THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES This day is published, IN THREE SERIES OF PLAIN SERMONS, Doctrinal and Practical, PRINTED, SINGLY, aracter, FOR THE USE OF oung DtbuwsJ, anti anDtoaUS for f^olg By the REV. R. WARNER, Rtetor of Great-Chalfield, Wilts. Price 15s. each Series. Series I. On Points of Christian Faith. 1. The Scriptural Doctrine of the Fall and Corruption of Mankind. 2 ........... , ........... of Repentance. 3 ....................... of Faitb. 4 ....................... of Good Works. 5 ....................... of Conversion ; and Atonement throng it Jesus Christ. 6 ....................... of Regeneration by Baptism. 7 ....................... of tbe Gifts of the Holy Spirit. 8 ............. .......... of the Holj Trinity, 9 ................... ... of the Holy Sacrament. 10 ....................... of Future Rewards and Punishments. Series II. On Points of Christian Practice. 1. Loyalty ; or, the Duty of Subjects. 2. The Duty of Hearers of the Word. 3 ........ ." of Children. 4 ......... of Parents. 5 ......... of Frugality. 6 ......... of Industry, Honesty, Sobriety, and Purity. 7 ......... of Speaking Truth, and Governing the Tongue. 8 ........ . of Contentment. 9 ......... of Forgiveness. 10 ..... .... of Preparation for Death. Series III. On the Parables of Jestis Christ. I. The Parable of the Rich Man and La/artis. J ........... of the Wheat and the Tares. 3 ..... ...... of the Sower. 4 ........... of the Pharisee and Publican. 5 ........... of the Unjust Steward. ti ........... of the Good Samaritan. 7 ........... of the Great Supper. 8. .......... of the Mote and the Beam. 9 ........... of the Householder and Labourers. K) ..... . ..... of the Good Shepherd. ALSO, BY THE SAMEAITHOR, OLD CHURCH-OF-ENGLAND PRINCIPLES, &c.; or SERMONS explanatory of the Old Testament, tec.; the texts taken from the first chapter in the Morning Service of the several Sundays and great Festivals throughout the Year. 2d edit, in 3 vols. 12mo. l. The above Sermons have been honoured with the approbation (expressed in letters to the Author) of se- veral Prelates and eminent Dignitaries of the Esta- blished Church ; and respectably noticed in various Reviews, and different periodical and other publica- tions ; to the following of which the reader is referred : " We do not know where the young Country Clergyman, de- ' sirous of being led into the right medium between fanaticism and ' lukewarmness, can obtain Discourses more likely to be imme- 'diately useful to his flock ; or to establish himself in sound ways ' of thinking, and give a most desirable, because a most rational, ' cast to his future religious character." Monthly Review, 1821. See also British Critic, Feb. 1817; Monthly Review, August 1817 ; Gentleman's Magazine', and Anti-Jacobin Review, May and June 1820. " And here T lake leave of one of the \ew Lights, and turn to "Mr. Warner. All that is intelligible, scriptural, eloquent, and * pious, I find there. Mr. Warner has done great service to the' " Church, and I would believe even to the State. Practical and ' plain Discourses like his, so well founded, and so clearly ex- " pressed, were much wanted.'' The Plain Bible and Prottstant Church in England, &fc. by the Rev. \V. Lisle Bowles. ALSO, A CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY of our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST, (from the com- pounded Texts of the four Holv Evangelists;) or the ENGLISH DIATESSARON: with a Map of the Holy Land ; nearly one thousand Explanatory Notes, and Illustrations of the Text, from the Rabbinical Writers, and late Oriental Travellers ; various preli- minary Articles of useful Information ; a Vocabulary of the Proper Names occurring in the four Gospels, with their Significations ; a brief Harmony of the Evangelists ; and copious Indexes. Second edition, greatly augmented and improved. In one vol. 8vo. price 10$. 6d. boards. Printed by Richard Cruttwell, St. Jamcs's-street. Bath ; and sold by Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, Pater-noster-row, London. i\"or. 1821. MRS. DELANY'S LETTERS. Printed by A. and R. Spottiswoode, Printers- Street, London. '/>.'/ 'x. / LETTERS FKOM MRS. DELANY (WIDOW OF DOCTOR PATRICK DELANY,) TO MRS. FRANCES HAMILTON, FROM THE YEAR 1779, TO THE YEAR 1788; COMPRISING V./.Vi - UNPUBLISHED AND INTERESTING ANECDOTES OF THEIR LATE MAJESTIES AND THE ROYAL FAMILY. NOW FIRST PRINTED FKOM THE ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPTS. Little circumstances show the real Men, better than tilings of greater moment. ADDISON. THIRD EDITION. LONDON : PRINTED FOR LONGMAN, HURST, REES, ORME, AND CROWN, PATERNOSTER- ROW. 1821. T>A 4 '* .'-...- ,--, . JAN 1 8 IUE 2 WKS FROf/i DATE R UCLA ACCESS S Interlibrary Loan 11630Universit Box 951 575 Los Angeles, CA I.'-.: ... . CEIVED ERVICES -. Research Library 90095-1575 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 000 950 932 4 DA U83 D37A2 1321 Univers Soutl Lib]