,!N(H\\V \NGElfr. UIFi g TUIH^ I ! 1 3 i *.\U*. vni T LHO/// A^lUj'r I li ~r s l/r II Vf \NCElfj> P/ ^-UBRARYd?/- ^l-UBRARYQr ^\\E UNIVERS/A .vlOSy ^ Siirliirrl l^^- JHHUP WHflU JMV RARYOc, # i. o ^D ^ 1. :>i ^UIBRARY^ HIBRARYflr ft ^UBAOHSk t^s^ i\E-UNIVER% 1 1 I * i-UBRARY-Or 5F-CALIFO \\EUNIVER% r?*ft#<, / examine. TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 51 motest part of the room. Placed therefore at the same given distance from any grate, it will indicate the absolute force of the fire, or will measure the tide of heat which flows into the apartment. The facility of making observations of this kind may, it is evident, be of considerable use in various practical concerns. To insure the accuracy of the in- strument, however, the metallic coat should be very carefully applied, and no external trace left of the size which is employed to fix the silver leaf. The ordinary modes of gilding and enamelling are insufficient. But the pyroscope will mark likewise the pulsations from a cold surface. In a warm room, it is visibly affected at a few inches from an earthen jug filled with water just drawn from the well. A sheet of wet paper stretched before the counteracting balls, will also, when the atmosphere is tolerably dry, produce, from its chilled surface, a certain corresponding impression. This instrument serves besides to confirm the existence of the hot or cold pulses excited 52 RELATIONS OF AIR in the air. Having procured a cone of pla- nished tin, with the top cut off, near 6 inches wide at the mouth, and about 14 inches long, it was divided, in the direction of its axis, into two equal portions, the inside of each of them being painted with lamp black. Turn- ing one of these semi-cones towards the fire, and setting in its narrow neck the naked or sentient ball of the pyroscope, the impression was increased from 20, its direct and unaid- ed effect, to 25 ; but, on adapting likewise the other half of the cone, it rose to no less than 70. Now if such augmentation of heat were occasioned by any internal reflections, the effect would only be doubled in the com- plete cone, or carried from 25 to 30. This great accumulation must, therefore, be re- ferred to some other source; and what can appear more probable as the cause, than the gradual concentration of the aerial pulsations, in their advance to the ball of the pyroscope? J[f the differential thermometer have one of its balls diaphanous, and the other coated with China ink, or rather blown of deep black TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 53 enamel, it will become a Photometer*, and in- dicate the comparative force of the light to which it is exposed. The rays which fall on the clear ball pass through it, without suffer- ing obstruction ; but those which strike the dark ball are stopt and absorbed at its sur- face, where, assuming a latent form, they act as heat. This heat will continue to accumu- late, till its farther increase comes to be coun- teracted by an opposite dispersion, caused by the rise of temperature which the ball has ac- quired. At the point of equilibrium, there- fore, the constant accessions of heat derived from the action of the incident light, are ex- actly equalled by the corresponding portions of it, again abstracted in the subsequent pro- cess of cooling. But, in still air, the rate of cooling is, within moderate limits, propor- tioned to the excess of the temperature of a given surface above that of the surrounding medium. Hence the space through which the coloured liquid sinks in the stem, will From <}>*$, light, and /uj?g*, a measure. 54 RELATIONS OF AIR measure the momentary impressions of light or its actual intensity. To prevent any ex- traneous agitation of the air from accelera- ting the discharge of heat at the surface of the black ball, and thereby diminishing the quan- tity of aggregate effect, the instrument is al- ways sheltered, and more especially out of doors, by a thin glass case. The addition of this translucid case is quite indispensable. It not only precludes all irregular action, but maintains, around the sentient part of the in- strument, an atmosphere of perpetual calm. Under the same force of incident light, the temperature of the black ball must still rise to the same height above that of its encir- cling medium. The case will evidently have some influence to confine the heat actually received, and hence to warm up the internal air. Wherefore, corresponding to this excess, the black ball will acquire a farther eleva- tion of temperature ; but the clear ball, being immersed in the same fluid, must experience a similar effect, and;which will exactly coun- T. terbalance the former. The difference of TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 55 temperature between the opposite balls thus continues unaltered; and neither has the size or the shape of the case, nor the variable state of the exterior atmosphere with respect to rest or agitation, any influence whatever to derange or modify the results exhibited by this delicate instrument. The photometer exhibits distinctly the progress of illumina- tion from the morning's dawn to the full vi- gour of noon, and thence its gradual decline till evening has spread her sober mantle ; it marks the growth of light from the winter solstice to the height of summer, and its sub- sequent decay through the dusky shades of autumn ; and it enables us to compare, with numerical accuracy, the brightness of diffe- rent countries, the brilliant sky of Italy, for instance, with the murky air of Holland. But, with respect to photometrical obser- vations, I have not yet had opportunities for collecting a sufficient body of facts. In the latitude of Edinburgh, the direct impression of the sun at noon, during the summer sol- stice, amounts to 90 degrees ; but it regular- 56 HELATIONS OF v AIli ly declines, as his rays become more oblique. At the altitude of 17, it is already reduced to the one half; and at 3 above the horizon the whole effect exceeds not one degree. In the same parallel of latitude, the greatest force of the solar beams, in the depth of winter, measures only 25 degrees. Their diminished vigour is evidently caused by the dispersion and absorption which they must suffer in their protracted slanting pas- sage through the atmosphere. Between a fourth and a fifth part of the whole light of the sun is lost in a vertical descent to the surface of the earth ; but, in our insular sky, a thin haze, even during the finest weather, gene- rally floats near the horizon, and the succes- sive waste corresponding to each equal num- ber of aerial particles which a very oblique ray encounters in its track, will often amount to the third. Of the quantity of indirect light which is reflected from the sky, we are apt to form a false estimate, in consequence of its being so much attenuated by diffusion. But, though TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 57 extremely fluctuating, it is often -very consi- derable. In this climate, it may amount to 30 or 40 degrees in summer, and to 10 or 15 in winter. This secondary light is most powerful when the sky is overspread with thin fleecy clouds ; it is feeblest in two very different conditions, either when the rays are obstructed by a mass of thick congregated va- pours, or when the atmosphere is quite clear and of a pure azure tint. In mists and low fogs, the diminution of the light is comparatively small, it being then affected more from indis- tinctness than through any want of intensity. When the sky is obscured by a dense body of clouds, the darkness seems to be much in- creased in proportion to the obliquity of the solar rays. In summer, the photometer, placed in the open air at noon, seldom or ne- ver marks less than 10 degrees ; but, in some of those sable-shrouded days, which, in this remote region, deform the winter, I have re- peatedly observed, that the whole effect, un- der similar circumstances, did hardly exceed even one degree. 58 RELATIONS OF Alii In the higher regions of the atmosphere, the rays of the sun, not being impaired by such a length of passage, are more vigorous than at the surface of the earth ; but the dif- fuse indirect light of the sky, as it is reflected from a rarer mass of air, is therefore propor- tionally feebler. It would be most interest- ing, to make observations of this kind on the lofty summits of the Alps or the Andes. The traveller who visits those elevated tracts, is struck with the dark hue of the azure ex- panse, through which his keen eye may, even during the day time, discern the brighter pla- nets and some stars of the first magnitude. When the photometer stands quite detach- ed out of doors, it must evidently receive the rays which come from all sides. But set in the inside of the window, it can only feel the impression caused by a part of the sky ; and unless it chance to front the quarter from which the sun shines, it will there seldom in- dicate more than 15 degrees. On drawing the instrument back into the room, the effect will rapidly decrease ; for the intensity of ac- TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 59 tion is obviously proportional to the visual space included by the window. Near two degrees of light are required, to enable one to read or write with pleasure ; a greater por- tion of it offends by its excessive glare, and a much smaller quantity tires and strains the eyes. Placed in open air, the photometer is not only affected by the light sent from the sky, but also, in some measure, by what is reflect- ed from the ground This derangement, how- ever, is generally very small, and may easily be excluded altogether, by fixing a black screen or circular horizontal rim about the glass-case near the top of the scale. Hie reflection from a green field perhaps exceeds not the twen- tieth part of the whole incidence ; but it in- creases considerably as the colour inclines to whiteness. From a smooth sandy beach, the reflected light will amount to the third part of what is received from the sky ; and from a wide surface of snow, it will reach to five-sixths of the direct impression ; the nu- merous facets of the bright snowv flakes. 60 RELATIONS OF AIR which are presented in every possible po- sition, detaining only one-sixth of the inci- dent rays, and scattering the rest in all di- rections. The photometer affords a ready mode of ascertaining the various degrees of transpa- rency. Of 100 parts of the whole incident light, cambric transmits 80, and, when wetted, 93. Fine paper suffers 49 parts to pass through it ; but, soaked in oil, it will allow the passage of 80 parts. The wide dispersion which the rays suffer in traversing paper and other like substances, clearly shows that they are not sent directly through the supposed vacuities or pores, but escape by some intricate tracks, and experience in their progress various deflections occasioned by the repulsive and attractive energies of the proximate matter. The addition of water or oil to the cambric or paper, forms a real chemical union, and be- stows on the compound an intermediate cha- racter, more nearly inclined however to the nature of a fluid. By help of the photometer, we can esti- TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 61 mate the relative density of various artificial lights, and even compare their power of illu- mination with that of the solar rays. But into this inquiry, however practically useful, I have scarcely entered at ah 1 . On placing the balls of the photometer two inches from the flame of an ordinary wax candle, an im- pression was received of six degrees; and, on gradually drawing back the instrument, this effect diminished, as, we might expect, in the ratio of the square of the distance. Conse- quently, at the distance of four feet, where the flame would present to the photometer the same visual magnitude as the sun himself, its action would be reduced to the 96th part of a degree. But the full impression of the solar rays, if not enfeebled by their passage through the atmosphere, would amount to 125 de- grees. Wherefore the light emitted by the sun is 96 times 125, or 12,000 times more powerful than that of a wax candle ; or, if a portion of the luminous solar matter, rather less than half an inch in diameter, were,trans- ported to our planet, it would throw forth a 62 IlELATIONS OF All: blaze of light equal to the effect of twelve thousand candles. Since the operation of the photometer de- pends, on the mutual balance of the action of light, with its subsequent effort to diffuse it- self in the latent form of heat, this instrument is hence fitted to discover, with delicate pre- cision, the relative conducting powers, not only of different gases, but of the same gas in its various states of modification. While the absorption of the incident rays continues the same, the change of temperature which they produce on the sentient ball must be in the inverse ratio of the energy of the refrige- rating process. Under an equal degree of ab- sorption, a metallic surface is twice as much affected as one of glass, because, by its con- stitution, it cools twice as slow. If the sur- rounding medium conduct the accumulated heat more tardily than before, the impression made on the opaque ball will be augmented ; or if, on the contrary, it performs the disper- sion with more rapidity, the effect will be proportionally diminished. TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 63 For the investigation of the conducting powers of different media, I prefer a photome- ter of the simplest kind, being no other than a differential thermometer with straight upright stems, and having its sentient ball blown of black glass, or coated with a leaf of coloured metal. Set on the transferrer of an air-pump, it is then covered by a narrow receiver, of a clear uniform substance, and swelling regu- larly near the top. The included air can thus be rarefied to any required degree, and other gases occasionally introduced in its place. In this state, the instrument is exposed to a bright sun, while another photometer, of the ordinary construction, and placed in a simi- lar situation, serves to measure the correspon- ding effects. While the comparative photometer indi- cated 100 degrees, the impression made in air which had been rarefied 256 times, amounted to 185 on the ball of black glass, and rose even to 620 on a coat of coloured metal. In such a thin medium, therefore, the heat is conducted nearly twice as slow from a vitre- 64 RELATIONS OF AIR ous surface, and more than three times slower from a metallic one. But, in hydrogen gas of the common density, the effect, compared with the same standard, was only 44 degrees on a black ball and 56 on a gilt ball. This gas hence conducts more than twice as fast as atmospheric air from a surface of glass, and almost four times faster from one of me- tal. The same gas being rarefied 256 times, its impression on the black ball was 96 de- grees, and on the gilt one 156, being more than doubled in the former, and almost tri- pled in the latter. If the rarefaction be there-r fore pushed to a certain length, hydrogen gas will have its conducting power reduced to nearly the same as that of common air. The photometer has two general forms ; the one portable, in which the black ball is about an inch higher than the other, and bent forward to the same vertical line or the axis of the translucid cylindrical case, (see Jig. %.); and the other stationary, having both its balls of the same height, and reclining in opposite ways ; the case being composed of a wide cy- TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 65 Under surmounted by the larger segment of a hollow glass sphere. (SeeJtg.S.). The portable photometer admits likewise an outer case of ebony or mahogany, which not only protects it from risk or injury, but occasionally serves when out of doors for holding it in an erect ' position. The other form of the instrument, however, though in some respects less com- modious, is yet on the whole better adapted for nice observations, since besides receiving ^^ the light more regularly, its balls, from being / ^g * on the same level, are not liable to be any \h,A how disturbed in their indications by the dif- ferent strata of unequally heated air. But the sensibility of the photometer may be very considerably augmented, by help of a judicious combination of cases. If the black ball be encircled by a series of concentric shells of glass, though they freely admit the influx of light, yet they will greatly retard its subsequent dispersion in the form of heat, and therefore promote a high degree of ac- cumulation. Nor is the impression thus ex- cited at all disturbed or diminished, by any 66 11ELATIONS OF A1U counteracting efforts of the clear ball, which being situate without theinclosure and in open space, maintains the temperature "of the atmo- sphere. These spherical shells, each compos- ed of two adapted segments, are chosen as thin and clear as possible, their diameters ris- ing in regular succession, by a difference of at least half an inch. Every additional case would nearly double the impression which is made on the instrument. With six cases, therefore, it would become ten times more sensible, and consequently fitted to measure the dilute shadings of light. The extent of the scale must necessarily be contracted in proportion to the enlargement of the degrees. There is still another photometrical combi- nation, but which is calculated only for mea- suring parallel rays. It consists of a small reflector made of copper plated with silver and nicely hammered into a deep parabolic figure, the black ball of a wide differential thermometer being fixed in the focus, and the front of the speculum covered with a circle of clear glass having a slight degree of con- TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 67 vexity. This compound instrument, placed at the remote side of a room and directly facing the window, will indicate, with great precision, the very minute and variable quan- tities of light which, during all the changes of the seasons and fluctuations of the sky, will penetrate across an apartment. The ball of the differential thermometer which contains the supply of coloured liquid, being covered with several coats of cambric or tissue paper, and wetted with pure water, the instrument now forms a complete Hygro- meter ; for it will mark, by the descent of the column in the opposite stem, the constant div minution of temperature which is caused by evaporation from that humid surface, and it must consequently express the relative dryness of the ambient air. In a very short space, sel- dom indeed exceeding two minutes, the full effect is produced ; and under the same cir- cumstances, it will continue unaltered, till the whole of the moisture has exhaled. To ex- clude entirely the mixture of photometrical influence, or prevent any derangement which 68 RELATIONS OP AIll the action of light might otherwise occasion, the opposite balls are made to exhibit nearly the same colour and opacity, the naked one being blown of green or blue glass, and the papered one besides covered with a bit of thin silk, of rather a light shade, so as to take a deeper tint when moistened. The hygrometer has, like the photometer, two different forms ; the one portable, and the other stationary. The former, having its balls in the same perpendicular line, is pro- tected by a case of wood or ivory, and fitted for carrying in the pocket ; two or three drops of pure water from the tip of a quill or a hair pencil being applied to the surface of the co- vered ball, and the instrument held in a ver- tical position as often as it is used. (Seejig.6.). The latter form is calculated for somewhat greater accuracy than the other, since its balls, though bent opposite ways, are on the same level. In this construction of the instrument, the covered ball, after being once wetted, is kept constantly moist, by means of some fibres of floss-silk passing close over it, and TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 69 immersed, at the distance of a few inches in a tall glass decanter full of water, with a stop- per which leaves open a small projecting lip. (See Jig. 5.). The capillary attraction of these filaments conveys the liquid to the surface of the humid ball, as fast as it wastes by evapo- ration ; but to insure their regular action, the silk should be previously soaked in hot water, to extract any gum that may adhere to it, and the mouth of the decanter should stand a little higher than the balls of the hygrome- ter. When thus arranged, the hygrometer will, without any help, perform accurately for weeks or even months ; and after the silky filaments have become choked with dust, their activity may be again restored by washing them carefully with a fine wet brush. The condition of the atmosphere with re- spect to dryness is extremely variable. In our climate, the hygrometer will, during win- ter, mark from 5 to 25 degrees ; but, in the summer months, it will generally range be- tween 15 and 55 degrees, and may even rise, 70 DELATIONS OF AlR on some particular days as high as 80 or 90 degrees. In thick fogs, the instrument stands almost at the beginning of the scale ; it com- monly falls before rain, and remains low du- ring wet weather ; but it mounts powerfully in continued tracts of clear and warm wea- ther. The greatest dryness yet noticed, was at Paris in the month of September, when it reached to 120 degrees. But for want of observations, we are totally unacquainted with the real state of the air in the remote and tropical climates. When the indication of the hygrometer does not exceed 15 degrees, we are directed by our feelings to call the- air damp; from 30 to 40 degrees we begin to reckon it dry ; from 50 to 60 degrees we should account it very dry, and from 70 degrees upwards we might consider it as intensely dry. A room is not comfortable, or perhaps wholesome, if it has less than 30 degrees of dryness ; but the at- mosphere of a warm occupied apartment will commonly produce an effect of upwards of 50 degrees. TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 71 But this hygrometer will perform its office even if it be exposed to frost. The moisture spread over the surface, and imbibed into the coat of the papered ball, will first cool a few degrees below the freezing point, and then congeal quickly into a solid compound mass. The moment in which congelation begins, a portion of heat liberated in that act brings the ball back to the temperature of freezing, and the coloured liquor, in proportion to the cold- ness of the external air, starts up in the oppo- site stem, where it remains at the same height, till the process of consolidation is completed. After the icy crust has been formed, evapora- tion again goes regularly forward ; and if new portions of water be applied, the ice will, from the union of those repeated films, acquire a thickness sufficient to last for several days. The temperature of the frozen coat becomes lower- ed in proportion to the dryness of the atmo- sphere. The measure of heat deposited on the chill surface by .the contact of the ambi- ent air is then counterbalanced by the two distinct, though conjoined measures of heat, 72 RELATIONS OF AIR abstracted in the successive acts of converting O the exterior film of ice into water and this water into steam ; which transformations that minute portion must undergo, before it can unite with its gaseous solvent. But the heat required for the melting of ice being about the seventh part of what is consumed in the vaporization of water, it follows that the hygrometer, when the surface of its sen- tient ball has become frozen, will, in like circumstances, sink more than before by one degree in seven. This inference is en- tirely confirmed by observation. Suppose, in frosty weather, the hygrometer, placed on the outside of the window, to stand at 28 degrees ; it may continue for some consider- able time at that. point, until the congelation of its humidity commences : but after this change has been effected, and the equilibrium again restored, the instrument will now mark 32 degrees. The theory of this hygrometer will enable us to determine not only the relative, but even the absolute dryness of the air or the TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 73 quantity of moisture which it can absorb, by comparing the capacity of that solvent with the measure of heat required to convert a given portion of water into steam. To dis- cover the capacity of air, is however a pro- blem of great difficulty, and it has not been yet ascertained with much precision. It is generally estimated, I am convinced, by far too high ; and from several concurring ob- servations, I should reckon the capacity of air to be only three-eighth parts of that of water. But 600 centigrade degrees, or 6000 on the millesimal scale, being consumed in the vaporization of water, this measure of heat would prove sufficient to raise an equal mass of air 16,000 millesimal degrees, or those 6000 degrees augmented in the ratio of 8 to 3. Now, at the state of equipoise, the quantity of heat that each portion of the aerial medium deposites in touching the chill exhaling surface, or what answers to the de- pression of temperature which it suffers from this contact, must, as we have seen, be ex- actly equal to the opposite measure of heat 74 RELATIONS OP Alll abstracted by it in dissolving its correspond- ing share of moisture. Wherefore, at the temperature of the wet ball, atmospheric air would take up moisture amounting to the 16,000th part of its weight, for each degree marked by the hygrometer. Thus, supposing the hygrometer to mark 50 degrees, the air would then require humidity equal to the 320th part of its weight for saturation at its reduced temperature. When the papered ball of the hygrometer is frozen, the degrees on this instrument must have their value in- creased by one-seventh, so that each of them will now correspond to an absorption of mois- ture equal to the 14,000th part of the weight of the air. But the value of those degrees becomes augmented in a much higher proportion, if the hygrometer be immersed in hydrogen gas. Since this very dilute medium has ten times the capacity of common air, the quantity of heat which, under similar circumstances, it will deposite on the evaporating surface, must likewise, from the same principle of TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 75 mutual balance, be tenfold greater, and conse- quently each hygrometric degree will indicate an absorption of moisture equal in weight to the 600th part of the solvent. The energy of hydrogen gas is therefore not less remark- able in dissolving moisture than in contain- ing heat. If a large receiver, having a delicate hy- grometer suspended within it, be placed on a brass plate and over a metal cup containing some water ; the included air will, from the solution of the moisture, become gradually damper, and this progressive change is mark- ed by the instrument. Yet the mass of air will never reach its term of absolute humidi- ty, and before the hygrometer points at 5 de- grees, the inside of the receiver appears co- vered with dew. While the humifying pro- cess therefore still goes on, the close attrac- tion of the glass continually robs the conti- guous air of a portion of its moisture ; so that, a kind of perpetual distillation is main- tained through the aerial medium ; the va- pour successively formed, being again con- 76 RELATIONS OF AIll densed on the vitreous surface. But if, in- stead of the receiver, there be substituted a vessel formed of polished metal, the confined air will pass through every possible degree of humidity, and the hygrometer will, after some interval, arrive at the beginning of its scale. The contrasted properties of a vitreous and a metallic surface in attracting and repelling moisture, may be shown still more easily. In clear, calm weather, let a drinking glass and a silver cup be placed empty near the ground, on the approach of evening ; and as the damp- ness begins to prevail, the glass will become insensibly obscured, and next wetted with profuse dew, before the metal has yet betray- ed any traces of humidity. Glass and the metals, particularly silver, thus again manifest similar dispositions with respect to heat and moisture, and their distinc- tive powers would seem to proceed from the same cause, or from the different approxima- tions of the atmospheric boundary. But this conclusion is at once put beyond all doubt, by an experiment made with a modification TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 77 of the hygrometer. Let each ball of a pyro- scope be covered with a coat of the thinnest gold-beater's skin and moistened equally, any excess of humidity being taken away by touch- ing the necks of those balls with a folded bit of cambric. In this state, supposing the dry- ness of the room to be 60 degrees, the co- loured liquor will, for the space of two or three minutes, remain stationary at the com- mencement of the scale ; but it will then be- gin to descend, and will in five minutes sink to 20 degrees, where it will continue for a short time, and afterwards slowly mount again till it recovers its position of rest. It is evident, therefore, since the opposite effects are at first completely balanced, that the same change of temperature must have been effect- ed by evaporation on both the balls, or that the encircling air dissolved a quantity of moisture at each surface exactly proportioned to the heat which it there deposited. The efficacy of air in warming up such chilled surfaces, was already shown to be modified, by the proximity of the subjacent glass and 78 RELATIONS OF AIR metal, in the ratio of 20 to 17. Consequent- ly, if the evaporation had been as copious from the gilt as from the vitreous surface, the effect produced on the former would have amounted to 60 degrees, and on the latter to only 51 degrees ; or the liquor, instead of re- maining perfectly balanced, would have sub- sided 9 degrees in the stem. It follows, there- fore, that the naked ball must spend 20 parts of moisture, while the gilt one loses only 17 ; and hence the former will become sooner dry than the latter, or the covered pyroscope will soon act partially as a hygrometer, indicating the difference between the states of its oppo- site balls. On applying another pellicle to each ball, the effects of evaporation were balanced for nearly five minutes, when the liquor under the vitreous surface began to sink, and in about ten minutes it fell to 12 degrees, from which it afterwards slowly remounted. More coats being added, similar appearances, though less striking, were observed, till they had ac- quired a thickness equal to the 500th part of an inch; after which, no alteration took place, TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 79 and the column of liquor was held in steady equipoise during the whole time that any moisture remained on both the balls. If the papered ball of an hygrometer be suffered to become dry, the instrument, even in that state, will mark, though for a short time only, the different condition of the media into which it is transported. Thus, the air of a room being supposed to have 50 degrees of dryness, on carrying the quiescent hygrome- ter into another apartment of 70 degrees, the column of liquor would fall near 20 degrees, from the renewed evaporation of that portion of moisture which had still adhered to the coats of paper. But if the same instrument were carried into an apartment of only 30 degrees of dryness, the coloured liquor would actually rise near 20 degrees above the be- ginning of the scale, the paper now attracting the excess of humidity from the air. This va- pour, in combining with it, passes into the state of water, and therefore evolves a corre- sponding share of heat. The equilibrium, however, unless the coats of paper have a 80 RELATIONS OF AIR considerable thickness, is again restored in a very few minutes. Those changes are most readily perceived, on immersing the quiescent hygrometer al- ternately in two receivers containing air drier and damper than that of the room. If a pyroscope, having both its balls cover- ed with gold-beater's skin, be treated in the same way, it will indicate an effect, though momentary indeed, of a similar kind : For, in air which is drier, the pellicle of the naked ball will throw off its moisture more freely than that of the gilt ball ; and in damper air it will, on the contrary, imbibe the surplus humidity with greater eagerness ; thus losing some portion of heat in the one process, and gaining a minute accession in the other. The quantity of moisture concerned in producing such fleeting alterations, may not exceed the thousandth part of a grain. The separate and distinct effects of evapo- ration, the coldness it occasions, and the quantity of moisture it abstracts, are obvi- ously seen in the hygrometer, as contrasted TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 81 with an instrument which I have lately formed to measure the quantity of exhalation from a humid surface in a given time, and which I therefore call an Atmometer *. (See Jig. 8.J This instrument consists of a thin ball of po- rous earthen-ware, two or three inches in dia- meter, with a small neck, to which is firmly cemented a long and rather wide tube, bear- ing divisions, each of them corresponding to an internal annular section, equal to a film of liquid that would cover the outer surface of the ball to the thickness of the thousandth jjprt of an inch. These divisions are ascer- tjined by a simple calculation, and number- ed downwards to the extent of 100 or 200 ; to the top of the tube is fitted a brass cap, having a collar of leather, and which, after the cavity has been filled with distilled or boiled water, is screwed tight. The outside of the ball being now wiped dry, the instru- ment is suspended out of doors, and exposed to the free action of the air. From ctlfttf, exhalation or vapour^ and fttl^n f a measure. F 82 RELATIONS OP AIR Evaporation is always proportioned to the extent of the humid surface. If a sheet of wet paper be applied to a plate of glass, it will, in a close room, lose its weight exactly at the same rate, whether it be held vertical- ly or horizontally, and whether it occupies the upper or the under side of the plate. The quantity of evaporation from a wet ball is the same as from an equal plane surface, or from a circle having twice the diameter of the sphere. In the atmometer, the humidi- ty transudes through the porous substance, just as fast as it evaporates from the ex ternal surface ; and this waste is measurexj* by the corresponding descent of the water in the stem. At the same time, the tightness of the collar, taking off the pressure of the column of liquid, prevents it from oosing so profusely as to drop from the ball ; an incon- venience which, in the case of very feeble evaporation, might otherwise take place. As the process goes on, a corresponding portion of air is likewise imbibed by the moisture on the outside, and being introduced into the TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 83 ball, rises in a small stream, to occupy the space deserted by the subsiding of the water in the tube. The rate of evaporation is no- wise affected by the quality of the porous ball, and continues exactly the same when the exhaling surface appears almost dry, as when it glistens with abundant moisture. The exterior watery film attracts moisture from the internal mass with a force inversely as its thickness, and will therefore accommo- date the supply precisely to any given degree of expenditure. When this consumption is excessive, the water may be allowed to per- colate, by unscrewing the cap, avoiding how- ever the risk of letting it drop from the ball. In still air, the indications of the hygrome- ter, and those of the atmometer, bear the same proportion ; and the quantity of evaporation for every hour is expressed, in thousandths of an inch in depth, by the twentieth part of the hygrometric degrees. For example, in this climate the medium dry ness in winter being reckoned 15, and in summer about 40, the daily exhalation from a sheltered 84 RELATIONS OF A1U spot will amount in winter to a thickness of .018, and in summer to .048 decimal parts of an inch. If we reckon the mean daily eva- poration from the ground while screened at .030, the waste during the whole year will amount to near 1 1 inches, being scarcely the half perhaps of what, under the circulation of the atmosphere, actually obtains. The dissipation of moisture indeed is vastly ac- celerated by the action of sweeping winds, the effect being sometimes augmented 5 or 10 times. In general, this augmentation is proportional, as in the case of cooling, to the swiftness of the wind, the action of still air itself being reckoned equal to that produced by a celerity of 8 miles each hour. Hence the velocity of wind is easily computed, from a comparison of the indications of an hygro- meter with an atmometer, or of a sheltered, with those of an exposed, atmometer. Thus, suppose the hygrometer to mark 40 degrees, or the column in a sheltered atmometer to subside at the rate of 2 divisions each hour, while in one exposed to the current, the de- TO HEAT AND MOISTURE, 85 scent is 12 divisions ; then, as 2 is to 10, the superadded effect of the wind, so is 8 to 40 miles, its velocity during the hour. It is curious to remark, what a small propor- tion of any stream of air can acquire heat or moisture, by flowing over a warm or a humid surface. Supposing the air to have 20 degrees of dryness, the ordinary evaporation would every hour equal a film of the thousandth part of an inch thick. But this portion of moisture would be sufficient, we have seen, to saturate 800 times its weight of air at such a low state of dryness ; or reckoning the air 850 times lighter than water, this weight would correspond to that of a cylinder of air 57y feet high, and having its base equal to the surface of the humid ball, -or to a cylinder 230 feet high, and of the same diameter as that ball. Now, since the ordinary evapora- tion at 20 degrees of the hygrometer, is equal to the increased effect occasioned by a Cur- rent of air, moving with the velocity of 8 miles in the hour, and forming therefore against the ball a cylinder of 42,240 feet in height ; 86 RELATIONS OP AIR it hence follows, that not more than the 184th part of this advancing column can be humified, by its streaming over the surface of the ball. Such communication of moisture is no doubt confined within the narrow limits of physical contact. Each minute portion of air which comes to graze along the humid surface has its velocity retarded, and acquir- ing new elasticity from the moisture which it dissolves, it is quickly thrown back into the current. On the rapidity of these successive contacts, will depend the absolute quantity of evaporation. But, in perfectly calm air, the power of evaporation, if it be very considerable, will yet, as in the case of a heated surface, create an artificial stream, which mingles its influence with the ordinary dissipation of moisture. When the hygrometer marks 75 degrees, this current will have a corresponding velocity of one mile every hour, and must there- fore augment the regular effect of evapora- tion by an eighth part. In general, to find the correct hourly evaporation in a medium TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 87 of still air, as expressed in atmometric divi- sions, or the thousandths of an inch of super* ficial thickness, after having divided by 20, the number of degrees indicated by the hy- grometer, let the quotient be increased in the ratio of that number to 600. Thus, if the hygrometer were to mark 30 degrees, then 1.5 is the approximate measure of evapora- tion ; and since 30 is contained 20 times in 600, the correction to be added to 1.5 is like- wise its twentieth part, or .075 ; so that the hourly evaporation, estimated in f 'atmometric divisions, amounts to 1.575, and the daily to 18.9. This correction is however in most in- stances so small, that it may, without material inaccuracy, be entirely overlooked. But, in con- fined hydrogen gas, at the same state of dry- ness, the atmometer is as much affected as if it were exposed in open air to a wind having the velocity of 12 miles an hour ; and conse- quently the dispersion of moisture in such a powerful medium is, like that of heat under such circumstances, two and a half times more profuse than in atmospheric air. 88 RELATIONS OF AlK The atmometer is an instrument evidently of extensive application and of great utility in practice. To ascertain with accuracy and readiness the quantity of evaporation from any surface in a given time, is an important acquisition, not only in meteorology, but in agriculture, and the various arts and manu- factures. The rate of exhalation from the sur- face of the ground is scarcely of less conse- quence than the fall of rain, and a knowledge of it might often direct the farmer advanta- geously in his operations. On the rapid dis- persion of moisture, depends the efficacy of drying houses, which are too frequently con- structed most unskilfully, or on very mistaken principles. But the purposes to which the atmometer so aptly applies, were hitherto supplied in a rude and imperfect manner. The loss that water sustains in a given time from evaporation, has commonly been esti- mated by weight or measure. If a piece of flannel, stretched by a slender frame, be wet- ted and suspended in the free air, its dissipa- tion of moisture, after a certain interval, is TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 89 found by help of accurate scales ; or if wa- ter in a shallow pan be exposed in a simi- lar situation, its daily waste is detected by the application of a finely divided rod or gage. But these methods are extremely troublesome, and are subject besides, especi- ally the latter one, to great inaccuracy. Both the flannel and the sheet of water require to be sheltered against the wind and rain, and consequently they will not exhibit, like the atmometer, the real exhalation which takes place from the. ground. The bottom and sides of the pan must also, from their extent of dry surface, affect the temperature of the water, and consequently modify the quantity of evaporation. An atmometer suspended in still air might therefore, on taking into account the time intervened, answer nearly the purpose of the hygrometer ; and this mode can be employ- ed with advantage, in discovering the mean dryness of an apartment after the lapse of hours or days. But the delicacy of the hy- grometer indicates directly, and almost spon- 90 RELATIONS OF AIR taneously, the actual dryness of the medium. This instrument is hence indispensable in all meteorological observations, and may contri- bute essentially towards laying the founda- tion of a juster and more comprehensive knowledge of the various modifications which take place in the lower regions of our atmo- sphere. Heat and moisture are the chief agents which nature employs in producing those incessant changes ; and if the inven- tion of the thermometer has tended so much to correct and enlarge the views of physical science, may not the introduction of an accu- rate hygrometer be expected to confer a si- milar benefit, and to direct our researches into many departments that are still unex- plored ? To possess the means, for instance, of comparing distant climates, must be deem- ed highly important. We have at length ac- quired tolerably complete notions of the gra- dation of warmth, in the whole extent from the frigid to the torrid zone ; but, concern- ing the degrees of dryness which actually prevail in remote parts of the globe, we are TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 91 left merely to draw conjectural inferences from a few loose reports, depending on the imperfect and often illusive impressions re- ceived by the organs of sense. It would be most interesting to ascertain the dampness which has been supposed to pervade the American Continent and its adjacent Archipe- lago, and to detect the dryness which scorches the sandy deserts of the interior of Africa* and parches the wide and lofty plains of Up- per Asia. Nor would it be less curious to discover the real qualities of those singular winds, which, under the names of sirocco, har- mattan, and simoom, infest the hotter climates, and are described by travellers as working such strange and formidable effects on the animal frame. Even in this island, the seve- ral winds have their distinct characters. If it blows from the northern quarter, x the hygro- meter generally inclines to dryness ; but a southerly wind, along with warmth, invari- ably brings an excess of humidity. In clear and calm weather, the air is always drier near the surface during the day than at a certain 92 RELATIONS 0V AIll height above the ground, but it becomes damped on the approach of evening, while, at some elevation, it retains a moderate de- gree of dryness through the whole of the night. If the sky be clouded, less alteration is betrayed in the state of the air, both du- ring the progress of the day and at different distances from the ground ; and if wind pre- vail, the lower strata of the atmosphere, thus agitated and intermingled, will be reduced to a still nearer equality of condition. In the regulating of many processes of art, and in directing the purchase and selection of various articles of produce, the application of the hygrometer would render material service. Most warehouses, for instance, require to be kept at a certain point of dryness, and which is higher or lower according to the purposes for which they are designed^ The printing of linen and cotton is carried on in very dry rooms, but the operations of spinning and weaving succeed best in air which rather in- clines to dampness. The manufacturer is at present entirely guided by observing the ef- TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 93 fects produced, and hence the goods are often shrivelled, or otherwise injured, before he can discover any alteration in the state of the medium. But were an hygrometer, even of the most ordinary construction, placed in the room, it would exhibit every successive change in the condition of the air, and imme- diately suggest the proper correction. The same means could be employed most bene- ficially, in attempering the atmosphere of pu- blic hospitals. That wool and corn have their weight con- siderably augmented by the presence of mois- ture, is a fact well known. Without sup- posing that any fraudulent practices are used, this difference, owing merely to the variable state of the air in which the substances are kept, may yet in extreme cases amount to 10 or even 15 per cent. Grain or paper preserved in a damp place, will be found to swell nearly after the same proportion. But the real condition of such commodities might easily be detected, by placing the hygrometer within a small wired cage, and heaping over 94 RELATIONS OF AIR this, for a few minutes, a quantity of the wool or grain which is to be examined. The hygrometer will enable us to compare with accuracy the various absorbent powers of different substances. These powers are totally distinct from the force of capillary ac- tion, and appear to be as much diversified as the other intimate properties of bodies. When water ascends the narrow bore of a glass tube, or spreads itself through the interstices of sand, it occasions no change whatever in their internal constitution, and the glass and the sand retain precisely the same place and condition as before. But when wood or ivory, linen or paper, im- bibe moisture, this act of absorption is inva- riably attended in them, by a corresponding diminution of the aggregate volume, and some disengagement of heat. The instru^ ment already described, for measuring the expansion which air acquires on being damp- ed, shows a very visible contraction of bulk in the union of a bit of linen with a few drops of water. The heat evolved in this union is TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 95 not less remarkable, and it is always propor- tioned to the dryness of the previous state of the absorbing substance. Let a large piece of cambric or linen be dried intensely before the fire, and then lap it about the bulb of a delicate thermometer, and introduce them both into a tall narrow glass, which is placed in a close room, with a stopped phial con- taining water set beside it. After the space of an hour or two, when this apparatus has acquired the same temperature, pour a little water from the phial upon the cambric, and the bulb of the thermometer will become in- stantly affected, and indicate an extrication of heat, amounting perhaps to three or four degrees on Fahrenheit's scale. With oak O saw-dust, which has been previously parched, the effect is still more striking ; and the well- known fact, that biscuit recently baked feels hot in the mouth, must evidently be referred to the same principle. But the hygrometer itself, in its quiescent state, displays conspi- cuously, although on a smaller scale, proper- ties which are entirely similar. If the paper- 96 KELATIONS OF AIR ed ball be suffered to grow dry, and two or three drops of water at the ordinary tempe- rature be applied to it, the coloured liquor will quickly rise in the opposite stem five or perhaps ten millesimal degrees, according to the thickness of the coat and its previous in- tensity of dryness. This impression however is only momentary, and soon succeeded by the proper hygrometric action. Heat was therefore at first disengaged, during the act of combination of the water with the bibu- lous paper. But those absorbent substances, besides assimilating to their essence a portion of the liquid which touches them, are likewise dis- posed to attract* though with various energy, the humidity from the atmosphere. The more solid, as well as the softer, materials ex- ert this power* and which is exactly analo- gous to that of the concentrated acids and the deliquescent salts. In their several affi- nities to moisture, the earthy bodies discover the most essential differences of constitution. To examine these properties, let the sub- TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 97 stance be dried thoroughly and almost roast- ed before a strong fire, and introduced im- mediately into a phial with a close stopper ; the powder, having undergone that sort of pre- paration, is at any time afterwards thrown par- tially into a very large wide-shaped bottle, and shut up till it has attracted its share of humi- dity from the confined air; and a delicate hy- grometer, being now let down into the bottle, indicates the measure of the effect produced by absorption. In this way, it was found that, about the temperature of 60 on Fahrenheit's scale, alumine causes a dryness of 84 degrees in the air included with it ; the carbonate of magnesia, 75 ; the carbonate of lime, 70 ; silica, 40 ; the carbonate of barytes, 32 ; and that of strontites, only 23. These simple bo- dies also betray other differences in their in- ternal constitution. The absorbing powers of silica, barytes and strontites, are not only feeble, but of small extent, and these earths become very soon saturated with humidi- ty. Alumine and magnesia, on the other hand, have their energy scarcely impaired 98 KELATIONS OF AIll by repeated absorptions. It is singular, that marble and quicklime should produce exactly the same effect, and that in general no sensible difference in that respect can be perceived between the pure earths