UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF H. R. Archer BIBLIOTHECA STEEVENSIANA, CATALOGUE OF THE CURIOUS AND VALUABLE LIBRARY O F GEORGE STEEVENS, ESQ. Fellow of the Royal and Antiquary Societies, (Lately ^ecea.SetJ.y COMPREHENDING AN EXTRAORDINARY FINK Collection of Books, I N Claffical,. Philological, Hiftorual, HD , ENGLISH POETRY and MISCELLANY, alphabetically to P. inclujive 40 - - fcarce Poetical Piecet 59 . . - . - ~ continued alphabetically 6j Lives of the Englifh Poets 69 Books printed at Strawienj-Hill ib. Old Romances and Modern Novels 70 ENGLISH THEATRE, Theatrical Hiftory and Criticifm 77 . - -- SHAKESPEARE, various editions and Comments 80 Philofophy, Medicine, Agriculture, &c. 92 Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, &c. 94. Arts and Sciences, Phyfics, Natural Hiftory, &c. 96 Woaderfull Relations of Gboflt, Witches &c. 98 480545 ir CAPITA GENERALIA. HISTORIA Antiquitates Variae P*. 100 General Hiftory and Biography 101 Variarum Gentium Hid. et Antiquitates 103 . Gentium Septeetrionalium Hid. et Antiq. 105 Hiflory and Antiquities of Britain and Ireland 108 Biography of Great Britain and Ireland 1 16 Englifli Topography 117 Geography, Voyages and Travels 121 POINTS and BOOKS of PRINTS 125 ORDO N ORDO VENDITIONIS. FirflDay, Tuejday, May 13, A. D. 1800. o i to 195 including, Delnftitutione et de Linguis, Pa, i 3 Rhetorica Bibliothecs varias et de Typogra-r phia, Pa. 4 5 Theologia et Hift. Ecdefialt. Pa. 68 AUCTORES CLASSIC i, Pa. 911 Second Day, Wednesday, May 14. No. 196 to 389 including, Audlores Claffici, Gr. & Lat. con- tin. Pa. 1220 EDITIONES ALDINAE Pa. 2021 Third Day, T-hurfday, Mayi$. No. 390 to 586, including AUCTORES CLASSICI, cum Notit warier. Pa. 22 z^ln U/um Belpkini, 410, Pa.2^ Tragiciet Comici Veteres, Pa. 2426 Fabell Pocticum Nic. Lloydii, fol. Lond. 1686 39 Lempriere (I.) Claffical Dictionary, 8vo. ib. 1791 40 Florio (Giov.) Firlte & Second Fruitas, which yeelde familiar Speech, merie Proverbes, wittie Sentences, and golden Sayings ; alfo a perfect Induclion to the Italian and Englifh Tongues, with his Gardine of Recreation, Pioverbes, &c. z vol. 410. Land. imp. by Tho. Daw/on, 1578-91 41 Cori's Italian and EngUfli Grauiinar, 8vo. /. p. gilt leaves Land. 1723 42 Torriano (Gio.) Proverbs and Dialogues, Ital. & Eng. fol. it. i66 43 Baretti (Jofeph) Italian and Eng'ifh Diftionary and Grammar, 2 vol. 410. rujjin Lond. 1778 44 Minfheu (John) Spaniihand Engiiih Dictionary, fol. Lond. 1623 45 Delpino (Jof,) Spanifh and Englifh Di&ionary, fol. Lond. 1763 46 Baretti (Jof.) Spanifh and Englifh Diflionary, fol. in rvjjia ' ' ib. 1778 47 DidionnairedeSynonimes Francois, 8vo. Paris 1768 48 Cotgrave (Randle) French and Englifh Dictionary, and Sherwood (Rob.) Englifh and French Dictionary, fol. Lond. 1632 49 ' F:ench and Englifh Dictionary, by Howell, left edit, marscco, g ilt leaves, fol. ib. 1673 $o Chambaud (I^ouis) French and Englifh Di&ionary, fol. ib. 1761 51 Le Roux, Diftionaire Comique, &c. 8vo. ^1735 52 Boxhornii (M. Zuerii) Origines Gallicae et Antiquas JjingUiB Brit. Lexicon Britannico-Latinum, 410 dmft. 1654 53 Davies (Jo.) Antique Lingux Britsnnicas, vulgo Cam- bro-Britannicas, et Ling. Latina; Diclionarium, !ol. Lond. (632 54 Elftcb (Eliz.) Rudiments of Saxon and Englifh Gram- mar, 410. large paper t morocco, gilt leaves Loud. 171$ ' -'* cj Lye (Edv.) Diftionarium Saxonico, et Gothico-Latinum, pdidit Owen Manning, 2 torn. fol. ib. 17;? 4 De Inflitutione ft de Linguis. ' 56 Ihre (Jo.) Gloflarium Suio-Gothicum, z torn, in I, ml' Up/al. 1769 57 Sercnii (Jac.) Diftionarium Suethico-Anglo Lat. 410. 'j}/m, 1741 Englifli and Swedifh Dictionary, 410. '757 58 Ihre (Jo.) Lexicon Lapponicum Latino-Suecanum^ 410. Holm. 1780 59 Wolff (Ernft) Danifh and Engliih Di&ionary, 410. Loud. 1779 60 Arnold (Theod.) Vocabulary, Englifli and German, gvo. - . Leipzig, 1757 61 Diftionnaire Allemand-Francois, et Francois-Allemand, 2 vol. .jto. - - Slrajlourg 1782 6z Sewel (Woi.) Dutch and Englifli Dictionary and Gram- mar, 4(0. Amjl. 1754. 63 Barn. (Jo.) Alvearie, or Quadruple Diftionarie, Eng. Lat. Gr. and French, augmented by Abr. Fleming, b. /. fol. -- Land. 1580 Rbetcrica, EilliothecJ (Tho.) Arte of Rhetorique, b. /. 4te. ' ruffia^ impr. ty Rich. Graf tan 1^53, ivilh MS. Notes rej 'petting the Author and the Book 65 Pccham (Hen.) Garden of Eloquence, conteyning the Figures of Gramnaer and Rhetorkk, b. /. impr. at Land. 1577 66 Mortimer (Tho.) Student's Pocket Dictionary, i2mo. Land. 1777 67 Authors of Great Britain, Catjlogue of 500, Celebrated, now living, 8vo. .. - ib. 1788 68 Haym (N.) Notixia de L'ibri Rdri nella Lingua Italiana, ^vo. - -- - Loud. 1-2$ 69 La B:h!i- teca Aprofiana, i2mo. with an Account cf the Author -- Bologna 1675 70 Catalv -gus Librorum Bibl. Ecclef. Cantuarienfis, 8vo. , - 1 - Cant. 1743 71 Bihiiotheca Crofr/iana, 8vo. 1783 - Bsauclerlciana, pars i. befit Varl 5 8 1 Bibliotheca Parifiana, 8vo 1791 82 -.1 Pearfoniana, 1. p. taith the prices 1788 83 Catalogus Librorum Impreflbrua. in Mufeo Britannico, 2 torn, fol, Land. 1787 84 Ayfcough (Sam.) Catalogue of MSS. in the Britifh Mu- feum, hitherto undejcribed, 2 vol. 410, /. p. elegant Lond. i 783 85 Aftle (Tho.) Catalogue of the MSS. in the Cottonian Library, 8vo < r. 1777 86 Index to the Rev. Mr. Cole's Manufcript Collections, MS. fol. 87 Catalogue of Mr. Guidon's Prints, 1786. Mr. Black- burne's Prints, 1 786, and other Catalogues 88 Beughem (Corn, a) Incunabula Typographias, i8mo, infer leaved Amft. 1688 89 Orlandi (Ant.) Origin/ e Prcgrejfi detJa Stampa, ^.to, 1457 to 1500 90 Ames (Jos.) Typographical Antiquities of England, 410 Lond. 1749 91 . enlarged by Wm. Herbert, 3 vol. 410 ih. 1785 gz Moxon (Jos.) Art of Printing, i^o , fine copy t rujjia ib. 1683 03 Steele (David) Elements cf Punctuation, izmo ib, 1786 Tkeologia, Hijt. Ecclefiajlica et Manafiica, t LnJ. 1 796 142 Blair (Hugh) Sermons, vol. i, 8vo Bdin. 1777 143 Maty (Hen.) Sermons, Svo Lew/. 1786 144 Lort (Michael) Sermon at Cambridge, 410, r*j/ia. 1760. Ditto at Lambeth, & fhort Comment on the Lord's Prayer, Svo Land. 1790 145 Bp. of St. Afaph's Sermon before the Lords, 3oth of January, 410 , 77) - Aufiartt ( 9 ) AuBort Clajjlci, Graci et Rimani. SOPI Vita et Fabellz, Gabriae Fabellz, &c. GT. & Lat. 410 Bafil. ap. Froben 1518 Homeri Batrachomyomachia, Gr. Lat. Mufzus de Eroet Leandro, Gr. Lat. Agapetu?, Gr. Lat. Galeomyomacbia, Tragtdia Graca, Gr. 147 JEf opi Vita it Fabulee, Gr. 410 Lut. ap. R. Stepb. 1546 148 Efopand other Fabulifts, feleft Fables, by R. Dodfley, cuts, 8vo Birm. by Bajk. 1 76 1 149 Alciphronis Epiftolse, Gr. Lat. Steph. Bergleri, 8vo Lips. 1715 150 Alciphron's Epiftles by Beloe & Monro, SvoLond.ijqi 151 Anacreon, Gr. Lat. 4to Lutet.ap. H. Stepb. 1554 152 . Baxter,(Wilh.) izmoLond. 1710 153 Anthologia Graeca, cum lintis rubris, vitid. gvo Florent. per Herades Phil. Junta 1519 154 Anthologia, Gr. 410 ap. H. Stepb. 1566 155 i Grxca Jo. Brodaji, fol. corjo rujfico, Francof. af. And. Wechtl. 6co 156 - Vet. Latinorum Pet. Burmanni Secundi, 2 torn. 410 Amft. 1759 73 157 Antonini Augufti et aliorom Itineraria Pet. Weflelingii 4 to - _ Amft. 17 35 158 Agatharchidis etMernnonis Hift. Gr. Lat.Rich. Bretti, J2mo . Oxon. 1597 159 Apicii Coslii de Arte Coquinaria cam Annotat. Mart. Lifter, 8vo Land. Typit Sawyer 1705 160 Apollonius Rhodius, Gr. with the omitted line, 410 ap. H. Stepb. 1574 161 ., Jo. Shaw, Gr. & Lat. 3 torn. 410 Oxoti, 1777 162 ....... - , Engl. Fr. Fawkes, 8vo Lond 1780 163 Apuleii Apologia Jo. Pricsi, 4 w, (trig tttrcitoPar. 1635 IO AuQtrtt Clajfici, Gr*ei et Rimant. 164 Aratus, Gr._/%. et dc MuficaAntiqua Graeca, 8vo Oxon. 1672 :6j Ariilxncti Epiftolas, Gr. Jo. Sambuci, 410 Antv.ap. Plant. 1566 166 Ariftidis Orationes, Gr. fo T Florent. af>. Phil. Juntam 1517 " - Lat. Gul. Canteri, Bafil. ap. Pet. Pernam, l$66 } Jimulcompa&. in coriturci < Lond, 1789 175 Arttmtdoritt Abmelis Ontirecritica, Gr. Lat. Nic. Rigal- tit, 410 . i Lutet. 1603 176 Aulus Gellius Gronoviorum, 410 L. Bat. 1706 177 Aurelius Viaor Arntzenii, 410 Amfl. 1733 t;8 Bion er Molchus, Gr. Notis Gitb. Wakeficld, 410 Land. ypisBtnJly 1795 C/a^.-i, Gn*ci et Romani. 1 1 I $-9 Cato's Diftichs, Lat. & Eng. by Taverner, i?mo, b. L Lond. Impr, by Jhon Whahy i $6a 180 Cato Variegatus,or Catoe's Morale Diftichs, tranflated and paraphrafed by Sir Rich. Baker, 410 Land. 1636 181 Catullus If. Voffii, chart, max. corio turcifo, 4to L.Bat. 16*4 182 Caefaris Commentarii Homeri, 2 torn. 8vo Lond. 1790 183 The Eight Bookes of Caius Julius Carfar, tranflated by Arthur Golding, 410 Land. impr. fy 'Jhi. Efte 1590 184 Cictrottit 9fwa Ovixia Ju. Qli-veti, g torn. 4to, cor/0 turcico, fal. deaur. - Par. I74P 185 ' de Officiis, i 2 mo, rtrfat*vcicf t ft>l. deaur. Ven. ap. Lax.. Soardum \ $ I ( i85"Stephani (H.) Ciceronianum Lexicon Grsco-Latinum, &C. 8vo, njtidifi. Par. a/>. H. Stej>b. 155:7 jg^ -- Pfeudo-Cicero 1577 |88 Sambuci^Joan.) de Imitatione Ciceroniana; ejufdem Orationes Funebrei, &c. ferio turdto, 8vo Par. af>. Gorbinum 1561 189 Claudianus Cafp. Barthii, 410 Franco/. 1650 190 Claudian his Rape of Proferpine, tranflated out of La- tine into Engliih Ttefe, by Leonard Digges, 410, defective at the end - Lond. 1628 191 Conciones five Orationes ex Graicis Latinifque Hiftori- cis excerpta, Gr, Lat. fol. corio ruffico ap. Hen. Sttph* 570 192 Conftamini Cefhalae Ar.thologia Graeca, Gr. Lat. cum Comment. Reifkii, Svo - Lifs. 1754 193 Cornelius Nepos et Ariftomenis Vita, Gr. Lat. G. Al- fop, 8vo, (hart. max. - Oxon. 1697 194 x^fchines et Demofthenes, Gr. Lat. Foulkes et Freir.d, %vo, chart, tnax. - O*o. 1695 iqc Demofthenes, Orations englifo'd by Tho. Wylfon, 4^0, b.L Pemvjlbenit Orationet Olyntbiacf? et Philippic*?, Lat. JSic. Carp, Jimul compait. Lend, impr. by fienbam \ 579, 12 AultoreiClaflicit Gr*ei et Romant. 196 Diodorus Siculus, Lat. Caftellionis. Diftys Crtenfis et Dares Phrygius, fol. Ba/il. 1578 197 Diogenes Laertius, Gr. Lat. Meibomii, fig. 2 torn. 4to - Amjt. 1692 198 Dionis Nicaei Epitome Jo. Xiphilini, Gr. 410, ceriif turcico Lutet. ap. Rob. Stepb. 1551 199 Epjgrammata et Poematia Vetera, 12010 Par. ap. Duval. 1590 200 Epiftolia, Dialogi Breves, Oratiunculz, Poematia, ex variis utriufcjuo Linguis Scriptoribus Hen. Steph.Svo afuJSeifs. 1577 201 Eunapius de Vitis Philofophorum et Sophiftarum, Gr. Lat. Hadr. Junii, 8vq Ant.ap. Plant. 1568 102 Eutropius, Meflala, Corvinus, Julius Obfequens, &c. Tho. Hearne, 8vo, chart, max. Oxon. 1703 2p3 Fce.ninarum Novem Illuftrium Carmina et Lyrici Graeci: Elegias Tyrtaci et Mimnermi: Bucolica, Bionia et Mofchi, Gr. Lat. Fulv. Urfini, 8vo, ctrio turtica, fol. deaurat* Ant. ap. Plant.l$6i 204 Geographiae Veteris Scriptores Grzci Minores, Gr.Lat. Jo. Hudioni, 4 torn. 8vo, corio turcico, foliii marmor*t. Oxen. 1698, 1703-12 205 Geoponica, Gr. Lat. Pet. Needham, 8vo Cant. 1704 206 Hephsftion, Gr. cum Animad. de Pauw, 4toTraj.i"]ib 307 Herodotus, Gr. Lat. Jac^&ronovii, foJ. chart, max. L. Bat. 171; 208 Herodotus, by Littlebury, 2 vol. Svo Land. 1723 209 ' ' , Beloe, 4 vol. Svo . ib. 1791 210 Hefiodus, Gr. Lat. Tho. Robinfon, 410 Oxon. 1737 an Homeri Opera, Gr. Lat. Crifpini, 2 torn, izmo, corio turcico, fol. deam at. t 559~&7 212 ' Sam. Clarke, 4 torn, in 2, 410, corie tare if o, tlegmnliji. Loud. 1754 313 . Ilias, Gr. tfvo, chart, max. Par. ap. tfurnebum. 1554 214 L'lliaded'Homerc, par Madame Dacier, 3 torn, avec "fa .; Par, 17 1 1 215 Feitnii Antiquitates Homencz,/^. 8vo Argtr^t. 1743 216 Seberi (Wolf.) Index Hornericus, 4(0 Htidtlb. ap. Commelin 1604 'AucJorti Clafltci, Graci et Romani. IJ 217 Homer Barnes (Jo.) Alamode, zd part, 8vozJ. 1681 218 Hall (Arthur} 10 Books of Homer's Hiades t tranflated out of French, 410. b. I. rujjia Imp. by Ralph Nfwbtrit J$8t See Note by Mr Steevens, fcfr . SJ9 Homer's Works, by Geo. Chapman, portrait ib. 220 - Iliad, by Geo. Chapman, fol. *with the da- thors Autograph, morocco, gilt Itt&ftt ib. 321 .-, Batrachomyamachia, &c. by Ditto,wo title, foL *2Zi Iliads and Odyfles, b/ Tho. Hobbes, izmo, portrait r~- Load. 1686 22 z - Iliad and Odyfley, fey W. Co\yper, 2 vol. 410, ib. 1791 *222 Blackwell (Tho.) Life of Homer, 8vo, large paper t rujfia, marbled lea-vet " ^* *7|J 223 Horapollinis Hieroglyphica, Gr, Lat. de Pauw, 410, mcmbrana ' frof. 1727 224 Horatius, 410, corio turci(o,fol, deaurat, Lutet. ap. Vtfcefa* 1^53 22$ ' izmo Lutet. ap. Rob. Stepb. 1613 Perfius Rutfgerfii ib. i6ij Juvena'is ec Sulpicia N. Rigaltii ib. 1616 Simulcompafi, corio turcico, folia deaurat is. 216 . Ric. Bentteii, cum Indice 'Verburgii, 410, corio turc. fol. deaurat. Amji. 1713 It* .... -Jartn.min. corioturc. fol. deaurat. Par. e fypograpb. Regia 1733 31 j 8 4tO Birm. typis Be/her vtlle 1770 229 i a torn. 8vo, Gilb. Wakefjcld Land. 1794 330 Jtomt 410, Car. Combe, corio rujflco ib. 179* 231 Horatii Carnnnum, lib. 1,410 232 Horace \i\sArte of P.oetrie, Piftlet, and Satyr t, engli(h'. Rapbcltng. L. Bat. 1597 253 Lucretiu!,/or/. mtn. Amft.ap.'JanJJon^l^ 254 Gilb. Wakefield, 3 torn. 410, than. max. Loud. 1796 255 Lycophron, Gr. It Lat. Gul. Canteri, 4 to P. Stefb. 1601 Claffici, Grteci & Romani. i 2"y6 Maittaire Corpus Poetarum, 2 torn. fol. nit. c Land. 1713 257 Malaise Hiftoria Chronica, Gr. & Lat. Edm. Chil- meadi, 8vo. perg. Oxonii 1691 258 Manethonis Apotelefmatica, Gr. & Lat. Jac. Gronovii, 410 x L. Bat. 169$ 259 Marcus Antoninus, Gr. & Lat. 8vo. chart, max. Oxon. 1704. 260 Martialis, 8vo. eorio turcico, foliis deaur. Paris, ap. Colirxeum 1539 261 Martian! Capellae Satyricon, Hug. Grotii, 8vo L. Bat. a p. Rapheleng. 1599 262 Maximus Tyrius, Gr. & Lat. Jer. Marklandi, 410. Lond. tjpis Bowjer i 740 463 Mulierum Grzecarum Fragmenta et Elogia, Gr. et Lat. Jo. Chrift. Wolfii, 410. Lond> 1739 264 Muficae Antiqoae Auftores Septern, Gr. & Lat. Marc. Meibomii, 410 Amft. ap. Elzevir 1652 265 Neandri (Mich.) Opus Aureum, Gr. et Lat. 2 torn. 4to. cor to tnrcico,foliit deaur. Lipfia3. Troj. 1721 321 Gabr. Brotier, 4 torn. 410. cori turcico Paris. 1771 321 tranflated by Tho. Gordon, 5 vol. izmo. Lond. 17,70 323 Tacitus de Moribus Germanorum et de Vita Agrico- la?, ex edit. Brotier, Svo. curio turcico t fol. dtaur. Lond. 1788 314 Terentianus Maurus, 410. exemf>. nit'nlff. car. tare. viriJ fJ. deaur. Paris, a/>~ Ciliitteum l 5 3 2 325 Idem, cum Mario Viclorino, 8vo. n'nidijf. cor. turc. ap. Sanclandream 1584 326 Theocritus, Gr. & Lat. cum Grcecis Scholiis, 8vo. ptrg. Oxortite 1699 327 Theocritus Gr. & Lat. Tho. Warton, 2 torn. 410. elegantly, in corio rujfico, OxOn. 1770. cum Appen- dicula . Lond. 1772 328 Theocritus, Lat. Helii Eobaoi, Svo ap. Cratandrum, Eajli. 1^31 329 Theocritus, Mofchus, Bion, Simmias, Gr. ct Lat. cum Graecis Scholiis Dan. Heinfii et alior. 410. fol. Jeaur. . Heidelb. ap. Commelin. 1604 330 Theophrafti Charadlercs, Gr. & Lat. Pet. Ne^dham, Svo. chart, max. Cantabr.\i\z 331 Thucydides, Gr. & Lat. Car. And. Dukeri, fol. cari rujpto Amji. 1731 331 Tryphiodorus, Gr. Lat. & Ang. }. Merrick Oxf. 1739 Auftore; Clajjlci t Gr/fd 3" RantanL ig 353 Virgilius Servii, fol. nittiiJT. foliis dtaitr. Paris, ap. Rob. Stefb. 