N 850 A 57 1920 UC-NRLF SB S7D THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BEQUEST OF ANITA D. S. BLAKE HANDBOOK PAINTINGS AND SCULPTURES IN THE PERMANENT COLLECTIONS THE CORCORAN GALLERY OF ART WASHINGTON, D. C. 1920 HANDBOOK OF THE PAINTINGS AND SCULPTURES IN THE PERMANENT COLLECTIONS OF THE CORCORAN GALLERY OF ART I WASHINGTON, D. C. 1920 GIFT A/fesno As? BOARD OF TRUSTEES CHARLES C. GLOVER C. POWELL MINNIGERODE WILLIAM CORCORAN EUSTIS GEORGE E. HAMILTON WILLIAM A. CLARK JAMES PARMELEE HENRY WHITE RUDOLH KAUFFMANN THOMAS NELSON PAGE OFFICERS President and Treasurer: CHARLES C. GLOVER Vice-President : WILLIAM CORCORAN EUSTIS Secretary and Director: C. POWELL MINNIGERODE Secretary to the Director: EMILY P. MILLARD Janitor: BENJAMIN V. DARRELL 783 COMMITTEES On Finance GEORGE E. HAMILTON JAMES PARMELEE RUDOLPH KAUFFMANN On the Building HENRY WHITE WILLIAM CORCORAN EUSTIS THOMAS NELSON PAGE On Works of Art HENRY WHITE WILLIAM CORCORAN EUSTIS CHARLES C. GLOVER C. POWELL MINNIGERODE JAMES PARMELEE On Legislation GEORGE E. HAMILTON WILLIAM CORCORAN EUSTIS WILLIAM A. CLARK On Accounts JAMES PARMELEE RUDOLPH KAUFFMANN PREFACE THE CORCORAN GALLERY OF ART, origi- nally located at the corner of Seventeenth Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, including ground, building, its contents, and endowment fund, was the gift of the late William Wilson Corcoran to the public by deed, dated May 10, 1869, "to be used solely for the pur- poses of encouraging American genius in the production and preservation of works pertaining to the Fine Arts, and kindred objects," with the condition that it should be open to visitors without any pecuniary charge whatever at least two days in each week, with authority to charge for admission at other times such moderate and reasonable fee as might be prescribed, the proceeds arising therefrom to be applied to the current expenses of the Institution. The Institution was chartered by Act of Congress, May 24, 1870. By that Act the building and its contents were declared exempt from all taxation. The organization of the Gallery was completed by the Board of Trustees on November 6, 1873, and on April 29, 1874, all of the rooms of the Institution for exhibition purposes were opened to the public. The building was used for the purposes for which it was intended until it became apparent that, as planned, it would, in a comparatively short time, be wholly inadequate for the proper display of the works of art belonging to the ' Gallery, while larger and better facilities were already required for the rapidly growing Free Art School, for (6) which thoughtful provision had been previously made by Mr. Corcoran. At the same time, it was found that it would not be possible to enlarge the then existing build- ing so as to meet the future wants of the two establish- ments. These conditions impressed upon the minds of the Trustees the necessity of providing, without delay, for the erection of a larger, more conveniently arranged, and better lighted building, upon a plot of ground large enough to not only furnish space for the projected building, but also to provide for such enlargements of the Gallery as might be required from time to time to suitably house future acquisitions of paintings, sculptures, etc. With these ends in view, steps were taken to find and secure a proper location, and on the 3d of April, 1891, the pur- chase of a portion of Square 171, fronting on Seventeenth and E Streets, respectively, on the east and south, and on New York Avenue on the north, was ordered, and subse- quently effected. On the 9th of January, 1892, it was determined to erect a new Gallery building on the eastern portion of the ground thus secured. The new structure was designed by Mr. Ernest Flagg, of New York, and ground for the foundation was broken on June 26, 1893. The corner- stone was laid, with appropriate ceremonies, on May 10, 1894, and the building was completed on January 8, 1897. It was formally opened, with a brilliant reception, on the evening of February 22nd, of that year. (7) DESCRIPTION OF THE BUILDING THE building stands with its main front on Seven- teenth Street, extending from New York Avenue on the north to E Street on the south, a distance of 259 feet, extending back 133 feet, and occupies about half of the lot. The style of architecture is Neo-Grecian, the material being white Georgia marble, on a basement of Milford pink granite. The first story is pierced by windows; the second story rises in a solid white wall broken only by a row of open-work marble panels along the upper edge, which serve as ventilators to the Galleries. Between these panels and the cornice, which is rich in ornamental carving, extends a narrow frieze bearing in Roman letters the names of some of the most famous painters and sculptors of ancient and modern times. The roof of glass slants sharply upward to the ridge, which is finished by a cresting of bronze, terminating at each end of the building in a winged griffin. The severity of the elevation is broken by the curve at the north end, in which is located the Art School. It also contains a semi-circular auditorium on the first or main floor, used for lectures, etc., and on the floor above- a gal- lery for various special or temporary exhibitions, which connects with the main picture galleries on the second floor. The main entrance to the building is on Seventeenth Street. On either side of the steps, upon white marble (10) pedestals, rests a colossal bronze lion, cast from moulds made over the famous lions by Canova, which guard the tomb of Clement XIII, in St. Peter's, Rome. Passing through this entrance, a broad and easy flight of stairs leads directly to the main corridor or atrium. This is the largest hall in the building, being 170 feet long and 50 feet wide, running north and south of the main entrance on the first floor. Its light comes through open- ings or light-wells in the ceiling above, which is supported by forty fluted monolith columns of Indiana limestone. This spacious hall is devoted to the exhibition of casts from sculptures of the antique and Renaissance periods. The rooms surrounding it except those required for the library, administration purposes, etc. are also given up to original marbles, casts, bronzes, etc., including the large and valuable collection of the works of the late Antoine Louis Barye, the eminent French sculptor of animals. Directly in front, upon entering, and upon the further or western side of the hall or atrium, rises the grand white marble staircase, fifteen feet in width, and of easy tread, which leads to the second-story atrium, of the same dimen- sions as the one below. This has an immense skylight supported by thirty-eight fluted monolith columns, also of Indiana limestone. Ten large doorways, with sliding doors, lead from the atrium to the galleries for paintings four fine large rooms on Seventeenth Street, two small and one large one on E Street, and two still larger on the west, on either side of the main staircase, all admirably adapted for their pur- pose and perfectly lighted, whether for day or night exhibitions. (11) The entrance on the north, or New York Avenue, side of the building leads to the auditorium, a spacious room, of beautiful proportions, and also to the several rooms set apart for the School of Art. The dimensions of all the rooms and galleries are given on the accompanying floor plans. For information concerning the Art School connected with the Gallery see Prospectus, separately printed, to be had by application to the Secretary of the Art School. Photographs of many of the paintings and other works of art in the Gallery are for sale at the door. In accordance with the previous policy of the Gallery it is expected that a succession of various special exhibitions of unusual interest and educational value will be held. These exhibitions include works in the different fields of artistic endeavor paintings, sculptures, etchings, etc. and the planning of such special displays, for the education and benefit of our public, has become an important and vital part of the Institution's work. (12) HOURS OF OPENING The Gallery is open to the public as follows : On Sundays, from 1.30 to 4.30 P. M. On Mondays, from 12 M. to 4.30 P. M. On Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, from 9.00 A. M. to 4.30 P. M. On Christmas Day and July 4th, it is closed to the public, but on other public holidays it is open from 10.00 A. M. to 2.00 P. M. On public holidays and Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays, the admission is free. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, an admit- tance fee of 25 cents is charged. (13) PAINTINGS NOTE: The dimensions of paintings in this catalogue are given in inches, the figures named first indicating the height, the others the 'width of the canvas. Achenbach, Oswald (1827-1905) Dusseldorf School 1 Festival of Santa Lucia, Naples. 