California gional 3ility AN ACCOUNT MSE ANB PROGRESS OF THE Subscription Library AT Established 6th December, 1775. HULL: PRINTED BY WILLIAM RAWSOK, LOWGATE. 1810. AN ACCOUNT, &c. H E Inftitution of Public Libraries in Provincial Towns, has of late years become a frequent occurrence, and it will hardly be denied that they have contributed moft materi- ally to that diffusion of fcience, literature and general knowledge, of which the inhabitants of this country fo juflly value the pofleffion. The facilities to the attainment of a refpeclable degree of information, which they afford to a large clafs of people, have been fenfibly felt wherever they have been established ; and probably in no place more than in the Town of HULL, where urgent commercial avocations neceffarily deprive many of the leifure to purfue an extenfive courfe of reading, or of the power to felet fuch literary food as may be beft fuited to their wants. Many alfo there are, whom circumftances prevent from procuring a Hock of books, the knowledge of which may be neceffary to them ; and even the mere opulent and learned, on whofe fhelves the beft productions find a place, acknowledge the utility B 1 of of a Public Library, where they can confult fucti works, as, from their extent, or for other reafons, are not calculated for a private collection. Nor must we overlook the great advantages derived by fociety from the folid and ufeful learning inftilled into the minds of young perfons, who are thus provided with an eafy accefs to what is fuitable, and withdrawn from the temptation to a practice, moft pernicious in its coniequences, that of read- ing profane and impure books. There is no need of further enlargement. If a Public Library does afford fuch benefits, and that it does, appeal may be made to the experience of the former claffes, and to the parents of the the latter ; furely it cannot be wholly unintereft- ing, to record the progreffive fleps by which the one immediately under our notice has rilen to its prefent refpeftable rank ; nor irrelevant, to refcue from oblivion the names of thofe, whofe nclive minds formed the plan of an Inftitution, which muft be confidered as a valuable bequefi from them, and for which the time is now arrived to pay the debt of gratitude to their memory. Setting out on a fmall fcale, the original pro- moters of the Hull Subfcription Library certainly did not anticipate its iubfequent flourishing ftate. Its foundation, indeed, was principally owing to the exertions of a finglc individual, the late Mr. Mr. THOMAS LEE.* In the year 1775, Mr. Francis Taylor having fuggefted to him the praclicabi- lity of fuch an eftablimment, Mr. Lee communi- cated his fentiments refpecling a Public Library, to Mr. Benjamin Pead, Mr. Richard Baker, and fome others of his friends, who cordially approved of, and entered into his plan. Their number was foon increafed by the acceflion of fome of the principal inhabitants, and in the beginning of December, in the fame year, a general meeting was held, from which time mult be dated the commencement of the Inflitution. At this meeting fifty of the Subfcribersf were prefent, who proceeded to draw up a code of laws and regulations. It was refolved, that each perfon on becoming a fubfcriber, mould pay the fum of one guinea, and that the annual contribu- tion to the fund mould be fixed at twelve millings: that the concerns of the Library mould be en- trufted to the management of a yearly Committee of thirteen perfons, including a Prefident and Treafurer, who, with the Librarian, mould confti- tutc its Officers; and that a part of the houfe of Mr. Thomas Browne, Bookfeller, mould be hired for the purpofes of the Society. Mr. Browne was allowed ten guineas per annum for rent, coals, &c. in confideration of which he alfo acted as Librarian and Secretary. B 2 The * Partner in the houfe of Pead, Lee & Co. f For the Names of the original Subfcribcrs fee App. Xo. i. The Committee chofen at the above meeting, entered upon their office December 16, 1775.* On the firft Wednefday in December, 1776, the fecond annual general meeting was held, when it appeared that the Society had received an in- creafe of feveral Members ; and that day being the anniverfary of its foundation, the annual meeting has fince been fixed to be held on the lirft Wednefday in December every year. The Books in the poffefiion of the Society con- tinued to increafe in number until it was thought neceflary, in 1 777, to publifli a catalogue of them; nnd in 1778, their value was eftimated at SQQ, which fum was infured in the Sun Fire Office. From fuch fmall beginnings did the prefent Library take its rife. It was not, however, per- mitted to the Founder of it to live to fee it flourifti beyond the period now before us. In March, 1779, Mr. Thomas Lee died, but his zeal for the In&tution was evinced after his death : by his will he bequeathed ten pounds to it, which fum was paid into the hands of the Trea- furer, on the 14th of April in the fame year. At the annual meeting, December, 1 7 so, the Librarian's falary, including rent, was advanced to fifteen pounds; and a fum not exceeding two pounds per annum was appropriated to the pur- chafe of foreign books. At the annual meeting, December * For a Liil of the PreSdcnts and Treafurers from this timi, fee App. No, ^. December 1782, the price of admiflion was raffed to one guinea and a half; and at the fucceeding one, in December 1783, it was ftill further increafed to two guineas. The Librarian's allowance for falary and rent was alfo again ad- vanced, and fixed at ten pounds each per annum. But what particularly diftinguifhes the proceed- ings of this meeting, is a refolution in honour of the memory of the gentleman before mentioned ; it is as follows : " That a Seal of the fize of a half-crown be cut, t( under the direflion of Mr. Richard Baker, re- fe prefenting the likenefs of the late Mr. THOMAS " LEE, the Founder of this Library ; and that an ec impreffion of this feal be given to every Sub- " fcriber, as a Ticket to be fhewn to the Librarian, " when a book is taken out of the Library ; and " that the expence of the Seal mall not exceed /' ten guineas. " The Infcription round the Buft, HULL SUBSCRIPTION LIBRARY. " Under the Buft, THOMAS LEE, FOUNDER, 1775. " (Signed) RALPH DARLING, "President of the annual meeting, 1783." This feal was intended to have been cut from a portrait in the poffeffion of Mr. Baker ; but, for for ibine unknown reafon, it was never executed ;-. and the refolution remains, the laft memorial on the books of the Society, of its refpeclable Founder. A furplus of twelve pounds and three pence remaining in the hands of the Treafurer, in the year ending December 1784, the Com- mittee called a fpecial general meeting of the Subfcribers, " for the purpofe of confidering the " propriety of appropriating an annual fum / towards creeling a Library." A meeting was in confequence held on the 1 cth of January, 1785, Philip Holland, M. D. in the chair, at which it was rclblved, " That the fum of twelve pounds and three pence, the furplus of the fubfcription of the year 17S4-, be appropriated as a fund for the " purpofe of purchafing, erecting, or providing a " Library. "That the furplus of every future year's fub- '' fcription be laid up for the fame purpofe. " That the annual furplus may be placed out " by the Committee for the time being, in the " name of the Prefident, and any two others of " fuch Committee, upon real fecurity, or the " perfonal fecurity of any three perfons who ft may be willing to take the fame, and fliall be ap- t( proved of by fuch Committee, or in any of the " three Banks in Hull, which will accept thereof, f( and allow legal intereft for the fame/' At 9 At the annual meeting, December 1786, it was refolved, on the motion ofMr. Benjamin Metcalfe, that,, in addition to the then balance of twenty- one pounds feven millings and twopence, twenty pounds per annum mould be fet aiide for the fame purpofe ; and the value and number of the books having much increafed, the Committee, in 1791, caufed an additional fum of feven hun dred pounds to be infured on them, eftimating the property of the Society to be then worth one thouiand pounds. It was found alfo that the Library-room was not fufficiently capacious, upon which Mr. Browne propoied to add a new room to it, for an additional fum of eleven pounds, making a rent of twenty-one pounds in the whole, exclufive of his falary as Librarian, which re- mained at ten pounds. Thefe terms were acceded to at a fpecial general meeting in May 1791; and the next year the Librarian's falary was alfo aug- mented five pounds per annum. The annual furplus and vote of twenty pounds having accumulated fo as to amount to two hundred, the Subfcribers at the annual meeting in December 1794, resolved that that fum mould be invefted in the funds, in the names of RichardBaker and John Norman Crosse : this was accordingly done, and the furplus of each fucceeding year was regularly difpofed of in the fame manner, under the denomination of the building fund.* In * For a ftatement of the progrefsof this fund, fee App. No. 3. 10 In the courfe of a few years after this, from the progreflively increafing number of books, and the accumulation of the building fund, it became neceflary, and in a great degree practicable, to provide a more commodious Library-room. The annual meeting, in December 1 799, was very fully attended, and John Bateman, efq. the Mayor, being called to the chair, a motion was made by Dr. Alderfon, feconded by John Wray, efq. and carried by a large majority; " That it appears " to be the intereft of this Society to change the " fituation of the Library, in order to correcl: " various abufes in the management of it." The following gentlemen were appointed a Com- mittee, to frame and digeft a plan for the purpofe, and to make their report to a fpecial general meeting; and the thanks of the Society were given to Dr. Alderfon, for having brought the bufmefs forward. Dr. Alderfon Mr. Thomas Riddell Mr. J. N. Crosse Mr. Alderman Ofbourne Mr. Alderman Wray Mr. Thomas Lundie Mr. Robert Wilkinfon Rev. Jofiah Rodwell Rev. Thomas Dikes Rev. J. H. Bromby Rev. George Lambert Dr. Forbes Mr. John Richardfon Mr. Alderman Bateman At 11 At a very numerous meeting of the Subfcribers, aflembled to receive the report of the above Committee, on the 8th January, l soo, John Sykes, efq. in the chair, feveral refolutions were unani- moufly pafled, the tenor of which is as follows: " That a new Library-room, to be built in an eligible fituation, is neceflary for the better regulation of the interefts of the Society. 4s. and the annual fubfcription, which had hitherto remained at twelve millings, to fifteen. The number of the Committee was alfo in- creafedfrom thirteen to twenty-one, fcven of whom were to be declared ineligible each fucceeding year 15 year by ballot : this latter refolution, however, was refcinded at a general meeting in November following. The Committee were empowered to let the Library room for the ufe of Lecturers on literary or philofophical fubjecls ; and feveral other re- gulations were made, for fuch of which as are now in force, reference may be had to the Laws. At the latter end of this month Mr. Browne died, not having furvived long enough to witnefs the removal of the Library from his houfe, where it had been firft eftablifhed; and it is due .to his memory to fay, that in him the Society loft a warm friend, though he was not a member of it otherwife than by his office of Librarian. In the infancy of the Inftitution he was frequently known, when defired to procure any work, already in the Library, to advife the applicant to become a Subfcriber. He died before the firfl payment of his annuity became due, but had repeatedly expressed his determination not to accept of it, hoping only to retain his fituation as book- feller to the Library. Upon his deceafe, Mr. Greaves immediately entered on the office of Librarian, and fuperintended the removal of the books, &c. to the new building, which was com- pletely put in order by the end of June. On the lit July, 1 801, a general meeting of the Subfcribers was held in the prefent Library-room for 16 for the firft time. The bufinefs was opened with an addrefs from Dr. Alderfon, the Prefident, in the chair. It was refolved that twenty pounds fhould be paid to Mrs. Browne (widow of the late Librarian ) as a compenfation for any injury fhe might have fuffered by the removal of the books,, &c. and that a vote of indemnity fhould be pafled for any damage fuftained by the Sub- fcribers up to that time. The thanks of the meeting were given to the Prefident for his ad- drefs, and he^was requefted to permit it to be printed for the benefit of the Subfcribers. Another general meeting was called on the ecth November, to audit the accounts of the Building Committee, at which the expenses of building and fitting up the room, amounting to ^1850, were allowed.