BUSINESS ACCOUNTING :Rg^ "Suide and iilGeneral Index Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation BUSINESS ACCOUNTING Harold Dudley Greeley, C.P.A., Editor Volume I — Theory of Accounts By Harold Dudley Greeley II — Constructive Accounting By George E. Bennett III — Cost Accounting By DeWitt Carl Eggleston IV — Advanced and Analytical Accounting By Henry C. Cox V — Illustrative Accounting Problems By Charles F, Rittenhouse and Harold Dudley Greeley Business Accounting READING GUIDE By ARTHUR H. ROSENKAMPFF, B.C.S. Professor of Accounting, New York University • And GOULD L. HARRIS, M.A. Lecturer in Cost Accounting, New York University NEW YORK THE RONALD PRESS COMPANY 1920 Copyright, 1920, by The Ronald Press Company All Rights Reserved INTRODUCTION The volumes of this set are designed for practical use. For the man who desires to obtain a working knowledge of accountancy but is compelled to pursue his study by himself, the five volumes constitute a graded course of reading. If he will begin with Vol- ume I and work methodically through the series, he will come out with a broad and trustworthy grasp of the principles of the subject, and an acquaintance with a wide variety of the points of current practice. The man who has already a knowledge of accounting will find in these volumes a compact and convenient presentation of the entire subject, eminently worthy of frequent reference. In using the set for reference purposes the reader will naturally turn first to the General Index in this volume. He is urged to read over carefully the sug- gestions on pages 135 to 138 regarding ways of using the index. This Reading Guide, moreover, briefly directing attention to outlining the high spots of all the volumes, will prove a useful supplement to the index, by enabling the reader to check his imme- diate recollections as to the importance and the fuU range of points involved in a specific problem. Knowledge of accountancy is virtually a necessity for any business man doing important work, not merely because of its immediate information value in handling business details, but as a prerequisite for a 425514 4 INrROpUCTION any' reliable command of* organization and manage- ment. It is the only way in which one can tell what a business is really doing. Though a man may never have occasion to draw up a consolidated balance sheet, yet he may want to invest in the stock of a corporation which belongs to a consolidation and therefore he will need to under- stand its financial statements. His business may not be a manufacturing one and perhaps he can see little or no use in the study of cost accounting, j^et the theory of the subject is applicable to every type of business, and excess profits taxes and other forms of taxation are making the application of this theory more and more necessary in every mercantile con- cern. He may think the subject of annuities too complicated to worry over, but he cannot intelligently compare the relative merits of sinking fund or other methods of liquidating bonded debt without under- standing the principles on which annuity computa- tions are based. There is hardly a business day in which he will not find use for a knowledge of accounts. Another fact comes more plainly to the front as business takes on increasingly the intensity of pro- fessional work, namely: the value of the study of accountancy in developing mental power. The close analysis of business situations and problems which it necessitates develops to an unusual degree the sense of logic — the power both of analyzing facts and of thinking constructively. It is not too much to say that the business man trained to the ready use of INTRODUCTION g accounting methods has an entirely different class of brain power on account of that ability. Professional mastery of accounting comes only with practice. But the accountancy attitude of mind can be developed to a very considerable degree through systematic study, even without an instructor, and at home. Accountancy in this respect is unlike the sciences which deal with physical things — medi- cine, engineering, chemistry — and somewhat re- sembles law. Many an obscure law student has gradually acquired, by sticking at it night after night, a grasp of legal principles and a familiarity with important rulings which greatly expedited his mas- tery of the technique of actual practice. The busi- ness man, similarly, can acquire a sound understand- ing of accounting principles and a wide acquaintance with the subject through systematic reading of the volumes of this set. The business man has this advantage besides, over the lonely law student : that the circumstances of his own business afford constant occasion to test his grasp of theory by applying it to the changing facts of life. A good many persons, when they take up an accounting book, try to do their studying in the wrong way, and as a result think the subject far more difficult than it is. Memory alone will not carry one far with a subject such as accounting, involving mani- fold detail; he must from the first put some of the load upon his powers of analysis and judgment. 5 INTRODUCTION When one istudies any subject mechanically, trying merely to learn what is done, without knowing why it is done in this way or that, the effort soon becomes wearisome. Learning accounting item by item, by memory only, would be a difficult and indeed an end- less task. But when a student understands reasons, and recognizes the connection between the knowledge thus acquired and the improved operation of his business, the study of accounting becomes interesting. The larger and more firm the grasp of its principles, the more interesting and fascinating its study becomes. The requisite for sustaining an interest in these vol- umes is to try to understand. The Reading Guide, prepared in the light of extensive experience in teach- ing business men, is designed to help the reader to grasp the reason behind accounting procedure. In its preparation, the functions of a guide — serviceableness and unobtrusiveness — have been kept in mind throughout. It is to facilitate the reader's journey, not to offer him a quick and easy substitute for his own effort. Effort, active and persistent, is essential if he is to reach his journey's end; the sug- gestions in the Guide, like the comments of a skilled and sympathetic instructor, will aid the reader to apply his effort to best advantage. ]yiastery of a subject which deals with an extended and complex field of knowledge can never be acquired quickly. The factor of time is of prime importance. The reader must be prepared to make haste slowly. INTRODUCTION ^ Accounting practice has taken several hundred years to develop. Its principles, with the exception of occasional changes due to legal rulings, remain the same, but year by year its details grow in complexity as business grows in size. No matter what may be the reader's powers of concentration, the information in these volumes cannot be gained by sudden assault. It calls for a long succession of short attacks, each of them followed by digging in and consohdating the position won. Only by really assimilating what has been studied, lesson by lesson, can genuine advance be made. From the very first day the reader will find his new knowledge of value, but there is enough informa- tion in these volumes to occupy his attention for two years of quiet and steady work. Now the man who must do his work alone finds difficulty always in holding himself down to such gradual procedure. For one thing, it is hard for him to work at an even pace. At times, when the subject becomes especially interesting, he hurries on over many pages. What he reads may seem so clear at the moment that he fails to pause often enough, to test by sober reviewing how much he has actually grasped — so that he could use the procedure in further work. Or, perhaps the going is heavy, deal- ing with many matters that are difficult to grasp. Nevertheless, as he catches a glimpse of something further on that is interesting and appears clearly in- telligible, he pushes along in the hope that when he g INTRODUCTION reaches that hill-top tbe intermediate road will clear itself up for him. In either case he is pretty sure somewhere and unexpectedly to find his progress blocked. Back in those pages he has skimmed are processes which are indispensable for any further advance. On the other hand, the conscientious reader who works alone may apply his energy uneconomically. He may go too slowly at first, and waste time in memorizing matter which is merely preliminary to the points of real importance, and which requires only a quick, general reading. After a while he finds that the study pursued in this way involves more time and energy. than he can justifiably take from his other duties, and he feels compelled, however regretfully, to drop it. The Reading Guide, like the comments of a trained instructor, can help the reader to distribute his effort wisely. 1. The reader can learn from the suggestions here given when to spurt and when to go slowly; when to read cursorily and when to get down and grind ; when to work for exact information and when for merely general comprehension of a matter; when to stop and digest what he has been reading, to fix it in mind by means of original observation and ex- periment. 2. In the study of an extended subject the rela- tionships among items apparently unconnected are of great significance. The parallels and cross-refer- INTRODUCTION g ences in the Guide call the reader's attention to such relationships and enable him thus to build properly together the various divisions of the subject as the successive volumes develop them. 3. One notable service of an instructor consists in interpreting and reinforcing the matter of the text as occasion requires, presenting it in various lights according to the varying need of the student. Some- thing of what the experienced instructor can do in this way is done by means of the Reading Guide. The text itself must present the subject in logical per- spective, and on a substantially uniform scale. The Guide can single out for special attention passages that offer to the student some special difficulty on first approach, and illuminate them with paraphrase or comment. 4. The Guide aids the reader to break up his task into divisions that are roughly equivalent in extent and not too large, and that are grouped partly ac- cording to the logical lines of the subject, partly according to convenience of handling under the con- ditions. In this respect it does for him something of what is done for members of a class by the successive lesson-assignments of the teacher. 5. Similarly, and what is perhaps most important of all, the Reading Guide can furnish to the individual working alone a method of comparing his progress with what is expected of other students by teachers of long experience. It enables him to a degree to meas- ure his own powers and standards of attainment jQ • INTRODUCTION against those of other men. He will be less prone to either discouragement or slackness. Here may be added one or two general sugges- tions of very practical nature. Emphasis has been laid upon the need of assimilating each successive point before proceeding further. The best way to insure this is to combine the study of theory with practical work. For the business man, it may be suffi- cient to carry through mentally the practical applica- tion of theory. For the bookkeeper, it will be neces- sary actually to perform the operations in question over and over again until both theory and practice are firmly fixed in mind. Suggestions as to the kind of practical work to be done are given in connection with the individual assignments of the work in each volume. The test as to the thoroughness of a reader's grasp of the subject is simple. Can he answer readily the review questions at the end of each chapter? If so, he is ready to pass on. If not, his knowledge is hazy and indefinite; it will lead to mental confusion. Ex- perience in instructing has shown that the difficulties of the student are largely of his own making; they come from his overlooking or forgetting an important iiile of theory or principle. When the transaction turns up to which the theory applies and the need comes for making the correct records on the books, the student is nonplused. Therefore, if the reader finds in any instance that he cannot readily answer the review questions, let him INTRODUCTION jj go over the chapter to which they refer and study it carefully until he can answer them. Another suggestion is this: Make a practice of checking with a pencil in the margins as you read, those paragraphs or sections which contain important principles or rules of procedure and which for this reason should be memorized. It is not sufficient merely to understand a prin- ciple or see through a theory. There is hardly any- thing in Volumes I to IV of this series which cannot be understood at least on the second or third reading. But the rule or principle must be remembered defi- nitely, when needed, together with the method of its application. Unless one's knowledge is ready at hand, he will never be able to handle difficult or com- plicated transactions. If knowledge is to be of prac- tical value, the reader needs so to master the theory of accounts, so to fix the theory of the subject in mind, that he can recognize quickly and surely the transac- tions to which a particular point of theory is appli- cable. A good deal of the theory of accounts is simple and self-evident and no one will have much difficulty in mastering it and memorizing it. This will usually be the case when the explanation is easily grasped at the first reading. But if anything is at all difficult to understand, if it requires two or three or four read- ings, the reader should check that paragraph in the margin with his pencil. He should make it a firm rule, before taking up a fresh assignment of work, to J 2 INTRODUCTION go over all the marked paragraphs and formulate ii his own mind their contents, taking his cue from th( section head or the opening sentence. If the reader can readily and accurately recall th( first of any marked paragraph, he may safely rub ou the pencil mark in the margin. But if he cannot, th( pencil mark should be left in the book — and th( marked paragraphs should be read again and again until at last their contents have been mastered. Th suggested procedure may sound irksome, but this, o: something like it, is the only condition of sure anc ready command of the subject. Having mastered the theory and faithfully worked through the illustrative practice material ii Volimies I to IV> the reader should by all means tes the acuteness and thoroughness of his work by sys tematically applying the theory which he has beer studying to the problems of Volume V. Some of the more simple of these may be taken up concurrentlj with the study of the theory to which they refer, ir Volumes I to IV, as suggested in various assign- ments to those volumes. The greater number, how- ever, are of the nature of general review and tesi material, designed to try the reader's ingenuity and resourcefulness. They are most important labora- tory material. No one should be discouraged if he cannot solve these problems at the first attempt. They have been selected not as being easy to solve — nor yet as being difficult — but as illustrating fairly the problems INTRODUCTION 18 which actually present themselves in the course of business. Many of these problems have been set for C. P. A. examinations, which test the candidate's power of hard, analytical thinking as well as his prac- tical sense of business values. Without a knowledge of accounting, the business man, when such a prob- lem develops in his own business, can do nothing but blindly guess, or blindly trust the advice of some other person. On the other hand, the business man who has worked through the volumes of this series should possess the knowledge to enable him to face such an emergency with clear understanding. But the more diligently he has ''shaken down" his knowledge of theory by the practical applications in which this vol- ume of problems exercise him, the quicker and prob- ably the more sure will be his diagnosis of actual situa- tions. It need hardly be said that the suggestions of this Guide are not offered as in any sense authoritative directions. Many men will strike out for themselves other ways of proceeding, better suiting their own needs. Others perhaps will find in the Guide one or two features only which they desire to apply to their own case. On the other hand, however, a large num- ber of readers will doubtless find it a distinct con- venience to have set down for them a map of the road, worked out to suit the ordinarily intelligent man and taking into account the limitations of time and energy imposed by a business position of average responsibility. 14 INTRODUCTION One last admonition. By far the most important factor in mastering any subject — more important even than acuteness of first perception, or vivid realization of background, or orderliness of logical development — ^is frequent and painstaking review. Therefore, after one has worked through the volumes of the set, making use of such aid as this Guide affords, he should by all means come back and read the Gvide again. In this swift review, if here and there a point is still hazy, let him turn back once more to the text and chnch the point. Running over the Guide now and then will do much to keep the whole field of ac- counting procedure clear in recollection. Reading Guide Volume I Theory of Accounts ASSIGNMENTS FOR VOLUME I For the reader who desires to take up the subject carefully, the division of each volume of this series into working sections or ''tasks" of convenient size is most desirable. The man working alone may thus have some indication of the scale by which to measure his own rate of progress. To some extent the grouping into parts and chap- ters followed in the text facilitates such a division, but, as has been noted already, that grouping is de- termined primarily by considerations of logic. The fact that a certain chapter actually requires much more time on the part of the student than do others of equal length would hardly be revealed by the table of contents, nor yet that certain chapters are grasped .more easily if taken up in connection with others in a quick preliminary survey. Such information is given in the Guide. The assignments here given not only set up ''red arrows" at points where there is dan- ger of losing the way, but they indicate also the more convenient stopping places where the traveler may break his journey. The circumstances of the readers of these volumes are widely various, and no less various is the amount of time which each man can allow day by day for bis reading. The assignments must be adjusted to the actual convenience of the average reader. It is a fair assumption, however, that close and careful readuig 17 18 READING GUIDE of any volume of this series will occupy the man of average position, who has the average number of calls upon his time, from three to five months — hardly less, at any rate, than thirteen or fourteen weeks. Allowing for vacation time and the inevitable in- terruptions to which a busy man is subject, he might fairly expect to complete the five volumes in from a year and a half to two years. For each of the first four volumes, accordingly, from twelve to fourteen assignments have been drawn up, each assignment — with the practice work or problems connected with it — calculated to require about a week's work. For the problems in Volume V such grouping into defi- nite assignments is hardly possible, but the volume would require, if the reader works carefully, at least as much time as any of the others. Each assignment, therefore, may be taken as rep- resenting on the average a week's work. Many men may find it convenient to work faster, but in plan- ning the whole series of assignments it seemed best to set a pace such as a man actively engaged in business might fairly hope to maintain. Assignment 1 PRELIMINARY EXPLANATION The three chapters with which this book opens contain information of a general character, a knowl- BUSINESS ACCOUNTING— VOLUME I jg edge of which must precede the study of accounting in general and the theory of double entry in par- ticular. Modern Accountancy (Chapter I) The matter in this chapter is introductory and requires merely careful reading. Preliminary Information (Chapter II) To the business man or the bookkeeper employed by a busi- ness house, the contents of this chapter will seem elementary. If you know the definitions, that is, if there is no doubt in your mind as to the meaning of the terms used, you can pass to the next chapter after a careful reading. If the study of account- ing is a wholly new subject, master the definitions and pay par- ticular attention to §§9 and 10. Capital (Chapter III) The same observations apply to this chapter as to Chapter II. Sections 8 and 9 should be studied closely and reread sev- eral times. If you can give the definitions accurately in answer to the review questions, you may assume a knowledge of the contents of this and the preceding chapter. But if you cannot define them readily and accurately, study them until you can. Assignment 2 THE THEORY OF DOUBLE ENTRY The three chapters in this division of work cover the theory on which the principle of double entry is 2Q READING GUIDE based. Here the emphasis begins to be placed on practice work as shown by the exercises and prob- lems in the text and at the end of each chapter. Double-Entry Bookkeeping (Chapter IV) Full command of the theory of double-entry bookkeeping comes witli continued study and practice work. Here the sub- ject is presented only in its simpler aspects. The transactions discussed are the more simple ones, the debiting and crediting of wliich do not present any difficulty when the general theory is grasped. Do not fail to do the practical work called for in Review Questions 2, 6, and 7. Determination of Capital (Chapter V) The discussion in §§ 1 to 3 is fairly simple; in §§4, 5, and 6 it is more difficult to grasp. These three sections are particularly important. The points they present need to be closely studied and memorized. Work out answers to the review questions and compare with tlie text. Rewrite when necessary. As noted in the introduction to this book, there is nothing inherently difficult in the study of accounting. Doubts, per- plexities, and difficulties arise only where the theory of the sub- ject has not been understood or has been inadequately mastered. Concerning few other subjects is a "smattering'* of information more dangerous and in the study of few other subjects does thoroughness pay larger dividends than in the study of account- ancy. The student of bookkeeping is sometimes puzzled as to why an expense account should be debited, in view of the fact that an expense is the reverse of an asset and represents either cash paid or to be paid at some future date. It is precisely because the asset cash must be credited when payment is made that an expense account must be debited. If the payment were made to a creditor of the business, that creditor would be BUSINESS ACCOUNTING— VOLUME I 21 debited. If the payment is made for expenses, such as salaries, postage, gas, office supplies, and so on, these impersonal accounts must be debited to show for what purpose the money has been spent, that is, for what purpose the asset cash has been with- drawn from the business. An expense account, therefore, has a debit balance. An income account, such as Sales, must always have a credit balance for a similar reason. When a sale is made, cash is re- ceived or the vendee's promise to pay cash to us at a future date is accepted in lieu of cash. If the sale is on credit, the cus- tomer's account is debited and Sales account is credited as below: Dr. J. Smith Cr. 19- Jan. 5 Sales Dr. $1,000.00 Sales Cr, 19- Jan. 5. J. Smith ....$1,000.00 When the customer pays us and his indebtedness disappears. Cash account is debited and J. Smith's account is credited. Thus, when the sale is finally paid for, J. Smith's account bal- ances, and two entries remain — a credit in Sales account as above and the off-setting debit in Cash account. The principle of double entry or the reason why two entries are made for each transaction is usually a difficult matter for the beginner to understand. It is helpful to compare double- entry bookkeeping with a balance scale the two sides of which must be kept in balance at all times. Let us assume for the purpose of illustration that O. Bliss begins business with assets amounting to $10,000, consisting of $8,000 in cash and $2,000 in merchandise; that his liabilities, i.e., debts, amount to $2,000 due A. Brown on open account for merchandise purchased; and that his capital amounts to $8,000. 22 READING GUIDE The elements, expressed in the form of an equation, are as follows : Assets equals Liabilities plus Capital $10,000 = $2,000 + $8,000 and the debits on the left equal the credits on the right. Expressed in account form, we have: Cash A. Brown $8,000.00 I $2,000.00 Merchandise O. Bliss, Capital $2,000.00 I $8,000.00 Note that the debits are equal in amount to the credits. As a result of business transactions the amounts of these three elements, viz., assets, liabilities, and capital, are con- stantly changing. The assets either increase or decrease, and the liabilities and capital likewise either increase or decrease. These changes should be recorded in the accounts by means of entries made in accordance with the rules for journalizing given on page 176 of Volume I. The reader should have these rules before him when studying the following paragraphs. Let us now assume that we purchase $1,000 worth of mer- chandise for cash. The twofold effect of this transaction, ex- pressed in account form, is as follows; Merchandise Cash $1,000.00 I $1,000.00 Merchandise must be debited with $1,000 because the asset merchandise is increased by that amount. Cash must be credited with $1,000 because the asset cash is decreased by that amount. A BUwSINESS ACCOUNTING— VOLUME I 28 By debiting Merchandise we are recording an increase in assets; by crediting Cash we are recording a decrease in assets. Let us further assume that we purchase $2,000 worth of merchandise from H. Jenkins on account. This requires the following entry: Merchandise H. Jenkins ^,000.00 I $2,000.00 Merchandise must be debited with $2,000 because the asset merchandise is increased by that amount. H. Jenkins must be credited with $2,000, because we have incurred a liability to that extent. By debiting Merchandise we are recording an increase in assets; by crediting H. Jenkins we are recording an increase in liabilities. If we pay H. Jenkins $1,000 on account, the twofold eflfect, expressed in account form, is as follows: H. Jenkins Cash (1)... $1,000.00 I Bal... $2,000.00 I (1). . .$1,000.00 Note that the numbers in parentheses in the above illustration indicate the double-entry made. The account of H. Jenkins must be debited to record the decrease in liabilities, and Cash account must be credited to record the decrease in the asset cash. If we pay $10 for telephone services we have incurred an expense, and, since all expenses are borne by the proprietor, it follows that his account must be debited. The twofold effect of this transaction may be expressed in account form as follow a: O. Bliss, Capital Cash $10.00 I I >io-«> 1 24 READING GUIDE As a result of paying $10 for services received by the business, the capital invested by the proprietor has been decreased. This decrease in capital is recorded by debiting the proprietor's account and, since the payment of $10 has decreased the amount of the asset cash, it follows that the Cash account must be credited. As explained in the text on page 59, expenses and income of a business, instead of being charged and credited directly to the Capital account, are more conveniently recorded in temporary accounts known as expense and income accounts. Thus, in recording the foregoing transactions in practice, the twofold effect expressed in account form would be as follows: Expense Cash $10.00 I $10.00 The Expense account must be debited to record the temporary decrease in capital, and the Cash account must be credited to record the decrease in the asset cash. For the purpose of illustrating an item of income, let us assume that the ba::k allows us $20 interest on our bank bal- ance. The twofold effect of this transaction, expressed in terms of assets, liabilities, and capital, is an increase in the asset cash of $20 and a corresponding increase in capital of $20. As explained, the expenses and the income in practice are not debited and credited directly to the Capital account, but instead are debited and credited to temporary accounts known as ex- pense and income accounts. Therefore, the twofold effect of the foregoing transaction expressed in account form, as it would be recorded in practice, is as follows: Cash Interest Earned $20.00 I I $20.00 BUSINESS ACCOUNTING— VOLUME I 25 We have now illustrated transactions which result in an in- crease and decrease in each of the three elements, viz., assets, liabilities, and capital. The Merchandise account is not a pure asset account as the reader may have been led to believe from the foregoing illus- trations and explanations. The treatment of this account is fully explained, however, on pages 80 and 81 of the text. The ulti- mate disposition of the temporary accounts, i.e., the expense and income accounts, is explained in the text on page 52. Classification of Ledger Accounts (Chapter VI) Though belonging to Part II, this chapter is included in this assignment of work because it rounds out the theory of debit and credit. Its contents require careful study. Section 7 should be read and reread until the principle involved in classification is thoroughly impressed on the mind. When once the purpose of the asset, liability, and proprietorship or capital accounts which appear on the balance sheet, as well as of the expense and income accounts which appear on the profit and loss statement, is clearly grasped, you will have no further difficulty in solving the problems of "when to debit" and **when to credit." From the student's point of view, the correct classification of business transactions under appropriate account titles is the first step in determining the correct debit and credit. From the book- keeper's point of view, the classification of accounts is necessary as a means of reducing the risk of error in posting to the ledger. From the aspect of management and financial control, the classi- fication aids in the preparation of financial statements and in- sures correctness of the groupings of accounts shown tliereon. In the study of this chapter the student is advised to look up the chapters referred to in the text and read the matter therein given which bears upon the particular point in Chapter VI. The bookkeeping in connection with recording of deferred and accrued items always presents a difficulty to the beginner. For further information see Volume IV, Chapters H and III. 26 READING GUIDE Assignment 3 CLOSING THE BOOKS MucK the most responsible and intricate work of the accountant is that of closing the books prepara- tory to ascertaining the profit or loss made during a period, and the financial condition at the end of the period. The theory of the subject is covered in the two following chapters in broad outline, leaving for detailed discussion in Volume IV the difficulties and problems which arise when the attempt is made to determine profits. The Trial Balance (Chapter VII) No accounting theory is involved in the discussion in this chapter. The taking of a trial balance is a convenient method of saving clerical labor. It should, of course, be possible to insure the accuracy of the postings and account totals by checking and rechecking the figures, until positive assurance was obtained that the entries were correct as to both mathematical calculations and position; but to do this would entail more labor than to take a periodical trial balance. Assuming that post- ings and additions are carefully made, a trial balance agrees in nine cases out of ten. Methods of locating errors, when the two totals fail to agree, are discussed in Volume IV, Chapter XXXI. That chapter may well be read in connection with the present discussion. Determination of Profit or Loss (Chapter VIII) In this chapter is described the method of determining profit and loss under simple business conditions. When you thoroughly grasp the principles in this chapter, and have worked out the problems in Volume V which will serve to impress the theory BUSINESS ACCOUNTING—VOLUME I 27 on your mind, you will be beginning to acquire a mastery of the theory of accounts. After carefully studying the contents of this chapter, it is suggested that the student read the first three chapters in Vol- ume IV. With the knowledge already acquired, there is little or nothing that the reader cannot readily grasp in the opening chapters of the more advanced book, and this peep into the future will give a better grasp of the problem of closing the books for the purpose of determining the profit or loss for the period — the most important task that a bookkeeper can be called upon to perform. The last section in this chapter explains an exceedingly im- portant accounting principle, viz., that the profit or loss for the period, as shown in the profit and loss statement, must be ac- counted for by the difference between the capital at the beginning and at the end of the period, taking into consideration any draw- ings or further contributions of capital. A test of the thorough- ness of the student's work on the preceding chapters will be his ability to grasp why this is so. Be sure to work out the problems in the review questions and study the theory persistently until all points that at first are not quite clear, become clear and are firmly fixed in mind. Assignment 4 PREPARATION OF STATEMENTS The information in Chapters IX, X, and XI covers the technique or procedure in preparing state- ments. Further information relating to the closing entries will be found in Volume IV, Part I. The dis- cussion in the above chapters is hmited to broad prin- 28 READING GUIDE ciples which should be thoroughly mastered before important details are taken up later. Statement of Trading and Profit and Loss (Chapter IX) As an aid in acquiring correct technique, it is suggested that after studying the corrected statement on page 101, the student should attempt to draw up the statement in proper form from the data given in the trial balance on page 90. The practice work should be repeated until the procedure is fixed in mind. Sections 8, 9, and 10 contain explanations of accounting theory which it is important to understand so clearly that no doubt arises as to the method of applying this theory. There- fore, be persistent in the practice work suggested above. The repetition of this work three or four times at this stage will smooth away difficulties which otherwise would be sure to crop up later. In connection with the study of this chapter, a brief study may be made of the contents of Chapters XXII and XXIV, Volume IV, in which more advanced forms of state- ments are presented. Statement of Cash Receipts and Payments (Chapter X) The limitations of this type of statement should be carefully noted. In a small business the cash statement might furnish the kind of information most frequently required by the pro- prietor. Where the proprietor is in close contact with oper- ations and always **on the job,*' he may have a very shrewd idea of the value of his stock-in-trade at all times and require an inventory to be taken only at long intervals for purposes of verification. Under such conditions a periodical cash state- ment may meet all requirements between the times when the profit and loss statement is drawn up. The Balance Sheet (Chapter XI) To acquire the art of drawing up a statement, correct as to form aiid clearness of presentation, there is only one way — BUSINESS ACCOUNTING— VOLUME I 29 practice and yet more practice. Rules such as those given in §§3 and 4 of this chapter are useful as a guide but they can- not be remembered unless they are repeatedly utilized in prac- tice. Before taking up the practice work in Volume V which relates to this chapter, the student should draw up the corrected form of balance sheet given on page 126, taking the data from the incorrect form shown on pages 121 and 122. In connection with thic chapter and supplementary to the information contained therein, it is well for the reader to turn to Volume IV, Chapters XXI and XXIV, where more elaborate forms of balance sheet statements are presented. Assignment 5 INSOLVENCY PROCEDURE The contents of the two following chapters belong rather to the sphere of advanced accounting than to an elementary discussion of the subject. They are included in this volume for the sake of completeness thus furnishing the student with examples of all the financial statements that may be drawn up to show financial condition. Statement of Affairs — Realization and Liquidation State- ment (Chapters XII, XIII) These two chapters cover the procedure for the winding up of an insolvent business or the reorganization of an insolvent concern that requires more working capital. The work in this connection is of such a character that only the accountant of broad experience would be competent to handle it. If the aim of the student is to acquire a rapid working knowledge of book- keeping, he may with advantage limit his study of these chap- ters to a careful reading. 