1532 334 ' . " . P. H. Suffannaei, 410, eorio turcico ib. ap. Jo. Mactrum 1540 33 J ~~~~ 4 to h'neif rubris, corio turcico, foliis deaur. ib. ap. Mich. Fezandat 1541 336 form. mm. Amfl. ap. Luil. Elzevir. 1649 337 Nic. Heinfii, izmo. chart, max. ptrg. filiit deaur. A.xJLaf. Elzevir, it*; 6 338 Pet. Burmanni, 4 torn. 410. corio lurcico Amft. 1746 339 Chr - Gottl. Heyne, 4 torn. Svo Lipjia 1767 editio alterj, 4 torn. Svo ib. 1788 8 torn. 410. chart, may. carlo rvjpco, foliis marmorat. - ... . Lottd. \ 793 342 Wakefield, atom. Svo, chart, max. ib. 1796 343 Virgil, Lat. & Englifti, by Pitt & Jof. Warton, : tff Lot. tarn Nods variorum. 23 410 Minucius Felix Jac. Gronovii, 8vo. perg. . Bat. 1709 411 Mufxus. Gr. & Lat. Matt. Rover, Svo. perg. L.\Bat. 1737 412 Mythographi Latini Tho. Munckeri, Svo. perg. Amft. 1 68 1 413 Opufcula Mythologica, Phyfica et Eihica, Gr. & Lat. Tho. Gale, Svo. Amjt. 1688 414 Pervigilium Veneris, Svo Hag. Com. i^iz 415 Petronius Mich. Hadrianidis, 8vo1 corio turcico, fol. deaur. ' Amjt. 1669 416 Plinii Epiftolae Jo. Veenhufii, Svo. perg. L. Bat. 1669 417 Polyasni Stratagemata, Gr. & Lat. Maafvicii,8vo. perg. L. Bat. 1691 418 Pomponius Mela Abr. "Gronovii, Svo L. Bat. 1722 419 Qointilianus, 2 torn. Svo. fol. deaur. L.. Bat. 1665 420 Quintus Calaber, Gr. & Lat. curante Jo. Corn, de Pauw, Svo L. Bat. 1734. 421 Senecas et Syri Mimi Sententiae Havercampi, Svo perg. . L. Bat. 1708 422 Scnecae Opera omnia Jo. Fred. Gronovii, 31001. Svo perg. * Amft. ap. Elz> i6;O 423 Statius Jo. Veenhufii, 8vo. perg. L. Bat. 1672 424 SulpiciusSeverus Geo. Hotnii, Svo. perg. Amji. 1665 425 Varronis (Terencii) Opera omnia Jof, Scaligeri tt alior. ptrg. - ... ... Dor dree. 1619 -}z6 \'egetii et aliorum de Re Militari Stewechii, 2 torn. f.g. Svo Vef&lia 1670 427 Velleius Paierculus Pet. Burmanni, Svo. ptrg. L, Bat. 1744 Aufioret Audortt Clajjici. QJU A R T O. 428 A PULEIU6 Jul. Floridi, 2 tool, curio ruffico t\ Parisi 1688 429 Aurelius Vidor Anns Fabri ib. 1681 430 Aufontus Jul. Floridi . ib. 1730 431 Boctius Pet. Callyi ib. 1695 432 Catullus Phil. Silvii, 2 torn, eorioruffico ib. 1685 433 Claudianus Gul. Pyrrhi ib. 1677 434 Cornelius Nepos Nic. Courtin ib. 1675 435 Diftys Cietenfis, et Dares Phrygius Annx- Fabri ib. 1680 436 Floras Annae Fabri - ib. 1674 437 Juftinus Pet. Jof. Cantel ib. 1677 I ' 459 Manilius Mich. Fayi ib. 1679 440 Panegyrici Veteres Jac. dela Baune ib. 1676 441 Plautus Jac. Operarii, 2 torn. ^.1679 442 Poropeius Feftus, et Verrius Flaccus, Andr. Da. cerii .. ib. 1681 443 Prudentius Steph. Chamillard ib. 1687 444 Quintus Curtius Mich. Le Tellier ib. 1678 44 J ballullius Dan. Crifpini .. ib. 1674 446 Suetonius Aug. Babelonii ib. 1684 447 Valerius Maximus Pet. Jof. Cantel ib. 1679 448 Virgilius Car. Ruxi, chart, max. ib. Tragici et Comici Veteres , Gr. tf Lot. 449 ZT^SCHYLUS, Gr. 8vo. ptrg. /el. deaur. --*' Paris, ap. Turnebum 1552 450 4tO. can Gr<9cit Scboliis. eorio fur- c;Va, foliit deaur at. aj>. 11, Sttfh, 1557 Tragici ft Com'tci Vettres, Gr. & Lot. 2$ 451 ^Efchylus, Gr. & Lat. Tho. Staoleii, fol. LoaJ. 1663 452 Sophocles, Gr. 8vo. ap. Colinaum, Paris. 1528 453 1 1 410. chart, max. tjpis Regiis, Paris. ap.Turnebum 15 5 3 4.54 i ' . Gr. & Lat. cum Gratis Scholiis et Latinis, Jo. Camerarii, 4:0. ap. H.Stepb. 1568 455 " Gr. & Lat. Tho. Johnfon, 3 torn. 8vo. Eton. 1746 456 Lat. Geo. Rataleri, 8vo Antv. 1584 457 H. Stephani Annotat. in Sophoclem et Euripidetn, 458 Sophocles Tragedies, by Tho. Francklin, ^ vol. 8vo Lond. 1766 459 Euripides, Gr. Sc Lat. Canteri, 3 torn. 4:0 Genev. ap. P. Steph. 1602 460 Gr. & Lat. Jof. Barnefii, fol. Cantabr. 1694 461 ex edit. Barnefii, cum notis warier. 2 torn. 410. perg. Lift. 1778 462 Supplices Mulieres, Gr. & Lat. W. Heber- den, 410 i . . Land. 1763 463 .... Hecuba, Gr. cum notis ib. 1797 Wakefieldin Euripidis Hecubam Diatribe, 8vo/. 1797 464 Tragcediarum Grxcarum Delectus ex Euripide, Sopho- cle, ^Efchylo, Gr. notis Gilb. Wakefield, 2 torn. 8vo, chart, max. *& *794 465 Ex Comcediis Menandri et aliorum quse Au>erfunr, Gr. & Lar. 8vo Paris, ap Guil. Morel. 1553 466 Merandri et Philemonis Reliquise, Gr. etLat. Grotii ecClerici, 8vo - Amfl. 1709 467 Bencleii (Rio.) Emendationes in Menandrum et Phile- monem, 8vo . . , Cantabr. 1713 468 Grotii (Hugon.) Excerpta ex Tragcediis ct Comoediis Graecis, 4:0 . Paris, 1626 469 Heath (Benj.) Leaiones ad Tragicorum Graecorum Veterum Dramata, 410 Oxon. 1761 470 Poetarum Veterum Latinorum Fragmenta ; viz. Ennii, Accii, Pacuvii, &c. Hen. Scephani, 8vo, corio tur- cico virid.fol.aeaur. a p. Seifs. 1564 E ^6 *iragici etComiti Vtltri lt Gr. & Lai. 471 Tragicorum Veferum, Liv. Andronici, Ennii, Nrcvir, Pacuvii, Attii, aliorumque Fragmenta Pet. Scrivc- rii, Ger. Jo. Voflii, et alior. notU, 8vo L. Bat. 1620 472 Ennii Fragraenta Heflelii, 410. Amft. 1707 473 Plautus's Comedies, by Rich. Warner, vol. 3, 4, J Land. 1772 474 Terentius, 410, corio lure ico Paris. ap.Calderhtm 1546-47 47J Dan. Heinfii, i8mo, corio turcico, fd. dtaur. edit. vera. L. Bat. af. Elzevir. 1635 476 ... Pet. Viftorii, cum Emend^t. Gab. Faerni, 1 8 mo. cerio turcico, fait is deaur. He(delb. ap. Commclin. 1587 477 Senecz Tragoediae, Jo. Cafp. Schroderi, 4(0, corio ruf- Jico, foliis marmorat. Del f his, 1728 478 De Burger de Perfonis 'vulgo Larvis, feu Mafcheris, fg. 410 Franco/. 1723 479 Ficoroni (Fr.) Mafckere Scenhbe e U Figure Comicbe d' Att- ticbi Romani 410 Roma 1736 Fabella Amatcria Gr&cor, Vett. 480 A CHILLES Tatiu?, Gr. & Lat. Salmafii, urno t*. L. Bat. 1640 481 Euftathii de Ifmeniaet Ifmenes Atnoribus, Gr. & Lat. Gi!b. Gaulmini, 8vo Par. 1618 482 Heliodoruj, Gr. et Lat. Bourdelotii, 8vo Par. 1619 483 Heliodore, Hift. Ethiopique, ai-ecfig. 8vo 484 Heliodorus's Ethiopian Adventures, by Tate, 8vo Glas S . .753 485 Longi Pafloralium de Daphnidcet Chloe, Gr. & Lat. Pet. Mol), 410 Franik. 1660 486 Les Amours Pa(lo*ales de Daphnis et Cbloe, delaTra- duftion de Jacques Amiot, i2mo, avec environ trentt fig. grow itt par Audran, dorietfurlts trattcbet 1718 See Note ij Mr. Steevtnt. ^487 Amours of Daphnis and Chloe, by Secretary Craggs, plates, umo, morocco, gilt leaves Land. 1719 ; 488 Mnafeas Pfaphion, ou la Courtifanne de Smirne. <~. Congrcsde Citere, izmo if>- 1749 Plilokgi, Critic: , Polygraph! ac Potta Latini Recenthres. 27 489 Theodori Prodromi Rhodanthes et Doficlis Amorum, Gr. & Lat. Gilb. Gaulmini, 8vo Par. 1625 49 Amours de Rhodante et de Dofi- cies, i2mo - 1/46 491 Xenophontis Ephefii Ephefiaca, Gr. & Lat. Ant. Coc r chii, ^.to, chart, max. Lond. typis Boivjer 1726 /', Critici, Polygrapbi ac Poet a Latini Kef ef torts. 492 \ B^ELARDI et Heloifa; Conjugis ejus Opera, 410 *> Pay. )6,6 493 ii Epiftolas Rich. Rawlinfon, 8vo ' Lend. 1718 494 Alcyonii (Petri) de Exfilio, 8vo, chart, max. niiidifs. co- riv turcico Vtttet. 1522 495 Alethaei (Theoph.) Difcurfus de Polygamia, izmo Friburg. 1676 496 Augurelli (Jo. Aurel.) Carmina, 8vo, carlo turcico,foliit deaurat. I'enet. ap Aldum 1 505 497 Barbari (Fr.) de Re Uxoria, i8mo Amfi. 1639 498 Baudii (Domin.) Epiftols et Orationes Rutgerfii, 8^0 L. Rat. 1620 499 I. . . ' Amores, &c. izrao Amjl. ap. Elz.\6$% 500 - Poemata, i8mo ib. ap. Jan/on. 1640 501 Bellendeni (Gal.) de Statu libri tres.cum Prasfationibus Sam. Parr, eticontbiu, 8vo, cerio turcico, foliit deaur.< Lond. 1787 502 Bembi (Pet.) EpiftoJae Familiares, 8vo Venet. 1552 503 Bibliothecae Criticas, Parsprima Amjl. 1777 Farnabii Rhetorica : Lond. 1781 Tyrwhytt (Tho.) Diflertatiode Babrio ib. 1776 Ifsei Oratio, Gr. ib. 1785 504 Blyenburgii (Dam.) Veneres Blyenburgicse, 8vo ^ Dor dr act 1 600 505 Bodecheri (Jani ) Satyricon et Sermones, i8mo L. Bat. 1631 I 506 Capellani (Andr.) Erotica, five Amatoria, 8vo IxeUf zS Pbitiogi, Critici, Polygraph* ae Pott* Latini Rectntioret. 507 Card-ni ,Hier.) Arcana Politica, \%mo t ptrg. L. Bat.ap. Elz. 163$ 508 Carmina V. Illuflrium Poetarum, viz. Berabas, Nao- gerius, Caftilionus, Cotta, Fia,-i>imu, 8vo Florfttt. ap Torrentinum i 549 509 Charleton (Gualt.) Matrons Ephefia, Lat. Bart. Har- rifii, izmo LinJ. 1665 510 Cohaufen (Jo. Hen.) Raptus Ecftaticus in Mo.nem Parnaffum, 12010 Amft. 1726 511 Comenii (J. A.) Fortune Faber, Diogenes Cymcu', Abraham Patriarch*, 12010 dmfl. I'-bz 512 Erafmi (D.) Lamentationes Obfcurorum Virorum, igmo Colonize 1649 513 StultitKE Laus Liftrii, fig. J. Holbenii, 8vo Bafil. 1 6: 6 514 Galtheri (Phil.) Alexandreidos librideccm, 410 ED IT. PRINCE PS, caret tit. '49^ editio altera in Gallia, Gallicif-jue Cba- rafleribui editi, 410 Lugd. ap. Rob. Grandfoy, With a variation in the difputed Line. 516 Gefta Romanorom, cum applicationibus moral i fatis ac myllicis, ItterisGoth, 410 Par. 1499 517 izmo Lugd. 1555 519 I2mo, eutt, modern edit. ib. , 520 Godofredi (Pet.) de Amoribus, tSmo L. Rat. 1648 1521 Gruteri Lampas, five Fax Artium Liberalium 7 torn. 8vo, perg. Francof. 1602-34 522 Heinfii (Dan.) Satirae duae, Hercules tuam Fidem, five Munfterus Hypobolimeus et Virgula divini, Sec. i^rno L. Bat. ap. Elz. 1617 523 Heinfii (Nic.) Poem'ata Rot/gerfii, 8vp Amji.ap. Elz. 1666 584 Heyne Pr lufiones Acfdennica;, 8vo Lend. 1790 52$ Hippolyti a Collibus riarpocrates, five deReda Silen- ili Ravione, 8vo Lngd. 1603 526 Laurembergius (Pet.) Paficompfe Nova tjlpis Kilianit 1672 .1 - "- . . . ; Bartholini Philologi, Critic!, Polygraph! ac Poetee Latini Recent lores. 29 Bartholini (B.irt.) de Paenula, fig. IL^fnia 1670 - (Tho.) et Meiborum de Ufu Flagrorum in Re Medica et Venerea, &c. 8vo Franco/. 1670 527 Lyferi (Polyic.) Hilt. Poetarum. et Poematum Medii yvi X. 8vo Hal.Magd.iizi 528 MScrini (Salmon.) Carmina, 8vo, nitidifs. in corio turcica f fai. deaur. Par.ap* Colinamm 1530 529 -- Lyrica et Epithalamii, corio tureico, fJ. deaur. Par. ap. Ger. Moirbium i 551 530 Mamlli, Angeriani, et Jo. Secundi Poemata, t2mo, pcrg. Par. ap. Duval.l^z 5:31 Menagii (^Egid.) Hift. Mulierum Phiiofopharum, 12010 Lugd, 1690 532 Meurfii (Jo.) Elegantia; Latini Sermonis, 12 mo 533 Mollerus ^Jac.) de Comutis et Hennaphroditis eorum- que Jure, 4(0 Franco/. i6c;z *5-33 Morhofii ^Dan. Geo.) Polyhiftor, 2 torn. 410 Lultc/e 1714. 534 Mufarum Anglicanarum Deleftus alter, %voLond. 1698 535 Mufas Anglicana?, ^ torn, izmo it. 1761 536 Palsoti (Gabr.) de Notis Spuriifque Delfii de Libera Hominis Nativitate, 8vo Hag. Com. 165$ 537 Palingenii (Marcel.) Zodiacus Vitx, 8vo Rotterd. 1-722 5^8 Parrhafii (jani) EpiHolae, &c. et Fr. Campani Quaeftto Virgilian^, 8vo ___ ap. H. Siepb. 1567 539 Poemata Italorum felefla quasdam, 8vo Loud. 1684 540 Poetarumllluftrium Italorum Carmina, n torn. 8vo Florent. 1719-26 541 Poemata Italorum Seleda Alex. Pope, 2 torn. lamo Lend. 1740 542 Pelei (Jal.) de Solutione Matrimonii, 8vo Par. i6oz 543 Polieni Rhodienfis Virtus Vindicata five Satyra, umo 1617 544 Politiani (Angeli) Optra Omnia, fol. liter is uncial. dtaur. exemp, elegantijs. corio rt.c portraits of Tafia > & Menage, by Sadeler and Nanteuil Parigi 1655 624 ruled with red lines, gilt leaves, 4to Par'gi 1656 Bonarelli (Guid.) FillidiSciro if>. 625 Venuti (Ridolf.) Favoli di Circe Roma 1758 Marmora Albana, 410 . 17,6 626 Cervantes (Miguel) Hiftoria del Don Quixote de la Mancha, con Anotacionts, &c. Juan Bowie, 6 vol. in 3, 410 Lond. 1781 627 Bowie (John) Letter to Percy on Don Quixote, 410 it. 1 777 628 Cervantes (Mich.) Don Quixote, tranflated by John Shelton, 2 vol. in j, 410. *wilb thefrontifpietet tb. 1612-20 ' >2 q ,,, , . .. __^_ . tranflated by Cha. Jarvis, 2 vol. %vo. plates Lond. 1749 630 De Quevedo (Don Fr.) Oeuvres, par Raclots, fig. 2 torn. I2mo BnJJtl. 1699 6^1 De Camoens (Luis) Lufjad, by Rich. Fanfliawe, with the portraits of the Author, Vafcp de Gama, and Prince Henry ,fol. Lend. 1655 LWRES ( 35 ) LITRES F R A N C O I S ,- P defies et Melanges. 3 2 \7^ E ^ e P ' erre Abeillard et d'Heloife, 2 torn, en * I, Jzroo Paris 1720 633 L'Arr.oureux Africain, ou Nouvflle Galanterie Cologne 1671 Mademoif. de Benonville, Nouvelle Galante Leige 1686' Ne Pas Croire ce qu'on Void, Hilt. Eipagno'e, i2mo, ntaroi^uin rouge, doree Pat is 1 67 2 634 L'Artde Jouir i 75 i L'Ami des Femmes, izmo ib. 1759 635 L'Art de fe rendre Heureux par lea Sor.ges, i 2tno F ranch. 1746 636 Les Veitusdu Beau-Sexe, 121110 Haye, 1733 637 Boileau, Oeuvres, t torn. 410. /. Geneve 1716 638 Des Bons Mots et des Boas Contes, de Railleries des Anciens, S:c. iamo Paris 1699 639 Le Bordel,Comedie, ou le Jean-Fouire Puni, 8vo Anconne 1736 640 BofTuet (I. B.) Oraifons Funebres, izmo Paris 1762, 641 Boufon de la Cour, izmo ib. 1690 6\2 Cabinet Satyrique, deux torn, en i, i8mo 1667-72 643 De Chaulieu, Oeuvres, par M. de St. Marc, 2 torn. izmo i . i - Paris 17^0 644 Chronique Burlefque, izmp Land. 1741 645 Morale de Confucius, izmo -*- Amft. i683 646 Corneille (Pierre) Theatre, avcc des Commentaires, 12 torn. 8vo. ftp, doree fur let tranches '764 647 D'Argens (Jean. Bat.) t-ettres Juives, avec le Suppl. 7 torn, izmo Laufanne 1750-51 648 D'Artigny, d'Hiftoire, de Ciitiqce, et de Literature, 7 torn, izmo . Paris ^49 56 649 Nouveaux Memoirei Etrennes de la Saint-Jean, izmo Ttaja i 751 Hiftoire de Monileur Gui'leaume 650 Fabliaux et Contes des Poetes Francois des XTf. XIII. XIV. & X-V. Siecles, 3 torn, izino Paris 1756 jg Livrts Francoit ; Ptejtet et Mtlanget. 6; i Le Grand, Fabliaux, ou Contcs du XII. et du XIII. Siecle, 5 torn, izmo Par it 1781 652 Anthologie Francoife, depuis le XIII. Siecle, et Chan- fons Joyeufes, 4 torn. Svo >7&5 653 De Ffnelin, Avantum de Velemaque, ^ torn. umo. grand papier, belles Jig. ' Load. chez. DoJflty .738 ft*. _ -- Lettres fur la Religion et la Metaphyfique, .2mo - ~ P aris '7< 8 Education desFilles, i zmo it. 1696 656 - Dialogues fur .1' Eloquence, izmo it. 1718 657 . ---- des Morts, 2 torn, lamo ib. 1718 6^8 - Sermons Choifis, I2mo ib. 1718 659 i. Qeuvres Spirituelles, 2 torn, izmo jjavert 1718 660 ~ " - - Philofophiques, izmo Paris 66: Vie de Fenelon, ilmo Haye 17*3 662 De la Fontaine, Contes et Nouvelles, fig. deux tom Svo. grand papier, maroquin bleu, p(tr Deromt Amft. 1762 663 De Fontenelle, Oeuvres, 10 torn. lamo.jfg-. Par it 1758 664 Frederic II. Roi de Prufle, Oeuvres du Philofophe dc Sans-Souci, izmo An,ft. 1760 665 Greflet, Oeuvres, 2 torn. izmo. marcyuiu rouge LonJ. 174.8 666 Hedelin (F.) des Satyres, Brutes, Monftres, et De- mons, 8vo Paris 1627 667 Deicription de L'Ifle des Hermaphrodites, 8vo Cologne 1724 668 Hiftoire des Rats, Svo. fg. Ratopolis 1737 669 Les Chat?, 8vo.^. . Rotterd. 1728 670 Hiftoire Secrette de la Puchefle d'Hanover, 12010 LonJ. I 73 671 Honni foil qui mal y penfe, ou Hiftoire des Filles Celebres du XV III. Siecle, izmo Land. 1761 72 Lettres Chinoifes Indiennes et Tartares, 8vo Land. 1776 673 Li vre a- la- mode, izma . 1760 Litres Francois; Poefies et Melanges. 37 674 Lcs Quinze J >yes de Manage, i zmo Have 1734 675 Marmontel, Poetique Francoife, 2 torn. 8vo Paris 1-763 676 Marot (Clement) Oeuvres 8vo. maroquin range, dorfc fur Us tranches , imprimCes par Dolet, Lyon, 1538 677 Marot (Jean) Oeuvres, ,2tno Paris, che-z. Coitftelier 1753 678 Martial D'Auvergne, Arrets d'Amans, &c. 12010 Amft. 1734 679 Menken, de la Charlatanerie des Savans, I2mo Haye 1721 680 De Minut (Gab.) de la Beaute, difcours divers, 8vo Lyoa 1587 681 Moliere, Oeuvres, 8 torn i8mo.