,\\\E;11NIVERS/ COINS, MEDALS, AND SEALS, ANCIENT AND MODERN. Illustrated anb WITH A SKETCH OF THE HISTORY OF COINS AND COINAGE, INSTRUCTIONS FOR YOUNG COLLECTORS, TABLES OF COMPARATIVE RARITY, PRICE LISTS OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN COINS, MEDALS AND TOKENS, &c., &c. EDITED BY W. C. PRIME, AUTHOE OF " Boat Life in Egypt and Nubia," "Tent Life in the Holy Land," &c., &c., &c. NEW YORK: HARPER & BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS, FRANKLIN SQUARE. 1861. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year one thousand eight hundie.l and sixty, by HARPER & BROTHERS, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Southern District of New York. P E E T A C E. THIS volume is published without any pretence to novelty, but is intended to give, in a cheap form, in- formation which new collectors could not otherwise ob- tain except at very great expense. In the mass of illus- tration which it contains will be found its chief value. When this was placed in my hands to prepare the ac- companying historical sketch, I shrank from the work as one which could, however well executed, result in very little credit to myself. The countless works on coins, the mere catalogue of which fills a volume of sev- eral hundred pages the inexhaustible nature of the sub- ject the obscurity which overhangs even that portion of it that relates to our own country these and many other considerations operated to induce me to decline the attempt. I have only undertaken it with the idea that I might do something for the benefit and assistance of young col- lectors in this country, who are in need of such advice as I have endeavored to give them. It has been my de- sire to encourage in the young a taste for numismatic 1773272 PREFACE. study, and to discourage the mania for rare and curious, but uninteresting and worthless, pieces of metal which has prevailed extensively in America during the past year. I promised myself that I would prepare a book which every parent may place in the hands of his child, with the assurance that it would not mislead him into collect- ing coins for the sake of their rarity instead of their his- torical value. This end I hope this volume may serve. While the illustration is valuable to all collectors, the instructions are specially directed to young students, and not to old scholars. As the young collector advances in his stud- ies, he will be able to appreciate and to use with judg- ment the learned and elaborate works with which our public libraries abound. That portion of the volume which relates to America and American coins and medals has been prepared with much labor, but is sadly imperfect. I have already hinted at the obscurity which overhangs the history of American coinage. It is remarkable that such facts re- main undetermined as whether the Washington coin of 1792 (commonly but erroneously called the cent of 1792) was struck from a die cut in this country, or whether there was any issue of cents from the Mint in 1815, or where or whence the Georgius Triumpho copper first appeared, and many similar questions. It is very easy to give replies to these questions, but difficult to give authorities for the replies. PREFACE. It is also impossible to affirm in this day whether cer- tain coins now very rare will remain so, since every year new specimens of rare coins are found and added to col- lections. For this reason the price catalogues are of only temporary value. So, too, with the silver of the years preceding 1853. For the present, most of the dates can be readily obtained ; but in consequence of the change in weight which took place in 1853, the sil- ver of earlier date than that has almost entirely disap- peared from circulation, and is now sold to the melters or returned to the Mint. As this practice continues, the entire early coinage is becoming scarce ; so that within a year from the present time many half dollars, quarters, dimes, and half dimes now common will become of the highest rarity and command the highest prices. Tradesmen's cards, tokens, and medalets of all kinds, have for the same reason no fixed value or steadfast place in any scale of rarity. The mania no other word can be correctly used which during the past year has led to the payment of enormous prices for tradesmen's cards, received a fitting check by the reproduction in immense quantities, from the original dies, of many of the most highly prized. For this reason it is impossible to-day to say that any one card or token will be scarce or specially valuable to-morrow. It is to these and like points that it has been my de- sire to direct the attention of young collectors. When, by reason of an increase in the number of stu- dents, and a more steadfast pursuit of the science, the 7 PREFACE. prices of American coins become more fixed and certain, and the entire supply, now hoarded in cupboards or old stockings and purses, is brought to light, it may be pos- sible to prepare a book on American coins which shall have a permanent value. At present the science of nu- mismatics in America has very few devotees. Collect- ors we have without number, who hunt diligently for tradesmen^ cards and mistakes in dies, and who collect for a year, then sell their cabinets at auction and begin again. But we have very few students of the science. Let us hope for better days in this respect ; and mean- time let us preserve all that is historically valuable, and do all that we can to discourage the folly of collecting worthless pieces of metal, whose sole value is in their scarcity, and on which so much time and money have been expended during the past two years. W. C. P. NEW YOHK, Nov. 1, 1860. 8 HISTORY OF COINAGE. i. of STATE COINAGE. States as soon or immediately after. We can only glance rapid- ly at their issues. Vermont soon issued many coins. The most common were those with the simple legend VERMON. AUCTORI. (By Authority of Vermont) on the obverse, around a laureated head (Plate CL, Figure 3), and on the reverse a seated figure with the words INDE. ET LIB. (Independence and Liberty). This form of legend was adopted by Connecticut, as will appear hereafter (Plate GUI., Figure 3). Other Vermont coins had for a device the sun rising over the mountains, and the legend VERMONTENSIUM EES PUBLICA, with a reverse bearing the words QUARTA DECIMA STELLA (the four- teenth star) (Plate CL, Figure 2). This coin is somewhat varied in other specimens, the legend being VERMONTS instead of VER- MONTENSIUM, and the reverse being differently executed. The Mint of Vermont seems to have been very active, and great quan- tities of coin were issued from it. Among others we have found coins with the head and name of King George, and the reverse LSTDE. ET LIB. A curious combination for a coin, but possibly resulting from the counterfeiting of English half-pennies which then passed current in the northern part of the country, or per- haps from the attempt to recoin half-pennies with the Vermont legends and devices. In one coin in our collection, however, the latter supposition is clearly impossible. Connecticut was industrious in coining as in all other depart- ments of art. The number and variety of Connecticut cents or coppers, from 1785 to 1788, is absolutely beyond computation. Every day a new one is discovered. The variation is not always important, but quite sufficient to indicate the use of a separate and distinct die for each coin. Thus the dots, stars, or lines of the legends are different, the head faces to the right or to the left, or some equally distinct mark is found. The uniform legend is like that of the Vermont coppers, Auc- 78 PLATE XXXV. STATE COINAGE. TORI. CONNEC., with the reverse, INDE. ET LIB. (Plate CIIL, Figure 3). Occasionally an error was made in the lettering. Thus we find an AUCTOBI, or an AUCTOPI, or an AUCIORI, or a CONNFC. ; and these errors make coins of special rarity for those collectors who prize coins for their oddity rather than their his- toric value. It is probable that vast numbers of counterfeits were issued by private parties, and to these many of the varieties are to be attributed. New York did not coin so largely as the other States. In fact the State never authorized a coinage, and most, if not all of those commonly called New York coins, because bearing the name or arms of the State, were struck in England. All the coins of New York are of a higher degree of rarity than those of the other States. The most common at present found, and that one of which it is probable the largest number was issued, was of English origin. It is that bearing the legend NOVA EBORAC around a head on the obverse, and VIRT. ET LIB. around a seated figure on the reverse ; the date being 1787 (Plate CY., Figure 4). Of this there are two. varieties, the seated figure in one facing to the right, and in the other to the left. There is also a difference in the head-dress of this figure. The arms of the State form the reverse of several New York coins. The original type was probably the Eagle cop- per: obverse, an eagle, E PLURIBUS UNUM, 1787; reverse, the State arms, EXCELSIOR. Very few specimens of this coin are known. The rarest of the New York coins, and one of the rarest coins of the American copper series, is the George Clinton piece of 1787, which we illustrate (Plate CV., Figure 1). This is the first time, we believe, that this coin has been illustrated (except in Har- per } s Magazine for March, 1860, where the same illustration was used). The coin in our own collection, and one owned in Boston, were, until quite recently, the only specimens known; but a third 80 PLATE XXXVI. STATE COINAGE. specimen has come into our possession within a short time. We have heard of no others. It is an interesting numismatic memorial of the first governor of the State, as well as of the early coinage of the country. It is remarkable that each of our specimens is struck, as the engraving indicates, over an IMMUNIS COLUMBIA. The remains of portions of the former coin are visible on each. There is another New York coin, sometimes called the New York "Washington piece, from the supposed resemblance of the head on the obverse to that of the great patriot. This head is surrounded by the legend NON vi VIRTUTE Vici (Not by force, by bravery I have conquered). The reverse of this coin has a seated figure of Liberty, and the legend " NEO EBORACENSIS, 1786" (Plate CV., Figure 5). A gold coin is known as the New York doubloon, having the legend NOVA EBORACA, COLUMBIA, EXCELSIOR around a land- scape, the sun rising over the hills ; on thercverse an eagle, and the legend "UNUM E PLURIBUS, 1787." This coin was never circulated, and we have heard of but two specimens in existence. The IMMUNIS COLUMBIA token is ranked as a New York coin. On the obverse is a seated figure holding a flag and the scales of Justice, surrounded by the legend IMMUNIS COLUMBIA, and the date 1787. The reverse is an eagle, with the legend E PLURIBUS UNUM (Plate CIIL, Figure 6). Another New York coin had on the face an Indian chief, the legend LIBER NATUS LIBERTATEM DEFENDO; the reverse the arms of the State, on one variety ; and on another the crest of those arms only, an eagle, with the legend NEO EBORACUS EX- CELSIOR, 1787. A coin, known as the Confederatio copper, made its appearance in 1785 and 1786. Its history is entirely lost. We illustrate a unique specimen from the collection of Benjamin Haines, Esq., of Elizabeth, New Jersey (Plate CV., Figure 2). Another speci- men, differing from this in the reverse, is known, but this copy in 82 PLATE XXXVII. STATE COINAGE. the possession of Mr. Haines is the only one extant of its kind, and is justly regarded as one of the rarest numismatic treasures of America. The reverse, as will be noticed, is dated a year later than the obverse. New Jersey coined in great profusion. The coins of this State bear the uniform appearance indicated in the illustration (Plate GUI., Figure 4). The varieties differ only in the shape of the shield, the punctuation, the occasional omission of a letter by mistake, as in one die (which is E PLURIBS UNUM); and in one instance the horse's head is turned to the left. The latter coin is very rare. Massachusetts struck two State coins in 1787, and reissued them in 1788 a cent and a half 'cent of which large quantities were sent out. The half cent is now rare, but the cents of both dates are common, that of 1788 being a little more rare than 1787 (Plate CIIL, Figure 2). There is a coin known as the Kentucky cent, or copper (but so called without reason), which is a favorite with collectors, and which we illustrate (Plate GUI., Figure 5). The ground for the name appears to be that, in the pyramid of States on the obverse, Kentucky happens to be uppermost. It was struck in England, is a fine specimen of coinage, and may be prized by any one who possesses it. There is extant a token of P. P. P. Myddelton, with the legend BRITISH SETTLEMENT, KENTUCKY, 1776. But wheth- er it was ever used in America, or is only an English token, is very doubtful. A splendid specimen, in silver, is in the collec- tion of John F. McCoy, Esq., of New York. In 1794 a French company proposed a settlement, and did at- tempt it, in the northern part of New York, which they named Castorville. It was located where Carthage, in Jefferson County, now stands, and is said to have contained families of rank and re- spectability. A coin or medal is extant known as the Castor-land piece. This was probably struck in France for the use of this 64 PLATE XXXVIII. WASHINGTON COINS. colony, and though it never passed into circulation, it is interest- ing as the only permanent memorial of an attempted colonization of this State which failed and has been forgotten. The dies of this coin are still extant in France, and fine specimens are easily procured. It may never have been intended as a coin, but only as a monument of the colony, and as such it remains, a very beautiful specimen of art. WASHINGTON COINS AND TOKENS. The head of the great patriot had, of course, formed the sub- ject of more or less numismatic art in England and America ; for it must be borne in mind that the American market was the constant spur to English labor, and that the necessities of this country, in the matter of coin, were thoroughly appreciated by ingenious artists on the other side. In 1783 the Washington and Independence tokens made their appearance. These must not be confounded with the Washington cents of later issue (1791 and 1792), of which we shall presently speak. It does not appear that any of these tokens obtained ex- tensive circulation, nor that they were used at all as money. They are interesting, however, as relics of the times in which they appeared, and as indicating the respect and veneration paid to the illustrious Washington by his contemporaries. Of the tokens of 1783 there are four varieties, of which we illustrate the obverses of two (Plate CVIL, Figures 8, 9). The four may be distinguished easily thus : the first is the Washington and Independence token, with a large head laureated, and the re- verse a seated figure, the legend being the words UNITED STATES. The second has a similar obverse, but the reverse resembles the cent of later years, the legend being ONE CENT in a wreath, and around the wreath UNITY STATES OF AMERICA. The third has a small head on the obverse, and in other respects resembles the first The fourth has the small head on both sides, the legend on 86 PLATE XXXIX. WASHINGTON COINS. one side WASHINGTON, on the other side ONE CENT. The cuts show the two heads. A very beautiful little token in brass also appeared at or near this period, of which we give an illustration (Plate CVIL, Fig- ure 3). There are two other sizes of this token extant, one smaller than the other, and both smaller than this. The legends and devices are the same on all. When a national coinage was devised, the European custom of placing the head of a king on the coin of the realm of course suggested the idea of placing the bust of Washington on the American coins. This idea led to the production of the Washing- Ion cents of 1791, which are now so highly prized as numismatic treasures. These (and not the tokens of 1783) are the Washing- ton cents which command such high prices, and which are the ornaments of collections of American coins (Plate CVIL, Figures 4, 5, 6). Young collectors will do well to bear in mind that the tokens of 1783 are not to be confounded with these. It is not uncommon for an inexperienced collector to be induced to pay a large price for one of the tokens under the impression that he is purchasing a Washington cent. The most common error is made with the double-head token, which has the legend ONE CENT over the head, or with the UNITY STATES token, which also has the legend ONE CENT within the wreath on the reverse. The cent of 1791 was made in England. This is evident from the character of the dies and the specimens of the coins extant. We have four in our own possession. The first is that common- ly known as the large eagle. The second is closely like it on the obverse, though the head is not precisely the same, and the date is under a smaller and different eagle on the reverse. These are the large and small eagle cents of 1791. There are other varieties of the small eagle. On one specimen of the large eagle cent in our cabinet the fol- lowing legend appears around the edge of the coin: "BRADLEY, 88 PLATE XL. O H H 6 Si WASHINGTON COINS. WILLEY, SNEDSHILL, BERSHAM" (the last letter is doubtful). The other specimens have on the edge " United States of America." We have heard of another specimen of the coin with this same legend. A copper piece, bearing the date 1792, and commonly known as a Washington cent, is found in some collections and highly prized. It differs materially from the cent of 1791, bears another legend and a different head, and has no mark indicating that it was intended for a cent. This coin of 1792 has been claimed for Philadelphia as the work of Peter Getz ; the evidence which we have received from his descendants, although purely traditional, seems to justify the claim. This coin of 1792 was originally designed as a pattern for silver money, and the copies existing in copper are to be regard- ed only as medals. This is evident from various considerations. The coin is much too large for a cent. The word cent is nowhere visible on it, as it is on the true Washington cents. The work is more carefully done, and a copper coin of this size could not have taken a position in circulation in America or Europe in the year 1792. It was struck in silver, and the few specimens in that metal now existing are the highly -prized Washington half dollars, which are so rare (Plate CVIL, Figures 1, 2). The specimen of this splendid coin which we illustrate was struck over an En- glish piece of silver : the engraving shows the remains of some letters of the old coin. This was a common course pursued with new dies for coins, especially in new countries, where the machinery for rolling silver and cutting the planchets was imper- fect, or perhaps as yet unknown. This coin brought a handsome price in 1859, no less than $57, and is well worth a much larger sum of money. Indeed the collector, once possessed of it, will hardly be induced by money offers to separate it from his collec tion. There is another coin claiming the name of Washington half dollar. We have not seen a specimen ; but from an engraving 90 PLATE XL! WASHINGTON COINS. we find that it resembles the genuine half dollar on the obverse, while the reverse bears the mark of the engraver's chisel struck across the eagle. This would indicate that the die was disap- proved and destroyed by the engraver himself, and that the coins struck with it must have been produced for the amusement of some person in his work-shop, who tried his hand with a rejected die. The only copper coin of 1792 which can with propriety be called a Washington cent is a rare coin, of which we give the ob- verse (Plate CVIL, Figure 7). The reverse is not very unlike the small eagle cent reverse of 1791, with the word CENT over the eagle. Altogether there are some eight or ten distinct varieties of what are commonly called Washington cents of 1791 and 1792. In neither 1791 nor 1792 did these coins go into circulation. They were offered as patterns for the national coinage, then under discussion, and met the decided disapprobation of Washington. They were of course prized as specimens, and their value has since become very great. Other coins appeared at about this time, or a few years later, bearing the name of Washington ; and although in order of date they were mostly preceded by the regular American copper coin- age, it is as well that we mention them in this connection. They were of English origin, and struck, apparently, for circulation there. One resembled closely the Washington cent of 1791, on the obverse, so closely that we have no doubt the same artist pro- duced it. The legend around the bust is the same ; and on the reverse is a ship, with the legend " Half-penny," and the date 1793. The edge has the words, "Payable in Anglesey, London, or Liverpool." This coin would seem to be conclusive in estab- lishing the foreign origin of the Washington cent of 1791. The obverse of the specimen in our cabinet is identical with the ob- verse of the small eagle cent of 1791, and is without doubt the same die. 92 PLATE XL1I. NATIONAL COINAGE. Another variety of the same coin has no date on the reverse, but two branches of leaves under the ship. Another English token was issued with a head of Washington, and on the reverse a grate. This is called the Washington Grate cent or token, and was issued by Clark and Harris, a firm whose name it bears. The die is doubtless still preserved in England, as fine proof specimens are furnished to order in any quantity. It is a coin of little interest or value, and only to be noted as a compliment paid to the American patriot by an English house of tradesmen. The legend around the bust is " 0. Washington, the firm friend to peace and humanity" In later years the head of Washington has formed a favorite subject with engravers and medalists, and the number of coins, tokens, tradesmen's cards, etc., which bear the head of the patriot on them is, probably, over two hundred and fifty. For a fuller description of them we must refer the reader to works which are devoted to details. NATIONAL COINAGE. In 1786 the Congress of the United States established a Mint. Its first and only issue for many years was the Fugio or Franklin cent (Plate CIX., Figure 2), so called, which was extensively cir- culated. The pewter or lead coin which had made its appearance in 1776, of which we have spoken (see Plate CIX., Figure 3), seems to have been the model of the Fugio copper. This coin was specially ordered by resolution of Congress, July 6, 1787. The name "Franklin copper" is derived from the pithy sentence on it, which sounds very much like the philosopher. He did recommend the adoption of such sentences on our coinage, but there is no evidence that he had any thing to do with the Fugio coin. Although a United States coin, this was struck by private contract, and a large portion of the issue was minted in Connecti- cut. It formed the chief article of copper currency down to the 94 PLATE XLIII. ORIGIN OF THE MINT. issue of the cent of 1793, and even later. Within the past year a keg of these coppers was found in the vault of a New York city bank, in fresh proof condition. This statement has been doubted ; but we are indebted to the cashier for fine specimens of the con- tents of the keg, which abundantly prove the truth of the story. A recent discovery of the old dies, and possibly a manufacture of new dies, or repairing and retouching the old, has made these coins very common in various metals. In 1791 Congress again resolved that a Mint be established, and authorized the President (then George "Washington) to carry out the design of the resolution. It is supposed that the Wash- ington cents of 1791 and 1792 were patterns issued to meet the plans of the President under this resolution. He rejected them. In 1792 a small quantity of silver was struck in dismes and half dismesj as they were called. These coins had on one side a head, and the legend LIBERTY PARENT OF SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY, 1792 ; the reverse, a flying eagle, and the legend UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ; on one the word DISME, on the other HALF DISME. Tradition says none were coined but a few for Washington himself, out of silver sent by him to the Mint. They are now very rare. A few copper patterns for a cent, with a similar legend, were issued the same year. One of these was sold, in January, 1860, at a Phil- adelphia auction, for $66 50, and another for $50. These prices will give an idea of the present rarity of the coins. Some other patterns were struck about this time ; but the Mint did not get fairly into operation until 1793, when the first United States cop- per cent appeared. This first cent was of the pattern shown in Plate CIX., Figures 5 and 7. It did not give universal satis- faction. Alexander Hamilton was at this time Secretary of the Treasury, and the new coin met with such criticisms as this from the Argiis, a Boston paper, of March 26, 1793 : " The chain on the reverse is but a bad omen for liberty, and Liberty herself ap- pears to be in a fright. May she not justly cry out, in the words 96 PLATE XLIV. G FIRST AMERICAN SILVER. of the Apostle, ' Alexander the coppersmith has done me much harm ; the Lord reward him according to his works ?' " No other coin was issued by the Mint this year. In 1794 a dollar, a half dollar, and a half dime were struck (Plate CIX., Fig- ure 4). These were the first silver coins of the American series. The first quarter dollar and the first dime were issued in 1796. The devices on these coins were original, and certainly more beau- tiful than have since been adopted. The form of the coins, or, rather, their devices, changed from time to time. The dollar reappeared in 1795 in similar style with that of 1794; but before the close of the year a new head was adopted, which continued in use until 1804. The reverse was changed, and a different eagle adopted, in 1798. From 1804 to 1839 no dollars 'were coined except the flying-eagle patterns of 1836, 1838, and 1839. In 1839 the obverse pattern of the dollar was struck. In 1840 it appeared with new devices, which have re- mained in use, with little variation, until the present time. The half dollar underwent several changes at different periods. In 1796 the fillet head was adopted. In 1801 the eagle wore a shield. In 1807 the bust, with a turbaned head facing to the left, appeared on the half dollar, and the eagle was again without the shield. The coin then continued with little change until ] 836, when a smaller planchet, with a milled edge, was introduced. In 1839 the old bust of Liberty disappeared forever, and in its place came the nondescript design commonly called a seated figure of Liberty, which has since been the unvarying obverse, with the slight ex- ception of mint marks, such as the arrow-heads of 1853. The first quarter dollar was struck in 1796. The changes in the quarter occurred in 1815, 1831, 1838, and 1853. The first dime was struck in 1796, and the changes occurred in 1798, 1809, 1837, 1838, and 1853. Two varieties appeared in 1837 and 1838. One of the varieties of 1838 came only from the New Orleans Mint namely, the die without stars. 