232 {/> c -d z rn z o o c m z BANCROFT LIBRARY o THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA K PORT rr.l.K IATK \ AM) DISTKIB1 T] IM'liLl J. G. AM ES, A. R. SPOFFOR D, 1 . r ; ; SPENCER F. BAIRI). \\ A SHI2 REPORT PUBLICATION \\D DISTRIBUTION PUI'.LK' HOCUMENTS, SUBMimCD I J. G. AM ES, SlTKKIMKNhKNl JK I >f KM MKVI *. iM A. R. SPOFFORD, LIBRARIAN or CONGRBM, AM. SPENCER F. BAIRD, DMTAKl "K IMI ^MII M-..M \\ INSTITI-T y n-irn 4{A/> /IB HOUSE OF RMPRBHENTATJTtf ADOPTED A UOU8T 8.11M1| WASH I ETGTO BK>! K K N M K N I PRINTING OPPICB. I7iil < ONOBE . II- I \ l-i i;l.i< \TKiN AM. DI8TBIB1 MO LI( !>' COMMUNICATION FROM .1. i,. \Mi;>. si l'i:i;l\TBNDENTOF DOCIMI.YK N.I'U'JMENT OF Till; IMi:i:i"i;. A. i;. SPOFFORD, l.li;i:\l: OFCONCltKSS, MTOSPBNI lil: I. l:\ll:l>. sl-i KKTAin n| llll.>\lllllvi\ i\\ i\>nii ii I\ t ..MI-MAN. I \\I1M .1 rt-siilntiiHi / (In l/nnst ,,/ /^j,,-. *-, ,,t. < .. /' / 22, : Sin: Tin- iimlrr.si^inMl. in r.un plianri- \vjili a i->.,lut in?j of tii. II- i^. of BepresentatiTeA adopted .\u^n>t >. is^j. ;t > juii,, 3 ti-ii, am! ' I >epnrtiuMit ot'llx- Int-i . they TC ln-lrl>\ , rr|Mi'Njt i| t lijiilr till- \-.\\\ jMintin^' :inl iliNtnliiitinii nf piil.: - rnent showing the nambei ]mntn din iii:i(' a lull t<> ; mentn; and tli.-y >ha!l r.-]'.rt t.. tin- HHIIM- at tin- 1 .tfully suhliiit lirrruilli I'irsi. A rnnipihitin ii laws 88 ar' ]CMII:II thrir ojxTMtioii -n\ rl lilliu tin- JH1! -I <1 l>t II 1 Ml t loll if ]l|li|jr 1.H'II nn-nts. \\itli notes euii'"!' special act> or i. 'lie iiiiin- lei . ilistriltutioii, ami. >o :i t'oiiml : the coxt of the >a:m. together \\ilh the iiuiniie! to \\lncli each BltM! 2 PUBLICATION A.N'D DISTRIBUTION OF PUBLIC DOCUMEN1H. of < < >n_:i < is entitled, and the surplus reuiuiiiiug after the distribution directed has been made. The committee are very deeply impressed with the nutnlier of docu- ments printed by authority of Congress, aggregating for the Forty- sixth Congress 2,324,254, and for the first session of the Forty-seventh Congress l ,.".." t.'.MT. This last number includes tin entire edition of the Reports of the Census, estimated as containing sixteen volumes beiosed public documents are iu. .1 is the decrease of the number of agencies by which they are distributed. Under the practice now prevailing, nearly all documents, whatever may be their cost and value, are distributed by from two to four agencies, each in ignorance of what the others art* doing, so that it is imposMMe but that to no Minall extent documents are sent in duplicate and tripli- cate to the same parties. In the judgment of the committee, no distribution of public docu- ments entirely satisfactory will be accomplished until all excepting those required for official use are distributed by a single agency, which can and should be required to detect and prevent duplications, which should be held to a strict accountability for all documents intrusted to its care, and upon which all orders should IM given by those entitled by law to direct their s]>ccific distribution. It is not believed that any s|>ecial inconvenience would attend such a system, or that the rights and privileges of any party would be infringed by its adoption. An approximation to this system was made at the last session of Congress in providing for the distribution of the whole edition of the Rebellion Record and of the re|orts of the Tenth Cen- sus by the departments from which they respectively emanate. The results of this departure from the methods hitherto in force will he of Npeeial interest in their hearing upon this question. The establishment of a single agency for this work would very greatly subserve the public convenience, as it would MOO come to be recognized as the source from which information in regard to any and all documents could IK* readily secured, and the party with whom most of the correspondence relating to the subject should i- conducted. Very serious inconvenience is now e\|>erienced by many, especially scientists and other students and librarians, in obtaining definite infor- mation as to particular documents desired, and often not until pro- tracted correspondence has transpired, if at all, is such information gained. PUBLIC LIBRARIES. In the distribution of documents, the most prominent place should be given to public, university, and college libraries. All the large libraries of the country are )>ermanent institutions, and in their possession docu- ments are of manifold and continuous service, as they are there made accessible from year to year to the public. 4 In the judgment of the committee, no argument is needed in sup|>ort PUBLIOATK <>N OF iTiiur UMI:MKXT> >>' til-- proposition ii..u del iiouid be mad< ('! tin* regular -npp! 1 . MI ..I! tin i , I1( | nit), all tin- (Mililirat are issu p-uth to month. !- in tin- ii .:iiih-i I,, ,-,| I,, in. 1. 1.- it || ,,ul !ii<>-'- ordered h nt IHIM.IH-I *i,.ili. i.\ ;. MI ;.....-. t.. I*? forwarded ill". n rlirii puMir.it i., n in siirh lilii.uif*ji an friiin lln-n pHimitu'iMie i-nt ill. litiiclit ' IM in. l! ill M| tl.ix. ;! Mi'iMii \ it h.i- ln-i-ii tniiiK! i in. ij, i] lilmirMW <(' tin- rniintrx lint IIIMII- til. ill MM, -il||i|n-i| l..riiiii,-!i! v pui.hvi,, , >iiu- iinlifatm mportanoe of some penimuenl provision ol laf in the i INI in l| n \\ Kvx Mt .ill xii.-ii poblk ugrees. \M iiimtatiMii jx IIM\N ini|Mxrii i iy \\iiirii tin- i. ill and IIIIIMI|.MI tilllt lilt) In- |>H-\r||t't tViMjiirnt reference would be made i. JMlblif. Witll tlHM'Xcrj.tinli, lm\\ ;IIH! <>t' tin- I 1 i Inmi's. n> |>IM\ ixion of la\\ n< for the aasored ^np|>i\ nt \\\\^ \ ;iin.i!.!r li.iruiiM-nt in an\ ^m^lr library. Whl'tlMT lllU'Ml 1 ||M! . |, j .- IH |x UpOIl t ll' ilr! . l.\ \\linin almi. . a8 abovr lintel, th:- -l-;illli!nllNl\ ilistliliilt. (I. Tin- nmnlM-rnt' lihrarirs in iv-nlar receipt nf thi^ woil, in-l\ small. As a n-sult nt' impi t has been foiiini example, that of twenty a and Territorial libr.in'H i. only eifht, :iml of thm- liuinlml an-1 tmt\ nthi-r lil.ran.-s ,-,nt.iniiij: ,-acli :..niii irolamea or nmn-, only x,.\nit\ tour. ! i ;ive received complete ..f th- Krronlofthr I'MI[\ >i\iii ho\\ tin- inipnrtanr. B ai-timi l\ Congres^ in- tor the regular -iil>p'\ "' this \\,.rk. imt only to State an-i H;I ilso to other lib'rarit'sal h-ast to tin- depositories of pu Mir it also to other libraries at 1. -lie depositories of public ortiiuity is now afforded for adding to, if not completing, a large numl>er of sets of the Globe in the large libraries of the land, which will probably never again occur, and the committee know of no disposition that can lie made of these odd volumes more judicious, involving as it does comparatively little expense, and avoiding the multiplication of broken sets. I.VplirN to ir:<|iiirir> ;uliln- ill tin- principal libraries of the country disclose the following facts: That of twenty-six State and Terri- torial libraries re]K>rting, only four contain complete sets of the Globe; of three hundred and forty other libraries, containing em-h .~...eiim.-n: < ',,11, unit,.,-,. .u,d * Htlgmrnt of M III.! hoelimelils. | >V ailtlionf \ of ] , amounted .0 Volumes; ,,t th, ,, . tin- ;. -i.d flUlulier** iinc -I volume*, while ML- i '.uiiifii, in Hi; i- 1 up Dl Execute. l >- j. ii intents and office* of the .-.i over and alioN.- thos,- llielnde.l iti tin- "Uftlia] immlMT." ll doe* i t . ||O We V. elude the 00 copies of each punted tor inteinatio. Ill i - isxiH-d I IV tin- s.\,-|.ll e\, !lieilt> nt the HOM-I 1 1 llieli t. so that till- III! Ill I MT stated I- milrli In-lo illi.illMt j.l lit.-.l. l.-lr..-t..| Hi EH lllllMUIII.l : lllllMMlliil dnrlliiP iiiiMiiiitr.l n> "MI pagt^i ea< "M as w}V8t<- p.ii >! ti ugreWi Will ;nininit In imt !-. it HIM- i uiii inn- in force. OD f" tln^ inatti-i . .IH if .!! tlimi tic- < .should IK*, ami in i IM-, n-adil> omes more iiiii<>rt:iMt m arti- last SeftHi.ui tin- Usual Minn turn: ' ongresi, whether by i law or H|iecial reao- lutioii. will IM-H-, iltcr IM- j.i-in;. uiriuoiis and niii- ii reports of the Geological 801 "f I'.tl ..... logy, ;ind all othn- \.dimbln ami costly pn \\ill In- i.ssin-d in lar.u r - iiuinlMTs in tmU.im.i I'onii. clian .'Ic in the lau -..v-i uni: this m .,: 'I'ln- Miiimittcc are awan- that mittees of -Congress, and to ui:in :i\rand Mincellai.. i i- iiH-ir ';jMit.iiit that tli.-\ -h:dl In- in th- li.in-U of UHMiiln : ;hr rarlieM p I'.ilt ill ir>|M-rt ti tin- sririititir JiilliliiMl : llllli'lit . :ilnl tn Mirh Annual L'<-].i t '| tin- K\eruti\ ;i-uts as form each a air and rutirt- volui: -ulnuit ;! th.it I!M- in ;! ' ! !. s^en- ti;il to binding wiudd not mati-i -iallv n idir<- h-_ In rninjiliancc with in-t met i.ns roiitai- :lit- resolution of the lloii-e aiipoiiitiiiu- this roiuiuittei', th hill is herewith sab- mined. em!>od\ ii h.Teini-. iiressed reganlin- t h- jirintiiiL: and distriluitimi "t d*M-iiineiit8. In this hill the eomniittee have sought toeondiitu- and unif\ th- l:i\\> now in foree |r'\ idim: tor the rr-ular editions >f < - {' the se\er.i ! and officeso!" the inment, and with pulilieatimis nf a . harai-t. i nt 'Col 1 lies,- document- spreial V.lllle t ill if t-mh: '. ill the lirst plaee. .1 sii,-,-inet sTaT-imMit of the pn f; PUBLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF PUBLIC DOCUMENTS. feedings of Congress; secondly, a detailed history from year to vear of the operations of all the departments of the government; and, thirdly, the results of those investigations in the several departments of sc i n , which have been conducted under the authority and at the expense of the government. That these provisions may not increase the exj>ensi of printing to the government, the number of Journals, Annual Reports of Departments, and the Abridgment of Messages and documents, is reduced much below the number now published. Had the provisions of this bill been applicable to the documents of the Forty-sixth Congress, the number of volumes of Executive documents and Abridgment would have been nearly 1(10,000 less than were printed, while of those delivered in tinlx >n ml form, and in large measure wasted, there would have been bound, and so saved for permanent use, nearly or of pamphlet laws to lie printed about 1 5,0(10 copies jer session, 10.0(10 of which an* those sent in bulk to the governors of the several States and Territories for their distribu- tion, which supply it is deemed expedient to discontinue. PUBLIC DOCfMKNTS FOR SALK. The existing provisions for the stile of documents are very unsatisfac- tory; so impracticable, indeed, that very few avail themselves of them. It is only by ordering in advance of publication, and paying the esti mated cost, that public documents, with few exceptions, can now be purchased directly from the government. Occasionally a small edit ion of a document has liecn ordered by Congress for sale, either by the Public Printer, or by some office of the government, but as for the great mass of documents printed no op)ortunity is a Horded for their purchase, while undoubtedly there are many citizens and institutions that would rather buy such documents as they desire than beg them from members of Congress or officers of the government. The committee are convinced tluit some more practical method for supplying such parties with public document* should be adopted, and that op|M>rtiinity should le afforded for the purchase of any publication of the government so long as the edition of the same printed remains unexhausted. I'l I'.I.H i iii.n IM.I Tin :^h.-d |i\ Hie i..elllMe|ltx .lllfll'. upon II, ea ul tli.- -..x.-riimrni i.t Mln. M-h M in MM? i.-.pnmd for strictly official use. It "ill not i... Deceaaftry tor aa edition dmplj i ueiit Khali to lell an\ dooumeot i. wheimrer be him an order for anv . ! make i the name tip" n n..- -.M... -\ which ft la printed, if n i- n..t ;.li. -.,.!> m hi- . h.up-. T,, tin- ,.,i. i. in tli. u In, -I. i Mile, jnMe.e depart m< ment In tin I iera f greater unity and system are tnti I In- ..iii,-,-i x|,.,iiM |>e reqtiirel tli.i .itL.l.i .ill t ! ' tin- pun i HI I the document- -n.