55x77 Alexander, John W. (1856-1915) American School 2 A Meadow Flower. 50x40 Andrews, Eliphalet F. (1835-1915) American School 3 James M. Carlisle (First President of Board of Trustees of The Corcoran Gallery of Art.) 30x25 Anshutz, Thomas Pollock (1851-1912) American School 4 A Dutchman. 80x40 Gift of Mrs. Louis Bennett. Bacon, Henry (1839-1912) American School 5 The Nile Evening (Water Color.) 19x36^ Bail, J. A. French School 6 Sunday Morning in Auvergne. 35x46 (15) 16 PAINTINGS Barclay, J. Edward American School 7 Samuel Hay Kauffmann (Elected Trustee of The Corcoran Gallery of Art, Feb. 26, 1881; Presi- dent Board of Trustees, from Oct. 15, 1894, until his death on Mar. 15, 1906.) 30x25 Gift of Mr. Kauffmann's Heirs. Bartlett, Frederic Clay (1873 ) American School 8 Canton Street. 36x40 Becker, Carl Ludwig Frederick (1820-1900) German School 9 Pope Julius II, with Raphael, Michael Angelo, Vittoria Colonna, and Bramante, Viewing the Newly Exhumed Statue of the Apollo Belvedere. 60x81 Benson, Frank W. (1862 ) American School 10 My Daughter (Awarded the Potter Palmer Gold Medal, 1912. The Art Institute of Chicago). 30x26 11 The Open Window (Awarded the First William A. Clark Prize, of $2,000, accompanied by the Corcoran Gold Medal. The Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1919.) 52x42 Bierstadt, Albert (1830-1902) American School 12 Mount Corcoran. 60x96 13 The Last of the Buffalo. 69x117 Gift of Mrs. Albert Bierstadt. PAINTINGS 17 Bjorck, Oscar (1860 ) Swedish School 14 The Nail Makers. 53x59 Gift to the Gallery by a number of its friends, May 1, 1896. Blakelock, Ralph Albert (1847-1919) American School 15 Colorado Plains. 16x24 Bogert, George H. (1864 ) American School 16 Sunset. 28x36 Gift of the late George A. Hearn, of New York. Bonham, Horace (1835-1892) American School 17 Nearing the Issue at the Cockpit. 20x27 Bonheur, Marie Rosa (1822-1899) French School 18 Bull. 15x18^ Gift of the Heirs of the Estate of the late George E. Lemon. Bonington, Richard Parkes (1801-1828) English School 19 On the Sea Coast. 10^x14 Bequeathed to the Gallery by the late Mr. and Mrs. George Lothrop Bradley. 18 PAINTINGS Boughton, George Henry (1834-1905) English School 20 The Heir Presumptive. 42x73 21 Edict of William the Testy (Illustrates a passage from Irving's ''Knickerbocker's History of New York," Chapter 8). 42x66 Bouquet, Michel (1807-18) French School 22 Halt of Hunters at Fontainebleau. 17x23 Breton, Emile Adelard (1831-1902) French School 23 Sunset. 43x66 24 Snow Scene Moonrise. 22x34 Breton, Jules Adolphe (1827-1906) French School 25 Brittany Widow. 37x31 Bridgman, Frederick Arthur (1847 ) American School 26 Procession of the Sacred Bull, Apis-Osiris. 39x69 Brooke, Richard Norris (1847-1920) American School 27 A Pastoral Visit. 46x65 28 Incoming Tide. 24x37^ PAINTINGS 19 Brown, John G. (1831-1913) 29 Allegro and Penseroso. 8x14 30 The Longshoreman's Noon. 33x50 American School Browne, W. 31 Return From Market. 25x32 Brush, George de Forest (1855-) 32 Mother and Child. 38x28 English School American School Bunce, William Gedney (1840-1916) American School 33 Venice Sunrise. 25^x36^ Burnier, Richard (1826-1884) Dutch School 34 Cattle on Seashore near Scheveningen. (Awarded a Gold Medal at the Brussels Exposition of 1881). 41x63 Carlsen, Dines (1901 ) 35 The Brass Kettle. 20x24 Carlsen, Emil (1853-) 36 Moonlight on a Calm Sea. 58x47 American School American School 20 PAINTINGS Carlson, John F. (1875 ) American School 37 Woods in Winter. 46x56 Casilear, John W. (1811-1893) American School 38 Lake George. 25x45 Gift of Miss Josephine E. Harrison. Cassatt, Mary American School 39 La Femme Au Chien. 39x26 Cazin, Jean Charles ( 1840-1901 ) French School 40 Moonlight in Holland. 25x32 41 Landscape. 18x22 Gift of the heirs of the estate of the late George E. Lemon. Chase, Harry (1853-1889) American School 42 The Harbor of New York. 40x72 Chase, William M. (1849-1916) American School 43 Portrait of Hon. William A. Clark. 50x40 Gift of Senator Clark. 44 An English Cod. 36x40 45 The Model (Pastel.) 19x16 Gift of Ralph Cross Johnson, Esquire. PAINTINGS 21 Chialiva, Luigi (1842-1914) French School 46 A Shower. 22x31 47 Fine Weather. 22x31 48 The Old Shepherd. 26x41 Gift of the heirs of the estate of the late George E. Lemon. Chierici, Gaetano (1838 ) Italian School 49 The Mask (or Fun and Fright.) 29x41 Church, Frederick Edwin (1826-1900) American School 50 Niagara Falls. 42x90 51 Scenery on the Magdalena River, Granada, South America. 27x36 Cole, Thomas (1801-1848) American School 52 The Departure 39x63 53 The Return. 39x63 Comte, Pierre Charles (1823-1895) French School 54 Scene at Fontainebleau Costume of Louis XI. 31x21 22 PAINTINGS Corot, Jean Baptiste Camilla (1796-1875) French School 55 The Wood-Gatherers. 45x65 56 Mountain Stream. 9^ x Bequeathed to the Gallery by the late Mr. and Mrs. George Lothrop Bradley. 57 Outskirts of the Village. 16^x22^ Bequeathed to the Gallery by the late Mr. and Mrs. George Lothrop Bradley. Couder, Emile Gustave French School 58 Flower Piece (With Cat.) 45x58 59 Flower Piece. 14x16 Courbet, Gustave (1819-1878) French School 60 Landscape. 61 Ornans, Birthplace of the Artist. 14^x18 Bequeathed to the Gallery by the late Mr. and Mrs. George Lothrop Bradley. Couture, Thomas (1815-1879) French School 62 Female Head. 21x19 PAINTINGS 23 Crane, Bruce (1857 ) American School 63 November Hillsides. 32x40 Daubigny, Charles Francois (1817-1878 French School 64 A Hamlet on the Seine, near Vernon. 34x58 65 Rocky Precipice and Mountains. 23x29 Bequeathed to the Gallery by the late Mr. and Mrs. George Lothrop Bradley. 66 Landscape. 10^x16 Bequeathed to the Gallery by the late Mr. and Mrs. George Lothrop Bradley. Davey, Randall (1887 ) American School 67 Old Sea Captain. 40x32 Gift of Mrs. Robert E. Westcott. Davis, Charles H. (1856 ) American School 68 The Deepening Shadows. 28x45 De Bock, Theophile (1851-1904) Dutch School 69 The Poudon Commons. 32x56 De Braekeleer, Ferdinandus (1792-1883) Dutch School 70 The Unhappy Family. 28x23 71 The Happy Family. 28x23 24 PAINTINGS De Camp, Joseph (1858 -- ) American School 72 The Seamstress. 36x28 De Haas, Johannes Hubertus Leonardus (1832-1880) Dutch School 73 Holland Cattle. 1424 * 22^ Bequeathed to the Gallery by the late Mr. and Mrs. George Lothrop Bradley. Delacroix, Ferdinand Victor Eugene (1799-1863) French School 74 An Arab Spy. 29x24 Bequeathed to the Gallery by the late Mr. and Mrs. George Lothrop Bradley. 75 Landscape with Figures. 9x13 Bequeathed to the Gallery by the late Mr. and Mrs. George Lothrop Bradley. De Marne, Jean Louis (1754-1829) French School 76 Interior. 77 Interior. 8^ x wy 2 De Neuville, Alphonse Marie (1836-1885) French School 78 Champigny (Water Color.) 55x79 PAINTINGS 25 Desgoffe, Blaise Alexandre 79 Souvenirs of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centu- ries. 40x36 Detaille, Jean Baptiste fidouard (1848-1912) French School 80 The Passing Regiment. 50x50 81 General of the First Empire. 32x26 Gift of the heirs of the late George E. Lemon. 82 French Cuirassiers Bringing in Bavarian Prisoners (Water Color). 17x22 Dewey, Charles Melville (1849 ) American School 83 Edge of the Forest. 36x50 Dewing, Thomas Wilmer (1851 ) American School 84 Lady with a Mask. 22x24 Diaz De La Pena, Narcisse Virgilio (1808-1876) French School 85 The Approaching Storm. 33x42 86 Broken Ground Near the Village. 23x28^ Bequeathed to the Gallery by the late Mr. and Mrs. George Lothrop Bradley. Dickinson, Sidney Edward (1890 ) American School 87 Portrait of the Artist. 33x24 26 PAINTINGS Dodson, Sarah Paxton Ball ( 1847-1906) American School 88 Deborah. 59 x 48 Dougherty, Paul (1877 ) American School 89 The Land and the Sea. 36x48 Doughty, Thomas (1793-1856) American School 90 Landscape. 7x15 91 Tintern Abbey. 29x36 Gift of William Church Osborn, Esquire. 92 Welsh Scenery. 29x36 Gift of William Church Osborn, Esquire. 93 Autumn Scene on the Hudson. 34x48 Dupre, Jules (1811-1889) French School 94 The Pond of the Great Oak. 37x30 95 Old Cottages Reflected in Water. 13x18 Bequeathed to the Gallery by the late Mr. and Mrs. George Lothrop Bradley. 96 Moonlight by the Sea. 32x39^ Bequeathed to the Gallery by the late Mr. and Mrs. George Lothrop Bradley. PAINTINGS 27 Durand, Asher Brown (1796-1886) American School 97 Edge of the Forest. 78x63 Dyer, H. Anthony (1872 ) American School 98 The Road that Leads Them Home (Water Color.) 30x22 Eakins, Thomas (1844-1916) American School 99 The Pathetic Song. 45 x 32^ Eastman, Seth (1808-1875) American School 100 Lacrosse Playing Among Sioux Indians. 