0™ M: r?h ^^ ' 'ill '*> ■; I NIFORM CLASSIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS FOR CLASS B CARRIERS BY WATER 22792 PRESCRIBED BY THE RAILROAD COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1923 CALIFORNIA STATK PBINTINil ni i SACBAJkLENTO. 1922 / iv |.l.- A> W/; r^^r[> \c-5 " Uniform Classification of Accounts FOR CLASS B CARRIERS BY WATER PRESCRIBED UY THE RAILROAD COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1,^1923 CALIFORNIA STATE PRINTING OFFICE SACRAMENTO, 1922 22792 741119 RAILROAD COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA Haeley W. Brundige, President Commissioner Ibving Maktin Commissioner Chester H. Rowell Cx)mmissioner H. Stanley Benedict Commissioner rzC\ cw J UNIFORM CLASSIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS FOR CLASS B CARRIERS BY WATER. Tlio Commission by Decision No. lllMiO. dated Xoveiiiher 'l'-\. V-Vl'l. in Case No. 1760, ordered ;nid directed thai all carriers \)\ water whose annual operating revenues art' ii^aOO.OOO, or less, and who are subject to the jurisdiction of the Railroad Connnission and not to the jurisdiction ^ of the Interstate Connnerce Commission, nuist, on and after Jannai-y 1, \ 1923, keep their accounts and records in accorthuice witli the unifoi-m \^ classification of accounts contained herein. A copy of the Commis- sion's decision is attached hereto as Appendix "A." In prescribing- the system of accounts, the Commission does not biiul ^ itself to approve anv item set out in anv account, either as to amount r< or character, for rate-fixing purposes or when authorizing the issue of securities. The prescribed system of accounts is designed to set out the facts in connection wdth the income, expenditures, etc., and there- ^ from the Commission will determine, when engaged in fixing rates or O authorizing the issue of securities, just what consi(h'ration shall be given ^ to the various items in the several accounts. Very truly yours, RAILROAD C0I\OnSSI()X OF THE STATE OF CALIFORxNIA, By H. G. Mathewson, Secretary. Dated : December -i. 1922. Flood Building, San Francisco^ California. GENERAL DEFINITIONS, INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION. 1. Definition of "Carriers by Water." The term ''Carriers bif Wdtrr," as used in this chissificatioii, nicaiis every corporation, company, assocmtion, joint stock association, firm, copartnership or individual; also every licensee, trustee or receiver appointed by any court whatsoever; owning, controlling; or managing any vessels, tugboats, lighters, barges or other floating eciuipmeiit used in the transportation of persons or property as a common I'an-iei- foi- com- pensation, and subject to the jurisdiction of the Railroad ('oiniiiissioii. For the purpose of this system of accounts i;irrici-s by watci- ai-e divided into two classes : Class A: Includes all carriers having annual operating revenues of more than $500,000 and subject to the jurisdiction of the Railroad Commission ; also all carriers subject to the jurisdiction of the Interstate Commerce Commis- sion. Class B : Includes all carriers whose annual operating revenues are $500,000 or less, and subject to the jurisdiction of the Railroad Commission. The system of accounts contained herein applies to Class "B" car- riers. Class "A" carriers must keep their records and accounts in accordance with the system of accounts prescribed by the Interstate Commerce Commission and adopted l)y this Commission. 2. Manner in which records must be kept. The records of carriers by water shall be kept with sufficient particu- larity to show fully the facts pertaining to all entries made in the accounts provided herein. Where the full information is not recorded on the general books, the entries therein shall be supported by other records in which the full detail shall be shown. The general book entries shall contain sufficient reference to the daily records to permit ready identification and the daily records shall be filed in such manner as to be readily accessible for examination by repre- sentatives of the Railroad Commission. 3. Classification of accounts. The system prescribed herein for Class B carriei's contains the general classification of accounts : a. Balance sheet accounts. b. Property and equipment accounts. c. Income and profit and loss accounts. d. Operating revenue accounts. e. Operating expense accounts. 