LIBRARY (JMIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS .^^H- IVHtWTY OF OALlfOaMI* LIBRARY DAVIS COPY % STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING BULLETIN NO. 62 RECOMMENDED WATER WELL CONSTRUCTION * AND SEALING STANDARDS MENDOCINO COUNTY.^ W^^\ GOODWIN J. KNIGHT Governor ^ HARVEY O. BANKS , Director of Watef]?.?sovirc?s. ' OAV!S MAY 2 8 1959 November, 1958 LIBRARY STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING BULLETIN NO. 62 RECOMMENDED WATER WELL CONSTRUCTION AND SEALING STANDARDS MENDOCINO COUNTY GOODWIN J. KNIGHT W/^^S^^ HARVEY O. BANKS Governor M\ "^ ^a«^") Director of Water Resources November, 1958 LIBRARY iJi^JIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA DAVIS TABLE OF COMTENTS Page FRONTISPIECE <, ni LETTER OF TRANailTTAL ^^ ACKN0WI£Da4ENT ^^ ORGANIZATION, STATE DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PIANNINQ ^^ ORGANIZATION, CAHFORNIA WATFJl COMMISSION XVII CHAPTER I . INTRODUCTION 1 Authorization •• ^ Statement of Problem ^ Scope of Investigation and Report 2 Prior Investigations and Reports , • • J Review of Preliminary Edition of Bulletin No. 62 6 Area of Investigation • ° Location •• ••• O Physiography •• Climate 7 Stream Systems « 9 Present C\iltural Development 13 Agriculture •• • 13 Industry • 13 Population ».. •• 1** Transportation ^6 Definitions • ^ Location References and Well NTimbers • 1^ Page CmPTm II. GEOLOGY, HYDROLOGY, AND WATER QUALITY OF THE ALLUVIAL AREAS OF MENDOCINO COUNTY <, « 21 Xn'tf OdUCbiOn eaee«oe*>a9<«eeeao« cX Ground Water Geology and hydrology •<>oe9oas.o»o25 Geologic Formations «e«»»i.«»»«.oo»» 25 Water-Bearing Series o«o»«..»e«.9e 28 Nonwater-Bearing Series .a».»o..»eo« 31 Structure ««.... 32 General Water Quality ••... 33 Classification of Waters «... •..• 33 Surface Water 36 Ground Water •..«.... ...*«...<>* 37 Anderson Valley 38 Surface V/ater %-drology .».«38 Ground Water Geology and I^rdrology I|0 Recent Alluvium, River Channel Deposits, and Teirace Deposits ..............IjO Tertiary-Quaternary Sediments • 1*3 Water Quality 1*3 Sanel Valley l^$ Surface Water hydrology • ••••.•U5 Grovmd Water Geology and hydrology ••••• li6 Recent Alluvium, River Ghajinel Deposits, and Terrace Deposits • • » • l^^ Tertiajy-Quatemary Sediments •• • U8 Water Quality •«.»« .•• I48 VI Page Laytonville Valley 50 Surface V/ater Hydrclogy 5l Ground V/ater Geology and Hydrology 52 Water Quality 56 Little Lake Valley . 57 Surface Water Hydrology 58 Ground Water Geology and Hydrology 59 Water Quality 62 Potter Valley 63 Surface Water Hydrology 6U Ground Water Geolopy and Hydrology 65 Recent Alluvium, River Channel Deposits, and Terrace Deposits •65 Tertiary-Quaternary Sediments 6? Water Quality ••... • 68 Round Vd.ley 69 Surface Water Hydrology •...•.• 70 Ground V/ater Geology and Hydrology ..•....«•• 70 Recent Alluvium and i^ver Channel Deposits •71 Tertiary-Quaternary Sediments • . • • 73 Water Quality •• 73 Ukiah Valley 7U Surface Water Hydrology • 75 Ground Water Geology and Hydrology ....•..•.• 76 Recent Alluvium, River Channel Deposits, and Terrace Deposits ...« 77 Tertiaiy-Quaternary Sediments 80 Water Quality .• • ^1 VII Page Fojrt Bragg Coastal Terrace and Contiguous Areas 83 Surface V/ater Hydrology »,...85 Ground VJater Geology and Hydrology B$ Water Quality <.. 86 Point Arena Coastal Terrace and Contiguous Areas 90 Surface V/ater Hydrology 91 Ground Water Geology and Hydrology 91 V/ater Quality 95 Minor Valleys 96 Ground Water Geology and Hydrology 96 Recent Alluvium, River Channel Deposits, and Terrace Deposits 97 Older Alluvium , . 98 Water Quality 99 Chapter III. PRESENT V;ATER WELL CONSTRUCTION AND SEALING P^iACTICES 100 Factors Affecting Well Construction and Sealing 101 Well Location lOU Well Construction Practices IO6 Drilling Methods , 109 Drilled V/ells IO9 Dug Wells Ill VIII Casing. 112 Material 112 Placement Il6 Diameter Reducti on Il8 Joints 119 Perforations 122 Ground Water Sampling 12U Sealing Off Strata 125 Surface Features ..... 128 Surface Protection 128 Vfell Pit 135 Pump House 136 Well Disinfection 136 Pump Lubrication 139 Appraisal of Sanitary^ Quality of Ground '.'ater ihO Sealing of Abandoned Wells 11*6 CHAPTER IV. CONaUSICNS AIJD RECOMMENDATIONS. . , 1^1 Conclusions .• I5l Recommended Standards of Vvfater Vfell Construction and Sealing 153 IX Page General VJater Vfnll Constriction Standards 15U Wen Location 15U Casing 15U Material 15U Placement • 156 Diameter Heduction • 157 Joints .• •• 157 Perforations 158 Ground VJater Sampling l59 Sealing Off Strata I60 Surface Protection 1^2 Well Pit I6U Pump House • 1^5 Well Disinfection l65 Pump Lubrication • • ♦....• l65 General Water Well Sealing Standards . I66 Supplemental Water Well Construction and Sealing Standards for Sanel, Laytonville, Potter, and liound Valleys I67 Sanel Valley l67 Laytonville Valley I68 Potter and ^und Valleys •••• l69 X APPENDICES Page A CSlSiC D&b&o ee«<>99««««»*90 A"! B Sumnaiy of Well Drillers' interviews »(>(>«•• B-1 TABLES Table Page No. 1 United States Weather Bureau Meteorological Stations ••»*.» •o^lO 2 Coastal Streams. U 3 Stream Gaging Stations .12 li Population • 1h $ Ground Water Basins ..••23 6 Geologic Formations • 26 7 Water Well Construction Survey 10? 8 Comparison of Results of Bacteriological Examinations vdth Classification of V/ell Construction . . . • lUU 9 Comparison of Results of Bacteriological Examinations vdth Field Survey of Wells lU5 n PIATES All plates are bound at the end of the report. Plate No. 1 Location of Area of Investigation 2 Location of Alluvial Areas and Graphic Index to Plates 3 through 11 3 Geology of Ground Water Basins of Anderson, Sanel, and Ukiah Valleys k Geology of Qroimd Water Basins of laytonville. Little lake. Round and Potter Valleys 5 Geology of Ground Water Basins of Fort Bragg Terrace and Contiguous Areas 6 Geology of Ground Water Basins of Point Arena Terrace and Contiguous Areas 7 Geology of Ground T«Iater Basins and Location of Wells and Sampling Points in the Minor Valleys 8 Location of Wells and Sampling Points in Anderson, Sanel, and Ukiah Valleys 9 Location of V/ells and Sampling Points in Lsytonville, little Lake, Round and Potter Valleys 10 Location of Wells and Sampling Points in Fort Bragg Terrace and Contiguous Areas U Location of Wells and Sampling Points in Point Arena Terrace and Contiguous Areas ni GOODWIN J. KNIGHT •*«i>-L* A BAk]i^e GOVERNOR RVEY O. BANKS ADORCSS RIPLV TO DIHSCTOR P. O. BOX SIB SACRAMKNTO 2 IiaONJTRIKT HICKORY ■■4711 STATE OF CALIFORNIA S^ljartmrnt ct Wain IpBourrw SACRAMENTO November 25, 1958 Honorable Goodwin J. Knight, Governor, and Members of the Legislatxu'e of the State of California North Coastal Regional Water Pollution Control Board Gentlemen; I have the honor to transmit herewith Bulletin No. 62 of the Department of Water Resources entitled "Recommended Water Well Constnxc- tion and Sealing Standards, Mendocino County". This report has been prepared under authority of Section 231 of the Water Code, The inves- tigation was conducted and report prepared by the Division of Resources Planning of the Department of Water Resources. This report is the first of a series of reports designed to formulate and recommend areal standards of water well construction and sealing in order to adequately protect the waters of the State from quality impairment caused by improperly constructed, defective, or abandoned wells. The recommended standards presented are based on physical conditions and ctirrent well constmction practices found in Mendocino County. While there are at present no statewide laws in California setting forth standards for well construction and sealing, the Legislature recognized the need for such standards in the enactment of Chapter 1552, Statutes of 19h9j by directing the Department of Water Resources to for- m\ilate minimum standards of well constniction and procedures for the abandonment of wells. This report is designed to assist those who may undertake to formulate legislation or regtilations for control of well construction and sealing practices in Mendocino County. Very truly yours. HARVEY 0. BANKS Director ACKNCWIi'lDGMENT The volxintary and valuable cooperation received from the following public and private agencies, and individuals is gratefully acknowledged. United States Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers United States Geological Survey, Ground Water Branch and Quality of Water Branch California State Department of Public Health, Bureau of Sanitary Engineering North Coastal Regional Water Pollution Control Board (No. 1) Mendocino County Agricultural Commissioner Mendocino County Health Department Associated Drilling Contractors Pacific Gas and Electric Company Crislip Drilling Conqpany, Santa Rosa Charles Gutcher, Covelo Holz Company, Ukiah N. F. Keyt, Cotati Louis J* Lareau, Fort Bragg Harold F. Nutting, Santa Rosa Precision Drilling Con^sany, Santa Roaa C. T. Smalley, Potter Valley George W. Taylor, Ukiah C« H. Thomas, Laytonville W. C. Thompson and Son, Sebastopol William B, Zuver, Boonville XV ORGANIZATION STATE DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLA>iNlNG Harvey 0» Bsinkg Director of Water Resourcea M, J. Shelton Deputy Director of V/ater Resources VH-lliam L, Berry Chief, Division of Resources Planning Carl B, Meyer Chief, Special Activities Branch Hie activity under which this report was prepared is directed by Meyer Kramsky*, , o ........ . Principal Hydraulic aigineer assisted by Wtllard R. Slater Supervising Hydraulic Engineer The investigation was conducted and report prepared by Richard W. Kretsingsr. Associate Hydraulic Engineer Jsunes L, Welsh (now resigned) . Associate Hydraulic Engineer Harley R. Woodvjorth , , . Associate Hydraulic Engineer Donald H. Neudeck ... Assistant Hydraulic Engineer assisted by Carleton E. Plumb. ... Senior Hydraulic Engineer Robert F, Middleton .... Assistant Civil Engineer Earl Molander Assistant Civil Engineer Marvin W, Peyton Engineering Aid II Mary Stafford Delineator Geologic studies and report were prepared under supesTvision of E. C, Marliave (now resigned) ..... Supervising Engineering Geologist Raymond C. Richter ........ .Supervising Engineering Geologist by David M, Hill Senior Engineering Geologist Robert E. Thronson Associate Engineering Geologist Porter K, Towner ... Chief Counsel Paul L, Barnes . Chief, Division of Adr,iinistration Isabel C, Nessler v'oordlnator of Reports *Philip J. Coffey directed this activity until T!arch 16^ 1957 ORGANIZAnON CAUFORNIA WATER CC*1MISSI0N Clair A. Hill, Chairman, Redding Arnold Frew, Vice Chairman, King City- John P. Bunker, Gustine Richard H. Fuidge, Maiysville Everett L. Grubb, Riverside William H. Jennings, La Mesa Kenneth Q. Volk, Los Angeles George B. Qleason Chief Engineer Willinm M. Carah Executive Secretary XVII RECOMMENDED WATER WELL CONSTRUCTION AND SEALING STANDARDS MENDOCINO COUNTT CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION Authorization Intensive utilization of ground water for domestic. Irrigation, and industrial uses throughout the State has focused attention on the need for protection of the quality of ground water through adequate standards of water well construction and proper sealing of abandoned wells* Legislation providing authority for formulation of appropriate standards was enacted as Chapter I5i>2, Statutes of 19h9f now Section 231 of the Water Code, which reads: "231. The department, either independently or in cooperation with any person or any county, state, federal or other agency, shall investigate and survey conditions of damage to quality of underground waters, which conditions are or may be caused by improperly constructed, abandoned or defective wells through the interconnection of strata or the introduction of surface waters into underground waters. The department shall report to the appropriate regional water pollution control board its recommendations for minimum standards of well construction in any particular locality in which it deems regulation necessary to pro- tection of quality of imderground water, and shall report to the Legislature from time to time, its recommendations for proper sealing of abandoned wells." This investigation has been conducted and the report prepared in compliance with this section of the Water Code. Statement of Problem The alluvial and valley fill areas of Mendocino County supply water to an estimated U,000 wells. Nearly 80 per cent of these wells supply ground -1- water primarily for domestic and municipal useso The remaining 20 per cent supply ground water for irrigation and minor industrial purposes,, It is estimated that 85 per cent of domestic water supplies and 70 per cent of irrigation water are derived from ground water storage. In Mendocino County hundreds of new water wells are constructed annually, and many others are abandoned. If these wells are not properly constructed initially or are not satisfactorily sealed upon abandonment, they may permit impairment of the quality of ground water. In order to protect the usefulness of ground water storage and to provide maximum assurance that the ground water will be suitable for the beneficial uses intended, it is essential that adequate standards of well construction and sealing be formulated and adopted. Scope of Investigation and Report The investigation included an identification of valley fill areas within Mendocino County capable of storing, transmitting, and yielding ground water and included a reconnaissance geologic siu-vey of such areas. A comprehensive survey of representative water wells throughout the county was made to determine present sanitary conditions, types of wells, and standards of construction. Representative samples of ground and surface water for standard mineral analysis and samples of ground water for bacteriological examination were obtained throughout the county for determination of present water quality conditions and evalviaticn of present or potential sources of contami- nation, pollution, and degradation. Determinations of most probable nuihl)er (MRJ) of coliform organisms were made on I81i ground water samples to evaluate the effects of possible -2- sources of contamination obseinred during the well canvass. Interviews were conducted with well drillers operating, or known to have operated, in Mendocino County, Other than measurements of depth to ground water, no field work investigating hyclrologic or climatological data was performed; available data were compiled. The report includes evaluation of results of a geologic reconnaissance surv^, compilation and interpretation of data on hydrology and water quality, and a description of prevalent methods and materials used in well construction and sealing. Recommendations for standards of well construction and sealing considered necessary for protection of ground water in valley fill are?s are presented in the report. However, recommendations are not made regard- ing procedures for protection of quality of water in distribution and storage systems, since these matters are the responsibility of local health authorities and the Bureau of Sanitary i^ngineering. State Department of Public Health. Comments and recommendations are presented herein refer specifically to Mendocino County. Prior Investigations and Reports The following reports, containing information pertinent to evalu- ation of ground water conditions and establishment of water well construction and sealing standards in Mendocino County, were reviewed in connection with the cvirrent investigation. Reference is made to these reports in the text by means of numbers in parenthesis; e.g., (1). 1. American Water Works Association. "Standard Specifications for Deep Wells". AWWA A-IOO-5I2. November, 1952* -3- 2. Brantly, J. E, "Itotary DrillinE Handbook". Palmer Publications. Fifth Edition. 19^2. 3. California State Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry. "Inland Soils of Mendocino". (Map), 1951. U, California State Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry. "Vegetation - Soil Maps of Mendocino Countj'". (Maps and Supplements). 19U9 - 1952. 5. California State Department of Natural Resources, Division of Mines. "Geologic M^, State of California". 1938. 6. Callfoima State Department of Natural Resources, Division of Mines. "Point Arena - Fort Ross Region". By Weaver, C. E. Bulletin No. 118. 19U3. 7. California State Department of Public Health. "Sanitation Guide for Snail Water Systems". July, 1953. 8. California State Department of Public Health, Bureau of Sanitary Engineer- ing. "Rural Saaitation, Sewage Disposal and Water Supply", Special Bulletin No, 56. June, 1931. 9. California State Department of Public Works, Division of Water Resources. "Sea-V/ater Intrusion into Ground VTater Basins Borderixig California Coast and Inland Bays". Water Quality Investigations. Report No. 1, December, 1950 • 10. California State Department of Public V/orks, Division of Water Resources. "Flow and Quality Characteristics of the Russian River". Water Quality Investigations. Report No. 2. January, 195l« 11. California State Department of Public Works, Division of Water Resources. "Ground Water Basins in California". Water Quality Investigations. Report No. 3. November, 1952. 12. California State DepartiiBnt of Public VJoiks, Division of Water Resources. "Effects of Winery Wastes Disposal on Ground VJater, Sonoma County". June, 1952. 13. California St^te Department of Public Works, Division of Water Resources. "Report on Boron Pollution in Ground Water, Regina Heights Area, Ukiah Valley, Mendocino County, California", Inter-Departmental Communication to Regional Water Pollution Control Board No. 1. File No. 282.10. 1951. lk» California State Water Pollution Control Board. "Report on the Investiga- tion of Travel of Pollution". Publication No. 11. 195U. 15. California State Water Resources Board. "VJater Resources of California". Bulletin No. 1. 1951' 16. Clark, Samuel G. "Geology of the Covelo District,, Mendocino County, California". University of California, Departr ;nt of Geological Sciences Balietin. Vol. 25. No. 2, I9I4O. -U- 17. Federal Housing ytdministration. "Minimum Requirements for Individual V/ater-Supply and Sewage- liLspo sal Systems", December, 195l» 18, Mendocdno County Agricultural Extension Service. "Thirty-Sixth Annual Report on ttie Mendocino County Agricultural ^crtension Service", 1953* 19e Taliaferro, N. L. "Geologic History and Correlation of the Jurassic of Southwestern Oregon and California". Geological Society of America. Bulletin $3. 19h2. 20. Taliaferro, II. L. "Franciscan-Knoxville Problem". American Association of Petroleum Geologists B'jlletin. Vol. 27, No, 2, February, 19U3. 21. Iblman, C. F. "Ground V/ater", McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. 1937. 22. Trewartha, GLen T. "An Introduction to Climate". McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. 195h» 23. United Shates Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Soils. "Soil Survey of the Ukiah Area, California". By Watson, E. B. and Pendleton, P^ L. 1916, 2)4. United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Soils, "Soil Survey of the VJillits Area, California". By Dean, Walter C. 1920, 25. United States Department of the Army. "Well Drilling", Technical Manual TM5-297. November 29, 19ll3. 26. United States Depeirtment of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. "19^ United States Census of Population, California, Number of Inhabi- tants", 1951. 27. United States Department of Commerce, Weather Bureau, "Climatological Data". 1892-1955. 26, United States Department of t he Interior, Geological Survey, "Springs of California". By Waring, G. A. Water Supply Paper 388. 1915. 29. United States Department of t he Interior, Geological Survey, "Surface Water of the United States". Part 11, Pacific Slope Basins in California. 1911-1953. 30. United States Department of the Interior, Geological Survey and Bureau of Mines. "Natural Resources of Northwestern California". Appendix on Geology. Preliminary Report. October, 1955. 31. United States Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, Ground Water Branch. "Ground 'later in Small Basins in Northern Sonomi and Mendo- cino County Area". In Progress, 32. United States Public Health Service. "Sanitation Manual for Ground V/ater Supplies". Public Health P^poriis. Vol. 59. No, 5. FebruaiT U, 19Ui* 33. United States Public Health Service. "Public Health Drinking Water Standards, 19)46". Public Health Reports. Vol. 6I. No. 11. March 15, 19li6. -5- 3U. University of California, Institute of Engineering Research. "Final Report on Field Investigation and Research on V/aste-¥ater Reclama- tion and Utilization in Relation to Underground Uater Pollution", Sanitary Engineering Research Project. June 30, 1952. Review of Prelirdrary Edition of Bulletin No. 62 A prelindnar^ draft of this report was released to various interested Individuals, agencies, and organizations for review and comments in September 1956, Hearings on the preliminary draft were held on December 5j 1956, and August 7, 1957> with the Legislative Committee of the Associated Drilling Contractors. All comments and recommendations submitted by these parties were reviewed and analyzed and have been considered in revising this report. Area of Investigation Location Mendocino County is located in the northwest coastal section of California, between the Pacific Ocean and Sacramento Valley. The southern bounday is approximately 80 miles north of the City of San Francisco, The county is located between 38°lj5' and U0°00' north latitude and between 122°50' and 12l;°00' west longitude. The id.dth varies between a maximum of 58 miles and a minimum of 32 miles and the length varies from 8U miles to 77 miles. Mendocino County is bordered on the south by Sonoma County, on the east by Lake,' Glenn, and Tehama Counties, and on tho north by Trinity and Humboldt Counties. The Pacific Ocean forms the vrestem boundary. The county encompasses an area of approximately 3>5lO square miles. General location is shown on Plate 1, and an index to alluvial areas on Plate 2« -6- Physio f^raphy Mendocino County encompasses a series of mountain ridges and inter- montane valleys of the Coast Range. The I'idges and valleys vary greatly in width, hei^t, and topographic detail and are oriented in a northwest- south- east direction, roughly parallel to major rift and fault zones which pass through the area. Elevations range from sea level to the 6,963-foot elevation of Anthony Peak located in the northeast section of the county. Topography varies from precipitous and deeply dissected landscapes to gentle slopes, rolling hills, and intermontane valleys. Physiographic features reflect the folding, faulting, and uplift by which the Coast Range was developed. Rapid subsequent erosion on lines of structural weakness has stripped enormous volumes of sediments from tiie area. Structural bowls and troughs were formed in the Coast Range during periods of intense folding and faulting. Major valleys reflect the shape of structural depressions as modified by effects of deposition and erosion. Several valleys are trough-like: Anderson Valley and portions of Sanel, Ukiah, and Laytonville Valleys. Dowi cutting by streams has developed promi- nent terraces in Laytonville, Ukiah, and Anderson Valleys. The central segments of Mendocino County are characterized by a series of iplifted marine terraces varying greatly in width. These terraces lie between rugged sea cliffs and the steep hills and ridges of bJie Coast Range. Climate Mendocino County has tvo distinct types of climate. These are classed as Mediterrajiean (Csa) and Temperate Marine (Cb) as proposed by Klppen and modified by Trewartha (22), -7" Mediterranean clinatc is found in all thn interior valleys and is characterized in this area by relatively xifarm, dry summers and wet, cool winters. Mean teinperature varies fron an average of appro xL'nately ii5° F. in January to between 70 and 7^° F. in July. Precipitation varies between 35 and 70 inches per year, nearly all occurring between October and I'lay. A few cloudy days occur in the suiruner; warm days are the rule although the nights are quite cool. Winter storms are often followed by clear, pleasant days. Temperate Marine cli'nate is found only along the coast line. It is characterized by relatively even temperatures and by considerable fog and low clouds. Diurnal and seasonal variations of t emperature are less pronounced than those in the j nteri or area. Precipitation averages 35 to kO inches per year, and mean temperatures vary fro-n U9 F. in January to $6° F, in July and August, Major storm systems passing over the country move in a southeast direction. Precipitation decreases from north to south and is also greatly influenced by orographic barriers. Itierefore, vii-iile the precipitation tends to decrease in a southerly direction, there are wide variations of amount and intensity depending upon altitude and location. Stoiros rao-ving through the area are pri-narily controlled by the location of the permanent or semi-permanent zone of high barorietric pressure commonly known as the "Pacific High". During the summer season this zone normally lies to the northwest of Mendocino County, but during the vanter season it normally retreats to the southwest. Location of the "Pacific Ki^" determines whether stor-ds generated in the north Pacific area can move inland through Mendocino County or whether they will be diverted northward. Eleven "loteorological stations either have been or presently are maintained by the United States W3ather Bureau (27) in Mendocino County, Locations of the stations, types of data recorded, periods of record and averages for periods of record are shown in 'fable 1. More detailed data from these stations are published by the United States V/eather Bureau and are not included in this report. Stream Systems Mendocino County is divided into three major drainage systems: Eel River, Russian River, anl the coastal drainage area (Plate 2) • The northern half of the county lies in the Eel River watershed, Ihis watershed has an area of 3,700 square miles, of wiiich 1,^50 are in Mendocino County. Principal tributairies of the Eel are its North, Middle, and South Forks. Ihe system as a whole displays a highly irregular drainage pattern, viith stream channels following, in many instances, the lines of structural weakness in the contorted rocks of the I'ranciscan-Knoxville group. Ihe southeasterly portion of Mendocino County, comprising about 15 per cent of its area of 515 square miles, is drained by the liussian River. Supplementing this drainage, about lh0,000 acre-feet of water is imported annaally from Eel River througli the Potter Valley power house. Much of this water is subsequently used for irrigation and other purposes. The third major viatershed group, designated as the "coastal drainage area", coriprises a strip along the Pacific Coast extending the entire north- and- south length of the county. Its streams are relatively short, their profiles steep, and valleys small. Subdivisions of this group are shovm in Table 2. -9- TABLE 1 UNITED STATES WEATHER BUREAU^ METEICROLOGICAL STATIONS KEMDOCINO CGUNTY rPeriod of record : Mean for period'^ Area : Station J Elevatior in feet * K Tempera : ture -tPrecipi- ttati on • : Tenpe rature tPrecipita- : in °F. :tion in inches Anderson Torkville 1,150 None i9ia- _,. U7.6U Valley Sanel Valley Hopland Largo Station SSo None 19^0- «««M 38.68 Fort Bragg Fort Bragg 7U 1893- 1893- 52.9 37. U8 Laytonville Valley Laytonville 1,6U0 None i9ia- — 56.20 Point Arena Point Arena Light Station 60 1950- 1950- 50*9 35.13 Potter Valley Potter Valley Powerhouse IjOlIt 1939- 1912- la .08 Round Valley Covelo 1,390 19l0~ 1919- 56.1 38.22 Ukiah Valley Redvrood 718 None 1938- — 36.07 Ukiah Valley Ukiah 623 1893- 1872- 57.8 35.35 Little Lake Valley Willits 1,365 None 1888- 50.07 Leggett Valley Gumming s 1,32U None 1928- — 67.81 a Data from U, S. Departmpnt of Cora,iE rce., Qlimatological Data (27). b Period is from beginning of record to 1955. -10- TABLE 2 COASTAL STW;;.MS MEUDOCIMO COUNTY Stream Total drainage ai«a in square miles Ten Mile litLvpr Group Noyo River Basin Big liiver Group NavarixD Pdver Basin Alder Creek Group Garcia River Basin North i'ork Gualala K.ver 26 UU 290 316 12U llU 125 As shown in Table 3, there are lU stream gaging stations vdiich are, or have been, maintained in the county. Data listing years of record, average discharge, and area drained by each stream at the station are given. Detailed discharge records obtained from these gages are published annually by the United States Geological Survey (29) and are not included in this report. -11- TABLE 3 STREAM GAGING STATIONS^ MENDOCINO COUNTY [Drainage :area in ; square ! miles Stream and location of gaging station :Average discharge Period :in cubic feet per of ; second, for record ; period South Fork Eel ^xver near Miranda I9I4.O- South Fork Eel River near Branscomb I9U6- MLddle Fork Eel River below Black Butte ffi.ver near Covelo Eel River at Hullville Eel River at Van Arsdale Dam near Potter Valley Eel River above Dos Rios Eel River below Dos Rios Potter Valley Powerhouse Tailrace near Potter Valley 1909- 1,750 166 197 5U7 hh 1951- 1,310 367 1922- li90 289 1922- 563° 3U7 1950- 1,876 703 1951- U,103 l,lj8l East Fork Russian i^ver near Calpella 19ii2- 302*^ ?u East Fork Russian PiLver near Ukiah 1951- Uho^ lou Rissian River near Hopland 19liO- 6814^ 362 Russian River near Cloverdale 1951- 1,228 502 Navarro River near Navarro 1950- 657 30U Noyo River near Fort Bragg 1951- 323 105 a All records compiled by United States Geological Survey, b Period is from beginning of record to 1953» c Includes diversion to East Fork Russian River from Eel River, d Includes effect of diversion to East Forte Russian River from Eel River. -12- Present Cultural development Agriculture , The total land area of Mendocino County is about 2,2h6,0O0 acres, of which farm land constitutes nearly 50 per cent. Approximately 900,000 acres, or 80 per cent of the total agricultural land, are utilized as livestock range and fenced natural pasture (l8) , About 100,000 acres are devoted to irrigated pasture or cultivation. The most important crops are grain, vetch hay, alfalfa, sudan grass, hops, grapes, and fruits. Acreage of cereal crops has decreased in the past few years, being replaced mainly by pasture. Acreage devoted to horticulture and viticulture, although representing but a sma3.1 percentage of the total agricultural land, accounts for approximately one-third of the agricultural income. Wine grapes, followed by pears and apples, are the most important fruit , Livestock raising is a major agricultural activity. Sheep are presently the most important, followed in order by cattle, hogs and poultry. Sheep, beef cattle, and hogs are raised throughout the county, and dairy cattle are concentrated in Potter Valley and along the coastal areas. Poultry production is of importance in the Fort Bragg area. Industry , At present the largest source of income in the country is the production and manufacture of lumber and wood products. Approximately 1,200,000 acres of commercial timberland supply lumber mills and lumber by- product plants throughout the county. Mining of chromium, mercury, and copper ore supplies a relatively small income. During the summer months tourist trade in the county represents a significant source of income along the heavily traveled highways. Many motels, resorts, restaurants, and other businesses derive a large portion of their income from this source. Commercial and spoirt fishing is a material -13- source of income along the coastal segment of the county- Population. The population of Mendocino County (26) increased U6.6 per cent from 27,86ii in 19hO to liO,b$h in 1950. The major areas of population in the county are shown in Table U. TABLE h POPUIJ^TION MENDOCINO COUNTY Location 19liO Census 1950 Census Anderson Valley iirea Areas contiguous to 1,010 Point Arena 1,058 Point Arena 37U Areas contiguous to Fort Bragg 5,211 Fort Bragg 3,235 Little lake Valley Area contiguous to Willits 1,258 Willits 1,625 Laytonville Valley Area 883 Round Valley Area 1,571 Sanel Valley Area L,0!i2 Ukiah Valley Area contiguous to Ukiah 6,830 Ukiah 3,731 Totals for Mendocino County 27,86i» 2,368 1,273 372 7,l*li5 3,626 2,602 2,691 1,626 1,357 1,163 10,011 6,120 itO,851i -lit- Anderson, Little Lake, Laytonville, and Ukiah Valleys were the areas of most rapid population yi^^^'^ in the decade between 19hO and 1950. This increase is based on expansion of lumbering sind its allied industries and of tourist activity. Urban population was 39 per cent of the total in 1950, rural population accounting for 6I per cent. More than 90 per cent of t he people of the county live in the seven major valleys and in the coastal segTient. Fovr cities. Fort Bragg, Point Arena, Ukiah, and Willits, are served with community sewer systems. Fort Hragg has a collect"' on system vri-iich discharges raw sewage to the ocean through three outfalls. Point Arena has a sewage collection system vrith septic tank traat'aent and discharge to Ross Creek. Ukiah is served by a collection system and by a treatment plant consisting of prinary sedimentation, separate sludge digestion, and percolation-oxidation ponds; sf-asonal pond overflow is chlorinated before discharge to Russian ttiver, Ukiah Village Sewer Maintenance I^istrict, south of sind adjacent to Ukiah, collects and treats sewage from 28? homes. Treatnent is by the activated sludge process, and effluent is discharged into Russian River. In I9I49 Willits constructed a sewage treatment plant consisting of primary clarifier, separate sludge digestion, and ojddation ponds. Effluent is discharged to Broaddus C^ek. Mendocino State Hospital at Talmage and ^^a^onite Corporation north of Ukiah also have domestic sewage collection and sevfage treatment systems. Total populata.on served by sewage collection ajid/or treatment systems is estimated to be 12,300 or 30 per cent of the total 1950 population of the county. Eighty- five per cent of the 1900 u^ban population of Mendocino County are served by cornmunity sewer systems. -15- Transportation . Tlie major h:i.r;hijay serving; Mendocino County is U« S. Highway 101, which extends in a northerly direction through the entire length of the county. This highway is the main route to a! 1 of the north coastal areas from 3ai Francisco to the Oregon border. State Highway 1 also serves Mendocino County northerly along ttie coast from Point Arena to north of Rockport, wi-iere it swinrs inland and connects vjith U, 3, Highway 101 a few miles north of Cummings, Other primar?/ hif^way routes in the county includes State Highway 20, v±iich extends from the eastern boundary of Mendocino County in the vicinity of Lakeport to U. 3. Highway 101 just north of Ukiah, and State Highway 128, which extends fiDn'i doverdale west to the mouth of the Navarro Kiver, where it connects with State Hif^hway 1, In addition to the primary highway system there are numerous secondary roads. Mendocino County is also served by a line of the Morthwestem Pacific Railroad, which roughly parallels the course of ^, S. Highway 101 from north to south. There are airline connections at Ukiaii and ^'ort Bragg. Definitions Ground water unit - a body of permeable materials underlain by less permeable rocks and bounded by less permeable rocks and/or other ground water units. Ground water available in a ground water unit may be in quantities sufficient for exploitation or in relatively minor quantites, and it may be of satisfactory or inferior mineral quality. Ordinarily ground water units yield water to wells in adequate quantity and suitable quality for most beneficial purposes; however, the delineation of a groundwater unit herein neither implies nor assumes either the occurrence of gix)und water throughout the unit or suitability of water quality, -16- Ground water basin - a gro md water unit known to contain usable ground water in sufficient quantities to permit exploitation. Aquifer - a geologic formation or structure sufficiently perneable to yield water to wells or sprinc^s. Free ground water - a body of pround water not under pressure and not overlain by impervd-ous materials, movin^ under the control of the water table slope. Confined ground water - a body of proani water v;hich is imnediately over- lain by material sufficiently impervious to sever free hydraulic connection with overlyinp water and which moves under pressure caused by the diff'erence in head between the intake or forebay area and the discharge area of the confined water body. Alluvium - includes undeformed valley fill and marine terrace deposits, and slightly deformed, poorly consolidated valley fill deposits. Water well - any excavation for the purpose of obtaining ground water. Domestic water well - any water well i'rom which all or part of the water is used for culinary, domestic, or other uses common to a household. Industrial water well - a well used to obtain ground water primarily for industrial purposes but not used to supply water for domestic purposes. Irrigation water well - a well used to obtain ground water primarily for the purpose of supplyinp water for consumptive use requirements of crops, stockwatering use, or other apricultural use, but not used to supply water for domestic purposes, except incidentally to its principal use. Municipal water well - any water well owned and/or operated by an organization, one of the principal purposes of ;*iich is to supply water to multiple consumers for culinary, domestic, industrial, or other uses. -17- Artesian well^ - ar^r artificial hole in the ground through which water naturally flows from subterranean sources to the surface of the ground for ari(y length of time. Composite well log - as used herein incorporates excerpts from several well logs to represent in one log the variety, relationship, and approximate proportion of sediments underlying a specified area. When permission to publish specific well logs has not been obtained, a composite log is frequently lised as a substitute. Irrigation return water- that portion of applied irrigation water, in excess of consumptive use requirements, available for re-use. It may drain off to surface streams or infiltrate to ground water in areas of free ground water. Juvenile water^ - new water of magma tic, volcanic, or cosmic origin added to the terrestrial water supply. Contamination'^ - impainnent of the quality of the waters of t he State by sewage or industrial waste to a degree which creates an actual haizard to the public health through poisoning or spread cf disease. Pollution'^ •- impairment of the quality of the waters of the State by sewage or industrial waste to a degree which does not create an actual hazard io the public health, but which does adversely and unreasonably affect such waters for domestic, industrial^ agricultural, navigational, recreational, or any other beneficial use. Degradation - ary impairment of the quality of vmter due to causes other than the disposal of sewage and industrial wastes . a - As defined in Section 300 of the Water Code. b - As defined \3y Tolman, C. F. (21). c - As defined in Section 13005 of the Water Code. -18- Degradant - any material which causes degradation. Parts per million (ppm) - is defined as one weight of solute per one million weights of di stilled water at 20° C. Equivalent weight - is used herein as the molecular weight of any element, radical, or compound divided by the- valence. Cne equivalent of any element, radical, or compound is exactly equal in combining power to one equivalent of another elenont, radical, or compound. Equivalents per million (epm) - is used herein as ppm divided by the equivalent weight of the ion or substance. An epm is equal to a milliequivalent per liter (me/l) for concentrations of dissolved solids normally present in natural waters. Location References and Well Numbers Location numbers presented herein are referenced to the Maunt -Liiable Base and IterLdian of the United States Public Land Surv^ system, except in the extreme northrrn end of the county where they are referenced to the Humboldt Base and Meridian. Well numbers consist of township, range, section number, a letter which indicates the quarter- quarter section in which the well is located, and a final number which indicates the identity of the particular v/ell. ^he subdivision of the section is shown as follows. -19- D C B A E F G H M L K J N P Q R For example, 15N/12W 23A2 tlDBd-M, is the number ol' a well located in section 23 of Township li> North, Range 12 West, referenced to the Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, w hile A2 indicates it is the second well to be numbered in the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of that section. Surface water locations are given an additional letter of S following the location number to differentiate from ground water locations. Thus l5N/l2W-23Ali3, KDBM, would indicate a surface water location. Throughout the report the base and meridian have been omitted from location numbers, except from those which fall within the Humboldt Base and Meridian. -20- CHAPTER II. GEOLOGY, HYDROLOGY, AND WATER QUALITY OF THE ALLUVIAL AREAS OF MEMDOCINO CX)UNTY Introduction Eighty-two areas in Mendocino County have been classified in this survey as ground water units. The total alluvial area therein is approximately 250 square miles. Seven ground water units have been classified as major basins and contain a total of llt8,2 square miles of alluvial area. Two ground water units have been classified as coastal terraces. These coastal terraces include 31 areas classified as minor units and have an aggregate area of 72.0 square miles. The remaining U2 minor ground water units contain a total of 30.2 square miles. Area of each unit and the name and number assigned in accordance with the procedure established in Water Quality Investigations Report No. 3 entitled "Ground Water Basins in California" (11) are shown in Table 5 entitled "Ground Water Basins" • Location of each area is shown on Plate 2. Major basins range in size from Ukiah Valley, which contains 6k»9 square miles of alluvial area, to Anderson Valley, which contains 7»9 square miles. Alluvial area of the major basins averages 21.2 square miles. Minor units range in size from South Fork Eel River Valley to Hardy Creek Valley, xrtiich encompass h»S$ square miles and 0.02 square mile respectively. Areas classified as major ground water basins include Anderson, Laytonville (known locally as Long Valley), Little Lake, Potter, Round, Sanel (also known as Hopland Valley) , and Ukiah Valleys. In general thepe basins contain extensive and sometimes relatively thick areas of alluvial deposits capable of storing, transmitting, and yielding ground water* Depth of valley fill deposits is thouf^it to reach a maximum of over 1,U00 feet -ri- in Ukiah Valleyj however, no wells are known to have penetrated deeper than 500 feet. Alluvium in Round Valley is known to be deeper than 8OO feet. Areas comprising the coastal segment of the county include Fort Bragg Terrace and Point Arena Terrace and their contiguous areasj these include 31 ground water units classified as minor ground water basins. In these areas alluvial and terrace deposits normally do not exceed 25 feet in thickness. Maximum depth of alluvial material ranges between the extremes of 500 to 1500 feet in the remainder of the major ground water basins. The remaining U2 minor alluvial areas throughout the county are generally shallow in depth and are capable of storing, transmitting, and yielding ground water in varying, but generally small, quantities. -22- TABLE 5 g:>ound ^-/ater i BASINS riEN;.OCINC CCUNTY : Alluvial Alluvial Number •: Name : area in tHimber: Name : area in : square mil( 3s: : :s quare miles Major Vallc 2.73 1-11 Round 22.58 1-15 Ulciah 6U.92 1-12 Laytonville 11.66 1-16 Sanel ll.li6 1-13 Little Lake 17. hU 1-19 Anderson 7.90 1-lli Potter 12.20 Total - Major Valleys ll;e.l6 Coastal Terraces 1-20 Point Arena Terrace and Con- tiguous Areas 30.11i 1-21 Fort Bragg Terrace and Con- tiguous Areas hl.86 Total - Coastal Ten-aces 72.00 Minor Valleys Included in Coastal Terraces 1-3S Juan Creek 1-78 Albion River 1-63 Howard Creek 1-79 Salmon Creek 1-6U DeHavcn Creek 1-eo Navajrro River 1-65 Wages Creek 1-81 Greenwood Creek 1-66 Abalobadiah Creek 1-82 Cliff 1-67 Seaside Creek 1-83 Alder Creek 1-68 Ten Mile River l-8h Staramella Ranch 1-69 Little 1-85 Brush Creek 1-70 Pudding Creek 1-86 Garcia River 1-71 Mill Creek 1-87 Point Arena Ci^ek 1-72 Noyo 1-88 Mate Credc 1-73 Hare Creek 1-89 Ross Creek 1-7U Casper Creek 1-90 Gallovjay Creek 1-75 Russian Gulch 1-91 Schooner Gulch 1-76 Big River 1-92 Gualala River 1-77 Little River Other Minor Valleys 1-22 Mattole River O.I45 1-27 Blue Bock Creek 0.05 1-23 Indian Creek O.lU 1-28 Williams 2.12 1-2U South Fcrrk Eel Hiver U.65 1-29 Poor Mans 0.30 1-25 Summit 0.2? 