98 PLATE XLV. FIRST AMERICAN CENTS. The half dimes were first struck in 1794, changed in 1796, 1797, 1829, 1837, 1838 (in these last two years resembling the dime), and 1853. The three-cent pieces were first coined in 1851, and changed in 1853. "We are alluding now only to marked and important changes in the devices on the coins. Slight variations occurred in other years, and there are many slightly different dies of the same years ; so that a complete collection of all the varieties of the different years will require at least ten or fifteen specimens of each coin of each year. The illustrations on Plates CIX., CX., CXI., CXIL, and CXHI. show the variations in the gold and silver coins. The attention of collectors has been more devoted to the cents and half cents than to any other coins. The cent of 1793 appeared in many varieties. 1. The link cent (Plate CIX., Figures 5 and 7) before mentioned. On one variety of this link cent the legend is UNITED STATES OF AMERI. Some have plain edges, others have stars and stripes on the edge. 2. The wreath cent. The obverse of this cent is shown in Plate CIX., Figure 8. The reverse has a wreath instead of the links around the words ONE CENT. There are nearly or quite twenty varieties of this die, the chief marks of difference being in the shape and arrangement of the leaves under the head. 3. The Liberty-cap cent. This variety has a head of Liberty with a pole across the shoulder bearing a Liberty -cap, which hangs back of the head. The reverse is like the wreath cent, and on the edge ONE HUNDRED FOR A DOLLAR. In 1794 the cent was issued with the Liberty -cap head. In 1795 there was a thick die, with the words ONE HUNDRED FOR A DOLLAR around the edge, and a thin die without them. There was a reduction in the weight of the coin, which originated the latter variety. 100 PLATE XLVI. AMERICAN COPPER. In 1796 the Liberty-cap head was used during the early part of the year, and changed for the fillet head (so called) in the lat- ter part of the year. This fillet head is illustrated on the silver coins. In 1 808 the fillet head was used on a few coins, and then the turbaned head, facing to the left, was introduced (as on the silver coins of that and later times). In 1815 no cent was struck, but in 1816 the coin appeared with the head facing to the right, which has been the familiar die on the copper cent ever since. The nickel cent was introduced in 1856. The varieties of this nickel cent during the few years of its issue we pass over. Many inexperienced collectors waste a vast amount of time in examining smooth and worn coppers. The rule in regard to American cents should be to throw away a specimen of which the date is not perfect. Indeed a collector should never value worn coins, and a good collection should contain only good specimens. Of some coins poor specimens alone can 'be had. Of others, poor specimens may be kept until better can be substituted. In examining worn specimens to find rare dates, the collector will save himself much trouble by remembering the general di- visions. All Liberty-cap cents are prior to 1797. All Fillet-head cents are from 1796 to 1808. All cents with heads facing the left are from 1808 to 1814. All copper cents from 1814 to 1857 have the large head facing the right. 102 PLATE XL VII. VII. 4ile&alet0 anfc BESIDES the regular series of coins which have formed the sub- ject of the preceding pages, there is a large class of pieces, be- longing strictly to a numismatic collection, which are not ranked as either medals or coins, but which might be correctly gathered under the general name of medalets. These are political cards or tokens, tradesmen's cards, and innumerable small pieces of metal bearing impressions received from dies, all which are more or less prized by collectors. All countries have them. The English tokens of the latter part of the last century are very numerous. It need hardly be remarked that the collection of tradesmen's cards is the lowest department of numismatics, and although it becomes an interesting, and is in many respects a worthy part of the collector's employment, yet the extent to which it has been carried on in America of late is at once absurd and ridiculous. Prices have been paid for the cards of tradesmen equaling the prices of rare colonial coins ; and bits of brass, copper, and white metal, possessing no interest or value whatever, historical or oth- erwise (unless as recording that some individual kept a billiard saloon or a bath-house at a particular place), have been the sub- jects of rival bidding at auctions to a fabulous rate of prices. While copper coin was very scarce in this country, in 1787, Mott & Co., jewelers in the city of New York, imported a lot of copper tokens, having their names and place of business with a clock on the opposite faces. This, as being the first American tradesman's card, has a certain historical value. In 1794, Talbot 104 PLATE XL VIII. MEDALETS AND TOKENS. Allum & Lea issued their token, which is illustrated in Plate CV., Figure 7, and in 1795 they issued another variety. The latter is now very rare, while the 1794 is comparatively common. Our venerable friend, Dr. John W. Francis, one of the historians of New York in person and in his published works, has told us that he well remembers going to the store of Talbot Allum & Lea with silver to buy these coppers, for convenience in making change. The United States cent of 1793 and 1794 had not yet supplied the wants of the country. After this time no tokens appear to have been issued by trades- men until nearly or quite the time of the opening of the Erie Canal, when two or three New York houses had them struck, with reverses alluding to the completion of that great work. From this period the issue of such cards became more frequent, until now the catalogues show more than five hundred extant, and large numbers have appeared which are not catalogued and are unknown to collectors. The die-cutters of New York and Waterbury, in Connecticut, are now constantly occupied in cutting these cards for tradesmen in all parts of the country. Hundreds of thousands of specimens are struck in every successive year by the Scovill Manufacturing Company and the Waterbury Button Company. They appear in copper, brass, and white metal, and are largely circulated by their respective proprietors. But they disappear almost as rapidly as they appear, especially since the issue of the nickel cent, which keeps them out of general cir- culation. But there are other tokens which possess a historical value, and form, therefore, an interesting part of a cabinet. We allude to political cards and medalets. In the various National and State elections it has been customary to issue such medalets, bearing either the head of a candidate with appropriate legends, or some device indicating the party who issue it. These issues belong strictly to the class of medals. They are metallic and lasting 106 PLATE XLIX. COUNTERFEIT COIN& records of national events. The number of these is much greater than even the ordinary collector imagines, nor has there appeared as yet any catalogue of them which can be considered as approxi- mating toward completeness. They were not common until in the days of Jackson, when many appeared. Still larger numbers are extant of Van Buren, and every President and candidate for the Presidency since that time has secured a fame that is at least "as lasting as brass" in these medalets. In New York Gulian C. Verplanck and William H. Seward, when candidates for the office of Governor, were thus immortalized. In 1837 and about that time a large number of copper coins were issued from private sources, some praising and others abus- ing and satirizing the administration. The most of these are familiar to all persons. Some of them are, however, of great rarity. Thus the common die, " Millions for Defence, not one Cent for Tribute," of which there are numerous varieties, is, in three or four kinds, of great rarity, while all the other varieties are very common. As the nickel coinage is rapidly displacing the old copper cent, these tokens are fast disappearing, and they will in time be among the rare specimens of coins. They are now known in New En- gland as " Bungtown Coppers ;" in New York generally as " Shin- plasters ;" in New Jersey as " Horse-heads." The New Jersey name is probably derived from the colonial coin of that State. VIII. (Counterfeit oin0. THE history of coinage involves some history of counterfeits as well. From the earliest dates of coins men have been found to imitate them in inferior metals for purposes of gain. Nor is it at 108 PLATE L. ANCIENT COUNTERFEITS. all uncommon now to find ancient coins which were manifestly the work of forgers. Even the earliest coins, those of ^Egina in particular, are found of this description. Herodotus states in the Tlialia LVL, that he considers the report a very absurd one, but he nevertheless gives it, that Polycrates purchased the departure of the Lacedemonians from Samos by striking off " a large num- ber of pieces of lead cased with gold like the coin of the country," and paying these to the unwary soldiers. The reader of Herodo- tus will couple this remark with the amusing and characteristic statement of the preceding section, that he (Herodotus) had talked in person with a son of Samius, who was the son of Archias, who was present at the siege of Samos. It is very manifest that in the day of the old historian bogus coin was a matter of common talk, and that it was well understood that it could be made so as to de- ceive even an army of hungry Lacedemonians. There are extant specimens of forged gold coins of Lydia, which Humphrey sug- gests may be specimens of the very coins made by Polycrates, Herodotus to the contrary notwithstanding. "We have certainly no occasion to doubt the perfect readiness of Polycrates to adopt such a course. His general style of life and conduct, and his as- sociates in Greece, were of a similar class to those we now expect from counterfeiters and forgers. From that day to this the manu- facture of bogus coins has been the employment of the dishonest in all ages. It may seem incredible that a bogus coin should be manu- factured which is of higher intrinsic value than the genuine, and yet this singular instance did occur in Hayti within the last half century. The Government coined base money; and while it regulated the importation of silver, so that the value of the coin should not be affected, it gave by decree a high value to the base issue. The result was that purer silver coin of the same weight or size with the genuine, and, of course, of greater value, were made in New York, smuggled into Hayti, and there passed at no PLATE LI. AMEEICAN COUNTERFEITS. the rate of the genuine coin. Of course the bogus coin was worth more than the genuine coin of the realm. A species of forgery which more concerns the coin collect- or is the manufacture of ancient or rare coins in modern times. Many collectors, and even writers on numismatics, have been mis- led by forged coins, which were not even imitations of genuine. In Padua, about 1540, two engravers, Jean Cavino and Alexander Bassiano, were manufacturers of copies of coins and medals. They pursued this honest line of business until they became so skillful that their copies could not be detected from originals, and then they began to sell them as genuine coins and medals. Hence came the name Paduan, applied by collectors to any ancient coin of modern make. Dervien, a Frenchman at Florence, Carteron in Holland, and Congornier in France, were afterward celebrated in the same line. The latter is stated to have confined his work exclusively to coins of the Thirty Tyrants. The list of coiners might be largely multiplied. Sestini published, in 1826, a cata- logue of the forged coins of Becker, who died at Hamburg so late as 1830. The number was immense of coins which he made from imagination purely, without any historical authority. The result of this is that there are now thousands of these coins in collections, and offered for sale by collectors throughout the world. The cheat has been carried so far that, in some of the cities of the East, it is not uncommon for men to have supplies of these manu- factured coins buried, and " excavate" them before the eyes of travelers, to whom they at once sell them at enormous prices. It is impossible to give any directions by which forgeries of ancient coins can be detected. Experience is the only guide. But a much more dangerous system of forgery is practiced in America. This consists in the manufacture of rare American pieces, for which very high prices are obtained. The art of electrotyping has done much to aid counterfeiters, but in general electrotypes can be detected by the ring, or the absence of a clear 112 PLATE LII. II NEW YORK COUNTERFEITS. ring, in the coin. A manufactory exists now, however, in which exact copies of rare coins are produced, with quite a clear ring. Nevertheless, if the purchaser will examine the edges of the coin carefully, he will be apt to detect a line or mark extending around it. If he balances one of the coins on the end of his finger, and a good copper on the next finger, he will find that the ring of the coins is very different. These coins are filled with silver solder, or with silver. The Elephant pieces, the Granby, the rarer New York pieces (except the Clinton), the U. S. A. Bar cent, and in- deed nearly all the rarer American copper pieces, are thus repro- duced, and the specimens are for sale freely in the market. We speak with confidence on this subject, as we are not only familiar with these coins from examination, but could without great diffi- culty point out the manufactory in the city of New York. All the specimens that we have seen present a slightly rough appearance on the surface, as if they had been dipped in acid, or as if they were castings. Many collectors have, on examining their coins, found these counterfeits among them, and all should be on their guard against them. Ill PLATE LIII. IX. (Homage of Continental >2-^y ffk^ > x^^-^^^-^i^VD^i'c? < i COINS OF GERMANY. Some of the money of Bar, soon after this period, closely re- sembles in type that of the kings of France, especially the gros Tournois. Coins bearing the arms of Bar and Luxemburg quar- tered were also issued, under Robert of Bar, and John Duke of Luxemburg, between 1378 and 1380. The same Duke Robert appears to have struck gold^orms, the first gold in this series, which are copies, except the name of the prince, of those of Charles V. of France ; and have for device of the obverse original Florentine type the figure of St. John the Baptist, with s JOHANNES B , and on the reverse the well-known Florentine lily, with ROBERTVS DVX ; while those of the kings of France have KAROLVS REX; both being, in other respects, fac- similes of the original coins of Florence. Rene* of Anjou succeeded to the Duchy of Bar in 1419, and reigned till 1431 ; and during his reign some very excellent money was struck. He married the daughter of the Duke of Lorraine; and thus the arms of Lorraine, of Bar, and of the kingdom of Jerusalem appear on the very handsome coins issued in Bar at this time. The Duke Charles II. of Lorraine, who was regent of the Compte, appears to have issued the money in his name. MONEY OF LORRAINE. The first two Dukes of Lorraine were only holders of the titles and privileges for life ; but on the death of Gozelon, the second duke, the emperor, Henry III., having given the duchy to Gerard, Duke of Alsace, instead of Godfrey, son of Gozelon, Godfrey caused the Duke Gerard to be assassinated; but the emperor, nevertheless, persisted in carrying out his views, and appointed Albert, the nephew of Gerard, to the duchy, at the same time making the office hereditary in his family, in order effectually to shut out the claims of Godfrey : and thus commenced the heredi- tary power of the house of Lorraine, which endured for seven 132 PLATE LXJL COINS OF GERMANY. centuries ; issuing a series of money little inferior to that of the great European monarchies. Fine coins are extant of Thibault II. The money of Farri IV., who succeeded, is still better exe- cuted. Of Jean or John I., taken prisoner by the Black Prince at the battle of Poitiers, and carried to .England with John of France, a few coins are known, similar in art, though not in type, to the Anglo-Gallic coins, struck by the Black Prince and Henry V. in France. Ke'ne' II., from 1471 to 1508, carried on a war against Charles the Bald, Duke of Burgundy, and issued silver money on which his arm appeared issuing from a cloud, and holding a sword, with the inscription ADJUVA NOS DEUS SALVTARIS NOSTER, or, FECIT POTENTIAM IN BRACHis svo. ; in allusion to the greatness of his cause. Gold money first appears in this reign ; and the florins have for type a full figure of St. Nicholas in episcopal robes, at whose feet is a vessel containing three children ; on the other side are the arms of Hungary, Naples, Jerusalem, Aragon, Nancy, and Bar, all alluding to territories or alliances of the reigning family. The ducat of gold was also issued, the principal types being a ducal effigy, in front of which is a shield with the arms of Bar and Lorraine, with " S. Georgius," and " 1492" one of the earli- est examples of a date on a coin of a sovereign prince. Some of the silver coins of this reign are of large dimensions. The transition from the mediaeval style of art to the modern took place in Lorraine in the long reign of Charles III., who be- gan to reign in 1545, and reigned till 1608. The later coins are of finer execution than any English coins of the end of the reign of Elizabeth or beginning of James I. The portrait is found on the early coins of Charles III., in extreme youth, and resembles some of those of Edward VI. ; and the larger pieces correspond 134 PLATE LXIII. COINS OF HOLLAND. in size to the crowns and half-crowns of that English reign. They are dated 1557, and have for reverse seven small shields arranged in a circle, with different arms ; and in the centre, with an inner circle of beading, a somewhat larger shield bears the arms of Lorraine. There is no legend on this side of the coin. A magnificent ecu, or crown, was struck toward the close of this reign (1603), the style of which is similar (but finer) to those of Henry IV. of France. Francis III., the heir of Lorraine, becoming Emperor of Ger- many, the series of Lorraine coins ends with Charles III. In this last reign the coinage of Lorraine was equal to any in Europe. COINAGES OF HOLLAND, BOHEMIA, ETC. The coinage of the Counts of Holland and Flanders followed much the same course as that of Bar or Lorraine. In the east of Europe the coinage of the Slavonic races was even somewhat more imbued with the style of the Byzantine coinage of the still existing Eastern Empire of Rome. Bohemia, the most westerly of the purely Slavonic states, has the earliest coinage ; it commences with that of Duke Boleslaus, in the year 909, the coins bearing both his portrait and name. These are followed by coins of Bocelaus II. and his wife Emence, about 970. Bocelaus III. in 1002 ; Jaromin, 1020 ; Udalrich, 1030 ; Bracislaus I. and Spitiheneus. "Wralislaus, the first king, in 1060 issued coins with the regal title, and then follow those of "Wadislaus, etc., which space does not allow me to particularize. The Bracteate money, however, of Ottocar, issued about 1197, must not be passed over, as it is the type of a peculiar class issued about that time in several parts of Europe. This species of coin is of very thin silver, and only impressed with a type on one side, the back having the hollow indent of the same form. These coins form a modern variety, somewhat analogous to the ancient 136 PLATE LXIV. COINS OF EUSSIA. incused money of Magna Graecia, but they are much thinner, and of course greatly inferior in execution and totally different in the style of types. This kind of money was struck in the greatest quantity about the twelfth century, and bears various types, the cross being the most common ; but the heraldic badges, of differ- ent states, such as the lion, etc., are found upon the bracteates of different countries. The coinage of Hungary belongs to a similar class to that of Bohemia. The coinage of Poland is that of an allied race, and consequent- ly follows a similar course in its development and progress to that of Bohemia. COINAGE OF RUSSIA. In Eussia, when Vladimir, or Volodemir I., Duke of Eussia, in 981, married the daughter of the Byzantine emperor, art first be- gan to dawn on Eussia. The Tartar conquest of 1238 interrupt- ed the course of civilization for a long period ; and not till 1462, when the foreign yoke was thrown off, can the modern race of sovereigns be said to commence. The capital was anciently Kiof, but the custom of dividing the territory among all the sons of the duke caused many independent states to arise, so that there are also coins of the Princes of Twer, Eostovia, Tchernigor, Suenigo- rod, Mojaiski, Pleskow, Eiazin, and Caschin. The most ancient money bears the names of princes, without dates, and, as many of the same name were reigning in different districts, renders it exceedingly difficult to classify the Eussian money of the early epochs ; but it may be fairly stated that no Eussian money exists much earlier than the thirteenth century. The earliest coins of that country have generally a man standing with a bow, or spear, for principal type, somewhat similar to the coins of the Scythian dynasties, who subdued the north of India; and on the reverse rude figures of different animals. Some have St. 138 PLATE LXV. COINS OF PRUSSIA. George and the Dragon. These are nearly all kopecs, or silver pennies. Under Ivan, or John, in 1547, the Russian dollar, or rouble, commences, and also its half. Those of the Pretender Demetrius are very scarce. The recent coins of Russia are too well known to require notice. COINAGE OF PRUSSIA. The first Prussia silver pennies were coined by the Teutonic Order at Culm. In the next century the rulers of Prussia coined schellings, groats, and schots, the latter being the largest, and conse- quently the most scarce. The types were generally an eagle sur- mounting a cross, with a scalloped border, forming a quatrefoil or cinque foil, with the legend MONETA DOMINORUM . PRVSSIE. The reverse is a cross fleurie with a similar border, with HONOR . MA- GISTRI . IVSTITIAM . DILIGIT. In the same century 'the first gold was struck. In 1466 Poland acquired the eastern portion of Prussia, and the Teutonic knights became vassals to that crown for the rest. Albert, Marquis of Brandenburg, was the last master of the Teutonic Order, and in 1525 was made Duke of Eastern Prussia, to be held as a fief of Poland. At this period the money was so debased that thirteen current marks were only worth one mark of pure silver. In 1657 Eastern Prussia was declared free from vassalage to Poland, and the princes of the house of Branden- burg assumed the title of Kings of Prussia, since which period the coins of Prussia are well known. COINAGE OF DENMARK AND THE NORTHERN STATES. Of the northern states of Europe, Denmark, Sweden, and Nor- way, the progress of the coinages resembles that of the English monarchy. Of the Danes, the earliest coins known are those 140 PLATK LXVI. COINS OF DENMAKK. which were struck in England and Scotland. After Canute the Great the national Danish series may be said to commence. Those of Magnus Bonus, 1041, have a half-length figure of the king, with Kunic reverses, and are of neat execution. On those of Sweno II. the portrait has an arched crown ; and the reverses have curious ornaments of a tesselated form running across the field, with a series of nun's on either side, apparently an imitation of Eoman letters, not understood. The coins of Harald II., 1074, have generally two heads, the throne being contested by his brother, and the moneyers being apparently anxious to keep in with both claimants for supreme power. The coins of Canute or Cnut, the Saint, have CNVT E. for CNTT. REX., and on the reverse SIVORD. I. ROCI. (Itoschild), then the name of the Danish capital. The coins of King Nicholas, called in Danish Niel, are very- rude, as are those of Waldemar and his successors, including those of the celebrated Margaret, whose coins have no legend. The coins of Olaf (1376) have a full-faced portrait, with a crowned for the reverse. Eric (1426), after his return from the Holy Land, issued billon coins, that is, of base silver, which is the " black money" spoken of by the chroniclers of various states about this time. The later coinage of Denmark is similar to that of the rest of Europe. The earliest coins of Sweden appear to be those of Biorno, about 818, which resemble those of Charlemagne, having a cross for principal type, though it would appear that Biorno was not a Christian. The next well -authenticated Swedish coins do not occur till those which are probably of Olaf Skolkonung, in 1019, with the legend OLVF. REX. SVEVORVM., and those of Anund, 1026, with ANVND. REX. ; and on the reverse, THORMOD. ON. SIHTV. Sihtu being Signuta, the ancient capital of Sweden. On the coins of 142 PLATE LXVII. EJEC1T 1A.COBVM R E.S IT HiBE MDCXO COINS OF NORWAY. Hacon, 1067, the name reads AACVXE. A similar series brings the Swedish coinage to 1387, when we have those of Margaret, Queen of Denmark and Sweden, but all very rude, Brenner's plates conveying the notion of very much better coins. From this period to that of Gustavus Vasa, Sweden was subject to Denmark, and the coinage of that country superseded the national one; the Danish types being only distinguished from those struck in Denmark by legends Moneta Stockol, or Arosien- sis, or Lundensis, etc. Dano-Swedish coins of this class continue to the reign of Christian, 1550, during which time coins struck by Danish governors appear, as those of Cnutson, Steno Sture, Swan- to Sture, Steno Sture II., etc. Till 1470 there are only silver pennies in the Swedish series ; after that year there are half-pennies also ; and Gustavus Vasa, on re-establishing the national independence, greatly improved the coinage, issuing, in addition to the pennies and half-pennies of former periods, a larger class of silver coins, similar to those then beginning to appear in other European states. In 1634 gold ducats were coined, with the head of Gustavus Adolphus, though he was killed in 1632 ; for his only child, Christina, being an in- fant at the time of his death, the portrait of the deceased king, the glory of the Swedish annals, was continued upon the coinage. In the reign of Charles XII. such was the waste of the national wealth, caused by the insane mania for military glory of this prince, that the Baron Goertz endeavored to supply the deficien- cy by issuing copper