ reinforcements, and assumed the direction of the army. He decided to proceed instantly against the corps under Mar&hal Soult, in Oporto. He left a division under Major General Mackenzie, with the brigade of heavy cavalry under Majoti- General Fane, at Abrantes, to watch the corps of Marshal Victor: some Portu- guese were placed to observe the bridge of Alcantara, and with the rest of the army he proceeded to the Douro. By the rapidity of his movement. Sir Arthur Wellesley discon- certed the plans of the French ; he drove theic 64 advance guard, in three days, from the Vouga to Oporto, and arrived on the Douro, opposite to that town, upon the 1 1th of May. Sir Arthur Wellesley had detached Marshal Beresford, (who had lately been appointed to the command of the Portuguese army,) to pass the Douro, near Lamego, and to occupy Ama- ranthe ; he had also directed General Silviera with the troops under his command, to retain possession of Chaves. By these movements he had hoped to enclose the French corps, in the north of Portugal. On the morning of the 12th he determined to cross the Douro, in face of the enemy, and to attack the town of Oporto, although the bridge had been destroyed, and the boats (with the exception of two that con- veyed over the first soldiers) had been removed to the opposite side of the river. No operation could be more difficult, or re- quire greater bravery in the troops to execute, or talent in the general to combine ; but com- plete success attended it. Marshal Soult was 65 surprised ; the British army passed the river in spite of every obstacle, and of the superior numbers which were brought to overwhelm the first regiments that crossed ; and the French army was driven, with the loss of its sick and wounded, of great part of its baggage, and of a considerable number of guns, from the town of Oporto. Sir Arthur Wellesley pursued the French on the following day; Marshal Beresford had driven them from Amaranthe ; so that, being pressed on all sides, they were obliged to aban- don the whole of their guns and baggage, and to fly the country by the mountain roads to Orense; their rear was several times attacked, but the main body could not be attained ; and Sir Arthur Wellesley, unable any longer to pur- sue an enemy who had abandoned every thing which constitutes an army, and who fled without artillery, baggage, or equipment, halted on the 18th at Monte Alegre, and gave up the pursuit. This short campaign, of only ten days, is per- haps the most brilliant that ever has been exe- 66 cuted. Marshal Soult, represented as the best officer in the French army, had occupied the northern provinces of Portugal, for upwards of two months; he had contemplated the entire conquest of the country, and was employed in organizing the necessary means. To defend himself from any attack, he had the Vouga, and the Douro, both formidable rivers, and the advantage of the strongest country in the Pe- ninsula ; he had a force equal in amount to the British, or within very little of it, and in a state of superior military organization. He had a perfect knowledge of the country; he com- manded its resources; and was in every way formidable from his talents and his means. Yet the genius of Sir Arthur Wellesley deprived him at once of the advantages of which he was possessed. In the space of four days he was driven from Coimbra to the Douro ; and in six days after, not having had the time or opportu- nity of defending himself in a single position, he was chased from the frontiers of Portugal. The movements of the Portuguese about 67 Chaves had disappointed the expectations of Sir Arthur Wellesley, or his triumph would have been more complete. He had entertained the hope of surrounding the French army ; but by the non-execution of a part of his plan the individuals who composed it escaped ; but there never was a more disgraceful escape; or a retreat (if it deserve that name, and not a flight) mor^ humiliating to the officer who con- ducted it. f ^ Lieutenant General Paget, who had dis- played the greatest talent and bravery in the attacks he conducted, with the advanced guard under his command, before his arrival upon the Douro, passed that river with the first com* pany of the Buffs; and having most gallantly sustained the desperate attack of the enemy upon the few troops under his orders, which had as yet arrived upon the Oporto side of the river, was unfortunately wounded in the arm, and suffered amputation. Major Hervey also lost his arm, in a most gallant charge of the 14th light dragoons, which he had led. F 2 6» Whilst Sir Arthur Wellesley had been en- gaged in the pursuit of Marshal Soult, Marshal Victor had made a movement upon the bridge of Alcantara, and had threatened to enter Por- tugal in that direction; the bridge was de- stroyed, and Marshal Victor made no further advance; but Sir Arthur Wellesley, after making the necessary dispositions for the se- curity of the northern frontiers of Portugal, brought back his army to the Tagus. The state of the French in the Peninsula, at this moment, was as follows. Marshal Ney was at Corunna, Soult was retreating from Portugal, and Mortier was at Valladolid ; these corps toge- ther amounted to about 60,000 effective men, and kept the provinces of Gallicia, Asturias, Biscay, and Castile, in tolerable subjection. There were other corps employed in those pro- vinces, but the amount of force of which we have spoken, was to a certain degree disposable. In the centre of Spain, Victor was at Merida ; Sebastiani in La Mancha ; and Joseph, with Jourdan, at Madrid ; their force amounted to 50,000 men; Suchet was at Saragossa, in occu- 69 pation of Arragon, with a corps of 20,000 men. The French force in Catalonia was considerable, but, from the state of that province, it could not be disposable for any offensive operations. The distribution of the Spanish force was. General Cuesta at Monasterio, with 40,000 men, mostly recruits; Vanegas, with 25,000 in the Carolina; Romana, with 25,000 in different parts of Gallicia ; and General Blake, with 20,000 in Valencia. There ^were several other corps in different quarters, of small amount, but which could not be con- sidered as efficient for the duties of a campaign. In Portugal, the army of Sir Arthur Wellesley consisted of about 22,000 effective infantry, and 2,500 cavalry. The Portuguese, under Marshal Beresford, were as yet backward in organization, but amounted to about 15,000 men, collected and ready to take the field; besides the troops in garrisons, dep6ts, ^x. According to this estimate, the French had a force of 130,000 effective men, while that op- posed to them was about 150,000. 