28x40^ Elder, John A. (1833-1895) American School 101 General Robert Edward Lee. 54x40 102 General T. J. Jackson. 55x40 Elliott, Charles Loring (1812-1868) American School 103 Portrait of Mr. Corcoran (The Founder of The Corcoran Gallery of Art. Born Dec. 27, 1798 ; Died, Feb. 24, 1888.) 98x68 104 Colonel Thomas L. McKenney. 30x25 Bequeathed to the Gallery by the late James C. McGuire. 105 James C. McGuire. 30x25 Bequeathed to the Gallery by the late James C. McGuire. 28 PAINTINGS 106 William Cullen Bryant. 24x20 Bequeathed to the Gallery by the late James C. McGuire. 107 Horatio Stone. 24x20 Gift of Samuel P. Avery, Esquire. 108 Asher Brown Durand. 22x27 Faed, John (1820-1902) English School 109 Shakespeare and His Contemporaries. 53x67 Farley, Richard Blossom (1875 ) American School 110 Fog (Awarded the Fourth William A. Clark Prize, of $500, accompanied by the Corcoran Honorable Mention Certificate, The Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1914). 40x58 Foster, Ben (1852 ) American School 111 Sunset in the Litchfield Hills. 30x36 112 Late Autumn Moonrise. 42x48 Frere, Pierre Edourd ( 1819-1886) French School 113 Preparing for Church. 22x19 Frieseke, Frederick Carl (1874 ) American School 114 Lady in Pink. 32x32 PAINTINGS 29 Fuller, George (1822-1884) American School 115 Lorette. 50x30 Garber, Daniel (1880 ) American School 116 April Landscape (Awarded the Fourth William A. Clark Prize, of $500, accompanied by the Cor- coran Honorable Mention Certificate, The Cor- coran Gallery of Art, 1911.) 42x46 Gericault, Jean Louis Andre Theodore (1791-1824) French School 117 Study of a Torso. 20x15 Gift of Julius Oehme, Esquire. Gerome, Jean Leon (1824-1904) French School 118 Caesar Dead. 86 x 124 Gifford, Robert Swain (1840-1905) - American School 119 October on Massachusetts Coast. 11x21 Gift of A. J. Parsons, Esquire. Gifford, Sanford R. (1823-1880) American School 120 Ruins of the Parthenon. 27x53 Gray, Henry Peters (1819-1877) American School 121 The Judgment of Paris. 50x40 30 PAINTINGS Grayson, Clifford Prevost (1859 ) American School 122 Mid-Day Dreams. 49x35 Awarded to The Corcoran Gallery of Art in the Competitive Exhibition by the American Art Association, New York, 1886. Groll, Albert L. (1868 ) American School 123 No Man's Land, Arizona. 40x51 Gutherz, Carl (1844-1907) American School 124 Susan B. Anthony. 24x20 Gift of Mrs. John B. Henderson. Hale, Philip L. (1865 ) American School 125 Portrait (Girl with Muff). 30x25 Harding, Chester (1792-1866) American School 126 John Randolph, of Roanoke. 30x25 Harrison, Lovell Birge (1854 ) American School 127 Rose and Silver Moonrise. 30x40 Harrison, Thomas Alexander (1853 ) American School 128 Twilight. 34x71 PAINTINGS 31 Hart, James McDougal (1828-1901) American School 129 The Drove at the Ford. 54x38 Hassam, Childe (1859 ) American School 130 Northeast Headlands New England Coast. 25x30 131 The New York Window (Awarded the First Wil- liam A. Clark Prize, of $2,000, accompanied by the Corcoran Gold Medal, The Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1912.) 45^x35 Hawthorne, Charles W. (1872 ) American School 132 A Fisherman's Wife. 50x40 Hayden, Charles H. (1856-1901) American School 133 The Poplars, Chatham, Massachusetts. 36x46 Gift of the heirs of the artist. Hays, William Jacob (1830-1875) American School 134 Head of Bull-Dog. 13x15 Healy, G. P. A. (1813-1894) American School 135 Justin S. Morrill, of Vermont. 30x25 136 George Peabody. 30x25 32 PAINTINGS Heilbuth, Ferdinand (1826-1889) 137 On the Pincian Hill, Rome. (Cardinal Questioning Acolytes.) 34x55 French School Helmick, Howard (1845-1907) 138 The Emigrant's Letter. 20x16 Hemmick, Alice 139 Bertha (Pastel). 24x20 Gift of the artist. Henner, Jean Jacques (1829-1905) 140 Joan of Arc, in Infancy. 21 x 17^ Henri, Robert (1865-) 141 Willie Gee. 32x26 American School American School French School American School Henry, Edward Lamson (1841-1919) American School 142 The Old Westover Mansion. 11x14 Gift of a friend. Hildebrandt, Eduard (1817-1868) 143 Moonrise in Madeira. 36x48 Holmes, William H. (1846- ) 144 Midsummer (Water Color). 18^x25 German School American School PAINTINGS 33 Homer, Winslow (1836-1910) American School 145 A Light on the Sea. 28x48 146 The Hudson River Logging. (Water Color). 14x21 Howell, Felicie Waldo ( 1897- ) American School 147 A New England Street. 30x40 Hubard, William J. (1807-1862) American School 148 John C. Calhoun. 19 x Huntingdon, Daniel (1816-1906) American School 149 Mercy's Dream. 89x69 150 Joseph Henry. 30x25 Bequeathed to the Gallery by the late James C. McGuire. Inman, Henry (1801-1846) American School 151 Henry Clay. 27x22 Inness, George (1825-1894) American School 152 Sunset in the Woods. 48x72 153 Landscape. 18x26 34 PAINTINGS Irwin, Benoni (1840-1896) American School 154 Portrait of Edmund C. Messer (Principal The Corcoran School of Art, 1902-1918). 30x25 Gift of Mrs. Messer. Isabey, Eugene Louis Gabriel (1804-1886) French School 155 The Wedding Festival. 25x21 Isham, Samuel (1855-1914) American School 156 Butterflies. 23x29 Presented by the estate of the artist in accordance with his wish. Israels, Jozef (1824-1911) Dutch School 157 Interior of a cottage. 44x66 Jackson, John (1778-1831) English School 158 Portrait. 30x25 Gift of the late Samuel H. Kauffmann. Japy, Louis Aime (1830-1916) French School 159 Spring Landscape. 40x63 160 Twilight. 40x63 PAINTINGS 35 Jeannin, Georges French School 161 Vase of Flowers. 33x25 Johnson, Eastman (1824-1906) American School 162 Girl and Pets. 24x28 Jones, Hugh Bolton (1848 ) American School 163 Springtime. 36x64 Jongkind, Johan Barthold (1822) Belgian School 164 Moonlight Coast Scene. 13x16 Bequeathed to the Gallery by the late Mr. and Mrs. George Lothrop Bradley. Kaemmerer, Frederick Hendrik (1839-1892) French School 165 Beach at Scheveningen, Holland. 28x55 Keith, William (1839-1911) American School 166 By the Creek, Sonoma. 40x50 167 Irving M. Scott. 30x25 Gift of the family of Irving M. Scott. Kendall, William Sergeant (1869 ) American School 168 Narcissa. 51 x31 36 PAINTINGS Kensett, John Frederick (1818-1872) American School 169 Sketch of Mount Washington. 11*4x20 170 Autumn Afternoon on Lake George. 48x72 171 High Bank, Genesee River. 31x48 King, Charles B. (1785-1862) American School 172 John C. Calhoun (When Secretary of War). 30x24 Knaus, Ludwig (1829-1910) German School 173 The Forester at Home. 40x56 Lawson, Ernest (1873 ) American School 174 Boat-House, Winter, Harlem River (Awarded the Second William A. Clark Prize, of $1,500, accom- panied by the Corcoran Silver Medal, The Cor- coran Gallery of Art, 1916). 40x50 Le Clear, Thomas (1818-1882) American School 175 William Page. 24x20 Lenbach, Franz (1836-1904) German School 176 Otto Fuerst Von Bismarck. 48x40 PAINTINGS 37 Leroux, Hector (1829-1900) French School 177 The Vestal Tuccia. (Awarded a Second-Class Gold Medal at the Paris Exposition of 1874). 53x99 Leutze, Emanuel (1816-1868) American School 178 The Amazon and Her Children. 41x62 179 Cromwell and Milton. 60x84 Lever, Hayley (1876 ) American School 180 Dawn. 50x60 L'hermitte, Leon Augustin (1844 ) French School 181 La Famille. 101x137 Linder( or Linderen) Franz (1738-1809) German School 182 Woman in Black. 8^x6 Bequeathed by the late Mrs. Amelia B. Lazarus. 183 The Butterfly. 20x13^ Gift of Ralph Cross Johnson, Esquire. Lockwood, Wilton (1862-1914) American School 184 Peonies. 30x29 38 PAINTINGS Loir, Luigi (Contemporary) French School 185 Effect of Snow. 22x30 Loiseau, Gustave (1865 ) French School 186 The Inundation 20x24 Gift of Messrs. Durand-Ruel and Sons. Loustaunau, Louis Auguste Georges (1846-1898) French School 187 Monk Fishing. 36x29 McEntee, Jervis (1828-1890) American School 188 Eastern Sky at Sunset. 24 x 20^ MacCameron, Robert Lee (1866-1912) American School 189 Groupe D'Amis. 51x65 Maccari, Cesare (1840 ) Italian School 190 The Fortune-Teller. 12x16 MacEwen, Walter (1860 ) American School 191 An Ancestor. 75x33 Malbone, Edward G. (1777-1807) American School 192 Portrait of the Artist 27x22 PAINTINGS 39 Mayer, Frank Blackwell (1827-1899) American School 193 Leisure and Labor. Melchers, Gari (1860 -- ) American School 194 Penelope (Awarded Second William A. Clark Prize, of $1,500, accompanied by the Corcoran Silver Medal, The Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1910). 53x50 195 Maternity. 63x43 Mengs, Anton Raphael (1728-1779) German School 196 Adoration of the Shepherds. 104x60 Menpes, Mortimer English School 197 A Venetian Balcony. 9x11 Gift of the heirs of the estate of the late George E. Lemon. 198 The Vista. Gift of the heirs of the estate of the late George E. Lemon. Messer, Edmund Clarence (1842-1919) American School 199 January. 