and their carbonates. The great absorbent power of the argillaceous, compared with the sili- ceous bodies, likewise deserves particular no- tice. But many of the compound earths and stones possess the power of attracting mois- ture from the air, in a still higher degree. These substances need only be pounded or broken into small fragments, and then expos- ed, for a certain time, near a strong fire. Pipe clay, though it contains a large pro- portion of silica, occasioned a dryness of 85 degrees ; whinstone or trap, though very compound, produced an effect equal to 80 degrees ; and sea-sand, having an ad- mixture of shells, gave a dryness of 70 de- grees. But torrefaction seems remarkably to diminish the faculty of the earthy substances to attract moisture. Clay, roasted in a strong fire, causes a dryness of only 35 degrees ; and urged in a blacksmith's forge, it affords no TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 99 more than 8, while whinstone or trap, by the same treatment, has its energy reduced to 23 degrees. The absorbent power of earths depends, therefore, as much on their mechanical condition, as on the species of matter of which they are composed. What- ever tends to harden them, diminishes the measure of effect ; and hence apparently the reason, why the action of fire impairs their desiccating quality. Quartz or silica, which in a blacksmith's forge had suffered a reduc- tion to 19 degrees, after b.eing soaked in wa- ter for the space of a week and again dried, showed an effect equal to 35 degrees, and would probably in time have recovered the whole of its original power. The process by which nature gradually divides, softens, and disposes stony bodies to absorb moisture, is beautifully illustrated in the case of our whin- stone or trap. A piece of solid trap produced, \^~ we have seen, a dryness of 80 degrees by the hygrometer ; another piece, decayed and crumbling, gave 86 degrees; but another piece of the same rock, already reduced to mould, 100 HELAT10XS OF AIR afforded 92 degrees. The ameliorating in- fluence of culture is exemplified in sea-sand : fine sand caused a dryness of 70 degrees ; sand collected from the paths of a sheep- walk near the beach, 78 degrees ; and the same sand, lately brought into cultivation, 85 degrees. Still these effects are inferior to that of garden mould, which amounts to 95 degrees, and to which decomposed trap ap- proaches the nearest. This material, in its mouldered state, constitutes the basis of our richest agricultural districts. Other cultivated soils exert a similar power of ab- sorption, and which appears always propor- tioned to their respective goodness. Nor are such increased energies to be ascribed to the amelioration from manure, since this ingre- dient separately has less influence than the earths- themselves. It therefore seems highly probable, that the fertility of soils depends chiefly on their disposition to imbibe mois- ture. I have just glanced at a theory which, if it were confirmed by farther experience, would TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 101 greatly enlarge the boundaries of useful sci- ence. The art of chemical analysis, however much it has been refined, yet fails totally in detecting the intimate constitution of bodies. Stones, the most opposite in their aspect and general characters, are sometimes composed of the same elements, united too in like pro- portions. On the nature of soils, the improve- ments in chemistry have as yet thrown scarcely any light whatever; and notwithstanding the mighty promises held forth to us, agriculture is still obliged, it must be confessed, to grope her way, by the glimmering of rude experi- ence. The various absorbent powers of earths offer something like a principle of distinction among them. The operations of tillage serve to open and mellow the soil ; while the process of paring and burning, if it goes farther than the mere destruction of the noxious roots and fibres, bakes and hardens the surface,rendering it unfit for the purposes of vegetation, till, after some lapse of time, it again recovers, its pro- per constitution. In volcanic countries, like- wise, the fields of lava require the influence 102 RELAf IOXS OF AIR of many centuries, to fit them for cultivation. For comparing the absorbent powers of the various kinds of soil, the hygrometer might easily be adapted. The subject now started is at least of such a promising nature as to claim our serious attention. The variations both in weight and bulk which absorbent bodies undergo, have been employed to indicate the disposition of the air with respect to moisture. For this rea- son, such substances are likewise termed hygroscopic * ; since they are always affected by the state of the ambient medium, though they may not precisely measure its degrees of humidity or dry ness. But neither heat nor moisture is passively diffused, or yet shared among different bodies in equal proportions. Under the same change of circumstances, 100 grains of ivory will attract from the at- mosphere 7 grains of humidity ; the same weight of boxwood, 14 grains ; of down, 16; of wool, 18; and of beech, 28. Other sub- * From iy^ef, humid or moist t and oaiFlcfuu, I examine. TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 103 stances will, in their respective measures of absorption, discover still wider differences. The dry or humid state of the air is there- fore discovered, from the variable weight of certain bodies exposed to its influence. Rock salt has been applied to that purpose; but potash, the muriate of lirrie, sulphuric acid, and most of the deliquescent substances, whether in a solid or a liquid form, act the most powerfully. Other materials of a firm or adhesive consistence manifest the same properties, though in a lower degree. Plates of slate-clay or of unglazed earthen-ware, the shavings of box or horn, paper or parchment, wool or down, all act as hygrometers. But these substances, especially the harder kinds of them, unless they be extremely thin, receive their impressions very slowly, and hence they cannot mark with any precision the fleeting and momentary state of the ambient medium. Nor is the weight which they gain by exposure, proportioned to the real dampness of the air ; for the measures of their successive ab- sorption increase in a most rapid progression, 104 RELATIONS OF AIR as they approach to the point of absolute hu- midity. But to weigh the substances with the accuracy befitting such experiments, is a very delicate and troublesome operation. Those thin bodies are liable, besides, to become in time covered with dust, which, while it must evidently augment their weight, cannot be detached from them without in- juring their slender texture. The increase of bulk which they acquire from the por- tion of moisture attracted into their sub- stance, furnishes therefore a more certain and convenient indication of the state of the atmosphere. The solid vegetable and animal fibres are connected by a fine soft netting, in which the power of absorption appears chiefly to reside. Hence the presence of moisture always enlarges the breadth of such substances, without affecting in any sensible degree their length. This effect is visible in the swelling of a door by external dampness, and in the shrinking of a pannel from the op- posite cause. "'But the substances, such as TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 105 paper or parchment, which have a diffuse or interlaced texture, are extended, by the ab- sorption of humidity, almost equally in every direction. On the contrary, twisted cord or gut, being swelled by moisture, suffer a cor- responding longitudinal contraction, accom- panied likewise, if not confined, by some un- coiling of their fibres. All these properties have severally been employed in the construction of hygroscopes. The expansion of the thin cross sections of box or other hard wood, the elongation of the human hair or of a slice of whale-bone, and the untwisting of the wild oat, of catgut, of a cord or linen thread, and of a species of grass ^brought from India, have at different times been used with various success. But the instruments so formed are either extremely dull in their motions, or if they acquire greater sensibility from the attenuation of their substance, they are likewise rendered the more subject to accidental injury and derangement ; and all of them appear to lose in time insensibly their tone and proper action, 106 RELATIONS OF AIR I have lately revived a method of measur- ing the expansion of absorbent cohesive sub- stances, by their enlargement of capacity when disposed into a shell ; and have, by suc- cessive steps, carried the hygroscope thus formed to as high a state of improvement, as perhaps such an imperfect instrument will admit. A piece of fine grained ivory, about an inch and quarter in length, is turned into an elongated spheroid, as thin as possible, weighing only 8 or 10 grains, but capable of containing, at its greatest expansion, about 300 grains of mercury ; and the upper end, which is adapted to the body by means of a delicate screw, has a slender tube inserted, 6 or 8 inches long, and with a bore of nearly the 15th part of an inch in diameter. (See Jig. 7.J. The instrument being now fitted together, its elliptical shell is dipped into distilled water, or lapped round with a wet bit of cambric, and after a considerable inter- val of time, filled with mercury to some con- venient point near the bottom of the tubej where is fixed the beginning of the scale. The divisions themselves are ascertained, by TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 107 distinguishing the tube into spaces which correspond each of them to the thousandth part of the entire cavity, and equal to the measure of about three-tenths of a grain of mercury. The ordinary range of the scale will include 70 of these divisions. To the upper end of the tube, is adapted a small ivory cap, which allows the penetration of air, but prevents the escape of the mercury, and thereby renders the instrument quite portable. This hygroscope is largely, though rather slowly, affected by any change in the humi- dity of the ambient medium. As the air be- comes drier, it attracts a portion of moisture from the shell or bulb of ivory, which, suf- fering in consequence a contraction, squeezes its contained mercury so much higher in the tube. But if, on the contrary, the air should incline more to dampness, the thin bulb will imbibe moisture and swell proportionally, al- lowing the quicksilver to subside towards its enlarged cavity. These variations, however, are very far from corresponding with the real 108 RELATIONS OF AIR measures of atmospheric dryness or humidity. Near the point of extreme dampness, the altera- tions of the hygroscope are much augmented; but they diminish rapidly, as the mercury approaches the upper part of the scale. The contraction of the ivory answering to an equal rise in the dryness of the air, is six times greater at the beginning of the scale than at the 70th hygroscopic division ; and seems in general to be inversely as the num- ber of hygrometric degrees, reckoning from 20 below. I have therefore placed another scale along the opposite side of the tube, the space between and 70 of the hygroscope being distinguished into 100 degrees, and corresponding to the unequal portions from the number 20 to 120 on a logarithmic line. This very singular property is more easily conceived from the inspection of the figure. The scale might be safely extended farther, by continuing the logarithmic divisions. Thus, 320 degrees by the hygrometer would answer to 108 of the hygroscope, or to a contraction of 108 parts in a thousand in the capacity of TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 109 the bulb. But at the dryness of 300, I have never found the contraction of the ivory to exceed 105. Boxwood, I likewise formed into a hygro- scope, of the same shape and dimensions ; but this absorbent material swells twice as much with moisture as ivory does, and there- fore requires its inserted tube to be propor- tionally longer or wider. The contractions of box are still more unequal than those of ivory. Near the point of extreme humidity, those alterations in the capacity of the bulb seem to be more than twenty times greater than, under like changes in the condition of the atmosphere, take place towards the up- per part of the scale. The space included between the commencement and the 140th millesimal division of the scale, might hence be marked with 100 hygrometric degrees, corresponding to the decreasing portions of a logarithmic line from 5 to 105. In noticing the rapidly declining contrac- tions which ivory and box undergo, I would not be understood, however, to state the 110 RELATIONS OF AIll quantities with rigorous precision ; I mere- ly consider the numbers given above as very near approximations to the truth. I should be ashamed to confess how much .time I have already consumed, in tracing out the law of those contractions. Such experiments are rendered the more tedious, from the pro- tracted action of the hygroscope, whicli often continues travelling slowly for the space of a quarter or even half an hour. This tardiness is indeed the great defect of all instruments of that nature, and utterly disqualifies them from every sort of delicate observation. The very large expansions which the hy- groscope shows on its approach to extreme humidity, explains in a satisfactory manner the injury which furniture and pieces of ca- binet-work sustain from the prevalence of dampness. On the other hand, the slight al- teration which the instrument undergoes in a medium of highly dry atmosphere, seems to have led most philosophers to believe that there is an absolute term of dryness, qrt the distance of which, from the *point of extreme TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. Ill moisture, they have generally founded the graduation of the different hygroscopes pro-r posed by them. This opinion, however, is far from being correct, a.nd might give occa- sion to most erroneous conclusions. No bounds can be set to the actual dryness of the air, or the quantity of moisture which it is capable of holding, and which, by the joint application of heat and rarefaction to the solvent, may be pushed to almost inde- finite extent. The ivory hygroscope, after being for se- veral hours immersed in air of 150 or 200 degrees of dryness, was apt of a sudden to split longitudinally. But if the bulb endured such a range of contraction, it appeared in some instances to take at least another set, or to accommodate its constitution, by im- perceptible gradations, to the state of the surrounding medium. If this remark were confirmed, it would elucidate finely the ato- mical system of bodies, and establish the successive limits of corpuscular attraction and repulsion. 