in LIST OF REFEREIICLS ON RAILV'AY MOTOR CARS Entries are arranged chronologically under the folio ir, headiest General- -------____ Electric -------_._.. Gasoline and mixed systems - - Cars for maintenance of v/ay- - Pages - - 1 -13 - -14 -15 - -15 -31 - -32 -73 Prepared by the Bureau of Railway Economics V r ashington,D.C. November 30,1915 /o List of References on Railway I.iotcr errs . General. Les vcitures automobiles de la Compagnie clu I T crd. (Revue ge'nerale des chemins de fer, 21st "/ear, p. 189-95; Mar, 1898. Keromnes, Le'chelle, a:,d Sr.rtiaux, E, Report on the question of autornotor vehicles. (Subject 20 for dis- cussion at tlie sixth session of the Railv/ay congress.) (international railway congress, Bulletin, v. 14:245-59; Feb.lQOT.) Describes in detail the_ European practice. Xuster, Julius. Gle i s-Iiot orv/c.gen und Gle i s-Mctorlokomot iven. (Zeitschrift des Mitteleuropai schen Kotorv/agen vereines, :io.9,19f3,) Description of automcoi les adapted to run or. tracks, Hals te ad, Marshal. Motor cars on European railways, (Railway and engineering reviev/ ,v,43 :43 ; Jan. 17,1905. ) Motor car practice in Fra.nce and England. Gle isinotorv/agen und Gle i slokomot iven* (Zeitschrift des Mitteleuropaischen Motorv/agen vereines, Sept1903,) Turgan, M. L Les voitures automotrices des cheniins de fer a vapeur a petrole. (Meinoires de la Societ^ des Ingenieurs Civils de Prance, ITov,1903, . p. 48 6- 519.) Discussion of steam and petrol driven, cars and their operation. Railv/ay age [Editorial], Motor cars for steam railv/ays. (Railv/ay age, v. 37: 184; Feb. 5, 1904.) Motor cars are in use in England, and "it is hoped that a car v/ill be eo A uipped for experiment on an American road" Victor cars on the Great V'estern. (Railway age ,v. 37: 350-51 ; liar .4,1904. ) Motor cars on this English railway have been successful and more will be put into service. Motor cars on Bavarian railroads. (Railroad gazette ,v. 36: 33:.- ; Apr. 29 ,1904. ) The government has asked for bids - states general specifications Motor cars on European railV/ays, (Engineerin,, nev/s a v. 52 : 75-83 j Jul.28 ,1904. ) Recent steam and gas-electric car and car services on the Continent . 438184 DaT/son, Philip, Use of independent motor car? on railways. (Street railv/ay journal ,v. 24: 814-2 5 ; Nov. 5, 1904.) Description of various types, concluding that petroX or gasoline cars are the beat* Railroad gazette [Editorial j. Railroad motor car services. (Railroad gazette ,v. 37: 509 j Dec. 9, 1904.) Motor cars receiving much attention in England where steam and petrol t'/jes are being tested. Keromnes, Le'phelle, and Sartiaux, E. Question XX. Traffic conveyed by automobiles. Organisation ci service? by automotors on routes vrhcre there is net enough traffic for a railway. ( In International railv/ay congress, Proceedings, 1905, v.3, Ques. 20, p. 1-62.) Abstract, Railv/ay age, v. 39: 694; Apr, 28^1905. Railroad gazette [Editorial], Railroad motor cars. ' (Railroad gazette ,v.39 : 2-3 ; Jul.7,1905.) The field for motor cars in America, English motor cars, (Railroad gazette ,v. 39 : 138-39 ; Aug. 11 ,1905, ) Discusses steam and gasoline types in service. Hellerj A.* Motorwagen iin Eisenbahnbetriebe, (Zeitschrift des Vereines Deutscher Ingenieure, v. 49 :1541- 5(5 ,1634-40 , 1705-13; Sept.23,0ct,7,2l,1905i) Steam and gasoline cars for railv/ay service. Railroad gazette [Editorial]. [Rail motor cars.] (Railroad gazette ,v. 39 : 501-02 ; Dec. 1,1905.) Steam and gasoline cars have attracted much attention in England although they are still an experiment in this country. American railv/ay master mechanics' association. Gasoline, gasoline-electric and steam motor cars, (In its Proceedings, v. 39:416-22; 1906,) Railv/ay and engineering review .fB&itQrla,! J Motor cars. (Railway and engineering review, v. 46:97; Fe'b.lO,190o. ) > 'V Kramer, F, Motorlokomctiven. (Zeitschrift des Vereines Deutscher Ingenieure, v. 50: 515-23.; Apr. 7, 1906) Gasoline and petroleum cars for use on railv/ay s. l.ctor oars 3 V Railroad gazette [Editorial], Motor cars and lov/er passenger f.ares.- (Railroad gazette ,v. 40: 490 ; Ifay 10,1906.) Lov/er fares give added impetus to efforts to produce satiafactory motor cars. Richards, T. Kurry, and Ilaslam, Sidney B. Ra i l\vay motor c n. r t -r a f i i c , (Ini^itution of mechanical engineers, Proceedings, Oct. 1906 ,p, 651-718. ) Commercial and engineering phase 3 of the :..otor car question. Abstract, Railroad gazette ,v. 41: 310-12 ; Oct .! ,1906. ) Guillery, C. Neueres uber Trieb-.-agen fur Eisenbahnen. (Glasers Annalen fur Cev/erbe und Bauv/esen, v, 59 :le9-73 ; Nov. 1,1906.) Steam, benzine-electric, gas-electric and other self-propelled cars, \vith discussion of their operation in many countries. American railv/a,y master mechanics' association, (Report of Committee on development of motor cars for light passenger service. (In its Proceed ings.v. 40:194-203; 190 7.) Abstract, Railv/ay age ,v. 43 : 992-94; June 14,1907.) Abstract, Railv/ay and engineering rev ie\v,v. 47: 515-16 ; June 15,1907. Poschenrieder , P. Liotorwagen mit elektrischer Kraf ttiibertragung im Eisenbahnbetr iebe. (Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift, v28: 194-200; Feb, 28,1907. ) Llotor cars for steam, roads, ' r ith. some account cf their performance Question XX. Traffic conveyed'.by automobiles. Organization of services by automotors on routes v/here there is not enough traffic for a railway, (international railway congress, Bulletin, v. 21: 337-60; liar. 1907.) Pennsylvania railroad. Road and rail motor cars as an auxiliary passenger service. (Railway age ,v.43 : 576; Apr . 5^1907. ) Also in Railv/ay and engineering review, v, 47:235-86 ; Apr. 6, 1907. Report of a committee appointed.! to investigate the use o'f motor cars in Europe. -./ Gray, B, D. European railv/ay motor cars. (American society of mechanical engineers, Proceedings ,v28: 1631-69 ; June, 1907.) Description of various types, and. gives author's impression of the motor car situation. Gray, B. D. European railv/ay motor coaches. (Railv/ay and engineering review, v. 47:496; June 8,1907.) A discussion of various types. I'lotor cars. (Railv/ay age , v 43 : 1022 ; June 15,1907.) A discussion of various types in use here and abroad. . :.i-,or cars ^ if) ch imane k , Eni 1 . riotorv/agen oder Locomotive. (Glasers aiir_aler> fur gewerbe und bauv/esen ,v,. 