- e.m l.-v it- pi-..\ i-inns ; ,-,jin rceof law, arnuigetnenu can very lie, e8peciall> lihr.iriem, aa t t In- n-;i.lil\ he in iitMiimiiu the puh -h;u .iet. -rand cost <*t t \\ Inch \vmihi ,h.uhtleH8 be an iiicrea.Hin_ ! in.m.i t<> r them It ix not thought \\Mith ulnh- i\ t'n. .riini.it.-. tO diSOOM the OIM*- : i"M ,.t limit iii_ : ni. in .it umentrt and of substi- tuting th.-ir - > place, as the Kent mien t f Congress aeemn en m.l\ opposed tO S' ;i eh:in-e; hut MM BeriOUfl -''- ft iODII tO the 01 IK i \i i'" i HBHT0 "i i in r.Ki i 1-11 I-\I:I.IAMJ The tolh.wini: intoi inati.ui re^mlm Uritish Parliament is >nlmitted as bein- nt inter.- liearing the siihjert under 00 There is no ^yatemi ntnnx d, m or ..tin-;.d p.ip.-i^. M prevails here, it . me extent t.,nn. ri\. Un h.ixi., narroni'd ot' late with a view of eiittinu r h\\ n the l.n - e\jM-nditn: printing: and eases occur of u r <\ eminent departments having to pm ohaae papen t..r then- ..un r. ne if the ufHce ami the I'.oaid nt Tiade. nit.'iixK certain d-M-imn-nt- t the foreign minixt,-r> in London, to the ('hamln > umerce, and to the most prominent iie\vxp ; ip, .MemlM'K are now mdv entitled to , of udi sented to rai-iiainent ; aomeof these, however, are no4 distrOmted, Md can be Obtained on members applj -hem. \ not ie- **\ Midi unde- livered panel D in the l>aily \. .tes and ! -OSe. ()nl\ in respect to the r\tra coj.ies these they can .-other: ile. The pa|>er> nsibly printed lor the UM- ! the House and pi il.-partin. -Tnirk ot! "lie pnll in in 1^ There are tour different priuteis e:uplo\,-d: H.III Hani, for thet.om- 8 PUBLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF PUBLIC DOCUMENT**. IUUU8' pa pern ; Eyre & Spottiswoode, for the Lords' papers ; Harri- son, for the diplomatic paper** emanating from the foreign office ; and Nielmlls for the u Daily Votes and Proceedings." Then are likewise government printers at Edinburgh and Dublin for papers relating to those parts of the Ignited Kingdom. The order for printing rests with the Speaker, through the librarian, and the printing committee appointed by the House. A complete set of Commons' PUJKTH can be subscribed for at the rate of 12 12*. i>er session, payable in advance. This for delivery in town; Mia for the country and for abroad. The Daily Votes and Proceedings cost 2 10*. per session. The Journals, 10*. annually. The I/ords 1 papers cost, sessional ly, 8 8*. for town delivery. The Daily Minutes cost 2 10*. per session. The* Lords' Journals are not sold, but copies can be obtained through I>eers. The scale price of pap-i - on sale to the public is at the rate of Id. p-i folio sheet; and when there arc plans, at the rate of &/., tk/., or 1*. ca< li. extra. The Debate* of Parluimcnt are published as a private venture by Mr. Hansard, the government recompensing him by taking a number of cop- ies tor official and departmental use. )>esides granting him an annual subsidy of, it is lielieved, 2,OOO. "//fiHII as official. The sketches are, revised by the authors. The subscription is 5 .M. JMT session. IH I. AN IN lilMUMi UKSKRVKI) COl'IKS. It is \n v much to be regretted that the documents " reserved for binding," which embrace the copies sent to ound, while very few, if any, of those of the Forty-seventh Congress are ready for distribution, not even the Annual Ke|M>rtA of the Execu- tive Departments of the government. It is not surprising that libraries and other institutions, entitled under the law to receive them, become impatient of such delay, and are disposed t criticise the methods that obtain in public business. Whether the cause of this delay is to be found in deficient appropria tious or elsewhere, the committee an* unable to determine. Congress ran undoubtedly remedy the evil, and secure the prompt binding of docu- ments after they are printed, instead of their being stored and retained in unbound form, for months, if not years, at the Printing Office. SURPLUS DOCUMENTS. Tin- accompanying tables show that after the quota of the several documents to which each member of Congress is entitled has been assigned, then' remains a large number of surplus copies, aggregating for the Forty-sixth Congress 27,814 volumes. Some of these documents an doubtless required for the use of the several offices of the two houses of Congress: but after all these requirements are satisfied, many doc- uments an* probably left for whose distribution no provision is made. It is suggested that such surplus documents lie transferred to the De- II I.LK A! IM\ AND DISTRIBUTE DOCUMJ ihr Inteiim t..i di-:iiiiiiimn to public h l.i a lie* and < institution-. in-tead of hfin^ allotted tn accii 111 ii la t e in the room- n| tin- < 'apitnl. CONCLUSION. Ill CMiiclllMnli. I he < nmillltteO lM5g tO 8Sy that the\ li.i\.-i:..: deemed if < nmiin-nd an\ redioftl departure firom tin- e\i.stmx >\>i-m f dl-p< publie donmients. The\ ha\c >.il-lit t uiiiiN the latts relating to the subject, to reduce M ibr M teemed !ir;ih|r I he ]| II Illl >r| t i li irli inrlil N |. IM- JUllltnl Illidrl pm\ |;i\v <-(Hl!illll(.ll> III Illfll npi-|;ilin||. t< p|r>i-||| i II 1 1 Mil 1. 1 1 ln|| \\|i|r|| ||||_'||t |!<. Mintr Illilirlnll^ Ic- I - 1:1 1 l ll III t I ir II I.I I I ! nl v p, , ; . , | , , , inriiiiii-ni-. in provide IM MM- oertaio ^n|pi\ in tin- |.iinci|..ii nf tin- <-niintr\ nt' ilurilliH-liI- plIlittMl ;it J Ml 1 .1 ir i- \ p.-n>r, and III II IIIIIIIIHT cnliXCIlirlit !<| (lie I'llMT. tn I il.ii tinn ;inil >al.-. NU l.ir M llii^ ';ni !> dmic. \\itlmnt M-niiin^ t4 inl: tin- pn\ - iiiriiilu-rs nf < 'nn^ir>s and others, and thn- \\a-h- nl t' tin- (lispn>itin|| !nat rilnition. M> i dii'rctinii ;. in- made !>v tin- I >-pai t im-nt of tin- . tin- rnininittrc ha\r in view the fact that l\ act t Oongr66fl Baid d- incut i>alicad\ must it ill cd tin- iixi.Mliaii and d iM i ilmtcr ot all dncii im-iit- not vpccjlicallv nrdcu-d f<>r ( $ODgr8CI ( 'i tn any rxccut i\ depart- ment nt' the -.\ ei nineiii. and that mnin>are provided for their recep- tion, and that an otlic. . and lia^ Ion- ( -\i>ted. pmpnly e \\nrU. The utili/ation of this office \\ill avoid the c\p-n>e <>f creating a new aLienc\ . and will make available the valuable experience which ha- acquired by those im\\ cliar^ed \\ith its administration. Ve|\ lc>pM'tfllll\ . J, <;. AMI >///;/ i-inh-nili nt <>f' l><>rii,n> ///x. / h f,,i ,-f ,,i, nt <>' \ A. i;. 8POFFOED, Lilmirian of Congress. sri 1\ BAIBD, Secretary of the tftnithsiminn //*>' Hon. .1. \\ AKKI;.\ KI.IFER, >'//< tikt r of tin l/ni/se of Represent I TABULATED STATEMENT OK THE DOCUMENTS OF THE FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS, AND OF THE FOIITY-SKVENTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION. u 12 PUBLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF PUBLIC DOCOMBMT8. -.njdans jv,u.'|u. Jjqi i; 5 ^ O ? g >; S fcq J | p | 1, i < v A BO n (4 ' 1 1 3 00 ri 1 3 00 (4 - 1 1 I ^ .i ! i I I I j 44 ^ i i T i c i I = - -i - i i s s I i~ i II * * r M * ^ 3 i s' s 1 s i M. i n - -" m * *^ hi i e ii Ji radium of Transit of 1 on Flti Joho Porter trtl and 2 ... \ ii Ml- l s , * . i i : |] ^ : 1 - ill :..EB -: if . Illl - irtin rt YiTiim. Part nffv r t . llaaoo : I f .~J < PUBLICATION IM> M-IRIBUTION OF PUBLIC DOCUMENTS. 13 j > , 33 P -- : 1 ' \ 'J . ! Si r 'i 1 ' I \ H- L \ ' \ I 1 ;=ir s - ?i -. ! i"u"in,i,.,| r.. 7'. > V..I..M.,.,. ii,,, t it,,. K..IU Mxth r,,,,.;..- t..-.. vwnth Conjfrc**, will amount to 80.000 TolnrnM, If the wuno dh it,.,i l.v th, r ,i,:., r , ,rpHoUKludert*pri>TUioaonhU-cit Kport4 of Iho 1'ubllc I'nn: ? *i r- 11 liil I _- 11 111! , ijr |j|! !.l i| i :2J I S i ^ 1 1 -- i iH .,., thr II, .. id . . ..HO tine. .. I, Ml Int. . .1 ,., in.).,., ,nd (bra iftmptoMMtof 4ooaauN..i i,,. i, ,,.,',. th, '] o"S 8"" ri:: " = ._ .._ . ! .-0 * rt D t> * e 14 PUBLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF PUBLIC DOCUMENTS. TABLE A.IIOCUHEXTS OF THE FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS, ft. -Continued. I t * 1 - W|dOQ S : H 1 oo & j..j..liiniX s ; 01 p i j ft X fcZ ? e -e5- 9 S S EE5 2 : : a P *!! l Sec*. 3792 nd 3798 R. 8 * Itj ...do .. l9 do . ! 10 ...do .. i : ! ; : : ; i 4 ^ - ilj 2 : : 1 Vi.54tol04, exrept59 1.900 1.900 u.*w.r n rr>_ . ..r vi.t. _-.i FUherie*. 1879. Rrpvrt* i>/ committte*. No*. 1 to 9. tirnt MMMion. iul 10 to 1. 900 l.ttOU j j : : i . I : ; . i : : _ ..L ... ., --{--:- H : ropling .|i:n.. s qi aoj p 'i >|ii. . ~ , |ra ,,. ,..,' 8 I 2 | 1 c 1 * ; i i i i i 5 318 ** ft ft ft S 712 ff 222 ' --- -.. - --- i SII i- --- 1| III : ^ *-c. frtr I Mii ; ff> rrs ^ ; -. . . - . , : i i IHI i i - - -,___ ^ 1 I ISII F 3 1" H ,,| -. HAioll ,,,,,,'. Hill 2 Klm-tiou of John J. InualU ud Civil | Hen-ice In Khode U1.....I 3 Kos. 141 to 487, except 388 Contested election: 4 Spoflbrd r. Kelloiw : 5 Ken. 48 to :,71 No. 672 to 670 1 7 No^671 to 725. expl pr1ii 2 MM! 3 1 ,,: M MOOKI) HKMtlOit, IIOVMt. Journal . oinio A - A.M. DOTBIBUTIOB r ITI;: > KERB, 15 I I fl 7 SIS? S 9 7!? 9? ? *-*<* 1 ' ' - r 1 '. 1 3 115 1 ! ! J? A j jj : i - : llll ill I til I ' 33S - = = ::: : :: : : i HI || : : 1111 1111 1 1 111 ill 1111 11 1 : - 1 ;; ill! i i ill iiiiiii ill ^,- - - - r^rr-j' r r ** ii ..ml 1 to ] No*. 108 to I ''. Hi-- .<-, inivuta The cost of jM-k.i- 1" win \oiiin ; = 2S - - -r- ' 16 PUBLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF PUBLIC DOCUMKHT8. ^ ! s j - j - K , S S 3 - - - - 5 I ad K cc 1 i a a H * i i * 0! 0j al ! il < 4 & * 4 ^ 4 ( 4 E 1 . j 1 .^..H-H ! :' Jt h | i 1 i i : 1 i _ ^daogj 4fmn M idHqox noi{ qj joj (xud|uo tnidra | jaivmgqowox : j *lwosg .xji joj {i-u-t|i i< > joqtnna |ntQ i ; _ i I 8 I i . i j i j i i 1 i - 8 1 - i - s .. l.u.>pn> j.K|tana tj<.L _ " "~ n - 1 j i j I j ; 'i Title. KM. 011 to Ml i i 1 j I \ i i | ; 7 \ : - 7 M - J (MM TIIIKI. HRIM10N. 8KXATK. Journal KxKiitir* document*. Non.1 toSO. except 12 : i ill $ . 8 1 1 Ml i I s j J ' ^ . s ' - ' 1 _ < : 1 Kinhrrir*. 1880. 1 Report* of committal. No*. 728 to H6. eiMnt 01& and I - |j ; i lion PramU. THIRD HRJMUOX, HOC**. ,14 MIO.N AND DISTBIBCmoa Of I'UBLIC I . 17 i jji |s* s ! ^ * 3 5S-3J I 1 1 = | JL r 3 - - tA : 4444444* 444 |1 i jg iiWf*fS.S 4gi 6 8 * 1 J i ill i il i i 444 : : i i i i : : : : : : : ::: :: JS 8 i : : : : : : : : ill ;i is s ij j 1 1 j j j j 1 1 1 33S3S 3ZZ :S S 8 : III !:: ll| ! 11 1 1 IIIII aggregate oo*t ot \ilic"uni '! . -luino, 'rwrredoople' U not .1,. in.i. .i HIM .:.. ^,^^ i ii ii u inii mil 1 11 l||l^i NNB iiiil "S *s * ?- S * 11 1 ! ;?ssli ** * I t; : 1 111 = -= -Sgss ::::: - = -r. r: - * tc .- r - = - H. 18 PUBLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF PUBLIC DOCUMKNTS. 8 .' i J i 1 II n|ding 82 li ef- jqmna jn.i II i ptMpjo Jqmna ||ox e - v !2 .1 li II 1 )K 5 I *i&l*i ll*2l j = | ji ij.in.ni, . nt Hi. \iturnev-G v,.: K.-iM.ris ,,l tin- l 1 , .mi i.friiiii v,,i. u v.ii i:. ;.i- nir COU! : V,,l | Survey* W-H .t it " \,,| . Mrillral an.l Sill . i^ ) PUBLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF PUBLIC DOCUMfcNTK i |{ s! I i i 111 *s '- 5 "5- * j i j j j j j S*tf*| ' ~i i is i j M M : T1 [ 'Wli" i III iiji; s I j i -I I j * j* ; || | jjf J 5 -8 -8 -8 4 l-8a54 vl * ii s i^ujj^ij^ i j irf " 1 j! fj p si * 9 S Ii iMItlllllMllMil |S E EEEEEE B 6 E BJS= 2 : - .-i-i-. .-..-... . ill iiiiiiii s iiH i jrf ********* r.*^^ S :?! J Z22Z22593 *SXK 8! I g:s?S2 22S222 *R* fiff 1 !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! s !!! s E! ii si "".i iiiiii i 1 1 IIH ii N :i1 H I ?l . J :l : : : : : I - 1' i < ; ! l"a '"H ' - = ? PUBLIC* i ION I08MI 8 S R IG 85iS* ; =8 S !l PUBLIC DOCUMI {382 S 18 8215 55 2 ! Jf , il liiisi inn ;- 1880. IM . 59 : := " . m ; : -: 2 :S : fsii |jj 4l j| 1^ i : -;i i - o ii ; :-*< - 'i lit! ;;! 11 II s 8818 II we -c " -_^^,- ^-.r _r; : ri:: :8 8 "^S-- :S 8 OPW il I 1; 11 1 :l ! - iv ^- 11 iii i Nil! ? 22 PUBLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF PUBLIC DOCUMENTS. 