6 UNIFORM CLASSIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS. 4. Balance sheet. The balance sheet is a statement of the assets, liabilities and surplus or deficit of a business at a given time. It contains a statement of the ledger balances after the accounts covering the revenues, expenses and other income and deduction items have been closed into surplus. 5. Property and equipment accounts. The property and equipment accounts, sometimes termed the "Fixed Capital Accounts" are the accounts in which are shown the cost or amounts expended on the different elements or units making up tlie property used in the operations of the carrier's business. The expenditures on property and equipment shall be distributed to the thirteen primary property and equipment accounts (see pages 20- 22), in accordance with the text of such accounts. 5. Income accounts. The income accounts show the amounts of money that the carrier has received or becomes entitled to receive for services rendered during a given period, the return accruing during the period upon investments and the disbursements and obligations incurred and which affect the disposition of the amounts received or which the carrier is entitled to receive. The carrier's records shall be kept on an accrual basis. The balances in the various income accounts shall be drawn together annually in a ledger account or in a statement form which will give the net income (or net loss) for the year. This balance shall then be trans- ferred to the account "Surplus," showing the accumulated undivided profits (or deficits) of the carrier. The income accounts provided for in this classification appear on pages 24-25. 7. Operating revenues. By operating revenues are meant all moneys which the carrier receives or becomes entitled to receive for services rendered. Credits to the revenue accounts shall be based upon the gross charges made for the service rendered. The totals of the operating accounts shall be trans- ferred annually to the appropriate income accounts. The operating revenue accounts provided for in this classification appear on pages 27-28. 8. Operating expenses. By operating expenses are meant the expenses of maintaining the property devoted to the carrier's operations, the expenses of conducting the carrier's operations and the services incident thereto, depreciation, expenses of collecting revenues and of accounting and the general supervisional expenses in connection therewith. The totals of the CAKKIIORS BV WATI:K. / operatinjjf expense accounts as provided herein sliall lie transferred annually to income account 340. The operating expense accounts provided in this classification appear on pages 30-32. 9. Cost of property and equipment. The term '"Cost," as used herein, means the actual cost in money of property or equipment purchased, or constructed ; if the consideration given is other than money, such consideration shall be reduced lo actual money value as of the date of purchase. The cost of labor includes not only wages, salai'ies and fees to employees, but also personal expenses of such employees when borne by the carrier. The cost of materials and supplies used in construction is their cost at the place where they enter into construction, and includes the cost of transportation and inspection. 10. Property and equipment in service prior to January 1, 1923. The original cost or ledger value of property and equipment in service on December 31, 1922, shall be transferred to account 212 ''Property and equipment in service prior to January 1, 1923," and carried therein pending its segregation in accordance with the text of property and equipment accounts 200 to 211, both inclusive. "When such segregation is completed, account 212 shall be cleared by transfers to the appropri- ate property and equipment accounts. In cases where it is not possible from records previously maintained, to ascertain the original cost of the different units, the original cost may be estimated and the amounts so ascertained distributed to the appro- priate property and equipment accounts as herein provided. If the estimated cost is less than the amount at which rsuch property is carried in account 212, the difference shall be charged to account 200, "Intang- ible capital." If the estimated cost is in excess of the amount at which the property is carried in account 212, such estimated cost must be approved b}' the Railroad Commission before the entries can be placed on the books. 11. New construction. When any new property or equipment is constructed or otherwise acquired, the cost thereof shall be charged to the appropriate property and equipment accounts 200 to 211 in accordance with the text of the accounts. 