■ SoUoolriitAsters -will I tceep witl-iin my \rLo\jL&e."S/iakes/eare. Educational AUG 'e ^92e Vclvantages of California. / By W. H. V. RAYMOND, / (Editor of the California State Text-books.) [:KPARBD FOR THE VOLUME EXPOSITORY OF THE RESOnRCES OF CALIFORNIA, TO BE DISTRIBUTED AT THE WorLD's COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION AT CHICAGO. SACRAMENTO: STATE OFFICE, : : : : : A. j. Johnston, supt. state printing. 1893. 113 1^ EDUCATIONAL AmiMA^m: •' I' "What opi^ortunities for education?" is the first question asked by an enlightened householder, .Nhen seeking a residence. It is the object of this article to answer the question for California. IN GEKEKAL. Before entering upon particulars, it maybe said, first, in general, that the educa- tional system of the State is not the outgrowth of narrow or provincial views, but a system founded in the beginning, and fashioned to the present time by he surdies and most enlightened educational sentiment of the whole country. The best bought and experience of New England, of the great Middle AVest, and of the South have eone richly into its life and character. The foundation of an incomparable system of primarv and grammar schools was early laid by that incarnate enthusiasm from the Granite Hills John Swett, a national name, as familiar in the educational circles of Boston as in those of San Francisco, where its owner resides. In the directing and inspiring personal agencies which have made the other departments of the Cahfornia system what thev are, the State has been equally fortunate. Higher education, as represented in the State University, has been largely shaped by the classical learning of President Martin Kellogg, from Connecticut and Yale, and by the scientific spirit and eminent scholarship of .John and Joseph Le Conte, from the University of Georgia, whose original researches in the departments of physics and geology have given to their names a European as well as an American celebrity. These men stood reverently bv at the birth of university education in California, rocked its cradle m infancy, and two of them still remain, keeping step royally with its vigorousjwanhood. In.=^ecent vears I eland Stanford Jr. University, with its endowment of *20,000,000, and its dis- "tinguished President, David Starr Jordan, from Indiana, has brought to this department of education an accessi4Bf of new and abounding life. The organization and conduct of the State Normal schools have fallen "Pon men eqnallv distinguished and equipped for their work. For seventeen years, rom 1873 to 1890, the original school was under the direction of Mr. Charles H. Allen, whose norma school work began in Pennsylvania, widened into the principalship of the first Norma School of Wisconsin, and culminated in his distinguished service to the normal schoo system of California. In 1890 the principalship of this school fell upon its present head Charles W. Childs, one of its early graduates, a successful author, and a man o marked ability. Ira More, graduating from both the Bridgewater, Mass., Normal School and Yale CoUege-his whole life given to the study of educational science, expanding in Illinois into a four years' professorship in the State Normal School of that State, and in Minnesota into a seven years' principalship of the State Normal School at bt. Uoud- has from its organization, ably directed the fortunes of the State Normal Schoo at Los \ngeles The conscientious and successful organizer and Principal of the schoo at Chico, the youngest of these schools in California, Edwin T. Pierce, was the gift of Union College and the State Normal School at Albany, New York; and when it is added that the present chief educational officer of the State, Superintendent James W . Ander- son was graduated from Jefferson College, Pennsylvania, and has risen by distinguished success in every grade of work from primary to high school, as teacher, Principal and Superintendent, it will be seen that our claim to a share in the best educational blood of the>hole country is no idle boast. 678976 — 4 — IS PETAIL. To the activities of these men ami their efficient associates, Califoniia is indebted for it« completed system of free public education. Among the individual features of that system, enumerated beloj*-. Hje lirst three are worthy of special attention as vital edu- cational aj.encics unknovp .."tiier in form or equivalent to tlie systems of other States, so far as the "writer's knowledge ertends. They are agencies whose value is instantly obvious, und-wliirh are of th? I'.rst iii>|>ortance to the citizen, ]>resent and pros|>ective. 1. Ihj financial jirovition for weak dulricts. This is such that nothing but the stu- pidity and indifference of District Trustees can defeat the intent of the lawtu maintain a lirst-class school in the feeblest district of the .'^tute for at least eight months of the year. The citizen in the poorest district of the remotest county is assured as good facilities for the eilucation of his children in the primarj- and grammar grades as the citizen in the rich and thickly settled districts just outside of San Kranci.sco. Sacra- mento, Oakland, San .losr, Los Angeles, or other centers of wealth and population. This is accomplished by the State law, which assures to the smallest district of the State a sum not less than fiOO, to be used exchinvelij for the payment of teachers' salaries; and to the arernije district, who.se school is taught by one teacher, at least l.'MX) is assureersonal bearing and cultured address. 