^1 5AN THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES One Hundred 5* One SANDWICHES COMPILED BY MAY E. SOUTHWORTH PAUL ELDER AND COMPANY PUBLISHERS, SAN FRANCISCO Copyright, 1904. iy PAUL ELDER AND COMPANY REVISED EDITION Copyright, igob The Tomoyf Press CLASSIFICATION FISH EGG SALAD MEAT SWEET NUT CHEESE FISH V ANCHOVY V MIX two teaspoonfuls of the best anchovy paste with a half-cupful of mayonnaise dressing and add three hard-boiled eggs chopped fine. Remove the crusts from a loaf oC brown bread, cut in wafer-like slices, spread with butter and then with the mixture; lay one slice over the other and cut in triangles. V CAVIAR V CUT thin slices from fresh bread, which must be but- tered and the crust removed before cutting. Spread with caviar mixed with lemon-juice. Roll tightly, laying one roll against the other in a damp towel. When all are finished, tie in the towel se- curely, so as to retain the shape until time to serve. V DOMINO V OAUTER the mushrooms in a ^J little butter and sliced onion until tender. Press through a sieve and add an equal quantity of lobster meat pounded smooth. Season with salt, pepper, lemon- juice, and tomato catsup. Use white bread. 7 ^ FRENCH Y MASH the yolks of hard- boiled eggs to a paste, and mix with an equal amount of cold cooked fish. Spread on crisp lettuce leaves and place be- tween bread spread thickly with mayonnaise dressing. Trim the edges and cut into small squares. V JAPAN CHOP raw oysters very fine, season with pepper, salt, and a little tabasco. Lay on thinly buttered white bread with a crisp heart-leaf of lettuce between. Serve while the lettuce is fresh. LOBSTER CHOP fine the meat of the lobster; add the soft parts; season with tabasco sauce, lemon-juice, and oil. Spread upon lightly buttered bread. OYSTER Y FRY the large Eastern oysters. Dip lettuce leaves in French dressing. Put one oyster be- tween each leaf and lay these be- tween slices of buttered white bread. RAVIGOTE BUTTER ONE teaspoonful each of finely chopped tarragon, chervil, shallot, chives, parsley, and gherkins; one teaspoonful lemon- juice, one-half teaspoonful an- chovy paste,one-quarter teaspoonful paprika, dash of nutmeg. Blend thoroughly and mix with two tea- spoonfuls of creamed butter. Color a pale green with spinach -juice, and use very thin white bread. ^ SALMON Tf COOK salmon the day before in a bouillon made of red wine and water (equal parts), salt, peppercorns, a sliced onion, and a bunch of parsley. Let cool and drain. When ready to make sandwiches put in a bowl, with salt, pepper, chopped shallots, and pars- ley, a little vinegar and sweet oil; beat all well with a wire whip and spread between thin slices of white bread. SARDINE V /CAREFULLY skin and bone ^^A the sardines. Pound themeat to a paste, moisten with lemon-juice, and season with cay- enne, pepper and salt. Spread on crisp crackers. fi Y SHAD ROE Y AFTER boiling delicately mash the roe with a fork to sepa- rate the eggs. Add a little chopped pickle, and season with pepper and salt. Spread on thin Graham bread. SHRIMP V ONE cupful of shelled shrimps mashed fine; one tablespoon- ful lemon-juice, two table- spoonfuls of mayonnaise dressing. Blend thoroughly and use white bread. V SURPRISE PLACE a half-cupful of butter and one cupful of boiling water over the fire; when boil- ing beat one cupful of flour into this; when the dough rolls from side of saucepan beat in four eggs, one at a time. Drop by spoonfuls in finger shape on to buttered paper, and bake in a moderate oven until light in weight when lifted. When cool, split open, fill cavities with lobster or some other fish salad and replace top. 13 5jf TEA V MIX one teaspoonful of dry mustard with four table- spoonfuls of butter; add tne yolks of five hard-boiled eggs pressea through a sieve, three boned anchovies, two small pickles, and one teaspoonful of capers, chopped fine. Cut Graham bread into fin- ger shapes and spread with the mixture, and press the two slices together. TOURIST V RUB yolks of hard-boiled eggs through fine strainer; mix with creamed butter. Add sardines, skinned, boned, and mash- ed to a paste. Season with lemon- juice and minced olives. 15 EGG +1* *0ar V EASTER V CUT hard-boiled eggs into slices, sprinkle with salt and pepper plentifully. Spread white bread with butter mixed with a little chopped parsley and fit the thin rounds of egg on one slice and press the other on top. V PICNIC V CHOP hard-boiled eggs fine, mix with mayonnaise, and spread on well -buttered whole-wheat bread. V PLYMOUTH V LAY sliced hard-boiled eggs between crisp lettuce leaves spread with mayonnaise. Spread the bread with butter and press the httuce leaves betwrin *0jr %!* ito* SALAD "Sjf ABERDEEN *jjf SHRED the lettuce with a fork and season with salt, pepper, and lemon-juice. Lay between thinly sliced and buttered rounds of bread. Press a thin slice of tomato on the top of each sand- wich. Jk BICYCLE & SELECT farge firm ripe toma- toes, skin and lay on the ice until chilled. Spread rounds of crustless white bread thick with mayonnaise, lay a slice of tomato on this, sprinkle with pepper and salt; cover with grated Parmesan cheese and press another round of bread cm top. Y BOSTON V PRESScold baked beans through a colander; add two table- spoonfuls of horseradish and two of minced celery to each cup of beans. Season with onion-juice and made mustard. Use the steamed Boston brown bread. ^ BRAND NEW V CHOP two good-sized cucum- bers fine, add a little onion- juice,~a dash of red pepper, and as much mayonnaise dressing 23 as will make it the right consist- ency. Use fresh white bread. Y CAPER V MINCE olives very fine and mix with one -third the quantity of finely chopped capers. Work up smoothly with butter or with oil and season with paprika and celery salt. Spread between strips of buttered rye bread. Y CELERY V TAKE a half-cupful of white celery cut fine and add a quarter of a cupful of pecan or walnut meats chopped fine. Mix with one and one-half table- spoonfuls of mayonnaise dressing and season with salt and cayenne. Spread between water wafers. TAKE fresh unsalted butter and put in a tight jar with the fresh blossoms of clover for several hours until it absorbs the flavor. Cut delicate white bread in exceedingly thin slices and spread with the delicately flavored butter. These are especially nice for after- noon tea. 25 Jf GRAPE Y TAKE the large thin-skin white grapes; skin, cut lengthwise and slip out the seeds. Peel and slice nice sour apples, and cut white celery very thin. Toss all up in French dressing and spread between long narrow strips of white bread. *% GREEN PEPPER TAKE the large sweet bell- pepper; remove seeds and chop fine. Mix with thick, well-seasoned mayonnaise, and add ateaspoonful of onion-juice. Spread on dry, crisp lettuce leaves and put between thin slices of buttered bread. V HORSERADISH Ijf FOUR tablespoonfuls of grated horseradish, one tablespoonful of lemon -juice, three table- spoonfuls butter. Cream the but- ter, and add horseradish and lemon and spread between thin slices of Graham bread. V LETTUCE Y LAY a crisp lettuce leaf sprin- kled with salt between thin slices of bread. Spread with mayonnaise dressing. 27 "Hf MINT CHUTNEY Y SHRED fine a handful of freshly picked mint and mix it with a cupful of seeded and chopped raisins; add two tablespoonfuls of sugar, one of tomato catsup and a saltspoonful of salt. Beat into a soft paste and spread on squares of thin white bread. Tf MOCK OYSTER V BOIL salsify until tender and press through a colander; work smooth with cream, and season with anchovy sauce and cayenne. Use Graham bread. MOSAIC BOIL spinach, drain as dry as possible and put it through a sieve; add chopped parsley and capers and plenty of creamed butter and beat all together until perfectly smooth. Use thin slices of white and brown bread, putting the two together with this "green" butter. NASTURTIUM ONE dozen nasturtium blos- soms, two tablespoonfuls of mayonnaise dressing. Spread white bread with the mayonnaise, 29 and place each blossom overlapping the next half way to give substance to the "filling." Use delicate white bread and roll the sandwiches. Tf ONION TAKE a mild, sweet onion; skin and lay in ice water for an hour before using. Slice very thin, and put between little round slices of well-buttered Bos- ton brown bread cut thin. RIPE OLIVE CHOPripe olivesfine and drain ; mix with mayonnaise. Pack in a jar, and do not spread until needed, as they are apt to make the bread soggy. SPINACH USE cold boiled spinach which when hot was chopped very fine and drained. Mix the spinach with sauce tartare andspread on one slice of bread. Spread the other with butter and the chopped yolks of hard-boiled eggs and press the two slices together. V TARTARE ^f ONE tablespoonful each of chives, capers, gherkins, olives, and tarragon leaves chopped fine; one teaspoonful each 3 1 tarragon, vinegar, and lemon-juice; one-half teaspoonful each French mustard and paprika; two table- spoonfuls butter. Cream the but- ter and blend thoroughly. Use entire-wheat bread. TOMATO CUT white bread into thin slices; then with a circular cutter form into rounds. Spread thinly with butter. Peel, chill, and cut the tomatoes very thin. Place a slice of tomato on each round, dust with pepper, salt, and a speck of lemon-juice, and cover with another circular piece. Garnish the plate with parsley. Tf VIOLET Y TWO cupfuls of fresh violets, one-quarter cupful fresh butter without salt, hard and cold. Put one cupful of the vio- lets in the bottom of a jar and lay the butter on top, and cover with remainder of violets. Cover the jar tightly, and leave for several hours in a cold place. When ready, spread this butter on very thin slices of white bread which has been given a violet bath in the same way. 33 <V WALDORF V PEEL, core and chop fine two Greening apples and an equal quantity of celery. Mix with French dressing. Spread between thin slices of white bread. These must be used as soon as made. $ WATERCRESS V HAVE whole-wheat bread cut very thin and spread with mayonnaise. Take the fresh leaves of the watercress; wipe per- fectly dry, sprinkle with salt and lay between. 35 MEAT *% BACON *Uf TOAST or fry thin bacon until crisp. Drain from fat, and place between thin slices of buttered toast. ^ BEEF Y SEASON a cupful of rare roast beef chopped fine with a little celery salt, tomato catsup and Worcestershire sauce. Add ten drops of onion-juice and a tea- spoonful of melted butter. Mix all thoroughly and spread on buttered white bread. V BISCUIT Y ROLL baking-powder biscuit- dough thin as pastry, and spread with butter ; roll an- other layer and put on top of this. Cut out and bake quickly. Pull apart and spread, while hot, with equal quantities of cold chicken and cold boiled ham chopped fine, sea- soned with celery salt and cayenne, and moistened with mayonnaise. BOHEMIAN TAKE equal quantities of ham and veal, mixed and chopped fine. Season with one tea- spoonful of vinegar, two drops of 39 tabasco, and one-half .teaspoonful of mustard. Use white bread cut into inch-wide strips. CHICKEN BOIL a chicken until perfectly tender. Chop the meat very fine, moistening with a little of the 'liquor it was boiled in. Add a few truffles, about half a cupful of chopped ham, and season with pepper, salt, mustard, and tomato or mushroom catsup. Beat all to- gether until it is like paste. Use white bread cut into dainty shapes. CLUB HOUSE CHOP the meat of one cold boiledchicken very fine. Rub a mixing-bowl well with garlic and place in it the prepared chicken. Add yolks of six hard-boiled eggs previously mashed with a fork, one tablespoonful each of minced pars- ley, vinegar, and lemon-juice, one teaspoonful onion-juice, salt, pep- per, one-half teaspoonful celery salt, and enough olive-oil to moisten sufficiently to spread on bread, which should be thinly sliced and but slightly buttered. 4-1 V CORNED BEEF If CHOP the cold meat very fine, using one-fourth of fat meat. Season with made mustard. Use Boston brown bread with this. Tg IMITATION PATE V QAUTER a half-dozen chicken L_J livers with a little onion in butter until brown, then add well-seasoned chicken stock, and let simmer until tender. Mash with a wooden spoon through a sieve. Season with salt, paprika, mustard, and a dash of curry. Put this pate in an earthen dish and press until cold, when it is ready for the sand- wiches. INDIAN Y TO TWO parts of cooked veal allow one part of cold boiled tongue, and to each cupful of fhc mixture, measured after chop- ping, add one tablespoonful of melted butter, one teaspoonful of essence of anchovy, and one-half teaspoonful of lemon-juice. But- ter and cut the bread, toast each slice a golden brown, spread with the mixture while hot, and put together. Serve cold. 43 LAMB Tf A HALF-CUPFUL of cooked lamb, chopped 5ne,two table- spoonfuls Parmesan cheese, one tablespoonful French mustard, salt, paprika, and a little cream; mix all together until smooth. Spread this on buttered bread and put together with a lettuce leaf dipped in French dressing between each sandwich. MlTRE D'HOTEL REMOVE the crusts from thin slices of white bread and toast; cut into triangles, spread each slice with mayonnaise dressing, lay on this a Boston lettuce leaf, on this a slice of cold fowl, then a slice of broiled bacon. Cover with other triangles of toast. Garnish the top of each with a slice of hard-boiled e gg- MORRISON ^ MINCE cold cooked chicken very fine, add boiled salad- dressing to make moist enough to shape into little rolls about tne size of the little finger, season vrith finely minced celery and a little onion. Cover each roll with baking-powder biscuit crust 45 rolled very thin, pinching the ends tightly shut. Brush with beaten egg, and bake. Make rolls uni- form in size. If MUSTARD V CHOP some cold ham, either fried or boiled, very fine. Spread on well - buttered Graham bread. Take Crosse & Blackwell's mustard pickles, slice "^ery thin, and lay on top of the ham, using a little of the mustard dressing to moisten. MUTTON V SEASON a cupful of finely chopped rare mutton with salt, tomato catsup, and pap- rika; add a teaspoonful of capers chopped fine and mixed with four tablespoonfuls of mayonnaise dress- ing. Spread thin slices of white bread with this mixture. PATE DE FOIE GRAS MIX thoroughly a half-cupful of pate de foie gras with a half-cupful of finely chop- ped game. Spread between thin slices of well-buttered white bread 47 Y PAYSANNE Tf SCRAPE raw beef and season with pepper, salt, and a little onion-juice. Spread on plain bread, and after the sandwiches are made broil them over bright coals until thoroughly heated through. Serve hot. PINARD COOK calf's liver in just enough water to cover it. When it is tender mash it with a wooden spoon, and season with sweet marjoram, clover, pepper and salt ; add enough cream to mix smooth. Take what is known as finger-rolls; split and scrape out most of the crumb, butter the in- side of the shells thus left, and fill with the liver paste. V COOK link sausages in just enough water to cover them, letting the water evaporate and leaving them dry when done. When cold cut into the thinnest slices possible and lay on buttered Graham bread, with a mere wafer of cucumber pickle on top, putting another buttered slice over this. 49 SAVORY V ADD TO a half-cupful of cooke^ JLJL chicken, chopped fine, one tablespoonful of grated cheese. Season with salt, paprika, and mustard. Mix with a little cream and spread between coarse white bread. Y SHEEP'S TONGUE V BOIL a half-dozen tongues in salted water into which has been squeezed the juice of a lemon. When cold chop fine, and season with one tablespoonful ca- pers, one small shallot, two gher- kins, and one tablespoonful pars- ley, all chopped very fine. SMITH ^ CHOP celery and cold boiled chicken very fine. Mix with French dressing and put be- tween thin buttered bread. SORRENTO BO I Lchicken livers, rub through a strainer, and mix with an equal amount of ripe olives chopped very fine. Moisten with mayonnaise dressing. This is used with steamed white bread. Y SWEETBREAD *!f COOK the sweetbreads until tender, drain and put in cold water, and let stand until cold. Pull each section apart, re- moving skin. Chop fine, and to one cupful of sweetbreads add one cupful of cucumbers or celery chopped fine. Moisten with may- onnaise and season with salt and pepper. V SWIFT'S PREMIUM MINCE cold boiled ham and hard-boiled eggs together; place between thin slices of brown bread spread with butter and made mustard. TONGUE AND VEAL EQUAL quantities of cooked tongue and cooked veal chopped fine. Season with horseradish and mix with mayon- naise. TRUFFLE V ONE tablespoonful canned truffles, two tablespoonfuls chicken, two tablespoonfuls sweetbreads, all chopped fine, and mixed with cream mayonnaise dress ing. S3 SWEET CANDIED CHERRIES CHOP conserved cherries very fine, and add about half as many seeded raisins chopped fine. Moisten with sherry, add a little lemon-juice, and stir well. It should be a thick paste. Spread delicate white bread with this and cut into fancy shapes. COCOANUT TO ONE cupful of freshly grated cocoanut add a quar- ter of a cupful of chopped nuts, one teaspoonful of rose-water, and two tablespoonfuls of sugar. Mix thoroughly, and add three ta- blespoonfuls of thick cream. Spread the bread with thick cream instead of butter. COLLEGE GIRLS PREPARE dates by removing the pits and the hard shell- like white part. Chop fine and mix with marshmallows that have been heated until soft. Mix thoroughly and use brown bread cut very thin. 57 V COVENTRY T( ROLL puff-paste very thin and cut in shape; butter it over with strawberry preserve. Cover this with the other half of the paste, press edges together, and trim neatly. Bake in a quick oven until a golden brown. When nearly done draw to the door of the oven, brush the surface with the yolk of an egg mixed with a few drops of milk, sift powdered sugar thinly over the top, and re- turn to oven until nicely colored. CRYSTALLIZED GINGER USE equal quantities of pre- served ginger and candied orange peel chopped fine. Mix with thick cream and a little orange-juice to make it stick to- gether. Cut delicate white bread very thin and butter it lightly. ^ DATE V ONE-HALF cupful of dates and one-half cupful of Eng- lish walnuts chopped fine and mixed with one-half cupful of cream. Spread entire-wheat bread with butter and put on a thin layer 59 ,of the mixture. Cut in rounds ana put tne nalt or an English walnut meat dipped in the white of an egg on the top of each. Do not cover with a second slice. V FONCHONETTS EQUAL quantities of banana pulp mixed with red rasp- berries mashed. Sweeten and mix with cream. V MADRAS If TAKE tour tablespoonfuls of chutney and mix thoroughly with one -half teaspoonful French mustard and one teaspoon- ful lemon-juice. Add four tea- spoonfuls butter that has been creamed. This is best with Graham or brown bread. MARASCHINO If PEEL and slice two bananas, the round way, very thin; put over them two table- spoonfuls of maraschino, a little lemon-juice and sprinkle with fine sugar; let them stay in this for an hour or more. The thin slices of bread or bun for these sandwiches are spread with cream, sweetened with a little honey, instead of but- ter, and the prepared banana laid on tie half-slice in a single layer. 61 ^ ORIENTAL V BOIL together for a moment four tablespoonfuls of sugar and three of water; when cool add the juice of half an orange and a quarter of a pound of conserved pineapple chopped fine. Cut slices of whole-wheat bread into rounds about three inches in diameter, butter and cover with the fruit, pressing a conserved cherry in the center of each. Do not cover with second slice. TOURAINE V USE whole-wheat bread; re- move all crusts and cut in wafer-like slices. Spread with butter and cover each slice with melted sweet chocolate ; dust over at once with chopped pistachio nuts, press a buttered slice on top and cut into strips an inch wide and the length of the slice. Stand aside an hour or more to harden. TUTTI-FRUTTI ^ CHOP fine one-half cupful each of conserved cherries, gages and apricots. Wet the paste with a little wild-cherry liquor and mix with the whipped white of an egg flavored with vanilla. Spread thin on single wafers. 6* *% VERANDA ^ CHOP fine the soft figs that come in baskets or boxes, putting a little flour on the chopping knife to keep them from sticking; add an equal quantity of chopped pecan meats. Mix with cream until it will spread readily. Use brown bread free from crusts and cut very thin. Roll each sand wich and hold with a wooden tooth pick. v N ' U T *Uf CELESTINE If BLANCH, dry and grind a quarter of a pound of al- monds and the same quantity of black walnuts and pecan nuts ; add sufficient mayonnaise dressing to bind them together. Use whole- wheat bread, butter each slice gen- erously, spread with the nut mix- tare; press another buttered slice on top, trim off the crusts and edges and cut into fancy shapes. Tg CHESTNUT V OHELL and boil a handful cf I*.) chestnuts. Drain well, and when cold chop fine, with an equal amount of tart apples and tender white celery. Mix with creamed butter, and season with made mustard, paprika, and vine- gar. Use white bread. PEANUT CHOP the meats fine, or put through a coffee-mill, salt to taste, and add a little sherry or port wine to make thick pa'ice. Spread between buttered bread* V PEANUT BUTTER ^ ONE-HALF box of peanut butter, one dozen olives stoned and chopped fine. Season with lemon-juice and salt. Y PECAN ^ ONE cupful pecan meats chop- ped very fine, mixed with two tablespoonfuls of may- onnaise cream dressing. Use en- tire-wheat bread. V WALNUT Y SHELL half a pound of Eng- lish walnuts. Put the kernels into a pint of boiling water and boil for a minute. Drain and cover with stock; add a bay-leaf, a few celery tops and a slice of onion; ook gently for twenty minutes; drain, chop fine and season with salt and cayenne. Take very thin slices of the little round loaf of Boston brown bread, spread with butter and then with the chopped walnut meats. CHEESE V V V V BERNAISE V DIP the crisp inner leaves of lettuce in a French dressing just an instant only an instant, if you wish them crisp. Lay them between thin slices of buttered brown bread on which has been spread cream cheese made soft with cream. V BERNE V CUT bread very thin and spread with soft butter. Between the pieces place thin slices of Swiss cheese spread with made mus- tard. "Hf COTTAGE V ONE-HALF cupful of cottage cheese, one teaspoonful of anchovy essence, and one- half teaspoonful paprika. Spread on Graham bread. Y FROMAGE V GRATE any cheese; rub it to a paste with butter, and spread the bread; dust with salt and pepper. Cut into strips, and serve with salad. 7C V GRUYERE Y CUT Gruyere cheese into thin slices; lay it on thin slices of brown bread. Fix an equal number of pieces of bread, spread with French mustard, and press the two together. Y HARLEQUIN Y SPREAD brown bread with cot- tage cheese, seasoned with melted butter, salt, and a little cream. Place a thin layer of but- ter on two slices of white bread, cut to fit the brown, put one on the side which has the cheese. Spread the other side of the brown bread with French mustard, and add to this side the other slice of white bread. Garnish the top of each sandwich with an olive cut in half. Y MOCK CRAB V TAKE four tablespoonfuls of grated cheese and rub to a smooth paste with two table- spoonfuls of butter ; one-half tea- spoonful each of salt and dry mus- tard, a dash of tabasco, and a tea- spoonful of anchovy paste moist- ened with vinegar. Spread between thin slices of dry toast. 77 V RAMBLER *$ CUT American cheese in slices as thin as a wafer, sprinkle it with salt, and place between thin slices of well-buttered brown bread. TWO tablepoonfuls Roque- fort cheese, two tablespoon- fuls of cream cheese, one- quarter teaspoonful paprika. Rub smooth with two tablespoonfuls of cream. Use Kennedy biscuits. Y RUSSIAN V /- SPREAD thin slices of Boston brown bread, buttered, with Neufchatel cheese. Spread also an equal number of slices, buttered, with finely chopped pimentos, mixed with mayonnaise dressing. Press together in pairs, with a crisp heart-leaf of lettuce between. V SPANISH V SPREAD buttered Graham bread with mustard, then with a layer of cottage cheese, and then with a layer of chopped olives mixed with mayonnaise. 79 V TOBOGGAN RUB a cake of good fresh cream cheese to a paste with a little sweet cream ; add ripe olives, stoned, shaved into tiny thin bits, the quantity to suit the taste. Sea- son with salt. The bread should be twenty-four hours old, the crust taken off and the thin slices cut in triangular shapes. Y n M V TO ONE Sierra cream cheese add cine-half the quantity of butter and one drop of ta- basco and a. taste of Worcester- shire. Beat to a cream and spread saltines; sprinkle paprika on top. ^f VEDETTE V MIX equal parts of grated Swiss cheese and chopped English walnuts. Season with salt and cayenne. Use brown bread very generously spread with butter. V WIGWAM V RUB the yolks of three hard- boiled eggs to a smooth paste. Mix in very slowly two table- spoonfuls of salad oil, stirring with a fork all the time. Add a little mustard, cayenne, and salt, and a tablespoonful of vinegar. When thoroughly mixed add a cup of grated cheese. 81 INDEX FISH PAGE Anchovy . . .7 Caviar ...... 7 Domino ..... 7 French ..... 9 . Japan 9 Lobster ..... 9 Oyster . . . . -9 Ravigote Butter . . . 1 1 Salmon . . . . . 1 1 Sardine . . . . . 1 1 Shad Roe . . . . . 13 Shrimp . . . , . 13 Surprise . , . 1 3 Tea 15 Tourist . . . . I5 EGG Easter . . . , . 19 ' Picnic . . , . .19 Plymouth . v . . 19 SALAD Aberdeen . . . . -23 Bicycle . . . . . 23 Boston . . . . , 23 Brand New .... 23 Caper . . . . .25 Celery . . . . . 25 Esthetic . . . . .25 Grape ..... 27 Green Pepper . . . . 27 Horseradish . . . . 27 Lettuce . . . . .27 Mint Chutney .... 29 Mock Oyster . . . .29 Mosaic ..... 29 Nasturtium . . . .29 Onion . . . . 31 Ripe Olive . . . .31 SALAD Conttnutd PAGK Spinach . . . . 3 f Tartare . . . . . 3 1 Tomato 33 Violet . . . . . 33 Waldorf 35 Watercress . . . . 35 MEAT Bacon . . . . -39 Beef 39 Biscuit . . . . -39 Bohemian . . . . 30 Chicken . . . . .41 Club House . . . . 4.1 Corned Beef . . . .43 Imitation Pate . . . . 43 Indian . . . . .43 Lamb ..... 45 Maitre d' Hotel . . . .45 Morrison . . . . 45 Mustard . . . . -47 Mutton .... 47 Pate de Foie Gras . . . -47 Paysanne .... 49 Pinard . . . . . 49 Sausage ..... 49 Savory . . . . .51 Sheep's Tongue . . . 51 Smith . . *. . .51 Sorrento . . . . 51 Sweetbread . . . . .53 Swift's Premium . . . 53 Tongue and Veal . . . .53 Truffle 53 SWEET Candied Cherries . . . . 57 Cocoanut . . . . 57 College Girls . . . .57 Coventry . . . . 59 SWEET Continue or PAOE Crystallized Ginger 59 Date 59 Fonchonetts . 61 Madras .... 61 Maraschino . . . 61 Oriental .... . 63 Touraine' . . . - 63 Tutti-Frutti . 63 Veranda . . . - 65 NUT Celestine . 69 Chestnut . 69 Peanut . . . . 69 Peanut Butter . . . 71 Pecan .... 7i Walnut ' 7i CHEESE Bernaise ... 75 Berne . . . 75 Cottage . . . , 75 Fromage . . 75 Gruyere . . 77 Harlequin . , 77 Mock Crab 77 Rambler . * . 79 Roquefort . . 79 Russian . . 79 Spanish .... 79 Toboggan . . . . 81 12 M . 81 Vedette . 81 Wigwam 81