coins, bearing the heads of Saturn, Jupiter, etc., which were ordered to pass for dollars, a political experiment for which the unfortunate but loyal projector was eventually brought to the block. The coins of Norway begin with those of Olaf, in 1066, and bear the legend ONLAF REX NOR, Some Norwegian coins have on the reverse the letters Nl. for Nidaros, Nidrosen, or Nidsen, now Drontheim, the capital. On the coinage the heirs-apparent 144 PLATE LXVIIJ. COINS OF FRANCE. to the crown were termed Dukes of Norway, and among the coins bearing the title of Duke are those of the Duke Philip, with PHILIPPVS. DUX. NORWEGIJE, which have on the reverse MONE- TA. EASLOENS. Those of King Eric, 1280, and those of Hacon, 1309, which are good of the period, have also this title, and the legend on the last-named reads HAQVINVS. DVX. NORV. Copper coins of Magnus Smek occur as early as 1343. The last Norwe- gian coins are those of another Hacon, 1379. After which period Norway was united with Denmark. Of Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, there are also coins of Bishops, as in France, Germany, and England, those of Sweden and Denmark being more numer- ous than those of Norway. As an example, the following may be cited: Olaws Arch- bishop Drontheim. On the obverse are the titles of the king, SANCTVS OLAWS REX. NORVEG, and on the reverse the name and title of the Archbishop, OLAWS DEI GRA ARCEP NID'SEN, for Nidrosiensis, referring to Nidsen or Nidrosen, now Drontheim. COINS OF THE FRENCH MONARCHY. The earliest coins of the Frankish monarchy are those coined after permission to strike gold money was conceded by the East- ern Emperors to Clovis", or his immediate successors, about the time that a similar right was granted to Amalric, the Gothic King of Spain. The series of gold trientes, coined by these two states for upward of two centuries, form one of the most remarkable features of the early history of the coinage of modern Europe, especially when it is considered that this issue of modern gold took place at a period when all the other emancipated portions of the Western Empire were in a most barbarous condition as re- gards the coinage. After the remarkable gold coinage of the first race of Frankish kings the Merovingian dynasty the gold coinage disappears. The trientes were of the value of one third of the Byzantine soli- 146 PLATE LXIX. COINS OF FRANCE. dus ; and there were also coined a few semisses, or halves of the same coin. They have generally a small and not ill-executed head of the king, with his name, though sometimes the name is that of the moneyer. On the reverse is a cross, with the name of the city where the coin was minted. With Pepin commence the coins of the Carlovingian race, which are as remarkable for barbarous workmanship as those of the preceding dynasty for good execution. Those of Charle- magne have generally merely the name of CAEOLVS, without a portrait, only a few struck in Rome having a rude bust of the emperor. The reverse has generally R. F., for Eex Francorum, or some such brief inscription. The coins of Louis Le Debonnaire are, however, much better executed, and seem to show, by their Roman style of treatment, that there yet existed Roman Mints in Gaul, or rather France, where the ancient skill in coining money was still lingering. The coins of the third race, commencing with Hugh Capet, re- main inferior in the art of coinage, with few exceptions ; and in the reign of Philip I., contemporary with William the Conqueror, a species of money was issued formed of a piece of leather, with a silver nail fixed in the centre. It is not till the reign of St. Louis, 1226, that the French coinage greatly improves, and that the groat appears. This coin, of the value of four pennies, appeared first in Italy, where it was known as the grosso, or large coin ; and in France it became the gros; in Germany the groote; in England the groat ; where, however, it did not appear permanently till the reign of Edward III., nearly a century later than its first appear- ance in France. Gold did not reappear in France till a considerable period had elapsed after the issue of the Italian florin, as the gold florins, given by Le Blanc to Philip Augustus and Louis VIII. belong evidently to Philip the Bold, or Philip the Fair, and Louis X. Under Philip of Yalois from 1328 to 1350 no less than ten 148 PLATE LXX. COINS OF FRANCE. kinds of gold coins are enumerated by French numismatists, among which are la chaise, being such as exhibit the sovereign seated in a chair of state, or throne ; the lion, having a figure of a lion for principal type ; the lamb (1'agneau), etc. The difficulties which ensued about this period, consequent upon the English invasions, caused great deterioration in the French mintage, and base coin of all kinds got into circulation in the epoch of confusion and distress which ensued. In the time of St. Louis, black coin had been issued, that is bil- lon, or bad silver. Of these there was the Hard, or hardi, which was equal to three deniers, or silver pennies ; and the maille, or obole, half the denier ; with the bourgeoise, or pite, of one quarter of the denier. The Uancs, or billon groats, were also issued about this time, but received the name of Uancs, from being silvered over to hide the baseness of their metal. The celebrated French gold of the period of Charles VII., called the ecus d la couronne, or crowns of gold, were so called from the crown, which formed the type of the reverse, and gave us the term crown, which in France was first applied to gold, though it afterward became the denomination of a silver coin. The ecus a la couronne continued to be issued by succeeding French sover- eigns ; those struck by Anne of Brittany, after the death of her first husband, are remarkable for their elegant workmanship. In the reign of Louis XII., the new silver, of about the value of a modern franc, issued with the large portrait of the king, were termed testons, or great heads, a term afterward applied to the shillings of Henri VIII., in the anglicized form of testoon. In the reign of Henri II., the elegant piece, called the Henri, was issued, which has for type a personification of Gaul sitting on a group of arms, with a Victory in her hand, with optima principi, and Gallia; evidently suggested by ancient Roman coins, which now began to be studied the celebrated Budee hav- 150 PLATE LXXI. COINS OF FRANCE. ing written his treatise on the Koman coinage in the reign of Francis I. There are other coins of the Cardinal Bourbon, who, at the time of the League, was put forward under the title of Charles X. The silver crown and its half had now commenced in France, as in other countries ; and on subsequent crowns of Louis XIII. the title of Catalonice princeps is assumed. The first Lonis d'or appeared about 1640. 152 PLATE LXXII. I Amphilochia. AN Ancyra. ANA Anactoria. ANAEF Andegaei. AN6. (AvOvrrarop) Proconsul. A\0H Anthedon. ANT, ANTI .... Antium. ANT Antoninus, or Anti- och. ANTAIO Antiopolis. ANTin Antipolis. ANTI2 Antissa. ANQ Anolis. AA Axia and Axus. AON Aonitae. AIT Appius. AIIA Apamea. AIIO Apollonia. AIIOA Apollonopolis. AHT., AIITA . . . Aptara. AP Aradus, Harm a, APP Argos. APPE Argennos. API Aricanda. APIM Ariminum. AP12 Arisbas (King of Epi- rus). APK Arconensus. APKA Arcadia. AP2I Arsinoe. APY Aryca. APX Arxata. APX. (Apxtfptve High-priest or magis- or Af\ov) .... trate. A. 2. (nporoi 2w- piag) First of Syria. AS Ascalon, Assylum, Axus in Crete. A2I Asinium. A2IAPX Asiarchae. Presidents of the games of Asia. ASK Ascalon. AT Atabyrium. 172 PLATE LXXXI1. ABBREVIATIONS ON GREEK COINS. ATAP Atarnae. AY.,AYT. (Awro- KpaTop) Emperor. AYr Augustus. AY A Audoleon. AYE Avenio. AYPHA Aurelius. AYTON. (Aurovo- Enjoying their own fioi.) laws. AYTQ Automale. A4> Aphrodisias. A*I Aphyta. AP Africanus. AX Achaia, Acheens, Achaii. AX1 Acilium. B. (BouXije) Council, Berytus, By- thinia. BA Battus. BAP Bare, Bargoda. BAFHAAO .... Bagadaonia. BH Berytus. BIAT Biatci (an unknown king). BIZY Bysia, BITON Bitontum. BO, BOI Boeotia. BPYN Brundusium. BY, BY2A2 .... Byzantium. BYT Buthrotum. r. Gains (for Caius). F., TP., TPAM . . Grammaticus (or Keeper of the Rec- ords). F. (rVwp/iov.) . . Illustrious. FA Gallus, Galerius, or Gallienus. FAM Gambrum. TAP Gargara. TEA Gelas. FEP Germanicus. FN Gneius. TOPTY Gortyna. TPA Gravisca. FPY Grumentum. A Decimus, Dymae. AA Daorii. AAK Dacicus. AAM Damascus. AAP Dardanum. AE Decelia. AEK Decius. AEP Derbe, in Lyoaonia. AH. (A W o e ). . .The People. AH ... . Delos. AHMAPX-ESOYS With Tribunician Power. AI Diospolis. AIO Diotus. AIOKAI Diocaesarea. AIO2 Diospolis. APE Drepanum. AYP Dyrrachium. E Erycc. E., EPE2 Eresus. EIP Eresus, Erythrae, Er- etna, EA Elea, Elatea. EAEY Eleusis. EAEY9. (EXtwc/t- poi.) Free. EN Enna, Entherna, Ea- tella, Encheli. EFT., EITI Epidaurus. EPI Eriza in Caria. EPMO Hermopolis. EPY Erythia. EPX Erchia. E2 Eppindus. ET Etenna in Pamphylia. ET., ETO. (Eroi'c) A year. EY., EVBO .... Euboea. EYA Eva. EY2. (Ew., E*E Ephcsus. EX. (EYOWTUZ.) .Power. ZA Zacynthus (then Sala- mis, now Zanthus). ZANKA Zancle (afterward Mes- sana). H Elium. HAAP Hadrumentum. HAT Atua. HF. (Hyt/zovof) . President. HAIOII Heliopolis. HP Heracleia. HPAK Heracleiopolis. Ht>AI Ephaestia. Q\ Thasus. 6E Thespiae. BE., 0HB Thebae. 6E2 Thessalonica. 9P Thera. 8Y Thurium. I lasus. I., IEP. (Itpac) . Sacred. IEPAIIY Hierapythia. 174 PLATE LXXXIII. ABBREVIATIONS ON GKEEK COINS. I9A Ithaca. IKAP Hiccara, Icarius. IA Ilisium. IAI Illium. IOT Julius (meaning a city), or Julius (a man's name). IOYA Julia. IRA Hippana. IP Irene. IPP Irrhesia, 12 Isus, Istiaea. 1SIN Isindus. I*T Ipsus. K Caristus, Cyrene, Cy- zicus, Callatea, Cor- cyra, Caius (a man's name). K. (Kovuroe) . . Quintus. K. KAIS Caesar. K. K. (KoivovKt- Xiiciag) Community of Cilicia. KA Carystus, Catana. Chalcis. KAIA Caelius. KAA Chalcedon. KAAAI Calliopolis. KAMA Camara. KAN Canata. KAII Capua. KAnn Cappadocia. KAP, KAPP . . . Carrhae. KAPT Carthage. KANo> Canopus. KAST Castulo. KAY., KAYA . . . Caulonia. KE Ceos. KE Cenchrae, Cephalctiia, Cephalonia. KEA Celenderis. KEP Chersonesus. KE*, KE*AA, . . Cephalaedis. KI Ciamus, Cibaenm. KI9 Cithaeron. KIA Cilbrani. KI2 Cistena. KA Cleonae, Claudins. KAA Clazomene. KAAYAIO ClaudiopolLs. KNQ Cnopus. KNI Cnidus. KO Colophon, Corcyra. KO, KOP Corinth. KOIN. (Kotvov.) A community. KOA. (KoXovtaf) Colony, Colophon. KOM Commodus. KOP Corcyra. KP Cragus in Lycia. KPA Cranos. KPH Crete. KPO Crotona. KTH Ctemenae. KY Cydna, Cuma, Cyme, Cyrene, Cyziciis, Cytholus, Cydoni- um, Cyon. KYAQ Cydon. KY0 Cythnus. KYH Cyprus. KYP Cyrene. A A year, Lucius, Locris. Leucas. AA Lacedaemon, Lampsn- cus, Larymna, La- rissa. AAAA Lalassa. AAM Lamea, Lampsacus. AAMII Lampsacus. AAP Larissa. AAPI Larinum. AE., AEY Leucas. AEB Lebinus. AEON Leontium. AHM Lemnos. Alii Lipara. AIYI Liviopolis. AO., AQK Locri. AOF Longone. AY Lystus. AYR, AYK . . . .Lyctus. AY2I Lysmachia. M Marcus (a man's name), Melos, Ma- ronea, Malea, Me- galopolis, Mazaka. M., MHTPO .... Metropolis. MA Magnesia, Massyritus, Maronea, Massilia, Macedonia. MAP Magnesia. MA0Y Mathyma. MAKPO Macrocephali. MAA Malms. MAM Mamertini. MAN Mantinea. MAS Mazara. MASS Massilia, ME Menelais, on Syrian regal coins. ME Messina, Metapontum. Melite. ME., MEr Megara, Megalopolis. Megarsus. 176 PLATE LXXX1V. ABBREVIATIONS ON GREEK COINS. MEF. (MfyaXoe) Great. MENA Mendes. MENE Menelaus. MENEK Menecrates. ME2 Messana, Messenia. META Metapontum. MI Miletus. MIN Minde. MK., MA2AK . . . Mazaka, of Cappado- cia, on coins of Mitk- ridates VI. MOP Morgantia. MY Mycenae. MYKO Mycone. MVA Mylasa. MYNY Minya. MYP Myrlea. MYTI Mytilene. N., NAY Naupactos. N. NEQK .... Neocori. NA Naxos, Nape. NAHA Nagidus. NAS Naxos. NAYAPX. (Naw- opxioot) Enjoying a sea-port. NE Nemea. NEAN Neandria. NEOII Neopolis. NEP Nerva. NIK Nicaeum, Nicomedia. NY Nisyrus. NY2 Nysaei, on coins of Scythopolis. Xanthus, Xatynthus. O Opuntium. OI Oethaei. OABIO Olbiopolis. OAY Olympus. ON. (Oi/roc) . . . being. OIIEA Opelius. Oil Opus. OPY Orycus. OPX Orchomenus. OYnorYH. (Ov- Traroc. or Yira- roc) Consul. O$PY Ophrynium. II Pitane, Pantecapaeum, Panormus. II. (ITapet, IIpoc) . upon. IL, IIA Paphos, or Paros. IT., ITAN Pantecapaeum. IT., OH Pelusium. n., nOHA Publius. IT., IIPY. (Upvra- voe) ....... Praefect. n., I1PQT. (Upo- roe,-) ....... First. HA ......... Pales, Patrae. IIAI2 ....... Paestum. IIAIQ ....... Paeonia. I1AN ........ Panormus. IIAP ........ Paropinum, Paros. IIAPe ....... Parthicus. HAPI ....... Paros. HE ......... Pelinna. IIE ......... Perinthus. IIEA ........ Pella. HEP ........ Pergus. REPF ....... Pergamus. HEPT ..... , . Pertinax. IIE2K ....... Pescennius. Ill ......... Piasdarus. IIIN ........ Pinamytac. niNA ....... Pinamus. IIAA ........ Plateae. no ......... Pontus. IIOAY ....... Polvrrhenum. 1TO2. noSEI . . . Posldonia. Legate. HP, nPO ..... Pronos. IIPAI ....... Praesus. HPA2 ....... Prassus. IIPO ........ Proconnesus. OPO2O ...... Prosopis. nPOAI.(npoC(cof) Curator. HT ......... Ptolemais. HY ......... Pylos. nY ......... Pythopolis. HYA ........ Pylos. riYGO ....... Pitho]K)lis. HYP ........ Pyrnus. P .......... Rythymna. PAY ........ liaucus. PH ......... Rhegium. PO ......... Rhodes. PY ......... Rypae. S. 2A ...... Salamis, Samos, Syria. Sacile, Sala, Seges- ta, Syracuse, Sycion. 2A ......... Salamis, Salgania, Sa- mosate,Sacili, Same. 2Ar ........ Saguntum. 2AAAI1 ...... Salapia. 2AP ........ Sardis. 2E ......... Seriphus, Segeste, Sel- gi, Seleucia. 2EB. (2f/3aoToe) Augustus. 2EA ........ Selinus, Seleucia. 178 PLATE LXXXV. ABBREVIATIONS ON GREEK COINS. 2EHT SEP, 2EPI 21 ......... 2IA 2IKI 2IN., 2INQ 2K ......... 2MY ........ 20 ......... 2TP., 2TPA. 2TT 2Y 2Y., 2TPA 2YB 2YP 20. . . Septimus. . Seriphus. . Sephyrium. . Siphnos. , Side. . Sicinus, Sycion. . Sinope. . Scepsis. Smyrna. Soli. Praetor. Styria. Sicily. Syracuse. Sybaris. , Syria. Solae. T Tarentun, Tarsus, Teos, Titus. TA Terantum, Tabae. TA., TANA .... Tanagra. TABAA Tabala. TAP Tarentum, Tarsus. TAYP Tauromenum. TE Tementis, Tegea, Te- uedos, Terina. TEP Terina. TH Teos,Terpillus,Tenns. TI., TIB Tiberius. TO . Tolistobegl TPA Trallis. TPI Tripolis. TPIA Triadissa. TPO Triozene. TY Tyndaris. TYAN Tyana. TYP Tyre (monogram). Y, YE., YEA . . . Velia. YH., YIIAT (Vira- roe) Consul YP Una. < Philip, Phoestus, Phi- luntium, Phocis, Phocaca, Phocians. 4>A Phaselis, Phaestus, Pharos, Phanagoria, Pharae. AI Phaestus. Phalanna. Pharsalus. *APBAI Pharbaeshites. I Vibius, Philippopolis, Philadelphia. Phineium. Flavius. Phocis. Phocaeum. OYA Fulvia. *Y Phycus in Cyrenc. 4>Q Phocis. X Chios. XAA Chalcis. XEP Chersonesus. XI Chytri in Crete. 180 PLATE LXXXVI. ABBREVIATIONS ON ROMAN COINS, WITH THEIR EXPLANATION. A. Aulus, or annus. A. A. Anni, or annos. A. A. A. A. A. August!. AA.A.F.F. Auro, argento, acre flando feriundo. ABN. Abnepos. Acer. Accitana. ACCI.L.III. Accitana legio iii. ACT. Actiacus, actia, or actium. A. ACT. A. Actiacus apollo. AAD. FRV. EMV. Ad frugcs emundus. AADI. Adjutrix. ADLOCVT. AUG. Adlocutio augusti. ADLOCVT. COH. PRAETOR. Adlocutio cohortium praetorianorum. ADVENT. AUG. inn. or MAV. or ACHA. or AFRIC. or ASI. or sic. or GAL. or IIISP. Ad- ventus augusti judeae, or mauritanioe, or achaite, or africse, or asiae, or siciilia;, or galliae, or hispaniae. AED. CVR. Aedilis curulis. AED. DIVI. AVG. REST. Aedes divi augusti restitutae. AED. P. Aedilitia potestas. AED. PL. Aedilitia plebis. AED. s. Aedes sacrae, or aedibus sacris. AEH. Aemilius, or aemilia. JEqviT. AVG. jEquitas augusti. AET. Aeternitas. A. F. Auli filius. A. N. Auli nepos. AGRIP. F. Agrippae filius. AGRIPPA M. F. MA. c. CJESARIS. AVG^STI. Agrippa marci filia mater caii ca-saris augusti. ALE. Alexandria. ALIM. ITAL. Alimenta italiae. ALVIT. Alvitius. ANIC. Anicius. A. M. B. Antiochiae moneta officina secunda. Money of Antioch b. AN. B. or ANT. B. Antiochiae officina secunda. A. N. F. F. Annum novum felicem faustum. ANN. DCCC. LXXII. NAT. VRB. p. CIR. CON. Anno dccclxxii. natali urbis populo circenses constituti. ANNONA. AVG. Annona augusti. ANT. P. Antiochiae percussa. ANT. s. Antiochiae signata. 182 PLATE LXXXVII. ABBREVIATIONS ON HOMAN COINS. A. p. F. Auro populo feriundo or argento populo feriundo. A. P. IAG. Pecunia lugduni a. APOL. MON. Apollo monetalis. APOL. PAL. Apollo Palatinus. APOL. SALVT. CONSERVATORI. Apolloni salutari conservatori. AQ. o. B. Aquiliai officina b. AQ. P. s. Aquiliae pecunia signata. AQ. p. Aquiliae percussa. AQ. s. Aquiliae signata. AQVA. M. Aqua marcia. AQVA. TRAJ. Aqua trajana. AR. or ARL. Arelate or arlate. ARA. PAC. Ara pacis. ARAB. ADQVI. Arabia adquisita. ARMEN. CAP. Armenia capta. ARMENIA ET MESOPOTAMIA POTESTATEM p. R. REDACT. Armenia et mesopotamia potestatem populi romaui redactae. Asi. ASIA. Asia. A. sisc. A. sisciae. AST. Astigitana. Avo. Augur or augustus, or augusta, or augustalis. Avo. D. F. Augustus divi filius. AVGG. or AVGGG. Augusti. AVR. PI A. SIDON. COLONIA. Aurelia pia sidonis colonia. B. B. Bcrythus or bono, or braccara or officina sccunda. B. A. Braccara augustalis. BON. EVENT. Bonus eventus, or bono eventui. BRIT. Britannicus or britannia. B. R. p. N. Bono republico nato. BRVN. Brundusium. B. SIRM. B. sirmii. B. s. LG. B. (Officina secunda) signata lugdunum. B. T. Beata tranquillitas. BVTIIR. Buthrotum. C. C. Caius or caesar. C. Carthago, or censor, or centum, or cives, or clypcus, or cohors, or cclonia, or consultum, or cornelius. C. A. A. P. Colonia augusta aroe patrensis, or colonia a. augusta patrensis, or co- lonia agrippina. CABE. Cabellio. C. A. BVT. Colonia augnsta buthrotum. C. A. c. Colonia augusta caesarca. C. A. E. Colonia augusta emerita. C. A. E. AVG. PATER. Colonia augusta emerita augustus pater. CAES. Caesarea or caesar. CAESS. or CAESSS. Caesares. CAESAR. AVG. F. DES. IMP. AVG. cos. ITE. Caesar augusti filius designatns impera- tor augustus consul iterum. CAESAR. DIVI. F. Caesar divi filius. Caesar, son of the God. CAESAR. PONT. MAX. Caesar pontifex maximus. C.A.I, or C.I.A. Colonia augusta julia. CAL. Calaguris, or calidius, or calidia. 184 PLATE LXXXVIII. ABBREVIATIONS ON ROMAN COINS. C. A. o. A. F. Colonia augusta oca antoniniana felix. C.A. PI. MET. SID. Colonia aurelia pia metropolis sidon. C. A. K. Colonia augusta rauracorum or colonia augusta regia. C. c. Hundreds. C. c. A. Colonia caesarea augusta. C. CAESAR. AVG. PRON. AVG. P. M. TR. p. mi. p. p. Caius caesar augusti pronepos augustus pontifex maximus tribunitia potestate iiii. pater patriae. C. c. COL. LVG. Claudia copia colonia lugdunum. C. c. i. B. Colonia campestris julia babba. C. c. i. B. D. D. Colonia campestris julia babba decreto decurionum. C. C. i. H. P. A. Colonia concordia julia hadrumetina pia augusta. C. civ. D. D. P. Corona civica data decreto publico. C. c. N. A. Colonia carthago nova augusta. C. c. N. c. D. D. Colonia concordia norba caesarea decreto decurionum. C. R. Centissima remissa, or circenses restituti. C. c. s. Colonia claudia salaria. C. CVP. Caius cupiennius. CEN. Censor. CENS. PER. Censor perpetuus, or censoris permissu. CER. SACR. PER. OECVME. isELA. Certamiiia sacra periodica oecumenica iselastica. CERT. QVIN. ROM. CON. Certamina quinquennalia romae constituta. C. E. s. Cum exercitu suo. CEST. Cestius, or cestia. C. F. Caius fabius. C. F. Caii filius. C. N. Caii nepos. C. F. P. D. Colonia flavia pacensis develtum. C. G. I. H. P. A. Colonia gemella julia hadriana pariana augusta. C. i. c. A. Colonia julia concordia apamaea, or colonia julia carthago antiqua. C. i. c. A. GENIO. P. R. D. D. Colonia julia concordia augusta genio populi romani decreto decurionum. C. i. A. D. Colonia julia augusta dertona. C. i. AVG. F. SIN. Colonia julia augusta felix sinope. C. i. B. Colonia julia balba. C. i. c. A. P. A. Colonia julia carthago augusta pia antiqua or colonia julia corin- thus augusta pia antoniniana. C. i. CAES. Caius Julius caesar. C. i. CAL. Colonia julia calpe. C. i. F. Colonia julia felix. C. i. G. A. Colonia julia gemella augusta, C. i. i. A. Colonia immunis illice augusta. C. i. IL. A. Q. PAPIR. CAR. Q. TER. MONT. ii. viR. Colonia immunis illice augusta quinto papirio carbone quinto terentio montano ii. viris quiuquennalibus. C. i. N. c. Colonia julia norba caesariana. C. i. N. c. Colonia julia nova carthago. CIR. CON. Circenses constituti, or circenses consessit. C. i. v. Colonia julia valentia. CL. Claudius, or claudia, or clypeus. CLASS. PR. Classis praefectus or classis praetoriana. C. L. AVG. F. Caius lucius augusti filius. C. L. CAESS. Caius et lucius caesares. C. L. i. COR. Colonia laus julia corinthus. CL. v. Clypeus votivus. C. M. L. Colonia metropolis laodicea. CN. ATEL. FLAC. CN. POMP. FLAG. ii. VIRIS. Q. v. i. N. c. Cnaeo atellio flacco cnaeo pompeio flacco ii. viris quinquennalibus victricis juliae novae carthaginis. CN. DOM. AMP. Cnaeius domitius amplus. CN. DOM. PROCOS. Cnaeo domitio proconsufe. 18G PLATE LXXXIX. ABBREVIATIONS ON ROMAN COINS. CN. F. Cnaei filkis. CN. MAG. IMP. Cnaeus magnus imperator. Co. DAM. METRO. Colonia damascus metropolis. COHH. PE^ET. vii. P. vi. F. Cohortes praetorianae vii. piae vi. fideles. COH. i. CK. Cohortis i. cretensis. COH. PRJE. PHIL. Cohors praetoriana philippensium. Co. AE. CAP. Colonia aelia capitolina. COL. AEL. A. H. MET. Colonia aelia augusta hadrumetina. COL. AEL. CAP. COMM. P. F. Colonia aelia capitolina commodiana pia felix. COL. ALEX. TROAS. Colonia alexandriana troas. COL. AMAS. or AMS. Colonia amastrianorum. or colonia amstrianorum. COL. ANT. or ANTI. Colonia antiochia. COL. ARELAT. SEXTAN. Colonia arelate sextanorum. COL. AST. AVG. Colonia astigitana augusta. COL. AVG. FEL. BER. Colonia augusta felix berithus. COL. AVG. FIR. Colonia augusta firma. COL. AVG. IVL. PHILIP. Colonia augusta Julia philippensis. COL. AVG. PAT. TREVIR. Colonia augusta paterna trevirorum. COL. AVG. TROA. vel TROAD. Colonia augusta troadensis. COL. AVGVSTA. EMERITA. Colonia augusta emerita. COL. AVR. ANTONI. AVG. TROA. Colonia aurelia antoniniana augusta troadensis. COL. AVR. KAR. COMM. p. F. Colonia aurelia karrhas commodiana pia felix. COL. AVR. PIA. SIDON. Colonia aurelia pia sidon. COL. AVR. p. M. SIDON. Colonia aurelia pia metropolis sidon. COL. B. A. Colonia braccara augusta. COL. BERIT. L. v. vel vin. Colonia berithus Icgio v. or viii. COL. CABE. Colonia cabellio. COL. CAES. ANTIOCII. Colonia caesarea antiochia, COL. CES. AVG. Colonia caesarea augusta. COL. CAMALODVNVM. Colonia camalodunum. COL. CASILIN. Colonia casilinum. COL. CL. PTOL. Colonia claudia ptolomais. COL. DAMAS. METRO. Colonia damascus metropolis. COL. F. j. A. P. BAHCIN. Colonia flavia julia augusta pia barcino. COL. FLAV. AVG. COR. Colonia flavia augusta corinthus. COL. FL. PAC. DEVLT. Colonia flavia pacensis deultum. COL. H. Colonia heliopolis. COL. HA. MER. Colonia hadriana mercuri. COL. HEL. i. o. M. H. Colonia heliopolis jovi optimo maximo heliopolitana. COL. IVL. AVG. c. i. F. COMAN. Colonia julia augusta claudia invicta felix coma- norum. COL. IVL. AVG. FEL. BER. Colonia julia augusta felix berythus. COL. IVL. AVG. FEL. CREMXA. Colonia julia augusta felix cremna. COL. IVL. CER. SAC. AVG. FEL. CAP. OECVM. iSE. HEL. Colonia julia ccrtamen sa- crum augustum felix capitolinum oecumenicum iselasticum heliopolitanum. COL. IVL. CONC. APAM. AVG. D. D. Coloni julia concordia apamea augusto decreto decurionum. COL. IVL. LAV. COR. Colonia julia lans corinthus. COL. IVL. PATER. NAR. Colonia julia paterna narbonensis. COL. ANT. COM. Coloniae antoninianae commodianaj. COL. NEM. Colonia nemausus, or nemausensium. COL. NICEPH. COND. Colonia nicephorium condita. COL. PATR. Colonia patrensis, or patricia. COL. P. F. AVG. F. CAES. MET. Colonia prima flavia augusta felix caesarea metro- polis. COL. p. FL. AVG. CAES. METRO?, p. s. p. Colonia prima flavia angusta caesarea me- tropolis provincae syriae palestina. COL. PR. F. A. CAESAR. Colonia prima flavia augusta caesarea. 188 PLATE XC. ABBREVIATIONS ON EOMAN COINS. COL. R. F. AVG. FL. c. METROP. Colonia romana felix augusta flavia caesarea me- tropolis. COL. ROM. Colonia romulensis. COL. ROM. LVGD. Colonia romanorum lugdunum. COL. RVS. LEG. vi. Colonia ruseino legio vi. COL. SABAR. Colonia sabariae. COL. SEBAS. Colonia sebastiae. COL. SEE. G. NEAPOL. Colonia servia galba neapolisj. COL. TYR. METR. Colonia tyrus metropolis. COL. v. i. CELSA. Colonia victrix julia celsa. COL. vie. IVL. LEP. Colonia victrix julia leptis. COL. VIM. AN. i. Colonia viminac'ium anno i. COL. VLP. TRA. Colonia ulpia trajana. COM. ASI. ROM. ET. AVG. Commune asiae romae et augusto. COM. IMP. AVG. Comes imperatoris augusti. COMM. Commodus, or commodiana. Co. M. o. B. vel. Co. M. OB. Constantinopoli moneta officina b. or constantinopoli moneta obsignata. CON. vel CONS, vel CONST. Constantinople. CON. AVG. vin. Congiarium augusti viii. CONC. Concordia. CONC. APAM. Concordia apameae. CONG. DAT. POP. Congiarium datum populo. CONGIAR. PRIMUM. p. R. D. Congiarium primum populo romano datum. CONG. P. R. vel CONG. PR. Congiarinm populo romano, or Congiarium primum. CONG. TER. P. R. ISIP. MAX. DAT. Congiarium tertium populo romano impensis maximis datum. CON. M. Constantinopolis moneta. CON. o. B. Constantinopoli officina b. CON. OB. Constantinopoli obsignata. CONSENSU. SENAT. ET. EQ. ORDiNis. p. Q. R. Consensu senatus et cquestris ordinis populi que romani. CONS. o. A. Constantinopoli officina a. CONS. P. A. Constantinopoli percussa a. CONS. suo. Conservator! suo. COOPT. Cooptatus. COOPT. IN. OMN. CONL. svpRA. NVM. EX. s. c. Cooptatus in omne conl egium supra numerum ex senatus consulto. Co. P. F. CAE. METRO. Colonia prima flavia caesarea metropolis. C. o. P. i. A. Colonia octavianorum pacensis julia augusta. Co. R. N. B. Constantinopoli romae novae b. Cos. ITER. ET. TER. DESIGN. Consul iter urn et tertium designatus. Coss. Consules. Cos. vi. Consul vi. C. P. FL. AVG. F. G. CAES. METRO, p. 8. p. Colonia prima flavia augusta felix ger- manica caesarea, metropolis provincia syriae, palestina. C. R. Claritas reipublicae. CRAS. Crassus. C. R. i. F. s. Colonia romana julia felix sinope. CRISPINA. AVG. COMMODI. Crispina augusta commodi augusti. C. SACR. FAC. Censor sacris facundis. C. T. T. Colonia togata taraco. C. v. Clypeus votivus. C. VAL. HOST. M. QVINTUS. Caius hostilianus messius quintus. C. VET. LANG. Caius vettio langtiido. C. vi. IL. Colonia victrix illice. C. Q. P. P. Consul quintum pater patriae. CVR. x. F. Curator x. flandorum. 