12. Reconstruction. Reconstruction (or exti-aordinary repairs) includes tlie following: (a) Restoring to an efficient service condition any floating c(iuii)inent, buildings, structures or other units of property which have deteriorated. 8 UNIFORM CLASSIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS. (h) Substitutint;', or replaeinji', new parts for old parts of equipment or structures, in order to maintain normal and efficient service. (c) Restoring the condition of propert}' and equipment damaged by storm, flood, fire or other casualty. (d) Recovering salvage and removing retired or abandoned property in connection with above mentioned work. Reconstruction should be taken into consideration in arriving at a rate of depreciation as explained in Section 16. Care should be taken to see that ordinary current repairs, as defined in Section 14, are not handled as reconstruction. When property and equipment is reconstructed and the property as reconstructed is of no greater use or capacity than was the original property, the cost of reconstruction shall be treated as follows : Debit. — To Account 158 "Reserve for accrued depreciation" the amount carried therein relative to such property. To Account 106 "Materials and supplies," the salvage value of materials recovered from original property. To accounts for operating expenses (600 or 610) the remainder of the cost of reconstruction. Credit. — To Account 103 ' ' Cash " or to other appropriate accounts the cost of reconstruction. If the property as reconstructed is more useful or of greater capacity than was the original property, the cost of reconstruction shall be treated as follows : Debit. — To accounts for property and equipment (200 to 211) the excess cost of the property as reconstructed over the cost or ledger value of the original property. To Account 158 "Reserve for accrued depreciation" the amount carried therein relative to the property reconstructed. To Account 106 "Materials and supplies" the salvage value of the material recovered from the original property. To operating expense accounts (600 or 610) the remainder of the cost of reconstruction. Credit. — To Account 103 "Cash" or other appropriate accounts the cost of reconstruction. CAHKMKKS HV WATKR. 9 When it is necossary to sul)st;mlially reconstruct nr to rc|)la('(' a luajoi" portion of any unit ol" pruixTty oi- any import mt section of a contin- uous structure, the cost shall he handled thro\i — Accounts Receivable 13 106 — Materials and Supplies 14 107 — Special Funds — 14 lOS — Prepayments 14 109 — Treasury Securities 14 110 — Discount on Capital Stock 14 111 — Discount and Expense on Long Term Debt 15 112— Other Debit Accounts 16 Liability Side. 150— Capital Stock 16 151 — Premium on Capital Stock 16 152 — Assessment on Capital Stock : 16 1.53 — Proprietor's Account 17 154 — Loiig Term Debt 17 155 — Notes Payable 17 1.56 — Accounts Payable 17 157 — Accrued Liabilities Not Due 17 158 — Reserve for Accrued Depreciation 17 1.50 — Other Credit Accounts IS 160— Surplus (or Deficit"! 18 CARRIERS BY WATER. 13 TEXT OF BALANCE SHEET ACCOUNTS FOR CLASS B CARRIERS. asset side. 100. Property and Equipment. This account shall include the balances represetitin<>' the l)0()k value or cost of all property and eciuipment devoted to the service of transporta- tion by water at the date of the balance sheet. Note. — Separate ledger accounts shall be kept for eacli primary property and equip- ment accounts Nos. 200 to 212, if such accounts are applicable, and the total of the balances of such accounts should be carried to account No. 100 when the balance sheet is prepared. 101. Other Property. This account shall include the cost of physical property such as lands, buildings, etc., not used by the carrier in its transportation business. 102. Securities of Other Carriers. This account shall include the cost or ledger value of stocks, bonds, mortgages and other evidences of indebtedness owned by the carrier. (Do not include in this account unissued or treasury stock, bonds, or other evidences of indebtedness.) 103. Cash. This account shall include the amount of cash and other current funds in the hands of financial officers and agents, or on deposit in bank or with trust companies available for use on demand. This account shall also include cash deposited for payment of dividends or interest and for other specific purposes. 104. Notes Receivable. This account shall include the ledger value of all collectible obliga- tions in the form of notes receivable or other similar evidences of money receivable. 