1-30 Jackass Creek 0.05 1-26 Hulls 0.29 1-31 Usal Creek O.2I+ -23- TAfiLi: 5 GROUND VJATER BASINS MENDOCINO COUNTY (continued) o s Alluvial • : Alluvial Number: Name : area in : Number : Name s area in * : square miles: : square miles Other Minor Valleys (cont'd) 1-32 Hollow Tree Creek 0.59 1-51 Parlin Fork 0.08 1-33 Cottoneva Creek 0.60 1-52 North Fork 0.52 1-3U Hardy Creek 0.02 Big River 1-36 Branscomb 1.92 1-53 North Fork 0,25 1-37 Eden 1.56 Albion River 1-5)4 Comptche 0.26 1-38 Elk Creek 0.76 1-55 Cold Creek 0.62 1-39 Hearst 0,75 1-56 Umbaun 0.20 l-ljO Ryan Creek 0.08 1-57 Rancheria 1-m WheelbaiTow 0.3U Creek Creek 1-57.1 Yorkville 0.26 1-57.2 Hibbard 0.03 1-U2 Sherwood 1.20 Ranch l-li3 Curley Cow Creek l.ltl 1-57.3 Hulbert Ranch 0.2h l-Uli Bowes Creek 0.18 1-U5 Outlet Creek 0.56 1-58 Dry Creek 1-58.1 The Oaks 0.10 l-li6 Scott Greek 0.36 1-58.2 IngraJti 0.1;6 1-U7 Tomki Creek 0.73 1-59 Edwards Creek 0.21 1-1|8 Van Arsdale l.Ii5 1-60 High 0.13 1-19 Forsythe Creek 0.62 1-50 Noyo River 1-61 Pieta Creek O.lU 1-62 Tyler Creek 0.10 1-50,1 Camp Marwedel o.ih 1-50.2 North Fork Noyo 0.72 1-93 McDowell 2.29 River l-9h McNab Creek 1.93 1-50.3 Irmulco 0.85 Total - Total - Other Minor Valleys Mendocino County 30,17 250.33 -2U- Ground Water Geology and HydroloRy Geolgoic investigation in Mendocino CJounty was limited to a study of those geoloi?ic features titat affect recharge of groundwater basins and a determination of occurrence and movement of groundwater in water-bearing deposits of coastal and inland valleys. Location, extent, physical characteristics, structure, and continuity of Quaternary and Plio-Pleistocene sediments, which are the principal water-bearing deposits in the county, are presented herein. Determination of are^ distribution and surface characteristics of water-bearing deposits in Mendocino County is based on geologic mappings completed during the summer and fall of 1953 and previous mapping conpleted by Clark (l6) and Weaver (6), Subsurface characteristics of the deposits were determined by inteirpretation of logs of deep and shallow water v;ells in each area involved. Surface distribution of g eologic formations in the coastal areas and the inland valleys is shown on Plates 3 through 7. Stratigraphy and water-bearing pioperties of the deposits in Mendocino County are summarized in Table 6, An index of well data utilized in this investigation can be found in Table 1, Appendix A, entitled "Well Data?'. Location of each area and a graphic index to Plates 3 throu^ n is shown on Plate 2. Detailed maps of each area and location of wells and sampling points are found on Plates 7 through 11, Geologic Formations Geologic formations of Mendocino County include igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rock types which range in age from pre-Cretaceoua- to xtecent. In relation to occurrence of groundwater, lithologic units can -25- ''A o M e 8 0) ^5 ft 1 8 0) o S -P V 1^ , ttf V §0,5 xtreraely Ion in the most wells use of the posits and f clay and •H O o o v S rt to « a> o ^1^ ^ & r-l T) 0) . q re oj B U rH x; C V( 0) fc -p re 8- 8^5 O -« I-I ^ ^ •!» iH T- +> to n c c c t. t- « w ^ 5„s -H T5 a" •P § O ? » s o re CO ^ ))H fH <»4 q 3 1 •a -P rH 5^-S T» TJ *o s,& tl -ri * •H n re 10 q B •» 4J ii re q i> 0) ll-^ to > re N-p 0) Q) ■^ CO « w ^ m re o* q X CO 0) t>> w (^ N n •P K 0) (^ 0) 0) E«£ rH +> ^ N rH -P J: CI 0) c r^ -p ■g th -p <0 0) i-i a VI 43 00 •rl 4J «-. 3 s j: V ., |-^5^S| £ B Q) q •H x> c re re r-l (» re ff .4 re « O) S) c o, u v re ^ q n> *> m a» "H 1H CL a •H 01 (4 B C n -p b p • o a> o tfcS E-St *-So e x: -p « re *3 C 01 H q q u H pL. x: to p. box to Qj «) n •H « ^ O P-H > .O 0) o. X H o .»» S a. £ iH HE-< CfltiH £• « •> s^ n $ 10 ^ 4* 0) ■P C iH a> •H ID 2 SrA„ .t s Igt-^i? iH CO a> to E •. -p jc g 5 to c t^ to 3 vi H-P re h •HO) 0*^00 *H v< q 0) to 0) -o !> q C ID •»■r^ re n » •O JO *-« n « c > '-^S°jE° ■p n i fl) 3 « o •. -H C T3 •t (0 n ^ •b <» o Q ID 4* ^ -H H c n n (0 ti o 1^ 3 t* O QJ 0> -H ^ nop. *J t- > iH 67 C 5> P ft) to 4J (U i s ., m >,I0>4£K,O,-(fl)e €tf ffl C 4J J2 ^g^S*^ 1-t too e: -p o oObcotr, OBJ 4h to .H m m m -H fl) nl (1) Vt n ja j= •^ « CLt^ m 0) c 1 B rfS O * O -tJ -rt T3 t-i to mo f-f •> •H C *5 CO S: -P O r-4 fH a T. 0) E .H r-i V* -O (0 CO S Q> n o c r^ o 0) ^ C C tOiH > 4) n •ri o 0) 3 e H t> 3 <0 0) ^ (h > HrH *ECCW(DTOfl) potoOTOn>oC>tn u be Q room H o *H i- -H D *" »-< • tiT i4 o 0) CO m ro 4> fL .H Ci > 0> 0) o n> to -o flj +i n s O . T? 0) ., k xi TJ *H p Ai J^ tH hH I-. V C «1 r^ j:: o O 1> ^CC 0)fl.>OWO fc£.TJ (^ fl) o •H T) > l&H * B _ t>> "J •rj > -P rt CL tiL OJ T3 s Q) U ' « S ^ sS to •a to c p. a» to •P B re rH XJ ^ TO rH « a •□ o . OB « « W C TJ jO p. flJ ^0 tc u w-cjo mpo to (3 d -D . .H flJ •H M S3 C>. • H NrH -H G +> U T3 O P •O O -O rH -O O ^m ocodcmtv r-l >> flj T-l cH !» r^R'r^ U toiH oi o <» © e (u c o ^ jz u S > o u x: +> p o o o re u^po^ Or-tC'HO-PfiT'Cfl) m r^ +3 to ® 2 o « k- rd D. k, C t. <1> C p. TO O fc OC-O -a a> (. OS c o C T> to fl)*-( a o 4> e o t3 ^ v C3«Jm O T5 'C CJ tf o c ^ .. gs ca)*D/aHc:ti' £§d;5?^ t> n Vi n 0) C! T3 • ,^5 |£ V) o 4) O i9^ 0) St S X) 1 1. cm • 0) c to "5"^ aisi-s-? •not) to J^ tJ 0) •H m C(J Ti -H -O *» O Boot) o.4-i 4S +irH to a> cii C U (Z (D •H m S ro TI E ^1 pL 1- n) -P o o « T- o''el rH W O *3 T3 ^, -H o 4J O O t.i « « re iH c •a a H w o (0 ^H 1 -H <" -P S fe 1 8- R re P vm •H-Hfl>o$ C •o o •H 0. fi^oaJi-i V jz m m 1 g„ J, a)*0 .2 8-S'? S^gt» *H 13 >4 C t. •H +3 T3 fc -H 1 fO una) •H O < a ri CI -H ^. (, « XI o -a o 01 0) q . o © f H 05 13 q to •o n re o ^ Ht-i •p » T3 q re X 3 +> X -P rH +5 H • 1 Ct£ -P O •HE > •C -H ^■^s 5S.<»5@-.S5 ■H «H to TJ tM -rl +3 fl; •P ti -P -u n $ re O -P i! •o -H m • p CfJ TO to c • p. ^ H rH 8 M 9 ^ M -P (0 V( d 01 o o rH ^1 o q q ■H « -P 0) «) f-f u id 43 c <^^ t> r> to f^ a o. i-Hid ■0 -^H to Tl to "« fl} fl) a [> 0) (0 fl) fl) n on 0) T3 -O H mm » c I-* o m 0^ ^-' ^ o- n't!" r © S" IS 31 I" 1 5| S^TB° S O OJ -H r4 U O 0) t» O E 0) k « OB >rH P ^, (rf 0) O erne ext nee Sid rag ndi ^, Q) ai -ri +i p « 0) t* U £ 1) -P U 01 Gl O T) . S oj • +3 *M 6S;&g .° C -P -P •H -P 3 t4 Q] (no) varie s and and c atTier deposi all ar •v « -H O *5 <^H « 3 c o a 3 nJ a> ^ S rH O O t>H ■»» -H iH -p M (0 Q) -p i-l -O <» O p C C OJ 03 o £•10 H^ fH (1> O 0) ^ CO -P nl bffo tn 01 B o a> p. a w ^ ^.5 o S ^•3 «> O ^■a s Ul ^ tl . V n * P ^^ ♦3 -O CO ij R tti 2 e 3 8 o S 5 ■P 5 3 S f-> m Cl) X CJ •H d •p •P CO H ■p • 8 w l/J a> t; J3 « v> r.d (L> n •H & P +> 0) CO ^ U til. b£ t>-* 01 r c -n -*^ 0. 0) C JC H (M -P *3 -o R (U •H • •H > > w H •P CO U -p < O) (LI ^ a' <-- «^, ^^ P, ^ tiJ QJ •0 Vi E C Xi ^ T WO Xj -P p^ W 'U'\ ■P t^*M w. -rt 01 u X' a> (0 CO •H U UJ 0) .U 0) r* fJ TJ -H CO *H •0 C "V U ^l •0 fH -H -n C 3 1-1 »H re c -P +> CO t" m -P CO u.' w +J a- C * t. 10 CO fu t-' ui wi 01 1 (0 JD « ! 6 0) •H -P •a i •rt ,c X) w CO ^: Q) Q) Q) •t x: ai c fl ■P s f^ •n \n 3 •* H ■d ,& u (- 0) iV C ■H p tl •H ■P •H T? vt P s V. C »< 11. (J. Vi Ci •«i (0 ^ « /-J o I. ^ 0) I. p r. u, a O Jl P re H I a tt' OJ "o tl! « -S'H'fi. c t: ft) a> J u f-H t^. -p I-l en o 0) O +3 l-a 11 e o M 8 o o 1-3 , C 0) o ^ c en TO iti tn 0) iH -- - I -P ^ O CO rH I) ^ (0 0) x» -. O »H jC « -rt 3 a; x: So b £* 0) u . to tl to 0) 'fO O o. 3 *^ O .-I 0) P o ^^ OJ -H X: T) E-t B (C 6 O -H O u txM S C %-. K 9 Q) o 0) CO in J3 4) .H C n o o o 1 iH m8 U^ c g f-i CO o £5 x: v; -p o to E 0) T3 L> c: « 'rt to 0) ^ p-r ^J H ci §5 n -P 0) c tL <0 0> 4J J= X D -P -P l-o- 0> X n. *J 0) ■0 (0 OJ ni to rH u. l^ hH p (T C f c o I CO +3 : r^ ^ 0) ' Er: * w 1 "C •9 •8. c -P o a> o o >i U •H O 8 Q) 'X -P s CO • rH -P . f-l r-1 o rt .h( CU > P 5 1 (U 0. tn 0) •s V to ^ n ^ « f-t -?! Ml 2 ^ n CO r-l , o w -• -H ^f n *■> • CD to fH t a> O t.E, 0) •« a* (0 x: u x: o +5 •H -P CJ ^: to p. (b p 0) t -^ n •U O rH 0) 3 r i^ X fH n 0) 4J o -P t: t. n a o o p •H 10 *> rH 1 P, I c x; o ^ &<|i^ " 9 OJ (0 o fH O t. O.O' n ^.0) 01 01 u (MCU-^ IE-»i*' IT 61 13 CO cv S'tisodaa aoBjjaj, euxjefj-uoN s^'Vsodsa eoBOjaj, euiJBw n •d ? nS pa IJ CO a 0} A c 1 1 0* ^ to 1 o ■e d •0 w -H $ p 45 a « « 9 B •H o C ■p Ki o c o fc. * o> 9 o! *-i O I-l Vi n H^ 1-t iH -H •o o h l5 5 d *ii5 AoBUJa^BnO /jBTiJaj, 01OZOUD3 otozob'sn -27- be grouped into two categories. Deposits of major importance as a source of ground water include unconsolidated -Hedent and Pleistocene river channel, flood plain, alluvial fan, river, and marine terrace deposits, and slightly to moderately compacted continental sediments of Tertiary-Quaternary age. Deposits of minor importance as a source of groundwater include the consoli- dated Franciscan-Knoxville group of Jurassic age. Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments and volcanic s, and Quaternary sand dunes of the coastal areas. T>'/atei>-Bearing Series . Ground water in Mendocino ^ounty is stored primarily in unconsolidated Recent and Pleistocene river channel, flood plain, alluvial fan, and terrace deposits in the large inland valleys and coastal areas. Sediments were derived by decomposition and erosion of adjacent rtDuntain areas and were laid down as alluvial fans of moderate slope, on flood plains, in creeks or river channels, on beaches, and in lakes. Limited quantities of ground water are available in unconsolidated Quaternary alluvium in numerous small intermontane valleys and in the shallow semi-consolidated coastal marine terrace deposits of Pleistocene age. Adjacent to and under- lying some of the larger valleys are extensive areas of semi-consolidated water-bearing clay, silt, sand, and gravel of Tertiary- Qua ternary age. Confined ground water occurs in portions of the major inland valleys of Mendocino l^ounty. Presence of confined water is indicated by the fact that water levels in certain wells stand above the water table in the free ground vrater zone. Unconsolidated ^cent and Pleistocene river channel, flood plain, alluvial fan, lacustrine, and terrace deposits occur in all the major and minor intennontane valleys and in the coastal area; these deposits represent the principal areas of ground water storage in Mendocino tJounty. ^Viey are composed of interbedded gravel, sand, silt, and cl^y. S pecial conditions of -28- deposition in each coastal area and in each inland valley determine the nature and type of alluvial deposits. Permeability ranges from extremely high in sands and gravels to very low in silts and clays. lield of wells penetrating alluvium depends on the t^T^e and thickness of sediments encountered. Ground water storage is probably large, but development is frequently limited by localized areas of low permeability or by thinness of deposits. Ground water has been extensively developed in the ma,1or valleys but is essentially undeveloped in the minor valleys. Two areas of sand dune deposits of Recent age are located in the coastal area: one near the town of fort Bragg, the other near Point Arena (Plates 5 and 6) . These deposits are fine-grained, well sorted sands with a maximum thickness of over 50 feet. Lack of hydrologic barriers permits ground water to escape freely from these permeable deposits into the sea, For this reason the sand dunes are of minor significance as a ground water reservoir. A series of river terrace deposits of late Quaternary age has been developed adjacent to the alluvium in most of the inland valleys. Ihese terraces represent eroded remnants of ancient flood plain, alluvial fan, or lacustrine deposits laid down by ancestral streams. These deposits usually overlie the Franciscan-Knoxville group, but in the larger valleys they overlie semi-consolidated Tertiary-Quaternary sediments. They are composed of unconsolidated gravel, sand, silt, clay, and bouldery clay. These deposits vary in thickness from several inches to over 200 feet, although in general they are very thin and have been reduced by erosion to narrow remnants of small areal extent. Permeability ranges from high in sands and gravels to very low in silts and clays. Yield to wells is generally very low because Of the abundance of silt and clay and the general thinness of the deposits, -29- Thus, tiie late Quaternaiy river terrace deposits have only local significarice as a source of ground water. Low-lyinp; semi-consolidated marine terrace deposits of late Quater- nary age overlie the igneous, metamorphic, and consolidated sedimentary rocks along nest of the coastline of Mendocino County. These terrace deposits are composed of gravel, sand, silt, and clay deposited in littoral and offshore zones of the seacoast during Pleistocene time. Ihey are generally very thin deposits, seldom exceeding I?0 feet in thickness, and are dissected by streams into many separate hydrologic units. With the exception of the broad terraces near Point Arena and Fort Bragg, the deposits generally comprise only a nar- row strip, ^e two marine teiTaces mapped at different topographic levels represent beach deposits laid down on a coastline that is presently being uplifted. Permeability ranges from high in the sand and gravel to veiy low in the silt and clay. Thinness, small areal extent, lack of hydrologic barriers on three sides of the terrace remnants, and presence of large amounts of clay and silt limit the capacity of i-fells and preclude development of anpre- ciable amounts of water from the marine terrace deposits. Some ground water has been developed, however, in areas removed from sources of surface water. Ground water seepage has been noted in many areas along the contact between the terrace deposits and the underlyinp bedrock during the winter and spring months and during brief periods of a few days following summer rains. Adjacent to and underlying; large areas of w ater-bearing alluvium in the major valleys are limited areas of semi-consolidated sediments of Tertiary-Quaternary age. These sediments crop out in the low hills, are gently to steeply tilted, and extend beneath much of the alluvium in Anderson, Little Lake, Potter, Round, Sanel, and Ukiah Valleys, These semi-consolidated deposits of blue clay, silt, and sandy and -30- gravelly silt with interbedded sand and gravel were laid down as continental flood plain and fan deposits vdth interbedded lacustrine sediments. They reach a maximum thickness o'' over 1,000 feet in Ukiah Valley. These sediments have been affected to varyinR degrees by folding, faulting, and erosion during the growth of ^g northern Coast Range. Permeability of the clay, silt, sand, and gravel has been decreased by consolidation and ce'nentation, and yield to wells is very low, A test well in Anderson Valley penetrating these sediments to a depth of 126 feet yielded only h gallons per minute (gpm) with a drawdown of 96 feet. Ground water in the Tertiary-Quaternary deposits is limited primarily to permeable sand and gravel lenses interbedded in the semi-consoli- dated silts and clays. Development of ground water from these deposits is very limited, and where developed, production is low, Nonwater-Bearing Series . The nonwater-bearing series include the IgneouSj metamorphic, and sedimentary complex of the Franciscan-Knoxville group of Jurassic age, consolidated sediments of Cretaceous and Tertiary age, and Tertiary volcanics. Except locally, these deposits do not absorb, transmit, or yield water readily. In areas where the rocks are highly jointed or frac- tured, sufficient ground water tnay be obtained to satisfy limited needs. The Franciscan-Knoxville group, which includes sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks, is the oldest lithologic unit identified in Mendocino County (18) • This group, which underlies most of Mendocino County, is predomi- nantly a sedimentary unit consisting nainly of thick-bedded to massive medium- grained arkosic and argillaceous sandstone and graywacke. Shale, slate, con- glomerate, and chert occur in lesser amounts. The igneous rocks include intrusive serpentine, intrusive serpentini7.ed gabbro, and basalt flows and diabase sills which have been altered to greenstone. Metamorphic rocks, including actinolite. -31- mica, and glaucophane schists, occur as small patches in isolated areas. Two areas of Cretaceous rocks have been mapped in Mendocino County, The first is a band of Cretaceous sandstone and shale which has been down- faulted into Franciscan rocks southwest of Round Valley (l6) , The second, which is separated from Franciscan rocks to the east by the San Andreas fault (6), consists of a band of quartzose sandstones, shaley sandstones, sandy shales, clay shale, and conglomerate extending along the coast from Fort Ross to Point Arena. Tvro areas of consolidated Tertiary rocks have been mapped in Mendocino County. The first is a band of Eocene and Itlocene sandstones, con- glomerates, shales, and discontinuous coal seams, which have been downfaulted into the Franciscan rocks southwest of Round Valley (l6). The second is a narrow belt of argillaceous, diatomaceous, foriminiferal, and cherty shales, mudstones, sarKlstone, basalt flows, and tuffaoecus sandstone, which outcrop between Cretaceous sedirtents and the coast near Point Arena (6), Other areas of possible outcrops of Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments in Mendocino County have been reported but have not been mapped. Mapping of such areas was beyond the scope of this investigation. Structure Folding and faulting have formed the dominant structural features in Mendocino County. Several major northwest- southeast trending faults traverse portions of the county- The San Andreas fault traverses the south- west coastal portion of the county and marks the boundary between Cretaceous sediments on the west and the Franciscan-Knoxville group on the east. Inland from the coast an unnamed series of major faults extends from the southern boundary of Mendocino County northvjestward throu^ or near Sanel, Ukiah, Little Lake, and Laytonville Valleys, Unnamed faults parallel Anderson Valley, -32" extend along the Eel River north and south of Dos Rios, and bound Round Valley. In addition to these major lines of faulting, innumerable minor northwest trending faults and numerous minor cross-faults are also present. Some of the major and minor faults appear to traverse areas of ground water storage and may locally impede the movement of ground water in semi-consoli- dated Tertiary-Quaternary sediments and in unconsolidated alluvium. Numerous thermal springs, probably associated with faulting, contribute highly mineralized water to surface and groundwaters (28). General Water Quality Classification of Waters Principal beneficial uses of surface and ground waters in the county are domestic, municipal, and agricultural. Industrial uses constitute only a minor portion of total beneficial use. In regard to domestic and raunicipail supplies, drinking water standards promulgated by the United States Public Health Service for water conveyed on interstate carriers are the criteria generally used to determine suitability herein. These standards, set forth in detail in Public Health Reports, Volume 61, Number 11, I-larch 15, 19U6, were volun- tarily adopted January, 19li6, by the American V/ater VJoiks Association as the standards for all public wateV supplies. Section U.2 of the United States Public Health Service standards states that chemical substances in either natural or treated drinking water supplies should not exceed the concentrations shown in the following tabu- lation. This listing is by no means complete, for other organic or mineral -33- compounds would be included if their presence in water rendered it hazardous for use. MI^FJiAL STANDARDS FOR DRINKING IJATER U. S. Public Health Service, 19h6 (In parts per million) Constituent Limit Mandatory limits Fluoride (F) 1.5 Lead (Pb) 0.1 Selenium (Se) 0.05 Hexavelent chromium (Cr^^) O.Q>5 Arsenic (As) 0,05 Non-mandatory but recommended limits Iron (Fe) and manganese (tin) together 0,3 Magnesium (Mg) 125 Chloride (Cl) ?50 Sulfate (SO^) 250 Copper (Cu) 3.0 Zinc (Zn) 15 Phenolic compounds in terms of phenols 0,001 Dissolved solids, recommended 500 permitted 1,000 Ciiteria for mineral quality of irrigation water used by the Depart- ment of Water Resources are those developed at the Ifeiiversity of California at Davis and at the Rubidoux and Regional Salinity Laboratories of the Iftiited States Department of Agriculture, Because of the diverse climatological conditions and the variation in crops and soils in California, only general limits of quality for irrigation waters can be suggested. The following bix)ad classificationij of irrigation waters are used by the Department. -3U- "Class I EXCELLENT TO GOOD - Regarded as safe and suitable for most plants under any condition of soil or climate. "Class II GOOD TO INJURIOUS - Regarded as possibly harmful for certain crops under certain conditions of soil or climate, particularly in the higher ranges of this class* "Class III INJURIOUS TO UNSAnSFACTOOT - Regarded as probably harmful to most crops and unsatisfactory for all but the most tolereint, "Tentative standards for iri*igation water have taken into account four factors or constituents, as listed below." QUALITATIVTi aASSIFICATION OF IRRIGATION mTERS : Class I : Class II : Class III Factor J Excellent to :Good to : Injurious to : good :inourious : unsatisfactory Conductance EC 10^ at 25°C Boron in ppm Less than 1,000 Less than 0.5 Sodium in per cent of base constituents Less than 60 Chloride ion concen- tration in ppm Less than 175 1,000 - 3,000 More than 3,000 0.5- 2.0 ^fo^e than 2.0 60-75 More than 75 175 - 350 More than 350 No attempt has been made in this report to classify waters for industrial uses, since many types of industry have specific quality require- ments. Water used for industrial purposes in Mendocino County represents only a minor portion of the total beneficial use. VJhile hardness is of significance in domestic and municipal supplies as well as for industtial uses because of economic and aesthetic considerations, it is not considered in this report as a determining criterion in judging the suitability of waters for beneficial purposes. Hardness can readily be removed -35- or decreased to acceptable limits. Vfeters containing 55 parts per million (ppm) or less of hardn-pss (expi'essed as CaCO^) are considered as "soft" hereinj those containing from 56 to 100 ppm are "slip;htly hard"} those containing fi\>m 101 to 200 ppm are termed "moderately hard"; and those with more than 200 ppra are called "very hard". Iron concentrations commonly present in Mendocino County waters are of significance for domestic, municipiil, and industrial supplies. Iron may be removed by aeration and filtration. Such treattnent is practical for municipal and industrial supplies but does wt lend itself readily to individual supplies. Thus iron concentrations must be considered when determining the suitability of water for beneficial uses. Terms used herein to describe the chemical character of water are definitive. A magnesium bicarbonate water, for example is a water in which the magnesium ion is equal to or greater than 50 per cent of the cations and bicarbonate is equal to or greater thian 50 per cent of the anions measured in equivalents per million (epm). A magnesium-calcium bicarbonate water is one in which magnesium is more abundant than calcium but is less than 50 per cent of the total cations, and a magnesium-bicarbonate-chloride water is one in which bicarbonate exceeds chloride but is less than 50 per cent of the total anions. Surface Vfeiter Surface water of Mendocino County is generally of e rcellent mineral quality and is suitable for most beneficial uses. Total solids are generally less than 175 ppm. Calcium and magnesium are normally the major cation con- stituents. Sodium is generally present in lesser concentrations, whersas potassium is normally present in negligible concentrations. Bicarbonate is the -36- principal anion constituent; chlorides and sulfates are present in minor concentrations, while fluoride and nitrate concentrations are negligible. Boron is normaii^ present in minor quantities, although a number of isolated areas boron is present in appreciable concentrations. Some minor streams throughout the county contain hi^ly mineralized waters during periods of low flow. These streams derive part of their low flow supply from Juvenile or deep seated waters migrating to the surface through fault zones, fractures, or joints in the Franciscan formation. Mineral analyses of surface waters of Mendocino County are showi in Table 2, Appendix A. Ground Water Ground water of Ifendocino County is normally of excellent mineral quality suitable for most beneficial uses. However, in some areas iix)n is present in sufficient concentration to render it undesirable for domestic and some industrtal uses without treatment. Ground water generally contains less than 200 ppm total solids. Calcium and magnesium are normsdly the major cation constituents. Sodium is generally present in moderate con- centrations, whereas potassium is present in negligible concentrations. Bicarbonate is the principal anion constituent. Chlorides, sulfates, and nitrates are in lesser concentrations, and fluoride concentrations are negligible. In many locations toron is present in sufficient concentrations to affect the suitability of water for irrigation purj)oses. There are minor areas of poor quality ground water throughout the county. Mineral analyses of ground waters of Mendocino County are shown in Table 3* Appendix A, -37- Anderson Valley Anderson Valley is located in the south central jxjrtion of Mendocino County midway between the coast and Russian River. '?he location is indicated on Plate 2, areal geolof.y is found on Plate 3, and location of wells and sampling points is shown on Plate 8, The valley, an alluvial area comprising 7,9 square miles, is oriented in a northwest direction. Length averages 10 miles, and width averages 0.8 mile. Elevation of the valley floor ranges f lom UtO feet at the southeast end to 200 feet at the northwest end. The economy of Anderson Valley is based upon logging, lumber processing, and agriculture. Livestock and fruit are the major agricultural products. Much of Ihe land on the valley floor is devoted to hay and pasture. THto communities, Philo and Eoonville, are located in the valley. Philo is located in the central portion of the valley, and Boonville is situated in the southeast portion. State Highv;ay 128 from Cloverdale traverses the length of the valley, passes through Boonville and Philo, and parallels Navarro River to the coast. The area is also served by county roads from Ukiah to Point Arena areas. Only a small portion of tlie irrigation requirements in the valley is supplied from surface water. A minor quantity of surface water is used to fill and maintain sawmill ponds in the area. Due to type of crops and lack of surface water during critical months, the major portion of irrigation requireiients and all of the domestic rcquirenents are met by ground water* Surface Water Hydrology The nearest precipitation station is at Yorkville, which is outside the limits of the valley and is 12 miles southeast of Boonville. Fifteen -38- years of record at this station show an average annual precipitation of U7»61i inches (Table l) , Because of proximity to the Pacific Ocean and influence of local topography on precipitation in the area, the record at Yorkville serves only as an indicator of the nagnitude of precipitation in Anderson Valley. Anderson Creek and its tributaries drain the eastern half of the valley. Anderson Creek and Rancheria- Creek, which drains a large area adjacent to the valley, converge approximately a half mile south of Phllo. The combined stream forms the Navarro River downstream f it>m the point of confluence. The western half of the valley is drained by the Navarro River and minor tributaries. Navarro River flows into the ocean approximately 20 miles northwest of Boonville. A stream flow record from a gaging station near Navarro, which lies just above the mouth and 20 miles west of Anderson Valley, shows an average discharge of 657 cfs for the four years of record from 1950 to 1953 (Table 3). Waters of Navarro River and Anderson Creek are derived from ground water and surface runoff from a large forest area adjacent to the valley. These streams normally sustain perennial flow, at least in the lower reaches* During winter months flows of large magnitude caused by surface runoff of direct precipitation frequently inundate adjacent lands. Flows in the minor tributaries during summer months are primarily derived from springs at the edge of the valley. Tliese flows are generally not of sufficient magnitude to reach Anderson Creek or Navarro River because of percolation and evapo-transpiration losses enroute. -39- Ground Water Geology and Hydrology There are np continuous or extensive aquifers in Anderson Valley, In relation to occurrence of ground water, lithologic units can be grouped into three categories. The deposits of major importance as a source of ground water are Recent alluvium, jriver channel deposits, and terrace deposits. Deposits of secondary importance as a source of ground water are semi consolidated sediments of late Tertiary or early Pleistocene age. The Franciscan formation which underlies the entire area is considered essentially nonwater-bearing. However, limited amounts of water are produced from joints and fractures in this formation by a few springs and wells around the periphery of the valley. In addition water stored in these rocks is a minor source of supply to several streams. Recent Alluvium, River Qiannel Deposits, and Terrace Deposits , Recent and river channel deposits consist of loose, unconsolidated gravel, sand, silt, and clay. Alluvium and river channel deposits range in thickness from a very thin veneer to sections over 20 feet thick. They are generally limited to the topo [graphic ally low areas adjacent to streams. Alluvial fans were recognized at the mouths of several of the smaller canyons but were of such limited areal extent as to be unrecordable at the map scale used in the field investigation. Penneability ranges from high in the river gravel to very low in the silt and clay. Terrace deposits of Rticent and Pleistocene age were laid down as continental flood plain and fan deposits, Bouldcry yellow clay, silt, sandy clay, sand, and gravel of the flood plain and fan deposits are inter- bedded with blue and green clays i^hich were probably deposited as lake sediments. Thickness of terraced deposits ranges fron approximately $ to over 150 feet near Boonville, An abundance of silt and clay exists in -liO- these deposits. The followinf: composite lot^ of wells northwest of Boonville is typical of material comprisinn these terraced sediments. Depth Depth in feet Material in feet Material - 5 Surface soil k$ - 65 Blue clay with streaks 5-20 Gravel with yellow of gravel clay 65 - 120 Sandy blue clay with 20 - 30 Boulders and gravel streaks of gravel 30 - UO Yellow clay and some old wood lio - U5 Blue clay 120 - 125 Gray sand 125 - 130 Gravel and clay Abundance of boulders in these deposits indicates considerable relief and intermittent heavy rains at the time of deposition. The blue and green clays indicate deposition in recurrent lakes probably formed idien the valley outlets were dammed at irregular intervals. Subsequent downcutting^ by rejuvenated streams removed only a portion of these sediments, thus leaving the remainder as terraces. Terrace deposits underlie Recent alluvium along that portion of Anderson Valley drained by Anderson Creek and unconformably overlie Tertiary-Quaternary sediment??. Exposures are extensive but discontinuous. Ability of alluvium and terrace deposits to store, transmit, and yield ground water is limited because of the large proportion of silt and clay and because of the lenticularity of the more permeable zones. Because of their widespread areal and vertical extent, hov-ever, these deposits represent the most important source of ground water storage in Anderson Valley. They include many lenses of permeable material which ordinarily would yield appreciable quantities of ground water but which are reportedly dry because of lack of connection with possible sources of recharge . -I4I- Ground water yields to wells range from 5 to 300 gpm and average 10 to 5D gpm with drawdowns commonly in excess of 70 feet. Consequently, specific capacities average Oel to 0,7 gpm per foot of drawdown \ isolated values to $ gpm per foot of drawdown. The hi^er yields occur in terrace deposits because of greater vertical extent of water bearing materials, but the higher specific capacities occur in alluvial and river channel deposits with somewhat higher perneability. Thr. depth to water in the alluvium and river channel deposits varies from to 30 feet, vjhereas in the terrace material it varies from 10 to 60 feet. V/ater level measurements indicate little similarity of depth to ground water between adjacent wells, a possible effect of lenticularity of the underlying material and consequent localized pressure effects or of complete lack of hydraulic connection between permeable zones, Ground water stored in recent alluvium and river channel deposits generally lie in direct hydraulic continuity with surface streams. Near the main stems of surface streams ground water fluctuations are generally small, whereas near smaller creeks, because they do not sustain perennially flow, the fluctuations are considerable. A. pressure zone exists in a small area in the vicinity of Boonville. Ground water is confined at depths ranging from 75 to 100 feet, and the piezonetric surface varies from 30 to 50 feet above the level of the confining beds and from 10 to 20 feet above levels in surrounding wells. Ground water generally moves in a northvrest direction along the axis of the valley, whereas along the flanks it moves toward the axis of the valley. At the lower end of the v illey ground water levels are normally above the level of the river channel. In this area appearances indicate appreciable risirif water in Navarro ftiver. -It2- Ground water in these deposits is recharged by direct infiltra- tion of precipitation and unconsumed irrigation waters, percolation from surface streams in forebay areas of alluvial fans, and infiltration from water stored in fractures of underlying rocks. Tertiar?/- Quaternary Sediments , These sediments are composed of interbedded clay, sand, and gravel laid down as continental flood plain and fan deposits with interbedded lacustrine sediments. Their age is thought to be Pliocene or e arly Pleistocene, This formation out- crops in the low hills in the vicinity of Philo, where it appears to be over 200 feet thick. Defonnation and erosion have reduced the formation to discontinuous remnants. These deposits have undergone considerable consolidation and cementation. Permeability of these deposits is very low and therefore their importance as a ground water source is minor. Several wells penetrating this formation supply sufficient water for limited use. Recharge to these deposits occurs from infiltration of precipitation in outcrop areas and from percolation from younger sediments where they overlie these deposits. Water Quality Surface water of the area is generally of excellent mineral quality, suitable for all present beneficial uses. Mineral analyses of surface waters from this area are shown in Table 2, Appendix A, JJurface water is characteristically calcium-magnesium bicarbonate. Total solids are low and range from 139 to 211 ppm. Boron is present in negligible concentrations, except in water of Soda Creek, tributary to Anderson Creek just north of Boonville, which contains approximately 1,0 ppm. -h3- Soda Creek receives a portion of its supply from a spring near the head- waters of the creek. These waters are probably derived in part from juvenile or deep-seated waters rising along fault zones or fractures in the underlying rock and from entrapped mineralized waters common in the Franciscan formation. With the exception of significant iron concentrations, ground water underlying the valley area is generally of excellent mineral quality and is suitable for most beneficial uses. Mineral analyses of ground waters are shoirm in Table 3, Appendix A. The ground water is characteristi- cally calcium-magnesium bicarbonate. Total solids are low, ranging from 99 to 380 ppm. Three types of ground water have been identified in the area. The first type is the normal undegraded water which predondnates through- out the valley. This water is characteristically calcium-magnesium bicarbon- ate and is very similar to ncrTial surface waters in the area. However, this water contains appreciable quantities of iron and manganese which render it objectionable for domestic purposes. The other two types of vjater exhibit evidence of derivation in part from either juvenile or deep-seated waters probably rising along fault zones. One is a sodium bicarbonate water such as that indicated by a mineral analysis from x^rell ll4N/ll4XJ-3UG6. This analysis shows a high concentration of boron and a moderate chloride concentration. Sulfate concentration is negligible. Total solids are 38O ppm. A mineral analysis of water from well lIiN/l5W-2Ql exemplifes the other type of degraded ground water. This analysis shows a magnesium- sodium bicarbonate- sulfate type with total solids of 292 ppm and appreciable concentration of iron. Boron is present in minor concentrations. This water appears to have been considerably diluted by normal ground viater. -Uk- Poor quality water found in this area apparently occurs as isolated deep seated or entrapped mineralized waters rising along fractures or joints in the underlying bedrock. While no extensive continuous aquifers exist, the normal good quality water present in the valley should be protected from sources of poor quality water. Wells which tap this poor quality water should be sealed or reconstructed, and new wells should be designed to eliminate the possibility of poor quality water commingling with the normal undegraded water, Sanel Valley Sanel Valley, an irregularly shaped alluvial area, is located in the southeast section of Mendocino County approximately lli miles south of Ukiah. Its location within Mendocino County is shown on Plate 2, areal geology is illustrated on Plate 3, and locations of wells and sampling points are shown on Plate 8, Alluvial portions of the valley cover an area of approximately 11.5 square miles. Valley floor elevations range from U60 feet at the south end to 530 feet at the north end. Hopland and East Hopland, both located in the central portion of the valley, are population centers. U, S. Hi^way 101 and the Northwestern Pacific Railroad traverse the valley from north to south. Secondary roads which serve the valljy include East River Road to Ukiah, Lakeport Road, and Boonville Road, Sanel Valley is primarily devoted to agriculture. Hops, fruits, hay, and grain are the principal products. Domestic water supplies for the area are derived from gixDund water, A public utility distil ct furnishes the supply for the town of Hopland, whereas ground water from individual wells supplies the remainder of domestic requirements for the valley. -US' Adjacent to the Russian fy.ver 'nany of the irrigation require'aents are furnished by direct diversion from the river. Irrigation supplies for the remainder of the valley are aet almost exclusively by ground water. Surface Water Hydrology The meteorological station in Sanel Valley is located at Largo Station, two miles south of Hopland, Sixteen years of record at this station show an average annual precipitation of 3B.68 inches (Table 1). Russian River, the only perennial stream in the area, traverses Sanel Valley from north to south. It receives the drainage from 362 square miles above the gage at the north end of the valley and receives an average of approximately 197 cfs of water imported from the Eel F&rer via Potter Valley Poweitiouse. Records from the United States Geological Survey gaging station on the Russian River at the north end of the valley show an average stream flow of 68[i cfs for lU years of record (29) . Flows in the summer months frequently drop below 100 cfs, and winter flows commonly exceed 5,000 cfs. Streams which drain into the Russian River within Sanel Valley watershed are intermittent in nature and flow only during the winter and spring seasons. These include McDowell and Feliz Creeks. Ground VJater Geology and Hydrology Sanel Valley is underlain by consolidated ix)cks of the i''ranciscan formation which outcrop in the surrounding hills and mountains, Lithologic units can be grouped into three categories. Deposits of major importance as a source of groundwater include Recent alluvium, river channel deposits, and terrace deposits. Deposits of secondary importance include semi-consolidated clay, sand, and gravel of Tertiary- Quaternary age. Deposits of neglif^ible importance as a source of ground water are the sedimentary and metamorphic rock units of the Frjinciscan group. Recent Alluvjum, fiiver Channel ^^cposits, and Terrace Deposits. Recent alluvium consists of loose, unconsolidated gravel, sand, silt, and clay laid dovm principally as river channel and flood deposits. The alluvium and river channel deposits range in thickness from a very thin veneer only a few inches thick to sections over 75 feet thick. Infonnation from well logs indicates that the alluvium consists of interbedded yellow and blue clay, brown and gray sand, and gravel* Terrace deposits are made up of gravel, sand, silt, and clay laid down as fan deposits. They are moderately dissected as a result of recent erosion. Only small remnants of the terrace deposits remain in Sanel Valley; these vary in thickness from a few inches to approximately 20 feet, These deposits do not yield ground water readily because of the abundance of silt and clay and the thinness of the deposits. Ground water in Sanel Valley occurs in interconnected lenses of sand and gravel throughout the valley and in the coarse river channel deposits adjacent to 'Russian River, IViese latter deposits are extremely porous and store, transmit, and yield water readily. Permeability of alluvium in flood plain deposits in the center of the valley ranges from extremely high to very low. These deposits are composed of interbedded lenses of clay> sand, and gravel. Yields to wells range from 750 to 1,250 gpm with drawdo-vms averaging 25 to 30 feet in the alluvium and channel deposits adjacent to Russian River. In the tex'race deposits yields range from 5 to 50 gpm with drawdowns as high as 50 feet. Specific capacities thus range from 50 gpm per foot of drawdown in the more permeable