30x38 Metcalf, Willard L. (1858 -- ) American School 200 May Night (Awarded the First William A. Clark Prize, of $1,000, accompanied by the Corcoran Gold Medal, The Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1907). 39x36 40 PAINTINGS Mettling, Louis (1847-1894) French School 201 Study Head of a Young Man. 30x21 Gift of Ralph Cross Johnson, Esquire. Michel, Georges (1763-1843) French School 202 Landscape Twilight. 16^x21 Bequeathed to the Gallery by the late Mr. and Mrs. George Lothrop Bradley. Miller, Eleazer Hutchinscn (1831 ) American School 203 Moonrise and Twilight. 16x20 (Water Color). Miller, Richard E. (1875 ) American School 204 The Boudoir. 36x29 Minor, Robert C. (1840-1904) American School 205 Eventide. 22x30 Moeller, Louis Charles (1855 ) American School 206 Disagreement. 24x34 Monticelli, Adolphe (1824-1886) French School 207 Landscape. 18x25 PAINTINGS 41 Moretti, Antonio Italian School 208 Piazza of St. Peter's, Rome. 22x64 209 Rome From the Forum. 22x64 Morland, George (1763-1804) English School 210 The Warrener (Formerly entitled "The Farm House"). 35x44 Morot, Aime Nicholas (1850 ) French School 211 El Bravo Toro. 58x32 Morse, Samuel Finley Breese (1791-1872) American School 212 The Old House of Representatives. 85x130 Moser, James Henry (1854-1913) American School 213 Winter Sunshine. (Water Color). 12x20 214 The Mountain Road. (Water Color). 15x21 215 In the Cornwall Hills. (Water Color). 30x40 Mosler, Henry (1841-1920) American School 216 Saying Grace. 39x51 Gift of Victor G. Fischer, Esquire. 42 PAINTINGS Motte, Henri Paul (Contemporary) French School 217 The Trojan Horse. 38x58 Mount, William Sidney (1807-1868) American School 218 The Long Story. 17x22 Miiiler, Charles Louis (1815-1892) French School 219 Charlotte Corday in Prison. 41x33 Murphy, J. Francis (1853 ) American School 220 October. 32x50 Neagle, John (1799-1865) American School 221 Col. Richard M. Johnson. 30x25 Gift of Mrs. Benjamin Ogle Tayloe. Neubert, Louis (1846-1892) German School 222 An Old Castle in Bavaria. 30x54 Gift of Ralph Cross Johnson, Esquire. Nicol, Erskine (1825-1904) Scotch School 223 Paddy's Mark. 24x33 Ochtman, Leonard (1854 ) American School 224 November Morning. 30x40 PAINTINGS 43 Paris, Walter (1842-1906) American School 225 The Great Blizzard of 1899. 18x29 Bequeathed by the artist. Pauwels, Ferdinand (1830-1898) Dutch School 226 Justice to Levin Pyn. 45x72 Paxton, William McGregor (1869 ) American School 227 The House Maid. 30x25 Peak, James (1749-1831) American School 228 Miniature of Mrs. General John P. Van Ness (:nee Marcia Burns). Gift of Mrs. Philip Hinckle, of Cincinnati. The water-color painting of the Burns Cottage, framed with this miniature, was painted by Walter Paris, in 1892. Peale, Rembrandt (1778-1860) American School 229 Washington Before Yorktown. 139x121 Lent by the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association. 230 Jacques Henri Barnardin de Saint Pierre. 28x23 Gift of George W. Riggs, Esquire. 231 M. Lasteyrie. 29x24 44 PAINTINGS Peretti, B. 232 Autumnal Corn and Grapes. 21x17 Perrie, Bertha E. 233 In Gloucester Harbor. 20x24 Phillips, J. Campbell (1873- ) 234 The First Born. 35x29 Italian School American School American School Piazzetta, Giovanni Battista (1682-1754) Venetian School 235 Two Heads. 23x18 Bequeathed by the late Mrs. Amelia B. Lazarus. Picknell, William Lamb (1853-1897) American School 236 The Road to Concarneau. 40x80 237 En Provence. 56x79 Bequeathed by the late Mrs. Gertrude Picknell Flagg. Platt, Charles Adams (1861 ) 238 Cornish Landscape. 26x33 American School Portaels, Jean Francois (1818-1895) Belgian School 239 The Drought in Egypt. 88x110 PAINTINGS 45 Porter, Benjamin Curtis (1845-1908) American School 240 Lady and Dog. 50x30 Powell, Lucien Whiting (1846 ) American School 241 The Afterglow, Grand Canyon, Arizona. (Water Color). 20x30 Preyer, Johann Wilhelm (1803-1889) Dusseldorf School 242 Fruit. 22x20 Priou, Louis (1845 ) 243 A Family of Satyrs. 78x86 Ranger, Henry Ward (1858-1916) 244 The Top of the Hill. 28x37 Ranney, William (1813-1857) 245 Duck-Shooting. 30x40 French School American School American School Ravier, Francois Auguste (1814-1895) French School 246 Environs de Morestel. (Water Color). 10x13 Gift of Frank S. Lahm, Esquire. 247 Environs de Cremieu. (Water Color). 4 10x13 Gift of Frank S. Lahm, Esquire. 46 PAINTINGS Rebouet, Alboy (1841-1875) French School 248 Night. 82x52 Redfield, Edward W. (1868 ) American School 249 The Delaware River. (Awarded the Webb Prize, Society of American Artists, 1906). 36x50 250 Sleighing. 31x40 Rehn, Frank K. M. (1848-1914) American School 251 In the Glittering Moonlight. 30x50 Gift of Charles E. Foster, Esquire. Reid, Robert (1862 ) American School 252 The Open Fire. (Awarded the Third William A. Clark Prize, accompanied by the Corcoran Bronze Medal, The Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1908). 44x43 253 The Japanese Screen. 37x30 Reiffel, Charles ( 1862 ) American School 254 Railway Yards Winter Evening. 19x24 PAINTINGS 47 Reinhart, Charles Stanley (1844-1896) American School 255 Washed Ashore. 77x117 Gift of the heirs of the artist. Renouf, fimile (1845-1894) 256 The Helping Hand. 60x86 French School Richards, William Trost (1833-1905) American School 257 On the Coast of New Jersey. 39x72 258 On the Coast of New England. 27x47 Gift of the heirs of the estate of the late George E. Lemon. 259 Baldart Castle, Kilkee, County Clare, Ireland. 15x24 (Water Color). Gift of the heirs of the estate of the late George E. Lemon. Spanish School 18x31 Rico, Martin (1850-1908) 260 The Banks of the Adige. Rix, Julian (1850-1903) American School 261 Pompton Plains, New Jersey. 30x50 Robbe, Louis (1806-1887) Belgian School 262 Landscape and Cattle. 34^x49 48 PAINTINGS Robinson, Theodore (1852-1896) American School 263 Valley of the Seine From Giverny Heights. 26x32 264 Girl Sewing. 58x36 Rolfe, Henry Leonidas English School 265 Fish. 27x43 Gift of George P. Rowell, Esquire. Rook, Edward Francis (1870 ) American School 266 Peonies. (Awarded the Third William A. Clark Prize, of $1,000, accompanied by the Corcoran Bronze Medal, The Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1919). 30x36 Rossiter, Thomas P. (1818-1871) American School 267 Rebecca at the Well. 39x32 Rousseau, Pierre Etienne Theodore (1812-1867) French School (Barbizon) 268 Landscape. 13x20 Bequeathed by the late Mrs. Amelia B. Lazarus. Ryder, Chauncey Foster (1868 ) American School 269 Cape Porpoise. 32x40 PAINTINGS 49 Saint- Jean, Simon (1808-1860) French School 270 Fruit. 20x26 Saint-Pierre, Gaston Casimir (1833 ) French School 271 Nedjma-Odalisque. 43x61 Salmsom, Hugh Frederick (1843-1894) Swedish School 272 The Fete of St. John in Dalecarlia, Sweden. 52x79 Sargent, John Singer (1856 ) American School 273 The Oyster Gatherers of Cancale. 31x48 Sartain, William (1843 ) American School 274 Street in Dinan, Brittany. 18x13^ Gift of John Elderkin, Esquire. Schaeffer, August (1833 ) Austrian School 275 Sunset in Hungarian Forest. 42x61 Gift of Edward Lind Morse, Esquire. Scheffer, Ary (1797-1858) French School 276 Count Eberhard of Wurtemberg (The Weeper). 65x88 277 Portrait of Commodore Charles Morris. 26x22 Gift of the heirs of Mrs. Morris. (This donation also includes the autograph letter addressed by General Lafayette to Mrs. Morris, under date of Paris, January 26, 1826). 50 PAINTINGS Schofield, Walter Elmer (1867 ) American School 278 Morning After Snow. 38x48 Schreyer, Adolphe (1828-1899) German School 279 The Watering-Place. 41x68 Shannon, James Jebusa (1862 ) American School 280 Girl in Brown. 42x33 Shurtleff, Roswell Morse ( 1838-1915) American School 281 The First Snow. 30x40 Smillie, George Henry (1840 ) American School 282 A Long Island Farm. 19x33 283 Autumn on Massachusetts Coast. 25x50 Gift of Ralph Cross Johnson, Esquire. Smillie, James David (1833-1909) American School 284 The Cliffs of Normandy. 40x66 Smith, Francis Hopkinson (1838-1915) American School 285 Surennes on the Seine. 13^x23 286 Fading Day. (Water Color). 28x19 Gift of the artist. PAINTINGS 51 Smith, Joseph Lindon (1863 ) American School 287 An Antique Statue. (Water Color). 33x13 Gift of A. J. Parsons, Esquire. Sonntag, William Louis (1822-1900) American School 288 Classic Italian Landscape, with Temple of Venus. 36x60 Presented in memory of Orson D. Munn, by Messrs. Charles A. Munn and Victor G. Fischer. Spencer, Robert (1879 ) American School 289 The Red Boat. 30x36 Steelink, Willem (1856 ) Dutch School 290 Sheep Coming from Forest. (Water Color). 15x25 Stetson, Charles Walter (1858-1911) American School 291 A Galley Is Leaving. 20x24 292 Library Frieze, XIV Century, Chaucer and Dante. 12x48^ Gift of the widow and daughter of the artist. Stuart, Gilbert (1755-1828) American School 293 George Washington. 29x24 Gift of Mrs. Benjamin Ogle Tayloe. 