50 : 256-71 ; June 15,1907.) Relative economy of no to*' car ana locomotive operation en the Hungarian state railways, American railway master mechanics' association. Report of the Committee 6n motor carrs* (in its Proceedings ,v. 42 : 36-96 ; 1909.) Discussion, p97-102-. ' Abstract, Railroad ape .-alette ,v. 45:1277-73 ;1281-82; June 17,1909. Abstract, Railr/ay and engineering revi e-;/",v. 49 : 554-55; June 19,1909. Comparative cost of fuel oil motor car and steam locomotive service on the Rock Island, (Railroad a;;e gazette ,v.45 : 599 ; liar . 26 ,1909 . ) Kotor cars on the Rock Island, (Railway and engineering review, v. 49 : 666 ; Jul. 31 ,1909 . ) Various types of steam, gasoline and gas-electric cars are being tested. Trying motor cars in the v/est, ' (Railroad a-e gr.zette , v. 47:2 50 ; Aug. 6, 1909,) Various types are being tested. Clark, C, Peter. On the question of motor vehicles. (Question 12 for discussion at the eighth session of the Railway congress.) (International railway congress, Bulletin, v. 23 :1319-35 ; Nov. 1909.) Abstract, Railway and engineering review, v. 49 : 1111-12 j Dec. IS ,1909 . Quarre , On thet question of lines belonging to main lines but not having much traffic, (Subject 17 for discussion at the eighth session of the Rail';/ ay -congress.) ' (international railway congress, Bulletin ,v, 23 : 1337-73 ; Nov. 1909.) Motor cars for branch line service. Ziffer, A, E, Uber 'den Autonobilismus (Selbstf ahrwesen) im Verkehre auf Eisenbahnen im Allgemeinen und inbesondere auf Lokalbahnen und Kleinbahnen. (Mittheilungen des vereines fur die forderung des lokal und strassen- wesens, v. 17:269-97; 311-28,347-74,379-417; Sept, -Dec. 1909. ) Inglis y J. C. On the question of motor car services. (Subject 15 for discussion at the eighth session of the Railway congress.) (International railway congress, Bulletin, v. 23 : 1735-68 ; Dec, 1909.) Motor cars and automobiles in railv/ay service. Harrington, Y. r . E. Cornpariso-n O'f gasoline car, single-phase and steam locomotive costs. (Electric railway journal, v. 34:1260; Dec. 25, 1909. ) 5 cor cars-- o, Lane, Francis V r . Motive pov/er for motor cars. ' (Railv/ay master mechanic ,v. 34: 37-40 ; Feb. 19 1C.) Account of v/hat has been dene toward the development of steam and gasoline cars. Greppi, L. Report no ,2 on the question ci motor vehicles. (Subject 12 for dis- cussion at the eighth session of the Railway c6:igress.) (International railv/ay congress, Bullet in, v. 24: 1273-1335 ; Mar.l910) Report for all countries except Great Britain and America. Riches, T. Hurry, Report no, 3 on the question of motor vehicles, (Subject 12 for dis- cussion at the eighth session o'f the Railv/ay congress.)' (international ruilv/ay congress, Bullet in ,?, 24: 11-9 5-*1574| Apr. 1910, Feuere Trieov/agen fur eisenbahnen. (liittheilungen des vereines fur die forderung der lo'kal und strassen- bahnv/esens,v* 19:29-47; Feb. 1911* ) Recent motor cars of various types. Potter, V. 3. Electrification, (Ilev; York railroad club, Proceedings ,v . 21:238-C2 ; Mar ,17, 1911. ) Comment on self-propelled cars. Ziffer, E. A. V r a-en mit selbstantrieb . (I.iittheilungen des vereines fur forderung des lokal und strassen- wesens, v. 19:1+1-93; June, 1911.) Marriott!, Enrico. Nuovo mo to re ad olio pesante applicato ad una automotrice f erroviar i a, (L'Ingegnieria ferroviaria, v. 8:378-82; Dec. 16 , 1911. ) American electric railway association. Self-propelled cars. ( In its Proceedings, Engineering association, 1912, p. 683-760 ) Bibliography, p. 73-54. Report of Sub-committee of the Committee on equipment Abstract, Electric railv/ay j ournal ,v. 40 : 340-51 , 855-56 ;0ct ,12,1912 Potter, V r , B, Self-propelled cars. (New York railroad club, Proceedings ,v. 22 :2653-72 ; Feb. 19 Discussion, p. 2672-82. Electric railv/ay journal [Editorial]. Self-propelled motor cars. (Electric railv/ay journal, v. 39 :134-35; Jan. 27 1912 ) those b Pr + 0bab1 ^ favor -elf-contained cars rather thaa hose having power transmitted from a central station. Electric rail-ay j ournal[Edito ri al]. Self-propelled cars. ' " " o t o r c ar s - - b Scott, LeRoy. Self-pr ope lied cars, (Electric railway j ournal ,- .40 : 129-30 ; j-.a. 27 , 1912.) Ziffer, E. A. Foreign convention report en self-; repelled cars, (Electric railway ]ournal,v. 40: 283-84; Aug.24,1912.) Editorial content ,p.272 , Dodd, S. T. Self-propelled cars here and at road, (Electric railv/ay journal, v. 40: 33-135; Aug. 31 , 1912. ) Podd, S. T. , and Arnold, B. K. Self-propelled railway passenger cars, (In. International railvay fuel association, Proceedings ,1913 , p, 174-215.) Discussion, p. 216-40. Abstract, Pailv.-ay and engineering revieV/,v. 53 : 540-41; June 7,1913. Abstract, Electric railv/ay journal, v. 41:934; May 24,1913.) llacaulay, John. ed. Ilodern railv/ay v/orking. London, 1913. S vois. 8. motor Cars, v, 4: 34-90. Guillery, C. Die geschichte der eisenbahntr iebv/agen, (;:ittheilungen des Ver"*.;ies fiir i'orderung des lokal und strassen- ./esens , I^ar, 1913 , ) History of the railv/ay motor car. V'ayland, Die triebv/agen im dienst der preussisch-hessischen staatsbahnen. (Elektrische kraftbetriebe und bahnen,V. 11:249-56, 269-75;May 4,14,1913) General discussion of the value of motor cars, and description of types in use on this system, Reutner , Mebenschlusstriebv/agen und ihre verv/endung' auf gebirgsstrecken, (Elektrische kraftbetriebe un.d faahnen, v. 11:277-83 ; May 14,1913.') Motor cars on mountain lines, Shafer, Don Cameron. Railroading without steam. Self-contained cars create a nev/ development in transportation methods, (Cassier's magazine ,v. 43 :31-34; June, 1913.) Pepper, J. The possibilities of motor vehicles for railv/ay purposes from the operator *s standpoint. (Railv/ay gazette [London], Jul. 4,1913,) Self-propelled cars. (Electfiic railway journal, v. 42:622-34; Oct. 4, 1913.) Considers gas-electric and storage battery cars. .Cotcr cars--? Rail motor cars on the Prussian state raily.T.ys (Railway gazette [London], Dec. 12 ,1913. ) Information on accumulator and petrol driven cars. \ Fayland , Rail motor cars in use on the Pruss i an- Hessian ' railway. (International railway congress, Bulls tin ,v. 28 : 20-^5 ; Jan. 1914. ) The Locomotives and rolling stock of British railways - 1913. Mo . 