^4 < 4 «V« 4 < 4 «\ * < -. - - - WMimm\ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA RIVERSIDE I xJUu^^' \yAf^fc^_ ^f^4 . (d i^^^-vti^ ^ ioo^tiu^^!:/^/- MANUAL OF LINGUISTICS, iQ2'^n^^> MANUAL OF LINGUISTICS A CONCISE ACCOUNT OF GENERAL AND ENGLISH PHONOLOGY, WITH SUPPLEMENTARY CHAPTERS ON KINDRED TOPICS BY JOHN CLARK, M.A. SECOND CLASSICAL MASTER IN THE HIGH SCHOOL OF DUNDEE ' a)f 77 Koi \p6, A.S. gold used to be connected, but that cannot possibly be, even on the supposition that yj\j6og = yjvTloc. Sonant / is not repre- sented in Greek by f^'o. Beside gi/l]\ however, stands a xxvi Ma7i2ial of Linguistics. Slavonic cognate, ^/^i^o'; has been equated to Sk. hiranyam^ but, apart from other difficulties, there is not agreement in the suffix. It is simpler to call yj'^alii a loan word from the Semitic (cp. Hebrew chdruz). We know that the Phoenicians were the first to work the gold mines of Thrace, and that in the gray antiquity of the fifteenth century b.c. So that the use of yj'^ao; in the manufacture of personal and place names, always a mark of age, is sufficiently accounted for.. The Semitic peoples were acquainted with gold, owing ta their many points of contact with Egypt, a land rich in gold from time immemorial. Gold, too, was plentiful in Asia Minor and Arabia. It is of course possible that the Greeks had gold before they knew the Phoenicians, and either renamed it, or adopted the foreign term to denote the foreign wrought gold they got from the Phoenicians. This term may afterwards have: been generalised, and have displaced the native term. The Latin aiirum is a name probably drawn from the native vocabulary, and applied to gold on its introduction. The word is connected with aurora and uro, and meant to- begin with ' the gleaming thing.' By a similar step in nomenclature, the Teutons got guVp from the root ghel {ghol), seen in L. kelvi/s, Gk. yoX^, G. gelb. Here giil\^, to begin with, meant ' the yellow thing.' The name aiirum gives us not the slightest hint whence the Italians first got gold. The Teutons perhaps got their first gold from some of the outlying Turko-Tartaric peoples,, who, in their original home near the Altai Mountains, had gold in plenty. The Indo-Iranians, of course, got gold in Introduction. xxvii the sands of their own rivers. The Celtic word for gold comes from Latin, so does the Lithuanian word. As far as the substance itself is concerned, it is difficult to believe that the Gauls, who, as Polybius says, had store of gold ornaments when they invaded Italy, had to wait till they came into contact with the Italians before they made its acquaintance. In Norse we have beside giill * gold in the mass,' Lelonging to common Teutonic, also eyrir from aiiri/iii, meaning coined gold. What, then, are the facts? The Greek word is borrowed from Semitic, the Latin word stands by itself and fathers words in other languages, the Indo-Iranians have a word that is common only to the two peoples, Teut. gHl]> has only a congener in Slavonic — facts all proving that gold was not known till after the dispersion. Of silver, as of gold, we are entitled to say that it was not known to the Ayrans in their joint state. The Sanskrit word for silver, rajafdm, in the Rigveda, has only the mean- ing of white, and the Zend word is only met with in the Avesta. In the Iranian languages there is no agreement in words for this term, and surely if the metal had had a high antiquity in these languages, there should have been some common agreement, however isolated, in the names. At first, on hearing Sk. i-ajaidm, Gk. a(,y\jpo;, L. argen- tum (and an Armenian cognate), one may feel it safe to pronounce for original joint possession, but, inasmuch as the quality that has originated the name is so character- istic of the substance named, we have probably here the xxviii Manual of L inguistics. case of a name that would inevitably be coined by observant name-makers. It was probably from Armenia, a country in historical times rich in silver, that the Indo-Iranians got their knowledge of that metal, and the name its importers mentioned in their hearing would fall pat on their ears, and suggest their own. Any two observers would agree in calling silver the white metal. The Greeks, too, probably got their knowledge of silver from Armenia, and the Italians theirs from Greece, or, it may be, from Spain, where the Phoenicians had long wrought silver mines. If from the former, we may suppose the Greek word to have taken on an Italian suffix. In Italy, where nature has grudgingly gifted silver, the metal must have been introduced at an early date, for the name is present in more than one dialect. The Celtic word for silver is possibly a term manufactured on the analogy of argenfum, out of an adjective meaning white, seen, perhaps, in Argentoratum, the Celtic name of Strassburg. The Teutons and the Slavs have a joint term (Goth. silnbr, &c.). It will be remembered that the term for gold was also common to these two peoples. Nothing definite is known of the etymology of the word silver. A connection with some adjective denoting white- ness would be the most satisfactory, but Kluge declares the word to be foreign to Indo-Europeans. Tacitus tells us the Germans imported silver, and perhaps, if we knew definitely whence, we might get an explanation of the name. Is it not possible that they got it with the name through the agency of some intervening tribe from the Greek traders on the Black Sea, who of course got it from Armenia ? Introduction. xxix Words for copper, one of the most widely distributed of metals, were quite generally diffused in early times. The Egyptians had their term, the Semites theirs, and the Turko- Tartaric peoples had also coined a name. One naturally expects to find a term appearing in the Indo-European domain that will prove a common knowledge of copper, and such a term is seen in the equation Sk. dyas, L. aes^ Goth. aiz. Some difficulty has been met with in the attempt to make out copper to have been the original meaning in Sanskrit, but in Latin and Teutonic, it is pretty patent that the original meaning was copper. If it be right to locate, with Schrader, the original home in the district of the Middle Volga, then the Aryans pro- bably got their knowledge of copper by trading relations with the tribes of the Ural Mountains. The content of the term for copper was enlarged. In Latin, as elsewhere, the term for copper was afterwards applied to bronze, and in Teutonic, it came to mean ore in general. In Sanskrit, the term was alienated from its original meaning altogether, and applied to iron, while new terms were got for copper, which have no connexion with other Indo-European words. The fact that the metals accommodating themselves to dyas are neuter in Latin, in Sanskrit, and Gothic, supports the belief that copper was the earliest metal known, a belief that is also countenanced by the fact that many names of iron originally meant copper. Perhaps the new metals were described in terms that referred them to the old, plus a characteristic quality. Greek is not amongst the languages that furnish an element to the above equation. Probably the term has disappeared, XXX MaiiiLal of Linguistics. a form like ay as, having in Greek, where bothy and s have been lost, small chance of survival. This leads us to the Greek word for copper, yj/.y.y.oc, with the meanings of copper and bronze existed from of old in Greek. It is used extensively in nomenclature, exhibiting quite a contrast in this particular to oi^ripoc, but, as far as origin is concerned, stands quite isolated in Indo- European. In Latin, a precise term was got for copper in the expres- sions aes cyprium. This plainly means ' ore of Cyprus.' This term in the later cuprum furnished a word for copper all round — to Celtic, which originally had a word of its own, and to Teutonic. Of bronze, the names for which have so many points of contact with the names for copper, the Indo-Europeans during their joint life probably knew nothing. Wrought iron is a rather perishable substance, and so we are confined to language for information about its presence, early or late, among the metals known to the ancients. The Semites have a family name for it, seen in the Hebrew bar{e)zel, a fact that argues an acquaintance made before the dispersion of the families of the stock. The Iranian peoples, too, have a common name. In Sanskrit, as was remarked above, iron usurped posses- sion of dyas, the term for copper. Nothing definite can be made of the Greek term aldripog. That iron was known from an early date the literature proves. yak-Mc. certainly had a prior existence — witness its use in Introditction. xxxi name-making, and in tlie coinage of a vocabulary of terms in smithery, e.g., yia7.-/.i-oc. established before the making of The difficulty we have in tracing aihripoc does not exist in the case of the word for steel, viz., -/a'/.-j-^. We know that the name of this metal came, with the substance, from the Chalybes who lived somewhere near Pontus. Latin also has a name for iron all to itself, unless ferrmn can be cognated with the Hebrew bar{e)zel. This' would make for a Punic or Phoenician origin of the term. In the details of priestly ritual, bronze is often mentioned, but not iron. From this, it appears that an acquaintance with iron was made at a comparatively late period, and it is just possible that contact with Phoenician traders brought about this acquaintance. At least the iron of Elba ought to have drawn them to that part of Italy. The Teutons got their name for iron from the Celts. Caesar in the Gallic War describes a tribe of Gauls as pos- sessors of ironworks. Perhaps the Gauls were taught smelt- ing and smithying by the Romans. Gothic eisarn, placed beside Ir. iarutm and Welsh hniarn, betrays its origin, -am not being a Teutonic suffix, s has dropped from the Celtic forms, which, by the bye, may perhaps be ranked with L. acs, (S:c. The Letto-Slavonic word for iron has been equated with The variety of different names possessed by members of the Indo-European family makes it clear that iron was not known in the primitive period. At the same time, the pos- session of common terms for iron by related peoples, now living far apart, postulates a high antiquity. Indeed, in xxxii Mammal of Linguistics. some areas, there is evidence that steel must have been manufactured at an early time. Lead and tin, unlike most of the other metals alternately assigned and denied to the Indo-European period, have never been adjudged of such antiquity. Of the following appella- tives in familiar languages for the two metals — /xo'>.i;/35oc,. plnnilmni, lead, blei ; -/.asairspog, stanmim, tin, zi'nn — nothing definite is known save of -/.dcrffiTspog. The Phoenicians were the earliest carriers of tin from Cornwall (cf. Cassiter Street in Bodmin) to the Mediterranean. We should then expect the word to be of Semitic origin, and the Assyrian kdsaza- tirra has been thought to be a likely parent. Suggestions on the origin of the other words will be found in Schrader. The Slavonic terms are obscure. The Celtic term for lead, seen in Ir. liiaide, is probably the parent of the Teutonic word. The Celts engaged in mining before the Teutons, and, as we have seen, gifted them the word for iron. They got from L. stannum their word for tin. The notion that tin was an older metal than lead has been dispelled by Schliemann. Store of lead was found in the prehistoric towns of the Troad, tin in none. Reviewing then the story told by the metals, we must conclude that the Europeans in their joint state knew none of the metals save copper. Next, a word or two on weapons. The evidence got from a consideration of the names applied to these, tends but to Inti'oduction. xxxiii strengthen the conclusion just announced. There is no good-going Indo-European equation of wide range for weapons. The Indo-Iranians have some common names for offensive weapons, but not for defensive armour. All round indeed, there is a special lack of connexion in the words for defensive armour. Greek names for weapons are usually conspicuously- different from Latin names, exhibiting, however, considerable agreement with Indo-Iranian names. This but increases the evidence already before us for a connexion between Greeks and Indo-Iranians. In the names given to arms we find no positive proof that metal was used in their manufacture. From the fact that copper is the only metal that was certainly known to the Indo-Europeans, this is what we should expect. Most names, on being interrogated as to their origin, reveal simple materials. Take for instance in Greek — ^&>u (cp. 5pD?), >j^i>.'ff\ ' ash and spear,' ro^ov (cp. faxus ' yew '), xui/=>j ' helmet,' orig. ' dog-skin cap ' ; in La.tm—J)Uiem, the same word as ///?/;;/ ' pestle,' scutum (cp. GyZro^ ' hide '), lorlca (cp. /ora ' leather thongs ') ; in Teutonic— A.S. seax ' short sword' (cp. L. saxujii), A.S. ////^ ' shield,' made of linden wood. Some of the equations that may guide us in draw- ing inferences as to primitive weapons are Sk. asis, L. €?isis; L. arais, Goth. arJnvaz7ia 'arrow'; Gk. a^vm, L. ascia, Goth, akivizi, A.S. eax. An analysis of names, and the evidence of prehistoric remains permit us to refer to the joint period the knife-sword, the bow and arrow, the axe, the club, and the spear. Of course the sling belongs to it xxxi V Afanual of L inguistics. Perhaps the commonness of the material used accounts for the sparseness of cognates, and the limited range of the existing ones. The names for the weapons, having an obvious connexion with the material out of which they were made, would give place to new names got from new materials, materials, too, not known to the Aryans. Since one of the first uses of metals would be to provide effective arms, it follows that the equipments of the Aryans must have been of a rudimentary kind — weapons of bone, of horn, or, it may be, of copper, and defensive armour of wood, or of hide. With the reservation that copper may have been used in weapon-making, the nomenclature of weapons proves that the Aryans lived in a premetallic age. There is no lack of written opinion on the mode of life followed by individual Aryan peoples. Caesar ascribes no- madic habits to the Germans (' neque licet longius anno Temanere uno in loco'), and there is documentary evidence to the effect that the Slavs frequently changed their abodes, while, even to the Greeks, Thucydides imputes in early times nomadic instincts — ri yri dsl rag /isra/3o?.a; ruv o'r/.rjropuv ii^sv. If, at the dawn of history, this is the condition of the in- dividual peoples, we are justified, making due allowance for the persistence of traditional habits, and the possible contemporaneous existence of features common to two modes of life, in concluding that the Aryans, when yet in the original home, were strongly infected with nomadic habits. Not that the beginnings of agriculture were absent, there is evidence to the contrary, but, if salient characteristics hitrodiLction. xxxv determine definition, nomadic is the term that best ex- presses these. Language, too, bears out the inferences to be drawn from recorded opinion and right reasoning. There is not among languages of the Aryan stock the general agreement in agricultural terms that exists in the case of purely cattle- terms, such as cow and sheep. On the other hand, there is strong agreement in the languages of the European mem- bers of the stock. Consequently, language forbids us to attribute agriculture, as an art, to the Aryans in the original home, but warrants us in asserting that the Europeans made common advances in said art. Another consideration strengthens the ascription of no- madic habits to the original people. There can be no private property in land among nomadic peoples, and among peoples of historical times we find just what we should expect in legatees of nomadic customs. Among the Germans, Csesar says ' privati ac separati agri nihil est.' This state of things exists to this day in Russia, and can be predicated of several ancient peoples. Note, too, that to assume common advances in agri- culture on the part of the Europeans is not to assume a European period characterised by identity of language and manners, nor even to assume an acquaintance with metals. It is perfectly possible to have a contiguity that permits common advances in culture, and strong divergences in language, and it is not at all necessary to make acquaintance with metals the measure of acquaintance with agriculture. Many terms for agricultural implements or portions of them can be traced back to non-metallic materials, t\i,'-., Goth, hoha ' plough ' is equated with Sk. sakha ' branch.' Numerous XX xvi Manual of L inguistics. names prove that wood stiffened, if required, with stone answered every necessary purpose of agriculture. But there is no need to prove that agriculture may flourish with very primitive implements. It will be well now to mention some of the resemblances that warrant us in speaking of joint advances in agriculture on the part of Europeans. One of the few equations common to the Aryans in this connexion is Sk. ydvas 'barley,' Gk. ^s/a 'spelt,' &c., but we really do not know what is exactly meant by these terms, and very possibly they do not denote a cultivated product. There are one or two more terms arguing common know- ledge on the part of the Aryans. Compare this poverty with the wealth of equations to prove European community : — first in general terms — Gk. ay^o'c, L. ager, A.S. acer ; Gk. apow, L. aro, Goth, arjan, E. ear, &:c. ; L. sero, Goth, saian, A.S. satvan, &c. ; L. mold, Goth, vialan, E. 7nea/, &c. ; Gk. up':Tri ' sickle,' L. sarpo ' prune,' &c. ; L. porca ' ridge between two furrows,' A.S. furh, G. fiirche ; Gk. ayj^n ' chaff,' L. acus aceris, Goth. ahana, E. aw?i ; next in products of the soil — L. grdmwi, Goth, kaurn, A.S. cor72, &:c. ; L. hordeum 'barley,' A.S. gerst, G. gerste, perhaps Gk. y.pli^ri (for X'P'^^^) J L. far, A.S. /^ere, &c. ; Gk. XIvcj, L. /I/ium, A.S. /In, &c. ; L. /a/?a, with Slavonic cognate ; Gk. ■/.fo/j.uo]/ ' onion,' A.S. hramse, E. ramsons, &c. ; and Gk. /o.^^xwi' 'poppy,' G. mohii, E. f/iaw- seed. In addition to the agreement just exhibited between general terms, and the terms for such products as barley, flax, beans, onions, an agreement has also been established between the various terms for wheat, millet, peas. Introdtiction. xxxvii Such products, then, it would seem, were reared by the European section of the family. These resemblances give sufficient ground for the assertion that agricultural terms are common only to the European branch of the Aryan family. It should also be said that the Asiatic branch has some -agricultural terms common to its members, but our means of information about these is very limited. After the dis- persion, the European branch was forced by stress of circum- stances to begin agriculture. In their wanderings, accepting Schrader's theory, they had passed out of the steppe country, favourable to nomad life, and got amongst forests that pre- vented them following the former free and easy life, and constrained them to take to tillage. It is curious that an examination of Semitic and Egyptian culture, under this head, yields as a result almost the same plants as we have just mentioned. Nothing definite is known about the original habitat of these plants, or the way in which they may have been distributed by trading. The nomadic life attributed to the Aryans is also shadowed forth in the correspondence of terms that have to do with waggon-building. The European nomad had to make his own camel, the waggon was his ship of the desert. This is a fact that could be got at from written records. ' Vagae domus,' ' domus plaustris impositre ' are expressions that argue a knowledge of this vehicular transit on the part of their framers. To return to the correspondences, we have for wheel — Sk. rdthas ' waggon,' L. rota, G. rad, &c., and Sk. cakrds, Gk. xxxviii Majtual of L inguistics. x\j%7.og, A.S. hweol, &c. ; for axle — Sk. dkshas, Gk. a^wc, L. a:c/5, A.S. eax, G. ^^r/^i-^', &c. ; for yoke — Sk. yugdm,. Gk. Z^'jydv, L. jugiim, A.S. ^^^f, &c. Nothing but a common use and wont in the art of waggon-building can account for these correspondences. ,The limitations that want of tools and other drawbacks would impose are also borne witness to in the terminology. There are no common terms for spoke and felloe, a fact proving that the wheels were made of one piece. Even nomads, although they were not to remain longer than a year in one place, would be led to construct other shelters than their waggons. A life on wheels, in a bare country, during rigorous cold, would sharpen their inven- tiveness. Tacitus tells us that the Teutons had under- ground dwellings, and Xenophon in the Anabasis par- ticularises some of the features of similar zardysioi or/iiai among the Armenians, viz., a vertical descent by ladder for human beings, and a side descent by sloping tunnel for cattle. But language gives evidence of other and more ambitious shelters. House-, or at anyrate, hut-building is proved by the following equations: — Sk. darnds, Gk. ()6/j.og, L. domics,. Goth, timrja ' builder,' &c. ; Sk. dvar, Gk. (Ju'/ja L. forts, A.S. dune, &c. Note also Gk. orsyoj, L. tectum, Sk. sthag ' cover,' &c. It is the materials used in building that prove hut to be the better term. Records and language alike prove these to be other than bricks and lime. To make use of the latter, G. wand ' wall ' is equated with Goth, wandus^ ' twig,' a connexion that at once suggests wickerwork. hitroduction. xxxlx ■hpo(pri^ roof and LVofoc 'rush' suggest the same material. The equating of "rir/jj; (rt. dheii^h ) toji/igd, jignlus 'potter,' at once suggests clay. Again, in Teutonic, most terms in stone building are foreign, taken from the Latin, e.g., (I. iiiaucr from mums, ■G. ziegel from iegula, &c. We can not only tell the materials, but also guess the shape of the Aryan dwelhng. The round urns in the cemetery of Alba I>onga are known to be representations of the houses of the living; the houses of the Germans figured on the columns of Aurelius are round ; and to regard this as a traditional shape of high antiquity is perhaps not to be unduly rash. The Aryan dwelling would seem then to have been a circular structure, made of such materials as wood, clay, and plaited twigs, and perhaps sunk into the earth for protection. A further proof of its rudimentary nature is got from the fact that windows seem to have been a later addition, the words for window not exhibiting correspon- dence. Possibly the headmen of the tribe occupied more preten- tious buildings constructed on similar lines. To nomads who lived by cattle-rearing the materials for clothing were at hand. Hides would naturally be resorted to. That the Aryans had reached that point in civiliza- tion in which the investiture of the person with a covering has become a detail of living is rendered probable by these cognates, viz., Sk. vas ' clothe,' Gk. eh^D/x/, L. vestio, A.S. weriAn, Goth, ivasjan. That the first clothing was hides, language bears evi- c xl Maitual of L ingu i sties. dence, e.g., f^ 'warp,' L. stamen 'warp,' Goth, stoma 'stuff.' For spinning we have Gk. fsw, L. neo, Goth, nethla ' needle,' G. niilien. It seems we cannot compare here any words that argue original sn, such as Goth. s?idrjd 'basket,' for that combination, had it been true for the above, would have survived in Gothic. That wool was a material known to the original people is- obvious enough from this equation, viz., Sk. ur/ja, L. /ana, Gk. (lii'/.oi (Fo'/.voc), L. vellus, Goth, ivu/la, Szc. It is also veryl^possible that flax was used in these arts. We saw above that a term runs through all Indo-Europeaa Introduction. xli languages, and Homer speaks of the Parcae spinning flax. To sum up what can be made out anent the clothing of the Aryans, it seems probable that originally a stretch of flaxen or woollen material was thrown over the left shoulder, as the primitive skin was, that it was then brought round the back and front and fastened to the left shoulder by the fibula, somewhat after the fashion of the Roman toga. A tunic — Gk. %'-'-ajv, L. tunica {ctutiica), both from the Semitic — was not originally worn. Sewing of some sort (Sk. syu-, Gk. /.aasuu, L. suJ, Goth. st'/ljan, &c.) was practised. The Aryans, as was natural in the possessors of flocks and herds, were flesh-eaters, and further, possessed some know- ledge of cookery. A term for raw, red meat runs pretty well through, viz., Sk. kravis ' raw meat,' Gk. ytpicig, A.S. hreaiv ' raw,' (S:c. A knowledge of cookery is argued by Sk. pac ' cook,' Gk. ■rsaau, L. coquo, &c. The original meaning of these is simply ' roast.' Not that flesh was always roasted, for doubtless the Aryans, as some still do, often cooked their food by eating it. Wild fruits were also eaten, and of course cereals, when their culture was introduced, formed a staple article of diet. Doubtless the Aryans drank milk, although the Sk. duh * milk ' is different from Gk. ajuiXyou, L. viulgeo, &c., and a common term for milk is only to be found among peoples whose territories presumably marched on one another, viz., Greeks and Latins (ya/.a, lac), Teutons and Celts (Goth. xHi Manual of Linzuistics. Vb miluks, Ir. meig). One equation, however, argues com- munity under the head milk, viz., Sk. saras ' cream,' Gk. opog ' whey,' L. seriiin ' whey.' It would be too much however to argue that the original people could make butter and cheese. These demand pro- cesses that do not seem to suit the habits of nomads or ex-nomads. Mead is the intoxicant for which we have an Indo- European equation — Sk. inddhu ' sweetness, honey, mead,' Gk. ijji6m 'wine,' A.S. inedu, G. meth, Szc. These names prove that honey must have been an in- gredient, probably, Schrader thinks, procured by trading, for the country to be selected as the most probable home of the Aryans is not wooded, and common terms for bee and wax, together with a definite term for honey, are only European. Schrader seems rather to underestimate the importance of the general diffusion of words for mead. His choice of the steppe region for the original home has led him to do this. Wine was of course not known to the Aryans. The Teutonic, Slavonic, and Celtic terms are borrowed from vinuni. Viniim and ohoz. are, however, mutually independent formations, probably from the root vi ' to twine,' and date from a time when the Itahans and Greeks lived in the north of the Balkan peninsula. It is a curious and suggestive fact that most of the peoples who have sojourned in or near this part of Europe, have similar terms for wine, among the rest the Albanians and the Armenians. Mention has already been made of the tradition that identified the Armenians with the Phrygians, In troduciion. x 1 i i i who are called aTo/xo/ rm Qpaxw. Further, %«'/■■';, a term for unmixed wine, is correlated by Schrader with an inferred Sabine/fl// seen in ager Falernus. It is quite probable that the Aryans had made a beginning in trade. Trading is developed bartering, and for this prac- tice the Indo-European vocabulary argues volume and pre- cision enough to entitle it to the name trade, Cer- tain terms, varying, as is natural in terms for bartering, between the meanings of buying and selling, have wide distribution, viz., Sk. vasndm ' price,' Gk. wi/o; ' price,' L. vemim ' sale,' &c. There is a common root for measure, viz., Sk. md ' measure,' Gk. /xsr/s&v (fxsdrpov), L. modius ' corn-measure,' Goth, mitan, A.S. inetan. If we add to this that standards for measurement are found in the body at rest or in motion, e.g., foot, cubit, pace, &c., we see that all the conditions for trading are present. There are considerations which seem to show that this was not always confined to tribal areas, even in the joint period. No doubt strangers were at first looked on as enemies ; the fact that the words for stranger and enemy coin- cide proves this. QiQ>i\i.gasts is cognate with /^^i-//jr, and ^sc- (F)o; {ghseniios, the -i\Fc- is a nominal suffix) has with Brugmann's approval been correlated with these. But these words at a very early period took on a softer meaning, and among the Indians, Greeks, and Italians, precepts counselling hospitality are of very old date. The suggestion that this altered attitude towards strangers was brought about by trading relations, that strangers passed xliv Manual of Linguistics. from providers of goods into proteges of the gods, that abstention from hostile acts was in the beginning simply on each side an arrangement for mutual benefit, finds some support in a ceremony of guest-friendship, viz., the exchange of tokens (ffi/x/So/.a, tesserae), a survival of the exchange of wares. It would then follow that trade between strangers was older than hospitality, old enough perhaps to be predicated of the Aryans in the joint period. Inasmuch as the Aryans were unacquainted with the sea — a common term first occurs among the Europeans, viz., L. mare, Ir. muir, Goth, marei, E. mere — sea-going trade did not exist. The series of words — Gk. aXg, L. sal, Goth, salt — originally meant salt, and even if they originally meant sea, we are still in Europe, for Sk. sdras ' lake, pool ' can hardly prove anything about sea. The trade that flourished was overland or along the banks of rivers. There is nothing common in the way of nautical terminology to invalidate this, it is only terms for rowing and boat that are common, e.g., Sk. ar'itras ' rudder,' Gk. ipiTixLv ' oar,' L. renins, A.S, ro'Ser, &c., and Sk. ndus, Gk. vaZg, G. iiaue. It is assumed that the latter word denoted the hoUowed- out trunk of a tree. But could such trunks be readily got, if the original home is placed with Schrader in the woodless steppe country. In the European languages, mast (L. mdtus, A.S. mcBst, rt. mazdos) has a common term, but even in these, there are great differences in the nomenclature of the other parts of a ship. Introduction. xlv A fair idea of the material culture of the Aryans may be got from an examination of the culture disclosed to us in the disinterred lake-dwellings of Switzerland. The facts brought to light in connexion with these seem to prove that the lake- dwellers were just at that stage of culture that one would be led to predicate of the Aryans. To complete an account of Indo-European culture it still remains to put down something about social progress and intellectual conceptions. Under this head let us note first the names of kin that are common to the Aryans. Their extension, although I do not put down all the languages in which they occur, will, 1 daresay, be fairly apparent. They are these -.^father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, father's brother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, daughter-in-laiv, husband's brother, hiisba?id's ■brothers' ivives, grandson (^nephezv) (Sk. pilar-, nidtdr, suiius, duhitdr-, bhratar-, svdsdr-, pitrvyas, svdsuras, svasrus, snusha, devdr-, yataras, ndpdt- ; (xk. Tarrip, fj^?]rrip, v'to;, O-jydrrjp, fpdTYip, , ■-TUTpMC, i/iup('t;, szvpd, \/'o('i;, darjp, slvarsps;, dve-^iog; L. pater, nidter, , ,f rater, soror, patruus, socer, socriis, nurus, levir, janitrices, nepos ; A.S. feeder, modor, sunu, dohtor, bro'Sor, siveostor, fiedera ((i. vetter orig. ' uncle '), sweor (G. schwdher), szueger (G. schwieger), snoru (G. schnur), tdcor (O.H.G. zeihhur), , nefa). There are double sets of words for father and mother running through the Indo-European languages, the above, and a set of imitative formations, e.g., Goth, atta 'father' {di]^ei ' mother '), cp. Gk. arr-a, L. atta, Sk. attd ' mother,' It will be noticed that the Indo-European terms for son and daughter are missing in Latin, and are supplied xlvi Mamial of Linguistics. by films filia, connected either with fello ' suck,' or 0u}.oy ' tribe.' In Greek, /ias, Gk. vs(po:, L. nebula, A.S. nifol, G. nebel). That these objects were deified in one quarter or another is matter of common knowledge. The only way to arrive at an opinion about Aryan notions of the afterworld is to examine the beliefs of separate peoples and more or less plausibly project them into the primeval period. In this connexion it is important to note that ancestor-worship, an injunction of Indian religion, and a national trait of the Romans, has no existence among the Greeks of the Homeric age. The Aryan mode of computing time has to be attended to in an account of Aryan culture. Should we be able to learn the number of seasons in the year of the primeval people, and discover details regarding the characteristics of these seasons, we shall, with the knowledge of climate so got, be much better able to select a suitable spot for the original home. 1 Manual of L inguistics. Beginning with terms for seasons, we find that commott names for winter and allied notions are very widely distri- buted, e.g., Sk. hema?itds ' winter,' Jiimds ' cold, winter,' Gk. ^sifj,^, ^/wv, ^if/^aif^a 'goat' ('yearling'), L. hieins, Sc. ginwier (cp. E. weiher, Gk. 'irog, L. vetus). There is also a series of allied terms for snow : — Gk. v/f a,. L. nix, A.S. S7tdzv, &c., including a Zend cognate. There are three groups of words for the portion of the year that is set over against the wintry portion, viz., Sk. vasanfds, Gk. 'iap, L. ver, &c. ; Zend ydre ' year,' Gk. w^a, Goth. Jer ; Sk. sd//id 'half-year, year,' A.S. siimor, &c. I ought to mention here that there are difficulties in connect- ing 'iap and ver with vasantds (rt. ves, which rather connotes the notion of waning than of growing light (cp. vesper, &c,)),. e.g., Gk. sea ought to become n. The best account of the word I have seen is that given by F. W. Walker in the Classical Revieiv, vol. v., p. lo. He derives both from a root ve 'blow,' making 'iap = FriFafi{ur), and ver=vcver. Of course this disconnects with Sanskrit. These terms do not represent divisions of the non-wintry part of the year, but are different names for the same thing. Their meaning fluctuates in different areas, and even in the same area there is evidence of instability. Perhaps sd7nd originally ' half-year ' was a sort of unattached synonym for the non-wintry portion of the year. The vasantds series seems to have properly denoted the commencement of the hot season, for they are not used as names for the whole year like the others. To say nothing of the twin powers of the year storied in mythology, there is a dualism present in the nomenclature, e.g., summer and ivinter, vasanlds and hemantds, with similar Introduction. li •suffixes, that impels us to assume an original division into two, and only two parts. After progress had been made in the cultivation of cereals, it is likely that some designation would be set apart for harvest-time, and probably a term common to the Euro- pean group arose at this stage, viz., L. annus {as?ios), cp. annona, Goth, asans 'harvest' (E. earn). When the peoples had separated and reached other localities, names for different periods of the warm part of the year were coined, and existing terms were attached to definite periods. The existence of correlates like Sk. vatsds ' calf, L. vefus ' full of years,' vituhis ' calf (' yearling '), A.S. w€^er ' wether,' seems to prove that the Aryans were able to conceive of the year as a whole. There was also a roundabout way of expressing the idea of year by means of an enumeration of its various parts, and in many of the Indo-European languages a fashion grew up of substituting a part for the whole, e.g., winter for year. A word for month has wide distribution — Sk. nuis, Gk. /x./)i', L. mcnsis, Goth. mend]>s, &c. There was also a word for moon belonging to the series, seen in Goth, mcna, but in many quarters it was replaced by words from fitting roots. When the moon had furnished a unit of measurement, observation would teach that some twelve of these units or months elapsed between the first appearance of the cold season and its re-appearance, and so long as there only existed a rough division of the year into a hot season and a cold season, the discrepancy between the lunar year and the natural year would not obtrude itself. lii Manual of Linguistics. A word for night runs right through the Indo-European languages : — Sk. fidktis, Gk. ro^, L. nox, Goth, finhts. A comparison of the words for summer and day does not reveal the community that a comparison of the words for winter and night does. That the Aryans measured the month by nights, just as they measured the year by lunar months, is evidenced by facts in language and by the reports of observers. Lan- guage proves that winter bulked very largely in the lives of the Aryans, and so must night, winter's ally and exponent. To this day in English we use the terms fortnight and sennight. In words for evening differences appear. A term for evening seen in Gk. iS-spa, L. vesper, &c., has some distri- bution. The term seen in A.S. is/en, G. abend is confined to Teutonic and is quite obscure. Before presenting any conclusion regarding the original home of the Aryans it will be proper and helpful to devote a page or two to record some of the results that have been arrived at anent the animals, the birds, and the trees of the primeval epoch. The animals domesticated by the Aryans were the cow (Sk. gdiis, Gk. /SoGc, L. bos, A.S. cu, &c.), the sheep (Sk. dvis^ Gk. o'lc, L. ovis, A.S. eowii, &:c.), the dog (Sk. svdn-, Gk. %-J'ji\, L. canis, A.S. hund, &c.). A word for goat, seen in Sk. ajds, Gk. a/'f, &c., has a measure of extension. There is even a common collective name for cattle (Sk. pdhis, from root pas, ' fasten, tether,' L. pecus, Goth, faihuy G. vieh. The pig was probably not domesticated when the peoples hitrodiiction. liii were still united. It must, however, have been known, for there is a common name (Sk. sn-kard-, Cik. uc, L. sus, A.S. su, &c.), Pig-rearing is not mentioned in early Indian literature, and implies a more settled life than can be pre- dicated of the original people. The horse, probably in a half-wild state, was known, as is evidenced by the names (Sk. dsvas, Cik. l-T'-roc, L. equus, A.S. eoh, &c.), but presumably was not used as a beast of burden. Words for riding differ in the various languages. From this one feels disposed to conclude that riding on horseback was not an established practice. The ass, the mule, and the camel were not known during the joint period. The mule is thought to have been first bred in Pontus, the ass and the camel, certainly domesti- cated at a very early period by the Asiatic branch, came originally from Eastern deserts and steppes. The absence of common names for ass and camel does not suggest an Asiatic site for the original home. Gk. hoc, and L. asinus are independent borrowings. G. Meyer (Brugmann's ' Indogermanische Forschungen,' vol. i., p. 319) says that the animal and the name were probably got from Asia Minor through Thracian-IUyrian intervention. To the same region he traces back niulus {mus/o, lo dimin. suffix), and making capital out of a remark of Anacreon's to the effect that the Mysians first bred mules, dubs the word an appellative (' the Mysian beast') turned proper name. Other animals named by the Aryans are these : — wolf (Sk. vrkasj Gk. >.uxoc, L. lupus^ Goth, iimlfs, &c.) ; bear (Sk. rkshas, Gk. apxrog, L. ursus, &c.) ; otter (Sk. udrds, Gk. xihfiog, G. otter, &c.); mouse (Sk. 7niish, Gk. iJ.\J:, L. //lus, llv Manual of Linguistics. A.S. viTis, Szc.) ; hare (Sk. sasds, A.S. /zara, G. Mse, &c.) ; beaver (Sk. babhrus, ' brown,' I., fiber, A.S. ^(fc;/^/-, O. /^//^er) ; polecat (Sk. kaslka, and Lithuanian cognate). The jackal belongs to the Asiatics. To the Europeans belong the hedgehog (Gk. £%/V6c, A.S. //, G. igel, &c.) ; the lynx (Gk. Xu/^, G. luchs, &c.) ; the weasel (Gk. a/sAo-jpog (aF'ffs/.-), A.S. wes/e, G. wiesel) ; the hart (i. Gk. 'iXafog, with Celtic, Slavonic, Lithuanian, and Ar- menian cognates, and 2. Gk. xspaoc, ' horned,' L. cervus, A.S. heorof, G. hirsch (/ als Ableitung bei Tiernamen im Germ.) Kluge) ; and the boar (L. aper, A.S. eofor, G. eber), &c. The words for fox are difficult — a/.wTjjg, said by Meyer to be a loan-word from a dialect of Asia Minor (with an Armenian cognate) ; viilpes, quoted by Wharton as dialectic and belonging to the Ii/pus-rov!. For the Gothic fauho a cognate seems to exist in the Laconian ipr,Za, so that the animal is probably European. The tiger, the lion, the elephant, and the ape have not common names and were not known to the united people. It is well, however, to remember that certain animals may not have had names specialised for them, and may have been merged in the general term ' wild beasts.' The name for tiger is of Iranian origin ; as to the names for lion, usually considered borrowings from the Greek, it is just possible that they may be to some extent independent formations. At any rate, it is difficult, on the hypothesis of borrowing, to account for the various forms of the name, and the animal was not unknown in Europe, for we read of lions in Thrace. In putting down common names for birds, one cannot Introduction. Iv but suspect independent, imitative origin. To this sus- picion are exposed the following : — owl (Sk. lUukas, L. ulula, G. eule) ; cuckoo (Sk. kokilds, Gk. y.&xxu^, L. cucTiluSy &c.) ; hen (Sk. krkavahcs, Gk. aipxo:, &c.) ; jay (Sk. kikidlvis, Gk. x/Wa G. hiiher) ; moorfowl (Sk, tittiris, Gk. Tirpaw, L. tetrao, &c. Outside these words of imitative origin there are few common names. Such are quail (Sk. vartakas, Gk. oprv^) ; goose (Sk. ha/'isds, Gk. ;i^»iv, L. {h)dnser, A.S. ^Jj, gandra, G. gans) ; duck (Sk. dtis, Gk. v^ffira, L. ands, A.S., ^«g^, G. ^«/^). Schrader also quotes as cognates Sk. syends ' eagle, falcon, hawk,' and Gk. iTtrTvog ' kite.' To the European languages belong these : — eagle (Gk. opvig, A.S. earn, Goth, ara, G. aar, &c.) ; crane (Gk. yspavog, L. grus, A.S. era//, &c.) ; wagtail (Gk. xiXXovpog, with Lithuanian cognate) ; throstle (L. turdela^ A.S. ^rostle, G. drossel, eorc, G. birke, &c ) ; willow (Gk. tr'-a, L. v'ltex, A.S. u>I(S/g, G. zveide, &c., with a Zend cognate). The names that in various areas denote tree, pine, oak, are these: — Sk. dr/is 'tree,' ddru 'wood,' Gk. Spvg 'oak,' Maced. 8dpuX7.os 'oak,' L. /ar/x {darix) 'larch,' Goth, trtu ' tree, ' G. zirbel 'stone-pine.' The original meaning, Schrader thinks, was tree (see later on). There is store of common tree-names in European : — oak, &c. (i. Gk. a/'y/Xw\]> 'species of oak,' alynpog 'poplar/ aiyaviri ' spear,' L. aescidus {aegsculus), A.S. dc, G. eiche, and 2. 'L. querciis, A..^.ftirh 'fir,' G. fdhre) ; beech (Gk. (pnyd^ 'oak,' "L. fdgiis, A.S. boc, G. buche); pine (i. Gk. tsuxjj, G.fichte {O.'H.G.Jiuhta), &lc., and 2. Gk. 'xirug, \.. ptnusiox p'ltnus (taken along with 'Sk. pfhi-ddms these names have a claim to be common) ) ; sallow (Gk kXizri, L. salix, A.S. ealh, G. sahl{weide), &c. ; hazel (L. cory/iis, A.S. h(Esel, G. hasel, &c.) ; elm (L. iilmus, A.S. elm, &c., perhaps Sk. dranyam ' wood ' (from arnmya-) ) ; alder (L. ainus {alsnus), A.S. air, G. erie, &ic., perhaps Sk. rshfis 'spear'); maple (Gk. aTtaoTog, L. acer, G. ahorn) ; ash (A.S. cesc, G. esche, &c.) 3 aspen (A.S. cesp, G. aspe, &c.) ; yew (A.S. Iw {eotv), G. eibe (O.H.G. Iwa), &c., from this comes Fr. if, through Mid. Lat. ivus). The Greek correlate for beech has assumed the meaning Introduction. Ivii *■ oak,' and in Slavonic there is no native term for beech. The Greeks must have passed from a country with beeches to one without. This tree, in fact, does not grow south of a Hne drawn from the Ambracian to the MaHan Gulf The original home of the Slavs was outside of the eastern boundary of the beech-zone, viz., a line drawn from Konigsberg to the Crimea. From the limited number of agreements in tree-names one is entitled, according to Schrader, to conclude that the country of the primeval people was not well-wooded (but the pine, the elm and the alder may perhaps be added, cf. tree-names above, and see later on). It is possible, however, to push a negative conclusion too far. It may be that the Asiatic branch on leaving an original home that was well-wooded, sojourned for a con- siderable period in a region that was comparatively treeless, and there lost the names they once possessed. On again settling in a forested district the names of the new coinage would not correspond to those that had first issued from the mint of the undivided people. Common names for birds are not so numerous as to justify us in asserting woods to have been a prominent feature in the landscape of the original home. If a consideration of other facts leads to the assignment of a somewhat bare district as the original home, the paucity of trees argued by the above comparisons will not be with- out corroborative force. There are no common names for mountain and valley. For water and its manifestations we have Sk. uddn-, Gk. vhup, L. unda, A.S. W(^tcr, Goth, wato, &c.; Sk. plu,pru 'float, flow,' GL-rXsw, \.. pluit, A.S. fleotan, Sec. To Euro- Iviii Manual of Linguistics. pean belong L. aqua, Goth, ahwa, A.S. ea {cekzmi), G. aue ' Wasserland.' It falls now to utilise all that has been learnt regarding Aryan culture to assist in determining the scene of the joint life. This used to be laid in Asia. The primitiveness of Sanskrit, the ancient civilisation and traditional antiqueness of the East, the reputation of Asia as the officina gentium, all tended to the allocation of an Asiatic site as the scene of the joint life. Primitiveness of language proves nothing as to primitive home, and the presence of archaic traits in a language manifestly does not prove its speakers autochthonous in the district or zone. These traits, too, must be gleaned from documents of the same date, and must be appraised as well as counted. Civilisation is not so old as life or language, and depends so much on external and fortuitous conditions, that priority in civilisation does not argue a prior occupation of the country that is its scene. The possibility of another than an Asiatic scene in due course suggested itself. Latham, arguing plausibly that the whole must originally have been located where the majority of its parts are, maintained the possibility of a European home. Benfey, arguing from the absence of common names of beasts of prey, supported a European site, and located the original home north of the Black Sea, between the Danube and the Caspian. Geiger, to keep to the habitat of the bear, and Cuno, to secure a homogeneous area, put forward Germany as the most probable site. Posche, to account for the blondeness which he assumes to be a distinguishing characteristic of pure and original Introduction. lix Aryans, located the original home in West Russia, in the swampy district of the Pripet, a tributary of the Dnieper, where albinoes are rife. Lindenschmit, partly for common reasons, and partly owing to a disbelief that a race of Asiatic origin would have exhibited the energy and expan- siveness of the Aryans, pronounced against Asia. Penka, building on cranioscopy, has supplemented Posche's description of the pure Aryan, and making him out to be a dolichocephalic blonde, has found his most natural home in Scandinavia, a conclusion supported by the fact that the common culture revealed by an examination of the Indo- European language, is the same, according to Penka, as that revealed by an examination of the prehistoric remains found in Scandinavia. Tomaschek locates the original home somewhere near the Finnic-Ugrian domain ; Taylor, in arguing for an affinity between Finnic and Indo-European, is committed to a site that will explain this ; Pietrement imagined he had made out a case for Siberia. Only a year or two ago, J. Schmidt, influenced by traces of a duodecimal mode of reckoning discernible in Indo- European (chiefly seen in Teutonic, compare the breaks in formation after 12, 60, and 120; compare also the use of L. sescenti as a big round number with some sort of finality about it, also the break in the formation of Greek cardinals after 60), deemed it necessary to assume for the original home a site that was in touch with Babylonia, where the numeral system had 60 for a progressive basis. Thus would have been given the first definite proof of an Asiatic home. To begin with, such a mode is not to be detected in Indo- Iranian, and traces of a duodecimal reckoning are so wide- spread (found in China, and in Siberia ; compare also the Ix Ma nual of L inguistics. part played by the number 12 in matters Etruscan), that it seems difficult to localise one centre of diffusion. Besides, a prominence given to the number 12 (what of the 12 moon months, and the 12 added days) might account for excre- scences in the decimal system (60 = 5x12, 120= 10 x 12). See Hirt's article, ' Die Urheimat der Indogermanen,' in Brugmann's Journal, vol. i. page 464. Schrader's theory of the original home is plausible, well- reasoned out, and merits attention. It is proposed to give a brief account of it. Schrader prefaces his attempt to assign a site for the joint life of the Aryans by a determination of the spot where the Europeans and the Indo-Iranians respectively passed through periods of common culture. The scene of the common European culture he makes out to be the tract of country bounded on the south by the Danube and the Black Sea, on the east by the Dnieper, on the west by the Car- pathians, and on the north by the swamps and dense forests of Volhynia. The scene of Indo-Iranian culture is made out to be that portion of Eastern Iran that comprises the ancient provinces of Sogdiana and Bactriana. The first-mentioned site suits the facts that the data for a common European culture supply. The trees for which common names exist in European all grow here. In this area might very well take place that change from a nomadic to an agricultural life that the European common language reflects. The obstructions on the borders would give pause to nomadic habits, the closer packing in space, due to the repression of these habits, would force attempts to add to the spontaneous gifts of the earth, the fertility of the soil would richly reward and increase all such attempts. All Introductio7t. Ixi the animals peculiar to the European fauna are to be found here. Here too the sea, not known in the primitive life, would first be seen, and a term coined. And from this area we can most easily account for the passage of the Europeans into their historical homes. The Slavs and Lithuanians would follow the course of the Dnieper to their home north of the Pripet, outside the zone of the beech ; the Teutons would follow the course of the Dniester to their probable centre of diffusion, the basin of the Vistula and Oder ; the Italians and Celts together would follow the course of the Danube, the former passing into Italy by the Gulf of Venice, the latter going further up the Danube, and thence passing to their original seat, the central basin of the Rhine. The choice of Eastern Iran as the scene of the Indo- Iranian period of common culture, has much to recommend it. The region, not without facilities for a nomadic life, would induce and favour a transition to an agricultural life. Here also can be got the gold that was known to the Indo- Iranians. This region, too, is a long way from the sea, quite an indispensable condition for the scene of the joint Indo-Iranian life, inasmuch as the words for sea in Iranian and Sanskrit differ. The similarity that exists between river names in Sanskrit and Iranian is accounted for by the part that rivers play in this district. After thus allotting to the Europeans and the Indo- Iranians areas for their respective joint hves, Schrader sets about providing an area that will be suitable for the Aryan joint life before the dispersion. Roughly bisecting the dis- tance between the alleged European and Indo-Iranian areas, he selects for examination the tract of country that lies in the Ixii Manual of Linguistics. basin of the Middle Volga, north of the sandy steppes of the Caspian. Incidentally, he notes that this site will ex- plain many of the points of contact between the Finns and Aryans that language reveals. 'Pa, too, the Greek name of the Volga, is made to yield evidence that favours this site. It may be supposed that the Finnish name Rawa or Rau, from which the Greeks got their 'Pa ('PaFa), derives from an I.E. sravd, adopted by the Finns, who entered this district after the departure of the Aryans. Rha has also been connected with Zend Ranha, the name of a mythical river, and seeing that Iranian tribes did once dwell in the neighbourhood of the Volga, this etymology is not to be lightly set aside. The climate of this area suits the facts that an examina- tion of language disclosed. The winter is long and severe. The hot season follows hard on the cold, and so little grada- tion is manifest in the passage from extreme cold to extreme heat, that there are practically only two seasons in the year. This is just the state of things that the common language reflects. The landscape is comparatively treeless, but on the banks of the rivers are found birches and willows, both primitive trees, as we saw above. The animals that figure in Indo-European equations are found in the steppe, viz., the wolf, the otter, the mouse, the hare and the polecat. The bear is not a native of the steppe. We must therefore suppose that his incursions into the alleged primitive area were frequent enough to procure him a name. The fox is found all over the steppe, though we saw that the name was in extension only European. Perhaps the Asiatic branch lost the name. All the primitive domestic animals are natives of the steppe — the cow, the sheep, the dog, the Introduction. Ixiii goat. The life here is still largely pastoral. Wealth is measured by flocks and herds. The ox is still the beast of burden, and horses are reared in half-wild herds. Of birds, the eagle, the falcon, the owl, the wild duck, the goose, the hen, &c., are found in the steppe. The streams are stocked with fish, so that the lack of a common name relating to fish must be owing to the fact that the primitive people were not educated up to the point of fish-catching. The love of sport in general is of late growth. Salt is plentiful in the steppe, and must have been known. The term must have dropped from the vocabulary of the Asiatic branch. The forms too for salt have features that only primitive words have. The dwellings are underground and altogether seem a reproduction of the Armenian -/.aTaynoi ohjai described by Xenophon. The manufacture of felt, a primitive industry, is still en- gaged in all over the steppes. A good case is thus made out for the site tentatively chosen as the scene of the joint-life. The inductions that an examination of the language caused to be drawn are fairly well borne out by the objective realities of the steppe country of the Middle Volga. It seems to me that Hirt (' Die Urheimat der Indoger- manen,' Brugmann's Journal, vol. i., p. 464) has picked some holes in this theory. He gives plausible reasons for adding the pine and the oak to the list of Indo-European tree- names. To the word appearing in Greek as op\Jz (' oak ') he assigns ' pine ' as the original, and ' tree ' as the engrafted meaning, quoting in support Sk. deva-ddrus and pitu-dariis, both denoting species of pines, and rejecting the Greek Ixiv Manual of L inguistics. meaning, as discounted by the shiftiness of that language in the matter of tree-names. Another pine row is got from ^\i. pttu-ddrus, Gk. t/V-jj^ L. plnus (from p'lttms or pits7ius). For quercus, G. fohre ' fir,' orig. ' oak ' — qit may be orig. p, cp. qifinque and tsu-s — he pushes forward additional cognates, viz., Goth, fairgiuii (* Gebirge,' ursprlinglich ' Eichenwald,' dann ' Wald,' ' Wald-gebirge '), Sk. Fdrjanyas and Lith. Perkunas both thunder-gods, but now known by what was originally a by-name = oak-god. If this presentation of cognates is correct, the site chosen for the original home must be one where the four Indo- European trees (the birch, the willow, the pine, and the oak) grow together. Such a condition throws out of count not only Asia, but Schrader's steppe country. The site must be European and wooded, and Hirt pitches on the country on the Baltic just outside the N.E. corner of the beech zone. He chooses a maritime region, believing that the sea was known to the undivided peoples. The Eastern peoples lost the cognate of L. mare, &c. In the words of which vu.\jt is the Greek representative it is more correct to recognise something that was sea-going, besides, mare must be an old soldier, neuter stems in / belonging to an ancient and extinct formation. Perhaps agriculture was known to the Aryans, for the absence of common terms in East and West may be due to the loss of a culture-gain on the part of the East, brought about by a wandering over steppe country. The site chosen is favourable to bee-life, and has still wolves and bears. It is thus also possible to explain the archaic character of hitj'odiiction. Ixv the languages in the neighbourhood, viz., Lithuanian and Slavonic. They have been least subject to dislocation and foreign influence. How long the Aryans retained their purity of blood and racial solidarity, what effect race-mixture had in accelerating the disintegration, and in accentuating the differences of the cognate dialects, at what stage in speech-development, and to what extent, foreign factors began to colour the various results are questions that naturally suggest themselves, but do not admit of ready answers. It is at any rate true that for differentiation in language and ultimate disseverance a mixture of races is not needed. What the Aryans were physically, there are not sufficient data to pronounce. Some call the pure Aryan blonde and dolichocephalic, but the fact remains that very many of the so-called Aryans are dark and brachycephalic. Which of these represent the Aryan, and which the Aryanised races, is not positively certain. There cannot have been developed two distinct types of pure Aryans, for type is very per- manent, and it does not seem permissible to suppose that two racial types, before the appearance of language proper, were thrown together to evolve in social union but racial isolation, the parent speech of the Aryan tribes. A page or two on the opinions now generally prevalent regarding the origin of speech will fitly close the intro- duction. Speech arose at various points on the earth's surface. It was polyphyletic in origin and not monophyletic. The be- Ixvi Manual of Linguistics. ginnings of speech must have been the same all the world over, Man has the same speech-apparatus, and, at the outset, the same potentialities. The same surroundings, the same time would doubtless convert a Patagonian into a Plato. The first speech-sounds were doubtless due to reflex action of the speech-apparatus, responsive as it was to the many impressions from without. These speech-sounds were also of full content, and not at all comparable to the cut-and-dry, labelled sound-groups that we call words. Sentence-words were the units of primal speech. The so-called parts of speech were not yet differentiated. Any of them, and, it may be, more than one at a time, was im- manent, proximately or mediately, in any sentence-word. The latter was a sort of phonic nescio quid. Usage and reflection isolated sentence-words of similar application. Grouping would supervene, and a slow, a severely slow development would doubtless in the end pro- duce material that could be delineated in grammatical terms. Rising thought and a working knowledge of speech-craft must have made plainer the boundaries of these groups, and more sharply marked off" their members from the members of other groups. It may very well have been the generalisa- tion of phonic elements in master-words, phonic elements that may or may not have once represented a full idea, or the adaptation of phonic flourishes existing in what was pre- sumably often a song-speech, that has furnished the material and the scaffolding of subsequent inflectional up- building. Roots, as independent, spaced sounds, have been got at by analysis. They existed in the first speech in posse, but Introduction. Ixvii not in esse. Nobody ever talked roots in the usual sense of the word. They are only phonetic types, vocal ideas, sound - pictures without a setting. Nobody ever saw in growth a nutless kernel, or a pithless stem, nobody ever saw a live skeleton. The first words to be sure were not abstracts but con- cretes, and were predicated only of the objects, feelings, and phenomena of the daily life. Metaphors were in vogue early enough, abstracts were a late aftermath. No one can accurately describe the character of the Urwortcr without bethinking him of the character of the Urmensch. After having defined the first words in terms of [their character, it is expedient to define them in terms of their origin. What is the term that best describes the first words as created things ? Imitative, I think. By this I do not merely mean that cries (the pooh pooh theory), and imita- tions of natural and animal sounds (the bow ivoiv theory) furnished portions of the primitive vocabulary of man, but that this in its entirety consisted of reproductions or re- flexions of the sounds heard by him or made by him, of the vocal murmurs and functional noises that were repeatedly in his ears, I do not then think it right to say that there was no necessary connection between impressions and names. The name certainly reflected the impression of the namer. Im- pressions were not always full and square, nor even, such as they were, all caught. This may account for the variations in the names of familiar sounds. The creative stage in language has not passed. Paul m his Principles gives crowds of words of imitative origin that have been developed in later German. Ixvili Manual of Linguistics. I do not believe that the real first words were as much as I have just said. Set sounds did not come to order. There must have been many attempts and many failures, and the gamut of stable, intelligible sounds was probably not fatiguing in compass. It seems to me that one of the most powerful aids towards the production of articulate sounds must have been got from the vocal accompaniments of joint action, and from the choric recitative of festal gatherings. It was to the cries of men working in fellowship and co-operation (the yo-he-ho theory) that Noire traced the beginnings of all speech. In this connection I may mention an able article entitled ' The Festal Origin of Human Speech,' contributed by Mr. J. Donovan to Mind for July 1892, in which, with words of weight, he argues that articulation had its origin in the im- passioned intonations of festal excitement. In the same article, if I understand him rightly, he throws out the suggestion that inflexional machinery may derive its origin and its scope from some sort of suffixal sing-song that attached itself to the chants celebrating diverse actions or scenes. Mention should also here be made of the part that gesture played in the development of speech. It aided in making speech articulate and intelligible. Had man not been an erect animal, with free hands, he would never have possessed language proper, nor, for that matter, any means of effective communication. Had he not elected or been constrained to employ his hands fully in other ways, gesture-language might perhaps have sufficed for the wants of the early man. As it is, gesture-language and speech proper went hand in Introduction. Ixix hand, and it was long till the latter could dispense with the former. Speech, as speech, cannot be called a scientific process, until set sounds with an established meaning can be pro- duced at will, to be readily apprehended by a second in- dividual. The earliest sounds used by man for communication were jjrobably in the main manufactured on the spot for the needs of the moment. When man in his communications with man was able to string a number of sentence-words together with a running cord of connection, he may be said to have passed, in- tellectually, the border line, whence, if progress had been arrested, man might have reeled back into the beast. I am well aware how slight and fragmentary the above sketch of the origin of speech is. Nevertheless I have deemed it advisable to set down something on this important topic. CHAPTER I. Letters — Their Origin and Order. Sounds and not letters are the units of importance in language. The time, however, occupied in the invention, develop- ment, and transmission of letters, has been so long, and their history is so bound up with the history of civilisation, that for these reasons alone, leaving out of count their claims as sound-symbols, some little space ought to be set apart to note points of importance and interest connected with their study. In this chapter the intention is to say just as much about letters as the heading indicates. Before letters, the art of ivritiiig existed. It was picture- writing, by means of what are called hieroglyphs, repre- senting at first honestly, then conventionally, the objects described. All systems of writing have had this natural origin. The next stage in the art of writing was the use of the hieroglyph to represent not only the form, but also the name of the object described. The symbol, having gained re- cognition as a sound-carrier, was then used to represent similar-sounding names. Next, and naturally, but not soon, it stood for the first syllable of the name ; finally, with a progressive people, it A 2 Mamtal of Lmguistics. became an alphabetic symbol, standing for the sound of the first letter of the name. It is as if we were to make a picture of the beetle represent, first, the animal, then the sound of its name, then the sound of beetle ' hammer,' then the first syllable, and finally, the power of the letter b. The systems of picture-writing (omitting notice of savage systems) known to us are (i) the Egyptian, from which our own alphabet has ultimately come ; (2) the Mexican ; (3) the Cuneiform; (4) the Hittite; (5) the Chinese. Alphabetic symbols have been evolved from all, save the two last. From these have been developed syllabaries, the Cypriote and the Japanese. We got our alphabet from the Romans, the Romans got theirs from the Greek colonists of Cumae and Neapolis, who came originally from Chalcis in Eubcea. In our school histories of Greece we have all read that Cadmus the Phoenician brought letters to Greece. All the classical writers, from Herodotus to Pliny, affirm the Phoenician origin of the Greek alphabet. In this case tradition and fact are at one. The Greek alphabet is undoubtedly of Semitic origin. One has only got to compare the names and the numerical values of the letters in the Greek and Hebrew alphabets to become con- vinced of this. If, after inserting the yau, san, and koppa that the blanks in the numerical values of the Greek letters require, we compare as far as tau — the last letter of the primitive number — we shall have visible proof of the strong correspondence. All existing alphabets, moreover, come from the Semitic, not only the alphabets of the Semitic area, not only the Letters — Their Oricriti and Order fi ■Greek (and Italic) alpliabets, but those of India (probably through the Sabean alphabet of Arabia Felix). The next question is — Whence did the Phoenicians get their alphabet ? Did they invent it ? The ancients pretty confidently believed that they got it from Egypt. It was the Frenchman De Rouge who first (in 1859) actually proved the Egyptian origin ofletters. Avoiding the mistakes of his predecessors, who, attempting to affiliate the Semitic characters to the Egyptian hieroglyphs, had been baffled by the dissimilarity in form (to say nothing of dis- agreement in names, order, and number) of the letters of the two alphabets, he sought for the prototypes of these Semitic characters in a cursive script that was of suitable date (viz., that of the Semitic occupation of Egypt), and that possessed forms fairly similar to the forms compared. This he found in the Hieratic script of the early empire. Selecting from this, as exhibited in the handwriting of the Papyrus Prisse (a MS. brought from Thebes to Paris by M. Prisse d'Avennes), the characters that were alphabeti- cally used, he compared their forms with those of the oldest available Semitic characters (the Moabite stone was not discovered till 1868), viz., those on the sarcophagus of Eshmunazar, King of Sidon. He was able to trace nearly all the Semitic letters to originals among the Hieratic normal symbols. For refractory letters he was also able to give explanations. Many of the outstanding differences between the forms of the letters in the two alphabets are due to the material used in writing. The Hieratic letters were written on papyrus with a brush-pen, the Semitic letters were written in stone with an iron pen. 4 Ma mial of L ingii i sties. The alphabet, then, such as it was, was borrowed from the Egyptians during the dominion of the Hyksos, or Shepherd Kings, a Semitic stock, about the 19th century B.C. These on their expulsion diffused it over the zone of their influence, but previously and afterwards it was diffused among those with whom they had trading rela- tions by the Phoenician colonists who had settled on the Delta during the Semitic occupation, and had remained after it ceased. The Semites, rejecting non - alphabetic elements,, renamed, rearranged, and adapted for phonetic purposes the letters they had borrowed. The letters have often been renamed since. The Greeks, after adopting the Semitic alphabet, evolved characters out of the breaths and semj-consonants to ex- press vowels, thus contributing their share towards the perfection of the alphabet. Semitic has no true vowels ; in the primitive Egyptian the vowels were to a large extent inherent in the consonants. The force of the above argument seems to destroy al) chance of proving the Semitic alphabet to be of home growth. Besides, alphabets, like civilisations, have not been begun, developed, and perfected by one race, and within one area, at all sorts of odd points on the earth's surface. Transmission is the antecedent probability if the conditions are favourable. Attempts have been made to derive the Semitic alphabet from the Assyrian cuneiform, but as yet no plausible case has l)een made out. To tell why the letters of our alphabet appear in their Letters — Their Origin and Order, s ' present order rather than in another, it will be necessary to refer to the Semitic alphabet. Beyond this it will not be necessary to go, for, as we shall presently see, their present order is of Semitic upgrowth. For this purpose, let us look at the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Transliterated they run as follows : — 'a, />, ^i^, d, //, ■V, z, ch, t,y, k, /, //I, n, s, ^a,p, s, {/, r, s, t. Their names are a/eph, bct/i, gitnel, dalcth, he, van, zayiii, cheth, teth, yod, kaph, lamed, mem, nitii, samekh, ''ayiii, pe, tsade, qoph, resh, s/ii/i, tau. They exceed twenty-one, the third multiple of seven, by one letter. The positions of z, s, and s, are noticeable. They occupy, if k be placed beside (/ (of which letter it was originally a homophone, but became differ- entiated), the seventh, fourteenth, and twenty-first places, sacred places according to Semitic notions. If we now read over the letters, omitting the four sibilants, a certain method in arrangement appears to be present. Neglecting then z, s, s, and s, and also /c and r, variants of q and /, we have four breaths, followed by several letters of one class, viz., 'a by /^, g, d ; //by v, ch, t ; y by /, ;;/, n \ 'a by /, q, t. This seems to afford a clue to the arrangement. Evidently the classification is according to sound, as in the Sanskrit alphabet. There are other classifications of alphabetical symbols, viz., according to form, name, or date of introduction. The modes of classification have been called the phono- logical, the morphological, the ideological, and the chrono- logical. The position of the Greek letters of later origin — y, (p, x„-\,(*i — at the end of the alphabet is one of the best e xamples of chronological order. We may expect that the facts before us will not all be Marnial of Linguistics. explained by one of these modes. But let us first tabulate what we have ascertained — 'a Brea h th s y a in b c ri m d Lab c ^ % P a 1 a .5 ch G Den i als m tals .'2 tals J n p :-> t z Sibi s 1 a n t s s s Here we have akph followed by three sonants, he by three continuants, yod by three liquids, and 'ayin by three surds, while to each of these groups there can be conveni- ently attached a sibilant. A cross reading proves too that the consonants after the breaths follow one another in the order of labials, palatals, dentals. It may fairly be argued that we have before us the original arrangement of the Semitic alphabet, and that based on phonological principles. If we suppose then that the introduction into the alphabet of the new letters k and ?■ — k beside its original q, by right of descent, and r beside s, by name-association (resh 'head,' beside shin 'teeth)' — spoiled the harmony, and brought about a new arrange- ment in which z, s, and /, were to have the seventh places, we get an order that is almost identical with the received order of the Hebrew letters given above. By name-associa- Lettei's — Their Origin ajid Order. 7 tion, k was afterwards placed after j- — kaph 'palm' after yod ' hand ' — and w beside n — mem ' water ' beside nun ' fish.' No explanation is given in the authorities of the place of s in the received alphabet. The real meaning of tsade is not known. A very few considerations have enabled us to see how the received order of the Semitic letters has been evolved from the primitive phonological order. The order of letters in the Greek alphabet, which up to tau, corresponds closely with that of the Semitic, is of course explained by the explanation of the other. The letter tsade, Gk. san sampi, was lost out of the Greek alphabet, but was afterwards reintroduced to denote the numerical value t^oo. The loss is evidenced by the sudden break of identity in the numerical values of the Greek and Semitic letters. Among these, pi and pe both stood for 80, while in Semitic, 90 was denoted by tsade, and in Greek by koppa, used only as a numerical sign. The cor- responding letter in Semitic, viz., qoph, stood for 100, a clear proof that a letter had dropped in Greek. The English order of letters is explained so far by the explanation of the order in its prototypes, but, adopted as it has been from the Latin alphabet, some details need to be added anent certain special features of the latter. It will also be convenient to insert here and there, as the case requires, facts of interest in connexion with the Greek alphabet. The Latin alphabet, as has been already said, was got from the Chalcidian colonists of Cumae and Neapolis. These used what is called the Western or Hellenic alpha- bet, and transmitted it to the Italians. The alphabet that 8 Manual of Linguistics. ultimately prevailed in Greece during the classical period was called the Eastern or Ionian alphabet. Let us then, by way of fully accounting for the English order, notice the differences that exist between the Greek and Latin alphabets. In the Latin alphabet, we have c in the third place, and in the seventh g, while zeta has disappeared. Gamma was written as c in the Chalcidian alphabet, and this character, as records prove, had originally the value of a soft mute, but, owing it is said to the influence of Etruscan, which had not soft mutes, got hardened, and thus became synonymous with k (compare Chap. VII. p. 171.) After a while, k, a letter with which certain Latin words continued to be written, dropped out of general use, and c represented the sound of both k and g. Later on a differentiation of c, seen in our capital letter G, stood for the soft sound, and took the place in the alphabet that had been filled by the seventh letter zeta, the sound of which was not needed in Latin. Vau (F, called digamma, from its resemblance to two gammas superimposed) the sixth letter, which in the Eastern type of Greek alphabets had only a numerical value, kept its place in the Western, the parent of the Latin alphabet, but took on it the power oif. Its former power was w. The Greek eta and the Latin H have the same position, and the same form, but different values. In the Semitic alphabet, the eighth position was filled by cheth with the sound of ch in Scotch loch, but in the Greek alphabet this sound had been reduced to that of the aspirate, thus taking the place of the fifth letter he, out of which the vowel epsilon had been evolved. At first, the sounds of epsilon Letters — Their O right and Order. and eta were both denoted by £, finally, H, after doing double duty for some time as the representative of both eta and the aspirate, was set apart to denote eta, while out of the first half of a halved // was evolved'^^/the sign of aspiration. From the other half was evolved '. The characters for theta, phi, and chi, were used in Latin only for symbols of numerical value, though in Etruscan they had a position in the alphabet. Theta furnished a symbol for loo, which was afterwards accommodated in form to the initial letter of centum. From a variety of chi was evolved L, the symbol for 50, from phi, a symbol, which was afterwards confused with the first letter of mille. Psi and omega do not occur in the Chalcidian alphabet, from which the Latins got theirs. In the Greek alphabet, which originally ended with r, characters were obtained for the representation of century a.d., ]/ (a favourite initially) being chosen to repre- sent the consonantal sound. \l\l (a ligature of two z^'s) ap- peared in the eleventh century. In the fifteenth century, / was manipulated by way of ornament at the beginning of a word, and provided with a little addition on the left side. This differentiated form, t/, was set apart to denote the consonantal sound. In the same century Z was taken into the English alphabet, to which it hardly belonged, from the French. It is decidedly worth inquiring why we say a, b, c, &c., instead of using a reverse, or zig-zag order, and Taylor's account, as just given, seems convincing. It is not the business of this chapter to trace the connexion between the various types of letters that have been used to represent sounds, nor is it its business to compare the primal types with the original prototypes. Graphic developments within the same hand are usually exaggerations of special features, and used either for pure ornament, as in Black Letter, or utilised for needful dif- ferentiations, as with the left turn of J, really an orna- mental /'. The dot on / was originally (the capital has none), in the shape of an acute accent, a diacritic, to help reading in such cases as in, iii ; in, iii ; u, ii, The dot is needlessly retained iny, thus proving the origin, and the date of the origin, of that letter. Punctuation is now mainly logical, but at first was perhaps an attempt to mark the sentence-accent. CHAPTER II. Sound Relations in Indo-European — Vowels and Diphthongs. The number of sounds that used to be allotted to primitive European was strictly limited. Especially was this so in the case of vowels. The scant number of vowels in San- skrit was supposed to reflect correctly the condition of the parent-speech. The primitive vowel system would probably have been put down thus :— Vowels : a, i, n ; Diphthongs : /?/, au ; Semi-vowels : y, v. Consonants were proportionately meagre. Under guttural were put down k,g, gh ; under dental, /, d, dh ; under labial, /, b, bh ; under sibilant, s ; under liquid, r, m, ii. Vowels and consonants together gave twenty sounds. Now-a-days we have some thirty-nine sounds allotted to primitive Indo-European. It is felt that there is no good reason for denying to the parent speech the richness in sounds that is the property of many later languages. Only the promptings of a false analogy, or the craving for an unnatural unity, could have induced another belief Why should not the parent-speech have had wealth and complex- ity of sounds ? Language even at its first beginnings must have had a fairly large capital of sounds. Is it likely that primitive man with his large powers of mimicry, remained, amid the myriad sounds of his surround- So2tnd Rclatio7is in Indo-Ettropean. 1 3 ings, so unimpressionable, as the scant stock of sounds summarily assigned to the parent-speech would lead one to suppose, and this too at a time when the 7uiauces of thought and desire, such as these were, must have been expressed to a certain extent by tricks of sound? Would not this vocal range be afterwards reflected in the number and variety of speech-sounds, any later simplification being the result of a long period of wear and tear. But there is no need to weigh probabilities. The sounds of the parent-speech can be got at by the dry light of infer- ence. The sound-systems of its various families have simply to be compared and reasoned on. These families are the Iiido-lra?iian, the Armefiian, the Greek, the Albanian, the Italic, tlie Keltic, the Teutonic, and the Letto-Slavic. A comparison of the sounds found in these, has led to the assignment of the following sound-system to primitive Indo-European : — Vocalic, Vowels : a, s, d, i, ??. Diphthongs : di, ii, 6i, du, en, 6u. Indeterminate vowel : s. Consonantal. Semivowels : /, ?/. Consonant-vowels or Sonants : f, I, m, n. Spirants : J, v, s, z. Liquids : r, I. -. Nasals : ?n, ?i. - Explosives — Labials : /, b, ph, bh. 1 4 Mammal of L inguistics. Dentals : /, d, t/i, dh. Palatals : k, g, k/i, gh. Velars : k'-f, g^, kM\ ghi'. Some deny a place in the list of vowels to / and u, pro- nouncing them transformations of ei and eii, through inter- mediate and of course derivative t, u. In addition to the labial and dental nasals mentioned above, there were also velar and palatal varieties. There was also a ?/, or modified ii, in the parent-speech. On comparing the new list with the old, it will be seen that the former has included e and o in the number of primitive vowels. These used to be considered, under every condition and in all circumstances, European weakenings or colourings of a, and by no means entitled to rank with the sacred triad a, i, ti. The part played by these vowels in Sanskrit vocalism was the cause of this belief, and doubtless the simplicity produced in the Gothic vocalism by the re- placement of e and o with / and a, strengthened this belief. All this has been changed. The omnipresent a of San- skrit has been diagnosed to be a late levelUng, and decom- posed into a, (?, 0, Curtius had, it is true, discovered that the European languages in similar circumstances have e^ but not to the same extent o, in common. It can be proved that a in many cases is not a primitive vowel. Nothing is more certain than that the second a on rrarpdai (Sk. pitrshii), taken with the p, is a Greek fashion of writing the Sk. ri- vowel. The insertion of an auxiliary vowel to facilitate pronunciation is often urgently required. The combination — consonant-vowel and parasite — was then generalised, and used where a positive phonetic need did not exist. Sound Relations in Indo-European. 1 5 In the face of this, it is manifestly absurd to call the ■e and the o of, say bipxoij.ai and dsoopx.a, modifications or splittings of an a, seen in i'dpa-/.ov (Sk. ddrsam), which is in this case merely a ghost-vowel. Just so the a in 'iSaXov (for i&lo)), having only, one might say, an auxiliary existence, cannot be the sound from which has radiated the £ and seen in ^'s'kog and /SoA^. A comparison of nh^ (for rmca) and r&i/og with rar og (for rinog) — the nasal vowel is written a in Greek, as may be proved by putting side by side j^caroV (for iMiTov) and centum — of rs'/^i/w and toi^'^ with sra/jjov (for s7//i/Mjv)^ leads to the same conclusion. More on these syllabic liquids and nasals later on. In these words then, c and o have an independent existence. Further, it can be shewn that a, in Sanskrit, often functions as a palatal vowel would do in the circum- stances, and that, in such cases, e appears in Greek, and generally in European. Before the a of the reduplicated syllable in Sanskrit gutturals are palatalised, k appearing as c (the palatal, sometimes written c/i), g as/, &c. For example, the perfect of the root /car ' make ' is cakara, and the only possible explanation is, that, while the second a is the ordinary back- vowel, before which the guttural is stable, the first is a front vowel, presumably ^, before which the guttural is palatalised. In support of this, there is the fact that in Greek the vowel of the reduplicated syllable is e. Precisely the same ex- planation holds for the palatal oi ca (Gk. rs, L. que). These are only two of many similar instances. It appears then, that not only is a in European not always primitive, but that, in Sanskrit, it is sometimes demonstrably e, or a% as it is sometimes written. The vowel e must be admitted to 1 6 Manual of L inguistics. have as high an antiquity as the vowel a. The primitive- ness of e involves that of e, and the diphthongs ei and eu. The proof that establishes the priority of e, also estab- lishes that of 0. They have always, so far as transmitted evidence goes, co-existed in verbal and nominal formations of established position and primary build, both singly, and in combination with semi-vowels and sonants. A correct estimate of the following facts ought to estab- lish the priority of o {o, oi, ou). To get these, extract the ablaut-vowels from OipyioiLai dsdopxa, prr/vv[xi tppuya, a/yvuij.i taya, and place beside these the corresponding primitive vowels of Teutonic. Thus : — Greek. Teutonic I. i : — e : a 11. 7] : w = e : a II. a : a ^ a : a Teutonic replaces o by a, and w by a. The sound a from both originals afterwards passed into o. Assuming that the priority of £ and ri has been proved^ does any one believe that the o and w are other than primitive ? Is it likely that relations so manifestly organic owe their existence to a sentimental setting of the so-called splittings of a ? One had much better be true to the symmetry, and pronounce o and w as original as their correlates t and n- The e and o ablaut has quite as dis- tinctive position as the a and a ablaut. It is plain from^ a comparison of the two tables, that the a : a ablaut is a. thing apart and standing by itself. In this connexion it is proper to remark that Armenian^ a language usually classed as Asiatic, has a short e and o^ Sound- Relations in Indo-European. i 7 but perhaps we ought to class it among the European languages, or call it a link between Asiatic and European. There is good reason then for declaring the European vowel-system to be more primitive than the Indian. We may either say that e and o in Sanskrit have been levelled under a — in an open syllable, is in Sanskrit represented by a — or that « is a graphic expedient to denote what had better have been denoted by another sign. In scientific language e, o, a, are sometimes written a^, a-, a^ ; e and o, a'' and a' . (See page 140). What is in the new list called the indeterminate vowel, and represented by the current symbol for an obscure vocalic sound, viz., a turned e, appears in Sanskrit as / (as a before /-vowels). In European languages, this vowel was levelled under a. For an example take Sk. pita, Gk. -arrtp, L. pater, Goth, fadar, O.H.G. fater. In Greek, the analogy of strong e- and f-forms sometimes brings about the intrusion of e and instead of the usual a — sr&c (L. sdtiis), doro; (L. ddtiis). The next addition to the original list is furnished by the presence of the lingual and nasal consonant-vowels r, /, III, 11. These are also collectively called sonants, or sub- divided into syllabic liquids — r, /, and syllabic nasals — m, n. Their sounds are heard in the English words butter, bottle, buxom, button. The full consonant equivalents of these are heard in butterine, bottler, buxomer, buttoner. All the consonant-vowels have not separate characters. Sanskrit represents, with variations, /- and / by the ri- and //-vowels. The nasal vowels in Sanskrit, and both sets of vowels in other languages, are represented by the ordinary B / 1 8 Manual of L inguistics. nasal and lingual consonants, preceded, or, as in Greek, followed by a developed inorganic vowel. Of these sounds there are short and long varieties. For their representation, consult the table of sounds. Examples will be found in the commentary. It will be seen that in the present list of primitive sounds the place of the old simple gutturals is taken by two rows of consonants called respectively palatals and velars. The palatals are formed by the action of the tongue against the hard palate, the velars, by its action against the velum palati or soft palate. "~ In Latin, Greek, and Celtic, the palatals are written as simple gutturals, but appear in Sanskrit as s (r), j, {jJi) h. s is called the palatal sibilant in Sanskrit grammars, and is set down with the pronunciation s/i. In Brugmann's grammar, the characters used to represent them are I', g, gh (with small arch over guttural), k (Sk. s) has become a sibilated spirant in Sanskrit ; all three {k, g, gh) have become sibilated spirants in Zend, Letto-Slavic, and Armenian. The velars appear in Sanskrit (and Zend) as simple gutturals (or palatalised gutturals), without any labial modifi- cation, as also in Armenian and Letto-Slavic ; in Greek, their treatment is twofold, and will be alluded to presently ; in Latin and Teutonic, they often appear with full labial modification — qiiis, Goth. h7vas. In Greek, Latin, Teutonic, and Celtic — not necessarily in all three at once — the velars, however, also appear as simple gutturals, and sometimes, as in the question, ' hard palatal or hard velar,' it is only by a comparison with Sanskrit that we can determine to which row of gutturals the sounds under examination belong. Sound- Relations in Indo-European. 19 In the foregoing list the velars have been set down as kv,g-', gh'J. Brugmann writes the hard velar as k s(?) y. C h g J 7 g k gh h Z ll,g g k^ k c 6 — li OJ 8 o (A U s > 9 ft V d -^ > N 1 ^ 1 ^= without labial modification qu,c TO a It labial modification hw c •13 g^ g > gu,g,v kw g k ."3 ghU gh (jh)h gu,v, f,b o (g)w g "^ Sound Relations in Indo-European. 2 1 The hard aspirate velar kh'-', without labial modification, is seen in Sk. sa?iklids 'conch-shell,' Gk. myx/i 'mussel,' L. congius 'quart'; and, with labial modification, in Sk. nak/ids, Gk. oci/f, L. unguis. It ought to be stated here, that, in the parent speech, there were perhaps two varieties of palatals — one, the pure palatals, the other, the sibilated variety appearing in Sanskrit, Zend, and Letto-Slavic. Sometimes, in words which had a velar in Indo-European, no trace of the labial after-sound is found in any of the labialising languages — Gk. x6ros, L. cutis, A.S. hyd, O.H.G. hut (G. haut). In these cognates, however, the absence of the sound in question can be accounted for, since u disappeared before u in these languages. With regard to the non-labialisation of certain languages, there are as yet no definite data to decide whether this feature was in them from the beginning, labialisation being a special, self-developed characteristic of the labialising languages, or whether an originally common process became narrowed in its sphere of operation. Perhaps the ordinary labialisable velar, and the unlabial- isable velar of Sanskrit, Zend, and Letto-Slavic, may repre- sent two varieties of velars. It is odd that the languages which sibilate the palatals have no labial modification of the velars. Were these sibilating and non-labialising peoples neighbours in the original habitat ? Not that this one agree- ment entitles us to postulate original uniformity in other particulars. It is also to be noted that in the non-labialising languages there is sometimes an interchange between palatal and velar explosives. 22 Mamuil of Linguistics. " It falls now to state in tabular form some of the principal correspondences that obtain between the sounds of certain representative Indo-European languages, viz., Sa?iskrit, Greek, Latin, Gothic, A?igio-Saxon, and Old High German. The commentary registers certain noticeable representa- tions that are not always noted in the table. For further remarks on Anglo-Saxon vowels, consult Chaps. VI 11. and IX. This is perhaps the place for a little historical matter anent these languages. Sanskrit is one of the Aryan languages, the others are Zend and Old Persian. The name is properly applied to the literary language of the learned and priestly class. The vulgar dialect was called Prakrit, and from it have come the present languages of India. Greek is a general name for three dialects, tradition- ally known as Doric, ^^olic, and Io?iic. The Teutonic languages were divided into two groups, East Germanic and JVest Germatiic. The members of the iirst are Gothic, and Norse {Swedish, Danish, Nortvegiati, and Icelandic^. Gothic means the language of the Western Goths of the Balkan Peninsula, into whose language Ulfilas translated the Scriptures in the fourth century. The second group is composed oi Anglo-Saxon, Old Frisiati, Old Saxon, Old Dutch, and Old High German. Here follows the promised table : — Sound Rdaiions in Indo-Enropean. 23 I.E. Sk. Gk. L. 1 Goth. A.S. O.H.G. a a a 1 a e i u a a ae ea e, a e a a a »? (Ionic) a 5 e uo e a e e i u i ai e i eo e i e a n e ae oe I e(ei) 6(e) i a i a V u e i a a ea e a e 5 a w tl 5 e uo i i I i e i i e i e I I I i ei I I u u V u u aii u y u tl il V ft ft ft ft ai e ai ae e ai 1 a se eie 2 4 Manual of L inguistics. I.E. Sk. Gk. L. Goth. A.S. O.H.G. ai See Examp les ei e ei ei i ei 1 I ei See Examp les oi e 01 oe ai a ei e di See Examp les au 6 (W au ft au ea (au)ou 1 au au av au av 1 eu eu eu ft iu eo iu eo io eu See Examp les ou ov ft au ea (au)ou 6 6u au ou av Sotind Relations in Indo-Eziropcan. 2 5 These Indo-European sound-correspondences will now be illustrated by examples taken from each of the languages in question. The very possibility of a tabular statement implies, and consistency no less than brevity demands, that these illustrations be furnished by cognate words. Certain main transformations that the original sounds undergo in the various languages will at this point, as a rule, be simply referred to as illustrations of certain well-defined sound-processes. In another chapter (V.) will follow defini- tions of these processes. It will, however, be well to give under each sound such explanatory matter as cannot well be held over, or can there be most conveniently given. a : Sk. djras ' plain,' Gk. ay^ui^ L. agcr, Goth, akrs, A.S. cecer^ O.H.G. acchar (agros). Sometimes / appears in Sanskrit, instead of a. Take as an example pitdr- (Gk. ■-arr^f). In this word, the a re- presents the indeterminate vowel, which appears in European as a. For the replacement of a in Latin by e, /, and u, take as examples confectus (Jacio), recupero {paro), mde (svOa) ; manciphan and mancupiitm {capio), insilio {salio), adigo {ago), attingo {tango), insulto {salio). These replacements are found in unaccented syllables — e in closed syllables, before ;-, and when final ; / or n {i.e. ii) before labials, before / in open syllables, and before )ig ; u before / followed by another consonant, but not before //. In Anglo-Saxon a: for a, as in lecer, is found mostly in closed syllables, or in such as were originally closed, as cecer (Goth, akrs) ; ea is due to breaking — eax (L. axis), or 2i!-umlaut — ccarii and cam. For changes wrought on ea by umlaut, see Chap. V. For an example of c, due to /-umlaut. 2 6 Manual of L ingu is tics. take ecg ' edge ' (L. acies) ; for o, used interchangeably with a before nasals, take mgnn, finally supplanted by mann. There are two os in Anglo-Saxon — the last mentioned, open o (Goth, a), alternating with a, and a close o, from original «. For an example of umlaut-^ in Old High German, repre- senting original a, take elbir ^swan' (L. albus). This um- laut however did not take place, if there intervened a con- sonant preceded by /, r, h — nahtim ' iiodibus.' a : Sk. bhrafar-, Gk. !ppu.rr,p, L. frdter, Goth. brb\ar, A.S. bro^or, O.H.G. bruoder. In Teutonic (?, was everywhere changed into o, which passed into uo in Old High German, through the inter- mediate stages oa and iia. The e that appears in Anglo-Saxon is due to /-umlaut, and may be seen in dat. brewer, or, if an independent word is wanted, in grene ' green ' {growan ' grow '). Final o (orig. a) is shortened to a in polysyllabic words — Goth. ]ni/da, O.H.G. diofa (G. deutsch, E. Dutch), A.S. ^eod. Compare O.L. touto (Oscan inedix tuticus 'curator populi'). In Anglo-Saxon, long stems drop the vowel, short stems have u (o). e : Sk. dsti, Gk. srrri, L. est, Goth. I'sf, A.S. is, O.H.G. ist. Short e appears in Sanskrit as a. Sometimes / occurs in place of original e — mmdd ' defect' (L. meiida). For / in Latin, take as examples (a) in originally un- accented syllables — obsideo {sedeb), agite {ayin) (b) in closed syllables followed by nasals, notwithstanding accent — in, intiis {I'i, hro:), qiimque (-Tjvrs). Perhaps /, to begin with, only appeared in in, when followed by a consonant. Then followed levelling of the ^-form under the /-form. But t7i was usually proclitic and unaccented. Note also dignus {decet). Soimd Relatio7is in Indo-European. 2 7 The / in the last word is long, in conformity with a law of the classical period, assigning length to every vowel before f/f, ns, !r,i, g;n. Original e also appears in Latin as a — angi/iila ii'yx^'^^i)^ f/iagnus {fisyag), vas (a-(^)£t)>wO;), pated (rsT-cci'vy//./), flagro {(pX'iyu), natjciscor (biyxsTv) ; and as ^/, — u/c'us (vukus, velcus — eXjco;), pluit {'T'ki[F)oj), )iovus (^^(F)oJ), socer (sKvpog), coquo (Tiffffw). e remains before r—fero, double consonants — obsessus, and finally — agite (aysn). Note se?i (sl-zie). I.E. e was replaced in Teutonic by z (a) before nasals + consonant — A.S. bindan (Gk. ■rsuhpog 'father-in-law') ('connexion'), L. offendimentuni 'chin-cloth' (bhendh-) (b) before a syllable containing /, /, or I — Goth, ist^ A.S. is, O.H.G. ist (Gk. Igt'i) (c) before a syllable containing u ■ — A.S. sibiiu, Goth, sibun, O.H.G. sibu?i (Gk. scrra) (d) in enclitic words — A.S. ic, Goth, ik, O.H.G. ih (Gk. J/ci), and unaccented syllables — Teutonic nominal suffix -iz (Goth. agiza 'fear'), corresponding to Sk. -as, Gk. -sc, L. -es. At this point, the replacement of e by / stopped in West Germanic, but Gothic — Gothic and Norse represent the East Germanic branch of Teutonic — replaced every e by /, which before h and r again became e, written ai. It is to be added also that, in Anglo-Saxon, original e before simple nasals, became / — A.S. nvnan, O.H.G. 7iemati, Gk. I'f/i.w. This change also took place in words borrowed at an early date from the Latin — A.S. gimm 'gem,' L. gemma, A.S. piun, L. penna. A good example of original e running right through is Sk. bhar-, Gk. s 'deed, position,' A.S. dfed, O.H.G. tdt (dhe(k)-, L. facio has reduced root). Sanskrit replaces e by (7. That e did once stand i& proved by the palatalisation it effected on the preceding velar before its disappearance — cp. Sk. -jdni 'wife,' Gk. ywi], Goth, kzvens. g occurs in Greek in place of original e — ^e'w ' spin,*" Goth. nc])hi ' needle.' e, in Latin, is spelt ae and oe, as praeluiii beside prelum * wine-press,' zxad. foetus beside y?///i. Perhaps owing to a following / or /, e is in Latin also represented by J, e.g., delinid and delenio, sub tilts for subtelisy from tela ' web.' In Gothic, e was sometimes spelt et (arguing closeness) — kweins beside kwens. Sometimes, before vowels, an ai {ay)' appears for I.E. e — saiaii 'sow' (L. semen), waian (Gk. a.{F)ri,'J'i). In Anglo-Saxon ce represents Teut. open e (sometimes for distinctness written id). The Old High German repre- sentation is a, and it is doubtful whether A.S. ie has passed Soimd Relations in Indo-Eitropean. 29 through a to its present state, or whether it represents the Teut. long ^-sound. There is another long c-sound, rather rare in its occurrence, close in quality, which is represented in Anglo-Saxon by d ' boss ' (Gk. &/xf «?.&$ ' navel '), unguis ' nail ' (Gk. o'l'i^^). e replaces o finally — sequere (Gk. eTE((r)o), ilk, iste i^ollo^ '^esto), and in unaccented closed syllables, or after i—hospes, for Iiostipes {potis), societas {socio-). /also represents 0, in unaccented sy\\Qh\e?,—liicd{i}i{s)locd) ' sur-le-champ, auf der Stelle.' vo sometimes becomes ve — veiiia (Gk. ovin,iu), vester and voster, verto and vorto. Some say that ov may pass into av — cavus (Gr. /co&z 'excavations'), avis (cp. Gk. h{F)ioivoi, 'bird'). In Teutonic, was replaced by a in all accented syllables, but probably remained extant in unaccented syllables before nasals. In Anglo-Saxon, this vicarious a underwent all the changes of real a, viz., the change to a, the breaking to ea, the passage by umlaut to e — hcT^sel (L. corylus), heals (L. collum), mcne ' neck-chain ' (L. vwnile). For t^ in Old High German, the result of umlaut, representing (O.H.G. a), take ncstila ' band ' (L. mdus for nozdus). 6 : Sk. pdtram ' vessel,' Gk. Tw/^a ' lid,' Goth, fidr 'sheath,' X.^.fodor, O.H.G. fuolar 'case' {G. fuller). Sanskrit replaces by a. Sound Relations in Indo-European. 3 1 In Latin a cognate is wanting. For original dm. Latin, take as example flos (A.S. blostma). appears sometimes in Latin as Ti—fFir (Gk. fwp), ul)ia (Gk. uXsvyj). Both and a were represented in the Teutonic dialects by 0, and underwent the same changes. As example of /- umlaut of original o in Anglo-Saxon, take demaii ' deem ' (A.S. doDi ' doom'). For the genesis of uo, as representative of in Old High German, see above under (7. final did not pass into uo, but appears in Old High German as k, and in Gothic as a — O.H.G. /n'ru, Goth. />aira (Gk. (pspu). In Anglo-Saxon, the -// was replaced by the optative termination -e. i : Sk. vidhdvd, Gk. i{F)idi{f)o;, ' batchelor,' L. vidua, Goth, widuwo, A.S. 7videzve, O.H.G. witiiwa. In Latin, e appears for /, before r (s) — sero {*siso) and finally — a^ite (Gk. ai/7/'). / final also drops — ad (Sk. ddhi). I.E. i becomes e in Anglo-Saxon and Old High German, before an rt; or 6* of the following syllable, unless conserved by an intermediate / or / — A.S. tiest, O.H.G. nest (L. nidus for nizdos). This was not a very common change, and its wording for Teutonic is not quite certain. Levelling under related z'-forms also interfered with its operation. It occurred most regularly before r and h — A.S. wer ' man ' (E. ivenvolf), O.H.G. wer (Teut. wiraz, wiroz) (G. werwolf), cp. L. vir. This e was of course changed to / (and, like original z, broken to e, written a'l, before r and h) in Gothic. i : L. suinus, Goth, swein, A.S. szoifi, O.H.G. swJn. For Sk. /, take p'ltds ' drunk ' (cp. Gk. ■rTt)/), for Gk. /, takeVs (L. vis). 3 2 Manual of L inguistics. u : Sk. yiigdni, Gk. t;oy6v, L. juguni, Goth. /'///', A.S. geoc {jnc), O.H.G. yW/. In Gk. oXoXxjI^oj (L. z^/wAz ' screech-owl '), o appears for ■J. V in Greek had once the sound of ii (ov), and this sound was kept for many generations in certain dialects — Bceot. Xiyovpoc = Attic Xiyupcg. There is a change (dissimilation) of v to / in Greek before following v — cr/i/yrog for Tuv-jrog (Sk. pimami ' I clean.') Before labials and /, u in Latin becomes /, or rather something between / and u (i.e. //) — libet and lubet, lacrima and lacruma. After / and r, u in Latin came to be written v — iniluus ' kite ' and m'llvus, silua and silva. It was dropt finally— red- (for redii, cp. iiidii.) The aii that appears in Gothic is due to breaking — daur (Gk, &'opa). it was broken to open o before r and //, and this written ait. i- umlaut produces y in Anglo-Saxon — cyssan ' kiss ' (L. gusto). The eo of geoc is due to the influence of the palatal. I.E. II appears in Anglo-Saxon and Old High German as o, before a syllable containing a or o, unless conserved by a following nasal -1- consonant, or an intermediate /or / — A.S. oxa, O.H.G. ohso (Sk. itksha). This o was changed to u in Gothic and broken to an (open a) — auhsa. West Germanic a usually remains in Anglo-Saxon, but before nasals u is found — geniimen 'took,' O.H.G. ginoman, A.S. guma 'man' (E. (bride)g{f)oom), O.H.G. gomo (G. {brduti)gam), Goth, giima. There are other examples of « in Anglo-Saxon— ///^(9/ (O.H.G. /<7^«/(G. vogel), Goih. fi/gls), rust {O.H.G. rost). Sound Relations in Indo-Enropeaji. 2)Z u: Sk. viusha^ Gk. ,ccl/s, L. viTis, A.S. mus, O.H.G. inns (G. mans). Just as u, at first pronounced u (ov), retained that sound dialectically, so D at first pronounced u (ou) retained that sound dialectically — Boeot. E-J^ou/xof = Attic E'jdu/j,og. The ou in clOap (L. /ll)er) is said to be due to a desire to avoid the double aspiration that the regular *vdap would present. There is a change (dissimilation) of I; to T in Greek before a following v — iphv ' twig,' cp. (pvu. For an example of u in Gothic take fil/s 'rotten', A.S. and O.H.G.//?/, (Gk. tj^w, \.. puteo). The y in Anglo-Saxon is caused by /-umlaut — mys ' mice ' (Teut. musiz, viusez). ai : Sk. edhas ' fire-wood,' Gk. a7&u ' burn,' L. aedes 'hearth,' A.S. «^'pyre,' O.H.G. ei^ 'pyre.' a + 2 give in Sanskrit, by ordinary guna, c'. Since e and o are written a, these followed by / will also give e. Original ai in Latin was sometimes written e — haedus and Jiedus (Goth, gaits 'goat'), saecidum and seculum. ae was also misspelt oe, as in coehim, poenitet^ coena, moered, &c. In originally unaccented syllables ai became / — inquirb {qaaero), parriddiuiii i^parriis ' open ' {parrcre), cp. parra (avis) ' bird of omen,' and caedo). Notice also its repre- sentation by a and e in the following words — aeneus {*aes?ietis (^ies-)), prehendo {prae, hetido). ai became a in Anglo-Saxon — the second element, says Sweet, became e and was then absorbed — and this by /-umlaut passed into d — drel ' portion,' belonging to the /-declension, (Goth, ddils O.H.G. teil {G. theil). In Old High German ai became i: before r, and finally — c 34 Manual of Linguistics. mero ' greater ' (Goth, niaizd), we ' woe ' (Goth. 7vdi), else- where ei — sfei'n (Goth, stdifis ' stone '). ai : This is called the vrddhi diphthong in Sanskrit, ei and ol have the same representation. The diphthong appears as a case-ending of the dat. sing, of a stems — Sk. sn{v)apatyai, nom. sii{z')apatyd ' having a beautiful posterity,' Gk. %w/>a, O.L. Matutd ^ Matutae^ Goth, gibdi ' to a gift.' di is said to appear as d in Old High German stdn ' stand.' ei : Sk. trdyas i^treks), Gk. rps?;, (*Tps(i)sg), L. ^res {^tre{es), Goth, \reis (*']>ri[{i)z, '^]^reiez), A.S. SrJ, O.H.G. dri^ Short d? appearing as a in Sanskrit, ei will have the same representation as ai, i.e., t' — bheddvii 'I cleave' (Goth. beitan ' bite '). This e was resolved into (7y before vowels. In Latin ei remains in hei., and on oldest monuments — deicd,feidd, but soon became an open 7 — dicd,fidd. It also appears as e — levis ' smooth ' (Gk. Xsl{P')og.), Before a vowel it appears as e — ed ' I go ' = ejj (Gk. u,(ji,i). * ei : For example in Sanskrit, take dis ' thou wast going,'^ impf. stem ei (ei- ' go '). The diphthong was an infrequent one in Indo-European. It is seen in Gk. ^XusTog, Norse fle{i)str ' most' and J^eiri ' more,' I.E. J>/e-is- iox pie-is-. Wharton's explanation of pids takes us back to this diph- thong : — plus =plds =pieus from ple-us, pie-jus. oi : Sk. te ' they,' Gk. toI, \^.{is)tl, Goth. \di, A.S. 5a, O.H.G. de. This diphthong will naturally in Sanskrit have the same, representation as ai, i.e., e. Sound Relations in Indo- European. 35 For oe in Latin, take as example — -foedus ' treaty ' (Gk. ei''f, (uoide) ; Sk. te, Hom. toi &cc. — see above under oi. ai, ei, oi, ai, ei, 6i, originally pure diphthongs, gradually suffered change, generally in the direction of coalescence. The long varieties shortened the first element when before consonants. y in Sanskrit was probably everywhere semivocalic. In Greek initial ' was reached through an intermediate voiceless /. Between vowels, / dropped out, unless the pre- vious vowel was ?/ — dsoc {pFu'dg), np^du (rz/xa/w), (piXsoj. ((piXs/co), hriXocu (driXo/cAj), but Lesb. fu/w (bhuio). Sound Relaiions in Indo-EiLvopean. 4 1 / following postvocalic s and // i)alatalised them out of existence, and then formed a diphthong with the preceding vowel — roff/o into '.-o/(To = Hom. 7(i7o (Sk. tdsya) ; zir^v from Uh\v^ from ff/jii' (Sk. syam, weak grade — Greek has strong grade from the analogy of forms with strong sV-; L. siem, sics, siet (siem), weak grade like Sanskrit — the 7, proper to the plural optative, ultimately ousted the ic, proper to the singular) ; -/JKafhi into ■AXaiF(Ji, into xXa/w. The ojF of the last word became « in Attic before e-, /-, and a- sounds, giving yCka'm, KXaug, TiXan, -/.Xa/'o/j^sv, &c.; the a then pushed its way into all persons, producing the double forms xXa/w and yJj'M. After ;/ and r, a following / disappears, after causing com- pensation in the previous syllable — -/.niiu, Lesb. xrhvui {zTVjm) ; (pkifu, Lesb. "^'^o^'-^, ~irra. (peky-), com- pare L. coqiw ; iXaGGMv iXdrrm (Ighu-), compare sXayrjg. For this sound occurring initially, take as example Hom. ffsSs = gVffsus (Sk. cyu (chyii) ' move '). ghi when initial, results in -/^d — -^dh (ghies-), Sk. /ijds, L. /lerl, Goth, gistra-dagis, A.S. geostra {eo = o-vvaAz-WX. of e). O.H.G. gestaron (G. gestern). ti dhi became as ; this after consonants was reduced to f and nick7iame, for similar results in English. Resuming examples of ti, dhi, we have Taffa for 'Tsavria ; fiiOGoc, Attic /xsiroj (Sk. mddliyas). si also gives gg and rr — /caff^Ja,, -/.arr-jM for y.riTGi\jiM, L. sua for sud.) Goth, siujan, A.S. seowan, O.H.G. siinvan (G. sduk, ' Ort des Schuhmachers ') (Sk. syu-). Note the different results in Greek of fx^sGoog, /jlsgo: (suffix -io-), and of 'zdrpiog (suffix -iio-). di, gi, guj give as result a sound that is represented by the letter ^ (Lesb. go) — ts^&'c ' on foot,' compare Tsdn 'fetter'; d^ofj^ai 'reverence,' compare dyiog (iag-) ; w'^o* ' wash,' compare vI-tttoj with labialised velar (neigy-). Note the different results in Greek of p'sZ^M ' work ' (reg. Sound Relations in Indo-Eztropean. 43 (>al^oj for FpoLym), Goth, waurkjan, O.H.G. wurchen (G. wirke7t) (urg-), with suffix -id, compare Gk. 'ipyav (eV3w = ijcrgid), A.S. 7viercan (uerg-), and of ihiui (suid-), L. sudor, A.S. swat, O.H.G. S7vei'^ (G. schweiss) (suoid-), with suffix -iid. / appears in Latin initially as j—jecur (cp. Gk r^raf) ; after a consonant it preserved consonantal force, only if said consonant had disappeared— ^c^m (Sk. dyaus), did (aghio). If the consonant remained, the / had vocalic force — medius (Sk. >iidd/iyas), veiiio for venio, socius (sokyios), compare seqiwr (seky-). Between vowels /drops — aer- (aes, aeris) (Sk. dyas 'iron'), sto {stdw), moneo {monew), audio iaudiio). An / has also dropped in spud (spiu-), sud (Goth, siujati), hen (ghies-). Allusion has been made to ai, ei, oi, ai, ei, 6i, under these respective heads. The first element of the long varieties is shortened when a consonant follows. In Teutonic, / and J have the same representation. For an example of / appearing medially in Gothic as 7, take midjis (Sk. mddhyas), siujan (Gk. xafTc-Jw ' stitch,' L. sud^vOi-). After a short vowel there is a noticeable representation of / in Gothic, viz. -ddj-(Norse -ggj-,-gg-) — iddja ' I went ' (Sk. dydiii), A.S. code {ija + de, pret. suff.) ; twaddje, gen., Norse hveggja, A.S. tivcg{e)a, O.H.G. ztvtijo. In West Germanic, an / was generated, which formed a diphthong with the preceding vowel, or gave 7, if the preceding vowel was /. A w occurs in place of an / in Anglo-Saxon and Old High German — A.S. sdwan, O.H.G. sdwan (sdan saha/i), saian (i for/), (Goth, saian, seio) ; A.S. bldzvan, O.H.G. bluojan, bluoivan (Teut. bldijinan — L, flds). It is supposed that after / had in part dropped out before guttural vowels, 7v was 44 ManzLal of Linguistics. foisted in as glide. On the establishment of the types, inter- change would ensue, and one or other type be generalised. This is Brugmann's explanation. /, for which there was no special sign in the manu- scripts of Anglo-Saxon and Old High German, was repre- sented initially, especially before u, by / — A.S iung {geong), O.H.G. iung. It is not known whether originally i ox J appeared in this word. Medially / is also found, but per- haps stands for ij. In A.S. dr ' brass,' O.H.G. er (Goth, aiz, Sk. dyas, L. aes (d,ies-), we have an example of the dropping of /. It is also dropped before /. In Anglo-Saxon, palatal ^ is a representative of / — gif 'if (Goth, jabai); g is also a representation in the same language — dcgan ' call,' a -ja- verb (/>, umlaut of m) (guou-), Gk. poDj. In Old High German, g with sound of English y in yet^ also occurs as representative — ge/ier {Jena-). Original / can sometimes be traced by gemination — A.S. syllan 'give,' O.H.G. scllen (Goth, saljan) \ A.S. ecg ' edge ' (L. acics). In Anglo-Saxon, the fact of umlaut argues the original presence of / — deman ' deem ' (Goth, domjaii). With reference to Gothic siiijau (L. stio, Gk. xawJw), it is conjectured, that in forms, where the / of a formative suffix followed hard on a previous /, the first was lost by dis- similation, even in the Indo-European period, but being preserved in another setting, might reassert itself even in conditions where it had originally gone under. / before a consonant, and after long vowels, was dropped in the primitive language — compare Sk. ray as plu., with Sk. ras sing., 1,. 7rs. Sound Relations in I ndo- Europe an. 45 j : Sk. Jtigdjii, Gk. Zvyov, L. jugi/in, Goth. Juk, A.S. geoc {iiccia7i 'to yoke'), O.Y{..Q. joh {G.Joch). Gk. Z, argues the spirant. The existence of the spirant can best be demonstrated when it occurs initially. It is said, however, that KsTrai may be attached to a root kej-. Gk. Z^jydv, it should be mentioned, had originally for initial sound not J, but di (cp. dialectic form b-oyov), which fell together with J in primitive Greek. It might be well to give another example of original/ — Sh. ydsdmi 'bubble,' Gk. ^ew, A.S. gist 'yeast,' O.H.G. jesan ' ferment ' (G. gdrefi) (ies-). Another proof of spirantal i or J is worth mentioning: — When y is spirantal in a Sanskrit verb, it still remains in re- duplication, whereas, when the y is semivocalic in origin, a weak-grade form of the verb is found, beginning with /, •e.g., /appears in iydja, perf. oi yaj 'sacrifice' (Gk. a/zoc, clt^oiMai), instead of ya-. This change of y is by Sanskrit grammarians called sainprdsarana (cp. below under u and v). In Latin and Teutonic, as in Sanskrit, / and j fell together. u : Sk. svdhiras, Gk. invpCi, \j. socer {suecer\ Goth. swdihra, A.S. S7Vcor {sweokor), O.H.G. sweluir (G. schivdher) (su^kuro-). v: Sk. vase 'clothe,' i sing. pres. atm., Gk. i'v^j,a/, L. vesiio, Goth, wasjan 'clothe,' A.S. ivcrian 'wear,' O.H.G. wcrian. It is usually impossible to tell to which of the two sounds, semivowel or spirant, a sound under consideration has to be referred. If, as in the case of /, u alternates with the vowel u, we may be sure, that in the given case, its origin is semi- vocalic. For example in Sk. cinvdnti (kuinunti), 3 plu. 4^ Manual of L inguistics. pres., and Sk. ciiiuthd (kyinut^), 2 plu. pres. (kyei- ' set in rows '), V alternates with u, a fact which argues an original 11. Moreover, and it will be remembered that this also held good in the case of /, if there subsist certain ablaut relations between certain sound-groups, and one of the correlates be of a vocalic nature, we are entitled to infer the presence of the semivowel. For example, A.S. szvefn ' dream' (suepnos, strong grade), L. somnus (suopnos, strong grade), Gk. '■oiTvoc, (supnos, weak grade, Greek has generaHsed the weak grade of certain cases) exhibit a correspondence that, in the circumstances, proves the presence of the semivowel. In Sanskrit verbs reduplicating with %)a-, e.g., vrdh ' grow,' pf atm. vavrdhe we pronounce for the spirant ; in those reduplicating with 11-, e.g., vac ' speak,' pf iivdcha we pronounce for the semivowel. Compare what was said above under/. Initial -u was lost in Sanskrit before u and u — Sk. {ilvam ' caul ' (L. vtdva) (ulu-) ; Sk. ?irmr, L. /dna (uln-), L. ve//ns (uln-). In Greek, I.E. // appeared as F, which was, as a rule, vocalic and not spirantal in character, sometimes also as LI and 13 — ^ol. a'oojg (af wc), Attic r,uig ' dawn ; ' JEo], ^p'/iTup ' orator.' The F remained up to historic times, and first disappeared in Ionic-Attic. The disappearance took place both medially (see below), and initially — 'irog (L. vetus). Sometimes, initially, ;/ is represented by ' — IXxog (L. ulcus {vulcus, vekus))* * Mr. Darbishire refers this to a root beginning with s or sti, holding as he does that F regularly became ' in Greek. Certain obstinate rough breathings he refers to original v and not 11, supporting his contention by- facts drawn from Armenian, where, as he seems to make out, the semi- vowel and the spirant are still distinguishable. Sound Relations in Indo-European. 47 In Latin also, // drops initially before u followed by a consonant, unless that consonant be / (except /+r) — unda (uond-), (loth, -ivato, A.S. wceter (^0^-) -, also before sonant / and r — lajia (cp. vellus), radix (Goth, waurts) (ufd- and urd-) ) ; but verrcs ' boar,' (ik. a^ff'/ji/ (uers-, urs-). For examples in Sanskrit, Greek, and Latin, of ?/ between vowels, take Sk. jlvds, Gk. /3/oj, L. vivus, Goth. kzvius, A.S. cw!C, cwicu {c developed before ti{iv\ E. quick, 7vhit{low) (p. 96)), O.H.G. qiiec (G. keck) (guiuos) ; Sk. avis, Gk. o{F)ig, L. ovis, Goth. awe]>i ' flock,' A.S. eowu * ewe,' O.H.G. aid nom. plu. (G. aue 'nur noch mund- artlich ' Weigand), LE. oui- ; Sk. ndva, Gk. fi-vsa [h viFa ' nine in all '), L. nove/n, Goth, uinn, A.S. f^ii^otj, O.H.G. niioi (for fiiiju?i, A.S. g is a glide, LE. n^un) ; Gk. E&c, 0? (ffiFo:) poss. adj., L. sia^s, O.L. soivs (seuos) — cp. /la/s, O.L. fovos, Gk. ri(F)o:, and dcmw for ^^ ;/^e'J : Gk. I, Goth. i"/(/^), E. bti{sk) (sue), L. i-(^ (sue) ; Gk. oJ{F)oi ' alone ' (oiuos, strong grade of demonst., rt. i) — cp. Gk. oivog ' one,' oiv/j ' ace on dice,' L. f///us (oi?ios); Gk. ai[F)uji, L. aevu/ii, Goth, diivs, A.S. (77i:w dat., O.H.G. hva ' long time' (Kluge says that A.S. cav 'law,' O.H.G. cwa 'mar- riage ' G. ehe) are from aequus, but aeqiius {aeviqitos) is perhaps connected with aevum) ; Sk. devds, Gk. 3/bc, L, ^7w^,y {deivos), Norse Z)"r, A.S. Tlw 'god of war' (E. Tuesday), O.H.G. Zio. Note the disappearance of // in Sk. dyaui, Gk. Zr^v, L. diem ( diem, cp. nom. dieus ' sky '). After a consonant the following may serve as examples : — of tu : Sk. catvdras, Goth, fidwor (Jnvidwdr, for / see Chapter IV. p. 104), Gk. Tirrapic, {y.FirFafiz), L. quatuor, A.S. feotver, O.H.G. fior {kuekuor- kuekur, the second guttural 48 Manual of L inguistics. due to assimilation) (kyetuor-, kuetur-, kuetuor-) ; of du : Sk. dvis, Gk. h'lg, L. bis (cp. belluin = duellum) ; L. bonus (duonos), compare Sk duvas ' a mark of respect ' ; of dhu : Sk. urdhvds, Gk. hp&di;, L. ardiius (fdhuds). Note L. quartus (kutuftds), Gk. {iT)rpd'K%(a (kutur-). The lost consonant in T^ars^a would, being a velar, have appeared as T, before r. Compare for loss of initial letter, Sk. {k)tur- yas ' fourth.' For examples of pu, bhu, take ^'n~toz, for vrtirFioc, (cp. vriTUTioc) ; ■j'TrsptplaXog, for 'o-ipf^FiaXog (p'jw) ; diibius for dubhuiws ; -bo, -bam, for -bhud -bhudm. It is not a velar guttural that appears in equus (post- class, form owing to the analogy of equi — class, form ecus or equos), but a palatal guttural followed by ti. The root is I.E. dkiios. The cognates are Sk. dsvas, Gk. iWog 'hxog (?), Goth. aihwa-, A.S. eoh. The ' in J'ttoj represents the that so frequently was prefixed in the sentence-life of the word — cp. Fr. llerre 'ivy' for Vhierre. The / of ;':7to5 (I.E. e) is a stumbling-block. su is thus represented — Sk. svddus, Gk. rjUg, L. sudvis, A.S. szvefe, O.H.G. suofi, (suadu-) ; Gk. {F)sl (sueks), L. sex, Goth. saUis, A.S. seox, O.H.G. se/is (seks) ; Sk. svdsar-, L. soror (suesor), Goth, swistar, A.S. siveostor (eo due to ;/!-umlaut), O.H.G. sivester {%\3JSi'sXx-) ; Sk. svid 'sweat,' Gk. Ihog, 'idpug (suid-), L. sudor, A.S. swdt (suoid-). Gk. vf , pF, >-F were differently treated, in some dialects becoming w, pp, XX — in others, remaining as f, p, and X, with compensation-lengthening in previous syllable. In Attic the F simply dropped. Examples are Lesb. /Ji-va, Ion. youva, Att. yovara (yovFa) ; So2ind Relations in Indo-European. 49 Ion. xovprj, Dor. /idjpd, Attic -/.Cpyj (zr/pFd) ; Horn. obXo:, Att. oXoj (^oXFog), Sk. sdrvas, L. sol/i/s. Enough has been said about //as second element of diph- thong under au, eu, ou, &c. Before consonants, the first element of au, eu, 6u, was shortened in Greek. These diph- thongs then fell together with the corresponding shorts. Intervocalic // drops in Latin before u — the borrowed oleum and ol'iviuii (^i'Kat{f)(iv — the o is du:3 to an assumed connexion with oko), also after // — puer and pover. uu however remains after i—juvo. ij following a short vowel, and followed by / or e, throws off the vowel and be- comes vocalised, aij becoming au, and ou becoming u {ou), or sometimes — auspex for avispex, up'ilio and opllio (for ovipilio), nundinae and nondinae for novendinae. If // fol- lows a long vowel or diphthong, it drops altogether — praeco ' herald ' from prae, voco. After a consonant, // in Latin sometimes remains — arvuvi ; sometimes interchanges with b—ferveo and ferbed, helvus, gilvus, and gilbus ; sometimes is vocalised — tenuis (Sk. ianvl ' stretched ') ; after / it is assimilated — sollus (Sk. sdrvas) ; it drops after/" (from d/nj), and in an unaccented syllable after d—fallo (dhul-, Gk. doXipog 'troubled,' Goth, divals 'dull,. A.S. dol, O.H.G. toll (G. toll) (dhuol-) Wharton), dis- ' asunder ' (Goth tzvis (standan) ' to depart from one '). Finally it is vocalised after loss of e — seu {slve). In Teutonic, ii was still a vowel-consonant. This sound remained in Gothic, but in other dialects progressed towards a spirant. In this family, 2c is very constant, appearing in all positions. In Old High German, it was apt to disappear after consonants other than r, /, s. Examples of u in the Teutonic languages have appeared D 50 Manual of Linguistics. above. It will therefore only be necessary to mention one or two more of particular interest or significance. Medially between u and u, u is lost in Goth, juggs {juv- laigas) , A.S. geo/ig and I'ung, O.H.G. j!/fig (L. juvena/s, iuunko). Before a consonant in Gothic, as we saw above, w was written it — kwius from kwiu{a)z (L. vlviis — (guiuos). Parallel to the representation of -/- by -ddj-, we have u after short vowels represented by -ggw- (Norse -ggv-, -gg-) — triggiva 'covenant' (Norse tryggr). In West Germanic a u was generated which formed a diphthong with the preceding vowel, or gave // if the preceding vowel was u — Goth, triggivs ' true,' A.S. trleive {le = co by /-umlaut), O.H.G. triuwi. In Teutonic, nu becomes nn, n — Goth, kinniis, A.S. cin{n), O.H.G. chinni (Gk. y\v\jg 'jaw,' L. gemimus 'grinder'); A.S. '^ynne, O.H.G. ^//;//// (Sk. ta7ius, L. tenuis— \mA-). In A.S. cuman, -jju- ( = 7£'/=Teut. 7i'e) appears as 71 — cp. O.H.G. koman {queman) (Gk. /Sa/vw, L. venio — gumid). From A.S. iiigofi (Goth, niutt, see above), it appears that g sometimes represents orig. w ; and A.S. eoh (L. equus, see above) shews that 21, after becoming final, may be lost. iia from tio, is, in A.S. geolo ' yellow,' O.H.G. geh (gen. gehves, G. gel^^), L. /lelvus, gilvi/s (ghweluos) represented by 0. Compare O.H.G. ero ' earth ' (L. arvum). s : Sk. svdsa, L. soror (suesor), Goth, swistar, A.S, sweostor, O.H.G. sivester (G. schwester) (suestr-). There is no cognate in Greek unless Schrader's sugges- tion anent "lofig be adopted, viz., Ufig^efico^ii 'sisters' children,' orig. ' sisters.' In the Teutonic cognates, a / is developed between s and r (see below). Sound Relations in Indo-European. 5 i s generally remains in Sanskrit, but passes into the cere- bral sibilant sli, when immediately preceded by any vowel save a, or when preceded by k or r, except the j- be final or followed by r — vishdin (uisom, cp. L. virus (uisos) ) ; snusha ' daughter-in-law ' (T.. minis) ; parshnis ' heel,' Ok. rrr'sfva (cp. 'roXig and rrroXic), \,. pcnia 'ham' {pcrnix 'swift'), Goth, fa'irzna (jr, and not z, to have been expected, the accent being on first ?rj\\dh\€),k.'$,.fierse}i,fyrsn {ie,y = umlaut of m the breaking of e\ O.H.G fersana (G. ferse) (persna, -ni). Note also i-^rVz 'six' {\,. sex). Before s (palatal sibilant) at the beginning of the next syllable, s becomes s — svdsuras ' father-in-law ' (Gk. sxt;^ &; {^^f^-'^.-) ). sk appears as ch {cch) — gdchdmi {gdcchdmi) ' I go ' (Gk. 8d(fKu (ISdaK /'('/) ) (gumsko). For the general history of the s sounds in the Classical and Teutonic languages, it will be convenient to make the surrounding of the sound the principle of classification. Starting from examples with a vocalic neighbourhood, let there then be set down examples of s in the neighbourhood of continuous consonants, followed by examples that exhibit s in the company of stops. s before vowels passes into ' in Greek, but remains in Latin and Teutonic — Gk. sro/j,ai, L. sei/uor, Goth. saiJnvan, A.S. scon (for seohan), O.H.G. sehan (seku-) ; G.k. i)/>a^ 'shrew- mouse,' L. sdrex (Fr. souris) ; Gk. jj^a/-, L. scini-, Sk. sd/ni-, A.S. sdf?i- (E. sand-blind). Sometimes ' appears, if in the next syllable or the one after, an aspirate, either original or develoj^ed from s, is tnet with — Gk. a/ou ' dry ' from a-lhu, older ab/iu (cp. fut. aZsw), and in other cases — i7pu{ = if>ic>j) 'join,' L. serd. In 5 2 Manual of L ingui sties. r,lMi7g (Sk. asnia-), the ' is probably due to the analogy of liij^iTg (Sk. yiish?na-), and ii'zL[i,riV (for l-{c)i'::'oiJ.y\\) takes after Between vowels, s disappears in Greek, and generally passes into r in Latin — Gk. yhi(}C, L. generis, (Sk. Ja/iasas- — gen-), cp. Goth, /v////, A.S. cy}i{n) (ji' = umlaut of Teut. u),. O.H.G. ciijini (gn-), and L. nascor (gn-) ; Gk. ^a (Attic ^), Sk. asaiu (esm). L. eram is supposed to represent an un- augmented ^sm. m should have given em in Latin, and the am will be owing to the analogy of the usual imperfect ending -bam. There is no trace of augment in Latin. The general absence of augment is perhaps due to the generalisation of unaugmented types. The following are additional examples of intervocalic s — Gk. (p'lfiai (Sk. bhdrase); Gk. >5^£a 'I knew' (Sk. dvedi- sham, 2iOx.); Gk. \-o(o)(jc, 'daughter-in-law,' L. mirus, (Sk. smishd, A.S. snorii, O.H.G. siiora, snura (G. schmir) (snus-) ) ; //.s/^w for ij.ii''Qia = imZ^ooa, cp. L. majora for mdhjosa. Sometimes, however, intervocalic j- is found in Greek — Tpdaov ' leek,' L. pornim (pr'som). In T^atin too, s is found — susiirrus, a word of imitative origin, asi?iiis, ndsiis, casa, caesarics (for these last see account of Conway's Law, Chap. VIL). s in causa catissa, is for ss — caussa ' cutting, legal decision ' comes, according to Conway, from the participle of "^caudo,. which became cFido, on the analogy of incudo. The s '\xv fusiis * spindle ' stands also for ss — -fusus from fudtus, parti- ciple of ficndo. quaeso is for quaes-so (or apply Conway's Law), haiisi for haiis-sl. One more example of intervocalic s in Latin is ero, O.L^ eso, subjunctive used as future, cp. Gk. sw w. Sound Relations in Lido-Etiropcan. 53 jSIedial s may remain in Teutonic — A.S. 7iasu (cp. L. ndris), or become r (through s), if the vowel immediately preceding ■did not have the principal accent (see account of Verner's Law, Chap. VII.). s before / and u has been already treated under / and //. In Minerva from Menesijd (cp. Gk. /xEvgu-' sense, mind') we have s appearing as r before //. Something must now be said of s in conjunction with ■continuous consonants. sr in Greek becomes pp, which, when initial, was reduced to p — Hom. 'ippa, h- (Sk. dsravat) (sreu-), pori (srou-), p-jctz, (sm-), pof £w (srobh-, cp. L. sorbed (srbh-)). In Latin, initial jr became //zr, then//-; medial ^r became br—frigi(S = sr'igos (Gk. pr/o;) ; frdt^a ' strawberries '= .fnTi,'-^ {Gk. /sag pciyo; ' grape ') ; sobrlnus ' cousin ' = suesrlnos * sister's son ' ; cerebrum — ceresrom (keres-), cp. Gk. vApa for -/.apioa. (kres-) ; ffniebris =funesris, cp. funestus, funus fun- eris ; membruiii = memsroui, cp. Goth, w/ws 'flesh'; tene- brae (Sk. tamisrd, O.H.G. demerimga (G. ddinnierung), cp. O.H.G. ditislar, finstar (G. finster.) ). Two stems mixed produced tenebrae, viz., feiiisrd and tem9srd. The former became fciisrd, and its ;/ was introduced into the latter. This is Brugmann's explanation of the ;/ in tenebrae, Kluge says that dissimilation from the following labial b pro- duced n, Wharton suggests a popular connexion with Uned. dirud for disrud is formed after dllud. In Teutonic, sr initial, or medial (before the date of Ver- ner's Law), became str — Goth, sivistar, &c. ; A.S. stream, O.H.G. stroum (Gk. pwi — (srou-). 5 4 Manual of L ing-ui sties. The combination rs has l:)een already referred to under r, si in Greek becomes XX, which initially passes into X, and sometimes medially, with compensation — Xj^^w ' cease ' (slegy-), cp. langiteo (slangy ), A.S. siccc and O.H.G. slack (slagu-) ; Gk. yji7.ioi and x/'>^"''i I^esb. yjWioi (Sk. sahdsrd) (gheslo-, ghesliio-). In Latin s disappears before / — laui^iieo (see above), prelum ' wine-press ' for preslom, alir for axla (cp. axilla ' armpit,' A.S. caxl ' shoulder,' O.H.G. ahsala (G. achsel) ), veliDii for vcxloin (velio), scdla for scautsld {scando)^ ad'ina for cocsUnd (without compensation in unaccented syllable). locus is for sflocus, l/s for ^/Z/^-, //tv^ ' spleen ' for spln'n (Gk. (ttX^v). 5-/ remains in Teutonic. The combination Is has been referred to under /. s medial disappears in Greek before ;;/, with compensation — Attic sifj^i, Lesb. wx/ (safii) : ^i//x?j 'leaven' (l^v(f/j.r,), h.j'us 'broth,' cp. Sk.j'/ls/zas. Sometimes, however, by form-associa- tion, the s is brought back — thus, sW/ induces scfj^sv for regular s/'asi', and rifj.(plssrai induces ri/jt,ph(rfj.ai beside regular ufzai. ciff/Mvog is for ff^arff/xsi/oc (p. 122) (suad-), cp. d'^ddvu (suand-) and riho!J.rii (suad-) ; oaiJ^ri for ohaiMd (cp. hhiMr{). 6 remains in afj.spdaXsog ' terrible,' A.S. smeortan (E. smart)^ O.H.G. smerzan (G. schmerzen) (smerd-), cp. L.. mordeo (smrd), but drops in iJ^noiaM, after assimilation, cp, (pi'/.(}ijj[j.iihy]g. In Latin 5 drops before w* — nilrus, cp. Sk. jr;;// ' smile,' E. sniilc, smirk ; primus {ox prismas ; di moved for dismoved, cdmena for casmc/ia, omittd for opsmittd — the last two without compensation in an unaccented syllable. * Conway says that during the period of rhotacism s before nasals and after an accented syllable became r in Latin — carmoi, verna, diuntus. Sound Relations in Indo-European. 55 siibtanoi is for sul>tex»ien, semenstris, for sexvibistris. s/n, as appears from cognates given above, remains in Teutonic. It drops however in Goth. i/)i ' am,' Gk. s/'a/ (sa/i/). A.S. eo?n is said to be the result of contamination with beovi. For example of jus take in Greek hn/j^a, Lesb. sKs/i^aa (for ht[/.6a) ; in Latin, sumpsi with intrusive / — unless this is a new formation, for iiis probably became ns ; in Teutonic, Goth. a77is (Sk. di)isas (dmsos) — cp. L. ujuerus (6mesos) and Gk. io,ao5 (dmsos).) sn in Greek passes into ^v — s\j\ivr,rog 'well spun ' ( {ts)]iiu). Initially, this was simplified to v — v\){o)Cg (Sk. smishd). vv remains in some dialects, but is in others simplified, with compensation — Ion. (panvog, Lesb. (paivvoi (for v6g, A.S. sj>^r ' sparing' (spar-). sabulum ' sand ' is for psahloni (psabh-), cp. -^n^og ' peb- ble' (psabh-). In the combination hs, the letters sometimes interchange Sound Relations iu Indo-Ewopcan. 5 7 places — L. ascia ' axe,' cp. Gk. a^/f*), Goth, ahvizt, A.S. eax ; L. visciim 'mistletoe,' cp. Gk. /^o'c. s in .f?//i'r, &c., is said to be a reduction of ks, cp. B^-j'npde * from above.' sk has been transposed in ^/p&;, cp. Lesb. (rx.i(poc. stiideo is {ox pstudeo (pstud-), cp. Gk. (Tts-jSw 'hasten' (psteud-) ; sfer/iuo ' sneeze ' is for pstermto (pstern-), cj). Gk. 'TTdpvu!J.ai (pstrn-). Examples of final s are common everywhere. Final s in Teutonic was subject to the action of Verner's Law. The z which the operation of this law produced, passed into s in Gothic, and shared the lot of the s that had remained tmchanged. But the regular appearance of original final s, as z, when a suffix is attached— yVi'^^/ 'ye who' {jus 'ye'), Jnvazuh ' every ' {hivas ' who ') — would lead one to suppose that before its passage to s, z had generally usurped the place of final s. This opinion is supported by the fact that in the case of an s which had become final at a later date, J remains — wasuh ' and there was ' (7vas ' it was.') Final s was in Norse levelled under ;:;, the latter appear- ing as r. In West Germanic, final s— which had made encroach- ments on the territory of final s — was dropped, but final s was retained. In Old High German, the z dominated the nominatives plural of a- stems, but in Anglo-Saxon, s re- asserted itself, and was generalised — O.H.G. fnga 'days,' A.S. dcJi^ms. When r appears for s — O.H.G. />, er (Goth, is) ; O.H.G. wir (Goth, zveis) ; O.H.G. zar, zi/r, zcr (Goth, ///s-)— this is doubtless due to facts in sentence phonetics. In all European languages, the combination of original 5 8 Manual of L ingiiistics. media aspirata + s, has the same representation as original tenuis + s. z : This sound probably only appeared before mediae and aspirated mediae. Owing to the operation of various changes, this consonant hardly survives in propria persona in the languages under consideration. Gk. 6^ivvvn,i ' quench ' is said to represent zgue-, the weak grade of segye-, seen in L. segnis 'slow.' Gk. 'lok 'be' is for izdhi {zdhi), with prothetic vowel, induced by sibilant. 'IsQi ' know ' is for iiiddhi (ueid-). In Gk. iJ.is&6g, Goth, niizdo 'reward,' A.S. vieord (W.S. incd (E. meed)), O.H.G. jnefa, miefa, miata (G. iniethe ' pay '), the originals were mizdlid-, mizdha-. Gk. xiff^og ' hole,' L. custos, Goth, huzd ' hoard,' A.S. hord are to be referred to kiizdh- (keudh- ' hide,' cp. Gk. %i\j&(n, A.S. hydan (with /-umlaut of co)). The original of 7fidus was nizdos ; of s'ldo, sizdo ; of mergiis ' gull ' (' diver '), mezguos ; of Idem, izdem ; of hordeum, ghrzdeij)m, cp. A.S. gerst, O.H.G. gersta 'barley' (gherzd-); of nobis, &c., nozbis, with l>h- suffix. hasfa (Goth, gazds ' goad,' A.S. gierd {ie = /-umlaut of ea^ the breaking of a) (E. yard), O.H.G. gerta (G. gerte)) is from ghazdha. E. goad (A.S. gad (ghaito-) is cognate with Sk. hi ' drive on,' and Gk. ^a/og ' shepherd's staff.' r : Sk. rudhiras (rudhr-) Gk. spvdpog, L. ruder (rudhr-, L, russiis (rudhto-)), Goth. rdii\'>s, A.S. read, O.H.G. rof (roudh-, cp. with same root, L. rufus). There were at least two liquids in Indo-European— r and /. Sanskrit does not always corroborate European (or Armenian) in its representation of these sounds, for, while Sk. r usually answers to European r, the latter is sometimes Sound Relations in I ndo- European. 59 represented in Sanskrit by /. Sometimes both r and a later / appear. European / is in Sanskrit mostly represented by r, but sometimes by /, or by r, and later by /. The /, however, that represents European /, is a much more frequent sound than the / that corresponds to European r. So far as frequent occurrence is concerned, r in Sanskrit wins easily. There is hardly a root containing /, that does not also show r, and it was only in the later periods of the language that / asserted its individuality. r had in Sanskrit a cerebral pronunciation. A following dental becomes cerebral, and r itself vanishes — kdtas 'wicker- work' (kyort-), cp. Gk. yApraXXoc, 'basket,' Goth, haurds 'door,' A.S. hyrdel 'hurdle' (jj' = /-umlaut), O.H.G. hurt (G. hi'irde) ' wickerwork ' (kurt-), and L. crates (kyft-). In Greek, initial p sometimes suffers prothesis — spudfog (L. ruber). Occasionally, to satisfy the desire for dissimilation, the one liquid takes the place of the other — ,aop/xo>.urro,«,a/ ' frighten ' and !Mof>iJ.opog 'fear.' This process is common in Latin — caerukus and caelum, {exempl)aris and {aequ)alis, peregr'inus and Vulgar Latin pelegrinus (O.F. pelegrin, F. pelerin (E. pilgrim)). Notice the following assimilations in Latin — stella for ste7-Ia (L. sterno), paullus iox paurlos (Gk. itaZpoz). In the same language, rir'i sometimes result in er — hlbernus {lilbrinus himrinus), cp. Gk. %=//i.£f/vo; ; incertus for iiicritos (cp. Gk. ay.pirog) ; secerfid for secrino (even simple cerfiomih. accented syllable shews the er, got presumably from the cpds.) ; tero {trio, cp. trivi). rs appears as rr, and before /, as s, with compensation — porrum (Gk. T^affov— prsom) ; /^r/r iox ferse : far farris 6o Manual of Liitgiii sties. (Goth, harizeins ' of barley,' A.S. here — bhars-) ; fdstigiuin, iox farstigiihan (bhrstl-), cp. Sk. hhrsht'is 'point,' A.S. hyrst ' bristle ' (ur into yr, by /-umlaut) (bhrstl-). Unoriginal rs remains, and interchanges with ss — dorsum dossum (dorttum, drt-). Compare Dosscnus ' the hunch- back of the Atellan farces ' ; but this word is now said to be of Semitic origin, and to mean ^ bon vivaiit! rs remained in Greek, but later became pp—6ap(fsu and dappi'ji, Goth, gadatirsan, A.S. durrufi, O.H.G. tiirran (dhrs-) ; rspcoij^ai ' dry up ' (ters-) ; Sk. tfshydmi ' I thirst ' L. torreo {torsed), Goth, \aurstei, A.S. Sj/n-/ (jv through /-umlaut), O.H.G. durst (trs-). rs sometimes becomes rr in Teutonic (see previous sen- tence) — O.H.G. irron (G. irreii), (L. err are for ersare, Goth, airzjan ' mislead '). For the r in Teutonic, that through intermediate z came to represent I.E. s, see the Chapter on Grimm's Law. Note cancer ( = career, by dissimilation) and Jtupzivcc. r disappears before {s)h in cam (caesna) = caersna, cp. sili- cernium ' funeral feast ' {sedeb 4- ) ; after st in praestlgiae (by dissimilation) ' tricks ' {prae, striga ' witch ') ; before sc in posed {por{c)sco), Sk. prchdini ' I ask,' O.H.G. forscon (G. forschefi) (prksk-), cp. L. precor, Goth. fraih?ian, A.^.frignan (prek-), and L. procax (prok-, Gk. ko':Tp6':rog = diO':rpo-A,Foc) ; and before st in tostus iporstus). In the A.S. rifelifig ' a sort of shoe or sandal ' (Norse hrif/ifigr, L. crepida ' sandal ' (krep-), Gk. Kpn'^fi ' half- boot ' krep-), we have /ir represented by r. Note the disappearance of r in specan (for sprecan) ' speak.' In Anglo-5axon, Ir passes into //, sr into ss, in sella ' better ' for se/ra, tccssa ' less ' for h'csra. Sound Relations in Indo-European. 6 1 1 : Sk. lih ' lick,' Gk. Xs/p^w, L. ////,i-o, Goth. {/n)laigdfi, A.S. liicia/i {cc = },}, = },n=ghn (with accent following), see Paul & Kluge's Law, Chap. VII.) O.H.G. leccho?i{G. leckm) (ligh-, leigh-, loigh-, lingh). In Greek, initial >. sometimes suffers prothesis — iXatppoz 'light,' l\a.-/jji 'small,' Sk. laghus, 'light,' A.S. liingre 'quickly,' O.H.G. linigar 'quick,' (Inghu- and Inghurd-), cp. L. kvis (leghu-), and Goth, ki/ifs, A.S. leoht {eo, breaking of /, shortened from 7) (Teut. lihta, compens. lengthening, from lenghu). Before r and tJ, X in Doric became v — cp. the (phrarog and ?k5ov of Theocritus. Xv with preceding short vowel results in aX, with later compensatory lengthening — /Soj?.jra/ (Lesb. /So/.>.=7-a;) = y^iolfMrai (gulno-), oXy.u'Mi = oXi-D/x/. In Latin /n becomes by assimilation // — collis =^ cobiis (cp. Gk. %(j\m(ic, (kuolon-) unless it represents leii, when it remains — ulna (Gk. ciXsvjj (ol(e)n-), cp. Godi. aleina (' verschrieben fiir alina ' Kluge). A.S. ejn ' ell ' (E. elbow) {e from a (orig. a) by /-umlaut), O.H.G. elin{a) (G. elk). «/ gives same result — homullus for hovwnlos. For a like assimilation in Teutonic, compare the Gothic and Anglo-Saxon cognates of collis — Goth, hallus 'rock,' A.S. //m//(cp. A.S. /y// (>■ = /-umlaut of m) (kyoln-). In Latin, Is also became // — collum^colsjun (A.S. heals), velle for velse. Xg remains in Greek— rs'Xffov ' boundary-furrow ' (Sk. kdrshdini ' I furrow, plough,' (k^els-). m : Sk. mddhyas, Gk. /jA{6)gog {-d/il-, see under /), L. mediiis, Goth, midjis, A.S. inidd, O.H.G. mitti (medhios). 62 Manual of Linguistics. In the parent speech there were as many nasals as there were classes of explosives — labial, dental, palatal, and velar nasals. For these four nasals there were separate characters in Sanskrit, not to mention an extra character for a cerebral nasal. In English the character of a nasal is still determined by its surrounding, although only two characters are made use of. Final ;;/ becomes v in Greek (and in Teutonic, conserved when followed by suffix, dropped otherwise) — Gk. t'w, Goth. \ana, A.S. ^gne, O.H.G. de7i (with diff. ablaut) (Sk. tdvi (torn) ); Goth. widfi^Ttwi. uulfan). Note also a later change of vi into 71 — O.H.G. dat. plu. iagun (from tagum), A.S. dagnm (later dagon) ; O.H.G. i plu. geban ' we give ' (from gebam, cp. Goth, giham). mt is said to have become vr in Hom. yhro ' he grasped/ cp. 'jyyz/zog (Hesych.) 'a grasping.' In Latin, m became n before / — coTitrd (cum) ; before d — eimdem {ei/ni), perendie ' day after to-morrow ' (cp. Sk. pdras ' yonder ' : assume a loc. peresnii (Sk. pdrasviiu), whence parem, pareti). Analogy however produced many exceptions — verumtamen and quavidiu after the analogy of veriim and quam. This change also takes place in Teutonic — Goth, hund, A.S. hund, O.H.G. hunt (see under w) (kmtdm). In Greek, /z./3p, ^a/SX, vhp, after the generation of /3 and 5, the nasal, when initial, drops — /S/^oroc {a[/.(BpoToc) Sk. mdrtas, mrtds (mdrtos and mrt6s, see under r) ; /SXwffxw 'come' {[j,ilj.^'ku%a, g/AoXoi' (ml-) ; bpOTr,ra (probable substitute in certain cases for avhpor^ra). In Latin and Greek, mi becomes «/ — venid, {Sahu (gumio). In this combination, gemination appears in Teutonic — Sound Relations in Indo-European. 63 A.S. frcnimian 'further,' O.H.C. fntiiunian, cp. O.H.C. fnoii 'fit' {Cj. fro/n//i). in is lost in iiuncupo {nomeiiciipo), in sesqiii- {scinissi- + -que), in forceps {foriiiiceps, ' quod his, forma, id est caHda, capiun- tur' Festus). Plumbum ' lead ' is from viUimbom, cp. Gk. iJ.iXv3bog, n : Sk. ndvas, Gk. v'sog, L. 7iovus (n^uos), Sk. ndvyas •Goth. 7iiujis, A.S. ncozve, O.H.G. tiiuwi {Qi. neu) (n^uios). In Greek (and Gothic), guttural ?i is written g — '^y'/,<^, •Goth. {ga)aggivjan ' distress greatly' (L. a>!gd). V drops before s followed by a consonant without com- pensatory lengthening — xEffr&g 'embroidered' for '/.ivcrog, from xivriuj ^afusanpog for •/^apiFivGnpo;, ' Adr,vaZ^i for ' Adtivava-h, harrorrig {^v;, I.E. deius ' of a house,' rt. detu- ' build '). vi final, in Greek, only remains in Cretan and Argive. Else- where the V became sonant, and formed with the preceding short vowel a long nasal vowel. This afterwards lost its ■nasality — Doric rwj, Ionic-Attic 7-o-i; (Cretan and Argive ro%c). For i-s followed by a vowel, see under s. In final -/ts, and in -/is/-, the ;/ drops in Latin with com- pensatory lengthening — {equ)ds for -ous (Goth. -atis). pihan iox pinslom, ilicd for in{s)locd. By the bye, it is said that the combination of long vowel -I- us dropt the nasal in Indo-European. Compare the as and OS of the following two a stems — Sk. dsvds 'mares,' •Goth, gihos 'gifts.' In vlcetil for vicent-ni- (uikmt-), n has dropped with com- pensation, in £/V.o(T/ (ueikmti), /// has become s, with o for a^ from the --Mna. of the other numerals. 64 Manual of Linguistics. Note census for censtus, and anfractus ' winding ' (Oscan amfr- (L. rtw/;-) and ago). Perhaps the r of amfr- {amfer} is due to the analogy of prepositions in er, Hke inter. In Teutonic, ;/ disappears before //, and the preceding vowel is lengthened — Goth. \>dhia, A.S. 'Sohte, O.H.G. ddhta (G. dachte) (O.L. fongere 'know'). Combinations with ;/ in Teutonic, as noticed above in the case of In, often result in gemination of the previous con- sonant, e.g., kk = l.'E. kn, gn, ghn (palatals and velars), with accent on following vowel ; //= I.E. ///, dn, dim, with accent on following vowel ;// = I.E. ///, /'//, Idin, with accent on following vowel (see statement of Paul and Kluge's Law in Chapter on Grimm's Law). r: Sk. wr/zV ' death,' Gk. iSpoTog 'mortal,' L. mors mortis,. Goth. maur\r, A.S. mor^, O.H.G. mord {G. f?iord) (mrt-). Before /, and, with r as intervening glide, before vowels, r is represented in Sanskrit by nr ir, in Greek by up, in Latin by or, and in Teutonic by ur ; before other sounds (explosives, spirants, nasals, ij) and finally, r is represented in Sanskrit by the ri vowel, in Greek by pa ap, in Latin by or, and in Teutonic by rn ur. The po of jSpoToc is due to the mixing of a form having -op- (or) with a form having -pa.- (;-). The in A.S. mor"^ and O.H.G. niord^ is caused by what is sometimes called f?-umlaut (see Chap. V.). For general examples of r, take Gk. %a/>w for yapij^, O.L. Iiorior {Iwrtor is from ^hortus^xapToc, 'wished for'); Sk. gurus, Gk. ^a.p'jg, Goth, kaurus (gurriis), L. gravis for grovis (gUrou-), cp. avis for ^;m»(Gk. oiuv6g = oFi(»\ng L. autumo {avitumo) ' say,' Gk. ahiJ^ai {iFujij^ai) ' think ' (augural terms) ) ; Sk. siras, Gk. y.dpa for Kapiaa (kres). Sound Relations in Indo-European. 65 cp. L. cerebriwi (keres-) ; Sk. hrd, Gk. xa^hia Tipaolri, L. cor cordis (krd-), cp. Goth, hairto, A.S. heorte (^(? = breaking of e), O.H.G. herza (G. hcrz) (kerd-); Gk. ps'^w (reg. pa^w for fpa.ym), Goth, waiirkjan, O.H.G. wurchen (urg-) (see above, under /); Goth, tnidaii 'tread,' cp. A.S. tredan, O.H.G. tretan (G. treten) ; Goth. brd\>rum, dat. plu. of bro\>ar, cp. with Sk. loc. plu. bhratrshu ; L. querciis {querquus quorquus) ' oak,' A.S. fiirh-, O.H.G. forha (the due to following a) (G. fohre) (kurku-) — tree-names are sometimes confused, cp. L. fdgus ' beech ' and Gk. (prjyog ' oak,' L. fraxi}ii(s 'ash ' and A.S. beorce {eo= breaking of e) ' birch' (bhrg-, bherg-) ; Gk. ri^-ap (iekur-), L. Jecnr {-or) (iekur-), Sk. ydkrt (iekurt-). Note oudap, like -/i-ap, with suffix r. The Sanskrit cognate is udhar. The suffix here cannot represent an original r. There is some difficulty with the termination of L. uber. The Teutonic cognates are A.S. uder, O.H.G. ntar (G. enter). Sometimes or appears as iir in Latin {0 before r + con- sonant fluctuates between o and u) — ursus for orcsos (Sk. rkshas, Gk. apxTOQ (rkthos)). zjr appears in Latin initially as ver, vor, and ur (vur) — verro (and vorro) 'sweep' (urs-), cp. Gk. o.'zdFipsi 'it swept away' (uers-); urged urgued for inirgiieo (urgu-), cp. Gk. s{F)ipyu, L. vergo (uergU-). nr appears as rii in tnia ' handle ' (tur-), cp. Gk. ropint * ladle ' (tuor-), A.S. "Swiril (tuer-) ' churn-handle.' For k^-fr, confer quercus above. Initial gi'r appears as gur (gor), in gurges (gurg-), and as vor in voro (gWr-), cp. Gk. (5opd, ^ilSpuaxu, Sk. glrni's 'a swallowing' (g9f-). The appearance of ur or ir in Sanskrit, was doubtless E 66 Manual of Linguistics. conditioned l)y the character of the neighbouring sounds. A labial neighbourhood would favour the appearance of ur. ap appears in Greek before vowels and con- sonants, pa before consonants, while initially, a always pre- ceded p, as in ap/c-og. Form-association sometimes deter- mined the use of ap and pa in Greek, and of ur or m (ur probably original) in Teutonic. The u of Teutonic is in Anglo-Saxon and Old High German subject to the usual umlauts — A.S. ford (or for ur, by fl-umlaut), O.H.G. /urf, L. partus (prtu-) ; A.S. cyrnel [yr for ur, by /-umlaut), Goth, kaurn (grno-), L. grdtiiwi (-r-). f: Sk. irmds, L. annus, Goth, arms, A.S. ear7n (ea = breaking of a) (fmds). Everything is not yet clear about the representation of the long liquid sonants in general. Thus much may be said of f — in Sanskrit, it is repre- sented by tr ur ; in Greek, by op pu, and finally, by Mp ; in Latin, by ar and rd ; and in Teutonic, by ar. As examples, take Sk. urdhvds 'upright,' Gk. Ip&dg, L. arduus (rdhu6s) ; Sk. stlrjids ' spread,' Gk. dTpurog, L. strdtus. In Gk. '\)huip, the 6up is said to be for r. Gk. (jp, L. ar were doubtless shortened from up and ar, on some such principle as that which gives us L. ventus from (uent-), see Chapter V., page 112. 1 : Sk. piprmds ' we fill ' Gk. (iii)r:'i'::Xaii,%v, L. polled (pohied), Goth, fulls, A.S. fyllan (y by /-umlaut), O.H.G. Jullen (G. fiilleii). /, compared with r, has in similar circumstances similar representations. In Sanskrit we have id (it), ur, and the ;-/ (//) vowel, in Greek aX and Xa, in Latin ol, in Teutonic ul and lu (ul probably original). Sound Relations in Indo-Eiiropean. 67 Take for additional example Sk. //// ' lift,' Gk. raXairok, L. tokro, Goth, \iulan ' thole,' A.S. '6oHan, O.H.G. thulteti (G. dulden) (f/l-), cp. Gk. r&V« (-/-)• In Latin, / also appears as iil {o before / + consonant, (except //) passed into u)—titll ; _i;u/a ' throat ' (gyl-, or gl), A.S. ceo/e (^i^ = i, cf L. sci/iel (sefu) — cp. UTipoc for smteros {hspog gets its e from the analogy of the oblique cases of sk), L. centum, Goth, hund (see under ;;/), A.S. hund, O.H.G. ////;// (G. kundert, for second portion of this and of E. hundred cp. Goth. ra]yan 'count') (LE. (d)kmt6m). n : Sk. saj^td, Gk. i'-rd, L. septeni (jn got from the ordi- nal) (LE. septn), Goth, sihun, A.S. seofon {eo due to //- 68 Manila I of Linguistics. umlaut), O.H.G. sibun (I.E. sepn), but perhaps in is here the original sound. Brugmann chooses the latter. In the parent speech, as in the case of the nasal conson- ants, there were as many nasal sonants as classes of explosives — labial, dental, palatal, and 7'elar. In unaccented syllables before /, in syllables with princi- pal accent before consonants, and, with intervening w and n as glides, before vowels, ;;/ ;/ are represented in Sanskrit by am an, in Greek by av, in Latin by em en, and in Teutonic by iim iiu ; before other sounds (explosives, spirants, nasals, liquids), and finally, they are represented in Sanskrit by a, in Greek by a, in Latin by em en, and in Teutonic by nm, un. For examples take Sk. ddntas, L. dens, Goth. tun\ms (dnt-), cp. Gk. hhovT-, A.S. to^ (compens. lengthening for loss of o), O.H.G. za?id (G. zahn) (dont-) ; Sk. tanus, Gk. ravvy^cjaaag 'long tongued,' L. tetiuis, A.S. ^yn?te (the _y due to /-umlaut), O.H.G. du n ni (tnnu-) : O.L. Aemt? (later lio7nb (ghona6(n)), Goth, gnma, A.S. gnma {ii for West Germanic o, before nasal), E. (l)ride)g{r)oom, O.H.G. gotria {p = a-wxv\zvi\.) (ghmmo(n)); Gk. (3a/\uj, L. ven/o (gymio), cp. Goth, kwiman, A.S. cutnan (czviman), O.H.G. queman (gUem-) ; Sk. ajil^udrds) ' waterless,' Gk. ai>(udf>oi) (nn-), and Sk. a{pdd-) Gk. a(-rou;) (//-) — Latin and Teutonic have the same form (L. in, Teut. un) for both prefixes. Note aosGriTrip 'helper' {ge=/ci'i) {stn-, sok'-'- (cp. L. sequor))^ There is a new explanation of mJlia which discloses stn-^ viz., milia=S!n{h)flia (/ = LE. sonant z), cp. Sk. sahdsram, both = ' one thousand,' whereas ;//>-/« is simply ' thousand ' (Amer. Jour. Phil., vol. xiii. 2, p. 227). Just as in the combination d' + nasal, e passed into / ia Latin, so em (m) appears also as im — sim(plex), sin^guU)^ Sound Relations in I ndo- European. 69 stm(iel), Gk. a(TaH), u^fMa), a(T>.o-jc), Goth. siivis ' some,' A.S. sii/ii, (). H.G. siiiii {s//i-). So en (;/), as in l/Ni:;i/a (for di'/^i^ua), Goth, tuggo^ A.S. tufige, O.H.G. zunga (G. zii/ige) (dnghua). // appears as 7 in .Jg'w/V, Sk. ^^^;z/i- (ngunls). The developed 11 of the Teutonic representation is subject to the same changes as natural u — A.S. sy?in ' sin' ( v>i for tin, by z'-umlaut), O.H.G. sinita and sundia (sntia), cp. L. sons sontis ' guilty ' (sonti-). m : Sk. dgdia, Gk. s^jjts (Dor. ^7) (^ gufnt^). n : Sk. dt'is ' a water-fowl,' Gk. i/jjo-ffa ' duck ' (from naria) (nti-) — cp. L. (r;/^?^, A.S. (^//f^ (E. d(rake) ' duck- king '), O.H.G. a/n/f (G. ^^z*^), perhaps from a stem auati-: Sk. yd/ar- 'wife of husband's brother,' h.jam'fnces (inter-), ■cp. Gk. sivdnpic, strong stem ajidter- (Bloomfield). The above cognates embody all that is definitely known about the representation of the long sonant nasals, viz. : — In Sanskrit, ;/ and in are represented by (7, in Greek, between consonants, by a, 77 initial being represented by rn- (Dor. va-). In Latin, 77 is represented by nd and an, which correspond to Gk. a and va. It will be useful here, to notice some formations in which the nasal sonants appear. A nasal sonant is seen in the per- sonal ending of the 3d plu. pres. — Sk. sdnti, Gk. (Ion.) 'iaai for havTi, Umbrian sent (L. sunt is for sent, the u being due to the analogy of thematic presents like ferunt, agunt), Norse eru 'are,' Prim. Teut. iziin\i (snti) : also in the 3d plu. endings of historic tenses — Gk. i^ihii^av, O.H.G. {iviss)un. 70 Mamial of Linguistics. The a (w-) of Uu^a, Szc, represents a nasal sonant. In aorists, nasal sonants appear — h/^ubov {yj''0- ' seize/ L. -/ze/!d-, strong grade), sXaxov {Xiyyj ' obtain,' cp. Xi'koyx«'y with strong grade). /Sa/i/w (gumio) is an example of a present with nasal sonant. Nasal sonants appear in the verbal 7-a-o; ' stretched,' tefitus {-fjt-); in --'i^a-ai {-/.it-), 3d sing. perf. pass. (cp. jGi is linguistically more correct than Attic ippicsi {i imported from other cases) ; h'joi^aci is for ovopj/jSi ] {ovo)/xa, {nd)meii, for ;////. In the ace. plu. suffix, there was once heard a nasal sonant {-vs) — Sk. {nav)as, Gk. {^^1)0-^, L. {7idv)es. In Goth. ace. sing. {fot)u, the -it (Gk.-a, L. -em) is for 7/1. In IvisFot. (Goth. 7iiii7t, &c.), a represents ;/ ; 7iove77i has taken after dece/n, septein. Septi77ius, decimus, &c., are for sept77Wios, dek7n77tos. L. -o/isiis, -dsiis seen m for77id7tsus, for- 77idsus, is for -ouetisso- (-oimt + to), -unt is the weak form of suffix -uent (Sk. -vant-, Gk. -fiv--). CHAPTER IV. Sound Relations in Indo-European — Explosives. In this chapter the explosives (labials, dentals, palatals, velars) are treated. The following is a table illustrating their representation in the languages under consideration: — I.E. Sk. Gk. L. Goth. A.S. O.H.G. P P IT P f b f f b b b b /3 b P P pf,ff,f 1 1 bh bh 'P f b b b b, p t t T t th, <1 ih, d cl,t d d 5 d t t z dh dh e f b d d t k s(§) K c h,g h,g h. g>l^ g J y g k c cch, ch, hh, h 72 Manual of Linguistics. I.E. Sk. Gk. gh h X k^ k, c TT, r, K g^ g. J P,S,y gh^ gh, h '), for ~pouhoc {■~p6, 6d6c) ; 'i(pohog for s~6dog; o,a,aa for O'-aa ; ffxojsw (for ff'Trozscjo) (spok-), cp. ffyAcTTO/j^ai, L. specid, O.H.G. spehdn (G. spiiheti) (spek-). Gk. ;3v and /S/^ become i^v and fj^i-i. — ji^aoiiai ' woo ' from */3i'a 'wife' (guna-), cp. Boeot. ^cim 'woman' (gunna-) ; 74 Manual of L i7iguistics. afj^vog (for a/Scoj), L. dgnus (ag^nos) ; ffs/xi^&s (for ffifSvog) be- longing to (T=/So//,a/ ' reverence ' (tjegu-) — (rfor cff (from //), see Chap. III., under /; rpl/x/xa (for r/s7/3/xa). An aspirate loses its aspiration when the next syllable begins with an aspirate — tu^/ajjv, as above; (366pog (for Todpog, by association with (3a6ug), L. /odw, Goth, ^a^/ ' bed,' A.S. ^^^ (/-umlaut of a (orig. t") ) ; ■irs-Troida (for for rtr^^ww (abhn-, cp. Ir. abann, E. Avon), cp. also .Sk. dmbhas ' water ' (ambh-). Before speaking of the representation of the original explosives in Teutonic, it is necessary to put down some- thing about the Old High German dialects. There are the Upper German, consisting of varieties — Alemannic and Bavarian — proper to the highlands of Southern Germany, and the Middle German, consisting of several varieties of Franconian. The Middle German dialects are so called because of their position between Upper and Lower German. It is sometimes convenient, for the sake of distinctive- ness, to use the term Oberdeutsch instead of Upper German. In Teutonic,/ shifted to/ and medially, when the vowel immediately preceding did not have the principal accent, to B (the voiced labial spirant), by what is called Verner's Law (see Chap. VII.). This B was everywhere stopped into b after nasals ; in Gothic, it also became b after r and /, remaining a spirant elsewhere, though this is not brought out by the writing. This sound remained a spirant in the other West Germanic dialects, but in High German passed into b, which in Oberdeutsch partially became/. / stood in Anglo-Saxon, initially, for the breath, and medially (unless when geminated, or in the groups // fs), for the voiced spirant. Original b became / in Teutonic. This sound in High 76 ManiLal of Linguistics. German (in Rhenish Franconian only after b and r) passed initially, and after consonants, into the affricate // {ph) ; between vowels it passed into ff (/). Dialectically, // initial, and medial after consonants, hecdiVaQ f {//). Original bh in Teutonic became B. In Norse, on the oldest runic monuments, the spirant still appeared. When initial, this sound in Gothic and West Germanic was stopped into b. The b, in Oberdeutsch, passed into /. Medially, the voiced spirant from original bh, shared the fate of the voiced spirant, got by Verner's Law from original p. For examples of original / into f, take Goth, fraihnan, A.^.freht ' oxdicXe,' frignan ; L. ffecor (prek-) ; Goth, hlifins ' thief (E. ( shop)lifter), Gk. xXsot^s, cp. L. clepere. For/ into b through B take A.S. eofor (,?(? = z<;-umlaut ; / to read as B) 'boar' (E. York {Eoforw'ic) = Boat's Town), O.H.G. ebiir (G. eber), L. aper (eprd-) ; Goth. A.S. and O.H.G. sibun (sepm), Sk. saptd, Gk. S'Tt-m, L. septem (septm). In Gothic this b (B) owing to local causes (finally or before s) sometimes appears as f—af ' of ' and abu { = af + u (enclit.-interrog. particle)). As additional examples of original b, take Goth, hilpan, A.S. helpan, O.H.G. helphan and helfan ; Goth, slepan, A.S. sla-pan, O.H.G. sldfan (sleb-). The following are examples of original bh — Goth, beitan, AS. bUa7i, O.H.G. bif^ati (bheid-), cp. L./;/^J(bliid-); Goth. ioka 'letter,' A.S. boc bece (/from o by z-amlaut) 'beech,' O.H.G. buocha (G. buche), Gk. a//co (G. Imlkefi) (bholg), Gk. /i appears in Gothic as f—liufs ' dear,' //ub/s (h) genit, A.S. /eo/{E. lief), O.H.G. Hob (G. lieb) (leubh-), cp. L. libet lubet (lubh). B (orig. p) before / becomes in West Germanic bb. This in Oberdeutsch passes into pp — O.H.G. upplg ' ill-natured ' (G. iippig ' luxurious '), cp. Goth, iifjb ' superfluity.' This also happens with the 15 that is got from original bh — Goth.5//ya (B) ' relationship,' A.S. sib sibbe genit., O.H.G. sippia sippa, Sk. sabhd- ' assembly.' / (orig. b) before / (r, I, and iv), became // in West Germanic — A.S. lippe (L. labium for lebium). This // passed into // in High German (not in Rhenish Franconian). In the combination sp, original / remains in Teutonic — Goth, speiivan 'vomit,' cp. L. spud ; A.S. wcesp, L. vespa (uosp-). For the result of I.E. pn, b/i, and bhn in Teutonic, see Chapter on Grimm's Law. t : Sk. lajw/ni, Gk. Ti'ivo, L. tendo (ten-), Goth. uf\aiijan ' stretch out,' A.S. oScnian (e from a (orig. 0) by /-umlaut) (ton-), O.H.G. dunni ' thin ' (tnnii). d: Sk. svddus, Gr. r^h'oz, L. sudvis, A.S. sivcte, O.H.G. suofi (G. silss) (suad-), Goth, suts (sud-). dh : Sk. Sdhas ' fireplace,' Gk. aU^, L. aedcs orig. 'hearth,' A.S. dd 'funeral pile,' dst ' siccatorium ' (E. oast- Jwuse) ' kiln for drying hops,' O.H.G. eit (aidh-). 78 ManiLal of Linguistics. The dentals were stops formed by the pressure of the front part of the tongue against the upper teeth. Gk. 6 had an interdental position. There is a class of dentals in Sanskrit (/, (/, dJi) called cerebrals, cacuminals, or Unguals, formed by the pressure of the turned-up tip of the retracted tongue against the dome of the palate. In transcribing our dentals, Hindoos use their cerebrals. The dentals remain in Sanskrit, subject of course to some ordinary assimilative influences, t, for example, changes into / (lingual /) after ^7^ (lingual sibilant) — as/itdu (Gk. oxtw); d becomes / before j — 7!iaJJ ' dive,' cp. madgus ' water-fowl,' L. inergo (medgu-). Before dh, d becomes z and then drops, with lengthening of preceding vowel — (dehi {azdh becoming cdh) ' give,' 2 sing, imperat. (dedzdhl) of ^^- *to give.' Naturally then dd/i will give the same result as zd/i. For example of latter combination, take Sk. edM ' be,' cp. Gk. 'Jcdi (see Chapter III., under z). For ordinary examples of dentals in Sanskrit, take ^a-, Gk. TO, L. {is)tuvi, Goth. ]>a- (as in ]>ata neut. of sa ' this, that, the'), A.S. Oa (as in '^V?/ 'that, the') (to-); part, suffix -7it, seen m bhdrantajii, Gk. fifovra, "L.ferettte?!!, Goth. bairands, A.S. berende, O.H.G. beranti \ sddas, Gk. Ihog, L. seded, Goth. stta7i, A.S. sitian {tt=tj), O.H.G. sizze9i{G.sitzen) (sed-) ; chid ' cut off,' Gk. ff%/^w, L. scindo (skhuid-, skh^ind-) ; h'udhi srutds, Gk. -/Xvdt ■a.7-.-jt6c, L. clued inclutus, A.S. hlud 'loud,' O.H.G. hlut (klu-), cp. Sk. srdvas 'sound,' Gk. ■A,'f.i{F)"i, Goth. Jilhima ' hearing,' A.S. /i/eo'Sor, O.H.G. hliuimint 'renown' (kleu-), and A.S. hlystan {y = i-\xvc{\3iVi\. of cd) (klou-) ; Sk. iiiddJiu ' honey,' Gk. /x;()!j, A.S. nieodu Sotind Relations in Indo-European. 79 ■•mead' (eo = tc-xwxAzxsX of e), O.H.G. metu meto (G. vieth) (m^dhu). In Sanskrit (and Greek) dh becomes d before the initial aspirate of the succeeding syllable — Sk. dadhati ' places ' (dhadhdti), Gk. rii}r,(rt ; di/i 'smear,' 'L. Jingo figfera (dhigh-), Cik. TiTyjjg, Goth, deigafi 'mould' (dheigh-), Gk. roTyj,:, Gk. ^(«^^ 'dough,' A.S. dag, O.H.G. teig (G. teig) (dhoigh-). In Greek, / and d remain, dh becomes Q. and ^ later on developed spirancy. Examples of / are : — sVoc, Sk. vatsds ' calf,' L. ve^us {vitulus 'calf {ira/.og)), Goth. wi]yr?/s 'lamb' (yearling), A.S. wetSer, O.H.G. zvidar (G. widder) (uet-). / medial often becomes s before / unless preceded by s — b'lboiai (but sVr/), (pasig (but also by form-association (pdrig, rrVji-jGing (but also ahin;)). Compare also ffJ {rvvrj), L. tu, cp. Goth. 0/7. ri and rti have been alluded to under / and ?/. is becomes first ss then s — ■-ossi ■-oel (^-orai) ; tih (i^th) becomes sth — oJaOa (Sk. vetthd). TsSpi'Trrrov 'four-horse chariot' = rsTpiT'rov, disTroiva = hsTorna, s'/zoGi (ueikmti, with for a from numerals in --/.ovra), cp. Dor. Fr/-ari. As examples of d in Greek, take yjiij.i'(^oj ' neigh,' for XpsfJ^ibicj, L. frendo freino, A.S. grim ' cruel,' gremettan 'roar,' O.H.G. ^--r/w, (ghyrem-), Gk. %/^v^o; ' noise,' Goth. gramjaft, A.S. ^rw// (gram) 'fierce,' O.R.G. gram, gramiz- zon (ghurom); Gk. o'og- 'mis-,' Sk. dus, Goth, tuz-, O.H.G. zur- (G. zer-). For 5/ and 5// see Chapter III., under / and u. pah(^ ' sprinkle ' is for padvioj, cp. apou ' water ' ; /W/ 'know' is from uizdhl, Sk. viddhi; bsrlpa 'womb' is for 8o Manual of L inguistics. hoTifo. (' regular before -o, even when no consonant has been lost), cp. Sk. uddram, and L. uterus {titero- got from udtero- by influence of an titro- coming from udfro-). y\-o7Jjg may be an assimilation for o7.u-/.-jc, L. dulcis { = dluquis). For example of d/i in Oreek take •-i),kp()g (for (pivkpog} ' father-in-law,' Sk. hdndhus ' a relation,' L. (of)fendix ' knot,' Goth, bindan, A.S. bindan, O.H.G. bintan (G. binderi) (bhendh-). ^ becomes r before the initial aspirate of the succeeding syllable — ■rsvdspog, as above ; rldyi/j^i for dtdri/j.r, Tsd/j.6g 'law,' but also dialectically, by form-association, 6sd;j.rjg ; rs^jjr; for ds^ridi. The forms (Jti/jl13u ' tread ' and GrsfMu, for example — arduus), before /, and after u (u), and perhaps after m. / in Latin was a sound of a composite character, with. dental as well as labial leanings. Medial /was afterwards stopped into b. Medially, in other surroundings, the dental spirant, which had presumably remained, was stopped into d (Oscan/) As example of / in Latin, take utcr (for quotcr {?)), Sk. katards, Gk. 'xonpog, Goth. /nva\>ar, A.S. hwce'Ser, O.H.G. Jnvedar (kuotero-). Before /, / in Latin appears as k, except initially and Sound Relations in htdo-EuTOpcan. 8 1 in the complex si I {{t)hlliis, sflis, also sc/is, {st)locus) — {sae)du7n ' race,' Gk. {av)T'f.oc ' bilge-water,' cp. the relation between L. vet{ii)lus and L.L. veclus (It. vecchid). It may be mentioned that this change of / into k appears in Lithuanian and Modern Greek. 71ie combination ts appears as ss, which after a long syll- able, and finally, passes into s — concussi ior concutsl, sudsi for sudtsl{-ds-), ferens for ferents. it (i^i) appears as j-j- everywhere except before r. After a long syllable this passes into s^fessus for feiius, vlcensimus for v'lceniHimus. Later // remains — ceiie for ce{d)ite, attull for adtidl. Note the following transformations :^;^^r^J for petco, i.e., pedco {pes pedis), siccus for siicus {siiis), quicquavi for qiiii- qicam, i.e., quidqiiam, topper ' speedily ' for ioiper, i.e., iodper (iodjCp. (is)tud, Sk. Az^neut.). ipse is for ispie {ipse =^ is declined with suffix//^), but after- wards took after isie and i//e) ; quartiis is for civarius (kutuf-) cp. Sk. caturihds ' fourth ' ; os ossis is for osi-, but has taken after as assis ; v'lcHni is for vlcenini (uikmt-) ; penna (O.L. pes no) is for petsnd ; scdla is for scansld scantsld {scando) ; fastidiuni is for fastitidium {fastiis ' pride ' and taediuni) \ disco is for diicscd, i.e., didcsco, cp. Gk. hiba(%)(S%(>} ; rhniis for ret/iiiis, Gk. f/^sr/xov. d appears as / in Latin, at the beginning and middle of a few words.* Initially, the d is followed by a vowel, medially, it is flanked by vowels. The interchange is intelligible. There is not so much difference between the sounds, d * Conway (Brug. Jour. Vol. II., p. 163) makes this out to be a characteristic of the Saljine dialect. Liceitza, the modern name of Horace's Digeniia, has brought do\vu to us the / of the Sabine name. F 82 Manual of Lingiiz sties. being the point-stop-voice, and / the point-side-voice, i.e., the stoppage which is complete in the case of ^, is dispensed with laterally in the case of /. Take as examples — lacrima, older dacruma, Gk. ody.pv, Goth, fagr, A.S. fear (by contr. from tahiir), O.H.G. zahar (G. zdhre) (dakr-) ; levir ' husband's brother ' (the / due to association with vir\ Sk. devdr-, Gk. Sa;;// = daifrip, A.S. /dcor, O.H.G. zeihhur (daiudr- daiur-) ; oleo, cp. odor^ Gk. ohijj'/j; solium 'seat,' cp. sedeo, Gk. 'ihog; solum 'ground,' cp. Gk. fiho: 'way'; mdlus 'mast' for iiiddus, A.S. mcFst (maz- dos) ; calamitas, cp. O.L. cadamiias. Words in which ^appears as r — arbiter, arcesso, apor = apud — are dialectic forms. For dl and du refer back to / and ?/, Chap. III. ddh {d^dh) passes in Latin to st through zdh and sth — custos, cp. Goth, huzd ' treasure ' ; hasta ' spear,' cp. Goth. gazds ' goad.' credo, cp. Sk. srdddhd ' believe ' (kred- ' heart,' dhe- dho- ' put ') has not undergone this process. (//results in ss, and after long syllables, in s—Iassus = ladtus, Goth, lasts 'lazy,' A.S. ket 'late,' O.H.G. la'} (G. lass) (lad-), cp. Goth, letan 'let,' A.S. hctan, O.H.G. Idf^an (G. lassen) (led-), and Goth, lailot (pt. sing.) (lod-); spissus = spidtus, Gk. an, A.S. 7i'eor'!Sa?i ((y; = breaking of e), (E. wortJi vb.), O.H.G. tverdan ((1. ivcrdoi), Sk. vdrtatc 'turns itself (uert-), L. verto vorto (uort-) ; O.H.Cl. hadara 'rag ' (G. hader) (kyot-), M.H.G. /m^t'/ (from which French /za///;;//), L. cetito ' patch-work ' (kyent-). ts results in ss and s — O.H.G. wissuii ' they knew ' (uitsnt, rt.ueid-) ; Goth, anabusns (for anabutsns) 'com- mand,' Gk. Tuf'jrtla/ (bhudh-), from anabiudan ' bid,' Sk. hodhdmi ' I awake,' Gk. Tgj^o/a.a/, A.S. beodan (E. bid ^ order'), O.H.G. biotan (G. bieteii) (bheudh-). Original ft results in {i^/) ss, but not before r, and, after a long syllable, in s — O.H.G. gnvis{ss) (G. ge^uiss) 'certain,' _giwissd adv., Gk. {r/^tamg ' unknown ' (uitHds, rt.iieid-) ; A.S. (I's 'food, carrion,' O.H.G. as (G. aas), L. csiis 'an eating' (etsto-, rt. ed- ' eat'). Before r, a / might give st (through ]">/) — A.S. fostor 'food,' cp. Goth, fodjan 'feed,' A.'S. foda 'food,' O.H.G. fiiotar (G. flitter) (pat-), and Gk. rraT-io/xa/, O.H.G. _/?i/^^;?i''(!! ' food ' (pat-). tk gives j"^ — O.H.G. rase (G. rasch, cp. E. r^zy/^) {ratkuaz), said to be from O.H.Ci. r, an / seems to have been generated in High German — O.H.G. kmiift 'a coming' (G. -kunft), Goth. {ga)kwu}i]>s ' assembly.' Other examples of the insertion of /in the combination ;«]?, are O.H.Cj. finiinift (G. vernunfi ' reason '), from O.Yi.^. firnenian (G. vernehmen 'apprehend'), and O.H.G. zumft (G. ziDift 'guild,' orig. 'regulation'), from O.H.G. zeman (G. ziemen ' beseem ') — both with suffix // (Goth. \i). For mf into ;// in the above, compare md into nd (see Chap. HI., under m). 8 6 MantLal of L ingiiistics. A similar insertion of s is met with in the case of the combination n\ — O.H.G. hinst 'art/ cp. Goth. kun\i ' knowledge.' Original / also appears in Teutonic as d, when the vowel immediately preceding does not have the principal accent — Q>o\\\.wdds, A.S. wod (E. wood, Sc. wud), cp. A.S. Woden, wd'6 'eloquence/ ivo^bora 'orator/ O.H.G. ^inwt (G. 7vuih), L. zkites (uat-) ; A.S. (V?ied (E. d{rake)), O.H.G. aiiud (G. e/iie), antrahho (G. enterich), L. a?ias (anati-), cp. Sk. dtis, Gk. i/Jifrffa ((ro'= t/) (ntl) ; Goth, hardiis ' hard/ A.S. heard (m = breaking of a), O.H.G. hart, cp. with weak- grade vowel, Gk. y.par\j; ; Goih. haidiis ' manner/ A.S. had (E. -hood), O.H.G. heit {G.-heit), Sk. keti'is 'form' (kuoitu-); A.S. sy?ui (_>' = /-umlaut of ?<;), O.H.G. suntea, sunta (G. siinde), Teut. base i-//;//'^ for sundjo (sntia), cp. A.S. so'^ ' true' (sonto-), and L. sotiticus ' genuine.' In Gothic, this d (d) appears as \t, finally, and before 5 — taini\s ' tamed,' genit. tainidis (d). In West Germanic d^ (d/), orig. //, by gemination resulted in dd, which everywhere in High German shifted to // — (ioth. \ridja (d), A.S. 'Sridda, O.H.G. dritto (G. dritte), cp. Sk. trtfyas, L. tertins. t remains when associated with a preceding spirant — Goth, ist, O.H.G. ist, A.S. is {t final in an unstressed word drops), Gk. 'ion, L. est; Goth, hliftus 'thief (E. {shop)Iifter)y Gk. x?.s-Tr>jc ; Goth, ra'ihts 'right,' A.S. reoht (e-^ == breaking of d')j O.H.G. reht{G. recht), Gk. (o)/5gxr&,', L. rectus (rektos). Note the passage in a few West Germanic (and Norse) words of initial ]V (orig. //) mio f^K.'^. fleon 'flee,' O.H.G. fliohan (G. fliehen), Goth, \auhan, and compare the change (see above) of Prim. Ital. ^r and \l '\n\.o fr fi (L. br hi). SozLiid Relations in Indo-Etii'opean. 87 For examples of original d in Teutonic take Goth. tiuhan ' draw,' A.S. teon {teii{h)on), O.H.G. ziohan (G. Ziehen), L. duco (O.L. dotted = deuco) (deuk-) ; (zOth. ivitaii 'know,' A.S. witan, O.H.G. zviffan (G. wi'ssen), Gk. /6s?/, L. m'dco (uid-), cp. FiToo'j (ueid-), and Sk. veda, Gk. FoToa, Goth. wdi'f, A.S. jm/ (E. 7t>of), O.H.G. wet'f (G. weiss) (uoid-). In Old High German, before initial r, t (orig. d) remains — O.H.G. trimva 'fidelity' (G. treice, Fr. freve ' truce ' is borrowed from the German), Goth, triggiva, A.S. treow ; it also remains after s(z) — O.H.G. asf 'branch,' Goth, as^s, Gk. 6^0$, cp. A.S. osf (ozdos) ; A.S. ;//tesf ' mast ' (' fruit of oak,' &c.), O.H.G. mas^ (G. masf) (mazdos). Teut. / (orig. d) before / gives by gemination U, which in High German shifts to zz, but remains before r — Goth. /a(/an 'tarry,' /afs 'slothful,' A.S. /effan 'hinder,' O.H.G. lezzati (G. letzen) (lad-), cp. Goth, letan, A.S. h'etan ' let, O.H.G. Idffan (G. Iasse7i) (led-); O.H.G. hlUttar 'clear' (G. lauter), Goth, hlutrs, A.S. hlUtfor, Gk. xXi^w ( = x/,y3/w) ' wash ' (klud-), cp. cloaca {clovdca) ' sewer ' (klou-). The combination ddh (d^dJi) gives in Teutonic the result zd — Goth, huzd, &c. (kud^dho-) (see Chapter IH., under z). As examples of original dh in Teutonic take Goth. btndan, A.S. bindan, O.H.G. bintan, L. offendix ' knot ' (bhend-) ; Goth, grids, L. gradus (for grediis) (ghyredh-) ; Goth, mizdo, A.S. meord (W.S. mcd, E. meed), O.H.G. vieta (^= contraction of iz) mieta, viiata (G. miethe), Gk. lucdljc, (mizdhd-, mizdha-). Sometimes, from local causes, the d got from original dh appears in Gothic as \ — compare rdu\s ' red ' with genit. 1-diidis (d) (roudh-). d (orig. dh) before / gives by gemination dd, which shifts 8 8 Manual of L ingui sties. everywhere in High German to tt — Goth, bidjan ' ask ' (d), A.S. Mddau (E. hid 'pray'), O.H.G. bitten (G. bitten), Gk ■itii&u) (bhidh-, bheidh-). For original tn, dn, and d/in in Teutonic, see Chapter on Grimm's Law. In all European languages the combination of original media aspirata + / has the same representation as original tenuis + / — (jk. po-irrog, L. absorpsi (srobh-, srbh-) ; A.S. weft (A.S. ivefan 'weave,' O.H.G. iveban (G. iveben)) (uebh-), cp. Gk. upog ' web,' v^pah^ ' weave ' (ubh-). k : Sk. vesds ' tent,' Gk. oZxoc, L. vlais (uoik-), Goth. wei/is ' district ' (ueik-). g: Sk. Viijas 'quickness' (uog-), Gk. 'oyinz (ug-), L. veged { = voged), Goth, zvakjan ' watch,' A.S. tvcccean {e from a by /-umlaut), O.H.G. wccchen (G. weclcen) (uog-). gh : Sk. vah ' carry ' (uegh-), Gk. oyj,; ' chariot ' (uogh-), L. velw, Goth. {ga)wigan 'move,' A.S. wegan, O.H.G. wegan (G. (be)wegeii) (uegh-). A reference to the preliminary account given of the palatals (Chap. H.) will show that k, g, and ^Vz are repre- sented in Sanskrit by s, J, and //. Take as examples of k, dhnan- ' stone,' Gk. a%(xm 'anvil';/// 'adorn,' Gk. --or/JXoc, \^. piduni, ViO\X\. fdihs, A.S. fall 'variegated,' O.H.G. fih (G. fehe 'Siberian squirrel,' 'das Eichhornfell verschiedenfarbig war' Wei- gand) (peik-, poik-). A root-ending in a velar gives similar words in Teutonic — Goth. /f/// 'deception,' A.S. /F// 'hostile,' O.H.G. y?/z {Ci.fehde 'feud'), cp. Gk. 'Trixpog ' sharp ' (peiku-, piku-). Sound Relations in Indo-EiLropean. 89 kt appears in Sanskrit as slit — as/if a, Gk. oxt-w, L. octo ; k.jush 'enjoy,' L. gusto ' X^iSie,' A.S. cyssan {y = z-umlaut of ti), 'kiss' (gus-), and Goth, kdusjan 'taste' (gous-); £>7ov, A.S. weorc {eo = hi&'3^V!\g of e), O.H.G. were (G. zverk) (uerg-), cp. Goth, waurkjan, A.S. wyrcean {y = /-umlaut of //), O.H.G. wurchen (G. tvirkett) (urg-). For gi, confer under /. gh is to be seen in the following -.— yj'^v ' snow' (ghiom-), L. /ti'ems (gMem-), Sk. /linids (ghim-) ; =%w (ff^^f^w), Sk. sa/i ' support,' Goth, sigi's ' victory ' (two roots have been fused in sx^, viz., ueg/i- and seg/i-) ; %a/xa/ ' on the ground,' Goth, giona ' man,' L. /lemd (ghm-), L. humus, homo (ghom-), p/( 11)^1/ (ghom-). For ghl, see under L £X£;i^£/p/a (iyj^, %£/» ' armistice ' illustrates the law of the dissimilation of aspirates. Soimd Relations in Indo-EtLropcan. 9 1 In Latin, the palatals appear as c, g, h and.j,''. c was pronounced hard, even before e and /', down to the ]\Iiddle Ages. In Umbrian, Ital. k (I.E. k and ku) was assibilated. Com- pare with this the change wrought on Latin c in the Romance languages. Take as examples of k in Latin -.—porcus, A.'ii.fearh ' pig ' {Yj. farrotv), 0.\i.i}. farah {G. ferkel dimin. ' sucking pig') ; juvencus ' young,' Sk. Juvasds, Goth. Juggs (for juvungas)^ A.S. geong, O.Yi.(^. jung (iuunk6-). hi appears in caiiis, Sk. svd, gen. hhias, Gk. -/.-jcw^ ■/.■j\6c, Goth, hunds, A.S. himd, O.H.G. hunt (G. hund) (kuon-, kun-). For Xv see under /'. dlgnits is for decnos, cp. dcciis ; g also appears for c, in septinge?iti, nofigenti, &c., cp. ducentl. The g, however, is by some held to be original in these two words. pulcher is dialectic for pulcer, polcer, (plku), cp. placed « please ' (ploku) and pldco ' appease (ploku) ; mx7is is for gjficttos (gnigu-) ; texo, Sk. taksh 'fashion,' Gk. t'iv-wi ' car- penter,' O.H.G. dehsen 'shape' are from (tekth-) ; misceo is for micsceo, cp. Gk. fuywiu ; muls'i for iitiiLxl, cp. Sk. mars ' touch ' (melk-) ; pdstum for pasctum, from pasco ; posed for porcscd {pdstitlo =pdscituld) ; sesceni for sexce?itnl. As examples of ^s;, take argentuin (fgento-), cp. Gk. apydz 'white' (rg-), and Goth. tinaU-his 'unholy,' A.S. eorcan {stdn) (^T-og ' fodder, feeding-place ' ; hariolus haru{spex, from specio) ' diviner, inspector of entrails,' Gk. yo^hr] ' gut ' (ghr-), Sk. hira ' gut ' (ghr-) A.S. gearn {ea = breaking of a (orig. o)), O.H.G. garn (G. garji) (ghor-) : ///////, Sk. mdhyam ; veho, Goth. {ga)wigan 'move,' A.S. wegaji (E. weig/i), O.H.G. wegan (G. wegeii) (uegh-). Of ^'^ representing ^Vz, the following are examples : — grdmeii 'grass,' A.?), growan, gretie (<' by /-umlaut) 'green,' O.H.G. gruoni (G. griln) (ghra-), cp. Goth, gras ' grass,' A.S. gcers (grcBs), O.H.G. gras (ghra-) ; Ihigd ' lick ' (sometimes written lingi/d, owing to a reference to /i?igua), A.S. /iccian {licjan) (li(u)gh-), cp. Gk. X£/;^w (leigh-) ; magnus (for niegnos), Sk. mahdii, Gk. [J^syag, Goth, iniki/s ' much,' A.S. w_;;^^/;////i and d/i), it was stopped into the full consonant at an early date. In Old Saxon and Anglo-Saxon, 5 remained down to historic times. In Oberdeutsch the ^'- (stopped 5) passed into X- (c). Medially, the voice spirant got from original g/i shared 94 Manual of Li7tg2cistics. the fate of the voiced spirant got by Verner's Law from original k. For examples of k in Teutonic take A.S. hriitg, O.H.G. ring, Gk. 7.pr/.og zip-/.og, L. circles (krikos and krinkds) ; Goth, hlahjan 'laugh,' A.S. Jdiehhan (/V = /-umlaut of ea = palatal umlaut of a before //), O.H.G. hlahhan (G. lachen), TiXuGSo) (z>.wx/w), 'L.glddre (klok-) (?) ; A.S. /rf^ (jF = /-umlaut of n) 'hide,' O.H.G. hut (G. /mut) (kutf-), cp. Gk. y.hza, L. aitis (kut-) ; Goth. {gd)teihan 'announce,' A.S. icon (contd. from fihon) 'censure,' O.H.G. zihan (G. zeilien), Gk. ouzvx^iJA, L. died {0.1.. deico) (deik-) ; A.S. seax 'knife' (orig. made of flint), O.H.G. sahs (G. inesser ' knife ' = O.H.G. ineffiras mef^isahs from O.H.Cx. viaf (A.S. mete), xdi/zj- ' Speiseschwert '), L. saxtim; A.S. feax (x = /is) 'hair' (E. /ax{wax) pax{7vax), {Fair)fax), O.H.G. fahs (pok-), L. pecto, Gk. rr'v/M (pek-). For an example of the k that under the operation of Verner's Law became g in Teutonic, instead of //, take GoXh. fagrs 'suitable,' A.'i. fager 'fair,' O.B..G. f agar {G. fegen vb. 'purify' (pak-) ; Goth, tigus (3), A.S. -tig, O.H.G. -zig (dekm, with suffix accented), cp. Goth. taiJmn, A.S. t'len /?) (ghans-) ; Goth. gaits, A.S. gat, O.H.G. geif (G. geiss), L. haediis (ghafdos) ; Goth, gaggs 'way, street,' A.S. gang, O.H.G. gang, Sk. janghd ' heel-bone ' (ghenghw-, ghonghy-) ; Cloth, maihstiis ' dung,' A.S. meox for meoxti^) (^.9 = breaking of /), O.H.G. mist for mihst (G. mist) (migh-), cp. L. juingo (mingh-), Sk. mihdmi, i sing. pres. ind., L. mcjo for meijid, A.S. mlgan (meigh-), Gk. {h)>jAyj'j) (migh-), Goth, ddigs ' dough,' A.S. ddg, O.H.G. teic (G. teig), Gk. royyuc ' wall ' (dhoigh-), cp. Sk. dehi ' wall,' Gk. Tiryoz, Goth, dcigan ' knead ' (dheigh- ' smear, knead, form ') L. figiira jingo, Goth. {ga)digis ' creature ' (dhigh-) ; A.S. /7( = igcl) ' hedgehog,' O.H.G. igii (G. igel), Gk. sx^voz (egh-). Sometimes, from local causes, the 3 got from orig. gh appears in Gothic as %— cp. vigs {yj 'way,' nom., with vigis (3), gen. g (orig. gA) before i gives by gemination gg, which in Oberdeutsch shifts to kk — Goth, /igan (new formation for g6 Manual of Linguistics. ligjati), A.S. licgan, O.H.Ci. Hkke}i {/ickcn, /iggen) (G. liegefi), Gk. Xix^i (legh-). For orig. kn, g/i, and ghn in Teutonic, see Chap. VII. k(u) : Sk. crtami ' I tie together,' Gk. xuf^ra'/J.fj; ' basket,' Goth, hai'irds 'door,' A.S. /y^^'^t'/ (j' = /-umlaut of Zit) ' hurdle,' O.H.G. hirt ' plait-work ' (kyrt-), L. cnrfes (kyft-). ku : Sk. ca, Gk. t-e, L. (/i/e, Goth. (J^c?//)//, A.S. (iSea)/:, O.H.G. {do)/i (o from o, owing to enclisis) (G. doc/i) (k^e-). g(y) : Sk. q/as ' strength,' L. aiigeo, Goth, dukan ' increase,' «?(t/^ 'also,' A.S, eacen 'increased,' eac (E. eke), O.H G. ouhhd?i, ouJi (Ci. aiich) (augU-). gu : Sk. j'lvds ' living,' /3/o; (/3 before / is strange, see below), L. vlvits, Goth, ktviiis, A.S. (fze/Zr (E. quick), O.H.G. guec (G. Zrr/C') (second c ' Zusatz vor dem got. w ' Kluge) (guiu-). There is a guttural in vixl (got from related z'/^^(?, see American Journal of Philology, xiii. 2., p. 226), so that perhaps the guttural is original. gh(9) : Gk. G-i'iy^o} 'walk,' L. vesfigiiDu (?), Goth, steigan 'ascend,' A.S. sfigan, O.H.G. stlgan (G. steigen) (steigh"-). The Letto-Slavic cognate does not assibilate, a fact which makes for the velar character of this guttural. ghu : Sk.,i,''//(i!r;;/) (kuorp-); yM{F)l:, L. cidvis (see under dti), cp. O.H.G. siiofan (G. schliessen, G. schloss, E, slot^ (Teut. sleut-, from sklent-) ; ■/.li-A.n-J^ ' cuckoo,' L. cuddus (kuuku-), cp. Sk. kokas (kUouku-) ; IpriyoiMai 'vomit,' L. ructo (xQVLg^-), A.S. roccettan, O.H.G. {itd)rucche7i 'vomit again' (rugu-) (Kluge connects with these M.H.G. riiispern (G. rduspcrn * clear the throat '), ' k vor der Ablei- G 98 MaiuLal of Linguistics. tung sp st ausfiel ') ; 'iy^aoov ' seized ' (;/avoavw has the nasal of the suffix reflected in the root) (ghund-), L. {pre)he7tdo (ghuend-), L. praeda (for praehedd), Goth, -gitan 'get,' O.H.G. {fir)gif'faii (G. {ver)gessen) (ghyed-). With labial modification k'-' appears in Greek as t before -umlaut of e), O.H.G. chela (G. kehle) (gUel-) ; migro, Gk. a/xs/'/Sw (meigu-) ; glCuis (guj-), cp. (idy.avog (gUl-). fibula ' buckle ' =fiivibula, homfivo, form offigo found in Cato (A.S. fi/ele is borrowed) (dhigu-), niior = gnivitor (gnigy) ; runeo is ioxuvimec\ cp. u{£)vidus, Gk. 'oypig (ugu-). With labial modification, ghv appears in Latin as gn after 71 — anguis 'snake' (nghuf-), A.S. yce (j' = /-umlaut of lengthened ii), O.H.G. unc (G. unke) (nghu-), cp. (?) angicilla ' eel,' and Gk. sy^sXv; (engh^-) ; as v between vowels — iiiveni, ' snow ' (cp. Jiitigidt), Gk. w'^a ace. sing. fem. (sni(n)ghu), Goth, sndhvs, A.S. sndw (snd), O.H.G. snco (G. schnee) (Teut. snaiycva-) (snoighu-) ; brevis ' short ' (mreghy-) sometimes ranked with jBpayJjg, Goth, gamanrgjan ' shorten, A.S. myrge (_y = /-umlaut of li) ' pleasant ' (for induced mean- ing c]). pastime), O.H.G. vmrgfdri 'transitory' (mrghy-) ■ levis, see above. Initially, and medially, before r, gh'-' appears as / (medially also as b)—frid 'rub,' Gk. x^'f'Ji ' anoint ' (ghur!-), fremo 'roar,' Gk. yjiiu'Qj} 'neigh,' A.S. griiinit 'fierce,' O.H.G. grimmi (G. grimni) (ghyrem-), i\o\\\.gramjan ' make angry ' (ghyrom-). Sound Relations in Indo-European. 103 These only show traces of labialisation in Latin. Perhaps y"is dialectic for ^. Wharton under this head quotes flavus (ghuluos), cp. X^-c^pog, with different suffix, and fiilvus (ghyluos), gilviis {gilbus) helvi/s, A.S. geoiu (ghueluos). Nehrimdities and nefrojies have been referred to above. The velars /C'('-'), ^('-'), ^/?('') without labial modification are represented in Teutonic by h (and g, by operation of Verner's Law), k and g. All that has been said under palatals about the represent- ation of gutturals applies to velars. The labial modifica- tion, when active, of course sometimes asserts itself, or, it may be, only colours the result. As examples of non-labialisable hard velars take these : — A.S. heaivan 'hew,' O.H.G. hoinvan (G. haiten), L. cFiido) 'strike' (kuou-); Goth, weihan 'fight,' A.S. w'lgend 'war- rior' (E. wight 'nimble'), O.H.G. iv'igant (G. weiga?id 'warrior') (ueik9-) ; Goth. ?iahfs, A.S. neahi «//z/(/= palatal umlaut oiea, the breaking of m (orig. 0)), O.H.G. naht, Sk. ndktis, Gk. vj^, L. nox (nok^t-). k'-\ associated with s^ remains as k : — Goth. {its)-skaws 'prudent,' A.S. sceawian 'behold' (E. s/iozv), O.H.G. scouwon (G. schmien), Gk. [&vri)G-/.o(F)rj; 'priest' (sk^ou-), Gk. yji{F)iM ' perceive,' (a)xo-jw, L. caved (k^ou-). For gv and gh'-^ without labial modification take Goth. kalds, L. gelu, as above; A.S. gealla 'gall,' O.H.G. galla (G. galle), Gk. yjrf.og (ghuol), L. /'/ (ghyel-) ; Goth, \ragjan 'run ' (Norse \rcEll, E. thrall), O.H.G. drigil 'servant,' Gk. ■rf£;)(^w (threghy-, throghu ). With labial modification, k'-' appears in Teutonic as hw hC') (^'^d S'^'^' (3")' t)y operation of Verner's Law). 1 04 Manual of L ingu is tics. gtv before u lost its labial modification, in other surround- ings it became 21 or 7v. Examples are : — A.S. Imwsta ' cough ' {ico\c\\{kink)-}iost\ O.H.G. h{iv)uosto (G. Jmsten), Sk. kasate 'he coughs'; Goth, leihwa?! 'lend,' L. linquo, see above; Goth, saihwan 'see,' A.S. seon (^(9 = contraction oi eko), O.H.G. sehan (G. sehen), Gk. Iro'Mai, L. sequor (sek"-); Goth, ahzva ' water,' A.S. ea {cBhwu) (E. i{s)/and), O.H.G. aha (G. aue ' wasserreiches Wiesenland '), L. aqua, (aky-) ; A.S. scegoii {sdwon is a new formation) 'we saw,' i plu. pret. (Teut. sr^{i()u7ni) ; Goth. stuns ' sight ' (Teut. se{'^^)imis) ; Goth, tava ' arrangement ' (Teut. fc{-^iid), A.S. {ge)teo9i (eo^eho) 'arrange,' O.H.G. {gi)zehdn (G. zeche ' share '), Gk. bsT^-rrvov ( = oi--\im) (deku-). There is a new affiliation for Goth, saihwan, viz., to a root j^>$^'- 'sehen lassen, zeigen = sagen ' seen in Gk. 'ivn-i (svss'-s), L. I'nseque, inquani {insquain), cp. for meaning dicere and osiTivuvcci (Brug. Jour., vol. i., p. 258). The g, got by operation of Verner's Law, became gg before / in West Germanic. This in High German became kk (see example under palatals, and cf. O.H.G. wulpa, quoted a little below). hw in Old High German when initial commonly passed into w — O.H.G. hwer, wer ' who ' ; when medial, the w was lost, as in the combinations kw and gw. ■ hzv before / gives ht — A.S. si/if ' sight ' (/= /-umlaut of eo, but compare the M.E. eo into / before front //(/), O.H.G. sihi{G. sicht) (cp. ioxi,fihu ' cattle,' Y.. peats), Goth, sa'ihwan, see above, hw also appears as /—Goth, wulfs, idi\>, A.S. hafa^, O.H.G. halvt (khabh-). See also on Moulton's Law in Chapter VH. CHAPTER V. Vocalic and Consonantal Affections. Analogy. By way of finishing what has been said on sound-relations in Indo-European, it will be proper to gather together examples, and, where necessary, give definitions of certain sound-processes, many of which have been already exem- plified in the preceding chapters. These will be arranged under the heads of vocalic affections and consonantal affections, each set being further considered under the sub-heads of (i) Change (2) Increase (3) Loss, ^'ocalic affections first. CHANGE. Vowel Assimilation may be regressive or progressive. Convenient examples of the influence of a following vowel on a preceding one are to be seen in the Latin redupli- cated perfects didid, momordl (O.L. viemordT), pupugi (O.L. pepiigi). Progressive assimilation is seen in elephdntus ekm'entum, for eliphantus elimentuin. Note also seinel for semul. Assimilation between vowels often occurs when / inter- venes. This has been called the ' balancing power of l' Notice Sicilia and Siculus, Procilius and Proculus. The assimilative force exerted by consonants on vowels is sufficiently noticed under each vowel in Chapter II. 1 o8 Alanual of L inguistics. Vowel Assimilation is quite a prominent feature in Teutonic. Umlaut is a variety of regressive assimilation. The change is brought about by the action of the /, u, or «; of a following syllable, on the preceding vowel. The causal vowel has not always survived. With regard to the /-umlaut the proximate agent in the change would seem to have been the following fronted consonants. These consonants, which themselves owed their fronting to a following front-vowel, fronted the pre- ceding back-vowels. The fronting of the consonant has not always remained. It however may still be heard in bridge, A.S. brycg. In this word the fronted g — eg is a way of writing gg (from gj), the gemination of g — caused the umlaut. There is no umlaut in Gothic. {a) /-umlaut is the most original and the most important. It effects the following changes : — a (a) e u y o '° e,y eoj ^° '^ ('' >') o e ea I - /- -\ u y eo/ ^^^''y) Prior to the appearance of /-umlaut, the short a in Anglo- Saxon had undergone its changes to ce and o. Examples are : — (Goth, harjis) here brucan biyc(N(3sing. pres.) (Goth, brukji})) hal hiTlan (Goth, hailjan) eald ieldra (comp.) dohtor^ to dehter (dat.)l to . „, . gold i gj^lden I ^veorpan wierpS(3sing.pres.) tlom deman heah hiehra (comp.) burg byrig(gen. and dat.) ceosan ciestV (3 sing. pres. ) (b) n- and 6»-umlaut effect the following changes : — a, e, Vocalic and Consonantal Affections. 109 /, into ea, eo, io. Examples are cearii (poet.), 2i>eorold, siol- fur (doth, silubr). This umlaut is common in Norse but somewhat infrequent in West Saxon. {c) The change of / to e, and u to o, caused by a follow- ing a or o, is sometimes called a-umlaut. P^xamples are : — A.S. wer, L. vir^ I.E. niros ; A.S. nest, O.H.G. ?icst, L. nidus, I.E. fitzdos; AS.dohtor, O.H.G. tohter, Goth, dauhtar (dhughu); A.S. hard 'treasure,' O.H.G. hort, Goth, huzd^ I.E. kudh-dho-. {d) Palatal umlaut is the name given to a change wrought on the eo and io that have sprung from the breaking of e before an originally guttural h + consonant. The eo and io change to ie (/, y). Sometimes ea and ea are in this way converted into e and e before h, x, g, and c. Examples are reo/it and ?'//// (rie/i^), seox and siex (x = /is), eage and ege ' eye,' ceac and ccc ' cheek.' In Modern German, the vowels a, 0, u, when subjected to umlaut, appear as ii (e), 0, ii. au appears as du {en). The / that caused the umlaut is seen in the O.H.G. forms. Examples are: — kraft, krdfte (O.H.G. krafti) ; alt, alter (O.H.G. eltir) ; kalb, kdlber (O.H.G. kelbir), the -ir (Gk. -s-) orig. belonging to sing, as well as plu. being utilised as a l)lu. suffix ; niochte, mochte subj. (O.H.G. mohta and mohti) ; fiihr, fiihre subj. {Q.Yi.G. fuor, fiiori) ; trauin, trdumt^ho. dreams' (O.H.G. troumit); haus, hduser (O.H.G. husir). The umlauts of a and au are written e and en when no connection has to be indicated with forms in a and au. Riickumlaut, as applied to the alternation of sound in brenfien (O.H.G. brannian), brannte (O.H.G. branta), is a misnomer. The a of the preterite is the original vowel, it is the e that is secondary (umlauted from a). 1 1 o Manual of L mgtt i sties. Another alternation of vowels (e and /) seen in German is due to the influence of following vowels. This is called Brechung in the grammars. Take as examples these : — erde, irden (O.H.G. erda, irdhi) ; herde, ki'rfe {O.H.G. herta, hirti). e is original and remained when a followed, but when / followed, it passed to /. A similar alternation (ji and o) is seen in these : — wir wiirden, geworde?i (O.H.G. tvurdun, gazvordan) ; fiir, vor {0. Yi.G. furi,fora). u (changed to // in Old High German when followed by /) is original, and remained when / and ii followed, but when a followed, it passed to o. The diph- thong ill also passed to io (now ie) in similar circumstances • — G. ivirfiiegen, M.H.G. fliegen, O.H.G. fliogati, ie has by analogy been driven right through the tense. In earlier German eii appeared in some persons (O.H.G. in). Breaking is the name given in Anglo-Saxon to a change wrought on a preceding vowel by r + consonant, / + consonant, h + consonant {x = /is), or h at the end of a syllable. a in these conditions breaks into ea, e into eo io, i into io eo. Probably this parasiting is caused by the difficulty in bridging the vocalic space between consonants in different positions. Examples are : — Goth, arms A.S. earm O.H.G. elaho A.S. eolh Goth, stairra A.S. steorra Goth. ahtau A.S. eahta Goth, fallan A.S. feallan O.H.G. fehtan A.S. feohtan The eo io got from broken / always appears umlauted to ie. Something like breaking is heard in the American cear for car. In Gothic before //, htv, and r, i (representing old e and /) was broken to e (written ai). In the same circumstances u (representing old o and //) was broken to o (written au). Vocalic and Consonantal Affections. 1 1 1 This a'l and an are to be distinguished from the real diphthongs di and du. The palatal semi-vowel j, and palatal c, j^, and sir, when initial, produce a similar result, ja and jVe becoming gea ; jo andyV/, geo and gio ; while c, g, and sc, change t^, c/.i, cp. gTpuvvu/Mi. Long vowels are also shortened before vowels— eswv ' of ships,' for vr,(F)ojv. Com- pare the so-called transference of quantities in iOTiMng for iaryiFong, 'fTT-TTsug and /-X'Tsa for 'i-Tr-rjFog and /r-jjFa. Com- pare also sdjpuv and idyriv for rfopuv and rfdyrtv. In Latin this takes place before /, ti, nasal, liquid + explosive or spirant — o/oes ill'is from -oij ; naufragus (Sk. ndi'is) ; claudo from clauido (Gk. yXnif)h ; gaudeo, cp. gdvlsus, Cik. yjj^sw for ydfi&iM) ■ vetitus {ijentos), cp. Gk. asvr- ; Oif'lcj) by compens. for (pCsppoj, Ion. yoOva (yovFa) ' knees,' by compens. for ylum (Attic yovara, in Attic F was elided without compensatory lengthening), Hom. ouXog from oXFo; (Attic oXog), rove for rovg, sZ/x/ (Is/jbi) by compens. for £/x,a/. The si and the o-j of compensation are not real ■diphthongs. In Latin, all vowels are long before the combinations f/s, /ff, gn, gill. Compensatory lengthening also occurs — eqtios for equons, aeiii/s for aesnos, nidus for iiizdos, &c. In Teutonic, compensatory lengthening is met with before ?/;^— Goth. ]->dhta 'thought,' A.S. ^ohte, O.H.G. ihdhta, O.L. tonged ' I know.' See above, under Influence of Nasals. Notice also O.H.G. mcia (also mcfit (G. miethe)) 'meed' (t' = /, with compensatory lengthening), A.S. med, Goth, inizdo ' pay,' Gk. iJ.i(sD!,i. In Anglo-Saxon, monosyllabic words {ac ' but,' ^//' if,' ic ' I,' /v/ ' better,' &c.) ending in a single consonant are some- times lengthened. Vowels are also in this language some- times found long before the combinations of nasal + con- sonant, r 4- consonant, / + consonant. GROWTH. Anaptyxis. This is a name given to vowel-generation. When initial it is called Prothesis. Examples in Greek are — spudpog, L. ruber; l}.a(pplg, O.H.G. lungar ; Hom. 'i{F)ipar, H 1 1 4 Manual of L inguistics. 'dew' beside ipavi spar}, Sk. varshds 'rain'; Horn. l{f)%iM^2^;«£fi'« (Tsx/T-jjCtfa), mina {i-i-vd), drachuma {ppayjj.ri). In Teutonic, Goth. nii'Iuks, A.S. meoloc, O.H.G. miluk (Gk. {a)!ii'ky(ji) (melg-), cp. L. imilgeo (mlg-), seem to exhibit anaptyxis. Other examples (in West Germanic) are A.S. her{i)ge 'to the army,' O.H.G. herige (between r and /), cp. Goth, harjd); O.H.G. zesazver, zesewer 'dexter' (between cons, and if), cp. Goth, taihswa (Gk. hi^iiz, Sk. ddkshiij,a^ 'right, south'); O.H.G. wahsamo 'growth' (between cons, and nasal), beside wahsmo, zvahsan (G. wachsen ' grow '), Goth, wahsjan, A.S. weaxan (ueks-), Gk. ai^as/w (uks-). Epenthesis. This is an accompaniment of the Palatalisa- tion and the Labialisation of consonants, effects that are produced by a post-consonantal / or u. The palatalisation and labialisation echo back into, and finally become wholly located in, the preceding syllable, converting any vowel other than / or u into an /- or //- diphthong — pa«w for } ; s^oci(pvi^g for -cKpi/mc, cp. a^pvM ; dsg-rrona for dsd'rorvm ;, af/jx.ri 'point of a spear' for o.yjhia, {'.r/;), cp. iyx"i'y Horn. To^o (toico) for T(j(Jijj, Sk. tdsya ; ravpo; (rapFo;) ' bull,' beside Gaulish tan'os (KsvTavpog is for Ksvdavpo;, by popular etymo- logy from xsvriu ' goad ' and raupog, = Sk. gandharvds ' demi- gods inhabiting Indra's heaven '(?)). Vocalic and Conso7iantal Affections. 1 1 5 LOSS. Contraction. In consequence of the disappearance of /, ?/(f"), and s between vowels, contraction is common in Greek. The hiatus resulting from the loss of these letters is often closed by this means — (pofZi contrd. from ipopiu (^(pofi[u), r:a7i from Ta/; (rraFii), ysvoug from yiviog (ysvioog). When the vowels to be contracted are of similar quality, one long vowel serves — iSaaiXTjsg (iSaffiXi^Fs;), which passes into (3affi}.ri:. The contraction of ss and 00 gives for result close e and close 0, written si and ou — rpsTg for rpsisg, Sk. trdyas, Horn. r,(jZg for r,n(Sog, Sk. ushdsas. Darbishire makes rtoZg = riFo{ff)og, with prefix v, as in rjsXiog (rt. FO- ' burn ' as in £i>.?3 * warmth ') for r^Fs/Jog, and separates rt. ves- ' shine ' (Sk. vas, Gk. iojg) from us/i-; connecting the latter, as a weak form, with the aus- that appears in avpiov, Aurora, I^esb. a/jug. This £/ and oi> are naturally not real diphthongs, but graphic expedients. If the vowels to be contracted are of different qualities, at times the equality of the first prevails — axuv for aiyi'jiv (dFiy-ooii), ' Arpiiha for 'ATpslddo, Dor. rdv gen. plu. fem. for rtic/jv, cp. Sk. tasdm, L. istaruni ; sXdrrovg for -o{ff)ig, cp. L. inajores (the o coloured the s into 0, and the resultant 00 then passed into ou) : at times the quality of the second — Attic rwv gen. plu. fem., cp. Dor. -rav above. In jiwog for yivsog (ytvsffog), the £ fell to o, under the attraction of the 0, and the resultant 00 passed into ou. If the second of the vowels to be contracted was / or v, various apparent diphthongs resulted — '-aTg (7ra(F)ig), olg ((j(F)ig), si{isi), davXog 'thick' (for dasvXog, cp. daavg 'densus'). Elision is a species of contraction. The Attic is the 1 1 6 Manual of L ingttistics. dialect that has most persistently weeded out uncontracted forms. In Latin the loss of medial / is the most frequent cause of contraction — trcs for treles monete for nione{i)ete, sto from sfd{f)d, stat from std{i)et, ames for amd{i)es (I.E. -wij). Contraction does not take place in Latin with the combina- tions ed ed and ae — moned, monedm, aenus. The loss of h also gives scope for contraction — naiid for nehemd, bhnus for bihimus, praebeb for pj'aehibed. Notice cogd for coago, dego for deagd, promo for proemd. (Wharton derives prdmd cdnid, Szc, from words made up of prepositions and adjectival endings, cp. prdnms ' cellarer.') But cdegl remains uncontracted, as happens when the second vowel is long, and has the principal accent. For a common example of contraction in Teutonic, take Goth, fret 'ate up' 3 sing, pret., A.S. frCct, O.H.G. frdf, TQVit.freii, contrd. hom fra-eti, as is seen from Goth. pres. f rattan ' eat up ' {Y.. fret, G. fressen). Certain Anglo-Saxon contractions claim notice. The result ea is given by the West Germanic a + 0, u ; d (Teut. ce) + 0, 21. Examples are slean ' slay,' Goth, slahan ; brea ' hxov^^ = bra(iv)u for brdwu, O.H.G. brdwa (G. brane). A following vowel after ea, from any original, is crushed out — frea 'lord' ioxfrau{j)a, Goih. frdi/Ja, O.^.Gj. fro {G. frohii ' herrschaftlich,' now only used as first member of com- pounds). The result eo (Jo) is given by West Germanic e + o, o, u ; /, i + o, 0, u ; /, I + a, d. Examples are seon = se/z(w)on, Goth. saUnvan ; tcon 'censure,' O.H.G. zihan, Gk. hzixwiu ; /^.fiy^ ' promise ' for bi{h)dt be{h)dt, O.H.G. biheif; zxid^freo ' free' iox frija, Goth./;'m (ace. sing, m.frijana) Sk. priyds Vocalic and Consonantal Affections. 1 1 7 'dear.' A following vowel after any i-o is crushed out — teon 'draw' for teu{h)on, O.H.G. rJohaii (G. ziehen), O.T.. douco. A.S. a (Teut. fe) + vowel = d—td 'toe ' = A?/;^, O.H.G. z'eha (G. ;Sf//^), I.E. daiku-. A.S. ■¥ a, o, It, e = d=Jidn ' hang,' Goth, and O.H.G. hdhnn, Teut. '/jinxr, I.E. kank"-. Aphaeresis, Syncope, and Apocope are names given to different kinds of vowel-loss, according as this manifests itself initially before consonants, medially between con- sonants, and finally after consonants. That vowel-loss which leaves a syllabic something behind it, is called samprasdraiia (the term of the Sanskrit grammars), e.g., Tic is the samprasdraiia form of rt. vac. Vowel-loss existed in the parent speech. In Latin take the following examples : — sum {esmi or esm) due to the analogy of siimiis ; ao-er from agrs, saj7i- prasdraiia of agros, agellus for agerliis {agrotos), cette ' give ye ' from ce-dite, valde (cp. valtdus), nuntius for noveniios, auded (cp. avidiis) ; hospes from hostpes {hos- tipes), prJnceps from prlmiceps, Pollux from Poluluces (Gk. rroX-j^suxjjg), nuper for noviper, sinciput {semi-, caput), sesqui- {semissi-, que), sellbra {semi-, libra), sestertius for semistertius, Marpor for Marci puer, prdrsus for provorsus, meopte (cp. utpote), dddrdns {do, by-form of de, and qnadrdns) surgo {sub-, rego), reppull {re-pepidi), die, due, &c., beside older dice, duce, Szc, tot for tote toti (cp. totidem), et (cp. Gk. fV;), exemplar and exempldre, vol up ' agreeably ' and volupe (cp. Gk. Tk^tuI), famiil undi famulus, fieu and neve, ac and atque, quin 'but that' {qui (abl.), ne negative), si?i 'but if {si,- ne pronominal, as is the n of alioquin), siremps and 1 1 8 Manual of L ingiiistics. sirempse ' similarly ' (got from the collocation si rem eatnpse — , Wharton says it is a perf. inf. of a surimo ' take up,' so that siremps lex esto quasi means ' let an assumption be law as though — '). For these remarks on quln and sin confer Brugmann's Journal, vol. ii., pages 212 and 222. In Teutonic, take the following examples — A.S. bisceop, O.H.G. biscof{G. bischof), from Gk. JT/'/rxoToc ; Goth, wulfs (Teut. wulfaz) ; Goth, safj'a ' I set ' (Teut. satiw). In West Germanic the following rules hold in regard to syncope : — Short vowels drop out in open syllables {a) after long syllables bearing the chief accent ; {h) after a syllable bearing a secondary accent, following that (long or short) with the chief accent — A.S. hierde (J^ = umlaut of m, Teut. mi), O.H.G. horta 'heard' for horita, cp. Goth, hdusida, O.S. mahtigro from mdhtigiro dat. sing. fem. of mahtig ' mighty.' The second head will now be taken up, viz., Consonantal Affections, divided out into various sub-heads. CHANGE. Assimilation. Examples in Greek are /Vrs, cp. 'i'^/msv ; vu^d' o/.riv (vjy.Ta) ; if ^?;,a/,a2p?;c (i~rd) ' with seven halves'; xp-jiSdriv [xphrrru) ' secretly.' In Latin, these will serve •.^peccare=pedcare {pes pedis) ; hoc = hodce', agger {ad, gero) ; ampulla {amporla) 'bottle,' cp. amp/iora ; polliceri {por-, licer'i) ; tollo = tolnd, sollus = solvos, Gk. oS/Xoc, Sk. sdrvas ; omtiis for opnis (cp. opes, or is it ob ? Breal calls omnes a doublet of homines) \ gener {genres gemros, Gk. yaix^poc (?)). Vocalic and Consonantal Affections. 1 1 9 In Teutonic, take these : — ( \. oiipfindeji for entfitiden '(O.H.G. intfindan) \ G. Jibiiheere ' raspberry,' for /«W/;^fr^ ■• berry eaten by the hind' (O.H.G. hint-bcri) ', G. wimper 'eyelash,' for tvindbraue (O.H.G. wintbrdwa 'die sich win- dende Braue ') ; G. hoffart 'haughtiness,' for hochfahrt {M.H.G. hochvart ' Art vornehm zu leben,' cp. G. wohlfahrf) ; G. imbiss ' snack,' for inbiss {einbeissen). Dissimilation. This sometimes involves the loss of a letter or syllable. Examples in Greek are t/vut-Jl; ' wise,' for aurjro:, -^idvf'og 'whispering,' for -^-jdufoc ; r/.s^sipia * armistice,' for lytyiifia ; ridriri for dsdrjSi ; nT^ng for 6u-)(og ; idpkvoc for (papkvoc, E. biird ; ^odpog (or ipodpog ; iZ'-ayXog for s/iTXay/.og ; dp{jpa,-/,Tog for dpu(ppa-A.Tog ; a./j,a (o-cpi-apa) dissimilated by

^/^ (Goth. kwiman) ; Jupiter and Diespiter ; /a««.f and Z>/J//a ; laena Vocalic and Consonantal Affections. 1 2 3 from Gk. y^XaTva, by influence of Idna which has lost a v ). 3. Original -(?/, on became -ai, -au — Goth, gilmi ' to a gift/ cp. Gk. %&V«for %&^pa/, Goth, a/i^dze 'eight' (oktou), a/isfdi 'to a favour' {*ansiei \oc., cp. Gk. --i'/.rii). Otherwise the endings in Teutonic were full endings. The following laws about finals hold in Gothic : — 1. Long vowels that were originally final, or had become final in Primitive Teutonic, were shortened in polysyllabic words— Goth. y//X^^z 'yokes' (Sk. ///^i, 0.1,. jugd), Goth. baira 'I bear' (Gk. ^£>w), Goth, hwamma 'to whom,' cp. hwanwieh ' to every one.' Long vowels remained in monsyllables, and in words that originally ended in nasals — Goth. \->d ace. sing, fern., Dor. rdv, Goth, ha'irto nom. sing. ' heart ' {*kertdn). 2. Short vowels, excepting u, that were originally final, or had become final in Primitive Teutonic, dropped off. This law apphes to the final syllables of polysyllabic words that ended in a single consonant, unless that were consonantal / or u. Examples are Goth, wait ' I know ' and ' he knows ' (Gk. oUa and olh), Goth, a/' from' (Gk. d-o), Goth. bairi]> (Sk. bhdrati), Goth, ividfs (Gk. Xuxoc) ; hvXfilu ' much' (Gk. -roX-J). The law is inoperative in the case of original mono- syllables — Goth, is ' he ' (L. is), Goth. Ima ' what ' (L. {/uod). 3 Short and original final -ai and -oi became a in poly- syllables — Goth, bdirada ' he is borne ' (Gk. spM)) ; belonging to the ^-declension A.S. j,^icfii, (O.H.G. geha is the ace. form), cp. Goth. gi7>a (in Gothic orig. -a and -0, when shortened, came to a, and not t(, as in other Teutonic languages) ; O.H.G. n'ri {*rizl) imp. subj. 3 sing, of r'lsan ' fall.' 2. After this law, there operated the law of syncope referred to above, by which the short vowels of dissyllables, when final, or followed by one consonant, dropped off if the first syllable were long. This dropping off also took place in polysyllables with a secondary accent on the penult. Examples are A.S. wi/If voc, O.H.G. wolf from ^ivulfi *ividfe (Gk. '/Jjy.i) ; A.S. zvie/f nom., O.H.G. wolf, from '''wulfaz (Gk. Xixo;) • O.H.G. irdhi (G. irdeti) (*/r]nnaz), A.S. ^//r^", O.H.G. din'f (*MriAi). Note with short first syllable these: — O.H.G. f/iu (L. pea/), A.S. wi'/n' 'friend,' O.H.G. wi'm (*wtmz). Levelling sometimes furnishes seeming exceptions, e.g., A.S. /^^r ' bear ' imperat., O.H.G. dir (Gk. (pipi). These took after imperatives that dropped the vowel according to rule. 3. There was a later shortening of long vowels occurring in polysyllabic words that had dropped -n or -z after the long vowel ; in -e and -o from the -ai and -au that were either already final in Primitive Teutonic, or had become 126 Manual of L inguistics. so by loss of -s ; and in the -J that came from -iij. Examples are A.S. ha?ia ' cock,' O.H.G. /la^o (Teut. -/anon) ; A.S. menigic (the -u taken over from the r aew or per- teO 5D :- ■ . '. : :an ip-itna) : 5cc. — :d the exertion of analogical inflaence bj a few nouns. Similarly the appropriaticm of the snffis -z»-, -z-, bj certain Greek class-names (birds, anima1«t^ plants) — y*-'^^ *owl,' jw'saz * crow/ TLkxxrJ^ * cuckoo/ &a : cu^ * goali' a>-«=ri5^ 'fox, —^ 'hare,' &c ; &».a| 'reed,' f«| ' grape,* rf^iSx^ ' lettuce ' ; &c. — is due to the inioence of cactain dominant congeDeric nouns. FORM INTO MEAXINC-. An alteration of : : v. U5u _ — verted meaning read in:; / .. : i . Examples are inctnti^ {indnere ' : ? . associated with derivatives kA incenc-y- i cutiet (Fr. wtelette (L. costa^ assodn : e i (qp. E. wanhope, wanton) from adj. wan * emptj 'as - _ i on the disappearance of this wmd with the nour 'delusion'; Gk. 'l£f»«B?ja/Mi 'Jerusalem* owing its \-::. association with n^~\ E. hdfij (O.Fr. bewfroi, M.H.G. berivrit ' watch tower ' (cp. G. bergen protect and firkde 'peace')) got from a^ociation with belli E. aw/fish (M.E. mffs„ O.Fr. eserevisse, arsFisse) got from accommodation to JisA ; E. causemaj (O.Fr. caude^ KL. caJdata {wia)) by accom- modation to way I K wr^i/erj^-plays), acted by craftsmen (O.Fr. mestier^ L. nuniskriitm), from asociation witb mystery (Gk. /tytfrii^f**) ; G. aland (M.H.G. dlant ' solitary land ') associated with (« * ^g ' and) /and; edit * real ' (M.BLG. c- haft^ i (G. ehe\ 'law') commonly associated with adkten 'value,' and written «c*/; G. sundflut 'deluge' (O.H.G. dn-vluot 'great flood,' cp. G. singrun, Goth, sindgs, E. syne) got from association with sunde * sin * ; G. maiuzi ... -/ • -:.^' 134 Manual of L ingitistics. (M.H.G. moltwerf ^ xi\ov\6. thrower/ cp. Shakspeare's w^/^- warp, Sc. mowdiewari) a ' volksetymologische Umbildung ' on niaul^ mouth.' FORM INTO FUNCTION. Certain common endings have been generalised. They have ousted strange endings that bore more or less resem- blance to themselves. For example, pleasure (O.Fr. plaisir) has fallen with measure, nature; tardy (O.Fr. tardif) has taken dSier guilty, weary; surgery (O.Fr. a'rurgie) has accepted the yoke of sorcery, thievery, &c.; sausage (O.Fr. saucisse) has gone over to courage, visage, &:c.; syllable (O.Fr. siilabe) has put on the ending oi parable, constable, &c.; and reprimand (L. {res) repri7ne7idd) has been accommodated to command, demand. Just so with prefixes. The aggressive n of the new con- tingent of Latin words has replaced its descendant in inspire and intend, &:c., and threatens to do so in words like enquire. Notice too, how in recount, repeal, refine, re- has regained living fulness, and in its re-growth, cramped out of existence the a (L. ad) of the Old French originals raconter, rapeler, raffiner. Advantage (M.E. avauntage, O.Fr. avantage {ab, atite)) bears witness to the assertiveness of ad. So too with the related advance. FUNCTION INTO FORM. A transference of elements is seen in Swx/jar^ji/ for the regular ^cuxpdrr}, in the imposition of the endings of «/-stems on Xsuv, an ^^-stern (cp. L. leo leonis) ; in the extension of the genitive ending -s, in English and German, beyond its Vocalic ami Cousonantal Affections. 135 former sphere — E. ladys maid and lady-day, G. des vaters and M.H.G. des vater, G. liedessch/iicrz, where the s is due to analogy and not to atavism (in Gothic the gen. fem. ex- hibits s); in the encroachments of umlaut, in German, into other than /-stems — G. tochtcr and O.H.G. tohter; in the extension of the long vowel j proper to the subjunctive of thematic verbs to non-thematic verbs — non-thematic /'w//,;!^ (Homeric "i()) ^'/-series, {c) i "W u u Gk. ei; oil u V Teut. eu au u u Goth. iu au u u A.S. eo ea U, u O.H.G. io, iu ou, u, u [d) gr-series I.E. er or T f Gk. ep op ap, pa. op, pu Teut. er ar ur Goth. air ar ur A.S. er(eor) rer ur, or O.H.G. er ar ur, or {/) ^/-series Repc iat the above mutatis nnitandis (/) ^;«-series I.E. em om m m Gk. e/i op. a, ap Teut. em am um Goth. im am um A.S. im am, om um O.H.G. em, im am um, om (§■) t'M-series Repeat the above vnitatis nnitaiidis. 138 Mamial of L ingiustics. I. {a) ) ^/-series. For example of ablaut I., take Gk. eJdov ' I saw;' of ablaut IL, Sk. veda ' I know' (perf. used as pres.), Gk. oJda, Goth, wait, A.S. wdt (E. wot (Ch. ivoot)), O.HG. weif (G. weiss) ; of ablaut III. a. Gk. IhiTv, L. videre, Goth, and A.S. witan 'know,' O.H.G. wiffaii (G. wissen) ; of ablaut lll.b., L. vlsus ' seen,' Goth, wets 'wise,' A.S., 7tns, O.H.G. wlsi (G. weis). (c) eit-senes. For example of ablaut I., take Gk. yvju 'I give to taste,' A bla II t and A ccc nt. 139 yvjoiMai ' I taste,' Goth, kiusan 'choose,' A.S. ceosan, O.H.G. kiosa)i (G. kiesen); of ablaut II., Goth, kdus pret., A.S. ceas, O.H.G. kos. Ablaut Ill.rt. appears in Goth, kusuns p.p., A.S. gecoren p.p., curon pret. plu., O.H.G. gikoran. {d) ^r-series. For example of ablaut I., take Gk. (p'ipu, L. fero, Goth. bairati, A.S. and O.H.G. beran (G. gehdren) ; of ablaut II., Gk. (popdg, Goth, bar pret., A.S. bivr, O.H.G. bar. Ablaut 111.(7. appears in \.. fors 'chance,' A.S. gebore?i p.p. {e) ^/-series. For example of ablaut I., take Gk. 'iXy.i^ 'I draw' ; of ablaut II., Gk. oXxo; 'rollers, track' ; of ablaut III.(?., Goth, wielfs, A.S. zvulf, O.H.G. 7volf. {/) fw-series. For example of ablaut I., take Gk. ^g,o(.&J ' I distribute,' i'cfjbog ' pasture,' L. tieinus ' grove,' Goth, and A.S. ?iimati * take ' (E. nimble), O.H.G. neman (G. nehmeti) ; of ablaut II., A.S. and O.H.G. nam pret. Ablaut III. a. appears in A.S. genumen p.p., O.H.G. gmoman. (g) ;/-series. For example of ablaut I., take Gk. rs/vu — rsv/u ' stretch, L. tendo ; of ablaut II., Gk. r'avoc, ' tone,' L. tono'-l thunder,' Goth. {iif)-\anjan 'stretch out,' A.S. ^cnnan {e from a by /-umlaut) ; of ablaut lll.a., Gk. rdaig ' stretching,' A.S. ^unor ^thunder,' O.H.G. donar (G. dotiner). Most ablaut-formations in Indo-European belong to one or other of the various sub-divisions of the d?-series. In fact, the dominant position of e and o (or their substitutes) is one of the most outstanding features of ablaut. The vowel correspondences hat various settings of e- and 140 Alanual of Linguistics. t'-sounds present in Indo-European alternate with each other according to a pre-established law of harmony. The appear- ance of this or that variety seems conditioned by the work- ing of the elements of accentual action, viz., pitch and stress. Not that it is permissible to suppose that one original vowel, say t\ took on itself in certain circumstances the nature and semblance of o, for these appearances were felt to be, and were, mutually independent sounds. Most likely so much of original individuality as is implied in the nomenclature a^ a" (Chap. II. page 17), is to be assigned to the forms of the ^-series. To say that the sounds appearing in the strong grade of the ^-series have been always different to a degree, and without any rap- proche7jient, and that their existence has been co-eternal^ is perhaps an attempt to solve the dualism by assuming the impossibility of its opposite.* Sweet says : "Under the acute accent, a became e, under the circumflex (the syllable following an acute, unless another acute succeed, when the accent is grave), it became o, and under the grave, it was dropped altogether." Whatever the real conditions may be for the appearance of one or other member of the strong grade, whether ornot original occurrence under the acute and under the circum- flex accent covers all that is implied in the appearance of <'-forms and t'-forms — and certainly e has naturally a high, o, a low pitch — there is no doubt whatever of the cause that gives now strong grade and now weak grade. That cause is the presence or absence of the principal accent. In Sanskrit, which has best preserved the Indo-European accentuation, the weak grade vowel, as a rule, occurs in the * See the account of Merlo's theory at the end of this chapter. AblaiU and Accent. 141 stem-syllables of words that bear the accent on their in- flexional elements, and even in Greek, where recession has Avrought havoc on the original free accent, there still remains considerable debris to illustrate the conditions that induced the weak grade. Note the grade in the following Greek words that have preserved the original accent (as indeed oxy tones very often have) : — crutrro's, verbal of mbhij^ai, Xi'rrsTv, aor. inf. of Xj/tcu. When recession set in, the vocalic quality of syllables had been fixed, and did not change with the changing accent, e.g., //i£i/, i plu. pres. of sJ/j,! ' go,' must originally have had the oxytone accent, but the change in accentuation did not alter the vowel. With these few remarks the tables ought to be self- explanatory. There are two distinct forms in the strong grade, and one form in the weak grade, with more than one manifestation. It will be noticed that the ^-series has attached to it out- lying forms with the long vowels e and 0, occurring pre- sumably under the same conditions as e and o. In the same series the weak grade a is vowelless, e.g., 'rrsffOai, aor. inf. of rr'iTOix.ai. It is difficult to believe that in forms hke this the loss of vowel can be accounted for by a mere lowering of pitch. It would seem that the transference of the accent involved transference of stress, in fact, that the acute accent was accompanied by a strong stress. The developed vowel of weak grade b. (written £, &c.) can hardly have been pronounced like the same vowel in strong grade. The development of the vowel is partly due to the necessity of making the form pronounceable, e.g., ^yxs-rrog, partly due to the analogy of the strong forms. 142 Alanual of L ingidstics. Here follow tables of (2) the ^-series, (3) the (7-series, (4) the J-series, (5) the ^-series, (6) the c-series. Strong Grade Weak Grade I. II. III. 1. 2. a. (no acct.) b. (sec. acct.) 2, ^-series I.E. e 6 9 Gk. ■n OJ e (for a> Teut. a} a Goth. e (ai) 6 a A.S. ai £e O.H.G. a uo a 3. «-series I.E. a 6 3 Gk. a-(77) 0) a Teut. 6 a Goth. 5 6 a A.S. 6 6 £E O.H.G. uo uo a 4- (7-series I.E. 6 5 9 Gk. w w «(o) 5- a-series I.E. a a (a) Gk. a a{7?) a Teut. a a Goth. a a A.S. a 6 a o.n.G. a uo a 6. tf-series I.E. 0? (0) Gk. u There are some who explain the long vowels of the long- series as compressions of diphthongic combinations of e and with the vowel seen in the weak grade (cp. ei, oi, /). But such explanations are very much in the air. 2. ^-series. For example of ablaut I., take Sk. dddhdmi ' I place,' Gk. Ablaiit and Accent. 143 r/t)»j,a/, Goth. gade\s ' deed,' A.S. dfed, O.H.G. tat (G. that) ; of ablaut II., Gk. ^w,aos * heap,' Goth, doms ' judgment,' A.S. ^///, also ^s 'shore,' A.S. stcc'^, O.H.G. stado (G. staden). 4. ^7-series. Brugmann gives no Teutonic illustrations of this ablaut. Ablauts I. and II. coincide. For example, take Sk. ddddmi, Gk. o'lhuijA, dwpov, L. doHum. Of ablaut 111.(7., take as examples, L. de-d-l ; of ablaut \\\.b., Sk. ddita (di=d^), 3 sing, aor., Gk. Mvog 'gift,' L. dattis. In hor'og^ doTr,p, sdoro, form-association brings in 0. 5. ^-series. For example of ablaut I., take Sk. bhdgas ' distributer ; ' of ablaut II., bhdgas ' share, lot,' Gk. (pny'^i ' oak,' L. fdgus ' beech,' A.S. ^^J^ 'beech,' O.H.G. buohha (G. buche). There are some examples of an ^/-series, e.g., ablaut I., Sk. edhas 'firewood,' Gk. al^u 'kindle,' L. aedes 'hearth, house,' A.S. dd 'pyre,' dst 'kiln' (E. oast-house), O.H.G. eit 'pyre'; ablaut lll.a., Sk. idhmds 'firewood,' Gk. Uafog ' serene, pure ' ; of ablaut III.^^., L. Idas {nodes) ' the clear nights,' A.S. Idel 'empty' (E. idle), O.H.G. ital. * pure, clear ' (G. eitel). 1 44 Mamcal of L inguistics. 6. f-series. Ablaut I. and ablaut III.^^. coincide. For an example of ablaut I. take Gk. o5,a?5, L. odor ; of ablaut II., sOwWj 'sweet- smelling.' Teutonic instances are infrequent. According to the tables, each family of words has a triple- barrelled root, and from each of the barrels have been shot those formations that affect the several ablauts. There can then, from a practical point of view, be no question of the root of a word, but only of the root-forms that find exemplars. These radical trigemini need not, however, be taken too literally. All three forms are not always found, indeed, some weak grades of great antiquity occur, which have no strong forms ranking with them, e.g., &pac-og. The guna theory, that original / and ti^ by the action of a multiplier a, gave pro- ducts ai and au, which in European branched off into ai, ei, oi, and au, en, ou, must with the establishment of the mutual independence of the root-forms be given up. The fact that certain formations favour certain ablauts may be illustrated from Greek. Irregularities are due to form-association, or false analogy, as it is called. Late formations may also from the beginning take on them an ablaut different from that proper to original examples of the same formation. The accentuation also is not always what the ablaut postulates. In verbal formations, ablaut I. is the ablaut proper to {a) the active singular of non-thematic presents — uij^i (cp. //itv), ^-/],a/ (cp. (pafiiv) (non-thematic = suffixing inflexional ele- ments directly to root or stem, without the intervention of the thematic vowels e and o) — ■/.ifij.ai^ non-thematic middle with strong root, shows irregularity — (/') the active and A blatit and Accent. 1 45 middle, singular and plural, of thematic presents that belong to the first or M/7-class of the Sanskrit grammars — 'iyy, dtpu, fiido/xai ' spare,' (psvyc>j (c) the futures, active and middle — T£,a-4/w, xs/Vo/xa/, rzXi-jmixai {d) the first aorists, active and middle — iXs^a, sdiim, ippsuffa (e) the first aorist passive — larpifSriv, h-rs/gdriVj s'TTVi-JaSriv. In nominal formations, ablaut I. appears in {a) £s-stems — /3sA05, nTyjc, Zivyog, su/Mivyjc, but /Satloc (also iShdog), rrddog, Spdeog, zparog have conformed to the vowel of I3a6{jg, s'Tradov, 6pa(S-jg, y.par-og {/?) nouns in -ag — a's/.ag ' brightness ' (c) nouns in -rup, -Trip, -''»!?, -"^I^ov — ^rivrup, cCkilvrrig 'trainer,' -^i'drng, (pspsrpov ' bier ' (d) nouns in -/xar- and-//.wv — ccrif'/xa, XsT/J!.fia, ysiJaa 'taste,' T=p/j,uv ' boundar}',' mv/Muv 'lung'(^) comparatives and superlatives in -ic>jv, -isrog — -/.ipdicuv, /xByiffrog; Mffffuv and sXdasuv are new formations, on the model of lia-Kpog [MadGujv, made after the nasality of their root-vowel had disappeared (the theoretical forms would have been hyyjMv, iXiyyJojv) {/) words in -avog, -avov, av/], -ovt] — arsyavog 'covered,' Xii-^^avov 'remnant,' spKavrj 'fence,' iSsXov/} ' needle,' but these also appear with ablaut II. — yc(f)a\/og ' melting-pot,' opyavov, opxdvri ' enclosure.' In verbal formations, ablaut II. is the ablaut proper to {a) the singular of the perfect active (sometimes the weak ablaut of the plural has asserted itself in the singular) — 'X£':rofL(pa, XiXoyya (also i'tXriya,, on the model of siXrij, ffriXXu = STsXiu, (pdsipu — fdsp/u (/) verbs of the fu-class — /j^iyi^vfii, d'yvvju,/ (cp. sdya), but dsix'^ufj./ and ^i-Jyrj/j.i with ablaut I. ; these verbs correspond to the Sanskrit su- and /a^i- classes, which form in reality one class, {ox sun6mi:su-nD-mi\\tan67ni:t)}-nd-mi (g) nasal formations in av-, with double nasal, and when fol- lowed by / — dij^apTdvcu (cp. vrifj^ipr^g ' unerring '), 'Twddvo/xai (cp.mvaofMai), uvddvu 'please ' (cp. sdda), ipvdam/xai 'become A blazU and Accent. i^y red,' Tirpaivoj 'pierce' (cp. rslpu) [h) the dual and plural indicative active, optative and participles active, and the entire middle of the second aorist of ,a/-verbs (the singular indicative active has strong root, and the strong vowel of the singular has often been driven through the other per- sons) — iSdrriv, g/Saf, /3a/jji' (cp. s/3»3i') ; s'zrdiMTi'j (cp. sVrjji') ; syJjij.rtVj iaai/xTiv (cp. 5%«L)a, sWsua, which are not sigmatic aorists with a dropped, but root-aorists, with an ablaut I. that originally only occurred in the singular (cp. for a similar alternating ablaut the ^ri and 6s of the imperfect of ridniMi) — a : ?] : : *j : £i» — the terminal a is for m) (/) the ordinary second aorist — sV.roi. (cp. stw), 'i7<.Tavov = l%Tno'j (cp. -/.Tshu = HTSvicfj), sXi'Tov (cp. Xs/Vw), sfuyov (cp. (psvyu), 'sXa[3ov (cp. X?j'\|/0(aa/), the original accent appearing in in- finitives and participles — -vidsTv, <7ridu)v ; some aorists take irreg- ularly ablaut I. — 'irt/iov, uipeXov (J) the second or strong aorist passive — ifJ,r/'/jv, s^uyriv, edpdai^v (cp. dip-/(.ofiai),srd-/.7iv (cp. rsrjjjca), but S'T/.sxtji', a variant of fc7/.axjjv, has conformed to 'jtXstiu, and others to other strongs ; (/c) the dual and plural active, and all the middle of the perfect indicative as also the optative and participles active and middle (the singular active has, as we saw, ablaut II.) — 'fr/.TOv si/cryiv (cp. hr/.a), h-i-nt^/Msv (cp. --S'-roiOa), 'iffrov '/d/jt,sv IBvTa (cp. o?5a), nrXairiv (cp. T£rX7i-/,a), c7vrj}.-jda/Msv (cp. s!X7;}.ovda), .ai/xaroi- /zj/xa/xsv fie/Maoog (cp. /zs/xoi/a), 'iffrarov sffra/j^sv (cp. effr^xa). Confor- mation, however, has as a rule made the strong form prevail throughout the active. Ablaut III. prevails pretty generally in the middle — /zs/x/y/xa/, -/.s^v/jLai, serpa/j,,aai, }.$}Mff/j.ai (cp. XsXrjda). Verbs like }.sycj necessarily insert an s in '/.y/j, of the theoretical ablaut III., e.g., >AXiy/jbai. Ablaut III., in these cases, resembles ablaut I., and has given rise \.o analogical 1 48 Manna/ of L ingtdstics. formations, where the correct ablaut might have appeared, e.g., •-i--7.i'y,u.at, which modelhng after 5T>.ax?3i/ might have appeared as 'rrsrryMyiJ.ai. In nominal formations, ablaut III. appears in {a) verbal adjectives in -rfj; and -ring — or/Tr&g 'pressed' (cp. ff-iijSoj), pvrog (cp. ps[f')c>j), (parog (cp. (pri'u) ^ Asxrog from /.jyw and 'ixrog from 'iy^c/) inserted an s, and on these many analogical formations have been modelled, e.g., cr^i-rijc for erpa-rog • forms dsizTsog, rrvjsroc, &c., also occur ; kHz and 5&roc, &c., assume a vowel which graphically is the same as that of the strong grade forms ; note also ttjxt-oc, with the long vowel oi 'rrj'yv\iij.i: nouns in -roc and rr^ take ablaut II. — -/.oTrog, (Spovry] (/;) abstract nouns in // (-m) which originally had accent on suffix — Tiff-ig, 'rdffig=r;jffig (cp. ^1^^= tswoj), ■/.dp(rig=-/.rgig ' a clipping ' (cp. ziipoj = -/.ipt^ui), (pang (cp. pyi/J^i). In t';ff/r and ocgig, instead of the regular a, s and appear, compare krog and SoTog above ; forms like Xs^/?, &c., develop an =, and have been the starting-point for many similar forma- tions (r) certain adjectives ending in -pog, with accent on suffix — spvdpoc, y/.uy.ipog, /j,a-/.p6g (cp. /M'/jy.Krrog) (d) oxytone adjectives in --jg — !Sad\jg = l5n&vg (cp. ^h&og), y'/.v/.-jg (cp. a/Asyx'/^c 'sour'), but oy/.-jg and '^^ic with strong root. Latin, as has been already remarked, is not at all sensi- tive to vowel-variation, and furnishes but a meagre supply of illustrations of ablaut. One or other form has prevailed, and levelling has robbed the vocalism of its variety. It is however necessary to give a little more information about the Latin ablaut than that furnished by the stray examples already noted. Perhaps there is no example in Latin of a root with triple forms, unless that is to be found in fido {feido) : foedus {foidiis) : fides : : ts/^w : rrs'xoida : Ablaut and Accent. 1 49 moToc,. There is only one objection to be made to this proportion, and that is, that ^^-stems regularly take ablaut I., cp. nr^og, &c., as above.* Examples of roots with two forms occur in : — (ablauts I. and II.) secpior (iik^iloli) and socius {h~dm 'attendant'), tego {(sriyu) and foga, nex (vUvi) and noceo ; (ablauts I. and III.) fero (ipspca) and /ors (bhrtf-), dico (deico, diix,rj/M) and d2a's causa 'for form's sake,' df/ro {deuco) and dux ducis; (ablauts II. and III.) inoneo and vicns (Sk. matis, mntf-). Verbs like /^^J (ablaut I.) and tcmdeo (ablaut II.) dominate with their ablauts their respective word-groups. In verbs like sci/idd,Jiifigd, &c., and their cognates, ablaut III. appears. In Gothic, original differences in root-vowels remain fenced off quite absolutely. From verbal forms, and verbal forms alone, we may get in Teutonic illustrations of most of the ablaut-series. The principal parts (inf., pret. sing., pret. plu., p.p.) of the verbs in Gothic, Anglo-Saxon, and Old High German, will thus furnish an excellent mnemonic for ablaut-vowels in their respective languages. Ablaut I. appears in the inf., ablaut II. in pret. sing., ablaut in. in pret. plu. (except in gebum, geafon =grefon, gdbun ; berum, bclron, bdrun, where the outlying long vowel of the ^-series appears) and p.p. In the a-series ablaut II. appears in pret. plu. as well as in pret. sing. A reference to the tables will establish the regularity of the vowel repre- sentation. * Victor Henry suggests \.\\z.ifoedus may have changed its declension (orig. second) to avoid confusion with the dLd]GC\.\\Q foedus. ¥ot potidus, the other example of an ej--stem with ablaut II., a similar explanation is probable (cp. pondo in Livy, &c.). I50 Manual of Linginstics. Gothic verbs come first, then Anglo-Saxon, then Old High German, afterwards follow Greek forms with the same ablaut, for comparison. I, . ^-series giban gaf gebiim gibans giefan geaf geafon giefen gifen geban gab gabun gigeban (N.H.G. ggben gab gaben gegeben) TT^TO/xat ■KOT-q ' fligl It' i-irr6^r\v Palatal g before e, se, and ai gives in Anglo-Saxon gie (gi), gea, gea. 2. ^2-series dreiban draib dribum dribans drifan draf drifon drifen triban treib tribun gitriban (N.H.G. treiben trieli trieben getrieben XetTTw XeXotTra eKiTTOv 3- ez/-series kiusan kaus kusum kusans ceosan ceas curon coren kiosan kos kurun gikoran (N.H.G. kiesen kor koren gekoren) eXei;(TO|Uat el\T]Kov6a. ^Xi 'Oov The io in O. H.G. kiosan is due to the foll( Dwing a. 4- (?;'-series bairan bar berum baurans beran bul- bitron boren beran bar barun giboran /N.H.G. gebaren(-) ^Luther geberen gebar gebaren geb5ren\ Mpiii oop6, ' hide 3 Sapro's or dparos 5- e«-series driggkan draggk druggkum druggkans drincan dranc druncon druncen trinkan trank trunkun gitrunkan (N.H.G. trinken trank tranken getrunken) Teicco — Ttviu rbvo% rera/aat — Tern/xai 6. a-series dragan drog drogum dragans dragan dr5g drogon dragen tragan truog Iruogun gitragan (N.H.G. tragen trug trugen getragen) 670 (JT, ari)-^6% dyos ' leader.' AhlmU and Accent. 1 5 1 There is thus an extensive use of ablaut for form-building and form-differentiation in the Teutonic verbal system. Sweet says that this big manipulation of vowels in verbal formation may be due in some measure to the influence exerted on Teutonic by the Ural-Altaic languages (Finnish, Magyar, Turkish, Mongol, &c.) spoken in close proximity for many centuries, which are dominated by a law of vocalic harmony that, to speak generally, requires that one class of vowels (these are divided into strong, weak, and neutral) should obtain in the various syllables of a word. At any rate the adaptation of vowel-differences to the expression of tense- distinctions, with which, being due to accentual action, these differences had originally nothing to do, owes much to a long striving after symmetry. Towards the close of the Middle English period the ablaut of the pret. plu. was accommodated to that of the pret. sing., a state of things which is reflected in Modern English — drink, I drank and 7ve drank, drunk. In the southern dialects the vowels of the preterite and participle are identical, the deeper vowel having always prevailed, so that now there are but two ablaut forms in the somewhat insignificant number of verbs that still, with an added weak ending, exhibit vowel change. In the New High German forms it will be noticed that the tendency is to assimilate the vowels of the pret. sing, and pret. plu. in quality and in quantity, — N.H.G. gdl> gdben for O.H.G. gab gdbun, &c. For O.H.G. J, N.H.G. has the diphthong ^/— N.H.G. treiben for tr'iban. Compare the representation of O.H.G. II by N.H.G. rt/^— N.H.G. haus for O.H.G. has. In the pret. sing, of ir'iban, d has been lost, and the 1 5 2 Manual of L inguistics. vowel of the plural and the past participle assumed. This has become a long / (written ie) by the law which ordains that a short vowel becomes long in New High German when it occurs in an open syllable, i.e., when followed by one consonant and a vowel. For O.H.G. truog, N.H.G. has ifhg. For uo simplified into //, compare the simplification of ie into I (written ie). Of the ablaut that once had a definite place in declension there are, save in Sanskrit, scant remains. The condition of things that the Anga, Pada, and Bha bases disclose in Sanskrit declension must have had its analogue elsewhere. Conformation however has effaced the plurality of stems that once figured in declension. One language has generalised one form, another, another, e.g., in the word (ox foot, Greek has generalised the o, Latin the e, and Teut. the 5 — Gk. -Troha (Dor. Twg), but cp. ^rs^a, L. pedem, Goth, fitus, A.S. fot, O.YL.G. fiiof {G, fuss). The Indo-European declension is said to have been this : — N. pods D. pdai (bdai) Ace, podm or podm G. pdos (bdos) L. pedi Gk, iTTiSdai ' day after the^ feast ' is usually given as an example of the weakest stem. In words like Gk. Xsvzog, gen. "kroxoZ, a curious result has been reached. The strong ablaut of the nominative argues for an original accent on the stem syllable, but the genitive which retain its original accent must have had originally weak ablaut, A sort of phonic contaiimiatio has been the result with the vocalisation of the nominative and the accentuation of the genitive. Ablaut and Accent. 1 53 Sundry remarks have several times been made on the influence of accent on ablaut, and in this chapter it will be quite fitting to set forth some facts about accent in Indo- European and the languages that have sprung from it. First, then, as regards place, the Indo-European accent — naturally a word-accent, and confined, in the same circum- stances, to the syllable chosen — was free, and could rest on any syllable, whatever the quantity. That this is so, can be proved from the accented Sanskrit of the Vedas, from a proper interpretation of the phenoma of Greek accentuation, and from the effects of accentual action established by Verner's Law. The correct historical account of Greek accentuation is not that which assumes recession as a first principle and explains divergences as exceptions, but that larger view which discerns that recession proper is an intrusion upon a state of things in which each syllable was mutually eligible for accentuation. Verner's Law (see Chap, on Grimm's Law) revealed in Teutonic the workings of another mode of accentuation than the historical root-accentuation. The corroboration that accentual facts in Greek and Teutonic find in Vedic Sanskrit goes to prove the primitive- ness of the free accent in Indo-European. What principle regulated the session of the accent, now on one syllable and now on another in words and word-groups, is not, and can in the nature of things hardly ever be known. Among the Indo-European languages Sanskrit as a rule retains the original position of this free accent. Very often, in spite of many divergences, a free accent that obtains in Lithuanian furnishes results that corroborate those furnished 1 5 4 Ma mtal of L ingu is tics. by the Sanskrit. Strange to say, Lettish, a language which can be converted into Lithuanian, if certain laws of letter change are carried out, has dropped free accentuation and adopted initial. This but illustrates the truth, of which there are many examples, that accentual systems are most mutable. Russian still preserves specimens of the original free accent. Bohemian, like Lettish, accents the first syllable. Polish has generaUsed the penult accent. Cymric (Welsh) has done the same. Keltic (Irish) shows an initial accent. Teutonic has developed a radical, which, except in com- pound verbs is practically an initial accent, due doubtless to the generalisation of those accent-types that already on the old system had the accent on the root. It is plain from what has been said, that languages start- ing with a similar accentual system may depart from this, and each, in different areas, and following out its own bent, reach an identical result. Greek of course retains many instances of accents in the original position. In fact, resistance to recession is fairly reliable presumptive evidence of primitive accentuation. The position proper to recession may evidently also be that which was occupied by the free accent formerly in vogue. Modern Greek has a stress accent on the same syllable on which historic Greek had a pitch {plus stress ?) accent. Stress then has taken the place of pitch (or, to follow Sweet, ' the stress has been kept while the intonation has been set free'). But it would appear that the musical accent may still be heard in some parts of Greece. J. T. Bent in Macmillan's Magazine for August 1883 speaks of a Chian pronunciation of uvdpM'roz, in which musical cadence is present and the quantity of the w preserved. A blaut and Accent. 1 5 5 Latin is dominated by a new law of accentuation. Bary- tonesis has prevailed. The law (excepting monosyllables and certain particles) is simply this : — If the penult is long, it carries the accent, if short, the antepenult carries it. Spellings, however, like conficid (through cdnfacio), and cog- nitus (through cdgnoti/s), argue the previous existence of another than the historic mode of accentuation. So much for the position of the Indo-European accent — what about its nature ? Was it one of pitch or of stress, was it musical or expiratory ? In the Old Italic dialects, in Keltic, in Teutonic, and Lithuanian, we have to deal with expiratory accent ; in Sanskrit and Old Greek, the accent is said to have been musical. That the accent in Greek was musical seems to follow from the very names given to the accents, from the fact that in Greek poetry the ictus is independent of the accent, from the fact that, as a rule, the syllables that follow the accent are not subject to weathering, not to mention the com- mitting language made use of by the ancients in discussing accent. Brugmann says that Sanskrit and Greek could hardly, if the accent had been expiratory, have kept so well the old inherited condition of the sonants. Since, according to the same authority, Sanskrit and Greek, as separate languages, hardly ever require the assumption of expiratory accent to explain phonetic changes, it follows that contrasts like 'TrkroiMai Trssdai, which, as has been said, do seem to require more than a lowering of tone to account for the loss of the vowel must 156 Manual of L ingitistics. be referred to the pre-separation period. This postulates for said period the prevalence of expiratory accent. Brugmann comes to the conclusion that the Indo-European accent was at first mainly expiratory, but that towards the close of the joint period it had become mainly musical, a stage which is represented in Sanskrit and Greek. Verner was of opinion that the original accent was musical (chromatisch). The following quotation exhibits Sweet's opinion on the matter : — " Intonation is not necessarily associated with stress, but there is a strong natural connection between them, and the history of the Arian (Sweet prefers this to Aryan) languages shows clearly that in them high tone was accompanied with strong stress, for the weakening and dropping of vowels in unemphatic syllables, which is carried to such an extent in parent Arian, cannot be explained as due to mere lowering of tone." Some account will now be given of the origin of the recessive accent in Greek, as expounded in Bloomfield's masterly articles in the American Journal of Philology (Vol. IV., p. 21.; Vol. IX., p. I.). Recession is seen at its height in the finite verb. It has effected a lodgment there that argues verbal quality and verbal origin. The verb is the nidus for diffusion, and in the verb, recession is the mode in which a fact in sentence- accentuation finds expression. To use Bloomfield's words, ' recession is a substitute for enclisis.' The Indo-European finite verb, in principal clauses, functioned as an enclitic. This is reflected in Sanskrit, where the verb in principal clauses (except when first word of the clause, or in Abla2it and Accent. 157 antithetical construction, &c.), is enclitic, and in subordinate clauses, orthotone. In Greek, the enclisis must have affected the finite verb as a whole. Its substitute, recession, works under certain restrictions. Only two syllables are left unaccented, and not more than three moras (the mora is the unit of quantity). The word must end in a trochee, before three moras can be left without an accent. In accentuations like xjjcroii, it is the second of the two moras constituting the long vowel that bears the accent. The same limitations obtain in ordinary enclisis — av6pu--oi Tig, rraTblg rivsg, Xoyoi Ting. The similarity of the conditions that fetter ordinary enclisis and recession is most significant and suggestive. It ought to follow that, in the absence of the aforesaid restrictions, the finite verb in Greek is still enclitic. And this is so. The verbs 11,'j/i and (pr,iM are enclitic, and they are the only verbs that throughout a whole tense present conditions favourable for enclisis. Take £/,a/ {u), hri, effTov, loTov, Bfffjysv, SOTS, iiGi, and to (Sk. dpi, peri, upa), and by the fact that, when used as adverbs, the prepositions bear the paroxytone accent. Recession established in the verb passed to the noun. The procedure was by analogy. Certain nominal types that in volume of sound were numerically and quantitatively the equivalent of the frequent work-a-day verbal types adopted in certain sympathetic conditions their intonation also. These fresh creations would reinforce the nominal types that already on the old system had the accentuation that recession would have given. The accentual types thus established among nouns became a force in determining the accent of differently accented nouns that might be associated with them. The types that accorded with the new law were widely generalised. Common words would become the nucleus of groups that affected the new, or, it may be, retained the old accen- tuation. This is Bloomfield's account of recession. It is pre- ferable to Wheeler's. The latter claims that recession was not verbal in its origin, but due to the action of a phonetic law affecting the whole language, and operating by the development of a secondary accent (afterwards in part the principal accent) that rested on the third mora from the end, or, in polysyllables of trochaic ending, on the fourth mora. It ought to be mentioned that Brugmann has adopted Wheeler's theory in his account of Greek accent. 1 60 Manual of L inguistics. Before closing this cliapter it may not be out of place to say that quantity has a certain, though not necessary rela- tion to accent, and that the quality of a long syllable is probably not so even nor so pure as that of its correspond- ing short. The only systematic attempt known to me to elucidate the relation between the e- and o-grades is that made by the late Pietro Merlo in an essay entitled ' Ragione del permanere dell' A e del suo mutarsi in E{0) sin dair eta protoariana.' In this, M-hile distinctly admitting the existence of e and in the latter portion of the joint period, he inclines to the belief that, in the earlier portion, these vowels were both still latent in an unstable a with no definite point of articulation. It was, of course, in full-grown words that the conditions for vowel- play in general were first definitely presented. The original dissyllabic root-forms present in words were afterwards so blended with the suffixes as to look like monosyllabic roots. Under the action of the acute accent, helped by the frequent presence of a terminal-/ (cp. Gk. ixi, ai, tl), these unstable as passed in verbal forms to e; on an alteration of the cadence of the accent there followed in a labial neighbourhood a colouring into 0. This labial neighbour- hood must have often been present in nominal forms owing to the fre- quent occurrence in these of an -w, e.g., in the accusative and in neuter nouns. Naturally it was in phrases rather than in words that the swing of a nmsical accent helped to introduce vowel-colouring. We may suppose that a word had two lives, its sentence-life, and its individual life. So far as the latter is concerned, we have to remember that accentual change involves vowel-loss rather than vowel-change to the syllable concerned. Perhaps the differentiation exhibited in vowel-colouring was par- ticularly used to distinguish verbal from nominal forms. It is a fact that of the two ablauts of the strong grade the e-ablaut is the more common in verbal forms. There are not so many verbal forms with the o-ablaut — oedopKa, Trerro/x^a, &c., and P F \ K / ^ F K A(spirate) H V(oice) H B(reath) D» e B, F, D D C 13! T B' ^ h4 F, H, ,B B B P G' X V(oice) F, H. G G B(reath) G k A(spirate) D T d a TS, S B P PF, F G K K CH I.E. B(reath) Grimins Law. Examples. G.T. A(spirate) /ego /ateo aitis A(spirate) {dlmx- dhijr-) QvpCi fQX\% xwdh-) vowel long and short rudis (bh\x- bheu-) 0uw f\\\ {Merb- bhorb-) (pop^r) /^erba {d/ia.t-) /^atuere {g^/i^ol- ghvel-) xo^°^ /el (f//azdha) /^asta Cf/^eu) Xioi Sgccan //yd ^ /aden j^ //aut V(oice) bear^ (Airu roa? /^eon /^eadu ^^"•ealla Goth, ^azds a S OJ o din ■65 H.G. V(oice) a'ecken B(reath) bari' O.H.G. Airi (thiir) O.H.G. ruo/a (ruthe) ^nitta ^alle ^erte iriessen V(oice) ^ucere Sk. sa(5ar ^enu B(reath) ^eohan S£e/ rneo •^ /C'nie A(spirate) Ziehen sa/t O.H.G.f//niu Not all the changes are recorded here, but the most notice- able for the understanding of the law. I.E. = Indo-Euro- pean, for which Indo-Classical might serve ; G.T. = General Teutonic, a term including H.G. = High German, which 1 66 Manual of L inguistics. suffered the first change along with the other languages, sometimes went no further, and sometimes exhibited both the earlier and later changes. In H.G., a capital letter indicates the usual, a small letter, the occasional change. Low German is a name sometimes given to languages other than High German. Its appropriateness, when one considers the date of the facts under consideration, is questionable. German writers on Teutonic philology do not include Anglo-Saxon among Low German dialects. Voice and breath are used as decidedly more truthful terms than soft and hard, sonant and surd, tenuis and media. Aspirate is used for convenience. A vowel as initial letter gives, by using as contractions the first letter of the above terms, convenient mnemonics B.A.V., A.V.B.,. V.B.A. These may be simply remembered. Thus : — Let A /\ be an equilateral triangle, and name it in succes- bZ ^v sion from left to right either B.A.V., A.V.B., or V.B.A. But besides being in this way convenient, aspirate is a fit enough label to describe sounds that differ in Indo- European taken by itself, and have a value in General Teutonic different from that which they have in Indo- European. It would appear that it is wrong to represent the Sanskrit aspirates by DH, BH, GH. Native Indian scholars ridicule the representation, and Mr. Ellis says that in listening to the pronunciation of two native scholars, he could detect only a glottal buzz after the stop. Exact writers now use D', B', G', for the Sanskrit aspirates. The Latin aspirates are continuants. As to the Greek aspirates, the Romans evidently thought them breath stops G7'imm s Law. 167 followed by something, for they represented them by ch, th, ph. High German TS ( = ^, S = ss) and PF (//, /) are not aspirates at all, but affricates, double sounds opposed to spirants. CH is a continuant. For further facts about High German consult Chap. IV. The d, I>, g written within the V in G.T. B.A.V., are produced by the operation of Verner's Law, of which more hereafter. It will now, after having briefly stated the law, and tabu- lated the saUent and representative changes, with examples, be proper to speak of some of the changes registered therein. To begin with, the changes exemplified are to be seen elsewhere, in other groupings, even within the limits of the Indo-Classical group. In one language — Armenian — all the changes are met with. Proof of a wider extension for the facts recorded in the law must contribute much towards an explanation of these. If certain phenomena have the attri- bute of universality, or even of frequent recurrence, their explanation is within measurable distance, or rather, no special explanation is needed, for mere difference of degree may be easily accounted for. The change of breath into aspirate is found in Iranian, where p became / before consonants, in Armenian, where / became /' before vowels and medially, in Umbrian, where primitive Italian pt became //. To be noticed also are recfe and Umbriae re/ife. Utyumi and Sk. sthd, Trdrog and Sk. pa^/i, bv/ioiMui and hiyj^fj^ai^ rf stw and TSTpo(pa, Xi^a and akiifu (see, however, Moulton's Law, further on). The change from aspirate to voice is to be met with 1 68 Manual of L inguistics. in Armenian, where dh became d, and in Iranian, Keltic, and Balto - Slavonic, where the voiced aspirates became voiced stops. As examples of voice into breath, we have in Armenian, the change of d and g into t and k, in the Indo-Classical group, the change of Sk. hh into Gk.

reached through intermediate aspiration, that t must have- become \ through th, otherwise that d would have become i5. With regard to the change from aspirate to voice if we take D', B', G', as correct representations of the so-called aspirates, and remember that Mr. Ellis discovered the aspiration to be a mere glottal buzz, what great difficulty does the deaspiration present. Place D', B', G', beside D, B, G, their Teutonic transmutations, and the change does not seem at all difficult, not so difficult, to follow Dr. Murray, as the change into the Greek breath aspirates. The buzz is simply dropped. If the old representation of the aspirates be insisted on, then between aspirate and voiced stop there must have intervened the voiced spirant. And one consideration seems to require the intervention. Would not otherwise the D that had been got from DH (D'), have shared the fate of original D, if aspirate into voice was the second change and prior to voice into breath. The last change, that from voice to breath, has sorely puzzled many. It is said that the change is not along the line of ease in articulation, that unvoicing is a change from an easy to a harder sound. The masters in phonetic science seem to find no difficulty here. Sweet says that the change took place through whisper, and was more or less direct. It is well to remember that unvoicing did not here happen for the first time, but that the change that caused the voiced aspirates of Sanskrit to appear as breath aspirates in Greek, and breath spirants in Latin, is a conspicuous example of the same process. It is well known, too, how prone Celts and Germans are to unvoice voiced sounds. This suggested to Professor Grimm s Law. 1 7 1 March the hypothesis mentioned in his Anglo-Saxon Grammar, viz., that the invading Teutons were gradually influenced by the Celtic pronunciation of their own voiced sounds. Assuming that the change is counter to the principle of ease in articulation, though the change — say from d the point-stop-voiced to / the point-stop-voiceless — does not seem a hard one, let us remember (we have it on Paul's authority) that ease in articulation is quite a secondary and subordinate cause of change. Not that we are to dispense with euphony altogether, but let us not forget that euphony often offers an explanation that ignores the fact of the inter- mediate existence of numerous minute deflections. It is not the last link in a chain that enables a junction to be effected between two different points, but the whole series including the last. This would seem to be the place to refer to a suggestion thrown out by Mr. Conway in a recent number of the American Journal of Philology. We referred above to Mr. Sweet's statement that voice d became breath / through whisper. Well, certain facts in Italic orthography, such as the representation both of the voice and the breath by C up to the end of the fourth century b.c, the transliteration of ipp-jyig and Uvppog by Burrus and Bruges, the comparison of }i-Ji3spmv and guherndre, have led Mr. Conway to the con- clusion that the mediae and tenues were originally separated not as voice from breath, but as whisper from breath. Of course these medice were afterwards voiced. This leads him to infer that the parent speech mediae were also whis- pered. Whisper is that intermediate state between breath 1 7 2 Manual of L ing ti is tics. and voice in which the vocal chords are approximated, but not vibrated. We thus get Mr. Sweet's intermediary to start with. A few remarks now on the order of the changes present in Grimm's Law will form a necessary sequel to what has been said above of the character, of the scope, and of the production, of the changes. These will simply be an echo of what Brugmann says in his Grundriss. It is not to be supposed that processes referred to below, suddenly came into operation, for they doubtless were present in some shape and to some degree in the parent speech. To begin with, then, the tenues became spirants. The change first took place in the case of/ and k before /and s, and was then extended. Next, or perhaps first, the tenues aspiratje and the mediae aspiratte passed, the first into the breath spirants, the second into the voice spirants. The tenues and the tenues aspiratse thus fell together. This fact enables us to cognate Gothic haban with habeo, refer- ring both to common root khabh-. The voice spirants were afterwards largely stopped into mediae, a process probably assisted by the fact that the voiced spirants after nasals, and r and /, became medice. Under the action of Verner's Law (to be referred to presently), the breath spirants that came from the tenues and the tenues aspirats, in certain surroundings became voiced spirants, afterwards largely medise. So that a media may be traced back to a tenuis, a tenuis aspirata, or a media aspirata. Finally, the medire passed into tenues. Before leaving this change, the following words of Mr. Sweet may fitly be appended : — ' A change such as that of d into / may begin at the end Grim ms Law. 173 of a breath-group, and be then extended to the end of words within a breath-group, as in German ; and finally to all the <3^'s in the language, as when every Aryan d became / in Germanic' Let us remember in connection with the above remarks that processes got at by analysis perhaps did not function in actual development in the order given by analysis. Sweet's order of change is different from Brugmann's. This is what he says : — 'As regards the order of the changes, it is clear that dJi could not have become d, till Ar. d had become /, and that this latter change could not have taken place till Ar. / itself had been modified — other- wise some two of the three must have run together. The changes must, therefore, have begun with that of / into \ through th, d then taking the place of Ar. /, and, lastly, dh taking that of Ar. d' A few facts about isolated changes will complete the account of the first change, st, sp, sk do not suffer change ; zd passed into si — cp. nest and L. iiJdi/s (nizdo-) ; zgh and zdh into zg and zd — cp. A.S. iiiearg and Sk. iiiajjd ' marrow,' Goth, mizdo, A.S. vieord, and Gk. ,'jLi(jddg, Sk. mldhd 'reward'; tt {fth) into ss — cp. A.S. gezviss and Gk. larbi {uitto), sometimes st, by analogical and other influ- ences — cp. A.S. zvdst, Goth, waist, Teut. zvaiss, and Gk. oJffi^a, Sk. vstiha (the t is due to the analogy of Teutonic tiiaht 'thou mightest,' &c.). Before passing on to the second change, it is worth our while to consider what testimony the runes may have to offer about the first change. Taylor tells us in his ' Alphabet' that the d rune corresponds to the Gk. t/icfa, the g rune, to the Gk. c/ii, and the k rune, probably to the Thracian 174 Manual of L ingu is tics. gamma. This would seem to imply that, at the end of the runic period, the lautverschiebung was en train de se faire. It is now very generally believed that the runes were got directly or indirectly from Greek colonists on the Euxine, but as to the date of adoption differences exist. Taylor speaks of the sixth century B.C., while Sweet says that the most probable date for their adoption is the third century B.C. The first change, according to Sweet, took place some centuries before our era (but surely this requires a remoter date for the adoption of the runes than 300 b.c); the second did not come into operation until at least five centuries after it. The first remark to be made in connection with the H.G. changes is that they are comparatively recent. Words borrowed from the Latin, in common possession among the Teutons, suffered the letter-change, such as can?iabis, O.H.G. /zrt//(z/'hemp,' strata, O.H.G. strafa. This proves that the change did not take place till connection with the living Latin of the Roman Empire had been cut off. Dr. Murray refers the second shifting to changes effected on German when adopted by a Slavonic race, Scherer, to Romance influence. But may it not have been a recrud- escence, a partial repetition, very partial, it is true, of the first shifting, due to the phonic activity, possibly, of that section of the Teutons, the sound-development of which had dominated the race. If the changes of the first shifting are natural and omnipresent, why not allow their partial repetition. Voice to breath from I.E. to G.T. resembles voice to breath from G.T. to H.G. In breath to aspirate, it is true, the H.G. aspirate that resulted from G.T. breath is quite different from the G.T. aspirate that resulted from Grimms Law. 175 I.E. breath — the H.G. aspirates being surd affricates, or spirants, the G.T. only spirants. In aspirate to voice from G.T. to H.G. the change, as u ill be seen by referring to the table, took place only in the case of dentals. The evidence for the law in fact reposes on the behaviour of the dentals. The mnemonic B.A.V. is evidenced only by dentals; A.V.B., best by dentals, occasionally by labials and gutturals ; V.B.A. in the dental, as in the other positions, has only the evidence of spirants or surd affricates. Note, too, in this formula, that ch is archaic, and that there is no quite satisfactory example of the through representation of labials. It seems almost needless to embarrass ourselves with a triliteral formula, and for practical purposes it will be enough to imagine an equilateral triangle B(reath) A A(spirate) V(oice) /\ and to remember that the lines of change are from left to right, along BA, AV, and VB, thus including German in Teutonic, noting specially the second shift of the dentals. The very partial character of the H.G. change is thus quite evident, indeed, the changes were only fulfilled with approximate completeness in Alemannic and Bavarian, sporadically elsewhere. The one change common to all the German dialects is that oith into d. Of collocations that resist the second shift we have st, sp, sk. To these add tr, hf, and //. It will now be possible to sum up the evidence on Grimm's La\v. We have seen that the changes are not extravagant, that they have some claims to universality, that they did not spring into existence with gourd-iike rapidity, 1 7 6 Ma n ital of L ingu is tics. that they had humble beginnings, being probably to some extent the extension of local effects. They existed too in embryo at the date of the parent speech, that is to say, there was not identity of spoken speech then, but those tribes whose languages exhibit the phenomena that Grimm's Law connotes, displayed then in their speech the beginnings of these idiosyncrasies. For does not Paul say 'We must therefore regard, as a rule, the independent languages which have developed out of a common original language as con- tinuations of the dialects of the original language.' This statement seems to involve the ideality and artificialness of a homogeneous parent speech, and there are many reasons for doubting the existence of such a parent speech. It is then much more correct to say that there was not homogeneity to begin with, than to say, as some do, that the sounds of a putative parent speech were nondescript in character, and potentially able to become all they ever afterwards became. What sort of reality could such mongrel sounds ever have possessed. The changes, too, took place unconsciously. Let us remember that they were only accomplished after consider- able intervals, and by means of numerous intermediaries^ some of these doubtless long-lived. To postulate the series. — sound to be changed, last intermediary, final result — and to assume along with this a clear consciousness of the process, does not seem scientific. To import into Grimm's Law as an explanatory factor a volitional energy that makes for or against change, is to endow individuals with a prophetic consciousness of the phenomena in question, and a determination to bring them to pass. Two quota- tions from Paul will enforce this view. ' There is no such. Grimms Law. 177 thing as a conscious effort made to prevent a sound-change.' And ' We must cling to the fundamental maxim that sounds are produced and taken cognisance of without any clear consciousness. This statement contradicts all such ex- planatory theories as presuppose iii the minds of individuals an idea of the sound-system of a language, under which head come several hypotheses as to the German sound- shifting process.' In the eleventh volume of Kuhn's Zeitschrift, Lottner tabulated two main classes of exceptions to the first laut- verschiebung. In the first class were set together cognates like Sk. duhitdr- Goth, dauhtar ; Sk. band (Gk. -rnvdipog, L. ojfe7idix), Goth. Inndan ; Sk. bndh (Gk. i'Trudofj.Tiv), Goth. biiidan ' command ' ; L. gradus, Goth, grids ' step/ where the d, b, and g of the Indo-Classical seem to remain in the Germanic. These exceptions were disposed of by Grass- mann in the next volume of the same Zeitschrift, where he demonstrated the fact of the presence in the original language 'das gleichzeitige vorhandensein ' of two as- pirates, one of which has been lost by dissimilation. The roots of the above words should then with proper vowel denotation be written ^dhugh-, ^bhendh-, ^bhudh-, Jghyredh-. The lautverschiebung is then seen to be regular. To illustrate the second class of exceptions, place together by super-position the following cognates : — m-arrip _ xXvrog _ sxaTOi'_ vavr/imahe (l pi. pf. atm.) Goth, fa^ar A.S. hlu;^ Goth, hund wur^on (pi. pret.) Dentals have been chosen for illustration, but equations with other letters are available. Glancing at the equations, M 178 Manual of L inguistics. we see at once that we have in Germanic the voice stop d, instead of \. Greek words bearing the original accent have been selected, in order to bring out the facts in as homely a way as possible. It will be noticed that in every case the Greek cognates and the one Sanskrit cognate have the accent following the consonant affected by the laut- verschiebung. It should be noticed also that the conson- ants in question are medial. The syllabification, too, has to be attended to. The / is considered to belong to the preceding syllable — 'alle dem vocale folgenden consonan- ten gehorten der vorhergehenden silbe an.' (Confer what Roby says on syllabification in his ' Latin Grammar,' p. 87, also in Preface to Grammar, p. Ixxxiv.). Contrast now with ' '^ fa^ar Goth.broj^ar. The last two cognates exhibit the usual transmutation. Coincident with this we notice that the accent precedes the t For a similar coincidence contrast vavr/imahe • , var/e (i sing. pres. atm.) wuris'on weorGe (i sing. pres. ind.) Here also the accent in the regular mutation precedes the f. Is the position of the accent coincident or causal? Causal. In each of the Greek cognates of the exceptional Germanic words, the accent follows the f, and in Sanskrit, the terminations of the perfect plural bear the accent. But (ppdrrip has the accent on the first syllable, and in vdrfe, the presence of gwia proclaims the accent. The following statement will embrace the facts just alluded to : — Wher- ever, medially, in Germanic, the principal accent did not immediately precede the breath consonant under change, Grimms Law. 179 the final result gives us a voiced stop, /.t'., /, /, k pass into d, b, g. Under the same conditions s passes into r. If the accent immediately preceded, the mutation is regular, i.e., t, p, k pass into ///, f, h. Under the some conditions s remains. For example of b and g take and Goth, si/mn A.S. swe^-'er. This statement is Verner's Law, one of the acutest dis- coveries in linguistics, and most far-reaching in its results, first enunciated by Karl Verner in the twenty-third volum.e of Kuhn's Zeitschrift. So much for the facts of the change, and the cause of the change, what about the modus operandi "i Doubtless the /, /, k changed first into the breath spirants th,f, h ; the vocalic surrounding vocalised these into the voiced spirants ; these were afterwards stopped. Just as the law explains rrarrip and fadar, and the Anglo-Saxon grammati- scher tvechsel, seen in the singular wear's and the plural wurdoti, a change due, as we have seen from Sanskrit, to the fact that, in the plural, the accent is on the terminations, so it explains the s and r seen in • , the singular and curon plural preterite of ccosan. The s passed to r through z. There is no grammatischer wechsel in Gothic, no change in verbs of spirant into voiced stop, no s into r. The spirant and the s have been driven right through the verb, though there are traces of the voiced stops. For an example of the occurrence of spirant and voiced stop in modem German, take ziehen gezogeii, but sometimes, here, as in Gothic, the spirant is driven through as zeihen geziehen. Let me now give Verner's own words — 'Indo- 1 80 Manual of L inguistics. germ, k, t, p gingen erst iiberall in //, th, f iiber ; die so entstandenen tonlosen fricativse, nebst der vom indoger- manischen ererbten tonlosen fricativa s, wurden weiter inlau- tend bei tonender nachbarschaft selbst tonend, erhielten sich aber als tonlose im nachlaute betonter silben.' Bugge has tried to extend the law to initial consonants. For example, the cognates . lead him to infer that, ^;o"amams when the accent follows at a distance of not less than two syllables, the law applies. It is the fact, then, of the position of the consonant in the accented syllable (to adopt Verner's syllabification) of bro^ar (p^drjjp), that prevents the passage of the th into d, as in the case of rraTYip fadar. What then was the nature of the accent ? Was it one of pitch (?) like the primitive accent, or one of stress also. Verner says of stress also — ' nicht langer rein chromatisch sondern zugleich exspira- torisch.' The free accent of the parent speech must, however, have been operative, and have done its work, after the commencement of the first shift, otherwise the Teutonic accent proper, that on the stem-syllable, would have pre- vented the shifting into stops. It may be asked here why the Ya^^v^ father and mother have ///. This used to be attributed to Scandinavian in- fluence, or to the analogy oi brother, but Dr. Joseph Wright, in the Academy for March 3rd, 1888, quotes many examples to prove that A.S. d became voiced th through the influence of following r (cp. Chap. IX., under d). Before closing this chapter, a reference to some of the applications or extensions of Verner's Law will not be out Grimins Law. 1 8 1 of place.* In his book, ' Verner's Law in Italy,' Mr. Conway successfully applies the principle of Verner's Law to explain the absence of rhotacism in certain Latin words. One felt in a vague sort of way that dsinus, caesarics (here the initial accent was kept till the law was dead), vasicm, beside -generis, gereham, Aierelius, presented an unexplained con- tradiction. With Mr. Conway's explanation the seeming contradiction disappears, and law obtains. This explana- tion runs as follows : — Wherever, medially, in Italic, an s between two vowels followed an unaccented syllable, the final result gave z in the non-rhotacising dialects, such as Oscan, and r (through z) in the rhotacising dialects, such as Latin and Umbrian ; if the accent immedi- ately preceded, the s was kept, save in Latin and Faliscan, where the change into r took place even then, if i or « followed the s, and the same vowels, or a long vowel or diphthong, preceded — e.g. fidris. This rule explains every- thing in the words quoted above. There are exceptions to the rule, however, such as cf/ra, following the analogy of curare, dare, that of its compounds, and erajn, which was probably enclitic and without accent. See also page 54. * Dr. Fennell (Indo-European Vowel System, a pamphlet well de- serving careful perusal) attributes the result (/ in fadar to the fact that it ends a syllable. It is the initial letter of a syllable (I suppose Bugge is thrown) that shews the regular change, and for the reason that it is initial. Verner would have said that the t of (ppar-qp changes regularly because it is in the accented syllable, Fennell says that it so changes because it begins the next syllable. He lays down the propo- sition that an accented syllable was weighted as lightly as possible with consonants. On this proposition the t of (ppdrijp begins the second, and the ( of Trarrip ends the first syllable of their respective words. In Verner's syllabification both t's ended first syllables, one accented and one not. 1 8 2 Manual of L ingu istics. Mr. J. H. Moulton in Vol. VIII. of the American Journal of Philology applied the principle of Verner's Law to explain the presence of a tenuis in Greek, where one would have expected a hard aspirate. In his own words : — ' Original hard aspirates lose their aspiration in Greek except where the accent immediately precedes.' Take for examples oJc^a and Wts (Sk. stha)^ the I.E. superlative suffix -thbs seen in Sk. -thd and -rk ; Sk. mithds and /xsra (A.S. med). It will be seen that where the accent follows, the tenuis appears. Sentence-accent too has contributed examples, i.e., the immediately preceding accent that preserved aspiration might, in the case of initial aspirates not accented on the root, be got from a preceding oxytone. This occurrence might be frequent enough to give rise to doublets — to a c-/^ due to the action of a preceding oxytone in the sentence- life of the word, alongside of the ffx of the rule. In many cases, the aspirated form obtained the wider extension, might even, under the operation of levelling ' ausgleichung,' obliterate all traces of the form with the tenuis. Next, we have Siever's Law, to the effect that a g occur- ring before iv in an unaccented syllable disappeared — e.g., A.S. geseiven for gesegwen, Goth, fiiawi ' maid ' for inagwi, Magus however for magivus, because, to quote Mr. Sweet, ' in an early stage of Germanic in which Aryan o was still preserved, as well as Aryan o, u, ii, the iv was dropped before these round vowels, but kept before a, i, e.^ There is also an alternation of c and g mentioned in the History of English Sounds, which may possibly be due to nasal action together with a varying accent. Compare sfican, sf/gati, 'suck'; and wicing ' pirate,' ze/J^ 'war' (L. vincere). In this last, the nasal seen in the Latin, would Grimms Law. 183 voice the c into g in an unaccented syllable. Note also in this connection menddx and menfir'i. Paul and Kluge's Law covers another class of exceptions to Grimm's Law, viz., those in which gg, dd, bb got from I.E. ghn, gh'-'n, d/ui, bhn, or, by Verner's Law, from kn, k'-'n, trj, pn, or from original mediae followed by «, with accent following, become kk, tt, pp. For illustration, trace the process by which A.S. s77iocc has been reached — LE. smuk^nb- into stnuhnd, smugnd (by Verner's Law), smuggd (by assimilation), s/nukkd. It is this last act that exemplifies Paul and Kluge's Law. The o in smocc is due to a-umlaut. If the accent had preceded the I.E. k, the result would of course have been h/i. CHAPTER VIII. Sound Relations in English — Introduction and Short Vowels. The Anglo-Saxon alphabet was got from the British Celts, These of course used the Latin Alphabet, into the writing of which they had introduced certain modifications. Anglo- Saxon text books are now usually printed with modem characters, but any one who cares to gain a knowledge of the look of the old script may get this by looking into, say, Thorpe's edition of Alfred's Orosius. The making of the letters d, f, g, r, s, f, is quite noticeable. The Modern Irish Alphabet of eighteen letters presents, so far as it goes, a very similar appearance. ' .The Anglo-Saxon letters, using the ordinary with two supplementary characters, are : a, ce, e, i\ 0, II, y—b, c, d, 5, /, g, h, /, ;;/, ;?, p, r, s, t, >, iv, x. ]? (thorn) is taken from the runic alphabet. 3 is a manipulation of the character for d, to express the sound of f/i in f^en, but the MSS. use this and the previous character to express both sounds of the English f/i, either that in f/ie?i, or that in f/u'p?g. It may be worth while mentioning that in the oldest texts (as now), f/i denoted both sounds. In some books another runic character (wen) is used for the sound expressed by w. The A.S. 5 is some- times retained in preference to g. Sometimes k is written in the MSS. for c, and for the usual r^v {cu), the Latin symbol qu sometimes appears. The letter s is rare in Sound Relations in Euirlish. 1 8 .3 Anglo-Saxon. It sometimes represents the sound of ts^ and in foreign names perhaps had the value of Gk. ^, i.e., dz. ce had the value of a (lovv-front-wide) in the word ??ian (English, not Scotch), y retained the value of Gk. upsilon (high-front-narrow-round). This sound had already (as afterwards took place in English through unrounding) in Old High German been confused with /. c had always the hard sound (two varieties, but not an ^-sound). Umlaut-^ is sometimes written as c. Further remarks on the sounds expressed by these letters will be made later on. See also passim in Chaps. VIII. and IX. There are dialects in Anglo-Saxon which often exhibit differences in spelling, differences that have to be noted, because some one of them, rather than its dialectical neigh- bours, may have given rise to the present English form. The chief dialects are the Northumbrian, the Mercian, and the AVest-Saxon. The language-area occupied by these dialects reached from the Forth on the north to the EngHsh Channel on the south, and may be said to have had for dividing- lines the H umber and the Thames. Mercian occupied the district between these two rivers, and marched on the north with Northumbrian and on the south with West-Saxon. Anglian is a common name for Northumbrian and Mercian, The Middle English dialects — Northern, Midland, and Southern — corresponded in the main, both dialectically and geographically, to the older dialects. The Southern dialect bears strong traces of Midland influence. In both the Anglo-Saxon and Middle English periods, there existed another sufficiently distinctive variety of the language, to which the name Kentish has been given. Middle English may be said to begin with the year 1150, 1 86 Manual of Linguistics. and to end with the year 1450. Both before and after this interval, a considerable time — a century before, and half a century after — must be allowed for the transition from Anglo-Saxon to Middle English, and for the transition from Middle English to Modern English. The latter then,, begins with the year 1500. Mr Sweet makes it extend over three stages of development, to the year 1800, from which point he dates the beginning of Living English. Middle English is a slow, self-contained, and natural development out of Anglo-Saxon. It seems, in that case, all the more needful to answer a question that is naturally suggested by the date assigned above to the commence- ment of the language. That question is — what influence had the Norman-French of the victors on the language ? None, we have just said, on its linguistic development. On its vocabulary and orthography, a very great influence indeed. The vocabulary does not exactly concern the subject of this chapter. Suffice it to say that it was not till well on in the thirteenth century that foreign words were introduced in large numbers, the busiest time being the interval between 1250 and 1350. Of the influence exerted on the orthography, more presently. A sentence or two to record the main varieties in the Anglo-Saxon dialects. In the Anglian dialect, the g that interchanged with a in Anglo-Saxon before nasals is preferred to the a. For West Saxon ce^ e is found in Mercian (and Kentish). There ce means Cc. The ce of West-Saxon that equals Teut. je (Goth. e, O.H.G. a) is represented in Anglian and Kentish by e. For ea before / and a consonant, a (probably long) occurs universally in Anglian. For ea before re and rg, e appears Sound Rclalio7is in English. 1 8 7 in Anglian. Northumbrian may have te. ea before //, x, and ht, appears in Anglian as ce. For the W.S. ea that denoted the result brought about by the development of a glide-vowel between the fronts c and g and the following (e, there appears in the non-W.S. dialects the aforesaid cc — S'^^'f (W.S. geaf). Compare the appearance in a similar surrounding of non-W.S. gi^fofi for W.S. geafon. The symbol ea is however found in Mercian as u-{px (9-)mutation of a, and in Northumbrian as 0- (or a-) mutation of e (W.S. eo). In Anglian, ca before r, g, //, is reduced to e. eo before //, re, rg, rh, is reduced to e, eo before c, g, /i, to e. These sounds are often left unmutated. For the W.S. I'e, e appears in Anglian and Kentish, and for le, e. a' the mutation of 0, and (i. the mutation of 5, appear in Northumbrian and Kentish, the ce in Mercian as well. These are unrounded in West- Saxon to e and e. Of the Middle English dialects, the Midland is the most important, and of its varieties, that variety which is called East Midland. This coloured by the Southern dialect is the source of standard Modern English. The differences between the Southern and East Midland varieties of Middle English can be shortly shewn. The Southern g before nasals is unrounded in East Mid- land to a. The e, with sound of A.S. ce (1. f. w), under which the A.S. a and ea had in Middle English been levelled, is represented in East Midland by a. The A.S. a which was unrounded to g in Southern is retained un- changed in East Midland. Southern eo and eo are represented in East Midland by the reductions e e, as well as by the digraphs. Both Southern and East Midland represent A.S. ea by e. A.S. y and y are unrounded in 1 8 8 Manual of L ingidstics. East Midland to / and l, while in Southern they are represented by u, u. The Kentish of both the Anglo- Saxon and Middle English periods represents _y by L It is to be noted that the same dialect represents A.S. ea eo, short and long, by ya ye. Chaucer uses the letters that have been given above to East Midland, but has the g (rounded a) of Southern. To return now to French influence on Middle English orthography. After 1400, Anglo-French was dead as a spoken language. Its teaching, had been stopped in schools, as Trevisa tells us, in 1385. Some space will be needed to note the great influence exerted by Anglo-French on the orthography of Middle English. It is convenient here to notice, in regard to handwriting, that the Anglo-Saxon forms for the d,f,g, r, s, t, of the Celtic Roman alphabet were ousted by the forms of the French hand. Mr Sweet, in writing of the change wrought on English orthography by Norman-French influence, says that it amounted to the introduction of a totally new orthographi- cal basis, shaped and. confined of course by the existing orthography. Certain facts will be adduced to bear this out. Vowels first. A.S. cc (A.S. ea was levelled under this letter), under Anglo-French influence, is expressed in the Southern dialect by e. The a; (and (v), that vulgar Latin transmitted to French, had been levelled under e. The Ormulum keeps the symbol ce, but with the value (C. The short ce is in this text written a. Under the influence of Anglo-French, in which ie (i*ee) Sound Relations in English. 189 had been reduced to (ee), the same symbol ie {ye) came to connote the sound (ee), and is used in late Middle English to represent this sound (close e), not only in French words like meschief, but also in English words, e.g. Chaucer's Hcf (also leef) (A.S. leof). i is, later on in Middle English, written as y, a symbol, which in French writing was convertible with /'. The y is very common in the neighbourhood of ?/, ///, ?/, w, and at the beginning and end of words. The possible confusion in form is sometimes avoided in the case of initial / by writing it as a capital. In Chaucer J appears for i. The writing of the diphthongs ai and ci as ay and ey should also be noticed. u, after the French manner, is sometimes written as 0, in the neighbourhood of letters that have a like form, viz., 21 (consonantal), //, w, iv. Initially the confusion could be avoided by writing u as v. In late Middle English, was also written for 21, when a consonant + vowel followed. Latin tc (and — a close sound in Latin) had in French passed into a sound between (u) and (o), which was then written u or (close), though afterwards prevailed. There was also in French an open c, coming from Latin o (and au). The long ?^-sound is, owing to the said influence, quite widely written in late Middle English as ou^ a symbol which in French had put off its diphthongic sound, and taken on that of (uu). This sound follows the development that native words in U exhibit — A.S. hus, M.E. hoiis, Mod. E. house (au). 1 90 Manual of L inguistics. Anglo-French influence caused A.S. _y j' to be written as u in the Southern dialect, y is sometimes written ui, and later on, uy. The Ormulum for A.S. y y has / t. The A.S. y had been pretty generally unrounded, save in the Southern dialect. w and 5 (front-open) were used in the Ormulum as diph- thongic signs (after short vowels written ww, 53) to represent the second element of diphthongs. These are afterwards replaced by Latin and French u, i. zv however again got vogue as diphthongic element after back vowels (, which had prevailed over the alternating S and ]? of the Anglo-Saxon script, was now by the action of French scribes replaced by th, which, as we saw, was not unknown in the Anglo-Saxon period. /, which in the Anglo-Saxon stood for both breath and voice sound, remains in the Ormulum, but the Ancren Riwle, with its strong traces of the influence of the foreign spelling, has consonantal n (?') medially, and sometimes initially. Finally, and before voiced consonants, / is re- tained. Had 11 been written here, it would with the pre- ceding vowel have looked a diphthong. Latin v had in French lost its ze^-sound, and taken on the voiced sound oif. In Chaucer, /expresses the 7'-sound only The French g now takes the place of the A.S. 5 (a sorely burdened letter), as the symbol of the stop consonant. It also represents French soft g. 5 (its graphic descendant) is retained to express its own open sounds. French soft ^ when initial is usually written 7. ge and ggo. represent they- andyy- sounds when final. For the front-open g take as example from Ormulum — Ving. In the same text, back-open g is written ■^h—foll'-fheun This symbol in the Southern dialect appears as h. Some East Midland texts use g rather than 5. Later on in Middle English, consonantal v can replace 5. The hard g is sometimes represented late in the fifteenth 192 Manual of Lingin sties. century, both in French and Enghsh words, by gu, which had lost its after-sound in later Anglo-French. h had a back and front variety (initially it had been weakened to a simple breath). For both of these sounds it is retained in Middle English, ch was sometimes used, but owing to confusion with A.F. ch, went out of vogue. Later on, French scribes refusing to endow this symbol, weak in their own tongue, with such power, use other symbols, g is used and also 5. In the Northern dialect, in addition to these, gh came into fashion. This passed to the South and is common in Chaucer. Front gh changes into y before a \o\v^—hye (also written hie). Back gh (usually preceded by ?/, which is sometimes dropped after 0) often falls out before a vow^—ynough, ynowe (plu.). Both the front and back variety may drop, finally, and before /. A.F. z is sometimes written for voiced s. The symbol s stood in Anglo-Saxon and Middle English for both breath and voice sound. The earlier value of A.F. s, viz., ts, also appears in the combination nz, remaining down to Chaucer, e.g., vestimenz. The Anglo-Saxon rune-symbol for w, used in the Ormu- lum and the Ancren Riwle, is replaced by the French symbol 7V, the product of two vs with value of u. Consonantal y has arisen, says Mr Sweet, from the habit that scribes had in later Anglo-French of writing y initially for / (J)- Before leaving Middle English orthography, something should be said about Orm's spelling. To denote shortness of the preceding vowel, every consonant that was final, or Sound Relations in English. 1 93 followed by another consonant, was doubled. If the con- sonant were followed by a vowel, the doubling did not take place, for then, an air of reality would have been bestowed on the word, and confusion with real words would have ensued. In such words Orm often used marks, the short mark for short vowels, and an accent for long. It is a fact that in Modern English a final consonant is long after a stressed short vowel, and short after a stressed long vowel. Englishmen have a difficulty in reproducing the short consonant that follows a stressed short vowel in foreign words. Not that Orm's spelling indicated real consonant length, for he uses it in syllables that have no stress. It was a mere device to indicate quantity, possibly suggested by existing facts, though, as we have seen, in Orm's day, a short vowel before a consonant and vowel could retain its shortness. The presence of final doubled consonants began to be considered a sign of shortness of vowel, and vice versa, that of single consonants, as a sign of length. It should be added that final consonants in Middle English (as in Modern English) were pronounced long after a short vowel, whether written double or not. The loss of final e which began in Chaucer's time, and was completely generalised by the middle of the fifteenth century, gave birth to many types of words with short vowels, followed finally by two consonants — lesse into less. ]\Ioreover, long vowels were regularly shortened in Middle Enghsh before two consonants (except before certain leng- thening combinations — for which, see below). Thus it came to pass that in an accented syllable two consonants came to argue shortness of vowel. N 194 Manual of Linguistics. Of course in unstressed syllables consonants were shortened both in Anglo-Saxon and Middle English — A.S. \Vesten{n)es, M.E. sunful{l)e. Original single consonants were also sometimes doubled between vowels in Middle English — siimine plu. of sum ' some,' wimmmge ' dwelling.' It was to be expected that many words with short vowel and single consonant in Middle English would tack on another. This is so — pepper^ penny (M.E. peper, A.S. pipor — M. E. pe7ty, A. S. penig). Even in Anglo-Saxon, c, t, p, h, after a short vowel, appeared sometimes doubled before r and / — bitter, aeppel. Sometimes the doubled consonant of the pronunciation appeared in writing in the inflexions — God, Goddes (Chaucer). Length of vowel was sometimes indicated in Anglo- Saxon by a doubling of vowel (or by accent). This practice gained ground in late Middle English, and is quite common in Chaucer, especially in monosyllables. / and ic are not often doubled. In Modern English, final e is a sign of a preceding long vowel. This result has been produced quite fortuitously. The weathering that attacked the Anglo-Saxon unstressed endings often evolved a form containing an original long vowel followed by a consonant and the levelled e?-ending — strike (M.E. striketi, A.S. struan). The name type of words, in which an original short vowel became lengthened in Middle English before a consonant and vowel (see below), presented similar forms. The bone type of words (A.S. hdn — the a was rounded in Middle English to o), in which there was originally no e in the nominative, suffered con- Sound Relations in English. 195 tamination in form with the dissyllabic cases (especially the dative), where the long vowel was not written doubled, and took on an e. At this time the levelled ^-endings of the unstressed syllables were on the road to mute endings. This progress had already been completed in Northumbrian, and may to a certain extent be regarded as a Gallicism, the French of that day presenting many examples of e's that had become mute. The word-types in which silent final e happened to occur along with a long vowel were generalised, and a function foreign to the e was fatuously fathered on it. The use of final e was somewhat wild. It was used after short vowels — hyme ' him.' It does not indicate length of vowel after v — live, love. The e in these words is a graphic necessity. When v (consonantal //) w'as written ii, its appearance after a vowel would have led to confusion with diphthongic combinations. We have discarded e in many words where it did not indicate length, or was not needed for that purpose — rootne, £heere, shoulde. At the beginning of the Modern Period, final e could also denote length after two consonants — chylde. A few supplementary remarks on the general orthography of Middle English and Modern English will now be made. Early in the Middle English period hr, hi, h?i passed into r, I, n. The spellings rh, bh, and nh, are also found in early texts. h'lV however, retained the order of its letters, but even in the Ormulun, wh occurs, proving that the present English pronunciation of a breath iv, was then in existence. In the Northumbrian dialect the h of the hw was indi- vidualised to such an extent that the aspirated labial really became a labialised guttural, expressed by qic quh, which 1 96 Alanual of L inguistics. sounds may be seen written in Scotch proper names, and still heard from Scotch lips in certain parts of Scotland. The prefix ge- was represented by /-, as early as the tenth century. ai and an were often written ay and aw, when followed by a vowel, or at the end of a word. w was sometimes written for 11 — hu, hzv, hou (A.S. hu). Somewhere in the fifteenth century, j and v, formerly mere graphic varieties of / and u, began to be set apart for the consonantal function of these letters. To begin with, they were used initially. v had already been employed initially in Chaucer. The letter 5 passed out of use. Its form had become too like that of z, in fact it is actually written s in old Scotch writing — zeir for year. Compare the confusion between ]' and y. In Grafton's Bible of 1 540, these letters are formed exactly alike. sch passed into sh. ssh was reduced to the same symbol. Doubled k is expressed by ck. In several words gh is used for hard g — ghost, gherkin^ Spenser has ghess {guess), gh expresses hard g in Italian before e and /. The M.E. tch {clich) is sometimes written tch, and M.E, gge is written dge — stretch (M.E. strecchen\ hedge (M.E. hegge). Spenser has rttch for rich. At the beginning of the Modern Period, y became almost convertible with /. y was preferred finally. Final / also assumed the form ie. Later on, y was expelled from many places. In latter-day English, spelling and speaking have become quite divorced, and the estrangement is bound to widen, so long as the spelling is held sacred. We have in fact two- Sound Relations in English. 197 languages, one for the eye, and one for the ear. The symbols of the former are arbitrary, without the advantage of being consistent. Speak as you spell, and spell as you speak, are not exactly counsels of perfection in English. There must next be given a list of words to illustrate the passage of A.S. vowel-sounds through Middle English into Modern English. These are of course selected from Mr. Sweet's great work. In the first column, the Anglo-Saxon (West Saxon, Anglian) word is given, in the second and third, the Middle English and Modern English equivalents. The sounds are taken in this order of Anglo-Saxon vowels — a (ae, 9, ea), e (eo), i, 0, u, y ; a, se, e, ea, eo, i, 6, u, y. They are then divided out into the living English sounds that derive from them, with subdivisions according to the spelling. The following is a table of living English sounds, with the symbols to be used in classification. The slight sketch of Phonetics inserted further on will explain the terminology of the definitions and explanations. ei (m. f. w. +h. f. w.) they. ou (m. b. w. r.+ same, rounded) know. IB (m. b. n.) CO Die. a (in. m. w. ) — do in. L(h. f. w.)///. e (m. f. w.) men. ae (1. f. \v. ) man. u (h. b. w. x.)fuU. (1. b. w. r.) not. 93 (1. 111. n.) /;/;-(/. ai (m. m. w. +h. f. \v aia hire. aa (1. m. w.-^m. m. w. r.) hoii au9 our. oi (ni. b. w. r. -1-h. f. w.) hoil. high. ii (h. f. w., diphthongic)y6'£?/. uu (h. b. w. r. , diphthongic) soon. yuu hue. ia (h. f. w. +m. 'w.)fcar. a9 (1. f. n. -l-m. m. •w.)/are. U9 h. b. w. r. +m. m. \v. ) moor. yu3 your. 09 (1. b. n. r. +111. m. ^.)gorc. aa (m. b. 'w.)far. 00 (1. b. n. x.)fa//. Doubling means length. The symbol plus the definition ought to make the sound clear. The sounds defined are those of living English. The 198 Manual of L inguistics. Scotch, Irish, American, and even North English sounds are not always the same. au — In Scotch, the first element is the mid-back-narrow. ii — In Scotch, Irish, and American English, the vowel is still a long monophthong, and narrow. ei — Scotch here has not a diphthong, but the long mid- front-narrow. ae — This sound only occurs before r. In Scotch the r is of course trilled, and the vowel is long mid-front-narrow. uu — In Scotch, North English, Irish, and American English, the old long monophthongic high-back-narrow- round is kept. Compare the English and Scotch pro- nunciation of two or too. ou — Scotch has the old non-diphthongic mid-back-nar- row-round. aa — In Scotch, this vowel is generally long mid-back- wide-round. -B — The full back vowel is heard in the West of England, and in Scotland. The ordinary English sound is rather fronted. e — In Scotch and North English, the e in men is low- front-wide. ae — Scotch man has the low-back-wide. u — Scotch book has the high-back-narrow-round. — In Scotch, this sound is usually represented by the mid-back-wide-round. By Scotch is meant the Scotch pronunciation of English. The vernacular word may have quite a different sound, e.g., the vernacular bulk has the mid-front-narrow-round. To save reiteration further on it will be well to set down Soiuid Relations in English. 1 99 here some of the principles that regulate lengthening and shortening in Anglo-Saxon and Middle English. There were in the Anglo-Saxon (chietiy in late West- Saxon and Anglian) certain consonant groups before which vowels were often lengthened. These groups were composed of r, /, in, II, and certain succeeding consonants. Short vowels, followed by unstressed syllables, were also sometimes lengthened. This was much more pronounced in Middle English. Monosyllables ending in a stressed vowel were regularly lengthened — me, t5/?, S •d c o -t: %^ .5 .-iac^'d £ low-front-wide E. man Sc. men high- front-wide- round G. schittzen mid-front-wide- round Fr. pcux G. Gotter 1 rs c: o -a 1 y- ^ £ 3. §w" mid-mixed-wide E. bett«- low-mixed-wide E. how (first ele- ment) Occas. Sc. t'rr, hixd high-mixed -wide- round E. \Aitc mid-mixed-wide round E. sole (slightly diphthongic) Fr. homme 1 1 _x c £ o 1 ^ 6 high-back-wide mid-back-wide E. father Fr. patte G. vrtter low-back-wide Sc. fother, man Fr. pdte 1 0) f wo mid-back-wide- round E. so (diphthongic) Sc. road Fr. or G. Sonne low-back -wide- round E. not high- front-narrow Sc. se/k Fr. f/n/ G. b/ene (long) mid-front -narrow Fr. eie G. %ee (long) low-front-narrow E. crtre Sc. tell high-front-narrow- round Fr. l«ne G. griin (long) mid-front-narrow- round Sc. b«/k Fr. pe« G. sch(Vn (long) low-front-narrow- round Sw. for % 15 mid-mixed-narrow G. gabe Fr. que 2 « \t o c 5? o ^■0 a ad -a bao c '•3 J3 J2 > ■a H a 0- o Sotmd Relations in Enoiish. 20 .3 Bell's account differs from the above (Sweet's) in analysis and nomenclature. For side and stop he uses divided and shut. He has ivh, sh, s {w, z/i, z), in a row by themselves, with the name mixed. This term describes a narrowing of the sound passage, brought about by a raising of the front part of the tongue, or, in the case of the lip-sounds, by a contraction of the back part of the mouth. He places/ (v) in his divided row, and classes th (d/i) as a member of a mixed-divided row. Glides are the parasitic sounds that arise in the passage from one sound-position to another. It is now time to give the lists of typical examples of sound-change referred to above. a, se, 2, ea : A.S. (i.e. West Saxon) «, representing Teu- tonic a (I.E. (7, 0, and indeterminate vowel p), is not a particularly common sound. It occurs in open syllables that are followed either by the back vowels «, o^ or u, as faran but fcerest, dagum, dat. plu. of dceg, dccges, or by front vowels that have developed out of original back vowels, as hacele ' cloak ' (Goth, hakiils), macian ' make ' (Teutonic stem -oja-). In close syllables it generally gives place to its substitute ce. The /-umlaut of rt: is f (m. f w.). Before nasals, especially in Anglian dialects, a was rounded into g. Both letters were however written, although later on, the fi-sound seems to have prevailed in West Saxon. o remains in unstressed words like on (cp. of, with o before following lip consonant). ce replaces a in close syllables before a group of con- sonants, and before final consonants (save w, ;/, //, w). 2 o6 Manual of L ingu istics. There are exceptions such as habban 'have,' assa 'ass,' ac 'but.' Analogy conserves a in the imperatives of certain strong verbs, e.g. far 'go,' sac 'dispute.' (B is sometimes written for umlaut e. In open syllables cr may occur in syllables that were originally close — a^cer (Goth, acrs); in syllables followed by an e that is original, and not weakened from a, o, or u — dceges, gen. of dceg; or even in syllables followed by an unoriginal e, if that e is (or was) in its turn followed by a syllable containing / — ce'6eling ' noble.' (e is also a dialectic variation for the a and ea of other dialects — Mercian dtegas (W.S. dagas), North. cErc (W.S. earc), North, and Mercian gesceh ' saw ' (W.S. geseah). ea is the breaking of a. This result is given before final h, and h followed by a consonant {x equalling hs), before r followed by a consonant, and often before / followed by a consonant. In this last case a is common enough in older texts, and occurs in Mercian — Mercian fa Han (W.S. feallari). ea sometimes occurs for a in poetry and dialect, when the following syllable contains u (o), e.g. cearu 'care,' geafu, plu. o{ gcBt 'gate.' ea is also a dialectic variation for eo. In the ea that follows the palatals g, c, sc {geaf, ceaster, sceal) the f is a graphic means of indicating the preceding palatalisation. The vowel is really a. A.S. a was the low-back- wide, ' saide was the form handed on for development. When the M.E. ai had in the course of its development reached the stage of long mid-front-wide, shortening supervened, whence the modern (e). Many words suffered similar shortenings, as will be seen in due course, e.g., head, bread, threat, &c. (se) is the regular development, sang — Nasal preterites in ng usually develop their a-, other words their 0- forms, €.g., song n. halter — Early in the modern period a parasitic u was developed before /, and henceforward the an- development was followed. This has resulted in (00), but in certain words shortening and widening took place^ giving as result (0). Compare halt and salt, wallow, wander, ivas. The zv rounded the a into (0). Lengthened a resists any such action of the w, and develops regularly — wave (ei) M.E. waiien. song, long develop under 0. got — gat is the regular development. The past parti- ciple geten took o, on the analogy of broken, and this o spread to the preterite. fern, earn — The modern (aa), associated with shortness, argues a reduction of the group-lengthening of these forms. might — There was also a form ?nihte in late West Saxon. From this form, inight (ai) is a regular development. The h passed into a breath-glide, and was merged into the pre- ceding /, which thus took on length, and followed the development of long /. (ei) is the sound into which lengthened a before consonant -j- vowel has ultimately passed, scale — This form may come 2 1 2 Man7ial of Linguistics. from Norse skal. Long a was rounded to j,7 in Middle English. later, with (ei), is a fresh creation with the vowel oi late. M.E. later is legitimately represented by latter, for the M.E. form fortified with the back-shortening termina- tion would resist lengthening, gave got its long vowel from the analogy of the long vowel of the preterite plu. geven (M.E. ^awen, levelled under vowel of singular, A.S. g{e)afon), and of the past participle and infinitive, both of which acquired length in Middle English. Compare brake broke, and bare bore. bade — The M.E. forms are bad sing., beden plu. Our bade with (se) is regular, with (ei), it is an example of the levelling of the vowel of the singular under the vowel-length of the plural. The M.E. plu. badeii would of itself, quite apart from the original vowel-length, take on the length that a vowel acquired in Middle English when followed by a con- sonant + vowel. M.E. a gives (ei). There is the same alternation in sat, sate. Compare gave, brake, bare. wastine ivast like other words with i- followed b)' a con- sonant would acquire the sound of (seae) — see below under (aa) — early in the modern period and should in the natural course of things have been now pronounced with (aa). Compare fast, from A.S. fcest. Perhaps it is per- missible to suppose that, in this word, the (seae) sound was developed at a sufficiently early date to enable it to attach itself to the sese's that come from M.E. a, and end in (ei), e.g., in Jiame. It may be that the analogy of words with long vowel before st has given length. Compare for lengthen- ing of short vowel before st, yeast (see A.S. e). hail, slain, may are regular, ai is a common^representative of A.S. (Bg'va. SoiLud Relations in EuqUsIi. 2 i ^ Middle English, and has through various stages passed in the present language into (ei). M.E. ei at an early date was levelled under ai. sleen should have given a vowel- sound like tliat in deem, but has imported ai and its sound from the participle. eif^ht—'WxQ Anglian is cehta, A glide-vowel has been developed before the //. Should have had same sound as fought. old, told — The Anglian a was rounded to g in Middle English. This g has now passed into (ou). But spellings such as 07vld, &c., prove that / had here, as usual, developed the parasite Ji. It makes no difference, gu and g ran to- gether in development. comb — The ^-form has given development, and seems to have retained its group-lengthened long vowel. broke— i:\\z M.E. bmk, brehen (A.S. brcBc, bra:con), \)l. sing, and plu., were the regular forms. In the North, the plural took on the vowel of the singular, while the singular vowel took on the length of the plural vowel, and con- formed to the long vowel of the past participle and infinitive, The infinitive and past participle had acquired lengthening in Middle English by the operation of the principle that lengthens a vowel before a consonant -f vowel. broke got its o from the past participle broken (A.S. brocen). Compare spake (x^.S. sp{r)cec sp{r)(tcon). spoke comes from a spoken, by analogy of broken. The A.S. part, is sprecen. womb — The group-lengthened g was labialised by the iv into oga). drag is a Northern doublet, hawk — -The of the A.S. form was levelled under c in Middle English, and intervocalic / (a voiced letter) was written v. The v then passed to w, after that, followed compression, fought — There was a form with au, early in the Modern Period. Compare the spellings nought and naught, and daughter, with on in Middle, and au in Modern English (see A.S. 0). The o in fought doubtless comes from the part, foliten. bore — The M.E. bar, bcren (x'X.S. beer, bitroii), pt. sing, and plu., were levelled to bar{e), bdren in the North. From this came our bare, the short vowel of the preterite sing, being levelled under the long vowel of the preterite plu., the past part., and the infinitive. The of bore has been got from the past part, boren (A.S. boren). Compare broke and brake. It would perhaps be well to notice the difference between behave (ei), and have (se) (A.S. habban, be-habban, M.E. 2 1 6 Mmiiial of L inguistics. behauen, hauen). behave underwent lengthening, have was unemphatic, and retained short a. haven and lathe are said to derive from Norse hgfn and hfS. They are probably new singulars, made for the plural forms that came from the plurals hafiiir and hx^ar. But there is also found an A.S. hcefene. e(eo) : There are two e's in Anglo-Saxon, original Teut. e (I.E.^ (/) (Goth. /, a'l (before r and Z^) ), usually said to be close, and umlaut e (r), resulting from /-umlaut of a, o, and o (rounded a before nasals). Examples of both e's have been given in previous chapters. e sometimes represents a reduction of the eaihat results from breaking of ea followed by /4-cons. and r-l-cons., or at times, the {e)a that followed the palatals c, g, sc. In Anglian, ea before ?r, rg; is smoothed to e. In Kentish, e may represent j, the /-umlaut of//. In the same dialect and in Mercian, e can take the place of W.S. a-. e is also a common levelling for various vowels in unstressed syllables. eo is the breaking of e before // + cons, (.v = hs), and final //, before certain /-groups, and before r-fcons. The break- ing of / in similar circumstances is also represented by eo (/.). eo (Teut. e and /) has sometimes been got from the influence of the back vowel // in the succeeding syllable — meodu 'mead' (O.H.G. ;w///), seolfor 'silver' (O.H.G. silabar). A succeeding o ox a has in certain words the same effect. In Mercian examples of this are to be met with — beoraji and eotan, W.S. beran and eta>i. There is also an eo that is got from Teut. o or n pre- Sound Relations in English. 217 ceded by tlie palatal combination sc — sc{e)op ' poet ' (O.H.G. scoph), sc{e)ort (O.H.G. sciirz). Compare the ea of similar origin from Teut. a. Teut. J + o (u) is sometimes expressed by ^i^(e)o — ^!;(e)o<: 'yoke' {h. Jitgum). In Anglian, eo before re, rg, rh, is smoothed to e. A-S. e was the mid-front-narrow, co the same + mid-back- narrow-round, while r was the mid-front-wide. In Middle English, A.S. e and r were both levelled under f (m.f.w.) A.S. eo was smoothed into open e. This as a rule remains unchanged, but the influence of the surround- ing sounds, and the operation of certain principles give many results in the present language. Lengthened ^ or ^ before consonant + vowel, or before certain consonant-groups gives (ii). A.S. e (eo). i svveostor (swuster, suster, sister sister swyster) seox (siex, six) sixe, sexe six niengan mengen mingle hredclan redden, ridden rid e ferian ferien ferry welisc (wKlisc) walsh Welsh geolu 5eolewe, yelwe yellow . glf, £Elf elf elf le?5er lether leather hgfig heuy heavy ggst, gcest gest guest geostran - daeg 5erstendai, :isterdai yesterday (gystra-) 86 tergan terien, tarien tarry ■<5erscan I'reschen, thresshe thresh, thrash gemc'cca, gemivcca meche, niache match eom, earn (Anglian) earn, am am 2l8 Manual of Linguistics. 88 ceorl cherl, chorle, churle clnirl l>eornan bernen burn eorl erle earl eorSe erthe earth leornian leinen learn sweorfan svverven swerve stgrne, styrne sturne, stirne, sterna stern heord heerde, herd lierd weorS wurth, worth worth weorc werk, wore work ai reoht (ie, i) riht, ryght right feohtan fihten, fi3te fight beorht briht, bri3t bright ai8 teorian, tyrian tiren tire ei sweSian swathen swathe weg wei, wey way plegian pleien play lecgan leien lay seg(e)l seil sail regen rein rain bregdan breiden braid 'fiegen Jiein thane brecan breken break OTl geolca jelke, 3olke yolk ii stelan stelen steal wgnian wenen wean gest (gist) 5eest yeast seolh sele seal reopan (ripan ?) repen reap peosan (io) phi. pese, pesen plu. pease veik (Norse) weik, waik weak sprecan speken speak sceld scheeld, sheld shield (ge) weld an welden wield efen euen even feoh fee, fe fee Sound Relations in EnoUsJi. 2J9 uu stix-wian strewen, strawcn strew, straw yuu cowu ewe ewe efete euete, ewte newt i9 spere spere spear mere mere mere aa swci'ian sweren, swerien swear mere mere, mare mare leger leir lair tJeira gen. (Norse) j)eire, thair their aa heorot hert hart merran mcrren, marren mar bgrn berne barn heorff berth hearth hlehhan lauhcn laugh 00 dweorg dwergh, dwerf dwarf sweord (u , o) swerd, sword sword geonian, ganian 5enien, ganien, gonen yawn suster. — The u was ii, or ii, as a spelling with o shews. sister — This spelling shows the unrounding of A.S. y into /'. sicx, six — These forms are due to palatal umlaut oieo. mingle, rid — The raising to / is seen in many words link, Englisli, singe, string, kill (A.S. hience, ejiglisc, sengan, strejig, cwejlaii). ferien, &c. — This is the regular change into (e). walsh — The a for e is perhaps got from JVeal/i, ' a Welsh- man,' which would give a in Middle English. This word however had long ea when // was dropped in declension before a \owel. ivielisc, where ce. has its occasional function of representing umlaut-^, might so far as the spelling is con- cerned, have given a in Middle English. The proper name Walsh preserves the a. yehve — iv occurred in gcolu in the oblique cases before a 2 20 Manual of L iiigidstics. vowel, elf — There also occurs a M.E. form alfe. From the long open o, produced by influence of Norse alfr, has been developed oaf (ou). lether has the back-shortening termination which often prevents lengthening before conso- nant -I- vowel, but the ea of leather points to long open e. This would be shortened in modern times as in the case of health, heavy, &c. guest —TX^t gti after the French fashion indicated guttural hardness. --^erstendai — The r has backed into the previous syllable, gystra accounts for the / of the other M.E. form. tarien — In late Middle English, r had broadened e to a in certain words. The influence of r in Modern English increased. Words with er followed by a vowel, as was the case with the M.E. forms of harry and tarry, were spared, but outside of these, the change was very general, save in her, which, being weak, has passed into (ea), through ('b), and ('B8). This broadening often took place before two conso- nants. The a was in this position subject to the lengthen- ing that ultimately gave (aa) (see above under harvest, and below under hart). thrash — The change of e into a (ae) is due to the influ- ence of the r. For the metathesis compare /^rj-i: 2Si^ fresh. The r originally preceded e. mache gives match, and is itself got from geniircca, where the a;, though representing umlaut-f, has followed the usual course of te. cam, am — The form com (for //;/, cp. Goth im) is due to the influence of the form corun, where the co is due to //-umlaut, eo, when unemphatic, tended through unrounding of second element to ea. The cam thus got, under the influence of waning stress, shifted its strength to the second. The first element then sloughed off, leaving a. Sound Relations in LnoHsh. 221 •, er, iir). burn — The //r may be got either from the ^//--forms of the Anglo-Saxon, viz., the pret. plu,, or the past participle, or from the labialising influence of /' on co, or, it may be, from late byrnaiu Compare for ur and metathesis, hurst (A.S. bastan, burstoti pret. plu.). Originally r came after/- in this verb. In ivcor'6 and tvcorc the tv would produce a «-sound. reoht, feohfan — Palatal umlaut gives the ie i, whence the M.E. forms. The (ai) was got in the usual way. The h was merged into a glide, which, joined with the preceding vowel, gave long /, whence (ai). brihi — Palatal // changed the e of breht into /. Note the metathesis, the converse of what usually takes place. The original position of the r is beside the //. th-e — This word would follow the analogy of the many longs in -ire, e.g., hire, &c. Contrast stir (A.S. styrian). swathen — The a for c comes from the noun, A.S. szva^u, M.E. swathe 'track.' iveg, &c. — A.S. eg and eg regularly, by vocalisation of g, give ei in Middle English. The spel- lings ci and ai (A.S. ceg) were however confused in late Middle English and Modern English. Hence the ai and ^n' of the modern words. lejgan — The r^''-forms of this word would give ei. thane — This spelling occurs in the Alliterative Poems. The a in sivathen before cons, -f- vowel, and M.E. ei, give alike in INIodern English the result (ei). break — The long close e. 2 2 2 Manual of L ingnistics. into which lengthened c had passed, was retained by r. A pronunciation with (ii) is on record. Compare great (see A.S. ea). For yolk from g{e)olca, compare yoke from g{e)oc {M.JL. yok{e)), the one due to parasitic on, the other to lengthening of o into long open o before consonant + vowel- Both these effects give (ou). ylkc represents the common smoothing of the eo. stelen, &c. — Many of these words acquired their present sound from lengthening, yeast must have got associated with some words that exhibit length before st, e.g. /east, east. Compare beast and feast with an original short e. A short sound for yeast is also on record. seo//i and feoh would in the oblique cases, on the dropping of h before a vowel, have eo. weak — The long open e that came from ei, at the beginning of the Modern Period, seems to have got mixed with the long open e that came from M.E. e, and to have followed its development. Or there may have been a form wiec, a variant of A.S. jfJr ' weak.' cc gives (ii) in Modern English, speak — In late West Saxon there was a form specan. shield, wield — The long vowel is due to group- lengthening, ie was sometimes employed in Middle English to represent the long close e. even — The back-shortening termination was here inoperative. strewen, &c. — The e probably became long in Middle Eng- lish (before cons. -f vowel), eii. gave (yuu), through various intermediates, with shifting of stress on to second element, and consonantisation of iirst element. The y was dropped after certain letters r, 1 (not always), t&c. Cockneys and Yankees drop it more widely, e^ute — For vocalisation of/ compare M.E. Imuk (A.S. hafoc). newt — The n is due to combinations with the indefinite article an. Perhaps the Sound Relations in Ejigiish. 