LIBRARY THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA PRESENTED BY MRS. THOMAS A. DRISCOLL AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES OF FRANCE A DIRECTORY OF THE CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES ON WHOM FRANCE HAS CONFERRED HER NATIONAL ORDER THE LEOION OF HONOR COMPILED BY JAMES HOWARD GORE, Litt. D., LL D. AUTHOR OF "LEGIONNAIRES" (1903) AND 'AMERICAN MEMBERS OF FOREIGN ORDERS 1 ' (1910) VV. F. ROBERTS CO. WASHINGTON TO His EXCELLENCY, JULES J. JUSSEBAND, Ambassador of France to the United States, who for a score of years has fostered and cemented the friendship between these Republics, THIS WORK A Roll of Honor for the United States and a Record of Appreciation from France is affectionately dedicated by the compiler. URING the Revolution in France, the exist- ence of outward marks of distinction was forgotten. Nobility was suppressed by the decrees of June 19, 1790, but provision was made for bestowing some token upon all who had assisted in the overthrow of the Bastile. The diffi- culties that attended the conferring of the "brevet" were so great that it was realized that safety lay in the abolition of all decorations. This was accomplished by the laws of July 30, 1791, and July 28, 1793. The first suggestion of a "national order which should cause all distinctions of birth to be forgotten" was made on December 15, 1791, when it was pro- posed to confer some sort of honor upon soldiers for gallant conduct. This soon bore fruit in special acts of the convention providing crowns of laurel or of oak for heroes of battle and even a proposition to create rules for the "recognition of merit and reward therefor." During the First Consulate, the Senate prepared a list of "notables" or "eligibles" who could be called upon for any service the government might demand. This list did not meet with the approval of Napoleon, and, it is believed, he sought to counteract the polit- ical complexion of it by preparing an independent list to which should be given the name "Legion d'Honneur." The first intimation of this purpose was made early in May, 1802. The Act was placed before the Council of State for discussion on May 4, was passed on to the "Corps legislatif" on May 14 without hav- ing received the sanction of the Council and after five hours' discussion it was adopted by the "Corps 10 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES legislatif ' on May 19, the "Tribunal" in the mean- time having acted favorably upon the proposition. It was finally promulgated as a law on June 3. Up to this time, no mention had been made of a visible and outward sign of membership in the Legion. A simple decree on July 10, 1803, prescribed the shape and colors of the insignia. This was changed in 1816, 1830, 1851, 1852 and 1870. Napoleon decreed March 1, 1808, that all members of the Legion should have the title of Chevalier and that the title should be transmitted from father to son. The first ceremony of investiture was held on July 14, 1804. The promises regarding equality and heredity had been violated in the final ordinances of the Legion of Honor. Consequently the bestowal of the insignia was met with varying degrees of approval. Marshal Augerau refused to come forward when his name was called, Lemercier and Truguet returned their diplomas, Rochambeau and LaFayette refused to accept the honor and others sought to conceal the "emblem of the vanity of a courtier." Some persons, out of sympathy with the new regime, sought to bring this decoration into ridicule by creating mock deco- rations which they gave to the rabble to wear. But such care had been exercised in the selection of per- sons for admission into the Legion that at the second distribution there were no refusals. The original purpose of the Order can best be learned from Napoleon's own words : "I challenge anyone to show me a republic, ancient or modern, in which there were no distinctions. You may call them playthings, but men are led by playthings. I should not say this, perhaps, in the Council Cham- ber, but in the presence of men of wisdom, such things should be spoken. I do not believe that the French people love liberty and equality ; the French have not been changed by ten years of revolution ; they are Gauls as of old proud and light-hearted, OF FRANCE 11 having one pre-eminent virtue honor. This virtue should be nourished and upon it some distinction should be conferred. You see how our people pros- trate themselves before foreign decorations ; some wear them, while others look upon this with sur- prise. Voltaire has called our soldiers Alexanders at five sous a, day. He was right. Do you suppose that men can be induced to go to war by analytical rea- soning? Never! It might be efficacious for the scholar in his study. To the soldier must be offered glory, honor, reward. If honors are given to sol- diers only, the nation would cease to exist. If, on the other hand, all professions should be included, the soldier not knowing how to read or write, would be proud to have as a reward for the blood he shed the same decoration that is worn by men of great scholarship, while the latter, on their part, would esteem more highly the recompense for their labors when they see it is the reward of bravery. Some officers may object to seeing their decorations worn by a priest, judge, author, artist or a simple soldier. But why? Is courage not always courage, and is blood not always blood?" And although the great emperor forgot his earlier plea for democracy in honors and instituted orders that were intensely aristocratic, the Legion d'Hon- neur which he called into existence is now by far the most democratic institution amongst men. No antecedent qualifications are demanded ; the single condition that must be met is superiority. Superior service ; superior talent ; superior achievements. No limit is placed on the character of service, the sort of talent nor the nature of the achievements beyond the requirement that, in some field they count for the betterment of France, the welfare of a people or the uplift of mankind. Coming into existence amidst the clamors for equal- ity it greets all men equal in the contest for its acquisition and, having celebrated its centennial at the same time when men, by their own efforts have 12 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES been set apart in classes, it can most fittingly reward one with a cross and another with the more modest knot of ribbon. Looking over this institution and contemplating the men who have worn with pardonable pride "the splash of red," the least that each "Legionnaire" can do is to endeavor to maintain the prestige of the Order by becoming more worthy of the membership he enjoys. This compilation is made in the earnest desire that each person named herein as he notes his colleagues and considers the services or achievements that earned this distinction will realize more fully the great honor that has been conferred upon him and see how fully and promptly France shows her esteem and appreciation. * * * * This Directory includes the names of Legionnaires of France who were living at the time the manu- script went to the printer. An exception, however, was made in the case of officers decorated for serv- ices during the War who succumbed to wounds received in action or died subsequently, weakened no doubt, by strain or exposure incident to their war duties. The inclusion of their names is intended to augment, if it be possible, our appreciation of their supreme sacrifice. In preparing the material for this work the Com- piler has been greatly aided by Major William S. Biddle who furnished the names of Officers of the U. S. Army who had been decorated and kindly revised the list to make additions and changes in addresses. Most helpful assistance in preparing the sketches was rendered by Mr. Nils G. Radhe, Research Assistant, National Geographic Society. AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES OF FRANCE AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES OF FRANCE ABBETT, HARRY JEFFERSON. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Warsaw, Ky. ; studied at U. S. Naval Academy. Member Army and Navy Club, Washington. Created Chevalier April 9, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices in escorting coastal convoys during the War. Present address : Navy Department, Washington, D. C. ABELE, HERBERT A. Bank Official. Born in Memphis, Tenn., and educated in private and public schools. Served as Lieutenant with A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier May 9, 1919, "for going through machine-gun barrage to rescue wounded enlisted man, near Ville en Woevre, November 9, 1918." Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre. Present address: 1912 East McLemore Avenue, Mem- phis, Tenn. ACHESON, HERBERT HAMILTON. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Oakville, Linn Co., Ore. ; educated at Monmouth College and Pennsylvania State College. Captain, Coast Artillery, 1916; served as temporary Major, and Lieutenant Colonel, during the War. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Chevalier in consideration of services ren- dered during the War. Present address: Camp Eustis, Va. ADAMS, CHARLES WANDO. Served as Major, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Address given: Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago, 111. 16 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES ADAMS, FRANK HOWARD. Officer, U. S. Army, Quartermaster Corps. Born in Petersburg, Ind. ; educated at public schools, and Vincennes University. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Chevalier September 19, 1918, in considera- tion of services rendered during the War. Has Croix de Guerre. Present address : c/o Zone Supply Officer, Washing- ton, D. C. ADAMS, HERBERT H. Railway President. Born in Detroit, Mich. ; educated at Johns Hopkins Uni- versity ; and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Division Superintendent, Michigan Central Railroad ; General Manager, Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo Rail- way ; President, Kansas City Terminal Railway. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. in France. Created Officier in consideration of services rendered during the War. Present address: P. O. Box 805, Clearwater, Fla. ADAMS, MILWARD. Retired. Born in Lexington, Ky. ; educated at public school. Was Director of the Auditorium, Chicago; Manager of Theodore Thomas' Orchestra, of the Chicago Orches- tra and of the Dedicatory Ceremonies of the World's Columbian Exposition. Actively interested in the musi- cal and civic affairs of Chicago. Member of Chicago Club. Created Chevalier January 30, 1901, in consideration of services rendered at Paris Exposition, 1900. Has also Merito Agricolo (Portugal), Savior (Greece), Nichan Iftikhar (Tunis), Leopold (Belgium) and Crown (Siam). Present address: Chicago Club, Chicago, 111. OF FRANCE 17 ADAMSON, KEITH FRAZEE. Engineer. Born in Maysville, Ky. ; educated at University of Kentucky. Was Technical Editor, Lefax Corporation, Philadel- phia ; Instructor, Mechanical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania ; Assistant Professor, Case School of Ap- plied Science. Served as Captain, A. E. F. in France. At present, Mechanical Engineer, Fuel Oil Division, Ex- port Department, Texas Company. Author of a num- ber of short technical papers. Member of several Engineering societies. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in France during the War. Present address: Room 832, 17 Battery Place, New York City. ADLER, J. O. Journalist. Born in Chattanooga, Tenn., and educated at Prince- ton University. Second Vice-President and Assistant Treasurer New York Times Company. President 306th Infantry Asso- ciation. Editor-in-Chief 77th Division History, 1919. Created Chevalier May 5, 1919, in recognition of cap- ture of St. Juvin and Hill 182, Argonne Forest. Has also D. S. C., Croix de Guerre with Palm and Italian War Cross. Present address: 229 West 43rd Street, New York City. ALDRICH, WILLIAM T. Architect. Born in Washington, D. C. ; educated at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Was formerly Instructor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Rhode Island School of Design; De- 18 signer of various schools, residences and commercial buildings in New England. Member of firm Bellows & Aldrich, Architects. Clubs: Union, Somerset, Tennis and Racquet, St. Botolph, Boston; Hope Art, Providence; University, New York. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in recognition of work in engineering, Bureau Ordnance Department at Tours, France. Present address: 8 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. ALEXANDER, JAMES STRANGE. President, National Bank of Commerce, New York. Born in Tarrytown, N. Y., and educated in public and private schools. Director and Trustee of numerous industrial and financial concerns. Was a member and chairman of several committees organized during the War. Member of Metropolitan, Union League, Bankers, and Recess Clubs, all of New York. Created Chevalier December 27, 1918, in recognition of services rendered the French Government during the War. Present address: 31 Nassau Street, New York City. ALEXANDER, JAMES THOMAS. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Girard, Kan. ; educated at Naval Academy. Served as Lieutenant Commander, U. S. Destroyer Force in European waters during the War. At pres- ent, Engineer Officer, U. S. Naval Station, Hawaii. Created Chevalier April 9, 1919, in recognition of services rendered during the War. Present address : Pearl Harbor, T. H. ALEXANDER, ROBERT. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Baltimore, Md. ; educated at private and pub- lic schools, Md., and Army Staff College. OF FRANCE 19 Is in command of 63rd Infantry and Post of Madison Barracks, N. Y. Author of various articles in Service journals. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Commandeur May 5, 1919, in recognition of "distinguished services" rendered during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with two cita- tions. Present address : Madison Barracks, N. Y. ALEXANDER, ROBERT. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Maryland and educated at the Army School of the Line and the Army Staff College. Served as private, Sergeant and in various grades to Colonel. Created Officier in recognition of services during the War. Present address : War Department, Washington, D. C. ALGER, FREDERICK M. General Business. Born in Detroit, Mich. ; educated at Harvard University. Officer and Director of several industrial, banking and railway corporations. Participated in the Cuban occu- pation ; Served as Lieutenant Colonel, Field Artillery, A. E. F. in France. Clubs: Detroit, Yondotega (Detroit), University (New York, Chicago), and Metropolitan (Washington). Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in .consideration of services rendered during the War. Present address: 2040 Penobscot Building, Detroit, Mich. ALLEN, E. G. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Scranton, Pa., and educated at the U. S. Naval Academy. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C., and New York Yacht Club. 20 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Created Chevalier in consideration of services ren- dered in the submarine campaign during the War. Present address: U. S. S. Belknap, c/o Postmaster, New York City. ALLEN, HENRY TUREMAN. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Sharpsburg, Ky., and educated at Georgetown College and the U. S. Military Academy. Served in various grades in the Army from Second Lieutenant to Brigadier General. Was Military Attache to U. S. Legation, St. Petersburg. Participated in Santiago and Philippine campaigns. Organized Philip- pine constabulary. Commanding General, American Forces in Germany. Clubs: University, Army and Navy (New York), Metropolitan and Army and Navy (Washington). Created Commandeur February 26, 1919, for services as commander of 90th Division in St. Mihiel and Meuse- Argonne offensives and commander of the 8th Army Corps. Has also D. S. M., Croix de Guerre, with palm, Leopold (Belgium), Danilo 1 (Montenegro) and Soli- daridad (Panama). Present address: War Department, Washington, D. C. ALLEN, OLIVER. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in London, England ; educated at Queensland Uni- versity, Brisbane, Australia. Served as Major, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier July 10, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also War Cross (Italy), and Croix de Guerre, with star and palm. Present address : Camp Taylor, Ky. ALLEN, WALTER C. Manufacturer. Born in Farmington, Conn.; educated at Stamford High School. OF FRANCE 21 President, The Yale and Towne Manufacturing Com- pany, Stamford. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. in France. Member of Engineers' Club, New York City. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in France in organizing plant for American Air Service during the War. Present address : Stamford, Conn. ALLIS, EDWARD PHELPS, JR. Scientist. Born in Milwaukee and educated at Antioch College, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard. Established the Allis Research Laboratory, Menton, France. Associate editor of Journal of Morphology. Member and Fellow numerous scientific societies. Ac- tively interested in natural history. Winner of "Prix Lallemand" with title of "Laureat de 1'Institute." Clubs: University (Madison), Authors' and Royal Societies (London). Created Chevalier in recognition scientific achieve- ments. Has also Officier de 1'Academie. Present address : Palais de Carneles, Menton, France. ALLWORTH, EDWARD C. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Crawford, Wash. ; educated at Oregon Agricul- tural College. Served as Major, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier May 5, 1919, in recognition of "dis- tinguished action under fire" during the War. Has also Medal of Honor (U. S.), Croix de Guerre and Danilo 1 ( Montenegro ) . Present address : 353 North Jackson Street, Atlanta, Ga. ANDREW, ABRAM PIATT, Jr. Born in La Porte, Ind., educated at Princeton and Har- vard and universities of Halle, Berlin and Paris. Instructor and Asst. Professor, Economics, Harvard: 22 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES expert assistant and editor of publications of Monetary Commission; director of the mint; Assistant Secretary of the Treasury ; Treasurer, American Red Cross ; In- spector General, American Field Service in France ; held rank of Major and organized American Voluntary Am- bulance and Field Transport Service in France, 1917. Writer on money, banking and other financial subjects. Clubs: Harvard (New York and Boston), Chevy Chase (Washington). Created Chevalier April 7, 1917. Has also Croix de Guerre. Present address : Eastern Point, Gloucester, Mass. ANDERSON, ALEXANDER. Created Officier October 18, 1919. Address unknown. ANDERSON, MILTON H. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in St. Paul, Minn., and educated at the U. S. Naval Academy. Passed through the various grades of the Navy to Lieutenant Commander. Participated in the Nica- raguan and Mexican campaigns, was in charge of com- munications for Naval Forces in France by radio and land wires. At present Fleet Radio Officer on Staff of Commander-in-Chief Atlantic Fleet. Created Chevalier for services during the War. Present address : Navy Department, Washington, D. C. ANDREWS, AVERT DE LANO. A ttorney-at-Law. Born in Massena, N. Y., and educated at U. S. Military Academy and Columbia University. Was Police Commissioner New York City, Adjutant General State of New York, Lieutenant Colonel of Volun- teers in Spanish War. American representative Royal Dutch Petroleum Company and Shell Transport and Trading Company. OF FRANCE 23 Clubs : Century, Bankers' and Automobile of New York ; Rittenhouse, Philadelphia, and Army and Navy, Washington. Created Commandeur April, 1919, for services to France as Assistant Chief of Staff to General Pershing. Has also Crown (Belgium), and Crown (Italy). Present address: 233 Broadway, New York City. ANDREWS, LINCOLN CLARK. Officer, U. S. Army. Born at Owatonna, Minn., and educated at Cornell Uni- versity and the U. S. Military Academy. Passed through the grades of the Army from Second Lieutenant to Brigadier General. Participated in the Cuban and Philippine campaigns ; Governor of Island of Leyte ; in charge of cavalry instruction at Plattsburg Camp ; inspector-general, Philippines ; author several works on military science. Clubs: Army and Navy (Washington and Manila). Created Offlcier for services during the War. Has also Crown (Italy). Present address: 26 Broad Street, New York City. APPEL, MONTE. Associate representative of Secretary of War to Peace Conference. Created Chevalier November 16, 1919. Address unknown. ARMSTRONG, EDWIN H. Consulting Engineer. Born in New York City and educated at Columbia University. President Radio Club of America ; Director Institute of Radio Engineers ; inventor of numerous improve- ments in radio transmission. Served as Major, Signal Corps, A. E. F. during the War. Member Radio Club of America. AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, "for researches in the telegraphic service." Present address : Hartley Research Laboratory, Co- lumbia University, New York City. ARMSTRONG, EDWARD COOKE. College Professor. Born in Winchester, Va. ; educated at Randolph-Macon College, Johns Hopkins and universities of Paris and Berlin. Was Professor, French Language and Chairman, Ro- mance Department, Johns Hopkins University ; since 1917 Professor French Language, Princeton University. Editor Elliott Monographs in the Romance Languages and Literatures ; Co-editor, Modern Language Notes. Created Chevalier November 15, 1919. Present address : Princeton, N. J. ARMSTRONG, FRANK S. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Jeffersonville, Ind. ; and educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Officier April 10, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Chief of Remount Service, France, during the War. Has also D. S. M. Present address : The Cairo, Washington, D. C. ARNOLD, ALFRED CLARENCE. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in St. Johnsbury, Vt. ; educated at Wesleyan University. Served all grades in U. S. Army from Second Lieu- tenant to Colonel. Created Chevalier December 16, 1918, in recognition of "gallantry in action, and securing Right Flank of Second Division in action at Mont Blanc Ridge" during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre, with three palms. Present address : Camp Benning, Ga. OF FRANCE 25 ASHBURN, ISAAC S. Educational Work. Born at Farmersville, Texas, and educated at Texas Polytechnic College. Was editor Fort Worth "Record" ; publicity director Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and sec- retary of Board of Directors of the same. Author of numerous papers on agricultural subjects. Served as Major of Infantry with A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier "for gallantry in action, St. Mihiel offensive, continuing in action though twice wounded." Has also Croix de Guerre, with palms. Present address: College Station, Texas. ASHBURN, PERCY MOREAU. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Batavia, Ohio; educated at Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. Was President, Army Board for study of tropical dis- eases in Philippine Islands and Ancon, Panama ; At- tached to United States Commission to Liberia ; Served with A. E. F. with rank of Colonel. Author of "Ele- ments of Military Hygiene," and numerous articles in medical journals. Created OfQcier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Chief of Sanitary Service, during the War. Present address: War Department, Washington, D. C. ATKINSON, BERT M. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Newnan, Ga. ; educated at Georgia Military Col- lege ; and University of Georgia. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, Air Service, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier in recognition of "meritorious serv- ices, in command of First Pursuit Group during Cha- teau-Thierry operations" in the War. Has also Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: Honolulu, Hawaii. 26 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES ATTERBURY, WILLIAM WALLACE. Railway Official. Born in New Albany, Ind. ; educated at Yale University. Vice-President, Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Clubs : Philadelphia and Rittenhouse, Philadelphia ; Union, New York ; Metropolitan, Washington, D. C. ; Maryland, Baltimore. Created Commandeur in consideration of services ren- dered as Director General of Transportation. Has also Companion of the Bath (England), and Crown (Belgium). Present address : Broad Street Station, Philadel- phia, Pa. ATWATER, WILLIAM BEADFORD. Brigadier General, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Address given: 268 West 44th Street, New York City. ATWOOD, WILLIAM G. Engineer. Born in Fredonia, N. Y. ; studied at Cornell University. Was Assistant Engineer of Construction, Alaska Cen- tral Railway ; Chief Engineer, Lake Erie & Western Railway ; Assistant District Engineer, Interstate Com- merce Commission; Served with A. E. F. with rank of Colonel. At present Technical Advisor to the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes. Created Offlcier April 25, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also Order of St. Sava (Serbia). Present address: 115 Broadway, New York City. AULTMAN, DWIGHT E. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Allegheny (North Pittsburgh), Pa. Studied at Pittsburgh Central High School, U. S. Mili- tary Academy, and Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology. OF FRANCE 27 Acted as Temporary Brigadier General in France. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Commandeur May 5, 1919, in consideration of services rendered on the Western Front during the War. He has also Croix de Guerre (three palms). Present address : General Staff College, Washington, D. C. BABCOCK, CONRAD S. Colonel, A. E. F. Created Officier. Address given : War Department, Washington, D. C. BABCOCK, JOHN V. Officer, U. S. Navy. Created Chevalier. BABCOCK, WARREN L. Surgeon. Born in Eden, Erie County, N. Y. ; educated at College of Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore, Md. Was Member, Sub-Committee on Hospital Equipment, Council of National Defense, 1917. Served as Colonel, Medical Corps, A. E. F. in France. At present, Super- intendent, The Grace Hospital, Detroit, Mich. Created Officier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in France during the war. Present address: 81 Willis Avenue, East, Detroit, Mich. BACH, CHRISTIAN A. Officer, U. S. Army. Born at St. Martin, Minn., and educated at State Nor- mal School and the University of Minnesota. Was instructor, Fort Sheridan Training Camp; Served with A. E. F. with rank of Colonel; Chief of Staff, 4th Division; author "Leadership." Member Army and Navy Club, Washington. Created Officier June 13, 1919, for "gallantry in ac- 28 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES tion" (reorganizing a battalion in battle and establish- ing liaison with the French forces). Has also Congres- sional Medal and Croix de Guerre. Present address : Fort Riley, Kan. BACON, H. S. Served as Captain A. E. F. Member Committee on Aviation, Peace Conference. Created Officier October 28, 1919. Address unknown. BACON (MRS.), ROBERT. Born in New York and educated in private schools at home and abroad. Actively interested in social and philanthropic work. Gave financial and personal aid to American Ambulance at Neuilly for which the National Institute of Social Science bestowed its medal for "patriotic services." Created Chevalier January 6, 1919, in recognition of help given the hospital work in France. Has also "Medaille d'Honneur en Or." Present address : 1 Park Avenue, New York City. BAER, PAUL FRANK. Served as Lieutenant, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Address given : Fort Wayne, Ind. BAILEY, CHARLES JUSTIN. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Tamaqua, Schuylkill Co., Pa. ; educated at United States Military Academy. Served as Cadet, and all grades to Major General. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Commandeur April 25, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in France during the War. Has also Leopold (Belgium), and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: Fort Totten, Long Island, New York. OF FRANCE 29 BAILLY-BLANCHARD, ARTHUR. Diplomat. Born in New Orleans, La., and educated in Paris and Dresden and at the University of Louisiana. Secretary U. S. Commission, Paris Exposition, 1889; Secretary Behring Sea Arbitration Tribunal, Bimetallic Mission, Hague Peace Conference; Secretary of Em- bassy, Japan ; Minister to Haiti. Created Cornmandeur April 9, 1912. Present address : Port-au-Prince, Haiti. BAKER, ASHER CARTER. Officer, U. S. Navy. (Retired.) Born in Matawan, N. J., and educated aft the U. S. Naval Academy. Was Director of Exhibits at the Panama Pacific In- ternational Exposition. Member of New York Yacht Club, Rittenhouse, and Philadelphia Country Clubs, Philadelphia, Sea View Golf Club, and Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Officier in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also Rising Sun (Japan), and Golden Sheaf (China). Present address : 122 States Avenue, Atlantic City, N. J. BALDWIN, JAMES MARK. Educator. Born in Columbia, S. C., and educated at Princeton University. Was professor at Lake Forest, Toronto, Princeton, Johns Hopkins, and Mexican National Universities ; Herbert Spencer Lecturer at Oxford; at present Pro- fessor ficole des Hautes fitudes Sociales, Paris. Gold Medalist Royal Academy of Denmark ; President Inter- national Congress of Psychology ; Corespondant Insti- tute of France and Japanese Institute. Author of many works on psychology and member numerous learned societies. 30 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Created Chevalier December 19, 1917, "for propa- ganda work ; informing American people and opposition to American neutrality." Has also St. Sava (Serbia). Present address: 118 rue d'Assas, Paris, France. BALL, WILLIAM G. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Blanchester, Ohio; studied at Private Schools, High Schools, Chillicothe, Ohio, Naval Academy, and College of Physicians and Surgeons, Balti- more, Md. Established and supervised the largest Mechanical Bakery in the world at Is-sur-Tille, France. Super- vised all bakeries of the A. E. F. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in recognition of services rendered during the War. Present address : Room 2201, Munitions Building, Washington, D. C. BALLARD, GEORGE S. Broker. Born in Chicago, 111. ; studied at Grammar and Public Schools. Formerly Lieutenant Colonel, Q. M. C., U. S. Army ; Now in investment business, Babcock, Rushton & Co. ; Member, Board of Education, Evanston, 111. Member of Hamilton and Mid-day Clubs, Chicago, 111. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in France during the War. Present address : 1026 Michigan Avenue, Evans- ton, 111. BALLOU, CHARLES C. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Orange, Schuyler Co., N. Y. ; educated at United States Military Academy. Clubs : Army and Navy, Washington, D. C. ; Chicago, Chicago Athletic, Union League, Chicago; St. Nicholas, New York City. OF FRANCE 31 Created Officier May 5, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: 526 South State Street, Chicago, 111. BAMFORD, FRANK E. Served as Brigadier General, A. E. F. Created Commandeur. Last address : War Department, Washington, D. C. BANDHOLTZ, HARRY HILL. Officer, U. S. Army. Born at Constantine, Mich., and educated at U. S. Mili- tary Academy. Served in various grades of the Army from Second Lieutenant to Brigadier General. Participated in San- tiago and Philippine campaigns. Was Chief of Philip- pine Constabulary. Member American Mission to Hun- gary. Created Commandeur April 29, 1919, in recognition of services during the War. Has also Crown (Italy), Crown (Roumania), Crown (Belgium) and Danilo i (Montenegro). Present address: War Department, Washington, D. C. BANISTER, WILLIAM BRODNAX. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Huntsville, Ala., and educated at Trinity High School and the Central University of Kentucky. Served in various grades from Contract Surgeon to Colonel in the Medical Corps. Served in the Geronimo, Santiago, China Relief and Philippine campaigns. Twice recommended for brevet. Clubs : Army and Navy, Washington and Manila ; South Shore Country, Chicago. Created Officier April 4, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices as commanding officer Limoges Hospital. Present address: Manila, P. I. 32 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES BARBER, C. W. Officer, U. S. Army. (Retired.) Born in Gloucester County, N. J. Studied at Gloucester County Schools. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C., and Manila, P. I. Created Officier April 4, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered during the War. Has also D. S. M. Present address : 276 Franklin Street, Woodbury, N .J. BARBER, HENRY A., Jr. Served as Lieutenant, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address: West Point, N. Y. BARBOUR, JAMES G. Secretary General, American Red Cross. Created Chevalier February 27, 1918. BARGAR, BYRON LAKIN. Attorney at Law. Born in New Castle, Ohio; educated at Yale University. Was Director of Public Safety, Columbus, Ohio; At- torney for construction and operation departments, To- ledo and Ohio Central Railway; Participated in the Spanish-American War; Was Colonel, Ohio National Guard on the Mexican Border; Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. in France. Author of "Law and Cus- toms of Riot Duty." Member of numerous patriotic and professional organizations. Created Chevalier 1919, in consideration of services rendered in the Argonne offensive during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre (Belgium). Present address: 57 Auburn Street, Columbus, Ohio. BARKLEY, A. H. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address: War Department, Washington, D. C. OF FRANCE 33 BARKSDALE, ALFRED D. Attorney at Law. Born in Houston, Va. ; educated at Virginia Military Institute and University of Virginia. Served as Captain, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Member of Oakwood Country, and Piedmont Clubs. Created Chevalier in recognition of "distinguished conduct in the Meuse-Argonne offensive." Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address : Law Building, Lynchburg, Va. BARNARD, CHARLES INMAN. Attorney at Law. Born at Boston, Mass., and educated at the Massachu- setts Institute of Technology and Harvard Uni- versity. Was Member of the Superior Council of Public In- struction in Egypt ; war correspondent and -staff corre- spondent of the New York Herald in Paris, London, Berlin and Vienna. Clubs : Cercle Artistique et Litteraire and Automobile (Paris). Created Chevalier in recognition of Journalistic work. Has also Osmanieh and Medjehieh (Ottoman). Present address : Paris, France. BARNES, JULIUS. Manufacturer. Created Officier August 27, 1919, for services as Fed- eral Wheat Director. BARNETT, GEORGE. Officer, U. S. Marine Corps. Born in Lancaster, Wise. Graduate of U. S. Naval Academy. Served as Midshipman, and all grades in U. S. Ma- rine Corps from Second Lieutenant to Major General. Member of Army and Navy, and Metropolitan Clubs, Washington, D. C., Chevy Chase Club, Md., Racquet, 34 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES and University Clubs, Philadelphia, and New York Yacht Club. Created Commandeur March 29, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also Sampson Medal (Cuba), and D. S. M. Present address : Headquarters, U. S. Marine Corps, Navy Department, Washington, D. C. EARNHARDT, GEORGE C. Officer. U. S. Army. Born in North Carolina ; educated at Davidson College, N. C., and U. S. Military Academy. Lieutenant Colonel, Cavalry, U. S. Army. Held tem- porary grade of Brigadier General, A. E. F. in France. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Offlcier May 5, 1919, in recognition of his "conduct in command of troops during the St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne Operations." Has also Croix de Guerre. Present address: Fort Leavenworth, Kan. BARNUM, MALVERN-HILL. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Syracuse, N. Y. ; and educated at U. S. Mili- tary Academy. Member of the General Staff; served with A. E. F. as Brigadier General. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Chief of American Section of the Permanent Interallied Armistice Commission. Has also Companion of the Bath (England), Leopold (Bel- gium), and Croix de Guerre (Belgium). Present address: War Department, Washington, D. C. EARTH, CHARLES H. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Charito, Lucas Co., Iowa; educated at U. S. Military Academy. OF FRANCE 35 Served as Brigadier General, in command of Seventh Division, A. B. F. in France. Translated from German and adapted to United States Army organization several books on Tactics. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, and Manila. Created Officier May 5, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: Camp Lee, Petersburg, Va. BARTLETT, MURRAY. Clergyman. Born in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., and educated at Harvard University and the General Theological Seminary. Was Curate and Rector various churches ; Dean Epis- copal Cathedral, Manila ; President University of the Philippines ; President Hobart College. Clubs : Harvard, New York ; Genesee Valley, Roches- ter; Country, University and Rotary, Geneva. Created Chevalier for services as Chaplain with First Division A. E. F. Has also Croix de Guerre. Present address: 690 S. Main Street, Geneva, N. Y. BARTLETT, PAUL WAYLAND. Sculptor. Born in New Haven, Conn., and educated at New Haven and Boston public schools, and ficole des Beaux Arts, Paris, under Cavelier. Was Member International Jury of Awards, Paris Expositions, 1889 and 1900. Has created numerous pro- ductions of art, and is represented in Boston Museum, Philadelphia Academy of Design, Chicago Art Institute, Luxembourg Gallery, Paris, and Museum of Decorative Art, Paris. Created Chevalier July 16, 1895, and Officier, 1908, in recognition of his achievements in sculpture. Present address: 7 West 47th Street, New York City. 36 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES BARTOL, HENRY GEORGE. Broker. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., and educated at St. Paul's School, Concord ; Cambridge, England ; and Univer- sity of Pennsylvania. Served with A. E. F. as Captain. Member of Union and Players' Clubs. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in recognition of services rendered the French Staffs during the War. Has also Sampson Medal (Cuba). Present address: 66 East 56th Street, New York City. BARTON, ALFRED I. Composer. Born in Philadelphia, Pa. ; educated at DeLancey School, and University of Pennsylvania. Appointed Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. Army ; served as Liaison Officer, attached to French Army during the War ; later, aide-de-Camp to Commanding Officer, Amer- ican Army of Occupation, Germany. Composer and Author of several Comic Operas, Songs, and Instru- mental numbers. Created Chevalier July 26, 1919, in consideration of "distinguished services at the front from 1917 to 1919." Has also Croix de Guerre, Danilo 1 and Medaille de Bravoure ( Montenegro ) . Present address: 228 South Broad Street, Phila- delphia, Pa. BARUCH, BERNARD MANNES. ^Financier. Educated at the College of the City of New York. Member New York Stock Exchange and active in financial matters ; member National Committee of Na- tional Defense ; chairman War Industries Board, super- vising all purchase for the Allies during the War ; trustee College of the City of New York. Created Commandeur May 11, 1919. Present address: 111 Broadway, New York City. OF FRANCE 37 BASH, LOUIS H. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Chicago, 111. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Created Chevalier May 1, 1918, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. M. Present address : Fort Leavenworth, Kan. BATEMAN, HENRY E. Manufacturer. Born in Easton, Md., and educated at the University of Maryland. Assistant to Vice-President Chemical Foundation. Served as Captain of Infantry with A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier May 9, 1919, "for gallantry in action." Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: 81 Fulton Street, New York City. BATES, LINDON WALLACE. Civil Engineer. Born at Marshfield, Vt., and educated at Chicago High School and Yale. Was engineer on various railroads and harbor im- provements, in the United States, Russia, Belgium, Aus- tralia, India and China. Designed sea-going dredges. Member numerous scientific and engineering societies. Clubs : Yale, Republican, Lawyers' and Union League (New York) ; Whitehall and Primrose (London) ; Automobile (Paris). Created Chevalier in recognition of scientific achieve- ments. Present address : 141 Broadway, New York City. BATES, ROBERT J. Officer, U. S. Army. (Retired.) Born in Flesherton, Canada ; educated at Flesherton High School; and Business College, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. 38 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Served all grades from Private to Brigadier General, Michigan National Guard. Participated in the Cuban campaign. Appointed Major, Air Service, A. E. F. in France during the War. Established and commanded Air Service Production Centre, No. 2, in France. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in recognition of "efficient services rendered during the War, and for launching of first Liberty Plane in Europe." Present address: 2941 West Grand Boulevard, De- troit, Mich. BATTLE, MARION SOMERVILLE. Officer, U. S. Army. Born at Rocky Mount, N. C., and educated at private schools and St. Albans Preparatory College. Entered military service in 1901 ; was Colonel in A. E. F. in France. At present Colonel Coast Artillery Corps. Clubs: St. Nicholas (New York), St. Botolph (Bos- ton) and Army and Navy (New York and Washington). Created Officier July, 1919, in appreciation of his "valuable co-operation with the French Authorities" (during the War). Has also Danilo 1 (Montenegro). Present address: 1800 E Street, Washington, D. C. BAXTER, STUART ALEXANDER. Business Executive. Born in New York City; educated at De Veaux School. Niagara Falls, N. Y. Served with A. E. F. as Lieutenant. Created Officier May 19, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered in the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre. Present address: 275 Seyburn Avenue, Detroit, Mich. BAYLIES, MRS. EDMUND. Born in Paris, France, and educated at private schools. Organized and directed an American Committee for the maintenance of schools for training maimed French soldiers for useful trades. OF FRANCE 39 Created Chevalier October 22, 1917, for war work in France. Present address: 10 East 62d Street, New York City. BAYNE, HUGH C. Lawyer. Served as Counsel, U. S. Commission to Peace Con- ference. Created Chevalier November 16, 1919. BEACH, CHARLES FISH. Attorney at Law. Born in Kentucky and educated at Centre College and schools of law and politics, Paris, France. Practiced law in New York, London and Paris ; edi- tor Railway and Corporation Law Journal ; lecturer on American law in Paris and Lille ; author of a number of works on law and jurisprudence ; member of many international societies of law and legislation. Clubs : American, Paris and Authors', London. Created Chevalier August 8, 1913. Present address: 24 Boulevard des Capucines, Paris, France. BEACH, S. H. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Officier. Last address: 220 West Air Line, Gastonia, N. C. BEACH, WILLIAM D. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y. ; educated at City College of New York, and U. S. Military Academy. Was Provincial Governor, Santa Clara Province, Cuba ; Served as Brigadier General and Commander, Eighty-eighth Division, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Author of several books on military subjects. Clubs: Army and Navy, Chevy Chase, Washington, D. C. 40 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Created Officier May 15, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address : Camp Jackson, S. C. BEARSS, H. I. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Officier. Last address : Ridgeview, Peru, Ind. BEATTY, OSCAR HENRY. Lawyer. Director General, American Relief. Created Chevalier October 25, 1916; promoted Offi- cier April 25, 1919. BEAUCHAMP, FELIX. Served as Captain, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address: Sitka, Alaska. BECK, JAMES MONTGOMERY. Lawyer. Born in Philadelphia and educated at Moravian College. Was Assistant Attorney General, United States. General counsel American Sugar Refining Company; trustee and director financial institutions; author "The Evidence in the Case" and "War and Humanity." Created Officier December 27, 1918, in recognition of literary achievements. Address: 55 Wall Street, New York City. BECK, ROBERT McC., Jr. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Officier March 16, 1919. Last address: War Department, Washington, D. C. OF FRANCE 41 BEDFORD, ALFRED COTTON. Chairman Board of Directors Standard Oil Company. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., and educated at Adelphi Acad- emy and private schools in England, Germany and Switzerland. Actively interested in the oil industry; director nu- merous corporations ; member Council of National De- fense. Clubs: Metropolitan, Bankers', Down Town, Riding and Driving, Nassau Country and Piping Rock (New York) and Duquesne (Pittsburgh). Created Chevalier December 27, 1918, in recognition of services during the War. Address : 410 Clinton Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. BEEBE, R. B. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address: War Department, Washington, D. C. BEEUWKES, HENRY. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Jamesburg, N. J., and educated at Johns Hop- kins University. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, Medical Corps, with A. E. F. in France. At present member General Persh- ing's Staff. Member Army and Navy Club, Washington. Created Officier September 15, 1919, in recognition of services during the war. Has also D. S. M. Present address : War Department, Washington, D. C. BEHN, HERNAND. Engineer. Born in Saint Thomas, V. I. ; educated at private schools. President, Cuban Telephone Company, Porto Rico Telephone Company, Cuban American Telephone and 42 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Telegraph Company, President, Behn Brothers, Inc., San Juan, Porto Rico. Clubs: New York Yacht; Metropolitan, Washington, D. C. ; Country, Yacht, Habana ; Union, San Juan. Created Chevalier January 12, 1915, in consideration of special services to the French Government. Has also Busto de Bolivar (Venezuela). Present address : Box 270, Habana, Cuba. BEHN, SOSTHENES. Banker. Born in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands ; educated at private schools. President, Insular Chamber of Commerce, Porto Rico, and Havana Docks Company ; Vice-President, Cuban Telephone Company ; Chairman, Porto Rico Tele- phone Company. Organizer, Insular Chamber of Com- merce, Porto Rico; Cuban-American Telephone Com- pany; and Porto Rico Telephone Company. Clubs : Metropolitan^ New York and Washington ; Country, Union, Tennis, American, Yacht, Casino Espanol, Havana. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Liaison Officer during the war. He has also D. S. M. and Busto de Bolivar (Venezuela). Present address: P. O. Box 270, Havana, Cuba. BEHRENDT, AUGUST F. Lawyer. Born in Koenigsberg, Germany ; studied at Kansas City School of Law. Member of firm Turpin, Godard & Behrendt, Kansas City. Created Chevalier May 14, 1919, in recognition of services rendered during the war. He has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: 934-38 New York Life Bldg., Kan- sas City, Mo. OF FRANCE 43 BELKNAP, CHAUNCEY. Lawyer. Born in Roselle, N. J., and educated at Princeton Uni- versity and Law School of Harvard University. Member of Princeton Club, of New York. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Present address: 448 Central Park West, New York City. BELL, ALEXANDER GRAHAM. Scientist, Inventor. Born in Edinburgh, Scotland. Educated at Edinburgh and London Universities. Inventor of Telephone and Photophone, Founder of American Association to Promote Teaching of Speech to the Deaf, Regent Smithsonian Institution, Founder of Volta Bureau. Author of many scientific and educa- tional monographs, including Memoir on the Formation of a Deaf Variety of the Human Race, and Graphical Studies of Marriages of the Deaf. Awarded; by the French Government the Volta Prix. Member of National Academy of Sciences. Created Officier November 11, 1881, in recognition of his inventions. Present address: 1331 Connecticut Avenue, Washing- ton, D. C. BELL, GEORGE, Jr. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Ft. McHenry, Ind. ; educated at United States Military Academy, Cornell University and Univer- sity of Minnesota. Was in command of Thirty-third Division, A. E. F. in France during the War. At present Major General, in command, Camp Grant, 111. Clubs: Army and Navy, Washington, Manila; Uni- versity, Buffalo; Toltec, El Paso. Created Commandeur May 5, 1919, in consideration of 44 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES services rendered during the War. He has also D. S. M., St. Michael and St. George (England), and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: Camp Grant, 111. BELMONT, PERRY. Diplomat. Born in New York City and educated at Harvard Uni- versity, University of Berlin and Columbia Uni- versity. Was member of United States Congress ; Minister to Spain ; served iti; Spanish-American War as inspector general ; active in securing ballot reform legislation ; author many papers on economic and political subjects. Clubs : Metropolitan, Union, University, Manhattan, Army and Navy, Yacht, Athletic, Riding, Coaching. Fencers', Turf and Field and Jockey (New York), Met- ropolitan (Washington) and Rhode Island Yacht. Created Commandeur October 6, 1900, in recognition of aid in, securing Congressional acceptance of invitation to participate in Paris Exposition. Has also Sacred Treasure (Japan). Present address : 1618 New Hampshire Avenue, Wash- ington, D. C. BENDER, DANIEL W. Officer, U. S. Marine Corps. Born in Jersey City, N. J. ; educated at Dartmouth College. Created Chevalier in recognition of services rendered during the War. He has also Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: 4928 Larchwood Avenue, Philadel- phia, Pa. BENEDICT, E. RAYMOND. Farmer. Born in Buda, 111. ; educated at University of Nebraska. Was Inspector, U. S. Forest Service; Forester, Forest Branch, British Columbia, Canada ; served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. in France. OF FRANCE 45 Created Chevalier April, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered in France during the War. Present address : General Delivery, Portland, Ore. BENfeT, MRS. LAURENCE V. Born in Georgetown, D. C., and educated at the George- town Collegiate Institution. Actively interested in benevolent institutions. Created Chevalier October 24, 1919, for "active, gen- erous and devoted aid rendered the Department of War during the entire War." Has also: Medal of Honor (Gold), from the French Republic; Gold Medal from the Queen of Montenegro and the Medal of Thanks from the Princess of Belgium. Present address : 1 Avenue de Camoens, Paris, France. BENfiT, LAURENCE VINTON. Mechanical Engineer. Born at West Point, N. Y., and educated at Tale Uni- versity. Ensign U. S. Navy ; sometime President American Chamber of Commerce in Paris, American Ambulance and American Club in Paris ; sometime Vice-President American Hospital in Paris, Union des Colonies fitran- geres en Paris and American Society of Mechanical En- gineers ; at present Vice-President Hotchkiss et Cie. Clubs: Metropolitan and Army and Navy (Washing- ton), University (New York), American (London) and Aero, American, St. Cloud Country and Cerclei Artis- tique et Literaire (Paris). Created Chevalier March 1, 1906; Officier, January 30, 1911, and Commandeur February 11, 1918, for "emi- nent services in the relief of the wounded, 1914-1918." Present address: 22 rue Caumartin, Paris, France. BENJAMIN, RAY N. Engineer. Born in Greenwood, S. C. ; educated at Clemson Col- lege, S. C. Was Teacher, Mathematics and Manual Training, El- 46 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES berton, Georgia; Director, Manual Arts Department, High Schools, Fitzgerald, Ga. ; served as First Lieu- tenant, Engineers, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier May 14, 1919, in recognition of services rendered during the War. He has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm and silver star. Present address: 80 West End Avenue, Atlanta, Ga. BENKARD, JOHN PHILIP. Banker. Born in Paris, France ; educated at Columbia Uni- versity. Participated in the Spanish-American War and Cuban occupation ; served as Major, A. E. F. in France dur- ing the War. Clubs: Metropolitan, Washington, D. C. ; Knicker- bocker, New York. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as* Liaison Officer with French Army during the War. Present address: 61 Broadway, New York City. BENNETT, JOHN BRADBURY. Served as Brigadier General, A. E. F. Created Officier7 Last address: 43 W. 44th Street, New York City. BENNETT, LUCIUS C. Officer, U, S. Army. Born at Green Springs, Ohio and educated at public and private schools. Served as Captain and Major in the regular army and as Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel in the National Army. Created Chevalier June 4, 1918, for services ren- dered during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre. Present address: Aberdeen, S. Dak. OF FRANCE 47 BENNION, HOWARD S. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Vernon, Utah, and educated at the U. S. Mili- tary Academy. Served with A. E. F. as Lieutenant Colonel of En- gineers. Created Chevalier December 11, 1919, for services as Chief of Road Repair Corps in the liberated regions. Club : Army and Navy, Washington. Present address: Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. BENSON, STUART. Banker. Born in Detroit, Mich. ; educated at University of Michigan. Editor, Writer and Publicity Manager. Created Chevalier June 13, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre. Present address: 71 Broadway, New York City. BENSON, WILLIAM S. Officer, U. S. Navy. (Retired.) Born in Macon, Ga., and educated at U. S. Naval Academy. Served in various grades of naval service from cadet midshipman to admiral ; commanded ships of different types also commanded a division and served as chief of naval operations. Clubs: Army and Navy, Washington; N. Y. Yacht; Catholic, of New York. Given Grand Cross, April 28, 1919, for exceptional services in the war against the Central Empires. Has also: D. S. M., Cross of St. Michael and St. George (England) and St. Gregory (Papal). Present address: The Wyoming, Washington, D. C. 48 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES BENTON, HARWOOD O. Banker. Born in Oberlin, Kan. ; educated at Washburn College, Topeka. Vice-President, Oberlin National Bank. Author : An Aid to Kansas History ; From the Depths of the Un- known, and other stories. Served as Lieutenant, A. E. F. Created Chevalier May 6, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address : Oberlin, Kan. BERG, HART O. Created Chevalier, January, 1901. Last address : 54 Avenue Montaigne, Paris, France. BERLITZ, MAXIMILIEN. Educator. Founder Berlitz School of Languages. Created Officier January 26, 1912. BERRY, BENJAMIN SCHOFIELD. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Chester, Pa. ; educated at Pennsylvania Mili- tary College. Served as Major, U. S. Marines, A. E. F. in France. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Chevalier May 14, 1919, in consideration of "bravery in action at Belleau Wood," France. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm and star. Present address: Navy Yard, Philadelphia, Pa. BERRY, GEORGE C. Farmer, Lumberman. Born in Lee Valley, Tenn. Made a report on labor conditions abroad. President, Printing and Pressmen's Union ; served as Major, Engineer Corps, A. E. F. in France. OF FRANCE 49 Created Chevalier in recognition of services rendered in France during the War. Present address: Pressmen's Home, Tenn. BERRY, WALTER VAN RENSSELAER. Attorney at Law. Born in Paris, France, and educated at Harvard Uni- versity. Counsellor to French, Italian and German Embassies and Belgian, Dutch and Swiss Legations in Washington, D. C. ; Member International Court, Cairo ; President, American Chamber of Congress, Paris ; actively inter- ested in international affairs. Clubs : Metropolitan, Washington, and University, New York. Created Officier September 10, 1918. Has also Crown and Sts. Maurice and Lazarus (Italy). Present address : American Chamber of Commerce, Paris, France. BERTRON, SAMUEL READING. Banker. Born in Port Gibson, Miss. ; educated at Yale University. Founded banking firm Bertron & Storrs now Bertron, Griscom & Co., New York and Philadelphia ; trustee or director of several banking and industrial corporations; was active in peace negotiations between Italy and Turkey, 1912 ; member, Special Diplomatic Mission to Russia, 1917 ; member, Presidential Commission on Bel- gian Relief; Vice-President, War Relief Clearing House for France and allies. Advisor on Excess Profit Tax Board. Clubs: Metropolitan (Washington), Jekyl Island (Ga.), University, Metropolitan, Down Town, Riding, Yale, N. Y. Yacht, Tuxedo (New York). Created Chevalier February 9, 1920, in recognition of his services in France. Has also Crown (Italy). Present address: 935 5th Avenue, New York City. 50 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES BETHEL, WALTER AUGUSTUS. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Ohio and educated at George Washington Uni- versity and U. S. Military Academy. Served in various grades of the Army from Second Lieutenant to Brigadier General. Created Commandeur in recognition of services dur- ing the War. Present address : War Department, Washington, D. C. BICKNELL, ERNEST PERCY. Deputy Commander, Am. Nat. Red Cross. Born near Vincennes, Ind., and educated at University of Indiana. General Superintendent, Chicago Bureau of Charities ; Director General, Civilian Relief, American National Red Cross ; was an active participant in many reform movements in Chicago and elsewhere ; represented Red Cross at San Francisco, in Sicily and Calabria ; repre- sented United States at Intenational Red Cross Con- gress, London ; president or director of many charity organizations ; Member, U. S. Commission to Assist Americans to Return from War Zone ; Member, Rocke- feller Foundation War Relief Commission ; Deputy Com- mander and Red Cross Commander, in charge civilian relief for Belgium. Created Officier May 14, 1919, in recognition of his Red Cross work. Present address : American National Red Cross Build- ing, Washington, D. C. BIDDLE, CHARLES J. Attorney at Law. Born in Andulusia, Pa. ; educated at Princeton and Harvard Universities. Served as Captain Air Service, A. E. F. in France. Author of "The Way of the Eagle." Clubs : Princeton Colonial, Nassau, Philadelphia Rac- quet and Princeton Club. OF FRANCE 51 Created Chevalier April 9, 1919, in recognition of services rendered in France during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre, with four palms, and Leopold (Bel- gium ) . Present address : 505 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. DIDDLE, D. H. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address : War Department, Washington, D. C. BIDDLE, WILLIAM S. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Detroit, Mich, (son of William S. and Susan Dayton Biddle), educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served as Major, Adjutant General, A. E. F. in France during the War. Member of Army and Navy Club (Washington) and Arlington Club (Portland). Created Chevalier July 19, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also citation from Commander in Chief, A. E. F. for meritorious and conspicuous services. Present address: Arlington Club, Portland, Ore. BINGHAM, ERNEST G. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Talladega, Ala.; educated at University of Ala- bama and University of Buffalo. Served all grades, Medical Corps, U. S. Army, from First Lieutenant to Colonel. Created Officier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Member, Fourth Section, General Staff and Chief Surgeon, District of Paris, during the War. Has also D. S. M. and Sts. Maurice and Lazarus (Italy). Present address: Headquarters, Western Department, San Francisco, Cal. 52 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES BINGHAM, THEODORE A. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Andover, Tolland Co., Conn., and educated at Yale University and U. S. Military Academy. Passed through the various grades in the Army to Brigadier General. Was Military Attache to U. S. Legation at Berlin, 1889-1892; Military Attache to U. S. Legation at Rome, 1892-1894. Member of Metropolitan Club, Washington, D. C., and Century Club, New York. Created Officier 1902, in consideration of services ren- dered as a member of Rochambeau Commission. Present address: 59 W. 45th Street, New York City. BIRNIE, ROGERS. Officer, U. S. Army. (Retired.) Born in Carroll County, Md., and educated at the U. S. Military Academy. Passed through the various grades of the Army, Ord- nance Corps, to Major. Was in charge of gun con- struction at various places in the United States ; mem- ber Ordnance Board and Board of Engineers. Member Century Association, New York. Created Chevalier September 18, 1880, in recognition of services rendered at French Army Manoeuvres. Present address: 511 Fifth Avenue, New York City. BIRNIE, UPTON, Jr. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Carlisle, Pa., and educated at the U. S. Military Academy. Served with A. E. F. as Colonel. Created Officier April 4, 1919, for "distinguished mili- tary service to Allied Cause." Has also ,D. S. M. Leopold (Belgium) and Sts. Maurice and Lazarus (Italy). Present address: War Department, Washington, D. C. OF FRANCE 53 BISCHOFF, CLIFFORD EDWARD. Student. Born in Superior, Wis., and educated at the Universi- ties of Wisconsin and Illinois. Served as Captain of Infantry with A. E. F. in France; member Executivte Committee 32d Division Veteran Association. Created Chevalier May 5, 1919, for "valor on the bat- tlefield." Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with Palm and Gold Star. Present address: 340 West Fourth Street, Superior, Wis. BISHOP, MISS MARY CUNINGHAM. Created Chevalier June 18, 1918. BISHOP, WILLIAM H. Surgeon. Born in Lockport, N. Y. Educated at Lockport Union School and Hahnemann Medical College, Philadel- phia, Pa. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. Member of Calumet Club, New York City. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in recognition of services rendered France as surgeon in the War. Present address : 667 Madison Avenue, New York City. BIXBY, WILLIAM HERBERT. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Charlestown, Mass., and educated at Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology, U. S. Military Academy, U. S. Engineer School and the French School of Bridges and Highways. Served in various grades in the Engineer Corps to Brigadier General and Chief of Engineers ; member va- rious commissions on river and harbor improvements ; inspected engineering works abroad ; author of Com- puting Tables and many reports and monographs on engineering topics. 54 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Clubs: Cosmos and Army and Navy (Washington) and University (New York). Created Chevalier February 18, 1880, in recognition of achievements in engineering. Present address: Army Building, Chicago, 111. BJORNSTAD, ALFRED W. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in St. Paul, Minn. ; educated at University of Min- nesota. Was Director, General Staff College, Author of sev- eral military books and numerous articles in military periodicals. Clubs : Chevy Chase, Md. ; Army and Navy, Riding and Hunt, and Minneapolis, Washington, D. C. ; Minne- sota Boat, St. Paul. Created Officier May 10, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered during the War. Has also D. S. M. and D. S. C., Croix de Guerre, and La Solidaridad (Panama). Present address: 2400 Sixteenth Street, Washington, D. C. BLACKINTON, GEORGE W. Engineer. Born in Flint, Mich. ; educated at University of Mich- igan. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. At present connected with Continental Motor Corporation, Detroit, Mich. Member of Union Club, Denver, Colo. Created Chevalier May 9, 1919, "for coolness, initia- tive and decision in action September 13, 1918." Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address : 356 Continental Avenue, Detroit, Mich. OF FRANCE 55 BLACKMAR, PAUL. Business Manager. Born in Detroit, Mich. ; educated at public schools of Detroit. Was formerly Manager or Trustee of large business concerns in the United States; Superintendent of Col- lections, Columbian Exposition ; similarly connected with the Californian Midwinter International Exposition, San Francisco; Director of Affairs for the Commissioner General of the United States to Paris Exposition 1900. At present, General Manager, The United Glass Bottle Manufacturers, Ltd., London, England. Created Chevalier January, 1901, in consideration of services rendered at Paris Exposition, 1900. Present address : 195 Strand, London, W. C. 2, Eng- land. BLAKE, EDMUND MOLYNEUX. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in South Carolina ; educated at University of the South; Virginia Military Institute; U. S. Military Academy. Served all grades in U. S. Army from Second Lieu- tenant to Colonel ; participated in the Spanish-Amer- ican War and Cuban occupation. At present, Inspector General, U. S. Army, Ancon, Canal Zone. Member of several service clubs. Created Officier July 26, 1919, in consideration of serv- ices rendered as Liaison Officer in France during the War. Present address : Ancon, Canal Zone. BLAKE, JOSEPH AUGUSTUS. Surgeon. Born in San Francisco, Cal., and educated at Yale and Columbia Universities. Assistant Demonstrator, Anatomy, Instructor Surgery and Professor, College Physicians and Surgeons ; con- 56 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES suiting surgeon, St. Luke's and Roosevelt Hospitals ; surgeon in American Ambulance, at Neuilly, France; medecin chef, Johnstone-Reckitt Hospital and Red Cross Hospital No. 2, Paris; Major, Medical R. C. Clubs: University, Century, Yale (New York), Cercle Interallie, Travellers (Paris). Created Chevalier May 18, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered in France. Present address : 5, rue Beaujon, Paris, France. BLAMER, DE WITT. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Independence, Iowa, and educated at the U. S. Naval Academy. Served in the various grades of the Navy from Junior Lieutenant to Captain; Chief of destroyer force, Atlantic Fleet; chief of cruiser force, Atlantic Fleet. Created Officier in recognition of services during the War. Present address: Navy Department, Washington, D. C. BLANCHARD, HAROLD. Officer, U. S. Army. (Retired.) Born in Boston, Mass., and educated at Harvard Uni- versity. Secretary and Treasurer, The Marine Museum, Inc., Boston, Mass. Served as Major, A. E. F. Clubs : Somerset, Tennis and Racquet and Harvard, of Boston and New York. Created Chevalier May 5, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. C. ; Croix de Guerre, with one Palm. Present address: 925 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. BLANCK, CARROLL T. Telephone and Telegraph Engineer. Born at Greensburgh, Pa., and educated in public and private schools. OF FRANCE 57 Served as Major in the Signal Corps, A. E. F. in France and as Staff Officer in the Signal Corps. Created Chevalier July 26, 1919, for "technical as- sistance rendered the French civilian and military au- thorities in telegraph and telephone services." Present address: 810 Sheldon Building, San Fran- cisco, Cal. BLAYNEY, LINDSEY. University Professor. Born in Lebanon, Ky. ; educated at Centre College of Kentucky, and Universities of Heidelberg, Grenoble, Goettingen. Was Professor, Central University of Kentucky ; Albert Kahn Fellow to Far East ; served as Lieutenant Colonel, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Chief of Mili- tary Mission for American Peace Commission in Ger- many after Armistice. At present, Professor Rice Uni- versity, Houston, Texas. Lecturer and Author of sev- eral books and many articles in educational, literary and military press. Clubs : Country, Houston ; Yacht, University, Fine Arts, New York ; Army and Navy, Volney, Paris. Created Officier August 15, 1919, "for boldness, dash, devotion, activity and risks beyond the line of duty." Has also White Eagle (Serbia), St. Sauveur (Greece), and Croix de Guerre, with two palms. Present address : Rice University, Houston, Texas. BLISS, TASKER HOWARD. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Lewisburg, Pa., and educated at Bucknell Uni- versity and the U. S. Military Academy. Served in various grades of the Army from Second Lieutenant to General; participated in Porto Rico cam- paign ; special envoy to Cuba ; commanded departments in the Philippines; Military Attache U. S. Legation, Madrid ; Divisional Commander ; President, War Col- lege ; Member Supreme War Council in France ; Mem- ber Peace Commission. 58 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Clubs : Army and Navy, Metropolitan and Chevy Chase (Washington) and University (New York). Created Grand Cross December 27, 1918, for services rendered during the War. Present address: War Department, Washington, D. C. BLISS, MRS. ROBERT WOODS. Created Chevalier September 29, 1919. BLUMENTHAL, FERDINAND. Created Chevalier. Last address: 315 West 99th Street, New York City. BLUMENTHAL, GEORGE. Banker. Born in Frankfort-on-Main, Germany ; educated in public schools. Member firm of Lazard & Freres, bankers, New York ; director of several industrial concerns ; Presi- dent, Mount Sinai Hospital ; Trustee, Metropolitan Mu- seum of Art ; Vice-President, United Hospital Fund. Member, National Institute Social Sciences. Created Chevalier December 22, 1919. Present address : 50 East 70th Street, New York City. ELY, ROBERT. Train Auditor. Born in Sherman County, Neb. ; educated at public schools. Served as First Lieutenant, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. At present, Captain, U. S. Reserves. Created Chevalier May 5, 1919, in recognition of "ex- traordinary heroism on the battlefield" during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre. Present address : Little Rock, Ark. OF FRANCE 59 BOGGS, FRANK C. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Swedesboro, N. J. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Colonel, General Staff. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Officier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Engineer Purchasing Officer, Paris, during the War. Present address : War Department, Washington, D. C. BOLLES, FRANK C. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Elgin, 111. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served as Colonel, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Created Officier May 14, 1919, in recognition of bravery in action in command of Thirty-Ninth Infantry Regiment, A. E. F. in France. Has also D. S. M., D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm and star. Present address : Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. BOLLING, RAYNAL C. Lawyer. Born in Arkansas and educated at Harvard University. General Solicitor U. S. Steel Corporation and director various corporations. Appointed head of the aeroplane board and served with the Aviation Section, U. S. Signal Corps, with the rank of Colonel, in the A. E. F. in France. Created Officier for services rendered during the War. Present address : Dublin Road, Greenwich, Conn. BONBRIGHT, WILLIAM PRESCOTT. Banker. Born in Philadelphia, Pa. President, Bonbright & Co., Inc., New York; Member, Bonbright & Co., Paris and London. Member of Metropolitan, Midday, Banker, and Rail- road Clubs of New York. 60 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Created Chevalier December 27, 1918, in recognition of services rendered the French Government during the War. Present address : 521 Park Avenue, New York City. BOOTH, ALFRED J. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Albany, N. Y. Served as Adjutant General, General Headquarters, A. E. F. in France. Created Officier July 26, 1919, "for valuable services rendered the Allied cause" during the War. Has also D. S. M. and Sts. Maurice and Lazarus (Italy). Present address: Camp Upton, N. Y. BOOTH, EWING E. Officer, U. S. Army. Served as Brigadier General, A. E. F. Created Officier. Last address: U. S. Embassy, Paris, France. BORSCH, JEAN LOUIS. Oculist. Created Chevalier February 22, 1918, for hospital services. BOURNE, JOSEPH BAKER. Served as Captain, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address : 76 East 80th Street, New York City. BOWDITCH, EDWARD N. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Albany, N. Y. ; educated at Harvard University. Was Secretary to Governor General Philippine Is- lands ; Secretary for Moro Province, Philippine Islands ; Secretary to receiver of Brazil Railway Company. Member of Harvard Club, New York ; Boston. OF FRANCE 61 Created Officier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in France during the War. Has also D. S. M., Distinguished Service Order (England), Crown (Italy), Crown (Belgium), and Danilo 1 (Montenegro). Present address : 614 Sears Building, Boston, Mass. BOWIE, JOHN F. Lawyer. Born in San Francisco, Cal. ; educated at Phillips-Exe- ter Academy; University of California. Served as Major, Quartermasters Corps, United States Army, and Special Counsel, United States Liquidation Committee, War Department, during the War. Member of University Club, San Francisco. Created Chevalier in consideration of services ren- dered during the War. Has also Military Cross (Eng- land). Present address: 2111 Pacific Avenue, San Fran- cisco, Cal. BOWLEY, ALBERT J. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in California ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Officier in consideration of services ren- dered during the War. Has also D. S. M., Croix de Guerre, with four palms and one silver star, Chia Hua (China), and La Solidaridad (Panama). Present address : Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. BOWMAN, GEORGE T. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Buffalo, N. Y., and educated in public and private schools. Served as Colonel with the A. E. F. in France. 62 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES At present Colonel of Cavalry, General Staff Corps, U. S. Army. Created Officier April 4, 1919, for services as Chief of Personnel Division, G-l, American General Head- quarters. Present address : War Department, Washington, D. C. BOYD, WILLIAM Y. Officer, U. S. Navy. Created Chevalier April 18, 1919. Last address: 661 Avenue E, Bayonne, N. J. BRABSON, FAY W. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Greenville, Tenn., and educated at the Uni- versity of Tennessee and Vanderbilt University. Participated in Philippine and Mexican campaigns. Served with grade of Colonel, as Instructor Gen- eral Staff College in France and Chief of Staff, 88th Division. At present Instructor General Service Schools, Fort Leavenworth. Member Hermitage Club, Nashville. Created Officier June 13, 1919, for "duties performed in an unusually efficient and satisfactory manner." Has also Victory Badge, with three stars (U. S.). Present address : Fort Leavenworth, Kan. BRABSON, JOE R. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Greenville, Tenn. ; educated at University of Tennessee. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, Field Artillery, A. E. F. in France. At present, Assistant Department Quar- termaster, Ancon, Canal Zone. Created Chevalier June 13, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Chief of Staff, Twenty-Eighth Di- vision, A. E. F. in France. Has also D. S. M. Present address: Ancon, Canal Zone. OP FRANCE 63 BRADLEY, FRANCIS. Served as Captain, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address: 18 Madison Street, Bartow, Fla. BRADY, FRANCIS M. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Yonkers, N. Y. ; educated at Columbia University. Was President, Freshman Class, Columbia College, 1916. Served as First Lieutenant, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier April 22, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with two palms. Present address : Camp Pike, Ark. BRANDUS, EDWARD. Created Chevalier August 4, 1907. Last address: 569 Fifth Avenue, New York City. BRECHEMIN, LOUIS, Jr. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Chevalier March 16, 1919. Last address : Camp Mercedes, Texas. BRECK, EDWARD. Officer, U. S. Navy. (R. F.) Born in San Francisco, Cal. ; educated at Oberlin, Am- herst, Cambridge (England), and Leipzig (Ger- many). Executive of Historical Section, U. S. Navy. Was U. S. Assistant Naval Attache, Berlin, 1898, U. S. Naval Attache 1918-1919. Author of a number of pamphlets, articles, and books. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Chevalier October, 1919, in recognition of services rendered during the War. Has also Order of Aviz (Portugal), Order of Christ (Portugal), and Distinguished Service Naval Medal (Portugal). Present address: The Benedick, Washington, D. C. 64 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES BRECKINRIDGE, JOHN C. Served as Captain, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address: 1155 Park Avenue, New York City. BREES, HERBERT JAY. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Laramie, Wyo. ; educated at University of "Wyo- ming ; Infantry and Cavalry School ; Staff College ; Army War College. Served as Colonel, General Staff, and Chief of Staff, Seventh Army Corps, A. E. F. in France. At present, Major of Cavalry, Instructor, General Service Schools, Fort Leavenworth. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Officier June 13, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. M. Present address : Fort Leavenworth, Kan. BRENT, CHARLES HENRY. Bishop. Born in Newcastle, Ontario; educated at Trinity Uni- versity, Toronto. Was Bishop of the Philippine Islands ; Senior Chap- lain, A. E. F. in France during the War. At present, Bishop of Western New York. Author of several vol- umes on Religion. Created Officier in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. M., Commander of the Bath (England), and Leopold (Belgium). Present address: 662 Ellicott Square, Buffalo, N. Y. BRERETON, LEWIS H. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Allegheny, Pa., and educated at St. John's Col- lege and the U. S. Naval Academy. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, Air Service, with A. E. F. in France. At present Air Attache, American Embassy, Paris. Clubs: Army and Navy, Washington, and Travelers', Paris. OF FRANCE 65 Created Officier, September 8, 1918, for exceptional services with 6th Army (French) at Chateau-Thierry. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with two palms. Present address: American Embassy, Paris, France. BRESLIN, JAMES E. Student. Born in Boston, Mass., and educated at Exeter Acad- emy, Princeton University and Trinity College. Attended Officers' Training Camp at Plattsburg ; served as Lieutenant, Rainbow Division ; participated in Cha- teau-Thierry, St. Mihiel and Argonne offensives; wounded and gassed. Created Chevalier for "penetrating enemy's lines." Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address : Trinity College, Hartford, Conn. BRETT, LLOYD M. Officer, U. S. Army. (Retired.) Born in Maine and educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served as Colonel, in command of Infantry Brigade, A. E. F. in France. Created Officier for services in command of 160th In- fantry Brigade, A. E. F. in France during the War. Has also Medal of Honor and D. S. M. Present address: 1440 M Street N.W., Washing- ton, D. C. BRETT, SERENO E. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Portland, Ore., and educated at Oregon State College. Served as Major, Tank Corps, with A. E. F. in France and now holds same rank in the Tank Corps of the regular Army. Created Chevalier May 14, 1919, for exceptional field services during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: Camp Meade, Md. 66 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES BREWER, GUY S. Served as Major, A. E. F. Created Officier. Last address : 1215 York Street, Des Moines, la. BREWER, JOHN ROWE. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Charnbersburg, Pa., and educated at Prince- ton University and the University of Pennsylvania. Entered U. S. Army as Second Lieutenant and passed through the various grades to Lieutenant Colonel. Par- ticipated in the Spanish-American War and the Philip- pine Campaign. Clubs: Army and Navy (Washington, New York and Manila) and Princeton (New York). Created Officier June 13, 1919, for services with the A. E. F. during the War. Has also citation for Philip- pine service. Present address : Camp Jackson, S. C. BREWSTER, ALDEN FARLEY. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Chicago and educated at St. John's Military Academy and U. S. Military Academy. Served in various grades in the army from Second Lieutenant to Colonel. Created Officier July 26, 1919, for services rendered as Assistant to Chief of Artillery, A. E. F. Present address : Fort Sill, Okla. BREWSTER, ANDRfi WALKER. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in New Jersey and educated in public and private schools and Army War College. Served in various grades from Second Lieutenant to Major General. Was Inspector General. Created Commandeur in recognition of services ren- dered during the War. Present address : War Department, Washington, D. C. OF FRANCE 67 BRICKER, EDWIN D. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Officier. Last address: War Department, Washington, D. C. BRIDGES, CHARLES H. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in White Hall, 111.; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served as Major, A. E. F. in France. Created Officier June 13, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered as Assistant Chief of Staff, Sixth Army Corps, A. E. F. in France. Has also D. S. M. Present address: 2400 Sixteenth Street N.W., Wash- ington, D. C. BRIDGMAN, FREDERICK ARTHUR. Artist. Born in Tuskegee, Ala., and educated in Brooklyn Art School and National Academy of Design ; studied with Gerome. Painter of figure and oriental and archaeological pic- tures. Has received first and second class medals at Paris and Continental Exhibitions ; author and com- poser. Created Chevalier, 1878, in recognition of art achieve- ments. Has also St. Michael (Bavaria). Present address: 146 Boulevard Malesherbes, Paris, France. BRIESEN, ARTHUR VON. Lawyer. Born in Borkendorf, Germany ; educated, Prussian Gym- nasium, Hohenstein, Braunsberg; New York Uni- versity. President Legal Aid Society 1890-1916. Delegate to Universal Congress, Lawyers and Jurists, St. Louis, 1904. 68 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Member of City, German, Unitarian, and Channing Clubs, New York. Created Chevalier March 15, 1906, for work done for French subjects by the Legal Aid Society. Has also Crown (Prussia). Present address: 25 Broad Street, New York City. BRIGGS, ALLEN L. Officer, U. S. Army. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Offlcier February 3, 1920. Last address : War Department, Washington, D. C. BRINTON, JASPER YEATES. Lawyer. Born in Philadelphia, Pa. ; educated at Episcopal Acad- emy, and University of Pennsylvania. Was formerly Assistant U. S. Attorney, Philadelphia ; Served as Lieutenant Colonel and Judge Advocate, A. E. F. in France. Director, Pennsylvania House of Refuge, and Philadelphia Society for Organizing Char- ity ; Vice-President, Public Education Association. Clubs: Philadelphia, Racquet, Art, Country Club, Philadelphia ; Knickerbocker, Coffee House, New York ; Metropolitan, Washington, D. C. Created Chevalier in recognition of services as Sec- tion Officier, Renting, Requisition, and Claim Service, Base Section 2, in France during the War. Present address: 124 South 19th Street, Philadel- phia, Pa. BRITTAIN, WILLIAM S. Tool Maker. Born at Button's Bay, Mich., and educated at public and private schools. Served as Lieutenant, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier September 5, 1918, "Full of courage and inspired by offensive spirit, went beyond the main OF FRANCE line and captured" a number of German officers and many men and guns. Has also D. S. C., Croix de Guerre with palm and Croix de Guerre with Gold Star. Present address: 703 Margaret Street, Flint, Mich. BROOKE, MARK. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Columbia, S. C. ; educated at Haverford Col- lege ; University of Pennsylvania ; and U. S. Mili- tary Academy. Served as Colonel A. E. F. in France. Clubs: Army and Navy, Chevy Chase, Washington, D. C. Created Officier April 4, 1919, in recognition of "serv- ices rendered at Base Section No. 5, Brest, France," during the War. Present address : Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. BROOKS, W. B. Served as Captain, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address: 24 Commerce Street, Baltimore, Md. BROWN, ELWOOD STANLEY. Secretary, Y. M. C. A. Born in Cherokee, Iowa, and educated at Wheaton Col- lege and Y. M. C. A. Training School. Secretary Far Eastern Athletic Association ; Director Department of Athletics, A. E. F., Y. M. C. A.; Direc- tor-General Interallied Games ; Secretary for Physical Education, Foreign Department, Y. M. C. A., originated and directed construction of Pershing Stadium. Member New York Athletic Club. Created Chevalier July, 1919, for stimulating the ath- letic and play-life in France. Has also the Redeemer (Greece). Present address : 347 Madison Avenue, New York City. 70 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES BROWN, E. A. Officer, U. S. Army. Created Offlcier November 11, 1918. BROWN, G. A. Gunner, U. S. Navy. Created Chevalier. Last address: Navy Department, Washington, D. C. BROWN, JAMES. Banker. Born in New York City ; educated abroad and at Co- lumbia University. Has been prominent in International, Commercial and Financial Banking. Took prominent part in negotiation and distribution of the foreign loans placed in the United States during the War. President, Mercantile Bank of the Americas. Leading member, Brown Brothers & Co., New York, Philadelphia and Boston. Created Chevalier January 2, 1919, in recognition of financial services rendered in the French Republic and the Banque de France. Present address: 59 Wall Street, New York City. BROWN, LYTLE. Engineer. Born in Nashville, Tenn. ; educated at Vanderbilt Uni- versity, and U. S. Military Academy. Served as Brigadier General, A. E. F. in France. Created Officier in consideration of his services as Assistant Chief of Staff, A. E. F. in France during the War. Has also D. S. M. and Commander of the Bath (England). Present address : Florence, Ala. BROWN, MARSHALL W. Consulting Engineer. Born in Erie, Pa. ; educated at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Engineer on the constructon of many railroads, tun- nels and bridges. Was on the Technical Advisory Com- OF FRANCE 71 mission to the Czecho-Slovak government. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. Member of Society of Civil Engineers. Created Chevalier. Present address : Nyack, N. T. BROWN, PRESTON. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Lexington, Ky., and educated at Yale University. Entered the Army in 1894 and passed through the various grades to Brigadier General. Created Commandeur May, 1919, for services as Chief of Staff 2d Division, at Chateau-Thierry, Soissons and St. Mihiel. Has also D. S. M. and Crown (Belgium). Present address : Army General Staff College, Wash- ington, D. C. BROWN, ROBERT A. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Delaware County, Pa. ; educated at U. S. Mili- tary Academy. Served in all grades in U. S. Army from Cadet to Brigadier General. Was in command Eighty-Fourth Brigade, A. E. F. in France. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington and New York. Created Offlcier December 11, 1918, in consideration of services in German offensive of July 15, 1918. Has also Croix de Guerre, with two palms. Present address: Fort Sam Houston, Texas. BROWN, WALTER LYMAN. Mining Engineer. Born in California and educated at the University of California. Director, Commission for Relief in Belgium ; Director for Europe, American Relief Administration European Children's Fund; European Representative, U. S. Grain Corporation. Clubs: American and Mining and Metallurgical, London. 72 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Created Chevalier January 7, 1919, for services in feed- ing occupied France during the War. Has also Crown (Belgium). Present address : 12 Grosvenor Gardens, London, S. W., England. BROWNE, BEVERLY F. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Accomac, Va. ; educated at Protestant Epis- copal Academy, Philadelphia, and U. S. Military Academy. Major, Field Artillery, U. S. Army ; held temporary rank of Brigadier General, A. E. F. in France. Created Officier in consideration of services rendered in France during the War. Present address : Fort Myer, Va. BROWNING, WILLIAM S. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., and educated at the U. S. Military Academy. Passed through all the grades of the Army from Lieutenant to Colonel. Member American Section Su- preme War Council, Versailles. Created Officier September, 1919, for services as Member Supreme War Council. Has also : D. S. M., Distinguished Service Order (Great Britain) and La Solidaridad (Panama). Present address: War Department, Washington, D. C. BROWNSON, WILLIAM HERBERT. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Lyons, Wayne Co., N. Y. ; educated at High School and United States Naval Academy. Was Superintendent, United States Naval Academy. Member of University, Union and New York Yacht Clubs, New York ; Army and Navy, Metropolitan and Alibi Clubs, Washington, D. C. Created Officier August 2, 1902, in recognition of courtesies shown the Rochambeau Commission. Present address : Navy Department, Washington, D. C. OF FRANCE 73 BRUCE, ANDREW D. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in St. Louis, Mo. ; educated at Agricultural and Mechanical College, of Texas. Served all grades in U. S. Army from Second Lieu- tenant to Colonel. Created Chevalier May 14, 1919, for "efficient handling of battalion and gallantry in action in the Champagne offensive." Has also D. S. C. and three Croix de Guerre, two with palm and one with gold star. Present address: Div. M. G. Officer, Headquarters, 22d Division, Camp Travis, Texas. BRUN, G. S. Lawyer. Created Chevalier February 24, 1920. Last address : San Francisco, Cal. BRUSH, CHARLES FRANCIS. Capitalist, Inventor, Scientist. Born in Euclid, Ohio ; educated at University of Michigan. President or Director of many large business cor- porations. Founder of the Arc Electric Lighting Industry ; re- cipient of the Edison Medal. He has also received the Rumford Medal from American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Member of University Club, New York; Union, Uni- versity and Country Clubs, Cleveland ; Winous Point Hunting Club; Royal Societies Club, London. Created Chevalier, 1881, in recognition of his electrical inventions. Present address: 481 The Arcade, Cleveland, Ohio. BRYAN, CHARLES S. Business Executive. Born in New York City; educated at Princeton Uni- versity. Former Governor, New York Stock Exchange ; Presi- 74 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES dent or Director of different companies and banks. Has written various pamphlets and articles on Preparedness ; served with A. E. F. as Lieutenant Colonel. Member of University, Army and Navy, and New York Athletic Clubs. Created Chevalier March 26, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address : 78 Irving Place, New York City. BUCK, BEAUMONT B. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Mayhew, Miss. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served all grades in U. S. Army from Second Lieu- tenant to Major General. At present Colonel, U. S. Infantry, Commanding Laredo District. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington and Manila. Created Chevalier August 2, 1918, and promoted Com- mandeur November 11, 1918, in consideration of his services "in battles near Soissons culminating in the capture of Benzy-le-Sec." Has also D. S. C., Croix de Guerre and War Cross (Italy). Present address: Fort Mclntosh, Laredo, Texas. BUCKNER, EDMUND GARNETT. Business Executive. Born in Louisville, Ky., and educated at public and private schools and Kentucky Wesleyan University. Was in the banking business ; actively engaged in the manufacture of smokeless powder ; Vice-President E. I. du Pont de Nemours Company in this capacity was charged with filling war contracts. Clubs : Union League, Philadelphia ; Country, Wil- mington ; Chevy Chase, Washington ; Sailfish, Palm Beach and Yacht, New York. Created Chevalier December 27, 1918, for services rendered during the War. Present address : 1308 Delaware Avenue, Wilming- ton, Del. OF FRANCE 75 BUDD, ARTHUR D. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Meriden, Conn., and educated at the U. S. Military Academy. Passed through the various grades of the Army from Lieutenant to Lieutenant Colonel. Member Manhattan Club, New York. Created Chevalier April 19, 1919, for "combat action." Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre. Present address : War Department, Washington, D. C. BUDD, KENNETH P. Merchant. Born in New York City ; educated at St. Mark's School and Harvard University. Served as Major, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. At present, member, firm William Iselin & Company, New York City. Clubs : Knickerbocker, Racquet and Tennis, Harvard, Meadow Brook, New York City. Created Chevalier May 5, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address : 357 Fourth Avenue, New York City. BUFORD, EDWARD, Jr. Bond Salesman. Born in Nashville, Tenn., and educated at Vanderbilt University. Served as Captain in U. S. Air Service during the War. Created Chevalier December 18, 1918, in recognition of service rendered at Chateau-Thierry. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre. Present address : Rookery Building, Chicago, 111. BULLARD, ROBERT LEE. Officer, U. S. Army. Born near Youngsborough, Ala., and educated at A. and M. College of Alabama and at U. S. Military Academy. 76 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Served in various grades in the Army from Cadet to Lieutenant General. Secretary public instruction in Cuba; established Infantry Officers' School in France; commanded 2d Army, A. E. F., and also 3d Corps, A. E. F. ; participated in practically all American campaigns. Contributor to magazines on military, social and eco- nomic subjects. Created Commandeur for "exceptional meritorious and distinguished services commanding a Division Army Corps and Field Army against the enemy." Has also D. S. M., Leopold (Belgium) and Sts. Maurice and Laz- arus (Italy). Present address: Governors Island, New York. BUNDY, OMAR. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in New Castle, Ind. ; educated at De Pauw Uni- versity and United States Military Academy. Served at Major General, A. E. F. Created Commandeur May 5, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in command of American troops iu France. Present address : Camp Lee, Va. BURKHAM, ROBERT. Lawyer. Born in Sioux City, Iowa ; educated at Princeton Uni- versity. Associate City Counselor of the City of St. Louis ; General Counsel, Board of Education of St. Louis. Clubs: Racquet, St. Louis Country, Noonday, St. Louis, Mo. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Chief Claims Officer, A. E. F. in France. Present address : 5035 Westminster Place, St. Louis, Mo. OF FRANCE 77 BURLINGAME, CLARENCE CHARLES. Surgeon. Created Chevalier May 14, 1919, for services as Di- rector American Red Cross. Present address: 192 Hartford Road, S. Manchester, Conn. BURLINGHAM, Served as Medical Director American Red Cross with rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Created Chevalier September 5, 1919. BURNETT, CHARLES. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Conard, Tenn., and educated at U. S. Military Academy. Participated in the Philippine and Mexican Border campaigns ; served as Colonel, A. E. F. in France. At present Military Attache, American Embassy, Tokyo, Japan. Member of University Club (Washington). Created Officier June, 1919, for "co-operation with and assistance to the French while Chief of Staff at St. Nazaire." Has also Rising Sun (Japan). Present address : American Embassy, Tokyo, Japan. BURNETT, FRANK C. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Casey, Iowa, and educated at the Northwestern University. Served as Colonel of Infantry and Deputy Adju- tant General with the A. E. F. in France. Member Army and Navy Club, Washington. Created Officier April 4, 1919, for services during the War. Has also D. S. M., Distinguished Service Order (Engand), Leopold (Belgium), Sts. Maurice and Lazarus (Italy) and Solidaridad (Panama). Present address: 2400 16th Street, Washington, D. C. 78 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES BURNHAM, WILLIAM POWER. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Scranton, Pa., and educated at Kansas State Agricultural College, U. S. Military Academy, and U. S. Infantry and Cavalry School. Promoted from ranks and served in various ranks to Major General. Commandant, Army Service School, Fort Leavenworth. Brigade Commander during War, in France. Author of numerous books and monographs on mili- tary subjects. Clubs : Army and Navy, Washington, and Bohemian, San Francisco. Created Officier May 5, 1919, for "brilliantly command- ing 82d Division A! E. F." Has also Medal of Merit (Greece), Croix de Geurre with Palm, and Com- panion of the Bath (England). Also Spanish War, Cuban occupation, Philippine Insurrection, Victory (three stars). Present address : Fort McDowell, Cal. BURNS, HAROLD. Served as Lieutenant, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address: 20 La Grange Street, Worcester, Mass. BURR, GEORGE HOWARD. Created Officier May 14, 1919, for services as Commis- sioner American Red Cross. Present address: 120 Broadway, New York City. BURR, WILLIAM E. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Oregon ; educated at St. Marks School, South- boro, Mass. ; Harvard University ; and United States Military Academy. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Chevalier December, 1918, in consideration of services rendered in France during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre. Present address: 1431 Rhode Island Avenue, Wash- ington, D. C. OF FRANCE 79 BURTT, WILSON B. Served as Brigadier General, A. E. F. Created Officier. Last address : War Department, Washington, D. C BURRY, WILLIAM. Attorney at Law. Born in Montreal, Canada, and educated at Harvard University. Engaged in the practice of Law ; was President of L'Alliance Francaise in Chicago ; author of numerous articles on American Law, published in French Jour- nals ; actively interested in promoting better relations between France and the United States. Clubs: Chicago, University (Chicago) and others. Created Chevalier, August 10, 1910, in recognition of services as counsel for France for twenty years. Present address: 108 S. La Salle Street, Chicago, 111. BURTON, LE GRAND STERLING. Created Chevalier January 9, 1913. Last address : 108 N. Clark Street, Chicago, 111. BUTCHER, A. M. Served as Captain, A. E. F. Created Chevalier July 30, 1919. Address unknown. BUTLER, CHARLES STUART. Physician. Created Chevalier November 26, 1919, in recognition of services in the hospitals. Address unknown. 80 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES BUTLER, NICHOLAS MURRAY. University President. Born in Elizabeth, N. J., and educated at Columbia, Berlin and Paris. Dean Faculty of Philosophy and President Columbia University. Actively interested in educational, political, social, economic, industrial, benevolent and financial activities. Editor of "Educational Review" and of several educa- tional series. Author of many works on philosophy and education. Member of numerous societies of art, literature and philanthropy. Clubs: Union, Century, Church, Metropolitan, Uni- versity, Republican, Lotos, Round Table, Columbia Uni- versity, Barnard, Authors', St. Andrew's Golf, Apawamis Golf (New York) and Metropolitan, of Washington. Created Officier 1906, and promoted to Commandeur April 23, 1912. Has also Red Eagle (Prussia) and Redeemer (Greece). Present address : 60 Morningside Drive, New York City. BUTTERFIELD, ARTHUR DEXTER. Professor. Born in Dunstable, Mass. ; educated at Worcester Poly- technic Institute ; Columbia University ; Clark Uni- versity. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. in France. At present, Professor, Mathematics and Geodesy, Wor- cester Polytechnic Institute. Author of books and vari- ous papers on geodetic subjects. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Present address: 10 Schussler Road, Worcester, Mass. OF FRANCE 81 CABELL, JULIAN M. Officer, U. S. Army. (Retired.) Born in Richmond, Va. ; educated at University of Vir- ginia. Participated in the Indian Wars, Spanish-American War and Mexican Campaign; was Chief Surgeon, Hos- pital ship "Maine" in South African War ; served as Lieutenant Colonel, in command of Base Hospital at St. Denis, France, with rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Clubs : University, New York ; Army and Navy, Wash- ington, D. C. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in recognition of services rendered during the War. Present address : Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. CABELL, ROBERT H. Served as Captain, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address : 4 rue Chalgrin, Paris, France. CACHARD, HENRY Lawyer. Born in New York City ; graduate of Academy of France. Was Counsellor at Law of New York Supreme Court and of the Federal Courts of the United States ; Licen- tiate at Law of the Law Academy of Paris ; President of the American Chamber of Commerce of Paris. Pub- lisher of French Civil Code in English, 1895. Clubs : University, New York, and Automobile, Paris. Created Chevalier July 15, 1897, and promoted Offi- cier July, 1906, in consideration of services rendered French Government. Present address : 68 rue Boissiere, Paris. CAHILL, HARRY F. Served with A. E. F. as Captain. Created Chevalier. Last address: 104 West 58th Street, New York City. AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES CAHN, DAVID Banker. Created Chevalier October 30, 1889, for services ren- dered French Benevolent Societies. Last address : Lazard Freres, Paris, France. CALKINS, RAYMOND ROSSE Banker. Born in St. Joseph, Mo. ; studied at St. Joseph High School. Vice-President, American National Bank, St. Joseph, Mo. ; President, Missouri Bankers' Association. Served as Major, U. S. Army, during the War. Member of St. Joseph Country Club. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in the operation of Finance Office, Bordeaux, France, during the War. Present address : American National Bank, St. Jo- seph, Mo. CALL, DONALD MARSHALL Actor. Born in New York City; educated at De Witt Clinton High School and American Academy of Dramatic Arts. Served as Lieutenant, A. E. F. in France during the War. Member of City Club, New York. Created Chevalier in recognition of "bravery under fire in the Argonne offensive." Has also Medal of Honor (U. S.), Croix de Guerre, with palm and silver star, and Danilo 1 (Montenegro). Present address : 29 East 38th Street, New York City. CALLAN, ROBERT E. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Baltimore, Md. ; educated at University of Ten- nessee and United States Military Academy. Served as Brigadier General, A. E. F. in France. Clubs: Army and Navy, Chevy Chase, Washington, D. C. OF FRANCE Created Officier May "29, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. M. and Crown (Italy). Present address: The Rochambeau, Washington, D. C. C ALLEN, NATHANIEL ERNEST Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Knoxville, Tenn. ; educated at Grant University. Created Chevalier May 14, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in the War. He has also D. S. C., Distinguished Service Order (England) and Croix de Guerre. Present address : Camp Pike, Ark. CAMERON, GEORGE H. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Ottawa, 111. ; educated at United States Mili- tary Academy. Director, Army War College ; Commandant, The Cav- alry School, Fort Riley, Kan. ; Commanded Fifth Army Corps, A. E. F. in France. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C., and Manila. Created Commandeur May 5, 1919, in recognition of services rendered France during the War. Has also Companion of Bath (England). Present address : Fort Riley, Kan. CAMPBELL, DOUGLAS Exporter. Born in San Francisco, Cal. ; educated at Harvard Uni- versity. Distinguished himself by shooting down seven enemy airplanes during the War. Member of Harvard Club, New York City. Created Chevalier January 1, 1919, in recognition of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with three palms. Present address: Harvard Club, New York City. 84 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES CAMPBELL, HENRY COLIN. Editor. Born in Wild Rose, Waushara Co., Wis., and educated at public schools of Milwaukee. Editor, Milwaukee Journal ; member Milwaukee School Board ; life member and curator, Wisconsin State His- torical Society ; Student of early history of the North- west and the work of pioneer explorers and missionaries and contributor to various historical publications. Author of "Wisconsin in Three Centuries." Clubs: University (Madison), Milwaukee Press, Mil- waukee Athletic, City (Milwaukee) and City (New York). Created Chevalier September 20, 1919. Present address : 560 Prospect Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis. CAMPBELL, JAMES ANSON Business Executive. Born in Trumbull County, Ohio, and educated at Hiram College. President Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company ; director numerous financial and industrial corporations. Member Duquesne Club, Pittsburgh ; India House, New York and local clubs. Created Chevalier December 27, 1918, for co-opera- tion in supplying materials to the Allies. Present address: Stambaugh Building, Youngstown, Ohio. CAMPBELL, RALPH GEORGE. Served as Major, A. E. F. Created Officier February 8, 1919. Address unknown. CAPEHART, WADLEIGH Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Portsmouth, N. H. ; educated at U. S. Naval Academy. OF FRANCE 85 Served as Lieutenant Commander, Air Service, A. E. F. in France. Advisor to Brazilian Government in all matters relating to Naval Aviation. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Chevalier in consideration of services ren- dered, "in command of Air Station at Fromentiere, Vendee, France," during the War. Present address: U. S. Embassy, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. CARD, DANIEL P. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Smyrna, N. Y. ; educated at Colgate University, and Bellevue Hospital. Held the various grades in the Medical Corps, U. S. Army, from Lieutenant to Colonel. Member of professional and scientific organizations. Created Chevalier 1918, for "work in French Hospitals and assistance in securing supplies" during the War. Has also War Cross (Italy). Present address : West Point, New York. CAREW, GEORGE. Pilot Sues Canal. Created Chevalier March 26, 1915. CARLSON, ERNEST E. Consulting Engineer. Born at Odebolt, Iowa, and educated at the University of Iowa. Was county surveyor, engineer on various railroads in the United States and in Cuba and designed and con- structed sewer and water works in various parts of Iowa. Created Chevalier in 1919 in recognition of services as Captain of Engineers during the War. Present address : Battle Creek, Iowa. 86 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES CARPENTER, CHARLES E. Served with A. E. F. as Captain. Created Chevalier. Last address : 166 Faubourg St. Honore, Paris, France. CARR, JAMES A. Manufacturer. Born in Hamilton, Ohio, and educated at public schools. President of the American Seeding Machine Company and the Jones Hardware Company, Richmond, Ind. ; Vice-President First National Bank, Richmond. Created Chevalier July 2, 1919, in recognition of services rendered as Manager of the Allied Purchasing Commission during the War. Present address: Richmond, Ind. CARROLL, CHARLES. Created Chevalier April 18, 1918, for services in Amer- ican Red Cross. CARROLL, PHILIP A. A ttorn ey-a t-Law. Born in Baltimore, Md., and educated at Harvard University. Entered Air Service and served as Captain, Major and Lieutenant Colonel. Clubs : Maryland, Baltimore and Knickerbocker, New York. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, for meritorious serv- ice with A. E. F. Present address : 142 East 30th Street, New York City. CARROLL, WILLIAM M. J. Served as Captain, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address: 47 Orient Way, Rutherford, N. J. OF FRANCE 87 CARSON, JOHN M. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Philadelphia, Pa.; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Participated in the Spanish-American war, Porto Rican occupation, and the Philippine campaign. Was Adjutant, U. S. Military Academy and U. S. Cavalry ; Quartermaster and Officer in Charge of Construction, U. S. Military Academy. Clubs: Army and Navy, Washington and New York. Created Commandeur April 4, 1919, in recognition of his services in France as Deputy Chief Quartermaster, A. E. F. during the War. Present address: 11 East 53d Street, New York City. CARTER, A. F. Officer, U. S. Navy. Created Chevalier. Last address: The Woodward Apartments, Wash- ington, D. C. CARTER, EDWARD CLARK Secretary, Y. M. C. A. Born in Lawrence, Mass., and educated at Phillips Acad- emy and Harvard University. Entered Y. M. C. A. work in 1899 and has served as secretary with various associations in this country, in India and England; was Chief Secretary, A. E. F., Y. M. C. A. Created Chevalier July 2, 1919, in consideration of "the distinguished success of the American Y. M. C. A. in promoting the welfare of the American Army and thus being a factor in the success of the Allied Cause." Has also Kaisar-i-hind (India) and Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (Britain). Present address : 347 Madison Avenue, New York City. 88 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES CARTER, JOHN RIDGELY. Diplomat, Banker. Born in Baltimore, Md., educated at Trinity College and Harvard Law School. Was second secretary, American Embassy, London ; secretary, Charge d'Affaires and Minister to Roumama, Serbia and Bulgaria ; accredited as minister plenipo- tentiary in temporary charge of embassy at Constanti- nople. Entered J. P. Morgan & Company, 1912; made partner Morgan, Harjes & Company, Paris ; Treasurer, American Red Cross in Europe. Clubs: Metropolitan (Washington); Knickerbocker (New York) ; Marlborough, Turf, Bachelors', St. James', Prince's Beefsteak (London) ; Cercle de 1' Union, Trav- ellers', Cercle Interallie (Paris). Created Chevalier May 9, 1919, for services to French wounded during the War. Present address : 14 Place Vendome, Paris, France. CARTY, JOHN J. Electrical Engineer. Born in Cambridge, Mass., and educated at Stevens In- stitute of Technology. Actively interested in the telephone development and extension ; Member National Research Council ; member National Academy of Sciences ; member of numerous scientific societies at home and abroad. Recipient of many medals. Commissioned Major, S. O. R. C. on Staff Chief Signal Officer; promoted to Colonel; with American Peace Commission. Now Chief Engineer, American Telephone and Telegraph Company. Clubs: St. Botolph (Boston), Century, Lotos, Engi- neers, University and Railroad (New York), Short Hills, Baltusrol (New Jersey). Created Officier in recognition of services during the War. Has also D. S. M. and Sacred Treasure (Japan). Present address: 195 Broadway, New York City. OF FRANCE 89 CASAD, ADAM F. Officer, U. S. Army. Born near Delphi, Ind., and educated at the U. S. Mili- tary Academy. Passed through the various grades of the Army from Lieutenant to Colonel. Served during the War as ordnance officer. Created Officier for "valuable services as Chief Ord- nance Officer at General Headquarters, France." Has also D. S. M. and Leopold (Belgium). Present address : Ft. Sam Houston, Texas. CASPER, JOSEPH Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address : War Department, Washington, D. C. CASSADY, THOMAS Bond Salesman. Born at Spencer, Ind., and educated at the University of Chicago. Served as Lieutenant with the flying squadron, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier August 6, 1918, for "aerial vic- tories." Has also: Distinguished Service Cross, with Oak Leaf and Croix de Guerre, with three Palms and two Gold Stars. Present address: 611 Metropolitan Bank Building, Minneapolis, Minn. GATES, CLIFTON B. Officer, U. S. Marine Corps. Born in Tiptonville, Tenn., and educated at the Uni- versity of Tennessee. Cited for exceptional bravery and heroism in the engagements of the 4th Brigade, 2d Division. Created Chevalier for services during the War. Has also D. S. C. (two citations) and Croix de Guerre (four citations). Present address: Marine Barracks, Washington, D. C. 90 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES CATLIN, ALBERTUS W. Officer, U. S. Marine Corps. (Retired.) Born in Gowanda, N. Y., and educated at the U. S. Naval Academy. Participated in the Spanish-American war, the Cuban pacification and the Philippine campaign. Served in the various grades in the Marine Corps from Second Lieutenant to Brigadier General. Retired on account of wounds. Author of "With the Help of God and a Few Marines." Created Officier November 11, 1918, for services as Commander of 6th Regiment of Marines in attack on Belleau Woods. Has also Congressional Medal of Honor and Croix de Guerre. Present address: 1405 6th Street, Washington, D. C. CAUCHOIS, OSCAR R. Transportation Expert. Born in New York and educated in the public and pri- vate schools. Director General Freight Traffic for the United States and Canada, Compagnie Generate Transatlantique. Clubs : Manhattan, Whitehall and St. Andrews. Created Officier December 27, 1918, "for facilitating shipments of war material from the United States to France during the War." Has also Officier d' Academic (France). Present address: 19 State Street, New York City. CAULDWELL, JOHN BRITTON Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., and educated at Lycee Tuffier and Columbia University. Was Director, U. S. Fine Arts Department, Paris Exposition, 1900 ; Member Advisory Board expositions of Buffalo, St. Louis and San Francisco. Clubs : Century, University and Metropolitan, New York City. Created Officier January 31, 1901, in recognition of services rendered at Paris Exposition, 1900. Present address: Century Club, New York City. OF FRANCE 91 CAUSEY, WILLIAM B. Technical Adviser to the Austrian Government. Born in Suffolk, Va. Served in France as Captain in 17th Railway' En- gineers, was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel in same service. Was President Allied Railway Mission with headquarters at Vienna and was also member of the Danube River Commission. Was created Omcier for services rendered during the War. Present address: 9 Elizabeth Strasse, Vienna, Austria. CAVANAUGH, JAMES B. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Illinois; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, Engineer Corps, A. E. F. in France. Clubs: Army and Navy, Chevy Chase, Metropolitan, Washington, D. C., Arlington and Waverley, Portland, Oregon. Created Officier April 4, 1919, for services rendered as Assistant Chief of Staff, Service of Supplies, A. E. F. in France. Has also D. S. M. Present address: 216 Post Office Building, Portland, Oregon. CAVENAUGH, HARRY LaT. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Fort Douglas, Utah; educated at United States Military Academy. Created Officieri August 9, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm and star. Present address: General Staff College, Washington Barracks, Washington, D. C. CAYGILL, HARRY W. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Montclair, N. J. ; educated at Columbia Uni- versity. 92 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Served as Lieutenant, A. E. F. Created Chevalier December 1, 1918, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address : Camp Travis, Texas. CHACE, MASON C. Created Chevalier December 27, 1918. CHADBOURNE, WILLIAM M. Served as Major, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address: 27 W. 44th Street, New York City. CHAMBERLAINE, WILLIAM. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Virginia and educated at U. S. Military Academy and Coast Artillery School. Served in various grades of the Army from Second Lieutenant to Brigadier General. Was Assistant to Chief of Artillery ; member General Staff ; Assistant Chief of General Staff, Philippine Division. Clubs : Metropolitan, Chevy Chase and Army and Navy, Washington, D. C. Created Officier for "the important part taken by the 2d Division under his command in the offensives of July to November, 1918." Has also Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address : Headquarters Hawaiian Depart- ment, Honolulu, H. I. CHAMBERS, REED M. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Onaga, Kan. Served as Major, Air Service, A. E. F. in France. At present Commanding First Pursuit Group, Kelly Field, Texas. Created Chevalier in recognition of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre. Present address: Kelly Field, Texas. OF FRANCE 93 CHAMPENY, ARTHUR S. Merchant. Born in Briggsville, Wis. ; educated at Washburn Col- lege, Topeka, Kan. Served as Captain, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. At present in Milling and Grain Business. Created Chevalier May 9, 1919, in recognition of bravery and resourcefulness in action during the War. Has also D. S. C. Present address : Oxford, Kan. CHANDLER, CHARLES DeF. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Cleveland, Ohio; educated at Case School of Applied Science, Cleveland. Chief, Balloon and Airship Division, U. S. Army. Member of numerous Aeronautic and Military Asso- ciations. Clubs : Athletic, Cleveland ; Chevy Chase, Md. ; Army and Navy, Washington, D. C., and Manila, P. I. Created Officier April 4, 1919, in consideration of serv- ices rendered as Chief of Balloon Service, American Army in France, during the War. Has also D. S. M. Present address: 1424 K Street N.W., Washington, D. C. CHANLER, MRS. WILLIAM ASTOR. Created Chevalier March 29, 1919, for services as President, Lafayette Hero Fund. Present address : Barrytown, N. Y. CHAPIN, LINDLEY HOFFMAN PAUL Lawyer. Born in New York City; educated at Harvard Uni- versity. Served as Captain, Cavalry, detailed on General Staff, A. E. F. in France. Clubs: Ardsley, Union, New York; Harvard, Boston. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of 94 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES services rendered as representative of Section 4, Gen- eral Headquarters, A. E. F. at Interallied Headquarters. Has also D. S. M. and Military Cross (England). Present address: 261 Broadway, New York City. CHARTIER, GEORGE MARIE Consulting Engineer. Representative of large mining interests in the West. Member of California Club, Los Angeles, Gal. Created Chevalier, January 18, 1901, in consideration of services rendered at Paris Exposition, 1900. Present address: 1130 Title Insurance Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. CHATFIELD-TATLOR, HOBART C. Author. Born in Chicago, 111. ; educated at Cornell University. Was Editor, American, 1888-90; Consul of Spain at Chicago, 1892-94 ; Author of numerous books, and con- tributor to various' magazines and periodicals. Member of Union, Century and Players' Clubs, New York ; Metropolitan, Washington, D. C. ; Chicago, Uni- versity, Cliff Dwellers' Clubs, Chicago. Created Chevalier January 5, 1907. Has also: Order of L'Instruction Publique (France), Sts. Maurice and Lazarus (Italy), Crown (Italy), Crown (Belgium), Isa- bella the Catholic (Spain), St. James (Portugal), Order of the Bust of the Liberator (Venezuela). Present address: 69 West Washington Street, Chi- cago, 111. CHEVALIER, GODFREY DE COURCELLES. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Providence, R. I.; educated at U. S. Naval Academy. Served as Lieutenant Commander, U. S. Navy, on duty in France during the War. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. 0. OF FRANCE Created Chevalier for "establishing first American sea- plane base in France and commanding same with dis- tinction." Has also Navy Cross (U. S.) and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address : Office of Operations, Navy Depart- ment, Washington, D. C. CHRISTOPHER, JOHN C. Business Executive. Born in Red Oak, Iowa, and educated in public and private schools. Served as Lieutenant Colonel with A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier May 5, 1919, for "skillful manage- ment of assault on Hill 212, near Sergy." Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with Silver Star. Present address : Red Oak, Iowa. CHURCHILL, MARLBOROUGH Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Andover, Mass. ; educated at Phillips-Andover Academy, and Harvard College. Assistant Chief of Staff; Director of Military Intelli- gence. Created Officier December 1, 1918, in recognition of services rendered in co-operation with French General Staff during the War. Has also Companion of the Bath (England), Crown (Italy) and Leopold (Belgium). Present address : 2301 Connecticut Avenue, Washing- ton, D. C. CLARK, CHARLES BROOKS. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Medford, Mass.; educated at Tufts College; U. S. Military Academy; St. Louis Law School and Washington University. Served with the Canadian Corps at Lens and with the English in Flanders; was sent as a General Staff officer to 89th and 81st Divisions, A. E. F. 96 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Created Officier July 26, 1919, for services rendered as Chief of Staff, Base Section No. 7, Service of Sup- ply, A. E. F. in France. Present address : Denison University, Granville, Ohio. CLARK, JOHN H., Jr. Lawyer. Born in Flushing, N. Y. ; educated at Princeton University. Member of law firm Hayward, Clark & Goldmark, New York City. Served as Captain, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier January 10, 1919, in recognition of "gallantry in action" during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address : 120 Broadway, New York City. CLARK, PAUL HEDRICK. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Chicago, 111. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C., Manila, P. I. Created Officier November 11, 1918, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. M., Croix de Guerre, with palm, and La Solidaridad (Panama). Present address: General Staff College, Washing- ton, D. C. CLARKE, ALBERT P. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Officier. CLARKE, FRANK WIGGLES WORTH. Chief Chemist, U. S. Geological Survey. Born in Boston, Mass. ; educated at Lawrence Scientific School of Harvard University. Was Assistant at Cornell University ; Professor at Howard University and University of Cincinnati ; Chem- ist, U. S. Geological Survey, 1883, to date. Member of Government Board at seven expositions. OF FRANCE 97 Author of about one hundred scientific papers; Hono- rary Curator National Museum. Member of National Academy of Sciences; Past Presi- dent Washington Academy of Science. Member of Cosmos Club, Washington, D. C. Created Chevalier January, 1901, in consideration of services rendered at Paris Exposition, 1900. Present address : U. S. Geological Survey, Washing- ton, D. C. CLARKE, HOWARD. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in New Orleans, La., and educated at the Uni- versity of Louisiana. Served with rank of Lieutenant Colonel as Assistant to the Chief Surgeon, A. E. F. ; in charge of the serv- ice for the evacuation of the sick and wounded in France by hospital trains, ambulances and canal boats. Clubs : Army and Navy, Washington and Manila. Created Chevalier, April 4, 1919, for services during the War. Present address : U. S. Army Hospital, Honolulu. Hawaii. CLEMENS, PAUL B. Director Vocational Education. Born in Polk County, Wis., and educated at the Uni- versity of Wisconsin and the Staff College, A. E. F. Principal, Matt Carpenter School; joint author his- tory of the 32d Division. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, with A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier April 29, 1919 ,"for the praiseworthy manner in which he performed the difficult task of fur- nishing information concerning the enemy, thus render- ing great aid in the engagements of Juvigny and Terny- Sorny." Has also Croix de Guerre. Present address: 1411 John Avenue, Superior, Wis. 98 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES CLENDENIN, JOSEPH. President, American Smelting and Refining Company. Created Chevalier December 27, 1918. CLOMAN, SYDNEY AMOS. Officer, U. S. Army. (Retired.) Born in Deavertown, Ohio ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. in France. Clubs: Pacific Union, Bohemian, Family, Olympic, Press, San Francisco ; Lambs, New York ; Army and Navy, Metropolitan, Washington, D. C. ; Travellers, Paris. Created Officier in consideration of services rendered as Chief, Administrative Liaison Bureau, Paris, during the War. Has also D. S. M., St. Michael and St. George (England), Croix de Guerre, Stanislaus (Russia), and Danilo 1 (Montenegro). Present address: Burlingame, Cal. COBB, FRANK IRVING. Editorial Writer. Born in Shawnee, Va., Editorial writer on Detroit "Evening News" and Detroit "Free Press." At pres- ent, Chief Editorial Writer New York "World." Created Chevalier December 27, 1918, in recognition of literary achievements. Present address: "The World," New York City. COBB, IRVIN (SHREWSBURY). Author. Born at Paducah, Ky., and educated at public and pri- vate schools. Has been reporter, editor and contributor to various papers and magazines; lecturer and author of plays, books of humor and syndicate articles and stories. Clubs: National Press (Washington), Lambs, Green Room, Dutch Treat, Sleepy Hollow, Coffee House and Country Playhouse (New York). OF FRANCE 99 Created Chevalier December 27, 1918, in recognition of literary achievements. Present address : Rebel Ridge, Ossining, N. Y. COB URN, HENRY CLAY, Jr. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Washington, D. C., and educated at Columbian University. Served with the A. E. F. as Colonel, Medical Corps. Member University Club, Washington. Created Chevalier April 7, 1919, for services in France, 1917-1919. Present address : Surgeon General's Office, Washing- ton, D. C. COE, CLARENCE STANLEY. Engineer. Born at Riverside, Iowa, and educated at the University of Minnesota. Entered military service, Colonel of Engineers, from position of Engineer Maintenance of Way, Florida East Coast Railway. Directed construction of Florida Keys viaduct. At present technical adviser to government of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, for construction of storage and yard depot at St. Nazaire, France. Present address : American Legation, Belgrade, Serbia. COE, FRANK WINSTON. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Manhattan, Kan., and educated at Kansas State Agricultural College. Served as Major General, A. E. F. in France. At present, Chief of Coast Artillery. Clubs: Army and Navy, Chevy Chase (Washington). Created Commandeur April 30, 1919, in recognition of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. M., and St. Michael and St. George (England). Present address: 2230 California Street, Washington, D. C. 100 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES COFFER, MRS. L. E. COFFIN, CHARLES A. Financier, Manufacturer. Born in Somerset Co., Maine. President, General Electric Company from its organ- ization until 1913, and since Chairman, Board of Di- rectors ; Member, Chamber of Commerce, N. Y., and Metropolitan Museum of Art. Clubs: Exchange (Boston), Union League, Metro- politan, National Arts, Railroad, Riding, Westchester Country, Bankers' (New York), Sleepy Hollow (Scar- borough), Piping Rock, Nassau Country (L. I.). Created Officier June 8, 1918. Present address : 120 Broadway, New York City. COFFIN, WILLIAM ANDERSON. Artist. Born in Allegheny, Pa., and educated at Yale University. Studied Art in United States and in Paris under Leon Bonnat. Painter of landscapes and figure pieces ; has fre- quently exhibited at Paris Salon, National Academy and Society American Artists, New York ; awarded numer- ous prizes and medals at home and abroad ; Art critic, N. Y. "Evening Post," "The Nation" and "The Sun" ; represented in permanent art collections in the United States and Italy ; appointed by French Government honorary attache to French Commission to Panama Exposition, San Francisco. Clubs : Union League, Lotus, Fencers' ( New York ) . Created Chevalier July 13, 1918, in recognition of his art. Present address: 58 West 57th Street, New York City. COFFIN, WILLIAM T. Last address: 576 Fifth Avenue, New York City. OF FRANCE COGSWELL, F. Officer, U. S. Navy. Created Chevalier. Last address: 508 Third Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. COHEN, ALBERT MORRIS. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Atlantic City, N. J. ; educated at U. S. Naval Academy. Commissioned Lieutenant, U. S. Navy, 1915; Assist- ant to Officer in Charge, Navy Publicity Bureau, New York, 1917; received temporary appointment as Com- mander and served as Aide for Aviation, U. S. Naval Forces in France. Created Chevalier April 7, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in connection with operation of U. S. Naval Air Stations in France during the War. Present address: 510 Ludlow Street, Philadelphia, Pa. COHN, ADOLPHE. University Professor. (Retired.} Born in Paris ; educated at Lycee Bonaparte et Louis le Grand, Faculte de Droit, ficole Nationale des Chartes, and ficole des Hautes fitudes, Paris. Was Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures, Columbia University ; President, Alliance Francaise. Now represents in the United States La Bibliotheque et Musee de la Guerre of the French Government. Author and Editor of several text books and contributor to magazines and reviews. Created Chevalier 1900, and promoted Officier July 26, 1913, in consideration of services rendered to French Language and French Population in the United States. Has also Crown (Italy). Present address: Columbia University, New York City. COLE, EDWARD B. Born in South Boston, Mass., and educated at Harvard University. Engaged in mining and brokerage business in Idaho 102 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES and Boston. Lectured extensively in the interest of the Marine Corps ; published numerous articles and mono- graps of the machine gun and its use ; member Ma- chine Gun Board ; made numerous improvements in ma- chine guns ; was Major of Marines and commanded the 6th Machine Gun Batallion, 4th Brigade, 2d Division. Was a member of the Harvard Club, Boston, and the Army and Navy Clubs of Washington and Manila. Created Chevalier, November 11, 1918, "for heroic leadership, resourcefulness and bravery in action at Belleau Woods." Has also D. S. M. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Died from wounds received in battle. COLES, ROY H. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Warren, Ind., and educated at U. S. Military Academy. Captain, Signal Corps, U. S. Army. Held temporary rank of Colonel and was Chief Signal Officer, A. E. F. in France. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Chevalier April 18, 1919, in recognition of services in France during the War. Has also D. S. M. Present address: Army Building, 39 Whitehall, New York City. COLLINS, EDGAR T. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Williamsport, Pa. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Instructor, Army General Staff College, Washing- ton, D. C. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Officier June 13, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Chief of Staff, VI Army Corps, American Army in France, during the War. Has also D. S. M. Present address: General Staff College, Washing- ton, D. C. OF FRANCE 103 COLLINS, JAMES L. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. Created Officier. Last address: War Department, Washington, D. C. COLLIS, LLOYD. Engineer. Born in Philadelphia, Pa. ; educated at St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H. ; and Columbia University. President, Lloyd Collis, Incorporated, General Con- tractors, New York. Constructed Patrick Pipe Line, West Point. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, Quartermas- ter Corps, A. E. F. in France. Author of "Old Glory Waves in Vieux Bordeaux." Member of Columbia University Club, New York. Created Chevalier April 10, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Present address : 4 West 43d Street, New York City. CONE, HUTCHINSON INGHAM. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., and educated at the Univer- sity of Florida and the U. S. Naval Academy. Passed through the various grades of the Navy from Lieutenant to Captain. Served in the Spanish-American war ; commanded a torpedo fleet; head of Bureau of Steam Engineering, with rank of rear admiral ; marine superintendent Pan- ama Canal. Clubs : Army and Navy, Metropolitan and Chevy Chase (Washington) and Yacht (New York). Created Officier April 9, 1919, for "having established and commanded U. S. Naval Aviation Forces in France." Has also Distinguished Service Order and Companion of the Bath (England), and Sts. Maurice and Lazarus (Italy). Present address: Navy Department, Washington, D. C. 104 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES CONGER, ARTHUR L. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Akron, Ohio, and educated at Harvard University. Served as Colonel of Infantry with the A. E. F. in France. Created Officier April 4, 1919, for services as Com- mander 56th Brigade in the Argonne-Meuse offensive. Has also D. S. M. and Croix de Guerre. Present address: Washington Barracks, Washing- ton, D. C. CONNER, FOX. Officer, U. S. Army. Educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served as Brigadier General, A. E. F. in France. At present, Chief of Staff, A. E. F. Created Commandeur April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Chief of G-3, General Staff, A. E. F. in France. Has also D. S. M., Croix de Guerre, with palm, Crown (Belgium), Companion of the Bath (England), Crown (Italy) and La Solidaridad (Pan- ama). Present address: The Toronto, Washington, D. C. CONNOR, WILLIAM D. Officer, U. S. Army. Born near Beloit, Wis., and educated at the University of Iowa and the U. S. Military Academy. Passed through the various grades of the Army from Lieutenant to Brigadier General. Assistant Chief of Staff, A. E. F. ; Chief of Staff 32d Division; Commanding General 63d Infantry and Serv- ices of Supply A. E. F. ; Commanding General A. E. F. in France. Clubs: Army and Navy and Chevy Chase, Wash- ington. OF FRANCE 105 Created Commandeur April 10, 1919, for services dur- ing the War. Has also D. S. M., Companion of the Bath (England) and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: 7 rue de Tilloit, Paris, France. COOK, A. B. Officer, U. S. Navy. Created Chevalier. Last address: Navy Department, Washington, D. C. COOK, EDWARD ADDISON. Lawyer. Born in Lexington, Neb., and educated at the Univer- sity of Southern California. Served as Lieutenant with A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier December 1, 1918, for services ren- dered during the War. Present address: Lexington, Neb. COOK, WALTER. Architect. Created Chevalier July 24, 1912. COOLIDGE, CHARLES ALLERTON. Architect. Born in Boston, Mass., and educated at Harvard Uni- versity, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Architect of buildings for Stanford University, Chi- cago University, Rockefeller Institute, Harvard Medical School and several office and library buildings. Clubs: Somerset and Country (Boston), Chicago (Chi- cago), Century and University (New York). Created Chevalier January, 1901, in recognition of services rendered at Paris Exposition, 1900. Present address : Ames Building, Boston, Mass. COOLIDGE, JULIAN LOWELL. University Professor. Born in Brookline, Mass. ; educated at Universities of Harvard, Oxford and Bonn. 106 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Served as Major, A. E. F. during the War. Professor, Mathematics, Harvard University. Author of books on Geometry. Member of various scientific organizations. Member of Harvard Club, Boston. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Liaison Officer with French General Staff at Paris. Has also 1'Instruction Publique (France). Present address : 27 Fayerweather Street, Cambridge, Mass. COOPER, JOHN WALLACE. Officer, U. S. Army. (Reserve.) Born in Pennsylvania; educated at Westminster, Pa., and Columbia University. General Manager, National Life Insurance Company, Montpelier, Vt. Served as Major, General Staff, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Present address: 1756 West 12th Street, Davenport, Iowa. CORDIER, CONSTANT. Banker. Born in New Orleans, La., and educated at San Marcos College and Harvard University. In the diplomatic and military services of the United States from 1899 to 1919; was Colonel on the General Staff Corps; author of numerous articles on political and economic affairs. Clubs: Harvard and Bankers, New York; Metropoli- tan, Chevy Chase and Army and Navy, Washington. Created Officier December 1, 1918, for "distinguished services rendered France during the War." Has also D. S. M., Sts. Maurice and Lazarus (Italy), Rising Sun (Japan), Redeemer (Greece), Crown (Belgium), Com- panion of the Bath (England), Star (Roumania), War Cross (Czechoslovakia), Wen Ha (China). Present address: 44 Pine Street, New York City. OF FRANCE 107 CORLETT, CHARLES H. Business Executive. Born in Burchard, Neb. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Held various grades in U. S. Army to Lieutenant Colonel, Signal Corps, A. E. F. in France. At present, in live stock and mercantile business. Created Chevalier in consideration of services ren- dered as Deputy to Chief Signal Officer, and Director. Signal Corps Supplies, A. E. F. in France. Has also D. S. M. Present address : Espanola, New Mexico. CORRY, W. M., Jr. Officer, U. S. Navy. Created Chevalier. Last address: U. S. Embassy, Paris, France. COSBY, SPENCER. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Baltimore, Md. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy and Engineer School of Application. Passed through the various grades of the Army, Engineer Corps, from Second Lieutenant to Colonel. In charge of harbor and fortification works, Philadelphia. Mobile and Washington ; in charge of lighthouses in the Philippines. Clubs: Rittenhouse and University (Philadelphia), Metropolitan, Army and Navy and Chevy Chase (Washington). Created Officier February 21, 1917, in consideration of services rendered as Military Attache, American Em- bassy, Paris, 1913 to 1917. Present address : U. S. Engineers' Office, Galveston. Texas. COUDERT, FREDERIC RENfi. Lawyer. Born in New York City and educated at Columbia Uni- versity. 108 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Member law firm Coudert Brothers ; Director or trustee of several banking corporations ; trustee, Co- lumbia University ; Director, Comite France Amerique ; Director, French Alliance in U. S. ; Special Assistant Attorney General, 1913-14; President, National High- ways Protective Society. Clubs : Century, Manhattan, University, Lawyers', Fencers', Seawanhaka (New York). Created Officier July 3, 1918. Present address : 124 East 56th Street, New York City. COX, LEONARD. Architect. Born in New York City; educated at Taft School, and University of Pennsylvania. Was architectural designer with several large con- cerns in New York City. Served as Lieutenant with A. E. F. in France. Member of Princeton Club. Created Chevalier May 5, 1919, in consideration of "gallantry in action at Bazoches, France," during the War. Has also D. S. C., Crown (Belgium), and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address : 130 East 67th Street, New York City. COXE, ALEXANDER B. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Santa Fe, N. Mex., and educated in public and private schools. , Served with rank of Colonel as Chief of Section "B" at General Headquarters, A. E. F. ; at present, Chief. Negative Branch, Military Intelligence Division, General Staff, U. S. Army. Created Officier July 26, 1919, for services during the War. Has also D. S. M. Present address: 2035 Park Road, Washington, D. C. CRAFT, RALPH PAYNE. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in St. Louis, Mo., and educated at the Christian Brothers' College. OF FRANCE 109 Participated in Mexican, Cuban and Philippine cam- paigns ; served in Europe during the War as Com- mander. Created Chevalier 1902. Has also Naval War Cross. Present address : Navy Department, Washington, D. C. CRAIG, LOUIS A. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in West Point, N. Y. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served all grades in U. S. Army from Cadet to Lieu- tenant Colonel. Created Chevalier in recognition of services rendered with the Armistice Commission. Has also Croix de Guerre (France and Belgium), Crown (Belgium) and Distinguished Service Order (England). Present address: 710 Grayson Street, San Antonio. Texas. CRAIG, MALIN. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in St. Joseph, Mo. ; educated at Georgetown University. Served as Chief of Staff, Forty-First Division, First Corps, and Third Army, A. E. F. in France ; Director, General Staff College, Washington, D. C. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Officier in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. M., Companion of the Bath (England), Crown (Italy), Crown (Belgium), and Croix de Guerre. Present address : Washington Barracks, Washing- ton, D. C. CRAMER, AMBROSE COGHILL. Architect. Born in Chicago, 111. ; educated at Yale University. Clubs : University, Casino, Onwentsia, Shoreacres, Saddle and Cycle, Chicago; Yale, New York City. 110 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Created Chevalier April 9, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as aviator during the War. Present address: 2710 Lakeview Avenue, Chicago, 111. CRAVEN, MADAME. Created Chevalier March 16, 1919, for services as Di- rector of Hospital No. 2. CRAVEN, THOMAS TINGEY. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Vallejo, Cal., and educated at U. S. Naval Academy. Served in various grades of the Navy from Ensign to Captain. Participated in Spanish campaign and served at Samoa and in the Philippines. Commanded "Sacra- mento" during War. Created Officier in recognition of services during the War. Present address : Annapolis, Md. CRISSY, J. W. Served as Major, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address: 15 Quincy Street, Rochester, N. Y. CROMWELL, SEYMOUR. Created Chevalier July 31, 1918, for services as Pres- ident, "French-American Fraternity." CROMWELL, WILLIAM NELSON. Lawyer. Educated at Columbia University. Senior of law firm Sullivan & Cromwell; organized National Tube Co., and since then many other corpora- tions ; officer or counsel of more than twenty of the largest corporations in the U. S., and one of the organ- izers of U. S. Steel Corporation; General Counsel, New OF FRANCE 111 Panama Canal Co., of France, and carried through the transfer of the Panama Canal to the United States; director of many industrial concerns. Clubs: Lawyers', Union League, Metropolitan (New York). Created Chevalier September 11, 1919. Present address: 49 Wall Street, New York City. CRONKHITE, ADELBERT. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Litchfield, N. Y. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Participated in the Indian, and Spanish-American wars; Served as Major General, in command of tho Eightieth Division, A. E. F. in France. At present, in command, Coast Artillery Training Center, Fort Mon- roe, Va. Created Commandeur May, 1919, in recognition of his "ability and ardour in making a magnificient fighting unit of his division in the offensive of the Meuse and Argonne." Has also D. S. M., and St. Michael and St. George (England). Present address : Fort Monroe, Va. CROZIER, WILLIAM. Officer, U. S. Army. (Retired.) Born in Carrollton, Ohio ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Inventor of a wire gun, and with General Buffington, the Buffington-Crozier disappearing gun carriage. Was Delegate to International Peace Conference at The Hague, and Chief Ordnance Officer of Peking Relief Expedition. Clubs: University, New York City; Metropolitan. Chevy Chase, Washington, D. C. Created Commandeur September 17, 1905. Present address: 1735 Massachusetts Avenue, Wash- ington, D. C. 112 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES CRUIKSHANK, WILLIAM M. Served as Brigadier General, A. E. F. Created Officier. Last address : War Department, Washington, D. C. CRUSAN, CLYDE B. Officer, U. S. Army. (Retired.) Born at Kelly's Station, Armstrong Co. ; educated at public and private schools and at Infantry and Cav- alry School, Fort Leavenworth, Kan. Served as Chief of Supply, Quartermasters Corps, A. E. F. in France ; Director of Purchases, The Penn- sylvania Coal and Iron Company, and J. S. Wentz Company. Member of Manufacturers' Club, Philadelphia. Created Officier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. M. and Leopold (Belgium). Present address: 1727 Land Title Building, Phila- delphia, Pa. CUBBISON, DONALD CAMERON. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Harrisville, Pa. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. At present, Colonel, Field Artillery, U. S. Army. Created Officier April 28, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Chief of Field Artillery Section, A. E. F. in France. Present address: Fort Sill, Okla. CUDEBEC, ALBERT B. Electrical Engineer. Born at Portage, N. Y., and educated at Cornell Uni- versity. Was supervising engineer, Bond and Share Company ; designed and constructed many important hydro-electric plants ; member various technical and engineering socie- ties ; contributor to scientific periodicals. Served with rank of Major, with A. E. F. in France. OF FRANCE 113 Clubs: Cornell, New York; University, Salt Lake; Athletic, Montclair. Created Chevalier July 26, 1919, for services rendered in the Engineer Corps in electrical power transmission and distribution. Present address: American Express Company, 7 rue Scribe, Paris, France. CUKELA, LOUIS. Served with A. E. F. as Lieutenant. Created Chevalier for services during the War. Has also D. S. M. Last address: Minneapolis, Minn. CULBERT, FREDERIC PAUL. Officer, U. S. Navy, Aviation Corps. Born in Bellevue, Pa. ; studied at Harvard University and United States Naval Academy. Created Chevalier April 11, 1919. Present address : Operations, Navy Department, Washington, D. C. CULLER, ROBERT M. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Martinsburg, W. Va. ; educated at Pennsylvania University and Jefferson Medical College. Participated in the Philippine campaign ; served as Colonel, Medical Corps, A. E. F. in France. Command- ing Officier, Army and Navy General Hospital, Hot Springs, Ark. Member of several professional associations. Created Chevalier April 10, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Chief of Evacuation Service in France during the War. Present address: Army and Navy General Hospital, Hot Springs, Ark. CUNLIFFE-OWEN, FREDERICK. Editorial Writer. Born in London, England. On the editorial staff of the New York "Tribune." 114 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Author of the Ex-Attache, Marquis de Fontenoy and Veteran Diplomat series of letters. Created Chevalier January 8, 1881, in recognition of literary achievements. Has also: Charles III (Spain), Osmanieh (Turkey), 1'Instruction Publique (France) and Orange-Nassau (Netherlands). Present address : New York "Tribune," New York City. CURL, HOLTON C. Officer, U. S. Navy. Commanding Naval Hospital, San Diego, Cal. Created Officier. Present address: Naval Hospital, San Diego, Cal. GUSHING, EDWARD B. Civil Engineer. Born in Houston, Texas, and educated at the Agricul- tural and Mechanical College of Texas. Was Lieutenant Colonel with A. E. F. in France. Has served on the staff of several State Governors ; member Board of Public Works ; President Board of Regents of A. and M. College of Texas ; Assistant Gen- eral Manager of important railways ; member several engineering clubs and societies ; author many reports on railway and engineering projects and operations. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in recognition of services in connection with military transportation. Present address: 2716 Milan Street, Houston, Texas. CUTCHEON, FRANKLIN WARNER M. Lawyer. Born in Dexter, Mich. ; educated at University of Michigan. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, U. S. Army, during the War. Clubs : University, Century, City, Mid-day, Meadow Brook, Piping Rock, New York City ; Metropolitan, Washington, D. C. OF FRANCE 115 Created Chevalier April, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Chairman, Board of Contracts and Adjustments, A. E. F., France. Has also D. S. M. and Companion, St. Michael and St. George (England). Present address: 24 Broad Street, New York City. CUTCHINS, JOHN A. Lawyer. Born in Richmond, Va., and educated at Richmond Col- lege and the University of Virginia. Member City Council, Richmond ; Member American section Permanent International Armistice Commission, Spa, Belgium. Contributor to magazines on military topics. Clubs: University, Westmoreland and Country (Rich- mond). Created Chevalier for services on the Armistice Com- mission. Has also Crown (Belgium) and Croix de Guerre (Belgium). Present address: 1007 W. Franklin Street, Rich- mond, Va. CUTHELL, CHESTER WELDE. Lawyer. Born in New York City and educated at Columbia University. Member firm Kellogg, Emery & Cuthell, New York ; General Counsel, U. S. Shipping Board, Emergency Fleet Corporation ; Delegate, Secretary of State Peace Con- ference. Clubs: Columbia University and several professional associations. Created Chevalier November 16, 1919. Present address: 1626 S Street N.W., Washington, D. C. CUTLER, WILLIAM GIFFORD. Officer, U. S. Navy. (Retired.) Born in Buffalo, N. Y. ; educated at San Francisco High School, and U. S. Naval Academy. 116 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Held various Naval grades up to and including that of Captain. Participated in the Philippine campaign and Cuban occupation. Clubs : Army and Navy, Washington, D. C. ; Yacht, New York City. Created Officier August 30, 1905, in consideration of his services in command of a vessel which participated in bringing the remains of John Paul Jones from Paris to the United States. Present address: 686 La Loma Road, Pasadena, Cal. CUTTER, ALFRED B. Engineer. Born in Marlboro, Mass. ; educated at University of Vermont. Served as Major, Engineers, A. E. F. in France. At present, City Engineer, Everett, Wash. Created Chevalier April 3, 1919, in recognition of services as Section Engineer, Marseilles, France, during the War. Has also Sts. Maurice and Lazarus (Italy). Present address : 3625 Colby Avenue, Everett, Wash. DABNEY, CHARLES WILLIAM. University President. Born in Hampden-Sidney, Va. ; educated at Hampden- Sidney College, University of Virginia and Univer- sities of Goettingen and Berlin. Formerly President of University of Tennessee ; since 1904 President, University of Cincinnati; was Assistant Secretary, Department of Agriculture; first to discover the phosphate deposits in eastern, and tin ore in western North Carolina; Chief, Department of Governments and States' Exhibits, New Orleans Exposition ; Chairman, Board of Managers, Government's exhibits at Atlanta and Tennessee Centennial Expositions; member, Jury Awards, Paris Exposition, 1900. Member numerous sci- entific associations. Author of a number of works on agriculture and education. OF FRANCE 117 Clubs: Cosmos (Washington), University (Cincin- nati, New York). Created Chevalier February 29, 1920. Present address: The Remain, Clifton, Cincinnati, Ohio. DABNEY, GEORGE BIGELOW. Officer, U. S. Army. (Retired.) Born in Boston, Mass. ; educated at Harvard College and Law School. Member of Somerset, Tennis and Racquet, and Har- vard Clubs, Boston. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Officer, Renting, Requisition and Claims during the War. Present address: 909 Exchange Building, Boston Mass. DALY, PAUL. Farmer. Born in New York City and educated at Princeton Uni- versity and the U. S. Military Academy. Served as Major with the A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier December 12, 1918, for effective command of troops in action near Soissons July 19-22, 1918. Has also D. S. C., Croix de Guerre with palm and Gold Star, and War Cross (Italy). Present address: Greenfield Hill, Conn. DANGERFIELD, JAMES, Jr. Engineer. Born in Elgin, 111. ; and educated in private schools. Was formerly Works Manager, Diesel Engine Com- pany, Ghent, Belgium ; served as member, Commission for Relief in Belgium ; appointed Captain, Ordnance De- partment, A. E. F. in France. Was engaged in Relief Work in Roumania ; at present detailed on similar work in Armenia. Created Chevalier April 10, 1919, for technical artil- 118 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES lery work during the War. Has also Crown (Belgium), and Star, with swords (Roumania). Present address: 432 Wethersfleld Avenue, Hartford, Conn. DANNAT, WILLIAM T. Artist. Born in New York and studied at Munich Academy of Arts and with Munkacsy. Medalist Paris Salon and Buffalo Exposition. Clubs : Union Artistique, Y Escrime a 1' pee and Automobile (Paris) and Automobile (Nice). Present address : 45 Avenue de Villiers, Paris, Franco DARCHE, HARRIS A. Chaplain, U. S. Navy. Born in Bourbonnais, 111.; educated at St. Viator Col- lege, Kankakee, 111. Member of Knights of Columbus, and American Bishop. Created Chevalier December 1, 1918, in recognition of services rendered on the battlefields of France during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre with palm. Present address : Navy Department, Washington, D. C. DARLINGTON, JAMES HENRY. Bishop Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., and educated at New York and Princeton Universities. Lieutenant Colonel on Staff of Governor of Pennsyl- vania, Commissioner of Safety of Pennsylvania, head of Serbian Relief Fund, Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Harrisburg. Clubs : St. Nicholas, St. Andrew, St. Georges, Japan and Pilgrims. Created Officier December 27, 1918, for aid to France and efforts to provide food during the War. Has also Leopold II (Belgium), St. Sava (Serbia) and Redeemer (Greece). Present address: 321 North Front Street, Harris- burg, Pa. OF FRANCE 119 DARLINGTON, J. HOWARD. Business Executive. Born in Mazomanie, Wis. ; educated at University of Washington. Deputy Auditor, Kings County, Washington ; served as Provost Marshal, Intermediate Section, A. E. F. in France. Branch Manager, Fisher Flouring Mills Com- pany, Mt. Vernon, Wash. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in recognition of services rendered in France during the War. Present address: Mt. Vernon, Wash. DARLINGTON, J. J. Created Officier. DAVENPORT, ISAAC BURNETT. Dental Surgeon. Born at Vestal, N. Y., and educated at Columbia Uni- versity, ficole de Medecine, Paris and Pasteur In- stitute. Vice-President American Dental Society of Europe ; Vice-President and Chief Dental Surgeon of the Special American Hospital in Paris for wounds in the face and jaws ; Chief of Dental Clinic for treatment of French soldiers four years' continuous service ; Vice-President Society for the Relief of French and Belgian Dentists ; author of many technical papers and addresses. Created Chevalier November 12, 1912. Has also St. Michael (Bavaria), Officier de 1'Academie (France) and Medaille de Reconnaissance (France). Present address : 30 Avenue de 1'Opera, Paris, France. DAVENPORT, WILLIAM SLOCUM, Sr. Dental Surgeon. Born at Vestal, N. Y., and educated at the University of Pennsylvania. President, American Dental Society of Europe; mem- ber of the Medical Board of the American Ambulance in Paris ; founder of the Dental Clinic for the Poor ; organized Dental Department for Rockefeller Founda- 120 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES tion in Paris ; worked during entire War in hospitals for facial restoration. Author many reports on dental surgery. Clubs: Noon Day, La Boulie Golf, St. Cloud Country and American (Paris). Created Chevalier April 18, 1918, "in appreciation of fifteen years' gratuitous dental hospital service in France." Present address : 6 Avenue de 1'Opera, Paris, France. DAVENPORT, WILLIAM SLOCUM, Jr. Medical Student. Born in Paris, France ; educated at schools in France and England ; University of Paris. Served as Captain, Sanitary Corps, A. E. F. in France. Acted as U. S. Army representative at Interallied Head- quarters for all questions concerning supplies and trans- portation. At present, Medical Student, University of Paris. Member of St. Cloud Country Club, Paris. Created Chevalier July 27, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Liaison Officer at French Head- quarters during the War. Has also Crown (Italy), Croix de Guerre and Medailles des fipidemies. Present address : 6 Avenue de 1'Opera, Paris, France. DAVIS, ARCHIBALD BILLIARD. Officer, U. S. Navy. (Retired.) Born in Raleigh, N. C., and educated at the U. S. Naval Academy. Passed through the various grades in the Navy from Ensign to Commander. Participated in the Spanish- American war. Clubs: Metropolitan (Washington), Rittenhouse and Racquet (Philadelphia), University (New York and Misquamicut (Watch Hill). Created Chevalier September 14, 1902, in recognition of courtesies shown the Rochambeau Commission. Present address: Watch Hill, R. I. OF FRANCE 121 DAVIS, DARIUS ALTON. Y. M. C. A. Director. Born in Skerry, N. Y. ; educated at Franklin Academy and Syracuse University. Was Religious Work Director, Y. M. C. A., Washing- ton, D. C. ; General Secretary, Y. M. C. A., Constanti- nople; Assistant Director General, Y. M. C. A., Foyer du Soldat, Union Franco-Americaine, during the War. Created Chevalier July 12, 1919, in consideration of services rendered to French Army as Y. M. C. A. Di- rector during the War. Has also Medaille Revolu- tionaire (Czecho-Slovakia) and Medjidieh (Turkey). Present address : 347 Madison Avenue, New York City. DAVIS, GUY ERWIN. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Tilton, N. H. ; educated at Tilton Seminary and U. S. Naval Academy. Was in command of Seventh Division, Submarines, U. S. Atlantic Fleet in European waters during the War. Commander, and Inspector of Machinery, U. S. Navy. Clubs : Jibboom and Ranier, Seattle. Created Officier November 7, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in command of destroyer sinking Ger- man submarine off French coast. Has also D. S. M. Present address : Groton, Conn. DAVIS, JOSEPH RAY. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Springdale, Ark. ; educated at University of Arkansas and United States Military Academy. At present, Colonel, Field Artillery, U. S. Army. Created Chevalier March 16, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Chief, Field Artillery Section, American Army in France. Has also D. S. M. and Croix de Guerre with palm. Present address : Camp Travis, Texas. 122 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES DAVIS, ROBERT C. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Lancaster, Pa.; educated at Franklin and Mar- shall College, and U. S. Military Academy. Clubs : Army and Navy, and Chevy Chase, Wash- ington, D. C. Created Comrnandeur April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Adjutant General, A. E. F. in France. Has also D. S. M., Companion of the Bath (England), Crown (Belgium), Crown (Italy), Danilo 1 (Montenegro), La Solidaridad (Panama). Present address: Old Land Office Building, 7th and E Streets, Washington, D. C. DAVIS, WILLIAM MORRIS. University Professor. (Retired.) Born in Philadelphia, Pa.; and educated at Harvard University. Was Assistant Argentine National Observatory ; pro- fessor Physical Geography, Harvard University ; partici- pated in many scientific expeditions : Member National Academy of Sciences and numerous societies and acade- mies at home and abroad ; visiting lecturer, University of Paris ; author of technical monographs and text- books. Created Chevalier March 8, 1912, in recognition of sci- entific achievements. Present address: 31 Hawthorne Street, Cambridge, Mass. DA VI SON, HENRY POMEROY. Banker. Born in Troy, N. Y., and educated at South Williams- town Academy. Has been teller, director and vice-president of various national banks. Now member of the firm J. P. Morgan & Company. Chairman, War Council, American Red Cross. OF FRANCE 123 Clubs: Century, Metropolitan, Union League, Uni- versity, Piping Rock, Yacht, Links, National Golf Links, Nassau Country and Jekyl Island. Created Commandeur September 20, 1918, in recog- nition of services during the War. Has also Crown (Italy). Present address: 23 Wall Street, New York City. DA WES, CHARLES GATES. Banker. Born in Marietta, Ohio, and educated at Marietta Col- lege and Cincinnati Law School. Practiced law ; interested in gas companies ; Comp- troller of the Currency. Major, Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel of Engineers, National Army. Member of Staff, A. E. F. in France. Chairman, General Purchasing Board and member of Board for Disposal of Army Sup- plies in France. Now President of Central Trust Com- pany, Chicago. Clubs : Chicago, Union League, University, On- wentsia, Glen View, Evanston, Evanston Country and Evanston Golf. Created Commandeur December 17, 1918, for services during the War. Present address: Central Trust Company of Illinois, Chicago, 111. DAWSON, BENJAMIN FREDERICK. Officer, Russian Army. Born in Washington, D. C., and educated at Williams College and the University of Pennsylvania. Served as Captain with A. E. F. in France. Now Colonel in the Russian Army. Clubs: Racquet and Tennis, St. Nicholas, St. Anthony and Williams (New York) and Rittenhouse and St. Anthony ( Philadelphia ) . Created Chevalier for services during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre. Present address: Equitable Trust Company, Paris, France. 124 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES DAY, HENRY MASON. Served as Captain, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address: 70 E. 77th Street, New York City. DAY, LEE GARNETTE. Served as Lieutenant Cojonel, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address: 32 E. 64th Street, New York City. DEAN, BASHFORD. Zoologist, Born in New York City ; educated at College, City of New York, and Columbia University. Professor, Columbia University ; Curator, American Museum of Natural History and Metropolitan Museum of Art. Author of books and articles on Fishes. Member of Century Club, New York City. Created Chevalier, 1910, in consideration of researches connected with the early evolutional writings of Lamarck. Present address : Riverdale-on-Hudson, N. Y. DE CARRE, ALPHONSE. Officer, U. S. Marine Corps. Born in Washington, D. C. ; educated at Business High School, Washington, D. C. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Chevalier May 14, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre with three palms. Present address: Marine Barracks, Philadelphia, Pa. DE CERNEA, E. Student. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., and educated at Pawling School and Yale University. Served as Lieutenant in the Naval Reserve. Created Chevalier for attacking German submarine from an airplane. Has also Croix de Guerre with palm. Present address: 257 West 91st Street, New York City. OF FRANCE 125 DEERING, JAMES. Industrial Executive. (Retired.') Born in Maine and educated at Northwestern University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Director, International Harvester Company. Created Officier July 16, 1906, in recognition of in- terest in fostering friendly relations between France and the United States. Present address: 137 South La Salle Street, Chi- cago, 111. DELAND, THORNDIKE. Industrial Manager. Born in Cleveland, Ohio ; educated at Harvard Univer- sity. Secretary, Denver Civic and Commercial Association ; Assistant Manager, Ship Construction Division, Emer- gency Fleet Corporation ; Industrial Manager, Henry Lonnebom & Co., Ltd., Baltimore, Md. Served as Lieu- tenant, U. S. Army, during the War. Assisted in the reorganization and management of numerous commer- cial associations. Created Chevalier August 16, 1917- in consideration of services rendered in France during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address : Henry Lonnebom & Co., Ltd., Bal- timore, Md. DELANO, FREDERIC ADRIAN. Railway Executive. (Retired.) Born in Hong Kong, China, and educated at Adams Academy and Harvard. Engaged in railway work in various capacities from machinist to president. Served as member Federal In-, dustrial Commission and Federal Reserve Board. Dur- ing the War served as Deputy Director General of Transportation with rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Author of numerous papers on economic and transpor- tation topics. 126 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Clubs: Union League, University, Chicago, Literary, Commercial (Chicago), and Metropolitan, Cosmos and Chevy Chase (Washington). Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered during the War. Present address: 1128 16th Street, Washington, D. C. DENIG, ROBERT LIVINGSTON. Officer, U. S. Marine Corps. Born in Clinton, N. Y. ; educated at St. Johns, Manlius, N. Y., and University of Pennsylvania. Served as Instructor, Military Schools of the A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier May 14, 1919, in recognition of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm and star. Present address : Marine Barracks, Philadelphia, Pa. DENNIS, ERWIN A. Automobile Salesman. Born in Auburn, N. Y. ; educated at Auburn High School. Served as First Lieutenant, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier in recognition of "heroism in action at St. Souplet" during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address : 24 St. Johns Place, Buffalo, N. Y. DE VILAINE, PAUL. Served with A. E. F. as Lieutenant. Created Chevalier. Last address: Engineers' Club, 32 W. 40th Street, New York City. DE VOE, RALPH GODWIN. Officer, U. S. Army. Born at Indiana, Pa., and educated at the University of Pennsylvania. OF FRANCE 127 Served as Colonel, Medical Corps, with A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier April 6, 1919, in consideration of services as Liaison Officier, Service de Sante. Present address: Fort Slocum, N. Y. DE WITT, JOHN L. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Fort Sidney, Neb. ; educated at Princeton University. Served all grades from Second Lieutenant to Major, Infantry, U. S. Army. Appointed temporary rank of Colonel, A. E. F. in France. At present Instructor, General Staff College. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Officier May 16, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Assistant Chief of Staff, First Army, A. E. F. in France. Has also D. S. M. Present address: Washington Barracks, Washington, D. C. DE YOUNG, MICHAEL HARRY. Journalist. Born in St. Louis, Mo.; educated at schools of Cali- fornia. Has taken a prominent part in the creation and man- agement of international expositions and was one of the Directors, Panama-Pacific International Exposition. Editor in Chief, San Francisco "Chronicle." A Director of Associated Press. Clubs: Manhattan, Lotus, Press, New York City; Union League, Commonwealth, Merchants', Olympic and Country, San Francisco. Created Chevalier January 17, 1901, in consideration of services rendered at Paris Exposition, 1900. Present address: 1919 California Street, San Fran- cisco, Cal. 128 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES DIAZ-ALBERTINI, RICARDO. Created Chevalier September 25, 1904. DICKMAN, JOSEPH THEODORE. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Dayton, Ohio, and educated at the U. S. Mili- tary Academy, the Infantry and Cavalry School and the Army War College. Passed through the various grades of the Army from Second Lieutenant to Major General. Participated in the Indian, Cuban and Philippine campaigns ; Chief of Staff, China Relief Expedition ; instructor military schools at Fort Leavenworth, Fort Riley and Wash- ington. Member Army and Navy Clubs, Washington and Manila. Created Commandeur, for services during the War. Present address : War Department, Washington, D. C. DIKE, MRS. ANNIE MURRAY. Created Chevalier. Last address : Paris, France. DISHMAN, SAMUEL ROLAND. Merchant. Born in Shiloh, Va. Was in charge, Purchases and Property Accountabil- ity, Quartermaster Department, 1898-1908. Ice Manu- facturer and Fuel Merchant, Spokane, Wash., 1908- 1917. Served as Major, Quartermaster Corps, A. E. F in France. Member of City Club, Spokane, Wash. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in recognition of "effi- cient and distinguished services in building up and maintaining Model Artillery Camp, Prison and Labor Camps and operating French trains" during the War. Has also citation from Commander-in-Chief, A. E. F. Present address: 616 West 15th Avenue, Spokane, Wash. OF FRANCE 129 DISMUKES, DOUGLAS EUGENE. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Macon, Miss., and educated at the U. S. Naval Academy. Passed through the various grades of the Navy to Captain. Commanding Naval Training Station, New- port, R. I. Created Officier November 7, 1919, for "distinguished service in command of U. S. S. 'Mount Vernon' dur- ing the War." Present address : Newport, R. I. DIXON, FRANK M. Lawyer. Born in Oakland, Cal. ; educated at University of Vir- ginia and Columbia University. Served as Second Lieutenant, Coast Artillery Corps, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier September 27, 1918, in recognition of services rendered during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre. Present address : Birmingham, Ala. DIXON, VARIEN D. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Officier. Last address: War Department, Washington, D. C. DODD, BRENDAN J. Accountant. Born in Drogheda, Ireland, and educated at St. Joseph's College and the Northwestern University. Served as Major of Infantry with the A. E. F. in France. At present associated with Thomas Cusack Company. Created Chevalier May 8, 1919, for "personal bravery in overcoming machine-gun nest and releasing prisoners, August 8, 1918." Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre. Present address : 4419 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111. 130 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES D'OLIER, FRANKLIN. Cotton Commission Merchant. Born in Burlington, N. J., and educated at Princeton University. Entered Army as Captain in Quartermaster Corps, subsequently became Lieutenant Colonel, General Staff, A. E. F. Director in several national banks. One of the or- ganizers of the American Legion. Elected first Na- tional Commander. Clubs : Princeton, Union League and Orpheus, of Philadelphia ; University and Princeton, of New York and Riverton Country. Was created Officier for services during the War. Has also D. S. M. Present address: 300 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. DONALDSON, THOMAS Q. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Greenville, S. C., and educated at the Patrick Military Institute and the U. S. Military Academy. Passed through the various grades of the Army to Brigader General. Participated in the Indian cam- paigns ; Assistant Inspector General, U. S. Army. Clubs : Army and Navy, New York and Washington. Created Officier April 4, 1919, for services while on duty as Inspector General, Service and Supply, A. E. F. Has also D. S. M. Present address : War Department, Washington, D. C. DONOVAN, WILLIAM J. Lawyer. Born in Buffalo, N. Y. ; educated at Columbia Uni- versity. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. in France. At present Member, law firm O'Brian, Donovan, Goodyear & Hellings, Buffalo. Clubs: University, New York; Buffalo, Saturn, Buffalo. OF FRANCE 131 Created Chevalier in consideration of services ren- dered during the War. Has also D. S. C., Croix de Guerre, with palm and star and War Cross (Italy). Present address : 604 Iroquois Building, Buffalo, N. Y. DOREY, HALSTEAD. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Officier. Last address : Headquarters Central Department, Chicago, 111. DOUGHERTY, NEIL F. Agriculturist. Born in Chicago, 111. ; educated at University of Cali- fornia. Served as Lieutenant with A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier in consideration of services ren- dered during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre. Present address: Box 58, Justin, Orange County, Cal. DOWLING, FRANCIS. Created Chevalier January 9, 1913. Last address : Cincinnati, Ohio. DOWNER, CHARLES ALFRED. University Professor. Born in Jersey City, N. J. ; educated at College of the City of New York and Columbia University. Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures, College of the City of New York; President, Alliance Frangaise de New York. Author of "Frederic Mistral, Poet and Leader in Provence," "A First Book in French" and "A Handbook of French for American Soldiers." Member of several literary and modern language as- sociations. Created Chevalier December 27, 1918, in recognition of educational services in U. S. to the French, language and literature. Present address: 802 West 181st Street, New York City. 132 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES DOWNER, JOHN W. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Charleston, W. Va., and educated at Norfolk Academy and Virginia Military Institute. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, commanding 1st and 2d Battalions, 6th Field Artillery at the front during the War. Director Field Artillery School at Camp de Souge, France. Inspector General, 1st Division, A. E. F. Clubs: Onwentsia, University (Chicago), Army and Navy (New York). Created Chevalier July, 1919, in recognition of "meri- torious services rendered the allied cause during the War." Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre ; three citations (U. S.) and one (French). Present address : Care of Adjutant General, War De- partment, Washington, D. C. DOZIER, JAMES C. Merchant. Born in Marion, S. C. ; studied at Wofford College, Spartanburg, S. C. Served as Lieutenant, A. E. F., during the War. At present in Wholesale Grocery Business. Member of Rotary Club, Rock Hill, S. C. Created Chevalier in consideration of services ren- dered during the War. Has also Medal of Honor (U. S.), Military Cross (England) and Croix de Guerre. Present address: Rock Hill, S. C. DRAIN, JAMES A. Lawyer. Born in Illinois and educated at Western Normal College. Served with A. E. F. in France with rank of Lieu- tenant Colonel. Created Chevalier for "services to France in connec- tion with Tanks." Present address: 1512 H Street, Washington, D. C. OF FRANCE 133 DRAKE, FRANCIS E. Business Executive. Born in Farmington, Mich. Associated with various electrical concerns in tech- nical capacity ; Managing Director, Societe Anonyme Westinghouse, Paris; European General Manager, United States Rubber Company. Major of Engineers, A. E. F. ; Chairman, Technical Board, A. E. F. Chief, Control Bureau General Pur- chasing Board, A. E. F. Promoted to Lieutenant Col- onel, Engineers. Clubs : Engineers and India House, New York ; Cercle Interallie and Automobile, Paris. Created Chevalier January, 1901, for services ren- dered at Paris Exposition, 1900 ; Officier August 10, 1910, for "distinguished services to French industry." Has also Crown (Belgium). Present address: 81 Avenue Victor Hugo, Paris, France. DRAVO, CHARLES A. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Fort McDowell, Ariz. ; educated at University of Pennsylvania. Member of various Service Clubs and Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Chevalier May 5, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: 1840 Munitions Building, Wash- ington, D. C. DRISCOLL, THOMAS A. Merchant, Banker. Born in Virginia City, Nev. ; educated at Georgetown University. Director, Hibernia Bank and President, Western Pa- cific Grain Company, San Francisco. Served as Lieu- tenant Colonel, A. E. F. in France. 134 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Clubs : University, Burlingame and San Mateo. Created Chevalier in consideration of services ren- dered during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre. Present address : Merchants' Exchange Building, San Francisco, Cal. DRUM, HUGH A. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Participated in the Spanish-American war, Philippine and Mexican campaigns. Served as Brigadier General, A. E. F. in France. Director, Army School of the Line. Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. Created Officier April, 1919, in consideration of serv- ices rendered as Chief of Staff, First Army, A. E. F. in France. Has also D. S. M., Crown (Italy), Croix de Guerre, with two palms, and Crown (Belgium). Present address: Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. DU BOUCHET, CHARLES WINCHESTER. Physician. Created Chevalier February 11, 1918. Last address : 44 rue Chateau, Neuilly-sur-Seine. France. DU CASSfi, MARCEL EDWARD. Business Executive. Born in Cleveland, Ohio, and educated in public and private schools and at Cornell University. Enlisted in Morgan-Harjes Corps in 1915, transferred to A. E. F. with rank of Lieutenant. Created Chevalier March 16, 1919, for "courage, cool- ness and indefatigable labor under fire to which can be ascribed the saving of many wounded." Has also Croix de Guerre, with two palms, one Silver Star and three Gold Stars. Present address: 421 West 144th Street, New York City. OF FRANCE 135 DUDLEY, CHARLES E. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address: 44 Fairhazel Gardens, London, England. DUFFY, FRANCIS P. Pastor. Born in Coburg, Ontario, and educated at St. Michael's College and the Catholic University, Washington. Dean of Department of Philosophy, St. Joseph's Semi- nary ; Associate Editor "New York Review." At pres- ent pastor, Church of Our Savior, New York City. Created Chevalier, July 26, 1919, for military serv- ices as Chaplain 165th Infantry, and Senior Chaplain 42d Division. Has also D. S. C. and D. S. M. Present address: 2317 Washington Avenue, New York City. DUNCAN, GEORGE BRAND. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Lexington, Ky., and educated at U. S. Military Academy and the Army War College. Served in various grades of the Army from Second Lieutenant to Brigadier General. Participated in Phil- ippine campaign ; served in Cuba and with the A. E. F. as Major General. Clubs : Army and Navy, Chevy Chase and Riding and Hunt (Washington). Created Commandeur for "special valor" during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre. Present address: Ft. George Wright, Wash. DUNN, MORILL W. Served as Major, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address: 102 Belvue Place, Chicago, 111. 136 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES DUNTLEY, JOHN WHEELER. Manufacturer. Born at Wyandotte, Mich. Began as foundryman ; founded the Chicago Pneu- matic Tool Company ; organized a number of companies in this country and abroad to make compressed air ma- chinery and tools ; director industrial and financial institutions. Clubs: Union League, Automobile and Athletic (Chi- cago), Manhattan and Lawyers' (New York) and Art (Philadelphia). Created Chevalier January 17, 1901, in recognition of services to industrial arts. Present address: 343 South Dearborn Street, Chi- cago, 111. DUNWOODY, HALSEY. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Officier. Last address: 3908 McKinley Street, Washington. D. C. DU PONT de NEMOURS, PIERRE SAMUEL. Manufacturer. Born in Wilmington, Del. ; educated at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Chairman, Board of E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Company, General Motors Corporation. Clubs : Philadelphia ; Wilmington ; and Metropolitan, New York City. Created Chevalier December 27, 1918, in consideration of industrial services rendered during the War. Present address: 9012 Du Pont Building, Wilming- ton, Del. DURFEE, LUCIUS L. Officer, U. S. Army. Born at Chardo, Ohio, and educated at tl\e U, S, Mili- tary Academy. OF FRANCE 137 Passed through the various grades of the Army from Second Lieutenant to Brigadier General. Participated in Indian, Cuban and Philippine campaigns ; on patrol duty Mexican border ; served as Brigadier General with A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier, May, 1919, "having proved great military qualities in the command of his brigade." Present address : Camp Furlong, N. Mex. DURYEA, MRS. NINA LARREY. Born in Boston, Mass. Founder and President of Duryea War Relief ; Vice- President, International Revival of Industrial Arts ; member of the National Institute of Social Sciences. Author of "The House of the Seven Gabblers" and "The Sentimental Dragon." Articles in different maga- zines and papers. Created Chevalier October 24, 1919, in recognition of her work, founding in 1914 the Duryea War Relief which has aided to date over 250,000 allies. Has also St. Elizabeth (Belgium), Military Medal (Montenegro), St. Anne (Russia). Present address : 202 Madison Avenue, New York City. DUTTON, HUBERT. Bond Salesman. Born in Stroudsburg, Pa. ; educated at Stroudsburg High School, and Military School, Scotland, Pa. Served as Captain, A. E. F. in France. Bond Sales- man, Halsey Stuart & Company, New York City. Created Chevalier April 19, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in "action near Fismes, capturing ma- chine gun nest and fourteen prisoners." Has also D. S. C., and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: 621 West 135th Street, New York City. 138 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES EARLE, RALPH. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Worcester, Mass. ; educated at Worcester Poly- technic Institute, and U. S. Naval Academy. Chief of the Bureau of Ordnance. Author of numer- ous professional books and articles. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C., and New York Yacht Club. Created Commandeur April 9, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. M., and Companion of the Bath (England). Present address. 1870 Wyoming Avenue N.W., Wash- ington, D. C. EASTMAN, GEORGE. Inventor. Born in Waterville, N. Y. ; educated at Rochester, N. Y. Inventor of the kodak and method of making trans- parent films. President, Eastman Kodak Co. ; Managing Director. Kodak Co., Ltd., London, England. Member of Genesee Valley Club, Country Club, Rochester, N. Y. Created Chevalier January 30, 1901, in consideration of exhibit made at Paris Exposition, 1900. Present address: 900 East Avenue, Rochester, N. Y. ECKLES, CHARLES B. Officer, U. S. Army. Educated at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Participated in Spanish-American war and Cuban occupation. Served as Colonel, Quartermaster Corps, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier April 10, 1919, in recognition of meritorious services rendered during the War. Present address : Munitions Building, Washington. D. C. OF FRANCE 139 EDIE, GUY LEWIS. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Virginia and educated at the University of Virginia. Served in various grades in the Medical Corps from Assistant Surgeon to Colonel. Created Officier for services during the War. Present address : San Francisco, Cal. EDIE, JOHN RUFUS. Officer, U. S. Navy. (Retired.) Born in Washington, D. C., and educated at the U. S. Naval Academy. Passed through the various grades of the Navy to Captain ; participated in the Spanish-American war ; Naval Attache, American Embassy, Paris ; Chief Intel- ligence Officer, U. S. Navy, Paris. Clubs : Metropolitan and Chevy Chase, Washington ; Yacht, New York ; Travelers', Paris. Created Officier, September 26, 1915, for "devotion tc the cause of civilization." Has also Distinguished Serv- ice Cross (U. S.). Present address : 46 rue de Bassano, Paris, France. EDISON, THOMAS ALVA. Inventor. Born in Milan, Ohio; educated at home. Inventor of many telegraphic appliances, including Automatic Repeater, Quadruplex and Printing Tele- graph. Inventor of machines for Quadruplex and Sex- tuplex Telegraphic Transmission, the Carbon Telegraph Transmitter, the Microtasimeter, the Megaphone, the Phonograph, the Aerophone, the Incandescent Lamp and Light System, the Motion Pictures, and many others. Created Commandeur September 10, 1889, in recogni- tion of his inventions. Present address: West Orange, N. J. 140 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES EDWARDS, CLARENCE RANSOM. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Cleveland, Ohio; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Passed through the various grades of the Army from Second Lieutenant to Major General. Was formerly Chief, Bureau of Insular Affairs. Served as Major General, A. E. F. in France. Clubs : Army and Navy, Chevy Chase, Alibi, Metro- politan, Washington ; Somerset, Boston ; Dedham Club, Dedham, Mass. Created Commandeur in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre, and Leopold (Belgium). Present address : Westwood, Mass. EDWARDS, WALTER ATLEE. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Philadelphia, Pa. ; educated at U. S. Naval Academy. At present, Aide to Admiral Sims, U. S. Navy. Created Chevalier in consideration of services ren- dered as Aide for Aviation during the War. Has also Distinguished Service Order (England). Present address : United States Naval War College, Newport, R. I. EGAN, THOMAS P. Manufacturer. Born in Ireland ; educated at Central High School, Hamilton, Ontario ; and Night School. Organized the Egan Company, Cincinnati, Ohio, and was President and Manager until 1893 when the com- pany was consolidated with J. A. Fay & Company, de- veloping into the largest manufacturing firm of wood working machinery in the world. He is at present President of the combined company. Actively interested in civic affairs and charitable and philanthropic work. OF FRANCE 141 Created Chevalier January 30, 1901, in recognition of exhibit made at the Paris Exposition, 1900. Present address : Cincinnati, Ohio. EINSTEIN, LEWIS. Diplomat. Born in New York City and educated at Columbia Uni- versity. Was Third Secretary at American Embassies at Lon- don and Paris ; Secretary, U. S. Commission at Moroc- can Conferences ; Charge d'affaires at Constantinople ; Secretary American Legation at Peking ; Minister to Costa Rica ; Special Agent of State Department at Con- stantinople, 1915 ; Diplomatic representative to Bul- garia, in charge British interests, 1915-16. Author of several works on art, history and politics, and contrib- utor to American, English and French periodicals. Editor, "The Humanists' Library" and "Leonardo da Vinci Fragments." Greater Officier March 20, 1919. Present address : Farmers' Loan and Trust Co., New York City. ELIOT, CHARLES WILLIAM. University President. (Retired.) Born in Boston, Mass. ; educated at Boston Latin School ; and Harvard University. Was Tutor in Mathematics, Harvard ; Assistant Pro- fessor, Mathematics and Chemistry, Lawrence Scientific School, Harvard ; investigated educational methods in Europe, Professor, Analytical Chemistry, Massachu- setts Institute of Technology ; President, Harvard Uni- versity. At present, President Emeritus, Harvard Uni- versity. Author of numerous books and essays on edu- cation, chemistry, and other subjects. Created Officier, January 10, 1903, in recognition of services to education. Has also Rising Sun (Japan), and Crown (Prussia). Present address: 17 Quincy Street, Cambridge, Mass. 142 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES ELKINS, STEPHEN B. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Eupora, Miss., and educated in public and pri- vate schools. Served as First Lieutenant with the 29th Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier, April, 1919, for "extraordinary heroism on the battlefield, September 29, 1918." Has also D. S. C., and Croix de Guerre. Present address : Camp Benning, Ga. ELLIOTT, CHARLES B. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Washington, D. C. ; educated at High School, Alexandria, Va. Served as Private and all grades to Lieutenant Col- onel, U. S. Army. Created Chevalier May 14, 1919, in recognition of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. C., and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address : 1884 Columbia Road, Washing- ton, D. C. ELLIOTT, JOSEPH HENRY. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address: Middletown, Va. ELLIS, EARL H. Officer, U. S. Marine Corps. Created Chevalier. Last address : U. S. Marine Corps. ELLIS, MICHAEL B. Served with A. E. F. as Sergeant. Created Chevalier March 16, 1919. Last address: 412 Winstanley Avenue, East St. Louis, 111. OF FRANCE 143 ELTINGE, LE ROY. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Ulster, Co., N. Y. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Was Instructor, Army Service Schools ; Brigadier General, and Deputy Chief of Staff, General Headquar- ters, A. E. F. in France ; Assistant Commandant, Gen- eral Service Schools, Fort Leavenworth, Kan. Author of "Psychology of War" 1915. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Commandeur April 17, 1919, in consideration of distinguished services rendered the Allied cause dur- ing the War. Has also Crown (Belgium), Crown (Italy), and Companion of the Bath (England). Present address : Fort Leavenworth, Kan. ELY, HANSON E. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Independence, Iowa ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served in various grades of the Army to Lieutenant Colonel. Was in command of American troops capturing Can- tigny, and led the Fifth Division in the brilliant of- fensive against Argonne and Meuse during the War. Clubs : Army and Navy, Washington, and Manila ; Golf and Country, Des Moines, Iowa. Created Officier November 11, 1917, and promoted Commandeur May 5, 1918, in recognition of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. M., and Croix de Guerre, with five palms. Present address: General Staff College, Washington. D. C. EMBICK, STANLEY D. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Officier. Last address: War Department, Washington, D. C. 144 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES EMERSON, HAVEN. Physician. Born in New York City ; educated at Universities oi Harvard and Columbia. Was Commissioner of Health, New York City ; Col- onel, Medical Corps, during the War. At present, phy- sician and Professor of Preventive Medicine at Cornell University. Contributor to medical literature in the fields of physiology, internal medicine, and public health. Member of several medical societies. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered to the French in control of communi- cable disease. Present address : 120 East 62d Street, New York City. EMERSON, T. H. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Officier. Last address : General Staff College, Washington, D. C. EMERSON, WILLIAM. Created Chevalier April 25, 1919, for services as Di- rector, American Red Cross. Present address: 597 Fifth Avenue, New York City. ENDICOTT, FRANCIS C. Officer, U. S. Army. Born at Ehin, Ind., and educated at public and pri- vate schools. Entered the Army as private and passed through the various grades to Colonel. Created Officier June 4, 1919, for services during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre, with Silver Star. Present address : Camp Lewis, Va. ERSKINE, JOHN. University Professor. Born in New York City and educated at Columbia University. Instructor, English and Associate Professor, Amherst College; since 1916 Professor English, Columbia Uni- OF FRANCE 145 versity. Member of numerous scientific associations ; Author and Editor of numerous works and essays on Poetry and Literature. Clubs: Columbia University, Authors', St. Andrews' Society (New York). Created Chevalier May 28, 1919. Present address : Columbia University, New, York. ERWIN, JAMES BRAILSFORD. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Savannah, Ga., and educated at the U. S. Military Academy and Infantry and Cavalry School. Served in various grades of the Army from Second Lieutenant to Major General. Participated in Indian campaigns ; was superintendent Yellowstone National Park ; took part in Mexican expedition ; with A. E. F. in France. Created Commandeur in recognition of services dur- ing the War. Present address : Monterey, Cal. ESTES, FRANK E. Engineer. Born in Matoon, 111. ; educated at Arkansas State Nor- mal School. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. in France. At present, connected with Southwestern Gas & Elec- tric Company, Shreveport, La. Created Chevalier July 26, 1919, in recognition of services rendered the Allied cause during the War. Has also Crown (Italy). Present address: P. O. Box 1106, Shreveport, La. EVANS, F. T. Officer, U. S. Navy. Created Chevalier. Last address: 324 Indiana Avenue, Washington, D. C. 146 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES EVANS, G. E. EVERINGTON, JAMES W. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Milwaukee, Wis., and educated at the University of Minnesota. Was Assistant Engineer, Great Northern Railroad ; commissioned officer in the Regular Army ; served in the Philippines and Alaska and as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. in France and Germany. Created Chevalier February 18, 1920, for services as Chief of the First Section, General Staff, headquarters, Third Army, A. E. F. Has also Black Star (France). Present address : Camp Dodge, Iowa. EWELL, JOHN. Served as Captain, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. FAIRCHILD, BLAIR. Musician. Created Chevalier September 1, 1919, for services as Treasurer, Franco-American Committee of the Conserva- tory of Music. FAIRCHILD, SAMUEL. Vice-President, Chamber of Commerce of New York. Created Chevalier December 11, 1919. FAISON, SAMSON L. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Faison, N. C., and educated at the U. S. Mili- tary Academy. Served in various grades of Regular Army from Sec- ond Lieutenant to Colonel; Brigadier General, National Army. Clubs : Army and Navy, Washington and Chevy Chase, Maryland. Created Officier April 25, 1919. Has also D. S. M., "for exceptionally meritorious and distinguished serv- OF FRANCE 147 ices" and Croix de Guerre with palm "for the training and discipline of the 60th Brigade which contributed to its brilliant success." Present address : Camp Lee, Va. FARMAN, ELBERT E., Jr. Served as Major, A. E. F. Created Chevalier January 10, 1919. Last address : War Department, Washington, D. C. FARNSWORTH, C. S. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Sycoming Co., Pa.; educated at U. S. Military Academy; Line and Staff College, Fort Leaven- worth, Kan. ; and Army War College, Washing- ton, D. C. Served all grades in United States Army to Major General. Distinguished himself in command of Ameri- can troops crossing the river Escaut and establishing a bridge-head in the face of the German Army. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Commandeur March 16, 1919, in considera- tion of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. M. and Leopold (Belgium). Present address : Camp Benning, Ga. FARRELL, JAMES A(UGUSTINE). President, U. S. Steel Corporation. Born in New Haven and educated at public and private schools. Began work in steel wire mills and passed through various grades of service to manager and superinten- dent of steel mills. Director of various industrial cor- porations/ and railroads. Clubs: Metropolitan, Recess, Railroad, Union League, Mantauk, India House and Yacht (New York). Created Chevalier December 27, 1918, in recognition of services rendered during the War. Has also Crown (Italy). Present address: 71 Broadway, New York City. 148 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES FAS SETT, WILLIAM M. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Nashua, N. H. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served as Brigadier General, U. S. Army, during the War. At present, Major, General Staff. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Officier March 16, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the war. Has also D. S. M., and War Cross (Belgium). Present address : War Department, Washington, D. C FAULKNER, EDWARD DANIELS. Manufacturer. Born in New York City ; educated at New York College. At present, Member of the firm of Johnson & Faulk- ner, New York. Member of Chamber of Commerce, New York City. Club: Union League, New York City. Created Chevalier January, 1902, in recognition of as- sistance given to the Industrial Arts. Present address : 992 Fifth Avenue, New York City. FECHfiT, D'ALARY. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Washington, D. C., and educated at U. S. Mili- tary Academy. Served as Major, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Now on duty with the American Forces in Germany. Created Chevalier December 1, 1918, "for conspicuous courage in command of battalion successfully attacking the enemy at Foret de Retz." Has also Croix de Guerre, and La Solidaridad (Panama). Present address: War Department, Washington, D. C. FELAND, LOGAN. Officer, U. S. Marine Corps. Born in Hopkins ville, Ky., and educated at the Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology. OF FRANCE 149 Served as Colonel with A. E. F. in France ; Comman- dant of Marines in Santo Domingo with rank of Brig- adier General. Clubs : Army and Navy, Washington ; University and Racquet, Philadelphia. Created Officier May 29, 1919, "for conduct in battle." Has also D. S. M., D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre (six awards). Present address: Santo Domingo City, R. D. FERGUSON, JOHN CALVIN. Educator. Born in Ontario, Canada ; educated at Boston University. President, Nanking University, Nanyan College, Shang- hai ; sent by Chinese Government on special mission to investigate commercial schools of Europe and U. S. ; Secretary, Chinese Ministry of Commerce; Foreign Ad- visor to Viceroys of Nanking and Wuchang ; Member, Chinese Commission to revise treaties with U. S. and Japan ; sent on special mission for Chinese Government to U. S. ; advisor to the President of China. Member of several learned societies ; Honorary Mem- ber, Royal Asiatic Society. Created Chevalier in consideration of his educational merits. Has also Chia Ho (China) Sacred Treasure (Japan) and St. Anne (Russia). Present address: Peking, China. FIFE, JAMES D. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Charlottesville, Va. ; educated at University of Virginia. Served all grades in Medical Corps, U. S. Army, from Lieutenant to Colonel. Member of several professional societies. Created Officier April 4, 1919, in consideration of his services as Chief, Construction of Hospitals in France during the War. Has also D. S. M. Present address : Fort Myer, Va. 150 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES FINLEY, JOHN HUSTON. Educator. Born in Illinois and educated at Knox College an-J Johns Hopkins University. President, Knox College, College of the City of New York and University of New York; lectured at Sor- bonne; trustee Sage Foundation; author; member American Relief Commission ; member National Insti- tute of Arts and Letters. Clubs: Century and Players (New York), Ft. Orange, University and Country (Albany). Created Chevalier September 30, 1912, in recognition of achievements in education and literature. Has also Rising Sun (Japan). Present address: State Educational Building, Albany, N. Y. FINNELL, WOOLSEY. Engineer. Born in Tuscaloosa County, Ala. ; educated at Tus- caloosa Military Academy ; and Pleasant Hill Academy. Consulting Engineer. Made a specialty of developing large timber, coal and ore projects, railway construction and valuation, water power, municipal work. Served in Engineer Corps, A. E. F. as Lieutenant Colonel. Member of several professional organizations. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in recognition of services rendered during the War. Present address : 2114 Eighth Street, Tuscaloosa, Ala. FINNEY, JOHN MILLER TURPIN. Professor of Surgery. Born in Natchez, Miss., and educated at Princeton and Harvard Universities. In practice in Baltimore ; professor of clinical sur- gery, Johns Hopkins University ; head of surgical clinic, Johns Hopkins Hospital. Served in American hospitals in France with the rank of Brigadier General U. S. Medical Corps. OP FRANCE 151 Clubs: Maryland, Baltimore, University, and Country (Baltimore). Created Officier in recognition of services during the War, as member of the Interallied Surgical Conference. Present address: 1300 Eutaw Place, Baltimore, Md. FISHER, C. W. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in New York City ; educated at U. S. Naval Acad- emy and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Participated in the Spanish-American war ; served as Commander U. S. Naval Forces in Europe during the War. Now on duty with Compensation Board, Navy Department, Washington, D. C. Created Chevalier in recognition of his work in re- pair and ship salvage during and after the War. Present address: Navy Department, Washington, D. C. FISHER, HENRY C. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Officier. Last address: War Department, Washington, D. C. FISHER, RUSSELL S. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Chicago, 111., and educated at Northwestern University and Dartmouth College. Commissioned Lieutenant U. S. Army and served as Captain A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier for gallant action in Meuse-Ar- gonne offensive. Has also D. S. C., Croix de Guerre, with two palms, and Danilo 1 (Montenegro). Present address: 445 Barry Avenue, Chicago, 111. FISKE, HAROLD B. Officer, U. S. Army. Served as Brigadier General, A. E. F. Created Commandeur. Last address: Camp Benning, Ga. 152 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES FISKE, HAROLD C. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Jamestown, N. Y. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Was Instructor in Engineering, U. S. Military Acad- emy ; Engineer, River and Harbor, Pittsburgh, Pa., and Vicksburg, Miss. ; on active duty in France during the War ; Colonel and Chief Engineer, American Army of Occupation in Germany 1919. Created Officier April 29, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address : 32 Municipal Building, Chattanooga, Tenn. FITCH, RALPH RO SWELL. Surgeon. Born in Halifax, Newfoundland, and educated at Boston Latin School and Harvard University. Orthopedic surgeon, practicing in Rochester since 1906 ; was Director, American Hospital, at St. Valery, France, during the War. Clubs: Genesee Valley and Rochester Country (Rochester). Created Chevalier June 21, 1917, in recognition of services rendered in France. Present address : 1010 East Avenue, Rochester, N. Y. FLAGLER, CLEMENT A. F. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Augusta, Ga. ; educated at Griswold College, Davenport, Iowa ; U. S. Military Academy ; and Army War College. Served all grades in United States Army from Second Lieutenant to Major General. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C Created Officier May 5, 1919, in consideration of serv- ices rendered during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address : Camp Humphreys, Va. OF FRANCE 153 FLAHERTY, JAMES A. Last address: Philadelphia, Pa. FLAMAND, JOSEPH. French Consul. Created Chevalier October 3, 1919. Present address: Boston, Mass. FLEMING, ADRIAN S. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Kentucky ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served as Brigadier General, A. E. F. in France. Created Officier June 4, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered in command of 158th Brigade in the Meuse-Argonne offensive. Has also D. S. M. Present address : The Highlands, Washington, D. C. FLEMING, SAMUEL WILSON, Jr. Consulting Engineer. Born in Harrisburg, Pa., and educated at Princeton University and Lehigh University. Lieutenant Colonel, 8th Infantry, Pennsylvania Na- tional Guard ; served as Major with A. E. F. in France. Contributor to magazines on technical topics and writer of sea adventures. Clubs: Country (Harrisburg), Princeton (Philadel- phia) and Engineers (Central Pennsylvania). Created Chevalier, May 9, 1919, for "heroism on the battlefield." Present address: 204 Locust Street, Harrisburg, Pa. FLEXNER, SIMON. Physician. Born in Louisville, Ky. ; educated at Louisville public schools ; Universities of Louisville, Johns Hopkins, Strasbourg, and Berlin. Was Professor, Pathology and Anatomy, Johns Hop- kins University; Professor, Pathology, University of 154 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Pennsylvania. Director, Ayer Clinical Laboratory, Penn- sylvania Hospital. At present, Director, Laboratories, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. Author of various monographs and papers relating to pathology and bacteriology. Member of National Academy of Sci- ences and numerous American and foreign scientific associations. Member of Century Club, New York City. Created Chevalier February 23, 1914, and promoted Officier, 1919. Has also Sacred Treasure (Japan). Present address : 815 Madison Avenue, New York City. FLURSCHEIM, B. H. Merchant. Born in New York City and educated at the Sorbonne and the ficole de Medecine, Paris. Served as Major, with A. E. F. as head of the gaso- line service. Vice-President, Franklin Simon & Com- pany. At present, engaged in Red Cross work. Created Chevalier July 31, 1919, for services during the War. Present address: 87 rue de Courcelles, Paris, France. FOLEY, THOMAS F. Police Captain. Born in Worcester, Mass., and educated at Worcester High School. Captain of Police, Worcester, Mass. ; served as Major, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier August 11, 1919, in recognition of "extraordinary heroism in action." Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre. Present address : 84 Lowell Street, Worcester, Mass. FOLKS, HOMER. Social Worker. Born in Hanover, Mich. ; educated at Albion College and Harvard University. Assisted U. S. Military authorities in reorganizing public charities of Cuba ; Commissioner, Public Charities OF FRANCE 155 City of New York; President, N. Y. State Probation Commission ; Secretary, N. Y. State Public Health Com- mission ; President, American Association for Study and Prevention of Infant Mortality ; Director, American Red Cross. Author of numerous works on social sub- jects and many pamphlets and magazine articles. Created Chevalier May 14, 1919. Present address : 105 East 22d Street, New York City. FOLTZ, FRED S. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Lancaster, Pa. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served in various grades in the Army up to Colonel of Cavalry. Created Offieier May 5, 1919, in consideration of serv- ices rendered during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. FORBES, C. STEWART. Born in Shanghai, China, and educated at Harvard University. Served as Captain with the A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, for services as Lia- ison Officer with the French Staff. Has also Croix de Guerre. Present address: 114 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Mass. FORBUGH, JAMES BOIES ALLEYNE. Created Chevalier May 14, 1919, for services with American Red Cross. Present address: 27 Pine Street, New York City. FOSTER, CHARLES LOVELACE. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Starkville, Miss. ; educated at Mississippi Col- lege, and George Washington University. Served as Colonel, Medical Corps, A. E. F. in France. 156 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Honorary member of several medical associations. Created Officier July 26, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered as Chief Surgeon, Base Section No. 1, A. E. F. in France. Present address : Camp Dodge, Iowa. FOSTER, GEORGE BURGESS, Jr. Bacteriologist. Born in Salem, Mass. ; educated at Jefferson Medical College ; Harvard University ; and Army Medical School. Was Assistant Director, Division of Laboratories and Infectious Diseases, A. E. F. ; Assistant Professor of Bacteriology, Hygiene and Preventive Medicine, Army Medical School ; Investigator in fields of bacteriology and discoverer of a filterable virus as the cause of com- mon colds ; Organized Department Laboratories in United States, and Central Medical Department Labora- tory, Dijon, France. Contributor to medical journals. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Officier in consideration of services rendered during the War. Present address : Army Medical School, Washing- ton, D. C. FOULOIS, BENJAMIN DELAHAUF. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Connecticut and educated at the U. S. Infantry and Cavalry School and the Army Signal School. Served in the U. S. Army, Signal Corps, in various grades from Sergeant to Brigadier General; made avia- tion tests at Wright Brothers field; participated in cam- paign on Mexican border. Created Commandeur for services with A. E. F. in France during the War. Present address: Care Chief Signal Officer, U. S. Army, Washington, D. C. OF FRANCE 157 FOX, WILLIAM HENRY. Museum Director. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., and educated at University of Pennsylvania. Secretary, Department Art, and Secretary, Interna- tional Art Jury Awards, representing Russia, St. Louis Exposition ; Director, Herron Art Institute ; General U. S. Secretary, and member and Secretary of Interna- tional Jury of Awards, International Exposition of Art and History, Rome ; Curator in Chief, Museums of Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Science and Director in 1914 ; Member, Advisory Committee for Fine Arts, Panama-Pacific Exposition, and member, International Jury of Awards representing Sweden. Clubs: Art (Philadelphia), National Arts (New York), Hamilton, Rembrandt (Brooklyn), Authors' (London). Created Chevalier August 16, 1919. Has also Crown (Italy) and Polar Star (Sweden). Present address: Brooklyn Museum, Eastern Park- way, Brooklyn, N. Y. FRANCIS, DAVID ROWLAND. Diplomat. Born in Richmond, Ky. ; educated at Shurtleff College and Universities of Washington, Missouri and St. Louis. Was President, Director or Trustee of numerous com- mercial or banking organizations ; Mayor of St. Louis ; Governor of Missouri; Secretary of Interior, United States ; President, Louisiana Purchase Centennial Ex- position, and Ambassador to Russia 1916-19. Clubs : St. Louis, University, Country, Log Cabin, Jef- ferson, Round Table, Commercial, Noonday, Mercantile, Kinloch, Racquet, St. Louis; Metropolitan, Washington, D. C., and New York. Created Grand Officier September 25, 1904. Has also Crown (Prussia), Red Eagle (Prussia), Crown (Italy). Present address: 214 North 4th Street, St. Louis, Mo. 158 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES FRANK, COLMAN D. Educator. Born in Clifton, Mich. ; educated at Universities of Michigan, Heidelberg, Vienna, and Paris. Served as Major, U. S. Army, during the War. Was member, Permanent International Armistice Commis- sion. At present, Head of Department of Modern Lan- guages, De Witt Clinton High School, New York. Con- tributor to Modern Language publications. Lecturer for New York Board of Education. President or member of several scientific associations. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as member of Permanent International Armistice Commission. Has also Croix de Guerre ( Belgium ) . Present address: 80 Washington Square, E., New York City. FREEBORN, CHARLES J. Born in San Francisco, Cal., and educated at Yale University. Served as Captain with A. E. F. in France. Clubs : Union and Bohemian, San Francisco. Created Chevalier January 11, 1919, in recognition of services rendered the Allied Cause during the War. Died February 13, 1919. FREEDLANDER, JOSEPH HENRY. Architect. Born in New York City and educated at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and ficole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Ex-President, American Group, Societe des Architectes Diplomes; Trustee, Museum of French Art; Associate National Academy of Design. Architect of numerous bank buildings, hospitals, auditoriums, memorials and various city and country residences. Created Chevalier May 12, 1914, in recognition of his architectural work. Present address: 681 Fifth Avenue, New York City. OF FRANCE 159 FREMONT, J. C. Officer, U. S. Navy. Created Chevalier. Last address: 2119 R Street, Washington, D. C. FRENCH, DANIEL CHESTER. Sculptor. Born in Exeter, N. H. ; educated at Massachusetts Insti- tute of Technology. Was Art Commissioner of the City of New York ; Vice- President, Sculpture Society of New York. Among his most important works are: Milmore Memorial (Third Class Medal at Paris Salon 1892) ; Colossal Statue of the Republic, World's Columbia Exposition ; and numer- ous statues of prominent men in America. Member of several American and International Asso- ciations of Art. Club : Century, New York City. Created Chevalier January, 1901, in consideration of exhibit made at Paris Exposition 1900. Present address: 125 West llth Street, New York City. FRENCH, JOSEPH WILLIAM Served as Captain, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Created Chevalier June 30, 1919. FRIES, AMOS A. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Wisconsin and educated at the U. S. Military Academy. Passed through all the grades of the Army from Sec- ond Lieutenant to Brigadier General. Served as Chief of the Chemical Warfare Service from its formation to the close of the War. Author of "Road Manual" and numerous articles on engineering and chemical warfare. Member of several scientific and technical societies. Created Commandeur March 14, 1919, for "service to the Allied Cause." Has also D. S. M., and St. Michael and St. George (Great Britain). Present address: 1748 Corcoran Street, Washington, D. C. 160 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES FRIESEKE, FREDERICK CARL Artist. Born in Owosso, Mich. ; studied at Art Institute, Chi- cago, Art Students' League, New York, Julian Acad- emy and Whistler School, Paris. Has pictures in Gallerie-Modern, Venice ; Luxembourg Gallerie, Paris ; Modern Gallery, Odessa, and several art galleries and museums in the United States. Awarded prizes and medals at home and abroad. Member of numerous American and European so- cieties of art. Created Chevalier February 29, 1920. Present address : Macbeth Galleries, 450, 5th Avenue, New York City. FULLER, D. W. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Rockland, Maine ; educated at U. S. Naval Academy. Served as Lieutenant Commander, in command of destroyer "Tucker," on convoy duty off the French coast during the War. Created Chevalier June, 1919, for successfully attack- ing submarine by gunfire and depth bombs. Present address : U. S. S. Baltimore, Navy Yard, Mare Island, Cal. FULLER, PAUL, Jr. Lawyer. Born in South Orange, N. J. ; educated at Columbia and New York Law School. Was United States Commissioner to Haiti ; Director, War Trade Intelligence ; Member, Censorship Board ; Chairman, Foreign Trade Committee, Merchants' Asso- ciation, New York. Member of Century and Union Clubs, New York City. OP FRANCE 161 Created Chevalier December 27, 1918, in consideration of services rendered as Legal Advisor to the French Government. Present address: 2 Rector Street, New York City. FULLERTON, WILLIAM NORTON. Publicist. Born in Norwich, Conn., and educated at Harvard University. On editorial staff, "Boston Advertiser" ; correspon- dent, "London Times" ; author numerous books ; con- tributor to magazines and reviews ; special commissioner to Lyons International Exposition. Created Chevalier August 8, 1913. Last address: 8 rue Mont Thabor, Paris, France. FUQUA, STEPHEN O. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Baton Rouge, La.; educated at University of Louisiana, Army School of the Line and Army Staff College. Served in the various grades in U. S. Army from Sec- ond Lieutenant to Colonel. Was General Staff Officer, A. E. F. in France during the War. Created Chevalier January 30, 1920, for distinguished services as Chief of Staff, First Division, A. E. F. in France. Has also D. S. M., and Croix de Guerre. Present address: Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky. FURBER, HENRY JEWETT. Lawyer. Born at Green Bay, Wis., and educated at the Univer- sities of Chicago, Berlin, Vienna, Leipzig, Halle and the Northwestern University. Professor of Economics, Northwestern University : Vice-President National Life Insurance Company ; President, International Olympian Games of 1904 ; in- ventor of jphonotelemeter ; author of miscellaneous essays. 162 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Member Chicago Athletic Association. Created Chevalier 1903, and Officier January 15, 1904, for efforts directed to the amendment of the university regulations in France advantageous to foreign students. Present address : Bank of Montreal, New York City. FURER, T. Served as Captain no record. Created Officier. FURLONG, HAROLD ARTHUR. Student. Born in Pontiac, Mich.; educated at Michigan Agricul- tural College, and University of Michigan. Served as Lieutenant with A. E. F. in France. At present, pre-medical student in the University of Michigan. Created Chevalier May 5, 1919, in recognition of "dis- tinguished services in the Argonne offensive." Has also Medal of Honor (U. S.), and Croix de Guerre, with two palms. Present address: 2950 West Grand Boulevard, De- troit, Mich. FURNESS, THOMAS. Served as Lieutenant, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address: 34 Gorham Avenue, Brookline, Mass. GADE, JOHN A. Architect. Born in Cambridge, Mass. ; educated at Harvard University. Was member firm Foster, Gade & Graham, Architects; in Belgium, 1915-16 ; Naval Attache to Copenhagen, 1917. At present, Commissioner to the Baltic States. Author of "Cathedrals of Spain" and "Charles XII, King of Sweden." Member of Knickerbocker and University Clubs, New York City. OF FRANCE 163 Created Chevalier June, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in combating submarine warfare in the North Sea during the War. Has also Crown (Belgium), and Leopold (Belgium). Present address : State Department, Washington, D. C. GALBRAITH, FREDERIC WILLIAM, Jr. Business Executive. Born in Watertown Arsenal, Mass. ; educated at Gram- mar School, Springfield, Mass., and Massachusetts Nautical Training School. Was formerly President or Manager of several to- bacco concerns. Served as Colonel, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Treasurer, The Western Paper Goods Com- pany, Cincinnati, Ohio. President or member of numerous business asso- ciations. Created Offlcier May 14, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. C., Croix de Guerre (Belgium) and Croix de Guerre, with two palms. Present address: Third and Lock Streets, Cincinnati, Ohio. GALE, HENRY G. Professor. Born in Aurora, 111., and educated at the University of Chicago. Professor of Physics and Dean in the College of Science, University of Chicago. Author of text-books on physics and technical articles for scientific journals. Served as Major, Signal Corps, with the A. E. F. in France. Clubs: University, Quadrangle, Zurich Golf and Olympia Fields Golf (Chicago). Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, for services as officer in charge of metereological division and special service division, Office of the Chief Signal Officer, A. E. F. Present address: University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. 164 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES GAMBLE, ROBERT BRUCE. Physician and Surgeon. Born in Mosiertown, Pa. ; educated at Allegheny Col- lege ; and University of Buffalo. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Present address : Meadville, Pa. GARY, ELBERT H. Business Executive. Born near Wheaton, 111. ; educated at Wheaton College and University of Chicago. President, town of Wheaton (3 terms) ; first mayor city of Wheaton (2 terms) ; in general practice of law, Chicago, for 25 years ; connected with the organization of Federal Steel Co. and retired from law practice to become its president ; prominently identified with or- ganization of U. S. Steel Corporation of which he is Chairman, Board of Directors, and Chairman, Finance Committee. Trustee, Northwestern University ; Presi- dent, American Iron and Steel Institute. Created Officier February 29, 1920. Present address: 71 Broadway, New York City. GASSER, LORENZO D. Officer, U. S. Army. Born at Lykins, Ohio, and educated at public and pri- vate schools. Served as Colonel of Infantry with A. E. F. in France. Member Army and Navy Club, Washington. Created Chevalier July 26, 1919, for services as Chief of Motor Transport Section, General Staff, A. E. F. Present address: 2400 16th Street, Washington, D. C. CASSETTE, MISS GRACE. Created Chevalier May 18, 1917. OF FRANCE 165 GATES, A. L. Served with A. E. F. as Lieutenant. Created Chevalier. Last address : Clinton, Ohio. GAY, JAMES H., Jr. Bank Official. Born in Philadelphia, Pa. ; educated at University of Pennsylvania. At present with First National Bank, Philadel- phia, Pa. Served as Lieutenant, A. E. F. Member of Philadelphia Cricket Club. Created Chevalier May 14, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. C., and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: 345 Pelham Road, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. GAY, WALTER. Artist. Born in Hingham, Mass. ; educated at Boston public schools and Roxbury Latin School ; pupil of Bonnat. Creator of numerous productions and represented in the Museums and Art Galleries of Luxembourg, Paris ; Metropolitan Museum of Fine Arts, New York and Bos- ton ; Chicago Art Institute; Petit Palais, Paris. Re- ceived Gold Medals at Antwerp, Vienna, Berlin, Munich, Paris, and Hors Concours, Paris. Member and Fellow of numerous American and Inter- national societies of Art. Created Chevalier 1894, and promoted Officier July 21, 1906, in recognition of his Art. Present address : 11 rue de 1'Universite, Paris. GEORGE, HARRY. Last address: 143 Liberty Street, New York City. GERHARDT, CHARLES. Served as Brigadier General, A. E. F. Created Officier. Last address: Fort Snelling, Minn. 166 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES GEROW, LEONARD T. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Petersburg, Va. ; educated at Virginia Military Institute. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, Signal Corps, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier in recognition of "services in con- nection with Signal Corps disbursements and purchase of supplies" during the War. Present address: Fort Sam Houston, Texas. GETZ, JOHN. Antiquarian and Writer. Born in Wiirttemberg ; educated at public schools of New York. Studied drawing and architecture under various mas- ters and interior decoration under Herter. Contributed articles on Art to periodicals ; issued American edition, Artistic Japan ; and compiled many brochures on Art treasures. Arranged exhibit of various art and loan collections; was member juries of selection; director, Decorations, United States Commission to Paris Expo- sition. Architect, American Committee, Turin Exposi- tion of Decorative Art. Created Chevalier January 30, 1901, in consideration of services rendered at Paris Exposition, 1900. Present address: 601 West 115th Street, New York City. GIBBONS, HERBERT ADAMS. Author. Born in Annapolis, Md. ; educated at William Penn Charter School, University of Pennsylvania and Princeton University. Professor history and political economy, Robert Col- lege, Constantinople; faculty, Chautauqua Summer School since 1915 ; American lecturer for French for- eign affairs ministry in France, 1917-18. Correspondent New York "Herald" in Turkey and Egypt and Balkan States since 1908; contributor to "Century" and "Har- OF FRANCE 167 per's" magazines and Philadelphia "Evening Telegraph." Author of numerous works on the European situation. Created Chevalier April 20, 1919. Present address : 120 Boulevard Montparnasse, Paris, France. GIBBONS, JAMES. Cardinal. Born in Baltimore and educated at St. Charles College and St. Mary's Seminary. Served as pastor, private secretary to Archbishop Spalding, coadjutor archbishop of Baltimore and Cardi- nal. Actively interested in social and economic reforms. Author; president of the Board of Trustees of The Catholic University. Created Grand Officier October 9, 1918, in recognition of services in the cause of religion and humanity. Present address: 408 North Charles Street, Balti- more, Md. GIBBS, ELBERT ALLAN. Engineer. Born in Kasson, Minn. ; educated at University of Min- nesota ; University of California ; Cornell Uni- versity. Constructor of many large buildings and bridges in the United States ; served as Colonel, Engineers, A. E. F., in France. Member of several scientific and professional asso- ciations. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. M. Present address : University Club, Pittsburgh, Pa. GIBBS, GEORGE S. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Harlan, Iowa, and educated at the University of Iowa. Served as Brigadier General, Signal Corps, with the A. E. F. in France. 168 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Member Army and Navy Club, Washington. Created Offlcier April 4, 1919, for "distinguished serv- ice to the Allied Cause as Assistant Chief Signal Officer, A. E. F." Has also D. S. M M St. Michael and St. George (British), Crown (Italy) and Crown (Belgium). Present address: 2801 18th Street, Washington, D. C. GIBSON, HARVEY DOW. Created Officier April 25, 1919, for services with Amer- ican Red Cross. Present address: 52 E. 69th Street, New York City. GIBSON, HUGH S. Diplomat Secretary, U. S. Embassy. Created Chevalier January 7, 1919. Present address: TJ. S. Embassy, Paris, France. GIGNILLIAT, LEIGH ROBINSON. Educator. Born in Savannah, Ga., and educated at the Virginia Military Institute and Trinity College. Assistant Engineer Boundary Line Commission Yel- lowstone National Park ; commandant of cadets and Superintendent, Culver Military Academy, representa- tive Interallied Military Commission for the supply of the civil population left bank of the Rhine. Author of "Arms and the Boy." Served as Colonel, General Staff, A. E. F. in France. Member Union League Club, Chicago. Created Chevalier for services rendered during the War. Present address : Culver, Ind. GILBERT, CASS. Architect. Born in Zanesville, Ohio ; educated at Massachusetts Institute of Technology ; University of Michigan ; and Oberlin College. OP FRANCE 169 Architect, United States Custom House, New York ; Minnesota State Capitol ; United States Treasury Annex, Washington ; Woolworth Building, New York ; and many public and private buildings. Architect, Army Supply Base, Brooklyn, for United States War Department. President and member of various Institutes of Arts and Letters. Clubs : Century, Union, New York City ; St. Louis Club, St. Louis ; Cosmos, Washington, D. C. Created Chevalier January 3, 1919. Present address : 244 Madison Avenue, New York City. GILCHRIST, HARRY L. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Officier. Last address : War Department, Washington, D. C. GILPIN, C. E. Officer, U. S. Navy Reserves. Served during the War with rank of Commander. Created Chevalier. Last address: Scarsdale, N. Y. GINGNARD, WILLIAM. Officer, U. S. Army. GLEASON, JOHN W. Auditor. Born in Rutland, Mass. ; educated at Worcester Poly- technic Institute. Served as Second Lieutenant, Tank Corps, A. E. F. in France. Operating Expense Auditor, Montgomery Ward & Company, Chicago. Created Chevalier May 14, 1919, in recognition of "heroism in action near Exermont, France," during the War. Has also D. S. C and Croix 1 de Guerre, with palm. Present address : 331 North Austin Avenue, Austin Station, Chicago, 111. 170 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES CLEAVES, ALBERT. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Nashville, Tenn., and educated at the U. S. Naval Academy. Served in various grades of the Navy from Ensign to Rear Admiral. Participated in the Spanish-Amer- ican war ; established Government torpedo factory ; com- manded convoy of the first A. E. F. to France ; com- manded cruiser force, Atlantic fleet. Created Commandeur for "efficiency in convoy" during the War. Has also D. S. M. Present address: Navy Department, Washington, D. C. CLEAVES, SAMUEL R. Officer, U. S. Army. Born at Independence, Va., and educated at the Vir- ginia Military Institute and the U. S. Military Academy. Served with the rank of Colonel with the A. E. F. in France. Created Officier April 4, 1919, for services during the War. Has also D. S. M. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address : General Staff College, Washington, D. C. GLENN, EDWIN FORBES. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Greensboro, Guilford Co., N. C. ; educated at private schools, and U. S. Military Academy. Served as Officer, United States Army in all grades from Lieutenant to Major General. Author of "Glenn's International Law." Member of several Army Service Clubs. Created Commandeur April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in command of American Embarka- tion Center in France. Present address : Camp Sherman, Ohio. OF FRANCE 171 GLYN, M. C. Served as Major, A. E. F. Created Officier February 8, 1919. GODSON, WILLIAM F. H. Officer, U. S. Army. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Present address : American Legation, Berne, Switzer- land. GOELET, ROBERT. Created Chevalier December 27, 1918. GOETHALS, GEORGE WASHINGTON. Officer, U. S. Army (Retired). Born in Brooklyn, N. Y. ; educated at College City of New York, U. S. Military Academy and Army War College. Served in the various grades in U. S. Army from Second Lieutenant to Major General. Instructor in civil and military engineering, U. S. Military Academy ; in charge Mussel Shoals Canal Construction ; Member Board of Fortifications ; Chief Engineer, Panama Canal ; first civil governor, Panama Canal Zone ; General Man- ager, Emergency Fleet Corporation ; Chief, Division of Purchase, Storage and Traffic, 1918 ; awarded numer- ous medals. Created Commandeur December 1, 1918, in recogni- tion of services rendered during the War. Present address : 40 Wall Street, New York City. GOODRICH, DAVID M. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Present address : 60 Broadway, New York City. GORDON, ERSKINE. Lawyer. Born in Washington, D. C. ; educated at George Wash- ington University. 172 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Served as Major, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. At present, Lawyer and Trust Officer, Continental Trust Company. Member of Chevy Chase Club, Washington, D. C. Created Chevalier May 5, 1919, for "capture of three machine gun nests" during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: 3013 Q Street, Washington, D. C. GORE, JAMES HOWARD. Educator. Born in Virginia and educated at Richmond College, Columbian University, Leyden, Berlin and Brussels. Professor in George Washington University ; lecturer on trusts ; commissioner general to several international expositions ; author of a number of books on mathe- matics and geodesy ; a founder and member of Board of Trustees of the National Geographic Society. Clubs: Cosmos and Chevy Chase (Washington). Created Officier January 31, 1901, for services at Paris Exposition, 1900. Has also Leopold I (Belgium), Leo- pold II (Belgium), Merite Agricole (France), 1'Instruc- tion Publique (France), Orange-Nassau (Netherlands), Crown (Siam), White Elephant (Siam), Isabella (Spain), Merite (Bulgaria), Crown (Roumania) and Vasa (Sweden). Present address: 2210 R Street, Washington, D. C. GORGAS, WILLIAM CRAWFORD. Officer, U. S. Army (Retired). Born in Mobile, Ala. ; educated at University of the South and New York University. Chief sanitary officer of Havana and in charge of sanitary work there, 1898-1902; applied methods of com- bating yellow fever which eliminated that disease in Havana; chief sanitary officer Panama Canal; member Isthmian Canal Commission ; permanent director, Inter- national Health Board, Rockefeller Foundation ; major general and surgeon general, U. S. Army, 1915. Awarded medals at home and abroad. OP FRANCE 173 Member or Fellow of numerous professional asso- ciations. Created Commandeur December 1, 1018, in recogni- tion of services rendered during the War. Present address: 61 Broadway, New York City. GRANT,. ULYSSES S., 3d. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Chicago, 111. ; educated at Columbia University and U. S. Military Academy. Served all grades in U. S. Army from Cadet to Col- onel, Engineers. Was Assistant Commissioner, U. S.- German Conference on Prisoners of War at Berne, Switzerland. Member of various societies of engineers. Created Officier April 28, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. M., St. Maurice and St. Lazarus (Italy), St. Michael and St. George (England) and La Solidaridad (Panama). Present address : War Department, Washington, D. C. GRAY, DAVID. Served as Captain, A. E. F. Created Chevalier May 3, 1919. GRAY, PRENTISS N. Merchant. Born in Oakland, Cal. ; educated at University of Cal- ifornia. Director, Commission for Relief in Belgium ; Chief, Marine Transportation Division, U. S. Food Adminis- ti-ation. President, P. N. Gray & Company, New York. Author of "Canal Service in Belgium and North- ern France." Created Chevalier January 7, 1919, in recognition of his services in connection with the relief work in North- ern France and Belgium. Has also Crown (Belgium). Present address: 6 Hanover Street, New York City. 174 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES GRAYSON, CARY TRAVERS. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Salubria, Culpeper Co., Va. ; educated at Wil- liam and Mary College, University of the South and U. S. Naval Medical School. Surgeon, U. S. Naval Hospital, Washington; surgeon of the President's yacht, "Mayflower," and attending and consulting physician, Naval Dispensary, Washington, medical director with rank of rear admiral, 1916 ; mem- ber of various medical associations. Clubs : Army and Navy, Metropolitan, Riding and Hunt, Chevy Chase (Washington), Racquet (Phila- delphia). Created Commandeur June 25, 1919. Present address : Navy Department, Washington, D. C. GREELEY, WILLIAM BUCKHOUT. Forester. Born in Oswego, N. Y., and educated at University of California and Yale Forest School. Held various positions in the United States Forest Service; served as Lieutenant Colonel, Engineer Corps, A. E. F. in France. Member of Cosmos Club (Washington). Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, for work in co-opera- tion with French Timber Supply Service during the War. Has also Distinguished Service Order (England). Present address: 219 Elm Street, Chevy Chase, D. C. GREELY, JOHN N. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Washington, D. C., and educated at Yale Uni- versity. Editor "Field Artillery Journal." Served as Colonel with the A. E. F. in France. At present on duty with Army Historical Branch, General Staff. Clubs : Army and Navy, Riding and Hunt and Chevy Ch ase ( Washington ) . OF FRANCE 175 Created Officier, October 6, 1919, for services during the War. Has also D. S. M. Present address : Army and Navy Club, Washing- ton, D. C. GREELY, RUSSEL. Created Chevalier December 14, 1915, for services in distributing relief. GREEN, CHARLES A. Importer. Born in Versailles, 111., and educated at Leland Stan- ford, Jr., University. Treasurer, Green & De Laittre Company, Minne- apolis, Minn. Served as Major, A. E. F. in France dur- ing the War. Clubs: Minneapolis Athletic, Rotary, Automobile (Minneapolis). Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, for "exceptionally meritorious services" during the War. Present address: 2315 Irving Street, South, Minne- apolis, Minn. GREEN, FREDERICK WILLIAM. Railway President. Born in Rock Island, 111. ; educated by private tutors. Director and Vice-President, St. Louis Southwestern Railway and various subsidiary Companies ; Chairman, Committee on Economics of Railway Operation of Amer- ican Railway Engineering Association. Member of numerous professional and scientific asso- ciations. Clubs: Missouri Athletic Association and Midland Valley Country Club, St. Louis, Mo. Created Officier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in the creation, organization, develop- ment and administration of the Port of Brest as a Port and Base of the A. E. F. in France. Has also D. S. M. Present address: 6203 Washington Avenue, St. Louis. Mo. 176 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES GREEN, JOSEPH C. Served at Lieutenant, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. GREENE, CHARLES FREDERIC. Jeweller. Born in Plymouth, N. H. ; educated at public schools in New Hampshire ; Grammar and High Schools, Cambridge, Mass.; and Boston Business College. Formerly Member, Board of Directors, and First Vice-President, American Chamber of Commerce, Paris. President and General Manager, Spaulding & Company, Chicago and Paris. Clubs: Chicago, Onwentsia, Saddle and Cycle; also Societe de la Boulie, and Saint Cloud Country Club, Paris. Created Chevalier March 2, 1901, in consideration of his active interest in various institutions connected with the jewelry business in France, and services rendered at Paris Exposition, 1900. Present address : 338 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, and 23 rue de la Paix, Paris. GREENOUGH, CARROLL. Served as Major, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address : 4 rue Ventador, Paris, France. GREENWAT, JOHN CAMPBELL. Mining Engineer. Born in Huntsville, Ala., and educated at University of Virginia and Yale University. Was helper and foreman in steel works, assistant su- perintendent, superintendent and general manager of copper mines ; participated in Cuban campaign as pri- vate and Lieutenant; Lieutenant Colonel, Engineers R. C. in France. Member Yale Club of Arizona. OF FRANCE 177 Created Chevalier May 14, 1919, in recognition of services during the War. Has also D. S. C., and Croix de Guerre with two palms. Present address : Warren, Ariz. GREGORY, WARREN G. Created Chevalier January 7, 1919. Last address : San Francisco, Cal. GRIER, HARRY S. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address : U. S. Embassy, Paris, France. GRIFFIN, ROBERT STANISLAUS. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Fredericksburg, Va., and educated at U. S. Naval Academy. Served in Engineer Corps then transferred to line and passed through various grades to Rear Admiral. Participated in Spanish-American war. Chief Bureau of Steam Engineering, U. S. Navy. Member National Research Council. Created Commandeur in recognition of services during the War. Present address : Fredericksburg, Va. GRIGGS, MISS EMILY F. Created Chevalier December 11, 1919, for services as Director, "Union Franco-American." GRISWOLD, AUGUSTIN H. Served with A. E. F. as Lieutenant Colonel. Created Chevalier. Last address: 80 Plaza Drive, Berkeley, Cal. GROS, EDMUND. Physician. Born in San Francisco, Cal., and educated at Cooper College (Stanford). 178 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Organizer and director, Lafayette Flying Corps and Escadrille ; Chief Physician, American Hospital of Paris. Created Officier, August 21, 1919, for services with Liaison Section, Air Service, A. E. F. Has also Sts. Maurice and Lazarus (Italy) and Solidaridad (Panama). Present address: 23 Avenue du Bois de Bologne, Paris, France. GROVE, WILLIAM R. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Officier. Last address: 1882 Columbia Road, Washington, D. C. GRUNERT, GEORGE. Officer, U. S. Army. Born at White Haven, Pa., and educated in public and private schools. Was Commandant Shattuck Military School, instruc- tor, General Staff College, Washington, participated in the Cuban occupation, Cuban, Philippine and Mexican campaigns ; served as Colonel with A. E. F. in France Member Chicago Athletic Association and Military Clubs. Created Chevalier, June 13, 1919, for services as As- sistant Chief of Staff, 1st Army Corps, with the 6th French Army in the Second Battle of the Marne. Has also D. S. M. Present address: General Staff College, Washington, D. C. GUDGER, E. G. Officer, U. S. Navy. Created Chevalier. Last address: Brest, France. GULICK, JOHN W. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Officier. Last address : War Department, Washington, D. C. OF FRANCE 179 GUNNELL, WILLIAM COVINGTON. Civil Engineer and Architect. Born in Washington, D. C. ; educated at Columbian Col- lege, Washington, D. C. Was Assistant Engineer in construction, of U. S. Capitol and Dome; Engineer on Defences of Washing- ton during the Civil War, Engineer of United States Commissions at Paris Expositions of 1867 and 1889; Civil Engineer of Commissions for Locating Long Island City, N. Y. ; for construction of State Capitol, Hart- ford ; and for National Soldiers' Homes. Member of Cosmos Club, Washington, D. C. Created Chevalier October 30, 1889, in consideration of services rendered at Paris Exposition, 1889. Present address: Cosmos Club, Washington, D. C. GUTENSOHN, ALVIN GUSTAV. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address: War Department, Washington, D. C. HAAN, WILLIAM G. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Crown Point, Ind. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy and Army War College. Served all grades from Second Lieutenant to Major General, U. S. Army. At present, Assistant Chief of Staff, U. S. Army. Clubs : University, New York ; Metropolitan, Wash- ington, D. C. Created Commandeur April 24, 1919, in consideration of s-ervices rendered in command of Thirty-second Di- vision, A. E. F. as part of Tenth French Army. Has also D. S. M. and Croix de Guerre. Present address: 1302 18th Street N.W., Washington, D. C. HAGOOD, JOHNSON. Officer, U. S. Army. Born at Orangeburg, S. C., and educated at the U. S. Military Academy. 180 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Served in various grades of the Army from Second Lieutenant to Brigadier General ; participated in the principal campaigns in the Philippines and along the Mexican border ; was in active service abroad, in- cluding duty in the bridge-head beyond the Rhine. Created Commandeur May 10, 1919. Has also D. S. M. Present address : Camp Eustis, Va. HAISLIP, HARVEY SHADLE. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Fredericksburg, Va., and educated at the U. S. Naval Academy. Passed through the various grades of the Navy to Lieutenant Commander. Served in command of a De- stroyer in European waters ; participated in rescue of the survivors of the crew of the American Ammunition Carrier "Florence H." Created Chevalier April 9, 1919, for "engaging and successfully putting out of action an enemy submarine." Has also Croix de Guerre. Present address: Mare Island Navy Yard, Cal. HALL, CHARLES P. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Sardis, Miss. ; educated at University of Missis- sippi and United States Military Academy. Created Chevalier in consideration of services ren- dered during the War. Has also D. S. C., Croix de Guerre and La Solidaridad (Panama). Present address : Camp Travis, Texas. HALL, JAMES NORMAN. Author. Born in Colfax, Iowa, and educated at Grinnell College. Served as volunteer in Royal Fusiliers and in Franco- American Flying Corps. Created Chevalier. Member Aero Club of France. Present address: American Express Office, 11 Rue Scribe, Paris, France. OF FRANCE 181 HALLIGAN, J. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Boston, Mass., and educated at the U. S. Naval Academy. At present commanding U. S. S. "Ohio" with rank of Captain. Created Officier April 9, 1919, for services as Chief of Staff to Commander U. S. Naval Forces in France. Present address : Navy Department, Washington, D. C. HALSEY, CHARLES WOODRUFF. Merchant. Born in Newark, N. J. ; educated at Princeton Uni- versity. Served as Major, Quartermaster Corps, General Staff, A. E. F. in France; Vice-President, Rogers Peet Com- pany, New York City. Clubs: University, Princeton, New York; Cap and Gown, Nassau, Princeton Elm, St. Andrew's Golf and Siwanoy Golf, Princeton. Created Chevalier July 26, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in co-operation with French Army as Deputy Chief Quartermaster and Member, Fourth Sec- tion, General Staff, A. E. F. Present address: 842 Broadway, New York City. HALSTEAD, ALEXANDER SEAMAN. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Philadelphia, Pa. ; educated at U. S. Naval Academy. Served all grades in U. S. Navy up to and including Rear Admiral. At present Commandant, U. S. Navy Yard, Portsmouth, N. H. Clubs: New York Yacht, Larchmont Yacht; Univer- sity, Philadelphia; Army and Navy, Chevy Chase, Wash- ington, D. C. Created Commandeur September 26, 1919, in consid- eration of services rendered in co-operation with French Navy during the War. Present address: U. S. Navy Yard, Portsmouth, N. H. 182 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES HAM, SAMUEL V. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Indiana and educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served all the grades in the United States Army from Second Lieutenant to Colonel. Created Officier July 19, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered in France during the War. Has also D. S. C., Croix de Guerre and War Cross (Italy). Present address: Fort Leavenworth, Kan. HAMILTON, THOMAS GRAHAM. Engineer. Born in Belfast, Ireland ; educated at Lehigh University. Was Chief Engineer of Construction of several rail- roads ; served as Lieutenant Colonel, United States Army, during the War; General Superintendent, Gary Street Railway Company, Gary, Ind. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in the purchase of engineer supplies and adjustment of orders and contracts during the War. Present address: 806 Detroit Street, La Porte, Ind. HAMMOND, WILLIAM HATS. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Visalia, Cal. ; educated at Stanford University ; University of California; Mt. Tamalpais Military Academy. Served as First Lieutenant, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Member of Press Club, San Francisco. Created Chevalier May 14, 1919, in recognition of "bravery in action near Mt. Faucon, France." Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: Camp Kearny, Cal. HAND, C. L. Officer, U. S. Navy. Created Chevalier. Last address: 1910 First Avenue, Birmingham, Ala. OF FRANCE 183 HANES, W. W. Served as Lieutenant, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address : Jonesville, S. C. HANEY, MATHIAS WILLOUGHBY. Travelling Salesman. Born in Bristol, W. Va. ; educated at Salem College. Served as Captain, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier May 14, 1919, in recognition of exceptional bravery in action, during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm and gold star. Present address : 212 Park Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. HANGER, CHARLES R. Lawyer. Born in Laddonia, Mo. ; educated at University of Missouri. Served as First Lieutenant, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier May 9, 1919, in recognition of "gal- lantry in action" during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: 4114 Montgall Avenue, Kansas City, Mo. HANSON, MARCUS H. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address : San Antonio, Texas. HARBORD, JAMES GUTHRIE. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Bloomington, 111. ; educated at Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kan. Served as Assistant Chief of Philippine Constabulary ; Chief of Staff, A. E. F. in France. Chief of Mission to Asia Minor. Created Commandeur November 11, 1918, in consider- ation of services rendered during the "War. Has also 184 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES D. S. M., Crown (Belgium), St. Michael and St. George (England), St. Maurice, St. Lazarus (Italy), Prince Danilo (Montenegro) and La Solidaridad (Panama). Present address : War Department, Washington, D. C. HARDY, EDWARD J. Business Executive. Born in Edinburgh, Scotland, and educated at Sciennes School and Heriot-Watt College, Edinburgh. Captain of Cavalry, California National Guard. Served with rank of Major as Chief of the Photo- graphic Section, Signal Corps, A. E. F. in France. Member Elks Club, San Francisco. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, for services during the War. Has also citation for "meritorious services." Present address: 148 Hooper Street, San Francisco, Cal. HARDY, HIPPOLYTE LEON. Business Executive. Born in Paris, France, and educated in public and private schools. Served in the Tonkin campaign; with A. E. F. in France with rank of Major. Created Chevalier for services rendered during the War. Present address : 3 Hamilton Terrace, New York City. HARJES, HENRY HERMAN. Banker. Born in Paris, France ; educated by private tutors in France, England and America, and at schools in France and England. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, Infantry, A. E. F. in France ; was Representative, American Red Cross in France and Chief, American Red Cross Ambulance Serv- ice. Senior resident partner, Morgan, Harjes & Com- pany, Paris. Clubs : Metropolitan, New York, and several French and English clubs. OP FRANCE 185 Created Chevalier April 5, 1917, and promoted Offi- cier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Chief Liaison Officer, A. E. F. in France. Has also D. S. M., Croix de Guerre, Crown (Belgium) and St. Sava (Serbia). Present address: 14 Place Vendome, Paris, France. HARLOW, CHARLES W. Officer, U. S. Army. Born at Split Rock, S. Dak., and educated in public and private schools. Served as Colonel with A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, for services during the War. Present address : Whipple Barracks, Ariz. HARMON, DANIEL W. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in St. Louis, Mo. ; educated at University of Vir- ginia. Was Health Officer, City of Colon, Panama; Chief Sanitary Inspector, Panama Canal. Served as Colonel. Medical Corps, A. E. F. in France; Assistant to De- partment Surgeon, Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in recognition of services rendered in connection with French Army dur- ing the War. Present address: Fort Sam Houston, Texas. HARMON, KENNETH B. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in San Francisco, Cal., and educated at the U. S. Military Academy. Was Chief of the Field Artillery Section of the Ord- nance Department with A. E. F. in France, with rank of Colonel. Created Officier April 4, 1919, for services during the War. Has also D. S. M. Present address: Ordnance Office, Washington, D. O. 186 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES HARPER, DONALD. Lawyer. Born in Rome, Ga., and educated at Mercer University and the University of Georgia. In legal practice in New York and Paris ; expert adviser on railway securities ; member various law as- sociations. Created Chevalier February 17, 1913. Present address : 32 Avenue de 1'Opera, Paris, France. HARRELL, WILLIAM F. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Marion, S. C. ; educated at United States Mili- tary Academy. Served all grades, from Lieutenant to Colonel, in United States Army. Created Officier March 16, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered during the War. Has also D. S. C., D. S. M. and Croix de Guerre, with three palms. Present address: Camp Zackary Taylor, Ky. HARRIES, GEORGE HERBERT. Business Executive.. Born in Haverfordwest, South Wales, and educated at Haverfordwest Grammar School. Brigadier General, A. E. F. Chief United States Military Mission, Berlin, Germany. Actively interested in public utilities. As officer in the National Guard participated in various campaigns. Clubs: Army and Navy (Washington), Engineers and Bankers (New York), Union League (Chicago), Pen- dennis (Louisville) and University (Omaha). Created Commandeur April 4, 1919, for construction work and troop-forwarding operations while command- ing General Base Section 5. Has also D. S. M., George I (Greece), White Eagle (Serbia), Sts. Maurice and Lazarus (Italy) and four campaign insignias. Present address: Engineers' Club, 32 W. 40th Street, New York City. OF FRANCE 187 HARRIS, CARLOS G. Student. Born in Spartanburg, S. C. ; educated at Agricultural and Mechanical College of South Carolina, and Columbia University, New York. Served as First Lieutenant, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier December 18, 1918, in recognition of "exceptional leadership in the Champagne offensive" during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre, with palm and star. Present address: 357 West 119th Street, New York City. HARRIS, DUNCAN G. Business Executive. Born in New York City and educated at Harvard Uni- versity. At present member firm Harris, Voght & Company, New York City. Served as Major with the A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier May 5, 1919, for services during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: 569 Fifth Avenue, New York City. HARRISON, ALEXANDER. Artist. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., and educated at the Penn- sylvania Academy of Fine Arts and the ficole des Beaux Arts and studied with Bastien-Lepage and Gerome. Represented in the Luxembourg Museum and other art galleries in this country and abroad. Has received numerous medals, including the gold medal 'iat the Paris Exposition. Clubs: Century, New York; Philadelphia Art and Bohemian (San Francisco). Created Chevalier October 27, 1889, in recognition of services as Vice-President, International Art Jury and 188 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES promoted Officier, January 17, 1901. Has also Officier de 1'Instruction Publique (France). Present address : 6 rue du Val de Grace, Paris, France. HART, WILLIAM H. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Winona, Minn., and educated at the U. S. Mili- tary Academy. Passed through the various grades of the Army from Second Lieutenant to Colonel, Quartermaster Corps. Author of "Responsibility for Unpreparedness," "The- orists vs. Everybody Else" and "The Second Greatest Crime." Created Officier April 4, 1919, for services as Quar- termaster Base Section No. 1, St. Nazaire, France. Has also D. S. M. Present address : Zone Supply Office, San Francisco, Cal. HARTNEY, HAROLD E. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Pakenham, Canada; educated at Universities of Toronto and Saskatchewan. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, Air Service, A. E. F. in France. Successfully crossed continent (both ways) in recent Airplane Reliability Test. Author of several articles on Aviation and Aerial Tactics in magazines. Director, American Flying Club. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Chevalier April 3, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered as Commanding Officer, First Pursuit Group, Chateau-Thierry, St. Mihiel and Argonne offen- sives. Has also D. S. C., Croix de Guerre, with palm, and Military Medal (Italy). Present address: 3313 Ross Place, Cleveland Park, Washington, D. C. HARTS, WILLIAM WRIGHT. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Springfield, 111., and educated at Princeton, U. S. Military Academy, Engineering School of Ap- OF FRANCE 189 plication, Army War College and Navy War College. Served in various grades in the Engineer Corps from Second Lieutenant to Brigadier General. In charge of construction work at a number of harbors, forts and dams ; Military Aide to President Wilson ; supervised construction of Lincoln Memorial, Arlington Memorial and Red Cross Building ; served with the French of the Champagne front and with the British in Flanders ; Chief, American Mission with British Headquarters ; Chief of Staff Army of Occupation in Germany. Clubs : Metropolitan, Cosmos, Riding and Hunt and Army and Navy (Washington), Army and Navy (New York). Created Commandeur April 10, 1919, for services as Military Commander of Paris. Has also D. S. M., Sts. Michael and George (England), Crown (Belgium) and Danilo 1 (Montenegro). Present address r 1842 Mintwood Place, Washington, D. C. HARTWELL, HERBERT FRANCIS. Export Manager. Born in Brockton, Mass. ; educated at Boston Univer- sity, University of Paris ; College de France. Was formerly Assistant Supervisor, Modern Language Instruction, Public Schools, Springfield, Mass. At pres- ent Export Manager, John A. Dunn Manufacturing Company. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Liaison Officer with French Army during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre, with gold star. Present address: John A. Dunn Company, Gardner, Mass. HASKELL, WILLIAM N. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Albany, N. Y., and educated at the U. S. Mili- tary Academy. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. in France ; Chief of Amer- 190 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES lean Mission for Relief in Roumania ; Allied High Com- missioner in Armenia ; Colonel General Staff and Allied High Commissioner, Tiflis, Russia. Created Officier, June, 1919, for Military Services as Chief of Operations, 2d Army (U. S.). Has also D. S. M. and Crown (Roumania). Present address : Tiflis, Russia. HASTINGS, THOMAS. Architect. Born in New York City; educated at ficole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Architect of Ponce de Leon Hotel ; new buildings for Yale College ; New York Public Library. Member of Century and Knickerbocker Clubs, New York City. Created Chevalier January, 1901, in consideration of services rendered at Paris Exposition, 1900. Present address : 52 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York City. HATCH, HENRY J. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Charlotte, Mich.; educated at University of Michigan. Served as Brigadier General, A. E. F. in France. At present on Staff of Commanding General, North Pa- cific Coast Artillery District. Created Officier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Chief, Heavy Artillery Section, A. E. F. in France during the War. Present address: 411 White Building, Seattle, Wash HATCH, JOHN F. Officer, U. S. Navy. HAVILAND, CHARLES E. Merchant. Created Commandeur July 24, 1912. Last address: 45 Barclay Street, New York City. OF FRANCE 191 HAVILAND, THEODORE. Manufacturer. Created Officier 1903 in recognition of his superior porcelains. Last address : 200 Fifth Avenue, New York City. HAWKES, McDOUGALL. Born in New York City and educated in schools in the United States, France and Germany and at Colum- bia University. Held various municipal and State positions by ap- pointment ; director numerous corporations ; collector of works of art ; President of the French Institute in the United States which supports the Museum of French Art in the United States ; actively interested in civic and municipal affairs. Clubs: Union, Metropolitan, Republican, Century, Westchester (New York) and Travelers' (Paris). Created Chevalier January 3, 1919, "for services ren- dered the Allies during the War" and as Founder of the French Institute in the United States. Present address: 32 Nassau Street, New York City. HAWKINS, RUSH CHRISTOPHER. Bibliographer, Author. Born in Pomfret, Vt. ; educated at public school. Was Member, New York Legislature ; Colonel, New York National Guard and Ninth New York Infantry. Brevet Brigadier General, State of New York, U. S. Volunteers. Author of several books on the Civil War and different subjects, many biographies, and Report on Fine Arts at the Paris Exposition, 1889. Collector of Books relating to Early History of Printing and Wood Engraving. Created Officier November 20, 1889, in consideration of services rendered at Paris Exposition, 1889. Present address : 21 West 20th Street, New York City. 192 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES HAWLEY, JOHN MITCHELL. Officer, U. S. Navy (Retired). Born in Northampton, Mass., and educated at the U. S. Naval Academy. Passed through all the grades in the Navy to Cap- tain and retired as Rear-Admiral. Served twenty-two years at sea ; was in charge of recruiting service ; lighthouse inspector ; was in the Samoan hurricane ; honored by State of Massachusetts and by the Naval Militia of Illinois. Created Officier July 12, 1905. Present address: 1514 R Street, Washington, D. C. HAT, WILLIAM H. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Drifton, Jefferson Co., Fla. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served as Major General, A. E. F. in France during the War. Member of several service clubs of Washington and New York. Created Officier May 5, 1919, in consideration of serv- ices rendered in command of Twenty-Eighth Division, A. B. F. in France. Has also D. S. M. and Croix de Guerre, with two palms. Present address: Brownsville, Texas. HAYES, GEORGE B. Dental Surgeon. Born in Canandaigua, N. Y., and educated at Williams College and University of Michigan. Has the title of "Chirurgien Dentiste" of the Faculty of Mede- cine of Paris. Member American Dental Club, Paris. Created Chevalier April 18, 1918, for services ren- dered as Chief Dental Surgeon, American Ambulance, Neuilly sur Seine. Present address : 17 Avenue de l'Opera r Paris, France. OF FRANCE 193 HAYS, G. P. Served as Lieutenant, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address: War Department, Washington, D. C. HAYWARD, WILLIAM. Lawyer. Born in Nebraska City, Neb. ; educated at University of Nebraska. Participated in Spanish-American war as Captain ; was Judge and Assistant District Attorney ; Member New York Public Service Commission. Served as Colonel, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Clubs : Union League, New York ; University, Wash- ington, D. C. Created Officier February 3, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. M. and Croix de Guerre, with star and gold palm. Present address : 120 Broadway, New York City. HEALY, WARREN MANSFIELD. Mechanical Engineer. Born in Massachusetts ; educated at public schools and Technical School of France. President, Manufacturing Corporation. Entered U. S. Army in 1861; Brigadier General, Na- tional Guard, New York. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Chevalier, October 30, 1889, in recognition of superior skill in Mechanic Arts. Present address : 1 East 39th Street, New York City. HEARN, EDWARD L. Last address : New York City. HEGEMAN, HARRY A. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Sparta, Wis. ; educated at Agricultural and Me- chanical College of South Dakota. Served as Colonel, Motor Transport Corps, A. E. F. in France. 194 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Clubs: Army and Navy, Washington, D. C. ; Athletic and University, Chicago. Created Officier for services rendered in the organiza- tion, construction and command of American Repair works at Verveuil, France. Has also D. S. M. Present address: Headquarters, Central Department, 230 East Ohio Street, Chicago, 111. HEIKEN, EILERT G. Student. Born in Bushton, Kan. ; educated at Ottawa University, Ottawa, Kan. Served as First Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. Army, in France. Created Chevalier May 9, 1919, in consideration of valiant services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre. Present address : 1010 Cedar Street, Ottawa, Kan. HEINZMANN, GROVER P. Purchasing Agent. Born in Jersey City, N. J. ; educated at Grammar School, Garfleld, N. J. Served as Lieutenant, A. E. F. Member, State Assembly, 1920. Created Chevalier May 9, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address : 130 Burgess Place, Passaic, N. J. HEINTZLEMAN, STUART. Financier. Born in Philadelphia and educated in public and private schools. Was Secretary, Vice-President and President, Norfolk & Western Railroad; Chairman of the Board of the Guaranty Trust Company of New York, director of a number of railroads and industrial and financial insti- tutions ; actively interested in benevolent organizations ; Treasurer, Food for France Fund. OF FRANCE 195 Clubs : Banks', Century, Down Town, Economic, Metro- politan, Union League (New York), Runson Country (New Jersey) and Rittenhouse (Philadelphia). Created Chevalier December 27, 1918, for services ren- dered during the War. Present address: 140 Broadway, New York City. HELMICK, ELI ALVA. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Indiana and educated at the U. S. Military Acad- emy. School of the Line, and the Army War College. Served in various grades of the Army from Second Lieutenant to Major General. Was inspector general; participated in the Santiago campaign; with A. E. F. in France. Created Officier in recognition of services during the War. Present address: War Department Headquarters, Chicago, 111. HEMPHILL, JOSEPH NEWTON. Rear Admiral (Retired). Born in Ripley, Ohio ; educated at U. S. Naval Academy. Served as chief of Staff of North Atlantic fleet and European Squadron ; was captain of New York Navy Yard ; President, Board of Inspection and Survey ; Presi- dent, Examining and Retiring Board. Created Offlcier August 2, 1902. Present address: Navy Department, Washington, D. C. HENDERSON, HENRY H. Express Agent. Born in Topeka, Kan., and educated in public and pri- vate schools. Served as First Lieutenant with the A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier, March 19, 1919, for "gallantry in action." Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre. Present address : 2552 20th Street, Rock Island, 111. 196 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES HENNA, JOSEPH JULIO. Physician. Born in Porto Rico; educated at Columbia. Consulting Physician and Dean, Medical Faculty of French Hospital, New York City. Author of several medical monographs. Member of numerous medical as- sociations. Created Chevalier May 2, 1910, in consideration of services rendered French Colony and French Hospital of New York. Has also Bust of Bolivar (Venezuela). Present address : 24 West 72d Street, New York City. HENROTIN, F. F. Business Executive. Born in Havre, France. Created Chevalier May, 1919, in recognition of services rendered with the A. E. F. in France. Present address: Lathaus & Company, Havre, France. HENRY, MORTON J. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Montgomery Co., Pa. ; educated at Harvard Uni- versity. Clubs : Knickerbocker, New York ; Philadelphia Club, Philadelphia ; Metropolitan and Chevy Chase, Washing- ton ; Travellers', Paris. Created Officier April 4, 1918, in consideration of serv- ices rendered as Chief, Inspection and Intendance, dur- ing the War. Has also Leopold (Belgium). Present address: War Department, Washington, D. C. HEPBURN, A(LONZO) BARTON. Banker. Born at Colton, N. Y., and educated at Middlebury College. Practiced law; Member, New York Assembly; Comp- troller of the Currency ; President, Chase National Bank ; director of many industrial, banking and financial insti- tutions; member Board of Rockefeller Foundation and OF FRANCE 197 various educational, philanthropic and social organiza- tions. Clubs: University, Metropolitan, Union League, Bar- nard, Bankers', Economic, Camp Fire, Press, St. An- drew's Golf, National Golf and the Links, New York. Author of books and reports on economic subjects. Created Officier September 30, 1912, for interest mani- fested in French education as shown in the donation of the Maison Francais to Columbia University and as founder and first President of the France-America Society. Has also George I (Greece). Present address : 57 Broadway, New York City. BERING, CARL. Electrical Engineer, Physicist. Born in Philadelphia; educated at the University of Pennsylvania. United States Delegate of the Societe Internationale des Electriciens ; Member of Jury of Awards or Sci- entific Commissions at twelve expositions. Delegate ap- pointed by U. S. Government and various Societies to International Congresses and Conferences. Discovered several new laws in physics. Author of a number of technical books, papers and articles. Created Chevalier January 30, 1901, in consideration of services rendered at Paris Exposition, 1900. Has also L'Instruction Publique (France). Present address: 210 South Thirteenth Street, Phila- delphia, Pa. HERMLE, LEO D. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Hastings, Neb.; educated at University of California. Served as First Lieutenant, U. S. Marine Corps, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier May 14, 1919, in recognition of "heroism in action" during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with two palms. Present address: 2206 East 21st Street, Oakland, Cal. 198 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES HERO, ANDREW, Jr. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in New Orleans, La., educated at Tulane Uni- versity; Columbia College; U. S. Military Academy. Participated in the Spanish-American war and Cuban occupation ; served as Brigadier General, A. E. F. in France. Clubs: Army and Navy, Chevy Chase, Washington, D. C. Created Officier May 29, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Present address: Camp Jackson, S. C. HERRICK, MYRON T. Diplomat. Born at Huntington, Ohio, and educated at Oberlin College and Ohio Wesleyan University. Practiced law at Cleveland ; President, Society for Savings, Cleveland ; Governor of Ohio, U. S. Ambassador to France ; director financial, industrial and railway corporations. Created Grand Cross December 4, 1914, in recognition of achievements in maintaining friendly relations be- tween this country and France. Present address: Cuyahoga Building, Cleveland, Ohio. HERRON, CHARLES D. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Crawfordsville, Ind. ; educated at United States Military Academy. Served as Colonel, Field Artillery, U. S. Army, dur- ing the War. Created Officier June 13, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Present address : War Department, Washington, D. C. HERSEY, MARK LEWIS. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Stetson, Maine, and educated at Bates College and the U. S. Military Academy. OP FRANCE 199 Served in various grades of the Army from Second Lieutenant to Major-General. On detached service in the Philippines; Chief, Mindanao Constabulary. Clubs: Army and Navy, Washington. Created Offlcier August 6, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices during the War. Present address: War Department, Washington, D. C. HEVENOR, RICHARD S. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Concord, N. H. ; educated at Concord High School and Concord Business College. Served as First Lieutenant, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier December 1, 1918, in recognition of "deed performed in action south of Soissons" during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre, with palm and silver star. Present address : Camp Devens, Mass. HETBURN, GEORGE A. Business Executive. Born in London, England ; educated at City of London School. Served as Captain with A. E. F. in France. Man- ager, Dodwell Dock & Warehouse Company, Seattle ; Executive Secretary, Northwest Waterfront Employers' Union. Clubs: Bolo, Arctic, Seattle. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in recognition of services rendered during the War. Present address: 311 Globe Building, Seattle, Wash. HIBBEN, JOHN GRIER. University President. Born in Peoria, 111. ; educated at Princeton University. Was Professor of Philosophy and since 1912 President, Princeton University. Author of numerous volumes on Philosophy. 200 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Clubs : Century, University and Authors', New York City. Created Officier December 27, 1918, in consideration of services on behalf of the cause of France and the Allies during the War. Has also Crown (Belgium) and St. Sava (Serbia). Present address : "Prospect," Princeton, N. J. HIGGINSON, FRANCIS JOHN. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Boston, Mass., and educated at the U. S. Naval Academy. Served in the various grades of the Navy from Lieutenant to Rear-Admiral. Participated in the bom- bardment of Fort Sumter ; Fort Jackson and Fort St. Philip ; advanced three numbers in rank for eminent and conspicuous conduct in battle during Spanish- American War ; commanded Newport Naval Station, Naval War College and Torpedo School ; Captain of various Navy Yards ; Chairman Lighthouse Board ; Commander-in-Chief Atlantic Fleet. Created Commandeur August 2, 1902. Present address : Navy Department, Washington, D. C. HIGLEY, GEORGE R. Conductor. Born in Rockford, 111. ; studied at Rockford public schools and high school, Chicago. Served as First Lieutenant, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. At present railway conductor. Created Chevalier March 14, 1918, "for capturing ma- chine guns and prisoners under fire." Has also D. S. C. and three Croix de Guerre, with palms. Present address: Chicago Heights, 111. HILBURN, HERBERT S. Editor and Publisher. Born in Fleming, Texas; educated at Polytechnic College. OF FRANCE 201 Editor, "Plainview Evening Herald." Served as Cap- tain, Infantry, United States Army in France. Created Chevalier May 9, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in France during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre. Present address: Plainview, Texas. HILGARD, MILOSH. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in New York and educated in public and private schools. Created Officier in recognition of services as "Regu- lateur aux Armees." Has also D. S. M. and Distin- guished Service Order (Great Britain). Present address : Fort Sam Houston, Texas. HILL, ARTHUR DEHON. Lawyer. Born in Paris, France, and educated at Harvard Uni- versity. District Attorney for Suffolk County, Mass. ; Professor of Law at Harvard University ; Corporation Counsel for the city of Boston ; served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. in France during the War. Clubs: Somerset, Union, Harvard, Central, Colonial (Boston). Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in recognition of services rendered during the War. Present address : 17 Brimmer Street, Boston, Mass. HILL, FREDERICK TREVOR. Lawyer, Author. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y. ; educated at Yale and Co- lumbia Universities. Served as Lieutenant Colonel attached to American General Staff in France. Author of several law books and a great number of essays, novels and short stories. Contributor to many periodicals. Clubs: Century, Authors', Down Town and Ardsley, New York City; Graduates' and Elizabethan, New Haven, Conn. 202 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Created Chevalier April, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Present address: 56 Wall Street, New York City. HILL, HENRY W. Created Chevalier February 14, 1913. HILTY, REUBEN. Served as Major, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address: Rawson, Ohio. HINCKLEY, R. M. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in St. Paul, Minn. ; educated at United States Naval Academy. Created Chevalier April 9, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Commander of Destroyer doing convoy work during the War. Present address: 1611 28th Street N.W., Washing- ton, D. C. HINDS, ERNEST. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Red Hill, Ala.; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Passed through the various grades of the Army from Second Lieutenant to Major General. Served as Major General and Chief of Artillery, A. E. F. in France. Created Commandeur April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. M. Leopold (Belgium) and Sts. Maurice and Lazarus (Italy). Present address: Fort Sill, Okla. HINES, FRANK T. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Salt Lake City, Utah ; educated at Agricultural College, Logan, Utah. OF FRANCE 203 Was Chief of Embarkation, A. E. F. in France with rank of Brigadier General. Author of "Service of Coast Artillery." Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Offlcier December 1, 1918, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. M., Companion of the Bath (England), Leopold (Belgium) and Sacred Treasure (Japan). Present address: 1870 Wyoming Avenue, Washing- ton, D. C. HINES, JOHN LEONARD. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in White Sulphur Springs, W. Va. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served all grades in U. S. Army from Cadet to Brig- adier General. Participated in the Cuban and Philip- pine campaigns. At present in command of Camp Dodge, Iowa, and Fourth Division, U. S. Army. Created Commandeur November 11, 1918, in recog- nition of his services as Commander, First Brigade, First Division, A. E. F. in France. Has also D. S. C., D. S. M., Croix de Guerre, Leopold (Belgium), St. Michael and St. George (England), Crown (Italy) and La Solidaridad (Panama). Present address : Camp Dodge, Iowa. HINKLE, CHARLES L. Railroad Superintendent. Born in Pleasantville, Ind., and educated at public and private schools. Has held administrative positions with various rail- roads. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier in recognition of services with the Transportation Corps, A. E. F. in France. Present address: Frankfort, Ind. HITT, PARKER. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Indianapolis, Ind. ; educated at Purdue Uni- versity. 204 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Served, with A. E. F. as Colonel. Created Officier June 13, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Chief Signal Officer, First Army, A. E. F., during the War. Has also D. S. M. Present address: War College, Washington, D. C. HODGES, HARRY LUMSDEN. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Norfolk, Va. ; educated at Norfolk High School and U. S. Military Academy. Instructor, United States Military Academy ; Com- mandant of Cadets, Virginia Military Institute ; Mem- ber, General Staff, U. S. Army. Created Chevalier May 14, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in France during the War. Present address: Washington Barracks, Washington, D. C. HOFF, JOHN JACOB. Business Executive. Created Chevalier January 14, 1919. HOGAN, PHILIP JOHN. Consulting Engineer. Born in Chicago, 111., and educated at Harvard Uni- versity. Division Engineer Board of Water Supply, New York City; Acting Deputy Chief Engineer for the same; served as Lieutenant Colonel, General Staff and Deputy Chief Topographical Service, A. E. F. Clubs : Harvard and Engineers, New York. Created Chevalier for "meritorious service to Allied Cause." Has also citation from Commander-in-Chief, A. E. F. Present address : 32 West 40th Street, New York City. HOGAN, WILLIAM STRONG. Vice-President^ American Chamber of Commerce, Paris. Created Chevalier August 16, 1918. OF FRANCE 205 HOLBROOK, LUCIUS R. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Arkansaw, Wis. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy ; Army School of the Line ; Staff School ; ficole de 1'Intendance, Paris. Served as Brigadier General, A. E. F. in France. Author of a number of books on military subjects. Created Officier November 11, 1918, in consideration of "skilful handling of artillery during the War." Has also D. S. M., Croix de Guerre, with two palms, Danilo 1 and Medal for Bravery (Montenegro). Present address: Fort Leavenworth, Kan. HOLCOMB, THOMAS. Officer, U. S. Marine Corps. Born in New Castle, Del. ; educated at Washington High School. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. in France. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. ; and Chevy Chase Club, Md. Created Chevalier December 18, 1918, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. M. and Croix de Guerre, with three palms. Present address : Headquarters, U. S. Marine Corps, Washington, D. C. HOLLAND, WILLIAM J(ACOB). Scientist. Born in Jamaica, West Indies, and educated at Mo- ravian College, Amherst, Princeton and Washing- ton and Jefferson. Served as pastor of several churches ; Chancellor University of Pittsburgh ; Director Carnegie Institute ; participated in a number of scientific expeditions ; author of many books, reports and monographs; Vice- President, Carnegie Hero Fund. Clubs: University (Pittsburgh), Cosmos (Washing- ton) and Authors' (New York). Created Officier June 15, 1908 in recognition of sci- 206 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES entiflc achievements. Has also Crown (Prussia), Franz Josef (Austria), Crown (Italy), St. Stanislas (Russia), Alfonzo XIII (Spain) and Crown (Belgium). Present address: Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa. HOLLIS, HENRY FRENCH. Statesman. Born in West Concord, N. H., and educated at Harvard University. Engaged in private law practice ; U. S. Senator ; Re- gent of the Smithsonian Institution ; member, IT. S. Liquidation Board. Clubs: Metropolitan and Chevy Chase (Washington) and Harvard (Boston). Created Chevalier November 14, 1919, in recognition of services rendered France following the War. Present address: Concord, N. H. HOMAN, CHARLES C. Engineer. Born in Williamsport, Pa. ; studied at high school. Director of Purchases and Vice-President of different Motor Car Companies ; served as Lieutenant Colonel, Motor Transport Corps, A. E. F. in France; at present, Distribution Engineer on the Board of Control, Good- year Tire and Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio. Created Chevalier April 10, 1919, for services ren- dered as Chief of Operations Division, Motor Transport Corps, A. E. F. in France. Present address: 1735 Strathmore Avenue, East Cleve- land, Ohio. HOOVER, HERBERT CLARK. Engineer. Born at West Branch, Iowa, and educated at Leland Stanford, Junior, University. Associated with the Arkansas Geological Survey and the U. S. Geological Survey ; actively interested in min- ing operations in Australia, United States, China and Russia, director of various mining corporations ; chair- man of Commission for Relief in Belgium ; Food Admin- OF FRANCE 207 istrator for the United States. Author of books on min- ing and contributor to technical journals. Clubs: Pacific, Union and Bohemian (San Francisco), Burlingame; University, Metropolitan, Lawyers' and Bankers' (New York) and Metropolitan, Cosmos and Chevy Chase (Washington). Created Commandeur July 3, 1918, in recognition of services to France and humanity. Present address: Food Administration, Washington, D. q. HOPKINS, JAY PAUL. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Mattawan, Mich., and educated at the Univer- sity of Nebraska and the U. S. Military Academy. Served in France as Colonel, Coast Artillery, National Army. Chief of Anti-Aircraft Service, A. E. F. Clubs: Crescent Athletic and Knickerbocker Field, Brooklyn. Created Officier for services during the War. Has also D. S. M. Present address: Forth Leavenworth, Kan. HORMING, WILLIAM AUGUSTUS. Dental Surgeon. Created Chevalier February 22, 1918, for hospital services. HOROWITZ, NATHAN. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Sudsa, Russia, and educated in the College of the City of New York and the U. S. Military Academy. Passed through the various grades of the Army from Second Lieutenant to Colonel. Commanded American artillery units, with rank of Colonel, with the French Armies during the War. Created Officier June 26, 1919, for services as artil- lery commander during the War. Present address : Fort Strong, Mass. 208 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES HORTON, THOMAS PAINE. Trainmaster. Born in Wentworth, S. D. ; educated at High School, Spring, Valley, Minn. Appointed First Lieutenant, Captain and Major, En- gineer Corps, A. E. F. in France. Trainmaster, Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, Ottumwa, Iowa. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services with French Second Army during Argonne- Meuse offensive. Present address: 1032 West Third Street, Ottumwa, Iowa. HORTON, WILLIAM EDWARD. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Washington, D. C. ; educated at Washington Public Schools and Georgetown University. Served as Colonel, Quartermaster Corps, A. E. F. in France. Clubs: Army and Navy, Metropolitan, University, Chevy Chase, Washington, D. C. ; Union, Army and Navy, New York. Created Officier April 4, 1919, for services rendered while Chief Quartermaster, Advanced Section, A. E. F. in France. Has also St. Michael and St. George (Eng- land), Nichan el Anouar (France), Leopold (Belgium), Danilo 1 (Montenegro) and White Eagle (Serbia). Present address : Office Quartermaster General, U. S. Army, Washington, D. C. HOUGH, HENRY HUGHES. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born at St. Pierre, Newfoundland, and educated at the U. S. Naval Academy. Served in the various grades of the Navy from En- sign to Captain. Participated in the Spanish-American war; Naval Attache at Paris and St. Petersburg. Created Officier December 16, 1913, in recognition of services during the War. Present address : Navy Department, Washington, D. C. OF FRANCE 200 HOWARD, JAMES L. Business Executive. Born in Hartford, Conn. ; educated at Yale University. At present Secretary, The Travellers' Insurance Com- pany. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. in France. Member of various civic clubs and of Military Order of Foreign Wars. Created Chevalier May 14. 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: Hartford, Conn. HOWARD, JAMES WATTE. Consulting Civil and Mining Engineer. Born at West Point, X. Y.. and educated at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, University of Geneva and at Goettingen. Has done engineering work in various places in the United States and abroad; author of scientific edi- torials and articles in several publications. Member University Club, New York and many tech- nical societies. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, Engineers, during the War. Created Chevalier January, 1901, in recognition of technical achievements. Present address: 1 Broadway, New York City. HOWARD, JOHN HASTINGS. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Dayton, Ohio, and educated at University of Wooster and Miami University. Commissioned in U. S. Army and served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier March 16, 1919, for services with French Army at Juvigny and near Soissons. Has also Croix de Guerre with palm. Present address: Dallas, Texas. 210 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES HOWARD, NATHANIEL L. Engineer. Born in Fairfield, Iowa; educated at Parsons College; and U. S. Military Academy. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. in France. Assistant to General Superintendent, Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railway. Member of St. Louis Club. Created Officier April 4, 1919, in consideration of serv- ices rendered in France during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre, with gold star. Present address: St. Louis, Mo. HOWE, ALFRED G. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born at State College, Pa., and educated in public and private schools. Served during the War as commander of the "Con- nor," a destroyer on convoy service. Now Captain, U. S. Navy. Member Army and Navy Club, Washington. Created Officier April 9, 1919, for the rescue on the high seas of the crew of the "Dupetit-Thouars." Present address: U. S. S. "Frederick," Navy Yard, Philadelphia, Pa. HOWE, HENRY MARION. Metallurgist. Born in Boston and educated at Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Professor and Professor Emeritus of Metallurgy, Co- lumbia University ; consulting metallurgist and Vice- President, Taylor- Wharton Steel & Iron Company ; Member National Research Council; received several medals for achievements in metallurgy ; member many scientific societies at home and abroad ; author of technical books and papers. Clubs: Century, Harvard and Technology (New York) and Technology (Boston). OF FRANCE 211 Crealed Chevalier, January 30, 1901, in consideration of technical attainments. Has also St. Stanislas (Russia). Present address : Broad Brook Road, Bedford Hills, N. Y. HOWE, THORNDIKE DUDLEY. Manufacturer. Born in Lawrence, Mass. ; educated at St. Paul's School, Phillips Academy and Harvard University. Member of firm Howe & Fenlon, Haverhill, Mass. Served as Colonel, United States Army during the War. Clubs : St. Botolph and Union Boat, Boston, Mass. Created Officier October, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered as Chief, Postal Express Service, A. E. F. in France. Has also D. S. M. Present address: 154 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. HOWELL, WILLEY. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Officier. Last address: War Department, Washington, D. C. HOWLAND, GEORGE SNOWDEN. Artist. Created Chevalier January 22, 1917, for philanthropic work during the War. Present address: Paris, France. HOWLAND, HARRY S. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Upsala, Sweden; educated at St. Alban's School, Knoxville, Tenn. Served all grades in U. S. Army from Second Lieu- tenant to Colonel, Infantry; participated in the Philip- pine campaigns ; in command of the 138th Infantry, A. E. F., in France, and detailed on duty with Polish Military Mission, Paris. Clubs: Bohemian, San Francisco; Army and Navy, Washington, D. C. 212 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Created Officier May 5, 1919, in consideration of his "bravery in action, refusing to leave his attacking regi- ment although painfully wounded." Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Three citations. Present address: U. S. Embassy, Paris, France. HOWZE, ROBERT L. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Rush County, Texas; educated at U. S. Mili- tary Academy. Served all grades in U. S. Army from Cadet to Major General. At present commanding the District of El Paso. Clubs : Army and Navy, Washington, New York ; St. Nicholas, New York. Created Officier May 5, 1919, "for distinguished serv- ice in organization and in the exercise of command" during the War. Has also Medal of Honor and D. S. M. and Croix de Guerre. Present address : Headquarters, District of El Paso, Texas. HUDSON, HAROLD W. Engineer. Born in Pittsburgh, Pa.; educated at University of Minnesota. Was Engineer of Construction, New York Tunnel Ex- tension, Pennsylvania Railroad ; and Hell Gate Arch Bridge, New York Connecting Railroad. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, Engineers, A. E. F. in France. Member New York Railroad Club. Created Chevalier April 5, 1919, in consideration of services in the Transportation Department, A. E. F. in France during the War. Present address: 2 Wall Street, New York City. HUEBNER, CLARENCE R. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Bushton, Kan. ; educated at Business College, Grand Island, Neb. OF FRANCE 213 Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. in France dur- ing the War. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Chevalier December 1, 1918, in recognition of services rendered "in the Aisne-Marne offensive" dur- ing the War. Has also D. S. C., Croix de Guerre and Medal of Merit (Italy). Present address : Camp Taylor, Ky. HUFFER, HERMAN. Engineer. Created Chevalier January 17, 1920. IIUGER, ALFRED. Lawyer. Born in Charleston, S. C. ; educated at Cornell Uni- versity and Porter Military Academy. Admiralty Counsel of U. S. Shipping Board ; served as Major, A. E. F. in France. Clubs : Charleston, Carolina Yacht, Charleston Coun- try, Charleston, S. C. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, for services as Gen- eral Staff Officer, Service of Supply, A. E. F. in France. Has also citation from Commander-in-Chief, A. E. F. Present address: Charleston, S. C. HUGHES, JOHN CHAMBERS. Business Executive. Born in Louisville, Ky. ; educated at Princeton Uni- versity. Served as Captain, A. E. F. in France during the War. Created Chevalier March, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered the allied cause as aide to General Persh- ing. Has also D. S. M., Leopold (Belgium) and Crown (Italy). Present address: 823 Park Avenue, New York City. HUGHES, WILLIAM NEILL, Jr. Business Executive. Educated in General Service and Staff College, Fort Leavenworth and Signal School, Fort Leavenworth. 214 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Served in various grades of the Army from Second Lieutenant to Lieutenant Colonel and Chief of Staff, 42d Division. Created Officier June 13, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered during the War as Chief of Staff Rainbow Division. Has also D. S. M., Leopold II (Belgium) and Croix de Guerre. Present address: 43 Exchange Place, New York City. HULBERT, MILAN H. Real Estate, Builder. Born in New York City ; educated at Brooklyn Col- legiate Institute. Was manufacturer for many years ; Director of De- partment of Varied Industries and member of Jury, Paris Exposition, 1900; member Superior Jury, St. Louis Exposition, 1904. Member of Chicago Athletic Association. Created Officier, 1905. Has also Leopold (Belgium), Civil Merit (Bulgaria), Crown (Italy), Rising Sun (Japan), Vasa (Sweden). Present address: 81 East Madison Street, Chicago, 111. HULL, JOHN ADLER. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Officier. Last address : War Department, Washington, D. C. HULTZEN, LEE S. Student. Born in Burlington Flats, N. Y. ; studied at Cornell University. Served as Lieutenant with A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier May 5, 1919, in recognition of "bravery in action" during the War. Has also D S. O. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: Norwich, N. Y. OF FRANCE 215 HUMBIRD, JOHN A. Lumber Merchant. Born in Hudson, Wis. ; educated at Princeton Uni- versity. Served as Lieutenant with A. E. F. in France. Gen- eral Manager, Humbird Lumber Company, Sandpoint, Idaho. Vice-President, First National Bank. Created Chevalier May 14, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with two palms. Present address : Sandpoint, Idaho. HUNT, CHARLES A. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Nashua, N. H. ; educated at New Hampshire College. Served as Colonel, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Created Officier March 16, 1919, in consideration of services "in the Meuse-Argonne offensive." Has also D. S. M. and Croix de Guerre, with two palms. Present address: Camp Taylor, Ky. HUTCHESON, GROTE. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio ; educated at Woodward High School and U. S. Military Academy. Served as an officer of the U. S. Army for more than forty years. Participated in Indian and Philippine cam- paigns ; on duty on Mexican border and in China ; mem- ber General Staff Corps. Clubs: Army and Navy, Washington and New York; Chevy Chase, Md. Created Chevalier October, 1906, in consideration of his services in China during the Boxer Uprising. Has also D. S. M. Present address : Camp Meade, Md. HUTCHINSON, PEMBERTON JAMES. Physician. Created Chevalier April 18, 1918, for services in hos- pital at Neuilly. 216 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES HYDE, JAMES HAZEN. Retired. Born in New York and educated at Harvard University and private studies abroad. Director of many financial institutions and actively interested in literary and benevolent organizations. Founded lectureship in Harvard and the Sorbonne. During the War installed a hospital in his private house in Paris and served as an active member of the American Clearing House the Union des Colonies Etrangeres en France en faveur des Victimes de la Guerre. Created Officier January 10, 1903, in recognition of efforts to establish and maintain closer relations be- tween France and the United States. Has also White Elephant (Siam). Present address : 18 rue Adolphe-Yvon, Paris, France. IRELAND, MERRITTE W. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Columbia City, Ind. ; studied at Detroit Col- lege of Medicine, and Jefferson Medical College. Was Chief Surgeon, A. E. F. in France until October, 1918; called home to assume duties of Surgeon Gen- eral. Held rank of Brigadier General and Major Gen- eral, National Army in France. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Commandeur June 26, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also Companion of the Bath (England), and Medaille d'Epidemie (France). Present address: War Department, Washington, D. C. IRWIN, GEORGE LE ROY. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Michigan; educated at U. S. Military Academy, Coast Artillery School and Army War College. Passed through the various grades of the Army from Second Lieutenant to Brigadier General; participated in the Cuban and Philippine campaigns and with A. E. F. in France. OF FRANCE 217 Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Officier March 16, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War, "for contributing to the victories of Juvingy and Terny-Sorny." Present address: War Department, Washington, D. C. IRWIN, NOBLE EDWARD. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Greenfield, Ohio; educated at U. S. Naval Academy. Passed through the grades of the Navy from Ensign to Captain. Member of numerous military and scientific societies. Clubs : Army and Navy, Washington, New York ; New York Yacht, University, Philadelphia. Created Officier April 9, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered during the War. Present address : Navy Department, Washington, D. C. ISELIN, ADRIAN. Banker. Engaged in banking since 1868. Director and officer of many banks, industrial institutions, railroads and gas companies. Clubs : Century, Metropolitan, Union, Knickerbocker, Larchmont Yacht, Riding, Down Town, New York Yacht and Catholic. Created Chevalier December 27, 1918, for aid and advice in regard to French finance. Present address: 36 Wall Street, New York City. JACKSON, DUGALD C. Engineer. Born in Kenneth Square, Pa. ; educated at Hill School, Pottstown, Pa., Pennsylvania State College and Cornell University. Professor of Electrical Engineering, Massachusetts In- stitute of Technology ; served as Lieutenant Colonel, Engineers, A. E. F. in France. Author of several books on Electricity and Electromagnetism. 218 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Member of numerous scientific societies and engineers' clubs in the United States and abroad. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Present address: 5 Mercer Circle, Cambridge, Mass. JACKSON, HORATIO NELSON. Surgeon. Born in Toronto, Canada; educated at University of Vermont. Served as Major, Medical Corps, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier May 9, 1919, in consideration of "services to wounded under violent artillery and ma- chine gun fire. Always in the first line." Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address : Burlington, Vt. JACKSON, JOHN PRICE. Engineer. Born in Philadelphia, Pa. ; educated at Pennsylvania State College. Was Dean, School of Engineering and Professor, Elec- trical Engineering, Pennsylvania State College. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. in France. Was mem- ber, Peace Commission and Member, American Military Mission to Armenia, 1919. Author of several works on Electricity; directed publication of "Pennsylvania Monthly Bulletin on Industries." Member of numerous professional associations. Clubs: Harrisburg, Country, Harrisburg, Pa.; Inter- allied, Paris. Created Chevalier April 28, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also Crown and War Cross (Italy). Present address: 129 Coulter Avenue, Ardmore, Pa. JACKSON, O. P. Officer, U. S. Navy. Created Officier. Last address: Navy Department, Washington, D. C. OF FRANCE 219 JACKSON, RICHARD HARRISON. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Colbert County, Ala. ; educated at U. S. Naval Academy and University of Virginia. Was Special Representative of Navy Department to Paris, 1917-18. Commander, Azores Detachment, U. S. Fleet. Member of New York Yacht Club and Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Officier in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also St. Benoit of Avis (Portugal). Present address : American Security and Trust Com- pany, Washington, D. C. JACKSON, THOMAS H. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Westmeath, Ontario, Canada; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served as Colonel, Engineer Corps, A. E. F. in France. Created Officier July 26, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered as Chief of Engineer Sales, A. E. F. in France. Has also D. S. M. and Leopold (Belgium). Present address: Office, Chief of Engineers, Wash- ington, D. C. JACKSON, VICTOR STONEWALL. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Miami County, Ind., and educated in public and private schools. In banking business ; entered U. S. Navy as Ensign and passed through the various grades to Commander ; member, U. S. Navy Board inspecting German mer- chant vessels allocated to Allies ; member London Naval Board on Claims ; member British-American Board of Arbitration, Maritime Claims. Clubs : Army and Navy and Chevy Chase, Washing- ton, and American, London. Created Officier April 9, 1919, for services during the War. Present address : American Embassy, London, Eng- land. 220 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES JACKSON, WILLIAM P. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Palmyra, Mo. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington and New York. Created Officier in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre (Belgium). Present address : Fort Leavenworth, Kan. JADWIN, EDGAR. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Honesdale, Pa. ; educated at Lafayette College and U. S. Military Academy. Served as Brigadier General, A. E. F. in France. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Commandeur April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Director of Construction and Forestry, A. E. F. in France. Has also D. S. M. and Companion of the Bath (England). Present address: Fort Sam Houston, Texas. JAMES, ALEXANDER LONG, Jr. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Laurinburg, N. C. ; educated at Davidson Col- lege and U. S. Military Academy. Served as Chief of G-2-D., General Headquarters, A. E. F. in France. Author of "Selective Service Manual." Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Chevalier June, 1919, in consideration' of serv- ices rendered during the War. Has also Crown (Belgium). Present address: Walter Reed Hospital, Washington, D. C. OF FRANCE 221 JAMES, CHARLES M. Officer, U. S. Navy. Created Chevalier. Last address: 1209 17th Street, Washington, D. C. JAMES, GEORGE VERNON. Marine Engineer. Born in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., and educated in private and public schools. Employed in mechanical department of Remington Arms Company ; volunteered in naval service ; won en- sign's commission upon examination. Created Chevalier for services during the War. Present address: 64 Madison Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. JARVES, DEMING. Created Chevalier. Last address: Val Fleuri, Dinard, France. JAY, NELSON D. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address : Monteray Avenue, Pelham Manor, N. Y. JENKS, GLEN F. Officer, U. S. Army. Born at Deansboro, N. Y., and educated at Hamilton College. Served as Colonel, Ordnance Corps, with A. E. F. in France. Member Army and Navy Club, Washington. Created Officier, April 4, 1919, for services as Chief of Heavy Artillery Division in the Office of the Chief Ordnance Officer, A. E. F. Present address: Office of Chief of Ordnance, Wash- ington, D. C. JENNINGS, A. S. Served as Lieutenant, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. 222 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES I JENNINGS, COLEMAN. Financier. Born in Johannesburg, South Africa, and educated at Harvard University. Entered Army as First Lieutenant, Aviation Corps; attached to President Wilson's party on visits to Eng- land and Italy ; Liaison officer at American Headquar- ters in Paris. Clubs : Metropolitan, Washington and Harvard, New York. Created Chevalier, September, 1919, for liaison work in Paris. Has also Danilo 1 (Montenegro). Present address: 2221 Massachusetts Avenue, Wash- ington, D. C. JENNINGS, PERCY H. Merchant. Born in New York City; educated at Yale University. Vice-President, American Trading Company, New York. Clubs: Skull and Bones, Yale; University, India House, New York City. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services in conjunction with French Air Service during the War. Present address: 25 Broad Street, New York City. JERVEY, HENRY. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Dublin, Va., and educated at University of the South, the U. S. Military Academy and the Engi- neering School of Application. Served in various grades in the Army from Second Lieutenant to Major General. In charge of river im- provements and coast defenses ; commanded 66th Field Artillery Brigade; Superintendent Lighthouses in the Philippines; Director of Operations, General Staff. Clubs: Army and Navy, Washington. OF FRANCE 223 Created Commandeur January 9, 1919, in recognition cf services during the War. Has also D. S. M., Com- panion of the Bath (British), Leopold (Belgium). Present address: War Department, Washington, D. C. JEWETT, HENRY C. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Buffalo, N. Y. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served all grades in U. S. Army from Cadet to Major, Engineer Corps. Served as Colonel, Engineers, A. E. F. in France. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Officier June 4, 1919, in consideration of his services as Chief of Staff, Ninety-First Division, A. E. F. in France during the Ypres-Lys offensive. Has also D. S. C., D. S. M., Croix de Guerre, with silver star and Leopold (Belgium). Present address: P. O. Box 654, St. Paul, Minn. JOHNSON, ARTHUR. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in St. Peter, Minn. ; educated at public schools of St. Peter and U. S. Military Academy. Served all grades in U. S. Army from Cadet to Brig- adier General. Participated in the Cuban and Philip- pine campaigns ; on duty with National Guard as in- spector and instructor. Was Commanding General, In- termediate Section, Services of Supply, A. E. F. in France. Created Officier in consideration of services ren- dered during the War. Has also D. S. M. Present address: Camp Custer, Mich. JOHNSON, ISAAC C. Officer, U. S. Navy. Created Chevalier. Last address : Commanding U. S. S. "Twiggs." 224 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES JOHNSON, OWEN. Author. Born in New York and educated at Yale University, Founder and first editor of "Lawrenceville Literary Magazine." Author of a number of novels, short stories, magazine articles and "The Spirit of France." Clubs: The Players' and Authors' (New York). Created Chevalier December 27, 1918, in considera- tion of literary achievements. Present address : The Players', New York City. JOHNSON, ROBERT A. Born in Minneapolis, Minn., and educated in public and private schools. Engaged in the lumber business with mills at impor- tant places on the Pacific Coast. Served in the War as Lieutenant Colonel of Engineers. Was a member of Bohemian and Presidio Golf Clubs, San Francisco. Created Chevalier April 10, 1919, for "meritorious service in the Service of Supplies." Died June 26, 1919. JOHNSON, ROBERT UNDERWOOD. Diplomat. Born in Washington, D. C., and educated at Earlham College. Editor "Century Magazine" and "Century War Series" ; Secretary, American Copyright League ; member, Amer- ican Academy of Arts and Letters ; actively interested in conservation and national parks ; author of several volumes of poems and many magazine articles. Am- bassador to Italy. Clubs: Authors' and Century (New York). Created Chevalier March 11, 1891, in appreciation of services for international copyright. Has also Crown (Italy), Leopold (Belgium) and St. Sava (Serbia). Present address: 327 Lexington Avenue, New York City. OF FRANCE 225 JOHNSON, SAMUEL M. Served as Major, A. E. F. Created Chevalier January 10, 1919. Last address : 2400 Warring Street, Berkeley, Cal. JOHNSON, WAIT C. Officer, U. S. Army. Served as Major, A. E. F. Created Offlcier. Present address : War Department, Washington, D. C. JOHNSTON, EDWARD N. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in St. Louis, Mo. ; educated at Stanford University and U. S. Military Academy. Was Consulting Engineer to the Government of South Australia. Served as Colonel, Engineers, A. E. F. in France. At present, in command, Chemical Warfare Service Proving Grounds, Lakehurst, N. J. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Officier July 26, 1919, in recognition of his services as Chief, Chemical Warfare Service, A. E. F. in France. Has also Distinguished Service Order (England). Present address : Lakehurst, N. J. JOHNSTON, GORDON. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Charlotte, N. C. ; educated at Princeton Uni- versity. Served as Colonel, General Staff, A. E. F. in France. Clubs: Army and Navy, Washington, D. C. ; Univer- sity, New York. Created Officier June 13, 1919, in consideration of his services as Chief of Staff, Eighty-Second Division, A. E. F. in the Meuse-Argonne offensive. Has also Medal of Honor and D. S. M. Present address: Robert Garrett & Sons, Baltimore, Md. 226 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES JOHNSTON, HAMILTON. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Cohoes, N. Y., and educated at the Albany Military Academy. Created Chevalier "for personal bravery." Has also D. S. C., Croix de Guerre and Medaille Militaire (France). Present address: War Department, Washington, D. C. JOHNSTON, WILLIAM H. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio ; educated at Washington Uni- versity ; St. Louis Law School; U. S. Infantry and Cavalry School ; Army War College ; General Staff College. Was Governor, Province of Isabela, Philippine Is- lands ; served as Major General in command of Ninety- First Division, A. E. F. in France. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Commandeur May 5, 1919, in recognition of "brilliant participation in the Argonne-Meuse offensive." Has also D. S. C., D. S. M., two Croix de Guerre, with palm, and Leopold (Belgium). Present address: General Staff College, Washington, D. C. JOLT, CHARLES L. Officer, U. S. Army. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. Created Officier September 29, 1919. Present address : American Mission, Budapest, Hungary. JONES, EDWIN C. Served with A. E. F. as Major. Created Chevalier. Last address: St. Paul, Minn. OF FRANCE 227 JONES, GEORGE W. Bond Salesman. Born in Battle Creek, Mich. ; educated at high school and University of Michigan. Served as Captain, A. E. F. in France. At present connected with H. T. Doherty & Company, New York. Created Chevalier in recognition of services rendered during the War. Present address: 60 Wall Street, New York City. JONES, HAROLD WELLINGTON. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Cambridge, Mass. ; educated at Massachusetts Institute of Technology ; Harvard Medical School ; and Army Medical School. Was Professor, Army Medical School and Assistant Professor, St. Louis University. At present Chief, Sur- gical Service General Hospital 41, Staten Island, N. Y. Author of numerous articles in Medical and Surgical publications. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Present address: 2027 Park Road, Washington, D. C. JONES, HILARY POLLARD. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Virginia and -educated at the U. S. Naval Academy. Served in the various grades of the Navy from En- sign to Vice-Admiral. Participated in Spanish-Amer- ican war; also at Cavite and Washington; superinten- dent Naval Gun Factory; Commandant Washington Navy Yard; commanded Atlantic Fleet. Created Commandeur in recognition of services dur- ing the War. Awarded D. S. M. Present address : Navy Department, Washington, D. C. 228 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES JONES, JAMES S. Born in Wheeling, W. Va. ; educated at Washington and Jefferson College and U. S. Military Academy. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier July 26, 1919, in recognition of services rendered in France. Has also D. S. M., Crown (Italy) and La Solidaridad (Panama). Present address: Kenwood Place, Wheeling, W. Va. JONES, PERCY LANCELOT. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Chevalier March 29, 1919. Last address: War Department, Washington, D. C. JORALEMON, IRA B. Engineer. Born in Antwerp, N. Y. ; educated at Harvard Uni- versity. Served as Major, A. E. F. in France. Assistant Gen- eral Manager, Calumet and Arizona Mining Company. Author of "The Ajo Copper District." Member of Harvard Club, New York. Created Chevalier April 3, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Air Service Equipment Officer in France during the War. Present address: Warren, Ariz. JOUVAUD, LUCIEN. Created Chevalier August 27, 1919. Present address: 354 Fourth Avenue, New York City. JOYCE, KENYON ASHE. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in New York City and educated at the University of Chicago and the Army Staff College. Served as Chief of Staff, 83d Division, with the A. E. F. in France. Author of "Handbook on Patrols and Scouting." OF FRANCE 229 Clubs: Army and Navy, Washington; Burlingame and University, San Francisco. Created Officier April 30, 1919, for services as Chief of Staff, American Embarkation Center, Le Mans, France. Has also Croix de Guerre. Present address : War Department, Washington, D. C. . U i JUDSON, HARRY PRATT. University President. Born in Jamestown, N. Y., and educated at Williams College. Professor, Universities of Minnesota and Chicago ; President University of Chicago. Co-Editor "American Historical Review" ; member General Education Board and Rockefeller Foundation ; Chairman, China Medical Board. Author many historical and educational works. Clubs: Chicago, University and Union League (Chi- cago); Century, New York; Cosmos, Washington. Created Officier August 10, 1910, in recognition of scholarly attainments and educational administration. Has also Sun and Lion (Persia), St. Sava (Servia) and Crown (Prussia). Present address: University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. KAHN, LAZARD. Manufacturer. Born in Ingwiller, Alsace, and educated at Cantonal Schools. Has been Presidential Elector and President, Na- tional Association of Stove Manufacturers. Actively in- terested in economic and labor conditions. Member Hamilton Club for several years President. Created Chevalier January, 1901, in recognition of services at Paris Expositions 1889 and 1900. Present address: Hamilton, Ohio. 230 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES KAHN, OTTO HERMANN. Banker. Born in Mannheim, Germany, and educated at colleges in Germany. Member banking firm Kuhn, Loeb & Co. since 1897 ; director of numerous banking and railroad corporations ; honorary director Royal Opera, Covent Garden, London ; Chairman, Metropolitan Opera Company, French Theatre of New York, French-American Association for Musical Art. Created Chevalier June 28, 1918. Present address: 52 William Street, New York City. KEAN, JEFERSON R. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Lynchburg, Va. ; educated at University of Virginia. Was Advisor to Sanitary Department of Cuba ; Pres- ident, Association Military Surgeons of United States ; Director General, Military Relief, American Red Cross ; Brigadier General and Deputy Chief Surgeon, A. E. F. in France. Clubs : Army and Navy, Washington, D. C., and Uni- versity, Boston, Mass. Created Officier April 4, 1919, in consideration of serv- ices rendered as Chief, U. S. Ambulance Service, with French Army, and as Deputy Chief Surgeon, A. E. F. during the War. Present address: 99 Chauncy Street, Boston, Mass. KEITH, ALEXANDER HUNE. Engineer. Born in Athens, Tenn. ; educated at University of Ten- nessee. Served as First Lieutenant, Air Service, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier December 17, 1918, "for shooting down an enemy aeroplane after having been seriously wounded." Has also Croix de Guerre. Present address: Athens, Tenn. OF FRANCE 231 KELLER, CHARLES. Officer, U. S Army. Born in Rochester, N. Y. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served various grades in the Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, from Second Lieutenant to Brigadier Gen- eral, the latter during the War. At present Colonel, Engineer Corps and Resident Member, U. S. Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors. Created Officier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Deputy Chief Engineer, A. E. F. in France during the War. Present address: 1854 Kalorama Road, Washington, D. C. KELLER, WILLIAM L. Officer, U. S. Army, Medical Corps. Born in Connecticut and educated at the Medical Col- lege of Virginia. Served with grade of Colonel in the Medical Corps with the A. E. F. in France. At present Chief of the Surgical Service, Walter Reed Hospital. Created Officier June, 1919, for service with the French Army. Has also D. S. M. Present address: Walter Reed Hospital, Washington, D. C. KELLOGG, VERNON. University Professor. Born in Emporia, Kan. ; educated at University of Kan- sas ; Cornell University ; University of Leipzig ; University of Paris. Was Assistant Director and later Director in Brussels of Commission for Relief in Belgium ; Assistant to U. S. Food Administrator. At present, Executive Secretary, National Research Council ; Professor, Stanford Univer- sity, California. Author of twenty books, mostly on science, some on war subjects. Member of several European and American scientific societies. 