z 5319 SI^IG 33 '^.riirjN\so\- Sa3AiNft]^V' 'J«i/i fAiiFn^^, '^ c^ \MEl!NIVE' iiDNVso^^''" "^aa, '%. '<^ VQ^^, .^^WEUNI' dAINiiaWV 33 -< \(}i to ^m CIS '^(iO: ^V^,: jAiNamv 3C/ \< V;lOSANC^ ''<^0JI]VJ-jO>' •5^ ^f- ^5MF"NIV^ -.VlOS >- GENEALOGICAL MATERIAL IN THE ST. LOUIS PUBLIC LIBRARY BY KATHARINE TWINING MOODY REFERENCE LIBRARIAN PRICE. FIVE CENTS ST. LOUIS ST. LOUIS PUBLIC LIBRARY 19 15 224 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC LIBRARY TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page Introduction 225 General Genealogy 226 Indexes 226 Bibliographies 227 Books about Names 227 Heraldry 227 Orders of Knighthood 228 Arms of Families 228 Specific Countries 229 Europe 229 Great Britain 229 England 230 Ireland 231 Scotland 231 Wales 231 Belgium 231 France 232 Germany 232 Norway 232 Rome 232 United States 232 New England 233 Maine 233 New Hampshire 233 Vermont 234 Massachusetts 234 Rhode Island 235 Connecticut 235 Middle Atlantic States 236 New York 236 New Jersey 237 Delaware 237 Pennsylvania 237 Mississippi and Lake Basins .... 239 Ohio 239 Indiana 239 Illinois 239 Missouri 239 Page Michigan 241 Minnesota 241 Wisconsin 241 Iowa 241 Indian Territory 241 Southern States 241 Maryland 241 Virginia 241 West Virginia 242 North Carolina 242 South Carolina 242 Georgia 243 Kentucky 243 Alabama 243 Texas 243 Arkansas 243 Tennessee 243 Western States 243 Kansas 243 Nebraska 243 North Dakota 243 South Dakota 243 Colorado 243 Utah 243 Montana 244 Oregon 244 California 244 Immigration Lists 244 Military Records 244 Pension Rolls 244 Rosters; Colonial Wars 244 Revolution 244 War of 1812 245 Patriotic Societies 245 Huguenots 246 Magazines Currently Received .... 246 Family Histories 246 Theatrical Families 252 MONTHLY BULLETIN J | "T 225 MATERIAL AVAILABLE FOR GENEALOGICAL RESEARCH IN THE ST. LOUIS PUBLIC LIBRARY. By Katharine Twining Moody, Reference Librarian. INTRODUCTION. In creating a genealogical reference library it has been necessary to obtain, first of all, works of a general nature^files of genealogical magazines, visitations and standard town histories rather than individual family genealogies. Today, although it is true that this collection still lacks important sets, it has reached a point in its development where fairly satisfactory research is possible. Naturally, in view of the fact that acquisitions are constantly being received, this list must serve merely as a basis or guide. Since, however, current additions to the collection are listed in the Library's Monthly Bulletins, persons interested may, with little trouble, possess an up-to-date catalogue. It is, of course, impossible to mention all titles which afford genealogical information, for most biographies and histories might be included. Contrary^ to the custom of many libraries the greater part of the collection here listed is kept upon open shelves in the Reference Room. Such easy access arouses much favorable comment for reasons easily understood. It scarcely needs to be urged that a small collection used exhaustively is more satisfactory than resources inaccessible and material unsuspected. Genealogy is the one class of literature impartially handled — no work ever becomes out of date; its style is never questioned; not one volume may be disre- garded by the pedigree hunter, for in the most unlooked-for spot the elusive fact may be stumbled upon. To the uninitiated it may be surprising to learn that family histories are by no means the sum total of material necessary in genealogical work. Long files of state archives serve to locate geographically families whose migra- tions are uncertain; moreover, they give accurate data regarding the public services of individuals. Military rosters of the United States and of the several states, and pension rolls, are in demand to prove eligibility for membership in the various patriotic societies, while the membership rolls of these very organizations are trails already blazed, with which others may easily connect. Town and county histories abound in valuable material; Hsts of immigrants to the United States in colonial days, church records of baptisms and marriages, collections of wills, municipal publications listing births, deaths and marriages — all furnish welcome information. Many colleges are issuing biographical lists of graduates, full of data, and, of course, general biographical encyclopedias are useful in tracing descent. Sometimes a date, a name or a place will present the necessary clue; all else failing, directories of cities and membership-lists of societies will indicate the whereabouts of individuals bearing the family name, suggesting the fact that information may be obtained through them. By means of the heralds' visitations and notes of those who have delved upon English soil, it is possible to trace many families to the days of the Conqueror, and, if we may accept the records of the nobility, indefinitely beyond. In short, an extended genealogical quest, in its ingenuity, will often require the detective genius of a Sherlock Holmes. Persons having family records are invited to place manuscript copies in this Library. If preferred, the Library will make photostatic copies of manuscript or printed charts and will return the originals. The preservation of many valuable records will then be permanently assured. *>WrtO(|n KATHARINE T. MOODY, rwOO^-l iU Reference Librarian. 226 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC LIBRARY GENERAL GENEALOGY. Bolton, C. K. Genealogy and history. {In Amer. Hist. Assoc. Ann. rept. 1912.) Ref. 906 Borke, Sir J. B. Rise of great families; other essays and stories. 1873. Ref. 929 A dissertation upon the ancient lineage of the peers and fragments of family history. Crofton, H. A. How to trace a pedigree. 1911. 929.1 Crozier, W. A., ed. Genealogical directory. 1907. Ref. 929.17 Locates families geographically, and gives addresses of persons interested in these families. Fletcher, W. G. D. Royal descents; Scottish records. 1908. Ref. 929.7 Showing how to trace a descent from royalty. Galton, F., and Schuster, E. Noteworthy fami- lies (modem science) an index to kinships in near degrees between persons whose achieve- ments are honourable, and have been pub- licly recorded. 1906. Ref. 4a International genealogical directory. 2d ed. 1909. Ref. 929 -Supplement. 1909-1911. Ref. 929 Addresses of genealogists, also names of families in which each is interested. Preston, S. H. Unclaimed money; a handy book for heirs at law, next of kin and persons in search of a clue to unclaimed money, missing relatives and friends. 4th ed. [Pref. 1909.] Ref. 347.6 Rushen, P. C. Genealogist's legal dictionary. 1909. Ref. 929 Explains terms used in medieval legal documents and records, particularly such as relate to the possession of lands. Sims, R. Manual for the genealogist; descrip- tions of public records, parochial and other registers, wills, [etc.] New ed. 1888. Ref. 929 Some special studies in genealogy. 1908. 929.1 Showing how to trace the English ancestry of emigrants to America. Stapleton, A. The churchyard scribe. 1908. 929.5 Hints on recording the inscriptions in a burial ground. INDEXES. Allaben (F.) Genealogical Co. Genealogy, heraldry, history, biography, n. d. Ref. 929.1 An index to their publications. Ancestor. Index, v. 1-12. 1905. English records. Apr., 1902— Jan., Ref. 929 Archaeologia. Index, v. 1-50. 1889. Ref. 913 English records. Bridger, C. Index to printed pedigrees, con- tained in county and local histories, the heralds' visitations, and in the more important genealogical collections. 1867. Ref. 929.142 English records. Durrie, D. S. Index to American genealogies. 5th ed., and supl. 1900-1908. Ref. 929.17 Of first importance since they show genealogical material in American town histories. Gentleman's magazine. General index, v. 1-5. 1789-1821. Ref. 050 Hitching, F. K. and S. References to English surnames in 1602; an index to surnames con- tained in registers of English parishes. 1911. Ref. 929.142 Journal of American history. 1907-1913. 1914. Index, v. 1-7. Ref. 970 Magazine of American history. Complete index; 1877-1893. Ref. 973 Magazine of history. General index; with notes and queries, v. 1-14. 1905-1911. 1912. Ref. 905 Marshal], G. W. Genealogist's guide. 1903. Ref. 929.142 An index to pedigrees found in important British gene- alogical works. Massachusetts Historical Society. Index to the first twenty volumes of proceedings, 1791- 1883. 1887. Ref. 974.4 New England historical and genealogical register. Index of persons, v. 1-50. 1906-1907. 3. v. Ref. 929.174 Index of places, v. 1-50. 1908. Ref. 929.174 Index of subjects, v. 1-50. 1911.. 1 v. Ref. 929.174 Invaluable for New England records, and frequently of service to persons interested in Southern families. Notes and queries. General index. Ser. 1-9. 1849-1903. Ref. 050 Rye, W. Index to Norfolk Pedigrees. 1896. Ref. 929. 142 Toner, J. M. Index to names of persons and churches in Bp. Meade's Old churches, minis- ters and families of Va. 1898. Ref. 975.5 {In Southern History Assoc. Publications. Extra ser. v. 1.) Ref. 975 Virginia county records. Pubhcations. v. 8. Ref. 929.1755 Key to Southern pedigrees. William and Mary College quarterly. Index to genealogic data, v. 1-16. 1892-1908. Ref. 929.17 Wise, J. C. Wise's digested index and gene- alogical guide to Bp. Meade's Old churches, ministers and families of Va. 1910. Ref. 975.5 MONTHLY BULLETIN 227 BIBLIOGRAPHIES. American genealogist; a catalogue of family histories. 4th ed. 1897. Ref. 929.17 Boston. Public Library. Finding list of gene- alogies and town and local histories, con- taining family records. 1900. Ref. 929 Glenn, T. A. List of some American genealo- gies. 1897. Ref. 929.17 Incomplete and now somewhat out-of-date. Grosvenor Library. Buffalo. Index-catalogue of books in the dept. of local history and genealogy. 1908. Ref. File Illinois. State Historical Library. Publication. 18. [1914.] ' Ref. 977.3 List of genealogical works in the Illinois State Hist. Library. New York (City. ) Public Library. Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations. Bulletin, v. 1. 1897. Ref. 017.1 Contains a list of American genealogies in its collection. Syracuse. Public Library. List of books on genealogy and heraldry, and allied subjects. 1910. Ref. File -Supplement no. 1. n. d. Ref. File U. S. Library of Congress. American and English genealogies in the Library of Congress. 1910. Ref. 016.929 Of great value; showing what has been published to date. Virginia. State Library. Bulletin, v. 1, no. 1. 1908. Ref. 016 List of works on genealogy in the Virginia State Library. Whitmore, W. H. Handbook of American gene- alogy; a catalogue of family histories. 1862. Ref. 929.17 — American genealogist; a catalogue of family histories. 1868. Ref. 929.17 BOOKS ABOUT NAMES. Baehnisch, A. Die deutschen Personennamen. 1910. 929.4 Barber, H. British family names; their origin and meaning. 2d ed. 1903. Ref. 929.4 Bardsley, C. W. Curiosities of Puritan nomen- clature. 1880. 929.4 Dictionary of English and Welsh surnames. 1901. Ref. 929.4 English surnames; their sources and signifi- cations. 6th ed. 1898. Ref. 929.4 Ferguson, R. Surnames as a science. 2d ed. rev. 1884. 929.4 Treats of the antiquity and derivation of names. Fischer, H.W. Girls' names. [cl913.] Ref. 929.4 Their meaning, emblems and historical associations. Gould, S. B. Family names and their story. 1910. 929.4 Joyce, P. W. Origin and history of Irish names of places. 1912-1913. 3 v. Ref. 929.4 Contains names of Irish families. Moore, A. W. Manx names, or, the surnames and place-names of the Isle of Man. 1906. Ref. 929.4 Phillimore, W. P. W., and Fry, E. A., comps. Index to changes of name under authority of act of parliament or royal licence, 1760-1901. 1905. Ref. 929.4 Searle, W. G. Onomasticon anglo-saxonicum; a list of Anglo-Saxon proper names from the time of Beda to that of King John. 1897. Ref. 929.4 Sims, C. S. Origin and signification of Scottish surnames; with a vocabulary of Christian names. 1862. Ref. 929.4 Yonge, C. M. History of Christian names. 1884. 929.4 HERALDRY. Abbott, W. H. Heraldry illustrated. [cl897.] 