190 PLATE XCI. ABBREVIATIONS ON ROMAN COINS. C. v. T. Colonia victrix taraco. C. v. T. T. JETERNIT. Avo. Colonia victrix togata taraco aeternitati augustac. D. D. A. Divus augnstus. DAC. Dacia, dacicus. DAC. CAP. Dacia capta. DACIA AVG. FROVINCIA. Dacia augusti provincia. DAMA. Damascus. D. c. A. Divus cajsar augustus. D. c. c. N. c. Decuriones coloniae concordiae norbae caesarianae. D. CL. SEPT. ALBIN. CABS. Decimus clodius septimus albiims caesar. D. c. s. De consulum sententia. D. D. N. N. Domini nostri or dominorum nostrorum. DEBELLATOR. GENT. BARBAR. Dcbellatori gentium barbarorum. DECI. Decius or decennalia. DE. GERM. De germanis. DEO. NEM. Deo nemausus. DERT. Dertosa. D. F. Decimi filius. D. N. Decimi nepos. DIANA. PERG. Diana pergensis. DICT. PER. Dictator perpetu us. Dn. PAT. Dii patrii. Dus. CVST. Diis custodibus. Dus. GENIT. Diis genitalibus. D. i. M. s. Deo invicto mithras sacrum. DISCIPLINA, or DISCIPVLINA AVG. Disciplina, or discipulina augusta, or augusti. DIVI. P. Divi filius. Divo. AVG. VESP. Divi augustus vespasiano. Divo. AVG. Divo augusto. T. DIVI. VESP. F. VESPASIANO. Tito divi vespasiani filio vespasiano. Div. PIO. Divo pio. Divvs. TRAIAN. AVG. PARTH. PATER. Divus traianus augustus parthicus pater. DOM, or DOMIT. Domitius, or domitianus. DOMITIA AVG. IMP. CABS. DIVI. F. DOMiTiANi AUG. Domitia augusta imperatrix caesaris divi, filii domitiani augusti. D. p. Divus phis. D. p p. Dii penates. DR. CJES. Q. PR. Drusus cecsar quinquennalis praefcctu?. DRVSVS. CAESAR. TI. AVG. DIVI. AVG. N. Drusus coesar tiberii augusti filius. divi au- gusti nepos. D. s. i. M. Deo soli invicto mithrae. s- E. EGN. GAL. AVG. Egnatius gallienus augustus. EID. MART. Eidibus martii. EQ. con. Equestris cohors. EQ. M. Equitum magistri. EQ. ORDIN. Equitum ordinis. ETR. Etruscus. EVE. Europa. Ex. AR. p. Ex argento puro, or probato, or publico. Ex. CONS. Ex consensu. Ex. D. D. Ex decreto decurionum. 192 PLATE XCII. ABBREVIATIONS ON ROMAN COINS. Ex. EA. p. Q. i. s. AD. AE. D. E. Ex ea pecunia quae jussu senatus ad acrarinm delata est. EXERCITVS. VAC. Exercitus vacceus. EXERCITVS. YSC. Exercitus yscanus. EXERC. PERS. Exercitus persicus. Ex. s. c. Ex senatus consulto. Ex. s. D. Ex senatus decreto. F. F. Fabius, or faciundum, or fecit, or felix, or filius, or flamen, or fortunas. FAB. Fabius. FABRI. Fabricius. FAD. Fadius. F^CVND. Fajcunditas. FAN. Fannia. FATIS VICTHI. Fatis victricibus. FAVSTINA. AVG. ANTONINI AVG. PII. P. p. Faustina augusta antonini augnsti pii pa- tris patriae. F. B. Felicitas beata. F. c. Faciundum curavit, or frumento convehendus. FELICITATI AUG. Felicitati augusta;, or augusti. FEL PRO. Felicitas provinciarum. FEL. TEMP. REP. Felix temporum reparatio. FER. D. Feronia dea. FIDEI LEG. Fidei legionum. FIDES MILIT. Fides militum. FID. EXERC. Fides exercitus. FL. Flamen, or flavins. FLAM. D. Flamen divi. FLAM. DIAL. Flamen dialis. FLAM. MART. Flamen martial is. FL. FEL. Flaviae felicis. FOR. Fortuna. FORT. p. R. Fortuna or fortitude populi romani. FORT. PRIM. Fortuna primigenia. FORT. RED. Fortunae redux, or fortunae reduci. FOVR. Fourius. FRVG. AC. Frnges acceptae. F. T. R. Felix temporum reparatio. FVL. Fulvius. FVLG. Fulgurator. FVLM. Fulminator. G. G. Galinicus, or gaudium, or genius, or germanus, or gnaca. GADIT. Gaditana. GAL. Galindicus, or galerius. G. or GEN. AVG. Genio augusti. G. COR. SVPER. Gnea cornelia supera. G. . Germanicus dacicus. GEM. L. Gemina legio. GEN. COL. COR. Genio coloniae corinthiae. GEN. ILLY. Genius illyrici. GENIO. COL. NER. PATR. Genio coloniae neronianae patrcnsis. GENIT. ORB. Genitrix orbis. GEN. LVG. Genio lugdunensi. 194 PLATE XCIII. ABBREVIATIONS ON ROMAN COINS. GERM. CAPTA. Germania capta. GER. P. Germanica provincia, or germaniae populus. GL. E. R. Gloria exercitus romani. GL. P. E. Gloria populi romani. GL. R. Gloria romanorum. G. L. 8. Genio loci sacrum. G. M. v. Gemina minerva victrix. GOTH. Gothicus. G. P. Grascia peragrata, or grseciae populus. G. P. R. Genio populi romani. GRAC. Gracchus. G. T. A. Genius tutelaris aegypti, or geminae tutator africae. H. H. Hastati. HADRIANVS AVG. cos. in. P. P. Hadrianus augustus consul iii. pater patriac. HA. p. or H. P. Hastatorum principum. HEL. Heliopolis. HELV. PERT. Helvius pertinax. Her. Hercules, or Herennius. HERAC. Heraclitus. HERC. COMMOD. Herculi commodiano. HERC. GADIT. Herculi gaditano. HERC. ROM. CONDIT. Herculi romano conditori. HILARIT. TEMP. Hilaritas temporum. HIP. Hippius. HISP. Hispalis, or hispana, or hispalus. Ho. Honor. Hs. A sign for sestertium, the Sesterce, a piece of Roman money. I. I. Imperator, or jovis, or juno, or jussu, or I, or 1. I. A. Imperator augustus, or indulgentia augusti. I. c. Imperator caesar, or Julius caesar. Ii. IMP. cc. PHILIPPIS. AVGG. Ii. imperatoribus caesaribus philippis augustis. In. VIR. A. A. A. AF. F. Trium viri auro argento acre flando feriundo. I. IT. Imperator iterum. Ii. VIR. QVINQ. Duum-vir quinquennalis. IMP. CAES. ANTONINUS AVG. p.p.p. Imperator caesar antoninus augustus pius pater patriae. IMP. CAES. AVG. COMM. CONS. Imperator caesar angustus communi consensu. IMP. CAES. c. VIB. VOLVSIANO. Imperator caesari caio vibio volusiano. IMP. CAES. DIVI. TRAIANI. AVG. F. TRAIANI. HADRIANO. OPT. AVG. DAC. PARTHICO. P. M. TR. P. cos. P. P. Imperatori caesari divi trajani augusti filio trajani hadri- ano optimo augusto dacico parthico pontifici maximo tribunitiae potestate con- suli patri patriae. IMP. CAES. DIVI. VESP. F. DOMiT. AUG. p. M. TR. p. P. P. Imperator caesar divi ves- pasiani filius domitianus augustus pontifex maximus tribunitia potestate pater patriae. IMP. CJES. G. M. Q. Imperator caesar gneus messius quintus. IMP. CJES. L. AVREL. vERVs. AVG. ARM. PART. Imperator caesar lucius aurelius verus augustus armeniacus parthicus. x IMP. C.ES. L. SEPT. SEV. PERT. AUG. TR. p. cos. Imperator caesar lucius septimus severus pertinax augustus tribunitia potestate consul. IMP. cxs. M. ANT. GORDIANUS. AFR. AVG. Imperator csesar marcus antoninus gor- dianus africanus augustus. 196 PLATE XCIV. ABBREVIATIONS ON ROMAN COINS. IMP. CMS. M. OPEL. SEV. MACRiNvs. AUG. Imperator csssar marcus opelius severus macrinus augustus. IMP. C.E8. NEEV^E. TRAIANO. AVG. GER. DAC. P. M. TR. P. COS. V. P. P. Imperatori cassari nervas trajano augusto germanico dacico pontifici maximo tribunitia po- testate consul v. pater patriae. IMP. C^ES. P. HELV. PERTIN. AVG. Imperator ca;sar publius helvius pertinax au- gustus. IMP. c. c. VA. F. GAL. VEND. voLvsiANO. AVG. Imperator caesari caio valindico finnico galindico vendendico volusiano augusto. IMP. c. M. CASS. LAX. POSTVMVS. p. F. AVG. Imperator caesar marcus cassius la- tienus postumus plus felix augustus. IMP. c. M. TRAIANVS. DECivs. AVG. Imperator caesar marcus trajanus decius au- gustus. IMP. c. p. LIC. VALERIANVS. P. F. AVG. Imperator caius publius licinius valerianus pius felix augustus. IMP. ITER. Imperator iterum. IMP. M. IVL. PHILIPPVS AVG. Imperator marcus Julius philippus augustus. IMP. T. AEL. ANTONINO. Imperatori tito aelio antonino. IMP. T. C^ES. DIVI. VESP. F. AVG. P. M. TR. POT. cos. REST. Imperator titus cajsar divi vespasiani filius augustus pontifex maximus tribunitia potestate consul restituit. IMP. vi. Imperator vi. INDVLGENT. AVGG. IN. CARTH. Indulgentia augustorum in carthaginenses. INDVLG. PIA. POSTVMI. AVG. Indulgentia pia postumi augusti. lo. CANTAB. Jovi cantabrico. I. o. M. D. Jovi optiino maximo dicatum. I. o. M. H. Jovi optimo maximo heliopolis. I. o. M. s. Jovi optimo maximo sacrum. I. o. M. 8POS8. SECVRIT. AVG. Jovi optimo maximo sponsor! securitatis augusti. I. O. M. S. P. Q. R. V. 8. PR. 8. IMP. CAES. QVOD. PER. EV. RP. IN. AMP. ATQ. TRAN. 8. E. Jovi optimo maximo senatus populus que romanus vota suscepta pro salute imperatoris caesaris quod per eum respublica in ampliori atque tranquilliori statu est. I. o. M. v. c. Jovi optimo maximo victori conservatori. lov. OLYM. Jovi olympio. lov. STAT. Jovi statori. lov. TON. Jovi tonanti. ISEL. OECVM. Iselastica oecumenica. I. s. M. R. Juno sospita magna regina, or juno sospita mater romanorum. ITAL. Italia. ITAL. MVN. Italicum municipium. IVD. CAP. Judsea capta. IVL. Julius, or julia, or julianus. IVL. AVG. CASSANDREN. Julia augusta cassandrensis. IVL. AVG. GENIT. ORB. Julia augusta genitrix orbis. IVLIA. AVGVSTA. c. c. A. Julia augusta colonia caesarea angusta. IVLIA. IMP. T. AVG. F. AVGVSTA. Julia imperatoris titi augusti filia augusta. IVL. v. MAXIMVS. c. Julius verus maximus caesar. IVN. Junior, or junius, or Juno. IVN. MART. Junoni martiali. IVN. REG. Juno regina. K. K. Carthago or kaeso. KAP. Capitolina. KAR. Carthago. KAR. o. Carthaginensis officina. 198 PLATE XCV. ABBREVIATIONS ON ROMAN COINS. KART. or KET. E. Carthago officina quinta. KON. or KONS. Constantinopolis. L. L. Laus, or legatus, or legio, or lucius, or ludi. L. c. Lugdunum colonia. LAPHR. Laphria. L. AUREL. COMMO. GERM. SARM. Lucius aurclius commodus germanicus sarmati- cus. L. CAN. Lucius caninius. LEG. Legio. LEG. AUG. PR. PR. Legatus augusti pro praetore. LEG. GEM. PAC. or PARTH. or NEP. or VLP. Legio gemina pacifica, or parthica, or neptunia, or ulpia. LEG. i. ADI. P. F. Legio i. adjutrix pia fidelis. LEG. ii. PART. v. P. V.F. Legio ii. parthica v. pia fidelis. LEG. in. PART. Legio iii. parthica. LEG. ii. TRO. or TR. FOR. Legio ii. trojanus or trajanus fortis. LEG. mi. vi. P. vi. F. Legio iiii. vi. pia vi. fidelis. LEG. M. xx. Legio macedonica xx. LEG. PRO. cos. or LEG. PRO. PR. or LEG. AVG. or LEG. A. p. Legatus pro consule, or legatus pro praetore, or legatus augusti, or legio armeniae provinciae. LEG. vn. CL. GEM. FIDEL. Legio vii. claudia gemina fidelis. LEG. v. M. P. c. Legio v. macedonica pia constans. LEG. xi. CLAVDIA. Legio xi. claudia. LEG. xvi. FRE. Legio xvi. fregellae or frepenae. LEG. xxx. NEP. vi. F. Legio xxx. neptuniana vi. fidelis. LEN. CVR. x. F. Lentulus curator x. flandorum. LEP. Lepidus or leptis. LIB. AVG. nil. cos. nn. Liberalitas augusti iiii. consul iiii. LIBERALIT. AVG. Liberalitas augusta or augusti. LIBERIS. AVG. COL. A. A. p. Liberis augusti colonia augusta aroe patrensis. LIBERT. REST. Libertas restituta. LIB. n. or in. Liberalitas ii. or iii. LIB. p. Libero patri. LIB. PVB. Liberalitas publica, or libertas publica. Lie. COR. SAL. VALER. N. c^ES. Licinius Cornelius saloninus valerianus nobilis caesar. Lie. or licin. Licinius licinianus. L. i. MIN. Legio i. minervium. LOCVPLET. ORB. TERRAR. Locupletatori orbis terrarum. LON. Longus. L. P. D. AE. p. Lucius papirius design atus aedilis plebis. L. SEPTIM. SEVERVS. PIV8. AVG. P. M. TR. P. XV. COS. III. P. P. Lucius Septimus severus pius augustus pontifex maximus tribunitia potestate xv. consul iii. pater patriae. L. SEPTIM. SEV. PERT. AVG. IMP. PARTH. ARAB. PARTH. ADIAB. COS. II. P. D. LucitlS septimus severus pertinax augustus imperator parthicus arabicus parthicus adia- bicus consul ii. pater patriae. L. VAL. Lucius Valerius. Lvc. Lucanus, or lucrio, or lucdunum. Lvc. P. s. Lucduni pecunia signata. Lvc. AEL. Lucius aelius. LVCILL^;. AVG. ANTONINI. AVG. F. Lucillae augustae antonini augusti filiae. LVD. S^EC. FEC. cos. xini. Ludos sa3culares fecit consul xiiii. LVP. Lupercus. Lv. PC. s. Lugduni pecunia signata. 200 PLATE XCVI. ABBREVIATIONS ON EOMAN COINS. M. M. Maesia, or marcjis, or memmius, or mensis, or minerva, or moneta, or muni- ceps, or munitae. M. A. Marcus aurelius. MA. CANI. Manias caninius. MA. c. AVG. Magna (aedes) caesaris augusti or macellum augusti. M. JEM. Marcus semilius. MAG. DECENT. Magnentius decentius. MAG. PIVS. Magnus plus. M. ANN. Marcus annius. M. ANT. IMP. AVG. cos. DBS. iTEK. ET TEST. Marcus antonius imperator augur consul designatus iterum et tertium. M. ANTON. AVG. GERM. Marcus antoninus augustus germanicus. M. ANTONINVS. IMP. cos. DESIG. iTER. ET. TERT. in. viR. REip. c. Marcus antoninus imperator consul designatus iterum et tertium triumvir reipublicae constituendae. MARC. Marcia, or mai 'us, or martius. MARCIA OTACIL. SEV. A. G. Marcia otacilia severa augusta. MAR. PROP. Mars propugnator. MAR. VLT. Marti ultori. M. CASS. LAT. POSTVMVS. Marcus cassius latienus postumus. MAT. AVGG. Mater augustorum. MAT. SEN. Mater senatus. MAT. PAT. Mater patriae. MAT. DEVM. CONSERVAT. Matri deum conservatrici. MAT. DEVM. SAJLVT. Mater deum salutari. MATER. AVGG. Mater augustorum. MATR. CASTROR. Matri castrorum. M. AVF. Marcus aufidius. M. AVR. or MAR. AVR. Marcus aurelius. M. AVR. ANTON. Marcus aurelius antoninus. M. AVREL. ANTONINVS. AVG. ARMEN. P. M. Marcus aurelius antoninus augustus armeniacus pontifex maximus. MAX. Maximus. M. c. i. Municipum calaguris julia. M. COMMODVS ANTONINVS AVG. BRIT. Marcus commodus antoninus augustus Bri- tannicus. MES. Messius. MET. Metropolis. MET. Metaccus. MET. VLPIAN. PAN. Metallum ulpianum pannonicum. MET. DEL. Metallum del. for dalmatiauum. MET. NOR. Metallum noricum. M. F. Marci filius. M. N. Marci nepos. M. H. ILLERGAVOSIA. DERI. Municipium hibera illergavonia dertoza. MINAT. Minatius. MINER. VICT. Minervae victrici. M. K. v. Moneta carthaginensis urbem. M. L. Moneta lugdunensis. M. LEP. c. REG. INST. Marcus lepidus civitatum reginensium instauravit. M. LL. Moneta lugdunensium. M. MARC. Marcus marcellus. M. M. i. v. Municipes municipii julii uticensis. M. N. Moneta narbonensis. MON. Moneta. MON. AVG. Moneta augusti. Mo. s. T. Moneta signata treveris. 202 PLATE XCVIL ABBREVIATIONS ON ROMAN COINS. M. s. AVGG. ET CAESS. NosTR. Moneta sacra augustorum et caesarum nostrorum. M. s. TR. Moneta signata treveris. MVL. FEL. Multa fclicia. MVN. AVG. BILBILIS. C. CORN. REFEC. M. HELV. FRONT. II. VIR. Municipium aUgUSta bilbilis caio cornelio, refecto marco helvio froatone duumviri. MVN. CLVN. Municipium clunia. MVN. FANE. ^EL. Municipium fanestre alium. MVNICIP. STOB. Municipium stobensium. MVNIC. ITALIC. PER. AVG. Municipium italicense permissu augusti. MVN. STOB., or STOBENS, or STOBENSIVM. Municipium stobense or stobensium. MVN. TVR. or MV. TV. Municipium turcussae. N. N. Natalis, or nepos, or nobilis, or noster, or numen, or nummus. NAT. Natalis or natus. NAT. VRB. CIRC. CON. Natali urbis circenses constituti. N. c. Nero caesar, or nobilis caesar. N. c. A. p. R. Nummus cusus a populo romano. NEP. RED. Neptuno reduci. NEP. s. Neptuno sacrum. NEPT. or NEPTVN. Neptunalia. NER. Nero or nerva. NER. i. Q. VRB. Nero i. quaestor urbis. NERO. CLAVD. DRVSVS. GERMAN. IMP. Nero claudius drusus germanicus imperator. NERO. ET. DRVSVS. CAESARES. QviNQ. c. v. i. N. c. Nero et drusus caesares quin- quennales coloniae victricis juliae novae carthaginis. N. F. Numerii filius. N. N. Numerii nepos. NICEPH. Nicephorium. NIG. Niger. NOB. c. Nobilis or nobilissimus caesar. N. T. Numini tutelari. N. TR. ALEXANDRIANS. COL. BOSTB. Nervae trajanae alexandrianaa coloniae bostrae, or bostrensis. Nv. Numa. O. 0. Ob, or officina, or ogulnius, or optimo. OB. c. s. or OB. civ. SER. or o. c. s. Ob. cives servatos. CEc. CEcumenia. OFF. in. CONST. Officinae tertiae constantinopoli. OLY. Olympius. O. M. T. Optimo maximo tonanti. OP. or OPT. PRIN. or PR. Optimo principi. OP. DIV. Opi divinae. OPI. DIVIN. TR. p. cos. ii. Opi. divinae tribunitia potestate consul ii. (ii. stands for secundum). OPPIVS. CAPIT. PROPR. PRJEF. CLA. Oppius capito propraetor prafectus classis. ORB. TER. Orbis terrarum. P. P. Pater, or patriae, or per, or percussa, or perpetuus, or pins, or pontifex, or populus, or posuit, or praefectus, or primus, or princeps, or provincae, or publi- us, or publico. P. A. Pietas augusti or augusta. 204 PLATE XCVHI. ABBREVIATIONS ON ROMAN COINS. PAC. or PACT. Pacifico. PACE. P. R. TERRA. MARIQ. PARTA. IANVM. CLVSiT. Pace populi romani terra ma- rique parta janum clusit. P. AUTIO. L. MENIO. ii. viR. Publio alitio lucio menio duum-viri. PANNON. Pannoniae. P. AQ. Percussa aquileiae. P. AH. Percussa arelate. P. AR. AD. Parthicus arabicus adiabenicus- PAR. Parthicus. P. ARL. Pecunia arelatensis or percussa arelate'. PAT. Pater patriae. PAX. AVG. Pax augusta. PAX. p. ROM. Pax populi romani. P. c. CMS. Pater caii cjesaris. P. c. L. VALERIANVS. Publius Cornelius licinius valerianus. P. D. Populo datum. PELAG. Pelagia. PENATES, p. R. Penates populi romani. PER. Permissu. PER. A. or PERPET. AVG. Perpetuus augustus. PERM. DIVI. AVG. COL. ROM. Permissu divi augusti colonia romulea. PERM. IMP. COR. Permissu imperatoris corinthi. PERM. IMP. GERM. Permissu imperatoris germanici. PERMISSV L. APRONI. PROCOS. in. Permissu lucii apronii proconsul iii. P. R. P. Pecunia romae percussa. PERT. Pertinax. PESCEN. Pescennius. P. F. Pius felix, or pia fidelis, or primus fecit. P. P. Publii filius, or pii filia. P. H. c. Provinciae hispaniae citerioris. PH. COND. Philippus conditor. P. i. or PRIN. IVVEN. Princeps juventutis. PIET. AVG. Pietas augusta. P. K. Percussa karthagine. PLAE. TRAN. Plaetorius tranquillus. P. L: COR. SAL. Publius licinius Cornelius saloninus. P. L. o. N. Percussa lugduni officina nova or non&. P. M. Pontifex maximus. P. M. s. COL. VIM. Provincae moesiae superioris colonia viminiacum or viminacium. POL. Pollio. POM. Pompeius. PORT. OST. Portus ostiensis. P. P. Pater patriae. P. P. AVG. Perpetuus augustus. P. POMPON. CR. ii. VIR. Puplio pomponio crispo, or crispino duumviro. P. R. Percussa romae. PR,E. CLAS. ET ORAE. MARiT. Prsefectus classis et orae maritimao. PR^EF. GERM. Prasfectus germanorum. PR. cos. Proconsul. PRIMI. DECEN. Primi decennales. PRINCIP. IVVENT. Principi Juventutis. PROB. Probua. PROG. Proconsul. PROC. sic. Proconsul siciliae. P. ROM. Percussa romae. PRON. Pronepos. PROP, or PRO. P. Propraetor or propraetore. PROQ. or PRO. Q. Proquaestor or proquaestore. 206 PLATE XCIX. ABBREVIATIONS ON KOMAN COINS. PROV. DEOR. Providentiae or providential deorum. PROVIDENT. SENAT. Providentia senatus. PR. s. P. Provinciae syriae palcstina. PR. VRB. Praefectus urbis or praetor urbis. P. s. Pcrcussa sisciae. P. T. Percussa treveris. PVDIC. Pudicitia. PVPIE. Pupienus. Q. Q. Quaestor, or quinarius, or quintus, or quinquennalis, or quod. Q. CAS. Quintus cassius. Q. c. M. P. i. Quintus cecilius metellus plus imperator. Q. DBS. Quaestor designatus. Q. HER. ETR. MES. DEC. NOB. c. Quintus herennius etruscus messius decius nobilis caesar. Q. HISP. Quaestor hispaniae. Q. M. Quintus marcius. Q. o. c. FAB. Quinto ogulnio (et) caio fabio. Q. P. Quaestor praetoris. Q. PAPIR. CAR. Q. TER. MON. Quinto papirio carboni (et) qninto terentio montano. Q. PR. Q. PRO. c. or cos. Quaestor provinciae, or quaestor pro consule or procon- sulis. Q. TERENT. CVLLEON. PRO. cos. in. Quinto terentio culleoni proconsul! tertium. QVAD. Quadratus. QVADRAG. REM. Quadragesima remissa. QVIN. ITER. Quinquennalis iterum. Q. v. or QVOD. v. M. s. Quod viae munitae sint, or stint. Q. VRB. Quaestor urbis. E. R. Remissa, or roma, or restituit, or romanus. RA. Ravenna. R. c. Romani cives. R. cc. Remissa c c. REG. ORB. Rector orbis. REF. Refecta. RES. Restitutus or restituit. REST. ITAL. Restitutor italiae. REST. NVM. Restituta numidia or nummum restitutum. REX. ARM. DAT. Rex armeniae datus. REX. PART. DAT. Rex parthis datus. REX. PTOL. Rex ptolemaeus. R. M. or REI. MIL. Rei militaris. Ro. Romae. ROM. ^ETER. Romae a:ternae. ROM. COL. Romulea colonia. ROMVL. AVG. Romulo augusto. ROMVL. CONDIT. Romulo conditori. Ro. P. s. Romae pecunia signata. R. P. Romae percussa. R. P. c. Rei publicae constituendae. R. s. Romae signata. R. v. Roma victrix. R. P. s. Ravennae pecunia signata. R. XL. Remissa xl. 208 PLATE C. ABBREVIATIONS ON ROMAN COINS. S. S. Sacerdos, or sacra, or semissus, or senatus, or senator, or senior, or sextus, or soli, or spes, or suscepto, or sisciae. S. A. Salus, or salus augusti, or securitas augusti, or signata antiochiae. SAC. F. Sacris faciundum or sacra faciens. SACK. PER. Sacra periodica. S.CVLAR. AVGG. Sajculares augustorum. S^ECVLAR. SAC. Saecularia sacra. S.ECVL. FRVGIF. Sfficulo frugifero. SAG. Saguntum. SAL. Salus, or salduba, or saloninus, or salonimi. SAL. GEN. HVM. Salus generis humani. SALL. BARB. Sallustia barbia (Orbiana). SALM. Salmantica. S. ARL. Signata arelate. SARM. Sarmaticus. SAVF. Sauffeia or sauffeius. S. c. Senatus consulto. Sci. AF. Scipio africanus. SCIP. ASIA. Scipio asiaticus. S. CONST. Signata constantinopoli. SCR. Scribonia or scribonius. SEC. or SJEC. Securitas or saeculum. SEC. ORB. Securitas orbis. SEMP. Sempronius or sempronia. SEN. Senior. SENTI. Sentia. SEP. COL. LAVD. Septimia colonia laudicea. SEPT. SEV. Septimius severus. SEPT. TYR. MET. Septima tyrus metropolis. SER. Servius. SEREN. Serenus. SEX. F. Sexti filius. S. F. Saeculi felicitas. SICIL. Sicilia. SIDER. RECEPT. Sideribus receptis. SIG. RECEPT. Signis receptis. S. i. M. Soli invicto mithrae. SIR. or SIRM. Sirmium. Sisc. P. Sisciae percussa (moneta). S. M. A. Signata, or sacra moneta antiochiae. S. M. A. Q. p. Sacra moneta aquileise percussa. S. M. HER. Signata moneta heracleae. S. M. o. B. Signata moneta officina secunda. S. M. N. Sacra or signata moneta narbonae or nicomediae. S. M. R. Signata moneta romae. S. M. R. Q. Signata moneta romae officina quarta. S. M. sisc. Signata moneta sisciae. S. M. TR. Signata moneta treveris. S. M. T. s. B. Sacra inoneta treveris signata, officina secunda. SP. Spurius. SP. AVGVSTA. Spes augusta. SPES. P. R. Spes populi romani. S. P. Q. R. ADSERT. LIBERT. Senatus populus que romanus assertori libertatis. S. P. Q. R. A. N. F. F. Senatus populus-que romanus anno natali fieri fecit. S. P. Q. R. IMP. C^E. QVOD. V. M. S. EX. EA. P. Q. IS. AD. A. D. SenatUS populus quo 210 PLATE CI. ABBREVIATIONS ON ROMAN COINS. romanus imperator caesari quod viae munitae sunt ex ea pecunia quam is ad aerarium detulit. S. P. Q. R. IVLLE. AVGVST. Setiatus populus que romanus juliae augustae. S. P. Q. R. OPTIMO. PRINCIPI. Senatus populus que romanus optimo principi. S. P. Q. R. SVF. P. D. Senatus populus que romanus suffamenta populo data. S. P. Q. R. v. 8. PRO. R. ass. Senatus populus que romanus vota solvunt pro reditu caesare. S. R. Senatus romanus, or salus romanorum, or spes reipublicae, or sacris receptis, or restitutis. S. T. Signata treveris or securitas temporum. STABIL. Stabilitas. SVLL. Sulla or sylla. Ss. Sestertium. T. T. Titus, or treveris, or tribnnus, or tutelaris. T. AR. Tertia arelate. T. CAES. DIVI. VESP. F. AVG. P. M. TR. p. P. cos. vni. Titns cacsar divi vespasiani filius augustus pontifex maximus tribunitia potestate pater patriae consul viii. TEMPL. DIV. AVG. REST. cos. mi. Templum divi augusti restitutum consul quartum. TER. Terentius. TES. Tessalonicae. T. F. Titi filia or temporum felicitas. T. FL. Titus flavins. T. o. A. Tutelaris genius aegypti. Ti. Tiberius. Ti. N. Tiberii nepos. Ti. F. Tiberii filius. T. M. AP. CL. Titus manlius (et) appius clatidius. T. P., or TR. POT., or TRIB. POT. Tribunitia potestas. T. p., or TR. POT., or TRIB. POT. v. etc. Tribunitia potestas, or tribnnitia potestas v. TR. Treveris. TRAI. Trajanus. TRAN. Tranquillus. TRANQ. Tranquillitas. TREUAN. Trebanius. TREBON or TREB. Trebonianns. TR. F. Trajana fortis. TRIVMPH. Triumphator. TR. OBS. or o. B. s. Treveris obsignata or officina b. signata. TR. LEG. ii. Tribunus legionis ii. TR. P. Treveris percussa or pecunia. TR. PL. . Tribunus plebis designatus. TR. v. M. Triumviri monetales. T. T. Trevirorum. TVL. H. or HOST. Tnllus hostilins. V. V. Quinqne, or verus, or victrix, or vir, or virtus, or voto, or votirns, or urbs. V. AET. Virtus aeterna. VAL. or VALER. Valerius or valerianus. VAR. RVF. Varius rufus. VEN. FEL. Veneri felici. VENER. VICTR. Veneri victrici. VENT. Ventidius. VESP. Vespasianus. 212 PLATE CII. ABBREVIATIONS ON ROMAN COINS. VETER. Veteranorum. VET. LANG. Vettius languidus. V. i. Vota imperil. VIB. Vibius. Vic. AVG. Victoria augusti. Vic. GERM. Victoria germanica. Vic. PAR. M. Victoria parthica maxima. Vic. s. Victoria sicilia. Vic. BEATISSIM. CAESS. Victoria beatissimorum cacsarum. Vic. BRIT. p. M. Victoria britaiinica pontifex maximus. VICTOR. ROM. Victoria romanorum. VICT. P. GAL. AVG. Victoria parthica gallieni augusti. Vn. VIR. EPV. Vii viri epulonnm. VIR. Virtus. Vi. VIR. A. Vi. vir. augnstus. V. N. M. R. Urbis nicomediae moneta restituta. VOL. Volusius. VOTA. PVB. Vota publica. VOT. DECEN. Vota decennalia. VOT. xx. MVL. xxx. Vota xx. multiplica xxx. V. P. Vota publica or vota populi. V. v. Vota v. X. X. Decem. Ten, or Decennalia. X. F. X. faciendum. XL. R. XL remissa. Xv. Xv. Money worth fifteen denarii. Xvi. Sixteen (denarii). Xv. VIR. SAC. FAC. Xv. viri sacris faciundis. Xx. v. Xx. vota. 214 PLATE CIII. PRICES OF ENGLISH COINS, (FROM HUMPHREYS.) ALL are silver pennies till Edward III. WILLIAM L, from 2s. to 1. WILLIAM II., from 15s. to 2 10s. HENRY I., from 1 to 4. STEPHEN, from 15s. to B. HENRY II., from 3s. to 10s. RICHARD I., from 2s. to 6s. HENRY IH., from 2s. to 5s. EDWARD I. and H., from 2s. to 5s. EDWARD IH. pennies, half groats, and groats, about 4s. each. GOLD. Noble, about 2 half do., about 21s. ; quarter do., about 12s. EDWARD BLACK PRINCE pennies, about 7s. RICHARD II. pennies, about 6s. ; half groats, about 15s. ; groats, about 20s. GOLD. Noble and half do., about B ; quarter do., about 1. HENRY IV., V., VI. pennies, from 4s. to 20s. ; half groats, from 4s. to 20s. ; groats. from 4s. to 1. GOLD. Nobles, about 2; half do., about 25s. ; quarter do., about 12s. EDWARD IV. pennies, about 5s. ; half groats, about 4s. and 5s. ; groats, 3s. to 10s. GOLD. Noble, about 2 ; half do, 25s. ; quarter do., about 21s. ; angel and half do., about 30s. RICHARD IH. pennies, about 1 ; half groats, very rare ; groats, about 25s. GOLD. Angel, about 5. HENRY VII. pennies, about 4s. ; half do., about 4s. ; groats, about 5s. ; shillings. from 10. GOLD. Sovereign, about 10; angel, about 25s. ; half do., about 2. HENRY VIH. pennies, 2s. 6d. ; half groats and groats, 4s. and 5s. ; shilling, about 2. GOLD. Sovereign, about 8 ; half sovereign, about 25s. ; angel, about 1 ; half do., about 25s. ; crown, about 1. EDWARD VI. pennies, from 10s. ; half groat, base, about 4 ; groat, base, very rare, in Durrani's sale, sold for 10 10s. ; quarter shilling, about 20s. ; six- pence, about 10s. ; shilling, from 4s. ; half crowns, 2 ; crowns, about 2. GOLD. Double sovereign, Colonel Durrani's, sold for 38 10s. ; sovereign, about 4 ; half do., about 2 ; quarter do., about 4 ; half crown, about 3. MARY I. pennies, about 10s.; half groats, about 3; groats, about 12s.; half shillings, about 2 ; shillings, about 2. GOLD. Sovereign, about 6; rial, one of the rarest coins in the series, Colonel Durrani's, sold for 66 ; angel, about 4. ELIZABETH, three-farthing pieces, about 10s.; pennies, about 2s. ; three-halfpenny pieces, about 10s. ; half groats, about 4s. ; threepenny pieces, about 4s. ; groats, about 10s. ; half shillings, aboul 3s. ; shillings, about 10s. ; half crowns, about 2 ; crowns, about 2. 