70 Sir Arthur Wellesley, upon his arrival on the Tagus, determined, if possible, to liberate Madrid. To effect this object, he proposed to bring the greater part of his own force, with that under General Cuesta, and the corps under General Vanegas, amounting in the whole to near 90,000 men, to operate upon the forces of Joseph, Victor, and Sebastiani, estimated at 50,000. He proposed to leave Marshal Beres- ford, in conjunction with the Duke del Parque, to watch Soult, from the neighbourhood of Ciudad Rodrigo ; and he hoped that the troops under Romana would give sufficient employ- ment to Marshal Ney, in Gallicia. During the month of June, Victor, (in conse- quence of the successful operations of Sir Arthur Wellesley against Soult, and his return upon the Tagus) withdrew his corps from the neighbour- hood of Monasterio, crossed the Tagus at the bridge of Almaraz, and took up a position at Talavera de la Reyna; General Cuesta followed him to that place, but finding him in position, retired to Almaraz, where he remained, with 71 his advance corps, under the Duke of Albu- querque, at Arzobispo. Towards the end of the same month, Marshal Soult arrived with the corps under his command, at Puebla di Se- nabria, from whence he marched to Zamora and Salamanca. In this state of things. Sir Arthur Wellesley (after having received the most distinct decla- rations from the supreme Government of Spain that his army should be supplied with provi- sions) advanced on the 25th and 26th of June, from Abrantes, towards Placencia. Marshal Be- resford moved at the same time to the neighbour- hood of Ciudad Rodrigo. Sir Arthur Wellesley went on the 12th to the head-quarters of Gene- ral Cuesta, at Casas del Puerta, near the bridge of Almaraz, to concert with him the operations of the campaign. He proposed as the first ob- ject, to occupy in strength the positions of Banos and Bejar, which commanded the only road from Upper Castile into Estramadura, and the country about Coria, and Placencia. Sir Arthur Wellesley, (aware that his own army 72 was the only one that was efficient for the operations of a campaign,) recommended that a corps of Spaniards should be destined for this service. It has since been known, that amongst the numberless intriguers who at this moment sought to disunite the counsels of the allies, one of the most busy had awakened the jealousy of General Cuesta upon this poiiit, and had represented to him, that the English general, with a view of weakening the Spanish force in the field, would recommend him to make a considerable detach- ment from his army. When the recommenda- tion was given, therefore. General Cuesta was convinced that the information he had received was correct ; and from the violence of his own nature, could not easily repress his resentment at a proposal, which he thought was intended to reduce his army, for the purpose of diminishing his share of glory in the expulsion of the French from Madrid ; a result which he anticipated from the movements about to be carried into execution. General O'Donaju, the adjutant- 73 general of the Spanish army, prevailed upon him, however, to agree to the arrangement, but Ge- neral Cuesta never carried it fairly into effect. The small force he afterwards sent to Bejar was incompetent to any resistance, and was totally unprovided, even with ammunition. The remainder of Sir Arthur Wellesley'splan was, that his army should join that of General Cuesta, and should advance in the first instance to the attack of Victor at Talavera. By a movement in co-operation. General Vanegas was ordered to break up from the position in La Mancha, about Madrilejos ; to march upon Pembleque and Ocaiia, and pass the Tagus at Fuente Duefias; where he was to arrive on the same day, the 22d of July, that the armies under Sir Arthur Wellesley and General Cuesta, were to arrive at Talavera, and attack the corps of Victor. General Vanegas received this order, and agreed to its execution. Sir Arthur Wellesley removed his army from Pla- cencia, according to the plan which had been arranged; passed the Tietar, and arrived at 74 Oropesa on the 20th of July ; where he effected his junction with the army under the orders of General Cuesta, amounting to 35,000 effective men. The next day, the Spanish army ad- vanced towards Talavera ; and on the 22d the British corps moved forward to the same place. While upon his march. Sir Arthur Wellesley received several messages from General Cuesta, stating that the enemy was disposed to attack him. Sir Arthur Wellesley pushed forward, but upon reaching the ground, found only two squadrons of French, who had come from Talavera to reconnoitre the position of the Spaniards. The light troops of both armies advanced upon the rear-guard of the French, the Spanish cavalry attempted to charge it, but without effect, and the whole French army took up a position upon the heights, to the eastward of the Alberche. The British and Spanish armies occupied the ground about Talavera with their advance upon the right of the same river. Sir Arthur Wellesley had expected to hear from Ge- 75 neral Vanegas •: according to the orders which had been sent to him, he should have been at Fuente Duenas upon the 22d ; but from every information which could be obtained, no move- ment appeared to have been made by him. The history of the defection of his corps deserves to be recorded. When General Vanegas received the orders from General Cuesta to move upon Madrid, he returned for answer, that he would do so; he despatched, however, at the same time, a courier to the supreme Junta, communi- cating to it the orders he had received. That body