232 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Clubs : Bohemian, San Francisco ; Cosmos, Washing- ton, D. C. Created Chevalier May 3, 1918, in recognition of relief work in France, 1915-1916. Has also Crown (Belgium) Present address : 1201 Sixteenth Street, Washington, D. C. KELLY, GEORGE H. Capitalist. Born in Springfield, Ore. ; educated at University of Oregon. Fish and Game Commissioner of Oregon ; Commis- sioner of Port of Portland ; served as Lieutenant Col- onel, Engineer Corps, A. E. F. in France. Clubs : Arlington, Press, Portland, Ore. Created Chevalier April 10, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in France during the War. Has also D. S. M. Present address: 414 Pittock Block, Portland, Ore. KELLY, JOHN C. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Chevalier March 16, 1919. KELLY, JOHN R. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Tuscoe, 111. ; attended Army School of the Line ; Staff College. Served as Colonel, Field Artillery, A. E. F. in France. Created Officier March 16, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Commander, Seventeenth Field Ar- tillery Regiment, A. E. F. in France. Has also La Solidaridad (Panama). Present address: Headquarters, Western Department, San Francisco, Cal. KELLY, MICHAEL A. Served with A. E. F. as Major. Created Chevalier. Last address: 20 Lake Street, West Nutley, N, J^ OF FRANCE 233 KELLY, WILLIAM. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in New York City; educated at Yale University and U. S. Military Academy. Served as Colonel, Engineer Corps, A, E. F. in France during the War. Clubs: Army and Navy, Chevy Chase (Washington, D. C.). Created Offlcier in recognition of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. M. Present address : 240 Montgomery Street, San Fran- cisco, Cal. KELLY, WILLIAM E. C. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Officier. Last address: Security Building, Minneapolis, Minn. KEMP, ARTHUR. Created Chevalier November 14, 1918, for services with American Red Cross. KENNEDY, GROVE COOK. Engineer. Educated at private schools. Was connected with various railroads as engineer. Served as Captain, Engineer Corps, A. E. F. in France. At present, Chief Train Dispatcher, Grand Central and San Francisco Railway. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of railway construction work during the War. Present address : Beaumont, Texas. KENYON, GEORGE W. Officer, U. S. Navy. Created Chevalier. Last address: U. S. Navy Yard, Philadelphia, Pa. 234 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES KENYON, THEODORE S. Lawyer. Born in New York City ; educated at Harvard Uni- versity. Was formerly editor, "Columbia Law Review." Served as Lieutenant, A. E. F. in France. At present member of firm Kenyon & Kenyon, Patent Lawyers. Clubs : Harvard, Lawyers', New York. Created Chevalier May 5, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered "in action in the Argonne offensive." Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address : 121 Summit Avenue, Summit, N. J KEPNER, WILLIAM E. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Cass County, Ind. ; educated at Kokomo High School and Officers' School, Leavenworth, Kan. Was Superintendent, Employment Department, Con- rad Roller Skate Manufacturing Company, Kokomo, Ind. Served as Captain, Infantry, A. E. F. in France and Germany. Created Chevalier in recognition of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre. Present address : War Department, Washington, D. C. KEPPEL, FREDERICK PAUL. Educator. Born on Staten Island, N. Y., and educated at Columbia. Dean of Collegiate Department, Columbia University; Assistant Secretary of War ; director foreign operation, American Red Cross ; Editor, "American Association for International Conciliation." Author books and mono- graphs on educational subjects. Clubs : Century and Columbia University. Created Chevalier 1911. Present address : 3148 Wisconsin Avenue, Washing- ton, D. C. OF FRANCE 235 KERNAN, FRANCIS JOSEPH. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Jacksonville, Fla., and educated at the U. S Military Academy and the Army War College. Served in the various grades of the Army from Sec- ond Lieutenant to Major-General. Was Staff Officer in the Philippines ; Judge Advocate in Cuba ; member Gen- eral Staff Corps, Washington, and in the Philippines. At present Commanding General, Philippines Depart- ment. Clubs: Army and Navy (Washington), and Army and Navy, and Catholic (New York). Created Commandeur for services with A. E. F. in France. Has also D. S. M. Present address: Manila, P. I. KERTH, M. C. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Officier. Last address : War Department, Washington, D. C. KETCHAM, GEORGE V. Merchant. Born in New York City; educated at public schools and Academy of St. Francis Xavier. Served as Lieutenant Colonel with A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in France during the War. Present address : 412 West End Avenue, New York City. KEYSER, RALPH S. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Virginia; educated at public school. Served as Major, Marine Corps, A. E. F. in France. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Chevalier in recognition of services rendered in France during the War. Has also D. S. C., Crown (Belgium) and Croix de Guerre, with star and palm. Present address : 15% Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Ga. 236 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES KIDDER. ALFRED V. Archaeologist. Born in Marquette, Mich.; educated at Harvard Uni- versity. Curator, American Archaeology, Peabody Museum, Harvard University. Director, Southwestern Expedi- tion, Phillips-Andorer Academy. Served as Captain, Infantry, United States Army, during the War. Au- thor of "Archaeological Explorations in Northeastern Arizona." Member of Harvard Club, Boston. Created Chevalier June 4, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered in France during the War. Present address: Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. KIELY, RALPH, Officer, U. S. Navy. Created Officier October 28, 1919, for services in con- nection with Peace Conference. Present address : Navy Department, Washington, D. C. KILNER, WALTER G. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Shelby, N. Y.; educated at United States Mili- tary Academy. Organized and operated training system for Air Serv- ice, A. E. F. in France, Created Officier April 4, 1919, in consideration of serv- ices rendered during the War. Has also D. S. M. and St Michael and St. George (England). Present address: Office, Director of Air Service. Washington, D. C. KILPATRICK, JOHN REED. Manufacturer. Born in New York City; educated at Andover Acad- emy and Yale University. Served as Colonel, General Staff, A. E. F. in France. Vice-President, International Coal Products Corporation. OF FRANCE 237 Clubs: Yale, University, New York City. Created Chevalier April, 1919, in consideration of serv- ices rendered during the War. Has also D. 8. M. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: 50 East 58th Street, New York City. KING, CAMPBELL. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Flat Rock, N. C. ; educated at Charleston Col- lege, Harvard University, Infantry and Cavalry School, Staff College, War College, General Staff College; served with A. E. F. as Brigadier General. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Officier November 11, 1918, in consideration of "distinguished services" rendered during the War. Has also D. S. M., Crown (Italy) and Croix de Guerre, with two palms and a star. Present address: General Staff College, Washington, D. C. KING, DAVID M. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Ohio; educated at Mount Union College, Ohio, and U. S. Military Academy. Served as Colonel, Ordnance Department, A. E. F. in France. Created Offieier April 4, 1919, in consideration of serv- ices rendered in command of construction and operation of Ordnance repair shops in France during the War. Has also D. S. M. Present address: Munitions Building, Washington, D. C. KING, EDWARD L. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Bridgewater, Mass.; educated at Bridgewater High School; Thayer Academy; U. S. Military Academy. Served all grades in U. S. Army from Cadet to Brig- adier General. On General Staff, U. S. Army, prior to and during the War. 238 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Offlcier May 5, 1919, in consideration of serv- ices rendered in command of Sixty-Fifth Infantry Brigade, Thirty-Third Division, A. E. F. in France. Has also D. S. C. and D. S. M and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: Newport, R. I. KING, VAN RENSSELAER C. Born in New York City ; educated at Harvard University. Served as Colonel with A. E. F. in, France. Clubs: Harvard, Racquet and Tennis, Knickerbocker, New York City. Created Offlcier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Member, Permanent International Armistice Commission. Has also Distinguished Service Order (England), Leopold and Croix de Guerre (Belgium). Present address: 370 Park Avenue, New York City. KINGMAN, JOHN J. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Omaha, Neb.; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Created Officier June 13, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered during the War. Has also D. S. M. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: Chief of Staff's Office, Washington, D. C. KIPLING, ARTHUR W. Advertising Manager. Born in New York City; educated at Halsey and Dris- ler Schools, New York ; Anglo-American College and Anglo-Saxon School, Paris. Was Advertising Manager for Europe, Westinghouse, Cooper Hewitt Company ; served as Major, Ambulance Service, A. E. F. in France. Author of "The New Do- minion, a Tale of Tomorrow's Wars," and "The Shadow of Glory." Also author of a number of Naval and Mili- tary articles. OF FRANCE 239 Clubs: American, Inter-Allied, Paris. Created Chevalier July 30, 1919, for distinguished services with Medical Department of French Army dur- ing the War. Has also Danilo 1 (Montenegro). Present address: 11 bis, Rue Marbeau, Paris, France. KIRBY, WALLACE W. Cartographer. Born in Washington, D. C. ; educated at public schools and Emerson Institute, Washington, D. C. Was Cartographer, U. S. Geological Survey and U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Served as Lieutenant Col- onel, United States Army in France. Created Chevalier May 12, 1919, in consideration of services rendered the French Army during the War. Present address: 146 12th Street S.E., Washington, D. C. KITTINGER, THEODORE A. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Anderson, Ind. ; educated at University of Indi- ana and U. S. Naval Academy. Served all grades from Midshipman to Commander, U. S. Navy. Clubs: Army and Navy, Washington, Manila. Created Chevalier April, 1918, in recognition of serv- ices rendered in command of U. S. S. "Corsair," doing convoy duty off the French coast. Has also Navy Cross (U. S.). Present address: 107 Elm Street, Quincy, Mass. KLEIN, H. S. Officer, U. S. Navy. Created Chevalier. Last address: 1317 Barton Avenue, Richmond, Va. KLEIN, HARRY T. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address : 3523 Herbert Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio. 240 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES KLEIN, JACOB H., Jr. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio; educated at U. S. Naval Academy. Served as Midshipman, U. S. Navy, and all grades to Commander. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Chevalier April 9, 1919, in recognition of services rendered during the War. Present address : Navy Department, Washington, D. C. KLINE, ORVAL. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Martinsburg, W. Va. ; educated at public and private schools. Served as Second Lieutenant with the A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier April 24, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre. Present address: Camp Dodge, Iowa. KNAPP, HARRY SHEPARD. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in New Britain, Conn., and educated at the U. S. Naval Academy. Served in the various grades of the Navy from En- sign to Rear Admiral, on ships at sea, at the Naval Academy, at the Naval War College and at the Army War College; Chief of Staff, Pacific Fleet; member General Board of the Navy. Military Governor of Santo Domingo. Delegate of the United States to the Aeronautic Commission of the Peace Conference; Com- mander, U. S. Naval Forces operating in European waters. Clubs: Army and Navy (Washington), Army and Navy and Yacht (New York) and University (Hart- ford), Created Commandeur October 28, 1919, for services rendered during the War. Present address: Navy Department, Washington, D. C. OF FRANCE 241 KNECHT, MARCEL. Chairman consulting committee on Franco-American Relations. Created Chevalier February 1, 1919. KNIGHT, ASTOR. Artist. Created Chevalier February 29, 1920. KNIGHT, DANIEL RIDGWAY. Artist. Born in Philadelphia, Pa.; studied at Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts ; ficole des Beaux Arts, Paris and British Academy of St. Luke's, Rome. Was awarded Gold Medal and Order of St. Michael, Munich; Medal at Antwerp; Medal of Honor of the Academy of Fine Arts of Philadelphia; Gold Medal at Chicago. Created Chevalier 1889, and promoted Officier January 25, 1909, in recognition of his Art. Present address : Les Terrasses, Rolleboise par Bon- meres (Seine-et-Oise), France. KNIGHT, GEORGE F. Engineer. Born in La Belle, Mo. ; educated at Central High School, Kansas City, Mo. Was General Agent and Travelling Freight Agent for different railroad companies and held various other positions in railway operation. Served as Major, A. E. F. in France. Production Engineer with A. J. Stephen's Rubber Company, Kansas City, Mo. Member of Swope Park Golf Club. Created Chevalier in recognition of services rendered in France during the War. Present address: 4240 Montgall Avenue, Kansas City, Mo. 242 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES KNOEDLER, ROLAND FAULKNER. Art Dealer. Created Officier 1901, in recognition of services ren- dered to Art and interest in French institutions in this country. Last address: 556 Fifth Avenue, New York City. KOCH, STANLEY. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Bozeman, Mont., and educated at U. S. Mili- tary Academy. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. in France. Present rank, Colonel, Quartermaster Corps. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered in France during the War. Present address: War Department, Washington, D. C KOSKIER, HERMANN CHARLES. Created Chevalier December 8, 1917, for services as Chief of Sanitary Service. KOZMINSKI, MAURICE. Created Officier, March 10, 1920. Present address: Hotel Plaza, New York City. KRAUTHOFF, CHARLES R. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in St. Louis, Mo., and educated at private schools and at the Infantry and Cavalry School, Fort Leavenworth. Appointed Brigadier General, Quartermaster Corps, U. S. Army, by the President. Participated in the Span- ish-American war and the Philippine campaign. Member Army and Navy Club, Washington. Created Officier April 28, 1919, for services to the republic of France during the War. Has also Crown (Belgium) and White Eagle (Serbia). Present address: War Department, Washington, D. C. OF FRANCE 243 KRECH, ALVIN WILLIAM. Banker. Born in Hannibal, Mo.; studied at public schools. President, Equitable Trust Company, New York; Chairman and member of several committees for the reorganization of numerous railroads. Clubs: Travellers', London, Paris; Royal Thames Yacht, London; Grolier, Century, Metropolitan, Links, Mid-day, New York. Created Chevalier December 27, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in the War financing of the French Republic. Present address: 17 East 70th Street, New York City. KREHBIEL, HENRY EDWARD. Author and Musical Critic. Born in Ann Arbor, Mich. ; educated at public schools. Musical Editor, "New York Tribune" ; Professor of Musical History, College of Music, Cincinnati. Author of numerous books on Music. Member of Authors' Club, New York, and Verein Beethoven-Haus, Bonn. Created Chevalier January 17, 1901, in consideration of services rendered at Paris Exposition, 1900. Present address: 152 West 105th Street, New York City. KROMER, LEON B. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Grand Rapids, Mich., and educated at the U. S. Military Academy. Passed through the various grades of the Army from Second Lieutenant to Colonel. Member Army and Navy Club, Washington. Created Officier, June 13, 1919, for services as member of Staff of the First American Army. Has also D. S. M. and Distinguished Service Order (British). Present address: Fort Sam Houston, Texas. 244 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES KRUEGER, JOSEPH WILLARD. Accountant. Born in Troy, N. T. ; educated at public schools of St. Louis. Was Assistant Secretary and Assistant Auditor, Phil ippine Railway Company ; Auditor, Madeira Mamore Railway Company; District Accountant, Interstate Com- merce Commission, Southern District. Served as Major, A. E. F. in France during the War. Created Chevalier April 29, 1919, for services in co- operation with French Mission in work of the General Purchasing Board, A. E. F. in France. Present address: Glasgow, Ky. KRUM, LOUIS R. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address : Rockledge Manor, Tonkers, N. Y. KUEGLE, ALBERT S. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Columbiana, Ohio; studied at Columbiana High Sehool. Served all grades in United States Army from Lieu- tenant to Lieutenant Colonel. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in France during the War. Has also D. S. M. and Crown (Belgium). Present address: Old Land Office Building, 7th and E Streets, Washington, D. C. KUHN, JOSEPH E. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Leavenworth, Kan.; educated at public schools and high schools of Leavenworth, U. S. Military Academy and School of Application. Was appointed Military Attache to Japanese Army during Russo-Japanese war, and to Berlin preceding OF FRANCE 245 United States entry in World War. Served as Major General, in command of Seventy-Ninth Division, A. E. F. in France. Clubs : Army and Navy, Chevy Chase, Metropolitan, Washington, D. C. Created Commandeur May 5, 1919, in consideration of "conduct of 79th Division while in II French Colonial Corps." Has also Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address : Camp Kearny, Cal. KUNZ, GEORGE FREDERICK. Gem Expert. Born in New York City and educated at private schools and Cooper Institute. Gem expert with U. S. Geological Survey ; advisory expert for many international expositions ; in charge of precious stones statistics for U. S. Census; President, American Metric Association and American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society ; Vice-President, Tiffany & Company; member of various scientific societies; author of seven important books on gems and precious stones and very many magazine articles and technical reports. Clubs: Century, Union League and Grolier. Created Chevalier May 16, 1907, in recognition of scientific achievements. Has also Rising Sun (Japan), St. Olaf (Norway) and 1'Instruction Publique (France). Present address: 409 Fifth Avenue, New York City. KURTZ, THOMAS R. Officer, U. S. Navy. Created Officier. Last address: Navy Department, Washington, D. C. KUTZ, CHARLES W. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Reading, Pa.; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Passed through the various grades of the Army Engi- neer Corps from Lieutenant to Lieutenant Colonel. 246 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Served as Brigadier General, A. E. F. in France. At present Engineer Commissioner, District of Columbia. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Officier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre. Present address: 1714 Q Street N.W., Washington, D. C. LA CHAISE, ARMAND EUGENE. Artist. Created Officier February 11, 1918. LACHMAN, HARRY. Artist. Created Chevalier February 29, 1920. LAFARGUE, ANDRfi. Created Chevalier October 30, 1917. Last address : New Orleans, La. LAHN, E. P. Officer, U. S. Army. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Officier. Last address: War Department, Washington, D. C. LAMBIE, JOHN S. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Pittsburgh, Pa. ; educated at University of Pitts- burgh, Jefferson Medical College and Army Medical School. Served as Colonel, Medical Corps, A. E. F. in France Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Commanding Officer, Hospital Cen- ters in France during the War. Present address : Columbus Barracks, Columbus, Ohio. OF FRANCE 247 LA MONTAGNE, HARRY. Born in New York City ; educated at St. Bedes Col- lege, England. Served as Major, A. E. F. in France during the War Clubs : Union, Racquet, New York ; Travellers', Paris. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in recognition of services rendered as Liaison Officer, Remount Service, with French in Paris during the War. Present address: 6 Rue de Berri, Paris, France. LANDES, WILLIAM S. Served as Lieutenant, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. LANDSTREET, ROBERT S. Business Executive. Born in Baltimore, Md. ; educated at University of Maryland. Assistant Superintendent, Claims Department, Fidel- ity and Deposit Company of Maryland ; Claims Adjuster, Home Insurance Company, New York; served as Lieu- tenant, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier April, 1919, in recognition of "ex- traordinary heroism in action" during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: 3039 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, Md LANGDON, RUSSELL C. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served as Officer, U. S. Army, all grades from Sec- ond Lieutenant to Colonel. Author of articles on mili- tary subjects. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Officier March 16, 1919, in recognition of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. M. and Croix de Guerre, with palm and with gold star. Present address: War Department, Washington, D. C. 248 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES LANGFITT, WILLIAM C. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Virginia; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served as Chief Engineer, A. E. F. in France. At present, Division Engineer, Northeastern Division ; mem- ber Board of Engineers, and Senior Member, Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors. Created Commandeur April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in France during the War. Has also D. S. M., Companion of the Bath (England) and Crown (Belgium). Present address: 601 Army Building, 39 Whitehall Street, New York. LANGHORNE, GEORGE T. Created Chevalier July 17, 1908. Present address : Marfa, Texas. LAPLACE, ERNEST. Surgeon. Born in New Orleans, La., and educated at Georgetown College and the School of Medicine, Paris. Professor of Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania ; inventor of surgical in- struments and author of many papers on surgery. Clubs: Union League and Art (Philadelphia). Created Chevalier July 19, 1906, in recognition of achievements in surgery. Has also Officier d'Academie (France). Present address: 1828 S. Rittenhouse Square, Phila- delphia, Pa. LASSITER, WILLIAM. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Petersburg, Va., and educated at the U. S. Military Academy and the Artillery School. Served in the various grades of the Army from Second Lieutenant to Major-General. Participated in the Cuban campaign ; on duty in office of Inspector General and with General Staff; Military Attache U. S. Embassy, London. OF FRANCE 249 Clubs : Metropolitan, Army and Navy and Chevy Chase (Washington) and University (New York). Created Commandeur for services during the War. Present address : War Department, Washington, D. C. LATHROP, MRS. ISABEL STEVENS. Created Chevalier June 6, 1919, for services as Pres- ident, American Fund for French Wounded. LAWLOR, JOSEPH WILLIAM. Salesman. Born in Montclair, N. J. ; educated at Montclair High School and New York University. Created Chevalier in consideration of services ren- dered during the War. Has also D. S. C., Military Cross (England) and Croix de Guerre. Present address : 1410 New York Avenue, Washing- ton, D. C. LEACH, GEORGE E. Insurance. Born in Cedar Rapids, Iowa ; educated at University of Minnesota. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. in France. Clubs : Athletic, Lafayette, Minneapolis. Created Officier May 5, 1919, in consideration of "dis- tinguished bravery in action" during the War. Has also D. S. C. and D. S. M. and Croix de Guerre, with two palms and star. Present address : Minneapolis, Minn. LEAHY, LAMAR L. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Buffalo, N. Y., and educated at the U. S. Naval Academy. Passed through the various grades of the Navy to Commander ; participated in the Cuban pacification and Mexican campaign. 250 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Commanded U. S. S. "Noma"; U. S. Naval District District Commander, Rochefort, France. Clubs : University and Yacht, New York ; and Chevy Chase, Washington. Created Chevalier April 9, 1919, for services during the War. Has also Order of the British Empire. Present address : Navy Department, Washington, D. C. LeBLANC, CHARLES. Engineer. Created Chevalier, January 22, 1901, for services in connection with the Paris Exposition, 1900. Last address : 7 rue Meyerbeer, Paris, France. LEE, CHRISTOPHER F. Served as Major, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address : 72 Hancock Street, Dorchester, Mass. LEE, HARRY. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Washington, D. C. ; educated at public schools. Served all grades in U. S. Marine Corps from Lieu- tenant to Colonel. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Officier May 29, 1919, in consideration of serv- ices rendered in command of Sixth Regiment, U. S. Marines in France. Has also D. S. M. and Croix de Guerre, with three palms. Present address : Marine Barracks, Navy Yard, Phil- adelphia, Pa. LEE, JOHN CLIFFORD HODGES. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Junction City, Kan. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served as Colonel, General Staff, A. E. F. in France. Author of "Manual for Topographers." Clubs: Array and Navy, Manila; Chicago Athletic As- sociation. OF FRANCE 251 Created Offlcier June 13, 1919, in consideration of serv- ices rendered as Chief of Staff, Eighty-Ninth Division, A. E. F. in France. Has also D. S. M. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: 230 East Ohio Street, Chicago, 111. LEGALLET, ARTHUR M. Manufacturer. Created Chevalier August 7, 1918. Last address: San Francisco, Cal. LEGGE, ALEXANDER. Business Executive. Born in Dane County, Wis., and educated in public and private schools. Early in life became identified with the agricultural implement business; was Assistant General Manager, International Harvester Company, later General Man- ager and now Vice-President and General Manager. During the War served as Vice-Chairman of the War Industries Board and supervised purchases for the Allies. Clubs: Commercial and Athletic, Chicago. Created Officier, July 2, 19-19, for services on Allied Purchasing Commission. Has also Crown (Belgium). Present address : 606 S. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. LEGGE, BARNWELL RHETT. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Charleston, S. C. ; educated at High School of Charleston, The Citadel, Military College of South Carolina and University of South Carolina. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier December 1, 1918, in recognition of "gallantry in action in the Aisne-Marne counter of- fensive." Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with two palms and three silver stars. Present address: Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky. 252 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES LeJUNE, JOHN ARCHER. Officer, U. S. Marine Corps. Born in Pointe Coupee Parish, La., and educated at the U. S. Naval Academy. Passed through various grades in the Marine Corps from Second Lieutenant to Major-General. Participated in the Cuban, Mexican and Panama campaigns ; Com- mander, Marine Barracks, Quantico ; Commandant, Ma- rine Corps. Created Commandeur December 18, 1918, in recog- nition of services in the War. Has also D. S. M. Present address: 1870 Wyoming Avenue, Washington, D. C. LENIHAN, MICHAEL J. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Hopkinton, Mass.; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served all grades in United States Army from Cadet to Brigadier General. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Commandeur November 11, 1918, in consid- eration of services rendered during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre, with three palms. Present address: The Toronto, Washington, D. C. LfiON, MAURICE. Lawyer. Born in Beirout, Syria ; educated at ficole Monge, Lycee Michelet, Paris; and New York Law School. Member of law firm, Evarts, Choate, Sherman & Leon. Author of numerous contributions to reviews and the press generally. Initiated Lafayette Day, September 6th ( Laf ayette-Marne Anniversary ) . Clubs: Ardsley, Sleepy Hollow, and India House, New York City. Created Chevalier December 27, 1919, in considera- tion of services rendered during the War. Present address: 60 Wall Street, New York City. OF FRANCE 253 LEONARD, JOHN W. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Toledo, Ohio; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Created Crevalier May 14, 1919, in recognition of "bravery in action" during the War. Has also D. S. M. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: Camp Gordon, Ga. L'ESPfiRANCE, DAVID ANDRfi, Jr. Lawyer. Born in New York City; educated at public schools, New York, Barnard Military School, Princeton Uni- versity, New York University. Member of Michigan Legislature; served as Captain, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier January 10, 1919, for "bravery and excellent qualities of leadership in the Champagne- Meuse Battle." Has also Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: 535 Pelham Manor Road, Pelham Manor, N. Y. LEWIS, EDWARD MANN. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in New Albany, Ind., and educated at the U. S. Military Academy, De Pauw University and the University of California. Passed through the various grades of the Army from Second Lieutenant to Major General. Served in Cuba, in the Philippines and in Mexico ; was professor of military science and tactics ; on duty with National Guard. Created Commandeur November 11, 1918, in recogni- tion of services during the War. Has also D. S. M., St. Michael and St. George (England), Leopold (Belgium) and Danilo 1 (Montenegro). Present address : War Department, Washington, D. C. 254 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES LEWIS, EVAN ELI AS. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Dakota; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served all grades in U. S. Army, from Second Lieu- tenant to Colonel, Infantry. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, New York and Manila. Created Chevalier May 14, 1919, in recognition of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. C., Croix de Guerre, with two palms, and War Cross (Italy). Present address: Wardman Park Inn, Washington, D. C. LEWIS, GILBERT NEWTON. Chemist. Born in Weymouth, Mass., and educated at the Univer- sity of Nebraska, Harvard University and the Uni- versity of Leipzig and Gottingen. Professor of Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology ; Dean, College of Chemistry, University of California. Member, National Academy of Sciences. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in recognition of services during the War. Present address: 2440 Hillside Avenue, Berkeley, Cal. LEWIS, HARRY T. Fruit Grower. Born in Newton, Iowa; educated at Ames, Iowa. State Representative of Idaho ; served as Major, Fifth Machine Gun Battalion, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier March 16, 1919, for "effective leader- ship of Machine Gun Detachment at Soissons" during the War. Present address : Payette, Idaho. LEWIS, R. H. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address: War Department, Washington, D. C. OF FRANCE 255 LIGGETT, HUNTER. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Reading, Pa., and educated at U. S. Military Academy and Army War College. Served in various ranks to Major General, partici- pated in campaigns in Cuba, Philippines and France. Clubs: Army and Navy, Washington; Commercial, Family, Bohemian, Commonwealth and Riding, San Francisco. Created Commandeur March 11, 1918, for field serv- ice in the War. Has also D. S. M., Leopold (Belgium), Sts. Maurice and Lazarus (Italy), La Solidaridad (Pan- ama) and Croix de Guerre. Present address: Headquarters Western Department, San Francisco, Cal. LINCOLN, CHARLES S. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Officier. Last address : War Department, Washington, D. C. LINES, ERNEST HOWARD. Medical Director. Born in New York City; educated at Dartmouth College and Columbia University. President, American Club of Paris ; Vice-Chairman, Organization Committee, American Library Association, Paris; Vice-President, Union des Colonies fitrangeres. At present Medical Director, New York Life Insurance Company. Created Chevalier November 11, 1918, in recognition of services as Medical Director, ficole de la Reduction des Mutiles, France. Present address : 346 Broadway, New York City. LIPPINCOTT, AUBREY. Served as Colonel, A. E, F. Created Officier. Last address : War Department, Washington, D. C. 256 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES LITTLE, ARTHUR W. Printer. Publisher. Born in New York City ; studied at private schools of New York. Served as Major, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. At present Chairman of Board, J. J. Little & Ives Com- pany, New York. Created Chevalier March 16, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in the Champagne offensive, Septem- ber-October, 1918. Has also four Croix de Guerre: one silver, one gold star, and two palms. Present address: 102 East 35th Street, New York City. LIVERMORE, NORMAN B. Merchant. Born in Oakland, Cal. ; educated at Cornell University. President, N. B. Livermore & Company and Pacific Car and Equipment Company ; Vice-President, North- western Equipment Company. Served as Major, Engi- neers, A. E. F. in France. President, University Club, San Francisco, and mem- ber of several clubs and societies. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered in France during the War. Present address: 625 Market Street, San Francisco, Cal. LIVERMORE, PHILIP WALTON. Banker. Born in New York City; educated at Harvard Uni- versity. Served as Major, A. E. F. in France. At present Managing Partner, Morgan, Livermore & Company. Clubs: Knickerboker, Racquet and Tennis, Harvard, and Piping Rock, New York. Created Chevalier Arpil 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Liaison Officer with French Army during the War. Has also D. S. M. Present address: 71 Broadway, New York City. OF FRANCE 257 LOCHRIDGE, P. D. Officer, U. S. Army. (Retired.) Born near Bexar, Ala. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Participated in Spanish-American war, Cuban and Porto Rican occupation. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. in France. Created Commandeur April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Chief of Staff, American Sec- tion, Supreme War Council, in France. Has also D. S. M., Crown (Italy), Companion of the Bath (Eng- land) and War Cross (Italy). Present address : 33 W. 72d Street, New York City. LOCKE, MORRIS E. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Salt Lake City, Utah; educated at Virginia Military Institute. Served as Colonel, Field Artillery, A. E. F. in France. At present, Instructor, General Staff College. Clubs : University, San Francisco ; Army and Navy, Washington, D. C. ; and various service clubs. Created Officier May, 1919, in consideration of serv- ices rendered in command of Artillery Regiment, Twenty-Sixth Division, and Chief, American Artillery Section at Treves, France, during the War. Has also D. S. M. Present address: General Staff College, Washington, D. C. LOGAN, JAMES A., Jr. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Officier November 11, 1918. Last address : War Department, Washington, D. C. LOGHRT, ROBERT. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Coudersport, Pa.; studied at public schools and electrical schools in United States Army. 258 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Was in charge telegraph construction parties in Alaska; served all grades in United States Army from Private to Lieutenant Colonel. Was Radio Officer, First Army, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier June 9, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Present address: Chief Signal Office of the Army, Washington, D. C. LONERGAN, THOMAS C. Officer, C7. S. Army. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address: U. S. Embassy, Paris, France. LONG, ANDREW THEODORE. Officer, U. S. Narvy. Born in Iredell County, N. C., and educated at the U. S. Naval Academy. Passed through the grades of the Navy from Ensign to Rear Admiral ; served on various ships ; on duty Office Naval Intelligence ; Naval Attache, Rome and Vienna ; supervisor naval auxiliaries. Created Commandeur in recognition of services dur- ing the War. Present address: Navy Department, Washington, D. C. LOOMIS, FRANCIS BUTLER. Diplomat. Born in Marietta, Ohio, and educated at Marietta College. Was on staff of "New York Tribune," State Librarian of Ohio, editor-in-chief, "Cincinnati Tribune," commis- sioner general to expositions at Tokio and Turin, U. S. Minister to Venezuela, to Portugal and to Japan; Sec- retary of State ad interim, special ambassador to France. OF FRANCE 259 Clubs: Metropolitan, Washington; Country, Burlin- game, California; Pacific Union, San Francisco. Created Grand Officier November 23, 1904. Has also Sacred Treasure (Japan) and Crown (Italy). Present address : Burlingame, Cal. LOOMIS, JOHN F. Served as Lieutenant, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address: War Department, Washington, D. C. LOREE, JAMES TABER. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Logansport, Ind., and educated at Yale Uni- versity. Was General Manager, Delaware and Hudson Com- pany ; Assistant Quartermaster, 27th Division ; Chief of Staff, American Military Mission in Hungary. Created Officier, July, 1919, for services to Inter- allied cause. Has also D. S. M., Crown (Roumania) and Danilo 1 (Montenegro). Present address : American Military Mission, Buda- pest, Hungary. LOUGH, MAXON S. Served as Major, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address : War Department, Washington, D. C. LOWELL, ABBOTT LAWRENCE. University President. Born in Boston, Mass., and educated at Harvard University. President of Harvard University ; Trustee, Lowell In- stitute, Boston, and Carnegie Foundation for Advance- ment of Teaching. Co-author, "Transfer of Stock in Corporations." Author of numerous essays and works on National and Foreign governments. 260 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences ; member or honorary member of American and Euro- pean academies of science. Created Offlcier November 8, 1911. Present address : Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. LUBEROFF, GEORGE. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in New York City and educated at public schools. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, Quartermaster Corps, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices as Quartermaster, Army Artillery, First Army, A. E. F. in France. Has also D. S. M. Present address : Army Supply Base, New Orleans, La. LUEBKE, ALVIN J. Confectioner. Born in Wisconsin; educated at River Fall's State Nor- mal School, Wisconsin. Served as Lieutenant, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier May 9, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered in France during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address : Wilton, N. D. LYDIG, PHILIP MEZIER. Business Executive. Born in New York City ; educated at Harvard Uni- versity. Was Special Assistant to United States Ambassador to Russia, 1916-1917, in care of German and Austro- Hungarian prisoners of war in Russia; served with A. E. F. as Major. Clubs : Knickerbocker, Union, Harvard, New York City; Metropolitan, Washington, D. C. Created Chevalier April 9, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Financial Liaison Officer, Amer- ican Army in France, during the War. Present address: 74 Broadway, New York City. OF FRANCE 261 LYLE, DAVID ALEXANDER. Officer, U. S. Army. (Retired.) Born near Lancaster, Ohio, and educated at U. S. Mili- tary Academy and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Has been detailed on special duty with U. S. Life Saving Service since 1877; on special duty to Spezzia, Italy, to witness Armor Tests ; Military Commission, Vice-President of Jury and Member of Superior Jury, Paris Exposition, 1889. Designer of Lyle Life Saving Guns and Apparatus ; author of numerous reports on professional subjects ; collaborator of Century Diction- ary ; editorial contributor to Standard Dictionary ; now member of Board on Life Saving Appliances, U. S. Coast Guard. Member of various scientific societies and Cosmos Club (Washington). Created Chevalier October 30, 1889, in consideration of services rendered at Paris Exposition, 1889. Present address: St. Davids, Delaware Co., Pa. LYNN, CLARK. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. Created Officier. Last address: War Department, Washington, D. C. LYON, FRANK. Officer, U. S. Ncevy. Born in Frankfort, Ky., and educated at St. Mary's and U. S. Naval Academy. Served in various grades of the naval service from Cadet to Captain. Participated in campaigns of Cuba, Philippines and Mexico. Member Army and Navy Club, Washington. Created Officier June 25, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices during the War. Present address : Navy Department, Washington, D. C. 262 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES MacADAMS, JOHN P. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Hawesville, Ky. ; educated at public schools, Army School of the Line ; Army Staff College, Gen- eral Staff College. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. in France. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Officier April 4, 1919, in consideration of serv- ices rendered as Chief of Staff, A. E. F. in France. Has also D. S. M. Present address : General Staff College, Washington, D. C. MacARTHUR, DOUGLAS. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Little Rock Barracks, Ark. ; educated at U. S Military Academy. Served as Brigadier General, A. E. F. in France. At present Superintendent, U. S. Military Academy. Created Commandeur November 11, 1918, in consider ation of services rendered in France during the War Has also D. S. C., D. S. M., Croix de Guerre, with two palms, Crown (Belgium), War Cross (Italy) and Leo- pold (Belgium). Present address: West Point, New York. MacARTHUR, JOHN. Born in Columbia, Pa., and educated at Yale University. Was associated in a technical capacity with several manufacturing concerns. Entered the Aviation Corps, U. S. Army, served as Lieutenant with A. E. F. in France; was Ace with six official and three unofficial planes to his credit. Created Chevalier December 18,- 1918, for "truest cour- age and greatest coolness in action." Was given also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Died August 9, 1918, from wounds received in action. OF FRANCE 263 MacBRAYER, CHARLES EVANS. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Shelby, N. C. ; educated at Wake Forest Col- lege, University of North Carolina, University of Maryland. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, Medical Corps, A. E. F. in France. At present Commanding Officer, Camp Hos- pital, Camp Dodge, Iowa. Created Chevalier in consideration of "conspicuous services in the solution Franco-American medical prob- lems in the 12th Region." Present address: Camp Hospital, Camp Dodge, Iowa. MacCALLA, WILLIAM AUGUSTUS. Engineer. Born in Chester District, S. C. ; educated at University of Alabama. Chief Engineer, numerous enterprises; City Engineer, Decatur, Huntsville, Tuscaloosa, Ala., Tupelo, Miss.; served as Lieutenant Colonel, Engineers, A. E. F. in France; Principal Assistant Engineer, State Highway Department of Alabama. Member of several professional associations. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered during the War as constructing engineer. Present address: 645 South Perry Street, Mont- gomery, Ala. MacCAMERON, ROBERT. Created Chevalier July 24, 1912. MacCLURE, LOWE M. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address: War Department, Washington, D. C. MacCREA, JAMES A. Banker. Born in Philadelphia, Pa.; educated at St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., and Yale University. 264 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Was formerly General Manager, Long Island Railroad ; served as Colonel, A. E. F. in France. At present Vice- President, Bankers' Trust Company, New York City. Clubs: Union, Racquet, Brook, Links (New Tork) ; National Golf Links, Rockaway Hunting Club. Created Officier April 5, 1919, in consideration of serv- ices rendered during the War. Has also D. S. M. and Danilo 1 (Montenegro). Present address: 16 Wall Street, New York City. MacDOWELL, CHARLES H. Chemist. Born in Lewistown, 111. ; educated at Lewistown schools and Wesleyan University. President and, Director, Armour Fertilizer Works, Chicago; Director Armour & Company; Associate Tech- nical Advisor, American Commission to Negotiate Peace, Paris, Director, Chemical Division, War Industries Board; Developed the first potash mine in the United States, 1915; author of numerous articles in technical and commercial periodicals. Member of Union League Club (Chicago), Bankers' Club (New York) and numerous professional organi- zations. Created Chevalier July 2, 1919, for services rendered as Director, Chemical Division, War Industries Board. Has also Crown (Belgium). Present address: 209 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111. MacEWEN, WALTER. Artist. Born in Chicago, 111.; educated under Cormon and Tony Robert-Fleury, Paris. Medalist at all the most important expositions in the United States and abroad since 1889. Represented in Chicago Art Institute, Museum of Liege, Magdeburg, Budapest, Ghent, Philadelphia, Savannah, Los Angeles, OF FRANCE 265 Corcoran Gallery and Luxembourg, Paris. Decorated Hall to Reading Room, Congressional Library, Wash- ington, D. C. Created Officier July 16, 1908, in recognition of his achieevments in Art. Has also St. Michael (Ba- varia), and Leopold (Belgium). Present address: 11 rue Georges Berger, Paris. MacFADDEN, JOHN. Served as Captain, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address: U. S. Embassy, Paris, France. MACK, HAROLD L. Broker. Born in San Francisco, Cal. ; educated at Columbia University. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. At present, President and Partner, McConnell & Company. Clubs: Argonaut, Beresford, San Francisco Golf and Country, Lakeside. Created Chevalier September, 1919, in consideration of "meritorious services and gallantry in action" during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre, with palms and Croix de Guerre with two silver stars (Belgium). Present address: 335 Montgomery Street, San Fran- cisco, Cal. MACKAY, CLARENCE HUNGERFORD. Capitalist. Actively interested in telegraph and cable companies as director and president of organizations fostering art, science and patriotism. Clubs : New York Yacht, Atlantic Yacht, Union, Lawyers', Metropolitan, Hardware, Racquet and Tennis, Carteret Gun and Westchester Country (New York). Created Officier in appreciation of interest in French Finance. Present address: 253 Broadway, New York City. 266 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES MacMONNIES, FREDERICK WILLIAM. Sculptor and Painter. Born in Brooklyn, X. Y. ; educated at ficole des Beaux Arts, Paris, and School of Fine Arts, Munich, Was Member of Jury, Paris Exposition, 1900; Pro- fessor of Painting and Sculpture in various Paris schools. He is represented by works of art in the museums, public buildings and art galleries in America and abroad; has been awarded prizes and medals at Paris, Antwerp, Atlanta, Buffalo, Philadelphia and Boston. Member of various associations of Arts and Letters. Created Chevalier October 31, 1898, in consideration of his art work. Present address : 20 West 10th Street, New York City. MacMURTRY, GEORGE GIBSON. Banker. Born in Pittsburgh, Pa.; educated at St. Mark's School, Southborough, Mass., and Harvard University. Served as Major, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Was second in command of "Lost Battalion," which was cut off and surrounded by enemy forces in the Argonne Forest for five days. This command was without food of any kind for over four days and nights, but held the position until relieved. Clubs: Union, Brook, Racquet and Tennis, Harvard, New York City. Created Chevalier May 5, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered during the War. Has also Medal of Honor (U. S.) and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: 812 Fifth Avenue, New York City. MacNIDER, HANFORD. Banking. Born in Mason City, Iowa ; educated at Harvard University. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. At present connected with First National Bank, Mason City, Iowa. OF FRANCE 267 Created Chevalier May 14, 1919, in recognition of "dis- tinguished conduct in action at Blanc Mont" during the War. Has also D. S. C., Croix de Guerre, with three palms and two stars and War Cross (Italy). Present address: Mason City, Iowa. MADDEN, JOHN F. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Sacramento, Cal. ; educated at University of California. Participated in the Spanish- American war, Cuban oc- cupation, Philippine and Mexican campaigns. Served all grades in II. S. Army from Second Lieutenant to Brigadier General. Clubs : Lambs', New York City. Created Officier April 4, 1919, in consideration of serv- ices rendered as Assistant to Chief Quartermaster, A. E. F. in France during the War. Present address: Douglas, Ariz. MAGRUDER, BRUCE. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Washington, D. C. ; educated at George Wash- ington University. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as General Staff Officer, A. E. F. in France. Has also D. S. M. and Crown (Belgium). Present address: Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, D. C. MAGRUDER, LLOYD B. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Washington, D. C. ; educated at Georgetown University and U. S. Military Academy. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. in France. At present Assistant to Inspector General, American Forces in Germany. 268 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Clubs: Army and Navy, Washington; St. Nicholas, New York. Created Chevalier May 12, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Inspector General, District of Paris, A. E. F. In France. Has also Danilo 1 (Montenegro) and La Solidaridad (Panama). Present address: Coblenz, Germany. MAGRUDER, THOMAS PICKETT. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Yazoo County, Miss., and educated at the U. S. Naval Academy and Naval War College. Passed through the various grades of the Navy from Ensign to Captain advanced 5 numbers for "gallantry" at Cienfuegos; served in the Philippines and in the Spanish- American War; in charge Division of Naval Affairs, Navy Department; commanded Squadron 4, Patrol Forces, Atlantic Coast of France. Clubs: Army and Navy (Washington, Manila). Created Officier for services during the War. Present address: U. S. Embassy, Paris, France. MAILLARD, HENRY. Merchant. Created Chevalier January 5, 1901. Last address : 116 W. 25th Street, New York City. MAILLOUX, CYPRIEN O. Electrical Engineer. Created Chevalier August 16, 1913. Last address: New York City. MALLON, GEORGE H. Business Executive. Born In Ogden, Kan.; educated at public school, Ogden. Served as Lieutenant, A. E. F. in France. At pres- ent, Business Representative, Building Trades' Council of Minneapolis. OF FRANCE 269 Created Chevalier May 5, 1919, in recognition of "gal- lantry in action" during the War. Has also Medal of Honor (U. S.), Croix de Guerre and Danilo 1 (Monte- negro). Present address: 1517 Spruce Place, Minneapolis, Minn. MALONE, PAUL B. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Middletown, N. Y. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served all grades in U. S. Army from Cadet to Lieu- tenant Colonel, Infantry. Participated in the Spanish- American war and the Philippine campaign. Appointed Brigadier General, A. E. F. in France. Author of sev- eral books treating of the life at West Point. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Officier in consideration of services rendered in France during the War. Has also D. S. M. and Croix de Guerre. Present address: War Department, Washington, D. C. MALONEY, WILLIAM E. Hatter. Born in New York City; studied at public schools. Formerly held positions with National Bank of Com- merce and Guaranty Trust Company, New York; served as Lieutenant, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier July 29, 1919, in recognition of "bravery in action" during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre. Present address : 118 West 63d Street, New York City. MALTBY, FRANK B. Engineer. Born in Bristolville, Ohio; educated at University of Illinois. Was Principal Assistant Engineer, Panama Canal; Chief Engineer, various construction companies; served 270 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES as Lieutenant Colonel, Engineers, A. E. F. in France. At present, Technical Advisor, Claims Board, War De- partment. Member of several professional associations. Created Chevalier July 26, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in France during the War. Present address: 2749 Munitions Building, Washing- ton, D. C. MANLY, FREDERICK W. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Minneapolis, Minn.; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier July 26, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in France during the War. Has also Crown (Belgium) and Crown (Italy). Present address: West Point, N. Y. MANN, C. H. Served with A. E. F. as Major. Created Chevalier. Last address : 172 Mountain Avenue, Piedmont, Cal. MANNING, MRS. MARY MARGRETTA FRYER. Born in Albany, N. Y. ; educated at Albany Seminary. By joint resolution of Congress and appointment by the President, Commissioner to Paris Exposition, 1900, and to represent U. S. and D. A. R. at unveiling of statue of Lafayette in Paris; was President, Board of Lady Managers, St. Louis Exposition; Honorary Presi- dent, D. A. R. ; member of various scientific associations ; member, Board of Trustees of Schuyler Mansion at Albany, owned by the State of New York. Clubs: Washington (Washington) and Albany Country. OF FRANCE 271 Created Chevalier January 30, 1901, in recognition of services rendered at Paris Exposition, 1900. Has also Leopold (Belgium) and Offlcier de 1'Instruction Pub- lique (France). Present address: 153 Washington Avenue, Albany, N. Y. MANNING, WILLIAM THOMAS. Clergyman. Educated at the University of the South. Served as deacon, priest, rector and vicar. Professor of Theology. At present rector of Trinity Parish, New York. Created Chevalier December 27, 1918. Present address: 187 Fulton Street, New York City. MANTON, WALTER W. Surgeon. Born in Detroit, Mich.; educated at Phillips-Exeter Academy and Harvard University. Obstetrician and Gynecologist to several hospitals of Detroit; Assistant Professor, Obstetrics, Detroit College of Medicine; served as Captain, Medical Corps, A. E. F. in France. Author of various papers on medical subjects. Member of numerous medical societies. Created Chevalier May 14, 1919, in recognition of services rendered in France during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: 32 Adams Avenue, West, Detroit, Mich. MARCH, PEYTON CONWAY. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Easton, Pa.; educated at Lafayette College and United States Military Academy. Took prominent part as Commanding Officer of the American troops in the Philippine campaign. Was 272 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Military Attache to observe Japanese Army in Russo- Japanese War. At present, Chief of Staff, United States Army, with rank of General. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washigton, D. C. Created Grand Offlcier December 1, 1918, in consider- ation of services rendered the Allied cause during the War. Has also D. S. M., Rising Sun (Japan), George I (Greece), St. Maurizio e Lazzaro (Italy), Crown (Bel- gium), St. Michael and St. George (England). Present address: War Department, Washington, D. C. MARCELLIN, FREDERICK. Served as Major, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address: New York City. MARGETTS, NELSON, E. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Salt Lake City, Utah; educated at Salt Lake High School. Participated in the Spanish-American war, Philip- pine and Mexican campaigns; served as Colonel, A. E. F. in France and Germany. Created Offlcier in recognition of services rendered during the War. Present address: War Department, Washington, D. C. MARING, D. H. Sales Manager. Born in Cabool, Mo.; educated at Howard-Payne Col- lege, Brownwood, Texas. Assistant Sales Manager of several steel companies, Birmingham, Ala. ; served as Major, A. E. F. in France. Clubs: Birmingham Country, Southern, Community, Birmingham. Created Chevalier July 26, 1918, in consideration of services rendered in connection with ammunition sup- plies, French Headquarters, during the War. Present address: 1106 Brown Marx Building, Birm- ingham, Ala. OF FRANCE 273 MARSH, ROBERT, Jr. Engineer. Born in Pueblo, Colo.; educated at Cornell and Colum- bia Universities. Served as Major, A. E. F. in France. At present, Mining Engineer with Guggenheim Brothers, New York City. Member of Bankers' Club, New York. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered the Allied cause during the War. Has also Distinguished Service Order (England). Present address: 120 Broadway, New York City. MARSHALL, GEORGE C., Jr. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Officler. Last address: War Department, Washington, D. C. MARTIE, JOHN E. Insurance Salesman. Born in California, Mo.; educated at Central Missouri Teachers' College and Central Business College. Was High School^ Principal and Athletic coach. Served as Captain, United States Army, during the War. Created Chevalier March 16, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre. Present address: California, Mo. MASON, ALEXANDER TAYLOR. Lawyer. Born in Westerley, R. I. ; educated at schools in France and Switzerland, Trinity College, Hartford, and Columbia University. Member of law firm, Daly, Hoyt & Mason, New York ; was formerly Municipal Civil Service Commissioner of the city of New York, Deputy Attorney General, State of New York, and Greater New York Charter Revision 274 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Commissioner. Was President, Alliance Frangaise of New York, and since 1907 Vice-President, Federation of Alliance Frangaise of IT. S. and Canada. Created Chevalier 1908, and promoted Officier Decem- ber 27, 1918. Present address: 28 W. 71st Street, New York City. MASON, C. H. Served as Lieutenant, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address: 1806 Grove Avenue, Richmond, Va. MASON, ROGER O. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Officier. Last address: War Department, Washington, D. C. MATTHEWS, HUGH. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address: London, Tenn. MATTHEWS, JAMES BRANDER.- Man of Letters. Born in New Orleans, La. ; educated at Columbia University. Professor of Dramatic Literature, Columbia Univer- sity; President, Modern Language Association; Trustee, Columbia University Press. President, National Acad- emy of Arts and Letters; Member, American Academy of Arts and Letters. Author of many Comedies; sev- eral works on theatrical subjects; novels and essays. Editor of various works. Clubs: Century, Authors', New York; Athenaeum, London. Created Chevalier January 8, 1907, in recognition of literary achievements. Present address: 337 West 87th Street, New York City. OF FRANCE 275 MAXFIELD, HOWARD H. Engineer. Born in Bloomfield, N. J. ; studied at Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, N. J. At present, Works Manager, The Altoona Shops, Penn- sylvania Railroad Company. Member of numerous Engineers' Clubs and Railroad Associations. Created Officier April 4, 1919, in consideration of serv- ices rendered as Chief of Transport Service, A. E. F. in France during the War. Present address: 1219 14th Avenue, Altoona, Pa. MAXFIELD, LOUIS H. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in St. Paul, Minn., and educated at the Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology and the U. S. Naval Academy. Passed through the various grades of the Navy from Ensign to Commander. Clubs: Army and Navy, Washington; University, St. Paul, and Aero, New York. Created Chevalier, April 9, 1919, for work with Dirigibles. Has also Medaille de Suvetage (France). Present address : Navy Department, Washington, D. C. MAY, OSCAR .P. Lawyer. Born in Williamstown, Kan.; educated at Kansas City School of Law. Served as Lieutenant, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier May 9, 1919, in recognition of his performance of "taking a machine gun nest single- handed" during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: Oskaloosa, Kan. 276 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES MATES, JOHN BRENT, Jr. Salesman. Born in Stein, N. C. ; educated at Agricultural and En- gineering College of North Carolina. Served as Captain, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier March 14, 1919, in recognition of "meritorious services" in France during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Military Cross (England). Present address: 66 College Street, Oxford, N. C. MAYO, HENRY T. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Burlington, Vt. ; educated at United States Naval Academy. Served in all ranks as line officer, U. S. Navy. Created Grand Officier April 9, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Commander-in-Chief, TJ. S. Atlantic Fleet during the War. Has also D. S. M. and Rising Sun (Japan). Present address: General Board, Navy Department, Washington, D. 0. MAYO-SMITH, RICHMOND. Business Executive. Born in Easthampton, L. I., N. Y. ; educated at Amherst College. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. in France. At present, Director, Plimpton Press, Norwood, Mass. Created Chevalier in recognition of services rendered during the War. Present address: 589 East Street, Dedham, Mass. MCAFEE, LARRY B. Officer, U. S. Army. Born at Delphi, Ind., and educated at The George Wash- ington University. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, Medical Corps, with the A. E. F. in France. OF FRANCE 277 Created Chevalier April, 1919, for services in con- nection with hospitalization in District of Paris. Has also Medaille des Epidemic (France). Present address: 1106 Connecticut Avenue, Washing- ton, D. C. McALEXANDER, ULYSSES G. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Dundas, Minn. ; educated at United States Mili- tary Academy. Served all grades in United States Army from Cadet to Brigadier General. Author of "History of 13th United States Infantry." Created Officier May 29, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in France during the War. Has also D. S. C., D. S. M., Croce al Merito di Guerra (Italy) and Croix de Guerre, with palms. Present address: War Department, Washington, D. C. McANDREW, JAMES W. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Hawley, Pa., and educated at St. Francis Xavier College and the U. S. Military Academy. Passed through the various grades of the Army to Major General. Served as Instructor, Army School of the Line, Army Staff School, Army Service Schools and Army War College, Washington; participated in Span- ish, Cuban and Philippine Campaigns; Commandant Army Schools, A. E. F.; Chief of Staff, A. E. F.; Com- mandant General Staff College, Washington. Clubs : Catholic Club, New York and Army and Navy, Washington. Created Conimandeur November 11, 1918, for distin- guished service as Chief of Staff, A. E. F. Has also D. S. M., Victory Medal with two stars ; Croix de Guerre with two palms; St. Michael and St. George (England) ; St. Maurice and St. Lazarus (Italy), Crown (Belgium) and Danilo 1 (Montenegro). Present address: General Staff College, Washington, D. C. 278 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES McANDREW, JOSEPH A. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Arkansas and educated at the University of Arkansas, and the U. S. Military Academy. Served as Colonel, General Staff, G. H. Q., A. E. F. Created Chevalier July 26, 1919, for services during the War. Has also D. S. M. and the Crown (Italy). Present address : Forth Leavenworth, Kan. McCARRAGH, GATES. Created Chevalier December 27, 1918. McCAULEY, EDWARD, Jr. Officer, U. S, Navy. Born in Washington, D. C. ; educated at U. S. Naval Academy. Participated in the Spanish- American war; Cuban oc- cupation ; Philippine campaign ; served as Captain, U. S. Navy in European waters during the War. Clubs: Metropolitan, Alibi, Chevy Chase, Washing- ton ; Army and Navy, Yacht, New York ; Racquet, Markham, Philadelphia. Created Officier 1919, in recognition of services ren- dered during the War. Has also Leopold (Belgium). Present address : Navy Department, Washington, D. C. McCAW, WALTER D. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Richmond, Va. ; educated at Medical College of Virginia and Columbia University. Served all grades in Medical Corps, U. S. Army, from Lieutenant to Brigadier General. Chief Surgeon, A. E. F. in France, 1918-1919. At present, Commandant, Army Medical School, Washington, D. C. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Commandeur April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in France during the War. Has also D. S. M., Companion of the Bath (England) and Sts. Maurice and Lazarus (Italy), Present address: Army Medical School, Washington, D. C. OF FRANCE 279 McCLOSKEY, MANUS W. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Pittsburgh, Pa.; educated at Pittsburgh High School, U. S. Military Academy, Staff College and Line School, Fort Leavenworth, Kan., General Staff College, Washington, D. C. Served as Brigadier General, commanding artillery of Seventy-Seventh Division, A. E. F. in France. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Offlcier March 16, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre. Present address: General Staff College, Washington, D. C. McCOMB, MILLINGTON BARNETT. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Dayton, Ohio; educated at Brown Preparatory, Philadelphia, Lafayette College and U. S. Naval Academy. Was Assistant Supervisor, Naval Overseas Transpor- tation Service, Philadelphia ; Senior member, Demobili- zation Board for N. O. T. S. vessels. At present in- structor in Marine Engineering and Naval Construction, U. S. Naval Academy. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Chevalier April 9, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in command of destroyers doing con- voy duty during the War. Present address: 6 Southgate Avenue, Annapolis, Md. McCORMICK, CYRUS HALL. Business Executive. Born in Washington, D. C. ; educated at Chicago High School and Princeton University. Chairman, Board of Directors, International Harves- ter Company. Director, Chicago & Northwestern Rail- way; Merchants' Loan & Trust Co., Chicago; and Na- tional City Bank, New York. Trustee, Princeton Uni- versity; Y. M. C. A., Chicago; and Field Museum of 280 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Natural History ; Director, McCormick Theological Sem- inary; and American Red Cross, Chicago. Was mem- ber, Special Diplomatic Mission of the United States to Russia, 1917. Clubs : University, Metropolitan, New York ; Union League, University, Athletic, Iroquois, Literary, City, Cliff Dwellers, Commercial, Chicago; and Onwentsia, Lake Forest, 111. Created Officier January 17, 1901, in consideration of exhibit made at Paris Exposition, 1900. He is also Offi- cier du Merite Agricole (France). Present address: 50 East Huron Street, Chicago, 111. McCORMICK, VANCE CRISWELL. Newspaper Publisher. Born in Harrisburg, Pa., and educated at Yale Uni- versity. Publisher "The Patriot" and "The Evening News," Harrisburg; Chairman National Democratic Committee; Chairman War Trade Board; Director, Federal Reserve Board; member, War Mission to Great Britain and France; Mayor of Harrisburg; member Yale Corpo- ration. Clubs: Harrisburg (Harrisburg), Philadelphia (Phil- adelphia), University, Yale and St. Anthony (New York) and Metropolitan and Chevy Chase (Washing- ton). Created Commandeur May 11, 1919, "to recognize and recompense the eminent services rendered to all the Allies and the cause of victory." Present address: Harrisburg, Pa. McCOY, FRANK ROSS. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Lewistown, Pa.; educated at U. S. Military Academy and Army War College. Served all grades in U. S. Army from Second Lieu- tenant to Brigadier General; General Staff Officer, 1 A. E. F. in France; Chief of Staff, Harvard Military Mission to Armenia. OF FRANCE 281 Clubs: Crockett, Rittenhouse (Philadelphia), Knick- erbocker (New York), Metropolitan (Washington). Created Officier November 11, 1918, for "distinguished services in command of Infantry Division, later as Bri- gade commander, in the Champagne, Marne and Chemin des Dames offensive." Has also D. S .M., Croix de Guerre, Leopold (Belgium) and St. Michael and St. George (England). Present address: War Department, Washington, D. C. McCULLY, NEWTON A. Officer, U. S. Navy. Created Officier. Last address: Navy Department, Washington, D. C. McCUNIFF, DENNIS E. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in La Jara, Colo., and educated at the U. S. Mili tary Academy. Passed through the various grades of the Army to Major. Served with A. E. F. as Aide to Major Gen- eral Kernan. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, for services rendered during the War. Present address: 1361 Pearl Street, Denver, Colo. McDERMOTT, JOHN A. Officer, U. S. Army. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address: Camp Benniug, Ga. MCDONALD, DONALD c. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Thorold, Ontario, Canada; educated at Univer- sity of North Dakota and U. S. Military Acaderuj. ^ Served as Colonel, Field Artillery, A. E. F. in France. At present detailed to take course at ficole Superieure de Guerre, Paris. 282 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Created Offlcier June 21, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered as Officer in Charge, American Artillery School at Saumur, France. Present address : U. S. Embassy, Paris, France. MCDONALD, JOHN BACON. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Athens, Ala. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served as Brigadier General, A. E. F. in France. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Officier May 29, 1919, in recognition of "ex- traordinary heroism in action in command of 181st Brigade in the capture of Epionville, France." Has also D. S. C., D. S. M., Croix de Guerre, with palm, Croix de Guerre (Belgium) and War Cross (Italy). Present address: Alcatraz Island, San Francisco, Cal. MCDOWELL, ELLIOTT E. Draftsman. Born in Dorchester, Mass. ; studied at Mechanic Arts High School. Served as Second Lieutenant, Infantry, United States Army in France. At present, Draftsman, Stone & Webster, Boston, Mass. Created Chevalier May 5, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in France during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: 132% Oxford Street, Cambridge, Mass. MCDOWELL, RALPH WALKER. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Altoona, Pa., and educated at Jefferson Med- ical College. Lieutenant Commander, Medical Corps, U. S. Army: served as Regimental Surgeon with A. E. F. in France: also was Chief Surgeon of Tours Army District in- France. Co-author of "Fundamentals of Naval Service." Clubs: Metropolitan, Army and Navy (Washington). OF FRANCE 283 Created Chevalier January 3, 1920, for services as Medical Officer with the Marines in the A. E. F. and as Chief Surgeon, Army District in France. Present address: U. S. Naval Hospital, San Diego, Cal. McFADDEX, J. FRANKLIN. Merchant. Born in Philadelphia, Pa.; educated at University of Pennsylvania. Director, Philadelphia Trust Company, and Fairmount Park Art Association; Honorary Consul of Japan in Philadelphia. Member of firm McFadden, Sands & Com- pany, Philadelphia. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, Air Service, A. E. F. in France. Clubs: Rittenhouse, Philadelphia, Rabbit, Philadelphia Country, Radnor Hunt, State in Schuylkill. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also Rising Sun (Japan). Present address: Radnor Valley Farm, Rosemont, Pa. McGIBBONS, JOHN HARMON. Business Executive. Born in Mendon, 111. ; educated at Chaddock College, Quincy, 111. Was Professor of Greek, Chaddock College, University of the Northwest, and Garfield University ; connected with Bureau of Awards, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago ; Director, Exploitation, United States Commis- sion to Paris Exposition, 1900; Secretary, Superior Jury, St. Louis Exposition. Vice-President, United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company. Created Chevalier in 1900. Has also Leopold (Bel- gium), Merite Agricole (France), Red Eagle (Prussia), Crown (Italy), Rising Sun (Japan), Iftikhar (Tunis) and Crown (Siam). Present address: 134 South La Salle Street, Chi- cago, 111. 284 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES McGLACHLIN, EDWARD F. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Fond du Lac, Wis. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served as Major General, A. E. F. in France. Created Commandeur May 5, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in command of the Artillery of First Army, A. E. F. in France in the St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne offensives. Has also D. S. M. and cita- tions from Commander-in-Chief, A. E. F. Present address : Camp Funston, Kan. McGLASSON, ARCHIBALD. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Kentucky; educated at U. S. Naval Academy. Created Chevalier June 5, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in command of U. S. Mine Sweepers on West Coast of France during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre. Present address: U. S. S. "Delaware," care of Post- master, New York City. McGRATH, THOMAS J. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address: 544 West 113th Street, New York City. McGREW, JOHN TARN. Bank Official. Born in Honolulu, Hawaii, and educated at Stanford University, Columbia College and ficole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Formerly connected with Bishop & Company, Bankers, Honolulu; now with Banque Franco-Americaine, Paris. Served as Major, A. E. F. in France. Clubs: University (Honolulu), Travelers', Cercle de 1'Union (Paris). Created Chevalier in recognition of his services as Liaison Officer in France during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre. Present address: 23 rue de Lille, Paris, France. OF FRANCE 285 McINTYRE, AUGUSTINE. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Tennessee and educated at the U. S. Military Academy and the Artillery School. Passed through the various grades of the Army from Second Lieutenant to Major General. Created Commandeur December 1, 1918, for services during the War. Present address: Fort Sill, Okla. McKINSTRY, CHARLES H. Served as Brigadier General, A. E. F. Created Officier. Last address : University Club, New York City. McLEOD, MARION F. Salesman. Born in Lynchburg, Va. ; studied at Wofford College, Spartanburg, S. C. Served as Lieutenant, A. E. F. in France during the War. Created Chevalier May 9, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: 6 Water Street, Charleston, S. C. McMAHON, JOHN E. Officer, U. S. Army. (Retired.) Born in Buffalo, N. Y. ; educated at Fordham University. Served as Major General, A. E. F. in France during the War. Clubs: Army and Navy, Washington, D. C. ; Penden- nis, Louisville, Ky. ; Nassau, Princeton, N. J. Created Commandeur May 5, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in command of Fifth Division, A. E. F. in France during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre, with palm. Deceased January 29, 1919. 286 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES McMORRIS, WILLIAM R. Business Executive. Born in Bay City, Mich.; studied at High School, Bay City, Mich. Was Sales Manager, Hubbell Auto Sales Company, Bay City, Mich. ; served as Captain, A. E. F. in France ; Assistant Manager, Union Motor Company. Created Chevalier November 27, 1917, in consideration of services rendered in France during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre. Present address: 1016 Marquette Avenue, Bay City, Mich. McNAIR, LESLEY J. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Verndale, Minn. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Major, Field Artillery, TL S. Army. Served as Brig- adier General, A. E. F. in France. Created Officier April 4, 1919, in consideration of serv- ices rendered as Member, General Staff of Commander- in-Chief, A. E. F. in France. Has also D. S. M. Present address: Fort Leavenworth, Kan. McNAIR, WILLIAM SHARP. Officer, U. S. Army. Born at Tecumseh, Mich., and educated at the U. S. Military Academy and the War College. Passed through the various grades of the Army from Second Lieutenant to Brigadier General. Served in China, in the Philippines and on the Mexican border and with the National Guard of New York. Clubs: Army and Navy (Washington). Created Commandeur for services during the War. Present address: Camp Bragg, N. C. McNAMEE, LUKE. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Mount Hope, Wis.; educated at U. S. Naval Academy. OF FRANCE 287 Member of New York Yacht Club. Created Offlcier in consideration of services rendered as member, Naval Advisory Staff to Peace Conference. Present address: U. S. Naval War College, Newport, R. I. McRAE, JAMES H. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Lumber City, Ga. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served as Major General, A. E. F. in France. Created Commandeur April 25, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in command of Seventy-Eighth Di- vision, A. E. F. during the Meuse-Argonne offensive. Has also D. S. M., Companion of the Bath (England), Croix de Guerre, with palm and La Solidaridad ( Panama ) . Present address: Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. McROBERTS, SAMUEL. Financier. Born at Malta Bend, Mo., and educated at Baker Uni- versity and University of Michigan. Treasurer Armour Company; Vice-President and later Executive Manager National City Bank; Major, Re- serve Corps; Colonel National Army and Brigadier Gen- eral A. E. F. Chief of Procurement Division, Ordnance Department, U. S. Army. Clubs: Metropolitan, Union ^League, Racquet and Tennis, Recess, Links (New York) ; Metropolitan and Army and Navy (Washington) ; Chicago (Chicago). Created Chevalier December 27, 1918, for services during the War. Present address: Room 1402, 14 Wall Street, New York City. MEARS, FREDERICK. Officer, U. S, Army. Born at Fort Omaha, Neb., and educated at the Shat- tuck School, U. S. Infantry and Cavalry School and the Staff College. AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Enlisted as private, passed through the various grades in the Army from Second Lieutenant to Colonel. Served in the Philippines and in the Panama Canal Zone; Chairman Alaskan Engineering Commission; com- manded regiment of engineers A. E. F. in France. Created Officier for services as General Manager, Railroad Department in France for A. E. F. Has also D. S. M. Present address: Anchorage, Alaska. MELCHERS, GARI. Artist, Painter. Born in Detroit, Mich. ; studied at Academy, Dusseldorf , Germany;, ficole des Beaux Arts, and under Lefebre and Boulanger, Paris. Has pictures in numerous Public Galleries in the United States and abroad. Also mural paintings in Congressional Library, Washington. Painted portraits of many persons of prominence. Member of several American and International Socie- ties of Arts and Letters. Created Chevalier, 1895, and promoted Officier De- cember 29, 1903, in consideration of his Art. Present address : 80 West 40th Street, New York City. MENEFEE, MARVIN JAMES. Officer, U. S. Army. (Retired.) Born in Covington, Va. ; educated at Luray High School and Washington and Lee University. Served as First Lieutenant, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier July 14, 1919, "Himself operating a one-pounder gun after all his gunners had been killed, thus destroying a nest of machine guns that had re- tarded the advance of the attacking troops." Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: Luray, Va. OF FRANCE 289 MENOHER, CHARLES T. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Johnstown, Pa.; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served all grades in U. S. Army from Cadet to Major General; participated in the Philippine, Spanish, Mex- ican border and two Cuban campaigns; Commanded Forty-Second Division, A. E. F. in France during the War. Director of Air Service. Created Commandeur November 11, 1918, "An ener- getic commander, who has been able to make his unit, the Rainbow Division, one of the best trained and most brilliant units in the American Army." Cited for pur- suit of the enemy between the Marne and the Vesle, St. Mihiel Salient and the Meuse-Argonne offensive. Has also Leopold (Belgium) and Croix de Guerre with palm. Present address: 1723 S Street N.W., Washington, D. C. MERRILL, DANA T. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in East Auburn, Maine; educated at University of Maine. Served as Chief of Staff, 37th Division, A. E. F. with French Army in Belgium. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Offlcier March 16, 1919, in recognition of services rendered during the War. Has also Leo- pold (Belgium), and Croix de Guerre (Belgium). Present address: War Department, Washington, D. C. MERRILL, JOHN HOUSTON. Served with A. E. F. as Major. Created Chevalier. Last address: Philadelphia, Pa. 290 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES MERILL'AT, ALEXANDER. Served as Major, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Address unknown. MERRITT, HENRY C. Bond Salesman. Born in Tuckahoe, N. Y. ; educated at Princeton Uni- versity. Served as Captain, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Bond Salesman, Win. A. Read & Company, New York. Clubs: Colonial, Princeton; Princeton, New York. Created Chevalier May 14, 1919, in recognition of "gallantry in action" during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: Wm. A. Reed & Company, 28 Nassau Street, New York City. METCALFE, JAMES STETSON. Editor. Born in Buffalo, N. Y. ; educated at Yale University. Editor and publisher "The Modern Age" ; editorial writer "Buffalo Express"; editor "People's Pictorial Press" ; manager American Newspaper Publishers' As- sociation ; editor of "Life," managing editor "Cosmo- politan Magazine" ; author of "Mythology for Moderns," "The American Slave," "Another Three Weeks" and "Diary of a District Messenger." Established Metcalfe dramatic prize, Yale. Created Chevalier March 29, 1919. Present address: Office of "Life," 31st Street, New York City. MEYER, EUGENE. Banker (Retired). Born in Strasbourg, France; educated at ficole Normale and Gymnase Protestant, Strasbourg. Was Consular Agent of France, Los Angeles; Head of firm, Eugene Meyer & Co., Los Angeles; Manager, OF FRANCE 291 London, Paris & American Bank, San Francisco; Mem- ber, banking firm, Lazard Freres, New York. Member of Bankers' Club, New York. Created Officier January 23, 1920, in recognition of services rendered the French population in Southern California. Present address: 135 Central Park, West, New York City. MEYER, EUGENE, Jr. Financier. Born in Los Angeles, Cal. ; educated at Yale University. Was formerly head of banking firm Eugene Meyer, Jr. & Company; served on War Industries Board and Na- tional War Savings Committee; Director and at present Managing Director of War Finance Corporation. Author of various works and addresses on Finance and Economics. Clubs: Yale, Players', Lotos, and Grolier (New York). Created Chevalier January 23, 1920, for services ren- dered to France in connection with War Work. Present address: 820 Fifth Avenue, New York City. MICHAELS, EMMETT C. Served as Lieutenant, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address: 2629 Sacramento Street, St. Joseph, Mo. MILES, APPLETON T. Business Executive. Born in Brattleboro, Vt. ; educated at Phillips-Exeter Academy and Dartmouth College. Served as First Lieutenant, A. E. F. In France. At present connected with Foreign Credit Department of The General Motors Acceptance Corporation, New York. Created Chevalier March 16, 1919, in recognition of services rendered in France during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre, with palm and silver star. Present address: 22 Chapin Street, Brattleboro, Vt 292 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES MILES, LOUIS WARDLAW. Teacher. Born in Baltimore, Md. ; educated at Johns Hopkins University. Served with A. E. F. in France. Headmaster, Oilman Country School, Maryland. Created Chevalier May 5, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also Medal of Honor (U. S.) and Croix de Guerre. Present address: Roland Park, Md. MILES, PERRY L. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Offlcier March 29, 1919. Last address: War Department, Washington, D. C. MILLER, ALEXANDER MACOMB. Officer, U. S. Army. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Officier. Last address : Camp Funston, Kan. MILLER, CHARLES. Merchant. Born in Alsace, France; studied at schools in France and America. President and Director of numerous Banking, Manu- facturing, Printing, Railway, Oil and Realty Corpora- tions. Mayor of City of Franklin. Author and Pub- lisher of "Guardian." Clubs: Desquesne, Press, Pittsburgh; Franklin Club, Franklin, Pa.; Sleepy Hollow, Whitehall, Army and Navy, Transportation, New York; Lakewood Country Club and Canadian Railway Club, Montreal, etc. Created Chevalier January 30, 1901, in recognition of services rendered as Commissioner, State of Pennsyl- vania to Paris Exposition, 1900. Present address: Franklin, Pa. OF FRANCE 293 MILLER, CHARLES L. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Altoona, Pa. ; educated at Pennsylvania State College. Served as First Lieutenant, Coast Artillery Corps, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier November 11, 1918, in recognition of his "performance of a dangerous aerial mission, and shooting down a German aeroplane after having been wounded." Has also Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address : U. S. General Hospital, No. 41, Staten Island, N. Y. MILLER, CHARLES RANSOM. Editor. Born in Hanover, N. H. ; educated at Dartmouth College. Editor-in-Chief of the New York "Times"; Vice-Pres- ident and Director, the New York Times Company. Clubs: Century, Metropolitan, New York; Piping Rock, Long Island. Created Chevalier December 27, 1918, for editorials in support of the cause of France. Has also Leopold (Belgium) and George I (Greece). Present address: New York Times Office, New York City. MILLER, HARRY W. Served as Major, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address: 184 Chauncey Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. MILLER, HOWARD STANLEY. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Wabasha County, Minn. ; educated at High School, Wabasha ; Artillery School, Ft. Monroe, Va. ; Army School of the Line. Passed through various grades of the Army; par- ticipated in various campaigns. Served as Colonel, Coast Artillery Corps, A. E. F. in France. 294 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Created Offlcier in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also citation from Commander-in- Chief, A. E. F. Present address: General Service Schools, Fort Leav- enworth, Kan. MILLER, ISIDORE A. Accountant. Born in Mt. Wolf, Pa.; educated at public schools of York County, Pa. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, Transportation Corps, A. E. F. in France. Chief Accountant, Eastern Lines, Pennsylvania Railroad. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in recognition of services rendered in France during the War. Present address: Norberth, Pa. MILLER, RICHARD E. Artist. Created Chevalier January 1, 1908. Last address: 450 Fifth Avenue, New York City. MILLING, THOMAS DE WITT. Officer, U, S. Army. Born in Winnfield, La.; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served as Colonel, Air Service, A. E. F. in France. Clubs: Chevy Chase, Md. ; Army and Navy, Wash- ington and New York. Created Chevalier May 22, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in France during the War. Has also D. S. M. and Leopold (Belgium). Present address: War Department, Washington, D. C. MILLS, CHESTER P. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Fort Custer, Mont.; educated at St. Luke's School, Wayne, Pa., and U. S. Military Academy. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. in France. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington and Manila. OF FRANCE 295 Created Chevalier in recognition of his services "in charge of distribution of Equipment, Motor Transport and Troop Movements," A. E. F. in France during the War. Present address : War Department, Washington, D. C. MINNEGIRODE, FITZHUGH LEE. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Oatlands, Va., and educated at Episcopal High School of Virginia and Columbian University. Served as Colonel, Infantry, A. E. F. In France dur- ing the War. Clubs: Army and Navy (New York and Manila). Created Chevalier May 9, 1919, in recognition of "gal- lantry in action" during the War. Has also D. S. C., D. S. M., Croix de Guerre, with two palms and gold star. Present address : Mankato, Minn. MITCHELL, GEORGE E. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Saginaw, Mich.; educated at East High School, Saginaw, and U. S. Military Academy. Was member, 5th Section, General Staff, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, In consideration of services rendered during the War. Present address: Room 350, State, War and Navy Building, Washington, D. C. MITCHELL, WILLIAM. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Nice, France; educated at Columbian College. Served as Brigadier General, Air Service, A. E. F. In France during the War. Director of Military Aeronau- tics. Author of a number of publications on military matters. Clubs : Metropolitan, Chevy Chase, Washington, D. C. ; Explorers' Club; several Army and Navy Clubs; Flyers' Club, Hunting Clubs. 296 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Created Commandeur November 11, 1918, in considera- tion of services rendered in France during the War. Has also D. S. C., D. S. M., Croix de Guerre and St. Michael and St. George (England). Present address: War Department, Washington, D. C. MITCHELL, WILLIAM AUGUSTUS. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Scale, Ala.; educated at Alabama Polytechnic Institute, U. S. Military Academy, Army Field En- gineer School, Army Staff College. Was Assistant Professor, Civil and Military Engineer- ing, West Point. Held commissions from Second Lieu- tenant to Major, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army; on U. S. River and Harbor Work, Oswego, N. Y., and Wheeling, W. Va. ; served as Colonel, Engineers, A. E. F. in France. Created Offlcier March 16, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices in command of Second Engineers in battle of Sois- sons during the War. Has also D. S. M. and Croix de Guerre. Present address: Fort Leavenworth, Kan. MIXER, KNOWLTON. Social Worker. Born in Buffalo, N. Y., and educated at Yale University. President, Mixer & Company, lumber merchants; Counsellor, National Municipal League ; actively inter- ested in social, charitable and hygienic organized en- deavor; served with American Red Cross as Commis- sioner to France with rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Clubs: Saturn and Ellicott, Buffalo. Created Chevalier May 14, 1919, for organized relief work among war refugees and in the battle area after the Armistice. Has also Danilo 1 (Montenegro) and Union des Femmes and Secours aux B lessees (French Red Cross). Present address: Alliance Building, Pratt and Calvert Streets, Baltimore, Md. OF FRANCE 297 MOFFAT, SAMUEL ALEXANDER. Red Cross Official. Born in Glasgow, Scotland, and educated at Brown University. Former Financial Secretary, T. M. C. A. and National Commissioner, Boy Scouts of America ; Director of Re- lief Work in France; Commissioner Vienna-Budapest; now Commissioner, American Relief Commission to Serbia and Greece, with rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Member of Brown University Club (New York). Created Chevalier October 29, 1919, for relief work in Northern France during the War. Present address: American Relief Commission, Bel- grade, Jugoslavia. MONTGOMERY, THOMAS C. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Marion, S. C. ; educated at Wofford College and Harvard University. War formerly Attorney at Law, Spartanburg, S. C. ; served as Captain, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier July 26, 1919, for services in con- nection with Military Government of Paris and French Ministry of War. Present address: Marion, S. C. MOORE, BARRINGTON. Forester. Born in Ossining, N. Y. ; educated at St. Mark's School and Yale University. Served as Major, Engineers, A. E. F. in France ; Presi- dent, Ecological Society of America; Representative of Society of American Foresters on National Research Council ; Research Associate in Forestry with American Museum of Natural History. Author of numerous pub- lications on Forestry in professional journals. Member of Knickerbocker Club, New York. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in France during the War. Present address: 925 Park Avenue, New York City. 298 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES MOORE, EUGENE M. Engineer. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y. ; educated at St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., Phillips-Andover Academy and Yale University. Officer and Director, Manning, Maxwell & Moore, Inc., New York, and other Machine Companies. Clubs: Union League, Down Town, New York City; Greenwich Country and Field, Greenwich, Conn. Created Chevalier June 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Present address: Bella Vista Farm, Round Hill, Greenwich, Conn. MOORE, HUGH B. Steamship Consultant. Born in Huntland, Tenn. ; educated at public schools of Tennessee. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier July, 1919, in consideration of serv- ices rendered as Director, Army Transport Service, A. E. F. in France. Has also D. S. M. Present address: 52 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York City. MOORE, WILLIAM J. PERRY. Engineer. Born in New Britain, Conn. ; educated at Yale Univer- sity and Sheffield Scientific School. Member of various Engineers' Clubs of New York City. Created Chevalier January, 1901, in consideration of exhibit made at Paris Exposition, 1900. Present address: 629 West 115th Street, New York City. MOORMAN, FRANK. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Greenville, Mich.; educated at public school. Served all grades in U. S. Army from Private to Lieu- tenant Colonel. OF FRANCE 299 Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered during the War. Has also D. S. M. Present address : 512 Tulip Avenue, Takoma Park, D. C. MORENO, ARISTIDES. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in New York City; educated at Virginia Military Institute. Served as Colonel, General Staff, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Member, Intelligence Service, Gen- eral Headquarters, A. E. F. in France. Has also D. S. M., Distinguished Service Order (England), Crown (Belgium), Crown (Italy) and 'La Solidaridad (Panama). Present address : War Department, Washington, D. C. MORGAN, MISS ANN. Present address : 219 Madison Avenue, New York City. MORGAN, CASEY BRUCE. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Augusta, Ga., and educated at the U. S. Naval Academy. Passed through the various grades of the Navy from Ensign to Rear Admiral. Served in the Spanish-Amer- ican war; in charge llth Light House District; on duty at Naval War College; in charge naval publicity bureau and naval recruiting station, New York ; commanded squadron of patrol forces, Atlantic Fleet during the War. Created Officier for services during the War. Present address: Cavite, P. I. MORGAN, EDWIN VERNON. Diplomat. Born in Aurora, N. Y., and educated at Harvard Uni- versity and the University of Berlin. Assistant Professor of History, Harvard University; 300 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Secretary to Samoan High Commission ; Secretary of Legation, Seoul, Korea and of Embassy, St. Petersburg; Minister to Korea, Cuba, Paraguay and Uruguay and Portugal ; Ambassador to Brazil. Clubs: Metropolitan (Washington) and Century (New York). Created Chevalier 1902, in appreciation of services rendered the Rochambeau Commission. Present address: American Embassy, Rio Janeiro, Brazil. MORGAN, J(OHN) PIERPONT. Financier. Born at Irvington, N. Y., and educated at Harvard University. Entered London branch of J. P. Morgan & Company, later becoming head of the firm, director numerous financial and industrial institutions; member advisory council of Federal Reserve Board ; assisted the Allies by making loans and supervising purchases. Clubs: St. James, City of London and Whites' (Lon don), University, Metropolitan, Union, Yacht, Harvard, Racquet and Tennis and Century (New York). Created Officier December 27, 1918, in recognition of financial advice and assistance during the War. Present address: 23 Wall Street, New York City. MORGENTHAU, HENRY. Diplomat. Born in Mannheim, Germany ; educated at public schools and colleges, New York City. Was United States Ambassador to Turkey. Author of "Ambassador Morgenthau's Story," 1918. Clubs: Economic, City, Harmonie, Bankers', etc., New York. Created Grand Officier July 12, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in Turkey as Ambassador, taking care of French interests during the War. Present address: 30 West 72d Street, New York City. OF FRANCE 301 MORGENTHAU, MRS. JESSY. Created Chevalier August 30, 1917. MORRIS, EFFINGHAM B., Jr. Lawyer. Born in Ardmore, Pa.; educated at Yale University. Served as Major, A. E. F. in France. Member of Philadelphia Club, Philadelphia. Created Chevalier May 9, 1919, in consideration of "services against the enemy at Montfauson, France." Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: 1601 Morris Building, Philadelphia, Pa. MORRIS, ROBERT. Officer, U. S. Navy. Created Chevalier. Last address: Navy Department, Washington, D. C. MORROW, JAMES J. Served as Brigadier General, A. E. F. Created Officier. Last address: 8 East North Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. MORROW, WILLIAM M. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Officier. Last address: Tienstein, China. MORTON, CHARLES G. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Maine; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served all grades in U. S. Army from Second Lieu- tenant to Major General; participated in the Spanish- American war, Philippine and Mexican campaigns. At present Commanding Hawaiian Department, Honolulu. Created Commandeur May 5, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Division Commander, A. E. F. In operations north of Verdun, October 8-20, 1918. Has also D. S. M. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: Honolulu, Hawaii. 302 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES MORTON, CHARLES INGALLS. Served with A. E. F. as Captain. Created Chevalier. Last address: 2211 Broadway, New York City. MOSELEY, GEORGE VAN HORN. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Evanston, 111. ; educated at U. S. Military Acad- emy, Army School of the Line, Army Staff College, Army War College. Served as Brigadier General, Chief, Fourth Section, General Staff, A. E. F. in France, made all arrangements for the supply and transportation of the American Armies. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington and Manila. Created Commandeur April 19, 1919, in recognition of meritorious services rendered the Allied cause. Has also D. S. M., Crown (Belgium), Companion of the Bath (England), Croix de Guerre, with palm and Crown (Italy). Present address: 1850 Park Road, Washington, D. C. MOSLER, HENRY. Artist Born in New York City. Has won medals at the most important European and American Expositions. Has won prizes at Prize Fund Exhibition, New York ; National Academy of Design. Represented in the Luxembourg Museum, Paris, Metro- politan Museum, New York, Springfield and Cincinnati Museums and others. Created Chevalier July 9, 1892, in recognition of his artistic career. Has also Officier d'Academie (France). Present address : New York City. MOTT, JOHN R. General Secretary, Y. M. C. A. Born at Livingston Manor, N. Y., and educated at Cor- nell University. Organized Student Volunteer Movement; Secretary, OF FRANCE 303 World's Student Christian Federation and now General Secretary, International Commission of Y. M. C. Associa- tions. Author of many books and essays on religious, economic and social topics; member, Joint Commission for settlement of differences between the United States and Mexico; member, Special Mission to Russia. Created Chevalier January 3, 1919, in recognition of soldier welfare work. Present address : Montclair, N. J. MOTT, T(HOMAS) BENTLEY. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Leesburg, Va., and educated at the U. S. Military Academy. Passed through the various grades of the Army from Second Lieutenant to Colonel. Served in the Philip- pines; attache U. S. Embassy, Paris; on duty with "Root" Mission to Russia; on special mission to Italy; attached to staff of General Pershing in France. Clubs: Union (Paris), Metropolitan (Washington) and Union (New York). Created Commandeur September 2, 1913. Has also D. S. M., St. Michael and St. George (Britain), Leo- pold (Belgium), St. Stanislas (Russia), Croix de Guerre (Italy). Present address : U. S. Embassy, Paris, France. MOYNAHAN, TIMOTHY J. Served as Lieutenant, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address : 249 Washington Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. MOWRER, PAUL SCOTT. War Correspondent. Born in Bloomington, 111.; educated at Hyde Park High School, Chicago, and University of Michigan. Began as reporter, Chicago "Daily News" ; appointed Paris correspondent same newspaper, correspondent with Allied armies, first Balkan war, organized and di- rected Chicago "Daily News" war service in France, 304 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES permanently accredited to French armies as official war correspondent. Contributor to various magazines. Member of Authors' Club, London. Created Chevalier March 19, 1918, for services ren- dered during the War. Present address : 10 Boulevard des Capucines, Paris, France. MUHLENBERG, FREDERICK A. Architect. Born in Reading, Pa.; educated at Gettysburg College and University of Pennsylvania. Served as Captain, Infantry, United States Army in France. Author of technical papers. Member professional and social clubs. Created Chevalier May 9, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre. Present address: 901 Flanders Building, 15th and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. MUHR, ALLAN HENRY. Advertising Director. Born in Philadelphia, Pa.; educated in France and Germany. Honorary Secretary, French Football Union, French Lawn Tennis Union, Racing Club de France, Paris, and Interpreter on Olympic Board. Director for Europe, Atlas Advertising Agency, New York. Served as Cap- tain, Ambulance Service, A. E. F. in France. Member French Sporting Clubs. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Liaison Officer in France during the War. Has also Three Croix de Guerre. Present address: 65 Avenue Kleber, Paris, France. MUIR, CHARLES H. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Erie, Monroe Co., Mich. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. OF FRANCE 305 Served all grades in United States Army from Cadet to Major General. Commanded Fourth Army Corps, A. E. F. in France. Member of various Service Clubs. Created Commandeur May 5, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. M., St. Michael and St. George (England) and Croix de Guerre. Present address: Army Service Schools, Fort Leaven- worth, Kan. MULFORD, WILLIAM HARLEY. Merchant. Boi'n in Philadelphia, Pa. ; educated at William Penn Charter School and University of Pennsylvania. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. in France. General Manager, England, Walton & Company, Tanners, Philadelphia, Boston, Cnicago, Paris. Clubs: University, Racquet, Huntingdon Valley Coun- try, Rose Tree Hunt, Huntingdon Valley Hunt, Myopia Hunt, Philadelphia. Created Chevalier July, 1919, in consideration of serv- ices rendered as Liaison Officer in France during the War. Present address: Box 38, Wyncote, Pa. MUNCASTER, JOHN H. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Canada ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served as Major, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier May 14, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: Walter Reed Hospital, Washington, D. C. MUNN, JAMES BUELL. Educator. Born in Irvington-on-Hudson, N. Y. ; educated at Har- vard University. 306 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Served as Major, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Member of St. Andrew's Society and New England Society. Created Chevalier July 26, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also Danilo 1 (Montenegro). Present address : 18 West 58th Street, New York City. MUNSEY, FRANK ANDREW. Publisher. Born at Mercer, Maine, and educated at public and private schools. Began business career in country store, became man- ager Western Union Telegraph Office; entered publish- ing business and now owns a number of daily and weekly periodicals. Clubs: Union League, Lotos, Yacht, Automobile, Lambs', Sleepy Hollow (New York) and Metropolitan, University and Chevy Chase (Washington). Created Chevalier December 27, 1918, in recognition of services to periodical literature. Present address: 8 West 40th Street, New York City. MURPHY, FRED TOWSLEY. Surgeon. Born in Detroit, Mich. ; educated at Phillips Academy. Andover, Mass., Yale and Harvard Universities. Assistant in surgery, Harvard Medical School ; Pro- fessor Surgery, Washington University; Trustee, Phillips Academy; served as Major, Medical R. C. and Director, Base Hospital, No. 21, in France. Clubs: Racquet, Country (St. Louis). Created Officier in recognition of services rendered in France during the War. Present address: Euclid Avenue and Kingshighway, St. Louis, Mo. OF FRANCE 307 MURRAY, ROBINSON. Advertising Manager. Born in Boston, Mass. ; educated at Harvard University. Served as Captain, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier May 14, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in France during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: 4724 Chestnut Street, Philadel- phia, Pa. MYERS, HU B. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Officier. Last address: Camp Travis, Texas. MYHRMAN, ROBERT E. Motor Truck Salesman. Born in Sweden; studied at Grammar School. Served as Captain, Field Artillery, A. E. F. in France during the War. Created Chevalier May 14, 1919, in consideration of services rendered "in the Argonne offensive" during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre. Present address: 4345 Greenview Avenue, Chicago, 111. NAYLOR, WILLIAM K. Officer, U. S. Army. Educated at Michigan Military Academy, University of Minnesota, Infantry and Cavalry School, General Staff College, Army War College. Served as Brigadier General, General Staff, A. E. F. in France. Author of "Principles of War, with Histo- rical Illustrations." Created Officier June 15, 1919, in consideration of serv- ices rendered as Chief of Staff, Ninth Army Corps, A. E. F. in France. Has 1 also D. S. M., Croix de Guerre, Crown (Italy) and St. Michael and St. George (England). Present address: Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. 308 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES NEFTEL, BASIL KNIGHT. Manufacturer. Born on Nantucket Island, Mass., and educated at Trinity School and the U. S. School of Gunnery. Engaged in real estate and banking business ; at pres- ent associated with cotton industry. Served with A. E. F. in France as First Lieutenant. Created Chevalier March 16, 1919, for conspicuous services during the War. Has also Medaille Commem- orative and Croix de Guerre four citations. Present address: 4 Church Street, Nashua, N. H. NEUFELDER, EDWARD. Banker. Created Chevalier January 9, 1913. Last address: Seattle, Wash. NETTLETON, GEORGE HENRY. University Professor. Born in Boston, Mass., and educated at Yale University. Professor English, Yale University; Appointed Direc- tor, Yale Bureau in Paris, and Director, American Uni- versity Union in Europe. Author of "English Drama of the Restoration and Eighteenth Century." Editor of several works on literature. Lecturer and contributor to American and English publications. Clubs: Century (New York), Graduates, Country, Lawn: (New Haven). Created Chevalier June 18, 1918, for services ren- dered in France during the War. Present address: 570 Prospect Street, New Haven, Conn. NEVILLE, WENDELL CUSHING. Officer, U. S. Marine Corps. Born in Portsmouth, Va. ; educated at U. S. Naval Academy. Served as Brigadier General, A. E. F. in France. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. OF FRANCE 309 Created Officier November 11, 1918, in recognition of services rendered in command of Fifth Regiment, U. S. Marines in battle at Bois de Belleau, France. Has also Medal of Honor (U. S.), D. S. M. and Croix de Guerre. Present address: Headquarters, U. S. Marine Corps, Washington, D. C. NEWBURT, GEORGE T. General Traffic Manager. Born in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada ; studied at High School, Kings Co., N. Y. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, Transportation Corps, and was General Superintendent, Army Transport Serv- ice, A. E. F. in France. General Traffic Manager, Harris & Magill Company, New York. Created Chevalier April 18, 1918, in consideration of distinguished services "operating Troop and Cargo ships" during the War. Present address: 33 South William Street, New York City. NEWELL, GEORGE MORGAN. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Kenansville, N. C. ; educated at Wake Forest College, N. C. Was Editor, "Scotland Neck Commonwealth," "The Henderson Herald," "The Commonwealth," Falls Church, Va. Served as Colonel, Finance Service, A. E. F. in France. Co-author, "A Virginia Village." Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, for his services in charge of all Quartermaster accounts, A. E. F. in France. Has also citation from the Commander-in-Chief. Present address: 1619 21st Street N.W., Washington, D. C. NEWTON, THOMAS MARIE. Served with A. E. F. as Major. Created Chevalier. Last address: 23 Park Avenue, New York City. 310 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES NIBLACK, ALBERT PARKER. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Vincennes, Ind., and educated at the U. S. Naval Academy and Naval War College. Passed through the various grades in the Navy from Ensign to Rear Admiral. On exploring duty in Alaska ; served in the Cuban, Philippine, China Relief and Mex- ican campaigns; Naval Attache at Berlin, Rome, Vienna and Buenos Aires; commanded Squadron 1, battleship force, Atlantic Fleet and Squadron 2, Naval Forces, based on Gibraltar; author papers on naval and eth- nological subjects. Clubs: Metropolitan, Army and Navy, Chevy Chase (Washington) and New York Yacht. Created Commandeur, October 1, 1919, in recognition of Naval Command in the Mediterranean, 1917-1919. Has also D. S. M., St. Michael and St. George (British), Victorian (British), St. Benoit d'Avis (Portugal), Sts. Maurice and Lazarus (Italy), Ouissam Aloiiite (Morocco). Present address: Naval Intelligence Bureau, Wash- ington, D. C. NICHOLS, J. BROOKS. Born in Dunkirk, N. Y., and educated at Yale University. Served as Lieutenant, Captain and Lieutenant Col- onel, O. R. C. and Major, National Army. Created Chevalier June 4, 1919, for services in the field in the North Russian Campaign. Distinguished Service Order (England), St. Vladimir (Russia) and Croix de Guerre. Present address : 1101 Vinton Building, Detroit, Mich. NICHOLSON, REGINALD FAIRFAX. Officer, U. S. Navy. (Retired.) Born in Washington, D. C., and educated at the U. S. Naval Academy. Passed through the various grades of the Navy from Ensign to Admiral. Served during the Spanish -Amer- ican war; Chief, Bureau of Navigation, Commanded OF FRANCE 311 Asiatic Fleet; member General Board Navy Depart- ment; Naval Attache Chile, Peru and Ecuador. Created Officier July 12, 1905, in recognition of cour- tesies extended at the removal of the remains of John Paul Jones. Present address: 1828 Jefferson Place, Washington, D. C. NOBLE, EDWARD. Served with A. E. F. as Major. Created Chevalier. Address unknown. NOBLE, ROBERT ERNEST. Officer, U. S, Army. Born in Rome, Ga. ; educated at Alabama Polytechnic School and Columbia University. At present Brigadier General, Medical Corps, U. S. Army. Member of many scientific and military organizations. Created Commandeur April 8, 1919, in consideration of valuable services rendered in France during the War. Has also D. S. M. Present address: Office, Surgeon General, U. S. Army, Washington, D. C. NOLAN, DENNIS E. Served as Brigadier General, A. E. F. Created Commandeur. Last address: War Department, Washington, D. C. NORTHCOTT, ELLIOTT. Lawyer, Farmer. Born in Clarksburg, W. Va. ; educated at University School, Petersburg, Va., and University of Michigan. United States District Attorney, Southern District of West Virginia; American Minister to Colombia, to Nic- aragua and to Venezuela. Chairman West Virginia Public Service Commission. 312 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Member of Guyandot Club (Huntington, W. Va.). Created Commandeur March 18, 1913, in recognition of services rendered to France while American Min- ister to Venezuela. Present address: Glenwood, W. Va. NORTON, MRS. HENRY. Created Chevalier June 27, 1919, for services as Sec- retary General "Fatherless Children of France." NORTON, RICHARD. Educator. Born in Dresden, Germany ; educated at Harvard Uni- versity; in Germany and Athens, Greece. Director American School of Classical Studies, Rome; visited Central Asia for purpose of archaeological in- vestigations, and the Cyrenaica ; Director of Archaeo- logical Institute of America and Boston Museum's Fine Arts expedition to excavate ruins of Gyrene. Organizer and head of American Voluntary Ambulance Corps, serv- ing with French army. Created Chevalier February 14, 1917, in recognition of services rendered during the War. Present address: Brown, Shipley & Co., 123 Pall Mall, London, England. NORTON, ROBERT WILLIAM. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Newark, N. J., and educated in private and public schools. Served with A. E. F. with rank of Captain. Created Chevalier for the capture, single-handed, of twenty enemy soldiers in No Man's Land. Has also Croix de Guerre (twice) with palm. Present address: East Bloomfleld, N. Y. NOYES, DANIEL RAYMOND. Banker. Born in St. Paul, Minn. ; educated at Yale University. Served as Captain, Air Service, A. E. F. in France. OF FRANCE 313 Clubs: University, Metropolitan, Down Town, Yale and Squash, New York City. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War with the Air Service. Present address: 22 East 62d Street, New York City. OAKES, GEORGE WASHINGTON. Journalist. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio; educated at University of Tennessee. Editor and General Manager, New York Times' "Cur- rent History Magazine," New York Times' "War Vol- umes," and "Mid-Week Pictorial." Spelling of name from "Ochs" changed by court decree. Created Chevalier January 30, 1901, in recognition of his work in connection with issuing the New York "Times" at the Paris Exposition Grounds, 1900. Present address : New York "Times," New York City. O'BRIEN, MICHAEL J. Served as Lieutenant General, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address: War Department, Washington, D. C. O'CONNOR, CHARLES P. Engineer, Contractor. Born in Philadelphia ; educated at preparatory schools of Philadelphia and St. Joseph's College. Has supervised construction of bridges and railroad projects in the United States and Mexico; also success- fully completed municipal contracts for streets, roads, bridges. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, Engineers, A. E. F. in France. Member of several professional associations. Created Chevalier July 27, 1918, in consideration of services rendered in supervising the construction of all locomotives for the A. E. F., and the American loco- motives for the French Army. Has also D. S. M. and General Medal (England). Present address: 135 South 17th Street, Philadel- phia, Pa. 314 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES O'KEEFE, ARTHUR J. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Leavenworth, Kan. ; educated at University of Kansas. Served as Captain, A. E. F. Created Chevalier, December 1, 1918, in consideration of services rendered in France during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address : Walter Reed General Hospital, Takoma Park, D. C. OLDS, ROBERT EDWIN. Lawyer. Born in Duluth, Minn., and educated at Harvard Uni- versity. Practiced in St. Paul; member Severance & Olds; Trustee Amherst H. Wilder Charity (St. Paul). Member of Minnesota Club, St. Paul. Created Officier May 14, 1919. Present address: Merchants' National Bank Building, St. Paul, Minn. O'NEILL, JOHN. Served as Major, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address: War Department, Washington, D. C. OPDYKE, HENRY G. Engineer. Born in Philadelphia, Pa.; educated at schools of Jersey City, N. J. Participated in the Spanish-American war; served as Major and Chief Signal Officer, Intermediate Section, A. E. F. in France. Member of Rotary Club, New York, and several pro- fessional and scientific associations. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, for construction and maintenance of Telephone and Telegraph lines with A. E. F. in France. Present address: Bound Brook, N. J. OF FRANCE 315 OPIE, HIEEOME L. Editor and Publisher. Born in Staunton, Va. ; studied at Staunton High School. Served as Major, A. E. F. in France. Member of Westmoreland Club, Richmond, Va. Created Chevalier May 9, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with two palms. Present address: Staunton, Va. ORR, LOUIS. Painter-Etcher. Born in Hartford, Conn.; studied under Jean-Paul Laurens, Paris. Represented by works in Luxembourg Gallery ; orig- inal etchings, including plates, in the Louvre Museum; and pictures in Strasbourg Museum ; Morgan Memorial Gallery, Hartford; New York Public Library Print Col- lection; Oakland Museum, Cal. Created Chevalier May 7, 1919, for works of Art pur- chased by the French Government and work done for France during the War. Present address: 5 rue Mazarine (Geme), Paris, France. O'RYAN, JOHN F. Officer, N. Y. Guard. Born in New York City; educated at New York Uni- versity and Army War College. On duty on Mexican border; Major General, Com- manding Twenty-Seventh Division, A. E. F. in France. At present, Commanding Division, New York Guard. Member of Metropolitan Club, Washington, D. C. Created Chevalier in consideration of services ren- dered in France and Belgium during the War. Has also D. S. M., St. Michael and St. George (England), Victoria (England), Croix de Guerre, Leopold (Bel- gium). Present address: 312 Riverside Drive, New York City. 316 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES OSBORN, A. PERRY. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. Created Chevalier May 14, 1919. Last address: 850 Madison Avenue, New York City. OTTO, HENRY S. Born in Chicago, 111.; educated at Cornell University. Served as Major, General Staff, A. E. F. in France. Clubs: City, Athletic, New York City. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in France during the War. Present address: 101 Park Avenue, New York City. PAEGELOW, A. E. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Address unknown. PALMER, BRADLEY WEBSTER. Lawyer. Born in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., and educated at Harvard University. Began practice with Storey & Thorndike, Boston, title now Storey, Thorndike, Palmer & Dodge; secretary and director United Fruit Company; director Chicago Stock Yard & Union Transit Co. Created Chevalier February 24, 1920. Present address: 52 State Street, Boston, Mass. PALMER, BRUCE. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Officier. Last address: War Department, Washington, D. C. PARKER, CORTLANDT. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Officier. Last address : Fort Sill, Okla. OF FRANCE 317 PARKER, EDWIN. President Commission on Liquidation. Created Officier November 14, 1919. PARKER, FRANK. Officer, U. S. Army. Born near Georgetown, S. C. ; educated at University of South Carolina, U. S. Military Academy, French Cavalry School. Served as Brigadier General, A. E. F. in France. At present at ficole Superieure de Guerre et Hautes fitudes, Paris. Created Commandeur November 11, 1918, in consider- ation of services rendered as Chief, American Mission to French General Headquarters, and Brigade and Division Commander, A. E. F. in France. Present address : ficole de Guerre, Paris, France. PARKER, JOHN HENRY. Officer, U. S. Army. Born at Tipton, Mo., and educated at the U. S. Military Academy. Passed through the various grades of the Army from Second Lieutenant to Colonel. Participated in the Cuban and Philippine campaigns; on duty in Cuba dur- ing second intervention ; organized machine gun detach- ment; writer on military subjects. Created Officier for services during the War. Present address : 3d and Olive Streets, St. Louis, Mo. PASCHAL, PAUL C. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Siler City, N. C. ; educated at Wake Forest College, N. C., and U. S. Military Academy. Served all grades in U. S. Army from Cadet to Major, Infantry. Created Chevalier May 14, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. C., 318 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Croix de Guerre, with palm, and War Cross (Italy). Present address: 1167 Madison Avenue, Memphis, Tenn. PATE, JOSEPH B. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Maryville, Tenn. ; educated at Maryville Col- lege and U. S. Infantry and Cavalry School, Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. Appointed Lieutenant, Philippine Constabulary, 1906, and resigned as Captain, 1918. Served as Major, In- fantry, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier January 10, 1919, in recognition of "gallantry in action during attack on Observatory Hill, Champagne, France." Has also Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: Camp Jackson, S. C. PATRICK, MASON MATHEWS. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Lewisburg, W. Va., and educated at the U. S. Military Academy and the Engineering School of Application. Passed through the various grades of the Army from Second Lieutenant to Major General. In charge of Mississippi River improvements; Chief Engineer in Cuba during pacification; in charge of river and harbor im- provements in various places; Commandant, Engineer- ing School, Washington; Chief Engineer lines of com- munication for A. E. F. in France. Club: Army and Navy, Washington. Created Commandeur for services during the War. Present address: War Department, Washington, D. C. PATTERSON, JOHN HENRY. Manufacturer. Born on a farm near Dayton, Ohio; educated at Miami College; Oxford, Ohio; and Dartmouth College. Organizer, President and Manager, National Cash Reg- ister Company. Lecturer and Writer on labor questions and municipal and legislative reform. OF FRANCE 319 Created Chevalier January, 1901, in consideration of exhibit made at Paris Exposition, 1900. Present address: Dayton, Ohio. PAYNE, EDWIN VAN RENSSELAER. Engineer. Born in Bangall, N. Y. ; educated at Union College. Was Engineer in charge of construction, Champlain Division of New York Barge Canal ; Engineer on Dams, Bridges, Canal Locks, Docks and State Highways. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. in France. Senior Assistant Engineer, Mohawk River Residency, Amsterdam, N. Y. Member of several professional associations. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in recognition of services as Base Engineer, Brest, France, during the War. Present address : 365 Division Street, Amsterdam, N. Y. PEARTREE, HENRY. A ttorney-at-Law. Created Chevalier. Last address : 39 Boulevard Haussmann, Paris, France. PEATROSS, JAMES LINWOOD. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Stokes County, N. C. ; educated at Missouri School of Mines, Rolla, Mo. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, Infantry, A. B. F. in France. Created Chevalier April 19, 1919, for bravery in action in command of troops capturing the Heights of Barri- court and town of Tailly during the War. Has also D. S. C., Croix de Guerre, with palm, and War Cross (Italy). Present address: Recruiting Station, Wichita, Kan. PECK, ALLEN STEELE. Forester. Born in West Barre, N. Y. ; educated at Union College and Michigan University. 320 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Held various positions in U. S. Forest Service prior to entering military service. Held rank of Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. in France. District Forester, Denver, Colo. Member of University Club, Washington, D. C. Created Chevalier July 26, 1919, for services as Chief of Forest Service, in the war zone in France. Has also D. S. M. Present address: U. S. Forest Service, Washington, D. C. PECK, FERDINAND WYTHE. Capitalist. Born in Chicago, 111. ; educated at University of Chicago. Was Vice-President, Columbian Exposition ; President Chicago Auditorium Association; Vice-President, Chi- cago Board of Education ; President, Chicago Athe- naeum ; Commissioner General for the United States to Paris Exposition, 1900 ; Trustee, University of Chicago. Member of many clubs of Chicago and New York. Created Grand Officier August 17, 1900, in considera- tion of services rendered at Paris Exposition, 1900. Present address : 815-819 Monadnock Block, Chicago, 111. PECK, ROBERT H. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in San Francisco, Cal., and educated at the U. S. Military Academy. Passed through the various grades of the Army from Second Lieutenant to Colonel. Created Officier, May 14, 1919, "for initiative, coolness, courage and daring and important captures of men and arms." Has also D. S. C., D. S. M. and Croix de Guerre. Present address : Camp Gordon, Ga. PEED, GEORGE P. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Portsmouth, Va. ; educated at University of Virginia. OF FRANCE 321 Served as Colonel, Medical Corps, A. E. F. in France. Author of "A Guide to Facilitate the Organization and Administration of Independent Sanitary Commands in the Field." Clubs : Army and Navy, Washington, D. C. ; Inter- allied, Paris. Created Officier July 26, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Present address: 120 Washington Street, Portsmouth, Va. PEEK, ERNEST D. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Oskosh, Wis., and educated at the U. S. Mili- tary Academy. Served as Deputy Director General of Transportation with A. E. F. with rank of Colonel. Member Army and Navy Club, Washington. Created Officier December 11, 1919, for services dur- ing the War. Has also D. S. M. and Black Star (France). Present address: War Department, Washington, D. C. PEIXOTTO, M. PERCY. Business Executive. Created Chevalier January 21, 1901. Last address: 3 Avenue du Pare Monceau, Paris, France. PENFIELD, FREDERIC COURTLAND. Diplomat. Born in Connecticut and educated at Russell's Military School with special studies abroad. On editorial staff of "Hartford Courant" ; U. S. Vice- Consul General at London ; Diplomatic Agent and Consul General to Egypt; Ambassador to Austria-Hungary. Author "Present Day Egypt," "East of Suez" and articles and monographs on economic and international topics. 322 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Clubs: Century, Authors', 'Princeton), ,Yacht (New 1 York) and Metropolitan (Washington). Created Offlcier in recognition of interest in Panama Canal. Has also Medjidie (Turkey), Osmanie (Turkey), Officier de 1'Academie (France), Takova (Serbia), St. Catherine (Russia) and St. Gregory the Great (Papal). Present address: 787 Fifth Avenue, New York City. PERKINS, JAMES H. Banker. Born in Milton, Mass., and educated at Harvard Uni- versity. Vice-President and president various banks and trust companies, director and officer industrial concerns; Exe- cutive Manager, National City Bank of New York. Sailed with first American Red Cross Commission to France as Deputy Commissioner, later Commissioner to France and then for Europe ; served as Major and Lieu- tenant Colonel, A. E. F. Assistant Chief of Staff, G.-4, 3d Army. Chairman, New York County Chapter, A. R. C. Clubs: Metropolitan, Links and India House, New York; Field, Greenwich; Blind Brook, Port Chester. Created Officier September 27, 1918, for services as Red Cross Commissioner. Has also D. S. M., and Crown (Belgium). Present address: 14 Wall Street, New York City. PERSHING, JOHN JOSEPH. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Linn County, Mo., and educated at the U. S. Military Academy and the University of Nebraska. Served in various ranks of the Army from Lieutenant to General. Participated in the Indian, Cuban and Philippine campaigns. Commander-in-Chief of the American Expeditionary Forces during the War. Clubs: Army and Navy 1 , (Washington and New York). Created Grand Cross August 3, 1918, for "Remark- able services rendered in organizing American forces in France." Has also D. S. M., Leopold with Croix de Guerre (Belgium), Grand Cross of the Bath (Great OF FRANCE 323 Britain), Prince Danilo 1 (Montenegro), Sts. Maurice and Lazarus (Italy), Rising Sun (Japan), Croix de Guerre (Tscheko-Slovakia), Redeemer (Greece), Savoy (Italy) and La Solidaridad (Panama). Present address: War Department, Washington, D. C. PETERS, RICHARD. Served with A. E. F. as Captain. Created Chevalier. Last address: Knickerbocker Club, New York City. PETTIT, HENRY. Civil Engineer and Architect. (Retired.) Born in Philadelphia; educated at University of Penn sylvania. Was Special Agent, United States Centennial Com- mission to Vienna Exposition, 1873; Engineer and Arch- itect, Centennial Exposition, Philadelphia; Architect, United States Commission, Paris Exposition, 1878; Mem- ber, Advisory Art Commission for Pennsylvania at World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Created Chevalier October 19, 1878, in consideration of services rendered at Paris Exposition, 1878. Has also St. Olaf (Norway), Isabella the Catholic (Spain) and Iftikhar (Tunis). Present address: Monte Vista Apartments, 63d and Oxford Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. PICKERING, WOODELL A. Ballistic Engineer. Born in Walla Walla, Wash.; educated at Purdue University. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. in France. Clubs: The Lambs', New York; Army and Navy, Washington, New York and Manila. Created Chevalier March 16, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. C. and three Croix de Guerre, two with palm, and one with silver star. Present address : 130 West 44th Street, New York City. 324 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES PIERCE, CHARLES C. Officer, U. S. Army. (Retired.) Born in Salem, N. J. ; educated at New Jersey State Normal School, Shurtleff College, Northwestern Uni- versity, Illinois. Chaplain in U. S. Army for 22 years, in United States, Philippine Islands and Cuba. Promoted to Colonel, Quartermaster Corps and Chief, Graves Registration Service, U. S. Army. Author of several books on reli- gious subjects. Club: Union League, Philadelphia. Created Chevalier in recognition of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. M. Present address : Office Quartermaster General, Washington, D. C. PIERCE, OVERTON C. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Lancaster, Ky. ; studied at High School, Lan- caster, and Center College. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, for reorganizing Motor Transport Corps in France during the War. Present address: Northbrook Court, Washington, D. C. PIERCE, PAUL LEON. Engineer. Born in Chattanooga, Tenn. ; educated at Cornell Uni- versity. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. in France. Vice-President, White, Pierce & Company, New York. Member of Cornell University Club, Baltusrol Golf and several Engineers' societies of New York City. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Chief, Purchase Division, Ordnance Department, A. E. F. in France. Present address: 135 Cedar Street, New York City. OF FRANCE 325 PIERCE, THOMAS L. Banker. Born in Portland, Maine; educated at Bowdoin College. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Assistant to President, Liberty Securities Company, New York. Created Chevalier May 5, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address : 43 West 58th Street, New, York City. PIKE, JEROME G. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address: War Department, Washington, D. C. PILLOW, JEROME G. Officer, U. S. Army. Born near Columbia, Tenn. ; educated at Webb's School and U. S. Military Academy. Served as Colonel, General Staff, A. E. F. in France. Clubs: Army and Navy, Washington, Manila; Gen- eral Staff College, Golf and Country, Washington, D. C. Created Chevalier March 16, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Staff Officer in command A. E. F. at Juvigny during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre. Present address: 2400 Sixteenth Street N.W., Wash- ington, D. C. PILLSBURY, CHARLES S. Business Executive. Born in Springfield, 111., and educated at the Univer- sity of Illinois. Served as Major, Engineers, with A. E. F. in France. Manager of Operations, Chicago Bridge and Iron Works. Created Chevalier April 29, 1919, for services in avia- tion construction. Has also citation from Commander-in- Chief, A. E. F. Present address: 105th and Throop Streets, Chi- cago, 111. 326 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES PITNEY, JOHN B. Real Estate and Insurance. Born in Newark, N. J. ; educated at Princeton University and Harvard Law School. Served as Captain, Field Artillery, A. E. F. in France. Clubs: Colonial, Princeton; Metropolitan, Washington, D. C. ; and Morristown Club. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Present address: 8 Perry Street, Morristown, N. J. POILLON, ARTHUR. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in New York City; educated at Grammar School and Barnard Military School, New York. Participated in the Philippine campaign; was Military Attache to Holland; Member, Supreme War Council, American Section, in France; Military Attache to Greece, Roumania, Southern Russia and Hungary. Clubs: Union League, Lambs', Athletic, St. Nicholas, Stanford, New York ; Pacific Union, Bohemian, Union League, San Francisco; University, Manila; The Hague Club, Holland ; Travellers', Interallied, Paris ; Army and Navy, Washington, New York, Manila and others. Created Officier April 4, 1919, for services as Liaison Officer in France. Has also D. S. M., Leopold (Bel- gium), Crown (Italy), St. Saviour, Military Valor, and Croix de Guerre (Greece). Present address: American Legation, Bucharest, Roumania. POLAND, WILLIAM BABCOCK. Engineer. Was Assistant Director at Brussels, Commission for Relief in Belgium, 1914; Director for Europe, Commis- sion for Relief in Belgium and Northern France dur- ing the War. Engineei Member, American Mission to Armenia, 1919. Created Chevalier July 3, 1917, and promoted Officier January 7, 1919, in recognition of services to the peo- OF FRANCE 327 pie of the invaded region of France. Has also Leopold (Belgium) and Companion of the British Empire (England). Present address: 115 Broadway, New York City. POLLOCK, E. R. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Bloomington, 111.; educated at U. S. Naval Academy. Participated in the Spanish-American war and in the Mexican campaign ; served as Commander, U. S. Navy in European waters during the War ; at present, Mem- ber, Arbitration Commission in France. Created Chevalier October 10, 1919, in recognition of services in war zone in France during the War. Has also Victory Medal, with Star (U. S.). Present address : American Embassy, Paris, France. POOLE, JOHN H. Business Executive. Born in Detroit, Mich. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served as Colonel, Engineer Corps, A. E. F. in France. Director, Great Lakes Engineering Works and Union Trust Company, Detroit. President, Nichol, Ford & Company, Detroit. Clubs : Army and Navy, Washington, D. C. ; Detroit Club, Grosse Pointe Hunt Club. Created Officier July 26, 1919, in consideration of hi8 services as Deputy Chief, Fourth Section, General Staff, A. E. F. in France. Present address: 1216 Ford Building, Detroit, Mich. POORE, BENJAMIN A. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Center, Ala.; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served all grades in U. S. Army to Brigadier General. Was Commander, Seventh Infantry Brigade, Fourth Di- vision, A. E. F. in France. 328 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Clubs: Army and Navy, Chevy Chase, Washington, D. C. Created Officier May 29, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. C., D. S. M., Croix de Guerre, with palm, and War Cross (Italy). Present address : Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo. POPE, FRANCIS H. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. ; educated at U. S. Mili- tary Academy. Served all grades in U. S. Army from Second Lieu- tenant to Colonel, Cavalry ; was deputy Director, Motor Transport Corps, A. E. F. in France. Member of Metropolitan Club, Washington, D. C. Created Officier April 4, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered in France during the War. Present address: Office, Chief, Motor Transport Corps, Washington, D. C. FORGES, GUSTAVE. Served as Major, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address: 138 Franklin Street, New York City. POTTLE, EMERY. Writer. Born in Naples, N. Y. ; educated at Amherst College. Served as First Lieutenant, A. E. F. in France. Author of several books on different subjects ; contrib- utor of short stories and articles to American magazines. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Liaison Officer in France during the War. Present address : Naples, N. Y. POWELL, E. ALEXANDER. Author, War Correspondent. Born in Syracuse, N. Y. ; educated at Syracuse Univer- sity and Oberlin College. OF FRANCE 329 Special correspondent American and English publi- cations in Near East; American Consular Service, Bei- rut, Syria, and Alexandria, Egypt ; sent by "Everybody's Magazine" to the Caucasus, Persia, Turkestan, Arabia, Sudan, East and South Africa; correspondent for Eng- lish and American papers in Turkish and Persian revo- lutions, Balkan wars, with German armies during ad- vance on Paris, 1914; with allied armies in the field, 1915 ; served various grades in U. S. Army to Major, Ordnance R. C., 1918. Author of several books on war subjects. Clubs: Lotos (New York), Century (Syracuse), Santa Barbara Country (California), Tacoma Country (Wash- ington). Created Chevalier March 13, 1920, for services ren- dered during the War. Present address: 400 James Street, Syracuse, N. Y. POWELL, GEORGE ROWLAND. Veterinarian. Born in Findlay, Ohio ; educated at Ohio State Uni- versity. Was Assistant Chief Veterinarian and Executive Offi- cier, Veterinary Corps, A. E. F. in France, 1918-1919. Chief Veterinarian, 1919. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Present address: 1502 Abbey Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. PRATT, CLYDE A. Created Chevalier July 3, 1918, for services as mem- ber American Relief Commission. PRATT, FRANCIS C. Engineer. Born in Hartford, Conn. ; educated at Yale University. Was Foreign Sales Manager, Secretary and Vice- President of Pratt & Whitney Company ; Juror at At- lanta Exposition ; Member of Munitions Standards 330 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Board; Vice-President of General Electric Company. Vice-President, Associate or Member of several Engi- neering associations. Clubs : Mohawk, Schenectady ; Yale, University, New York. Created Chevalier, January 30, 1901, in appreciation of scientific achievements. Present address: Schenectady, N. Y. PRATT, WILLIAM VEAZIE. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Belfast, Maine; educated at U. S. Naval Academy. Held various grades in U. S. Navy. At present, Cap- tain, Commanding U. S. S. "New York." Clubs : New York Yacht ; Army and Navy, Washing- ton, D. C. Created Officier June, 1919, in consideration of serv- ices rendered as Assistant Chief, Naval Operations, during the War. Has also D. S. M. Present address: U. S. S. "New York," care of Post- master, San Francisco, Cal. PREBLE, ROBERT BRUCE. Physican. Born in Chicago, 111. ; educated at University of Mich- igan, Northwestern University and at Vienna. Professor, Medicine, Northwestern University ; Attend- ing Physician, St. Luke's and Cook County Hospitals ; Lieutenant Colonel, Medical Corps, United States Re- serves. Author of numerous articles on medicine and contributor to medical journals. Member of Chicago University Club. Created Chevalier April, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Present address: 1518 Dearborn Parkway, Chicago, 111. OF FRANCE 331 PRENTISS, AUGUSTIN MITCHELL. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Chapel Hill, N. C. ; educated at George Wash- ington University. Was Assistant Examiner, U. S. Patent Office; Assis- tant Engineer, Bureau of Public Works, Manila; served all grades in U. S. Army from Second Lieutenant to Lieutenant Colonel. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, for liaison service with French Army in chemical warfare during the War. Present address: 1728 Corcoran Street, Washington, D. C. PRESTON, RALPH T. Created Chevalier February 27, 1918, for services as Deputy Commissioner, American Red Cross. Deceased. PRICE, XENOPHON H. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Saginaw, Mich. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served all grades in U. S. Army to Lieutenant Col- onel. Was on General Staff, Headquarters, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. M. Present address: Fort Leavenworth, Kan. PRINCE, CHARLES ALBERT. Lawyer. Created Chevalier June 22, 1919, for having "placed his pen and his tongue at the service of France." Last address : Boston, Mass. PROSSER, SEWARD. Banker. Born in Buffalo, N. Y., and educated in public and pri- vate schools. 332 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Began with the Equitable Life Assurance Society ; President, Bankers' Trust Company ; director in many financial, industrial, mining and railway companies ; member, New York Clearing House Association. Clubs : Union League, Metropolitan, Recess, India House and Bankers' (New York). Created Chevalier December 27, 1918, in recognition of financial aid and advice during the War, Present address : 16 Wall Street, New York City. PULITZER, RALPH. Editor. Born in St. Louis, Mo. ; educated at St. Mark's School, Southboro, Mass., and Harvard College. President and Director, Press Publishing Company, N. Y. ; Vice-President and Director, Pulitzer Publishing Company, St. Louis; Editor-in-Chief, "The World," New York. Author : "New York Society on Parade," 1909 ; "Over the Front in an Aeroplane," 1915. Clubs : Authors', City, Bankers', Harvard and Players', New York City. Created Chevalier December 27, 1918, in recognition of services rendered on behalf of France. Present address 17 East 73d Street, New York City. PULLEN, DANIEL DEE. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Lo Push, Wash. ; educated at University of Washington and U. S. Military Academy. Served all grades in U. S. Army from Second Lieu- tenant to Colonel. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Chevalier May 14, 1919, in recognition of services rendered while operating with French Tank Corps in the St. Mihiel and Argonne offensives. Has also D. S. C., Croix de Guerre, with Palm and Crown (Belgium). Present address: Ancon, C. Z. }F FRANCE 333 URRINGTON, ALDEN C. Bank Official. Born in Haydenville, Mass. ; educated at Williamsburg High School. Served as Lieutenant, A. E. F. in France. At present connected with Continental and Commercial National Bank, Chicago. Created Chevalier April 24, 1919, in recognition of services in the Battle of the Marne. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: 3908 North Lincoln Street, Chi- cago, 111. UTNAM, DAVID E. Served as Lieutenant, A. E. F. in Aviation Corps. Created Officier November 11, 1918. UTNAM, GEORGE HAVEN. Publisher. Born in London, England ; educated at Columbia Gram- mar School, New York, College of Sorbonne, Paris, University of Goettingen, Germany. Head of G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York. Author of numerous books on Copyright, and on different topics. Contributed articles to several Encyclopedias. President American Rights' League ; Free Trade League. Clubs : Century, City, Reform, New York City ; Saville, London. Created Chevalier July 11, 1891, in consideration of services rendered France, as Secretary of the Joint Committee of the International Copyright League, in securing the Copyright Law of 1891. Present address: 2 West 45th Street, New York City. UEKEMEYER, JOHN G. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Yazoo City, Miss. ; educated at University of Mississippi and U. S. Military Academy. 334 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Served as Colonel, Cavalry, and Aide-de-Camp to Gen- eral Pershing, A. E. F. in France. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. M., Croix de Guerre, with silver star, Crown (Belgium), Distinguished Service Order (England), Crown (Italy), St. Maurice and St. Lazarus (Italy), La Solidaridad (Panama) and Danilo 1 (Montenegro). Present address : Old Land Office Building, Corner of 7th and E Streets, Washington, D. C. QUINAN, K. B. Created Officier September 5, 1919, for services as technical controller of Explosives Supply Department. QUINN, JOHN. Steamship Business. Born in Boston, Mass. ; educated at Boston Latin School. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, Engineer Corps, A. E. F. in France. District Agent, U. S. Shipping Board, New England District. Member of Boston City Club. Created Chevalier April 9, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Present address : 47 Bicknell Street, Dorchester, Mass. RALSTON, FRANCIS WILLIAM. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., and educated at the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania. Served with rank of Colonel with A. E. F. in France. Clubs : Army and Navy, St. Anthony and German- town Cricket, New York. Created Officier April 4, 1919, for services during the War. Has also D. S. M. and Leopold (Belgium). Present address : 404 People's Building, Charleston, S. C. OF FRANCE 335 R/ND, GEORGE E. Railroad Agent. Born in Detroit, Maine ; educated at Maine Central In- stitute. Served as Lieutenant, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier May 9, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered in France during the War. Has also D. S. C. Present address: R. F. D., Augusta, Maine. RAYMOND, HARRY HOWARD. Business Executive. Born in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, and educated at the Yarmouth Academy. President of the Clyde, Mallory, Gulf and Southern and subsidiary steamship companies. During the War was Vice-Chairman "Control Committee." Clubs : Metropolitan, Washington and Metropolitan and Yacht, New York. Created Chevalier December 11, 1919, for services in regulating shipping between France and the United States during the War. Present address : Pier 36 North River, New York City. READ, GEORGE WINDLE. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Indianola, Iowa; educated at U. S. Military Academy and Army War College. Passed through the various grades of the Army from Lieutenant to Major General. On duty in the Philip- pines and on Mexican border ; Professor of Military Science University of Iowa ; President, Claims Commis- sion ; Governor, Province Pinar del Rio. Served as Major General, A. E. F. in France. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Commandeur May 5, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in France during the War. Has also D. S. M. and Companion of the Bath (England). Present address: Camp Jackson, S. C. 336 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES REDICK, FRED C. Born in Wooster, Ohio ; studied at public schools. Served as Captain A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier May 14, 1919, in recognition of "valorous services" rendered in France during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre. Present address : Wooster, Ohio. REED, CHARLES ALFRED LEE. Surgeon. Born in Indiana and educated at the Cincinnati Col- lege of Medicine and Surgery. Professor, Surgery University of Ohio and University of Cincinnati ; member of numerous national and inter- national medical societies and associations ; President, Seventh Pan-American Medical Congress ; author many books and papers on medical topics. Clubs: Queen City and Business Men's (Cincinnati). Created Chevalier July 16, 1908. Last address: 3544 Biddle Avenue, Clifton, Cincin- nati, Ohio. REED, DAVID A. Lawyer. Born in Pittsburgh, Pa. ; educated at Princeton Uni- versity. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, Field Artillery, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Member, Armistice Commission, Spa, Belgium. Present address : 747 Union Arcade, Pittsburgh, Pa. REED, WASHINGTON. Electrical Engineer. Born in Smithfield, Va. ; educated at Virginia Military Institute. Member of several professional associations. OF FRANCE 337 Created Chevalier May 14, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in France during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre. Present address : Wayne, Pa. REES, ROBERT IRWIN. Officer, U. S, Army. Born in Houghton, Mich. ; educated at Michigan Col- lege of Mines, Harvard University and New York Law School. Member, General Staff Corps, United States Army. Club: Army and Navy, Washington, D. C. Created Officier April 30, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in charge of all educational work, A. E. F. in France during the War. Has also D. S. M. Present address : War Department, Washington, D. C. REES, THOMAS HENRY. Officer, U. S. Army. Born at Houghton, Mich., and educated at the U. S. Military Academy, Engineering School of Applica- tion and the Army War College. Passed through the various grades of the Army, En- gineer Corps, from Second Lieutenant to Brigadier Gen- eral. Participated in the Santiago campaign ; in charge of fortification works and river and harbor im- provements in the Philippines, Hawaii and at home. Clubs: Bohemian and Family (San Francisco). Created Officier for services during the War. Present address: Western Headquarters, San Fran- eisco, Cal. REEVES, IRA LOUIS. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Jefferson City, Mo.; educated at Miller County and Eldon Academies and University of Vermont. Served all grades in U. S. Army from Private to Colonel, Infantry. Was formerly President, Muskogee Electric Traction Company, and President, Norwich 338 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES University; President, A. E. F. University in France. Author of several manuals and textbooks on military subjects. Member of University Club, Washington, D. C. Created Chevalier May 27, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as President, A. E. F. University, Beaune, France. Present address: The Iowa Apartments, Washington, D. C. REGAN, P. Served as Lieutenant, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address: 2635 Gleason Avenue, Los Angeles, Cal. REPLOGLE, J. LEONARD. Manufacturer. Born in New Enterprise, Pa. ; educated at public schools. President, Vanadium Corporation of America ; Chair- man, Director or President of numerous industrial, rail- road and commercial corporations. Clubs : Bankers', Metropolitan, Racquet and Tennis, Duquesne, Everglades, Turf and Field, Seaview Golf, Piping Rock. Created Chevalier July 2, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered as Director of Steel, U. S. Government, during the War. Has also Crown (Belgium). Present address: 120 Broadway, New York City. REPP, WILLIAM F. Engineer. Born in Philadelphia, Pa. ; educated at High School, Philadelphia, and University of Pennsylvania. Held various supervisory positions in connection with the operation and engineering of telephone systems. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, Engineers, A. E. F. in France. Chief Engineer and Assistant to President, Cuban Telephone Company. OF FRANCE 339 Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, for services as Chief Signal Officer, Advance Section, A. E. F. in France. Has also D. S. M. and St. Michael and St. George ( England ) . Present address : Aguila 161, Habana, Cuba. KEY, EMILE. Art Dealer. Born in Mulhouse, France. Vice-President, Association Generate des Alsaciens- Lorrains d'Amerique ; Director, French Benevolent So- ciety of New York ; President, Arnold Seligmann, Rey & Company, New York. Honorary Fellow, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Created Chevalier July 2, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered to the cause of Alsace-Lorraine. Present address: 7 West 36th Street, New York City. REYNOLDS, CHARLES RANSOM. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Elmira, N. Y., and educated at the University of Pennsylvania. Entered U. S. Army as Division Surgeon, was Chief Surgeon, 6th Corps, A. E. F. ; Chief Surgeon, 2d Army ; Base Surgeon, Section Two. Clubs : Army and Navy and Chevy Chase, Wash- ington. Created Officier July 26, 1919, for services during the War. Has also D. S. M. Present address: Surgeon General's Office, Wash- ington, D. C. REYNOLDS, FREDERICK P. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Elmira, N. Y. ; educated at University of Penn- sylvania. Medical Officer, United States Army since 1892. Pres- ent rank, Colonel, Medical Corps. 340 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Created Officier March 18, 1919, in consideration of "valued and efficient services" rendered in France dur- ing the War. Has also Medaille d'Honneur des fipi- demie (France). Present address : West Point, N. Y. REYNOLDS, WILLIAM GRAHAM. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Kingston, Pa. ; educated at University of Arizona. Was formerly Mine Manager and Mining Engineer. Served as Captain, Twenty-Third Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier May 14, 1919, in recognition of "valor in action" during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm and gold star. Present address: Walter Reed Hospital, Washing- ton, D. C. RHEA, J. C. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Officier December 18, 1918. Last address: War Department, Washington, D. C. RHODES, CHARLES DUDLEY. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Delaware, Ohio, and educated at Columbian College, U. S. Military Academy and Army Staff College. Served in various grades of the U. S. Army to Brig- adier General, commanding 157th F. A. Brigade; Major General, commanding the 42d and 34th Divisions A. E. F. ; Chief American Section, P. I. A. C. and Command- ing General, Base Section No. 2. Prize essayist (three times), author and lecturer on military subjects. Par- ticipated in five campaigns, four of which were major offensives. Member Army and Navy Clubs, Washington and Manila. OF FRANCE 341 Created Commandeur April 2, 1919, for services as American Commissioner of the Permanent International Armistice Commission. Has also D. S. C., D. S. M. and Knight Commander of the Bath (England). Present address : War Department, Washington, D. C. RICE, EDWIN WILBUR. Engineer. Born in La Crosse, Wis. ; educated at Central High School, Philadelphia. President, General Electric Company. Member of Board of Trustees, Union College. Clubs : University, Harvard, Boston ; University, Bankers', Engineers', New York City. Created Chevalier January 30, 1901, in recognition of exhibit made at Paris Exposition, 1900. Present address : Schenectady, N. Y. RICE, GEORGE MARION. Engineer. Born in Burlington, Mich. ; educated at Carleton Col- lege, Northfleld, Minn. Chief engineer on location and construction of nu- merous railways. Exploring in Northern Canada in 1903. Served as Lieutenant Colonel and Commanding Officer, Engineer Corps, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier in recognition of "meritorious and distinguished services" rendered during the War. Present address : New Arctic Hotel, Seattle, Wash. RICE, JOHN H. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in St. Louis, Mo. ; educated at Washington Uni- versity, St. Louis, and U. S. Military Academy. Served as Brigadier General, A. E. F. in France. Officer in charge of all detail design and produc- tion of Ordnance for U. S. Army. Clubs : University, New York ; Metropolitan, Chevy Chase, Army and Navy, Washington, D. C. 342 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Created Commandeur April 4, 1918, in consideration of services rendered to France as Chief Ordnance Offi- cer, A. E. F. in France. Has also D. S. M. Present address : War Department, Washington, D. C. RICHARDS, LEWIS. Last address: 13 rue Leopold, Brussels, Belgium. RICHARDSON, JOHN B. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address : War Department, Washington, D. C. RICHARDSON, ROBERT C. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Charleston, S. C. ; educated at College of Charleston and U. S. Military Academy. Served all grades in U. S. Army from Second Lieu- tenant to Colonel, Cavalry. Author of "West Point." Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington and New York. Created Officier May 30, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in France during the War. Has also D. S. M., Leopold (Belgium), St. Maurice and St. Lazarus (Italy) and La Solidaridad (Panama). Present address : War Department, Washington, D. C. RICKARD, EDGAR. Engineer. Born in Pontgibaud, France ; educated at University of California. Mining Engineer; Managing Editor, "Mining Maga- zine," of London ; Honorary Secretary, Commission for Relief in Belgium ; Acting U. S. Food Administrator ; Acting Chairman, Commission for Relief in Belgium ; Director, American Relief Administration. Member of Bankers' Club, New York, and several en- gineers' clubs in America and England. OF FRANCE 343 Created Chevalier January 7, 1919, for his activities in connection with relief work in France and Belgium. Has also Crown (Belgium). Present address: Room 2222, 120 Broadway, New York City. RICKENBACKER, EDWARD W. Engineer. Born in Columbus, Ohio; educated at East High School, Columbus. Consulting Engineer, Maxwell Motor Company. Served as Major, A. E. F. in France. Author of "Fight- ing the Flying Circus." Member of Detroit Athletic Club. Created Chevalier December 18, 1918, in consideration of "meritorious services in action" during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with three palms. Present address : 1334 East Livingston Avenue, Co- lumbus, Ohio. RICKER, MAURICE S. Broker. Born in Bangor, Maine ; educated at Phillips-Exeter Academy and Brown University. Created Chevalier May 14, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in France during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address : 22 University Road, Brookline, Mass. RIDER, JAMES G. Banker. Born in Brantingham, England; educated at Brent Hill School, London, England. Served as Major, A. E. F. in France. President, Rider & Amsden, Rochester, N. Y. ; Sales Director, Americus J. Leonard, Banker, New York City. Member of Rochester Chamber of Commerce. Clubs: Canadian, and English Speaking Union, New York City. 344 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Created Chevalier April 10, 1919, in recognition of services to French Army while Secretary to General Staff, A. E. F. Tours, France. Present address: 60 Wall Street, New York City. RIEBE, HERBERT B. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Rochester, Minn. ; educated at U. S. Naval Academy. Served as Lieutenant Commander and Chief of Escort, Coastal Convoys, U. S. Navy in European waters during the War. Created Chevalier April 19, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Present address : Twelfth Naval District, San Fran- cisco, Cal. ROBB, GEORGE S. Real Estate. Born in Salina County, Kan. ; educated at Park College and Columbia University. Was formerly High School Instructor at Mesa, Ariz., and lola, Kan. ; Principal, High School, Great Bend, Kan. Served as First Lieutenant, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier January 10, 1919, in recognition of services rendered in the "Advance on Sechault." Has also Medal of Honor (U. S.). Present address: 308 South 12th Street, Salina, Kan. ROBERT, CLAIR C. Machinist. Born in Huntingdon, Pa. Served as Lieutenant, A. E. F. in France. Machinist, Pennsylvania Railroad Shops, Altoona, Pa. Created Chevalier May 5, 1919, in recognition of serv- ives rendered during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: 209 East Walnut Avenue, Altoona, Pa. OF FRANCE 345 ROBERTS, HORACE GORDON. Business Executive. Born in Davenport, Iowa, and educated at Phillips- Andover Academy. Officer and director various lumber and manufacturing concerns. Served as Lieutenant Colonel with A. E. F. in France. Club: Chicago Athletic. Created Chevalier, March 18, 1919, for services dur- ing the War. Present address : Davenport, Iowa. ROBERTSON, HOWARD MORLEY. Architect. Born in Salt Lake City, Utah; educated at Malvern College, England, and ficole des Beaux Arts, Paris. In architectural practice in, London, England ; Instruc- tor in Design, Architectural Association, London. Served as Major General, Staff, A. E. F. in France. Member of "Societe des Architectes Diplomes par le Gouverne- ment," Paris. Clubs : City Club, New York ; Authors', Royal Automo- bile, London. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, for his services as Intelligence Officer in co-operation with French Army. Has also Military Cross (England). Present address: Ulster Chambers, 168 Regent Street, London W., England. ROBERTSON, WILLIAM A. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Tennessee ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served as Major, Air Service, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier April 9, 1919, in consideration of services rendered at ficole de Tir Aerien, Cazaux, France. Present address: Mather Field, Sacramento, Cal. 346 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES ROBINETTE, E. B. Officer, U. S. Navy. Created Chevalier. Address unknown. ROBINSON, FIELDING S. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Newport News, Va. ; educated at Virginia Mili- tary Institute. Served as Captain, U. S. Marine Corps, A. E. F. in France ; Aide-de-Camp to Commanding General, U. S. Marine Corps, Washington, D. C. Marine Aide at the White House. Created Chevalier in recognition of services rendered in France during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre and Leopold (Belgium). Present address: Headquarters, U. S. Marine Corps, Washington, D. C. ROBINSON, H. M. Member Economic Commission, Peace Conference. Created Chevalier February 24, 1920. ROCKENBACH, SAMUEL DICKERSON. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Lynchburg, Va. ; educated at Virginia Military Institute and Army War College. Was Commandant, Kemper Military School and Vir- ginia Military Institute ; served all grades from Second Lieutenant to Brigadier General ; Chief, Tank Corps, U. S. Army. Clubs: Army and Navy, Chevy Chase, Riding and Hunt, Washington, D. C. Created Officier January 12, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. M., Croix del Guerre, with palm, and Companion of the Bath (England). Present address: Camp Meade, Md. OF FRANCE 347 ROCKWELL, ROBERT LOCKERBIE. Physician. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio ; educated at Kenyon College and College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York. Served as Captain, A. E. F. in France. At present, investigating the conditions of foreign ports as to the possibilities for export. Created Chevalier May, 1919, in consideration of serv- ices rendered during the War. Present address : 339 Albany Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio. RODGERS, RAYMOND PERRY. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Washington, D. C., and educated at the U. S. Naval Academy. Passed through the various grades of the Navy from Lieutenant to Admiral advanced five numbers for "emi- nent and conspicuous conduct." Served as Naval At- tache in France and Russia; participated in the Cuban and Philippine campaigns and China relief expedition ; Chief Intelligence Officer, U. S. Navy ; President Naval War College. Created Chevalier for services during the War. Present address : Navy Department, Washington, D. C. ROGERS, HARRY L. Officer, IT. S. Army. Born in Washington, D. C. ; educated at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston. Served as Chief Quartermaster, General Headquar- ters, A. E. F. in France. Major General and Quarter- master General, U. S. Army. Created Commandeur June 21, 1919, in consideration of "the meritorious service rendered the Allied com- mon cause during the War." Has also D. S. M., Com- panion of the Bath (England) and Crown (Belgium). Present address: 2000 Munitions Building, Washing- ton, D. C. 348 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES ROLPH, JAMES, Jr. Mayor, Merchant. Born in San Francisco, Cal. ; educated at public schools and Trinity Academy, San Francisco. Member of shipping firm Hind, Rolph & Co. ; Presi- dent Rolph Navigation and Coal Co. and Rolph Ship- building Co. ; President or director of several business and banking corporations ; Vice-President, Panama Pa- cific International Exposition; Mayor of San Francisco, terms 1911-19. Clubs : Pacific Union, Bohemian, Union League, Press, Commercial, Commonwealth (San Francisco), Rainier (Seattle). Created Chevalier July 2, 1919. Present address: 288 San Jose Avenue, San Fran- cisco, Cal. ROMULUS, GEORGE J. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Lowell, Mass. ; studied at public schools, James- town, N. T. Created Chevalier April 9, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as First Commander, Aviation Center at Brest during the War. Present address: Navy Department, Washington, D. C. ROOP, J. CLAWSON. Business Executive. Born in Upland, Pa., and educated at the University of Pennsylvania. Assistant Engineer Philadelphia and West Chester Traction Company ; consulting electrical engineer ; As- sistant Engineer J. G. White Management Corporation. Served as Lieutenant Colonel A. E. F. Member Engineers' Club, Philadelphia. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, for services as Pur- chasing Officer in Paris. Present address: 43 Exchange Place, New York City. OF FRANCE 349 ROOSEVELT, THEODORE. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. Created Chevalier March 16, 1919. Last address : 165 East 74th Street, New York City. ROOSEVELT, W. S. MONTGOMERY. Artist. Created Chevalier May 12, 1914. Last Address : Paris, France. ROSENGARTEN, JOSEPH GEORGE. Lawyer. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., and educated at University of Pennsylvania. Trustee, University of Pennsylvania ; President, Al- liance Frangaise of Philadelphia, Free Library of Phil- adelphia and American Philosophical Society. Author of "French Colonists of the United States" and "French Colony of Philadelphia." Member of University Club, Philadelphia. Created Chevalier January 15, 1904, in recognition of his services as President of Alliance Frangaise of Phil- adelphia. Present address : 1704 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ROUDIEZ, LEON S. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Jarnac, Charente, France; educated at High School, Chicope Falls, Mass. Was formerly Constructing Quartermaster, U. S. Army, and supervised Construction and Management of the In- sular Cold Storage and Ice Plant, Manila, and a num- ber of Barracks, Storehouses and other buildings. Served as Colonel, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Inspector- Instructor, National Guard of South Carolina. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Offlcier April 4, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered in command of the Sub-Base of Rouen, France, during the War. Present address: The State Armory, 1219 Assembly Street, Columbia, S. C. 350 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES ROWE, GUY I. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Peacham, Vt. ; educated at Norwich University, Northfield, Vt. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, Quartermaster Corps, A. E. F. in France. Member of several patriotic organizations. Created Chevalier May 11, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered in command of Thirty-Eighth Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, wtih palm. Present address: Camp Kearny, Cal. ROWELL, MELVIN W. Officer, U. S. Army. (Retired.) Born in South Berwick, Maine ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. in France. Created Officier in recognition of services rendered in France during the War. Has also St. Michael and St. George ( England ) . Present address: Bonnasse Banquiers, Marseilles, France. ROZELLE, GEORGE F., Jr. Served as Major, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address: War Department, Washington, D. C. RUDDELL, WALTER H. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Memphis, Ind. ; educated at Public School of Charleston, Ind. For twenty-one years connected with the Operating and Traffic Departments of the Pennsylvania Railroad lines. Served as Major, Quartermaster Corps, A. E. F. in France. At present on duty in the Rail Transporta- tion Branch, Fort Mason, Cal. OF FRANCE 351 Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in recognition of services rendered to the French Transportation Officers at Bordeaux, France, during the War. Present address : Fort Mason, San Francisco, Cal. RUFFNER, ERNEST L. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. ; educated at De Pauw University and University of Buffalo. Served as Colonel, Medical Corps, A. E. F. in France. Member of several medical societies. Created Officier in consideration of services rendered as Chief Surgeon, Intermediate Section, France, during the War. Has also D. S. M. Present address : Camp Meade, Md. RUSSEL, EDGAR. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Pleasant Hill, Mo. ; educated at University of Missouri, and U. S. Military Academy. Served all grades in United States Army, from Cadet to Colonel; appointed Brigadier General and Chief Signal Officer, A. E. F. in France. Author of two Manuals of the Signal Corps. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Commandeur April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. M. and Companions of the Bath (England). Present address: 8 and 10 Bridge Street, New York City. RUSSELL, GEORGE MOOR. Officer, U. S. Army. ~ Born in Plymouth, N. H. ; educated at Holderness School and U. S. Military Academy. Served all grades in U. S. Army from Second Lieu- tenant to Colonel. Instructor in French, U. S. Military Academy. Chief, American Mission, Allied Forces in Rhineland. Co-author, "French Composition Course." 352 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Clubs: Army and Navy, St. Nicholas, New York; Rid- ing and Hunt, Army and Navy, Washington, D. C. Created Chevalier August 21, 1919, for services ren- dered as Chief of Intelligence Section, A. E. F. in France. Has also D. S. M. and La Solidaridad (Pan- ama). Present address: Charleston, S. C. RUSSELL, WILLIAM WORTHINGTON. Diplomat. Born in Washington, D. C., and educated at the U. S. Naval Academy. Served in the Navy and engaged on various surveys in Mexico and South America ; Secretary Legation at Caracas and Panama ; Minister to Colombia, Venezuela and the Dominican Republic. Created Commandeur June 30, 1908, for looking after French interests in Venezuela. Present address : American Legation, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. RYAN, EDWARD WILLIAM. Physician. Created Chevalier August 4, 1915, for services with American Red Cross. Last address: 4 rue Chevreuse, Paris, France. RYAN, JOHN. Director Aircraft Production Bureau. Created Commandeur December 11, 1919. RYAN, W. B. Adviser to Csecho-Slovakio. Served with A. E. F. with rank of Major. Created Chevalier for services during the War. Present address : American Legation, Prague. OF FRANCE 353 RYDER, CHARLES W. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Topeka, Kan., and educated at the U. S. Mili- tary Academy. Passed through the various grades of the Army from Second Lieutenant to Lieutenant Colonel. Created Chevalier December 1, 1918, for "bravery in action near Soissons, July 18-21." Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address : Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky. SABIN, CHARLES HAMILTON. Banker. Born in Williamstown, Mass., and educated at Greylock Institute. In banking business in Albany then in New York; President Guaranty Trust Company of New York ; di- rector and officer in many financial, industrial, mining and railway companies. Clubs: Fort Orange (Albany), Racquet and Tennis, Metropolitan, Bankers', Piping Rock, Recess, India House, Garden City Golf and National Golf Links (New York). Created Chevalier December 27, 1918, in appreciation of financial aid and advice during the War. Present address : 140 Broadway, New York City. SAGE, WILLIAM HAMPDEN. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in New York City and educated at the U. S. Military Academy and the War College. Passed through the various grades of the Army from Second Lieutenant to Colonel. On duty in the Philip- pines and on the Mexican border ; professor of mili- tary science in Central University. Created Officier March 16, 1919, for services during the War. Has also Medal of Honor (U. S.). Present address : War Department, Washington, D. C. 354 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES SAJOUS, CHARLES EUCHARISTE DE MEDICI. Physician. Born at sea, under the American Flag ; educated at University of California, Jefferson Medical College and Faculty of Medicine, Paris. Was Lecturer, Jefferson Medical College; Professor and Dean, Medico-Chirurgical College ; Professor, Wag- ner Institute of Science, all in Philadelphia. Editor, Sajou's Annual of the Universal Medical Sciences, 45 volumes ; Sajou's Annual and Analytical Cyclopedia of Practical Medicine, 51 volumes, and numerous additional volumes on medical science. Officer, Academy of France and Gold Medalist, Humane Society of Belgium. At present, Professor, Therapeutics, Medical School, Tem- ple University, Philadelphia. Member of numerous American and foreign scientific associations. Created Chevalier July 5, 1892, in consideration of his scientific work. Has also Leopold (Belgium), L'ln- struction Publique (France) and Liberator (Venezuela). Present address : 2043 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. SALTUS, J. SANFORD. Artist (Retired). Born in New Haven, Conn., and educated at public and private schools and New York Art Students' League. Vice-President, Museum of French Art, New York City ; Vice-President, British Numismatic Society ; hon- orary member, Art Students' League, New York ; orig- inated the idea of a statue of Joan of Arc in New York. Clubs : Salmagundi, Fencers' and Amateur Fencers' League, New York. Created Officier October 24, 1919, in consideration of "interest in art and donations of art objects." Has also Merite Agricole and Officier de 1'Instruction Publique (France). Present address: Hottinguer & Company, 38 rue de Provence, Paris, France. OF FRANCE 355 SAMPLE, WILLIAM R. Served as Brigadier General, A. E. F. Created Offlcier. Last address: Transportation Building, Atlanta, Ga. SANBORN, JOSEPH B. Publisher. Member Tax Commissioner of Illinois. Created Officier April 13, 1919, for exceptional serv- ices at Gressaire Wood, August 9, 1918. Has also D. S. M., Distinguished Service Order (British), Leo- pold (Belgium) and Croix de Guerre with palm. Present address: 440 S. Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111. SANDS, WILLIAM FRANKLIN. Diplomat. Born in Washington, D. C. ; educated abroad and at Georgetown University. In the diplomatic service of the United States from 1896 to 1910. Was Advisor to the Emperor of Korea. Connected with various commercial enterprises and with the American International Corporation, New York and Petrograd. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Chevalier, September 14, 1901, for preventing Boxer movement from extending across Korean borders and for services in command of Quelpart expedition rescuing French subjects on that island. Present address: 120 Broadway, New York City. SARGENT, JOHN SINGER. Artist. Born in Florence, Italy, and studied art in Italy, Ger- many and France. Has taken prominent part in exhibitions in all parts of the world. Associate National Academy ; Associate Royal Academy (England). Grand Prix, Paris Ex- position, Royal Academecian. Club: Athenaeum, London. 356 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Created Officier, 1897, in recognition of artistic achievements. Has also "Pour le Merite" (Prussia). Present address : 31 Tite Street, Chelsea, London, England. SAWYER, JOHN MILLS. Architect. Born in Allegheny, Pa. ; educated at Harvard and Co- lumbia Universities and ficole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Served as First Lieutenant, Engineers, A. E. F. in France. Member of Harvard Club, New York. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also Danilo 1 ( Montenegro ) . Present address: 22 Place de la Chapelle, Paris, France. SAYLES, W. R. Created Chevalier. Last address: Guarantee Trust Company, New York City. SCHAFER, GEORGE C. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Washington, D. C. ; educated at public schools and Columbian University. Since 1898 a commissioned officer in U. S. Navy. Served as Captain during the War. Officer, Supply Corps, U. S. Navy, on duty at Paris, France. Clubs : Army and Navy, Washington and New York ; University, Racquet, Philadelphia; Lambs', New York; Cercle Interallie and Travelers', Paris. Created Officier September 26, 1919, in recognition of services rendered in France during the War. Present address: 9 rue de Chaillot, Paris, France. OF FRANCE 357 SCHLANSER, ADAM E. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio; educated at University of Cincinnati. Was formerly Physician and Surgeon, Cincinnati Hos- pital. Medical Officer, U. S. Army from 1909 to date. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in recognition of "meritorious services as Commanding Officer, Hospital Center, Pau, France, during the War." Present address: 2245 Mt. View Place S.E., Wash- ington, D. C. SCHELLING, ERNEST. Officer, U. S. Army. Served as Major, A. E. F. Created Chevalier September 23, 1919. Last address : U. S. Legation, Berne, Switzerland. SCHERER, LOUIS C. Officer, U. S. Army. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. Created Officier February 29, 1920. Present address: 99 Chauncey Street, Boston, Mass. SCHOFIELD, FRANK HERMAN. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born at Jerusalem, N. Y., and educated at the U. S. Naval Academy. Passed through the various grades in the Navy from Ensign to Captain. On duty on different ships as exe- cutive officer and commander, Chief of Naval operations. Created Officier for services during the War. Present address : Navy Department, Washington, D. C. SCHURMAN, JACOB GOULD. University President. Born in Freetown, Prince Edward Island ; educated at Universities of London, Edinburgh, Heidelberg, Berlin and Goettingen and studied in Paris. President, Cornell University. President of the First 358 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES U. S. Philippine Commission; United States Minister to Greece. Author of numerous books on Ethics and Religion, also on the Balkan Wars and the World War. Clubs : University, New York, Washington ; Century, New York City. Created Officier December 27, 1918, in consideration of services rendered: by addresses made both in France and in the United States. Present address : Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. SCHWAB, CHARLES MICHAEL. Steel Manufacturer. Born in Williamsburg, Pa. ; educated at St. Francis College, Lorette, Pa. Chairman, Bethlehem Steel Corporation ; Director of numerous Industrial and Financial Corporations. Pres- ident or Director of several scientific organizations and clubs. During War Director General, Emergency Fleet Corporation. Created Chevalier, 1919, in consideration of services rendered France during the War. Present address : 111 Broadway, New York City. SCOTT, JAMES BROWN. Lawyer. Born in Kincardine, Canada; educated at Harvard Uni- versity and at Heidelberg, Berlin and Paris. Professor Law, Columbia Law School; University of Chicago and George Washington University; Solicitor and Special Advisor, Department of State ; now Sec- retary, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace ; Editor-in-Chief, "American Journal of International Law" ; delegate 2d Peace Conference at The Hague and 2d Pan-American Scientific Congress ; appointed member staff judge advocate general, U. S. Army 1917. Par- ticipated in" the Paris Peace Conference. Clubs: Century (New York), Cosmos, University, Metropolitan ( Washington ) . Created Officier September 7, 1919. Present address : Carnegie Endowment for Interna- tional Peace, Washington, D. C. OF FRANCE SCOTT, JOHN. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Fort Bridger, Wyo. ; educated at Kentucky State University. Served as Captain and Signal Officer, Infantry, A. B. F. in France. Created Chevalier March 16, 1919, in recognition of services rendered in charge of "communications for di- vision in combat" during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address : General Service Schools, Ft. Leaven- worth, Kan. SCOTT, WILLIAM S. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in McKinney, Texas; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served all grades in U. S. Army from Second Lieu- tenant to Brigadier General. Participated in the Indian and Spanish-American wars, the Philippine campaign, and the Cuban and Porto Rican occupation. Served as Brigadier General, A. E. F. in France. Member of numerous clubs and scientific organizations. Created Officier April, 1919, in consideration of "dis- tinguished services in development of Base Section No. 2, A. E. F. in France." Present address: Fort Sam Houston, Texas. SCOWDEN, FRANK F. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Meadville, Pa. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served as Major, Infantry, and Lieutenant Colonel, Motor Transport Corps, A. E. F. in France durign the War. Member of Army and Navy Club (Washington, D. C.). Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in recognition of services rendered during the War. Present address: Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. 360 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES SEAMAN, GILBERT E. Physician. Born in Alpena, Mich. ; educated at Detroit and Mich- igan Colleges of Medicine ; University of Berlin. Surgeon General of Wisconsin ; Regent, University of Wisconsin ; served as Colonel, Medical Corps, A. E. F. in France. Author of "Cure of Wounded in Zone of Advance" and "Compendium for Medical Officers." Also author of numerous papers on medical and sur- gical subjects. Clubs: University, Milwaukee and Madison, Wis. Created Chevalier in recognition of his services as Chief Surgeon of an Army Corps, A. E. F. in France. Has also D. S. M. and Croix de Guerre. Present address : 612 Hackett Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis. SEIFFERT, O. HENRY. Sales Manager. Born in Davenport, Iowa ; educated at Harvard Uni- versity. Served as Captain, Ordnance Department, A. E. F. in France. Foreign Sales Manager, Moline Plow Com- pany, Moline, 111. Clubs : University, Chicago ; Harvard, New York. Created Chevalier May, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered in France during the War. Present address: Moline, 111. SELFRIDGE, THOMAS OLIVER. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Boston, Mass., and educated at the U. S. Naval Academy. Passed through the various grades of the Navy from Midshipman to Rear Admiral. Was on the "Cumber- land" when sunk by the "Merrimac" ; commanded a bat- tery at capture of Vicksburg ; in charge of Isthmian Canal Survey ; Commandant, Boston Navy Yard ; Pres- ident, Board of Inspection and Survey ; Commander-in- Chief, European Squadron. OF FRANCE 361 Clubs: Metropolitan Army and Navy, and Chevy Chase (Washington). Created Chevalier in recognition of Canal Route Survey. Present address: 1867 Kalorama Avenue, Washing- ton, D. C. SELIGMAN, DAVID W. Banker. Born in New York City. Created Chevalier January, 1901, in consideration of services rendered at Paris Expositions, 1889 and 1900. Present address : 57 Avenue de Villiers, Paris, France. SELIGMAN, JEFFERSON. Banker. Preparatory education, Columbia Grammar School ; Graduate, Columbia, studied medicine in Germany. Member of banking firm, J. and W. Seligman & Company. Created Chevalier 1910. Present address: 54 Wall Street, New York City. SELLARDS, JOHN ARMSTRONG. Educator. Born in Kentucky ; educated at University of Illinois and Leland Stanford University. Served as Lieutenant, U. S. Naval Forces in France. Member of Faculty, Leland Standford University. Created Chevalier April, 1919, in recognition of his services as aide to the Commander, U. S. Naval Forces in France during the War. Present address : Leland Stanford University. SELTZER, THEODORE. Chemist. Born in Bischwiller, Alsace, France; educated at Col- lege of Sedan, France. General Agent for United States and Canada of Dr. Bengue, Paris. Vice-President, French Benevolent So- 362 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES ciety and French Hospital of New York; Secretary, Franco-American Board of Commerce and Industry, New York. Member of New York Athletic Club and several French associations of New York. Created Chevalier in recognition of services rendered as Chairman, War Relief Committee to aid families of French soldiers from the United States and services to Alsatian Lorrainers of French origin residing in the United States. Has also Officier d'Academie (France). Present address: 41 Fulton Street, Weehawken, N. J. SEMPLE, LORENZO. Lawyer. Created Chevalier December 27, 1918. Last address: Paris, France. SEWALL, SUMNER. Student. Born in Bath, Maine; educated at Harvard University. Served as First Lieutenant, Air Service, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier December 18, 1918, in recognition of his services in "aerial combats in Toul Sector and at Chateau-Thierry" during the War. Has also D. S. C., Croix de Guerre, with palm, and Crown (Belgium). Present address : 1142 Washington Street, Bath, Maine. SEWARD, SAMUEL SWAYZE, Jr. University Professor. Born in Wilmington, Del. ; educated at Columbia Uni- versity and Oxford University, England. Associate Professor of English, Stanford University ; Delegate to Province of Limbourg, Belgium, in Commis- sion for Relief in Belgium. Served as First Lieutenant, Air Service, A. E. F. in France. Author of several books of prose and verse. Member of scientific associations. Created Chevalier March 29, 1919, in recognition of "successful leadership." Has also Croix de Guerre and Albert Medal (Belgium). Present address: 262 Kingsley Avenue, Palo Alto, Cal. OF FRANCE 363 SEWELL, JOHN STEPHEN. Officer, U. S. Army (Retired). Born in Butler's Landing, Tenn. ; educated at High School, Louisville, Ky., and U. S. Military Academy. Served as Colonel, Engineer Corps, A. E. F. in France. President, Alabama Marble Company and Maxon Fur- nace & Engineering Company. Member of Cosmos Club, Washington, D. C. Created Officier April 4, 1919, in recognition of his services as Commanding Officer, Base Section No. 1. A. E. F. in France. Has also D. S. M. and Leopold ( Belgium ) . Present address : Gantt's Quarry, Ala. SHAHAN, THOMAS JOSEPH. University Rector. Born in Manchester, N. H. ; educated at College de Montreal and American College, Rome. Rector, Catholic University of America ; author of several Religious and Historical works ; Lecturer on History and Religion ; Contributor to leading Catholic periodicals. Created Officier January 7, 1919, in consideration of services rendered France during the War. Has also Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice (Rome). Present address: Catholic University, Washington, D. C. SHALER, MILLARD K. Created Chevalier January 7, 1919. SHANNON, JAMES A. Born in Granite Falls, Minn. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served all grades in U. S. Army from Second Lieu- tenant to Colonel; was Professor of Military Science and Tactics at Harvard University; in command of 112th Regiment, 28th Division, A. E. F. in France. Was a member of Army and Navy Club, Manila. 364 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Created Chevalier May 5, 1919, for "extraordinary value and distinguished services" rendered during the War. Also received D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre. Killed in action at Chatel Chehery, October 7, 1918. SHARP, WILLIAM GRAVES. Diplomat. Born at Mt. Gilead, Ohio, and educated at the Univer- sity of Michigan. Prosecuting attorney, Lorain County ; member of Con- gress ; U. S. Ambassador to France. Interested in iron and steel industry. Created Grand Cross April 18, 1919, in recognition of diplomatic achievements. Present address: Elyria, Ohio. SHARTLE, SAMUEL G. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Mercersburg, Pa. ; educated at Lafayette Col- lege, Easton, Pa. Was Military Attache to Berlin, 1909-1912; Military Observer, German Army, 1914-1915 ; Member, Prisoners of War Commission, Switzerland, 1918. Served as Col- onel, General Staff, A. E. F. in France. Clubs : Army and Navy, Chevy Chase, Washington, D. C. Created Officier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Member, Permanent International Armistice Commission. Has also Distinguished Service Order (England) ; Leopold and Croix de Guerre (Bel- gium). Present address : Northeastern Department, Boston, Mass. SHAW, HENRY A. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in New Salem, Mass. ; educated at Harvard Uni- versity. Served as Colonel, Medical Corps, A. E. F. in France during the War. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. OF FRANCE 365 Created Officier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Chief Surgeon, Base Section No. 2, at Bordeaux, France, during the War. Present address: League of Red Cross Societies, Geneva, Switzerland. SHEARSON, EDWARD. Created Chevalier July 31, 1918, for services as Vice- Chairman, American-French Fraternity. SHELDON, LEWIS P. Created Chevalier February 21, 1919, for services as member Blockade Commission. SHELDON, RAYMOND. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Princeton, N. J. ; educated at schools in France, England and Germany ; Cambridge University, Eng- land ; Infantry and Cavalry School; Staff College; Army General Staff College, France. Served in Philippine Islands and in the Spanish-Amer- ican war; was Instructor, Ft. Sheridan Training Camp; held rank of Colonel, in command of Division and was Assistant Director, Bureau of Prisoners of War, A. E. F. in France; Assistant Chief of Staff, American Military Mission to Hungary. Clubs : Army and Navy, Washington, New York, Manila. Created Officier May 5, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered in France. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palms. Present address : 113 Woodland Avenue, Summit, N. J. SHEPHERD, WILLIAM E., Jr. Architect. Born in New York City; educated at Harvard Univer- sity; ficole des Beaux Arts, Paris; Columbia Uni- versity. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. in France. 366 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Clubs : Union, Harvard, New York ; Army and Navy, Washington, D. C. Created Chevalier in recognition of services rendered in France during the War. Has also D. S. M. and Croix de Guerre. Present address: 1417 Railway Exchange Building, Chicago, 111. SHEPHERD, WILLIAM H. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Norfolk, Va. ; educated at St. Mary's Military Academy. Was Construction Engineer with U. S. Geological Sur- vey and numerous Western railroads ; participated in the Spanish-American war and the Mexican Border campaign ; served as Lieutenant Colonel, Field Artillery, A. E. F. in France. Member of Army and Navy Clubs, Washington, D. C., New York, Manila. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in recognition of "meritorious services rendered the Allied cause" dur- ing the War. Present address: 305 The Argyle Apartments, Wash- ington, D. C. SHEPPARD, CREDDY C. Business Executive. Born in Morris, W. Va. ; educated at West Virginia University. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. in France. Vice-President, U. S. Ordnance Company. Clubs : Army and Navy, Washington, D. C. ; Brook- lawn Country Club. Created Chevalier April 6, 1919, in recognition of services rendered during the War. Present address : 719 15th Street, Washington, D. C. SHIPTON, THOMAS ANCIL. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Ohio and educated at the U. S. Military Acad- emy and School of Submarine Defense. OF FRANCE 367 Passed through the various grades of the Army, Ar- tillery Corps, from Second Lieutenant to Colonel. Mili- tary Attache, Brazil ; served in the Philippines ; Com- manded Torpedo Depot ; Brigadier General, National Army. Clubs: Lotos, St. Nicholas (New York), Metropolitan, Chevy Chase, Army and Navy (Washington), Country (Little Rock). Created Officier for services during the War. Has also Philippine Victory Medal, four stars. Present address: Fort Morgan, Ala. SHOCKLEY, M. A. W. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Fort Scott, Kan. ; educated at University of Kansas and U. S. Military Academy. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, Medical Corps, A. E. F. in France. Instructor, General Service Schools, Fort Leavenworth, Kan. Created Officier April 4, 1919, in recognition of his services as General Staff Officer, A. E. F. in France. Has also D. S. M. Present address: Fort Leavenworth, Kan. SHOEMAKER, HARRY E. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Indiana; educated at High School, Bluffton, Ind., and U. S. Naval Academy. Served as Commander, U. S. Naval Forces in Europe. At present, Commander, U. S. S. "Pennsylvania." Member of several clubs of Washington, D. C. Created Chevalier in recognition of services rendered during the War. Present address: U. S. S. "Pennsylvania," Care of Postmaster, New York City. SHORT, WALTER C. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Fillmore, 111. ; educated at University of Illinois. Was Instructor in Mathematics, Western Military AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Academy. Served as Colonel, General Staff, A. E. F. in France during the War. Instructor, General Service Schools, Fort Leavenworth, Kan. Created Officier July 26, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in France during the War. Has also D. S. M. Present address: Fort Leavenworth, Kan. SHREEVE, HERBERT E. Engineer. Born in Cambridge, England; educated at Finsbury, London. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. in France. Invented and developed first practical telephone repeater. In charge at Paris of radio telephone experiments be- tween Washington and Paris, 1915. At present, Tele- phone Engineer, Western Electric Company, New York. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, for research services in connection with signaling equipment during the War. Has also D. S. M. Present address : Western Telephone Company, 463 West Street, New York City. SHULER, G. K. Officer, U. S. Marine Corps. Born in Lyons, N. Y. Served as Captain, U. S. Marine Corps, A. E. F. in France. Clubs: Army and Navy, National Press, Washington, D. C. ; Racquet, Philadelphia. Created Chevalier December 18, 1918, in consideration of services rendered "in the battle of Blanc Mont Ridge, October 8, 1918." Has also D. S. M. and Croix de Guerre, with two palms. Present address: 1462 Harvard Street N.W., Wash- ington, D. C. OF FRANCE 869 SHUMAN, GEORGE A. Business Executive. Born in Mifflintown, Pa. ; educated at University of Colorado. Served as Lieutenant, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier May 9, 1919, in recognition of "bravery in action" during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: 2546 East 5th Street, Tulsa, Okla. SILVESTER, LINDSAY McD. Served as Major, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address : War Department, Washington, D. C. SIBERT, WILLIAM LUTHER. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Gadsden, Ala., and educated at the University of Alabama, the U. S. Military Academy and the Engineering School of Application. Passed through the various grades of the Army from Lieutenant to Major General, Engineers. In charge of engineering operations in this country and in the Philip- pines ; built the Gatun Locks and Dam and the Colon Breakwater. Member, Chinese Flood Prevention Com- mission. Commanded Division, A. E. F. in France. Created Commandeur for services in connection with the Chemical work of the Army. Has also D. S. M. and received thanks of Congress. Present address : Bowling Green, Ky. SIMONDS, FRANK HERBERT. Journalist, Historian. Born in Concord, Mass. ; educated at Harvard Uni- versity. Editor, "Evening Sun" ; Associated Editor, "New York Tribune" ; Contributing Editor, "Review of Reviews." Author of "They Shall Not Pass Verdun" ; and "His- tory of World War" (5 volumes). Member of Harvard Club, New York City. 370 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Created Chevalier December 27, 1918, in consideration of services rendered France during the War. Has also Royal Order of Redeemer (Greece). Present address: Hotel Montclair, Montclair, N. J. SIMONDS, GEORGE SHERWIN. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Cresco, Iowa; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served as Commanding General, American Embarka- tion Center, A. E. F. in France. Co-author of "A Mili- tary Primer." Created Offlcier July 26, 1919, for services as Chief of Staff, American Embarkation Center, Le Mans, France. Has also D. S. M., Companion of the Bath (England) and Crown (Italy). Present address: General Staff College, Washington, D. C. SIMONS, AIKEN. Engineer. Born in Charleston, S. C. ; educated at Lehigh Uni- versity and South Carolina Military Academy. Was Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, Pencoyd Iron Works and du Pont Powder Company; at present Chief Engineer, United States Finishing Company. Member of Carolina Yacht Club. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as a member, General Staff, A. E. F. in France during the War. Present address: United States Finishing Company, Providence, R. I. SIMPSON, RICHARD LTLE. Business Manager. Born in Mead County, Ky. ; educated at High School, Louisville, Ky. Served as First Lieutenant, Infantry, A. E. F. in France during the War. Branch Manager at Knoxville, Tenn., for Louisville Paper Company, Louisville, Ky. OF FRANCE 371 Clubs : Rotary, Country Club, Knoxville. Created Offlcier in recognition of "extraordinary hero- ism in action." Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address : 422 South Gay Street, Knoxville, Tenn. SIMPSON, W. H. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Weatherford, Texas ; educated at U. S. Mili- tary Academy. Served as Lieutenant Colonel and Chief of Staff, Thirty-Third Division, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier June 13, 1919, in recognition of services rendered in France during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre. Present address : Camp Grant, 111. SIMS, WILLIAM SNOWDEN. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born at Port Hope, Canada, and educated at the U. S. Naval Academy. Passed through the various grades of the Navy to Admiral. Naval Attache, American Embassies, Paris and St. Petersburg; Commander-in-Chief, Asiatic Fleet; Naval Aide to the President; Commander Atlantic Tor- pedo Fleet; Commander, American naval operations in Europe. Clubs: University (Philadelphia), Army and Navy (Washington) and New York Yacht. Created Grand Officier in recognition of services dur- ing the War. Awarded D. S. M. Has Rising Sun (Japan). SIRED, WILLIAM GEORGE. Created Chevalier January 26, 1912. Last address: Aeolian Company, Paris, France. 372 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES SIRMON, WILLIAM A. Business Executive. Born in Bluff Springs, Fla. ; educated at Gordon Mili- tary Institute. Was First Lieutenant, Philippine Constabulary; Deputy Governor, Province of Davao, Mindanao, P. I. ; served as Captain, A. E. F. in France. Field Secretary, Associated General Contractors of America, Southeast- ern Division. Created Chevalier May 5, 1919, in recognition of "dis- tinguished conduct near Clemery, France," during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: 74 Marietta Street, Atlanta, Ga. SKIFF, FREDERICK JAMES VOLNEY. Museum Director. Born in Chicopee, Mass. ; educated at public schools and private' academy. Was Director in Chief, United States Commission to Paris Exposition, 1900; Director of Exhibits, Universal Exposition, St. Louis, 1904. Director in Chief, San Francisco Exposition, 1915. Director, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago. Member of Chicago and University Clubs, Chicago. Created Commandeur September 25, 1904. Has also Francis Joseph (Austria), Leopold (Belgium), Double Dragon (China), Grand Cross Gold Sheaf (China), Grand Cross Sacred Treasure (Japan), Sun and Lion (Persia), Crown (Siam), and Medjidie (Turkey). Present address: Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, 111. SKINNER, RICHARD DANA. Author, Banker. Born in Detroit, Mich. ; educated at Harvard University. On Editorial Staff, "Boston Herald"; Editorial Cor- respondent for "Boston Herald" in Washington, D. C. Author of articles in various magazines on Monroe Doc- trine, Latin-American Relations and other subjects. OF FRANCE 373 Clubs : Metropolitan, Washington, D. C. ; Essex County, Manchester, Mass. ; Harvard, Boston and New York. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Secretary, Interallied Advisory Committee for Aviation, in France. Has also Sts. Maurice and Lazarus (Italy). Present address: Guaranty Trust Co., 140 Broadway, New York City. SLADE, ARTHUR J. Mechanical Engineer. Born in New York City ; educated at St. Paul's School, Yale and Columbia Universities. Was Member, Jury of Awards, Panama-Pacific Ex- position ; served as Lieutenant Colonel, Motor Trans- port Corps, A. E. F. in France and Chief of Engineering Division ; was Member, Permanent International Armis- tice Commission, Spa, Belgium. Member of numerous engineering societies. Club: University, New York City. Created Chevalier June, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also Distin- guished Service Order (England). Present address: 172 East 72d Street, New York City. SLADE, GEORGE T. Railway Official. Born in New York City; educated at St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., and Yale University. Held various positions with Great Northern and Erie Railroads; was Vice-President, Northern Pacific Rail- way ; served as Colonel, Transportation Corps, A. E. F. in France; at present detailed on special work for U. S. Government. Clubs : University, Metropolitan, New York ; University, Chicago; Minnesota, St. Paul. Created Officier April 4, 1919, for his services as Deputy Director General, Transportation, U. S. Army during the War. Has also D. S. M. Present address: 435 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, Minn. 374 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES SLADEN, FREDERICK WINCHESTER. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Massachusetts and educated at the U. S. Mili- tary Academy. Passed through the various grades of the Army from Second Lieutenant to Brigadier General. Served in the Philippines and Spanish- American war ; in charge of relief work following San Francisco earthquake ; Sec- retary General Staff Corps. Created Officier for services during the War. Present address: U. S. Embassy, Paris, France. SLAYTON, CHARLES CHURCHILL. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Springfield, Ohio ; educated at Grammar and High Schools, Springfield, and U. S. Naval Academy. Commander, U. S. Navy ; was in command of destroy- ers "Reid" and "Wadsworth" in European waters dur- ing the War. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Chevalier April 9, 1919, in recognition of services in the submarine campaign during the War. Has also Navy Cross (U. S.). Present address : U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. SLEEPER, HENRY D. Social Worker. Born in Boston, Mass., and educated in France. American Representative of American Field Service and Director of the Service Headquarters in France ; Trustee, A. F. S. Fellowships for French Universities ; Editor, American Field Service Books. Member Union Club, Boston. Created Chevalier December 27, 1918, for Field Serv- ice work in France. Has also : Medaille d'Honneur en Or (France) and the Gold Medal of the National In- stitute of Social Science. Present address : Gloucester, Mass. OF FRANCE 375 SLOANE, WILLIAM MILLIGAN. Author. Born in Richmond, Ohio; educated at Columbia Uni- versity. Professor of History, Princeton and Columbia ; Chan- cellor, American Academy of Arts and Letters. Author of ten volumes on historical subjects. Created Chevalier 1897, in recognition of services ren- dered France in Letters and Conciliation. Has also North Star (Sweden). Present address : Princeton, N. J. SMITH, ALEXANDER. Created Chevalier May 14, 1919, for services as Ad- ministrator, American Red Cross. Present address : 999 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, 111. SMITH, C. E. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Xenia, Ohio ; educated at U. S. Naval Academy. Created Chevalier in consideration of services ren- dered in command of destroyer off French coast during the War. Present address : Navy Department, Washington, D. C. SMITH, HARRY A. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Atchison, Kan.; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Was formerly Senior Instructor, Department of Law and Instructor, Department of Military Art, Staff Col- lege ; Chief, Legal Department, and Department of Pub- lic Safety, Vera Cruz, 1914; in charge, Civil Affairs, Germany 1918-1919. Assistant Commandant, General Staff College. Clubs : Army and Navy, Washington, D. C. ; Rotary, Atchison, Kan. Created Officier April 27, 1919, in consideration of "distinguished services to the Allied cause" during the 376 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES War. Has also D. S. M., Companion of the Bath (Eng- land), Crown of Oaks (Luxembourg) and La Solidari- dad (Panama). Present address: General Staff College, Washington, D. C. SMITH, HENRY M. Born at Jeanette, Pa., and educated at Pennsylvania State College. Engaged in newspaper work as advertising manager. Served as Captain, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier April 19, 1919, for "continuing in action near Malancourt, September 26, 1918, while wounded." Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre. Present address : 123 Seminary Avenue, Greensburg, Pa. SMITH, HOWARD. Photographer. Born in Kingston, Mass. ; educated at Brockton High School. Served as First Lieutenant, Air Service, A. E. F. in France. At present Industrial Photographer, Brown & Company, Berlin, N. H. Created Chevalier in consideration of services ren- dered during the War. Present address: 143 Hemlock Street, Berlin, N. H. SMITH, JOSEPH McEVERS BAYARD. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in New York City ; educated at St. Francis Xavier College and U. S. Naval Academy. Served as Lieutenant Commander, U. S. Navy in European waters during the War ; at present, Instruc- tor, Electrical Engineering, U. S. Naval Academy. Created Chevalier April 9, 1919, in recognition of services rendered during the War. Present address: 1 Oklahoma Terrace, Annapolis, Md. OF FRANCE 377 SMITH, K. R. Served as Lieutenant, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address : 67 Madison Street, West Medford, Mass. SMITH, LELAND L. Financial Agent. Born in Portland, Ore. ; educated at Portland Academy and Leland Stanford University. Served as Captain, A. E. F. in France. On mission to General Denikine, Odessa, Russia. Clubs : University, Multnomah Athletic, Portland, Ore. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered as Liaison Officer, French War Depart- ment, during the War. Present address: 53 Ella Street, Portland, Ore. SMITH, ROY CAMPBELL. Captain, U. S. Navy. Born in Fort Mason, Texas ; educated at Richmond Col- lege, Va., and United States Naval Academy. Instructor at United States Naval Academy ; Lec- turer at Harvard ; Naval Attache at Paris and Petro- grad ; Director, Naval War College ; Governor of Guam. Supervisor, New York Harbor. Clubs : Army and Navy, Metropolitan, Chevy Chase, Washington, D. C. ; University and Yacht, New York City. Created Officier September 17, 1906, in recognition of services rendered as Naval Attache, American Embassy, Paris. Has also Gold Medal, U. S. Naval Institute. Present address: 39 Whitehall Street, New York City. SMITH, STUART FARRAR. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Brighton, England; educated at U. S. Naval Academy and ficole d'Application du Genie Mari- time, Paris. 378 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Served as Captain, Construction Corps, U. S. Navy during the War. Created Officier September 26, 1919, for organizing arrangements for ship repairs during the War. Present address : Navy Department, Washington, D. C. SMITH, WALTER DRISCOLL. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Cumberland, Md. ; educated at St. John's Col- lege, Annapolis, Md., and U. S. Military Academy. Was Instructor, U. S. Military Academy ; Construct- ing Quartermaster, Isthmian Canal Commission ; served as Colonel and Chief, Organization and Equipment Di- vision, General Staff, General Headquarters, Chaumont, France, during the War. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Officier July 26, 1919, in consideration of "meritorious services rendered the Allied cause." Has also St. Maurice and St. Lazarus (Italy). Present address : Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, D. C. SMITH, WILLARD ADALBERT. Publisher. Born in Kenosha, Wis. ; educated at Shurtleff College, Upper Alton, 111. ; and Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. Was Chief, Department of Transportation, World's Columbian Exposition ; Director, Department of Trans- portation, Paris Exposition, 1900; and Chief Depart- ment of Transportation Exhibits, Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Trustee of University of Chicago. Pub- lisher, "Railway Review." Member of Union League Club, Chicago. Created Chevalier January, 1901, in consideration of services rendered at Paris Exposition, 1900. Promoted Officier, March 20, 1907. Has also Crown (Germany), and Rising Sun (Japan). Present address: 515 Warwick Road, Kenilworth, 111. OF FRANCE 379 SMITH, WILLIAM RUTHVEN. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Nashville, Tenn., and educated at Vanderbilt University, the U. S. Military Academy and the School of Submarine Defense. Passed through the various grades of the Army from Second Lieutenant to Major General. Assistant Pro- fessor of Natural and Experimental Philosophy, U. S. Military Academy; in charge of submarine defenses. Club: Army and Navy, Washington. Created Commandeur March 16, 1919, for services during the War. Present address: 1844 Columbia Road, Washington, D. C. SMITHER, HENRY C. Officer, U. S. Army. Born at Fort Sill, Okla., and educated at the U. S. Mili- tary Academy. Served with A. E. F. as Chief of the 4th Bureau of the General Staff. Member Army and Navy Club, Washington. Created Officier, April 4, 1919, for services during the War. Has also D. S. M. and la Solidaridad (Panama). Present address : A52 Westmoreland, Washington, D. C. SNOW, W. A. Served as Major, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address : War Department, Washington, D. C. SOUBIRAN, ROBERT. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Avallon, Tonne, France; educated at Pratt's Institute. Served as Major, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. At present, compiling Air Service History. 380 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Created Chevalier May 17, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre, with two palms. Present address: Office, Chief Air Service, Washing- ton, D. C. SOUTHARD, WILLIAM B. Engineer. Born in Gasland, Maine; educated at Bangor Schools, and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Superintendent of Sewers, and Chairman, Board of Registration, Bangor, Maine. President and Director, The Peat Engineering Company. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier May 14, 1919, in consideration of services rendered "in the battle of the Marne." Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre. Present address: 196 Webster Avenue, Bangor, Maine. SPACKMAN, HENRY SPENCER. Engineer. Born in Williamsport, Pa.; educated at Episcopal Acad- emy, Philadelphia. President, Henry S. Spackman Engineering Company, Philadelphia; in addition to other engineering work has constructed cement plants in the United States, Canada, Australasia, Mexico, West Indies and Europe. Member of numerous engineering societies and chem- ists' clubs. Created Chevalier July 26, 1919, in consideration of services in connection with the production of cement for the French and American Armies. Present address: 2024 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. SPALDING, GEORGE R. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Monroe, Mich. ; educated at United States Military Academy. Assistant Chief Engineer, General Headquarters, A. E. F. in France. Major, Engineers, United 1 States Army, and Instructor, General Staff College. OF FRANCE 381 Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Officier June 13, 1919, in consideration of serv- ices rendered during the War. Has also D. S. M. and Leopold (Belgium). Present address: Number 4, Washington Barracks, Washington, D. C. SPENCER, EUGENE JACCARD. Business Executive. Born in St. Louis, Mo., educated at U. S. Military Academy and U. S. Engineer Officers' School of Application. Participated in the Indian Wars. Served as Colonel, Engineer Corps, A. E. F. in France. Managing Direc- tor, St. Louis Electrical Board of Trade. President, Street Railways and Electric Light and Power Com- panies. Member of Missouri Athletic Association. Created Officier April 4, 1919, in consideration of serv- ices rendered as Chief of Staff, Base Section 2, A. E. F. in France. Present address: 215 Oakwood Avenue, Webster Groves, Mo. SPENCER, LORILLARD. Born in New York City; educated at St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., and Columbia University. Military Secretary to the Governor of New York. Member of Board of Managers, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals; President of sev- eral business corporations ; served as Major, A. E. F. in France. Clubs : Union, Yacht, Automobile, Columbia University, New York; Country Club, Westchester; and others. Created Chevalier March 16, 1919, in recognition of "conduct of battalion in action." Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre. Present address : 71 East 82d Street, New York City. 382 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES SPINKS, MARCELLUS G. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Meridian, Miss. ; educated at Army and Mili- tary College of Mississippi ; U. S, Military Academy. Served all grades in U. S. Army from Second Lieu- tenant to Brigadier General. Created Officier July 26, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. M., Crown (Belgium) and Crown (Italy). Present address : General Staff College, Washington, D. C. STANLEY, DAVID SHERIDAN. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Fort Sully, S. D. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served as Colonel, Quartermaster Corps, A. E. F. in France. Clubs: Army and Navy, Washington, New York; University, New York; Racquet, Noonday, and Country Club, St. Louis. Created Officier April 4, 1919, in consideration of serv- ices rendered as Chief of Staff, Base Section No. 5, A. E. F. in France. Present address : 21 Washington Terrace, St. Louis, Mo. STANNARD, EDWARD M. Engineer. Born in Greenfield, Mass.; educated at Greenfield High School and specialized post-graduate courses in electrical engineering. Traffic Superintendent and Engineer, Bell System : member of Board of Directors, Telephone Society of New England; President, Telephone Traffic Society of New England ; was Director of Telephone and Telegraph Services, A. E. F. in France. Contributor of Tele- phone Data and Technical Discussions in Telephone papers. At present Traffic Engineer, Michigan State Telephone Company, Detroit. OF FRANCE 383 Created Chevalier for services rendered as Director of Telephone and Telegraph Services, A. E. F. in France during the War. Present address: 852 Hazelwood Avenue, Detroit, Mich. STANTON, CHARLES EGBERT. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Officier. Last address : Zone' Finance Office, San Francisco, Cal. STANTON, ROBERT. Merchant. Born in Paris, France ; educated at Cornell University. Served as Sergeant, Foreign Legion and Major, Quar- termaster Corps, A. E. F. in France. At present in wool business at Mazamet, France. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Liaison Officer, French Headquar- ters, during the War. Has also Military Medal (Eng- land), Croix de Guerre and Nicham Iftikhar (Tunis). Present address : 1 Rue Houles, Mazamet, Tarn, France. STAPLETON, GORDON. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Prairie Hill, Mo. ; educated at Public High School, Ennis, Texas. Served as Second Lieutenant, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier May 18, 1919, in recognition of his "admirable courage in command of jiatrol entering Vilosnes, maintaining the position and taking many prisoners." Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address : Camp Gordon, Ga. STARK, ALEXANDER N. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Norfolk, Va. ; educated at University of Vir- ginia. 384 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Served all grades from Lieutenant to Colonel, Medical Corps, United States Army. Assistant to Surgeon General, TJ. S. Army. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Officier June 13, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in France during the War. Has also D. S. M., Sts. Maurice and Lazarus (Italy) and Medaille d'Honneur des fipidemies (France). Present address: Surgeon General's Office, 7th and B Streets, Washington, D. C. STARK, ALEXANDER N., Jr. Merchant. Born in Fort Sam Houston, Texas ; educated at Mer- cersburg Academy, Mercersburg, Pa. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. in France. At present connected with the China-American Trading Company, Tientsin, China. Created Chevalier May 14, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in France during the War. Has also D. S. C., War Cross (Italy) and Croix de Guerre, with two palms. Present address: Tientsin, China. STARKET, JOSEPH W. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Tuscumbia, Ala. ; educated at Alabama Poly- technic Institute. Served as First Lieutenant, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Created Officier December 1, 1918, in recognition of services rendered "in action near Soissons, France, dur- ing the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with two palms, five bronze and two silver stars. Present address: Camp Travis, Texas. STARLINGS, PAUL N. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Anne Arundel County, Md. ; educated at High School and St. John's College, Annapolis, Md. OF FRANCE 385 Was Professor, Mathematics, Madison High School, Georgia ; Professor, Mathematics and Science, Albany High School, Georgia. Served as Captain, Infantry, A. E. F in France. Member of Severn Boat Club, Annapolis. Created Chevalier, December 1, 1919, in recognition of services rendered in France during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address : Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky. STEIN WAT, CHARLES HERMAN. Manufacturer. ' Educated in America and abroad. President and Director of Steinway & Sons; trustee of Citizens' Savings Bank ; member, Swedish Academy. Clubs: Athletic, Manhattan, Lambs', Bohemian (New York) and Athletic (Chicago). Created Chevalier December 31, 1904. Present address: 109 E. 14th Street, New York City. STENGER, ERNEST. Railway Official. Born in Colmar, Alsace; educated at Iowa College and University of Michigan. Has held many positions as General Superintendent or Manager of various railroad companies; served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. in France. General Su- perintendent, Northern Pacific Railroad. Member of Kansas City Club. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, for services in the Transportation Corps, A. E. F. in France. Has also citation from Commander-in-Chief. Present address: 3228 Central Street, Kansas City, Mo. STERN, C. Contractor, Born in Parkesburg, Pa.; studied at Yeates School, Lancaster, Pa. Vice-President, Northern Contracting Company, Jer- 386 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES sey City, N. J., and partner in several other Contract- ing Companies. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, Trans- portation Corps, A. E. F. in France. Created Officier April 4, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices in connection with Army Transport Service, Brest, France. Present address : 648 Newark Avenue, Elizabeth, N. J. STERN, LOUIS. Merchant. Born in Germany ; educated at public schools, Albany, N. Y. President, Stern Brothers, and Library Square Realty Company, New York ; Trustee, Mutual Life Insurance Company ; Director, Lincoln Trust Company, American Casein Company and Madison Square Safe Deposit Company. Created Chevalier February 27, 1907, for his efforts to improve commercial relations between France and the United States. Present address: 1000 Park Avenue, New York City. STERN, RUSSEL. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Address unknown. STETTINIUS, EDWARD R. Banker. Born in St. Louis, Mo., and educated at St. Louis University. Treasurer Stirling Co., machinery manufacturers, Chicago ; Vice-President Babcock & Wilcox Co. ; Treas- urer and President Diamond Match Co. ; organized de- partment for purchase of munitions, materials, for British and French governments ; member firm J. P. Morgan & Co., surveyor general of supplies for U. S. War Department ; member, War Council and 2d Assist- ant Secretary of War. OF FRANCE 387 Created Commandeur May 11, 1919, for services ren- dered the French government during the War. Present address : War Department, Washington, D. C. STEVENS, L. M. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Warsaw, 111. ; educated at United States Naval Academy. Served as Midshipman in U. S. Navy, and all grades to Commander. Created Chevalier September 13, 1906, in consideration of services rendered in District of Lorient and in com- mand of Yacht "Corona." Present address : Navy Department, Washington, D. C. STEWART, MERCH B. Officer, U. S. Army. Born at Mitchel Station, Va. ; educated at U. S. Mili- tary Academy. Served as Major, General Staff, A. E. F. in France. Author of various professional books and manuals. Clubs: Army and Navy, Washington, D. C. ; Lambs', New York City. Created Officier in recognition of services rendered in France during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: The Highlands, Washington, D. C. STICKNEY, HENRY AUSTIN. Served as Captain, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address : 1612 Park Avenue, Baltimore, Md. STICKNEY, HENRY H. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Constable, N. Y. ; educated at Clarkson Tech- nical College. Held various positions with the New York State En- gineers, and New York State Highway Commission ; served as Lieutenant Colonel, Engineers, A. E. F. in France ; Officer, Chemical Warfare Service, U. S. Army. 388 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in recognition of services rendered in France during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre, with star. Present address: Lakehurst Proving Ground, Lake- hurst, N. J. STILWELL, JOSEPH W. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Palalka, Fla. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier in recognition of services rendered in France during the War. Has also D. S. M. and La Solidaridad (Panama). Present address: 1540 Milvia Street, Berkeley, Cal. STIRLING, YATES. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Baltimore, Md., and educated at the U. S. Naval Academy. Passed through the various grades of the Navy from Ensign to Rear Admiral. Participated in attack on Fort Fisher ; on duty in Hydrographic Office and with Light- house Board ; commanded receiving ship ; on duty in the Philippines ; Commanded Philippine Squadron, Com- mander-in-Chief, Asiatic Fleet. Created Officier for services during the War. Present address: Navy Department, Washington, D. C. STONE, DAVID L. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Stoneville, Miss. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served all grades in U. S. Army from Second Lieu- tenant to Colonel, Infantry. Chief of Staff, First Bri- gade Headquarters, A. F. G. Coblenz, Germany. OF FRANCE Created Offlcier for services rendered at Chateau- Thierry, and in command of U. S. troops at Bourges, Cher, France. Has also D. S. M. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: War Department, Washington, D. C. STONE, EDWARD R. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Spencer, Mass. Served as Colonel, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Created Officier December 18, 1918, in recognition of services rendered in command of Twenty-Third In- fantry, A. E. F. in France during the War. Has also D. S. C., D. S. M. and Croix de Guerre, with three palms. Present address : Camp Grant, 111. STONE, MELVILLE ELIJAH. Journalist. Born in Hudson, 111. ; educated at High School. Was Editor of several Chicago dailies ; organized the Globe National Bank of which he was president until its consolidation with Continental National Bank. Gen- eral Manager, the Associated Press. Member of several New York and Chicago Clubs. Created Officier 1904, in recognition of services ren- dered in the extension of news dissemination. Has also Crown (Prussia), Crown (Italy), Crown (Bel- gium), Sacred Treasure (Japan), Vasa (Sweden). Present address: 51 Chambers Street, New York City. STOWERS, JAMES E. Served as Lieutenant, A. E. F. Created Chevalier September 27, 1919. Last address: 108 Roberts Annex, Indianapolis, Ind. STOTESBURY, EDWARD TOWNSEND. Banker. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., and educated at Friends' Central School. 390 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Head of Drexel & Co., bankers, Philadelphia, and member firm, J. P. Morgan & Co., New York ; president or director of numerous banking, railway and mercan- tile corporations ; assisted in financing the international Chinese loan, 1909; has made many contributions to philanthropic and charitable organizations. Actively interested in rearing thoroughbred horses and was American representative of the International Horse Show, London, 1908 ; Patron of arts and owner of ex- tensive collection of paintings, sculpture, tapestries, etc. Created Offlcier February 24, 1920. Present address: Drexel & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. STRAIN, JAMES F. Born in Atchison, Kan. ; educated at University of Kansas. Created Chevalier May 14, 1919, in recognition of "bravery in action" during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address : Atchison, Kan. STRATTON, SAMUEL WESLEY. Physicist. Born in Illinois and educated at the University of Illinois. Professor of Physics, University of Chicago ; organizer and director, National Bureau of Standards ; member, International Committee on Weights and Measures ; Commander, District of Columbia Naval Militia ; mem- ber various Government research boards. Member Cosmos Club, Washington. Created Chevalier June 18, 1909. Present address : Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. STRONG, BENJAMIN. Banker. Born at Fishkill-on-Hudson, N. Y., and educated at the Montclair High School. President of the Bankers' Trust Company and Gov- OF FRANCE 391 ernor of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Ac- tively interested in international trade and commerce. Clubs: Piping Rock, Union League, Metropolitan and Links, India House, Down Town Association and Na- tional Golf (New York), Country (Denver) and Metro- politan (Washington). Created Chevalier December 27, 1918, in recognition of services in connection with financing the War. Present address: 15 Nassau Street, New York City. STRONG, GEORGE V. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Chicago, 111. ; educated at U. S. Military Acad- emy and Northwestern University. Lieutenant Colonel and Judge Advocate, U. S. Army ; served as General Staff Officer, A. E. F. in France; at present Professor of Law, U. S. Military Academy. Author of "Japanese-English Military Dictionary," and "Common Japanese-Chinese Character." Created Chevalier June 13, 1919, in recognition of services rendered during the War. Present address: West Point, N. Y. STRONG, RICHARD PEARSON. Biologist. Born in Fortress Monroe, Va. ; educated at Yale Uni- versity, Johns Hopkins University and Berlin. Resident House Physician, Johns Hopkins Hospital ; Assistant Surgeon U. S. Army; Professor of Tropical Medicine, Harvard University; on special research work in the Philippines ; made extended investigations of trop- ical and various infectious diseases ; author of many monographs and reports ; member scientific societies and academies; member, National Research Council; served at A. E. F. Headquarters in France with rank of Col- onel, Medical R. C. ; at present, General Medical Di- rector, League of Red Cross Societies. Clubs: Tavern, St. Botolph, Union, University, Trav- 392 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES elers', Yale, Harvard, Commercial and Brookline (Bos- ton), Army and Navy (Washington), and Harvard, India House and Bankers (New York). Created Officier in recognition of services during the War. Has also D. S. M., St. Sava (Serbia), Striped Tiger (China) and Companion of the Bath (England). Present address : Fresh Pond Parkway, Cambridge, Mass. STURGILL, WALTER S. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Officier. Last address: Fort Sill, Okla. STYMUS, WILLIAM P. Created Chevalier. Last address : 375 Lexington Avenue, New York City. SFMMERALL, CHARLES P. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Lake City, Fla. ; educated at Porter Academy and U. S. Military Academy. Participated in Philippine and Chinese campaigns. Served as Major General, A. E. F. in France. Created Commandeur November 11, 1918, in considera- tion of services rendered as Commander, Artillery Bri- grade, First Division, A. E. F. in France. Has also D. S. M., Croix de Guerre, with two palms, Crown (Bel- gium), Crown (Italy) and La Solidaridad (Panama). Present address: Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky. SUMMERS, LELAND L. Engineer. Born in Cleves, Ohio. Member War Industries Board. Senior member firm L. L. Summers & Company, Engineers. Author of vari- ous scientific papers. Created Officier July 2, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered during the War. Present address : 140 Nassau Street, New York City. OF FRANCE SUMNER, EDWIN VOSE. Born at Fort Niobara, Neb., and educated at the U. S. Military Academy. Passed through the various grades to Captain ; Lieu- tenant Colonel, Air Service, A. E. F. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, "for meritorious serv- ice as commanding 1 officer at Romorantin, France." Had also D. S. M. Deceased. SUTPHIN, DUDLEY VANNESS. Lawyer. Born in Dayton, Ohio, and educated at Yale University and University of Cincinnati. Corporation Counselor and Judge of the Superior Court, City of Cincinnati. Served as Lieutenant Col- onel, A. E. F. in France during the War. Clubs: Yale, Merchants', Racquet (New York), Chevy Chase (Washington), Union City, University, Cincinnati Country, Hamilton Country (Cincinnati). Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in recognition of services rendered during the War. Present address : Traction Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. SWAN, WYMAN R. Engineer. Born in Rockport, Ind. ; educated at Purdue University. Was Construction Engineer on Railroads, Highways and Irrigation. Served as Major, Engineer Corps, A. E. F. in France. Oil Operator, Shreveport, La. Created Chevalier May 14, 1919, in recognition of services rendered in the crossing of the Meuse by Fifth Division, A. E. F. in France. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: Rockport, Ind. SWASEY, AMBROSE. Manufacturer. Born in Exeter, N. H. ; educated at public school. President, Warner & Swasey Company, manufac- 394 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES turers of machine tools ; astronomical instruments, and other instruments of precision. He had an important part in the design and construction of the large tele- scopes used in several observatories, among them the 72-inch Reflecting Telescope for the Canadian Govern- ment ; also an exceptionally accurate dividing engine, and range finders adopted by the U. S. Government are some of his firm's achievements. Member of numerous scientific organizations. Created Chevalier January 17, 1901, in consideration of exhibit made at Paris Exposition, 1900. Present address : 7808 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. SWEENEY, WALTER CAMPBELL. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Wheeling, W. Va. ; educated at Linsly Institute. Was Chief, Censorship Division, General Staff; Col- onel and Chief of Staff, Twenty-Eighth Division, A. E. F. during the Argonne battle and subsequent thereto. Created OfBcier January 17, 1920, in consideration of services rendered in "co-operation with and assistance to French in operation of Press and Censorship at Gen- eral Headquarters." Has also D. S. M. Present address: General Staff College, Washington, D. C. SYMMONDS, CHARLES J. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Holland, Mich.; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served as Colonel, Cavalry, A. E. F. in France. Created Officier April 4 y 1919, in consideration of serv- ices rendered in command, Storage Depot, Gievres, France, during the War. Has also D. S. M. Present address: The Marne, 2416, 13th Street N.W., Washington, D. C. TACH, R. Served as Captain, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Address unknown. OF FRANCE 395 TACK, WILLIS J. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Auburndale, Wis. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served as Major, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier March 16, 1919, in recognition of "gallantry in action in the Aisne-Marne offensive." Has also Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address : Camp Grant, 111. TASKER, ARTHUR N. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Washington, D. C. ; educated at Wesleyan Uni- versity and George Washington University. Was Professor of Tropical Medicine, Long Island Col- lege Hospital; Lecturer on Medical Zoology, New York Post-Graduate Medical School ; served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. in France. Member of numerous scientific associations. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in recognition of services rendered as Assistant to Chief Surgeon, Inter- mediate Section, A. E. F. in France. Present address : Surgeon General's Office, U. S. Army, Washington, D. C. TAUSSIG, FRANK WILLIAM Economist. Born in St. Louis, Mo., and educated at Harvard Uni- versity. Instructor political economy, professor and. Henry Lee professor, Harvard University ; Chairman, U. S. Tariff Commission. Fellow American Academy of Arts and Sciences and President, American Economic Associ- ation. Author of several works on economy and editor of "Quarterly Journal of Economics." Created Chevalier February 24, 1920. Present address: U. S. Tariff Commission, Washing- ton, D. C. AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES TAYLOR, BRAINERD Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Maiden, Mass. ; studied at Berkeley School, Boston, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University. Served all grades from Private to Colonel, U. S. Army. Department Motor Transport Officer, U. S. Army. Clubs : Harvard, New York ; Stamford Yacht, Conn. Created Officier April 4, 1919, in consideration of serv- ices rendered in France during the War. Has also D. S. M. Present address : Governors Island, N. Y. TAYLOR, CARL Served as Major, A. E. F. Created Chevalier May 14, 1919. Last address : 164 Dana Avenue, Hyde Park, Mass. TAYLOR, D. W. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Louisa Co., Va. ; educated at Randolph-Macon College, U. S. Naval Academy and Royal Naval College, London. Chief of Bureau of Construction and Repair, Navy Department. Author, of "Resistance of Ships and Screw Propulsion" ; "Speed and Power of Ships." Clubs : Army and Navy, Washington, D. C. ; Univer- sity, Philadelphia ; Yacht, New York. Created Commandeur April 9, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War in connection with French shipbuilding in the United States. Has also D. S. M. Present address : Bureau of Construction and Repair, Navy Department, Washington, D. C. TAYLOR, FREDERICK WILLIAM Agriculturist. Born at Weeping Water, Neb., and educated at public and private schools. OP FRANCE 397 Professor of Horticulture, University of Nebraska ; associated with the expositions of Omaha, Buffalo, Chicago and St. Louis. Director of Agriculture in the Philippines ; engaged in irrigation engineering ; member many scientific societies and author of numerous papers and reports. Created Officier in recognition of achievements in hor- ticulture. Has also Red Eagle (Prussia), Christ (Portugal), Rising Sun (Japan) and Crown (Italy). Present address : 3939 West 7th Street, Los Angeles, Cal. TAYLOR, HARRY Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Tilton, N. H., and educated at the U. S. Mili- tary Academy and the Engineer's School of Ap- plication. Served in the Engineering Corps in various grades from Lieutenant to Brigadier General. Clubs: Army and Navy and Chevy Chase, Wash- ington. Created Commandeur in. recognition of services during the War. Has also D. S. M. Present address: Office, Chief of Engineers, Wash- ington, D. C. TAYLOR, HENRY M. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Address unknown. TAYLOR, ROY Business Executive. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y. ; educated at Cornell University. Was Assistant, War Trade Board; served as Major, Engineer Corps, A. E. F. in France. At present con- nected with the Munson Steamship Line, New York. 398 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Member of Crescent Athletic Club, Brooklyn. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in recognition of services on General Staff, A. E. F., in connection with Ocean Transportation and Tonnage, and operation of American cargo vessels in French Service. Present address : 455 Greene Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. THAW, WILLIAM. Born in Pittsburgh, Pa. Enlisted as a private in the French Air Service; Commissioned First Lieutenant ; transferred to Amer- ican Air Service in 1917; Commissioned Major and given command of Third Pursuit Group, American La- fayette Escadrille ; commissioned Lieutenant Colonel ; served as Executive Officer, Rockwell Field, Cal. Created Chevalier June 18, 1916, and promoted Offi- cier April 9, 1919, in recognition of his services during the War. Has also D. S. M., nine Croix de Guerre (one silver and one bronze star, six palms) and Military Medal ( Montenegro ) . Present address: 316 Fourth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. THOMAS, E. P. President, U. S. Steel Products Company. Created Chevalier December 27, 1918. Has also Crown (Italy). Address unknown. THOMAS, JOHN R., Jr. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Metropolis, 111., and educated at Emerson In- stitute and Dickinson School. Served as Colonel of Infantry with the A. E. F. in France. Created Officier July 7, 1919, for "distinguished serv- ice to the Allied Cause." Has also Leopold (Belgium), Sts. Maurice and Lazarus (Italy), La Solidaridad (Pan- ama) and D. S. M. Present address: U. S. Embassy, Brussels, Belgium. OF FRANCE 399 THOMAS, S(TEPHEN) SEYMOUR. Artist. Born at St. Augustine, Texas, and studied art in New York and Paris. Exhibited at principal exhibitions in this country and Europe ; medalist and Hors Concours ; member art jury, St. Louis Exposition ; represented by portraits in the White House and in various galleries. Club : Century, New York. Created Chevalier December 31, 1904, in recognition of achievements in art. Present address : 80 West 40th Street, New York City. THOMPKINS, J. T. Officer, U. S. Navy. Created Officier. Last address : Navy Department, Washington, D. C. THOMPSON, CHARLES FULLINGTON. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Jamestown, N. D. ; educated at University of Michigan and U. S. Military Academy. Held Commissions in U. S. Army from Second Lieu- tenant to Captain since 1904. Served during the War in grades from Major to Colonel. Created Chevalier June 13, 1919, in recognition of services rendered as Assistant Chief of Staff, Second Army, A. E. F. in France. Has also D. S. M. Present address: West Point, N. Y. THOMPSON, CHARLES T. Created Chevalier July 25, 1905. Last address: 195 Broadway, New York City. THOMPSON, HOWARD. Created Chevalier January 2, 1910. Last address: Care Associated Press. 400 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES THOMPSON, JOSEPH H. Lawyer. Born in Kilkeel, Ireland ; educated at Geneva College, Beaver Falls, Pa. ; and University of Pittsburgh. State Senator of Pennsylvania ; President of the Uni- versity of Pittsburgh Alumni. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Member of Pittsburgh Athletic Association and Beaver County Country Club. Created Chevalier March 15, 1919, in recognition of "extraordinary heroism in action near Apremont, France," during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: Beaver Falls, Pa. THOMPSON, ROBERT J. Writer. Born in La Porte City, Iowa ; educated at La Porte City High School. Was Special Envoy of the United States to the Presi- dent of the French Republic ; Secretary of Lafayette Memorial Commission. Author of "Proofs of Life after Death" ; "World Union Through Enacted International Law," etc. ; contributor to current periodicals and mag- azines. President, Automatic Recording Safe Company. Created Officier April 30, 1901, in consideration of Authorship and execution of Lafayette Memorial Project. Present address: 159 North State Street, Chicago, 111. THOMSON, ELIHU. Engineer. Born in Manchester, England ; educated at Central High School, Philadelphia. Inventor of Thomson Electric Welding ; was President of Electrical Congress at St. Louis, and of the Interna- tional Electro-Technical Commission. At present, Con- sulting Engineer, General Electric Company. OF FRANCE 401 Member of numerous scientific institutions in the United States and abroad. Created Officier October 30, 1889, in consideration of his electrical inventions. Present address : Swampscott, Mass. TIFFANY, LOUIS COMFORT. Artist. Born in New York City and studied art in New York and Paris. Discovered new formulas for making decorative glass ; received gold medals and grand prizes at prin- cipal expositions ; art director Tiffany Studios and Al- lied Arts Company ; founded art school. Created Chevalier, January 17, 1901, in recognition of art achievements. Clubs : Century, Union League, Riding, Grolier, Players', National Arts, City and Barnard. Present address : 401 Fifth Avenue, New York City. TILLMAN, FRED A. Lawyer. Born in Fayetteville, Ark. ; educated at University of Arkansas. Served as Second, Lieutenant, A. E. F. in France. As- sistant Prosecuting Attorney; Secretary to Member of Congress. Created Officier November 11, 1918, in recognition of "bravery in action" during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: Congress Hall Hotel, Washington, D. C. TODD, DAVID WOOSTER. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Round Valley, Cal. ; educated at U. S. Naval Academy. 402 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Was Instructor in Ordnance, Naval Academy ; in charge, Radio Division, Bureau of Steam Engineering, Navy Department ; Delegate, International Radio Con- ference, London ; Assistant Superintendent, Naval Radio Service ; Director, Naval Communications, and Chief Cable Censor. At present, Captain, in command of U. S. S. "Pittsburgh." Created Officier April 9, 1919, in recognition of his services in "Organizing and operating the American end of the inter-Allied transatlantic radio system during the War." Present address: U. S. S. "Pittsburgh," care Post- master, New York City. TOLMAN, WILLIAM HOWE Social Economist; Publicity Director. Born in Pawtucket, R. I. ; educated at Brown and Johns Hopkins Universities. General Agent, New York Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor ; Secretary, Mayor's Committee on Public Baths ; and of Improved Housing Council, New York ; Organizer and First Director, American Museum of Safety ; Member of Jury, Director or Commissioner to numerous American and European Expositions ; Euro- pean Director of Publicity, International Committee, Y. M. C. A. Author of many works on Sociology, Economy and Hygiene. Created Chevalier January 31, 1901. Has also Leo- pold (Belgium). Present address: 287 Fourth Avenue, New York City. TOWER, CHARLEMAGNE. Diplomat. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., and educated at Harvard University and abroad. Admitted to the bar and practiced law in Philadelphia ; president and director numerous iron mines ; U. S. Min- ister to Austria-Hungary and Ambassador to Russia and Germany. OF FRANCE 403 Created Grand Officier in recognition of achievements in diplomacy. Has also St. Alexander Newski (Russia). Present address: 228 South 7th Street, Philadel- phia, Pa. TOWN SEND, CURTIS McDONALD. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., and educated at the College of the City of New York and the U. S. Military Academy. Passed through the various grades of the Army, En- gineer Corps, from Second Lieutenant to Colonel. On duty in the Philippines ; in charge of engineering works on the rivers, harbors and Great Lakes ; commanded 12th Regiment Engineers, A. E. F. in France. Created Offlcier for services during the War. Present address : Office of Engineers, St. Louis, Mo. TRAGER, JOHN W. Locomotive Engineman. Born in Peoria, 111., and educated in public and private schools. Served as Second Lieutenant with A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier, May 5, 1919, for "the capture of thirty-one prisoners." Has also Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address : 300 Atlantic Avenue, Peoria, 111. TRAUB, PETER E. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in New York City; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served all grades in U. S. Army from Second Lieu- tenant to Colonel, Cavalry ; appointed Major General, A. E. F. in France. Commanding Officer, Recruit Depot. Fort Thomas, Ky. Author of "The Spanish Verb," and Gold Medalist, U. S. Military Service Institution. Clubs: Army Mess, West Point; Army and Navy, Manila. 404 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Created Commandeur May 5, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in command of Thirty-Fifth Di- vision, A. E. F. in trench warfare, and Meuse-Argonne offensive. Has also Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: Fort Thomas, Ky. TROTT, CLEMENT AUGUSTUS. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Milwaukee, Wis. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served all grades in U. S. Army from Second Lieu- tenant to Colonel. Participated in the Spanish-Amer- ican war and Philippine and Mexican campaigns. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Officier June 13, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered as Chief of Staff, Fifth Division, A. E. F. in Meuse-Argonne offensive. Has also D. S. M. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address : General Staff College, Washing- ton, D. C. TROWBRIDGE, AUGUSTUS. Physicist. Born in New York City ; educated at Andover, Mass., Columbia University and University of Berlin. Professor of Physics, Princeton University. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, General Headquarters, during the War. Member of National Academy of Sciences. Club : Century, New York. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. M. and Distinguished Service Order (England). Present address : Princeton University, Princeton, N. J. TROWBRIDGE, S(AMUEL) BRECK PARKMAN. Architect. Born in New York City and educated at Trinity College and Columbia University and studied in Greece and Paris. OF FRANCE 405 Engaged in architectural work in New York ; Officer New York National Guard ; actively interested in art ; member numerous art and literary societies and academies. Clubs : Union, Knickerbocker, Metropolitan, Century, Racquet and Tennis (New York), Piping Rock Country and American Yacht. Created Chevalier in recognition of art achievements. Has also Redeemer (Greece), St. Sava (Serbia). Present address : 527 Fifth Avenue, New York City. TUCK, EDWARD. Banker (Retired). Born in Exeter, N. H., and educated at Dartmouth College. In banking business in Paris ; endowed Tuck School of Administration and Finance, Dartmouth College ; also Foundation for Instruction in French Language and Literature ; erected New Hampshire Historical So- ciety Building ; maintains Stell Hospital near Paris. Clubs : Metropolitan, New York ; Travelers' and Amer- ican University Union, Paris. Created Chevalier 1905; Officier January 26, 1912, in recognition of services rendered in beneficence to the French at home and abroad. Present address: 82 Champs Elysees, Paris, France. TUCK, MRS. JULIA STELL (Mrs. Edward Tuck). Created Chevalier 1917, for beneficent work in France before and during the War. Present address : 82 Avenue des Champs Elysees, Paris, France. TUCK, SOMERVILLE PINKNEY. Jurist. Born in Annapolis, Md., and educated at St. John's College and the University of Virginia. Was a member of the Alabama Claims Commission, Special Agent in adjusting French Spoliation Claims, 406 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Assistant Commissioner General Paris Exposition, 1889 ; Presiding Justice International Court of First Instance, Cairo, Egypt ; Justice International Court of Appeals, Alexandria, Egypt Author of reports on claims and condemnation pro- ceedings and many judicial decisions. Clubs : Union and Sporting, Alexandria. Created Officier 1889, and Commandeur 1901, for serv- ices in connection with French expositions. Has also Officier de 1'Instruction Publique (France). Present address: Alexandria, Egypt. TUPES, HERSCHEL. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Selden, Ohio ; educated at U. S. Military Acad- emy and University of Missouri. Served as Colonel, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Author of "Manual of Bayonet Exercises" and "Manual of the Bayonet." Created Officier March 29, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Commander, 372d Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Has also Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: General Staff College, Washington, D. C. TURNBULL, ARCHIBALD DOUGLAS. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Morristown, N. J. ; educated at U. S. Naval Academy. Was in command of "Kanawha 11" and "Aphrodite" on duty off the French coast during the War. Com- manding U. S. S. "Taylor." Author of several short stories. Clubs : Army and Navy, Washington, D. C. ; Racquet, Philadelphia, Belmont Springs, Waverly, Mass. Created Chevalier April, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered during the War. Has also Crown (Belgium). Present address : U. S. S. "Taylor," Care Postmaster, New York City. OF FRANCE 407 TURNER, ARTHUR H. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. ; educated at Princeton Uni- versity and Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Served as Captain, U. S. Marine Corps, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier December 1, 1918, in recognition of services with First Battalion, U. S. Marines, in attack near Soissons, France. Has also Croix de Guerre, with palm and gold star. Present address: 188 West River Street, Wilktesi- Barre, Pa. TURNURE, GEORGE EVANS. Business Executive. Born in Lenox, Mass. ; educated at Groton School and Harvard University. At present connected with the Arcadia Print Works Company. Clubs : Racquet and Tennis, American Flying, Aero, New York City. Created Chevalier April 9, 1919, in recognition of services rendered as volunteer in French Army during the War. He has also Croix de Guerre, with four* palms and one star. Present address : 115 East 36th Street, New York City. TURRILL, JULIUS S. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Shelbourne, Vt., and educated at the University of Vermont. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, Marine Corps, with the A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier for services during the war. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with two palms and two stars. Present address: 537 South Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111. 408 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES TUTTLE, ARNOLD D. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in South Dakota; educated at University of Maryland. Served as Colonel, Medical Corps and Member, Gen- eral Staff, A. E. F. in France. Clubs : Army and Navy, Washington, Manila ; Lock Tavern, Md. Created Officier April 4, 1919, in consideration of serv- ices rendered during the War. Has also D. S. C., Leo- pold (Belgium) and Medaille d'Honneur des fipidemies (France). Present address : Army and Navy Club, Washing- ton, D. C. TWELVETREE, HERBERT J. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. Created Chevalier March 16, 1919. Last address: 1289 E. Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio. TWINING, NATHAN CROOK. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Boscobel, Wis. ; educated at U. S. Naval Academy. Member, Chief of Staff, U. S. Pacific Fleet. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Officier April 9, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also Leopold (Belgium). Present address: Navy Department, Washington, D. C. TWYEFFORT, LOUIS V. Merchant. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y. ; educated at Polytechnic Insti- tute, Brooklyn. Paris partner, Geo. Borgfeldt & Company, New York. Clubs : St. Cloud Country, Cercle Artistique et Lite- raire, Golf de Paris, Golf de Fontainebleau, Paris. OF FRANCE 409 Created Chevalier April 18, 1918, in recognition of services rendered as Vice-Chairman, American Ambu- lance Committee, Paris. Present address : 51 Rue Decamps, Paris, France. TYLER, ROYALL. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Quincy, Mass. ; educated at Harrow and Ox- ford, England ; Salamanca, Spain. Editor of Spanish State Papers, Rolls Series, Public Record Office, England. Served as Major, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. At present attached to American Commission to Negotiate Peace, Paris. Author of "Spain, a Study of Her Life and Arts." Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services as Liaison Officer, French Headquarters, during the War. Present address : 21 Quai de Bourbon, Paris, France. TYNER, GEORGE PARKER. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Davenport, Iowa; educated at Michigan Mili- tary Academy. Served all grades in U. S. Army from Second Lieu- tenant to Colonel. Created Officier June 13, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered as Assistant Chief of Staff, Third Army, A. E. F. in France. Has also D. S. M. Present address: 2400 16th Street N.W., Washing- ton, D. C. TYSON, MRS. RUSSELL. Created Chevalier November 6, 1919, for services as President, American Fund for French Wounded. ULIO, JAMES ALEXANDER. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Walla Walla, Wash. ; educated at public schools and by private tutor. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. in France. 410 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Created Chevalier for services as Assistant Chief of Staff, Fourth Army Corps, and for work in battle of St. Mihiel. Has also D. S. M., Crown (Italy) and La. Solidaridad (Panama). Present address : American Embassy, Paris, France. UPHAM, FRANK B. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born at Camp Apache, Ariz., and educated at the U. S. Naval Academy. Passed through the grades of the Navy to Captain. Served in the Philippines and on cruiser and transport duty. Clubs : Army and Navy and Chevy Chase, Washington. Created Officier for services during the War. Has also Dewey Medal. Present address : Navy Department, Washington, D. C. UPTON, LaROY S. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Decatur, Mich. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Participated in the Philippine and Cuban campaigns; served in the Spanish-American war and on the Mex- ican border. Was Commanding General, Fifty-Seventh Brigade and Twenty-Ninth Division, A. E. F. in France. Clubs : University, Buffalo ; Army and Navy, Wash- ington, D. C. Created Officier May 5, 1919, in consideration of serv- ices rendered during the War. Has also D. S. C., D. S. M., St. Michael and St. George (England), Croix de Guerre, with two palms, War Cross (Italy) and La Solidaridad (Panama). Present address : Washington Barracks, Washington, D. C. USHER, NATHANIEL REILLY. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Vincennes, Ind., and educated at the U. S. Naval Academy. OF FRANCE 411 Passed through the various grades of the Navy from Ensign to Rear Admiral. Commanded the "Ericsson" during the Spanish-American war; on duty with the General Board and the Bureau of Navigation; Presi- dent, Naval Examining and Retirement Board; com- manded division Atlantic Fleet and the Navy Yards of Norfolk and New York. Created Commandeur for services during the War. Present address: 77 Market Street, Potsdam, N. Y. VAIL, ROBERT M. Business Executive. Born in Scranton, Pa. ; studied at high school. Served as Major, A. E. F. in France. Superintendent, Water Company, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Created Chevalier May 5, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered in France during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: 30 North Franklin Street, Wilkes- Barre, Pa. VALKENBURG, A. E. Editor. Created Chevalier June 6, 1919. Last address: Philadelphia, Pa. VAN DEMAN, RALPH H. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Delaware, Ohio; educated at Harvard Univer- sity, Miami Medical College, Infantry and Cavalry School, Army War College. Served all grades in U. S. Army from Second Lieu- tenant to Colonel. Was General Staff Officer, A. E. F. in France. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Officier April 4, 1919, for work in connection with the Allied Intelligence Services during the War. Has also D. S. M., Crown (Italy) and Companion of the Bath (England). Present address : War Department, Washington, D. C. 412 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES VANDERBILT, MRS. W. K. Created Chevalier December 11, 1919. Last address: 660 Fifth Avenue, New York City. VANDERBILT, WILLIAM KISSAM. Capitalist. Born on Staten Island, N. Y., and educated in Geneva, Switzerland. President of railroads and officer or director in nu- merous other corporations ; director, Metropolitan Opera Co. ; founder and president, The New Theater ; member, Colonia and Defender syndicates ; united with his brothers in founding the Vanderbilt clinic. One of the organizers Metropolitan Club. Member of Union and other leading clubs of New York. Created Chevalier April 18, 1918, in recognition of aid given to aeronautics during the War. Present address : Grand Central Terminal, New York City. VANDERLIP, FRANK ARTHUR. Banker (Retired). Born in Aurora, 111. ; educated at University of Illi- nois and University of Chicago. Was Assistant Secretary, United States Treasury ; Vice-President and President, National City Bank of New York. Author of books on Commerce and Edu- cation. Clubs: Union League, Century, Metropolitan, New York City ; Cosmos, Metropolitan, Washington, D. C. ; Sleepy Hollow Country, Scarborough. Created Chevalier December 27, 1918, in consideration of services rendered France during the War. Has also Prince Danilo 1 (Montenegro), George the First (Greece). Present address: Scarborough-on-Hudson, N. Y. OF FRANCE 413 VAN DER VEER, NORMAN R. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in in Greenville, N. J. ; educated at Princeton University and U. S. Naval Academy. Served as Lieutenant Commander, U. S. Naval Forces in Europe during the War. Author of "Bluejackets' Manual, U. S. Navy," and "Naval Courts and Boards." Member of New York Yacht Club. Created Chevalier April 9, 1919, for services while in command of U. S. Destroyer "Warrington" rescuing crew of French cruiser torpedoed by enemy submarine. Has also D. S. C. Present address : 37 West 44th Street, New York City. VAN DYKE, HENRY. Author. Born in Philadelphia; educated at Princeton University and in Berlin. Was Professor of English Literature, Princeton Uni- versity ; United States Minister to Netherlands and Luxembourg, 1913-17; Lieutenant Commander, U. S. Navy, 1917-18. Author and Editor of several collections of poems and numerous books on religion. Member of Century and University Clubs. Created Chevalier January 24, 1911, in recognition of his work as poet and teacher and promoted Com- mandeur December 27, 1918, in consideration of serv- ices rendered during the War. Present address: "Avalon," Princeton, N. J. VAN DYKE, PAUL. University Professor. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y. ; educated at Princeton Uni- versity, Princeton Theological Seminary and Uni- versity of Berlin. Ordained Presbyterian minister, 1887 ; Instructor Church History, Princeton Theological Seminary ; Pastor, Edwards Congregational Church, Northampton, Mass. ; Professor, Modern European History, Princeton, 414 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Secretary, American University Union in Europe, since 1917. Author of "The Age of the Renaissance" and "Renaissance Portraits." Contributor to magazines on history and other topics. Clubs : Century, Princeton, Nassau, Ivy, Authors' (New York). Created Chevalier June 6, 1919. Present address : Princeton, N. J. VAN VOORHIS, DANIEL Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Zanesville, Ohio ; educated at Ohio Wesleyan and Washington and Jefferson College. Served as Colonel, Cavalry, A. E. F. in France. Clubs : Army and Navy, Chevy Chase, Washington, D. C. Created Chevalier in recognition of services rendered in France during the War. Has also D. S.'M. Present address: Camp Mercedes, Texas. VAUCLAIN, SAMUEL MATTHEWS. Manufacturer. Born in Philadelphia, Pa. ; educated at Altoona High School. President, Baldwin Locomotive Works, Philadelphia. Member of numerous scientific Societies and Engi- neers' Clubs in the United States and abroad. Created Chevalier December 27, 1918, in recognition of services rendered France during the War. Present address : 500 North Broad Street, Phila- delphia, Pa. VIBBERT, CHARLES BRUCE. University Professor. Created Chevalier June 18, 1918. Last address: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. OF FRANCE 415 VIDMER, GEORGE. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Mobile, Ala. ; educated at University of Ala- bama and U. S. Military Academy. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, Cavalry, A. E. F. in France. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Officier May 5, 1919, in consideration of serv- ices rendered during the War. Has also D. S. C., D. S. M. and Croix de Guerre, with two palms. Present address : Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, D. C. VIGNAUD, HENRY. Diplomat, Author. Born in New Orleans, La. ; educated at public schools. Was Secretary of the American Legation and Em- bassy, Paris. Correspondent of the French Institute ; President, Societe des Americanistes, Paris. Author of works on early exploration, several biographic and crit- ical studies of life and discoveries of Christopher Co- lumbus. Contributor to historical journals in America and in France. Member of American Club, Paris, and many scientific associations. Created Grand Officier May 27, 1909, in consideration of diplomatic services. Present address: Bagneaux, Seine, France. VINCETT, GEORGE H. Business Executive. Born in Syracuse, N. T. ; educated at Syracuse Uni- versity. Was Superintendent or Manager of various Steel Foundries and Steel Car Works ; served as Colonel, A. E. F. At present, Manager, Hammond Works, Stan- dard Steel Car Company. 416 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Created Officier April 4, 1919, in recognition of "dis- tinguished service in France" during the War. Has also D. S. M. Present address : Standard Steel Car Company, Ham- mond, Ind. WADHAMS, SANFORD H. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Torrington, Conn. ; educated at Yale University. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, Medical Corps, A. E. F. in France. Clubs : Army and Navy, Washington, D. C. ; Univer- sity, Buffalo ; Graduate, New Haven. Created Officier April 29, 1918, in recognition of serv- ices rendered "in assistance to French Army in hospital- izing and evacuating wounded." Has also D. S. M., Croix de Guerre, Medaille d'fipidemie, Leopold (Belgium) and St. Maurice and St. Lazarus (Italy). Present address: General Staff College, Washing- ton, D. C. WAINER, MAX R. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Zitmer, Russia ; educated at Wilmington High School and University of Pennsylvania. Served all grades in U. S. Army from Second Lieu- tenant to Colonel. Assistant Director, Bureau of War Risk Insurance. Clubs : Army and Navy, Washington, D. C. ; Minne- apolis Club. Created Chevalier April 3, 1919, in consideration of services on General Staff, A. E. F. at Tours, France. Has also D. S. M. Present address : First and Kennedy Streets N.E., Washington, D. C. WAINWRIGHT, RICHARD. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Washington, District of Columbia, and edu- cated at Columbian University and the U, S, Naval Academy. OF FRANCE 417 Passed through the various grades of the Navy from Ensign to Rear Admiral advanced ten numbers for emi- nent and conspicuous conduct in battle. On duty at sea, in the Hydrographic Office, Coast Survey and Bureau of Navigation; Superintendent, U. S. Naval Academy; participated in the Spanish-American war. Created Offlcier for services during the War. Present address : 1264 New Hampshire Avenue, Wash- ington, D. C. WAITE, HENRI M. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Officier. Last address: Lee Building, Lexington, Ky. WALDEN, LIONEL. Artist. Born in Norwich, Conn., and studied with Carolus Duran, Paris. Has painting in Luxembourg Gallery, Memorial Mu- seum, Philadelphia and Cardiff, Wales; received medals from numerous exhibitions. Created Chevalier August 2, 1910, in recognition of achievements in Art. Last address : Honolulu, H. T. WALDRON, ALBERT E. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Des Moines, Iowa; educated at Chicago City High Schools and U. S. Military Academy. Served as Colonel, Engineer Corps, A. E. F. in France. In Charge of the Dredging District of the Mississippi River Commission. Created Officier April 4, 1919, in recognition of "great executive ability in command, Thirty-Fifth Engineers, which resulted in large freight car production when cars were needed most." Present address: P. O. Box 1017, Memphis, Tenn. 418 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES WALDRON, W. H. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Huntington, W. Va. ; educated at Public Schools, Huntington, Infantry and Cavalry, Staff College, Army War College. Participated in the Spanish-American war ; Philippine and Chinese campaigns ; served as Colonel, A. E. F. in France. Author of several books on military subjects. Member of; Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Officier June 13, 1919, in consideration of his services as Chief of Staff, Eightieth Division, A. E. F. in France during the War. Present address : Room 350, War Department, Wash- ington, D. C. WALKER, MERIWETHER LEWIS. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Lynchburg, Va. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served as Brigadier General, A. E. F. in France. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C., and a number of societies of engineers. Created Officier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Chief, Motor Transport Corps, A. E. F. in France. Has also D. S. M. Present address : General Staff College, Washington, D. C. WALLACE, JAMES N. Created Chevalier December 27, 1918. Last address : Central Trust Company, New York City. WALLACE, W. B. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. Created Officier. Last address: War Department, Washington, D. C. WALLER, LITTLETON W. T., Jr. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Norfolk, Va. ; educated at Woodbery Forest School and U. S. Naval Academy. OF FRANCE 419 Served as Major, U. S. Marine Corps, A. E. F. in France during the War. Clubs : Army and Navy, Washington, D. C. ; Racquet, Philadelphia. Created Chevalier March 16, 1919, in recognition of distinguished "services in action against enemy at Soissons, France." Has also Navy Cross (U. S.) and three Croix de Guerre. Present address : Headquarters, U. S. Marine Corps, Washington, D. C. WALSH, ROBERT E. Served as Brigadier General, A. E. F. Created Officier July 17, 1918. Last address : 280 Broadway, New York City. WALTON, ROBERT, Jr. Merchant. Born in Augusta, Ga. Served as Captain, A. E. F. Member of Country Club, Augusta, Ga. Created Chevalier May 5, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre. Present address: Augusta, Ga. WANAMAKER, JOHN. Merchant. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., and educated in public and private schools. Began as retail salesman and became partner in a clothing house and later proprietor of department stores ; director numerous banking and railway corpora- tions ; member, President Harrison's Cabinet; active in religious and social work; donated Y. M. C. A. build- ings in several foreign cities; sent two relief ships to Belgium. Created Chevalier November 8, 1911. Last address: 2032 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 420 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES WANAMAKER (LEWIS), RODMAN. Merchant. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., and educated at Princeton University. Engaged in mercantile business with his father, John Wanamaker ; actively interested in aviation and arch- aeological exploration ; director numerous financial and industrial institutions. Created Chevalier. Present address: Broadway and 10th Street, New York City. WARBURTON, H. BARCLAY. Born in Philadelphia, Pa. ; educated at University of Pennsylvania and Oxford University, England. Was Assistant Military Attache to London ; Military Attache to France. Served as Major, Field Artillery, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier, April, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also Distin- guished Service Order (England). Present address: 1418 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa. WARD, CABOT. Lawyer. Born in New York and educated at Harvard University. Practiced in New York City ; Auditor General, Secre- tary of State and Acting Governor, Porto Rico ; mem- ber, Military Commission on Anti-Aircraft Defense; commanded aviation section, A. E. F. Signal Corps; had rank of Colonel ; actively interested in natural history and political science. Clubs : University, Century, City, Republican, Bankers', Harvard and Whitehall (New York and Metropolitan, Cosmos and Chevy Chase (Washington). Created Officier for services during the War. Present address: 37 Madison Avenue, New York City. OF FRANCE 421 WARD, RALPH T. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Howard County, Mo. ; educated at U. S. Mili- tary Academy. Served in the various grades from Lieutenant to Col- onel, Engineer Corps, U. S. Army. Was General Staff Officer, A. E. F. in France during the War. At present in charge of Improvement of the Missouri River and its Tributaries. Created Officier in recognition of services rendered as General Staff Officer, A. E. F. and as Instructor at Langres, France, during the War. Present address: U. S. Engineer Office, Kansas City, Mo. WARDEN, JOHN ASHLEY. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address : War Department, Washington, D. C. WARE, JAMES G. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Guthrie, Ky. ; educated at United States Naval Academy. Passed through the grades of the Navy to Lieutenant Commander. Created Chevalier in consideration of services ren- dered in the submarine campaign off the French coast during the War. Present address: 2722 Connecticut Avenue, Wash- ington, D. O. WARREN, WHITNEY. Architect. Born in New York City and educated at ficole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Member of 1'Institute de France, Academie des Beaux Arts, and Royale Academie de Saint Luke, Rome. Created Officier July 4, 1918, in recognition of "war work before the United States entered the War." Present address : 16 East 47th Street, New York City. 422 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES WASHBURN, PAUL. Investments. Born in Paris, France; educated at Harvard University. General Sales Manager, J. A. and W. Bird & Com- pany, Boston ; Member, Weeks' Real Estate Trust, Bos- ton. Served as Major, A. E. F. in France. Clubs : Harvard, New York and Boston ; Union, Boston. Created Chevalier April 10, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Chief Renting Officer, A. E. F. in France. Present address : Room 1925, 165 Broadway, New York City. WATERS, HERBERT GREY. Educator. Born in Woodruff, S. C. ; educated at Wofford College, Spartanburg, S. C. Served as Second Lieutenant, A. E. F. in France. At present, Superintendent, High School, Jonesville, S. C. Created Chevalier in recognition of "bravery in action in the St. Mihiel offensive." Has also Croix de Guerre. Present address : Jonesville, S. C. WATSON, EDWIN M. Officer : , U. S. Army. Born in Eufaula, Ala. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Randolph-Macon College. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. in France. Clubs: Army and Navy, Chevy Chase, Washington, D. C. Created Chevalier July 27, 1919, in recognition of services rendered as Aide-de-Camp to President of United States, and services with Second Division, A. E. F. in France. Has also Croix de Guerre, Crown (Belgium) and Danilo 1 (Montenegro). Present address : Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. OF FRANCE 423 WATSON, SAMUEL NEWELL. Rector. Created Chevalier June 22, 1917. Last address : Paris, France. WEBB, JOHN R. Engineer. Born in California ; educated at University of Cali- fornia. Served as Lieutenant, A. E. F. in France. Present occupation, Construction Engineer. Created Chevalier May 14, 1919, for "capturing Ger- man machine gun on Hindenburg line" during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre. Present address: Orcutt, Santa Barbara Co., Cal. WEBB, WALTER D. Surgeon. Born in Mankato, Minn.; educated at Columbia Uni- versity. Was Professor, Clinical Surgery and Surgical Path- ology, Georgetown University; served as Colonel, Med- ical Corps, A. E. F. in France. Charter Fellow, Amer- ican College of Surgeons. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Officier April, 1919, in consideration of serv- ices rendered as Commanding Officer, Vichy Hospital Center, France. Present address: Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. WEEKS, RAYMOND. Educator. Born in Tabor, Iowa; educated at Harvard University. Professor of Romance Languages, Columbia Univer- sity ; author of several books and a hundred or more articles on French literature and philology. Member of Scarsdale Golf and Country Club. 424 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Created Chevalier January 3, 1919, in recognition of his long services in defense of French ideas and civili- zation, and for his "Ode to France," 1917. Present address: Columbia University. WEIGEL, WILLIAM. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in New Brunswick, N. J., and educated at the U. S. Military Academy. Passed through the various grades of the Army from Second Lieutenant to Major General. Participated in Indian, Cuban and Philippine campaigns ; commanded 76th Division, Camp Devens. Clubs : Army and Navy, Washington and New York ; University, New York. Created Commandeur May 5, 1919, for "the splendid manner in which he co-operated with the work of the 88th Division (French)." Has also two citations, D. S. M. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address : Governors Island, N. Y. WEILL, RAPHAEL. Merchant. Created Offlcier January 3, 1920. Last address : San Francisco, Cal. WEIS, JOSEPH D. Physician. Born in New Orleans, La. ; educated at Phillips-Exeter Academy and Harvard University. Professor, Tropical Medicine and Assistant Professor Internal Medicine, Tulane University ; Senior Physician, Charity Hospital and Town Infirmary, New Orleans, La. Author of numerous articles in medical journals. Member of several medical societies. Created Chevalier May 1, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Medical Liaison Officer, Paris, dur- ing the War. Present address: 1448 Jackson Avenue, New Orleans, La. OF FRANCE 425 WELLES, EDWARD M., Jr. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Addison, N. Y. ; educated at Cornell University Served as Colonel, Medical Corps, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in recognition of services rendered as Personnel Officer, Office of Chief Surgeon, A. E. F. in France. Present address : Fort Bayard, N. Mex. WELLS, BRIANT H. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Salt Lake City, Utah; educated at University of Utah and U. S. Military Academy. Participated in the Spanish-American war, Philippine, Cuban and Mexicans campaigns ; served as Brigadier General, A. E. F. in France. Clubs : Army and Navy, Washington and Manila. Created Officier April, 1919, for services as Represen tative, American Section, Supreme War Council in France during the War. Has also D. S. M. Present address: 2311 Calrert Street, Washington, D. C. WELLS, T(HOMAS) TILESTON. Lawyer. Born in New York City ; educated at Columbia and Harvard Universities. Consul General of Roumania ; President, Five Points House of Industry ; Honorary President, Alliance Fran- caise, New York and New Brunswick. Author of a large number of pamphlets. Member of Union Club, New York City. Created Chevalier August 10, 1910, in consideration of services rendered as President, Alliance Francaise of New York. Has also St. Sava (Serbia) and Redeemer (Greece). Present address: 43 Cedar Street, New York City. WENTWORTH, MARQUISE CECILE DE. Artist. Born in New York and studied with Alexander Cabanel and Edouard Detaille. 426 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Has received Honorable Mention and been awarded several medals in recognition of her work ; has pictures in the Luxembourg Museum, Paris, and the Metropolitan Museum, New York. Portrait of Leo XIII at the Vatican. Member of the Society of Artistes and Femmes Peintres et Sculpteurs, Paris. Created Chevalier, March 1, 1901, in recognition of her art work. Has also Officier d'Academie (France), Offi- cier de 1'Instruction Publique (France), Holy Sepulchre (Pope Leo XIII) and Nichan Iftikar (Tunis). Present address : 15 Avenue de Champs Elysees, Paris. France. WENTZ, DANIEL BERTSCH. Coal Operator. Born in Jeddo, Pa. ; educated at Phillips-Andover Acad- emy and Harvard University. President of several anthracite and bituminous coal companies. Director, Lehigh Coal & Navigation Com- pany ; Director, several banks ; Vice-President, American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, New York. Clubs: Philadelphia, Rittenhouse, Racquet, Union League, Radnor Hunt and Huntingdon Valley Country Club. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Present address: 1727 Land Title Building, Philadel- phia, Pa. WEST, ROBERT JOHN. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Leavenworth, Kan. ; educated at Leavenworth High School. Participated in the Mexican campaign ; served as Col- onel, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. At present, Assis- tant Military Attache to U. S. Embassy, Paris. Author of "American Battle Fields," and "Battlefields of the Western Front." OF FRANCE 427 Member of various clubs in the United States and Europe. Created Chevalier May 14, 1919, in recognition of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. C., Croix de Guerre, with palm, and War Cross (Italy). Present address: American Embassy, Paris, France. WESTERVELT, WILLIAM I. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Corpus Christi, Texas; educated at U. S. Mili- tary Academy. Participated in the Philippine campaign, Spanish- American war, and on the Mexican border. Brigadier General, A. E. F. in France. Superintendent, Produc- tion Division, Watervliet Arsenal, N. Y. Author of "Gunnery and Explosion," and co-author, "Historical Notes on Manila." Clubs : University, New York, Philadelphia ; Racquet, Philadelphia; St. Botolph, Union Boat, Boston. Created Officier in recognition of services rendered during the War. Has also St. Michael and St. George (England), D. S. M., Crown (Italy). Present address : Watervliet Arsenal, N. Y. WEYBRECHT, CHARLES CHRISTOPHER. Born in Alliance, Ohio, and educated at the University of Ohio. Served as Adjutant General of Ohio; Colonel 146th Infantry ; commanded U. S. troops in Nantes, France. Created Officier for services during the War. Died September 26, 1919. WHARTON, (MRS.) EDITH. Author. Born in New York City and educated at private schools Author of a number of novels and "Fighting France" ; actively interested in relief work during the War and since. 428 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Created Chevalier March 28, 1916, in recognition of philanthropic work. Present address : Charles Scribner's Sons, New York City. WHEELER, CHARLES B. Business Executive. Born in Matteson, 111.; educated at Hyde Park High School, Chicago, and U. S. Military Academy. Was Chief Ordnance Officer, Philippine Division ; ap- pointed Brigadier General and Acting Chief of Ordnance 1917. Served as Chief Ordnance Officer, A. E. F. in France. Third Vice-President, Eaton, Crane & Pike Company, Pittsfield, Mass. Author and translator of works on Ordnance and Artillery. Clubs : Metropolitan, Army and Navy, Washington, D. C. ; St. Botolph, Boston ; University, New York. Created Commandeur April 4, 1919, in recognition of his services as Chief Ordnance Officer, A. E. F. in France. Has also Companion of the Bath (England). Present address : 54 East Hansatonic Street, Pitts- field, Mass. WHEELOCK, FRANK B. Served as Captain, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address: 834 N. Main Avenue, Scranton, Pa. WHITCOMB, CLEMENT C. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Officier. Last address : War Department, Washington, D. C. WHITE,. DAVID STUART. University Professor. Born in New York City ; educated at Ohio State Uni- versity, University of Berlin, Veterinary College of Hanover, Berlin, Vienna and Dresden. Served as Colonel and Chief Veterinarian, A. E. F. in France. At present Dean of College and Professor of OF FRANCE 429 Veterinary Medicine, Ohio State University. Author and translator of books and articles on Veterinary Medicine. Created Officier April 4, 1919, in consideration of serv- ices rendered in France during the War. Present address: 1656 Neil Avenue, Columbus, Ohio. WHITE, D. W. Served as Captain, A. E. F. Created Officier. Address unknown. WHITE, GILBERT. Art Director. Born in Grand Haven, Mich. ; educated at Columbia University, Art Students' League, Julian Academy des Beaux Arts. Served as Captain, A. E. F. in France during the War. Was Member, American Mission to Negotiate Peace. Received Drawing Prize, Julian Academy. Has executed Mural Decorations on several State Capitols and many municipal buildings. Art Director, Goldwyn Studios, Culver, Cal. Member of Players' Club, New York. Created Chevalier April, 1919, for work as Liaison Officer in France during the War. Present address: Goldwyn Studios, Culver, Cal. WHITE, HERBERT H. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Officier. Last address : Camp Travis, Texas. WHITEHOUSE, HENRY J. Born in Chicago, 111.; educated at Christ Church Col- lege and Oxford University, England. Served as Major, Air Service, A. E. F. in France. Treasurer, British-American War Relief Association. 430 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Member of Knickerbocker Club, New York City. Created Chevalier April, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Present address : Mount Kisco, New York. WHITING, CHARLES LEWIS. Engineer. Born in Danvers, Mass. ; educated at Holton High School, Danvers. Served as Colonel, Engineer Corps, A. E. F. in France ; Division Superintendent, Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad. Member of several professional associations. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in recognition of services rendered in Operation and Construction of Rail- roads around Verdun during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre. Present address: Mobridge, S. D. WHITING, KENNETH. Officer, U. S. Navy. Created Chevalier. Last address: Navy Department, Washington, D. C. WHITLEY, FRANKLIN L. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in St. Louis, Mo.; educated at U. S. Military Academy, University of California, George Wash- ington University. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier July 26, 1919, in recognition of services rendered in France during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre, with palm, St. Maurice and St. Laza- rus (Italy), Danilo 1 (Montenegro) and La Solidaridad (Panama). Present address: Old Land Office Building, Wash- ington, D. C. OF FRANCE 431 WHITMAN, HAROLD CUTLER. Business Executive. Born in New York City; educated at Harvard Uni- versity. Served as Chief Purchasing Officer, Quartermasters Corps, A. E. F. in France during the War; Treasurer, The Esmond Mills, Esmond, R. I. Clubs: Racquet and Tennis, Harvard, New York; Hope, Providence, R. I. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Present address: 112 East 61st Street, New York City. WHITMAN, WALTER MONTEITH. Officer, U. S. Army (Retired). Born in New York City ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. in France. Created Officier April 13, 1919, in recognition of his "ardor and courage at the head of his attacking regi- ment" in France during the War. Has also D. S. C., D. S. M. and Croix de Guerre. Present address: Wrentham, Mass. WHITNEY, HENRY HOWARD. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Hopewell, Pa. ; educated at A. B. Dickinson Seminary and U. S. Military Academy. Participated in the Cuban and Porto Rican campaigns and in the Spanish-American war ; served all grades in U. S. Army from Cadet to Brigadier General ; was Chief of Staff, District of Paris, during the War. Clubs : Metropolitan, Army and Navy, Chevy Chase, Washington ; Oglethorpe, Savannah ; St. Nicholas, Man- hasset Yacht, New York ; Bohemian, Union League, San Francisco. 432 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Created Officier April 4, 1919, for "meritorious serv- ices rendered the Allied cause." Has also Crown (Rou- mania) and Danilo 1 (Montenegro). Present address : Adjutant General, Hawaiian De- partment, Honolulu, Hawaii. WHITTLE SAY, CHARLES W. Lawyer. Born in Florence, Wis. ; educated at Williams College and Harvard University. Served as Major with the A. E. F. in France. Created Officier May 5, 1919, in recognition of dis- tinguished services "in action in the Argonne offensive" during the War. Has also Medal of Honor (U. S.), Croix de Guerre and Danilo 1 (Montenegro). Present address : 136 East 44th Street, New York City. WICKERSHAM, C. W. Lawyer. Born in Greenwich, Conn. ; educated at Harvard Uni- versity. Delegate-at-large from New York State to National Convention of American Legion, 1919. Trustee, United Hospital Fund of New York. Member, Law firm, Cad- walader, Wickersham & Taft, New York. Clubs : University, New York and Washington ; Har- vard, Down Town, New York ; Rockaway Hunting Club. Created Chevalier 1919, in consideration of services rendered in France during the War. Has also Danilo 1 (Montenegro). Present address : 40 Wall Street, New York Cty. WICKES, FORSYTH. Lawyer. Born in New York City ; educated at St. Mark's School, Southboro, Mass., and Yale University. Served as Major, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Clubs : University, Knickerbocker, Down Town, Rac- quet and Tennis, New York City. OF FRANCE 433 Created Chevalier March 29, 1919, in consideration of services rendered while on Staff of General Maistre, commanding French Army Group of the Centre. Has also D. S. M. Present address: 24 East 39th Street, New York City. WIGGIN, ALBERT HENRY. Banker. Born at Medfleld, Mass., and educated at private schools. Began as bank clerk and passed through various grades of service to president ; Chairman, Board Chase National Bank ; director in numerous financial, indus- trial, mining and railway companies ; chairman board American Foreign Banking Corporation ; member New York Clearing House Association. Clubs: Metropolitan, Union League, Down Town, Rid- ing, Recess, Century, Bankers, Racquet and Tennis, India House, Westchester Country, Piping Rock, Na- tional Golf Links, Garden City Golf, Nassau Country, Greenwich Country (New York), Metropolitan (Wash- ington) and Union (Boston). Created Chevalier December 27, 1918, in appreciation of financial aid and counsel during the War. Present address : Chase National Bank, New York City. WIGMORE, JOHN HENRY. University Dean. Born in San Francisco, Cal., and educated at Harvard University. Was professor Anglo-American law, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan ; professor Law and Dean Faculty of Law, Northwestern University ; appointed member staff of Judge Advocate General, U. S. A., with rank of Major, later Lieutenant Colonel ; member U. S. Section, Inter- national High Commission. Author, Editor or Co- Editor of numerous books and essays on law. Contrib- utor to legal publications and to magazines. Present address : 207 Lake Street, Evanston, 111. 434 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES WILEY, HARVEY WASHINGTON. Chemist, Editor. Born in Kent, Ind., and educated at Hanover College and Harvard University. For thirty years Chief of Bureau of Chemistry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture ; member, Jury of Awards, Paris Exposition 1900 ; delegate International Congresses of Applied Chemistry at Vienna, Paris, Berlin, Rome, Lon- don ; for ten years President of U. S. Pharmacopoeial Convention ; member of numerous scientific associations in the United States and abroad ; contributing editor to "Good Housekeeping Magazine" ; author of numerous books on agricultural chemistry and about 300 scien- tific papers and Government bulletins. Clubs: Cosmos (president for 2 years), Chevy Chase, National Press (Washington, D. C.). Created Chevalier July 17, 1909, for services as guest of France in connection with amendment of Pure Food Laws, and with the Bordeaux Exposition, 1907. Present address : 2345 Ashmead Place, Washington, D. C. WILGUS, WILLIAM J. Engineer. Born in Buffalo, N. Y. ; educated at Buffalo High School. Responsible for Initiation and Construction, Grand Central Terminal, New York ; new method of tunnel con- struction first used under Detroit River at Detroit. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. in France. Member of numerous American and Foreign profes- sional associations. Clubs : Century and Railroad, New York. Created Officier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Deputy Director General of Trans- portation, A. E. F. in France during the War. Has also D. S. M. Present address: 165 Broadway, New York City. OF FRANCE 435 WILKINS, HARRY Y. Officer, U. S. Army (Retired). Born in Genesea, 111. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served as Brigadier General, Quartermaster Corps, A. E. F. in France. Created Officier April 4, 1919, in consideration of serv- ices rendered as Chief Purchasing Officer, Quartermaster Corps, A. E. F. in France during the War. Has also D. S. M. Present address: 1331 East 47th Street, Chicago, 111. WILLCOX, CORNfiLIS DE WITT. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Geneva, Switzerland ; educated at University of Georgia, U. S. Military Academy, U. S. Artillery School, University of Grenoble. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. in France. Professor of Modern Languages, U. S. Military Academy. Author of "Headhunters of Northern Luzon" and a number of military textbooks and dictionaries. Created Officier November 11, 1918, in consideration of services rendered as Chief, American Military Mis- sion, French General Headquarters. Has also Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address : West Point, N. Y. WILLIAMS, C. Served as Captain, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address: 825 W. Grace Street, Richmond, Va. WILLIAMS, CHARLES F. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Foxboro, Mass. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served all grades in U. S. Army from Cadet to Lieu- tenant Colonel, Engineers. 436 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in recognition of serv- ices rendered in France during the War. Has also Dis- tinguished Service Order (England). Present address : Camp Humphreys, Va. WILLIAMS, CLARENCE CHARLES. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in White County, Ga. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served as Major General, A. E. F. in France. Chief of Ordnance, U. S. Army. Clubs : Metropolitan, Washington, D. C. ; University, New York. Created Officier December 1, 1918, in consideration of services rendered as Chief Ordnance Officer, A. E. F. in France. Has also D. S. M. and St. Michael and St. George ( England ) . Present address: War Department, Washington, D. C. WILLIAMS, E. J. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address : War Department, Washington, D. C. WILLIAMS, LINSLY RUDD Physician. Born in New York City and educated at the Universi- ties of Princeton and Columbia. Visiting physician at various hospitals ; Chief of Med- ical Clinic, Columbia ; Deputy Commissioner of Health, New York City ; investigated sanitary conditions in France ; rank of Lieutenant Colonel, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Clubs : University, Princeton and Century (New York). Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, for Staff services during the War. Present address: 12 Rue Boissey d'Anglais, Paris, France. OF FRANCE 437 WILLIAMS, RALEIGH CORWIN. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Auburn, Neb. ; educated at Columbia University and U. S. Naval Academy. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Chevalier in consideration of services ren- dered in command of destroyer doing escort duty off the French coast during the War. Present address : Navy Department, Washington, D. C. WILLIAMS, RICHARD H. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Jersey City Heights, N. J. ; educated at Coast Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va. Participated in the Spanish-American war ; was Mili- tary Attache to Turkey ; served as Colonel, General Staff, A. E. F. in France. Instructor, General Staff College. Created Officier June 13, 1919, in recognition of meri- torious services rendered as General Staff Officer, A. E. F. in France and Germany. Has also D. S. M., Distinguished Service Order (England) and Order of War Merit (Turkey). Present address : General Staff College, Washington, D. C. WILLIAMS, RICHARD N., 2d. Exporting and Importing. Born in Geneva, Switzerland ; graduate of Harvard University . Served as Captain, Field Artillery, A. E. F. in France. Connected with Downer Hunneville Company, Boston. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre. Present address : 90 Lake Avenue, Newton Centre, Mass. 438 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES WILLIAMSON, RAYMOND, E. S. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y. ; educated at Amherst College and U. S. Military Academy. Served as Captain, A. E. F. in France, also with American Section, Interallied Armistice Commission and A. E. F. in Germany. Created Chevalier August 8, 1919, in recognition of services rendered during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre (Belgium). Present address : Camp Zachary Taylor, Louisville, Ky. WILLIAMSON, ROYDEN. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in New York City and educated at St. Lawrence University and University of California. Served as Captain, Engineer Corps, A. E. F. in France during the War. Chief of American Military Mission with Belgian Army of Occupation, Aix-la-Chapelle, Ger- many. Military editor, San Francisco "Call" ; author of various newspaper and magazine articles. Clubs: City, Pilgrims', Holland Society (New York) and University (San Francisco). Created Officier October 18, 1919, in recognition of services rendered as Liaison Officer in France during the War. Has also Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address : War Department, Washington, D. C. WILLIFORD, FORREST E. Officer, U. S. Army. Educated at U. S. Military Academy, Coast Artillery School, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University. Served as Colonel, Coast Artillery Corps, A. E. F. in France. Created Officier in recognition of services rendered during the War. Present address: General Staff College, Washington, D. C. OF FRANCE 439 WILLOTJGHBY, WILLIAM FRANKLIN. Economist. Born in Alexandria, Va. ; educated at Johns Hopkins University. Was Expert, U. S. Department of Labor; Lecturer, Social Economics, Johns Hopkins and Harvard Univer- sities ; Professor of Jurisprudence and Politics, Prince- ton University ; Treasurer and later Secretary of Porto Rico ; Constitutional Advisor to the Chinese Government. Director, Institute for Government Research, Wash- ington, D. C. Author of several books on Finance and contributor to economic and political science periodicals. Created Chevalier January, 1901, in consideration of services rendered at Paris Exposition, 1900. Present address : Institute for Government Research, 818 Connecticut Avenue, Washington, D. C. WILSON, GUY M. Lawyer. Born in Genesee County, Mich. ; educated at University of Michigan. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier May 5, 1919, in recognition of dis- tinguished services "in action in the Aisne-Marne offen- sive." Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with two palms. Present address : 221-2-3 Paterson Building, Flint, Mich. WILSON, GEORGE R. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Officier. Last address: War Department, Washington, D. C. WILSON, HENRY B. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Camden, N. J. ; educated at U. S. Naval Academy. Served in various grades of Navy from Ensign to Admiral. Commanded U. S. Naval forces in France. 440 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Member of New York Yacht Club and Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Grand Omcier in consideration of services rendered as Commander, U. S. Naval forces in France during the War. Has also D. S. M. Present address : Navy Department, Washington, D. C. WILSON, JAMES MacMICKAM. Real Estate. Born in Bloomingdale, Mich. ; studied at Kalamazoo High School and Parson's Business College, Kalama- zoo, Mich. Served as Captain, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier November 11, 1919, in consideration of "valorous" services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre. Present address : 724 John Street, Kalamazoo, Mich. WILSON, PIERRE L. Officer, U. S. Navy. Born in Baltimore, Md., and educated at the U. S. Naval Academy. Member various clubs. Created Chevalier April 9, 1919, for services as escort commander of coastal convoy. Has also Naval Cross (U. S.). Present address: 2225 Calvert Street, Baltimore, Md. WILSON, WILLIAM H. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Officier. Last address: War Department, Washington, D. C. WINANS, EDWIN B. Served as Brigadier General, A. E. F. Created Officier March 16, 1919. Last address : War Department, Washington, D. C. OF FRANCE 441 WINN, FRANK LONG. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Winchester, Ky. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy and Army War College. Participated in the Indian and Spanish-American wars ; Philippine campaign ; Cuban occupation ; Mexican campaign ; served as Major General, in command of Eighty-Ninth Division, A. E. F. in France. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Commandeur April 25, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Brigade Commander and later as Division Commander, A. E. F. in France. Has also D. S. M., Croix de Guerre, with two palms, and com- mendatory citation from Commander-in-Chief, A. E. F. Present address : Fort Mclntosh, Texas. WINN, JOHN S. Served as Brigadier General, A. E. F. Created Officier. Last address : War Department, Washington, D. C. WINSHIP, BLANTON. Served as Colonel, A. E. F. Created Officier. Last address : War Department, Washington, D. C. WINTER, FRANCIS A. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in St. Francisville, La. ; educated at Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. Served as Colonel, Medical Corps, A. E. F. in France. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Officier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered as Chief Surgeon, Lines of Communi- cation, A. E. F. in France. Has also D. S. M. and Com- panion of the Bath (England). Present address : Fort Sam Houston, Texas. 442 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES WINTHROP, BERTRAND. Served as Captain, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address : 152 Madison Avenue, New York City. WIRTH, THOMAS F. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Kentucky and educated in public and private schools. Entered the Army from civil life ; served as Lieu- tenant in the regular army ; was Major with A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier September 12, 1918, for "advancing beyond the lines at the head of his unit, in the face of violent fire, and capturing eight machine guns and twelve prisoners." Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address : Fort William McKinley, Philippines. WISE, STEPHEN SAMUEL. Rabbi. Born in Budapest ; educated at Columbia University. Rabbi, Free Synagogue, New York City. Vice-Presi- dent, Zionist Organization of America. Author of "Beth Israel Pulpit," two volumes, "Free Synagogue Pulpit," five volumes ; and "How to Face Life." Created Chevalier December 27, 1918, in recognition of services rendered the French Republic. Present address : 23 West 90th Street, New York City. WITHERBEE, WALTER C. Business Executive. Born in Port Henry, N. Y., and educated at Yale Uni- versity. President of various companies ; bank president ; di- rector of several railroad companies and different busi- ness concerns. Clubs: University, Yacht, Yale (New York) and mem- ber of numerous professional associations. OF FRANCE 443 Created Chevalier November 13, 1912, for work done in connection with the Samuel de Champlain tercen- tenary. Present address : Port Henry, New York. WITTEMEYER, EDMUND. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Ohio and educated at the U. S. Military Academy and Infantry and Cavalry School. Passed through the various grades of the Army to Major General. Participated in the Cuban and China Relief expedi- tions ; on duty at Chicago Exposition and in Manila ; Governor of Matanzas ; Commander, 153d Infantry Brigade. Created Commandeur for services during the War. Present address : Western Department, San Francisco, Cal. WOLF, PAUL ALEXANDER. Officer, U. S. Army. Born at Kewanee, 111., and educated at the U. S. Mili- tary Academy and the Infantry and Cavalry School. Passed through the various grades of the Army from Second Lieutenant to Brigadier General. Participated in the Indian, Cuban and Philippine campaigns ; on duty on Mexican border; executive officer military prison, Fort Leavenworth ; commanding officer, Plattsburg mili- tary training camp. Created Officer for services during the War. Present address: War Department, Washington, D. C. WOLFE, ORRIN R. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Louisville, Ky. ; studied at Infantry and Cav- alry School and Army War College. Served as Colonel, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Clubs: Army and Navy, Chevy Chase, Washington, D. C. 444 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Created Officier April 4, 1919, in consideration of serv- ices rendered as "Ancien Chef d'Etat Major de la Base No. 1" during the War. Present address: Army Service Schools, Ft. Leaven- worth, Kan. WOOD, HENRY. Correspondent. Created Chevalier March 19, 1918. WOOD, LEONARD. Officer, U. S. Army. Born at Winchester, N. H., and educated at Harvard University. Served as Assistant Surgeon, with rank of Captain, commanded 1st U. S. Volunteers ("Rough Riders"), promoted to Major General ; transferred to Regular Army, Major General ; participated in Indian, Cuban and Philippine campaigns ; military governor of Cuba ; Governor of Moro ; commanded Philippine Division ; Special Ambassador to Argentine ; commanded 89th Di- vision, National Army. Created Grand Officier in 1909. Has also Congres- sional Medal of Honor. Present address: Central Headquarters, Chicago, 111. WOOD, RICHARD G. President, Alan Wood, Iron and Steel Company. Created Chevalier December 27, 1918. WOODFILL, SAMUEL. Served as Lieutenant, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address : 167 Alexandria Pike, Ft. Thomas, Ky. WOODRUFF, JAMES A. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in St. Shaw, Mont.; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served as Colonel, Engineers and Deputy Director of OF FRANCE 445 Construction and Forestry, A. E. F. in France during the War. Author of "Applied Principles of Field For- tification." Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Officier April 4, 1919, in consideration of "meritorious services rendered the Allied cause" during the War. Has also D. S. M. and St. Michael and St. George ( England ) . Present address : U. S. Engineer Office, Seattle, Wash. WOODWARD, BENJAMIN DURYEA. Business Executive. Born in Rutherford, N. J. ; educated at Columbia Col- lege, New York and Sorbonne, France. Was Instructor, Romance Languages and Literatures, Columbia College, Barnard College and Professor, Ro- mance Languages and Literatures, Columbia University. President, Trinidad-Tarouba Oil Development Company, New York. Author of College Text Books ; Editor, with introductions and notes, of works by French authors. Clubs : University, Republican, Lawyers', New York City ; Travellers', Paris. Created Officier, August 17, 1900, in consideration of services rendered as Assistant Commissioner General for the United States to Paris Exposition, 1900. Present address : University Club, New York City. WOODWARD, DUDLEY W. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in New Amsterdam, Ind. ; studied at New Am- sterdam High School. Served as Captain, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier May 14, 1919, in consideration of services rendered during the War. Has also D. S. C. and three Croix de Guezze, two with palms and one with star. Present address: New Amsterdam, Ind. 446 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES WOOLLEY, CLARENCE MOTT. Business Executive. Born in Detroit, Mich., and educated in public and private schools. Organized the American Radiator Company, of which he is now President. Served as Vice-Chairman, War Trade Board, supervising imports and exports of raw materials and commodities needed for the prosecution of the War. Clubs : Metropolitan and Yacht, New York. Created Chevalier, August 1, 1919, for services to al- lied cause. Present address : 104 West 42d Street, New York City. WOOLSEY, THEODORE SALISBURY, Jr. Forester. Born in New Haven, Conn. ; educated at Yale University. Assistant District Forester, U. S. Forest Service ; Member, Yale Forest School Advisory Board ; Associate Editor, "Forester Quarterly" ; has made studies of the forestry movement in India, Austria and parts of Ger- many, France, Corsica, Algeria, Tunis. Served as Lieu- tenant Colonel, Engineers, A. E. F. in France. Clubs : University, New York ; Graduates', New Haven. Created Chevalier April 28, 1919, for services on In- terallied War Timber Committee during the War. Has also Distinguished Service Order (England) and Leo- pold (Belgium). Present address : New Haven, Conn. WOTAN, G. E. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Address unknown. WRIGHT, GEORGE L. Student. Born in Norristown, Pa. ; studied at Pennsylvania State College. Served as Captain, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. OF FRANCE 447 Created Chevalier May 5, 1919, in recognition of "gal- lantry in action" during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: 103 Jacoby Street, Norristown, Pa. WRIGHT, JOHN W. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Kirkwood, Mo. ; studied at William and Mary College and George Washington University. Served as Colonel and member of General Staff, A. E. F. in France. Author of "Road Notes on Cuba." Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington ; New York. Created Officier April 4, 1919, in consideration of serv- ices rendered during the War. Has also D. S. M. Present address : 1743 Corcoran Street, Washington, D. C. WRIGHT, ORVILLE. Aviator. Born in Dayton, Ohio, and educated in public and pri- vate schools. Since 1903 devoted his attention to mechanical flying; in that year made first test of flying machine at Kitty Hawk, N. C. Awarded Gold Medal by French Academy of Sciences and other societies. Member Aero Club of America. Created Chevalier July 20, 1909. Present address: 1127 West Third Street, Dayton, Ohio. WRIGHT, WILLIAM M. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Newark, N. J. ; educated at Tale University. Served as Major General, A. E. F. in France during the War. Clubs : Army and Navy, Metropolitan ; Alibi, Chevy Chase, Washington, D. C., University, New York. 448 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES Created Commandeur in consideration of services ren- dered during the War. Has also D. S. M., Croix de Guerre, with palm, St. Michael and St. George (Eng- land) and Leopold (Belgium). Present address: Metropolitan Club, Washington, D. C. WYMAN, GUY HERBERT. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Ottawa, 111. ; educated at public school and High School of Ottawa. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, A. E. F. in France. Member of Pensacola Yacht Club. Created Chevalier in recognition of "meritorious serv- ices rendered the Allied cause." Present address : Headquarters, Southeastern Depart- ment, Charleston, S. C. YANTIS, ERNEST M. Born in Brown County, Texas ; educated at Granbury College. Served as Lieutenant, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier May 14, 1919, in recognition of services rendered in France during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address : Granbury, Texas. YATES, ARTHUR WOLCOTT. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Milwaukee, Wis., and educated at U. S. In- fantry and Cavalry School. Served in the various grades in the U. S. Army from Second Lieutenant to Colonel. Clubs: Army and Navy (Washington and Manila), Golf and Country (Washington). Created Officier December 11, 1919, for services ren- dered as Chief Quartermaster, A. E. F. in France. Has also Leopold (Belgium), White Eagle (Serbia), Danilo 1 (Montenegro). Present address : War Department, Washington, D. C. OF FRANCE 449 YOUELL, RICE McNUTT. Served as Major, A. E. F. Created Chevalier. Last address: Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky. YOUNG, CASTLE. Created Chevalier, January 7, 1919. Address unknown. YOUNG, GORDON RUSSELL. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Philadelphia, Pa. ; educated at U. S. Military Academy. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, Engineer Corps, and in charge of branch of General Staff handling Motor Trans- port, A. E. F. in France. Member of Society of Automotive Engineers. Created Chevalier April 4, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in connection with Motor Transpor- tation of A. E. F. in France. Present address: Richmond Hotel, Washington, D. C. YOUNG, SAMUEL BALDWIN MARKS. Officer, U. S. Army (Retired). Born in Pittsburgh, Pa. ; educated at Jefferson College, Canonsburg, Pa. Entered U. S. Army as a private and has risen to rank of Lieutenant General. Was Governor, U. S. Sol- di^rs' Home. Clubs : Century, New York ; Pacific Union, Bohemian, Cosiros, San Francisco; San Antonio, Texas; Metropol- itan, Chevy Chase, Army and Navy, Washington, D. C. Created Commandeur 1902, in recognition of courtesies shown to the Rochambeau Commission. Present address: War Department, Washington, D. C. 450 AMERICAN LEGIONNAIRES YOUNGBERG, GILBERT A. Officer, U. S. Army. Born in Minnesota ; educated at Carleton College, North- field, Minn., and U. S. Military Academy. Served as Colonel, Engineers, A. E. F. in France. Author of articles of a professional nature. Member of Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Created Officier April 4, 1919, in consideration of serv- ices rendered as Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff, Fourth Section, General Staff, American Army in France, and as Member, Permanent Interallied Armistice Commis- sion. Has also D. S. M., Distinguished Service Order (England), Sts. Maurice and Lazarus (Italy). Present address: Office, Chief of Engineers, Wash- ington, D. C. ZACHER, VERNON B. Student Born in Barnesville, Minn. ; studied at North Dakota Agricultural College, and Montana State College. Served as Lieutenant, Infantry, A. E. F. in France. Created Chevalier April 19, 1919, in recognition of his "capturing of two machine gun crews and snipers at Bantheville, France," during the War. Has also D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre, with palm. Present address: Box 1253, Jamestown, N. D. ZANE, EDMUND. Served as Major, A. E. F. Created Chevalier March 16, 1919. Last address: War Department, Washington, D. C. ZANETTI, J. ENRIQUE. Chemist. Born in San Domingo, W. I. ; educated at Harvard University. Served as Lieutenant Colonel, Chemical Warfare Serv- ice, A. E. F. in France. Was Secretary, U. S. Interallied Congress for Gas Warfare, and Interallied Commission OF FRANCE 451 for Chemical Warfare Supplies. Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Columbia University. Contributor to several professional journals. Clubs: Harvard, University, New York; Englewood and Knollwood Country Clubs. Created Chevalier July 20, 1919, in consideration of services rendered in France during the War. Has also Distinguished Service Order (England). Present address : Columbia University, New York City. ZIEGFELD, FLORENZ. Musical Educator. Born in Jever, Germany ; graduate of Leipzig Conserva- tory ; studied music under Moscheles, Reinecke, Plaidy, Pappertiz, Wenzel. Founder and former president of Chicago Musical College ; now president emeritus ; Chairman, Board of Judges, Musical Exhibit, World's Columbian Exposition; has been prominent in political, social and military affairs ; recipient of diplomas and gold medals of vari- ous Italian academies of art. Created Chevalier July 24, 1903, in recognition of his work for the benefit of French music. Present address : 624 South Michigan Avenue, Chi- cago, 111. 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