sediments to 0.1 gpm per foot of drav/down in the less permeable terrace deposits. Depths to ground water vary from feet near the river to 25 feet In higher portions of the Valley, -U7- Recharge to ground water is accomplished in three waiys. The major portion of recharge is comprised of percolation from surface streams and of direct infiltration of precipitation and unconsuned irrigation water. Recharge to the alluvium may occur from water stored in joints and fractures of consolidated rocks. Tertiary-Quaternary sediments . This formation is composed of interbedded clay, silt, sand, and gravel laid down as continental flood plain and fan deposits interbedded xvith lacustrine sediments. The age of these beds is thought to be Plio ""ene or early Pleistocene. Deformation and erosion have reduced the formation to two small outcivjp areas in the hills northeast and southeast of East Copland, where the formation appears to be over 200 feet thick. Permeability of the Tertiary-Quaternary sediments have been decreased by consolidation and cementation. Some wells yield water from this formation. Water Quality With the exception of relatively high boron concentration during summer and fall, water flowing in Russian River in this area is normally of excellent mineral quality and is generally suitable for most present beneficial uses. Mineral analyses of Russiar^ RLver water are contained in Table 2, Appendix A. It is characteristically a calcium bicarbonate type with total solids ranging from 108 to 125 ppm and boron concentrations ranging from 0,2 to 1.5 ppm. Concentration of boron fluctuates with flow. Concentrations are hi^er during periods of low flow due to local inflow containing appreciable boron. Several small tributaries to Russian River above Sanel Valley contain high boron concentrations and apparently derive a -U8- portion of their flow from juvenile and/or connate waters rising along fault zones. Dilution is least effective during low flow periods. With the exception of boron, mineral solubles in the tributaries are not present in sufficient quantity to materially affect the quality of Russian River, During low flows, however, concentrations of boron in Russian RLver approach the concentratLon tolerated only by more resistant plants. Ground water underlying the valley area is of good mineral quality and suitable for most beneficial uses. This water is characteristically a magnesium- calcium bicarbonate type with total solids ranging from lU3 to 327 ppm as shown in the mineral analyses in Table 3, Appendix A. However, ground water of the area may contain appreciable quantities of iron vAilch would render it objectionable for domestic and some industrial purposes. The presence of boron suggests that ground water is derived in appreciable quantities in several wells in part from juvenile and/or connate waters rising along fault zones or fractures in the underlying bedrock. Water from wells 13N/11W-16Q1, 20 CI, and 21L1 contain higher concentrations of sodium, chloride, and boron than do the remaining wells* As indicated on Plate 8, these three wells lie roughly in a straight line near East Hopland. The hi^er concentrations of sodium, chloride, and boron suggest derivation from mineralized water rising along a fault zone or fracture. Wells have been drilled approximately two miles north of Hopland on the east bank of Russian River for production of carbon dioxide gas. During the course of tlie original field investigation, no wells were in pro- duction. During the summer of 19ijij, several wells were drilled to a depth of approximately 1,100 feet. "Ihese wells produced carbon dioxide gas and -U9- water with an artesian head of approximately 90 feet and a temperature of li|0 F, A water saTiple from these wells showed magnesium bicarbonate water with magnesium concentration of 1,330 ppm, sodium of 1,020 ppm, bicarbonate of, U,130 ppm, and chloride of 1,220 ppm. Total solids were 6,170 ppm. Boron, concentrations ranged from UOU to 69O ppm as shown in the analyses in Table 3* Appendix A, Carbon dioxide gas has also been observed in a number of shallower wells in the surrounding area and in seeps near the carbon dioxide gas wells. Additional abandoned carbon dioxide gas wells are located in the immediate area of those drilled in 19$!;. Due to the corrosive effect of the water, the ten^erature, and the pressure, it is highly possible that the casings of some of the abandoned gas wells have failed and that usable ground waters are being degraded by mineralized waters from this source. At present there is no production from theae gas wells. In view of the number of wells throughout the area which produce water with relatively high boron concentrations, it is necessary to construct wells in a manner that will eliminate the threat of degradation of usable ground water by poor quality water, ',^/hen water of poor quality is found, every effort should be made to construct or reconstruct the wells to prevent such water from commingling v/ith usable supplies. Laytonville Val ley Laytonville Valley (known locally as Long Valley) is located in the north central portion of Mendocino County approximately U5 miles north of Ukiah. Ihe location is indicated on Plate 2, areal geology on Plate U* and locations of wells and sampling points on Plate 9. The valley is a structural depression containing an alluvial area of 11,7 square miles. Length averages 9 miles and width averages 1.3 miles. Elevation of the -50- valley noor varies between 1,630 feet at the southern end and 1,685 feet in the central portion. Income in Laytonville Valley is deilved from logging, lumber, processing, and agriculture. Cattle and sheep comprise the major agri- cultural products. The town of Laytonville, the only community in the area, is situated on the east edge of the valley at the junction of U. S. Hi^way 101, Branscomb Road, and Dos Rios Road. Laytonville Valley is served by U. S. Highway 101, which traverses from north to south, and by secondary roads to the coast and to Round Valley, Municipal water supply for Laytonville and individual domestic supplies for the remainder of the valley are derived entirely from ground vmter. Water for irrigation of pastures and hay crops is drawn primarily from wells, although surface streams satisfy a small porUon of the irrigation requirements, particularly during the late spring and early summer months. Surface Water Hydrology Precipitation at Laytonville has averaged 56.20 inches for 15 years of record (Table l) . Less than two per cent of the rainfall occurs during the months of May through September. Ihe average precipitation is greater than that which occurs in the other major valleys. It is affected by the northerly location of the valley and the surrounding mountainous terrain, particularly that which lies east of the valley. A topographic divide occurs near the south end of the valley and gives rise to two stream systems, one flowing north, the other south. Short-term miscellaneous stream flow records are available for some of the streams draining the area. -51- Ten Mile Greek and its minor tributaries drain all but the extreme southern portion of the valley. This stream rises in mountains southeast of the valley, moves north throufh the central portion, anil leaves at the extreme northern end. It then turns sharply west and enters the South Fork of Eel River approximately five iniles west of the valley. Long Valley Creek drains the extreme southern end of the valley and converges with Out- let Creek approximately eight miles south of the valley. Ten Mi3e Creek usually has no flow during July, August, and early September, although pools of stagnant water exist throu^out the summer. The portion of Long Valley Creek id. thin Laytonville Valley ceases to flow following spring rains and has no flow until fall rains begin. The area is not usually subjected to severe floods due to small drainage areas and the comparatively great flow capacity of the entrenched streams. Ground Water Geology and Hydrology Laytonville Valley is a structural depression in the bedrock Tidiich has been filled, in part, with alluvial sediments washed into the valley from adjacent hills. Several separate and distinct alluvial areas lie within this structural depression and function as hydraulically independent basins. The main ground water basin occupies the southern two-thirds of the valley floor as shown on Plate h, and an alluvial area of secondary inportance occupies the northern one-third. An alluvial area of minor importance occurs approximately four miles southwest of Laytonville. The littiologic units can be groi^jed into two categories. The deposits of major importance as a source of ground water include the Pleistocene terrace deposits and Recent alluvium. Deposits of minor importance as a source of ground vrater are tiie sedimentary and metamorphic -52- rock units of the Franciscan group of Jurassic age. A few shallow wells west of Laytonville produce minor amounts of water from joints and fractures in this formation. Recent alluvium and river channel deposits consist of loose, unconsolidated gravel, sand, silt, and clay. Alluvium and river channel deposits range in thickness from a very thin veneer a few inches thick to sections as thick as 300 feet. As shown on Plate U, alluvium and river channel deposits are found in the topographically low areas adjacent to streams as well as in small isolated valleys near Laytonville Valley. Alluvium is thickest in the structural trough west of Laytonville. Alluvium and older deposits attain a maximum thickness of over 300 feet Just west of Laytonville but decrease rapidly in thickness to the north and more slowly to the south. Two and one-half miles south of Laytonville the unconsolidated deposits are 150 feet deep, and 3»> miles south the deposits are about $0 feet in depth. The structural trough slopes rapidly upward to the east, and the western boundary shows evidence of being formed by a fault. Topographic evidence of this fault was noted during the field investigation. Wells just west of the fault penetrate a maximum of 50 feet of alluvial material before reaching bedrock, whereas those immediately to the east penetrate over 300 feet of alluvial material before reaching bedrock. A composite log follows which indicates typical lithology commonly encountered during drilling of wells in the thick section of unconsolidated sediments near Laytonville, -53- Depth Depth in feet Material in feet Material 0-10 Surface soil IHO - 170 Hard brov/n clay 10 - 35 Yellow sand and rubble and large gravel 35 - ho Blue sandy das'- 170 - 190 Pea gravel UO - 60 Yellow clay and gravel 190 - 220 Blue clay 60 - 80 Sand and gravel 220 - 250 Green sand 80-110 Cemented gravel 250 - 280 Blue clay and 110 - 130 Hard clay green sand 130 - lUO Cemented gravel 280 - 320 320 - 350 Blue clay Consolidated bedrock Terrace deposits of Recent and Pleistocene age include gravel, sand, silt, and clay laid down as continental flood plain and fan deposits. Subsequent erosion has reduced the once extensive areas of continental sediment to terrace remnants on the flats west of Laytonville. Thickness of the terrace deposits ranges from a few inches to 50 feet» Well logs indicate that deposits are generally thin and are underlain by Franciscan bedrock. Permeability ranges from moderate in the alluvium and river channel deposits to low in the terrace deposits » Yields to wells along the axis of the valley range from 25 gpm for shallower wells to a maxinum of 700 gpm for v;ells over 250 feet deep. Yields to wells producing only from terrace deposits west and north of Laytonville are low because of thinness of the deposits. In the main ground water basin, water levels range from artesian conditions to iP feet below ground surface. Due to lenticularity of material and associated localized pressure effects or to complete lack of hydraulic continuity;, there appears to be little or no similarity between water levels in adjacent vxells. Localized pressure conditions exist throughout the structural trough extending through Laytonville n Between -5U- spring and late fall the water level fluctuates approxiiiately 10 feet. Lenticularity of the sediments imppdes r^ovement of ground water in the alluvium. Recharge to ground water occurs principally from percolation of precipitation and of stream flovi, although a minor amount is contributed by water stored in fractures and joints of the normally consolidated Franciscan formations. Recharge to ground water from the principal sources occurs only during winter and spring months due to concentration of precipi- tation and resulting surface runoff during that period. Streams are normally dry during summer and early fall months. Complete dependence on ground water for all water supplies during this period and lack of recharge cause the fluctuation of ground water levels previously mentioned. Along the axis of the valley recharge to ground water in terraces and to shallow ground water occurs from percolation of precipitation, stream flow, and irrigation ittum water. Recharge to deeper water in the pressure zone along the axis of the valley occurs in forebay areas along the edges of the valley. The alluvial area north of the main basin, which is shown on Plate Ij, serves as a source of ground water supply of minor importance. This area is composed of relatively thin alluvium and terrace deposits. Ihere are only three wells known to have been drilled in this area (Plate 9) . Depths to water are shallow ranging from 10 to 20 feet, but yVelda are low because of relatively low permeability and thinness of the deposits. Recharge occurs from percolation of precipitation along the edges of the valley and percolation from Ten Mile Creek during winter and spring months. -55- Water Quality Surface water in Laytonvill.e Valley, with the exception of Sulphur Springs Creek, is of excellent mineral quality and is suitable for all present beneficial uses. Mineral analyses of surface water are contained in Table 2, Appendix A. These waters are generally calcium-magnesium bicarbonate in character. With one exception total solids are low, ranging from 66 to 132 ppm. Sulphur Springs Creek, which flows into Ten Mle Creek in the east central portion of the valley, shows a sodium chloride type water with total solids of 9l8 ppm. Boron concentration is l6 ppm. This creek receives its entire dry weather flow from a spring. The mineral composition of 2)46 ppm sodium, 395 ppni chloride, and high boron suggests a juvenile or deep seated water rising along a fault or fracture in the underlying bedrock. Lems Creek, which flovrs into Ten Mile Creek in the north end of the valley shows a calcium bicarbonate water with total solids of 132 ppm and a boron concentration of 0.39 ppm- This water suggests a mixture of the natural calcium-magnesium bicarbonate water with mineralized water rising along a fault or through fractures in the underlying rock. Below its confluence vrith Sulphur Spring Creek, Ten Mile Creek shows the effect of the flow from Sulphur Springs Creek. This water is a calcium- sodium bicarbonate water with total solids of III4 ppm. Boron concentration is 0,53 ppm. Ground water of LaytonvLlle Valley is generally of excellent mineral quality, suitable for most present beneficial uses. It is primarily a calcium- sodium bicarbonate water total solids ranging from 56 to li72 ppm. Boron concentrations range from O.Oii. to 9.8 ppm and -56- are generally less than 0,15 ppm. Mineral analyses of ground water are shown in Table 3, Appendix A. V/ell 21N/15'.-/-12C2 v^ich shows a boron concentration of 9»8 ppm is IP feet deep and yields a sodium bicarbonate water. This well apparently derives its supply prir-iarily from nearby Sulphur Springs Creek which has a 'ooron concentration of 16 ppm and yields a sodium bicarbonate water. This well apparently derives its supply primarily from nearby Sulphur Springs Creek which has a boron concentration of l6 ppm and yields a sodium chloride water. Well 21N/15W-12C1 which is II4O feet deep and lies only a short distance from well 21N/15W-12C2 yields a calcium bicarbonate water with a boix)n concentraricn of 0.22 ppm. '%is well penetrates the pressure aquifer which exists in the trough along the east side of the valley and does not derive its supply from the same source as well 21N/15W-12C2. Sampling points are indicated on Plate 9. Water contained in the pressure zone along the axis of the valley is generally of excellent quality and should be protected from degradation by overlying waters of poor quality such as those existing in Sulphur Springs Creelc and those reflected in well 21^1511^-1202, Well construction must be suitable to prevent waste of artesian water as provided by law (Sections 300-311 of the Water Code). Little Lake Valley Little Lake Valley is located in the central portion of Mendocino County approximately 22 miles north of Ukiah. Its location is indicated on Plate 2, areal geology on Plate U. and locations of wells and sampling points on Plate 9. Approximately 2.5 miles wide and 7.5 miles long the valley is an irregular oval basin formed by folding and faulting of the Coast Range and contains approximately 17 .U square miles of alluvial land. Elevations on the valley floor range from 1,350 feet -57- at the north end to 1,600 feet at the south end. Income in Little Lake Valley is derived primarily from lumbering, agriculture, and tourist services. Lumber, sheep, cattle, and cereals are the principal products. Willits, a tovm of 2, 700 population located in the west-central section of the valley, is the largest tovm in the area and the third largest town in the county. ApproxiTia bely 5,300 persons live in or adjacent to Little Lake Valley, Little Lake Valley is served by U. S, Highway 101, Fort Bragg and Hear<=!t Roads, the Northwestern Pacific Railroad, and the California- Western Railroad and Navigation Company, Municipal water supply for WiHits is obtained from Montis Reservoir on Davis ^reek. Domestic supplies for the remainder of the valley are obtained from individual wells and springs. Irrigation require- ments are met by both ground and surface water, although ground water is the major source of supply. Surface Water Hydrology 3he records of the meteorological station located near Willits indicate an average annual precipitation of 50.07 inches during the 68-year period from 1888 to 1955 (Table l) . No major streams pass through the valley. Numerous small streams including Willits, Broaddus, Haehl, Davis, Baechtel, and Berry Creeks drain the south and central area of the valley and discharge into a swamp area in the north portion of the valley. The swamp area is created by inability of ground and surface water to escape freely from the valley because of bedrock at the north end. Outlet Creek has its origin in rising waters at the extreT.e north end. -58- Most of the smaller creeks do not i;ustain perennial flow; Outlet Creek with its source in the svramp area, however, nornally flows throughout the year. Since the stream system encompasses a small area and is well developed, winter rains do not cause severe flooding. However, during the winter when runoff exceeds the capacity of the valley outlet, water occasionally ponds in the swamp at the north end of the valley. Ground VJater Geology and Hydrology Little Lake Valley was formed as a structural basin during the folding and faulting of the northern Coast Range which began in later Tertiary and continued well into Pleistocene time. The valley is somevdiat saucer shaped and is filled with a great thickness of alluvial sediments which provides storage for a large volume of groundwater, Lithologic units can be grouped into two categories. Deposits of major importance as a source of groundwater include Becent alluvium, river channel deposits, and semi-consolidated clay, sand, and gravel of late Tertiary and early Pleistocene age. Deposits of minor in^ortance as a source of ground water are sedimentary and metamorphic rock units of the Franciscan group of Jurassic age which underlie the entire area. A number of springs which produce minor quantities of water from joints and fractures have been developed in this formation, particularly along the northeast side of the valley, P-iver channel deposits were found as thin veneers of g ravel and sand along Davla Creek near the south central portion of the valley and along Outlet Greek near the valley outlet. Deposits range in thickness from a few inches to approximately 20 feet and are vex*y permeable, but -59- they are of minor importance as a source of gitjund water because of limited areal extent. Recent alluvium consists of unconsolidated gravel, sand, silt, and clay. These sediments were derived by decomposition and erosion of mountain areas adjacent to the valley and were laid down on alluvial fans of moderate slope, in creek or river channels, on flood plains, and in lakes* As shown on Plate h, alluvium occupies the entire central and northern portions of Little Lake Valley. Alluvium ranges from a thickness of a few inches to an unknown thickness of over 250 feet near the center of the valley, A composite log of the alluvium and older sediments followas Depth in feet 2 2 15 15 - 35 35 liO 60 65 80 85 100 125 150 160 175 Uo 60 65 80 85 100 125 150 160 175 190 Material in feet Top soil 190 - 195 Yellow clay, gravel. and 195 - 215 fine sand 215 - 2U0 Yellow clay, gravel. and 2hO - 250 coarse sand 250 - 260 Sticky blue clay 260 - 285 Blue clay 285 - 290 Blue clay and gravel 290 - 320 Blue clay 320 - 3i;5 Blue clay and gravel 3U5 - 350 Coarse gravel 350 - 360 Blue cemented gravel Blue clay 360 - 370 Yellow clay and gravel 370 - lao Blue clay lao - J430 Sand and gravel I430 - hhS liU5 - li55 Material Blue clay and boulders Yellow clay and gravel Blue clay and gravel Blue clay Yellow clay Blue clay Yellow sand and gravel Coarse blue sand Coarse brown sand Coarse gray sand Coarse multi-colored sand Yellow sandy clay Blue clay Coarse brown sand Brown sandy clay and gravel Blue clay and gravel Tertiary-Quaternaiy sediments are composed of interbedded clay, silt, sand, and gravel laid down as continental flood plain and fan deposits and lake sediments. Blue clay and silt contain abundant organic retiains in the form of diatoms and carbonized wood fragments. The age -60- of these beds is thought to be Pliocene or early Pleistocene. Ihls fonnation outcrops in the low hills which extend into the valley from the southwest margin, in the hills irfiich form the south end of the valley vAiere it is over 300 feet thick, ajid in hills on the east edge of the valley. The formation also is exposed in some stream channels near the south end of the valley. It extends to an unknown depth beneath the alluvium, Tne irregiilar outline is due to erosion and to subsequent alluviation of the valley. The lenticularity and partial lack of hydraulic connection in the water-bearing sediments of the central and northern portions of the valley are illustrated by the variance in water levels. Individual. ' wells frequently penetrate several lenses, thus providing means for interchange of water from one lens to another. In certain areas, especially during winter months, some wells flow above ground surface; a lack of sindlar artesian flow from adjacent wells indicates the presence of isolated pressure zones. Water levels in the valley range from artesian flows above ground to depths of \£> feet. Movement of ground water within these formations is impeded by the abundance of silt and clay and by lenticularity of the more permeable zones. In addition movenent of ground water within the Plio-Pleistocene sediments may be impeded by faults. Recharge to the basin occurs primarily from percolation of stream flow and of precipitation, particularly in the forebay areas. Although some recharge occurs from infiltration on the valley floor, the amount is limited by the abundance of silt and clay. -61- Water Quality Mineral analyses of surface waters in Little Lake Valley, contained in Table 2, Appendix A, indicate that with the exception of some iron, the surface water is of excellent mineral quality and is suitable for most beneficial uses. They are calcium- magnesium bicarbonate waters with total solids ranging from 6U to 109 ppm and iron from 0,1 and 0,6 ppm. The higher iron concentrations render this water objectionable for domestic purposes. Boron concentrations are low, ranging from 0.01 to 0,19 ppmo Ground water of Little Lake Valley is generally of good mineral quality for irrigation purposes. It is generally inferior for domestic uses because of iron and manganese content but neverthess is used for that purpose. Mineral analyses of ground water are shown in Table 3, Appendix A. The water is generally a calcium-magnesium bicarbonate type with the exception that sodium concentrations are slightly higher and that total solids are higjier, ranging fit)m 70 to ^22 ppm. The water contains iron in quantities ranging from 0.2 to 8,3 ppm, and manganese is pi*esent in concentrations ranging from 0,2 to 0,71 ppm. Undesirable tastes and objectionable staining characteristics render these concentrations of iron and manganese objectionable in the lower ranges and almost unusable in the higher ranges for domestic use, A mineral analysis of water frcm well 18N/13W-18K1 indicates a water relatively hi^ in magnesium and calcium with total solids of 3U6 ppm and boron concentrations of 1,2 ppm. This water is very hard, contain- ing 271 ppm of hardness expressed as Ca003. Water from well l8N/lhW-12Hl shows a relatively hi^ cliloride concentration, total solids of 2^6 ppm, boron concentration of 3»8 ppm, and iron and manganese concentrations of -62- 8,3 and 0»71 ppm respectively. A mineral analysis of water from well l8N/mW-13Nl shows a relatively high concentration of sodium and bicarbonate, 80 and 56U ppm respectively, total hardness of 326 ppm, 1.3 ppm of iron and total dissolved solids of 522 ppm. While waters from these three wells do not lie in close proximity, differ in quality, and originate from different sources, their composition differs from that of normal ground water of the area; this indicates derivation in part from mineralized waters rising along fault zones or fractures in the underlying rock. Degraded ground waters were not found in other areas of the valley during this investigation. While no separate and distinct aquifers were found, mineralized water, vrtiich apparently originates from deep seated sources, should be prevented from mingling with the normal water supply of the area. When such degraded water is detected during construction of a new weD.l or is found existing in a present well, ccnstruction or repairs should be con- ducted in such a manner that will eliminate the possibility of degradation of the water generally found throughout the area. Potter Valley Potter Valley is located in the east central portion of Mendocino County approximately 1$ miles northeast of Ukiah, Elevations range from 880 feet at the south end to 1,000 feet at the north end. The valley, a stmictural basin ^proximately 7 miles long which averages 1.70 miles wide, contains an alluvial area approximately 12,2 square miles. Location of the valley is shown on Plate 2, areal geology on Plate h, and location of wells and sampling points on Plate 9. -63- The valley is served by a paved county road which extends from Cold Creek junction of State Highway 20 through Potter Valley to Van Arsdale Reservoir and Lake Pillsbury, The town of Potter Valley is a small settlement in the central portion of the valley and is its only community. Income in the valley is derived primarily from agriculture. Dairy products, beef cattle, and fruit are the major products. Logging in areas adjacent to the valley constitute a minor source of income. Individual wells furnish bhe domestic water supply for Potter Valley. Irrigation requirements are satisfied by botli ground and surface waters. Ihe valley area is served by the Potter Val.ley Irrigation District) this system receives water from Potter Valley Powerhouse tailrace and distributes it to the valley area, ^he remaindei of the irrigated lands derives its supply from ground water. Surface Water Hydrology A meterological station is located at the Potter Valley Powerhouse, Seventeen years of record beginning in 153 9 show an average annual temperature of 58.U° F. , and forty- four years of record indicate an average annual precipitation of I4I.O8 inches (Table l) • Data from 11 meteorological stations located throughout the county indicate that the rainfall in Potter Valley represents an approxiniate average of the valley areas in the county. East Fork Hissian River enters the valley at the northern end, flows south through the center of the valley, and leaves at the extreme southern end. The entire summer flow of East Fork Russian River is imported from Eel Ttiver via Potter Valley Powerhouse of Pacific Gas and -6h- Electric Cbmpany for power generation. This flow is relatively constant> depending somewhat on electrical system requirements, and averages approximately 197 cfs. Flow is not interrupted except for maintenance and repairs to the system. Ihe remainder of the streams in the area, which include Bush, Hawn, White, and Mewhinney Creeks, are tributary to East Fork Russian River and normally do not flow during summer months. Ground Water Geology and Hydrology Potter Valley is a structural basin formed duilng the folding and faulting of the Ooast Range. Lithologic units can be grouped into three categories. Deposits of major importance as a source of groundwater include Recent alluvium and river channel and terrace deposits. Semi-consolidated clay, sand, and gravel deposits of late Tertiary or early Pleistocene age, although extensive, do not constitute an important source of ground water. Deposits of minor importance as a source of ground water include sedimentary and metamorphic rock units of the Franciscan group of Jurassic age which under- lie the entire area. Ground water is produced in small quantities around the edges of the valley from joints and fractures in this fomation. Recent Alluvium, River Channel Deposits, and Terrace Deposits . Recent alluvium and river channel deposits consist of loose, unconsolidated gravel, sand, silt, and clay. Alluvium ranges in thickness from a very thin veneer of only a few inches to sections over 60 feet thick. The following composite log indicates the type of material commonly found in Potter Valley: -65- Depth Depth in feet Material in feet Material 0-3 Top soil and hardpan 35 - 50 Blue clay and gravel 3-10 Yellow clay and sand 50 - 55 Gravel 10 - 20 Gravel ^^ - 90 Blue clay 20 - 35 Blue clay- 90 - 100 Cemented gravel 100 - 125 ELue clay As shovm on Plate h,^ alluvial deposits cover almost the entire northern half of the valley and extensive low land areas in the southern portion. Gravels and sand which form the water-bearing zones are, in general, quite permeable, but they do not extend to all parts of the valley^, In certain areas alluvium is composed almost entirely of silt and clayj permeability is very low. Terrace deposits of Recent and Pleistocene age are made ip of clay, silt, sand, and gravel laid doxm as continental flood plain and fan deposits and lacustrine sediments. Thickness of terrace deposits ranges from a few inches to over 100 feet. Permeability is low due to abundance of clay and silt in the formation. Terrace deposits outcrop in the south and east portions of the valley where erosion has reduced exposures to discontinu- ous areas. A continuous aquifer of lindted vertical and horizontal extent covers the northern half of Potter Valley. This aquifer covers approximately the south half of Section 6, all of Sections 7 and 18, the west half of Section 17, and northwest quarter of Section 20, all of these locations lying in Township 17 North, Itange 11 West. This aquifer averages 30 feet in thickness and extends from depths of approximately 20 feet. It is composed of gravels interspersed between clay lenses. In an irregular area in Township 17 North Range 11 West, which covers a south fraction of Section 7, the east half of Section 18, the west half of Section 17, and the -66- northwest quarter of Section 20, as indicated on Plate 9» a clay cap exists, and water in the aquifer is confined. Movement of ground water in this aquifer is impeded by lenticularity and abundance of clay and silt. Specific capacities are lovi to moderate, ranging from 0.3' to 2$ gpm per foot of drawdown. Ground water movement is greatly impeded by an abundance of clay and silt and by lack of sand and gravel east of Russian I^ver, Yields altl^iough small, are normally sufficient for limited use. Alluvium in the southern portion of the valley is composed of a larger percentage of clay and silt than that found in the northern half. Movement of ground water is greatly impeded by the clay and silt, by lenticularity of more permeable zones, and by discontinuities due to topography and erosion. Ground water occurs in isolated lenses of permeable material and occurs to a limited extent in less permeable materiaL • Ground water levels vary from depths of 20 feet in the fringes of the valley to artesian flows above land surface in the pressure area in the center of the valley. Perched water overlying the pressure zone and resulting from direct precipitation and irrigation return water poses a drainage problem which has been partially solved by a series of drains discharging to East Fork Russian River. Major sources of recharge to groundwater include percolation of precipitation, excess irrigation water, losses from unlined irrigation canals, and percolation from surface streams, Tertiary-Quaternary Sediments . Tertiaiy-Quaternary sediments are composed of interbedded clay, silt, sand, and gravel laid down as continental flood plain and lake sediments. Age of these beds is thought -67- to be late Pliocene or early Pleistocene. Outcixjps of this formation are limited to the south half of the valley. This formation is well exposed in the low hills west of the county road along the west side of the valley and in a small segment south of Mewhinney Creek* Deformation and erosion have reduced exposures of this fornation to the present discontinuous remnants. Peimeability of these sediments has been decreased by consolidation and cementation. A few shallow wells produce from this formation, but yields are low. Water Quality Surface water in Potter Valley is normally of excellent mineral quality and is suitable for most present beneficial uses. Available mineral analyses are contained in Table 2, Appendix A, and locations of sampling points are shown on Plate 9« These waters are characteristically calcium- magnesium bicarbonate or calcium bicarbonate. The major portion of flow in East Fork Russian River is water imported from Eel River via Potter Valley Powerhouse. This water is a calcium-bicarbonate type with total solids ranging from 78 to 88 ppm. Boron concentrations in East Forlc Russian RLver are low ranging from 0,06 to 0.19 ppm. Tributaries to East Fork Russian River within the valley normally contain a calcium-magnesium bicarbon- ate water with total solids ranging from 129 to 227 ppm. Boron concentrations in the tributaries range from 0,02 to 0.67 ppm« These boron concentrations are not sufficient to cause damage to any but the most sensitive plants. Ground water in this area is normally of excellent mineral quality, except for appreciable iron concentrations in some wells which render the water objectionable for domnstic uses without treatment. Mineral analyses of ground water are contained in Table 3> Appendix A, Ground water is characteristically a calcium-magnesium bic-?rbonate or a -68- magnesium- calcium bicarbonate water with total solids ranging from lUO to 395 ppm. Iron concentrations range from 0.0 to 1,2 ppm. Boron is present in concentrations ranging from O.Oh to 0,6l ppm, A mineral analysis of water from well 17N/11W-3301 which extends 678 feet deep, mainly penetrating the Franciscan formation, shoved a sodiun-magnesium bicarbonate water with total solids of 1,020 ppm and a boron concentration of 1.0 ppm. This well produces a maximum of $ gpm. This water is indicative of deep seated water or entrapped water derived from the Franciscan formation. Normal ground water exhibits little similarity with this water, an indication that this source provides negli- gible recharge to the main ground water body. Drainage and irrigation return water above the clay cap existing over the pressure aquifer should be prevented from entering the aquifer since such water is normally more highly concentrated than naturally occurring waters. Wells encountering highly mineralized waters from the Firanciscan formation should be constructed so that these mineralized waters will not endanger the normal ground water. Round Valley Round Valley is located in the northern section of Mendocino County approximately 30 miles north of Willits. The valley is an oval structural basin approximately 6 miles long and U miles wide containing an alluvial area of approximately 22.6 square miles. Elevation of the valley floor ranges from 1,300 feet at the south end to 1,UI;0 feet at the north end. Location of the valley is indicated on Plate 2, geology on Plate U, and location of wells and sampling points on Plate 9« Covelo, the only town in the valley, is centrally located and is served by county roads from Dos Rios and Williams. -69- Income in Round Valley is derived from agriculture and lumber. Sheep, cattle, hay and cereals are the principal agricultural products. Much of the valley land is devoted to pasture. Ground water satisfies all requirements for domestic use and supplies a major portion of irrigation and industrial needs because of lack of a firm supply of surface water in the valley. Surface Water Hydrology The United States V/eather Bureau meteorological station at Covelo reports an average annual temperature of 56«1°F. for a 16-year period and an average annual precipitation of 3^,22 inches for a 37-yBar period (Table 1). There are no major streams in Round Valley. Several small creeks including Short, Mill, Town, Grist, and Turner drain across the valley in a general southerly direction. Near the south end of the valley tributary cireeks converge to form Mill Creek which enters Middle Fork Eel River approximately three miles southeast of the valley. Streams within the valley normally do not sustain perennial flow and become dry by late summer or early fall. Ground Water Geology and Hydrology Round Valley is a broad structural basin stirrounded by high, grassy, wooded hills. It has been postvilated that the depression was formed by faulting. In relation to occurrence of ground water, lithologic units can be grouped into three categories. Deposits of major importance as a source of ground water include Recent alluvium and river channel deposits. Deposits of secondary importance include semi-consolidated clay, sand, and gravel of late Tertiary or early Pleistocene age. Deposits of minor -70- importance as a source of ground water are sedimentary and raetamorphic rock units of the Franciscan group of Jurassic age which underlie the entire area. Springs producing limited water from this formation have been developed in a few locations around the marpp.ns of the valley. Recent Alluvium and River C!hannel Deposits , River channel deposits occur as thin veneers of gravel and sand along the streams for some distance after they enter the valley and along Mill Creek for a distance of some three miles before the creek leaves the valley. The deposits range in thickness from a few inches to perhaps 20 feet and are very permeable, but due to their limited extent they constitute a negligible source of ground water. They serve as a permeable intake area for recharge of ground water in the valley. Recent alluvium consists of loose, unconsolidated gravel, sand, silt, clay, and loamy soil. As shown on Plate li, alluvium and river channel deposits occupy the entire floor of Round Valley, Recent alluvial fans were recognized at the mouths of several of the smal.ler canyons, but they were of such limited areal extent that they could not be shown on a map at the scale used in this report. Alluvium ranges in thickness from a few inches near the margins to an estimated average maximum depth of over 500 feet near the south central pairt of the valley, A composite log of the upper sediments follows: Depth in feet Material Depth in feet Material 0-10 10 - 30 30 - 35 35 - 80 Top soil Yellow clay Gravel Blue sandy clay 80 - 90 90 - 130 130 - 11^0 Gravel and sand Clay and gravel Yellow clay and gravel -71- Interbedded and intennixed gravel, sand, silt, yellow clay, and blue clay are encountered in irregular sequences similar to the above composite lop in most wel'J s in the valley, including those wells penetrating over 700 feet. A semi-continuous aquifer exists generally throughout the valley. However, ground water movement is impeded by a fault barrier which extends into the alluvial material. Shallow wells yield sufficient quantities of ground water for domestic and limited irrigation uses. Deeper wells, those over 300 feet, normally yield from 300 to 1,000 gpm with drawdowns of 60 to 100 feet. Specific capacities thus range from 5 to I3 gpm per foot of drawdown with a few as high as 50 gpm per foot. As shown on Plate 9, a pressure area exists generally east of Commercial Avenue and north of Fairbanks Road and covers the northeast section of the valley. In the south end of the valley depths to water range from 20 to kO feet. In this area ground water is used extensively for irrigation. This represents the largest draft on ground water in the valley. In the fringes of the pressure area water levels vary from ground surface or above during the spring to depths of 10 feet below ground surface during late summer. In the center of the pressxire area water levels remain at or above ground surface throughout the year. In the pressure forebay area water levels fluctuate between 10 and UO feet below the surface. Ground water moves in a general south and southeast direction throughout the valley. The pressure area is recharged from the west side of the valley and from headwaters of several small creeks draining hills east of the valley. Throughout the west and south portions of the valley recharge is provided by direct percolation of precipitation, strenjn flow, and irrigation return water. -72- Consolidated rocks rinmiing the valley prevent ground water outflow from the basin, and the stream channel of Mill Creek which cuts across the consolidated rock at the southeast end provides the only means of exit. All outflow from the valley is forced to rise to the stream bed and leave as surface water, Tertiary-Quaternary Sediments . This formation is composed of interbedded clay, silt, sand, and gravel ladd down as continental flood plain and fan deposits with interbedded lacustrine sediments. Age of these beds is thought to be Pliocene or early Pleistocene, This formation out- crops in the low hills at the extreme south and southeast margin of the valley, where the formation appears to be over 200 feet thick. The beds dip gently to the north and northeast and probably extend across the valley under the alluvixim. Where exposed, the formation has been deeply dissected by erosion. Permeability of Tertiary-Quaternary sediments has been decreased by consolidation and cementation. A few wells were found to be producing from this formation. It is probably penetrated by most of the deep wells in the southern part of the valley. Water Quality Surface water throughout Rouna Valley is of excellent mineral quality, suitable for all present beneficial uses. The surface waters without exception are calcium-magnesium bicarbonate in character. Total