112 RELATIONS OP AIR But though the bulbous hygroscope is, in extreme cases, liable to much uncertainty and some risk, it may yet be used with visible advantage, in a variety of situations, as an auxiliary merely to the hygrometer. The very sluggishness of the instrument, when the value of its divisions has been once ascer- tained, fits it so much the better for indicat- ing the mean results. After being long ex- posed in situations hardly accessible, it may be conveniently transported for inspection before it can suffer any sensible change. The hygroscope could be, therefore, employed with success to discover the degree of humi- dity which prevails at certain considerable elevations in the atmosphere. It might be likewise used for ascertaining readily the pre- cise condition of various goods and commo- dities. Thus, if the bulb were introduced, for the space perhaps of half an hour, into a bag of wool, a sack of corn, or a bale of pa- per, it would, on being withdrawn from their contact, mark the dry ness or humidity of those very absorbent substances. TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 113 The softer absorbent substances are not only themselves affected by the state of the ambient medium, but are capable, when they expose a broad attractive surface, of assimi- lating to their previous condition, air and other gaseous fluids confined over them. Flannel, for instance, which has been intense- ly dried before a strong fire, will support a re- markable degree of dryness in a close recei- ver ; yet after a few repeated applications, it soon becomes saturated with humidity, and loses its power of absorption. Muriate of lime has a vigorous and extended energy ; but the substance which answers best on the whole as an absorbent* and which continues for a long time to attract moisture with al- most undiminished force, is the concentrated sulphuric acid. By the action of this material, I am enabled to maintain, for weeks or even months together, a magazine of dry air, which affords the means of accurately graduating the differential thermometer and its several mo- difications. But, by exposing, at the same time, under the receiver a surface of water H 114 11ELATIONS OF AIR in given proportion to that of the acid, the confined air may easily be reduced to any in- ferior state of dryness. The presence of heat likewise augments very considerably all those absorbent powers. Thus, while in winter the introduction of sulphuric 'acid under a receiver and in a room without fire, scarcely sinks the hygro- meter 40 degrees, it will, even in our fee- ble summers, occasion a dryness of 100 or 120 degrees. On this principle, water may be rendered cool in the sultriest cli- mates, and in every state of the atmo- sphere ; for nothing more is required than, to expose it to evaporate from a porous ves- sel, in a medium of confined air, and near the action of a large surface of sulphuric acid. Nay, with that arrangement, artificial conge- lation is produced, if the external tempera- ture should come but as low as 38 or 40 degrees on Fahrenheit's scale. Wine also could be cooled, by casing the sides of the bottle with wet flannel, and shutting it up in a wide shallow box, which is lined with lead TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 115 or composed of glazed earthen-ware, and has its bottom covered, perhaps to the thickness of half an inch, with a stratum of the acid. If this box, with its contents, were placed in a cellar, the wine would, at all times in this island, have its temperature reduced, in the space of four or five hours, to 40 or 42 degrees by Fahrenheit's scale. By the same very simple contrivance, wine or water might, in the tro- pical countries, be cooled, from 80 degrees on the same scale, to 55, or even lower. Nor is the desiccating efficacy of the acid sensibly impaired, till it has absorbed an equal bulk of moisture, and has consequent- ly on successive days occasioned the mode- rate refrigeration of more than fifty times its weight of wine or water. The application of heat constantly increas- es the dryness of the air, or its disposition to dissolve moisture. This property is so ge- ^nerally known, that the evaporating power of the medium is very seldom in practice referred to any other cause. Dryjng houses, for example, are commonly constructed as if 116 RELATIONS OF Alii heat were to produce the whole effect, no means being employed for aiding the escape of the air, after it has become charged with humidity, and consequently rendered unfit for performing any longer the process of eva- poration. The influence of warmth in augmenting the dryness of the air, or its disposition to imbibe moisture, explains most easily a sin- gular fact remarked by some accurate obser- vers. If two equal surfaces of water be ex- posed in the same situation, the one in a shal- low, and the other in a deep vessel of metal or porcelain ; the latter is always found, after a certain interval of time, to have suffered* contrary to what we might expect^ more waste by evaporation than the former. This observation was once made the ground of a very absurd theory, although the real ex- plication of it appears abundantly simple. Amidst all the changes that happen in the condition of the ambient medium^ the shal- low pan must necessarily receive more com- pletely than the deeper vessel, the chilling TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 117 impressions of evaporation, since it exposes a smaller extent of dry surface to be partly heat- ed up again by the contact of the air. The larger mass being, therefore, kept invariably warmer than the other, must in consequence support a more copious exhalation. If heat augments the dryness of the air, its absence produces an opposite effect. When the external air is colder than that of an apart- ment which is rather disposed to humidity, the windows come to be covered with dew on the insides of the panes. The massy walls of cellars and untenanted buildings, being re- latively cool during the summer months, ap- pear then generally dripping with moisture. A caraffe, filled with water fresh drawn from the well, and set on the table in a hot room, becomes soon covered over with dew; and this effect takes place more speedily, when the surrounding air inclines to dampness. Nor will the deposition of moisture cease, until the glass decanter, with the water contained in it, has approached to the heat of the room. On this principle, it has been proposed to 118 RELATIONS OF AIR construct a sort of rude hygrometer, by ob- serving the depressed temperature at which the dew again begins to disappear from the surface of a small globlet filled with cold wa- ter. The point of atmospheric saturation will evidently be lower in proportion to the dry- ness of the room. But air must become drier, from ha- ving deposited a part of the moisture which it held in solution. A cold body intro- duced under a large receiver, may there- fore occasion a very considerable dryness in the confined medium. Thus, when the tem- perature of the room is about 70 degrees by Fahrenheit, a goblet filled with water at 50 degrees, being placed within a receiver of perhaps thrice its surface, a delicate hygro- meter suspended near the middle of the va- cant space, marked 45 degrees. A wide saucer of glass or porcelain, containing wa- ter equally cold, produces almost the same effect. The air included between the cold mass and the receiver, losing its heat on the one side, and again recovering this partly on TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 119 the other, assumes a certain intermediate temperature ; but each portion of it which successively comes to touch the glass, the porcelain, or the water, being chilled by such contact, surrenders its surplus humidity, and then mingling with the rest of the air, re- gains the mean state of warmth, and conse- quently has, in proportion to that change, its dryness or power of solution renewed. The medium thus rendered drier, being therefore capable of performing evaporation, may, by acting on a humid surface, produce a degree of cold little inferior to that of the mass itself, from the introduction of which under the re- ceiver the whole chain of effects originated. If a freezing mixture be formed with salt and snow or pounded ice in a deep and wide saucer, and placed under a lar^e receiver, about an interval of three or four inches from a small cup of porous earthen-ware filled with water ; this water will soon become frozen, . and remain so for several hours, till the whole of the ice or snow has melted down into a liquid state. The sides of the saucer, from 120 . KELATIONS OF AIR the deposition of moisture conveyed by the air from the cup, become incrusted with hoar frost, which keeps constantly increasing in thickness as long as the action of the frigo- rific mixture lasts. If a covered dish were substituted for the saucer, the icy crust, form- ed over the whole of its external surface, would serve to measure the comparatively small quantity of exhalation from the cup, which was required to freeze the water, and afterwards to support congelation. When the cup containing the water is placed below, instead of above, the magazine of cold, espe- cially under a tall receiver, the evaporating process suffers indeed some reduction, but still the frigorific operation is on the whole rendered more powerful ; for the chilled air falling downwards, though it acquires Httle dryness, yet communicates to the water the impressions of most intense cold with scarce- ly any diminution. To discover the precise law by which equal additions of heat augment the dryness of air or its power to retain moisture, is a problem TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 121 of great delicacy and importance. Two dif- ferent modes were employed in that investi- gation, but which led to the same results. The one was, in a large close room, to bring an hygrometer, conjoined with a thermome- ter, successively nearer to a stove intensely heated, and to note the simultaneous indica- tions of both instruments ; or to employ two nice thermometers, placed beside each other, and having their bulbs covered respectively with dry and with wet cambric. By taking the mean of numerous observations, and in- terpolating the intermediate quantities, the law of aqueous solution in air was laborious- ly traced. But the other method of investi- gation appeared better adapted for the high- er temperatures. A thin hollow ball of tin, four inches in diameter, and having a very small neck, was neatly covered with linen ; and, being filled with water nearly boiling, and a thermometer inserted, it was hung likewise in a spacious close room, and the rate of its cooling carefully marked. The experiment was next repeated, by suspend- 122 RELATIONS OF Mil ing it to the end of a fine beam, and wet- ting with a hair pencil the surface of linen, till brought in exact equipoise to some gi- ven weight in the opposite scale ; ten grains being now taken out, the humid ball was allowed to rest against the point of a ta- pered glass tube, and the interval of time, with the corresponding diminution of tempe- rature, observed, when it rose again to the position of equilibrium. The same opera- tion was successively renewed ; but, as the rapidity of the evaporation declined, five, and afterwards two, grains only were, at each trial, withdrawn from the scale. From such a series of facts, it was easy to estimate the quantities of moisture which the same air will dissolve at different temperatures, and also the corresponding measures of heat ex- pended in the process of solution. By connecting the range of observations, it would appear, that air has its dryness doubled at each rise of temperature, answer- ing to 15 centesimal degrees. Thus, at the freezing point, air is capable of holding a TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 123 portion of moisture represented by 100 de- grees of the hygrometer ; at the temperature of 15 centigrade, it could contain 200 such parts ; at that of 30, it might dissolve 400 ; and, at 45 on the same scale, 800. Or, if we reckon by Fahrenheit's divisions, air absolute- ly humid holds, at the limit of congelation, the hundred and sixtieth part of its weight of moisture ; at the temperature of 59 degrees, the eightieth part ; at that of 86 degrees, the fortieth part ; at that of 113 degrees, the twentieth part ; and at that of 140 degrees, the tenth sport. While the temperature, therefore, advances uniformly in arithmetical progression, the dissolving power which this communicates to the air mounts with the ac- celerating rapidity of a geometrical series. It hence follows, that, whatever be the actual condition of a mass of air, there must always exist some temperature at which it would be- come perfectly damp. Nor is it difficult, from what has been already stated, to deter- mine this point in any given case. Thus, suppose the hygrometer to mark 52, while its 124 DELATIONS OF AIK wet ball has a temperature of 20 centesimal degrees or 68 by Fahrenheit ; the dissolving power of air at this temperature being 252, its distance from absolute humidity will therefore be 200, which is the measure of so- lution answering to 15 centesimal degrees or 59 by Fahrenheit. The same air would con- sequently, at the depressed temperature of 59 degrees, shrink into a state of absolute saturation ; and if cooled lower, it would even deposite a portion of its combined mois- ture, losing the eightieth part of its weight at the verge of freezing. The hygrometer, it was shown, does not indi- cate the actual dryness of the air, but the dry- ness which it retains, after being reduced to the temperature of the humid ball. The real condi- tion of the medium, however, could easily be determined, from the gradations already ascer- tained in the power of solution. Suppose, for example, that the hygrometer should mark 42 degrees, while the thermometer stands at 16 centigrade; the moist surface has therefore the temperature of 11.8 centigrade, TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 125 at which the dissolving energy is less by 37 degrees than at 16 centigrade ; and hence the total dryness of the air, at its former temperature, amounted to 79 degrees. A small table of the solubility of moisture, would greatly facilitate such reductions. That the quantity of moisture which air can hold increases in a much faster ratio than its temperature, is a great principle in the economy of nature. It seems first to have been traced from indirect experience by the sagacity of the late Dr James Hutton, who made it the foundation of his most ingeni- ous and solid theory of rain. Air in cooling becomes ready to part with its moisture. But how is it ever cooled in the free atmo- sphere ? Only by the contact or commixture surely with a colder portion of the same fluid. But that portion of air which is chilled must equally in its turn warm the other. If, in consequence of this mutual change of condition, the former be disposed to resign its moisture, the latter is more inclined to retain it ; and consequently, if such opposite 1 C 26 RELATIONS OF AIR effects were balanced, there could, on the whole, be no precipitation of humidity what- ever. The separation of moisture on the mixing of two masses of damp air at different temperatures, would therefore prove, that the dissolving power of air suffers more diminu- tion from losing part of the combined heat than it acquires of augmentation from gaining an equal measure of it ; and consequently this power must, under equal accessions of heat, increase more slowly at first than it does afterwards, thus advancing always with accumulated celerity. The result of this induction agrees entire- ly with the law of solution in air, which has been already pointed out. It is the simplest of the accelerating kind ; and the relation of an arithmetical to a geometrical progression, seems applicable to other properties of the gaseous or elastic fluids. An example will" elucidate the nature and extent of the aque- ous deposition caused by the commixture of opposite portions of air. Suppose equal bulks of this fluid, in a state of saturation, and at TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 127 % the different temperatures of 15 and of 45 centesimal degrees, to be intermingled ; the compound arising from such union will evi- dently have the mean temperature of 30 de- grees. But, since at those temperatures the one portion held 200 parts of humidity, and the other 800, the aggregate must contain 1000 parts, or either half of it 500; at the mean or resulting temperature, however, this portion could only suspend 400 parts of humi- dity, and consequently the difference, or 100 parts, amounting to a hundred and sixtieth of the whole weight of the air, must be pre- cipitated from the compound mass. Nor was it requisite that such portions of air should be perfectly damp. For instance, if the cold- er air had a dryness of 40, and the warmer, that of 110 hygrometric degrees, the former consequently holding 160 parts of moisture, and the latter 690 ; after commixture, they would each contain 425 parts, and therefore of those 25 parts, or a measure equal to the Six hundred and fortieth of the general mass, would still be deposited. 128 RELATIONS OF AIR I have now selected an extreme case, and yet the quantity of moisture set loose might appear to be remarkably small. The diffi- culty is, therefore, to reconcile the measure of such deposits as deduced from theory, with the actual precipitations from the atmosphere. The lower mass of air which surrounds our globe may have a mean temperature of about 50 degrees on Fahrenheit's scale \ and were it consequently forced, by some internal change of constitution, to discharge the whole of its watery store, this would not exceed the 80th part of its weight, or form a sheet of more than five inches deep. Our atmospherer must hence, in the course of a year, deposite five or ten times as much humidity as it can at once hold in solution. But since only a~ very minute portion of the combined mois- ture is in fact, at any given time, separated from the air, it follows that the relative pro- cesses of evaporation and precipitation must rapidly succeed each other, promoted no doubt by the incessant circulation which is maintained between the higher and the lower TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 129 strata. Every humid discharge from the at- mosphere must, therefore, of necessity be lo- cal and temporary. The mixture of diiferently heated masses of air is hence insufficient alone to form any very sensible deposit. To explain the actual pheno- mena, we must have recourse to the mutual operation of a chill and of awarm current, driv- ing swiftly in opposite directions, and contin,u T ally mixing and changing their conterminous surfaces. By this rapidity, a large volume of the fluid is brought into contact in a given time. Suppose, for instance, the one current to have a temperature of 50, and the other that of 70 degrees, by Fahrenheit's scale; theblend- ed surfaces will, therefore, assume the mean temperature of 60 degrees. Consequently the two streams throw together 200 'and 334.2 parts of moisture, making 567.1 parts for the compound, which at its actual temperature can only hold 258.6 parts ; the difference, or 8.6 parts, forms the measure of precipitation, corresponding to the 1860th of the whole weight of the commixed air. It would i 130 11ELATIONS OF AIll thus require a column of air 25 miles in length, to furnish, over a given spot and in the space of an hour, a deposit of moisture equal to the height of an inch. If the sum of the opposite velocities amounted to 50 miles an hour, and the intermingling influ- ence extended but to a quarter of an inch at the grazing surfaces, there would still, on this supposition, be produced in the same time, a fall of rain reaching to half an inch in alti- tude. These quantities come within the li- mits of probability, and agree sufficiently with experience and observation. But in higher temperatures, though the difference of heat between the opposite strata of air should remain the same, the measure of aqueous precipitation is greatly increased. Thus, while the deposit of moisture from the mixing of equal masses of air at the tem- peratures of 40 and 60 degrees, is only 6.6, that from the like mixture at 80 and 100 de- grees, amounts to 19. This result is entirely conformable to observation, for showers are the most copious during hot weather and in the TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 131 tropical climates. The dew which falls, about the close of evening, in some sultry regions, such as Egypt, is alone sufficient to drench the surface of the earth. Dr Hutton's account of the production of rain, though it may want still farther expan- sion, is grounded therefore on correct gene- ral principles. A more precise and complete acquaintance with meteorological facts, which is only to be derived from multiplied obser- vations with the hygrometer, would enable us to pursue and illustrate the details of this beautiful theory. The measure of precipita- tion from the atmosphere depends on a varie- ty of circumstances, on the previous damp- ness of the commixed portions of the fluid, their difference of heat, the elevation of their mean temperature, and the extent of combination which takes place. When this deposition is slow, the very minute aqueous globules remain suspended and form clouds ; but if it is rapid and copious, those particles conglomerate, and produce, according to the state of the medium with regard to heat, 132 RELATIONS OF AIll rain, hail or snow. In fine calm weather, after the rays of a declining sun have ceased to warm the surface of the ground, the de- scent of the higher mass of air gradually chills the undermost stratum, and disposes it to dampness, till their continued intermixture produces a fog, or low cloud. Such fogs are towards the evening often observed gather- ing in narrow vales, or along the course of sluggish rivers, and generally hovering within a few inches of the surface. But in all situa- tions, these watery deposits, either to a greater or a less degree, occur in the same disposition of the atmosphere. The minute suspended globules, attaching themselves to the project- ing points of the herbage, form dew in mild weather, or shoot into hoar frost when cold predominates. They collect most readily on glass, but seem to be repelled by a bright sur- face of metal. But the profuse precipitation of humidity is caused by a rapid commixture of opposite strata. The action of swift contending cur- rents in the atmosphere brings quickly i TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 133 mutual contact vast fields of air over a given spot. The separation of moisture is hence proportionally copious. In temperate wea- ther, this deposition forms rain ; but, in the cold season, the aqueous globules, freezing in the mid air into icy spiculse, which collect in their slow descent, become converted into flakes of snow. Hail is formed under diffe- rent circumstances, and generally in the sud- den alternations of the fine season, the drops of rain being congealed during their fall, by passing through a lower stratum of dry and cold air. From a variety of nice experiments, we have seen, that the different effects of heat and of steam are yet modified by the same laws. A conformity may, therefore, be expected in the relations of air to those active fluids. As rarefaction enlarges the capacity of air, it like- wise augments the disposition to hold mois- ture ; at the same time, that the removal of the ordinary pressure facilitates the expansion of the liquid matter, and its conversion into a" gaseous form. Accordingly, if the hygro- 134: RELATIONS OF AIR meter be suspended within a large receiver from which a certain portion of air is quickly abstracted, it will sink with rapidity. In sum- mer, the additional dryness thus produced a- mounts to about 50 hygrometric degrees each time the air has its rarefaction doubled ; so that, supposing the operation of exhausting to be performed with expedition, and the re- siduum reduced to a sixty-fourth part, the hy- grometer would mark in all the descent of 300. But this effect is only momentary, for the thin air very soon becomes charged with moisture, and consequently ceases to act on the wet ball of the hygrometer. The cold, however, excited on the surface of that ball, by such intense evaporation, will have pre- viously frozen the coating. It hence appears, that the loftier regions of the atmosphere are comparatively drier than those below, or that, at the same tem- perature, the attenuated fluid is capable of holding a larger share of humidity. Thus, on the slope of Chimborazo, an hygrometer, if placed in a tent where the air has been warm- TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 135 ed to the moderate condition that prevails on the shores of Lima, would stand about 40 degrees higher than at the level of the sea. Without such a constitution of the elements, indeed, our globe must have been shrouded in perpetual darkness ; for the cold which reigns in the upper strata, would have pre- vented the humidity from ascending to a great elevation, and have precipitated it in fogs or clouds. In the actual state of things, the diminution of temperature which we en- counter in ascending, predominates at first over the augmented power of aqueous solu- tion ; and the air becomes successively damp- er, till we reach a certain height in the at- mosphere, at which the opposite effects of cold and rarefaction are balanced, and where the extreme of humidity must of course ob- tain. Above that limit, which is the proper region of the clouds, the influence of the ra- rity of the medium must transcend the ef- fects of its chillness, and the air will now be- come gradually drier, till it insensibly melts 136 RELATIONS OF AIll away into the clear ethereal expanse *. From the modified relations of heat and pressure is thus deduced the seat of the clouds, or the boundary beyond which they can seldom rise, which will be found to run generally about two miles above the line of perpetual congelation, being most elevated under the equator, and bending downwards near the poles. Since air, by being rarefied, has its scale of watery solution so much extended, the ap- plication of heat must hence occasion an ef- fect proportionally greater upon a thin me- dium. If a cold body be, therefore, conveyed under a receiver from which the air is partly extracted, it will produce a very intense dry- ness. Thus, at the ordinary temperature, a frigorific mass of salt and pounded ice, when its encircling air is from fifty to an hundred limes attenuated, will cause an hygrometer, Apparet divum numen, sedesque quietse : Quas neque concutiunt venti, neque nubila nimbis Adspergunt, neque nix acri concreta pruina Cana cadens violat : semperque innubilus aether Integit, et large! diffuse lumine ridet. TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 137 placed at a short distance from it, to sink at least 200 degrees, and still more if the room be warm. Having therefore mixed common salt with three times its weight of ice in a large covered dish of glass or porcelain, near- ly equal to the width of a tall receiver passed over it, and having introduced, a very few in- ches either above or below it, a porous earthen cup about one half or a third part of the same diameter, and filled with water j on rarefying the confined air to the utmost, the small body of water exposed to vigorous evapora- tion will, at all seasons, speedily congeal, and remain in this frozen state till, after the space perhaps of an hour, the compound mass has melted into brine and lost entirely its power of cooling. The quantity of icy crust gradually formed on the external surface of the dish con- taining the frigorific mixture, indicates the measure of exhalation from the cup, which is required to produce and support the congela- tion during the period of its existence. On a principle analogous to what is now stated, JDr Wollaston, to whose acuteness and refined 138 RELATIONS OF Alii ingenuity, the physical sciences are so deep- ly indebted, has recently proposed a very simple and portable apparatus, by which a small portion of water, at a short distance from a freezing mixture, may at any time be visibly converted into ice. The increased power of aqueous solution which air acquires as it grows thinner, being ascertained and carefully investigated, my next object was to combine the action of a powerful absorbent with the transient dryness produced within a receiver by rare- faction. Having introduced a surface of sul- phuric acid, I perceived with pleasure that this substance only superadded its peculiar attraction for moisture, to the ordinary effects resulting from the progress of exhaustion ; and what was still more important, that it continued to support, with undiminished ener- gy, the dryness thus created. The attenuated air was not suffered, as before, to grow char- ged with humidity ; but each portion of that medium, as fast as it became saturated by touching the wet ball of the hygrometer, TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 139 transported its vapour to the acid, and was thence sent back denuded of the load, and fitted again to renew its attack with fresh vigour. By this perpetual circulation, there- fore, between the exhaling and the absorbing surface, the diffuse residuum of air is main- tained constantly at the same state of dryness. But the powers, both of vaporization and of absorption being greatly augmented in the higher temperatures, the same limit of cold nearly is in all cases attained by a certain measure of exhaustion. When the air has been rarefied 250 times, the utmost that, un- der such circumstances, can perhaps be ef- fected, the surface of evaporation is cooled down 120 degrees of Fahrenheit in winter, and would probably sink near 200 in summer. Nay, a far less tenuity of the medium, still combined with the action of sulphuric acid, is capable of producing and supporting a very intense cold. If the air be rarefied only 5Q times, a depression of temperature will be produced amounting to 80 or even 100 de- grees of Fahrenheit's scale. 140 RELATIONS OF AIR We are thus enabled, in the hottest wea- ther, and in every climate of the globe, to freeze a mass of water, and to keep it frozen, till it gradually wastes away by a continued but invisible process of evapo- ration. The only thing required is, that the surface of the acid should approach near to that of the water, and should have a great- er extent, for otherwise the moisture would exhale more copiously than it could be trans- ferred and absorbed, and consequently the dryness of the rarefied medium would become reduced, and its evaporating energy essentially impaired. The acid should be poured to the depth perhaps of half an inch in a broad flat dish, which is covered by a receiver of a form nearly hemispherical ; the water exposed to congelation may be contained in a shallow cup, about half the width of the dish, and having its rim supported by a narrow me- tallic ring upheld above the surface of the acid by three slender glass feet of two or three inches in height. (See Jig. 9.) It is of consequence that the water should be as TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 141 much insulated as possible, or should pre- sent only a humid surface to the contact of the surrounding medium, for the dry sides of the cup might receive, from commu- nication with the external air, such acces- sions of heat, as greatly to diminish, if not to counteract the refrigerating effects of eva- poration. This inconvenience, however, is in a great measure obviated, by investing the cup with an outer case at the interval of about half an inch. If both the cup and its case consist of glass, the process of congelation is viewed most completely ; yet when they are formed of a bright metal, the effect appears altogether more striking. But the preferable mode, and that which prevents any waste of the powers of refrigeration, is to expose the water in a pan of porous earthen-ware. If common wa- ter be used, it will evolve air bubbles very copiously as the exhaustion proceeds ; in a few minutes, and long before the limit of rarefaction has been reached, the icy spiculae will shoot beautifully through the liquid mass, and entwine it with a reticulated contexture. 142 RELATIONS OF AIR As the process of congelation goes forward, a new discharge of air from the substance of the water takes place, and marks the regular advances of consolidation. But after the wa- ter has all become solid ice, which, unless it exceed the depth of an inch, may generally be effected in less than half an hour, the cir- cle of evaporation and subsequent absorption is still maintained. A minute film of ice, ab- stracting from the internal mass a redoubled share of heat, passes, by invisible transitions, successively into the state of water and of steam, which, dissolving in the thin ambient air, is conveyed to the acid, where it again assumes the liquid form, and, in the act of combination, likewise surrenders its heat. In performing this experiment, I generally seek at first to push the rarefaction as far as the circumstances will admit. But the disposition of the water to fill the receiver with vapour, being only in part subdued by the acti'on of the sulphuric acid, a limit is soon opposed to the progress of exhaustion, and the includ- ed air can seldom be rarefied above a him- TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 143 dred times, or till its elasticity can support no more than a column of mercury about three-tenths of an inch in height. But a much smaller rarefaction, perhaps from ten times to twenty times, will be found sufficient to support congelation after it has once taken place. The ice then becomes rounded by de- grees at the edges, and wastes away insensibly, its surface being incessantly corroded by the play of the ambient air, and the minute exhala- tions conveyed by an invisible process to the sulphuric acid, which, from its absorption of the vapour, is all the time maintained above the temperature of the apartment. The ice, kept in this way, suffers a very slow consump- tion; for a lump of it, about a pound in weight and two inches thick, is sometimes not en- tirely gone in the space of eight or ten days. During the whole progress of its wasting, the ice still commonly retains an uniform trans- parent consistence ; but, in a more advanced stage, it occasionally betrays a sort of honey- combed appearance, owing to the minute cavities formed by globules - air, set loose 144 RELATIONS OP All? in the act of freezing, yet entangled in the mass, and which are afterwards enlarged by the erosion of the solvent medium. The most elegant and instructive mode of effecting artificial congelation, is to perform the process under the transferrer of an air pump. A thick but clear glass cup being se- lected, of about two or three inches in dia- meter, has its lips ground flat, and Covered occasionally, though not absolutely shut, with a broader circular lid of plate glass, which is suspended horizontally from a rod passing through a collar of leather. (See Jig. 10. J. This cup is nearly filled with fresh distilled water, and supported by a slender metallic ring, with glass feet, about an inch above the surface of a body of sulphuric acid, per- haps three quarters of an inch in thickness, and occupying the bottom of a deep glass ba- son that has a diameter of nearly seven inches. In this state, the receiver being adapted, and the lid pressed down to cover the mouth of the cup, the transferrer is screwed to the air pump, and tM -^refaction, under those cir- TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 145 cumstances, pushed so far as to leave only about the hundred and fiftieth part of a resi- duum ; and the cock being turned to secure that exhaustion, the compound apparatus is then detached from the pump, and removed into some convenient apartment. As long as the cup is covered, the water will remain quite unaltered ; but on drawing up the rod an inch or more, to admit the play of the rare medium, a bundle of spicular ice will, in the space per- haps of five minutes, dart suddenly through the whole of the liquid mass ; and the consoli- dation will afterwards descend regularly, thick- ening the horizontal stratum by insensible gra- dations, and forming in its progress a beautiful transparent cake. On letting down the cover again, the process of evaporation being now checked or almost entirely stopped, the ice re* turns slowly into its former condition. In this way, the same portion of water may, even at distant intervals of time, be repeatedly con- gealed and thawed successively twenty or thirty times. During the first operations of freezing, some air is liberated ; but this cx~ L 146 RELATIONS OF AIK trication diminishes at each subsequent act, and the ice, free from the smallest specks, re- sembles a piece of the purest crystal. This artificial freezing of water in a cup of glass or metal, affords the best opportunity for examining the progress of crystallization. The appearance presented, however, is ex- tremely various. When the frigorific action is most intense, the congelation sweeps at once over the whole surface of the water, obscuring it like a cloud. But in general the process advances more slowly ; bundles of spiculae, from different points, sometimes from the centre, though commonly from the sides of the cup, stretching out and spreading by degrees with a sort of feathered texture. By this combined operation, the surface of the water soon becomes an uniform sheet of ice. Yet the effect is at times singularly varied ; the spicular shoots, advancing in different di- rections, come to inclose, near the middle of the cup, a rectilineal space, which, by unequal though continued encroachment, is reduced to a triangle ; and the mass below being part- TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 147 ly frozen and therefore expanded, the water is gradually squeezed up through the orifice, and forms by congelation a regular pyramid, rising by successive steps ; or if the projecting force be greater, and the hole more contracted, it will dart off like a pillar. The radiating or feathered lines which at first mark the frozen surface, are only the edges of very thin plates of ice, implanted at determinate angles, but each parcel composed of parallel planes. This internal formation appears very conspicuous in the congealed mass which has been remov- ed from a metallic cup, before it is entirely consolidated. When cups of glass or metal are used, the cold excited at the open surface of the liquid extends its influence gradually downwards. But if the water be exposed in a porous ves- sel, the process of evaporation, then taking effect on all sides, proceeds with a nearly re- gular consolidation towards the centre of the mass, thickening rather faster at the bottom from its proximity to the action of the absor- bent, and leaving sometimes a reticulated 148 UELATIOXS OF AIR space near the middle of the upper surface, through which the air, disengaged by the progress of congelation, makes its escape. When very feeble powers of refrigeration are employed, a most singular and beautiful ap- pearance is in course of time slowly pro- duced. If a pan of porous earthen-ware, from four to six inches wide, be filled to the utmost with common water till it rise above the lipsj and now planted above a dish of ten or twelve inches diameter, containing a body of sulphuric acid, and having a round broad receiver passed over it ; on reducing the in- cluded air to some limit between the twenti-^ eth and the fifth part of its usual density, ac- cording to the coldness of the apartment, the liquid mass will, in the space of an hour or two, become entwined with icy shoots^. which gradually enlarge and acquire more solidity, but always leave the fabric loose and un- frozen below. The icy crust which covers the rim, now receiving continual accessions from beneath, rises perpendicularly by insen- sible degrees. From each point on the rough TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 149 surface of the vessel, filaments of ice, like bundles of spun-glass, are protruded, fed by the humidity conveyed through its substance, and forming in their aggregation a fine sil- very surface, analogous to that of fibrous gypsum or satin-spar. At the same time, another similar growth, though of less extent, takes place on the under side of the pan, so that continuous icy threads might appear vertically to transpierce the ware. The whole of the bottom becomes likewise covered over with elegant icy foliations. Twenty or thirty hours may be required to produce those sin- gular effects ; but the upper body of ice con- tinues to" rise for the space of several days, till it forms a circular wall of near three inches in height, leaving an interior grotto lined with fantastic groupes of icicles. In the mean- while, the exfoliations have disappeared from the under side, and the outer incrustation is reduced, by the absorbing process, to a narrow ring. The icy wall now suffers a regular waste from external erosion, and its fibrous structure becomes rounded and less apparent. 150 RELATIONS OF AIR Of its altitude, however, it loses but little for some time; and even a deposition of congealed films along its coping or upper edge, seems to take place, at a certain stage of the process. This curious effect is owing to a circumstance, which, as it serves to explain some of the grand productions of nature, merits particu- lar attention. The circular margin of the ice, being nearer the action of the sulphu- ric acid than its inner cavity, must suffer, by direct evaporation, a greater loss of heat j and consequently each portion of thin air that rises from the low cavity, being chilled in passing over the colder ledge, must depo- site a minute corresponding share of its mois- ture, which instantly attaches itself and in- crusts the ring. Whatever inequalities ex- isted at first in the surface of the ice, will hence continually increase. This explication seems to throw some light on the origin of those vast bodies of ice which occur within the Arctic Circle, and which, towering like clustered peaks above the sur- face of the ocean, have received the name of TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 151 icebergs. They frequently project above an hundred feet, and must therefore have ten times as much depth concealed under wa- ter. To suppose them to have been de- tached from a solid field of such tremendous thickness, would seem utterly improbable. It may indeed be doubted, whether any part of the ocean be ever naturally frozen. The ice which I have formed from salt water by the frigorific process, was always incompact, inclosing brine within its interstices, and re- sembling the aspect of what is called water- ice, or dilute syrup congealed. Perhaps an extremely slow congelation, descending re- gularly from the surface, may press down the saline particles, which are' never absolutely detached from the water, and thus force them to combine more largely with the mass below. But even admitting this idea, it would be still required to account for the great elevation of those icy cliffs. The most satisfactory mode probably of explaining the phenomenon, is to refer it to the operation of a general principle, by which the inequalities on the surface of 152 RELATIONS OP Alll a field of ice must be constantly increased. The lower parts of the field, being nearer the tempered mass of the ocean, are not so cold as those which project into the atmosphere, and consequently the air which ascends, be- coming chilled in sweeping over the eminen- ces, there deposites some of its moisture, forming an icy coat. But this continued in- crustation, in the lapse of ages, produces a vast accumulation, till the shapeless mass is at length precipitated by its own weight. .Other natural phenomena will receive il- lustration from the facts disclosed by the re<- frigerating process. In the rigorous climes of the north, the alternations of the seasons are most rapid. On the approach of spring, the thick fields of ice which, in Russia or Canada, cover the Neva or the St Lawrence, break up with overwhelming fury, accompani- ^d too by tremendous explosions. Nor is this iioise to be ascribed to the mere crash of the falling fragments. In those frightful climates, the winter at once sets in with most intense frost, which probably envelopes : the globules TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 153 of air separated from the water in the act of congelation, and, invading them on all sides, reduces them to a state of high condensation. When the mild weather begins, therefore, to prevail, the body of ice, penetrated by the warmth, becomes soft and friable ; and the minute but numerously interspersed globules of imprisoned air, exerting together their con- centrated elasticity, produce the most violent explosive disruptions. If we examine the structure of a hail-stone, we shall perceive a snowy kernel incased by a harder crust. It has very nearly the appear- ance of a drop of water suddenly frozen, the particles of air being driven from the surface towards the centre, where they form a spongy texture. This circumstance suggests the pro- bable origin of hail, which is perhaps occa- sioned by rain falling through a dry and very cold stratum of air. As the congealed drops arrive impregnated with cold at the milci atmosphere near the ground, they besides acquire, from external deposition, a sort of snowy invest lire. An experiment might 154 RELATIONS OF AIR even be devised for illustrating this formation. Suppose a capillary funnel, through which a little water would percolate so slowly as to drop only every two or three minutes, were placed at the top of a very tall and narrow receiver that has its air made extremely dry by the joint influence of rarefaction and ab- sorption ; the successive drops would, in their descent, be frozen into globules resembling hail. In rarefied hydrogen gas, the process of artificial congelation is performed with still greater rapidity than in atmospheric air. No material advantage, however, can be derived l ; from this property ; for, in the former me- dium, the cold actually excited is yet, under like circumstances, about a tenth part less. In performing this experiment, the apparatus is disposed in the usual mode and the air ex- tracted, ard hydrogen gas being immediately introduced from a gazometer, the rarefaction is again renewed. If this subtil gas dissolve a larger portion of moisture, it likewise com- municates to the exhaling surface a corre- TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 155 spending augmented share of heat. Ice, con- fined under hydrogen gas, at every degree of density, wastes more than twice as fast by evaporation, as under common air of the same elasticity. But the combined powers of rarefaction and absorption are capable of generating much greater effects than the mere freezing of water. I have in winter, when the density of air in- cluded within a receiver was reduced to about the five hundredth part, excited a cold of 125 degrees by Fahrenheit's scale below the temperature of the room. In the fine season, therefore, and with a better arrangement, a still more intense refrigeration might no douot be produced. Such frigorific energy, however, is at all times sufficient for effecting the con- gelation of mercury. Accordingly, if mer- cury, contained in a hollow pear-shaped piece of ice, be suspended by cross threads near a broad surface of sulphuric acid under a receiver ; on urging the rarefaction, it will become frozen, and may remain in that solid state for the space of several hours. 156 UELATIONS OF AIR But this very striking experiment, is easi- ly performed without any foreign aid. Ha- ving introduced mercury into the large bulb of a thermometer, and attached the tube to the rod of a transferrer, let this be placed over the wide dish containing sulphuric acid, in the midst of which is planted a very small tumbler nearly filled with water : After the included air has been rarefied about fifty times, let the bulb be dipped repeatedly into the very cold but unfrozen water-, and again drawn up about an inch ; in this way, it will become incrusted with successive coats of ice, the thickness perhaps of the twentieth part i inch : The water being now removed, the pendant icicle cut away from the bulb, and its surface smoothed by the touch of a warm finger, the transferrer is again replaced, the bulb let down within half an inch of the a- cid, and the exhaustion pushed to the utmost : When the syphon-gage has come, to stand un- der the tenth of an inch, the icy crust starts into divided fissures, and the mercury* having gradually descended in the tube till it reach " TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 157 its point of congelation, or 39 degrees below nothing, sinks by a sudden contraction almost into the cavity of the bulb ; and the apparatus being then removed and the ball broken, the metal appears a solid shining mass* that will bear the stroke of a hammer. Such enormous powers of refrigeration seem to open a wide prospect of future dis- covery. If the machinery of the air pump were improved, if a fluid were selected more evaporable than water, and if an absorbent substratum were employed of greater energy than sulphuric acid, we might expect to produce effects that quite transcend the ordi* nary limits. Alcohol, for instance, will, r JL der like circumstances, cause by its evapora- tion at least ten degrees on Fahrenheit's scale more cold than water ; its fumes being constantly withdrawn from the thin air, by the power of the same absorbent. But the muriate of lime, though generally feebler in its action, yet appears, at a certain state of preparation, to attract humidity more greedi- ly than sulphuric acid. Other deliquescent 158 DELATIONS OF AIll substances will no doubt be found to possess similar, and perhaps still higher, powers of absorption. By those joint energies, exerted in vaporizing and again condensing, an ex- treme cold may be procured, capable of per- haps effecting new combinations among bo- dies. Some liquids that have hitherto resist- ed congelation, will hence be frozen, and cer- tain gaseous fluids converted into liquids. But almost every practical object is attain- ed, through far inferior powers of refrigera- tion. Water is the most easily frozen, by leaving it, perhaps for the space of an hour, to the slow action of air that has been rare- only in a very moderate degree. This process meets with less impediment, and the ice formed by it appears likewise more com- pact, when the water has been already purg- ed of the greater part of its combined air, ei- ther by distillation or by long continued boil- ing. The water which has undergone such : operation, should be introduced as quickly as ' ,ossible into a decanter, and filled up close to the stopper, else it will attract air most gjeedi- TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 159 ly, and return nearly to its former state in the course of a few hours. Artificial congelation is always most com- modiously performed on a large scale. Since the extreme of rarefaction is not wanted, the air pump employed in the process admits of being considerably simplified, and rendered vastly more expeditious in its operation : Two or three minutes at most will be suffi- cient for procuring the degree of exhaustion required, and the combined powers of eva- poration and absorption will afterwards gra- dually produce their capital effect. In general, I prefer plates of about a foot in diameter, and which can be connected at pleasure wi^fe the main body of the pump. The dish hoi ing the sulphuric acid is nearly as wide as the flat receiver ; and a set of evaporating pans belongs to it, of different sizes, from seven to three inches in diameter, which are severally to be used according to circum- stances. The largest pan is employed in the cold season, and the smaller ones may 1 successively taken as the season becomes sul- 160 RELATIONS OF AIR try. On the whole, it is better not to over- strain the operation, and rather to divide the water under different receivers, if unusual powers of refrigeration should be required. As soon as the air is partly extracted from one receiver, the communication is immedi- ately stopped with the barrel of the pump, and the process of exhaustion is repeated on another. In this way, any number of re- ceivers, it is evident, may be connected with the same machine. If we suppose but six of these to be used, the labour of a quarter of an hour will set as many evaporating pans in full action, and may therefore in less than an ur afterwards produce nearly six pounds of lid ice. The waste which the water sus- tains during this conversion is extremely small, seldom indeed amounting to the fif- tieth part of the whole. Nor, till after multi- plied repetitions* is the action of the sul- phuric acid considerably enfeebled by its aqueous absorption. At first that diminu- tion is hardly perceptible, no,t being the hundredth part when the acid has acquired TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 161 as much as the tenth of its weight of water. But such influence gains rapidly, and rises with accelerated progression. When the quantity of moisture absorbed amounts to the fourth part by weight of the acid, the power of supporting cold is diminished by a twentieth ; and after the weights of both these come to be equal, the refrigerating ener- gy is reduced to less than the half. Sulphu- ric acid is hence capable of effecting the con- gelation of more than twenty times its weight of water, before it has imbibed near an equal bulk of that liquid, or has lost about the eighth part of its refrigerating power. The acid should then be removed, and concentrSPfc ed anew by slow distillation. But though the freezing of water is always performed to the best advantage in a large apparatus, a limit will soon occur to the scale of magnitude. Since the efficacy of the process depends on the quick circulation maintained between the opposite exhaling and absorbing surfaces, and consequently on their close proximity* the very extent of those surfaces M RELATIONS OF AIll must have a tendency to retard and enfeeble their operation. Accordingly, when the earthen pan is unusually wide, the central portion of its water, being most distant from the acid, seldom becomes firmly congealed. The measure of cold produced, at the same temperature, and with the same rarefaction, is determined, by the mutual proportion of the humid and of the absorbent substance. If the communication between them were quite instantaneous, the effect resulting from such contending powers would be an exact mean. But the humifying influence of the water and the desiccating action of the acid, are each of flpm greater in their immediate vicinity. Nei- ther does the evaporation, therefore, nor the subsequent absorption, take place to the full extent. In most cases, it will be sufficiently near the truth, to estimate the effect on a supposition that the surface of the acid were* doubled, or that of the acid were reduced to the one half. Thus, if the differential ther- mometer, having its sentient ball.- incrusted with *ce, in the rare medium, beside the acid, TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 163 alone marked 300 degrees of dryness ; as- suming the humid surface to be only the fourth part of that of the absorbent, the action would be shared in the ratio of one to a half, or the dryness of the thin fluid encircling the water would reach but to 200 degrees, and occasion a depression of temperature of no more than 36 degrees on Fahrenheit's scale ; and if both the surfaces were equal, the ef- fective dryness would be reduced to 100, and the cold resulting from the operation dimi- nished from 54 to 18 degrees. When the exhaling and absorbing surfaces are rightly disposed and apportioned, thf moderate rarefaction, from twenty to for times, which is adequate to the freezing of water, may be readily procuredAjy the conden- sation of steam. In all manufactures where the steam-engine is employed, ice may, there- fore, at all times be formed in any quantity, and with very little additional expence. It is only required, to bring a narrow pipe from the condensing vessel, and to direct it along a range of receivers, under each of whicl j the 164 RELATIONS OF Mil water and the acid are severally placed. These receivers, with which the pipe com- municates by distinct aper$res, may, for the sake of economy, be constructed of cast-iron, and adapted with hinges to the rim of a broad shallow dish of the same metal, but lined with lead to hold the acid. Other im- provements, of a practical nature, might easi- ly be devised, to suit particular objects. But the excessive dryness of the rare me- dium, exposed to the action of an absorbent, is capable of being usefully turned to other purposes, besides that of congelation. Birds nnd other small objects in natural history, if Introduced within a receiver beside a body of sulphuric acid, would by rarefaction be- come, in a v#-t time, most effectually dried, without suffering any derangement or injury of their parts, which the violent heat of an oven is apt to occasion. Some anatomical preparations might be managed in the same way. This process, indeed, exactly resem- bles what nature is said to perform on the bodies of those unfortunate pilgrims, who are TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 165 suddenly overwhelmed by tornadoes amidst the sandy and arid plains of Arabia. In a similar way, could gunpowder be con- veniently brought to any required degree of dryness, without incurring the risk of those terrible explosions which so frequently hap- pen in the ordinary mode of operation. The powder and the acid being exposed in dis- tinct but communicating chambers, and the included air only slightly rarefied, might easily, by means of a simple machinery, be driven alternately from the one to the other, and thus made to transport and deposite its watery store. In some cases, without em- ploying rarefaction at all, it may be sufficient , merely to force the air which has been dried by being confined with a bod;.~>f sulphuric acid, to pass over the surface oi the gunpow- der. But it would be premature to enlarge on a subject, which, from its general import- ance, seems to claim the consideration of our public Boards. The process which has been so fully de- scribed, for producing dryness, and thence the 166 RELATIONS OF AIR cooling and congelation of water, may be justly deemed an object of extensive utility. In this island, the use of ice at table is con- sidered as a mere luxury ; but, in the hot climates, that practice is viewed in a very different light, as an indispensable necessary of life, and highly grateful and salubrious. The ancients were accustomed to cool their liquors during summer, by the infusion of pure snow carried down on purpose from the mountains. But, about the middle of the fif- teenth century, the method was discovered in Italy, of freezing water anew, by application of the superior cold produced from the mix- ture of snow with salt or nitre. In the East Indies, great expence and attention are be- stowed, in procuring the refreshment of cOol drinks. On the coast of Malabar, the air is generally too humid, for producing any con- siderable effect by evaporation ; but, in the interior of the province of Bengal, during the continuance of the dry season, when a piercing wind generally blows from the lofty mountains of Thibet, films of ice about the TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 167 thickness of a shilling or half-a-crown are ga- thered in the mornings from the surface of shallow earthen pans set close to the ground, in pits lined with the bamboo reed, and which have been filled the preceding evening with water previously boiled and again suf- fered to cool. These thin sheets of ice are immediately rammed together into a compact mass, and sent down, packed in wool, to Cal- cutta, But during at least four months of the year, this resource totally fails ; and the settlers, deprived of their usual indulgence, then suffer from excessive languor. In the West Indies again, and the adjacent shores of America, our colonists are, at all times, left without any such relief, to assuage the burning heats of a pestilent climate. Even at home, ice-houses often fail in their construction, and are seldom found to an- swer in the southern and western districts, such as Devonshire and Cornwall. To pro- cure ice, therefore, independent altogether of the disposition of the sky, is a benefit of no small importance. A minute fragment of ice 168 RELATIONS OF AJH will yet be sufficient in melting to chill a very large body of water. But the cold affusion has been employed with the happiest success at certain stages of fever. Cooling draughts may, in many cases, too, be administered with obvious advantage ; and though medical wri- ters are not always consistent either with themselves or with nature, the uniform be- lief and experience of whole nations suffi- ciently establish the utility of the application of cold, both externally and internally, in a wide variety of disorders which assail the hu- man frame. It may not therefore be too much, perhaps, to expect, that an enlighten- ed and provident government will be dispos- ed to encourage the introduction of refrige- rating machines into our military hospitals in the tropical climates, and likewise on board Indiamen and the larger ships of war. TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 169 I must now close this lengthened train of investigation. Without entering much into detail, I have endeavoured to exhibit the prin- cipal facts and reasonings in a compressed form. It will therefore not be judged super- fluous, perhaps, in conclusion, to take a con- cise retrospect of the whole. The various effects of heat are deducible from the operation of a peculiar subtle fluid, probably the same as light, which combines with bodies in very different proportions. Hydrogen gas contains the largest share of it, and mercury comparatively the smallest. This heat is primarily derived from the incidence of the solar rays, but distributed on the earth by a very unequal allotment, according to the obliquity which the surface of our globe pre- sents to the sun in the different latitudes. The original inequality, however, is greatly redu- ced, by that perpetual, though indirect commu- nication, which is maintained by the motion of the atmosph re between the poles and the equator. The currents from the south con- vey warmth into the northern, regions, and 170 HELATIONS OF AIR the opposite currents, in their turn, transport ing cold, serve to mitigate the burning heats within the tropics. From this fact, combined with the supposition, that such a mutual trans- fer is, by the agency of oblique winds, effect- ed completely twice every year between the poles and the equator, the mean temperature of any place, at the level of the sea, jnay be derived by calculation, agreeing remarkably nearly with the results of actual observation. Again, the cold which prevails in the higher spaces of the atmosphere is occasioned by a similar but far more speedy communication, supported between the lower and upper strata. Thin air, by its constitution, holds a compa- ratively larger share of heat. Any portion of the ambient medium that ascends from the surface must have its temperature diminish- ed, and the corresponding portion which falls down will, as to sense, become warmer. combined another and most unexpected element of dispersion. A part of the heat discharged from a warm body is 172 RELATIONS OF AIR always darted to a distance by a sort of rapid vib 1 lory commotion, exerted, like the im- pression of sound, on the ambient air. This portion, emitted from a surface of glass or paper, will in general amount to half of the whole expenditure ; but, from a bright me- ic surface, it is about ten times less. A reous surface, on the other hand, will, if opposed to the tide of heat, receive nearly the whole impression, while one of polished metal will detain only the tenth part, reflect- ing back all the rest. To this curious and interesting bfanch of the subject ^f heat, I have particularly directed my researches ; and the application of the differential the^ Udometer, which was contrived to indicate the smallest changes in the temperature of its communicating balls, has proved a safe and easy guide in tracing out some of the more recondite properties of matter. A variation of that instrument, called the pyroscope, and having one of its balls gilt, is especially fit- ted for such examination. The peculiar ef- fects exhibited, seem to proceed from those TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 173 different degrees of contact which must ob- tain between the air and the surface of ^ 3s or of metal, the approximation, and conse- quently the impression received or commu- nicated, being much greater in the former than in the latter. Different bodies riot only contain rious proportions, but undergo mutations that respectateverychangewhich occur in their constitution or internal arrangement Water is subject to striking alterations in its affinities to heat. In the form of ice, it holds a tenth part less L?* f han before ; but'in the state of steam or vapour, it contains above a half more tKan it tficT in its liquid condition. Hence 135 degrees of heat by Fahrenheit's scale are e- volved in the act of congelation, and 945 ab- sorbed in the conversion of water into steam. Evaporation from a humid surface, therefore, makes it colder. But to this depression of temperature there is an evident limit, when the encircling air communicates, by its contact, exactly as much heat as it absorbs, in unit- ing with the quantity of vaporized moisture, 174 RELATIONS OF AIR sufficient for its saturation. The cold thus induced, hence marks the dryness of the am- bient medium. On this principle, I have constructed the hygrometer, which promises to become an instrument not only useful to- ds the extension [of philosophy, but of s. service in the improvement of the arts manufactures. It derives elucidation from comparison with the atmometer, which, though grounded on simpler data, is yet sus- ceptible of considerable delicacy. Heat and moisture, in all their relations, appear to Jtffcw the same laws. If rarefac- tion enlargeVthe capacity of air for heat, it likewise communicates an increased power of containing humidity. The higher regions of the atmosphere are hence comparatively drier than the lower, or, at the same tempe- rature, they would have a greater effect on the hygrometer. In ascending, therefore, those elevations, the continual diminution of heat augments at first the dampness of the air, till we reach its extreme limit, or the ordinary seat of the clouds, above which the effect of TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 175 attenuation begins to predominate over the cold, and the air grows progressively drier and clearer, till at length it melts away in the resplendent fields of ether. The power of air to contain or dissolve moisture is augmented by heat in a rapi progression, doubling for each rise of tern rature corresponding to 27 degrees on Fahre heit's scale. When two parcels of humid air at different temperatures are mingled to- gether, the mean temperature of the com- pound being, therefore, unable to hold their aggregate moisture, disencumblpfctself of the surplus load. If this commrJBR be pro- uced by the meeting of opposite currents in the atmosphere, a very considerable deposi- tion may take place* When the humidity is slowly parted with, it remains suspended in the shape of fogs or clouds ; but when it is more copiously detached, it forms rain or hail. Snow is caused by the freezing of the minute aqueous globules at the instant of their prer- cipitation, but hail seems to derive its origin from the congelation of the large accumu- : j 176 RELATIONS OF AIR lated drops in their subsequent descent through a cold and dry stratum of air. Most of the softer substances are disposed to attract moisture with various degrees of force. On this property, is founded the con- ction of all the hygroscopes which have at different times proposed. Even the ;hy bodies, if previously heated before a strong fire, and kept stopped in glass decanters, have a power to abstract moisture from the confined air, and therefore to render it artifi- cially dry. Cultivated soils possess eminent- ly the sfl ^disposition, and which appears the mofWBRspicuous in proportion to their fertility. The concentrated sulphuric acid and the powdered muriate of lime, particularly the former, are on the whole the most energetic and lasting absorbents. But air which has been desiccated by their operation, is fitted, through its invigorated powers of evaporation, to excite greater cold. Hence water or other liquors may at all times be considerably cool- ed, and with very little trouble or expence. TO HEAT AND MOISTURE. 177 But far more intense cold is created, by combining the power of an absorbent with that of rarefaction. If water in a small porous pan be set above a wide surface of sulphuric acid, and covered by a low receiver from which the air is mostly extracted, it will congeal, and will remain in that frozen for a very long time, till the ice become in- sensibly wasted away by a continued process of evaporation. A sort of invisible aerial dis- tillation is carried on under the glass ; for the thinness of the medium aujj^jj^Josence of atmospheric pressure, occasJ K&ly the same effect on the humid substance, as the application A fire alone. The steam exhaled from the surface of .the pan is conveyed to the acid, where it condenses and gives out its component heat. After the ice has been formed, the same circulation is still maintain- ed. Heat is indeed merely transferred from the exhaling to the absorbing surface; and the solid cake remains considerably colder, while the sulphuric acid is kept always warm- er, than the atmosphere of the room. A tern- V f^-Aj 178 RELATIONS OF AIR, &C. perature many degrees below the . noint of freezing water can thus be procured at all sea- sons. The congelation of mercury has already been effected by this process ; and after re- ceiving farther extension and improvemei^c, i|Fmay no doubt come in time to be applied W a variety of the most useful and beneficial purposes in life. FINIS. c3* The different Instruments and Machines described in this Tract, are to be had, of the most accurate and perfect construction, from Mr CARY, Opticia$,,ondon, and from Messrs MILLER fy ADIE, Edinburgh. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 41584 I! mo,. LIBRARY^ MIIVD-JCT V\E-UNI| I 1 1 I I I II III 001 161 994 7 I 1^ dOS-ANCElfj: fe 3 3 ^ = I % ft 5 ! li % ^\\E UNIVER% ^lOS-ANCElfj^. ^l S il ^r 1 V % i > S / ^ UNIVER% ^ 1 I * $