105. Accounts Receivable. This account shall include amounts owing to the carrier ])y corpora- tions, firms or individuals for services rendered and for whicli amounts no notes have been given; net ])alance due from agents and other em- ployees charged with tlie collection or custody- of current revenues ; amo.unts advanced to employees i'or working funds ; dividends and inter- est due and collectible on securities, mortgages, account.s, deposits; and other items of a similar nature. 14 uniform classificatiox of accounts. 106. ^Materials and Supplies. This accoimt shall include the balauces representing the cost of materials and supplies on hand arrived at as follows : Charge to this account the cost of materials and supplies purchased including transportation and other charges. Charge also to this account at salvage value any material recovered from plant retired and taken into store for future use or sale. Materials and supplies taken out of store for use or sale shall be credited to this account at the value at "uhich such materials and supplies are included in this account. XOTE. — ^When materials and supplies are purchased for immediate use, they need not be carried to this account, but may be charged directly to plant and equipment, operating expenses, or other accounts affected. 107. Speclvu Funds. This account shall include the cost or ledger value of securities or other assets which have been set apart and are held in depreciation, sinking, insurance or other funds. 108. Prepatmexts. This account shall include the amount of rents, taxes, licenses, insur- ance and other like expenses paid in advance to the period to which they apply. As the period covered by such prepayment expires, this account should be credited and the proper operating expense or other accounts charged with the amount applicable to the period. 1('9. Treasit^y Securities. This account shall include the par value of .stock and long term debt ^\•hich have been nominally but not actually issued by the carrier. Separate accounts shall be maintained for each class of stock, such as common and prefen-ed, and for each class of long term debt. This account shall also include uncanceled long term debt reacquired by the carrier. XoTE. — Capital stock is considered nominally issued when certificates are signed and sealed and placed with the proper officers for sale and delivery, or otherwise held within the control of the carrier. It is considered actually issued when it has been sold to a bona fide purchaser for a valuable consideration and such purchaser holds it free from all control of the carrier. Long term debt is considered to be nominally issued when certified by the trustee and placed with the proper officer for sale and delivery, or otherwise held within the control of the carrier. It is considered to be actually issued when it has been sold to a bona fide purchaser for a valuable consideration and such purchaser holds it fret from all control of the carrier. 110. Discount On Capit^vl Stock. This account shall include the discount ou capital stock i.ssued or assumed by the carrier. By the term "Discount" is meant the excess 01 the par value of stock actually issued or assumed over the cash value of the consideration received for such stock. Separate accounts shall be maintained for the discount on each class of stock, such as common CARRIERS BY WATER. 15 ses which are not chargeable to operating expenses or to the preceding income debit accounts, such for example, as {a) Rents paid other than those provided for elsewhere; (&) Operating expenses relating to a previous fiscal period; (c) Losses arising from the sale of land or other assets; {d) Donations to charitable institutions and organizations for promoting social welfare; (e) Amortization of debt discount and expense. The above examples are not to be considered as comprising all the items chargeable to this account, but are given merely as representative illustrations. Note. — The records shall be so kept that a statement can be prepared showing the debits from each source. OPERATING REVENUE ACCOUNTS. A. Revenue from Transportation. Page 500— Freight Revenue 1!7 510 — Passenger Revenue : 27 520 — Other Transportation Revenue 0.1 B. Revenue from Operations Other Than Transportation. 530 — Revenue Involving Rent, Maintenance and Operation of Vessels 28 540 — Rents of Buildings and Other Property 28 550— Miscellaneous 28 CAKiUKHS BY WATKK. 27 TEXT OF OPERATING REVENUE ACCOUNTS FOR CLASS "B" CARRIERS. a. revenue from transportation. 