solids are low, ranging from 80 to 171 ppm as shown in Table 2, Appendix A. Boron is present in negligible quajitities, ranging from 0,01 to 0.l8 ppm. At all known depths ground water throughout the valley is of excellent mineral quality for irrigation puiT)oses, but high iron concentra- tions of from 1.6 to 7,U ppw render these waters objectionable for domestic -73- use without treatment for removal of iron. With two exceptions these are normally calcium-magnesium bicarbonate waters with total solids ranging from 116 to 269 ppm. Boron concentrations are low, ranging from 0.00 to 0,2U ppm. Mineral analyses of ground water are presented in Table 3» Appendix A. One well, 22N/12W-21A1, showed a sodium bicarbonate water with total solids of 392 ppm, and another well, 23N/12W-26E1, located in Poor Mans Valley 2.5 miles northeast of Covelo, showed a chloride concentration of 25 ppm> well above the average of U.O ppm for normal ground water in Round Valley. Water well construction in Round Valley should reflect the conditions foimd in the pressure area to avoid unnecessary loss of pressure head and to prevent downward migration of iridgation return and other mineralized waters. Ukiah Valley Ukiah Valley, the largest and most important alluvial area in Mendocino County, is located in the southeast section of the county approxi- mately 110 miles north of San Francisco and 30 miles east of the Pacific Ocean. The valley location is indicated on Plate 2, areal geology is shown on Plate 3, and wells and sampling points are located on Plate 8, The valley is approximately 22 miles long and attains a maximum width of five miles; it encompasses an alluvial area of 6l4»9 square miles. Elevation of the valley floor ranges from 530 feet at the south end to 850 feet at the north end. The economy of Ukiah Valley is more diversified than that of the remainder of the county. Income is derived from timber processing, industrial services and supplies, agriculture, and small manufacturing, A large wood processing plant located near Ukiah has served to stabilize -7U- employment in the area. Major agricultural products include sheep, cattle, cereals, hops, and grapes. A state mental institution located at Talmage furnishes employment for a number of persons on a year round basis and further serves to stabilize the economy. Three communities, Ukiah, Talmage, and Calpella,are located in the valley. Ukiah, situated in the central portion of the valley, is the largest city in Mendocino County and is the County seat. A 1900 population of 6,120 was reported for Ukiah, Calpella, in the northern end of the valley, and Talmage, in the central portion of the valley, are small unincorporated communities. In 1950 Ukiah Valley supported a total population of 16,130, The area is traversed by U. S. Highway 101 and Northwestern Pacific Railroad. Access is also furnished by State Highway 20 from Lake County, by Low Gap and Orrs Springs Roads from the coast, and by numerous county roads within the valley. Ukiah has airline connections to the north and south. Domestic water supplies are derived entirely from ground water. However a ntunber of shallow domestic wells and the municipal supply for the city of Ukiah are located in gravels adjacent to Russisin River and imdoubtedly derive a portion of their supply from underflow. Irrigation requirements are met by ground water and surface water from Russian River. In general most of the land adjacent to Russian River is irrigated directly by water from the river or by water supplied by shallow wells deriving their supply from underflow. Lands not contiguous to the river are in general irrigated from ground water. Industrial supplies are obtained primarily from ground water. Surface Water Hydrology There are two meteorological stations located in Ukiah Valley. One is located at Ukiah, the other in Redwood Valley two miles north of Calpella. At Ukiah the average annual temperature for a 63-year period is 57.8 F. and the average annual precipitation for an 8U-year period -75- is 35-35 inches. At Redwood Valley average annual precipitation for an l8-year period is 36.07 inches (Table l). The entii'e valley is drained by Russian River and tributaries. East Fork Russian River drains Potter Valley and receives approximately 197 cfs importation from Eel Liver through the Potter Valley Powerhouse o This branch enters at the northiern end of Ukiah Valley and merges with Russian River at The Forks approximately three miles north of Ukiah. Above The Forks the main branch of Russian River drains Redwood Valley. This branch of Russian River is dry during the summer months. Flow in East Foilc Russian River is perennial. It is greatly affected by diversion from Eel River through Potter Valley Powerhouse. Below The Forks flow in the Russian River ib perennial in all reaches. Streams in Ukiah Valley tributary to Russian River normally contain appreciable flow only during winter and spirLng months. Tributaries include Forsjrthe, York, Eldridge, Hensley, Ackennan, Orrs, Sulphur, Middle, Austin, Robertson, Morrison, and McNab Creeks. These streams drain the hills rimjTdng the valley and are developed in an east-west direction, whereas the course of Russian River is to the south. Ground Water Geology and Hydrology Ukiah Valley, the largest ground water basin in Mendocino County, is a patch work of dissected hills, numerous terraces, low, broad alluvial fans, and wide flood plains. The valley is surrounded by rugged, grassy, wooded ridges. Idthologic units can be grouped into three categories. Deposits of major importance as a source of ground water include Recent alluvium, river channel deposits, and terrace deposits. Deposits of secondary import- ance include semi-consolidated sediments of Terti^iry-Quaternary age. Of minor importance are sedimentary and metamorphic rock units of the -76- Franciscan f ornate on of Jurassic ape v;hich yield v/ater, sometimes highly mineralized, to several springs in the area. Recent Alluvium, River Charaiiel Deposits, and Terrace Deposits . Recent alluvium consists of loose, unconsolidated gravel, sand, silt, and clay. As shovm on Plate 3, alluviu-n occupies thr central portion of the valley, the most extensive area of alluvium occurring in the vicinity of Ukiah. Alluvium varies in thickness from a few inches to over 100 feet. Alluvium is underlain in part by terrace deposits, in part by Tertiary- Quaternary formation, and in part by Franciscan bedrock, A composite well log indicating t he types of sediments which comprise the alluvium follows: Depth Depth in feet Material in feet Material 0-2 Top soil Ii5 - ^5 Yellow clay and gravel 2-10 Yellow silt, and yellow 55-60 Loose gravel clay with embedded gravel 60-65 Yellow clay and gravel 10-20 Sandy clay 65 - 70 Blue clay 20 - 25 Loose gravel 70 - 80 Yellow clay 25 - 16 Blue clay 80 ~ 85 Cemented gravel A small area of older alluvium consisting of travertine from nearby mineral springs as well as gravel, sand, silt, and clay covers the floor of Sulphur Creek along Vichy Springs Road, Stream channel deposits are composed of a thin veneer of gravel, sand, and silt along the entire length of Russian River and East Fork Russian River within the valley. These deposits range in thickness from a few inches to perhaps hO feet and are very permeable. Several distinct terraces were observed in the Ukiah Valley area. For convenience in mapping, these were combined into two groups based upon relative age and position. Younger terraces are of Recent and possibly late Pleistocene age. These terraces occupy extensive -77- areas adjacent to the allmnum alon?' the en+ire viest side of the valley soirth of The Forks, and they are v/ell developed near Talmane, Oalpella, and in Coyote Valley. Older terraces thought to be Pleistocene in age occupy positions topopraphically higher than the younger terraces. The older terraces blanket most of Redwood Valley, Eroded remnants of older terraces are prominent on both sides of the valley as far south as Ihe Forks; only a few scattered remnants were found in the south end of the valley* Terrace deposits are made vp of bouldery clay, yellow and brown clay and silt, sandy clay, sand, and gravel vjhlch were laid down as con- tinental flood plain and fan deposits. These are interbedded with blue and green clays which probably were deposited as lake sediments. Thickness of terrace deposits varies from a few feet to over 200 feet. Yield of ground water to most wells is low because of an abundance of clay and silt in the formation. Terrace deposits underlie alluvium throughout much of Ukiah Valley and unconformably overlie Tertiary-Quaternary sediments. Exposures of these deposits are very extensive and have been made discontinuous by erosion. A composite lof< indicating typical material in the terrace deposits follows: Depth Depth in feet Terrace deposits in feet Terrace (teposits 0-2 Surface soil 50-60 Tough yellow clay 2-10 Hardpan 60-65 Touph sticky blue clay 10 - 15 Yellow clay witji 65 - 70 Yellow clay with embedded embedded gravel gravel 15 - 25 Hard sandstone 70 - 75 Soft sandstone 25 - 35 Clay witl-i embedded 75 - 80 Sandy blue clay gravel 80 - 95 Gravel embedded in yellow 35 - UO Sandy yellow clay clay ho - 50 Clay and gravel 95 - 125 Sandy blue clay -78- Recent alluvium^ which covers most of the valley floor, varies in permeability from low to moderate. These deposits supply most of the ground water requirements of Ukiah Valley. Yields range from 50 to 1,000 gpm with drawdowns from 10 to 100 feet. Specific capacities usually vary between 0»5 and 7 gpm per foot of drawdown, but locally they may exceed 100 gpm per foot. Stream channel deposits along the major streams are extremely permeable, but they are limited in areal extent and attain a maxiumum thickness of only hP feet. However, these chauinel deposits support under- flow of considerable magnitude, and yields to shallow wells from this source are considerable. Terrace deposits, particularly prevalent in Redwood Valley iwrth of Calpella, furnish low yields to wells because of abundant clay and silt in the formation and because of lenticularity of permeable materials. Some permeable lenses in the terrace deposits yield no appreciable ground water due to lack of connection with possible sources of recharge. Many wells drilled in Redwood Valley have been abandoned because of failure to find sufficient water to warrant their develop Tie nt, iields range from negligible quantities to 15 gpm for drawdowns of 10 to 100 feet. Where requirements are low and use is intermittent, dug wells furnish the firmest supply from these deposits because they contain a relatively large storage volume within the well shaft. Water levels vary between artesian conditions and depths of li) feet. Adjacent to the river gravels depths to water vary between jero and 10 feet and appear to fluctuate directly with water levels in the river. In the remainder of the valley little correlation appears between water levels. Lenticularity of the sediments causes minor pressure effects -79- throughout the valley. Three sources contin.bute to recharge of ground water; percolation of stream flow, percolation of precipitation and irrigation return water, and migration of water stored in joints and fractures of the nonnally con- solidated rocks surrounding the valley. Recharge of gravels adjacent to Russian River occurs directly from the river. However, this recharge primarily is limited to those units mapped as river channel deposits, as shown on Plate 3. Water levels in these gravels are controlled primarily by the river. Water levels in the loss permeable material adjacent to the river gravels are normally higher than levels in the river causing water to flow toward the gravels. Recent alluvium, terrace deposits, and Plio-Pleistocene sediments receive recharge mainly from direct percolation of stream flow and of precipitation. Tertiary-Quaternary Se dimentSe These sediments are composed of interbedded gravelly clay and silt, blue clay, sand, and gravel laid down as flood plain, fan, and lake deposits. Outcrop areas of this formation are the most extensive of any unit in the water-bearing series. This formation outcrops in hills along almost all of the east margin of Ukiah Valley, in hills surrounding Coyote Valley, and in hills east and west of Calpella. The formation is thought to be approximately 1,000 feet in thickness. A composite log indicating lithology typical of Tertiary-Quaternary sediments follows: Depth in feet 0-3 3 - 15 15 - 20 20 - 25 25 - 30 30 - 50 Tertiary-Quaternary Depth sediments in feet Sandy clay 50-55 Gravelly loam 55 - 90 Blue sandstone ^ - 100 Blue sandy clay 100 - 105 Sandy conglomerate 105 - 150 Blue clayey gravel Tertiary-Quaternaiy sediments Rlue clayey sandy gravel Blue sandy clayey gravel Blue clayey sandy gravel Olive drab sandy clay Blue clayey gravel and sandy clay -80- Deformation and erosion have reduced the fomaticn to discontinuous remnants. Evidence of deformation is found in varying gentle strikes and steep dips recorded in various outcrop areas. Permeability of the Tertiary-Quaternary sediments has been decreased by consolidation and cementation. Yield to wells is veiy low. Gravels which would appear to be potential aquifers have been penetrated by many wells in search of water, but the eravels yielded only a negligible quantity of ground water because of the abundance of clay and silt in the gravel and because of isolation of the gravel beds from sources of ground water supply by intervening clay and silt. Water Quality Surface water in Ukiah Valley is generally of excellent mineral quality and is suitable for most present beneficial uses. Mineral analyses of surface water are shown in Table 2, Appendix A. Water in East Fork Russian River, ikxe only water in the valley not originating locally, is of excellent mineral quality. This supply consists of water imported from Eel River and of water originating in Potter Valley and Cold Creek areas. Russian River water is calcium bicarbonate in character with total solids of 8k to 136 ppm. Boron concentrations are usually low. However, during periods of low flow, the effect of the tributaCies containing appreciable quantities of boron becomes pronounced, and boron concentrations as high as 1.06 ppm have been recorded at the south end of the valley. Water in Russian River above the confluence with East Fork Russian River is a calcium bicarbonate type with low total solids and low boron concentrations. Tributaries to Russian River within Ukiah Valley normally contain water similar in quality to that found in the river. However, two -81- tributaries. Sulphur Creek and Middle Creek, both of which drain an area east of Russian River and slightly south of Ukiah, show relatively high concentra- tions of borons Sulphur Creek derives a portion of its supply from the highly ndneralized waters of Vichy Springs. These springs lie in the Franciscan formation. This water is a sodium bicarbonate type with total solids of 639 ppm, per cent sodium of 75, boron concentration of 13 ppm, and chloride concentration of 53 PPm* Middle Creek, whose water is not as highly mineralized as that of Sulphur Creek, contains a calcium bicarbonate water with total solids of 285 ppm and boron concentration of 1,6 ppm. Composition of these waters suggest derivation, in part, from deep seated, juvenile, or entrapped mineralized waters in the Franciscan formation. Ground water in Ukiah Valley is of extremeljr variable character. Mineral analyses of ground water are contained in Table 3» Appendix A. Shallow ground water along the river is a calcixjm-magnesivun bicarbonate type, very similar to normal surface waters of the area* Total solj.ds range between I38 and 259 ppm, and boron concentrations are low, from 0.00 to 0.2ii ppm. This water is of excellent quality and is suitable for all present beneficial uses. Several wells in the valley contain relatively mineralized waters. One of these, 15n/12W-22D1, 22 feet deep, contains a sodium-calcium bicarbonate water with an electrical conductance of 550 micromhos and a boron concentration of 6,05 ppm, suggesting derivation in part from deep seated or juvenile waters probably rising along fault zones. Locations of this well and other sajr^ling points are indicated on Plate 8, Wells along the edge of the valley frequently contain highly mineralized water. Well 15N/12W-1UC1, located in the east central portion of the valley, produces a sodium bicarbonate water with a boron concentra- tion of 8,U0 ppm. This well is located near Sulphur Creek only a short -82- distance dovmstream from Vichy Springs. A University of California analy- sis of water from a 300-foot domestic well in the southwest portion of the valley, 1UN/12W-26K1, showed a sodium concentration of 170 ppm, a chloride concentration of 300 ppm, and a boron concentration of 39.2 ppm. Another analysis on iiie same date showed similar results. Well 17N/12W-18A1, a 57-foot domestic well located in the northern end of Redwood Valley, contained a sodium chloride water with sodium concentration of 292 ppm and chloride concentration of U66 ppm. Total solids were 1,030 ppm, boron concentration was 55 ppm, aj^d iron content was 11 ppm. Many highly mineralized springs which derive their supply from deep seated or juvenile water and which contribute to degradation of usable ground water (28) exist along the edges of the valley. Even though no hi^ly penneable continuous aquifers exist in Ukiah Valley, the presence of a number of wells containing mineralized waters indicates the need for well construction practices designed to eliminate the commingling of such poor quality water with the nonnally excellent quality v/ater. It is highly possible that faults have affected the underlying Tertiary-Quaternary deposits and provide means of upward migration of highly mineralized water contained in the Franciscan forma- tion* VJhen wells yield poor quality water, they should be constructed in such manner that will eliminate the opportunity for commingling of such water with usable water. Fort Brag^ Coastal Terrace and Contiguous Area s The Fort Bragg Coastal area is locatfid in the extreme western portion of the county. It is bordered on the west by the Pacific Ocean, on the north by Cape Vizcaino, and on the south by Navarro River. It extends inland from the coast a maximum of 10 miles. Location is shown on -63- Plate 2, areal geology on Plate 5» and locations of wells and sampling points on Plate 10. The area is oriented in a north-south dir-ection and contains approximately Ul.6 square miles of alluvial land. It is composed of numerous dissected marine terraces separated by alluvium deposited in river channels. Many of the small, separate alluvial valleys in this unit have been separately named and numbered. However $ for ease of presenta- tion these are grouped and discussed in this section as the "Fort Bragg Coastal Terrace and Contiguous Areas". Income in the Fort Bragg area is derived principally from logging and lumber processing, although sport and commercial fishing, poultry, and dairying are important to the economy of the area. Fort Bragg is the major town in the area. Communities of lesser importance include Westport, Inglenook, Noyo, Caspar, Mendocino, Little River and Albion, State Hi^way 1 follows the coast line throughout the entire area. The area also is served by roads from Laytonville, Willi ts, and Anderson Valley and by the CalifornJ.a Western Railroad and Navigation Company from Willits to Fort Bragg. Domestic water supplies are obtained primarily from ground water, although a few small diversions of surface waters from minor streams exist in the area. Municipal supplies for Fort Bragg and for several of the smaller communities are derived from surface water » Irrigation requirements, limited to pasture or small truck farms, are minor and are usually met by ground water. Industrial requirements are minor and are limited to lumber and fish processing plants. Since these industries generally are located adjacent to streams along the coastal margin, their requirements are usually met by surface water, -8h- Surface Water Hydrology A meteorological station is located in Fort Bragg. Sixty-thr^e years of record since 1893 indica-.e an average annual temperature of 52.9 F. Precipitation during the sane period has averaged 37»l48 inches. Precipitation probably is considerably higher only a few miles inland. Numerous small creeks and rivers drain the area west of the interior and flow directly into the Pacific Ocean. Major streams in the area are Big, Noyo, and Tten Mile Rivers which combine with the smaller streams to drain all of the ar«a west of Little Lake, Ukiah, and Sanel Valleys. A stream gaging station located near the mouth of Noyo River shovrs an average discharge of 323 cfs for three years of record. All of the major streams in the area sustain perennial flow, but many of the smaller creeks become dry or nearly dry during late surnner and early fall. Ground Water Geology and Hydrology The area desif^nated as Fort Bragg Coastal Terrace and Contiguous Areas is bounded on the west by steep vertical cliffs that drop almost SO feet to the Pacific Ocean and on the east by the rugged peaks of the northern Coast Range that rises to a maximum altitude of 2,000 feet within 5 miles of the coast. During the Pleistocene epoch the entire coast line was uplifted. Presence of marine terraces at several different elevation levels indicates more than one period of uplifts Ihe terraces rest uncomformably on underlying bedrock and have been severely dissected by streams. For simplicity the marine terraces are mapped into two groups. Group 1 includes all terraces between 50 and 2^0 feet in elevation and Group 2 includes all terraces between 2^0 and 500 feet (Plate 5) • Several terrace remnants -85- exist over $00 feet in elevation, but they have not been napped because of their smeill size and isolated locations. A fairly large sand dune area foris the only major break in the line of cliffs along the coast. The dunes, located a few miles north of ■■'ort Bra?;g, cover an area three to four milen in length and approximately on? mile in width. These dunes are about 50 feet thick and are over 100 feet in elevation at their eastern edge. Lithologic units can be grouped into two categories. Deposits of major importance as a source of ground water include semi-consolidated Pleistocene marine terraces, unconsolidated Recent alluviiun and river channel deposits, and the sand dune area north of Fort Bragg, deposits of minor importance as a source of ground water include sedimentary and metamorphic rock units of the Franciscan group of Jurassic age. However, limited water supplies have been developed from wells and springs supplied from joints and fractures in this formation. The Pleistocene marine terrace deposits are composed of clay, silt, sand, and gravel that was deposited in littoral and offshore zones of the seacoast during Pleistocene time. Subsequent uplift elevated the terraces, and the westward flowing rivers and creeks dissected the uplifted deposits. A characteristic section of the terrace deposits is exposed on the cliffs facing the ocean several miles north of Fort Bragg. The orange-brown colored terrace deposits rest unconf o xmably on greenish- black Franciscan rock and extend from 12 to l5 feet in thickness. The bottom four feet of the section primarily consist of well rounded grey pebbles 3A ^o 1 inch in diameter. Fine sand and silt fill the interstices between the pebbles and predominate throughout the rest of the section. The sediments are derived from mountains to the east from disintegration and erosion of underlying Franciscan bedrock. -86- I Thickness of the terrace deposits ranpes from a few inches to over 50 feet. Evidence pathered from drillers' lop's of water wells in the coastal area indicates that the widest and most extensive terraces, which occur in the vicinity of the town of Fort Braj^p;, have appreciably thinner deposits than the narrov; terraces near the town of Mendocino. Two composite logs indicating the tvpes of materials commonly encountered are shawn as follows: Depth Marine terrace deposits Depth Marine terrace deposits in feet near Fort Braf^g in feet near Albion 0-20 Soft soil and gravel - 60 Fine sand 20-3$ Gravel 60 - 65 Hard brown rode 35 - IjO Hard brown rock (Franciscan formation) (Franciscan formation) Recent alluvium composed of silt, sand, and gravel is deposited on flanks of coastal creeks and rivers. The most extensive deposits are found in the valleys of Ten Mile, Noyo, Big, Albion, and Navarro fti.vers. Alluvial areas average 0.2$ mile in width and extend inland for a maximum distance of 10 miles (Plate 5). Sti^ams erode sediments from mountainous areas to the east and deposit them in flood plains and stream channels near the coast where their gradients decrease. Maximum thickness of these deposits in the Fort Bragg coastal area is unknown since no wells have been drilled in river channel deposits because of availability of surface water. The sand dunes, located approximately three miles north of Fort Bragg, constitute a source of ground water of minor importance. In the sand dune area the coast lies approxi-nately nornal to the prevailing winds Urorn the northvrest. The winds blow the sand grains from the beach to the southeast. Fine, well-sorted sands are deposited on the leev;aurd slopes of dunes near vState Highway 1. The dunes are very permeable and constitute -87- no hydrolo{p.c barrier to prevent the outflow oi" ground water to the ocean. There are no continuous or extensive ground viater aquifers in the Fort Bragg coastal area. Ground water is stored in marine terrace deposits of clay, silt, sand, and gravel that overlie much of the areaj in the silt, sand, ani gravel of river channel deposits found adjacent to most of the streams; and to a minor extent in fractures and joints of under- lying consolidated bedrock and in the sand dune area. Yields to wells in the terraces vary from 1 to 30 gpm. Yields are low because of thinness, cementation, and dissection of terrace deposits and because of lack of ground water. This lack of ground water is attiibuted to the appreciable slope of the contact lietween the bedrock and the terrace material and to the absence of hydrolo dc barriers to prevent escape of ground water. Depth:; to water vary from two to eight feet in most of the terraces. The lack of continuity of ground water throughout the terraces is illustrated by the abandomient of numerous wells because of lack of water. Yields vary greatly within individual terraces and between adjacent wells. Water Quality Without exception surface water in this area is of excellent mineral quality, suitable for all present beneficial uses. Mineral analyses of surface water are contained in Table 2, Appendix A. This water is characteristically a calcium- sodium bicarbonate water, although magnesium concentrations approach those oi sodium or calcium in many of the analyses, '^■otal solids range from 60 to 171 ppmo Boron concentrations range from 0,00 to 0.66 ppm. An analysis ol water from Salmon River displayed a marked presence of sodium chloride, ^ince the sample was -88- obtained near tne mouth, it is assumed that sea water penetrated this distance and affected the sample. Ground water in this area is noirmally of excellent mineral quality, although a few samples show evidence of derivation in part from mineralized waters rising along fault zones or fractures in underlying rock formations and in part from intrusion of sea water. Mineral analyses of ground water are shown in Table 3, Appendix A. Nonnal ground waters of the area are sodium chloride-bicarbonate with total solids ranging from 88 to 1|1U ppm. Sulphate and nitrate concentrations are negligible. Boron is present in minor amounts. Spring I7N/I6W-28FI shows a sodium bicarbonate water containing total solids of 6,110 ppm, boron of 205 ppm, and potassium of kh ppn»« Another spring, 17N/l6W-35RL, shows a calcium-sodium bicarbonate water with 1,730 ppm total solids and boron concentration of 23 ppm. Waters from these springs undoubtedly are derived largely from juvenile, deep seated, or other mineralized waters rising along joints or fractures in the Fj-anciscan formation, A 12 foot auger test hole in MacKerricher State Park, 19NA7W-19HL, showed a sodium-calcium bicarbonate water with total solids of 89I ppm and boron concentration of 35 ppm. An adjacent well, I9N/17W-I9R2, 70 feet deep, had a sodium chloride water with total solids of 209 pp'n and boron concen- tration of 0.06 ppm. Water fix.m the auger test hole shows evidence (particu- larly the high boron concentration) of derivation from a deep seated water rising along a fault zone extending into the terrace material. V/ater from the adjacent deeper well indicates slight intrusion of sea water. The base of the well lies below sea ]evel and extends apj roximately 20 feet into bedrock wtiich is prabably fractured. This may allow entrance of sea water. -89- Well 21N/17W-29N1 produces water containing relatively high concen- trations of sodium and chloride and total solids of 225 ppm, and boron of 0.23 ppmi this indicates either the presence of entrapped water at the base of the terrace on which the well is drilled or the upward migration of poor quality water from Franciscan bedrock. Several additional ground waters, as shown in Table lU, show deriva- tion in some degree from mineralized waters rising along fractures or joints in the underlying rocks. Numerous isolated areas appear to be affected in varying degrees. Since most of the ground water occurs in isolated and separated areas, degradation of one small area probably will not appreciably affect the water supply of the entire area. However, wtil construction practices should be sufficient to prevent such degradation occurring as a result of movement of poor quality water into better quality water through water wells* Point Arena Coastal Terrace and Contiguous Areas The Point Arena area is located in the southwestern portion of the county. This area extends from the Sonoma County line on the south to and including Navarro River on the north and extends from the Pacific Ocean on the west inland to a maximum of five miles. The location is shown on Plate 2, areal geology on Plate 6, and locations of wells and sampling points on Plate 11, The area, including minor areas separately named and numbered, is oriented in a north-south direction and contains approximately 30.1 square miles of alluvial land (Table 5)» However, for ease of presentation these minor areas are discussed as a group iji this section. Income in the Point Arena ai'ea is derived from lumber, fishing, and agriculture. Agricultural enterprises include dairying, cattle, sheep, hogs, and hay, -90- The major tovm in the area is Point Arena. Other comnmnitiee include Elk, Manchester, and Gualala. State Highway 1 extends north and south through the area. Coxmty roads connect the area with Anderson Valley. Ground water generally satisfies domestic requirements, although a few stream diversions were found in the area. Irrigation reqtiirements are minor and are satisfied by both surface and ground water. Surface Water Hydrology As shown in Table 1, precipitation at Point Arena has averaged 35.13 inches for six years beginning in 1950. Numerous streams drain the area lying west of the interior val- leys. These streams include Greenwood, Mate, Brush, Elk, and Alder Creeks and Navarro, Garcia, and Gualala Rivers. The majority of these streams sustain perennial flow. Discharge records are available only for Navarro River J these show an average discharge of 65? cfs for the four years of record extending from 1950 to 1953. Qroiind Water Geology and Hydrology The Point Arena Coastal Terrace and Contiguous Areas west of the San Andreas fault zone are tinderlaln by consolidated marine sediments and volcanics ranging from Cretaceous to Tertiary in age. East of the San Andreas fault zone rock types are sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic and belong to the Franciscan group of Jurassic age. Unconsolidated and dissected marine terrace deposits lie unconformably on the bedrock. An area of sand dimes is located along the coast between the mouths of Garcia River and Alder Creek. The dunes vary from 0.1 to 0.75 mile in width and reach a maximum elevation of approximately 50 feet. From the mouth of Garcia River southward to Gualala River, the coast is characterized by vertical cliffs almost 50 feet high. -91- With respect to occurrence and aovemcint of ground water lithologic units can be grouped into two categories, Deposits of major importance as a source of ground water include clay, silt, and gravel of semi -consolidated Pleistocene marine terrace deposits; silt, sand, and gravel of unconsolidated Recent alluvium and river deposits; and fine-grained sand of the dune area. Deposits of minor importance as a source of ground water include well-consoli- dated sedimentary and volcanic rocks, C:etaceous to Tertiary in age, that underlie the area west or San Andreas fault and the I'^ranciscan group of Jurassic age east of the fault, A few springs and wells produce limited water from joints and fractures developed in these fomations. Semi-consolidated Pleistocene marine terrace deposits are composed of clay, silt, sand, and gravel that were deposited in littoral and offshore zones of the sea coast during Pleistocene ti-ae. The terraces were elevated by later periods of uplift and were dissected by rejuvenated streams. At least two periods of uplift are indicated by the presence of two distinct terrace levels (Plate 6). Streams continue to reduce the size of the terrace remnants, for greater simplicity terraces arc mapped in two gi\)ups. Groip 1 includes terraces from i?0 to 250 feet in elevation and Group 2 includes those between 2bO and 500 feet. Terrace reanants exist over 500 feet in elevation, but they have not been mapped because of their small areal extent and isolated location, A typical section of terrace deposits is exposed on the cliffs facing the ocean west of Gualala; these deposits average approximately 1$ feet in thickness, display colora^i^n fron tan to buff, and uncon^'ormably overlie the Cretaceous Gualala series, during winter and spring months and during brief periods after su'n''',er rains, » round water seepage is visible along the contact between the terrace deposits and the underlying bedrock. -92- The base of the section seen on the sea cliffs consists principally of sandstone pebbles averaging h to 6 inches in dia-neter and it occasionally contains boulders i;p to lb inches in dianeter. Sand and silt fill the interstices between the pebbles, ''^'he sediments are composed of tlie same material as the underlying Gualala series and were derived by disintegration and erosion of the sandstone mountain ridge to the east, i^ata obtained fro-n logs of water wells in the Point Arena area indicate that the maximum thickness of the terrace deposits is approximately 35 feet, A composite log of the terrace deposits is shown below: Depth in feet Marine terrace deposits near Point Arena 0-5 Topsoil 5-20 .ioft yellow sand 20-30 Soft, caving yellow quicksand 30 - 35 "Point Arena shale" (Gualala series) ISiconsolidated Recent alluvium and stream channel deposits composed of clay, silt, sand, and gravel were deposited on flanks of coastal rivers and creeks. The nost extensive deposits are located in valley bottoms of -Garcia River, Gualala itiver and its tributaries, and Brush Creek. The width of alluvial areas averages approximately 0,2 mile but extends to a maximum of 0*75 mile near the mouths of Garcia River and Brush Creek (Plate 6), Streams erode sediments from mountains to the east and deposit them in river channels and flood plains near the coast. Carrying power of the streams decreases progressively toward their mouths so that coarser sands and gravels are deposited inland, with f Jne sand, silt, and clay being laid down near the mouths. Maximum thickness of river deposits is uncertain because no known wells in these deposits penetrate to bedrock. The log of the deepest -93- Depth in feet 20 - 20 - 55 known well ehows that it bottoms in gravel at 56 feet, A composite log of representative material in the river channel deposits is shown below; Recent river alluvium and river channel deposits in the Point Arena Costal Area Soil and silt River gravel Sand dunes located between the mouths of Garcia River and Alder Creek are of minor significance as a storage unit for groiind water. Aeolian sand has been deposited by prevailing winds from the northwest. Thickness of terrace deposits reaches a maximum of 35 feet. Yields to wells are low because of thinness of the deposits, cementation of the material, dissection of the terraces, and a relatively steep dip of deposits toward the ocean. Ground water flows directly to the ocean under the resulting steep hydraulic gradient since there are no barriers to prevent escape of ground water. Most wells in the area penetrate terrace deposits and pierce the underlying bedrock which has been fractured by intense folding and faulting. Wells in terrace material produce a maximum of 3 gpm, whereas wells pene- trating the underlying bedrock produce up to 30 gpm under the most favorable conditions. Yields in both terrace deposits and underlying bedrock vary greatly with location. Recent alluvium and river channel deposits furnish the greatest supply of ground v/ater in the Point Arena area. Wells in the river alluvium yield appreciably larger amounts of water than wells located in terrace deposits. The higher yields result from high permeability of river sand and gravel and high rate of recharge from rivers. Due to high permeability of sand and lack of hydrologic barriers at the boundaries of the dune area, ground water is not held in the dimes -9U- for an appreciable length of time before escaping into the sea. No extensive or continuous ground water aquifers exist in the Point Arena area. Water Quality Streams in the Point Arena Terrace area contain water of excel- lent mineral quality, suitable for all present beneficial uses. Mineral analyses of surface water are shown in Table 2, Appendix A. Aiialyses of water from Gualala and Garcia Rivers show a calcium-sodium bicarbonate water with total solids of approximately 135 ppm. Boron concentrations are negligible. Navari*o River contains a calcium-magnesium bicarbonate water with total solids, on the basis of two analyses, of 130 and 158 ppm. Boron concentrations were 0.10 and 0.25 ppm. There has been little development of ground water in the Point Arena Terrace area. Consequently, only a few samples of ground water wei^e obtained (Table 3* Appendix A). Mineral analyses of these samples indicate that the ground water is generally- of good quality and is suitable for most present beneficial uses. The water varies in quality, but is normally a bicarbonate water with varying proportions of calcium, magnesium, and sodium. Total solids are low, usually ranging from 70 to 326 ppm. Boron concentrations are negligible, ranging from 0.00 to 0.16 ppm. However, a mineral analysis of water from one well, IIN/16W-13BI, which is 127 feet deep shows a calcium-sodium chloride water with total solids of 1,010 pim. Chloride concentration is 530 ppm. This water suggests a derivation in part from sea water. The well, located adjacent to the ocean, extends below sea level, and it is likely that sea water enters fractiures in the consolidated rock penetrated by the well. -95- Minor Valleys As shown in Table 5> "Ground Water Basins, Mendocino County", a total of 81 minor alluvial areas in Mendocino County were identified in the course of this study. Fifty minor alluvial valleys have been recognized and delimited in Mendocino County in addition to 31 minor areas included in the discussion of the Fort Bragg and Point Arena Terraces and Contiguous Areas. These vary widely in size and importance. The largest include McDowell Valley near Hopland, Branscomb Valley west of Laytonville (known locally as Jackson Valley), South Fork £el River Valley in the Piercy-Leggett area, Williams Valley near Covelo, Sherwood Valley west of Longvale, McNab Creek Valley between Ukian and Hopland, Little River Valley northeast of Fort Bragg, and Eden Valley southeast of Covelo, These valleys range in area from about lo2 to li,6 square miles. Numerous lesser river terraces and other alluvial areas which scarcely exceed 10 acres in areal extent were also delimited. These are potential sources of limited quantities of ground water. Locations of the minor valleys are shown on Plate 2 and areal geology and locations of wells and samplinf^ points are indicated on Plate ?• Ground Water Geology and Hydrology With respect to occurrence of ground water lithologic units in the small valleys can be grouped into two categories. Deposits of major importance as a source of ground water include semi -consolidated clay, sand, and gravel in older alluvium of possible Pleistocene age, in Pleistocene and Recent river terrace deposits, in Recent alluvium, and in Recent channel deposits. Deposits of minor significance as a source of ground water include sedimentary and metamorphic rock units of Jurassic age that underlie and surround all of the alluvial valley areas, -96- Recent Alluvium, River Qiannel Deposits, and Terrace . ^P^^!