5 2 ?, ft n 5 2.' SS8 S8S8KP i I Ma S fl I E III 8WiS 5 " "e "S ^^ 3 j & .iiln.i jnj.M|ntii\ -n|.Un s 2 1 ! - 1 ^ Pt 4 J ,...I..|.I..J. M ,III.,II,I-|.M. o HM ? ?! 5* , ( !l J:5 1 I : ^ .. iiijj i 1111 i MI n. n -'-*"" s" -" H ' * Si ;*r i! i iiM H lainin i g ;t * c Jis g | M iiiU ijJll^! J S S S I! ii nrf iliii - i _ . 14444 M SSnSS i.'t.* t .'i.*t> I g S * M M 8 ; I g I II s fX* S 2 S 8 1 8 S III 111111 1111 1 < i t ' i : :K If : : -5 1 HI 181111 1 2 2" 2" 2 2" *" W: I! ill ** te - fc *-'* , i ,=-r p : o . < 5'o ^ ji^Jj^iJiiiiiiS H^Wlfjii-V""! gj y M 10 DI8TI1B1 ii' i- MM . **!!! 1 4 Jf II ! 4 il I I il II I 11 1 i ij 24 PUBLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF PUBLIC DOCUMENTS. JMT.LK A I ION AM) LISTKI I'-I'TH IS. 25 iiiiiiii i i 1 A v : ' | a 8 ^ g ! -: 4 i, 1 ^ a i 1 i , 5 43 - tr, IM ouly ilic nnniiAl C\|M [_ .' A. UM I'ni.ii. nil j . - > : -g ::::::' 31 - i !! i ^ [1 1! 5 3333 :- : I'M s i II ^ e II iiil i 1 1 ^"-,~ II I1I11I ii! /.lillill I 1 ! r I IS I i El llllll 1 _ -- .'V W-r'W-r' ! _-.---3_'--'- ---- -' , ::.-, ; : It j- : s issi" - ili\r !> No. 589 to 878.... III;HB OF RKl'KKBKNTATIVE Executive document*. . l?..lr.i,.,,. Ifi 1; ;--;-" 1; - ill II J^^JI^IIIIIl^ I l-l.lns - e< . OWt-OD r. ; n . -- : ""S32S fi 3 26 PUBLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF PUBLIC DOCUMENTS. I 4 I es -MMMMMMH 444444444444444444444444 1444 ti|cUns OX !U!ill!illtlll!II!II!lll III! - ___ IIIIiliIilililHl 111 } t POBUCA i ION \M. nisi Kir.ri i< 'BLIC D0( 27 H SSI II - I> - I I F"s~ ^"Fi^T^'sTs-nT -. :t !* 3 !* 3 :% 3 i* 3 i i Hi j ! ! 28 PUBLICATION AN1> DI8THIBUTION OF PUBLIC DOCUMENTS. * 1 - 3 4 J | i s 9 in i e i i RK33 '!! Mil 3 w m *. : . * m 5 -8 --:,' f. i* ifM fi 1 ! aSefi :<% nntiunl rx|M>nditun>.\ AM' I'ISI KIl;l I IT ~ ON*. i.rintrd A. i ..,.. ., . 3 --- a: _ -5 -5 j :i T _ H|M o K - - i i j ill II JJJJ JJ ll J ill .Ul .1 Bl \ - ^- f ..MI..JI .M| i joj p.uapoo 888- 1111 otfx - - :S2 i i -- M HKl ^;|S| u 1 ollld . i ! I ?! 2 * S = 9 I i - P i......i..;.-i.,,iiuiui W ox i is T;, - : - '*- ~ S "i J 30 PUBLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF PUBLIC DOCUMENTS * i 4-; i i ii i 2'S S J?* * i !** 1 1 ii! .uiiiii i mini ui i M it- iiniisii -f jj- tf i - * -t = = - f i in. . . pi i-iP 1 -J fti R il ! UN I .1 g ! mi V 71 III! .-- _- -c 1111 > III !! Ill II! I * vr -r $n 5. I * M . i: - 1 1 I ! I - : 32 PUBLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF PUBLIC DOCUMENTS. 5 c I' i 1 if I s sis o i mm * -I* Ij i 3 5 MWo H qi * l*Mfuo - ' - _ll JO|0S q MM OX B 5 I - |g * l! i 8 1 f4 S I w ' *l L p*j|uo j^qatnn nr^j, i i i a- * ^H ||1 rjj _ tfZ i. I s 1^ I 3i If- ILICATIOS AM. DI81 '-1C DOCUMENTS. 33 & i! .. , i * ss i r IS .|| .M|| JOJ|MJ.|>14) 1 88 2 I 1 jovnogttroox . z -* g i :- | 1' * n " a * 8 q>40JPW ' IUO i S I : ii i ; i mm pinna 5 II a 2 V V 51 2 2 i T|- - r 5 i i T ill, priori. ? ^ tgj r Z i I : r - r .= ' I II. Mis. A ("IS AND L'KSi )U'TI< >NS OF CONGRESS, PERMANENT -,,}, i-> : ,,f - tin ial ami Iir*t SI-SNJOIIS. .v;.i:.n rn|.i. x. CON'.i:i:ssin.\ \i. i:KfUD FOR OOKOR1 ll'.'ixeof Reprwnintii-is .ttu *t imte cow That tlir Con-n ssional PrintiM ! din-ctedto furnish 3,100 copies for the use of tin* Senate, and 7.'J.~iO eojjjex for the use of the House of R4-] . of the Congressional K'eeord, or of any such other lik<- otn'eial re- loi -t of the delat x in Congress as may be hereafter authori/ed ly law, either daily as originally published, or in the iv\ i>ed form. \\ ithont bind- in-, or in bound \olnnies, or part in each form, as each Senator. M ud Dele. i\ in- i he same may elect. Concurrent resolution of June I. s'.lli: -SIGNAL RECORD FOR Mil. 91 PBBMfl OO1 BT hif tin' Srnnte ttml Woweof I tin I'nitt-il > of An --inhltii. That the Public I 'rinter be am horized to furnish the ( 'hiet' .Iiixtice and each of the associate justices of the Su- preme < 'oil rt of the I'nited States, and the clerk and marshal ot 'the court, with a cnnvnt rop\ of the dail\ < 'on-'ressional LYcord. and at the end of each session a bound ropy of the pi oceedingS of Congress for >nch !i. And the Public Printer shall also fnrnixh to the otlicial re]- of the Senate * bound copiex n f the < ach ses- sion. Joint resolution. January _'7. 1>M. \ol. i'l. Statutes at I. p. .".I"i. HL1 iM'i.x OP i in ONGBB8JEaO9A] Ki Re*ulrrl hi/ tfif Sen" I n of th I nN<* of Rrpre*cnta1irr* of the United States of America in Conrire** a**cmbled. That the Public Printer be, and he is liereby, authorized and directed to forward free of charge to the State and Territorial libraries of each State and Territory, having or that shall hereafter have antl maintain, a State and Territorial library, one bound copy of the Congressional Record of each session of Congress or special session of the Senate, beginning with the Forty -seventh Con- gross. And the Public Printer is directed to print fifty additional copies of the samo to meet the requirement* of this joint resolution. Joint resolution, August 2. 1882, Pamphlet Laws. 1st sess. 47th Cong., p. 390. NOTE. 134,550 volumes of the ReconU>f the Forty-sixth Congress, and 85,984 volumes of the Record of t^ first session of the Forty- seventh Congress, were printed i-i accordance with the above provisions. PURCHASE OF CONGRESSIONAL* GLOBE. That the sum of * 100,000 is hereby appropriated to pur- chase* of the present owners and proprietors, the following property, to wit: 25,000 bound volumes of the Congressional Globe, 40,000 unbound volumes of the Congressional Globe, 40,000 metal plate* for printing the Congressional Globe, 24,000 composition plates for printing the Con- gressional Globe, the two story fire-proof brick building situate in the rear of the Glolx* building on Pennsylvania avenue, and the copyright for the complete work : Prnrided. That the Public Printer, the Secretary of the Senate, and the Clerk of the House of Representatives, shall examine the said property, and shall certify to tin* Secretary of the Treasury, that it is in good order and in accordance with the schedule PUBL* msTKIItUTION - LIC DO' B. 39 lilted. before .in t nd provided \ tin- United States, shall be placed in tin- eustody "I' lli- Public Printer, ini.l.-r the direct ion of tin* Joint Committee on Public Printm-: ami that title to -aid property >hal! be approved ly tin- A 1 t m dciicreiicio In ml other important libr.i r.n.i.s \M. i:r.s..i.rTlON8. There shall ie printed 7.",( copies of every bill or joint resolution ordered by either lloiis- of Congress, or required by any rule thereof to be printed, unless a ditVerent number shall be specifically ordered. :'.7'.1. Revised Statutes. NOTK The number was subsequent ly increased to !L'.".. The liilN aid resolutions of the Forty->j\tli Congress, authoi ly thi> section, it bound in volumes of 500 pages each, would form a library of 7o..;'.s volumes, costing $69,000. Those of the first session of the 1'oity seventh Congress would form a library of ol.HH volumes. POSTAL CON Vi:.\T IONS. Tlu Congressional Printer, on receiving from the Postmaster-Gren- < i ral a eopy of any postal convention between the Postmastei ' on the part of the I nited States and an equivalent officer of any foreign liovernment, shall immeent to the Secretary of State any number of copies which he may order, not e \ceedin.ir ">00, and to be printed separ- ately, and sent to the two houses of Congress the usual number. Sec. . Kcvi-ed Statin- Ncir.. The acts and resolutions of the Forty-sixth Congress, printed by authority of this section, if bound in volumes of .~>on JKI^CS each, would form a library of i;.*j.~iO volumes. PAJirni.r. i i.\\ At the close of each session of Congress there shall be printed bound for the use of the Sen.it. ;. MOO mil foi tin 'In- House of 40 PUBLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OP PUBLIC DOCUMENTS. Representatives 10,000 copies of all acts and resolutions so furnished with a complete alphabetical index, prepared under the direction of the Joint Committee on Public Printing. See. 3H07, Revised Statutes. That at the close of ever}* session of Congress the Secretary* of State shall cause to be distributed pamphlet copies of the acts and resolutions of Congress for that session, edited and printed in the man- ner aforesaid, as follows: to the President and Vice- President of the United States, 2 copies each; to each Senator, Representative, and Delegate in Congress, 1 copy; to the Librarian of the Senate, for the use of Senators, 126 copies; to the Librarian of the House 250 copies, for the use of the Representatives and Delegates; to the Library of Congress, 14 copies; to the Department of State, including those for the use of legations and consulates, GOO copies; to the Treasury De- partment, 200 copies; to the War Department, including those for the use of the officers of the Army, 200 copies ; to the Navy Department, including those for tin- u>c of officers of the Navy, 100 copies; to the Department of the Interior, including those* for the use of surveyors- general, and registers and reeeivcrs of public land offices, 250 copies; to the Post-Office Department. 50 copies; to the Department of Justice, including those for the use of the Chief and Associate Justices, the judges and the officers of the Tinted States and Territorial courts. 425 copies; to the Department of Agriculture, 10 copies; to the Smith- sonian Institution, 5 copies; to the Government Printing Office, 2 copies; to the governors and secretaries of Territories, I copy each; to be re- tained in the custody of the Secretary ot State, 1,000 copies; and 10,(NK> copies shall IH? distributed to the States and Territories in pn>|K>rtion to tin- number of Senators, Representatives, and Delegates in Congress, to which they are at the time entitled. Sec. ,uct of June 20, 1874, vol. 18, Statutes at I*arge, p. 1 1 '-. NOTE. Total number of copies of Pamphlet Laws of the first, second, and third sessuuis of the Forty-sixth Congress printed, 70,887. 8TATITK8 AT I.AKi.l That after the close of each Congress the Secretary of State shall have edited, printed, ami bound a sufficient number of the volumes con- taining the Statutes at Large enacted by that Congress to enable him to distribute copies, or as many thereof as may be needed, as follows: To the President of the United States. 1 copies, one of which shall be for the library of the Executive Mansion, and one copy shall lie for the use of the Commissioner of I'M Mir Buildings; to the Vice- President of the United States, 1 copy ; to each Senator, Representative, and l>ele- gate in Congress, 1 copy ; to the Librarian of the Senate, for the use of the Senators, 114 copies: to tin- Librarian of the House, for the use of the Representatives and Delegates, 410 copies: to the Librarian of Congress, 14 copies, including 4 copies for the Law Library; to the Department of State, including those for the use. of legations and con- sulates, ,'WO copies ; to the Treasury Department, including those for the use of officers of customs. 200 copies ; to the War Department, including a copy for the Military Academy at West Point, 50 copies; to the Navy Department, including a copy for the Library of the Naval Academy at Anna | M.I is. a copy for the library of each navy -yard in the United States, a copy for the Libiary of the Brooklyn Naval Lyceum, and a copy for the Library of the Naval Institute at Charlestown, Mass., >3 copies; to the Department of the Interior, including those for the use of the snr- PUBLICATION AM. DI0T1OBUTIOX OF PUBLIC DOCUMENTS. 41 il .in.l ; !- "t put, he land offices, 250 ;i Uncut, ."in . : be I >'(>. irliiM-ntof Justice, ioclnd in. land Associa ' es, :id ; In- oj f MM- United States ami i to the i ''-I'-" MM. -ni oi ,ie Smith sonian Insiit iitmii. - iniiM-ii! i 'i in ting Office, 1 copy; .ind p 6 -lull -upply delieieneie.s ami ntli.-. . ated. > . i MI .inn,, L'U. i>;i. \oi. i>. statute, .(i Large, p. 1 1 i. No 1 1 Total number of copies, iM08. i'i BMBH1 i ( iin-: i,'i.\ is 1.1 si \ i i i j.s. //<>,./',,/ /,// //,, Stntit> ntitl //. . Hlted -nsof hrial lrrixinii>. ami iii.l.-x. | >\ .-| ia i .-. 1 lv \\'illi;im A. K'i.-liai.l BOD, t" >!! hall le in and I'lills belting t> tin- i:i\ ci nineiit t'.r its e\eln-ive ii-r ami That 6.351 OOpiefl le pi-inted. IMMIIH|. and diM i ilmled. a> pr\ ide.l tin the distribution >!' the LY\i>olutinn pro- viding tor the distribution and sale ot them-* edition of the I;. Statutes of the I'nited Siah-." }>jissed May 1'U. ls7s. aii-1 joint i. tio:i paxM-d December L'l. 1^. and sueli additional eoj.ie<. on the order of the Serretar.N of State, as may be necessarx. from time to time. t. kept for >ale in the same manner and on like terms us the : are required to b- kept for sale, and t<> supplx deti.-i. otliee> newly rivaled: that tor preparim: and editing said Supplement, im-ludin^ indexing and all clerical \\o-U m-c.---.n . to fully -omplet' said \\ork. inclndin- tlie legislation of the l-'ort \ ->ixtli Congress, there >hall be paid to said editor the sum of $5,000; and each Senator and Member of the present Congress who would Hot receive enpiex under said joint lesolution shall receive the same number of copu-x .1- nthei Senator* or Member* receixe under the same. loint roolution. June 7. 1-s.so. vol. -Jl, Statutes at Lai-e. p. 308. i i;. I Uder th- provisions of this resolution l,n:,7 copies of the Supilement are printed for members of Congress, and 'J..".no for officers of the -oVenmnMlt. i:i:\ ISI..N OP iM'i LH i I:K \ i i; a the Secretii ^tate shall cause all the copies of the of Indian treaties made by Tiiom-is .1. I ) m ant. now printed, tobebon: and the >,um- shall be deposited with the Secretary of the Interior for the u>e of tin-departments and otlieeiNof the -o\ernnent. Sec. 10, act .it June -<'. 1 W \. vol. is. Statutes at Large, p. 114. I Hi; ! SI U. M Mil! .XTM1.N 1 & One tliousand five hundred and tilt\ OOpiCfl of an\ document ordered b\ ( shall be printed, and that number shall be known as the usual number: no.u: i tuber shall be punted unless ordered by ' er Houer. The aggregate of the u usual number ** of documents hereafter to be printed will be largely increased by the provisions of the following joint resolution. EXTENSION OP "USUAL NUMBER* TO ALL DOCUMENTS ORDERED BY CONGRESS. Resolved by the Senate and Howie of Itrpmrntatire* of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That whenever any document or report shall be ordered printed by Congress there shall be printed, in addition to the number in each case stated, the " usual number" of copies for binding and distribution among those entitled to receive them ; and this shall apply to all unexecuted orders now in the office of the Public Printer. Joint resolution, .luly 7. 18S2. Pamphlet Laws, first session Forty-seventh Congress, p. 387. JOURNALS, EXECUTIVE DOCUMENTS, AND ABRIDGMENT. Of the documents named in this section then 1 shall be printed and bound, in addition to the usual numler for Congress, the following copies, namely: First. Of the document* accompanying tin* annual report* of the executive department*, 1,000 copies for the urn* of the members of the Senate and 12,000 copies for the use of the mcml>crs of the House of Representatives. Second. Of the President's Message, the annual reports of the exec- utive departments, and the abridgment of accompanying documents, unless otherwise ordered by either House, 10,000 copies for the use of the members of the Senate and 25,000 copies for the use of the member* of the House of Representatives. Third. Of papers relating to foreign affairs, accompanying the annual message of the President, 2,000 copies for the use of the members of the Senate and 4,000 copies for the use of the members of the House of Representatives. Fourth. Of the "Commercial Relations, r annually prepared under the direction of the State Department, 2,000 copies for the use of the mem- bers of the Senate and 3,000 copies for the use of the meml>ers of the House of Representatives. Fifth. Of the annual report on the Statistic* of Commerce and Navi- gation, exports and imports, merchandise in transit, manufacture*, and registered and enrolled vessels, prepared by the Special Commis*ioner of the Revenue, Chief of the Riireau of Statistics, 2,000 copies for the use of the members of the Senate and ',.]. ~n copies for the use of the members of the House of Representative*. Sixth. Of the Public Journals of the Senate and House of Repre- *entatives, 1,550 copies. Sec. 3798, Revised Statute*. NOTE. The documents of the Forty sixth Congress, printed under the authority of this section, amount to 202.750 volume*. M. m--iKii:i 1 1 -NTS. 43 i: \ < ..I'll All pm: osii inn- in eit hei 1 1 of documents, th< rhiehexeeedt $500, shall t res- olution, uhlch -hall, II|M.I> it- tian-mi- -c. I..- [] diateh retened in the Committee ..n I'milm- f the House to xvli;. The Cn||-|rln|ial I'lllltcl -hall. U h UTted b\ tin- .loint < imtlee of tin- Librars. plliil, III addition \u t he ii-nal number, eilh- or inn oo] in- ma\ be ' (nvrniiiM-iit. SIT. .'iTIMi EtoTfoed Slatiit.-x. It' an\ IM-I-SUII .i. | r|Hi-.s ..I ah\ 1< )di in- 1 1 f ]>riii|ci| at tin' ( ;.\ rniiiiriit l'rinlin_ <\ aul h<>i it \ >l the law shall, prcvimm to '!> IxMII- pllt to llrv>. ||.til\ tin- < 'M|iL.'M">in|ial I'll II IT <>\ t !) II II Illber of copies wan ted, And shall p.i\ to iiim In advBnoe, theestiuiat4Mi r..>t lirlrnt. ami tell p*T rclltlllll I ln'1'r. | i . tl :ial I'lIIit.-I Illldrr tlir diirctln ( .t' tlir .Inint ( 'nil! Ill 1 1 1 rr mi I'lllilic I'rilitili^. t'uilli>li tin- saiiM-. > '. KY\ix,-d Statin- All niotmio to print -\tra ropii-.s <.i' any hill, report, or other puhlie, document >hall ! referred to the Committee on I'rintin^ of the Mouse in whirh such motion is made. See. .".7'.' .".. L'e\ised Statutes. ITIM.IC DOCn MI;\ i 9 FOB BX4 UANGE. ^<>h-l I, if tht * mil* untl II > s of the I'nit,- >l > copies of ;ill HoeiiMientN here- after jM'inted hv order of either 1 loii^e nt ( kmgreSS, ;uid "n ropii-s ;iddi (ional of all doeuments printed in excess of the usual numl>er, together with r.n enpies ot C.ich publication i-Mied 1\ anv department or luireaii ot the uove ru men t. be placed at the disposal of the .Joint < 'onmiitt. ;he Lilu-arv, who >hall e\ch;in.ue t he >ame throii-h the .t. the Smithsonian lust it ution. for such works published in to -Hintries, an\ foreimi governments, as may be dceni.-.i i\- -aid com- mittee an equivalent : >aid works to be deposited in the Library of ( '.n gress. Joint resolution, March I*. 1^',7. Statute- at Large, vol. 1 1. p The .loint Committee ii|)on the Library may from time to time ap- point such agents as they deem requisite, to cany into ellect the d.. nation and e\clianu- of documents and other publications placed at their dispo-al tor the purpose. Se< . ^7. i:-\i-ed Stan, Of the document- printed b\ order of either Hoiise there shall be printed and bouml ."( additional cnj.ies for the purpose of excl foreign countries. Sec. .T!.i. Ke\i-ed Statutes. DOOUMBH rs mi; BO1 tur.iis* H<>MI / i hat section 4837 of the LY nte- of the Cnited > .and the same is hereby, repealed and re -enacted as follows: w Th Bet-ret sir \ .f the Senate and the Clerk of the House of Re: M-ntatives shall cause to be sen i t. the National Home for Disabled Vlu .lid-sat I>a\ ton. in Ohio, and to the - at AngQSta, in Maine; Milwaukee, in Wisconsin; Hampton, in \'iminia: and the 44 PUBLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF PUBLIC DOCUMENT*. Soldiers' Home ut Knightstown Spring*, near Kuightstown, in Indiana, each, one copy of each of the following documents : The Journals of each House of Congress, at each and every session ; all lawn of Congress; the annual message of the President, with the accompanying documenU; the daily Congressional I Vn ml ; and ail other documents or books which may be printed and bound by order of either House of Congress; and the. Public Printer is hereby authorized and directed to furnish to the Secretary of the Senate ami the Clerk of the House of Representative* the documenU referred to in this section." Act of February 8, 1881, Sup. Revised Statutes, vol. 1, p. 591. BINDIM. I "K M i. MltKKS OK CONGRESS. lie it enacted, dr., That the Public Printer be authorized to bind a* the Government Printing Office any books, maps, charts, or documenU published by authority of Congress, ii|K>n application of any member of the Senate or House of Representatives, upon payment of the actual cost of such binding. Act of Decemlier 10, 177, Sup. Revised Stat- utes, vol. 1, p. 303. That the Secretary of the Senate !-. and he is hereby, au- thorized to cause to IM* Ixuiitd, at the Government Printing Office, one copy of any public document desired by any Senator for his personal use. Senate resolution, January 17, 1878. Prorideil, That no binding shall be done at the! iovemtuent Printing Office for Senators, Representatives, or Delegate* in Congress, except that there may In3 bound for each Senator, Representative, or Delegate, one copy of each book or document issued by order of Con- gress, but this provision shall not allow any binding as aforesaid to be done of books or documents issued by authority of and during any former Congress. Act of August 7, 1882, Pamphlet taws. ttrst session Forty- seventh < .p. :J34. INDEX in .InrRNAI.s "I '"N'-KKW. Be it rewired. That then* shall IM- prepared, under the direction and supervision of tin* Cnmmittee on Rules, a general index of the Journals of Congress. /feffo/rtti, That the ( 'ouimit tee on Rules are authorized to select and employ a proper ierson to prepare such general index, at a compensa- tion not to exceed f2,f>00 per annum, to be paid out of the contingent fund of the House for the ensuing fiscal year, and to tie under the direc- tion of the Committee on Rules as the prosecution of the work proceeds. House resolution, June 18, 1878. Rewired, That the Committee n l.'ules are hereby authorized to select and employ a proper person to assist in the preparation of a general in- dex of the Journals of Congress, under the resolution of June 10, 1878, at a rate of compensation not to exceed $'J,(MN> JKT annum, to be paid out of t he contingent fund of the House until an appropriation shall be made. House resolution. May 22. l^J. For the person preparing the general index to the Journals of Congress under resolution of June 18, 1878, $2,500; for the assistant to the person preparing the general index to the Journals of Congress, authorized under the resolution of May 22, 1882, $2,000. Act of August .", 1832, Pamphlet Laws, first session, Forty-seventh Congress, p. 221. 1TBLICATION AM- MMK'ir.i 1! I HLIC DOCUMENTS. 45 OFF I' I \l. i: KI> STATES. /./ Senate < e lor the libi a ry oft In- F\rnin\ Mansion; to the Vice-Presi- dent of the Fnited States, - OOpieSj l each Senator. |J, anil Delegate in CongretS, I COpJj in the > rop\ ; to tin- ('Ink of the llniixr. j rop\ ; to the I 1 the S< ..< COpieS, "I N\ llH'll 1 'i.|V >liall In- >ll|.|.lir<| 1. < ..III III It iialr; In tin- I,il>iai\ ! llir llnii I i \ , 75 rnj.irs. (>!' \\llicll lcup\ .shall I M- >l 1 1 1| .1 |r< I t < , rarli St a IH lill ^ riuini. (!' tin- I I Tai \ Ol be 1 '-j. irt- iiM-ut of Btate, '-" pies; to the Treasury l )-p.n tnn-nt. i Ihr \\ ai I )r|.ai linrii! . eJ tu t In- Na\ \ I )r|art niriit. s ; to tin- Dcpai tllirlll ol Jll-Mrr. -J.'. r.ij.ii-s; t.. tin- I'nM-Ollirr I )-|ai't llli'llt . !.",( ru | u > ; to 'the Department of tbe ID terioi - the De- partment ut' A^iiciiltiin-, ." rnpirs: to tin- Smit li^on la n Institution, t ropir>; t< tin- Stair LiluaiA and Stair Ilistoi ., ami to tin- l-'.\-ruti> r ot rarli '1'ri l it 01 \ , anil to tin- i-!iat. (1 JOIN of public doeoments in eacb < 'nmr->io!ial l)i>trirt in tin- I'mtrd Stairs. 1 roj.\ rarli : and tin- rrniaiiiin LI -hall In- krj>t lv tin- SrrrrtaiN o|'tln- Intriiora>a r-n\ r. troin \\ hirh hr may supply nr\\ 1\ crratrd Q ml Mcmltrrs pf OODgreSS^ 1 additional ropy ;irh. An of hrrrmlM-r i.'i. i>77. Slain!.