replied, that he was not to execute the movement, but to await its further commands in the positions which he occupied. These di- rections, (which were neither announced to Sir Arthur Wellesley nor to General Cuesta), arrived in time to stop General Vanegas. It was difficult to explain the motive of this conduct; but it was afterwards disco- vered that the supreme Junta, amongst other reasons, was not anxious that General Cu- esta should enter Madrid. He was sup- posed to entertain sentiments hostile to many 76 of those who composed it, and not friendly to the whole body ; the Junta, therefore, feared, that if he reached Madrid, he would effect a counter-revolution, and place himself at the head of the government ; or at least overturn the Junta's power. This explanation of its motive gained considerable weight from the conduct of that body, when it received Gene- ral Cuesta's despatches, stating that he had formed his junction with Sir Arthur Wellesley at Oropesa, and was proceeding to Madrid. The Junta then, with as much alacrity as it had sent counter-orders before, directed General Vanegas to move forward, and constituted him Captain-General of the province of Madrid; so that, upon his arrival there, he would be superior to General Cuesta, under whose orders up to that moment he had been placed. Al- though by this conduct the general effect of the plan proposed by Sir Arthur Wellesley was de- stroyed, yet he resolved to attack the corps of Marshal Victor, and on the morning of the 23d moved his columns for that purpose into a wood close to the Alberche, and stretching along the right of the French army. 77 The plan of the movement which he deter- mined upon, was to cross the river, attack the right of Marshal Victor with the whole of the British infantry, move the whole cavalry upon the centre of the enemy, and engage their left with the Spanish infantry. •- The corps of Marshal Victor was 22,000 men; the allied army was 50,000. The troops of which it was composed were not all of equally good materials ; but the number of English only would almost have secured success if the attack had taken place. General Cuesta, however, refused to march till the following morning; and Sir Arthur Wellesley with con- siderable reluctance was constrained to yield to his determination. Some alterations were made in the course of the night in the disposi- tion of the troops. General Bassecour, with a Spanish division, was ordered to the left of the British, and was to have passed the Al- berche in the rear of the enemy. Sir R. Wilson, who commanded a corps of light troops, Spa- nish and Portuguese, was also ordered still 78 'further along the banks of the Alberche to Escalona. Marshal Victor, however, gut information of the intended attack, and retired from his posi- tion in the night. Nothing could have been more unfortunate for the allied army ; infinitely superior in numbers, it v^as at the point of making a combined attack upon him, from which it would seem almost impossible he should have escaped without considerable loss ; by his retreat unhurt, the nature of the cam- paign was changed, and the bright prospects of the allies destroyed. Sir Arthur Wellesley, since his arrival at Talavera, had complained of the total failure on the part of the Spaniards in the supply of his army with provisions. The necessities of the British troops made it impossible to advance ; and after the retreat of the French army. Sir Arthur Wellesley was compelled to remain at Talavera till supplies should arrive to him : but recommended the Spaniards, who had 79 not the same deficiencies, to move upon Cavalla, upon the road to Toledo, and endea- vour to communicate v^ith General Vanegas, who was still supposed to have made some movement in La Mancha. General Cuesta, however, without communicating with Sir Arthur Wellesley, took the road to Sta. Olalla, where he arrived with the whole Spanish army on tKe moniing of the 25th. From this place he gave notice of the defection of the corps of Vanegas. On the morning of the 26th General Cuesta's advance was attacked by the advanced guard of the French army. It appeared that Joseph had called General Sebastiani from La Mancha to Toledo; that with all the force he could withdraw from Madrid, he had marched him- self to join him; and that he had formed a junction with these two corps and the corps of General Victor, at or near Torrijos ; that he had immediately advanced upon General Cues- ta; and was in hopes of beating him before he should be joined by the British. General 80 Cuesta, however, upon learning the force of the enemy, retired to Talavera. Sir Arthur Wel- lesley had endeavojired to find a situation in which to fight a battle in front of the Al- berche ; but not having succeeded, determined to take up a position, the right upon the town of Talavera, the left upon some heights, about a mile to the northward of it. The Spanish army retired during the 26th and 27 th, and took up the ground marked out for it about the town of Talavera. On the morning of the 27th Sir Arthur Wellesley sent a brigade of cavalry and two brigades of infantry, the whole under the orders of Major General Mackenzie, to watch the enemy upon the left of the Alberche, and to protect the retreat of the Spaniards. Towards two oclock in the afternoon the French advance of cavalry began to skirmish with the British. Major General Mackenzie soon after retired, and about four o'clock passed the Alberche with the whole of his corps. He took up a position in a wood upon the right 81 bank of it, from which he could observe the movements of the enemy. Joseph had brought the v^hole of his army to the opposite side of the river ; and beUeving (from the small number of troops that were to be seen upon the right bank,) that the allies were retreating, he determined to push in their advanced guard immediately, with the hope of falling upon their army on its march to the bridge of Almaraz ; to which place alone, after abandoning the line of the Al- berche, he thought it could be retiring. The French infantry passed the river ; the bri- gade of Colonel Donkin, which was posted to defend it, was to a certain degree surprised. The river was fordable at all points, and the- French advanced guard fell upon this brigade and caused it considerable loss. Sir Arthur Wel- lesley (who had just arrived upon the ground) ordered the whole of Major General Mac- kenzie's division to retire from the wood, and to fall back upon the position in the rear, into which the army was at this time moving. 82 The French, elated with their first , successes, pushed forward as rapidly as the passage of their troops would allow, and threw their right forward, with the view of turning the town of Talavera. The Duke of Albuquerque shewed," however, so good a front with the cavalry under his orders (which was in a plain upon the left of the British,) that this movement was consider- ably delayed. Sir Arthur Wellesley was tempted, (while a part only of the French army had passed the Alberche), to attack it with the whole of the allies ; but upon considering the lateness of the hour, he continued his move- ment to the position he had fixed upon. The British advanced guard retired under cover of the cavalry, and took up the ground allotted to it. The French continued to press forward; and, at last, when it was nearly dark, brought a battery of six guns, supported by a considerable corps of infantry, to some high ground opposite the height upon which the left of the British was to rest. The troops destined for this point had not at that moment reached ' it. Colonel Donkin's brigade, which was re- 83 tiring near it, was ordered to form at the foot of the hill upon the left of the Germans under General Sherbrooke. But the French, supported by their guns, attacked these corps, drove them from the ground they occupied, and carried the height. Lieutenant General HilPs and Major General R. Stewart's brigades were at that moment ascending it from the other side ; their advance found the French upon the top. The battalion of detachments under Colonel Bun- bury wheeled into line, charged, and retook the hill. The French, however, returned to the at- tack, but were finally driven to the foot of it. The action upon this point was severe ; Major General Hill was at one moment mixed with the French soldiers ; several men of both armies were killed or wounded with the bayonet, but the gallantry of British soldiers, and the intre- pidity of their officers, prevailed. During this attack, the Spanish troops were alarmed by the fire of the French, who were fol- lowing the British cavalry in its retreat through the centre of the allies; they immediately began G 2 84 a fire which was taken up by the whole of the first line. Several of the officers of the Guards who were standing in front of their men, and many of the light troops of the Germans who were posted in advance, were killed or wounded by this fire. The French, however, were checked by it, and remained without making any further attack during the night. It appeared afterwards that the French officers discovered that the whole army was in front of Talavera, only from the firing which has just been described ; they were ignorant of any position about that town, and, therefore, till then, h^-d given out to their soldiers that the allied army was retiring. At day-break on the 28th the French recom- menced their attack with 14,000 men, by as- saulting the hill from which they had been driven the' night before. Their troops had been collected during dark, and were formed at the bottom of the height; they moved at a signal given, and succeeded in ascending to a consi- derable distance before they were checked by 85 the fire of the British. From the conical shape of this hill it was difficult to form any consi- derable number of men to defend it : but the regiments which were on it charged the French troops with an impetuosity they were unable to resist, and drove them, with considerable loss and in total confusion, beyond the ground from which they had moved to the attack. ' The British cavalry had been ordered up to charge the French right as they were re- tiring, but unfortunately it was at too great a distance to effect this object. •• After the failure of this attempt upon the hill, the French continued to cannonade the British line for a considerable time; but the fire ceased at length on both sides, and perfect tranquillity reigned throughout the opposing armies. During this interval, Sir Arthur Wel- lesley communicated with General Cuesta near a house in the centre of the lines, and after- wards slept, till some fresh movements in the enemy's camp were reported to him. 86 Joseph, having been defeated in the several efforts he had made upon the British left, determined to try his fortune upon the centre of the allied army. The attack which follow- ed was made under cover of a wood of olives, and fell principally upon the brigade command- ed by Major General Alexander Campbell ; this officer had taken advantage of some high banks which intersected the ground he occu- pied, and through the means of which he was enabled, with a very inferior for therefore, relied upon being able to conduct it at his own discretion : when he found, on the contrary, that he was most vigorously attack- ed, he was obliged to precipitate his move- ments. To this alone can be attributed his having been unable to ascertain that there was no garrison in Coimbra, a position to which it appears he was anxious to have led his army. Lord Wellington pursued the enemy, and obliged him precipitately to abandon Miranda do Corvo, leaving a great part of his baggage, and destroying, at Foz d'Arouse, a consider- able number of his carts and baggage-horses. Ney took up a position on the Ciera ; but 211 having left a considerable part of his advanced guard on the left bank of that river, it was vi- gorously attacked by the allies, and, in complete disorder, and with great loss, driven into the main position. A French eagle was taken in the river, into which, in the hurry of defeat, a considerable nuipber of the enemy had been precipitated, and drowned. On the 17th, Massena formed his army in a strong position behind the Alva, occupying the Puente de Marcella, and the heights along the banks of that river. Believing himself secure in this formidable position, he had sent out de- tachments from the different corps, to collect provisions ; but Lord Wellington passed the Alva on the left of the French army, and obliged it to retire without having reassembled the parties sent out to forage, a considerable number of which were taken. The whole of these operations were conduct- ed with the most transcendent skill and ability ; whenever the enemy halted to defend himself p 2 212 he was out-manoeuvred, and driven from his ground ; he was constantly attacked and beaten. Besides the loss in battle, his stragglers, his sick and wounded, and a considerable part of his baggage, became a prey to the allied army. Lord Wellington was now obliged, for a mo- ment, to give up the active pursuit he had hi- therto maintained. His army had out-marched its supplies; he was forced to give time for them to join him ; he had besides been obliged to detach a considerable force into the Alemtejo, which, having reduced his numbers below those of the enemy, forced him to proceed with caution. When Massena commenced his retreat, Lord Wellington had decided to send the second British division, together with that of General Hamilton of Portuguese, with the 13th Light Dragoons, and a Portuguese brigade of cavalry, to protect the Alemtejo, and to oblige Mortier to raise the siege of Badajos ; a part of this corps having, however, passed to the north of theTagus 213 at Abrantes, and driven the enemy from the Zezere at Punhete, its march to the southward was delayed till Lord Wellington, receiving intelligence of the surrender of Badajos, was obliged to add to this force the 4th division, under Lieutenant-General Cole, and the heavy brigade of British cavalry, under Major- General De Grey. This immense detachment from his army was rendered necessary from the very great importance of defending the southern frontier of Portugal, while the remainder of his forces pursued the enemy in the north. It was intrusted to the command of Marshal Beresford, and began its march towards Por- talegre and Campo Mayor on the 17th. Lord Wellington considered the possession of Badajos as of the greatest importance to his future ope- rations; and therefore directed Marshal Beres- ford, if possible, to invest it before the enemy should have had time to repair the fortifications, and provision it. This object was unfortu- nately not accomplished ; and the recapture of that fortress, at a later period, was most dearly purchased. 214 After a few days' halt upon the Alva, the allied troops continued the pursuit of Massena's army ; it had taken a position at Guarda, where it appeared determined to defend itself. The ground about that town is extremely strong ; being at a considerable height, it commands the country around it, and is most difficult of ac- cess. Massena had availed himself of these ad- vantages, and hoped to maintain his army, protected by them, within the frontier of Por- tugal. He had held out this hope to Buonaparte, and therefore made every disposition within his means to secure his object; but Lord Wellington, on the 27th, in the morning, had manoeuvred with seven columns, so as to turn him on every side, and having gained possession of his position, to force him to a precipitate retreat; a brigade of French infantry, under General Maucune, was near being taken, and the whole French army was driven across the Coa. Massena here made a last effort to maintain some footing within the frontiers of the country, of which he had so triumphantly predicted the entire con- quest ; he placed his army along the Coa, and 215 in occupation of Sabugal ; he was attacked, however, on the 2d of April ; his hopes were blasted; he was driven into Spain. Lord Wel- lington had directed the light division to pass the Coa on the left, and in rear of General Regnier's corps, while two divisions attacked in front ; from the badness of the weather, a battalion of the Rifle Corps, under Colonel Beck- with, was deceived in the ford at which it was to cross, and got engaged alone for a considerable time with almost the whole of the French force. Colonel Beckwith, at the moment of being charged by the French cavalry, took advantage of a stone enclosure, from whence he defended himself with the most distinguished gallantry ; an opportunity offering, he charged and took a howitzer, which he maintained ; and, after having caused a severe loss to the enemy, was relieved by the arrival of the rest of the light division, and afterwards of the other corps which had been destined to the attack. Regnier was obliged to retire with great precipitation, leaving a considerable number of killed and wounded, and losing many prisoners on his march to Alfaiates, where he entered the Spa- nish territory. Thus were the last of Massenas troops chased from the country, of which they still maintained the pompous appellation. '* The Army of Portugal," was yet the title they were distinguished by, though they could boast of that country but as the scene of disaster and defeat; and out of which, with the loss of half their numbers, they had been driven headlong, "leaving only the sad remembrance of the atro- cities they had committed. Lord Wellington having reconnoitred Al- meida, decided immediately to blockade it ; having appointed the corps for that purpose, and distributed the rest of his army in canton- ments, he went to the Alemtejb, to visit the army commanded by Marshal Beresford. This force had arrived at Campo Mayor on the 25th of March ; the town had, two days before, after a spirited resistance, surrendered to the enemy, but the wretched state of its defences obliged Marshal Mortier to abandon it on the approach of the allies. The advanced-guard, composed of the 13th Light Dragoons, and some Portuguese cavalry, came up with the enemy's convoy, protected by a corps of cavalry, three batta- lions of infantry, and a brigade of artillery, as it was retiring to Badajos ; Colonel Head charged the French cavalry, defeated it, and drove it to the gates of Badajos; from the walls of which place the 13th Light Dragoons suffered some loss, having, in the ardour of the pursuit, exposed themselves to the fire from them. The heavy brigade of British cavalry, com- posed of the 3d Dragoon-Guards, and the 4th Dragoons, came up to the French infantry soon after this charge had taken place ; but at the moment of attacking it, were halted by Marshal Beresford, who, in doubt of the event of the charge made by the 1 3th, did not venture to expose the rest of his cavalry to any risk. This infantry therefore was allowed to move off without molestation ; and in the night the French were enabled to carry into Badajos a great part 218 of the guns, stores, and ammunition, which, in the charge of the 13th Dragoons, had been taken in the morning. The result of this affair, after so brilliant a commencement, was unfortunate ; the return of the infantry was a considerable reinforcement to a garrison we were about to attack ; and the artillery, stores, and provi- sions were objects of the first necessity to its defence. The French having thus been driven over the Guadiana, Marshal Beresford sought as early as possible to pass that river, to invest Badajos, according to the instructions he had received. He was delayed, however, by the state of the river, and his unwillingness to risk its passage, without having previously secured his after communications across it ; so that he did not effectually establish himself on the left bank, till the 6th and 7th of April, by which time the enemy had provisioned and repaired the place, and Marshal Mortier (leaving it in a state of defence,) had retired with his corps towards Seville. 219 The blockade of Badajos was immediately established ; and Lieu tenant-General Cole was directed to conduct the siege of Olivenza, ' which, having only a garrison of 370 men, was surrendered at discretion on the 15th. > Immediately after this event, and while Marshal Beresford was preparing for the attack of Badajos, Lord Wellington arrived. He was strongly impressed with the importance of this fortress to his future plans, in the new system of warfare which the late events had laid opei? to him. Snatched from him at the moment all his other calculations had triumphed, it had already been most detrimental to his general success. By the large detachment he had been obliged to make from his army, in consequence of its fall, it had prevented his more vigorous pursuit of Massena, and had destroyed his hope of undertaking the blockade of Ciudad Rodrigo (as well as that of Almeida,) before it could be re- victualled, and placed in a state of defence ; and it still menaced, as long as it remained in the hands of the French, to curb all his ofFen- 220 sive movements into Spain, by protecting their positions in the south of the country, and by enabling them at all times to threaten the southern provinces of Portugal. Lord Wellington found the army of Marshal Beresford in possession of the whole of Estre- madura ; an affair of cavalry which had taken place at Usagre, in which the 3d Dragoon Guards had most gallantly charged and defeat- ed the French, had terminated their attempt to maintain themselves within it. Lord Welling- ton immediately reconnoitred Badajos with two battalions of infantry, and some Portuguese cavalry ; a sharp affair was engaged by these troops with part of the garrison, but he effect- ed -his purpose, and decided to besiege the place, and fixed upon such points to attack as he hoped would lead to the capture of the for- tress within fourteen or sixteen days. He had neither the means nor the time to undertake a regular siege ; besieging artillery, stores, and ammunition could all be but very inefficiently supplied from Elvas, the only dep6t from 221 whence they could be drawn ; and it was evi- dent that Soult would make every effort to prevent the capture of the place, and that he would, in about three weeks, be able to collect an army strong enough to attempt its relief. The heights of St. Christobal, on the right of the Guadiana, seemed to oifer a favourable em- placemmt for the establishment of batteries to protect an attack on the old castle ; it was there- fore decided to carry, if possible, the fort which occupied them, and afterwards, from that posi* tion, to endeavour to destroy the defences of the castle, while its walls should be breached from the batteries in the plain below, and on the left of the river. Preparations were immediately made to carry this plan into effect, which Lord Wellington hoped would be in operation on the 24th. The movements of Massena recalled him to the north ; he therefore left the prosecution of the siege to Marshal Beresford, recommend- ing, if the enemy attempted to disturb him, to fight a battle, rather than be driven from his object. 222 The commencement of the siege was most unfortunately delayed by the swelling of the Guadiana on the 24th, and the consequent de- struction of the bridge across it, till the 8th of May, when Major- General Lumley completed the investment on the right of that river, Major- General Sir W. Stewart having previously ef- fected it on the left. The means provided for the siege were found very unequal to the under- taking ; before any progress could be made. Marshal Soult had collected his army as had been anticipated ; on the night of the 15th, the attack of the place was discontinued, and the troops marched to Albuhera, where, on the 16th, Marshal Beresford obtained a signal victory over the French army. Lord Wellington returned to his head-quarters at Villa Formoso on the 28th of April. Mas- sena had collected his army at Ciudad Rodrigo ; it consisted of the 2d, 6th, 8th, and 9th corps, with the cavalry and artillery which belonged to them, and of 1,500 cavalry of the Imperial Guard, commanded by the Duke of Istria. The 223 whole force amounted to 40,000 men, the rem- nant of the arjtny of Portugal, which, six months before, had counted above 90,000 rank and file. Lord Wellington saw the approach of the enemy without dismay ; the French force was supehor to his own,-— its object, the relief of Almeida. To thwart this attempt it was ne- cessary to accept a battle ; and, from the situa- tion of Almeida, on the right of the Coa, the