52 PAINTINGS 294 Chief Justice Edward Shippen, of Pennsylvania. 29x24 295 Colonel Samuel Miles. 29x24 Gift of Miss Elizabeth F. McKean. Sully, Robert M. (1803-1855) American School 296 Chief Justice John Marshall. 36x28 Sully, Thomas (1783-1872) American School 297 Andrew Jackson. 97x60 298 Portrait of the Artist. 30x25 299 James Madison. 27x20 Gift of Frederick E. Church, Esquire. 300 Ideal Female Head. 30x25 Symons, George Gardiner (1863 ) American School 301 Where Long Shadows Lie. 50x60 Xarbell, Edmund Charles (1862 ) American School 302 Josephine and Mercie. 28x32 303 Portrait of Charles C. Glover, Esquire (President of The Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1906 ). 33x38 PAINTINGS 53 Thayer, Abbott Handerson ( 1849 ) American School 304 Study Head of a Young Girl. 16x13 Gift of Victor G. Fischer, Esquire. Thorne, William (1864 ) American School 305 The Terrace. 41x27 Tilton, John Rollin (1828-1888) American School 306 Venetian Fishing Boats. 30x49 Tom, Jan Bedys (1813 ) Dutch School 307 Cattle. 10x14^ Bequeathed by the late Mrs. Amelia B. Lazarus. Troyon, Constant (1810-1865) French School 308 The Drinking Place. 27x35 Truesdell, Gaylord Sangston (1850-1899) American School 309 Going to Pasture. 77x102 Tryon, Dwight William (1849 ) American School iry< - 310 The End of Day. 31x46 54 PAINTINGS Turner, Helen M. (Contemporary) American School * 311 Girl with a Lantern. 44x34 Twachtman, John H. (1853-1902) American School 312 The Waterfall. 30x22 Ulrich, Charles Frederic (1858-1908) American School 313 In the Land of Promise (Castle Garden). 29x36 Vail, Eugene (1857 ) American School 314 Ready About. 94x125 Vanderlyn, John (1776-1852) American School 315 President Zachary Taylor. 29x24 Van Marcke, mile (1827-1890) French School 316 Landscape With Cattle. 24x30 317 Cows in Meadow. 23x33 Gift of the heirs of the late George E. Lemon. 318 The Pasture. 29x26 Bequeathed by the late Mrs. Amelia B. Lazarus. PAINTINGS 55 Vely, Anatolc (1838-1882) 319 The Talking Well. French School 72x39 Venneman, Charles Ferdinand (1803-1875) Flemish School 320 The Village Doctor. 19x23 Vibert, Jean Georges (1840-1902) 321 The Schism. 15x21 Volk, Douglas (1856- ) 322 Accused of Witchcraft. 40x50 VonThoren, Otto (1828-1889) 323 Lost Dogs. 58x48 French School American School German School American School Waldo, Samuel (1783-1861) 324 George Washington Parke Curtis, of Arlington, Virginia. 36x29 Walker, Horatio (1858-) 325 Ave Maria. 46x34 American School Warner, Everett Longley (1877 ) American School 326 Broadway on a Rainy Evening. 18x24 (Water Color). 56 PAINTINGS Weber, Paul (1823 ) German School 327 Scene in the Catskills. 21x17 Weeks, Edwin Lord (1849-1903) American School 328 Departure for the Hunt, India. 36x50 Weir, Julian Alden (1852-1919) American School 329 Autumn. 36x29 330 Portrait of Miss de L. (Awarded the First William A. Clark Prize, of $2,000, accompanied by the Corcoran Gold Medal, The Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1916). 30x25 West, Benjamin (1738-1820) American School 331 Cupid and Psyche. 53x56 Weyl, Max ( 1837-1914) American School 332 Lover's Lane. 25x32 333 Approaching Night. 18x24 334 Forest in the Sapphire Country, North Carolina. 42x52 Gift of Emit Berliner, Esquire. Whittredge, Worthington (1820-1910) American School 335 Trout Brook in the Catskills. 35x48 PAINTINGS 57 Wiles, Irving Ramsey (1861 ) 336 The Student. 30x25 Woodbury, Charles H. (1864- ) 337 Monadnock. 36x48 Wright, Joseph (1756-1793) 338 Benjamin Franklin. 30x25 American School American School American School Wyant, Alexander H. (1836-1892) American School 339 Landscape. 36x59 Wylie, Robert (1839-1877) 340 A Fortune Teller of Brittany. 32x48 American School Young, Charles Morris (1869 ) American School 341 The North Wind. 30x40 Ziem, Felix (1821-1911) French School 342 Constantinople, From the Golden Horn. 32x50 343 Street in Cairo. 26x14 Gift of the heirs of the estate of the late George E. Lemon. SCULPTURES CASTS FROM THE ANTIQUE SCULPTURE The Parthenon Frieze 1001 Zeus. 1002 Hera. 1003 Iris. 1004 Ares. 1005 Artemis. 1006 Apollo. 1007 Hermes. 1008 Athene. 1009 Hephaistos. Western Pediment 1010 River God, Kephissos. Original Elgin Marble (440 B. C.), British Museum. H. 2 ft. 8 in. Eastern Pediment The original Elgin Marbles of the following ten casts are in the British Museum. 1011 Helios with His Horses. 1012 Olympus, commonly called Theseus. H. 4 ft. 2^4 in- (58) CASTS FROM THE ANTIQUE 59 1013 Two Horae, commonly called Ceres (or Demeter) and Proserpina (or Persephone). H. 4 ft. 9 in. 1014 Iris. H. 5 ft. 3 in. 1015 Hestia. H. 4 ft. 7 in. 1016 Thalassa and Gaia, commonly called Two of the Three Fates. H. 4 ft. 11 in. 1017 Head of One of the Horses of Selene. H. 2 ft. 6 in. 1017A Eight Slabs of the Metopes of the Parthenon. From the Original Marbles in the British Museum. 1018 The Discobolos (Quoit-thrower). Original Bronze, in the British Museum. H. 5 ft. Sy 2 in. 1019 Discobolos. Original Marble, in the Vatican. H. 5 ft. Si/ 4 in. 1020 Venus of Melos. Original Marble, in the Louvre. H. 6 ft.8 in. 1021 Venus de Med'ci. Original Marble, in Florence. H. 5 ft. Gift of the late James C. McGuire. 60 CASTS FROM THE ANTIQUE 1022 Venus of the Capitol. Original Marble, in the Capitoline Museum, Rome. H. 5 fr. 11 in. 1023 Sleeping Ariadne. Original Marble, in the Vatican. H. 5 ft. 3^ in. 1024 Euterpe. Original Marble, in the Louvre. H. 4 ft. 6 in. 1025 Diana di Gabii. Original Marble, in the Louvre. H. 6 it. 5 in. 1027 Abundance, or Plenty. Original Marble, in the Vatican. H. 6 ft. 11 in. 1028 Minerva. Original Marble, in the Vatican. H. 7 ft 3 in. 1029 Genius of Eternal Repose. Original Marble, in the Louvre. H. 5 ft. 11 in. 1030 Germanicus (so-called). Original Marble, in the Louvre. H. 5 ft 11 in. 1031 Antinous of the Capitol. Original Marble, in the Capitoline Museum. H. 5 rt. 10^ in. CASTS FROM THE ANTIQUE 61 1032 The Borghese Warrior. Original Marble, in the Louvre. H. 5 ft. 1033 Group of Laocoon and His Sons. Original Marble, in the Vatican. H. 6 ft. Date probably B. C. 100. 1034 Apoxyomenos. Marble, in the Vatican. H. 6 ft. Sy 2 in. 1035 Bust of Nero. Original Marble, in the Louvre. H. 1 ft. 11 in. 1037 Silenus Holding the Infant Bacchus. Original Marble, in the Louvre. H. 6 ft. 4 in. 1038 Venus Kallipyge. Original Marble, in the Naples Museum. H. 5 ft. 1 in. 1039 Boy and Goose. Original Marble, in the Vatican. H. 2 ft. 9^ in. 1040 Youth Supplicating. Original Bronze, at Berlin. H. 4 ft. 2Y 2 in. 1041 The Borghese Mars. Original Marble, in the Louvre. H. 6 ft. 9 in. 62 CASTS FROM THE ANTIQUE 1042 Hermes of the Belvedere. Original Marble, in the Vatican. H. 6 ft. 6 in. 1043 Crouching Venus. Original Marble, in the Vatican. H. 2 ft. V/4 in 1044 Venus at the Bath. Original Marble, in the Louvre. H. 2 ft. 3 in. 1045 Bone-Player. Original Marble, in the Louvre. H. 2 ft. y 2 in. 1046 The Virgin and Child. Original in the Cathedral, of Paris. H. 8 ft. 9 in. 1047 Julia. Original Marble, in the Vatican. H. 4 ft. Sy 2 in. 1048 Demosthenes. Original Marble, in the Vatican. H. 6 ft. 5 in. 1049 Sophocles. Original Marble, in the Lateran, Rome. H. 6 It. V/ 2 in. 1050 Aristides, or ^schines. Original Marble, in the Naples Musuem. H. 6 ft. 6. in. CASTS FROM THE ANTIQUE 63 1051 Bust of Socrates. Original Marble, in the Louvre. H. 1 ft. 8 in. 1053 Bust of Homer. Original Marble, in the British Museum. H. 1 ft. V/2 in. 1054 Colossal Bust of Jupiter. Original Marble, in the Vatican. H. 2 ft V/ 2 in. 1055 Caryatid. Original Marble, in the Vatican. H. 7 ft. 5 in. 1056 Polyhymnia. Original Marble, in the Louvre. H. 5 ft. 11 in. 1057 Apollo Sauroktonos (Lizard-Killer). Original Marble, in the Louvre. H. 4 ft. 10^ in. 1058 Flora. Original Marble, in the Capitoline Museum, Rome. H. 5 f;. Sy 2 in. 1059 Pudicitia. Original Marble, in the Vatican. H. 4 ft. V/ 2 in. 1060 Centaur and Cupid. Original Marble, in the Louvre. H. 4 ft. V/ 2 in. 64 CASTS FROM THE ANTIQUE 1061 Daughter of Niobe. Original Marble, in the Vatican. H. 5 ft. 6 in. 1062 Faun of the Capitol. Original Marble, in the Capitoline Museum, Rome. H. 5 ft. 7 in. 1063 Faun, with Kid. Original Marble, at Madrid. H. 4 ft. 5 in. 1064 Faun (a la Tache). Original Marble, in the Louvre. H. 1 ft. 10 in. 1065 Athlete. Original Marble, in the Glyptothek, Munich. H. 4 ft. 9^ in. 1066 Dying Galatian. Original Marble, in the Capitoline Museum, Rome. H. 1 ft. 11 in. 1067 Aphrodite Arranging Her Hair. Original in the Vatican. H. 4 ft. 10 in. 1068 Mercury in Repose. Original in the Musuem, Naples. H. 3 ft. 6 in. 1069 Apollo Belvedere. Original Marble, in the Vatican. H 7 ft. 1 in. CASTS FROM THE ANTIQUE 65 1070 Colossal Mask of Juno. From a copy, in marble, in the Villa Ludovisi, Rome, probably after Alcamenes