- at Large, vol. i'o. p. i;;. sun; KM r. COUE1 B] Thr rrporiri- shall ran>r thr drrismns of tin- Suprrmr ( oiirt made during hi> oi'm-r to hr prinU'd and pnhlishrd within ri-ht inontli- thry air niadr; and \\ithin thi> saintMimr. shall drlivrr ;',OO ropirs of tin- voliunrs ,,t s;ij,| rrports t<> t In- SrrrrtaiN of tin- Int-rior. And he sliall. in any \rar \\ hrn lu- is so dirrrird ly the roiirt. raiisr to IM- ju-intrd and published a .second volume of >aid decisions, of \\hirh he shall dr. in like manner and time, .inn copies. Sec. NUtS, the . i ml ^es of the Coort of Claims, the Jud the Supreme <'.;: tin- District ot rolumbia. the .lud-es of the >ev-ral Ten-it tor the use of the Bouse of Bepresentadves, the ( ernors of Tm itoi -jes, the ( 'ommissioner of ALII iriilt inc. tin- ( 'ommissioner of Internal KY\rnur. the ( 'ommissioner of Indian Allans, the < 'oiumis- sionerot Pensions, t he i 'on inn- the < iem-r.il I.ainl ( ) Hire, the Com- missioner of Pai mis. the Commissioner of ( 'usi s . t in- rum mi- Induration, the 1 'a \inasier-Genenil. the First and Sr.-ond ( 'oiuptroller> of the Treasury, the First. Seeoml. Thinl. Fourth. Fitth. and Sixth Auditors ot' tin- Treasury, the Solicitor of the Ticasinx. lln- Kogisterof the Treasurx . the Tn-asin,-! of the Unitei md the headsof such 46 PUBLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF PUBLIC BOCUMENTS. \ other Executive offices, as may hereafter be provided by law of equal grade with any of the said offices, each one copy; to the Secretary of the Senate for the use of the Standing Committees of the Senate, 10 copies : and to the Clerk of the House of Representative* for the use of the Standing Committees of the House, 12 copies; and the residue of said copies shall be deposited in the Library of Congress, to become a part of said Library. The copies received by any officer under this Mo- tion, shall, in cast* of his death, resignation, or dismissal from office, be delivered to his successor in office. -See. 083, Revised Statutes. The reporter of the decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States shall be entitled to receive from the Treasury an annual salary of $4,500 when his report of said decisions constitutes 1 voftime, and an additional sum of $1,200 when, by direction of the court, he causes to be printed and published in any year a second volume, and said re- porter shall be annually entitled to clerk hire in the sum of $1,200 and to office rent, stationery, arid contingent expenses in the sum of $000; and an amount siittirient for the payment of said sums is hereby appro- priated : Pror tiled. That the above provision shall not apply to decisions of the court pronounced at the last term thereof, but that said decisions shall be printed and the volumes containing them delivered to the Secretary of the Interior as prescribed by existing laws; and an amount sufficient to pay the salary and com]eiisation of the rejwrter iu connection therewith is hereby appropriated : Ami prorided further, That the volumes of the decisions which said court shall hereafter pro- nounce shall ! furnished by the re|M>rter to the public at a sum not exceeding $2 per volume, and th number of volumes now required to be delivered to the Secretary of the Interior shall be furnished by the rcjxirter without any charge therefor. Act of August ". 1882, Pam- phlet tai ws, first session Forty -seventh Congress, p. 254. REPORTS OP COURT OP CLAIMS. On the ilrstday of every I hwmber session of Congress the clerk of the Court of Claims shall transmit to Congress a full and complete state- ment of all the judgments rendered by the court during the previous year, stating the amounts thereof and the parties in whose favor they were rendered, together with a brief synopsis of the nature of the claims upon which they wen* rendered. And at the end of every term of the court he shall transmit a copy of its decisions to the heads of depart- ments; to the Solicitor, the Comptroller*, and the Auditors of the Treasury ; to the Commissioners of the General Land Office and Indian Afllars; to the chiefs of I HUTU us. and other officers charged with the ad- justment of claims against the United States. Sec*. 1057. licvised Statutes. NOTE. Two hundred and fifty copies of Court of Claims reports are printed for official use. OPINIONS OP THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL. The Attorney -General shall, from time to time, cause to be edited and printed at the Government Printing Office an edition of 1,000 copies of such of the opinions of the law officers heiein authorized to be given as he may deem valuable for preservation in volumes, which shall be as to size, quality of paper, printing, and binding, of uniform size and api>earance, as nearly as practicable, with volume eight of such opin- CRIBUTIOH d rriiLIC DOCUMB.V1 - 17 . ..;. !;<",, i mi. in the year 1868. Each \<>IUHM- shall contain propel lir.nl HOI 'Mlplrtr ami fill I llnj. - .1- the .\ih ! i lines shall l.r dlxtl ibllled III xiieh manner ;i- tlir A t I - to Illlir p : IN. I ii. the Xrmif, inn! II ^tillhlKl. Thill tin- I'lll.llr Plllltrl I,. lr<|lllled In |i|-illt Hot Ilio|r ill, Hi QD \o|i|lne each \r.il ..t I lir deel and opinions of the First Comptroller of th< \mh Mich explanatory mallei RS fa ma\ I m ni>h. and I tl for th Illil I . thereof: In I hr < 'nil! | >t I ' ! !i 111 the ma HIM -i pro\ ideil in >eetinn 7 ul thr art <>l .lime % jo. ] >; |. ; ] I.".. piu\ id: hr publication nt ! : hall' tin- llimilxT therein Ilirlit inlird. -- Inllit ir-ollltinn. A.D rani|lil-r La us. \>\ s-ss. 17th ( '. .!!. NO'l i:. Sr\rn tlmiixaiiil two lniiiiiri >\ I-K.II^ ul' lin> i -r>ulm iuii. PUBLIC \ Ih'NS n| I Ul. |'\ I l.N I ..I i Tin' ( 'uiiiini>-i.'iin (!' I'atriit- ix ant hui i/rii tu ha\r juiiitrd. ti <>m 1u timr. fur ui-atiiituii.x dixt i-ilntiuii. nut tu exceed 1 "<> ruj.irs ..t thr eom- plrtr >JM citiratiun.x and drawin. ..-h |atr!ii hnvallrr issued, :!iri \\itli snitaldc in* 1 tte -u|.\ tu IK- |lacr<| fur tir.- jmlilir in- iuii in each cajn; >tatr and Trrritrv: unr tur the likr purpusr in tin- rln-U's .Hirr ul'thc diMrirt ruiirt uf rach judicial d;- of the I'liitrd Si. ,-p| \\ljrii >nrh ullirrs air luralrd n, Tcrriturial r;:pitol>: and ia \\hirh shall IM (itilicd uinh-r the haiul ul' thr ( (nniiiiunri ai ' thr I'atrnt Oll'n-c. and sliall nut lc taken from the drp. ;,.i an\ ntln-r purpnsr than to lu- n>ri as evidence s<-c. t:o. i;r\i>,.d Btatol Thr I'u mini- >t' Paten iiuii/rd t u ha\ r pi inlrd x M( , ditiunal numbers oi '. -(.crilicat iuns and ilrav. pic\ided in the jdfcedin- seetion, at a jtrice not t. -tract price tui >nch dra\\r ^ale. as max l.e -d l.\ the fti demand for the same: ami he i> al>u anthuii/ed tu tnrnixh a complete i >uch xprriliraliun.x and diau in-> tu an\ public liluai \ u Inch \\ ill j.a\ tor l.indiiiu the -ante into vulume> to conr.x|.ond with thu>r in tlie Hi (Mlice. and tor the ; i a n>|.oi tat ion of the >ame, and which shall also provide tor proper euMudv r,, r the s.ime. with convenient access for the public thereto, under sin-ii regulations as theComnn- shall derm reasonable. See. I'.ll. l; -iatlltrx. The juice to he jiaid tur unceititied printed copies of 8]>eci fications and drav latent.x >hall lie determined by the Commissioner of :its. within the limits ..r ten cents as the minimum and tiftv - as the maximum price. .1 Stain;- Be it fi -ioner ma\ pi int. or cause to be printe. - ot the - lions of all letters patent and drawing of the same, and OOfrfefl of the claims of ci; Mies, and such la i, rules, re-ulatiun>. and x as may be in for the information < f the public. Sec. 20, act of Ju vol. Hi. p. I'OO. 48 PUBLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF PUBLIC DOCUMENTS. OFFICIAL GAZETTE. To provide for the plates of an Official Gazette of the Patent Office abstracts of the drawing of patents issued, $13,333, to be ex- pended under the direction of the Commissioner of Patents: 1'rorided, That one copy of said Gazette shall be furnished to each Senator, Rep- resentative, and Delegate in Congress; and one copy each shall be sent to eight such public libraries as may be designated by each Senator, Representative, and Delegate, and two copies to the Library of Con- KIV: //*///,//////////. That ;t .siilixrripiimi pii'-- ..f n-.t 1,-xx HUM *:, per annum for said Gazette shall be charged to each subscriber; and all sums received from such subscription shall be on or before the first day of each month paid into the Treasury, Act of May 18, 1872, Stat- utes at Large, vol. 17, p. 131. ABRIDGMENT OF LETTERS PATENT. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representative* of tke United State* of America in Congrrs* assembled, That the sum of $10,000 be, and the same hereby is, appropriated, out of any moneys belonging to the patent fund in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be ex- pended under the direction of the Commissioner of Patents in the prep- aration of classified abridgments of all letters patent of tin- rnit'l States. SEC. 2. That the said abridgments shall In- printed, and one copy of each shall IH furnished to each Senator, Representative, ami Delegate in Congress; one copy to each of eight public libraries to be designated by each Senator, Representative, and Delegate, and two copies to tho Library of Congress; and also copies to such foreign governments, libraries, and learned societies as the Commissioner of Patents may designate: I'rorided, That copies shall be sold at the cost of printing, and all sums received from such sale shall, on or before the first day of each month, be paid into the Treasury. Act of March 3, 1881, Statutes at Large, vol. 21, p. 5W. KI.I-..I; is MJ si i:\ i > - \VKSI ..I i 11 r. IHM H MKKIDIAJ Be it enacted, dr. For engraving and printing the plates illustrating the report of the geographical and geological explorations and surveys west of the 100th meridian, to be published in quarto form, the printing and binding to he done at the Government Printing Office, twenty-five thousand thousand thousand. Act of June 23, 1874, vol. 18, Statutes at Largo, p. 224. Be it enacted, <, a* I \ olimio ,i Office, to each to the > ltd D SO '' "'I I- onl\ tll- HIM \nli ..... i. -iiiftiii^ I" : j.-, IM a Tin- piiMication> of the < iiall consist ol th< report of operation^. and economic maps illustra resources ami da one f tin- la: ipon ^ eCOn and palconi. Annual K'epoi f . of tl. ' Sm\e\ >liall aceonipaiiN tin- Animal Peport of the Seen lai \ n| ilic Inifi All Npi-rial mm art* MI' -aid >ni \ .-\ >hall be issued in nni farm quarto aerta ir dn-im-d n<-r(^>ary i\ tin- \> 'tlicrwise in urdmai-N ncla\ 'MINT thousand r.| J] ! pulli>lM-al- ai I In- prir- of pnldicat imi : and all lib r,n tOgrapbic matrria: iall IM- tin- p. t tin- I 'niird stairs, and inrm a part of t IK- Library of the organization. A Mai-.-i, ::. 1879, vol 20, Btatatefl at Lai 04, ; i:. Tlir Annual IN-ports :: vey tonn :\ part !' the lnten>r. and ai'e. il: .1 in th- eenti\- duenmen!> printed tor di>trilmtinn 1\ < memoirs and reports of the Survey, no eopies are pi in 1 ' l.ntion, rxeept ti i ft er pnl>li>hed. t lie n-nal nn >, will l>e issued tor di-'.nbiition as now provided 1>\ ! -: i:ci M. ii ; 01 i in. i;i:i' the purpose of preparing 1<>1 pulilieation, nmler tin- direetion of the Seeivtarv of \Var. and of printing at the -aent Printing. Office 5,000 OOpiefl of tin; first volume of the .Medical and gieal History of the Ilehellion, compiled ly the Surgeon- den. ial : for the pMrj)ose of prepai inu for pnblieation. under the direction of the \\ar.and of pi hit inn at the ( iovernmeni 1'rinti: 5,000 OOpiea Of the Medical StatiMics of the Provo>t -Mar>hal ' .in, compiled and to be completed l>y s J.H. Baxter, $60,000 : . That the editions of hoth pablioationfl thus ordered shall !> di>jos. d ol as ('.) * * * . Act of .Inly js. ism;, vol. 1 1. Stan i I hat tlicre he printi-d at the ( io\ .