^. Paris 1749 682 EfTais de Montaigne, 8vo. doreefur let tranches Parii t ehez. V Angelier 1588 683 Montaigne's Eflayes, .by Jo Florio, with the portrait of the Tranjlator, by Hole, foli.O Lund. 1613 6?4 DeMontefquieu, Lettres Perfanes, z torn. i8mo Cologne 172! 685 Temple de Gnide, 8vo Land. 1758 686 Ninon de L'Enclos, Memoires et Lettres, izmo Rotterd. 1751 687 Hiftory of Monfieur Oufle, 8vo Loud. 1711 688 Penfees de Pafcal, izmo. maroquin rouge, dories fur let tranches Par. 1671 689 LaQuinzaine Angloife a Paris, iamo Land. 1777 690 Roger Bon-temps en Bclle-humeur, 2 torn, en i, izmo - f Cologne 1731 691 De Ronfard (Pierre) Oeuvre , 2 torn. fol. maroquin rouge, *with portrait of Mary S>ueen of Scott, by De Leu, and other portraits < < Par. 1632 692 Roufl'eau (Jean Bspt.) Oeuvres, 4 torn. i2mo Lonti. 1748 693 -" (J. J.) Nouvelle Heloife, 6 torn, izmo Amjl* 1761 694 --' i Emile, ou'de 1'Education, 4 torn. J2mo. fig, donees Jur let tranches Atnft. 1762 j 8 Li-vrtt Caitiiques, Burlefquei, &c. 69 j Roufleau (J. J.) de l'In?galite parmi Ics Horcmes, 8vo AmJI. 1755 696 Les Sonnettes, ou Memoires du Marquis D** i2mo. fg. Berg. op-Ziom. 1751 L'Amour Voyageur Haje 174% Amufemens Poetiques 697 Reception de 1'IllaftreMathanafius a 1'Academie Fran- coife, tamo --- 1727 Eflai Hiftorique fur les Lanternes Dole 1755 698 Tant mieux pour Eile Voltaire, Candide, ou 1'Optimifme, partie t 1761 Htftoiredes COCQS, izmo Haye i 746 699 Nouveau Theatre Italien, ro torn, izrao Par. 1753 700 Theophile, Paftiafle Satyrique, 12 mo Arras 701 Du Tillet Description du Parnaffe Francois, execute en Bronze, avec le Supplement, 2 torn. fol. Par. 1760 702 De Voltaire, Oeuvres, 23 torn. 8vo. tuitb plates to the Pucelle " 1757> 65 -03 .I - La Bible enfin expliquee, 2 torn. 8vo 704 - ' - Le Taureau Blanq, 8vo 1774 Livrei Comiyues, Burte/gues, Sffr. 7* TPk^LICES du Cloitre, oolaNonneEclairee, izmo JL/ Cologne 1748 706 Mitra, ou la Demone Mariee, izmo 1745 707 Les Privileges du Cocuage, izmo 1712 D'Argens, Memotres Secrettes de la Republique des Lettres - Amft. 1737 708 Recueil general des Caqucts de 1'Acouchce, 8vo 1624 709 Le Moyen de Parvenir, 2 torn. iamo 1757 710 Les Sept Enlretitm Satlriqtte (TAloifia, \8rno, Colognt 1681 711 Aretin, Vies deLais et Lamia, i8mo 7 1 2 La Source et Origint dei Com Satrvagett I amo Lyott 1 6 1 o 713 L'Eloge de 1'Yvreffe, 12010 Hajt 1714 ( 39 ) Livres 714 A RLEQUINIANA, i2mo 1708 715 *^ Anonimiaua, 12010 Par. 1760 716 Chevraana, 2 torn, 12010 Amft. 1700 717 Carpentariana, izmo Par. 1724. 718 Dacatiana, a torn, rzmo ./?/?. 1738 719 Saint-Evremoniana ib. 1701 726 Gafconiana, iSrao *. 1708 721 Huetiana ' ib. 1723 722 Longueruana, 12010 Berl. 1754. 723 Menagiana, 4 torn. I2mo *< " Paris 1719 724. Anti-Menagiana, I2mo , /^. 1693 725 Naudseana et Patiniana, i2mo ^.1701 726 Poggiana, 2 torn, en i, 12 mo Amft. 1720 727 Parrhafiana, izmo #. 1699 728 Perroniana Hag. Com. 1669, et Thuana, 1670 729 Sorberiana, igmo i Par. 1694 730 Scaligerana, lamo Cologne 1695 731 Santoliana, &c. 2 torn, en i, i2mo ib. 1722 732 Valefiana - Paris 1695 733 Elite des Bon Mots recueilies des Ana, 2 torn. i8mo Amji. 1709 734 Galland, Bons Mots, etlesMaximes des Orientaux,- l8mo i Haye 1694 Romans, Contes, Nouvellei. 735 Ti/tARGUERITE, Royne de Navarre, 1'Heptame- 1VA ron, parGruget, 4:0 Par.foex. Prevoft, 1560 736 ... izmo Routn, 1598 737 Rabelais (Fr.) Oeuvres, 5 torn. 8vo. grand papier d:Jl. 1711 4o Romans, Ccntei, Kamvellei. 738 Rabelais Works, by Ozell, 5 vol. izmo. LonJ. 739 Heriflaye, Contes et Difcours d'Eotrapel, iamo Rtnnts 1598 740 Des Laurier?, Ics Fantaifics de Brufcambille, 8vo Par: i \ 1 1 M Colo 741 Pelcrinagc de Colombelle et Volontairette,/^ Svo Aaverj 1636 742 Gallaod, Mille et Une Nuits, Contes Arabes, 12 torn, izm'o Paris \ 711-17 743 Arabian Nights Entertainments, 4 vol. i2mo/. 1767 744 Petis de la Croix, Mille et Un Jours Contes Perfans, 5 torn. i2mo ib. 1711-12 745 GueulIette.MilleetUn Quart-d'Heures ContesTartares, 3 toni.^-. i2mo ' ib. 1723 746 Contes des Fees < ^.1698 Nouveaux Contes des Fees .. ib. 1710 747 Hiiloire des Sevarambes, 12010. 2 torn en i, fg- Am/I. 1716 748 La Femtoe Foible, izmo Nancy , 1733 749 Le Sage, Diable Boiteax, gilt ltwes> ismo Paris 1707 750 Crebillon le Fils, Je Sopha, 2 torn. 751 - Tanzai et NcadarnJ, 2 torn. nmo. fg* ~ ____ ' fckin 1758 7^z Les Bijoux Indifcrets,^. 2 torn, izmo Engtijb Pottry and Mifce Many. ,. 753 ALEYN (Cha.) Poetical Hiflorie of Henrie VII. l\. 8vo LonJ. 1638 754 Annalia Dubnnjia, or the Yeerly Celebration of Mr. Rob. Dover's Olimpick Games upon CotAvoId- Hills, 410 ib 1636 y 755 Anton (Rob.) the Philofophers Satyr., 410 ib. 1616 756 Aftimore (Jo.) certain feledled Ode* of Horace ing- lijhcd, and their Arguments annexed, 410 1^.1621 ii Epigrammes, Epitaphes, Anagrair.mes, and other Poems, Lot. & Eng. 410 ib, 1621 Ettg tfi Petty and Miftdlany. 4 1 757 Aubrey (John) Mifcellanies, with confiderable Im- 3 provements, 8vo Lend. 1764 758 Baldwin (Will.) Myrroure for Magiftrates, b. 1. 410. firftedit. impr. at London, in Flete Street, ntre to Saynft " ' Dunjlone't Church, by Thomas Marjbe \ 5 59 7J9 Baldwyn (Will.) Myrroure for Magiftrates, fecond edit, in a parts, b. /. 4/0 impr. by Ditto I 563 760 Another copy, 3d edition, with Sackvill's Induction and other additions, b. 1. 410 impr. by Ditto 1571 761 Baldwine (Will.) and John Higins Mirour for Magi* s ftrates, 410. b. I. imperf. impr. by Ditto 1587 761 Higins (Jo.) Pallet of Unfortunate Princes, whereunto is added the famous Life and Death of Queene Eliza- ' ^ beth, with portrait in wood. 410 at Land. impr. by Felix Kyngfton 1619 763 Ballads (A Colle&ion of Old) cutt, 3 vol. 2mo. x- fcarce < " 1723-5 761 Ballads (Old,, by Evans, 2 vol. 8vo Land. 1777 765 Bancroft (Tho.) Two Bookes of Epigrammes and Epi- taphs, 410 Load. 1639 766 Barnabee's Journal, 4 parts, Latin and EngHJh t firft / /O o edition, fmall 8vo. no date 767 Bas (Will.) Snvord and Buckler, or Serving Man's De- fence, infix line Stanzas, 410 Lond r impr. i6oz 768 Baftard (Tho.) Cbreftoleros, Seven bookes of Epigrames, ^ , 8vo impr. by Richard Bradocke, Land. 1598 "' 769 Beacon (Rich.) Solon his Follie, 410 - fi~ # Oxford, printed by Jof. Barnes 1594 770 The Blacke Booh, b. 1. 410 printed by ( T. C. 1604 / / ^ 771 Blackmore (Sir Rich.) Creation, fmall-izmo ^ fi~ Lond. 1715 772 ___. Eflays, 8vo it. 1716 / 773 Boayftuau (Peter) Theatre, or Rule of the World, tranf- fi lated by John Alday, b. I. i zmo ib. impr. by H. D. 774 The Hyftory and Queftions of Kynge Boccus andSydracke, . b. I- 4tO Prynied at London, by Tho. Gidfraye, at the Cojie and Charge of Dan. Robert Saltiuode, Monke of Sajnt Auflens, at Canterbury, no title G 4Z Engljb PodryandMifceUattj j 011$ Bolirgbroke's Philofophical and Political Works, u vol. 8vo./f copy, gilt Land. 1754 - / 776 Bouhcurs (Fran.) Art cfCriticifm, 8vo 1^.1705 / tf"777 Butler (Sam.) Hudibras, ramo /. 1726 / ,. #7/8 . ,,, ...m^ with Grey's Annotations and Hogarth's plates, fir ft imprfj/ions, 8vo. 2 vol. it. 1744 tvith ivood borders , 410 Lond.primtd by H. Lo'wnes 1(305 . fi~ 4,787 Brocke (Sir Fulke Grevill Ld.) Remains, Poems of Monarchy and Religion, 8vo Lend. 1670 - 2/ tf~'"i^ Eulwer ( John) Chirologia, or Natural Language of the Hand, plates, 8vo ib. 1644 - J ^ 8 9 Artificial Changeling, I2mo ib. 1650 j 790 Burke (Edm.) on the Sublime and Beautiful, 8vo ill. 1761 Carew{Tho.) Poems, with a Maflte, 3d edit. fm. 8vo ib. 1651 C na P man (Geo.) Ovid's Batjvtt of Sence, a Coronet for his MiftrefTe Philofophie, and his jtmorout Zodi- ade, with a tranflation of a Latioe Coppie, written , by a Fryer, Anno Dom. 1400, 410 ib. 1595 Pcftty and Mifce'latty, 43 793 Chapman (Geo.) Shadow of Night, 4to printed by Ponfonby, Lond. 1JQ4 Eugenia, or True Nobilities Trance, for the Death of Wm. Lord RufTel 1614. Funeral, of Henry Prince of Wales, with an Epicede, or Funeral Song, on Ditto - Land. 161 z- 13 Georgicks of Hefiod, tranflated ela- borately out of the Greek ib. 1618 Pro Vere Autumn! Lachrymas, to the Memorieof Sir Hojatio Vere 1622 Funerall of the cad Hayres of Pop- - pea, the Miftrefs of Nero Lend. 1629 * '* ' . . . Ovid's Banquet of Sence Amouious Zodiack - Amourous Contention of Phillis and Flora, tranflated from the Latin, Wrote in 1400. " '- Seaven Bookes of the Hi-ides of Ho- mere, Prince of Poets Land, printed by Windet 1598 Shield, from the iSth Booke of Iliades - ib. 1598 -- Teares of Peace ib. 1609 - Andromeda Liberata, or Nuptials of Perfeus and Andromeda .. ..... ib. 1614 754 Chatterton (Tho.) Poems, attributed to Tho. Rowley % and others, in the XV. Century, with a Preface and " " " GlofTary, 8vo - Lond* 1777 70 i ..... . . 3d edit. 8vo 1778 - f 1 ---- another edit, with Jer. Milles's Commentary, 410, with the Archaeological Land. 1782 Mifcellanies, in Profe and Verfe, with the Supplement, 2 vol. 8vo ^.1778, 85 Mifcellanies, 8vo 1778 Croft (Herb.) Love and Madnefs, 8vo Land 1780 799 Bryant (Jac.j Obfervations on Rowley's Poems, 8vo . $" ib. 1781 800 Mathias (Tho James) on the Evidence relating to the . f Poems attributed to Rowley, 8vo ib. 7^3 801 Ten Trafts relative to Chatterton's Poems, z vol. 8vo. viz. / // 6~ JvWone (Edm.) Curfory Obfervations on the Poems attributed to Rowley i'. 1782 Wartow 44 Englijb Poetry a*d Mifceltany. Warton (Tho/ EIKM '"'\ ; the Authenticity of Rowley's Poems lit . ; itt Land. Ditto, zd edit, corre&ed ib. Tyrwhitt (Tho.) Vindication of the Appenc.x to the Poems of Rowley, in Anfwer to Milles, Bryant, &c. ib. Obfervations on the Poems attributed to Rowley, with Remarks on Tyrwhitt's Appendix An Examination of Ditto^ with a Defence of the Opi- nion of Mr. Warton Sherborne Rowley and Chatierton inthe Shades Loud 1782 The Prophecy of Queen Emma, by W. ] . Mickle ib. Greene (Barnaby) Strictures on Malone's Curfury Ob- fervations on Rowley's Poems, and Remarks en the 8th Seftion of the fecond vol. of Warton's Englifh Poetry - ib. . 6 6 8 2 Chaucer (JefFery) Works, by Thomas Speght, with his Life, b. /. folio, portrait Land. 1687 / J ^3 ~~~^ "! by John Urry, with the GlofTary, and the Author';. Life, portraits by Ver- tue, folio, 1. p. ?- ib. 1721 . n 6 ^4 Canterbury Tales, original and mo- dernized, by T. Morell, Svo. /. p. in rujpa ib. \ 737 , Q 805 with Notes and a GlofTary, by Tho. Tyrwhitt, 5 vol. Svo. /. /. elegant in morocco^ gilt leaves ib. 1775-78 j / O 806 by Tyrwhitt, z vols. 410. I. p. with a portrait of fht Editor by Heath Oxford \ 7 <)% ^"807 Comment upon Chaucer's Miller's Tale, and ti e Wife of Bath, 8vo Lend. 1665 808 Chaucer's Troilus and Crefeid, the 2 firft bcoks, <. /. with a Latin Tranflation, Stanza for Stanza, by Sir Fr. Kinafton, 410 Oxon. 1635 ^9 The Loves of Troilus and Crefeid, by Chaucer, with a Comment by Sir Francis Kinafton, pubiifhed by F. G. Waldron, 8vo ^.1796 jBio Chaucer (Sir Geffrey) The Plough-Man's Tale, 410 Land. 1606 %\\ Cbflrchyaid (Tho.) Challenge, containing various Poe- ' Englffi Poetry and Mifcellany. 4 ^ tkal Pieces, and the Honour of a Souldler, in Profe, b. I. 4 to. Loud, printed by John Welfe^ '593* no title t Not in 8 1 2 Chute (A.) Beawtie D-Jhonoured, written ttnder the (iile of . .- Shore's Wife, 4to Land. imj>r. by John Wife 59*3 ' ' Of this Poem (fays Mr. Stetj 819 ---- Poetical Bloflbmes, 410 /. 1633 820 Crafhaw (Rich.) Steps to the Temple, and Delights of the Mufes, ift edit, fmall 8vo Jb. 1646 821 Another copy, 2d edit. 8vo /. 1670 822 Modeft Critick, by the Society of Port-Royal, 12010 ib. 823 Dalrymple (A.) Extracls from G. Withers's Juvenilia, / ^ 8vo -- - ib. 1785 824 -,- ; ' '. Gollelion of Engiifh Songs, with Ori- . a ginal pieces by Lieut. James Dalrymple, 8vo ib. 1796 825 Danyel (Sam.) Hiftorie of the Warres between the /r n Houfes of Lancafter and York, 410. no title 826 Davis (Sir John) Nofce Teipfum, this Oracle ex- . r- ^ pounded in two Elegies, Af6'. title t 410 Lond. 1608 827 Davifon's (Fr.) Poetical Rhapfodies, 8vo. imperfeft 1611 - 3 828 De Foe (Daniel) Jure Divino, a Satyr, portrait, Svo . . (f Lond. 1706 j?29 Dekker (Tho.) The Batchekr's Banq uet, 410. b. l.ib. 1603 / /6 0- 46 Englfo Pottrj and Mifcellatiy. 830 Deleftable Demaundesand pleafaunt Queftions, with /*> their Aunfwcrs in Matters of Love, Natural Caufes, and Moral and Politique Devifes, b. I. 410 impr. At Lend, by Jehu Caivoode I 566 / Sji Dennis (Jo.) Grounds of Criticifm in Poetry, 8vo Lottd. 1704 / 832 _-_. Remarks on Blackmore's Prince Arthur, and on Virgil, 8vo ;'. 1696 833 The Life and Death of the Merry Devil of Edmonton, with 2, tf the pleafant Prancks of Smug the Smith, Sir John, and mine Hoft of the George, about the Stealing of Venifon, by T. B. fruiti/piece, b I. 410 163* $34. The Divell of the Vault, or the Unmafking of Mur- /y ther, in a briefe Declaration of the Cacolicke- ctmplot- ta/Treafon lately difcover'd, by I. H. 410 Loud. 1606 (A Poem on the Gunpowder Treafon.) 835 The Dialogues of Creatures Moralyfed, b. I, with ivood tutt, morocco, gilt leaves, 410, prefumed the firft Englifh edit, and pointed, if not tranilated, by John Raltell, and they be to fell upon Powly's Churche Yarde 836 Dixon (Robert) Canidia, or the Witches, a Rhapfody, 4to Land. 1683 / 837 Donne (John) Poems, with Elegies on his Death, 8vo ib. 1635 Z 838 Another edition, portrait, by Mar/hall, 8vo ib. 1650 - 1 \(T 839 ' on Self-Homicide, 8vo ib. 1700 3 840 Dorrel (Hadrian) Willobie his Avifa, or the true Figure ^ ^ l of a Modea Maide, and of a Chaft and ConiUnt Wife, 410 impr. at London by John Windtt 1 609 841 Drayton (Mich.) Mufes Elyfium, 410 Loud. 1630 g^ 2 *___ Poems, fol. printed for John Smith*wick t ib. j- o 843 Dryden's Plays, 6 vol. ib. 1735 .1 ii Original Poems and TranQations, 2 vol. 1743 Fables 1755 Virgil, 3 vol. t utt 1748 i Juvenal & Perfius, 1754, 13 vol. izmo. uni- formly bound 844 Drommond (Will.) of Hawthorne-denne, Poems, Ma- drigals, and Epigrarames, 2d imprcfiion, 410 Ldin. 1616 //, ,', Ei'.glijb Potty attd Mifcellany. 4; 845 Donton (John) Life and Errors, 8vo. r Land. 1705 - (To g 4 6 . -- Dublin Scuffle, 8vo. defe6li Ato ' Load, by Tho. Ortxyn 1591 g6j. - . i . Eraanuel ;^r. ^ Ponfonby, ib. \~'/4 & 863 Fugitive Pieces, publifhed by R. Dodfley, 2 vol. 8vo : - S Land. 1761 \ 864 Rrpofitory of Fugitive Pieces of Wit and Humour, 4 o vol. 1 2 mo ' '' ' Lend. 1783 4% Ehglijb Poetry and Mi/ceUany. F un dling Hofpital for Wit, izmo ib. 1784 Afylum for Fugitive Pieces, 3 vol. I2ino. unifomtlj bound i it. 1785-9 /ff <$~$66 The Garden of the Mufcs, 8vo. no title Land, printed by E. A. 1610 /o O 867 Gafcoigne (Geo.) Workesor a Hundreth fundrie Flow- ers bounde in one fmall Poefie, (including) Suppofes, Com. from Ariofto, loco/la, Tr. from Euripides, Arc. b. I. 4to. firft edit. ib. impr. by Bynneman 1572 With MS. Notes rejpefting this copy and edit, by Mr. Steeveat. 868 Another Copy, 2nd edition, (with confiderahle addt- A- tions) among other, the Princely Pleafures of Kenil- worthCaftle, the Steele Glafs, the Complamte of Phylomene, b. I. 410 ib. dbelljrffes 1587 With MS. Reference), by Me/rs. Bowie and Steei-ens. 869 Another Copy, including all the aforementioned, and a Delicate Diet for Daintie Mouthde Droonkardes, 8vo. b. I. Lend. impr. by Rich. Jbonei, 15/6 The Glafle of Gouernement, 410. 