2. 77ie //roi'Miox for academic training and prei>aration for the tiro great I'nirersities of the State. It is believiHl that in no other ."^tate is this provision made to reach students in so many parts of the State, or in .so large numl>ers. .\s in other enlightened States, there are the excellent public high schools of the large cities and towns, provided for by their charters. Of these there are twenty-four with standards so high that graduates from them are admitted, without examination, to the Tniversities. Three of them are in .'^an Knincisco, and one in each of the following cities and towns of the .'^tate: Alameda, Itcrkeley, Krcano, I^s .\ngeles, Martinez, Marysville, National I'ity, Nevada t'ity, Oakland, 1'asudena, retalunia. Riverside, Sacramento, Salina.s, San Diego, San Jas6, San UafacI, Santa Cruz, .>Jtockfon, Vallejo, and Watsonville. Other town high schools, also, are of good rank. I'niler this head, however, it is sought especially to emphasize the general provision of law for the establishment of public high schixils to connect the soMUi villages and rural districts with the University. This is done by the organization of union high school ilistricts. Tnder this provision eighteen counties hove ostablisheil high schools, as follows: .Mameda County. ;t. I.os .Vngeles County, 3. Si.skiyou County,!. Uutte t 'ounty, '2. .Sm Hcrnanlino County, 2. .Solano County, 3. Contra Costa County, 1. San Diego County, ti. Sonoma County, 2. Del Norte County, 1. San Joaiiuin County, 1. Slunislans County. 1. El Dorado County, 1. San Luis Obisi>o County, 2. Ventura County, 2. Fresno County, 2. Santa Ilarbara County, 3. Yolo County, 1. Thus, nearly forty public high schools bring to the very doors, it may Ik- said, of the tiller of field and farm, the small shopkeeper, and the mechanic who is at once his own contractor and bis own journeyman, either a generous academic training or a prei>ara- lion for university studies. These, with the twenty-four city high schools accepted by the universities as preparatorj- schools, constitute, it is Ixlieved, n provision for second- ary education without precedent in any .stale of eopulation. S. The comjiuhory ret/uirement of a fixed rsprnditiire of moneti, annually, for the supjiort of a district library is a third e nearly 150 are from other States. Its courses of instruction are distributed through the departments of the Ancient and Modem I.anguages, History and Political Economy, .Mathematics, the Sciences. Philosophy, and Education. Neither Stanford nor the .'^tate I'niversity has u preparatorj- department— all the students in both ore in college classes proper. It is not practicable to give a complete list of the private colleges and academies of the State. Tiic following list includes the more important, with the county in which 'they are located: Alameda Count;/: Iterkeley (iymnasium; Boone's Vniversity School; Bowman's Academy; (lilson's Normal Training School; Head's, >liss. School; Hopkins' Academy; I.iverniorc I'ollege; Mills College; (lur I^dy of Ivounles (academy); Sacred Heart (academy); ."^t. .loseph's Academy; .St. Joseph's Institute; St. Mary's College; St. Mary's Academy; .Snell's .'^emina^y; Wushingtijn College. liutte County: Chico Academy. Colusa County: Orluiul Normal; Pierce Christian College. IIumhoMt Count;/: Eureka .\cadeniy; Sisters of Mercy. Inyo County: Inyo .\eademy. I^ke County: hakeport .\cademy.— /,oji -•ln<;e/ckton Business College. San Luis Obiipo County: Boarding and Day ."School of the Immaculate Heart. San Mateo County: Belmont School; Bishop .\rmitage ilrphanage; Ijturel Hall College; St. Matthew's Hall. Santa Rarbnra County: Kntnciscan College. Santa Clara County: Academy of Notre Dame; ."'comer of the com- monwealth. ■'■'•>>,'.. 3. Tn the provision for excellent public school libra?itiE in eyiry tUs^rlrt 65, iUe.'§iate. 4. In the economical and admirable provision for the supply of text-books *to* the pupils of the State. 5. In its generous provision for the instruction and training of teachers in Normal Schools and County Institutes. (). In the magnificent and richly endowed I'niversity at Berkeley, which crowns its educational structure. 7. In the completeness of its machinery for the effective administration, by proper officers, of its whole system. 8. In its University at Palo Alto, made great by private endowment, and in the high character and large numbers of its remaining colleges and private schools. With these gifts in her hands our beautiful State beckons to the dwellers in her sister States, and to the people of all enlightened nations, inviting them to settlement, citizen- ship, and home. _ ^ 14 DAY USE (i RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. APR 1 3 196S 7 d WV^O-6612 ACQ (F77a3.10)47eB UmTCniiy of CalifomU ocrKClcT Khotomount Pamphlet Binder Gaylord Bros, (>78976 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY