806i iz mnvd Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/collectionofmanuOOyorkrich THK l^orksbfre Hrcbaeologtcal Society. COLLECTION OF MANUSCRIPTS. ADDITIONS FROM DEC. i, 1917— NOV. 30, 1922. MS 379 Monumental Inscriptions in the Church and burial ground of St. Andrew's, Langton, E.R.; by Rev. C. V. Collier. MS 380 An account of all the searches macle in the Record Office in the Tower of London, 21 Mar. 1775 — 29 Sept. 1803; Thomas Astle, Keeper. THE CLAY MANUSCRIPTS. Manuscripts by John William Clay, F.S.A., or owned by him, including many manuscripts by Alfred Gibbons. MSS. by A. Gibbons, F.S.A. Ms 381 (a) A large collection of Notes, Transcripts, and information respecting Lincolnshire families (32 books) ; with a volume of Lincoln Wills, a volume of extracts from the Bishops' registers, and a few miscellaneous papers. (//) Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (three parts), 6 (two parts), 7, 8, 9, 10, n, 12, 13 (three parts), 14 (four parts), 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 (four parts), 23, 24, 25 (two parts), 26, 27, 28, 29 (two parts), 30, 31 (two parts). The volumes are labelled "Yorkshire Collections." Their principal contents are abstracts of, and indexes to Wills, extracts from parish registers, bishops' transcripts, MSS. and deeds. Vol. 25 (2) contains lists of the archbishops' transcripts, and of the transcripts at Southwell; also extracts from the Faculty books. (c) A volume of papers bound together containing rough lists of documents preserved at Bishopthorpe. (d) A similar volume containing collections for the Benson pedigree. (e) A similar volume containing collections relating to the Spragge family, with a number of loose papers and letters respecting the same. (/) Two notebooks containing collections for the Pickard family. (g) A notebook containing extracts from the Pateley Bridge Parish Registers. (h) Two books containing collections for the Peacock family. Additions to Manuscripts, 19 17-1922 (i) A book containing a few copies of wills — Beckwith, Smith- son, Sisey. ( ;' ) A bundle of loose papers containing various notes respecting the Tolson, Morkill, Smith (of York), and several other families. (k) Mr. Clay's index book to a number of the Gibbons' MSS. MSS. by J. W. Clay, F.S.A. (/) 12 vols, of abstracts of wills used by Mr. Clay for his edition of Dugdale's Visitation of Yorkshire. (m) 3 vols, of extracts from various parish registers used for the same work. (n) 2 vols, of abstracts of Wills used by Mr. Clay for his Extinct and Dormant Peerages of the Northern Counties. (o) A case containing copies and abstracts of Inq. P. M. for Yorkshire. (p) A case containing Mr. Clay's descents of many Yorkshire families. (q) A case containing collections respecting various families, principally Savile. (r) A case containing rough notes and extracts respecting numerous Yorkshire families, many Savile. (s) A case containing copies or abstracts of various Yorkshire wills. (/) A cover containing notes from sundry parish registers, and much information as to the Tempest family. (u) A cover containing various notes and memoranda, extracts, etc., by Mr. Clay, with a number of letters to him on genealogical matters. (v) A volume of lists and notes from the Act Books, York. (w) A case of pedigrees, notes, and various genealogical informa- tion respecting sundry families — Armitage, Thomlinson, Lee of Pinchinthorpe, etc. (x) A case containing collections for the Waterhouse family. (y) A case containing collections for Mr. Clay's edition of Dugdale's Visitation of Yorkshire. {z) A great number of loose papers, smaller notebooks, etc., connected with Mr. Clay's genealogical enquiries. MS 382 Copies of twenty charters from the Chartulary of Salley Abbey (Harleian MS. 112); by Canon A. Beanlands. Ms 383 Photographic copy of a page from the MS. attributed to Simeon of Durham (Cott.MSS. Cal. A viii, fol. 29, British Museum), containing rude drawings purporting to be portraits of Woden and six of his descendants. MS 384 Photographs of sixteen charters, etc., relating to Guisborough Priory. MS 385 An impression (red wax) of the seal of the Hospital of St. Michael, Well. Additions to Manuscripts, 191 7-1922 3 Ms 386 Plan and sections of hypocaust found at Slack, 1865-6. MS 387 A portfolio containing plans and view of Doncaster vicarage; view of the Mansion House, Doncaster; various architec- tural drawings from Conisborough Castle ; shields of arms and epitaphs from the churches of Arksey, Conisborough, Doncaster, Wadworth, Adwick-le-Street, Sprotborough, Barnby Don, Barmborough, High Melton, and Brodsworth. MS 388 A pedigree of the Rimmington family; compiled by W. H. Rimmington. MS 389 A tin box containing: (a) List of wills in the archbishops' registers at York. (b) A schedule of deeds in the possession of Thomas Mickle- thwaite, esq., in Leeds at his death in 1756. (c) A number of the Manor Court Rolls of Marsden, late 17th and early 18th century. (d) Correspondence relating to Y.A.S. Record Series. (e) The Muster Rolls for the wapentake of Harthill, 1573. MS 390 Account Rolls of the rectory of Dewsbury, 1348-56. Eight membranes. Printed in Y.A.J, xxi, 352. MS 391 Notes respecting Wetecroft, Roundhay; compiled by D. B. Wilson. MS 392 Table of Marriage Licence Allegations and Bonds with the Dean and Chapter of York; prepared by R. M. Glencross. MS 393 Two ancient " charms," the originals, as described in Y.A.J, xvii, 402. MS 394 Wapentake of Allerton : a list of the ministers who made the Protestation, 1641. Sir W. H. St. JOHN HOPE'S COLLECTIONS. Ms 3 95 Sir W. St. John Hope's original plans — Fountains, Jervaulx, Mount Grace, Watton, Bridlington. MS 396 Further plans, etc., from Sir W. St. John Hope's collections, viz., Fountains — a quarto note-book and measurements; Mount Grace — plan; Kirklees — plan of excavations; Jervaulx — plan of excavations; and other plans and notes. MS 397 Sir W. St. John Hope's original plan of Kirkham Priory. Also plan, sections and measurements of Pickering Castle by E. B. S. Shepherd, 1902. MS 398 Watton Priory — photographs of details. Also measured plans, details, etc., by H. Brakspear and J. Bilson. MS 399 Plans, drawings and measurements by Sir William St. John Hope of Easby Abbey, Kirkham, Nunkeeling, and Warter Priories. MS 400 Two original petitions, on parchment, to the House of Commons in favour of the Bill for a turnpike road from Doncaster to Selby, from the property owners (a) in the town and parish of Doncaster, and (b) in Selby. No date. 4 Additions to Manuscripts, 1917-1922 THE LANCASTER MANUSCRIPTS.* These MSS. were compiled, or formerly owned, by William Thomas Lancaster, F.S.A., Hon. Librarian to the Society, 1909-1920. W. T. Lancaster's Yorkshire Collections. MS 401 Vol. I. Birdforth. Includes many charters from the Dods- worth MSS. relating to the abbey of Byland and the priory of Newburgh. Also numerous abstracts from the public records and from printed sources relating to the history of this wapentake. MS 402 Vol. II. Skyrack and Morley. A similar volume. Includes extracts from the Rawlinson MSS. MS 403 Vol. III. Skyrack and Morley. A continuation of Vol. II. MS 404 Vol. IV. Skyrack and Morley. A continuation of Vols. II and III. Includes copies of charters and extracts from an old book containing copies of evidences, belonging to Col. Gascoigne of Parlington ; extracts from the Lacy feodary, the coucher book of the duchy of Lancaster, and the Mauleverer chartulary. MS 405 Vol. V. A volume of collections relating to various places in the county. It includes extracts from the chartulary of Healaugh Park; abstracts of deeds formerly in the pos- session of Mr. M. F. Middelton; extracts from a MS. of Roger Dodsworth in the possession of the Y.A.S.; ab- stracts of charters belonging to the late Sir W. Spencer Stanhope, and the feodary of the honour of Pontefract. MS 406 Vol. VI. This is of a similar character to the last. Besides extracts from the Public Records it contains notes from the calendar of Sir Algernon Legard's deeds; abstracts of copies of charters from a book belonging to Sir William Ingilby, and copies of original deeds in his possession. MS 407 Vol. VII. A volume of collections relating to sundry families, including Heslerton, Swillington, Hopton, Tong, etc. (The above are bound in half morocco, royal red.) MS 408 Vol. VIII. Birdforth vills. Mostly compiled from the Public Records