500. Freight Revenue. This account slionld iiicliulc nnioinils earned by a carrier for the transportation of freight. This aecoimt should be credited with a carrier's proportion of revenue from the transportation of freight, including the proportion accruing from arbitraries allowed in rates for cargo insurance; also overcollections made in excess of correct rates, such overcoUeetions to be held subject to claim. This account should be charged with refunds of overcharges resulting from the use of erroneous rates, calculations, weights or classifications ; autliorized allowances and arbitraries; amounts paid for completing hauls or effecting deliveries when the cost of such service is included in the rates charged by the carrier; amounts imcollected or refunded on freight destroyed in transit and on short and lost freight ; also uncol- lectible undercharges determined after delivery has been made. Note. — If a carrier maintains a tran.sfer or a lighterrse service, tlie expenses of wiiicli are included in operating expenses under Account 640, "Operation of Vessels," the revenues derived from this service should be credited to Account 1520 "Other Transportation Revenue." If the service is performed by an outside party, its cost to the carrier should be charged to Account 520. 510. Passenger Revenue. This account should include amounts earned by a carrier for the transportation of passengers. This account should be credited with a carrier's proportion of revenue from the sale of tickets and from the collection of casli fares, including charges for sleeping accommodations and meals; also overcollections made in excess of correct rates, such overcollections to be held subject to claim. This account should be charged with amounts paid for I'efund of fares and for redemption of tickets ; also amounts paid for transferring passengers and baggage between terminals except in cases in which the transfer of both passengers and baggage is provided for in the division of through rates. 520. Other Transportation Revenue. This account should be credited with amounts charged by a carrier for excess baggage, packages, articles, dogs, express matter, mails and use of mail facilities, sale of refreshments, cigars and newsstand supplies, and all other items incidental to the transportation of passengers. This account should also include earnings from lighterage, towage and like service; from running vessels on excursions or special trips 28 UNIFORM CLASSIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS. when specific charges, not based on the number of passengers carried, are made for transportation between designated points. This account should be charged with refunds of amounts previously credited to it. b. revenue from operations other than transportation. 530. Revenue Involving Rent, Maintenance and Operation of Vessels. This account should include amounts earned by a carrier for the lease, hire or rent of vessels or other floating equipment when, under the conditions of the charter or lease, the payments are for the rent, maintenance and operation of the equipment. 540. Rents of Buildings and Other Property. This account should include a carrier's revenue from rents of land, buildings and property other than that covered by account 530 used in connection with its operations when the cost of operating and maintain- ing the portion rented can not be separate from the cost of operating and maintaining the portion used by the carrier. 550. Miscellaneous. This account should include a carrier's revenue from operations not otherwise provided for, such as amounts received for wharf and vessel privileges; parcel room receipts; storage receipts; wharfage, demurrage and other items of like nature. This account should be charged with refunds of amounts previously credited to it. OPERATING EXPENSE ACCOUNTS. Page 600— Repairs of Equipment 30 610 — Repaii's of Terminals 30 620 — Depreciation of Property and Equipment 30 630— Traffic Expenses 30 640 — ^Transportation — Operation of Vessels 31 650 — Transportation — Operation of Tei'minals 31 660 — Transportation — Incidental Expenses 31 670 — General Expenses 31 6S0 — Charter or Lease Expenses 32 30 UNIFORM CLASSIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS. TEXT OF OPERATING EXPENSE ACCOUNTS FOR CLASS B CARRIERS. 000. Repairs of Equipment. This account shall include the pay of officers and clerks, office and other expenses of those in charge or engaged in the maintenance of equipment; the cost of all material and labor expended in repairs and upkeep of vessels, barges, tugs, lighters, miscellaneous floating equip- ment, shop supplies, injuries to persons engaged in maintenance of equipment (less any amounts recovered through accident insurance). 610. Repairs of Terminals. This account shall include the pay of officers and clerKs, officers and other expenses of those in charge of or engaged in the maintenance of terminals; all expenses incident to the repairs and upkeep of docks, wharves, buildings and fixtures used in the operations of a carrier; the cost of maintaining grounds and approaches connected therewith ; injuries to persons engaged on maintenance of terminals (less any amounts recovered through accident insurance). 620. Depreciation of Property and Equipment. There should be charged to this account and included in the cost of operations a monthly or annual charge for depreciation on vessels, tugs, lighters, other miscellaneous floating equipment and terminal jn-operty. This charge should be computed at a certain rate per cent on the original cost (estimated if not known) record value or purchase price of such equipment, to provide a reserve which will represent its expired value or depreciation. The charges made should equal the amounts estimated to be necessary to cover obsolescence and inade- quacy ; such wear and tear as have accrued and are not provided for by current repairs ; and also to cover the cost of property destroyed by such casualties as are not provided for by insurance. When the amounts are charged to Account 620 they should be concurrently credited to Account 158 "Reserve for Accrued Deprecia- tion." 630. Traffic Expenses. This account shall include the pay of officers and clerks, office and other expenses of those engaged in securing and directing traffic, the preparation and distribution of tariffs, classifications and rate sheets, etc. ; the cost of outside agencies, solicitors, advertising and other expenses for attracting traffic. carriers bv water. 31 640. Tkansi'ohtatiox — Oi'ekatiox ok Vesse:i.s. This account shall iiii'ludc tlic pay of oflicei's and clerks, oiYicv. and other expenses of those in ehariic of or eniia.iicd in tlie operating- of vessels, wages of erews, fuel, lul)rieation. food mid othci- supplies and departmental expenses incident to the opei-ation of V(>ssels. 650. TRANsi'oiri'ATioN — Operation of Terminals. This account shall include the i)ay of oflicei's and clei-k's. ofHce and other expenses of those in chari;'e of or engaged in liie opei-alion of terminals, port or station agents, stevedore and wharf lalxir, expenses in connection with the 0{)eration of tugs, lighters and oilier floating equipment employed in terminal operations; switching and other transfers; wharf supplies and expenses, office supplies and expenses at terminals. 660. Transportation — IncidentaI; Expenses. This account shall include all amounts, not recoverable through insurance, paid for loss, damage, delays or destruction of freight, baggage or property, uncollectible freight charges paid other carriers on lost, misrouted, damaged or refused shipments ; the cost of repacking damaged merchandise and other property; all expenses (less amounts recovered through accident insurance) incident to injuries to persons directly engaged in connection with transportation. This account should be credited with any insurance recovered and net amounts received from the sale of unclaimed or damaged freight, baggage and property. 670. General Expenses. This account shall include salaries and expenses of general ofificers, other officers and office clerks whose duties are of such a general char- acter that they can not be specifically charged to any of the preceding expense accounts. Stationery, printing and postage. General office supplies and expenses, including repairs to office equipment, wages of janitors, water, ice, light, heat, rent, telephone and telegrams, etc. Legal expenses, insurance and other miscellaneous general expenses. 680. Charter or Lease Expenses. This account shall include all amounts paid for th(> lease, hire or rent of vessels or other floating e(iuij)ment when under the t^n-ms of the charter or lease the payments include rent, maintenance and operation of the equipment. Note. — Tliis account is to be used when the expen.ses of maintenance and operation are not separated from the hire or rent ; when they are separable, the rent portion only should be charged to this account, and the cost of maintenance and operation should be charged to the appropriate accounts, 600, 640 or 650. INDEX. Page Accounts payable- _ 17 Accrued liabilities 17 Assessment on capital stock 16 Balance sheet, defined 6 Balance sheet accounts, list of 12 Capital stock, assessment op 16 Capital stock 16 Capital stock, premium on 16 Carriers by water, definition 5 Charter or lease expenses 32 Classification of accounts, division of 5 Commission's decision 33-3 5 Construction, new 7 Depreciation, defined 10, 11 Depreciation of property and equipment 30 Depreciation reserve 17 Deficit 18 Dividends declared 25 Docks 20 Equipment 20 Expenses, operating 24 Floating equipment, miscellaneous 20 Freight revenue 27 General definitions, instructions and information 5-11 General expenses 31 Harbor equipment 20 Income accounts, defined 6 Income accounts, list of 23 Income, miscellaneous 24 Intangible capital 20 Interest accrued 25 Land 21 Line equipment 20 Long term debt 17 Miscellaneous capital 22 Miscellaneous charges to income 25 Miscellaneous structures 22 Notes payable 17 Office buildings, general and local 21 Office furniture and equipment 21 Operating expenses 24 Operating expenses, defined 6 Operating expense accounts, list of 29 Operating revenues, defined 6 Operating revenue accounts, list of 26 Other credit accounts 18 Other debit accounts 16 Other grounds . 21 Passenger revenue 27 Power plants 22 Premium on capital stock 16 Property and equipment accounts, list of 19 Property and equipment accounts, defined 6 Property and equipment, cost of 7 Property and equipment retired 9 Property and equipment in service prior to January 1, 1923 7, 22 Proprietor's accounts 17 Reconstruction, accounting for 7 Reconstruction, manner of accounting 7, 8 Repairs 30 Repairs, cost of 10 Repairs, definition and accounting for 9, 10 Reserve for accrued depreciation 17 Revenue, freight ! 27 Revenue from operations other than transportation 24 Revenue, miscellaneous 28 Revenue, other transportation J 27 Revenue, passenger 27 Revenue, rent, etc 28 Revenue, transportation 24 Shops 22 Surplus 18 Taxes 24 Terminals 20 Traffic expenses , , 30 Transportation expenses .- ; 31 Transportation revenue 24 Vessels 20 Waterfront and terminal grounds 21 Wharves, docks and terminals 20 Wharf equipment 21 CARRIERS BY WATER. 33 Appendix A. Decision No. 11260. Before the Railroad Commission of the State of California. IN THE MATTER OF THE IIn^VESTIGATION ON THE COMMISSION'S OWN MOTION OF THE TROrOSED UNIFORM CLASSIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS FOR CARRIERS BY WATER. Case No. 1760. C. E. Crocker, for Bay Cities Transportation Company : J. 8. P. Dean, for Bay and River Boat Owners" Association ; C. G. Ball, for N. Fay & Sons ; E. Byrtic, for E. H. Rideout & Company ; B. C Schrieber in propria persona; N. E. Brown,, for San Diego and Coronado Ferry Company ; D. H. Crowell, for W'ilmington Transportation Company. By The Commission. OPINION. This is a proceeding instituted by the Commission on its own motion for the purpose of fixing and prescribing a uniform classification of accounts for carriers by water. Public hearings were had in this matter before Examiner Westover in San Francisco and Los Angeles. Notice of these hearings was mailed to all carriers by water, and such carriers were given an opportunity to show cause why the Commission should not adopt the uniform classifi- cation of accounts prescribed by the Interstate Commerce Commission for carriers by water. A copy of the Interstate Commerce Commission's system of accounts is on file in this proceeding and marked ''Commis- sion's Exhibit A." J. S. P. Dean, representing the Bay and River Boat Owners' Associa- tion, urges that a system of accounts more simple than that of the Interstate Commerce Commission, and contained in a single pamphlet, ])e prescribed for smaller carriers by water. With this exception, no one raised any objection to putting into effect the Interstate Commerce Commission 's classification. Section 48 of the Public Utilities Act empowers the Railroad Com- mission to establish accounting systems. It contains, however, this 'proviso : The system of accounts established by the Commission and the forms of accounts, records and memoranda prescribed by it shall not be inconsistent, in the case of corporations subject to the provisions of the act of congress 34 UNIFORM CLASSIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS. entitled "An net to re^uliite (■uiiiiueree. ;»i)])ro\e(l February 4, 1887" * * * \Yith the systems and forms from time to time established for such corporations by the Interstate Commerce Commission, but