^? '* Recent alluvium and river channel deposits consist of loose, unconsolidated gravel, sand, silt, and clay. Ihese sedi-nents were deposited in creek or river channels, on flood plains, on alluvial fans at mouths of small creeks tributary to minor valleys, and as hill-slope wash on the margin of some of the valleys. In general, alluvium and river channel deposits are relatively thin and their thickness averages from 10 to 15 feet in the smaller valleys and ranges to over 100 feet in Eden Valley. Alluvium and river channel deposits generally are limited to topographically low areas adjacent to streams. Exceptions are High Valley and Ombaun Valley which are miniature basins situated near stream divides. Terrace deposits consist of loose, unconsolidated gravel, sand, silt, and clay, which were laid down in creek or river channels, on flood plains, on alluvial fans, and as slope wash deposited on valley margins at the base of adjacent hills and mountain slopes. Sediments were laid down during Recent and possibly Pleistocene epochs. Subsequent eix»sion has lowered stream channels to present levels leaving remnants of deposits as discontinuous terraces along the sides oT some "f the stream valleys. Such terraces are prominantly developed along Van Arsdale Valley north of Van Arsdale Reservoir, alonp; South Fork Eel River at the north end of Branscomb Valley, along South Fork Eel River Valley in the Piecy-Leggett area, along Hollow Tree Creek Valley between Leggett and Rockport, and along both sides of Short Creek in Williams Valley northeast of Covelo. Less prominent terraces have been formed in several of tl'ie other minor valleys. Terrace deposits generally are thin, averaging approximately 15 feet in thickness, although total thickness of terraced sediments was estimated to be over 100 feet in a road and stream cut soutii of Leggett. -97- Ground water development is minor in all of the small valleys of Mendocino County due to limited agricultural development, low yields, lack of available storage, and in general sufficient surface water to supply the major requirements. Permeability varies from extremely hiph in tine river gravels to very low in silts and clays. Because of the limited supply of ground water in the deposits and because of availability of v/ater from springs or surface sources, ground water has been developed to only a limited extent in the alluvium and river channel deposits of the minor valleys. Wells drilled in Eden Vadley, Onibaun Valley, and elsevihere have proved unproductive because of low permeability. Abundance of silt and day, lack of hyrdrologic barriers on the stream-cut edge of terraces in the minor valleys, and general thinness and limited areal extent of the deposits preclude storage and development of appreciable quantities of ground water from this formation. Wells have been drilled in terrace deposits near Leggett, but production from these is low. Older Alluvium , Older alluvium of Pleistocene age consists of day, silt, sand, and gravel deposited on flood plains, on alluvial fans, in river channels, and as colluvial debris and slope wash. Older alluvium may be differentitated from Recent alluvium only by age of deposition and degree of dissection. Sediments classified as older alluvium were deposited contemporaneously with terraces in other valleys but are not classified as such because the topographjc fonn is not that of a terrace. Only in McDowell and McNab Creek Valleys were the water-bearing sediments classified as older alluvium. A driller's lop of a water well located near the center of McDowell Valley indicates the total thickness of older alluvium to be over -58- 200 feet. Water-bearing sediments in any of the other minor valleys are not thought to exceed this thickness. Several wells produce Rround water from the older alluvium. Production is moderate to low because of the abundance of silt and clay and because of the lack of clean gravel in the formation. Water Quality Surface water t hro uphout the minor valleys i s of excellent mineral quality. The water is normally a calciiOT-magnesiuTi bicarbonate type with low total solids (Table 2, Appendix A). Samples for mineral analysis were not obtained in many of the minor valleys, since major streams such as Eel River, from which samples were previously obtained, are available and because the importance of runoff from many of tite small valleys was not deemed sufficient to peimit extensive sampling. However, without exception, mineral analyses of surface waters showed low total solids with no high concentration of individual constituents. Ground waters were not sampled in most of the smaller valleys because of the minor inportance of these areas as a source of water supply. However, results of the few samples obtained indicate the water is normally a calcium-magnesium bicarbonate water with low total solids (Table 3> Appendix A] , -99- CHAPTER III. PHESENT VJATER WELL CONSTRUCTION AND SEALING IRACITGES Prior to formulating requirements or making recommendations regarding water well consti^ction and seciling practices necessary for protection of ground water quality, consideration should be given to the following: (1) The basic reasons or objectives leading to a particular recommendation regarding construction of a water well or sealing of an abandoned well; (2) recommendations of recognized authorities and organizations regarding methods to be employed; and, (3) present practices in Mendocino County, Numerous factors influence accomplishment of the basic objective of proper water well construction and sealing practices. This objective is the prevention of impairment of ground water quality due to entrance of foreign material into the well or due to interminf?ling of inferior waters with waters of satisfactory quality in the well shaft, Ifejor factors influencing accomplishment of this basic objective includes geologic, hydrologic, and water quality conditions; location of wells with regard to sources of degradation; and methods and -materials utilized for construction or abandonment. A reveiw of these factors as they pei-tain to construction and abandonment of water wells in Mendocino County is presented in this chapter. Publications of numerous agencies concerned with water well con- struction such as American Water Works Association, American Society of CLvil Engineers, and federal, state, and local health authorities, have been reviewed; certain portions tiiereof vrhich relate to specific features of water well construction and abandonment are cited in this rr?port« -100- Data and infomation rcgardinf: well locations and methods and materials utilized in the construct on and abandonement of water wells were obtained from field surveyn and f ro-n interviews wiUi v/ater well drillers. Most of the data were obtained by visual inspection; however, in some cases additional subsurface information was obtained froii water well drillers and well owners. Water well drillers currently operating or known to have operated in Mendocino County were interviev/ed to obtain specific information regard- ing present materials and methods employed by the drillers and to obtain their recommendations for materials and methods necessary to insure reason- able protection of grtjund water qua" J.ty. Factors Affecting Well Construction and Sealing Geologic, hydrolopic, and water quality conditions have a direct bearing upon methods necessary for proper water well construction and for sealing of abandoned Hells to protect ttie quality of ground waters. Three genrral geologic cor.ditions influence water well construc- tion in Mendocino County: (1) Waoer-bearing material overlying impermeable strata* (2) Water-bearing material overlain by impermeable strata* (3) Fractures, fissures, or channels in otherwise impermeable strata. The first condition, where water-bearing -naterials overlie im- permeable strata, occurs fnost often in alluvial areas of Mendocino County* Well construction in these areas must insure that surface or near-surface waters will not be permitted to flow directly to the underlying ground water body through either active or abandoned water wells. It is thius apparent that the location of the well with respect to possible sources of -101- contamination, pollution, or degradation is of great importance, as are the actual construction features of the well itself, 'fhe ability of forma- tion materials located above the water table to exclude or filter contamin- ating material before it reaches the water table is of paramount importance in detennining proper location of wells. Many alluvial areas in Mendocino County exhibit shallow water table conditions in combination with only a small thickness of saturated materials. In these cases it is particularly difficult to prevent surface or near-surface contamination from entering the well, since the well generally is shallow and is perforated throughout the entire water-bearing zone in order to obtain the necessary quantity of water. Therefore the well should be adequately protected against downward migration of water around the casing and should be adequately covered at the top to prevent entrance of surface water into the well casing. In some areas of Mendocino Cksunty alluvial material is underlain by consolidated material which contains water of inferior quality. These poor quality waters migrate upward through faults, fissures, or fractures in the intervening material and may endanger quality of water in overlying alluvial materials, ^"'hen such inferior waters are found, it is necessary to seal off the zone in vjhich these waters originate. In a few areas of Mendocino County water-bearing materials are overlain by impermeable strata such as clays and silts. In these areas ground water is often confined by the overlying impervious material and is under pressure. If the water level in a well rises above the lovrer edge of the confining inater3.als, it indicates that pressure conditions exist. In these areas the relationship between the location of the well and the sources of surface contamination assumes lesser importance because -102- of the physical separation between the sources of contamination and the ground water; details of well construction then assume greater importance. Under these circumstances it is necpssary that the casing be watertight where it passes through the confining member, Watertightness is especially important since the well provides a potential means for surface water or shallow ground water to enter directly into ttie confined aquifer. Perched waters or shallow p round waters that occasionally occur on top of confining members are of particular significance since they are frequently highly mineralized as a result of leaching of salts or percola- tion of wastes through the overlying soils and subsequent concentratJ on of these waters through evaporation. These perched or shallow ground water conditions are frequently aggravated because of restrtcted lateral movement. Adequate sealing of abandoned wells in confined aquifers is of great importance b;th for protection of water quality and for prevention of waste of confined water and prevention of reduction of available hydrostatic pressure. Wastage of artesian waters is specifically prohibited by the Water Code (Sections 300-311) , To seal an abandoned well penetrating a confined aquifer, the opening in the confining member should be sealed with material equally as impervious as the confining formation. Impermeable materials consisting primarily of unconsolidated rocks of the Franciscan formation surround and underlie all of the inland alluvial area of Mendocino County and underlie ard partially suirround the coastal areas. Throughout these impermeable materials occur fractures, fissures, and channels which contain ground water. Development of ground water from these sources is very uncertain in respect both to quality and quantity. Ihese waters are frequently hi^^ly mineralized. The degree of filtration against contamination afforded by these fissures, fractures, and channels -103- is uncertain. Therefore under these conditions care must be exercised in the location of wells with respect to possible sources of pollution and contami- nation. When mineralized waters are found, they should not be discharged or permitted to flow into surface water courses or into alluvial ground water areas. Well Location Location of a well with respect to topographic, geologic, and hydrologic conditions, and possible sources of water quality impairment is of major importance in protection of ground water quality. The well should be located above the normal flood level and should be located on high ground so that surface water drains away from the well. If such location is not possible, adequate means should be provided to conduct surface water away from the well. To provide maximum distance for filtration through overlying material, the vjell should be located as far as possible from such sources of contamination as septic tanks, ce.<5spools, seepage pits, and barnyards. Safe distance from sources of contamination varies with the character of the source, permeability of overlying materials, depth to ground water, and the sanitary features of well construction. Wells should be located much farther from sources of contamination in those areas in which material overlying the water table is coarser and more pervious then in areas in which overlying material is composed of clay or other fine-grained material. Horizontal distance from sources of contamination should be increased in shallow ground water areas. Shallow dug wells should be located farther from sources of contamination than should deeper drilled wells which are unperf orated near the surface. Wells should be located to talce advantage of known geologic -lOU- conditions which would inhibit or prevent movement of inferior quality surface or near-surface water to the source of water supply for the well. The well should be located un the slope of the water table from sources of impairment so that any deleterious material from such sources which reach the water table is carried away from the well. In this regard it may be well to note that the normal direction of ground water movement may be altered by withdrawal of water from the proposed well or altered by the influence exerted by other pumping wells. The United States Public Health Service (32) recommends that the distance from the source of water supply to any source of contamination in all horizontal directions should not be less than 50 feet and that greater distances should be provided where local conditions indicate the need for greater pixstection. Minimum distances from dug or bored wells recommended by the Federal Housing Administration (17) vary from 50 feet for septic tanks to 200 feet for cesspools. The Joint (Federal) Committee on Rural Sanitation (7) specified minimum distances ranging from 25 feet for pit privies to 150 feet for cesspools. Generally, present practice in Mendocino County is to locate the well a certain minimum distance from sources of contamination, a distance ^riiich varies among the drillers. Most of the drillers operating in Mendocino County recommended that the well be located a minimvun of 50 feet from sources of contamination. The remainder recommended a minimum ranging from 75 to 100 feet. Most of the drillers stated that they attempt to locate a weLl on a topographic high in order to prevent surface drainage from flowing toward the well and to reduce the possibility of flooding. However, field inspections -105- indicated that ground surface sloped toward Td per cent of the wells surveyed and that about 20 per cent of the wells were subject to flooding. Well Construction Practices A total of U9I of the estiTiated 14,000 water wells in Mendocino County were inspected to determine the use of the well, methods and mateirials of construction, and present sanitary condition. These wells were also inspected to determine whether present methods and materials of construction are adequate to prevent mineral or bacterial degradation of ground water. This survey was designed to inspect a sufficient number of wells to give an indication of present construction practices in each of the ground water basins in Mendocino County. A summary of results of the field survey is sub- divided into groups representing each ground water basin and is presented in Table 7. These results are also ejqDressed as percentages to facilitate comparison of the data presented. Results of the well construction survey show that more than $0 per cent of the wells surveyed are less than 50 feet in depth and only 5 per cent are deeper than 200 feet. Forty-four per cent were dug wells. These shallov; depths and the methods of construction result from the generally shallow nature of the alluvial material, f roii a shallow ground water table, and in many cases fro-n a need for a water supply sufficient only to satisfy domestic and minor agricultural requirements. Vnhere quantity requirements are low and use is intermittent, dug wells of large diameter have been constructed in relatively low water yielding material to take advantage of storage in the well shaft. With few exceptions the casings of dug wslls have been constructed of inadequate materials and with little regard for proper construction practices. Casings of drilled wells are usually of sufficient strength and -106- if. c « I: zl I'-i •S uM«\o o 4r>o o j5 a*"?!. g^s 3 ^oc^o of^oo"* iTvino*^ ^o»-* w^ oooo ^ M O O f4 « ^3 >A^ O JT CO O-tf f S^~S S8" SS8 S^'"» in ^ «-« o *««^o«-ir* •^-* f^ •! 2"^*^ I 9\ ^ (r\ OS «^ usM *^ l#^r^ ^ o o o o r^ »s ojr>HM«o ^^ooooe4 flOdorvco «OMOO- (<^ 04 N O r« )-i O •-* V^ r^ <>• r« *^ O^OOV 5S f &;! t*\r\^\ o o « ^ ^ '• 2 4« ,S -CM c* Q £• f^t S!?''i« I?* §3-? a 2-= Jl. • • « «• ^4 Jo r-4 I 2SS; SSR^R^ "^SR 5^5^ * RJ??. is » ©R C^ r^iO (TtUS s^' *' >-i (t a. >-- l-l a SS" *iJ'^'^& fc-R^R tf^S-S s «^ o o iA p; f^ffR saS'^fr «oo».«;5 5>.-,- I* c * tt A. U K^ r4 •Qc^r^o^ oooooo 5wJ ev VO 9\Jt w«j»W»v •^QWtO r\ w *\p N CO Q « ^ O O O O ] «3i a. o I u\ «^ » a^ Cd &*ir^ ^^•'s ?;«•?> s; «&s '^s'-s^v r\* O O O (^ n r^s« M u^«> >0 M o o o *^ is 0, o (*M^ ^ u\ t^** s-'^a C>«OM«>4jA OOJ^OOOiO I «H^ C • OS 53= ^ »p, '5'ao ««o«^ ioi«^-£ ft -c^ \Q flO rc o o o tf^ I, D. e t ^(^u\ wrNWMTttr^ ^s0(oco ?^& |s.4<^tf\r\ SO 94 w* O O w^ Z %» ft r? 6t ^ C4 r4 »^ r^ ex e^ £S)S^Z fS* 1 9 I ■a 1- •i i • m • w* •3 — ' X 3 • e •- ^ I i» 8 ? ja ■5 o 2 I g •H *> A f-t 1*5? o « w .IS 3 5 • . -^ _ r^ ,* I. o ^ 2 V • o- *i > fc ♦• H « a « ^ G «* ■) > o E* *• %. V • , S JXt o t- < n a. to « V O e e w «• o »• i! c • r 1 w e »- ^ s a e 8 £-5 _ o • o j ^ u JC X * 2 c a *» o 8 • U » K £2l« -107- O It as 0. o to t^ s^ (^ es)00(^0«>tOt-«C40r4 "XOOW »HOf-> 1^^ u>ot^ I., ■< o p C *- ^ a. o n voo o^o0 0Op4\r> 0. o (r\ooosr«r».tvc>49SMiN \o,»WMfv mo JfOO:*f-(J-<^f tR CO VT^ VO M fcT 1. n a. o 9. r40^^0l'^MP^^«^<«^d i/nmvd^ »^ t^\o \o jt \0 r-N e o -H rsp Q»-*OCNOQ^ OCNOQ-*-**^*^?^ ir\*^t^j ir«ooMOf^oooof^ 3 >.^ «o >o e^e>« ITS ♦* -< »^ t> ^ I O a! v^ a. s*'- £ 8 eijt f»M*Si-t*J> ^^w t^o <»^ <^ W ^4 <^ t^r\»^e^o»^ffs<-«OJ9'ffs tr«H*^w cx*-4iO « rMr\ o c^eo o i/\ trioo *^ (jNf^irvf^ e^ir^p«J ON ^ CM >« «H t^^ «M N r> rH >^ ft* *»\ ff^NQO 5 >i> B. (^ .-4 3"- |«; o o rMr-*jt\rtfit/\oo SVOOpI, ^N (^r4 (^ j:*^?? 'jSv' s >*^ C* ON "1 CO n ffs (--.Jt Q J3- OS r*. ■-• ffN 2*^ *^ i i 8 i-S-i us UN^^ ITS ^1 (NMNO aSf-l v^CJ , r% ONC** I r** «»* *M J* £ « 1 E *» « C • 1 10 ■6 t Is ■8 llfl. 3 •p v> o u (u lo > =e i s o ee o o *» ♦* • > 3 •3f W4 O 2-1 x a. 9 ■31 -108- of proper materials; however, their aliility to perfonn their proper functions has often been seriously i'npaired by improper construction of joints and perforations or jther inadequate construction practices. The majority of wells surveyed do not have adequate pump platforms or surface seals. According to the results of the field survey, a majority of the drilled wells in Mendocino County were constructed by the cable tool method. Most eiJtablished drillers in the area are not familiar \jith the rotary method and most of the wells so drilled have been constructed by drillers from outside the county. Methiods and materials used in construction of these various types of wells, as they relate to protection of fround water quality, are discussed in the following; paragraphs. Drilling Methods Wells commonly constructed in Mendocino County are classified by method of construction as drilled or dug. Drilled wells may be further classified as rotary or cable tool according to the type of equipment used to drill the well. Of the vrells canvassed, 56 per cent were drilled and the remainder dug. Kighty-six per cent of tiie drilled wells were by cable tool and fourteen per cent by the rotary .rBthod. A brief description of each of these methods of water well construc- tion is given in the follovdng paraKraphs. Drilled VJells . Drilled wells are constructed with poi'table v;ell {drilling madiines by either tl.e rotary or cable tool method. The cable tool or percussion method employs a string of tools suspended from a cable. A hea^/y bit, alternately raised and dix)pped, 1 reaks up the -material at the bottom of the hole into . — all franents. The rrci nro^atinr notion o*" the -109- drilling tools in the presence of water mixes the loonono'? r'n^friil into a sludge which is removed ii\jiii ttie hole at intervals by a scow, bailer^ 'Or sand pump. Since the drj.ll is s-naller than the casinf;, ttie casing must be driven or forced into the hole. In most unconsolidated formations the casing is driven as the hole is drilled to prevent caving. Rotary drilling requires a cutting tool or bit, a shaft for trans- mission of rotation to thie bit, a means for maintaining bit pressure against the material being cut, a power source to operate ttie various pu-nps and rotate the bit, and generally a mud-laden fluid. The mud-laden fluid is pumped through the drill pipe and cut through an opening in the bit, Tae fluid then rises to the surface thx^ough the space between the drill pipe and the walls of the hole. The fluid carries the drill cuttings from the hole and also exerts pressure against the formations that have been pene^* trated. Usually it is not necessary to install cising until dxi.lling is completed. This method of drilling can be used for either shallow or deep wells and for wells that require gravel packing because it is not difficult to construct a large dia/n.eter hole, 'ftie hole is nornally constructed slightly larger in diameter than the desired casing which may tJien be per- forated in the desired intervals, joined, and lowered into the hole without appreciable driving. Drilled wells may be constructed to depths of saveral thousand feet if desired. J-he deepest well found during our survey was 1,100 feet deep. Diameters usually range from 6 to over 2I4 inches, although in Mendocino County few drilled wells are over 12 inches in diameter. Proper develop-^.ent of the well is necessary to produce the maximum amount of water with a minimum drawdown, to reduce sanding, and to lengthen the economic life of the well. Development consirsts of some method of rapidly moving water from the formation int^ the casing and then reversing -110- flow* This procedure sorts the formation material and results in the removal of fine material from near the casing. Methods of development include the use of compressed air, alternately starting and stopping a test pump, or overpumping the well to draw the fine material into the well whence it may be withdrawn by the test pump, bailer, or sand pump. Artificial gravel packing is sometimes necessary to develop a satisfactory yield of water from formations composed of fine materials. Gravel packing generally consists of the introduction of gravel between the water-bearing formation and the well casing. Purposes of gravel packing include expanding the area of contact between the water producing zone and the well shaft, reducing the velocity of water entenng the well with consequent reduction of the amount of fine materials carried into the well, decreasing the drawdown, and increasing the capacity. Gravel-packed wells may be drilled by either the rotary or cable tool methods. The gravel- packed well offers many advantages when used under proper conditions; how- ever, each method of gravel packing has its limitation and should be used carefully. Determinations of proper conditions for gravel-packed well construction as well as the correct intervals to be gravel-packed and the size of gravel needed should only be made by properly qualified persons. Dug Wells . Dug wells are generally larger in diameter and not as deep as drilled wells. They may be either circular or rectangular in plan, and are usually excavated with hand tools. To prevent caving they are usually ciT-bbed or cased during construction. Casing may consist of concrete, brick, steel, or wood cribbing. Due to the method of excavation dug wells are seldom less than three feet in diameter, and diameters of 10 or 15 feet may be necessary in formations which yield water slowly. Dug wells are not often constructed to any appreciable distance below the water table -111- since construction is commonly by hand excavation and it is difficult to dewater the excavation. Depth is also limited by the difficulty of raising excavated material to the surface. For these reasons dug wells in Mendocino County are seldom over 35 feet in depth. Because of the method of excavation dug wells may often be constructed by the owner without appreciable cash outlay and are therefore often favored over drilled wells in areas where construction is feasible. Adequate construction of dug wells is less often obtained than in drilled wells because they are usually constructed by persons not familiar with the reasons for proper well construction methods or the reasons for using adequate materials. Dug wells are commonly used to furnish a relatively large supply of water from shallow sources. Casing The main functions of well casings are to seal out contaminated water or other undesirable water, to hold out loose materials, and to prevent caving. Casing permits utilization of aquifers yielding waters of suitable quality by selective perforation, and can be used as a means tc prevent entrance of undesirable water into the bore hole. Casing must be selected which will perform satisfactorily under the forces which act upon it. These forces include installation stresses; static forces imposed by soil, water, and weight of pumpj and the corrosive and electrolytic action of the waters. Casing material must be capable of being joined in a watertight column, and it must be capable of being perforated at any desired interval. Material . Steel is the most common casing material used in drilled wells. Steel used in cable tool wells must withstand being driven and must be easily welded unless screw joints are used. Single-wall and double-wall pipe manufactured specifically for -112- water well casinft are commonly used in drilled wells, iiouble-v/eili water well casing is conunonly known as Calif ornia stovepipe. This type of casing is constructed cf two concentric single casings placed together by telescoping one cylindrical section half way alonf^ another thus staggering the joints. Required thickness of steel casing depends on forces imposed during and after placement, casinj^ diameter, and chemical and physical properties of the steel. As depth and diameter of thie well increase, additional forces are imposed upon the casing, necessitating corresponding increases in the thickness of a given material. Thicker casings may be required in areas where corrosive ground waters are found or where there are pronounced electrolytic effects. The United States Public Health Service (32) recommends that metallic casings be new standard steel, wrougnt-iron, or cast-iron. lYie Federal Housing Administration (l?) states that only standard weight wrou^t-steel or wrought-iron well casing shall be used in drilled wells* The American Water Works Association (l) states that in the selection of casing it is necessary to consider the strain to w^hich the pipe will be subjected during the installation and the corrosiveness of the water with which it comes in contact. Cast-iron pipe, copper pipe, and pipe with a non-tenacious shatterable lining should not be driven; however, they are known to be corrosion resistant and deseirve consideration when the casing may be set in place. Wrought-iron and steel pipes have given satisfactory service in many locations, wrought-iron being preferred occasionally for protection against corrosion. Hard red steel pipe was the predominant material recommended for use as casing by the drillers in ttie county. (Hard red steel is no longer produced. This product is now manufactured under the trade name of "Kaiwell" casing ») -].13- Many of the local drillers reconnended a minimi;Dn steel casing thickness oT 12 gage U. S. standard. Others recommended from 1)4 gage to 3/8 inch. All but one driller interviewed stated that they use only single- wall casing in Mendocino County. Two major casing manufacturers indicate that 12 gage is the minimum si;.e casing they nornaily fabricate for both single-cased and double-cased v/ells. The following tabulations are summary compilations of ininimum thick- ness of water well casing obtained fro-n: (1) Application of a number of engineering formulas wJ-iich allow for the various forces which might be imposed, (2) recommendations of several pipe and water well casing manufacturers, and (3) recommendations of water well drillers in Mendocino County. MXNIMUM THICKNESS FOR S'lEEL WATER WELL C/.SIMG FOi? DRILLED WLhS SINGLE CASING Depth of ; casing **- in feet ? iJiameter, in inches 10 12 lii : 16 : 18 : 20 ; 22 ; 2U ; 30 - 100 12 12 12 100 - 200 12 12 10 200 - 300 10 10 8 300 - IiOO 10 8 8 UOO - 600 10 8 600 - 800 over- 800 Thickness-^ 10 10 8 d 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 l/U 1/U 3/16 3/16 3/16 l/U l/U l/U l/U 3/16 3/16 3/16 l/U l/U l/U 5/16 $/l6 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 l/U l/U l/U 3'/l6 b7l6 3/8 3/16 3/16 3/16 l/U 1/k l/li b;/l6 $/l6 3/8 3/8 3/16 1/i^ 1/A 3/16 5/16 3/8 7/16 *Values above diagonal are U. S. standard gage. Values below diagonal are thickness in inches. -llU- MINIMUM THICKNESS FOR STEPL \;ATEH VffiLL CASING FOR DRILLED V/ELLS DOUBLE CASniG (CALIFORNIA STOVEPIPE) Dej )th of !ing feet . Dic'imeter, in inches ca£ in ! 1° : 12 : ih • * • : 16 : « • 18 : 20 : 22 • ;2U ! 30 • Thickness* - 100 12 12 12 12 10 10 10 10 8 100 - 200 12 12 12 lu 10 10 10 8 8 200 - 300 12 12 10 10 10 10 8 8 8 300 - 1(00 12 12 10 10 10 8 8 8 8 loo - 600 10 10 10 10 8 8 8 8 8 600 - 800 10 10 10 8 8 8 6 6 6 ovei •- 600 10 8 8 8 6 6 6 6 6 *Values are U. S. standard page. Concrete, brick, or wood liners are commonly used for casings in dug wells vrtiile steel casing is occasionally used. Wood is unsatisfactory for use as casing since it cannot be made watertight initially and is subject to rather rapid deterioration. Brick and building blocks do not always provide a permanently watertight casing. Concrete casings are satisfactory if properly constructed. Concrete casing may either be poured in place or it may consist of precast concrete rings. I'o be satisfactory the poured-in-place concrete must be sufficiently strong to withstand the soil aiid water pressures imposed on it. It should be properly reinforced with steel to furnish tensile strength and resist cracking vriiich would impair its watertightness. Aggregate used in the concrete should be small enough to insure proper -115- placement vdthout biT.dp:ing. '^he finished product should be free from honeycombing or other defects likely to impair the ability of the structure to re-nain watertight. Precast concrete casing is commonly composed of concrete rings from 3 to i) feet in diameter and approximately 3 feet in lengths To serve satisfactorily as casing, such rings should be free of any blemishes which would irnpair their strength or v;atertightness. The Federal Housing Administration (17) states that casing construction shall be permanently watertight to a depth of at least 10 feet below ground surface and that casing below the watertight construction in dug wells shall be of concrete, terra cotta, brick, sheet 'netal, or other material strong and durable enough to maintain the opening and withstand the loads imposed. The United States Public Health Service (32) recommends that vitrified -tile pipe, cement-asbestos pipe, galvanized well casing, corru- gated metal pipe, and concrete pipe shall be surrounded by not less than six inches of concrete to a depth of at least 10 feet. The surrounding wall shall be reinforced and the concrete shall be placed so as to be free from voids. Casing material in 31 per cent of the wells canvassed in the county were of concrete, brick, or stone. About six per cent were wood and three per cent had no casing at all. Placement , Permanent, casi ng should be placed in all wells to a safe depth below ground surface to prevent contaminated water or foreign material from entering the well. Proper placement of casing is a requisite to good well construction. Casing should be placed x^rith care to avoid damage. -116- More care is probably required in placenv.nt of casing in a well drilled by the cable tool method than by the rotary method, since in the former the bore hole is usually sp;aller than the casing to be driven. This necessitates drivinp casing vdth considerable force. To avoid damage to casing during installation in cable tool wells a suitable drive shoe is generally necessary. The casing is "landed" or seated in a suitable forma- tion to pro-vide an adequate footing. Usually these formations consist of bedrock, clays, or gravels. V.^ien such foimations are not encountered, cement grout is often placed in the b^'ttom of the hole. The casing is then raised slightly and thien lowered to properly seat the casing in the grout. When concrete 'casing is used in dug vjells, the casing must rest upon an adequately designed footing or platform to prevent foundation settlement which xrould cause cracking and failure of the casing. To reduce the possibility of honeycombing or separation of material, concrete poured in place stiould not be allowed f rt e fall. The United States Public Health Service has found that proper construction and installation of watertight casing or curbing is essential to prevent entrance of surface or subsurface contamination into the well. The Federal Housing Administration re.^ulations (17) provide that a true vertical shaft shall be obtained with no dai age to the pipes or joints in drilled wells and no damage to the lining in dug wells, ^ey also sta e that when the lower extremity of casing in a drilled well is to be sealed in an impervious formation above the water table, it shall be properly seated and sealed to shutnaff effectively all undesirable groundwater. Thie AnerLcan Water Works Aasociation (l) states that well casings and liners have the dual pur))ose of sealing out contaminated and other undesirable water and of "laintaining the opening from the surface to the -117- water-bearing formations. To be wholly effective the casing and liners should be constructed of suitable materials and be so installed as to accomplish their intended purpose. With regard to installing casing the entire depth of the well, most of the drillers interviewed in Mendocino County stated that they case the entire depth of the well under all conditionsj whereas, some of the drillers case the entire depth only when caving sand is fovmd or to prevent possible collapse of the well. Diameter Reduction . Casing diameter may be reduced one or moi^ times at successive depth intervals to economize on cost of casing, to permit grouting the larger casing in place, or to permit driving casing to greater depths when the larger casing cannot be driven farther. This practice is commonly called "telescoping". Unless the space between the two casings is sealed this practice leaves a direct opening into the well. Good practice dictates that the two casings be overlapped a suitable distance, and that an impermeable seal be placed in the annular space betvreen them. The seal may consist of cement grout, neat cement, or a suitable packer. The sealing procedure should eliminate any space in which water may move freely betvreen the casings or where foreign material may collect. Dug wells are sometimes reduced in size as the hole progresses down- ward. In these cases it is extremely difficult to seal the intervening annular space. The United States Public Health Service (32) has recommended that telescoping casing of different diameters in a drilled well overlap at least eight feet and that the annular space between such casings be not less than 1-1/2 inches. The resulting annular space should be filled with impervious cement grout or with a lead packer to prevent admission of undesirable ground water or surface drainage. -118- Available data inilica'oeii that rasinp dia'rioters are reduced in only a small percentar^o oi the wolls in Msndocino County, Reductions are nhovm for only ih of over ^00 vrells for vmich data are presented in Table 1, Appendix A. Eight of the ih vere drilled i-;ell:i, vjhereas tiie others were either dug or a combination of dug and drilled. Joints . Sections of steol casing can be joined to make a vjater- tipht seal by the use of threaded couplings, by butt welding the section completely around the circumference, or by a slip collar welded around the circumference at both ends of the collar. Ca'ifomia stovepipe casing may be joined by xjelding the outside section co'iiplr-tely around the circumference and welding the outer section to the inner casing through holes made in the outer casing for this purpose. If properly done this creates a vjatertight joint. Califoraia stovepipe casing is sometimes joined by hitting the outer casing a series of VjIows around the periphery with a heavy, sharp pointed tool vrhich ciT-ips the inner and outer casing together and joins the sections. This method of joining may not create a watertight casing* The United States Public Health Service (32) states that a water- tight well casing or curbing should extend as far as practicable below the natural ground level but not less than 10 feet belov: the ground surface and preferably 10 feet below the ground water table. If metallic casings are used, the pipe sections should be threaded or Yielded so as to be watertight. The California State Departmt nt of Public Health (8) recommends that sanitary well construction include building the casing or walls of the well watertight without perforations to a depth several feet below the lovrest ground water table and also below the lowest sewer wells in the vicinity, ani preferably into clay. The Federal Housing Administration (l?) requires ttiat construction of dri.lled wells shall be per-nanently watertight from a safe elevation (at -119- least two inches) above the concrete slab at the surface or pump room floor, to an impervious fonation, if one exists above the water-bearing fonnation. If an impervious fomation does not exist, construction should be watertight to a safe depth (at least 15 feet) below the future maximum drawdown of the water in the well. In all cases the drilled well shall have a watertight lining to a point at least 10 feet below the natural, ground surface and to greater depths if necessary'- to exclude surface water or undesirable ground water. The American Water Works Association (l) states that for casings used for protection against contamination, the joints should be welded or made with threaded couplings. The strinp; of pipe used as the protective casing in a well should be continuous with tight joints from its bottom terminal to a height above the ground sufficient to assure adequate surface protection. Most of tl'ie drillers interviewed in Mendocino County use butt welded joints only. The majority of these drillers recommended watertight joints the entire length of the casing. Other recommendations were water- tight joints to (a) the perforations in the casing, (b) a depth of 30 feet below ground surface, and (c) a depth of 50 feet below ground surface. One diiller stated that watertight casing was not necessary in watei> bearing zones. Separate precast concrete rings, frequently used for casings in dug wells, are usually placed together using cement mortar composed of sand, cement, and water. Care is essential in placement to insure that these joints are watertight. When concrete casing is poured in place it is necessary to pour aa much as possible at one time in order to avoid construction joints. -120- Even thouph construction joints are adequatoly cAe.nni'.d it is dil'ficult to malte a watertipht seal. The United States Public Health Service (32) recorrimendr. that when concrete pipe, vitrified-tLle pipe, cement-a^b-:r;tos pipe, p,alvani7ed pipe, corrupated-metal ripe, or brick are used for casing wells, these pipes shall be suiTounded by not less than six inches of concrete to a depth of at least 10 feet. The surrounding concrete wall shall be properly rein- forced and placed so as to be free from voids. Wherever practical the wall shall be poured in one operation, but in no case shall there by a construc- tion joint within 10 feet of the top of the curbing. Where construction joints are essential at points more than 10 feet below ground surface they shall be left rough and shall be washed and brushed with neat cement gi^Dut prior to pouring concrete. The Federal Housing A.dininistration (17) requires that construction of dug wells shall be permanently watertight from a point Ih inches above the ground surface to a depth of 10 feet below tne natural ground surface, and to greater depths (at least two feet below the zone of pollution) where subsoil cnditions may permit infiltr-ition i;f surface water of undesirable quality, Watert-ight concn^te casing should be not less than six inches thick and shall be poured in one continuous operation. Construction of joints in many of the dug wells included in the field survey appeared to be unsatisfactory. Many of the dug wells had no casing and or casing constructed ot" wood, stone, or loose brick. In consideration of the references cited above and the recommenda- tions of the well drillers, we believe coniitions in Mendocino County require that all wells should extend to a minimum depth of 15 feet below natural ground surface and should be lined with permanent casing joined in a water- -121- tl^t manner at least to tliat depth. This mini'num dept.h of watertij^ht joints will help prevent movement of surface and noar-surface water throufih the casing thence into the shallovf pround water present in -nost of Um developed areas throughout the county. Perforations. If the casing extends tue entire depth of ti-ie well, provisions nust be made for v;ater to enter the v/ell coluran throuf^h the casing wall at levels wherr- wat', < -bearine; strata are found. Usually water is admitted to LiiC i,\rell throufTh perforations or openings in the casing vjall. Essentially the optinuri area of openinf;s in the casinp will provide entrance for the maximum amount of water and exclude fine-grained sediments withoui^ weakening tlie casinp beyond its ability to withstand the combined forces imposed upon it. It should be noted that many problems of sandinp can be solved or United by proper well development, pump capacity and si ze, and tyiie o" perforations as well as ^y limiting the area of perforations. Contamination percolatinp to ground water tends to remain near the upper portion of the p- round water body rather than to diffuse throughout the ground vjater body. To help prevent entrance of undesirable water the casing should he perforated as far below the water table as practical and should be watertight afcove tlie uppermost perforations. Various methods used in perfo rating casir^gs include factory methods, torch-cutting, and in-place perforating. Perforating by factory f-iethods, as the name implies, is done in the shop. Milled, punched, and chiselled perforations are made in the factox-y. Milled perforations are made by milling out portions of metal in thr casing as desired. T {lis method does not tear or deform the casing. Punched or louvered perf oratio'is consist of horizontal or slots 'lade by insertion of a tool inside -1/ the casing which deforms the casing ■natcrial into a predetermined shape. Torch-cut perforations are made either in the factory or in the field by burning out slots vdth an acetylene torch. Tcrch-cut perforations also involve removal of material without deformation of the casing. In-place perforations are made after thr casing is placed in the well. They are widely used in cable tool wells in which the casinr^ is placed as drilling progresses and the location for perforations cannot be determined until the entire casing is in place- Theire are several methods of making in- pLace perforations. The most commmon is with a series of projections or knives which are expanded against the inside of the casing where perfo- rations are desired and contracted after perforations are made. C. F. Tolman (2l) states that it is difficult to control satis- factorily the size and spacing of tne slots triade by the in-place perforating machine. If a pumping test indicates incomplete perforations, a second use of the cutter will probably result in over-perforation and is almost sure to tear or rip the casing. In many cases old casing has been pulled from wells in which holes as bip as a man's fist were torn by faulty action of the cutter blades. Such oversize holes may cause collapse of the casing soon after its perforation. On the other hand, with care and good equipment, perforation of casing in place is often satisfactory. An exception to the wells in which perforated casing is required is the open bottom vrell. In thiis type well, casing is not used in the water-bearing formation since the formation will stand without caving or sloughing. Many dug wells function as open bottom wells. However, in some cases it is necessary that thu casing be perforated in order to obtain an adequate supply of water. Dug well perforations commonly consist of -123- especially perforated concrete sections or of spaced building V)locks. Perfo- rations in steel casinf^s for dug wells usually consist of slots cut by acetylene torch. The California State Departnent of Public Health (8) states that for sanitary construQt,ion of cased wells the casing or walls of tl'ie well should be built wiUiout perforations to a depth several feet below lowest ground water table, and also below lowest sewer wells in the vicinity^ and preferably into clay. Results of interviews with drillers operating in Mendocino County indicate that about one-third use pre-perf orated casings, one-third prefer to perforate in-place, and the remainder use both methods. The practices presently employed for making perforations in dug wells were not determined. Ground Water Sampling In the course of drilling, rebuilding, or repairing a well, water- bearing zones of different quality may be encountered. If the comparative quality of the waters is such that commingling could have a detrimental effect on any of the waters encountered, measures should be taken to prevent inter- change of such waters in the well. ^b determine whether water of inferior quality is entering the well, a sample of ground water should be collected upon completion of the well. The quality of the natural f^round water entering the well should be compared to that of adjacent groundwaters. An expedient method of determining ttie relative quality of each is by comparison ol' the electrical conductivity. This test gives an indication of the concentration of total dissolved solids in the water. If the test for electrical conductance indicates the water from the well is inferior to the adjacent waters, more -12U- complete analysis of the well water may be necessary to determine whether remedial measures will be required to prevent entrance of poor quality water into the well. Analysis for chloride ion concentration, per cent sodium, and boron, in addition to electrical conductivity, is penerally adequate for interpretation as to the effect of the quality on most beneficial uses in Mendocino County. One pint of water should be sufficient for the purpose of this analysis. Analysis for other constituents such as iron may be desirable when conditions indicate that these constituents may cause problems. Sealing Off Strata It is some tines necessary to seal off strata in a well. Most common reasons are entrance of poor quality water or entrance of excessive amount of sand from a particular stratum. There are two basic methods of sealing off strata. In the first method the casing opposite the stratum to be sealed is perforated. A packer, concrete plug, or other device is placed in the casing at the bottom of these perforations. Grout or neat cement is placed in the casing in the zone to be grouted by means of a dump bailer or grout pipe. A packer or other means of sealing the casing is placed above the perforations, and pressure is applied to force the neat cement or grout through the perforations into the zone to be sealed off. Pressure is maintained until the material has set. The packer and other material remaining in the hole are then drilled out. Ihis method may be advantageous v/here the vertical distance to be sealed out is not great. The second method of sealing a stratum involves placement of a liner pipe of smaller diameter than the original casing and sealing the annular space between the two casings. Usually thp double casing is -123- installed only in the portion to be sealed off. The annular space between the two casings is then filled with neat cement or cement grout; however, this method may not permit effective sealing of the annular space between the outside casinp; and the wall of the hole. A combination of the foregoing methods is often used to insure that the stratum is effectively sealed; other methods have also been used with success. The choice of a particular method or combination of methods to be used depend; largely upon physical conditions in the well. To assure that the entire zone from which the poor quality water is entering the well is sealed, we believe tlie interval to be sealed should extend upward from at least 10 feet below the bottom of the zone to at least 10 feet above the top of thie zone. Grout, neat cement, or a substance with similar characteristics should be used as the sealing material. The United States Public Health Service (32) recommends that neat cement should be a mixture of cement and water in the proportion of one bag of cement (9l| pounds) to five or six gallons of clean water. They state that cement grout should be composed of one bag of cement, an equal volume of sand, and five to six gallons of clean water. Whenever possible water content should be kept near the lower limit given. Hydrated lime to the extent of 10 per cent of the volume of cement may be added to make the grout mix more fluid and thereby facilitate placement by pumping equiptrient. The American Water Works Association (l) states that one or two parts of sand to one part of cement and not more than 5 1/2 gallons of water per cubic foot of cement will provide suitable encasement material. Twelve drillers replied to a question regarding proportions of cement, said, and water used in cemf:nt t-rout. Ti;o stated they did not use -126- cement fjrout. Proportions of cene;nt to sand used by the others vailed from 1:2 to 1:5- '^nly one driller stated a specific proportion of water; he uses 6.