and printed books. There is a rough index of vills at the end. Ms 409 Vol. IX. Birdforth families. Compiled from similar sources as the last. Rough index at end. MS 410 Vol. X. Thirsk. Extracts from the public records, Dods- worth MSS., etc., arranged under reigns. MS 411 Vol. XI. Thirsk. A volume similar to the above, commencing with the reign of Henry IV. MS 412 A volume of genealogical collections beginning with an account of the early barons of Kendal, from Sir William Dugdale's Baronage. Contains a good deal of information about the family of Lancaster, descended from the barons of Kendal, extracted from the Fumes? chartulary and the public records. 1 See also M D 51 and 52, Additions to Manuscripts, 19 17-1922 5 Ms 413 A parcel of MSS. in sheets on hand -made paper compiled by W.T.L., chiefly relating to religious houses in Yorkshire. They include abstracts from the evidences of the Earl of Mexborough; Sir Tristram Tempest of Tong ; Mr. Spencer Stanhope of Cannon Hall; Strickland of Sisergh. Also many abstracts from Part II of the Fountains Char- tulary and the Public Records. Similar material for the history of Birdf orth wapentake ; in sheets. Ms 414 Pedigree of William de Lancaster. MSS. FORMERLY OWNED BY W. T. LANCASTER. MS 415 A copy, taken in 1747 by T. W[ilson], from " Chartularium Melsense, or A Collection of Papal Bulls, Royal and private grants to the Cistercian abbey of Melsa alias Meaux in Holderness in the county of York, by Francis Smales, M.A., vicar of Preston in "Holderness " Inside cover, "Wilson's Yorkshire MSS." It was sold at the Phillips sale, 18 June 1908. MS 41(3 A volume headed " Collectanea Genealogiarum Stemmatum Prosapiarum Familiarum et Descensuum Hominum Nobi- lium et Generosorum." Said to be in the handwriting of Robert Glover, Somerset Marshal to Norroy King of Arms. Includes many Yorkshire and North Country pedigrees. There are some later additions and some loose pedigrees. There is an index towards the end of the book. MS 417 Charles Tancred's Ardcn rent accounts, 1837-44, and a map showing a public highway through the township of Arden with Ardenside, 1842. MS 417a Pedigree of Sandwith of York, compiled by Capt. Lionel Sand- with, 1899. Ms 418 Sale plan of the Armytage property about Mirfield and Liver- sedge, c. 1 81 6. On canvas. MS 419 Slack Excavations, 191 3-5. General plan and sections. MS 420 Slack Excavations, 1913-5. Plans and Notebooks. A Collection of Heraldic MSS. MS 421 A volume headed, "The Names of the Gentry of England, alphabetically set downe with their Arms placed in their order according to ye Honorable Partitions and Ordinaries and Charges of severall sorts in their Arms. Collected by Jo: Harrison, and enlarged by Edward Horsley, herald's painter, with divers new coats in the yeare of our Lord, 1666." Ms 422 A volume of Yorkshire arms in trick. Folio 30 is headed, " A coppy of the entryes of some of the Gentrye of the North and East Riding of Yorkshire. Collected by Edward Horsley, deputy to Norroy King of Arms, 1666." MS 423 Index to MS 422. 6 Additions to Manuscripts^ 191 7-1922 MS 424 A volume containing many arms in trick, including those of royal personages and nobles, English and foreign, and of gentry, not specially Yorkshire. On folio 1 is the name of Benedict Horsley, which occurs again on fol. 24. Ms 425 A volume of arms of the Nobility arranged in chronological order according to reigns, with a short account in each case of the head of the line. On the flyleaf is written "Edward Horsly " and "Ben: Horsley." Begins with the Saxons and ends in 1572. MS 426 A volume of arms, mostly blazoned. They are collected from various sources, including Westminster Abbey, Wakefield Church, St. John's, Beverley, and Lowdham, Wollerton, and Hoveringham, co. Notts. Also from churches in Northants., Rutland, Oxford, and Derby. It contains the names of the Lord Presidents of the Marches of Wales, written in the chapel of Ludlow; the arms of royal persons at home and abroad; and arms taken from churches in the counties of Lincoln, Leicester, Warwick, and Wor- cester, from Gray's Inn and the New Temple. Inside the cover is written " Edward Horsley," " 1659," and "Wil Horsley, 1664." " Deputie Norroy " in a contem- porary hand is written on fol. 1. There is an index at the beginning of the book. MS 427 A volume containing (1) " Amies and creasts entred in the Salop Visitation, A 1663, by W m Dugdale, Esq 1 ", Norroy King of Armes, as deputy to S r Edw. Bish. Clarencieux " (fol. 1-7); (2) ditto, taken in the Visitation of the co. palatine of Chester, 1663-4, by W m Dugdale, Norroy " (fol. 8-15); (3) ditto, in the Visitation of Lancashire, 1664-5, by W m Dugdale (fol. 17-32); (4) ditto, in the Visitation of Northumberland, 1663, by W m Dugdale (fol. 32-4); (5) of Westmorland, undated (fol. 34-5); (6) of Cumberland, undated (fol. 35-7) ; and (7) of the bishopric of Durham, undated (fol. 37-40). The arms are all in trick. MS 427« Index to the above. MS 428 A volume containing " Armes of the Gentry of Yorkshire entred in the Visitation of that County in A° MDCLXV and MDCLXVI, by William Dugdale, Norroy King of Armes." The arms are in trick. 48 folios. MS 428a Index to the above. On the inside of the back cover is written " William Horsley Booke, 1670." MS 429 A volume containing " The Armes of such gentlemen as now do dwell, or heretofore have dwelled, in the countie palla- tine of Chester. Written in An° 1594." The arms are in alphabetical order and blazoned. 17 folios. MS 430 A large volume containing many arms in trick. There is an index at the end. 124 folios. There is a loose pedigree of Holme of Paull Holme. MS 431 A book of arms blazoned. It begins with the arms of the nobility (pp. 5-71) ; then follow the arms of the Yorkshire gentry, beginning with the wapentake of Strafforth and Additions to Manuscripts, 191-7-1922 7 Tickhill (pp. 73-117, but pp. 78 and 79 with 18 coats and 104-7 with 36 coats are missing) ; the bishopric of Durham (pp. 128-134); then comes a pedigree of the Boyntons, 1067-1607, with the arms of their alliances; 37 pedigrees of Yorkshire families with their coats; 14 pedigrees of Durham families; and finally 61 pedigrees of Lincolnshire families. The volume seems to have been compiled about 1607. At the beginning is a loose index to the arms of the nobility and to the Yorkshire arms. (A report on this MS. by Dr. F. W. Dendy, F.S.A., is in the possession of the Y.A.S.) MS 432 An armorial, originally written on one side of the page only, but many additions have been made at a later date on the other side, and on loose leaves. On the front page is written "William Briggs: his booke, 1691." MS 433 An armorial, 208 pages, written on both sides, with an index. Then follows a list of the "Knights of the Order of the Garter, elected in each reign from Edw. Ill to Mary. At the end of the volume a few pages are devoted to the arms of the Kings of Scotland and the Scottish nobility. No date. MS 434 A volume containing lists of sheriffs in various counties from 1 Hen. II to 22 Chas. I generally (127 pp.). The list for Yorkshire is brought down in a more recent hand to 31 George III. On page 129 begins a list of the nobility and gentry of Yorkshire who compounded for their estates. MS 435 A volume containing the certificates of the general musters in the E.R. taken in 1584 by virtue of a commission issued in 1580. This is followed by totals of the effective men in the E.R. in 1757 and 1762. Ms 436 A volume containing material largely for the history of Rich- mondshire from ancient records, including knights' fees, extents, etc. The copy of Kirkby's Inquest includes several wapentakes not in Richmondshire, e.g., Buckrose, Bulmer, Ryedale, and Langbargh. The copy of Domes- day also includes parishes not in Richmondshire. Com- piled about 1 600-1 607. At the end are (1) a brief and perfect description of Ireland, and (2) a list of the Scottish nobility in 1607. MS 437 A catalogue of the books left by the late Geo: Lawson, esq., for the use of the curate of East Harlsey for the time being, 1727. Calf. Ms 438 Pedigrees of Roos of Ingmanthorpe, Chapel Allerton, Leicester- shire, etc., compiled by G. W. Tomlinson, F.S.A. MS 439 Day book of the Master of Knaresborough Workhouse, 10 April 1 788-1791. MS 440 Old plan of the Aire and Calder Navigation from Wakefield to Salterhebble. Ms 441 Plan of Bridlington Priory. 