3 . Rail motor cars. (Railway nev, s [London] ,v, 101 : 734-3 5 ; Apr. 4 , 1914. ) C omme nt , p . 7 3 - 3 1 i Steam. A Steam car for local travel. (Railroad gazette ,v. 11: 323 ; June 13,1879.) Built in the Central Pacific shops. Locomotive car on rJev: England railroad. (Railway revie-.?,v.37: 591; Oct. 15 ,1897. ) Steam motor car for the Ne\V England railroad, (Railroad gazette ,v. 29 : 747 ; Oct . 22 ,1897. ) Built by the Schenectady locomotive works. Motor car for the Cincinnati, Hamilton Dayton traction company. (Railway age ,v.25: 151 ; Mar .4 ,18'98. ) Ste^m motor car on the Pittsburgh, Chicago & St. Louis. (Railroad gazette ,Y. 31: 225; liar. 31, 1399. ) A steam car built by the company. Railroad gazette [Editorial], The status of the steam motor car. (Railroad gazette ,v. 32:238 ; Apr. 13,1900. ) Steam motor cars have made little progress in the United States, i Steam motor cars for railway service. (Engineering news f v. 47:102-05; Feb. 5, 1902.) Experiments v/ith steam cars disappointing. Kenipel, Motorwagen init Serpollet-kesseln. (Zeitscbrift des vereines deutscher ingenieure ,v. 46:46-1-; Mar, 29 ,1902* ) Motor cars equipped v/ith Serpollet boilers. . Einfuhrung leichter motoren beim betriebe auf lokalbahnen. (liittheilungen des vereines fur die forderung des lokal und strassen- bahnwesens, v. 11:148-51; Apr. 1903.) Steam cars for local service -on the Austrian railways. Automobilisni on railways. ' (Railway and engineering review,v.43 : 382 ; May 16,1903.) Steam motor cars. Steam passenger car; LcncU n an^V So i\th~\7e stern .-^ilwa;-. (Engineering LI j0nc '- c:: - j v -75 : 582-8 L- ; May 22,1903.) Editorial c omme nt , p 6 S 5 A -Steam motor coach for British' railways, (Scientific Ameri cm,-.-. 102 : 391-9^ ; May 23,130?..) An e xp e r ime nt al t yp a . -P^- -, T/f T j-^aOj . I J Voitures auto.:.c trices a v.-iT-eur. (Revue gsnerale des che^ins de fer, 26tli year, Jul. 1903 ,p , 7-17. ) Describes tlie Purrey car. Steam motor coach, Great eastern railv/ay, (Engineer [London j,v. 96:380; Oct.16,1903. ) Railv/ay motor-car for the Paris-' Orleans ay compar.y. (Engineering [London] ,v. 76 : 550 ; Oct. 23 ,1303. ) The Pur re 3- steam car. Sartiaux, Felix, and Koechlin, J. Le nouvelle vciture automobile a vapeur. (Revue ge'n^rale des chemins de fer, 27th year, Jan*1904,p.ll-19. ) Steam motor coach i'cr the Taff Vale railway, England. (Engineering 1. London] ,v. 77 : 43 ; Jan. 8, 1904.) Improved methods en English railv/ays - v/ork o:' the Royal commission on London traffic* (Railv/ay age, v. 37: 38 7- 39; liar. 11, 19 04. ) Steam motor coaches for branch lines, p. 383-89. Barbier, F. Nouvelles voitureS automobiles a vapeur pour voies ferries, (Ge*nie civil, v. 44:357-62; Apr. 9, 1904.) Steam passenger cars. Rail-autocar for the Paris, Lyons c: Medirterranean railway* (Engineering [London] ,v. 77: 535-35; Hay 5,1904.) Description of the Purrey car. Paley, W. B. Railroad motor coaches' near London. (Railroad gazette ,v. 36:436-37 ; June 10,1904.) Steam motor vehicles, Midland railv/ay. (Engineer [London], v. 98: 204; Aug. "2 6 ,1904. ) The Ganz rail auto-car. (Railroad gazette ,v. 37:296-97; Sept. 2 ,1904. ) A steam motor car. H'itor cars-~9 Paley, V, B. The -Great western no tot*- coach services. (Railroad gazette ,v. 37: 349-50 ; Sept. 16, 1904* ) More steam cars have been added and the service improved, Brunn, Alfred. Neue dampfmotorwagen in eisenbahnbetrieb, (Zeitschrift fur kleinbaiinen und strassenbahnen , Oct .19 ,Nov.2 ,1904. ) Steam motor cars for local and special services. Extension of the Great western motor coach services, (Engineer [".London], v98 : 442-43 ; LJov.4,1904. ) Steam-motor carriage for the Shappey light railway. (Engineering [Londin] ,v, 79 : 278 j Mar. 3, 1905.) Austrian railway motor ' cars, (Railway age ,v. 39 r 924-25 J June 16,1905,) Ganz steam cars. Steam motor cars for the Glasgow & southwestern railroad. (Engineering news,v. 54: 5? ; Jul.20,1905, ) Motor cars en British railways. (Railway age ,v. 40:103-04; -Jul.28,1905. ) Motor cars on the Northeastern [Great Britain]. (Railway age , v. 40; 146 ; Aug. 4, 19 05.) Steam cars built from -old equipment. Peebles steam rail-car. (Tramway and railway world ,v. 18: 12 7- 30; Aug. 10 ,1905, ) Steam coach; Great north of Scotland railway. (Engineering [London], v. 80:248-49 ; Aug. 25, 1905. ) Railv/ay motor coach, (Engineer [Condon J,v, 100:222 ; Sept .1,1905. ) Motor car on the North of Scotland railway. Steam-coach for the London & northwestern railway company. (Engineering [London] ,v. 80:359 ; Sept. 15, 1905. ) Gairns, J. F. Rail motor cars in Great ' Britain, (Cassier's magazine ,v. 28: 381-92 ,453-65; Sept. -Oct. 1905. ) The advantages of these vehicles, and description 'of various types of steam cars. Steam motor cars on the Taff 'Vale railway, England. (Engineering news, v. 54:350-51; Oct. 5, 1905.) London & Northwestern steam motor cars. (Railway age ,v. 40:489-91 ; Oct. 20 ,1905. ) Motor cars--10 Recent development in motor coaches upon British railroads. (Scientific American supplement ,v. 6< r : 25005 ; Pec . 2 ,1905. ) Some rece::t types, especially the Peebles steam cdr. Sinclair, A. F. Rail no tor carriage. (Railv/ay and locomotive engineering ,v,u 9: 52-63; Feb. 1906.) Cochran's steam motor in ust on the i'orth of. Scotland railway, Ganz auto car for the Erie. (Railway and engineering review ,v,46: 173 ; Liar, 17,1906, ) Ganz motor car for Florida east coast railv/ay, (Railway and engineering reviev/,v,45 : 213 ; Mar 24, 1906 ) Steam motor car for India, (Railway c.nd engineering review, v, 46:239 ; Mar, 31, 1906. ) Coleman, F, C. Steam motor car f6r the Indian state railways, (Railv/ay age ,v. 41: 644-45 ; Apr .13 ,19-^6, ) Keller, A, Der eisenbahnnotorwagen der maschinenf abrik Esslingen, (Zeitschrift des vereines deutscher ingenieure ,v, 50i660-62 j June 2,1905,) A Nev; steam rail motor car,' (Railroad gazette ,v. 40: 598-600; June 8,1905,)' Designed by James T* Kalsey, Indian motor coach, (Railv/ay and engineering reviev/ ,v. 45 :428 ; June 9,1906,) A steam car, German state railways motor coach, ' (Railv/ay and engineering review,-/, 46: 415; June 9,1906.) \ Steam motor cars for the Canadian Pacific. (Railroad gazette ,v. 41: 57; Jul.20,1906. ) Designed by H, -II, Vaughan, Steam motor cars for the Canadian Pacific railway, (Railv/ay age ,v, 42 : 254-56 ; Aug. 31, 1906, ) Steam motor cars, (American engineer and railroad j ournal,v, 80 : 332-33 ; Sept, 1906,) A car recently put into service on the Canadian Pacific, Railway motor carriage; Milan exposition. (Engineering [London ],v, 82 : 319-20 ; ^ Sept . 