216 ' PLATE CIV. KEC1MEN DCA1T WHIBMAAB.COWKIBI PABV&MAWg H@STSS VISJ VICTOSQ. PRICES OF ENGLISH COINS. GOLD. Sovereigns, about 4 ; rial, the average of Colonel Durrani's was 7 15s. ; angel, about 2 ; half do., about 20s. JAMES I. pennies, about 4s. ; half groats, about 3s. ; sixpences, about 10s. ; shil- lings, from about 7s. 6d. ; half crowns, about 2 ; crowns, about 2. GOLD. Sovereigns, or rose rials, about 4 ; unites, or twenty-shilling pieces, about 2; half sovereign, about 1; crowns, about 12s.; half crowns, about 10s. ; angel, about 2 ; half do., about 3. CHARLES I. COPPER. Farthings, about Gd. SILVER. Pennies, 2s. to 1; half groats, about 4s.; threepenny pieces, about 4s. ; groats, about 5s. ; sixpences, about 5s. ; shillings, about 10s. ; half crowns, about 12s. ; crowns, about 2 ; ten-shilling pieces, about 2 10s. ; pound- pieces, about 10. GOLD. Angels, about 4 ; unit, or broad, about 2 ; half do., about 2 ; crowns, about 1 ; treble unit, or three-pound piece, Oxford Mint, about 8. COMMONWEALTH. SILVER. Half pennies, about 4s. ; pennies, about 4s. ; half groats, about 3s. ; sixpences, about 12s. ; shillings, about 7s. ; half crowns, about 3 ; crowns, about 2 10s. GOLD. Twenty-shilling piece, about 3; half do., about 2 10s. ; crowns, about 2 10s. OLIVER CROMWELL. The set of his silver coins, crown, half do., and shilling, is worth from 7 to 12. GOLD. Broad, about 7. CHARLES II. COPPER. Halfpennies, about 5s. ; farthings, about Is. SILVER. The set of Maunday money, Id., 2d., 3d., and 4d., given by the monarch on Maunday Thursday to certain poor persons, about 3s. (jd. ; six- pences, about 3s. ; shillings, about 5s. ; half crowns, about 10s. ; crowns, from 15s. upward, according to preservation. GOLD. Half guineas, about 2 ; guineas, about 3 ; two-guinea pieces, about 3 ; five-guinea pieces, about 7. From this time till the present, the COPPER COINS can be purchased for from Is. to 2s. and 3s. per specimen, with the exception of ANNE'S FARTHING, a fine specimen of which, of the common type, can be procured for about 14s. to 1. The SILVER COINS can be purchased for about double currency, and upward, according to preservation ; and the GOLD COINS can be obtained for about 50 per cent, advance on the current value. PEICES OF MODERN COINS OF FOREIGN NATIONS. THE ordinary coins of nearly every modern nation on the face of the earth may be found in New York city. The great immigration, and the wide-spread commerce which brings seamen here from every port, necessarily produces a constant supply. Hence, as a general rule, none of them are worth more than their intrinsic value in copper and silver, or, at the most, three or six cents each for fine specimens of cop- per coins, while silver coins are never worth more than their weight. Foreign trades- men's cards are of no more value than coins. Very fine sets of the English can be imported at about five cents each, in uncirculated condition. 218 PLATE CV. KEMAEKS ON SOME EAEE COINS OF THE UNITED STATES SEEIES. THE tables will serve to show the collector what coins of the regular series he may expect to find readily and without trouble, as well as what coins it will be difficult to procure except at high prices. But it is of course impossible to give, in the form of a table, the relative rarity of those coins which belong to the general class denom- inated very rare. We therefore make some notes on these coins for the special ben- efit of young and inexperienced collectors. DOLLARS. The dollar of 1794 the first silver dollar of the series is now very rare, and commands a large premium. It is worth, in ordinary condition, from $4 to $5, and in fine condition much more. The dollars from 1794 to 1804 are not worth any premium above the 'weight of the silver, unless in extra fine condition. One variety of 1798 that with the eagle on the reverse like the eagle of 1797 is rare, and worth about $2. The dollar of 1804 is very rare so rare that not more than two or three specimens are known. It has even been doubted whether these are not manufactured coins ; but this suspicion is groundless. The dies are in existence at the Mint, and it is stated that these two specimens were struck from them about 1827. The dollars of 1836, 1838, and 1839 are but pattern pieces, with a flying eagle on the reverse, never issued in circulation. They are rare in the order of their dates, the last being most rare. They command prices varying from $6 to $18, according to date and condition. The dollar of 1848 is becoming scarce. In 1851 and 1852 no dollars were issued for circulation, and the specimens struck at the Mint are of the highest degree of rarity. They command $15 to $18 each at auction sales. The dollar of 1854 is becoming very rare. That of 1858 was never issued for cir- culation, and the Mint proofs command a price from $4 to $5. With the foregoing exceptions, the dollars may be easily procured. It should be borne in mind, however, that they are worth a premium of 6 to 7 per cent, over the coins of smaller denomination since 1853, and they are therefore seldom found in circulation, and usually go to the silversmiths. Hence they are fast disappearing, and in a few years all the dates will be very rare. The same is true of all the silver coinage prior to July, 1853. 220 PLATE CVI. RAEE AMERICAN SILVER. HALF DOLLARS. The half dollar of 1794 is seldom found in good condition, and when so found is worth $1 to $2. That of 1795 is more common; but 1796 and 1797 are exceed- ingly rare, bringing readily, if in fine order, $10 to $15 each at auction and private sale. 1801 and 1802 are rarely found in even fair keeping, and it is very difficult to supply them in collections. They are worth $1 to $2 each, in good order. The remarks made on the dollar of 1804 apply also to the half dollar of the same year. We have never seen a specimen, and might doubt that it ever existed but for the fact that a variety of 1805 is known of which the die was altered from the die of 1804, and the alteration is so poorly executed that the 4 is more distinct than the 5. It is impossible to name any price for the dollar or the half dollar of 1804, for they have never been sold. The die of 1807, with the head like that of 1808, is scarce in good condition, though very common in poor condition. 1813 is difficult to find in good keeping. 1815 is rare in good condition, and worth $1.50 to $2.50. The milled-edge variety of 1836 is scarce, and worth $1 to $1.50. 1840 is scarce in good condition, but rubbed specimens are common. 1851 is quite scarce worth $1 to $2 ; and 1852 is almost equally rare. With these exceptions, all the half dollars are to be had with little trouble from any silver dealer of your acquaintance. QUARTER DOLLARS. This coin, being one in most common use, is seldom found in first-rate condition in any of the early years. The quarter dollar of 1796 is sufficiently rare to be worth about $2.50 in good condition. 1804 is worth 50 cents to $1. 1823 is a very rare coin in fact one of the rarest of the series. The price marked for it is not higher than it will command in .first-rate order. 1827 is very rare. The other dates are comparatively common, though nearly all before 1837 are difficult to find, except more or less rubbed. DIMES. The dime of 1796 is rare worth $1.50 to $2.50. The dime of 1797 is of the highest rarity, and commands $7.50 to $8.50. 1798, 1801, and 1803 are worth $1 each. 1804 is very rare, and worth $5. 1809 and 1811 are very rare in good condition, and worth $2 to $3. 1822 is rare also, and worth $1.50 to $2. 1844 is becoming very scarce. 1846 is rare, and worth $1.50 to $2.50 in first-rate order. 1853, without arrow-heads at the sides of the date, is rare, and brings $1. HALF DIMES. 1794 is seldom found. It is worth $3 if in first-rate order, or $2 in ordinary con- dition. 1796 and 1797 are worth about $1 each. 1801 and 1803 are worth $2 each. 1846 is scarce, and brings $1 to $1.50. 1853, without the arrow-heads on each side 222 PLATE CVII. RARE AMERICAN COPPER. of the date (which arrow-heads were placed on the coinage in July, 1853, to mark the new and reduced weight), is now rare, and brings 75 cents to $1. CENTS. The desire to make collections of cents has made so much variation in the prices that it is impossible to say that any date has a fixed and definite value. In general, all the cents can be procured in ordinary circulation, with very little trouble, by a diligent searcher, exceptir only 1793, 1799, and 1804. It is, in fact, unnecessary for any collector to pay . ilium for any cent except these years, unless he desires to enrich his collection with proof or uncirculated coins. We have already explained the difference between a proof and an uncirculated coin. But it may be repeated here with benefit. The proof coins are those struck in the Mint from the master-die, the original die cut by the engraver. The custom of the Mint has been to strike about a hundred sets, more or less, of the entire coinage of the year from the master-die. These are very beautiful and perfect specimens, and are known as proofs. They always command a premium, which increases as years ad- vance. The master-die is afterward used to impress in soft steel and make other dies, from which the great bulk of the coinage is struck. In the cents the difference between the proofs and other issues is very great, and the former command extravagant prices, as the annexed table shows. The collector, however, must not be misled by this table into supposing that he will have to pay these prices for fine or uncirculated specimens. Patience in collecting will enable him in time to make his set of cents fine enough at little cost except for the rare years, 1793, 1799, and 1804. The numerous varieties of 1793 command various prices. The rarest is the Lib- erty-cap cent, like that of 1794. In fine condition it brings from 4 to $6. The Link cent, having the chain around the words ONE CENT, is worth $3 to $5 in first- rate condition. The Wreath cent, in various varieties, brings about the same price ; but this cent of 1793 has so varied in price of late years that it is impossible to name a fixed value to any variety. The mania for coins has largely increased the supply, while it has also increased the number of collectors and the demand. The cent of 1799 is the rarest of the copper coins. The collector must beware of counterfeits, which abound in the cities, well executed by altering cents of 1797 and 1798. A first-rate 1799, of undoubted genuineness, is worth about $10 but the price falls rapidly as the condition of the piece deteriorates. Close examination with the aid of a magnifying-glass will not in all cases detect these counterfeits. The col- Lector should at least adopt this rule, not to purchase a 1799 which has the slightest scratch or flaw on the surface any where near the last 9 in the date. 1804 is not so rare a cent as it is commonly reputed, and yet it commands from $3 to $7.50, according to condition. We recommend the collector not to purchase this date, but search diligently among old coppers until he finds it. We have had no difficulty in finding some fair specimens among copper cents in bulk. It is, how- ever, very rare in first-rate condition, and the same is true of all the dates from 1800 to 1811, except perhaps 1802 and 1803. The cent of 1808, with filleted head re- sembling 1807, is rarely found except in very poor condition. Its existence even lias been disputed, so rarely is the date legible. 224 PLATE CVIII. BAKE AMERICAN COPPER. In 1815 no cent was coined ; any specimens that are exhibited must be alterations from other years. It is by some disputed that this cent is unknown. We can affirm, however, that we never saw a cent of 1815, never saw a person who had seen one, and never heard of a collector who either possessed one or had heard of one in any other person's possession. If the coin ever existed, it has absolutely disappeared. Counterfeits are easily made from 1813 ; but no one need be imposed on by such coppers after this information. The cents from 1830 to 1849 are rarely found in uncirculated condition, and this will explain the high prices paid for proof specimens, as shown by the table. HALF CENTS. These little coins are fast disappearing. 1793 has become very rare. 1796 is equally rare ; and, with few exceptions, all the early years are becoming scarce. These exceptions are 1803, 1804, 1806, and 1807, which are perhaps more common than others. 1831 and 1836 are of the highest rarity, commanding, for the former, $5 to $7.50, and the latter, $3 to $5. In 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, and 1848 none were issued for cir- culation, and the specimens coined at the Mint are of the highest rarity, as also is true of 1852. The table gives the prices recently paid for these. 226 PLATE CIX. TABLE SHOWING THE COMPARATIVE RARITY OF UNITED STATES SILVER AND COPPER COINS. [N.C., none coined. Greatest rarity, 6.] Years. Dollars. Half Dollars. Quarter Dollars. Dimes. Half Dimes. Three Cents. Cents. Half Cents. 1793 N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. 5 6 1794 6 4 N.C. N.C. 5 N.C. 2 3 1795 2 2 N.C. N.C. 4 N.C. 2 4 1796 v . 1797 2 2 6 6 5 N.C. 4 5 4 4 N.C. N.C. 2 3 6 6 1798 1 N.C. N.C. 4 N.C. N.C. 2 N.C. 1799 1 N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. 6 N.C. 1800 2 N.C. N.C. 3 4 N.C. 3 3 1801 2 4 N.C. 3 4 N.C. 3 N.C. 1802 2 4 N.C. 4 5 N.C. 2 5 1803 1 1 N.C. 3 5 N.C. 1 4 1804 6 6 3 3 N.C. N.C. 5 1 1805 N.C. 2 2 2 4 N.C. 3 3 1806 N.C. 2 2 N.C. N.C. NC. 3 2 1807 N.C. 1 2 2 N.C. N.C. 2 2 1808 N.C. 3 N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. 4 1 1809 N.C. 3 N C. 5 N.C. N C 4 1 1810 N.C. 2 N.C. N.C. N.C. NC. 3 3 1811 N.C. 2 N.C. 5 N.C. N C. 3 5 1812 N.C 2 N C N C N C N C 3 N.C. 1813 N.C 3 N C N C. N.C. N C 3 N.C. 1814 N.C. 2 N C. 2 N.C. N C. 2 N.C. 1815 N C 4 3 N C N C N C N C. NC. 1816 N C N.C. N C N C N C N C 2 N.C. 1817 N.C 3 N'C N.C N.C. N C. 1 N.C. 1818 N.C. 2 3 N.C. N.C. N.C. 1 N.C. 1819 N.C. 2 2 N.C. N.C. N.C. 1 N.C. 1820 N C 2 2 2 N.C. N C. 2 N C. 1821 N C 2 2 2 N.C. NC. 2 N.C. 1822 N.C. 2 2 5 N.C. N.C. 1 N.C. 1823 N.C. 2 6 2 N.C. N.C. 3 N.C. 1824 N C 2 2 2 N C N C. 2 N.C. 1825 N C. 2 2 2 N.C. N.C. 2 2 1826 N.C. 2 N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. 2 2 1827 N.C. 2 6 2 N.C. N.C. 1 N.C. 1828 N.C. 1 3 2 N.C. N.C. 1 1 1829 N.C. 1 N.C. 2 3 N.C. 1 2 1830 N.C. 1 N C 9 2 N.C. 2 N.C. 1831 N.C. 1 2 2 1 N.C. 1 6 228 PLATE CX. TABLE OF COMPARATIVE RARITY. (Continued.) Years. Dollars. Half Dollars. Quarter Dollars. Dimes. Half- Dimes. Three ('...its. Cents. Half Cents. 1832 N.C. 1 2 2 1 N.C. 1 1 1833 N.C. 1 2 2 1 N.C. 1 1 1834 N.C. 1 2 2 1 N.C. 1 1 1835 N.C. 1 2 2 1 N.C. 1 1 1836 6 2 2 2 1 N.C. 1 6 1837 N.C. 2 2 2 1 N.C. 1 N C 1838 6 2 2 2 1 N.C. 1 N.C. 1839 6 2 2 2 1 N.C. 1 N.C. 1840 3 3 2 2 1 N.C. 2 6 1841 2 1 2 2 1 N.C. 9 6 1842 2 1 2 2 1 N C 9 G 1843 2 1 2 2 1 N C 2 G 1844 2 2 1 4 3 N.C. 1 G 1845 2 1 1 1 2 N.C. 1 G 1846 2 1 1 5 5 N C 1 G 1847 2 1 1 1 2 NC 1 G 1848 2 1 1 1 1 NC. 1 G 1849 2 1 1 1 1 N C 1 2 1850 2 1 1 1 1 N C 1 2 1851 6 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1852 6 2 1 1 1 1 1 6 1853 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1854 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1855 2 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 1856 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1857 1 1 1 1 ] 1 3 1 1858 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 N.C. 1859.... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 N.C. The Table of Comparative Rarity is based on only six orders. It is of course im- possible to distinguish all coins exactly by these six numbers. Thus the dollar of 1804 might well be ranked as more rare than almost any other of the coins. But the table will serve the purposes of the collector without more minute distinctions. We have classed the dollars of 1836, 1838, and 1839 as very rare. They are, in fact, pattern pieces (especially the dollar of 1839, of which very few were struck), and should perhaps be omitted from the table. The cent of 1856 referred to in the table is the nickel cent, and that of 1857 the copper. 230 WEIGHT AND FINENESS OF GOLD AND SILVER. GOLD is never found in a pure state when taken from the earth. It is always al- loyed more or less with silver. The process of parting the gold from the silver is very simple. Being melted and poured into cold water, it is granulated ; then boiled, each 3 ounces of alloyed metal with 4 ounces of nitric acid, which dissolves the silver and copper, leaving the gold in a brown powder. This is washed with hot water to remove the nitrate of silver, and is then as pure as it is practicable to obtain it. It still contains from three to ten thousandths of silver. All coin is alloyed. The difference in the color of gold coins is caused by the dif- ference in the comparative quantity of silver and copper used for the alloy. Thus the present standard of coin is 900 parts of fine gold to 100 parts of alloy. The 100 parts of alloy may be entirely copper, but never are so in fact. The law requires that of this 100 parts alloy not more than 50 parts shall be silver. The quantity of the silver will determine the comparative paleness or ruddiness of the coin. The Mint practice is to add 100 parts of copper to 900 parts of fine gold, it being supposed that enough copper will oxidize in the melting to reduce the entire alloy, both copper and silver, to 100. The same standard of fineness (900 to the 1000 parts) is preserved in the silver coins of the present day. There have been several changes in this respect in both gold and silver coinage, which the following will illustrate : WEIGHT AND FINENESS OF GOLD COINS. Before July 1, 1834, gold coin was 916^ thousandths fine, the eagle weighing 270 grains. From July 1, 1834, to January 1, 1837, gold coin was 8991 thousandths fine, the eagle weighing 258 grains. Since January 1, 1837, gold coin was 900 thousandths fine, the eagle weighing 258 gmins. WEIGHT AND FINENESS O.F SILVER COINS. Before January 1, 1837, silver coin was 892-^. thousandths fine. One ounce coined into $1.15.2-^.. From January 1, 1837, to July, 1853, silver coin was 900 thousandths fine. One ounce coined into $1.16.3-^. Since July 1, 1853, silver coin was 900 thousandths fine. One ounce coined into fl.25. 232 PLATE CXH. FINENESS OF GOLD AND SILVER. The preceding statement of silver coins excepts dollars since 1853. They remain of the former weight 412 grains and are, therefore, never used for circulation. Three-cent pieces, since July, 1853, are of the same fineness of silver with the other coins. Before July, 1853, they were 750 thousandths fine. It will be observed that a very simple weight may be used by persons not having Troy weights at hand. Five new, uncirculated, and clean quarter dollars, since July, 1853, weigh one ounce Troy, and of course each weighs one-fifth of an ounce. The term carat, as applied to gold and silver, may be interpreted in this way : Gold or silver which is chemically pure, that is absolutely without alloy, is 24 carats fine, and gold or silver 12 carats fine is one half pure metal and one half some other metal or metals. The other degrees of fineness in carats are determined on the same proportions. A new, more convenient, and intelligible nomenclature has been recently adopted. It is this : Gold or silver chemically pure, that is 24 carats fine, is now called 1000 fine. It is understood as consisting of 1000 parts, all of which are pure metal. If 500 parts be gold and 500 parts some other metal, then the gold is said to be 500 fine, or -ffify fine, and of course such gold is equivalent to 12 carats fine. The following table will be convenient for reducing carats to thousandths : TABLE OF CARATS AND THOUSANDTHS. GOLD OE SILVER CALLED 1 carat should contain of pure gold or silver 41? thousandths. 2 carats should contain of pure gold or silver 83 thousandths. 3 carats should contain of pure gold or silver 125 thousandths. 4 carats should contain of pure gold or silver 166| thousandths. 5 carats should contain of pure gold or silver 208 thousandths. 6 carats should contain of pure gold or silver 250 -thousandths. 7 carats should contain of pure gold or silver 291f thousandths. 8 carats should contain of pure gold or silver 333^ thousandths. 9 carats should contain of pure gold or silver 375 thousandths. 10 carats should contain of pure gold or silver 41 6 1 thousandths. 11 carats should contain of pure gold or silver 458^ thousandths. 12 carats should contain of pure gold or silver 500 thousandths. 13 carats should contain of pure gold or silver 541? thousandths. 14 carats should contain of pure gold or silver 583J- thousandths. 15 carats should contain of pure gold or silver 625 thousandths. 16 carats should contain of pure gold or silver G66J thousandths. 17 carats should contain of pure gold or silver 708 thousandths. 18 carats should contain of pure gold or silver 750 thousandths. 19 carats should contain of pure gold or silver 791$ thousandths. 20 carats should contain of pure gold or silver 833 thousandths. 21 carats should contain of pure gold or silver 875^ thousandths. 22 carats should contain of pure gold or silver 916 'thousandths. 23 carats should contain of pure gold or silver 958^ thousandths. 24 carats should contain of pure gold or silver 1000 thousandths. A necessary result of this table is the rule to convert thousandths into carats, viz. : Divide the number of thousandths by 41f ; and to convert carats into thousandths, multiply the number of carats by 41 J. Pure gold, 1000 fine, is valued at the United States Mint, per ounce Troy, nt $20.67.183468. 234 PLATE CXIII. UNITED STATES GOLD COINAGE. To find the value per ounce of gold of any degree of fineness, specified in thou- sandths, multiply the above value by the number of thousandths. Thus, one ounce of gold of 900 thousandths is worth $20.67.183468x.900 = $18.60.4651212. Pure silver, 1000 fine, is valued, in purchasing at the Mint, per ounce Troy, at $1.34.444+, or $1.34| exactly. The same rule applies as given above for gold. UNITED STATES GOLD COINAGE. TABLE SHOWING THE YEARS WHEN GOLD WAS COINED. [0 indicates a coinage ; N.C., none coined.] Years. Double Eagles. Eagles. Half Eagles. Quarter Eagles. Three Dollars. Dollars. 1793 N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. 1794 N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. 1795 N.C. o o N.C. N.C. N.C. 1796 N.C. o o o N.C. N.C. 1797 N.C. o O O N.C. N.C. 1798 N.C. o o o N.C. N.C. 1799 N.C. o o N.C. N.C. N.C. 1800 N.C. o O N.C. N.C. N.C. 1801 N.C. O N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. 1802 N.C. N.C. o o N.C. N.C 1803 N.C. o O N.C. N.C. N.C. 1804 N.C. O O O N.C. N.C. 1805 N.C. N.C. o o N.C. N C 1806 N.C. N.C. o o N.C. N C 1807 N.C. N.C. O O N.C. N.C 1808 N.C. N.C. o o N.C. N C 1809 N.C. N.C. o N.C. N.C. N C 1810 N.C. N.C. o N.C. N.C. N C 1811 N.C. N.C. o N.C. N C N C 1812 N.C. N.C. o N.C. N.C. N C 1813 N.C. N.C. o N.C. N.C. N C 1814 N.C. N.C. o N.C. N.C. N.C 1815 N.C. N C NC N.C. N.C. N C 1816 N.C. N C. NC N.C. N.C. N.C 1817 N.C. NC. N C N.C. N.C. N.C. 1818 NC N C o N C N C N C 1819 N C N C o N C N C. N C 1820 N.C NC. o N C. N.C. NC 1821 N.C. N.C. o o N.C. N.C. 1822 N C N C o NC N C N C 1823 NC N C. o N C. NC N C 1824 N.C. N.C. o o N.C. N C 1825 ... N.C. N.C. O O N.C. N.C. 236 PLATE CXIV. THIS Bitt e,7>tnl BarT to Tece'ive SIX SPANISH MIXtED DOLLARS , or the This BILL entitles the "Bearer to re UNITED STATES GOLD COINAGE. Years. Double Eagles. Eagles. Hull Eagles. Quarter Eagles. Three Dollars. Dollars. 1826 N.C. N.C. o o N.C. N.C. 1827 N.C. N.C. o o N.C. N.C. 1828 1829 N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. o o N.C. o N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. 1830 N.C. N.C. o o N.C. N.C. 1831 N.C. N.C. o o N.C. N.C. 1832 N.C. N.C. o o N.C. N.C. 1833 N.C. N.C. o o N.C. N.C. 1834 N.C. N.C. o o N.C. N.C. 1835 N.C. N.C. o o N.C. N.C. 1836 N.C. N.C. o o N.C. N.C. 1837 N.C. N.C. o o N.C. N.C. 1838 N.C. o o o N.C. N.C 1839 N.C. o o o N.C. N.C. 1840 N.C. o o o N.C. N.C. 1841 N.C. o o N.C. N.C. N.C. 1842 N.C. o o o N.C. N.C 1843 N.C. o o o N.C. N.C. 1844 N.C. o o o N.C. N.C. 1845 N.C. o o o N.C. N C 1846 N.C. o o o N.C. N.C 1847 N.C. o o o N C N C 1848 N.C. o o o N C N C 1849 N.C. o o o N.C. o 1850 o o o o N C o 1851 o o o o N C o 1852 o o o o N C o 1853 O O o o N.C. o 1854 O O o o o o 1855 o o o o o o 1856 o o o o o o 1857 o o o o o o 1858 o o o o o o 1859... o o 238 SCALES FOE MEASURING COINS. THE size of a coin or medal is determined among collectors by its diameter. The ordinary scale in use in Europe is that known as the Scale of Mionnet. This is ar- bitrary in construction, and the collector can only make use of it by having it always with him. One much more convenient, which we have adopted in this volume, is that of sixteenths of an inch. With this the collector can determine the size of a coin wherever he can find an ordinary measuring rule. It is to be hoped that this scale may be universally adopted and used in America, where it originated with the Philadelphia collectors. There are many coins and medals closely resembling each other in their designs and inscriptions, but differing in size. This is true of a large number of American political or Presidential medalets and tokens. In some old works on coins we find scales for measuring the thickness of the planchet. This is, however, of little use, because the thickness of ancient coins va- ries according to the amount of corrosion they have undergone, and a difference in this respect, in either an ancient or a modern coin, can hardly be said to make a variety in the specimens. SCALE OF MIONNET. [In general use in Europe.] * 5 6 T 8 10 11121314151611*810 .1 - 3*50 7 B l 1U ii i- io 14 1U 1O 14 i S i iO SCALE OF SIXTEENTHS OF AN INCH. [Adopted in this Volume, and now much used in America.] 2 4 P. R 10 1 14 16 IS ?0 1 24 96 2S 30 32 34 56 ?.8 40 42 44 46 48 50 59 5t 56 53 60 F.Z (U I 4 6 8 10 la 14 10 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 4* 44 46 4S 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 239 PRICES OF UNITED STATES SILVEE AND COPPER COIN'S AT RECENT SALES BY AUCTION. [p. indicates proof coins ; u. uncirculated coins. Blanks indicate either no coinage, or no sales by which to establish prices.] Years. Dollars. Half Dollars. Quarter Dollars. Dimes. Half Dimes. Cents. Half Cents. 1793 $10.00 $4.13 1794 $7 50 $1.25 $2.13 1.00 1.00 1795 1.25 1.25 .55 11.00 .75 1796 1.25 17.00 $2.50 $2.25 2.00 4.50 12.00 1797 1.25 23.00 8.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 1798 1.25 2.38 2.50 1799 1.25 11.00 1800 1.25 .50 .55 2.00 .70 1801 1.25 1.00 2.00 2.10 2.00 1802 1.25 1.00 .50 2.63 2.13 1803 1.25 1.00 1.00 2.50 .75 .30 1804 .95 7.50 8.00 1.38 1805 1.00 * .35 .50 .80 .45 1806 .75 .35 3.75 .30 1807 .75 .35 .55 2.13 .25 1808 .65 1.00 .40 1809 1.20 .45 p. 4.50 .30 1810 .60 .70 .70 1811 .60 2.00 1.88 1812 .60 1.00 1813. .60 2.00 1814 .75 .20 .80 1815 3.00 .50 1816 .80 1817 .75 .80 1818 .75 .50 .30 1819. .75 .30 1.60 1820 1.10 .35 1.25 2.55 1821 .75 .35 .70 p. 8.00 1822 .70 .CO 1.75 1.00 1823 .75 25.00 .15 .80 1824 .55 .75 .15 u. 2.13 1825 .60 .35 1 50 n. 3.25 .22 1826 .60 u. 3.00 .22 1827 .85 15 u. 4.00 1828 .60 .35 .15 1.13 .22 1829 55 15 55 p. 5 13 .88 1830 .65 15 .25 9 00 1831 .60 .35 .25 .12 p. 3 9 5 p 10 50 240 PK1CES OF UNITED STATES SILVER AND COPPER. (Continued.) Years. Dollars. Half Dollars. Quarter Dollars. Dimes. Half Dimes. Cents. Halt- Cents. 1832 $ .60 f .35 $ .12 $ .12 u. $4.00 $ .25 1833 .55 .75 .25 .50 u. 1.75 p. .25 1834 .55 .25 .25 .30 1.25 .25 1835 .80 .50 .45 .12 u. 1.85 .25 1836 .70 .35 .50 .13 .65 pi 5.25 1837 .70 .45 p. .75 .25 p. 3.00 1838 .55 .45 .25 .15 .55 1839 .60 .60 .45 .15 1.62 1840 $1.25 .65 '.35 .60 .30 p. 5.00 1841 1.25 .75 .35 .65 .10 p. 3.38 p. 4.50 1842 1.25 .70 .30 .20 .10 u. 2.50 p. 9.50 1843 1.25 .65 .35 .45 .30 p. 4.00 4.00 1844 1.25 .60 .40 .20 .15 u. 2.13 5.00 1845 1.25 .80 .30 .15 .25 u. 1.25 4.75 1846 1.25 .60 .50 .80 1.20 u. 1.88 p. 8.75 1847 1.50 .60 .40 .12 .40 p. 4.88 p. 8.25 1848 1.75 .60 .70 .12 .30 p. 4.50 p. 5.75 1849 1.25 .60 .40 .12 .25 u. 1.13 .25 1850 1.25 .80 .35 .12 .30 u. .40 p. 1.10 1851 15.00 1.20 .50 .12 .30 .35 .05 1852 15.00 1.35 .55 .45 .30 u. .35 p. 5.50 1853 1.25 .50 .25 1.10 .95 u. .15 .45 1854 3.00 .50~ .25 .10 .05 p. 4.00 .05 1855 1.25 .50 .25 .10 .05 p. 3.50 .05 1856 1857 1.25 1.25 .50 .50 .25 .25 .10 .10 .05 .05 p. 2.37 p. 2.25 p. 1.10 p. .65 1858 5.00 .50 .25 .10 .05 p. .15 1859 .... 