^ pallonc- ol' vjator per sack of cement. J'or purposes of sealin" off strata neat ccient is to be preferred over ce'ne nt prou t because of tie possibility of separation of cement and sand during place^ient. It should be noted that any ce-nentinf^ materjal used in a sealing process should be placed by dump bailer, ijixjut pipe, or other method which precludes free fall and separation of the material. Sufficient grout should be placed to seal the annular space between the outer well casing and the wall of the drill hole and to seal any voids or openings which nay absorb sealing material. 'Bie amount of cement required when sealing the annular space depends upon the foiraatdons being grouted. The Uepartment of the Army (l6) states that generally an allowance of from 2'j to ICX) per cent in excess of the calculated amount should be available. To this must be added a suitable allowance for ab- sorption of grout material by crevices, fissures, and pores in the forma- tions to be grouted. We feel that the minimum amount of sealing material that should be applied to assure a satisfactory seal is at least 1$0 per cent of the volume inside the casing in the interval to be sealed. The amount in excess of that required to fill the .intervi^il to be sealed should be forced outside the casing into the outside annular space and into any voids which might absorb sealing material. Pressure applied to force the sealing naterial into the zone to be sealed should be held until the material has set. The United States Public Health Service (32) states that grout will be set in 3 to 7 days. The American Water Works Association (l) indicates that 72 hours or more -127- should be all.o\7ed for the grout to set before drilling out the grout, plug, J. E. Brantly (7) states that thn period pi*ior to initial hardening of cement must be sufficient to permit placement ui ttie material before it ceases to be pumpable, and at thie same time tlie period prior to initial hardening and final set should be short enough to prevent any undue lost time while waiting for the cement to set. Witli the use of present-day materials and processes the waiting time may be as short as 2I4 hours and seldom over 72 hours. The majority of drillers contacted indicated that they use cement placed by various methods for the purpose of sealing-off strata. A few indicated that they use alternate methods such as watertight casing or clay» Surface Features Proper well drilling practices include details of surface construc- tion as well as subsurface construction, A potential source of impairment to quality of ground water is leakage of surface or near-surface water down the outer annular space between the well casing and the v;all of the drill hole. As indicated in previous sections of this report these surface vraters are often highly mineralized or contaminated. Another potential source of impairment is the entrance of surface water, foreign material, insects, or animals through the top of the casing. Surface Protection , Any annular space near the ground surface between the casing and the formation should be sealed to prevent surface or near-surface waters fram entering this space and moving downward to ground water. The United States Public Health Seivice (32) recommends that the annular space between the well hole and the outside v;ell casing should be filled uith not less than 1 l/? inches of impervious cement grout to a -128- depth of at least 10 feet and to such greater depths aa may be required by the health officer. They further recommend that for gravel treated wells the gravel surface should be terminated not less than 10 feet below ground surface and that the remaining distance to land surface should be effectively sealed. Ihe American Water Wo lies Association, in their specifications for deep wells (l) , state that in every well the casing and seal must extend to such height and depth as will prevent contaminated water from entering the surface or from the soil and rock strata through breaks in the natural protective formations. In fractured rock formations consider- able protection for the supply wLll be attained by casing and sealing the annular space to a depth of from 15 to 20 feet below the lowest pumping level. i^or dug and bored wells, the Federal Housing Administration (1?) states that if concrete is to be used for the watertight casing, *rtiere possible, the concrete should be poured against undisturbed earth and no outside form shall be used. The Department of the Army (l6) states that one place where surface pollution enters a well is around the outside of the casing or curbing. The space between the outside of the curbing or casing and the wall of the hole therefore must be sealed securely at the surface to prevent the downward percolation of undesirable water. This can be accomplished by thoroughly puddling the space around the casing with clay and sealing the upper part with concrete. The upper seal should be permanent watertight construction from a suitable elevation above the permanent grade at the well into a continuous impervious foimation, or to a safe depth below the probable present or future maximum drawdown of the water level. -129- About half the drillers in Mendocino County replying to a question regarding techniques used to seal off surface waters recommended or cementing the annular space outside the casing to various depths. The remainder reconmendp'^ watertight casing and/or concrete seal at ground surface. The space between the outside casing and the wall of the dri.ll hole in gravel -packed wells should be sealed as in a regular drilled well; however, a means of adding gravel to the envelope should be provided. If a conductor pipe is used the seal should be between the conductor pipe and the wall of the drill hole. If a conductor pipe is not used the seal should be between the casing and the wall of the drill hole. In both cases a means of adding gravel to the gravel envelope should be provided. In the first case the gravel may be added between the casing and the conductor pipe. In the second case a gravel fill pipe may extend from above the seal downward throu^ the seal to the envelope. Whatever method is used the opening at the top should have a watertight removable cover or cap. The United States Public Health Service (32) recommends that the gravel surface terminate not less than 10 feet below the ground surface and that the annular space between the drilled hole and the well casing, above the gravel surface be filled with thoroughly compacted puddled clay, mortar, or cement grout. Seven of the ten drillers in Mendocino County replying to a question regarding their method of sealing the outside annular space of a gravel-packed well stated they use cerient grout. Of the remaining three answering the question one uses cement grout or native material, one uses 30 to 35 feet of rotary mud, and one does not seal the annular space. -130- As a protective measure against potential pollution or contami- nation of ground vater supplies we believe that ground water conditions in Mendocino County indicate that tlicre should be a watertight seal between the casing and the wall of the drill hole extending from ground surface to a depth of at least 15 feet in all wells. The casing of drilled wells should rise a suitable distance above ground surface to allow the construction of an adequate concrete pedestal. The pump pedestal should be thick enough to be structurally- sound, it should extend beyond the pump base in all dii^ctions, and it should be sloped away from the well for rapid drainage. The pedestal should rest on thoroughly compacted earth. The United States Public Health Service (32) recommends that the casing extend at least 6 inches above the established ground surface at the well or the floor of the pump house. In addition they recomTiend that the cover, pump platform, or pump room floor should be made of reinforced watertight concrete sloped from the well casing to the outer edges of the slab and the slab at its outer edge should not be less than k inches thick. They also state that in the case of drilled wells equipped with hand-operated pumps, the concrete slab should extend not less tiian 2 feet from the well casing in all directions and that the cover of a dug well should be watertight and properly grouted in place. Its edges should extend at least 2 inches beyond the outer edge of the casing or curbing of the well. The California State Department of Public Health (8) states that in cased wells, the casing should be intact a foot or so above ground and that a concrete platform around the well shedding away from the well is important. -131- Since dug wells are usually shallow special attention must be given to surface constTuction to insui-e that no undesirable naterial ln5)airs the ground vater supply. Casing should rise to an adequate hei^t above ground level and should be covered with a watertight cover capable of withstanding any load which nay be placed on it. The cover should have a definite slope away from the well. Any openings in the cover for column pipe or other equipment should be securely sealed, Ihe Department of the Army (l6) states that for an open dug well a watertight cover, preferably of impervious concrete, may be used. Wood covers are subject to more or less rapid deterioration, and because of constant wairping and shrinking tiiey cannot be kept watertight easily. The casing should extend at least one foot above the general level of surround- ing surface. The California State Department of Public Health (8) states that the curb of dug wells should extend above the ground, the whole top cover should be made watertight, and there should be a concrete apron aromd the well shedding water a few feet away from it. This is to avoid pollution following down the side of the well. Eleven of the sixteen drillers interviewed recommended that casing extend 12 inches or more above ground surface or above the pump platform. The remainder recommended that the casing extend 10 inches above the top of the pump plabform. Most of the drillers who install pump platforms recommended that the platforms be made of concrete or cement. To facilitate disinfection and to permit measureaent of depth to water am opening should be provided to allow access to the inside of the casing. An opening o.t" at least two inches in diameter is recommended to -132- permit easy entrance of disinfectant and 'neasurin^:: tape. Tlie opening should be covered with a waterticht cap vlien the opening is not being used. A vent pipe is often used in large capacity v'ells to prevent fonnation of a vacuum in the casing due to evacuation of water from the well. The vent pipe should extend above the casing and terminate in a return bend. The opening into the pipe should be screened to prevent the entrance of foreign material into the vjell. Ihe United States Public Health Service (3?) recommends that the air vent be constructed of metal tubing or pipe and connected so as to be watertight. The open end of the vent shall be screened and termi- nated in a downward direction through use of an elbow or equivalent means and the lower end of the outlet shall be not less than 12 inches above the top of the well casing, and in no case less than 18 inches above the floor of the pump room. The California State Department of Public Health (?) states that openings into casing for air-pressure relief, for sounding, for introduction of gravel, or for other purposes necessary to operation of the well, may be permitted but must terminate above floor and high- water levels. These openings should be protected against such things as small animals, insects, flood water, drainage, or pump drippage by such things as caps, screens, or downturned "U" bends, as suitable to the given situation. Five water well drillers in Mendocino County recommended use of well vents ranging from vents on all wells to vents on only certain types of wells. Three drillers felt that vents were not necessary. Three drillers made comments regarding sounding tubes; two recommended -133- inclined pipes ranging from one to two inches in diameter, the third recomnfiended sounding tubes on rotary wells but not on cable tool wells. If the puntp is not installed upon completion of thie well a water- tight seal shall be provided at the top of the casing to prevent entrance of surface water or forei(';n material into the vrell. The United States Public Health Service (32) states that in case the pump and drop pipe are not installed immediately after the casing is 'nstalled, the toff of the casing should be provided with a water tight seal or overlapping cover at the top until the installation is completed and a permanent seal is provided. Practices of sealing the top of open casing prior to pump installation vary greatly in Mendocino County. Installation of the pump should be made so as to prevent surface water from entering the well through the top of the casing. If the pump is installed directly over the casing a watertight seal may be obtained by sealing the pump base to the platform by using a gasket or adequate sealing material the pump base is watertight. Other satisfactory methods include use of a sanitary well cap which seals the casing to the column pipe, or setting the pump so as to secure a watertight seal between the pump base and top of the casing. If the pump is offset from the well a watertight seal should be provided between the casing and the pipe or pipes entering the well. The Federal Housing Administration (17) and the United States Public Health Service (32) specify that the pump base shall be constructed so as to permit installation of a watertight seed between the casing and suction pipe. The Department of the Army (l6) states that in general most contamination enters the viell at the surface thrDu,<^h the well opening, hence -13U- it is important that the space between the casinp and the pump pipe be sealed tightly by an approved sanitary well seal or a suitable bushing cind packing f;land, the California State Department of Public Health (7) suggests that all pumps located over v;ells shall be mounted on the well casing, or a pump foundation, or a pump stand, so as to effectively seal the top of the well. Where the pump unit is not located over the well, the casing should terminate above floor level (unless a tightly sealed submersible pump is used) and a watertight seal shall be provided between the well casing and discharge pipe. Most drillers in Mendocino County replying to questions regarding use of pump seals stated that in their opinion no seal is necessary. Well Plt « The use of well pits should be avoided if possible* Pits provide a means for accumulation of contaminated surface or neaj> surface water and drainage is difficult. Ihe Federal Housing Administration (l?) states that when possible the pump shall be so located and designed as to make the use of a pump pit unnecessary; however, if used the pit shall be provided with a U inch gravity drain to the ground surface. A pump pit shall not be used with a dug well and in no case shall the pump be located in a dug well. The United States Public Health Service (32) recommends that pits shall be of watertight construction with walls extending at least 6 inches above the established ground surface at all points. Fits shall be provided with a watertight concrete floor sloping to a drain which dischai'ges to the ground s-arface at a lower elevation than the pit and -13b'- at least 30 feet from it; or if this is impossible, to a watertight concrete sump, in the pit, equipped witti an automatic sump pump discharging to the ground surface at least 30 feet from the pit. Pits si^iall be provided vdth a concrete base for pumps so that such units shcill set at least 12 inches above the floor of the pit. Pits shall be provided with a satisfactory housing or cover in all cases. Most of Uie drillers interviewed in the county recommended against the use of well pits although well pits were sometimes used to protect the pump installation from freezing. Pump House . A pump house should have adequate drainage to facilitate the removal of water from about the well. The United States Public Health Service (32) states that a floor drain with the inlet not less than 2 feet from iiie outer edge of the casing should be provided, A pipeline connected to the drain should ultimately discharge onto the ground surface or into an absorption pit located not less than 30 feet from the source. Pump houses were noted at about 60 per cent of all the wells inspected in the county. Most of the houses were made of wood and in good condition. About $0 per cent had concrete floors; the remainder were wood or dirt. Floors in about half the pump houses drained toward the well. Generally responsibility for construction of pump houses lies with the owner and not the driller. Well Disinfection Ground water is subject to contamination from workmen, equipment, materials, or surface water which may be introduced into the well during construction. Although pumping may eventujilly remove such contamination the well shiould be disinfected to assure a water of good sanitary quality,. -136- To obtnin satisfactory disinfection, the amount of available chlorine sliould be at least $0 ppi:i for the volirne of v;ater in the well below the vrater table (l) . A conunon rule for finding the amount of disinfectant in ounces is to multiply the volume of the well belovr the water table, in gallons, by 0,7 and divide by the per cent available chlorine in the disinfectant. For example, if a well with a volume of 200 gallons below the water table is to b e disinfected with a material containing 15 per cent available chlorine, the amount of such material required would be 9.3 ounces. This amount v;as obtained in the following manner: 0.7 X 200 (gallons) = 9.3 ounces of l5 (per cent available chlorine) disinfectant. One of the most commonly used di.sinfectants is chlorinated lime, idiich contains approximately 25 per cent available chlorine. Three ounces of chlorinated lime are added for each 100 gallons of water in the casing. To prepare the disinfectant for placement in the well chlorinated lime and vjater should be mixed in a ratio of not more than 5 ounces of chlorinated lime for each gallon of water. This is to assure that the chlorine in the disinfectant will conpletely dissolve in the water. The United States Public Health Service (32) recommends the following procedure for preparation of this solution. To the amount of chlorinated lime required, add small quantities of water slowly and stir until a smooth, vraten'" paste free from lumps has been formed. Add the calculated amount of water tc the paste, and stir thoroughly from 10 to 15 minutes. Then allow the solution to settle. The clearer liquid containing the chlorine shoidd be used, and the inert material or lime that has settled to the bottom of the container discarded. The -137- prepared solution is then poured into the well and the pump is started and stopped several times to agitate the mixture in the well column. The pump is then run until the odor of chloirine is detected in water discharging from the pump. The well is allowed to remain idle for approximately 21; hours. Water is then pumped to waste until the taste or odor of chlorine is no longer detectable. The CaLifomia State Department of Public Health (?) states that all new wells shall be properly disinfected or the water produced be of demonstrated satisfactory bacterial quality before the well is placed in service. The United States Public Health Service (32) states that under- ground water supplies shall always be disinfected following new construction or repair work, to remove all traces of contamination. They deen this to have been satisfied when: 1) All new construction and repair work is disinfected with a chlorine solution containing not less than $0 parts per million of available chlorine; provided, that where minor repairs are made to existing ground water supplies and adequate treatment of the water is provided beyond the point where repairs are made, disinfection shall not be mandatory, 2) Not less than five parts per million of residual chlorine is present at the source and at otiier representative points which have been in contact vdth tlie chlorine solution for a period of at least three hours and preferably 10 hours or longerj provided, that in case of flowing springs and flowing wells this requii'enent shall not be mandatory. -13C- 3) The system is thoroughly pumijed or thoroughly flushed to remove all traces of chlorine after disinfection, U) The results of bacteriological examination of water samples collected after disinfection and fl.u3hing of newly developed ground v/ater supplies show that all traces of contamination have been eliminated. Such tests shall be repeated at least once after the system is shown to be clean, to check on possible regrowths. Of sixteen drillers interviewed regarding their methods of disinfecting wells, thirteen stated they use various compounds containing free chlorine. Their usual method is to pour a mixture of an unmeasured amount of chlorine into the well, surge the well, then let stand for a period of ten minutes to two hours before pumping the well clear of chlorine. Pump Lubrication The pump may furnish a means of impairment of ground water quality by permitting leakage of lubricants into the well. Foreign material which may render the water undesirable for domestic use may be introduced into the well during pump installation or maintenance* The United States Public Health Service, in its "Sanitation Manual for Public Ground Water Supplies" (32), states that lubrication of pump bearingji, situated in a well below the pump room floor, with oil, grease, or water other than of a safe sanitary quality may result in contamination of the water supply. The California State Department of Public Health (8) states that one of the main points about sanitary well construction is choosing a pump that produces little drippage and keeping it in that condition. -139- Considerable amounts of oil were found on many of the pump installa- tions in Mendocino County indicating a possible source of iiipairment to the quality of ground vater by leakage of oil into ttie vrell. This condition appears to be due more to unsatisfactory maintenance than to improper pump installation. Appraisal of Sanitary Quality of Ground 1/ater As a means of evaluating the adequacy of present well construction methods and site locations in Mendocino County, a total of 18U ground water samples were collected for bacteriological examination. Samples were collected from typical wells in rach major valley area. Locations of wells investigated and sa'npled are shown on Plates 8 through 11. Results of the bacteriological examinations are shown in Table h. Appendix A. BacteiT-ological examinations of domestic v/ater, by estimating bacterial density, is considered to be of significant value in appraising sanitary water quality. Quantitative estimation of the amount of coliform group of bacteirLa present in a particular sample is almost universally conceded to be the most significant because it affords the most nearly specific test for the probable presence of disease producing organisms. Although not pathogenic or disease producing in itself, the coliform group of bacteria is invariably found in large numbers in soil and in the feces of man and warm blooded animals. Since the densities of cclifoim bacteria in water sei^e merely as an indication of tit? possibility of contamination, their use should only supplement information obtained from a field survey of the well installation, appurtenances, and surroundings, A book entitled "Standard Methods for the lixamination of Water, Sewage and Industrial V/astes", prepared and published jointly by the American Public Association, the A/iierican Water Works Association, -lIjD- and the Federation oi' Se\;age and Industrial V/actes Associations, presents adopted procedures for conducting bacteriological examinations and related activities. 'Aiese procedures indicate that all samples should be prepared and incubated as soon as possible after collection. This is necessary to insure an accurate evaluation of bacteriological quality at the time of saaple collection. Coliform organisms may multiply or diminish in transit if special precautions are not observed.. For this reason the mobile laboratory of the Departtient of Water Resources was stationed in Willits during the sampling period. Samples were collected in outlying valleys and promptly transported to Willits in iced containers, Sanpling schedules vrere so arranged that a maximum of four hours elapsed betiiieen time of sample collection and examination at the laboratory. In evaluating the suitability of a domestic water supply from a sanitary standpoint, any resultr indicating positive coliform densities would be sufficient to cause the water supply to be regarded with suspicion. This is especially true when coupled with poor well construction, improper site location, ^or any other physical indication of a possible source of contamination. Frequent and lengthy sampling should be undertaken before a truly reliable appraisal can be made of the sanitary quality of water from a particular source. For the purpose of this study, however, sampling was limited to the collection cf oxie bacteriological sample from each x/ell. Results of coliform determi- nations were divided into the following arbitrary levels or groups for appraisal. The results are expressed as the "most probable number" (MPN) of coliform bacteila per 100 milliliters (ml) of san^ile. -lia- STAm)/TjB FUR EVALUATING RACrrvJfTOTjtJGIGAL DEI'Fj^MTNATTOHS i.yil Arbitrary level Colifon b,?ctrria/lGO jnl of conxaMJ.nation Less than 2.2 None 2.2 to 33 Sli^t 38 to 2)jO Moderate 2liO or r-ore Excessive Groups of lells were selected for sampling in each major valley- area according to the follovdng classifications: (1) V/ells indicating the better location and construction practices were classified as "good", (2) Wells tAiose construe tj on were typical for each area were classified as "average". (3) Wells so poorly constructed ns to be readily susceptible to contamination were classified as "defective". The unsatisfactory conditions vjere considered in classi- fying the construction of each well. Any of these conditions were assumed to be sufficient reason for suspecting contaniaition of the ground water supplies, the degree was dependent upon specific conditions found '^t each well, (1) Septic tank, cesspool, or pit privy within ^ feet of well» (2) Casing or jointf) not watertight from ground surface to the water table or a minimum depth of 15 feet, (3) Saal between platform and casing not watertight, (U) Seal between casing and pump not watertight. (i?) General surroundings in an unsanitary condition. -1^2- I (6) Surface drainage toward well. (7) Close proxindty to barnyard or other possible sources of contamination. Presented in Table 8 is a summciry of tlie results of bacterio- logical examinations of water samples from wells in each of the major valley areas in Mendocino County and a comparison of these results with the foregoing classifications of well construction. -m3- COMPARISON CF RE3UI.TS OF TmCTERIOLOOIC/I, EXAMINATIONS VJITH aASSIFICMlON OF '-JELL CONSTRUCTION MENDOCINO OOUI^TY Area : Classi- : rfication T 1 MPN - dumber of coliform wells with bactpri a/100 roL ! Totals Less than:2.2 tc 2.2 : 38 ) : 38 to : : 2liO : 21;0 or : more ! Anderson Valley- Subtotals Good Average Defective 10 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 6 12 23 Sanel Valley Subtotals Good Average Defective 5 1 1 7 2 2 1 1 "1 1 2 3 6 Laytonville Valley Subtotals Good Average Defective 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 -1 2 8 I? Uttle Lake Vglley Subtotals Good Average Defective 2 2 -J U 1 "5 1 1 U 6 10 2 11 7 20 Potter Valley Subtotals Good Average Defective 1 1 2 1 2 Ji 7 1 1 2 3 2 2 6 8 15 Round Valley Subtotals Good Average Defective 5. 8 20 2 2 1 1 11 Ukiah Valley Subtotals Good Average Defective k $ 2 11 2 2 2 "5 1 1 2 2 7 Jl 13 6 15 -2 32 Fort Bragg Terrace Subtotals Good Average Defective 8 2 15 3 2 10 1 1 1 "1 12 11 Point Arena Terrace Subtotals Good Average Defective 3 2 2 "0 1 1 3 6 2 11 Summary for County TOTALS Good Average Defective 32 UO 17 H9 7 18 16 la 3 13 22 1 lj6 85 -iWi- Table 9 shows a comparison of the results of the bacteriological examinations with the number of unsatisfactory environmental or construction conditions noted at v/ells included in the field survey, TABLE 9 COMPARISON OF RESUI.TS OF BACTERIOLOGIC/J, EXAMINATIONS >/ITH FIELD SURVEY OF ^'JELLS MENDOCIJ^O COUNTY Number of unaat- onditions ' I^N Number - Colifc of wells with : rra bacteria/100 ml : Totals isfactory c noted Less than : 2. 2.2 : 2 to: 38 t 3B to! "^UO or J 2U0: more: None 71 21 2 2 96 One 6 10 1 8 25 Two 6 U 3 7 20 Three or more 6 6 7 2U 1*3 The above table indicates that: (1) Results of bacteriological examinations indicated no contamination in about 7U per cent of the wells wtiere no unsatisfactory conditions were noted and slight contamination in about ?2 per cent. Only about four per cent showed moderate or excessive contamination. (2) Moderate or excessive contamination was indicated in about 36 per cent of the wells with one unsatisfactory condition noted, in about ^0 per cent of the wells with two unsatisfactory conditions noted, and in about 72 per cent of the wells with three or more unsatisfactory conditions noted. -ikS- The lliiitcd bactGriolo.f; data and tlic it.lationsLip between these data and well construction, indicate that tliore is a need for correction of certain v.-ater well construction practices in Mendocino County. Sealinp^ of Abandoned VJells A well should be abandoned and properly sealed if the ground water supply is no lonner needed or if the well cannot be used due to structural failure or to mineralized water which cannot be sealed off. Essentially, sealing an abandoned well involves replacing the geologic for.nations vhich existed before tiie vjell was drilled with materials at least as impervious as the original formations. An impervious plug should be placed in the upper portion of the well to exclude surface water. 'Ihe top of the plug should be set at sufficient depth below ground surface to prevent damage to any equipment used in working the land. VJhere necessary, casing should be either pulled or deformed so that the annular space between the casin,'^ and the hole can be filled with sealing material and thus prevent the annular space from acting as a channel for vertical movement of water. If the well penetrates water-bearing strata containing water of poor quality or if mineralized water originates from the bottom of the well, an impervious plug should be placed in such a manner as to prevent movement of these waters into usable water-bearing formations. If the well penetrates a confined aquifer is under pressure, tlie confining formation should be sealed to prevent -lovemenb of water betv/een for.nations or loss of water to ground surface. The Ameilcan Uater Works Association (l) states that removal of liner pipe from some V7ells may be necessary to assure placement of an -1U6- effective seal. If liners or ca.-;ini:3 opposite water-bearing zones cannot be roadily x^" nioved, they sliould be split vjlth a casing; ripper to a^isure the proffer sealing of watei>bearinp ronos with sealing aaterial. At least tlie upper portion of tlie casing should be re.ioved to prevent surface water from entering the water-bearinp; strata by foiloxd-ng doi*n the casing. Ihis operation is not alv:ays essential if the annular space around the outside of the casing was cemented when the v/ell was drilled. In additj on, the American V/ater Works Association states that the sealing of abandoned vjells that have a large movement of water between aquifers or to the surface requires special attention. Frequently the movement of water maybe sufficient to make sealing by gravity placement of concrete, cement grout, neat cement, clay or sand impractical. In such wells, large stone aggregate (not more than one-third of the dia-^ieter of the hole), lead wool, steel shavinr;s, a viell packer, or a wood or cast- lead plug or bridge may serve to sufficiently restrict the flow to permit the gravity placement of sealing above the formation producing the flow. It is recommended that pressure cementing with a mixture of cement and the minimum quantity of vrater that will permit handling be employed. The use of pressure madding instead of this process is some- times permissible. The United States Public Health Service (32) recommends that drilled or cased wells shoula be filled completely with neat cement, cement grout, concrete, or clean puddled clay, and dug wells be filled completely with puddled clay or its equal after as much as possible of the curbing is removed. To prevent movement of surface or nea3> surface water dovm the annular space between the casing and vrall of the drill hole, we believe •U7- an impervious plug of neat cenent, cetient grout, or puddled clay at least 10 feet in length should be placed in the upper portion of the well. The bottom of the plug should be at a depth not greater than 25 feet below ground surface. Prior to placement of the plug the casing should be removed from the bottom of the inten/-al to be plu!:ged to ground surface, and at least to a depth of 15 feet, unless the annular space between the casing and the wall of the drill hole was sealed with impervious material prior to abandonment. Native material should be placed from top of the plug to ground surface. When a confining formation above a pressure aquifer is to be sealed in a non gravel-packed well, the casing should be ripped or perforated in the interval from the bottom to the top of the s trat'jm to be sealed and neat ce;nent, cement grout, or puddled clay should be forced under pressure throu^ the perforations into the annular space outside the casing. To assure that this annular space is sealed, the volume of sealing m.aterial to be applied should be at least 150 per cent of the volume inside the casing in the interval to be sealed. The sealing material inside the casing should extend from the bottom to the top of the perforated interval after the pres- sure is removed. Other than the aiforementioned plug in the upper portion of the well the re^iaining portion of the well above the impervious plug should be filled neat cement, cement grout, puddl.ed clay, or native inaterial vdiich is free from any organic material which might cause pollution or contamination of ground water. Sealing of gravel-packed wells, particularly in confined aquifers, may require special attention. If a confining formation in a gravel-packed well is to be sealed it is essential that sealing material (neat cement, cement grout, or puddled clay) be placed in the space between the well casing -lue- and the confining formation, as vj^jII as inside the casing in the vertical interval to be sealed. Three possible procedures for jioalinf: confining fomations in gravel-packed wells are as follows: (1) Perforate the casing in the vertical interval to be sealed. Force sealing material through the perforations and into the gravel envelope so that the voids in the envelope are filled throughout the thickness of the envelope in the vertical interval to be sealed. Sealing mateidal should also fill the perforated interval inside the casing. (2) Force sealing material thi^ough the gravel envelope from the bottom to the top of the well and place sealing material inside the casing from the bottom of the well to a point above the top of the formation to be sealed, (3) Remove casing and gravel to a depth below the formation to be sealed. Place sealing material in the vertical interval to be sealed. In developing a gravel-packed well, fine material from the fonnation is drawn into the voids in the gravel envelope. Ihe amount of fines retained in the voids of the gravel decreases from the formation toward the casing due to increase in velocity of water through the gravels nearer the casing and the resultant removal of the fines near the casing. When sealing material is forced into the gravels it may tend to flow in the direction of least resistance through the portion of the gravel near the casing where the void space is greatest thius preventing the sealing material from extending laterally to the formation. For these reasons the t)\i T^i method is preferable. -ll;9- Tolman (21) states that when gravel-envelope wells are abandoned owing to contamination or in cases v/here contamination is a possibility, the wells should be completely sealed from top to bottom by cement introduced under pressure and in sufficient quantity to fill the gravel envelope as well as the interior of the casing. The American VJater V/orks Association (1) states that in gravel- packed, gravel-envelope, or other wells in which coarse material has been added around the inner casing to vdthin 20 to 30 feet of the surface sealing outside the casing is very important. Sometimes this sealing may require removal of the gravel or perforations of the casing. Eight of the sixteen drillers interviewed who operated in Mendocino County stated they construct gravel-packed wells, and although no recommendations were made on methods of abandoning such wells they did make recommendations for sealing-off strata in gravel-packed wells. Two recommended ceimnt liners, three recommended cementing the strata to be sealed, one recommended grout from bottom to the first strata to be sealed or the first non-porous strata to ground surface and one recommended clay and cement and a cement cap. One driller stated that he did not usually seal-off strata in gravel -packed wells due to the prohibitive cost. The method chosen for sealing abandoned gravel -packed wells must assure that no degraded or contaminated water enters usable aquifers throu^ the abandoned wells. We believe the most reliable method is to remove the casing and gravel to a depth below the formation to be sealed, and to place cement grout, neat cement, or puddled clay in the vertical interval of the confining formation in addition to placement of the impervious plug near the upper portion of the well as previously discussed. Of eleven drillers making recommendations regarding material used for permanently abandoning wells in Mendocino County, five recommended cement grout, five recommended native material, and one recommended gravel or rock. Five drillers stated they had never permanently sealed an abandoned well. -15D- CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSIONS AND RE.C0MM:NDATI0NS Conclusions (1) Throughout Mendocino County there are numerous small alluvial areas capable of storing, transmitting, and yielding economically significant quantities of ground water. Ground vrater in these alluvial areas is usually stored in interconnected lenses of sand and gravelj few of the areas having continuous definable aquifers. Pressure aquifers of limited areal extent exist in the major valleys. Known aquifers vary greatly in thickness. Our survey indicates that the majority of wells found in the county are shallowj only about five per cent reach depths over 200 feet. Depths to ground water are generally shallow thus presenting a tl-u?eat to ground water quality resulting from the limited depth of unsaturated soils available for natural filtration processes. Silts and clays are extensive throughout the areas studied and greatly limit the storage capacity and impede the movement of ground water. Yields to wells are generally small but are usually sufficient to satisfy domestic and limited agricultural requirements. (2) Mineral quality of ground vrater is generally excellent with the exception of universally high iron concentrations. There are numerous isolated areas vjhere ground v;ater quality has been degraded by highly mineralized juvenile or deep-seated water rising along joints and fractures in the underlying bflrock. These sources of degradation have not to date affected appreciable areas, principally because draft on ground water has not been large. However, vrhere such degraded water is -151- found special ''.ethodr:; of viator well construction and scalin^^ of abandoned wells are necessary to prevent the ;i;ovement o C these citj^raded waters into better quality r^round v/ater. (3) 'ihe survey of present well construction practices ccibined with results of bacterial exarainations indicate the need for correction of certain prevalent vjater v;oll construction practices found in ^iendocino County. (U) Interviews water well drillers operating in Mendocino County reveal a wide divergence :« present construction practices and also in their opinions concerninp good construction natcrials and practices. However, recommendations of the drillers show that tl-iey are aware of the need for adequate water well construction and that they have sufficient knowledge of construction methods to solve any well drilling probleins encounteied. (5) With the exception of established water well drillers, there is a general lack of knowledge of the prin<^iples of proper water well construction and sealing of abandoned V7ells necessary to protect the quality of ground water from degradation throughout Mendocino County, (6) General standards of water well construction and sealing of abandoned wells are necessary in tlie alluvial areas of Mendocino County for the following reav-^ons: (a) Shallow ground water table conditions exist throughout e-:tensive areas. (b) Septic tanks, seepage pits, and cesspools are generally used for disposal of wastes. (c) Present methods and techniques of water well constructioi do not anpear adequate. -152- (7) Additional standards of water well construction and sealing are necessary in portions of Sanel, LaytonvUle, Potter, and Round Valleys for the following reasons: (a) Sanel Valley ~ to prevent the upward migration of highly mineralized waters known to exist at depths greater than 500 feet in that portion of Sanel Valley delineated on Plate 8« (b) Laytonville Valley - to prevent the commingling of poor quality water in the upper zone with good quality water in the lower Tone. The lower zone is overlain by a confining clay cap, V^ater under the confining clay cap is under pressure and artesian conditions are prevalent. The area involved is shown on Plate 9. (c) Potter and RDund Valleys- to prevent interchange of water between the pressure and overlying fi-ea-water aquifers which exist in each of the valleys, should either aquifer becorae degraded in the future. Artesian conditions are prevalent in these pressure areas. The areas involved are delineated on Plate 9. Recommended Standards of Water Well Construction and Sealing The folloviing water well constmaction and sealing standards are deemed necessary to protect the quality of ground water resources of Mendocino County from impairment due to improperly constructed, defective, or abandoned wells » The Department of Water Resources reconnends that they be adopted to govern the construction and sealing of water wells in Mendocino County, -153- General standards applicable to all of Mendocino County are presented in two sections: (1) water well construction and (2) sealing of abandoned vxells. Additional standards considered necessary for Sanel, Laytonville, Potter and Round Valleys are presented following the general standards. General Water Well Cionst ruction Standards Well Location Well sites shall be located on topographically high ground if possible. The site selected shall not be subject to normal flooding and shall be protected f it>ra surface or subsurface drainage from any source capable of inpairing the quality of the ground irater supply. The well site shall be located a minimum distance of 50 feet from septic tanks, cesspools, seepage pits, leaching lines, sevrer lines, privies, garbage dumps, barnyards, or other possible sources of water quality impairment. Greater distances should be provided where possible. Casing The following recommended standards pertain to casing used for permanent installation in water wells. Material . Casing Material shall be of sufficient strength, toughness, and thickness to resist all forces and stresses iirposed during and after installation, and shall be capable of being joined with watertight joints. The material ^all be impervious where required. No damaged or defective material shall be used. Corrosion resistant material shall be used in areas where water is known or suspectea of being corrosive. Minimum thickness of metal oasinp shall correspond to those shown in the tables. -15U- MINI^TUM THICKNESS FOR METAL WATER WELL CASING FOR DRIIiED V/ELLS SINGLE CASING Depth of J DiaiTieter in inches casing ♦"" in feet . 6 : 3 * • : 10 ! « 12 : • lU : 16 : • 18 s ft • 20 f 22 j 2U : 30 • - 100 12 12 10 10 10 12 12 10 8 8 12 10 8 - 8 Thickness* 10 10 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 3A6 IDO - 200 3/i6 3A6 1/h 1/U 1/U 5/16 3/16 3A6 1/U 1/U 5/16 5/16 3/16 1/U 1/U 5A6 5/16 3/8 3/16 1/U 200 - 300 3/16 3/16 1/U l/l; 1/U 1/U 1/U 300 - I4OO 3/16 3/16 3/16 1/U 3/16 3/16 1/U l/U 1/U 5/16 Uoo - 600 3/16 3/16 3/16 5A6 5/16 600 - 800 over- 800 3/16 3A6 3/16 3/16 3/8 3/8 3/8 7A6 Walues above diagonal are U. S. standard gage Values below diaponal are thickness in inches -155- MINIMUM THICK^E3S FOR METAL WATER WELL Q^VSING FOR DlilLLED WEI.LS DOUBLE CASING (CALIFORNIA STO^^'EPIPE) Depth of t Liameter in inches casxng : in feet . 10 ' \ 12 : lU : 16 * « • 18 : 20 i • 22 \2h •: 30 Thickness* - 100 12 12 12 12 10 10 10 10 8 100 - 200 12 12 12 10 10 10 10 8 8 200 - 300 12 12 10 10 10 ID 6 8 8 300 - ];00 12 12 10 10 10 8 8 8 8 hOO - 600 10 10 10 10 8 8 8 8 8 600 - 800 10 10 10 8 8 8 6 6 6 over- 800 10 8 8 8 6 6 6 6 6 *Values are U. S. standard gage Concrete casing poui'ed-in -place or precast shall be adequately reinforced \ steel and shall be free from voids, blemishes, or other defects which would impair its strength or watertightness. Wood casing or cribbing shall not be used under any circumstances. Bricks and stone casing shall net be used except v*iere watertight casing is not required, Placcnent . Permanent casing shall be placed in all\ells to a safe depth below ground surface which id.ll prevent entrance of undesii-able water and foreign mater).al. All casing shall be inserted or placed with sufficient care to avoid damage to casing sections and joints. Placement shall be in such a manner as to leave all joints in a watertight condition. -156- where such joints are required. Any damaged section shall be replaced and not used for permanent vrater well casing. Care shall be exercised in placement of precast concrete casing to insure that the casing will not be chipped, cracked, or broken in such a manner as to impair its use as water well casing. Any section so damaged shall be replaced and not used for water irell casing. Care shall be exercised in placement of poured-in-place concrete to insure no honey combin,<3, air spaces, or separation of materials. Concrete shall not be alloired excessive free fall. A tretnie, drop pipe, dump baD.ler or other suitable arrangen^nt shall be used to pour the concrete. Casing shall be seated in a suitable formation or foundation when necessary to prevent rupture of the casing due to settlement. All concrete casing sliall rest upon an adequate foundation of footing. Diameter Reduction. VJhen the casing diameter of a drilled well is reduced the two casing shall be overlapped at least eight feetw The annular space between the overlapped casings shall be sealed vdth concrete, cement grout, neat oeraent, or a permanent packer to make the Joint watertight. Reduction in diameter of a dup well is not permissible. Casing diameter shall remain constant throu^out the depth of t he well. Joints , All wells shall extend to a minimum depth of 15 feet below riatural ground surface and shall be lined with pernanent casing joined in a watertight manner to a depth of at least 15 feet. Joints on all permanent casinp; in drilled wells shall be made watertight to the first impervious stratum, if one exists above the vrater-bearing stratum. -157- If such an impervious stratum does not exist the casing shall be made watertight to the lowest expected water table. In all drilled wells the casing shall be watertigiit to a depth of at least 15 feet below natural ground surface and to greater depths if necesssiry to exclude sui'face water and undesirable ground water. These standards shall pertain to single casing and to double casing fabricated by the California stovepipe method. Joints shall be made watertight by one of the following methods: (1) Butt vrelding (2) Cellar welding (3) Threaded collars If butt or collar welding is used, it shall extend completely around the circumference of the casing and shall be solid and free from blow holes. Welded and threaded collars shall be equally as strong, durable and impearvious as the casing. In dug wells, lengths of precast concrete casing shall be securely joined by watertight mortar joints or by other x^atertight sealing devices. Ends of sections to be joined shal.l be thoroughly cleaned. Sufficient mortar shall he used to insure that each end of the sections to be joined will be bedded in mortar. Construction joints of poured-in-place concrete casing shall be cleaned and roughened before continuing the pour. Such joints shall be watertight. No construction joint shall be permitted within 15 feet of ground surface. Perforations , In areas where there is free ground water the minimum depth to perforations shall he several feet below the lowest expected water table and below the lovrest sewage disposal facilities or appurtenances in the area. In areas where there is confined ground water -158- the special standards specified in "Supplenental V/ater V/ell Construction and Sealing Standards for ^anel, Laytunville, Potter, and Round Valleys" shall apply. In no case sijall the perforations be less tiian 1$ feet below ground surface. Perforations in steel casings shall be made by one of the following methods provided that the method used shall not unduly weal-i a 2 ^ On) +J rt o o ro 3= " 4 \ S in -a m 0) c 3 El a -a n ::1 ^ t: f| x: a .'i O tn o CO O CO ^':i "1 rg H 4J "fr a. 'f? V. » U 'rf) O -H ■H O 'H CO m to n !s ■n Q M a> D A-2 to tn -XS M VI Tl (in m v 0) c o V ia •H Q Ft U Q O ci Q t-* Q T3 TJ Tl a> U ::! 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CO CM -, H C^ •" s -3 O i^ o hIo r- o r- o t^ o 1^ o lA O ^ vo d -3 d J d >o d in CM r- J vO OS r- tA CO l^ 0\ r^ _a 0\ ro CM o o. f^, \0 U-, n-, C-~ CO CN -O t-- _d (^ r^ NO NO t-^ O oo o ir. o lA O iH O cA d fo o CO o J d -d o r- d x/ d J d t-^ d E r-S r^ CM lA is; -=t ro i-H ro ^ s s OS ro g 0\ .CC *o s'R 1° CM • ol • O Xr\ o oo o CM r-i H O r- o H O t^ d H O Slo ■o H \r\ 1A CO \A CM r^ H \r, O '^ r~ r- r-- t^ f^ r- t^ r- t- r^ r^ " -i , u r^ 0\ o ^Sgefj, Os U\ t^ • O ^ "^ C "f CJ Ss 3 Jg''EE_ H CM i-< H H H ;5 W " — o t-i E o s s s O oo fO 3 -3 oo ro 03 .3 LA -3 LA LA \A 5t xr\ O r- \A CM !i c O H lA lA o -:J ro O lA ■^ CVJ CM VA o i-H i-l ■o •> il T<\ r-\ r^ r^ rr\ fO ro ro ro fO oi Wl ^ "? u-\ Xa LA 1 ro "^ u\ "i" lA I LA LA LA A ;^ 1 i 7 fO fO A 1 LA in w to tn CO tn CO CO (O CO g H s •H d n d g d cl C^ CM CM 1 CJ r- o 7 T V -r CJ CM H 3 1 o E m S 3 :i s 3 s 3 d IS :s i ^ ° Ss < ^ < < < < ^ < < < < <• <:* < 3 ;3 ;i ^ H A CM s CJ CO s « § CM CM CM C-l <0 C M ■s b a> 0) S U) .-H ■3 Q) 0) (L> ft r^ h 3 o (_J r-l u M •4 i u o V) •Jl a: ?;- - < a: tu z o o o z UJ O U UE o o o o o O o o O -3 n-\ o CM O ^ o _ I o S£ \A r^ o *o CO 1 OJ ^^ J r^ -3 H rH ^ c -ie ^ r% CM Os a! u S- H f^ CNJ OJ H rH iH H rH rH H ■O -Owe o i SI '^ a vO •o c^ OJ CO Os r- e~ OJ rH °'s sl CM c V u o O ... rH XA nC r-l r--! O w ^ ■i- O H _„ ,,^ ,^ H ^ ^^ ^ tJ u U U O t»- ^~ ""^ **^ *^ *"^ Mo NO ^ OJ 1-1 US 1 , s S ^ a rH wiS -3 o^ 0\ OS CD Osl so c»^ tr O 5 o O r-t r-< c o E m""* o o o O O ^ 8 ol CM O o o c,8 o o O 41 -— CM eg f^ o ^ p. Cm O o r-. O 8 fHJO f , o o O O o o o o o o ol t-* o o do o o o'l d olo o. u. *- rH Oj lO l-t o o ^ oc g o o -3 O (^ o P- O o. o Ol o z::2 H o o o o d o o rH O olo o o o o o o c o o o o a o > o. J^ f^ 1 1^ rr\ UD lA i«'- o o CC .H o o \t\ Cs. XA O O O CM O o c U. ,-1 us ^ O CM w c^ o ro O <^ d J o On O Oil o rH O CM O r^ o' fA O us o NO O ot o ^ lA r- IvO rr> _3 r^ us e^. ^ f-i 8 CO C l-H r'l o H »H r-^ rH O r-* <^2g US • • • ■u r- O C»N o c-ld so O -CI o SO O t^ O J o H O w " " ■;J vr\ OO «■ r- CM CO PA lA r^ r-l \tj OO r:! N^ S °: c o O O \A O -3 O »£■ rH r^ r-* H tv ■O r^ sO ,-* O rH t^ rH rH rH " o a, « t\ olS o 8 o|H olS o o c- ofe; o c o o|S r. 8 o|8 oH ol8 ^ ^ o s olo o o c-lo- c'lc- o o c c o o o lo o o o'lo O O o d CO c* , ■ f-' His fS \J\ c S!^. r- O — . o ^ o .. -K. sr. Os O r- O so O c. O (f. o u> o .f--^ ^J rH O hIc fHlO rH O t o o olc so o c o c O O r-( O* t-* L. E^ g ' _-, ' I cr- -3 C t^i r^ o; <*, E-. «■. r-* r-i t-^ U. (M »-H • • • • • Us ■ (rt •-) \A o t^ o O r\ O rr\ o CM O -3 O -3 O -=3 O H O ? £-;;. CO ICM us C -=3 \fs CNi P- -C OS -3 ^ O. n-. U. f^ rH US i-H « ^' o\; = S \A o tV' O • • lA o CSJ f-\ rolo ^a -3 o _zJ O sO O rid ;d ^* CM rH E„ o 1-1 o s lA u^ lA \A U\ US o R o OO r^ t^ r- o • C\J • r^ lA • c*s • u\ • C^ • u R O OD O rH O rH O rH O rH O rH O r^ o H O CM H -r r^ f^ rH O CM \r\ sC (?s CM tn XA Q. r- r- r- t^ OO r- O- r^ r- t^ a> CO "— . u ^ss^r^ f\ [^ t-- CO CM _rj p- m sO CM CM -=T ct- r-4 CO C\f f^ CO CSJ 1^ fl CM 7i Fl -3 _d H r-\ H iH i-i H (/) o -^ o a^ m f^ C^ U\ O XA f^s ^C -3 lr\ SO \A lA U\ SO \s\ «* -3 Ln o; M C M H o . rr\ m rA fX CA CA .. •• OA m PA f^ U\ ■LA us r^ — a. ^ u\ UV "? vi rA 1 ?1 .<. Us ,A J vA -^ 1 lA O o J, 1 1 si' lA 1 1 CM -i to V3 to to t/l o lO od == S S -ZS o H ^ r1 [Tl d El El *; CSJ ,? i« 1 H ^ fn ^ ■Y ^ -H -V 'V T °^s :i 3 3 r-i 5 H CM ° c S < ^ < < < < <^ ^ < < ^ < CO CO OO :2: OS Co r- pi r- B p: g P- l-l H iH H rH rH f-i rH rH fH r4 i: Si f* u U t-. 0) 0) Of Q) Ji: Q) E > •s ■H ■H •H 0) O K pi (-. o rH o » u >> ■£!a ilS ilS !§ ts 01 u Of 0) CO c p -H u -o t. ♦J +J 5 b- n ta ■H g o iH x: ■P 3 ■P 3 g ffj 5 Ji w ce n: ^ Ji A-31 u o 3 (/I o _l m < in UJ w < z < < IT Ul Z M • o o UE 3^S r^ 00 Xf\ r^ -3 r-v g CM S rH ■o o .2S \r\ lA p^ U\ <^ 8 g OD X D 7i H 00 lA CM S CM t- ^a-ie fv r^ \r\ r^ lA fA SO CSJ lA 73 Q. u «• - <-* H (M rH rH rH H r- H rH H rH ■O— -Owe •0 2 i > .-2 1 Oj Pl ^ -3 SO sf) r- ;^ lA PJ fl <*> CO ^'S 2s H H rH so CSJ rH H c 3 • « cS u O o g s CM w ^ ^ U S u O '^ "^ '" u. cr- CO y o P^ ^ • CM CO 00 1 CO CSJ rH rH H H H ^ CM wiG c r- ^ CD -3 H r- XA SO On 52 m rH so n-v r> C o 'e m r^ Q -3 SO XA r-i t^ d t-- H fA -3 rs c- ' "Is lA (n d ■^-J NO U\ ^ on c^ e; S ,.. 1 i:- J . ^' vO r-\ n-> so e< \f\ 03^ i, H • CM rH CM CN (H « C »; H 9 H *o CM -3 Ct cc y; H 0\ H K -3 Os 1-* S H g rH 5*0" 0I8 08 8 8 og 08 -3 rH 8 8 8 o w c &- -010 d d ° ° ^ d d » d r^ H d d d d 2 s e — rs r^ CM H ICM c d d <> d d CM • • rH H d Cg CO a > d d rH rH d rH d 1 1 OS rH d Os d c d Ms d d E_ 6 O n vO r^ 1A c^ CM CO p^ Al SO _3 ■p ce Jim P^ i^ H f") \0 fA sO r\ -3 CM ao AJ CM lA CM • XA Os • tf) t^lo A SO lA lA r- d H H 00 r- d SO H XA so C U\ CM ^^ ^ * g ■Lf\ -3 CO \A CM SO CO en CM CM XA SO ^ r^ CM :s mS Sd S d 5 H H H VO r^ CM rH rH t^ H rH t^ a: r- 6_ "5 ^ s S VA r-t lA i-H r^ R lA XA H 73 8 rH XA CM • c--\ • • ^ \A o| ^ 4 4 t 4 i 3 -^ 4 ^ ^ 4 OS rH J. fn H tf. XA o!v CO CO Vl to O) fO 9 ^ i-l cl d H i>? rH t-* r^ H H o - 2 P! L^ C7\ rH IS a .■p ^' .« p5 m ° t « ^1 % 7 7 rH ^ -i CM ? C\J 'Y Locat numb M.O-B. S 3 :s "■I J i :i 4 i i 4 ^ < < < < < < '^ CM < < CM CM CM CVJ ^ cu J$ fa <^ ro Jn a 3 fS fi r^ >^ ,=S s C\J CM rH rH H rH H H 01 X s 0) Q) >: L. U t 0) 3 O 4) fl) ^ ^ V (u !;* i5 £ 0} b 1 C tJ S S § ?1 1 !> 5 P) .8 fc ^'■ V) CO 10 in w (/> v* f- [-1 P ,y (T; ,? •n ^ ■J A-32 o: III 9 «^ ^ Hi >- I- z ID O o o z u o o z UJ s 4 K UJ » « uE O o f-4 o rA O o iH o fA fA O o LA i5 zS ^ 1 3 LA iH u\ C- sO tA H Os iS fA H r^ ^- OS r- y r- r- SO 1^ r^ Per- cent sod- ium ^ ^ LA H 73 co H rA fA H ;s so H lA Os H esj ■A l-o . -o y> e Tota dis solve solic in pp 1 s ^ CO OS ' ' *1 S 1 S en v> H O 3 'f ^.^ H 'f ^^ O OJ >i fH O (0 +J O I 'o .So~ Sis ' ^ ^ r^ ?i ri H ' ' S H • ;? S S2 \A r- C- sn Os S t^ O CO o 1 H rH O fA 1 C • O c o 'i O) O d H d O d o d o o H CO O o n8 H eg o o 8 o 8 o 8 ,n s CVi E j_ l^u. 1 • * o o o o • • O O o o o O o o * O O O O J » u. •- 4> a r . *'« o o o H NO O O 8 o o o Oj 8 oR so o XA n^ O o o o XA O VO ^ «» o a o > 2::z o o d d O o o o o o o o o o o o c o s r- .r. S o -a o»'- O M lA CO n \A H CO H o o \A C lA o H f^ « -d o r> * o -3 • o r^ o rA O • • rA O rA o H d CJ o rA • O c^ d H o r- O So- ^ lA vn O C- so n so 0\ oo t*- ^5§ t^ lA rH r- H CM 1 o^ o Pi • o r- o OS O OO d t-- O Ov o t-^ d Os o OO O H O :.•'?. \0 ^ Ps -=J CO H (H so o so fA CO o oO _-1 i>.^. r^ o n O r-t O sO O C (J CVJ • o rH CO • .^ • SO . rA tA • i» £J£ ; H M CD H H cu CO H Ov H H iH C^ H t- H CO r-* r-i r-t CW rH Aj o c — » ■rt g o o o oR o 8 o S o O o O o o o 8 o 8 88 O O o o8 o8 o soy ^ o o d d O O •o o o o d d d o O O O O d d d d d d fe is *• E ^ 3 -r1 o Ol r^ Co -;? Co so PA 5 = J > -=r O t- o o o o CO r- o o o t^ C ^ O CC o Csi o CJ O PA O £»- r-t O d d M d CC O o o H d d d iH O o c Co O H d H O E_ % « O o. XA XA XA o 3 • 1^ g (\j n> lA Co CO rr\ Co o CO O -3 Od I-t CVI CJ H -S «- r^ O ^0 O OO O vO d \A o SO o -3 O \A d vo d \A d \A O r^ d Os o iH o M- U\ CM SO PA Co H iX H -O f- in r-* sn VA so VO _3 O O- J b-\ r-l n^ 5 nO O t^ o CO o o O o r- o VA O ^- o lA O O so O E_ o llA 1A ^A o O \A o lA XA n XA o _d rn (K (Ts SO cr^ PA on • o CM i-H H o CO 1h H O r-t O CO H H O H O H O H O -=3 o o r- O r-t rA cv OS -=J rA rA Os o. t^ CD CO OO CO CO r- t^ t-- r^ c- 0,i . O pecift onduc anc« micro mhos 25° co rA lA o-^ a:: lA (^ :3 *o ^ i-t o vO -^ H CJ iH H iH r-t r-t I-* »H CO CO ry (/> o -^ o E o f^ _, o CJ O ^£ lA 1 so ' so t^ so Vj-1 1 C^ a* 5 « o \A 1 1 OD 1 -d lA Co f*> rA o (H •o « r-l CJ PA XA \r\ r^ I H XA rA fA PA PA •- a. - 1 1 XA J 1 o c3 lA 1 -^ 1 A AJ lA 1 a 1 ".> ^ 'I' ■l" *^ 7 ^ 4 ^ ^ 7 t! 1 n' 1" cA H ^ J. xA \A ji . lA H rA i-l C- CTv Os m Wl CO to to tn W S ^ S H m d 3 d »-3 d S d ro ?} f! g .3 £ (0 "Y 7 r-t H T' I- 1 n* T CO 'V '1 1 o 1 "i ^ :i ^ s ^ 3 i i :i i :i rt i i CVJ CVJ CVJ C\J r^ < < ■Cj^ < ^ C* < < ^ < < < <:! < E z S e; s r— H r-f r4 I-t rH I-t rH H H i-i I-t H |4 ^ ^ is « > 0) QJ ■H a> £ o > > > > > a: > 3 O •H Pi ■H ft: f,« fiiS «« «S ^- ■£i^ tS « § ■& O •H Oi S § A!S i!S i:? o c ■KS .i;s ■v.s £•£5 c a ^ 5 ^!i +J in •5 It, 4^ W ■^ « ■w m w n 3 ;^3 n :3 3 k: cc Wk (■^(S Ul a: Ex. en A-33 UJ I- < 5 UJ o < M li. o UJ° " _| (/) o < o z z < llJ s -I < 111 z * ^ liE o r^ f^ o CM O O o fA rA o CA zS H 3s CN r^ NO U\ lA NO CJ CA C?N X 5 r^ ft CJ ^ NO CO \A Per- cent sod- ium CM d lA CO lA S NO On -a VA -3 J s CM fA s XA CJ ■O— . "« w P « ^ — — <^ H oo CO CO CO C?N CA (A s CO NO rA oo \A lA ?^ CJ _3 r-^ rA H 'g g.e H H r-t r~t rH r-t t-i 4, O'-^ cJ w r~* V O r U H Al • ?S H 9 CN H lA r-t c o u CVI c r-' O ^ < 1 I fH rH ^: • t-i « ^W 4> ■4J w . '?^ -P .V S o o o ^ O t^ fj.N_^ t- e £ I- Mo vO r»- r^ [^ sO NO NO O On nO CD NO H i~\ H H rH rH ^ H f-t c o c o i o5 m lA H O o d d fA o o o d O d CNJ o d d 8 d d CO o d Co o o On O d CJ o d 8 d d O 1-* c h8 o.g H 8 h8 ^8 o8 oB ^8 o R CM o _-,?! o8 E .- 33 ll_ o o d d o o d d o d d d d d d d d d d d o o d d • ■ o o • • o o d d d d a a c 8 o - oo m o o r-i O -^Ig ^. °. H • • CVJ s ~. s \A O o Al O -^.s o CM O o8 o CM O r.8 o a > 3 Z - 2 o o olo d o o o OlO Olo d o d d o o o o o d o o d d o o i^- H XT (V .^' lA A- ^ 9. kfi H lA lA On vO rA ^ bo f? CO « o • — ' 1^ o ^E- UN H CC d r^ O ra o r-* C H O H O CM O Co O Sh NO . CA H w d CO • fA O NO d c 1 v « cn lA CO H O ^rf lev* O r-l ^.11 lA NO O .-s K^. fA lA H rH r-S o XA CJ .3. oo o o 01 «- V) iT; NO lo CM O CM d l/N O *o o t-^ O CC O -3 d ot o rH O ~=3 d k!.— *" «: a; r-> O r-t d CO O H d d d A' O Cn* d r- o d d O O H d o- o d d H O H O \A O H d r; o iH d At O H d o o H O r^ d A' O rH d E_ ^ Ico L-^ I'::? _=J M> o Al CM NO C-1 \n -t Ino Ka in _rt r-* H \A AJ CM _3 cjKa r^ NO Al -3 NO ^ O J 5 ~ k; NO O H O H o CJ o fA o \f\ o NO Id t^ o XT, d r- d xf\ d 6_ CSJ LA lA s \A A' S JCM lA F-* ON ^ nO g XA (,9 lA ^O te o hA lA • .s- r-i O ojIo (M O r- d iM O 1-1 O H O rH O rnlo CM ,-1 rH O -iJ m O ^ rA CO NO i-l _:j -. \A CC CO CA o C^ a. r^ r- r- r- NO t^ r- t^ t- r- t^ r- CO t^ 8 CD r- CVJ r- lA CJ CM _3 CJ c^ r^ r^' oo CD CM CM H CA CNJ H H AJ OJ CM CM CNJ H (/) O — o E o CA t^ lA .S£ ' NO 1 ' lA 1 1 1 1 XA 1 w ^ o t: NO Al «£ ' 1 o 1 1 o 1 o ■o fA _3 rA fA -:3 rA J lA lA o « ^ 1 o 7 -^ 1 A J, VA 1 ri ri si si ri ^ °t' ^ :i ■^ '-:' -. ^^ CM r-l H rH H r^ H s C^ ri [^ fi si ■J, -i ^ t^ si ^i si si si si fO to m to to to tn to S - 3 1 1-1 cn cn o H CQ .-1 d CO 1^ rH R s s g 1 Sic '1 -l' ^ ^ ^ 1 7 7 ^r Al ^ 7 fA Locot numt MOB ^ (i fi ^ ^ s ^ ^ S ^ ^ ^ ^ ? ^ < 2 z; < < < < % < < <1 < < < < < < o OJ 8 8 t-i i-\ H H H /H i-( rH H X fe x: ja £ a o f\ U, 3 O w ff c .^.s; ■3 u 1 Jd .^ 0) y. S M d -s Q> ■H 0^ P S (U ft °^ 0) ft > ■H -o O 0) rH •^ fc- •H X: rH CO ■H m o CO '^ 1 C/1 i IS < 3 ^ C A-34 UJ m < iij S UJ u < u. >- Lu O O (/) o UJ z U) — G o < o z z < UI s _l < a: ui - u O O OE O o o o o o <^ S o rH O o Co o Y «3 _ 3- OS R On o UN £ CM vO so XA C^ US so & tn s Per- cent 1 urn c^ CM C^ (SJ Co OO 8 9„ li O C o O 1 1, a h^ <>x- 1 u b. O O u. u. _a us o rH O « o « £ to ft) s 1 r-t 'J^ [1. tM^^ O o E- H u. E-* i- t w "9 OO iH CO s H CM ^ rH rH H i^ • -3 *H u)iQ D — O -rt R r-t s O O 8 S 8 US CM O rH O 52 O O o O rJ o o O O o o O O o E o o o o o « ■" c o o Cv» g IH o o r-1 8 o o o o 8 n>S -=.S US o ^8 o 8 o E o. » o o O o o o O O o o *.. O CD O O (D o o o o d d o o - o O ^8 ^g r*> O o -§ o CM o r^t^ O o o CM o o r% o rH -3 O o 8 C.8 o o > ■D Z^ 2 o o c o c o o o c o o o oJ o o o •-i d d d d d d d d d 1^5 •13 0) o S (p. or • r^ O -3 cc* O o 1*^ CM o CVJ CO CM P- o CM CJ a • CO o CM \A • -a H VJ3 8 C5 Cm f»S CM CM • • CO O VA o cu ot d -3 o H O c 3oO 4-1 OS IP o OS H cv »-* <^S o 2 so • ru o • ..3 s en CO rr\ CM vr. Co » (/)°« o -a o NO O ir o ■u ■ O c- o (> o -H O r-* o o 3 o o O 1 1 1 S c O CM c O « ^ H H \A f us J, 1-* J, rH fA US CJ 1 us OS J, J, i J r- J J, -O r-t r- Itl in d OS eg CO CO 8 to rH I' ■i CvJ to to rH M rH i to rH CM Locot numi M.O.B ? ? ^ g. < 5 ■^ i CM s S P ^ e < H < < ^ rf < < < CO rH < CM rH < H < H < us rH u» rH M rt c JC 01 Jid « > fc ^ ■3 •S %4 t -H Li •H t. U R] k 6 M £ o U ^-i^ te I U O 1 g > -a 1 rH 5 5 o CJ S g o o "1 5 U A-35 a: u < 5 o < n- >- CM UJ m < - < z < 3 o o o z o o o z UJ s a: UJ z _, m lie f^ CD NO \A 15 zS _ 53 3s Ov f^ h; -3 R )S IS s F^ CM C7N -3 « lA _ -Owe r-\ t r- \A r^ p- f^ fH 8 CM P^ r— 3'S 2e 3 H H ;3 Os s 00 S ^ H lA »H H H c =? ^ u r-l r-t V .'S S E-i jjj — t*\ f^ ,yo lA r^ 00 H H CM CM H H CO fH -a I-I H rH -3 p^ wiO ' ' ■ (-) r^ r^ -=3 R s; -=3 -3 H H ?H C 55 CM o e m ^ H H 8 08 h8 .h8 c8 08 CM r.8 h8 r.8 E « 3-0 ii_ iZ *- ' 00' d d d d d d d d d d d • • ' « a. lA , «'« -.g CM 8 ■^S CN* ^S R CV.8 ^rt 8 ..P f-1 -=j ^.8 v\ V, rt R 8 o a 41 > 2^:2 d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d , |o f^ a>'~ -LP H cv CSj CO Co Un \J^ tj lA l-t r- tA cm' CM <\j d t-t -aid ^ r~ \S\ |H CM ■^ NO r^ Ur S = BO \0 Cw CM H r-l 0* CC )=l R -3 ^ m 'c M°<3 o^ H r- NO -=r -3 d c- lA d d rt noIo i=* H rH .li!'^ SJ \r\ cv. ICM lA » CO ICO rt CO 1 f^. r^ c^ ^M H K NO 00 H (\ • CM • -S d CM S5£ £3 OS l-H iH iH (H CM H r-" t^ H <-! iH H CM l^lrH H CM rH CM rHicM rH c o d ^ -, m ^ "0 > 08 oB ON R oS K nB 08 oR r, R 08 S C CM o w c i r^ d d d d d d CO d d d d «H d d d d d d d d H • • 00 •^E^ s Cj OJ |r^ <^ _3 t~- f»^ f^ n-\ CM CM CM .-r r^ \r\ r^ 2 = 2 g Ov 00 lA CN' r-* ev. ri >o r- (^ c -=f f-t ri CM rH £-^ ^ rHld r-< d fH d CM H r-< lA d d d d iH d H NO XA e_ a 00 nD ^ rH CO r- en rj -3 -rt 1-3 (no rH r^ r> !§ 1J^ CJ rr\ CM -:t NO -3 C' so cr P-. NO CM al CNl \r\ CM CM r^ _:3 CM H r^ n • iH r- OS O- NO c^ u\ CO _3 00 >o NO f^ -3 • • a d 1"- ^ H On rH r- NO NO lA |H H c- d -3 H rH 1-1 H -3 e_ lA lA « s? y H CO t^ C^ UN • m r^ • -1 • 5- rH CM e\ H CMlrH CM i-t H r^ rH H OD f^ rH <*> r-t r^ rH CM H CM rH t-- ON cc r- C r> CO CM i-H NO r- a. r- t^ r-- r- 00 r^ CO r- OD r- CO CD CN o-l . o pecifi onduc once micro mhos 250 H CO r- NO NO i-t r- r^ 1 -3 rH c^ S CO (-^ CM CM vO On NO ON S CO i-i C\J CM CM H H r-l CM r^ CM CM rH wo— E 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r- f iS.£ ^ CM c 1 1 ' ' * CM ( ' ■0 ^ r^ rr\ r^ f^ ,9 m r~i 9, r-l r^ r^ rr\ r\ €< ffi «> a t*\ ".^ \r\ UN U\ .A lA 1 lA J. \A lA lA 1 U\ 1 nA 3 o| t 1 H 1 On CM 1 :^ "* 3 r— w 'X S t 7 ^ 7 3 (H (7n CO r-\ ci S rH ' V. !0 en to „ OT = ^ s i to to ^ d ^ CJ s d p- d i s ^ S i .2 t « H '> CO "? ^ CM r-1 ^ rjl 7 7 'V ocot numb MOB 4 ^ < i^ < < 1 1 5. < 1 < i ^ 1 1 < < s M ^ 1 I t t •H ,° U •H r^ g S •a 0) t (U l! g •H o: ■P V 5 n: 5f? a: 0) g c c K 3 ^ I4 H t4 Z « rH ^ ot « S w ^ a ^ a s g s a a A-36 a: UJ $ 111 o < u- >- ?- < UJ 2 -I < o: UJ z •So" 6e 3S O O o o o O o O o o O o 1" rH 26 o « fi r-t >o o o O ^ S Q s >o CM X o (H VA _3 U\ t~- U\ ^ -3 m CM .1 c tJE r^ U> « CO ro ^ -3 -3 UN r^ On NO Ol u ui - r-l -3 eg CM CO CM CM CM H CVJ m •°H •^CM Si _3 -3 vO (^ -3 e! CO CJ 3's ss S C^ CD OD CM H r- OO NO UN C 3 O o r^ ^ S' ^' r^ r- O o r'N O O O O o c o 1 S5 CD O o 3 Z-2 o o o o O o d d d d f^ o o o d d d d d d d d d d CNJ o _3 o H -3 r-1 _3 P>-i nO r- -. f^ o- -^ CM CM UN Kl Cy CO \r. CM c t-i O rH C-, u. r-t CO o O i-i CM rH V \n • CM o'--' iH o t^ o OD O r- d r- o UV o -3 O r-t O -3 O CM O o o -3 O ID CO U\ r-\ o u. U\ f- NO l=D ICD ^ -3 c UN H H H H o H _d ri rrN o U\ o U> rH cnjo r- o CC o H o ir\ I • *i • -1 • « — "^^ CO o (--^ o ^O CD \A d (^ d CM o rA d C^ O (^lo r^iO rr, o CM o c o o O six O o a ^O ■o v£> U^x CM CM CM NO t-- On pi o r-t CM r-t o UN t^ o. CM c^ U- c cc XA . H . C-- . O • CM o • ^ r- f^ „' NO c o K r-t l-t CO r-" ^0 r-t t^ iH r~ H r=- H NO H H H u~ o r- r-t -3 O r^ O c -^ § s«^ r- 8 o O o o O o o o O O f s° > f^ c o o o o Ov <*^ o o o c O O o c o o O O O O o o O • • o o o o • • ec O d d d d d d • • o o d d d d d d 1,12 s ~=i LT* m -=3 Ov CM CM r^ CM r-^ CM CM g CM CM »H O ■^ ^ \J\ o vO O o^ o r- o o o NO O •^ S NO O NO O £"" Ch o CM O H d H d f^ o d d d d H O o d rH d d d d d < E„ w 1* s CM ■Lr\ H o fw -3 3 CNJ _3 rr\ o « wis rH rH ON^, JnO olcj 5 H O o CO o c^ o ot d S o' r^ d NO O S o o d -^ d NO d Nold C 5 0» CO CM CJ (n ii\ -3 to C^ NO o o |nO rr\ CC- H -3 o rr\ m rr, CM f^ r-\ vo CM -3 CC u, NO m OC -3 H Co CO Co o • • • • 2 iH O U\ o -d d -3 o -3 o CO o UN O NO O r^ O -3 O r-\lo CM O &5 It, o S lA UN CM On XA IP O r- CNj U -J vO ^o o -3 n-« OO -3 o ^(^ « '=^ -3 -3 _3 CM B Os CM CvJ • f*> • H • « • ^ H Ol > NO « CM i-l fH O ^^ o H O CM H NO O Os O hIo H O C7N O -3 d X cc (-1 iH r\ r-i CC O O u. U\ J -3 a. CC GO t-- p^ On 1^ C-^ CCJ r- P- r- r- o^ . u pecifi onduc once micro- mhos [-- CM r^ CM O CO o -3 o On -3 c^ O -3 -=1 o- r^ Co r-t H r^ O CM C\J H H H rH r-( H CM r-t r" rH I— wo-— o E o 1 1 1 .^.S 1 « ? - I o 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 " E (5 s. & m ri S r-^ rn m c-\ f»-i r^ cy 1 1 lA \A ■J, r4 U\ UN UN K' UN XA u\ — a Si CO CM '-if CM H ci ci >J rl u!> ci ^ <4 >A I o l-\ 3 3 a CO 3 1 s 1 s 3 CO CO CO Ol tc CO V) to CO lii s d rH O g 3 d J3 d 5 to rH CO <-l f^ (-1 -3 CJN o C i3 r^ p:i .5! s: c*- 1 1 ^ 'Y CM 1 'V 1 ^ 1 UN 1 sis ^ 5 g to ^ S ^ ^ CO «c.CJ • CM o cs < < < < < < < < < < < e: ^ S s S z Z 2: 2 3 E-. K^v CM CJ CM m r^ r^ rr\ <*N _3 }0 c\r OJ C > ^ ■H K ^ j>i a: iH 0) (U 1-i J«: 0) Oi 0) (U Jtf (U t< o W ^ CJ f3 w ^ ^ ^ O Ji ^ 6 0} > o ^ U ra Cfl ti d) 0) u a- (1) tK (/) OJ o > > o S p P tl. 4) 0) (*. *-r (0 u 6 0) ■H C c CJ o eg o o •H a; .c o o « x> O +J +> *-> +3 0) V ^ rH ll> ^ -H H p +> ■p g H u (fl r^ ■P QI o o o i cfl O C n n> W CO o c_> en -5 (J o "^ A-37 a ui I- < o z 3 O 1£ O to u. O UJ _J 00 < I- UJ ■ _l r- NO rH H o. r-l 1 1 On Ol V O 3 \s\ ^ 3 H On lr\ CJ r^^ CM U\ o-i H 1 1 a> Q) 0) (U 0) (t> &} r-i r"! NO ''■if, ^g Pt, (TA ft. H U. H U. H • -< fr-l ro o tV (_! CO o oi o ro o TO o p> 1 O E- ^ F- o ^■t-. E-- ^-; ti.>- cB.e ^f^ ^^£ ^M Si' t^ s;- ^ rH On m CTP t"^ -:1 r^ -^1 1 "i ijiS r-, tx, 1 <^ Hi r-y\ H 1 1 f-l hI -3 €\J fl ■u-\ c o o E o m O ol c" o d d O C o o O d CN'I o O CM d NO o 4 ' c CM • ^ c d o o o ^Id d d d d O C r-t d f- d :-i o- o d d d d d d 1 1 CO o • • O o On O CM O > '5 z :^ o t^ o- Icvj h m H H (H Ko <■> H r* o ^. ri NO . r-t C^' o •- — ' fH o fHlC' iH t HO NO O NOH m H ijIo ' 1 r-. 1 n r-ijo vC c -r H _::; 1-1 ^ c c\ r- r-l r^ P -^^ -3 t-- rH P^ IS -3 ^ [' - h-3 .^lo c c sold u' d f-< a u"d o c o L- jio no' d olo- -^' a iH . CM O 1 1 c^ o H O «l CO XI X C r. {tn d voWi 1-1 r-l o o hIc\j OL • CD • H c^ .-' .B. CM TV C\i cr\ 1 1 1 1 o CO ■o NO CM CM , &i o « - ^, o d o C '— 5 So" 5 °H o o O C. o d c o c ci d do oj8 o'lc o8 c o c lo o c B o 8 :* c* d dto O O O did o]8 did 1 1 1 1 1 • • o o o8 c' d , S S 1- Q- CM ■o o vO O, ^e; fn o o o On -=I o o^?; CC M |CM D VOJO CC p cop CM NO O >npl , CM en o o do d d rH d H O rrs o o c o b* did did dio d d • • H C 1 I ■O • m o H d E ILT, CVJ H H H ll-f ^3 C^ K> to to H C in ^? U^ • U\ • -=: • ;3c -i^; oolo r-'; 1 1 m ^^4 r-< O CM H rH 3 HO CO -^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 tJ O O 1 .5 E H ^ 4 TJ m m cry m rn m m m lA i « * a V "? u\ tr\ U-i ''i' ^' "V Lr\ u-\ 'r* \r\ 5 E o o A o tn r^ 6 rv'i C^ ;3 s; n' 7 ^ f-* f\ H ^ CM H CM M m r^ r- m [■^ c^ fn f--\ t~~ r^ A r- -3 NO nO N^ .- s s CM < On On CM o H CM o § H s ^ I^ H H T fH "Y CM (n r^ 7 "Y ^ r- C^ H i 3 3 St i :2 4 4 :s 4 4 4 4 4 ^ ;:( <:• <:' < ^ ^ ^ < ^ H < c ^ H ,::5 rH 1^ en H :3 3 -J 3 H ^ 3 t3 ^ 3 H CM H H 3 ^ H d H rH d (H fH H r-l H H d d d a> H H H 5 s a if S j: 5 £ S s > 5 i: K s ■s) ■s 1 , g u U *j +J p ♦J *i 10 tn w V) cn m 0) at 0) NO -3 -J CM -3 CC CO Ov 2 CO Co CC- V\ ■p o (3 o I [1. -^3 ::i aI co! cjI • cyl 03 irl 31 cjl CNJi \f\i ml col HI .|8 Hjo op o to c io O JC rH C o' Io* o Ic CD O o'lo' ^. °.|8. -:l° -".H °.l§. ^.N M ^.P. °¥. '^M '';l°- ^M ^-N "^I^- °-^- °".l^ "$ ' o'lo olo cclo olo' cole* hIo o'lo' o'lo c'lo' olo cold olo hIo CO cvilo hIc nirJ r^ II/ CO Li <-' !r-J H |cvj H K^ H U' 18 00.08 olo op olo op o' o'lo did djo did did did It • n_' i-w' itj lO Io Io |o |o o op op olo op c^p olo o|o olo d did die' ciS did old d'o did do ^|o f-xtq olo Hp -^P U^|o CNJp f^E ^Jo rnlc' f^ p n: jc f^p ^^[c M^Io ^^p: t-^p did oj'lc hIo h'Io L/'ld old old did c"lc hIc rnld did did hIo did did t 1'-^ HJg IS 18 ti p u^lg -,fe ^b ^|g fe jp_ JS ^la ^f= ^te ^Jp_ ^,fc? vo'lo tCU jL" SIo' JhIo jIo 0?Io <-^Io >oltO T^U HIo pic r-llo <^l^ •"M l>lc XT lo" I> I I I IS (-4 ^ I ^ ^ < 3 3 3 3 us 3 pi O S CO ■r-t ■H 10 tii: ■H -P W ♦J -P ■P TO (U OJ |i2 ^id did cold did _ald nld f^ld )-i cjtd f^ld ctld hIc* oIc' did -^Id cJlo dio r^lt. H c^^. ??p. sp: fiif^. of^. f^R ^F; ?N ~|^ s^pi U--|c -r-r ^ CVjL^ f\ilj _3)o r-Hksj CoK- CVJ |m -3 lO r-( Its 5u sR Edu sD j^fe ^E hP r- y u[U 's.t: sP 5l^' 5b M hE X* :jIo- cB Sp rtP SE Sp SP gC !Sb yb S:G 5p jQ :gp 5P ^U X- ifiU A-39 UJ I- < li. o o o "^.r, o 7^ ^ '^ ^ "i ^S. o t> o O O CJN o r^ o o CM C' _^, •o o r^ r- e a OE IT- r-l t-- NO OS NO NO IX. lA O- U\ r- X o ^s CM OJ i-H ■A CM r-l CO —■J o rH ^ o rH ^ ^ t!.6 f-~i a-- H a. ^n ■o r^ CM -3 ^, 1^ o- ID W O Zl ir\ CM H r^ H 0"^ r^ r-\ 1-1 t-* rH O TJ w E f-- ■■5 vO NO lA c O NO on -3 \A CM rH rH -J r- On r^ f' CM \J\ r^ rH <-> H en w ^ E 3 ^.| C^ ■^1 r^l "1 '^1 CM CM. "^1 ^.1 ■-'.\ vol dl CM r-l dl T-'l ^1 o ^'I dl cl dl dl O r" 0) (1) .°' "^ "•« "■r' U.tV, "■g t-- tx [<. (I. 3 M • »H • . r-^ • r o to t CU +^ jj • 3 O ^ £ ^ ^f^ ^^ ^■^ ^f5 O ^' C f- ."^ o f ■ H O -1 r^ "1 -1 "1 -1 ' 1 "1 -1 -1 -1 --I ^1 r tSHJ cmI rnl hI cmI rnl c-^l oil c o- cr> r- r- -t f, rH lA ^ - rA o CO ~^ CM r-< r-J cr- c lA o f-t o NO c o i r. O o 1-4 f-- C ^^ r-v CJ c d d d d d i^r O ^l cp c ^: CM r^ O d c' CM C c >-( t: ^ o r^ s _=t o o o o -n o c H o c? o o o o 8 o. G c ii_ •- c- o oio C.i c c r. C r c c d b o o air- o c c d c o r~i O 5 f °' "^.p CM jo olo h8 ICM o o r-- ?. --■^. o§ o c CM s o CM O did ^1 o c -3 n-. t o a. C C O Ct o c CM O o o dio c d CM O d d LP -J r-t hIo* XT r^ ^* o U CM cr d J d r-< A' o lA r -- CM . NO r-l IT r^' d b CM • CM O r-i O rH -J d NO CC rH l/N d >o A O »o E - 5; 1!5' •H ■*-' c o o o c tH O vC O • • CM O did CM' s6 -A NO O c\' d • • CNJ C 3 r-t • OJ o rH C. rH u--d ^ ^i cr en d Cl lA NO o O. o d d ■i2 tt — ^^ M 3 o " o CN • C\ -3 \r • rH CM i^ O O 1 "o oB ojS o c c o c cfc o? o O t o e ol8 oS 1- :i o o o o b C o8 o d c d o o c. c d d c c. o d do d L^ c- d C o d d C' O ll= ^ J o o -^•B ^.N CM oo c d d -^^- si :-B CM CC- o vols c> d OJ VO g o rH O CM \o o a. hIo clo H C fH C r^ e o o o o o o O C) o d E li r^ d J d o O • A c jit H . fHio cr r^ r-^ d ON CM . r^ r-t 0- r-\ CM CM \A d .B -3 std fA • H O o^ d 3 Sfd ? E-^ 2 -' or- c ;■£ -3 CS' m • • =B CM Ml • i-t rH H NO cy CM o On On CM • H O O' -3 \A d A. r-l KM o On P!d CM • H O o rH CM • \0 ^A rA CM E O h(o H O o H • ViKM ,A C-- • CMlr-t .E T' d O sp o NO • OJ r-- Cl_ • CM' H Is CTi • H a r^ rr\ O cri -y lA. rH CM o. t^ -o ■o r- ^ NO ^C t- v~ NO NC r- C^ r- r- ^t«is? r- \A H \i\ NO c nO 0\ On 8 CD ON On r-\ -3 r-* \r\ CM rH _3 tx:i r~\ lA CM CM NO OP Q rH < I-) < < - _l < UI z •A o E « o n H o o O O o o rH o O O O O M O "1 .-( ry OJ ■£ *-^ 0£ .2S r- irv »f. r- H «o «0 -* r- Q CO O f^ I O s s o 4 o OJ s .H 7i ^ 7i C"\ rH »Lt ^E cr 3 H :>< S si OJ O^ rH ;^ a- rH rH OJ orj H 4 0. o » - " . « -S E r- o «0 o^ r-t r- o; 2 sO o o^ to -J O^ 2 •: »' S .? ' S S £ o t-t 4 ^ 4 OJ f^ Hi rH f-j .i c^ S W 2 §1 SI o-l , SI ;?l 3 21 •) 0) a> .V u 0) ® o tu [>. k. .. ■^l M '^ rH rH -^3 ■P +3 *J *> O O H e-- H E-t y O d 4 d d d s\ d ^1 SI 31 51 d d d si ^ c o E ft) o. o o. c o E 0) Q. C o » 5 c o -^ SO" 8 O o o OJ H O o o a 8 d 1 o ou o 03 O • o d -4 O 3 O d 4 d 0^ O O o8 o o -8. o d l8 o o o o o o o o8 o o 1° d d o o o o o J8 oIo o8 O O o8 dd o8 • • O O ^.8 d d rH OJ O d d o8 did nO o did o8 da , J! 'ii - o O ^1 O ^_8 O O r-l \rs o O O ~^ o JD O i-i (.3 ■ii r-\ O OJ O °J1 CD d r- o o o o OJ O O o did OJ OJ o rnld o o ojld ° £ - 2 ^ u ^ O (N o'4o O o rj f- o m o O o '■~\ o to OJ coK ■^•Id oJ5 o o o4 tr- OJ o o »,q 00 O o r^O -< 1- o c^^i os-i ojIh O s ::?d ir. • rHlO O Oj|rH LO o O o OI rH -1^ s o o Ov sO >r\ t- ITS ^ to c- ^o c- f> r> f^ to a. -o r- -AJ ■O r-- r^ t^ r-- r^ r- o- r- ro to to r- = t.Sg? -^ OJ r-i 0^ o sO f^ •JD (*\ 00 ^lill" co -X) ^ -J OJ H ?J OJ :J •O ^ H OJ -J ?i ^ 0-^ « " - s H ^ ^ n fi 3 a SI ■^ !5 i^ r^ m ^ j::' C/1 in n Oi to n m Ul •d « a a e □ 9 ^ c o ^ Q O Q Q M O Q M a Q Q A-a UJ -I m < t- Ul 4 o z 3 o IT O li. O in UJ in > z O o o z o o o z Ui < z 4. o e « a. u O O V « O n tie O o~ o a TO Oi TO O o Oi O ^ o V U za c o ■D O se 3 c^ nO CO ^^J 1 1 ITN ir\ -J ^0 ^O o ITN f^ O ^ s CM ^ rH 1 1 UN y y 4 y ^- d 4fN ^ Per- cent sod- ium S ^ ?? u^ ?) o NO c3 so OJ rH o r-J 4 o fn ■^ p on ' g 3 ^c Rf OJ 1 1 C^ 1 3 TO A 1 1 o OJ OJ OI 1- « « E c 3 '^.l o| ~.l 'il H rN tJ f-;l fjl o| dr o ^ ^ t-- a> Q> 01 «> « O rH rH • <« O b. t^ •;«::• «J ^:^ ^ii O H E-' [L. £-< o O i .H O wis SI d d H OJ OJ OJ i i «l i 1 1 4 i i 1 r 3 pj c o — o o o i O o OJ o o ■o m ■J ^J 3 TO i O 1 1 UN o NO -J d o rH d o8 tHlO hH o i-^ o , 1 rH OJ o 1 oR r-i OJ o did nS , 1 h8 rH8 E w a. V) o M c a > '5 v o o O O o|c3 o o d o 1 dd ! did d d I 1 did d d 52| olo o o -J o ctlo TO O rH O • • Cj O 1 i OJ C3 O rHlO 1 1 old TO O OJIO •-0 o OJ o i 1 1 H Sd dd o « — m O PJ o u-\ o CO UN rH sO O u-\ OJ ^ u\ O OJ CO OJ Ho o IT* lO vO • OJ C-- pB lo rj colo o f Jo mlo ?,d UN O o ojIo o Sd ~tld o • rl O c = "?: ■g 5 CM 00 rH '"■^ OJ O u^ OJ OJ . TO -J cry • OJ O 1 en OJ o d8 dd TO rN o8 o H r( oolo V) f3 >-i O o o rH O 3 00 ^ X n r- CO UN .HICNI to t-~ OJ • OJ r^ OI o-\ O lO -J \/» • OJ -J- r'"\|UN OJ • OJ ro O u- OI f. h3 U> o Hloj u-» UN • cHrH o O rn OJ • y UN • noIh M OJ TO 8^^ OJ (^ c , y o C '- ;n o ^ ".8 o c:) o8 O O o o d d o8 o o o 1 o8 d d 1 f. o8 d d o8 1 1 o8 o8 Q , 2 (A c 2 §2 UN O O O O O rH O Ol o o CM o> O O O 1 1 OJ TO o 1 1 OI o 1 1 OJ OsO dd VO O o „- (N O o o 1 1 dlo 1 1 .-H O 1 1 i d d E 3 — in -* J CO OJ fn 4a .3 o u^ tr- rH|u-\ d3 O odrH 31 u< •^1 ■Hd d? °8" d c) 0- rr» UNlrj o TO dd UN • OilrH ITS t-- o4o CO rH rH ojlri IS OJIr-J O o U-* - ojlol 8 u-> * ojlrvj ■U o • OJ rH o a- o • H C5 S OJ H rH c- - H rH OJ r-i OI H OJ TO o lO ^4 o o ' • CD • •-i o C3 u^ Sl4 U\ r^rH S O s O OJ i/N • OjlrH ojV< 43 UN rHiO o oT o H O J UN rNjrH fV f( rH ^^ O- r- -^ UN r- TO O r- m O c- 0) o. r- r- tV r-- o- ^- r- e- r- O r- r- ^- fO •o -i) ^t.°s? sO o rH o 1 TO o tr\ l/^ rj UN Nf) « c c - -^ (vj cy r^ OJ r'^ r^ r< r"\ o m m rr\ r^ .^ " - o '~* eS- 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 ■rN , ! 1 r^ 1 ^ 5 1 UN ■o Oi c■^ r^ cr\ r~^ fr^ (n (*\ o m u-\ w-\ v\ lf\ UN T\ •- a. 1 ^ 1 ;^ 1 P 1 ;:1 u^ 1 •V 1 1 1 1 1 8? 1 M w^ CO vO - ^ -i - -S <«> « E to 5=0 g V a rH 3 rH OJ 7 INJ rH a rH o ;5 rH rH •A •-1 1 OJ ^- 1 rH UN X -^ ■i 4 •i :! :c .4 :s :k re s i 4 .4 :k S) :^ f-i l:i OJ rH ■■A '^ :4 A <-{ 14 OJ rH A Pi y ^ ^ S > ^ ^-^ ■^ ■^ ■C f4 i a 3 ■i 3 UN rH IK rH UN rH UN rl UN ■"a rH ;l ^ :i d ::! d d ::! d ::! . d :1 n! :^ d iH % s ?? ¥ 4J S is Q> jt ? 0) 3 o r> ■J o o o ■J o t> V ,^; ■;« •;;1 Hi ■H -H ■H -H -rl fi. r. 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U- '^ " ~^ P, s rj O J-*^ UN O O r-S OJ UN O P cr-- rH (H ON r^3 ON O O c^lO °8 ■^8. rH to o d^ ftj ^-^ o O o o o O !4d ON O H O H O P?ld tn o d d ^t d did d d O O d d cvld o ex > cr i ft) '- T o o Oj -3 OJ '• .-( o CO OJ H so d O] OJ o- o -i- r-l rH rH u-« OJ • • 0- o s O ON rH <-N OJ C-- CO • sO H r- OJ o lA - OJ O oSt OJ xJD OJ •o ON • cloj o O' Ol • on|( J ■a <■ Jo m u ojg rH tr-H -sU lO. O ro cr\ ON ON rH c- o o M S OJ UN C3 ON r^S 01 4d rH •i) o ^_f< ^.". ^O rH .E ^ 6 yo c- o o( O o rH O o o to o Of O o UN d dd -n o C'lo ■J d o ° O u r- o O (M 8 Ol 8 « ON o to o ON OlO o H -40 CO OJ o o UN O to o o J5 o d rH O o o d d olo H d H O o o -i :5I^* •-i o o o d o OI O o-Jc) rH O o o t:^ -o ::? .,3 :J OJ -.^ -J O' o; UN , fS R rH - «f\0 ■nJS. o S5 CM H crio CO • yo c-lo yd OJ u ono OJ on o\ rH O nd Ht^ -iioj ?m|h HlO J |-5. -* H '% o CJs OJ O sO s O- o UN H OJ H Ol 03 00 o o^ ?id vO ON to OJ sp So CO • :1o '.:^d UN • ^1 H OJ o rH O rH r-i to o OJ o Ho onJoj -Jlo oj'd io rH ry 3 •JD S UN 1^ '3 O to 0-- r " UN ri OJ coS t-- OJ s CO ^ UN O -5^ o »H OJ H OJ H do" s!4 HlO vojoN o Fdo; unJoj UN O o^d ^-^ H o r^d OJ -4- -4- CO r-\ CO -O -J' UN u> ON O ai r^ CO io« c^ a c~~ r- C-- O- sO •o o- vO C- t^ r- vO t- -D r~ ro Specific conduct- once (micro- mhos at 25°C) 1 -4- y S OI o- OJ UN OJ 3 to ■H rH § tS CO o o UN § s Ol OI E o |2? £ 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 •o m f<\ lO f^ c^ UN f^ ON ON UN ON UN ON UN Ol i;s> UN UN 1 2) i 1 p3 a ^ 1 Si y t rH ;:: -J a o S « ^ 1 to ( oi i E «> 4 ■-t i 5 1 5 rH rH •-* 5 1 1 rH OJ H :::| s ;1 :4 ■A S =1 S s a> 3 o s :::| •> S 0) ?? S s S S S s ■< +> 3 O o -H 01 i Q u i O ■H en Q) .3 O Q -H M ■rl *> a> i o -r4 (.1 i o a O ■H A Q o. CO o ■H i a u •H o Q o •H i u 3 -< o tf) o .a to o -H ■s E3 o a A-43 "I za oe O 3 V> — O Tl O O 1 51 a o-l a UJ (O UJ < 111 (n ^ ui ^ Z o 6 ~ -to r-llo on (Ni »r\i cm! rsil cv=J d d sl 31 d d :3l sl rjI 51 3 I 31 «j ?| O rMl ol ol ± a> ^/^ >o M r^ rj :j O ^ f3 • ■H o o oio -4° rNr- ^lo olo r-j'lo olo vOIO old (NO old \r-i IH lO |< C-|o -^Ci PJJO He did did did d|( fV o to ^ • CD ^3 -tld CM ■--{ • nH O or • -f o H O CO c^ o CI o HIOJ to r- ■o SI) • rH O o olo did olo did ojo did o o did olo did IH \yr\ lir\ |.-i |r O f-\\<~> oAo ir«k.i -tic o rjjo ihIo old o|< ho lOJ lu^ 00 t< J^ id-o J", j-t J HIO r-flvo tolr^ A O fHl WlO eni — rH|r^ olo did olo did o|8 did o o did olo did ol8 did o|8 did o o old mU3 did I"? it>- Irv o It- o-l~t Ir- TO c- -t fV r Joi .1 . 00 . . . . . .1 . >j-\Jo uN-^ «0(O ry O r~\fo (u^ \0 |ir\ J"; ^M J"^ -1 ^llo r-lVn cvIh rv/ Ir^ O Iii-\ fO OO 1-4 CO IrH -tl ' f^l • o • ^ • •I • • • col . o r-llo -olfH r|o coto rvio r-(|o Iry |0 1-^ lO Ir^ Jr^ \<-\ \0 H u-i|oj [--|o C-- H Oi -.tlo fnl^ ~^|'^J d c^d nld -tld I^ld hIo >/>ld cJd IO ho ^c<^ lr\j Itn It-- |0 lr-( o^ ^nl^n oql . ico oloj |o> mio H • fNI • IO ol 9 o-, • c^J • to| • coj • O ollcn '"'If^ i^lO hIcM u^to Him *0(H o o dlo Ir-\ IH Irn |W Ini ItN 1^ O uMo O O OKJ o^o oojo irJc d fJld nld f^d dlc) did die -to hIo IH lOI CO |u-* i»n <^ O \~i IH Hfo hIo HO cjM co|o u^o cHo hIo Hto Vo i/N r~\ Ih oTctn r^3 [O Hlof s^3lu^ o 3 Ih -J o hIh h|co iaIo hIh r%|o ^ojo u^lo I en |ir\ KQ ICO |0 |u> |0 jo f*> Irj rj_* ^"p> Jf^ l^'^ Jf^ |t^ d ^oj nIh r^d cvIh I^ld I^lfj njd ■o ^ ^ o (T- C^ o^ ^ ^? '^ S S c r< »-f <-) rH tn c Q* 3 sU ^ C 31 o :;! O o 4> a> ^1 O O t* O u o "« , if O "^ I- rv. (7. ^» o J O c o = CO -' o O n O O i C3 o o o O i t 5-S r O O O c> C) o O t5 C3 O O f) V o. __ . - "^ -a ,-A ^il ^ CM c - o O o o .H O *^ > ■P 5 o »» "^ o OJ o O' r>* 01 « 5" 5 o r^ f> i-t OJ O tu O (J V. — I*^-* |(^ 3 O O (^r( C;1 ,H J\ o ^ o -O O CO ° w> • • • • • ,° r > ^t> o CO o n~JO ^^|o r-ilCl «) — fii c L *- irt O 3 o o O ti eo -J- • •-D on rvj p!^ CD ^ X l/N O r-t rj r-l rH OJ <^ ~t o W c o "to "■ c> O 1" O o o o (.J O o o O O o o o u o o O O olo o o d C3 c "*■ S 1- (0 ■J O o o O O d fi* i- t1 O O- r- Lf> '!