929.6 Contains glossary of terms used in heraldry. Baty, T. Flags and shields, simply explained, n. d. Ref. 929.9 Bloom, J. H. English seals. [1906.] Ref. 929.8 Seals of the sovereigns, clergy, knights and others. Boutell, C. English heraldry. 1899. Ref 929.6 Burke, J. and J. B. Heraldic illustrations of the principal families of the empire; with pedi- grees and annotations. 1845. Ref. 929.6 Copinger, W. A. Heraldry simplified. 1910. Ref. 929.6 Contains illustrations of nearly liOUU heraldic devices. Davies, A. C. F. Complete guide to heraldry ; illus. in colour, n. d. Ref. 929.6 A full treatise, well illustrated, and by an authority. Eve, G. W. Decorative heraldry; a practical handbook of its artistic treatment. 1897. Ref. 929.8 An excellent introduction to the study of heraldry. Hope, W. H. St. J. A grammar of Eng. heraldry. 1913. (Cambridge manuals of sci. and lit.) 929.6 Though the smallest book on heraldry that has come to our notice, Mr. Hope's manual is of value out of all pro- portion to its size. — Dial. Heraldry for craftsmen and designers. 1913. Ref. 929.6 228 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC LIBRARY Manual of heraldry. New ed. 1904. Ref. 929.6 Moule, T. Heraldry of fish; notices of the principal families bearing fish in their arms. 1842. Ref. 929.6 Traces, through mythology and allegory, the use of the fish symbol from the earliest known emblem in the Zodiac to the familiar device of Aldus. Nason, A. H. Heralds and heraldry in Ben Jonson's plays, masques and entertainments. 1907. Ref. 929.6 Pedrick, G. Manual of heraldry. n. d. Ref. 929.6 Phillimore, W. P. W. Law and practice of grants of arms and the registration of pedigrees in England, Scotland and Ireland. 1905. Ref. 929.8 Ringrose, J. A. Ringrose's heraldry; the rela- tion of the science w. history, poetry and the arts. 1913. Ref. 929.6 Tyas, R. Flowers and heraldry. 1851. 929.6 The author states that "the origin of the use of flowers as indicating the predominant sentiment of the mind is long anterior to the emblematic use of figures in heraldry." Vinycomb, J. Fictitious and symbolic creatures in art, with special reference to their use in British heraldry. 1906. Ref. 929.8 Whitmore, W. H. Elements of heraldry; with an essay on the use of coat-armor in the U. S. 1866. Ref. 929.6 Zieber, E. Heraldry in America. 1895. Ref. 929.8 ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD. Archer, J. H. L., comp. Orders of chivalry. 1887. Ref. 929.71 Burke, Sir J. B., ed. Book of the orders of knighthood and decorations of honour of all nations. 1858. Ref. 929.71 Nicolas, Sir N. H., ed. History of the orders of Knighthood of the British Empire. 1842. 4 v. Ref. 929.7 Colored plates. Perkins, J. The Most Honourable Order of the Bath; a desc. and hist, account. 1913. 929.7 ARMS OF FAMILIES. Book of family crests, comprising nearly every family bearing, blazoned and explained. 13th ed. 1882. 2 v. Ref. 929.8 About 4000 illustrations, and a dictionary of mottoes. Burke, J. and J. B. Heraldic illustrations, com- prising the armorial bearings of the principal families of the empire, with pedigrees and annotations. 1845. Ref. 929.6 Crozier, W. A. Crozier's general armory; a registry of American families entitled to coat armor. 1904. Ref. 929.8 It is evident that this register does not claim to be complete, but merely offers a list of families which have established their right to bear arms. In his preface the author says: "The arms-bearing families in the United States are principally those who trace their origin to the Knickerbocker families of New York, the Cavaliers of the South, the Puritans of New England, the Quakers of Pennsylvania and the Huguenot exiles of noble blood. It must be remembered that the early settlers, although often styled merchants and yeoman, were mostly men of good family, their seals and much of the plate brought with them from the Old World being engraved with their Arms. All persons who can deduce descent from an ancestor whose armorial ensigns have been acknowledged in any one of the Visitations, are entitled to carry those Arms by right of inheritance." Davies, A. C. F.. ed. Armorial families. 1895. Ref. 929.8 Art of heraldry; an encyclopaedia of arm- ory. 1904. Ref. 929.6 A sumptuous volume, with colored plates. Heraldic badges. 1907. Ref. 929.8 Fairbairn, J. Fairbaim's crests of the families of Great Britain and Ireland, n. d. 2 v. Ref. 929.8 Foster, J. Some feudal coats of arms and others. 1902. Ref. 929.8 Illustrated with etchings from the Bayeux tapestry, Greek vases, seals, tiles, eflfigies, brasses and heraldic rolls. Contains pedigree charts of Anne, Blenkinsopp, Eyre, Haig, Hunter- Weston, Pennington, Stapylton. and Wrot- tesley. Two Tudor books of arms; Harleian mss. 2169 and 6163. [1904.] Ref. 929.8 Heraldic journal, recording the armorial bearings and genealogies of American families, v. 1-4. 1865-1868. 4 v. in 2. Ref. 929.8 Howard de Walden, T. E. Ellis, 8th Baron. Banners, standards and badges, from a Tudor manuscript in the College of Arms. 1904. Ref. 929.8 Some feudal lords and their seals. [1904.] Ref. 929.8 Hozier, L. P. d' . Armorial general de la France. 1-26, 28. 1865-1884. 7 v. in 12 and index. Ref. 929.8 Matthews, J. Matthews' American armourv and blue book. n. d. Ref. 929.8 Not confined to British arms. Rietstap, J. B. Wapenboek van den Nederland- schen adel met genealogische en heraldische aanteekeningen. 1887. Ref. 929.8 Arms finely illustrated in color. Rodway, A. Sword of Harvaard, or the common ancestors of William Shakspere and John Harvard. 1912. Ref. 929.8 Vermont, E. de V., ed. America heraldica; coats of arms, crests and mottoes of prominent American families settled in this country before 1800. [cl886.1 Ref. 929.8 Illustrations in color. Zieber, E. Heraldry in America. 1895. Ref. 929.8 Contains seals of the states, ecclesiastical seals, insignia of societies and glossary. MONTHLY BULLETIN 229 SPECIFIC COUNTRIES. EUROPE. AUstrom, C. M. Dictionary of royal lineage of Europe and other countries, from the earliest period to the present date. 1902-1904. 2 V. Ref. 929.7 Almanach de Gotha. 