6. 1. ruj?;a With MS. References. The Droome of Doomefday, 3 parts, 4to. b. I. ib.i^d Tht above tnuo Volumes artfufpofed to ccmprife the can- fleaieji ColleBiort cf Gajcoigne'i Woiksexiant. 870 Gay (John) Poems, a vol. tuts, 12010. ib. 1753 Fables, 2 vol. in ijfm. izmo. cutsib. 1757 872 Geffner (Sol.) Death of Abe!, izmo. elegantly bwnd ib. 1761 /O ^73 Goldfmith (O!.) Traveller and Deferted Village, and Parnell's Hermit, 410. .l. fniall 8-0 fine copy Land, impr, by Ihon Tifdale '561 $78 Gray's Poems and Life, by W. Mafon, with large MS. Notes and an Index by Mr. Cols, 410 Tork, 177^ Cole's MS. Index to the Defcription of the Villa of Strawberry-Hill, bound together 879 Gray (Tho.) Poems, with Notes by Gilb. Wakefield, 8vo Land. 1786 880 ElegiaGrayiana,Gn et Ang. Steph. Wefton,4to/.i -794 881 Greene (Rob.) (i) Planetamachia, or the firit Parts of the generall Oppofition of the feven Planets, wherein is aftronomically dcfcribed their EfTence, Nature and Influence, 1585. (2.) Perimides, the Blarkfmith, a Golden Methode how to ufe the Minde in pleafantand profitable Exerciie, 1588. (3) The Spanijb Mafquerado, 4:0 '5^9 82 Seven Pieces, w'z. (t) ,A notable difcovery of Coofenage now daily praclifed by fundry lewJ Perfons called Connie'Catchers and Crofs-by- ters, 1592. (2) Thefecond and Infl part of Conny- catching, 1592. (3) The third and la ji part of Con- ny-catching 1592. (4) The Blacke Bookei Mef- fenger, laying open the Life and Death of Mr. Brown, one of the mod notable Cutpurfes, Crofs bi- ters and Conny- Catchers that ever lived in England, I 59 2> (0 Tb f Ground Worke of Cony-cat cblng % the Manner of their Pedlars French and the Meanes to underltand the fame, with the cunning Styhts of the counterfeit Worke, no date. (6) The Defence of Cony-eatching t by Cuthbert Conny-catcher, 1592. (7) A Difputation between a Hee Conny-catcber and a Sbee Conny-catcher, whether a Theife or a Whoore is moft hurtful in coufonage to the Commonwealth, ivhk nuood cuts, 410 - I 592 883 Five Pieces, viz. (i) The Slack Bookes Mejfinger, 1592. (2) The Art of Jugling* or Legerdemain, by S. R. 1612. (3) Mihil Mum- chance his Difcovery of the Art of cheating in falfe Dyce play, and other unlawful Games, no date. (4) H 50 Englijh Poetry and Mifcellaity, Penelope's Web, 1601. (5) Greene in Conceit new raifl-d from his Grave to write the tragique Hiftorie of fair Valeria of London, 4 to . 1598 884 Greene (Rob.) Nine Pieces, w/z. (i) Carde of Fancy , 1 608. (2) Mamitla, the fecond part of the Triumph of Pallas, 1^93. 13) Greene's Areadia t or Minaphon, 1616. (4) Ciceronit Amor, Tullies Love, 1616. (f) Greene's Never too late, z parts, 1616. (6) Greeks Part-well to Follie, 1617. (;) Alcida Green's Mstamsrpho/is, 1617. (8) A Quip for an upflart Courtier, with the fronti/p. 1620. (9) Greene's Groats-worth of Wine bought with a Million, of Repentance, 410 i6zi 885 . .. A Paire of Turtle-Doves, or the Tragi- call Hiftory of Bellora and Fidelio, 410 1606 886 - Pleafant Hiftorie of Doraltus and Faw- nia, 410 ' 1636 887 i. .. Greene's Vifion, written at the Inftant of his Death, conteyning a Penitent Paffion for the Folly of his Pen, b. I. 4to Impr. for Tba. Newman, no date 8S8 Queftions concerning Conie-bocd, and the Nature of the Conic, 410 no date 889 Guardian, z vol. i2mo LonJ. 1716 890 Gulliveriana, or a . mwco, i ilt leaves ib, Englijb Poetry and Mifcellanyi 53 936 King (Will. ^Pofthumous Works, 8vo portrait Land, 1734, *936 Knox (Vicef.) EfTays, Moral and Literary, 8vo ib. 1778 937 Lavater's Aphorifms, by Hen. Fufeli, izmo ib. 1788 938 Lever (Chrili. } Queene Elitabeth's Tearer, 4(0 ;'. 1607 939 Licia, or Poemes of Love, \\hereunto is added the Rifing to the Crowne of Richard the Third, 410 no date 940 The Diftlay oiVainelife, 410 Lond. printed by Rich, fiett \ 594. 941 Linche (Rich.) Fountain of Ancient Fifiion, 410 ib. printed by Adam JJlip 1599 942 Lipfius (Juftus) Menippean Satyr, ismo ib. 1702 943 L'Ifle (Will.) Saxon Treatife on the Old and New Tef- tament, with a Teftimony of Antiquity, Saxon and ~~"~ 'IS ib, 1623 Du Bartas (part of) Englifh and French, by Will. Lifle, with the Commentary ofS. G. S. ib. 1625 L'Ifle (Will.) Faire ^Ethiopian, a Poem, 410 o,ig. bind, rujfia, gilt leave) ib. \ 63 c 944 Literature (Anecdotes of Polite) 5 vol. iamo ib. 1764 945 Lluellin (M.) Men-Miracles, with other Poemes, fmall 8vo - ib. 1656 946 Another copy .. ib. 947 Lloid (Lodowicke) Pilgrimage of Princes, b. I. 410 ib.imfr. byJobnWcl 948 *. Firft part of the Diall of Dales, b. I, 410 ..i ib. 1590 949 Lodge (Tho.) Life and Death i>f William Longbtard, the moft famous and witty Englijh Traitor borne in the Citiy of London, accompanied with manye other Kioti. plecijant and prettie Hifaries 410 b. I. ib. printed by Rich. Tarjiey and Peter Short 1593 950 Lydgate (John, Moncke of Burye) Aunciente Croni- cle of the Warres, betwixte the Grecians and the Try ant, b. I, folia ib. imprinted by Tho. Marjbe 1555 95 i Lyly (Jhon) Euphuet t The Anatomy of Wit, fae copy, 410 ib. impr. by Tho. ajl 1580 952 Lyttelton (Ld.) Dialogues of the Dead, 8vo ib, 1760 /4 Engljh Paltry and Mi/cellany : 953 Mandeville(Bern. de) Works, viz. Fable of the Bees, * ^ voI.i733.Of Hyfteric'Difeafes,i7}o. Origin of Ho. nour, 1732. Virgin Unmaflc'd, 1709. Caufes of frequent Executions at Tyburn, 1725, and fmaller Pieces, 1732, in 7 vol. 8vo 954 The Golden Booke of Marcus Aurelius, 8vo. b. /. Land, printed by Tbo. Eaji 1586 955 Marlowe (Chr.) and George Chapman's Hero and Leander, 410 ib. 1629 956 Martyn (Jof.) New Epigrams and a Satyre, 410 ib. 1621 957 The Maftive t or Young-Wkelpe of the OUe Dogge Epigrams and Satyrs, 410 ib. date cut off 958 Mathiae (Tho.) PJlttacus-Pfeudo Arcbilochaus, 410 _ ,< 959 Mennis (Sir I.) and Ja. S. Mufarum Delt'cia, or the Mufes' Recreation, zd edit. fm. 8vo 1656 960 De Meum (John) the Dodtcbedrai of Fortune, or the Exercife of a Quick Wit, englilhed by Sir W. B. b. 1. 410 Loud. 1613 961 Middleton (Chr.) Legend of Humphrey Duke of Glocefter, 410 ib. 1600 962 Milton (John) Works in Verfe and Profe, compleat, by Newton and Birch, with Hayman's Drjignt and 4 dijftrcnt portraits of the Author, 410 5 voJ. uniformly and elegantly bound in green turkey ib. 1 753-6 1 963 . . Paradife Loft, I ft edit, interle w:d nuitb c efiout MS. Notes by the late I. Bowie, 410 ib. 1668 964 410, 2 nd titlt ib. 1669 - in profe from the French of Raymond de St. Maur, 8vo ~ ib. 1745 (Review of the Text of) by Zacbary Pearce, 8vo - ib. 1733 (Notes on) by I. Richardfons, 8vo - ib. 1734 968 Lauder (Wm.) Eflay on Milton, 8vo ib. 1750 Douglas (John) againft Lauder 1751 Apology for Mr. Lauder - ^ 1751 Gent. Magazine, June, 1750, and Monthly Review for Dec. 1750, on the fame Englijh Poetry and Mi/ctllanyl 55 969 Lauder (Wm) Effay on Milton, with MS. Notes by the Rev. I. Boiule, Svo Land. 1750 970 .I,. , Svo, ib. 1750, and Lauder's Letter to Douglas, 410 ib. 1751 971 Milton's (John) Paradife Regained, with Notes by Cha. Dunfler, 410 ib. 1795 972 .I : Mafke,prefentedatLudlowCaftle, 1634, 4to, with the View of Ludloiu Cafile ib. 1637 973 ' '- Comus, with the Notes of 'various Comment atorf, publijked by Hen. Jo. Todd, 8vo Cant. 1798 974 Obfequies to the Memorie of Mr. Edward King, Lat. & Eng. A. D. 1638, with Milton' t Lycidas, Jirft edition^ and Bowie's Index of Authors, 410 Cambr. 1638 975 Milton (John) Latin and Englifh Poems* with MS. Notes by I. Bowie, 2 vol. 8vo Lond. 1673 976 Poems, Eng. Ital, Latin, and Tranf. lations, with Notes by Tho. Warton, 8vo ib. 178^ 977 . .. - ... zd edit. . ib. 1791 Some Notes which are in the former t are omitted in this edit. 978 (Life of) by John Toland, morocco, 8vo ib. 1761 979 Peck (Fra.) Memoirs of the Life and Poetical Works of Milton, and other Pieces, 410 ib. 1740 980 Neve (Phil.) Curfory Remarks on fome of the Ancient EngliQi Poets, particularly Milton, 8vo ib. 1789 981 .. Narrative of the Difinterment of Milton's Coffin, 2d edit, with the Poitfcript, and large MS. Notes by Mr. Steevens, 8vo ib. 1796 982 Minot (Laurence) Poems, 8vo publi/beJ by Ritfon ib. i 79 j 983 More (fienry) Philofophicall Poems, 8vo Cambr. 164.7 984 The More the Merrier, containing Threescore and odde head-lefle Epigrams, {hot, (like the Foolis bolt) amongft Yu, light where they will, by H. P. Genf 410 Lond. 1608 985 Murphy (Arthur) Grays-Inn Journal, z vol. 12010 ib. 1756 56 Englijh Poetry and Mi/cellany. 986 Mynfliul (Geffray) EfTaycs and Characters of a P/ifor? and Prisoners, 410 printed at Lond. 1618 *)$7 Nam (Tho.) Three Pieces, viz. (i) Have nuitb yeu to Saffron Waldeu, or Gabriell Harvey's Hunt it "P> I 59^ ( 2 ) Pi tree Pennileffe his Supplication to the Dwell, 1595. (3) Na/a's Lenten Stuffe, contain- ing the Dcfcription and firft Procreation and increafe of the Towne of Great Yarmouth in Norfo/te, with a new Play never played before, of the Pratfe of the Red Herring, the laft /otf leaves ivritten, 410 1599 988 Newcaftle(Dutchefs of) Letters and Poems, /s/. 1676 989 Newcomb (Tho.) Laft Judgment of Men and Angels* fcl. i Loud. 1723 990 Newman (Arthur) Pleafure*s Vijion, with De/ert's Ccm- f faint, and a fhort Dialogue of a Woman's Proper- ties, betweene an Old Man and a Young, fmall Svo ib. 1619 991 Nicholfon (Sara.) Acolaflm bis After-fPitte, 410 ib. 1600 592 North Briton, lamo ib. 1763 *99? ' z vol. lamo ib. 993 Oldy^s's Britifti Librarian, Svo /. 1738 994 Ofborn (Fr.) Advice to a Son, Svo Ox/Wi6$8 995 THE PARADYNE OF DAYNTY DEVISES, MS. a Fac Simile of the firft edition, in 1576, finim'd with the greateft neatnefs by Mr. Steevens, 410 in ruffta 996 THE PARADICE OF DAINTY DEVISES, devifed and written for the moft part by M, Edwardes, fometime of her Majeftie's Chappell ; the relt by fundrjr learned Gentlemen, both of Honor and VVorlhip, 4to Lond. printed by EJ'w. Allde \ 596 997 THE PARADICE OF DAINTIE DEVISES, b. I. inter- leaved, 4 to ib. printed for Ed-iu. Wbitt 1600 Breton (Nich.) WORKES OF A YOUNG WYT, truft up with a Far dell of Prettie Fancies, profitable to young Poetes,prejudicial to no Man, and pleafaunt to every Man, to pafle away Idle Tyme withall, b. I. 410 interleaved, with a MS. Lift of the Author' 'i Work by Meflrs. Steevens, Ritfon, and Park imfr. at Lond. nigh unto the Three Cranes in the fin- trfe, by Tho. Daivfon and Tho. Gardyner ' Engltjb Poetry and Mifceltani. 57 SOOTHJ-RN'S ODES, 410 b. 1. interleaved, with copiou* MS. Notes, and an Extract from the European Ma- gazine relative to the Author, wants title, no date Watfon (Tho.) PASSIONATE CENTURIE OF LOVE, 410 b. /. interleaved, the 12 firit Sonnets, and the latter ones from 78, in MS. Lond. impr, by Jtbn Wolf,; The above curious CcHeflisn of Old Poems are bsund togtlbtr in rtijjta, r.j"j by Dr. Farmer, Mr. Stervens, Mr, Reed, or any other dili- gent Collt-flor. 1033 Prior (Mat.) Poems, izmo Lend. 1754. 1034 Proverbs fCoIledUon of Englifh; by I. Ray, 8vo ib. 1737 4thedit.8vo ib. 1768 1036 --- (Scottifh) by James Kelly, 8vo ib. 1721 1037 Puttenham's drte of Englijb Poefif, in 3 bookes, with a <"> e^ 1073 Roy (Will.) SATIRE ow CARDINAL WOLSEY, a Po- em, I. I. fm. 8vo rv]fia t no date norylaee 1074. Savage (Rich.) Collection of Pieces in Vcrfe and on Occafion of the Dunciad, 8vo Lond. 1075 Scot (Tho.) Pfylomytbie, or Pkylomythologic, wherein Outlancifh Birds, Beads, and Fiihes, are taught to fpeajc true Englifh plainely, two parts, cuts - . Lond. 1616-25 1076 Mu/te Seatoniants ; the Seaton Prize Poems, A / 8vo Only 12 Copies printed on large paper* ib. 1773 1077 Selden (John) Table-Talk, i8mo G/<7^. 175; 1078 Skelton (Jo.) Ppet Laureat, lyttle Werkts, . /. 8vo, no title impr. by Will. Hoiv, 1582 1104 Trapp (Jos.) Lectures on Poetry, ismo Land. 1742 1105 Turner (Rich.) KofceTe (Humors) a Collection of Epigrams, 410 ib. 1607 1106 Tyros (T.) RoringMegge, planted againft the Walles of Melancholy, 4:0 ib, printed by Pal. Simmet 1598 1107 Trafts, viz. (i) The Old, Old, very old Man, or the Age and Long Life of Tho. Parr, by John Taylor the Waler Pott, with the portrait of Parr, 1/03. (l) A fhort difcoverie of the unobferved Dangers offeveral forts of ignorant and unconfiderate Praftifers of Phy- fic in England, by John Cotta, 1612. (3) The ^uin- tiffince of Wit t being a corranc Comfort of Lon- ceites, Maximes and politick Devifes, felecled and fathered together by Francifco Sanfovino, tranflated y Rob. Hitchcock, b. I. \ 590. (4) A Difcourfe of Marriage and Wiving, by Alex. Nicholes, b, I. 1620. (5) Greene's Ghoft haunting Cony-catchers 1626 1108 Marten (Coll. Henry) Familiar Letters to his Lady of Delight, alfo her kindt Returno, 4:0 1663 The Grand Impoftor examined, 01 the Life, Tryal, &c. of James Nayltr Loud. 1656 Lanii Triumpbantes, Or the Butcher's Prize, a Poem; being a Defcription of the famous Battel between Achilles, a Bu:cbfr of Greece, and Heftor, a Weaver of Troy, 410 -' /. 1665 Mynfhull (Geoffrey) Eflayes and Charaders of a Prifon and Prisoners, 410 frontifpiece ib. 1638 1109 Norton (Tho.) his Trea'ifes, 'viz. To the Queenes Majefties poor deceived 6ubje6tcs of the North Coun- trey, drawen into Rebellion by the Earlei of North- umberland and W cilmoiland, b. /. 12010 Lend. impr. by Htn. Bynncman \ 569 Warning againft the Dangerous Praftifes of Papilks, and fpecialJy the Parieners of the late Rebellion, b /. tb, impr. by John Dajt Englijb Poetry and Mifcellany. 67 A Bull graunted by trie Pope to Doc~lor Harding and others, b. I* Loii'l.impr. by 'John Day A Difclofing of the Great Bull and certain Calves that he hath gotten, and fpecially the Monfter Bull that roared at my Lord Byfliops Gate, b. I. ib. mo Trafts. . The Charader of a Towne Gallant Of a Towne Mifs Of an honed drunken Curr Of a Fanatic Of a Pilfering Tavlor Of an Exchange Wench Of a Soliicitor Of a Scold-Of an ft! Hufband Of a Dutchman Of a Pawnbroker Of a Tally-man, &c. 1675. T ne Maids Complaint, 1675. The Batchelors Anfwer, 1675. The Ale Wives Complaint againfl: the Coffee-Houfes, 167^. Moll and her Matter. The Downfall of the Bailiffs 1675. The Good Wives Lamentation and Anfwer, 1678, News from Rome, frontifpiect. The Tyburn Ghoft, or ftrangeDownfal of the Gallows, 1678. Poor Robin's Inreliigence revived, 1678. The Myltery of Money-catching, 1678. Poor Robin's Perambulation from Saffron-Vfalcien, 1678. Satyr again it Hypo- crites, 1677. Coun:er-ScufHe,/)a*///^/>^, 1670. The Reformado preciiely charactered, /ro//^V I ^43> and various other curious Trafts ilir Trafts. Eflay on Draining the Fens, %^o,T.ond. 1729 Somhall (John) Treatifi? on Bugs, 1730. Mande- viile on the frequent Executions at Tyburn, 1725. A Difcourfe concerning Ridicule and Irony in Writing, by Collins, 1729. Pritchard (Sam.) Ma^ fonry differed, 1730. The*. Gibber's Letters and Trial, 1739, &c. itiz Addrefs of Thanks to the Broad-Bottoms, 8vo 1745* Popery in its proper Colours, 8vo. Second Repor c from the Committee of Secrefy of the Houfe of Com- mons, 8vo 179^.. 5 Numbers of the European Ma- gazine, and Monthly Review 1113 Vilvain (Rob.) Epitome of Eflais, Lat. & Eng. nultb a far die of^b Fragments and the Author's Autograph Land. 1654 1114. VIves (Lud.) Inftruclion of a Chriftian Woman, izmo b. /. ' Land. i5^5 1115 Waller (Edm.) Works, by Fenton, ramo ib. 1758 |I|6 Wakefield (Gilb.) Poetical Tranflations from the An- cients, bvp . Lqad. 4795 68 Englijh Poetry and Mifctllany. 