position to defend the approach to it must ne- cessarily betaken up in front of the town, thus having the river in rear of the allied army. The banks of the Coa are extremely steep ; there are few fords at which it can be passed, none in the part of it near Almeida serviceable for an army : the bridge over it, under the guns of that fortress, is extremely narrow, and at the time was nearly impassable. The bridge at Castel de Bom was also a most difficult communication. From Ciudad Rodrigo a road leads to Sabugal, where there is another bridge over the Coa, which, in case of defeat, might have served the allied army to retire over. 224 Lord Wellington (though not entirely from his own conviction) determined to take up a de- fensive position, covering both the approach to Almeida, and the road to Sabugal. He perceived, from the beginning, that this double object w^as more than the forces he had with him might be able to maintain; the extension to the road above mentioned weakened his position; where- as, he was persuaded that, by confining himself to the protection of Almeida alone, he could bid defiance to the enemy. The object, how- ever, of defending the entry by Sabugal into Portugal, and of securing a second road to retire upon, was not without mature considera- tion to be given up ; and Lord Wellington felt convinced, that if the necessity of so doing should arise, he could always withdraw his army to the more concentrated position. With these views Lord Wellington took up the ground along the Duas Casas. He placed the fifth division on his extreme left, near the fort of La Conception, to defend the great road to Almeida, which crosses the river at 325 a ford immediately in front of that fortification. The light and sixth divisions he placed opposite to the village of Almada ; the first, third, and seventh, were placed in rear of Fuentes d'Honor, with the light infantry of the third division and of the brigades of Major-Generals Nightingale and Howard occupying the village, supported by a battalion of the German Legion, the 2d battalion of the 83d, and the 71st and 79th Regiments. A Spanish corps, under Don Julian Sanchez, was posted on the extreme right, at Nava d'Aver. Brigadier-General Pack, with a brigade of Portuguese infantry and the 2d Bri- tish or Queen's Regiment, blockaded Almeida. Massena advanced from Ciudad Rodrigo on the 2d of May; and our troops having retired from the Agueda, he arrived, on the 3d, opposite to the position occupied by the allied army. In the evening he made a desperate attempt to carry the village of Fuentes d'Honor; but after a severe contest, most gallantly maintained, his troops were totally repulsed. Defeated with considerable loss in his first attempt, he spent 226 the whole of the 4th in reconnoitring our po- sition. Lord Wellington penetrated his inten- tion of attacking the right of the allied army, and in the night moved the seventh division to Porco Velho, the only ford at which the enemy could cross the Duas Casas, and where the banks of that river opposed but a trifling ob- stacle to his advance. On the morning of the 5th, the eighth corps was discovered opposite to this village, and preparing to attack it; Lord Wellington moved the light division to support the seventh, while he directed the first and third divisions to oc- cupy some high ground between the Turon and Duas Casas rivers; thus observing the 6ixth and ninth corps of the French army, which had made a movement to their left, and had approached the ground occupied by the eighth corps. Massena began the action of this day by an attack on the advanced guard of the seventh division ; which, overpowered by numbers, was ^27 obliged to retire, giving up the village of Porco Velho. The French cavalry, under General Montbrun, (which had already driven Don Julian Sanches from Nava d'Aver) charged with a very superior force the cavalry of the allies, and though (in the first rencontre) its advance was driven back, yet it afterwards succeeded in penetrating to the infantry, which, supported in the most gallant manner by the artillery, received the French cavalry and re- pulsed it with considerable loss. At this mo- ment Lord Wellington decided to withdraw his army into the more concentrated position, to which from the beginning he had felt inclined to confine himself. He directed the light and seventh divisions, supported by the cavalry, to retire and to take up the ground extending from the Duas Casas towards Frenada, on the Coa. This movement, as bold as it was decisive, was executed with the greatest precision ; the enemy could make no impression on the allied columns while on their march, and the new position, at right Q ^ ^28 angles with the old one, was taken up with perfect regularity. Massena declined making any attempt on the troops now formed on their new alignement; he confined his efforts for the remainder of the day to successive attacks, made by the sixth corps, upon Fuentes d'Honor ; the contest was most severe in this quarter, and lasted till night, when, with great loss on both sides, the allied troops, having completely re- pulsed the enemy, retained possession of this Vmost obstinately disputed village. So terminated this memorable action, the only one throughout the whole war in which the enemy had to boast of a momentary success against the allies ; the ground at Porco Velho, from which the advance of the seventh division was obliged to retire, afforded no decisive po- sition, and if the French infantry had been attacking at the moment of the charge of ca- valry under General Montbrun, our loss in the retreat to the new alignement might have been considerably greater. Not such, however, as the French officers assert; the novelty of an 229 advantage to them was so great, that on our change of position they predicted the entire destruction of the allied army ; and although these hopes were so blasted, that they dared not afterwards make a single movement in attack upon us, yet they still persuaded themselves, that if the proper moment had been seized, we were in total confusion, and must inevitably have been defeated. The British army can seldom be calculated upon to verify such predictions ; if the French liad attempted to pursue, they would, as on other occasions of the same nature, have had more to repent than to boast of*. The message of General Foy to Buonaparte, before the action of Waterloo, '' that in the whole war in the Peninsula, the French had never once beaten ^ See Book the 5th, Chapter 1st. of Sir Walter Raleigh's History of the World, " where, in deciding this controversie, whether the Macedonian or the Roman were the best warriors," he answers, **the Enghshman," and quotes the French historian, who says, " The English comes with a conquering bravery, as he that was accus- tomed to gain every where without any stay." 230 the British infantry," would have been as true in its application to any attack made at the moment above alluded to, as it proved to be in the tremendous battle of Mont Saint Jean. Defeated in all his projects, Massena, on the morning of the 6th,vv^ithdrev^ his troops from the front of the allied position, and, having given up all hope of forcing his way to Almeida, confined his views to a simple communication with the place, directing General Brenier to evacuate and destroy it. The French army remained in a position opposite the allies till the 10th, when it retired to Ciudad Rodrigo. Lord Wellington had employed the time since the battle of the 5th, in entrenching his new position, and had ren- dered it so strong that the enemy did not make any attempt against it. Marshal Marmont arrived on the 7th, and soon after superseded Marshal Massena in his command. As soon as the French army had retired. Lord Wellington made arrangements to secure Al- meida ; aware of the distressed situation of 231 that place, he detached General Campbell, on the 10th, to resume the blockade, and to relieve Brigadier-General Pack. In the night of the same day, however, at 11 o'clock, General Brenier, having previously destroyed the de- fences of the place, marched out at the head of his garrison, and, taking the road to Barba del Puerco, forced his way through the pickets of the allies, and with the loss of not more than 200 men escaped to the French army. There were a variety of circumstances which favoured this undertaking. The order for the march of the 4th Regiment upon Almeida had been de- layed by Sir W. Erskine ; the 2d queen's Regi- ment, not believing the enemy had escaped, remained on their position ; the orderly drummer of the 36th Regiment was not at General Camp- bell's quarters to give the alarm, and this regi- ment did not, in consequence, overtake the enemy so soon as it otherwise might have done. Brigadier General Pack, having been relieved by General Campbell, had gone from his quarters, and, during his absence. Colonel Campbell had marched his brigade to more dis- 232 tant villages; when Brigadier General Pack returned, he found General Campbell in posses- sion of the house he had occupied, but as it was 9 o'clock he remained there for the night ; he joined the pickets of his brigade, which were still on duty, on the first alarm, and at the point where the enemy had forced the chain. He immediately pursued with from 30 to 40 men, but this force was^ totally insufficient to give any serious disturbance to the enemy. The 4th and 36th Regiments did not arrive at Barba del Puerco till day-light : at this moment Brenier was passing the bridge, and immedi- ately afterwards joined the French corps which was stationed there to receive him. By this event the operations in Portugal were brought to a close ; that country was delivered from the enemy, and was freed for ever after from his odious oppression. The glorious and transcendent services of Lord Wellington were duly appreciated through- out the kingdom ; his name was blest, and to 233 the latest posterity will be handed down in that country with grateful recollection. He was hailed as one to w^hom a whole people owed their emancipation. The governors vied with the governed in expressing to him their admira- tion of the exalted achievements which had im- mortalized his name, and which had sustained the honour of the combined armies. Lord Wellington, immediately after the cap- ture of Almeida, detached two divisions to the southern army, and soon after proceeded him- self to join Marshal Beresford. He arrived at his head-quarters after the battle of Albuhera had been fought, and as soon as the means could be collected, commenced a second time the siege of Badajos. The detail of these events which followed the deliverance of Portugal, does not, however, belong to the present work. To describe the capture of the important fortresses of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajos, in the face of superior •# 234 armies, and the destruction of that of Ahnaraz, by which the armies of Marmont and Soult were connected ; to follow Lord Wellington through the brilliant operations which led to the battle of Salamanca, and to the re-conquest of Madrid and all the southern provinces of Spain ; to trace the execution of that magnificent movement, by which, all the French defences in the northern provinces of Spain being turned without a blow, their armies were completely overthrown, with the loss of all their cannon and baggage, at the battle of Vittoria, and Spain, like Portugal, was delivered from foreign rule — these glorious transactions must be left to others to record. They will be handed down, with the rest of those great events which have distinguished the triumphant career of Lord Wellington, as a beacon to guide hereafter all military men in the pursuit of fame, combined with justice, with moderation, and with virtue. THE END. r^ndon : Printed by W. CLOWES, Northumberiand-conrt. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 50 CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. m\i gy K-^,i «. !ADr'57l itn wTsAi REC'P LD APR 4 1959 f?EC'D LD 8 m'sgCB y.;.; 2 8 1957. ZIMar'SriS REC'D LD HEC'D l-^ APR 2 6 1959 WAR J '^ 20io'59LBl REC'D LD 1!S »^ ^ REC'D LD NOV 13 1959 MARl 418E?r nm^'^^ Ml 1 " 12SS 1 9 MAY I19b8 - 'P'^ ^60^]] AM L.OAN DEPT 6936s) 950056 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY 4** ^^Si:.