H. 3 ft. 3 in. 1071 Meleager. Original Marble, in the Vatican. H. 6 ft. 6y 2 in. 1072 Bust of Menelaus, or Ajax. Original Marble, in the Vatican. H. 3 ft. 1073 Torso or Hercules (the Belvedere Torso). Original Marble, in the Vatican. H. 4 ft. 1^ in. 1074 Jason. Original Marble, in the Louvre. H. 5 ft. 2 in. 1075 Bust of Pericles. Original Marble, in the British Museum. H. 1 ft. 10^ in. 1076 Bust of Periander. Original Marble, in the British Museum. H. 1 ft. 7 in. 1077 Bust of Julius Caesar. Original Marble, in the British Museum. H. 1 ft. 2 in. 1078 The Spinario Boy Extracting Thorn. Original Bronze, in the Palazzo dei Conservatori, Rome. H. 2 ft. 4^ in. 66 CASTS FROM THE ANTIQUE 1079 Head of Alexander the Great. Original Marble, in the British Museum, H. 1 ft. 2^ in. 1080 Head of Diogenes. Original Marble, in the British Museum. H. 1 ft. 2 in. 1081 Bust of Dione. Original Marble, in the British Museum. H. 1 ft. 11^ in. 1082 Bust of Clytie. Original Marble, in the British Museum. H. 2 ft. 2 in. 1084 Bust of Trajan. Original Marble, in the British Museum. H. 1 ft. 11 in. 1085 Bust of Isis. Original Marble, in the British Museum. H. 1 ft. 11^ in. 1086 The Wrestlers. Original Marble, in the Uffizi Gallery, Florence. H. 3 ft. 1087 Diana Huntress. Original Marble, in the Louvre. H. 6 ft. 6 in. 1088 Augustus Caesar. Original Marble, in the Louvre. H. 6 ft. 10 in. CASTS FROM THE ANTIQUE 67 1089 Hermes With the Infant Dionysos. Original Marble, in the Museum at Olympia. H. 7 ft. 2 in. 1090 Bust of Lucius Verus. Original Marble, in the Louvre. H. 2 ft. 10 in. 1091 Bust of Marcus Aurelius. Original Marble, in the Villa Borghese. H. 2 ft. 11^ in. 1092 Galatian and His Wife. Original Marble, in the Villa Ludovisi, Rome. H. 6 ft. 10 in. 1093 Bas-Relief. From the Original Marble, in the Museo Bour- bonico, Naples. 1094 Fragment of a Winged Figure. From the Original Marble, in the Vatican. 1095 Etruscan Arm. Original Bronze, in the Vatican. L. 4 ft. 1097 Bust of Antinous. Original Marble, in the Louvre. H. 1 ft. 6 in. 1098 Bust of Antonius Pius. Original Marble, in the Vatican. H. 1 ft. 4 in. 68 CASTS FROM THE ANTIQUE 1099 Bust of Commodus. Original Marble, in the British Museum. t H. 1 ft. 4 in. 1100 Bust of Caracalla. Original Marble, in the Louvre. H. 1 ft. 8 in. 1101 Bust of Vitellius. Original Marble, in the Louvre. 1102 Head of Apollo. Original Marble, in the British Museum. H. 1 ft. 6y 2 in. 1104 Slab from the Frieze of the Parthenon. From the Original (Elgin) Marble, British Museum. 1105 Fragment A Mask. Original Marble, in the Vatican. 1106 Fragment A Hunter. Original Marble, in the Vatican. 1107 Fragment A Walking Figure. Original Marble, in the Vatican. 1108 Fragment Frieze of Trajan's Forurn, Rome. Original Marble, in the Vatican. 1109 Bust of the Crowned Augustus (Caesar). Original Marble, in the Louvre. H. 2 ft. CASTS FROM THE ANTIQUE 69 1110 Bust of the Young Augustus (Caesar). Original Marble, in the Vatican. H. 1 ft. S l / 2 in. 1111 Bust of Scipio Africanus. Original Marble, in the Vatican. H. 2 ft. 1 in. 1114 Head of Seneca. Original Marble, in the Louvre. H. 1 ft. 1 in. 1115 Bust of Euripides. Original Marble, in the Vatican. H. 1 ft. 9^ in. 1116 Bust of Ariadne (Often called The Young Bacchus). Original Marble, Capitoline Museum, Rome. H. 2 ft. 10 in. 1117 Bust of Antinous as Bacchus. Original Marble, in the British Museum. H. 2 ft. 1118 Cast of a Small Model of the Ruins of the Acropolis at Athens. 1119 Nike from Samothrake. Original Parian Marble, in the Louvre. H. 8 ft. 8 in. 1120 Poseidippos. Pentelic Marble (Seated Statue, in the Vatican). H. 4 ft. S% in. 70 CASTS FROM THE ANTIQUE 1121 Menander. Pentelic Marble (Seated Statue, in the Vatican). H. 5 ft. 1122 Boxer Resting. Original Bronze, in the collection of the National Government in the Baths of Diocletion, Rome. H. 4 ft. 3 in. 1123 Three Slabs in Relief. From the Original in Marble, in the National Museum, Athens. 1124 Photograph of the Ruins of the Parthenon at Athens, giving a view of the East Pediment, from which was taken the statues represented by the casts on the two large pedestals. 1125 Photograph of the Acropolis, from the Stadium Hill. 1126 Photograph of the Acropolis, from the Hill of the Nymphs. 1127 Reduced copy of Nike from Samothrake, including original pedestal (See No. 1119). 1128 Satyr Playing the Scabellum (Dancing Faun). Original Marble, in the Gallery of the Uffizi, Florence. H. 4 ft. 10J4 in. 1129 Anakreon, the Lyric Poet of Teos. Original Marble, in the Villa Borghese, Rome. H. 5 ft. 7 in. CASTS FROM THE ANTIQUE 71 1130 Mars and Cupid. Original Marble, in the Villa Ludovisi, Rome. H. 5 ft. 4 in. 1131 Triton (Mezza). Original in the Vatican. H. 3 ft. 6 in. 1132 Merope and Aepytus (Orestes and Electra). Original Marble, in the Villa Ludovisi, Rome. H. 6 ft. 9 in. 1133 L'Arrotino, Barbarian Executioner Whetting His Knife for the Flaying of Marsyas. Original Marble in the Gallery of the Uffizi, Florence. H. 3 ft. 7 in. 1134 Throne of the Temple of Venus, Representing The Birth of Venus. Original Marble, in the National Museum, Rome. H. 2 ft. 11 in. 1135 Alexander Sarcophagus (so-called). Original Pentelic Marble, in the Imperial Museum, Constantinople. H. 3 ft. 4 in. Copied from the original by Joseph Linden Smith. SCULPTURES CASTS FROM THE RENAISSANCE (Date: Commencement of the 15th Century) Lorenzo di Cione Ghiberti (1378-1455) 1300 Cast from the East Bronze Gate of the Baptistry at Florence. H. 18 ft. 2 in. 1300A Sacrifice of Isaac. H. 17 in. Jean Goujon (1530-1572) 1301, 1302, 1303, 1304, 1305, 1306, 1307, 1308, 1309. Group of Nine Bas-Reliefs of Nymphs of the Fountain of Innocents. From the Original Marbles, in the Louvre. (Two of these bas-reliefs inserted in the wall at head of main stairway). 1310 Bas-Reliefs of the Four Evangelists. Original Marble, in the Louvre, from the Roodloft of St. Germain 1'Auxerrois. 1311, 1312, 1313, 1314. Bas-Reliefs of Sea-Nymphs. Original Marbles, in the Louvre, formerly in the Port St. Antoine. 1315 Bas-Relief From the Tomb of Cardinal and Chan- cellor Duprat. Original Marble, in the Louvre. (72) CASTS FROM THE RENAISSANCE 73 Francois Anguier (1604-1669) 1316 Bas-Relief of History Recording the Works of President J. A. DuThou, Counsellor and His- torian. Original Bronze, in the Louvre. Jacquet 1317 Bas-Relief of Victory. Original in the Louvre. Gio, or Gian, Bologna (John of Bologna) (1524-1608) 1318 Flying Mercury. Original Bronze, in the National Gallery, Florence. Executed about 1560. H. 5 ft. 1 in. Donate di Betto Bardi (Donatello) (Contemporary with Ghiberti; died 1468) 1319 David with Head of Goliath. Original Bronze, in the National Gallery, Florence. H. 5 ft. 1 in. Germain Pilon (1520-1590, both dates approximate) 1320 The Three Graces, or Charities. Original Marble, in the Louvre. 1560. H. 6 ft. 6 in. Michael Angelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) 1321 Colossal Bust of David. From Original Marble Statue, in Florence. H. 2 ft. 10 in. 1322, 1323 The Prisoners, or Slaves. Original Marbles, in the Louvre. H. 7 ft. 3 in. 74 CASTS FROM THE RENAISSANCE 1324 Cupid. Original Marble, in the Kensington Museum. H. 4 ft. 6 in. 1325 Sitting Statue of Lorenzo de Medici. Original Marble, in Church of St. Lorenzo, Florence. H. 5 ft. 8 in. 1326 Head of the Statue of Giuliano de Medici. Original Marble, in Church of St. Lorenzo, Florence. H. 1 ft. 6 in. 1327 Mask of Moses. Original Colossal Statue, in Marble, Monu- ment of Pope Julius II. H. 2 ft. 7 in. Mino da Fiesole (1400-1486) 1328 Bas-Relief of an Altar-Piece. Original Marble, in the Cathedral of Fiesole, Florence. H. 4 ft. 3 in. 1329 Bust of Bishop Lionardi Salutati. Original Marble, in the Cathedral of Fiesole, Florence. H. 1 ft. 10 in. Benedetto da Majano (1442-1498) 1330 Five Bas-Reliefs. Original Marbles, in the Church of Santa Croce, Florence. Each : H. 2 ft. 7^ in. CASTS FROM THE RENAISSANCE 75 A Martyrdom of Five Brethren of the Order in Mauritania. B Death of St. Francis. C St. Francis Receiving the Stigmata, or Impress, of the Five Wounds of Christ. D St. Francis Walking, Uninjured, Through Fire Before the Sultan. E Pope Honorius Confirming the Rules of the Order of St. Francis. Donate di Betto Bardi (Donatello) (Contemporary with Ghiberti: died 1408) 1331 Head of St. George. Original Marble Statue, in Or San Michele, Florence. Benedetto da Majano (1442-1497) 1332 Bust of Matteo Palmieri. Original Marble, in Florence. 1333 Bust of Filippo Strozzi. Original Marble, in Florence. 1334 Bust of Pietro Mellini. Original Marble, in Florence. Michael Angelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) 1335 Day. 1336 Night. 1337 Dawn. 1338 Twilight. Reduced copies from Marble originals, Tomb of Lorenzo and Giuliano de Medici, at Florence. 