1117 Ward (Ned) Miscellaneous Works, 9 vo!. Nuptial Dialogues, 2 vol. Don Quixote, 2 vol. Britifh Hudibras. Hiftory of Clubs. Hiftory of the Rebel- lion, 3 vol. *witb the fertraits t and Poems, in all 17 vol. 8vo Lend. 1706, &c. 1118 Trafts by Warburton and a Warburtonian, pnblified by Sam. Parr, 8vo ib. 1789 IIIQ Warren (Will.) A pltafant new Fancie of a Fondling 't Device, intitlcd and cald the Nurcerie of Names, ivitb wood borders, b. 1. 410 ib. impr* by Rich. J banes 1581 1 120 Warner (Will.) Albion's England, in Verfe, 410 ib. 1612 1121 Warton (Tho.) Poems, 8vo ib. 1777 1122 Hiftory of Englifh Poetry, 3 vol. 410 ib. 1774-78-81 1123 Watreman (Will.) Fardle of Faeions , 8vo b. I. ib. impr. by John King J} one 155; 1124 Watfonii (Thorns) AMINTA CSAUDIA, dedicated to Mary, Countefs of Pembroke, 410 corie turcico ib. impr. Gui. Ponfonbei 1592 1125 Watfon (Tho.) PASSIONATE CENTURJE OF LOVE, b. I. 410, the title, dedication and index, MS. by Mr. Steevens Man ufcript Poems, tranfcribed from a CoIleHon or ANCJ ENT ENGLISH POETRY, in the PofllfitOn of Sam. Lyfons, Efq. formerly belonging to Anne Corn- wallit, by Mr. Steevens 1126 PASSIONATE CENTURIE or LOVE, divided into 2 parts, b. I. 410 ruflta Lond. impr. by John Wolfe 1127 11 .. ENGLAND'S HELICON, colledled by John Bodenham, with copiout Additiont and an Index in MS. by Mr. Slee'vens^ 410, rvj/ia ib. printed by J. R. 1600 1128 Wtblee (WiP.) DISCOURSE OF ENGLISH POETR IE, together with the Author's Judgment touching the Reformation of our Englifh Verfe, b. I. 410, ruffia ib. by John Cbarleiuocd 1 586 3129 Weftlcy (Sam.) Maggots, iimo, JefeBfat at tbe'ni, 1685 Englijh Poetry and Mtfcellany . 69 1130 Whctftone (Geo.) Heptameron of Civill Difcourfes, b. 1. 4 to Lond.impr. by Rich. Janet 1582 1131 Whitehead (Paul) Satires, 8vo Lend. 1760 1132 Wit's Interpreter; the Engliflb Parnaffiis, JQ Books printed at Straiuberry-Hill. 1144 Walpole (Horace) Fugitive Pieces,8vo, with MS.Notts by Mr. Colt, uniformly bcund luitb Hentzner's Travel/ 1758 H45 Whitworta (Lord) Account of Ruflla,8vo, MS. Notes by Mr. Cole, uwfyrmly bound with th : preceding 1758 1146 Spence(Jos.) Parallel between Magliabcchi and Hill, 8vo, iaith MS. Notes by Mr. Cole, and uniform 'with the former - 1147 Vertue (George) Anecdotes cf Painting in England, and Catalogue of Engravers, publifhed by Horace Walpole, with fine imprzjpons of the portraits, 5 vol. 410, tbefirft 4 elegantly bound 1762-71 1(48 Life of Lord Herbert of Cherbury, written by Him- felf, ivitb MS. Notes by Mr. Cole, and a portrait of his Lord/hip - 1764 1149 Walpole (Horace) Hidoric Doubts on the Life an4 Reign of King Richard III. e Vienna, no date, frontifpiece. (2) Poord (Emanuel) Hiflorie of Montelyon, Knygbte of the Oracle, b. 1. 1633. (3) The moft pleafant Hiftory of Ornatus and Artejta, b. /. 1634. (4) A Saxon Hiftorie of the admirable Adventures of Clodoaldus and his three Children .. 1634 1175 The Renowned Hiftory of Fragofa, King of Arr agon t and his three Sonnes, in 2 parts, by W. C. 410. b. I. Land, by E. Alfop 1656 Love and Valor, or the divers Affcttions of "Minerva, frontifpiece by Mar/ball, 410 ib. 1638 Mynihull (Rich.) valorous Atchievements of the moft valiant Knt. Sr. Paris of Vienna the frontifpiece by Gifford, 410 _____ . ib. 1650 1176 The renowned Hiftory of Guy Ear I of Warwick Hiftory of the damnable Life and deferved Death of Dr. John Faujlus Green (Rob.) Hiftory of Doraftus and Fanvnia ^.1703 Holland's Leaguer, or an Hiilorical Difcourfe of the Life and Aclions of Donna Britannica Hollandia ib. 1632 Hi (lory of the Blind Beggar of Etdnal-Green " of the learned Fryer Bacon Hiftory L 74 Old Romance i and Modern Noveff. Hiftory of faltHl'me and Orfoa mm. of Hefior Prince of Troy, or the three De- ftrudlions of Troy High-Dutch Fortune-teller, 4to defective at the end 1 177 The moft famous and renowned Hiftorie of that woor- thie and illuftrious Knight, Mervine, Sonne to Oger, the Dane, by I M. 410 b. I. print td at Land, by R. Blower and Vol. Sims i6ia 1178 Straunge, lamentable, and tragicall Hyflories, tranf- lated out of Frenche by Robert Smythe, 410 b. I. ib. impr. by Hugh Jack/on 1577. 1179 The goodly Hiftory of the moft noble and beautiful Lady Lucres of Siene in Tujkan, and of her Lover Euna- lus, wry plejaunt and delettable unto the Reder, b. I. 8vo . ' ib. impr. by John Kynge \ 560 1 180 The Adventures of La die Egeria, containing her mife- rable Baniftiment by Duke Lampanus, her Hufbande, by W. C. 410 b. I. ib. printed bj Rob. fFalJe-gravt 1181 The moft a'eleftable Hiftory of Reynard the Fox, 2 parts with the Shifts of Reynardine, the Son of the Fox, b. /. 4.10 ib. printed byT. Hive 1701 jj8z The Travels of Ferfiles and Sigifmunda, a Northera Hiftory, 410 ' ib. 1619 1183 Cervantes (Mich.) troublefome and bard Adventures in Love, tranflated by R. C. Gent, 410 ib. printed by B. Alfop 1652 1184 The famous Hiftory of the SEVEN CHAMPIONS of CHRISTENDOM, b. L 410 ib. printed by Rich. Bijbsp, no datt 1185 Goulart (I.) admirable and memorable Hiftories, tranflated by Ed. Grimefton, 410 ib. impr. by. G Eld 1607 1186 Camus (John Peter) Admirable Events, tranflated by Du Verger, 410 ib. 1639 1187 Gerardo, the Unfortunate Spaniard, tranflated from the Spanifh, by Leonard Digges, 410 ib* 1622 1188 The famous and deleclable Hiftory of Cleocreton and Cloryana, 410 b. /. ib. 1189 A Courllie Contrtvtrjie of Cupid's Cautil:, containing five Old Romances ana Modern Novfti'. 7; five Tragical! Hiftoryes, by three Gentlemen and two Gentlewomen, tranflated out of French by Hen. Wotton, 410 b. /. ib. impr. by Francis Culdock and Hen>y Tlynneman I 978 no title 1 190 The Hiftory of the famous and renowned Knight, SIR BEVIS OF HAMPTON, b. 1. cuts, 410 ib. i66z iuitb the Autograph. of-Tbo. Hearne. 1191 The Voyage of the Wandring Knight, (hewing the whole Courfe of Man's Life, how apt hee is to fol- low Vanitie, how hard it is for him to attain to Ver- tue, b. I. 410 fr. by W. Stan/by, no date 1192 The Hiltory of Prince Eraflus, and thofe famous Phi- lofophers, called the Seven Wife Majiers of Rome, tranilated by Fr. Kirkman, nuith plates, 8vo Lend. 16/4. 1193 The Booke of the mode victorious Prynce, GUY of WARWICK, ia vetfe, with many woodprints, b. /. 4to impr. by Will. Copland, no date 1194 The Hiftorie of TREBIZOND, in foure Bookes, by Tho. Gainsforde, Efq. 4.10 Load. 16 6 1195 The Patterne of Paineful Adventures, containing the mod excellent, pleafant, and variable Hiitorie of Prince Apollanius, the Lady Lucina his Wife, and Tkarjia. bit Daugh:er, tranflated by T. Twine, 410 b. /. ib. printed by Val. Sims 1607 1196 Bettie (W.) Hiftorie ofTitana andThefeus, 410, b. I. * -i^f ib. r63O 1 197 Sydney (Sir Philip) Arcadia, and other Works, fvto, elegantly bound in blue turkey, gilt leaves ; orig. binding ib. 1633 1198 Wit and Fancy in a Maze, or the incomparable Cham- pion of Love and Beautie, Don Z<*nz del Fogo, a mock Romance, imbelli/bed with many rare and cbyce Pieces of Drollery, fm. 8vo it. 1656 1199 The Same of the Rogue, or the Politick Theefe, with the Antiquitie of Theeves, engiifhed by W. M. izmo ib. 1638 1200 The pleafaunt Hiftorie of Lazarillo de Termes, a Spa- niard e f wherein is contained his marvellous Deeuts and j6 Old Romance* and Modern Novels. and Life, drawen out of SpaniUi by David Rowland of Anglefey, b. I. fm. 8vo ib. impr. by Abell Jeffes, dwelling in the Foreflrete^ without Lrepellgaie, nere Groub-Jlreete I 586 See MS. Note, in which Mr. Stetvens fays he bat never feett another Copy 1 20 1 Reynolds (John) Triumph of God's Revenge againfl Murther, 3 bocks in i vol. 410 ib. 1622-24-29 1202 . - God's Revenge againft Murther and Adultery, plates, folio ib. 1679 1203 V& e Metrical Romaunce of theSowooN OF BABYLOYNE, and of Fe*umbras his Son, who conquered Rome, and Kinge Charles of Frounce, with XII. dofey Peres toke the Sc.'wdon in the Feelde, and fmote of his Heede, MS. on vellum 1204 Gordon de Percel L'Ufage des Romans, avec une Bi- bliotheque des Romans, interleaved^ in 4 vol. 12010 Amft. 1734 1205 De Sainte-Palaye, Memoires fur 1'Ancienne Cheva- lerie, 2 torn, izmo . Paris 1759 1206 Hurd's Letters on Chivalry and Romance, 8vo Land. 1762 1207 Markham (Jarvis) Englifh Arcadia, alluding Us begin- ning from Sir Phil, Sjdnie's ending, 410 ib 1 607 1208 De Foe (Daniel) Life and Adventures of Robinfon Crafoe, 2 vol. 8vo. 1. p. with plates ib. ly Stockdale 1790 1209 Gulliver (John) Travels, tranflated by Lockman, 2 vol. 12010 ' 1^.1731 1210 Coventry (Fran,) Hift. of Pompey the Little, izmo. ib - i m 121 1 Johnfton (Cha.) Cbrjfal, or the Adventures of a Gui- nea, a vol. 1 2010 ;'. 1764 1212 Johnfon (Sam.) Prince of Abyffinia, 2 vol. I2mo it. 1759 1213 Hawkefworth (John) Almoran and Hamet, 2 vol in I, I2D1O ' ib. 1761 1214 Richardfon (Sam.) Clariffa, 8vol. tamo ib, 1764 ( 77 ) Engtijh Theatre, Theatrical Hiftory and Critic'tfm. 1215 TTAWKINS (Tho.) Origin of the Englifli Drama, JtJL 3 vol. 8vo Oxf. 1773 1216 The Plot of the Plays of Frederick and Bajilea, and of the Deade Man's Fortune, the original papers which hung up by the Side Scenes in the Playhoufes for the Ufe of the Prompter and the Aiftors, earlier than the Time o/"Shakfpeare 1217 Alexander of Menftrie (Will.) Tragedy of Darius orig. edit. 410 Edinb. by Rob. Walde-grave 1601 1 21 8 Anonymous, a Pleafant Comedie, called Co VI MOW CON- DI T i o N s , b. I. imperf. 410 in ruflia Of this Dramatick Piece, no copy except the foregoing mutilated one, has hitherto been dif covered ; ivith & long Note by Mr. Stee Knight, Compil- ed at the private Houfe in Sali&iiry Court, 410 ^.163 6 122 I Bale (John) Tragedie, or interlude, manifefting the chiefs Promifes of God unto Man, compyled An. Do. 1538, b. /. 410 t2oueenes Maji flies Players, 4tO in rujfia ib. impr. by John Danttr i 5^5 N. B. A fecond Copy of the above is to be found in the Royal Library ; a Third Copy is un- known, See Mr. Steevens MS. Note. SO Ett%l'Jk Theatre, Theatrical Hiftory ana Crittcifm. 1260 Rowe (Nic.) Plays and Poeim, 2 voI.i2moZ.jW. 1756 1261 Sackville (Tho.) Ld. Buckhurft, and Tho. Norton Tragedie of Ferrex and Porrex, as Jheiued on be- fore the Queenes Majefiie the XVIII. of January, \ 56 r , ty the Gentlemen of the Inner Temple, b. /. a few leaves at the end fupplied with MS. 410 ib. impr. by John Daje about \ 570 1262 Shaawell (Tho.) Dramatic Works, 4 vol. 12010 ib. 1720 1263 SHAKESPEARE (Will.) the Tragedie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, no title, 410 Land. 1611 With MS. Notes, &c.&y Mr. Steevens. 1264 the Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, 410 ib. printed by R. Young 1637 1265 - - the.ffiftptyofflgttrie the Fount, with the Battell at Shrewfburie, betweene the King and Lord Henry Percy, furnamed Henry Hotfpur of the North, with ihtfamoui conceit! of Sir John Fal- ftafFe, part I, 410 ib. printed by S. S. 1599 1266 - -- theHiftory of Henry the Fourth with the Battell at Shrewfburie, betweene the King and Lord Henry Percy, furnamed Henry Hotfpur of the North, 410 ib. printed for Matthew Law 1608 1267 - -- " the Hiftory of Henrie the Fourth, with the Battell of Shrewfeburie, 410 ib. printed by W. W. 1613 With MS. Notes &c. by Mr. Steepens. , -- the Hiftorie of Henry the Fourth, with the Battell at Shrewfbury, betweene the King and Lord Henry Percy, furnamed Henry Hotfpur of the North, wilh the humourout conceits of bir John FalftafFe, 410 ib. printed by Norton 1632 the 26 part of Henry the Fourth continuing to bis Death and Coronation of Henrie the Fif t, with the Humours of Sir John FalftafFe and Swaggering Piftoll, at a fled by the Lotd Chamberlayne bit Servants, riRSTKDiT 410 ib, printed by V, S. 1 6co .... ibt id part of Henrit the Fourth, continuing Englijb Theatre^ Theatrical Hijlory and Critidfm. 8 i continuing to his Death and Coronation of Henrie the Fife, with the Humours of Sir John Falitaffe and Swaggering Piftoll ; as afled by the Lord Chamberlains bit Servant s t FIRST EDIT. ib. printed by Vol. Simmes 1600 1271 SHAKESPEARE (Will.) the Cronicle Hiftory of Henry the Fift, with his Battell fought at Agin Court in France, together with Auntient Pijloll, as playd by the Lord Chamber '/ay at his Servants, FIRST EDIT. 410, inlaid on large paper ib. pointed by Tho. Crede 1600 1272 The Chronicle Hiftory of Henry the Fift, with his Battell fought at Agin Court in France, together with Ancient Pijloll, as playd by the Lord Cbamberlaine his Servants, 410 ib. 1 608 1273 The True Tragedie of Richards Duke ofTorke, and the Death of good King Henrie the Sixty as aftedby the Ear le of Pembrook his Servants, 4 to, in laid on large paper ib. printed by W. W. 1600 1274 the Whole Contention betweene the two Famous Houfes, Lancalter and Yorke, with, the Tragical! Ends of the Good Duke Humfrey, Ri- chard Duke of Yorke, and King Henrie the Sixt, divided into z parts, 410 ib. ne date '275 . .. the firft and fecond part of the troublefome Raigne of John King of England, with the Difcoverie of King Richard Cordelions Bafe Sonne (vulgarly named the Baftard Fawconbridge) alfo the Death of King John at Swinftead Abbey, as afted by her Majejiies PIayerf,^lo Pa/.Simmesi6i r 1276 . the firft and fecond part of the troublefome Raigne of John King of England, with the Difcoverie of King Richard Cordelions Bafe Sonne (vulgarly named the Baftard Faucunbridge) alfo the Death of King John at Swinftead Abbey, 410 ib. printed by Aug. Mattheiues 1622 IJ 77 " his true Chronicle Hiftory of the Life and Death of King Lear, and his three Daugh- ters, with the unfortunate Life of Edgar, Sonne and ; JHeire to the Earl of Glocefter, and his Julhn and affumed Humour of 'Tom of Bedlam, by his Mojejlies Ser- vants, FIRST EDIT. 410 ib, 6o3 M Sz Englijh Theatre, Theatrical Hijlory and Criticifm, 1:78 SHAKESPEARE (Will.) Another Edition, differing in the Tit It-page and fignature of the frjl leaf Lend, 1608 1 279 --- The moft excellent Hijlorie of tha Merchant of Venict, with the extreame crueltie of Shy- locke the Jewe towards the fayd Merchant, in cutting a j ttjl pound of his fitjh : and the obtayning of Portia by the ckotfe of three chejts, as afted by the Lord Cham- berlalnt hit Servants, FIRST EDIT, inlaid on large paper, 4.10 at London printed by J. Roberts, 1603 N. B. With the Autograph of L, Theobald, and care- fully collated by him -with the other edit, of the fame date printed by J. Robert! 1280 . The excellent Hiflory of the Merchant of Venice, -with the extreme Cruelty of Shy- locke,the Jew, FIRST EDIT. 4to inlaid on large paper printed by J. Roberts i6co A moil pleafaunt and excellent conceited Comedie of Syr John Fal/loffe and the Merrie Wives of Windfor, as afied by the Lord Cham- berlains' s Servants, FIRST EDIT. 4.10 Land, printed by T. C. l6oz 1282 - . > - A moft pleafant and excellent conceited Comedy of -S/'r John Fal/iaff'e and the Merry Wives of Windfor, with the /Daggering Vaine of An- cient Pifioll and Corporall Nym, 410 inlaid Lond, 1619 1283 -- The Merry Wives of Windfor, with the Humours of Sir John Fuljiajfe, alfo the/ww?