* The fum of JGGO, 3 per cent, confolidated bank annuities (the produce of the accumulating fund) was ordered to be fold, and the proceeds applied to the clifcharge of the workmen's bills. Six of the fhares of \ 2 each, borrowed on fecurity of the building, were directed to be paid off annually by ballot, until the debt fhould be reduced to ,elOOO and 5 per annum were allowed to be expended in foreign books. It was alfo refolved, " That Mr. Crosse do continue to aft as Treafurer f( until * For the particulars of these expenses, see App. No. 4. 17 " until the debt upon the building be liquidated; (f and/ That the thanks of the meeting be given c: to Dr. Alderfon, Mr. Crosse, and the reft of the fc Building Committee, for the fervice they have Lee, Dr. Alderfon, and Mr. John Richardfon were appointed a Committee, to co-operate with Mr. Crosse in printing it at the expenfe of the Soci- ety, and to consider of the beft means of per- petuating the memory of the Founder. At this meeting, the admiffion of foreign books, in D * John Russell, Esq. P.. A. wiiu died at Hull, iOih April. 1 806'. 20 in which only s per annum had been allowed to be expended, was left to the difcretion of the Committee, and there being a furplus in the Treafiirer's hands, the remaining ten fhares of \ 2 each were ordered to be paid off immediately ; and one or more of the 21 fhares annually in future, until the debt fhould be extinguifhed. The Subfcribcrs were alfo allowed the privilege of in- troducing Strangers to the Reading-room for one month entering their names and places of refi- dence in a book kept for the purpofe. A general meeting was held on the 1 1 th of January, 1809, to take into confideration feveral propofcd alterations in the laws, at which many regulations refpecUng the books andaccompts of the Society, the mode of voting and electing the Committee, c. were adopted. The tranfaftions of the general meetings, up to that time, were ordered tp be fairly tranfcribed into a book, as the only authentic record for future reference; and, together with the "Library Cam Book" prefented to the meeting by the Treafurer, the title deeds, and other papers, to be depofited in an iron cheft, under the ctiftody of the Prefident and Treafurer for the time being. In confideration of the recent large addition of bocks,* and the increafed value of the building, from a further portion of the debt thereon being- paid * For the suras expended in book-, &c. sec App. No. 6. 21 paid oft] the terms of admifiion \vcre advanced to Ten Guineas. The Librarian alfo \vas allowed <2Q per annum to provide an Affifiant, and \vas required to keep open the Library-room from ten o'clock in the morning to fix in the evening, for the delivery of books; and until nine o'clock for the convenience of reading. At the annual meeting in December,, 1809,, a report was read from the Committee of their proceedings in the paft year; from which it ap- peared, that the Library had been thoroughly cleaned and painted, the books examined, and upwards of one thoufand volumes repaired and re-bound, and the laws rcfpecling fines flriclly enforced. The Sub-Committee, appointed at the laft year's meeting, reported, that in their opinion a portrait would be the bell means of perpetuating the memory of Mr. Thomas Lee, the Founder; and that a member of the Society had offered to paint one from an original in the pofleflion of the late Mr. John Lee, and prefcnt it to the Library. The thanks of the meeting were then voted to- Dr. John Thomas Woodhoufe, for the above liberal ofier and to Mr. Crosse for his fervices as Treafisrer, during a period of nineteen years; he having fignificd his refignnlicn of that office, v.hicK 22 which a general meeting, in November 1 801, had requefied him to continue to hold until the debt on the building fliould be liquidated. The before-mentioned portrait of Mr. Lee is now fmifhed, and is intended to be prefented to the Library at the next annual meeting in Decem- ber isio, the thirty-fifth anniverfary of the foundation of the Inilitution. AFFEMB1X, No. I. THE NAMES OF THE SUBSCRIBERS TO THE LIBRARY, JANUARY, 1776. Richard Baker Rev. John Beatson Richard Boll Benjamin Blaydcs Miss Blaydcs Rev. John Bourne, A. M. John Boyes Edmund Bramston Daniel Bridges, M. D. Thomas Broadley Robert Carlile Broadley Henry Broadley Miss Broadley John Coltman Edward Coulson Ralph Darling Robert Dunn Sir Henry Ethcrington, Bart John Fallowfiuld George Fowler Jonathan Garton Philip Green James Green John Hall John Harneis Richard Hill Mrs. S. Homer William Huntington John Jarratt William Joliiffe Hugh Ker William King William Kirkby Thomas Kirke John Kirkman George. Knowsley John Lambert Thomas Lee Henry Maister John Melling Benjamin Metcalfe Joseph Moore William Osbourne Joseph Outram Thomas Outram Benjamin Pead Mrs. Pead Jonathan Pick with Josiah Prickett Christopher Pryme George Robinson William Rye Joseph Scott Thomas Sherman Abel Smith Samuel Spyvee Rev. Thomas Stainton George Stovin Joseph Sykes Francis Taylor Benjamin Blaydcs Thompson Christopher Thorley Wiiliam Travis Joshua Walker, M. D. Samuel Walter Thomas Wasney Rev. William Welfitt, A. M. William Williamson George Woodhouse APPENDIX, No. II. OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY. PRESIDENTS. 1775. Joshua Walker, M. D. 1776. 1777. Rev. John Bourne, A. M. 1780. Robert Carlilc Broadley 1784. Rev. Thomas Clarke, A.M. 1787. Rev. John Beatson 1789. 1792. John Aldcrson, M. D. 1793. Benjamin Metcalfe 1795. John Alderson, M. D. 1798. 1799- 1801. Rev. John llealey Bromby, A.M. 1804. Rev. Thomas Dikes, LL. B. TREASURERS. George Woodhouse Thomas Sherman John Norman Crossc Andrew Hollingworth John Norman Crosse LIBRARIANS. 1775. Thomas Browne JS01. Henry Vennor Greaves AFFENIDIX. Xo. III. tm ACCOUNT OF THE RISE AND PROGRESS OF THE FUND FOR BUILDING A NEJV LIBRARY. 1784. Balance of this year appropriated to the above purpose by a general meeting 1786. Ditto - - 1787. Ditto ... . Added in consequence of the vote of 20. 1788. Placed out at Interest 1789- Ditto 1790. Ditto ... 17j)l. Ditto - 1793. Ditto 1794. Ditto - 1795. Ditto Invested in the 3 per cent . s. d. consols - a 62f 319 7 2200 8 1796. Ditto a6'0. 40 12 10 24 9 9 1797. Ditto - a5.:. 80 44 8 1798. Ditto a 4$$. 80 38 8 1799- Ditto - a 53. 80 042 140 1800. Ditto a 61. 60 036 170 Stock ,,60 387 4 9 The above .660 stock was } sold the 5th Feb. 1802, a > o45 2 2 68^. and produced ) Deduct charges . . 206 Dec. ^450 1 6 1800. Balance of this year - 75 8 1801. Ditto - - 173 8 1 Total amount of the Building fund > ffiQ* 17^.7 1st January, 1802. - . APPENDIX, No. IV. ACCOUNT OF THE COST OF BUILDING, FITTING UP, AND FURNISHING THE HULL SUBSCRIPTION LIBRARY. To cash paid . s. d\ Messrs. Jackson and Bell, for the ground 454 13 8 T. Pycock and Son, for building, per ? 1 101 10 contract j Ditto, for extra work - 89 5 John Story, for carving in the pediment 21 00 J. Hargreaves, for designs, &c. 5 10 J. Chapman, for 8 chrystal plates 800 Aistroppe Stovin, for law charges 19 7 9 Robert Cross, for superintending the) 3Q _ _ building; - 2 per cent - $ Cost of ground and building l?30 To cash paid Elizabeth Browne, for bookshelves For deals, baize &c. for shi-ivos Tables, chairs, windowblinds, &c. "Workmen's wages, &c. Painting Fire irons, coals, &c. Cost of fitting up and furnishing cl20 Total expense 12 - 72 Debt, Dec. 1803. - - 1008 1 804. Borrowed of 29 Subscribers, at .9 each, ") in addition to their original Shares of ><%6l ol2 - ) One original Share, omitted to be brought } to account until this time by the > 12 Bankers - 3 - 273 1281 Thirfy.six Shares paid off a ,12 - o432 Surplus of 5 double Shares reduced to 447 Debt, Dec. 1804. - 1808. Ten Shares paid off . a of 12 Debt, Dec. 1808. . 1809. One Share paid off - Debt, Dec. 1S09, in 33 Shares of 21 each. APPENBIX, No. VI. Shewing the Increase of the Number of Subscribers, and the Sum expended every year in Books, Maps, fyc. No. of new Total No. of Money Date. Subscribers. Subscribers. expended. Dec. 1 776". 81 -81 oll6 6 S 1777. 16 97 59 11 10 1778. 15 112 63 18 4 1779. 17 129 85 15 7 1780. 22 151 84 12 9 17S1. 21 172 110 3 1 1782. 23 195 108 3 1 1783. 11 206 116 19 6 1784. 10 216 120 3 6 1785. 8 224 103 10 5 1785. 12 236 128 8 8 1787. 3 239 99 19 9 1788. 4 2-13 , .113 6 1 1789. 4 247 82 1 6 1790. 5 252 107 15 3 1791. 3 255 112 1 1792. 8 263 131 16 9 1793. 263 04 2 10 1794. 1 264 91 12 6 1795. 6 270 101 12 8 17<)6*. 10 280 108 19 11 1797. 11 291 112 5 7 1798. 10 301 123 8 1799- 15 316 108 3 9 l&OO. 25 341 136 4 1 1801. G4 405 141 9 5 1 802. 11 416 205 19 6 1803. 3 419 140 10 1804. 15 434 240 2 9 1805. 23 457 370 18 1 S06'. 4 461 381 16 1807. 1 462 421 9 1808. 1 463 381 97 1809- 13 476 408 6 11 ,5312 7 9 LAWS OF THE SUBSCRIPTION LIBRARY, AT KINGSTGN-UPON-HUJLJL, TERMS OF ADMISSION. I. "jIjlVERY person who is admitted a Member of the Society, liM shall, at the time of his admission, pay into the hands of the Librarian, or the Treasurer, the sum of ten guineas: he shall also pay the further sum of one guinea in advance annually, or such a proportion of it as shall be rated from the time he subscribes, to the first Wednesday in the following December; and the money hence arising, shall be laid out in the purchase of books, and in promoting the interests and design of the Institution. II. Every Subscriber shall have the right to dispose of his pro- perty in the Library, in any mode by which personal property is usually transferred. The sum of half a guinea to be paid on every transfer, except in cases of death. III. Any lady or gentleman, during an occasional residence in. the town, shall be accommodated with the use of the Library, on paying the sum of five shillings per month in advance; provided that such occasional resident be introduced by a Subscriber, (who shall sign his name in a book kopt for that purpose, and be answerable for any loss, damage, or fine,) and agree to be subject to the laws of the Society. IV. Every Subscriber shall have liberty to introduce a Stranger to the reading-room, for any space of time less than one month, and the name and residence of the Stranger, and the name of tho Subscriber introducing him, shall be entered at the time in a book, to be kept on the Library table for that purpose. OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY. V. The Officers of the Society shall consist of a Committee, President, Treasurer, and Librarian. VI. All the Subscribers, as being contributors equally to the support of the Institution, shall have their rights, powers, and privileges the same, (except in such cases as shall be hereinafter specified:) their voices shall in all cases be of equal weight; and they shall all, without distinction, be eligible to any of the above- mentioned offices. GENERAL MEETING. VII. A General Meeting shall be held annually on the first Wednesday in December, (the anniversary of the establishment of the Society in 1775) at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, in the Library-room, and a notice that such General Meeting is to be held, shall be sent by the Librarian to each Member, in the preceding week. The President of the Society shall take the chair at half past eleven o'clock precisely, and in case of his absence at that hour, the Subscribers present shall chuse a Chairman, and proceed to business. VIII. No person shall be admitted into the gallery, (except ladies) during the holding of a General Meeting. IX. All questions which come before the Society, (except such as relate to the alteration or repeal of laws,) shall be determined by the sense of the majority of the Members present; which sense shall be ascertained by a shew of hands, or, upon a demand being made, by an actual division ; those for the question going to the right hand of the President, those against it to the left. Ladies, who are Subscribers, shall have the privilege of voting by proxy ; provided the proxy be a Subscriber. When the num. bers are equal, the President shall have the casting voice. X. No law, once established, shall be repealed or altered, except at a General Meeting, and by two-thirds of the Members present ; any new law, or repeal or alteration proposed, shall be fairly written out, and signed by the proposer, and shall be hung up in the Library, for the inspection of the Subscribers, at least one month previous to the General Meeting. XL In case of any mistake or stain happening in any book'of record of the Society, neither the leaf on which it has occurred, nor any leaf whatever, shall be cut out or cancelled, unless at a General Meeting; and then the reason of such mutilation shall be assigned, and testified by the signature of the President, on behalf .' such General Meeting. XII. The Library cash-book, containing an account of the receipts and expenditure of the Library from its establishment in 1775, shall be deposited in an iron chest, provided for the pur- pose, one key of which shall be kept by the President, and the other by the Treasurer for the time being; and the annual accompts, after being approved of by the Annual Meeting, shall be entered in the said book, and signed by the President in testi- mony of such approval. XIII. The transactions of the General Meetings from the com- mencement of the Institution to 1810, having been copied into a book provided for that purpose, and declared to be a correct transcript of the former books, the resolutions of General Meet- ings only shall be inserted therein, under the inspection of, and signed by, the President; and the said book shall be referred to in all cases, as the only authentic record of the transactions of the Society. It shall also, together with the title deeds, policy of insurance, notes and receipts belonging to the Library, be kept in the iron chest and under the same custody as the cash book. COMMITTEE. XIV. ACommittee of twenty-one Members shall be chosen annu- ally out of the Society at large, at the aforesaid General Meeting, in the manner following : Each Member of the Library shall be requested to send in an alphabetical list of gentlemen, not exceed- ing twenty-one in number, of whom he wishes the Committee to consist, which list he shall sign with his name, and either deliver in person to the Librarian, or send by a Subscriber, provided that such Subscriber countersign the same ; and it may be delivered any time before the day of meeting, or on that day up to the hour at which all other business shall have been disposed of: the Librarian shall immediately deposit such list (through a crevice provided for that purpose) in a locked box, of which the Presi- dent shall keep the key. Eight Scrutators shall be appointed by the Annual Meeting, to whom shall be delivered the box and key, with which they shall retire into the Committee-Room, and when they have cast up the votes, report the names of the new Com- mittee to the President, who shall then declare them duly elected. Should any person thus elected, refuse to take upon himself tho appointment, he who has the next number of votes shall come in *of course; and the order of those who have an equal number of Totes shall be determined by lot. The Scrutators shall be appointed in the following manner : The names of all the Subscribers shall be put into a ballot-box, and the first eight, drawn by the President, who are present, and accept the office, shall be appointed thereto. XV. If any person deliver in a list of names for the choke of a Committee, with a forged signature, knowing it to be forged, the person so presenting the same shall forfeit his share in the Library, and be incapable of ever again becoming a Member of the Society. XVI. The Committee, at their first meeting, shall elect a Presi- dent and Treasurer out of their number, by each of them pro- ducing, in writing, the names of the persons he Is desirous to have voted into those offices; and those persons who have a majority of votes shall be duly elected. If any vacancy occur in the Com- mittee, it shall be supplied as in the case of a person refusing to take upon him the appointment. XVII. The Committee shall meet once a month in the Committee- room, at the Library, to transact the business of the Society ; any four of whom, with the President, or his deputy, shall be competent to act: but if the President be absent, and have neg- lected to appoint a deputy, the Members present, if amounting to live in number, shall constitute a Committee, dhd have power to chuse a President for the day. X V^III. Every absent Member of the Committee, except confined "by sickness, or out of town, shall be lined sixpence : if absent three times successively, except for the reasons above-mentioned, lie shall lose his seat in the Committee and for every time the President shall be absent, (except for the aforesaid reasons,) and neglect to appoint a deputy, he shall be lined one shilling. XIX. The President and Committee shall fix the time to be allowed for reading each particular book, which shall be written, on a paper on the inside of the cover. XX. The Committee shall have power to appoint the Book- seller to the Library, and to buy the books where and in what manner they shall think most advantageous to the Subscribers ; but the business shall be transacted by the Committee with a London Bookseller, without the agency of any Bookseller in the country. XXI. A n y nve f the Committee may order a pamphlet, .not exceeding the value of three shillings, at any time l:ot\veen the monthly meetings, on entering their names in a book tu be kept for that purpose. XXII. The Committee may order to be printed, as often as they shall think necessary, a copy of the laws, a list of the Subscriber*, and a catalogue of the books; which shall be sold 'to the Sub- scribers, and not paid for out of the general fund. XXIII. The Committee may suspend the circulation of such books, as, (after admission,) are discovered to have uu immoral tendency, until the next General Meeting, XXIV. The Committee may call a General Meeting of the Sub- scribers, whenever they shall judge it expedient. XXV. The Committee may shut up the Library, for the purpose of examining into its state, whenever they shall think necessary. XXVI. The Committee are empowered to let the Library-room to persons, approved of by them, who propose to give lectures oh literary or philosophical subjects. PRESIDENT. XX VII. The President, -with another Member of the Committee, shall, occasionally, -visit the Library, to inspect the Librarian's accompts, and to examine the state of the books, and shall report his observations to the Committee at their next meeting. XXViO The President, of his own authority, may order into the Library-, 'Onoe-a month, ;amy feoek he pleases, not exceeding the value tff -twelve shiHing*. XXIX. The President may call an extraordinary meeting of the Committee, whenever he thinks it necessary. TREASURER. XXX. Airthe cash fe'ceived by 'the Librarian, whether arising from subscriptions or 'forfeitures, shall, on every Committee-day, be paid iiito the hands of 'the Treasurer. XXXI. The annual accompts shall be madeup : to the 1st of November in each year. XXXil. Three persons -shall annually be chosen by the Com. mittee from among those Subscribers who -are not of their own number, Auditors for the 'ensuing year ; and the accompts shall be allowed at the Annual Mesitiug. LIBRARIAN. XXXIII. 'The 1 Librarian, who sfaall also/act as -Secretary, shall be elected' 'by the- Society at large, at a> General 'Meeting, and shall eontirtue in d'ifice, without re-election, as long as it shall be agree- able to himself, and tkc- 'Society. Jle shall attend. at the Library from ten o'clock uiUil iwfte, ' y- day, . (Sunday s.-excepted) bijt shall not be obliged to deliver out, -or receive any book after six ^o'clock ; for every book l&ken out after that -hour, he shall be paid two-pence. He shall keep an accurate accounts of the books, in Whose hands fchey are 'deliver them out, receive them in, and note the time; likewise receive the annual subscriptions, and vigorously enforce the. payment of the lines; hushall also examine carefully the books as they come in, aqd inform the Committee of any tearing, or other damage they may have sustained, in order that proper fines may be imposed on these accounts. He shall inform the Subscribers when a General Meeting is to be held ; and shall give notice to all the Members of the Committee, one day at least before each of their monthly meetings. In consideration of his trouble, and for the expenses of cleaning the Library-room, he shall be allowed an annual salary of eighty pounds ; and a fur- ther sum of twenty pounds, for which he shall be required to provide an Assistant. XXXIV. A book shall be kept, in which shall be entered,under its proper head, the title of every book and pamphlet received into the Library. BOOKS, FINES, &C. XXXV. Any Subscriber may propose what books he pleases, by entering the titles in a book kept for that purpose in the Library, which the Librarian shall lay before the Committee at every monthly meeting, that they may be voted for or against by ballot. XXXVI. The Subscribers may read the books in the Library, room, during the hours of its being open, but shall not be admitted into the gallery after six o'clock. They shall be allowed to take out no more than one folio or one quarto at a time; but of an octavo or duodecimo, (if of the same work) two volumes, pro- vided they keep them only the time permitted for reading one. A review may be taken out with any other book. Subscribers in the country, may keep any book until the first Tuesday after the time allowed for reading it expires ; and they shall be further privi- leged to take out two volumes of a set, of any size, at one time ; provided they keep them only the time permitted for reading one of them. Whoever lends a book to any person, out of his own family, or receives one from any other person than the Librarian, shall forfeit two shillings and sixpence for every book so lent and received. Every Subscriber, however, who wishes to have a book to refer to, shall be allowed that privilege ; but if he do not return it the day after that on which he takes it out, he shall be fined one shilling per day for the time he keeps it. If the time allowed for reading any book expire on a Sunday, it shall be re- turned the day following. Whoever keeps any book longer than the time limited, shall be fined as follows : For a duodecimo, or octavo, two-pence per day; for a quarto, or folio, three-pence ; and for a review, six-pence ; but no fine shall exceed the value of the book. XXXV II. No book shall be delivered out of the Library during the holding of a General Meeting. XXXVIII- The yearly subscription of one guinea shall become due in advance, at the Annual Meeting; and no Subscriber shall ha?e a book from the Library until his subscription be paid. Whoever does not pay his subscription on or before the first of January, shall pay one shilling additional, and also one shilling per month, for every month afterwards that he shall continue in arrear. XXXIX. No person shall be allowed to have a book from the Library, who refuses to pay his fines. XL. The following printed form shall be delivered to such persons as send for a book before their fines are paid : You are indebted to the Library for keeping your last book beyond the time ; you are, therefore, by the 39th la&, not allowed to have another book till you have paid the same. President. Any person objecting to pay his fines to the Librarian, after the above notice, must appeal to the Committee : and should he be dissatisfied with their decision, he may make a further appeal to the Annual Meeting. XLL If any Subscriber shall suffer any other person to procure books from the Library in his name, or shall leave his annual sub- scription unpaid for one whole year, or refuse to pay the fines im- posed upon him, and confirmed at the Annual Meeting, he shall forfeit his property in the Library. XLII. All the pamphlets and reviews shall be covered with strong paper, and have their titles written on the cover ; and all large books shall be half-bound cut have strings in them and be lettered on the back. XLIII. One set of reviews, and all the pamphlets, shall remain in the Library-room for one month, and whoever shall take any of them away, during that time, shall be fined one shilling. XLIV. Whoever applies first to the Librarian for any book, shall have it, and the rest in the order in which they apply. If two or more apply at the same time, the dispute shall be deter- mined by lot. When any person makes application for a book that is out, the Librarian shall inform him when it is expected to be at home; and, if he desire it, his name shall be entered in a book kept for that purpose, that he may have it on its return ; but if it be not sent for on the day it comes home, or the next day, (if it be duly returned,) the Librarian may then deliver it to the next person who has applied. XI.V. No book Viflrinthcifirst year of its circulation shall be entered to the same person, till it has remained in the Library- room at least one weelt. XLVI. If any boolt be lost, the person -to whom it was de- livered shall pay the full value of it: and if the *book lost be one of a set, the person who lost it shall take the remaining volumes, and provide a new set of equal value for the Library. XLVII. Duplicates of M-orks, and such temporary publica- tions as the Committee may judge proper to be disposed of, shall annually in January and February be parcelled out into lots, and exposed for sale in the J Library^room, to the 'highest bidder, among Subscribers only; therbidding to be made in scaled notes, addressed to the Committee, for their acceptance at tlicir monthly meeting in March ; the lots that are not disposed of before the end of March, may be sold in the same manner to Non-Subscribers, but no other books or publications shall be disposed of, unless with the consent of two-thirds of the Members at their General Meeting. GENERAL REGULATIONS. XLVIII. There shall be sent annually to the Subscribers a printed list of books admitted, and another of books rejected, by the Committee, in the preceding -y oa r ; which shall be ready for distribution one week before the appointment of the Committee for the ensuing year. XLIX. An abstract of the accompts shall be sent every year to the Subscribers, particularizing the suuis expended iu each branch of literature. L. If any difficulty arise, that is not expressly provided for in these laws, it-shall -be determined by the Committee; and their transactions and determinations shall be recorded in a book kept by the Librarian. LI. No person .shall be considered as a Member of the Society or have any share in the Library, who docs not consent to be governed by these laws. William Rawson, Printer, Lowgate, Hull List of Subscribers, 181011. Those marked* constitute the present Committee. Those marked t are Holders of 21/. Shares in the Building. Anthony f- Atkinson John f Alderson, M. D. William Armstrong Thomas Austin Joseph Ayre, M. D. James Alderson Robert Carlile Broadley, 2 Jonas * Brown Henry Boldero Barnard, Cave Castle Robert Bell, Roos John Boyes Miss Bolton Isaac William Watson Broadley, Brantingham Bolton William Bell John Burstall James Shrapnell t Bowden Harrison Briggs Rev. John Healey *t Bromby, A. M. Robert Bell Miss f Broadley William * Bourne Richard Brass Christopher Bolton John Buckton, Elloughton James f Brown, M. D. Btverley John Boyes, jun. Marmaduke Brown Samuel Burstall Rev. Thomas * Broadley, A.M. George Fowler Boyes Thomas Westenlell Barnes John Baxter Edmund Beckett Benjamin Burnett Miss Beatson Henry Bedford Rev. Kingsman * Baskett, A. M. John Batenran John Bennison .Airs. Byron Rev. Robert Barker, A. M. Bncrk,/ William Broadbcnt John Blackshaw t Briggs Robert Bell, jun. John *+ Broad ley Treasurer Benjamin Byron, M. p. William Briggs John Beadle Thomas Bell John Bell James Brooksbank Richard Barker Mrs Baker Mrs John -r Brcadley Mrs. Broad bent Mrs. Bell, Elstrowick Mrs. Bean Samuel Blumfield John Barkworth John Bark worth, jun. Marmaduke Buckle William Blow Robert Blyth John Bartlett "NVilliam Bunney Henry t Coates John Norman *+ Crosse President Joseph Chapman Thomas Camp Coates Joseph Clarke William Corlass Kd \vaid Codd Robert Cook Robert Cross Edward Foster Coulson Samuel t Cooper Benjamin C'rosley, M. B. Robert Bui-sail Cross Keuben Craven Urv. Hubert Ciol't. A. M. Roxlev Thomas Clarke George George John Briggs John G eorge John John William G eorge John William Spyvee Farmer Rev. William John Christopher Mrs. Rev. John Frederic George Rev. Joseph John John George John James Rev. Jonathan Rev. Thomas * Henry Matthew Stephen William Joseph John Thomas Benjamin ilev. Major John Daking Miss William James. Weston Joseph Collings Chapman Carlill Cotsworth Carlill Collinson Coulson Carrick Ciosse, F. S. A. Clarke Cookman Carlill Cooper Craven Clarke, A.M.Sproatlry Cankrien Carlill, Elloughton Clarke, A. B. Campbell, llcvtrley Clarke Clifford Chapman Codd Collinson, jun. Dewitt Dixon, Humbleton Dikes, L L. B. Denton Dobson Diekinson Depledge Denton Dodsworth Dorrington Dodsworth Dawson, A.M. D<;pkin Draper Dalton Dryden Dietner Dawson Gardiner Eggintou Joseph Egginton Thomas Escreet Robert Ellis, Bcrerley George Etherington James Everingham William Ellis George Earle, jun. Henry Etherington Daniel Elfstrand William Barnes Emmett Henry Escreet Josiah Corthine Fitchet George Fielding Thomas * Frost William Fowler Charles Frost Joseph Fau Id ing James Timothy Foord Miss Foster John Fox John Featherstone Rev. P. F. Foucher Mrs. Frank John Fearne Thomas Foxton John > Ferraby Jonathan Garton James Green Rev. Edmund Garwood, A. M. llessle \Villiam Gibson George Greenwood Richard Garland Stephen Gee Rev. Lorenzo Grainger, Wintringhmn Thomas Gt-il AVilliam Gregson jlenry Green, jun. Robert Garbutt Robert Gleadow Miss Gee, Haldiiibi/ Park Edward Gibson Simon Horner John Harneis WjUJam Huntington William Holden Joshua Haworth Richard Acklom Harrison John Horner Andrew Hbilingworth Thomas Uesleden Mrs. John Hall John William Ilentig Hamvith Hordon Benjamin Blaydes Haworth Francis Hall, jun. John Hodgson Simon *f Horner, jun. William Horncastle John Hill Richard Haworth Galen Haire John Hebblewhite Charles Hayes John Horsley Benjamin Hickson, jun. John Broadley Howard Thomas Hall Joshua Haworth, jun. John Hall Richard Harrison Samuel Hall, Becerley Robert Simpson Hall William Hall Isaac Howard Thomas Hall John Harrison John Higson Francis Haslam John Hudson Rev. John Lister Hutchinson, A. B. William Hall, Wyton Mancklin Holland Thomas Hewitt, jun. Henry William Hentig Benjamin Heseltine Robert Hall Patteson Holgate Calverley Huish Thomas Hugall Benjamin Holland William Hop wood Joseph Harrison William Hammond James Iveson, Hedon Miss Jarratt Anthony Jones Thomas f Jackson John Hubert Johnson, CotttngJiam Jackson William Jarratt William Jackson William Jarvis Ed ward Johnson Mrs. Jackson John Kirkman Obison f Kirkbride Mrs. Ker Mrs. Kirkbride William Kay Kthvard Ker Richard Ker George Knox % Francis Kennedy, M. D* Robert King Robert Ker Mrs. t Knowsley If en cage Lupton Rev. George *t Lambert Miss Lawson Richard Lupton Thomas Locke George I^ambert Quarton Levitt Rev. George Lee John Leake John Beevor Lambert Thomas Loft William Liddell William Levett George Leng John Levett Thomas Lee George Liddell Robert Lundie Charles * Lutwidge, A. M. Thomas Lockwood John Liddell Robert Lee Mrs. John f Lee John Locking Henry Maister Samuel Martin Mrs. Arthur Maister Samuel + Martin, jun. Joseph Monday, jun. John Moxon Charles Morehouse Henry William Maister William Martin Sampson __..,,, Middleton William Monday Robert Mills John Moor Benjamin Metcalfe John Marshall Thomas Middleton Charles Mountain Thomas Bethel Morley Thomas William Milthorp Meggitt Maude Thomas Mead Mrs. Moxon Thomas Marshall, jun. James Mayelston Re?. John Mather, Beverfey Hubbersty Middleton Michael Metcalf, jun. 8 Robert Metcalfe Samuel Mann Joseph Marris, Barton William Norris, M. D. Harry Nevill John Newbald Adolphus Nordblad James Norman Edward Northgraves John William Norris William Os bourne Thomas Osbourne Edward Ombler, Camerton Robert f Osborne Benjamin Outram Nicholas Osbourne Mrs. O'Connor Mrs. Overend Edward Oakes Josiah Prickett Robert Coupland Rev. Miles Pease Popple, A. M.Jf'elton Rev. Richard Patrick, A. M. William Purdon MarmadukeThomas Prickett John Co wham Parker Mrs. Popple Webster Blount Plummer George Jefferson Parker William Pearson Thomas Pullan John Pickering Robert Petchelt Mrs. Pease Rev. George * Payne, A. M. Robert Pattinsou Joseph Robinson -f Pease Edward Priestley Godfrey Park, Ca 9 John * Richardson William Ritson Joseph Rennard Thomas Rubmson Edward Robinson George Rudston William Raines, Wyton Thomas Rodmell John Ringrose, Swanland Charles Roe Daniel Robinson, Hessle William t Rust George Rodwell John Rodford Richard Richmond James Roberts Charles Robinson William Richardson Henry Ross Thomas Mantle Rickard John Southern Radtord William Raw son Robert Raikes William Richardson Mrs. Riddell James Robinson John Cressey Richardson Robert Stickney, Rye/till John t Sykes Mrs. Stovin, Boreas-hill John Spence Mrs. t Smith Joseph Storr, Oicstmck Benjamin Snowden Aistroppe Stovin Daniel Sykes William Stickney, Ridgemont Nicholas Sykes Joseph Scholey Mrs. Swire Robert t Stanton Robert Sandwith John Smith 10 Rev. John * Scott, A. M. John Simpson John Storm William Spence George Schonswar "William Spence, F. L. S. North Somerscales Richard Sykes Henry Schonswar Henry Sykes Benjamin Stocks John Smith, jun. William Shackleton Thomas Smithson George Sellers Thomas Scoffin Thomas Slater Daniel Scholefield Gregson Sedgwick James Shepherd, jun. Rev. William Severn Samuel Scholefield Rev. Richard Sykes, A. M. John Shipman Thomas Scaling John Stephenson Thomas Saunderson Rev. James Simpson, A. B. Hook Hall "William Shackles Miss. Shipton John Wright Swann James Scott John Travis Thomas f Thompson, M.P. F.S.A* Thomas Thorp Thomas Auckland Terrington Major John Turnbull Avison *f Terry Charles Thompson Richard Tottie Thomas '1 odd Miss Thompson John Thornton 11 Matthew Thomas Trigg John Travis, jun. John Todd John Turner William Thompson John Vincent t Thompson, A.M. F.S. A. Henry Thompson Mrs. i Terry Mrs. Taylor John Todd Isaac Turner William John Thompson William Thompson Caius Thompson John Terry Rev. Joseph Thompson Joseph Twisleton Thompson Thomas Thompson Edward Thompson John Batty Tuke Richard George Terry Rev. Joseph Thompson, Riplingham Robert Turner William Voase John Wray Henry John Watson, Ferribv Whitaker Peter William Watson s William Wawne John Whitton Richard Woodhouse Michael Westerdell John Wood Isaac * Wilson Joseph Wilkinson, jun. Arthur Gates Wilkinson John Whaplate John Woolf John Ward Benjamin Neasham Wilson, Skirlaugk James Kiero Watson James Wimble Jeremiah Charles John Rev. William John Richard Joseph Edward John Thomas William John George Sylvester Mrs. Miss Wright Whitaker Wray, jun. A.M. Wilkinson, A. M. KirJcdla Waudby Waring Wilson Woodhouse, M. D. Wilson Wilson Wright "Watt, Bishop Burton Watson John Young Robert Cummin Young John Youle HONORARY MEMBER. Mr. William Russell. William Rawson, Printer, Hull. A 000025812 9