> [■1 t- • in r-i o rj o w r> rH O IT* o c- -t O -H CO T 4> C C - -^ (y r-i r^ ov f^ tt o o E E w " -" o _ o- u. E o I 1 I 1 I '^ 5 ■o n~\ r-\ r^ ^'^ f"\ vrv i/\ •» ^ 1 1 O O J- ^t ■o £ E >~i 1 CJ CM 'N J, 3 1 to 1 r; >: s o ( 3 o ■H o o O -H *J •H w a •J (ft 7 ■rt V t; 0) u E ,; D. 5 ti o o 'It o »-« n -n C" ^ n) 1^' VI c q - o - +i J 4J H c, o O O W +J (D en 4) m H ■^ l^j -^ l5 T* frl X "1 *J o o w ♦1 (0 t: (11 x: I.) w fcs « tl in o "> :-> q> q a> --f c t. c q 13 ni u» ^ c"? ^ miles southeast of Philo Fair 9-2-53 2- 3.0 miles southeast of Philo Fair 9-2-53 5 3.5 miles southeast of Philo Fair 9-2-53 2- 1.0 mile northwest of Boon-ville Poor 9-2-53 1.8- c 1.0 mile northwest of Boon'vllle Good 9-2-53 2" 1.5 miles northwest of Boon'vllle Fair 9-2-53 2" 0,75 mile northwest of Boon-vllle Good 9-2-53 2- I;.0 miles northwest of Philo Good 9-2-53 2- 3.0 miles northwest of Philo Poor 9-2-53 1,8- c 1.6 mile northwest of Philo Fair 9-2-53 2- SANEL \ GALLEY 9-li-53 2- 5.0 miles southwest of Hopland Good 2.0 miles north of Hopland Good 9-li-53 2- 1.0 mile north of Hopland Fair 9-li-53 2,2 At Hopland Poor 9-li-53 1.8- c At Hopland Poor 9-^-53 6.8 c At east Hopland Good 9-I1-53 2- At east Hopland Good 9-lj-53 2- At east Hopland Poor 9-U-53 7,8 c At east Hopland Poor 9-U-53 lUO 3,0 miles east of Hopland Fair 9-I1-53 2U0 1.0 mile south of Hopland Good 9-h-53 2UO 1.0 mile south of Hopland Fair 9-U-53 2- 1.0 mile south of Hopland Good 9-li-53 2- 1.0 mile v;est of Hopland Fair 9-U-53 2liO 1.0 mile west of Hopland Fair 9-ii-53 8,8 LAYTONVILL E VALLEY 8-31-53 2,2 2.0 miles south of Layton-ville Poor 3,0 miles south of Layton-ville Fair 8-31-53 2,2 3.0 miles south of Layton-vllle Fair 8-31-53 2liO U.O miles south of Layton^vllle Poor 8-31-53 2i»0 1,0 mile north of Laytonville Poor 8-31-53 38 A-46 TABLE 4 RESULTS OF BACTERIOLOGICAL EXAMINATIONS OF GROUND WATER° MENDOCINO COUNTY Field Dote Colif or m Location rating sampled MPN/IOO ml. LAYTONVILLE VALLEY (Continued) 2- 2.0 miles west of Laytonville Fair 8-31-53 1,0 mile west of Laytonville Fair 8-31-53 2,2 At Laytonville Poor 8-31-53 2- At Laytonville Good 8-31-53 2.2 At Laytonville Fair 8-31-53 2- 1.0 mile southwest of Laytonville Fair 8-31r53 2- 1.0 mile southwest of Laytonville Poor 8-31-53 2U0+ 2.0 miles south of Laytonville Fair 8-31-53 2U0+ 2.0 miles south of Laytonville Poor 8-31-53 2i40 2.0 miles southwest of Laytonville Fair 8-31-53 38 U.5 miles north of Laytonville Good 8-31-53 38' 2.0 miles north of Laytonville Poor 8-31-53 5 LITTLE LA( Oi VALLEY 8-31-53 2U0+ 1.0 mile northeast of Willits Fair 1.0 niile northeast of Willits Poor 8-31-53 2liO+ 1.5 miles northeast of Willits Fair 8-31-53 2U0 1.5 miles northeast of Willits Fair 8-31-53 2- 2.0 miles east of Willits Poor 8-31-53 2li0 2.0 miles east of Willits Fair 8-31-53 96 1.0 mile east of Willits Poor 8-31-53 12 1.0 mile east of Willits Fair 8-31-53 2" 1.0 mile east of Willits Fair 8-31-53 2)40 At Willits Fair 8-31-53 8.8 1.0 mile southeast of Willits Fair 8-31-53 2.2 1.0 mile southeast of Willits Poor 8-31-53 2hO 2.0 miles south of Willits Good 8-31-53 2- 2.0 miles south of V/illits ' Fair 8-31-53 6.8 2.0 miles north of V/illits Poor 8-31-53 2UO 1.0 mile north of Willits Good 8-31-53 2- 1.0 mile north of Willits Poor 8-31-53 2UO+ 0.5 mile west of Willits Fair 8-31-53 2liO+ 1.5 miles west of Willits Fair 8-31-53 12 3.0 miles north of Willits Poor 8-31-53 2liO POTTER VALLEY 9-2-53 2- U.O miles south of Potter Valley Fair 2.0 miles north of Potter Valley Fair 9-2-53 15 1.5 miles north of Potter Valley Fair 9-2-53 2I4O+ 1.0 mile north of Potter Valley Poor 9-2-53 1600 c At Potter Valley Good 9-2-53 38 At Potter Valley Poor 9-2-53 7.8 c At Potter Valley Poor 9-2-53 2 c 1.5 miles southwest of Potter Valley Fair 9-2-53 2U0 1.0 mile south of Potter Valley Poor 9-2-53 4i.5 c 1.0 mile south of Potter Valley Good 9-2-53 2 c 1.0 mile south of Potter Valley Poor 9-2-53 1.8- c 2.0 miles southeast of Potter Valley Poor 9-2-53 79 c 2.0 miles south of Potter Valley Fair 9-2-53 2hO+ 2.5 miles south of Potter Valley Poor 9-2-53 17 c A-47 TABLE 4 RESULTS OF BACTERIOLOGICAL OF GROUND WATER ° MENDOCINO COUNTY Locotion Field rating POTTER VALLEY (Continued) 3.0 miles south of Potter Valley 2.0 miles northwest of Potter Valley Fair Poor ROUND VALLEY 2.0 miles east of Covelo 1.0 mile south of Covelo 3.0 miles southeast of Covelo 3.0 miles south of Covelo 3.0 miles south of Covelo 3.0 miles southeast of Covelo 3.0 miles southeast of Covelo At Covelo At Covelo At Covelo At Covelo At Covelo At Covelo At Covelo At Covelo 1.0 mile south of Covelo 2.0 miles northeast of Covelo 2.0 miles north of Covelo 1.5 miles northeast of Covelo 2.5 miles northeast of Covelo 2.0 miles north of Covelo 2.0 miles north of Covelo 1.0 mile north of Covelo 0.5 mile north of Covelo 3.0 miles 3.5 miles 3.0 miles 3.0 miles 3.0 miles h.O miles 7.0 miles 2.0 miles 2.0 miles 1.5 miles 1.5 miles At Ukiah south of south of south of south of south of south of south of north of north of north of northeast Ukiah Ukiah Ukiah Ukiah Ukiah Ukiah Ukiah Ukiah Ukiah Ukiah of Ukiah Fair Fair Fair Good Good Poor Fair Good Poor Fair Fair Poor Poor Fair Fair Good Fair Good Poor Poor Fair Poor Fair Poor UKIAH VALLEY Poor Good Fair Fair Fair Poor Fair Fair Good Good Fair Fair Dote sampled 9-2 9-2 ■53 -53 9-3-53 9-3-53 9-3-53 9-3-53 9-3-53 9-3-53 9-3-53 9-3-53 9-3-53 9-3-53 9-3-53 9-3-53 9-3-53 9-3-53 9-3-53 9-3-53 9-3-53 9-3-53 9-3-53 9-3-53 9-3-53 9-3-53 9-3-53 9-3-53 9-L-53 9-U-53 9-a-53 9-U-53 9-h-53 9-I1-53 9-h-53 9-Ii-53 9-U-53 9-li-53 9-Ii-53 9-h-53 Colif orm MPN/IOO ml. 2,2 5U0 2- 2- 2- 2- 2- 1.8- c 38 2- 1,6- c 38 2- 1.8- c 1,8- c 2- 1.8- c 2- c 2- 2- 1.8- c 1.8- c 2I1O+ 1.6- c 2- 1.6- c 1.8- c 2- 2- 2- 2.2 1600+ c 2- 2UO+ 2hO+ 210+ 2hO+ 2hO+ A-48 TABLE 4 RESULTS OF BACTERIOLOGICAL EXAMINATIONS OF GROUND WATER ° MENDOCINO COUNTY Location Field rating Date sampled UKIAH VALLEY (Contdnued) At Ukiah 1.0 mile east of Ukiah 1.0 mile south of Ukiah 1.0 mile south of Ukiah 1.0 mile southeast of Ukiah 3.0 miles north of Calpella 3.0 miles north of Calpella 2.5 miles northwest of Calpella 2.5 miles northwest of Calpella 1.5 miles north of Calpella 1.0 mile north of Calpella 1.0 mile east of Calpella 0.5 mile east of Calpella At Calpella 1.0 mile south of Calpella 1.0 tnlle east of Calpella 3.0 miles north of Ukiah 6.0 miles north of Calpella 5.0 miles north of Calpella 3.0 miles north of Calpella Fair Poor Poor Good Fair Fair Fair Good Poor Poor Good Good Poor Fair Fair Poor Fair Fair Poor Good FORT BRAGG 0.5 Alle north of Little River 2.0 miles south of Little River lo5 miles north of Mendocino 1.0 mile north of Mendocino At Mendocino At Mendocino 1.5 miles south of Mendocino At Caspar At Caspar 1.0 mile south of Caspar 1.5 miles south of Caspar At Fort Bragg At Fort Bragg 1.5 miles north of Fort Bragg 2.5 miles south of Noyo 1.0 mile south of Noyo 2.0 miles north of Casper 1.0 mile north of Inglenook 0.5 mile north of Inglenook 3.0 miles north of Fort Bragg 3.0 miles north of Fort Bragg 3.0 miles north of Fort Bragg 2.0 miles north of Fort Bragg 1.0 mile north of Fort Bragg 2.5 miles north of Inglenook Good Good Good Poor Good Fair Good Fair Good Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair Good Good Poor Poor Good Fair Fair Good Poor Fair 9-h-53 9-ii-53 9-I1-53 9-U-53 9-h-53 . 8-31-53 8-31-53 8-31-53 8-31-53 8-31-53 8-31-53 8-31-53 8-31-53 8-31-53 8-31-53 8-31-53 8-31-53 8-31-53 8-31-53 8-31-53 9-1-53 9-1-53 9-1-53 9-1-53 9-1-53 9-1-53 9-1-53 9-1-53 9-1-53 9-1-53 9-1-53 9-1-53 9-1-53 9-1-53 9-1-53 9-1-53 9-1-53 9-1-53 9-1-53 9-1-53 9-1-53 9-1-53 9-1-53 9-1-53 9-1-53 Colif or m MPN/IOO ml. 2.2 130 1.8- 2- 2" 2- 2UO 2.2 5 2- 2- 2- 2U0 2U0 + 2hO+ 2hP 38 2I1O 2hO 2.2 15 15 2- 2- 2- 2- 2- 15 2- 2hO+ 2 - 2" 2- 15 2- 2- 1.6- 1.8- 2- 2- 8.8 38 13 2- A-49 TABLE 4 RESULTS OF BACTERIOLOGICAL EXAMINATIONS OF GROUND WATER ° MENDOCINO COUNTY Location Field rating Date sampled Colif orm MPN/IOO ml FORT ERAGG (Continued) loO mile north of Westport 0.5 mile north of WestporL Good Good POINT ARENA 1.0 mile north of Guaiaia 0.5 mile south of Gualala 2.0 miles northwest of Anchor nay- Settlement 3.0 miles northwest of Anchor Day Settlement 1.5 miles north of Point Arena 1.0' mile north of Point Arena At Point Arena At Point Arena At Manchester 1.0 mile northwest of Elk At Elk Poor Fair Good Fair Poor Fair Good Fair Good Fair Fair 9-1-53 9-1-53 9-1-53 9-1-53 9-1-53 9-1-53 9-1-53 9-1-53 9-1-53 9-1-53 9-1-53 9-1-53 15 2- 2 2- 2- 2- 21 2- 2- 2- 2- 2l|0 2- a - Analyses of Division of Water Resources, Mobile Laboratory b - Unless otherwise noted, a series of five tubes of 10 ml. dilution, one tube 1 ml. dilution and one tube 0.1 ml. dilution was used. c - A series of five tubes of 10 ml. dilution, five tubes of 1 ml. dilution, and five tubes of 0.1 dilution was used. A-50 APPENDIX B SUMMARY OF WELL DRILLERS' INTERVIEWS SUMI-t\nY OF ViELL DRILTERS' INTERVIEWS Intervlevjs were conducted with sixteen vjater well 'Irillers currently operating or known to have operated in Mendocino County. The purpose was to determine their present construction practices and rrateriala and to obtain their recommendations for materials and methods necessary to insure reasonable protection of ground viater quality. The questions idiich were asked and a composite of the replies are presented in this appendix. (1) ^t/hat is the minimum distance you would recommend wells be located from the following: Sewer lines, septic tanks, privies, and cesspools? Eleven drillers recommended a minimum of 50 f eetj one recommended 75 feet from cesspools and 100 feet from bam or chicken yards, otherwise a minimum of 50 feet; and four recommended a minimum of 75 to 100 feet. (2) Do you locate wells with respect to topographic features to lessen the possiblity of flooding or drainage into the well? Each of -the seven drillers replying to this question stated they try to locate the well on high ground. (3) What method of i^fell construction do yoxi recommend for Mendocino Oaunty? Eleven drillers recommended cable toolj two recommended rotaryj one recommended cable tool, rotary, or dugj and one stated the method depends upon the location. (U) What material do you recommend for casing to last at least 20 years? Five drillers reconmended "hard red" steel pipe only. Three recommended hard red pipe as well as otner types including standard B-2 American Petroleum Institute (ATI) pipe, wrought iron, steel plate, Kai-well, plastic, and concrete (for dug wells) . (5) ^'liat minimum weight casing would you recomnend for wells in alluvial material of Mendocino County for the following diameter and depth ranges? Depth - UOO feet Diameter U - 30 inches Four drillers recommended 1? gage minimum and three recommended 10 gage minimum. Ten other drillers 'nade recommendations ranging from lU gage for depths of to 100 feet, to 3/8 inch for depths of to UOO feet and casing diameters of 18 to 30 inches. (6) Is any distinction generally made between domestic wells and wells intended for other nurposes with respect to casing weights and materials? Four drillers reported they iriade no distinction. Ten drillers reported they use heavier casin'-. material for irrigation wells or other wells of high volume, generally because of the larger diameters and greater depths, (7) Do you use single or double casing in Mendocino County? Six drillers reported they use only single casing in Mendocino County. One stated he uses single most often but some double casing in deep wells. (8) Do you recommend the use of used casing? Five drillers stated no, A sixth recommended against use of used casing because it may have been used previously for gasoline or other uses which woull be detrimental in v;ater wells. One dri.ll er recommended the use of used casing provided it was in ,^ood condition. B-3 (o) Under i-hat conditions do you reconiniend tJiat casing extend the entire deotli of thn virll? Nine drillers rtvco ."mended cas'nK t\ir entire depth under all conditions, four recommended only when caving formations are encountered, and one recoinmended casing the entire depth to holdback fine clays, (10) VJhen do you seat casing in cement at the bottom of the hole? Four stated they never have and ikiree stated they do vAien necessary to seal off quicksand or heavin<;^ gravel. One stated he did not seat casing in cement but has plugo'ed the bottom of casing to seal off sand, (11) What type of casing joint do you recommend? Thirteen drillers recommended using butt welded joints. One driller preferred to use threaded collars, butt welded joints, or California stovepipe method depending on conditions. One driller preferi^d butt welded joints but recommended a threaded collar on light casing, aid one preferred collar joints with a fillet weld, (12) Do you think watertight joints are always necessary? If not, what do you consider the exceptions to be? One driller stated watertight joints are not necessary in watei^ bearing zones, one recomrended that watertight joints should be to the perforations in the casing, and two dirillers recommended watertight joints to 30 feet below ground surface to provide sanitary protection. One driller recommended watertight joints to $0 feet below ground surface. Ten drillers recommended watertight joints the entire length of the casing, (13) Is pre-perf orated casing used, or is casing generally perforated in place? B-U Five drillers use pre-perf orated caoirifr where possiblR, five drillers prefer to perforate in-place, and five drillers ase either method depending on conditions. (lU) Are well screens used in Mendocino County? Ei^t drillers stated none have been used in Mendocino County to their knowledf^e. Four drillers stated that they have usod well screens in the county. (l5) What proportions do you use for cement gixjut? Number of drillers 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 sack cement to 6,5 gallons 1 water, plus calcium chloride (ceiTK ;nt:sand) Grout not used 1 1 2 1; : 3 1 : 3 or U (water as requir< 3d) 1 : 3.5 or U 1 : h or 5 1 : 5 (thick paste) B-5 (l6) Vftiat nethods and naterial would you recomnend for sealing off undesirable "ater strata in wells? (a) Non gravel -packed wells Method Cement, grout, or concrete Cement, or conductor pipe Liner pipe and cement Number of drillers 7 1 1 1 Liner pipe and cement, cement in annular space, or watertight casing Clay and cement 1 Waterti^t casing 1 Watertight casing and cament block 1 at surface (b) Gravel -packed wells Method Cement or grout Cement under pressure Cement, clay, and cement cap Liner pipe and cement, cement in annular space, or watertight casing Number of drill era u 1 1 1 B-6 (17) What is the general practice in Mendocino Cbunty with respect to provision of sanitary seals?' One driller reported he felt it is the vrell owner' s responsibility and therefore he follows the instructions of the owner. Two drillers reported they follow recommendations of the Mendocino County Health Department. One driller stated that he fills the top two or three feet with concrete. One driller reported that he provides no sanitary seal. One driller reported that hfi cases off the top 50 feet of the well if mthin 50 feet of a sewage disposal system, (18) What minimum distance do you recommend that unperf orated watertight casing extend below ground surface to provide a satisfactory sanitary seal? (a) In no ng ravel -packed vrells? Six drillers recommended that blank watertight casing extend to normal ground water level. Three drillers recommended 30 feet minimum, two drillers recommended watertight casing to a ndnimum of 50 feet, one driller recommended a minimum of 25 feet, and one recommended a minimum of 20 feet. (b) In gravel-packed wells? Four drillers stated that blank watertight casing should extend to normal ground water level, and two drillers recommended a minimum of 30 feet. (19) Should watertight casing extend to an inpervious stratum, if feasible? Fourteen drillers stated this was desirable, and one driller thought it was not necessary. B-7 (20) ^'hat techniques do yo'j recomraend to seal off surfaca waters? Number of Recommendation drillers Watertight casing 2 V/atertJght casing or casing with cement outside 1 Watertight casing with cement outside 1 Watertight casing or concrete seal on top 1 Watertight casing vdth light clay outside or 1 concrete seal on top Concrete seal on top 2 Conductor pipe with concrete seal or rotary 1 mud on top Grout from bottom up 2 Grout to impervious strata or perforations 3 Cement top 3 feet 1 Cement top 20 feet 1 (21) How do jrou seal off the annular space outside the casing in a gravel-packed well? Number of Practice drillers 30 - 35 feet of rotary mud 1 Cement grout 6 Cement grout or natural material 1 Cement grout under pressure 1 Do not seal 1 B-8 (22) V.'hat mimmum dintonce do you recommend that casing extend above ground level or pirnp jilatforni? Number Recommendation of drillers Top of pump platform 1 6 to 10 inches 1 8 inches 2 10 inches 1 12 inches 8 lU inches 1 l6 inches 1 18 inches 1 (23) >Jhat type of pump platform do you recommend? Six drillers recommended concrete or cement platforms, and two recommended concrete or wood. (2I4) ^Vhat is your recommendation regarding installation of (a) well vents and (b) sounding tubes? (a) Two drillers recommended vents on all wells, two recommended vents when gas is evident, one recommended a vent only in certain instances, and three stated that vents are not necessaiy, (b) One driller recommended a capped, inclined pipe one or one and one-half inches in diameter for chlorination and measurement, one recommended a sealed one and one-quarter or two inch inclined pipe, and one rccomnended a sounding tube on a rotary well but not on a cable tool well. B-9 (25) What type of pump seal do you recommend? Number of Type drillers Welded 1 Rubber and metal clamps 1 Pump on casing 1 A seal that leaves no large openings 1 None 6 (26) li/hen do you recommend the us** of well pits? Five of the seven drillers replying to this question use of well pits. Two drillers recommended the use of well pits to protect the p\imp installation from frost. (27) What methods do you recommend for disinfecting wells? Twelve drillers reported they use various compounds containing free chlorine. The usual method is to pour a mixture of an unknown amount of chlorine into the well, surge the well and let stand for a period of time ranging from 10 minutes to 2 hours before pumping the well clear. Three drillers reported they never chlorinate, and one driller reported he uses variations of the above methods only at the request of the well owner. B-10 PLATE I STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING RECOMMENDED WATER WELL CONSTRUCTION AND SEALING STANDARDS MENDOCINO COUNTY LOCATION OF AREA OF INVESTIGATION SCALE OF MILES 20 40 60 PLATE 2 l-l I ROUND 1-12 LAYTONVILLE INDEX TO ALLUVIAL AREAS MAJOR VALLEYS 1-13 LITTLE LAKE 1-14 POTTER 1-19 ANDERSON COASTAL TERRACES 1-15 UKIAH 1-16 SANEL 1-20 POINT ARENA TERRACE AND CONTIGUOUS AREAS -2 1 FORT BRAGG TERRACE AND CONTIGUOUS AREAS 1-22 MATTOLE RIVER 1-23 INDIAN CREEK 1-24 SOUTH FORK EEL RIVER 1-25 SUMMIT 1-26 HULLS 1-27 BLUE ROCK CREEK 1-28 WILLIAMS 1-29 POOR MANS 1-30 JACKASS CREEK 1-31 USAL CREEK 1-32 HOLLOW TREE CREEK 1-33 COTTONEVA CREEK 1-34 HARDY CREEK 1-35 JUAN CREEK 1-36 BRANSCOMB 1-37 EDEN 1-38 ELK CREEK 1-39 HEARST 1-40 RYAN CREEK 1-41 WHEELBARROW CREEK 1-42 SHERWOOD 1-43 CURLEY COW CREEK 1-44 ROWES CREEK 1-45 OUTLET CREEK 1-46 SCOTT CREEK 1-47 TOMKI CREEK MINOR VALLEYS 1-48 VAN ARSDALE 1-49 FORSYTHE CREEK 1-50 1 CAMP MARWEDEL 1-50,2 NORTH FORK NOYO RIVER 1-50.3 IRMULCO 1-51 PARLIN FORK 1-52 NORTH FORK BIG RIVER 1-69 1-70 1-71 1-72 1-73 1-74 1-75 LITTLE PUDDING CREEK 1-53 NORTH FORK ALBION RIVER 1-76 1-54 COMPTCHE 1-55 COLD CREEK 1-56 ORNBAUN 1-57,1 YORKVILLE 1-57.2 HIBBARD RANCH 1-57.3 HUL8ERT RANCH 1-58.1 THE OAKS 1-58.2 INGRAM 1-59 EDWARDS CREEK I -60 HIGH I -61 PIETA CREEK 1-62 TYLER CREEK 1-63 HOWARD CREEK 1-64 DEHAVEN CREEK 1-65 WAGES CREEK 1-66 ABALOBADIAH CREEK 1-67 SEASIDE CREEK 1-68 TEN MILE RIVER MILL CREEK NOYO HARE CREEK CASPAR CREEK RUSSIAN GULCH BIG RIVER LITTLE RIVER ALBION RIVER SALMON CREEK NAVARRO RIVER GREENWOOD CREEK CLIFF ALDER CREEK STARAMELLA RANCH BRUSH CREEK GARCIA RIVER POINT ARENA CREEK MATE CREEK ROSS CREEK GALLOWAY CREEK SCHOONER GULCH GUALALA RIVER 1-93 M"= DOWELL 1-94 M"= NAB CREEK 1-77 1-78 1-79 1-80 1-81 1-82 1-83 1-84 1-85 1-86 1-87 1-88 1-89 1-90 1-91 1-92 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING RECOMMENDED WATER WELL CONSTRUCTION AND SEALING STANDARDS MENDOCINO COUNTY LOCATION OF ALLUVIAL AREAS AND GRAPHIC INDEX TO PLATES 3 THROUGH II 1958 SCALE OF MILES 2 4 6 8 10 PLATE 2 l-l I ROUND 1-12 LAYTONVILLE INDEX TO ALLUVIAL AREAS MAJOR VALLEYS 1-13 LITTLE LAKE 1-14 POTTER 1-19 ANDERSON COASTAL TERRACES 1-15 UKIAH 1-16 SANEL 1-20 POINT ARENA TERRACE AND CONTIGUOUS AREAS 1-2 1 FORT BRAGG TERRACE AND CONTIGUOUS AREAS 1-22 MATTOLE RIVER 1-4 8 1-23 INDIAN CREEK 1-49 1-24 SOUTH FORK EEL RIVER 1-50 1 1-25 SUMMIT 1-502 1-26 HULLS 1-50.3 1-27 BLUE ROCK CREEK 1-51 1-28 WILLIAMS 1-52 1-29 POOR MANS 1-53 1-30 JACKASS CREEK 1-54 1-31 USAL CREEK 1-55 1-32 HOLLOW TREE CREEK 1-56 1-33 COTTONEVA CREEK 1-57.1 1-34 HARDY CREEK 1-57.2 1-35 JUAN CREEK 1-57.3 1-36 SRANSCOMB 1-58.1 1-37 EDEN 1-582 1-38 ELK CREEK 1-59 1-39 HEARST 1 -60 1-40 RYAN CREEK 1 -61 1-41 WHEELBARROW CREEK 1-62 ^ 1-42 SHERWOOD 1-63 % 1-43 1-44 CURLEY COW CREEK ROWES CREEK 1-64 1-65 /■ 1-45 OUTLET CREEK 1-66 1-46 SCOTT CREEK 1-67 1-47 TOMKI CREEK 1-68 MINOR VALLEYS VAN ARSDALE 1-69 FORSYTHE CREEK 1-70 CAMP MARWEDEL 1-71 NORTH FORK NOYO RIVER 1-72 IRMULCO 1-73 PARLIN FORK 1-74 NORTH FORK BIG RIVER 1-75 NORTH FORK ALBION RIVER 1-76 COMPTCHE 1-77 COLD CREEK 1-78 ORNBAUN 1-79 YORKVILLE 1-80 HIBBARD RANCH 1-81 HULBERT RANCH 1-82 THE OAKS 1-83 INGRAM 1-84 EDWARDS CREEK 1-85 HIGH 1-86 PIETA CREEK 1-87 TYLER CREEK 1-88 HOWARD CREEK 1-89 DEHAVEN CREEK 1-90 WAGES CREEK 1-91 ABALOBADIAH CREEK 1-92 SEASIDE CREEK 1-93 TEN MILE RIVER 1-94 LITTLE PUDDING CREEK MILL CREEK NOYO HARE CREEK CASPAR CREEK RUSSIAN GULCH BIG RIVER LITTLE RIVER ALBION RIVER SALMON CREEK NAVARRO RIVER GREENWOOD CREEK CLIFF ALDER CREEK STARAMELLA RANCH BRUSH CREEK GARCIA RIVER POINT ARENA CREEK MATE CREEK ROSS CREEK GALLOWAY CREEK SCHOONER GULCH GUALALA RIVER M<= DOWELL M'= NAB CREEK STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING RECOMMENDED WATER WELL CONSTRUCTION AND SEALING STANDARDS MENDOCINO COUNTY LOCATION OF ALLUVIAL AREAS AND GRAPHIC INDEX TO PLATES 3 THROUGH 1958 SCALE OF MILES PLATE 2 INDEX TO ALLUVIAL AREAS MAJOR VALLEYS l-ll ROUND 1-12 LAYTONVILLE -13 LITTLE LAKE 4 POTTER 9 ANDERSON COASTAL TERRACES MINOR VALLEYS -15 UKIAH -16 SANEL 1-22 MATTOLE RIVER 1-48 VAN ARSDALC 1-69 1-23 INDIAN CREEK 1-49 FORSYTHE CREEK 1-70 1-24 SOUTH FORK EEL RIVER 1-50 1 CAMP MARWEDEL 1-71 1-25 SUMMIT 1-50 2 NORTH FORK NOYO RIVER 1-72 1-26 HULLS 1-50.3 IRMULCO 1-73 1-27 BLUE ROCK CREEK 1-51 PARLIN FORK 1-74 1-28 WILLIAMS 1-52 NORTH FORK BIG RIVER 1-75 1-29 POOR MANS 1-53 NORTH FORK ALBION RIVER 1-76 1-30 JACKASS CREEK 1-54 COMPTCHE 1-77 1-31 USAL CREEK 1-55 COLD CREEK I-7B ;-32 HOLLOW TREE CREEK 1-56 ORNBAUN 1-79 1-33 COTTONEVA CREEK 1-57 1 YORKVILLE 1-80 1-34 HARDY CREEK 1-57-2 HIBBARD RANCH i-ai -35 JUAN CREEK 1-57.3 HULBERT RANCH 1-82 1-36 BRANSCOMS 1-58 1 THE OAKS 1-83 1-37 EDEN 1-58 2 INGRAM 1-84 1-38 ELK CREEK 1-59 EDWARDS CREEK 1-85 1-39 HEARST 1-60 HIGH -86 1-40 RYAN CREEK 1 -61 PIETA CREEK -87 1-41 WHEELBARROW CREEK 1-62 TYLER CREEK -88 1-42 SHERWOOD 1-63 HOWARD CREEK -89 f-4J CURLEY COW CREEK 1-64 DEHAVEN CREEK -90 1-44 ROWES CREEK 1-65 WAGES CREEK -91 1-45 OUTLET CREEK 1-66 ABALOBADlAH CREEK -92 1-46 SCOTT CREEK 1-67 SEASIDE CREEK 1-93 1-47 TOMKl CREEK 1-66 TEN MILE RIVER 1-94 LITTLE PUDDING CREEK MILL CREEK NOYO HARE CREEK CASPAR CREEK RUSSIAN GULCH BIG RIVER LITTLE RIVER ALBION RIVER SALMON CREEK NAVARRO RIVER GREENWOOD CREEK CLIFF ALDER CREEK STARAMELLA RANCH BRUSH CREEK GARCIA RIVER POINT ARENA CREEK MATE CREEK ROSS CREEK GALLOWAY CREEK SCHOONER GULCH GUALALA RIVER M*^ DOWEL L M= NAB CREEK ^ C I F J LOCATION OF ALLUVIAL STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING RECOMMENDED WATER WELL CONSTRUCTION AND SEALING STANDARDS MENDOCINO COUNTY LOCATION OF ALLUVIAL AREAS AND GRAPHIC INDEX TO PLATES 3 THROUGH II 1958 SCALE Of MILES PLATE 3 LEGEND .Q^^.] RIVER CHANNEL DEPOSITS UNCONSOLtOATEO GRAVELS WITH SAND. SilT AND CLAY ALLUVIUM UNCONSOLIDATED SILTS CLAYS GRAVELS AND SANDS TEXTURE COARSER NEAR STREAMS OLDER ALLUVIUM UNCONSOLIDATED GRAVELLY AND SANDY SILTS AND CLAYS TERRACE DEPOSITS C unoiffe rentiateo J YOUNGER TERRACE DEPOSITS UNCONSOLIDATED GRAVELLY AND SANDr SILTS COARSER AT 8ASE. Alrt 1 OLDER TERRACE DEPOSITS m"^w,,j unconsolidated gravelly and sanoy sil ts wit h interbeodeo Clays, sands and gravels PLIOCENE - PLEISTOCENE DEPOSITS CundifferentiaTED ) ^ semi-consolidated bluf clays, silts, sandy and gravelly silts and lenses of sands and gravels beds gently to steeply tilted Jf FRANCISCAN] KNOXVILLE GROUP CunoifferenT(ated) PREPONDERANTLY CONSOLIDATED GRAYWACKES AND SHALES WITH SERPENTINE AND META - VOLCANICS MAY INCLUDE SOME CRETACEOUS SEDIMENTS -^ ^~~ (CONTACT DASHED WHERE APPROX IMATELY LOCATED ) Y ATTITUDE OF BED ^-^-fc- PREVAILING DIP OF BED "1^573^ GROUND WATER BASIN NUMBER NUMERICAL DESIGNATION OF GROUND WATER BASINS 1-15 UKIAH VALLEY 1-19 ANDERSON VALLEY 1-16 SANEL VALLEY 1-93 M •= DOWE LL VALLEY 1-94 M^ NAB CREEK VALLEY STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING RECOMMENDED WATER WELL CONSTRUCTION AND SEALING STANDARDS MENDOCINO COUNTY GEOLOGY OF GROUND WATER BASINS OF ANDERSON, SANEL AND UKIAH VALLEYS 1958 SCALE OF MILES E^D' f S*NO. SILT «ND CLi ALLUVIUM UNCONSOLIDATED ■ COARSER N(AH sr »rS GAAUCLS AND SANDS TElTodE rTTTTTl OLDER ALLUVIUM |f .yeaj- ] unconso(.id»teo cravell' «mo sand* silts axd ClaiS TERRACE DEPOSITS (UNOtFFEREMTIATEO) m tND SanOt silts coarser at BASE OLDER TERRACE DEPOSITS UNCONSOLIOATEO GBAVELH AND 5AN0T S'L TS *rTH IMT ERBEOOE ClaiS, SanDS AMD COavElS PLIOCENE - PLEISTOCENE DEPOSITS CuND.rrERENTiATEo ) semi-consolidated OlUT CLAIS silts SANDr AND G LENSES or SANDS AND cbavels beds — " DD WITH SERPENTINE ANO CBETACEOUS SEDIMENT ,- (CONTACT DASHED WHERE / ATTITUDE Of BEO VOlCANICS MAr INCLUDE SOUE HERE APPROmUATELV lOCaTEOJ PREVAILING DIP OF BED GROUND WATER BASIN NUMBER NUMERICAL DESIGNATION OF GROUND WATER BASINS l-IS UKIAH VALLEV 1-19 ANDERSON VALLEY l-IG SANEL VALUE* 1-93 M ' OOWE LL VALL ET 1-9* M« »A8 CBEE" VALLEv STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING RECOMMENDED WATER WELL CONSTRUCTION AND SEALING STANDARDS MENDOCINO COUNTY GEOLOGY OF GROUND WATER BASINS OF ANDERSON. SANEL AND UKIAH VALLEYS 1958 PLATE 4 LCCCND RIVER CHANNEL DEPOSITS , ^ , PBCPONOERANTLY UNCONSOLIOATEO GRAVELS WITH SANO, SILT AND CLAY ALLUVIUM UNC0N30LIDATCD SILT4, CLAYS. OWAVELS AMO SANDS. TERRACE DEPOSITS . UNCONSOLIDATED CRAVCLLY AND 5AM0Y SILTS AND CLAYS. PLIOCENE -PLEISTOCENE DEPOSITS CuH»lFFt«CMTi*TeO) '^'"stM.-CONSOUOATEO BLUE CLAYS, 5.LTS, SANDY ANOORAVeLLY SILTS WITH INTERilDDCD SANDS AND GRAVELS. StDS MMTLY TO STEEPLY TtLTED. FRANCISCAN- KNOXVILLE GROUP C ONOiFrERENTlATto) PREPONDERANTLY CONSOLIDATED GRAYWACKES AND SHALES WITH SERPENTIHI AND META-VOLC ANICS . MAY INCLUDE SOME CRETACEOUS AMD TCRTIARY NOCKS CONTACT CDASHCO OMCKt *»PHOKlMATELY LOCATlOj 1.° y ATTITUDE OF BEDS CROum WATER B«»1M NUMBER NUMERICAL DES,GNAT«)N OP GROUND WATER BASINS 1-15 LITTLE LAKE VALLEY I -I 1 ROUND VALLEY 1 '» .■ ^n K-^ 1-14 POTTER WALLET 1-12 LAYTONVILLE »LLEY 1 1" STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING RECOMMENDED WATER WELL CONSTRUCTION AND SEALING STANDARDS MENDOCI NO COUNTY GEOLOGY OF GROUND WATER BASINS OF LAYTONVILLE. LITTLE LAKE, ROUND, AND POTTER VALLEYS 1958 SCALE OF MILES I f PLATE 5 LEGEND V SAND DUNES ALLUVIUM UNCONSOLIDATED SILT S AND GRAVELS WT^l Jtr MARINE TERRACE DEPOSITS UNCONSOLIDATED AND POORLY CONSOLIDATED SANDS, GRAVELS. CLAYS AND SANDY CLAYS, UP TO FIVE TERRACE LEVELS; REDUCED TO SCATTERED REMNANTS BY EROSION ~Ti I FRANCISCAN - KNOXVILLE GROUP ( UNDif FERENTIATEO) Jl PREPONDERANTLY CONSOLIDATED ORAYWACKES WITH SHALES, SERPENTINE AND META VOLCANICS rJf'j CONTACT C DASHED WHERE APPROXIMATELY L0CATED3 ^^57 3*^ GROUND WATER BASIN NUMBER- NUMERICAL DESIGNATION OF GROUND WATER BASINS i%^ ■guMi 1-21 FORT BRAGG TERRACE 1-35 JUAN CREEK VALLEV 1-63 HOWARD CREEK VALLEY 1-64 Oe HAVEN CREEK VALLET I -65 WAGES CHEEK VALLEY 1-66 ABALOBADIAH CREEK VALLEY 1-67 SEASIDE CREEK VALLEY 1-66 TEN MILE RivER VALLEY 1-69 LITTLE VALLEY 1-70 PUDDING CREEK VALLEY 1-71 MILL CREEK VALLEY 1-72 NOYO VALLEY 1-73 HARE CREEK VALLEY 1-741 CASPER CREEK VALLEY 1-75 RUSSIAN GULCH VALLEY 1-78 BIG RIVER VALLEY i-77 LITTLE RlVEH VALLEY 1-78 ALBION RIVER VALLEY -79 SALMON CREEK VALLEY STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING RECOMMENDED WATER WELL CONSTRUCTION AND SEALING STANDARDS MENDOCINO COUNTY GEOLOGY OF GROUND WATER BASINS OF FORT BRAGG TERRACE AND CONTIGUOUS AREAS 1958 SCALE OF «IL£S I I 1 I I T 1 I PLATE 5 LEGEND -\- V Qd SAND DUNES ALLUVIUM UNCONSOLIOATEO SILTS ANO GRAVELS Ml Qti; MARINE TERRACE DEPOSITS UNCONSOLIDATED AND POOflLV CONSOLIDATED SANDS, GRAVELS. CLAYS AND SANDY CLAYS, UP TO FIVE TERRACE LEVELS; REDUCED TO SCATTERED REMNANTS BY EROSION, ~;Z I FRANCISCAN - RNOXVILLE GROUP C UNDitf EREntiatEO) JT PREPONDERANTLY CONSOLIDATED CRaYWACKES WITH SHALES, SERPENTINE AND META VOLCANICS J^/ i '■" CONTACT C DASHED WHERE APPROXIMATELY LOCATED) ^573^ GROUND WATER BASIN NUMBER NUMERICAL DESIGNATION OF GROUND WATER BASINS ^ ■%^ 1-21 FORT BRAGG TERRACE 1-35 JUAN CREEK VALLEV 1-63 HOWARD CREEK VALLEY 1-64 OE HAVEN CREEK VALLEY 1-65 WAGES CREEK VALLEY 1-66 ABALOBADlAH CREEK VALLEY 1-67 SEASIDE CREEK VALLEY 1-66 TEN MILE RIVER VALLEY 1-69 LITTLE VALLEY 1-70 PUDDING CREEK VALLEY 1-71 MILL CREEK VALLEY 1-72 NOYO VALLEY 1-73 HARE CREEK VALLEY 1-74 CASPER CREEK VALLEY 1-75 RUSSIAN GULCH VALLEY 1-76 BIG RIVER VALLEY 1-77 LITTLE RIVER VALLEY 1-78 ALBION RIVER VALLEY -79 SALMON CREEK VALLEY STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING RECOMMENDED WATER WELL CONSTRUCTION AND SEALING STANDARDS MENDOCINO COUNTY GEOLOGY OF GROUND WATER BASINS OF FORT BRAGG TERRACE AND CONTIGUOUS AREAS 1958 SCALE OF MILES I 2 1 I I T 1 1 ron SANo okJNes I MAB'NE TEPRACE DEPOSITS DO t «ND UC'k VDLCKM'Ct ApeaOIIUIkTILI' (.OCATtD <5> '"■""•" NUMEmCAL OESICNATlON Of C*»OUND WATEfl BASINS ■ V*LLtr l->l MILL £■(<» VAlLtl tttn WALLtl '-'* "OtO V»LLtt ■Itll VACLtT l-»» M»B( Cntt" »»>.LtI :cKVkLLcr i-M c*ip(« enccH viLLtT AH cnctn vallCt <-M auSSiAN OULCH vAllCt i.irTLt aivta vallCt KA»'Ot CH((H VAkLCf STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING RECOMMENDED WATER WELL CONSTRUCTION AND SEALING STANDARDS MENDOCINO COUNTY GEOLOGY OF GROUND WATER BASINS OF FORT BRAGG TERRACE AND CONTIGUOUS AREAS 1958 LEGEND PLATE 6 ALLUVIUM UNCONSOLIDATED SILTS, GRAVELS. CLAYS AND SANDS. MARINE TERRACE DEPOSITS UNCONSOLIDATED AND POORLY CONSOLIDATED SANDS, GRAVELS, CLAYS AND SANDY CLAYS. UP TO FIVE TERRACE LEVELS; REDUCED TO SCATTERED REMNANTS BY EROSION- POINT ARENA BEDS. GALLAWAY BEDS, AND SKOONER GULCH BASALT. (OF MIOCENE AND PRE-MIOCENE AGE, UNDIFFERENTIATED) MODERATELY CONSOLIDATED FORAMINIFERAL . 0IATOWACEOU5, CHEHTY AND CLAY SHALES WITH MASSIVE AND LAMINATED SANDSTONES. BASALT FLOWS AND INTERCALATED TUFFaCEOUS SANDSTONE UNDERLIE THE TERTIARY SEDIMENTS. GUALALA SERIES CONSOLIDATED SANDSTONES, SHALES AND CONGLOMERATES FRANCISCAN -KNOXVILLE GROUP (undifferentiated.) PREPONDERANTLY CONSOLIDATED GRAYWACKES WITH SHALES, SERPENTINE. AND META- V0LCANIC5. o> CONTACT (DASHED WHERE APPROXIMATELY LOCATED) GROUND WATER BASIN NUMBER NUMERICAL DESIGNATION OF GROUND WATER BASINS ^ 1-20 POINT ARENA TERRACE I -80 NAVARRO RIVER VALLEY 1-61 GREENWOOD CREEK VALLEY 1-82 CLIFF VALLEY 1-83 ALOER CREEK VALLEY 1-64 STARAMELLA RANCH VALLEY 1-85 BRUSH CREEK VALLEY 1-86 GARCIA RIVER VALLEY 1-87 POINT ARENA CREEK VALLEY 1-86 MATE CREEK VALLEY 1-89 ROSS CREEK VALLEY 1-90 GALLOWAY CREEK VALLEY 1-91 SCHOONER GULCH VALLEY 1-92 GUALALA RIVER VALLEY STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING RECOMMENDED WATER WELL CONSTRUCTION AND SEALING STANDARDS MENDOCINO COUNTY GEOLOGY OF GROUND WATER BASINS OF POINT ARENA TERRACE AND CONTIGUOUS AREAS 1958 SCALE Of MILES roFi SAND OUNES ) INTtnCALAieO Turf*c iLALA SERteS nn H>OIIUATtLr LOCHTCD) NUMERICAL DESIGNATION OF GROUND WATER BASINS 10 »onT anCNii TCnuMC !-•• e*nci* bivch vai.i,ET M MVABRO aiVCn VALLIT >-»I POIHT »MN* CRECH VALLO C"t£NWOOO CBtS" VittC >• »• M»T£ C"E£" ViLLtV ALDEB CBEEK VALI.E' < ■ *0 CALL0WA1 CBEEn VAt.l.E< STABAUELLl BANCH VAL1.EV l-SI SCHOONER CuLCH VILIC JSH CREEn VALLCI STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING RECOMMENDED WATER WELL CONSTRUCTION AND SEALING STANDARDS MENDOCINO COUNTY GEOLOGY OF GROUND WATER BASINS OF POINT ARENA TERRACE AND CONTIGUOUS AREAS 195B 3LUE ROCK CREEK AREA PLATE 7-1 R 15 W SCALE OF MILES AREAS M, LEGEND ALLUVIUM (INCLUDING RIVER CHANNEL DEPOSITS) UNCONSOLIDATED SILTS, GRAVELS, CLAYS AND SANDS. TERRACE DEPOSITS UNCONSOLIDATED GRAVELS, SANDS, SILTS AND CLAYS Jf FRANCISCAN-KNOXVILLE GROUP (UNDIFFERENTIATED.! PREPONOERANTLV CONSOLIDATED GRAVWACKEIS AND SMAlES WITH SERPENTINE AND META - VOLCANICS MAY INCLUDE SOME CRETACEOUS SEDIMENTS. --' ALLUVIAL CONTACT Dl LOCATION OF WATER WELL O LOG AVAILABLE Jf WELL CONSTRUCTION SURVEY gr WELL CONSTRUCTION SURVEY AND BAC TE Rl A L A NAL Y SI S ^ COMPLETE MINERAL ANALYSIS OF GROUND WATER ® COMPLETE MINERAL ANALYSIS OF SURFACE WATER ^ DIRECTION OF STREAM FLOW GROUND WATER BASIN NUMBER NUMERICAL DESIGNATION OF GROUND WATER BASINS -22 MATTOLE RIVER VALLEY |-27 BLUE ROCK CREEK VALLEY -23 INDIAN CREEK VALLEY 1-28 WILLIAMS VALLEY -24 SOUTH FORK EEL RIVER 1-29 POOR MANS VALLEY -25 SUMMIT VALLEY 1-30 JACKASS CREEK VAlLEY -26 MULLS VALLEY i-3i USAL CREEK VALLEY STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING RECOMMENDED WATER WELL CONSTRUCTION AND SEALING STANDARDS MENDOCINO COUNTY GEOLOGY OF GROUND WATER BASINS AND LOCATION OF WELLS AND SAMPLING POINTS IN THE MINOR VALLEYS 1958 SHEET 1 OF 4 SHEETS SCALE OF MILES lUNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED) csa rm - EHBACe DEPOSITS »»NCI5CAN-KN0»VILLe CnOUP "l Jf ) I r 1 " ! EDEN VALLEY AREA N 1 1__ 1 M 91 tl a kjf' " 1/ -,^ / ^■LiSRANSCOMB M It T^^^tM^ f'- .__L J,- 1 Wv %, 1 36 ^3, [jD '":.; rm - WitM StlPeNriNt iHOMEI»-l NUMERICAL DES(CN«TtON Of Cf»OUNO WATEf B*5iN5 ELK CREEK AREA RYAN CREEK AND WHEELBARROW CREEK AREAS BRAN5C0WB AREA HEARST AREA STATE OF CALIFOBNfA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING RECOMMENDED WATER WELL CONSTRUCTION AND SEALING STANDARDS MENDOCINO COUNTY GEOLOGY OF GROUND WATER BASINS AND LOCATION OF WELLS AND SAMPLING POINTS IN THE MINOR VALLEYS 1958 SHEET 2 OF 4 SHEETS PLATE 7-3 Qal Qf LEGEND ALLUVIUM (INCLUDING RIVER CHANNEL DEPOSITS ) UNCONSOLIDATED SILTS, GRAVELS, CLAYS AND SANDS. TERRACt DEPOSITS UNCONSOLIDATED GRAVELS, SANDS, SILTS AND CLAYS. jf FRANCISCAN-KNOXVILLE GROUP (UNDIFFERENTUTEO,) PREPONDERANTLV CONSOLIDATED GRAYWACKES AND SHALES WITH SERPENTINE AND META - V0LCANIC5 MAY INCLUDE SOME CRETACEOUS SEDIMENTS. ""^ ALLUVIAL CONTACT Dl 9 LOCATION OF WATER WELL Q LOG AVAILABLE 0^ WELL CONSTRUCTION SURVEY ^f WELL CONSTRUCTION SURVEY AND BACTERIAL ANALYSIS ^ COMPLETE MINERAL ANALYSIS OF GROUND WATER ® COMPLETE MINERAL ANALYSIS OF SURFACE WATER j->~ DIRECTION OF STREAM FLOW GROUND WATER BASIN NUMBER NUMERICAL DESIGNATION OF GROUND WATER BASINS 1-42 SHERWOOD VALLEY 1-43 CURLEY COW CREEK VALLEY 1-44 ROWES CREEK VALLEY 1-45 OUTLET CREEK VALLEY 1-46 SCOTT CREEK VALLEY 1-47 TOMKI CREEK VALLEY 1-52 NORTH FORK BIG RIVER VALLEY -48 VAN /IRSDALE VALLEY -49 FORSYTHE CREEK VALLEY -50 NOYO RIVER VALLEY -50 1 CAMP MARWEDEL VALLEY -50.2 NORTH FORK NOYO RIVER VALLEY -51 PARLIN CREEK VALLEY RSDALE AREA STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING RECOMMENDED WATER AND SEALING MENDOCINO WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS COUNTY FORK AREA GEOLOGY OF GROUND WATER BASINS AND LOCATION OF WELLS AND SAMPLING POINTS IN THE MINOR VALLEYS 1958 SHEET 3 OF 4 SHEETS SCALE OF MILES PLATE 7-3 Qf LEGEND ALLUVIUM (INCLUDING RIVER CHANNEL DEPOSITS ) UNCONSOLIDATED SILTS, GRAVELS, CLAYS AND SANDS. TERRACE DEPOSITS UNCONSOLIDATED GRAVELS, SANDS, SILTS AND CLAYS. Jf FRANCISCAN-KNOXVILLE GROUP (undifTERENtiatED.) PREPONDERANTLY CONSOLIDATED GRAYWACKES AND SHALES WITH SERPENTINE AND META - VOLCANICS MAY INCLUDE SOME CRETACEOUS SEDIMENTS. -"^ ALLUVIAL CONTACT 01 LOCATION OF WATER WELL Q LOG AVAILABLE 0^ WELL CONSTRUCTION SURVEY 0^ WELL CONSTRUCTION SURVEY AND BACTERIAL ANALYSIS ^ COMPLETE MINERAL ANALYSIS OF GROUND WATER COMPLETE MINERAL ANALYSIS OF SURFACE WATER j^ DIRECTION OF STREAM FLOW ■^57""^^ GROUND WATER BASIN NUMBER NUMERICAL DESIGNATION OF GROUND WATER BASINS 1-42 SHERWOOD VALLEY 1-43 CURLEY COW CREEK VALLEY 1-44 ROWES CREEK VALLEY 1-45 OUTLET CREEK VALLEY 1-46 SCOTT CREEK VALLEY 1-47 TOMKI CREEK VALLEY 1-48 VAN ARSDALE VALLEY 1-49 FORSYTHE CREEK VALLEY i-bO NOYO RIVER VALLEY 1-50 1 CAMP MARWEOEL VALLEY 1-50,2 NORTH FORK NOYO RIVER VALLEY 1-51 PARLIN CREEK VALLEY -52 NORTH FORK BIG RIVER VALLEY RSDALE AREA FORK AREA state: of CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING RECOMMENDED WATER WELL CONSTRUCTION AND SEALING STANDARDS MENDOCINO COUNTY GEOLOGY OF GROUND WATER BASINS AND LOCATION OF WELLS AND SAMPLING POINTS IN THE MINOR VALLEYS 1958 SHEET 3 OF 4 SHEETS SCALE OF MILES DUNLAP AREA PARLIN FORK AREA STATE OF CAUFOfiNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING RECOMMENDED WATER WELL CONSTRUCTION AND SEALING STANDARDS MENDOCINO COUNTY GEOLOGY OF GROUND WATER BASINS AND LOCATION OF WELLS AND SAMPLING POINTS THE MINOR VALLEYS 1958 SHEET 3 OF 4 SHEETS PLATE 7-4 a. < ^ a < LEGEND ALLUVIUM (INCLUDING RIVER CHANNEL DEPOSITS) UNCONSOLIDATED SILTS, GRAVElS, CLAYS AND SANDS, ~i7 I FRANCISCAN- KNOXViLLE GROUP (UNDiFrERENTlATED.) ^' I PREPONOERANTUi' CONSOLiOATEO GRArwACKES AND SHALES WtTH SERPENTINE AND META - VOLCANICS MAY INCLUDE SOME CRETACEOUS SEDIMENTS. ^"^ ALLUVIAL CONTACT Df 9 LOCATION OF WATER WELL Q LOG AVAILABLE 9 WELL CONSTRUCTION SURVEY 9 WELL CONSTRUCTION SURVEY AND BACTERIAL ANALYSIS ^ COMPLETE MINERAL ANALYSIS OF GROUND WATER © COMPLETE MINERAL ANALYSIS OF SURFACE WATER V~ DIRECTION OF STREAM FLOW GROUND WATER BASIN NUMBER NUMERICAL DESIGNATION OF GROUND WATER BASINS (-53 NORTH FORK ALBION RIVER VALLEY 1-572 HULBERT RANCH VALLEY I-S4 COMPTCHE VALLEY 1-55 COLD CREEK VALLEY 1-56 ORNBAUN VALLEY 1-57 RANCHIRIA CREEK VALLEY 1-571 HIBBERD RANCH VALLEY DRY CREEK VALLEY THE OAKS VALLEY EDWARDS CREEK VALLEY HIGH VALLEY PIETA CREEK VALLEY 1-62 TYLER CREEK VALLEY STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING RECOMMENDED WATER WELL CONSTRUCTION AND SEALING STANDARDS MENDOCINO COUNTY GEOLOGY OF GROUND WATER BASINS AND J LOCATION OF WELLS AND SAMPLING POINTS IN THE MINOR VALLEYS 1958 SHEET 4 OF 4 SHEETS PLATE 7-4 rggn LEGEND ALLUVIUM (INCLUDING BIVER CHANNEL DEPOSITS) UNCONSOLIDATED SILTS, GRAVELS, CLAYS AND SANDS. Jf 1 FRANCISCAN- KNOXVILLE GROUP (uNOiFrERENTlATEO.) PREPONOEflANTLr CONSOLIDATED GRA/WACKES AND SHALES WITH SERPENTINE AND META - VOLCANICS MAY INCLUDE SOME CRETACEOUS SEDIMENTS. ■^ ALLUVIAL CONTACT Dl % LOCATION OF WATER WELL Q LOG AVAILABLE 0^ WELL CONSTRUCTION SURVEY # WELL CONSTRUCTION SURVET AND BACTERIAL ANALYSIS •^ COMPLETE MINERAL ANALYSIS OF GROUND WATER ® COMPLETE MINERAL ANALYSIS Of SURFACE WATER V~ DIRECTION OF STREAM FLOW 57 3";> GROUND WATER BASIN NUMBER NUMERICAL DESIGNATION OF GROUND WATER BASINS 1-53 NORTH FORK ALBION RIVER VALLEY 1-54 COMPTCHE VALLEY 1-55 COLD CREEK VALLEY 1-56 ORNBAUN VALLEY 1-57 RANCHERIA CREEK VALLEY 1-571 HIBBERD RANCH VALLEY 1-572 HULBERT RANCH VALLEY 1-58 DRY CREEK VALLEY 1-581 THE OAKS VALLEY 1-59 EDWARDS CREEK VALLEY 1-60 HIGH VALLEY 1-61 PIETA CREEK VALLEY -62 TYLER CREEK VALLEY STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING RECOMMENDED WATER AND SEALING MENDOCINO WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS COUNTY GEOLOGY OF GROUND WATER BASINS AND LOCATION OF WELLS AND SAMPLING POINTS IN THE MINOR VALLEYS 1958 SHEET 4 OF 4 SHEETS on' ILLE GOOUP luHDiri NUMERICAL DESIGNATION OF GROUND WATER BASINS STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION or RESOURCES PLANNING RECOMMENDED WATER WELL CONSTRUCTION AND SEALING STANDARDS MENDOCINO COUNTY GEOLOGY OF GROUND WATER BASINS AND LOCATION OF WELLS AND SAMPLING POINTS IN THE MINOR VALLEYS 1958 SHEET 4 OF 4 SHEETS PLATE 8 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES ^ // DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING RECOMMENDED WATER WELL CONSTRUCTION AND SEALING STANDARDS MENDOCINO COUNTY LOCATION OF WELLS AND SAMPLING POINTS IN ANDERSON. SANEL AND UKIAH VALLEYS 1958 SCALE OF MILES PLATE 8 5, ' 0) / / / / STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES ^ // DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING RECOMMENDED WATER WELL CONSTRUCTION AND SEALING STANDARDS MENDOCINO COUNTY LOCATION OF WELLS AND SAMPLING POINTS IN ANDERSON. SANEL AND UKIAH VALLEYS 1958 SCALE OF MILES I 2 <^/>M'- DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES fiECOMMENOED WATER WELL CONSTRUCTtON AND SEALING STANDARDS MENDOCINO COUNTY LOCATION OF WELLS AND SAMPLING POINTS ANDERSON SANEL AND UKIAH VALLEYS 1956 PLATE 9 AREA LEGEND LOCATION OF WATER WELL Q LOG AVAILABLE WELL CONSTRUCTION SURVEY 0^ WELL CONSTRUCTION SURVEY AND BACTERIAL ANALYSIS ^ COMPLETE MINERAL ANALYSIS OF GROUND WATER COMPLETE MINERAL ANALYSIS OF SURFACE WATER j^ DIRECTION OF STREAM FLOW AREAS REOUIBING SPECIAL WATER WELL CONSTRUCTION AND SEALING STANDARDS STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING RECOMMENDED WATER WELL CONSTRUCTION AND SEALING STANDARDS MENDOCINO COUNTY LOCATION OF WELLS AND SAMPLING POINTS / IN LAYTONVILLE, LITTLE LAKE, ROUND, AND POTTER VALLEYS 1958 SCALE OF MILES ° PLATE 9 AREA LEGEND 01 9 LOCATION OF WATER WELL Q LOG AVAILABLE WELL CONSTRUCTION SURVEY 0^ WELL CONSTRUCTION SURVEY AND BACTERIAL ANALYSIS ^ COMPLETE MINERAL ANALYSIS OF OROUND WATER COMPLETE MINERAL ANALYSIS OF SURFACE WATER J-*" DIRECTION OF STREAM FLOW AREAS REOUIBING SPECIAL WATER WELL CONSTRUCTION AND SEALING STANDARDS STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING RECOMMENDED WATER WELL CONSTRUCTION AND SEALING STANDARDS MENDOCINO COUNTY LOCATION OF WELLS AND SAMPLING POINTS IN LAYTONVILLE, LITTLE LAKE, ROUND, AND POTTER VALLEYS 1958 SCALE OF U>LC5 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING RECOMMENDED WATER WELL CONSTRUCTION AND SEALING STANDARDS MENDOCINO COUNTY LOCATION OF WELLS AND SAMPLING POINTS IN LAYTONVILLE. LITTLE LAKE. ROUND, AND POTTER VALLEYS 1958 POTTER VALLEY AREA PLATE 10 LEGEND LOCATION OF WATER WELL Q LOG AVAILABLE 0^ WELL CONSTRUCTION SURVEY 0^ WELL CONSTRUCTION SURVEY AND eACTERIAL ANALYSIS ^ COMPLETE MINERAL ANALYSIS OF GROUND WATER COMPLETE MINERAL ANALYSIS OF SURFACE WATER DIRECTION OF STREAM FLOW STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING RECOMMENDED WATER WELL CONSTRUCTION AND SEALING STANDARDS MENDOCINO COUNTY LOCATION OF WELLS AND SAMPLING POINTS IN FORT BRAGG TERRACE AND CONTIGUOUS AREAS 1958 SCALt OF MILES I 1 PLATE 10 LOCATION OF WATER WELL Q LOG AVAILABLE WELL CONSTHUCTION SURVEY 0^ WELL CONSTRUCTION $URVET AND BACTERIAL ANALYSIS ^ COMPLETE MINERAL ANALYSIS OF CHOUNO WATER COMPLETE MINERAL ANALYSIS OF SURFACE WATER j^ DIRECTION OF STREAM FLOW STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING RECOMMENDED WATER WELL CONSTRUCTION AND SEALING STANDARDS MENDOCINO COUNTY LOCATION OF WELLS AND SAMPLING POINTS IN FORT BRAGG TERRACE AND CONTIGUOUS AREAS 1958 SCALE or MILES _i ID BACTERIAL ANALYSIS ' CROUNP WATCn Of w»icn WELL 9 vrCLL CONSTRUCTION SUHVC ^r WELL CONSTRUCTION SURVI ^ COUPLETE MINERAL ANALTl COMPLETE MINERAL ANALTSIS OF SURFACE WATEI y' DIRECTION OF STREAM FLOW STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING RECOMMENDED WATER WELL CONSTRUCTION AND SEALING STANDARDS MENDOCINO COUNTY LOCATION OF WELLS AND SAMPLING POINTS FORT BRAGG TERRACE AND CONTIGUOUS AREAS 1958 PLATE n LOCATION OF WATER WELL Q LOG AVAILABLE ^ WELL CONSTRUCTION SURVEY 0^ WELL CONSTRUCTION SURVEY AND BACTERIAL ANALYSIS ^ COMPLETE MINERAL ANALYSfS OF GROUND WATER COMPLETE MINERAL ANALYSIS OF SURFACE WATER DIRECTION OF STREAM FLOW STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING RECOMMENDED WATER WELL CONSTRUCTION AND SEALING STANDARDS MENDOCINO COUNTY LOCATION OF WELLS AND SAMPLING POINTS IN POINT ARENA TERRACE AND CONTIGUOUS AREAS 1958 SOLE OF WILES 1 i / V --1 •V ■■■■.. 1 u /7 -.:< RECOMMENDED WATER WELL CONSTRUCTION AND SEALING STANDARDS MENDOCINO COUNTY LOCATION OF WELLS AND SAMPLING POINTS POINT ARENA TERRACE AND CONTIGUOUS AREAS 1956 THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW RENEWED BOOKS ARE SUBJECT TO IMMEDIATE RECALL 1 JliN'66 JUN 5 1974 SEP 4 RECT) ^i^f" 5 REC'D LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS Book SIip-20m-8,'61 (0162384)458 ;^Ser resources. o.,TTp.tin. PHYSICAL SCIENCES LIBRARY of 240488 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAUIS 3 1175 02037 6516