-- gering Vaine of dncicnt Piftoll and Corptrall Nym, 410 Lond. printed^Q 1284 - --- A Midf'.mmer Nights Drcatre, as acted by the Lord Chamberlaine's Servantes, FIRST EDIT. impr. at Lind. far Tho. Fijk:r y 1600 fart of i Leafivanting. 1285 ----- Another copy, FIRST EPIT. inlaid jb. 1600 4286 - . Much adoe about Nothing, as Afied by the Lord Chamber laine his Servants, FIRST EDIT. 410 Loud, printed ty Vol. Simonei, l6&O 1287 ----- The Tragedy of Othello the Moore of Venice, as acted at the Globe, and at the Black Ft ten, by his Majejiies Servants, 410 Lond. printed by N.O. 1622 ' ivrtbMS. Notes and various Readings by Mr, Stcevcnt Englljh Theatre, TkeatrHttl Hijlory and Criticifm. 83 1288 SHAKESPEARE (Will.) The Tragedy of Othello, the Moore of Venice, as afted at the Globe, and at the Black Friers, 410 Lend, printed by A. M. 1630 1289 . ' ' Another, 4th edit. 410 ib. 1 6;$ 1 20,0 The Tragedie of King Richard the Second, as acJed by the Lord Chamberlaine bis Ser- vants, 410 Load, piinied by Pal. Simmss, 1598 I2cji i . Tragedie of King Richard the Second, ai afled by the Lord Cbambeilaine hit Servant!, 4 to print td b-; W. W. 1 608 1.392 The Tragedie of King Richard the Second, with new Additions of the Parliament Scene, and the depofmg of King Richard, as acted by bit Majejlies Servants at the Globe, 410 Lwd. 1615 iu th MS. Notes &c, by Mr. Sttevens. 1293 The Life and Death of King Richard the Second, with new Additions of the Parlia- ment Scene, and the depofing cf King Richard, as afted at the Globe, by his Majejlies Servants, 4to Load. 1634 1294 - The Tragedie of King Richard the Third, as afted by the Lord Chambetlain his Ser- vantes, 4to Land, printed by Tho. Creea'e 1602 Defective at the End. . , . The Tragedie of King Richard the Third, containing h's treacherous Plots againft hi* Brother Clarence, the pittiful Munher of his innocent Nephewes, his tirannical V fur pat inn, with the whole Courfe of his detejied Ltfe, and mod defer -ved Death, a* acted by his Mnjijiia Servants, 4 to ib. printed by Tho. Creea'e 161 2 with Notes and various Readings by Mr. Steevenf. i Tragedie of 'King Richard tht Third, contayning his treckerovs Ploti againft his Bro- ther Clarence: '1 he pittfull Murthcr ot his innocent Nephewes, his tiraxnous Ufurpatipn, with the whole Courfe of his detejltd Life, and molte deferved Death, as aded by the Kings Majejlies Servants, 410 ib. 1629 Tragedie of King Richard the Third, as afted by the Kings Majellies Servants, 410 84 Englijh Theatre, Theatrical Hijlory and Criticifm. 1298 SHAKESPEARE (Will.) The molt excellent and la- mentable Tragedie of Rcmeo and c juliet,^\o a fragment Load. 1599 1299 --- Another Copy, at aQtd by the Lord Chamberlain his Servants, compleat, inlaid on large paper y 410 ib. impr. by Tho. Credt 1599 i -co - The mod excellent and la- mentable Tragedie of Romeo and Juliet, as afted by his Majrfties Servants at the Globe, 410 Land. 1609 with MS. Notes and Readings by Mr. Steevens. .. The moft excellent and la- mentable Tragedie of Romeo and Juliet, as aded by hit Majejiies Servants at the Globe, 410 ib. printed by R. Young 1637 A pleafaunt conceited Hiftorie, called the Taming of the Shrew, as ecled by the Earle of Pembroke's Servants, FIRST EDIT. 410 inlaid on large paper < ib. printed by V. S. 1607 J 33 ~" -- ' A wittie and pleafant Comedie, called the Taming of a Shreiu, as acled by his Ma* jffties Seri-anis at the Blacke Friers and the Globe, 410 ib. printed by W. S. 1631 1304 " - '. The moft lamentable Tragedie of Titus Ar.dronicut, as plaide by the Kings Majeftiet Seivanti, 4 to inlaid, ib. printed for Edward Whiteibi i 1305 -- - The Hiflory of Troylut and Crejfcide, as afted by the Kings Majefiies Servants, at tht Glebe, FIRST EDIT. 4to ib. impr. by G. Elde 1609 1306 " -- The lamentable Tragedie of Locrine, the eldeft Sonne of King Brutus, difcourfing the Warres of the Britaines and Hunnes, with their Difcomfiture, 410 ib. printed by The. Creede 1 595 1307 i The Londin Prodigal!, as plaide by the Kings Majcfties Servants, 410 ib. printed by T. C. 1705 1308 " - -- - . The late and much admired Play called Pericles, Prince of Tyre, with the true Relation of the whole Hiftorie and Fortunes of the faid Prince, as alfo the no Icfle Jtrange and 'worthy accident i in the Birth and Life of his Daughter Mariana, afted by his Majtfties Servants at the Globe on the Banck-fiueene's Ser- vants, 410 - Land. 1616 1400 Southerne(Tho.) Plays, 2 vol. 12010, il. N 9 Englijh Tkeat't, Theatrical Hijiory and Criticijit*. 1401 Stede (Sir Rich.) Dramatic Work', izmo Lond. 1761 "140 1 Tomkins dlbumazar, Com. Land, no title 1402 Vanbrugh (Sir John) Plays, 2 vol. izmo it. 1759 1403 Myfterious Mother, a Tragedy, by WJpoie, Lord Orford, 8vo Dublin 1791 1404 Webfler (John) Tragedy of the Dutchefle of Malfy, prefented privately at the Black Friers, and pub- Jiquely at the Globe, 410 Lond. 1623 1405 Wycherley (Will.) Plays, 2 vol. 12010. ib. 1720 1406 Dodfley's Collection of Old Plays, 12 vol. izmo- bound in 've Hum ib> 1744 1407 another edition, with Notes by Ifaac Reed, 12 vol. 8vo large paper, in rujfix ib. \ ', 80 N. B. Only Jix Copies were printed on large paper. 1408 Plays, 8vo. Barbaroffa, Tr. Jo. Brown 1755 Athenian, TV. by ditto 175^ Merc-pe, 1 Tr.afterVo!taire,byA.Hill 1758 Zara, 7r. after ditto, by ditto Edw. the Black Prince, Tr. W. Shirley Land. 1760 1409 Plays, 8vo. Timoleon, TV. Ben. Martyn 1730 Gameiler, ?r. Edw. Moore 1755 Ifabella, Tr. Tho. Southern 1758 Oroanoko, Tr. by ditto T 7?9 Orphan of China, TV. Arth. Murphy ib. 1410 Plays, 8vo. Douglas, Tr. John Home 1757 A'gis, Tr. by i?j8 Cleone, Tr. Rob. Dodfley '759 Siege of Aquilea, Tr. 1760 Earlof Efftx, TV. Hen. Brooke 1761 1411 Plays, 8vo. Guftavus Vafa. Tr. Hen. Brooke 1753 Jrene, Tr. Sam. Johnfon 1754. Elfrida, W. Mafon 17,9 Com us, altered from MiltOQ 1760 Caraclacus, W. Mafon 1760 141* Seleft Dramatic Pieces, 2 vol. 8vo publfoed by De- brett Land. 1795 1413 Select Plays sded at the Theatre Smoke-dlly, Dub- lin, tuts, laino J?86 Englijl Theatre, Theatrical Hijlory and Cr it'icifm. gi 1414. Prologues and Epilogues, fpoken at Heatkfield-Park 1415 Langbaine (Gerard) Account of the Englifli Drama* . tic Poet?, 8vo Oxford 1691, interlea-ccd, in 4 drchilefiure, &c. 1475 /^VRLANDI (P. A.) Abcedario Pittorico^to na 1719 1476 Vafari (Giorg.) Vile de Pittori, 3 torn. 410, tleg. legal. Joglie doradi Fiorenze, ap. Giunti 1568 1477 Felibien (J. F.) Viesdes Peintres, 3 torn. 410 Par. 1666 1478 - - de la Vie et des Ouvrages des plus ce- lebres Architcfte.', 410 ib. 1687 Principes de 1'Architeclure, dela Sculp- turei de la Peinture, 410 ^.1676 1480 Sandrart ( Joath. de) Academia Artis Piftoria, cum mvltis fgtris, fol. tlegantifs, in corio rvjfico Norib. 1680 1481 - Admiranda Statuarum, cum multit fig. fol. elegant'tfs. in corio ruffico ib. 1680 1482 De 1'Origine de la Peinture et des plus excellens Pein- trejde J'AntiquitcS 410 Par, 1660 fainting, Sculpture, drchitefiurt, &c, 95 1483 De Piles, Diflertatioa fur les Ouvrages des plus Fa- meux Peintres, 8vo relics en marequin, dories fur let tranches \< > Parit, 1681 1484 Holbein (H.) Dance of Death, engraved by Hollar, with the Defcripiions, elegantly bound 1485 Vertue (Geo.) Anecdotes of Painting in England, published by Horace Walpole, 5 vol. 8vo Load. 1785 1486 Nichols (John) Biographical Anecdotes of Hogarth, with c opious MS, Additions by Mr. Si sevens r bvo ib- 178$ 1487 Hogarth (Graphic Illuftrations of) by Sar-i. Ireland, 8vo, letter-prefs only > > ^.1794 14.88 ** illuftrated by John Ireland, vol. 3, 8vo, the let ter-prefi only ib. 1798 1489 Goftling (Will.) Humorous Account of Hogarth 's Teur t in verfe, 8vo '- 1781 1490 Du Frefnoy (Cha. Alph.) Art of Painting, tranflatei into Englifh Verfe, by Wrn. Mafan, with Notes by Sir Jofhua Reynolds, 410 York 1783 1491 Webb (Dan.) Beauties of Painting, Svo Lend. 1760 I49Z Elfum (J.) Epigrams upon Paintings, Svo, morocco, gilt leaves ~" ' ib. 1700 *493 Strange (Rob.) Inquiry into the Rife and Eftablifti- ment of the Royal Academy of Painting, &c. Svo ib. 1775 1494 Vitruvius de Arcbitefiura a De Laet, fol. exemp* ele- gant if s. corio turcico,Jol. deaur. Amjt. ap Elz, 1649 1495 Aldrich Elementorum Architeftuiae pars prirna, fg. edit. orig. 8vo Jlne anna 1496 Strutt (Jos.) Biographical Dictionary of Engravers, 2 vol. plates, 410 ' ib. 1785 1497 Catalogue of Portraits, engraved from Pictures by Sir joihua Reynolds, 410 ib. 1794 1498 Life of Benvenuto Ctllini, written by bimfelf, tranf- lated by Tho. Nugent, 2 vol. Svo, boards ib. 1771 1499 Virgil (plates to) 55 prints 1500 Burney (Cha.) Hiftory of Mufic, 4 vol. 410 fine tepy Loud. 96 -Atrs and Sciences, Pbjfics, Natural Hi ft try, \3t. 1501 Blackwell (John) Compendium of Military DifcipHrie* with the plates, 8vo, morocco, gilt lea-vet Land- 1726 1502 Smith (Capt. John) Sea-Grammar, 4:0 ib. 1627 1503 Clerk (John) EfTay on Naval Taftics, 410 ib. 1790 ijO-j. Vincentio Saviolo, his Pra&ife, in a booke?, the firft of the Ufe of the Rapier and Dagger ; the 2d of Ho- nor and honorable Quarrels, 410 ib. 1595 1505 Afcham (Roger) Toxoyhilus, or SchooJe of Shooting, b. 1. 410 printed by Abell Jffffi, tb. 1589 Oldfield^H. G.) Anecdotes of Archery, platesib. 1791 1506 Du I'ouilloux (Jac.) la Venerie, fig. 410. Paris 163 Harmon t ( Pierre) Mirroir de Fauconncrie,fg. ib. 16^4 1507 Latham (Sy.) Faulconry, 2 books, cuts, 410 Land. 1633 7508 Walton (Iz.) Complete Angler, by Sir John Haw- kins, ad edit, plates, 8vo ib. 1^66 Arts and Sc ieneet, Vbyftcs, Natural Hilary, tt. 1509 T ANGLEY (Tho.) Abridgment of the Notable -1^ Worke of Polidore Virgile, containing the De- vifers and fyrfle Fynders ottte of Artes and M\fteriti, 8vo b, 1. irnpr. by John Tifdute j;io Bate (John) Myfteries of Nature and Art, plates, 410 printed for Ralph Mabb 163^ 1511 Eeckmann (John) Hiilory of Inventions and Difcove* ries, tranflated from the German by Will. Jjhn- fton, 3 vol. 8vo Land. 1797 1512 Duten(Lewis) Inquiry into the Origin of the Difcove- fies attributed to the Moderns, 8vo ib. 1769 1513 Chambers (Ephr.) Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, by Rees, 4 vol. fol. inrvjjia, with double bar.Js ib. 1778-83 1514 Dryander (Jonae) CatalogusBibliothfcas Hilrorico N \- turalis, Jofephi Banks, torn. 2, (Zoologia) 8vo ib. 1796 1515 DeMaupertuu, Venus Phyfique, Svo Hay: 1746 1516 Barnes (J ofhua) Gtrania, or Difcovery of Pygmies Land. 16-5 Effay Arts -and Sciences, Pfafics, Natural Hflory, &t. 97 Eflay towards a Solution of the Qiieilion, Whence came the Stork, the Turtle, the Crane, and the Swallow . Lend. 1703 Wittie(Rob.) Survey of the Heavens and Gout-Rap- tures, iamo ib. 1 68 1 1517 Bauhini (Cafp.) de Hermaphroditorum, Monftrofo- rumque partuum Natura, cum Jig. et Icor.e de /. Tbeod. Bry. 8vo Oppenbeim. 1614 1518 Franzii (Wolfg.) Hift. Animalium, i8mo Amft. if 6$ 1519 Defcription of 300 Animals, platet, 12 mo '79 r 1520 Hiftory of Quadrupeds, with wood cuts, by T. Bewick, ift edit, elegantly bound Neiucaftle 1790 1521 Another Copy, large paper, elegantly bound ib. 1790 1522 Hiftory of Britifh Birds, with wood aits, by Bewick, vol. i ' i&. 1797 1523 Newton (Tho.) Herbal for the Bible, izmo Lend, imfr* Earn. Eollifant 1587 1524 Lyte (Henry) Herbal, fol. Land. 1619 1525 Gerarde (John) Herbal, enlarged by Johnfon, foJ. ib. 163$ 1526 Linnasi (Car.) Species Plantarum, 2 torn. 8vo Holm. 1762-63 1527 Martyn (Tho.) Language of Botany, 8vo Load. 1793 1528 " - ' . - 38 plates, coloured* with the Explanations intended to illultrate Linrsae- us's Syitem of Vegetables, 8vo ib. 17^8 1529 Warr,*.r (Rich.) Catalogue of Plants round Wood- ford, 8vo ib. 1771 1530 Houfton (Gul.) American Plants, 26 plates, 4to ib. 1781 1531 Banks (Sir Jof.) Icones Selefls Plantarum quas ia Japonia collegit et delin. E. Kaempfer, 59 plates, lol. ib. 1791 1532 Kzmpferi (Engelb.) Amoenitates Exoticae, Jig. 410 pe rg. . Lemg&v. 1712 1533 Milton (John) Aflr'ologafter % or the Figure- Carter, 4(0 . , Land, 1620 O 98 Wonderfull Relation! tfGboJlt, Witckei, fcfr. 1534 Merlin Revived, with Lilly t Hieroglypbickt, urno Land. 1683 1535 Lcmnius (Lev.) de Miraculis Occultis Naturae, i8mo L> Bat. 1666 1536 Mercurii Trifmegilli Poemandtr, Gr. & Lat. 410 Paris, ap. tfurnebunt 1554. ff'ondfrfull Relations ofGboJls, Witcbei, & 'c. '537 T AVATER (Lewis) of Ghojles and Spirit et walling -i-^ by Nighty Sec. 4(0 b. I. impr. by Creede, Lond. 1596 1538 BoifTardus (Jan. Jac.) de Divinatione et Magicis Praeftigiis, cam fg. lo. Tbeod. de Bry, f I. perg. Oppeitbeim. l6rf 1539 Cooper (Tho.) Myfltry of Witchcraft, 8vo Land. 1617 1540 Rufca (Ant.) de Inftrno et Statu Damdnum ante Mundi Exitium, 410 Mediolani \ 6 2 1 1541 Magica de Speftris et Apparitionibus Spiritnum, &c. 12010 * ...... - L.Bat.ib$6- 1542 Decker (Jo. Hen.) Spefirologia, i2rao jfg. Hamb. 1690 1543 Glanvill (Jof.) Evidence concerning Witches and Ap- paritions, 8vo Land. 1726 1544 Moreton's (Andr.) Secret i of the Invisible World, or Hiltory of Apparitions, cuts, 8vo Land. 1729 1545 Scot (Reginald) Difcoverie of Witchcraft, 410 b. I. ib. itnpr. by lf\ Brome t ; 84 1546 Webfter (John) difplaying of fuppofed Witchcraft, 1547 Hutchinfon (Fr.) Hiftorical E/Tay on Witchcraft, 8vo ib. 1720 1548 Dowdier (Wm.) Devirs Cloven-Foot, 8vo Briftd i-ji^ 1 549 The Skee-Devil of Pelticoat-Lanf, 410 ib. printed by Peter Lillicrap 1666 A Difcourfe of Peter's Lyfe, Peregrination, and Death, 410. b. I. ib. impr. by Roger Ward i^z Ra/er, or God's Revenge again ft the OpprefTor, &c. A wonderful Difcovery and true Account of a barbar- ous Murther committed at Stratford by Bow, on the Body of one Katherine Cooper, 24thofDec. 1675 A True Narration of the ftrange and grievous Vexa- tion by the Devil, of 7 Pcr/oas in Lancajbire, and William Semen, ofXoItitigham, by John Darrell, 4to 1600 1551 TOFT, (MARY) complete Colleflion of Trafts rela- tive to, both in Print and MS. 43 1609 Procezdu Marquis de Gefvres et Mademois. de Maf- cranni fon Epoufe, z torn, jamo dorse fur les tranches Rotterdam 1714 J 04 Variarum Gentium liijl. et An'ljlitatei. 1610 Butke (Edm.) Reflections on the Revolution in France, 8vo. l ft edit, boardi Land. 1611 - - 3dedit. boards ib t 1612 Letter to a noble Lord on his Penfion, 8vo, ib. 1796, and Thoughts on a Regicide Peace i 796 1613 DC Calonne, de 1'Etat de la France prefenteta venir,8vo ib. 1790 1614 Buonoparte (Napilone) his intercepted Letters, 2 parts, Fr. and Eng. 8vo ib. 1798,9 1615 Knolles (Rich ) Hiflory of the Turks, continued by Sir Paul Rycaut, wittifortraits, 3 vol. fol. ib. 1700 1616 Prince Cantemir (Demetrius) Hiftory of the Ottoman Empire, tranflated by Tindal, pl*tet and portrait, fol. ib. 1734 1617 Mohammed's Koran. t>y Geo. Sale, <\ to Land. 1734 1618 Bedwell (Will.) Mohan-.medis Impofturte ; that is, a Dif- covery of the Forgeries, &c. of Mohammed, with the Arabian Trudgman, 410 Lond. infr. by Rich. Field \bi J 1619 Ockley (Simon) Hiflory of the Saracens, 2 vol. 8vo Cambr. 