nothing herein contained shall affect the power of the Commission to prescribe forms of accounts, records and memoranda covering information in addition to that required by the Inter- state Commerce Commission. Therefore as to those carriers who may be engaged in both intrastate and interstate bnsiness and thns subject to the jurisdiction of both the Railroad Commission aiul the Interstate Commerce Commission, the Railroad Commission by the order contained herein adopts and pre- scribes, in so far as it has jurisdiction, the classification of accounts prepared ami prescribed by the Interstate Commerce Commission and now in effect. There appear to be some carriers who are engaged only in intrastate business and therefore subject only to the jurisdiction of the Railroad Commission. For the purpose of accounting, such carriers have been divided into two classes. Class A includes all carriers having annual operating revenues of more than $500,000, while Class B includes all carriers having annual operating revenues of $500,000 or less. This division is in line with that of the Interstate Commerce Commission. Carriers who fall wdthin Class A will be required to keep their accounts and records in accordance with the uniform classification of accounts of the Interstate Commerce Commission. Using the Interstate Commerce Commission's classification as a basis, the Railroad Commission's department of finance and accounts has prepared a uniform classification of accounts for Class B carriers. A copy of this classification is 021 file in this proceeding and for the purpose of identification has been marked "Commission's Exhibit B." The order herein requires all carriers, unless excused by the Com- mission in writing, to keep their accounts either in accordance with the Interstate Commerce Commission's classification or in accordance with the classification prepared by this Commission's department of finance and accounts. The Connnission may, for good cause shown in writing, authorize in specific instances deviations from the uniform classification of accounts adopted and prescribed by the order. Any violation of the order makes a carrier liable for the penalties provided in the Public Utilities Act. ORDER. Public hearings having been held in the above entitled matter and the Commission having given due consideration to the evidence sub- mitted at such hearings; It is hereby ordered and directed, that all carriers by w^ater having annual operating revenues of more than $500,000 and subject to the CARRIERS BV WATER. 35 jurisdiction of the Railroad Coininission ; also all carriers l)y water engaged in intrastate and interstate business and therefore subject to the jurisdiction of both the Railroad Commission and the Interstate Commerce Connnission, must, on and after January 1, 1923, keep their accounts and records in accordance with the uniform classification of accounts prescribed by the Interstate Commerce Commission, which uniform classification of accounts is hereby adopted and prescribed by the Railroad Commission in so far as it has jurisdiction over the accounts and records of all carriers described in this paragraph. A copy of said classification is on file in this proceeding and marked "Commission's Exhibit A." It is hereby further ordered and directed, that all carriers l)y water whose annual operating revenues are $500,000 or less and who are subject to the jurisdiction of the Railroad Commission and not to the jurisdiction of the Interstate Commerce Commission, must, on and after January 1, 1923, keep their accounts and records in accordance with the uniform classification of accounts contained in the "Commission's Exhibit B" filed in this proceeding, which classification of accounts is hereby adopted and prescribed by the Railroad Commission for the carriers described in this paragraph. It is herehi) further ordered, that upon giving written notice to the C'ommission and with the written approval of the Commission, any carrier by water coming within Class B may keep its accounts and records in accordance with the system of accounts prescribed by the Interstate Commerce Commission and adopted by this Commission. Dated at San Francisco, California, this twenty-third day of Novem- ber, 1922. H. W. Brundige, Irving Martin, Chester H. Rowell, Commissioners. 74019 22792 12-22 1500 J ■^ UC SniJTHFRN RFGIflNAI 1 IBRAHY FAriLITY 1 riiriii iiiiiiiiii iii'iiiiiiii '■'t ii i li iii ii ij 1 III II III Mi II 1 III II ,1 AA 001008 910 ^•-^^^ y , rlt- yi' / / m f''v\ •^,\ ^ ^i^ i ''"^ ^ > .r' ■4 \