7,1906. ) Types of steam cars in use on Austrian railv/ays. Steam motor coaches for the 'Buenos Ayres great southern. (Railroad gazette ,v, 39 : 247-48: Sept. 15, 1905. ) .- ci:rs---,i Boilers for motor c^rs; (Railway ae,v, 42:350-52; Sept 21 ,1906. ) Railway motor car* at the Milan exposition. (Railway and engineering reviev: , v.46: 737 ; Sep o.,^ ,190o. , Kobusch-Wagenhals steam motor car, (Railway age ,v,42 :384-&5 ; Sept. 28 ,190C . ) The Kobusch-V/agenhals steam motor coach, (Railway and engineering re v i ev: ,v,46: 748-49 ; Sept, 29 ,1906. ) Built by the St. Louis car company. The Kobusch-Y/agenhals steal./ motor car. (Railroad gazette ,v. 41: 239-90 ; Oct. 5, 1906.) Hechanical details cf Kobusch-V/agenhals steam motor coach. (Railway and engineering review, v.46: 772 j Oct. 6, 1906,) Bavarian rail motor-coach* (Engineer [London], v102 : 380 ; Oct. 12 ,1906. ) Description cf a steam coach and its equipment. Steam motor cars for the London & south western. (Railroad gazette ,v. 41: 364 ; Oct .26 ,1905. ) Steam motor-car for the Lancashire and Yorkshire railway. (Engineering [London] ,v. 82 : 591 ; Nov. 2, 1006.) Lake, Charles S. Recent steam rail motor cars. (Mechanical engineer [Manchester, E n gland], v. 18: 793-95; Dec. 3, 1904.) Describes type in which the engine is a separate unit instead of being mounted upon the frame v;ith the car body. The Kobusch-T/agenhals steam motor coach, ' (Scientific American supplement ,v. 62: 25886-85 ; Dec. 22 ,1906. ) Built by the American car company* Lake, Charles S. English motor car locomotive, (Railway and engineering review ,y.47: 11 | Jan. 5, 1907.) A German motor car. ' (Railroad gazette ,v. 42:169-70 ; Feb,8,1907) A steam car for the Bavarian state railways. Boilers for railway motor cars. (Boiler maker ,v. 7: 69-72 ; Liar. 1907.) The more successful types in use in Great Britain. Motor coaches for Intercolonial railway, ' (Railway and engineering review, v, 47:198 J Mar. 16, 1907. ) Steam cars under construction, Ganz steam motor car for the Rock Island, (Railroad gazette ,v. 42 :451 ; Mar . 29 .1907. ) Hot or car s --12 Stear; ...ctcr car for the ?.ock Island, (Street railway journal, v. 29:557; ;Iar .30 ,1S07. } by the R.iiiv/ay auto car company. Ganz stea::. motor c;a- icr the Chicago, Rock Island '& Pacific railroad, (American e:: ineor and r-ilroad journal, v. 81:141; Apr. 1907.) Lake, Charles S. Recent stea:.. motor cars in Great Britain. (American engineer and railroad j ournal,v. 31 : 134-35 ; Apr. 1907.) Ganz steam motor coacl:. for the Chicago, Reck Island 6 Pacific railway. (Railway and engineering review, v. 47:2^2 ; Apr. 6, 1907. ) " r agenhals, Y/. G. The steam motor coach in interurban Service. (Railway and engineering revie-7/,v*47: 3S5 J I/lay 4,1907.) Also in Street railv/ay j ournal,v, 29 : 598-95 ; Apr20,1907. Froiu a paper before the IoT/a street and interurban railv/ay as oo c i at i on , Apr .19,1907- Steai:; railv/ay notor coach, East Indian rail'.vay. (Engineer [London j,v. 103 : 660-61 ; June 23,1907.) Ganz steain motor car for the Erie. (Railv;ay age ,v. 44: 12-13 j Jul.5,1907.) Guillery, C. Neuere dampfv/agen von F.X.Komaret in Y. T ien (Glasers annalen fur gewerbe und "pau\vesen,-v 61: 21-27; Jul.15,1907, ) Intercolonial builds motor coaches* ' (Railv/ay and engineering review, v, 47: 800-01 ; Sept .14,1907. ) Steam car built in the company's shops * Austrian motor coach for Italy* (Railv/ay and engineering review,*/, 47: 784; Sept.7,1907 ) Ganz steam motor car for the Intercolonial. (Railroad gazette ,v. 43: 356 ; Sept. 27, 1907. ) Motor cars for the Intercolonial railv/ay of Canada. (Railv/ay age ,v. 44:450 J Sept. 27, 1907. ) Steam motor cars. (American engineer and railroad journal, v, 81: 391-93 ; Oct. 1907.) Cars recently put in service on the Intercolonial railv/ay, New motor coaches on Intercolonial railv/ay, (Railv/ay and engineering reviev/,v, 47:873 ; Oct. 5, 1907.) Ganz steam cars. Railroad gazette [Editorial]. The steam motor and steam tramway, (Railroad gazette ,v. 29 : 748 ; Oct. 22 ,1907. ) _ -:- I:. * . . : . : *. ., . Motor cai-3--13 Steam mc^or cars or. the Intercolonial railr:..iy . Canada, (Engineering ne\vs ,-.- 5:-5v5-77; Dec. 19 S I907. } Compound steam mo-': or car for the" Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific* (Railroad age gazette ,v 45 : 2G8 ; June 19,1908,) Euilt by the Airier lean locomotive company, A Steam motor coach, Chicngd, Rock Island & Pacific railway. (Engineering ne"/s , v. GO : 53 ; Ju.l..l5 ,1908. ) Built by the A;..ieri3an locomotive company. Compound, superheated. stVnz. me to:* car. (American ei: ? ;inobr ai.d railroad j ourrai , v,JB2 : 293-9 5; Aug. 1908.) Car for the Rock Island, built by the American locomotive company. Steam motor car for the Rock Island. (Railroad age gazette ,-.45: 961-64 ; Sept ,13 ,1908. ) by the American locomotive company. Von Littrov/, Herman 3. 'team cars and special 1 locomotives for railways of light traffic Engineering news ,v, 60: b85-86; Oct. 8, 1908,) Abstract of paper read before the International street rail^av union. J The Maffei steam motor coach* (Scientific American s .ipplenent ,v. 67: 305-06 ; May 15,1909.) Car fo. % the Bavarian state railways, Buchholz, B. Hundert pferdiger damp? triehwa.gen der Kannoverschen' maschinebau -A.G. (Zeitschri.ft dss vereinos deutscher in^enieure ,v. 53 :1090-93 ; Jul.10 ,'1909 The Hannover machine company's stoain car. Superheated steam locomotives* (Scientific American supplement ,v u 68 : 328 ; Nov. 20 ,1909 .) Description of tv;o German motor cars. The Kinetic motor, (Railroad gazette ,v.?l : 827; Dec. 1,1909.) A steam motor car,, Motor bus and motor car service, Great western rail\vay, England. (Railway and engineering review, v, 50: 61-62 ; Jan. 15, 1910. ) Rail motor car vs. motor train. (Railway news [Condon] ,v. 101 : 589 ; Mar .28 ,1914. ) Present tendency in 'England is toward the development of motor trains rather than motor cars. Motor cars--14 Electric. Fisdinger, E G, Ver3uch A ahrten uit einen akkumulatorentfagen mit nebenschlussmotoren und einen neuen steuerav,perat. (Elsktrotechniscre seitschrif t ,v 1S : 187-91; Mar. 24, 2 398. ) Storage battery cars v/ith shunt motors. Storage battery cars on standard gage railroads in Germany, (Railroad gazette ,v, 32 : 156-57 ; Liar ,9 ,1900. } Electric rail-autocar for North' eastern raiT.v/ay. (Engineer in,; [londo-J ,v. 77 : 567-68 ; Apr % 22 ,1904. ) Zehme, E. C. Akkumulatorenbetriebe ein vcrortsverkhr auf hav.pteisentahnen, (Elektrotechnische ceitschrift, v. 28: 791-05; Aug. 1907.) Storage battery cars on branch lines* Furst, K. Die -akkumulatorenv/agen der eisen'oahndirektion 1 Mainz . (Elektrotechnische ze itschrift ,v. 29 : 39-92 ; Jan.13,1908. ) Giesler, A, The accumulator-car traffic on the Palantinate ' railv/ays. (International railv/ay congress, Bulletin, v. 22: 775-89 j Jul.1908.) Accumulator cars for the Prussian state railways. (Electric railv/ay j ,v. 32 : 993 ; Oct .14,1908, ) Dubois, Louis. A railv/ay accumulator car. (Electrician [London], Cct.l 6, 1908. ) Car for the Prussian state railways. Ak 1 at oren doppelv;agen der preuasischen staatsbahnen. (Elektrotechnische ze itschr if t ,v,29 ! 1051-54; Oct. 29', 1908. ) Accumulator cars en the Prussian state railv/ays, and' their operating results. Konsch, D. Akkumulatordoppel\vagen der preussischen staatsbahn-verv/altung. (Glasers annalen gev/erbe und bauv/esen, v.63: 184-88; Hoy. 1,1008.) Description of a storage battery car to accommodate -one hundred passengers. Accumulator cars for the Prussian, state railv/ays. (Tramv/ay and railv/ay v/orld ,v. 24:453-67; Dec. -3 ,1908. ) Electrical quipraent of accumulator cars for the Prussian state railv/ays. (Electric railway j curnal,v, 32 : 1510-11 ; Dec. 5, 1908.) Accumulator cars of the Prussian state railv/ays. (Electrician [London], Dec, 15 ,1908. ) c ai* c- ~ - 1 c Honsch, D. , and Mattersciorf i ,w". Die akkumulator-doppeiY.'agen der preussischen staatsoahn-verv/altung. (Zeitschriit des deutscher ingenieure ,v. 53 : 01-09 ;Feb . 5 ,1909 Accumulator cars for the Pr MS si an state railv/ays. Becker, H, AiEiiululator-clpppelwagen fiir die preussischen stautsbahne verwaltung. (Eiektrische kraftbet^iebe and bahnen, v. 7:265-72 ;. Llay 14,1909.) Accumulator cars for the Prussian state railways, Triebv/agenverkohr aud den ^reussisch-hessischen' staastbahnen, (Eiektrische kraf tbetriebe und bahnen, v, 7:261-55; lls.y 3:4,1909,) The v /ork of accumulator cars. Van Langendonck, C, Accumulator railv/ay cars for the Prussian state railv/ays, (Railway age gazette ,v, 47:1233-34 ; Dec, 24, 1909, ) E'iittner, M. Tiber akkumu later en fur eisenbahn-triebv/agen, (Eiektrische kraf tbetriebe und bahnen ,v, 8:210-16 ; Apr. 14, 1910, ) Extension of the use of accumulator cars, Motor cars on the Prussian government railv/ays, (Electric railv/ay j curnal ,v,35:1070 ; June 18,1910.) Storage battery car described. La Traction par accumulators. (L'Electricien, v, 20:373-77; Dec. 8, 1910. ) Tests on German accumulator cars, ' (Electric railv/ay journal, v .'37:21; Jan. 7, 1911.) Independent motor cars in Germany. ' (Electric railv/ay journal, v. 38 : 1165; Dec, 2, 1911.) Storage battery cars on the Prussian railv/ays. Railway and engineering review [Editorial], Motor cars in Germany. (Railv/ay and engineering review, v, 52;98-99 ; Feb. 3, 1912.) Storage battery cars on steam railways. (Railway master mechanic ,v. 37: 181-82 ; lay, 19 13.) Beach storage battery -car as used on the Chicago great western and the Tanana valley railv/ays. . .otor ca.'^--I6 C-aocli::c. and Mixed -..v stems. i c ii motor ^ on "one Penooscot Cen^rs.!* (Railv/ay and engine b.- in rvi sw,v. 38 : 561 ; Mov.26 ,it. t 8 . ) A gas-electric car. A Gasoline motor car* (Railroad gazette ,v. 31: 313 j Ma.y 5,1899.) Je'.vett ^ a30 li'-ie c ,r, direct drive, Gasoline car 3 i'cr interuroa:. service. (Street rail-ay j ou.'nal ,v. 22 : 5C4; Sept .19 ,1903 .) For the Tabor & northern railway [lo'.vaj, built "07 -the Chicago iviotor vehicle coiupany. Motor cars on the Y r -;.rtev;iour state rail-vays. (Railroad gazette ,v. 36: 98 ; Feo,5,1904.} gasoline L.otor car, direct drive. Railroad ^azevce [Editorial";. Railroad automobiles alid electri Ti.c at ion, (Railroad gazette ,v. 36: 327-28 ; Apr .29 ,19^4. ) ilotor cars for bavarian railv-ays, ' (Railway and engineering reviev/, v. 44:339 ; T.ay 7,1904.) Railroad gazette [Editorial]. Rail auto-cars, (Railroad gazette ,v, 37: 37 ; June 24,190-:.) Ilotor cars are desirable for branch line service. Motor cars for light passenger traffic on steam railways. (Engineering, v. 52:317-20; Oct. 13,1904. ) Motor cars in Europe and the United States. A Petrol car for railways. (Tranrc/ay and railv/ay v/orld ,v,17: 23-2 5 ; Jan. 12, 1905. ) Dick-Kerr motor car on the Great northern railv/ay, England. Potter, V r , 5, Developments in electric traction, (Hew York railroad club, v.l 5: 111-38 ; Jan, 20 ,1905. ) Discussion, p. 138-57. Abstract, Railroad gazette ,v. 38: 74-7S ; Jan. 27 ,1905. Describes a car be ins built by the General electric company, Guarinin, Smile, The heaviest gasoline propelled vehicle in the world. (Rail\vay and locomotive engineer ing, v. 13 : 88-89 ; Feb. 1905.) Gas-electric motor cars en the No-rth eastern railv/ay, England. Gasoline locomotives and cars for railroads, (Scientific American supplement ,v. 59 : 24349-50 ; Feb. 18 ,1905. ) Describes experimental cars in Ireland. t I Ilotcr cars--17 The Union Pacific gasoline Rioter c v ar. (Railroad gazette ,v . b6: 200 ; i.iar.10 ,1905. ) The first car built by vr .R.iicKeen , ir . , in the Union Pacific shops at Omaha. Barbier, F. Emploi das voitureS automobiles .sur les lignes de chemins de fer. (Se' civil, v.