-111111. -nt Printiiu f the iir-i }> \\ t and S of the KYhellion. compih-d l>\ I eral under the di; the Secret.! ,r. and 5,( \t the Medical Stat ; md to be completed 1>\ m .1. 11. Pa\ter, as authori/ed by ;M. I ah L'>, lSi(l. which aNo proviotii jmMieations thus ordered shall Ins disposed of as Gongren heieafier direct. .Joint Resolution. March :;. 1^I!. voL 15, Statutes at . p. .517. H. Mis. 1L> - 4 50 PUBLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF PUBLIC DOCUMENT*. Resolved by the House of Reprctentat irr, the Senate concurring, That of the 5,000 copies of the Medical and Surgical History of the War, author- ized to be printed by joint resolution of Congress approved March 3, 1809, 2,000 copies Khali be for the use of the House of Representatives, 1,000 lor the Senate, and 2,000 for distribution by the Burgeon-General of the Army. Con. Res., May 27, 1872. Be it enacted, A'c.f That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, directed to have completed the Medical and Surgical History of the War by the preparation in the office of the Surgeon-General of two volumes, of 1,MM) pages, in addition to the first volume already compiled and printed under authority of Congress. Si;< . 2. That 5,000 copies each of the second ami third volumes be printed and bound by the Congressional Printer, to be distributed with the first volume already printed, as may l- hereafter directed l>v Con gress. Act of June 8, 1872, vol. 17, Stain statutes at I^argc, p. :*88. And the Congressional 1'rinter is hereby authorized to print and bind 5,000 additional copies of the Medical and Surgical His- tory of the War of the Rebellion ; 1,000 of which shall lie for the use of the Senate, 3,000 for the use of the House of Representatives, and 1,000 for distribution by the Surgeon-General of the Army. . Act of March 3, 1875, vol. 18, Statutes at I>arge, p. 31)1. NOTE. Of this work 10,000 copies are printed. Vols. 1 and 2 of pU. 1 and 2 have been issued. Vols. 1 and 2 of pt.3 remain to he published. CATALOGUE OF THE LIHIIAKY OF Jill. SfKUKON (iENEUAL'S OFFICE. For printing and binding the first and second volumes of Catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's OftVe. $20,000; to be immediately available. . Act of March :i, 1879, vol. 20, Statutes at* Large, p. :i!H>. For printing and binding the third volume of the Catalogue of the Library of th< Surgeon General's Office, fiO.OOO. . Act of March 3, 1881, vol. 21, Statutes at Large, p. 447. NOTE. One thousand ttve hundred copies of this work are printed for distribution by the Surgeon -General. Vols. 1. 2, ami 3 have already been issued. AMKUH AN EPIIEMEKLS AND NAUTICAL ALMANAC. Retolrcd by the Senate and Jfonteof Rcpte*cntatire*oftke United State* of America in Congre** a**c9nbled. That there shall lie printed annually at the Government Printing Office 1,500 copies of the American Kphem- eris and Nautical Almanac, and of the pajH'rs supplementary thereto, of which one hundred shall be for the use of the Senate, four hundred for the House of Representatives, and one thousand for the use of the public service, to be distributed by the Navy Department. SEC. 2. That additional copies of the Ephemeris and of the Nautical Almanac extracted therefrom may be ordered by the Secretary of the Navy for sale : Prorided, That all moneys received from such side shall be deposited in the Treasury to the credit of the appropriation for public printing. .Joint Resolution, February 11, 1880, vol. 21. Statutes at Large, p. 301. ITI:U< rBIBUTION OF RUBLE DOCUMENT- &BFOR1 ..I' til' ' on fin- \ I'jodllet 111 Hi. i be in mi. tin- use "I fol th- III.' 'I'M',! : \n:i: i l'o; print in;: ami distributing t he puMir.it ,.,n^. v, the 06 partmeii! ii>nlai and other OODIUK cludr M!;II letters r " li:nnl>.-i> of commeire. $20,000. A ,ini\ i. i^ s> _'. Pamphlet Laws, flrsi session ; - Teas, P. 135, BCtlUg agricultural M at i>t ic>, including Mat i.-' the production, home consumption, and e\ portal imi r THI: BBBB1 i ti * * * I iial]- tin- STiriar\ ot \Var to be^in the pitllioatioii <.| the ( )!licial liee..rd- of the \\ ar of the Kebellion, lioth of th,- Tnioii and of the Confederate Armies, the sum of $15,000. And the Becretftl is hereby ed to have oon|edibr the Public Printer all i-eporta, letters, tele^'i-amv. and general orders not heretofore enpicd >r pn: and prop. . and for the printinu and hindiiiL:. und-r the . of the Secretary f \\ a: . of lo.nno mpies ,f a compilation of tin- < Mlicial Reconis. CJDioQ and Confederate, of the War of the i;eieiiion. the samr may he ready for puMirat ion during th.- and of said nninher 7. nno oopiefi >hall be fi>I theuseofthe llouseof Kep]-<'sentatives, !'.()()(> copies for the use of the Senate, and 1 ,o< for the use of the e\e<-iiti\e departments. Act of June !'. 21, stain irge, p. continning the publication of the < MVu-ial l printinu and lundin^, under hall 52 PUBLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF PL'BUC DOCUMENT* : tluuiliiitcd as follow*: 1,004) copies to the executive department*, as now pro\ ided by Jaw; 1,000 copies for distribution by the Secretary of War union;; officer* of the Army ami contributors to the work ; s,;too copies shall In- sent by the Secretary of War to such libraries, organizations, and individuals as may be designated by the Senators, Representatives, and Delegates of the Forty seventh Congress. Kaeh Senator shall designate not exceeding twenty-six, and each Representative and Delegate not exceeding twenty-one, of such ad- dresses, and the volumes shall be sent thereto from time to time as they are published, until tint publication is completed. Senators, Representatives, and Delegates shall inform the Secretary of War in each case how many volumes of those heretofore published they have forwarded to such addresses. The remaining copies of the 11,000 to be published, and all sets that may not be ordered to !>e distributed as provided herein, shall be sold by the Secretary of War for cost of publication with 10 per cent, added thereto, and the proceeds of such sale shall be covered into the Treasury. If two or more sets of said volumes are ordered to the same address, the Secretary of War shall inform the Senators, Representatives, or .Delegates who have designated t In- same, who thereupon may designate other libraries, organizations, or individuals. Tlie Secretary of War shall report to the first session of the Forty -eighth Congress what vol- umes of the series heretofore published have not been furnished to such libraries, organizations, and individuals. Ho shall also inform dis- tributees at whose instance the volumes are sent Act of August 7, 1881!. Pamphlet I*aws, first session Forty -seventh Congress, p. 320. NOTK. It is estimated that this work will embrace ninety-six vol- umes, of which six have already been issued. Of the first five volumes, 1 0,000 copies each wen* printed. The edition of the remaining volumes will comprise 1 1,000 copies. The aggregate number provided for in the above acts amounts to l.o/ii.ooo volumes. If to this be added the 00 copies ordered for the Library of Congress and the "usual number" of each after volume (>, the total will amount to 1,228,700 volumes. i: 1 : !!: I > OF TIIK/TKXTH CRN'Ht'S. /.'' it mni"i. dr., That the Kc|Hrt* of the Tenth Census of the United States le punted, and that lo.ooo additional copies be printed, of which ,;,ooo shall be for the use of the Senate, 6,000 for the use of the House of Representatives, and 1.000 for the use of the Department of the Interior. That, in addition to the above, L'o.ooo copies of the Reiort on Popu lation be printed, of which 0,000 shall le for the use of the Senate, 1'J.ooo for the use of the House* of Representatives, and 2,000 for the use of the Department of the Interior. That 1*0,000 additional copies of the Ucpoi i on Agriculture IK* printed, of which 6,000 copies shall be for the use of the Senate, 12,000 copies tor the use of the House, and 2.000 copies for the use of the Department of the Interior. That 10,000 additional copies of the Beport on Manufactures and Me- chanics be printed, of which 3,000 copies shall In* for the use of the Senate, f,000 copies for the use of the House of Representatives, and 1 .000 copies for the use of the Department of the Interior. Also, that li.oon additional copies of the LVport on the History of the National I/oan le printed for the use of the Treasury Department. Pi I DOCUHK A l>o, t lint I ..Mill addil lOI be printed I'm- tin- Afiii. also, that the < oinpeiidium of tin- I tdditional copies be : tin- us,- o| tin- B for tin- AIM! Ill ord- >id duplication ill tin- d: , ;MM! i leoare complete >ets in iiin l-., tin- additional enpii-x ||e|,-|!i .-id- the Treaxiiry Department and for tin- I In- i ton i >ii<-iit m mix ,.!' tin- I >epa I I iin-nt of the In'. Off ilit- Interior x|,;il| dixt I n Bet - '" each of xin-li fifteen lit-: lie institutions <1 ntln-r j.lllilir t ut inn s or inilix idnaU M >hall In- naiin-il t liim I'm- tliix juirpoxr |,y each llrpn-si-ntatiN < ami I )! 'I in \nlnun-- 9entative8,orsaob ntin-r parti. 'i be designated :inl l> -I. ntil the i|imta !' i-arh xh;ill i- . That mir 00 "-h volume xhall. IMilli<- I'rint i ii'ansiuittr.l t each and Dele-ate in < lODfl I'liat er ot' the lluiix.- of l:e|trexi-ntati\ e^ until hot) and niein'ier xhall he notified that the\ ha\c :iamed the xaine ] individual: . 1 ml i>mr'nll t'nrtlit /. That the jait upon tin- older of a meiuKei of ( ', , ; iall he informed lv r i ;ary ot' the Intel ioi' upon \N h" And the Secretary of the Interior xhall report t" on the names and location- ot' the li 1 . ;id other ]>n llltiollx drxjmiated to receive thes.- reports under the ; hill. And the sum ni ach tin- to ilrfray the cost of the al.o\ naim-d ]>rintini: and himlin_ xaiin- ix herel)\, appropriated out <>f any moneyx in the i otlirr\\ixe appropi iafed. Ad of AM^UX; 7. 1882, Pamphlet I ;on I-'orty seventh Con-resx. p. ;;j|. imated that thex,- L'.-j.oit- will romj TO twenty ijuarto volunn- irliidiii- Compendium. to from I. \M ' XMISS1 //. wlVi 'i /'/. : ditional eop - itied Land Laws ami Ih-toi \ of the Pablic Domain of the i eomj>iled and prepared ly tin- l'uili- Land CommiSfi llonx,- i:\ccuii\e I )iM-iim>-nt No. 17. with all suljsnpiei have IM-I n pas.xed 1)\ Conuresx prior to the adjournment of tin- present II. he printed and hound, under t he din the Sen the Inter > for the the House of LYprexriita- ; ie use of tin' S<- The Interior: /'/' . I hat tin-. n the use of the S< : the House of Etepreaentativea shall to d i\ the Secretary of ;he Interior in the manner provided t -ntion f th- 54 PUBLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF PUBLIC DOCUMENTS. of the Tenth Census, and that all copies not ordered to be distributed within two years after the passage of thin act Khali be sold by the Sec- retary of the Interior at cost of publication, with teu ]>er centum added thereto. Joint Resolution, August 7, 182, Pamphlet Laws, first session Forty-seventh Congress, p. 303. ANALYTICAL CATALOG UK OF PUBLIC* DOCUMENTS. Be it tnncted, dr., That there be prepared and published, under the direction of the Joint Committee on Printing, a classified, analytical. Slid descriptive catalogue of all publications made by the authority of the Government of the United States and the preceding government of the Colonies, and all departments, bureaus, and office.