1.25 .50 .25 .10 .05 p. .10 Q 241 EEMAEKS ON PEICES OF COINS, MEDALS, MEDAL- ETS, ETC. THE tables which follow can not, for various reasons, be perfect. They are made up from recent sales at auction and in private, and the prices stated have in most instances been paid for the coins. But few coins, medals, or tokens have as yet a fixed market value in this country. The first table which we present, of the com- parative prices at different sales, will illustrate this ; and on many of these coins the prices have more than doubled since the last-mentioned sale, as indicated by our estimated prices in the other tables. Much of the difference in prices may be owing to the condition of the pieces; but many pieces have doubled or trebled in value within a few months from the sudden demands of inexperienced collectors, while others have as greatly depreciated. And the prices vary in different cities. There are an immense number of medals, medalets, tokens, etc., to which we have made no allusion in the tables. They are omitted, because any attempt to assign to them a value, in a book which is designed to be of permanent use, would be more likely to mislead than to aid a collector. Many of those which we have mentioned have been or will be restruck, and will thus become common. It is by no means to be regretted that they are so made plenty. No collector has a right to complain. If he has fool- ishly paid an extravagant price for a medal or token struck within a few years, re- lying on the dies having disappeared, he has taken the risk, and must be content to let others supply themselves from the dies if found. The absurdities into which American collectors have been led, by the mere desire to possess rare pieces of stamped metal, have been well checked by the reproduction from original dies of these highly-prized trifles. It should rather be a subject of congratulation that coins or medals of comparative rarity are multiplied and placed in the hands of all collect- ors. But these reasons explain the imperfections of the price tables. It will be many years before such tables can be more than a temporary assistance. We have given the prices of very few medals. Few have been sold at public or private sales, and we have preferred to reserve a full table of prices of American medals for a future edition of the present work. EXPLANATION OF THE TABLES. In the tables the scale used to measure sizes is the scale of sixteenths of an inch. A medalet of size 16 is one inch in diameter. The metals are indicated thus : c., copper ; b., brass ; w. m., white metal ; G. s., German silver. 242 TABLE SHOWING THE COMPARATIVE PRICES OF CERTAIN MEDALS AND COINS AT VARIOUS SALES HELD IN NEW YORK CITY. Ktbnmrv 28, 1859. May 4, 1859. Jane 7, 1859. June 21, 18A9. Novem'r 2, 1859. 1. Erie Canal medal, by Wright $- 2. Masonic medal of Franklin 3.50 3. Henry Clay (small medal) 3. $4. 4. Webster, bv Wright 3.75 4 5. Clav, by Wright (the large medal) 15. 21. 6. Washington, by Wright ; reverse, the Dec- laration of Independence g 10 7. Washington, Manley medal 8. Washington, Sansom medal 2.50 1.75 9. Washington before Boston 3 25 $4 $4.75 2.75 10. Washington, by Wyon 2. 11. New Haven medal 3 12. Herndon medal 5.50 4.25 13. De Fleury medal 1 75 l-l. Paul Jones 3 25 4. f> 15. Gates 2 25 16. Morgan 1 75 17. William Washington 1. 2. 3.50 1. 18. Washington Alston (bronze) 1.50 1.75 1.75 19. Washington Alston (silver) 6. 20. Cyrus W. Field (silver) 3. 4. 21. Cyrus W. Field (bronze) 1.75 22. Mexican volunteer 4.50 3.50 2.50 23 Howard Association 3.25 2-t. Ludovicus Warrington 5. 25. Washington cent 1791, large eagle 10 50 &7. 6. 26. Washington cent, 1791, small eagle 17. 27. Washington half penny, 1793 ; reverse, a 2.75 3.50 4.12 28. Washington half dollar 1792 57. 29. Washington token, 1783, Unity States 30. Washington token, 1783, United States.... 31. Washington token, 1783, small head 1. 2.37 1.50 .75 1.87 .65 .50 1.12 .50 1.25 .56 .55 32. Washington token, 1783, double head 33. Washington ; Liberty and Security, large. 34. Washington ; Liberty and Security, small 35. Washington token ; Success to the United States 1.75 3.50 3. 1. 3. 2.50 .75 2.50 .62 .50 2.50 36. Washington grate 1.75 2.87 37. Washington North Wales 3.75 2.50 3.50 38. New Jersey .37 .55 .10 .25 .25 39. Virginia 2. 3.12 1.75 2.50 1.25 40. U. S. A. bar cent 6.25 7.05 41. Pine-tree shilling 4. ' 5. 3.75 42. Pine-tree sixpence 43. Pine-tree threepence 4.50 4.75 3.75 45. Chalmers shilling 13. 243 PRICES OF MEDALS AND COINS. February 88, 1859. May 4, 1859. June 7, 1869. June 21, 1859. Novem'r 2, 1859. 46 Kentucky or triangle copper $3.25 $4.12 $2.13 $3.25 $3.25 47 Georgius Triumpho 2.25 1.75 48. Franco- Americana Castor-land, silver 49. Franco-Americana Castor-land, copper ... 50 Granby copper 8. 14.50 5.50 5.50 13. 3.75 5 1 Louisiana piece, 1 72 1 2.75 52 Louisiana piece 1722 2.75 53 Louisiana piece 1767 2 7,5 1.50 2. 54. Rosa Americana penny, without date 55 Rosa Americana penny, 1723 6. 2.75 1.75 56. Rosa Americana half penny, 1722 1.50 1.75 2.12 57. Rosa Americana half penny, 1723 4.25 58. Rosa Americana farthing, 1722 1.37 59. Rosa Americana farthing, 1723 5.25 60. Massachusetts cent, 1787 .75 .30 .75 .37 .30 61. Massachusetts cent, 1788 .50 .75 1. .62 62. Massachusetts half cent, 1787 3 3.00 4. 2.25 63. Massachusetts half cent, 1788 2.75 64. Vermon Auctori .50 .10 .62 .31 65. Vermonts Respublica 2.12 2. 66. Vermontensium Respublica 1.12 1.75 67. Nova Constellatio .65 .62 .50 .62 68. Pitt token ; no stamps, 1766.. 3.25 69. New England elephant piece 70. Auctori. Connec .62 .60 .60 .10 .07 71. Nova Eborac 72. Immunis Columbia 2.75 5 25 2.50 1.50 5 25 2.75 5.50 2.25 73 . Fugio coppers .50 .35 .20 .50 .15 74. Continental pewter monev 4.50 75. New York Excelsior copper ; rev., an eagle 17. UNITED' STATES MINT PATTERN, TEIAL, OR EX- PERIMENTAL PIECES, WITH PRICES LATELY REALIZED. 1792. Disme $15. 1792. Half disme 15. 1792. Large copper; Liberty, Parent of Science and Industry 66.50 1792. Small copper, like the last 50. 1792. Like the last, with silver centre-piece 50. 1792. Copper, eagle piece. No sales. 1836. Silver dollar, flying eagle 9. 1836. Silver dollar, flying eagle, with engraver's name in the field (Gobrecht) 25. 1836. Gold dollar, Liberty-cap, etc 1836. Gold dollar, alloyed with silver 12. 1836. Two-cent piece ; nickel, edge plain 5. 1836. The same, with milled edge 2.50 1836. The same, in copper 3.75 1836. Medalets first steam coinage ; three varieties 3. 244 PATTERN AND TRIAL PIECES. (Continued.) 1838. Flying-eagle silver dollar $16. 1838. Half dollar, flying eagle 7.50 1838. Half dollar, spread eagle 7. 1839. Silver dollar 20. 1839. Half dollar 31.50 1849. Three-cent pieces: (1) Liberty seated; (2) Liberty seated, IU. ; (3) Liberty-cap and rays; each 3. 1850. Three-cent pieces ; Liberty-cap, etc 3. 1850. Ring cent: (1) with date; (2) without date ; struck in nickel and also in copper; each 2.50 1851. Cent, Liberty seated 4.25 1852. Gold ring dollar 16. 1852. Gold ring half dollar 14. 1852. Gold ring dollar, struck in silver 8. 1853. Cent; Liberty-head, nickel 3.50 1854. Cent; Liberty-head, nickel 1.50 1854. Flying-eagle cent (varieties) 3. 1855. Flying-eagle cents ; two sizes, and various proportions of nickel and copper, making eight or ten varieties; each $1 to 2.50 1856. Cents, nickel size, two varieties 2. 1856. Half cent, struck in nickel 3.50 1857. Quarter eagle, in copper 3.25 1858. Quarter dollar 23. 1858. Nickel cents, twelve varieties ; each 1.50 1859. Nickel cent, with reverse of 1860 1.50 1859. Mule half dollar ; head of Liberty ; reverse, spread eagle ; silver and copper; each 6.00 1859. Half dollars, four varieties, in silver and copper ; each 3.50 COLONIAL AND EARE AMERICAN COINS, WITH PRICES ESTIMATED FROM LATE SALES. (Prices vary according to condition of the pieces ; but pieces must be in fair condi- tion to bring the lowest price named.) 1. Somer Islands or Bermuda coin, no sale. 2. New England shilling and sixpence, $20 to $25 each. 3. Massachusetts Pine-tree, Oak-tree, and other varieties; shilling, sixpence, threepence, and twopence, $4 and $5 each. 4. Good Samaritan shilling (doubtful), no sale. 5. Lord Baltimore shilling, sixpence, and groat, $75 the set. 6. Lord Baltimore penny, no sale. 7. James II. tin piece, $2 to $3. 8. Carolina elephant piece, no sales, probably worth $30 or $40. 9. New England elephant piece, no sales, worth $30 to $50. 10. Louisiana copper piece of 1721, 1722, and brass piece of 1767, $2.50 to $7.50 each. 11. Rosa Americana pieces 17-22. Penny without crown $4. 17-22. Half penny without crown. 4 1722. Half penny, uiile dulci 4.75 1722. Farthing Americana, with- out crown 5. 1722. Farthing Ameri 5.25 1T23. Penny, crowned $7.25 1723. Half penny, crowned 4.75 1723. Farthing Americana, crowned 6. 1733. Penny 6. Penny without date 7.50 245 COLONIAL COINS. (Continued.) 12. Granby or Higley copper, five varieties, 1737, $13 to $25. 13. Pitt or No Stamps token, 1766, $3 to $7. 14. Virginia half penny, 1773, two sizes, $2 to $4. 15. Continental pewter piece, two varieties, $3 to $6. 16. Janus-head copper of 1776 (doubtful), no sale. 17. Massachusetts copper piece of 1776, LIBERTY AND VIRTUE, no sale. 18. Massachusetts copper of 1776, AMERICAN LIBERTY, no sale. 19. Massachusetts copper of 1776; obverse, sfn eagle; reverse, a shield and arms; no sale. 20. U. S. A. copper, with thirteen bars, $5 to $9. 21. NON DEPENDENS STATUS copper, no sale. 22. Nova Constellatio coppers, many varieties, $0.50 to $1. 23. Immune Columbia pieces, silver and gold, no sale. 24. Immune Columbia copper ; reverse, Nova Constellatio, $35. 25. Georgius Triumpho, $3. 26. Chalmers Annapolis shilling, $8. 27. Chalmers sixpence and threepence, $15 each. 28. Confederatio copper (two varieties known), no sale. 29. Vermonts Respublica copper, $1.75. 30. Vermontis Respublica copper, $2.50. 31. Vermontensium Respublica copper, $1 to $3. 32. Vermon Auctori coppers (many varieties in 1787 and 1788), $0.50 to $1. 33. Vermon Auctori baby-head (so called), $2. 34. Georgius III. Rex, with reverse Inde. et Lib., $0.50 to $1. 35. Vermon Auctori ; reverse, Brittania, 50 cents. 36. Connecticut coppers, an immense variety in 1785, 1786, 1 787, 1788, $0.10 to $2. (The Auctori Connect., the Et Lib. Inde., and other rare and odd varieties, bring prices varying from $1 to $2. The Et Lib. Inde. of 1786 is more rare than of 1787.) 87. AUCTORI PLEBIS copper, $5. 38. New Jersey coppers, a large variety in 1786, 1787, 1788, $0.25 to $1. The one with horse's head to the left brings $2.50; the E PLURIBS, $2 to $3. 89. New York gold coin, NOVA EBORACA COLUMBIA EXCELSIOR, no sale. 40. New York eagle piece; reverse, arms of the State, $25. 41 . New York copper coins ; obverse, Nova Eborac ; reverse, Virt. et Lib. ; two va- rieties, $2 to $4. 42. NEO EBORACENSIS, or New York Washington piece, $25. 43. Immunis Columbia copper, $10. 44. LIBER NATUS LIBERTATEM DEFENDO, New York copper, two varieties, no sale. 45. George Clinton copper, no sale. 46. Fugio, or Mind your Business copper, several varieties, 10 to 50 cents. 47. Kentucky copper (so called), two varieties, lettered edge and plain edge, $3.25. 48. Massachusetts cent, 1787 and 1788, $0.25 to $1. 49. Massachusetts half cents of. 1787 and 1788, $3. 50. Myddleton token, copper, of Kentucky, no sale. 51. Myddleton token in silver, $35. 52. Danske Americansk, copper and silver, several sizes and varieties, 25 to 50 cents. 53. Franco Americana Colonia, copper, $3 ; silver, $5. This piece is struck to or- der in France, and a new snpply is constantly sent to America. 54. North American token, 25 cents. 246 WASHINGTON COINS, MEDALS, AND TOKENS, WITH PRICES. (Many varieties are omitted because no sales have been made.) Price. 1. Washington and Ind. token, 1783; Unity States, etc. 2. Similar token ; United States 3. Washington double-head token 4. Washington and Ind. ; small military bnst 5. Washington cent of 1791, large eagle, in ordinary condition, $5, fine proof 6. Washington cent, 1791, small eagle 7. Washington cent, 1791, small eagle, different variety 8. Washington half dollar, 1792 9. Washington half dollar struck in copper (commonly called the large eagle cent of 1792), is worth from $40 upward ; a splendid proof brought 10. Washington cent, 1792, small eagle 11. Liberty and Security medal, large size, head to left 12. Liberty and Security, small, head to right 13. Washington token, North Wales 14. Liverpool half pennies, several varieties of ships 15. He is in Glory, the World in Tears copper 16. The same in white metal L7. Washington token ; reverse, a grate 18. Medalet, with Courage and Fidelity, etc. 19. Washington medal ; Reunit par un rare, etc. 20. Washington, before Boston medal 21. Washington President; reverse, Genl. of the Am. Armies, 1775, resigned, etc. c. 22. Geo. Washington, bora Virginia, Feb. 11, 1732 ; reverse like the last c. 23. George Washington; obverse, 14 Dec., 1799, head with cu- rious wig ; reverse, Late President, etc. c. 24. George Washington, by Davis ; reverse, arms of New York w. m. 25. George Washington ; Success to the United States b. 26. The same token in several sizes and varieties, each b. 27. Washington medal (Eccleston) 28. Washington medal (Sansom) bronze 29. Washington medal (Sansom) w. m. 30. Centennial medal, struck and distributed in civic procession, February 22, 1832 c. 31. The same w. m. 32. Washington Benevolent Society ; bust of Washington on a pedestal, 1808 silver 33. George Washington ; head to left, w. Ft. WRIGHT & BALE ; reverse, Bora Feb. 22d, 1732, etc. bronze 34. The same in silver 35. The same in white metal 36. The same, plain reverse, also wreath reverse silver MISCELLANEOUS MEDALETS AND TOKENS. Size. IMce. 1. Am I not a Man and a Brother? (not American) two sizes $1.50 2. Am I not a Woman and a Sister ? (proofs) c. 18 .50 3. California Counter, 1852; obverse, head of Liberty ; reverse, a flag b. 23 .25 4. California Counter ; obverse, an eagle ; reverse, a flag b. m .20 5. California Counter ; obverse, head of Liberty ; reverse, a flag b. m .20 6. California Counter ; obverse like reverse of $20 gold piece ; reverse, a flag b. 23 .35 7. Little Samuel ; reverse, the Lord's Prayer, cut by Lovett w. m. 22k .50 8. Boy and dog, cut by Bridgens ; reverse, John Bull and Jon- athan c. 20 1. 9. The same w. m. 20 .50 10. Boy and dog, with other reverses; same metals and prices. 11. Gen. Tom Thumb ; reverse, head of Liberty b. 14 .05 12. Gen. Tom Thumb ; reverse, head of Victoria b. 14 ' .05 13. Mobile Jockey Club, members' medal silver 18 14. The same b. 18 .20 15. The same c. 18 .25 16. The same w. m. 18 .10 17. We all have our hobbies, witch medalet G. s. 18 18. The same silver 18 19. The same w. m. 18 .10 20. The same c. 18 .30 21. The same b. 18 .20 22. Odd Fellows' Hall ; reverse, Odd Fellows' insignia w. m. 24 1.25 23. St. Mattheu's Kirche, Walker St., N. Y. w. m. 24 1. 24. N. Y. Crystal Palace ; reverse, flags of all nations w. m. 25 1. 25. N. Y. Crystal Palace ; reverse, The first Pillar, etc. w. m. 33 .25 26. N. Y. Crystal Palace ; reverse, the globe, etc. w. m. 46 .50 27. N. Y. Crystal Palace; reverse, Liberty seated, Inimitate, etc. w. m. 29 1.12 28. New Merchants' Exchange, New York c. 18* .05 29. St. Thomas's Church, N. Y., Robert Raikes w. m. 22 .70 259 MISCELLANEOUS TOKENS. Size. Price. 30. German Musical Festival medal ; reverse, trumpets, etc. w. m. 37 $ .63 31. Balloon medalets ; great air ship c. 22 .50 32. The same w. m. .25 33. Nassau Water Works, 1859 c. 22 .50 34. The same w. m. .20 35. The same, differently executed w. m. 22 .50 36. Eleanor Rugg Byrne medalet b., w. m. , and c. 19* .30 37. The same, with milled edge c. m 1.38 38. Honesty is the best Policy ; Dedicated, etc. b. 14 .25 39. Bunker Hill Monument; reverse, All Hail, etc. w. m. 1.25 40. Lovett's series of Presidents of the U. S., each c. 22 .50 41. The same w. m. .25 42. Sage's historical tokens, each c. 22 .25 43. Sage's numismatic gallery, each c. 22 .25 44. Ohio, 1855, sun rising, a grain-field, etc. ; reverse, a mova- ble calendar b. 23 ^ .70 45. Other States of the Union, with same reverse, each b. 23i .70 46. Ships, Colonies, and Commerce ; ship with American flag c. .45 47. The same; W. & B., N. Y., under the ship c. .50 48. Half cent's worth of pure copper c. 15 .75 49. Massachusetts and California Co., 1849 c. 15 3. 50. The same silver 3.50 51. National Jockey Club, New York . b. 16i .65 52. Communicant's token, oval w. m. 1.50 53. The Champagne Fountain ; In Vino Veritas silver 10 1.50 260 AMEKICAN MEDALS AWARDED BY CONGRESS TO MILITARY AND NAVAL OFFICERS. 1. GEORGE WASHINGTON. On the taking of Boston, 17th March, 1776. 2. JOHN PAUL JONE$. On the capture of the Serapis, 23d September, 1 778. 3. JOHN STEWART. On the taking of Stony Point, 15th July, 1799. 4. ANTHONY WAYNE. On the taking of Stony Point, 15th July, 1799. 5. D. DE FLEURY. On the taking of Stony Point, 15th July, 1799. 6. HORATIO GATES. On the surrender of Burgoyne, Saratoga, 17th October, 1777. 7. CAPTORS OF ANDRE. 8. NATHANIEL GREENE. For gallant conduct at Eutaw Springs, 8th September, 1781. 9. DANIEL MORGAN. For the victory at Cowpens, 17th January, 1781. 10. JOHN EAGER HOWARD. For the victory at Cowpens, 17th January, 1781. 11. WILLIAM A. WASHINGTON. For the victory at Cowpens, 17th January, 1781. 12. HENRY LEE. On the attack at Paulus Hook, 19th August, 1779. 13. THOMAS TRUXTON. On the capture of the French frigate Vengeance by the Constellation, 1st February, 1800. 14. EDWARD PREBLE. On the attack upon Tripoli in 1804. 15. WINFIKLD SCOTT. On the battles of Chippewa and Niagara, July 5 and 25, 1814. 16. EDMUND P. GAINES. On the battle of Erie, 15th August, 1814. 17. JAMES MILLER. On the battles of Chippewa, Niagara, and Erie, July 5 and 25, and September 17, 1814. 18. JACOB BROWN. On the battles of Chippewa, Niagara, and Erie, July 5 and 25, and September 17, 1814. 19. ELEAZAR W. RIPLEY. On the battles of Chippewa, Niagara, and Erie, July 5 and 25, and September 17, 1814. 20. PETER B. PORTER. On the battles of Chippewa, Niagara, and Erie, July 5 and 25, and September 17, 1814. 21. ALEXANDER MACOMB. On the battle of Plattsburgh, September 11, 1814. 22. ANDREW JACKSON. On the battle of New Orleans, January 8, 1815. 23. ISAAC SHELBY. On the battle of the Thames, October 5, 1813. 24. WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. On the battle of the Thames, October 5, 1813. 25. GEORGE CKOGHAN. On the defense of Fort Sandusky, August 2, 1813. 26. ISAAC HULL. On the capture of the Guerriere by the Constitution, July, 1812. 27. JACOB JONES. On the capture of the Frolic by the Wasp, 18th October, 1812. 28. STEPHEN DECATUR. On the capture of the Macedonian, October 25, 1812. 29. WILLIAM BAINBRIDGE. On the capture of the Java, December 29, 1812. 30. W. BURROWS. On the capture of the Boxer, September 4, 1813. 31. EDWARD R. M'CALL. On the capture of the Boxer, 4th September, 1813. 32. JAMES LAWRENCE. On the capture of the Peacock, 24th February, 1813. 33. THOMAS M'!)ONOUGH. On the battle of Lake Champlain, llth September, 1814. 34. ROBERT HENLEY. On the battle of Lake Champlain, 1 1 th September, 1814. 35. STET'HEN CASSIN. On the battle of Lake Champlain, llth September, 1814. 36. LEWIS WARRINGTON. On the capture of the brig DEpervier, 29th March, 1814. 261 AMERICAN MEDALS. 37. JOHNSON BLAKELEY. On the capture of the Reindeer, 28th June, 1814. 38. CHARLES STEWART. On the capture of the Cyane and the Levant, 20th Febru- ary, 1815. 39. JAMES BIDDLE. On the capture of the Penguin, 23d March, 1815. 40. OLIVER HAZARD PERRY. On the battle of Lake Erie, September 10, 1813. 41. JESSE DUNCAN ELLIOTT. On the battle of Lake Erie, September 10, 1813. NOTE. The above catalogue comprises only medals relating to the Revolution and the war of 1812. Of the Revolutionary medals some may be obtained at mod- erate prices, as indicated in the price tables elsewhere. But very many of the series are unknown except in the original gold presentation medal. A fine series of elec- trotype copies of all the medals has been made, with great labor and diligence, by Thomas Wyatt, Esq., of New York, from whom they may be obtained. Of many other American medals Indian and others the dies remain at the Philadelphia Mint, and it is hoped that Congress may authorize the supply of spec- imens to collectors at a moderate price. 262 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. FKONTISPIECE. 1. Silver coin of Seleucus, B.C. 280. 2. Silver coin of Philip V. of Macedon, B.C. 220-178. 3. Silver coin of Macedonia, about B.C. 280. 4. Silver coin of Lysimachus, B.C. 286-280. 5. 6. Silver medal of Syracuse. This is one of the splendid remains of ancient art. It seems probable that it was struck as a prize in the races, or as a token. Several specimens are extant. 7. A copper coin of Chalcis, showing the seven-stringed lyre. 8. Silver coin of Demetrius Poliorcetes, B.C. 294-287. 9. Silver coin of Perseus, B.C. 178-167. 10. Silver coin of Ptolemy Soter, B.C. 285. PLATE I. 1. Egyptian ring money. No specimens are known; but it is found painted, in countless instances, on tombs, and colored to indicate both gold and silver. 2. Ancient Egyptian method of weighing money, the weights being a lamb, a half lamb, etc. From the wall of a tomb. PLATE II. 1. Gold stater of Miletus ; the earliest known coin in any metal. 2. Gold stater of Lydia ; by some supposed to be the earliest coin. 3. Persian silver daric ; probably struck in Egypt during the Persian dynasty. 4. Persian gold daric, found in Western Asia ; date uncertain, probably a very early coin. 5. Quarter stater of Phocea, gold. ' 6. Drachma of ^Egina ; the earliest silver coin. The tortoise was the emblem of JEgina. 7. Silver coin of Caulonia, showing the punch corresponding with the die. 8. Drachma of Archelaus I. of Macedonia, B.C. 413; the first coin with the portrait of a prince. 9. Drachma of ^Egina, later than No. 6. 10. Silver coin of Alexander I. of Macedonia, B.C. 450 ; one of the first coins with a human figure. PLATE III. 1. Large Ptolemaic copper coin; head of Jupiter on the obverse; an eagle on the reverse ; with legend BASILEOS PTOLEMAIOU. These immense coppers are by some supposed to have been medals. 2. Ancient Greek coin, showing the theatre of Dionysius, on the slope of the Acropolis at Athens. 263 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. 3. Ancient Greek coin, showing the Acropolis, the statue of Minerva, the Parthe- non, etc. 4. Silver coin of Ptolemy Philadelphia. 5. Silver coin of a Ptolemy, showing a man cutting millet with a sickle. This coin is interesting as showing the millet, a species of Indian corn or maize, in ex- istence in Egypt at that early date. 6. Jewish shekel ; obverse, the pot of manna ; reverse, the rod of Aaron. The shekel was, never coined till the time of the Maccabees. There are several varieties, some of them of the highest rarity. PLATE IV. 1. Silver coin (tetradrachm) of Pyrrhus, B.C. 275 (King of Epirus, etc.); obverse, head of the Dodonean Jupiter. 2. Silver coin (tetradrachm) of Antiochus the Great, B.C. 192. 3. Gold stater of Alexander the Great (found at Sidon recently). 4. Gold stater of Philip II., father of Alexander (found at Sidon). These coins were found in a jar, with a large quantity like them, where they were proba- bly left by a paymaster in Alexander's army. 5. Gold stater of Alexander, another variety. 6. Silver coin (tetradrachm) of Perseus, last King of Macedon, B.C. 178. 7. Silver coin (tetradrachm) of Attalus I. of Pergamus, B.C. 170. PLATE V. 1. Silver tetradrachm of Mithridates VI., King of Pontus, B.C. 89. 2. Silver coin of Philip V. of Macedon. 3. Silver loin of Corinth. 4. Silver drachma of Athens. 5. Silver tetradrachm of Athens. 6. A Greek coin, having on the reverse a palm-leaf and an arrow ; date unknown. PLATE VI. 1. Silver coin of Gyrene, showing the Silphium. 2. Silver coin of Acarnania. 3. Phoenician coin, probably of some place on the Syrian coast under Persian power. 4. Parthian gold coin ; legend "Of the Great King Arsaces." 5. Coin of Amphipolis', showing a lamp on the reverse. 6. Parthian silver coin, probably of Arsaces Orodes, B.C. 55 ; perhaps minted in Syria. 7. Silver coin of Artaxerxes Ardshir, A.D. 226, founder of the dynasty of the Sas- sanidae. 8. Silver coin of Carthage ; obverse, head of Dido ; reverse, horse, with Punic in- scription. PLATE VII. 1. Roman Quincussis, five ases. See page 22. 264 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE VIII. 1. Obverse of the as, head of Janus. 2. Reverse of the as, prow of a galley or ship. 3. Sextans, sixth part of the as. The two balls indicate the weight, two ounces. 4 and 5. Triens, third part of the as. The four balls indicate the weight, four ounces. Figures 3, 4, and 5 on this plate are each one half the diameter of the original coin. PLATE IX. 1. A medalet in copper, possibly a sextans; obverse, an eagle; reverse, the wolf of the capitol. 2. Silver coin of the Samnites, showing on the reverse the Samnite bull goring the Roman wolf, about B.C. 340. 3. Roman denarius of Livineius, the head on which is supposed to be the head of Regulus, B.C. 256. 4. Early Roman coin, with Janus head ; probably an as of the time of Pompey, and the heads portraits of Pompey and his son Sextus. 5. Coin of Epidaurus, or a coin of Rome, commemorating the sacred snake (em- blem of ^Esculapius) which the embassadors who were sent to Epidaurus about B.C. 290 brought back with them. See page 12. 6. Reverse of a denarius of the Cassian gens, showing a person voting. The tab- let or ballot is marked A. for " Absolvo." 7. Denarius of P. Porcius Laeca, who, B.C. 256, introduced the Porcian law, "de cajrite et tergo civium," which was the law of appeal under which Paul "ap- pealed to Caesar." 8. Denarius of Metellus Scipio, referring to the battle of Panormus, B.C. 250. 9. Silver coin of Marcellinus, B.C. 215. PLATE X. 1. Silver coin with head of Jupiter Capitolinus on the obverse, and temple of Jupi- ter on the Capitoline Hill on the reverse. 2. Denarius of the Quinctian gens. 3. Denarius commemorating the triumph of the consul L. Emilius Paullus over Perseus, B.C. 168. 4. Denarius of the Clodian gens ; obverse, head of Flora ; reverse, a vestal ; prob- ably struck in honor of the splendid Floralia during the aedileship of C. Clo- dius Pulcher, B.C. 1)9. 5. Denarius of the eight Italian nations, commemorating a confederacy about B.C. 90. 6. Denarius of the last two nations who held out ; legend in Oscan characters. 7. Denarius with Castor and Pollux on the reverse, and head of Minerva on the obverse. A very common form of the denarius. 8. Denarius of Acilius, showing a triumphal car on the reverse. 9. Gold coin of Antony, minted at Antioch. This is a very rare coin. 10. Denarius of Caesar in his fourth dictatorship, indicated by the words DICT. QUART. PLATE XI. 1. Obverse of a very rare and splendid silver coin of Cleopatra. No. 10 shows the reverse, with head of Marc Antony. 265 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. 2. Denarius of Julius Caesar ; reverse, Marc Antony. 3. Denarius of Julius Cassar, commemorating the conquest of Egypt. 4. Denarius of Julius Caesar, commemorating the conquest of Gaul. 5 and 6. Denarii of the Triumvirs. 7. Denarius of Caesar. 8 and 9. Denarii commemorating the death of Cassar. 