76 CASTS FROM THE RENAISSANCE Luca (Delia Robbia) (1400-1481) 1339 Singing Boys (Alto-Relief). Original Marble, in the National Museum, Florence. H. 3 ft. 5 in. Peter Vischer (Attributed to) 1340 Arthur, King of England. Original Bronze, dated 1513, in Franciscan Church, or Hofkirk, Innsbruck. H. 6 ft. 11 in. Luca Delia Robbia (Attributed to) 1341 The Visitation of the Virgin Mary to St. Elizabeth. Original in Church of San Giovanni fuor Civitas-Pistoja. H. 4 ft. 9 in. Andrea di Cione Orcagna (Born near beginning of 14th Century) 1342 Death and Transition of the Virgin. Original Marble in Chapel of Or San Michele, Florence. H. 11 ft. 2 in. (Wall panel inserted at head of main stairway). Michael Angelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) 1343 Pieta Group. Original Marble, in Chapel in St. Peter's Rome. H. 5 ft. 10 in. CASTS FROM THE RENAISSANCE 77 Benedetto da Majano (1442-1497) 1344 Saint John Baptist. Original Marble, in National Museum, Flor- ence. H. 4 ft. 5 in. Donate di Betto Bardi (Donatello) (Contemporary with Ghiberti; died 1468) 1345 Judith and Holof ernes. Original Bronze, in the Loggia de'Lanzi, Flor- ence, since 1504. H. 17 ft. 6 in. Jacopo della Quercia (1374-1438) 1346 Sepulchral Monument Portrait Effigy of Ilaria del Carretto. Original in the Cathedral of St. Martino at Lucca. H. 3 ft. 10 in. Jacopo Sansovino (1477-1570) 1347 Bacchus. Original Marble, in the National Museum, Florence. H. 4 ft. 8 in. Benvenuto Cellini (1500-1571) 1348 Andromeda Delivered from the Sea-Monster by Perseus. From the Bronze Model in the National Museum, Florence. H. 2 ft. 10 in. 78 CASTS FROM THE RENAISSANCE Peter Vischer (Attributed to) (Died 1529) 1349 Archer (Bogenschutzen Group). Original Bronze, in the Germanic Museum, Nuremberg. H. 3 ft. 10 in. SCULPTURES MODERN BRONZES, MARBLES AND CASTS Antrakosky Russian School 2001 Head of St. John the Baptist. Cast. H. 1 ft. 11 in. Gift of Professor Louis Amateis. Bartlett, Paul Wayland (1865 ) American School 2002 Michael Angelo. Cast. Original Bronze, Reading Room, Library of Congress. H. 7 ft. 9 in. Gift of the Sculptor. Boschetti, B. Italian School 2003 Statuette of Augustus Caesar. Bronze. Original Marble, in Vatican, discov- ered in 1863. H. 3 ft. Brooks, Richard Edwin (1865-1919) American School 2004 Memorial to Eliphalet Fraser Andrews (Principal of the Corcoran School of Art, 1887-1902). Bronze. 1917. H. 2 ft. 7 in. Gift of former pupils of Mr. Andrews. (79) 80 MODERN BRONZES, MARBLES AND CASTS Brown, Henry Kirke (1814-1886) American School 2005 Bust of Vice-President John C. Breckenridge. Marble. H. 1 ft. 9 in. Gift of George Taylor, Esquire. Bush-Brown, Henry Kirke (1857 ) American School 2006 Bust of Dr. James C. Hall. Bronze. 1880. H. 1 ft. 10 in. 2007 Statuette of a Cow. Bronze. 1883. H. 9 in. Canova, Antonio (1757-1822) Italian School 2008 Venus From the Bath. Cast. Original Marble, in Florence. H. 5 ft. 6^4 in. 2009 Colossal Head of Napoleon I. Marble replica, by Canova, of his head of the colossal statue of Napoleon I, modelled from the Emperor, at Paris, in 1805. H. 2 ft. 4 in. 2010 and 2011 The Two Bronze Lions, in front of the main entrance to the Gallery are copies from the originals in marble by Antonio Canova, at the monument of Pope Clement XIII, St. Peter's, Rome. Caroni, Emmanuele Milanese School 2012 Youth as a Butterfly. Marble. H. 5 ft. 4 in. MODERN BRONZES, MARBLES AND CASTS 81 Clodion, Claude Michel (1738-1814) French School 2013 Bas-Relief. Cast. H. 2 ft. 5 in. 2014 Fauns. Cast. H. 1 ft. 9 in. Conner, Jerome (1875 ) American School 2015 Thomas Moore. Bronze. H. 2 ft. 9 in. Gift of Admirers of the Poet in the District of Columbia. Crawford, Thomas (1813-1857) American School 2016 The Peri at the Gates of Paradise. Marble. H. 5 ft. 5 in. Dunbar, U. S. J. (1862 ) American School 2017 Bust of William Wilson Corcoran. (The Founder of The Corcoran Gallery of Art. Born Dec. 27, 1798. Died Feb. 24, 1888). Marble. H. 1 ft. 11 in. 2018 Bust of Vice-President Thomas A. Hendricks. Cast. H. 2 ft. 4 in. Ellicott, Henry Jackson (1847-1901) American School 2019 Bust of Samuel H. Kauffman (President, The Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1894-1906). Bronze. H. 2 ft. Gift of Mr. Kauffman. 2020 Bust of George Yost Coffin. Bronze. H. 2 ft. 4 in. Gift of Mrs. Mary A. Yost. 82 MODERN BRONZES, MARBLES AND CASTS Gait, Alexander (1827-1863) American School 2021 Bacchante. Marble. H. 2 ft. 1 in. Gibson, John (1791-1866) English School 2022 Venus. Cast after the original marble, in London. H. 6 ft. Gregoire, L. 2023 Alsace (Bust). Cast. H. 1 ft. 9 in. Gift of W. G. Metzerott, Esquire. Guarnerio, Pietro Italian School 2024 Forced Prayer. Marble. 1875. H. 2 ft. 10 in. Hart, Joel T. (1810-1877) American School 2025 Bust of Henry Clay. Marble. H. 2 ft. 3 in. Houdon, Jean Antoine (1741-1828) French School 2026 Head of George Washington. Cast from a mould made by Clark Mills after the original cast, in plaster, by Houdon. H. 10 in. Gift of James D. Smith, Esquire. 2027 Mask of George Washington. Cast. H. 1 ft. 1 in. Gift of Edward J. Stellgagen, Esquire. MODERN BRONZES, MARBLES AND CASTS 83 2028 Bust of John Paul Jones. Cast. H. 2 ft. 4 in. Gift of Francis D. Millet, Esquire. 2029 Voltaire (Sitting Figure). Cast. Original marble in the Vestibule of Theatre Frangais, Paris. H. 4 ft. 5 in. 2030 Bust of Joel Barlow. Cast. H. 18 in. Gift of Peter Barlow, Esquire. Ives, Chauncey B. (Born 1812) American School 2031 Statue of a Child. Marble. H. 3 ft. 1 in. Gift of Senator John B. Henderson. Kemeys, Edward (1843-1907) American School 2032 Jaguar Lovers. Bronze. H. 1 ft. 2 in. 2033 Howling Coyote. Bronze. H. 2 ft. 1 in. King, John C. Scotch School 2034 Bust of Commodore Charles Morris, U. S. N. Marble. 1850. H. 2 ft. 5 in. La Farge, John (1835-1910) American School 2035 Hollyhocks. Guilded Cast. H. 5 ft. 4 in. 84 MODERN BRONZES, MARBLES AND CASTS Le Lorrain, Robert (1666-1743) French School 2036 Horses of the Sun. Cast. From the original at Hotel de Rohan, Paris. H. 17 ft. 7 in. MacNeil, Herman Atkins (1866 ) American School 2037 The Sun Vow. Bronze. H. 4 ft. 9 in. Meade, Larkin G. (1835 ) American School 2038 Echo. Marble. 1863. H. 2 ft. 10 in. Mills, Clark (1815-1883) American School 2039 Bust of George Washington. Bronze, 1849. From Houdon's original plaster Bust, 1785. H. 1 ft. 6 in. 2040 Bust of John C. Calhoun. Bronze. 1850. The original, in plaster, was taken from life by Mr. Mills, in 1845. H. 2 ft. 1 in. Gift of the Sculptor. 2041 Statuette of the Sculptor's Mother.- Bronze. H. 1 ft. 2 in. Gift of the Sculptor. MODERN BRONZES, MARBLES AND CASTS 85 O'Connor, Jr., Andrew (1874 ) American School 2042 Adam and Eve. Marble; Indiana Limestone pedestal. H. 4 ft. 3 in. Gift of Edward Tuck, Esquire. 2043 Bust of Edward Tuck, Esquire. Bronze. H. 2 ft. 1 in. Gift of the Sculptor. Peyre, Charles Raphael (1872 ) French School 2043A Crusading for Right. Bronze figure on stone plinth. H. 33 in. Powers, Hiram (1805-1873) American School 2044 The Greek Slave. Marble. 1846. H. 5 ft. 2 in. 2045 Bust of the late William J. Stone (Engraver). Marble. H. 2 ft. 1 in. Gift of Mrs. W. J. Stone. 2046 Proserpine. Marble bust. 1857. H. 2 ft. 1 in. 2047 Genevra. Marble bust. 1837. H. 2 ft. Proctor, Alexander Phimister (1862 ) American School 2048 Indian Warrior. Bronze. Awarded gold medal, Paris Expo- sition, 1900. H. 3 ft. 4 in. 2049 Indian and Buffalo Group. Bronze. H. 1 ft. 6 in. 86 MODERN BRONZES, MARBLES AND CASTS Rauch, Christian (1777-1857) German School 2050 Bust of Alexander Von Humboldt. Marble. Executed for Mr. Corcoran at the particular request of Humboldt. H. 2 ft. Remington, Frederic (1861-1909) American School 2051 The Mountain Man. Bronze. H. 2 ft. 4 in. 2052 Off the Range. Bronze. H. 2 ft. 7 in. Rinehart, William H. (1825-1874) American School 2053 Bust of Penseroso. Marble. 1863. H. 2 ft. 4 in. 2054 Endymion. Marble. 1874. H. 2 ft. 2 in. 2055 Sleeping Children. Marble. 1874. H. 1 ft. 4 in. 2056 Clytie. Cast. Original Marble, in Peabody Institute, Baltimore, Md. H. 5 ft. Rosa, Ercole Italian School 2057 A Study from Nature. Cast. H. 2 ft. Gift of Professor Louis Amateis. MODERN BRONZES, MARBLES AND CASTS 87 Saint-Gaudens, Augustus (1848-1907) American School 2058 The Puritan (Deacon Samuel Chapin). Cast. From the original bronze at Springfield, Massachusetts. Signed and dated 1887. H. 8 ft. 8 in. Saint-Gaudens, Louis (1854-1913) American School 2059 Mural Tablet to Professor Joseph Henry. Cast. Original Marble in Marquand Chapel, Princeton University. H. 7 ft. 4 in. Gift of Miss Henry. Simmons, Franklin (1839-1913) American School Portrait of Miss Nettie Louvisa White. Marble bas-relief. H. 1 ft. 6 in. Gift of Miss White. Sleeth, Mrs. L. MacDonald American School 2061 Bust of General John M. Wilson. Marble. 