223 «-sound was repeated initially before the succeeding vowel, securing attachment in certain cases. Compare u uncle, nui:;get With regard to M.E. strawen, it may come from an A.S. variant with iv, for umlaut-^m, ]>dra were coloured by ]^eir {-r = \Aw. suffix), ]>cim, Ipeira, into ]->tv, ]^e/m, \eire. The standard dialect ad- mitted \ei, but still used the personal forms here, hire, hir, for genitive, and he^n, for dat. and ace. them has the vowel oi hem, and the consonant of the demonstrative. \>d was of course the A.S. plural of the demonstrative (M.E. ]>d). eir {air) gives (aa) in the present language. hart — The e of the M.E. form was broadened to a by the r, then suffered the lengthening that a underwent before r followed by a consonant. The sese thus got, has passed regularly to (aa). So with mar and i>arn. barn did not undergo group-lengthening. The spelling of hearth shews that it was subjected to lengthening. This lengthen- ing was reduced or perhaps not constant. Then followed the same changes as in hart. The words that exhibit this reduced group-lengthening before r such as carl, earn, ike, have usually (aa) in the present language. These doubtless kept the lengthening longer. In heart the reason of the ea 2 24 Maintal of Linguistic s^ .is not quite obvious. The word does not present the con- ditions for group-lengthening. Sweet says that the ea ' may be a mere orthographic compromise between /^^r/and hart.^ lauhen — The a may have come from an A.S. variant in cs, or may have been imported from the noun hleahtor. The developed // has had no influence on the result. Compare laughter (see A.S. a). dwerf — The e was broadened by the r into a, and rounded {after passing to (aa), through lengthened ae) by the iv into (aa). S7verd, sivord. — Both were group-lengthened. Tyndale writes sweard (long open e), a pronunciation, which, per- haps shortened to the sound of herd, and with the r trilled, is not yet gone. In the second form, the group-lengthened (o), that came down from Anglian, should remain close o, and follow its development. And this is so. Long ?/ (the usual development of M.E. o) is given as its pronunciation in the phonetic authorities of the Modern Period. It also suffered shortening, and passed quite regularly to ("b). Long z( before r, carried to its usual development, should have given the sound heard in moor (ue), but seems, as in the case oi Jloor (A.S. flor), to have been broadened to (oo). Compare board. yatvn — A.S. gdnian would give o in Middle English. This seems to have been kept and narrowed as in the case of broad (see A.S. a). With regard to the spelling it is to be noticed that a7i' has the phonetic value (od), and that a form with a existed in Middle English. ynieti represents a smoothing of A.S. eo. i : A.S. / corresponds to Teut. / (Goth, ai before r and h). This represents I.E. /, and before nasal followed by con- sonant, li'C, I.E. e. Sound Relations in English. 225 Teut. i in certain words may represent I.E. e — wind (L. ventus, I.E. iimto-). Before nasals, A.S. / may correspond to Teut. e (I.E. e) — nhnan (O.H.G. 7ieman). But these facts have been put down in a previous chapter (page 27). There is also an umlaut-/ in Anglo-Saxon. It has various functions, representing (i) j', /-umlaut of ?/, before r, g, h (2) ic, palatal umlaut of eo (breaking of f), before ht — riht {reoht, rieht), or ie, /-umlaut of the eo that may come from original J + u — gingra {giengra), comp. of geong (3) ie, palatal umlaut of ea (breaking of a) before ht — niht {neaht), or ic, /-umlaut of ea (breaking of a) — ildo {Jcjdu, O.H.G. alt'i, elti), or ie, /-umlaut of {e)a (palatal umlaut of a — scieppan (Goth, skapjan), weak vb., from sceapan {{e)a). In unstressed syllables / may represent older /. A.S. /was the high-front-narrow. A.S. /remains in Middle English. M.E. /also represents the unrounded A.S. y. It (like u) is not subject to the lengthening which M.E. vowels take on before cons. + vowel, but it suifers group-lengthening. Modern / has become wide. There were two i's at the beginning of the Modern Period, a narrow / and a wide /. A.S. i. 'B micel, mycel muche, moche imich rise (rysc) rusche, rische rush cwidu cude cud i bill ' ensis ' bil bill fi'SoIe fiSele, fidylle fiddle seol(o)c (silccn adj.) selke, silke silk sife siue sieve e gise yis P yes 226 Manual of Linguistics. 89 hire, hyre hire, hure, here her cirice, cyrc chirche, churche, cherche church birce birche birch Srittig Jjritty, J)retty, ])erty thirty bridd brid, byrde bird ai cild child child behindan behinde behind ic ic, ich, ih, ig, i, y I pliht pliht plight nigon ni^en, nin nine stigu stie, stye, sti sty ei {ge)wihte wyght, weight weight ii wifel wiuel, weuel weevil wicu. wucu wike, wuke, weke week J>ise, ])ese these inuche — This form is due to an A.S. niycel, got by the analogy of lytel. The il was made into u by the initial labial. The o of moche denotes the ?<;-sound (see under u) The forms miichel and mochel also occur in Middle English — cp. Scotch muckle. M.E. it has passed to (b) through un- rounding and lowering, rusche comes from a variant rysc. aide — The loi of A.S. cividu would naturally give a ti — cp. the A.S. variants widii and wudu ' wood ' (see under u). quid is the regular development, fiddle—^ is often replaced by d in Modern English, chiefly in the neighbourhood of r and / — cp. murder and rudder (A.S. ?nor^or, ro'Sor). We have the usual doubling of consonants to indicate shortness of vowel. scale {eo, ^-umlaut of /) would give M.E. selke. Development has followed the /-sound. The / in siken is a reproduction of the original vowel by /-umlaut of ea (through ie). sieve — The ie is perhaps due to a wish to avoid the characterless spelling of sine. Sound Relations in Enolish. 227 yes — The e is due to a dislike to the conjunction of the -cognate consonantal and vocalic sounds of jv and / in yis, the Middle English and Early Modern form. Compare yet (M.E.j^//, X.'$>. git). here — The lowering of / to e is due to lack of stress, er {ir) in the present language gives (ea). hure derives from hyre. churche comes from cyrc. From this comes the modern word, nr also gives (as). cherche is Kentish, a dialect in which e appears for A.S. y. \retty — Some of the related numerals have eo. This would give e. third, thirteen, and thirty have suffered the same transposition — cp. bird, byrde—y was written for / in late Middle English. child., behind get their sound from a group-lengthened /. Long / gives (ai). I^c in Anglo-Saxon was often fronted after front vowel. This helped by waning stress would give M.E, ich. Northumbrian in unstressed positions has ///, compare snegdig ' said I.' Consonants were dropped in unaccented monosyllables. Hence the weak i and the modern sound, piiht — h was weakened into a glide which coalesced with z and produced /. A similar explanation holds ior stye diwd fiine. Some authorities give A.Si. st'igii. M.E. nin was inflected when used without a noun, and written nine with plural ending. weight — The ci has come from wegaii ' to weigh,' where it was got from vocalisation of g after palatal e. wewel — The e is said to be due to the analogy of wefan. 7W/^i?—Ettm tiller quotes an A.S. weoce (see A.S. u), which would yield 7iese gives these. It is a weak form of ]->ise. The e is the plural ending. A new plural was formed 2 28 Mmnial of L inguistics. by adding e to \is, nom. sing. n. after the old plural \os (A.S. \ds) had gone out of use. In speaking above of much it would have been well to have compared such. The A.S. form is swylc {swilc, sweic). M.E. forms are stvik, szvich, szvtich, soche. For the passage between zvi and u compare A.S. cwidu, M.E. cude. The ch of the M.E. forms is noticeable. The c of Anglo-Saxon was possibly fronted before the e of the oblique cases, or the ch may be due to want of stress. At any rate a similar ch appears in certain pronominal words — hwich, ech (A.S. hivilc, felc). The vulgar pronunciation of such still pre- serves the memory of the M.E. forms that had completely unrounded the A.S. y. : A.S. o (close) corresponds to Teut. u (o) (O.H.G. o and //, Goth, u, aii (before r and h), I.E. u). The prefix represented by Goth, us-, O.H.G. ur-, appears in Anglo-Saxon as or orsorg 'careless' (O.H.G. ursurgi). Dialectically (Northumbrian), after iv, o stands for eo, the breaking of e — wore {weorc), and for eo, the ?/-umlaut of e — worold {tveoruld). Final o may represent the u (vocalised iv) of the nomina- tive of ivo- stems — searo (also u) ' armour ' gen. sea?-wes, also another ii (Teut. J), in words like i/do (u) 'age' (I'e/du, O.H.G., a/^I, ejti). The breaking ea in unstressed syllables may be represented by o — hldford {hldf, weard). Long a (Teut. ai) may be similarly represented — eorod ' troop ' {eoh ' horse,' nld ' riding '). Teut. -un]) may pass through -/75' into -(?e) (also ti^) — geogti'S 'youth' (O.H.G. jugund). So may Teut. -an\ through -oivS, -JS. Sound Relations in English. 229 And may be developed before a final liquid — -fugol * fowl ' (Goth. fi/i,'/s), hlhtor ' pure ' (Goth. hlFttrs). The or and ol that represent I.E. rand /have already been alluded to (pages 64 and 66). The g (open) from orig. a has been spoken of under a. A.S. o was the mid-back-narrow-round. The sound was widened in Middle English. It remained for some time in Modern English, but was at length lowered to present sound. It was also changed at a later date into (od) before certain consonants, viz., s, th, in fact, before the same following that lengthened a (page 214). Lengthened before a consonant + vowel it gives (ou) — nose (A.S. tiosu), like the long open o {g) that came from A.S. a, e.g., home (A.S. haui). The lengthenings of Anglian before certain consonant- groups {rd, Id, &c.) are maintained with restrictions (page 200). They are naturally handed down into Middle English with close 0, and keep by it, but at the uur stage (see under o), the sound is broadened into (00). Compare A.'S>.fldr into Jloor (00). Compare also sword (page 224) and word (see next list). Some words, however, like board and hoard (A.S. l>ord and hard), seem, judging from the oa, to have acquired a long open ^-sound. gold came down into Middle English with group-lengthened close 0. This regularly gives long u, a pro- nunciation in vogue last century. A parasitic u added to o accounts for the modern pronunciation. For ou from ol see under a. A.S. 0. « scofel schouel shovel ofen ouen often floterian floteren flutter 2.^0 Alamuil of Linguistics. 9 copor coper copper Sonne )jan, J)en than e woken welkne welkin Sonne, Scenne J)an, ]jen then U scolde scholde, schulde should wolde wolde, wolde would morgan morwen morrow hole{g)n holi holly docce dokke dock oxa oxe ox god god god bodig bodi body (an), on (a), on, on 88 word worde word woruld, weoruld world, wereld, wurld world spora, spura spare spur morSor n. morther murder OU hoi hole hole cnoll knol knoll folc folc folk geoc 50k, yok yoke ceocian choken, cheken choke ofer ouer over fola fole foal molde n. molde mould flogen flowen flown bolla bolle bowl 08 scorn sc(h)ore score beforan, biforan befor, bifore before 00 sworen sworen sworn forS forth forth broS broth broth frost frost frost Cioicn. a i\eiaiions in L '.ngnsn. 23 bord bord board cohhettan coughen cough trog, troll trogh, trough trough bohte bohte, bouhte bought dohtor dohter, doubter daughter shovel, &c. — The sound {'b) argues a previous short Ji. This sound these words may have acquired by association with the o, that was a graphic device for 21 before consonantal 21. The verb shove (A.S. scufan with shortening of u in M.E.) has (b), and may have influenced shovel. All these words had back-shortening syllables and resisted lengthening. Compare for the development among. copper, tha7i — The vowel of unstrest syllables and unstrest words naturally becomes the obscure (a). welkin — Owing to association (^cveo\ sometimes become 7vd% cp. zvori/ld, for weoruld) the spellings iveo and wo get mixed. M.E. welkne acquired its e from the smoothing of a form beginning with weo. then derives from the late W.S. '•Scenne. scholde, 7volde — These occur with short vowel in the Ormulum, in spite of the group-lengthener Id. Diminished stress will explain this. Afterwards both acquired a ?/-form, scholde from the plural schulen (A.S. scidon), or from the infinitive, and ivolde from the rounding effect of the 7V on 0. This u was lengthened before Id. Lack of stress induced shortening. In weak positions / was dropped, and the /-less forms have prevailed. morwen, &c., develop o in the usual way. holi, bodi — The back-shortening terminations prevented lengthening. tvord — The (89) argues a shortening of the long u that came from M.E. (from group-lengthened Anglian 0). So with world, ur gives (aa) — wereld represents the 232 Manual of L inguistics. usual smoothing, vnirder — The 21 comes from the verb myy^ran. hole — Lengthened became (ou). So did parasitic ou, as in folk and bowl. A parasitic u was developed between o and /, just as between a and /, and not always written. yoke^ choke. — In geoc and ceocian, the e is used diacritically to indicate palatalisation of the preceding consonant. The developing vowel will then be 0. But we have also on record cheken, got from usual smoothing of the eo. Compare chese, from ceosaii. oner — This word underwent lengthening. The back- shortening ending was inoperative, molde was group-leng- thened, but the present sound is due to development of parasitic 11. flogen — og into ou, with usual result. score, before, sworen — The was lengthened before cons. -H vowel. Long open o ^-r gives (oa) or (00). forth, frost, broth — These have lengthened into (oo). Contrast post ' stake,' with (ou). It has taken after the Romance post, bord, group-lengthened, with usual change of long open o into (do) before r. See page 229. trog — Open g, when final, was unvoiced in late West-Saxon. The // that was developed before the gh in cough, trough, bought, had no influence on the development. The followed pretty much the usual course to (oo). Compare for neglect of 2c and lengthening — laughter (see page 214). daughter had the same development, but is spelt with an on the model of words like slaughter (see page 215). Compare the two spellings naught and nought. These different spellings of the same word have been utilised, fought also once had a \2x\'xxv\. f aught (see page 215). au and o[u) have the same development before //. Sound Relations in Engiish. 233 Another example of o into ('b) is A.S. dol, M.E. dul, Mod. E. dull. Perhaps the influence of Norse did ' con- ceit' may have brought in u. Another example is given by Sweet, viz., tug, from A.S. togiaji. With regard to oven and shovel, is it not possible that the 02i of the spelling would suggest the pronunciation of long tc. This may afterwards have been shortened, before the passage to ('b). In the case of hovel, the pronunciation seems to have fluctuated between (13) and (0). The former is still often heard. u : A.S. n corresponds to Teut. ii~sunu (Goth, sunns). After 7£', u represents (i) eo, the breaking of e — swurd {sweord) (2) eo {id), the breaking of / — ivuht {iviht) ' thing ' (3) eo {io) the u-umXzMi of / — wudu {zviodu, zvidu) 'wood' (4) an eo, due to the action of 7v on e — sivustor {sweostor, O.H.G. swester). u also occurs for wu = 7vi (Teut. zve) in cu77ian = cwiman (O.H.G. quenian) — cp. uht for wuht. Some of the uses of u in unstressed syllables are worth recording. It may stand for ca—fultuvi ' help ' (fulteam). In Northumbrian u {-w) stands for eo{iv)—ldruw 'teacher' {Idreow — Idr ' learning,' '^Seoiv ' servant '). Final u may represent (i) I.E. a (Teut. o, O.H.G. ti) — giefu 'gift' — compare the a of the ^F-declension (2) I.E. in (Teut. urn) — h nitu Vicc. sing, 'nit' (Gk. -/.oviha) (3) I.E. o, in the Mercian pres. tense of verbs — l>eon/ (L. fero), W.S. iere. And // may be developed before a final nasal — md'Sum ' treasure ' (Goth. mdi\ms ' gift '). The un and um, ur and ul that represent I.E. ;/, w, r, /, have been spoken of in a previous chapter — genumen {O.Yi.Q. glnomati), wulf {O.Yi.Q,. wolf). A.S. u was the high-back-narrow-round. In Middle English the A.S. u retained its sound, but in 234 Manual of Linguistics. the Modern Period was unrounded, and then lowered to ('b). In many words where the sound under change was flanked by a lip-consonant and /, a letter with a strong affinity for u^ the z/-sound was brought back, e.g., in full, pull, &c. An initial iv also tended to conserve the z^-sound. In some words the passage to ("b) had been accomplished, and this- sound may still be heard in certain pronunciations of butcher, ivoman, &c. In Middle English, ii was often written as o, especially beside consonants with outlines resembling those of ?^, viz.,^ 71, m, u (consonantal), and before a cons. + vowel, seeing that this is a position often occupied by Fr. ?/, and suggestive of it. In Middle English, u, like /, was not subject to lengthening before a cons. + vowel, but was liable to group-lengthening. A.S. u. B urnen, pret. par t urnen run fiirh furgh, forwe furrow t)uih purgh, Jmruh, thorou thorough lufu lufe, loue love sunu sune, sone son a bulluck bullok bullock uppan uppon, upon upon u wuUe wolle wool wudu wude, wode wood wulf wlf, wolf wolf full ful, fol full ee furSor furffer further curs curs, cors curse au druncnian drunknen, drounen drown hund hund, hound hound sugu suwe sow Sound Relations in English. 235 ou culter culter, coltre coulter gewnnod iwuned, iwoned wont uu wund wounde wound ■5'urh tlirugh through aa furSor ferther farther 00 duru dure, dore door murnan murnen, mornen, niournen mourn rmi — The infinitive may get its vowel from the participle urnen. Or the ic may have been got from the late W,S. yrnan through iimen. The regular infinitive would be, and is dialectically, rin (A.S. irnan). For the transposition in the various forms of this verb compare burti (A.S. byrnan, Teut, b rin nan) (see also page 221). ]^///'«/z gives regularly thorough — cp. borough^ A.S. biirh, M.E. bureh. For the ^;-forms see above. bullock (second syllable), upon — In unstrest syllables and unstressed words (9) is a natural enough termination for (-b). wool, bullock (first syllable), &c. — These are examples of the retention of the //-sound, referred to above. The spell- ing 00 has probably been adopted as more suggestive than the single 0, which is usually associated with the sound of o in god. wlf — w contraction for ivu. further — itr gives (aa) — compare below, farther. drounen — The long //, evidenced by ou, is due to com- pensation for loss of k, and has followed the development of long u. hound — group-lengthened to u. sugu — After 71, g became li) and then coalesced with u, giving u, whence (au). coulter — A u has been developed before the /, and the 236 Manual of L ing uistics. ^(?^)/-development followed, as in bowl (A.S. bolld). Compare sJwuIder (A..S. sen /dor), wont — The regular pronunciation is (b). The (ou) pronunciation has perhaps come from association with the other wont^ sounded like dont. farther— ferther gets its er from M.E, ferre{r), comp. of fer {A.'&. feorr). In Modern English, ^r would become ar, by influence of r. The a in its position before r + cons. gives regularly (aa) through (aeas). ivotmd — The M.E. u has been preserved through the conserving influence of w. wound (A.S. wimden) the participle of ?mW has followed the other participles y^/if;?^, bound &c. through — The (uu) sound is that of a weak form. A strong form would have yielded the same sound as rough. dure — One would have expected (agr) in the present language, as in the case of M.E. spure (x\.S. spura). dure and spure rhyme together in the Owl and the Nightingale. The Modern English phonetic authorities give long u as the pronunciation of the first vowel of this word. The cause of the lengthening is not clear. Later on (early in the 1 8th century), the nur seems to have been broadened into (oor), by the action of the r. (Zom^2.x& floor (A.S. flor, M.'E.flor) for the broadening of nur into (oor). For this word, the sound in nn)or (A.S. /nor) was to have been ex- pected, door on phonetic authority had early in the iSth century the pronunciation of long close o, as indeed the spelling 00 argues, mournen — The ou is evidence of length in Middle English. The long u (caused by group-lengthen- ing) seems to have been retained in Modern English (as recorded in the phonetic authorities) and broadened later on (early in the i8th century) into (00). mourn is quoted Soimd Relations in Eiiglish. ^2>7 with long close o in a phonetic authority of the beginning of the 1 8th century. A form with short ii (without group- lengthening — compare turn) seems also to have come up from Middle English, for the pronunciation (12), the common outcome of short u, is also given on authority. y : A.S. y is either /-umlaut of u, or stands for one of the zV's, either zV, /-umlaut of ea (breaking of a), or ie, /-umlaut of eo (breaking of c). nyllan, &c., is for ?ie willan, &c. In Kentish y was lowered and unrounded to e. A.S. y was the high-front-narrow-round. In Middle English y is in many quarters unrounded to /, but y still survived in the South and was written u {ii). In Kentish the representation is e. The character y was often written for the sound / in late Middle English, especially in the neighbourhood of ;/, m, u, and at the end of words. A.S. y will then in Modern English follow the develop- ment of //, /, and e. A.S. y. B jirysce ]-rusche thrush ciycc crucche crutch byndele bundel bundle scyttan shutten, shitten, shut scht'tten wyrgan (a)\vurien, wirwen, worry worowen i mylen myln, mylle, mulle, mill myne menow minnow try mm an trumen, trimen trim bysig busy, bisi, besi busy gyit gylt, gult, gilt guilt byldan bulden, buildcn, bilden, belden build 2 -.8 Maimal of Linguistics. e myrg myrie, murie, mene merry cnyllan cnullen, knellen knell lyft adj. lyft, luft, lift, left left hymlic humlok, hemlok hemlock byrigan burien, birien, berien bury 08 wyrst wurst, worst, werst worst wyrm wurm, worm worm cyrnel kurnel, kirnel, kernel kernel styrian styren, sturen, stiren stir byrSen burSene, birthin burden ai fyrhto (ry) friht fright {ge)cynde adj. kinde kind ryge rie rye au dyhtig duhti, dohte, douti doughty ii yfel yuele, uuele, euele evil wyrd wirde, werd, wierde, weird weird 00 hyrnetu hornet \riishe — M.E. 7i developed in Modern English through unrounding and lowering into (b). schetten is Kentish. worowen — The o shews that the ii = // had, owing to influ- ence of lip-consonant iv, been completely backed to n, for which is a common variant in the neighbourhood of fi, ni, and 2t. busy — The pronunciation of the modern spelling proves that the M.E. u^ii had not become n, but had remained and been unrounded to / later on, unless the present pronunciation has been transmitted from bisi. gicilt — The gu indicates hardness. As for minnow, no M.E. form in /is quoted, merie — The ^-forms have given development. bury has the spelling of one dialect and the pronunciation of another, builden — The ui argues long // in Middle Sotmd Relations in English. 239 English. To account for the modern pronunciation (got from later unrounding of ii, or transmitted from form hilden), there must also have been a form with short vowel exceptionally retained before Id. Vox similar reten- tion, compare ^'-//^ (A.S. gyldati). ■worst, worm — These M.E. forms shew that the ii had been completely backed to 7i. ur gives (aa) in the present language. So do ir and er. friht — The h changed into a glide, which with preceding / gave 7, whence the modern (ai). kinde — The / was group- lengthened to i. For rie compare stie (page 226). doughty got long u from effect of parasitic vowel de- veloped before //. The spelling has been influenced by M.E. dowen and doiight (A.S. diigan, dohte). The long u it developed to (au). euele — Kentish e, with usual lengthening before cons. + vowel, will give in the present language (ii). iverd group- lengthened gives long e. This close e was sometimes de- noted by ie, which in Anglo-French had been smoothed into e. And ci in some words of French extraction must have had this sound, judging from their development, e.g., deceit, seisofi [sesoun). So that wierd and tveird denote the same sound as 2ve?'d. hornet — No M.E. form is quoted. Sweet says the analogy of horn gives hornet. CHAPTER IX. Sound Relations in English — Long Vowels and Consonants, a: A.S. J corresponds toTeut. ai (I.E. al, oi) (Goth, di^ O.H.G. (?/, c). In Anglo-Saxon there was dwarfing of the second element followed by compression. A.S. a also cor- responds to Teut. ce (I.E. c) before iv, or when the next syllable has «, o, u — sdivon ' saw ' (Goth, sehtvmi), sldpait (Goth, slepari). It represents the results of various length- enings. A.S. a was the long of ^7. In Middle English A.S. a was rounded to g (long open c>). It remained in the Northern dialects. French d was- imported after the rounding was over, and remained. A new a, was got in Middle English from the lengthening oia before a consonant + vowel. This has passed to (ei). Northern d and French d have the same development. M.E. £? was first narrowed in Modern EngHsh. It then passed to the diphthong (ou), which has the first element open. The surroundings of the sound have however contributed to various results, as will be seen from the following table. For oa, see under 6. A.S. dtv becomes gu in Middle English. This has the same development in the present language, viz., (ou), as an du coming from A.S. ow. Parasitic ou {u before /) has a similar development. The result (ou) is thus got from g, gu, ou, and ou. Sound Relations in Em^Hsh. 241 A.S. a. -B an an, oon one nan nan, noon, non none e scadan, sceadan scheden, shseden, sheden shed 86 halgian halisen, halewen, halwen hallow onan onan, a nan, anoon anon scan schon, shoon shone sarig sari5, sari, sori sorry halig dreg halidai, holidai hohday hat hat, hoot hot cnawan knouleche knowledge au mase mose (tit)mouse ei hal hail, heil hale rad rade raid rses (ras Norse) rees, rase race ou swa sa, so so mal ' macula ' mole mole draf draf, drof, droof drove rad rad, rod, rood rode rad rode, roode road aS oth, ooth oath ac ak, ok, ook oak hlaf lof, loof loaf sawan sawe, sowen sow snaw snaw, snou snow agen 05en, owen own dag dah, do5, dogh, dow dougli ii swapan swopen, swepen sweep uu hwa hwa, hwo who twa twa, two two 242 Manual of L inguistics. aa ascian asken, axen, eschen ask gar-leac garleek, garleke garlic lawerc lauerok, larke lark 00 ahwffiSer auSer, ouSer, o5er, or or nahwreSer nawSer, nouSer, noSer, nor nor hlaford lauerd, louerd, lord lord lar lare, lore lore har hor, hoor hoar brad brade, bred, brood broad awiht aht, oht, aught, ought aught nawiht naht, noht, naught, nought naught ahte ahte, auhte, ouhte ought Sawan thowen, thawen ^ thaw one — The pronunciation with long open was extant early in the Modern Period. Previously, in some parts, the extra effort required for initial vowel, seems to have developed the labial element into w. Then ensued labialisation of vowel and common passage to ('b). An initial development of a palatal element into y may be seen in the Scotch ane and yen. The ee'-pronunciation of one was common in the Western dialects. Compare also wold for old and ivoats for oats, pronunciations heard in Dorsetshire, notie — analogy of one. shed — The short vowel of the M.E. schedde pret, a new formation, was extended to the present. This extension of vowel {lette, new formation, and spredde) will also explain the shortness in let (page 246), and in spread (A.S. spntdan). hallozv — The vowel was shortened in Middle English in the form where / was followed by iv. ano7i — Here we see shortening and lowering, shojie has also (ou). sorry — The M.E. form with a was short. The long vowel had probably been shortened by the action of the Sound Relations in English. 243 back-shortening termination. Chaucer, however, has a form with long o, viz., soory. Perhaps the present o and its pronunciation have been got from influence of M.E. sonve ' sorrow ' (A.S. sor^;). holiday — For shortness compare holly- hock. kno%vledge — Many pronounce with (ou). hot — For shortening of ^compare shortening of rin head. {tit)7noiise shews influence of the other mouse (A.S. mus). heil shews influence of Norse heill. The regular develop- ment of A.S. hal gives whole, rade — This is Northumbrian form with long a, whence (ei). road is the lineal descendant of A.S. rdd. race, from Northumbrian rase, with long a. (ou) direct result of A.S. (7. sow — A.S. d%v gives on in Middle English, which passes to (ou) in Modern English. own shews ordinary change of g to w after guttural vowel. dough, a parasitic ic makes no difference ; g{u)h and guh give the same result. Compare lozv (Norse lag), M.E. lah, louh, {bi)loogh. sweep — The vowel is from M.E. pret. swep (A.S. sweop). There was also a M.E. swep{i)en (A.S. sweopian). szvdpan gave stvgpen in Middle English. who, hvo — The £? from a was in Middle English made into by the iv, and followed the development of that sound. ask, &c. — The a was shortened before two consonants. It (ae) was then lengthened before .r + cons., and r + cons., and passed to (aa). or, nor — The weak forms passed through du'?>-, ge are monosyllabic lengthenings in Anglo-Saxon (page 199). This list exhibits regular development, believe — ie represents close e (page 188). ^^,/^-^_The late W.S. form was brysan. The modern word is an instance of the preservation of the spelling ii (with the French character 2d (page 190) ). Compare the course of rude into (uu). brese may come from Anglian brcsan, or be a Kentish form with e for A.S. y. broosen is Sound Relations in EuQ-lisli. 253 supposed to derive in some way or other from O.F. hruisier l>risier, which was merged into hrysan. The form brissen with short vowel is anomalous. here, &c. — er gives (ia). hark — The vowel shortened before two consonants was changed into a before ;- and developed through (ae, aese ) into (aa). The spelling hearken indicates a lengthening (long open e) before /--com- bination. Of this there is a shortened pronunciation recorded, cp. heard (see above). ea : A.S. ea corresponds to Teut. an (I.E. aii, oii) (O.H.G. on, (before dentals) ). It is the result of various contrac- tions. There is also an ea = {e)d got (ist) from a sequence of the palatals g, c, sc, and Teut. c? — g{e)afon (O.H.G. ga/mn), (2nd) from a sequence of the palatal g (Teut. 7) and Teut. ce — g(e)ar (O.H.G. jar), (3d) from a sequence of the palatal se + d (Teut. ai) — sc{e)dda?i (Goth, skdidan). A.S. ea was the long of ea (low-front-wide 4- low-back- wide). M.E. f regularly represents A.S. ea. It has com- monly given (ii^ in the present language. The e in Modern English w'as first narrowed, then raised to long /. A.S. ea. i foran-heafod foiheued, forheed forehead -leas -lees -less hreac rek, reek rick e deaS deS, dee]) death heafod heued, heed head ])reatian Jjreten threaten heahfore heifre, haifre heifer ae leaSor lather ceapmann chepmon, chapman chapman 254 Manual of Linguistics. ai heah heh, heih, heigh, hi high cage ese, ei5e, eie, eye, ye eye leag leie, lie lye ei great gret, greet great ou ceas ches, chees, chos chose sceawian schawen, schewen show, shew Seah thoh, thogh, thou;, thof though ii fleah fle, flee flea east eest east beacen bekene beacon beatan beten, beeten heat eac ec, eek eke leac leek leek steap stepe steep (ge)leafa leue, leeue belief uu screawa shrewe, schrewe shrew fleag fleigh fley; flowen, vluwen flew yuu heawan hewen hew deaw den, dew dew i8 near nere, neer near tear tere, teer tear 00 geard 5are, yoore yore hreaw raw raw streaw stree, straw straw forehead,-less — Shortening of long t in unstressed syllable (Tives short / (wide). A pronunciation with short e is common in both words. In the former, this will represent the short vowel in head, in the latter, perhaps the influence of the other less. rick — For shortness compare breeches (page 251). So7tnd Relations in English. 255 death, &c., ordinary shortening of M.E. e as in breathy heavy (pages 220 and 246). heifre — The ei corresponds to the ei of heih (see be- low). In that word the i is a glide-vowel developed before the ]i which afterwards raised the c to its position. In heifre the ei seems to have followed the development of M.E. ei, and when the long open e stage was reached to have been shortened as in heavy, death, head. The ai of haifre will then be another spelling of ei (page 252), compare neighbour, (M.E. tieihebier, A.S. neah-gebur). ei is always written before gh. lather — Suppose a M.E. le'^er. This might be shortened by the action of the back-shortening termination er. Back shortenings occasionally produce as well as conserve short- ness, chapman — There must in Middle English have been a shortening into ea, which would give c, whence a (page 206). high, eye — The Anglian hch and ege became in Middle English hih and ~ie by the action of the glide-vowel on the preceding e. The open g disappeared in le. Our present spelling retains all the letters (e-.^e, eye) that once were pronounced. The long l thus got in these words gives i thigh teo(go)Sian tethen, tithen tithe leogan ' mentiri ' lihen, li5en lie fleogan ' volare ' flegen, fleie, vli fly fleoge 'musca' fle5e, fleie, flie fly au treowian tru, trow trow ou seowan sewen, sowen sew (sow) treowS trouthe troth ii seo sche, shee she beo (i sing.) be(n) be seo (i sing.) se, see see treo tre, trecn plu. tree hweol whele wheel seotJan sethen seethe • fneosan fnesen sneeze (ge)beon iben, been, been deofan eleven cleave beot bet, beet beat preost prest, preeste priest leof lef, leef R lief 258 Manual of Linguistics. UU flreow Jireu, l)rewe threw cleowe clewe clew hreowan rewen rue treowe trewe, tru true tieow(5i treuthe, truthes pi. truth (for)leosan lesen lose ceosan chesen, chusen choose sceotan scheten, schuten shoot yuu eow ew yew neowe newe new cneow kneu5 ; knewen knew geola 5ole yule heow hew hue eow ;ou, ou, jew, eu you geoguS 5U3eS, 5UweSe, youthe youth i9 deore dere dear deor der, deer deer hleor lere leer jru© eower ower, 3ure, youre your aa deorling derling darling feorSling ferthing farthing 00 feower fower, foure four feowertig fourti forty sick, shortened from long /-sound. Compare breeches, hip., similar shortening. hep (e) probably represents a shortening transmitted from that stage in the Modern Period when M.E. e (and f) was shortened. breast, long in Middle English. The ea shows that the word had long open ^-sound in Modern period. Compare heard, which was shortened and lengthened again in Middle Enghsh (page 252). Compare the course oi breast with that oi priest, held had long close e in Middle English. There Sound Relations in English. 259 is also a spelling with ie. The shortening would take place early in the Modern Period, or a short form may have come down from Middle English. fnt'?id — The ie.'is one way of representing long close c (page 188). Very much the same may be said of this word as of held, breast and friend are often to be heard with the (ii) of the regular development. stern — er and ir give (99). thirteen^ transposition of letters as in third. The A.S. word has many forms, such as -eot{t)-, -It-, -itt-. light — In le{o)ht, the e was changed to / before palatal //. The vowel in this word before breaking was i. It was shortened before ht (cp. sohte, page 268). In Modern English the h of iiht passed into a breath-glide which, merged in the foregoing vowel, gave long /, whence the (ai). ]>eh — The e was raised to l by the parasitic glide that was developed before the h. The stages were — cih, lih, ih. trow — This could come from M.E. /?, which gives (au) in the present language. The h seems to have been due to influence of Norse triia ' trow.' The A.S. original is also sometimes written trTnvian. sew {soiv obs.) The spelling derives from ME. sewen, the pronunciation, from soiven. The analogy of sheiv show may have had something to do with the development of similar forms in this verb. M.E. scnven might have been got from the influence of an A.S. participle sowen, which we may sup- pose to have existed. The verb had a mixture of strong and weak forms in Anglo-Saxon. The pronunciation proper to the spelling sew may be heard any day in Scotch, troth — .truth is the regular development. A pronunciation trdzv'6 in Middle English would account for troth. It has also the pronunciation of broth. Compare four, where the e was 2 6o Mamial of L inguistics. rounded out of existence by the neighbouring Up-letters. The r has of course shaped the ow into (oo). (ii) is the regular development. For the sh in she see (page 290). sneeze {neeze obs), due to refashioning of the difift- cult initial sound oi f neeze. gebeon is theoretical. No par- ticiple appears in Anglo-Saxon, cleave — There was a weak A.S. verb cleofiau ' adhere ' which gave in Middle English clevien. From this cleave ' split ' got the long open ea (page 250). beat — The ea got from the present (M.E. bejen, A.S. beatan), or shortened from a M.E. weak beted, priest, lief— For ie, see page 1 88. M.E. cu is written ew in some words and sometimes 2ie, II. It developed to (yuu) through various intermediates, with shifting of stress on to second element and consonant- isation of first element. The y was dropped after certain letters — r, I (not always), - gives (ia). darling, farthing — There was shortening in Middle English. Then ensued in Modern Period change o{ e Xo a by action of r. The a (ae) was lengthened before r + cons, (page 214) and passed through long ?e to (aa). four — See above under troth. i : A.S. I answers to Teut. i (Goth, ei I.E. i). The sound is very constant. A.S. l may also answer to I.E. q — \rl (Gk. T^e/j). It stands also for a compensatory lengthening of Teut. /. Sometimes an original c finds representation in Anglo-Saxon under 7. The ie\ that are the /-umlauts of ea and Ho are also thus represented. A.S. l was the long of /. In Middle English t remained. In Modern English it passed by divergence of first element into a diphthong, and through lowering, retraction, and widening, reached the sound (ai). A.S. i. i cristendom cristendom Christendom grist grist grist {on)grIslic grislich, grisli gri^b' stig-rap stirop stirrup die dich ditch set-wltan atwiten twit linen linen linen wif-menn wimmen, wummen women e scir-gerefa schirreue, scherreue sheriff' 262 Manual of Linguistics. U wif-niann wimman, wummon, womman woman ai hwll hwile, while while fif fife, uiue five hiwa hine, hyne hind 5riv\a Jjrijes, ])ries thrice bl bi, by by siSe sithe, sy3e scythe higian hifen, hyen hie ai8 lien iren, yren iron scir schire, shire shire ii snlcan sniken sneak 7UU splwan spewen, spue spew, s tiwes-daeg tisdei, tewesday tuesday yu8 stlg-weard stiward, steward, stuward steward spue cristendom — The vowel is shortened before two con- sonants (page 200). Length however often remains before st, e.g., priest, least (page 258). The quality of the / is altered in the shortening. Short / is wide, stirrup, shortened from steerup. didi — The c was softened after the front vowel, supported by the t- of the inflectional forms (page 278). In dike the vowel is regular and there is no Southern softening. twit must once have had long /. Spenser rhymes it with light and plight, and writes it by false analogy twight. linen — The vowel is long in line. Perhaps the back- shortening termination helped on shortness, ivimnien — The ni))i due to assimilation of/ to ;//. The long /is still heard. The form with u is due to the analogy of the singular, where the labialisation was not merely graphic but gave development. The // was written o between the w and m. Sotmd Relations in English. 2 6 t sheriff- — The /was shortened before two consonants. For lowering to e compare {shep)herd (A.S. salp-hirde). The e of -herd is of course now sunk under obscure vowel (a). A similar lowering, due to lack of stress, is seen in M.E. here ' her ' (A.S. hire). womati — -See ivomen above. The short u of this word also had a development into (b). This sound is still to be heard. (ai) is the regular development, hind — The d is ex- crescent (cp. thumb, soimd). The n in the M.E. form is a difficulty. It is supposed to come from the gen. plu. hi{we)?ia, in such a combination as h'i{tve)na man ' a man of the domestics.' A new plural creation with n in nominative might arise out of this combination. A singular form in n would then naturally appear, \ries — The ending is due to analogy, compare aties ' once.' hi-i^en — After the palatal vowel /, the g becomes /, and is merged in the long vowel. iron — z?-=(ai8). The unaccented vowel is sometimes written — cp. weapon, beacon (A.S. wcepen, beacen). s?ieak — Some dialectic form may be the parent of this sound. Compare reopan (Mercian, W.S. rlpan) into reap, spetv — M.E. eu corresponds to A.S. hv, co7v (W.S. nv). It is written ew and ue. Final French u was written eiv and the two spellings u{e) and e^v thus got mixed. M.E. m corresponds to A.S. aw, eaw. It is always written ew. steward — long iir=(yvLQ). 6 : A.S. <' corresponds to Teut. (O.H.G. no, ua, I.E. a, 0). It also stands for several compensatory lengthenings of Teut. 0. In some words it answers to Teut. cc (Goth, c, O.H.G. ci, I.E. e) — mona ' moon,' Gk. /JLyjvri. A.S. was the long of o. 264 Manual of Linguistics. remained in ^Middle English, but passed in the Modern Period to long ii, which is now diphthongised to (uu). This sound was shortened in certain words, especi- ally before th and d, and has now passed to ('b). Later on, another shortening took place, very generally before stop- consonants. This shortening, occurring after the passage of ti to (b), has remained. Words that derive from long close have 00 in modern spelling, words that derive from long open J have oa (p). There was confusion in spelling at an earlier date. Com- pare the use of ee and ea. For ou see under a. A.S. 6. B moste moste, muste must roSor rothyr, rodyr rudder do5 doS, dooth doth offer oother other broSor brother brother modor moder, mooder mother monaS moneth, mooneth month monan-daeg moneday, munendai monday flod flood flood genog inouh, enogh, inough enough toh tough tough e -dom -dam, -dom, -doom -dom e wodnes-dceg wodnes-dei, wednes- dai ■ Wednesday u bosm bosum bosom hoc hoc, hok hook scoc schook, shook shook fot fot, foot foot to to to Sound Relations m Enirlish. 265 blostma blostme, blosme, bloosmes pi. jjlossom gos-hafoc gos-hauk, goshawke : goshawk f6d(d)or fod{d)er fodder gescod ischood, schod shod hOh h'jU3 hough au sklg slouh, slough slough pi oh plouh, plou5 plough bog bogh, bouz ; l^oowes bough plu. ei com coom, cam came ou hof haf, hone hove behofian behoue behove rSwan rowen row blowan blowen blow woe wok woke uu do (i sing, pres.) do do to to too stol stole, stool stool smoSe adv. smethe, smoothe smooth toS toth, tooth tooth gos gos, goos goose wos wose, woose ooze owef oof woof wogian wofcn, wowen woo loma lome loom rod rede, roode rood SCO scho, schoo shoe slog slouh, slou5, slou slew drog drouh, drou:, drou drew a8 swor sware sware U8 mor more moor 09 ura or ore 266 Manual of L inguistics. 00 softe adv. softe soft swor swor, swoor, swore flSr flor floor sohte sohte, so5te sought moste has passed to ('b) through shortened long ii. A form with u occurs in Middle English. Perhaps it was due to labialisation, on the part of the m, exerted on an o shortened before two consonants, doth — In Middle English, the o of the tf-forms prevailed over and expelled the d?-form handed down from A.S. ^t'5. Then followed the usual course of the long o'% that went to (^). The shortening took place first in the unemphatic position, enough^ tough — In late Middle English OH in ouh (parasitic u before guttural h) had the pronunciation that was usually associated with the spelling ou, viz., long u. This was shortened in Modern English and went to ("b). -dom — The shortened vowel in the unstressed syllable has naturally passed to the obscure vowel (a). zvednesday — o has been shortened with usual confusion between wo and tveo, cp. ivelkiu. bosom — In these words occurs the later shortening of u, which remained, to when unemphatic may be reduced to (8). blossom, fodder— ^\i& o was shortened in Middle English before two consonants. Short o was opened in Middle English. It was lowered in Modern English to its present sound (o). ^//r;d!'— Compare for similar shortening rod the doublet of rood (see below), hough —One would have ex- pected hoh to have followed the course of toh. Finally it has a ^-sound. Formerly the final sound was that of tough, slough, &c. — The long z^-sound that these words, in com- So2tnd Relations in English. 267 mon with enough, &c. (see above), had in Middle English, passed right on to the usual goal of long ti, viz., (au). Compare the pronunciation of enoiv. cavie — M.E. cooin coovien is evidence that the A.S. vowel had been preserved. But on the analogy of nam^ pret. of niman, cam was substituted for coom. A form cainen would have its a lengthened (page 207). The preterite would then be levelled under the vowel of the singular and the vowel- length of the plural. hove — The regular M.E. form must have been hof (with close 0). This would now have given (uu). The analogy of weave (A.S. ivefan) introduced haf as a preterite and hgven as a participle. From the long open of the last our hove has got the vowel it has developed regularly. The A.S. participle is hafen which could only have given (ei). behove ought to have and often does have the pronuncia- tion of move, but the comparative infrequency of the word in ordinary speech has permitted the spelling to force the pronunciation, behoof {h..^. behof) is regular. rozv — M.E. OH A.S. ow (and M.E. gu, A.S. (uv) regularly give (ou). 7vokc should have been (uu) but has followed the analogy of the (ou) preterites. (uu) is the regular development of 0. smethe — This will come from the adjective smethe (/-umlaut of 0). ooze — The zfhas been dropped owing to a dislike to the sequence of the two cognate sounds, compare the provincial pronuncia- tion of woman, and the different remedy adopted under similar circumstances in the case of yes, yet (page 227). woof- — The w is due to the influence of weave. A.S. invefx^ said to be for on-zvef ' that which is laid on the warp.' rood has also a variant rod, see shod in this list, s/eiv, drew -The 268 Mamtal of L inguistics. M.E. droiv, sloiv (long u) yielded to the influence of verbs of the knoiv knezv, grow grew class. sware shews the analogy of bare (page 2 1 5). ar gives (aa). Compare swore below, moor — or gives (ua). ore — Com- pare y?!?*?^ below. floor — The same result as moor has, might have been got, but in some words the uu was broadened to (oo). swore — The long close o of the preterite gave place to the long open o of the participle swgreft. soft — The long o was shortened in Middle English before the two consonants. o was opened in Middle English. In the Modern Period lowering took place. The (0) thus got was in many words (page 232) lengthened and narrowed to (00). sohfe {brohte, ]>dhte) was shortened in Anglo-Saxon. The short thus got would have very much the same development as in soft, for the ti was not pronounced in early Modern. Compare bought (page 232). u : A.S. u represents Teut. u (I.E. u). Sometimes it is a compensatory lengthening of Teut. u. A.S. u was the long of u. In Middle English, u remained. It might represent not only an original A.S. u but also the group-lengthened ti that came down from Anglian. Both were often written ou. u in Modern English has had its first element diverged, unrounded, and widened in the direction of the initial sound of the present diphthong (au). The second element was widened and has taken more or less after the first element, retaining rounding. In some words the ?7-sound has been retained, in others retained but shortened. When the shortening took place sufficiently early the result has been (-b) (page 264). Sound Relations in English. 269 A.S. u. ■B dusl dust dust J;uma thoumbe, thoumbe thuml) plume ploume plum us ous, us us butan buten, l)ute, but scufan scliouve shove ruh ruh, rugh, row, rough rough U rum roum room brucan bruken, brouken brook cuSe couthe, coude could grufa (Norse) grouelynge grovel 89 J)iires-dDeg (Norse) jjursdai, ])ursdei thursday furlgng furlong, fourlonge furlong au ]>u ])U, |)0U thou muS muS, mouth mouth mus mus, mous mouse punian pounen pound drugoCe drugte, drouhl^e, droughte drought bugan buwen, bowen bow hu hu, hou how bru brovve brow ule oule owl aue ure ure, cure our sur sur, sour sour bur bour bower uu uncuS unkouth uncouth Stupian stoupen stoop dust — u was shortened before two consonants (page 200). The usual development of short ti followed, thombe — The spelling with t" is a proof of short u. ous — The emphatic form with long u has been displaced by the short unem- 270 Mamial of Linguistics. phatic form, hiten, hute — This is the weak form, the con- junction; the adverb and preposition were strong, and had forms with ou. Certain of the /7's doubtless got shortened at the time when the /?s that came from M.E. o were being shortened. room, &c. — The sound is retained but shortened, coude — The form with voiced consonant is weak and prevailed over the strong form with breath consonant. An / was introduced from should and %vould. Lack of stress led to shortening, and / dropped out of the weak form as in the other verbs. The weak form holds the field. groiielynge — Here we have shortening, with for 21. This o has followed the (^-development. There was also a form with u which passed regularly to ("b) a pronunciation that still survives. \ursdai — Shortening before two consonants appears here. /,rr gives (aa). furlong — There is also a M.E. form with arguing shortness. (au) is the regular development. \u is A.S. lengthening of Teut. u. buwen — g has become w after u, cp. draw. our — Tir gives (aua). uncouth — Long ic is here retained, c\^. youth (page 261). In stoop the following labial has helped to keep the quality of the vowel. y : A.S. y is the /-umlaut of Teut. /?, or of a compensatory lengthened Teut. u. It may also represent the 'le's, that are the /-umlauts of ea and eo (Teut. au and eu). In Kentish, y became e, through lowering and unrounding. Hence j' is sometimes written for e (VV.S. fe.) In A.S. y was the long of j. So2md Relations in English. 271 y was unrounded in Middle English into i and written /. It is also represented by u (U), and sometimes, according to French habits, by ui. In Modern English y follows mainly the development of/. A.S. y. B })rysta (Norse) Jjrusten, thristen ihrust 1 fyl?f fulSe, filthe filth hydde hidde, y-hid hid lytel Intel, litel little ai lys lis, lys lice cy pi. kie, kye, kyn kine hwy hwi, whi why dryge druiCjdriqe, drie, dri dry bycgan buggen, biggen, bie, Iniy by aie hyran huren, huyre, hyre hire fyr fur, fuir, fir fire Oi byle byle, buile, bile boil n. thrust — n shortened before st, with usual development of short u into ('b). filth, &c. — shortening with usual course of short i. little — The A.S. word lost an e in inflection. This gave two consonants after the y. The plural, &c., thus acquired a short vowel which has prevailed throughout. The long vowel seems to have remained and developed regularly in the proper name Lyte (ai). The pronunciation leetle is per- haps due to lowering and an ^'-development— cp. evil, A.S. yfel (page 239). Orm writes the singular I'ltell, the plural little. Compare hallow (page 242). 272 Maimal of L inguistics. lice — The words in this hst have followed the develop- ment of long /, which has been diphthongised to (ai). kine is a double plural got by the addition of -ett, the levelled form of the A.S. plu. suffix -aji. The simple plural is seen in the Scotch kye, with similar diphthongal development. dri-}ye — After palatal vowels {c, i) g becomes / and is merged after /. Of course the zhere is already long, hycgan (2 pers. sing, bygest), thej"^-forms have given development, with the same course as in the previous word. hire, &c. — Ir gives (aie). boil — M.E. Inle on its road to (ai) had reached the stage (ai). The ^ here is the obscure vowel, mid-mixed-narrovv. The verb boil had reached the same sound, for oi had passed through (ui) and ("Bi) to (ai). The two words (as sound- groups) were mixed. The spelling with (?