1757 1620 De Marigny, Hiftory cf the Arabians, 4 vol. 8vo Land. 1758 1621 Hirtoire dedeuxTurcs et d'un Juif, &c. i8mo Par. 1673 1622 Modena (Leo.) Hift. of the prefent Jews, tranflated by Edm. Chilmead, 12010 - tb. 1650 1623 Another Edition, with Father Simon's Supplements, tranflated by Ockley, izmo ib. 1707 1624 Strada* (Fam.) de Bello Be!gico, cum icsnibus, 4 torn. I2mo ' Romes 1637,50, edit rarijs. 1625 Churchyarde (Tho.) lamentable and pitifull Defcription of the ivofull Warm in Flanders, b. I. 410 impr. at Lonii. by Ralph Neijuberie 1578 1626 Copie of a Letter to the right Honourable the Earle of Leycefter, by R. C. 410 impr. at Land, by Cbri/t. Barker 1 586 The Depofition of Don Diego Piementelli, b. I. j 588 Hiiloricall Difcourfe, or rather a tragical! Hijlorie of the Citie of Antwcrpe, b. I. et Lond. printed by John WinJet 1586 Gentium Septentrionalium Hift. et Ant i quit at a. IO i 1627 Tracls 'viz.) A JuiHfication or cleering of the Prince of Orendge agaynft falfe Slaunckrs, tranflated by Arthur Goldyng, b> 1. by J. Days. The Perpetuall Edift, concerning i.he Agreement beiweene Sir John dc Aullria, and the Eftates of the Low Countryes, b. /. impr. far Will Ponfonby 1577. Tho. Norton to the Qnenes Majeftiespoore deceived Subjects of the Northe Countrey, drawn into Rebellion by the Earles of Nor- thumberland and We;:morland, b. 1. irnpr. byEynneman, 156'.). A Warning agay nil the dangerous Praclifes of Papitfes, and fpeciaiiy the Partners of the late Re- bellion, b. I. imftr. by'Daye. An Oration of John Fa- britins Montanus, relative to the Councel of Trent, b. I. jmprynted in Po-jjles Church? Yarde by Humfrie Tom ! 562. An Advertifement from a French Gentleman, on the Intention of the Iloufe of Guife, in levying Armes, 158^. An Admonition to the Frenchman which are revolted from the true Religion, b. /. i2mo printed by Wolfe 1587 1628 Keate (Geo.) Account of the Republic of Geneva, 8vo Land. 1761 Gentium Septentrionalium Hijl. et Antiquitales, 1629 7" E Recueil de CHYNDONAX, Princes des Vaciet t ~* DruiJes Celtiquei Djonois, par Guenebauld, avec fig. ivitb portrait of Dr. Stukeley in the char after of Cbyn- dmax, 410 " 1521 1630 Frickii (Jo. Geo ) de DrutHu^jig. 410 Ulm/e 1744 1631 Picardi (Jo.) de Prifca Celtopczdia, 410 Paris, ex typogr. Matt. Davidis 1556 1632 Mallet, Monumens de la Myihilogie, et de la Poifie des Celtes, 410 ' Cofenha^uee \ 756 . Introduction al'Hiftoirede Dannemarc ib. 1755 1633 Meurfii (Jo ) Hiilorias Danicae lib. iii. 410 Hafnim& 1554 1654 Vcrelii (Olavi) Epitome Hift. Siiio-Gothias lib. iv. et Gothorum Rerum extra Patriam lib. ii. 4to cum icone Autborii Stockholm. 1730 1655 Idem, 4to ib. 1656 Loccenii (Jo.) Antiquitates Sueo-Gothicae, i?mo UfjaL 1670 1657 Olai ^Erici) Hift. Suecorum Gothorumqje Jo. Loccenii, i zmo Holm. 1654 1658 Sueti Jig. fol. ! Romod prints t 2 vol. folio, an exceeding fine copy, in ruj/ia, gilt leaves 1 10 U'fiorj and Antiquities of Great Britain and Ireland. 1700 Holinlhed (Raphael) Will. Harrifon, &c. Cbrontclei of England, Ireland ami Scotland, continued to the Year i?86, by John Hooker, alias Vowell, with the Cajirathn}, b. 1. 2 vol. M.Jine copy 1587 1701 Stow (John) Chronycle of England, continued by Edm. Howes, b. 1. fol. fine copy in rujfia Impr. in Loud, by Tho. Daufon 1615 17OZ Speed (John) Hiftory of Great Britain, . 1740 1717 Kennett (White) Parochial Antiauities t plates, 410 Ox/. 1695 1718 Clarendon (Edw. Earl) Hiftory of the Rebellion, 3 vol. ib. 1702. Life, ib. 17150, and State Papers, 2 vol. ib. 1767, 6 vol. folio, uniformly bound 1719 King Charles II. Account of his Prefervation after the Battle of Worcefter, written by Him/elf and pub- liihed by Sir David Dalrymple, 8vo Load. 1766 1720 Burnet (Gilb.) Hiftory of his own Time, ^ vol. folio ib' 1724-34 1721 Hiftorical Romance of the Wars between the mighty Giant Gallieno and the Great Knight Nafonius, 410 Dublin 1694 1722 Chefterfield (Ld.) Characters, i2mo Land. 1777 1723 Fox (John) Afts and Monuments of the Church, nuitb wood tuts, 2 vol b. 1. fol. no titles i 50,6 1724 Godwini de Praefulibus Anglic Gul. Richardfon,/^. fol. chart, max. corio ruj/ico Cant. 1743 1725 Fuller (Tho.) Church Hiftory of Britain, with the Hiftory of Abbys of the Univejfity of Cambridge and of Waltham Abbey, in Eflex, fol. Lond. 1653 1726 Burnet (Gilbert) Hiftory of the Reformation, portraits 3 vol. folio Lond. 4715 1727 Lelandi (Jo.) de Rebus Britannicis Colledlanea Tho. Hearnii, 6 torn. 8vo Load. 1774 1728 Hearne (Tho.) Curious Difcourfes, by eminent Eng- Jim Antiquaries, 2 vol. 8vo ib, 1775 1 729 Liber Niger Scaccarii Tho, Hearnii, a torn. 8vo #. 1771 ill WJlQry and Antiquities of Great Britain and Ireland. 1730 Veiftegan (Rich.) Reftitution of Decayed Intelligence in Antiquities, ///, 410 Antiu. 160; 1731 Camden (Will.) Remaines concerning Britairn- rt'JJia Loud, printed by John Legatt 1614, 1732 -- - - ---- 6'hnn- frfj/ton, by John Philipot, with the portrait ofCamJen, 410 Lend. 1657 1733 Heylyn (Pet.) Hiftorie of St. Gecrge of Cappadocia, wkh the Injlitution of the Order of the Gaiter , 410 ib. 1633 1734 Strutt (Jo?.) Regal and Ecclefiaftical Antiquities, with the Supplement, 2 vol. plates, 410 ib. 1773-92 - View of the Manners, Culloms, Arms, Habits, &c. of the Inhabitants of England, 3 vol. plates, 410 - ib. 1775 Chronicle of England, 2 vol. large pa- per, plates, 410 - ib 1777 1737 ARCHAEOLOGI A, publifhed by the Society of Anti- quaries London, 8 vol. 'with MS. Notes by Mr. Cole, half bound, rujjta backi, vols 9, 10, II, 12, feiued, plates, 410 - ib. 1770-89 7738 Ordinances and Regulations for the Government cf the Royal Houfehold, 410 ib. 1790 *739 Wardrobe Account in the zSth Year of King Edward I. 4tO ib. 1787 1740 Fleetvood (Win) Cbronicon free iofum, with tie Coins, 1741 Bourne (Hen.) dntiquitates Vulgares ; Obfervations on Popular Antiquities, enlarged by John Brand. 8 vo Neiuccftle 1777 1742 Campbell (John) Political Survey of Britain, 2 vol. 410 Land. 1 774 1743 Folkes (Martin) Tables of EngliftvSilver and Gold Coins, ivith plates, 410, fine copy ib. 1763 1744 Simon (Tho ) Medals, Coins and Great Seals, en- graved by Venue, 410, gilt leaves ib. 1753 1745 Sutcliffe (Matth.) Praclice, Proceedings, and Lawe* of Armes, b. /. 410 impr. at LinJ. 1593 HtJJory ana Antiquities of Great Britain and Ireland, 113 1746 Feme (John) Blazon of Gentrie, in 2 parts, 4.10 Lond. printed by Windet , 1586 1747 Wyrley (Will.) True Ufeof Armorie, with the Life of Lord Chandos and Capitall de Buz, 410 Load. impr. byj.jackjon 1592 174.8 Holme (Randle) Academy of Armory, plates, fol. Cbefter 1688 1749 Gwillim (John) Heraldry,' left edit, fortraitt, folio Loud. 1724. 1750 Smith (Sir Tho.) Common-Welth of England, b. L 410 ib. impr. by John Windet i 589 1751 Leycefter's Common-Wealth, with Leiceftcr's Ghoft, 8vo 1641 1752 Blackftone (Will.) Great Charter and Charter of the Foreft, plates, 410 Oxf. 1759 1753 .. Commentaries on the Laws of Eng- land, 4 vol. Svo, 7th edit. ; . j^c 1754 Hale (Sir Mat.) Pleas of the Crown, by Wilfon, z vol. Svo Land, 1778 1755 State Trials, ic vol. bound in niffia, folio ib. 1730-66 1756 Burn's (Rich.) Juftice, 4 vol. 8vo 13th edit, 17^0 1757 Ecclefiaftical Law, 4 vol. 8vo 3d edit, ib. 1775 1758 Barrlngton (Daines) Obfervations on the Statutes, 410 /*. 1775 1759 Lind's Remarks on ^the Principal Ads of the 1310. Parliament of Great Britain Lond. 1775 1760 Blount (Tho.) Antient Tenures and Jocular Cufloms, 8vo ib. 1679 !j6i by Jofiah Beckwith, Svo Tork i"j^\ 1762 Cowel (John) Law Dictionary, fol. Lond. 1727 1763 Smart (And.) Letters to Lord Mansfield, 410 fa. 1773 1764 Johnfon (Sam.) Political Trafts, viz. *The Falfe Alarm, Falkland Iflands, &c. Svo ib. 1776 1765 More (Syr Tho.) Utopia, i^mo, b.L morocco, gilt leaves ib. imfr, by Abraham Vtit I 4 Hijlorj and Antiquities of Crtat_ Britain and Ireland* 1766 (John) Beginning, Continuance, and Decay of Ettates, 410 Land, impr, for John Bill 1606 1767 Neville (Hen.) Plato Redivivus, 12010 ib. 1763 1768 Sydney (Algernon) on Government, published by Tho. Hollis, 400, morocco, gilt leaves ib. 1763 1769 Locke (John) on Government, publijbed by Thomas Hollis, dvo, morocco, marbled leaves Land. 1763 1770 Price (Rich.) on Civil Liberty, &c. 8vo. 1776 1771 Czit&oCs HiJIorie of Cambria, now called Wales, eng- lifh'd by H.Lloyd, augmented by David Powcl, b. I. tuts, 410 ib. impr. by Raft Neiuberie i 5 8 J 1772 Craddock (Jos.) Account of the Romantic Parts of North-Wales, 12010 ib. 1777 '773 Johannes de Fordun Scaticbronicon, cum Supplemen- tis et Cqntin. Walt. Boweri, cura Walt. Goodall, 2 torn. fol. Edin. 1759 1774 Andrew of Wyntoun Orygynale Cronykil of Scotland, with notes and a gl'ffary by David Macpherfon, z vol. 8vo Lond. printed by Eenjlty 1795 1775 B ece (Hector) fyftorj and CroHoklls of Scotland, fol. b. /. 1 541 (the date cut ofj 1776 Pinkerton (Joh.) Vitx Antique Sanftorum Scotise, cum tab. Geographic!:, gvo Lznd. 1769 1777 Dalrymple (Sir David) Annals ofScotland, 2 vo!. 410 boards Edin. 1776-79 1778 Stuart (Gilbert) Hiflory of Scotland from the Eft..b- lifnment of the Reformation to the Death of Queen Mary, 2 vol. 410 Lond. 1782 1779 Buchanan (G.) Detefthn of tie Duinges of Marit L^uent of Scots, b, 1. no title, jzmo 1780 Hifloire de Marie Reyne d'Efcofle, 8vo A Edinbcurg, par Tho* Voaltern 1572 1781 Innocerce de la trts illufttt, tres fbafte, et debonnaire, Princcfle Madame Marie Reyne d'Efcofle, 8vo Imprimsl'dn I^l 2 1782 Apologie, ou Defenfe de I'honorcble Sertttnte et tret ju/le executkn de dtfunde Marie Stuard derniere Re>ned'EfcoJe, ?vo -_. 1588 Htjlorj and Antiquities of Great Britain and Ireland. t r $ 1783 Scoti (Romoaldi) de Morte Maria Stuarttf Barniftapolii (Oberti) Maria: Stuarts Regine Scotias, Martyr Eccltfia. Innocens a Cade Darnliana, 8vo Ingolpad. 1588 1784 Consi (Gcorg.) Vita Marias Stuarta:, izmo Rom. 1624. 178 f Udall (Will.) Life and Death of Mary Stuart Queens of Scotland, 12010 Land. 1(36 1786 Goodall (Walter) Examination of Letters between Mary Queen of Scots and the Earl of Bothwell, 2 vol. laino Edinb. 1/54. 1787 Tytler (Will.) Inquiry into the Evidence agaioft Mary Q^ieen of Scots, 2 vol. Svo Land. 1790 1788 Whitaker (John) Mary Queen of Scots Vindicated, 3 vol, Svo / . 1790 1789 Mowntii (Gul.) de Maria Scotorum Regina^vo, cono turcico t fol.dtaura[. ........ '57' 1790 Trz&s, viz. A Difcourfe touching the pretended Match betweene the Duke of Notfolke and the Queene of Scortes. Declaration at Guildhall of the Attempts of the Qteene's evil Suhjefis, b. 1. 1^71. 'Ef- feft of the Declaration, b. 1. irnpr. by John Dcye. Ane Admonition direft to the true Lordif matntetiaris oflheKingts Graces j^uthoritie, Impr. by Day*, 1571. Mowntii (Gul.) de Maria Scotorum Regina, 1571. Ane Detection of the Duinges of Marie Queens ofScotiet touchand tne Murder of fair Hitjband, anu Conipiracy, &c. with Bothwell, by G. Buchanan, b, I. The Co- pie of a Letter concerning the Credit of the la e pub- Ji fried Detedion of the Doynges of the L-die Mjrie of Scotland, b. 1. impr. at Edinb. 1508 1791 Ne-wes from Scotland, declaring the damnable Life of DOCTOR Fi AN, a notable Sorcerer, who was Burned at Edenbrougb -in Januarie la!t 1591, which Dotfor IVP.S Regijler to the Devill, that fundrie Tunes pleached at Acrtb Baricke Kttke to a number of noiorious Witches^ cuts, 410, b. 1. rvjfia, publiflied accorcing to the Scottiflj Copie printed by William Wright See frote by Mr. Steevens, in which he mentions never having jeen another fofj. 1 1 6 Biography of Great Britain and Irtlana. 1791 Memoirs of Lord Vifcount Dundee, the Highland Clans, and the Maflacrc of Glenco, 8vo, ivilb tht portrait of Lord Dundee Lond. 1714 1 793 Morer (Tho.) Short Account of Scotland, 8vo 1715 1794 Bofwell (James) Tour to the Hebrides, 8vo, /. p. firft edit, with portrait of the Author, elegantly bound ib. 1785 1795 A Character" of England, i8mo ib. 1691 France '6>9 ., , ihe Low Countries 1617 Defcription of the People of Scotland 1659 796 Wares (Sir Jas.) Antiquities, &c. of Ireland, vol. 2, l.p.platei,fo\. Dubl. 1745 1797 Tour through Iieland, in Letters, 8vo Land. 1748 Biography of Great Britain and Ireland. 1798 "D AL^EI (Joan.) Illuftrium M. joris Britannias Scrip- JLJ torum, 410 Gippefevici apud Jo* Ovtrtcn I 548 1799 Fuller (Tho.) Worthies of England, a very fine copy, in rujfia, with the portrait by Lsggan, and Index, a mojl txtraord'mary and matchlefs bo'tk ; ihe late Mr. S(teAMDEN (Will.) Britannia, by Edmund Gib. \^t fon, 2 vol. folio Land. 172 1 1817 ----- "~ ..... - by Rich. Cough, 3 vol. folio /. 1789 1818 Drayton's (Mich.) Poly-Oibion, with the front tj piece, and portrait ef Prince Henry, by Hole, and maps, folio ib. 1613-22 1819 Gore (Tho. )NomenclatorGeographicus, Lot. et Ang. 8vo Oxon. 1 6L/ 1820 Adams Index Villaris, folio Land. 1690 i8zi Gough (Rich.) Anecdotes of Britifli Topography, 410 ib. 1768 j8 22 vol. 'with Notes by Mr. Cole, 410 ib. 1780 1823 Weever (John) Ancient Fur.crall Monuments, 8 Englifi Topography. 1824 Gough (Rich.) Sepulchral Monuments in Gnat Sri- tain> 3 vol. fol. ijuitb plates LonJ. 17X6-96 1825 Dougla- (Nenia Brittanntia ,) or Sepulchral Hillory o^ Great Britain, fol. plates tb. 1793 i8z6 Lambarde (Will.) Perambulation of Kent, 8vo, bejl edit. ib. i6j6 1827 Somner (Will.) Roman Ports and Forts in Kent, for" trait, 8vo Oxford 1693 1828 Halifax and its Gibbet-La publifhed byStockdale 1796 1840 The Burnynge of Paul's Church, in London, by Lyghtnyrge in 1561, 8vo, b. 1. Impr. by Serei \ $;') 3 1841 Johnfon (Rich.) Nine Worthies of London, b. I. 410 Impr. by Tho. Onain 1592 1842 Dekker (Tho.) Seven deadly Sinnes of London, drawne in fevenfe'vetall Coaches through the feven feverall Gates oftheC///e, 410 Lend. 1606 Warres. the Peace is broken, b. /. 4(0 no tult Englijb Topography. 1 19 1843 Waterhous (Edw.) Narrative of the Dreadful Fire in London, morocco, gilt leaves, Svo Land. 1667 1844 Cuftoms of London 1617 Lord Mayor's Order for wearing Apparel, izmo 1715 1845 Res;es, Regjnse, Nobiles et alii in Ecclefiae Col!. Petri Vveftmonaft. Sepulti, by Will. Camden, 410, coria ruflico i ib. af>. E. Boll'fa /t 1 600 1846 Hiftorical Defcripuon of the Tower of London, izmo, Lend. 1774 Wingrave's Narrativeof the horrid Cruellies committed by Eliz. Bronunrigg j^~ '7^7 1847 Colqahoun (Patrick) on the Police of the Metropolis 8vo i it. 1796 1848 Wood (Anth.) AikenJates, Cambr. 1753 1861 Bentham (James) Tiijlorfand Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Ely, with the Appendix and f/atet, fine copy iai:h MS, Notes by Mr. Cole ib. 1771 jS6z Cambridge Univerfify, 9 Tracls on, viz. A Frag' ment fuppoled by Dr. Stebbing, 8vo. Loud. i7<;i A Key to the Fragment, by Amias Riddinge, B. D. ib. Fragmentum eft Pars Rei Fradts ib. The Academic, &c. - J7?o Dr. Green's Confiderations on making, and the man- ner of conducting the late Regulations at Cambridge 1 H* Dr. Francklin's Authentic Narrative ib Dr. Hurd's Opinion of an eminent Lawyer on the Right of Appeal from the Vice-Chancellor to the benate - ib. Dr. Tho. Chapman's Inquiry into the Right of Appeal ib. Dr. Bickham's Letter to the Author of a further Inquiry Land. 17 5Z 1863 Birch (Will.) Delicet de la Grande Breivgnt, \^ Nos. proofs Loud. 1788 1864 Schnebbelie (Ja.) Antiquary's Mufeum, No. i 1^.1791 Strutt's Antiquities, 8 plates 1865 Lyfons's Etchings of Views and Antiquities in Glou- cefter, 8 Nos. ib. \ ;q i 1866 Paintings at Cowdray, in Suflex, Defcription of 1867 Another Copy \868 Walpole (Horace) JEdet Walpeliana-, miti the Prices of the Piflurer as fold to the Emfrefs of RuJJia, 410 ib. 1752 1869 Englifli Portraits, 9, by Schiavonetti and Gardiner, fome proofs j Lord Burlcigh, Sir Henry Guildford, fcc. Getgrapby, Voyagei and Travels. 1870 TJROOKES (R.) General Gazetteer, 8vo, //*/j Hole, jint copy, 410 ib. 161 1 1916 Hentzneri (Pauli) Itinerarium Germanic, Galliet, An- gli<, Italia, 410 Norimberg 1612 1917 Overbury (Sir Tho.) his Obfervations in his Tra- vailes, upon the State of the XVII. Provinces, as they ftood 1609, 410 1626 1918 De la Motraye (Aubry) Travels, with p'ates by Ho- garth, &c. 3 vol. fol. Lund. 1732 1919 Montague (Lady Mary Wortley) Letters, 3 vol. izmo ib. 1763 1920 Thickne/Te (Phil.) Journey thro' France and part of Spain, 2 vol. platet, 8vo Baib 1777 1911 Coxe (Will,) Travels in Poland, Ruflia, Sweden, and Denmark, 2 vol. 410 e/egant/j bound Land. 1784 1922 La Vega (GarcilafTo de) Royal Commentaries of Peru, by Sir Paul Rycaut, plata, fol. ib. 1688 1923 Robertfon (Will.) Hiftory of America, 2 vol. 410 ib. 1777 1924 Burke (Edm.) Account of the European Settlements in America, z vol. 8vo ib. 1760 1925 Juan (George) and Antonio de Ulloa, Voyage to South America, a vol. plates, 8vo ^.1760 1926 Edwards (Bryant) Proceedings of the Governor and Aflembly of Jamaica on the Maroon Indians, 8vo ib. 1796 1927 Hiftorical Survey of the French Co- lony in St. Domingo, 410 ib. 1797 1928 Drake (Sir Francis) The World Encompajfid, carefully collected out of the Notes of Mafter i 1 rancis Fletcher, with portrait cfSirF. Drake, 410 ib. i6zi J929 A fine Collection of all the modern ENGLISH CIR- CUMNAVIGATORS, in Ships of War, including HaivAefwortb's Compilation ; together with the feveral Voyages of Cook, King, For/ler, fcfc. uniformly bound in 13 vol. 410, with fine imprefions of the plates in an Atlas folio 1930 Wales (Will.) Remarks on Fofler's Account of Cook's Voyage in 1772, 8vo ib. 1778 ( "5 ) PRINTS, BOOKS of PRINTS, &fr. 1932 CIXTEEN Caricatures by Sayers, and one by GnJ- ^ ray, Sec. 1933 One, by Facius, portrait of Dr. Ko. Glynn, /earce 1934. Two, by Facius, portraits of James Bentham, and Rob. Mafte.s 1935 Six, by Heath, Jones, &c. portraits of Ld. Mansfield, Meffrs Hay, &c. 1936 Two, from Reynolds and Bunbury, Count Ugolino, &c. 1937 Nineteen, various, the Chevalier d'Eon, by Conde,&c. 1938 Antiquary Society Prints, with the Letter-prefs of vol. 2 and 3 1939 Three, Map of London in Queen Elizabeth's Time, Siege of Boulogne, and Departure of K. Henry Viil. from Calais 1940 Three, Le Champ de Drap d'Or, Embarkation of Henry VIII. Encampment at Poitfmouth, with th* Delcnptive Accounts 1941 Account of the Collegiate Chapel of Saint Stephen, Weftminfter, with Plans, &c. published by the Order and at the Expence of the Society of Antiquaries Abbey Church of Bath, with plans, &c. published by Ditto 1943 ' - Cathedral Church, ac Exeter, witfc planf, &c. publifhed by Ditto FINIS. Printed by j. Barker, Gt. Rufiel-lheet, Cuv eat Garde*. 3 TABULA PRETIORUM Steevenjiance, Secundum Ordinem Venditionis. No. ' d. No. - ' d. No. ' d i 040 3 i 6 o 59 o 14 6 2 006 i 096 60 026 3 OIIO *i 3 13 6 i I O O 4 050 2 030 2 0156 5 O 1 O 3 056 3 070 4 086 4 0126 7 ) 046 5 I! 5 020 8 090 6 I J3 6 020 9 026 7 4OO 7 026 10 O 1 O 8 O I 8 026 ii > 9 046 9 o to o 12 > O I O 40 2 2 O 70 006 '3 050 i 006 i O I O H 220 2 060 2 056 3 7 o 3 I 18 3 O 2 O 16 080 4 046 4 I 12 O 17 076 5 o 19 o $ 026 18 o 13 6 6 i 5 o 6 t 15 o '9 050 7 036 7 OQO 8 050 8 O26 i o i 6 9 o 1 1 6 9 o 19 o *' ? n 5 0170 80 r 12 o 7 y 080 t 036 i 020 3 i 13 o 2 II 2 i 13 o 4 046 3 o 19 o 3 o 18 o 400 4 086 4 i 13 o 6 7 10 o 5 230 S 050 7 006 6 i 16 o 6 i n 6 8 046 7 260 7 o 10 6 9 046 8 i 8 o 8 I O A Printed ly J. Barker, Gt. Ruffell St. Cov. Gar, TABULA PRETIORUM. No. ] ' *, No. ' ' No. >- J - A 89 060 132 o 50 '74 o 19 6 90 050 3 030 5 r 9 o i Z 2 O 4 o 10 6 6 o 19 o 2 2 15 5 o i 6 7 080 3 v o i o 6 o 17 o 8 096 4 3 '5 o ' 7 I I 9 050 * 2126 8 o 1 1 6 !?0 020 6 190 9 010 i I 12 O 7 o 13 o 140 050 2 fO 8 7 7 o i 020 3 070 9 4 14 6 *i 030 4 20 1 00 7 15 o 2 o 1.6 ? 080 i i 5 o 3 o i 6 6 080 2 I I 4 020 7 040 3 IO O 5 006 8 040 4 o 15 o 6 i 17 o 9 O I O 5 5- 76 7 I 2 191 O IO O 6 o 17 o 8 o 14 o 2 036 7 u 14 o 9 036 3 086 8 006 150 O I o 4 I 10 9 026 l o 19 o 5 020 10 040 2 O I o 6 030 1 1 i 5 o 3 I 2 7 1 5 o 12 230 4 o n 6 8 080 '3 076 5 i 8 o 9 0120 U 060 6 o 17 o 200 d 5 o 5 006 7 12 O i I 16 060 8 056 2 o 15 o '7 026 9 0156 3 14 18 056 1 60 080 4 8120 19 1 i 1 O 5 060 20 o i 6 2 036 6 o 10 6 121 I I 3 o 10 6 7 2 4 2 I 2 4 060 8 050 3 1 O ^ 030 9 i 9 o 4 I 6 220 210 o 10 6 5 o I 6 7 880 ir 1 2 6 040 8 050 12 5 '5 6 7 006 9 046 3 076 8 o 10 6 170 080 '4 070 9 096 i i 8 o f 046 130 U 2 056 16 060 i o jo 6 3 Jj O i? 046 TABULA PRETIORUM. | No. jr. i. d. No. / J, fl. Jo No. ' ' 218 2 17 o 2?9 0180 302 086 '9 o 16 6 260 o 10 6 3 020 220 I 1 2 O I o 16 o 4 I I I O I O 2 096 5 026 *I o 56 3 o 70 6 O I O 2 i ii 6 4 o g o 7 040 *2 i 7 o i 3 o 8 096 3 076 6 0130 9 080 4 i 14 O i o 1 1 6 310 o 30 5 0136 8 086 1 1 o i 6 6 0120 9 CIIO 12 076 7 o 10 6 270 I O O '3 o 40 8 i 20 i 080 M I 1 9 o 14 o 2 020 086 230 2 14 3 I 1 O 16 7 t> i O I O 4 066 17 056 2 o 15 o 5 o i 6 18 040 3 036 6 r 5 o '9 I O O 4 2 18 7 046 320 i ig o 5 080 8 040 i 7150 6 o io 6 9 I O 2 o 13 6 7 050 280 090 3 050 8 056 i i 16 o 4 1 10 9 090 2 O I O 5 130 2}0 i 8 o 3 o to 6 o 7 d I o i 6 4 O 2 O 7 4 H o 2 o 13 6 5 080 8 066 3 030 6 096 9 080 4, 030 7 44 33 o io 6 5; o i 6 8 i 9 p i 4 4 6 030 9 056 2 o 6 o 7 2 50 ago 9 14 o 3 o 10 6 8 3? i 060 4 I I 9 090 2 o 19 6 5 27 250 026 3 036 6 O 2 i 12 4 QUO 7 3 3 2 040 ; 030 8 4 '3 3 I 6 080 9 o 14 6 4 990 7 i 9 o 34 200 5 030 8 2 JJ i 6 16 o b 2 15 O 9 056 2 17 7 030 300 o i 6 3 i 7 o 8 O 1 i i 4 o 4 11 TABULA PRETIORUM. No. . ' *l No. . ,. d No. jr. /. 4 345 OHO 387 036 43 0160 6 056 8 o ig o i , 5 o 7 o 10 6 9 o 1 1 6 i i 170 8 3 10 o 390 026 3 i 6 o 9 030 i o i o 4 050 350 O I O 2 080 ? 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No. 4^* No. >' * No. ' <* 473 066 5,6 I 2 O SS8 040 4 250 '7 o 18 o 9 006 <; 050 .8 OIIO 560 076 6 046 19 o "3 o i 026 7 o 18 o 520 o i 6 2 056 8 076 i o 19 6 3 I I 9 o 10 6 2 020 4 o 14 6 '480 056 3 O I O 5 o 26 i 060 4 020 6 020 2 086 c 036 7 o 1 3 o 3 070 6 050 8 036 4 056 7 O 12 O 9 o 50 5 046 8 Ogo 57 OIIO 6 1 1J 9 OIIO i 1 026 7 o 18 6 53 O 2 O 2 O I O 8 030 i 046 3 036 9 I O O 2 046 4 060 490 040 3 060 ? 056 i 050 *3 076 6 o ,4 o 2 o 16 6 4 006 7 046 3 050 5 o i 6 8 080 4 040 6 026 9 o 30 f 006 7 036 580 050 6 026 8 076 I 046 7 026 9 006 2 056 8 036 540 0116 3 Z 12 6 9 026 i o i 6 4 O |I O 500 O 1 O 2 O I O 5 o 8 o i o 14 6 3 006 6 050 2 O I O 4 99 7 4 14 6 3 020 5 020 8 o 17 o 4 020 6 030 9 I O O 5 006 7 080 590 i 17 o 6 o 26 8 026 i o s 6 7 006 9 I O 2 i 4 o 8 050 55 006 3 I IO O 9 006 i o 10 6 4 050 510 006 z 026 5 300 1 1 O I O 3 066 6 i 5 o 12 O I 4 O 1 O 7 O 12 O 3 11 O 5 O 8 O 1 H 220 6 030 9 O II '5 3 5 o 7 I 600 046 6 TABULA PRETIORUM. No. - ' ' No. ' * No. ,- >> * 601 040 644 040 687 o 5 6 2 026 S 1 O 8 096 3 12 6 6 450 9 010 4 006 7 o 14 6 690 o 7 6 5 056 8 13 o i 2 3 6 2 19 9 O 10 2 070 7 o 14 o 650 i 3 o 3 o 10 6 8 990 i r 6 o 4 o 18 o 9 I 10 O 2 o 15 o S 026 10 I 2 3 i i; o 6 o i 6 1 1 9 S o 4 o i 6 7 026 12 i 13 o S 030 8 046 '3 o > 6 6 026 9 o 13 6 4 o i 6 7 o 60 700 o 5 o I O 8 066 i I O 16 0160 9 066 2 2. IZ 6 7 i 14 o 660 030 3 o i 6 18 9 006 o 8*0 i 2 020 400 {f 030 620 076 3 i 16 o 6 1 i 10 4 O I O 7 o i 6 2 040 5 I 1 8 020 3 O 12 O 6 076 9 096 4 060 7 060 10 o 40 y 006 8 O i it 030 6 0186 9 056 12 060 7 ) 0126 670 o io 6 13 020 8 " i 030 14 o i 6 9 I I O, 2 ) 1 5 026 j 630 o 10 6 3> 020 16 020 i 066 4 o 56- P7 o i 6 2 036 5 o 3 o 18 o i 6 3 076 6 086 '9 O 1 O 4 O 1 O 7 026 7:0 056 5 050 8 040 i 026 6 006 9 050 2 030 7 o 15 o 680 o 5 o 3 1 i 8 026 i i 6 o 4 036 9 I O 2 060 5 o I 6 640 046 3 o c o 6 070 i 030 4 020 7 J Q 2 3 086 026 ft o i 6 8 9 o i 6 020 TABULA PRETIORUM. No. ' ' No. /. s. d. No. . < *, 73f> o i 6 773 046 816 490 i 020 4 2 ip O J 7 095 2 I 5 3OO 18 050 3 o 3 o 6 O I O '9 066 4 040 7 o i 6 820 040 S 080 8 i 4 o i I o 6 o 13 6 9 8 ro 6 z 026 7 i 8 o 780 on o 3 I o 8 220 i O I O 4 030 9 026 2 ' 3 o 5 060 740 i 19 o 3 030 6 056 i I 1 4 I 7 080 2 o 18 6 5 I Z C 8 006 3 066 6 2 14 9 I 16 4 O IO O 7 060 830 0150 5 o 15 o 8 026 i O I O 6 o i 6 9 Oj6 2 006 7 066 79 030 3 2 60 8 o i 6 i OO6 4 o 17 o 9 046 2 o 19 o 5 4 14 6 750 o 40 3 3 IS o 6 036 i 070 4 080 / O I 2 o 14 6 ? 056 8 O 2 O 3 040 6 i 4 o 9 006 4 I 2 7 060 840 230 5 070 8 0126 i 030 6 090 9 050 2 0.40 7 030 800 o 5; o 3 4 y o 8 3 i o i i ii 6 4 240 9 1 2 O 2 066 5 060 760 0156 3 i 3 o 6 020 i o 10 6 4 096 7 o i 6 2 I I O 5 49 8 030 3 I l6 O 6 3 i o 9 4 14 6 4 050 7 006 850 i 6 o ? 096 8 o z 6 i o i 6 6 I VO O 9 020 2 040 7 i 19 o 8/0 036 3 o 40 8 230 1 1 t 9 o 4 i 4 o 9 060 12 3 5 S I t o 77 i 8 o '3 o i 6 6 036 i o i 6 '4 o 76 7 070 2 1 *5 086 8 i 17 o TABULA PRETIORUM. No. 880 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 89 i 2 3 4 I 7 8 9 900 i 2 O 8 o 1 a o ID o 5 o 8 o 1 8 o io 6 19 o 4 o 15 6 56 6 6 5 o 19 o 1 6 5 o 15 o 2 O 14 6 12 O I O '7 IO O 3 '5 S 12 6 17 o 7 o 13 o 1 O 66 2 O 2 6 i 6 76 1$ O 8 6 8 6 6 6 18 o 7 o No. 902 3 4 6 *7 8 9 io tl 12 '3 '4 II *7 18 920 x 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 93o i 2 3 4 6 "i 940 : I [*" '.1 No. 1 MMMMM A-KJJ 10 943 o 14 o 7 6 || 4 o 16 6 026 5 020 040 6 020 090 7 026 0170 8 006 i io 9 4 7 o 10 o 950 i 1 1 6 o 18 o t 036 3 6 2 o 20 o 8 o [ 3 i 6 o 020 4 026 066 5 046 060 6 076 120 7 I O O 030 8 I o 9 o.H q o 8 o .1 O 960 O II 12 i I 12 I 10 2 '4 i*oj 066 3 2 60 040 4 CO II 10 6 o i 6 I 2 7 10 070 8 o 13 o I 9 II 020 970 03 O/O i OMO OO6 2 1 3 o o i 6 3 o 36 I 4 i ,40 OHO 1 0126 o 60 6 030 030 7 050 8 4 6 o 06 9 o 6 o 1 O I O o ii 6 i o i 6 i i 13 o o 16 6 2 o 3 6 i 18 o 3 030 I I 4 i 13 o 020 5 030 OO6 6 056' TABULA PRETIORUM. 9 | No. ' * No. . s. d. No. r- ' * 987 3 5 o 1029 060 1072 r ii 6 8 036 1030 046 3 770 9 o i 6 i 056 4 o 26 990 2 3 o 2 2 17 O 5 o 10 6 i i 3 o 3 040 6 050 * 2 066 4 O6o 7 030 2 ) 5 090 8 + c o J 3 036 6 OJO 9 51^-6 4 o 06 7 7 10 I0?0 086 5 5 15 o 8 3 3 o i o 16 6 6 460 9 4 16 o 2 026 7 21 10 6 1040 2 12 6 3 5 12 6 8 050 i I I 4 2 2O 9 020 2 300 5 0180 IOOO i 15 o 3 I I 6 O 10 O 1 O I O 4 2 30 7 o 56 2 i 4 o 5 270 8 I II O 3 040 b o 15 o 9 030 4 Olio 7 2 12 6 1090 086 5 o 16 o 8 3 o o i i 15 o 6 o 15 6 9 096 2 040 7 i ii 6 1050 2 14 O 3 I 13 o 8 030 I 34 4 'O 1O 9 030 2 016 5 o i 6 IOIO o i 6 3 o 14 o 6 046 .11 2 12 6 4 026 7 026 12 '3 i 3 o o i 6 ft O 2 O 8 9 12 240 '4 096 7 i 13 o I IOO i 16 o 15 036 8 O I O i 0150 16 i 5 o 9 I 2 2 18 '7 O 1 O 1060 2 2 O 3 O 2 O 18 030 i i 5 o 4 030 19 026 2 056 5 i 6 o IO2O 526 3 070 6 190 I 426 4 i 5 o 7 2 10 2 026 5 056 8 o 13 6 3 ? o q o 6 036 9 O II O 4 J y v 7 O 12 O II 10 33 5 O46 8 080 ii 030 6 O26 9 o 1 1 6 12 030 7 086 1070 o i 6 13 0156 8 o 16 o i 086 4 026 B io TABULA PRETIORUM. 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No. L- > <* 1115 036 158 5 5 o 201 056 16 036 9 OI1O 2 I I >7 3 13 6 1 60 2 O O 3 3 4 o 18 030 i 1 2 4 o 10 6 '9 2 16 2 o 16 o S 060 1120 o 13 6 3 4 16 o 6 o i o I o i 6 4 1 IO 7 U 2 380 5 880 8 o 18 o 3 076 6 i 4 o 9 026 4 i 16 o 7 o 13 6 I2IO 026 5 5 jo o 8 770 1 I o i 6 6 5 18 o 9 12 O 12 020 7 1150 1170 066 r 3 1 8 880 i ? o 4 12 9 040 2 5 5 0116 1130 090 3 II 16 It O O i o i 6 4 6 o '7 076 7 o 17 o $ H 6 if 6 io o 3 o 17 o 6 3 o J 9 i 13 o 4 2 IO O 7 o o I22O 070 5 o 14 6 8 o 15 6 I 12 15 6 040 9 i 14 o 2 O I O 7 010 1180 260 3 030 8 076 i o 14 o 4 o 14 o 9 070 2 O go 5 I 14 o 1140 1 3 o u 6 6 5 io o i 16 o 4 i 16 o 7 o 18 o 2 10 O 5 o 10 6 8 070 3 O go 6 086 9 0150 4 5 7 086 1230 12 5 18 o 8 0160 i o 10 6 6 2 60 9 i 4 o 2 030 7 8150 1190 3 '3 6 3 060 8 i 17 o i O I 1 O 4 090 9 3 5 o 2 o ii 6 * 060 1 150 '4 3 6 3 J 10 6 040 i 040 4 i 14 o 7 050 2 O I O 5 2 2O 8 090 3 2 3 6 12 9 026 4 II O 7 33 1240 050 5 OHO 3 i ii 6 i 070 1 6 11 9 o io 6 2 O 2 O 1 7 o ta o 1200 i u 6 ' 3 S 7<> TABULA PRETIORUM. n No; *. - ' No. ' * No. / ' ' 1370 060 (4.1 2 o ? 6 '455 020 i 1 '3 pafled. 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No. ' ' No. > ^ No. ' ' 1627 O 12 O 1670 15 15 o <7'3 Z IO O 8 O26 i 056 4 o io 6 9 I 10 2 o 16 6 '* 050 1630 o 16 o 3 I 12 O 16 050 i 060 4 170 7 3 3 o 2 O f 5 I O 18 500 3 12 6 i 8 o 9 o 14 6 4 0110 7 OHO 1720 o 17 o 5 I 12 8 076 i 086 6 7 i 16 o o 13 6 9 1680 036 050 \\ 066 8 090 i 056 4 086 9 O I O 2 050 ? 070 1640 I 20 3 o 18 o 6 170 i 0176 4 086 7 o 15 o 2 o 19 6 5 050 8 050 3 i 5 o 6 030 9 050 4 080 7 060 1730 070 f i 40 8 260 i ^O 6 O II O 9 2 l6 O 2 046 7 076 1690 I 1 3 006 8 I 2 i 300 4 I 12 9 3OO 2 3 *5 o 5 4 io o 1650 4110 3 3110 6 i 5 o i o 10 6 4 i 6 o 7 rz o o 2 330 ? 050 8 O IO 3 o 13 6 6 i 14 o 9 040 4 1 7 5 5 o 1740 076 5 086 8 17 o o i o io 6 6 020 9 22 2 i S o 7 o 06 1700 23 o o 3 330 8 o 10 o i i 7 o 4 i 8 o 9 096 2 0120 ? 066 .660 i 3'o 3 53 ii o 6 046 i i 1 1 6 4 2 15 7 o 16 o 2 2 12 6 5 I 16 o 8 o 18 o 3 4 ii o 6 o la 6 9 i 15 o 4 o io 6 7 i 16 o 750 I O 5 460 8 0160 i 036 6 o ii 6 9 4 15 o 2 I 2 7 IO O IO 5 o o 3 OIIO 8 o 15 o 1 1 080 4 040 9 6 oo 12 3 oo 5 I 8186 TABULA PRETIORUM. No. ' ^1 No. jr. * *\ No. ' ^ ,756 o ii 6 799 300 842 I O O 7 O 12 O 800 036 3 1 I 8 066 i 7 10 o 4 I 130 g > o i 6 2 476 5 086 1760) U 1 vJ 3 040 6 036 i 080 4 060- 7 026 2 ! 6 5 o 17 6 8 2 5 3 o i 6 6 036 u o 18 o 4 I 7 030 850 056 S o 10 6 8 020 i 2 O 6 040 9 o IQ 6 2 076 7 036 810 006 3 5 '12 6 8 I I 1 1 i 17 o 4 006 9 o 14 6 12 o 3 o 5 o i 6 [770 o i 6 13 096 6 066 7 1 I 2 H o o 6 7 o i 6 2 3 030 o 13 o 15 16 096 i 3 o H 9> 050 4 i 13 o 17 8 o 1860 o u 6 5 2 2 O 18 12 i 700 6 086 19 066 2 096 7 o 10 6 1820 036 3 o 17 o 8 o 13 o i 080 4 020 9 11 2 z 15 o 5 i 3 o 1780 o 13 o 3 096 6? O I O i I 7 o 4 i7 o o 7> 2 I 90 5 i ii 6 8 o 10 6 3 o 16 o 6 030 9 o 13 o 4 056 7 O 2 O 1870 036 5 o 18 o 8 O I O i 2 15 O 6 050 9 I O O 2 700 7 080 183 I I 3 23 2O 8 o 60 i o 10 6 4 I 30 9 O 12 6 2 o 10 o 5 070 1790 4 14 6 3 I 10 6 o 19 o i 660 4 O I O T 2 18 2 o 14 o 5 4 5 o 8 230 3 o 18 6 6 I I 9 12 6 4 i 13 o 7 o 15 o 1880 770 5 i 6 o 8 900 i 056 6 i 5 o 9 090 2 026 7 010 1840 o g o 3 040 8 040 i O 12 O 1 4 4 17 o 1 6 TABULA PRETIORUM. No. < d. No. ' * No. / *_ (885 050 1905 zoo 1925 070 6 i ii 6 6 080 6 030 7 O I O 7 076 7 090 8 O I O 8 046 8 3 10 o 9 050 9 10 9 27 16 6 1890 O 12 6 IO o 14 o '93 o 20 i 076 ii o 10 6 2 i 4 o 2 050 12 036 3 o 14 o 3 086 13 056 4 o 14 o 4 050 14 050 5 o 19 o 5 6 10 o 1$ 230 6 o 16 o 6 I O O 16 3 10 o 7 096 7 260 '7 o 10 6 8 6 12 6 8 290 18 ISO 9 ? 9 r 3 o 9 o 15 o 19405" 37 1900 070 1920 050 i i 15 o i 046 i i 18 o 2 I l6 a 300 2 060 3 3 7 3 o i 6 3 i it 6 4 I IO O 4 o 10 6 Total, 2740 15 o. A true Copy, extracted from the Sale Book, THOMAS KING. LONDON, June 27, 1800. Printed for T. King, No. 38, King-ftreet, Covent-garden, by J. Barker, Gr. Ruflell-ftrcet, Covent-gtrden, [Pritt A r> r\ /-\ ' '''" '"' 'HI Z997 S81b and sup .