■I m^A'^^ ':! jK rtjr i^'H ^fSffM ON T-»IE CHESS BOA RD BY E. A. GREIG ,\ Chess and Checker Books The Game of Draughts By Andrew Anderson. Simplified and illustrated with practical diagrams. Seventh Edition. Re- vised by Robert McCulloch $1.25 Draughts Praxis or Modern Match Games I5y Frank Dunne. A Practical Guide to Scientific Checkers. Second Edition, Revised, with many diagrams. The latest and inost complete guide to the game of checkers published. C)ctavo, cloth, 2.50 Principles of Chess in Theory and Practice By James Mason. Fourth Edition, Revised and Enlarged. No better book for beginners has ever been issued, v. hile even the expert will find much in its pages to instruct him. l2mo., cloth . . . 2.00 The Art of Chess By James Mason. Third Edition, Revised and Enlarged. A Practical Treatise on the whole Game in development of "Principles." More particularly designed for use by students and ad- vanced players. i2mo. , cloth 2.00 The Chess Player's Manual By G. H. D. Gossip and S. I.ipschutz. Contain- ing the Laws of the Game, according to the Revised Code laid down by the British Chess Association. Revised and Edited with an Amer- ican Appendix by S. Lipschutz, Champion of the Manhattan Chess Club of New York .... 3.00 Chess Openings, Ancient and Modern By Freeborough and Ranken. Revised and cor- rected up to the present time by K. Freeborough and Rev. C. E. Ranken. A new edition, wiih numerous original variations and suggestions, by Geo. B. Eraser, Dundee, and other eminent play- ers and analysts, unio., cloth 1.50 The Modern Chess Problem By Philip H. Williams, F. C. A. A New Re- vised and Enlarged Edition, with a new Preface. Issued under the supervision of the British Chess Company. 264 pages, i2mo., cloth 1.50 ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS ON THE CHESSBOARD BY E. A. GREIG AUTHOR OF "CHESS RECIPES' NEW EDITIO N REVISED BY M. W. STEVENS, A. R. C. Sc. PHILADELPHIA DAVID McKAY, PUBLISHER 604-8 So. Wasuingion Squakk BHLP TO JAMES BURTINSHAW, Esq. A LOVER OF GOOD CHESS, AND A GENEROUS SUPPORTER OF THE GAME THIS LITTLE ROOK IS DEDICATED IN FRIENDLY REMEMBRANCE BY EDWIN A. GREIG. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. The reason which has prompted the author to present yet another work on the Royal Game to the Chess World, is that recently a oldbiscite of the Chess Amateur Magazine readers was taken, and the section "Pitfalls", under the management of the present writer, stood so high that the "Chess Amateur" Editor advised a publication of a collection in book form. Hence the present volume, which w^e feel will be welcomed by many players. From these pages we hope the reader may obtain a thorough knowledge, if not of all the "Pitfalls" existing on the Chessboard, at least of their principles. A knowledge of these is essential, for it is the easiest thing imaginable for a player to obtain a lost game through moving a wrong pawn, taking a wrong pawn, or through taking a pawn at all. October, igio. CONTENTS Alapin's Opening ' Albia's Counter Gambit. Sit Queen's Gambit Declined. Allgaier Gambit. See King's Knight's Gambit. Boden-Kieseritzky Gambit. See King's Bishop's Opening. Centre Counter Game 3 Centre Game 3 Cunningham Gambit. See King's Knight's Gambit. Damiano Gambit 5 Danish Gambit 6 Dutch Defence. See Queen's Gambit Declined. Evans Gambit. See Giuoco Piano. Falltbeer Counter Gambit. See King's Gambit Declined. Four Knights 7 French Defence (Gledhill Attack, etc.). ... 8 From Gambit *' Giuoco Piano, (Mcller Attack, Miss in Baulk, Evans Gambit, Irregular Defence, etc.) ... 12 Gledhill Attack. Set French Defence. King's Bishop's Gambit 25 King.s Bishop's Opening, (Vienna Game, Boden- Kieseritzky Gambit, etc.) 27 King's Gambit Declined, (Vienna Game, Falkbeer Counter Gambit, etc.) 3' King's Knight's Gambit, (Muzio, Allgaier, and Cunningham Gambits, etc.) 35 Max Lange Attack. Set Two Knights' Defence. Miss in Baulk. See Giuoco Piano. Moller Attack. See Giuoco Piano. Muzio Gambit See King's Knight's Gambit Odds Game, (Pawn and two moves) Set alsc under Muzio Gambit *fi Petroff Defence 4> Philidor's Defence 43 Queen's Gambit Accepted 45 Queen's Gambit Declined, (Albin's Counter Gambit, etc.) 4^ Queen's Pawn Counter Gambit 5' Queen's Pawn Game (Dutch Defence, etc.) . . 52 Ruy Lopez, (Morphy, Berlin, Cozio, and Schlie- mann's Defences) 54 Scotch Game, {including the Gambit) .... 63 Tennison Gambit. See Zukertort's Opening. Two Knights' Defence, (Max Lange Attack, etc.) 66 Vienna Game. See King's Bishop's Ojiening and King's Gambit Declined. Zukertort's Opening, (Tennison Gambit) ... 7a REVISER'S NOTE, The final task in connexion with this revisiot, viz., the preparation of the "Contents", being com- pleted, there remains to me the pleasure of acknow ledging, with gratitude, the material help in several ways of my friends, Messrs. A. C. Ellis, A. W. Foster, H. Harding, M. Rampal, and W. O. VVOODFIELD. Mr. Foster, in particular, has done a great deal of the proof reading, and his invaluable assistance in this and other directions is the mainstay of my conviction that the present edition is accurate. M. W. S. 100 PITFALLS ON THE CHESSBOARD NEW EDITION ERRATA. p. 15. Diagram: Insert black B on QBi. „ 13. Substitute for last two lines of text, "Incident ally further pitfalls appear", and for first variation and notes (after II RxKt): — 11 .... O.O(a) 12 P-Q6 BPxP 13 QxQV Kt-B4 4Q-bs P-Q3 15 iCt-Kts (b) Kt-R3 16 B-B4 B-B4 17 KtxBP BxR?(c) White mates in three. (a) II... P— Q3 probably secures a draw. (b) Or 15 B-KKt5, BxB; 16 KtxB, QxB?; 17 QxBP ch, and mates next move. The same mate has occurred a move earlier by: 13 B-KKt5, Kt-B4; 14 Q-Qs, etc. (c) Even if 17.... KtxKt; 18 QxB with a winning attack. p. 20. 14 ... . QBxP. „ 21. 4 . . . . BxKtP. „ 29. Diagram : Black Q should be on KB3. Delete White's loth move fi seq. and substitute "10 R— KBi & wins". „ 37. After "Remove White's QKt", insert: "for this variation". „ „ 14 QxKP. „ 38. Diagram : Insert black P on K5. „ „ In the note, "BxP" should be "K moves" „ ^q. 6 . . . . F-KB3?: Delete "?" 7 PxKt : Add "? (B-K2)", „ 59. Delete "(b)". „ 62. 7 KtxKtP. „ 72. Zuckertort: Delete "c". ADDENDA. p. 27. Insert at foot: 3 Kt-QB3 KtxP 4 BxP ch KxB 5 KtxKt P-Q4 6 Q--B3 ch K-Kti 7 Kt-K2(a) PxKt? 8 Q— Kt3 ch and mates in two. (a) Or 7 Kt-Kt5, QxKt?; 8 QxP ch and mates next move. p. 29. Add : 2 Kt-KB3 3 Kt-QB3 KtxP 4 Q-R5 Kt-Q3 5 B-Kt3 B-K2 (a) J P-Q3 0.0(P-KKt3!) 7 Kt-B3 Kt-B3 8 Kt-KKtS . P--KR3 9 P-~KR4 Kt-Ki ID Kt-Q5 Kt-B3 II Q-Kt6 PxQ White mates in two. (a) If 5... Kt-B3?; 6 Kt-Kt5, P-KKts; 7 Q-B3, P-B4; 8 O-Q5, PQR3; 9 KtxKt ch, K-K2; 10 P-Q4. P-KR3; II PxP, R-KR2; 12 Kt-B7, Q-Ki; 13 Q-B5 ch, P-Q3; 14 KtxQP and wins. p. 42. Insert after the note: — 8 , . . . B KKtS 9Kt-B3 P-QB3 loR-Ki? BxP ch 11 KxB? KtxP 12 O-B2 KtxB 13 QxKt BxKt 14 Q or PxB Q—Rsch and wins. ONK HUNDRKD PITFALLS Alapin's Opening. Never allow an open King's file before castling. I P-K4 P-K4 2 Kt-K2 Kt-KB3 3 P-KB4 PxP 4 KtxP KtxP 5 Q-K2 Q-K2 6 Kt-Qs Q-K4 7 QKt-B3 P-QB3 8P-Q4 Q-B4 9 KtxKt PxKt 10 Kt— Q6 ch and wins. a B-B4 3 P-KB4 Q-B3 4P-B3 Kt-B3 5 P-KKt3 Kt-Rs 6 B-Kt2 Kt-KKtS 7 R-KBi KtxP 8 PxP QxR ch qBxQ Kt— B6 mate. ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS Centre Counter Game. I P-K4 P-Q4 2 I'xP QxP 3 Kt-QB3 Q-Qil 4P-Q4 Kt-QB5 5 Kt-B3 B-Kt5 6P Q5 Kt-K4 > 7 KtxKt BxQ 8 H-Kt5 ch P-B3 Q PxP P-QR3 10 P— B7 ch and wins. An instance of the evil of* Pawn hunting. 3 Q-QR4 4 P-Q4 B-B4 5 B-Q2 Kt-KB3 6 P-QKt4 7 Kt— Kt5 and wins. QxKtP i ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS Centre Game. 1 P-K4 P-K4 2 P-Q4 PxP 3 QxP Kt-QB3 4 Q-K3 Kt-B3 1 5B-Q2I B-K2I 6 Kt-QB? P-Q4I 7 PxP! KtxP 8 Q-Kt3 00? 9 B -KR6 B-B3 TO 0.0.0 and should win. 7 Kt- QKts 8 0.0 ? KKtxP 9 KtxKt KtxP ch 10 K— Kti QxKt II P-Ql!4 Q-B3 I 12 KxKt? Q-R5 ch 13 K-Kti QxR ch and wins ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS Centre Grame. (Continued.') 5 Kt-QB3 6 Kt-Q5 1 7 Kt-KB3 8 B-Q2 P KKt3 B-Kt2 P-Q3 KKt-K2 BxP? 9 P-B3 BxR 10 Kt-B6 ch K— Bi 11 Q— R6 male. ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS Damiano Gambit. 1 P-K4 P-K4 2 Kt-KB3 P— KB3 3 KtxP Q— K2I 4 Q-R5 ch ? P-Kt3 5 KtxKtP QxP ch 6 Q— K2 QxQ ch 7 BxQ PxKt and wins 3 ... PxKt? 4 Q— R5 ch K— K2 5 QxP ch K— B2 6 B-B4 ch P-Q4 7 BxP ch K-Kt3 8 P-KR4 P— KR4 9 BxP BxB 10 Q-B5 ch K-R3 11 P-Q4 ch P-Kt4 12 BxP ch and wins. ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS Danish Gambit. I P-K4 P-K4 7 P-Q4 PxP 3 P-QB3 PxP 4 B-OB4 PxP? 5 BxKtP Kt--KB3 6 Kt— QB3 B-Kt5 7 Kt-K2 KtxP? 8 0.0 KtxKt 9 KtxKt BxKt 10 BxB Q-KU II R— Ki ch and wins. ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS Pour Knights. 1 P-K4 P-K4 t iXt-KB3 Kt-QB3 3 <^"t-B3 Kt-B3 4 B-B4 KtxP 5 BxP ch ? KxB 6 KtxKt P-Q4 7 QKt-Kt5ch K— Kti with rather the superior position. ONE HUNDRED FITFALLS French Defence 1 P-K4 P-K3 2 P-Q4 P-Q4 3 Kt-QB3 Kt- KB3 4 B-Kt5 B-K2 5 BxKt BxB 6 Kt-B3 0.0 ? 7 B-Q3 P-QKt3 8 P-KR4I B-Kt2 9 P-K5 B-K2 10 BxP ch KxB 11 Kt— Kt5 ch BxKt? 12 PxB ch K-Kti 13 Q-R5 P-KB3 14 P— Kt6 and mates next move. ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS French Defeno© (Continued.) (aiedhlll Attack). 4P-K5 KKt-Qa 5 Q-Kt4 P-QB4 6 Kt-B3 PxP 7 KKtxP KtxP 8 Q-Kt^ QKt-B3: 9B-QKt5l B-Q2 JO BxKt KtxBl 11 KKt-Kt5 R-Bi 12 B— B4 Q-Kt3 13 B-B7 Q-B4 14 B-Q6 Q-Kt3 15 BxB KxBl 16 Q-Q6 ch K-Ki 17 0.0.0 P-QR3 18 KtxP KPxKt 19 KR— Ki ch and wins. lO ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS French Defence. {.Continued^) 3 PxP 4 KtxP Kt-Q2 5 Kt-KB3 QKt-B 6 B-Q3 B-K2 7 P-B3 KtxKt 8 BxKt Kt-B3 9 B-Q3 0-0 lo Kt-K5 P-B4 II B-K3 Q-B2 12 P-KB4 R-Qil £ B A 8 iH'i fcMIB El 13 PxP ? (Q-B3) 14 BxB 15 BxP ch? 16 QxR 17 QxR? BxP QxB KxB B-Q2! Q— K6 ch and wins. ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS II Prom Q-ambit. I P-KB4 2 PxP 3 PxP P-K4 P-Q3 BxP 4 Kt-KB3 5 P-Q3 6P-B3 Kt-KR3 Kt-Kt5 BxP? 7 Q-R4 ch 8 KtxB Kt-B3 Q-R5 ch 9 K— Q2 and wins. ONfi UU.;»DRED PITFALLS Giuoco Piano. (Moller Attaok). I P-K4 P-K4 2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3 3 B-B4 B- B4 4P-B3I Kt-Bs! 5 P-q4i PxPl B-Kt5 chl 7 Kt-I^3 KtxKP 8 0.0 (■'>ee diagram BxKt 1 on page 14) q P-Q5 10 PxB 11 Q-Q4 12 QxKtP 13 QxQ 14 R-Ki ch 15 B— R6 ch 16 R-K5 17 R-Ki Kt- K4 KtxB QKt-Q3? KtxQ K-Bi (a) K-Kti KKt-K5 P-KB4 18 R -K7 and wins. (a) If 14..., K-Qi; 15 B-Kt5, Kt Ki; 16 RxKt ch, KxRl 17 R-Ki ch, K-Bi; 18 B -R6 ch, K- Kti ; 19 R— K5 and mates next move. See next Ejccample. ONK HUNDRED PITFALLS IJ Giuoco Piano, (Mbller Attack). {Continufd). If Black elects to keep the Bishop and play Q ...., B— B3, the correct reply is 10, R— Kr (not PxKt, which would leave Black two Pawns up.) White having now sacrificed a Pawn, he must recapture a Pawn to equalise the game. Incidentally two pitfalls appear at and 14. 9 .... B-B3 10 R-Ki Kt-k2i II RxKt P-Q3! 12 B-KKts BxB 13 KtxB 0.0 (a) 14 KtxRP(b) KxKt?(c; 15 Q-R5 ch K-Kti 16 R— R4 and mates next move. (a) If Black attempts to protect his RP. which he loses on the next move, by playing 13 B-B4, then 14, Q~B3 wins. (b) Regaining his Pawn. (c) The correct reply is 14 ...., B-B4; 15, RxKt, QxR; 16, KtxR, RxKt and the game is even. 9 10 PxB Kt-R4 0.0 11 B-Q3 12 B-KKt5 13 Q-R4 14 Q— R4 and Kt-KB3 P-Q3 P-QKt? wins. t4 ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS Giuooo Piano. {Confiiiued.) 8 KtxKt ? 9 PxKt BxP lo Q-Kt3 BxR II BxP ch K-Bi 12 B— Kt5 Kt-K2 13 Kt-K5 BxP 14 B-Kt6 P-Q4 15 Q-B3 ch B-B4 1 6 BxB BxKt 17 B-K6. ch B-B3 i8 BxB and wins. Again, if at move 9, Black had retreated the bishop (say) to K2. the play varies, bui the result is the same Set ntxt E^ampU. ONE HUNDRKD PITFALLS 15 Giuoco Piano. {Continued.) B-K2 TO P-Q5 Kt-R4 II P-Q6 PxP (a) 12 BxP ch KxB 13 Q-Q5 ch K-Bi 14 Kt-Kt5 BxKt 15 BxB Q-Ki I (b) i6KRorQR— Ki Q-Kt3 17 R— K3 and wins. (a) If II .... KtxB; 12 PxB, KxP; 13 Q-K2 ch and gains a piece. (b) If 15 .... Q-B2; 16 Q~B5 ch, K-Kti: 17 either R— Ki and wins. l6 ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS. Qiuoco Piano. ( Continued.) The following game illustrates what may easily occur in a Giuoco Piano if Black plays 6...., B— Kt3. It is from an actual game played 6 B-Kt3 7 P-Q5 Kt— K2 8 P-K5 Kt-K5 9P-Q6 KtxBP 10 Q-K2 KtxR II B-KKt5 B-B7 ch 12 K-Bi P-QB4 13 BxKt Q-Kt3 14 Kt— Kt5 R-Bi 15 Q-R5 P-Kt3 16 QxRP and wins. ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS Giuoco Piano. {Continued.) 5 P— Q4 FxP 6 P-Ks ! P-Q4 7 B-QKts Kt-K5 8 BxKt ch PxB Q KtxP ? (PxP) B-R3 10 B-K3 0.0 n KtxP? BxB 12 Q-B3 (a) BxP ch 13 QxB Q— Kt4 and wins (a) Of course, if 12 PxB, Q-R5 ch. i8 ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS. Giuoco Piano. ( Contifiu^d.) If you have castled and your opponent has not, do not allow him to open either his KR or KK.t files. (See also first variation under French Defence). 5 Kt-Kt5 0.0 6 p_Q3 P-KR3 7 P-KR4 PxKt? 8 PxP Kt-Ki q Q— R5 and mates in three moves. ("Misa in Baulk"), 5 P-Q4 6 PxP 7 K-Bil P-Q3 PxP B— Kt5 ch? Wwm y with probable advantage, (winning piece for two pawns) ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS- 1 9 Giuooo Piano. {Continued.) 4 P-Q3 Kt-B3 5 Kt-B3 0.0 6 B-KKt5 P-KR3 7 B-R4 B— Kt5 8 0.0 BxKt 9 PxB P— KKt4 10 KtxKtr PxKt 11 BxP K-Kt2 12 P— B4 and wins. ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS. Qiuoco Piano. {Continued.) It is always bad for a player to pin his opponent's Kt before he Uhe opponent) has castled, and especially when he (the player) himself has done so. The following example might be tried and brought off often enough The play is very fine. Note 4 0.0 Kt-B3 5 P-Q3 P-Q3 6 B-KKt5? P-KR3 7 B-R4 P-KKt4 8 B - Kt3 P-KR4I 9 KtxKtP § ■^•® i ^' il 1 : 1 s ^^ii M WW' B m m mi W% iMA B Ws. B ■ « s ^m §•■* '%':. Si »^ , •»? i# P R5 10 KtxP PxB II KtxQ B-KKt5 12 Q-Q2 Kt-Q5 13 Kt-Bs Kt-B6 ch 14 PxKt BxP & wins For a number of variations of this attack, see the "Modern Chess Instructor", by Steinilz, who invented it. ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS. Giuoco Piano. ( Continued.) (Evans Gambit). P-QKt4 P-B3 0.0 P-Q4 PxP P-K5 lo PxKt BxP Kt-B3?(P--Q3l) PxP B-Kt3 P-Q4 PxB ^ ^/'^'i 2 % "M. 1^ ^ X. WS^'^ W'^'^/i W\ ma®! II R-Kr ch K-Bi 12 B-R3 ch K-Kti 13 P-Q5 Kt-R4 14 B-K7 Q-Q2 15 PxP KxP t6 Q-B2 Q-Kt5 17 Q-Kt2 ch K-Kti 18 QxR ch KxQ 19 B-B6 ch K-K*i ao R mates. ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS. Giuoco Piano. (Evans Gambit). {Continued.) The first ten moves on each side might have been transposed in various ways. II P-Q5 QxBP 12 PxKt QxR 13 R— Ki ch B-K3 14 RxB ch PxR 1=^ Q-Q7 ch K~Bi 16 B-R3 ch K-Kti 17 QxP mate. 6 P-Q3! 7 P-Q4 PxP 8 PxP B-Kt3 9 P-Q5 Kt— R4 10 B-Kt2 Kt-K2 II BxP R-KKti 12 B-Q4 KtxB 13 Q-R4 ch Q-Q2I 14 QxKt RxP ch and wins ONK HUNDRED PITFALLS. 23 Giuoco Piano. (Evans Gambit), {Continued.) 9 Q-B3? 10 PxKt QxR II BxP ch K-Bi 12 BxKt RxB 13 Kt-Kt5 QxP 14 Kt-QB3 Q-B5 15 Kt-Q5 K-Ki 16 Q-R5 ch P-Kt3 • 17 QxP and wins. 9Q-Kt3? Kt-R4l 10 BxP ch K-Bi II Q-Q5 Kt-KB3 and wins. 5 B-K2? 6P-Q4 P-Q3 7 Q-Kt3 Kt-R4 8 BxP ch K-Bil 9 Q— R4 with a winning advantage. 24 ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS. Qiuoco Piano. (Irregular Defence). 4 KtxP? 5 KtxBP 6 R-Bi 7 B-K2 Kt-Q5 ? Q-Kt4 QxP QxKP ch Kt— B6 mate li i !• r ^k'i /A^ ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS. 25 King's Bishop's Gambit. 1 P-K4 2 P-KB4 3 B-B4 4 K-Bi 5 Kt-KB3 6 BxP ch 7 P-KR3 8 Kt— B3 9 P-Q4 and wins. P-K4 PxP Q-R5 ch P-KKt4 Q-Kts? (Q-R4) K-Qi! Q-Kt6 B-B4 In the following example some players may doubt that White has a win after sacrificing two pieces for a Rook and Pawn. It however, certainly a win. IS, 6 P— KR4 7 BxP ch 8 Kt-K5 Q-R4 P-KR3 ? QxBl Q-B3I E-il ?&i# 41/ * Jb i ,^ ^i 5 '^M ^P ^^t 7^A '/,iii^ ^^m ^L$ ^R^ H B 5 2 i IS p s y^ f^ mt^'f' •^ "1 T '-) . 9 Q-R5 ch K— K2 10 Kt-Kt6 ch K moves IT KtyR QxKt 12 PxP and wms 36 ONE HUNDRED flTFALLS. King's Bishop's Gambit. {Continued.) 3 4 Kt-QB3 5 Kt-B3 6 O.O Kt-KB3 Kt-B3 B-Kt5 0.0 7 P-Ks 8 Kt-Qs q P-Q4 lo BxP Kt-Ki B-R4 P-Q3 B-KKt5 11 Q-Q3I 12 BxP P-KR3? w ^^^-^ 13 RxB 14 Kt— B6 ch 15 PxQ 16 PxP BxKt Kt-Kt5 QxKt KtxQ KtxKKtP 17 BxQKt and wins. ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS. 2^ King's Bishop's Opening. I P-K4 P— K4 2 B— B4 Kt-KB3 3 P-Q4 PxP 4P-K5 Q-K2? (P-Q4) 5 Q-K2 Kt-Kti 6 Kt-KB3 P-QB4 7 0.0 Kt-QB3 8 B-KKt5 P-B3 9 PxP QxQ 10 P— B7 mate. 3 P-B3 4 PxP KtxP 5 Kt-K2 KtxP? (B— B4) 6 0.0 KtxQ 7 BxP ch K-K2 8 B-'Kts mate. 28 ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS. King's Bishop' s Opening {Continued.) 2 B-B4 3P-Q4 BxP 4 Kt-KBs Kt-QB3 5 P-B3 B-Kt3 6 Kt-Kt5 Kt-R3 7 P-B4 0.0 8 P-B5 P-Q3 9Q-R5 ~l^" w Q-B3? 10 KtxRP KxKt 11 B— KKts winning. ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS. 29 King's Bishop's Opening. {Continued.) (Passing into Vienna Game). 3 Kt~QB3 4Q-Kt4 Kt-QB3 Q-B3? (B-Bil) 5 Kt-Q5 QxP ch 6 K-Qi K— Bil 7 Kt-R3 Q-Q5 8 P-Q3 P-Q3 9 Q-B3I BxKt PxB Q-B7 I QxQ BxQ 12 R— KBi and wins. 30 ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS. King's Bishop's Opening. {Continued.) (Boden-Kieseritzky Gambit). This is an instance of pushing up the wrong Pawn. 2 Kt-KB3 3 Kt-KB3 KtxP 4 Kt-B3 KtxKt 5 QPxKt P-Q3? (P-KB3) 6 KtxP 7 BxP ch 8 0.0 9 R-Ki ID R-K8 ch 11 Q— Kt4 ch 12 B-Qs ch and wins. (a) If 6 ...., PxKt ; 7, BxP ch and wins. ONE HUNIJREn PITFALLS. King's Gambit Declined. 1 P-K4 P-K4 2 P-KB4 P-Q3 "7 P- (P u| 3 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3 4 B-B4 B— Kt5 5 Kt-B3 P-QR3? 6 P— Q3 PxP 7 0.0 Kt-K4 8 KtxKt and wins. 5 BxP ch? KxB 6 Kt-Kt5 ch QxKtl 7 PxQ BxQ and wins. 3 B-Kt5 4B-B4 Kt-KB3 5 PxP PxP? (BxKtl) 6 BxP ch ($4* Diagram on next p"ge.) 32 ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS. King's Gambit Declined. {Continued.) KxB 7 KtxP ch K-Ki 8 KtxB and wins. (Vienna Game in effect). Another instance of the evil of Pawn hunting. 2 . B-B4 3 Kt-QB3 BxKt 4 RxB PxP 5 P-Q4 Q-RS ch 6 P-Kt3 PxP 7 RxP QxP 8 Q-B3 QxP 9 R— Kt2 and wins. If 8, ..^ Q-R5, then 9. B-KKt5. ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS. 33 King's Gambit Declined. {Continued^ 3 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3 ? (P-Q3: 4 PxP KtxP 5 KtxKt Q-R5 ch 6 P-Kt3 QxKP ch 7 Q-K2 QxR 8 Kt-B3 ch Kt-K2 9P-Q4 B-Kt3 to B-K3 P-Q3 11 QKt-Q2 B Kt5 12 0.0.0 0.0 13 Q~B2 and wins. 34 ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS. King's Gambit Declined. {Continued.) 3 B-B4 4Q-R5I 5 RxB 6P-Q3I 7Q-B3 8 Q-B2 BxKt Q-K2 Kt-QB3 Kt-B3 Kt-Q5 Kt— Kt5 with a winning advantage. (Palkbeer Counter Gambit). Once more the danger of Pawn-huating I 2 P-Q4 3 PxQP 4 Kt-QB3 5 Kt-B3 6 K-B2 7P~Q4 8 B-K15 ch QxP Q-K3 PxP ch B— B4 ch B-Kt3 m t ^S Pi Q R— Ki winning. Any ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS. 35 King's BZnight's Gambit. I P-K4 P-K4 2 P-KB4 PxP 3 Kt-KB3 P-KKt4 4 B-B4 P-KB3 ? 5 KtxP PxKt 6 Q-R5 ch K-K2 7 QxKtP ch K-Ki 8 Q-R5 ch K-Ka 9 Q— K5 mate (Muzio Gambit). The Muzio and the Allgaier Gambits are openings which should be studied and played frequently by all who would acquire a good style in Chess play, for there is nothing which teaches how to play a sporting and brilliant game more than to give the odds of the lost game .to an equal player, and to have to make the most of one's remaining pieces. 4 P-Kt5 5 0.0 PxKt 6 QxP Q-B3 7 P-K5I QxP 8P-Q3! B-R3 9 B-Q2 QxPr (K:t-K2) 10 Q-K4 ch K-Qi II B-B3 Q-Kt^ ch 12 B— Q4 and wins. 36 ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS. King's Knight's Gambit. {Continued.) (Mu£lo Gambit. — Lean Attack). 9 Kt— K2 10 Kt-B3 QKt-B3 11 QR— Ki Q-B4I 12 Kt-Q5 K-Qi 13 Q-K2 ! KtxKt 14 BxKt QxB 15 B— B3 and should win. ^^m wm vl m ONE HUNDRED PITFAI.LS King's Knight's Gambit, {Con.) (Muzio Gambit.) It is a curious fact that if White gives the odds of the Queen's Knight and is able to play the Muzio Oambit, as in the following example, his attack can become irresistible ; tor the reason that he can bring his QR into play without losing a move through bringing out his QKt. Remove White's QKt. 8 BxP ch 1 KxB 9 P - Q4 QxP ch 10 B-K3 Q-B3 11 Q— Q5 ch and wins. (AUgaier Gambit). 4 P-KR4 P -KtS 5 Kt-Kt5 P-KR3 6 KtxP KxKt 7 P-Q4 P-Q4 8 RxP PxP 9 B-B4 ch K-Kt2 10 B-K5 ch Kt-B3 11 R-Bi 1 B-K2 12 Q K2 I Kt-B3 13 Kt-Q2! KtxP? 14 QxP Kt-B3 15 B — B3 and wins 38 ONE HUNDRED PILFALLS. King's Knight's Gambit, (Allgaler Gambit). {Continued.) 11 0.0 12 Kt-B3 13 PxKt 14 K-Rt Kt-Q2 KtxB B— B4 ch 1 Kt-Q4 6 Ni-4 &J ^ '/y^'A '^\ 'w£ i ^^/; fj M_ 15 BxKt QxP mate. If 14 ...., QxQ; then 15, PxKt ch, BxP; 16, QRxQ and wins. 7 QxP? Kt-KB3 1 8 QxP B-Q3i 9P-K5? BxP QxB R— Ki and wins ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS. 39 King's Knight's Gambit. ( Continued?) (Allgaler Gambit). ( Continued^ 7 B-B4 ch K— Kt2 ? (P-Q4 !) 8 QxP ch and wins. 5 P-Q4 6 P-Q4I P-KB3? 7 BxPl PxKt 8B-K5 Kt— KB3 9 PxKtP and wins. (OanninghBzn Mt). 3 B-K2 4B— B4 B-R5 ch 5 P-Kt3 PxP 6 0.0 PxP ch 7 K-Ri P-Q3 8 BxP ch KxB 9 Kt-Kt5 ch K-K2! 10 Q-R5 Q-Ki II R— By ch K-Qi 12 QxB and wins. 40 ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS. Odds of Pawn and Two Moves. Remove Black's KBP 1 P-K4andQ4 2 B-Q3 3 P— K5 ? 4 Q-R5 ch P-Q3 Kt-QB3 KtxQP 5 BxP ch 6 QxR 7 K-Qi 8 KxKt 9 K-Kt3 10 K— R3 11 P— Kt4 12 K-Kt3 13 K-R3 P-Kt3 PxB KtxP ch PxP ch B— B4 ch Q— Q8 ch P-K3 ch QxB ch Q-B7 ch P - R4 and wins. For the odds of the Queen's Knight, see under King's Knight's Gambit (Muzio Gambit). ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS- 4» Petroff Defence. A curious variation in the Petroff Defence which leads, in effect, to a win of P by White — well worth knowing. White eventually should ftfin. I P-K4 P-K4 2 Kt-KBj Kt— KB3 3 KtxP P-Q3 4 Kt-KB3 KtxP 5 P-Q4 P-Q4 6B-Q3 B-Q3 7 0.0 0.0 8 P-B4 B-K3 9Kt-B3l KtxKt 10 PxKt PxP? 11 BxP ch '■^(H^, W^A ^ t ^ mm ^m ikmk i I ^ ^ "a^'i ^3b ^U ( F.or continuation, see next page) 42 ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS. Petroff Defence. {^Continued.) 11 KxB 12 Kt-Kt5 ch K-Kti 13 Q-B2 1 P-KKt3 14 KtxB 1 PxKt 15 QxP ch K-Ri 16 B-Kt5 B-K2 17 Q-R6 ch K— Kti 18 QxP ch R-B2 19 BxB QxB 20 Q — B8 ch, obtaining 4 Pawns for the piece. If 13 R— Ki then 14, Q-R7 ch, K-Bi; 15, R-Ki, Q-B3 ; 16, P-Q5, Kt-B3; i7,PxB, Q R3; 18, P-K7 ch, RxP; 19, Kt-K6 ch, Allowed by BxQ and winning. 3 KtxP?(P-Q3!) 4Q-K2 P-Q4? (Q-K2) 5 P-Q3 Kt-KB3 6 Kt-—B6 ch and wins. ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS, 43 Philidor's Defence. P-K4 Kt-KB3 B-B4 Kt-B3 Ktx? BxV ch Kt— Q5 mate. P— K4 B-Kts P-KKt3 BxQ K-K2 3 4P-Q4 5 Kt-B3 6 QxP 7 Kt-KKt5 8 B-B7 ch P-KB4 Kt-KB3 PxQP? B-Q2 Kt-B3 K-K2 9 QxKt ch KxQ loKt-Qsch K— K4 11 Kt B3 ch KxP 12 Kt— B3 mate. 44 ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS. Philidor's Defence. {Continued.) 3 P-Q4 Kt-Q2?(Kt-KB3) 4 B— QB4 P-QB3 5 Kt-Kt5 Kt-R3 6 0.0 B-K2(a) 7 Kt-K6 PxKt 8 BxKt PxB (b) 9 Q-R5 ch K-Bi 10 BxP and mates next move (a) Or 6 ...., Kt-Kt3 ; 7, B-K2, B-K2 ; 8, Kt-KB3. Best was 6 PxP. (b) Or 8 ..... Kt-Kt3 ; 9, BxKtP, R-KKti ?; 10, Q— R5 ch, K-Q2; II, BxP ch, etc. ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS. 45 Queen's Gambit Accepted. 1 P-Q4 P-Q4 2 P-QB4 PxP 3 P-K3 P— QKt4? 4 P-QR4 P-QB3 5 PxP PxP 6 Q— B3 and wins. If 4 ...., P — QR3 ; 5, PxP, winning a pawn. 3 Kt-KB3 P-QB4 4 P - K3 PxP 5 BxP PxP? 6 BxP ch and wins. \f> ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS. ^^^jlJ nyie>n t Queen's Gambit Declined. {Contittued.) 4 B— B4 5 Kt-Kt5r 7 BxQ P-B4 PxQPl QxKt B-Kt5 ch 8 Q-Q2 BxQ ch Q KxB PxP and wins ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS. 49 Queen's Gambit Declined {Continue d.) 3 P-QB4 4 Kt-B3 PxQP 5 KKtxP P-K4 6 KKt-Kt5 P-Q5 7 Kt_Q5 8 Q-R4 9 QxKt? Kt-QR3 B-Q2 B-Kt5 ch and wins. so Ox\E HU NUKED PITFALLS. Queen's Gambit Declined. ( Continued^ (Albiu's Counter Gambit). 3 PxKP 4 P-K3? 5 B-Q2 P-K4 P-Q5 B-Kt5 ch PxP 6 BxB PxP ch and wins. It 6 PxP, then ..... Q-R5 ch; 7, P-Kt3, Q— K5 and wins, on the modern principle of small advantages. ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS. $1 Queen's Pawn Counter Gambit Be careful when you play P- KB3 1 P-K4 P-K4 2 Kt-KB3 P-Q4 3 KtxP P-KB3? 4 Q-R5 ch P— KKt3 5 KtxP winning the exchange. 4 ... K-K2 5 Q-B7 ch K-Q3 6 QxQP ch K~K2 7 QxQ ch KxQ 8 Kt-B7 ch etc. 52 ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS. Queen's Pawn Game. (Dutch Defence). An example of trying to hold a Pawn instead of proceeding slowly and being satisfied with a developing move. At the risk of being thought illogical, however, we would say that White, with the move in hand and correct play, ought to win, though Black, if satisfied in defending only, should draw. 1 P -Q4 2 P--K4 3 Kt- QB3 4 B-KKt5 P-KB4 PxP Kt KB3 P-Q4? 5 BxKt KPxB 6 Q-K5 ch P-Kt3 7 QxQP and wins. ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS. 53 Queen's Pawn Game. (Dutoh Defence). {Continued.) It is dangerous to advance your King's side Pawns too early in the game. 2 B— Kt5 P-KR3 3 B— R4 (or B4) P— KKt4 4 B-Kt3 P-B5 5 P-K3 P-KR4 6B-Q3 R-R3? 7 QxP ch RxQ 8 B— Kt6 mate. 54 ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS. Ruy Lopez. (Morphy Defence). 1 P-K4 P-K4 2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3 3 B-Kt5 P-QR3 4 B-R4 Kt-B3 5 Q-K2 B-B4 6 P-B3 P-QKt4 7 B-B2 P— Q4 8 PxP QxP 9P-Q4 B-Q3>(Kt3l) 10 B-Kt3 Q-K5 11 QxQ KtxQ 12 B— 05 and wins. 5 0.0 KtxP! 6 P-Q4I P-QKt4l 7 B-Kt3 P-Q4I 8 PxP Kt-K2 9 R-Ki P-QB4? 10 RxKt and should win. ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS. 55 Ruy Lopez. (Morphy Defence). {Continued^ A variation in the Ruy Lopez known a ,'Tarrasch's Trap". 8 B-K3 9 P-B3 B-K2 10 R-Ki 0.0 11 Kt-Q4 Q-Q2? 12 KtxB Q or PxKt 13 RxKt winning. 56 ONE liUNDRED i'lTFALLS Ruy Lopez • (Morphy Defence). {Continued) 5 6 R-Ki 7 P-Q4 8 B-Kt3 9 KtxP 10 QxKt P-Q3 B-K2 P-QKt4 PxP KtxKt P— B4 and wins. 5P-Q4 6 Kt-B3 7 KtxP 8 B-Kt3? 9 QxKt 13 any P-Q3 B-Q2 PxP P-QKt4 KtxKt P-QB4 P— B5 and wins. ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS. 57 Ruy Lopez. {Continued.) (Berlin Defence). A very fine Trap, which should be known. Kt-B3 B-K2 P-Q3 B-Q2 O.O ? (PxP I) 8 BxKt BxB Q PxP PxP 10 QxQ 11 KtxP QRxQ BxP 12 KtxB KtxKt 13 Kt-Q3 14 P-KB3 15 KtxB P-KB4 B-B4 ch KtxKt 16 B— Kt5 and wins. Ofcourse, if 16 ...., R— Q4; 17, BK7, followed by P-QB4. 58 ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS. Ruy Lopez. (Berlin Defence). {Continued.) 10 KRxQ 11 KtxP BxP 12 KtxB KtxKt i3Kt-Q3 P-KB4 14 P-KB3 B-B4 ch 15 K-Bi R-KBil 16 K-K2 1 B - Kt3 17 PxKt PxP 18 Kt-B4 P-Kt4 19 Kt R3 and wins. ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS. 59 Buy Lopez. (Berlin Defence). {Continued.) 6 B-Q3 7 P-B4 8 PxP 9 BxKt lo R — Ki and wins KtxP P-OR3 P-O4 PxQP ? QxP QxB 5 R— Ki 6 Kt-B3 7 KtxP Kt-Q3 KtxB? mkiJiL^Myf 8 RxKt ch 9 Kt-Q5 10 KtxB ch 11 O-R5 (b) 12 Q -R6 13 R-R5 14 Q -B6 mate. KtxKKt (a) B-K2 00 K-Ri P-KKtt R-Ki PxR (a.) B— K2 is the correct reply; if 7 KtxQKt; 8, KtxKt ch, B-K2;9, KtxB.KtxQ; 10, KtKt 6 ch and wins. 6o ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS. Ruy Lopez. (Berlin Defence). {Continued.) 4 P-Q3 Kt-K2 5 KtxP? P— B3 If 6 Kt— B4 then 6 ..... Kt— Kt3 and wins a piece, avoiding the smothered mate. (Cozlo 1 3 Defence). KKt-K2f 4P-B3 P-Q3 5 P-Q4 B— Q2 6 0.0 Kt-Kt3 7 Kt-Kt5 P-KR3 ? (B-K2) 8 KtxP (Ste Dt*frmm oh next fug*). ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS. 61 Ruy Lopez. (Cozio Defence). ( Continued) KxKt 9 B-B4 ch K-K2 10 Q-R5 Q-Ki 11 Q— Kt5 ch and wins. If 10 ...,B-Ki;ii,B-Kt5ch, PxB; 12, QxP ch, K— Q2; 13, Q— B5 ch and wins. 4 P-QR3 5 B-R4 P-QK:t4 6 B-Kt3 P-Q4 7Q-K2 PxP 8 QxKP B-B4 9 KtxP BxO 10 BxP mate. 62 ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS. Ruy Lopez. {Continued^ (Schliemann's Defence). A pretty variation, leading to the loss of the game — White endeavours to win a pawn or more. 3 .... P-B4 4 BxKt QPxB 5 KtxP Q-Q5 6 Q-R5 ch ? P-Kt3 1 7 KtxP Kt-KB3 8 Q-R4 1 Kt-Kt5 9 KtxR QxKP ch and wins. ONK HUNDRED PITFALLS. 63 Scotch Game. (Gambit form). I P-K4 P-K4 3 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3 3P-Q4 PxP 4 B-QB4 B-Kt5 ch 5P-B3 PxP 6 0.0 PxP? 7 BxP Kt-B3 8 Kt-Kt5 0.0 9P-K5 P-Q4 10 PxKt PxB II Q-R5 P-KR3 II Kt— K4 and wins. 6 Q-B3 7P-K5 PxP 8 PxQ PxR=Q 9 Q-K2 ch K-Bi 10 B- Kt2 and wins. 64 ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS. Scotch Game. (Gambit form). {Continued.) 4 B— B4 5 p_B3 PxP ? 6 BxP ch KxB 7 Q— Q5 ch K moves. 8 QxB and wins. 5 Kt-Kt5 6 Q-R5 Kt-R3 Kt-K4? (Q-K2) #1 ^ .iS^ 7 Kt— K6 and wins. ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS. 65 Scotch Game. {Coniinucd.) 4 KtxP 5 B-K3 6 P-QB3 7 Kt-Q2 8 P-K5 9 PxKt TO Kt— B4 and wins. B-B4 Q-B3 KKt-K2 KtxKt QxP? BxP If 7 ..., BxKt; 8, PxB, KtxP?; 9 P-K5, QxP; 10, Kt— B4 and wins. 5 P-Q3 6 KtxKt PxKt 7 BxB PxB White should have no difficulty in winning at least one of the trebled Pawns, leaving himself with four Pawns to three on the King's side. 66 ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS. Two Knights' Defence P-K4 Kt-KB3 B-B4 Kt-Kt5 PxP P-Q3 Kt— KB3 Q-K2 PxKt Kt-B3 P— K4 Kt-QB3 Kt-B3 P-Q4 Kt-QR4 P-KK3 P-K5 KtxB B-QB4 0.0 II Kt— Q2 oc Kti B— KKt5 and wins 6 B-Kt5 ch 7 PxP 8 B-R4? 9 Kt-KB3 10 Kt— K5 11 BxP ch 12 KtxKt 13 KtxP 14 P -KB3 15 0.0 16 K-Ri P-B3 PxP P-KR3 P— K5 Q-Q5 KtxB Q-Q4 B- KKts PxP B-B4 ch PxP mate. ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS. 67 Two Knights' Defence. {Continued.) 4 KtxP 5 Bx? ch K— K2 6 KtxKt KxB 7 Q-B3 ch K-Kti? 8 Kt— Kt5 and wins. 4P-Q4 5 Kt-Kt5 6 PxP 7 KtxP 8 Q-B.^ ch 9 Q— K4 ch and wins. 68 ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS. Two Knights' Defence. {Continued.) (MSLZ Lange Attack). This attack may arise out of the Scotch Game, Giuoco Piano, etc. 5 0.0 B-B4 6 P-K5! P-Q4 7 PxKt PxB 8 R-Ki ch B-K3 9 Kt-Kt5 QxP? 10 KtxB PxKt II Q-R5 ch Any 12 QxB and wins. ONK HUNDRED PITFALLS. 69 Two Knights' Defence. (Max Lange Attack). {Continued.) The following is extracted from the "Ameri- can Chess Bul/elin" : This variation of the Two Knights' Defence has been very troublesome for Black ever since i8go, when a new continuation for White was discovered, which runs as follows : I P-K4 P-K4 2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3 3 B-B4 Kt-B3 4P-Q4 PxP 5 0.0. B-B4 6P-K5 P-Q4 7 PxKt PxB 8 R-Ki ch B-K3 9 Kt- Kt5 Q-Q4 10 Kt-QB3 Q-B4 II QKt-K4 B-Kt^ 12 PxP R-KKti 13 P-KKt4 Q-Kt3 14 KtxB PxKt 15 B-K15 RxP 16Q-B3! White threatens Kt— B6 ch; and as Black cannot castle, his position, if not lost, is at least very difficult. It became clear, therefore, that Black, in order to withstand the assault, must castle. Now, castling is possible only on the nth move, and in this case White pro- ceeds as follows :— II ..... O 0.0 ; 12, P— KKt4, 70 ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS. Two Knights' Defence (Max Lange Attack.) {Continued.) Q-K4; 13, Kt-KR3 (if 13, P-B4, P-Q6 ch; 14, K— Rr or Br, Q— Q4 ; 15, PxKtP, KR— Kti ; and White cannot continue with Kt-B6), Q-Q4; 14. PxP, and ifKR-Kti, White can play 15, Kt — B6 and wins by KtxR, or forces a draw by Kt— K4, etc. The new discovery consists in the fact, that Black on his 14th move, instead of moving his R, may sacrifice it, and play 14 BxP I The position has been subjected to severe analyses and no continuation has been found that will give White a win. The following variations will show that Black, though a Rook behind, has an excellent game : — I— 14 ...., BxP; 15, PxR (Q), RxQ; 16, Kt-B6, QxKt; 17, KtxB 1 17, QxQ is not so strong), QxQ; 18, RxQ, R— Kti, and Black regains the piece, with two strong Pawns for the exchange and an excellent position. II-14 .. , BxP; 15. PxR (Q), RxQ; 16, R-K3? R-Kti; 17, Kt— Kt3. Kt - Kt5 ; and White loses at least a piece The 17th move seems forced, as after 17, K— Ri, Black could win by PxR, and after 17, K-Bi, by Q-R4. ONE HUNDRKD PITFALLS 7 1 Two Knights* Defence. (Max Lange Attack). ( Continued.) Nor does White appear to be able to vary his moves to any advantage, 16, B-B4, is met by Q— B4 and 16, Kt(K4) Kts, by P- KR3. Variation I seems, therefore, to represent White's best Hne of play, and if this is admitted, the Max Lange Attack has lost its terrors and the Two Knights' Defence may be adopted with safety. It may be remarked here, that White's error was in his 13th move, and he should have played, instead of 13, Kt— KB3, 13, KtxQB at once; then we get 13 .... PxKt; 14, PxP KR — Kti ; 15, B— Kt5, with the advantage. Suppose 15 ..., R-Q2; 16, B-B6, Q— Q4-, 17, KtxB, QxKt; 18, RxP. ONE HUNDRED PITFALLS. Zuckertort's Opening. (Tennison Gambit). The bad thing in all outri variations is that if your opponent does not follow in the line you wish, ycm are penalised by losing the advantage of the first move. The idea in this example is to entice Black to protect the advanced KP by playing P-KB4. 1 Kt-KB3 P-Q4 2 P— K4 PxP 3 Kt-Kt5 P-KB4? 4 B-B4 Kt-KR3 5 KtxRP RxKt 6 Q-R5 ch K-Q2 7 Q-Kt6 R-Ri 8 B— K6 ch and wins. 'jCSOUIHtRNHEGIOMALL IBRARY FACILITY AA 000 754953