- thereof, from July 4, 1770, to March 4, 1881; and U|M>II the request of the said joint committee, the officers of the Senate and llouse of Kepresentatives, and the heads of all the executive department* and of all the bureaus and offices thereof, shall furnish to said joint committee all such information ami assistance in reference to said publications a* will t.nilitate or assist in the completion of said work; and the sum of $10,000 is hereby appro- priated for the purfioses of this act, which sum may IK- expended a* adilitimi.il pay or compensation to any officer or employe of the I'nited States. Act of July 'J7, 1882, Pamphlet I,aws, 1st sess. 47th Cong., p. 17. \i:i. AND DIMTKIBfTION OK 1M III. 1C DOCUMENTS. - The Secretary of the Interior is charged with receiving, arranging, and safe-keeping for distribution, and of distributing to the person* en- titled by law to receive the same all printed journals of the two house* of Congress, and all other l>ooks and documents of every nature what- ever, already or hereafter directed by law to le printed or purchased for Die use of the government, except such as are directed to be printed or purchased for the particular use of Congress, or of either house thereof, or for the particular list* of the Executive or of any of the departments, and any person whose duty it shall be by law to deliver any of the same shall deliver them at the rooms assigned by the Secretary of the Interior therefor. Sec. 407, Revised Statutes. Suitable rooms in the Department of the Interior shall be from time to time assigned by the Secretary for the journal*. Itooks. and docu- ments. Sec. 500. Revised Statutes. The Congressional Printer shall deliver to the Secretary of the inte- rior, at the room in the Interior Department set apart for that purpose, all books and documents directed by law to be printed for the use of the. government, except such as are directed to be printed for the par- ticular use of Congress, or of either house thereof, or of the President, or of any of the departments. Sec. 3813. Revised Statutes. A register of all publications received at the Department of the Inte- rior for safe-keeping and distribution shall l>e kept, under the direction of the Secretary, showing the quantity and kind at any time received by him; and he shall cause to be entered in such register, at the proper time, the time when, the place where, and the person to whom any of such publications have been distributed or delivered. Sec. 41W, Revised Statutes. The publications received by the Secretary of the Interior for dis- PUBLICATION IND DI8TBI1 DOCUMENT.* tlibntion .sli;ill be delivered out niil\ .MI tin- written ! ! ie.id> nt ' dep ,ui menu, Secretary of i iseof KYpre-eiitati\e>, l.ibrai i. in nt < '. digress, ami other officers and i rsonn who arc by l;i\\ ;i lit hoi i/ed I c by law the B tin- Int. . \\ itliout xnrli i oe to be sent and delivered; ami In < -m-ii cases it xhall he the duty of the - I li.- I lit .!-.,, tO CAUMC tin- same U) be Kent .ili(><. I,Y\ toed Btatnt Tin- Dep&rttnenl ot .lu>tirc >h;ill In- rhar-nl \sith tin- distrib ;i'it to the \ jirinns induf- ;iinl coin t.sot'l pro\ Mini 1 iy l;l\v.- 'I'ln- Sr. Ol tin- In: i I-|IIIITI| fco hinii>li to \\\- I'tnirnt oi .1 DIM time to time. |.iilli>li. -nllicieiit niimher of the itfttotefl ot' the I'niti d 81 of the Sii|neine ( 'oil 1 t of t lie I' n i t ei 1 > '.y him distHbtlti Niieli titlieers of the courts of t he I" nite.l S it'tei be h l;i\v entitled to iveeive tlli'in. Si . d Tin- eo|n-> of journals. lnioU>. .ind jtiildie dociiinent>, \\ineli are OT may he ant Imri/etl to lc di>trilmted to ineor|H,i a.ed lodi.->. Lnst ami associations \\itliin tin- Btatefl and Territoi i.->. >hall i. 'ilted to such hodirv as shall lie d.-vio n al) . ( j t<, the S. rby each of the Senators tVom tin ' State- d lv the It'eju-eseMtative in Ooi roin each ( 'on i: resxi, .nal di- 1 hy the Delegate tVom eaeh Territory. The distribution shall he made in >in-h manner that the quair trilmted to each < 'on-resMoiial district and Territory >hall be equal, excejtt that \\ hrm-ver the numbei >| , , aii\ publication ix insuffi- cient to supply theiewith <>ne institution, upon the def i of each member of the Senate and House ot' KVpresentatix ex. the cop disposal of the Secretary may be distributed tosnch incorporated en] leges, public libraiies. atlieiieiims. literary and scieiitilie institutions, boards ot' trade, or public ftSSOOiationa a-' he ma\ s.-leet . Se. . .MM. I,'.- Statute* The selection ot' an i u. xt it n t ion to receive the document- d to be published or procured at the tirM xex>jnii of any <'o!i-rc>s .xhall con- trol the docunuMits ot' the entire < it ion be made before any distribution 'ion first made, NYluMV the same \v..jk i> ].rinted b\ order both ot' tin House of Representatives, the duplicates maybe B< tutions. il so doired. by the member \vlio>e ri-ht it i- to direct the distribution: and the public documents t<> be distributed by the S- tar\ of the Interior shall be >ent to the institutio:. signaled unless he shall be satisfied that any Mich institution ifl Dol able dej" f the same. Co; :ial journals and public document- ami tributed to institutions on the . of membei-s of Ton grew shall be sent to such libi 1 institutions only a^ v] willin.irin-xs to |,a\ th- li-vised Stati 56 PUBLICATION AXU DISTRIBUTION OF PUBLIC DOCUMENTS. So many copies of the public journals of the Senate and of the House of Representatives shall be transmitted by the Secretary of the Interior to the executives of the several States and Territories as shall be suffi- cient to furnish one copy to each executive, one copy to each branch of every State and Territorial legislature, one copy to each university and college in each State, and one copy to the historical society incorporate! or which shall be incoqx>rated in each State. Fifty copies of the documents ordered by Congress to be printed shall be used for the purpose of exchange in foreign countries: the residue of the copies shall be depoisted in the Library of the United States, sub- ject to the future, disposition by Congress. Sec. 503, Revised Statutes. Whenever there are in the custody of the Department of the Interior any sets of the documents of any session of Congress or oilier docu- ments or odd volumes not necessary to supply deficiencies or losses that may happen in the Library of Congress, or in that of either of the execu- tive departments, or in State or Territorial libraries, the Secretary of the Interior shall distribute the same as equally as practicable to the several Senators, Representatives, and Delegates in Congress, for dis- tribution to public libraries and other literary institutions in their re- spective districts. Sec. 505, Revised Statutes. The Secretary of the Interior shall make annual ivjKirts to Congress as follows : A rt'i>ort showing the quantity and kind of the copies of public journals, books, and documents which have been received by him for distribution on behalf of the government, and showing also the t inn* when, the place where, and the i>erson to whom any of the same have been distributed and delivered during the preceding year. Sec. 445, Revised Statutes. SUPERINTENDENT OP PUBLIC DOCUMENTS. There >li,ill be in the Department of the Interior a superintendent of public documents, who shall be appointed by the Secretary, and shall be entitled toiv..i\, ., salary of $2,500 a year. Sec. 507, Revised Statutes. So much of section 507 of the Revised Statutes as provides for said salary is hereby repealed. Act of June 19, 1878, vol. 20, Stat- utes at Large, p. 108. The superintendent of public documents shall be charged, subject to the general direction of the Secretary of the Interior, with the duty of collecting, arranging, preserving, packing, and distributing the publica- tions received at the Department of the Interior for distribution, and with the duty of compiling and supervising the Biennial Register. Sec. 1508, Revised Statutes. POSTAL LAWS RELATING TO OFFICIAL MAIL MATTER. That it shall U- lawful to transmit through the mail, free of postage, any letters, packages, or other matters relating exclusively to the busi- ness of the (overnnient of the United States: Provided, That every surh letter or package, to entitle it to pass free, shall bear over the words "official business*" an indorsement showing also the name of the department, and, if from a bureau or ofhYe, the names of the department PUBLIC A I 1' > and - 'lie case n id if the mail, meanor, ami diction. That I'm- tin- pun>< dill \ t each of t i I 'lilted StAt* labordfoata offlcef tin- necessar\ in addition to the indorsem.' -nt in \\hirh thr\ air In be ii^rd. || M . priia; > srcnvelopes shall be stated thereon. That Senators. Representatives, and I . ietar\ of the Senal e, a lid MerK of t he Honse Of Re]>: :V68 Uiay send am! receive tliron^li tin- mail all ; intef oilier. Statutes at Lar-e. p. * * " Pritrnlcd further. That tronx named i:errin. until tlie first Monday of 1 )rrender followiim I lie expiration of their n-speet - ive terms of office. * * *. Act of Man-h :'-. 1879, vol. 20, statutesat Largo, p. The provi>:on.> of the fifth and .sixth sections <>i - ntitled "An act establish i and for other purposes/" approval .March 3, 1877. for the transmission of official mail matter, le, and they are hereby, extended to all officers of the In -rninent, and made applicable TO all ollicial mail matter transmit! .een any of the oiliivrs of the Tinted . or between any Mich Ol either of the executive departments rnment, the cn\ elopes of such matter in all cases to i., ndorseinent> containing the proper designation Of tin' ' :n \\hich the sa: transmitted, with a statement of the penalty fortheir i And the lrovi>ioi 1 fifth and sixth sect ions are hereby like\\ tided and made applicable to all official mail n. :it from the Smithso- nian Institution : Pro lh.it this art shall not extend or ajti' : otfter officers who receive a fixed ai: as com- peiisation for their services, including expcn^ s fol )"<-;:i-e. S, A<-t of March :',. 1^7!>. vol. L'.I. Btatat PROPOSED BILL AND RESOLUTIONS PROVIl'IN-l I !'. THE PRINTING AND DISTRIBUTION OF PUBLIC DOCUMENTS. I; I LI. \M> RESOLUTIONS. IIH '/ by the 8enat< ;-r nt tli- S -I Territorial lil ne libia Milii, '..int. tin- library of the Naval Acaden Annapolis, the lii> >n. < >hio, Au- i. Maim-, Milwaukee. \Vi>eun>in. Hampton. Virginia. anl Knights- i\vu Sp, niMoun, Indiana, ami other libraiies in each equal in nnmbe number ani tin- saiiH' in tin- present Coii^ri->^. and our adilitinnal library in each ;<>r\ : ami IP-I va t'tt i -any incrrax- in tin- niunhcr oi an\ statr -hall entitle such State to a corresponding in ._'. That i nst i tu tinns ni UT designated aadepoeitoriesoi pub 9 ^liall l)r rlltith'"! tn K'criv < Midi dncll inclit s >u lu|j^ ;i> ill i of the & Q terior' they continue prop^ iesof tme: /'/ - ''ptinu capital <-itit-s. nnly 01 -hall he loca(v. n 01- city containing l-^s tlian lou.unn in] -.ami that iminsi ii ntioii -ha 1 11 >< place. I ii] t he li>t until it i assurance to the & r of the Interior that it \\illj- dooa- entfl M a permanent portion of its lihrar; tidal pul>lic, ami that it will, dm in.u the month of.lannai . report to the Sccretai-v of the Interim- the number of \nluni' ita lilrar\ ami the number ol document > received nmh-r tl of tlii< act >ti!l in itfl possession: ami the requirements of tln^ .lie hereb\ n vcablctoall inst it lit ioii> herd ..i- ,-d as of public documents: /'/ /'//-/. That heieatterno nstitntion .shall be ]>hiced upon the list whose library !<> m>t lionsan.l voliim. district \\onld br ot her\\ ise un- iupplied. That rl; -n of tli-poxi;. public tloriii!i.-nt> in aal liM rids, ami Territories .still entitled to such ilepn>itnrie< vhall b<- made by Senators, h'rp . and ele_ e in the |iv>cii; Oo ided. That if not :hns mad. ;he termination ot' the sann- the Secretary of the III- :ei'i<>r i- In-n-liy an! !io> i/.