10. Head of Marc Antony. Reverse of No. 1 on this plate. PLATE XII. 1 . Denarius of Publius Licinius Crassus, censor with Julius Caesar. 2. Aureus of Augustus Caesar. 3. Silver denarius ; the common form, known as a quadrigatus from the four horses on the reverse. 4. Gold coin, four scrupula, or sixty sestertii. 5. 6, and 7. Silver denarii of different families, whose names they bear. 8. Silver denarius, on which is a biga, whence these coins were called bigati. 9. Silver denarius, with a quadriga, hence called quadrigatus. 10. Gold coin of Agrippa, with the head of Augustus. 11. Silver coin of the colony of Nismes. NOTE. The denarius, of which so many illustrations are given on this and the preceding plates, is the most common form of Roman silver. The young collector will bear in mind that he must classify these coins according to their general char- acter and date. There are great numbers of them which are "family coins" that is, denarii bearing the names of distinguished Roman families. These were issued before the empire was established. Then follow denarii of the emperors, of which the variety is very great ; some bearing the heads of the emperors, others of em- presses; some with the names and banners of certain legions; some commemorating great events, victories, etc. The illustrations given will enable the collector to judge of the general character of many of his coins by comparison, even if they are not identical ; and it need not be repeated here that our object is only to introduce him to his subject, that he may follow the study in other works. PLATE XIII. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Reverses of six consular denarii, showing the costumes, sella cu- rulis, fasces, etc., of Roman lictors. 7. Silver denarius of the Ccelian gens, representing an Epulo preparing a couch for Jupiter, on which is inscribed L. CALDUS VII. VIR. EPUL. 8 and 9. Reverses of denarii, showing the rostra. No. 8, a denarius of the Lolli- an gens, shows probably the old rostra. No. 9, a denarius of the Sulpician gens, shows probably the new rostra. 10 and 11. Reverses of denarii, showing the puteal or well in the forum, called Pu- teal Libonis or Scribonianum. 12. Reverse of a coin of Claudius, showing the emperor sitting as censor, and a serv- ant holding a horse. 1 3. Denarius of Flamen Martialis, high-priest of Mars, with head of Augustus. 14. Colonial silver coin of Ccela in the Thracian Chersonesus, with figure of Silenus standing, having his hand raised, emblematical of municipal freedom. 15. Copper coin of Antoninus, showing a triumphal car. 266 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE XIV. 1. Medal of Marc Antony, showing the corona radiata. 2. Medal of Nero, showing an organ and a sprig of laurel ; probably designed as a prize medal to a musician. 3. Medal of Augustus, showing the myrtle crown, or corona ovalis. 4. Medal of Ventidius, lieutenant of Marc Antony, showing the corona triumpha- lis ; probably struck on occasion of his victory over the Parthians. 5. Medal of Lepidus, showing the corona oleagina, or olive-leaf crown. (!. Medal of Lepidus. The letters H. o. c. s. stand for HOSTEM OCCIDIT, CIVEM SERVAVIT. 7. Medal of Agrippina, showing the carpentum, or wagon in which Koman ladies were accustomed to ride. PLATE XV. 1 . Reverse of a brass coin of Antoninus Pius, which is also an example of a very common reverse of the large brass coins of Rome. 2, 3, and 4. Reverses of Roman brass coins, showing galleys. 5. Large brass coin of Nero, showing the temple of Janus closed. 6. Brass coin of Corcyra. 7. Brass coin of Commodus. 8. Medal of Albinus Brutus ; probably commemorative of the close of the civil war with Antony. (Showing the sacerdotal crown.) PLATE XVI. 1. Brass coin of Gordianus and Tranquillina, struck at Singara. 2. Brass coin of Trajan, struck at Nineveh. 5. Brass coin of Maximinus, struck at Nineveh. 4 and 5. Pigs of lead, with the stamp of Hadrian, found in England. 6. Brass coin of Faustina. 7. Brass coin of Septimus Severus. PLATE XVII. 1. Colonial coin of Corinth in the time of Antoninus (silver). 2. Silver coin of Philip V. 3. Silver coin of Hadrian. 4. Silver coin of Theodosius the Great. 5. Silver coin of Arcadius. 6. Silver coin of Honorius. 7. Silver coin of Theodosius II. 8. Gold coin of Leo III., A.D. 719; obverse, D. LEON. P. ATTG. ; reverse, VICTO- RIA AtJGtI. CONOB. 9. Silver denier of Charlemagne, A.D. 770. 10. Gold coin of Irene, A.D. 800, struck during her sole reign; obverse and reverse alike. PLATE XVIII. 1. Medal of the Emperor Justinian. 2. Medal of Martin V., A.D. 1417, who first of the Popes, after an interval of 300 years, resumed the royalty of coining, and whose medals are the first of the Papal series. 3. Medal of John Pahcologus II., by Pisani, A.D. 1438. 267 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE XIX. 1. Gold coin of Basil I. and his son Constantine ; obverse, busts of the Emperors, BASII.IOS ET CONSTANT. ADGG. ; reverse, Christ seated, j- ras XPS REX REG- NANTiUM>fi (A.D. 867). 2. Gold coin of John I. Zimisces; obverse, 6EOTOK. BOHO. IQ. AE2., busts of the Emperor and Virgin Mary, over the Virgin M. 0. (M^rij/o Of ow);- reverse, J.IH8. XPS. REX. REGNANTIfM., figure of Christ (A.D. 1000). 3. Gold coin of John II. ; obverse, figures of the Emperor and the Virgin Mary. Legend, Iw. Atairor. Tw. II. <^vpoyiinjr ; reverse, Christ seated. Legend, ic. xc. (A.D. 1180). 4. Gold coin of Haroun Al Raschid ; obverse, No Deity but God, He hath no partner. In the name of God, this Dirhem was made at El Basrah, Anno Hegirae 182; reverse, Mohammed is God's Apostle. By order of Emir El Amin Mohammed, Son of the Prince of the Faithful. Mohammed is God's Apostle, sent with the command and religion of truth to exalt it over all re- ligions in spite of their upholders (A.D. 800). 5. Gold coin of the Calif El Mustansir Billah ; obverse, Allah. No Deity but God. He has no partner. Mohammed is God's Apostle, God's friend. Mo- hammed, God's Apostle, sent with command and religion of truth to exalt it over all religions in spite of their upholders ; reverse, Maad Abdallah, servant of God and his vicar Irnaum Abou Temim El Mustansir Billah, Prince of the Faithful. In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful, this Dena- rius was struck at Misr (El Fostat, Cairo in Egypt), A.H. 439. 6. Gold sequin of Roman Senate; obverse, S. PETRUS SENATOR URBIS, Peter de- livering a banner to a Senator; reverse, ROMA CAPUT MUNDI s. p. Q. B. Christ holding a book (A.D. 1140). 7. Silver coin of Alexius II., Emperor of Trebizond ; obverse, the Emperor on horseback. A\t. HEN. (AXttoe b KO/UV/JI'OH) ; reverse, O.A-E. f. N. ('O Ewytveoc), the saint on horseback (A.D. 1204). 8. Silver coin of Senator BRANCALEONE of Rome, A.D. 1252-1258. PLATE XX. 1. Medal of Pope Eugenius IV., A.D. 1438. 2. Dutch medal on the overthrow of the Armada, A.D. 1588; reverse, the Church on a rock in the midst of the sea. 3. Medal of Cosmo dei Medici. PLATE XXI. 1. A coiner at work ; from the capital of a column at St. George de Boucherville, in Normandy. 2. Coining in the Middle Ages ; from a wood-cut made by order of the Emperor Maximilian, and published in his life (Der Weiss Kunig), by Keiser. PLATE XXII. 1. Medal of Lorenzo de Medici. 2. Medal of Gregory XIII. commemorating the massacre of St. Bartholomew. 3. An ancient patera. This is an engraved plate or dish, and illustrates the use of the simple scales for weighing. The scene represented is the examination by Mercury and Apollo of the fates of Achilles and Memnon by weighing their respective genii against each other. 268 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE XXIII. English torques, or ring money. The larger ones were worn around the body, or even over the shoulder, as ornaments. Some were wristlets, and others smaller ornaments. They are all multiples of one unit, the unit being the weight of the smallest one yet found. This regularity of weight leaves no doubt of their uses. Earliest English coins (gold), which, if struck as coins, were of a period between the invasion of Caesar and the reign of Claudius. By some these are supposed to be tokens, or masonic pledges of a later period. The one having an ear of wheat is a reverse, which has been found with other obverses, as in Plate XXVII., and is probably of Cymbeline. That marked Boduo is perhaps of Boadicea or Boduodicea. PLATE XXIV. Great Seal of Edward the Confessor. PLATE XXV. 1. Copper coin of Hadrian, relating to Britain, A.D. 120. See Humphreys, p. 32. 2. Coin of Claudius, relating to Britain, representing his triumph in Britain, A. D. 43. 3. Gold coin of Claudius, relating to Britain ; struck in honor of the triumphal arch which the Senate decreed to him, about A.D. 46, after his conquest of Britain. See Humphreys, p. 31. 4. Copper coin of Antoninus Pius, about A.D. 138, showing figure of Britannia, which was adopted afterward in the reign of Charles II. 5. Copper coin of Antoninus Pius, commemorating his victory in Britain, about A.D. 138. 6. Gold coin of the Emperor Carausius, who reigned in Britain A.D. 290-297. 7. Silver coin of Edward the Confessor, A.D. 1042. 8. Another silver coin of Edward the Confessor. PLATE XXVI. Great Seal of "William the Norman. PLATE XXVII. 1. Gold coin (aureus) of Emperor Carausius; obverse, IMP. CARAUSIUS p. F. AUG. (Imperator Pius Felix Augustus) ; reverse, RENOVAT. ROMANO. (Renovatio Romanorum). 2. Silver coin of Offa, about A.D. 780. 3. Silver coin of Egbert, about A.D. 832. 4. Silver coin of Ethelwulf, A.D. 837-857. 5. Silver coin of Canute, A.D. 1017-1035. 6 and 7. Silver coins of Alfred, A.D. 871-901. 8. Silver penny of Ethelbert II., King of Kent and Bretwalda, about A.D. 616. This coin is evidently an imitation of the Roman see coin of Carausius, No. 1 but the genuineness of this coin is doubtful. 9. Gold coin of Cynobelin, or Cunobelinus, about A.D. 40; obverse, CAMU ; re- verse, CCNO. This monarch is supposed to be the Cymbeline of Shakspeare. 269 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. 10. Silver penny of William L, A.D. 1066-1087. 11. Silver penny of William II., A.D. 1087-1100. 12. Silver penny of Henry L, A.D. 1100-1135. PLATE XXVIII. Great Seal of William Kufus. PLATE XXIX. 1. Silver penny of Stephen. 2. Silver penny of Henry II. 3. Irish silver penny of John. 4. Silver penny of Henry III. 5. Silver penny of Edward I. 6. Silver penny (probably) of Edward II. 7. Groat of Edward III. 8. Noble of Edward III. i PLATE XXX. Great Seal of Henry I. PLATE XXXI. 1. Half groat of Edward III. 2. Penny of Edward ILL 3. Groat of Richard II. 4. Penny of Richard II. 5. Half groat of Richard II. 6. Half noble of Henry V. 7. Quarter noble of Henry V. 8. Noble of Henry V. PLATE XXXII. Great Seal of Stephen. PLATE XXXIII. 1. Penny of Henry V. 2. Half groat of Henry V. 3. Groat of Henry V.' 4. Groat of Henry VI. 5.- Half groat of Henry VI. 6. Penny of Henry VI. 7. Angel of Edward IV. PLATE XXXIV. Great Seal of Henry II. 270 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES, PLATE XXXV. 1. Half groat of Edward IV. 2. Half angel of Edward IV. 3. Groat of Edward IV. 4. Penny of Edward IV. 5. Half groat of Richard III. 6. Groat of Richard III. 7. Perkin Warbeck's groat. 8. Penny of Richard III. PLATE XXXVI. Great Seal of Richard I. (Cceur de Lion). PLATE XXXVII. 1 . Sovereign of Henry VII. 2. Rose real of Henry VII. 3. Groat of Henry VII. 4. Half groat of Henry VII. 5. Penny of Henry VII. PLATE XXXVIII. Great Seal of King John. PLATE XXXIX. 1. Gold noble of Henry VIII. 2. Gold crown of Henry VIII. 3. Gold half crown of Henry VIII. 4. Shilling of Henry VIII. 5. Cardinal Wolsey's groat. 6. Wolsey's half groat. 7. Wolsey's penny. PLATE XL. Great Seal of William of Scotland. PLATE XLI. 1. Gold sovereign of Edward VI. 2. Gold crown of Edward VI. 3. Sixpence of Edward VI. 4. Groat of Edward VI. 5. Shilling of Edward VI. PLATE XLII. Great Seal of Henry III. 271 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE XLIII. 1. Silver medal of Henry VIII. 2. Gold medal of Henry VIII. The legends, on the obverse in Latin, and on the reverse in Hebrew and in Greek, are of similar purport : " Henry the Eighth, King of England, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, and in the Land of England and Ireland, under Christ, the Supreme Head of the Church." 3. Medal of Philip and Mary. PLATE XHV. Great Seal of Edward I. PLATE XLV. 1. Shilling of Edward VI. 2. Penny of Edward VI. 3. Gold sovereign of Mary. 4. Gold real of Mary. 5. Penny of Mary. 6. Groat of Mary. PLATE XLVI. Great Seal of Edward II. PLATE XLVII. 1. Medal struck in honor of the Earl of Essex, about A. D. 1640; obverse, portrait of the Earl ; reverse, the two Houses of Parliament, the King presiding in the Lords and the Speaker in the Commons. From the parliamentary series by Simon. 2. Medal of James I. Curious from the use of the title Imperator. 3. Medal of Sir Thomas Fairfax. 4. Medal given for service in the action with the Dutch, July 31, 1653. Monk and Penn commanding the English, and Van Tromp commanding the Dutch. PLATE XL VIII. Great Seal of Edward III. PLATE XLIX. 1. Shilling of Philip and Mary. 2. Sixpence of Philip and Mary. 3. Penny of Elizabeth. 4. Groat of Elizabeth. 5. Sixpence of Elizabeth. 6. Gold real of Elizabeth. 7. Gold angel of Elizabeth. 272 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE L. Great Seal of Richard II. PLATE LI. Medal of James, Duke of York, afterward James II., commemorating the naval vic- tory over the Dutch, June 3, 1665. PLATE LII. Great Seal of Henry IV. PLATE LIII. 1 . Silver crown of Elizabeth. 2. Shilling of Elizabeth. 3. Penny of James I. 4. Twopence of James I. f>. Halfpenny of James I. G. Silver crown of James I. PLATE LIV. Great Seal of Henry V. PLATE LV. 1 . Medal of Charles II. and Catharine ; probably relating to the Queen's dowry. 2. Medal struck to commemorate the appointment of James, Duke of York, Lord High Admiral. 8. Medal struck to commemorate the flight of James II! from Ireland, and the supremacy of the house of Orange ; obverse, bust of King James ; reverse, an orange-tree in full fruit, and an old oak broken down. PLATE LTI. Great Seal of Henry VI. PLATE LVII. 1. Gold thirty-shilling piece of James I. 2. Half sovereign of James I. 3. Sixpence of James I. 4. Sovereign of James I. 5. Fifteen-shilling piece r.f James I. 6. Shilling of James I. PLATE LVIII. Great Seal of Edward IV. S 278 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. / PLATE LIX. 1 and 2. Medals struck to commemorate the murder of Sir Edmondbury Godfrey, A.D. 1677. 3. Titus Oates medal, in commemoration of the Popish plot. 4. Medal struck to commemorate the acquittal of Earl Shaftesbury. PLATE LX. Great Seal of Edward V. PLATE LXI. 1. Oxford crown of Charles I., 1644. EXURGAT DEUS, DISSIPESTER INIMICI. 2. Groat of Charles I. 3. Sixpence of Charles I. 4. Gold twenty-shilling piece of Charles I. 5. York half crown of Charles I. PLATE LXII. Great Seal of Richard III. PLATE LXIII. 1. Medal relating to the Rye House Plot ; obverse, the King as Hercules menaced by a hydra-headed monster, the heads representing the supposed conspirators, a hand in the clouds holding a thunder-bolt ; reverse, a shepherd the King with his flock, in the middle of which two wolves are hung, London in the distance. 2. Medal of Archbishop Sancroft and the seven bishops arrested with him in 1688. 3. Medal of James II. and Mary of Modena. 4. Medal of William III. PLATE LXIV. Great Seal of Henry VII. PLATE LXV. 1. Shilling of Charles I. 2. Pattern for a broad of Charles I. 3. Colchester shilling, siege-piece of Charles I. 4. Beeston Castle shilling, siege-piece of Charles I. 5. Half penny of Charles I. 6. Penny of Charles I. 7. Scarborough half crown, siege-piece of Charles I. 8. Newark shilling, siege-piece of Charles I. PLATE LXVI. Great Seal of Henry VIII. 274 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE LXVII. 1. Medal commemorating the raising of the siege of Londonderry; obverse, the English fleet advancing to relieve Londonderry, in front a bust of King Will- iam crowned by Valor and Abundance ; reverse, Poverty and Slavery take from the head of Louis XIV. a broken wreath of laurel. 2. Medal commemorating the battle of the Boyne, A.D. 1690. King William cross- ing the river at the head of his troops. 3. Medal in honor of the Queen, after the defeat of the English and Dutch fleets in the Channel in June, 1690. PLATE LXVIII. 1. Angel of Charles I. 2. Ten-shilling piece of Charles I. 3. Twopence of the Commonwealth. 4. Penny of the Commonwealth. 5. Crown of the Commonwealth. 6. Copper farthing of the Commonwealth. PLATE LXIX. Great Seal of Edward VI. PLATE LXX. 1. Medal of Queen Anne in honor of the Union ; struck at Leipzig. 2. Medal struck to commemorate the battle of Blenheim ; obverse, portraits of Prince Eugene and the Duke of Marlborough ; reverse, the battle. 3. Medals commemorating the trial of Dr. Sachaverell, February 27, 1710. The Doctor's portrait was accompanied by different reverses, to suit the taste of the purchasers, whether Romish or English Episcopal. PLATE LXXI. Great Seal of Mary. PLATE LXXII. 1. Twenty-shilling piece of the Commonwealth. 2. Pewter farthing of the Commonwealth. 3. Ten-shilling piece of the Commonwealth. 4. Shilling of the Commonwealth. 5. Sixpence of the Commonwealth. 6. Half penny of the Commonwealth. 7- Shilling of Oliver Cromwell. PLATE LXXIII. Great Seal of Elizabeth. 275 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE LXXIV. 1. Medal commemorating the battle of Ramilies; obverse, Union of England and Holland between busts of Marlborough and D'Ouwerkerke ; reverse, the battle. PLATE LXXV. Great Seal of James I. PLATE LXXVI. 1. Silver crown of Cromwell. 2. Copper farthing of Cromwell. 3. Sixpence of Cromwell. 4. Copper halfpenny of Charles II. 5. Silver crown of Charles II. PLATE LXXVII. Great Seal of Charles I. s PLATE LXXVIII. 1. Medal struck to commemorate the surrender of Lille, A.D. 1708; obverse, Vic- tory taking the crown from prostrate Lille ; reverse, Britannia with the aegis striking France with terror. 2. Medal commemorating the battle of Dumblane, A.D. 1773. 3. Medal commemorating the victory of Oudenarde, A.D. 1708; obverse, Marlbor- ough and Eugene as Castor and Pollux; reverse, the battle of Oudenarde and the town. PLATE LXXIX. Great Seal of the Commonwe'alth. PLATE LXXX. 1. Shilling of Charles II. 2. Silver crown of James II. 3. Guinea of Charles II. 4. Halfpenny of James II. 5. Silver crown of William and Mary. PLATE LXXXI. Great Seal of Scotland under the Protectorate. 276 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE LXXXII. 1. Medal of George I. ; reverse, the horse of Brunswick leaping across the map of the northwest part of Europe. 2. Medal of James III., the elder Pretender, and Clementina, his wife. 3. Medal of George II. PLATE LXXXIIL Great Seal of Charles II. PLATE LXXXIV. 1. Shilling of William and Mary. 2. Shilling of William III. 3. Copper half penny of Queen Anne. 4. Crown of Queen Anne. 5. Shilling of Queen Anne. 6. Half penny of William III. PLATE LXXXV. Great Seal of James II. PLATE LXXXVI. 1. Medal commemorating the capture of Porto Bello by Admiral Vcrnon, A.D. 1740. 2. Medal of the young Pretender, A.D. 1745. 3. Medal commemorating Sir Edward Hawkes's victory in Quiberon Bay, A.D. 1759. PLATE LXXXVII. Great Seal of William and Mary. PLATE LXXXVIII. 1. Shilling of George I. 2. Farthing of Queen Anne. 3. Farthing of Queen Anne. 4. Farthing of Queen Anne. ~>. Farthing of Queen Anne. 6. Farthing of Queen Anne. 7. Farthing of Queen Anne. 8. Farthing of Queen Anne. 9. Half penny of George I. . PLATE LX Great Seal of William HI. 277 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE XC. Medal of George II., commemorating the Battle of Dettingen, A.D. 1743, in which he commanded in person. PLATE XCI. Great Seal of Anne before the Union. PLATE XCII. 1. Crown of George I. 2. Shilling of George H. 3. Half penny of George II. 4. Half pennies known as Wood money, with three different reverses. 5. Crown of George II. PLATE XCIII. Great Seal of Anne after the Union. PLATE XCIV. 1. Medal commemorating the battle of Minden, in which Frederic of Brunswick defeated the French, A.D. 1759. 2. Medal commemorating the battle of Plassy, A.D. 1758. 3. Medal commemorating the battle of Trafalgar, A.D. 1805. PLATE XCV. Great Seal of George I. PLATE XCVI. 1. Medal in honor of Lord Howe's victory over the French fleet, A.D. 1794. 2. Medal in honor of Lord North ; struck by the University of Oxford at the time of the American troubles, A.D. 1775. 3. Victoria medal of the battle of Aliwal. PLATE XCVII. Great Seal of George II. PLATE XCVIII. Medal of Washington before Boston; struck by order of Congress, March 25, 177G. The original medal was gold. 278 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE XCIX. 1. New England shilling, silver; first issue of the Massachusetts Mint. 2. New England sixpence, silver. 3. Pine-tree shilling, silver. 4. Virginia half penny, copper. 5. Copper piece of Louis XIII., said to have been issued for Louisiana in 1721. It was probably issued for all the French colonies, and had no special reference to Louisiana. 6. Lord Baltimore shilling, issued for Maryland. 7. Granby or Higley copper of 1737, issued at Granby, in Connecticut. PLATE C. 1 and 3. Medal presented to Paul Jones by resolution of Congress, October 16, 1787; struck in Paris under the direction of Mr. Jefferson. 2. Medal presented by Congress to General Morgan, in honor of his conduct at Cowpens. PLATE CI. 1. Rosa Americana penny. 2. Vermont copper, usually known as the Vermontensium Res Publica. 3. Vermont copper, known as the Vermon Auctori. The reverse of this coin is usually the same as the reverse of the Connecticut copper, Plate CIII., No. 3. 4. Pitt or No Stamps token of 1766 ; struck in England for American circulation. 5. Nova Constellatio copper. 6. Nova Constelatio copper, another variety. PLATE OIL 1. Medal awarded by Congress to General Anthony Wayne, after the storming of Stony Point, A.D. 1779. 2. Medal awarded by Congress to Lieutenant-Colonel De Fleury, "first over the walls" at the storming of Stony Point, A.D. 1779. 3. Medal awarded to General Greene by Congress, after the battle at Eutaw, A.D. 1781. PLATE CIII. 1. Georgius Triumpho copper. There should be thirteen bars ir the barrier behind which Liberty is standing. 2. Massachusetts copper cent of 1786. 3. Connecticut copper of 1787, commonly called Auctori. Connec. 4. New Jersey copper of 1786. 5. Kentucky token, copper ; so called because Ky. appears uppermost among States on the stars, also called the Triangle cent. 6. Immunis Columbia copper of 1787. 279 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE CIV. 1. Medal awarded by Congress to Major Stewart, after the battle of Stony Point, A.D. 1779. 2. Medal awarded by Congress to Lieutenant-Colonel Howard, "because, rushing suddenly on the line of the wavering, enemy, he gave a brilliant specimen of martial bravery at the battle oftCowpens," A.D. 1781. 3. Medal awarded by Congress to Major Henry Lee, for brilliant conduct at Pau- lus's Hook, 19th August, 1779. PLATE CV. 1. George Clinton copper of New York, A.D. 1787. 2. Confederatio copper. (Unique piece in the collection of Benjamin Haines, Esq., of Elizabeth, New Jersey.) 3. A Spanish (Mexican) pistareen, of the kind called Cob money, in circulation in the northern part of America during the latter part of the 1 8th century (sil- ver). Similar coins were struck in gold. 4. Chalmers shilling of Annapolis, A.D. 1788. f>. New York copper, commonly called Nova Eborac. 6. New York copper, commonly called the New York Washington piece. 7. Talbot Allum & Lee token or card of 1794. PLATE CVI. 1. The captors' medal, awarded by Congress to the captors of Major Andre Paulding, Williams, and Van Wart A.D. 1780. The originals were in silver. 2. Medal presented by Congress to General Gates in honor of the surrender of Burgoyne at Saratoga, 1777. 3. Medal presented to Colonel William Washington, for valor at Cowpens, 1781. PLATE CVII. 1 and 2. The Washington half dollar of 1792 (silver), and also known, in copper, as the Washington cent of 1792. 3. Washington token, brass, SUCCESS TO THE UNITED STATES. 4. Obverse of the large eagle Washington cent of 1791. 5. Reverse of the small eagle Washington cent of 1791. .6. Reverse of the large eagle Washington cent of 1791. 7. Obverse of a Washington cent of 1792. This is a very rare coin, and is, in fact, the only Washington cent of 1792. 8. Washington and Independence token of 1783, laureated head. 9. Washington and Independence token of 1783, military bust. PLATE CVIII. 1 . Seal of the Old Colony, Plymouth, Massachusetts. 2. Seal of Tryon, Governor of North Carolina, 1765-1771, and of New York from 1771 till nominally superseded in 1780. 3. Seal of William Penn. 4. Seal of Virginia. 5. Seal of Thomas Jefferson. 280 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE CIX. 1 . U. S. A. or thirteen bar copper. 2. Fugio or Franklin cent of 1787. First national copper coinage. 3. Continental pewter piece, 1776. 4. First United States dollar, 1794. 5. U. S. cent of 1793, obverse. G. Another variety of U. S. cent of 1793. 7. Reverse of the U. S. Link cent of 1793. PLATE CX. 1 . Dollar of 1795, as it appeared in the latter part of the year, and continued till 1804. '_'. Reverse of the dollar as adopted 1798, latter part of the year. :{. Flying eagle (pattern) dollar of 1836 and 1838. 4. Dollar of 1841, being the pattern still in nse. PLATE CXI. 1 . Reverse of the half dollar of 1794. 2. Obverse of half dollar as adopted in 1795, and continued till 1807. 3. Reverse of half dollar as adopted in 1801. 4. Half dollar of 1846. The reverse was adopted in 1836, and the obverse in the latter part of 1839. 5. Half dollar of 1853, after July 1, when the change occurred in the weight of the coin. 6. Quarter dollar, reverse, of 1796. 7. Quarter dollar, obverse, adopted in 1804. 8. Quarter dollar, reverse, adopted in 1804. 9. Quarter dollar as adopted in 1839. 10. Quarter dollar of 1853, after July, when tli3 change occurred in the weight of the coin. PLATE CXII. 1 . Reverse of dime of 1796. 2. Dime as adopted in 1797, and continued until 1807. 3 and 4. Dime as adopted in 1838. 5. Half dime of 1794. 6. Reverse of halt' dime as adopted in 1800. 7. Reverse of half dime adopted in 1837. 8. Three-cent piece of 1841. 9. Reverse of gold eagle of 1795. 10. Reverse of gold eagle adopted in 181)8. 11. Reverse of gold double eagle, 1849. 12. Half eagle of 1795. 13. Reverse of half eagle of 1798. 14. Reverse of half eagle of 1808. 281 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE CXIIL 1. Half eagle of 1846 (adopted in 1838). 2. Quarter eagle of 1796. 3. Three-dollar piece. 4. Fifty-dollar piece. 5. Gold dollar. 6. Five-dollar piece of Bechtler (private coinage in North Carolina). 7. One dollar of Bechtler. 8. Private coinage of San Francisco, half eagle. PLATE CXIV. 1. Specimens of continental money. 