/ was established, and by and by drove the pronunciation into a reproduction of the spelling, in fact, restored the original sound. The sound is now (oi), and the verb and noun have the same sound in educated speech, though in the vulgar dialect, boil, the noun, has its own historical pronunciation. The word bile 'secretion of the liver' (Fr. bile) of course developed regularly into (ai). Compare with boil vb. and boil n. (M.E. bile) the words toil and tile which once had the same pronunciation. But toil though its pronunciation was normalised did not as a sound-group carry with it tile, which went on to (ai). For a lengthy number of pages the various developments of A.S. originals have been considered. It will now be requisite to put down the vice versa and trace back each modern development to its principal A.S. originals. This Sound Relations in English. 273 ■must be done briefly. Actual words illustrating the changes referred to below will be found under the A.S. letters. ■B has been got from A.S. u, u, y, 6. i has been got from A.S. i, y, i, y. e has been got from A.S. e, co, ee, ae, ea. ae has been got from A.S. a (se, ea), a. a has been got from A.S. 0, 6. 89 has been got from A.S. eor, er, yr, ir, ur. ai has been got from A.S. i, y, i, ih, yh, eg, eog, eoh, eah, «ag. au has been got from A.S. u, u. ei has been got from A.S. seg, ecg, eg, a (ae ea). ou has been got from A.S. a, ow, ol. ii has been got from A.S. e, eo, e, ea, se. yuu has been got from A.S. eow, eaw, iw. uu has been got from A.S. eow, eaw, 6. aa has been got from A.S. e, eo, followed by r + cons., and a (ae, ea) followed by r + cons., s + cons., and by th. 00 has been got from A.S. or, al (ael, eal), ag, war (wear), {-\-f, s, ///), oht, iht (seht), aw. Some remarks were made on these modern developments on pages 197 and 198. A passing reference to words of Anglo-French origin must suffice. The sounds in these words shared the fate of the similar sounds that existed in the developed Anglo- J-iaxon of their date. I say developed because certain Anglo-Saxon sounds had undergone changes. (~c and ea had given e (long open e) ; a had given [> (long open o) ; short e and had become open sounds ; and .i,"" had been s 2 74 Mamial of Lingjiisiics. vocalised to / and ;/. Long French u was levelled under the eu that had been got from A.S. eaw, &c. The following three lines will go to illustrate the similarity in development alluded to above. Line i denotes the sounds of the developed Anglo-Saxon ; line 2 contains words of native origin that have developed these sounds ;. litie 3 contains words of Anglo-French origin that have developed the same sounds. The words of native origin are taken from the vowel lists where they may be found with the help of the index. aag f e 110 9 man scale ferry east geese bill by on oak (weapon) ban bale peril beast degree bill cry honour cloak (measure) o u u ai ei au eu stool run mouse day way draw dew full (Ch. vvey) fool plunge spouse delay veil cause beauty bull (edict) beast 2indfool\\?i6. originally short vowels in Anglo-French, No comparison of the ^/-sound can be given. It does not occur in words of native origin. For boil see page 270, And the OH-so\xx\d had lost its diphthongic character in Anglo-French, and had become a symbol for the long i-z-sound, being used as such in Middle English. It is worth while noticing how the Anglo - Saxoi> originals of these sounds have fared in Scotch. Modern Scotch (not Scotch-English) is really latter-day Northum- brian. It has had a distinct development of its own in So7Uid Relations in English. 275 which sounds have changed pretty uniformly, subject to comparatively little deflection produced by their surround- ings, save that caused by a following g or h. r is always the point-trill and has had nothing like the influence it has had in English. The alterations it effects are chiefly quantitative, not so often qualitative. It ought to be added that Scotch is more retentive of vowel quality than English. For example, the shortened / in sick is wide in English, but narrow, like its original long in Scotch. Indeed, the long /-sound is now wide in English. Here follow, with Murray's spellings, Scotch examples of the Anglo-Saxon originals. A.S. Scotch. a man (1. b. w.) a and % • steane and neame (h. f. w. 4- m. , f. w.) f man (1. f. w.) ea eist (h. f. n.) e feit (h. f. n.) i and y blynd and hyll (m. f. w.) 1 weyfe (m. f. w. -i- h. f n.) on (m. b. w. r.) stuil (m. f. n. r.) u grund (m. b. n.) u mooss (h. b. n. r.) seg day (m. f. n.) eg waiy (m. f. n. -l-h. f n.), or as in day ag draa (1. b. w., long) eaw eow deuw and bleuw (m. f. n. r-t-h. before a cons., as in stuil). b. n. r., ow growe (m. b. w. r. -|-h. b. n. r.) aw blaa (1. b. w., long) 276 Manual of Linguistics. Note that blind and ground have not been group- lengthened in Scotch. A.S. a was not rounded in Scotch but along with lengthened a (before consonant + vowel) passed to present sound. A.S. d-cv levelled under ow in English has had the same result as ag in Scotch — cp. draa and b/aa (A.S. dragan and bldwan). oi in Scotch has two values. Thus boyl in the South has the sound of mid-back-wide-round followed by high-front-narrow ; beyle in the centre and north has the sound of mid-front-wide and high- front-narrow. A few examples of noticeable Southern Scotch develop- ments of A.S. sounds before gutturals will not be out of place. In this dialect the guttural after back vowels is labialised (cp. G. auch), after front vowels it is palatalised. In the other dialects occurs the ordinary guttural with occasionally a different vowel-sound. After a high-front- narrow and a high-back-narrow-round a simple guttural also occurred in Southern Scotch. From ah — auivcht (1. b. w. -F h. b. n. r., A.S. dhte), ah — leawch ' low ' (m. f. n., long) and hvnvch ; from eoh — fcBycht (1. f w.), eah — cpycht ; from ih — ncycht (m. f. w.) ; from oh — dowchter (m. b. w.), oh — soivcht \ from oh also leuwch 'laughed' (m. f. n. r., A.S. hloh) ; from uh — riavch ' rough ' (m. b. n.). eag — Scotch ey ' eye ' has in south the value mid-front- wide -H high-front-narrow, in other dialects it is written ee, and has the value high-front-narrow (long). ug — buw ' bend' with value mid-back-narrow -f- high-back- narrow-round in south, elsewhere it has the value high-back- narrow-round. yg — drye with value lovv-back-wide -I- high-front-narrow. Round Relations in English. 277 The sound heard here is the nearest Scotch equivalent to EngHsh long /. Anglo-Saxon consonants, their passage to, and repre- sentation in, Modern English, will now be the subject of some remarks. b : A.S. b occurs initially. Medially and finally it appears geminated, or in the group mb. In the present language A.S. b appears as b — bind, dumb, web {bindan, dumb, ivcbb (Teut. bj)) ; as p —gossip {god- sibb). p occurs in unkempt for unkembed (cemban ' to comb,' umlaut from camb (Gk. yofj^po; ' bolt ') ). b has disappeared in oakum (acumba ' tow '). Though written it is not now pronounced in the group mb. Our b, like the Anglo-Saxon letter, is the lip-stop-voice. For developed b see under m. c : A.S. c had two values, back-stop and front-stop. It remained back before back vowels and umlauted vowels (and before consonants) — «(^;), 0, u, a (Teut. a/), 0, ?7, & (umlaut of « = Teut. ai) ; e,y, a' (umlaut ofo), y, tr (e), but was fronted before all vowels that were front before mutation began. This is apparent from the Modern English words that derive from A.S. initial c. From bac'k c — care, come, coal, cool, coiv, key, kiss, keen, clean {caru, cicman, col, col, cu, ccrge, cyssan, ceneix), cl^ne). This c was in Middle English sometimes written c, sometimes k (page 190). From fr07it c — chin, churl, cheek {ci?in, ceorl, ceoce). In Anglo- Saxon, front c was represented by c, but at the Norman Con- quest, it was, according to French (Central French) fashion represented by ch, with pretty much the sound of ch in child. In French, this sound developed into the ^/^-sound of Modern French. 278 Manual of L mguistics. Final c is represented by k — ark {earc). Final cc (some- times c) is represented by ck — cock {cocc). cw was displaced by French qu — queen (ctveti). When c followed front vowels, ch was often developed through influence of inflectional front-vowel e — ivhich, such, pitch (Jiwilc, sivylc, pic). The spelling of the last word leads one to notice that tch (M.E. cch, chch) is the regular repre- sentative of doubled c^flitch {fiicce). This sound is regularly written ch after long vowels — coach, teach {tctc{e)an). After a short vowel tch often occurs —pitch, ditch (die), but sometimes ch — rich, much, &c. After a consonant, ch is written — quench {cwencan), which, such. In these two last the consonant / is now lost. ch is sometimes voiced into ay-sound — knowledge (M.E. knoivleche), {Gree7i)ivich. It is written j in ajar (M.E. on char, A.S. on, cerr). ch has disappeared in /, every, barley, lent, made, droivn {ic, cefre, cflc, luerlic, lencten, macode). A.S. sc is usually sh (M.E. sch) in the present language ■ — -shake {sc(e)acan), fresh {fersc), but occasionally sk (by- form in ks, x) — ask (prov. ax). Note also mussel (A.S. fnuscle). It should be noticed that Northern forms exhibit k for Southern ch. Compare kirk and church, seek and beseech. The k in kn is now no longer sounded. Tht frofited k that is heard in provincial English (and in American) in words like cart is an effect that was produced by the previous stage of (aa) viz., the front (seae) (p. 21^). Compare under g. The present hard c is the back-stop-breath. The word ache might have been noticed above. There Sound Relations in English. I'jO) was an A.S. verb acan which gave in Middle English aken, and an A.S. noun cce which gave in Middle English eche. The modern word is a blending of the vowel of the verb and (as far as form goes) the ch of the noun. The noun ache once had the ^/z-sound. d : In Anglo-Saxon and Middle English instances occur of the loss of sonancy that is seen in our dwelt for divelled. Of course A.S. d appears now as d. It also appears as / — reft, ivont, leant, tilt ' canvas covering ' {rcafode, gewunod, hhende, teld) ; and as tlz (voiced), when preceded by a vowel and followed by r — -father, mother, gather, weather, hither {feeder, Dwdor, gcedrian, weder, hider). Assimilation occurs in winnoiv, gossip {jvindivian, godsibU), .^has disappeared in tine ' tooth of a harrow,' lime, woodbine^ wanion, answer, gospel {tind, Hud, tvuduhind, formerly waniand {tvane, part, taken for noun), ondsivaru, godspell). upholsterer was once upholdster. Notice iro?i mould, once yron-mole (A.S. mdl ' spot '), and newfatigled, once neivefan- gel (A.S. fon (fangan ' to catch ') ). In words like verdure, the ^+j-sound has with some speakers passed into a was voiceless in all positions. In the Southern dialect of Middle English this letter was voiced. In the Midland and Northern dialects there was an initial and final breath sound possibly inherited fron> the Anglian. As to the orthography, \ gradually ousted 5, being itself replaced, in .French fashion, by ///. To the voiced sounds in the present weak the, that, they^ then, there, though, and with, there were opposed in Middle English the breath sounds of strong forms. In Scotch the th of though and ivith is a breath sound. In the present language th when initial except in the above words is a breath sound. Finall)', it is also breathed (except in ivith, and the vbs., viouth, bequeath, smooth) — loath, ._ breath, bath. To these are opposed the voiced sounds ia loathe, breathe, bathe. The voiced sound is due to the fact that these words were intervocaUc in Middle English. In certain plurals in ths the tli is said to be voiced (not in Scotch) — baths, cloths, mouths, truths, oaths, paths, laths., wreaths. The /// of some words, owing to a weathering of terminations, is now final, with consequent change from voice th to breath th — earth, beneath. A.S. S is of course represented by th in Modern English. It is also represented by / — stalwart, lest, sight, eyot, nostril, husting{s) {stcelwier^e, ^y lies ^e, gesihtS, ega^, nos^ryl, hus- hing) ; and by d^cou{l)d (c/i^e) (see A.S. u). It is after r, and before r and /, that d usually appears — burden, murder, afford, spider (M.E. spither), rudder, swaddle, fiddle {byr'SeUy myr'^ra7i, {ge)for'5ian, spifSre, rot5or, swe^el, fiSele). For ex- amples of assimilation take lissom (lithesome), Surrey, Sound Relations in English. 281 Sussex, Suffolk (Ti^e, Su'^rige, Su^-Seaxan, Su'S-folc). "S has also dropped — wrist, worship, Nonvich, sin{ce), or {wrist for 7cirii5st, from 7vrl^au), weoriSscipe, Nor'^ivic, si'^^an, dhwce'Ser). Note wrath and moth (wne^^o, niOiSiSe). The //^-sound has, as in Anglo-Saxon, two values, the point-teeth- open-breath and the point-teeth-open-voice. f : A.S. / represents Teut. / and z: It was voiced between vowels, and after r or / followed by a vowel. Probably it was also voiced finally, and perhaps initially, except in the Northern dialect. This seems to be Sweet's conclusion. Sievers speaks of initial surdness. /in Gothic was a breathed letter. It was i> there that medially after vowels had the sound of v. / was and would remain breathed in combinations \[ke/s,/t, ff. In the Southern dialect of Middle English /was voiced. It was written v initially, and medially, but not finally, because confusion with vocalic u would have ensued. To avoid confusion / is also written before voiced letters. French words, however, being introduced later, kept their breathed/ In the Midland and Northern dialects there was an initial and final breath/ possibly inherited from the Anglian. The present voicing and breathing in weak ^and strong off (both A.S. 0/) would naturally exist in Middle English. / is now pronounced everywhere when written, even between vowels, as in wi/e and /i/e. 0/a.nd its compounds, whcre-of, &c., are exceptions. Certain words that had v in Middle English we now write with/ — belief, sheriff. A.S. /appears in Modern English ^% f— father, deaf, wolf, fifty, chafer {feeder, deaf ivulf fiftig, ceafor; as ff- — staff {stcef) ; as v (between vowels very common) — cove, raven y 282 Manual of L ingidstics. harvest, wolves {cofa, hrcefn, hcerfest, wuifas). In Northern Scotch the /-sound is to be heard in certain intervocalic plurals — wyffis. Only a few words appear in English with Southern initial V — va?ie, vat, vixen, vinewed * mouldy ' {/ana, fcst, fyxen, fynegod, p. p. oifynegian ' to become mouldy '). For examples of vocalisation take hawk, ?iezvt (page 222), auger {hafoc, cfete, nafogdr). f has been assimilated in lamnias {hldfiiuvsse). It has been dropt in lord, lady, head, anent, anthem, stem {hldford, hhefdige, heafod, on efen, antefn, stefn {stemn) ). Our /is, as was the A.S. voiceless/ the lip-teeth-open- breath. g : As in the case of c, A.S. g was kept a back consonant before back and umlaut vowels (and before consonants), but fronted before vowels that were front before umlaut operated. This is proved by the spelling of the following modern words deriving from A.S. initial g. From back g — gold, goat, gild, geese, glad {gold, gat, gyldan, ges (a-), glcEd). From front g^yield, yarn, yellotv {geldan, gearn, geolu). Many modern words have g where y was to be expected. This is due to the fact that they are Norse words — girth ; or Northern forms — give (Ch. yiven), get ; or to the fact that the back g of other forms has ousted the front g — begin (with g from begatm). Different vowels in cognate forms may also yield different results — gate from A.S. plu. gatu, yate (Northern) from A.S. sing, gcj^t. Note also the representation of hard g by gu and gh, as in guest and ghost. The back stop occurred finally in ng. This is borne out by modern words — sing, long (A.S. singan, lang (o)). Also Sound Relations in English. 283 in 0:1; after unmutated vowelsy>'r;ri,7? * frog,' doc^a ' dog.' But when 71}:; or q:; (doubled ^^'•=Teut. ,5,7) was preceded by an umlaut vowel the ^;^ was front-stop, as in A.S. scngan, brycg. The nc; and eg have here developed into the sounds heard in modern singe and bridge. According to Sweet A.S. g represented four sounds, two stop and two open, with a back and front variety in each. Sievers holds that A.S. g was an open rather than a stop sonant. Teut./ was levelled under open g. Initially, in Anglo-Saxon, g was either the open or stop variety. Uninitial g was an open consonant either front or back ; front-open before Teut. /, j^folgian, and when an open g after a front vowel was final or followed by a front vowel — dccg, dceges ; back-open when preceded by a back vowel {r or / may come between) either finally or medially — trog^ genog, burg. This g was later on unvoiced to h. It was also back-open though preceded by a front vowel, if a back vowel followed. Front-open and back-open ^i,"- were often assimilated by succeeding breaths and written h. They are dropped after front vowels when followed by the voice letters c>, ;/, d — sccde for scegde. Front g is dropped in "4'' — sthvard for stigtveard. In Middle English, front g became everywhere 5 — we now write y — except in ng and eg preceded by umlaut vowel, e.g., M.E. sengen, brigge (A.S. saiga n, bryeg). The symbol g was used to denote the sound heard in these words. g of course represented the stop g. French soft ^^ was also written g, but when initial usually/. In the Ormulum, back-open g was written 5/;. Initial 5 (Teut./ ) has dropped off (sometimes in Middle English) — {ie)ie/e, if, iteh (A.S. {Js)giec/, gif, giee{e)an). 284 Mamtal of Linguistics. Initial 5 (Teut. g) has sometimes had the same fate— enough (M.E. inoh, A.S. genoh), yclept {geckopod). Compare handkvork ijiatidgeweorc). Examples of the vocalisation of g after vowels have occured in the vowel lists. By way of recapitulation one example will now be given of each occurrence. Examples, saw (sagu) slain, rain, may (sla;gen, regen, mjeg) nine, many, honey (nigon, manig, hunig) rye, tie (ryge, tyge) bow (boga) sow (sugu) own (agen) clay, grey, neigh (clivg, grteg, hnKgan) eye, lye (cage, leag) lie, fly (leogan, fleogan) hie, friday (higian, frige-daeg) woo (wogian) bow (bfigan) dry (dryge) Note also the vocalisation of g after r — morrow (A.S. morgen). Note also the transformation of ^t,^ in these — henchman (A.S. hengest-inann ' horseman '), orchard (A.S. ort-geard). g before // is not now sounded. The fronted g that is heard in provincial English (and in American) in words like garden is an effect that was pro- duced by the previous stage of (aa), viz., the front (aeae) (p. 214). Compare under c. The present hard g is the back-stop-voice. h : A.S. 1i had three values — throat-open, back-open, front- A.S. Mod. E. ag aw seg eg ai, ay ig i. y> ey yg ye, ie og ow ug ow ag ow aeg ay, ey, ei eag ye eog ie, y ig ie, i 6g 00 ug ow yg y Sotind Relations in English. 285 open. Initially and medially before a vowel it was a mere Ijreath. JNIedially and finally it was the back-open or front- open according as a guttural or palatal vowel preceded. Before / in /// it was the front-open (see Chap. VIII., under i). In Middle P^nglish, it dropped from weak {]i)it in the Mid- land and Northern dialects. It was also dropped in initial /;/-, ///, hn. hw was kept and sometimes written wh (lip- back-open). In the North it became the rounded back- open, a sort of labialised guttural. This was written qiih {qu). Medially and finally, it was in Middle English either the rounded back-open, or the front-open, according to the character of the preceding vowel. In writing it was ex- pressed by h, 3, and finally by gh (page 192). On the addition of an e, h became 7v. In the Modern Period, initial h was dropped very gener- ally in speech, but its retention in writing, and the influence of Scotch and Irish speakers of English have led to its resuscitation in speech. It is even now sounded in many French words where it was originally mute. Medially and finally, it has now either the sound of^^ or is mute. A.S. h appears in Modern English as // — ///// (A.S. hyH), &c.; as 7vh (when follows) — ivho/e (A.S. /idl). Medially and finally, it appears as gh — night, brought, taught, tough, laughter, dzvarf {tiiht, brohte, tcehte, toh, hleahtor, dtveorh). Most of these have been mentioned in the vowel-lists, and may be found from the index. A.S. hr, hi, hn appear as r, I, n, in their modern descen- dants — rime, lord, tiit {Jirim, hi a ford, h?iitu). A.S. hzu ap- pears as 7vh — who (hzvd). Initial 7t>h is not always to be carried back to hzc. For example zchit and zvhelk are to be 286 Ma nual of L ingu is tics. referred to A.S. tviht and iviloc. Notice the disappearance of h in fee, lea, not {nought), wassail {feoh, leak, Jidht, was heel). Our h is the throat-open-breath. 1 : A.S. / disappears in many words — much, such, each, tvhich, 7veiich, bad, England, spot {/nycel, stvylc, ielc, hwilc, ivencel, bceddel sb. ' effeminatus,' Etigle-lmd, sploti). An intrusive d appears between / and r in alder {air). I is_now dropped in the pronunciation of many words — half, calf walk, folk, yolk, should, would, &c. Our / is, like the Anglo-Saxon letter, the point-side-voice. XD.'. A b (now silent) attaches itself to this letter- — thutnb, crumb, numb, limb {puma, cruma, ge?tufnen, lini). Between in and /, m and r, d^ b \?> commonly developed — thimble, shamble{s), slumber {pymel, scamol ' stool,' slumerian). A p- also sometimes appears between m and / — empty {cemtig). Compare glimpse (M.E. glimsen). Notice ant from amte (A.S. ^mete), and compare account from accompte. Emmet also occurs. Our m is, like the A.S. m, the lip-nasal-voice. n : A.S. ;/ has disappeared in these — game, holly, penny ^ mistletoe, eleven {gamen, hole{g)n, paii?ig, mistel-tdn, end- Info?/). Compare auger and adder which have both lost initial n {nceddre, nafogdr). A d sometimes attaches itself to this letter — lend, pound, round ' whisper,' bound ' ready to go,' horehound {hoarhound) {Idnan, puniaji, runian, Norse buin, hdrehune). This sound is developed between 71 and r, n and / — thunder, kindred, spindle, divindle {^unor, cynrceden, spinel, dw'man). For examples of assimilation take dross, ell {drosn, eln). n is intrusive in nightingale (A.S. nihte gen., gale 'singer'). Sound Relations in Enclish. 287 «!> Compare messenger, passenger, bitterti had no // in Middle English (l)itoiir). It is French in origin. The 71 in 7iewf (A.S. efete) and nickna7ne (an eke7iame) has got attached in the sentence life of the words, and comes from the article a7i. Compare 7i07ice where the 71 comes from the dative of definite article (A.S. 5<7w, (5J«)). Chaucer has for the no72es. Note wi7tiple (A.S. ivinpel), he/np (A.S. h(C7iep). Peri- winkle ' winkle ' is from A.S. pinewi7icla. Our 71 is, like the A.S. n, the point-nasal-voice. p : Besides appearing as /, A.S. / appears as b — lobster, pebble, cob{T.veb) {loppestre, papol, dttor-coppe (]\I.E. attercop * spider'). The last word is to be heard in Scotch as netter- cap, with inorganic n, as in netvt. For example of assimilation take chaffer, a verb formed from a substantive (M.E. chaffare, A.S. ceap 'purchase, faru ' journey '). Our/, like the Anglo-Saxon letter, is the lip-stop-breath. For developed p see under /;/. r : A.S. r was a full point-open-voice as in Scotch. In the commentary on the vowel lists the effect of r on preced- ing vowels has often been alluded to. It has been seen that even in Middle English it broadened vowels into a. It is a sound that has always favoured the generation of vowel sounds before it. Compare the Anglo-Saxon breaking before r -)- consonant. Later on, in the Modern Period, e, i, 71 followed by r were levelled by its influence under obscure vowel 3. Long vowels, too, suffered broadening. In the present Standard language, r, except before a vowel, 288 Manual of L ingtL is tics. is a mere voice-glide. As such it is heard finally, and before a consonant. Even this is sometimes merged in the preceding vowel. A.S. r often suffers metathesis. Many instances have appeared in the vowel-lists. Additional examples are — grass, cress, fresh, ivright, third {gcers, cerse, fersc, wyrhta, "Sridda). It has disappeared in speak speech (i\.S. sprecan, sprclc later specan, spar). r is inserted in bridegroom (A.S. bryd-guma). paddock is from A.S. pearroc ' park,' bass (the fish) from A.S. beers. s : A.S. .f between vowels or vocalic sounds was voiced. Initially, there was probably fluctation. Finally, it was pro- bably voiced in West-Saxon. Naturally it was and would remain a breath-sound in combinations like st, ss, &c. The Gothic s was voiceless. In Middle Enghsh, s was voiced in all positions in the Southern dialect. When initial, and before a vowel, it was written z in certain texts. Sometimes, medially and finally, z was written, but generally s represented the voiced as well as the voiceless letter. The s of French words was not voiced. The voicing was over. These would reinforce the hissed s. ss was sometimes, owing to French influence, written sc. And later on in Middle English, ce was, after French habits, used to denote a final hissed s. In the Modern Period sc in some words replaced s initially — in sce^/f, scite, scititatio7i and in the native scythe. It has remained in the first and last words. Sound Relations in English. 289 In Middle English there would exist strong hissed forms of is, his, was, has, along with the then developing and now prevalent weak buzzed forms. In the Midland and Northern dialects there was an initial and final breath s, possibly inherited from the Anglian. In Modern English initial s has always the hissed sound. Plural s, and the s in weak syllables generally (unless follow- ing surd letters) have buzzed sounds. Emphatic mono- syllables like geese have a hissed s. Compare the hiss heard in the substantives house mouse, with the buzz heard in the verbs house and mouse. When house is made into plural houses the first s becomes buzzed. Not so in Scotch. There the plural has its first s a hiss, as in the singular. The second s is of course a buzz. The buzzed sound of medial and final s is not always in- dicated by the spelling. This is done in tvheeze, freeze, hazel, &c. Compare the alternation of buzz and hiss in graze and grass, brazen and brass, glaze and glass, glazier has had its buzz fronted to voiced sh. rise and choose have a buzzed s. The s here was intervocalic, rose and chose have also the buzzed letter. The s here was final in Middle English. The infinitives helped them to the buzz. The s in wise (A.S. wts^ is buzzed. The s would be intervocalic in the in- flectional forms. In Scotch, wise has a hissed s. Notice the buzz and hiss in words like exert and exercise. In the first the s comes between an unaccented and an ac- cented vowel, in the second between an accented and un- accented. A.S. 5- appears in Modern English as s — sun, thirst, kiss {suniie, ^yrst, cyssan) ; as ce — ice, mince, mice (Is, minsian, mys) ; T 290 Mamtal of L ingti is tics. as z — adze, hazel, dizzy {adese, hcBsel, dysig) ; as c/i- — linch- (pin) {fynes 'axle-tree'); as sh — she (seo). A.S. seo in its weak form shifted stress to second element. The s with the indistinct first element of the diphthong passed to sj and then to i-/z-sound. She takes its present shape and sound from a blending of the initial consonant of the weak form with the vowel of the strong. Compare the modern change of s in suf'e into i'//-sound. jr^' has become s in a/ms (A.S. (s/messe). alms is a singu- lar like eaves (x\.S. efes). Contrast bodice which really is a plural, equalling bodies, st has given ss in blossom (A.S. blostm). s has sometimes changed places with the preced- ing consonant — ivasp, hasp (A.S. waps, hapse). s drops in some words — burial, riddle, paddle (A.S. byrgels, rcvdels, spadii). Pea is a manufactured singular from M.E. pese i^dX^x pease) {A.'$). pisa, V,. pisujti). x has been foisted into island (M.E. Hand, A.S. iglatid) from the analogy of the French isle. Notice {be)hest and hoarse (A.S. h^s, has). Our hissed s is, Hke the A.S. hissed 5-, the blade-open- breath. t: A.S. /, besides appearing as f, sometimes shews voic- ing — proud, pride {prut, pryte). It also appears as th — swarth{y), anthem {sweart, atitefn). lath is from A.S. Icett. bless (A.S. bletsian, umlaut from blod) is an example of assimilation. / has disappeared in these — anvil, gorse, best, last, Essex, Sussex {anfilte, gorst, bejst, latost, East-Seaxan, West- Seaxan). Compare ado for at-do. t is often attached to words in s, perhaps owing to the in- Sound Relations in English. 291 fluence of the termination st — against, amongst, 7vhUst, {whiles), behest, earnest sb. (M.E. ernes'). Tlie s in against, &c., is an adverbial suffix representing an original genitive case. / is also attached in anent (A.S. anejn). In words like nature, the Z+j^-sound has with some speakers passed to / + i-//-sound. See under d. t when preceded by s and f, and followed by /, n, ni, is dropped in pronunciation (not always in Scotch) — castle, fasten, christmas. In words like milch and bench, the /-sound is being dropt. Our / is, like the A.S. /, the point-stop-breath. w : A.S. w, when final, is after consonants often vocalised to 71(0) — geolu. It is vocalised and forms a diphthong with the preceding originally short vowel — treo cnco. The w is here often added, taken as it is from the oblique cases, ive and zva after / and r appear in Modern English as ow — swallotv, yellozv, arrow, sparrow {swealwe, geolwe plu., ar(e)zve, speanva). soul, four ^xo. from A.S. saivol, feower. w has disappeared in ooze, root vb., lisp, lark, thong, fret, so {wos, wrotan {wrdt ' snout '), wlisp adj., Idiverce, ^zvong, frcetwan, stvd). The w in answer, sword, though written, is not pronounced. In ansiver, the w is in the unaccented syllable, iv in the combination ivr is now silent. The combination ivh has in Southern English the same sound as w. In Modern English, as in Anglo-Saxon, w is the lip-back- open-voice. X : A.S. X remains — axe {cex). INDEX. (The numbers refer to pages. Only the Greek, Latin, Anglo-Saxon, linglish, and German words have been indexed. The English words occurring in Chapters VIII. and IX. have a separate index.) -a, 70 dyere, 26, 27 a7tos, 42, 45 ayvv/xi, 16 dypds, 25, 95 dyx^, 42 a7xw, 63 ddeXcpos, 77 dd^vos, 98 ddTjf, 98 ddriv, 121 dedXos, 27 d^Kw;', 1 14 d^vT-, III, 112 di-0/j.ai, 42, 45 (XTj^t, 28, 29, III, 112 'Adrjua^e, 63 dOpoos, 122 ala, 42 a{^w, 33, 77, 143 aiVoXos, 99 dicTTOs, 85 aiTLOS, 79 at'xM^, 114 aitij', 47 aKfjuov, 22 (XK'OyW, 56, 103 'AKpdyas, I20 aKpiTos, 59 d/CWK')?, 121 aKdiv, 114 d\el(poj, 167 dXts, 121 dXXos, 41 Greek. Ujua, 68 dn^poTOi, 62, 122 dfJ-ei^o}, 102 dyttA7w, 114 d/i/xes, 70, 131 dMi;6s, 74, 99 dfiopyij, 120 dfJ. J 22 dcaa, 42 daffov, 42 -arai, 70 drep, 122 drepos, 67 -axo, 70 'ArpetSa, 1 14 'ArpfiSao, II 4 OTTO., 42 au^di'w, 114 aiipiov, 115 ai/crw, 67 ai'w, 51 aucos, 46, 115 dt, 54, 113 eljxL, 34 eivdrepes, 69 eiV(>,ut, 55 €'nr6/j.r]v, 52 eXwov, 121 etpT/zca, 121, 135 el'pw, 52 els, 67 eKarov, 15, 67, 176 eKexeipla, 90, II9 ^(C')ra7Xos, 119 eKTTodiov, 131 iKTafxev, 70 eKvpd, 179 6Ki'pds, 27, 45, 51 eXaiov, 49 iXdcrcrcov, 42 iXdrrovs, II5 eXdTTojv, 42 iXacppos, 61, 99, 113 eXaxof, 70 eXaxi'?, 42, 61, 99, ICO, 106 eX67e, 123 iXevdepos, 36 eXLTres, lOI eXLirov, TOO eXuos, 27, 47 eX/vW, 67, 98, 139 eXTTO}, 117 ep-eiva, 56 efievva, 56 eixiyev, ill W', 54. "3 e/Jifj.ope, 121 efioXov, 62. 122 6>oO, 131 e/jLTTifnrXa/j.ei', 66 epLTTodwi', 131 V, 26 Index. 295 e faros, 131 tveyKeiv, 27 eVei/xa, 55 ^vefj./j.a, 55 evda, 25 ewot, 122 ivvia, 47, 70, 121 eVveTre, lOl, 1 04 'ivvvni, 45, 55, 92 evos, 122 ?)/oy, 122 e't, 48, 121 (^ai^vrjs, II4 e^(X7roi)S, 135 i^v-rrepde, 57, 122 -eiT-, 70 ?VT0S, 74 fope?, 50 eds, 47 eoiKa, 121 eTreo, 30, 10 1 eTreai, 56 eTreercri, 56 eVi, 74, 120 eTTijSSdi, 152 eviaKOTros, I18 eVoMaf, 19, 51, 52 eVos, 97 eTrpL6.fj.-qv, 98 firrdf'zj, 67, 76, 118, eirvdofxrjv, 177 eP7<"', 43. 90 o5o5, 73 exO'Sou, 69, 98 e'xri'OJ, 95 e'xw, 90 ew, 52 ewpuv, 112 ews, 115 ^ipedpov, 99 ZeO Trarep, 112 Zeus, 37, 40, III f^w, 45 Z^<', 47 ^vyov, 32, 4S fi'M^. 54 fwv??, 55 ^«, 52 77660, 52 Tjdecn, 130 ij5op.aL, 54 ^St'^s, 48, 77 ^Atos, 36, 115 •^t6leos, 31, 83 7jKL(rTa, 41 ^^at, 131 •^/Ae??, 52, 70, 131 TJuepa, 122 TJ^'-. 51 rjfj.(pUcrixaL, 54 riP-cplearai, 54 ^^ 135 Tfvdov, 61 •)70Lis, 115 ^Trap, 43, 65. 98, 132 Tjaaojv, 41 iflTTWV, 41 7;cis, 46 Oavetv, 70 dapp^w, 60 dapcreu}, 60 ^apcrcyoj, 119 Bedfws, 80 ^e(;'w, 83, 97,99 OeoTTpowos, 60, 90 0ep/j.6s, 19, 96 ^erds, 143 d-qaw, 28 ^^\us, 83 e57p, 99 dijadai, 83 dXilSu, 74 -6IX0-, 83 OoXepos, 49 epaiiw, 35 -V-> 83 dvOCTKOOS, 38, 56, 103 eupa, 32, 165 ^iz/ids, 143 iSet;', 87, 138 iSto), 43 idfiev, 118 Z5os, 48 idpws, 48 ifp6s, 133 'Iepo(r6Xi'/xa, 133 i'fw, 138 ifT7;Cit, 90, 121 idapds, 143 'i/xepos, 121 '^os, 57 foME^ 135 iTTTrea, 1 12 Itttt^ws, 112 'tTTTTOtS, 35, III I'ttttos, 48, 90, 100 i's, 31 rcT^t, 58, 78, 79 iadfios, 83 ?(TTE, 118 'i(TTr]fJ.i, 121, 167 icTTOS, 173 tVaXrfs, 79 tw/^ei', 135 KttXcDs, 123 /cdpa, 53, 64 296 Index. Kap8la, 65, 120 KapKivos, 60 Kapwos, 97 KapraWo^, 59, 96 KCKTcrvoj, 42, 43, 44 KaTTiju, 42 K^dpos, 120 Keirai, 45 K^K\o 38, 56, 103 Ko'7X'7, 21, 106 KOlKlWo}, 35 KOKKV^, 97 /coXwvds, 61 KOOt, 30 Kopi?, 49 /cocr/cuX/xdrta, 121 Koipi), 49 Kpadi-T], 65, 120 Kpalvw, 97 Kparvs, 86 Kp-qwls, 60 KpiKOS, 94 KpvpSrjv, 118 KpVTTTU}, 118 KTavelv, 70 KTeLvu}, 41, 113 Krivvui, 113 KV^epvav, 120, 171 /cu/cXos, 19, 98 KVITTU), 74 Kvados, 58 ATUTOS, 21, 94 KVWV, 91 Kunnj, 100 KiJjpa, 49 Xaos, 34 XetTTW, 98 Xe^X'^) 61, 92 \eXoyxa, "JO XiovTa, 135 Xe'xos, 96 Xewi/, 134, 135 XW^^., 54 Xi-yupos, 32 X^Tra, 167 XiTTvpla, 119 Xd/ce, 125 Xi^/cov, 123 XiJkos, 67, 98, 124, 125 fxadelv, 83 peVs, 27, 92 p.6^1/, 78 p.€i5idoij, 54 fiel^'ovos, 127 p.ei^ovs, 127 ^eifw, 52 fiel^ojv, 127 /xe/x/3XwKa, 62, 122 Mffo"-. 53 fxecrrjfMJBpta, 122 p.eaos, 42, 61 p.ecFcro's, 42 ixerd, 182 fX7]Kiri, 131 M^»"7, 29, III ^(tt, 123 fjiiyviifiL, 91 Mtff^ds, 58, 87, 113, 173 p,^'a, 114 MJ^do^ai, 73, 99 yudXi/3os, 63 p.dXii/35os, 63 fiopyvvfjii, 114 fiop/jLoXi'iTTo/xai, 59 p.6pp.opos, 59 pLOp/J.Vp(j}, 121 MI'Xt?, 30 MI'S, 33 fivarripiov, 1 33 fiQvv^, 123 ^^aDs, 36 v^Kvs, 149 "^Atos, 139 I'eM'^, 27, 139 j/eos, 27, 63 v^TToBes, 72 vifppos, 99 J/eo;, 28, 55 j'ecD;', 112 y^ay, 70 vrjTrios, 48 ;'777r(;rios, 48 j'Tjcrcra, 69, 86 j'/fw, 42 vlirrpov, 19 vLtttuj, 42 vt'^a, 102 vvKTa, 118 j-i^t, 30> 103 vuds, 52, 55 ydx^' 6X??j', 1 18 ^t0oy, 57 67/cos, 30 o5/i4 54, 82, 1 14 65ofT-, 68 656?, 82, 131 d5o(;s, 132 5fo9, 87 oI5a, 87, 124, 138 olSe, 40, 124 oi'/cot, 126 oTkos, 88 oti/^, 47 orj/os, 47 o'iofiai, 64 otos, 47 6'ts, 47, 115 oZo-^a, 79, 106, 173, 182 o^w^'ds, 30, 64 OKTlb, 29, 78 SXk'os, 67, 139 oWvfju, 61 dXoXi'fw, 32 6X0S, 49, 113 Index. 297 bfiix^w, 95, 114 o>Mci, 73. lOl Ofj.bp'/vvfjiL, 114 6fi^aj, 53 pvop.a.1, 1 14 /Diio-ts, 53 a^€vvvp.i, 58 a-^jSofiai, 74 ff€p.v6s, 74 creOe, 42 (TKairdvy], 1 68 cKiiTTOixai, 73 crKid, 94 aKirpos, 57 aKoirebi, 73 ap,€pSa\eos, 54 cnrapvbs, 56 o-TTft'Sw, 37, 57 (T7r^Xii7^, 120 (TttiSt^s, 82 aTr\-qv, 54 (TTTOl/OTJ, 37 crrdirts, 143 o-raris, 143 crT^7w, 123, 149 o-Tei'xw, 96 298 Index. aTif/.jiu. 80 arifKpvXov, 80 aropw/xi, 112 ffTpibvVVfXl, 112 arpwrbs, 66 (TV, 79, 119 (T(pdXK(j}, 106 a(p6yyos, 123 trXTjcrw, 90 trX'fw, 78, 82, 106 "ZiaKpaTrj. 134 ^^w'v'pa.TTj;', 134, 135 ZwKpdTr]S, 135 TciXayTOJ', 67 rafxelv, 70 rar/,^ 1 1 5, 1 24 Ta!'!y7Xu;(T(roj, 68 Tdo-is, 139 Tarbs, 15, 70 ravpos, 114 rduip, 115 re, 15, 96 redyjTi, 80, 1 19 Tedfjios, 80 TedpLTTirov, 79 TfiVw, 15, 77, 139 Terxoj, 79, 119 TeK/xijacTa, 1 14 reKTwv, 91 reXcrot', 61 re/uvw, 15 reds, 47 T€pcro/xai, 60 T€Tpo/3w, 74 165 fulvus, 103 fundo, 52, 93 fundus, 73 funebris, 53 funestus, 53 fungus, 123 funus, 53 fur, 31 fusus, 52, 56 gaudeo, 36, 112 gavisus, 112 gelu, 103 gemma, 27 gener, 118 generis, 52, 1 81 genu, 95, 165 genu in us, 50, 132 genus, 89 gerebam, iSl gero, 82 gessi, 56 gigno, 121 gilbus, 49 gilvus, 49, 50, 103 glaber, 83 glans, 102 glocire, 94 gluten, 35 gradus, 87, lOO, 177 granien, 92 granum, 66, 95 gravis, 64, 98, 131 gressus, 56 gubernare, 17 1 giiberno, 120 gula, 67. 102 gurges, 65 gurgulio, 119, 121 gusto 32, 36, 90 gutta, 165 habeo, 92, 172 habet, 106 haedus, 33, 95 haesi, 56 hariolus, 92 haruspex, 92 hasta, 58, 82, 165 baud, 120 hausi, 52 haut, 120 hedus, 33 hei, 34 helvus, 49, 50, 103 hemo, 68, 90 -hend-, 70 hcrba, 74, 165 heri, 42, 43 hcu, 36 hibernus, 59 bienis, 90 hoc, llS homines, 118 homo, 68, 90 homuUus, 61 honor, 130 honos, 130 hordeum, 58 horior, 64 hortor, 64 hortus, 92 hospes, 30, 117 humerus, 121 humilis, 122 humus, 90, 131 idem, 58 idus, 143 ignarus, 90, 122 ignis, 69 ignosco, 90, 122 ilico, 30, 63 ille, 81 illis, 112 in, 26, 68 incendere, 133 incertus, 59 incinere, 133 includo, 35 inclytus, 78, 89 inde, 25 indu, 32 infensus, 83 ingens, 90 inguen, 99 inquam, 104 inquilinus, 98 inquiro, 33 insece, loi insectiones, 10 1 insequc, lOl, 104 insexit, loi insilio, 25 insulto, 25 inter, 64 intus, 26 302 Index. ipse, 8i is, 8i, 124 istarum, 115 iste, 81 isti, 34 istiul, 81 istum, 78 iter, 131 itineris, 131 janitrices, 69 Janus, 122 jecur, 43, 65, 98, loi, 132 Jovis, 43 jubeo, 83 juga, 124 jugum, 32, 45 Jupiter, 122 Juppiter, 112 jus, 54, 83 jussi, S3 juvencus, 50, 91 juvo, 49 labium, 72, 77 lac, 122, 123 lacrima, 32, 82 lacruma, 32 laena, 122 lambo, 72 lana, 46, 47, 67, 122 langueo, 54, 123 largus, 67, 97 lassus, 82 latus. Si, 122 legito(d), 123 leo, 134 levir, 82 levis, 34, 61, 99, 102, liber, 36 libet, 32, 77 liceri, 118 Ijen, 54, 92 lingo, 61, 92 lingua, 68, 92 linguo, 92 linquis, lOI linquo, 98, 104, 106 liquiritia, 122 lis, 54, 81 litera, 112 littera, 112 locus, 54, 81 longinquus, 98 lubet, 32, 77 lucrum, 119 lucus, 37 luna, 55 lupum, 123 lupus, 67, 98 maereo, 33 magis, 92 magnus, 27, 92 major, 92 majora, 52 majores, 115 malus, 82 mancipium, 25 mancupium, 25 mari(d), 123 marmor, 119 Marpor, 117 Matuta, 34 medius, 43, 61 medix tuticus, 26 meio, 95 mel, 123 membrum, 53 mendax, 182 mens, 149 mensis, 56 mentiri, 182 meopte, 117 mergo, 78 mergus, 58 migro, 102 mihi, 92 milia, 68 miluus, 32 milvus, 31 mina, 114 Minerva, 53 mingo, 95, 114 ministerium, 133 mirus, 54 misceo, 91 misi, 56 mola, 30 momordi, 107 moneam, 1 1 6 moneo, 43, 116, 149 monete, 116 monile, 30 monstrum, 2>T) mordeo, 54, 123 morior, 122 mors, 64 mortuus, 30 mulgeo, 1 14 mulsi, 91 murmur, 121 mus, 2,1, muto, 35 nanciscor, 27 naris, 53, 181 narro, 91, 122 nascor, 52, 91 nasus, 52 natus, 122 naufragus, 112 naves, 70 navis, 36 navus, 91 nebrundines, 99, 103 nee, loi nefrones, 99, 103 nemo, 92, 116 nempe, loi nemus, 139 neo, 112 nepos, 73 neptis, 73 neque, loi neu, 117 neve, 117 nex, 149 nidus, 31, 58, 109, 113, 173 ninguit, I02 niter, 102 nivem, 102 nix, 123 nixus, 91 nobis, 58 noceo, 149 I noctibus, 26 ' nodus, 30 Index. 303 nomen, 70 nongenti, 91 nosco, 91, 122 novem, 47, 70 novis, 27, 63 nox, 30, 103 nudus, 102 nuncupo, 63 nundinae, 49 nuntius, 117 nuper, 117 nurus, 51, 52, 55 nutrix, 119 ob, 74, 118, 120 obedio, 35 obsessus, 27 obsideo, 26 obtineo, 74 octavus, 38 octo, 29, 89 oculus, loi, 105 odor, 82, 144 offendimentum, 27 offendix, 80, 87, 177 offendo, 97 oleo, 82 oleum, 49 oloes, 35 olivum, 49 omnes, 118 omnis, 75, I18 omitto, 54 -onsus, 70 operio, 74 opes, 118 opilio, 74 ops, 75 orbus, 74 OS, 81, 123 ostendo, 75 -osus, 70 oves, 130 ovis, 47 paciscor, 90 paenitet, 33 palus, 91 pango, 91 parcus, 56 paro, 25 parra, 33 parreie, 33 parricidiuni, 33 pasco, 91 pastum, 91 pateo, 27, 165 pater, 17, 138 patres, 130 paucus, 35 paulus, 35, 59 paxillus, 91 peccare, 118 pecco, 81 pecto, 94 pecu, 125 pecus, 104 pedem, 152 pelegrinus, 59 penna, 27, 55, 81, 132 peregrinus, 59 perendie, 62 perna, 51, 55, 74 pernix, 51 pertica, 1 20 pertingo, 120 pes, 81, 118 peto, 72 piaclum, 119 pictura, 88 pilum, 63 pinguis, 92 pinso, 56, 74 placeo, 91 placo, 91 plaustrum, 35 plostrum, 35 pluit, 27 plumbum, 63 pluralis, 1 19 plus, 34 poculum, 1 14 polleo, 66 polliceri, 118 Pollux, 117 por, 118 porous, 91 porrum, 52, 59 portus, 66 posco, 60, 89, 91 postulo, 91 potis, 30, 119 prae, 33, 49, 60 praebeo, 92, 116 praeco, 49 praeda, 98, 123 praelum, 28 praestigiae, 60 precor, 60, 76, 89 prehendo, 33, 98 prchcnsus, 122 prelum, 28, 54 prendo, 92 prensus, 122 primus, 54 princeps, II7 Procilius. 107 procax, 60 Proculus, 107 procus, 90 promo, 116 promus, 116 prope, loi prorsus, 117 -pte, 81 puer, 49 pulcer, 91 pulcher, 91 pumex, 123 pupugi, 107 puleo, 33 quadra, 120 (juadrans, 117 quaere, 33 quaeso, 52 quam, 62 quamdiu, 62 quartus, 48, 81 quattuor, 104, 105 (|uatuor, 48 ((ue, 15, 96 ([ucrcus, 65 f|uerquerus, 121 c|uicquam, 81 quldquam, 81 quin, 117 Quinctius, 41 quinque, 26, 104 (^uintius, 41 304 Index. quippe, loi quiritare, i68 quis, 1 8, 19, 100 quispiam, loi quisquiliae, 12 1 quod, 124 quom, loi radix, 47 rado, 82 rallum, 82 ramentum, 82 recte, 167 recupero, 25 rectus, 86 red-, 32 rego, 117 rei, 112 remus, 81 repperi, 121 reppuli, 117 res, 45 (res) reprimenda, 134 robigo, 37 rota, 85 ruber, 58, 59, 83 rubigo, 37 ructo, 97 rudis, 165 rufus, 37, 58, 83 russus, 58 Sabini, 75 sabulum, 56 saeclum, 81 saeculum, 33 salio, 25 Samninm, 75 sapio, 73 satin, 55 satus, 17 saxum, 94 scabellum, 75 scabo, 168 scala, 54, 81 scamnum, 75 scando, 54, 81 scapres, 168 scidi, 121 scindo, 78, 82, 106 se, 47 secerno, 59 secius, 41 sectius, 41 seculum, 33 secuntur, loi sedeo, 26, 60, 78, 82, sedi, 121, 138 segnis, 58 selibra, 1 17 sella, 82, 138 semel, 67, 107, 114 semen, 28, 90 senienstris, 54 semestris, 119 semi-, 51 senex, 122 seni, 55 septem, 67, 70, 76 Septimus, 70 septingenti, 91, 120 sequere, 30, loi sequitur, loi sequius, 41 sequontur, loi sequor, 19, 43, 51, loi, 104 sequuntur, loi sero, 31, 52 sesceni, 91 sesqui-, 63, 1 17 sestertius, 117 setius, 41 seu, 27, 49 sex, 48, 51, 89 siccus, 81 Sicilia, 107 Siculus, 107 sido, 58 siem, 41 sies, 41 silicernium, 60 silva, 32 silvestris, 119 simplex, 68, 1 14 simul, 68 sin, 117 sinciput, 117 singularis, 1:9 singuli, 68 singulus, 114 sirenips, 117 sirempse, 118 sisto, 121 sitis, 81 sobrinus, 53 I'^S socer, 27, 45 societas, 30 socius, 43, loi sol, 36 solium, 82 sollus, 49, iiS, 122 solum, 82 somnus, 46, 75 sons, 69 sonticus, 86 sopor, 75 sorbeo, 53 sorex, 51 soror, 48, 50, lOi specio, 73, 92 spelunca, 120 spissus, 82 spopondi, 121 spuma, 123 68. spuo, 41, 74, 77 stamen, 143 Stat, 116 statio, 143 Stella, 59 sterno, 59 sternuo, 57 steti, 121 stipendium, 119 sto, 43, 116 strata, 174 stratus, 66 striga, 60 studeo, 37, 57 suasi, Si suavis, 48, 77 sub, 74, 120, 122 subtemen, 54 subtilis, 28 sudor, 43, 48 suinus, 31 sulcus, 67 sum, 117 sumpsi, 55 sumus, 117 Index. 305 sunt, 69 suo, 42, 43, 44 super, 57, 122 surgo, 117 surimo, 1 18 susurrus, 52 suus, 47 taediinn, 81 tango, 25 Tecumessa, 114 tego, 123, 149, 165 tela, 28 templum, 122 temporis, 30 tendo, 77, 139 tenebrae, 53 teneo, 53 tentus, 70 tenuis, 49, 50, 68 tero, 59 terra, 131 tertius, 86 texQ, 91 tibi, 74 tilia, 74 logo, 149 tolero, 67 tollo, 118 tongeo, 113 tongere, 64 tone, 139 topper, 81 torreo, 60 tostus, 60 tot, 117 totidem, 117 touto, 26 tres, 34, 116 trivi, 59 trua, 65 trucidare, 119 tu, 79, 119 tuli, 67, 121 turtur, 119 tuus, 47 liber, 33, 65, 83 u(g)vidus, 102 ulcus, 27, 47 ulna, 31, 6 1 ulula, 32 umbilicus, 72 umbo, 30, 72 umeo, 102 umerus, 55 uncia, 30 uncus, 30 unda, 47 ungo, loi unguis, 21, 30, 100, 106 unguo, loi unus, y^, 47 upilio, 49 urceus, 100 urgeo, 65 urna, 100 ursus, 65, 89 uter, 80 uterus, 80 utpote, 117 valde, 117 validus, 117 vas, 27 vasuni, 181 vates, 86 vegeo, 88 veho, 54, 88, 92 velle, 61 vellus, 46, 47, 123 velum, 54, 92 Venafrum, 83 venia, 30 venio, 19, 41, 43, 50, 62, 68, loi, 122 venor, 83 ventus, 29, 66, 112 verbum, S3 vergo, 65 verres, 47 verro, 65 verto, 30, 85 verum, 62 verumtamcn, 62 vescor, loi vespa, 77, 120 vester, 30 vestigium, 96 vestio, 46 vestis, 92 veto, loi vetulus, 81 vetus, 47, 79 vexillum, 92 viceni, 63, 81 vicensimus, 81 vicus, 88 videmus, 130 viden, 55 video, 87 videre, 138 vides, 130 vidua, 31 viduus, 83 vigeo, 96 viginti, 120 vincere, 182 vir, 31, 82, 109 virus, 51 vis, 31 viscum, 57 visus, 138 vitulus, 79 vituperare, 119 vivos, 30, 47, 50, 96 vivus, loi, 122 vixi, 96 voco, 49, 97 volup, 117 volupe, 117 vorare, 98 voro, 65 vorto, 30, 85 voster, 30 vulva, 46 U 3o6 Index. abbod, I 20 ac, 113 acsian, 120 ad, 33, 77, 143 affenian, 77 alr"^ 55 ar, 44 ascian, 120 ast, 77 awa, 47 rened, 69, 86 recer, 25, 126 SgSer, 132 ajw, 47 balca, 77 ban-, 1 39 bead, 37 beadu, 165 beard, 74, 165 bece, 76 bed, 74, 83 beodan, 73 beom, 55, 131 beon, 73, 165 beorce, 65, 76 beorht, 120 beot, 116 ber, 125 beran, 27, 1 38 bere, 60, 125 berende, 78 bet, 113 biddan, 88 bindan, 27, 80, 87 birce, 76 bire5', 125 bisceop, 118 bitan, 76 blostma, 31 blovvan, 44 boc, 76, 143 bog, 89 boh, 89 botm, 73 brea, 116 brecan, 95 breht, 120 Anglo-Saxon. breotan, 82 breSer, 26 br55or, 26 briican, lOO, 108 brycg, 108 brycS, 108 buan, 73 burg, 108 byrig, 108 byrst, 60 caru, 25 ceac, 109 ceald, 100 cealf, 19, 77 cearu, 25, 109 ceas, 139, 179 cec, 109 ceole, 67, 102 ceosan, 36, 90, 1 08, 139, 179 clegan, 44 ciesS, 108 cinn, 50 clwg, 35 cnawan, 90 cneo, 95, III, 165 corn, 95 cii, 97 cuman, 50, 68, loi cumen, 105 cunnan, 90 curon, 139, 179 cu6, 90 cwen, 29 cwene, 99 cweorn, 105 cwedan, 102 cwic, 47, 96, 122 cwicu, 47 cwidu, 97 cwitJ, 99 cynn, 52, 89 cyrnel, 66 cyssan, 32, 90 dag, 79, 95 dagas, 57 dagon, 62 dagum, 62 dad, 28, 143 dage, 126 diC'l, 33 dghter, 108 deman, 31, 44, 108 dis-, 49 do, 143 dohtor, 108, 109 dol, 49 dom, 31, 108, 143 dream, 97 durran, 60 duru, 165 Sa, 78 Sa, 34 Sat, 78 (5eah, 96 Seccan, 165 0gnnan, 139 Seed, 26 Sohte, 64, 113 Sri, 34 Sridda, 86 Sgne, 62 Solian, 67 Suma, 122 tSunor, 122, 139 Swiril, 65 Synne, 50, 68 Syrst, 60 eac, 96 eacen, 96 cage, 105, 109 eahta, 29, no, 126 eald, 108 eare, 37 earm, 66, no earnian, 56 eax, 25, 57 eaxl, 54 eced, 120 |cg, 26, 44, 94 age, 109 ehi, 61 Index. 307 code, 43 gat, 95 hela, 29 eofor, 76 gealla, 103, 164 helpan, 76 Eoforwic, 76 gearn, 92 heorte, 29, 65 eoh, 48, 50 geat, 37 her, 29 eolh, no geboren, 139 h^re, 108 com, 55 gecoren, 139 hgrige, 114 eorcan{stan), 91 gellc, 112 hichra, 108 eowestrc, 119 genumen, 32, 139 hierde, 118 eovvu, 47 geoc, 32, 45 hiewS, 35 esne, 55 geolo, 50 hlaw, 90 geolu, 130 hlaf, 123 fah (hostile), 88 geong, 44, 50, 91 hIeoA'or, 78 fah (variegated), 88 geostra, 42 hliehhan, 94 fa-Cm, 165 geotan, 93, 164 hlinian, 90 fa^ger, 90, 94 gerst, 58 hlud, 78, 89, 177 fea, 35 gesewen, 181 hluttor, 87, 113 feaid, 119 (ge)teon, 104 hlystan, 38, 78 feallan, ixo gcwiss, 173 hnigon, 105 fearh, 91 gicfu, 125 hob, 29 fearn, 74 gierd, 58 holt, 67 feawe, in giest, 100 hon, 117 feax, 94 gif. 44, "3 hc^na, 100 feohtan, no gimm, 27 hord, 58, 109 feower, 48,140 gist, 45 hrafn, 123 fefier, 72 glad, 83 hiidel, 83 flersen, 51 gold, 108 hrider, 83 fif, 51 gos, 95, III bring, 94 fifele, 102 gras, 92 hiind (dog), 67 fleon, 86 grem^ttan, 79 bund (hundred), 91 fodor, 30 grene, 26, 92 hwa, 100 fon. III grinim, 79, 103 bvvaSer, 80 ford, 66 grom, 79 bwcrgen, 122 fdt, 152 growan, 26, 92 hweogel, 19, 98 fraco5, 1 1 3 guma, 32, 68 bweol, 98 fiat, 116 g>-Iden, 108 bwosta, 104 fratewe, 112 hyd, 21, 94, 165 frea, 116 had, 86 bydan, 58 freht, 76 hador, 82 byll, 61 fremmian, 62 halan, 108 hyrdel, 59, 96 freo, 116 harfest, 97 frignan, 60, 76 hasel, 30 ic, 27, 89, 113 fugol, 32, 126 hafaff, 106 Tdel, 143 f"', 33 hal, 108 ieldra, 108 furh, 65 hana, loo, 126 •1,95 fyllan, 66 heah, 108 is, 26, 27, 86 fyrn, 120 heall, 61 iucian, 45 heals, 30, 61 iuib, 40 gad, 58 hearcl, 86 iung, 44. 50 gars, 92 heawan, 35, 103 gang, 95, 106 hgbban, 73, 100, 121 lanan, 122 ;o8 Index. Icessa, 60 neaht, 103 siex, 109 Iset, 82 nefa, 73 siht, 104 IStan, 82 neowe, 63 siolfur, 109 lam(b), 122 nest, 31, 109, 173 sittan, 78 leah, 37 niewe, 1 1 1 sIkc, 54, 123 lecgan, 106, 121 nift, 73 skvpan, 76 llof, 77 nigon, 47, 50 slean, 116 leoht, 61, 99 niht, 103 smeortan, 54 leon, 98 nihtegale, 122 smocc, 183 leornian, 56 niman, 27, 139 snaw, 102 lettan, 87 niwe, 1 1 1 snoru, 52 liccian, 61, 92 s65, 86 licgan, 96 ost, 87 sol, 36 lippe, 72, 77 oxa, 32 sot, 138 lungen, 99 spser, 56 lungie, 61, 99 pinn, 27 specan, 60 lytel, 92 st£e-5, 143 read, 58 steorra, IIO masst (mast of ship), 82 reoht, 86, 109 stigan, 96 msest (fruit), 87 rifeling, 60 stol, 143 magus, 182 riht, 109 stream, 53 mann, 26, 29, iii roccettan, 97 sucan, 182 mearg, 173 rod, 165 siigan, 182 med, 58, 87, 113, iSi ruber, 113 sulh, 67 mene, 30 rust, 32 sundor, 122 menigu, 126 sum, 68 meodu, 78 scegon, 104 swat, 43, 48 meoloc, 1 14 seep, 73, 165 swefn, 46 meord, 58, 87, 173 saston, 138 sweger, 179 meox, 95 sam-, 51 sweor, 45 mete, 94 sawan, 43, 90 sweord, iii micel, 92 sawon, 104 sweostor, 48, 50 midd, 61 sc(e)adan, 82 swete, 48, 77 midde, 122 sceadu, 130 swin, 31 migan, 95 sceawian, 37, 38, 56, 103 swurd. III mona, 29, 1 1 1 sclnan, 94 syllan, 44 mQnn, 26, 29, iii sealfian, 112 synn, 69, 86 morS, 64 seax, 94 mus, 33 slogan, 1 01 ta, 117 mycel, 92 sefan, 73 tacor, 82 myrge, 102 sella, 60 tawe, 112 mys, 33 seofon, 68 tear, 82 seon, 51, 104, 116 teohan, 165 nacod, 100 seowan, 42 teen (censure), 94, 1 1 6 nagel, 100 seox, 48, 109 teon (draw), 87, 117 nafela, 72 seten, 138 tien, 94 nafu, 72 setl, 82, 138 -tig, 94 nam, 139 setten, 138 Tiw, 47 nasu, 53 sib, 77 toS, 68 nauSer, 132 sihun, 27, 76 tredan, 65 Index. 309 treow, 87 wegan, 88, 92 wini, 125 triewe, 50 wen, 29 wiodu. III triggwa, 50 weorc, 90 wis, 138 tunge, 69 weorSan, 85 witan, 87, 138 twggea, 43 weoriJe, 17S wlisp, 123 weorold, 108 wod, 86 uder, 65, 83 weorpan, 105, 108 1 w5den, 86 uht, III wer, 31, 109 1 woS, 86 werian, 46, 92 woSbora, 86 wast, 173 wicing, 1S2 word, 83 wat, 40, 87, 138 widewe, 31 woroldlic, 112 weeps, 120 widu, 1 1 1 wrotan, 123 wassp, 77, 120 wid(u)we, 83 wudu, II I waeter, 47 wielm, 67 wuht, 1 1 1 wearm, 96, 106 wiercan, 43 wulf, 67, 98, 125, 139 wearcS, 179 wierp?>, 108 wurdon, 177, 178 weaxan, 114 wig, 182 wylm, 67 w^cccan, 88 wigant, 103 wyrcean, 90 weSer, 79 wigend, 103 wefan, 88 wiht, 1 1 1 yce, 102 weft, 88 wind, 29, 112 English. yrfe, 74 advance, 134 causeway, 133 female, 131 advantage, 134 clad, 123 fish, 133 amongst, 122 command, 134 fret, 116 ask, 120 constable, 134 courage, 134 glad, 83 baulk, 77 crayfish, 133 goad, 58 belfry, 133 cut, 133 guilty, 134 ^^^11, 133 cutlet, 133 gutta percha, 97 bid (command), 73, 85 bid (pray), 88 demand, 134 harns, 56 -hood, 86 bottle, 17 drake, 69 bottler, 17 drove, 130 humble, 122 bridegroom, 68 hundred, 67 bridge, 108 egoism, 135 bright, 120 egotism, 135 idle, 143 brook, I02 either, 132 eke, 96 brother, 180 incentive, 133 burd, 119 elbow, 61 ir>got> 93 busk, 47 butter, 17 enquire, 134 inspire, 134 intend, 134 butterine, 17 Fairfax, 94 button, 17 farrow, 91 kidneer, 99 buttoner, 17 father, 180 kidney, 99 buxom, 17 1 fault, 131 kinkhost, 104 buxomer, 17 1 faxwax, 94 1 kite, 99 lO Index. lady-day, 135 lady's maid, 135 lamb, 122 lea, 37 leaf, 130 leafage, 130 lend, 122 lisp, 123 loaf, 123 machinist, 135 male, 132 measure, 134 meed, 58, 87 midst, 122 moHwarp, 131 much, 92 mother, 180 mowdiewart, 134 mystery, 133 nature, 134 neither, 132 newt, 42 nickname, 42 nightingale, 122 nimble, 1 39 nor, 132 oasthouse, 77, 143 parable, 134 pastime, 102 patron, 130 patronage, 1 30 paxwax, 94 pianist, 135 pilgrim, 59 pleasure, 134 quean, 99 queen, 99 quern, 105 quick, 47, 96 rash, 85 raven, 123 re-, 134 recount, 134 refine, 134 repeal, 134 reprimand, 134 root, vb , 123 sand-ljlind, 51 sausage, 134 settle, 82 shade, 130 shadow, 130 shew, 103 shoplifter, 76, 86 slot, 97 smart, 54 sm.ile, 54 smirk, 54 sorcery, 124 soun, 122 sound, 122 sunder, 122 surgery > 134 syllable, 134, syne, 122, 133 tardy, 134 thievery, 134 thumb, 122 thunder, 122 thrall, 103 throne, 131 tobacconist, 135 took, 130 Tuesday, 47 turtle, 119 tyrant, 122 unco', 90 uncouth, 90 visage, 134 wanhope, 133 wanton, 133 wasp, 120 way, 133 weary, 134 weigh, 92 werwolf, 31 whilst, 122 whitlow, 47 wight (nimble), 103 wood, 86 woot, 138 worth, vb., 85 wot, 87, 138 wud, 86 yard, 58 yclad, 123 yellow, 130 York, 76 aas, 85 achsel, 54 acht, 133 achten, 133 alt, 109 alter, 109 anke, lOl antwort, 130 auch, 96 German. aue, 47, 104 auge, 105 balken, 77 bart, 74, 165 befriedigen, 135 bequem, 10 1 bergen, 133 besonders, 122 bett, 83 bewegen, 88 biegen, 37 bieten, 73, 85 bin, 131, 165 binden, 80 birke, 76 bischof, 118 bitten, 88 Index. 311 boden, 73 brannte, 109 brauchen, 102 braue, 116 briiutigam, 32 biechen, 95 brennen, 109 buche, 76, 143 (lachte, 64 C55 AA 000 613 895 2 I ':>>LKiaLKiKK>' .^MMi Vmmmm wXwoyx<'X^^^^^^^^^ , ,,,.,> K*X;{:V>>X;X<;;X^^^^^^^^^ vww'wtw, > >%% V % *\ fc. V V V v'k' . SiSlXiX^IXX wXw wX'.'i" ^Xi5"X*X'Xw<' C.>X«,<;<.>;;!;X<<<< <^^ KwyoXwXNwX<wKv>S>Kvv ^mm iXvXwX»XX<