-d to make the designation, and 1, anthori/ed to A< ^\\c\\ additional depositories T l>e entitled to in virtue of increased representation. . I. That the lil the K\ee!lli\e Mali-inn, the I.ibr.i ( On.m-ess. the library of the Tinted S the louse of Kei jj the library ot' each of tin- e\ecdti\ tS, the llbrar Supreme r.mrt. the libiary ot' the < ( '.lims. the libr:" - Patent < MhYe. the lilmin of the - 62 PUBLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF PUBLIC DOCUMENTS. General's Office, and the library of the Smithsonian Institution are hereby constituted depositories of public documents in the city of Wash- ington. BBC. 5. That the Public Printer shall deliver to the Secretary of the Interior such number of copies of each and every document printed at the Government Printing Office as will enable that officer to supply one copy to each depository of public documents; and it is hereby made the duty of the Secretary of the Interior to transmit said documents to their destination as soon as practicable after they are received. SRC. 6. That of the Journals of Congress, the annual reportsof the seve- ral executive departments and offices of the government, and of publica- tions of a scientific character printed at the Government Printing Office, there shall be delivered by the Public Printer to the Department of the Interior one thousand copies each, from which number the Secretary of the Interior shall transmit one copy to each of such two university, col- lege, or public libraries, not depositories of public documents, as may l>e named for this purpose by each Senator, Representative, and !>! gate in Congress : Frocided, That said libraries shall contain not less than five thousand volumes each, nnlessa large district would be other- wise unsupplied ; and the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to sell the remaining copies of said documents at cost. SEC. 7. That of the Journals of Congress and the annual reiiorts of the several executive departments and offices of the government there shall be printed, in addition to the usual number, two thousand copies, six hundred of which shall be for the use of the Senate, and one thousand four hundred for the use of the House of Representatives. SEC. 8. That of the abridgment of messages and documents, there shall l printed five thousand copies, two thousand for the use of the Senate, and three thousand for the use of the House of Representative*. SEC. 9. That of the " usual number*' of documents printed by order of Congress, one thousand three hundred and sixty -five (1,365) copies each >h:ill lx reserved for binding, and when bound shall be delivered by the Public Printer, as follows: To the Senate document-room, oue hun- dred and fifty copies; to the Senate library, ten copies; to the Bouse document-room, six hundred and fifty copies; to the House library, fif- teen copies; to the Library of Congress, fifty-two copies; to the library of each of the executive department.*, one copy; to the Department of the Interior, for depositories of public document*, four hundred and eighty copies. Of the remainder of the " usual mini her," such documents as form each an entire volume shall be bound in cloth; unless in t lie case of any vol- ume Congress shall otherwise and specifically direct: and all others left unbound, and they shall be delivered as follows: To the document - room of the Semite, of Senate documents and reports, one hundred and sixty copies; and of House documents and reports, eighty-five copies; to the document-room of the House, of Senate documents and reports, three hundred and twenty -five copies; and of House documents and reports, four hundred copies; to the Department of State, for transmis- sion to the legations in this capital of foreign governments, and to the legations and consulates of the United States abroad, thirty-six copies of Senate documents and rci>orts, and thirty-six copies of House docu- ments and reports; to the Executive Mansion, to each of the executive departments, to the Library of Congress, to the Smithsonian Institution, to the office of the Public Printer, to the Secretary of the Senate, and to the Clerk of the House of Representatives, one copy of each. PU1 m. That the PoBt-Offic. -,l n,. I directed <> MaiiMnit free through the mail tin- document whooe dfetribntiofi i- authorized i.y tliis act SEC. 11. That tin- Secretary Con- iteopeu oftbeaei ones of public B publications of the 'J i\ ! II IIHM der tin- p 'i tea. .Hid all othei in OOnflfj 'hN act a IT hereby repealed. Senate and House of li< pr< u t tin I '// ' >l 6 ' /,,/// \.v /. That tin- Public I'rin'- anthori/.ed and directed to d< li\ ii|ily, as far M |raetiealle. existini: di-tieiciicies in the sets of tlie^e documents in the following li . in the n named: First. Tlie lihrary of rhe K\eciiti\e Mansion, flu- lil.iai\ of each of tlie executive dejiartments of the government, the library of th preme Court, and the librarx of tlie ( 'onrt of Claim-. .-ondly. The State and Territorial libraries of tin- Cmt.-d State*. Thirdly. Such other libraries in the I'nitrd iin more Than live thousand volumes each. BSC. 2, That the S-eietar\ ot' the Interior >liall re|ort to ( 'oii^rew tlie liluario to which these docuiiien n uanh-d and the nir ot volmm-s delivered to each. That. iM'uinninir with th- nth Con.i:i-e. the Publie Printer shall deliver to th :ii'\ of the Interior tour hiindr.Ml and sevei ;i bound OOD tie OODgrenaioIia] L'.-.-ord. \\hich shall be distributed by the Seeretai'V of the Interior as follows: To the library of the Kxeeut i\ e Mansion, one eopy ; to the Lihrary of Congress, four eoj.ies: to the libra: .-hot' the executiv,- depart rneiits. t In- lihrary of the Supreme Toiut, and the library of the Court of Claim>. one COJ.N eadbj bO each Statr and Territorial library, one cop\ : to the dejiosihu i<-s of jmblic documents in tin several States and T. of the Cnited S .- copy eaeh : to the library f the Militars Academy at \\'e>i I'oint. the library of the Naval Academy at An napolis. the library ot' the Soldiers' Homes ; n Dayton, O Me.. Milwaukee. \\ is.. Hampton, Va., and Kni^htstown Springs, uear Km^htstown, hid.. OIK- eop\ each: and all la ply of thi> document to the above name. 1 lib "rtie- BBcer of' the government are herei- : --d. 64 PUBLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION* OF PUBLIC DOCUMENTS. JOINT RESOLUTION providing for the preparation and distribution of pamphlet laws and Statute* at Retolved.by the Senate and HouMeof RepreteHtatirfxofthf United State* of America in Congre** a**cmbled, That the Secretary of State* in here- by charged with the duty of causing the statutes of the United States passed at each session of Congress, together with recent treaties, i>ostal conventions, and Executive proclamations, to be edited and prepared for publication and distribution. SBC. 2. That the Public Printer shall, as soon as practicable, after the close of each session of Congress, deliver of the laws of such session, published in pamphlet form, as follows: To the document-rooms of the Senate, for the use of the Senate, two hundred and fifty copies : to the document-room of the House of Representatives, for the use of the House, seven hundred and fifty copies: to the document-rooms of the Department of the Interior, so many copies as will enable the Secretary of the Interior to distribute, upon the designation of each Senator. twenty copies, and of each Representative and Delegate, fifteen copies, for the use of institutions, courts, or individuals within their re*|ective States and districts. SEC. :\. That the Public Printer shall deliver to the document-room! of the Department of the Interior sixteen hundred and fifty copies of the pamphlet lawn of each session of Congress, of which the Secretary of the Interior shall deliver as follows: To the President, two copies; to the Vice-President, one copy ; to the library of the Senate, for the use of the Senate, fifty copies; to the library of the House, for the use of t he I louse, fifty copies ; to the Library of ( 'ongrcss, fourteen copies : to the Department of State, including those for the use of legations and coii- sulatfs, three hundred and eighty-five copies; to the Treasury Depart- ment. including those for the use of the officers of customs, two hun- dred copies; to the War Department, fifty copies; to the Navy Depart- ment, forty copies; to the Department of the Interior, including those for the use of the surveyors-general and registers and receivers of pub- lic lands, two hundred and fifty copies; to the Pout -Office Department. forty copies; to the Department of Justice, ineliiding thr|.ai t M.rnl n| I hr Illtrl in| . llirlndlli genera] .nni and litt\ CO] - tin- I >r|..n 1 I; | II hlindx lilt in Instiiul : I'uli In- I' i-ii' 1 1 ML: < ' i,-|,ns||M|\ ,,t |,|l \ ml tin- S< Ml]|l\ n ..III iif till* IIMIIllM-l |>ln\ idrd |i. .ilii|.hlr; ill i|| shrr|, at the I'nhlir I'l in IrtaiA n| till- Illtrllnl . \\ In, -hall >r|| tlirln ;il |r| nil r.ist |,| irr In aii\ |i|l\ IHU l"l thr anan:_'rllirlll \\Jtll I >nnk srl |r| - In krr|, nil -air | IM III] >ll ) ' ntrs ;ii | i! in aii\ >nrh ari aii-rnn-iii n tibftll thr xiilnr In- xn|<| at thr ^n\ rrniiH-lit pllrc In all |ii: -j tin* - !.ll\ llia\ alln\\ In ail\ -llrh |M-|-n|| krr|.H|- thr | HI III | ll ! I statntr.N ai Large ti sale -m-ii pait hr ina\ ilrrm jn-t ami '>!<: ami thr prOOee all salrx shall !< paid <|iiartrrl\ intn ii ir\. BEG. 6. That thr-aid pamphlet COpl68 Of the -inn. ami thr said hound mpir> nt' th- aotB Ol iiall IN* legal driirr nf thr la\\> and Heat K > thnrili mntailird III all tlir rn|||t> nl thr I'nitrd Statr> and nl th< tefl I hrrrin. Si:< . 7. 'I'hat t hr |n\\ i - rnn in i rd and t hr dnt i-> mjuinrd mi tin rrlan n\ Statr l\ thr art nlCnn .|.|n\rd tiir t \\riitirth d Jane, eighteen hnndrrd and >r\rni\ Inin . nit it h-d "An art |. Inr piihliratinn nt thr |;r\i>rd Si;iiutr> and thf la\\> ni.iln States, 79 iC frlatmn In Ihr rn>tnd\ , diMi iliutinii. and K'r\ isrd Statutes thr Srmn l.a\\s. ,n,d thr > thr game are ln-rrl\. tiaii>lriird in n tarj t i ihul mn. and .sale ill lU!>lialirr .| thr |in\ JNiMiix and III arrnidaiirr \\ Ith thr I r< 1 1 i I Ir Flir Ii I - id art nt thr t \\rlltirth nf .III IP r|| lilllidl< <| and Sr\ r|lt\ >l. . 5, That ll .ilr shall. ii|>nn thr ivi|ir thr [ar\ nt th Intriim. dr! the Iv'rvisrd S|;ili|lr> nl' I hr I nil- J and nl thr L'.-\ latinu !< thr histiirt nl ( <> 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 >i ,i , piililir . and |ins| mads, and all r. mn La\\> <.| (JOl 'il thr Statntrs at Large irlii.iinin- in his nllirr In) t Ilr |UII|msf n| d i >t 1 I lll t loll nl .;,!,. at tiir irll rr<|iiis||jnn I iv 111 "t thr I i >1N i fcUiSOLUTlON providing foi : ltii.h- ilM-iiin> Resolved by the Senftt* ,,! // "/. That thr I'lihlir I'rilit.-l shall Niiluiiit InthrSr. ., t t Ilr I II t r rjnl . n|| t Ilr ll 1 - 'Iliolltll. MM'h \\orks as ha\c INM-II dcli\nrd to him to In- printed dnrinu thr jur inontli: and In- shall also. ..n tin- In si ni rarh ,nnnt h. MI I unit t" tin- Sec- 66 PUBLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF PUBLIC DOCUMENTS. ivt.ii \ of the Interior a lint of Kiich works as have been printed at the Government Printing Office during the previous month, giving in mpeet to each the title, the number of pages, the cost per copy, and the officer or the office of the government for whose use it is printed; and the Secre- tary ot the Interior is hereby authorized to sell an> public document, of which the edition is not exhausted, at the cost of the same. SEC. 2. That whenever application is made to the Secretary of the Interior for the purchase of a public document not in bis charge, he shall make requisition for the same on the officer or office for whose use it has been printed, and said officer or office is hereby directed to supply the same, provided any copies remain not required for strictly official use. SEC. 3. That the Public Printer is hereby directed to deliver to the Secretary of the Interior any and all documents now in his hands which have been ordered for sale by him. the said Public Printer, and all documents hereafter printed which have Iteen or shall be ordered for sale by the government. SEC. 4. That the Secretary of the Interior shall require the superin- tendent of documents of his department to give bonds in such sum as he may determine. SEC. 5. That the proceeds of all stiles of document* shall lie turned into the Treasury, and a detailed report be made annually to Congrats of documents sol| ;ml tin* amount received for the same.