2. A counterfeit continental bill. 282 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. ABBREVIATIONS on Greek coins, 172. Abbreviations on Roman coins, 182.. Abraham's purchase of Machpelah, 17. Acropolis, on a coin, 36. -^Egina, produces first silver coins, 30. . -*Egina, Drachma of, 9. -y, 261. Connecticut coinage, 76, 78. Continental currency of 1776, 74. Continental Europe, Coinage of, 116. Copper coins, How to clean, 164. Copper first used for coins, 30, 44. Coppers, Smooth, 102. Counterfeit coins, 108. Counterfeits, Catalogues of, 112. Cro3sus, coin possibly of, 28. Crowns, origin of the coin, 150. Cunobelin, Coin of, 50. Cuthbert, Coin of, 54. Cutting of dies, 154. Cybele of the lonians, 26. Daric, Origin of, 30. Daric, Persian, 28. Denarius, Roman, 46, 266. Denmark, Coins of, 140. Dervien, counterfeiter, 112. Dickeson's American Numismatical Man- ual, 168. Die cutting or die sinking, 154. Dime, The first, 98. Dime, Variations of, 98. Dimes, rare dates, 222. Dionysius, Theatre of, on coins, 36. Disnie and half clisme, 96. Dollar, first issued, 98. Dollar, Variations of, 98. Dollars, United States, rare years, 220. Doubloon of New York, 82. Dowry of John Hull's daughter, 64. Drachma, The Greek, 26. Drams, possibly darics, 30. Drops for striking coins, 156. Eastern Empire, Coinage of, 48. Kckel, Price of, 166. Ecus, or crowns, French, 150. Edges of coins, Inscriptions on, 154. Egbert, Coins of, 54. Eg}'?*! Coins of, 36. Egypt, Ring money of, 24.. Egypt the Bible illustrator, 20. Egyptian tombs, Picture from, 20. Eleazar of Damascus takes rings to Re- becca, 24. Election medalets, 106. Election medalets, price table, 249. Eleetrotyping rare coins, 112. Emblems on coins, 32. English tokens, 104. English coins, Prices of. 216. Epidaurus, Coin referring to the Embassy to, 12. E Pluribs Unum of New Jersey, 84. Erie Canal opening tokens, 106. Ethelbearht, Coins of, 54. Ethelbert II., Coin of, 54. Ethelred, Coins of, 54. Ethelwulf, Coins of, 54. Europe, Continental, Coins of, 116. Experimental pieces, price of, 244. Ferrara, Coins of, 124. Fillmore, Millard, medalets and prices, 254. Fineness of gold and silver, 232. First American copper coinage, 70. First coinage, 26. First copper coined, 44. First portrait on coin, 34. First recorded use of money, 16. Fleur de lis, Origin of, in arms of France, 122. Florence, Coins of, 120. Florins, etc., of Edward III., 56. Foreign coins, modern, Prices of, 218. Forged coin better than genuine, 110. Forgeries of rare coins, 112. Forgeries, Catalogues of, 112. Forum, Well in Roman, 12. France, Coins of, 146. France, Origin of national arms of, 122. Francis, Dr. J. \V., 106. Franco-Americana piece, 84. Franklin coppers, 94. Franklin coppers, Keg of, found in a bank, 96. Fremont, John C., medalets and prices, 255. French colonial coins for America, 68. . Fugio copper, 94. Genoa, Coins of, 122. George Clinton copper, 80. George, King, with reverse Inde. et Lib., 78.' Georgius Triumpho copper, 76. German silver, Hardness of, 154. Germany, Coins of, 128. Glaubrecht, George, 158. God preserve Carolina piece, 66. God preserve London piece, 64. God preserve New England piece, 66. Gods, Heads of, on coins, 32. . Gold, Comparative value of, in Greece and Rome, etc., 46. Gold coinage of Rome, 46. Gold coinage of United States, Table of, 236. Gold, fineness and weight, 232. Gold, First, of modern Rome, 120. 284 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Good Samaritan shilling, 68. Granby coppers, 70. Greek coins, Abbreviations on, 172. Groat, Origin of word, 66, 148. Grosso, coin, 148. Hadrian, Pope, Coins of, 118. Haines, B., Esq., Collection of, 82. Half cents, rare dates, 224. Half dime, rare dates, 222. Half dime, The first, 100. Half dime, Variations of, 100. Half dollar, first issued, 98. Half dollar, rare dates, 222. Half dollar, Variations of, 98. " Half pennies, English, sent out to America, 66. Hamilton, Alexander, and the first cent, 96. Harrison, General W. H., medalets and prices, 250. Harttman & Smith, 158.' Hayti, Base coin of, 110. Head or tail Capita aut navetn, 44. Heads on coins, when introduced, 32. Hebrew coins, 38. Henri II., Coins of, 150. Henri, French coin, 150. Herod, Coins of, 40. Herodotus on counterfeits, 110. Herr Alexander medalet, 257. Higlej- coppers, 70. Hints to young collectors, 162. History preserved by coins, 12. History, Study of, encouraged by coin col- lecting, 10. Holland, Coins of, 136. Homer speaks of oxen, brass, etc., 22. Horace, allusion to medals, 11. Horse-heads, 108. Hull, Massachusetts Mint-master, 64. Humphreys, Noel, Works of, 116, 166. Hungary, Coins of, 138. Immune Columbia, 76. Immunis Columbia, 82. INDE. ET LIB. legend, 78, 80. Independena Status copper, 74. Ionian stater, first known coin, 26. Island in Tiber, 12. Italy, Ancient, Coinage of, 42. Italy, Modern, Coins of, 116. Jackson, General Andrew, medalets and prices, 249. Jacob's purchase of a field, 18. James II. tin piece, 70. Janus, Heads of, on Roman as, 44. Jerusalem, Coins of, 40. Jews, Coinage of, 38. Job's friends bring him ear-rings, etc., 24. Judea, Coins of, 40. Justinian, Medal of, 50. Kentuck}- cent, 84. Keshitah, Hebrew word, 18. Key (medalist), 158. Kossuth medalets, 257. Lambs used as currency, 18. Lambs used as weights, 20. Lamb, The, French coin, 150. Laj-ard found lamb weights at Nineveh, 20. Legends, Curious, on some English coins, 56. Leo IX., Pope, Coins of, 118. Liard, French, 150. Libella, Roman, 48. LIBER NATUS LIBERTATEM DKFENDO le- gend, 82. Liberty-cap cent of 1793, 100. Libert}', Parent of Science, etc., 96. Link cent of 1793, 96, 100. Lion, The, French coin, 150. Liverpool Washington half penny, 92, Lombards, Coins of, 116. Lorraine, Coins of, 132. Louis XII., Coins of, 150. Louis XIII., Coins of, 152. Louis XV. money for Louisiana, 68. Louis d'or, The first, 152. Louis le Debonnaire, Coins of, 148. Louisiana coppers, 68. Lovett, George H., 158. Lovett, John D., 158. Lovett, Robert, 158. Lovett, Robert, Jun., 158. s. d., Origin of d in, 48. Lydia, First coinage attributed to, 26. Lydia, Forged coins of, 110. Lydian stater, 26. Macedonia, Coins of, 34, 36. Machpelah, Purchase of the Cave of. 1C. Maille, French coin, 150. Manfred, Coins of, 124. Mantua, Coins of, 124. Manufacture of rare coins, 112. Marcus, coin of Oft'a, 54. Markush, coins of Arabs, 126. Maryland coinage, 66. Massachusetts cents and half cents of 1787 and 1788, 84. Massachusetts Mint, 62. Master proof coins, 224. May, George W., 158. M'Coy, John F., Collection of, 84. Measuring coins, 239. Medalets and tokens, 104. Medalets, Miscellaneous, Prices of, 259. Medalets, Political, 106. Medalists, American, 158. Medals and medalets, Prices of, 242. Medals awarded by Congress, Table of, 26. 1. Medals, Striking o"f, 154. Metals used for coins and medals, 154. Milan, Coins of, 120. " Millions for Defence," etc., 108. Mint, American, 158. Mint machinery, 156. Mint pieces, Price of, 244. 285 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Mint, United States, established, 96. Mionnet, Price of, 166. Mionnet, Scale of, 239. Miscellaneous medalets and tokens, Price table of, 259. Modern foreign coins. Prices of, 218. Money first mentioned, 16. Monuinentum aere perennius allusion to medals, 11. Mott & Co. card, 1787, 104. Myddleton P. P. P. copper, 84. Naples, Coins of, 124. National coinage of United States, 94. Navarre, Coins of, 126. Neo Eboracensis copper, 82. Neo Ehoracus Excelsior, 1787, 82. New England coins, 62. New England, God preserve, piece, 66. New Jersey coins, 84. New York coins, 80. New York doubloon, 82. New York Washington piece, 82. Nickel cent introduced, 102. Nicknames for bad coins, 108. Noble, Gold, of Edward III., 56. Non vi Virtute vici, legend, 82. Northern Europe, Coins of, 140. Norwaj-, Coins of, 140. No Stamps token, 74. Nova Constellatio coins, 76. Nova Eboraca Columbia Excelsior, legend, 82. Nova Eborac copper, 80. Nuremberg, Coins of, 128. Obolus, The Greek, 26. Ofta, Coins of, 54. Offa coin with Arabic legend, 54, 126. Olof, Coins of, 144. Origin of coins, 9. Oxen on coins, etc., 22. Paduan counterfeits, 112. Palestine, Coins of, 38. Parthenon on coin, 36. Pattern pieces. Price of, 244. Pecuniarv, Origin of word, 22. Pennies, Gold, of Henry III., 56. Pennj r , Derivation of word, 54. Penny, English, the denarius, 48. Penny, Origin of, 47. Pepin, Coins of, 148. Persian darics, 28. Peter, Saint, on coins, 118. Philip I. of France, Coins of, 148. Philip II. of Macedon, Coins of, 36. Philip of Valois, Coins of, 148. Philips, gold coins, 36. Philip the Bold, Coins of, 148. Phocea, Quarter stater of, 32. Phoeea, Seal of, 32. Pieces of silver, in Bible, 18. Pierce, General Franklin, medalets and prices, 255. Pine-tree silver coins, 62. Pine-tree copper, 74. Pite, French coin, 150. Pitt token, 74. Poland, Coins of, 138. Polk, James K., medalets and prices, 253. Political cards, 106. Political tokens, etc., price table, 257. Polj-crates counterfeits, 108. ' Popes, various, Coins of, 118, 120. Portrait, First, on coin, 34. Portugal, Coins of. 128. Potter}- in Egypt, Bunsen upon old, 16. Pound, origin of money value, 56. Preservation of historj- by coins, etc., 12. Presidential medalets, 108. Presidential medalets price table, 249. Presses for striking coins and medals, 156. Priced catalogues, 168. Prices at various auctions, Table of, 243. Prices high for tradesmen's cards, 104. Prices of coins, medals, medalets, etc., 242. Prices of English coins, 216. Prices of modern foreign coins, 218. Prices of rare United States coins, 2$0. Price table of Mint or pattern pieces, 244. Price table of miscellaneous medalets and tokens, 259. Price table of political tokens, etc., 257. Price table of Presidential and election medalets, 249. Price table of temperance medalets, 258. Price table of United States silver and cop- per coins, 240. Price table of Washington coins, etc., 247. Progress of the art of coinage among an- cient nations, 32. Proof coins. Explanation of, 224. Provence, Coins of Charles of, 124. Prussia, Coins of, 140. Ptolemies, Coins of, 38. Punch mark on coins, 28. Punch mark on coins disappears, 34. Putealis, The, in forum, 12. Quadrans, The Roman, 44. Quadrigatus, Roman, 46. Quarta Decima Stella, legend, 78. Quarter dollar, rare dates, 222. Quarter dollar, The first, 98. Quarter dollar, Variations of, 98. Quincussis, Roman, 22, 44. Quinarius, Roman, 48. Rare United States coins, Remarks on, 220. Rarity no proof of value, 164. Raritv of United States silver and copper, table, 228. Ravenna, Coins of, 116. Revere, Colonel, of Boston, 74. Ring money, 24. Ring of bad coins, 114. Rings worn by Eastern people, 24. Roman coinage, 42. Roman coins, Abbreviations on, 182. Roman copper, 42. .286 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Roman gold, 46. Roman silver, 46. Rome, modern, Coins of, 118. Rosa Americana pieces, 70. Rostra, The, on coins, 12. Russia, Coins of, 138. Sales at various auctions, 243. Samaritan, Good, shilling, 68. Scales for measuring coins, 239. Scott, General Winfield, medalets and prices, 254. Scovill Manufacturing Company, 106. Screw presses, 156. Scripture history affirmed by coins, 14. Scrupulum, Roman, 46. Segonax, Coin of, 52. Sembella, Roman, 48. Semis, The Roman, 44. Sequin, Origin of word, 122. Sestertius, Roman, 48. Sestini's catalogue of forgeries, 112. Sewall, Samuel, and John Hull's daughter, 64. Seward, William H., Medalets of, 257. Sextans, The Roman, 44. Shekel as a coin, 40. Shekels used by Abraham, 18. Shekels, Value of, 40, 41. Shilling, Derivation of word, 56. Shilling, Good Samaritan, 68. Shilling introduced into England, 54. Shilling, Lord Baltimore, 66. Shilling, Pine-tree, 62. Shinplasters, 108. Shrub or scrub oak coins, 62. Sicily, Coins of, 124. Siege-pieces, Various, 58. Silver coinage, Earliest, 30. Silver coins, How to clean, 164. Silver, Comparative value of, in Greece and Rome, 46. Silver, Roman, 46. Silver, weight and fineness, 232. Simon authorized to coin, 40. Skeattae, Saxon, 52. Smith & Harttman, 160. Snake, Coin alluding to the sacred, from Epidaurus, 12. Solidus, Roman, 46. Somers Islands piece, 60. Spain, Modern coins of, 124. Spanish American coins, 128. State coinage, 76. Stater of Ionia, 26. Stater of Lydia, 26. Standard of fineness of coins, 232. Sterling, Origin of word, 56. Striking of medals and coins, 154. Success to the U. S. tokens, 88. Swann, Thomas, Medalet of, 257. Sweden, Coins of, 140. Swift, Dean, on the Wood money, 68. Table of American medals awarded by Con- gress, 261. Table of comparative prices at various sales in New York, 243. Table of comparative rarity of United States silver and copper coins, 228. Table of prices of colonial and rare Ameri- can coins, 245. Table of prices of Mint pattern or experi- mental pieces, 244. Table of prices of miscellaneous medalets and tokens, 259. Table of prices of political tokens, etc., 257. Table of prices of temperance medalets, ^Oo Table of prices of United States silver and copper, 240. Table of prices of Washington coins, etc., 247. Talbot Allum & Lee card, 104. " Tascia" on early coins of Britain, 52. Taxatio, Early English coins struck for, 52. Taylor, General Zachary, medalets and prices, 253. Temperance medalets, Price of, 258. Teruncius, Roman, 48. Testons, French, 150. Testoon, Origin of, 150. Tests of counterfeit coins, 114. Thompson's Coin Chart Manual, 166. Thousandths', a measure of fineness, ex- plained, 232. Thousandths and carats, table, 234. Thousandths, to turn into carats, 234. Three-cent pieces, 100. Tokens and medalets, 104. Tokens, English, 104. Tokens, Political, etc., price table, 257. Torques, British, 26. Tortoise, Emblem on coin, 30, 32. Tradesmen's cards, 104. Tradesmen's cards, English, 104. Trial pieces, Prices of, 244. Triens, The Roman, 44. Trumbull, J. H., Colonial Records of Con- necticut, 70. Ulpian, Extract from, 42. Uncia, The Roman, 44. United States gold and silver coins, weights and fineness, 232. United States gold coinage, Table of, 236. United States rare coins, Remarks on, 220. United States silver and copper, table of rarity, 228. Unity States of America token, 86. Van Buren, Martin, medalets and prices, 251. Venice, Coins of, 122. Vermont coins, 78. Verplanck, Gulian C., medalet of, 257. Victoriatus, Roman, 48. Virginia coppers, 72. Virt. et Lib., legend, 80. Wampum, 60. Washing coins, 164. 287 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Washington coins and tokens, 86. Washington coins, etc., Prices of, 247. Washington piece of New York, 82. Washington rejects the cents, 96. Waterbury Button Companj-, 106. Waterbury tokens, 106. Weighing money by lamb weights, 20. Weighing out money by Abraham, 18. Weight and fineness of gold and silver, 232. Well in Roman forum, 12. White metal, composition, 15-4. White metal, How to clean, KM. William I., Coins of, 54. Wolf and twins, 12. Wood mpnej-, 68. Worn coins worthless, 102. Wreath cent of 1793, 100. Wright, Charles C., 158. 288 INDEX TO THE PLATES. ACARXANIA, Coin of, VI. Acilius, Denarius of, X. Acropolis, on a coin, III. JEgina, Drachmas of, II. .^Esculapius, snake on coin, IX. Agrippa, Coin of, XII. Agrippina, Medal of, XIV. Alexander I., Coin of, II. Alexander the Great, Gold stater of, IV. Alexius II., Coin of, XIX. Alfred, Coins of, XXVII. Aliwal battle medal, XCVI. Amphipolis, Coin of, VI. Andre captors' medal, CVI. Annapolis shilling, Cv. 'Anne, Coins of, LXXXIV., LXXXVIII. Anne, Medal of, LXX. Anne, Seal of, after the Union, XCIII. Anne, Seal of, before the Union, XCI. Antiochus, Coin of, IV. Antoninus Pius coins relating to Britain, XXV. Antoninus Pius,' Coins of, XIII., XV., XVII., XXVII. Antony, Coin of, XI. Antony, Gold coin of, X. Antony, Medal of, XIV. Appeal, Law of, Coin relating to, IX. Arabic coins, XIX. Arcadius, Coin of, XVII. Archelaus, Drachma of, II. Armada, Medal on the overthrow of, XX. Arsaces Orodes, Coin of, VI. Artaxerxes Ardshir, Coin of, VI. As of time of Pompey, IX. As, Roman, and parts of the as, VIII. Athens drachma, V. Athens tetradrachm, V. Attalus, Coin of, IV. Auctori. Connec., CIII. Augustus Caesar, Aureus of, XII. Augustus Caesar, Head of, XII., XIII. Augustus Caesar, Medal of, XIV. Aureus of Augustus Csesar, XII. Balloting shown on coin, IX. Baltimore. Lord, shilling, XCIX. Bar cent, U. S. A., CIX. Bartholomew. St., medal on massacre, XXII. Basil I., Coin of, XIX. Bechtler pieces, CXIII. Bigatus, XII. Biflah, Calif, Coin of, XIX. Blenheim battle medal, LXX. Boyne battle medal, LXVII. Brancaleone, Senator, Coin of, XIX. British torques, XXIII. Britannia, First figure of, on coin, XXV. Brutus, Albums, Coin of, XV. Caesar, Augustus, Aureus of, XII. Caesar, Julius, coins on his death, XI. Caesar, Julius, Denarius of, X., XI. Canute, Coin of, XXVII. Capitoline temple on coin, X. Captors of Andre medal, CVI. Carausius, Coins of, XXV.. XXVII. Carpentum on a coin, XIV. Carthage, Coin of, VI. Cassian gens, Denarius of, IX. Castor and Pollux on coin, X. Caulonia, Coin of, II. Cents of 1793, CIX. Chalcis, Coin of, Frontispiece. Chalmers shilling, CV. Charlemagne, Com of, XVII. Charles I., Coins of, LXI., LXV., LXVIII. Charles I., Seal of, LXXVII. Charles II. and Catharine. Medal of, LV. Charles II., Coins of, LXXVL, LXXX. Charles II., Seal of, LXXXIII. Claudius, Coin of, as censor, XIII. Claudius coins relating to Britain, XXV. Clementina, Medal of, LXXXII. Cleopatra, Coin of, XI. Clinton, George, copper, CV. Clodian gens. Denarius of, X. Cob nione)*, CV. Coela, Coin of. XIII. Coelian gens, Denarius of, XIII. Coiner at work, XXI. Coining in Middle Ages, XXI. Commodus, Coin of, XV. Commonwealth, Coins of, LXVIII., LXII. Commonwealth, Seal of the, LXXIX. Confederatio copper, CV. Connecticut copper, CIII. Constantino, son of Basil, Coin of, XIX. Continental money, CXIV. 289 INDEX TO THE PLATES. Continental pewter piece, CIX. Corcvra, Coin of, XV. Corinth, Coins of, V., XVII. Cosmo dei Medici, Medal of, XX. Costumes on Denarii, XIII. Counterfeit continental money, CXIV. Crassus, Denarius of, XII. Cromwell, Coins of, LXXII., LXXVI. Crowns, Triumphal and other, on medals. XIV., XV. Cymbeline, Coin of, XXIII., XXVII. Cyrene, Coin of, VI. Darics, II. De Fleury, Lieutenant-Colonel, medal, CII. Demetrius Poliorcetes, Coin of, Frontispiece. Denarius, Roman, IX., X XL, XII., XIII. Dettingen battle medal, XC. Dido, Head of, on coin, VI. Dimes, Various, CXIL Dionysius, Theatre of, on a coin. III. Dollar, First United States, CIX.. Dollar, Gold, CXIII. Dollar, Gold, Bechtler, CXIII. Dollars, Various United States, CIX., CX. Double eagle, CXIL Drachma of Archelaus, II. Dumblane battle medal, LXXVIII. Dutch medal on the overthrow of the Ar- mada, XX. Eagles, Gold, various, CXIL Edward the Confessor, Coins of. XXV. Edward the Confessor, Seal of, XXIV. Edward I., Penny of, XXIX. Edward I., Seal of, XLIV. Edward II., Penny of, XXIX. Edward II., Seal of, XLVI. Edward III., Coins of, XXIX., XXXI. Edward III., Seal of, XLVIII. Edward IV., Coins of, XXXIIL, XXXV. Edward IV., Seal of, LVIII. Edward V., Seal of, LX. Edward VI., Coins of, XLIL, XLV. Edward VI., Seal of, LXIX. Egbert, Coin of, XXVII. Egyptian, Ancient, weighing money, I. Egyptian ring money, I. Eight Italian nations, Denarius of, X. Elizabeth, Coins of, XLIX., LIII. Elizabeth, Seal of, LXXIII. English coins, Earliest, XXIII. English torques, XXIII. Epidaurus, Coin of, IX. Epulo on a coin, XIII. Essex, Medal of Earl, XLVII. Ethelbert, Coin of, XXVII. Ethelwulf Coin of, XXVII. Eugenius IV., Pope, Medal of, XX. Fairfax, Medal of, XLVII. Faustina, Coin of, XVI. Fifty-dollar piece, CXIII. Five-dollar piece, Bechtler, CXIII. Five-dollar pieces, CXIL, CXIII. Flamen Martialis, Coin of, XIII. Flora head on coin, X. Flying eagle dollar, CX. Franklin coppers, CIX. French colonial coppers, XCIX. Fugio copper, CIX. Gallej's on coins, XV. Gates, General, medal, CVI. George L, Coins of, LXXXVIIL, XCII. George L, Medal of, LXXXII. George L, Seal of, XCV. George II., Coins of, XCII. George II., Medals of, LXXXII., XC. George II., Seal of, XCVII. Georgius Triumpho copper, CIII. Godfrev, Sir Edmondbury, Medals of, LIX. Gold dollar, CXIII. Gordianus, Coin of, XVI. Granby coppers, XCIX. Greek coin with palm-leaf and arrow, V. Greene, General, medal, CII. Gregory XIII., Pope, Medal of, XXII. Hadrian, Coin of, XVII. Hadrian coin relating to Britain, XXV. Hadrian, pigs of lead, XVI. Half dimes, Various, CXIL Half dollars, Various, CXI. ^ Half Eagles, Various, CXIL, CXIII. Haroun al Kaschid, Coin of, XIX. Hawkes, Sir Edward, medal, LXXXVI. Henry L, Penny of, XXVII. Henry L, Seal of, XXX. Henry II., Penny of. XXIX. Henry II., Seal of, XXXIV. Henry III., Penny of, XXIX. Henry III., Seal of, XLIL Henry IV., Seal of, LII. Henry V., Coins of, XXXL, XXXIIL Henrv V., Seal of, LIV. Henry VI., Coins of, XXXIIL Henry VI., Seal of, LVI. Henry VII., Coins of, XXXVII. Henry VII., Seal of, LXIV. Henrv VIII., Coins of, XXXIX. Henry VIII., Medals of. XLIII. Henry VIIL, Seal of LXVI. Higley copper, XCIX. Honorius, Coin of, XVII. Howard, Lieutenant-Colonel, medal, CIV. Howe, Lord, medal, XCVI. Immunis Columbia, CIII. Irene, Coin of, XVII. Italian nations, Denarius of, X. James I., Coins of, LIII., LVII. James L, Medal of, XLVII. James L, Seal of, LXXV. James II., Coins of, LXXX. James II., Medals of, LL, LV., LXIII. James II., Seal of, LXXXV. James III., Medal of, LXXXII. Janus, Head of, on coin, VIIL Janus temple closed, XV. Jefferson, Thomas, Seal of, CVIII. 290 INDEX TO THE PLATES. Jewish shekel, III. John, Irish penny of, XXIX. John, Seal of, XXXVIII. John Zimisces, Coin of, XIX. John II., Coin of, XIX. Jones, Paul, medal, C. Jupiter Capitolinus on coin, X. Justinian, Medal of, XVIII. Kentucky copper, CHI. Laeca, Denarius of, IX. Lamb, a weight, I. Lead, Pigs of, XVI. Lee, Major, medal, CIV. L. Emilius Paullus denarius, X. Leo III., Coin of, XVII. Lepidus, Medals of, XIV. Lictors' costumes, XIII. Dlle, Surrender of, medal, LXXVIII. Link cent of 1793, CIX. Livineius, Denarius of, IX. Lollian gens, Denarius of, XIII. Londonderry siege medal, LXVII. Lorenzo de Medici, Medal of, XXII. Louisiana coppers, XCIX. Lydia, Stater of, II. Lysimachus, Coin of, Frontispiece. Macedonia, Coin of, Frontispiece. Marcellinus, Coin of, IX. Marl borough, Duke of, medals, LXX., LXXIV., LXXVIII. Mars, high-priest, Coin of, XIII. Martin V., Pope Medal of, XVIII. Mary, Coins of. XLV. Mary, Seal of, LXXI. Mary, Queen (of William III.), Medal of, LXVII. Mary of Modena medal, LXIII. Masonic tokens, XXIII. Massachusetts cent, CIII. Massachusetts pine-tree shilling, XCIX. Maximinus, Coin of, XVI. Metellus Scipio, Denarius of, IX. Miletus, Stater of, II. Millet, Coin showing, III. Minden battle medal, XCIV. Minerva head on coin, X. Mithridates VI., Coin of. V. Monk and Penn medal, XLVII. Morgan, General, medal, C. Nelson medal, XCIV. Nero, Coin of, XV. Nero, Medal of, XIV. New England shilling and sixpence, XCIX. New Jersey copper, CIII. New York copper coins, CV. Nismes, Coin of the colony, XII. Non vi Virtute vici, CV. North, Lord, medal, XCVI. No Stamps token, CI. Nova Constellatio coppers, CI. Nova Eborac copper, CV. Gates, Titus, medal, LIX. Offa, Coin of, XXVII. Old Colony seal, CVIII. Orodes, Coin of, VI. Oscan letters on coin, X. Oudenarde victory medal, LXXVII. Pala;ologus, John, Medal of, XVIII. Panormus, Battle of, IX. Parthian coins, VI. Patera, Ancient, XXII. Paul Jones meda_l, C. Paullus, L. Emilius, denarius, X. Paul's appeal to Caesar, Coin relating to, IX. Penn and Monk medal, XLVII. Penn, William, Seal of, CVIII. Pergamus, Coin of, IV. Perkin Warbeck's groat, XXXV. Perseus conquered by Paullus, X. Perseus, Coin of, Frontispiece, IV. Persian darics, II. Peter, Senator of Rome, XIX. Philip and Mary, Coins of, XLIX. Philip and Mary, Medal of, XLIII. Philip II. of Macedon, Stater of, IV. Philip V. of Macedon, Coin of, Frontis- piece, V. Philip of Rome, Coin of, XVII. Phocea, Quarter stater of, II. Phoenician coin, VI. Pine-tree shilling, XCIX. Pisani, Medal by, XVIII. Pitt token, CI. Plassy medal, XCIV. Plymouth Colony seal, CVIII. Pompey, coin, possibly with portrait, IX. Popes, Medals of, XVIIL. XX., XXII. Porto Bello medal, LXXXVI. Pretender, the, Medal of, LXXXVI. Ptolemy Philadelphus, Coin of, III. Ptolemy Soter, Coin of, Frontispiece. Ptolemaic coins, III. Pulcher, C. Clodius, Floralia X. Puteal in forum on a coin, XIII. Pyrrhus, Tetradrachm of, IV. Quadrigatus, XII. Quarter dollars, Various, CXI. Quarter eagle. CXIII. Quinctian gens denarius, X. Quincussis, Roman, VII. Ramilies battle medal, LXXIV. Regulus head on coin, IX. Richard I., Seal of, XXXVI. Richard II., Coins of, XXXI. Richard II., Seal of, L. Richard III., Coins of, XXXV. Richard III., Seal of, LXII. Ring money, British, XXIII, Ring money of Egypt, L Roman Senate, Coin of, XIX. Rosa Americana pennj T , CI. Rostra on coins, XIII. Rye House Plot medal, LXIII. 291 INDEX TO THE PLATES. Sachaverell, Dr., medals, LXX. Samnites, Coin of, IX. Sancroft and seven bishops medal, LXIII. San Francisco coin, CXIII. Sassanidse, Coin of the, VI. Scipio, Denarius of, IX. Seleucus, Coin of, Frontispiece. Service medal for action with Dutch, 1G53, XLVII. Severus, Coin of, XVI. Sextans, Roman, VIII., IX. Sextus head on coin, IX. Shaftesbury, Earl, medal, LIX. Shekel, Jewish, III. Silenus on a coin, XIII. Silphium, Coin showing, VI. Snake of -lEsculapius on a coin, IX. Spanish pistareen, CV. Stater of Alexander the Great, IV. Stater of Lydia, II. Stater of Miletus, II. Stater of Philip II. of Macedon, IV. Stephen, Penny of. XXIX. Stephen, Seal of, XXXII. Stewart, Major, medal, CIV. Success to the United States, CVII. Sulpician gens, Denarius of, XIII. Syracuse, Coin or medal of, Frontispiece. Talbot Allum & Lee token, CV. Temple of Jupiter on a coin, X. Ten-dollar pieces, CXII. Theatre of Dionysius on a coin, III. Theodosius, Coin of, XVII. Theodosius II., Coin of, XVII. Three-cent piece, CXII. Three-dollar piece, CXIII. Torques or ring money, XXIII. Trafalgar medal, XCIV. Trajan, Coin of, XVI. Tranquillina, Coin of, XVI. Trebizond, Coin of, XIX. Triangle cent, CIII. Triens, VIII. Triumphal car on coin. X. Triumvirs, Denarii of, XI. Tryon, Governor, Seal of. CVIII. Twenty-dollar piece, CXII. U. S. A. or bar cent, CIX. Van Tromp, Medal relating to, XLVII. Ventidius, Medal of, XIV. Vermont coppers, CI. Vernon, Admiral, medal, LXXXVI. Victoria medal, XCVI. Virginia half penny, XCIX. Virginia, Seal of, CVIII. Voting shown on a coin, IX. Washington before Boston medal, XCVIII. Washington coins and tokens, CVII. Washington copper of New York, CV. Washington, William, medal, CVI. Wayne, General Anthony, medal, CII. Weighing money in Egypt, L Weighing money in ordinary scales, XXII. Well in forum on a coin, XIII. William and Mary, Coins of, LXXX., LXXXIV William and Man-, Seal of, LXXXVII. William II., Penny of, XXVII. William III., Coins of, LXXXIV. William III., Medal of, LXIII. William III., Seal of, LXXXIX. William of Scotland, Seal of, XL. William Rufus, Seal of, XXVIII. William the Norman, Coin of, XXVII. William the Norman, Seal of, XXVI. Wolfofcapitol, IX. Wolsev, Cardinal, Coins of, XXXIX. Wood money, XCII. Y&rk, James, Duke of, medals, LI., LV. Zimisces, John, Coin of, XIX. 292 THE END. ^ o >~ -f 3\ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DU.E on the last date stamped below. 'DEC 1 7 REC'D LD-URL JAN JAN 22 1979 , =5 I UBRARYO^ UU1 -CALIFOJ?^ * a cr ns g S 3 1158 00140 4168 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY F PLEADS: DO NOT REMOVE THIS BOOK University Research Library