^5:3l-2:j ::ar< 1? , 100 5 3 o nn i n , R . Automotrice a Ciamier. (Revue technique, liar .2 5 , 1905. ) A motor car propelled by a EfifeLler motor. Self-propelled passenger coach. (Automobile ,v. 12 : 435-35 ; Apr. 1,1905. ) The first IIcKeen car. The Gasoline -electric motor car. (Rail\vay .age ,v .39 : 583-34 j Apr. 7, 1905.) Built by F.I'i. Hicks cb company, Chicago, for the St. Joseph valley traction company. A New gasoline electric motor car. (Railway and engineering review, v 45: 246-47; Apr. 3, 1905.) Built by F. I... Hicks and company, Gasoline electric motor . car for the St. Joseph valley traction company. (Railroad gazette ,v. 38: 380-81 ; Apr. 21 ,1905. ) Built by F.i;. Hicks u company. Gasoline electric motor car' for the Chicago & Alton railroad* (Railroad gazette ,v. 38:694-95; June 15,1905.) Built by ;fche Gas-electric car company, Chicago. The Union Pacific gasoline motor car. (Railroad gazette ,v. 39 : 14 ; ' Jul.7,1905. ) Account of the -operation of motor car no.l, built by Y r .R.McKeen. Gasoline motor car, Union Pacific railroad. (Railv/ay and engineering review, v, 45: 504; Jul.8,1905.) The first HcKeen car, "/ith some .account of its performance. Union Pacific motor car number one! (Railvay master mechanic ,v. 29 : 274-79 ; Aug. 1905.) The first Lie Keen car. / High pov/er English gasoline motors for driving American locomotives. (Scientific American supplement ,v. 60: 24757; Aug. 12,1905.; Motors for General-electric motor cars. American gasoline raili/ay mot or 'cars. (Scientific American ? v. 107: 157-58 ; Aug. 26 ,1905. ) Motor cars--16 Gasoline motor car number- 2, Union Pacific railroad, (Railway and engineering review, v. 45: 720-21 ; Oct.?, 1905* ) Second car of the McT'een type. Large gasoline engine for railway motor cars. (Raiiv.-ay and engineering reviev/ ,v. 45: 833-34; Nov. 25 ,1905. ) A ne\v motor car on the North eastern railway, England. A One hundred horsepower, two-cycle, air-cooled motor, (Automobile, v. 13: 519-20; Dec. 7, 1905.) Chicago & Alton motor car. . (Rair.vay age, v. 41:20; Jan. 5 ,1906. ) A car of the Me Keen type. Motor cars on the Harriman lines. (Railway age -,v. 41:161; Jan. 26 ,1905. ) Cars of the McXeen type. The Delaware Hudson gasoline car. (Railway age ,v. 41: 218-19 ; Feb.9,1906.) Built by the General electric company. Motor car for the Be lav/are Hudson company. (Railway and engineering reviev/, v. 46: 94; Feb. 10 ,1906. ) Built by the General electric company. Delay/are Hudson gas-electric car. (Street railway j ournal ,v. 47:247-48 ; Feb. 10, 1906. ) Built by the General 'electric company, Railroad gazette [Editorial], Another rail motor cari (Railroad gazette ,v. 40:149-70 ; Feb. 23 ,1906. ) Comment on the development of gasoline-electric cars, The Strang gasoline-electrid motor car. (Railroad gazette ,v. 40 :188-89 ; Feb.23 ,1905. ) Built by the J.C-. Brill company. The Strang gasoline-electric car, (Railway age ,v. 41: 284-85; Feb .23 ,1906. ) Strang gas-electric railway motor.' car. (Street railway j ournal, v. 27: 359-50; Mar. 3, 1906.) The Strang electric motor car. (Railway and engineering review, v. 46:162 ; Mar. 10, 1905. ) Lake shore & Michigan southern railroad, (Street railway j ournal, v. 27:428-29; Mar .17,1906. ) Its first gasoline-electric car, built by the G.C.Kuhlman Co. ,.... ; - - ' - . ~ ( j < " ^ '.. - ; r. .. " - . ; - ^ - ' \ - ; - ' - -' * . . , 7 'ctor car 3-- 19 De lav/are & Hudson gasoline -sj.ectric laotor car. (Railroad gazette ,v.40 : 9 3 [general news section]; Liar .30 ,1906. ) Trial trips of car built by the General electric company. Gasoline electric car for the Luke shore. (Railway a^e ,v,41: 525 ; Apr. 5,1906.) Built by C i .C.Kuhl..;;r,n cc~ipany. New "nion Pacific motor coach.. ( Ra i Ivray and e ng 5 nee r-i :n^ re v i evv , v . 4 6 : 2 79 ; Ap r . 14 ,1006.) A car of the IicKeen -type . Union Pacific motor c'^r liui^brr seven. (Railroad gazette ,v. 40: -ilO ; Apr .20 ,1905, ) The seventh McKeen car. Electric auto cars - North eastern railway CSr.glandj. (Railroad gazette ,v. 36 : 324-35 ; Apr . 29 ,1904. ) A gas-electric car equipped .. ith the Y/olseley motor. Union Pacific L'.otor car number seven. (Railv;ay age ,v. 41: 750-51; i-iay 4,1905.) The seventh ICcKeen car. Hild, F. T, r . The gasoline car for "suburban service, (Railroad gazette ,v. 40: 556-60 ; June 1,1906.) Data on performance of steari trains, electric cars and gas- electric r;0"uor cars, from a paper before the lev/ a street and interurban railway association, June 2,1905. Abstract, Railway and engineering review, v. 46: 399-400 ; June 2,1906 A Petrol-electric rail motor car. (Tramv/ay and railway \vorld ,v. 19 : 541-43 ; June 7,1906.) A car built by De Dion Bouton, Ltd. Kirzko, Jarornir. Benzinelektrische selbstfahrer iin eisenbahnbetr iebe. (Zeitschrift des oesterreischen ingenieur und architekten vereines, v. 58:346-52; June 8,1906.) Gasoline motor cars for railroad use. (Railroad gazette ,v. 40: 605-06 ; June 8,1906.) Ilotor cars for branch lines. McKeen, W. R. Gasoline motor cars. (Railroad gazette ,v.40: 653-54; June 15,1906.) Operation of HcKeen cars on the Union Pacific. Kerzog, S. Automotrices a essence de ptrole pour voie ferre*e norinale. (Gnie civil, v. 49 : 167; Jul.14,1906. ) Motor cars--21 Strang motor car on its way from Philadelphia to Kansas City. ( age ,v,42 :23 1; Aug. 17, 190 o. ) Stran^ gasoline-electric cat performance, (Railroad gazette ,v, 4.1:266 ; Sept .2C ,1906, ) i Union Pacific motor car number eight. (Railway and engineering rev lev: ,v,46: 8CO-81 ; Ncv,10 , 1905. } Car of the McHeen ty\.e. Union' Pacific motor car number eight. (Railroad gazette ,v. 41:4,37-38 ; Nov. 15 ,] 905. ) Benzolelectric rail motor cars in Hungary. (Railroad gazette ,v. 4-2:220; Feb. 15, 1907. ) HcKeen, Y 7 . R. , jr. Gasoline motor cars for railway service, ' (New York railroad club, Proceedings ,v, 17 : 659-83 ; Apr. 19 ,1907. ) Discussion, p. 683-702, Comment, Railway age, v. 43: 678; Apr. 2^6,1907, Abstract, Railroad gazette ,v. 42: 778->"S"0; June ' 7 .1907. ) Abstract, Railway and engineering reviev/, v. 47: 361-63 ; Apr. 27, 197, vith editorial comment, p. 364. Nev/ Delaware Hudson motor car.. (Railway and engineering reviev/, v. 47: 612 ; Jul.13 ,1907. ) Me Keen, Y. r . R , , jr. ?uel consumption of gasoline motor cars. (Railroad gazette ,v, 43:116; Aug. 2, 1907.) Union Pacific gasoline motor cars. (Railroad gazette ,v.4rb : 199-200 ; Aug. 23 ,1907. ) The operation of He Keen cars. Union Pacific gasoline 1:0 tot car test, (Railroad gazette ,v, 43:242 ; Aug. 30,1907.) Ho tor car distances a flier, ' (Railway and engineering reviev/, v. 47: 7!"
(Electric railv/ay .journal, v. 33 : 2 52; Feb. 6, 1909.)
Progress in gasoline motor cars.
(Electric railway j ournal,v. 33:473 ; liar. 13 ,1909 .)
iicKeen motor car for the Atchison, Topeka' C: Santa Fe railv/ay.
(Railv/ay and engineering reviev/,v,49 : 375; Apr. 24, 1909. )
Stover gasoline motor car.
(Railroad age gazette ,v, 46:955 ; Apr. 30 ,1909 ,)
A twenty-six passenger car for branch line service on the
Rock Island.
t (
Ilctor cars--23
New Stover motor car.
\,Raili.v;ay and engineer in;,; rev lev.' ,y, 49 : 4.15 ; Hay -3,1909,)
A tv/enty-f ive passenger car for the Rock Island,
A Nev/ gasoline motor car for Inter urban service,
.(Electric railv/ay journal,*/. 33:510-11; i.Iay -15,1909* )
A car for the lock Island.
A Ne T v type of gasoline-electric car;
(Electric railv/ay journal ,v. 33 :983-84; Hay 29,1909,)
The General electric company's car.
General electric gas-electric car.
(Railroad age gazette ,v. 45 :1451-52 ; June 23,1909.)
The Petrol-electric system of traction.
(Tramvay and railv/ay world, v. 26:17-21; Jul, 8,1900.)
Lei: or cars on the Continent.
llctor cars on the St, Joseph Grand Island.
(Railroad age gazette ,v. 47:252 ; Aug. 6,1909.)
IlcKeen cars.
I'lclieen motor cars.
(Railway and engineering review, v. 49 : 718-19 ; Aug7,1909.)
I/IcKeen motor cars for Oregon short line railroad,
(Railv/ay and engineering revie7. r ,v.49 : 798 ; Sept. 4, 1909 .)
Gasoline motor car for the Pennsylvania railroad.
(Railway and engineering rev lev; ,v.49 : 946 ; Oct. 23 ,1909 .)
Built by Fairbanks-Morse.
Gasoline motor car for the Pennsylvania railroad.
(Electric\vay j ournal.v. 39 : 911-12 ; Oct. 23 ,1909. }
A Fairbanks-Morse car for branch line service.
Gasoline-electric motor car for th6 Southern railv/ay.
(Electric traction v/eekly ,v. 5: 1236 ; Nov. 6, 1909.)
Built by the General electric company.
Fairbanks, Horse company's motor car.
(Railroad age gazette ,v. 47: 998; Nov. 19 ,1909 .)
Built for the Pennsylvania railroad.
LIcKeen motor car for the Norfolk / Southern.
(Railroad age gazette ,v.47L1194; Dec. 17, 1909 .)
Van Langendonck, G.
Railv/ay motor car for Siami
(Railroad age gazette ,v. 47: 1194; Dec. 17,1909 .)
Fairbanks-Morse gasoline motor cars.
(Electric traction v/eekly ,v. 6 : 19 ; Jan, 1,1910.)
; .-'..*. ' ' ,
Motor cars--24r,
Armstrong, A. H
Recent electric railway progress.
(Electric railv/ay j carnal ,v.?5: 3-9 ; Jan. 1,1910.)
Gasoline cars, p. 9 4
The development of -gasoline-electric cars.
Gasoline passenger car, Toc\Le valley railway,
(Railv/ay and engineering rev lev; ,v. 50: 1 ; Jan. 1,19 10. )
Built by Fairbanks-Horse*
Me Keen : otcr car,-;,
(Railv/ay and engineering reviec/ ,v. 50 : 41; Jan. 3, 1910.)
V r ith list of roads ordering L'IcXeen cars during 1909.
Large gasoline motor car for the Oregon short line railv/ay,
(Engineering news ,v. 63: 69-70; Jan. 20 ,1910 ,)
Gas-electric motor car for the Southern railv/ay,
(Railway and engineering review ,v. 50 : 89-90; Jan. 22 ,1910. )
Built by the General electric company.
Gasoline-electric cars for Southern ' railv/ay.
(Electric railv/ay j ournai ,v. 35:202 ; Jan. 29 ,1910. )
Built by the Genera], electric company.
Gas-electric motor car for the' Southern.
(Railv/ay age gazette ,v. 45:285-86; Feb. 4, 1910.)
A General electric car.
H. , G.M.
Local passenger traffic. '
(Railv/ay age .gazette ,v. 48: 937-38 ; Apr. 3, 1910.)
Gas-electric motor cars the thing for local service.
Gas-electric motor cars.
(Railv/ay and engineering reviev/, v. 23 : 193 ; May, 1910.)
Gars for the Southern railv/ay, built by the General electric Co.
Benzol-elektrische triebv/agen.
(Zeitschrift des vereines deiitscher ingenieure, v, 54: 898-99 ;May 28,
New cars for the Prussian state railways.
Gasoline passenger car.
(Railv/ay age gazette ,v. 48: 1609 ; June 17, 1910* )
Fairbanks-Morse car for the St. Tammany & New Orleans railv/ay.
Freight and passenger railv/ay ' using gasoline motor cars.
(Engineering record ,v. 62:291-92 ; Sept. 10 ,1910. )
The Charles City western railway, Canada^ *L
Results v/ith gasoline motor cars.
(Railv/ay age gazette ,v. 49 :974; Nov. 18 , 1910. )
Account of their operation on the Northern Pacific.
I 1
- ;
:.;"'' . .
Direct, drive gasoline car.
(Electric railway journal ,v ? 7: 641; Apr. 8, 1911.)
Patented by Louis 3. May, Her York.
Gas-electric car fcr Buffalo, Rochester Pittsburgh.
(Railway a-e gazette, v. 50:1091-92; May 5,1911.)
Built by the General electric company.
Gas-electric car for Buffalo, Rochester Pittsburgh ai railway.
(Electric railway j ournal , v37 : 307 ; May 6,1911.)
Built by the General electric company.
Gasoline motor car for Tulsa, Oklahoma.
(Electric railway journal ,v. 37:926 ; Kay 27,1911.)
I.IcKeen car for the Sand Springs interurban railv/ay.
Gasoline motor car for Alaska.
(Electric raiiv/ay journal, v. 37:984; June 3,1911,)
.irbanks '- "."orse car for the Alaska northern railroad,
Hesser, M.
Selbstf ahrender ber.z in-elektr ischer beleuchtungsv/agen.
(Elektrische krai tbetriebe und bahnen ,v. 9 : 329-34; June 14,1911.)
Benzine-electric car used for lighting tunnel and night work.
Gasoline electric motor car,
(Railway age gazette ,v. 50:152:3; June 21,1911.)
The General electric company's car.
Potter, V. r . B.
Gas-electric cars.
(Electric railway journal ,v. 38 :41; Jul. 1,1911.)
Abstract cf paper before the Street railv/ay association of the
'state of Hew York, June 27-28,1911.
Drake, Francis E.
Gasoline-electric traction in Europe.
(Electrical world ,v, 58 : 217-19 ; Jul. 22 ,1911, )
Large gas-electric no tor cars*
(Electric railway journal, v. 38: 163 ; Jul. 22 ,1911. )
General electric- company's cars on -the Frisco s3-stem.
Seventy-foot gas-electric motor cars.
(American engineer and railroad j ournal ,v8 5 : 353-54; Sept. 1911.)
Cars for the Frisco system, built by 'the General electric company.
Petrol-electric railway motor' car.
(Engineer [Lonacn] ,v. 112 : 32-33 ; Aug. 4 ,1911. )
Thomas system car built for use in South Africa.-
Gas-electric car for .. San Francisco railroad.
(Electric railway journal, v. 38 ; 287-88; Aug. 12 ,1911. )
General Electric company's cars on the Frisco -system.
..otor cars-- 5
The Log of a gasoline-electric car. Complete operating a ^ d transportation
statistics of a llev; York city experiment with this type of self-
contained car.
(Electric railway j ournal ,v. 38: 490-92 ; Sept. 23 ,1911, )
Editorial comment, p4-G4,
Gasoline car for Dutch rr ent Indes' .'
(Electric railway j ourn i] ,v.2S : 673 ; 5ct.7,191lO
Built by Sidney, Straker & Squire, London.
gasoline car.
(Electric railway journal, ^38:668; Oct. 7, 3911.)
Built by the Railv/ay motor car corporation for the Schuylkill
t: Dauphin traction company,
Gasoline car number two at Point Shirley.
(Electric railway journal ,v, 38 : 9 59 ; Oct. 28 ,1911. )
Designed by K.rl.Ridgley.
Gasoline-electric cars in Europe.
(Electric railv/ay j ournal ,v.3 : 1002 ; Fov.4 ,1911. )
Built by the British V r sst inghouse company.
Gasoline motor car.
(Railway age gazette ,v. 51: 1281-92 ; Dec. 22 ,1911. )
Hall-Scott car for the lie v ad a copper belt.
hcKeen, . R. , jr.
lie tor cars in collision. '
(Railway age gazette ,v. 51:1267; Dec. 22 ,1911. }
Results of collision of two McKeen cars.
Gasoline motor cars for the Victorian railways, Australia.
(Electric railway j ournal , v. 38 : 1285 ; Pec .23 , 1911. )
Built by the KcKeen motor car company,
Steel motor cars in collision,
(Railway and engineering review ,v. 51: 1129 ; Dec. 30 , 1911. )
Head-on collision between two licKeen cars.
Gasoline-electric car for Prussian state railways*
% (Electric railway journal, v. 39 : 34-35, Jan, 6, 1912.)
Pail motor cars in Canada and the United States.
(Railway and engineering review, v. 52 : 520 ; Mar. 2, 1912.)
Brief description of the principal types in use.
Petrol-electric car for suburban traffic, Great central railv/ay.
(Railway gazette [London], Apr . 12 ,1912. )
A Ne\v gas-electric car.
(Canadian engineer ,v. 22 : 577-78 ; Apr .2 5 ,1912. )
Built by the General electric company for the Canadian Northern.
l,iotur car3~-27
lie Her, A*
Benz oleloktr : sche e i senhahn-iroi orwagen.
(Zeiischrift des vereincs deutscher ingenieure ,v. 52 : 650-57;
Apr. ^ 7, 19 12.)
A new type of car for the Prussian railways,
Dodd, S. T.
General electric company ' s gas-electric motor car.
(Electric railv/ay j ournal ,v. 39 : 746-47 ; Hay 4,1912.-)
Gas-electric cars for the Frisco a
(Railway age gazette ,v, 52 : 1128-29 ; May 17,1912.)
Built by the General electric company.
Gas-electric motor cars for the Frisco system.
(Electric railway journal ,v. 39:837; May 13,1912.)
Built by the General electric company.
Gasoline-electric motor cars for the Frisco system.
(Railway and engineering review, v. 52 : 521; June ,1912.)
Built by the General electric company.
Gas-electric motor car,
(Railway age gasette ,v. 52 : 1324-25 ; June 13,1912.)
Built by the General electric company.
Gas-electric car for Frisco line*
(Electric railway journal ,v. 39 : 1046 ; June 15,1912.)
Built by the General electric company.
Motor car for heavy grades.
(Railway-age gazette, v. 53:123-24; Jul.19 ,1912. )
A Fairbanks-Morse car.
Motor car service on the Pittsburgh d Lake Erie.
(Railway age gazette ,v. 53 : 798-99 ; Oct .2 5,1912. )
Built by the General electric company.
Gas-electric train for Pittsburgh suburban service.
(Electric railway j ournal ,v. 40 :887-88 ; Oct. 19 ,1912 .)
Discussion, p. 778-336.
Gars on the Pittsburgh & Lake orie, built by the General
electric company.
Gas-electric cars for Missouri! Oklahoma Julf.
(Railway age gazette ,v. 53 : 928-29 ; Nov ,12,19-12 )
Built by the Drake railway automotrice company.
Drake gasoline-electric car in Oklahoma,
(Electric railway journal, v. 40: 1035-36; Nov. 16, 1912. )
For the Missouri, Oklahoma & feul^ railway.
Gas-electric motor cars.
(Railway and engineering review, v. 52 : 1102-03 ; Nov. 30 , 1912. )
,r c arc--
Exhibition run of Lr-\ke . : 3-e3 -3ctr ic car.
(Railway age gazette ,v. S3: :.<;21; Dec. 20, 1912. )
st run of automat rice.
(Electric railway ;, v. 40:12 i6; Dec. 21, 1912. )
Trial run oa a D-T.ko car from St. Lou is to Chicago.
He ge Teacher, Marcel.
Automotrices pe'irole's --' eotriques , systsme PI. Fieper.
(G^iiie civil, v.52 :2'J.L- 03 ; Jan, 11 ,191;%. )
The Pieper rioter car.
iJs.rrov:-gsge gasoline cars fcr Australia.
(Electric rr il-v&y j curr-ai ,v. 41: 158-59 ; Jan. 25, 1913. )
Built by the ivlcKsen .^ctor car company.
LIcKeen narrow gage zaotor cirs fcr the Queensland railv/ays, Australia.
(Railv/ay and engineering review,*/. 53:100; Feb. 1,1913.)
! T arrov, gasoline motor;
(Railv/ay art gazette ,v. 54: i.42-43 ; Feb. 7,1013.)
Xeen cars fcr the Queensland government rr.ilv/aya, Australia,
Gas-electric motor cars for the Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound railway.
(Electric rr.ilray jourr al ,v.-ll : 295 ; Feb. 15,1913. )
Built "07 the General ^Lactric company.
Gas-electric uotcr cars on the Chicago, I'lil'vaukee & Puget Sound railway.
(Railway and engineering revie\v,v. 53:160; Feb. 22 ,1913. )
I.Cctor cars on Chicago, liilv.-^ukce