1911. H. 2 ft. 8 in. Thorwaldsen, Bertel (1770-1844) Danish School 2062 Venus. Cast. Original marble, in the Thorwaldsen Museum, Copenhagen. H. 5 ft. Trombetta, E. Milanese School 2063 The First Step. Marble. 1876. H. 2 ft. 6 in. 88 MODERN BRONZES, MARBLES AND CASTS Vela, Vincenzo Swiss by birth 2064 Last Days of Napoleon I. Marble replica of original, at Versailles, 1871. H. 7 ft. 3 in. From the John Taylor Johnston Collection. Vonnoh, Bessie Potter (1872 ) American School 2065 Enthroned. Bronze. H. 1 ft. Gift of the Sculptor. 2066 Day Dreams. Bronze. H. 10 in. Ward, John Quincy Adams (1830-1910) American School 2067 Indian Hunter. Cast. Original bronze in Central Park, New York. A bronze replica, cast from this ex- hibit, marks the Sculptor's grave at Ur- bana, Ohio. H. 5 ft. 6 in. Gift of the Sculptor. Whiting, Onslow English School 2068 Taking the Guns Into Action at Colenso. Bronze plaque from the original. H. 1 ft. 6 in. Gift of Alfred Mosely, C. M. G. f of Hadlcy Wood, England. MODERN BRONZES, MARBLES AND CASTS 89 Sculptor unknown. 2069 The Veiled Nun. Marble bust. H. 1 ft. 8 in. Sculptor unknown. 2070 Shakespeare. Marble bust. H. 2 ft. 6 in. Sculptor unknown. 2071 Isis. Marble bust. H. 1 ft. 6 in. SCULPTURES ORIGINAL BRONZES By ANTOINE LOUIS BARYE Antoine-Louis Bar ye Born, Paris, France, September 15, 1796; died there, June 25, 1875. Barye was the only sculptor who belonged to that famous group of artists known as the "Barbizon School" or the "Men of 1830." The other members of this noted coterie Corot, Rousseau, Millet, etc., were all painters. He was the son of a silversmith who came to Paris from Lyons. From his earliest chilldhood, Barye showed a pro- nounced inclination for the fine arts. As a youth he entered the shop of an engraver by the name of Fourier. In 1812, at the age of 16, he was conscripted into the army, and was assigned to the topographical engineers, which gave him a limited opportunity for continuing his studies. In 1814, with the fall of Napoleon, he resumed his work as an engraver, but abandoned it very shortly thereafter in order to follow the profession of a sculptor, entering the studios of the sculptor,' Bosio, and of the painter, Gros. Like many great artists, Barye suffered reverses and disappointments. He entered, unsuccessfully, various competitions for medals and honors, and his work was frequently refused by the Salon. Barye, however, was not discouraged, and he lived to see the recognition of his work. It is recorded that his wife once said to him, (90) BRONZES BY BARYE 91 "You must be more careful to see that the signature upon your works is more readable/' to which Barye replied, "Fear not, in twenty years it will be looked for with a magnifying glass." In the production of small sculptures of animals, in bronze, Barye's work stands today second to that of no one. His knowledge of the anatomy of animals and of their natural traits was so profound, and his genius as a sculptor was so extraordinary, that his sculptures are rec- ognized today throughout the world as the product of a great master in his chosen field of endeavor. The 107 examples of his work listed below (which, with one or two exceptions, is the most complete col- lection of Barye's work extant) were all secured for this Gallery directly from the great artist himself, in 1873, by one of the trustees of this institution : 3001 DUKE OF ORLEANS (1840) 14 x 13 3002 AMAZON, COSTUME OF 1830 14^ x 14 3003 GASTON DE Foix (1833) 14}^ x 11^ 3004 CHARLES VII, THE VICTORIOUS (1839) 11# x 10 3005 TARTAR WARRIOR CHECKING His HORSE 13^ x 13 tf With bronze stand, Arabesque 3006 Two ARAB HORSEMEN KILLING LION 14^" x IS 3007 AFRICAN HORSEMEN SURPRISED BY SERPENT 8> x 10 3008 ELEPHANT,WITH INDIAN MOUNTED, CRUSHINGTIGER 10^ x 12 3009 ROGER AND ANGELICA, MOUNTED ON HIPPOGRIFF 20 x 27 (1846) 3010 CANDELABRAS (pair), with nine lights, decorated with six figures, mascarons, and chimeras (1846) Originals made for Due de Montpensier 3011 MINERVA 12 3012 JUNO 3013 THESEUS AND MINOTAUR (1848) 18# x 10 92 BRONZES BY BARYE 3014 THESEUS AND CENTAUR (1850) 13> x 3015 APE RIDING A GNU 9 x 10 3016 Two YOUNG BEARS FIGHTING (1833) Stf x 6 3017 BEAR SITTING . 5M x 6 3018 EAGLE STANDING 6 x 8 3019 WOLF HOLDING A STAG BY THE THROAT 8 x 17 3020 Two YOUNG LIONS WRESTLING 8x6 3021 LION DEVOURING A DOE (1837) 5x1 3022 LION AND SERPENT (1832) 10 x 12 3023 LION SITTING (1836) 14 x 12 3024 LIONESS OF SENEGAL 8 x 3025 LIONESS OF ALGIERS 8 x 3026 LION WALKING (1836) 9 x 16 3027 TIGER WALKING (1836) 8M x 3028 TIGER SURPRISING AN ANTELOPE 13> x 24 3029 TIGER SURPRISING A DEER 6> x 10 3030 TIGER DEVOURING A GAVIAL (Crocodile) (1831) 7> x 3031 TIGER DEVOURING A GAZELLE 5J4 x 12 3032 PANTHER SEIZING A STAG 15 x 22 3033 PANTHER OF INDIA 5 x 3034 PANTHER OF TUNIS (1840) 5% x 3035 PANTHER SURPRISING A CIVET-CAT 4x9 3036 JAGUAR WALKING 4^ x 9 3037 JAGUAR STANDING (1840) 5x9 3038 JAGUAR SLEEPING W x 9 3039 JAGUAR DEVOURING A CROCODILE 3 x 9 3040 OCELOT CARRYING A HERON 6> x 3041 ELEPHANT OF ASIA (1833) , 5x8 3042 ELEPHANT OF AFRICA 5 x 7 3043 HORSE SURPRISED BY A LION (1834) 15^ x 15 3044 HORSE, HALF-BLOOD. Head lowered 7^x 3045 HORSE, TURKISH. Right foot raised 11X x 3046 HORSE, TURKISH. Left foot raised 11> x 12 3047 DROMEDARY, EGYPTIAN. Reduction 5^ x 3048 ELK SURPRISED BY A LYNX (1834) 8^ x 3049 DEER ATTACKED BY Two SCOTCH HOUNDS (1833) 17 x 21 3050 STAG, DOE, AND FAWN 9 x 8 BRONZES BY BARYE 93 3051 VIRGINIA DEER BITING ITS SIDE (1837) 10 x 14 3052 BULL ON THE DEFENSIVE (1841) 7 x 11 3053 BULL REARING, ATTACKED BY A TIGER (1837) 9x11 3054 BULL DRAGGED TO EARTH BY A BEAR (1839) 5> x 11 3055 EAGLE HOLDING A HERON 12 x 3056 CROCODILE DEVOURING AN ANTELOPE 6K" x 14 3057 PYTHON SWALLOWING A DOE (1840) 3J4 x 10>^ 3058 PYTHON STRANGLING A GAZELLE 6 x 13 3059 PYTHON CRUSHING A CROCODILE (1840) 6^ x 10^ 3060 HUNTSMAN, COSTUME Louis XV iy 2 x 7 3061 BEAR OVERTHROWN BY THREE MASTIFFS (1833) 10x13^ 3062 BEAR FLYING FROM THREE DOGS 12 x 18 3063 GREYHOUND AND HARE 8 x 13 3064 WOLF WALKING 9 x 14 3065 GREYHOUND RECLINING iy 2 x 10 3066 BUFFALO OF EGYPT 6x8 3067 CAMEL. Head turned to right 4>4 x 4> 3068 GREYHOUND SLEEPING iy 2 x 13 K 3069 AFRICAN BADGER ROBBING NEST 4x6 3070 LION OF THE COLUMN OF JULY (1838). Bas-relief 8^ x 16M 3071 WARRIOR OF THE CAUCASUS 7> x 6^< 3072 PEASANT. Medieval . 12 x 10 3073 LEOPARD CROUCHING 3x7 3074 DEER (Axis) 5 x 5^ 3075 DEER OF THE GANGES 6^ x 6J4 3076 BULL STANDING. Small 3^ x 5^ 3077 CARD RECEIVER, with Fawn's Feet 3>i x 7X Ornamented with grapes 3078 CARD RECEIVER S^ x 7 Ornamented with owls and panthers' heads 3079 CANDLESTICK (two lights) 10 x 10 Ornamented with owls and panthers' heads 3080 CANDLESTICK 7 x 3>i Ornamented with owls and panthers' heads 3081 CANDLESTICK 10 x 4^ Greek designs, with Syracuse medallions 3082 CANDLESTICK, with Fawn's Feet 9> x 3^ 94 BRONZES BY BARYE Ornamented with bell-flowers and serpents 3083 CANDLESTICK Ornamented with bell-flowers, leaves and scarabee 3084 CANDLESTICK. Small, with handle 3^ x 4> Ornamented with ivy leaves 3085 PERFUME-BURNER 4 x 2> Ornamented with chimeras 3086 PAROQUET SEATED ON A TREE 7^ x 5 3087 PHEASANT WALKING. Head turned to left 4^ x 8M 3088 PHEASANT WALKING. Head turned to right 4^ x 8J4 3089 WOLF CAUGHT IN A TRAP 4^ x 5 3090 VIRGINIA DEER. Left foot raised 6>4 x 6 3091 DOE RECLINING (Dated 1840) 3X x 5 1 /* 3092 FAWN RECLINING (Dated 1840) 1# x 4^ 3093 RABBITS (Group, two) 2 x 3y 3094 TURTLE 1J x 4 3095 CROCODILE 1# x 7^ 3096 CANDELABRAS (pair), with three lights, Antique design, ornamented with serpent, leaves, chi- meras, claw feet, and surmounted with storks 3 1 ^ 3097 THESEUS SLAYING THE CENTAUR (1850) 50 x 41 3098 JAGUAR DEVOURING A HARE (1850) 15# x 38 3099 LEOPARD. Bas-relief (1831). Bronze frame 3 x 5^ 3100 PANTHER. Bas-relief (1831). Bronze frame 3^ x 6^ 3101 VIRGINIA DEER, WITH ANTLERS. Bas-relief (1831) 4 x S$4 3102 GENET CARRYING A BIRD, Bas-relief (1831) 3x 5 Bronze frame 3103 Axis 4>^x 6M 3104 TIGER HUNT. Water-color sketch 3105 SLEEPING LIONS. Water-color sketch 3106 BEAR ERECT 9^ 3107 GENERAL BONAPARTE (1838) 14 x 13 GENERAL INDEX. PAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND OFFICERS 3 STANDING COMMITTEES 5 PREFACE 6 PLANS OF THE BUILDING. , , 8 and 9 DESCRIPTION OF THE BUILDING 10 HOURS OF OPENING 13 CATALOGUE OF THE PAINTINGS 15 CATALOGUE OF THE SCULPTURES 58 CASTS FROM THE ANTIQUE 58 CASTS FROM THE RENAISSANCE 72 MODERN BRONZES, MARBLES AND CASTS 79 BRONZES BY ANTOINE-LOUIS BARYE 90 (95) 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED | LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. ICLF (N) El 14 1968 8 8 ; lEC'D L.U l-LD fT' '' " ' ww.^* LD 2lA-60w-2, ! G7 (H241slO)476B General Library University of California Berkeley YB 0936c U mu4^ ^5x