8 Additions to Manuscripts, 1917-1922 THE BRIGG MANUSCRIPTS. MS 442 A box of MSS. compiled by William Brigg. They include : (a) A large parcel of material for the history of the Brigg family — including many abstracts of wills in P.C.C. (b) A volume of Brigg wills and admons. proved in the P.C.C, with index. (c) An index (checked) of Brigg wills and admons. from the Prerogative and Exchequer Courts at York, to 1665. (d) Indexes to Brigg wills and admons. in the following courts — Richmond; Snaith; Dean and Chapter of York; Com- missary Court of London; Consistory Court of London; Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, London; Archdeaconry of St. Albans. (e) Volume of abstracts of Brigg wills and admons. from the Exchequer and Prerogative Courts of York. (/) Volume of extracts relating to the name of Brigg, from Yorkshire registers. (g) Volume of Brigg monumental and tombstone inscriptions. (h) Transcript of the register of Brettenham, co. Suffolk. 1584. (i) Index to the surnames occurring in W. Brigg's Brigg and Briggs pedigrees. (/) Large bundle of miscellaneous papers, including Feet of Fines for co. of Hertford. (k) Volume of Halifax pedigrees. (/) Materials in separate envelopes for the following pedigrees — Atkinson, Barnsley, Barrett, Blencowe, Bridges, Burnett, Burton, Clapham, Collett, Conyers, Crowther, Dade (Farnley), Dee, Dickenson (Northowram), Dudley, Duf- field, Dunn, Flather, Foster, Jackson, Laycock, Moore, Newsom, Nickson, Outhwaite, Robinson (Rokeby), Sand- ford, Scarr, Scholefield (Batley), Smith, Speight, Tennant, Turner (Batley), Wilkinson (Weeton), Wilson. (m) Pedigrees in sheets — Myers, Neale, Newton, Nussey, Pear- son, Robinson (Leeds), Shrapnell, Smith, Thornhill, Toothill, Vevers, etc. (») Volume of extracts from Registers, largely Yorkshire, (o) Abstracts of " Wootton Wills," Vols. VIII, IX, and X. None of these volumes have been printed. (p) Index nominum to Vol. VIII of "Wootton Wills." MS 443 Another box of MSS. compiled by William Brigg. They include : (a) Bundle of correspondence. (b) Card index to wills of many persons, mostly Yorkshire. (c) Cases of notes relating to the following families — Brigg of Halifax, Brigg and Briggs in many parts of the country, Henry Brigg, the mathematician, Brigg of Shropshire, Norfolk, Westmorland, etc. ; Brigg of Fieldhouse, Sower- by ; Brigg of Sussex, etc., Goodwin, Warren. Additions to Manuscripts, 1917-1922 9 (d) Miscellaneous Brigg notes. (e) Large bundle of notes from the P.R.O. relating to the family of Brigg. (/) Abstracts of Brigg wills from the archdeaconry court of Suffolk, the consistory court of Norwich, and the arch- deaconry court of Northampton, with indexes. (g) Abstracts of wills of many families. (h) Notes on the families of Burder, Dickinson of Leeds, Eagles- field, Edwards, Eliot, Godfrey of Wye, Grubb, Wilson, etc. (i) Transcript of the parish register of Brettenham. (/) " Wootton Wills," parts of vols. VIII and IX. (k) Four 17th and 18th century deeds — Gloucester, Leicester, etc. Ms 444 Copy of Report with Plan of the " Cross Keys " Crypt, Malton (Wheelgate Hospital), by Kenneth B. Mackenzie. DEEDS, Etc. MD 45 Twenty deeds, etc., relating to Clifford, dated 1616 to 1785. MD 46 Conveyance of property at Reeth, 31 May 1797. MD 47 Conveyance, in trust, of land and cottage at Barnsley and Old Barnsley — John Chappell to Richard Chappell and Richard Shepard. 1 Jan. 161 1. MD 48 Manor of Hatfield : Copy of court roll relating to land in Thorne, dated 18 Mar. 1734. MD 49 Thirteen old bonds relating to various persons; dated from 1708. MD 50 Six undated charters relating to Kirkstall abbey lands in Bramley, Chapel Allerton, Lofthouse, and Mean wood. MD 51 Grant by the Archbishop's commissary to Mary Stapleton of Wighill, widow, of the guardianship of Brian and Jane Stapleton, children of Henry Stapleton, of Wighill, dec, dated 2 April 1631. MD 52 Cold Kirby church terrier, 23 Aug. 1825. (The two last items are part of the Lancaster bequest.) MD 53 Grant of Blubberhouses by William de Stuteville to Robert, the forester. Undated. Seal attached. [Printed in Bridlington Chartulary, p. 241.] MD 54 Eighty deeds and documents relating to land at Green Hammer- ton and to the family of Clark, 1 622-1 866. There is a report on the deeds in the box. MD 55 Twenty-five deeds and documents relating to Burstwick, Etton, Kingston-upon-Hull, and Pidsey Burton. They include probates of the wills of John Cawood (1720), Margaret Leadson (1715), and John Richardson (1677). MD 56 Court rolls of the manor of Skidby, par. Cottingham, 1382-3. Three membranes, five courts. io Additions to Manuscripts, 19 17-1922 MD 57 Twenty-one deeds and documents relating mostly to the manor of Burst wick (copies of court rolls, 1 653-1 729), but also to Etton, the liberty of St. John of Beverley, etc. There are the probates, with grants annexed, of the wills oi Nicholas Richardson of Burton Pidsey, 1695, and John Williamson of Staxton, 1727. MD 58 A large box of deeds and documents relating principally to Staxton, Flixton, Cayton, Osgodby, Willerby, Seamer, and Low Deepdale, 17th and 18th century. They include many conveyances, leases, releases, mortgages, marriage settlements, probates and copies of wills. There is a copy of the terrier of Willerby, 1764, and printed copies of the Staxton and Flixton Enclosure Acts, 41 and 42 Geo. III. Also a bundle of deeds relating to Rudstone. One dated 1355 relates to Sewardby, Rudstone, etc. The rest range from 1 and 2 Phil, and Mary to 10 Wm. Ill, but 19 out of 32 are Elizabethan. THE MIDDELTON COLLECTION. MD 59 A large collection of deeds, etc., relating to the properties of the Middelton family. Undated to the seventeenth century. They are contained in bags, numbered 1 to 24. No. 2 is missing. The bags are labelled as follows: 1. Abbies, Churches, Hospitals; Askwith, Adingham, Austby, Acton; Accompts. 2. Missing. 3. Burley, par. Otley. 4. Bracke nth wait e, Beamsley, Barwick-in-Craven, etc. 5. Bonds and Securities; Cumberland, places in that county; Commissions. 6. Deeds of Gifts; Draughton in Craven, Duffield. 7. Draughts and Copies of Deeds, Fines, Offices, Bills in Chan- cery, etc. 8. Exemplifications and Copies of Decrees, Grants, Pardons, etc. 9. Folyfoot, Fenton, Glusburne, Goldsbrough, Grewelthorp. 10. Hawkswick, Hoton, Hebborne, Heslewood, Habton, etc. 11. Holling-hall and Woodhouses. 12. Ilkley; Inventories, Indemnities. 13. Kirkby Wiske, Kirkby Overblows, Kirkby under Knoll, Keswick near Harewood ; Licences, Leases, Letters. 14. Middleton. 15. Manby, Menston, Marske. 16. Marriage Settlements, Deeds of Intail, and other Instru- ments relating to marriages. 17. Newfield, Langbar, Neuby, Newton, Netherby, Nunmonk- ton; Notes of Hard names of Towns, etc. Additions to Manuscripts, 19 17-1922 11 18. Orders of Court, Opinions of Counsel; Oxton, nr. Tadcaster, Osbaldwick, Plumpton, Panall; Pedigrees, Petitions, Proclamations, Quietuses. 19. Kibstone, Rippon; Rents, Releases, and Receipts. 20. Stockeld, Stubham. 21. Spofford, Sicklinghall, Shad well, Stodley, Skipton ; Surveys, etc., Sequestrations. 22. Speeches, Statutes Staple, etc. 23. Thornholme, Thorntoft; Tithes. 24. Wetherby, Wakefield, Withington, Wheatley; Wills, etc. There is also a bag without number, now labelled 25 : 25. Contains Court Rolls of the manor of Ilkley and some mis- cellaneous documents. There is also a paper volume entitled " A Coucher and Breviat booke of the effecte and dates" of the evidences of S r Peter Midleton of Stockeld, Knight, collected in the 17th yere of Kinge James, 161 9." In addition there is a folio paper volume, headed " A Schedule of Deeds, Writings and Instruments, belonging to William Middleton of Stockeld in the County of York, Esquire, taken in the year of our Lord 1757" It contains a rough summary of the deeds in the bags. MD 60 Eighteen deeds and documents, mostly copies of court rolls — Northallerton, Pattrington, Romaldkirk, Wakefield, Wel- wick, Yarm. There is a copy of an extent of Beverley, relating to Patrington, made in 1342. The other documents date from 10 Henry VI to 1767. MD 61 Ten deeds and documents mostly relating to Wakefield and district dating from 1556 to 1 732 . There is one referring to Scarborough (27 Edw. Ill), one to Dewsbury, and a grant, with a good seal, by the prior and monks of St. Nicholas, Exeter (10 Edw III). 30M Nov. 1922, 515536 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY ■'