UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES THE GIFT OF MAY TREAT MORRISON IN MEMORY OF ALEXANDER F MORRISON PARIS EXPOSITION OF 1900 FINE ARTS EXHIBIT OF THE UNITED STATES OFFICIAL '..':'< : ? ^>' ILLUSTRATED CATAl'OG'LrE i '( I' FINE ARTS EXHIBIT United States of America Paris Exposition of 1900 Published by NOYES, PLATT & COMPANY Boston, U.S.A. Ccpyright, /poo, by Platt & Company (hetrporcttd) Press of George H. Ellis, Boston, U.S.A. UNITED STATES COMMISSION PARIS EXPOSITION OF 1900 DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS I I Director i JOHN B. CAULDWELL P Assistant Director I ^ HENRY B. SNELL Assistants to the Director ^ CHARLES C. CURRAN JOHN FLANAGAN * For Painting For Sculpture ^ H. HOBART NICHOLS Editor of Fine Arts Catalogue 427441 NATIONAL ADFISORT BOARD THOMAS ALLEN, B6ston J. W. BEATTY, Pittsburgh Director Carnegie Institute D. H. BURNHAM, Chicago Director of Works, World" s Columbian Exposition, HOWARD RUSSELL BUTLER, New York President American Fine Arts Society THOMAS B. CLARKE, New York WALTER COOK, New York President New York Chapter American Institute of Architects J. TEMPLEMAN COOLIDGE, Boston J. H. GEST, Cincinnati Assistant Director Cincinnati Art Museum C. L. HUTCHIN&ON, Chicago v .;" ...; .. President Art Institute :. .-; . - .-. HALSEY C. IVES, St. Louis . Director Museum of Fine Arts SAMUEL H. KAUFFMANN, Washington, D.C. ( President Corcoran Gallery of Art HARRISON S. MORRIS, Philadelphia Managing Director Pennsylvania Academy of the fine Arts FRANK W. ELLSWORTH, New York VI NATIONAL JURIES CONVENED IN UNITED STATES Tht Director of Fine -Art's ex officio member of -all 'Juries arid Committees For Paintings CECILIA BEAUX GEORGE W. MAYNARD EDWIN H. SLASH-FIELD H. SIDDONS MOWBRAY J. G. BROWN EDWARD SIMMONS WILLIAM M. CHASE T. C. STEELE RALPH CLARKSON EDMUND C. TARBELL FREDERICK DIELMAN D. W. TRYON FRANK DUVENECK FREDERICK P. VINTON FRANCIS C. JONES R. W. VONNOH H. BOLTON JONES . J. ALDEN WEIR JOHN LA FARGE CHARLES H. WOODBURY ; E. H. WUERPEL For Illustrations and Drawings OTTO H. BACKER HOWARD PYLE B. WEST CLINEDINST WILLIAM -A. RODGERS A. B. FROST WILLIAM T. SMEDLEY Vll NATIONAL JURIES CONVENED IN UNITED STATES The Direct* of Fine Art: ex officio member of all 'Juries and Committees For Miniatures WILLIAM J. BAER I. A . JOSEPHI LAURA C. HILLS EMILY DRAYTON TAYLOR For Etchings and Engravings A. W. DRAKE FRANK FRENCH HENRY WOLF For Architecture JOHN M. CARRERE CASS GILBERT FRANK MILES DAY WILLIAM R. MEAD R. S. PEABODY CHARLES I. BERG For Sculpture J. Q. A. WARD BELA L. PRATT HERBERT C. ADAMS LOR A DO TAFT CHARLES GRAFLY D. C. FRENCH viu NATIONAL JURIES CONVENED IN PARIS The Director of Fine Arts ex officio member of all Juries and Committees For Paintings, Drawings, and Engravings EDWIN A. ABBEY GARI MELCHERS JOHN W. ALEXANDER F. D. MILLET WILLIAM T. DANNAT JOHN S. SARGENT ALEXANDER HARRISON JULES STEWART For Sculpture PAUL W. BARTLETT A. PHIMISTER PROCTOR FREDERICK. MACMONNIES AUGUSTUS ST. GAUDENS Hanging Committee CHARLES C. CURRAN, New York WALTER McEWEN, Paris WALTER GAY, Park CHARLES SPRAGUE PEARCE, Paris FRANCIS C. JONES, New York HENRY B. SNELL, New York * Resigned Committee on Installation of Sculpture FREDERICK MACMONNIES, Paris AUGUSTUS ST. GAUDENS, New York IX GRAND PALAIS DBS BEAUX -ARTS The United States Section of Fine Arts is indicated in black. The Sculpture of the United States is installed both inside and outside of the Grand Palais. PAVILIONS OF FOREIGN NATIONS PONT DE5 INVALIDED I r I* r o z z p o i n 3 7) C Z H 2 ii FINE ARTS (GROUP II.) PARIS EXPOSITION OF 1900 CONTENTS PACK PREFACE XT BIOGRAPHICAL 3 DECORATIONS IN THE NATIONAL PAVILION ... 52 PAINTINGS IN OIL, WATER COLOR, AND PASTEL (Class;) 53 DRAWINGS AND ILLUSTRATIONS (Class 7) AND EN- GRAVINGS AND ETCHINGS (Class 8) 76 MINIATURES (Class 7) 91 SCULPTURE (Class 9) 94 ARCHITECTURE (Class 10) 98 INDEX 102 REPRODUCTIONS OP WORKS EXHIBITED following page 1 10 xlii PREFATOR T THE Director General of the Paris Exposition of 1889, in his official report on the Fine Arts Exhibition, said : " The United States Section was but a brilliant annex to the French Section. . . . The ambition of American artists evidently is to interpret the world of to-day ; but they have come to us to get their method of expression. ... It would be difficult to mention many men who do not draw their inspi- ration directly from French masters." With this official comment in mind the Director of Fine Arts for the United States at the present Ex- position has endeavored to place before the world a collection of American art that cannot be justly char- acterized in like manner. During the past decade the United States has made unparalleled progress in all things, but in none is this progress more notice- able and pronounced than in the Fine Arts. Ten years ago there were very few institutions sufficiently well equipped to supply the ever-growing demands for education in art, and the student was instructed by men fresh from the European schools. It was then necessary that the student should go to Europe, not only to broaden his conceptions, but really to learn the means to execute them. Paris, which was uni- versally admitted to be the art centre of the world, became the Mecca for most of our students, and it is only natural that they should have acquired many of the mannerisms and methods of their masters. But since the Exposition of 1889 American art has to a great degree emancipated itself from foreign xv PREFATORY trammels, and entered upon a career of its own, ex- pressing American thought and reflecting American nature. To-day we have many well-equipped insti- tutions in which the student can develop an artistic temperament on his native soil, in which individual- ity is recognized and encouraged, while the necessary methods of expression are being learned. It used to be said that landscape was the only field for native art; but the splendid growth of our figure painters, of portraitists of the first rank, of mural painters and: masters in stained glass, who meet and successfully compete with those of Europe on their own ground, make this statement no longer tenable. To such fearless and dominating personalities as the late George Inness, Homer Martin, A. H. Wyant, and a score of others who are still living, we must look for the establishment of a National Art. These men sound a clear, strong note of originality ; ano their influence on the art of their country is pro- nounced and permanent. It is not of painting alon that this statement is true. Our sculptors, architects and illustrators are among the best in the world ; am our engravers on wood have long since been ac knowledged pre-eminent. In forming the present exhibition, the object of th Director of Fine Arts has been to place before thi conclave of nations a truly representative Americai exhibition. To insure this result, he appointe as his advisers, both in America and in Europt the strongest and ablest of our artists in the variou fields represented, forming juries before whom ever xvi PREFATORY creed and cult found support and sympathetic atten- tion. It is, therefore, confidently believed that no phase of American art produced during the past decade has been omitted, but that all phases are represented by the most characteristic examples obtainable. That the space allotted to the United States in the present Exposition is inadequate must be greatly re- gretted, as many of our able men are of necessity insufficiently represented ; but the policy adopted by the Director of Fine Arts in the beginning, and strictly adhered to, was not in the interest of the in- dividual, but of National Art, and the result must be just recognition of our artistic strength, which will place us beside the strongest. Much is due to the public spirit and generous aid of some of our best-known institutions of art, and to many connoisseurs, who have made the pres- ent exhibition possible by lending their most valued works ; and the Director of Fine Arts wishes to take this opportunity to acknowledge their kindness and co-operation. THE EDITOR. PAII, April, 1900. XVll BIOGRAPHICAL BIOGRAPHICAL EDWIN A. ABBEY: born in Philadelphia, Pa., 1852. Pupil of Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. Awarded first class gold medal, International Art Exhibition, Vienna, 1898. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, France; mem- ber Royal Academy of Arts, London, American Water Color Society, New York ; honorary member American Institute of Architects, etc. Address, Morgan Hall, Fair- ford, Gloucestershire, Eng. KATHERINE G. ABBOT: born in Zancsville, Ohio, 1867. Pupil of H. Siddons Mowbray, William M. Chase, of New York, Leon Merson, Jean Geffrey, and De- lance, of Paris. Address, 3 Place de la Sorbonne, Paris. WALTER M. AIKMAN: born in New York City, 1857. Studied engraving under Frank French and J. G. Smith wick; studied drawing and painting abroad. Awarded medal for engraving at the Universal Exposition, Paris, 1889; medal for engraving at the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Address, 133 Macon Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. PETER AITKEN: born in Dundas, Canada, 1858. Pupil of Timothy Cole. Awarded medal, the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Address, 121 Pulaski Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. JOHN W. ALEXANDER: born in Pittsburg, Pa. Pupil of the Royal Academy, Munich, and of Frank Duveneck. Is represented in the following galleries : Lux- embourg; Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts; Boston Mu- seum of Fine Arts ; Metropolitan Museum, New York City ; Vienna Gallery; St. Petersburg Gallery; Congressional Li- brary, Washington; and many other important collections. Address, 190 Bd. Malesherbes, Paris. THOMAS ALLEN: born in St. Louis, Mo., 1849. Pupil of the Royal Academy, Diisscldorf, Germany; BIOGRAPHICAL studied three years in France. President of the Paint and Clay Club, Society of Water Color Painters; vice-presi- dent of the Art Students' Association; member of Perma- nent Committee School of Drawing and Painting, Boston Museum of Fine Arts; one of the Judges of Award at the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Address, 12 Commonwealth Ave., Boston. A. A. ANDERSON : born in New York City. Pupil of Bonnat, Cormon, and Collin, Paris. Address, 93 Fifth Ave., New York City. WILLIAM J. BAER: born in Cincinnati, Ohio, 1 860. Pupil of Munich Royal Academy. Awarded two first and two second class medals; special honor for water color heads, 1882; first class medal for miniature, New York, 1897. Address, 90 Grove Street, New York City. MARTHA S. BAKER: born in Evansville, Ind. Pupil of Art Institute, Chicago. Awarded first prize at the Architectural Salon, Chicago, 1 897. Instructor at the Art Institute, Chicago. Address, 1026 Fine Arts Building, Chicago. T. NOBLE BARLOW : born in Manchester, Eng., 1861. Became an American citizen 1887. Pupil of Constant, Lefebvre, and Delance, Paris. Third class medal, Paris Salon, 1 899. Address, St. Ives, Cornwall, Eng. GEORGE GREY BARNARD: born in Belle- fonte, Pa., 1863. Pupil of the Art Institute, Chicago, and of Cavelier at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris. Associate of the National Society of Artists, France. Address, 936 West End Ave., New York City. CLEMENT J. BARNHORN. Pupil of Mercie, Puech, Bouguereau, Ferrier, and Academic Julien, Paris. Awarded honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1895. Mem- ber of the Cincinnati Art Club. Address, Art Museum, Cincinnati, Ohio. BIOGRAPHICAL PAUL W. BARTLETT: born In New Haven, Conn., 1865. Pupil of Fremiet and the Ecole des Beaux- Arts, Paris; Hors Concours. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. Address, St. -Leu, S. et O., France. MARTHA WHEELER BAXTER: born in Vermont, 1 869. Studied at Academy of Fine Arts, Phila- delphia, Art Students' League of New York; also studied under H, Siddons Mowbray, Kenyon Cox, Carroll Beck- with, and F. Vincent Du Mond. Miniature instructors were Mme. De Billemont and Mile. Schmitt, of Paris, Mme. Behenna, of London. Member of Art Students' League, New York. Address, care P. Harvard, 123 Bd. du Mont- parnasse, Paris. CECILIA BEAUX : born in Philadelphia, Pa. Pupil of William Sartain, the Julien School and the Lazar School, Paris. Awarded the Mary Smith Prize, Pennsylvania Acad- emy Fine Arts, four times; Philadelphia Art Club Medal; the Dodge Prize, National Academy Design; bronze medal, Carnegie Institute; gold medal, Pennsylvania Academy Fine Arts; gold medal, Carnegie Institute. Associate member National Academy Design; member Society American Artists, New York; associee Societe des Beaux-Arts, Paris. Address, 1710 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ALICE BECKINGTON : born in St. Charles, Mo., 1868. Studied at the Art Students' League, New York, and with Lefebvre, Constant, and the Lazar School in Paris. Member of the Society of American Miniature Painters. Address, Scituate, Mass. J. CARROLL BECKWITH: born in Hannibal, Mo., 1852. Pupil of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts and of Carolus Duran, Paris. National Academician ; member Society American Artists. Honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1887; bronze medal, Exposition Universclle, Paris, 1889; gold medal, Atlanta Exposition, 1895. Address, 58 West BIOGRAPHICAL 57th Street, New York City. FRANK W. BENSON: born in Stlem, Mass., March 24, 1862. Pupil of Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and Academic Julien, Paris, under Boulanger and Lefebvre. Awarded Shaw Fund, Society American Artists; third Hall- garten Prize, National Academy Design; prize at Cleveland Art Association; second prize at Carnegie Institute; Ellsworth Prize, Chicago Art Institute; two Jordan prizes, Boston; prize at Boston Art Club; silver medal, Carnegie Institute; silver medal, Massachusetts Charitable Mechanics' Association, Boston; medal, World's Columbian Exposition; chronologi- cal medal, Ctrnegie Institute. Instructor Museum Fine Arts, Boston. Represented in Library of Congress, Wash- ington ; Shaw Collection, New York ; Rhode Island School of Design ; and Carnegie Institute. Member of the Ten American Painters. Address, Salem, Mass. VICTOR BERNSTROM: born in Stockholm, Sweden. Pupil of Royal Academy, Sweden. Awarded medal, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Member of Society of American Wood Engravers and the National Arts Club, New York. KUEHNE BEVERIDGE: born in Springfield, 111., 1877. Pupil of William Rudolph O'Donovan, New York, and Rodin, Paris. Exhibited in the National Academy, New York; Royal Academy, London; and Salon, Paris. Address, 1 5 2 Ave. Victor Hugo, Paris. H. S. BISBING: born in Philadelphia. Pupil of J. H. L. de Haas, New York, and F. de Vuillefroy, Paris. Awarded medals at the principal Expositions in Paris, Ant- werp, Chicago, London, and other cities. Address, 23 Rue des Martyrs, Paris. KARL BITTER: born in Vienna, Austria, 1867. Pupil of the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts and Edmund Hellmer. Came to the United States in 1889. Awarded BIOGRAPHICAL prize in competition for the Astor Memorial Gates, Trinity Church, New York. Executed sculpture on the Adminis- tration Building and Manufacturers' Building, World's Co- lumbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Address, Weehawken, NJ. RALPH A. BLAKELOCK: born in New York City, 1847. Self-taught. HENRY R. BLANEY: born in Dedham, Mass., Jan. 29, 1855. Self-taught. Address, Ipswich, Mass. ROBERT BLUM: born in Cincinnati, Ohio, 1857. Studied at the McMicken School of Design, Cincinnati, Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, and in Paris. Awards: American Art Association, Paris; Pennsylvania Academy Fine Arts; World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Member National Academy Design, New York, Society of American Artisti, New York, American Water Color So- ciety, Society of Mural Painters. Address, 90 Grove Street, New York. GEORGE H. BOGERT : born in New York City, 1864. First studied art under Thomas Eakins. Went to France in 1884, and studied under Raphael Collin, Aime Morot, and Puvis de Chavannes. Member of Society of American Artists; associate of National Academy; hon- orary member Pennsylvania Academy, 1892. Webb Prize, 1898; awarded first Hallgarten Prize at National Academy Design, 1899. Address, 318 West 57th Street, New York. MAX BOHM: born in Cincinnati, Ohio, 1868. Pupil of Jean-Paul Laurens and Benjamin Constant, Paris. Awarded many academic prizes, and gold medal, Salon, 1898. Member of the Cleveland Art Club. Address, Staples, P. de C., France. SOLON H. BORGLUM: born in Ogden, Utah, 1868. Pupil of his brother and the Cincinnati Art School ; BIOGRAPHICAL under Louis Rebisso and Fremiet, at Paris. Awarded the Home Scholarship at the Cincinnati Art School; honorable mention, Salon, Paris, 1899. Address, 16 Rue Boisson- ade, Paris. HUGH H. BRECKENRIDGE: born in Lees- burg, Va., 1870. Pupil of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts and of Bouguereau, Ferrier, and Doucet, of Paris. Instructor, and Secretary to the Faculty, of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. Address, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia. VICTOR DAVID BRENNER: born in Shavly, Russia, 1871. Pupil of Louis Oscar Roty. Address, 64 Bd. Pasteur, Paris. F. A. BRIDGMAN : born in Tuskegee, Ala. Pupil of J. L. Gerome, Paris. Awarded medals: Paris Salon, 1877; Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1878; Exposition Uni- verselle, Paris, 1889; Munich, 1891; Berlin, 1892; Ant- werp, 1894. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1878; member of the National Academy, New York, and the So- ciety of American Artists. Address, 146 Bd. Malesherbes, Paris. RICHARD E. BROOKS : born in Braintree, Mass. Pupil of T. H. Bartlett, Boston, Jean-Paul Aube, and Injal- bert at the Colarossi Academy, Paris. Awarded honorable mention, Salon, 1895; and medal, third class, Salon, 1899. Address, 25 Ave. de Wagram, Paris. J. G. BROWN: born in Durham, Eng., 1831. Pupil of Robert Scott, Lander, and William B. Scott, Eng- land, and of Thomas Cummings, of New York. Awarded honorable mention at the Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1889; silver medal (twice), Mechanics' Association, Boston; bronze medal, California, 1894. Member and ex-presi- dent of the National Academy, American Water Color Soci- ety, and the Artists' Fund Society of New York ; member 8 BIOGRAPHICAL of the International Jury of Award, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Address, 51 West loth Street, New York City. CHARLES FRANCIS BROWNE: born in Massachusetts, 1859. Studied at the Art Museum, Boston; Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia; Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris, under Gerome. Instructor and lecturer on History of Art, Art Institute, Chicago; editor Brush and Pencil. Member of Society of Western Artists. Address, Fine Arts Building, Chicago, 111. GEORGE DE FOREST BRUSH: born in Tennessee, 1855. Pupil of the Ecole des Beaux- Arts and Gerome, Paris. Awarded first Hallgarten Prize, 1888; medal, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893; Temple Gold Medal, Pennsylvania Academy Fine Arts, 1 897. Member National Academy Design and Society American Artists. Address, New York City. W. GEDNEY BUNCE: born in Hartford, Conn. Address, New York. E. A. BURBANK: born in Harvard, 111., 1858. Studied at the National Academy, New York, 1 874 ; under Emil Carlsen, Felix Regimes, and J. F. Goodkins, of Chi- cago; later under Paul Navin and Frederick Fehr at Munich. Awarded the Yerkes First Prize, Chicago, 1893 ; honorable mention, Atlanta Exposition. Member Society of Western Artists. Address, 210 Wabash Ave., Chicago. HOWARD RUSSELL BUTLER : born in New York. Awarded honorable mention, Paris Salon; Temple Medal, Pennsylvania Academy Fine Arts ; gold medal, Exposition Universelle, 1889. Member Society American Artists ; associate National Academy; member New York Water Color Club and the Architectural League. Address, 135 West 47th Street, New York City. ALEXANDER STERLING CALDER : born BIOGRAPHICAL in Philadelphia, 1870. Pupil of the Pennsylvania Acad- emy of Fine Arts and of Chapu and Falguiere, of Paris. Awarded gold medal, Philadelphia Art Club, 1893. Statue in Smithsonian grounds at Washington, D.C. Member National Sculpture Society. Address, 209 Quince Street, Philadelphia. KATE CARL : born in Louisiana. Pupil of Gustave Courtois. Associee de la Societe Nationale des Beaux-Arts. Address, 50 Ave. Perronet, Neuilly, Paris. CLIFFORD CARLETON. Address, 6 West io3d Street, New York. CHARLES WESLEY CHAD WICK : born in Red Hook on the Hudson, 1861. Pupil of Frederick Juengling, William Miller, and Frank French. Address, 289 Lewis Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y. MARIE CHAMPNEY: born in Deerfield, Mass., 1876. Pupil of Mile. Noeme Schmitt at Paris, and Mrs. Virginia Reynolds, Chicago Art Institute. Has exhibited in Europe and America. Address, 146 East 37th Street, New York. CARLTON T. CHAPMAN : born in New Lon- don, Conn. Studied at Art Students' League and National Academy, New York, and Academic Julien, Paris. Mem- ber of Society of American Artists and American Water Color Society, New York. Medal at World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; medal at Boston, 1892, and Atlanta, 1895. Address, 58 West 57th Street, New York City. WILLIAM M. CHASE : born in Franklin, Ind., 1859. Pupil of Wagner and Piloty in Munich. Awarded medal, Philadelphia, 1876; medal, Munich, 1883; honor- able mention, Salon, 1881; silver medal, Salon, 1889; Cleveland Art Association First Prize, 1894; Shaw Fund ($1,500), 1895; Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts Gold 10 BIOGRAPHICAL Medal, 1895. Member National Academy Design, Soci- ety of American Artists, New York, and "The Secession," Munich. Address, 303 Fifth Ave., New York City. HOWARD CHANDLER CHRISTY: born in Ohio, 1873. P U P^ of William M. Chase, National Acad- emy and the Art Students' League, New York. Professor of Illustrating at the Art Students' League, the Cooper Union, and the Art and Artisans' Institute, New York. Address, 76 West 85th Street, New York City. F. S. CHURCH: born in Grand Rapids, Mich., 1842. Studied at the National Academy of Design and with Walter Shirlaw. Member Society American Artists, Na- tional Academy of Design, American Water Color Society, New York; Etching Club and the British Society of Painter- Etchers, London. Address, 1512 Broadway, New York City. WALTER CLARK : born in Brooklyn, 1848. Pupil of the National Academy of Design and Professor Wilmarth and of the Art Students' League, New York. Member of the Society of American Artists and associate member of the National Academy. Address, 939 Eighth Ave., New York City. WALTER APPLETON CLARK: born in Worcester, Mass., 1876. Pupil of H. Siddons Mowbray and William M. Chase, New York. Address, 1 26 West 1 04th Street, New York City. B. WEST CLINEDINST: born in Woodstock, Va., 1 860. Studied in America and France. Member of the Society of American Artists. Address, 330 East I7th Street, New York City. WILLIAM A. COFFIN: born in Allegheny, Pa., 1855. First studied at the Yale Art School; pupil of Leon Bonnat, Paris. Awarded second Hallgarten Prize, 1886; bronze medal, Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1889; ii BIOGRAPHICAL Webb Prize, Society American Artists, 1891; gold medal, Art Club of Philadelphia, 1898. Associate National Acad- emy; member Society of American Artists, Society of Land- scape Painters, the Architectural League, the Municipal Art Society. Address, 58 West 5/th Street, New York City. TIMOTHY COLE: born in London, April 6, 1852. Became a citizen of the United States in 1857. Pupil of Bond and Chandler. Received medal and diploma at the World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Member American Art Association, Paris. Address, 3 I East I jth Street, New York. CHARLOTTE B. COM AN : born in Waterville, N.H. Pupil of James R. Prevoost, Harry Thompson, and Emile Vernier, Paris. Awarded medal, California Exposi- tion, 1894. Member New York Water Color Club. Address, 12 East 22d Street, New York City. ANNA B. COMSTOCK: born in Otto, N.Y., 1884. Pupil of the Cooper Union and John P. Davis. Member of the Society of American Wood Engravers. Address, 43 East Ave., Ithaca, N.Y. EMMA LAMPERT COOPER: born in Nunda, N.Y. Pupil of Harry Thompson, Paris, J. Kever, Holland, and William M. Chase, New York. Awarded medal, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893; Atlanta Exposi- tion, 1895. Member Pastel Club, Philadelphia; New York Water Color Club; Woman's Art Club, New York; Woman's Art Association, Canada. Address, 10 Rue Mayet, Paris. E. IRVING COUSE : born in Saginaw, Mich., 1866. Pupil of the National Academy of Design, New York, under L. E. Wilmarth and Edgar Ward; 1886, Academic Julien, Paris, under Bouguereau and T. Robert- Fleury, and the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. Awarded S. T. Shaw Prize, for black and white, at Salmagundi Club, New 12 BIOGRAPHICAL York, 1899; and second Hallgarten Prize, National Acad- emy of Design, 1900. Address, 939 Eighth Ave., New York City. MAUD ALICE COWLES : born in Farmington, Conn., 1871. Pupil of Robert Brandegee and Professor Niemeyer of the Yale Art School. Address, Farmington, Conn. KENYON COX: born in Warren, Ohio. Pupil of Gerome and Carolus Duran. Second Hallgarten Prize, National Academy Design, 1889; medal, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 1891; medal, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Member Society of American Artists, Architectural League, Society of Mural Painters. Instruc- tor Art Students' League, New York. Address, 145 West 55th Street, New York City. LOUISE COX: born in San Francisco, Cal., 1865. Pupil of the National Academy Design and the Art Students' League of New York. Awarded third Hallgarten Prize. Member of the Society of American Artists. Address, 75 West 55th Street, New York City. BRUCE CRANE: born in New York City, 1857. Pupil of A. H. Wyant. Awarded Society of American Artists Prize. Member of National Academy, Society of American Artists, American Water Color Society, Society of American Landscape Painters, New York Water Color Club. Address, 1 4 West I 2th Street, New York. C. C. CURRAN: born in Hartford, Ky., 1861. Pupil of the Art Students' League of New York, Benjamin Constant and L. Doucet, of Paris. Awarded third Hall- garten Prize, National Academy, 1888; Clark Prize, 1893; second Hallgarten, 1895; honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1890; medal, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893; medal, Atlanta Exposition, 1895. Associate National Academy Design; member Society American Artists, American BIOGRAPHICAL Water Color Society, and the New York Water Color Club. Address, 16 West 6ist Street, New York City. CONSTANCE CURTIS : born in Washington, D.C. Studied at the Art Students' League of New York; pupil of William M. Chase and Robert Reid. Address, 33 West 691)1 Street, New York City. CYRUS E. DALLIN : born in Springville, Utah, 1861. Pupil of H. M. Chapu and Jean Dampt, Paris. Awarded gold medal, American Art Association, New York, 1888; honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1890; first class medal and diploma, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; silver medal, Massachusetts Charitable Mechanics' Association, 1895. Address, I Harcourt Street, Boston, Mass. W. T. DANNAT: born in New York, 1853. Pupil of the Munich Academy and Munkacsy; also studied in Paris and Italy. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, France. Awarded many medals and honors. Is represented in the Metropolitan Museum, New York, and other important collections. Address, 45 Ave. de Villers, Paris. W. M. DARLING: born in Sandusky, Ohio, 1856. Pupil of the Academic Julien, Jean-Paul Laurens, and Ben- jamin Constant, Paris. Address, Laren, North Holland. HARRY DAVIDSON: born in Philadelphia, 1858. Pupil of Frederick Faust. Awarded honorable mention, Ex- position Universelle, Paris, 1889. Member of the Society of Wood Engravers. Address, 132 West 141)1 Street, New York City. CHARLES H. DAVIS : born in Amesbury, Mass., 1856. Pupil of Otto Grundmann and Museum of Art, Boston, and of Boulanger and Jules Lefebvre, Paris. Awarded gold medal twice, American Art Association, New York, 1886, 1887; honorable mention, Salon, 1889; silver medal, Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1889; Palmer Prize, BIOGRAPHICAL 500, Chicago, 1890; gold medal, Boston, 1890; medal, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Member Art Club of Philadelphia and the Society of American Artists, New York. Address, care Doll & Richards, Boston. SAMUEL P. DAVIS : bora in Schenectady, N.Y., 1846. Pupil of A. V. S. Anthony and John P. Davis. Awarded gold medal at the World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Address, 21 East 4th Street, New York City. HENRY G. DEARTH: born in Bristol, R.I., 1863. Received Webb Prize at the Society of American Artists in 1893. JOSEPH R. DE CAMP : bom in Cincinnati, Ohio, 1858. Studied at the Cincinnati School of Design under Frank Duveneck, and at the Royal Academy, Munich. Awarded first prize, City Hall Decorative Competition, Philadelphia; Temple Gold Medal, Philadelphia. Address, St. Botolph Club, Boston. LOUIS PAUL DESSAR : born in Indianapolis, Ind. Pupil of the National Academy of Design, New York, W. A. Bouguereau and Fleury, the Ecolc dcs Beaux-Arts, Paris. Awarded gold medal, Paris Salon, 1891 ; medal, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Picture bought by the French government, 1893. Address, 58 West 57th Street, New York City. M. E. DICKSON : born in the United States. Pupil of Tony Robert- Fleury and Jules Lefebvre. Honorable mention. Salon, 1896; honorable mention, Nashville Expo- sition, 1 897. Address, 1 1 Bd. de Clichy, Paris. G. RUGER DONOHO : born in Church Hill, Mis. Pupil of Boulangcr, Lefebvre, Bouguereau, and Fleury, Paris. Address, East Hampton, Long Island, N.Y. WILL H. DRAKE: born in New York City. Studied at Academic Julien, Paris, under Constant and Doucet. Received honorable mention at Exposition Uni- BIOGRAPHICAL verscHe, Paris, 1889;" Address, 37 West 2 zd Street, New York City. THOMAS EAKINS: born in Covington, Ky., 1844. Pupil of Gerome, Bonnat, and Dumont, Paris. Medal, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Address, 1330 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. CHARLES WARREN EATON: born in Al- bany, N.Y. Pupil of National Academy Design and Art Students' League of New York. Member of American Water Color Society and New York Water Color Club, New York. Address, 8 East 23d Street, New York City. R. H. EICHELBURGER. HARVEY ELLIS: born 1852 in Rochester, N.Y. Pupil of Edwin White, N.A. Member of New York Water Color Club; president of Rochester Society of Arts and Crafts. Address, 784 Powers Building, Rochester, N.Y. LYDIA FIELD EMMET. Address, New Ro- chelle, N.Y. J. J. ENNEKING: born in Minster, Ohio. Pupil of Bonnat and Daubigny, Paris, and of Lear, Munich. Awarded four gold and four silver medals, Boston. Mem- ber Boston Art Club and the Paint and Clay Club. Ad- dress, 173 Tremont Street, Boston. JOHN W. EVANS: born in Brooklyn, 1855. Pupil of P. R. B. Peterson. Address, 67 William Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. MARK FISHER: born in Boston, 1841. Studied in Boston and Paris. Address, Widdington, Newport, Essex, Eng. JOHN FLANAGAN: born in Newark, NJ. Pupil of T. H. Bartlett, Boston, Augustus St. Gaudens, New York, Henry Chapu at the Julien Academy, Paris, and Alexandre Falguiere at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris. Awarded various student medals at the Ecole des Beaux- 16 BIOGRAPHICAL Arts and at the Colarossi Academy. Sculptor of the Eagles for the National Pavilion, Paris Exposition, 1900, Address, 16 Impasse du Maine, ler, Paris. HARRIET C. FOSS : born in Middletown, Conn., U.S.A. Pupil of J. Alden Weir, Alfred Stephens, and Gustave Courtois, Paris. Address, 38 Rue de Province, Paris. BEN FOSTER: born in North Anson, Me. Pupil of Abbott Thayer, New York, and Luc Olivier Mer- son and Aime Morot, Paris. Awarded medal, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893; second prize for water colors, Cleveland, 1895. Member New York Water Color Club and the Society of American Artists; Patrons, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburg; Montreal Art Association, Canada. Address, 253 West 4zd Street, New York City. AUGUST FRANZEN : born in Norrkoping, Sweden, 1863. Pupil of Dagnan-Bouveret, Paris. Medal, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Member Society American Artists, New York. Address, 7 West 3oth Street, New York City. DANIEL C. FRENCH: born in Exeter, N.H, 1850. Pupil of Thomas Ball. Medal, Paris Salon, 1892. Member National Sculpture Society. Address, 125 West 1 1 th Street, New York City. FRANK FRENCH: born in Loudon, N.H., 1850. Self-taught. Awarded medal, World's Columbian Exposi- tion, 1893. Address, 70 Fifth Ave., New York City. CHARLES H. FROMUTH : born in Philadelphia, Pa., 1863. Pupil of Thomas Eakins. Awarded gold medal, second class, Munich, 1897. Associate member Societe Nationale des Beaux- Arts; member of the London Pastel Society. Address, Concarneau, France. ARTHUR B. FROST: born in Philadelphia, Pa., 1851. Self-taught. Address, Convent Station, N.J. 17 BIOGRAPHICAL LUCIA FAIRCHILD FULLER. Addreis, Wind- sor, Vt. SEARS GALLAGHER : born in Boston, Mass., 1 869. Pupil of Tommaso Juglaris, Boston, of Jean-Paul Laurens and Benjamin Constant, Paris. Exhibited in the Salon, Paris, and the most important exhibitions in America. Member of the Boston Art Club and the Boston Water Color Club. Address, West Roxbury, Boston, Mass. HENRY H. GALLISON: born in Boston, Mass., 1850. Pupil of Bouncfoy, Paris. Member Boston Art Club. Has exhibited in London, Paris, and Turin. Ad- dress, 2 Grundmann Studios, Boston. E. E. GARNSEY: born in Holmdel, N.J., 1862. Pupil of the Cooper Institute, Art Students' League, George W. Maynard, and Francis Lathrop, New York. Awarded bronze medal as one of the designers of the World's Co- lumbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Decorations in Li- brary of Congress, Boston Public Library, United States National Pavilion, Paris Exposition, 1900. Address, 489 Fifth Ave., New York City. ROBERT DAVID GAULEY : born in Ballylag, Ireland, 1875. Pupil of Denman Ross of Cambridge, the Art Museum of Boston, Mass., and the Julien Academy, Paris. Address, Carnegie Hall, New York City. WALTER GAY: born in Hingham, Mass., 1856. Pupil of Leon Bonnat. Awarded third class gold medal, Salon, 1898; Hors Concours, Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1889; gold medal, Antwerp, 1894; Vienna, 1891; Ber- lin, 1896; Munich, 1897. Chevalier de la Legion d'Hon- neur; member Societe Nationale des Beaux- Arts; corre- sponding member of "The Secession," Munich; fellow for life Metropolitan Museum, New York; member of the Na- tional Institute. Address, 73 Rue Ampere, Paris. JOHANNES SOPHUS GELERT: born in 18 BIOGRAPHICAL Schleswig, Germany, 1852. Apprenticed to t wood carver at Copenhagen 1866, and 1870 entered the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, completing his studies in 1875. Exhibited in the Salon of 1878. Came to the United States, and became a citizen in 1887. Exhibited at the World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Awarded gold medal at the Nashville Centennial Exposition, 1897. Address, 1 1 East 1 4th Street, New York City. CHARLES DANA GIBSON : born in Roxbury. Mass., 1867. Pupil of Art Students' League and Augustus St. Gaudens, New York, and the Julien Academy, Paris. Address, 19 West 3131 Street, New York City. R. SWAIN GIFFORD: born on the island of Naushon, Mass. Pupil of Albert Van Beest, Holland. Awarded medal, Centennial Exposition, Philadelphia, 1876; bronze medal, Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1889; Com- petitive Fund, $2,500, New York, 1885. Member Na- tional Jury of Award, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893; member National Academy, Society of American Artists, American Water Color Society, New York, and the Royal Society of Painter-Etchers, London, Eng. Address, 152 West 5701 Street, New York City. ALBERT D. GIHON : born at Portsmouth, N.H., 1866. Pupil of Thomas Eakins, Philadelphia; Benjamin Constant, ^Jean-Paul Laurens, Gerome, A. T. G. Motley, and the Ecole des Arts Decoratifs. Awarded honorable mention, American Art Association, Paris, 1900. Address, 59 Ave. de Saxe, Paris. WILLIAM J. GLACKENS : born in Philadelphia, Pa., 1870. Pupil of Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts and studied in Europe. Address, 13 West joth Street, New York. CHARLES GRAFLY: born in Philadelphia, 1862. Pupil of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts and Chapu BIOGRAPHICAL and- Bampt, of Paris; Honorable mention, Salon of 1-891; honorable mention, Temple Trust Fund, Philadelphia, 1892; medal, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893; silver medal, Atlanta Exposition, 1895; Converse Gold Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 1899. Member So- ciety of American Artists, National Sculpture Society. Ad- dress, 2 200 Arch Street, Philadelphia. FANNY GROTHJEAN : born near Hamburg, Ger- many, April 12, 1871. Pupil of Courtois, Girard, Paul J. Blanc, Pierre Fritel, and A. G. Delecluse. Has exhibited in most of the important exhibitions in Europe and America. Address, 939 Eighth Ave., New York City. JULES GUERIN: born in St. Louis, Mo., 1866. Pupil of Benjamin Constant and Jean-Paul Laurens. Awarded Yerkes Prize medal. Member American Water Color Society. Address, care of Charles Scribner's Sons, New York. SEYMOUR J. GUY: born in Greenwich, Eng., 1824. Pupil of Ambrose, Gerome, Paris, and Buttersworth, of London. Came to the United States in 1854, and es- tablished himself as a portrait and genre painter. Associate National Academy, 1861; member, 1865; member Ameri- can Water Color Society. Address, 51 West loth Street, New York City. JAY HAMBIGE: born in Simcoe, Canada, 1867. Pupil of the Art Students' League, New York, and Wil- liam M. Chase. Address, Amity ville, Long Island, N.Y. ALEXANDER HARRISON :, born in Philadel- phia, 1853. Pupil of Gerome at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts and of Bastien-Lepage. Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur, 1889. Officier de I'lnstruction Publique, 1889. First- class medal, Exposition Universelle, 1889; medal of honor, Pennsylvania Academy; medal of honor, Ghent and Bruges; Grand Staats medal, Vienna; honorary degree, Doctor of 20 Sciences, University of Pennsylvania, 1893; gold medal, sec- ond class, Berlin; gold medal, second class, Munich; gold medal, Dresden. Member Societe Narionale des Beaux- Arts, Cercle de 1* Union Arristique, Societe Internationale. Represented in Museums of Luxembourg, Quimper, Cha- reauroux, Dresden, Philadelphia, Washington, Chicago, St. Louis. Address, 17 Rue Campagne, ler, Paris. BIRGE HARRISON: born in Philadelphia, 1854. Pupil of Carolus Duran and Cabanel, of Paris. Picture entitled "November" bought by the French government. Silver medal, Exposition Universelle, 1889 ; medal, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Member Society of Ameri- can Artists; Hors Concours, Paris Salon. Represented in the Art Museums of Marseilles, France, Philadelphia and Chicago, United States. Address, Plymouth, Mass. ELI HARVEY: born in Ogden, Ohio, 1860. Pupil of the Academy of Fine Arts, Cincinnati, under Professors Lentz, Noble, and Rebisso ; pupil of Academic Julien, Paris, under Lefebvre, Benjamin Constant, and Doucet; at the Academic Delecluse, under Delance and Chaillon, and with Fremiet. Awarded medal of first class, Paris Province Exhibition, 1900. Address, 1 1 Impasse Ronsin, Paris* CHILDE HASSAM : born in Boston, Mass. Pupil of Boulanger and Lefebvre, Paris. Bronze medal, Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1899; gold medal, Munich, 1892; gold medal, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893; gold medal, Philadelphia Art Club, 1893; first prize, 'Cleve- land Art Association, 1893; Webb Prize, 1895; prize of $1,500, Boston Art Club, 1896. Member American Water Color Society, the Society of American Artists, the New York Water Color Club; corresponding member "The Secession," Munich. Address, 152 West 57th Street, New York. CHARLES H. HAYDEN : born in Plymouth, Mass., 21 BIOGRAPHICAL 1856. Pupil of Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Boulanger, Collin, and Lcfebvre, Paris. Honorable mention, Exposi- tion Unirerselle, Paris, 1889; Jordan Prize, Boston, 1895; silver medal, Atlanta Exposition, 1895. Member Boston Art Club. Address, Belmont, Mass. E. HEINEMANN : born in Brunswick, Germany, 1858. Pupil of A. Closs and Brendeamour. Came to the United States in 1872. Awarded first prize in the School of the N. Y. T. V. Studied drawing and painting at the Art Students' League, New York. Address, Fort Wads- worth, Staten Island, N.Y. HOWARD HELMICK: born in Ohio, 1845. Pupil of Cabanel, Paris. Member Royal Society of British Artists, Royal Society of Painters-Etchers. Professor of the Philosophy and History of Art, Georgetown University. Address, 1337 N Street, Washington, D.C. MABEL C. HERRING. Address, Paris. ALBERT HERTER: born in New York City. Pupil of Art Students' League of New York and of F. Cormon and Jean-Paul Laurens, of Paris. Honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1 890 ; the W. T. Evans Prize, New York, 1899. Member of the Society of American Artists and the New York Water Color Club. Address, 841 Madison Ave., New York. CLARA L. HILL : born in Boston, Mass. Pupil of Washington Art League, Augustus St. Gaudens in New York, M. Blanc-Garin in Brussels, and M. Puech at Julien School in Paris. Address, 23 Bd. Montparnasse, Paris. LAURA C. HILLS: born in Newburyport, Mass., 1859. Pupil of Helen M. Knowlton, the Cowles Art School, and the Art Students' League of New York. Awarded medal by the Art Interchange, 1895. Address, 320 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. GEORGE HITCHCOCK: born in Providence, 22 BIOGRAPHICAL R.I. Pupil of Boulanger and Lefebvre, Paris. Awarded medals: American Art Association, New York, 1887; gold medal, Paris, 1889; gold medal, Berlin, 1891; World's Columbian Exposition, 1893; gold medal, Dresden, 1897; gold medal, Vienna, 1898. Member of the Munich "Se- cession," Paris Society of Artists, Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. Address, Egmond Hoef, Holland. LUCIUS W. HITCHCOCK: born in West Wil- liamsfield, Ohio, 1868. Pupil of the Art Students' League, New York, Jules Lefebvre, Benjamin Constant, and Jean- Paul Laurens, and the Colarossi Academy, Paris. Address, 83 Prospect Ave., Buffalo, N.Y. FRANK HOLMAN: born in Attleboro, Mass., 1865. Pupil of Carolus Duran and the Ecole dcs Beaux- Arts. Address, 16 Ave. de Breteuil, Paris. WINSLOW HOMER: born in Boston, Mass., 1836. Pupil of National Academy School and Frederick Kindel. First chronological prize, Carnegie Institute, 1896. Na- tional Academician; member American Water Color So- ciety. Address, Scarboro, Me. WILLIAM F. HOPSON: born in Watertown, Conn., 1849. Pupil of L. Sanford, of New Haven, and T. D. Feltes and August Will, of New York. Member of the Ex Libris Society of London, Grolier Club of New York, Odd Volume Club of Boston, Rofant Club of Cleve- land, and Trumbull Art Club of New Haven. Address, New Haven, Conn. CAROLINE A. HOUSTON : born in Brooklyn, N.Y., 1871. Studied with Frank Du Mond, Raphael Col- lin, and Eugene Trasset, Paris. Address, 13 Rue Bois- sonade, Paris. FRANCES C. HOUSTON: born in Hudson, Mich., 1867. Studied in Paris under Lefebvre and Bou- langer. Address, 87 Finckney Street, Boston, Mast. BIOGRAPHICAL WILLIAM H. HYDE: born in New York City, 1858. Studied in Paris with Boulanger, Lefebvre, Doucet, and Alexander Harrison. Member of the Society of Amer- ican Artists. Address, 105 East 6 1st Street, New York. GEORGE INNESS (deceased): born in Newburg, N.Y., 1825; died at Bridge of Allan, Scotland, 1894. Pupil of Regis Gignoux, New York. Associate member National Academy Design; member, 1868. Bronze medal, Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1889. EASTMAN JOHNSON: born in Lowell, Me., 1824. Pupil of Professor Lentye in Diisseldorf. Medal, Paris Exposition of 1889. National Academician; mem- ber Society American Artists. Address, 65 West 55th Street, New York City. THOMAS JOHNSON: born in London, Eng. Pupil of F. Williams. Awarded medal at the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Member of So- ciety of American Wood Engravers. Address, care of Century Company, New York City. J. HUMPHREYS JOHNSTON. Associate mem- ber Societe Nationale des Beaux- Arts, Paris; member Paris Society of American Painters, Societe Internationale de Peinture et Sculpture, Society of American Artists, New York. Represented in the Wilstach Trust Collection, Philadelphia; Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh. Address, 57 Rue Ampere, Paris. ALFRED JONES: born in Liverpool, Eng., 1819. Came to the United States in 1834. Studied at the Na- tional Academy, New York, and was awarded first prize. Elected Associate National Academician, 1842; National Academician, 1851. His portrait of General Washington was made from all the authentic portraits of Washington. He engraved many of the denominations of the United States postage-stamps. Address, 151 Woodsworth Ave., 24 BIOGRAPHICAL Yonkers, N.Y. H. BOLTON JONES : born in Baltimore, Md., 1848. Medal, third class, Paris Exposition of 1889. Na- tional Academician; member Society American Artists, American Water Color Society. Address, Century Club, New York. ISAAC A. JOSEPHI: born in New York City. Studied at the Art Students' League, New York, and in Paris under Leon Bonnat. President of the Society of American Miniature Painters. Address, 13 East 3Oth Street, New York City. C. S. KAELIN : born in Cincinnati, Ohio, 1858. Pupil of the Cincinnati Art School, the Art Students' League of New York, and Cincinnati Museum Association. Ad- dress, 1528 Elm Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. ARTHUR I. KELLER: born in New York, 1866. Pupil of the National Academy of Design, Professor Wil- marth, New York, and Professor Loeffts, of Munich. Awarded first class medal, National Academy; first Hall- garten Prize; gold medal, Philadelphia Art Club. Address, 5 1 6 West 1 40th Street, New York City. MARGARET KENDALL : born on Staten Island, N.Y., 1871. Pupil of J. Alden Weir, Julius Rolshoven, and Sergeant Kendall. Address, 212 West 42d Street, New York. SERGEANT KENDALL: born in Spuyten Duyvil, N.Y. Pupil of the Art Students' League, New York, Thomas Eakins, Philadelphia, cole des Beaux-Arts and Olivier Mcrson, Paris. Awarded honorable mention, Salon, 1891; medal, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893; hon- orable mention, Tennessee Centennial Exposition, 1897; Walter Lippincott Prize, the Pennsylvania Academy Fine Arts, 1894. Address, 45 West 22d Street, New York. F. S. KING: born in Maine, 1850. Pupil of John BIOGRAPHICAL Orr. Awarded medal at the Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1899; medal at the World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Address, 77^ loth Street, Roseville, N.J. ELBRIDGE KINGSLEY : born near Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1841. Pupil of Cooper Union, New York. Started a new school of wood engraving in 1880. Awarded gold medal, Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1889; medal at the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; gold medal, Midwinter Exposition, California, 1894. Member of the Ruskin Art Club of California, the Kings- ley Art Club of California, and the Society of American Wood Engravers, New York. Address, Hadley, Mass. HENRY HUDSON KITSON : born in Hudders- ficld, Eng., 1865. Studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris, under Bonnassieux. Awarded three gold medals, Massachusetts Charitable Mechanics' Association; gold medal, American Art Association, New York; decoration Royal Order of Bene Mcrenti from the King of Roumania; medal, Universal Exposition, Paris, 1889; medal, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Member Ethnographical Society of France. Address, 221 Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass. LOUIS ASTON KNIGHT: born in Paris, 1873. Pupil of Jules Lefebvre, Tony Robert-Fleury and Ridgway Knight, Paris. Address, Place de 1'E'glise, Poissy, S. et O., France. RIDGWAY KNIGHT : born in Philadelphia. Pupil of Glcyre and Meissonier. Awarded honorable mention, Salon, 1884; gold medal, third class, Salon of 1888; gold medal, Munich, 1888; silver medal, Exposition Universelle, 1889; cross of the Legion of Honor, France, 1889; cross of the Legion of Honor, Munich, 1892; medal, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893; medal, Antwerp Exposition Universelle, 1 894 ; grand medal of honor, Pennsylvania 26 BIOGRAPHICAL Academy of Fine Arts. 1893. Address, Poissy, S. et O., France. AUGUSTUS KOOPMAN: born in Charlotte, N.C., 1869. Studied at Pennsylvania Academy Fine Arts; Bouguereau and Fleury; pupil of Ecole dcs Beaux- Arts, Paris. Exhibited, Salon Champs-Elysees, 189092; Salon Champ-de-Mars, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899; first prize, American Art Association, Paris, 1899. Decoration in United States National Pavilion, Paris Exposition, 1900. Member Architectural League, New York; National Arts Club, New York. Address, Studio, 7 Quai Voltaire, Paris. FREDERICK W. KOST . Pupil of National Acad- emy Schools. Member Society of American Artists and Society of Landscape Painters. Address, 355 Fifth Avc., New York. LOUIS KRONBERG: born in the United States, 1871. Pupil of Jean-Paul Laurens, Benjamin Constant, and Raphael Collin, Paris. Awarded silver medal, Massa- chusetts Charitable Mechanics' Association, and Longfellow Scholarship. Address, 1 2 West Street, Boston, Mass. GUSTAV KRUELL: born in Dusseldorf. Pupil of R. Brendeamour, of Dusseldorf. Awarded honorable mention, Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1889; medal at the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Member of the Society of American Wood Engravers. Address, 42 South Maple Ave., East Orange, N.J. JOHN LA FARGE : born in New York. Cheva- lier de la Legion d'Honneur, France; member of the Na- tional Academy Design, Society American Artists, Society of Mural Painters. Address, 51 West loth Street, New York City. FRANCIS LATHROP: born at sea, near the Hawaiian Islands, 1849. Pupil of Ford Madox-Brown and 27 BIOGRAPHICAL Sir Edward Burne-Jones. Member of the Society of Amer- ican Artists. Gold and silver medal, Philadelphia, 1889. Address, 29 Washington Square, New York City. W. L. LATHROP: born in Warren, 111., 1859. William T. Evans Prize, 1896; gold medal, Philadelphia Art Club, 1897; Webb Prize, 1899. HOMER LEE: born in Mansfield, Ohio, 1856. Studied under his father and Robert Mackintosh, Toronto, Canada; afterward studied abroad. Honorable mention, Vienna, 1873; first class medal, State of Ohio, 1887. Founder of the Homer Lee Bank-note Company, New York City. Address, 553 West End Ave., New York. ARTHUR LEWIS: born in Mobile, Ala., 1873. Studied with Bridgman and Gerome. Address, 1 3 bis Rue Campagne-Premiere, Paris. CAROLINE T. LOCKE. WILTON LOCKWOOD : born in Wilton, Conn., 1 86 1. Pupil of John La Farge, also studied in Paris. Represented in the Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa. Honorable mention, Carnegie Institute, 1 897 ; Temple Fund Medal, Pennsylvania Academy Fine Arts, 1898. Member Society of American Artists. Address, 280 Boyl- *ton Street, Boston, Mass. WILL H. ,LOW: born in Albany, N.Y., 1853. Pupil of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Gerome, and Carolus Duran, Paris. Awarded medals: Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1889 ; World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Mem- ber National Academy, Society of American Artists, Society of Mural Painters, and Architectural League, New York. Address, Bronxville, N.Y. HENRY McCARTER: born in Morristown, Pa., 1865. Pupil of National Academy, New York, andjulien's Academy, Paris. Address, 74 Washington Square, New York City. 28 BIOGRAPHICAL CLARA MacCHESNEY: born in San Francisco, Cal. Pupil of San Francisco Art School, Gotham Art School, Colarossi School, Paris, and Williams, Mowbray, Courtois, and Girardot. Member New York Water Color Club and Boston Art Club. Two medals at the World's Columbian Exposition, 1893; Dodge Prize, New York, 1894; three medals, Colarossi School, Paris. Address, 27 West 33d Street, New York City. WALTER McEWEN : born in Chicago, 111. Pupil of Cormon and Tony Robert-Fleury, Paris, France. Hon- orable mention, Salon, 1886; silver medal, Exposition Uni- verselle, Paris, 1889; gold medal, Berlin; silver medal, London; medal, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; medal of honor, Antwerp, 1894; gold medal, Berlin, 1896; medal, second class, Munich, 1897. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, France, Hors Concours, 1 896. Address, 1 1 Place Pigalle, Paris. C. MORGAN MacILHENNY: born in Philadel- phia. Studied in Philadelphia. Awarded W. T. Evans Prize, American Water Color Society, 1892 ; first Hallgarten Prize, National Academy, New York, 1 893 ; medal, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Member of American Water Color Society, New York Water Color Club, and New York Etching Club ; associate of the National Academy, New York. FLORENCE MacKUBIN : born in Florence, Italy. Pupil of Louis Deschamps, of Paris, and Julius Rolshoven, and Professor Herterrich, of Munich. Awarded medal and diploma, Tennessee Exposition, 1897. Vice-president Baltimore Water Color Club. Address, 301 North Charles Street, Baltimore, Md. FREDERICK MACMONNIES : born in Brooklyn, N.Y. Pupil of Augustus St. Gaudens, New York, and of Falguiere at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris. Awarded 29 BIOGRAPHICAL honorable mention, Paris Salon ot 1889; medal, second class, 1891; Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1896; medal, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Address, 84 Bd. Garibaldi, Paris. MARY F. MACMONNIES : born in New Haven, Conn. Studied in School of Fine Arts, St. Louis, Acade- mic Julien, Paris, and with Carolus Duran. Awarded scholarship to Paris by St. Louis School of Fine Arts; medal, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Associate member of the Societe Nationale des Beaux- Arts (Champ- de-Mars Salon), Paris; member of the Society of American Artists, New York. Address, 44 Rue de Sevres, Paris. CARROL BROOKS MacNEIL : born in Chi- cago, 1871. Pupil of the Art Institute and Lor ado Taft, Chicago, and of Macmonnies and Injalbert, Paris. Ad- dress, 1 1 4 Rue de Vaugirard, Paris. H. A. MacNEIL: born in Chelsea, Mass., 1866. Pupil of Chapu at the Julien Academy and of Falguiere at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. Won various students' medals, and the Roman Rinehart Scholarship, 1 896. Awarded de- signer's medal at the World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Address, 1 1 4 Rue de Vaugirard, Paris. F. D. MARSH : born in Chicago, 1872. Entered Art Institute of that city, 1 890 ; remained in Art Institute until 1893. Awarded two W. A. Clark Prizes and one Wana- maker Prize. Address, 282 Bd. Raspail, Paris. HOMER MARTIN (deceased;: born in Albany, N.Y., 1836. Pupil of William Hart, New York. Na- tional Academician; member Society of American Artists. A. H. MAURER : born in New York, 1868. Studied at the National Academy of Design, under Edgar M. Ward. First exhibit at the Salon of 1899. Address, 19 Rue Daguerre, Paris. GEORGE WILLOUGHBY MAYNARD : born 3 BIOGRAPHICAL in Washington, D.C. Pupil of Academy of Fine Arts, Ant- werp, Belgium. Awards: Temple Gold Medal, 1884; gold medal, Competitive Prize Fund Exhibition, New York, 1886; William T. Evans Prize, American Water Color So- ciety, 1889; special medal for decoration, World's Colum- bian Exposition, 1893; Shaw Prize, Society of American Artists, 1897. Member National Academy, Society of American Artists, American Water Color Society. Address, i 56 East 36th Street, New York City. GUY MAYNARD : born in Chicago, 111. Studied in Art Institute of Chicago and in Paris. Address, 7 Rue Tourlaque, Paris. L. H. MEAKIN: born in England. Studied in Mu- nich under Professors Raupp, Gysis, and Loeflts. Instruc- tor, Cincinnati Art School. Address, Art Museum, Cincin- nati, Ohio. GARI MELCHERS : born in Detroit, Mich. PupU of Lefebvre and Boulanger. Honorable mention, Paris, 1886; third class medal, 1888; first class medal, Munich, 1888; Grand Prize, Paris, 1889; first prize, Chicago Art Institute, 1891; medal of honor, Berlin, 1891; gold medal, Art Club, Philadelphia, 1892; member of International Jury of Awards, World's Fair, Chicago, 1893; medal of honor, Antwerp; gold medal, Academy, Philadelphia, 1896; first class medal, Vienna, 1898. Member of Paris Society American Painters, Fine Arts Society of Austria, Inter- national Society Artists, London. Address, 47 Rue Laugier, Paris. WILLARD L. METCALF. Address, 16 Gramercy Park, New York City. WILLIAM MILLER: born in New York City, 1850. Studied engraving on wood at Frank Leslie's Pub- lishing House, 1868; studied in Germany, 1871. Asso- ciated with Frederick Juengling. Medal, 1887; awarded BIOGRAPHICAL medal, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Address, 1037 Jackson Ave., New York City. FRANCIS D. MILLET: born in Mattapoisett, Mass., 1 846. Pupil of Van Lerius, Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerp. Second class medal, Paris Exposition, 1889; medal, Chicago, 1893. Member National Acad- emy, Society of American Artists, American Water Color Society, New York; Institute of Painters in Oil Colors. Represented in Tate Collection, Chantrey Fund Collection, Metropolitan Museum, New York. Address, Broadway, Worcestershire, Eng. ROBERT C. MINOR : born in New York. Pupil of Van Luppen, Antwerp, and Diaz and Boulanger, Paris. Member National Academy, Society of American Artists, and Society of Landscape Painters, New York. Awarded Lotos Club Prize Fund, 1896. Address, 58 West 5/th Street, New York City. HENRY H. MUHRMAN: born in Cincinnati, Ohio, 1854. Studied at Munich. Awarded medal, Munich Academy; medal, Chicago Universal Exposition, 1893; medal (gold), Munich International Exhibition, 1897. Member of London Pastel Society, Water Color Society, New York; honorary member of the Munich Seces- sion Society. Address, London. J. FRANCIS MURPHY : born in Qswego, N.Y., 1853. Self-taught. Received the first award of the Webb Prize at the Society of American Artists in 1887; awarded the second Hallgarten Prize at the Academy in 1885; re- ceived William T. Evans Prize, 1894; medal, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. National Academician; member American Water Color Society, Society of Land- scape Painters. SAMUEL MURRAY: born in Philadelphia, 1870. Pupil of Thomas Eakins. Awarded gold medal, 1894; 3 2 BIOGRAPHICAL honorable mention, Art Club of Philadelphia, 1897. Ad- dress, 1330 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. CHARLES AUSTIN NEEDHAM : born in Buf- falo, N.Y. Pupil of August Will and the Art Students' League of New York. Awards: medal, Atlanta Exposi- tion, 1895; honorable mention, New York Agriculture Ex- position, 1898. Member New York Water Color Club and National Arts Club. Address, 145 East 23d Street, New York City. M. NELSON. WALTER NETTLETON : born in New Haven, 1 86 1. Graduate of Yale University, 1883. Studied under Lcfebvre and Boulangcr, and afterward under Carolus Duran and Alexander Harrison. Honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1892. Address, Stockbridge, Mass. R. L. NEWMAN : born in Richmond, Va., in 1827. Went to Europe in 1850 to study art. Pupil of Thomas Couture. Visited Barbizon several times. Address, 51 West loth Street, New York City. MRS. W. B. NEWMAN: born in Tennessee in 1865. Studied at Cincinnati Art School, under T. S. Noble, later studying in Paris with Benjamin Constant, J. P. Laurens, and Bouguereau. First exhibited in the Salon in 1891; exhibited also in Salon of 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898. Address, 13 Rue Washington, Paris. RHODA HOLMES NICHOLLS : born in Cov- entry, Eng. Pupil of the Bloomsbury School of Art, London, where she won the Queen's Scholarship. Awarded gold medal, Competitive Prize Fund, New York; medal, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893; medal, Atlanta Exposition; medal, Nashville Exposition ; medal, Boston. Member of the Circolo Artistico and the Societa degli Aquarellisti, Rome; Woman's Art Club, Canada; Woman's Art Club, New York; New York Water Color Club. Address, 913 33 BIOGRAPHICAL Seventh Ave., New York City. STAFFORD M. NORTHCOTE : born in Brook- lyn, N.Y. Studied engraving with E. Heinemann; studied drawing and painting with Professor Boyle of the Art Insti- tute, Brooklyn. Address, 99 Nassau Street, New York City. WILLIAM E. NORTON: born in Boston, 1843. Pupil of the Lowell Institute of Boston and of George Inness, of Jacquesson and Vollon of Paris. Awarded two gold medals in America; honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1895. Address, 21 Camden Road, London. ELIZABETH NOURSE : born in Cincinnati, Ohio. First studied in Cincinnati, later studied under Boulanger and Lcfebvre at the Julien Academy in Paris, then became a pupil of Carolus Duran and Henner, Paris. Received a medal at World's Fair, Chicago, 1893; a medal at Nash- ville, Tcnn., in 1897; a medal at the Carthage Institute, Tunis, 1897. Elected Associee des Beaux-Arts in 1895. Address, 80 Rue d'Assas, Paris. LEONARD OCHTMAN: born in Bonnemaire, Holland. Awarded medal, Brooklyn Art Club, 1891; medal, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893; gold medal, Philadelphia Art Club, 1894. Associate National Academy; member Society of American Artists, American Society of Landscape Painters, American Water Color Society, New York Water Color Club, and the Brooklyn Art Club. Ad- dress, Mianus, Conn. WALTER L. PALMER: born in Albany, N.Y. Pupil of F. S. Church, New York, and Carolus Duran, Paris. Awarded gold medal, Philadelphia Art Club; sec- ond Hallgarten Prize, New York, 1887; medal, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893; gold medal for water colors, Philadelphia, 1894; William T. Evans Prize for water color, 1895; medal, Tennessee Exposition, 1897. Mem- ber National Academy, Society of American Artists, Society 34 BIOGRAPHICAL of American Landscape Painters, American Water Color Society, New York Water Color Club, and the Society of Painters in Pastel, New York. Address, Albany, N.Y. ERIC PAPE : born in San Francisco, Cal. Studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris, and with MM. Gerome, Laurens, Blanc. Awarded four medals and diplomas at various Expositions. Address, Boylston Street, Boston. CLARA W. PARRISH : born in Selma, Ala. Pupil of the Art Students' League, New York, H. Siddons Mow- bray, J. Alden Weir, and William M. Chase. Address, 56 West 54th Street, New York City. MAXFIELD PARRISH : born in Philadelphia, Pa., 1870. Pupil of Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts and Howard Pyle. Member Society of American Artists. Ad- dress, Windsor, Vt. CHARLES SPRAGUE PEARCE : born in Bos- ton, Mass. Studied under M. Leon Bonnat. Silver medal, Boston, 1878; silver medal, Boston, 1881; honor- able mention, Paris Salon, 1881; prize for best figure picture, Pennsylvania Academy, 1881; gold medal, third class, Paris Salon, 1883; gold medal, Boston, 1884; Temple Gold Medal, Pennsylvania Academy, 1885; grand gold medal of honor, Ghent, 1886; gold medal, second class, Munich, 1888; grand diploma of honor, Berlin, 1891; gold medal, Atlanta, 1896; gold medals, San Francisco, 1895; gold medal, second class, Vienna, 1898. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, France; Chevalier of the Order of the Red Eagle, Prussia; Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, Belgium; Chevalier of the Order of Danneborg, Denmark; member of the Society of American Artists, New York; member of the National Society of Mural Painters, New York; member of the National Institute of Art and Letters, New York; first vice-president of the Paris Society of American Painters. Address, Auvers, S. et O., France. 35 BIOGRAPHICAL CAROLINE C. PEDDLE : born in Terre Haute, Ind., 1869. Pupil of Augustus St. Gaudcns and Kcnyon Cox, New York. Address, 5 Rue Boissonade, Paris. JOSEPH PENNELL: born in Philadelphia, Pa., July 4, 1 860. Pupil of Pennsylvania Museum School of Industrial Art, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. Hon- orable mentions and medals at Paris, Philadelphia, and Chi- cago. Member of New York and Philadelphia Etching Clubs, Council International Society, Painters, Sculptors, and Gravers, London, Council of Society of Illustrators, London. Address, 14 Buckingham Street, Strand, London. VAN DEARING PERRINE: born in Kansas, 1 869. Studied in New York at the Cooper Union, Na- tional Academy of Design, and with William M. Chase. Member of the Country Sketch Club. Address, 535 Broadway, New York City. W. L. PICKNELL: born in Boston, 1853; died 1897. Pupil of Gerome, Paris, and George Inness. Hon- orable mention, Salon, 1880; silver medal, Boston, 1881; gold medal, Boston, 1884; medal, World's Columbian Ex- position, 1893; gold medal, Salon, 1895; medal, Atlanta Exposition, 1895; Walter Lippincott Prize, Pennsylvania Academy, 1896. Member Royal Society of British Artists, Society of American Artists; Associate National Academy of New York. CHARLES A. PLATT : born in New York, 1861. Pupil of National Academy of Design and Art Students' League, New York; Academic Julien, under Boulanger and Lefebvre, Paris. Webb Prize at Society of American Artists' Exhibition. Associate National Academy; mem- ber Society of American Artists, American Water Color Society. Address, 107 East 27th Street, New York. H. R. POORE: born in Newark, NJ. Pupil of Peter Moran, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, National BIOGRAPHICAL Academy, New York, and of Luminais and Bouguereau, Paris. Awarded prize, American Art Association; second Hallgarten Prize, 1888. Associate National Academy, Art Club of Philadelphia, and Philadelphia Sketch Club. Ad- dress, 45 Ridge Street, Orange, N.J. BENJAMIN C. PORTER: born in Melrose, Mass. Studied in Boston with Dr. Rimmer, in Italy and France, principally self-taught. Member National Academy of Design, New York. Address, 3 Washington Square, New York. CAROLINE A. POWELL: born in Dublin, Ireland. ' Pupil of W. J. Linton and Timothy Cole; studied drawing at the Cooper Union and the National Academy of Design, New York. Awarded medal, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Address, Riverside Press, Cambridge, Mass. A. PHIMISTER PROCTOR. Pupil of Puech and Injalbert, Paris. Medal, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Member American Sculpture Society, Society of American Artists, American Water Color Society, and the Architectural League. He is represented in the public parks of New York and Denver, Col. Address, 38 Rue Boileau, Paris. S. G. PUTNAM: born in Nashua, N.H., 1852. Pupil of H. W. Herrick, Frank French, and E. J. Whitney; studied drawing at the Brooklyn Art Association and the Art Students' League, New York. Bronze medal, Exposi- tion Universelle, Paris, 1889; medal, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Address, Oradell, N.J. HOWARD PYLE : born in Wilmington, Del., 1853. Received medals at World's Columbian Exposition, Chi- cago, and Atlanta Exposition. Address, Wilmington, Del. HENRY W. RANGER: born in New York State, 1858. Travelled extensively, but self-taught. Address, 37 BIOGRAPHICAL 152 West 47th Street, New York City. EDWARD W. REDFIELD : born in Bridgeville, Del., 1868. Studied in the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts and under Bouguereau and Fleury. Gold medal, Art Club of Philadelphia, 1897. .Address, 6 Quai d'Alfort, Alfort, Seine, France. F. K. M. REHN : born in Philadelphia, Pa. Pupil of the National Academy, New York. Gold medal, Com- petitive Prize Fund Exhibition, New York, 1885; first prize, New York Water Color Exhibition, 1886. Member of the American Water Color Society and the New York Water Color Club. Address, 222 West 23d Street, New York City. ROBERT REID : born in Stockbridgc, Mass. Pupil of Boulanger and Lefebvre, Paris. Awarded medal, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893; special medal for decoration, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893; Clarke Prize, 1897; and the first Hallgarten Prize, 1898. He has mural decorations in the Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York, the Congressional Library, Washington, D.C., and United States National Pavilion, Paris Exposition, 1 900. Member Society of American Artists. Address, 142 East 33d Street, New York City. C. S. REINHART (deceased): born in Pittsburgh, Pa., 1844; died, New York, 1896. Studied in Pittsburgh, Paris, and Munich. Awarded honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1887; first class gold medal, Paris Exposition, 1889; silver medal, Paris Exposition, 1889; first (Temple) gold medal, Philadelphia; second medal, Sydney, Australia; first and sec- ond medals, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Member Society of American Artists, New York Water Color Club, and Paris Association of American Painters. VIRGINIA REYNOLDS: born in Chicago, 1866. Studied in Munich under Professors Herterrich and Carl BIOGRAPHICAL Marr, in Paris in the Lazar School. Awarded honorable mention at the Miniature Exhibition, New York, 1896. Associate of the National Society of Fine Arts, Paris. Ad- dress, 917 Fine Arts Building, Chicago, 111. F. T. RICHARDS: born in Philadelphia, Pa., 1864. Pupil of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Thomas Eakins, Edmund B. Bensell, and the Art Students' League, New York. Address, 19 West 315! Street, New York. THEODORE ROBINSON (deceased): born in Irasburg, Vt., 1852. Pupil of Carolus Duran and M. Gerome. Awarded Webb Prize in 1890; Shaw Fund Prize in 1892. Member Society of American Artists. WILL S. ROBINSON. Member of American Water Color Society, New York Water Color Club. Address, 202 West 75th Street, New York City. W. A. ROGERS: born in Springfield, Ohio, 1854. Began as a cartoonist on the New York Daily Graphic. Since then has been on the staff of Puck, Life, and Harftr's Weekly. Address, 1 66 West ic>5th Street, New York. JULIUS ROLSHOVEN. Address, 31 2 East Con- gress Street, Detroit, Mich. J. H. RONDEBUST. Address, 80 Irving Place, New York. AUGUSTUS ST. GAUDENS: born in Dublin, Ireland, 1848. Pupil of the National Academy of Design, Cooper Institute, and the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. Awarded LL.D., Harvard University; L.H.D., Princeton University. Member of the Societe Nationale des Beaux- Arts; corre- sponding member Institute of France; member Society of American Artists. Address, 3 bis Rue de Bagneux, Paris. JOHN S.SARGENT: born in Florence, Italy, 1856. Pupil Academy of Fine Arts, Florence, and of Carolus Duran, Paris. Honorable mention, Salon, 1878; grand prize, Paris Exposition, 1889. Chevalier of the Legion of 39 BIOGRAPHICAL Honor, France, 1889; officer of the Legion of Honor, France, 1896. Medal, Paris Salon, 1881, second class; World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; Temple Gold Medal, Pennsylvania Academy, 1894. Member of the National Academy of Design, New York; Associate of the Royal Academy, 1893; Royal Academician, 1897; member of the Societe Nationale des Beaux- Arts. Address, 33 Tite Street, Chelsea, London. JOHN G. SAXON: born in Troy, N.Y., 1860. Studied in Paris under Lefebvre, Tony Robert- Fleury, and Merson. Address, 318 West 57th Street, New York City. E. SCHLADITZ: born in Leipzig, Germany, 1862. Studied in many of the art centres of Europe, then came to New York. Diplomas in Boston, Philadelphia, and Vienna, Austria. Medal, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Address, 1 134 Forest Ave., New York City. W. ELMER SCHOFIELD : born in Philadelphia, Pt., 1867. Studied in Philadelphia, Academy of Fine Arts, and in Paris under MM. Bouguereau, Doucet, and Ferrier, and Aman Edmond Jean. Honorable mention, Art Club of Philadelphia, 1898. Address, Ogontz, Pa. CHARLES SCHREYVOGEL : born in New York City, 1 86 1. Studied in Munich under Frank Kirch bach and Carl Marr. Clarke Prize, National Academy of De- sign, 1900. Address, Hoboken, N.J. C. SCHWARTZBURGER : born in Leipzig, Ger- many, 1 850. Studied in Leipzig and Berlin. Came to New York, 1 874. Address, 565 McDougal Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. MRS. E. M. SCOTT: born in Springwater, N.Y. Pupil of the National Academy of Design and Art Students' League, New York ; studied in Paris. Awarded medal, Atlanta Exposition, 1895. Vice-president, New York Water Color Club. Address, 1 42 East 1 8th Street, New York City. 40 JANET SCUDDER: born in Terre Haute, Ind., 1870. Pupil of Lorado Taft in Chicago and of Frederick Macmonnies in Paris. Medal, Chicago Exposition, 1893; honorable mention, Sun Dial Competition, New York, 1 898. Address, 253 Bd. Raspail, Paris. SARAH C. SEARS: born in Cambridge, Mass., 1858. Pupil of the Cowles Art School and Museum of Fine Arts. Awarded the William T. Evans Prize, 1892; medal, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Member New York Water Color Club. Address, 1 2 Ar- lington Street, Boston. J. H. SHARP: born in Bridgeport, Conn., 1859. Studied in Antwerp under Charles Verlat, Munich Acad- emy under Carl Marr, with Jean-Paul Laurens and Benja- min Constant, Paris. Member of the Society of Western Artists. Instructor Cincinnati Art Museum. Address, 1 1 8 East 4th Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. ROSINA EMMETT SHERWOOD: born in New York City, 1854. Pupil of William M. Chase and Julien Academy. Awarded silver medal, Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1889; Fine Arts Medal, World's Columbian Exposi- tion, Chicago, 1893. Member Society of American Ar- tists, American Water Color Society, and the New York Water Color Club. Address, 310 West 88th Street, New York City. AMORY C. SIMONS: born in Charleston, S.C., 1 869. Pupil of the Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, and of Dampt and Puech, of Paris. Address, 1 7 bis Rue Campagne- Premiere, Paris. MARGARET SPICER SIMPSON: born in Washington, D.C., 1874. Pupil of Knaus, Berlin; of Boutet de Monvel and Carriere, Paris. Address, 37 Rue Boileau, Paris, France. WILLIAM T. SMEDLEY : born in Pennsylvania. BIOGRAPHICAL Awarded Evans Prize, New York, 1890. Associate Na- tional Academy of Design; member American Water Color Society and Society of American Artists. Address, Bronx- ville, N.Y. HENRY B. SNELL: born in Richmond, Eng. President New York Water Color Club; member Ameri- can Water Color Society. Gold medal, Philadelphia Art Club; first prize, Tennessee Centennial, 1897. Address, 1 1 6 West 4 ist Street, New York City. CHARLES STATE : born in Montreal, Canada. Pupil of John H. Walker, Montreal. Member of the So- ciety of American Wood Engravers. Address, care of Century Company, New York City. THEODORE C. STEELE : born in Indiana, 1847. From 1880 to 1885 studied in Munich under Professors Bentzer and Loeffts. President of the Society of Western Artists. Address, Pennsylvania and i6th Streets, Indian- apolis, Ind. ALBERT STERNER: born in London, Eng., 1863. Studied in Birmingham, Eng., later at the Julien Academy, Paris, and with Boulanger and Lefebvre, also at the cole des Beaux- Arts. Honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1891. Member American Water Color Society. Address, Nutley, NJ. ALICE BARBER STEVENS: born in New Jersey. Pupil of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, and the Julien Academy, Paris. Awarded first prize, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 1890. Address, 1004 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. JULES STEWART: born in Philadelphia, 1855. Pupil of J. L. Gerome and R. de Madzo. Honorable men- tion, 1885, Salon; third class medal, 1890, Salon; gold medal, Berlin International Art Exhibition, 1891; grand gold medal, Berlin, 1895; gold medal, Munich, 1897. 42 BIOGRAPHICAL Decorated with Order of Leopold of Belgium, Antwerp, 1894; cross of Legion d'Honneur, 1895. Elected asso- ciate member of Societe Nationale des Beaux- Arts (Champ- de-Mars), 1895; elected secretary of Societe des Beaux-Arts ( Champ- de- Mars), 1899. Address, 36 Rue Copernic, Paris. JULIAN STORY: born in Oxford, Eng. Pupil of Frank Duveneck, Boulanger, and Lefebvre. Awarded third class medal,^ Salon, 1889; medal, Berlin, 1891. Address, 7 Place des Etats-Unis, Paris, France. HARRIETTE R. STRAFER : born in Covington, Ky., 1873. Studied at the Academy of Fine Arts, Cincin- nati, Ohio; also in Paris under Mme. Macmonnies, Gus- tave Courtois, and Collin. Exhibited at the Paris Salon of 1896. Address, 9 East 59th Street, New York City. E. M. TABER. Address, 28 East 28th Street, New York City. H. O. TANNER : born in Pittsburgh, Pa. Studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts under Thomas Eakins; afterward pupil of Jean- Paul Laurens and Benjamin Constant, Paris. Honorable mention, Salon, 1896; third class medal, 1897; Walter Lippincott Prize at Philadelphia, 1900. Rep- resented in the Luxembourg, the Wilstach Collection, Car- negie Institute, and at Philadelphia. Address, 51 Bd. St.- Jacques, Paris. EDMUND C. TARBELL: born in West Groton, Mass., 1862. Pupil of Boulanger and Lefebvre. Awarded the Thomas B. Clarke Prize, 1890; first Hallgarten Prize, 1894; medal, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893; gold medal, Philadelphia Art Club, 1895; Temple Gold Medal, 1895; Lippincott Prize, 1895; 3 medals in Boston. Mem- ber of Ten American Painters of New York. Address, 1 5 Harcourt Studios, Boston, Mass. CHARLES J. TAYLOR : born in New York, 1855. 43 BIOGRAPHICAL Pupil of National Academy of Design, New York; Eastman Johnson, New York. Address, 6 Quai d'Alfort, Alfort, Seine, France. EMILY DRAYTON TAYLOR: born in Phila- delphia, Pa. Pupil of Cecile Ferrier, Paris, and Penn- sylvania Academy of Fine Arts. Address, 1710 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. MARY TEASDEL : born in Salt Lake City, Utah. Studied at the Art Students' League with George De Forest Brush; studied in Paris with Raphael Collin and L. R. Gamilo. Address, No. 8 bis Rue Campagne- Premiere. ABBOTT H. THAYER: born in Boston, 1849. Pupil of Professor Wilmarth and Henry D. Morse, and of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts with Lehman and Gerome. Awarded third class medal, Exposition Universelle, 1889; Clarke Prize, 1898. Member of the Society of American Artists; asso- ciate National Academy of Design, New York. Address, Dublin, N.H. THEODORA W. THAYER: born at Milton, Mass., 1868. Pupil of Joseph De Camp. Address, 5 Phillips Place, Cambridge, Mass. CHARLES J. THERIAT : born in New York, 1860. Studied with Jules Lefebvre and Boulanger in Paris. Hon- orable mention, Paris Exposition, 1889; honorable mention, Salon of 1 896. Address, Le Mee, par Melun, S. et M. S. SEYMOUR THOMAS : born in San Augustine, Tex., 1868. Studied in Paris under Jules Lefebvre and Benjamin Constant and Alexander Harrison. Honorable mention, Salon, 1895. Address, 19 Bd. Pasteur, Paris. DOUGLAS TILDEN. Address, 1545 Webster Street, Oakland, Cal. JOHN TINKEY : born in New York City. Pupil of J. D. Fetter, of New York City. Awarded bronze medal at the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Member 44 BIOGRAPHICAL of the Society of American Wood Engravers. Address, care of Century Company, New York. EUGENE VAIL: born in Dervan, Brittany, 1856. Studied under Cabanel at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, later under Messrs. Dagnan-Bouveret and Raphael Collin. Awarded first class gold medal, Exposition Universelle of 1889; Hors Concours ; grand diploma of honor, Berlin ; medal, Munich ; first class medal, Antwerp ; decoration of the Legion of Honor. Associate at the Societe Nationale des Beaux- Arts. Address, 89 Rue Ampere, Paris. ROBERT W. VAN BOSKERCK : born in New Jersey. Pupil of R. S. Giffbrd, and of A. H. Wyant, New York. Member of the Society of American Artists and associate of the National Academy, New York. Ad- dress, New York City. HARRY VAN DER WEYDEN : born in Boston, Mass., 1868. Studied in London, under Mr. Legros, at the Slade School; later with Mr. Fred Brown at his own school of art; studied at M. Jean-Paul Laurens's private academy and at Julien's in Paris. Third class gold medal, Salon of 1891; a second class medal, Antwerp International Exposition, 1894; gold medal, Atlanta Exhibition, 1895. Member Paris Society of American Painters. Address, Montreuil sur mer, Pas de Calais, France. SIMON HARMON VEDDER : born in Mont- gomery County, New York, 1 866. Studied at the schools of the Metropolitan Art Museum of New York, afterward at the Academic Julien in Paris, under Bouguereau and T. Robert- Fleury, and at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts with Gerome; also with Leon Gleyre. Honorable mention, Salon; second class medal, London. Address, The Mall, Park Hill Road, London. FREDERIC P. VINTON: born in Bangor, Me., 1846. Pupil of William M. Hunt and Dr. William Rimmer, 45 BIOGRAPHICAL Boston, Leon Bonnat and Jean-Paul Laurens, Paris; also studied in Munich. Awarded honorable mention, Salon, 1890; medal, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Mem- ber National Academy and the Society of American Artists. Address, 247 Newbury Street, Boston, Mass. BESSIE POTTER VONNOH : born in St. Louis, Mo., 1872. Pupil of the Art Institute, Chicago. Address, Rockland Lake, New York. ROBERT W. VONNOH : born in Hartford, Conn., 1858. Pupil of Boulanger and Lefebvre, Julien Academy. Honorable mention, Paris Salon; medal, Exposition Univer- selle, 1889; medal, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Member of the Society of American Artists. Address, Rockland Lake, New York. ELLA VON WREDE: born in New York, 1860. Pupil of Schliiter at Dresden. Address, 152 Ave. Victor Hugo, Paris. LIONEL WALDEN: born in Norwich, Conn., 1862. Studied with Carolus Duran. Second class medal, Crystal Palace, London; honorable mention, Salon, Paris. Address, 33 Bd. Edgar- Quinet, Paris. HORATIO WALKER. Awarded William T. Evans Prize, 1888; gold medal, American Art Association; medal and diploma, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893; medal, third class, Paris Exposition of 1 889. National Academician; member Society American Artists, American Water Color Society. Address, 51 West loth Street, New York City. A. BRYAN WALL : born in Alleghany City, Pa. Pupil of A. Wall. Member of Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, and the Philadelphia Art Club. Address, Alleghany City, Pa. SADIE WATERS. Address, 49 Rue des Belles- Feuilles, Paris, France. EDWIN LORD WEEKS : born in Boston, Mass. Pupil of the Ecole des Beaux- Arts and Leon Bonnat, Paris. 46 BIOGRAPHICAL Honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1889; medal, first class, Ex- position Universelle, Paris, 1889; diploma of honor, Berlin International Exposition, 1891; gold medal, Philadelphia Art Club, 1891; medal, second class, Dresden, 1897; medal, first class, Munich; medal, first class, Dresden, 1897. Che- valier Legion of Honor, France, 1896; corresponding mem- ber of "The Secession," Munich. Address, Paris. CARL A. WEIDNER: born in Hoboken, N.J., I 865. Studied at the National Academy of Design and the Art Students' League, New York. Pupil of Paul Nanen, Munich. Address, 180 West 88th Street, New York City. J. ALDEN WEIR: born in West Point, N.Y., 1852. Pupil of Robert W. Weir and of J. L. Gerome. Honorable mention, Salon, Paris; medals, second and third class, Paris Exposition, 1889; 52,000 award, American Art Association, New York. National Academician; member American Water Color Society. Address, 146 West 55th Street, New York. JOHN F. WEIR: born in West Point, 1841. Studied under his father, Robert W. Weir; also studied in Holland, France, and Italy. Director of the School of Fine Arts in Yale University. Address, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. FRANK H. WELLINGTON. Address, Passaic, N.J. CECILIA DE WENTWORTH : born in New York City. Pupil of the Sacred Heart Convent and Cabancl at Paris. Gold medals, Tours Exposition Nationale, Lyons, and Turin. Address, 22 Rue le Gcndre, Paris. j. A. MCNEIL WHISTLER: bom in United States. Pupil of Gleyre, Paris. Awarded medals at Paris, 1883, third class; 1889, gold, Paris Association Fine Arts; 1894, Temple Gold. Officer of the Legion of Honor; hon- orary member of the Royal Academy of St. Luke, Rome; _ BIOGRAPHICAL honorary member of the Royal Academy of Bavaria. Rep- resented in the Luxembourg, Paris, Glasgow Corporation Gallery, and Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh. Address, no Rue du Bac, Paris. WILLIAM J. WHITTEMORE: born in New York, 1 860. Studied at the National Academy and the Art Students' League, New York. Pupil of Benjamin Constant and Lefebvre, Paris. Associate National Academy, New York ; member American Water Color Society, New York, Water Color Club, and American Society of Miniature Painters. Awarded silver medal, Exposition Universelle, 1889; bronze medal, Atlanta Exposition, 1895. Address, 318 West 5 yth Street, New York City. IRVING R. WILES: born in Utica, N.Y., 1862. Pupil of his father, Art Students' League, New York, and of Lefebvre and Carolus Duran of Paris. Awarded third Hall- garten Prize, 1886; the Clarke Prize, 1889; honorable men- tion, Universal Exposition, Paris, 1889. Associate member of National Academy; member Society of American Artists, American Water Color Society. Address, 106 West 5501 Street, New York City. HENRY WOLF: born in Alsace, 1852. Pupil of Jacque Levy, of Strasbourg. Came to New York 1871. First made a specialty of drawing on wood for other en- gravers. Awarded honorable mention, Universal Exposition, Paris, 1889, and the Paris Salon, 1888; first class medal, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893; third class medal, Paris Salon, 1895. Address, 152 East 66th Street, New York City. CHARLES H. WOODBURY: born in Lynn, Mass., 1 864. Pupil of Boulanger and Lefebvre. Awarded gold medal, Atlanta Exposition, 1895; two medals, Me- chanics' Association, Boston; first prize, Boston Art Club; second prize, Tennessee Exposition. Member Society of BIOGRAPHICAL American Artists. Address, 192 Boylston Street, Boston. MARCIA O. WOODBURY : born in Lynn, Mass., 1 864. Studied at the Julien Academy, Paris. Awarded gold medal, Atlanta Exposition, 1895; two medals, Me- chanics' Association, Boston; first prize, Boston Art Club; second prize, Nashville (Term.) Exposition. Member Soci- ety of American Artists. Address, 192 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. EDMUND H. WUERPEL : born in St. Louis, Mo., 1 866. Pupil of the St. Louis School of Fine Arts, W. A. Bouguereau, Gabriel Ferrier, and Edmund Aman-Jean, Paris. Instructor St. Louis School of Fine Arts. Member of the Artist Guild of Painters and Sculptors, St. Louis Society of Western Artists. Address, Museum of Fine Arts, St. Louis, Mo. A. H. WYANT (deceased): born in Ohio, 1836. Pupil of Hans Gude, Diisseldorf. Honorable mention, Ex- position Universelle, Paris, 1889; W. T. Evans Prize, 1891. Member of the Society of American Artists, the American Water Color Society; National Academician. Died 1892. ENID YANDELL: born in Louisvilly, Ky., 1875. Pupil of the Cincinnati Art School, Philip Martiny, Mac- monnies, and Rodin. Designer's medal, World's Colum- bian Exposition, 1893; silver medal, Tennessee Exposition, 1897. Sculptor of the Woman's Building, World's Colum- bian Exposition, 1893. Member of the National Sculpture Society, New York. Address, 1 7 Rue Davoust, Paris. F. C. YOHN. Address, care of Harper & Brothers, New York. RUFUS F. ZOGBAUM : born in Charleston, S.C., i 849. Pupil of the Art Students' League, New York, and Leon Bonnat, Paris. Member of the American Water Color Society. Address, New Rochelle, N.Y. 49 CATALOGUE Explanatory To simplify the finding of the various works in the United States Section of Fine Arts, the Director has placed a special number on all of the Exhibits in his department : thus each work exhibited has two numbers, the French official number and this special number, the latter being indicated on the small BRASS TAG. On the paintings these special numbers are arranged (in all but one room) in their proper numerical sequence, and this Catalogue con- forms with them. In the Exhibits of Miniatures, Drawings and Etchings, Sculpture, and Architecture, it was not possible to provide the publishers with the proper sequence of location in time to arrange the Catalogue in conformity therewith ; but in all these classes the Exhibits can be easily identified by the special BRASS TAG NUMBER, 5 1 *DECORAriONS IN THE NATIONAL PAVILION MURAL DECORATIONS Decoration of Lunettes and Ceiling in Rotunda E. E. Garmey America unveiling her Natural Strength Robert Reid Industrial Arts Augustus Koopman SCULPTURE Equestrian Statue of Gen. George Washington D. C. French The Quadriga A. Phimister Proctor The Spandrils on Portico H. A. MacNeil Decorative Motive crowning Angles of National Pavilion 'John Flanagan Eagle on top of Dome John Flanagan Portrait Bust of Gen. U. S. Grant Clara L. Hill Portrait Bust of Abraham Lincoln Clara L. Hill * In addition to the fixed mural and sculptural decorations of the Na- tional Pavilion, a number of paintings, etc., were put in place at the last moment, too late to be listed separately here. Those, however, that bear the special BRASS TAG NUMBER will be easily identified by referring to the number under the proper heading in the following pages. PAINTINGS 1 Laughing Woman Jules Stewart 2 Grey Day Henry H. Galllson 3 Evening in the Sun Alexander Harrison 4 Clouds Charles A. Platt Owned by C. S. Houghton, Esq. 5 Portrait of Asher B. Wertheimer 'John S. Sargent Owned by Asher B. Wertheimer, Esq. 6 Old Mill,Picardy Albert Dakin Gihon 7 The Artist George De Forest Brush Owned by Potter Palmer, Esq. 8 Helping Mother IV. M. Darling 9 The Mother Jhn W. Alexander 10 Headwaters of Westport River R. Swain Gifford 1 1 The Flower Market in Winter Van Dearing Perrine Owned by William M. Chase, Esq. 53 PAINTINGS 1 2 The Awakening of Nourredin E. Lord Weeks 13 Autumn John IV. Alexander 14 Portrait of Miss M. Carey Thomas Owned by Bryn Mawr College. 15 Autumn 1 6 Reflections 1 7 Portrait of Rodin 1 8 Maternity 19 Winter Owned by Boston Art Club. John S. Sargent Henry G. Dearth Charles Francis Browne John TV. Alexander Walter Gay Charles A. Platt 2O November Evening C. Morgan Macllhenny Owned by Judge Horace Russell. 2 1 Portraits 22 The Wave Owned by Brayton Ives, Esq. Walter McEwtn R. H. Eichelburger 54 PAINTINGS 23 Roses Owned by Miss Hegiman. 24 Pharaoh 25 Park Snows 26 Magnificat John F. Weir F. A. Bridgman Charles Austin Needham George Hitchcock 27 The Canal Theodore Robinson Owned by the Society of American Artitts. 28 My Bunkie 29 Twilight 30 The Riverside Path 31 Portrait of the Duchess of Mecklenburg 32 On the Road to Ispahan 33 A Connecticut Hillside Charles Schreyvogel Alexander Harrison Louis Aston Knight William T. Dannat E. Lord Weeks Charles H. Hayden 55 PAINTINGS 34 Landscape J. Francis Murphy Owned by W. B. Lockwood, Esq. 35 Mother and Daughter Cecilia Beaux Owned by Clement A. Griscom, Esq. 36 Becky Coles Hill Henry W. Ranger Owned by Mrs. A. C. Humphreys. 37 The Wounded Hound H. R. Poore 38 A New England Village Walter Clark 39 Mother and Child George De Forest Brush Owned by J. M. Sears, Esq. 40 Sunny Autumn Day George Inness Owned by Chauncey J. Blair, Esq. 41 The Big Brass Bowl William M. Chase Owned by H. K. Porter, Esq. 42 Morning in October Eugene Vail 43 Sheep in the Dunes Louis Paul Dessar 56 PAINTINGS 44 Sunlit Vale A. H. Wyant Owned by H. H. Benedict, Esq. 45 Sheep A. Bryan Wall 46 The Shawl Charles Sprague Pearce 47 The Hillside Harry Van der Weyden Owned by Dr. Daniel Serrand. 48 Twilight J. J. Enneking 49 Children in the Woods Frank W. Benson 50 The Bloom of the Grape Theodore C. Steele Owned by The H, Lieber Company. 51 Noonday Rest J. Alden Weir Owned by Pennsylvania Academy of the fine Arts. 52 Early Evening Will S. Robinson 53 Spring Ploughing Horatio Walker Owned by George A. Hearn, Esq. 54 The Road to Edge Hill Edward W. Redfield Owned by Chauncey Blair, Esq. 57 PAINTINGS 55 Portrait Gari Melchers 56 The Mill Pond George Inness Owned by Emerson McMillin. 57 The Bridge at Joinville Edward W. Redfield 58 The Maine Coast Window Homer Owned by F. A. Bell, Esq. 59 Evening in Picardy Louis Paul Dessar Owned by C. W. Krausbaar, Esq. 60 Portraits of Mrs. Meyer and Children John S. Sargent 6 1 Summer Night Window Homer 62 November H. Bo/ton Jones Owned by C. C. Glover, Esq. 63 Pieter Van Wint Walter McEwen 64 Sunset in the Dunes John G. Saxon Owned by A. C. Humphreys, 65 The Fencing Master Gari Melchers PAINTINGS 66 The Clouded Sun George Inness Owned by Carnegie Institute. 67 The Marsh in Winter Charles Warren Eaton 68 Portrait of Miss C. William T. Dannat 69 Voice of the Sea Eugene Vail 70 Leonard Louise Cox 71 Broad Stairs Henry H. Muhrman 72 Across the Room Edmund C. Tarbell 73 Twilight at Sea Henry B. Snell Owned by A. C. Humphreys, Esq. 74 Portrait of Lady in White Sarah C. Sears Owned by Mrs. T. C. Fairckild. 75 Under Grey Skies J. Francis Murphy Owned by H. H. Harrison, Esq. 76 Symphony in White J. A. McNeil Whistler 59 PAINTINGS 77 The House Builders August Franzen 78 Portrait Char lei J. Theriat 79 Westchester Hills Homer Martin Owned by Edbot, Kathe.-ine G. . , 3, 65 Aikman, Walter M 3. 76 Aitken, Peter 3i 76 Alexander, John W 3, 5^ 54 Allen, Thomas 3 64 Anderson, A. A 4, 71 Andrews, Jaques & Rantoul 98 Babb, Cook & Willard 98 Baer, William J 4, 91 Baker, Martha S 4, 91 Barlow, T. Noble 4, 60 Barnard, George G 4. 94 Barnhorn, Clement J 4 94 Bartlett, Paul W 5, 94 Baxter, Martha W 5 91 Beaux, Cecilia 5, 56, 63, 71 Beckington, Alice 5, 91 Beckwith, J. Carroll 5, 66, 76 Benson, Frank W 6, 57, 71 Berg, Charles I 98 Bernstrom, Victor 6, 76 Beveridge, Kuehne 6, 94 Bisbing, H. S 6, 67, 71 Bitter, Karl 6, 94 Blakelock, Ralph A 7, 6r Blaney, Henry R 7, 77 Blum, Robert 7, 67, 69 Bogert, George H 7, 61 Bohm, Max 7, 72 Borglum, Solon H 7> 94 Boring & Tilton 98 Breckenridge, Hugh H 8, 72 Brenner, Victor D 8, 94 Bridgman, F. A 8, 55, 64 Brite & Bacon 98 Brooks, Richard E 8, 94 1 02 INDEX PAGBS Brown, J. G 8, 67 Browne, Charles F 9 54 Brush, George De Forest 9, 53, 56, 69 Bunce, W. G 9, 62 Burbank, E. A 9, 72 Burnham, D. H 98 Butler, Howard R 9, 64 Calder, Alexander S 9, 94 Carl, Kate 10, 70 Carleton, Clifford 10, 77 Carrere & Hastings 98 Chadwick, Charles W 10, 77 Champney, Marie 10, 91 Chapman, Carlton T I o, 72, 77 Chase, William M 10, 56, 64, 66 Christy, Howard C. . 1 1 , 78 Church, F. S 11,64 Clark, Walter 11,56,78 Clark, Walter A II Clinedinst, B. West n, 78 Coffin, William A n, 71 Cole, Timothy 12, 78, 79 Coman, Charlotte B 12, 72 Comstock, Anna B 12, 79, 80 Cooper, Emma L 1 2, 72 Cope & Stewardson 98 Couse, E. Irving 12, 63 Cowles, Maud A 13, 80 Cox, Kenyon 13, 66 Cox, Louise 13, 59 Cram, Goodhue & Ferguson 99 Crane, Bruce 13, 66 Curran, Charles C 13, 65, 72 Curtis, Constance 1 4, 72 Dallin, Cyrus E 14, 95 Dannat, William T '4, 55. 59 Darling, W. M 14, 53 Davidson, Harry 14, 80 103 INDEX PAGES Davis, Charles H 14, 66, 69 Davis, Samuel P 15, 8 1 Day, Frank Miles, & Bro 99 Dearth, Henry G 15, 54 De Camp, Joseph R 15, 69 Dessar, Louis P IS. 56, 58 Dickson, M. E 15, 67 Donoho, G. Ruger 15, 72 Drake, Will H 15,81 Eakins, Thomas 1 6, 63, 66 Eaton, Charles W 16, 59, 61, 63 Eichelburger, R. H 1 6, 54 Ellis, Harvey 1 6, 72 Emmet, Lydia F 16, 72 Enneking, J. J 16, 57 Evans, John W 16, 81 Eyre, Wilson, Jr 99 Ferry & Clas 99 Fisher, Mark 16, 73 Flagg, Ernest 99 Flanagan, John 1 6, 52, 95 Foss, Harriet C 1 7, 73 Foster, Ben 17, 62 Franzen, August 17, 60, 73 French, Daniel C 17, 52 French, Frank 17, 82 Fromuth, Charles H 1 7, 60 Frost, A. B 1 7, 82 Fuller, Lucia F 18,91,92 Gallagher, Sears 1 8, 73 Gallison, Henry H 18, 53 Garnsey, E. E 18, 52 Gauley, Robert D 1 8, 64 Gay, Walter 18, 54, 70 Gelert, Johannes S 18, 95 Gibson, Charles Dana 19, 82 Gifford, R. Swain 19, 53 Gihon, Albert D 19, 53 104 INDEX Glackens, William J 19, 82, 83 Grafly, Charles *9 95 Grothjean, Fanny 20, 73 Guerin, Jules 20, 83 Guy, Seymour J 20, 63, 64 Hambige, Jay 20, 83 Hardenbergh, H. J . . i 99 Harrison, Alexander 20, 53, 55, 73 Harrison, Birge 21, 67 Harvey, Eli 21, 95 Hassam, Childe 21, 66 Hayden, Charles H 21, 55 Heinemann, E 22, 83 Helmick, H 22, 83 Herring, Mabel C 22 Herter, Albert 22, 70 Heydel & Shepard 99 Hill, Clara L 22, 52 Hills, Laura C 22, 92 Hitchcock, George 22, 55, 66 Hitchcock, Lucius W 23, 84 Holman, Frank 23, 73 Homer, Winslow 23, 58, 62, 70 Hopson, William F 23, 84 Houston, Caroline A 23, 92 Houston, Frances C 23, 67 Hunt, R. M 100 Hyde, W. H 24, 69 Ingle & Almirall loo Inness, George 24, 56, 58, 59 Johnson, Eastman 24, 63 Johnson, Thomas 24, 84 Johnston, J. H 24, 60, 6r, 71 Jones, Alfred 24, 85 Jones, H. Solton 25, 58 Joseph!, Isaac A 25, 92 Kaelin, C. S 25, 73 Keller, Arthur 1 25, 85 INDEX Kendall, Margaret 25, 73 Kendall, Sergeant 25, 67, 73 Kimball & Thompson loo King, F. S 25, 85 Kingsley, Elbridge 26, 85, 86 Kitson, Henry H . . . . 26, 95 Knight, Louis A 26, 55, 68 Knight, Ridgway 26 Koopman, Augustus 27, 52, 65 Kost, Frederick W 27, 61 Kronberg, Louis 27, 73 Kruell, Gustav 27, 86 La Farge, John 27, 62, 68 Lathrop, Francis 27, 63 Lathrop, W. L 28, 74 Lee, Homer 28, 63 Lewis, Arthur 28, 74 Locke, Caroline T 28, 71 Lockwood, Wilton 28, 65 Longfellow, A. W loo Lord, Hewlett & Hull 100 Low, Will H 28, 69 McCarter, Henry 28, 86 MacChesney, Clara 29, 61, 74 McEwen, Walter 29, 54, 58, 70 Macllhenny, C. M 29, 54, 66 McKim, Mead & White loo MacKubin, Florence 29, 71 Macmonnies, Frederick 29, 95, 96, 113 Macmonnies, Mary F 30, 71 Mac Neil, Carrol Brooks 30, 96 MacNeil, H. A 30, 52, 96 Marsh, F. D 30, 74 Martin, Homer 30, 60, 62, 64 Maurer, A. H 30, 69 Maynard, George W 30, 68 Maynard, Guy 31, 74 Meakin, L. H 31, 74 1 06 INDEX PACKS Melchers, Gari 31, 58, 69 Metcalf, Willard L 31,70 Miller, William 31,86 Millet, Francis D 32, 67, 69 Minor, Robert C 32, 65 Muhrman, Henry H 32, 59, 61 Murphy, J. Francis 32, 56, 59 Murray, Samuel 32, 96 Needham, Charles A 33, 55, 74 Nelson, M 33, 92 Nettleton, Walter 33, 74 Newman, R. L 33, 74 Newman, Mrs. W. B 33, 74 Nicholls, Rhoda H 33, 62 Northcote, Stafford M 34, 86 Norton, William E 34, 74 Nourse, Elizabeth 34, 74 Ochtman, Leonard 34, 65, 68 Palmer, Walter L 34, 71, 75 Pape, Eric 35, 86 Parrish, Clara W 35, 69 Parrish, Maxfield 35, 65 Peabody & Stearns loo Pearce, Charles S 35, 57 Peddle, Caroline C 36, 96 Pennell, Joseph 36, 86, 87 Perrine, Van Dealing 36, 53 Picknell, W. L 36, 75 Platt, Charles A 36, 53, 54 Poore, H. R 36, 56 Porter, Benjamin C 37, 71, 75 Pot, George B 100 Poswell, Caroline A 37, 87 Price, Bruce loo Proctor, A. P 37, 52, 62, 96, 97 Putnam, S. G 37, 87 Pyle, Howard 37, 67 Ranger, Henry W 37, 56, 68 107 INDEX PAGES Redfield, Edward W. . . 38, 57, 58 Rehn, F. K. M 38, 64 Reid Brothers 101 Reid, Robert 38, 52, 69 Reinhart, C. S 38, 87 Reynolds, Virginia 38, 92 Richards, F. T 39, 87 Robinson, Theodore 39, 55, 70, 87 Robinson, Will S 39, 57 Rogers, W. A 39, 88 Rolshoven, Julius 39, 75 Rondebust, J. H 39, 97 St. Gaudens, Augustus 39, 97 Sargent, John S 39. 53, 54, 58 Saxon, John G 40, 58 Schladitz, E 40, 88 Schofield, W. Elmer 40, 6 1 Schreyvogel, Charles 40, 55 Schwartzburger, C 40, 88 Schweinfurth, A. C lor Scott, Mrs. E. M 40, 75 Scudder, Janet 41, 97 Sears, Sarah C 41, 59, 62 Sharp, J. H 41,75,88 Shepley, Rutan & Coolidge loi Sherwood, Rosina E 41, 63, 88 Simons, Amory C 41, 97 Simpson, Margaret Spicer 41, 93 Smedley, William T 41, 88 Snell, Henry B 42, 59 State, Charles 42, 88, 89 Steele, Theodore C 42, 57 Sterner, Albert 42, 63, 75, 89 Stevens, Alice B 42, 89 Stewart, Jules . 42, 53, 60 Story, Julian 43, 60, 75 Strafer, Harriette R 43, 93 Taber, E. M 43, 75 1 08 INDEX PACES Tanner, H. O. , 43, 61 Tarbell, Edmund C 43, 59, 64 Taylor, C. J 43, 89 Taylor, Emily D 44, 93 Teasdel, Mary 44, 93 Thayer, Abbott H 44, 6l, 62, 67 Thayer, Theodora W 44, 93 Theriat, Charles J 44, 60 Thomas, S. Seymour 44, 65 Tilden, Douglas 44, 115 Tinkey, John 44, 89 Vail, Eugene 45, 56, 59, 70 Van Boskerck, Robert W 45, 75 Van der Weyden, Harry 45, 57, 75 Vaughan, Henry IOI Vedder, Simon H 45, 70 Vinton, Frederic P 45, 66 Vonnoh, Bessie Potter 46, 97 Vonnoh, Robert W . . 46, 68 Von Wrede, Ella 46 Walden, Lionel 46, 67 Walker, Horatio 46, 57 Walker & Kimball 101 Walker & Morris IOI Wall, A. Bryan 46, 57 Warren, Whitney IOI Waters, Sadie 46, 93 Weeks, E. Lord 46, 54, 55, 70 Weidner, Carl A 47, 93 Weir, J. Alden 57, 60, 68 Weir, John F. . 47, 55. 57 Wellington, Frank H 47, 89 Wentworth, Cecilia de 47, 75 Wheelwright & Haven IOI Whistler, J. A. McNeil 47, 59, 62, 63 Whittemore, William J 48, 93 Wiles, Irving R 48, 68 Wolf, Henry 48, 89, 90 109 INDEX PAGES Woodbury, Charles H 48, 68 Woodbury, Marcia 49, 65, 70 Wucrpel, Edmund H 49, 60 Wyant, A. H . 49,57,65,66 Yandell, Enid 49. 97 Yohn, F. C 49, 90 Zogbaum, Rufus F 49, 90 COPYRIGHT NOTICE Besides the copyright of this Catalogue, certain pictures here illustrated are themselves separately copyrighted, as follows. Reproduced in this Catalogue by authority. All rights reserved. J. G. BROWN, Heels over Head. Copyright, 1 8 89, J. G. Brown. KEN YON COX, Pursuit of the Ideal. From a Copley Print Copyright, 1898, by Curtis & Cameron. LUCIA FAIRCHILD FULLER, Girl 'with Hand-glass. From a Copley Print Copyright, 1899, by Curtis & Cameron. E. E. GARNSEY, Mural Decoration United States of America. Copyright, 1900, by E. E. Garnsey. From a Copley Print Copyright, 1900, by Curtis & Cameron. FREDERICK MACMONNIES, Group of Horses. From a Copley Print Copyright, 1900, by Curtis & Cameron. FRANCIS D. MILLET, The Expansionist. Copyright, 1899, by F. D. Millet. ROBERT REID, Azalea. Copyright, 1899, by Robert Reid. From a Copley Print Copyright, 1899, by Curtis & Cameron. ROBERT REID, America unveiling her Natural Strength. Copyright, 1900, by Robert Reid. From a Copley Print Copyright, 1900, by Curtis & Cameron. AUGUSTUS ST. GAUDENS, Sha