80 READING GUIDE To acquire a comprehensive knowledge of accounting prac- tice, the student must, of course, be able to prepare every kind of financial statement. If he submits himself to a state examina- tion for the purpose of testing his accounting knowledge, the examination paper is likely to contain one or more problems covering the procedure of liquidation or reorganization. There- fore, the ambitious student must sooner or later understand the procedure and principles covered in these two chapters. How- ever, more rapid progress will be made in essentials if attention is first concentrated on simpler or more elementary matters. In reading Chapter XII, it is suggested that the student assume he has been asked by a committee of unsecured creditors of the Jenkins Company (see page 137), a concern about to dis- solve, to prepare a statement that will show as nearly as possible the percentage of claim that each creditor may expect to receive, and also a statement that will show the loss to be borne by the unsecured creditors on forced dissolution of the business. Let it also be assumed that these statements are to be the basis for a decision, on the part of the creditors, whether or not they will vote for the dissolution of the business of the Jenkins Company. This is an example of the usual situation which gives rise to the preparation of a statement of affairs and a deficiency ac- count. The text not only illustrates and explains the technique of preparing these statements but also discussesT the legal phases that must be considered. The legal phases involved in the prepa- ration of a statement of affairs as well as the form of this state- ment should be studied carefully. Assignment 6 SUPPLEMENTARY STATEMENTS In this assignment are considered the various kinds of statements which the bookkeeper who is BUSINESS ACCOUNTING— VOLUME I 3j capable of summarizing results might be called upon to prepare at regular intervals. In a large organiza- tion the head accountant would ordinarily prepare the balance sheet and profit and loss statement, call- ing upon the bookkeepers to prepare the necessary ex- hibits, schedules, or statements required to support the major statements. The bookkeeper in charge of the customers ledger would, for instance, prepare the schedule of accounts receivable; the clerk in charge of the sales journal would prepare the analytical in- formation relating to sales, and so on. The Use of Supporting Schedules (Chapter XIV) The preparation of statements involves a certain amount of statistical work^ and statistics, rightly used, are the basis of all intelligent business direction. Therefore, the compilation of these statistics affords the bookkeeeper a field in which he can reveal enterprise and judgment. In almost every business the accounting department from time to time is asked for informa- tion which can be had from the books only at the cost of much time and clerical labor. Had the same information been com- piled concurrently with the daily routine, in many cases only a fraction of the labor' expended would have been necessary. As a general rule it may be said that statistical information is of value only when the figures are presented in & comparative form, and are compiled to indicate the trend or tendency of business activities over a sufficiently long period of time. Such data is always of interest and may often be of great value to the management. Practically every concern which suddenly finds itself in financial difficulty -without having realized the direction in which it was drifting may be said to have neglected the information buried within its books. Or, if this information has been presented to the management in proper statement fonn, 82 READING GUIDE the significance of the data must have been wilfully ignored or not properly understood. No competent accountant will ever fail to furnish the management with the full statistical informa- tion required to show not only the financial condition and the profit or loss, but also the source of the profit or the cause of the loss and the reasons for changes in financial condition. To analyze such causes and to show tendencies is the final goal of all accounting viewed from the administration aspect. In the study of the chapter under review, particular atten- tion is called to § 3, in which a clear distinction is drawn to the different kinds of statements and the terminology that should be applied in each case. Assignment 7 THE THEORY OF JOURNALIZING The five chapters included under this title discuss the theory and practice underlying the use of the journal in its simplest form. The book known as the ^'journaF' was at one time the only book of original entry used. In it were entered all the business transac- tions, i.e., sales, purchases, cash receipts and pay- ments, as well as notes received and given, classified as to accounts and amounts to be debited or credited in the ledger. (See illustrations on page 171 in the text.) But when business began to be conducted on a large scale and transactions became more numerous and involved, thus making it impossible for one man to record all the transactions, it was found necessary to introduce special journals, such as the cash journal BUSINESS ACCOUNTING— VOLUME I gg illustrated in simple form on page 191, and in a more developed form on pages 216 and 217. The purchase journal is illustrated in simple form on page 200, and in developed form on pages 234 and 235. The sales journal is likewise illustrated in simple form on page 208, and in developed form on pages 250 and 251. The introduction o:^ special journals such as the cash journal, purchase journal, and sales journal made it possible to distribute the work of recording transactions. Thus, while one man was engaged in recording purchases in the purchase journal, another could be engaged in recording cash receipts or pay- ments in the cash journal. Furthermore, with the introduction of special journals the amount of mechanical labor formerly necessary in posting was greatly reduced. For ex- ample, when a separate book is kept for cash receipts and payments, the individual receipts and payments are no longer posted to the Cash account in the ledger as was done when only the journal was used. In- stead, at the end of each month, but one posting is made to the debit side of the Cash account in the ledger of the total cash received, and one posting to the credit side for the total cash paid. The same treatment holds true of postings made from other special journals, such as the purchase journal and the sales journal. These advantages of the use of special journals should be kept in mind in reading the sections on the 84 READING GUIDE technique of posting from special journals, as ex- plained in the chapters of Part III and in subsequent chapters in the text. The Journal (Chapter XV) In this chapter the theory of journalizing is discussed with- out regard to its practical business application to cash, purchase, or sales transactions. Bookkeeping begins with the journaliza- tion of every transaction, as illustrated on page 171. When a transaction is correctly journalized, the proper debit and credit postings present no difficulty. As practice work in this chapter, the student should read the transactions listed in § 2 and mentally journalize them as shown in § 4. When the mental work can be done rapidly and correctly, he will begin to get a grip on the theory of the subject. Illustrative Problems (Chapter XVI) The method of opening the books, as illustrated in §§ 1 and 2, should not merely be studied but should be worked out as shown in the text. The transactions itemized in § 3 should be mentally journalized and compared with the solutions given on page 185. This mental work, when practicable, should always be repeated until the faculty is acquired of solving the problems without any hesitancy or doubt as to the correctness of the solutions. This sureness of touch is, of course, the aim and end of all practice work and is the characteristic that dis- tinguishes the man who knows from practical experience, from the man who has acquired a merely halting and therefore inade- quate theoretical knowledge. Sections 4, 5, and 6 contain important information as to accounting procedure which it is necessary to memorize. The theory which governs the recording of purchases and sales, and receipts and payments, is covered by the principles of double entry. Returns and allowances constitute transactions which BUSINESS ACCOUNTING— VOLUME I 35 Will puzzle the student who is new to the subject unless the information in § 6 is grasped. The practice work in the review questions should be care- fully done. The Cash Book (Chapter XVII) Only the general theory of the keeping of the cash book, with a description of the most essential procedure, is taken up in this chapter. In active procedure the form of the cash book, that is, the number of its columns and the purposes they serve, is determined by the use of controlling accounts. It is suggested that the student, after reading this chapter, give a cursory read- ing to Chapter XXIV which explains controlling accounts. By this means the relation of the one to the other will be more clearly seen. It should be borne in mind that the forms of books of orig- inal entry vary to meet individual needs and tastes, so that two cash journals that have exactly the same form are seldom found. The same holds true of all other books of original entry, with possibly one exception — the notes receivable and notes payable book. Most concerns use a standard book, although in many instances a special form is used. Purchase Records (Chapter XVIII) The same observation applies to the discussion of the pur- chase and sales journals as applies to the discussion of the cash book, viz., that the use of controlling accounts and subordinary ledgers determines the form and ruling of these journals. Here only the simple theory of their operations is taken up so far as this theory covers the relation of tlie journals to the ledger. A business buying or selling only one kind of merchandise would require only the simple forms of journals herein described. But such businesses are rare. In most cases it is desirable to dis- tinguish among different kinds of purchases and sales, and thi* requires a more complicated ruling of the journals. 35 READING GUIDE If the student thoroughly understands the operation of a simple cash book which represents the two sides of an account, no difficulty will be experienced in grasping the theory of the sales and purchase journals each of which represents only one side of an account. The cash book records both the inflow and outgo of cash. The purchase journal records the inflow of merchandise, and the sales journal the outgo of merchandise. In the study of Chapter XVIII, particular attention needs to be devoted to §§6, 7, and 8. The procedure here described is that of a business which buys merchandise for resale. Practice varies in different lines of business, and the accounts that may be opened on the books of one concern to determine the gross profit may differ from those of another. But in all cases the principle is the same. There are several methods of determining the gross profit, and the student must familiarize himself with them all. For the present it will be sufficient to grasp thor- oughly the procedure most commonly used. Sales Records (Chapter XIX) The information in this chapter corresponds in many ways to that given in the preceding chapter — with the difference, of course, that sales are credited whereas purchases are debited. Note in particular the information in § 6. The method of deter- mining the turnover of a concern's stock-in-trade is one of those elementary problems which every bookkeeper ought to be able to figure rapidly. Unless he has occasion to make the calcula- tion frequently, he is often at a loss how to do it. Assignment 8 JOURNALIZING PROCEDURE AND PRACTICE The four following chapters carry the discus- sion of the journal and its rulings a stage further. BUSINESS ACCOUNTING— VOLUME I 37 The more complicated forms of journals are taken up in Volume II. For an adequate understanding of the complex forms a thorough grounding is required in the theory of the simple journals and the oper- ation of the voucher system and controlling accounts. Miscellaneous Cash Matters (Chapter XX) Particular attention needs to be given to the illustrative form and entries on pages 216 and 217, and the comment on the nature of those entries. Much of the discussion in this chap- ter covers commercial usage and business practice with which the student must familiarize himself from beginning to end; otherwise he will often be at a loss in recording the kind of transactions to which the discussion refers. Note, for instance, the method of handling exchange as explained at the end of § 2, and the method of handling exchanged checks as explained in §3. Sections 4 to 9 contain general information with which every cashier must be familiar if his cash book is to be properly kept. Section 11 takes up a matter which under complicated busi- ness conditions where transactions are numerous may present difficulties only second to those of taking a trial balance. Work out the method of reconcilement as shown in § 12, and when you feel certain that you have mastered the method, test your knowledge by trying to solve Problems 1 and 2 in Volume V without consulting the solution to these problems. After studying §§15 and 16, turn to Problems 1 to 3 in Volume V and try to solve them. Such practice work as this is a thorough test of your knowledge of the correct method of handling these cash details. Miscellaneous Purchase Matters (Chapter XXI) In studying the contents of this chapter pay particular attention to the relationship between the journal entry on page 38 READING GUIDE 237 and the totals of the purchase journal on pages 234 and 235. Note the difference between an expenditure which is passed through the purchase journal^ and an expenditure the payment of which is immediately credited to cash — such as the expenditures for insurance, rent, and other impersonal items shown on page 217. The review questions in Chapters XX and XXI contain much valuable practice work, which should be com- pleted, before proceeding further. The Voucher System (Chapter XXII) The theory of this chapter is contained in § 2, and the explanation of the theory is illustrated in the form on pages 244 and 245. The student should carefully compare the voucher form with the purchase journal form and note the distinction between the two. Supplementary to the information given in § 7, it may be explained that the voucher record is commonly employed by manufacturing concerns which either pay for their purchases promptly or which, because of the diversity of the sources of supply, prefer the voucher record system as a means of saving clerical labor. The large number of accounts that would have to be opened if the purchase ledger were used are thus eliminated. Further instructions of the voucher system are explained in Volume II of the Reading Guide. For the present the discussion in the chapter under review covers all the stu- dent's requirements. Problem 4 in Volume V will test your knowledge of the theory of the voucher system. Miscellaneous Sales Matters (Chapter XXIIJ) In many respects the information in this chapter corresponds with the information relating to purchases in Chapter XXI. The contents of the two chapters should be compared for the purpose of noting the points of similarity and divergence. The practice work required by the review questions should not be omitted. BUSINESS ACCOUNTING—VOLUME I 3^ Assignment 9 CONTROLLING ACCOUNTS The operation of controlling accounts, like the principles of debit and credit, is one of those pivotal accounting points on which the student must concen- trate until complete mastery is obtained. Controlling Accounts (Chapter XXIV) In the study of the chapter under review, it is suggested that the theory of the matter be carefully read (§§ 1 to 7), after which the cash book on pages 288 and 289 be studied in the light of the explanation given in § 8. To impress the theory on the mind, the student should reproduce the cash book rulings from memory several times — as illustrated on pages 288 and 289. The illustrative transactions on pages 285 and 286 should be entered in their proper columns without reference to the ex- ample, and the total figures arrived at in this way should be compared with the totals of the example to check the accuracy of the work. After the theory and practice in Chapter XXIV are thor- oughly mastered, it is advisable to study Chapters XVII and XVIII in Volume II, where more elaborate rulings of the cash book are shown. It will be found that the operation of con- trolling account cannot be mastered in one or two attempts, inas- much as, however clear the matter may seem for the time being, when the attempt is made to post the controlling totals to the ledger, the mind tends to become confused as to what to debit and what to credit. Practice, and practice alone can overcome the perplexities of the subject. One point that sometimes perplexes the beginner, when he first approaches controlling accounts and subsidiary ledgers, is the fact that each transaction seems to require three entries — two in the general ledger and one in the subsidiary ledger. It 40 READING GUIDE should be remembered, however, that the subsidiary ledger is merely the detail of the controlling account in the general ledger ; from one point of view the subsidiary ledger may be said to be used only for the purpose of recording important memoranda and is not an integral part of the bookkeeping records. The general ledger contains all information about the transactions of a business; a controlling account gives this information in con- densed form. So long, therefore, as the sum of the general ledger debit postings equals the sum of the credit postings therein, the books remain in balance regardless of the fact that there may be a number of subsidiary ledgers the entries to which are mostly debits or mostly credits. It may here be noted that in cost accounting controlling accounts and subsidiary ledgers are frequently used. Without this device it would be impossible to tie up the general ledger with the cost ledgers and records kept in the factory. For example, an account headed Stores, or several accounts headed with the names of the raw materials purchased, might be opened in the ledger and corresponding columns allotted thereto in the purchase journal or voucher record. The detail of the pur- chases is shown in the stores ledger kept in the factory, while only the totals of the purchases of stores or raw materials are shown in the general ledger, such totals being posted to the gen- eral ledger from the purchasing journal or voucher record at the close of each cost period. Review Question 5 is intended to test your knowledge of the theory of controlling accounts. Assignment 10 DISCOUNTS AND NOTES The four chapters in this division of work furnish much general information about the nature of dis- BUSINESS ACCOUNTING— VOLUME I 41 counts and notes and discuss the method of their accounting. The recording of discounts and note transactions on the books is part of the bookkeeping procedure which is confusing to beginners until prac- tice smooths away the difficulties. Trade Discount and Cash Discount (Chapter XXV) Sections 1 to 10 of this chapter cover ordinary business practice, a knowledge of which the bookkeeper requires but which knowledge has no bearing on accounting theory. The explanation of the method of recording discounts on the books begins at § 11. From here on, the reader should study the text in the light of the illustration given on pages 288 and 289. Attention needs to be directed to the study of the illustrative transactions on pages 285 and 286. First practice their jour- nalization mentally until their entry in the cash book can be readily visualized. After this mental work the cash book rulings should be drawn from memory (as previously suggested), and entries in the cash book should be made, using the illustrative transactions as a basis. In studying the list of transactions on pages 285 and 286, the journalization of the items under the dates of September 3, 15, and 30, which items are note trans- actions, will be more clearly understood after the explanatory matter dealing with such notes has been covered in the following chapter. Problems 6 and 7 in Volume V furnish valuable practice work covering the information given in this chapter. Illustrative Cash Book Entries (Chapter XXVI) The practice work in this chapter will already have been covered. To acquire the requisite facility, however, in journaliz- ing transactions, the exercise may with advantage be repeated several times. 42 READING GUIDE Notes and Trade Acceptances (Chapter XXVII) Sections 1 to 8 of this chapter comprise preliminary in- formation, a knowledge of which is required for the correct recording of notes receivable and payable. The debiting and crediting of these items often appears complicated and much practice is needed before you will acquire the proper facility. The procedure in § § 9 and 1 1 should be carefully impressed on the mind, and the necessary practice may be obtained by men- tally journalizing the transactions given in Chapter XXVIII, page 307. Note Transactions Journalized (Chapter XXVIII) This chapter affords further practice in the use of control- ling accounts. After studying the columnar journal shown on page 309, try to reproduce the ruling and headings from memory until an accurate reproduction can be made. The illustrative entries on page 307 should then be entered in the skeleton form, and the totals compared with those given on page 309 as a check on the accuracy of the work. Without such practice as this it is impossible to master the theory of controlling accounts or acquire facility and accuracy in the recording of note trans- actions. Assignment 11 MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS This assignment of work covers the isolated sub- ject of depreciation and a final chapter on the jour- nals illustrative of posting problems. Depreciation (Chapter XXIX) The discussion of depreciation in this chapter covers the knowledge required to handle the problem of depreciating or BUSINESS ACCOUNTING— VOLUME I 43 writing off the value of the plant and machinery belonging to a small manufacturing concern. Moreover, in every business, whether manufacturing or mercantile, provision must be made for bad debts, and the method of depreciating the accounts re- ceivable described in § 11 is one with which every bookkeeper is required to be familiar. A more detailed discussion of the accounting requirements for the handling of depreciation in a large manufacturing con- cern will be found in Volumes III and IV. For the present the student is concerned merely with the general principles of the subject given in this chapter. Problems 8 to 10 in Volume V furnish practice work in accounting for depreciation, and Problems 11 and 12 similar work in handling losses from bad debts. The Use of Subsidiary Books (Chapter XXX) This chapter is important and demands your concentrated attention. It is especially designed to test the thoroughness of the knowledge you have so far acquired. Suggestions as to the method of its study are given in the opening section. It is necessary, therefore, only to emphasize the value of the practice work afforded by this chapter as a test for any weak spots in theory and practice. If any are found, the preceding informa- tion should be reviewed until both theory and practice are so firmly fixed in mind that the transactions given on page 329 can be posted and a trial balance drawn up without any mental hesitancy and with absolute accuracy. Attention is again drawn to the importance of following the precise form of the journal entries illustrated on pages 330 to 333. After completing the practice work in this chapter, turn to Problem 13 in Volume V and try to solve it. The requirements of this problem will test the thoroughness of your knowledge of the theory of journalizing. 44 READING GUIDE Assignment 12 PARTNERSHIP AND CORPORATION FEATURES In the three following chapters only those essen- tial points of difference are discussed which arise in the recording of partnership and corporation trans- actions. Partnership Accounting (Chapters XXXI and XXXII) The method of opening the partnership books, as described in the opening sections of Chapter XXXI, involves no new ac- counting theory. In § 4 an illustration is given of an accounting problem which is of frequent occurrence. Such difficulties crop up to confront every bookkeeper, and a thorough mastery of accounting theory is required to handle them. The routine book- keeper is usually at a loss as to the correct procedure. But any- one who has a clear understanding of the theory of the subject as well as ordinary facility in practice will have no difficulty in working out the correct solution. Sections 7 to 1 1 need to be studied with unusual care because their theory is difficult to impress upon the memory. Most of the problems which are peculiar to partnership accounting have to do with the division of the partnership profits, and careful attention should be given to the principles on which this division is based. The problems which arise on the dissolution of a partnership are often perplexing. Considerable practice is necessary to acquire the knowledge and experience required to cope with these difficulties. The student will find such practice in working out Problems 14 to 22 in Volume V^ devoted to partnership trans- actions. Corporation Accounting (Chapter XXXIII) The chief point of this chapter is to show wherein the accounting for a corporation differs from that for a partnership BUSINESS ACCOUNTING— VOLUMi: I 4U or sole proprietorship. The theory of tlie subject is covered in §§ 6 and 7 to which careful study should be devoted. In Volume IV the more complicated phases of corporation accounting arc discussed in detail. Problems 23 to 25 iti Volume V furnish practice work in handling entries relating to corporation accounts. Assignment 13 SINGLE-ENTRY SYSTEM The fundamental characteristics of the single- entry system of bookkeeping are taken up in the two chapters of this assignment. Single-Entry Bookkeeping (Chapters XXXIV and XXXV) The single-entry method is still commonly employed in the one-man business where the volume of transactions is insufficient to occupy the full time of a competent bookkeeper. As such a business grows^ the accountant is frequently called in to trans- form the single-entry method into a double-entry system. This phase of the work^ which is covered in the problems in Volume V, is one which every accountant should carefully study, and to handle it a knowledge of the theory of single entry is required — as given in these two chapters. Assignment 14 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION These two chapters are really a resume of the theory of account keeping and are useful for the pur- 46 READING GUIDE pose of checking up the knowledge already acquired. They also serve the equally useful purpose of refer- ence when working out the problems in Volume V which relate to Volume I. Analysis of Debit and Credit Accounts (Chapters XXXVI AND XXXVII) If in the study of these two chapters the student finds that his knowledge on certain points is hazy, or that the operation of a particular account is other than he supposes, there is clearly a need of his going back to the earlier subject and obtaining a firmer grasp of its meaning. Volume II Constructive Accounting ASSIGNMENTS FOR VOLUME II Assignment 1 PRELIMINARY EXPLANATION Constructive accounting is the application of the principles and methods of procedure, already ex- plained in Volume I, to the requirements of individual businesses. Chapters J to III give a swift, compre- hensive review of matters with which the student of constructive accounting must be familiar before he can profitably begin the special work of the subject. They should be read through attentively but do not call for detailed study. Introductory (Chapter I) The object here is to present a bird's-eye view of the gen- eral field of accounting in order to locate the special task of the constructive accountant. The tabulation form aids the student in definitely outlining the material. The Working Organization (Chapter II) From the beginning the student of constructive accounting should cultivate the habit of visualizing in definite form the organization scheme of the business with which he has to work. The facts and relationships sketched in Chapter II are familiar individually to most accountants. The effort to formulate them fully and correctly by means of diagrams is a good foundation for the work of this volume. The student will find it beneficial to draw additional dia- grams for himself of other businesses with which he is acquainted. 49 50 READING GUIDE Development of Records (Chapter III) The object here is to give a brief description of the various **books/* the tools with which accounting works, and of their development. It affords a useful review of Volume I from a slightly different angle. Assignment 2 THE SURVEY OF THE FIELD The chapters of this assignment present broadly the chief factors involved in the special work of con- structive accounting, showing the practical applica- tion of principles of accounting analysis to a succes- sion of individual cases. In brief form they give the result of much experience with cases of widely vary- ing nature. The student will find it profitable to review them from time to time as he works through the book. The student should observe the importance that is attached to tact and to common sense, in the methods of the constructive accountant. To lay out satisfac- torily a system of accounts requires not merely close attention to the special circumstances of the indi- vidual business concerned, but full allowance at all times for the human factors of its personnel. These chapters emphasize, in fact, the need of a competent knowledge of management by the account- ant who is to succeed in constructive work. BUSINESS ACCOUNTING—VOLUME II 51 The Survey (Chapter IV) This chapter and the following should be studied carefully, section by section. The matter presented is more or less familiar to most business men, but it is not always considered in any systematic view which embraces the problem of constructive accounting as a whole. The following items should be noted: § 1. The three "steps'* of the accountant's investigation. 3. The points to be considered in the planning of a system. These should be definitely memorized. 8. The suggestion with regard to working papers — an instance of the practical character of the volume. Planning an Accounting System (Chapter V) The student should note that in this chapter a point that is especially stressed is the importance of caution, patience, and tact on the part of the accountant throughout his diagnosis of the business under examination. Note in § 1 the reference to chapters in Volume I which bear on the point in hand. One of the features of the present set of volumes is the convenience of such comparison and cross- reference. Forms and Records (Chapter VI) The important principles of form construction explained in this chapter need thoughtful study. Once these are mastered and applied in a few cases, the task of committing to memory the more or less standard forms and records used in different kinds of business is greatly simplified. A knowledge of the information a specific form is intended to record should bring to mind the kind of record that is used. Loose-Leaf and Bound Records (Chapter VII) This chapter presents a concise summary of points relating to the physical form of records. In connection with this dis- 52 READING GUIDE cussion it might be well to read Chapter XXIX on mechanical aids. Assignment 3 PURCHASING RECORDS The basis for all definite work in constructive accounting is given here in the five chapters which treat the subject of purchasing. They should receive careful and systematic studJ^ The accounting procedure in connection with pur- chases is outlined and discussed in Chapters XI and XII. Before this discussion can be profitably taken up, however, it is indispensable that the student obtain a comprehensive, well-arranged view of the organization of a purchasing department and its activities. This is presented in Chapters VIII, IX, and X. The remark with which the author closes his whole discussion. Chapter XII, § 8, is significant: "The system to be used for handling purchases de- pends entirely on the business under consideration. .... Each separate case must be determined by careful examination of its own distinct problems. Preference for one system over another depends upon such matters as strength of office force, quantity of invoices received, financial status, etc." In view of this fact, the description in Chapters VIII, IX, and X calls for careful study. The stu- dent should begin work in this assignment by reading BUSINESS ACCOUNTING— VOLUME II 53 through these three chapters, to get a view of the flow of operations. He should then take them up in detail to fix each step in mind before passing on to Chapters XI and XII. Purchasing Department Organization (Chapter VIII) A brief outline characterization of the function of the pur- chasing department in general is made. One portion of the chapter which should be carefully studied is the orderly, con- venient, and brief enumeration of purchasing department activi- ties in § 5. Purchasing Department Routine (Chapter IX) This is a long chapter which traces the purchasing procedure through its first stages until the order is placed. It should be not merely read through in connection with Chapters VIII and X, but studied, item by item. In this careful second reading note especially: § 3. The steps of the purchasing routine. 5, 6, and 7. The description of the purchase requisi: tion. 9. The description of the purchase order. 10. The description of the purchase order register. Purchase Department Routine — Continued (Chapter X) This chapter traces the later stages of the purchasing proc- ess — the handling of the invoice for goods bought. In the student's careful second reading he should notice: 1. The enumeration of the varieties of error, in connection with invoices, against which the purchasing depart- ment must continually guard. 2. The description of the leading methods and devices for recording and checking invoices which are used in purchasing departments and with which the account- 54 READING GUIDE ant who has to build a system needs to be closely familiar. Purchase Records (Chapter XI) This chapter, together with Chapter XII, gives the detailed discussion of accounting procedure to which the preceding three chapters are introductory. The text should be worked through slowly, step by step. The object should not be merely to understand the meaning of forms and methods, but to realize plainly under what conditions they are used and how they operate. This requires a clearly differentiated notion of what each of the ten forms of purchase records is and the type of business to which it is suitable. To visualize definitely their various advantages and disadvantages, try to apply these forms for yourself to some business with which you are acquainted. Be sure to grasp the distinction between a purchase journal and a voucher register. In this connection it is well to refresh the memory with the theory of the subject by rereading Chapter XXII, Volume I. Do not fail to master the handy summary of the arguments for and against the voucher system in § 9. Purchase Records — Continued (Chapter XII) This is a short but important chapter, which discusses de- vices for making the purchase records more convenient and more accurate. Notice especially the methods of handling returned goods and allowances, and of correcting errors of computation, and the like, which are discovered after the regular entries have been made. Assignment 4 STORES The subject matter here is closely related to that of the last part of Assignment 3, Once the student BUSINESS ACCOUNTING— VOLUME II 55 has an orderly grasp of the flow of operations in the purchasing department, he should be able readily to add on the stores operations as a continuation of the process. Stores Systems (Chapter XIII) In the study of this chapter the first aim should be to obtain a full and orderly view of the operating activities in connection with stores, in which the accounting phenomena originate. The specific functions of the stores department are set forth in § 6. In his detailed study of the chapter the student should note: § 1. The two different forms of stores organization. 2. The definition applied to the term "stores." 6. The enumeration of the four steps of the stores de- partment's activity. 7. The space given to the discussion of the technique of receiving goods and to descriptions of the ma- terials received record. Observe here that the dis- cussion of receiving certain sorts of materials, "goods returned from customers/' is deferred to Chapter XVI, page 175, in connection with sales. 8 to 11. The space given to full discussion of the stores ledger and its advantages, and of the process of installing it. Here observe the handling of dupli- cate sheets. Observe also that the stores ledger, aside from other functions, serves as a continuous inventory. Assignment 5 SALES RECORDS The treatment of sales is, on the whole, like tliat of purchasing. The whole course of procedure rehit- 55 READING GUIDE ing to sales is assembled and presented in orderly form as a basis for the study of the accounting work involved. Without a clear grasp of the clerical routine through which sales orders pass in different types of business, the reason for the accounting rec- ords and for the method of their handling is unin- telligible. Sales matters relating to organization and oper- ation are less easily differentiated from accounting matters than in the case of purchasing. The student should therefore first read through all three chapters of the discussion before concentrating on study of the details. Sales Department Organization (Chapter XIV) Careful note should be made of the list of functions of the sales department, in § 2. As foundations for all further study, the student should obtain a definite conception of the three methods of retail sell- ing and of the difference in organization of the sales department which each method entails, as explained in § 4. Then he should visualize for himself with equal definiteness the differences in situation and methods between the retail business, the whole- sale — ^jobbing — business, and the mail-order business, as sketched in §§4 to 7. Finally he should study closely the detailed de- scription in § 8 of the highly developed organization that com- bines all three types. Sales Order Routine (Chapter XV) Chapter XV takes up in detail the first part of the work of recording and accounting for sales. It traces the handling by the sales department of the individual sales orders on which the accounting for sales is based. BUSINESS ACCOUNTING— VOLUME II 57 Note carefully •(§!) that whereas the sales order may originate in three different ways, the routine of handling it is practically the same for all of them. It is important to fix carefully in mind the successive steps of this routine. The stu- dent would do well to follow through the handling of sales orders in various businesses with which he is acquainted, com- paring the process with the description here given. Study closely in particular the detailed description in § 6 of the duplicate copies of the sales order and their disposition. Sales Records (Chapter XVI) This chapter traces the later steps in the handling of sales records. The matter presented is important. The student should observe that the chapter falls into three principal divisions, as follows: §§ 1 to 12. Methods of assembling the individual sales orders described in Chapter XV. 13 and 14. Methods of recapitulations. 15 to 24. Special phases of sales transactions and their treatment. In studying the first of these groups of sections, the stu- dent should note that the development of the separate sales books from the journal is closely parallel to the development of separate purchase books. He should clearly grasp the various methods of making out the original record (§§ 7 to 10), as well as the differences between the sales book of a wholesale con- cern and that of a retailer. In studying the special phases discussed in later sections, close attention should be given to the details of the technique described. The remarks on returned sales in § 15 should be compared with those in Chapter XIII. The subject of cash is taken up fully in the next assign- ment ; what is said here should be reviewed at that time. The student should differentiate clearly the treatment involved ia 58 READING GUIDE connection with sales on consignment^ sales on approval^ C. O. D. sales, instalment sales, and coupon books. After completing the study of the chapter, the student should reproduce from memory the special forms required in each case. A thorough knowledge of the problem involved and of the information which the records must supply will enable the student to reproduce the required records with accuracy and Assignment 6 CASH RECORDS The four chapters here grouped together develop the simple theory and practice which underlie the use of the cash book as explained in Volume I, Chapters XVII, XX, and XXVI. The fundamental infor- mation in both volumes of necessity runs on parallel lines, but the reason for the use of distinct records and for the form which their development takes under varying conditions of business is fully taken up in this volume. The subject may be more profitably studied as a whole if the chapters referred to in Vol- ume I are reread in the light of the more detailed information given in this volume. General Cash Records (Chapter XVII) This chapter as a whole amplifies the discussion of the theory of the cash journal as presented in Volume I, Chapter XVII. Particular attention should be devoted to §§4 and 9. 3rhe essentials of a cash system as explained in § 4 cover certain BUSINESS ACCOUNTING— VOLUME II 50 rules of procedure in handling cash. These rules should in- variably be followed if the clerical work is to be done with accuracy and dispatch; but in the business where trial balances seldom balance, where the bookkeeper spends hours in recon- ciling his bank balance, or where the cashier finds his cash fre- quently "short" or "over/' these essential rules of procedure are more often ignored than observed. Especially is this the case in the small business where to handle cash in the way described seems to many business men mere "red-tape." Everyday ac- counting experience, however, proves that it pays in time, trouble, and money to handle cash transactions in a methodical way such as that described in § 4. The differences in procedure caused by the different treat- ment of cash discounts described on page 198 are always a cause of mental confusion to the student especially when the books are to be closed and the cash journal columns are posted to the ledger. No one method is more generally employed than another, and commercial usage requires that the accountant be conversant with all three methods. To acquire equal facility in their use, practice work is necessary such as that furnished by the keep- ing of different sets of books. General Cash Records (Chapter XVIII) In the study of the practical and constructive side of ac- counting represented by the use of special forms and records designed for special purposes, there is only one way in which the design of a particular form and the method of its use or operation can be remembered. The form should be drawn from memory, and a number of entries should be made on the records sufficient to impress its ruling on the mind. For instance, in the study of this and other chapters where the rulings of the jour- nals and other forms are shown, the illustrative cash book entries on pages 285 and 286 of Volume I should be entered on all records designed for the recording of cash transactions. There- fore, the practice work on this and the preceding chapter should 60 READING GUIDE include the drawing of the forms shown on pages 199^ 202^ and 208, and the entry of the above transactions on those forms, A comparison of the different forms and headings used for like transactions, for the purpose of noting their differences and the reason for these differences, is a valuable method of study. Further rules to insure accuracy in the handling of cash items, as given in § 6, should be noted. In reading the explana- tion of the development of a particular form of ruling, the rea- sons for the variations should be studied in conjunction with the scrutiny of the new type of record, and the reasons for the differences in the arrangement of the columns should be men- tally formulated. This kind of analytical reasoning coupled with the reproduction of the forms from memory will enable you to acquire a valuable mastery of the theory which governs the use of different accounting records. A good explanation of the use of the voucher check is given in § 7. Many bookkeepers and business men receive such checks in ordinary business practice without understanding the reason for their use. Petty Cash Records (Chapter XIX) This brief chapter is a development of § 15 in Chapter XX, Volume I. As practice work on this chapter, rule the petty cash books shown on page 219, enter a dozen or more fictitious or supposititious items on the form, total the columns and make the necessary journal entry. Miscellaneous Cash Records (Chapter XX) The cash journal illustrated and described in the opening sections of this chapter is suited to those business conditions where numerous cash payments are made for merchandise pur- chases which are departmentalized. Its advantages are that it gives a more detailed analysis of cash payments than is afforded by the use of any other type of cash book. Section 5 should be closely studied in conjunction with Chapter XXII, § 18. The remaining sections call for no special comment other BUSINESS ACCOUNTING— VOLUME II gj than to draw attention to the fact that Forms 63, 64, and 66 arc merely illustrative of the use of special records for special needs. Assignment 7 MAIN BOOKS— JOURNAL AND LEDGER The three chapters here grouped together, after summarizing the theory of the journal and the ledger as explained in detail in Volume I, carry the dis- cussion of the development of the journal and ledger entries through to their more compHcated forms. It is impossible, within the pages of a single book, to explain and illustrate all types of journals and ledgers as well as the variations from those types which are used in actual business practice. The ex- amples here given have been selected because they explain the general principles underlying the develop- ment of the more complicated forms, and because they are those most commonly met with in business ac- counting. The Journal (Chapter XXI") The two opening sections of this chapter recapitulate in condensed form the information in Volume I, Chapter XV. The gist of the matter is contained in the chart of books of original entry (Form 57), which chart is worth study. Special attention should be paid to § 3 which makes clear the present-day func- tion of the general journal and the reason for its very limited use. As a business grows in size and its account classification extends, the mistake of posting to the wrong account is one that Q2 READING GUIDE needs to be guarded against, especially when a number of book- keepers are employed who do their work largely in a mechanical fashion. The journal voucher is a simple modern device to facili- tate accurate posting, and a device which is rapidly growing in favor. It serves its purpose by telling the bookkeeper what accounts to debit and what to credit. Anything which does this is a journal voucher, no matter in what form it may appear. The form on page 235 is intended to illustrate general principles rather than the kind of record that is commonly used. Study carefully the theory of the use of journals of three or more columns as explained in §§ 6 and 7. The same prin- ciple applies to the use of a journal containing a dozen or more columns as applies to the use of one containing three columnst Every controlling account and subsidiary ledger requires its own column in the journal for the collection and classification of the transactions to be posted therein. As practice work on this chapter, it is suggested that the six-column journal shown on page 242 be reproduced from memory, as well as the cash, the purchases, and the sales jour- nals, and that the illustrative entries in Volume I, pages 329 to 331, be entered in their respective journals and the totals pre- pared for posting to the ledger. The Ledger (Chapter XXII) No section of this chapter can be singled out as requiring more detailed study than any other. The contents as a whole should be slowly assimilated. The practice work in Review Questions 4 and 6 will serve to impress on the mind the reason for the particular entry. In studying the different rulings, try to think of types of business transactions which require each kind of ledger ruling for their most convenient handling. The discussion of the private ledger in § 18 will thoroughly test your knowledge of the theory of double entry. If you can grasp the explanation and visualize in your mind the method of opening and operating a private ledger, you may be assured BUSINESS ACCOUNTING— VOLUME II ^3 that your accounting knowledge is thorougli and that you are building on a sure foundation. If you cannot, then the illustra- tion given below will make the matter clear to you. In studying the illustration, visualize the postings to the different accounts. General Ledger Trial Balance (After Closing)* Cash $ 3,550.00 Special Deposits 5,000.00 Investments 4,000.00 Customers 17,340.00 Inventory of Mdse 5,000.00 Furniture and Fixtures. 1,500.00 Plant and Equipment.. 10,000.00 Patents 10,000.00 Drawings 2,250.00 $58,640.00 Notes Payable $ 2,500.00 Accounts Payable 11,^10.00 Wages Payable 800.00 Mortgage Payable 3^^)0.00 Capital 40,500.00 $58,640.00 General Ledger Trial Balance (After Closing) f Cash $ 3,550.00 Customers 17,340.00 Furniture and Fixtures. 1,500.00 Plant and Equipment.. 10,000.00 Patents 10,000.00 $42,390.00 Notes Payable $ 2,500.00 Accounts Payable 11,840.00 Wages Payable 300.00 Private Ledger Control Account 27,750.00 ^2,390.00 Private Ledger Trial Balance (After Closing) Special Deposits $ 5,000.00 Investments 4,000.00 Inventory of Mdse 5,000.00 Drawings 2,250.00 General Ledger Control Account 27,750.00 $44,000.00 Mortgage Payable $ 3,500.00 Capital 40,500.00 $44,000.00 * On the assumption that there is no private ledger, t On the assumption that a private ledger is kept. 64 READING GUIDE Classification of Accounts (Chapter XXIII) Sections 1 and 2 are introductory to the theory of the sub- ject in § 3. In the study of the examples of classification sys- tems from page 273 to the end of the chapter, you should memo- rize the classification shown on pages 273 to 276. This is much easier than at first appears. The main headings of assets and liabilities suggest the group headings of fixed, current, deferred, and so on; the group headings suggest the subdivisions; and the subdivisions indicate the titles of the accounts that fall within them. Half an hour's study and two or three attempts to re- produce the list should be sufficient to impress on the mind the names of the majority of the accounts and their classification. The more elaborate classifications beginning on page 277 are presented for reference purposes, also for detailed study. After completing your reading of this chapter, turn to Vol- ume V, Problem 35, and work out the classification of the ac- counts shown in the trial balance in accordance with the prin- ciples laid down in this chapter. Then compare the result with the solution to the problem which presents an alternative method. Assignment 8 STATEMENTS As the subject under this heading is completely covered in Volume I, Chapters IX to XIV, and in Volume IV, Part IV, the discussion here is limited to the essential and elementary information required to complete the unity of this volume. Statements (Chapter XXIV) The important points in this chapter that have not been touched upon in Volume I and to which in consequence special BUSINESS ACCOUNTING— VOLUME II 55 attention should be devoted, are those in §§ 6 to 9. As examples of comparative, cumulative, and graphic statements will be found in Volumes III and IV, the present chapter requires little more than a careful reading, and the marking on the margin of the points to be memorized. Assignment 9 EXPENSE EXPENDITURES Chapters XXV and XXVI in this assignment of work cover the method of accounting for expenditures under the three designated heads on the books of a concern which buys merchandise for resale. Chapter XXVII discusses a method of controlhng expense, which increases in its importance as a business grows in size. Expense (Chapter XXV) The accounting theory in this chapter is comparatively simple and summarizes the current practice of commercial houses. A more detailed discussion of various methods of accounting for expense will be found in Volume III. The attention of the student is drawn to one important point in Chapter XXV, namely, that the expenses of the purchasing department are added to the cost of the goods sold, whereas administrative and selling expense are treated as deductions from gross profits. Labor and Salaries (Chapter XXVI) The information in this chapter is included for the sake of completeness and for the benefit of those students who do not intend to make a special study of cost accounting. As cost QQ READING GUIDE accounting, however, is somewhat related to general accounting, this chapter should be read carefully. The Budget (Chapter XXVII) The information here relates to financial policy and does not concern the keeping of any special accounting records. The expenditures of preceding periods form the basis of the budget for the current period, due provision being made for changes in policy and operations. To the student or business man it is sug- gestive of means of controlling expenditures rather than de- scriptive of the concrete methods to be employed. The actual methods are, for obvious reasons, a problem which every business must solve in its own way. Assignment 10 MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS The special records and the office devices de- scribed in these two chapters are so frequently met with in ordinary business practice that a knowledge of their scope and use is information with which every accountant should be familiar. Special Records (Chapter XXVIII) Either a notes register or notes journal in one form or another is a part of the bookkeeping records in practically every business in which note transactions are at all numerous. Part of the practice work on this chapter should include the drawing of Forms 76 and 77 from memory, and the entry thereon of the illustrative transactions given in Volume 1, Chapter XXVIII, §2. Study and compare the ruling of Form 78 with that of Form 74 (page 258). The difference between the two forms is that BUSINESS ACCOUNTING— VOLUME II ^^ the corporation stock ledger is a subsidiary book controlled by the Capital Stock account in the general ledger, whereas the corporation stock book serves as a journalizing record for the assembling of the totals to be posted to the ledger. Forms 79 to 82 are records devised for journalizing purposes and they should be studied from this angle. Compile mentally the journal entry to be made for the posting of the data accumulated on these supplementary records. In studying these records it should never be overlooked that where any form serves as a record of original entry it fulfils the purposes of a journal from which entry may be made on the regular journal or, if postings are numerous, direct to the ledger. Forms 84 and 85 are in- tended to illustrate general principles and it is unnecessary to commit their special rulings to memory. In this connection it may be noted that it is a simple matter to reproduce any special form or devise a new form for a special purpose when the kind of information to be recorded and the purpose it is to fulfil arc known. , Mechanical Aids (Chapter XXIX) This chapter consists of general information and requires merely a careful reading. Assignment 11 SPECIAL SYSTEMS The three chapters discussed below cover the spe- cial points in retail, wholesale, branch, and mail- order accounting which necessitates the use either of distinctive books of original entry or of distinctive accounting methods. The operation of agency and branch accounting, while simple in theory, becomes 68 READING GUIDE complicated in practice because of the necessity of keeping two sets of records which must "tie up" or articulate with each other. Retail and Wholesale Accounting (Chapter XXX) For practice work on this chapter, construct the cash book sheet described in § 8, and the purchase journal and notes pay- able register in § 9. Enter on these records a number of sup- posititious transactions, total them, and journalize the totals for ledger entry purposes. Agencies and Branches (Chapter XXXI) This chapter calls for methodical and patient study. For practice work in the operation of agency and branch accounts, it is suggested that the accounts referred to be constructed and a number of imaginary transactions be journalized and posted therein. This will help to impress the procedure on the mind and serve as an introduction to the study of Problems 37 and 41 in Volume V. These may be taken up as soon as the theory of the subject is mastered. Mail-Order Accounting (Chapter XXXII) The general procedure of mail-order accounting does not materially differ from ordinary accounting practice, the chief distinction lying in the ruling of the cash book as shown on page 394. This form should be carefully studied and a mental analy- sis should be made of the reasons for the special records used. Assignment 12 SPECIAL SYSTEMS (Continued) The three special systems in this group have dis- tinctive features of their own. One engaged in ordi- BUSINESS ACCOUNTING-VOLUME II ^ nary business may never have occasion to handle this particular kind of accounting, but a knowledge of the methods employed is required by the candidate for a C. P. A. examination. Professional Accounts (Chapter XXXIII) The distinctive features of most special systems of account- ing are seen in the ruling of the cash book and in the kinds of records kept as books of original entry. The careful study and memorization of these records will usually suffice to give the student a working knowledge of how to handle the particular type of accounting to which the records are applied. Estate Accounting (Chapter XXXIV) Estate accounting is a highly specialized branch. One pecu- liarity is the form of statement which the executor is required by law to furnish. The study of the form shown on page 411 in conjunction with the text will give the student an insight into the special features of this branch of accounting work. Stock Brokers* Accounts (Chapter XXXV) The distinctive features of this type of accounting are seen in the use of the blotter (Form 109) and in the operation of Long and Short accounts. This system of account-keeping seems complicated and puzzling until the nature of the trans- actions and the usages which govern them are clearly under- stood. Therefore, the explanation of the principles which govern stock exchange transactions should be studied carefully. Assignment 13 MISCELLANEOUS SYSTEMS Of the five remaining chapters of this book, the first three take up the distinctive features of certain 70 READING GUIDE special systems, a knowledge of which is requisite to round out the education of the accountant. Chap- ters XXXIX and XL serve as an introduction to, and a review of, the field of cost accounting, and ex- plain the difference between the cost accounting of a manufacturing business and the financial accounting of a trading concern which analyzes the cost of goods sold. The final chapter in the book needs careful study. The principles and methods involved in no way differ in their fundamentals from those explained in Volume III. Volume III Cost Accounting ASSIGNMENTS FOR VOLUME III Assignment 1 GENERAL PRINCIPLES This volume requires from the reader a new point of view. The other volumes of the series dealing with general accounting draw their illustrations mainly from mercantile transactions. This volume on cost accounting is concerned more particularly with in- dustrial enterprises. Chapters I and II lay down the general principles of cost accounting, and indicate its place in modern business. They do not enter into the technique of the subject. Cost Accounting in Modern Business (Chapter I) This chapter can be studied section by section, inasmuch as an understanding of one section is not a prerequisite to the understanding of the others. Elements and Principles of Cost Accounting (Chaptbr II) Several classifications of costs are discussed in this chapter. Note the threefold classification given in § 1. The most im- portant point to be gained from the chapter is probably the relation between the classification of costs into direct and in- direct, and the accuracy of the cost figures. Note that expenses as indicated by the chart on page 21 are numerous and are classified into two comprehensive groups. While the author mentions in this chapter the difficulty of dis- tributing expenses, you will not fully appreciate this point until 73 74 READING GUIDE you have concluded the reading of the later chapters which deal with expense distribution. Observe the need for prompt presentation and compilation of costs. This calls for a short cost period. Before leaving this chapter^ classify costs according to the different methods there discussed and give examples of each type. Do this after studying § 8 but do not refer to it when making your classifications. Assignment 2 COST ACCOUNTING PROCEDURE IN GENERAL The function of this assignment is to present a well-rounded view of the mechanism with which cost accounting operates before taking up the detail of procedure. The student should first examine care- fully the table of contents for Parts I and II in order to get a proper perspective and an idea of the rela- tion of the two groups of chapters. Then Chapters III, IV, and V should be read straight through. After this first general reading, go back and study each chapter, section by section, noting what each successive step in the procedure contributes. These chapters should be read again after finishing Chapter XXIII, to make sure that he understands clearly the relation between the steps of the detail technique. Routine of Cost Accounting (Chapter III) This is a chapter of details from which emerges the impor- tant point that the detailed accounting practice varies in differ- ent plants, even in the same line of industry. BUSINESS ACCOUNTING— VOLUME III 75 Note the function of authorization and numbering of pro- duction and standing orders. Study the contents of the sample production order on page 32. A knowledge of what a form should contain is more important than a knowledge of its arrange- ment, since you will have to devise forms to fit the circumstances in each individual ''engagement" you undertake. Note the function and contents of the material requisition and time ticket. Study § 5 very carefully. Remember that costs other than prime costs are distributed first to departments and then to products passing through the departments. The details of such distribution through the medium of ''Expense Distribu- tion Sheets" will be explained in later chapters. Note at this time the contents of these sheets, the sources of entries therein, and who fills them out. Since all costs are entered and sum- marized on cost sheets in a jpb order factory, they should be studied with care. Cost Accounting Methods — Simple Products (Chapter IV) Summarize the steps involved in calculating the unit conver- sion cost. The job order and process methods may be used con- currently in a given plant as described in § 5. The foundry is a familiar illustration of the job cost system. Cost Accounting Methods — Compound Products (Chap- ter V) Chapter IV dealt with the job cost system of accounting a. applied to products which require only one class of raw ma- terial. A more complex procedure which is needed wlien more than one class of material is involved is discussed in Chapter V. Production orders not only authorize production but also serve sometimes as a collecting vehicle for costs applicable to the order. (See §§ 2 and 3.) Be able to describe the three copies of the combined produc- tion order and cost sheet (Form 8) and to list their maiii con- 76 READING GUIDE tents. Study the three purposes of coupon orders. Note also how production can be traced by means of these orders. Summarize the steps in scheduling production under the coupon order method of production (see § 5). Note particularly the function of the "Day's Work Sheet.'' Study the different reasons for charging leather to shoes at an average j^rice rather than at actual cost. Be sure to get the point that differences between actual and estimated cost must be traced and accounted for. Write out the technique of the "Loss and Gain on Estimate" account. Note also that these differences have a bearing on the problem of fixing a selling price and the problem of waste. In connection with § 7 you will find it profitable to set down the advantages and disadvantages of estimating systems in con- nection with various industries. . • In § 8 the main point is the reason for keeping separate costs for the component parts of a finished product. Assignment 3 RELATION BETWEEN GENERAL LEDGER AND COST ACCOUNTS The chief purpose of this assignment is to em- phasize the point already touched in Chapter I, that any system of cost records must ''tie up" with the general records, and that the tie-up is accomplished by means of controlling accounts. It is absolutely impossible to control costs unless thi^ is done. The student should review in this connection Volume I, Chapter XXIV, and apply the principles there pre- sented to the new task now confronting him. BUSINESS ACCOUNTING— VOLUME III 77 The correlation of controlling accounts with sub- sidiary records is more difficult in connection with a cost system than in connection with a system of gen- eral accounts. For example, the tie-up of the Raw Materials controUing account — a cost account — with stock records is more difficult than the tie-up of Accounts Receivable — a commercial account — with the customers ledger. Financial and Cost Accounts (Chapter VI) Inasmuch as general ledger and cost accounts are operated concurrently, the relation between the two must now be clearly understood. The actual tie-up between general ledger and cost accounts is accomplished by controlling accounts, as here ex- plained. The place of perpetual inventories in tying up cost records with the general accounts is discussed in §§ 4 and 6. You should be able to explain in detail the arrangement and functions of the stores ledger, cost ledger, and stock ledger, since these are three of the most important records in any cost system. Since the cost ledger is really a file of current job sheets, a form of it does not appear here because it was dis- cussed in Chapter III. For practice work on this chapter, draw up three skeleton ledger accounts with hypothetical figures for the following con- trolling accounts: 1. Stores 2. Work in Process 3. Finished Goods You should in no event proceed with your reading until you thoroughly understand the content and operation of the above accounts — and how they control the detailed cost records. Notice also that the amounts in tliese accounts are checked 78 READING GUIDE against physical inventories before the inventory figures to be entered in the balance sheet are determined upon. Entries to General Ledger Controlling Accounts (Chap- ter VII) In this chapter the detailed technique in connection with the operation of the general ledger controlling accounts is ex- plained. In some places the technique of the subsidiary cost records is discussed where such discussion assists in understand- ing the controlling accounts. Study particularly in § 1 the method of charging purchase to the Raw Material controlling accounts and stock records (subsidiary records). Notice how the agreement between these two classes of data is maintained, and that inward freight is charged to both of the above classes of records. After the Raw Material account the controlling account next opened and operated is that for work in process. The points to be studied in this connection are: 1. The items that make up the account. 2. The original sources from which these items come. 3. How corresponding entries are made in subsidiary records. Observe that the items in each Work in Process account con- sist of: 1. Inventories 2. Materials 3. Labor 4. Overhead Material and labor can be charged directly to Work in Process accounts, but overhead is distributed to departments, work in process, and cost sheets through department overhead rates. The detailed technique of such distribution is discussed in later chapters. BUSINESS ACCOUNTING— VOLUME III jg The next controlling account to be used is the Finished Goods account. Note how it is built up. Be sure to remember that sales of finished goods are credited to Finished Goods account at cost rather than sales price. Indirect Expense Account (Chapter VIII) Section I summarizes the steps in recording indirect expense. Since books are usually kept on an accrual basis, all expenses applicable to a current period must be recorded whether or not they have been paid in cash. Examples of such expenses dis- cussed in § 2 are depreciation, rent, insurance, and taxes. Ex- penses may be prepaid. These expenses are of two kinds (see § 3). Study the method of booking such charges. Closing the Controlling Cost Accounts (Chapter IX) Study the journal entries which affect the controlling ac- counts. Note the points of divergence between the job order and process systems. Without reference to the text, draw up similar journal entries, using hypothetical figures. After this is done, balances appear in certain of these accounts. Be able to name these accounts. You should under- stand the reason for the absence of balances in the non-produc- tive department accounts, and the method of adjusting the bal- ances in the productive department accounts. Assignment 4 GENERAL PROCEDURE IN ACCOUNTING FOR MATERIALS This assignment discusses with some detail the first principal class of costs, namely, materials. It should be studied very closely. The records here de- 80 READING GUIDE scribed — the stock record in particular — constitute a portion of the basic records in a cost system. Accounting for stores cannot be done properly unless there is a proper stores organization and a proper lay-out for the stores department. It is an- other instance of the close relation of cost accounting and management of which the student should never lose sight in his work. To handle this assignment successfully it will be well to review not merely the discussion of elements of cost in Chapter II, but also the discussion of pur- chasing stores in Volume II, Chapters VIII to XIII. It may be said, however, that the accounting for direct materials, here treated, and for direct labor, treated in Assignment 6, will prove much easier to master than the accounting for burden to be dis- cussed further on. Stores and the Stores Department (Chapter X) This chapter is the beginning of a more detailed discussion of cost accounting. It considers the first big cost of a manu- factured product, namely, materials or stores. Stores Accounting and Records (Chapter XI) The last chapter emphasized the needs of stores-rooms and adequate stock records for the control of stores. This chapter deals with the accounting and records for stores. You should imderstand the reasons (presented in § 2) why close accuracy in stores accounting must be insisted on. The technique of stock-recording also is important. Do not proceed in your study until you have mastered it. Note that stock rec- ords usually show not only quantities but also values of stores BUSINESS ACCOUNTING— VOLUME III ot receipts, issues, and balances (§ 3), although sometimes only quantities are shown. After studying § 10, close your book and write out the procedure of handling issued stores. The main points to remember in § 11 are: 1. The technique of recording material returned to vendor. 2. The two records made for material returned to stores- rooms from the factory, namely, stores returned memos and stores returned book. Make a list of the reasons for discrepancies between stores controlling accounts and stores records; and perpetual inven- tories and physical inventories. What accounting entries are made to adjust these discrepancies.^ Assignment 5 SPECIAL FEATURES IN ACCOUNTING FOR MATERIALS The preceding assignment dealt with accounting for stores which might be apphed to any organization. This assignment treats of special problems which arise in accounting for materials pecuHar to certain types of industries. Almost as perplexing at times as the accounting for burden is the handling of these special problems discussed in Chapter XII. For example, the matter of by-product accounting pre- sents an extremely difficult point. The student should allow himself plenty of time to master this assignment, studying and digesting it through patient application to concrete instances. 82 READING GUIDE A thorough understanding of the matter pre- sented here will not only give you a ready command of the technicalities of stock-recording, but will also assist you materially in solving problems of a differ- ent sort. To get the full benefit of the discussion in Chap- ter XIII, you might well try your hand at working out a classification of stores for one or two industries with which you are familiar. Stores Problems (Chapter XII) Two points are emphasized by §2: (1) the three ways of pricing requisitions, and (2) the conditions under which each one of the three methods is applicable. Changes in the weight or volume of materials after purchase must be considered before charging material consumed. The methods of charging in such cases, noted in § 3, should be completely understood. Wastes of materials must also be recorded, and prevented if possible. In order to check unnecessary waste, standards of material consumption should be set. The importance of stand- ards not only of material consumption but also of labor and burden consumption cannot be exaggerated because the measure of current accomplishments can be determined in no other way. In § 5 note the function of the spoilage account, and the replacement order. Although there are various ways of treat- ing defective and spoiled material, such material is usually handled as an overhead item. Note that the accounting for scrap "depends on whether or not the scrap is of sufficient value to affect appreciably the cost of the product.'' The proper accounting for by-products depends primarily on the nature of the by-product and the proportion of its value to the main product. BUSINESS ACCOUNTING— VOLUME III gj Classification of Stores (Chapter XIII) In § 1 note the reason for the cost accountant's interest in the subject of stores classification. Stores must be classified and symbolized in some way, if proper cost records are to be kept. The necessity for this and its advantages are discussed in §§ 2 and 3. After reading § 4, see whether you can outline the steps to be followed in constructing a symbol code. Be able to enumerate the main features of special codes, such as the "block" system and the Dewey decimal system, §§5 and 6. Assignment 6 LABOR COSTS This assignment covers the second of the prin- cipal groups of cost items. In considering labor costs the student must give attention to the Ihiuman element involved. Most cost accountants attribute a large part of their success to their understanding of the human element in the problems they have had to work out. Any method of accounting for labor depends, to a great extent, on the method of wage payment. While in some cases it may not be the function of the cost accountant to select the method of wage payment to be followed in the organization, he should be fa- mihar with the various methods so as to account prop- erly for the costs involved. It is important to have accurate records for labor, not merely in order to determine labor costs, but also g4 READING GUIDE in order to distribute properly the cost of burden, when the method of distribution is by direct labor hours, by direct labor costs, or by machine hours. The three chapters of this group are very closely related; one record of the series here described serves as the basis for another. The student should keep this close relationship firmly in mind throughout his study. As already noted, the subject of direct labor costs — like that of direct material costs — is much simpler than the subject of indirect costs to be taken up later. Nevertheless, the subject requires close and patient attention, and the student should allow him- self plenty of time for his work. Recording the Cost of Labor (Chapter XIV) The first important point for you to note is the dual pur- pose of labor records (see § 2). Note in a general way the method of arriving at labor costs for units of production. Notice the function of the time card for "in and out" time, viz., to record the time the worker enters and leaves the factory. Keep in mind that this record does not show any labor costs although under a process system it furnishes the basis (time) for the calculation of wages. Since the pay-roll is such an important labor record, it should be prepared in analyzed form, i.e., it should show labor costs classified into direct and indirect labor by departments. Study carefully the journal entry which summarizes the labor costs for the period (§7). Time and Pay Records (Chapter XV) Two chief cost records are discussed in this chapter, viz., time cards and pay-roll records. The illustrative forms should BUSINESS ACCOUNTING-VOLUME III gg be studied with two things in mind: (1) their technical use, and (2) their advantages and disadvantages. Wage System (Chapter XVI) The following are the chief points that should be grasped in this chapter: 1. Method of calculating labor costs under the different methods of wage payment. 2. Where each system is applicable; and where non- applicable. 3. The main points of difference among the various methods. Assignment 7 DISTRIBUTION OF INDIRECT EXPENSES The next three assignments deal with the most perplexing problem of cost accounting — the record- ing and distribution of indirect expense. To master these assignments the chapters should be read again and again. The best plan would be for the student first to review Chapter VIII, and then to read Assignments 7, 8, and 9 straight through. After that he should try to outline rather broadly — with- out consulting the book — the main steps involved in the calculation and application of indirect expense. When this outline is completely mastered, the student should begin with Assignment 7 and study each point slowly and carefully. Great effort must be expended 86 READING GUIDE to get a clear understanding of all the records dealing with indirect expense, or burden. Assignment 7 discusses the original records for indirect expense. The student will remember that the matter here presented was referred to incidentally in Volumes I and II, but was not fully treated. The work here, therefore, is a distinctly new development in the study. The intrinsic difficulty of the subject requires your utmost alertness and attentiveness of mind. Chapter XVII serves as a general introduction which should be studied and digested by itself. After that the items to be entered in the original records are grouped in three main divisions which are covered respectively in Chapters XVIII, XIX, and XX. After finishing his detailed study of Chapter XIX, the student should test his understanding of the sub- ject thus far, by trying to draw up a schedule of fixed charges in connection with a business with which he is familiar. General Considerations of Expense (Chapter XVII) No feature of cost accounting is more difficult than the handling of indirect expense^ so you will have to read and reread the chapters in this part in order to understand them fully. Chapters XXI to XXIII should be studied with particular care. Do not by any means proceed with the reading of Chapter XVII beyond the first paragraph until you clearly understand the meaning of indirect expense (burden or overhead) and how it differs from prime cost. It may be necessary to refresh your memory by reading again Chapter II. BUSINESS ACCOUNTING— VOLUME III 37 Note in § 1 the reasons for lack of uniformity in handling expense. Study Form 32 — showing the classification of expense ac- counts. Before reading § 2, be sure that you can summarize the steps involved in the distribution of expense. You will not completely understand these until you have concluded tlie read- ing of Part VI, but at this point you should at least have in mind the steps referred to above. Keep these in mind as you read this part of the book, particularly the last three chapters. Be able to classify expense and to mention the records on which the different classifications are first entered. Make a list of the classes of invoices entered in the purchase journal analysis. Note the analytical function of the subsidiary expense ledger and its importance as an aid to administration. Note the examples and treatment of functional expense accounts. Note the function of the plant ledger. What is a controlling account? The subject of depreciation touched on in this chapter is discussed later in Chapter XX and more fully in Volume IV. Study § 8 very carefully. Then put aside the book and make a list of the classes of expense, and the original factory docu- ments where expenses are entered. Be sure that you under- stand the significance of the term "departmentalization of ex- pense." Summarize the three aims of expense distribution. Indirect Labor and Supplies (Chapter XVIII) The chief point to get in § 1 is that indirect factory activities cannot be charged direct to goods or orders. Note the medium for charging these activities, viz., standing orders. The next point to get in this chapter is the function of the standing order time ticket (§3) and tlie circumstances under which it is used. Study the example (Form 34) of the numbering of sUnding orders. Note the dual advantage of such numbering. Be sure 88 READING GUIDE that you understand how charges are made to standing orders. Make a list of the advantages of a numerical arrangement of orders. Fixed Charges — Rent, Taxes, Interest, Etc. (Chapter XIX) Note the reason for terming certain expenses *'fixed charges.** The next point to understand clearly is the reason for using different mechanisms to distribute indirect labor and supplies, and fixed charges. Study the mechanism for the latter as indicated by Form 35. Make a sample journal entry illustrating a current charge for a fixed charge. Note that the basis for distributing fixed charges to the different departments usually varies. Depreciation (Chapter XX) The chief points to be gained from a reading of the first three sections are : ( 1 ) an understanding of the nature of depre- ciation and obsolescence, and the differences between the two; and (2) a realization of the necessity for recording both of these items in the accounts. Note that the depreciation depends on a number of variable causes. The problem of depreciation is closely bound up with the problem of valuation. This is the reason for the author's point that the cost accountant, as such, has not had the technical training to enable him to measure depreciation accurately. Assignment 8 DISTRIBUTION OF INDIRECT EXPENSE After the indirect expenses have been entered on the original records, the next few steps involved in handUng them are: • BUSINESS ACCOUNTING— VOLUME III 1. To decide what method of distribution should be used. 2. To distribute the indirect expenses in ac- cordance with the method chosen. In deciding upon the method of distributing indirect expense, the student will need to consider carefully the circumstances under which the different methods apply. This requires, of course, a thorough knowledge of the methods in general use, namely: the productive hour method; the percentage of Jabor method; and the machine-rate method. The other methods men- tioned in the chapter are used only to a limited degree. The distributing medium for the second step is the expense distribution sheet. The method of adjusting differences between actual indirect expenses incurred and the application of indirect expenses to the prod- uct by means of burden rates should receive special attention. This assignment requires even more time to mas- ter than the preceding. It is probably the most diffi- cult one in the whole volume and should recefve most serious and concentrated attention. After working through each chapter, the student should look back and try to summarize the steps in each section without referring to the book. Expense Distribution (Chapter XXI) This and the succeeding two chapters have to do with the most difficult feature of cost accounting — the distribution of 90 READING GUIDE indirect expense. Hence they must be studied — not simply- read — with great care. Note the four sources of entries for expenses. Observe also: 1. That expense is departmentalized. 2. That all expenses are collected ultimately in productive department accounts. 3. That expense is applied to product passing through the department by means of a predetermined rate. Be sure that you understand how expenses of non-productive departments are prorated over productive departments. Ex- amples of such expense are: (1) general and administrative, (2) stores, and (3) power. Observe that the distribution in- volves (1) the consideration of the most equitable basis under the circumstances, and (2) the technique of distribution. Do not continue your study until you fully grasp the foregoing points. Note the basis and technique of distributing stores expense directly to jobs, rather than to productive departments and then to jobs. (For further details, see Chapter XXIV.) Observe in §§ 7 and 8 that the treatment of expense under the job order and process methods varies somewhat. Note the advantage of opening expense accounts on the ledger for non-productive departments, and the reason for an expense account for each operating department under the job order method. The treatment of differences between department expense taken from the distribution sheet and department burden applied to orders is explained in Chapter XXII. Expense Distribution Over Product (Chapter XXII) The reason for averaging expenses under the process method and the necessity for burden rates under the job order system should be clearly understood before you read the details of this chapter. BUSINESS ACCOUNTING— VOLUME III g, Make a list of the six bases for burden rates. Two of these are of limited application. List also the four general methods of determining and distributing overhead rates. Note the reasons for the prevalency of the percentage of labor metliod. Be sure you understand the principle upon which this method is based. Study the example which illustrates the technique of this method. Make a list of the conditions that should exist in a plant where the percentage of labor method is applicable. Study the technique and the conditions under which tlie sold-hour method is applicable. Do the same for material and prime cost methods. Note the reasons for overhead adjustments. Study the tech- nique of the methods of handling overhead adjustments and the reasons. Note the circumstances under which each method is suitable. Assignment 9 MACHINE-HOUR RATES Machine-hour rates, which were briefly mentioned in the preceding assignment, are here given detailed treatment. The use of machine-hour rates is the most highly specialized method of distributing indirect ex- pense. It is chiefly applicable when the large majority of the operations of a business are machine opera- tions, particularly automatic machines. Make a list of the steps involved in the use of this method. One special feature of the burden distribu- tion peculiar to this plan is the use of supplementary rates in connection with idle machine time. It is im- portant to grasp the significance of the division of tlie 92 READING GUIDE plant into production centers as a prerequisite to the installation of the method. The student should allow plenty of time for this assignment. After completing it he should once more read over Assignments 7, 8, and 9. Machine-Hour Rates (Chapter XXIII) This chapter deals with a highly specialized method of burden distribution, which, however, is the same in broad out- line as the other distributing methods already discussed. Three chief points are made in § 1 : 1. The circumstances suitable to the use of machine rates. 2. The meaning of production center. 3. The determination of overhead for each production center. Make an outline of the steps involved in computing the ma- chine rate. Study the bases and technique of distributing items such as building expense or rent, power, depreciation, insurance, taxes, tools, repairs, administrative, and sundry expenses to pro- duction centers. Study with care the example which shows the calculation of the hourly rate for six machines. Three chief points are made in the rest of this chapter: 1. Account content. 2. Use of machine expense account. 3. Reasons for the accuracy of machine rates as a method of distributing expenses. Assignment 10 JOB ORDER COST SYSTEM Reference has been made in Chapter I, §§ 10 and 11, and in Chapters IV and V, to the three main BUSINESS ACCOUNTING— VOLUME III 98 types of cost systems. The next three assignments take them up in detail. The first two systems — the job order system and the process system — are often operated concurrently in the same plant. The student should note the rea- sons for this, as stated in Chapters XXIV and XXV. This assignment and the next one require plenty of time for digesting, inasmuch as they constitute an actual working outline by which the cost accountant is to be guided in handling a specific engagement. While the forms and records here described cannot be applied in their entirety to evel*y business, their main features are of general application. Merely reading these assignments will not carry the student very far toward practical command of the informa- tion. He should try to see the concrete application of the forms and records to some plant known to him. Of this group of assignments, the first one should receive the fullest consideration, inasmuch as the job order cost system is probably the most widely used. It is the individual job order around which the costs, shown on cost sheets, are assembled, although sum- maries are made of the costs of various jobs. Par- ticular attention should be given to the journal en- tries which build up the ledger accounts necessary in the operation of this system. Production-Center Job Order Cost System (Chapter XXIV) This volume up to the present part has dealt with general and specific cost accounting technique in job order and procces* 94 READING GUIDE systems, with occasional references to special industries. Each chapter in Part VII is a sustained elaboration of some specific system. This chapter treats chiefly of the machine-rate method of distributing burden in a job order cost system. The general principles of machines rates were laid down in the preceding chapter. In § 2 note the meaning of the term "production center'* and the relation of production centers to the machine-rate method of distributing burden. Study particularly Form 41. The function of the stock list should be clearly understood since its use reduces considerably the amount of clerical work.' With respect to cost of material, labor, and expense, study the following points: 1. Records 2. Number of records made out 3. Persons who make records 4. Use and disposition of records Study carefully the chart of cost accounts (Form 43). After studying the journal entries and the accounts to which they lead, see whether you can frame similar journal entries in the proper chronological order and can trace the relations be- tween items in the ledger accounts. Assignment 11 THE PROCESS SYSTEM The second main type of cost systems, known as the process system, is discussed here, with particular reference to clay products. BUSINESS ACCOUNTING— VOLUME III 95 In reading this assignment the student should not spend too much time in trying to remember the con- tent and uses of the forms and records described, to the neglect of the understanding of the principles and the sahent features of process systems generally. The main point of difference between the process system and the job order system, which should be clearly grasped, is that in the job order system the product goes through in well-defined lots, the costs being kept for each lot, while in the process system costs are kept by batches for the different processes and operations. In other words, the unit for the compilation of costs in the two systems is the job and the process respectively. In fact, it is the unit idea that differentiates cost accounting from general or commercial accounting. Process Cost System — Clay Products (Chapter XXV) The first main point to get in this chapter is the principle of segregating costs under the process system. Then note the function and use of department accounts, time slips, brick-setting report, and other records, especially the cost ledger at the end of the chapter. The foregoing records concern the kinds and quan- tities of brick produced. Assignment 12 ESTIMATED COSTS No student of cost accounting should fail to understand the main features and the technique of an 96 READING GUIDE estimated cost system. Such a system has a very wide range of use. Even in the job order and process systems a certain amount of cost estimating is done; for example, in the predetermination of departmental burden rates. Cost estimates of any kind, however, must always be checked against actual costs, so as to bring the books into harmony with the facts, and to aid in making more correct estimates for the future. In this assignment particular attention should be given to the journal entries and the skeleton ledger accounts. Estimated Costs (Chapter XXVI) Three types of cost systems are discussed in this volume — job order, process, and estimating. The former two have been discussed in connection with the application of cost principles. The estimating system has been touched on in §§6 and 7 of Chapter V, and the estimating of material has been described in parts of Chapter XII, particularly § 8. Read these sections before studying this chapter. In §§ 1, 2, 3, 4, and 12, study the nature, merits, limitations, and principles of the estimating system. Note in § 5 the importance of standards in controlling costs. The technique of calculating and journalizing the following should be clearly understood: 1. Opening inventory 2. Current transactions 3. Closing inventory 4. Cost of goods sold 5. Adjustments 6. General ledger account BUSINESS ACCOUNTING— VOLUME III ^ Assignment 13 TEXTILE COSTS The student has now traversed the whole field of the theory and technique of cost accounting. These final chapters offer additional material of a more con- crete nature by which he may see the actual working in specific instances of the principles already set forth. The study of these chapters will reinforce the point already urged, that the planning and installa- tion of a cost system in any plant must always be pre- ceded by a careful study of the operations of the plant. The content of this assignment may appear at first diflScult, but it will be found on close reading to be relatively simple. Two types of systems are in- volved, the job order, and the process system. Textile Costs — Manufacture of Yarn (Chapter XXVII) Study §§2 to 5^ which deal with the operations in a textile mill, so that you can better understand their accounting technique. Textile costs are explained with slight reference to forma but with detailed reference to certain accounts. The content and operation of these accounts and tables should be understood: 1. Materials and Supplies 2. Waste 3. Stock in Process in Dye House 4. Mixes in Process 6. Cost of Mixes 6. Yarn in Process 7. Conversion Cost 98 READING GUIDE Weaving and Knitting (Chapter XXVIII) This chapter continues the discussion of textile costs, par- ticularly the cost of weaving cloth and knitting fabrics. The chief points to be gained are a knowledge of the content and disposition of the following accounts: 1. Weaving 2. Knitting 3. Wet and Dry Finishing 4. Finished Cloth In operating the foregoing accounts two chief problems arise, namely, the apportionment over the different styles of: 1. The cost of weaving during the period. 2. The cost of production of the wet and dry finishing departments. Textile Cost — General Expense (Chapter XXIX) The preceding chapter discussed the costs of operating de- partments. This chapter deals with expense accounts which are distributed to departments. With respect to these expense ac- counts study the following points : 1. Content. 2. Disposition of shipping expense, which you will note differs from disposition of other expense accounts. 3. Schedules of distribution when given, particularly the basis of distribution. Assignment 14 GRAPHIC PRESENTATION OF DATA The final chapter differs from most of the others of the volmne, in that it is concerned with the form BUSINESS ACCOUNTING^-yotl/MKlHr; I'; :• ; ..99^ of presentation, whereas the other chapters were con- cerned primarily with the calculation and compilation of cost data. Cost data is practically valueless unless so pre- sented that it admits of ready interpretation and com- parison. It must be usable. Inasmuch as the impres- sions which we register most vividly come through the sense of sight, graphic presentation is particularly helpful. By this means executives, without having to wade through huge columns of figures, are able to grasp the significance of the history of their enter- prise as reflected in the cost data, and can thus con- centrate upon the formulation of policies. Use of Graphic Charts (Chapter XXX) The author fittingly closes his book with a discussion of graphic charts as an aid to executives. The chief point in § 1 is the advantage of graphs as a method of succinctly presenting cost data. With respect to '^difference'' and ratio charts, note the fol- lowing points: 1. Function 2. Content 3. Deductions to be drawn 4}, Limitations 5. Method of preparation 6. Use 7. Illustrations f Volume IV Advanced and Analytical Accounting ASSIGNMENTS FOR VOLUME IV Assignment 1 ADJUSTING ENTRIES The three chapters in this assignment cover those special problems which are likely to arise when the books are closed. Here the subject is treated in much greater detail than in Volume I, Chapters VII to IX and Chapter XXX. Special consideration is given to the various methods of handling deferred and accrued items. The Scope of Advanced Accounting (Chapter I) This chapter contains a bird's-eye view of those phases of accounting work which are usually supervised by the head accountant who is in charge of the routine work done by the bookkeepers of a large organization. The chapter as a whole gives the reader some conception of the nature of the problems to be discussed in following chapters. Special attention is called to § 3, which summarizes the difference between ordinary accounting and accurate accounting. Deferred Debits and Credits (Chapters II and III) The mental confusion that is often caused by the different significations of the terms "deferred" and "accrued," depending upon which side of the balance sheet they refer to, may be cleared up by the careful study of §§ 1, 2, 8, and 9, Chapter II. In general it may be said that these two chapters cover ordinary bookkeeping procedure with which the accountant sliould be familiar. With the exception of the sections noted above, the 103 104 READING GUIDE theory and principles involved have been fully explained in Volume I, Chapter VIII; §§ 5 to 7. Assignment 2 CLOSING PROBLEMS This assignment covers some of the most debata- ble questions and problems that arise in the whole field of accountancy. Most of these problems have a legal aspect to which careful attention should be given. The method of approaching the profits of a corporation is circumscribed by both legal rulings and correct accounting procedure, and the general tenor of the information in this assignment is to acquaint the student with both aspects of the subject. Profit Determination (Chapter IV) The definitions in this chapter need careful study. The discussion involves much important accounting theory, a knowl- edge of which is fundamental to the drawing up of a profit and loss statement for a manufacturing concern. No particular part of the chapter can be singled out as containing more vital infor- mation than any other. Every section needs close attention, and the summary of the principles at the end of the chapter is well worth memorizing. Corporate Dividends (Chapters V and VI) Most of the theory in Chapter V is based on legal rulings with which the accountant is expected to be familiar. Section 4 discusses a matter which is more or less debated. Further information incidental thereto is given in many of the chapters BUSINESS ACCOUNTING— VOLUME IV |05 which follow. Chapter V covers the theoretical aspect of the subject, and Chapter VI the practical accounting work. If the theory in Chapter V is thoroughly mastered, no difficulty will be experienced in applying this theory in practice. Practice work on the problems in Volume V will gradually enable the student to acquire facility in journalizing the entries to be made on the books. Surplus (Chapter VII) When the theory of profit determination has been mastered, no difficulty will be experienced in grasping the theory of sur- plus and Surplus account. As a means of testing the thorough- ness of the student*s knowledge, attention is again called to the utility of the review questions at the end of each chapter. The answers to these questions should not only be mentally formulated but should be actually written and then compared with the discussion in the text. Especially valuable are the questions calling for a certain amount of practice work such as Review Question 6 (page 94) and Review Question 2 (page 103). If the student can set up the Surplus account in the prescribed and correct form as here instructed, he may be as- sumed to possess a thorough working knowledge of the theory in this chapter. Reserves and Funds (Chapter VIII) In no other respect, perhaps, does accounting practice differ so as it does in the treatment of reserves. It is suggested that the reader study the theory in the present chapter closely, in order to become thoroughly conversant with the thread of uni- formity that runs through these divergences in practice. How- ever practice may differ, the theory remains the same and a thorough grasp of principles will insure correct methods of recording data in the accounts on the books. As an aid to the memorizing of theory, it is suggested that at the second or third reading the student should work out the examples in the text 106 READING GUIDE without reference to the solution. Thus, on page 116 two bal- ance sheets are shown, the second being a solution to the problem propounded in the first. The student should work out this solu- tion for himself and then compare with the text. Valuable practice work covering the information given in the first part of this volume will be furnished by working through Problems 46 and 47 of Volume V, Assignment 3 BONDS AND SINKING FUNDS This group of chapters covers the procedure in recording deahngs in bonds and the method of com- puting an annuity for the purpose of creating a sink- ing fund. Under compKcated conditions this phase of accounting work is usually handled by a man who is a specialist in his line. The information in the three following chapters is sufficient to give the reader a thorough working knowledge covering ordinary transactions in bonds and sinking funds. Bonds and Accounting for Bonds (Chapters IX and X) Most business men know something about bonds and are conversant with the ordinary commercial methods of determining their value. The attention of the student who does not possess this knowledge is directed to the study of § 4, Chapter IX. This information is fundamental to the correct recording of bond values on the books. Sections 5 to 7, Chapter IX, present some puzzling features of bond interest^ the mastery of which will demand concentrated BUSINESS ACCOUNTING-VOLUME IV jq^ application supplemented by the practice work afforded by the problems in Volume V. Preliminary to this more difficult prac- tice, it is suggested that the table on page 131 be set up from the data given on page 129. The accountancy work in connec- tion with the recording of bond orders and issues on the books calls for no special comment, and a careful study of the text is all that is required to obtain a working knowledge of the sub- ject. Sinking Funds and Annuities (Chapter XI) To the reader whose mind has not a natural mathematical bent, the mastery of the theory of annuity computations will prove to be the most difficult of arithmetical problems met with in accounting work. Attention in particular is drawn to the difference between the amount of an annuity and the present worth of an annuity. The crux of this difficult subject lies here (see §§5 and 6). To distinguish clearly between the two methods of calculation, it is suggested that the illustrative ex- amples in both sections be worked out several times until the difference between the two methods is clearly fixed in the mind of the student. While in actual practice the occasion for computing annui- ties may rarely arise, every student who aspires to be an account- ant should be capable of solving these elementary problems of the mathematics of investment. Do not try to master the contents of this chapter rapidly. Be prepared to experience some mental confusion at first. This will gradually vanish after the illustrative examples are repeat- edly worked out and one by one each detail is fixed in mind. Also go over the series of questions and write answers to them, not once, but several times. As advanced practice work on the difficult subject of annui- ties and the method of their computation and accounting, the reader should study and work over problems 48 to 53. 108 READING GUIDE Assignment 4 DEPRECIATION PROBLEMS The two chapters in this assignment contain in- formation of a more advanced character than that given in Volumes I and II. They cover the require- ments of a thorough working knowledge of the sub- jects applicable to all ordinary business and account- ing practice. Depreciation — Rates and Accounting (Chapters XII and XIII) As further practice in the computation of annuities, the readers should work out the problem given in the second para- graph of § 9, Chapter XII, and from the data of the problem construct the table shown on page 176. The other methods of calculating the depreciation charge present no difficulty. To acquire facility in the journalization of depreciation charges, it is suggested that after a careful study of the illus- trative problem in § 6, Chapter XIII, the transactions be jour- nalized and posted to their ledger accounts, the student then comparing his work with the ledger entries in § 7. It cannot be emphasized too frequently that this sort of practice work is essential if theory is to be mastered. Problems 8, 9, 10, and 54 take up the more difficult entries that arise in handling the depreciation factor and are to be studied after the more simple practice work has been mastered. Assignment 5 CORPORATION ACCOUNTING The special features of corporation accounting which relate to issuing and recording shares of stock BUSINESS ACCOUNTING— VOLUME IV 1Q9 are here covered in sufficient detail to furnish a work- ing knowledge of the procedure in opening the books of a corporation. Capital Stock Issues (Chapter XIV) Before beginning the study of this chapter, turn back to first principles and refresh the memory by rereading Chapter XXXIII of Volume I. Practice varies in the recording of stock issues. The jour- nal entries here given to illustrate the procedure are those which conform to the theory of accounts; that is, in every case there is a reason why the entries should be made in the form in which they are made. When this reason is formulated in the student's mind, the particular journal entry will naturally suggest itself to him. Where illustrations are given, as in § 2, the student should cover up the journal entries given below the illustration and write them out for himself. This practice, repeated two or three times, will give him a complete mastery of the contents of this chapter. Premiums and Discounts (Chapter XV) The same observations apply to the study of this chapter as apply to the preceding cne. For example, work out the journal entries in §§ 4 to 7, and 9 in the way previously suggested, and repeat the practice until the required entries can be made with- out hesitancy. Go over the review questions in both chapters and do not take up the next assignment until all questions can be answered fully and correctly. Problems 55 to 57 of Volume V cover most phases of the theory of premium and discount taken up in this part of Volume IV and they should be worked out in conjunction with a very careful study of the different phases of the theory embodied in this assignment. 110 READING GUIDE Assignment 6 CAPITAL ASSET VALUATIONS The two chapters deahng with the valuation of current and fixed assets cover many important points of theory and procedure, a knowledge of which is necessary for a correct statement of asset values at the close of a fiscal period. Current Assets (Chapter XVI) The principles which govern the valuation of accounts receiv- able and inventories are fundamental to sound accounting, and particular attention should be paid to the theory of the subject. If this is clearly understood and remembered, the correct book- keeping procedure will suggest itself. The arguments for and against a given method of procedure and the conditions under which one of two possible courses is preferable should be noted. Fixed Assets (Chapter XVII) The correct valuation of fixed assets depends first upon the principles explained in this chapter, and second upon the ade- quacy and truth of the depreciation policy. When machinery and equipment represent a big investment, the accountant's work will be limited to recording on the books the valuations of the fixed assets as determined by the depreciation ratio in use. Assignment 7 APPRAISAL PROBLEMS The points taken up in this assignment of three chapters cover further phases of the principles and BUSINESS ACCOUNTING— VOLUME IV m problems of valuation, including the subject of fire loss adjustments. Liabilities (Chapter XVIII) The information in this chapter is of a simple character and no difficulty will be experienced in mastering the points of theory involved. The accounting procedure illustrated in §§ 4 to 7 is self-explanatory, and suggests itself when the theory which governs the recording of liabilities on the books has been nias- tered. •Intangible Assets (Chapter XIX) Study the theory of this chapter carefully. In the valuation of the intangible assets the point of view of the management of a business is not always that of the accountant. It is the duty of the accountant, so far as he is permitted to do so, to state the values of the assets on the books at a figure which cannot be criticized on the score of exaggeration. To determine this figure he must be thoroughly conversant with the principles which govern the valuation of assets. Therefore, give ample time to the study of Chapters XVI, XVII, and XIX, and do not consider that you have assimilated their contents until answers to the review questions come readily to mind. Fire Loss Adjustments (Chapter XX) After studying this chapter until its theory is mastered, work out the journal entries from the data given in § 9, and construct the accounts to which these entries are posted. This practice work, repeated two or three times, will fix in mind the general procedure in adjusting fire losses and other types of losses that are found on the books. • Problems 54 to 56 of Volume V furnish practice work on the chapters in this assignment. 112 READING GUIDE Assignment 8 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The four chapters in this group discuss the dif- ferent forms of the financial statements and the rea- sons for variations. The Balance Sheet (Chapter XXI) The accounting procedure in this chapter, so far as concerns the form of presentation, is that which has the sanction of gen- eral adoption and that which is recommended by the Federal Reserve Board. When opportunity offers, study the balance sheets printed in the financial papers or issued from time to time as part of the prospectuses of corporations. Try to criticize the contents of such a balance sheet; that is, reason out for your- self in what respects it fails to give information which you or an investor would like to know; or in what respects the figures show a sound financial condition or the reverse; and so on. The Profit and Loss Statement (Chapter XXII) The same observations apply to this chapter as to Chap- ter XXI. In working out those problems in Volume V which involve drawing up the financial statements, construct these statements according to the methods described in these chapters. In this way you will acquire facility in following the correct procedure. The proper method of compiling statements so as to present the information in a professionally correct form is wholly a matter of practice, combined with an understanding of the reasons for the adoption of a particular form. Manufacturing and Mercantile Statements (Chapters XXIII AND XXIV) To commit to memory the procedure in these two chapters without a certain amount of practice work is impossible. To this BUSINESS ACCOUNTING— VOLUME IV 113 end it is suggested that the .trial balances be reconstructed from the financial statements, and then the attempt be made to draw up the statements in the form given. This work will need to be repeated several times before accuracy is attained. Assignment 9 BANKRUPTCY STATEMENTS The following chapter is an elaboration of the practical work connected with the formulation of a statement of affairs and deficiency statement, the theory of which is covered in Volume I, Chapters XII and XIII respectively. Statement of Affairs and Deficiency Statement (Chap- ter XXV) If, as suggested in the study of Chapters XII and XIII in Volume I, the student has left the detailed study of these two chapters until ready for more advanced work in connection with statement preparation, the time has now arrived when the matter may be taken up. The theory of the subject is simple. To im- press the procedure on the mind is difficult, though well worth the time required. Therefore, from the data given in the state- ments in this chapter, reconstruct the trial balance and with this as a guide try to compile a statement of affairs and a de- ficiency statement in the form illustrated in Volume I and al«0 in the form shown in this chapter. Problems 26 to 28 deal specifically with the accounting re- quired in drawing up a statement of affairs and deficiency state- ment. They furnish the advanced practice work required for a thorough grasp of the subject. 114 READING GUIDE Assignment 10 COMBINATIONS AND CONSOLIDATIONS These chapters form a composite group covering the subject of consohdations. While relatively sim- ple in theory, the practical application of the theory of consolidations often taxes the analytical power and knowledge of the accountant to the utmost. Methods of Combinations (Chapter XXVI) Sections 1 to 6 contain preliminary information. The theory begins in § 7. The illustrative examples in the later sec- tions should be carefully studied. Holding Company Balance Sheet (Chapter XXVII) From the illustrative data given in this chapter, work out the balance sheets showing the effect of different methods of treatment, and then compare your work with the text. You can- not remember the theory of the subject without practice work of this kind. Consolidated Balance Sheet (Chapter XXVIII) After carefully studying this chapter, work out the com- bined balance sheet of the two subcompanies and the consoli- dated balance sheet of the three companies from the data given at the beginning of § 2. Do the same practice work in connec- tion with §§7 and 10, after studying the theory to be applied. This work is essential as a preliminary practice to the solution of the consolidation problems given in Volume V. Problems 79 to 88 cover the preparation of consolidation statements and at the same time furnish many examples of the kind of difficulties which are likely to confront the accountant and the solution of which will test his powers of reasoning and analysis to the utmost. BUSINESS ACCOUNTING— VOLUME IV H5 Assignment 11 DETECTION OF ERRORS The three chapters in this assignment suggest methods of testing the accuracy and completeness of the books of account and of locating errors when known to exist. Classification and Detection of Errors (Chapters XXIX AND XXX) The information in these two chapters is based squarely on the theory of accounts, and its relation to the practical side of the accountant's work is such as to make it of especial interest. Chapter XXIX contains mostly preliminary information which should be thoroughly understood. Chapter XXX contains sev- eral practical expedients which should be worked out with pencil and paper until the method is memorized. Location of Errors (Chapter XXXI) The information in this chapter has a very practical bearing upon the taking of a trial balance and the work of the book- keeper in general. To memorize the rules and suggestions here given, and to acquire facility in their use, they should be referred to as occasion requires when practical work is being done on a set of books. From the data given in § 6, work out the solution to the problem and compare with the result shown in § 7. Assignment 12 VERIFICATION OF ASSETS The two final chapters in this vohime show how the executive or owner of the business can assist tlie 116 READING GUIDE accountant in maintaining correct accounts. In addi- tion, the proper method of rectifying errors on the books is briefly described in this assignment. Verification of Assets (Chapter XXXII) This chapter covers that part of the work of a professional auditor which the executive or owner of a business may from time to time do for himself, merely as an ordinary business precaution or safeguard. Correction of Errors (Chapter XXXIII) The theory and examples in this chapter cover a matter which always presents difficulties to the student and which seldom is properly handled in actual business practice. Book- keepers and accountants, however methodical in their work, are liable, like other workers, to make mistakes. How to handle the problems and difficulties which arise when mistakes are made is a matter with which every accountant should be familiar. For practice work on Chapters XXIX to XXXIII, take up Problems 90 to 93 of Volume V. Volume V Illustrative Accounting Problems SUGGESTIONS FOR THE USE OF VOLUME V The grouping of material into assignments fol- lowed in Volumes I to IV, obviously cannot be ap- plied to Volume V, which is made up entirely of problems. It may be noted, further, that the prob- lems have been arranged, so far as possible, to follow the order of the subjects in the preceding volumes, though, as many of the problems cover more than one phase of accounting theory, this arrangement is not always practicable. The selection of the problems has been made with a view to testing the student's mastery of theory, at the same time furnishing him with examples of the kind of difficult accounting problems that might be met with in actual business practice, and the kind of problems he would be re- quired to solve if he presented himself for examina- tion before a board of C. P. A. examiners or before the examiners of the American Institute of Account- ants. In studying each problem, the student should read its terms slowly and as many times as necessary until he thoroughly understands what is meant and what is required. Even a trained accountant could not grasp the method of fulfilling the requirements of many of these problems at the first or even the sec- ond reading, so the beginner need not hope to pene- 119 120 READING GUIDE trate their meaning at the first, second, or even third attempt. When the data on which the problem is based are understood and the requirements are grasped, turn to the points illustrated at the end of the problem, after which look up the passages in the text of Volumes I to IV which discuss the theory in- volved in the solution of the problem under consid- eration. Having reviewed the theory and practice appli- cable to a given case, try to solve the problem in your own way without reference to the solution. This will require hard thinking, in some cases very hard think- ing, and j^ou will be tempted to shirk the necessary brain cudgelling by turning to the solution. Do not take this easy road out of your perplexities. Study the theory and the terms of the problem again and again until light begins to dawn and then 'make a stab" at the solution. Some of the problems are so complex and difiicult that you are bound to flounder, and on referring to the solution you will have to work back to the terms of the problem to understand the method whereby the problem should be solved. Having made the attempt and noted your mis- takes and their cause, leave the problem for a time and return to it again when you have wholly or partly forgotten the method of its solution. At your second attempt follow the same procedure and re- peat until you can solve each problem correctly and readily. By such practice work as this you will gradually develop your analytical and reasoning BUSINESS ACCOUNTING— VOLUME V 121 powers and master the theory and practice of ac- counting. Often the chief difficulty of a problem lies in one or more transactions which are purposely included because of their complexity or unusual character, or because the terms in which they are stated are am- biguous and may be interpreted in different ways. The complex transactions become simple under an adequate amount of mental perspiration. The data which are capable of different interpretations should be handled in different ways showing all possible solutions. After a thorough grasp of a problem as a whole is obtained and the general lines of its solution have been mentally formulated, you should concen- trate on the transactions which are specially difficult until you reach a decision as to how they ought to be handled. To help you in this work, a number of sug- gestions are given covering the problems which can be solved by the study of Volume I and a few chap- ters in Volume IV as indicated in the 'Toints Illus- trated" found at the end of each problem. After acquiring the ''knack" of attacking a problem in the right way, the student is left to his own resources when solving the problems bearing on Volumes II to IV, Problem: 1 This problem is hardly worthy of the name because its solu- tion should present no difficulty. All that is required is to fol- low exactly the same procedure as indicated in Volume I, Chap- ter XX, § 12, and the correct answer wUl be determined. 122 READING GUIDE Problem 2 The length of this problem makes the solution seem more difficult than it actually is. Length in itself is not necessarily a cause of complexity, as every problem can be attacked piece- meal and be effectually overcome if its difficulties are concen- trated on one by one in methodical fashion. The "snag" in this problem is obviously contained in the paragraph preceding the last one of the explanatory matter, where it is stated that fraud is suspected on the part of the cashier. To determine whether or not there has been any fraud, what is the first requirement? Find out how much has actually been deposited in the bank and how much should have been deposited. The amount which should have been deposited is likely to be a larger amount than that actually deposited, so we take this first. This amount consists of collections from cus- tomers plus any cash on hand not yet deposited. We must not, however, take the footing of cash collections as correct. If fraud is suspected, the footings are the first points to verify. Attacking the problem in this way, it is found that there is an actual shortage in deposits of $114.88. The next point to determine is whether the disbursements entered on the cash book equal the .checks paid by the bank plus the checks outstanding. If you will figure this out for yourself, you will find that the total bank disbursements (including out- standing checks) are $10.36 in excess of the disbursements entered on the cash book. Having determined these two shortages, the next step is to figure the true cash book balance. This is readily done by de- ducting the corrected disbursements from the corrected receipts. If, now, the bank balance plus cash in hand is deducted from the cash book balance, the resulting figure should give the net amount of the shortage as stated above. The method of presenting the above data as well as the bank reconciliation statement should be carefully noted when studying the solution, after which you should go over the problem again BUSINESS ACCOUNTING— VOLl^ME V 123 and again until you can reproduce the three sUtements in cor- rect form. Problem 3 Following the procedure explained in Volume I, Chapter XX^ the entries required to record the petty cash disbursemenU are made in the same way as any other cash disbursement. The crux of the problem lies in the method of reducing the fund by $200. Here it is necessary to reason out the simplest and clearest way of recording the reduction. It is advisable to draw the check for the total disbursements and then deposit $200, because this simplifies the bookkeeping. If a check for $262.50 were drawn, a journal entry would be required to complete the charges to the expense accounts in- volved. The use of such a journal entry would be somewhat confusing. It would be possible to journalize the total payments, charging the expense accounts and crediting Petty Cash account, and then to draw a check for $262.50, charging it to the Petty Cash account; this would reduce that account by $200. Such procedure is not advisable because it differs from the usual prac- tice of making no entries in the Petty Cash account for disburse- ments. It would also require an explanation in the cash book covering the $262.50 check, which might not be readily under- standable. The simplest way of handling the transaction is to draw a check in the usual way to reimburse the fund for the payments made, and then to deposit to the credit of the fund the $200 by which the fund is reduced. Problem 4 The point with this problem, as with the last, is whether or not to use a journal entry for the purpose of closing the indi- vidual creditors' accounts and entering them on the voucher register. A journal entry could be used to open the voucher system, whereby the old accounts would be debited and the total credited 124 READING GUIDE to Vouchers Payable. This would not be as convenient as the method suggested in the solution^ because it would require the use of another book, namely, the journal, and because it would involve posting to the Vouchers Payable account from the jour- nal as well as from the voucher register. If by any chance all of these vouchers were not paid before the end of the first month in which the voucher system was installed, the balance of the Vouchers Payable account would not agree with the open or unpaid items listed in the voucher register. Problem 5 A journal .entry is required in this case because a new account (Accounts Receivable) is to be opened in the general ledger and the customers' accounts are to be closed. After posting the journal entry to the general ledger, the accounts with customers would be opened in the new ledger and the balances would be entered on the debit side of the respective accounts. The postings to the debit accounts in the customers or sales ledger can conveniently be made from the journal entry; each customer's balance, therefore, as shown in the journal entry would be posted twice, once as a credit in the general ledger and once as a debit in the sales or customers subsidiary ledger. Both folios should be noted in the journal opposite each item. If it were desired to open an adjustment account in the sales ledger, as explained in Volume I, Chapter XXIV, the total, $716.14, should be credited to it from the above journal entry. It is suggested that the reader review the arguments in favor of and against adjustment accounts as given in Chapter XXIV. Note the use of the terms "customers'' and "sales" ledger. Another name given this ledger is "accounts receivable" ledger. All three terms are commonly employed. Problem 6 As it is stated in the problem that neither of the items has been entered on the books, the first step is to make the necessary BUSINESS ACCOUNTING— VOLUME V ,35 journal entries. The difficulty of making these entries lies in the adjustment to be made by a remittance of stamjis. ThU adjustment is obviously required to maintain the equilibrium of the journal entries. Where one person or business is both a debtor and a creditor, as in this solution, it is generally better to have two accounts for him, one in the customers ledger and one in the creditors ledger. A notation on each account referring to the other should prevent any failure to offset one balance against the other. Furthermore, if the debit and credit transactions are combined into one account, the result will be a deduction of asset from liability, or vice versa, which in general is contrary to account- ing principles. Problem 7 At the first and even second reading this problem may seem puzzling, but if split up into its component transactions most of its difficulties vanish. Each paragraph requires its own jour- nal entry. The first entry is a sale; therefore credit Sales account and debit the customer's account. The second trans- action is a note and cash transaction — cash and a note arc received in settlement of the customer's indebtedness. The third transaction involves a receipt of cash, and expense of bank discount, and an offsetting credit to Notes Receivable Discounted. By analyzing the problem in this way, its solution reduces itself to the recording of every-day kind of cash and note transactions. Problem 8 Before taking up this problem, it is necessary to turn to Volume IV, Chapter VII, and study the methods of adjusUng Surplus account. Most of the capital adjustments made on the books of a corporation and applicable to prior periods affect this account. A knowledge of its operations is required to solve other problems, which, apart from this matter, illustrate the principles set forth in Volume I. 126 READING GUIDE If the theory of surplus adjustments is mastered^ the solu- tion of the problem reduces itself to the balancing of the journal entries^ with a debit or credit to Surplus as the case requires. Problem 9 This problem will probably perplex you for a while, but its difficulties dissolve under the operation of taking the required entries one by one. The first entry must record the last annual reserve for depreciation. The second entry must show the sale of the old machine. The loss resulting from the sale of the machine must be a charge to the reserve created to cover such losses. As, however, the reserve is in excess of the actual loss due to replacement, the amount of the excess should be restored to Surplus from which it was originally taken. The final entry is to set up on the books the asset value of the new machinery. Problem 10 The first paragraph in the explanation of this problem has no bearing on the solution, as the requirements of the problem do not ask for the setting up of either the Depreciation on Delivery Equipment or the Delivery Equipment account. All that is required are the journal entries making the proper adjustment. The first transaction is clearly a loss, and the difference between the reserve and the cost of the deceased animal is a charge to Surplus. The second transaction is more preplexing. As the differ- ence between the cost of the horse and the price at which it was sold ($100) has been charged to the Reserve account, while the depreciation provided for the horse has been only 10% for three years on its purchase price, it is evident that more has been charged to the Reserve account than has actually been credited or accumulated therein. This error calls for a charge to Surplus and a credit to the Reserve account in order to bring the reserve to its proper figure. BUSINESS ACCOUNTING-VOLUME V jg? Problem 11 The entries required to record the facts given in the fir«t two paragraphs are routine entries which you should be able to prepare without any difficulty. The third paragraph requircji an answer to the following question: What is the amount of the loss on this account to be charged to the Reserve account and written off the customer's account? The final entry, as your study of the preceding problems will make clear to you, represents a profit, in that the loss already charged to Surplus must be canceled. Problems 12 This problem is one of only moderate difficulty. The first error to be rectified is the inclusion in the inventory of the two lathes charged to the Essex Machine Company. This amount must obviously be deducted from the inventory account; to what account should it be charged? The clerical errors can be corrected by reducing the asset value of the inventory by the net overcharge. Regarding the L. P. Fuller transaction, note that the assumed loss was charged to Profit and Loss, not to the Reserve. Problem 13 This problem can readily be solved if it is attacked piece- meal. The first requirement should present no difficulty if care is taken to set up the returns, allowances, discounts, etc., on the correct side of the account. The journal entry to close out the Merchandise account and to set up separate accounts instead requires the journalization of both sides of the old account The profit on sales is the gross profit — a simple matter to determine if the explanation in the text is followed. In closing the accounts into a Trading account, remember that Sales and Purchases accounts must show their net figures, and so the accounts opened to record the returns and allow- 128 READING GUIDE ances must first be closed into Sales and Purchases accounts before these accounts can be closed into Trading account. Care- ful study of the points illustrated by the problem should enable you to solve it correctly without reference to the solution given. Peoblem 14 Note carefully the requirements here. They do not ask for journal entries or the setting up of an account. Therefore^ the solution may be presented in the form of a brief explanation. The interest charged to B and C is clearly a profit to be divided among the three partners in the way designated. One solution is worked on the basis on which the partners ought to have contributed. An alternative method is to base the solution on the actual total capital contributed, viz., $185,000, instead of $200,000. Try to solve the problem both ways. Problem 15 The difficulties of this problem are simplified by careful consideration of its terms and requirements. The net profit to be divided refers to the division of the net income resulting from interest on the partners* drawings in excess of salaries, reduced by the interest on capital. To give effect to the interest on capi- tal clause requires one entry, i.e., the setting up of an Interest on Capital account, at the same time crediting each partner's capital account with his interest. The Interest on Capital account must then be credited with the interest on the partner's drawings, with which each partner's current or drawing account is charged. The balance of the Interest account then represents the remaining income to be divided between the partners as stated in the problem. The distribution of this should be shown in a way to make clear the net increase or decrease in each partner's capital account as the case may be. It should be observed that partners' capital accounts are not required in the solution. BUSINESS ACCOUNTING— VOLUME V i^ Problem 16 This problem is constructed on the same lines as the preced- ing one, and if its terms are carefully read you should be able to solve it. Pay particular attention to the method you use for determining the interest on each partner's drawings. The problem is ambiguous in that there is no certainty con- cerning the amount which B withdrew. In the solution it is assumed that he drew $2,500 each quarter. However, it would seem fairly reasonable to assume that his total drawings for the year were $2,500. Ambiguities of this sort are regrettable in C. P. A. problems, and yet they are so often found in actual practice that their appearance in such problems may provide a farther test of the candidate's qualifications for practice. Problem 17 The working of this problem on partnership dissolution presents little difficulty, though the form in which the require- ments are to be fulfilled may not seem clear at the first reading. The first step should be the preparation of a balance sheet to disclose the loss and at the same time to furnish the balances of all the accounts required for the solution. The solution may be presented in the form of a running comment which explains the division of the remaining cash balance after the trade cred- itors' claims have been settled. Problem 18 The solution of this problem follows the same general lines as the solution of Problem 17. Having drawn up the balance sheet, a comparison of the assets available for distribution with the balances in the capital accounts discloses the loss (to be borne by each partner in his profit -and loss sharing ratio). Problems 19 to 21 These three problems furnish further practice work in part- nership accounting. As the comments which accompany their 130 READING GUIDE solution are explanatory of the difficulties involved, no further comment is here required. Problem 22 The number of transactions involved and the lengthy require- ments make this problem seem difficult, but it can be worked out step by step on straightforward lines. The text covering the various points illustrated should be reviewed as work pro- gresses, both to insure correct procedure and to refresh the memory on any doubtful points. In solving the problem, take up first the prepaid and accrued items, giving full explanation for each journal entry. In your solution prepare a working sheet based on the procedure de- scribed in Volume I, Chapter VIII, and compare it with the working sheet shown in the solution. Problem 23 In the organization of a corporation to acquire a business formerly conducted by a partnership or a sole proprietor, the cash of the old business as a rule is not taken over by the new corporation. The solution is based on the assumption that the partnership books are to be discarded and a new set of books opened for the corporation. When the partners in a business become the prin- cipal stockholders in a new corporation formed to take it over, it is advisable, though not necessary, to open a new set of books. Entries could be made bringing onto the books only the new accounts and closing out the capital accounts of the partners. In this problem, if the accounts were to be continued in the books of the former partnership, the only entry necessary would be as follows: Good- Will $25,000.00 Smith, Capital $ 10,000.00 Jones, Capital 10,000.00 Clark, Capital 5,000.00 (Explanation.) BUSINESS ACCOUNTING-VOLUME V 13, Smith, Capital 70,000.00 Jones, Capital 70,000.00 Clark, Capital 35,000.00 Capital Stock 175/)00.00 (Explanation.) Problem 24 When subscriptions to capital stock are taken, to be paid for later, the stock certificates are usually not is.sued until the sub- scriptions have been paid. In that event no credit can rightly be made to the Capital Stock account until payment for the stock has been received. This necessitates the opening of two tem- porary accounts to record the subscriptions receivable and the amount of the subscribed capital stock — as illustrated by this problem. Problem 25 By *'book value" in this problem is meant the net worth of each share of common stock. The problem illustrates the fuunda- mental accounting principle that the net worth or capital of a business is the excess of its assets over its liabilities. It also illustrates the fact that this essential nature of capital is as true of the corporation as of any other form of business organization. Problems 26 to 30 The chief requirement for the solving of this and the next four problems is a thorough grasp of the procedure in drawing up a statement of affairs, a deficiency account, and a statement of realization and liquidation. A thorough knowledge of this technique and procedure can be acquired only by working over a number of problems until the correct methods come readily to mind. In this kind of problem it is particularly important that the terms of the problem should be carefully read and understood by the student. 132 READING GUIDE Problems 31 to 34 These problems on single-entry methods furnish valuable practice work in fundamental principles and should be given very careful study. As the comments in the *Toints Illus- trated*' sufficiently cover each solution, no further explanation is required. The problems discussed up to this point are based on the theory of accounts covered in Volume I and, as you will have discovered, they cannot be solved without a thorough knowledge of the principles and procedure explained therein. You should continue to work over them until you are able to draw up the correct solutions in the forms given in Volume V without re- ferring to these for help or even suggestions. This practice work is essential as a means of clearing up any doubts about the correct method of procedure, and is a means of fixing in the mind imperfectly memorized points of theory. Not until you have made your ground firm behind you are you ready to pass on to the remaining problems, the solutions of which require a knowledge of the contents of Volumes I to IV. In your attack upon the remaining problems you are left to your own resources. You will find that problems of unusual difficulty which contain complicated or ambiguous transactions have attached to them a sufficient amount of explanatory com- ment to indicate the correct method of solution — assuming, of course, a thorough knowledge of the theory and procedure in- volved. You should by now have acquired the knack of attack- ing their difficulties in the right way — that is, one by one with intense concentration, waiting for light to break in on the mind both as to the nature of the transaction and the method of re- cording it, General Index to Business Accounting Set USE OF THE GENERAL INDEX In addition to its primary purpose of providing a complete course of study for the man whose ambi- tion it is to become an accountant, a further practical use to which ''Business Accounting" may be put is that of a work of reference. The five volumes con- stitute a storehouse or encyclopaedia of accounting information from which the business man, the book- keeper, and the accountant can pick and choose the particular information they are in search of to solve an accounting difficulty or problem. The use of the volumes in this way will be facili- tated by searching for the desired information, not in one or more of the separate indexes found at the end of each volume, but in the general or main index which follows at the end of this guide. The separate indexes serve the purpose of quick and ready refer- ence to a matter which the reader knows to be dis- cussed in a particular volume. The general index is for the use of the reader who wishes to review all the information on a given subject or for the business man who desires to look up accepted practice on a particular point. The man who is not a professional accountant, however extended and thorough his knowledge, of the accounting field, has continual need of such a gen- eral view of the subject as these volumes present, to confirm his recollection of an item or to deteruune a 185 136 READING GUIDE puzzling application. Such a reader will naturally turn first to the general index in this volume to trace connections and cross-references. Without this reference aid, the reader who is studying business accounting as a whole, or is in search of the best method of solving an accounting problem, would be compelled to consult the indexes of several of its volumes if he wished to exhaust the information contained in its pages on a given subject. With a general index, however, he can compare the information in one volume with that in another; he can look up rapidly and with precision the informa- tion he is in search of; he can find in one place and in one index reference by volume and page to the par- ticular subject he wishes to study or refer to. Few men carry in their recollection the full detail of matters with which they are not working daily. Yet not many business men have acquired the habit of immediate recourse to the index of a book which will give them the accounting or any other kind of infor- mation they may need. In this respect the mental attitude of the business man is unlike that of the pro- fessional man. The professional man is compelled to master the existing body of knowledge relating to his profession, and in consequence he is trained to have prompt recourse to books when in need of in- formation. The business man has learned primarily in the school of experience. As the knowledge to be acquired from books, though exceedingly helpful, is not among the first requisites for success in a busi- GENERAL INDEX |g- ness career, the business man does not always know to what extent books can help him. Moreover, even when he feels the need of consulting books, he often does not know the quickest way to obtain the informa- tion he desires. The purpose of an index is, of course, to enable the reader of a particular book to find the page or pages on which appears the information he is in search of and which he knows to be or which may be assumed to be in the book. The method of finding this in- formation is too well known to require any explana- tion. Attention, however, may be drawn to the utility of cross-references as means of directing the search if the reader wants to exhaust a given subject. In cases where certain specific information forms a part of a whole subject and it is desired to study the re- lationship of the part to the whole, a cross-reference will usually be found indicating the direction in whicli the search is to be made. For instance, in looking up a point relating to the transactions of a holding com- pany, on referring to ''Holding Company" the cross- reference is found ''See also 'Combinations and Con- solidations' " ; under "Coinsurance Clause" appears the cross-reference "See also 'Fire Insurance, Ad- justment'"; under "Administrative Expense*' ap- pears the cross-reference "See also Xabor, Indirect,' 'Non-productive Departments' " ; and so on. In each of the above examples the reference is from the part to the whole, so that if the study of the part fails to fur- nish the explanation sought for, the reader's attention 138 GENERAL INDEX is directed to a larger and more comprehensive field of information. In the same way, one subject which is closely allied to another subject may often be profitably re- ferred to as a means of throwing further light on a difficult point or matter. For example, in the study of reserves an allied subject is that of sinking funds and so a cross-reference is found under both heads connecting one subject with another. In the use of the general index two points in par- ticular need to be stated: 1. All references to problems are page numbers and are treated in the same manner as references to forms, i.e., they are indented beyond the margin of other headings and in this way are distinguished from ordi- nary text matter. 2. Cost accounting items have not in all cases been distinguished as such in the general index, but are to be inferred in all in- stances of reference to Volume III, which is entirely on the subject of cost ac- counting. GENERAL INDEX (All references are to pages. Roman numerals indicate volumtt) Abstract of Stores Ledger, II, 143^ 144 Acceptances, Trade, I, 304, 305 Accident Insurance, III, 238 Accommodation Indorsement, IV, 248 Account, (See also "Accounts," "Accounting," "Controlling accounts," "Ledger") Forms, I, 43 Books of (See "Books of account") Capital, I, 67 Cost of sales. III, 357 Illustrated, III, 320, 360 Debits and credits defined, I, 17, -ft, 176 Deficiency, I, 140, 141; IV, 319, 326 Illustrative statements, I, 140; IV, 32Q Problem, V, 61 Defined, I, 17 Field of service, II, 265-267 Example, II, 265, 266 Form of, I, 42-44 Forms, I, 43 Mixed, I, 79-83 Adjustingf I, 80-83 Example and treatment of, I, 80-83 Nominal, I, 59, 60 Personal, I, 58, 59 riant and sundry assets, I, 371 Problems, V, 170, 202, 277, 281 Profit and loss (See "Profit and loss ac- count") Real, I, 58, 59 Surplus (See "Surplus") Work in process. III, 79, 83 Entries, III, 83 Illustrated, III, 85, 90 Journal entry illustrated, III, 107 Process method. III. 90. Production-center system, illustrated, III, 324 Textile costs, III, 369-376, 380-389 Accountancy, Defined, I, 5, 16, 17; II, 3 Functions of, classified, I, 5 Accountant, Defined. I. 10 Duties of, I, 6, 7, 16 Functions of, I, 7-10, 18 Auditing, I, 0, 10 Clear reports and statemrata. I. f Planning and adapUnff lystema, I, 7 Recording financial history qI 1.8 Special investigaliona, I, 0, 10 Professional, I, IS Public,.ccrlified, I, IS, 14 Training of, I. 12 Accounting. (See also "Account,- "Bookkeeping") Advanced. I. 8, 9; IV, 5-11 Auditing, I. 9, 10 Distinguished from elemenUry. IV. S Scope of, IV. S-n Analytical. II. 6 Branches and chain alorts (8m **BrBack stores") Branches of. II, 5-8 Cash discount. I. 375-00 Club (See "Cluba") Constructive, Defined. I. 7 Function of, II, 7 Corporation (Sec "CocporaUoa**) Cost (See "Coat acuntinf ") Dealing with— Persons. II, iS Progression or retrogrcaMon. 11.25 Property. II, tS Defined. II, 8 Department, Expense diatribution. II. 468 Functions of. II. \i Estate (See "Estate accountiac") Inspective, II. Methods, modernisatioa ol. I. 5-5 Operative, II. 6 Partnership (Sec "Parlncrabip'*) 189 140 GENERAL INDEX Accounting — Conlinued Place of, in organization, II, 4 Plant (See "Plant") Presentation of figures in statements, ^I, 8, 153 Professional (See "Professional accounts") Records. (See "Records") Stores, III, 122-141 (See also "Stores") System, Elaborate, not desirable, II, 53 Establishing, II, 266 Mechanical, II, 173-175 Necessity for proper, II, 5 Officials and employees, co-operation of, II, '44 Organization plan, II, 43 Planning and installing, I, 7; II, 32-51 (See also "Business, survey of," "Busi- ness, planning accounting system for") SuperHsion, Mathews, George, quoted, 11,50 Terms used in, I, 16-26 Account, I, 17 Accountancy, I, 16, 17 Accountant, I, 16 Assets, I, 20 Bookkeeper, I, 16 Books of account, I, 10, 23 Capital, I, 22 Corporation, I, 19 Credit, I, 17 Debit, I, 17 Liabilities, I, 21 Partnership, I, 18 Proprietorship, sole, I, 18 Statement, I, 25 * Theory and practice, II, S Accounts, (See also "Account," "Accounting," "Ledger") Adjusting (See "Adjustments") Agency, II, 373, 374 Analysis of, I, 399-425 Credit accounts, I, 415-425 Debit accounts, I, 399-414 Asset, I, 65 Depreciation, I, 317-321 Attorneys' (See "Professional accounts") Auditing, II, 6 Balancing, I, 44 Charts, II, 45; III, 20 Form, III, 19, 20 Accounts — Continued Classification, I, 57-69, 259, 399-425; II, 264-286 Problems, V, 100, 215, 362 Aid to correct bookkeeping, I, 62-64 Aid to preparation of statements, I, 64, 65 Branches and chain stores, II, 379, 380 Chronological record, II, 269 Correct, importance of, I, 57 Credit accounts, I, 415-425 Debit accounts, I, 399-414 Grouping to facilitate statement prepara- tion, II, 284-286 Groups, variations in size of, II, ^69 Ledger arrangement, II, 270 Manufacturing or trading company, II, 272-284 Methods of, II, 267-269 Name and purpose of account both con- sidered, II, 269, 270 Numeric system, II, 268, 271, 277-283 Personal accounts, II, 267 Process cost system. III, 131, 328 Retail business, II, 268 Subdivisions, I, 60-62 Closing (See "Entries, closing") Controlling (See "Controlling accounts") Credit, analysis of, I, 415-425 Creditors', mail-order business, II, 392 Debit, analysis of, I, 399-414 Departmentalization of. III, 5, 7, 22 Details to be recorded, II, 266 Working balance sheets, II, 266 Estimated cost system. III, 354-361 Expense, indirect, I, 68, 69, 236; III, 95-105, 212, 217, 221, 223, 234-242, 268, 310 (See also "Expense") Fixed charges. III, 234-242 (See also "Fixed charges") Income, I, 67 Inventory, III, 79 Journal entries (See "Journal") Liability, I, 66 Numbering, II, 268, 271, 277-283 Decimal system, II, 271, 280-283 Universal system, II, 271, 277-279 Offsetting entries, I, 64 Opening entries, I, 180, 263, 339-343, 367, 370; II, 233, 234 (See also "Entries, opening") Forms, I, 181, 339, 340, 367, 368 GENERAL INDEX 141 Accounts — Continued Payable. I, 113, 267 Analysis of, I, 415, 416 Personal, II, 268 Posting (See "Ledger, posting to") Process cost system. III, 86-97, 269, 271, 328, 343-347 Classification, III, 328 Closing accounts, III, 106-108 Illustrated, III, 343-347 Forms, III, 344, 346 Production-center system. III, 310-327 Chart, III, 310 Form, III, 312, 313 Illustrated accounts, III, 319-326 Receivable, I, 109, 266 Problems, V, 19, 21, 70, 231 Analysis of, I, 402 Assignment of, IV, 221 Assignment of, special register, IV, 222 Losses on, as closing problem, IV, 13 Schedule of, I, 157, 158 Uncollectible, I, 326, 327 Problem, V, 19 Valuation of. IV, 218 Problem, V, 70 Verification, IV, 426 Suspense, IV, 22, 27 Problem, V, 137 Textile costs. III, 366-401 (See also under "Textile costs") Use of, illustrated, I, 41, 42 Verification of, IV, 418 "Accrual Basis" as Compared with "Cash Basis," IV, 19, 20 Accruals, (See also "Deferred credits," "Deferred debits") Accrued interest distinguished from interest accrued, IV, 13 Accumulation Envelope, Hotel Guest Charges, II, 439, 440 Form, II, 440 Adding Machine^ II, 350 Additions, Expenditures on, Capital Charges, IV, 47 Adjustments, (See also "Entries, adjusting") Problems, V, 125, 132, 180, 271, 343 Advanced accounting, scope of, IV, 3-1 1 Between actual and applied expense. III, 212, 282-285, 295 Flat percentage charge. III. 284 AojCHTMBNTs— ConhntM^ Between actual and applied mmM Continued Production-center lyitem. III. tM Reserve account. III. MS Between actual and eatimatcd raata. III. SS) Capital or surplui. achedak of. I. IM. I« Capital, partnership. I. S48-SM Problem. V. 116. 183. 187 Corporate dividends. IV. 55-M Deferreff credits. IV, ««-S< Problems. V, 125. \3i. 1S7. 180 Deferred debits. IV. 12-23 Problems. V. 125. 132. 187. 180 Fire loss (Sec "Fire loss adjustmrnU'*) Intercompany. IV. 365. 366 Inventory (See "Inventory") Mercantile budneaa, illustrative atJiteaenl, IV. 815 Profit determination. IV. 33-54 Reserves and funds. IV. 104-118 Sinking fund. IV. 160 Stores, II, 143; III. 189 Surplus, I, 159; IV. 95-103 Problems, V, 15, 16. 18. 21. IM. ISt, IS7. 148, 180, 266, 271. 284. 312 Administrative Expense. I. 69; II. 29A; III. 18. 98, 102, 168, 172. 187. 213. 220. Ml (See also generally "Labor, iodirect," "Non-productive departments") Account illustrated. Textile costs. III. 896. 397 Account, process system. III. 166. 344 Form. III. 344 On distribuUon sheet. lO. 224. tSS, M0 Production-center system. III. 291 Account illustrated. III. 321 Standing expense. orders. III. 2M Sub-departments. III. 265 Administrator, II. 404 (See •ko **Cat«t« accounting") Advertising, Department. II. 154 Sales department, relation to, II. IM Expense. I. 65. 98. 113. 119; II. 468; UI. 217. 220; IV. 14. 27 Good- will value of. IV. 18. 254 Mail-order busineas. II. 393 Agencies. II. 373 Accounts of. II. 373. 374 Home office, accounts with. II. 374 Agent's Orocb Bu.\nk. II. 391 142 GENERAL INDEX Agbeement, Pabtnebship, II, 17 Aids, Mechanical, II, 3,49-359 Automatic register, II, Z5(i, 357 Billing machine, II, 169-171, 352 Calculating machine, II, S50-S52 Cash register, II, 358 Essential requirements of, II, 349 Importance of, II, 349, 350 Numbering ma hine, II, 358 Photographing machine, II, 357 Prevention of errors, IV, 380-381 Slide rule, II, 355 Stamp affix'jr, II, 357 Tabulating machine, II, 353-355 Time recorder, II, 307-309, 358; III. 176, 179 Typewriter, II, 356 A LA Cabte Dinivg Room, Checking Sys- tem, II, 433-435 Allowable Deductions Recobd, II, 848 Form, II, 347 Allowance Joubnal, II, 386 Form, II, 337 Allowances, Discount (See "Discounts") Purchase rebates and, account, analysis of, I, 434 Returns and. Analysis sheet of allowances, II, 126 Form, II, 125 Journal entries, I, 184 Refund ticket, II, 225 Form, II, 226 Register, II, 125 Form, II, 125 Sales, I, 99 Rebates and allowances account, analysis of, I, 411 Alterations ob Additions, Expenditures on, capital charges, IV, 47, 61, 235-237 Alternate Sales System fob a Small Con- cern, II, 172 Form, II, 172 Amebican Institute of Accountants, I, 14 Amebican Plan, Hotel, II.. 432 Amobtization, Bonds, IV, 128, 135 Problems, V, 146, 148 Debt, IV, 153 Sinking fund method compared with, IV, 153, 154 Analysis, (See also "Accounts, classification," "Schedule") Accounts, Credit accounts, I, 415-425 Debit accounts, I. 399-414 Expense, indirect (See ' £xpeD Receipts. dfpf)sit of. J, 193; I.'. 1 >J Receipts register. U, 206-iOO Form, II. 208 Hotels. II, 440 Form, II, 4^\ Mail-6rder house, II, 393 Form, II, 394 Reasons for use of, II. 407 Use of two or more at sanM line. II. t07. 209 Records, II. 18^230 Development of. II. 191 General, II, 189-210 Forms. II. 193. 199. 80«. 205. 108, til. 213, 214 Miscellaneous, II, 222-230 Forms, II, 224. 22r»-229 Petty cash. II, 217-221 Forms, II, 219. 220 Separate, reasons for, II. 189-191 Refund ticket, II, 223 Form, II. 226 Register, II. 177, 21.^ 358 Report, daily. II. 227, 228 Form. II. 228 Sales (See "Sales, cash") System, essentials of. II. \99 Verification. IV, 421-425 (See »!» **Vrnfie». tion") Bank balance. IV. 425 Cash in hand. IV. 421 Payments. IV. 423 * Receipts, IV, 422 Cash Book, I, 188-197. 215 217. S8t-»4: II. 26, 27, 190-200 Accepted as evidence in ct»urt«, II. *7 Arrangement of entries, I. 189. IBO Balance, reconciliatiun with bank I, 225-227 Problems. V. 3. 4 Entry in cash book. I. 2t6. NT Form. I. 227 Method. I. 226 Bank columns. I. 228 150 GENERAL INDEX Cash Book — Continued Charitable institution, II, 204-206 Form, II, 205 Closing, I, 195-197 Columnar, I, 215-217, 284, 328; II, 196, 197 Forms, I, 216, 217, 288, 289, 330, 331 Chain stores, II, 381 Forms, II, 385 Controlling accounts in, II, 200 Form, II, 199 Dates, entering, I, 192 Development of, II, 28, 29 Discount colunm, I, 215-217, 279, 280; II, 198-200 Forms, II, 199 Entries, I, 284-293; II, 195, 196 Footings, I, 192 Function of, II, 190 General, for mercantile concern, II, 201-204 Form, II, 202 Headings, I, 284, 285 Modern, development of, I, 215 Not a ledger account, II, 194 Petty cash, I, 231; II, 218-220 Form, II, 219 Chain stores, II, 381 Form, II, 386 Posting from, II, 218, 220 Posting to ledger, I, 196, 291-293 Private, II, 228 Form, II, 229 Receipts and payments, separate books for, I, 190 Ruling of, I, 284, 285; II, 261 Simple, I, 191; II, 193 Forms, I, 191; II, 193 Single-entry bookkeeping, I, 382-384 Form, I, 383 Treated as ledger account, I, 190 Where no creditors ledger is kept, II, 122 Form, II, 121 Castings, III, 50 Catalogue File, II, 76 Catalogue, Stores, III, 161 Cement Manufacture, III, 88, 92 Certified Public Accountants, I, 13, 14 Chain Stores (See "Branch stores") Charge Slip, Hotel Guest, II, 438, 439 Form, II, 439 Charges (See "Costs") Chabqes, Deferred (See "Deferred debits") Charitable Institution, Cash book, II, 204-206 Form, II, 205 Pledge record, II, 841 Form, II, 341 Charts, Accounts, III, 20 Forms, III, 20, 21 Production-center system. III, 310 Form, III, 312, 313 Elements of selling price. III, 25 Form, III, 25 Expense accounts, III, 212 Forms, III, 19, 20, 214-216 Production-center system. III, 310 Form, III, 312, 313 Graphic, III, 405-418; IV, 399-401 Advantages, III, 405 Comparison of expenses, IV, 401 Form, IV, 400 Difference, III, 406-409 Forms, III, 408, 416 Pay-roll, III, 191 Forms, III, 192, 193 Plotted from statements. III, 414, 415 Ratio, III, 406, 410-418 Forms, III, 413, 418 Production-center system, HI, 303 Form, III, 303 Accounts, III, 310 Form, III, 312, 313 Value of, II, 295 Check, Canceled, I, 241 Exchange Charges, I, 218, 219 Exchanged, I, 219, 220 Method of entry on bdbks, I, 193, 194 Proof of payment, I, 193 Register, II, 209-211 Form, II, 208 Functions of, II, 210 Separate for each bank, II, 210 Void, I, 223 Voucher (See "Voucher") Check-marking Corrections, IV, 434-436 System of check-marks, IV, 435 Checking or Proving Figures, III, 96 Church Pledge Record, II, 341 Form, II, 3il Classification, Accounts (See "Accounts, classification") Expense, indirect. Ill, 213 GENERAL INDEX 151 Classification — Continued Invoices, indirect expense. III, 217 Subsidiary ledger, III, 218 Form, III, 219 Labor, III, 166-168 Labor, indirect. III, 221 Material requisitions. III, 131, 136 Parts, III, 305 ' Standing expense orders. III, 229-232, 267 Numerical system. III, 229-232, 267 Form, III, 230 Stores, III, 122, 138, 153-162 (See also "Stores, classification") Clay Products (See "Process cost system, brickmaking plant") Clayton Act of 1914, IV, 333 Cleaning Factory, III, 221, 226 Clearance Sheet, II, 417 Form, II, 418 Clearing House, Stock exchange, II, 416, 417 Ticket, II, 416 Clock Card, II, 306-309; III, 167, 168, 176 Form, III, 181 Closing Entries (See "Entries, closing") Closing Factory, III, 42 Piece-work time record. III, 185 Form, III, 186 Cloth Manufacture (See "Textile costs" Clubs, II, 446-452 Accounting for, character of, II, 446 Accounts, Classification of, II, 446-448 Closing, II, 452 House, II, 450, 452 Dues, II, 449 Fees, initiation, II, 449 Life membership, II, 449 Membership ledger, II, 452 Forms, II, 451 Records required, II, 253, 448 Subscriptions, special, II, 452 Unprofitable activities, II, 449, 450 C. O. D., Register, II, 391, 392 Sales, I, 110, 254; II, 181-183 Route ledger, II, 183 Form, II, 182 Route sheet, II, 181 Form, II, 182 CoiNsuRANcc Clauss, IV. i6»-tn (8m alM "Fire loss adjustmenU'*) Apportionment of liability. IV, tTO Defined. IV. 260 Object of, IV, 269 CoiNSUBia, IV, 269 ' Collection Accouim, Attcmimbt'a. II. 40t Columns; Ruunos and. II. 5^M (Sec a.'«D "Journal, columnar") Combinations and CoNsouDA-noim, Problems, IV, S67-S71: V. «W. m, tSI. 284, 288. 293. SCO. 304. SI 2. 910. HS By lease of property. IV. S32, S37 Difficulty of valuing leaw. IV. 337 By purchase of property. IV, 332. 336, 337 Account illustrated. IV, 33«, 337 Distinguished from boldiog compuqr, IV, 383 Causes leading to, IV, 330 Consolidation, IV, 339 Dividends (See "Dividends") Growth and development of. IV, SSO Holding company, 333-352 (See also **Iiol4|. ing company") Methods of, IV, 830-330 Pools and gentlemen's agreements, IV, SSI Special points, IV, 371-375 Trusts, IV, 381 Working capital provided by subsultanei^ IV, 371 Combined Process and Ohokb Mbtboo cm Cost-Finding. III. 48 Commercial Accounting Distinct moM Cost Accounting, III, 4 Commission, Merchant's consignment register. 11, *U. 348 Salesmen's. II, 340. 341 Community Associations, fob Combixatkmv of Corporations, IV. 331 Comparative Statement or PnoriT A>f» Loss, II, 294; IV. 300 Federal Reserve Board form. IV. SCO Form. IV. 300. 301 Comparison or Costs at Vabiocs rKStooa, III. 66 Compensating Eiuioiis. I. 73 Competition, Ignorant, Dub to Ij«co««crr Cost Calculation, III. 6 Composite Life Mbtmoo, DwrmmnAywm Rates. IV. 177. 178 Problem, V. 168 152 GENERAL INDEX Compound DiscotiNT, IV, 149, 153 Rule for finding, IV, 153 Compound Interest, IV, 144-146, 153 (See also "Annuity") Rule for finding, IV, 153 Compound Interest Tables, Use of, IV, 9 Compound Products, III, 54-69 Form, III, 57, 59 Consignee, Sales Book for, II, 180 Form, II, 176 Consignment, Register, II, 345, 348 Sales on, II, 177-179 Sales book for consignee, II, 180 Form, II, 176 Consolidated Balance Sheet (See "Balance sheet, consolidated") Consolidated Income Statement, Eliminations, IV, 365 Intercompany adjustments, IV, 3C5, 366 Intercompany profits, treatment of, IV, 366 Consolidation (See "Combinations and con- solidations") Construction Work, II, 313, 314; IV, 36 Anticipation of profits, IV, 36 Employment record, II, 313 Local conditions to be observed, II, 313 Recording workmen's time, methods of, II, 313 Constructive Accounting, I, 7 Containers, Accounting procedure for, II, 183-185 Column in sales book, II, 183 Form, II, 184 Sale of, I, 253 Contingencies, Reserve for (See "Re- serves") Contingent Liabilities (See "Liabilities, contingent") Contract, (See also "Contractors, building") Cost sheet, II, 454 Form, II, 455 Filing, II, 454 Numbering, II, 454 Profit and loss, II, 459 Estimated profits, II, 459 Register, II, 454 Subcontract, Payment sheet, II, 454 Form, II, 455 Payments, II, 458 Register, II, 454 Contractors, Bttildinq, H, 453-460 (See also "Contract") Charges to owners, periodical, II, 458, 459 Labor, accounting for, II, 457, 458 Material, Accounting procedure for, II, 457 Requisitions, II, 457 Pay-roll, Preparation of, II, 457 Voucher, II, 458 Records required, II, 453 Subcontractors, II, 453 Voucher register, II, 455-457 Form, II, 456 Controlling Accounts, Problems, V, 9, 10, 11, 106, 119. 372 Advantages of, I, 260-262; II, 30; III, 77 Balances, III, 108 Checking figures, III, 96 Closing, illustrated, III, 106-109 Process cost system. III, 106-109 Depreciation reserve, IV, 184 Form, IV, 183 Entries, I, 265, 267; III, 81-97 Expense, indirect (See "Expense accounts") Finished goods. III, 79 Entries, III, 85 Illustrated, III, 86 Journal entry illustrated. III, 108 Process method. III, 91 Production-center system, illustrated. III, 325 Finished parts. III, 86 Function of, I, 259 Ledger made self-balancing, I, 243 Manufacturing enterprise, II, 465 Form, U, 464 Material, III, 79, 81, 122 Entries. Ill, 81 Estimated cost system, illustrated. III, 359 Illustrated, 111, 83 Journal entries, illustrated. III, 106 Process cost system, III, 86 Textile costs, lU, 367, 368 Opening, I, 262-264 Journal entry, I, 263 Pay-roll, Illustrated, III, 95 Journal entry, illustrated, III, 107 Process cost system. III, 88 GENERAL INDEX 153 Controlling Accounts — Continued Pay-roll — Continued Production-center system, III, 323 Textile costs, III, 400 Plant, IV, 181, 184 Form, IV, 182 ^ Posting, I, 263, 264; II, 200 Labor-saving devices, I, 264 Principle, extension of, I, 270 Process cost system. III, 86-95, 345 Production-center system, III, 310-327 Chart, III, 310 Form, III, 312, 313 Illustrated accounts, III, 319-326 Proving balance, I, 244 Stores (See subheading "Material," above) Subsidiary ledger, posting to, I, 265, 267 Supplies, III, 122 Journal entries, illustrated. III, 106 Process cost system. III, 88 With debtors and creditors, II, 200 Form, II, 199 Work in process. III, 79, 83 Entries, III, 83 Illustrated, III. 85, 90 Journal entry illustrated, III, 107 Process method, III, 90 Textile costs, UI, 369-376. 380-389 Conversion Costs, III, 88, 92 Accounts, III, 93 Distributed over yarn cost, textile mill. III, 376 Statement, III, 93 Co-operation Methods, for Combination OF Corporations, IV, 331 Copper Smelter, III, 42 Copyrights, IV, 261 Corporate Control, II, 18, 10 (See also "Corporation") Form, II, 19 Corporation, Accounting, Books and records, II, 20 Features of, special, I, 362 Opening entries, I, 367, 370; II, «S3, 234 Procedure, I, 367-371 Board of directors, II, 18 Bonds (See "Bonds") Committees, II, 18, 19 CoRPOBATiOK— CorUmtMi Consolidation (See aUo *'CombiiutioM aad Consolidations") Problems. IV, S67-S71; V. »«. f77. tSl. 281. 288. 293. SOO. 804. Sit. Sl». 8« Causes which lead to. IV, 890 Combination by, IV. 390 Special points. IV. 971-975 Working capital provided by subaidiarNs, IV. 871 Defined. I. 19. ^i Dividends (See "Dividends") General manager. II. 18 Holding company. IV. 939-992 Advances to subsidiaries. IV, 849, 979 Balance sheet. IV, 940-95« (See also "Balance sheet") Consolidated income tUtement, IV, 96^ 366 Distinguished from combination by p«tr- chase. IV. 339 Formation of. IV, 999 Income, chief source of, IV, 930 Not illegal per se. IV. 994 Profit and loss statement, IV, 940 Purpose of, IV, 335 "Restraining" trade, IV, 999 Statements, IV. 340 Problem, V. 300 Statutes permitting formation, IV. 999 Working capital provided by sub«diarirs. IV. 371 Investment in stock of other corporations, IV, 334 Law governing, II. 20 Legal requirements, I. 962-9 tern. Ill, 95 Estimated (See "Estimated cost ^jrsteoB") Estimated material. III. OS Labor (See also "Labor") Direct, III. 18 Indirect, III. 18 Making and selling, chart. HI. 25 Material (See also "Material") Direct. lU, 17 Indirect. Ill, 17 (See also •^upplks") Prices fixed by. Ill, 5. 6 Cotton Mill, 111. 43, 91 Spinning, lU, 40. 47 (See also Textile costs") Production report, weekly. III. 44, 45 Form. 111. 45 Coupon Books. 11. 187 Coupon Productiom Okobs. III. 58 Form, UI. 59. 00 156 GENERAL INDEX Credit, Department, sales orders, approving, II, 157 Memorandum, II, 127, 128 Form, II, 128 Requisition, II, 141, 142 ' Sales on, II, 163 Creditobs, Accounts, nuul-order business, II, 392 Status of, in liquidation proceedings, I, 146 Credits, Deferred (See "Deferred credits") Defined, I, 17, 41, 176 Cross-indexing, II, 27 Cdmulation of Statistics, II, 294| 295 Current, Assets, I, 65 Liabilities, I, 66 Customers', Accounts, Arrangement of, II, 268 Loose-leaf ledger, II, 340 Order register, II, 340, 341 Form, 11, 339 Bill, II, 338 Form, II, 339 Cut Sheet Journal, II, 245 Form, II, 244 D Dat-Book, I, 378-381; II, 26, 27 Form, I, 379 Accepted as evidence in courts, II, 27 Development of, II, 27 Entries, I, 380 Transactions included in, I, 380 Posting to ledger, methods of, I, 381, 382 Form, I, 382 Requirements for, I, 378 Ruling and form, I, 379 Day-Rate Method of Wage Payment, III, 169 Disadvantages of, 195-197 Debit Memorandum, II, 127 Form, n, 127 Debits, Deferred (See "Deferred debits") Defined, I, 17, 41, 176 Debts, Amortization of, compared with sinking fund method of payment, IV, 153, 154 Bad, Account, analysis of, I, 41? , Accounting for, IV, 219 Debts — Continued Bad — Continued Balance sheet, treatment on, I, 326, 327 Problem. V, 202 Computation of probable loss from, IV, 217 Income tax requirements, IV, 220 Provision for, I, 326. 327 Problem, V, 19 Relation between losses and sales, IV, 216 Reserve account, analysis of, I, 420 Reserve for, I, 326, 327; IV, 105, 115, 216 Problems, V, 19, 21, 228 Valuation of accounts receivable, IV, 218 Estate, accounting for, II, 407 Priority of, in bankruptcy proceedings, IV,. 323 Decimal System op Numbering Accounts,. II, 271 Decimal System of Stores Classification,. m, 156 Defective Work, III, 146 Deferred, Credits, III, 98, 101, 217; IV, 26-32 Problems, V, 106. 108, 119, 152, 215, 2.53 Discount on bonds, IV, 137, 141 Expenses accrued, IV, 27 Income, deferred, I, 66; IV, 30-32 Liabilities accrued, IV, 26 Taxes accrued, IV, 29 Debits, I, 63, 65, 98. 113, 119; III, 98, lOI, 217; IV, 12-25 Problems, V, 125, 132, 137, 152. 180, 202, 215, 277, 304 Accounts, cash methods of handling, IV, 19 Accrued interest vs. interest accrued, IV, 13 Adjusting entries, IV, 15-17 Advertising, IV, 18 Dividends receivable, IV, 24 Income accrued, IV, 19-24 (See also "In- come, accrued") Insurance. IV, 14-17 Interest (See "Interest") Organization expenses, IV, 17 Prepaid expenses, IV, 12-19 (See also sub- heading "Charges," above) Profits as affected by manner of treat- ment, IV, 14 Royalties, IV, 18 Expense (See subheading "Charges," above) GENERAL INDEX 137 Deferred — Continued Liabilities (See subheading "Credits," above) Deficiency Account, 1, 140, 141; IV, 319, 826 Problems, V, 61, 66, 70 Illustrative statements, I, 140; IV, 329 Deficit, Ascertaining, method of, I, 46 Defined, I, 33, 34 Showing of, on balance sheet, 1, 119; IV, 284 Problems, V, 271, 304 Departments, Accounting, II, 12, 468 Administrative (See "Administrative ex- pense") Advertising, II, 154 Credit, II, 157 Distribution of indirect expense over (See "Expense") Educational, expense, distribution of, II, 469 Financial, II, 12 Non-productive, III, 102, 268 (See also "Administrative expense," "Building expense," "Power plant expense," "Stores department expense") Distribution of indirect expense. III, 99, 103, 107, 257-270 Sub-departments, III, 265-268 Office (See "Administrative expense") Power plant (See "Power plant expense") Process cost system (See "Process cost system") Productive, Expense, indirect. III, 212 Expense, indirect, account illustrated, III, 104 Expense, indirect, distribution over. III, 99, 103, 104 Functions of, II, 10 Purchasing (See "Purchasing department") Sales (See "Sales department") Service (See subheading "Non-productive," above) Shipping, Account, illustrated, textile costs. III, 393 Chart, graphic. III, 417 Form, III, 418 Checking goods in, II, 160 Expense, III, 393 Tickets. II, 159, 160 Stores (See "Stores") Dzp x&Tussm—ConHnMti Sub-, Non-productive, II, 10, It; HI. Productive (machine groups). III. fit, 287. 301 (See alio **M«rliine mU method of distributing expca« evar product") Supplies, expense, distribution ol, II, 4M Traffic. II. 154. 155 Departmental CLAaAtncATioii or Svosn. Process system. Ill, ISl Departmentalization or Aooomm, III, 5. 7. 22 Departmentalizatiom or Exrzsnz, II. 467 Departure Recoro, Hotel. Gcann, 11. 4iS Deposits, Charged back, I, 22« Interest on, I, 220 Depreciation, I, 815-8«7; 11. 475; HI. M. 100, 244-252; IV. 185-188 (See nlw gracr- ally "Fixed charges") Accounting covering, I, 817-819; III. ttS; IV, 179-188 Actual and estimated vary, IV, 99. 100 Adjusting entries, IV, 185-188 Problems, V, 15, 18, 18. 19. «1, 215 Appraisal method, IV. 168 Disadvantages of, IV, 168 Assets subject to, I, 315 Auxiliary equipment. III. 248 Buildings, Account, analysis of, I, 41f Reserve account, analysis of. I. 419 Causes of, I, 315, 318 Obsolescence, I, 315. 818 Time, lapse of, I. 815 Wear and tear. I. 815 Charge for, wrongly shown. IV. 108 Defined. I, 315 Distribution of charge in trading < II. 475 Effect on profits, IV, 49 Problem. V, 182 Legal recognition, IV, 8S Effect on valuation. IV. 49 Fire loss adjustment, IV, il74 Fluctuations, I. 828 Franchises. IV. 263. 284 Good-will. IV. 255 Journal entry. I. 818; HI. 107 Kinds of. I. 316. 817 Leaseholds, IV. 167 158 GENERAL INDEX Depbecxation — Continued Machinery and equipment. III, 290; IV, 237 Manufacturing business, IV, 40 Obsolescence, III, 245 Original cost values, in arriving at gross profits, IV, 35 Patents, IV. 258 Physical and functional, I, 316, 317 Principles and policies, IV, 165 Prior periods, accounting covering, IV, 98, 99 Problem. V, 180 Production-center ^system. III, 290 Purpose of, IV, 50 Rates, determination of, 1, 321-325; III, 247; IV, 169- 178 Composite rate, IV, 169, 177 Problem. V, 168 Fixed percentage of diminishing value method, I, 322-324; IV, 173, 174 Problem, V, 168 Fixed proportion methods, IV, 170-172 Problems, V, 16, 18, 168 Service method, IV, 172 Sinking-fund method, I. 324. 325; IV, 175-177 Straight-line method, I, 322; IV, 171 Problem. V, 168 Working hours method, IV, 172 Repairs and renewals not compensation for, IV, 167 Exception, IV, 167 Reserve for (See "Reserves," "Sinking fund") Schedule, III, 224, 234, 249, 253 Form, III, 250, 251 Sub-departments, III, 266 Textile costs. III, 397, 398 Stock-in-trade, IV, 223 Reserve for, IV, 115 Values, estimation of, IV, 168 Precautions, IV, 168, 169 Wasting of assets distinguished from, IV, 239 Designing Forms, II, 56, 57 Dewey Decimal System of Classification, III, 156 Diagrams, Value of, II, 295 Diamond Register, II, 342 Forms, II, 343 Dickinson, A. Lowes, Quoted, Maintenance expenditures, IV. 47 Profit and loss sUtement, IV, 298, 299 Dickinson, A. Lowes, QvoTED^Continued Profits of subsidiaries prior to consolidation, IV, 360 Reserves, secret, arguments for and against, IV, 113 Difference Charts, III, 406-409 Forms, III, 408, 416 Differential Piece-Rate Method of Wage Payment, II, 305; III, 200 Direct Expense, III, 18 Direct Labor, III, 18 (See also "Labor," "Pay-roll") Chart, graphic. III. 407HH7 Forms. Ill, 408, 413, 416, 418 Directorates, Interlocking, IV, 332 Directors, Corporation, II, 18 Disbursements, Cash (See "Cash disburse- ments") Discounts, Account, analysis of, I, 421 Bank, I, 299 Bonds (See "Bonds") Cash, I, 99, 275; II, 98; IV, 35, 244 Problems, V, 11, 13, 23, 61, 70, 233, 345 Abolishing, desirability of, I, 282 Account, analysis of, I, 412 Accounting treatment of, I, 277-280; IV, 244 Bonus instead of, I, 282, 283 Calculating, basis for, I, 276 Cash book column for, I, 279, 280 Cash book entry, I, 217 Disadvantages of, I, 283 JournaUzing, I, 277, 278 Problem, V, 23 Nature and elements of, I, 275 Not deducted in ascertaining gross profit, IV, 35 Not deducted in calculating bonus on total purchases, I, 277 Provision for, in closing entry, I, 281 Received, account, analysis of, I, 423 Recording, I, 278, 279; II, 197-200 Form, II, 199 "Terms," I, 233 Columns in cash book, I, 215-217 Compound, IV, 149, 153 Rule for finding, IV, 153 Defined, I, 271 Notes receivable, I, 299 Problems, V, 13, 61, 70 Accoimting covering, I, 300 & GENERAL INDEX 150 Discounts — Contin ued Paid in advance, IV, 14 Trade, I, 100, 271-275 Calculating, quick methods, I, 272-274 Deducted in ascertaining gross profit, IV, 35 Stating, methods of, I, 272 Dish Breakage, Hotels and Restaurants, II, 442 Dissolution, Partnership, I, 352-361 (See also "Partnership, dissolution") Distribution of Costs Direct to Product, Process Cost System, III, 44, 92 Distribution of Expense (See "Expense") Distribution Sheet, Cash, II, 226, 227 Form, II, 227 Dividends, Account, analysis of, I, 421 Accounting for, IV, 77-94 Problems, V, 137, 209, 215 Applied to stock subscriptions, entries for IV, 87-89 As liability on consolidation. Problem, V, 312 Bond, IV, 7> Entries for, IV, 92 Cash, IV, 72 Entries for, IV, 82, 83 Cumulative, IV, 89 Problem, V, 233 Entries for, IV, 89-91 Declaration of, IV, 62-64 Closing transfer books, IV, 63, 64 Forcing, IV, 64 Declared, status of, IV, 66 Definition, IV, 55 Dividend sheet or book, IV, 79 Forms, IV, 80, 81 Expenditures, revenue and capital, IV, 61 Illegal. IV, 93 Accounting for, IV, 93 Interim, IV, 87 Entries for, IV, 86, 87 List, IV, 79 Form, IV, 80 New York law, IV, 56 Notice of, IV, 69 Participation in, IV, 65 Payment, IV, 70-73, 77-79 Form of, IV, 72 Out of capital, IV, 93 Procedure for, IV, 77 I DiVIDENM— Cofth'niMd Pay ment— C'on/in lud To whom paid, IV. i With borrowed money. IV, M Profit* avaiUble for. IV, 58 Property, IV. 75 Accounting for, IV, M Receivable, IV, U Scrip. IV, 74 Entries for, IV, 85 Sources of, IV, 56-58 Special, IV, 86 Entries for. IV, 86. 87 Status of declared. IV, 68 Stock, I. Ill; IV, 73 Problem, V. 284 Entries for, IV, 91 Prohibited in Massachusetts, IV, 7S Subsidiary companies, elimiiuitioo oo cos* solidated balance sheet, IV. 96S "Wasting" enterprises, IV, 57 English decision. IV. 58 Double-Entrt BooKKEEPC«a (See **Book keeping, double-entry") Dbaftinq Expense Accoukt, IixcmraAniw III, 326 Drafts, Acceptance of, I, 304. 805 Accounting covering, I, 805 Collected by bank. I, 221 Drawings (Sec "Withdrawals") Driver's, Book, II, 336, 338 Form, II, 338 Sales, II, 336, 838, 840 Customer's bill. II, 388 Form, II, 339 Tickets, accounting (or, II, 840 Due Bill Reoister, II, 309, 870 Dues, Cldb. II, 449 Economics. Dbmneo. I. 80 Economist, I. 80 Educational DEFA»r»iE!«rr Lxnmm, Dis- tribution or, II, 469 Efficiency, ^ ^ Increased by modern accottnlinf ■MlWHii. ^•* Records, application to wrwcOoo of tnvn^ IV. 430 160 GENERAL INDEX E FFiciEXC Y — Con tin ued Standard of, laid down by cost accounting, III, 5, 7 Electrical Goods Factory, Illustrative production-center system. III, 301-327 Electricity Expense, III, 233, 233 (See also generally "Fixed charges," "Light and heat") Elevator Expense, Distribc^tion of, II, 469 Emerson System, Wage Payment, II, 306 Employer's Liability Insurance, III, 238 Employment Bureau Expense, Distribu TioN of, II, 470 Engineering Plant, Expense distribution, III, 260 Engineering Trade, Anticipation of Profits, IV, 36 Entries, Adjusting, I, 79-83; IV, 4-6 (See also "Adjustments") Check-marking corrections, IV, 434-436 Deferred charges, IV, 15-17 Gross profit, determination of, I, 85 Merchandise accounts, I, 81 Mixed account, example and treatment of, I, 80-83 Sinking fund, IV, 160 Surplus (See "Surplus") Cash book, II, 195, 196 Closing, I, 83-85, 91, 92, 100, 101; II, 234; III, 106-110; IV, 6, 7, 12 Controlling accounts, process cost system, m, 106-109 Example of, I, 84-86 Preparation of, I, 91 Proprietors' drawing accounts, I, 100, 101 Provision for discounts, I, 281 Work in process account, process method, m, 90 Current, I, 265 Journal (See "Journal") Offsetting, I, 64 Opening, I, 180; II, 233, 234 Form, I, 181 ControlUng accounts, I, 263 Corporation, I, 367, 368, 370, 371; II, 233, 234 Form, I, 367, 368 Partnership, I, 339-343; II. 233 Form, I, 339, 840 Entries — Continued Original, Fraudulent, avoiding, II, 30, 31 Grouping into accounts, I, 39 Unusual, I, 267 Equipment, HI, 213, 217, 222 Accounting for, IV, 237 Depreciation, III, 244-252; IV, 237 Errors, As to profits, IV, 93 Problem, V, 59 Classification, IV, 383-335 Compensating, I, 73 Corporation, IV, 389 .Correction of, IV, 430-442 Check-marking, IV, 434-436 Fundamental principle, IV, 431 Necessity^for, IV, 387 Organization and efficiency records, IV, 430 Rules of procedure, IV, 432 ' Rules of procedure, illustration of, IV, 436-441 Three steps in making, IV, 433 Detection oi, by bookkeeping department, 1,73, 2r, 262; IV, 408-416 Problem, V, 343 Analysis of the ledger, IV, 409-413 Articulation statement, IV, 413 Importance of, IV, 403 Kinds of mistakes to be expected, IV, 403 Tests, IV, 414 Trial balance differences, IV, 404-409 Problem, V, 137 Detection of, by executives, IV, 390-402 Problem, V, 336 Casual scrutiny, IV, 401 Expenses, percentage of, IV, 398 Graphic statements, IV, 399-401 Form, IV, 400 Gross profit, percentage of, IV, 392-394 Inventory test, example of, IV, 395 Percentage methods, IV, 391-399 Turnover, percentage of, IV, 395-397 Examples of, IV, 385-387 Formal, IV, 384 Intentional, IV, 383-386, 388 Ledger, analysis of, illustrated, IV, 409-41§ Of principle, IV, 383-388 Of tecnnique, IV, 384-387' Partnership, IV, 388 ^!^ GENERAL INDEX 161 Errors — Continued Prevention of, IV, 380-382 Internal check, IV, 381 Mechanical devices, IV, 380-381 Proprietorship, sole, IV, 388-389 Statistical, IV, 383-386, 388 Substantial, IV, 384 Trial balance differences, IV, 404 Problem, V, 137 Rules for locating, IV, 405-409 Unintentional, IV, 382-386, 388 Estate Accounting, II, 404-414 Form, II, 411-413 Administrator, II, 404 Assets, II, 405-407 Authority to act, II, 404, 405 Debts and expenses, II, 407 Executor, II, 404 Final accounting, II, 410 Duties subsequent to, II, 410, 414 Income, II, 408 Principal, II, 408 Records, II, 402, 409, 410 Trustee, II, 404 Estimated Cost System, III, 63-65, 343-332 Accounts illustrated. III, 353, 360 Adjustment between actual and estimated costs. III, 359 Basic principles. III, 352 Closing inventory. III, 356 Computing estimates. III, 353 Conditions necessary for. III, 350, 351 Cost of goods sold account. III, 357 Illustrated, III, 360 Factory ledger. III, 358 Opening inventory. III, 354 Estimated Material. Costs, III, 63, 1 19 Estimated Supplies on Job, Unusual. Method, III, 222 Estimation of Asset Values, IV, 7, 41-45, 168 European Pian, Hotel, II, 482 Exchange, Bills of, I, 295 Charges, I, 218 Executive, Detection of errors by, IV, 390-402 Problem, V, 336 Functions, IV, 390, 391 Importance of a budget to, II, 317, 318 Organization by, IV, 390, 391 Supervision, IV, 390, 391 ExBcuTOB. n, 404 (S«« «bo "EaUU i ing") Exhibits, Scbeduudi aicd SrATSMcsrrm. II. 288. 289 Expemditdres, Capiul (Sec "Capita] expeoditorr*") Revenue, dwtinction between. aii4 rapitU. I, 107; IV, 45-49, 97. 2S5-«37 Problem, V, 132 Expense, "Account," Estimated co«t ayitem. III. MO Accounts, I, 68, 69, «Sfl; 111, 9S-105. f I ?. 217, 221, 223, 234-242. 288. SIO "Catch-all," inadvisabtlity of, I, 161 Chart, III, 212, 810, Forms, III, 19. 21, 214-216, 812, SIS Illustrated. Ill, 101-104 Journal entries. III, 106-108 Opening. III. 98 Posting to profit and lorn acrouat. 1. 5t Process cost system. Ill, 89, 106-loa. fOJ, 271. 844 Production-center system, illustrated. III. 819-828 Purchase journal. I. 286 Reserve account. III. 28S Selling expenses, I, 97. 98 Textile costs. Ill, 867, S0»-9M (Sm a!a» under "Textile costs") Accrued, III, 98. 100; IV. 27 Problem, V. 123 Adjustment between actual and appfied. III. 212, 282-285, 295 Flat percentage charge, m. 284 Production-center system. III. 205 Reserve account. III. 28S Administrative. I. 69; II. 298; III. 18. M. 102. 168. 172. 187. 218. 220. 221 (Sm ako generally subheading **Labor, iaAmU" below) Problem. V. 841 On distribution sheet. III. 224. 259. 220 Process cost system. III. 160. 544 Form. III. 844 Production-center system. Ill, 291, »* I Standing expense orders. 111. 226 Sub-departmenU. 111. 265 Textile costs. III. 306, 397 Advertising. II. 468; III. 217, 220 Analysis, extent of. III. 211 And expenditure, disllbctioa betww*. I. IVf 16? GENERAL INDEX Expense — Continued Applied (See subheading "Rates of distribu- tion, predetermined," below) Building, III, 236, 237 Production-center system. III, 289, 319 Textile costs. III, 395 Capital, IV, 296, 297 (See also "Capital expenditures") Capitalizing, danger of, IV, 46 Chart, III, 212, 310 Forms, III, 19, 21, 214-216, 312, 313 , Graphic, III, 407-415 Forms, III, 408, 413, 416, 418 Classification of, I, 99, 162; III, 18, 21, 213 Classification of invoices. III, 217 Subsidiary ledger. III, 218 Form, III, 219 Columns in purchase journal, II, 110-115 Forms II, 111, 113 Comparison of, graphic chart, IV, 401 Form, IV, 400 Deferred, I, 65, 98, 113, 119; III, 98, 101, 217; IV, 12-19 Delivery, II, 468 Depreciation, II, 475; III, 98, 100, 244-252 (See also generally subheading "Fixed charges," below) Account, III, 223 Auxiliary equipment, HI, 246 Journal entry, illustrated. III, 107 Machinery, III, 290 Obsolescence, III, 245 Production-center system. III, 290 Rates, III, 247 Schedule, III, 224, 234, 249, 253 Form, III, 250, 251 Schedule, textile costs. III, 397, 398 Sub-departments, III, 266 Direct, II, 466; III, 18 Distribution, II, 463, 467-477; III, 36, 98, 212, 213, 225, 253-286 Chart, III, 212 Form, III, 214-216 Non-productive departments exx)ense. III, 257-270 Procedure outlined. III, 98, 212 Process cost system. III, 89, 271 Direct to product. III, 44, 92 Sources for charges. III, 224, 253 Distribution over departments, II, 467-477 III, 99, 103, 104 Problem, V, Sm Expense — Continued Distribution over departments — Continued Sub-departments, III, 265-268 Distribution over product. III, 98, 213, 225, 271-286 Problems, V, 351, 353, 355 Adjustment between actual and applied expense. III, 212, 282-285 Flat percentage charge. III, 284 Reserve account. III, 283 Machine-rate method. III, 272, 277-279, 287-298, 301-327 (See also "Machine- rate method") Material cost method. III, 272, 281 Percentage of labor method. III, 272-275 Prime cost method. III, 272, 281 Productive-hour method. III, 272, 275- 277 Rates, predetermined. III, 42, 212, 271- 285 Sold-hour method. III, 272, 279 Distribution sheet. III, 29, 36, 38, 253-270 Forms, III, 37, 254, 255, 258, 259, 262, 263 Administrative expense, III, 260 Depreciation (See subheading "Deprecia- tion schedule," above) Fixed charges (See subheading **Fixed charges schedule," below) Power plant. III, 260 Standing orders and supplies requisitions distributed on, III, 224 Statement of expenses, production-center system. III, 308 Form, III, 307 Stores department expense. III, 260, 264 Stores department expense applied direct to material. III, 268 Sub-departments, III, 265-268 Educational department, II, 469 Electricity, III, 233, 239 (See also subhead- ings "Fixed charges," "Light and heat," below) Elevator, II, 469 Employment bureau, II, 470 Equipment, III, 213, 217, 222 Estate accounting for, II, 407 Estimate of, departmental, II, 321, 322 Estimated cost system (See "Estimated cost system") Fixed charges, II, 475; lit, 213, 217. 233- 243 (See also "Fixed charges") GENERAL INDEX 108 Expense — Continued Fixed charges — Continued "Account" illustrated, production-center system, III, 320 Schedule, III, 224, 233, 253 Form, III, 235 Schedule, process system. III, 341 Form, III, 342 Schedule, sub-departments. III, 266 Floor space, II, 467 Gas, III, 213, 233, 239 (See also generally subheadings "Fixed charges," "Light and heat") General, II, 470 Schedule of, I, 162 "General expense account," Textile costs. III, 396 Indirect, III, 18, 83 Insurance, II, 470; 475; III, 98, 100,^213, 217, 233, 238 (See also generally sub- heading "Fixed charges," above) Account illustrated, III, 102 Furniture and fixtures. III, 475 Journal entry illustrated. III, 107 liability, II, 470 Production-center system, III, 290 Stock, II, 470 Textile costs. III, 399 Interest on investment. III, 240 (See also generally subheading "Fixed charges," above) Journal entries illustrated. III, 106-108 Labor, indirect. III, 166, 168, 213, 220, 226-232 Accounts, III, 221 Administrative (See subheading "Admin- istrative," above) Chart, graphic, III, 191 Form, III, 193 Classification, III, 221 Inspection, III, 226 Repairs to machinery. III, 221, 226 Standing expense orders. III, 224, 226-232 Ledger, subsidiary, III, 218, 266, 267 Form, III, 219 Estimated cost system. III, 358 Process cost system. III, 343 Form, III, 344 Light and heat, II. 473, 474; III, 226, 304 (See also subheadings "Electricity," "Gas," above) ExPENSB — Continued Light and beat— Con/tntM^ Account illustrated, p^xliniina tmmUt system. Ill, S20 Account illustrated, textile cxmU. III. tH Machine-rate method of distributiiMi C8w "Machine-rate method") Machinery, III. 21S. 217, 2«f (Sm ahs "Machine-rate method") Depreciation, III. 244-252, 290 Expense account. III, 2M, SfS Insurance, III, 290 Power expense, distribution. III, tit Taxes, III. 290 Manufacturing enterprise. II, 46S Miscellaneous, accounts, analysis ol, I, 414 Non-productive departments (See **A(lam»- istrative expense." "Building i "Power plant expense," partment expense") Accounts. III. 102. 268 Chart. III. 212 Form. III. 216 Distribution of expense, m, M. 103, 101. 257-270 Sub-departments, III, 265-268 Office. (See subheading "Administrative.'* above) Account, textile costs. III, S97 Organization, IV. 14, 17 Problems. V. 207. 304 Account, analysis of, I, 406 "Overhead" account, illustrated. HI. I , illustrated. Ill, 107 On distribution shret. III. 260 Process cost system. III. 3*4 Production-center system. III. 289, 290,319 Prepaid. I, 63. 98, 113, 119; III. 98. 161. 217; IV. 12-19 Problem. V, 180 Production-center system (See **llArfci«e- rate method") Productive departments. III. 105-I8i, tU Account illustrated. 111. 101 Chart. III. 212 Form, HI. 214. 215 164 GENERAL INDEX Expense — Continued Productive departments— CoreitnutJcZ Distribution of expense over. III, 99, 103, 104 (See also subheading "Distribu- tion," above) Journal entry, illustrated, III, 107 Purchase journal. III, 213, 217, 224, 253 Purchasing department, II, 297, 298 Rates of distribution, predetermined. III, 42, 212, 271-285 Recording, I, 63 Records, III, 224 (See also individual sub- headings) Rent, II, 471; III, 98, 100, 233, 236 (See also generally subheading "Fixed charges," above) Account illustrated. III, 101 Journal entry, illustrated. III, 107 Production-center system. III, 289 Reserve for (See "Reserves") S-lling. I, 68. 97, 98; II, 299, 477 As rate per pound or per* ton of product shipped, II, 301 Disposition of, II, 301 Items included in, II, 299 Ratio of, to production cost, II, 300, 301 Ratio of, to sales, 11, 299, 300 Problem, V, 341 Service, special, II, 469 Sinking fund, treatment of, IV, 158 Standing expense orders. III, 31, 224, 226-232 Classification, III, 227, 229-232 Distribution sheet. III, 221 Distribution, sub-departments. III, 266 List of numbers. III, 227, 229 Form, III, 230 Time tickets. III, 227 Form, 111,228 Statement of, production-center system, III; 308 Form, III, 307 Stock-in-trade, IV, 227 Stores department. III, 98, 102 Account, III, 217 Account, illustrated, production-center system. III, 321 Applied direct to material. III, 238, 297, 302 On distribution sheet. III, 260, 264 Sub-departments, III, 266 Expense — Continued Stores, incurred before receipt. III, 150; IV, 227 Stores ledger. III, 218 Sub-departments, III, 265-268 (See also "Machine-rate method") Supplies, II, 469; III, 17, 213, 217, 221, 226-232 Account, III, 81, 122 Charged direct, unusual method. III, 222 Included in term "stores," III, 23 Journal entries, illustrated. III, 106 Posting from stores issued book. III, 138 Process cost system. III, 88 Production-center system. III, 291, 325 Requisitions, III, 221, 253 Standing expense orders. III, 224, 226-232 Form, III, 230 Taxes, III, 98, 100, 213, 233, 238 (See also generally subheading "Fixed charges," above) Account, illustrated, textile costs. III, 399 Journal entry, illustrated. III, 107 Machinery, III, 290 Production-center system. III, 290 Telephone, II, 488; III, 213, 233 (See also generally subheading "Fixed charges," above) Tools, Production-center system. III, 291, 322 Trading concern, II, 467-470 Water, III, 233, 239 (See also generally sub- heading "Fixed charges," above) Window dressing, II, 469 Extensions, Reserve for (See "Reserves") Extractive Industries, III, 91, (See also "Process cost system, brick-making plant") * F Factory, Journal, II, 465 Ledger, II, 465; III, 76 Controlled by general ledger. III, 74 Estimated cost system. III, 358 Process cost system. III, 328, 343-348 Forms, III, 345, 346, 348 Records (See also "Records") Controlled by general ledger; III, 74 Federal Reserve Board, Balance sheet form recommended, IV, 287 Form, IV, 288, 289 GENERAL INDEX IM Federal Reserve Board — Continued Comparative profit and loss statement, IV, 300 Form, IV, 300, 301 Fee, Book, attorney's, II, 402 Form, II, 402 Initiation, club, II, 449 Stock-broker's, II, 423 File, Catalogue, II, 76 Quotation, II, 76, 77 Order record, II, 77 Source, II, 77 Filing, Data, informal, II, 73 Invoices, purchase, II, 103 Purchase orders, II, 95 Financial Department, Functions or, II, 12 Finished Goods, III, 40; IV, 37 Account, III, 79 Illustrated, III, 86 Journal entry, illustrated. III, 108 Process cost system. III, 91 Production-center system, illustrated. III, 325 Textile costs, illustrated, III, 391, 392 Definition, III, 24 Inventory or record. III, 75, 76 Ledger, III, 77 Form, III, 78 Profit on, IV, 37 Finished Parts (Stores\ III, 67 Account, III, 86 Definition, III, 24 Fire Loss Adjustments, Problems, V, 194, 196, 199 Accounting for, IV, 273 Appraisers, IV, 268 Coinsurance clause, IV, 268-271 Apportionment of liability, IV, 270 Object of, IV, 269 Depreciation factor, IV, 274 Evidences of value, IV, 265 Insurance policy, II, 342-345; IV, 266 Register for, II, 345 Form, II, 344 Inventory valuation, IV, 272 Liability of insurance company, IV, 268-271 Nature of problem, IV, 265 Proof of loss, IV, 265 Settlement of losses, IV, 267, 268 Fiscal Pebiom, I, 2S«, tS9 Fiscal Yeah, as Coiit Pnioo. Ill, tt Fixed Assets (See "Assets, ftscd") Fixed Charges. II, 467-<475; III. f IS, tS»-d» uct based on. III. 272-282 Pay-roll (See "Pay-roll") Piece-work basis. III. 169-171 Production-center system. III. 306 Records. II. 303-314: III. 165-lM Accuracy essential. HI. 165 Construction work. II. SIS. 314 Importance of. II, 303, 304 Job order system. II. 307. 308; III. 23 Original. II. 306. S07 Process cost system. III. 166 Purposes. III. 166 Salaries and separate record, II. 303-611 Time basis. III. 109 Process cost system. III. 167 Time records (See "Time records") Wage systems (See "Wages") Labor. iNoiRErr. ITT. 18. 166. 168. tIS, ttV 232. S20 Accounts. III. 221 172 GENERAL INDEX Labor, Indibbct — ConHnued Administrative ' (See "Adimnistrative ex- pense") Chart, graphic, HI, 191 Form, III, 193 Classification, III, 221 Inspection, III, 226 Repairs to machinery. III, 221, 226 Standing expense orders, III, 31, 224, 226- 232 Classification, III, 227, 229-232 Distribution, III, 224 Distribution, sub-departments. III, 266 List of numbers, UI. 227, 229 Form, 111, 230 Time tickets. III, 227 Form, m, 228 Land, Account, analysis of, I, 408 Accounting for, IV, 231-234 And buildings, need for separate accounts, IV, 233 Problem, V, 132 Appreciation of, I, 326; IV, 231 Depreciation, IV, 232 Development and carrying costs, IV, 234 Investments in, IV, 232, 233 Purchased for resale, IV, 234 Value, At purchase price, items included in, IV, 234 Fluctuations in, IV, 231 L.vw Offices, Accounting fob (See "Pro- fessional accoimts") Lease, Combination by, IV, 337, 338 Leaseholds, Additions to leased property, IV, 338 Amortization, IV, 168, 338 England, method in, IV, 338 Depreciation, IV, 167 Repairs and improvements, charging, IV, 168 Short-term vs. long-term, IV, 338 Ledgeb, (See also "Account," "Accounts") Accounts, Forms, I, 43 Analysis of, I, 399-425 Arrangement, I, 259; II, 270 Balancing, I, 44 Classification, I, 57-69. 259. 399-425 (See also "Accounts, classification") Forms of, I. 42-44 Ledger — Continued Accounts — Continued Numbering, II, 271 Payable, I, 267 Planning, II, 46 Receivable, I, 266 Single-entry, insuflBciency of, I, 385 Trial balance, I, 71-77 (See also "Trial balance") Analysis of, IV, 409 Attorney's, II, 401 Balance column in center, II, 256 Form, II, 254 Bank depositors, II, 253 Form, II, 252 Branch and chain stores, II, 379, 380 Card, I, 260; II, 67 Cash account in, II, 194 Cash book not a ledger account, II, 194 Club membership. IIj 45'2 Form, II. 451 Columnar, II. 259, 260 Content of, II, 29, 30 Control, II, 262 Controlling accounts (See "Controlling ac- counts") Corporation stock, II, 261. 262 Cost, II, 465; III, 76 (See also "Cost sheets") Controlled by general ledger. Ill, 74 Estimated cost system. III, 358 Process cost system, III, 90, 328, 343-348 Forms, III, 344, 346, 348 Summary, process system. III, 347 Form, III, 348 Creditors, inadequacy of, I, 240 Dealers, II, 380 Form, II, 383 Debits and credits in center, 11, 250 Form, II, 249 Development of, II, 29, 30 Expense. III. 218. 266, 267 Form, III. 219 Explanation column, wide, II, 253 Factory, II. 465; III, 76 (See also subhead- ing "Cost," above) Functions of, I, 50; II, 29, 247 General, "Account," III, 360 Relation between cost accounts and. III, 4, 73 Hotel guest, II, 437, 438 Form, II, 438 GENERAL INDEX 178 Ledger — Continued Investment, II, 262 Journal in relation to, function of, I, 170 Journal-ruled, II, 250 Form, II, 251 Loose-leaf, I, 260 Not accepted as evidence in courts, II, 27 Plant, III, 220; IV, 180 Form, IV, 182, 183 Posting to. Advantages of columnar records, II, 28, 105, 106, 164 Controlling accounts, II, 200 Cross-indexing, I, 175 Defined, II, 26, 27 Errors in, detecting, I, 74 From cash journal, II, 223, 225 From petty cash book, II, 218, 220 From six-column journal, II, 241 Labor-saving devices, I, 264 Methods of, I, 196, 237, 263, 264, 291-293, 381 Posting ticket, II, 159-161 Time of, I, 267 Private, II, 46, 260, 261 Cash book, ruling, II, 261 Controlling account, II, 261 Journal, general, ruling, II, 261 Purchases, recording, I, 200 Record, insufficiency of, I, 167 Problem, I, 167-169 Recording accounts direct inadvisable, I, 167-170 Example, I, 167-169 Reasons why, I, 169, 170 Retail organization, II, 371, 372 Ruling, II, 30 Development of, II, 248, 250 Sales, Containers column in, II, 185 Form, II, 184 Special form, 11, 256, 257 Form, II, 255 Self-balancing, I, 243 Single-entry bookkeeping, I, 381, 882 Form, I, 382 Size of, II, 30 Standard form, II, 248 Form, II, 249 Balance column at right, II, 256 Form, II, 255 Ledo KB—Contin ued Standard lorxxk—Cmtimutd Double rolumnn, II, 457, t50 Form. II, 258 Stock (finished good*). Ill, 77 Form. III. 78 Stores. II. 138-145; III. 76-78, 81. ||f. \n. 218 Forms. II. 140; III. 78. 1«8. 119 Abstract of. II. 143. 144 Adjustments. II, 143; III. 199 Balance division. II. 142. 14S Control of. II. 143; III, 190 Discrepancies. Ill, 199 Entries. II. 190. 141 Installing. II. 199 Loose-leaf, II. 198 Form, II. 140 Posting from stores recdrgd book, HI. 126, 130 Process cost system. Ill, 88 Purchased division. II. 190 Reconciliation with general ledger, II, I4t Sold division, II. 141, 142 Subsidiary, I, 259 Controlling account in. I, 289 Posting to, I. 265. 267 Reconcilement of. with controltiaf •»> count. II. 267 Problem. V. 11 Self-balancing. I. 209 Tabular. II. 251 Transactions, illustrative. I. 41 Trial balance. I. 268 "Left and Right" Journal, II. 249 Form, II. 244 Letter Code of CLASsincATioN. III. 153. IM Standing expense orders. 111, 987 Liabilities, Accounting for. I. M; IV. t4t Accrued. IV. 26 Problems. V. 89. 192,178. 180.915.999. US Ascertaining, method ol, I. 49 Balance sheet. Arrangement on. IV, 989 Classification. IV. 249 Contingent. I. 120; IV. 949. 947 Problems. V. 178. 945 Accommodation indorsrmrnt. IT. 9lt Kinds of. IV. 247. 249 Notes receivable. discuuBlcd. I. IM. If. 300.901; IV. 288 174 GENERAL INDEX Liabilities — Continued Current. I, 66; IV, 242-244 Accounts payable, IV, 243 Differentiated from fixed liabilities, IV, 242 Discounts, treatment of, IV, 244 Dividends declared but not paid, IV, 244 Expenses accrued, IV, 27, 242 Manufacturing business, IV, 243 Notes payable, IV, 243 Retail business, IV, 243 Short-term loans, IV, 242 Deferred (See "Deferred credits") Defined, I, 21, 66; IV, 242 Fixed, I, 66; IV, 242 Accounts with stockholders, open, IV, 244 Bonds (See "Bonds") Collateral loans, IV, 19, 245 Defined. IV, 242 Notes payable, certain kinds of, IV, 243, 244 Purpose of, IV, 242 Real estate mortgages, IV, 244 Floating (See subheading "Current," above) Secured, I, 133 Showing of, on balance sheet, I, 119, 120; IV, 288 Statement of, insolvency (See "Statement of affairs") Verification of, IV, 8, 428 Verification of existence of, IV, 419 Light and Heat, III, 226, 394 (See also "Electricity," "Gas"; also generally "Fixed charges") Account illustrated. Production-center system, HI, 320 Textile costs. III, 394 Expense, distribution of, II, 473, 474 Liquidation, (See also "Realization and liquidation statement," "Statement of affairs") Partnership, I, 352-361 (See also "Partner- ship") Receivership, I, 142 Problem, V, 266 Status of creditors in, I, 146 Liquidators (See "Receivers") Loans, on Collateral, IV, 19, 245 "Long" Account (See "Stock brokerage") Loose-leaf, Ledger, I, 260; II, 138 Form, II, 140 Loose-leap' — Continued Records, II, 60, 01, 64-66 Advantages of, II, 63-65 Binders, II, 60, 61 Disadvantages of, II, 65 Installing, precautions taken in, II, 66 Marking sheets, II, 66 Spoiled sheets, II, 66 Unused sheets, II, 66 Use of, increase in, II, 60 Stores ledger, II, 138 (See also "Ledger, stores") Form, II, 140 Loss, Defined, I, 32 Losses, (See also "Debts, bad") Distribution of, deficiency account, I, 140 Problem, V, 61 Expected, on accounts receivable and notes receivable, IV, 13 Fire (See "Fire loss adjustments") Partnership, sharing, I, 358, 359 Reserve for (See "Reserves") Lumber Industry, Cost Accounting, III, 150 Problem, V, 377 Lump Sum Budget, II, 316, 317 M Machine-bate Method of Distributing Expense Over Product, III, 272, 277- 279, 287-298, 301-327 Accounts, III, 310-327 Chart, III, 310 Form, III, 312, 313 Elustrated, III, 319-326 Chart of procedure. III, 303 Form, III, 303 Cost sheet. III, 308 Form, III, 309 Departmental division into production cen- ters, III, 98, 278, 287, 301 Illustrative system. III, 301-327 Journal entries. III, 311, 314 Illustrated, III, 314-318 Labor cost. III, 306 Machine expense account. III, 296 Material cost. III, 306, 309 Parts classification. III, 305 Production orders. III, 305 Rates, Administrative expense. III, 291 GENERAL INDEX 175 Machine-bate Method of Distributing Expense Over Product — Continued Rates — Continued Building expense, III, 289 Charging, III, 293 Checking, III, 294 ' Computing, III, 288-293 Depreciation charge. III, 290 Insurance charge. III, 290 Power plant expense. III, 289, 290 Rent, III, 289 Repairs expense. III, 291 Schedule of. III, 292 Supplementary, for idle time. III, 295 Supplies, etc., expense, III, 291 Taxes charge. III, 290 Tools expense. III, 291 Statement of expenses, HI, 308 Form, ni; 307 Stock list. III, 304 Form, m, 304 Machinery, HI, 213, 217, 222 (See also "Machine-rate method of distributing ex- pense") Depreciation, HI, 244-252, 290 Expense account. III, 296 Elustrated, III, 323 Insurance, III, 290 Power expense, distribution. III, 260 Taxes, III, 290 Mail, Checking enclosures, II, 214, 215 Opening, II, 214, 215 Reading, II, 214 Receipts memorandum, II, 215 Form, n, 214 Mail-order, Accounting, II, 389-395 Agent's order blank, II, 391 C. O. D. register, II, 391 Form, II, 391 Creditors' accounts, II, 392 Purchase register, II, 392 Receipts and disbursements, cash, II, 39S Forms, II, 394 Records required, II, 389, 390 Stock record, II, 390 Form, II, 390 Business, II, 151, 389 Advertising! II. 395 M A I iMiUDKR— Continued Handlinfc of. Retail and jobbiof bined. II. IAS Retail bu«ne«. II, 140 Maintenance or Builoom* (Sot expenje," "Repain aad roMwsk^) Management, Ernrisirr. II, 147 MANUrACTUBINO AND PBOnt AJTD LOM Statement. III. 100 MANXTrACTUBiNG ENTEarBoiE, (Sw aI» "Cm! accounting") Records. II. SOS-SI 4. 4«S, 46ft; Of. IW-n (See also "Records ") Form. II. 464 Statements. IV. S0S-S08 (See «1m ""Slal*- ments") Arrangement of. IV. SOS Constituent parts, IV. SOS IllustraUve. IV. S04-S09 Problems. V. «l. W8. «S1. tSS "Manufactdbino Inventobt." DcmriBk tl* "Margin" Deposit, Stock Bbokouob. O. 423 Married Women, ab STOcKBoukiaii. IV, m Material, (See also "Stowe," "^ppUtT) Account. lU. 79. 81. 86. Itt Entries, III. 81 Estimated co«t system. Qhtftralcd, III* S59 lUustrated. HI. 8S Journal entries, illustrated. Ill, lOi Production-center system. III. Si4 TexUle costs, HI. S«7. 8«8 BUI of. UI. 1S5 Form. III. 1S5 Contractors, buUdinf, i for, II. 457 Costs. Estimated, III. SS Process method. III. 86 EsUmatcd cost. III. •*-«. 149 (S« •*» "Estimated cost system") Included in term "stores," III. tS Indirect, III. 17 (See J Inspecting. II, 74 Inventory or record. III. 7f Issuing. II. 74 (See also I " " sition." below) Parts classification. III. S05 Purchasing. II. 87. W (See •!» purchase." "B«|ui*lkMi. pwrcke* ) 176 GENERAL INDEX Material — Continued Received, Delivering to departments direct, II, 136, 137 Receipt form, II, 134, 135 Recording, II, 100 Report, II, 135, 136 Forms, II, 135, 136 Receiving, II, 74, 134-137 Record on cost sheets. III, 131, 306 Proof of. III, 132 Records, III, 76 (See also "Stores") Requisitions, II, 141; III, 39, 55, 133 Forms, III, 34, 57, 134 Analysis, III, 226 Chain stores, daily, II, 380 Form, II, 383 Classification, III, 131, 136 Contractor's, building, II, 457 Parts, III, 67 Posting to general ledger. III, 131, 136 Process cost system. III, 134 Production-center system. III, 306 Purposes of, III, 134 Record on stores ledger, HI, 127, 306 Stock, II, 159 Summarized in stores issued book, m, 131 Supplies, on distribution sheet, HI, 224, 253 When impracticable to use. III, 148 Sheet, III, 135 Form, III, 135 Stock list. III, 135, 304 Form, m, 135, 304 Stores department expense applied direct to. III, 268, 297, 302 Storing (See "Stores department") Material Cost Method of Distributing Expense Over Product, HI, 272, 281 Materials Ordered Register, II, 86 Mathews, George, Quoted on Supervis- ion, II, 50 Maximum Stores, II, 133 Mechanical Aids (See "Aids, mechanical") Membership Ledger, Club, II, 452 Form, II, 451 Mercantile Business (See "Trading busi- ness") Merchandise, Account, Problems, V, 23, 196 ^Adjusting, I, 81 Merchandise — Continued Gross profit on, ascertaining, I, 81 Problem, V, 127 Inventory (See "Inventory") Sales to proprietor, I, 209 Sold, determining cost of (See "Cost, goods sold") Merchandise Returned Memorandum, II, 123, 124 Form, II, 124 Merchandise Stock-in-Trade, Defined, IV, 215 Messenger Service, III, 221 (See also gen- eral subject of "Labor, indirect") Methods of Cost Accounting (See "Cost accounting") Methods of Distributing Expense Over Product (See "Expense, distribution over product") Minimum Stores, II, 132, 133 Mining, III, 91, 328 (See also "Process cost system, brick making plant") MiNORiTr Interests (See "Corporation, subsidiary") Mixed Accounts, I, 79-83 Problem, V, 23 Adjusting, I, 80-83 Mnemonic System of Stores Classifica-* tion, III, 159 Modernization of Accounting Methods, I, 3-5 Purposes of, I, 4 Monthly Reports of Production, HI, 336 Form. Ill, 337 Mortgages, I, 124, 125; IV, 244, 245 Accrued income from, IV, 19 Compared with corporate bonds, IV, 121 Interest (See "Interest") Payable, account, analysis of, I, 418 Recei viable, account, analysis of, I, 404 Schedule of investment, I, 159 Treatment of, statement of affairs, I, 138 Problems, V. 66, 70 N "Needle" Industries, Estimating Cost in, III. 65 Net Profit (See "Profits") Net Worth (See "Capital") New York Public Service Commission, Ruling as to charges to franchise account, IV, 264 GENERAL INDEX 177 Nominal Accounts, I, 59 Non-productive Departments, (See aUo "Administrative expense," "Building ex- pense," "Power plant expense," "Stores department expense") Accounts, III, 102, 268 Dfetribution of indirect expense. III, 99, 103, 104, 257-270 Sub-departments expense. III, 265-268 Expense, indirect, a»rt. III. 212 Form, III, 216 Non-productive Labor (See "Labor, in- direct") Notes, Collected by bank, I, 221 Compared with bonds, IV, 122 Discounted, I, 299, 300 Contingent liability, I, 120, 157, 300, 301 Dishonored, I, 302 Payment of, journal entry, I, 301, 802 Dishonored, I, 296, 302 Accounting covering, I, 298 Interest, I, 297, 298 Paid for depositor, I, 222 Payable, I, 294, 304; IV, 243, 244 Account, analysis of, I, 415 Register, I, 303; II, 334 Form, II, 335 Schedule of, I, 157 Treatment of, statement of affairs, I, 139 Promissory, defined, I, 294 Protest of, I, 221, 298 Charging fees, I, 221 Receivable, I, 294; IV, 13 Account, analysis of, I, 402, 40S Accounting covering, I, 296 Collected, accounting covering, I, 297 Discounted, I, 299-302 Problems, V, 13, 61, 70 319, 345 Discounted, account, analysis of, I, 418 Schedule of, I, 157 Register, I, 297, 303; II, 334 Form, II, 335 Notions Manufacturing Concern, III, 350 Number, Order, III, 33 Numbering Contracts, II, 454 Machine, II, 358 Numerical System of Classification, Accounts II, 268, 271, 277-283 NuMmcAL Sr»rsM or ^' — fnriTicwi Cje tinned Standing exprnae List. III. W7. Form, III, 290 Stores, ill. 155 ordsn.UI.tt9-ttt.MT Obsolescence, I, 815, 816; III, ttf OrncE, Administration department, II, It Arrangement, hotels, II, 485 Blotter, attorney's, II, 890. 89T Form, II, 897 Expense (See also "Admtnislrativ* csp*w*1 Account, illustrated, textile cmU, III, 896. 397 Routine, II, 49, 50 Opening Entries (See "Entries, t Operating Departmentk. (See ductive departments") Subdivided into productioa cestera. Ill, 278, 287, 301 Operative Accountino, II, 6 Order. Follow-up systems and devton. II, 9i Record, kept in quoUtion file. II, 77 Register. II. 840, 841 Form. II. 339 Shipments on, II, 04. M Order Method or Coar-nwiMiMi, m. ||^ 41. 47-52 (See also "Cost accooali^^ Entries in controUioc noeottaU III. tl-tl^ 95,90 Orders, Production. III. tO. 50. 55. SOC Forms. III. Si. 51. 57 Authorization of, III. 9i Form. III. Si Combination. III. 55 Form. III. 57 Cost sbeeU (See "Coat slweU**) Coupon. III. 58 Form. III. 59. flO Numbering. III. 88 Parts product. III. 67 Process cost syttrm. III. ISt Form. III. 187 Sources of. III. SI Summary of storea km t d, HI. Iti 178 GENERAL INDEX Orders — Continued Purchase, II, 88-93; III, 124 Form, II, 89 Checking, II, 95 Copies, number of, II, 90 Filing, II, 95 Handling of, II, 74 In duplicate, II, 91 In quadruplicate, II, 92 In triplicate, II, 91 Numbering bills and invoices to corre- spond with, II, 89 Papers accompanying, numbering, II, 90 Placing, II, 87, 88 Procedure in handling, II, 90-93 Punching, II, 90 Receiving clerk's copy, II, 92 Register, II, 93, 94 Used as material received form, II, 100 Replacement, III, 146 Sales, II, 156-161 Accounting department, routine in, II, 160, 161 Acknowledgment of, II, 159 Approval of, by credit department, II, 157 Duplicate copies, II, 158-160 Handling of, importance of careful, II, 156 Interpretation by order department, H, 158 Invoice, II, 159-161 Order blank, II, 172 Form, II, 172 Order department copy, II, 159 Package labels, II, 159 Posting ticket, II. 159-161 Recording, uniform blank, II, 156 Sales register, entering on, II, 157 Shipping tickets, II, 159, 160 Stock requisition, II, 159 Standing expense (See "Standing expense orders") Obqanization, II, 4, 9-23; IV, 390 Business, H, 9-23 (See also "Business") Capitalization, II, 4 Chart, II. 21-23 Form, II, 22 Control of, II, 4, 12, IS Corporation, II, 18-20 Form, II, 19 Expense, IV, 14, 17 Problems, V, 207, 304 Account, analysis of, I, 406 Organization — Continued Jobbing, II, 150, 151 Retail combined with, II, 152-154 Lines of. general, II, 20, 21 Officials, importance of a budget to, II, 318 Partnership, II, 13, 17 Forms, II, 14, 15, 16 Place of accounting in, II, 4 Proprietorship, II, 13 Purchase department, II, 69-75 (See also "Purchasing department") Retail (See "Retail organization") Sales department, II, 148 (See also "Sales department") Scope of, II, 9 Types of, II, 12, 13 Wholesale (See "Business, wholesale") Original Entries, I, 39-41; H, 30, 31 Original Entry, Books of (See "Books of account, original entry") Overhead (See "Expense") Overpayments, avoiding in partnership dissolution, I, 356- 358 Problems, V, 35, 37 Refunds for, I, 112 Overtime, Effect on Expense Distribu- tion Rates, III, 282 Package Labels. II. 159 Paper Mill. Ill, 43, 50 Partnership, Accounting. I. 338-361; II, 17, 18 Problems, V, 27, 31. 56. 116. 140. 183, 186, 187. 190 Capital indefinite, opening entry. I, 341, 342 Features of, special, I, 338 Interest. I. 348-350 Problems. V, 27. 31 No capital contributed, opening entry, I, 342 Opening entries, I, 339-343; II, 233 Form, I, 339, 340 Problem, V, 88 Agreement, II, 13, 17 Capital, Accounts, I, 338 Problems, V, 116, 183, 187 Adjustments, I, 348-350 GENERAL INDEX 17f Partnership — Continued Capital — Continued Assets other than cash, I, 339 Denned, I, 18 Dissolution, I, 352-361 Problems, I, 355; V, 34, 35, 37, 39, 42, 190 Accounting covering, I, 354 Causes of, I, 352, 353 Debit balance against partner, I, 358, 359 Distribution of assets, I, 353 Problems, V, 34, 35, 42 Distribution of proceeds, I, 356 Distribution of proceeds, instalment method, I, 356 Losses, sharing, I, 357-359 Methods of, I, 352 Overpayment of partners, avoiding, I, 356-358 Problems, V, 35, 37 Procedure, I, 353 Sale of business, I, 359-361 Good-will, accounting for, I, 360 Problems, V, 56, 140 Net profit retained as capital, IV, 95 Organization, II, 13-17 Charts, II, 14, 15, 16 Articles of, II, 13 Profits and losses, division of, I, 343 Problems, V, 27, 31, 183, 187 Bases of, I, 344 Capital and time, basis of, I, 345-347 Capital invested, basis of, I, 344 Fixed percentages, I, 344 Salaries, I, 348, 350, 351 Considered as expense, I, 351 Sale of business, I, 359-361 Withdrawals, I, 348, 349 Parts, Account illustrated, production-center sys- tem, III, 324 As stores. III, 115 Classification, III, 305 Finished, III, 67 Account, III, 86 Definition, III, 24 When "stores" and when "stock," III, 24 Parts Product, III, 66 Patents, Accounting for, IV, 259, 260 Defined, IV, 257 Depreciation on, IV, 258 Patents — Continued Relation to good-irill and tnil».MAfkji, IV 260 Pattern Costs, III, 5«, t81 Pat Pebiod. II, 804; III. tS Pay-Roll, II, 309-31 S. 437. 474; III. IfT. |«. 172. 187 - 193. SS9 (Sc« sl» "Ubcr. indirect") Forms, III, 188-100, S40 Account, III, 89. 94 Process cost system. III. 89 Account illustrated. III. 95. 107 Journal entry illustrated. III. 107 Production-center system. III. MS Textile costs. III. 400 Accounting procedure for. II. S1I. Sit Analysis. II. 475; III. 172. ttS Charts, graphic. III. 100 Forms, III. 192. 19S Contractor's, building. 11, 4d7, 4S8 Cost period different from psy period. III. 172 Departmental distribution. D. 478; III. IM, 168. 220, 226-232 Padding, guarding against. LI, 81t Period. II, 304; III. 23 Process cost system. III, 88. 390 Form, III, 340 Record, chain stores, II. 881 Form. II. 887 Routine. II. 309-812 Sources of data. III. 88 Time sheets, II, 310, 811; III. 178. Itt Pay Systems (See "Wages") Payments, And disbursements, distinctkm b«t«««a, I. 107 Cash. I. 104-115; II. 192. 803, 401. HI (8m also "Cash disbursements." "SUIraMSU. receipts and pay menu") Febcentaoe or DiMiN»niMO VAtim Uwfmem orCAuroLATiNo DsrftacuTWii.l.M** 824; IV. 178. 174 Problem. V. 108 Percentage or Gross PRonr. IV, SN SSI Based on sales. IV. 88<-8»« Harvard Bureau of BoiiasM RtMSft^ IV, 895 Estimated inventory, tcstinf. IV. SM Test for detection of errors, IV. aSt-SM 180 GENERAL INDEX Percentage op Labor Method of Dis- tributing Expense over Product, III, 274-275 Percentage of Turnover, IV, 395-398 Illustrative calculation, IV, 397 Percentages, Based on cost, compared with selling price basis, II, 293 Predetermined, detecting errors by, IV, 391- 399 (See also "Errors") Use of, for comparison tests, IV, 398 Use of, in statements, II, 292, 293 Period, Cost (See "Cost period") Perpetual Inventory (See "Inventory") Personal Accounts, I, 58, 59 Petty Cash (See "Cash, petty") Photographing Machine, II, 357 Physical Inventory of Stores, III, 121 Piice-Rate Method of Wage Payment (See also "Piece-work," below) Differential piece-rate method, II, 305; m, 200 Straight method. III, 197-200 Fixing rate. III, 198 PIECE-WORK, III, 169-171 Chart, graphic. III, 191 Form, III, 192 Pay-roll, III, 187 Form, III, 188 Time card. III, 170, 184 Forms, III, 184. 186 Coupons, III, 185 Form. Ill, 186 Plant. Account, IV. 181 184 Assets, III, 213, 217, 222; IV, 179 Building expense (See "Building expense") Cost should be entered in full, IV, 233 Depreciation (See "Depreciation") Items, classification of, IV, 179 Ledger, IV, 180 Form, IV, 182, 183 Losses on, accounting for, IV, 235 Repairs and renewals, IV, 235-237 (See also "Repairs and renewals") Valuation at cost includes what, IV, 231 Plant and Sundry Assets Account, I, 371 Problems, V, 170, 202, 277, 281 Pledge Record, II, 341 Form, II, 341 Pledgee's Right to Dividends, IV, 68, 69 Policies, Insurance, II. 342-345; IV, 266 Register for, II, 345 Forms, II, 344 Pools, IV, 331 Posting (See "Ledger, posting to") Power Expense, Account illustrated, textile costs. III, 394 Power Plant Expense, Account, III, 217 Account illustrated, III, 103 Journal entry illustrated. III, 107 Distribution of, II, 473, 474; III, 260 Process system, III, 344 Production-center system. III, 289, 290, 319 Account illustrated. III, 319 Premium Basis, Payment of Wages, II, 305 Premium System of Wage Payment, III, 202 Graduated method. III, 206 Premiums, Bond (See "Bonds") Insurance, paid in advance, IV, 14-17 Stock (See "Stock") Preferred Claims, Statement of Affairs, I, 133; IV, 323 Problem, V, 61 Prepaid Expense, I. 63, 65, 98, 113, 119; III, 98, 101, 217; IV, 12-19 Price Agreement with Supply House, II, 88 Prices, Securing, purchasing department, II, 73 Selling (See "Selling price") Stores, III, 123, 128 Fluctuations in. III, 142 Prime Cost, Elements of. III, 16 Prime Cost Method of Distributing Ex- pense Over Product, III, 272, 281 Principal, Estate Accounting for, II, 408 Printing Plant, III, 42 Problem, V, 386 Daily time sheet. III, 182 Form, III, 183 Production order. III, 33 Form, III, 32 Private, Cash book, II, 228 Form, II, 229 Ledger, li, 260, 261 Process Cost System, III, 12, 43-49, 86-95. 3^<-3^S ^-oblems, V, 3t7, 351, 353, 357 s Account cla§§ifiv:ation, III, 323 GENERAL INDEX 181 •Trocess Cost System — Continwd Accounts, III, 271 Problem, V, 357 Brick-making plant. III, 46, 50, 87, 328-348 Accounts, III, 328, 343-347 Forms, III, 344, 346 Administrative expense account. III, 344 Form, III, 344 Brick production record, daily, III, 334 Form, III, 334 Broken brick record, daily, III, 335 Form, III, 335 Broken brick record, monthly. III, 336 Form, III, 337 Cost-estimating for special orders, III, 329, 330 Cost ledger, III, 328, 343-348 Forms, III, 345, 346 Cost ledger summary, III, 347 Form, III, 348 Drawing report. III, 332 Form, III, 333 Fixed charges schedule. III, 841 Form, III, 342 Kiln record, III, 337 Form, III, 338 Pay-roll, III, 339 Form, III, 340 Power plant expense. III, 34S Purchase journal. III, 339 Setting report. III, 332 Form, III, 333 Time ticket, III, 179, 331 Form, III, 180 Cement plant. III, 87 Classification of stores. III, 131 Closing controlling accounts. III, 90, 106- 108 Combined with order system. III, 48 Compared with order system. III, 95 Problems, V, 347, 351 Cost ledger. III. 90 Defined, III, 41 Distribution of costs direct to product. III, 92 Distribution of expense, over product, III, 271 Distribution of manufacturing costs, III, 92 Entries in controlling accounts. III, 86-96 Expense, indirect. Accounts, III, 89, 106-108, 269, 344 Distribution, III, 89, 271 Pboci»9 Co»iT SYtTCM — ComHm^ Expense. Indirect— CoMlimMrf Distribution dirrrt to product. III. 44, H Flour mill. III. 87 Journal entries, illustrated. III. 10«-1M Labor. III. 88. »4. 165 Account, illustrated. III. M Records. III. 10« Time basis of payment. III, Iff? Material cost. III. 86 Material requisitions. III, ISi Pay roll. III. 839 Form. III. 340 Account. III. 89 Analysis. III. 712 Per unit of product. Ill, 47 Problems. V, 353. 357 Production reports. Ill, 4S Form, III. 45 Purchase journal. III. SS9 Stores classification. III. ISI Stores issued book. III. 198 Stores ledger. III. 88 Supplies account. III. 88 Textile costs. III. 363 (See alw Tcstib costs") Textile costs, illustrated. Ill, 8« Work in process account. III. 88 Closing, III, 90 Illustrated. III. 90 Product. Distribution of expense over. III. ••. tl*. 225. 271-280 (Sc« also under Exprntr**) Pboddction-Center Mcthoo or Di«Tmi»trr- iNo Expense (Sec "Machine-rate method") Pboddction Chabt. GRAraic. III. 4IS Form, III, 4 IS Production Orders (See •'Orders") Production Reports. III. 44. SS« 5S9 Forms. III. 45. SSS-SS5. SS7. S98 Summary. Daily. III. 337 Form. III. 338 Monthly. III. SS6 Form. III. SS7 Weekly. III. 44 Form. III. 45 , Productive Departheitts, Functions of, II. 10 Indirect expense, III, til 182 GENERAL INDEX Productive Departments — Continued Indirect Expense — Continued Chart, III, 212 Form, III, 214, 215 Distribution over departments. III, 99, 103, 104 (See also "Expense, distribu- tion") Indirect expense account, Illustrated, III, 104 Journal entry, illustrated. III, 107 Productive-center sub-departments, HI, 278, 287 Productive-Hour Method of Distributinq Expense Over Product, III, 272, 275- 277 Professional Accounts, II, 396-403 Card system for laying out daily work, II, 397, 398 Collection, II, 402, 403 Estate records, II, 402 Fee book, II, 402 Form, II, 402 Journal, cash, II, 399-401 Form, II, 400 Ledger. II, 401 Office blotter, II, 396, 397 Form, II. 397 Payments, cash, II, 401 Time cards, II, 398, 399 Form, II, 398 Profit and Loss Account, I, 83-87; II, 264; III, 109 Form, I, 86 Problems, V, 132 215 253, 266, 377, 399 Adjusting entries, I, 85 Analysis of. I, 425 Closing entries, I, 83-85, 91, 92 Nominal, I, 59 Subsequent facts, recording, I, 49-51 Time of opening, I, 84 trial balance, I, 89-91 Form, I, 90 Use of, I, 52 Profit and Loss Statement, I, 89-103; II, 290; III, 109; IV, 294-302 Form, I, 336, 337 Problems, V, 45-112, 132, 190, 337. 395 Accounting procedure, I, 95-102 And account, distinction between, I, 95 Capital expenses, IV, 296, 297 Comparative, Problem, V, 395 Profit and Loss Statement — Continued Compara ti ve — Contin ued Federal Reserve Board form, IV, 300 Form, IV, 300, 301 Corrected, I, 101, 102 Form, I, 101, 102 Definition, IV, 294 Form of, I, 94, 95 Hotel, II, 444, 445 Function of, I, 89 Holding company, IV, 349 Illustrative form, IV, 298, 299 Form, IV, 299 Incorrect, I, 92 Form, I, 92. 93 Manufacturing company, illustrative state- ments, IV, 299, 307 Mercantile business, illustrative statement, IV, 316 Operating expenses, IV, 296 Profit or loss resulting from operations, IV, 295 Purpose. IV, 294 Supporting schedules, IV, 301, 302 Title of, I, 93, 94 Profit, Book, II, 871 Profit or Loss, Determination of, I, 79-87 Double-entry, I, 79 Proving correctness of, I, 87 Shown by cost accounting, III, 4 Single-entry bookkeeping. Asset and liability method, I, 392, 393 Formulas for determining, I, 390-392 Inadequacy of, I, 394 Method of determining, I, 389, 390 Summary of changes of assets and liabili- ties, I, 389 Form, I, 389 Tangible and intangible assets, I. 393, 394 Profit-Sharing, Partnership, I, 343, 347 Profits, (See also "Surplus") "^Anticipation of, IV, 36-38, 53, 60, 61 Apportionment, IV, 6 Available for dividends, IV, 58-61 Capital, IV, 34 Classification, IV, 34 Contingent, in branch accounting, IV, 38, 31), 366, 367 Problems, V, 106, 108, 119 Corporations, IV, 59-61, 95 Close, distribution of profits, IV, 56 GENERAL INDEX 183 Profits — Continued Corporations — Continued ^ - DiflFerences of opinion as to what con" stitutes, IV, 60 Errors affecting, IV, 93 (See also "Errors") Expenditures for betterments, IV, 61 Invested profits, IV, 59, 60 Irregular distribution, IV, 56 Ownership of, IV, 55 Passed over to surplus, IV, 59, 60, 95 Source of dividends, IV, 56-58 Subsidiaries, prior to consolidation, IV, 359, 360 Problem, V, 293 Cost of production and, II, 70 Definition, I, 31, 32; IV, 33 Determination of, II, 365; IV, 6, 33-5S Appraisal of asset values, IV, 41, 42 Aspects of value, IV, 42, 43 Asset and liability method, IV, 52 Capital profit, IV, 34 Capital vs. revenue expenditures, IV, 45, 61 Problems of, IV, 40 Profit or loss, I, 79-87, 389-394; IV, 52 Repairs, renewals and replacements, IV, 47-49 Summary of principles of, IV, 53 Valuation, basis of, IV, 44 Valuation, kinds of, IV, 42, 43 Valuation, sources of data for, IV, 45 Division of partners', I, 343-347 Problems, V, 27, 31, 183, 187 Effect of appreciation on, IV, 50 Effect of depreciation on, IV, 49 Problem, V, 132 Eliminations, on consolidated income state- ments, IV, 365 Expected, and realized, discrepancy be- tween. It, 145 Factors on which dependent, II, 14G Gross, I, 81, 85, 96, 110, 200, 201; II, 144, 475-477; IV, 35 Problems, V, 23, 127, 341 Harvard Bureau of Business Research, Bulletin No. 1, IV, 393 Manufacturing profits differentiated from, IV, 35 Percentage of, test for detection of errors, IV, 392-394 (See also "Percentage of gross profit") Increasing, II, 70 Profits — Continued Instalment nalcs, fT. IS5-187 Problem. V, 100 Intercompany, IV, 366 Interdepartmental, IV, S8 Manufacturing, IV, 35 Net, Problems. V. 88. 97, 841 Corporations, IV, 59, 95 Defined, IV. 39 Determining. I, 85. 86 Partnership. IV, 95 Sole proprietorship, IV, 95 On finished goods, IV, 37 On sales, analysis of, II, 477-470 Form. II. 478 On work in process, IV. 36 Prepaid expenses as affected by trc«iaeai of, IV. 14 Recording items affecting, I, 50-52 Retained as capital, IV, 95 Trading, IV. 85 Profits of Different Linhk Cost accounting indicates. III. 5, 6 Property Dividends, IV, 75, 9i Proprietor, And business, relation between, 1, 19^ •• Drawings by I. 100, 114 Problems, V. 93, 242 Information necessary to, I, 84 Sales. I. 209, 252. 253 Proprietorship, I, 18; II. IS Protesting Notes. I. 221, 298 Punching Machine. II. 354 Purchase, (See also "Purchoaes," below) And sales records, stock broker's, II, 440 Form. II. 420 Elements of a. II. 78 Invoice (See "Invoice, purchase") Journal (See "Journal, purchase") Order register. II. 93. 94 Orders (See "Orders, purchase") Records. II. 104-129 Retail organization. II, 868-S70 Voucher system. II. 116 (Ss« a!so "Voucher register") Register. II, 392 Requisition (See "Requisilio0, purckaas") Specifications. II. 70-8i Object of. II. 79 SUndard. advanlafea of. II, iO. SI System, requirements of, II. T? 184 GENERAL INDEX Purchase ftooK ^ee "Journal, purchase") PuBCHASED Division of Stores Ledger, II> 139 Purchases, (See also "Purchase," above) Problem, V, 93 Account, I, 200 Analysis of, I, 403 Closing, I, 202, 203 Forms, I, 202, 203 Operating of, I, 202 Analysis of, II, 475 Cash, I, 113; II, 122 Departmental distribution, II, 475 Discount on, not deducted, I, 97 Material (See also "Orders, purchase," "Req- uisition, purchase") Placing the order, II, 87 Price agreement, II, 88 Quotations, new, securing, II, 88 Rebates and allowances, account, analysis of, I, 424 Returned (See "Returns") Summary of, monthly, II, 123 Form, II, 123 Purchasing Agent, and Stores Keeper, Relation between, II, 82 Purchasing Department, II, 76-103; III» 116, 124 Activities of, II, 73-75 Card system, use of, II, 87 Cost of goods sold, II, 70 £xi)enditures, careful, importance of, II, 69, 70 Expense, II, 297, 298 Filing data, II, 73 Inspecting material, II, 74 Invoices, handling, II, 74 Issuing material, II, 74 Loose-leaf system, use of, II, 87 Order record, II, 77 Orders, purchase, handling, II, 74 Organization, II, 69-75 Preparation for purchasing, II, 76 Price information, recording, II, 76 Prices, determining, II, 73 Receiving material, II, 74 Requisitions, purchase, handling of, II, 75 (See also "Requisition, purchase") Routine of, II, 76-95 Small vs. large business, II, 72 Storing material, II, 74 Purchasing Department — Continued Traffic, directing, II, 75 Unscientific purchasing methods, results of, 11,71 Q Quotation File, II, 76, 77 Quotations, New, Securing, II, 88 Rate Card, II, 304 Rates, Depreciation (See "Depreciation") Rates of Expense Distribution Oveu Product, III, 42, 212, 271-285 Adjustment between actual and applied ex- pense, III, 212, 282-285, 295 Flat percentage charge. III, 284 Reserve account. III, 283 Machine-rate method. III, 272, 277, 279, 287-298, 301-327 (See also "Machine-rate method") Material cost method. III, 272, 281 Percentage of labor method. III, 272-275 Prime cost method. III, 272, 281 Process system. III, 271 Productive-hour method. III, 272, 275-277 Sold-hour method. III, 272, 279 Ratio Charts, III, 406, 410-418; IV, 399, 401. Forms, III, 413, 418; IV, 400 Raw Material (See "Material") Real and Personal Accounts, I, 58, 59 Real Estate, (See also "Land") Mortgage, I, 124, 125 Bond distinguished from corporate bond, IV, 121 Realization and Liquidation Statement, I, 142-152 Form, I, 145 Problems, V, 78, 83, 266 Assets, Realized, I, 147, 148 To be realized, I, 146 Cash included among assets, I, 147 Credits, supplementary, I, 148 Debits, supplementary, I, 149 Form of, I, 143 Information required, I, 143, 144 Liabilities, Liquidated, I, 148 To be liquidated, I. 147 Unliquidated, I, 149 Preparatory statements, I, 143 GENERAL INDEX 185 Rebates (See "Allowances," "Discounts") Recapitulation, Record, cash, II, 211 Form, II, 211 Sheet, sales, II, 172, 173 Forms, II, 174 ' Receipts, Cash, Arrangement of items, order of, I, 109 Deposit of, daily, II, 192 Register, mail-order house, II, 893 Form, II, 394 Statement of, I, 104-115 Journal entries, I, 183 Receivers, Problems, V, 266, 271 Appointment of, I, 142 Balance sheet, I, 143, 149 Form, I, 151 Cash account, I, 149 Form, I, 150 Deficiency statement, I, 140, 141; IV, 319- 326 Illustrative examples, I, 140; IV, 329 Duties of, I, 142 Realization and liquidation statement, I, 142-152 (See also "Realization and liq- uidation statement") Form, I, 145 Reports, I, 143, 149 Statement of affairs (See also "Statement of affairs") I, 129-141; IV, 319, 324 Form, I, 136, 137 Receiving, Clerk, duties of, II, 92, 134 Material, II, 74, 134-137 Reconciliation of Cash Book with Bank Balance, I, 225-227; IV, 425 Problems, V, 3, 4 Record, Books of original (See "Books of aooount* original entry") Capital stock transfer, II, 336 Form, II, 337 Pledge, II, 341 Form, II, 341 Recording Business Information, I, 22, 2S Records, Arrangement and classification of items, II, 58 Auxiliary, II, 47, 48 Rxcobda— Conh'n usd Books and. for braocliM uhI ehaim i II. 880-388 Forms. II. 882-888 Bound. II. 61-08 AdvanUges of, II, 61, 0« Disadvantages of, II, M Cards, II, 66, 67 Advantages of, II. 67 Cash (Sec "Cash records") CJub. II. 448 (See also "Clubs") Columnar, advantages of, II, tS. \M IM 164 Contractors, building. II, 458 (S*« "Contract," "Contractors, building") Cost, III, 29 (See also "Cost acrounUBf ") Cost sheets. III. 80, 88, 76 (See also "Cost sheets." "Ledger, cost") Detail, amount of, II, 55 Development of, II, 25-81 Estate, II, 402, 409. 410 Estimated cost system (See "Estimated rast system") Expense, indirect. III, 224 Form of, II, 52-58 Adaptable to more than one purpose, 11,55 Columns. II. 57. 58 Designing. II, 56. 57 How determined. II, 58 Relation of. to system. II, 5fl-M Ruling. II. 56-58 Uniformity of. II, 54 Grouping. II. 36. 87 Hotels and restaurants, H. 486 (See also "Hotels and restaurants") Income tax. II. 848 Forms. II. 846. 847 Inventory sheet. III. 121 Form. Ill, 120 Job order system. Ill, 29 Labor (See "Labor records") list of. II. 85, 86 Loose-leaf. II. 60. 61. 64-M (Se« abo **Lom». leaf records") Mail-order accounting. II. 889, 890 Manufacturing enterprise. II. 35. 808-314. 463-465: III. 165-194 Form. II. 464 Mercantile business (Sec 'Traiiiac Wii- ness") Primary purpose of, 1. 14 186 GENERAL INDEX Records — Continued Process cost system (See "Process cost sys- tem") Production-center system (See "Machine- rate method") Purchase (See "Purchase records") Reports (See "Reports") Retail organization, II, 34, 35, 365-372 Sales (See "Sales records") Special, II, 33^348 Forms, II, 335, 337-339, 341, 343, 344, 346, 347 Spoiled and returned goods, II, 380 Form, II, 384 Stock, general, II, 380 Form, II, 382 Stores, III, 115, 118-141 (See also "Stores") Subsidiary, I, 328-337; II, 47, 48 Forms, I, 330-333 Summarization, II, 247, 248 Textile costs (See "Textile costs") Time (See "Time records") Trading business (See "Trading business") Refunds, (See also "Returns and allowances") For overpayments, I, 112 Register, Automatic, II, 356, 357 Cash, II, 177, 215, 358 Disbursements, mail-order house, II, 393 Form, II, 394 Receipts (See "Cash receipts register") Check, II, 209-211 Form, II, 208 C. O. D., II, 391 Form, II, 391 Commission merchant's consignment, II, 345, 348 Contract, II, 454 Diamond, II, 342 Form, II. 343 Due biU, II, 369, 370 Hotel guest, II, 436, 437 Form, II, 437 Insurance, II, 342, 345 •Form, II, 344 Invoice, II, 97 Materials ordered, II, 86 Notes, Payable, I, 303; II, 334 Form, II, 335 Receivable. I, 297, 303; II, 334 Form, n, 335 REGJBTEa-r-CorUinued Order, II, 340, 341 Form, II, 339 Purchase order, II, 93, 94, 392 Rent, II, 253 Form, II, 254 Return and allowance, II, 125 Form, II, 125 Sales, II, 157 Securities, II, 348 Form, II, 346 Storage, chain stores, II, 381 Form, II, 388 Subcontract, II, 454 Voucher (See "Voucher," "Journal, pur- chase") Registering Stock, II, 415 Regulations, Stock Exchange, II, 415 Renewals (See "Repairs and renewals") Rent, III, 98, 101, 233, 236; IV, 14, 19, 21, 27 (See also generally "Fixed charges") Account illustrated. III, 101 Journal entries, III, 107; IV, 21, 22 Distribution of expense, II, 471-473; III, 107 Production-center system. III, 289 Register, II, 253 Form, II, 254 Rents of an Annuity, IV, 146 (See also "Annuity") Repair Shops, Records in. III, 30 Repairs and Renewals, Problems, V, 15, 16, 18 Accounting covering, I, 319-321 Buildings, improvements to, IV, 235-237 Chargeable to capital, when, IV, 45-49, 61, 97, 235-237 Depreciation and, IV, 167 Machinery, III, 221 (See also general sub- ject of "Labor, indirect") Production -center system. III, 291 Standing expense orders. III, 226 Replacement Order, III, 146 Replacements (See "Repairs and renewals") Reports, (See also "Statements") Cash, daily, II, 227, 228 Form, II, 228 Material used. III, 148 Production (See "Production reports") Time (See "Time records") Requisition, Credit, II, 141, 142 Delivery, II, 83 GENERAL INDEX 187 Requisition — Continued Material (See "Material requisitiona**) Purchase, II, 82-87 Accuracy of content, checking, II, 83 Colors, different, when used, II, 83 Contents of, II, 85, 86. Copies, number of, II, 85 Defined, II, 82 Form of, II, 84 Form, II, 84 Handling of, II, 73, 86, 87 Materials ordered register, II, 86 Signing, II, 87 •Reserve Fund," (See also "Reserves," below) Canadian term for surplus, IV, 95 Compared with "reserve account," IV, 106, 107 Reserves, (See also "Funds") Problems, V, 19, 21, 207, 271, 293, 319, 331 Accounting for, IV, 101-103 Accounts, IV, 180 Available, when, IV, 109 Bad debts, IV, 105, 115, 216 Problems, V, 19, 21, 328 Income tax requirements, IV, 220 Balance sheet treatment of, IV, 105 Compared with funds, IV, 107-111 Contingent, IV, 105 Created from surplus, IV, 104, 105 Problem, V, 207 Damage claims, IV, 118 Definition, IV, 104 Depreciation, IV, 105 Accounts, IV, 181, 184, 187, 188 Form, IV, 183 Amount inadequate, how handled, IV, 99 Fixed assets, IV, 115 Journal entries, illustrative, IV, 184-187 Revaluation of assets, IV, 101 Stock-in-trade, IV, 115 Disposition of, on payment of bond issue, IV, 161 Equivalent to surplus, in Germany, IV, 95 Estimated losses, IV, 115 For expense account, III, 283 For extensions, IV, 105 Injuries to employees, IV, 118 Kinds of. IV, 104, 105, 114, 115 Nature of, IV, 107 "Necessary," IV, 114 Presentation on balance sheet, IV, 284 Reserves — Continiud Purpose of, IV, 104 Relation to profit*. IV, 6 Secret. IV, 111-114 Problem, V. 319 Arguments for and liffaiiut. IV, IIS How created. IV. Ill Propriety of, IV. 112 Shown on balance ahcct. IV, «4 Sinking fund, IV, 156 (Sc« abo '^Siakiaf fund") True, IV, 104, 105, 114 Entries for. IV. 115 Factors determining. IV, 115 Valuation. IV. 104. 105. 114, 115. 117 Accounting for, IV, 117, 118 Shown on balance sheet. IV, 105 Voluntary, IV, 114 Wasting assets, depletion of, IV, 115. 440 "Rest." English Term for SiBPLts. IV. M Restaurants (See "Hotels and restaurants") Restraining Trade, Br HoLoiNa Com* PANIES, IV, 333 Retail Organization, II. H&-150. S6S-87t Advertising department. II, 149 Branch stores, organizing, II, 153-154 Cash accountability. II, 366-368 Classification methods, II. 268 Cost accounting for (See "Costiiif acrouBl- ing for trading enterprise") Invoices, Purchase, II, 369 Sales, II, 371 Jobbing combined with, II, 15t-154 Journal, II. 366 Ledger. II. 871. 372 Mail orders. II. 149 Profit book. II. 371 Records, II, 365 Purchase, II. 368-870 Sales. II. 370. 371 Small, II, 150 Statements. II, 366 System of accounts for, problrm of. II. M3 Returns, Adjustment of, II. tiS And allowances. Analysis sheet of allowaocM, II, IM Form. II. 126 Journal entries. I, 184 Refund ticket. II. iiS Form. II. ii6 188 GENERAL INDEX Returns — Continued And allowances — Continued Register, II, 125 Form, II, 125 Purchases, I, 184, 238; III, 1S9 Account, analysis of, I, 424 Method of handling entries, I, 288 Memorandum of, II, 123, 124 Form, II, 124 Sales, I, 210; II, 175-177 Form, II, 176 Account, analysis of, I, 411 Cash memorandum for, II, 225 Form, II, 226 Entering in journal, I, 254 Spoiled and returned goods record, II, 880 Form, II, 381 Stores, III, 133 Revenue, Estimate of, II, 320, 321 Expenditures, compared with capital ex* penditures, IV, 45-49, 61, 97, 235-237 Room Ticket, Hotel, II, 436, 437 Form, II, 437 Rooms Occupied, Hotel, Vebification of Receipts from, II, 443 RoPB Making, III, 50 Routine, Automatic, II, 49 Completeness of, essential, II, 54 Office, rules for, II, 49, 50 Rowan System, Payment of Wages, II, 305 Royalties, Defined, IV, 262 Minimum payment per year, IV, 18, 263 Paid in advance, IV, 14 Rules, Office Routine, II, 49, 50 Rulings and Columns, II, 56-58 (See also "Journal, columnar") Salaries. (See also "Labor," "Pay-roll,' "Wages") Partners', I, 3il8, 350, 351 Problem, V, 42 Sale of Partnership Business, I, 859-361 Sales, Account, I, 208 Analysis of, I, 422 Allowances I, 99 Analysis of. I. 160 Sales — Continued Cash, I, 110, 249-252 Accounting procedure, I, 249-252; II, 204 Income for period, I, 110 Receipts for, duplicate, II, 177 Recording, II, 163 Charge, I, 249 C. O. D., I, 110-254; II, 181-183 Route ledger, II, 183 Form, II, 182 Route sheet, II, 181 Form, II, 182 Commission on, accounting procedure for, 11,340, 341; IV, 27 Containers, I, 253 Cost of, II, 144 Overhead distribution of, II, 475 Coupon books, use of, II, 187 Deductions from, I, 95-97 Department, II, 146-155 Advertising department, relation to, 11,154 Functions of, II, 10, 147 Jobbing organizations, II, 150, 151 Organization of, II, 148 Retail and jobbing organization com- bined, II, 152-154 Retail organization, II, 148-150 Traffic department, relation to, II, 15 1, 155 Discounts, I, 99 Drivers', II, 336, 338. 840 Form, II, 338 Fixed asset, I, 112 Impression book, II, 166, 167 Instalment, II, 185-187 Form. II, 185 Problem, V, 109 Tickler file, II, 185 Invoices, II, 159-161 (See also "Invoices, sales") Journal (See "Journal, sales") Ledger, Containers column in, II, 185 Form, II, 184 Special form, II, 256, 257 Form, II, 255 Net, Problem, V, 93 Overhead distribution of, II, 475 On approval, II, 180, 181 On consignment, II, 177-179 Sales book for consignee, II, 180 Form, II, 176 GENERAL INDEX 189 Sales — Continiied On credit, records of, II, 163, 164 Order blanks, II, 172 Form, II, 172 Orders (See "Orders, sales") Percentage of gross profits based on, IV, 392-394 Profit on, II, 365 Problem, V, 23 Analysis of, II, 477 Form, II, 476 Gross, II, 475-477 Ratio to selling expense, II, 299, 300 Problem, V, 341 Rebates, I, 99 Rebates and allowances account. Analysis of, I, 411 Recapitulation, II, 172, 173 Forms, II, 174 Recording, by tabulating machine, I, 160 Records, II, 162-188 Alternate order system, II, 172 Form, II, 172 Journal (See "Journal, sales") Ledger (See subheading "Ledger," above) Mechanical account system, II, 173, 175 Necessity for, II, 162, 163 Retail organization, II, 370-371 Register, II, 157 Returned (See "Returns") Schedule of, I, 160 Sundry, I, 249-252 System, alternate, for a small concern, II, 172 Form, II, 172 To proprietor, I, 209, 252, 253 Sales Book (See "Journal, sales") Salesmen's Commissions, II, 340, 341 Schedule, (See also "Statements") Accounts receivable, I, 157, 158 Capital or surplus adjustments, I, 159, 160 Cost of goods sold, I, 161 Depreciation, III, 22 1. 234, 249, 253 Form, III, 250, 251 Textile costs. III, 397. 398 Expenses, general, L 162 Fixed charges. Ill, 224, 233, 253 Form, III, 235 Process system. III, 341 Form, III, 342 Functions of, II. 288, 289 Inventory, I, 158 Purposes ajxd uses of» 1, 1^8, 150 Schedule— Con/miMrf Investmenta, I, 159 Miscellaneouii, I, lOf Notes, Payable. 1. 157 Receivable, I, 157 Sales, I, 160 Supporting, I, 153-1 6S Desirable, when, I, 16S Example of, I, 155. 156 Presentation, interpretative, prinripjr* and method of. I, I5S-I55, 169 ScHEDiLiNa Work in DEPARTUKjm, Fott Even Capacitt, III. 6i Scrap, I, 319, 320: III, 147 Problem. V, 23S Scrip Dividends (See "Dividend***) Secret Reserves (See "Reserve*") Securities. (See also "Bonds." "Slock**) Account, analysis of, I, 404 Handled on the exchange, II, 415 Register, II, 348 Form, II, 346 Schedule of investments. 1, 150 Verification of, IV, 427 Segregated Budget, II, 316 Selling. Expense (See "Expense, aelliaf '*) Price, Elements of. III, 25 Form. Ill, 25 Fixing. Ill, 5, 6 Inventory at, II, 145 Relation to production coats. II. 70; III. 5, 6 Profitable, factors in. II. 146 Service Departments (See *'Adiium«trativ« expense " "Power plant rtpenae" **SliM«t department expense") Service Metuod. Dcpretutiom RAxai. IV, 172 Service. SpeciaLi, Distmibution or ExroMl or. II, 460 Services Expcmbc, IV, «7 Sheets, Cost (See "Cott sbceU**) Dxpenae distribution (Se* "ExprtM* db- tribution sheet") Sherman Anti-Tmust L4W or 1880. IV, SS» Shipduiloino T«aok, AjmciFAnoii or PnoriTa. IV. 36 190 GENERAL INDEX Shipments, Between branches, II, 877 On order, II, 94, 95 Shipping, Department, Account illustrated, textile costs, HI, 393 Checking goods in, II, 160 Expense, Chart, graphic, III, 417 Form, III, 418 Tickets, n, 159, 160 Shoe Factory, Day's work sheet. III, 62 Estimated cost of material. III, 149 Estimated costs in, III, 63 Shoe tag, III, 58 Form, III, 59, 60 "Short" Account (See "Stock brokerage") Single-Entry Bookkeeping (See "Book- keeping, single-entry") Sinking Fund, IV, 143-164 Problems, IV, 162, 163; V, 152, 160, 207, 300 Account, analysis of, I, 410 Accounting procedure, IV, 155-163 Adjusting entries, IV, 160 Disposition of fund after payment of debt, IV, 161 Expenses, IV, 158 Income, IV, 158 Investments, IV, 9, 10, 157 Payments into fund, IV, 156 Redemption of debt, IV, 159 Sinking fund reserve, IV, 156 Amortization of debt, compared with sink- ing fund method of payment, IV, 153, 154 Annuity method, IV, 144-154 (See also "Annuity") Computing, IV, 144-148 Future worth of annuity, IV, 146, 151, 153 Present worth of annuity, IV, 148-151, 153 Compound interest method of calculating depreciation, IV, 175-177 Creating, methods of, IV, 144 Problem, V, 207 Debt, redemption of, IV, 144, 151-154, 159 Defined, IV, 143 Disposition of, IV, 161 Entries, IV, 161 Expenses, due to, IV, 158 Income derived from, IV, 158 Sinking Fund — Continued Investments, IV, 9, 10, 157 Entries, IV, 158 Methods of creating, IV, 144 Payments into, IV, 156 Purpose of, IV, 143 Reserve, IV, 156 Problem, V, 300 Account, analysis of, I, 420 Trust deed, provisions of, IV, 155, 157 Trustee, report of, IV, 157 Sinking Fund Method, Depreciation Rates, I, 324, 325; IV, 175-177 Six-Column Journal, II, 241 Form, II, 242 Slide Rule, II, 355 Soap Factory, By-Products,' III, 148 Sold Division of Stores Ledger, II, 141 SoLD-HouR Method of Distributing Ex- pense Over Product, III, 272, 279 Problem, V, 386 Sole Proprietorship, I, 18; II, 13 (See also "Proprietor") Sorting Machine, II, 355 Source File, II, 77 Specifications, Standard, Advantages of, II, 80, 81 Spinning Mill, III, 46 (See also "Textile costs") Problems, V, 351, 353, 355, 357 Weekly production report. III, 44, 45 Form, III, 45 Spoilage of Material, III, 146 Spoiled and Returned Goods Record, II, 380 Form, II, 384 Stamp Affixer, II, 357 Standing Expense Orders, III, 31, 224, 226-232 Classification, III, 227, 229-232 Distribution, III, 224 Sub-departments, III, 266 Numbering, III, 229 List of. III, 227, 229 Form, III, 230 Time tickets. III, 227 Form, III, 228 Statement of Affairs, I, 129-141; IV, 319, 324 Form, I, 136, 137 Problems, V, 61, 66, 70 GENERAL INDEX 101 Statement of ArPAiRS — Continued Assets, valuing and stating, I, 132 Problems, V, 66, 70 Deficiency statement, I, 140, 141; IV, 819- 326 Problems, V, 61, 66, 70 Illustrative examples, I, 140; IV, 329 Example of, I, 136-140 Form of, I, 141 Illustrative example, IV, 327-329 Information required, I, 135, 136 Liabilities, stating, I, 133 Treatment of, I, 138-140 Statement of Condition, I, 385-387 Form, I. 387 Comparative, I, 387-389 Form, I, 388 Form of, I, 386 Statement Voucher, II, 121 Statements, (See also "Balance sheet") Account form, I, 117; II, 290; IV, 285 Articulation, IV, 413 * Assets and liabilities, I, 46-49 Forms, I, 46-49 Problem, V, 336 Summary of changes of, I, 389 Balancing, I, 49 Bank, form of, I, 224, 225 Form, I, 224 Basic, II, 289 Cash discount, treatment of, I, 280, 281 Comparative, II, 294 Contents of, I, 25 Deficiency (See "Statement of affairs") Defined, I, 25 Designing, Importance of, II, 287, 288 Time of, II, 288 Exhibits, schedules, and, II, 288, 289 Expenses, production-center system. III, 308 Form, III, 307 Form and arrangement of, I, 26 Income, Consolidated, IV, 364-366 Tie-up with balance sheet, IV, 292 Problems, V, 132, 221, 336 Manufacturing business (See "Manufactur- ing enterprise") Mercantile business (See "Trading busi- ness") Of going business, I, 47-49 Form, I, 48, 49 Statcmsnts— ConiiniMJ Pay-roU (See 'Tay-rolT*) Percentage. u«e of, II. «M. AM Preparation of. I. 885; IV, 10. II Problem. V. 28 ClaasificatioD of accotuta. aid to. I« il( n, 284-:«8« PresentatJon. interpretive, I, t» lit Method of, I. 155 Principles of. I. 154. 168 Profit and loss (See "Profit and Iims i ment") Purpose and use of, I. 25. 154 Realization and liquidation (See ** tion and liquidation statement") Receipts and payments, cash, I. lOf-115 Form. I. 106 Dates of. I. 107 Details included. I. 108 Form and content of. I. 105 Items, arrangement of, I, 100 Items not disclosed, I. 114 Profit and loss not disclosed by, h 1*i> lU Purpose and use of, I, 104, 115 Title of, I. 106, 107 Report form, I, 117; II. 201; IV, tSt Retail organization. II, 8M Schedules, exhibits, and, II, tM, t8t SuUsUcal. III. 405. 414 Time periods covered by, 11, fOl, ftt Monthly. II, 292; UI. 28 Weekly. II. 292 Yearly. II, 291 Units used in, II. 298 Statistical Ckabts (See "Charts. grapWen Statistics, Comparison of. II. f08. 104; IV. 800-401 Form. IV, 400 Cumulation of, II, tM^ tif Steel Industbt. CnAnoM Aftuid to Eaw Matsbial, UI. 150 Stock. III. 40 (See also "MaterUl" "S^mrnD Index card for auul-octlsr necowMini. tU 890 Ledger (finished foods). III. 77 Form. III. 78. List. III. 185. 804 Forms. III. 185. 804 Record, general. II. ••• Form, II«88t 192 GENERAL INDEX Stock — Continued Turnover, I, 210, 211; IV, 395-397 Calculating, I, 211; IV, 397 Problem, V, 341 Defined, IV, 395 Stock Brokerage, II, 415-431 Accounting, Records, II, 419, 420 Status of, II, 415 Balance sheet, II, 428-431 Blotter, II. 420-423 Forms, II, 421 Clearance sheet, II, 417 Form, II, 418 Time of delivery, II, 417 Clearing house ticket, II, 416 Exchange memberships, II, 429 Fee, II, 423 Inventories, II, 427 "Long," II, 423-425 Account, II, 424, 425 Margin deposit, II, 423 Profit and loss account, II, 431 Purchase and sales records, II, 420 Form, II, 420 Securities, Disposition of, II, 427 Handled on the exchange, II, 415 Inventory of, II, 427 "Short," II, 423, 425-427 Account, II, 426, 427 Borrowing stocks, II, 425 Delivery, clearing house procedure, II, 425 Interest paid borrower of stocks, II, 426 Stock exchange clearing house, IT, 410, 417 Trading on the exchange, II, 413 Stock, Capital, Accounting for. Different kinds, IV, 196 Issues, actual, IV, 190 Problems, V, 170, 173, 176 Nature of problem, IV, 8, 9 Total authorized issue, IV, 192-194 Problem. V, 176 Accounts, Analysis of, I. 422 Purpose of. IV, 189 Acquired from other CMporations. IV, 19, 334 For purposes of control, IV, 335 For purposes of investment, IV, 334 Illegal, when, IV, 331 Stock, Capital — Continued Acquired from other (.-orporations — Contin- ued Not illegal, IV, 334 Statutes allowing, IV, 333 Bank, IV. 200 Bonus, IV, 209 Certificates, I, 364, 365; II, 415 Closing transfer books, IV, 63, 64 Common, I, 366 Problem, V, 60 Discount on, IV, 9, 199 Accounting for, IV, 200 Not allowable in State of New York, IV. 199 Dividends (See "Dividends") Dividing into shares, I, 364, 365 Donated, I, 372, 373 Problems, V, 173, 176, 277 Exchange (See "Stock brokerage") Exchanged between corporations, IV, 339 Forfeited, IV, 210 Surplus from, IV, 211 Instalment account, analysis of, I, 406 Ledger. II, 261, 262 Form, II, 258 Owned, account, analysis of, I, 404 Owned for purposes of control, IV, 335 Owned for purposes of investment, IV, 334 Ownership, forms of, IV, 334 Payment for, by instalment, IV, 194 Preferred, I, 366, 367; IV, 65 Premium, Account, analysis of. I. 424 Accounting for. IV. 199 As good-will, IV, 361 Disposition of, IV. 199 Method of treating, IV, 9 Surplus of subsidiary, IV, 358, 361 Problem, V, 312 Registering, II, 415 Schedule of investments, I, 159 Stock book, II, 336 Form, II, 337 Subscribed, account, analysis of, I, 418 Subscriptions. Problems. V, 59, 152, 170 Account, analysis of, 1, 405 Di\ndends applied to, IV, 87 Paid subsequently or in instalments, I, 369 Transfer record, II, 338 Form, II, 337 GENERAL INDEX 103 Stock, Capital — Continued Treasury, I. 371-373; IV, 201-208 Account, analysis of, I, 406 Accounting for, IV, 202-205 Problem, V, 277 Balance sheet treatment, IV, 208 Problem, V, 152, 277 Defined, IV, 201 Purchase, above par, IV, 207 Purchase below par, IV, 200 Purchases, IV, 205 Surplus account, analysis of^ I, 421 Problems, V, 173, 176 Trust company, IV, 200 Without par value, IV, 200 Balance sheet reference to, IV, 201 Entries, IV, 201 Stock-in-Trade, Defined, IV, 215 Depreciation on, IV, 223, 224 Reserve for, IV, 115 (See also "Reserves") Overhead applicable to, IV, 227 Stockholders, Corporate control, II, 18 Estates, IV, 69 Married women, IV, 68 Notice of dividends, IV, 69 Of record, IV, 66 Pledgees, IV, 68 Straight-Line Method, Depreciation Rates, IV, 171 Storage Register, Chain Stores, II, 381 Form, II, 388 Stores, (See also "Material," "Supplies") Account, Illustrated, III, 83 Journal entries, illustrated, III, 106 Accounting, II, 137-145; III. 122-141 Accuracy essential. III, 123 Adjustments, III, 139 Arrangement, III, 117 Bill of material, III, 135 Form, III, 135 Bin tag. III, 132 Form, III, 133 By-products, III, 147 Card, II, 139 Form, II, 140 Charging, II, 462; III. 150 Classification, III. 122. 138, 153-16* Advantages. Ill, 154 Basis for system used, Ili, 160 Sron M—Contin utd Classification — ConHnutd "Block" tyctem. III. IM Catalogue. III. 101 Combination of letter* and nualiera. III. 155. 160 Dewey decimal •>'stein. III. \M Letter system. HI. 155. 159 Mnemonic system. III. 159 Numerical system. III. 1A5 Symbols used. Ill, 154 Control, factors in. II. ISS. 1S4 Controlling account. III. 81, \ti Defective work. Ill, 14« Defined. II. 131, 13«; III, 23. llS Department. Control centralized. II, ISl Development of. II, 1S£ Functions of. II. 74 Separate, II. 131 Uniformity in, II. \Si Department expense. III. 98. 104 (Sc« ako generally "Non-productive dtpart* ments") Account. III. 217 Account illustrated. produrtioB-«Mil«r system. III. 321 Applied direct to material. III, MS, €97. 302 On distnhution sheet. III. MO. M4 Sub-departments. III. 2W Estimated quantity. III. 149 Expense, incurred before reiTipt, III. IJO Finished parts. III. 24. 07, 80 Fluctuations in weight or volume. III. 141 Hotel. II. 442 Inventory (See "Inventory") Issuance of. II. Ill: III. 131-lSS Issued book. III. 131. ISO Form. III. 137 Control of. III. 131 Posting to general ledjcrr. III. IM Requisitions summariicd in. III. ISl. IM Keeper. III. 118 Ledger (See "Ledgrr. ftofm") Maximum. II. ISS Minimum. II. 1S<. ISS Organization. II. ISO. ISl Prices, III. lis. 1« Estimated, shoe fatiory. 111. lit Fluctuations in. III. I4< Purchase order (See "iXTtlcr*. pvnkmm") 194 GENERAL INDEX SronEa— Continued Purchasing department (See "Purchasing department") Received book, III, 124 Form, III, 125 Agreement with purchase journal. III, ISO Posting to stores ledger. III, 126, 130 Received report, II, 134-136 Forms, II, 135, 136 Record on cost sheets. III, 131 Proof of. III, 132 Records, II, 137-145; HI, 115, 118-141 Requisitions (See "Material requisitions") Retail, organizing, II, 153, 154 Returned, III, 138 Scrap, I, 319, 320; III, 147 Shrinkage, adjustment on books. III, 140 Spoilage. Ill, 146 Supplies (See "Supplies") Systems, II, 130-145 Planning, factors to be considered in, II, 130 Used, report of. III, 148 Waste, III, 142, 145 Adjustment on books. III, 140 Before use of stores, III, 150 Stores-Keeper, Accountability, II, 137 And purchasing agent, relations between 11,82 Duties of, II. 134 Stobino Material (See "Stores") Straight-Line Method of Calculating Rates, I, 322 Problems, V, 16, 18, 168 Subcontract (See "Contract") Subcontractors, II, 453 (See also "Con- tractors, building") Sub-Departments, Non-productive, II, 10, 12; III, 265-268 Productive (machine groups). III, 278, 287, 301 (See also "Machine-rate method of distributing expense over product") Subscriptions, Special, club, II, 452 Stock (See "Stock") Subsidiary, Departments (See "Sub-departments") Journal (See "Journal, subsidiary") Ledgers (See "Ledger") Records. I. 328-337; II, 47, 48 Forms, I, 330-333 Subsidiaries (See "Corporation, subsidiaries") Summarization, Records or, II, 247 Summary, Analysis of sales, IV, 317 Cost, cost ledger, process cost system, III, 347 Form, in, 348 Daily work sheet. III, 62 Journal entries, I, 237 Production, Daily, UI, 337 Form. Ill, 338 Monthly, III. 336 Form. III. 337 Weekly, III, 44 Form, III, 45 Purchases, II, 123 Form. II, 123 Time tickets, III, 171, 173, 177 Sundry Expense Account, III, 291. 322 Supervision, Accounting System, II. 50 Supplies, II, 74, 141, 469; III, 17, 213, 217, 221, 226-232 Account, III, 81, 122 Journal entries, illustrated, III, 106 Process cost system, III, 88 Charged direct, unusual method. III, 222 Department expense, distribution of, II, 469 Included in term "stores," III, 23 Issuing, II, 74, 141 Not exhausted (See "Deferred debits") Office, account, analysis of. I, 408 Posting from stores issued book. III, 138 Production-center system, III, 291 Account illustrated. III, 325 Requisitions (See "Material requisitions") Standing expense orders. III, 224. 226-232 Form, m, 230 Surplus, Account, Problems, V, 137, 173, 176, 277 Analysis of, I, 421 Compared with undivided profits account, IV, 97, 98 Entries to, IV, 98 Accounting for, IV, 101-103 Effect of entries on balance sheet, IV, 102 Adjustments, I, 159; IV. 95-103 Problems. V, 15, 16, 18, 21, 125, 132, 148, 180, 266, 271, 284, 312 Schedule of, I, 159, 160 GENERAL INDEX IM Surplus — Continued Bank, At organization, IV, 96 Provision for, IV, 200 Definition, IV, 95 Dividends declared froin, IV, 55-59 Forfeited stock, payments on, IV, 211 Nature and sources, IV, 95-103 Reserve from, IV, 104, 105 (See also "Re- serves") Advisability of, IV, 60 Factors determining, IV, 115 Revaluation of assets, IV, 100 Sale of assets, IV, 99 Sources of, IV, 96 Items other than realized profits, IV, 95 Special accounts, IV, 51, 96 Specially created on organization of an enterprise, IV, 96 Subsidiary (See "Corporation, subsidiaries") Unearned, special account for, IV, 51 Suspense Accounts, IV, 22, 27 Systems, Accounting, (See also these head- ings throughout index) Agencies, II, 373, 374 Branches, II, 374-388 Chain stores, II, 374-388 Clubs, II, 446-452 Contractors, building, II, 453-460 Cost accounting, II, 461-477; III, 801-400 Estates, II, 404-414 Hotels and restaurants, II, 432-445 Mail-order business, II, 389-395 Manufacturing enterprise, II, 461-465 Professions, II, 396-403 Retail business, II, 363-372 Stock brokerage, II, 415-431 Stores, II, 130-145 Trading enterprise, cost accounting, II, 466-477 Wholesale business, II, 363-372 Suspense Account, IV, 22, 27 Problem, V, 137 T Table D'hote Dining Room, II, 43S Tabular Ledgers, II, 251 Tabulating Machines, Operation of, II, 353-355 Tasx System of Wage Payment, III, 204 Tax, Income (See "Income tax") Taxes ExractB. Ilf. M. 100. fit. ftl. tM; IV. 29 (See alao geoeraUy *'FbW dwfv *) Account, analyitfl o(. I. 410. 417 Account, illustrated. Textile cotU. III. SM Journal entry, illustrated. III. 107 Production r|»aii«tiaa*^ Working pArnw. II. 40. 41 Analysis paper, II, 40 Cross-section paper. II. 41 Legal cap, II. 41 Yabn MANurACTTJms (See **TciUle eoeU" /^ ro THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. JUN 12 1937 LD 21-100m-8,'34 . i UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY