OOLOGY LIBRARY BIOL03Y LIBRARY HORTUS LIGNOSUS LOWDINENSIS ; OR, A CATALOGUE OF ALL THE LIGNEOUS PLANTS, INDIGENOUS AND FOREIGN, HARDY AND HALF-HARDY, CULTIVATED IN THE GARDENS AND GROUNDS IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD OF LONDON : WITH ALL THEIR SYNONYMES, SCIENTIFIC AND POPULAR, INCLUDING THEIR FRENCH, GERMAN, AND ITALIAN NAMES J AND WITH THEIR NATIVE COUNTRY, HABIT, HABITATION IN THE GARDEN, ETC. TO WHICH ARE ADDED t3)e limes* at $?arlrg wt& airtr gfyvubg IN THE PRINCIPAL NURSERIES OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH, AND AT BOLLWYLLER IN FRANCE, AND IN HAMBURG. BY J. C. LOUDON, F.L.S. &c. AUTHOR OF THE " ARBORETUM ET FRUTICETUM BRITANNICUM," ETC. LONDON: PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR; AND SOLD BY LONGMAN, ORME, BROWN, GREEN, AND LONGMANS, PATERNOSTER-ROW. 1838. MAIN I/O NT/ON : Printed by A. SFOXTISWOODK, New- Street- Square PREFACE. THE following sheets comprise a part of the Contents of the Arboretum et Fruticetum Britannicum ; and the Priced Lists at the end form a part of the Appendix to that work. It was thought that some impressions of these sheets, done up as a thin pocket volume, might be useful to Gardeners and Amateurs, even though they were already in possession of the Arboretum ; the bulk of that work rendering it inconvenient for use in the garden or the shrubbery. The Priced Catalogues, it is thought, will be extremely useful, as showing the kinds of trees and shrubs of which seeds or plants may actually be purchased in British seedshops and nurseries, and the retail prices of them. See on this subject p. 133. of the present volume. It is almost unnecessary to observe that the pages, figures, and plates, referred to in the Hortus Lignosus, are those of the Arboretum et Fruti- cetum Britannicum. J. C. L. Bayswater, July 2. 1838. 667794 This Day is published, In Eight Volumes, 8vo, (Four of Letterpress and Four of Plates,) consisting of above 3000 Pages of Letterpress, above 400 Octavo Plates of Trees, and upwards of 2500 Woodcuts of Trees and Shrubs, besides numerous Diagrams, &c., explanatory of Culture and Management, Price 10?., neatly bound in doth and lettered, ARBORETUM ET FRUTICETUM BRITANNICUM; Or, the Trees and Shrubs of Great Britain, Native and Foreign, pictorially and botanically delineated, and scientifically and popularly described : with their Propagation, Culture, Management, and Uses in the Arts, in Useful and Ornamental Plantations, and in Landscape- Gardening. Preceded by a Historical and Geographical Outline of the Trees and Shrubs of Temperate Climates throughout the World. By J. C. LOUDON, F.L.H.S.,&c. Author of the " Encyclopaedia of Gardening," the " Suburban Gardener," &c. THIS Work contains portraits from nature, to a scale of a quarter of an inch to a foot, of all the Trees which endure the open air in Britain, of the sizes which they attain in ten years in the neighbourhood of London ; with Botanical Figures in Flower, and in Fruit or Seed, to a scale of two inches to a foot. It also contains Portraits of full-grown Trees, to the scale of ^ of an inch to a foot, of at least one Species of all the principal Genera, drawn from Nature by eminent Artists (G. R. Lewis, H. W. Jukes, &c.), from Specimens within ten miles of London, &c. Of all the principal Shrubs in Britain, it contains Engravings of Botanical Specimens in Flower, to a scale of two inches to a foot ; and many of the Half-Hardy Shrubs are also illustrated by Engravings to the same scale. The Letterpress is in Three Parts. Part I. contains the History of the Introduction of Foreign Trees and Shrubs into Britain, with the History and Geography of the Trees and Shrubs of temperate Climates throughout the World. Part II. contains: 1. The Study of the Organisation, Physiology, Physiognomy, and all that may be considered as the Botany or Natural History of Trees ; and 2. The Study of what relates to their Propagation, Culture, Uses in the Arts, Medicine, Landscape- Gardening, > Forest- Planting, Agriculture, &c., or what may be called the Economical History of Trees. Part III. contains the Application of the Theory laid down in Part II., in the De- scription, Natural History, and Economical History of the Trees which endure the open air in Britain, taken individually; and in this Part all the Species and Varieties are described which are enumerated in the Hortus Lignosus, and most of them are figured. " By far the most complete work on the interesting subject of Arboriculture that has hitherto appeared in this, or, as far as we know, in any other language Indispensable to every Land Proprietor, Land Steward, and Forester, who may wish to lay claim to the appellation of Planter. ... He will find much that is original, combined with all that has been written worthy of perusal, up to the present time, on the subject of arboriculture. ' ' ( Quarterly Journal of Agriculture. ) London : Printed for the Author ; and sold by Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longmans. HORT US LIGNOSUS LONDIN felMlS OR, A CATALOGUE OF THE HARDY AND HALF-HARDY TREES AND SHRUBS CULTIVATED IN THE GARDENS AND NURSERIES IN THE ENVIRONS OF LONDON. The Synonymes are printed in Italics. The letters pi. refer to the portraits of entire trees in the Arboretum Britannicum; and the letters fig. and/, to the botanical figures incorporated in the text of that work. Page RanunculdcecB Dec. -*.-* 231 Sect. I. CLEMATI'DEJE. A JL 232 I. C'LE'MATIS L. A fl_ - - 232 THE CLEMATIS, or Virgin's Sower. Ladies' Sower, Gerard. Cttmatite, Fr. Waldrebe, Ger. Clematide, Ital. i. Flammula Dec. 1 _J - 233 1. Flammula L. A France fig. 9. 233 The inflammatory-jwz'ccd Clematis. C. for ens Gerard. C. maritima All. Fed. C. suaveolens Sal. Prod. The sweet-scented Virgin's Bower. Clematite odor ante, Fr. Scharje Waldrebe, Ger. Varieties - 233 2 rptundifolia Dec. A C.fr&grans Zea. 3 maritima Dec. _& 4 rubella Dec. A 5 csespitosa Dec. A C. ccespitbsa Scop. C. Flammula Bertol. 2. orientalis L. A Levant fig. 10. 234 The Oriental Clematis. Flammula scandens Dill. Elt. Clematis fldva Mcench Meth. 3. glaucaWWd. A Siberia fig. 11. 235 The glaucous-leaved Clematis. 4. chinensis Retz. A China - 235 The Chinese Clematis. 5. paniculata Thunb. A Japan - 235 The panicled Clematis. 6. Vitalba L. A England fig. 12. 235 The White Vine Clematis. Athrdgene Theoph. Vltis sylvestris Diosc. Clematis latifblta, seu Atrdgene, Ray. C. Alter a Matth. C. tertia Comm. Vidrna Ger. and Lob. \\tis nlgra Fuchs. Vitalba TDod. Traveller's Joy, Old Mans Beard, Bind- with, Common Virgin's Bower, Wild Climber, Great Wild Climber. Page Clematite brulante, Clematite des Hayes, L'Herbe aux Gueux, La Viorne des Pauvres, Fr. Gemeine Waldrebe, Ger. Variety 2 integrata JL 236 7. virginiana L. 1 N. America f. 13. 237 The Virginian Clematis. C. canaddnsis Tourn. C. cordifblia Moanch. Variety - - 237 2 bracteata Dec. A C. bractedta Moench. 8. triternata Dec. A E. Indies - 238 The triternate-leaved Clematis. Atragene triternata Desf. 9. Viorna L. A N. America fig. 14. 238 The Road-ornamenting Clematis. C. purpurea repens Ray. Flammula scandens Dill. Leathery-flowered Clematis. Glocken-bluthige Waldrebe, Ger. Variety - - 238 2 Simsit A 10. cylindrica Sims.A N.Am. fig. 15. 239 The cylindrical -./ZoweraZ Clematis. C. crispa Lam. C. Viorna Andr. C. divaricdta Jacq. Long-flowered Virgin's Bower. 11. Simsw Swt. 1 N. America f. 16. 240 Sims's Clematis. C. cor data Sims. 12. reticulata Walt. A N. Am. f. 17. 240 The net-veineA-leaved Clematis. C. rbsea Abbott, ii. Viticella Dec. 1 - 240 13. florida Thunb. A Japan fig. 18. 240 The florid Clematis. Atrdgene indica Desf. A. florida Pers. Cl&matite d grandes Fleurs, Fr. Grosbllithige Waldrebe, Ger. Variety flore pleno A a 241 BANUNCULA\1EJE. 14. Viticella L. 1 Spain - fig. 19. 241 The Vine-bower Clematis. Viticella deltbidea Mcench. The red-flowered Lady's Bower, Gerard. Italianische Waldrebe, Ger. Varieties - - 241 1 caerulea _& 2 purpurea _i 3 multiplex G. Don. _& C. pulchella Pers. 4 tenuifolia Dec. 1 5 baccata Dec. A 15. campaniflora Brot. 1 Sp. f. 20. 242 The Bell-flowered Clematis. C. viornbldes Schrad. C.parvifttira Dec. 16. crispa L. N.America f. 21. 243 The curled-sepaled Clematis. C.fldre crispo Dill. Elth. iii. Cheiropsis Dec. fl_ - 243 17. cirrhosai. 6- - fig. 22. 243 The tendriled Clematis. Atrdgene cirrhosa Pers. Traveller's Joy of Candia, Spanish Travel- ler's Joy, Johnson's Gerard. Spanish Wild Cucumber, Parkinson. Evergreen Clematis. Einfachblattrige Waldrebe, Ger. Variety - - 243 2 pedicellata Dec. fi_ C. baledrica Pers. C. pedicellata Swt. C. cirrhbsa Sims. 18. balearica Pick. _ Minorca - 244 The Minorca Clematis. C. calyclna Ait. CUmatite de Mahon, Fr. iv. Anemoniflbra. A 19. montanaHam._& Nepal f. 23, 24. 245 The Mountain Clematis. C. Anemoniflbra D. Don. App. i. Doubtful Species of Clematis. 246 C. terniflbra Dec., biternata Dec., dahurica Dec., diversifblia >PC., japonica Dec., semitriloba Dec., campanifl6ra Dec. App. ii. Anticipated Introductions. 246 C. nepalensis, pallescens, witifblia, Buchanamana, intricata, holosericea, Walter*, Catesbyma Desf. 22. kahiricum Del. *. _j Egypt The Cairo Helianthemum. Ctttut stipuldtus /9 Forsk. 335 Page v. Fumana Dec. . I !U _J 335 23. Fumana Mill. . France f. 72. 336 The Fumana Helianthemum. Cistus Fum3na L. Cistus humilis, seu Chanueclstus Erlcte fblio luteus erectior, Bauh. Varieties tt. 336 2 major Dec. - 2 minor Dec. . 3 virgata Dec. tt. 24. procumbens Dun. IS. Europe 336 The procumbent Heath-like Helianthemum. Cistus humilis, sive Cham&cistus Ericera2 Helianthemum. Cistus crbceus Desf. Varieties - 341 50. Andersom Swt. . Hybrid - 342 Anderson's Helianthemum. 51. nudicaule Dunal. - J Spain - 342 The naked-stemmed Helianthemum. 52. glaucum Pres. . -J Spain - 342 The glaucous Helianthemum. Cistus glaucus Cav. Varieties _ 342 acutiusculum Dec. . obtusiusculum Dec. . 53. tomentosum Dunal. t* France 342 The tomentose Helianthemum. 54. barbatum Pers. . S. Europe 343 The be&rded-racemed Helianthemum. Cistus barbdtus Lam. 55. leptophyllum Dunal. * -- 1 Spain 343 The slender-leaved Helianthemum. Cisttis angustifdlius Lag. Cistus stcechadtfblius Hort. Page 56. acuminatum Pers. , France - 343 The acuminated Helianthemum. Cistus serpyllifblius Balb. Cistus acuminutus Niv. 57. .yerpyllifolium Mill, t, S. Europe 343 The Wild- Thyme -leaved Helianthemum. Cistus serpylli/dlius L. 58. vulgare Gczrt. JU Britain - 343 The common Helianthemum. Cislus Helianthemum L. Varieties - - 344 Double-flowered. Lee's new double yellow. Tomentose pubescent branches, Dec. Branches glabrous at the base, Dec. 59. surrejanura Mill. )U England 344 The Surrey Helianthemum. Cistus surrejanus L. 60. ovatum Dunal. 9~. Geneva 344 The ovate-/eat>e<7 Helianthemum. Cistus ovatus Viv. 61. grandiflorum Dec. !U Pyrenees 344 The large-flowered Helianthemum. Cistus grandifldrus Scop. 62. obscurum Pers. ^ S. Europe - 344 The obscure Helianthemum. H. obscurum a Dec. 63. tauricum Fisch. JU Tauria - 345 The Taurian Helianthemum. 64. lucidum Horn. *~ - 345 The shining-tewed Helianthemum. 65. nummularium Mill. !U France 345 The Moneywort-leaved Helianthemum. Cistus nummuldrtus a, L. H. obscurum /3 nummulctriutn Dec. H. angustifdlium Hort. 66. angustifolium Pers. *~. Cyprus The narrow -leaved Helianthemum. Cistus angiistifiilivs Jacq. ? H. nummularium Dec. 67. hirtum Pers. !U _J Spain The hairy Helianthemum . Cistus hirtus L. Varieties t~ bai'ticum Dec. JU alireum Dec. J- teretifolium Dec. IU 345 - 345 - 346 346 - 346 68. Lagascera2 St. John's Wort H.fasciculatum Willd. H. Cdris Walt. 20. glandulosum Ait. tL i _ I Madeira 402 The glandular St. John's Wort. 21. serpyllifolium Lam. jot Levant 402 The Wild-Thyme-leaved St. John's Wort. 14 Page 22. empetrifolium Willd. ML -J S. Europe fig. 108. 402 The Empetrum-leaved St. John's Wort. 23. Cons L. **. J Levant. 402 The Cotis-leaved St. John's Wort. 24. ericoides .*-_! Spain 4O2 The Heath-like St. John's Wort. iii. "Brdthyce Chois. J* I 402 25. fasciculatnm Lam. * I Carolina 402 The fascicled-leaved St. John's Wort. H. aspalatholdcs Pursh. App. i. Other Species of Hypericum. 403 flT. repens, H. linearifolium, H. oblongifblium, and H. japouicum Dec. ii. ^NDROS^TMUM chou. . 397. 403 THE ANDROS^MUM, or Tutsan. Hypfricum L. Androslme, Fr. Johanniskraut, Ger. ]. officinalis Allioni. Levant - f. 109. 403 The officinal Androsaemum, or common Tutsan. Clymenon Italorum L'Obel. Hypericum kndrosafmum L. Park Leaves. Androseme officinale, Fr. Breit-btattriges (broad-leaved) Johanms- kiaut, Ger. Acerdcea Lindl. 3fe_J 404 ^ I 405 THE MAPLE. Arable, Fr. n, Ger. , Ital. ;, Spanish. Nepal fie;. 113. ^ 405 pi. 23. f. 114. - 406 1. oblongum in p. 433. The oblong-fctf^d Maple. A. \aurijotium L). uon. A. Buzimpala Hamilt. 2. tataricum L. % Tartary in p. 434. The Tartarian Maple. E'rable de Tartarie, Fr. Tartarische Ahorn, Ger. Zarza-modon, or Locust Tree, Russ. 3 soicatum L. * North America pi. 24. fig. 115. in p. 435. - - 406 The spi\ie-flowered Maple. A montunum Ait. A. pennsylvdnicum Du Roi. A. parviflbrum Ehrh. Mountain Maple. E'rable de Montagne, Fr. Serge Ahorn, Ger. 4 striatum L. North America pi. 25. fig. 116. in p. 436, 437. - 407 The striped-barked Maple. A. pennsylvunicum L. A. canudtnsc Marsh. Snake-barked Maple, Moose Wood, Striped Maple, E'rable jaspt, Fr. Gcstreiftcr Ahorn, Ger. Page 5. macrophyllum Pursh.% North America pi. 26. fig. 117. in p. 438,439., and 118. in p. 440, 441. - - 408 The long, or large, leaved Maple. 6. platanoides L. t Europe pi. 27. fig. 119. in p. 442,443. - 408 The Platanus-like, or Nonvay, Maple. E'rable plane, E'rable de Norvege, Fr. Spttz-Ahorn, Spitz-bldttriger Ahorn, Ger. Varieties. * 2 Lobelw * f. 120. in p. 444. 409 Lobel's Platanus-like Maple. A. Lobelii Tenore. A. platanb'ldes Don's Mill. 3 pubescens Hayne. * The downy-leaved Platan us-like Maple. 4 variegatum Hort. - 409 The silver variegated-towed Platanus- like Maple. ulbo variegatum Hayne. 5 aureo variegatum $ - 409 The golden variegated-tezued Platanus-like Maple. 6 laciniatum Dec. pi. 28. fig. 121. in p. 445. - 409 The cut-leaved Platanus-like Maple. ? A. p. crispum Lanth. The Eagle's Claw, or Hawk's Foot Maple. 7. saccharinum L. t North America pi. 29. fig. 122. in p. 446, 447. 41 1 The Sugar Maple. Rock Maple, Hard Maple, Sird's-Ei/e Maple. Variety *t - 41 1 2 nigrum If The black Sugar Tree, or Rock Maple. A. nigrum Michx. 8. Pseudo-Platanns L. Europe pi. 30, 31. fig. 123. in p. 448, 449. 414 The Mock Plane Tree, the Sycamore, or Great Maple. Plane Tree, Scotch. E'rable Sycamore, E'rable blanc de Mon- tagne, Fausse Platane, Grand E'rable, Ehrenbaum, Weisser Ahorn, Gemeine Ahorn, Ger. Varieties. 2 flava variegata *t - - 414 The yellow variegated Sycamore, or Costorphine Plane, with leaves variegated with yellow. 3 albo variegata Hayne - 414 The white variegated-Zeawd Syca- more. 4 purpurea Hort. 5 - - 415 The purple-towed Sycamore. 5 subobtusa Dec. - - 415 The half-obtuse-fraflfd Sycamore. A. opulifolium Thuil. A. \itifblium Opiz. 15 Other Varieties - -415 Hodgkins's Seedling, Hort. Leslie's Seedling, Hort. stenoptera Hayne. macro ptera Hayne. microptera Hayne. 9, obtusatum Kit. Hungary pi. 32. fig. 124. in p. 450, 451. - 420 The obtuse-lobed-leaved Maple. A. neapolitanum Tenore. A. hybridum Hort. The Neapolitan Maple. 10. barbatum Michx. North America pi. 33. fig. 125. in p. 452. - 420 The bearded-caZy.rfd Maple. A. carolinianum Bolt. A. trilobatum Hort. 11. O'palus Dec. *t Italy pi. 34. fig. 126. in p. 453. - 421 The Opal, or Italian, Maple. A. O'palus L. A. rotundifolium Lam. A. itulicum Lanth. A. villbsum Pres. U 1 E'rable Opale, E'rable d. Feuilles rondes, E'rable d' Italic, Fr. Variety % ? A. coriaceum Lodd. - 421 12. opulifblium Vill. 3E Pyrenees - 421 The Guelder-Rose-leaved Maple. A. hispdnicum Pour. A. vernum Reyn. A. montanum G. Bauhin. E'rable duret, E'rable d. Feuilles d'Obicr, Ay art in Dauphine, Fr. Schneeboll-blattriger Ahorn, Ger. 13. circinatum Pursh. North America fig. 11 2., and fig. 127. in p. 454. 422 The round-leaved Maple. ^ 14. palmatum Thunb. 3& I Japan fig. 128. in p. 455. - 422 The palmate-leaved Maple. 15. eriocarpum Michx. *t N. Amer. pi. 35, 36. fig. 129. in p. 456. - 423 The hairy-fruited, or white, Maple. A. dasycarvum Willd. A. tomentdsum Hort. Par. A. glaiicum Marsh. A. virginianum Duh. A. riibrum Wagenh. White, or soft, Maple, U. S. Sir Charles Wager's Maple. E'rable a Fruits cotonneux, E'rable blanc, Fr. Ranker Ahorn, Ger. 16. riibrum L. N. America pi. 37, 38. fig. 130. in p. 457. - - 424 The red-flowering, or scarlet, Maple. A. virginianum Herm. A. cocclneum Ait. Soft Maple, Swamp Maple, Red Maple. E'rable rouge, Fr. Rother Ahorn, Ger. Varieties 2 coccineum ^ 3 intermedium Page - 424 17. monspessulanum L. *t South Europe pi. 39, 40. fig. 131. in p. 458. 427 The Montjjelier Maple. A. trilobum Mcench. A. trijtilium Duh. A. trilobatum Lam. E'rable de Montpelier, Fr. Franzb'sischer Ahorn, Ger. 18. campestre L. Europe pi. 4 1,42. fig. 132. in 458. - . 428 The common, or Field, Maple. E'rable champetre. Fr. Kleiner Ahorn, Feld Ahorn, Ger. Varieties. 1 hebecarpum Dec. X - 428 The downy-fruited Field Maple. A. campestre Wallr. A. molle Opiz. 2 foliis variegatis - 428 The variegated-leaved Field Maple. A. Pseudo-Tlutanus. 3 collinum Wallr. - 428 The \\i\\-inhabiting Field Maple. A. qff\ne and A. macrocdrpum Opiz. 4 austriacum Tratt. Arch, 428 The Austrian Field Maple. 19. creticum L. ? Crete pi. 43. fig. 132. in p. 459. - . 430 The Cretan Maple. A. heteroph-yllum Willd. A. semperv)rens L. E'rable de Crete, Fr. Cretischer Ahorn, Ger. App. i. Doubtful Species of Aver. - 430 J. O'palus, A. _opulif61ium, A. barbatum, A. coria- ceum,^. Lobehe, A. nJgrum, ^.jolatanoides, A. SSStf^.tiiSBf^ ^-obtusifblium, A. App. ii. Anticipated Species of AVer, f 431 . ib^ricum Bieb. *f. . obtusifolium Sibth. ^ parvifolium Tausch. *f. A. creticttm of some, A. monspessulanum of others. glabrum Torrey. * laevigatum Wall, att . acuminatum Wall. *l . cultratum Wall. y. . caudatum Wall. *f . villdsum Wall. & . sterculiaceum Wall.** . diss^ctum Thun. *t .japdnicum Thun. * septenilobum Thun. * pictum Thun. \t j . trifidum Thun. * A. truncatum Bunge. * App. iii. Half-hardy Species of AVer. 432 *_J &^\ A. palmatum Thun. & | A. oblo'ngum Wall. ^ | j II. NEGU'NDO Moench. If 405.460. THE NEGUNDO, or Box Elder. AVer L. Negundium Rafin. 16 I. /raxinifolium Nutt. Page North America pi. 44. 460 The Ash-leaved Negundo. A^cer Negundo L. N. acerb'Mes Mcench. Negundium americanum Rafin. The Ash-leaved Maple, The black Ash. E'rabls a Feuilles de Frene, Fr. E'rable d Giguteres, Illinois. Eschenbttittriger Ahorn, Ger. Variety $ 460 2 crispum G. Don. - pi. 45. The curled-leaved Ash-leaved Negundo, or Sox Elder App. i. Anticipated Species of Negundo. 462 N. rnexicanum Dec. ^ A iernatum Moc. ? N. fraxinifolium var. Dec. N. cochinchine-nse Dec. % App. I. Other Acerdcea. vulgaris HamiU. & - 462 - 462 - 462 JEsculdcece Lindl. t Castaneacece Link. Hippocastanete Dec. I. JS'SCULUS L. * THE HORSECHESTNUT. Hippocdstanum Tourn. Marronier d'Inde, Fr. Rosskastanie, Ger. 1. Hippocastanum i. 3t ..... pi. 46, 47. 463 The common Horsechestnut. Hippocdstanum vulgare Tourn. Marronier d'Inde, Fr. Gemcine Rosskastanie, Ger. Varieties. $ 2 flore pleno - 463 The double-flowered Horsechestnut. 3 variegata - - 463 The variegated-feawd Horsechestnut. 2. (H.) ohioensis Michx. 2 N. Am. 467 The Ohio ^sculus, or Horsechestnut. 3. (H.) rubicunda Lois. N. America pi. 48. 467 The reddish -flowered JEsculus, or Horsechestnut. IE. cdrnea Hort. ^E. rdsea Hort. ^E. coccinea Hort. JE. Hippocdstanum var. rubtcundum Schu- bert Whitley'sjine scarlet. 4. (H.) glabra Willd. North America fig. 133. 467 The smooth-leaved JEsculus, or Horsechestnut. 5. (H.) pallida Willd. t N. Am. f. 134.468 The pale-flowered JEsculus, or Horsechestnut. Gelbliche Rosskastanie, Ger. 6. (H.) Lyomz Hort. Lyon's JEsculus. 468 Page App. i. Other Sorts or Varieties of ^E culus. 468 Whitley's fine scarlet JE. americkna JE. H. incisum JE. H. pre'cox JE.. H. torluosum ^B. H. nigrum II. PA V V/^ Boerh. ^ afe 462. 469 THE PAVIA, or Smooth-fruited Horsechestnut Tree. Pavier, Fr. 1. riibra Lam. N.Am. pi. 49, 50. 469 The red-flowered Pavia. JE'sculus Pavia L. JE'sculus Pavia var. et riibra Hayne. P. parviflbra Hort. Small Buckeye, Amer. Marronier Pavie, Pavie d Fleurs rouges, Fr. Rothe Rosskastanie, Ger. Varieties. 2 arguta G. Don t fig. 135. 469 The sharp-toothed-leaved red-flow- ered Pavia. JE' sculus Pdvia parviflbra Hort. 3 sublaciniata Wats. IE - 470 The slightly cut-leaved red-flowered Pavia. 4 humilis & - pi. 51. 470 The dwarf red-flowered Pavia. P. humilis G. Don. JE'sculus humilis Lodd. 5 humilis pendula $ - 470 The pendulous-branched dwarf red-flowered Pavia. 2. flava Ztec. Carolina pi. 52,53. 471 The yellow-flowered Pavia. JE'sculus flava Ait. JE. lutca Wangh. P. lutea Poir. The large Buckeye, Big Buckeye, Amer. The yellow Pavia. 3. discolor SwL * N. America - 472 The two-coloured-^ott;raZ Pavia. JE'sculus discolor Ph. 4. h_ybrida Dec. % Hybrid The hybrid Pavia. JE'sculus hybrida Dec. 5. neglecta G. Don. The neglected Pavia. 472 eglected Pavia. JE'sculus neglecta Lindl. fig. 136. 472 pi. 54. 473 6. macrocarpa Hort. % The long-fruited Pavia. JE'sculus Pavia macrocarpa Lodd. Pavia macrocarpa Hort. 7. macrostachya Lois. * North America fig. 137. 473 The long-racemed Pavia. JE'sculus parviftdra Walt. JE. macrostachya MX. P<)via alba Poir. Pavia edulis Poit. Pavier a longs E'pis, Pavier nain, Fr. Langahrige Rosskastanie, Ger. App. i. Other Varieties of Pavia. - 474 P. serrata, P. erecta, JS'sculus Pavm flava var. SAPINDA V CEJE. AfELIA^CE^E. VITA^CEIE. 17 Pag Sapinddcece. = *O *i_J 474 I. KOLREUTRRId Laxm. - 475 THE KOLREUTERIA. Saplndus sp. L. fil. 1. paniculata Laxm. % China pi. 55. 4-75 The panicled-flowering Kolreuteria. Sapindus chinensis L. fil. K. paullimoides L'Htrit. Savonnier paniculd, Fr. Rispentragende Kolreuterie, Ger. App. I. Half-hardy ligneous Species of Sa- pinddceas. CD * LJ - 476 DodoiuB'a visc6sa L. * I I D. alteniata Cunning. D. jamaice-nsis Dec. ** d] D. angustifblia Swz. D. viscbsa Cav. D. jalicif olia Dec. * I _ I D. anguttifblia Lam. Boil de reinette, Fr. D. lamina Sieb. * I _ ! D. trlquetra Bat. Rep. * I _ | D. cuneata Smith. * | _ | D. ospleniif 61ia Rudge. * | _ 1 MelidcecB. Jlfelia 1. Azederdch, L. $ | | The Bead Tree, or Indian Lilac. 2. sempervirens Swz. The evergreen Melia, or 3. australis Smt. * I 1 4. japonica G. Dm. * I I 476 fig. 138. 476 - 476 477 477 Vitdcece Lindl. 11 n - 477 I. FFTIS L. 1 1 CD - 477 THE GRAPE VINE. Giud, Celtic. Fid, Span. Figne, Fr. Wein, Ger. 1. vinifera L. 1 Persia - fig. 139. 477 The wine-bearing Vine. Figne, Fr. Gemeiner Weinstock, Ger. Varieties 1 - 478 2 foliis incanis 1 ' 478 The hoary-leaved Grape Vine. Miller's Grape, or Miller's Black Cluster Grape. 3 foliis rubesc^ntibus 1 478 The ruhescent-leaved Grape Vine. The Claret Grape. Tenturier, Fr., not Clairette, Duham. 4 apiifolia Hort. 1 fig. 140. 478 The Parsley-leaved Grape Vine. Crotal, Fr. V. lacinibsa L. 2. Labrfisca L. 1 N. Am. fig. 141. 479 The wild Vine, or Fox Grape. V. taurlna Walt. Filziger Wein, Ger. 3. aestivalis Michx. 1 N. Am. fig. 142. 479 The Summer Vine, or Grape Vine. V. labrtisca Walt. V. vulpina Willd. 4. sinuata G. Don. 1 N. America - 479 The scallop-fcm-e R- divaricata Tenore ' R. Corsica Dec. ML I albifldra Hook. II. APLOPHY'LLUM Andr. Juss. tt._J - 484. 487 THE APLOPHYM.UM, or Simple-leaved Rue. 1. /inifolium G. Don. XL __J Spain fig. 157. 487 Tauria 487 Syria 487 487 2. suaveolens G. Don. ML Ritta tuaveolent Dec. 3. fruticulosum G. Don. Xanthoxyldcece. L XANTHO'XYLUM i. ^t & 487, 488 THE XANTHOXYLUM, or Toothache Tree. Zanthdxylum of many. Kampmdnnia Rafin. Clavalier, Fr. Zahnwehholz, Ger. 1 fraxineum JTa/W. ^ North America pi. 6. fig. 158. 488 The Ash-leaved Xanthoxylum, or Common Tooth- ache Tree. Zanthdxylum ramifldrum Michx. Z. Clctva Htrculis var. L Z. amcricanum Mill. Z. caribafum Gaert. Clavalier A Feuilles de Frtne, Fr. Eschen-M'dttriges Zahnwehholz, Ger. 488 2 virginicum = X. virginicum Lodd. Page 2. tricarpum Michx. Sk N. America 488 The three-fruited Xanthoxylum, or Toothache Tree. Fagara fraxinifoliaLam. 3. mite Willd. North America - 489 The smooth, or thorniest, Xanthoxylum, or Toothache Tree. App. i. Half-hardy Species. 489 IT. PTE'LEA L. * ? -J - 487. 489 THE PTELEA, or Shrubby Trefoil. Belinda Adans. Orme de Samarte, Fr. Lederblume, Ger. 1. trifoliata L. N. Amer. pi. 57. 489 The three-feq/teted-leaved Ptelea, or Shrubby Trefoil. Orme de Samarie d trots Feuilles, Fr. Dreybl'dttrige Lederblume, Ger. Varieties % 2 pentaphylla Munchh. *t 3 pubescens Pursh. 3t 489 App. i. O/Aer ligneous Species of Ptelea, hardy or half-hardy, m. - 490 P. monophSlla Lam. ? _J P. pentandra Mac. m. ? _ | P. ovata Lour. ? | 487. 490 III. AILA'NTUS Desf. THE AILANTO. RAws Ehrh. Verne du Japan, Fr. Gotterbaum, Ger. 1. glandulosa Desf. % China pi. 58, 59. fig. 159. 490 The glscadulous-leaved Ailanto. A. procera Sal. 'Rhus hypselodtndron Moench. R. cacoddndron Ehrh. R. sin^nse Ellis. Aylanthe glanduleux, Fr. Drusiger Gotterbaum, Ger. Coriacece. - 492 I. CORIA'RIA M*5. ai - - 492 THE CORIARIA. Redout, Fr. Gerberstrauch, Ger. 1. wzyrtifolia .L. afe Europe f. 160. 492 The Myrtle-leaved Coriaria. Fuslet des Corroyeurs, Redoul & Feuilles de Myrte, Fr. Myrtenbl'dttriger Gerberstrauch, Ger. 2. nepalensis Wall. The Nepal Coriaria. Nepal 493 3. microphylla Poir, N. Zealand ^? J 493 The small-leaved Coriaria. C. tarmentbia Forst. Staphyledcece * I. STAPHYLE^A L. * THE STAPHYLEA, or Bladder-nut Tree. Staphylode'ndron Tourn. Staphilier, Faux Pistachier, Fr. Pimpernuss, Ger. 493 493 CELASTRA X CE^E. 19 - Page 1. trifolialv. * N. Am. fig. 161, 162.493 The ihree-teqfleted-\ea.ved Staphylea. Staphilier d Feuilles ternttes, Fr. Virginische Pimpernuss, Ger. 2. pinnata L. * Europe - fig. 163. 494 The pinnated-leaved Staphylea. Staphyloddndron pinndtum Ray. Staphilier a Feuilles aile'es, Fr. Gemeine Pimpernuss, Ger. A pp. i. Anticipated Species of Staphylea. * ? _J 495 S. BumjUda Dec. jfc ? | S. heterophyUla . et P. Jfc ? | CelastrdcecB Dec. $ * . - 495 I. ^UO'NYMUS Tourn. * * 495. 496 THE EUONYMUS, or Spindle Tree. Fusain, Sonnet de Pretre, Bois d. Lardoire, Fr. Spindelbaum, Ger. 1. europae\is L. E. pi. 60. f. 164. 496 The European Euonymus, or Spindle Tree. E. vulgar is Mill. Prick-timber, Gerard. Louse Berry, Dogwood, Gatteridge Tree. Fusain d" Europe, Bonnet de Pritre com- mun, Fr. Gemeine Spindelbaum, Ger. Varieties * - - 496 2 fdliis variegatis Lodd. % 3 latifolius Lodd. % 4 nanus Lodd. * 5 fructu albo Lodd. % 2. verrucosus Scop. * Europe f. 165. 498 The warted-barked Euonymus, or Spindle Tree. E. europce^us leprosus L. fil. Fusain galeux, ou verruqueux, Fr. Warziger Spindelbaum, Ger. 3. latifolius C. Bauh. 1 Europe pi. 61. fig. 661. 498 The broad-leaved Euonymus, or Spindle Tree. E. europce"us var. 2. L. Fusain d, larges Feuilles, Fr. Breitblattriger Spindelbaum, Ger. 4. nanus Bleb. * Caucasus - 499 The dwarf Euonymus, or Spindle Tree. 5. atropurpureus Jacq. * North America fig. 167.499 The dark-purple-jfotflerai Euonymus. E. carolintensis Marsh. E. latifolius Marsh. 6. americanus L. at North America fig. 168. 169. 499 The American Euonymus, or Spindle Tree. E. sempervirens Marsh. E. alternijblius Moench. The Burning Bush, Amer. 7. sarmentosus Nutt. ** N. America 50O The tracing-stemmed Euonymus, or Spindle Tree. E. scdndena Hort. E. americ/imus var. sarmentosus Dec. 8. obovatus Nutt. w* N. America - 500 The obovate-leaved Euonymus, or Spindle Tree. 9. angustifolius Ph. * N. America 500 The narrow-leaved Euonymus, or Spindle Tree. Page 10. Hamiltonzamw Wall. % Nepal 500 Hamilton's Euonymus, or Spindle Tree. E. atropurpureus Wall. 11. garciniafblius Roxb. % Nepal - 501 The Garcinia-Ieaved Euonymus. E. Idcerut Ham. 12. grandiflorus Wall. * Nepal - 501 The large-flowered Euonymus. A pp. i. Half-hardy Species of Euonymus. 501 E. grdssus Wall. 5 E. micra'nthus D. Don Sic E. lucidus D. Don & E. japdnicus Thunb. = E. echinatus Wall. .A E. tmgens Wall. 3f E. glaber Roxb. 3f E. fimbriatus Wall. *t E. fndicus Heyn & E. vagans Wall. _&. E. subtriflbrus Blume ^ E. Thunbergfint/j Blume & E. p&idulus Wall. * E. frigidus Wall. $ II. CELA'STRUS L. - 502 THE STAFF TREE. Enonymoldes Moanch. Celastre, Fr. Celaster, Ger. 1. scandens L. _$ N. America f. 171. 502 The climbing Staff Tree. Bourreau des Arbres, Fr. Baummbrder, Ger. 2. bullatus L. 1 Virginia - - 502 The studded-capsuled Staff Tree. App. i. Half-hardy Species of Celdstrus. 503 III. NEMOPA'NTHES Rafin. & 503 THE NEMOPANTHES. Uicidldes Dum. Cours. 1. canadensis Dec. & Canada f. 172.503 The Canadian Nemopanthes. riex canadensis MX. N. fascicularis Rafin. riex delicdtula Bart. frlnos lucidus Ait. Houx du Canade, Fr. IV. MA-YTENUS~Fe\i\\L& - 503 THE MAYTENUS. Senacia. Lam. Celdstrus Willd. 1. ehile'nsis Dec. ffi Chili f. 173. 503 The Chili Maytenus. Senacia, Maytenus Lam. Celdstrus Maytenus Willd. V. CASSrNE L.m - _ 503 THE CASSINE. 1. Maurocenia L. * Ethiopia - 501 Mauroceni's Cassine. The Hottentot Cherry. Mauroceniafranguldria Mill. 2. capensis L.*t Cape of Good Hope 1 74. 504 The Cape Cassine. Cape Phil/yrea. C. excelsa Wall., discolor Wall , Colpotin Thunb. - c 2 604 20 VI. UA.HTOGIA Dec. * - - 504 THE HARTOGIA. Schrdhera. Thun. Elteodendron Spreng. 1. capensis L. * C. of Good Hope 504 The Cape Hartogia. SchrMera schin&des Thun. Elceodendron schinoides Spreng. Aquifolidcece Dec. - 505 I. MYGINDJ Jacq. * - THE MYGINDA. riex Pursh. I. rayrtifolia Nutt. * N. Amer. 175. 505 The Myrtle-leaved Myginda. ; Ilex Aqutfdlium Pursh. II. /'LEX L. - - 505 THE HOLLY. Aquifoliiem Tourn. He'ilse, Stechpalme, Ger. 1. ^quifolium L. *. Eur. pi. 62, 63. 505 The prickly- leaved Holly. Hulver, Hulfere, Holme, Eng. Stechpalme, Stecheiche, Stechbaum, Stech- laub,Hulse, Hulsenbaum, Hulsenstrauch, Hulzt, Hulchs, Hoist, Habze, Hullgenolz, Myrtendorn, Christdorn, Mausdorn, Zwieseldorn, Kleexebusch, Stechapsel, Stechwinde, Waldistel, Ger. Stikpalme, Maretorn,Christom, Skoutisdel, Dan. Jernek, Christiorn, Swed. Le Houx, le grand Housson, I'Agron grand Pardon, Bois Franc, Fr. Agrifolio, Alloro spinoso, Ital.] Acebo, Agrifolio, Span. Azevinho, Agrifolio, Acrifolio, Aginfolio, Port. Waefoscheld, Ostrokof, Padub, Russ. Schubbig hardkelk, Dutch. Varieties - - 506 2 heterophyllum Hort. i 3 angustifolium Hort. i 4 latifolium Hort. t 5 altacler^nse Hort' i 6 mar ^ginatum Hort. 1 f. 176. 7 /aurifolium Hort. f. 177. 8 ciliatum Hort. t f. 179. 9 ciliatum minus Hort.i lOrecurvum Hort. i f. 181. 1 1 serratifolium ^Tor#. 1 f. 1 82. 12,crispum Hort. i 13 ferox Hort. 1 f. 18O. 1 4 crassifolium ^for<. f f. 1 78. 15 senescens Sweet 1 16 albo-marginatum Hort. 1 17 aureo-marginatum Hort. $ 18 albo-pictum Hort. 1 19 aureo-pictum Hort. i 20 ferox arg^nteum Hort. i 21 ferox aureum Hort. f 22 fructu luteo Hort. f 23 fructo albo Hort. Page 2. balearica Desf. $ Minorca f. 183. 516 The Minorca Holly. I. Aqutfolium vcir. 5 Lam. 3. opaca Ait. N. Ainer. pi. 64, 65. 516 The op&que-leavcd Holly. AgrifbUum vulgdre Clayt. I. Aquffdlium Gron. The American Holly. Varieties - - 517 2 macrodon. 3 latifolia. 4 acuminata. 5 globosa. 4. laxiflora Lam. m. Carolina - - 517 The loose-flowered Holly I. Aquifvlium bdccisflavis. 5. Cassme Ait. * Carolina - 517 The Cassine-M;e Holly. Aquifolium carolintnse Cat. I. caroliniana Mill. I. cassinozrfes Link. I. Dahoon Walt. Cassena, Amer. Indians. Dahoon Holly. Variety - 517 2 angustifolia f f. 184. 6. angustifolia Willd. * N. Amer. f. 185. 517 The narrow-leaved Holly. I. myrttfolta Walt. I. rosmarinifdlia Lam. Variety - - 518 2 tfgustrifoliaPwrsA 1 f. 186. 7. vomitoria Ait. 1 N. Am. f. 186. 518 The Emetic Holly. I. Casslne vera Walt. I. ligustrina Jacq. Casslne Peragua Mill. I. Casse-na Mich*. I. religidsa Bart. I.floridana Lam. Houx apalachine, Fr. True Cassene, Casscne, Floridan. The Yapon, Virginian. The evergreen Cassena, Cassioberry-bush, South Sea Tea, Eng. 8. canariensis Pair. 1 Canaries - 519 The Canary Holly. 9. Dahoon Wall, it Carolina - 519 The Dahoon Holly. I. Cassine Willd. Variety 2 /aurifblia Nutt. - 519 App. i. Species of Tlex not yet introduced. 519 /. odorktaHam.,cuneifolia L., C. bonariensis,/igustrif&lia G. Don (angustifolia Nutt.), nepalensis Spreng. App. ii. Half-hardy Species of Tlex. 519. 7. dipyrena Wall., excflsa Wall., serrata Royle, Peradn Ait. (ma- derensis Lam., and fig. 187.), chinl!um Desf. C^lisus linif Mitts Lam. GenistiAdes linifMa Moench. G. biflora Dec. Spdriium Infbrum Desf. G. miorophylla Dec. Spa, Hum microphtfllum Cav. G. trtdens Cav. G. segvptiaca Spreng. G. virgita Dec/fig.lSl. Spdrtium virjf&tum Ait. G. grdtilis Poir. Ciftisits ttner Jacq. G. cuspid&sa Dec. Spdrtium cuspid&tum Burch. G. congesta Dec. * I I Spdrtium congtstum Willd. G. desiderata Dec. G. scaiidens Lois. VIII. <7Y'TISUS Dec. It * _J t-J j* -* - -^: ; - 588 THB CYTISUS. Cytisus and Spdrtium, spec., L. and Lam., &c. Cy/we, Fr. Bohmenbaum, Ger. i. Alburnoides Dec. afc - 589 1. albus iiwX:. & Levant fig. 282. 589 The white Cytisus, or Portugal Broom. Genista alba Lam. Spdrtium album Desf. martium multifldrum Ait. Spdrtium disptrmum Moench. Genista multifidra N. Du Ham. Spartium (i Flours blanches, Fr. Wmse Pfriemen, Ger. Variety & - 590 2 incarnktus 31 Page ii. Laburnum Dec. If & - 59O 2. Laburnum i. * Europe f. 77. 590 The common Laburnum. C. alplnus Lam. Bean-trefoile Tree, and Peascod Tree, Gerard. Pea TYre, Scotch. Golden Chain. L'Aubours, Faux E'Mnier, Arbois or Arc Bois, Fr. Gemeine Bohnenbaum, Ger. Varieties t 590 2 ^uercifolium Tor*. 5f pi. 78. C. L. incisum. 3 pendulum Hort. *L 4 foliis variegatis 5 purpurascens Hort. $ C. L. purphreum Hort. C. ^ddmi Po/r. C. L. coccineum Baum. 3. (L.) alpmu-S Jfz//. * Alps pi. 79. 591 The Alpine, or Scotch, Laburnum. C. \jaburnnm /3 Ait. C. anguslifdlium Moench. C. Laburnum var. latifdlium Pers. Cystise dcs Alpcs, VAubours, Fr. Alpcn Bohnenbaum, Ger. Maggio pcndolino, Ital. Variety 3f - 591 2 pendulus pi. 80. France f. 283. 593 4. nigricans i. & The black Cytisus. 5. sessilifolius L. & Fr. f. 284, 285. 594 The sessile-leaved Cytisus. 6. triflorus UHerit. The three-flowered Cytisus. C. villbsus Pour. South Europe fig. 286. 594 7. mollis mild. & The soft Cytisus. 8. patens L. & Portugal The spreading Cytisus. C. pendullnus L. fil. Genista tomenlosa Poir. Spdrtium patens L., not of Cav. 9. grandiflorus Dec. Portugal The great-flowered Cytisus. Spdrtium grand(fli>rum Brot. 595 595 595 10. scoparius Link. & Europe f. 287. 595 The common Broom. Spdrtium scoptirium L. Genista scopdria Lam., not of Vill. Genista hirsitla Moench. Genet a Balais, Genet commun, Fr. Gemeine Pfriemen, Ger. Varieties 3H - 595 2 albus Hort. 3 flore pleno Hort. & iii. Calycotome Link. 3& gfe I 597 11. spinosus Lam. & S. Europe - 597 The spiny Cytisus. Spdrtium tpinbsum L. 28 LEGUMINA^CEJE, 12. lanigerus Dec. & _J S. Europe 597 The wool-bearing Cytisus. Calycdtome villbsa Link. Spdrtium villbsum Brot. Variety $& I 2 rigidus Dec. '* | - 597 iv. Tubocytisus Dec. & j jc 598 13. leucanthus ZFa/ds*. etf JT#. Austria fig. 288. 598 The white-flowered Cytisus. 14. purpureus Scop. * Austria fig. 289, 290. 598 The purple-flowered Cytisus. Variety* :'- - 598 2 fldre albo Hort. ^ 15. elongatus Waldst. et Kit. & Hun. 598 The elongated Cytisus. 16. multiflorus Lindl. Europe 599 The many-flowered Cytisus. C. elongdtus Hort., not of Kit. C. elongdtus /3 multiflbrus Dec. 17. McatusWaldst. et Kit. Sk Austria 599 The sickle-like-podded Cytisus. 18. austriacus L. & Austria f. 291. 599 The Austrian Cytisus. 19. supinus Jacq. Jc Europe f. 292. 599 The supine Cytisus. C. lotbldes Pour. 20. hirsutus L. 3fc Hungary - 599 The hairy Cytisus. C. supinus Bertol. C. triflbrus Lam., not of L'Hgrit. C. Tourneforfiarms Lois. 21. capitatus Jacq. & Italy - 600 The headed-flowered Cytisus. C. hirsutus Lam. C. supinus L. 22. ciliatus Wohl. & - - 600 The ciliated-podded Cytisus. 23. polytrichus Bieb. j* Tauria - 600 The many-haired Cytisus. v. Lotoides Dec. - - 600 24-. argenteus L -* France - 600 The silvery Cytisus. Libtus argtnteus Brot. 25. calycmus Bieb. -* Caucasus - 601 The forge-calyxed Cytisus. C. paucifibrus Willd. 26. nanus Willd. * Levant fig. 293. 601 The dwarf Cytisus. vi. Chrondnthus Dec. & - 601 27. orientalis Lois. & Levant - 601 The Oriental Cytisus. C. orientfaio, #e., Gerard and Vail. Herb. Page App. i. Hardy Species of Cytisus not yet introduced. - - 601 C. arboreus Dec. Spdrtium arboreum Desf. Gentsta p&idula Poir. C. W61deni Visiani. C. albidus Dec. C. biflorus UHtrii. C. supinus Jacq. C. hirsutus Gmel. C. hirsutus and C. supinus Bieb. C. macrospe'rmut Begs. oar. 2 glaber L. 3 subspin^scens. C. serdtinus Kit. in Lift. C. pygmae v us Willd. C. ponticus Willd. C. pdnticus humifutus mdgno.flhre. C. cane"scens Lois. C. africanus Lois. C. africanus hirsutus angustif&Hui. C. procerus Link. Spdrtium procerum. C. f persicus Burnt. Spdrtium pe~rsicum. ~ App. ii. Half-hardy Species of Cytisus. - 602 C.proliferust.*l_J fig. 204. C. pdllidus Poir. C. nubfgenus Link. Ht | | Spdrtium nubigenum Ait. C. supraniibium L. Fil. C. frdgrans Lam. C. bracteolatus Hort. C. tetragondcladus Hort. C. racemdsus Hort. App. iii. Anticipated hardy and half-hardy Species of Cytisus. - 602 IX. ADENOCA'RPUS Dec. & *i_J 603 THE ADENOCARPUS. Ctftisus. Spdrtium. Genista. 1. hispanicus Dec. & Spain - 603 The Spanish Adenocarpus. Ctftisus hispanicus Lam. Cjtisus Anagyris L'Herit. 2. intermedius Dec. & Port. f. 295. 603 The intermediate Adenocarpus. Cytisus complicatus Brot. 3. parvifolius Dec. & France f. 296. 603 The small-leaved Adenocarpus. Cytisus parvifblius N. Du Ham. Cytisus divaricutus L'Herit. Cytisus complicatus Dec. Spdrtium complicatum Lois. 4. telonensis Dec. & Pyren. f. 297. 604 The Toulon Adenocarpus. Cytisus telonensis Lois. Spdrtium complic&tum Gouan. App. i. Half-hardy Species of Adenocarpus. l_l . 604 A. frankeniokfes Chois. * i | Genista viscdsa Willd. A. foliolbsus Dec. m \ | Cytisus foliolbsus Ait. X. ONO'NIS L. THE RESTHARHOW. - 604 - 604 *_j604 Andnis and Matrix Mcench. Arrete-bceuf, Bugrane, Fr. Hanechel, Ger. LEGUMINA X CE;E, 29 Page 1. fruticosa L. A Europe fig. 298. 60* The shrubby Restharrow. Variety & 605 2 microphylla Dec. & O. fruticosa Asso. 2. rotundifolia L. jet Alps fig. 299. 605 The round-leaved Restharrow. O. latifblia Asso. Ndfrir rotundifdlia Mcench. Variety - - 6O5 2 aristata Dec. 3. (r.) tribracteata Dec. j Carinthia 605 iestharrow. Europe fig. 300. 605 The three-bracted-c<%a;e4 A. gummtfera Willd. 1 I | A. coronillaef61ia Desf. * I A. pulchflla R. Br. * ( | fig. 385, 386. A. d^tinens Burch- * | J A. viridiramis Burch. 3. SpiciflArce. f_ \ ] * | | . .664 A. lophantha Willd. * i_J fig. 387. ^.lophajitha Willd. * | | fig. 387. Mimbsa ilegans Bot. Rep. A. cafra Willd. f_ \ | Mimbsa cafra Thunb. A. albida Delil. ? . tt Russia fig. 394, 395. 673 The dwarf, or shrubby, Almond. PriiTZMs intrmis Gmel. A. niHna var. at vulguris Dec. Ziverchemandel, Ger. Varieties. & 2 georgica Z)ec. tt 673 The Georgian dwarf Almond. A. getirgica Desf. 3 campestris Ser. - - 674 The field dwarf Almond. A. campestris Bess. A. Sessermna Schott. 4 incana Pall. & 674 The hoary-leaved dwarf Almond. ? 5 sibirica Lodd. $& - 674 The Siberian Almond. e 34 Page 2. commilnis L. *t Mauritania pi. 103. 674 The common Almond Tree. Varieties. & 1 amara Dec. % - 674 The bitter-kerneled common Almond Tree. Amandier amer, Fr. Gemeine Mandelbaum, Ger. 2 dulcis Dec. - 675 The sweet-kerneled common Almond Tree. Amandier a petits Fruits, Amande douce, Fr. Siisse Mandel, Ger. 3 fibre plfeno Baum. Cat. % - 675 4 fdliis variegatis Baum. Cat. * 675 5 fragilis Ser. $ - - 675 The briMe-shelled common Almond Tree. A.frdeilis Hell. Amandier des Dames, N. Du Ham. Coque molle, Fr. Abellan, Provence. 6 macrocarpa Ser. fjf - 675 The long-fruited common Almond Tree. Amandier & gros Fruits, N. Du Ham. Amandier Sultane, Amandier des Dames, Amandier Pistache, Fr. 7 persicfildes Ser. $ - 675 The Peach-like-/eat'ed common Almond Tree. Other Varieties - - 675 3. orieritalis Ait. Levant - - 679 The Eastern Almond Tree. A. argdntea Lam. App. i. Other Species of A mygdalus.*!t ^ 679 A. TournefortzY Bosc. dk A. cochinchinensis Lour. * A. microphylla H. B. et Kunth. *& II. PE'RSICA Town, t A 671. 679 THE PEACH TREE. Amygdalus sp. L. Trichocurpus Neck. PSc/ier, Fr. Pfirschenbaum, Ger. 1. vulgaris Mill. % Persia pi. 104. 680 The common Peach Tree. Amygdalus Pfrstca L. Pdche duveteuse, Fr. Pfirsche, Ger. Varieties. 3fe 1 The freestone common Peach Tree. * P C. emarginata Dougl. & C. capricida G. Don. *f The Goat-killing Bird Cherry Tree. Prunus capricida Wall. Prunus undulata Hamilt. C. undulata Dec. C. elliptica Lois. $ Prhnus elliptica Thunb. iii. Laurocerasi. 1 * - 714 28. lusitanica Lois. * Portugal pi. 117, 118. fig. 421. 714 The Portugal Laurel Cherry, or common Por- tugal Laurel. Prunus lusitanica L. The Cherry Bay. Azareiro, Portuguese. Variety 1 - - 714 2 Hixa Ser. - - 714 Prunus Hixa Broussonet. Prunus multiglanduldsa Cav. 29. Laurocerasus Lois. * Asia Minor fig. 422. 716 The Laurel Cherry, or common Laurel. Primus Laurocerasus L. Cherry Bay, Cherry Laurel. Laurier au Lait, Laurier Amandier, Fr. Kirsche Lorbeer, Ger. Varieties - 716 2 variegata Hort. * 3 angustifolia Hort. it Hartdgia cap^nsis Hort. 30. caroliniana Michx. Carolina fig. 423. 720 The Carolina Bird Cherry Tree. Prunus caroliniana Ait. Prunus sempervlrens Willd. Pddus caroliniana Mill. Diet. Wild Orange, Amer. App. i. Other Species of Cerasus. - 721 C. sphaeroca'rpa Lois. Primus sphterocdrpa Swartz. C. occidentals Lois. Primus occidentiilis Swartz. Sect. II. Dec. 672. 721 VI. PimSH/,4 Dec. afe . -672.721 THE PURSHIA. Tigarea Pursh, not of Aublet. 1. tridentata Dec. ife North America fig. 424, 425. 721 The three-toothed-feawed Purshia. Tigarea tridentUta Pursh. VII. KK'RRIA Dec. s THE KERRIA. Ritbus L. Corchorus Thunb. Camb. - 672. 722 1. japonica Dec. & Japan fig. 426. 722 The Japan Kerria. Rubus japtinicus L. Corchorus jap6nicus Thunb. Spirts^a japonica Camb. - 672. 722 VIII. 5PIR^E V A L. * THE SPIRJEA. Spirte, Fr. Spier staude, Ger. i. Physocarpos Camb. & - 723 1. opulifolia L. st North America fig. 427, 428. 723 The Guelder- Rose-leaved Spiraea, or Virginian Guelder Rose. Nine Bark, Amer. Variety & 2 tomentella Ser. 723 2. capitata Ph. North America - 723 The cupitate-corymbed Spirse'a. S. opulifblia var. Hook. 3. monogyna Torrey. The monogynous Spiraaa. N. America 723 ii. ChamcPdryon Ser. & j - 724 4. chamaedrifolia L. & Siberia f. 429. 724 The Germander-leaved Spiraea. S. cantoniensis Lour. Varieties >& 1 vulgaris Camb. 3fe 2 media Pursh. '& 3 oblongifolia Camb. & S. oblongifolia Waldst. 4 subracemosa Ser. & 5 incisa Hort. dl ? S. mdso Thunb. 724 5. (c.) ttlmifolia Scop. & The Elm-leaved Spiraea. S. chamcedrtfblia Jacq. Variety ^ 2 phyllantha Ser. 3fe 6. (c.) flexuosa The flexible-branched Spiraea. S. alnlna Hort. Carinthia fig. 430. 724 - 725 - 725 7. (c. ) crataegifolia Lk. & _ 725 The Crataegus-leaved Spiraea. 8. (c.) fietulaefolia Pall. & N. Amer. 725 The Birch-leaved Spiraea. ? S. corymbbsa Raf. ? S. crattegifblia Lk. 9. cana Waldst. et Kit. The hoary-tezDoi Spiraea. 10. trilobata L. & - The three-lobed-fcflwed Spiraea. S. triloba Don's Mi pi ll. Austria - 725 fig. 431. 725 38 POTENTI'LLEJE. Page 11. alpina Pall. & Siberia fig. 432. 726 The Siberian alpine Spiraea. 12. hy perici folia Dec. & Europe and America - - fig. 433. 726 The Hypericum-leaved Spiraea. tlypMcumfriitex Hort. Italian May. Varieties. & 1 uralensis Ser. & 726 S. crenata L. S. hypericifdlta Camb. 2 Plukenetzarm Ser. m - 726 S. hypericifd lia L. S. h. var. Dec. 3 acuta Ser. & - fig. 434. 727 S. acutifblia Willd. S. sibirica Hort. S. amblgua Pall. 4 crenata Ser. m - fig. 435. 727 S. obovdta Waldst. et Kit. S.h. yDec. S. crentita L. 5 savranica Ser. & fig 536. 727 S. savranica Besser. S. crenata Pall. S. h. var. /3 longifdlia Led. 6 Besseriana Ser. 3k - - 725 S. crenata Besser. S. savranica & Bessenawa Don's Mill. 13. (A.)halictroides Pall. & Dahuria fig. 437. 727. The Meadow- Rue-leaved Spiraea. S. &quilegifolia Pall. 14. pikowiensis Besser. 3k The Pikow Spiraea. 15. ceanothifolia Horn. & The Ceanothus-Ieaved Spiraea. Podolia - 728 - 728 16. corymbosa Raf. at Virg. f. 438. 728 The corymbose-./Z0>mng Spiraea. Variety -t* 728 2 sororia jet S. sororia Penny. 17. vacciniifolia D. Don. jet Nepal fig. 439. 728 The Vaccinium-leaved Spiraea. 18. bella Sims. & Nepal The beautiful Spiraea. fig. 440. 729 iii. Spiraria Ser. ft - - 729 19. salicifblia L. * Siberia fig. 443. 729 The Willow-leaved Spiraea. Spirtz^afrutex Hort. Bridewort, Queen's Needle-work. Varieties & - - 729 1 carnea Ait. & f. 443. 2 alpestris Pall. & 3 paniculata Willd. ft L. alba Ehrh. 4 latifolia JPtTW. & f. 441. S. obovata Raf. S. carpinifdlia Willd. 5 grandiflora ft f. 442. S. grandiflbra Lodd. Canada f. 444. 7?0 20. tomentosa L. & The downy Spiraea. 21. laevigata L. & Siberia fig. 445. 731 The smooth-leaved Spiraea. S. altaicensis Laxm. S. altaica Pall. 22. aria3folia Smith. $t North America fig. 446, 447. 731 The White-Beam-tree-leaved Spiraaa. iv. Sorbaria Ser. dfe **. - 731 23. sorbifolia L. *t Siberia fig. 448. 731 The Sorbus-leaved Spiraea, S. pinnata Mcench. Variety L - 732 2 alpina Pall. n. S. grandifldra Hort. Brit. S. PaWdsii Dora's Mz. App. i. Species or Varieties of Spiraea not yet introduced. & - 732 S. Bliimei G. Don. 3fe S. chanuedriJdliajapSnica Blume. S. lanceolita Pair & S. argentea Mutia. & S. Thunbergti Blume & S. magellanica Potr. 3fe S. japdnica Sieft. Sfe S. Menzidsit Hook. ^ S. DouRlasii Hook. ^ S. callosa Thunb. & S. eajpd/iia Wall. S. cserulescens Poir. ^fc S. discolor Pursh. Sfe Sect. III. POTENTI'LLE^ JMSS. (Dryadeo: Vent.) - 733 IX. J2U\BUSL. * uJ .* *, JULJ 672. 733 THE BRAM BLE. Bonce, Framboisier, Fr. Himbeere, JBrombeerstrauch, Ger. i. Leaves pinnate, of 3 7 Leaflets, ft .* 735 1. suberectus Anders, ft Britain 735. 746 The sub-erect Bramble. R. nessensis Hall. R. plicatus W. et N. R. coryltfblius Wahlenb. 2. afflnis ^Fet'Ae et Nees. Jc Germany 735 The related Bramble. R. coliiniu Dec. R. nttidus Smith R. pliciHuf Borrer accoiding to Lindley. Variety 2 bractebsus Ser. R. , y, et 5 W. et N. - 735 3. fissus Lindl. -* Britain - 735 The cleft Bramble. R. fcutigiatus Lindl. Synops., ed. 1., not of Weihe and Nees. 4. micranthus D. Don. Nepal fig. 449, 450, and 450 a. 735, 736 The small-flowered Bramble. R. pauciflbrus Lindl. POTENTI'LLE^E. 39 Page - 736 5. distans D. Don. St Nepal The distant-teafleted Bramble. R. pinnbtus D. Don. 6. strigosus Michx. 3& North America 736 The strigose Bramble. R. pennsylvdnicus Poir. 7. occidentalis L. & North America fig. 451.736.746 The Western, or American, Bramble. R. virginidnus Hort. R. idce^us fructu nlgro Dill. 8. asper D. Don. 3k Nepal The rough-branchleted and petioled Bramble - 737 9. idaeHis L. & Europe, Asia, Africa, and America - - fig. 452. 737. 746 The Mount Ida Bramble, or "common Raspberry. R. frambaesianus Lam. Gemeine JSrombeere, Ger. Batos idaia, Greek. Raspis, Framboise, Hinde-berry, Gerard. Varieties & 737 With red fruit. & With yellow fruit. 3& With white fruit. 3t 2 microphyllus Wallr. ^ Varieties cultivated in British Gardens. ii. Leaves digitate^ of 3 5 Leaflets. & Jc JU - 738 10. laciniatus W. Jc .... f.453. 738. 746 The cut-leaved Bramble. 11. cae^sius L. Jc North-eastern Asia fig. 454. 739.746 The grey Bramble, or Dewberry. Varieties J: - 739 2 arvensis Wallr. Jc R. pseudo-cs Bramble. . vulpinus Desf. R. fMMt/t vufpinu* Ser. 14. dumetorum JF. e .AT. -* Britain 740 The Bramble of Thicket* 15. foliolosus Don. -* Nepal - - 740 The leaflety Bramble. R. microphtfllui Don. 16. flagellaris Willd. ~* North America 740 The Rod-like, or Runner, Bramble. Variety -* 2 inermis Ser. - R.tWrmwWiUd. - 740 Page 17. corylifoiius Smith. -* Europe fig. 457, 740. 746 The Hazel -leaved Bramble. R. vulgdris W. & M. R. nemorbsus Heyne. Varieties -* - - 74O 2 can us Wallr. ^ 3 glandulosus Wallr. Jt R. glandulosus Spreng. British kinds of TJubus which, according to Dr. Lindley, may be associated with M. corylif61ius Sm., either as related spe- cies, or as varieties : - - 741 R. macrophyllus W. et N. The large-leaved Bramble. R. carpinifolius W. et N. The Horn beam-leaved Bramble. R. fusco-ater W. et N. The brownish-black Bramble. R. K6hlen W. et N. Kohler's Bramble. R. glandu!6sus Smith. The glandulous-ftmtfed Bramble. R. rudis W. et N. The rough Bramble. R. echinatus Lindl. R. diversifblius Lindl. Synops. ed. 1. The diverse-leaved Bramble. R. diversifdlius W. et N. 18. (c. ) agrestis Waldst. et Kit.^k Hung. 741 The Field Bramble. North America fig. 458. 741. 746 Bramble. R. ribifdlius Willd. 20. ttlmifdlius Schott. -* Gibraltar - 741 The Elm-leaved Bramble. 21. Linkiaraws Ser. - . . . . - - 742 Link's Bramble. R. paniculdtus Schlecht. 22. fruticdsus L. Jk Europe fig. 459. 742. 746 The shrubby Bramble, or common Blackberry. R. discolor and R. abruplus Lindl. Synops., ed. 1. Varieties ^ - 742 2 pompbnius Ser. Jc f. 460. R.fruticdsusSW. et N. 3 tauricus Hort. J* 4 flore rosea pleno Baum. Cat. ~& The double pink-flowered Bramble. 5 foliis variegatis Jc The variegated-leaved Bramble. 6 leucocarpus Ser. jk 7 inermis Ser. Jc 8 dalmaticus Tratt. Ros. Jc, 9 concolor Wallr. -* 10 glandulosus Wallr. *. 11 rhamnifolius W. $ N. -* The Buckthorn-ieawd Bramble. rdtfolius Lindl. ? Weihe. 19. spectabilis Ph. 12 leucostachys Schl. The white-spiked Bramble. R. tomentosus Weilie. J: R. fastigiittus Weihe. ^k R. ttlisefolius Weihe. ^ R. M6nkii Weihe. Jc R. Schlechtendahlti Weihe. R. Schleichert Weihe. ^ R. hdrridus Weihe. Jc R. nitidus Weihe. ^ R. rubricafilis Weihe.^ fig. 461 745 743 743- 748 743 743 748 743 743 40 23. sanctus Schreb. -* East The holy Bramble Page - 744 24. canescens Dec. & Italy - - 744 The grey Bramble. 25. setosus Big. -* North America - 744 The bristly-stemmed Bramble. 26. argutus Lk. J* North America - 744 The sbarp-toothed-leafleted Bramble. 27. cuneifolius PA. N- America 745 The wedge-shaped-leafleted Bramble. R. parvifMut Walt. 28. hispidus L. -* Canada fig. 462. 745 The hisvid-ttemmed Bramble. R. triinalis Michx. R. procumbent Mtthl. n* Willd. 29. lanuginosus Steven. ? Jc Caucasus 745 The woolly Bramble. 30. canadensis L. -* Canada - - 745 The Canadian Bramble. iii. Leaves lobed, not pinnate or digitate. & - 745 31. odoratus L. & North America fig. 464, 745. 746 The sweet-scented Bramble. R. occidental's Hort. The Virginian Raspberry, The flowering Raspberry. 32. nutkanus Moc. st California fig. 464. 745,746 The Nootka Sound Bramble. R. odordtus Hort., not of L. App. i. Species and Varieties of Rubus best deserving of Cultivation in British Gardens, as ornamental Shrubs - - 746 App. ii. Other Sorts of shrubby Rubuses. - 746 R. macrop&alus Doug. MS. fig. 465. ft. deliciosus Tarrey R. filiaceus Smith -* ? R. cordifblius D. Don R. acuminatus Smith R. betulinus D. Don R. reflexus Ker. JU. L_J fia. 466. R. moluccanut Ait. ft. rosaef 61ius Smith * I _ | ft. r. coronarius Sims * | _ | fig. 467. X. POTENTl'LLA L. & * - 747 THE POTENTILLA, or Shrubby Cinquefoil. 1. fruticosa L. & Europe fig. 468. 747 The Shrubby Potentilla, or Cinquefoil. Varieties. *& j* 2 dahurica Ser. '& - 747 P. dahurica Nestl. P. fruticbsa /8 Lehm. 3 tenuiloba -ft - fig. 469. 748 P.frutictea /3 Nestl. P.Jhribiinda Pursh. P. tenuifdlia Schlechtend. 2. glabra Lodd. * Siberia fig. 470. 748 The glabrous Potentilla. P '. fruticbsa alba Busch. Page 3. Salesovis St^ -* Siberia - 748 Salesovius's Potentilla. Sect. IV. RO^SEJE. Dec. - 672. 748 XI. J?0 V SA Tourn. & * * *- 1 .1 -J i. 3t JU - - 672. 748 THE ROSE TREE. Rhodophora Neck. Rosier, Fr. Rosenstock, Ger. Rooxeboom, Dutch. Rosajo, Ital. Rosal, Spanish. Roseira, Portuguese. i. Feroces Lindl. ft - - 750 1. ferox Lawr. & Caucasus fig. 471. 750 The fiercely-prickled Rose. R. kamtschdtica Red. R. kamschdtica (3 ferox Ser. R. echinata Dupont. Variety & - 750 2 nitens Lindl. & 2. (f. ) kamtschatica Fen*. 31 Kamtschatka fig. 472. 750 The Kamtschatka Rose. ii. Bractedta. it - - 750 3. bracteata Wendl. * China f. 473. 750 The large-br acted Rose. Lord Macartney's Rose. Varieties * 2 scabricaulis Lindl. ft. b. vera Lorfd. * 751 ft. b. fl6replenoLoricA:/ed Rose. R. pyrenaica Gouan. R. alplna Jacq. 3. Sabini Woods. & Britain - - 758 R. htspida Krok. Sabine's Rose. R. turlAnlita Vill. Dauph. R. alpina S Dec. R. Sablni /9 Lindl. R. htimda ? R- alpina coronaftt Desv. 4. ~Doniana Woods. & Scotland - 758 3 pendullna Lindl. & Don's Rose. R. pendullna Ait. R. a. latifblia Ser. 4 pimpiuellifblia Lindl. & v. Centifolice Lindl. 3fe * *. - 759 R. glandiUiisa Bell. R. P ygma*a Bieb. R. pyrenaica /9 Smith. 5 lageniria Ser. & 5. damascena Mill. & Syria f. 490. 759 The Damascus, or Damask, Rose. R. bOgtea Mill. Diet. 6 sorbinella 5^r. 3& R. calendcirum Munch. 7 hispidella &r. ^ 8 lapS 71 ' -Ser., TW# ofDesv. or Red. *& R. bifera Poir. Rose d quatre Saisons, Fr. fig. 483. la M ,^..Mrl,a majbris, fa. Dill. Varieties - - - 759 R. ofpina g-M*ca Desv. R. a. vulgdrit Red. 9 pyriformis Ser. & 6. centifolia m. * Caucasus f. 491. 760 10 setbsa Ser. 3i R. a. Airdna Desv. The hundred-petaled, Provence, or Cabbage Rose. R. provincidlis Mill. Diet. 11 globosaDesp. & R. canbuz ambfgua Desv. 12 Aelleborina &f. & 13 pilosula Se-r. ife R. polydnthos Rossig. R. caryophyllea Poir. R. unguicuhtta Desf. R. vdrians Pohl. f 42 Page Varieties & 76O 1 provincialis MiZZ. 3k The Province, or Cabbage, Roses. 2 muscosa M#. 3fc fig. 492. The Moss Roses. 3 pompbnia Dec. & The Pompone Roses. 4 bipinnata J?ec?. ft 37. gallica . 3fc Europe fig. 493. 760 The French Rose. R. centtfolta Mill. Diet. R. sylvdtica Gater. R. rubra Lam. R. kolosericea Rossig. R. b&lgica Brot. Fl. Lus. R. blanda Brot. .Rose la Fing. C. laciniata Dec. f C. Isevigata Dec. Mtfspilus laevigtuia Poir. C. PoireWidna Dec. % C. pectinata'tfoge!" C. trifoliitta Bosc. C. quinquelobata Base. C, odorita Bosc. C. obovata Boc. C. flav&cens Boc. C. flabellata Bo*c. $ C. Iticida latifolia Bott. Cat. * C. liicida mfedia Boll. Cat. % App. iii. Alphabetical List of Sorts of Cra- tcegus in the Arboretum of Messrs. Loddiges, as given in their Catalogue, 16th ed., 1836; with some Additions, taken from the Names placed against Plants in their Nursery, but not in the Catalogue ; referred to the Species and Varieties of Cratafgus as given in this Work. - * - 848 App. iv. Alphabetical List of the Species and Varieties of Cratae^gus described in the Arboretum Britannicum, with the Names which are appended to the Specimen Plants of these Sorts in the Arboretum of Messrs. Loddiges - - - 849 XIV. PHOTI'NIA Lindl. 1 t_l 1 -J 673. 868 THE PHOTINIA. Cratce^gus sp. L. 1. serrulata Lindl. * I Japan pi. 155. 868 The serrulated-leaved Photinia. Cratce^gus gldbra Thunb. Strausvafsia. Lindl. 2. arbutifolia Lindl. 1 J California fig. 6 19. 868 - 868 The Arbutus-leaved Photinia. GratoTgus &rbutifdlia Ait. - 3. integrifolia Lindl. 1 I Nepal - 869 The entire- leaved Photinia. ~Pyrus integfrrima Wall. 4. dubia Lindl. 1 uJ Nepal - The doubtful Photinia. Mespilus bengatinsis Roxb. ^Uespilus tinctdria D. Don. Cratafgus ShiccJla Ham. MSS. - 869 49 Page App. i. Species of Photinia not yet intro- duced. - - 869 P. bengalensis Wall. P. Sieb61dzY Don's Mill. Mdspilus Siebuldn Blum. P. laeVis Dec. Cratce^gus la?vis Thunb. P. villosa Dec. Cratts^gus villosa Thunb. XV. COTONEA'STER Med. THE COTONEASTER. Mespilus sp. L. 673. 869 i. Leaves deciduous. Shrubs. & - 870 1. vulgaris Lindl. & Europe f. 620. 870 The common Cotoneaster. Mespilus Cotonedster L. Neflier cotonneux, Fr. Quitten Mispel, -Ger. Varieties fc - - - 87O 1 erythrocarpa Led. & 2 rrn anocarpa Led. fe / ,rssa Fries. & 2. (v.) t/ '..entosa Lindl. ft Switzer. 870 The/ nentose, or woolly, Cotoneaster. Mttspilus tomentdsa Willd., not of Lam Mespilus eriocdrpa Dec. 3. (v.) laxiflora ./ac?. * ..... fig. 621, 622. 870 The loose-flowered Cotoneaster. ii. Subevergreen or deciduous. Tall Shrubs, or low Trees. 1 - - 871 4. frigida Wall. * Nepal pi. 156. 871 The frigid Cotoneaster. Yyrus Nussia Ham. Page App. i. Species of Cotonedster not yet intro- duced. - 873 C. bacillaris Wall C. obttisa Wall. 5. (f.) affinis Lindl. % * Nepal pi. 157. 871 The related (to C. frigida) Cotoneaster. Mdspilus intege'rrima Ham. MS& 6. acuminate Lindl. i Nepal pi. 158. 872 The acuminated-leaved Cotoneaster. Mespilus acumin&ta Lodd. 7. nummnlaria Lindl. Nepal pl.159. 872 The money-like-towed Cotoneaster. iii. Leaves evergreen, leathery. Low Shrubs, with prostrate Branches ; Trailers, but not properly Creepers. * - - - 872 8. rotundifolia Wall. * Nepal fig. 623, 624. 872 The round-leaved Cotoneaster. C. microphytta ft LTva-ursi Lindl. The Bear-berry-leaved Nepal Cotoneaster. 9. (r.) microphylla Wall. * Nepal fig. 625. 873 The small-leaved Cotoneaster. (r.) Zmxifolia Wall. * Nepal The Box-leaved Cotoneaster, 873 XVI. AMJSLA'NCffJER Med. t 673. 874 THE AMELANOHIER. Mdspilus L. Pyrus W. Arbnia Pers. Crataf'gus Lam. Stirbus Crantz. 1. vulgaris Mcench. Europe f. 626. 874 The common Amelanchier. Mespilus Amelanchier L. Pyrus Amelanchier Willd. Aronia rotundifolia Pers. Crates^gus rotundifolia Lara. Sorbus Amelanchier Crantz. Alisier Amelanchier, Amelanchier dcs Bois, Neflier a Feuilles rondes, Fr. Felsenbirne, Ger. 2. (v.) Botryapium Dec. X N. America pi. 160, 161. fig. 627, 628. 874 The Grape-Pear, or Snowy-blossomed, Ame- lanchier. Me'spilus canadtnsis L. Me'spilus arbbrea Michx. Cratce^gus racerndsa Lam. Yyrus Botryapium Pers. The Canadian Medlar, Snowy Mespilus, June Berry, Wild Pear Tree. Alisier de Ch'oisy, Alisier d Grappes, Fr. Traubenbirne, Ger. 3. (v.) sangufnea Dec. * North America fig. 630, 631. 875 The blood-coloured Amelanchier. Pyrus sangutnea Pursh. Arbnia sanguinea Nutt. Mespilus canadensis y rotundifolia Michx . 4. (v.) ovalis Dec. North America fig, 632. 876 The ova\-leaved Amelanchier. Cratte^gus spicfita Lam. Mdspilus Amelanchier Walt. A. parvifl6ra Doug. MSS. Mespilus canadensis var. ovdlis Michx. Pjrus ovalis Willd. Arbnia ovdlis Pers. Amelanchier du Canada, Alisier d E'pi, Rundbldttrige Birne, Ger. Variety $ ... 876 2 subcordata Dec. * Aronia subcorddta Raf. Mdlus microcdrpa Raf. 3 semi-integrifolia Hook. 5. (v.) florida LindL North America fig. 633, 634. 876 The flowery Amelanchiejr. Variety - - 877 2 parvifolia A. parvifolia Hort. Soc. Card. XVII. ME'SPILUS Lindl. Z 673.877 THE MEDLAR. Mdspilits sp. of Lin. and others. Mespilophora sp. 8 50 PO'ME^E. Page 1. germanica L. *t Europe pi. 162. 877 The German, or common, Medlar. Varieties - - - 878 1 sylvestris Miff. Diet. 2 stricta Dec. * 3 diffusa Dec. *t Cultivated Varieties. 1 . Blake's large-fruited Medlar. 2. Dutch Medlar. 3. Nottingham, or common, Med- lar. 4. The stoneless Medlar. 2. Smithw Dec. * ... Smith's Medlar. M. grandiflbra Sm. M. lobdta Poir. pi. 163. 878 673. 879 XVIII. PY^RUS Lindl. THE PEAR TREE. Pyrus, Mdlus, and Sdrbus, Tourn. Pyrus and Sorbus L. Pyrophorum and Apyr6pkorum Neck. i. Pyrophorum Dec. - 880 1. con.munis L. Eur. pi. 164, 165. 880 The common Pear Tree. P. A^chras Gsertn. P. sylvestris Dod. Pyrdster Ray. Poirier, Fr. Gemeine Birne, Sirnebaum, Ger. Pero, Ital. Per a, Span. Gruschka, Russian. Varieties - - 880 1 ^chras Wallr. 2 Pyraster Wallr. $ 3 foliis variegatis 3f 4 fructu variegato * 5 sanguinole"nta * The sanguinole Pear. 6 flore pleno Poire de I'Armdnie Bon Jard. 7 jaspida * Bon Chretien d oisjaspe"BonJ&rd. 8 sativa Dec. Varieties most deserving of Culti- vation, selected from the Hort. Soc. Cat. of Fruits - 881 Beurre Diel. Beurre de Rans. Bezi de la Motte. Glout Morceau. pi 166. Napoleon. '_ Swan's Egg. Scotch Pears recommended by Mr. Gorrie, as Trees adapted for Landscape Scenery The Benvie. The Golden Knap. The Elcho. The busked Lady. The Pow Meg. 2. (c.) salvifolia Dec. % France 888 The Sage-leaved, or Aurelian, Pear Tree. Poirier Sauger D'Ourch. 3. (c.) nivalis L,fil. % Austria - 888 The snowy-leaved Pear Tree. 4. (c.) sinaica Thonin. The Mount Sinai Pear Tree. P. Smt.zDesf. P. persica Pers. The Mount Sinai Medlar. Page Mount Sinai pi. 167. 889 5. (c.) salicifolia L. % Siberia - 889 The Willow-leaved Pear Tree. 6. (c.)elseagnifdliaP//. A. Minor 889 The Oleaster-leaved Pear Tree. P. orientdlis Horn. 7. (c.) amygdaliformis VU. % - 889 The Almond-shaped Pear Tree. P. sylvestris Magnol Bot. P. salictfdlia Lois. 8. sinensis Lindl. % China pi. 168. 889 The Chinese Pear Tree. Pyrus communis Lois. P. sinica Royle. Ri vulgo Nas, Japanese. The sandy Pear, Snow Pear, Sand Pear. Sha lee, Chinese. 9. bollwylleriana Dec.% France pi. 169. 890 The Bollwyller Pear Tree. P. Pollvena. L. P. auricuUlris Knoop. 10. crenataZJow. * Nepal f. 638, 639. 890 The notched-leaved Pear Tree. 11. variolosa Wall. Nepal pi. 170. 891 The variable-tazz'ed Pear Tree. P. Pashia Ham. A pp. i. Species of Pyrus belonging to the Sec- tion Pyrophorum, and not yet introduced. 891 P. cuneifblia Gus. P. parviflbra Dcsf. P. sylvestris erotica C. Bauh. P. Michauxrt Bosc. P. Indica Colebr. ii. MaZtts. - - 891 12. Jfalus L. * Eur. pi. 171, 172. 891 The common, or wild, Apple Tree. P. J&ulus m)tis Wallr. MaJzAS commimis Dec. Pommier commun, Fr. Gemeine Apfelbaum, Ger. 13. ( M.) acerba Dec. Europe - 892 The sour-fruited Apple, or common Crab Tree. Pyrus Mdlus aust&ra Wallr. Mains ace"rba Merat. WLdlus commiinis sylvestrts Desf. Mdlus sylvestris Fl. Dan. P. Mdlus Sm. Pommier sauvageon, Fr. Holzapfelbaum, Ger. 14. (M.)jt>runif61ia W. * Siberia - 892 The Plum-tree-leaved Apple Tree, or Siberian Crab. P. MdhuB Ait. Mdlus hybrida Desf. 15. (M.) baccata L. Siberia - 892 The berry-like-fruited Apple Tree, or Siberian Crab. Mdlus baccata Desf. POME^E. 51 Page - 89 16. (Af.)dioica W. *t The dicecious-sexed Apple Tree. P. apetala Miinch. Mulus dioica Audib. 17. (M.) astracanica Dec. Persia 893 The Astrachan Apple Tree. Miilus astracanica Dum. Varieties of P. Malus cultivated for their Fruit. - - 893 The Red Astrachan. The White Astrachan. The transparent Crab of Moscow. The Black Crab. The Court pendu plat. The Lincolnshire Holland Pippin. The Tulip Apple. The Violet Apple. The Cherry Crab. A subvar. of P. (M.) baccdta. The Supreme Crab. Bigg's Everlasting Crab. 18. coronaria L. % North America pi. 174. 908 The garland-flowering Apple Tree. Mdlus coronaria Mill. Crab Apple, Sweet-scented Crab, Amer. 19. (c.) angustifolia Ait. ^ Carolina pi. 175. 909 The narrow-leaved Apple Tree. P. corondria Wang. Mdlus sempervlrens Desf. P. piimila Hort. 20. spectabilis Ait. t China pi. 176. 909 The showy-flowering wild Apple Tree, or Chi- nese Crab Tree. Mdlus spectabilis Desf. Mdlus sine'nsis Dum. App. i. Additional Species of Pyrus belonging to the Section Mdlus. - 909 P. quinqueflbra Hamilt. P. llieverst. Led. P. not). *p. Sievers. iii. A Via Dec. 21. AVi& Ehrh. % Europe - The White Beam Tree. - 910 - 910 ia var. ct L. Mt?spilus AVt'o Scop. Sdrbus A Via Crantz. A Via Theophrdsti L'Obel. White Wild Pear, White Leaf Tree, Red Chess Apple, Sea Ouler, Cumberland Hawthorn, Gerard. Alisier Allouchier, Alisier blanc, Fr. Mehlbeerbaum, Mehlbaum, Ger. Aria, Sorba pilosa, Ital. Mostaco, Span. Axelbeer, Danish. Oxilbear, Swedish. Varieties - 910 1 obtusifolia Dec. 3f P. A. ovdlis Hort. 2 acutifolia Dec. Cratafgus longifdlia N. Du Ham. ?P.a/jrtnaWflld. 3 undulata Lindl. pi. 1 77. 4 angustifolia Lindl 5 rugosa Lindl. i 6 cretica Lindl. P. A. rotundifolia Hort. P. gree^ca Hort. 7 bullata Lindl. 1 P. A. acumindta Hort. 22. (A.) intermedia Ehrh. * Europe 912 The intermediate White Beam Tree. Cratafgu* AYiYi ft L. Crata^gus scCndica Wahl Crataf'gta sue'cica Ait. Alisier de Fontainebleau, Fr. Schwedischer Mehlbaum, Ger. Varieties ft - - 912 1 latlfolia Dec. t Crat^gus latifMia Poir. Sdrbus latifdlia Pers, Cratafgus dentdta Thuil. 2 angustifolia Dec. It fig. 640. P. edulis Willd. 23. (A.} vestita Wall. Nepal pl.l"8. 912 The clothed White Beam Tree. fyrus nepaUnsis Hort. Sdrbus vestita Lodd. App. i. Additional Species of Pyrus belong- ing to the Section A Via. - 913 P. kamaonAisis Wall. P. lanata D. Don. iv. Tormindria Dec. 24. torminalis Ehrh. *t Europe pi. 17^. 913 The gnping-fruited Service Tree. Cratte^gus tormindlis.,Li. Sdrbus torminalis Crantz. The Maple-leaved Service Tree. Alisier des Bois, Fr. Elzbear Bourn, Ger. App. i. Other Species of Pyrus belonging to the Section Tormindria. - 915 P. rivularis Doug. fig. 642, 643. v. Eriolobus Dec. - 915 25. trilobata Dec. Mount Lebanon 915 The three-lobed-/eat*d Pear Tree. trilob&ta Labill. - 915 - 915 vi. Sorbus Dec. 26. auriculata Dec. * Egypt The auricled Service Tree. Sdrbut auricul&ta Pers. 27. pinnatifida Ehrh. 2 Britain. pi. 180. 915 The pirm&tifid-leaved Service Tree. Sdrbus htfbrida L. Pyrus htfbrida Sm., not of Willd. The Bastard Service Tree. Varieties - - - 916 2 lanugindsa * 3 pendula Strbut hybrida ptndula Lodd. 4 arbuscula Dec. * 28. aucuparia Gcertn. Europe pl.181. 916 The Fowler's Service Tree, or Mountain Ash. Sorbus aucuparia L. Mespilus aucuparia All. Quicken Tree, Quick Beam, Wild Ash, Wild Service, Wicken Tree, Rowan Page Tree, Rowne Tree, Roan Tree, Roddan, Ruutry, Mountain Service, Witchen, Wild Sorb, Wichen, Whitten, Wiggen Tree. Sorbier des Oiseleurs, Sorbier des Oiseaux, Fr. Vogel Beerbaum, Ger. Sorbo Salvatico, Ital. Varieties % - - - 916 2 fructu luteo 3 foliis variegatis If 4 fastigiata 29. americana Dec. North America pi. 182. 920 The American Service. Sdrbus americana Pursh. Stirbus americana var. Michx. SO. microcarpa Dec * North America 921 The small-fruited Service. Silrbus aucupdria a. Michx. SiMwM micrdntha Dum. Srfr&u* microcdrpa Pursh. 3 1 . Sorbus Gcertn. Barbary pi. 1 83. 92 1 The True Service. Stirbus domdslica L. Pyrus domdstica Sm. The Whitty Pear Tree. Cormier, Sorbier cultive, Fr, Speyerlingsbaum, Sperberbaum, Ger. Sorbo, Ital. Varieties - 921 2 maliformis Lodd. *L La Corme-Pomme, Fr. 3 pyriformis Lodd. 3f La Corme-Poire, Fr. 32. lanuginosa Dec. ? Hungary pi. 184. 924 The -woolly-leaved Service Tree. P. hybrida lanugindsa Hort. Sdrbus lanugindsa Kit. 33. spiiria Dec. Kamtschatka pi. 185. fig. 645. 924 The spurious Service Tree. P. htfbrida Moench. Stir bus sphria Pers. Me'spilus sorbifdlia Poir. P. sorbifolia Bosc, not of Sm. ? P. satnbucifdlia Cham. Variety * - 925 2 pe"ndula Hort. Sdrbus hybrida p^ndula Lodd. P. spiiria sambuofolia Hort. Brit App. i. Additional Species of Pyrus belonging to the Section Sorbus. - - 925 P. foliolosa Wall. P. hircina Wall. Other Sorts. vii. Adenorachis Dec. tt - 925 34. arbutifolia L.fil.& North America fig. 646. 925 The Arbutus-leaved Aronia. Cratafgus yyrifdlia Lam. Ardnia vyrffblia Pers. ? Crateegus serrdta Poir. M&pilus &rbuttfblia Schmidt. Varieties jfe - 926 2 intermedia Lindl. & 3 serotina LindL & 4 pumila * f. 647, 648. Mespilus piimila Lodd. 35. (a.) melanocarpa W. N. America fig. 649. 926 The black-fruited Aronia. P. &rbutifolia /3 Willd. Ardnici arbutifdlia Pers. Variety & - 927 2 subpubescens Lindl. & 36. (.) floribtinda Lindl. & North America - - 927 The abundant-flowered Aronia. 37. (a.) depressa Lindl. & North America 927 The depressed Aronia. 38. piibens Lindl. & N. America - 927 The dovfny-branched Aronia. 39. grandifolia Lindl. & North America fig. 650. 928 The large-leaved Aronia. viii. Chamcemtspilus Dec. & 928 40. Chamasmespilus Lindl. 31 Europe fig. 651. 928 The dwarf Medlar. Gratee*gtu Chamcsmespilus Jacq. Mesptlus Chamcenivspilus L. Sdrbus Chamcemvspilus Crantz. The Bastard Quince. App. i. Species of Pyrus not sufficiently known. - 923 P. alnifolia Lindl. P. tomentosa Dec. MAlus tomzntbsa Dum, P. rubiciinda Hoff'mans. XIX. CYDONIA Tourn. * & - 929 THE QUINCE TREE, Pyrus sp. L. 1. vulgaris Pers. % Crete pi. 186. 929 The common Quince Tree. Pyrus Cyddnta L. C. curope"a Sav. Varieties ^ 1 pyriformis Hort. *t 2 maliformis Hort. *t 3 lusitanica Du Ham. - 929 2. sinensis T/iouin. China pi. 187. 931 The China Q'nnce Tree. Pyrus sinensis Poir. 3. japonica Pers. & Japan fig. 952. 931 The Japan Quince Tree. ? Pyrus japdnica Thunb. Chcenomtles japdnica Lindl. Varieties si - - 932 2 flore albo St 3 flore semi-pleno Sfe App. i. Other Species of Cydbnia. 932 C. SumbdMa Hamilt. CALYCANTHA^CE^E. GRAN ATA V ONAGRA V CE^. A pp. I. Half-hardy Species of Rosaces, Pomea;, not belonging to any of the Genera containing hardy Species. - - 932 Raphiolepis Lindl. - 932 indica Lindl. fig. 653. Cratce^gus indica L. alicifulia Lindl. fig. 654. rubra Lindl. Cratafgui ritbra Lour. M&pilus sinenti* Poir. phseostemon Lindl. R. indica Hot. Reg. Laurelri Spreng. Cratafgua indica Lour, spiralis Don's Mill. Miftpilus spiriilis Blume. Eriobotrya Lindl. - - 933 japonica Lindl. fig. 655, 656. Mespilus japdnica Thunb. Cratte^gus Blbas Lour. Lou-Koet, Japan. elliptica Lindl. t/Utfili* Cuila Ham. HISS. cordata Lindl. obtusifolia Dec. chin&isis G. Don. Kageneck?Vz Ruiz et Pav. - - 934 crataegoides D. Don. fig. 657. K. cratcegifolia Lindl. obl<5nga R. et P. lanceolata. glutindsa. App. II. Half-hardy Species of Rosdcece, belonging to the Suborder Sanguisorbeai. 934 Margyricarpus setbsus R. et P. . 934 Wmpetrum pinntitum Lam. Diet. Anclstrum barbdtum Lam. 111. Cercocarpus fothergiMoldes H. B. et Kunth. - 934 Bertoldnia guieriildes Moc. et Sesse. AcaeSia Vahl. . 934 Poterium L. . . 935 spinosum t. caudatum Ait. fig. 658. Cliffortm - 935 tlicifblia L. obcordata L. CalycanthdcecB Lindl. * 935 I. C A LYCA'NTHUS imrf/. * 935, 933 THE CALYCANTHUS, or American Allspice. Calycunthi sp. L. Buitnlri& Du Ham., not ofL. Beurr&ria E/ir/i. Bast&ria. Adams. Pbmpadoiira. Bucho%. Catycanie, Fr. Kelch Blume, Ger. 1 . floridus L. ft N. America f. 659. 936 The flowery Calycanthus, or Carolina Allspice. C. stdriKs Walt. Sweet-scented Shrub, in Carolina. Common American Allspice. Varieties 3k - . 936 1 oblongus Dec. & 2 ovatus Dec. Hfe 3 osplenifolius Lodd. & 4 ferax Lodd. & 5 glaucus Lodd. & 6 inodorus Lodd. & 7 longifolius Lodd. * 8 variegatus Lodd. iik 2. (f.) glaucus Wtfld.. & Carol, f. 660. 937 The gteucous-kaved Calycanthus, or fertile- flowered American Allspice. C. fertilisWs.lt. ' Variety - - 937 2 oblongifolius Nutt. & 3. laevigatus WMld. & N. Araer. f. 661. 937 The glabrous-teawed Calycanthus. C. ferax Michx. C. pennsylvdnicus Lodd. II. CHIMONA'NTHUS Lindl. st 935. 937 THE CHIMONANTHUS, or Winter Flower. Meriitia. Nees. Calycunthi sp. L. 1. fragrans Lindl. tt Japan f. 662. 938 The fragrant-flowered Chimonanthus. Calycanthus prce^cox L. Merdtia fragrans Nees. (Fbai, or JRobai, Kuempf. The Winter Flower. Calycante de Japan, Fr. Japanische Kelch Blume, Ger. Varieties ^ - 938 2 grandiflorus Lindl. 3fc f. 663. 3 luteus Hort. Stt 939 - 939 939 Granatdcece D. Don. I. PU^NICA Tourn. * i THE POMEGRANATE TREE. The Carthaginian Apple. Grenadier, Gr. Granate, Ger, Melograno, Ital. Granados, Span. 1 . Granatum L. Asia The common Pomegranate Tree. Varieties 1 rubrum Dec. f. 664. 2 r. flore pleno Trew. & 3 albescens Dec 4 a. flore pleno Dec. 5 flavum Hort. & 2. (G.) nana Z.auJ North America fig. 665. 942 The dwarf Pomegranate. P. americdna ndna Tourn. P. Granatum minum Pers. Qnagrdcea LindJ. _J942 Fuchsia L. * | 1 | microphjlla H. B. et Kunth. i a Smith. " . catuficent Desv. Page T. ramosissima Led. 9* T. gdllica Sievers. . Pallasti Desv. ^ T. pentdndra Pall. T. gdllica Bieb. T. paniculata Stev. T. cupressiformis Led. 3fe T. parviflora Dec. ^ T. tetragyna Ehrenb. 3fe T. eff'fisa Ehrenb. & App. ii. Half-hardy Sorts of 1'ai.Mrix. 949 T. africana Pair, T. ^aHica uar. y Willd. T. canariensis fftYW. T. pycnocarpa Dee T. passerinoides Del. var. I divaricata Ehrh. 2 Hamm6m' Ehrh. 3 macrocarpa Ehrh. Other Species or Sorts. II. MYRICA'RIA Desv. *fe 946. 949 THE MYRICARIA. The species of Tdmarix of authors that have monadelphous stamens. 1. germanica Ztew. & Europe f 672. 949 The German Myricaria, or German Tamarisk. Tdmarix germdnica L. Tamariscus germdnicus Lob. Tamariscus decdndrus Lam. Tdmarix decdndra Mcench. Tamaris d'Allemagne, Fr. Deutschen Tamarisken, Ger. 2. dahurica Dec. & Siberia - 949 The Dahurian Myricaria. Tdmarix dahurica W T illd. App. i. Other Sorts of Myricaria not yet introduced. - - 950 M. squambsa Desv. ? M. dahurica var. M. longifolia Dec. Tdmarix germdnica Pall. Tdmarix decdndra Pall. Tdmarix longifdlia Willd. M. linearifdlia Desv. M. herbacea Desf. Tdmarix germdnica subherbdcea Pall. M. bracteata Royle. M. elegans Royle. Philadelphdcea. 95O PHILADE'LPHUS L. * - 950, 951 THE PHILADELPHIA, or Mock Orange. Syringa Tour n., not of L. Philadelphus, Fr. Pfeifenstrauch (Pipe Shrub), Ger. Pipe Privet, Gerard. The Syringa of the gardens. ;, Stems stiff and straight. Flowers in Racemes. - - 951 coronarius L. & South Europe fig. 673. 951 The garland Philadelphia. Syringa suaviolens Mcench. Varieties & - 95 1 1 vulgaris Schkuhr. 3fc 2 nanus Mill. & 3 flore pleno Lodd. '& 4 variegatus Lodd 3fe J/YRTACE^E. 55 2, (c.)inodorusZy. ^Carolina f.674. 952 The scentless-./Zo;eraZ Philadelphus. Syringa inodora Mcench. P. luxus in many English gardens. Page C. Rracllis R. Br. Sfc 1 | - 957 C. quadrifida R. Br. Sfc | | - 957 C. clavata Cunningh. 3t t_J - - 957 Melaleuca squamea Labill. Sfc | \ - - 957 M. linearifolia Sm. ^ \ I - - fig. 685. 957 3. (c.) Zeyhen Schrad. & N. Amer. 952 Zeyher's Philadelphus. Metrosideros hyssopifblia Cav. M. pulchdlla R. Br. & i 1 - - 957 M. fcypericifolia Sm. & \ 1 - - fig. 687. 957 4. verrucosus Schrad. ft North America M. squarrosa Sm. 3fe| | - - 957 Eudesmia tetragona R. Br. 1 | 1 - fig. 686. 958 f. 675. 952 The warted Philadelphus. Sect. II. EULEPTOSPE'RME^E. luJ ti_J 958 P. grandiflorus Lindl. Eucalyptus resinifera Sm. ( | - fig. 688, 689. 691. 958 5. (v.) latifolius Schrad. tt N. America Tlie Iron Bark Tree. E. robusta Sm. | | . . pi. 188. 959 fig. 676. 953 The broad-leaved Philadelphus. P. pubtscens Cels. The Stringy Bark Tree. E. viminalis Labill. f | 1 . fig. 692, 693. 959 E. amygdalina Labill. \ | - fig. 694, 695. 959 E. piperlta Sm. ' \ ( - fig. 696, 697. 959 6. (v. ) floribimdus Schrad. * N. Amer. 953 The abundant-flowered Philadelphus. Tlie Blue Gum Tree. E. cordata Labill. f \ | - fig. 698. 959 E. pulverulAnta Sims. $. 1 1 - - fie. 697. 959 E. corddta Hort. Berol. ii. Stems more slender, rambling, twiggy, E. diversifblia Bonn/. | | . . 959 and loose. Flowers solitary, or 2 or 3 together. - - - 954 E! pT^ente Ho'rt. Berol. E. heterophiilla Swt. E. angustifblia Hort. 7. laxus Schrad. * N. Amer. f. 677. 954 Several other Species of Eucalyptus - - 959 Angdphora cordifblia Cav. * i 1 . . fi g . 599. ggo The loose-growing Philadelphus. * Metrosideros hispidus Sm. P. hiimilis Hort. A. lanceolata Cav. * | | . . fig. 702. 960 P. pubescens Lodd. The Apple Tree of New Holland. Metrosideros splendent Gaertn. 8. (1.) grandiflorus Willd. & N. Amer. 954 The large-flowered Philadelphus. P. inodorus Hort. Callistemon alignus Dec. * I | - - . ggQ Metrosideros saUgmts Sm. C. lanceolatus Dec. * ( | - . fig. 700. 960 Metrosideros lanceoldtus Sm. P. Idxus Lodd. Metrosideros ct.nna Bot. Mag. 9. hirsutus Nutt. & North America, f. 678, 678 a. 954 Metrosideros corifolius Vent. & L_J - fig. 705. 961 The Coris-leaved Iron Wood. Leptospe'rmum ambtguum Sm. Leptospfrmum grandifolium Sm. A 1 1 - fig. 701. 961 The hairy-leaved Philadelphus. P. villdsus and P. gracilis Lodd. L. lanigerum Ait. A | | ... ggi Vhiladelphus lanigerut Ait. 10. tomentosus Wall. & Nepal - 955 The woolly-leaved Philadelphus. P. nepalensis Lodd. Billottrt marginata R. Br. A I ! . . . ggj Leptospe'rmum marginatum Labill. B. flexuosa D. Don. * i__] - . 961 Fabrics myrtif61iaGr<7. * | | . . fig. 703. ggj F. stricta Lodd. * I | - - 961 ? P. triflorus Royle. Ba/ckm virgata Andr- * | | - - fig. 704. 961 Leptoap^rmum virgatum Forsk. II. DECUMA^RIAi. * 1 Jc 950. 955 Melaleuca virgata L. fil. THE DECUMARIA. Foray thi* Walt., not of Vahl. Sect. III. MT'RTE^E. 1 i_J i_J ggj 1. barbara L. -A Carolina f. 679, 680. 955 Ca^sSt""'" ^^ * ^ The barbarous Decumaria. P. coriaceum Marsh. P. chintnse Lodd. D. radlcans Moanch. D. ForsythiA Michx. Jlfyrtus communis L. *i_J - - 961 D. prostruta Lodd. The common Myrtle. Variety -* - - 955 Varieties Hi 1 - _ 953 2 sarmentosa Dec. -* D. sarmentosa Bosc. i. Melanocurpa Dec. Ht\ ] - 963 Forsijthia, scdndens Walt. 1 romana Dec. H | | The common broad-leaved, or Roman, Myrtle. A pp. I. Half-hardy ligneous Plants of the 2 tarentlna Mill. Jc. * i_| The Tarentum, or Box-leaved, Myrtle. Order Philadelphia. - 956 3 italica Mill. Diet. * i_| The Italian or upright Mvrtle Deutzza scabra Thunb. 3fc J f. 681. 950. 4 bae'tica Mill. Diet, tt ij D. corymbosa R. Br. Philadelphus corymbdsus Wall. The Andalusian, or Orange-leaved, Myrtle. 5 lusitanica L. itt \ \ The Portugal Myrtle. D. staminea R. Br. M. acitta Mill. Diet. Philadelphia stamtneu* Wall. D. Brunonia Wall. Leptospe-rmum scdbrum Wall. Subvar. ? The Nutmeg Myrtle * I 1 6 belgica Mill. Diet. * C_l The broad-leaved Dutch Myrtle. Subvar. The double-flowered Myrtle. .. .. n 7 mucronata L. It | | Myrtdcea. 1 i_J * i_J _| 956 The Rosemary, or Thyme-leaved Myrtle. ii. Leucocdrpa Dec. *| | - 963 Sect. I. MELALEU'CEJE. 1 i_l & i_! - 956 Tristania neriifolia R. Br. & | | - fig. 682. 956 8 leucocarp'a Dec. * | 1 The white-berried Myrtle. Melaletica neriifblia Sims. Melaleuca salicifblia Bot. Rep. iii. Garden Varieties. * ( | - 963 Beaufdrtia decussata R. Br. & i_J - fig. 633. 957 (CadothamniJB vi!16sa R. Br. Q \ | - fig. 634. 957 1. Gold-striped broad-leaved Myrtle 56 PASSIFLORA^CE^E. CRASSULA^CE.E. NITRARIA^CE^. CACTA V CE^. 2. Broad-leaved Jew's Myrtle * i 1 3. Gold-striped Orange-leaved Myrtle *fc i | 4. Silver-striped Italian Myrtle * | ) 5. Striped-leaved Myrtle M | | 6. Silver-striped Rosemary leaved Myrtle * i_J 7. Silver-striped Nutmeg Myrtle * l | 8. Cock's-comb, or Bird's-nest Myrtle 9. Spotted-leaved Myrtle * i_J M. tomentosa Ait. * I | - - fig. 707. 964 M. cantscent Lour. M . tenuifolia Sm. | | - - - 964 Sect. IV. Chamffilaticium ciliatum Deaf. * I I Calythrix gtabra R. Br. * l_J - C. ericoides Canning*. I _ I Darwfnia fascicularis Rvdge. * I | i_l - 964 - 964 fig- 708. 964 - 964 - 964 ordcea. 1 ID 1 _J 964 fig. 709. 964 Passifloia cserulea L. _i var. 2 anguslifolia Hort. _& 3 glaucophy'lla Hort. _& 4 ColviHii Swt. I 5 racemosa Hort. _& P. incarnata Z,. & _ I - The flesh-coloured Granaililla, or May Apple. P. ftliaefolia L. _| f 1 The Lime-tree-leaved Passion Flower. fig. 710. 965 - 965 Other Species or Varieties. - 965 fig. 711. 965 Disemma adiantif61ia Dec. JL I Passtfliira adiantifblia Bot. Mag Tactbnia pinnatistipula Juss. _& I PastiJIbra pinnalisKpula Cav. CrassuldcecB. - *i_J Sedum jpopulifolium L. *- The Poplar-leaved Sedum, or Stonecrop. Anacdmpseros yopuli folia Haw. Sempervivum arb6reum L. * I I The Tree Houseleek. 965 - 965 fig. 712. 965 Mesembrydceos. -"iJ - 966 Mesembryanthemum L. - 966 Nitraridcece Lindl. * j* L NITRA N RIA. ^^ - - 966 THE NITRA^RIA. 1. Schoberi L. * Russia - - 966 Schober's Nitraria. Varieties ffi - 966 1 sibirica & fig. 713. N. sibirica Pall. 2 caspica & fig. 714. AT. ciispica Pall. 2, tridentata Des/". j* Barbary - 967 The three-toothed leaved Nitraria. Ptganvm retiuum Forsk . Cactdcece. - Page 967 Opuntia vulgaris Mill. - I The common Indian Fig, or Prickly Ptar. Cdctut Qptntia L. Grossuldcece Dec. * -* 967 I. RrSES L. ai ~* . . 967, 968 THE RISES. Grossularia Tourn. Chrysob6trya, Caldbdtrya, Coreosma , and Rebes, Spach. Groseiller, Fr. Johannisbeere, Ger. Kruisbes, Dutch. Uva Spina, Ital. Grosella, Span. i. Grossuldrice Ach. Rich. 3fc - 968 A. Flowers greenish white. 1. oxyacanthoides L.^ Canada f.7 15. 968 The Hawthorn-leaved Gooseberry. 2. setosum Z/inrf/. N. Am. f.716. 969 The bristly Gooseberry. 3. triflorum W. & North America fig. 7 17. 969 The three-flowered Gooseberry. R. stamlneum Horn. 4. (t.) niveum Lindl. ft North America fig. 718. 969 The snov/y-flowered Currant-like Gooseberry. 5. (t.)CynosbatiL.^ Canada f.7 19. 970 The Dog-Bramble Gooseberry. R. ? trtflorum var. 6. (t.) divaricatum Dougl. afe N.America fig. 720. 970 The spreading-&?vzweAva-crispa Sm. & R. ITva-crispaTu. ITva-crispa Fuch. LTva-splna Math. R. U^va-crispa var. 1 sylvest Berlandier. 3 spinosissima Berl. MSS. & 4 reclinata Berl. MSS. & R. reclindtum L. Grossuldria reclinata Mill. 5 Bessewona Berl. MSS. & R. hybridum Besser. 6 subinermis Berl. MSS. & ? R. G. reclinata subvar. 7 macrocarpa Dec. ^ 8 bracteata Berl. MSS. & Other Varieties. 2fe The Red Champagne. H Horseman's Green Gaejrd Honeysuckle. Caprifolium fldvum Ell. Caprifolium Frdseri Pursh. 6. (f.) pubescens Swt. -i North America fig. 802. 1047 The pubescent Honeysuckle. Caprifdlium pubescens Goldie. L. hirsut irsuta Eaton. L. Gdldii Spreng North America 7. parviflora Lam. fig. 803, 804. 1048 The small-flowered Honeysuckle. Caprifdlium parvifidrum Pursh. L. dioica L. L. mldia Murr. Caprtfblium bracteosum Michx. Caprifdlium dioicum Rcem. et Schult. Caprifblium glaiicum Mcench. Glaucous Honeysuckle. Chevrefeuillc dioique, Fr. Meergriines Geissbl'dtt, Ger. Middelboore Kamperfoelie, Dutch. 8. (p.) Douglasu Dec. Jt N. America 1048 Douglas's Honeysuckle. Caprifblium Douglasii Lindl. 9. grata Ait. SL N. America f. 805. 1048 The pleasant, or evergreen, Honeysuckle. Caprifdlium grdtum Pursh. L. virginidna Marsh. ? Periclymenum americdnum Mill. L. microphS'lla Hook- - - -1049 64 CAPRIFOLIA^CE^E, LONICE V RJ2. Page B. Limb of Corolla nearly equal. Yericlymenum Tourn. - - 1049 10. sempervirens Ait. SL North America fig. 806. 1049 The evergreen Trumpet Honeysuckle. Caprifdlium sempervirens Michx. "Periclymenum sempervirens Mill. Alaternus sempervirens Kcehl. Yericlymenum virginlacum Riv. Varieties *. - - - 1049 2 major Ait. fc_ The large Trumpet Honeysuckle. 3 minor i. _J The small Trumpet Honeysuckle. ? L. conndta Meerb. 11. ciliosa Poir. - North America 1050 The ciliated-leaved Honeysuckle. Caprifolium cilidsum Pursh. L. cilidta Dietr. 12. occidentalis Hook. 3 N. Amer. 1050 The Western Honeysuckle. Caprifolium occidentdle Lindl. Caprifolium cilidsum Dougl. MSS. L. pi!6sa Willd. ' - - - 1050 Caprifblium villbsum H. B. et Kunth. J& JL 1050 ii. Xylosteum Dec. Xylosteon Juss. Lonicera. Rcem. et Schult. Xylosteon and Chamcecerasus Tourn. Xylosteum and Islka Adans. Cobce^A Neck. The Fly Honeysuckle. Hackenkirsche, Ger. Hondsbezien, Hondskarsen, Dutch. A. Ovaries and Berries altogether distinct. Stems scandent. Flowers irregular. Nintoba Dec. 1050 13. confusa Dec. J Japan fig. 808. 1050 The confused Honeysuckle. Nintoba confusa Scot. Lonicera. japonica Andr., not of Thunb. Nintoo, Sintoo, Kaempf. Caprifolium japonicum Loud. Hort. Brit. 14. longiflora Dec. 3 China - 1051 The long-flowered Honeysuckle. Caprifblium longifldrum Sabine. Nintooa longiflora Swt. Caprifdlium japdnicum D. Don. Caprifdlium nepaUnse G. Don. 15. jap6nica Thunb. fc- Japan fig. 809, 810. 1051 The Japan Honeysuckle. Nintoba japdnica Swt. L. chintnsis Hort. Kew. L.flexudsa Lodd., not of Thunb. L. glabrtlta Roxb. Caprifdlium chindnse Loud. Hort. Brit. Caprifdlium flexubsum Hort. a. Hardy Species of Lonicera belonging to the Divi- sion Nintoba of the Section Xyldsteum, not yet introduced. - . - 1052 L. cochinchinensis Don's Mill. L. Xylosteum Lour. L. Telfaim Hook, et Am. L. Yericlymenum Lour. L. Lechenaultzz Wall. L. glabrata Wall. L. vtigra Thunb. L. acuminkta Wall. L. diversifblia Wall. L. /igustrina Wall. Xylosteum \igiistrinum D. Don. Xylosteum Naisftca Hamilt. Page L. lanceolata Wall. L. canescens Schousb. L. bifl&ra Desf. L. bracteata Boyle. Several other species of Lonicera. B. Berries distinct, or usually connate together at the Base, and diverging at the Tip. Corolla hardly eibbous at the Base, or equal. Chameecerasi l)ec. - - 1052 16. tataricaL.aik Siberia f. 8 11, 812. 1052 The Tartarian Honeysuckle. Xylosteum cor datum Mcench. Xylosteum tartar icum Dum. Varieties & - - - 1053 2 albiflora Dec. tt L. pyrendica Willd. 3 rubriflora Dec. & L. grandifldrum Lodd. L. sibirica Hort. 4 lutea Lodd. 3k 5 latifolia Lodd. & 17. (t.) nigra L. Sk Europe - 1053 The black-/r#Z Honeysuckle. Caprifdlium rbseum Lam. Chamcecdrasus ntgra Delarb. Variety ^ - - - 1C53 2 campaniflora & fig. 813,814. Xylosteum campanifldrum Lodd. 18. (t.) ciliata Muhl. & N. Amer. 1053 The ciliated-feaz*d,'a .Tacquint H. B. et Kunth. I I B. triphijlla Hort. Houtfimia coccfnea Hot. Rep. Manettia glabra CAam. rt ScMwW. t | | M. cordifblia Mart. 1063 Tbpa jralicifblia G. Don. * | | J^ofiWia Ttipa Ait. Lnhilm gigantla Sims. .Lobelia salicifblia Swt. Lobelia arbdrea Forst. ? tL \ | L. superba Cham. tL i I Campanuldcece. 1063 M6ichta aurea Dumort. | | Campanula nuria L. 66 COMPO'SITVE. I. Comp6sitce. tt.tt.uJ Lessing. THE ST.EHELINA. Stteheline, Fr. and Ger. Page ices 1063. 1064 I. dubiaX. ft S. Europe fig. 832. 1064 The doubtful, or Rosemary-leaved, Staehelina. S. rosmarinifdlia Cass. App. i. Half-hardy Species of Stashelin^ 1065 Stsehelina arborescens L. it 1 S. Chamtepeuce L. * I II. .BA'CCHARIS R. Br. ft *-J 1063. 1065 THE BACCHARIS, or Ploughman's Spikenard. Bacchante, Fr. Baccharis, Ger. 1. Mimifolia L. ft N. Am. f.833. 1065 The Sea-Purslane-leaved Baccharis, or the Groundsel Tree. Sendcio arborescens Hort. Kew. 2. anrethrum/ceniculaceum W. En. il ] _ | fig. 859. Itm&Ha mader^nse H \ _ | j4thanasia pubescens L. Ht I | Balsamita ageratifblia Desf. H I I PiAntza flabellif(5rmis W. it \ _ | Tanaclstumjlabelliftrme L'H^rit. Erioc<5phalus africanus L. tt. i I Senecio ^legans p!6na rubra Bot. Mag. tt. i I S. litdcinus Lint. tt.| _ | Tarchonanthus camphoratus Lam. Ifc i I Eridcoma fragrans D. Don. A _ | Various other genera of Comp<5sitae. Epacriddcece. 1075 Styphfelia R. Br. Stenanthera pinifolia R. Br. *t\ | StyphMa pinifolia Spreng. Cjath&des glaiica Labil. f | | Trochocdrpa g-fcziicaSpreng. i C. Oxy"cedrus R. Br. *| | C. acerdsa R. Br. 1*1 | Lissinthe sapida R. Br. Ht | , L. subulata * t_J L. strig6sa * I | L. (iaphnoldes*! | L. ciliata * 1_J Leucop6gon lanceolatus R. Br. H . ' StyphMa lanceolata Sm. , Styphtliaparviflbra Andr. L. Richei R. Br. *t | | fig.[860. L. polystachyuj Lodd. L. apiculdtus Sm. L. parviflbnu Lindl. Mondtoca elliptica R. Br. * | j M- iflbens * 1 1 M. lineata * l_J M. icoparia 1 I Trochocarpa /aurina R. Br. *fc ] | fig. 861.1 StypbHa cormfMa Rudge. E'pacris grandifldra Sm. * l_J fig. 862. B. longiflora Cav. Lysinema R. Br. Andersdma sprengeltffzdej R. Br. H | l^fig. 863. Sprengeh'a incarnata Dot. Cab. Ht | | Sphendtoma gracilis Srvt. * | | Dracophyllum grdcile R. Br. Various other Genera of Compdsitac. Ericaceae. - - 1076 Sect. "I. ERI'C-EJE. 1076 i. NORMA'LES. tt. t, *i_J 1 076 . 1076. 1079 I. -ERPCA D. Dow. * THJB HEATH. Erica sp. of L. and other authors. - 1079 1. Tetralix L. . N. Europe, f.864. The four-leaved Heath. E. botulifdrmis Sal. E. barbdrica Rail. E. ppmila Park. E. T. ritbra Hort. Eric. Wob. The cross-leaved Heath. Varieties 1 rubra 2 carnea London's H. B. tt. 3 alba Hort. Eric. Wob. tt. 4 Mackazana tt. 2. cinereai. . N.Europe f.865. 1079 The grey Heath. E. mutdbilis Salisb. E. htomOit Neck. E. tenuifdlia, Ger. E. c. rft6ra Bedf. Hort. Eric. Wob. Varieties tt. - - . 108O 2 atropurpurea Lodd. a. 3 alba Lodd. tt. 4 pallida iorfrf. tt. 5 carnescens Lodd. tt. 6 prolifera Lodd. tt. 7 stricta Lodd. . 3. arborea L. South Europe - 1080 The Tree Heath. E . scopdria Thunb. , exclusive of the synon . E. caffra L. E. trifldra Berg. E. procera Sal. Varieties it - - - 1080 2 stylosa Don's Mill. * 3 squarrosa .Hor^. tt 4 minima Hort. * 4. (a.) ^olytrichifolia &z/. i The Polytrichum-leaved Heath. ? E. arbdrea var. ?E. a. stylosa Hort. 5. (a.) codonddes Lindl. * Europe fig. 866. 1080 The bell-shaped-./Zou'mjd Heath. 6. australis L. * Spain fig. 867. 1081 The southern Heath. E. pistilldris Sal. 7. stricta Donn. * Italy fig. 868. 1081 The upright Heath. E. multicaulis Sal. E. ctirsica Dec. E. ramuldsa Viv. 8. ciliaris i. a. Portugal fig. 869. 1081 The ciliated-feowd Heath. 9. sfcula Schonberg. Sicily - 1082 The Sicilian Heath. II. GYPSOCA'LLIS Sal. * . 1076. 1082 THE GYPSOCALLIS, or Moor Heath. Erlcts of others. 1. vagans Sal. a. England fig. 870. 1082 Th|jvanderin g Gypsocallis, or Cornish Moor Erica vagans L. Erica vaga Sal. Erica multffldra Huds. Erica did y ma Stokes. Erica purpurdscens Lam. i 2 Port. 1080 68 JERICA'CEJE, ERI'CEJE. Page - 1082 Varieties . - 2 pallida Don's Mitt. n. 3 rubescens Bree. - 4 purpurascens Bree. n. 5 alba ZWs Mitt. *. 6 tenella ZWs Mill. ML 2. multiflora jD. Don. tt South Europe fig. 871. 1083 The many-flowered Gypsocallis. Erica multiflora L. Erica juniperfidlia, 8fc., Garidel. Erica multifldra longi-pedicelldta Wendl. Erica pedunculdris Presl. 3. carnea D.Don. . Germany fig. 872. 1083 The fiesh-colour.Jlowered Gypsocallis. Erica cdrnea L. Sp. Erica herbdcea L. I)iss. Erica saxatilis Sal. 4. mediterranea Z>. Dow. * S. Eur. 1083 The Mediterranean Gypsocallis. Erica mediterranea L. Erica liigubris Sal. III. CALLITNA Sal. t, - 1076. 1084 THE CALLUNA. Erica sp. L. and others. 1. vulgaris Sal. *~ Europe - - 1084 The Ling, or Heather. Erica vulgaris L. La Bruyere, Fr. Heide, Ger. Lyng, Dan. Liung, Swed. Erica, Ital. Brezo, Span. tfrze, Port. JVeresk, Russ. Varieties^ - - - 1084 1 purpurea .Don'* Mitt. Is 2 spuria Icon's Mitt. JU 3 decumbens Zton's Mill, t* 4 tomentosa Don's Mill. JU 5 alba Don's Mill *~ 6 flore pleno Don's Mill. JU 7 foliis variegatis Don's Mitt. t 8 aurea Don's Mill, t^ 9 coccinea Don's Mill. Jt. 10 spicata Don's Mill. JU. 1 1 atro-rubens t 12 serotina iU App. I. l>is< q/" hardy Species and Varieties ofEricdcece belonging to the Group l&rlcea normdles, of which Plants are cultivated for Sale in the Tooting Nursery,- with some additional Names from the " Hortus Wo~ burnensis." .... 1086 App. II. Arrangement of the hardy Heaths included in the preceding List; showing which of them are in Flower, in the open Garden, every Month in the Year ; and the Colour of the Flower, and the Height of each. - 1088 Page App. III. List of Cape Heaths which will stand in the open Air, in Autumn, or the middle of Winter, without Protection, with Fahrenheit's Thermometer 1 or 8 Degrees below Freezing, without suffering in any way from such a Degree of Cold. *l_J - 1089 Callista acurainata (.Erica L.) Sot. Cab. fig. 873.' 2 pallida Hort. Brit. combsa Hart. Kew. Ic. 2 alba Andr. Heath. 3 rdbra Wendl. E. ferruginea Andr. Heath, hyacintholdes Andr. Heath, tenuiflbra Andr. Heath. 2 alba Hort. Brit. 3 liltea. tetragbna Andr. Heath. C. pueionifolia Sal. ventricbsa Bot Mag. 2 coccinea. 3 stellifera. 4 carnea. 5 alba. 6 superba. 7 er^cta. 8 nana. 9 hirsata. Ceramia (Erica L.) serpyllifMia Lodd. fig. 874. Dasyanthes (JErlcaZ,.) Sparmamu Andr. Heath. D. dispera A. H. D. hystricifldra L. T. Destnia (.Erica L.) conftrta Andr. Heath, fig. 875. Erica aggregata Wendl. Eric. fig. 876. 2 alba Hort. Brit. campanulata Andr. Heath. cerintholdes Bot. Mag. 1 glabriuscula Swt. 2 hispida Swt. 3 major H. Wob. 4 minor H. Wob. 5 nana H. Wob. 6 superba Roll. 'congesta Wendl. Eric. corifblia. E. articuldris B. M. E. calyclna A. H. Lamprdtis cortfdlia Don's Mill, cupressina Roll. globbsa Andr. Heath. glomerata Andr. Heath. gracilis Wendl. Eric. hispidula. leucanthe'ra. Idcida Andr. Heath. ? Lamprdtis lucida Don's Mill, imargaritacea Andr. Heath. montana. p^ndula Lodd. perlata. pub^scens. 1 major H. Brit. 2 minor Roll. 3 pubescentior H. Brit. 4 verna H. Wob. ramentacea Andr. Heath. setacea Andr. Heath. tenella Andr. Heath. Eur^lepis (rica L.) trifldra Wendl. Eric. Gypsocallis (.Erica L.) intertexta Lodd., fig. 877. longipedunculata Bot. Cal. nigrita Don's Mill. Pachysa physbdes Bot. Mae., fig. 878, 879. Syringbdea cruenta Andr. Heath. 2 superba Roll. curviflbra Andr. Heath. 1 aurantia. 2 rQbra. diaphana Don's Mill. Ewerdna Andr. Heath. 2 glabra. 3 speci5sa. 4 longiflbra. 5 pilbsa. exudans Lodd. ERI'CEJE. 69 Page grandifl&ra Sot. Mag. 1 humilis. 2 superba. igntfscens Andr. Heath, ? longiflbra Bot. Cal. mammdsa Andr. Heath. 2 minor. 3 pallida. 4 rbsea. ? trtmida .Bo*. Reg. verticillata Andr. Heath. 2 major, viridescens Sot. Cal. App. IV. List of Cape Heaths which are tenderer than those mentioned in the pre- ceding List, and which, when exposed to the Degree of Cold there stated, will be injured by it, but will.not suffer, although fully ex- posed to a Temperature 4 or 5 Degrees below Freezing. . subdeciduum Andr Subvaricty ? ft ft /Z. p. a. odoratum Zorftf. Co* Nursery Varieties. dlbum - - 1131 1131 1131 1131 Mr, I nil 1131 1131 1131 1151 1131 n. -a 1131 1131 1131 1131 1131 1131 1131 1131 1131 1131 1131 1131 1131 arigustissimum arbutifdlium bromelt>/(im bullatum com'/K-folium cserulescens contdrtum cri spurn fl. pleno fol. argenteis fol. aureis fol. marginatis frond6sum grandifl6rum incarnatum intermedium - Kalrnfltfo/m macrophyllum nivdticum obtusum pygmee'um roseurn - - alicifolium specfcSbile eiolaceura 2* maximum I/, ft N, Amen, f. 932. 1 134 The largest Rhododendron. Varieties ft ^ - - 1131 2 album Hort. ft 3 hybridum Hook, ft R.frcigrans Hort. R. ht/bridum Lodd. 3. (rm)purpureum<7.-Do7z.ft N. Am. 1135 The purple-flowered Rhododendron. R. maximum y purpureum Pursh. R. punticum macrophyllum Lodd. 4. Pursh u G. Don. ft North America 1135 Pursh's Rhododendron. R. maximum /9 dlbum Pursh. 6. catawbiense Michx. ft North America fig. 933. 1135 The Catawba Rhododendron. Varieties - - - 1135 2 RusselKam/m Brit. Fl.-Gard. ft 3 tigrinum Hort. ft 6. chrysanthum L. . Siberia - 1135 The golden-flowered Rhododendron. R. ojftcinclle Salisb. Page 7. caucasicum Pall. . Caucasus fig. 934. 1136 The Caucasian Rhododendron. Varieties ft . 2 stramineum ^TooA, *L 3 pulcherrimum Lindl. 4 Nobleanwm Hort. ft 1136 8. punctatum Andr. ft North America fig. 935. 1136 The dotted-leaved Rhododendron. R. ferrugineum var. minus Pers. R. minus Michx. R. punctatum var. minus Wats. Variety ft . . - 1137 2 majus Ker. ft 9. ferrugfneum L. . Eur. f. 936. 1 137 The rustyleaved Rhododendron. - - 1137 fig. 937. 1137 - - 1137 Nepal - 1137 . - 1138 1138 Variety 2 album Lodd. i JO. (?f.) hirsutum Z,. . The hairy Rhododendron. Variety 2 variegatum tt. 11. setosum D. Don. . I The bristly Rhododendron. R. macrophyllum D. Don. ft ii. Lepipherum D. Don. . 12. lapponicum WaJil. !U J N. Europe fig. 938. 1138 The Lapland Rhododendron. Azalea lappont'ca L. Azalea ferruginea Hort. 13. dauricum L. j* Siberia f. 939. 1138 The Dahurian Rhododendron. Variety *. * * - 1139 2 atrovirens Ker. tt. ,lepid6tumWa*. * i | 3 macranthum Don's Mill. Jc \ | Azalea miicrdntha Kunge. R. nrte/w D. Don MSS. - 1150 fig. 958. 1150 - 1150 . reticulatum D. Don JtfSS. - 1 I Aztilea reticulata Hort. |l. Farrens Tate. J* 1 1 Azalea Fdrrerte Hort. #. decumbens D. Don MSS. -* .*salifbtttu Michx. Vaccinia palustris Ger. Emac. Oxycoccum Cord. Mossberries, Moorberrtes, Fenberries, Marshworts, Whortleberries, Corn- berries, Eng. Airette canneberge, Fr. Gemeine Moosebeere, Ger. 2. macrocarpus Pursh. t> North America fig. 993. 1170 The large-fruited, or American, Cranberry. ~Vacci:iiun/ macrocdrpum Ait. V actinium hispidulum Wangh. Vacclm'um Oxycoccus $ oblongifdlius MX. Variety !U - - - 1170 2 foliis variegatis Hort. )U. Vaccinium macrocdrpum fol. var. Lodd. 3. erectus PwraA. *- N. Am. f. 994. 1171 The erect Cranberry. Vaccinium erythrocarpum MX. App. I. Genera of Ericaceae, of which it ap- pears doubtful if any hardy ligneous Species have yet been introduced. - - 1171 I. BRYA'NTHUS Gmd. t, - 1171 THK BRVANTHUS. Andriimeda sp. L. Afeste*ia Swarfs and Pursh. Erica sp. Thunb. 1. Gmelim D. Don. Kamtschatka fig. 995. 1171 Gmelin's Bryanthus. JtetfMa brydntha Swam. Andromeda bryuntha I, Erica bi-ydntha Thunb. Brydnthiti repent serpyllifblia fbre rdseo Gmel. 2. Stellen' D. Don. !U North-west America fig. 996. 1172 Stel lev's Brvanthus. Andnhneda. Stelleribna Pall. Menzicsia. empetrifiirmis i'ursh, but not of others. Claclothamnus pyrolsefl6rus Bongard. 1172 Ptfrolafrvticdsa Eschscholtz. App. II. Half- hardy ligneous Species of Ericaceae. - - 1172 I. ENKIA'NTHUS Lour. THE ENKIANTI 1172 Meladbra Sal. 1. quinqueflorus Lour. *i 1 China fig. 997, 998. 1172 The five-flowered Enkianthus. E. reticuldtus Lindl. E. hifl6rus Lour. * I | Vireyit Befaria Humb. et Bonp. * I | * 1 Bejaria Mutis. B. glauca Humb. et Bonp. * I B. racem6sa Vent. Cel*. Ht\ | - B. paniculata Michx. Hymenaiithes japdnica Blum. Gavlussaccta /.'iixifblia H. B. et Kunth Thibaudia covditolia H. B. et Kunth Cavendfshia ncJbilis Lindl. Agapetes D. Don Ceratoste tema grandifl6ra R. et P. 1173 1173 1173 1173 1173 1173 1173 1173 1173 1173 1173 App. III. Of the Cultivation of the Hardy En'caceat, including the Laying out and Planting of an Ericacetum. - - 1 17JJ Symplocctce&t Page \ ] 86 S^mplocos sfnica Ker. ' S. crataegoldes Hamitt. I China 2 sp. fig. 1007. lL_J Nepal. Styrdcece. \ 187 I. STTHAXL.it - - 4sp. 1187 THE STORAX. Alibocifier, Fr. Storax, Ger. 1. officinale L. * Syria fig. 1008. 1187 The officinal Storax. Lagomelia, Modern Greek. Sturax kalamiles, Ancient Greek. 2. grandifolium Ait. * North America fig. 1009. 1188 The large-leaved Storax. S. officinulis Walt. S. grandiflorum Michx. 3. laevigatum Ait. * South Carolina fig. 1010. 1188 The smooth-leaved Storax. S. octdndrum L'Hent. S. gk.brum Cav. S. Icfve Walt. S. americanum Lam. 4. pulverulentum Michx. & Virginia and Carolina - - fig. 1011. 1189 The powdery Storax. S. laevigatum Curt. Haleiiaceae. 1189 I. H ALE'S/,4 Ellis. * * - 3sp. 1189 THE HALESIA, or Snowdrop Tree. Haltsie, Fr. and Ger. 1. tetraptera L. f. South Carolina pi. 194, 195. fig. 1012. 1190 The four-winged-/rMzYfd Halesia, or common Snowdrop Tree. The Snowdrop Tree, Silver Bell Tree, Amer. 2. (t.) parviflora Michx. i A Florida fig. 1013. 1190 The small-flowered Halesia. 3. dfptera L. 1 Georgia and Carolina fig. 1014. 1191 The two-winged-/r/fed Halesia. Sapotaceae. : 1 1 CI3 3fe 1 1191 I. ARGANIA Roem. et Schultes. If * 1191 THE ARGANIA. Siderdxylon spindsum L. ISArgan, Fr. Eisenholz, Ger. 1. Sideroxylon Roem. et Schultes. 5? *fe Morocco - - fig. 1015. 1192 The Iron-wood Argania. Sider6xylun spinosum L. Sp. &c. Elceodendron A'rgan Retx. llhiimnus pentaphyttut Jacq. \\hdninus siculus L. Syst. OLEA V CEJE. 79 II. #UMRLIA Swartz. 1192 THE BUMELIA. Pfchras sp. Lin. Siderdxylon sp. Lam. and others. Chrysophyllum sp. Aubl. and others Hochstaum, Ger. 1. /ycioldes GWn. * m Carolina fig. 1016. 1193 The Box-thorn-like Bumelia. Siderdxylon \ycimdes Du Ham S. lahie Walt. Lycioides sp. Lin. Hort Cliff. 119.' 2. reclinata Vent. & Georgia - The reclinate-irancAerf Bumelia. Siderfoylon reclimltum Michx. 3. tenax mild. ? Carolina f. 1017. 1193 The tough-branched Bumelia. B. chrysophylloldes Pursh. Sideroxylon tenax L. S. sericeum Walt. S. chrysophylloldes Michx. ChrysophyUum carolintnse Jacq. C. gldbrum Juss. 4. lanuginosa Pursh. Georgia . The v,oo\\y. leaved Bumdia. Carolina and . . 1194 5. oblongifolia Nutt. N. America 1 1 94 The oblong-leaved Bumelia. O. salicifolia Swz. ^ [3D AYftraj saticifdlia I" l&bendcece. * 1 4i_j * I. DIOSPrROS L. * THE DATE PLUM. E'benus Comm. Guaiacana Tourn. Plnqueminter, Fr. Dattelpflawne, Ger. 1. iotus The 1194 1194 Caucasus pi. 196, 197.1194 common Date pium - Pork Guaiacana pafavlna Tourn. Italian Lignum Vita, wood Bastard Meny Date oj Trebtsonde. Plaqucjnmier, Faux Loiter, Fr Itahanische Daitelpflaume, Ger. 2. virginiana L. If North America Catesb. 2 dulcis Prince's Cat. Foreman's sweet Persimon. -U96 3. (v.) pubescens Pursh. * N. Am. 1196 f he downy-leaved Virginian Date Plum D. virginiana var. Michx. App. I. Other Species of Ebendcece. 1 ] 97 - Cat ' * North America. Eoxb. tt Q Philip Islands. Embry6pteris Kitki L. f . I Japan. D. chinensis Blume- 'aAi, Kaempf. Sect. I. I. ilGU'STRUM - 1197 i_J H97, 1198 i * 1198 THE PRIVET. Troene, Fr. " Rainweide, Ger,. 1. vulgare Trag. A f Britain The common Privet. L. germdnicum Bauh Prim, Prim-print. Puine blanc, Fr. Gemeine Rainweide, Ger Ligustro Olivella, Ital. Varieties t * * . . 1199 2 leucocarpum & The white-berried Privet 3 xanthocarpum & The ye'Jow-berried Privet. 4 chlorocarpum & The green-berried Privet. 5 sempervirens it fig. 1Q18. The Italian, or evergreen, Privet. iv. iialtcum Mill. 6 variegatum The variegated -leaved Privet 7 angustifolium & The narrow-leaved Privet. 2. spicatum Hamilt. Nepal L. nepalense Wall. L. lanceolctum Herb. Lamb. L. nepalense var. gldbrum Hook. -. . _... K . lu< j4, 1025. 1201 The lU&tay-fcfMri Privet, or Pfe* Tree. Variety . _ -1201 2 floribundum Donald's Cat. App. i. Sjpecte* o/ "Li gu strum not yet intro- duced. . . 1202 L. sindnse tour. ^ China. "j. japdnicum Thunb. =>fc Japan L. latifMum Vitm. P .. pubescens Wa. flk Burmese Empire. -. bracteolatum D. D . * Nepal. L.japJnicum Hamilt. F/nllyrea bracteolala Herb. Lamb. I. PHILLY X REA Tourn. 1198 1203 THE PHILLYKEA. Filaria, Fr. Steinlinde, Ger. i. angustifolia L. m Italy and Spain fig. 1025. 1203 The narrow-leaved Phillyrea. P. obllqua Tenore Syll. P. media Tenore Fl. Neap. Varieties * - _ _ J2Q4 2 lanceolata Ait. m. 3 rosmarinifolia Ait. * fi. rothomagensis Renault. & Rouen fig. 1041. 1212 The Rouen Lilac. S. dubia Pers. Lilaceum rothomagense Renault. S. mddia Dum. Cours. Lilas Varin, N. Du Ham. S. chinensis Willd. S. sibirica Hort. The Siberian Lilac, Hort, OLEA V CE.E, FRAXINIE^E. 81 Page Varieties & - - - 1212 2 Lilas Royal, Bon. Jard. ft 3 saugeana Hort. & Lilas sauge, FT. ? S. cocdnea Lodd. Cat. S. chinensis rubra Lodd. Cat. App. i. Species of Syringa o ye intro- duced. - - 1212 . Em6di Wall. fig. 1042. S. Tillpsa Vahl. ? Ligtiitrum sindnse Lour. V. FONTANE V S7J Labill. ft i THE FONTANESIA. 1198. 1213 1. johillyreoides Labill. & 1 Syria fig. 1034. 1213 The Phillyrea-like Fontanesia. susp<5nsa Vahl. - - - - 1S1 Syringa susptfnea Thunb. Lilac perptnse Lam. Sect. III. .FRAXINIE^E. 1 & 1198. 1213 VL-FRA'XINUS Tourn. ft & 1198. 1213 THE ASH. Frtne, Fr. Esche, Ger. A. Leaflets broad, smooth or shining on the upper Surface. Natives of Europe. 1. excelsior L. ft Europe pi. 200, 201, 202. fig. 1044. 1215 The taller, or common, Ash. F. apetala Lam. F. rostrdta Guss. F. O'rnus Scop. F. erdsa Pers. F. crispa Bosc. Ze jFWm?, Fr. Aesche, Esche, Ger. and Dutch. ^*A, Dan. and Swed. Frassino, Ital. Fresno, Span. Freixo, Port. 7a, Jasen, Jassen, Russ. JE*e, Sax. Varieties ft - - - 1214 2 pendula Ait. pi. 203. The pendulous, or weeping, Ash. pendula var. ft 7%. \ ] Peru. H. p. hybridum **L | | Hybrid. H. corymb6sum R. et P. JU. | | Peru. Cordiaceae. 1265 Ehrf-tia serrata Rozb. * I I E. Indies and China, fig. 1103. Solandcece. fl__J -* Pliny. * 1266 - 1266 THE NIGHTSHADE. Melongena Tourn. Pseudo- Capsicum Mcench. Nycterium Vent. Aqudrtia. Jacq. Morelle, Fr. Nachtschatten, Ger. 1. Dulcamara L. 1 Britain f. 1104. 1266 The Bitter-sweet, or woody, Nightshade. S. scandens Neck. Dulcamara flexubsa Mcench. S. scandens seu Dulcamara Tourn. Amdra dulcis Gerard. Dulcis Amara Trag. Glycypicros seu Dulcamara Bauh. La Morelle grimpante Renault. Varieties J. - - - 1267 1 uiolacea Hort. 2 alba L. 1 3 carnea Gels. _l 4 plena Tourn. A 5 variegata Munt. .i 6 hirsuta Don's Mill. _i 7 rup^stris Schmidt. _i 2. sufFruticosum Schousb. * i_J Barbary 1267 The suffruticose Nightshade. 3. crispum R. S. The curled-leaned Solanum. 4. bonariense L. & i J Buenos Ayres fig. 1106. 1268 The Buenos Ayres Nightshade. Chiloe fig. 1105. 1267. SCROPHULARIA^CEiE. LABIA^CE^E. 85 Page A pp. i. Half-hardy ligneous or fruticose Spe- cies of Solatium. - 1 268 Solatium Balbisn Dunal. * ) | S. America. S. ietaceum Cav. * CD S. America. S. angulatum R. et S. * Q Lima. S. marginatum W. ft | \ Africa. S. Psetido-Capsicum L. * I I Madeira. Capsicum Ambmum Plinii Gerard. S. soddmeum L. * ( } Africa. S. figustrinum Lodd. * | Chili, fig. 1107. II. LY'CIUM L. & -A Jc 1266. 1269 THE Box THORN. Jasminoides Niss. Matrimony Vine, Amer. Lycien, Fr. Bocksdorn, Ger. 1. europae v ura L. -i South of Europe fig. 1108. 1269. The European Box Thorn. L. salictfblium Mill. Jasminoides aculeatum Michx. Varieties A Fruit yellow JL Fruit roundish JL - 1270 2. (e.) barbarum L. 1 S. of Europe, &c. The Barbary Box Thorn. L. haltmifdlfum Mill. L. barbarum at, tiulgare Ait. The Duke of Argyll's Tea Tree. 3. (e.) chinense Mill. ~* 1 China fig. 1110, 1111. 1271 The Chinese Box Thorn. L. barbarum (3 chinense Ait. L. bdrbarum Lour. L. ovdtum N. Du Ham. 4. (e.) TrewzawwwG.Don.JL China 1271 Trew's Box Thorn. L. bdrbarum Lam. L. chinense N. Du Ham. 5. (e.) ruthenicum Murr. 1 Siberia fig. 1112. 1271 The Russian Box Thorn. L. tatdricum Pall. Lycien de la Russie, Fr. Variety 1 - 1272 2 caspicum PaZZ. 6. (e.) lanceolatum Poir. A S. Europe 1272 The lanceolate-/eai;euxifolia Vahl. Daphn6 des Collines, Laureole d Feuilles de Sante, Fr. Stumpjblattriger Seidelbast, Ger. 11. (c.) neapolitana Lodd. * S. of Italy fig. 1188. 1312 The Neapolitan Daphne. D. collina /3 neapolitana Lindl. 12. (c.) oleoidesZ,. * Crete f. 1189. 1312 The Olive-like Daphne. Chamcedaphnoides erotica Alpin. Thymelce^a cretica olece folio utriusque glabro Tourn. Daphne salicifolia Lam. Laureole d Feuilles d' Olivier, Fr. Oelbaumbldttriger Seidelbast, Ger. 13. (c.) sericea Vahl. * Candia - 1312 The silky-leaved Daphne. TAi/meteV cre'fica olea folio subtus villoso Tourn. Dtiphne olectfMia Lam. Seidenartiger Seidelbast, Ger. 14. striata Trat. * Switzerland The striated-ca/^cd Daphne. - 1313 D. Erect. Leaves persistent. Flowers in Racemes. 15. mdium L. * Spain f. 1190. 1313 The Gnidium, or Flax-leaved, Daphne Thymcl^a foliis lini Bauh. Spurge Flax, Mountain Widow Wayle. Daphnd Gnidium, Laureole d Panic Fr. Rispenbidttrigcr Seidelbast, Ger. Panicule, Page E. Prostrate. Leaves persistent. Flowers terminal, aggregate. 16. Cneorum L. t> Switzerland fig. 1191. 1313 The Garland-flower, or trailing, Daphne. Cnedrum Matth. Wohlriechender Seidelbast, Ger. Varieties !U - - "- 1313 2 foliis variegatis !U 3 fldre albo !U App. i. Half-hardy Species of 'Daphne. 1314 D. odttraThunb. *| | China. D. sine-nsis Lam. The sweet^cented Daphne. Laure-ole de Chine, Daphne" odor ant, Fr. Wohlriechender Seidelbast, Ger. Var. 2 variegata Lodd. Cat. * 1 | 3 rdbra D. Don. it \ I fig. 1192. D. hybridal/. i_J Hybrid f. 1193. D. delphinia of Fr. Gardens. D. dauphinii of Eng. Gardens. D. indica L. * | ) India. D. papyracea Wai. Ht i I Nepal. D. canndbina Wai. II. DFRCA i. & - - 1307. 1314 THE DIRCA, or Leather-wood. Thymela?a Gron. 1. palustris Z,. & Virginia f. 1194. 1314 The Marsh Dirca. Moorwood. Bois de Cuir, Bois de Plomb, Fr. Sumpf Lederholz, Ger. App. I. Half-hardy ligneous Plants belonging to the Order Thymeldcece. - 1315 Gnfdia imbricata L. tL | | Cape of Good Hope. G. denudata Bot. Reg. Passerlna nlifdrmis L. tt- 1 I Cape of Good Hope. Pimelea drupacea Lab. L \ | New Holland. Santalaceae. 1315 NY'SS,4 L. t - - 1315, 1316 THE NYSSA, or Tupelo Tree. biflora Michx. ^ Virginia pi. 218. fig. 1195, 1196. 1317 The twin-flowered Nyssa. N. aqudtica L. sp. N. carolinidna L. N. integrifdliaA.it. N. pedunculis unifldris Gron. Mountain Tupelo Mart. Gum Tree, Sour Gum Tree, Pcperidee Amer. (b.) villosa Michx. ft North America fig. 1197, 1198. 1317 The hairy-leaved Nyssa. N. sylvdtica Michx. N. multifldra Wangh. N. montdna Hort. N. pedunculis multifldris Gron. Sour Gum Tree, Black Gum, Yellow Gum Amer. Haariger Tulpelobuum, Ger. m 90 Page 3. candicans Michx. Carolina fig. 1199. 1318 The whitish-leaved Nyssa, or Ogechee Lime Tree. N. capitdta Walt. N. coccinea Bartr. Sour Tupelo Tree, Wild Lime. Weisslicher_ Tulpelobaum, Ger. 4. grandidentata Michx. $ North America fig. 1200, 1201. 1319 The deeply-toothed-teflf e. 1232. 1238,1239. 1374 The English, field, or common small-leaved, Elm . U. Atinia Pliny. U. minor, fdlio angusto scdbro, Ger. Emac. Varieties % - - - 1 375 A. Timber Trees. 1 vulgaris 3f U. campestris Hort. Dur. 2 latifolia Hort. 3 3 alba Masters. * 4 acutifolia Masters. ^ 5 stricta Hort. Dur. pi. 230. Red English Elm. 6 virens Hort. Kidbrook Elm. 7 cornubiensis Hort. ^t The Cornish Elm. U. stricta Lindl. Subvarieties. 2 parvifolia Lindl. U. s. microphylla Lodd. Cat. aspera iorfrf. Cat. crispa Lodd. Cat. 8 sarniensis The Jersey Elm. U. sarniensis Lodd. Cat. 9 tortuosa 3f The twisted Elm. U. tortudsa Lodd. Cat. ? Orme tortillard, Fr. B. Ornamental, or curious, Trees. 10 foliis variegatis Lodd. Cat. 1 1 ietulsefolia 5 U. betuleefdlia Lodd. Cat. 12 viminalis ft pi. 231. U. vimituilis Lodd. Cat. 93 Page 13 parvifolia S fig. 12SO. U. parvifolia Jacq. U. microphylla Pers. U.pumila var. j3 (transb'dicalensis) Pall. U. pumila Willd. U. p.fdliispdrvis, SfC., Pluk. U. hnmilis Enum. 14 planifolia pi. 232. U. planifdlia Hort. 15 chinensis : fig. 1231. U. chinensis Pers. TTte cfe I'Abbt Gallois, Orme nain, Fr. 16 cucullata Hort. *t 17 concavasfolia Hort. 18 foliis aureis Hort. % Other Varieties. U. c. nana Lodd. Cat. U. c. foliis maculatis Lodd. Cat. U. dubia Lodd. Cat. U. viscijsa iodd. Cat. French Varieties - 1378 L'Orme fi Feuilles larges et rudes. L'Orme Tell, 1'Orme Tilleul, 1'Orme de Hollande. The British, or Lime Tree, Elm. L'Ormille, 1'Orme nain. The dwarf Elm. L'Orme a Feuilles:lisses et glabres. The shining snwuth-leared Elm. Le petit Orme a Feuilles panachees de blanc. L'Orme & Feuilles lisses panachees de blanc. The shining silvery-leaved Elm. Le petit Orme a Feuilles panachees de jaune. The dwarf golden-ltaved Elm. L'Orme a petites Feuilles, 1'Orme male, 1'Orme pyramidal. The small-leaved Elm. L'Orme a tres-randes Feuiiles, 1'Orme femelle, 1'Orme de Trianon. The large-leared Elm. L'Orme de Hollande a grandes Feuilles panachees. The variegated Dutch Elm. L'Orme tortillard. U. tortitdta Lodd. Cat. The twisted Elm. 2. (c.) suberosa Mcench. England pi. 233. fig. 1240. 1395 The cork-barked Elm. U. camptstris Woods. U. campestris and Theophrdsti Du Ham. U. vulgatissima fdlio Idto scd.br a Ger. Emac. U. montdna Cam. Common Elm Tree, Hunt Evel. L'Orme Liege, VOrme-fungeux, Fr. Varieties . - 1395 1 vulgaris ! The Dutch cork-barked Elm. U. suberosa Hort. Dur. 2 foliis variegatis Lodd. Cat. * U. suberosa varieeuta Hort. Dur. 3 alba U. suberdsa alba Masters. 4 erecta Lodd. Cat. 5 var. The broad-leaved Hertfordshire Elm, Wood. 6 var. 2 The narrow-leaved Hertfordshire Elm, Wood. 3. (c.) major Sm. England pi. 234, 235. fig. 1241. 1395 The greater, or Dutch cork-barked, Elm. U. holldndica Mill. U. mdjor holldndica, $c. t Pluk. U. mdjor, ampliore fdlio, &c., Du Ham. Tilta mas Matth. U. latifolia Michx. 4. earpinifolia Lindl. England - 1596 The Hornbeam-leaved Elm. Page 5. effusa Willd. Z England pi. 236, 237. fig. 1242. 1397 The spreaAing-branched Elm. U. ciliuta Ehrh. U '. pedunculata Lam. U. octdndra Schk. U. fdlio latissimo, &c. t Buxb. U. lafvis Pall. L'Orme pedoncule, Fr. 6. montana Bauh. *t England fig. 1243, 1244. 1398 The mountain, Scotch, or Wych, Elm. U. glabra Huds. U. etfUsa Sibth. U. scabra Mill. U. nuda Ehrh. U. campSstre Willd. Wych Hazel of old authors. Varieties 1398 A. Timber Trees. 1 vulgaris 2 rugosa Masters. U. rugdsa Lodd. Cat. 3 major Masters. pi. 238. 4 minor Masters. 3f 5 cebennensis Hort. * The Cevennes Elm. 6 nigra The black Irish Elm. U. nigra Lodd. Cat. 7 australis Hort. 5t B. Ornamental or curious Varieties. 8 p&idula pi. 239. V.pendula~LoAd. Cat. U. gl&bra decumbens Hort. Dur. U. horizontdlis Hort. U. riibra Hort. Soc. Card. 9 fastigiata Hort. % pi. 240. U. glabra replicdta Hort. Dur. U. Fordii Hort. U. exoniensis Hort. 10 crispa t The curled-leaved Elm. ? U. crispa Willd. Other Varieties. 7. (m.) glabra Mill. Eng. f. 1245. 1403 The smooth-feoved, or Wych, Elm. U. montana J3 Fl. Br. \3 . fdlio glabro Ger. Emac. U. campestris var. 3. With. The feathered Elm. Varieties - 1404 A. Timber Trees. 1 vulgaris 3f The common smooth-leaved Elm. 2 vegeta U. montana vegeta Hort Soc. Card. U. americdna Masters. 7%e Huntingdon Elm, the Chi- chester Elm, the American Elm, ? the Scampston Elm. 3 var. The Scampston Elm. 4 major U. glabra major Hort. Dur. The Canterbury Seedling. 5 glandulosa Lindl. 6 latifolia Lindl. 3E 7 microphylla #. S. % ? U. . parvifbUa Hort. Soc. Card. 94 JUGLANDA Page B. Ornamental or curious Trees. 8 pendula U campestris pendula Hort. Dur. The Doumton Elm. 9 variegata H. S. *i 10 ramuiosa Booth. 3 8. alba Kit. Hungary - - 1405 The whitish-leaved Elm. 9. americana L. 4 North America pi. 241. fig. 1246. 1406 The American Elm. 7%e white Elm, Amer. Canadian Elm, American white Elm. Varieties - 1406 1 riibra Ait. * 2 alba Ait. *L U. mollifolia Rcem. et Schult. 3 pendula Pursh. % 4 incisa H. S. Z pi. 242. 10. (a.) fulva Afic&r. North America fig. 1247. 1407 The tawny-budded, or slippery, Elm. U. riibra Michx. Orme gras, Fr. Red Elm, Red-wooded Elm, Moose Elm. 11. alata Michx. Virginia f. 1248. 1408 The Wahoo, or cork-winged, Elm. U. pumila Walt. App. i. Wahoo, Indians of N. America. Doubtful Sorts of U'lmus. - 1409 U. pube-scens Walt. U. frutic6sa Willd. V. integrif61ia. Himalayas. 17. virgSta. Himalayas. U. lancifolia Royle. Himalayas. U. erosa Royle. Himalayas. U. Isevigata Royle. Himalayas. U. virgata Royle. Himalayas. II. PLA'NEIU Gmel. $ 1372.1409 THE PLANERA. Uhdmnus Pall., Guldenst. U'lmus, various authors, as t;o Pla- nera Richardt. 1. Richarde Michx. % West of Asia pi. 243, 244. fig. 1249, 1250. 1409 Richard's Planera, or Zelkoua Tree. P. crendta Michx., Desf. P. carpinifolia Wats. fihdmnus carpinifbliits Pall. ~R.hdm.nus ulmoldes Guldenst. U'lmus crenata Hort. Par. U'lmus parvifdlia Willd. M'lmus campestris Walt. Wlmus polygama Richard. U'lmus nemordlis Ait. U'lmus fdliis crenatis basi csqudlibus fructu ovoideo, non compresso, Poir. Le Zelkoua, Orme de Siberie, Fr. Richard's Planere, Ger. 2. GmeTim Michx. N.Am. f. 1251. 1413 Gmelin's Planera. P. ulmtfolta Michx. P. aqudtica Willd. Anonymus aquaticus arbor, fyc., Walt. ? P. Abelicea Schultet Crete. - - - 1413 The Abelicea of Clusius. III. CTE'LTIS Tourn. * i CD & THE CBLTIS, or Nettle Tree. 1372. 1413 ~Lbtus of Lobel and other authors. Micocoulier, Fr. Ziingelbaum, Ger. S. Europe f. 1252. 1444 1. australis L. The southern Celtis, or European Nettle Tree. Lotus arbor Lob. ~L6tus s\ve Celtis Cam. Lote Tree. Micocoulier austral, Micocoulier de Pro- vence, Fabrecoulier, Faubreguier des Provenqaux, N. Du Ham. Lotu, Ital. Variety - - 1414 With variegated leaves, Brote.ro. 2. (a.) caucasiea Willd. Caucasus 1415 The Caucasian Celtis. 3. TournefortM Lam. Armenia pi. 245. 1416 Tournefort's Celtis. C, orientalis minor, fbliis min6ribus et crassioribus frfictuflavo , Tourn. C. orientalis Mill., not of L. Micocoulier du Levant, Micocoulier d'O- rient, Fr. Morgenlandischer Ziingelbaum, Ger. (T.) sinensis Pers. * China 1416 The China Celtis. Willdenovmwa Schultes. Willdenow's Celtis. C. sine-mis Willd. China 1416 6. occidentals L. North America pi. 246, 247. 1417 The Western Celtis, or North American Nettle Tree. C.fructu obscuro purpurascente, Tourn. C. obfiqua Moench. Nettle Tree, Sugar Berry, Amer. Sois inconnu, Illinois. Micocoulier de Virginie, Fr. Varieties ^L - - 1417 2 cordata Willd. 3 scabriuscula Willd. C. australis Willd. C. ? o. /3 tenuifolia Pers. C. dspera Lodd. Cat. C. orientalis Hort. 7. crassifolia Lam. 1 N.Am. f. 1254. 1418 The thick-leaved Celtis, or Hackbcrry. C. cordifblia L'Herit. C. cordata Desfont. Hagberry, Hoop Ash, Amer. Micocoulier a Feuilles en Cceur, Fr. 8. laevigata Willd. & The glabrous-teawd Celtis Louisiana - 1420 9. pumila Ph. 3 The dwarf Celtis. Maryland - 1420 App. i. Species of Celtis half-hardy, or not yet introduced. - - 1420 C. orientalis L. CD Himalayas fig. 1255 C. tetrandra Roxb. Himalayas. C. alplna Royle. Himalayas. C. Inglesit Royle. Himalayas. Suglanddcece. *!t - 1420 I. JIPGLANS L. THE WALNUT TREE. 1420, 1421 Noyer, Fr Wain 'alnuss, Ger. SALICA V CEJE. 95 Page 1. regia L. ft Persia pi. 248, 249, 250. fig. 257. 1423 The royal, or common, Walnut Tree. Nux Juglans Dod. Nux Jiiglans, sen rdgia vulgaris, Bauh. Noyer commun, Fr. Noseguter, Provence. Gemeine Walnuss, Ger. Varieties ft - - 1423 2 maxima ft Nux Juglans fructu maxima, Bauh. Noix de Jawge, Bon Jard. Bannut, Warwickshire. 3 tenera ft The thin-shelled, or titmouse, Walnut. Nux Juglans fructo tenero etfrcigile putdmine Bauh. Noyer & Coque tendre, Noyer Mi- sange, Bon Jard. Noyer de Mars, in Dauphin. 4 serotina Desf. ft The late-vegetating Walnut. Nux Jiiglans fructo serotino Bauh. Noyer tardif, Noyer de la Saint Jean, Bon Jard. Noyer de Mai, in Dauphin e. 5 laciniata ft The Fern-leaved Walnut. Nux Juglans fo His laciniatis Re- neaulm. Jiiglans heterophijtta Hort. J. micifolia Lodd. Cat. Other Varieties. The Highflier. The Yorkshire Walnut. 2. nigra L. 3. North America pi. 251,252. fig. 1260. 1435 The black wooded Walnut Tree. The black- Walnut, the black Hickory Nut, N. America. Noyer noir, Fr. 3. cinerea L. % N. Am. p. 253. f. 1262. 1439 The grey-branched Walnut Tree, or Butter-nut. 3. cathdrtica N. Amer. Sylv. J. oblonga Mill. Oil-nut, White Walnut, Amer. Noyer cendre, Fr. Graue Walnuss, Ger. II. CA V RYA Nutt. ft - 1421. 1441 THE CARYA, or Hickory Tree. Juglans sp. L. Hicbrius Rafinesque. Hickory, Amer. 1. olivaeformis Nutt. *t North America fig. 1263. 1441 The olive-shaped Carya, or Pacane-nut Hickory. Juglans rubra Gaertn. Juglans cylindrica Lam. Juglans Pdcan Muhlenb. Juglans angustifdlia Ait. Juglans oliv&fdrmis Michx. Pecan-nut, Illinois Nut, Amer. Pecanier, Pacanus, Noyer Pecanier, Fr. 2. amara Nutt. N. Amer. f. 1264. 1443 The bitter-nut Carya. Juglans amara Michx. Bitter-nut, White Hickory, Swamp Hickory. Amer. 3. aquatica Nutt. *f North America fig. 1265, 1266. 1444 The aquatic Carya, or Water Bitter-nut Hickory. Jiiglans aquatica Michx. Page 4. tomentosa Nutt. *f N.Am. f. 1267. 1444 The tomentose Carya, or Mocker-nut Hickory. Juglans alba L. C. alba Mill. Jiiglans tomentdsa Micbx. White-heart Hickory, Common Hickory, Amer. Noyer dur, Illinois. Variety % - 1445 2 maxima Swt. Hort. Brit. *t 5. alba Nutt. ^ North America pi. 254. fig. 1269. 1446 The \vhite-nutted Carya, or Shell-bark Hickory. Juglans alba Michx. Juglans alba ovata Marsh. " Juglans squamdsa Michx. Juglans compressa Gaertn. Shag-bark Hickory, Scaly-bark Hickory, Kisky Thomas Nut, Amer. Noyer tendre, Illinois. 6. sulcata Nutt. t N. Am. f. 1271. 1448 The furrowed-/rz'fcrf Carya. Juglans lacinibsa Michx. Arb. Juglans mucronhta Michx. Fl. Bor. Amer. Juglans sulcata Willd. Thick Shell-bark Hickory, Springfield Nut, Gloucester Nut, Amer. 7. porcina Nutt. * North America fig. 1272, 1273, 1274. 1449 The fig-nut Carya. Juglans porcina a. obcor'ta Michx. Arbr. Juglans porcina var. u-ith fruit round and somewhat rough, Michx. N. Amer. Syl. Juglans obcorduta Muhlenb. Big-nut, Hog-nut, Broom Hickory. Variety - 1449 2 glabra ft f. 1272. b, and 1274. b. Juglans porcina pficiformis Michx. Arb. Juglans glabra Miihl. 8. myristicaeformis Nutt. ft South Carolina fig. 1275. 1451 The Nutmeg-like-/nte/ Carya, or Nutmeg Hickory. Jvglans myristicirftlrmiji Michx. 9. microcarpa Nutt. ft N. America 1451 The small-fruited Carya. 1451 10. integrifolia Spreng. ft The entire leaf (let) ed Caria, or Hickory. Hic6rius integrifolius Rafinesque. App. i. Other hinds of Carya. - 1451 C. ambfgua. North America. Juglans ambtgua, Michx. C. puhescens Lk. C. rigida. Juglans rigida Lodd. Cat. III. PTEROCAHYA Kunth. ft THE PTEROCARYA. 1421. 1451 Juglans sp. L. 1. caucasica Kunth. ft Caucasus pi. 255. fig. 1276. 1452 The Caucasian Pterocarya. Juglans ptcrocdrpa Michx. Rhus obsciirum Bieb. Juglans fraxtnifdlia Lamond MS. Frdxintts kevtgdta Hort. Par. Saticdcece. ft I. SA V LIX L. t A j THE WILLOW. 1453 . 1453 96 SALICA CEJE. Page Harab, Hebrew. Itea, Gr. Salix, Lat. Saule, Fr. Weide, Felber, Ger. Salcio, Ital. Sauze, Span. Wide, Swed. Wilge, Flem. Withig, Anglo- Sax. Willow, Withy, Sallow, Osier, Eng. Saugh, Scotch. Group i. Purpurea Koch, Borrer. A 1490 Osier Willows, with one Stamen in a Flower. . 1. purpurea L & Britain fig. 1294., and fig. 1. in p. 1603. - - 1490 The purple Willow. &. purpurea a, Koch Comm. Varieties Sk - - 1490 i & S. purpurea Smith, Willd. 2& S. Lambertibna. Smith, Willd. 3& S. Htlix Willd. En. 4 monadelphica Koch. ^ 'ertcea Ser. Sal. Helv. 6 bractea rdbra Koch. ^ 2. #elix i. ft * Britain fig. 2. in p. 1603. - - 1491 The Helix, or Rose, Willow. S. purpiirea var. Koch Comm. ? S. oppositifolia Host Sal. Austr. 3. Lambertzamz Sm. ft England fig. 3. in p. 1603. - - 1492 Lambert's, or the Boyton, Willow. S. purpiirea /3 Koch Comm. 4. Woollganarca Borr. & England fig. 4. in p. 1603. - - - 1492 Woollgar's Willow. S. mondndra Sal. Wob. S. mondndra var. Hoffm. Hist. Sal. 5 Forbyawa Sm. ft England fig. 5. in p. 1603. - -1492 Forby's Willow, or the fine Basket Osier. S./issa Lin. Soc. Trans., not of Honm. S. riibra /3 Koch Comm. 6. rubra Huds. ft ? Britain fig. 6. in p. 1604. - - 1493 The red, or green-leaved, Willow, or Osier. S. riibra, in part, Koch Comm. S.fissa Hoffm. Sal S. concolor Host Sal. S. virlscens Vill. Dauph. S. linearis Walker's Essays. ' App. i. Purpurea! of which Plants have been introduced, but not described. 1493 5. elUptica Lodd. Cat. App. ii. Purpurece described by Authors, but not yet introduced, or of doubtful Identity with Species already in the Country. 1493 S. ctSncolor, mas. etfem., Host Sal. S. minima frdgilis fMit longtssimis, SfC., Raj. S. riibra En K l. FI. S. Helix, mas et fern., Host Sal. S. oppositift>lia, mas et fern., Host Sal. S. Kilix L. S. purpurea, mas et tern.,' Host Sal. .S. mu&bilis, mas et fern., Host Sal. S. carniolica, mas et fern., Host Sal. S. mirabilis, mas, Host Sal. Page Group ii. Acutifolice Borrer. 3H * 1494 Pruinbsa; Koch. Willovfo with dark Bark, covered with a fine Bloom. 7. acutifolia Willd. ft Podolia fig. 25. in p. 1607. - - 1494 The pointed-leaved Willow. S. violacea Andr. Bot. Rep., not of Willd. nor S. caspica Hort. 8. cfaphnoides Villars. * Switzerland fig. 1295., and fig.26. in p. 1608. 1494 The Daphne-like Willow. S. prce^cox Hoppe. S. bigemmis Hoffm. S. cinerea Host Sal. 9. pomeranica Willd. Y Pomerania 1496 The Pomeranian Willow. S. Aaphnoldes var. Villars. Group Hi. TridndrcE Borrer. ft 1496 ^mygdalinae Koch. Osier Willows, with three Stamens in a Flower. 10. undulata Koch, Hook. ft England fK 1296., and fig. 13, 14. in p. 1605. 1497 The vfa.vj-leaved Willow. S. undulata Ehrh. Beytr. ? S. No. 38., Trev. Obs. Bot. S. lanceoldta Sm. Varieties % . - 1497 2 undulata Forbes. ft 3 lanceolata Smith, ft ft 4 Having the catkins androgy- nous ^ 31 11. fappophaefolia Thuillier. ft Silesia, &c. 1498 The Sea-Buckthorn-leaved Willow, or Osier. S. undulclta Trev. Obs. Bot. ? S. undulata var. Borr. in a letter. 12. triandra L. ft ft Britain fig. 1297., and fig. 15. in p. 1605. - - 1498 The three stsmened-flowered Willow, or Osier. S. amygddlina, part of, Koch Comm. Varieties. & ^ ? 2 The French willow & ft 1499 S. triandra Curt. Fl. Lond. ? S. Hoppeana Willd. ? 3 Hoppeana ft ft - - 1500 S. androgyna Hoppe. S. Hoppeana Willd. Sp. PI. S. triandra andrdgyna Seringe. S. amygddlina, part of, Koch Comm. ?"4*-5E S. triandra undulata Mertens. 13. Hoffinanmaw Sm. & Britain fig. 16. in p. 1606. - - 1500 Hoffmann's Willow, or Osier. S. triandra Hoffm. 14. flmygdalina L. ft Britain fig. 1298., and fig. 18. in p. 1606. - 1500 The Almond-leaved Willow, or Osier. S. amygddlina, part of, Koch Comm. 15. Villarszanfl Fliigge et Willd. * Dau- phine fig. 17. in p. 1606. - 1502 Villar's Willow, or Osier. S. tridndra Villars Delph. S. amygddlina var. Koch Comm. A pp. i. TriandrcE of which there are Plants in the Country not described. 1502 S. tenuifdlia Lodd. Cat. and G. not of Sm. App. ii. Tridndrce described, but not yet in- troduced, or of doubtful Identity with Species in the Country. - 1502 S. spectabilis, mas et fern., Host Sal. S. semperfltoens, mas et fern., Hnst Sal. S. tenuiflora, mas et fern., H*>st Sat. S. venusta, mas et fern., Host Sal. S. varia, mas et fern., Host Sal. S. nmygdjilina, mas et fern., Host Sat. S. Hgiistrina, mas et fern., Host Sal. S. speciosa, mas et fern., Host Sal. Group iv. Pentdndrce Boirer. * 1.503 Trees, having Flowers with 35 Stamens. 1 6. pentandra L. Britain fig. 1299.or, and fig. 34. in p. 1610. - 1503 The Rve-stzmened-Jlowered Willow. S. pentandra, part of, Koch Comm. The sweet Willow, Bay -leaved Willow. Variety t 2 hermaphroditica S. hermaphroditica L. - 1503 17. Meyeriana Willd. Pomerania f. 1300., and f. 33. in p. 16 10. 1504 Meyer's Willow. S. cuspiddta Schultz. S. tinctbria Sm. in Rees's Cycl. S. pentandra /3 L. S. hexdndra Ehrh. S. Ehrhartiana Sm. in Rees's CycL S. tetrdndra Willd. 18. lucida Muhlenb. North America f. 1301., and f. 32. in p. 1610. 1504 The shining-leaved Willow. S. Forbesii Swt. Hort. Brit. Group v. Frdgiles Borrer. X 1507 Trees, with their Twigs mostly brittle at the Joints. 19. babylonica L. % Asia pi. 256. fig. 22. in p. 1607. - - 1507 The Babylonian, or Weeping, Willow. S. propendens Sering. Sal. Helv. S. orientatis, SfC., Tourn. S. ardbica, Sfc. , C. Bauh. Saulepleureur, Parasoldu grand Seigneur, Trauer Weide, Thr'dnen Weide, Ger. Varieties - - 1513 1 vulgaris fern. Hort. * 2 Napoleona Hort. 3 crispa Hort. pi. 257. fig. 21. in p. 1606. 20. decipiens Hoffm. % Britain pi. 258. f. 1309., and f. 29. in p. 1609. 1515 The deceptive, White Welch,or varnished, Wil- low. S. americana Walker's Essays. S.frdgilis, part of, Koch Comm. 21. montana Forbes fig. 19. in p. 1606. The Mountain Willow. Switzerland - - 1515 Page 22. fragilis L. % Britain fig. 1310., and fig. 27. in p. 1606. - - 1516 The brittle-^zg^d, or Crack, Willow. S. fragilis, in part, Koeh Comm. 23. monspeliensis Forbes, -t & Montpe- lier fig. 30. in p. 1609. - 1517 The Montpelier Willow. ? S.frdgilis var, Borr. in a letter. 24. Russelhawa Sin. Britain fig. 1311., and fig. 28. in p. 1608. - 1517 The Russell, or Duke of Bedford's, Willow. ? S.frdgilis Woodv. The Dishley or Leicestershire, Willow ; the Huntingdon Willow. S. ptndula Ser. Sal. Helv. S. viridis Fries Nov. S. ritbens Schrank Baier. Fl. Varieties - - - 1521 25. Parshidna Borrer. N. Amer. 1522 Pursh's Willow. S. ambigua Pursh, Sm., Forbes, Hook. App. i. Frdgiles introduced, but not yet de- scribed, or of doubtful Identity. 1522 S. adscendens Donald's Nursery. S. bigemmis Lodd. Cat. S. decfpiens, fern., Lodd. Cat. S. fnigilis Lodd. Cat. S. murlna Lodd. Cat. S. rtibra G. Lodd. App. ii. Frdgiles described, but not yet in- troduced, or of doubtful Identity with in- troduced Species. - 1522 S. fragilis, mas et fern., Host Sal. S. fragilior, mas et tern., Host Sal. S. fragilfssima, mas et fern., Host Sat. S.frdgilitHostSyn. S. paUistris, mas et fern., Host Sal. S. capgiisis Thumb. Fl. Cap. S. subserrata Willd. So. PI. S. Safsaf baSlledi Forsk. Cat- PI. Group vi. A'lbfB Borrer. 1522 Trees of the largest Size, with the Aspect of the Foliage whitish. 26. alba.L. * Europe pi. 259, 260. f. 1314, 1315., and f. 136. in p. 1629. 1522 The whitish-leaved, or common white, Willow. S. alba, part or\idna Sm. ^ Britain fig. 1322., and fig. 85. in p. 1618. - 1540 Don's, or the rusty-branched, Willow. Group xii. AmUgua Borrer. * & j* J: 1540 Shrubs. 54. ambigua Ehrk. Borrer. * -* Engl. 1540 The ambiguous Willow. S. ambigua Koch, part of, Koch Comm. Varieties & JK* -* - 1541 1 vulgaris J* -* var. a, Borrer in Eng. Bot. Suppl. 2 major 3fe /8 wdjor Borrer. S. ambigua /9 Hook. S. versifalia Sering. Saute rfe /a Suisse. 3 spathulata & mr. y spathulata Borrer. S. ambteua y Hook. S. spathulata Willd. 4 undulata Sfc var. S undulata Borr. S. spathulata Willd., t>ar. vndvMta of Fro- fessor Mertens. 55. finmarchica Willd. ? j* ? -* Finmark 1541 The Finmark Willow. 56. versicolor Forbes. ? -* ? j* Switzer- land fig. 77. in p. 1618. - 1541 The various-coloured Willow. 57. fllaternoides Forbes, di fig. 76. in p. 1618. The Alaternus-like Willow. 58. protefsfolia Schl. tt ? * fig. 75. in p. 1617. The Protea-leaved Willow. Page Switzerland - 1542 Switzerland - 1542 Group xiii. Reticuldtce Borrer. -* 1542 59. reticulata L. -* England fig. 1323., and fig. 67. in p. 1616. - 1542 The netted, or wrinkled, leaved Willow. App. i. Reticuldtce described, but not yet in- troduced. - - 1543 S. vestlta Ptirth. Labrador. Group xiv. Glauca Borrer. & .** Jc 1543 Small, upright, with soft silky Leaves. 60. elaeagnoides Schleicher. * Europe fig. 69. in p. 1616. - - 1544 The Elseagnus-like Willow. S. elteagntfblia Forbes. S. glauca var. Koch. 61. glauca L. -* Scotland fig. 1324., and fig. 68. in p. 1616. - - 1544 The glaucous Mountain Willow. S. appendiculdta Fl. Dan. 62. sericea Villars. in p. 1617. The silky Willow. Switzerland fig. 74. - - 1544 S. glauca Koch Comm. S. Lappdnum Sm. 63. Lapponum L. j* Lapland fig. 1325., and fig. 73. in p. 1617. - 1545 The Laplanders' Willow. S. arendria Fl. Dan. 64. obtusifolia Willd. & The blunt-leaved Willow. Lapland 1545 Scotland fig. 70. in - - 1545 - 1546 65. arenaria L. p. 1617. The sand Willow. S. limbsa Wahlenb. Variety & ? leucophylla & S. leucophylla Schl. 66. obovata Pursh. -i Labrador fig. 144. in p. 1630. - - 1546 The obovate-feaued, or Labrador, Willow. 67. canescens Willd. ? J ? ^ ? Germany 1546 The greyish Willow. Si limosa Wahlenb. var. Koch Comm. 68. Stuartiana Sm. '& Scotland fig. 72. in p. 1617. - - 1546 Stuart's, or the small-leaved shaggy, Willow. S. arenaria mascullna Sm. S. Lapponum Walker. S. limosa Wahlenb. var. fbltis augustio- ribus lanceoldtis Koch Comm. Variety n 2 - 154: 100 Page 69. pyrenaica Gouan. -* Pyrenees 1547 The Pyrenean Willow. Variety ~* - - 1547 2 ciliata Dec. ~ S. pyreniiica ft ciliata Dec. 70. Waldsteimawa Willd. Waldstein's Willow. Alps - 1547 Group xv. Viminales Borrer. & $ 1547 Willows and Osiers Mostly Trees, or large Shrubs, with long pliant Branches, used for Basket-mak- ing. 71. subalpina Forbes. & Switzerland fig. 93. in p. 1619 - - 1547 The subalpine Willow. 72. Candida Willd. & North America f. 1326., and f. 91. in p. 1619. 1548 The whitish Willow. Varieties - 1548 73. incana Schranck. & ? Pyrenees, &c. f. 1327., and f. 90. in p. 1619. 1548 The hoary-leaved Willow, ? or Osier. S. ripdria Willd., &c. S. lavanAulcefolia Lapeyr., &c. S. angustifdlia Poir., &c. S. rosmarinifdlia Gouan, &c. S. vimindlis Vill. 74. linearis Forbes. * Switzerland f. 1328., and f.89.in p. 1619. 1549 The \\nQax-leaved Willow. ? S. incana var. linearis Borrer. 75. viminalis L. & * England fig. 1329., and fig. 133. in p. 1629. - 1549 The twiggy Willow, or common Osier. S. longifdlia Lam. Varieties - - 1550 Bark of the branchlets brownish yellow. Bark of the branchlets dark brown. Velvet Osier. 76. stipularis Sm. a % England fig. 132. in p. 1628. - 1550 The stipuled, or auricled-leaved, Osier, or Willow. 77. SmithuHia Willd. T England fig. 134. in p. 1629. - 1550 Smith's Willow, or the silky-leaved Osier. S. mollissima Sm. S. acuminata, with narrower leaves, Koch Comm. S. acuminntafi Lindl. Synops. 78. mollissima Ehrh. Germany 1551 The softest- surfaced Willow, or Osier. S. pitbera Koch. 79. holosericea #oo.,? Willd. a 2 Ger many - - 1551 The velvety, or "soft-shaggy-flowered," Willow, or Osier. S. Smtthieina. rugdsa Forbes. ? S. acuminata, the var. mentioned by Sm. in Eng. Fl. S. acuminata var. rugftsa Sm. MSS. ? S. ritbra Walker's Essays. 80. Michelwwrt Forbes, a ? fig. 135. in p. 1629. - - 1552 Michel's Willow. S. holosericea Willd. ? S. holosericea var. Borrer. 81. ferruginea Anderson. Scotland fig. 128. in p. 1627. - 1552 The ferruginous-teamed Sallow, or Willow. 82. acuminata Sm. 2 England fig. 1330., and fig. 131. in p. 1628. - 1553 The acuminated-feawed, or large- leaved, Sallow, or Willow. S. lanceoklta Seringe. App. i. Viminales in the Country, but not described. - - 1553 S. trichocdrpa. Group xvi. Cinerece Borrer. 1553 Sallows __ Trees and Shrubs, with roundish shaggy Leaves, and thick Catkins. 83. pallida Forbes. in p. 1620. The pale Willow. Switzerland fig. 96. - - 1555 fig. 41. in - 1555 84. Willdenovz'a?ia Forbes. p. 1613. - Willdenow's Willow. 85. Pontederawa Willd. & Switzerland f. 1331., and f. 43. in p. 1613. 1555 Pontedera's Willow. S.pumt'la alpina nigricans,fdlio oledgino serrdto Ponted. Comp. S. Pontederse Bellardi. 86. macrostipulacea Forbes. Switzer- land fig. 130. in p. 1627 - 1557 The large-stipuled Sallow. 87. incanescens ? Schl. & ! Switzerland fig. 120. in p. 1625. - 1557 The whitish-leaved Sallow. 88. pannosa Forbes. & Switzerland fig. 123. in p. 1626. - - 1557 The cloth-leaved Sallow. ? Variety - 1558 Leaf, catkin, ovary, and bractea larger. 89. mutabilis Forbes. & Switzerland 1558 The changeable Willow, or Sallow. 90. cinereaZ/. 4 England fig. 1332., and fig. 125. in p. 1626. - 1558 The grey Sallow, or Ash-coloured Willow. S. cinerea var. Koch Comm. Varieties - - 1559 1 With variegated leaves $ 2 * S. cintrea Sm., according to Koch. 3 * S. aqudtica Sm. according to Koch. 4 S. oletfblia Sm., according toKoch. Page 91. aquatica Sin. * England fig. 127. in p. 1627. - - - 1559 The Water Sallow, or Willow. S . cinerea var. Koch Comm. 92. oleifolia Sm. England fig. 126. in p. 1626. - - - 1559 The Olive-leaved W T illow, or Sallow. .. S. cinerea var. Koch Comm. 93. geminata Forbes. % ? Britain fig. 129. in p. 1627. - - 1560 The twin-catkin Sallow, or Willow. 94. crispa Forbes. & fig. 42. in. p. 1613- 1560 The crisp-leaved Willow. 95. aurita L. & England fig. 124. in p. 1626. - - - 1560 The round-eared, or trailing Sallow, or Willow. S. uliginosa Willd. The trailing Sallow, Norfolk. Varieties & - - 1560 S. cladostemma Hayne, according to Koch. & microphylla Lodd. & S. caprea pumila, folio subro- tundo, subtus incano, DHL, according to Smith. & 96. latifolia Forbes. & fig. 118. in p. 1625. 1561 The broad-leaved Willow, or Sallow. 97. caprea L. 2 Britain fig. 1333, 1334, 1335., and fig. 122. in p. 1626. 1561 The Goat- Willow, or the great round-leaved Sallow. 98. sphacelata Sm. & Britain fig. 121. in P. 1625. - - 1563 The withered pointed-leaved Willow, or Sallow. Group xvii. Nigricdntes Borrer. 3i Jc 1563 Shrubs, with long Branches, or small Trees. Mostly Sallows. 99. australis Forbes. & Switzerland fig. 103. in p. 1621. - - 1565 The southern Sallow, or Willow. 100. vaudensis Forbes. & Switzerland fig. 117. in p. 1624. - - 1565 The Vaudois Sallow, or Willow. 101. grisophylla Forbes. Switzerland fig. 119. in p. 1625. - 1565 The grey-leaved Willow, or Sallow. 102. lacustris Forbes, st Switzerland fig. 116. in p. 1624. - - 1566 The Lake Willow, or Sallow. 103. crassifblia Forbes. * fig. 115. i n p. 1624. - - - 1566 The thick-leavedWillow, or Sallow. Page 104. cotinifolia Sm. * Britain fig. 1336., and fig. 114. in p. 1624. - 1566 The Cotinus, or Quince, leaved Sallow, or Willow. S. spadicea Vill. S. phylicifblia var. Koch Comm. 105. hirta Sm. & 2 Britain fig. 113. in p. 1623. - - _ 1567 The hairy-fir anched Sallow, or Willow. S . plcta Schl. is the fern, of S. hlrta Forbes. 106. rivularis Forbes, m Switzerland fig. 102. in p. 1621. - 1567 The River Willow, or Sallow. 107. atropurpurea Forbes. % Switzerland 1567 The dark-purple-branched Willow, or Sallow. 108. coriacea Forbes. & Switzerland fig. 112. in p. 1623. - 1568 The coriaceous-leaved, or leathery, Willow or Sallow. 109. nfgricans Sm. tt Britain, fig. 37. in P- 1611. - - 1568 The dark broad-leaved Willow. S. phyllicifdlia /2 I,. 110. AndersonzVma Sm. A Scotland fig. 109. in p. 1623. - 1568 Anderson's Willow, or the green Mountain sallow . S. phylictfblia var. Koch. Varieties - . -1569 111. rfamascena Forbes. & . 1559 The Damson-leaved Willow, or Sallow S. damascenifolia Anderson MSS S. p/iyliafdlia L., a state of, Lindl. Syn. 112. A nsoniana Forbes, ill Switzerland fig. 107. in p. 1622. - - 1569 Anson's Sallow, or Willow. 113. helvetica Forbes. & Switzerland 1570 The Swiss Willow, or Sallow. 114. ffrma Forbes. St. fig. 106. in p. 1622. The firm-leaved Sallow, or Willow. 115. earpinifdlia &ri/. Germany 157O The Hornbeam -leaved Sallow, or Willow. 116. rotundata Forbes, dl Switzerland fig. 1337. in p. 1572., and fig. 104. in p. 1621. . . ] 571 The round-teaved Willow, or Sallow V S. rotundifblia Host. 117. dura Forbes. fig. 105. in p. 1622 The hardy Sallow, or Willow. 118. ForsteriaW Sm. l. in p. 1630. - - 1590 The Bearberry-ZeamZ Willow. ? S. Kitaibel&na. Willd. ? S. retusa var. L. 159. serpyllifolia Scop. -* France, &c. fig. 1347, 1348., and fig. 65. in p. 1616. ... 1590 The Wild- Thyme-leaved Willow. S. retusa Koch, y Koch Comm. S. retiisa var. L. 160. cordifolia Pursh. -* Labrador fig. 143. in p. 1630. - 1590 The heart-leaved Labrador Willow. Group xxii. Herbdcece Borrer. j* 1590 Very low Shrubs, scarcely rising an Inch above the Ground. 161. herbacea L. ** Britain fig. 1349., and fig. 62. in p. 1615. - 1590 The herbaceous-tooAzwg Willow. ? Varieties - 1591 162. polaris Wahlenb. J* Lapland f. 1350, 1351., and f. 63. in p. 1615. 1591 The Polar Willow. Group xxiii. Hastdtce Borrer. 1592 Low Shrubs, with very broad Leaves, and exceed- ingly shaggy and silky Catkins. 163. hastata L. & Lapland fig. 1352.* and fig. 35. in p. 1611. - 1592 The halberd-fcawd Willow. S. hastata Koch, part of. Varieties & . 1592 2 serrulata 3fe S. hastcLta Willd. 3 malifolia >M S. malifdlia Sm. S: hastata, part of, Koch. S. hastata Hook., Borr. 4 arbuscula & ? j* fig. 1353., and fig. 138. in p. 1630. S. arbtiscula Wahl. S. arbmcula (3 Lin. Fl. Suec. S. arb&scula y Lin. Sp. PI. 104 Page 164. lanata L. * Lapland fig. 1354., and Pap* 179. cerasifolia Schl. * - - 1597 fig. 71. No. 2. in p. 1617 - 1593 The Cherry-leaved Willow. The wootty-leaved Willow. S. lanata, the kindNo. 2., Forbes. S. lanata, at least part o/, Koch Comm. 180. chrysanthos (Ed. & Finmark 1597 The golden-flowered Norway Willow. ? S. lanata var. ? S. caprea Fl. Dan., t- 245 ? S. chrysdnthos Fl. Dan., t. 1057. 181. cinnamomea Schl. & Switzerland 1597 Varieties, according to Koch The Cinnamon Willow. & Jc - 1594 182. clethrafolia Schl. & Switzerland 1597 2 glabrescens 3fc The Clethra-leaved Willow. S. chrysdnthos Vahl Fl. Dan. 3 glanduiosa Wahlenb. Fl. Lapp. 3fc 183. conifera Wangenh. & N. Amer. 1597 The cone-bearins; Willow. 4 depolita JSTocA. ? .* S. longirMru Michx. S. deprtssa Lin. Fl. Suec. 184. coruscans Wil'd.. & Styria - 1597 The glittering Willow. Group xxiv. Miscellanea A. ft j> .* 1594 & arbuscula Jacq., ? Wahlenb. tn9 JL. p. 1609- - - 1595 The four-seeded Willow. 191. formosa Willd. & Swiss Alps 1598 169. ulmifolia Forbes, ft Switzerland 1595 The elegant Willow. S. gla,ica Willd. The Elm-leaved Willow, or Sallow. ? S. alpina Scop. 170. villosa Forbes. J* Switzerland fig. 92. 192. fuscata Pursh. j* New York - 1598 The brown-stemmed Willow. in p. 1619. - - - 1595 The villous-Jeared Willow. 193. glabrata Schl. & Switzerland - 1598 The glabrous Willow. Group xxv. Miscellanea B. ft m j* ^k 1596 Kinds of Sdlix introduced, and of many of which there are Plants at Messrs. Loddiges's, but which 194. heterophylla Deb. Sit Europe 1598 The various-leaved Willow. we have not been able to refer to any of the pre- 195. humilis Dec. j - 1598 ceding Groups. The humble Willow. 171. albescens Schl * Switzerland 1596 The whitish-/eat>f Willow. S. rtyltna Dec. 196. Jacquintt Host. Jc Alps - 1598 Jacquin's Willow. S.fusca Jacq. 172. alnifolia Host, dfc - - 1596 S. alpina Scop. S. Jacquintfina Willd. The Alder-leaved Willow. 197. livida Wahlenb. 3fe - - 1598 173. Ammanmana Willd. ft Salzburg 1596 Ammann's \Villow The livid-feowrf Willow. S. arMscula y Lin. Fl. Suec. S. Myrsinites Hoffm. S. hastaia Hopp., not of L. ? S. arbiiscula /S Lin. Sp. PI. S. Starkeana. Willd. ? S./oKoM Afzel. 174. angustata Pursh. t New York 1596 S. malifltlia Bess. S. btcolor Ehrh. The tapered-fcat>ed American Willow. S. Uvida Hook. 175. angustifdlia Willd. & Near the Cas- 198. longifolia Mlihle.nb. j* Banks of the pian Sea - - 15^6 Susqtiehanna - 1599 The narrow-leaved Ccupian Willow. The long-leaved Willow. 176. 6etulina Host. ? & - - 1596 199. mespilifolia Schl. & Switzerland 1599 The Birch-like Willow. The Mespilus-leaved Willow. 177. candidula Host. ? i - - 1596 200. murina Schl. & Switzerland - 1599 The whitish Willow. The Mouse Willow. 178. canescens Lodd. ? & - - 1596 201. myricoides Miihlenb. & N. Am. 1599 The hoary Willow. The Myrica-like Willow. S\LICA*CEJE, LIX. 105 Page 202. nervosa Schl. & Switzerland - 1599 The nerved-feared Willow. obtusa Link. & Switzerland The blunt-feared Willow. 203 204. obtusifolia Willd. Lapland The obtuse-leaved Lapland Willow. S.foliis ohUngis, #c., Lin. Fl. Lapp. S. caprea ft Lin. Sp. PI. S. OVea sylve-stris, Sft., Rudd. - 1599 1599 205. obtusi-serratis Schl. & Switzerland 1599 The obtusely-serrated-tozwed Willow. 206. pallescens Schl. & The pale Willow. Switzerland 1599 207. paludosa Link. & The Marsh Willow. - 1600 208. /jersicsefdlia Hort. -. The Peach-tree-leaved Will ow. 1600 209. pyrenaica Gouan. -Jc Pyrenees The Pyrenean Willow. 1600 210. joyrifolia Schl. m Switzerland The Pear-tree-leaved Willow. 1600 211. recurvata Pursh. d The recurved-ca<&merf Will N. America. 1600 212. salviafolia Lk. m Portugal 1600 213. The Sage-leaved Willow. S. pdtula Seringe Sal. Helv. S. oleifblia Ser. Sal. exsicc. S. oletefblia Vill. S. Fluggeima. Willd. Schradermwa Willd. -** Schrader's Willow. S. discolor Schrad. 214. septentrionalis Host. The northern Willow. 215. silesiaca Willd. & Sweden, &c. The Silesian Willow. 216. Starke^a Willd. 3fe Silesia . Starke's Sallow, or the Marsh Silesian Willow. 217. tetrandra Host, m The four-stamened Willow. 218. fliymelajoides Host, j* - The Wild-OHve-like Willow. 219. Trevirana Lk. A Treviranus's Willow. 220. velutina Willd. & The velvet Willow. 221. versifolia Spreng. jcn. - The twining-leaved Willow. 222. vaccinioides Host, j* - The Vaccinium-like Willow. 223. Waldsteim'arca Willd. gfe Croatian Waldstein'g Willow. S. alptstris Host. 1600 1600 1601 1601 1601 1601 1601 1601 1601 1601 Alps 1601 224. Wulfemarca Willd. m Carinthia 1601 Wulfen's Willow. S. hastdta var. Koch Comm. ? S. vhyliaefolia Wulf. A pp. i. Kinds of Sd/ix described or recorded in Botanical Works, but not introduced into Britain, or not known by these Names in British Gardens. - 1602 5. arctica R. Br. & S. rlesertorum Rich. North America. Page S. rostrata Rich. * S. cinerascens Link MSS. & Portugal. The ash-coloured Portuguese Willow. ? S. grandifdlia Ser. S. grandifolia Ser. Sal. Helv. & S. stipularis Ser. Sal. exsicc. ? S. dnerdscens Link. S. divaricata Pall. -* Dauria. S. hirsuta Thunb. & Cape of Good Hope. S. pedicellata Desf. ? Barbary. The stalked Barbary Sallow. S. fntegra Thunb. i& Japan. The entire-/eawerf Japan Willow. S. japdnica Thunb. * Japan. Rju, vulgo Aujaki, Kserapfer. S. mucronata Thunb. 3fe Cape of Good, Hope. S. rhamnifolia Pall, ^k Siberia. S. pumila.fbliis ovdlibui, &;c., Gmel. S. Seringe. FPAife American Oaks, ft 1730. 1863 8. alba I/. * North America pi. 309. fig. 1722. a, 1723. 1726,1727. 1864 The American white Oak. Q. alba virginidna Park. Q. a. pinnatifida Walt. Q. paliistris Marsh. Chine Wane de VAmdrique, Fr. Weisse Eiche, Ger. Varieties % - - 1864 1 pinnatifida Michx. % f.1723. a. Q. alba Ban. Q. virginidna Catesb. Q. a.palustris Marsh. 2 repanda Michx. ft fig. 1723. 6, 1724. 9. olivseformis Michx. % Banks of the Hudson - fig. 1730. 1869 The olive-shaped-/rz'ted American Oak. The mossy-cupped Oak, Amer. 10. macrocarpa Willd. ft United States pi. 310. fig. 1722. b, 1731. 1869 The large-fruited American Oak. The over-cup white Oak, Bur Oak, Amer. Ch&ne a gros Glands, CMnefrise, Fr. Gross-fruchtige Eiche, Ger. Page 11. obtusiloba Michx. ft North America pi. 311. fig. 1732. 1722. c. 1870 The blunt-lobed-feawd", or Post, Oak. Q. stelldta Willd. Iron Oak, Box white Oak, American Tur- key Oak, Upland white Oak, Amer. 12. lyrata Walt. J North America fig. 1733, 1734. 1871 The lyrate, or over-cup, Oak. Swamp Post Oak, Water white Oak, Amer. iv. Prinus. Chestnut Oaks, ft 1730. 1872 13. Prinus L. North America 1872 The Prinus, or Chestnut-leaved, Oak. Varieties, ft 1 paliistris Michx. FL ft pi. 312. fig. 1735. - 1872 Q. P. pqlustris Michx. Syl. Q. Yrinos L. Q. castanecefdliis, SfC., Pluk. The Swamp Chestnut Oak, the Chestnut white Oak. 2 monticola Michx. Fl. ft pi. 3 13. fig. 1736. - - 1873 Q. P. monticola Michx. fil. Q. montdna Willd. Q. Yrmus Sm. The^ Rock Chestnut Oak. 3 acuminata Michx. FL * f.1737. 1875 Q. P. acuminata Michx. fil. Q. Castdnea Willd. The yellow Oak. 4 pumila Michx. Fl. ft fig. 1738. 1722. e. - 1875 . P. Chinquapin Michx. fil. . Chinquapin Pursh. Q. prtnb'ides Willd. The Chinquapin, or Dwarf Chest- nut, Oak. 5 tomentosa Michx. FL ft pi. 314. fig. 1722. d, 1739. 1876 Q. P. discolor Michx. fil. Q. bicolor Willd. Q. Michauxi Nutt. The Swamp white Oak. v. Rubra. Red American Oaks, ft 1730. 1877. 14. riibra L. ft North America pi. 315, 316, 317. fig. 1740. to 1744. 1877 The red, or Champion, Oak. Q. E'sculi divisurd, $c., Pluk. Varieties ft - - 1877 Q. rubra latifolia ft Q. rubra L. The Champion Oak. Q. rubra montana ft The mountain red Oak. 15. coccinea Willd. ft South America pi. 3 18, 319. fig. 1746, 1747, 1748. 1879 The scarlet Oak. Q. riibra ft Ait. 16. ambigua Willd. ft North America pi. 320. fig. 1749. 1881 The ambiguous, or grey, Oak. Q. boredlis Michx. Ill Page 17. falcata Michx. % North America fig. 1750, 1751. 1882 The sickle-shaped, or Spanish, Oak. Q. discolor Ait. Q. elonguta Willd. Q. lyrata Lodd. Cat. Q. cuneiita Wang. Q. triloba Willd. The downy-leaved Oak. 18. tinctoria Willd. North America pi. 321. fig. 1753, 1754. 1884 The Quercitron, or Dyer's Oak. Q. virginiuna, $c., Pluk. Q. discolor Willd. The black Oak, Amer. Chene des Teinturiers, Fr. Varieties - 1885 1 angulosa Michx. f. 1753, 1754 Q. nlgra Pursh. Q. americana Pluk. Q. velutina Lam. Diet. Q. tinctoria Bart. 2 sinuosa Michx. % fig. 1755, 1756, 1757. Q. nlgra Wang. 19. palustris Willd. North America pi. 322. fig. 1758, 1759. 1887 The Marsh, or Pin, Oak. Q. montana Lodd. Cat. Q. Banisteri Lodd. Cat. 20. Catesbild Pine. 2 horizontalis 1 P. horizontalis Don of Forfar. P. . var. montdna Sang. ? P. rubra Mill. Diet, and N. Du Ham. The Speyside Pine, Hort. Soc. The Highland Pine, Grigor. The horizontal-branched wild Pine, Laws. The red-wooded Scotch Pine, Sang. 3 uncinata Don of Forfar 1 fig. 2047. The hooked-coned wild Pine. Mar Forest wild Pine, Hort. Soc. Card. 4 haguenensis i Pin de Haguenau, Fr. 5 rige"nsis i Pm de Riga Desf. Pm de Russie, Pin de Mature, Fr. Other Timber Tree Varieties. b. Varieties curious or ornamental. 2158 6 geneve'nsis i The Geneva wild Pine. 7 monophylla Hodgins. i 8 scariosa i P. scaridsa Lodd. Cat. 9 intermedia 1 10 altaica Ledebour 1 1 1 tortuosa Dora o/ Forfar I Other Varieties, of curious or bo- tanical interest. 2. (s.) pumilio Hcenke. & 1 Europe fig. 2057, 2058, 2063. 2186 The dwarf, or Mountain, Pine. P. sylvestris montdna Aralia racembsa - packet 1 6 v6sca Catalpa cordifblia - Ceanothus americanus azureus Cedrus - bushel 12 ounce 2 1 packet 1 cordata fl6rida fissa linearis nigra Qliverietna punctata stipulacea packet 1 Azalea, Libani 1 Crus-galli fine mixed ^ cones per 100 10 Pyracantha nudiflbra Celastrus jorunifblia glauca variegata - - scandens Cercis ounce 6 parvifblia pyracanthifblia - stamfnea - nitida scabra - prafcox - floribunda - . " packet 1 canadensis Siliquastrum Cephalanthus occidentalis I I* packet 1 coccfnea - cordata purpurea nigra maroccana J AMERICAN AND OTHER TREE AND SHRUB SEEDS. 135 s. d. s. d. *. d CratB N gus Pva Philad&phus ) Azarolus - frutescens packet 6 inoddrus } packet 1 Arbnia T-V -I grandiflorus 3 tanacetifblia t/uglans Pinus mexicana virgfnica heterophflla corallina - packet 1 alba - - amara - ( porclna - | tomentbsa - quartO 9 palustris, in cones pungens 61ba quart 1 30 2 Cupressus sulcata zyristica2f quart 2 Cytisus virginiana Sabina 1 6 packet 1 resinbsa balsainca 1 ^ biflbrus - chinensis 1 6 FrSserz > ounce 2 6 capitatus commtinis nlgra 3 decumbens daurica I pumilio 1 folibsus fbliis inclsis myrtifblius ounces Oxy"cedrus . ^ macrocarpa - 5- packets phoanfcea - 3 Montana sylvestris Pinaster 1 Ib. 3 4 pol^trichus Ifcia - 4 marftima 2 triflbrus uralensis - Kalraza Pinea 5tr6bus 3 20 . sessilifblius latifblia ounceS iarix 16 alplnus iabiirnum 7 quart 2 glauca angustifblia 2 6 2 Picea 2 6 3 J5iospyros Xaurus alba 4 virginiana .Fagus - packet 1 Sassafras Benzoin f quart 6 Platarms occidentalis quart 1 sylvatica .Fraxinus per bushel 12 Lagerstrce^rmVz fndica - ^ Polygonum pubescens "\ coccfnea virgfnicum 1 epiptera 1 rbsea Prinos caroliniana sambucifblia ^'uglandifblia tomentbsa ~ > quart 4 purpurea - ] Lespedeza frutescens - packet 1 glaber Prunus 3 platycarpa - acuniinata J Liriodendron hyemalis carolin^nsis 5 4 excelsior Gaulthen'a - bushel 4 Tulipffera integrifMia - f quart 1 6 virginica Ptelea 4 procumbens Gelsemium nftidum sempervlrens Gleditschia triacanthos inermis monosp^rma, > packet 1 Ib. 4 5 in pods qt. 2 MagnoKa glauca acuminata longifblia macroph^lla tripetala Melia Azederdch ounce 1 6 2 6 1 6 5 2 6 trifoliata - - packet 1 Pyrus orbutifblia - quart 5 Quercus pedunculata - - bushel 5 sessiliflbra - - 76 Cerris fulhamensis quart 2 6 Suber - - s n Gordoma Lasianthus packet 1 Menisp ermum smilacinuin -packet 1 Tauzin 'aculus 5 1 Halesza tetraptera parviflbra JZamamelis virginica jGTibiscus - packet 1 Mespilus arbutifblia Mitchella repens Morus 6 australis coccfnea alba Chinquapin tinctbria macrocarpa Prinos 7 6 1 6 1 4 2 5 -20 syrlacus - Ib. 6 nigra T Phellos 5 .ETypericum Kalimantan prolfficum oscyroldes canaddnse T\l ~_ > packet 6 alba rubra Myrica cerifera carolinensis J- ounce 6 | quart 4 obtusfloba oliva^formis bfcolor palustris nlgra riex 310 5 2 '0 2 '0 3 2 1 lex -dquifblium - bushel 10 Nyssa *\ Cerris Banisterz 1 4 opaca - quart 4 fi denticulata tomentbsa jRhododendron laxiflbra - o v 4 - 4 C aquatica candicans hirsutum ferrugfneum packet 1 10 vomitbria angustifblia Illicium 60 6 sylvatica capitata O'strya h packet 1 maximum p6nticum punctatum ounce 3 6 2 1 floridanum Indigofera caroliniana /'tea packet 1 1 virginica O'lea americana Passiflora flhus glabra v^rnix typhlna elegans 1 2 > ounce 1 virgfnica packet 6 incarnata copallina 3 136 FORREST'S PRICED CATALOGUE OF s. d. Robima Pseud- Acacia Smilax American . Ib. 5 ovata European - -20 hastata viscbsa - - ounce 1 Walterz .Rosa S'partium la?vigata junceum corymbbsa Carolina ^pirse'a suavfeolens opulifolia /raxinifblia tomentbsa fenestrma salicifulia setigera packet 6 corymbbsa rubitblia rdsea florida rubiginbsa 'j Sterculia floribunda jolatanifblia lucida Champneyawa - var. pallida - fndica plena - J Symphoria racembsa glomerata *. d. packet 1 Ib. 6 packet 6 Sdbal flabelliftrmis Thuja occidentals europse'a Faccinium arbbreum resinbsum riburnum dentatum ntidum /jrunitblium pyrifdlium yucca filamentbsa flaccida s. d. packet 1 Ib. 4 1 -packet 1 II. Catalogue of Forest and Ornamental Trees, American Plants, and Flowering Shrubs, with the Prices for 1838, sold by RICHARD FOR- REST (Successor to the late W. Malcolm and Co.) 5 Nursery and Seedsman, Kensington. , : Per Plant. Per 100. Per 1000. _ . Per Plant. Per 100. Per 1000. .". s. d. S. s. * S. d. *. s. Acacia Fir, seedlings transplanted three-thorned, seedlings transplanted, 3 to 5 feet - Alder, seedlings, 1 year's - transplanted 10 10 25 15 6 15 balm of Gilead - seedlings, 2 years' transplanted - silver, seedlings transplanted spruce, seedlings, white transplanted black spruce, 2 years' seedlings - - 10 40 15 20 3s. 6d 25 20 Ash, Scotch fir, 1 year 1*. seedlings transplanted mountain, seedlings, 1 year's transplanted r - ls.6d 10 6 20 2 years transplanted, 1 year 2 years Hazel - - 3s. 6d 6d 10 10s Gd Beech, Holly, seedlings, 2 years' _ __ 8 common - - _ _ 10 transplanted 40 variegated, in sorts 50 75 purple-leaved 1 6 Hornbeam, fern-leaved 1 6 seedlings 7s. 6d Birch, transplanted .. 50 weeping, seedlings 1s.6d Laburnum, transplanted 20 5 Chestnut, transplanted _ 50 horse, seedlings __ 7 Larch* two years' seedlings - transplanted striped-leaved scarlet-flowered 2~6 1 6 7s.~6d 10 seedlings, 1 year 2 years transplanted E 2s. 6d 3s. 6rf 10 yellow-flowered 1 6 Lime, Spanish, seedlings 15 transplanted 20 transplanted striped.leaved prolific fern-leaved Elm, 2~fi 1 6 1 6 25 Maple, English, seedlings transplanted Norway . - 10 20 SO wych, seedlings transplanted English, grafted striped-leaved Dutch, - 20 50 50 5 15 Oak, seedlings, 2 years', strong - mossy-cupped seedlings transplanted - scarlet, seedlings ~ 4 10 10 10 20 Cornish, or mountain 50 transplanted 16 transplanted Chichester broad-leaved American - 25 25 60 Lucombe striped-leaved willow-leaved, bedded 3 6 3 6 85 FOREST AND ORNAMENTAL TREES AND SHRUBS. 137 Per Per Per Per Per Per Plant. 100. 1000 Plan 100. 1000. s. d. S. s. s. d 5. S. Oak, Yew, Catesby's, bedded willow-leaved, in pots white, seedlings black, seedlings I 6 26 15 10 seedlings, 2 years' one foot transplanted, 2 feet to 3 feet broad-leaved Irish 10 20 20 40 fern-leaved 3 6 obtusfloba, seedlings 10 gramuntia, in pots 1 6 _______ Cerris fol. variegatis 5 cork, in pots 2 6. evergreen, seedlings, 1 year's in pots, 18 inches - __ 100 30 HARDY CLIMBERS. 5 to 6 feet 3 6 Pine, ^ristolochia Weymouth, seedlings, 1 year's 2 years' 8 12 sipho tomentbsa 16 1 6 bedded transplanted - cluster, seedlings = = 20 50 10 ^tragene americana austrlaca 1 6 1 6 transplanted 25 sibirica 1 6 in pots pinaster, seedlings, 1 year transplanted stone, seedlings in pots cembra 1 6 75 6~ 10* fid 25 Bignoma radlcans major capreolata grandiflbra Celastrus 06 26 2 6 in pots 5 scandens 9 maritima, seedlings 10 Clematis, New Jersey do. mugho, seedlings _ 6 10 sweet-scented, bedded fl6rida 09 1 6 25 2 years' bedded laricio de Calabri laricio de Corse, 2 years bedded Aleppo, - T 6 50 simplex pleno Viticella rubra purpiirea fl. plSno 1 6 1 6 2 6 09 1 6 seedlings 5 V56rna 1 in pots 1 alpjna 1 6 canadensis, 2 feet 6 angustifblia 1 6 Plane, cylindrica 26 occidentalis, 3 feet to 4 feet orientalis - Poplar, black Italian balsam 20 30 5 10 erdcta hispanica integrifblia tethyrifbha parviflbra crispa 1 6 1 6 1 1 1 1 6 white, or abele Carolina ~ 25 50 calyclna cirrhbsa 9 1 6 new sweet-scented 10 montana 3 6 Sycamore, odorata 1 seedlings _ 5 viornoldes 1 transplanted striped 50 15 glauca orientalis 1 1 6 Walnut, seedlings transplanted - 5 50 Vitalba reticulata Decumaria 1 6 1 6 o n FOR HEDGES. sarmentbsa 4 2 Berberry, Gelsemium seedlings _ .. 8 sempervlrens 2 6 transplanted - 25 nitidum 1 6 Box, Honeysuckle, dwarf, for edging 2 scarlet-trumpet 50 tree 1 6 evergreen __ 50 Briers, flexubsa 1 6 sweet, seedlings 5 pub^scens 2 6 transplanted 8 alba 2 6 flava 2 6 seedlings transplanted Furze, seedlings Holly, - _ 5 10 10 r/uercifblia variegata Ivy, broad-leaved, Irish - } variegated - - f All the new varieties from the f 2 6 2 6 30 to rn seedlings transplanted, variegated Z 100 6 Society. } Tasminum OU Privet, officinale 1 common _ 10 frdticans 10 evergreen 16 revolutum 1 6 Thorn, \Vallich/^/zw>/i 2 6 white, seedlings, 2 years' -{ . to humile iycium 1 6 transplanted 3 15 barbarum 9 138 FORREST'S PRICED CATALOGUE OF Per Per Per Per Per : Per ] Plant. 100. 1000. Plant. 100. ! 1000. . d. *. d. s. d. Rosa *. d. s. d. s. d. Menispermum multiflbra sempervlrens . 09 9 canadense 1 Banksw ? alba 9 virginicum 1 lutea 9 Passiflora Virginian silk tree 6 ca:rulea - - ") hybrida - - f 1 to Virginian creeper Wistaria 6 Maydna - - J 2 6 frute"scens 1 6 Periploca siucnsis 1 6 grae'ca 09 Zizyphu S .Rosa volubili 1 6 Boursaulti . . 09 sinensis 25 ORNAMENTAL TREES, AMERICAN PLANTS, AND FLOWERING SHRUBS. Per Plant. Per Plant. , Per Plaut. S. d. s. d. *. d. s. d. 5. cL s. d. JTbies Althaea frutex t. Azalea nlgra 5 i;." 2650 se edling s 5 01 aurantia . 5 cepha!6nica 63 0105 aedded 16 majo 5 rubra 7v- . 0910 d( )uble ] mrple 50 blush 5 balsamea - 7 6 10 6 r ed 50 calendulacea MX. 3 6 canadensis var 1 1 6 st riped 75 perlOO canscens 3 6 ' Clanbrassilz'/Jna 3650 Douglasw 25 40 painted lady Ameldnchier 50 carnea plena coccinea 3 6 21 Onerdoi. Douglass texifblia 50 080 Fraser* . 2650 Smith*aa - 10 6 15 Pichta . 2650 vulgaris Botryapium Amorpha ] 500 early pink red fasciculata fragrans 2 6 2 6 3 6 sibfrica - 2650 fr uticbs ai. 1 glaiica Lam. 2 6 excelsa stricta 3650 An ivffda lus hirta ^ - 3 6 Menzifcszz - 63 0100 macrocarpa - 2 6 hi'spida 3 6 Acacia Julibrissin - 1 6 coccineum - 16 eriocarpum - 16 heteroph^llum 1 6 hfbridum - 16 Lobelw - 2 6 macrophy'llum 1 6 nigrum - 16 jolatanbides L. 16 saccharinum L. 26 orientals W. - 2 Andromeda arbbrea W. - 1 6 cassinefblla - 16 Catesba^W. 1 6 mariana W. -26 paniculata - 16 pulverulenta - 16 specibsa Ph. - 2 6 specibsa var. - 21 floribfinda, and many other fine varieties Andna late purple - 36 Leopold - 50 nitidaPA. - 36 nudiflbra L. 26 p6ntica alba L. 50 procumbens 3 6 semiplena - 36 serdtina - 26 specibsa major 3 6 viscbsai. - 26 versf color - 36 Waterer'sred - 3 6 Ghent azaleas, fine sorts ; and other Many other sorts. triloba 1 6 hybrid varieties 5 ^E'sculus Aralia Bay, macrostachya 1 6 spinbsa 2 6 sweet 6 cocclnea - 26 racembsa 1 6 narrow-leaved 9 flava W. .26 Pavzo - 2 6 Arbor Vitas, Bentharma Hippocastanum 7 R fol. arg^nteis 3 pubescens - 26 rbsea . 2 6 American - 09 Oriental, seedlings 1 transplanted 10 Chinese - 50 JperlOO fragffera Herberts ^quifblium 2 6 3650 rubicfinda Dec. 2 6 A'rbutus, repens 7 6 Ailantus glandulbsa W. 1 seedlings transplanted goarlpf. 7 6 21 3 6 JperlOO fascicularis dealbata aristata Dec. 10 6 10 6 3 6 A\ ' j 'nrir^r lino W 5? fi asiatica Rox 3 common - 09 blotched-leaved 9 silver-striped 2 6 gold-striped - 2 6 Almond, single dwarf 1 6 double , ' - . 16 Japan '! - 1 6 tTnedo - 2 6 mucronata L. Jtt 36 crispa - 36 serratifblia - 3 6 procdraDon 5 Arctostaphylos alpina - 50 UVa-tirsi - 36 Aucuba Many other interest- : ing species and var. Box, Tree, green - 09 variegated - 06 Broom, Spanish, seedlings 3 6 per 100. transplanted 10 do. double - 1 R par*. /4'lnus cordata - 1 6 laciniata - 16 jap6nicaL. Azalea 1026 white Portugal, 7 seedlings 3 bedded 3 9 per 100. 10 6 Hn. Many other interest, ing varieties. arborescens autumnalis 5 21 per dor Lucca, seedlings transplanted 10 6 do. do. FOREST AND ORNAMENTAL TREES AND SHRUBS. 139 Per Plant. Per Plant. Per Plant. *. d. S. d *. d. s. i S d S d Calycanthus Cratas^gus Daphne fldridus W. 1 each pyrifblia W. 26 Ornidium L. 2 6 fertilis W. 26 do. ; macracantha 2 6 p6ntica L. - 1 6 Caragana Crus-gallii. 9- 1 altaica - 26 arbor^scens Lamb. 1 6 do. Other varieties Catdlpa splendens H. #.102 prunifblia 1 linearis salicifblia Neapolitan Lod. 2 6 Dauphine - 26 Mezereum, white L. 1 red 2 syringtefblia ~) ovalifblia J-l 6 2 autumn. U.K. \ 5 per 100 seedlings j bedded - 30 do. 3 feet 75 do Ceanothus americanus W. 16 pyracanthfflfblia 1 nlgra purpurea - J altafca Douglas^ - 36 flava - 2 6 flowering 2 evergreen 0610 Deutzfa scabraZ)o - 1626 ZJiospyros azureus - 26 lobata - 1 edulis . 2650 Cedrus trilobata lobata - 36 Deodar a Rox. 10 6 21 Ub&m Barrel. 3650 .apiifblia cordata - \-l 6 2 6 spathulata - Zbtus W. 16 l&cida . 2 6 reticulata - 26 Celtis Azarblus rugulbsa - 26 occidentalism. 1 Arbnia virginiana W. 16 Chimonanthus maroccana - 50 Dirca fragrans Lindl. 3 6 grandiflbrus Lindl. 7 6 Chionanthus virginicus L. 16 Clethra alnifbliaPA. 9 orientalis Bosc. ") sanguinea Pall. ( 1K n R tanacetifblia B.R.C 1 glabra J Leerino 6 heteroph^lla King ~ Oxyacantha palustris L. 50 ^laeagnus angustifblia L. 7 arg^ntea - M 1 6 arbbrea - J ^'mpetrum pub^scens - 09 obtusata f 1 6 2 6 nlgrum - 16 Clianthus laciniata Epigae^a punfceus Lindl. 76 b Colutea /jteridifblia melanocarpa v Olivierona 5 repens - 5076 Erica. arborescens W. 09 crudnta - 09 Poc6ckw - 6 eriocarpa "| Q'uercifblia multiplex vulgaris fl. pleno 7 , c fl. albo j 1 6 multiflbra - 16 Comptoma aurea (IK 9 K mediterranea 1 6 asplenifblia H. K. 9 Corchorus jap6nicus L. - 6 purpurea f 1 rbsea - j parvifblia fl6rida vagans - 16 r^tralix riibra ") alba f , n cin&rea f l u Cornus grossulariEefblia australis 3 mascula L. 09 Boot/i 5 carnea - 7 variegata 9 sangufnea L. 06 virginica 7 1 6 2 6 acutninata W. auriculata W. 3650 5 10 6 Pinaster - 1016 Pfnea W. -1626 frtictu luteo heteroph^llum J Many other varieties. conspicua H. K. 5076 cordata Ph. 5 6 fine Exmouth (pots) 3 6 5 glauca - 1626 ponderbsa Don 15 21 pumilio - 10 pungens 16 26 resinbsa - - 1 /'tea gracilis 3650 rigida - 1626 virginica - 10 grandiflbra W. 36-50 romana - 1 6 2 6 Judas tree seedlings 5 per 100 bedded - - 6 transplanted 1 Juniper, macrophylla Ph. obovata Soulange^na Thomson^wa tripetala W. purpurea B. M. 10 615 1 6 5076 5076 2676 5 Sabimaraa Doug. 25 040 Strbbus Booth 1 sylvestris - 06 TffiMa - 1626 taurica - 10 uncinata - 26 common, seedlings 5 per 100 TVT ' v * Webbiana - 21 0105 transplanted 6 Swedish - 6 Irish - 9 joolifblia J. globularis Sal. pumila - 0910 1026 1016 Laricio - - 1 6 longifblia - 25 35 Planera Sablna - 16 variegated 1 6 Kalrma latifblia - 1050 angustifblia - 10 glauca - 16 rubra 1 6 variegata - 10 caerulea Wahl Mespilus Ameldnchier antarctica - arbutifblia Botryapium racembsa 3650 Richard? Mich. 2 6 Platanus -. acerifblia W. - cuneata W. - M 1 6 occidental W. \ orientalis W. J Polygala pumila - 1 capita ta Chamffibfixus 1 1 6 nitida - 16 Kcelreutena paniculata Dec. 9 1 6 Laburnum, Chammespilus florib6nda germanica - latifblia sine nucleo 1626 Pomegranate, common - } double-flowered >1 6 dwarf - - 3 It ' 1 English - ?i n 1 K Scotch - jl 0- 1 6 grandiflbra ovalis Populus angulata - ~) oak-leaved - 3 6 h^brida S-l 6 purple - 2 6 3 6 .Pvracantha Lindleydwa Booth 3 weeping - 9 I 6 sangufnea And other interesting varieties. FOREST AND ORNAMENTAL TREES AND SHRUBS. 141 Per Plant. Per Plant. Per Plant. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. S. d. S. d. Prunus tfhus Smilax copallina - 16 elegans W. - 16 aspera 1 6 cerasifera - 16 glabraZ. - 1 Sarsaparilla 1 6 serrulata (double) leucantha - 16 iStolanum sibfrica radlcans L. - 1 1 And other interest- suaveolens - 16 crispum ing varieties. Toxicodendron L. 1 Sophdra Tt^ trifoliata - 1 6 jap6nica W. 1 6 Pyrus typhlna L. 10 pendula 7 r n^ alplna - -1626 erecta 1 varicff^ta j o o ^ v /irbutifblia - 1626 domestica - - 2 6 floribunda - 16 vernix L. 16 chinensis 6 viridiflbra - 16 S'partium ^'unceum L. fl. pleno 6 1 6 hybrida - - 1 6 semi-double - 16 Ribes argenteum o . 1 variolbsa (Nepal) 7 1 vestlta (Nepal) J 1 Many other species. aureum prag v cox 1 6 serdtinum 9 sanguineum 9 Spiraea argentea oricetblia Sm. 3 6 2 6 J?hamnus yellow- 7 1 n fruited j 1 bella Sims flexubsa Fis. 9 1 latifblius - 1016 ccreum - - 2 6 Isevigata W. 9 alnitblius - 1016 echinatum - 26 nbtans 2 6 alpinus -1626 glutinosum Doug. 2 6 tomentbsa 1 6 jRhodod endron inebrians - 36 Stuartm alta-clerensc - 21 anthopbgon wzalvaceum - 50 multiflbrum - 3 6 niveum - 36 Malachodendron virglnica 26-36 2636 arbbreum (Nepal) 1~ K ' Smith - S 1 6 ~~ 10 6 aucubceK>\ia. -76 azaleoldes Hort. 2 6 punctatum 3 6 sangufneum (dark~) var.) saxatile >1 6 3 6 Symphoria racembsa Syringa 6 odoratum - 50 campanulatum 21 63 specibsum LindL, f Titr persica alba - 6 6 catawbiense 2 6 uec* - j Josikae v a caucasicum W. 3 610 6 caucasicoldes - 5 Robinia hispida W. - 1626 Tamarix Chanuecistus W. 5 10 6 dauricum W. 2 6 glutinbsa - 6 inermis - 6 gallica germanica 6 6 atrovirens - 26 arena ria - 6 2 6 Tax us ferrugineum W. 1 1 6 Glennyawwwz Halodendron - 626 Chamldgu - 6 baccata variegata hibernica 1 6 102 guttatum gold-blotched 7 o pygmae'a - 16 jubata - 21 Thermopsis striped j J macrophylla 1 laburnifblia 2 6 hirsutum W. 16 tortubsa - 26 Tilia fol. var. striped-leaved hybridum - 26 spectabilis - 16 Roses alba (Hort. Soc.) " aiirea common moss 6 laxiflbra 1 6 drum - - white moss - 3 6 5 laciniata lappdnicum Wohl. 7 6 10 6 blush moss 2 6 rabra - - macranthum 7 6 10 6 magnolt&fblium 3606 maximum W. 1620 crimson moss 3 6 celestial - 09 village maid, Stand. 5 Collection of Dwarf Tulip Tree, seedlings transplanted 12 per 100 09-10 wyrtifblium Lod. 3 6 5 nivaticum - -7 6 10 6 Roses,'30. per 100. standard, in fine Faccinium Myrtfllus nfveum - - 10 6 collection - 5076 Tltis ida^a Nobledwwm - 10 6 42 odoratum Hort. 5076 pfctum pdnticum in var. W.I 02 6 China, ditto - 5076 Scotch, double 5076 A collection of 300 7 different sorts - 3 macrocarpon Oxyc6ccos hispidulum - amce v num -1 5 glomeratum - 26 album (true) 3 6 princeps tfvibus virgfnicus 1 double white 1 crassifblium lucidum frondbsum prunifblium pumilum - 36 punctatum W. 2636 Russelhanwm 15 021 silver-striped - 5 Wateriawwm 21 With all the new and interesting cut-leaved - 10 arcticus E. B. 26 pauciflbrus - 10 spectabilis - 1626 nootkanus Mac. 1 6 .Ruscus aculeatus Z. -0609 virgatum formbsum ovatum Fella Psetido-Cytisus Fiburnum 5 010 6 1 6 Hybrids. jRhodora Hypogl6ssum L 16 racembsus L. 16 chinnse - 1 6 2 6 cotinifblium (Nepal) 2 6 canadnsis - 20 JJhus aromatica H. K. 20 canadensis - } copallina - f 1 G major -f 1 Coriaria - -3 CotinusL. - 1 Salisbiir ia adiantifblia Sm. 1016 S'ambucus laciniata - 1016 variegata alba 10 16 fol. aureis frdctu-albo 1016 lantanoides Xanthorhiza apiifblia Xanthoxylum /raxfneum Select Collection and Heartsease 1 1 1 6 of Dahlias 142 LAWSON AND SON S III. List of Trees, Plants^ tyc., with the Prices for 1838, sold by PETER LAWSON and SON, 3. Hunter Square, Edinburgh, Seedsmen and Nurserymen to the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. SEEDLING FOREST TREES. Per 1000. Per 1000. s. d. s. d. Alder, Pinaster W., 1 year 8 2 year 5 2 year punrilio W., 1 year 10 6 15 Ash, 2 year 4 pyrenaica Capt . S. E. Cook, I year sylvestris W. (Scotch Fir), from seed col- 35 W mountain, 1 year 6 lected from natural-grown trees in the Beech, Highlands, 1 year - 2 year 1 6 2 1 year 3 6 seed from Haguenau Forests, 1 year 2 Birch, Larix Sal. I* weeping, 2 year Chestnut, 7 6 europe v a Dec. (Larch), seed from the Tyrol, 1 year 3 Spanish, 1 year 2 year - 10 - 12 6 2 year common, 1 year 4 2 Hazel 2 year 3 6 1 year ... Holly, - 10 ^'bies Sal. Pfcea W. (Silver Fir), 1 year 2 year 3 6 1 year 6 3 year - 7 6 Hornbeam, excelsa Pair. (Norway Spruce), 2 year 3 1 year 5 3 year 4 Laburnum, Sycamore (or Plane), English, 1 year 4 1 year ' ". - < ' . ' 4 Scotch, 1 year 4 2 year 5 Maple, Service, Norway, 2 year - 20 1 year 10 Oak, common, 2 year - 3 Thorns (or Quicks), 3 year 4 1 year ... 2 6 Turkey, 1 year 7 6 O ft Sweetbriar, 2 year y u 1 year - - - 4 JPinus 2 year .... 6 austriaca P. Hoss (Black Pine of Austri a) Yews, 1 year 2 year - - 10 - 20 2 year 20 maritima Hort., 1 year 2 year ';'. , - - 10 - 12 6 Walnut, major, 1 year - 12 6 lyear .... 40 TRANSPLANTED FOREST TREES. Per 1000. Per 1000. Alder, Laburnum, 1 to li foot - 15 1 to 2 feet 25 Ash, Maple, 4 to 9 inches 1 to 2 feet 8 - 15 English, IA to 2 feet ... Norway, 4 to 6 inches 20 30 Beech, Oak, 1 to IA foot 2 to 2 feet Birch, - 20 - 25 common, 1 to 14 foot 2 to 2 feet 3 to 4 feet 17 6 25 35 1 to U foot Weeping, 1 to 1 foot - 15 - 20 Turkey, 1 to If foot ... 2 feet 20 30 Chestnut, .Pinus !/ Spanish, 1 to 1 foot Horse, 1 foot - 20 - 15 austriaca P. Hoss (Black Fir of Austria), 4 inches 20 Elm (Wych) marftima Hort., 6 inches 25 1 to 1 foot - 15 Pinaster W., 4 to 6 inches 20 2* to 3 feet ... 3 to 4 feet - 20 - 25 sylvestris W. (Scotch Fir, native), 1 to \\ ft. common 1 to \\ foot 7 6 6 Hazel, Larix Sal. U to 2 feet - 25 europa^a Desv . (Larch Tyrolese), 1 to 1 ft. 7 6 Holly, 4 to 6 inches - 20 common, 1 to U foot ;f bies Sal. 6 9 to 12 inches - 30 61ba Ph. (White American Spruce), 1 foot 15 PRICED LIST OF TREES, PLANTS, ETC. 143 Per 1000. s. d. nlgra Ph. (Black ditto) 1 to 1 feet, per 100 7 6 excelsa Pair. (Norway Spruce), 6 to 8 inches 7 6 1 to U foot 15 Pfcea W. (Silver Fir), 6 to 9 inches - 15 Sycamore (or Plane), 1 to \\ foot - - - 12 6 2 to 2i feet - - - 15 3 to SA feet - - - 20 Berberry, IA to 2 feet - - - 25 Evergreen Privet, 1 to U foot - - - 20 2 to 2 feet - - 25 Sweetbriar - - 20 Thorns, 1 year transplanted - 7 6 2 years ditto - - 9 Mountain Ash, 1 to IA foot, per 100 4 to 5 feet, do. Poplar, abele, 2 to 3i feet, per 100 Black Italian, 2i to 3 feet Lombardy, 21 to 3 feet Ontario, 2 to 3 feet Willows, Bedford, 2 to 3 feet Huntingdon, % to 3 feet Lime, 10 to 12 feet, per 100 6 to 8 feet, ditto 3 to 4 feet, ditto 12 to 18 inches, ditto Selected Sorts, 3 to 5 feet, per 100 s. d. 2 6 5 10 6 30 30 30 o 20 20 20 15 12 5 5 ORNAMENTAL TREES. (Those marked * are Evergreens.) *Aristoteh'a *Mdcgui L., 24 to 3 feet fol. var., 1 to 2 feet austrlacum Link's Enum., 3 feet - 10 campestre L., fol variegatis, li foot - 09 creticum L., U foot - - 1 dasycarpon Ehrh., 2 to 2A feet -.-09 monspessulanum L., 2 feet - 1 montanum H. K., 1 foot i - 06 NegHndo L.,2to2A feet - - 06 var. crfspum, li feet - 9 CKpalus H. K., 2A to 3 feet - - 1 opulifblium ViL, 6 to 12 inches - 04 latanoldes L., 2 to 3 feet - 4 Pseudo-Platanus L., fol. var., 6 feet - 06 hybridum, 3 feet - -10 var. Corstorphin, 6 feet - 1 rubrum Ehrh., 1 to IA foot . - - - 04 saccharinum L., 2 to 2 feet - - 6 str ia turn La m., 2 feet - 9 tataricum L., 2 feet - - 9 yE'sculus dfscolor Sweet, U foot . * - - 26 pumila Sooth, IA foot - - 1 6 rubicunda Dec., 24. to 3 feet - 2 6 flava W., 5 feet - ,"-. . -20 spicata Booth, IA to 2 feet - 1 6 Ailantus glandulbsa W., 6 to 12 inches - - 4 2 to 2A feet - 9 A'lnus cordifblia Ten., 1 foot - 1 6 glutinbsa W. var. inclsa, 14 foot - 10 tfuercifblia, 2 to 3 feet - 10 oxyacanthaefblia Lo. C., 1 to li foot - 16 serrulata W., 1 foot - - - 6 undulata W., 3 feet - - - I 6 Amelanchier Dec., on mountain ash stocks canadensis L., 4 to 4 feet grandifblia Sweet ovalis Lindl. tomentbsa Bunney, Kingsland cochinchinensis Dec., IA foot communis W., 6 to 8 feet dulcis, 1 feet macrocarpa, 3 feet pumila W., 2 feet Persica W., fl. pleno, 5 feet orientalis W., 2 feet sibirica Lo. C , 4 feet Aralia spinbsa IV., 6 inches * Araucaria *brasiliana Lam., 6 feet *CunninghamzV G. D., 34 feet *excelsa H. K., 3 inches *unbricata W., 1 to 1 feet 1 6 84 200 12 63 Theophvasti, 2^ to 3 feet 9 1 Aronia floribunda Sweet, 24 feet Betula, alba W., var. inclsa Booth, 5 feet excelsa W., IA foot fruticbsa W., 3 feet lenta W., 1 to li foot nana W., 1 to li foot nlgra W., 6 feet papyracea W., 2 to 3 feet jtwpulifblia W., 3 feet pubescens Ehr., 3 feet pumila W., 1 to li foot wrticaefblia Booth, 2i to 3 feet Broussonetza papyrffera Ven., 2^ feet Caragdna L. Altagdna W., 1 foot arborescens Lamb., 1% to 2 feet pygmae'a W., 6 to 12 inches Carpinus JSetulus inclsa W., 3 feet guercifblia, 3 feet foL var., 3 feet Castanea ptimila W., 1 to IA foot vesca W., var. lucida, 5 feet rtsplenifblia, 5 feet maculata lutea, 4 to 5 feet fol. argenteis, 3 feet * Cedrus Libani Barrel., 1 to li foot li to 2 feet Deoddra Rox. from seed, 3 to 4 inches ditto, 6 to 12 inches - from cuttings, 1 foot Celtis australis L., 4 inches occidental L.,lto IA foot cordata, 6 to 9 inches Cephalanthus inodbrus, 1 foot occidentalis W., 1^ foot Cerasus L. avium Mcen. multiplex Ser., 3 to 4 feet Juliana pendula Dec., 5 to 6 feet Mahdleb Mich., 3 to 4 feet Padus vulgaris Dec., 4 feet Corylus americana W., 4 feet Coliir na W., IA foot rostra ta W., 3 feet Each 1 1 6 1 6 7 6 1 1 6 6 1 1 6 1 6 1 1 6 1 6 6 4 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 6 1 6 2 2 2 6 2 6 3 6 20 25 20 6 1 2 6 1 6 1 2 6 1 6 6 144 LAWSON AND SON'S Cotoneaster, on thorn stocks, *microphylla Wai., 3 feet *rotundifblia B. R., 3 feet Cratae'gus arbutifblia, 2f to 3 feet new varieties, 2f to 3 feet tetulaefblia Sooth, 1 to If foot coccfnea W., 2f to 3 feet new var., 2 to 2f feet cordata W., 1 foot Crus.galli L., 5 to 5* feet splendens H. K., 2 to 3 feet dfcbia W., 24 to 3 feet grossulariaefolia Booth, 1 to If foot heterophylla King, 3 to 4 feet mexicana M. et S., If to 2 feet medlar-leaved, 3f to 4 feet ohcordata 00^, 2f to 3 feet odoratfssima B. R., 2 to 3 feet olivffiformis Booth, 2* to 3 feet orientalis Booth, 2f to 3 feet Oxyacantha E. B., fol. var., 2 to 2f feet fl. pldno, 24 to 3 feet rbsea, 2f to 3 feet superb, 2f to 3 feet pendula, 2f to 3 feet flava, 2 to 2f feet pectinata Booth, I to If feet spathulata Ph., I foot stipulacea Booth, 3 feet - tanacetifblia B. R,, 2f to 3 feet .=- tomentbsa Booth, 2f to 3 feet without stone, 24 to 3 feet pyrifblia W., 1 foot punctata W., 2f to 3 feet sanguinea Pall., 3f feet *Cunninghaima *sinensis R. Br., 3 feet '.-':' * 6 to 12 inches Cytisus, on laburnum stocks, argenteus W., 5 feet - capita tus W., 5 feet nfgricans W., Si feet purpureus W., 3 feet . ' sessilifblius W., 3f feet <.-.- v : suplnus W., 4 feet .Laburnum W., fol. variegatis, 4 feet <7uercifblium, 4 feet pendulum, 4 feet purpurascens, 3i to 4 feet Walderm, 6 feet alplnus W., fragrans, 3f feet - - - .Diospyros Zbtus W., 4 to 6 inches . i" virginiana W., 4 to 6 inches -. .- JEuonymus americana W., 3 to Sf feet atropurpurea W., 4 to 5 feet europffi v a W., 3f feet fruct. albo, 3f feet - ',- coccineo, 3 feet *japonica W., \ foot fol. aureis variegktis, 1 foot fol. argenteis variegatis, 1 foot Fagus sylvatica W. asplenifblia, 1 to 1 feet purpurea, 5 to 6 feet laciniata, 3 feet pendula, 5 feet fol. atireis varieg., 2 feet fol. argenteis varieg., 2 feet JPraxinus acuminata Lamb., 2 to 3 feet americana W., 2 to 3 feet glabra, 2 to 3 feet excelsior Iticida W., 2A feet aurea, 2^ to 3 feet fol. var., 2f feet - ' ^ pendula, 6 feet heterophylla Vahl, 2i feet juglandifblia W., 1 to 1$ foot /entiscifblia pendula W., 5 feet nana Base, 3 to 4 feet Each. Bach. s. d. Fraxinus s. d. 2 6 O'rnus L., 2 to 3 feet 1 2 6 var. gloWfera, 3 feet n\gra Bosc, 3 feet ... 1 6 1 1 1 6 platycarpa W., 6 to 9 inches quadrangulata W., 2 feet 6 5 1 6 Richardi Bosc, 4 feet 3 6 6 rotundifblia Pers., 2* to 3 feet Gleditschia W. 6 6 horrida W., If foot 6 6 6 macracantha L. C., 2A to 3 feet monosperma Ph., 1 foot sinensis P. S., 9 to 12 inches 1 6 1 6 1 6 6 triacanthos Ph., If to 2 feet 6 6 inermis, 1 foot Gymnocladus 1 '. 6 canadnsis W., 3 feet 2 6 o Halesia 6 tetraptera W., If foot Halimodendron 1 argenteum Fis., 2* feet 2 6 6 */ v lex g *^quifblium W. fol. var., 1 to If ft. 1 01 6 *balearica Desf., 1 to u foot *Daho6n Ph., 4 inches 2 6 6 *laxiflbra Ph,, 4 inches 6 Of? *zyrtifblia Lam., 4 inches 6 o 2/? *opaca W., 1 to If foot 1 6 o 1 If? *Perddo W., If foot *recurva Lk., If foot 1 6 1 6 D 1 6 Juglans 6 alba W., 1 foot - 6 1 amara Mich., If to 2 feet 6 1 aquatica Nuttali, 6 inches 6 cinerea Ph., 1 to If foot 4 20 7 6 /raxinifblia Lamb., If to 2 feet myristicatformis, 2 ft. (seed from Charlwood) nlgra W., 1 to If foot olivaef6rmis W., 1 to If foot 4 1 6 I 3 6 tomentbsa Nut., 6 inches 6 3 6 2? Kcelreuten'a O S 6 2 6 paniculata Dec., 2 to 2f feet Liquidambar 1 6 2 6 orientale L., 2 feet 2 6 1 6 Styraciflua W., 1 to If foot 1 6 2 Liriodendron 2 6 1 6 3 6 Tulipifera W., 2 to 2f feet *Mespilus 1 1 6 Pyracantha, 1 to If foot, pots 1 6 Aforus 6 alba fruc. albo W., If to 2 feet 6 6 ni g r <>, If to 2 feet 6 rubro, If to 2 feet 6 1 Morettidna Booth ,ilf foot pennsylvanica Nor., 3 feet 2 3 6 1 O/i O'strya ^ virgfnica W., 4 feet - 1 6 I 6 1 6 5 vulgaris W., 1 to If loot *Photinia I 7 6 7 6 *crbutifblia Lindl., I to If foot *serrulata Lindl., 1 to If foot 2 6 2 *Pinus 1 6 *Ctmbra W., 6 inches - (in pots) 9 1 6 *Banksz'dna Ph., 2 feet - - 10 6 1 6 *halepensis W., 4 to 6 inches - 9 2 6 * 1 to If foot - 1 2c *excelsa Lamb., 4 inches - 10 6 o 2 6 *Gerardzw Wai., 3 inches - 35 *inops Ph., 6 to 12 inches - 1 6 6 *longifblia W., If foot - - *nepaleusis Cels, Paris, 2 feet - *palustris Ph., 6 inches - 25 25 3 6 1 *Pfnea W., 6 to 9 inches - 9 1 *ponderbsa Dou., 2 feet - 15 6 *pungens Ph., 1 foot - - 1 1 *rigida Ph., 1 foot - - 1 2 6 *Sabimcmfl Douglas, 1 to If foot - 25 1 *ser6tina Ph., 1 foot 1 6 6 *Strbbus W., var. nova Booth, 5 ft. 10 6 S 6 *7Vda Ph., 4 to 6 inches - 1 6 1 *ml tis Mich., 3 inches - - 6 PRICED LIST OF TREES, PLANTS, ETC. 145 *AVies Sal. *canadensis H. K, 1 to li foot *Clanbrassihawa H. K, 1 foot *excelsa fol. var., Pair., 1 foot *balsamea var. longifbl. Booth, 5 ft. *Douglasw Hort., U foot *Fraserz Ph., 1 foot *MenzisM Douglas, 4 inches *Morlnda Wai., 9 to 12 inches *Pfcea var. tortubsa Booth, 4 ft. *Pichta Fis., 1 foot */axifblia Lamb., 1 foot *rubra Lamb., 4 to 9 inches Larix Sal europe v a var. pendula Dec., 3 feet microcarpa Lamb., 6 feet pendula Lamb., 3% feet Planera Richard/ Mich., 1 foot Platanus acerifblia W., 3 feet cuneata W., 1 foot digitata Booth, I foot occidentals W., 3 feet orientalis W., 3 feet Populus segyptlaca Booth, 2 to 2 feet Liridley^na var. crispa Booth, li foot trepida W., li to 2 feet sp. from Belgium, Booth, 3 feet suaveolens Fis., 1 foot Prunus Cocomilla Tern., 4 to 4 feet piimila W., 1 foot spinbsa fl. pldno W., 2i feet Ptelea trifoliataL.,3to3ifeet Pyrus amygdalif6rmis Vil., 3 feet baccata W., 4 feet communis fol. var. W., 3 feet fl. pleno, 2 to 3 feet semidouble, 3 to 3 feet coronaria JT., 4 to 4i feet edulis W., 3 to 4 feet dceagnifblia Pall., 3 to 3 feet intermedia W., 2i to 3 feet lanuginbsa Dec., 2 to 3 feet melanocarpa PA., 3 feet nepalensis Z,o. C., 1 to 1 foot pinnatffida F. B., 2i to 3 feet Pollverm W., 2 to 3 feet prunifblia W., 5 feet var. coccfnea, 5 to 5i feet dulcis, 5 to 5i feet Harvey's new, 5 to 6 feet North's new, 5 to 6 feet spectabilis W., 3* feet upsalensis Lo. C., '2% to 3 feet Quercus Banister? Mich., 1 foot bfcolor Ph., 6 to 9 inches Catesbse'i W., 6 to 9 inches coccfnea Ph., 6 inches fastigiata Lam., H foot *Tlex W., li foot * 2 years' seedlings, in pots, per 100 ditto , in beds, *Lucombeaa Swt, 6 inches * 3 to 3i feet * 6 to 7 feet gramuntia W., 1 foot, in pots lyrata Ph., 1 foot *maritima Ph., 9 inches palustris Ph., 6 to 9 inches *Phellos Ph., 1 to If foot Prlnus Ph., 6 to 9 inches sp. from America, li foot *Suber W., li foot Tatizin Lam., 2 years' seedlings, per 100 3 years' ditto triloba Ph., 1 foot tfbbur fol. var. W., 2 feet . fol. atro-purpureis, 2 feet Each. Each. S. d. Robima s. d. t (in pots) 9 26 Pseudacacia W., 1 year's seedlings, per 100 1 to 2 feet 1 6 6 _ 36 crispa, I foot . 1 6 ft. 76 monstrbsa, 2$ feet . 1 6 - 25 26 tortubsa, 2| to 3 feet gigantea Booth, 2 to 3 feet - 2 2 _ 63 hispida W., 3 to 4 feet . 1 - 10 6 76 grandiflbra, 4 to 4| feet inermis, 1 to 2 feet - 1 6 1 6 : 26 36 microphylla Lo. C., 2 to 3 feet stricta Lk., 5 to 6 feet 1 6 1 6 _ 06 viscbsa JV.,2to3 feet 1 6 alba, 3 feet . 2 6 ,t 1 6 hdrrida, 2 to 3 feet _ 2 6 3 6 amorphaefblia Lk., 2 to 3 feet . 1 6 5 Salix annularis Hort. - . 1 2 6 var. pubescens , 2 6 baby!6nica L. 6 var. bedfordiensis . 6 26 var. Napolebna _ 1 6 - 2 moschata Booth 2 2 Sixty distinct species, 2 plants of each for 42 ~ 09 10 Sambucus canadensis W., li foot _ 1 6 nlgra W., 3 to 4 feet, per 100 . 10 foot 1 6 2 fol. var., 1 foot rotundifblia Booth, li foot ; 1 1 6 6 26 Sophora H. K 3 6 jap6nica W., 1 to 1| foot . 1 fol. var., 2 feet _ 2 6 pendula, 1 foot _ 3 6 - 3 6 *grandiflbra, 1 foot _ 5 2 6 16 *Taxus *baccata W., 1% to 2 feet, per 100 . 15 * 2 to 3 feet 20 1 6 * fol. var. 1 foot, each _ 2 6 *canadensis W. _ 3 6 _ 2 *hibernica Hooker, 6 inches _ 6 1 6 2 to 3 feet . 2 _ 1 6 * Thuja - - 1 6 *occidentalis L., 9 to 12 inches _ 4 t 1 6 * 2 to 2J feet _ 9 - 16 *orientalis L., 4 to 6 inches _ 6 - 1 6 2 to 2| feet _ 1 - 2 6 *plicata Lam., 6 inches . 5 16 i ^ Tilia " 1 O 2 americana L., 2 to 3 feet . * 26 nlgra, 2 to 3 feet _ 6 16 canadensis Booth, 2$ to 3 feet . 1 1 6 foL variegatis, 3 to 3 feet parvifblia Ehrh., 2 to 3 feet : 6 o >et 16 asplenifblia, 3 feet . 6 16 grandifblia Ehrh. _ 6 et 16 aurea, 2 feet u 2 t - 1 6 1 6 laxiflbra MX., 2 to 3 feet pubescens H.K.,5 feet a 1 1 6 - - 3 6 C/'lmus americana Ph., 2 to 3 feet _ _ 1 fietulif blia Booth, 2 to 3 feet . 4 fietuloldes L., 2| to 3 feet _ - 1 6 campestris L., 3 to 3| feet fol. argenteis, li to 2 feet - g 3 6 fol. aureis, 2 to 2$ feet . per erl( 1 6 100 30 X) 20 asplenifblia, li to 2 feet var. stricta, 2i to 3 feet crispa W., 2i to 3 feet : 6 9 _ 6 glabra E. B., 2i to 3 feet _ 9 3 6 glomerata Booth, 1 foot _ 2 6 , 2 6 gigantda, 2i to 3 feet . 6 . 3 6 fungbsa, 2i to 3 feet - . 1 _ 6 microphylla Pers., 1 to 2 feet . 9 6 Twyrtifblia, 1| to 2 feet . 1 6 4 nana, 6 inches . 9 _ 1 plicata, 3 to 4 feet _ 9 6 piimila Pall, li to 2 feet . 6 . 1 sibirica, 3 to 4 feet - . 1 _ 1 scabra Mic., 1 foot _ 9 icr 1 00 10 suberbsa Mcench, 2i to 3 feet . 6 >er 1 00 15 - t6rtula, 1 to 2 feet m 6 - 6 tortubsa, 6 inches _ 1 _ - 1 6 1 viminalis, li foot viscbsa, 1$ to 2 feet - 3 6 1 t 146 LAWSON AND SON'S Wlmus new Exeter, 2A to 3 feet black Canadian, 1 to 1* foot species from Hamburgh, 1 to 2| feet Those without authorities are named as in the Edinburgh Botanic Garden. Each. Each. *. d. L. a. d. ORNAMENTAL TREES. I 1 First assortment, per 100 Second ditto ... 500 2 10 1 Third ditto 150 PLANTS REQUIRING PEAT SOIL. Andromeda arborea W., l foot, *&uxifblia Lam., 1 foot, *Catesbae v i W., 1 to 1% foot, *calyculata Ph., 1 to 2 feet, nana, li foot frondbsa Ph., If foot, mariana W., 1 foot, - - specibsa var. pulverulenta, li foot *joolifblia W., 1% foot, *do. in 10 varieties - specibsa Ph., ]A foot, ... *tetragbna L., 4 inches, 5 7 6 2 6 9 9 1 9 9 1 6 3 6 3 6 SHRUBS AND AMERICAN PLANTS. (Those marked thus * are Evergreens.} * Erica *carnea rubra *ciliaris L. *cin6rea alba H. K. mediterranea L., 1| foot *scoparia L., 1 foot *stricta Donn, 1 foot T^tralixL. * alba *vagans L. - . * alba * rubra *vulgaris alba L. * fl. pleno Fothergilla alnifblia L., 1 to 2 feet pub^scens, li to 2 feet *Gaulthena *procumbens W. *Shdllon Ph. *serpyllifblium Gordoma pubescens W., 1 foot /tea virginica L. t li to 2 feet Kalrma *angustifblia W., I to li foot fol. var., 1 foot - rubra, 1 foot * 111 tida, 1 foot glauca W., I foot latifblia W., 1 to 1 foot. ser6tina Smith of Ayr, I foot *Zedum duxifblium W. canadense Lod., li foot latifblium W., 1 foot . -. 2 6 3 6 10 6 31 3 6 2 6 6 1 6 2 6 *alplna W. ... *^ndrachne W., 2$ feet, var. serratifblia, 2 feet *mucronata L.fil., 6 inches, *pilbsa, 6 inches *procfera DOM., \\ foot, *nepalensis, \\ foot *7 v nedo W., 9 to 12 inches, in pots, 1 to li foot * fl. pleno, 1 foot ' - * scarlet. 1 foot *U'va ursi W. *siMrica, 6 inches Azalea calendulacea Mich., 1| foot crdcea, 2 feet - i> u glauca Lam., 1 to li foot <-.'' - 20 glabra, 1 to li foot - - 1 6 nitida Ph., 1 to li foot - - 2 6 nudiflbra L., 1 foot - - -20 alba, li foot- - ' - - 26 pontica L., li to 2 feet - - 6 alba, 1 foot ... -50 viscbsa L.,1 to 1 foot - .-16 alba, li foot - 2 6 vittata, 1 foot - 2 6 Calycanthus fertilis W., li foot '*. - - 26 fl6ridus W., ]i foot - - 9 oblongifblius'W.,2jfeet - s 7 6 asplenifblius Booth., 5 feet . - 76 Chimonanth us fragrans Lindl., U foot ,. > - - 36 grandiflbrus Lindl. 1J foot - - -50 Ceanothus americ^nus W., 1 to li foot - - 1 Clethra W. acuminkta Ph., 2i feet - 1 olnifblia Ph., 2 to 2^ feet - -10 paniculata W., 2 to 2 feet - - 1 pumila Smith of Ayr, 1 foot - - 1 6 * Cneorum *tric6ccum L., 6 inches - - - 6 *Dryas *Drumm6ndi Hooker - -10 *integrifblia Wahl. - 6 *octopetala W. - 9 *.E'mpetrum *nlgrum L., - 06 * Erica. *arbbrea L., 1 foot - - - 1 6 *australis L., 1 foot - - 1 6 *carneai. - - .-06 latiiouum w l* re palustre W., I foot /hymifblium *Linnae^a *borealis Gro. Magnolia acuminata W., 3 feet auriculata W., 3 feet conspicua H. K., 2i feet cordata Ph., 3 feet fuscata H. K., 1 foot glauca Ph., 6 inches Thomsom'rtrea, 4 feet gracilis Sol., 3 feet *grandiflbra W., 2 feet * obovata, 5 feet * Exmouth, 2i feet macroph^lla Ph., 1^ foot purpurea Booth, 2 to 2* feet tripetala W., 4 feet Menziesta Sm. globularis Sal., I foot */?olifblia S., 1 foot *alba, 6 inches *pumila, 3 inches *caerulea Wahl. *Mitchella *r6pens W. *Myrica *carolinensis Wan., 1 to li foot *ccrifera L., 1 to li foot *Galc L., 1 to 14 foot 9 9 9 6 9 9 9 9 6 1 1 6 3 6 1 2 6 2 6 1 6 2 1 6 9 3 6 2 6 - 5 - 10 - 2 6 - 2 6 - 2 6 - 9 2 fi 1 6 3 6 1 9 9 6 PRICED LIST OF TREES, PLANTS, ETC. 147 * Oxycoccus *macrocarpus Pers. - - - *palustris Ph. - - - *PoJygala *Chama>biixus L. Rhodora. canadensis W., I to 1 foot .Rhodod endron azaleoides Hort., 24. feet *arbbreum Sm., 14 foot * hybridum Hort., 1 foot * catawbiensePA.,4to6inches - hy'bridum Hort., 2% to 3 feet - *caucasicum W., 1 foot *Chamecistus W. - - - dauricum W., I foot - *atrovlrens, li feet - *ferrugfneum W., 6 to 9 inches *hirsiitum W.., 1 foot *lapp6nicum Wohl, 6 inches *maximum W., 6 to 9 inches * li to 2 feet *7wyrtifblium Lod., 14 foot odoratum Hort., 1 foot *p6nticum W., 6 to 9 inches If to 2 feet 2i to 3 feet var, li foot LbwtV, 1 foot magfiolitefdliumfS feet album Ph., 14 foot angustifblium, 1 foot atropurptireum, 2 feet aiireum, 2 to 24 feet fl. plSno, rbseum, 14 foot kalrmoides, 1 foot fol. argenteis, 1| foot rotundifblium, 24, feet *punctatum W., 2 feet - - *venustum Wai. Stuartza virgfnica Dec., l foot Faccinium Fitis idae v a major L. maxima ... Fitex .4'gnus castus L., 1$ foot 4 to 6 inches Each. S. d. 6 9 2 6 7 6 3 6 3 6 2 2 6 1 1 30 9 2 3 6 5 6 1 6 2 2 6 30 2 6 3 6 1 6 3 6 2 6 105 3 6 2 3 6 2 6 2 30 2 6 9 9 1 Q 6 PLANTS NOT REQUIRING PEAT SOIL. Amorpha glabra Detf., 6 to 9 inches fruticbsa L., H to 2 feet Lewfsw Lo. C., If, to 2 feet Artemisia arborescens L., 3 feet ^br6tanum L., 1$ foot - - argentea H. K., 1 foot Asifnina triloba Dunal, 1 to 2 feet Astragalus *Tragacantha L., 4 to 6 inches (in pots) - * Aucuba japonica L., 6 to 12 inches, per 100 1 to 2 feet ... do. in pots * J Baccharis Aalimifblia L., 6 inches *Benthaima *fragifera, 6 to 12 inches *Berberis *arist^ta Dec., 6 inches *asiatica Rox., 6 inches canadensis Mil., 1 foot - cratasginea Dec., li, foot *dtilcis Swt., 1 to IA foot *zlicifblia Forxt., 1 foot 6 9 1 1 6 1 2 6 9 50 1 1 6 1 3 6 2 6 5 2 6 *Berberis *ilicifblia glafcca, 1 foot ovalifblia Booth, 1 foot - *empetrifblia Lamb., 6 inches hybrida Booth, 6 inches sinensis Desf., I foot - vulgarisalbai., 1 4 foot laxa, 14 foot - lutea, 14, foot stoneless, li foot fruc. ceeriileo, 1| foot *Mahonm Mquifblium Nut., 4 to 6 inches 1 to 14, foot *fascicularis Dec., I foot *glumacea Dec., 1 foot - *repens G. Don, ] foot - *B6rya */igiistrina W., 1 to 14 foot Buddlea globbsaZ,., 1^ to 2 foot . 5upleurum fruticbsum Thun., 1 foot Each. s. d. 2 6 2 10 06 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 10 20 10 3 6 10 6 20 10 2 6 06 16 *balearica W., 6 inches - - 1 *sempervirens W., 1| foot, per 100 - 12 6 * fol. aureis, 14 foot, per 100 - 20 * fol. argenteis, 14 foot, per 100 20 *zyrtifblia, 1 foot - .-04 Cassia marilandica L., 14 foot - - 9 Catdlpa J. syringopulifblius Lam., 1 foot *salvifblius L., I foot *Helianthemum *algarvense Dec., 1 foot formbsum Dec., 1 foot Collection of 30 sorts named, 1 plant ' of each *Clianthus *punfceus Lindl., 6 to 9 inches Colutea arborescens W., l to 2 feet Corchorus jap6nicus L., 2 to 2| feet Comptom'a asplenifblia H. K., 1 foot Coriaria myrtifblia L., 6 inches Cornus canadensis L., 2 to 2 feet candidfssima Booth, fol. var., 1 foot fltirida L., 1 foot mascula L., 2| feet paniculata Herit., 3 to 3| feet sangui'nea L., 3 to 3 feet - o 4 fol. van, 3 to 34 feet - 06 sibMca Lo. C., 14, to 2 feet - - i o t 2 9 9 9 9 1 1 6 20 3 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 1 1 1 148 LAWSON AND SON'S Coronilla E'merus L., li to 2 feet glatica L., U to 2 feet fol. var. 1 to 2 feet Cotoneaster acuminata Lindl., 1 foot *afflnis Lzwd/., 1 foot arbutifblia Booth, 1 to U foot *frigidaimd/.,3feet - 1 foot *microphylla Wai., 1 to 1 foot 6 to 12 inches *rotundif61ia Wai., 1 to 1J foot tomentbsa Lindl., 1 to li foot *UVa-ursi #ort., 1 foot vulgaris Lindl., 1 foot Cydonia japdnica P.S., 1 to U foot fl. pleno, 1 foot fl. albo, 14 foot *lusitanica Mil., 1 foot *sinensis Thouin, li foot * Cupressus *lusitanica Tou., 1 foot *sempervlrens L., 1 foot (in pots) * horizontalis, 1 foot (in pots) **hyoldesi., 1 foot Taxodium dfstichum Rich., li foot pendulum Booth, 2 feet Cytisus elongatus W. et K., 2 to 3 feet nfgricans L., 1 foot purptireus Sco., 1 to li foot albus, 1 foot suplnus Jac., 1 to 1 foot Daphne alplna L., 1 to U foot Cne6rum L.,1 foot fol. var. 1 foot colllna Sm., 1 foot ... Gnfdium L., 1 foot hy"brida Swt., 1 to l foot Laurola L., 1 to 1 foot fol. var. 1 foot Mezereum L., 6 to 12 inches album, 1 foot autumnalc, 1 to 1| foot neapolitana Lod., I to li foot pontica L., 1 to li foot - - rfcbra, 1 to 1 foot Tdrton-ralra L., 1 foot Dirca * palustris L., 1 foot Deutzza scabra Don, 6 inches Edwardsta grandiflbra Sal., 2 feet microphy^la Sal., 6 inches JElaeagnus angustifblia L., 1 to 1 foot macrophylla Sweet, 1 to 1 foot Eucalyptus pulverulenta Lk., li foot *Escallom'a *floribunda H. et B., 1 foot glandulbsa Sm., 1^ foot rilbra Pers., 1 foot * Fontanesta */>hillyreoldes Lab., 4 inches Genista. fl6rida L., 1 foot lusitanica L. t 1 foot *sagittklis L., 6 inches tinctbria L., fl. pleno, 1 foot Garrya ellfptica, D. Don *Hartogm Thun. Tapensis /,., 1 foot s a d. Hibiscus 6 1 6 syrlacus L., l 10 2 feet fol. var. li to 2 feet 1 6 /Zlppophae conferta Wai., 6 inches 1 6 salicifblia D. Don, 2 feet 2 6 Hydrangea 1 3 6 6 arborescens L., 1 to l feet hortensis Sm., 1 to li foot guercifblia Bart., 2 feet 1 6 In radiata Walt., 1% foot U 1 *<7uniperus 1 6 *communis L., 4 to 6 inches 1 var. stricta, 1 foot 6 *chinensis, L. 1 foot *ly"cial,., 8 inches OC *prostrata MX., 4 inches O o n *reciirva.Ha/w., 1 foot z U 1 6 If. *sibfrica Burg., 6 inches *suecica Mil., 1 to li foot o *temariscifblia, 1 to 1 foot 1 6 *virginiana L., 1 to li foot * 5 to 6 feet 1 6 Lavandula 1 dentata L., 1 foot 1 6 Splca W., 1 foot 1 6 Taurus Benzbin L., I ton foot 1 *n6bilis W., 6 to 9 inches 3 6 1 to U foot (in pots) 2 to 2| feet 1 *unduiata, 6 inches 9 *salicifblia, 1 to ]i foot 9 2 Sassafras L., li foot *Xigustrum 1 lucidum L., li to 2 feet vulgare /,., fol. var. 1 foot 2 6 1 6 fruc. Ititeo, 1 foot var. folibsum, 1| foot 2 Lonicera R. et S. 2 6 ciliata Ph., U foot 2 6 siWrica Vest, \\ foot 2 6 tatarica /,., li to 2 feet 6 2 6 4 1 vilibsa R. et S., 1 to li foot Xyl6steum W., li to 2 feet Maclura 2 aurantlaca Nut., li foot 2 6 Nyssa 9 aquatica L., 1 foot 2 Ononis 3 6 Matrix Dec., U foot rotundifblia L., I foot 2 6 Paliurus Tou. aculeatus Lam., 4 to 6 inches 7 6 Pssonia Moiitan, 1 foot 3 6 ^apaveracea H. K., 1 foot 1 rosea, 1 foot *Phillyrea 1 *latifblia L., 1 to l^foot 1 *Zigustrifblia W., 1 to li foot *media L., 1 foot 1 *oliva?f51ia H. K., 1 to li foot *Phlomis 1 6 1 *fruticbsa, L. 1^ to 2 feet * Pittosporum 1 6 *Toblra H. K., 6 inches Phlladelphus 6 coronarius L., 2 to 3 feet, fol. van, 1 to 2 feet 1 1 9 fl. pleno, 2 to 2i feet gracilis Lo. C., li to 2 feet " grandiflbrus W., 2 feet 1 6 inodbrus Mil., lj to 2 feet Piptanthus 7 r, nepalensis Swt., 1| foot Pistacia fi vera, inches Each. S. 61ichos lignbsus L. * Getsdmium *sempervlrens H. K. Glycine frutescens L. sinensis B. R. fol. variegatis *Ivy (Irish broad-leaved) *ffelix L. * *. d. *//elix argentea variegata Hibberte'a 6 volubilis B. Rep. *Jasmmum *fruticans L. 9 *hurnile L. 1 6 oificinale L. argenteum var. 1 aureum var. 1 6 *revolutum B. R. f- Kennedy a 1 6 fmonoph^lla Ven. -f-rubicunda Pen. 1 6 .Lycium europae v um L. "-"': Trewianum Duh. , : 2 6 chinense Mil. 2 2 Loph ospermum 1 erubescens D. Don Menispermum 1 canadense L. 1 Maurandya Barclaydno B. R. 2 6 1 semperflbrens Jac. f Manettia Mutis 1 coccinea W. 4 Passiflora 6 Oc casrulea L. D In t racembsa U 1 6 tHibbertz d'lnde - 3 la 1 50 cordata Desf. laciniata, B. A'lnus laciniata oxyacanthasfblia *Amorpha *fruticbsa L., Faux Indigo glabra, 25 jeunes plantes de 2 ans ; 25 ) 2-jahrige Pfl. - j 2 1 50 3 152 BAUMANN S PRICED CATALOGUE Fr. Ct. 1 1 so 1 50 1 J 1 2 5 1 50 2 1 1 2 2 4 4 2 50 1 50 1 50 3 2 3 15 3 3 1 50 LaPifece. Das Stuck. Fr. Ct. communis fl. pleno, Amand. a fl. doub. jaspfdea fbl. variegatis nana L., Amandier nain orientalis Hort. Kew.,.A. arg. Lam pumila fibre pleno, Prtinus sinensis sibirica Gmelin, A. de Siberie indromeda acuminata Lin., p. t. arbbrea Lin., p. t. axillaris, p. t. longifblia calyculata L., Andr. calicule, p. t. angustifblia cassinifblia. Vent., A. speciosa Mich., p. t. dealbata, var. specibsa ?, p. t. liicida Jacq. mariana, A. du Maryland, p. t. * paniculataL., And. panicule, p. t. /?olifblia L., And. a feuil. de polium, p. t. oleaefblia, And. a f. d'olivier, p. t. rosmarinifblia, A. angustif. p. t. pulverulenta (var. specibsa,) p. t. racemosa L., And. agrappes, p. t. specibsa, A. formosfssima N.B. Idem, une collection de 12 especes assorties avec noms, au clioix des freres Baumann ; Eine Sammlung von 12 Sor- ten rait Namen, nach der Wahl von Ge- brudern Baumann, zu *Anona *glabraZ,m.,p. t. *Aralia *spinbsa L., Aralia fcpineuse ^ristolochia slpho L'Hdr., Aristoloche Syphon, p.t.- Jrmeniaca *nepalensis, nova Azalea calendulacea, p. t - : - ' fulgens, p. t. insYgnis, p. t. ' ' mirabilis J /'" major, p. t - '''' * j^ hy^brida Candolle, p. t. fragrans, Archiduc Jean Buckinghamw - , . -*. : Celszi ,--...-,.<.. . Corntez' Degenfeldii -' . Dern, p. t. Dobayj * FredrO Marshallz', p. t. O'ttoi Smfthzz' SinningzV - '- " Spitzembergn Suchorzewskai Wallnem Werner Ziel6nskai nudiflbra aurantlaca maxima, A. aur. ? major - I a6rea variegata, A. aurantis, p.t. Wcolor mild., p. t. coccfnea aurantlaca, p. t. scintlllans, p. t. cramoisie flamboyante, p. t. - ctiprea variegata nbva, p. t ^lobbsa alba, p. t. grandiflbra, p. t sangufnea, p. t. Guillaume ler Libnzi mirabilis, p. t. mfxta odorkta, p. t. pennsylvanica pra'cox, p. t. prolfi'era nana, p. t. superba, p. t. pulchfella, p. t. La 1'iece. l);is Stuck. Azalea nudiflbra pumila purpurea, p. t. rbsea rubra, p. t. nana, p. t rtitilans splendidfssima speciosi'ssima, p. t. superba incarnata, p. t. Flola. odorata, p. t.' coccfnea, A. ecarlate, p. t. maxima, p. t. glauca L., Azalea glauque, p. t. coronata, p. t. - cuprea variegata h/spida, p. t. maxima, odorata, p. t. pennsylvanica, p. t. scabra, p. t. tortubsa fl. albo pleno, p. t. vittata, p. t. - /jericlymendldes Mich., p. t. pontica lutea L., A. jaune, Az. du 7 Pont, p. t. - 3 alba bfcolor crbcea 15 20 grandiflbra purptirea humilis jasminiflbra montana ne plus ultra quadricolor, p. t. tricolor, p. t. Carlowitz?V vittata viscbsa fissa, A. floribunda, p. t. serotina aurantlaca Une collection d'azalea de 30 eppeces au choix desFreresBaumann; EineSamm- lung von 30 Sorten Azalea, nach der Wahl der Gebriider Baumann, zu Id., 25 beaux plants en melange ; 25 scheme Pflanzen im Rum. Berberis duxifblia Lam. - 4 cretica De Cand. - - 2 emarginata Willd. sibfrica . - 2 sinensis . ^. vulgaris abortlva canadensis, Ep. vin. du Can. - violacea - - 1 *-|-Bignonza *Catdlpa, Catdlpa syringtefblia - 1 a 1 Idem, 100 replants d'un an : 100 Pfl. zu 10 *radlcans L., Jasmin de Virginie - 1 Idem, 50 jeunes plantes ; 50 junge Pflanzen 6 Borya acuminata Mich. - 2 J5uxus balearica - 2 o sempervlrens suffruticbsa, p. t. suffruticbsa angustifblia, p. t 50 fbliis argenteO-maculatis, p. 1. 1 Calycanthus ferax Herb, gen., C. glaiicus - 1 50 fl6ridus L., Calycanthus de Virginie - 1 50 la?vigatus, C. a feuilles glabres, p. t. - 2 50 nanus, C. nain, p. t. - 1 50 obldngus Aiton ? - - 1 50 prae v cox, Meratia fragrans H. gen.,") Chimonanthus fragrans De Can- > 4 50 dolle, p. t. 3 Idem 25 Calycanthus en melange j 25 7 2 Calycanthus im Rummel, zu 3 Ceanothus americanus L., Cean. d' Amerique, p. t. 1 Id., la douz. jeunes plantes de 2 ans ; 7 o n das Dtz. 2-jah. Pflanzen 3 ^ Baumann/awM* Spach, fl. roseo 3 microph^llus Mich. - 1 ovatus fibre cyaneo Desfont, 2 OF HARDY TREES AND SHRUBS. 153 La Piice. Das Stuck. Celastrus scandens Lin. Celtis americ&na Mill. australis Lin. fcordata, C. crassifblia Lam. occidentalis L., Micocoulier de Vir- 7 ginie j Cephalanthus occidentalis Lin. Cercis canadensis Lin. *Siliquastrum L., Arbre de Judee Idem, 25 plantes d'un an ; 25 jahrige 7 Pflanzen - ~ J fibre albo Chionanthus pubescens virginica L., Arbre de neige Clematis angustifblia De Cand. erf spa Flammula, Clematite odorante glauca integrifblia, 50 plantes, 50 Pflanzen - marftima Lin. orientklis parvi flora De Cand. siWrica Spr. Vi6rna Viticella fibre pleno, C. a fleurs doubles Clethra alnifblia L., Clethra a feuil. d'aune7 p. t. -j tomentbsa Pursh Colutea arborescens L., Baguenaudier commun Idem, 100 replants de2 ans ; 100 2-jahrige 7 Pflanzen J media Willd. orientalis Lam. Poc6ckw Ait, C. haleppica Comptom'a rtspleniiffolia L'Her., p. t. Corchorus jap6nicus fl. pleno H. g., Cor. du Jap. Idem, 50 replants de 2 ans ; 50 St. 2-jah. Pfl. *Coriaria rayrtifblia L., Redoul a feuil. de Myrthc Coronilla E'merus Willd. Cornus alba L., Cornouiller blanc fol. variegatis alternifblia L., C. a feuilles alternes - *fl6rida L., Cor. a grandes fleurs, p. t. fmascula L., C. male fructu luteo paniculata L'HMt. sibfrica, nov. sp. strfcta L'Herit., C. elance Corylus americana Mich., Noisettier d'Amerique atropurpurea nova Colurna L., N. de Byzance laciniata nbva rostrata Nois., cornu tubulbsa Willd. Cotoneaster afflnis acuminata fiuxifblia frfgida nbva Jaxiflbra racemiflbra Spreng. vulgaris Lindl. Cratse^gus acuminata *j4zari)lus L., Ncfl. azerolier ou dc 7 Nap. j Fr. Ct. 1 j 50 1 50 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 i) 80 50 2 2 80 1 50 1 2 50 5 50 50 1 2 50 2 50 50 50 1 1 1 50 50 1 50 2 50 1 50 3 50 3 3 50 j 1 ^ 50 1 50 La Pifece. Das Stuck. Fr. Ct. CratB N gus Azarblus Arbnia, Azerolier d'orient - 1 Cels'idna Bosc -10 coccfnea Willd., Neflier ecarlat - 50 corallina, C. acerifblia, .Mesp. Phainopyr. 50 Crus-galli Willd. Mespiluslucida rA. 50 media, C. lucida media - 50 splendens - 80 ellfptica Ait. - - 1 glabra Thunb. - 2 glandulbsa Moench, C. rotundifblia - 50 lucida latifblia - -10 mexicana nbva - 2 mondgyna fibre rubro Willd. 1 odorata - - 1 50 orientklis Spreng. - 1 50 Oxyacantha fibre pleno albo - 1 fbliis variegatis, Aube-epine a feuil. p. 1 tanacetifblia Pair., Nefl. a feuilles de Ta- 7 t rn naisie - - j { 5U axillaris, M. xanthocarpus 1 50 uniflbra - - 1 50 Cupressus dfsticha L., Cypres chauve, (arbrel unique pour etre plante dans 1'eau ; > 1 a 2 einzig zu Wasserpflanzungen,) p. t. J ^hyolcles, Faux thuya, p. t. 1 50 * Cydonia *sinensis Herb. gen. - 1 Cytisus biflbrus argenteus elongatus Willd. hirsutus L., Cytise herisse iabiirnum L., Cytise des Alpes Idem, 100 plants ; 100 junge Pflanzen coccineum Adami inclsum, C. aphne Laurdola Willd. Mezereum L. , Bois gentil Idem, ,12 replants; 12 Setzlinge fibre albo -Diospyros ibtus I/., Plaqueminier lotus 50 1 50 1 50 50 5 2 j 1 1 50 1 50 1 50 3 50 3 50, Idem, ! lilcida jeunes plants ; 25 junge Pflanzen virginiana Lin. .Masagnus angustifblia L., Olivier de Boheme .E'mpetrum nlgrum, E. a fruit noir, p. t. * .Erica cinerea, p. t. .EJuonymus angustifblius atropurpureus europae^us fol. variegatis fructu albo Hamiltomawws, nova latifblius nepalensis fbliis variegatis jaspfdea, nova verrucbsus Scop. Fagus asplenifblia, Metre a feuil. d'Asplen, p. t. 2 atropurpurea, Hetre pourpre, p. t. 2 a S Castanea fbliis argenteo-variegatis - 5 cristata, F. inclsa, p. t - 3 ferruginea Ait. t F. faxifblia - 3 pendula . 3 50 50 3 1 50 1 3 3 1 1 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 50 3 1 50 3 3 1 154 BAUMANN S PRICED CATALOGUE LaPifece. I Fagus sylvatica fol. variegatis Fontanesza phillyreoldes Billard., Font. a f. de sil. jFrdxinus calabriensis, nov. sp. fcaroliniana Willd. fcinerea Bosc excelsior aurea, Fr. liltea crispa L., F. Jatrovlrens f jaspfdea, Frene jaspe f pendula, Frene a parasol salicifblia, F. ex. crbsa, F. feuilles de saul variegata expansa juglandifblia Lam. lancea Bosc microphylla rotundifblia monophylla, F. heteroph^lla Vahl microphylla nana Willd., Frene nain nbva Anglbrum nlgra, .Fraxinus pubescens Willd. O'rnus florifera ovata Bosc oxyph^lla, F. oxycarpa Willd. pannbsa Bosc polycarpa Willd. quadrangulata Mich. Richardz Bosc sambucifblia Willd., Frz. excfelsior div. sinensis Gaultheria procumbens Shdllon Pursh * Genista *anglica Lin. candicans i germanica Jinifblia Lin. lusitanica Lin. ovata Waldstein tinctbria sibirica, G. de Siberie f Ginkgo fbiloba L., Salisbury adiantif. Smith f-Gleditschia fmacrac&nthos, Fev. a grosses epines - 1 tmonosperma Walt. ftriacanthos L., Fevier& trois pointes inermis, G. ke'vis, Fev. sans epines 1 Glycine frutescens L., Glycine arbrisseau - 1 sinensis Bot. Mag. - 3 Gordoma pubfescens Herb, gen., p. t. - 4l t Guilandina dioica L., Gymn6cladus canad. Lam. Halesz'a dfptera tetraptera L., Halesie a quatre ailes, p. t. parviflbra Mich. ck. Fr. Ct. - 2 50 50 1 50 - 1 m J _ 1 _ 1 _ 50 f 1 _ lal 50 a | 1 _ I _ I _ 1 _ 1 _ 1 50 _ 50 _ 50 _ 50 _ 1 . 1 _ 1 _ _ m _ 50 _ _ V. - 50 _ 2 - 3 1 _ 1 _ 50 _ 1 _ 1 _ 2 - 50 5J110 1 50 Helix, fol. variegatis, p. t. hibernica, p. t. quinquefbliaX., Cfssus, quinq. 7 Vigne vierge - 5 * .Hibiscus *syrtacus L., Mauve en arbre Idem, 100 plants d'un an ; 100 jahrige 7 Pflanzen - J * fibre &lbo pleno * fibre rubro pleno * fibre violaceo * fibre violaceo pleno /fippophae argcntea Pursh canadensis Lin. rhamnoldes L., Argousier rhamnoide 30 1 50 6 2 2 1 50 LaPifcce. Das Stuck. Hydrangea arborescens L., Hydrangea en arbre - Idem, 12 replants ; 12 Setzlinge - .Hypericum ^ndrosse'mum - calyclnum - hirdnum L., Mil. fetide - frolfficum Lin. - 2 plants ; 12 jahrige Pflanzen - *Jasminum *frtiticans L., Jasmin a f. de cytise. p. t. *Mmile L., J. d'ltalie, p. t. " - officinale - - /Vex ^quifblium L., Houx commun, p t. Ibliis albo-maculatiSj p. t. - argenteis variegatis aureo-maculatis aureo-variegatis /aurifblium - balearica Desfont., p. t. echinata, I. Jquifblium ferox, p. t. argenteo-variegata aUreo-variegata pectinata, nov. var. rectirva - serrata, J. ciliata, p. t /uglans cathartica Mich., N. cendr. - /raxinifblia - - fnlgra Linn., Noyer noir d' Amerique Idem, 25 plants d'un an ; 25 jahrige Pfl. olivef6rmis, Pacane nut, Hickory - joyrifdrmis - * Juniper us *daurica - Ox^cedrus Lin., p. t. *phcenfcea Lin., Genev. de Phenicie. p.t prostrataMzcA., p. t. - recurvata - Sablna fol. variegatis, p. t. suecica Miller, masc. male, p. t - foem. femelle, p. t. taurica, nov. spe., p. t. - thurifera, Genev. a 1'encens, p. t. virginiana, C6drede"Virginie,p. t. - Kalm/a angustifblia L., Kalmia a fe. etroites, p.t. fol. marginato-argenteis - nftida - rubra - - glafica Willd., Kalmia glauque, p. t. - latifblia Herb, g., Kalmia a larges f, p.t. Idem, 25 jeunes plants de 2 ans ; 25 junge 7 2-jahrige Pflanzen - 3 *-f- Koelreuteria fpaniculata L'H., Sapind. chin. L., p.t. Fr. Ct, 80 3 tf> 1 50 59 50 1 5 3 a 3 2 5 1 50 8 o 5 3 1 Benzdin L., Faux Benjoin, p. t. *carolinensis Pursh, p. t. Sassafras L., Laurier sassafras, p. t. *Z,edum *palustre angustifblium * latifblium Herb. Z,igustrum vulgare fructu albo 50 fructu viride - - 1 Liquidambar Styraciflua L., Copalme d'Am., p. t. - 2 50 f Liriodendron fTulipifera, L., Tulipier de Virgim'e de 7 6 a 9 pieds de hauteur; von 6 bis 9 5-2 a 3 50 Schuh Hohe, das Stuck 3 Le meme eleve en pot, dont la reprise} est certaine; der namliche im Topf V 1 50 erzogen - 3 f Tulipifera integrifblia, T. a feuil. en- 7 4 n tieres - 5 Lonicera Caprifblium L., Clievre feuille des Jard. 50 chinensis De Cand. .30 OF HARDY TREES AND SHRUBS. 155 La Pi6ce. Das Stuck. Fr. Ct. Lonicera DiervfllL.,Diervillajaune - 50 flava De Candolle - - 1 50 grata L., Periclymenum belgicum Willd., ) j Schone Lonicere - - - 3 iberica nlgra Lin. Pericly'menum 2 f Aforus falbaL., Murierblanc - 1 50 Idem, 100 replants d'un an ; 100 St. 7 jahr. Pflanzen 3 hispanica, 25 plants, 25 Setzlinge cochleata, M. p. cochleata constantinopolitana multicaulis, nov. spe. - - Ia2 papyrifera L., Broussonetz papyri- 7 fera Vent. - - 3 rubra Lin. tatarica, Murier de la Tartarie Myrica cerifera L., Cirier de la Louisiane, p. t. Idem, 12 replants; 1 2 versetzte Pflanzen Nyssct biflbra Pursh *grandidentata, Large Tupelo, p. t. *sylvatica, N. montana hortulanbrum *villbsa Ononis fruticbsa Willd. - 50 LaPifece. Das Stuck. Fr. Ct. Periploca gra'ca L., Periploca grece - 1 60 Philadelphus coronarius L., Syringa 30 coronarius fl. semi-pleno - - 1 50 gracilis De Cand. - 1 50 inodbrus L., Syringa sans odeur nanus var., Ph. coronarius, Syrin. nain 50 pubescens - 1 50 Pinus A^bies L., Pfcea rubra Du Roi, L'Epicea 60 Idem, 100 plants repiques de 3 ans ; das 7 i c n tOO 3-jahrige verpflanzte - 3 lvi alba Ait., Sapinette argentee, p. t. -10 balsamea, Baumier de Gilead, p. t. - 1 a 2 Banksi^na Willd., P. rupestris Mich. p. t. 3 fl canadensis, Hemlock Spruce, p.t, - 2 a 3 Cedrus L., Cedredu Liban, Sederfichte, 7 g ^ 5 Q p. t. - - - 3 Idem, 25 plants repiques d'un an ; 25 7 izte einjahrige, zu - 3 verpflan Cembra Lin., p. t Clanbrasih'^no, p. t, petit, klein Deoddra, A^bies Mortnga, petit, klein - excelsa nova sp., petit, klein Douglass, nova sp., petit, klein Fraseri, p. t. *halepensis Willd., Pin de Jerusal., p. t. in ops Mich., Jersey pine, p. t. lanceolata, Belis jaculifblia, p. t - 2 Laricio, Pin laricio, P. de Corse, p. t. - Zarix L., Melze, Lerchenfichte, p. t. maritima Willd., Pin Bordeaux, p. t. - Id., 25 replants repiques de 3 ans; 25 7 dreijahrige verpflanzte, zu - 3 mltis Mick., p. t. - - *montariensis, P. aduncaBosc, petit, p. t. Mitghus W., P. montana, Bergfichte, p. t. nlgra Alton., p. t. pendula, P. iarix pendula Willd., p.t Pfcea cinerea, p. t, petit, klein punrilio Willd., Krummholz-Fichte, p.t pungens Mich., p. t. resinbsa, p. t. rigida Willd., p. t. -Ia2 8 fl 25 3 1 1 14 1 1 4 2 8 1 2 2 4 1 3 1 1 ser6tina Mich.'p. t. - 1 Strbbus, Pin du Lord W T eimouth, p.t. - 1 A 2 taiirica, nov. sp., petit, klein. - 3 sylvestris Pin d'Hagenau, P. de Riga, p. t. TteMa, Pin d'encens, p. t. - 3 Plus la collection de Pins et Sapins, de ^ 25 es^eces eleves en pots, au choix { des freres Baumann ; Line Saminlung ! ^ von 25 Sorten in Topfe erzogenen j Tannenarten nach der Wahl der Ge- j briider Baumann - Plus le 100 differenspins eleves en pots, } melanges ; Mehr 100 verschiedene in f gQ Topfen erzogenen Tannenarten un- ( tereinander - J N. B. Le repicage des jeunes arbres verds est de la plus haute importance, parceque des sujets repiques paraissent, par ce precede, obtenir une autre nature formee a faciliter la reprise certaine ; elle est assuree a tous, sauf les accidents im- prevus qui seuls peuvent causer leur perte,| tandis que les sujets non repiques ne reus- sissent que rarement, lorsqu'ils ne sont favorises par un terns extraordinaire. Das Verpflanzen der jungen Nadelholzer 1st fiir's Wiederanwachsen von hochster Wichtigkeit, denn die versetzten Pflanzen scheinendadurchineineandereNatur,zum Wiederanwachsen geneigt, verwandelt zu werden ; ihr Gedeihen wird dadurch gesichert und nur nicht vorausgesehene Zufalle thun solches hindern, wahrend, bald alle, nicht versetzte Nadelholzer- pflanzen, nur bei einer ganz besonders giinstigen Witterung, sehr selten wie, . derum annehmen. u 2 156 BAUMANN'S PRICED CATALOGUE La Piece. Das Stuck. Fr. Ct. Planera Richard* - . - 1 50 w/mifblia - 1 Platanus cuneata Willd. - - -30 fmacrophylla - - 3 toccidentalis L., Platane d'occident - 1 a 1 50 forientalis, P. d'Orient . 1 59 f Populus falba L., 1'Ypreau - 1 argentea, P. heterophylla Mich. - I 50 balsamifera Lin. - -10 fcanadfensis Mich., P. du Canada 1 candicans Ait., var. P6pulus balsamffera 60 carolinensis, P6pulus angulata, Willd. 1 gra?ca. Willd., Peuplier d'Athenes - 1 grandidentata, P. trepida Willd. , P. agr. 7 ft dents - - J * huds6nica Mich., P. fotulifblia, Ameri-7 , n can black Poplar . j fitalicadilatata W7#d., Peuplier d'ltalie 50 a 60 kevigata Ait. . 1 50 fmarylandica, nova species - 1 50 ontariensis - - 2 suaveolens, nov. spec. 3 o Potentilla fruticbsa L., Potentille arbrisseau - 50 Prinos glaber L., Prinos lisse, p. t. 2 Prunus acuminata avium fibre pleno, Merisier a fl. doubl. brigantlna Vtt. - - caroliniana, P. de Caroline, p. t. Cerasus fl. pleno - - Chama?cerasus Willd., Cerisier de Si- 7 berie - - j Cocomitta De Cand. domestica fbliis variegatis fflbre pleno, Prunier a fleurs doubles grae^ca ... incana, ^mygdalns incana *Laurocerasus L., Laurier araandier, *lusitanica L., Ceris. Laur. de Portu- gal, p. t. Mahaleb L., Arbre de St. Lucie - nlgra fl. pleno, Prunelle a fleurs doubles Padus bracteata De Candolle 50 o 80 50 2 1 50 1 50 rubra, Merisier a grappes rouges Pflan 1 1 nzen 2 1 2 1 1 1 Idem, 25 jeunes plantes ; 25 junge pumila Mich. - pygmzea Willd. - . reclinata - ser6tina Willd., Prunier tardif susquehana De Cand. Ptelea trifoliata, 100 de 4 ans, 100 4-jahrige - 15 Pyrus Ameldnchier W., Mespilus Amcldnchier \ angustifblia Willd., Malus sempervlrens \ Decand, ?atrovlrens - 3 orbutifblia nlgra, M. nrb. nlgra A^r\& Willd., Sdrbus A^ria, Crat. ^ria . rotundifblia suecica baccata L., Pommier baccifere communis fibre pleno, Poirier a fl. doubles communis fol. variegatis coronaria, Pommier odorant edulis Willd., Cratae^us edulis Loddiges daeagnifblia Pallas gra? v ca - - hfbrida .... intermedia Willd., Py. h^brida Wendl. *japonica fl. rubro fibre albo JV/alus fbliis variegato.marginatis, P. a 7 f. pan. . J melanocarpa Willd. Michauxt nov. spec. 50 La Piece. Das Stuck. Pyrus microcarpa m6ntis Sinai, Poirier du mont Sinai nepalensis nivalis Willd., Poirier blanc de neige - odorata - . Pollverio! Willd, P. bollvilleriana De C. prae'cbx prunifblia, Pflaumenblattrige Birne salicifblia Willd., Poirier a feuilles de saule salvifblia spect&bilis fibre pleno torminalis, Crat. torminalis Lin. Quercus JE'gilops Lin. ' - austrlaca Willd. - - Ballvta Desfont, Chene d'Espagne Banfsten Mich., Bear's Oak Idem, 25 plants, 25 Pflanzen Castanea Willd. Cerris Lin. - cinerea Mich. - . coccinea - conferta, Q. confertifblia H. et B. discolor Willd., Plant de 2 ans ; 2-jahr. 7 , Pflanzen - 3 ferruginea - - 4 heterophylla - . - 4 imbricaria Mich. - - -5 laciniata, nov. spec. - - 10 macrocarpa Mick. - - - 4 palustris Mich., Qur. paludbsa, Pine Oak 1 Phellos Mich., Willow Oak - - 2 Prlnus, Chesnut-leaved Oak - - 1 Pr'mus discolor Mick., Swamp white Oak 1 monticola - 2 tomentbsa Mick., Q. bicolor Willd. 2 pyramidalis - - - 1 .Hbbur macrocarpum . -2 macrophyllum - .3 fbl. variegatis - 2 rtibra montana Mich., Ch. rouge des mont. 1 tinctbria Mich., Quercitron, Farber-7 c Eiche - - S Idem, une collection de 15 espSces de Quercus (Chene) avec noms, au choix des Freres Baumann; Eine Sammlung von 15 Sorten Quercus, nach der Wahl der Gebriider Bau- mann JJhamnus Jlaternus canadensis infectbrius Lin. *latifblius L'Herit. .Rhododendron azaleoldes fl. albo odorato Lod. 20 *caucasoides, nov. spec., p. t. Chamasclstus Lin., petit, klein dauricum Willd., p. t. ferrugineum rbseum hirsutum De Cand., p. t. hybridum rbseum - - magnoMerfblium, p. t. maximum ... Idem, 25 replants de 2 ans ; 25 2-jahr. 7 Pflanzen - 3 Idem, 25 plants de 3 ans ; 25 3-jaIir. 7 , - Pflanzen - . - J *" fibre rbseo carmoslno, p. t. 4 maximum, fibre albo - 5 *neriifblium, nov. - 5 p6nticum - - - - 1 a 3 Idem, la douzaine replants de 3 ans ;7 r das dutzend 3 jahriger Pflanzen - f Idem, le 100 replants de 3 ans; 1003-jah. rige Pflanzen Le 1000 replants de 3 ans; das 100o7 tn 3-jahrige Pflanzen p6nticum coronatum - - 5 * fibre pleno, p. t. - 4 fibre purpureo . - 8 10 36 OF HARDY TREES AND SHRUBS. 157 LaPifcce. Das Stuck. .Rhododendron *p6nticum latifblium, p. t. miniatum, p. t. *pulverulentum, R. maculatum ang. p.t. *punctatum, Rhod. ponctue, p. t. *solandr<3?/o/mz, nov., p. t. N. B. Les Rhododendron en boutons coutent un quart de plus. Die Rho- dodendron mit Knospen kosten ein Quart mehr. Idem, une collection del 15 especes ne-. Rhododendron avec noms, au choix j des freres Baumann; Eine Samm. lung von 15 Sorten Rhododendron mit Namen, nach der Wahl derj Gebruder Baumann, zu -Rhodora canadensis L., R. du Canada, p. t. jtfhus copallina L., Sumac aile Idem, 12 replants de 2 ans ; 12 2-jahr. Pfl. C6tinus L., Sumac fustet Idem, 25 plants, 25 Pflanzen elegans Willd. Toxicodendron L., Sumac veneneux - typhlna L., Sumac de Virginie vernix Idem, '25 replants de 2 ans ; 25 2-j'a Pflanzen Ribes atro-sangufneum nbvum, Chrysob6- tryum intermedium Spach aureum fructu-globulbso Herb, gen biflbrum - coccfneum nbvum, R. purpureum diacanthum, R. Diacantha Willd. fl6ridum Willd., Gross, de Pennsylvanie nlgrum variegatum, Gross, noir panache palmatum fructu-ob!6ngo Desf., Chry-" sob6tryum revolutum Spach rlgens Rccmer saxatile Pall. specibsum nbvum triflbrum Pursh Robinm Altagana - tamorpha?fblia Caragdna L., Robinier de Siberie grandiflbra Chamlagu Willd., Rob. de la Chine fdubia, R. viscbsa hybrida ferox, R. spinbsa frutescens Lin. f Gundulm, R. stricta, R. monstrbsa Halodendron, R. sating hfspida L., Acacia rose arbbrea finermis, R. umbraculffera De Can., Acacia sans epines, Acacia- boule, Kugel- Acacien Idem, 100 beaux . haut-vents ; das 100 ~) scho'ne hochstammige Kugel-Aca- cien macrophylla, nov. spec, fmicrophylla *proc6ra pygmae N a Lin. fPseudo-Jcacia L., Robinier-acacia, Faux ac. Idem, 100 replants d'un an ; das 100 jahr, Pflanzen Idem, 100 replants de 2 ans ; das 100 2-jahr. Pflanzen Idem, 1000 plants d'un an ; das 1 jahr. Pflanzen fcrispa, nov. var., krausblatterige Ac- 7 cacie finermis, R, spectabilis fpendula \sophorcefb\\a., nov. spec, spinbsa ... tortubsa, nova, R. tortueux c. Fr. Ct. LaPifece. Das Stuck. Fr. Ct. Robima ; 2 fviscbsa Willd., Acacia gluant - 1 a 1 50 2 50 t alba .-- - 4 t 3 o t h6rrida . - - 4 '-' 3 - 12 Surchoix des plus belles roses d'une collection, de plus d'un millier d'es- peces, citees en grande partie an Roselum Gallicum par N. Des- portes. Auswahl der schonsten Sor- ten Rosen aus einer Sammlung von mehrals 1000 Sorten, grosstentheils T x I im Rosetum Gallicum von N. Des- portes angefuhrt, als : >n f .Rosa erj Ayrshire, fibre pleno, carnee, tres7 3 J odorante - 3 alba Belle Adelaide, cramoisie clair - 2 Belle Georgienne, rose carne - 2 50 3 bouquet blanc 3 Dulcine double, blanche Felicie 1 f Florine - 3 a 4 fl. 4 Jongleur - - - - 3 1 Josephine, blanche 30 6 1 Josephine Beauharnois 1 Moscova - - . - 3 1 1 50 50 pompon carne remarquable royale blanche, changeant-violet - 50 r< ? 6 o tombeau de Girardin, rose - 3 alplna, var. Rosa de la Floride 50 IM color, R. punfcea, R. cap., R. red. 7 2 yellow - 3 *"] 4 blanda semiplena, Rose de la Baie de > -, 50 Hudson - 3 1 4 50 burgundica L., Rbsa Pomponia Rossig. centifblia L., R. a 100 petales, f. p. - Agate, la petite, Kleine Agat-Rose 1 50 50 lie 50 50 bipinnata Dupont, R. crlspa, 7 9 R. a f. de Cel - - ] " he 50 bullataalba, blanche y "l l o bullata, R. a feuilles de choux 2 cristata, rose pourpre, magmtique 4 flbra magna plena - - 2 1 foliacee, Belle reine de Saxe, carnee 1 50 3 lactea multiplex, Ros. unique, 7 9 50 50 blanche - - 3 * 50 minor, R. c. minor pras'cox hoi- 7 landica - - 3 1 owercifblia, R. crenata, carm'e 1 50 1 50 unica carnea, Rose fausse-unique 1 f unique panachee, fond blanc 7 OAK 50 o 50 raye, pourpre carmine 3 1 -lal 50 unguiculata, R. CEillet, rose ) -, tendre, Nelkeri-Rose 3 50 * Victor Hugo - - 3 - 50 50 Vilmorin, R. centif. car. R. 7 > transparente - 3 *fchinensis fibre pleno, rose carmine - 1 a 3 Augustin Lelieur, rose vif 3 _ 50 Bella donna, blanc carne - 2 t ~\ Belle Isidore, rose - 3 , > 1 a 2 t Belle Menard, pourpree - 2 a 4 3 f Bourbon Augustin - 2 a 3 31 Bizarre de la Chine - 3 . C 100 Boutelaud, carnee 3 Carlna, carmine vif. - 3 i 50 Catherine II., rose - 2 i *centitblia - 1 i Darius - 3 i 50 Due de York - - 3 50 Etna - - 3 3 Fran9ois L, cerise clair - 3 07 2 o Gloire de Guerin, pourpre 7 . o _J veoute - 3 H ] 3 o gracilis - -2 Hortense, rose - 3 \c-7 j 5C Isle de Bourbon, rose pour- 7 pre brillant - j J Isle de Bourbon pale - 2 3 x Lafayette - 3 50 Marie-Therese, rose fonce - <2 2 Neumann, rose pourpre . 3- 1 2 1 50 50 Palermo, pourpre - 2 Rose de Lage, pourpre velout& 2 triomphe de Gaut - 4 158 BAUMANN'S PRICED CATALOGUE La Pi6ce. Das Stuck. Fr. Ct. .Rosa *Thda, R. The - 3 bocage jaunatre -40 Catherine II. - 3 Dame blanche, jaunatre - 3 f Faquir, cramoisie pourpre - 2 a 4 Flore - -,40 gracilis, rose pourpre - - 3 hortense - - 3 leontlna - - 3 liluclna - - 3 Maillard - 3 mirabilis, rosee - - 4 Miralba - - 3 mon heritage - - 3 Moreau, rose pourpre 4 Palavicini, rose - -30 Reine Golgonde - - 8 Roid'Yvelot - --30 strombio, belle Joseph, de Liege, earn. 3 triomphant - - 2 Triomphe de Boll wilier, blanche, ? 2 4 cceur changeant carnee . J Zethulbe, rose zulme cramoisie fonce Rosters remontants. damascena, Adelaide gros, pourpre carm. 2 Agate Capiomont -20 Arnold, Sophie 3 belgia, grande fleur pale 2 belle Auguste, carnee 2 belle Elise - 2 belle Italienne, rose .40 belle de Segur - - 3 belle de Vergnier 3 Billiard, rouge .30 blanche a feuilles marbrees - 3 Bonaparte, cerise - 3 bullata, des quatre saisons, rose 3 Cartier, rose carne 2 Clemenced'Isaure; carminee 3 Corvisard, rose pourpre - 2 Couronnee perpetuelle 3 Deesse Flore, blanche 2 Esquermes, foncee 3 Febvrier (Madame) -30 Flore perpetuelle -30 Foy ( Comte de), grande fleur rose 3 General Bertrand, rose carne 2 Gloire des Agates 2 Gloire des perpetuelles 3 Graine d'or, pale - 2 Grand Cels, carmin pourpre 3 Grand Maman - -30 Grand Papa, rose violet .20 Henriette Boulogne - 3 Jeanne d' Albert, rose foncfe 2 Importante, rose carnfe - 2 Josephine Antoinette - 3 La mienne, carminee, perpe- 7 2 n tuelle - - 3 Lamarque, pourpre veloute 2 Latone, rose - - 2 Launay(de) - -30 lucida plena - -10 Madame de Stael 3 50 Madame de Tressan, rose tendre 3 Maiguente de Valois, pourpree 3 Marie Denis - - 3 menstrualis fibre &lbo - 2 Miroir(le) - 3 Moderne(la) - 3 monstrueuse, grande fleur rose ,3 Moyses, cramoisie violet 2 Noel, rose - .30 nouvelle Justine - 3 Palmyre, rose tendre - 2 & 3 parisienne, grande fleur rose 2 perpdtuelle Cuvier 4 f perpetuelle Philippe I., > , * fi carmine violet - j * l perpfetuelle du Trianon - 3 f Philippe I. - - 4 Pierre Corneille, cerise pourpre 2 Polotte - -30 La Piece. Das Stuck. Fr. Ct. damascena, pompon des 4 saisons, rose carne 2 Prince de Furstenberg 2 Provin eclatant, pourpre violet 2 Pulperie - - -30 Reine des perpetuelles 3 t Rose du Roi, carminee - 2 & 4 Stossin - - 3 Thecal - - 3 Theophanie, rose carnfe 3 Tendresse admirable, carnee 2 Triomphe de Rouen, rose carne 2 Unique admirable, grande \ a n fleur rose - - 5 ^ Valentine, rose carne - 2 Vaubeard - 3 Vibert . 3 Warwick - -30 York et Lancastre, rose - 2 gallica, Antiope, foncee 3 atropurpurea, Bizarre triomphant 1 50 belle Hermine double - 2 belle mignonne, rose pourpre - 2 belle de Stors - 2 Berenice, rose pourpre violet - a 50 Casimir Perrier, carmine violet - 3 Comte Camaldoli, f. p. pourpre carne 2 de la Borde, carminee 2 Eloide, cramoisie clair 2 Etubie, carnee - "1 Ferox - - - 2 faux Wellington, carmine purpre 3 Glacee (la) carnee - .20 grande renoncule, pourpre fonce 3 Henri (jeune), cramoisie clair -20 Infante - - 3 Jenner, carnee - 1 Jeanne Seymour - 3 Josephine d'Hohenzollern, rose? 9 n carmine, - j * la dominante . - .30 la plus foncee des pourpres 1 Leonidas, rose pale - 2 Louis XVIII., cramoisie pale 2 Miaulis, cramoisie violet - 2 Montgolfier, rose pourpre - 2 nigr6rum, foncee - 3 Pach a d'Egypte, pourpre violet - 3 petit Roi de Rome - 2 pourpre strie - - - 2 Prince de Galles, rose carmine 2 Pyrolle, carminee - - 3 ranunculoides, pourpre violet fonce 1 Reine de Masulipatam - 2 Roi de Fran cais - -30 Roi tres-sombre, pourpre violet? n veloute . . j = Stephanie (grande duchesse) .20 tendre chiffonnee - 2 tenebreuse, foncee . 3 tigridia - - 3 tricolor, pourpre blanc et jaune 2 versfcolor, double - 3 f versfcolor tres pleine, pourpre? 0x4 n raye de rouge et blanc -j violette de la Belgique, cerise violet 3 Warratah, cramoisie violet .20 h^brida, Adelmone - - 3 adhire, carnee - - 2 Alphonse Maille, pourpre cerise - 3 f Ancelin, cerise cendre - 2 & 4 Astrolabe - 3 Athalin, cramoisie pourpre 2 Barbet - - .30 liaumanmYirtfl, carnee - - 3 belle Arsine - - 3 belle Christine, rose pale - 2 belle Judide, carne panache . 2 belle de Segue - -30 Bequet - - 2 Bertholdi - - .30 Biss - - 3 ( bonne Gfenevieve - 3 bonne Louise - - .30 Brennus - - -30 Camuset, grande fleur rose - 2 candeur - -30 OF HARDY TIIEES AND SHRUBS. 159 La Pi&ce. Das Stuck, h^brida, f Cara, foncee Charles-Auguste t Chastelux f Chatellin C heron Celestial Claire Duchateau Claude de Cressac, rose t Comte Tavernes, rose Colbert t Coutard, carnee Demoiselle anglaise, carnee du Roi, carmin pourpre Dupuytrin (Madame) Duroc, carnee Duvier Fabre (belle) carnee Favier, rose vive Favorite des Dieux, rose fleur blanche (2) Fleurite, rose pourpre Feodora, blanche Foulard, rose Floride (de la), carnee t Gamier Pages George III. Gloire de Hardy, perpetuelle cerise Gloire des hybrides Henneguin, rose Horaces, pourpree Jacques, pourpre fonce Julie de 1'ange Kersabieck t Las Cases Lastenie, rose lilas Laurea Lisbeth Mably, veloute pourpre Maffai March ese Marie Tudor fMaubach, viol, vel., fonce chan- geant Monsieur Capan t Nora nuage des tempetes, foncee f Pallagie, pourpre Pauline, carnee t Pinks ponctuee (la) Reine des quatre saisons t Riego Roi des hybrides, rose carnee rose de 1'age St. Barthelemi, rose fouettee Sydonie Toilette des Roses tricolor Triomphe de LafFay, rose Triomphe de Rheims Velour episcopal versicolor pldna, panachee Victor Hugo lucida plena, R. luisante double lutea fibre simplici W. t R. Eglanttria - microphylla plena, rose *moschata fl. p!6no Ros. R. de Damas, muscade," lilas double multiflbra, Laure Davoust wzuscbsa fl. albo plena, R. mousseuse bl. fl. albo varieg. R. m. b. nouv. va- 7 riete - - 3 a. tres grande fleur, carnea semipl coccinea - - t Blush moss rose, mouss euse? 2 > 4 Nankin - - 3 ferugineuse, rose foncee feuilles panachees (2), carnee - feuilles de sauge (a), carnee Fleche (de la) R, m. anemoneflbra ^ fibre rbseo plfeno, Gefiillte Moosrose 2 * fibre rbseo pleno, varie. * fibre rbseo-simplici, Moosrose , media * minor, R. mousseuse r. fonce ck. Fr. ct. -3a4 -3a4 -2a4 3 3 3 3 -223 3 -223 3 2 3 - 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 3 6 2 -3a4 4 erise 3 2 - 3 3 3 - 3 3 -324 2 3 3 3 4 4 3 u | 425 2 -324 4 -224 2 -324 3 3 -324 3 3 3 2 I 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 - 1 a . 50 3 -,} , - 3 ;bl. 2 va-7 2 mipl 3 - 2 se ]224 - 4 J - 3 3 eflbra 3 Moosrose 2 2 ache 7 , 3 pon, 7 3 La Pifece. Das Stuck. Fr. Ct. wzuscbsa, prolife"re, rose carmine remontante, wzuscbsa menstru- alis, m. perpetuelle, Monat- moosrose semi-double d'Angleterre - 3 variegata plena, mous. panachee 3 f zoe-partout. Rose carmine - 4 a 5 nepalensis fl. rbseo - - 2 *Noisettza# Bon Jard., Belle- Noisette Aime Vibert, blanche Blandine, blanche Blygnet, carnee Bobelina, pourpre fonce - 2 Borlotte, pourpre fonce - 3 f Bouquinville, rose violet -224 Catet, carmin violet - 1 Changnagana, carnee Chantal, rose - - 3 Chevrance (blanche) - 2 Catherine II. - 3 Comtesse de Fresnel, carnee 2 Comtesse Helne Festetics de 7 9 Tolna - - jr Dern, carnee Despres, rose tendre jaunatre 10 Due de Broglie Dufrenoy, blanc carne Foulard, rose - 3 grandes fleurs pourpres - 3 Kcenig, carmine vif. - 2 He de Bourbon, rose Isaure, jaunatre - 3 jaune, mutabilis - 3 Lady Byron, carminee - 3 Laffay - 3 Lamarque - - 3 Langevine, rose ' 2 f Lee, rose tendre - - 3 a 4 Leopoldine d'Orleans, blanc 7 3 carne - - - 3 Mademoiselle Kennedi - 3 Majestueuse, carminee - 3 Mehin - 1 Melanie de Montjoie, blanc 7 ^ jaunatre - 3 Mordant - - - 2 Muscate toujours fleurie, carnee 3 Nymphe (la) pale - 2 Parmi, violet clair Printems, blanche 3 Roxelane, rose violet 2 rtibra, rose violet 2 Smiths, jaune - 4 Thargilie, pourpre violet 3 Triomphe des Noisettes, carne 3 pimpinellifblia alba striata plena albida Amelie Streckeisen - belle inconnue carnea, f. p., carnee Emma Klein Estelle semi-double, bifere Henriette Kaschlin, carnee, 7 pleine - - 3 Hybride gracieuse inconnue, carnee lactea semiplena striata Madame Jourdin mignature Pimpernelle rose pourpre veloute, semi-double v Reine des pimpernelles, rose 7 carne - - 3 rigaensis, sulphiirea semiplena Suchorzewska (Comtesse de) sulphiirea plena, nova Triphosa, globuleuse cceur7 carne - - 3 Zerbine, carnee Zonale purpvirea pallida - provincialis, 1'abene Admirable brodfee de rouge aimable Eleonore, cramoi- 7 sie violet - - 3 Archev6que de Malines - Aricie, pourpre violet 160 BAUMANN S PRICED CATALOGUE La Pifcce. Das Stuck. Fr. Ct. Rosa provincialis, Barbanegre - 3 beau carmin, rose fonce beaute surprenante - 3 belle Africaine, pourpre noir 7 ~ Q veloute - - - > + belle Arsene - - 3;a 4 f belle Vergnier - - 3 a 4 belle victoire, carminee - 2 f Beniowski - - 3 a 4 Bishope, I'eveque, veloute 1 r> fonce, - 3 ^ boule de neige, blanche - 2 bouquet charmant, rose - 2 carrnin amoureux, cerise ) Q changeant - - J Calypso, rose, carne - 3 Celestine, carnee ' - 20 Charles Nodier - 3 Clelie - - - 4 Comtesse - .30 Constance, Gracieuse de S. 7 q n Clerc - j f Cora, cerise - - 3 a 4 Courtin, carnee - - 2 Dadigne - - 3 Danal a grandes fleurs - 3 Delaix - .-30 t De Launay - - 3 a 4 Due de Choiseul, rose - 2 Duchesse d'Angouleme, nouv. 3 Duchessede Berri, carnee- 2 Due de Montebello, carne rose 2 Dupuiterie - - Emma, carminee 2 Fanny Bias, rose carne 2 General Foy - -20 General Thiars, pourp. ve~ 7 3 Q fonce loute - 3 Globe, blanche - 3 grande merveilleuse, rose 7 2 Q carmine - - 3 grande monarchic, carnee- 2 Guerin, cramoisie violet - 1 50 Hybride de Luxembourg, 7 . Q viol, rouge - - 3 Joyeuse, pourpre fonce 3 Ladoiska marin, pourpre? <, n veloute - - 3 " Lady Morgan, rose pourpre 2 Lee, carnee - 3 + Marchesy - - 3 a 4 Marie-Louise - - 3 Marius - - 3 Mazonietti - - 3 mexicaine, pourpre veloute 7 3 Q panache - 3 miroire des Dames, blanc rose 3 Murinoir (Comte) - 3 Ninon de 1'Enclos, rose pourpre 2 Nisida - - 2 Ornement de carafe, rose - 2 Orphise - 3 petite Sophie, carnee - 2 f- Ponceau capiomont - 3 a 4 pourpre panache, pourpre 7 violet - - 3 4 Prevost (Adele) - 3 Prince Leopold de Saxe- Cobourg2 Prince de Salme, rose carne 2 Princesse Amelie - 3 Prouville carminee - 3 Pulcherie de Miellez 3 Regina Isabella, rose pourpre 3 Reine de Baviere, rose violet 2 Reine de Saxe ; rose pourpre 2 Renoncule ponctuee -30 rien ne me surpasse, pourpre 2 Roi d' Angleterre, carnee - 3 Roi de Rome, de Holknde, 7 3 Q r. pourp. - 3 Roi des roses, rose - 3 Roi de Wtirtemberg, era- 7 ' 2 Q moisie claire - 3 Salomon, rose - 3 Sedentrice (la) Siro, pourpre, Triomphe de Brcslau - 2 La Piece. Das Stuck. Fr. Ct. provincial, Virginie, rose carne - 2 Vandaeis obscurite, pour- 7 <, n pre veloute 3 " volupte - 3 rubigindsa, Berenice, fibre pleno, rose 7 q ,\ carne - - 3 ' 1'Enfant de Jesus, rose carnee 3 <' Hessoise, pourpre double - 2 <' Poniatowski, carnee 3 Voltaire - 4 sempervlrens, Adelaide d'Orleans 3 Due de Broglie 3 Eugene d'Orleans - 3 Fanelli, blanche . 3 felicite perpetue -40 pleno Wi'Ud., f. p., blanc pur. 2 pourpre semi-double 1 Princesse Louise, blanche 3 Princesse Marie, pourpre 7 9 n veloute - - 3 * sulphurea fl6re pleno, R. a fl. jaunes > , doubl. - j " parva, Rosier pompon jaune- 7 . n verdatre double - - 3 turbin&ta lucida plena - -30 vi!16sa, Psiche, carnee - 3 Ltda - --30 Une collection de 100 especes de rosiers-. basses tiges, assortie avec noms au 1 choixdesfreresBaumann;EineSamm- ! ? - o lung von 10() Sorten niederstlimmigen j ' Rosen init Namen, nach der Wahl der Gebriider Baumann/zu Les 25 especes au choix des amateurs ; 7 25 Sorten nach der Wahl der Lieb- p 70 haber zu - 3 Idem, 100 especes au choix'des amateurs; "7 100 Sorten nach der Wahl der Lieb- J- 100 haber - - 3 Idem, la collection de 18 rosiers^hautes ^ tiges, en 18 especes assorties, avec / noms ; Die Sammlung von 18 hoch- > 54 stammigen Rosen, in 18 Sorten mit\ Namen, zu Les especes marquees f. p. seront four- nics a franc pied, et les autres sont ecussonnees sur eglantiers. Die mit f. p. bezeichneten Sorten, kon- nen acht aus der Wurzel, die tibrigen aber nur oculirt abgegeben werden. .Rubus fruticbsus laciniatus, Ronce lacinie 1 fibre albo pleno - 1 fibre rbseo pleno - 3 Mspidus - 1 inermis De Cand. - -30 odoratus L., Framboisier du Canada 30 spectabilis, nov. spec. , 2 50 Salix Aglaie - -10 argentea - 50 tbaby!6nicai., Saule pleureur, Babyl. Weide - 80 Idem, 25 jeunes plantes ; 25 junge Pfl. - 5 baby!6nica annularis, Saule de Ste. Helene 2 Wcolor Bourgs., Saule a deux couleurs 30 caroliniana Mich. -10 cinerea fbliis variegatis - 50 rfaphnoldes, S. cinerea Willd. - - 50 holosericea - 50 Lambertzdwa Smith 50 /aurifblia - 1 rosmarinifMia - - 50 trfstis^i*. - 1 Sambucus angustifblia - 1 canadensis De Cand. - - 1 50 laciniata var., S. nlgra, Sur. noir lacinie 50 monstrbsa nigra fbliis variegatis - - 50 fructu viridi - 50 racembsa - - 50 rotundifblia - 1 f Sophora jap6nica L-, Sophora du Japon 1 50 OF HARDY TREES AND SHRUBS. 161 La Pice. Das Stuck. Fr Sophora pendula - 2 fol. variegatis - 2 f Sorbus famericana, Sorbier d' Amerique - 1 faucuparia i.,- Sorbier des Oiseleurs - 1 fdomestica, Eschkrieche - - 3 * (Spartium ^unceum L., : Genista juncea, Gen. 7 d'Espagne J Idem, 100 jeunes plantes ; 100 junge > 4 Pflanzen - - J incarnatum - 1 50 50 50 2 1 50 1 30 50 50 50 50 50 acutifblia - alplna Pallas oria?fblia, nova - - b^lla Bot. Mag. ftetukefolia cana De Cand. -. crenata L., Spir. & feuilles crenelees Aypericifblia Lin. lEevigata W., S. altaica, Spir. a f. lisses, p. t. 3 1 opulifblia ., Spir. a feuilles d'Obier 50 fbl. luteis - - 50 salicifblia fibre albo, Spir. a feuilles de Saule 50 fibre roseo sorbifolia L., Spir. a feuilles de Sorbier tomentbsa, Spiree cotonneuse, p. t. trf loba, Spiree a trois lobes ulmifblia.Scopoli Staphylea pinnata L., Staphilier a feuilles pen- 7 nees - - 3 trifolidta L., St. a trois feuilles Stuartz'a Malachodendron, St. monostyle, p. t. - *Stillingm sebffera Willd. Symphoria mexicana De Cand. - - - Syringa. chinensis Willd., Lilas varin Josika?\j! nov. spec. - persica, Lilas de Perse ... fibre albo laciniata, Lilas a feuilles decouples 50 sauger - - 3 vulgaris L., Lilas commun . - 30 grandifibra - - 2 fl. albo, Lilas com. a fleurs blanches 90 flbre.rubro, L. de Marly - 80 Tamarix gallica L., Tamarisc de France germanica i., Tamarisc d'Allemagne Taxus baccata L., If commun, p. t. Idem, 12 replants de 3 ans ; 12 St. 3-jahr. 7 Setzling - 3 fbliis atireo variegatis, p. t. *nucifera, p. t. pyramidata, p. t. Thuja occidentalis'L., Arbre de vie d'occid. p. t. 1 orienUUis L., Arbre de vie d'orient, p. t. 1 pyramidalis, p. t. - 3 50 80 {) 80 50 50 La Pifece. Das Stuck. Tilia tatarlca, p. t. - - alba Hort. Kew famericana Z.,Tilleul d' Amerique nlgra argentea nbva ... asplenifblia nbva, a d'Asplenium feurop^a L., Tilleul d'Europe aurea, T. dorfe fmacrophylla - - - fmississippiensis fvlridis, nov. sp. C/'lex eurppae^a hibernica, nov. spec, nana fibre pleno U 'Imus fulva - flatifblia .... *oxoni6nsis - pedunculata W., effusa pyramidalis, U. fastigiata rugbsa - wrticifblia .... Facciniuin frondbsum Willd. macrocarpum Willd. Oxycoccus, Schdllero Oxyc6c. Per., p. t. Oxycoccus fbliis variegatis ' - pennsylvanicum Lam., p. t. Fiburnum dentatum Linn. ... ediile Pursh Lentago|L., V. luisante O'pulus rbsea, V. Sterile, Pelote de Neige Oxyc6ccos Pursh prunifblium L., V. a feuil. de prunicr rugbsum - Tlnus - .... * fbliis variegatis *Fitex .4'gnus castus L., Gattillier commun . inclsa Willd. .... Fitis cordata . . iabriisca L., Vigne cotonneuse odoratissima .... vulplna L., V. de renard Xanthoxylum Clava-HercuhVL., Zanth. a gr. aiguil. Plus, au choix des Freres Baumann," une collection d'arbustes et arbres d'ornement de pleine terre, en 100 dif- ferentes especes assorties avec noms, a raison de Mehr, nach der Wahl der Gebriider' Baumann, eine Sammlung von 100 ver- schiedenen Sorten Zierbaume und Zier- straucher, mit Namen, zu Plus, a leur choix, 1000 beaux sujets') d'un bel assortiment arbustes d'orne- f ment, en trente especes differentes, avec f noms - - J Mehr, nach ihrer Wahl, 1000 St. sehrT schone Verzierungs Straucher, in 30 >- verschiedenen Sorten mit Namen 3 1 50 1 50 1 50 2 2 1 50 2 1 50 1 50 3 50 2 1 2 1 50 1 90 1 50 1 50 2 1 30 50 1 50 50 50 150 150 ARBUSTES DE CLOTURE ET DE PALISSADE. HEDGE PLANTS. N.B. Les objets marques d'une * sont propres aux palissades de separation et d'ornement, et les autres aux clotures de defense. EINZAUNUNGS-STRAUCHER. N.B. Diejenigen mit *bezeichnetenGegenstande dienen zu Zier-oder zu Scheidungshage, die iibrigen aber zu Vertheidigungszaune. Fr. Ct. Le 100. Das 100. Fr. Ct * Corchorus 2 *jap6nicus fibre pleno - - 4 * Cornus 5 *mascula, Cornouiller male -] - 12 Le 100. Das 100. Carpinus ^etulus, Charmille - - * Colutea *arborescens, Bagucnaudier 162 Cratse^gus Oxyacantha, Epinc blanche * Cytisus *7/ab6rnum , _ jEJuonymus europa^us, Fusain, bonnet de pretre - .Fagus sylvatica, Hetre - . Genista germanica, Genet d'AUemagne BOOTH AND SON S PRICED CATALOGUE Le 100. Das 100. Fr. Ct. LelOO. Das 100. Fr. Ct. rhamnoides, Rharano'ide *t7asminum *fruticans, Jasmin cytise *Z/igustrum *vulgare, Fraisillon Moms alba, Murierblanc Pinus ^bies, Epf cea *Ribes *Grossularia, Grosseiller epineux Robinza Pseud-acacia, Robinier 15 6 a5 Robinza Idem, le 1000 plantesd'UH an; das 10007 , r - n jahrige Pflanzen - - -j 15 * Rosiers *melanges, especes doubles * tfambucus *racembsa * Spartium 'yunceum Chanued *salicifblia, Syringa a feuilles de Saule *persica vulgaris, Lilas commun * Tamarix *germanica - - * Zliiija *occidentalis, Thuja du Canada *orientalis, Thuja de la Chine * CTlex *europa3 > a, Ajonc - J 18 10 5 *chama2drifblia, Spiree &. feuilles de 7 ^ 12 a 25 15 a 30 - 10 V. List of Trees and Shrubs, with the Prices for 1838, taken from the Retail Catalogue of JAMES BOOTH and SONS, Proprietors of the Flottbeck Nurseries, Hamburg. *. d. austrlacum - 10 barbatum - 16 campestre - 2 fol. varieg. 2 6 creticum dasycarpum hybridum ibericum laciniatum LobSlw Tenore lobatum Fisch. . macrophyllum monspessulanum montanum 1 6 (new) lutescens recurvatum rubrum saccharinum spicatum stratum (pensylva nicum) tataricum L. ^E'sculus coriacea discolor glabra 5 2 6 1 5 3 6 3 crfspum 6 nepalense (ob!6n- gum) nigrum obtusatum - (Xpalus Willd. \ opulifblium - 3 palmatum - 2 Pavza (curious) 3 jnlatanoldes - Pseudo-Platanus fbl. varieg. - longi fblium 3 9 3 6 4 2 6 2 6 JS'sculus Hippocastanum L. fbl. arg. var. aur. var. crispum inclsum Booth nigrum praVtox striatum tortubsum Booth hybrida lutea (flava) Lydnu macrosrachya (spi- cata) ohiotinsis Pavm MX. fol. varieg. pallida - - pumila (rubicunda) Aildntus glandulbsa Ait. A'lnus americana canadensis cordifblia Desf. glutinbsa laciniata oxycanthifblia rubra incana macrophylla oblongata plicata, plaited leav. serrulata undulata viridis Ammyrsine ^uxifblia s. d. 3 . 1 3 9 3 6 1 6 1 3 1 6 2 1 6 2 6 9 6 6 5 2 3 4 6 9 3 4 1 6 6 3 2 6 2 6 2 6 3 6 1 Ammyrsine Jhymifblia Amorpha canescens elatior emarginata fruticbsa L. glabra - Lewisw Ampelopsis bipinnata - hirs&ta - Aederacea - .^mygdalus argntea (oricntalis) 2 Eesseriann - 2 campestris - 2 communis - *. d. 1 2 3 6 3 3 6 4 dulcis (fragilis) 9 fl. albo fbl. aur. var. macrocdrpa nana L, gedrgica Ptirsica Nectar Ina fl. pi. pumila fl. pi. sibirica Gmel. toment6sula Andromeda acuminata L. arbbrea L. axillaris calyculata L. nana cassinifblia, Vent, CatesbseV dealbata ftssa 1 OF TREES AND SHRUBS. 163 s. d. 1 *. d. *. d. Andromeda .Se'tula Castanea mariana - 26 pumila - 06 vesca fol. maculat. nitida (coriJicea) Socolbfw . 36 luteo - 2 6 paniculata L. (vide tomentbsa - 26 fol. varieg 1 6 Lybm'a) _ 10 polifblia undulata - 09 wrticifblia - 06 pumila (americana) 9 Ceanothus humilis Bignom'a americanus L. 03 latifblia Catdlpa (Catdlpa decumbens 2 6 major minor 9 each oleifblia syringce&\i&) 3 radlcans - 06 flava 3 6 ovatus 2 6 microphyllus - 1 6 Celastrus ovata rbsea revoluta major 2 Boryo scandens L. 4 Celtis pulverulenta - 2 6 racembsa L. 16 /igustrina - 09 Broussonetia australis L. 03 cordata - 10 salicifblia (nov. sp.) 5 papyrifera - 03 crassifolia Lam. 1 specibsa - 26 cucullata 5 occidentalis L. 10 accinioides - 20 Aralia .Supleurum fruticbsum - 06 pumila - 50 TournefdrtzY - 3 6 spinbsa L. j&UXUS > Cephalanthus ^rctostaphylos sempervlrens occidentalis L. 03 alplna (.4'rbutus) angustifblia Cercis yiristolochia arborescens canadensis L. 10 sipho L' Her it. foL argent. var. J-0 4 each Siliquastrum L.' 09 tomentbsa fol. aur. var. fl. albo 3 6 Artemisia yfbrdtanum minor wzyrtifblia Chionanthus maritima Pursh 4 sibirica Astragalus Tragacantha ^'triplex J/alimus Berberis aristata (nepalensis) 1 6 asiatica (Roxburgh) 2 iuxifblia Lin. 3 6 canadensis . 3 var. 6 caroliniana - 20 chinensis - 26 Calycanthus fl6ridus - 04 pensylvanicus 6 osplenifblius 7 6 _.c> inodbrus 4 6 longifblius 2 6 variegatus 5 fertilis 1 6 ferox? . 1 6 glaucus (acuminat) 1 6 laevigatus (nanus) 2 heterophyllus 5 prae x cox (Chimon. virginica L. - 1 montana 4 Clematis alplna (^tragene) 6 carnea - 3 6 angustifblia Dec. 1 brevicaudata campaniflbra - 09 crispa - - 1 dahurica - 26 Flammula - 04 pallida - 1 6 maritima L. ? 1 6 fruticbsa crata^gina - 36 cretica - 1 > frag.) - - 1 6 Caragdna fl6rida - 09 fl. pi. - 19 daurica - 50 Altagdna - 10 glauca - 06 dulcis . 26 arborescens - 03 lasiantha emarginata Willd. 2 6 heterophylla - 7 6 arenaria 10 Chamldgu - 03 hybrida - 09 revoluta - 09 ilicifblia (glatica) sibirica - - 3 6 frutescens - 09 glomerata - 26 sibfrica (^tragene) Spreng. - 09- vulgaris - 03 grandiflbra (vera) 3 6 Viorna - - 1 asperma 6 jubuta (plants from hybrida 2 6 dulcis -76 seed or on their viornoides - 26 fr. albo - 3 own bottoms) 15 Vitalba - 03 violaceo 109 mollis var. glabra 2 Viticella - 03 subrottindo 1 pygma3 v a - 03 fl. pi. 16 Berchemea Red6wskii - 2 major 1 volubilis - - 3 6 sepium pallida 1 xjetula spinbsa - 3 rubra 3 albida 10 6 major 1 alba - - 03 laciniata (asple- nifbl.) .46 Carpinus americana - 06 rubella 1 virginiana - 1 pendula - 03 fol. var. 5 Clethra antarctica 36 tulus - 3 acuminata - "I bella (from China, 1832, half-hardy, the most graceful shrub of the genus 10 6 carpathica - 36 carpinifblia - 3 datirica 36 fol. aur. var. 5 inclsa - 9 Carpinlzza - 36 orientalis - 06 vulgaris (Ostrya) 6 heterophylla (Pseudo- olnifblia L. paniculata - i-0 6 1 pubtiscens (tomen- 1 tbsa) - J Colutea arborescens L. 03 excelsa . 06 Quercus) 21 crfspa 3 fruticbsa - 03 glandulbsa . 06 lenta -.06 lutea - 06 macrocarpa nana - 03 Carya alba - - 1 amara - I oliva2f6rmis Vo 6 each porclna tomentbsa - J media - - 1 nepal^nsis - 50 orientalis (cruenta) Lin. - - 7 Poc6ck - 9 Uomptonza parvifblia 1 major 1 Castanea osplenifblia L'Her. 9 nlgra . .. 10 vesca - - 3 Corchorus ovata - 26 osplenifblia 9 jap6nicus (K^rria papyracea - 03 cochleata 3 6 jap.) 3 /jopulifolia - 06 glaberrima 9 fl. sfmplici 7 6^ x 2 164 BOOTH AND SONS PRICED CATALOGUE s. d. 5. d. s. d. Coriaria Crata^gus Cytisus Twyrtifblia - 03 nigra - - 9 triflbrus 1 xt-/ odorata - 6 uralensis 1 AIKo T n Q Olivertana? - 1 Weldemz 3 ulDa lj. - - u o fol. varieg. 6 asperifblia - 1 alternifblia L. 6 candidissima - 6 orientalis Spreng. '1 Oxyacantha - 02 flor. rubro 6 ra.pl. 3 6 racembsus Z>aphne alplna altaica 3 6 2 6 2 6 foL varieg. 6 J pldno 6 Cnebrum 1 circinnata (verru- cbsa) - 06 lutescens 1 6 p^ndula 1 6 fol. varieg. 1 6 Laureola Willd. 6 fastigiata - 6 fl6rida. - 3 pras'cox 1 guercifblia 2 Mezereum L. flor. albo 6 9 mascula L. 3 spin. long. 6 autumnale 1 6 flava 9 fol. varieg. 2 6 paniculata.L'#m*. 0,3 , sanguinea - 02 fol. varieg. 6 serfcea - 3 stricta 1 6 parvifblia - 1 pectinata - 1 pentagyna - 10. prae v cox - 10 pterifblia - 76 p6ntica 3iervilla canadensis 9iospyros Lbtus L. 4 3 1 sibirica - 03 stricta L'Herit. 1 Coronilla pubescens - 9 pyracanthifblia 6 sangufnea (Siberian Thorn) - 2 virginiana L. [)irca palustris 6 3 E'merus Willd. 3 tanacetifblia Pair. 9 Elseagnus Corylus americana - 03 tomentbsa - 06 virginiana - 6 angustifblia L. conf^rta 3 3 6 arborescens - 36 ^vellana - 2 alba - 4 rubra - 04 xanthocarpa 6 Cupressus disticha (Schubertia) L. - -03 fusca hortensis latifolia macroph^lla 2 6 9 6 foL atropurpu- pendula(sinensis)2 6 'mpetrum reis (Coryl. atropurp.) 2 6 ^'uniperoldes - 9 lusitanica - 3 6 album rubrum, from 3 6 barcelonensis 9 sempervlrens 3 Staaten Island 2 6 glomerata 9 horizontalis 3 nlgrum 3 grandis - 9 laciniata 4 pendula 3 ^hyciides - 06 rubrum sc6ticum 1 6 1 6 C61urna. - 6 fol. varieg. 3 6 ^'phedra heterophylla - 7 6 rostrata - 06 tubulbsa Willd. 6 Cotoneaster acuminata Lind. ?! 1 affinis Lind. - 9 frigida - - 26 intermedia - Cyddnia (Pyr. Cyd.) chin^nsis - 09 japonica(Pyrusjap.)0. 6 fl. luteo (se- miplfeno) 2 6 vulgaris - - 2 lucUr'i r>iri n fi chilensis - distachya minor Epigae^a repens [- Erica ciliaris 1 6 1 6 1 6 3 6 laxiflbraJoc. - 3 melanocarpa - 16 lusituntCa u t> pyrif6rmis 2 r< x ii cinerea alba atropuri)urea microphylla Lind. 3 var. UVa-ursi 6 Cyrilla racemiflbra - 76 rubra herbacea nummularia 2 6 rotundifblia - 26 racemiflbraJSprewg. tomentbsa Lind. 1 6 uniflbra Bunge 10 6 Cytisus alplnus 3 fragrans 1 argenteus - 2 a.ustricicu.s - 03 multiflbra alba Tctralix alba carnosa"; 0309 each vulgaris Lind. 3 Cratae^gus (Mespilus) biflbrus - 6 caucasicus - "30 vulgaris alba fl pi. apiifblia - 1 rbutifblia - 06 calyclnus - 16 capitatus - 03 foL var. Axarolus L. - 6 feetulifblia . 1 cindreus - 1 elongatus Willd. 3 jEuonymus americanus 9 Celsidna Bosc 1 coccinea Ward 6 cordata - - 6 falcatus - 09 hirsutusZ,. - 3 iaburnum L. 03 angustifblius(nanus)0 6 atropurpiireus 1 chinensis - /j Crtis-galli Willd. 6 splendens 1 fol. var. - 6 involutum (new) europae'us fr. albo 2 6 cuneifblia - 10 leaves like S. coccine ) 1 6 ellfptica^V. - 6 flava - 06 germanica (Mespi- annularis 3 6 pendulum 1 purpurascens (fl. fol. varieg. Hamiltonzawa* nanus 1 6 2 6 6 lus) - - 6 fruct. sine nucleo 6 roseo) Adanu 9 wuercifblium 6 leuc&nthus - 9 japdnicus fol. arg. fol. aur. 2 6 3 6 3 6 macrophflla 2 6 glandulbsa Mcench 6 grandiflbra - 09 grossulariffifblia 1 heterophylla - 2 6 hjrbrida - 06 nigricans - 08 pallidus polftrichus - 26 pauciflbrus - 36 prostratus - 10 purpareus Willd. 3 latifblius obovatus pallidus verrucbsus Scop. Fagus 9 9 9 9 lanulbsa - 10 albiflbrus 2 6 ferruginea Ait. 2 6 lobata - 1 erectus 1 6 sylvatica 2 lucida 6 rbseo (new) 7 6 nsplenifol. 1 6 mon6gyna - fi SUpilHIS - 10 crfspa 3 6 fol. varieg. 6 sessilifblius - 04 fol, vancg 2 6 OF TREES AND SHRUBS. 165 s. d. s. d. s. d. Fagus Gleditschia Hex -i sylvatica pendula 2 purpurea 1 6 triacanthos L. sinnsis 1 3 ^quifblium L. alb. maculat guercifblia 2 longisplna 1 6 marginal. Fontanesza Glycine aur. maculat. phillyreoldes Willd. 3 Fothergilla alnifblia - 06 chinensis Bot. Mag. frutscens L. Gordoma 1 1 6 V marginal, aur. var. fkrox fol. arg. var. ,, tomentbsa (pubes- cens) - 1 jPraxinus 6 pubescens lasianthus Gymnocladus 2 2 6 fol. aur. var. fol. argent. var. fr. luleo 1 6 each acuminata - 9 canadensis 9 latifblium alba - - 9 Halesia balearica Desf. americana - argentea - discolor - 2 elliptica - 1 epiptera 6 9 6 9 dfptera macrocarpa tetraptera L. Halimodendron 6 2 1 6 ciliata crassifblia opaca prinoides sc6tica ' excelsior aurea - fol. varieg. 6 6 argenteum (vid. Ro- binm) - 1 jHamamelis 6 rtea virgfnica 7uglans 6 pendula - 1 salicifblia 2 striata (jaspidea) 9- 9 virglnica fiedera 6 cine~rea /raxinifblia zyristicf6rims 1 1 3 6 glauca heterophylla Vahl (simplicifdl.) juglandifblia Lamb. 9 6 6 digitata fol. varieg. fr. luteo elegans hibernica (latifblia) 1 9 6 3 6 3 nigra fr. ob!6ngo regia asplenifblia villbsa 10 1 6 6 6 Zentiscifblia - 9 arbbrea 1 (vide Carya) pendula 3 lyrata - - 1 6 6 fol. aur. var Helianthemum " 1 6 Juniperus bermudiana 6 microphy'lla - 1 nana Willd. - 6 4 diversifblium fl.pl. Ayssopif'61ium chinensis communis 2 6 3 crispa 6 Ayssopitblium crb- daurica 3 6 nlgra - - 9 ceum excelsa 10 6 O^nus - 6 fiys. fl. pi. inlerrupta 3 6 variet. - 1 mutabile lycia 1 oxyc&rpa - 2 pallidum Oxycedrus L. 3 oxyphylla - 6 rubrum phcenicea L. S parvifolia - 9 nummularium prostrala MX. pennsylvanica platycarpa - 1 9 venustum vulg. album fl. pi. 6 each recfirva (pendula) Sablna 1 3 pubescens Willd. 9 flavescens fl. fol. varieg. 1 quadrangulata MX. 3 9 pi. famariscifblia 9 nervbsa fuscum fl. pi. sibfrica (vra) 9 Rich&rtlt Bosc 1 luteum fl. pi. sudcia 6 rotundifblia - 6 rbsaceum fl. pi. hispanica 1 6 sambucitblia Willd. 3 rbseum fl. pi. virginiana 3 viridis 1 simpl. Carolinians 6 verrucbsa - 1 sulphureum Gaultherm pallid, fl. pi . VT - 1 / * frutescens 2 6 procumbens - 6 jyibiscus acuminata'3 Shdllon Pursh 6 6 syrlacus L. 11 varieties 1 3 3 each angustifblia L. 1 Genista .ffippophae fol. var. glauca > anglicaZ,. - 3 canadensis L. latifblia >1 020 anxantica - 3 fltfrida - - 3 (Shepherds) rhamnoides L. 4 4 olecefblia nitida pumila | leucantha 6 salicifblia (Nepal) 6 rubra - - . germanica - lusitanica L. ovata Waldst. pilbsa 1 prostrata - sagittalis - 3 6 6 6 9 6 Hydrangea arborescens L. Isevigata nivea (glauca) ouercifblia radiata 1 1 2 3 4 6 o Koelreuteria paniculata iSHerit. Laurus caroliniana Pursh Eenzdin L. - 6 : 6 6 scoparia (Spart.) fol.varieg. (Spart.) 2 fl alKi/}r fCivirf *\ Q 3 : 6 g /fypericum Sassafras L. (Pr- sea Sassafras)^ 1 n. HI OHIO ^opari.j -& fl. pi. - 2 6 calycinum Zedura sibirica tinctbria - 3 hirclnum L. Kalmianum -0 6 each angustifblium (ros-' marinif.) fl. pi. 1 prolificum L, fiuxifblium (Am- trfquetra - 9 uralense m^rsine) Gleditschia caspica (Prosdpis) 3 h6rrida (vera) 1 inermis - 6 9 Jasminum frdticans L. - major - Vfalttchidnum officinale 3 9 9 4 latifblium palustre decumbens fhymifblium (Am- myrsine) 1 0-20 latifblia - longisplna - macracantha(ferox) monosperma Walt. 9 9 9 6 fol. aur. varieg. 2 fol. argent, var. 2 /beris Z,igustrum vulgare fol. varieg. 2 6 orientulis - 2 6 sempcrvirens - 3 . fr, luteo ~ 3 166 BOOTH AND SONS* PRICED CATALOGUE s. d. s. d. s. d. Zigustmtn Magnolia Philadelphus vulgare italicum S Soulangedraa 6 laxus - 1 6 folibsum; 09 ThomsomVJwa 6 nanus - 03 umbrella (tripetala) 2 Zeyhen Schrader 1 6 borealis - 1 Menispermum Phillyrea americana 2 6 canadense L. 02 7 spec, et var. 0916 Liquidambar Menziesia Pinus(A.) Styraciflua L. OS globularis - 26 altfssima (Larfcio) 4 imberbe 7 6 /Jolifblia(.ErkaDab.)0; 3 austrlaca - 04 I/iriodendron fl. albo 9 Banksza/ia Willd. 7 6 Tulipifera - 06 integrifblia 3 9 obtusiloba 3 9 Lonicera (A.) alpigena - 4 altaica ciliataPrA - 6 caerulea - 04 prae^cox 1 Diervilla (Diervilla mtea) - OS hispida - 2 6 iberica - 1 6 nigra L. -03 orientalis - 10 sibirica - - 4 Solbnis (Xyl6steum minor 6 purpurea 6 Mespilus (Vide Pyrus et Cra- tze^gus) orbutifblia (v. P?rus) - 06 fr. nlgro 6 canadensis (v. P^rus Botr.) - 6 Chamsmespilus L. (v. Pyrus) - 9 floribunda - 26 germanica difftisa 6 fr. sine nucleo 9 macrophylla 2 6 Pyracantha - 03 hardy, 12. Cembral.. - 6 helvetica 1 6 caramanica,5 or 6 15 Fischeri Booth (Caled. Hort T.) hardy - tlO 6 halepensis Willd. tender 6. H. 06 Inops, hardy - 6 insignis - 75 Lamberts/la 300 hardy 8 or 10 lutea - 5 marftima Willd. hardy - 06 mltis.Mx., hardy 6 nigrescens, hardy, Solbni*) - ,0 6 tatarica - OS alba 3 Mitehaia ripens Willd. 2 6 Nepal , 50 palustris, tender 3 excelsa Booth (Cal. baccis albis 1 Aforus Hort. T.) quite rubra 6 albai. - 03 hardy - 63 villbsa Pursh 6 Morettzdna 0" 9 Pinea tender, 3 Xyl6steum - 03 nervbsa - 10 6 not stand 4. nlgrum 1 Caprifolium(B.) italicum - 03 tatarica 1 canadensis - 1 6 glabra 1 6 ponderbsa, quite hardy, 6ft. 10 6 pumilio (Miighus) fl. albo 3 , . fl. rubro 3 fol. var. 6 constantinopolitana 2 6 multicaulis (alba bullata) " - 16 Willd. - 03 resinbsa, half-hardy 1 6 rigida, hardy 1 balearicum - 16 nlgra - 06 Sabim'awa, out etruscum - 16 papyrifera (vid. two winters 6 15 diofcum - 06 Broussongti'a variet. not ilc-xubsum - 06 papyrifera) tried 15 Frasem - 1 6 pennsylvanica 1 6 6er6tina, quite G6ldzY - 16 rubra J/. - 10 hardy - '16 gratura - 10 hispidulum - 10 Afyrica caroliniensis 6 Strbbus, hardy 3 compressa JSooth, Ledebourii - 5 longifblium - 20 parvifblium - 30 Periclymenum 3 ceriferai. - 3 ouercifblia 9 Gate - 03 fcem. - 03 hardy . 7 6 sylvestris - OS STseMa, hardy 6 taurica, hardy 10 6 fol. var. 6 guercifoliunttj, 6 proliferum (from America) - 06 pennsylvanica 1 6 Nyssa biflbra (aquatica "I uncinata - 10 6 variabilis, hardy 6 ,4 v bies(B.) &lba - 03 sempervlrens 4 coccineum 1 Pursh) candicans - S-l 2 brutia, rather ten- der - 21 semiplenum 2 6 denticulata balsamifera - 03 Xycium O'strya longifblia - 10 canadensis - 03 carolinianum 3 virginica - 06 Clanbrasile'^wa 2 chin^nse - 09 europae'um L. 03 lanceolatum 9 vulgaris - 06 Pseonia arbbrea - 26 caerulea Reichenb., quite hardy 10 6 Douglasw, as hardy ovatum - 09 ruthenicum - 06 ;oapaveracea 5 rbsea - 10 6 as the common oak, lift, in 5 or Trevtidnum 6 rigjdum - 40 Lyonia paniculata (Andr6- meda) - 06 Madura aurantlaca - 20 Magnolia Paliiirus (Zizyphus) austra-lis - 09 Periploca graYai. - 3 Persea Sdssqfras, vide Zaurus - 10 Philadelphus 6 years 10 030 excelsa (Pin.yf bies) foL varieg. 3 pendula - 26 pygmae v a - 50 Fraseri, hardy 6 Morinda, hardy 3 6 n6bilis, hardy 60 h^brida;(new), be- tween A. excelsa, acuminata L. 16 coronarius L. 03 and Picea pecti- maxima - 60 fl. pi. 4 nata, hardy 21 conspicua - 50 cordata - 36 fol. varieg. 4 gracilis Dec. (hir- nlgra - 3 Picea - 03 glauca - 10 sutus) - 4 fol. var. - 36 macrophylla - 8 grandiflbrus (latifb- tortubsa . 3 6 obovata (purpurea) lius) - 9 Plchta, hardy 5 5 varieties, 2 6 each inodbrusL. / 4 rubra, hardy 2 OF' TREES AND SHRUBS. 167 s. d. (B.) spectabilis, doubtful 21 faxifblia Vfebbidna, doubtful 21 Cedrus (C.) Libani rather tender, 25 years old, 20 feet high, and killed in the winter of 1829, 1050 Deodara, stood out last winter 6 30 Z,arix (D.) archangelica, re- ceived from Fis- cher - - 5 europa2*a - 03 microcarpa pendula Planera Richard* - 1 6 Platanus acerifolia (grandi-T fblia) cuneata Willd. I A 3 8 occidental L. orientalis digitata J Polygala Chamaebuxus 1 Populus alba (nfvea) L. 3 angulata balsamffera - 03 belgica(Aremberg)l ietulifblia - 9 canescens - 09 cordata - 9 dilatata Willd. 3 gr^ca Willd. 3 heteroph^lla 2 6 Ijevigata Ait. 1 Zaurifblia Ledebour, handsome species 4 Lindley^wa Booth 9 macroph^lla - 9 Medusa - 1 6 monilifera - 03 fol. aur. var. 1 6 nlgra - 03 pann6nica suaveolens Fischer 5 6 tremula (pendula Duroi) - 2 pendula - .10 viminalis - 16 Potentilla floribunda - "06 fruticbsa L. 3 Prinos ambfguus 16 glaberL. - 6 padifblius - 1 6 verticillatus - 6 Primus ^rmenlaca (Arm. vulg.) - 6 (ak-arigh) white apricot of Eri- van - 40 (fol. varieg.) 2 6 brigantlaca Vib. 9 candicans - 09 canadensis 2 6 cerasifera. Chicdsa (insitftia Walt.) - 6 Cocomilla Dec. 1 cereola dom^stica - 2 fl. pi. - 6 fol. var. -IS pyramidalis 1 glomerata - 1 s. d. Prftnus hyemalis . 1 maritima - 09 nlgra 1 pygma'a Willd. 9 sibfrica - 9 sphaerocarpa spinbsa - 03 domestica 1 fl.pl. - 1 fr. dulcis Sooth (new sweet) (C. Hort. T.) 3 leucocarpa 1 6 Cerasus avium - 02 flor. plen. maj. 9 serot.O 6 fol. arg. var. 1 grandifblimn 1 macrocarpum 9 " oxyc&rpum 1 poly'gonum 9 var. asplenifbl. 9 sylvestre - 2 depressa (Susqueha- nae) - 09 fruticbsa - 10 Laurocerasus 6 fol. var. - 9 salicifblia - 6 lusitanica - 06 MahdlebL. 4 fr. flavo 9 Mardsca Host 1 Padus - 02 caroliniana 6 fol. var. 2 pendula 1 racemosa" 1 rubra(pumila) 1 joersicifblia Desfont. 1 6 pumila (glatica) 6 satlva - 03 serotina - 03 semperflbrena 6 virginiana - 03 Pterocarpa, caucasica - 06 Ptelea trifoliata - 3 Pyrus alplna Amcldnchier W. (Mespilus) 6 fl6rida 2 atnericana (S6rbus) 9 rtmygdalif6rmis 1 apetala (diofca) ;0 6 arbutifblia - 04. fr. nlgro 6 A\\a. W. (vide S6rbus) - 3 aucuparia - 03 fr.ltiteo 9 atrovlrens - 26 baccatal,. - 6 Botryapium (Mesp.)O 4 Chamaemespilus (Mesp.) - 06 chinensis (P. Mai. chin.) - 6 communis - 03 fol. varieg. 6 fl.pl. 6 semiplen. 6 striata 6 pendula 1 guercifolia 6 coronaria 6 Cydbnia (Cyd. vul.) 3 chinensis (Cyd.chin.) 9 lusitanica (C.vul.lus.)O 6 D yrus domstica (v. Sdr- bus) - 4 edulis - 1 daeagni fblia Pallas 1 H6st Jac. fil. 1 6 hyemalis - 10 heterophylla 5 japonica (Cydbnia) 6 fl. &lbo (Cyd.)O 9 intermddia (S6rbus) Willd, - 6 linearis - 10 .Malus - 02 _ acferba 11 6 astrac&nica 6 paradislaca 2 ' prae^cox 6 fol. var. - 9 striata - 0*"6 melanoc&rpa Willd. 6 Michauxw - 09 microcarpa - 06 nepalensis - 06 nivalis Willd. - 6 ovalis - 6 pinnatt fida' (56rbus hybr.) 6 Pollvena Willd. 6 /jrunifblia - 06 : fr. coccf neo 6 fr.'coc.major2 6 fr.'luteo 1 fr. dtilcis 1 fr. nlgro 6 fr. striato 6 fr. transpar. lO 6 fr. vfride 9 fol. var. 6 pubescens !- 06 salicifblia Willd. 9 sibirica - 10 sinaica - 09 spectabilis - 6 torminalis (S6rbus) 1 upsaliensis - 06 Quercus ^E'gilops L.' 2 6 alba - 6 ambigua - 06 aquatica - 06 Banfsten'Mx. 1" 6 bfcolor - 06 Castanea Willd. 1 6 Catesbae x i - 20 Cerrisi. - 03 dentata 1 fol. var. .50 cinerea M. 9 coccinea - 06 dfscolor Willd. 6 falkenbergensi Sooth . 3 6 fastigiata - 1 6 fulhamensis 1 6 grammtintia - 36 heterophylla 1 6 riex - 9 ob!6nga - 16 Lucombearaa 2 6 macrocarpa 9 maritima - 09 Michaux/i mongdlica - 76 montana - 10 obtusfloba - 2 olivaefdrmis 9 palustris Mr. ; 6 pedunculata 6 Phellos MX. 1 Prinus . 1 6 pubescens - 26 .Bbbur - 03 asplenifblium 6 fol. varieg. 2 6 nanum .16 rtibra - 06 168 BOOTH AND SONS* PRICED CATALOGUE 5. d. s. d. s. rf. Quercus Ribes tfubus rubra montana 6 aur. fr. nigro m&jus " aff Inis - '; 6 sericet - ' 10 fr. nigro ovat. americanus - D 6 stellata - 1 6 fr. rubro arcticus - 10 Suber - 20 aurant. mi- 1 armenlacus 2 6 tinctbria - 03 nus Bellardt - 06 trfloba - 16 sangufneum cag^sius - 09 JJhamnus caucasicum echinatum 10 6 1 carpinifblius 9 Chamajmbrus 2 6 ^laternus - 10 argenteus fl6ridum glandulosum 3 1 dumetbrum appen- diculatis - 09 atireus - 10 maculatus 1 alnifblius - 10 glutinbsum inebrians zalvaceum 1 9 2 6 2 6 riparius 9 vulgaris C 9 folibsus - 9 alplnus - 06 major - 2 catharticus - 03 dauricus - 50 Erythr6xylum 3 6 multiflbrum (t;iti- fblium) nlgrum fol. var. fr. vf ride 1 6 3 6 6 fruticbsus - 08 fl.albo.pl. 4 fl. rubro pi. 9 fol.arg.var. 9 fr. albo 9 Frangula - 03 niveum 2 6 hfspidus - 06 h^bridus - 10 infectbrius L. 10 latitblius VHerit. 1 3 pumilus Lindl. 3 6 palmatum petra3 v um prostratum recur vatum 1 6 6 6 idse'us - 2 fr. luteo 2 fr. rubro 2 fr. maximo 2 /orunifblius - 50 rubrum 3 inermis Dec. 1 rupestris VUlars 2 6 fr. albo - 4 leucodermis 1 saxatilis subsempervirens 1 6 carneo maximo 4 8 Ieuc6stachys 1 6 nftidus - 10 .Rhododendron arbbreum hybridum 6 striato fol. var. aur. var. 4 6 6 nutkanus - 06 occidentals - 6 odoratusi. 4 pallidum 6 azaleoldes catawbiense lildcinum sangufneum atrosang. pallidum saxatile 0,4 2 1 4 pinnatus(laciniatus) 4 pistillaris - 16 pubescens - 04 radula - 06 latifblium tenuiflbrum 1 rhamnifblius 1 6 caucasicum B. Grossularia rubeolus - 09 caucasoldes dauricum Cyn6sbati Diacantha 9 4 rudis - 9 saxatilis - 06 atrovlrens divaricatum 6 Schleicherz - 9 ferrugineura fragrans hirsutum Dec. gracile Grossularia fol. var. 2 2 6 spectabilis - 6 Sprengeto' - 9 suberectus - 10 fol. var. hybridum monstrbsum Sooth 7 6 sylvaticus - 09 filifefblius - 10 maximum fl. albo i-1 3 6 punctatum(minus) according p6nticum to size, album oxyacanthoides punctatum specibsum triflbrum trfste 3 1 1 6 9 2 6 vestltus ruber '0 6 vulgaris m611is 6 viridis 6 JRuscus angustifblium tTva erf spa 4 aculeatus - 04 arbbreum daphnajfblium! Robin ia /fypog!6ssum 6 laxus - 36 fol. atireis foL argenteis amorphasfblia dubia 9 1 racembsus - 04 grandifblium glomeratum latifblium raagnoUtsfolium gracilis hispida arborea inermis 2 6 9 1 Salisbun'a cdiantifblia Smith (biloba) 1 6 pumilum rotun- inermis 6 Salix * difblium rbseum microphy'lla procdra 1 1 acutifblia, masc. undulatum jRhodora Pseudacacia crfspa (undulata) 3 1 Willd. alba, masc. Lin. fcem. Lin. canadnsis L. 10 echinata fol. aur. var. 1 3 2 6 Ammannidna ambigua aromatica (suavSo- lens) - 1 3 copallinaL. 9 var. specibsa (mon- strbsa) tortuosa 2 6 9 On amygdalina Andersonwma, fcem. Schmidt. masc. Schmidt. C6tinus - 03 SOpnOT&lQ\\& y annularis elegans Willd. 6 glabra - 4 strfcta viscbsa 1 6 arbuscula argentea, fcem. Sm. leucantha - 20 radicans - 02 Toxicodendrum L. 2 flMercifblium 9 typhlnaZ/. - ,04 alba horrida - volubilis For others vide Caragdna. 1 3 1 3 1 aurita, masc. Host . fcem. Host. austrlaca, fcem. Host. babyldnica arborescens ] 4 bicolor, masc. Ehrh, Vernix - 09 Rosa cassia, fcem. Vill. viridifl6ra Poiret 1 6 47 species single Candida, masc. Willd. and double roses i canescens, masc. Ribes (A.) Is. each Willd. alpinum - 2 1100 garden varie- fcem. Willd. pra? cox 9 aureum - 3 2*. 6d. , * Gd. each except those priced. OF TREES AND SHltUBS. 169 A-. d. s. d. s. d. Salix Salix Sambucus caprea, masc. Lin. pendula, fcem. racembsa - 03 carni61ica, masc. Host. ] Moench. rotundifblia - 1 fcem. Host. (diversa a S. ba- pubens - 10 caspica cinerea, masc. Sm. fcem. Sm. by I6n.) pentandra,masc. Lin. fcem.im. Smilax rotundifblia fi cdncolor, masc. Host. phylica3f&lia, masc. Lin. Sedum fcem. Host. fcem. Lin. populifblium 3 conifera, fcem. pomeranica, fcem. Shepherd/a Wang. cotiniiolia, masc. Sm. Willd. Ponteder^rea. fcem. Willd. Vide/fipp. canaden- sis fcem. Sm. prostrata Solanum Croweawa /jrunifblia, masc. Host. arbbreum - 16 decipiens Dicksomawa fcem. Host. purpurea, masc. Lin. Dulcamara - 02 fol. aur. var. 9 discolor, masc. Host. fcem. Lin. fl. albo 9 fcem. Host. rfepens littorale ( Dulcamara excelsior, masc. reticulata - 26 var. pubescens) 9 Host. riparia, masc. Willd. persicum - 09 fcem. Host. fcem. Willd. /agifolia, masc. Kitaib. rivalis, masc. Host. fcem. Host. Sophdra jap6nica L. 06 finnmarchica, fcem. rbseaalba - 20 fol. varieg. 5 Willd. semperflorens, masc. pendula 3 6 Forbydna Sm. Forsteridna, fcem. Sm. fragilior, masc. Host. fcem. Host. Ho* fcem. Host. Seringeawa, fcem. Gaudin. Smithidna Sorbus (Pyrus) A*iia. (Pyrus) 3 americana - 06 aucuparia L. 03 fol. var. - 6 fragilis, masc. Host. spathulata, foam. fr.'luteo . o 9 fcem. Host. fragilissima, masc. Host. fcem. Host. glaucescens, masc. Host. Willd. . specibsa, masc. Host. *spec. pendula 1 6 tenuiflbra, masc. Host. fcem. Host. domestica - 06 hybrida - 06 intermedia 6 monstrbsa - 20 nepalensis - 20 grisea, masc Host. Helix, masc. Lin. fcem. Lin. tenuifblia, masc. Sm. tenuis, fcem. Host. tetrapla, masc. spec, hybrida 14 dubiae, nameless 1 each herbacea fcem. Spartium heterophylla, fcem. tomentbsa, masc. j'tinceum - 04 Host. Host. fl pL 10 Aippophaefbl., maso. Thuil. fcem. Host. tort^cea, masc. multiflbrum - 6 radiatum . 10 fcem. Thuil. holosericea, masc. Schleich. fcem. Schleich. scoparium( Genista) 3 albida - 26 Willd. triandra, masc. fl. pi. - 26 Hoppeawa, masc. Willd. humilis.fcem. Willd. fcem. w/mifblia, fcem. fol. varieg. 3 intermedia, masc. Willd. Spiraea Host. undulata, masc. argentea - 50 fcem. Host. Ehrh. acutifblia - 4 Lamber&^wrt fcem. Ehrh. alplna Pallas 9 lanceolata, fcem. Sm. /aurina, fcem. Sm. varia, masc. Host. fcem. Host. nriffifblia - 1 bella - 06 /igustrifdlia, fcem. venusta, masc. albida Wendl. Host. 6etulef61ia - 9 /igustrina, masc. fcem. Host. carpinifblia 6 Host. Villarszdna, masc. chamaedrifblia 6 fcem. Host. waid. corymb6sa - 04 lucida, masc. Muhlenb. Twenthasfblia, masc. viminah's,masc Lin. fcem. Lin. v. ramis ftiscis. masc. crenatai. 6 crataegifblia,LmA. 1 6 cratasgifblia Host. fcem. Hortul. 3 fcem Host. violacea, fcem. Willd. decumbens - 36 Meyer/^wa mirabilis Host. vitelllna, masc. Lin. fcsm. Lin. Aypericifblia L. 03 inflexa - 06 mollissima, fcem. canescens lajvigata W. 03 Ehr. v. ramis atireis, masc. lanceolata - 10 monandra, fcem. fcem. media (vera) 1 6 moschata - 10 \\u\fenidna nana (cana) 1 mutabilis, masc. Weigeh'dna oblongifblia - 10 Host. fcem. Host. Sambucus obovata - 10 opulifblia L. 03 nlgra, masc. Marsch. canadensis - 04 nana 6 nigricans, masc. Sm. hybrida - 9 Pickowzeww oppositifblia, masc. nlgra 4 ialicifblia - 3 Host. fol. argent, var. 4 alba - 03 fcem. Host. fol. aur. var. 6 minor - 6 ovata, fcem. Host. fr. viride - 04 rol. varieg. 1 paliistris, masc. Host. laciniata - 04 rbsea - 10 fcem. Host. parictariicfblia, masc. Host. heterophylla 4 t> monstrbsa 9 paniculata 3 rubor vividus 6 fcem. Host. pulverule'nta ft undulkta 1 y 170 BOOTH AND SONS* PRICED CATALOGUE. *. d. *. d. *. d. (Spiraea Tilia Veronica sibfrica - 1 europae^a (vulgaris) hibernica - 6 sorbifblia L. 8 L. - 03 pallida - 06 daurica 1 6 asplenifblia 9 /^it) u r n urn *halictroldes 3 aurea - 9 tomentbsa 3 trfloba - 3 wlmifblia Scopoli Q 9 Staphylea pinnata L. - 3 trifblia L. - 3 Styrax lasvigata Symphoria corallina 6 fol. varieg. 1 parvifblia - 9 laxiflbra - 10} , nw . obllqua - 3 S-( JJJ. praa^cox - 9 f !l r , pyraniidalis - 2 6 3 P vitifblia - 7 6 pubescens - 06 ETlex dauricum (veTa) 5 dentatum L. - 3 longifblium 1 edule Booth 3 laevig&tum - 16 Lantana - 03 minor 6 lantanoldes - 20 Lentago L. 03 microphylla 1 6 racemosa - 04 europaa^a - 03 nftidum - 16 glauca 1 flor. plen. 6 nudum - 10 montana - 10 vulgaris - 03 provincialis 1 6 strfcta - 06 O'puius - 3 rbsea 3 fol. varieg. 6 t/'lmus fol. varieg. 1 6 Syringa alata - 16 parvifblium - 10 chin^nsis Willd. 3 americana - 06 prunUblium L. 06 fl. rubro 3 6 JosikasVi - 3 6 ftetuloldes - 6 campestris - 03 pygmae v um - 36 pyrifblium - 10 media - 09 fol. varieg. 4 Finca persica - 03 flor. albo - .0 6 corylifblia - 10 erf spa - 06 major - 03 fl. albo - 5 flor. carneo 2 indsa - 10 minor - 02 laciniata - 6 spec, joterifblia 10 6 each vulgaris L. 02 flor. rubro major 1 6 flor. semipl. 2 flor. viol. - 03 effusa 9 exoniensis - 13 fastigiata - 10 fulva (americ. pend.)0 4 gigantea - 06 glabra - 13 fol. arg. var. 3 fol. aur. var. 3 fl. purpureo 3 fl. purpureopl.l Virgilia fol. varieg. 3 6 glomerata Sooth 2 lutea - 165 sibirica - 10 alb. virginalis 5 Tamarix gallica L. - 03 microphylla - 09 fol. var. 2 6 montana - 06 nlgra 6 Fltex ^4'gnus castus 9 inclsa Willd. 9 Iiban6tica 1 pendula - 10 Fitis germanica L. 03 rugbsa - 10 alexandrlna - 10 taurica 3 7 Scampstoni - 06 arbbrea (Ampeldpsis Taxodium (Cupressus) flistichum 6 pendulum 2 6 Taxus suberbsa - 03 fol. var. - 6 sibfrica - 1 tortubsa - 20 rtlijefblia - 3 6 bipinnata) cordifblia - 09 Aederacea( Ampel6p- sis Aederacea) indivlsa - 16 baccata L. - 3 fol. varieg. 2 6 viminalis - 16 viscbsa - 10 hirsuta(Ampe!6psis) Jyabrusca - 06 pyraniidalis 1 6 Faccinium lacinibsa - 06 canadnsis - 09 hibernica - 06 Tecoma album (stamfneum) 9 .4rctostaphylos 9 crassifblium - 9 odoratfssima 1 6 palmata -.10 Vide Bignbnia ericifblium minus 9 riparia - 1 Thuja cupressoldes - 1 6 eriocephalum 1 formbsum - 13 fuscatum - 10 villffera - 06 virginiana - 06 vulplna - 06 orientalis L. 06 lucidum (nftidum)' 1 Wistaria plicata - 1 6 macrocarpum Willd.l Vide Gljrcine sph aero idea (Cu- pressus diyoldes) 6 tatarica - 10 fol. var. 1 6 Myrtfllus fructualbo* 5 Xanthorrhiza rtpiifblia - 02 Waredna - 10 Tilia ovalum - 10 Oxyc6ccos - 03 uliginbsum - 03 Xanthoxylon /raxineum - 06 americana (grandi- venustum - 16 Xylosteum fblia) - 06 &lba Sot. Keui. 6 Fitis idae x a - 06 Vide Lonfcera nlgra - 06 * From the mountains of the Zizyphus canadensis - 06 Black Forest. Vide Paliarus. THE END. LONDON : Printed by A. SPOTTISWOODE, New-Strcet-Square. This Day, August 1. 1838, is published, In One Volume, 8vo, containing upwards of 700 Pages of Letterpress, and about 300 Engravings, many of which are of the Size of the Page, Price 15s. THE SUBURBAN GARDENER, AND VILLA COMPANION: Comprising the Choice of a Suburban or Villa Residence, or of a Situation on which to form one ; the Arrangement and Furnishing of the House ; and the Laying out, Planting, and General Management of the Garden and Grounds. The whole adapted for Grounds from One Perch to Fifty Acres and upwards in Extent ; and intended for the Instruction of those who know little of Gardening and Rural Affairs, and more particularly for the Use of Ladies. By the same Author, Recently published, in One thick 8vo Volume, Price 3Z., a new Edition corrected, and with above a Hundred of the Plates reengraved, THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF COTTAGE, FARM, AND VILLA ARCHI- TECTURE AND FURNITURE: With about 1100 Pages of Letterpress, and upwards of 2000 Wood- Engravings ; em- bracing Designs of Cottages, Farm- Houses, Farmeries, Villas, Country Inns, Public Houses, Parochial Schools, &c. ; including the Interior Finishings and Furniture ; accompanied by Analytical and Critical Remarks illustrative of the Principles of Archi- tectural Science and Taste on which the Designs for Dwellings are composed, and of Landscape- Gardening, with reference to their Accompaniments. THE main object of this Work is, to improve the Dwellings of the great mass of Society in the temperate regions of both hemispheres ; a secondary object is, to produce a popular work upon a subject which has been hitherto treated in a manner calculated rather to repel than to invite the general reader; and a third object is, to render Domestic Archi- tecture a fit study for Ladies. THE GARDENER'S MAGAZINE, and Register of Rural and Domestic Improvement ; in 8vo Numbers, monthly ; Price Is. 6d. each. IN the Volume of this work for 1837, a series of articles was commenced on the Insects most injurious to Cultivators, by J. O. Westwood, Esq., F.L.S. Secretary to the Entomo- logical Society, which will be continued through that for 1838 and succeeding Volumes. THE ARCHITECTURAL MAGAZINE, and Journal of Improvement in Architecture, Building, and Furnishing ; in 8vo Numbers, monthly ; Price 2s. each. THE object of this periodical is to cooperate with the Encyclopedia of Cottage, Farm, and Villa Architecture and Furnishing, in diffusing architectural comforts among all classes, and in rendering the Study of Architecture, &c , popular, especially among Ladies. London : Printed for the Author ; and sold by Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longmans. INDEX TO THE GENERA. A. Page Aaron's Beard - 13 Abele Tree - 105 AtAea - - 121 Abiitilon - - - 1 Acacia - - 33 Acse'na - - 53 JVer - 14. 130 vfceraceae - 14. 130 Page Aristotelz'o - 23 Jrmenlaca - - 3 Artemisia - 6 Ar&ndo - - M Asc\epiaulacea? 83. 132 Ash - -.81 Ashberry - -_ 5 Asimina - - 4 ^spdlathus - - 31 'Page Bow-wood - - 92 Box Elder - - 15 Box Thorn - 85 Box Tree - - 91 BrachylseVia - - 167 Brachysema - 25 Bramble - - 38 Broussondtza 92. 133 Brugmansio - - 85 Bruntdceo; - - 23 Page .Celastraceae 19. 130 Celastrus - 19. 130 Celsia - - 85 Ce"ltis - - 94 Cephalanthus - 66 Capraria - - 85 Ceramia - - 68,69 Cerasus - - 35 Ceratlola - - 127 Ceratbnia - - 33 Acbyr6nia - - 31 Asparagus - - 128 Brunnfchia - - 87 Ceratostema - - 78 >4'cynos - - 86 Adam's Needle - 129 As?en - - 105 ,4'ster - - 67 Bryinthus - - 78 Buckthorn - - 21 Cercis - - 32 Cercocdrpus 53 Adelia - - 132 Adenocarpus - 28 Adesmia - - 31 ,sculacea; 16. 130 ^E'sculus - 16. 130 Agapetes - - 78 Agarfsto.' - - 72 Agave - - 129 Aildntus - - 18 ^laternus - - 21 Alder - - 107 Astragalus - - 30 Astra-nthus - - 23 Atalanthus - - 67 ^thanasia - - 67 ^tragene - - 2 Jtraphaxis - 87 ^'triplex - - 87 Aucuba - - 61 Audibertzo - - 86 Aurantiaceae - 13 Azalea - - 76 Buddlea - - 85 .Bumelia - - 79 -Bupleurum - 59 Bursaria - - 10 Burseracae - - 24 Burtoma - - 25 Butcher's Broom 128 Butter-nut - 95 Button-wood - 65 .Buxus - - 91 Wstrum - - 85 Chamseffstula - 33 Chamffilaiicium - 56 ChamaeVops - ' - 129 Chamldgu - - 30 Chaste Tree - 86 Cheiranthera 10 Cheiranthus - 5 Chenopodiaceaa - 86 Chenopbdium - 86 Cherry - - 36 Alexandrian? 19 q Laurel j " 9 Azara - - 23 C. Chestnut - - 114 Chimonanthus 53. 131 AlhUgi - - 32 Almond Tree - 33 B. Cabbage Tree - 129 Cacalia - - 67 Chincapin - - 114 Chionanthus - 80 ^Inus - 107. 133 Alonsoa - - 85 J?accharis - - 66 Cactacese - - 56 C&dia - - - 33 Chordzema - - 25 Christ's Thorn - 21 Aloysio - - 86 Altaghna - - 30 Bae'ckia - - 55 ^alsamaceae - 116 Balsamlta - - 67 Csesalpfnia - - 33 Calimpelis - - 84 Calceolaria - 85 Chrysdcoma - - 67 Cineraria - 66 Jl^ssum - - 5 Balsamode'ndron - 24 Calendula - - 67 Cinnam6mum - 88 Ameldnchier - 49 Bambiaa - - 129 Calico Bush - 76 Cfssus - - 17 American Allspice 53 American Laurel 76 Amorpha - -29 Ampelopsis - 17 Biinksia - - 88 Baptisia - - 131 Bartlmeta - - 23 Bead Tree - - 17 Bearberry - - 72 Calligonum - 87 Callfsta - 68, 69 Callfstachys - - 25 Callistemon - - 55 Callitris - - 125 Cistus - . 5 Citrus - - 13 Clematis - 1. 130 Clerod6idrum - 86. 132 ^mygdalus - - 33 ^myridaceee - - 24 Beaufdrtta - - 55 Beaver-wood - 3 Caimna - - 68 Calophaca - - 30 Cldthra - - 72 Cliinthus - - 32 Amfris - - 24 Anabasis - - 87 Anacardiaceze 23. 120 -/4nagyris - - 131 Anders6ni - - 67 Andromeda - 69 Beech - - 113 Befaria - - 78 Benjamin Tree - 88 Benthanna - 61 Berberacece 4. 130 CalothiSmnus - - 55 Calycanthaceae - 53 Calycanthus - 53 Calythrix - - 56 Camelha - - 12 Cliffdrtia - - 53 Cluytia - - 91 Cnedrum - - 24 CobceVi - - 84 Coboedcae - 84 Cocculus 4 ^ndrosa^mum - 14 Angelica Tree - 59 Berber is - 4. 130 Berberry - - 4 Berchdmz'a - 21 Campanulacese - 65 Camphor Tree - 88 Camphordsma - 87 Cock's-spur Thorn 46 Colletia - 23. 130 Colubrina - - 23 Angdphora - - 55 Aniseed Tree - 2 Anonacece - 4 ^'nthemis - - 132 Berckheya - - 66 .Betula - - 107 .Betulacese - 107. 133 Bignbma - - 84 Canarium - - 24 Candleberry Myrtle 116 Caper Bush - 5 Capparidceae - 5 Colutea - - 30 Common Laurel - 37 Compositaa 66. 132 Comptbm'a - 116 Anthoce'rcis - - 85 IVignoiiicicctf? - 84 Capparis 5 Condalta - - 23 Anthospe'rmum - 65 Xnthjfllis - - 31 A6tus - - - 25 Bilberry . - 76 Billardiera - 10 Billotia - 55 CaprifoliSceae 61. 132 Carag&na - 29 Carmichaelia - - 31 Conlferae, or"l i , >, Pinace^ j - 117 Convolvulaceae - 84 Aplophy'llum 18 Jpocynaceae 83, 132 Apple - - 50 Apple Berry - 10 Apple Tree of New "It,- Holland - - j 55 Birch - - 107 Birthwort - - 90 Bitter-nut - - 95 Bitter-sweet - 84 Blackberry - 36 Carlowlzta - - 66 Carpinus - - 114 Carpodetus - - 23 Carya - - 95 Caryophyllaceae - 10 Casuaraceee - - 116 Convdlvulus - 84 Conyza - - 67 Corchorus - 37 Cordticece - - 84 Corema - - 127 Coriacese - - 18 Apricot - - 34 ^quifoliaceae 20. 130 Arabia - - 59 Blackwelh'a - - 23 Bladder-nut Tree 18 Bladder Senna - 30 Casuarina - - 116 Cassandra - 70 Cassia - - 33 Coriaria - - 18 Cork Tree - - 112 Corna'ceae - - 60 Araliaceze - 59 Araucaria - - 124 Arbor Vitae - 124 Arbutus - 71. 132 ^rctostaphylos 72. 132 Arct6tis - - 66 Arenaria - - 10 Argdnia - - 78 Bleaberry - - 76 Blue Gum Tree - 55 Bohea - - 13 Boraginaceae - - 84 Borbonia - - 31 Borbma - - 130 Bbrya - - 92 Casslne - - 19 Casslope - - 76 Castanea - - 114 Castanospdrmum - 33 Catdlpa - - 84 Cavendfshia - - 78 Ceanbthus - 22. 130 Cedar - - 124 Cornelian Cherry ? cn Tree - -j 60 Cornus - -60 Coronilla - - 31 Corrae s a - - 130 Corylaceas, or ? , fta , oo Cupuliferaej 108 ' 133 Jristolochi^cea? - 90 Bdsea - - 87 Cedar of Goa - 125 Corylus - - 115 ^ristolbchia - 90 Bouvfrdj'a - - 65 Cedrus - - 124 Cotoneaster 49. 131 172 HORTUS LIGNOSUS LONDINENSIS. Page Cowam'a "- - 131 Escallomacea? 58. 132 Page Helmia - - 54 Page iMum - - 76 Cowberry - - 77 Crakeberry - 127 Cranberry - - 77 Crassulaceae - 56 . Crat33 v gus - 45. 131 Cress-Rocket - 5 Eucalyptus - 55. 132 Euchllus - - 2^ Eude"smia 55 uonymus - 19. 130 uphorbzo - 91. 132 JSuphorbz'dce^ 91. 132 Eurya - - 13 Helianthemum - 6 Helichrysum - 66 Heliotrdpium - 84 JHeterodendron . - 24 Hibbdrtio - - 3 Hibiscus - - 10 Hickory Tree - 95 Leguminaceae 24. 131 Leiophyllum - 76 Leonotis - - 86 iepidium - 5 Leptosp&rnum 55. 132 Lespedeza 31 Lessertta - - 31 Crotalaria - - 31 Crbton - - 132 Eurylepis - 68, 69 Eurystegia - - 69 Hippocrepis - - 31 .Hippophae - - 90 Leucopogon - 67 Leucothoe - . 70 Crowberry - 127 Crbwea - - 130 Eutixia - - 25 Everlasting Flower 66 Holly - - 20 Holly-Rose - 5 Leycesterz'a - 65 iigustrum - 79. 132 Cruciaceae - - 5 Homalinaces - 23 Lilac - - 80 Cryptandra - - 23 Cucumber Tree - Culcftium - - 67 Cullumia - 66 F. Fagastrum - 24 Pagus - - 113 Honey Locust - 32 Honeysuckle - 63 Hop Hornbeam - 115 iiliaceae - - 128 Lime Tree - 11 Limbnin - - 13 Cunninghamz'a - 124 Cupr^ssus - - 125 Currant - . 57 Cyathddes - - 67 Cycl&pia - '.- 25 yd6nia [- - 52 Cypress - - 125 Cyrilla - - 132 Cytisus - 27. 131 D. False Acacia - 29 Fan Palm - - 129 JP1CUS - - 92 Fig Tree - - 92 Five-leaved Ivy - 17 Flemmgia - - 31 Flowering Ash - 82 Fontanesz'a - 81 Fors^thia - - 81 Fothergilla - 60 Fourcroya - - 129 Franzeria - - 67 Hornbeam - - 114 Horsechestnut - 16 Hottentot Cherry 19 H6vea - - 31 Hovenia - - 23 Huds6m'a 9 Hydrangea - 59 Hymena~nthes - 78 Hypericaceaa 13. 130 flypericum - 13. 130 Hypocalyptus - 31 Hyssdpus - - 86 ZAnacese - - 10 Ling - - 68 iinum - - 10 Liparia - - 31 Liquidambar - 116 Liriodendron - 3 Lissanthe - - 67 lathosp&rmum - 84 Littse'a - - 129 Lobelia - - 65 Lobeliace e - , o Q f Of), loj Tacamahac Tree 107 Opuntia - - 56 Prlnos - 20 ceae - 3 Tacsbnia - - 56 Orache - . 87 O'rnus - .82 Osage Orange - 92 Osteospennum - 67 O'strya - - 115 Privet - - 79 Prosopis - - 33 Prostanthera - 186 Protertcoe - 88, 132 Prunus - - 34 Scutia - - 23 Sea Buckthorn - 90 Sea Grape - - 117 Sea Purslane - 87 Sea Ragwort - 66 TamaricSceae - 54 Tamarisk - 54 Tamarix - - 54 Tarchonanthus - 67 Taverniera - 31 Osiris - 90 Psidium - - 55 SSdum - - 56 Taxacea? - 117 Cthdnna - - 66 Psoralea - - 31 Sempervivum - 56 Taxddium - 126 Oxycdccus - 77 Ptelea - - 18 Senacia - - 10 Taxus - - 117 Oxylobium - - 25 Pteroca'rpus - - 33 Pterocarya" - 15 Senecio - 67 Sertssa - - 65 Service Tree - 52 Tea Tree > 13 Tecoma - - 84 P, Pachyrhizus - - 32 Panlca" - '- 53 Purshz'a - - 37 Service, Wild - 51 Shepherds - 90 Templetonto - 31 Ternstro'mz'fl'coe 1 1 Teucrmm - 86 Pachyza - - 68, fi9 Padus - - 131 Peebm'a - 2 Paliurus - 21.130 Paper Mulberry - 92 Partridge Berry - 72 Pvrethrum - 67 Pyrus - 50. 131 Q. Que"rcus - 108. 133 Shrubby Trefoil - 18 Siberian Crab - 50 Siberian Pea Tree 29 Sida . - 10 Sideritis - - 86 Tkea - - 13 Thibaudz'a - - 78 Thorn - - 45 Thuja - - 124 Thymelaceae - 88 Thymus - - 85 Passerina - . - 89 Quick - - 47 Silene - - 10 Tilia - - 11 Passiflora - - 56 Passifloraceae - 56 Pavz'a - - 16 Quince - * 52 Silver Bell Tree - 78 Silver Fir - 122 Tiliaceas - - H Toothache Tree - 18 Peach Tree - 34 Pear Tree - 50 Pelargonium - - 18 Pentstemon - 132 Perfploca - - 83 Periwinkle - 83 Pernettyct - - 72 Persica - - 34 Persimon - 79 Petty Whin - 26 Phalerocarpus - 72 Philadelphiiceaa 54. 132 Philadelphus 54, 132 R. RaTma ' - - 31 Ranunculaceae - 1 Raphidlepis - - 53 Raspberry - - 39 Reaumurza - 132 ReaumunVJcfre - 132 Red Bay - - 88 Red Root - - 22 Requiema - - 31 Restharrow - 28 Retantlla - - 23 Rhamnacea; - 21. 130 -Sisymbrium - 5 Smila-ceae - - 127 Smllax - - 127 Snowdrop Tree - 78 Snow Flower . 80 Solanaceas - 84. 132 Solandra - - 85 Solanum - 84. 132 Solenantha - - 23 Sollya - - 10 Sdnchus - - 67 Sophdra - - 24 Soulangta - - 23 Southernwood . 66 Tragopyrum 87. 132 Traveller's Joy - 1 Tree Mallow - 10 Trevda - - 23 Triceros - - 24 Trichocephalus - 23 Tristania - - 55 Trochociirpa - 67 Trumpet Flower 84 Tulip Tree - 3 Tupa - - 65 Tupelo Tree - 89 Tutsan - - 14 Phillyrea - - 79 Rhamnus - 21. 130 Spanish Broom - 25 U. Phlbmis - .86 Phdnnium - 129 Rhodochiton - 85 Rhododendron 73. 132 Spartium - 25. 131 Sphacele - - 86 Z7 v lex - - 25 Photfnia - - 48 Rhus - 23. 130 Sphaerocarya - - 23 I/lma-cea; - 92. 133 Phylica - - 23 Ribes - 56. 132 Sphserol6bium - 25 7'lmus - - 92 Phyllis - - 65 Phylldcladis - 117 Phyllodoce - 71 Physianthus - 132 Picea - - 122 Robinm - - 29 Rock- Rose - 5 Rosa - 40. 131 Rosaceas - 33. 131 Sphserostema - 4 Sphendtoma - - 67 Spindle Tree - 19 Spiraea - 37. 131 Spotted-leaved ? fi , Umbellaceas - 59 Umbrella Tree - 3 Uraria - - 31 Ifrtica-ceaj - 91. 133 Pientza - - 67 Rose - - 40 Laurel - J Pleris - - 71 Rose Bay - - 73 Sprengeh'a - - 67 V. Pimelea - - 89 Rosmarinus - 86 Spruce Fir - - 121 Faccinium ., - 76 174 HOHTUS LIGNOSUS LONDINENSIS. Page Page Pa^e Vascoa Page W. Winter Berry . 20 Y. Fella Ferbenaces Vernonta Vertoica Vesicaria V&tt'a Kitorgta Fiburnum Viminaria 5 - 86 132 67 85 5 85 31 61 25 Walnut Tree Water Locust Wax Tree Wayfaring Tree Westrfngzo Whin White Beam Tree White Cedar 94 32 79 62 86 25 51 125 Winter Flower Vfinterucece Wistana Woodbine Wood of Life Wood-waxen Wormwood Wych Hazel - 53 - 2 - 32 - 63 - 79 - 26 - 66 - 59 Yellow Poplar Yellow Root Yellow Wood Yew yucca . 3 - 2 - 3.25 - 117 - 129 Finca 83 132 White Thorn 47 . Virgilia - '& Virgin's Bower 1 Ffscum - - 61 Fitaceae - 17 Fitis - - 17 Whortleberry Wild Indigo Wild Olive Tree - Willemetta Willow 76 29 90 23 95 X. Xanthorhiza Xanthoxyliiceje Xanthoxylum - 2 - 18 - 18 Zendbia Zizyphus - Zucxagnta - Zygophyllaceae Zylophjllum - 70 - 2 - 33 - 18 - 18 THE END. LONDON : Printed by A. SPOTTISWOODE, New-Street-Square. October 1838. NEW WORKS AND NEW EDITIONS LATELY PUBLISHED BY LONGMAN, ORME, BROWN, GREEN, AND LONGMANS, PATERNOSTER ROW. This day was published, in 8vo. 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