1844, 1846-1847, 1849- 1853, 1855-1889. 1893, 1897-1901, 1903-1904, 1909-1914. 60 V. Ref. 17 Notes upon the present reigning houses of Europe. Berry, W. Genealogia antiqua; or, Mythological and classical tables: comp. fr. the best authors on fabulous and ancient historv. 2d ed. 1840. ■ Ref. 929.7 Betham, Sir W. Genealogical tables of the sovereigns of the world. 1795. Ref. 929.7 George, H. B. Genealogical tables illustrative of modern history. 3d ed. 1886. Ref. 929 Halliday, A. General history of the House of Guelph, or royal family of Great Britain. 1821. Ref. 929.7 Hartland, F. D. A chronological dictionary; or, Index to the genealogical chart of the dis- tinguished houses of Europe. 1854. Ref. 929.7 A genealogical and chronological chart of the royal . . houses of Europe; fr. the earliest periods to the present time. 1854. Ref. 929.7 Hassall, A. Handbook of European history, 476-1871. 1898. Ref. 940 Contains genealogies of European rulers. Henninges, H. Theatrum genealogicum osten- tans omnes omnium tetatum familias. 1598. 4 V. in 2. Ref. 929 Hiibner, J. Genealogische Tabellen nebst denen darzu gehorigen genealogischen Fragen zur Erlauterung der politischen Historic, v. 1. 1710. Iv. Ref. 929.1 Ruvigny and Raineval, M. A. H. D. H. de La C. de M. de R., 9Ut Marquis of. The nobilities of Europe. 1st yr. 1909. Ref. 929.7 Contains chart of the royal house of Wellin. GREAT BRITAIN. Ancestor; quarterly review of county and family historv heraldry and antiquities, v. 1-12, and index. 1902-1905. 13 v. Ref. 929 Archaeologia; or. Miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity, v. 1-58. 1770-1903. .58 v. in 80. Ref. 913 Many articles of interest to genealogists. Index, V. 1-50. 1889. Ref. 913 Bagshawe, F. G. The history of the royal family of England. 1912. 2 v. Ref. 929.7 Contains twenty-six genealogical tables. Banks, Sir T. C. Baronia Anglica concentrata, commonly called baronies in fee. 1843-1844. 2 V. Ref. 929.7 Bernau, C. A. Sixteenth century marriages, 1538-1600. 1911. Ref. 929.3 Betham, S/r W. Baronetage of England. 1801- 1805. 5 V. Ref. 929.7 Contains fine engravings of armorial bearings. Burke, A. P. Family records. 1897. Ref. 929.142 Burke, J. A genealogical and heraldic history of the landed gentry; or. Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland. 1837-1838. 4 v. Ref. 929.7 • and J. B. Genealogical and heraldic history of the extinct and dormant baronetcies of England, Ireland, and Scotland. 2d ed. 1844. Ref. 929.7 Same. 1838. — Sir J. B. Genealogical and heraldic history of the colonial gentrv. 1891-1895. 2 v. Ref. 929.142 — Genealogical and heraldic history of the landed gentry of Great Britain and Ireland. 6th ed. 1879. 2 v. Ref. 929.7 -A genealogical history of the dormant, abeyant, forfeited and extinct peerages of the British Empire. New ed. 1866, 1883. Ref. 929.7 In spite of errors, of great value in tracing descent from the English nobility. The relationship of the houses is clearly shown. The royal families of England, Scotland. and Wales; w. pedigrees in illus. 1876. Ref. 929.7 and A. P. Genealogical and heraldic history of the peerage and baronetage. 44th, 50th, 72d-77th ed. 1882-1915. 8 v. Ref. 929.7 Callow, E. From King Orrv to Queen Victoria. 942.8 Kings of the Isle of Man. Cokayne, G. E. Complete peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain, and the United Kingdom; extant, extinct or dormant. New ed., rev. and enl. v. 1-3. 1910-1913. 3 v. Ref. 929.7 Includes alphabetical entries from A to C — all that have been published at present time. Collins, A. Peerage of England, genealogical, biog. and hist., cont. bv Sir. E. Brvdges. 1812. 9v. Ref.' 929.7 Crisp, F. A., ed. Visitation of England and Wales. V. 10. 1902. Ref. 929.7 Dictionary of national biography. 1885-1904. 63 V. Ref. 929.042 Very useful in genealogical work, for most of the indi- vidual biographies give several generations of family history. Directory of titled persons. 1898. Companion to Whilaker's almanack. Ref. 929.7 Dixon, W. H. Royal Windsor. 1879-80. 4 v. 942.2 230 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC LIBRARY Dod's peerage, baronetage and knightage of Great Britain and Ireland, v. 53. 1893. Ref. 929.7 Doyle, J. E. Official baronage of England, 1066-1885. 1886. Ref. 929.7 Genealogical magazine, [Lond.] v. 1-7. May, 1897-Apr., 1904. Ref. 929 Genealogist, v. 1-7. 1877-83; n. s. v. 1-17. 1884-1901. Ref. 929.142 Gentleman's magazine. Ser. 1-2, v. 1-103; ser. 3, V. 1-45; ser. 4, v. 1-21; n. s., v. 1-63. 1731- June, 1866, June 1868-1905. Ref. 050 General index, v. 1-5. 1789-1821. Ref. 050 Marshall's Genealogist's guide refers to these volumes. Kelly's handbook to the titled, landed and official classes. 1910. Ref. 929.7 Lodge, E. Peerage and baronetage of the British empire, n. d. Ref. 929.7 Miscellanea genealogica et heraldica. 1868- 1903, ed. by J. J. Howard: 1904-1909. ed. by W. B. Bannerman. 1868-1910. 19 v. Ref. 929 Morris, F. O. Series of picturesque views of seats of the noblemen and gentlemen of Great Britain and Ireland. [188-?] 6 v. Ref. 914.2 Each illustration is followed by an account of the families which have occupied the house. Morris, J. E. Welsh wars of Edward I. 1901. 942.9 Gives charts of the Bigod, Bohun. Braose. Chaworth, Clifford, Declare, Fitzalan, Geneville. Hastings, Lacy, Lancaster, Mortimer, Verdun, and Warenne families. Nichols, J. G., ed. The herald and genealogist. 1863-1874. 8 v. Ref. 929 The topographer and genealogist. 1846- 1858. 3 V. Ref. 929.142 Nicolas, Sir N. H. Full display of the peerage of England since the conquest, n. d. 2 v. Ref. 929.7 Notes and queries. Ser. 1 - 1 1 . v. 1 + 1849 to date. 127 V. Ref. 050 General index. Ser. 1-9. 1849-1903. 9 v. Ref. 050 These volumes are indexed in Marshall's Genealogist's guide. Pixley, F. W. History of the baronetage. 1900. Ref. 929.7 Round, J. H. Studies in peerage and family history. 1901. 929.7 Houses of Ballon, Boulogne, Hapsburg, Mowbray, Rus- sell, Spencer and Stewart. Searle, W. G. Anglo-Saxon bishops, kings and nobles; the succession of the bishops and the pedigrees of the kings and nobles. 1899. Ref. 929.7 SufTIing, E. R. Epitaphia; a collection of British epitaphs, grave and gay, historical and curious. 1909. Ref. 929.5 A few ancient epitaphs are included and some American ones. Walford, E. The county families of the United Kingdom; or, Royal manual of the titled and untitled aristocracy of Great Britain and Ireland. 3d ed., enl. 1865. Ref. 929.7 Biographical notes of men of the period, giving two or three generations of their families. Whitaker's peerage; a directory of titled persons. 1906. Ref. 929.7 England. Bentley, S. Excerpta historica; or. Illustrations of English history. 1831. Ref. 942 Neville family notes, etc. Berry, W. Coimty genealogies; pedigrees of the families in the county of Sussex. 1830. 2 v. Ref. 929.7 Canterbury, Eng. {Province.) Prerogative Court. Calendar of wills rel. to the county of Suffolk proved in the Prerogative Coiut of Canter- bury between 1383 and 1604; comp. by C. W. S. R. Cloke; ed. by T. W. O.-Hicks. 1913. Ref. 929.3 Charles, N. Visitations of the Co. of Hunt- ingdon, 1613; ed. by Sir H. Ellis. 1849. (Camden Soc. no. 43.) Ref. 942 Clutterbuck, R. History and antiquities of the County of Hertford. 1815-1827. 3 v. Ref. 914.2 Cooper, W. D. Lists of foreign protestants and aliens resident in England, 1618-1688. 1862. (Camden Soc. no. 82.) Ref. 942 Dingley, T., comp. History from marble. 1867-68. 2 V. (Camden Soc. no. 94, 97.) Ref. 942 Monumental inscriptions, compiled in the reign of Charles II. English Monumental Inscriptions Society, Lond. The register of English monumental inscrip- tions. V. 1. The monumental inscriptions remaining in the church of St. Bartholomew at Oxford in the county of Suffolk, 1911; transcribed and annot. by H. W. B. W. 1912. Ref. 929.2 Foster, J., comp. Pedigrees of the county families of England, v. 1: Lancashire. 1873. Ref. 929.7 Pedigrees of the county families of York- shire. 1874. 2 V. Ref. 929.7 Contents: v. 1. West Riding. — v. 2. North and East Riding. Pedigrees recorded at the visitations of the county Palatine of Durham. 1887. Ref. 929.7 Glover, R. The visitation of Yorkshire, 1584/5; to which is added The subsequent visitation made in 1612, bv R. St. George; ed. bv J. Foster. 1875. Ref. 929.7 Harleian Soc. Publications. 1912. 63 V. Visitations. V. 1-63. 1869- Ref. 929.7 -Registers, v. 1-42. 1877-1912. 42 v. Ref. 929.3 Marriages, christenings and burials as recorded in the parishes of Canterbury, Bath, Durham, Stourton and the vicinity of London. MONTHLY BULLETIN 23] Holme, R. [Chart showing the descent of Margaret Butler who married Lawrence Washington.] n. d. Ref. File Photographic copy of original manuscript in the British Museum, 1911. Ireland, S. W. H. England's topographer; or, A new and complete history of the county of Kent. 1820-1830. 4 v. ' Ref. 942.2 Mackerell, B. History and antiquities of the flourishing corporation of King's-Lvnn in the county of Norfolk. 1738. Ref. 942.6 Reproduces all inscriptions found upon gravestones, and coats of arms in St. Nicholas's church in Lynn-Regis. Metcalfe, W. C, ed. Visitations of Northamp- tonshire, 1564 and 1618-19; with Northamp- tonshire pedigrees, fr. various Harleian mss. 1887. Ref. 929.7 Morant, P. History and antiquities of the county of Essex. 1768. 2 v. Ref. 914.67 Muskett, J. J. Suffolk manorial families. 1900-1914, 3 V. Ref. 929.7 Nichols, J. G. and Bruce, J., eds. Wills from Doctors' Commons, 1495-1695. 1863 (Cam- den Soc. no. 83.) Ref. 942 Ormerod, G. Miscellanea palatina; genealogical essays illustrative of Cheshire and Lancashire families. 1851. Ref. 929.142 Norres, Lathom, Arden, DeMontalt, Stokeport, Fitz Roger, Banastre, Gernet and Bethum families. Rodgers, J. Scenery of Sherwood forest; with an account of some eminent people once resi- dent there. 1909. 914.2 Gives much interesting material relating to the Byron, Cavendish, Clinton, Holies, Markham, Pierrepont, Savile and other families. Smyth, R. Obituary; a catalogue of such per- sons as he knew, 1627-1674; ed. bv Sir H. Ellis. 1849. (Camden Soc. no. 44.) Ref. 942 Tait, J. Mediaeval Manchester, and the begin- nings of Lancashire. 1904. 942 Contains chapter on the Grelley family. TJmbs, J. Ancestral stories and traditions of great families illustrative of Eng. history. 1869. 942 Waters, H. F. G. Genealogical gleanings in England. 1901. 2 v. Ref. 929.142 These notes from English records were made by Mr. Waters, at the request of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, in a quest for material which might be found concerning the early settlers of America. Weaver, F. W. Visitations of the county of Somerset, in the years 1531 and 1573. 1885. Ref. 929.7 Westcote, T. View of Devonshire in 1630; with a pedigree of most of its gentry. 1845. Ref. 914.2 Whitaker, T. D. History and antiquities of the Deanery of Craven, County of York. 1878. Ref. 942 Yorkshire Parish Register Society. Parish registers of Otley, Co. York. pt. 1. 1562-1672. 1908. (In its Publications, v. 33. 1908.) Ref. 929..'J Ireland. American- Irish Historical Society. Journal. 1, 3-4. 1898-1904. 3 v. " Ref. 973 Clans of Ireland; their battles, chiefs, and princes. |1910?] 941.5 DeCourcy, B. W. Genealogical history of the Milesian families of Ireland. 1880. Ref. 929.2 Fitzgerald, T. W. H. Ireland and her people. [C1909-1911.] 5 v. Ref. 941.5 Volumes 1-3 devoted to biographies of noted Irishmen. O'Cleary, M. Annals of the kingdom of Ireland by the four masters, from the earliest period to 1616. 2d ed. 1856. 7 v. Ref. 941.5 O'Hart, J. Irish and Anglo-Irish landed gentry when Cromwell came to Ireland; or, A supple- ment to Irish pedigrees. 1884. Ref. 929.7 Irish pedigrees; or. The origin and stem of the Irish nation. 1876. Ref. 929.7 Gives the origin of Irish family names, and a royal lineage from Adam to Victoria. Vicars, Sir A., ed. Index to the prerogative wills of Ireland, 1536-1810. 1897. Ref. 929.3 Scotland. Douglas, Sir R. Baronage of Scotland, v. 1. 1798. Ref. 929.72 Peerage of Scotland; ed. by J. P. Wood. 2d ed. 1813. 2 v. Ref. 929.72 Scottish clans and their tartans, n. d. Ref. 941 Colored illustrations. Taylor, J. Great historic families of Scotland. 1887. 2 V. Ref. 929.142 These include the Earls of Mar, the houses of Menteith, Douglas, Keith, Seton, Ruthven, Crichton, Mackenzie, Hamilton, Campbell, Leslie, Ramsay, Maule, Lauderdale, Home, Maxwell, Johnstone, Stewart, Drummond, Erskine, Graham, Scott, Hepburn, Eraser, Gordon, Hays and Maclellan. Wales. Bridgeman, G. T. O. History of the Princes of South Wales. 1876. Ref. 942.9 Jones, A. Cymry of '76; or, Welshmen and their descendants of the American revolution. 1855. Ref. 973.34 Lloyd, J. E. History of Wales. 1911. 2 v. 942.9 Nicholas, T. Annals and antiquities of the counties and county families of Wales. 1872. 2 V. Ref. 929.7 Rhoscomyl, O. pseud. Flamebearers of Welsh history. 1905. 942.9 Contains genealogical charts. BELGIUM. Martin, C. Genealogies des forestiers et contes de Flandres, auec brieue de leurs vies. 1612. Ref. 929.7 232 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC LIBRARY FRANCE. Paradin, C. Alliances genealogiques des rois et princes de Gaule. 156L Ref. 929.7 In addition to its value as genealogy this book is a beautiful example of early printing. GERMANY. Gothaisches genealogisches Taschenbuch der uradeligen Hauser. 9. Jahrg. 1908. Ref. 929.7 Genealogy of the ancient noble houses of Germany. NORWAY. Morris, W., and Magnusson, E., eds. The saga library, v. 6. The stories of the kings of Norway, Heimskringla by Snorri Sturlason. V. 4. Names of persons. — Genealogies. 839.6 Tabulated pedigrees. ROME. Serviez, J. R. de. Roman empresses. 1913. 2 V. Ref. 923.1 Particular care has been taken to distinguish those who were of, or who were married into Augustus's family, because they were the most remarkable. All the facts here reported are taken from original authors; and, for our justification, as much care as possible has been taken throughout, to quote our authorities. — Pref. UNITED STATES. American historical register and monthly gazette of the patriotic-hereditary societies of the U. S. V. 1-5. 1894-1897. 5 v. Ref. 973 These contain many valuable notes, colored illustra- tions of the insignia of patriotic societies and extended accounts of the following families: v. 1. Hillegas, Dyre, Johnstone, Smythe, Bonde, Peyton, Jackson, Stuart, Penn. — v. 2. Livingston, Daves, Hammond, Cromwell. DeForest, Taylor, Griffin, Duval. — v. 3. Bowne, David- son, Fenwick, Hall, Howell, Irvine, Jenkins, St. Clair, Steele, Thompson, Wigglesworth. — v. 4. Howell, Weiser, Fenner, Willett, DeFronsac. — v. 5. Ruggles, McDonald, Guest, McPike. Arber, E., ed. Story of the pilgrim fathers, 1606-1623. 1897. 974.4 Batch, T. Letters and papers relating chiefly to the provincial history of Penn. 1855. Ref. 974.8 Shippen, Francis, M'Call, Swift, and Willing family records. Bolton, C. K. Marriage notices, 1785-1794, for the whole United States. 1900. Ref. 929.3 Copied from the Massachusetts centinel and the Colum- bia centinel. Boston transcript. Genealogical [notes.] Ref. File Clippings. Browning, C. H. Americans of royal descent; genealogies showing the lineal descent from kings of some American families. 7th ed. 1911. Ref. 929.7 Chapman, G. T. Sketches of the alumni of Dartmouth College, 1771 to the present time. 1867. Ref. 920.07 Cleaveland, N. History of Bowdoin College; with biographical sketches of its graduates, 1806-1879. 1882. Ref. 31al Dexter, F. B. Biographical sketches of the graduates of Yale College. 1701-1815. 6 v. 1885-1912. Ref. 920 The biography of each graduate contains his ancestry to some extent. Ellis, W. A., comp. Norwich University; her history, her graduates, her roll of honor. 1898. Ref. 378 Biographical accounts of students, 1820-1898. Genealogy; a weekly journal of Amer. ancestry. V. 1+. Jan., 1912 to date. Ref. 929.17 Glenn, T. A. Some colonial mansions and those who lived in them. v. 1. 1898. Ref. 929.17 Contains genealogies of the Byrd, Stockton, Coates, Paschall, Morris, Herrman, Van Rensselaer, Page, Carter, Livingston, Carroll, Grseme, Harrison, and Randolph families. Haxtun, A. A. Signers of the Mayflower com- pact. 1896-99. Ref. 929.17 Biographical accounts, with notes of descendants. Hughes, T. P., ed. American ancestry, v. 1-12. 1887-99. 12 v. in 11. Ref. 929.17 V. 1. City of Albany.— V. 2. Columbia Co., N. Y.— V. 3-12. U. S. Invincible; a magazine of history, v. 1. 1913. Ref. 929.17 St. Louis publication devoted to general American genealogy. This volume contains records of the Calvert. Clark, Conway, Morgan, Sewall, Price, Beverly, Thornton, Lewis, Lloyd, Strother, Smith, Jones and other families. It is the intention of the editor to republish in this maga- zine Burke's Extinct Peerage. Jones, A. Cymry of '76; or, Welshmen and their descendants of the American Revolu- tion. 2ded. 1855. Ref. 973.34 Journal of American history, v. 4-7+ 1910 to date. Ref. 970 Contains many coats of arms, historical articles of interest to genealogists. The following families are treated at length: — v. 4. Moore, Loomis, Pomeroy, Latham. — V. 5. De Peyster, Seymour, Taft, Spelman, Lincoln. — V. 6. Washington, Joslin, Bowers, Hungate. — v. 7. Hardenberg, Gould, Van Deursen Parsons. Index. V. 1-7. 1907-1913. 1914. Ref. 970 Linehan, J. C, and Murray, T. H. Irish school- masters in the American colonies, 1640-1775, and after the revolution. 1898. Ref, File. Mackenzie, G. N., ed. Colonial families of the U. S. v. 1-4. 1907-1914. 4 v. Ref. 929.17 Magazine of American history, v. 1-30. 1877- 93, and Index. Ref. 973 Not a genealogical magazine, but contains much informa- tion of interest to one who searches exhaustively. Magazine of history with notes and queries. V. 1-8, 10-16, 18+. 1905-1908. 1909-June. 1913, Jan., 1914 to date. Ref. 905 Contains many genealogical notes, records of militar>' service and the following family genealogies: v. 1. Farrar. —V 3. 5, 8, 10, 12, 13. Haley, Pike.— v. 6, 8. Armorial families of New England.— v. 7, 15. McPike.— v. 12. MONTHLY BULLETIN 233 Boodey. Lillibridge, Reton. — v. 13. Parry, Lillibridge. — V. 14. Pike, Dumont, Guest, Washington. — v. 15. Lyon, Denton. — v. 18. Henley. Magazine of western historv. v. 1-12. 1884- Oct., 1890. ■ Ref. 973 Information about pioneers in all sections of the country. Mayflower descendant, v. 1-16+ 1899 to date. Ref. 929.17 Nash, E. T. Fifty Puritan ancestors. 1628-1660; genealogical notes, 1560-1900. 1902. Ref. 929.1 Pilgrim notes and queries, v. 1+ 1913 to date. Ref. File Sibley, J. L. Biographical sketches of graduates of Harvard University, 1642-1667. 1873-81. 2 V. Ref. 920 Smith, F. M. Colonial families of America. V. 1. 1909. Ref. 929.17 U. S. Census Bureau. Heads of families taken at the first census of the U. S., 1790. 1907- 1908. 12 V. Ref. 30a Connecticut — Maine — Maryland — Massachusetts — New Hampshire — New York — North Carolina — Penn- sylvania — Rhode Island — South Carolina — Vermont — Virginia. Whittemore, H., comp. Genealogical guide to the early settlers of America. Pt. 1. cl898. Ref. File Abby-Bcnnett. NEW ENGLAND. Farmer, J. Genealogical register of the first settlers of New England. 1829. Ref. 929.174 Genealogical magazine. Mar., 1906. Apr., 1905- Ref. 929.174 Genealogical quarterly magazine. v. 1-5. 1900-1905. Ref. 929.174 Magazine of New England historv. v. 1-3. 1891-1893. Ref. 929.174 New Engla nd historical and genealogical register, v. 1-68- 1847 to date. Index of persons, v. 1-50. 1906-1907. Index of places, v, 1-50. 1908. Index of subjects, v. 1-50. 1911. Ref. 929.174 Pope, C. H. Pioneers of Maine and New Hampshire, 1623-1660. 1908. Ref. 929.174 Salisbury, E. E. and E. M. Family histories and genealogies, monographs on the families of MacCurdy, Mitchell, Lord, Lynde, Digby, Newdigate, Hoo, Willoughby, Griswold, Wol- cott, Pitkin, Ogden, Johnson, Diodati, Lee and Marvin. 1892. 3 v. in 5. Ref. 929.1746 Notes also upon families of Buchanan, Parmelee, Board- man, Lay, Locke, Cole, DeWolf, Drake, Bond, Swayne, Dunbar and Clarke. Family-memorials, genealogical and bio- graphical monographs on the families of Salisbury, Aldworth-Elbridge, Sewall, Pyldren- Dummer, Walley, Quincy, Gookin, Wendell. Breese, Chevalier - Anderson and Phillips. 1885. 2 V. Ref. 929.17 Savage, J. Genealogical dictionary of the first settlers of New England; showing 3 genera- tions of those who came before May, 1692. 1860-62. 4 V. Ref. 929.174 The accepted authority up)on early New Englanders. Titcomb, S. E. Early New England people; 6ome account of the EUis, Pemberton, Willard, Prescott, Titcomb, Sewall, Longfellow and allied families. 1882. Ref. 929.174 Maine. Hosmer, G. L. Historical sketch of the town of Deer Isle, Maine; with notices of its settlers and early inhabitants. [cl905.] Ref. 974.1. Maine historical and genealogical recorder. V. 1-8. 1884-1895. Ref. 974.1 Nason, E. H. Old Hallowell on the Kennebec. 1909. Ref. 974.1 A charming book. Sargent, W. M., comp. Maine wills; 1640- 1760. 1887. Ref. 929.3 Smith, T. L. History of the town of Windham. 1873. Ref. 974.1 Stackpole, E. S. Old Kittery and her families. 1903. Ref. 974.1 Vinalhaven, Me. Centennial Committee. Brief historical sketch of the town of Vinalhaven on the occasion of its one hundredth anni- versary. 1900. Ref. 974.1 Wheeler, G. A. and H. W. History of Bruns- wick, Topsham, and Harpswell, Maine. 1878. Ref. 974.1 A^^m; Hampshire. Fox, C. J. History of the old township of Dunstable; incl. Nashua, Nashville, Hollis, Hudson, Litchfield, and Merrimac, N. H.; Dunstable and Tyngsborough, Mass. 1846. Ref. 974.4 Granite monthly; a New Hampshire magazine. V. 1-35. 1877-1903. 35 v. and index. Ref. 050 Granite state magazine, v. 1-6. 1906-1911. Ref. 050 Harriman, W. History of Warner, N. H., 1735-1879. 1879. Ref. 974.2 Hayward, W. W. History of Hancock, New Hampshire, 1764-1889. 1889. Ref. 974.2 New Hampshire genealogical record, v. 1-6. July, 1903-1909. Ref. 929.1742 New Hampshire Historical Society. Collections. V. 1-3, 5. 1824-1837. Ref. 974.2 Peterborough, N. H. Proceedings of the sesquicentennial celebration, 1889. 1890. Ref. 974. 234 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC LIBRARY Portsmouth, A^. H. 1645-1656; Portsmouth records; a transcript of the first thirty-five pages of the earliest town book. 1886. Ref. File Smith, A. History of the town of Peterborough, New Hampshire. 1876. Ref. 974.2 Stearns, E. S., and others, eds. Genealogical and family history of the State of New Hampshire. 1908. 4 v. Ref. 929.1742 Vermont. Aldrich, L. C. History of Franklin and Grand Isle Counties, Vermont. 1891. Ref. 974.3 ■ and Holmes, F. R. History of Windsor County, Vermont. 1891. Ref. 974.3 Carleton, H. Genealogical and family history of the State of Vermont. 1903. 2 v. Ref. 929.1743 Lovejoy, E. M. W. History of Royalton, Vermont; with family genealogies, 1769- 1911. 1911. Ref. 974.3 Considered a very fine example of a town history. Matthews, L. History of the town of Cornwall, Vermont. 1862. Ref. 974.3 Miller, E., and Wells, F. P. History of Rye- gate, Vt.; fr. its settlement by the Scotch- American Company of Farmers to present time; w. genealogical records of many families 1913. Ref. 974.3 Thompson, D. P. History of the town of MontpeHer. 1781-1860; with biographical sketches. 1860. Ref. 974.3 Vermont Historical Society. Collections, v. 1-2. 1870-1871. Ref. 974.3 Massachusetts. Allen, O. P. , comp. Inscriptions from the two ancient cemeteries of Palmer, Mass. 1902. Ref. 929.5 Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts. Roll of members; with a roster of the commissioned officers and preachers, 1638-1894. 1895. Ref. 353.9 Amesbury, Mass. Vital records to the end of the year 1849. 1913. Ref. 929.3 Bailey, F. W., ed. Early Massachusetts mar- riages prior to 1800. [1897-1914.] 3 v. Ref. 929.3 Bay state monthly, v. 1-3. 1884-1885. Ref. 974.4 Benedict, W. A., and Tracy, H. A. History of the town of Sutton, Mass., fr. 1704 to 1876; incl. Grafton until 1735, Millbury until 1813, and parts of Northbridge, Up- ton and Auburn. 1878. Ref. 974.4 Bentley, W. Record of the parish list of deaths, 1785-1819, East Church, Salem. 1882. Ref. 974.4 Bliss, L. History of Rehoboth, Bristol County, Mass. 1836. Ref. 974.4 Bond, H. Genealogies of the families and descendants of the early settlers of Water- town, Mass., incl. Waltham and Weston; w. a memoir of the author by H. G. Jones. 2d ed. 1860. Ref. 929.1744 Boston. Record Commrs. Report. 1-39. 1881-1909. Ref. 27b Births, marriages and deaths. Brown, F. H. Lexington epitaphs. 1905. Ref. 929.5 Burt, H. M. First century of the history of Springfield, 1636-1736. 1898-1899. 2 v. Ref. 974.4 Butler, C. History of the town of Groton, [Mass.], including Pepperell and Shirley fr. the first grant of Groton plantation, in 1655. 1848. Ref. 974.4 Cambridge, Mass. Vital records to the year 1850. V. 1. Births. 1914. Ref. 929.3 Chase, G. W. History of Haverhill, Mass., 1640-1860. 1861. Ref. 974.4 Clinton Historical Society, Clinton, Mass. Historical papers; ed. by W. E. Parkhurst. V. 1. [1912.] Ref. 974.4 Coffin, J. Sketch of the hist, of Newbury, Newburyport, and West Newbury fr. 1635 to 1845. 1845. Ref. 974.4 Corey, D. P. History of Maiden, Mass. 1899. Ref. 974.4 Cutter, W. R., and Adams, W. F. Genealogical and personal memoirs relating to the families of Massachusetts. 1910. 4 v. Ref. 929.1744 Davis, W. T. History of the town of Plymouth. 1885. Ref. 974.4 Eaton, L. Genealogical history of the town of Reading, Mass., 1639-1874. 1874. Ref. 929.1744 Emerson, W. A. History of the town of Douglas, Mass. 1879. Ref. 974.4 Essex antiquarian; a quarterly magazine de- voted to biography, genealogy, history and antiquities of Essex County, Mass. v. 1-13. 1897-1909. Ref. 929.1744 Essex Institute. Historical collections. v. 16-31, 37-38. 1879-1902. 17 v. in 14, and Index, V. 1-40. Ref. 974.4 Fox, C. J. History of the old township of Dunstable. 1846. Ref. 974.4 Green, M. A. Springfield, 1636-1886. 1888. Ref. 974.4 Groton historical series. 1-8. 1884-1885. Ref. 974.4 Hazen, H. A. History of Billerica, Mass., with a genealogical register. 1883. Ref. 974.4 Heath, Mass. 1785-1885, centennial anni- versary; ed. by E. P. Guild, n. d. Ref. 974.4 MONTHLY BULLETIN 235 History of Worcester County, Massachusetts. 1879. 2 V. Ref. 974.4 Holland, J. G. _ Historv of western Massa- chusetts. 185b. 2 V. Ref. 974.4 Hoyt, D. W. Old families of Salisbury and Amesbury, Mass. 1897-1902. 2 v. Ref. 929.1744 Huiginn, E. J. V. Graves of Myles Standish and other pilgrims. Rev. 1914. Ref. 974.4 Mayflower descendants will find this book interesting. The author, in his study of the region of Duxbury, Mass., has gathered together all evidence, fact and tradition, within his power, which may throw light upwn the burial places of these men. Hunnewell, J. F. Century of town life; a hist, of Chariestown, Mass., 1775-1887. 1888. Ref. 974.4 Judd, S. History of Hadley, Mass.; also familv genealogies by L. M. Boltwood. 1905. Ref. 974.4 Kingman, B. History of North Bridgewater, Phonouth Co., Mass.; with familv registers. 1866. Ref. 974.4 Lee, Mass. Records of the town of Lee fr. its incorporation to 1801. 1900. Ref. 974.4 Lithgow, R. A. D. Nantucket; a history, w. illus. and a map. 1914. 974.4 Lowell, Mass. South Congregational Society. Semicentennial anniversary, 1879. 1880. Ref. 288 Appendix gives lists of members, baptisms, marriages, deaths. Maiden, Mass. Memorial of the celebration of the 250th anniversary of the incorporation of the town. 1899. 1900. Ref. 974.4 Massachusetts. Secretary of the Commonwealth. Massachusetts soldiers and sailors of the Revolutionarv War. 1896-1908. 17 v. Ref. 973.34 Valley Forge Military Monument Commis- sion. Dedication exercises at the monument; also list of officers in Mass. organizations who served at Valley Forge; abstract by P. Reade, U. S. Army. 1912. Ref. 973.33 Massachusetts Historical Soc. Collections. Ser. 1, v. 1-2, 4-10; Ser. 2, v. 1-6, 10; Ser. 3, v. 3-8; Ser. 4, v. 2-10; Ser. 5, v. 1-10; Ser. 6, V. 1-3; Ser. 7, v. 7. 1793-1911. 47 v. Ref. 974.4 In Addition to documents of general historical interest there is some matter of genealogical importance, for example the Diary of Samuel Sewall. Proceedings, 1791-1883. 20 v. and index. Ref. 974.4 Biographical accounts of prominent men, giving some genealogical notes and jwrtraits. Massachusetts magazine, v. 3-4. 1910-1911. Ref. 974.4 Medfield, Mass. Vital records of Medfield to the year 1850. 1903. Ref. 929.3 Nason, E. History of the town of Dunstable, Mass., to 1873. 1877. Ref. 974.4 Old Residents' Historical Association. Lowell, Mass. Contributions, v. 1-4. 1874-1891. Ref. 974.4 Plymouth, Mass. Records of the town of Plymouth, v. 1. 1636-1705. 1889. Ref. 974.4 Pope, C. H. Pioneers of Massachusetts. 1900. Ref. 929.1744 Professional and industrial history of Suffolk Co., Mass. 1894. 3 v. Ref. 974.4 Rich, S. Truro, Cape Cod. [cl883.] Ref. 974.4 Avery, Dyer, Gross, Paine and Rich families. Russell, W. S. Pilgrim memorials. 3d ed. I860. Ref. 974.4 Sheldon, G. History of Deerfield, Mass. 1895. 2 V. Ref. 974.4 Smith, J. E. A. History of Pittsfield, Mass. V. 1. 1734-1800. 1869. Ref. 974.4 Mrs. E. V. History of Newburyport; with a biog. app. 1854. Ref. 974.4 Swift, C. F. History of old Yarmouth com- prising the present towns of Yarmouth and Dennis; fr. the settlement to the division in 1794, w. the history of both towns to these times. 1884. Ref. 974.4 Tracy, C. M. Standard history of Essex County, Mass. 1878. Ref. 974.4 Trumbull, J. R. History of Northampton, Mass. 1898-1902. 2 v. Ref. 974.42 Wall, C. A. Reminiscences of Worcester, historical and genealogical. 1877. Ref. 974.4 Ward, A. H. Family register of the inhabitants of the town of Shrewsbury, Mass., 1717- 1829. 1847. " Ref. 929.1744 Waters, T. F. Ipswich in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. 1905. Ref. 974.4 Wells, D. W. and R. F. History of Hatfield, Mass. [cl910.] Ref. 974.4 Whitmore, W. H. Graveyards of Boston. 1878. Ref. 929.5 Copp's Hill epitaphs. comp. Register of families settled at the town of Medford, Mass. 1855. Ref. 929.1 Whitney, P. History of the county of Worcester, Mass. 1793. Ref. 974.4 Winsor, J. Memorial history of Boston, 1630- 1880. 1880-1881. 4 v. Ref. 974.46 Worcester, Mass. Committee on Historical Fads. Celebration of the two hundredth anniversary of the naming of Worcester, 1884. 1885. Ref. 974.4 Worcester Soc. of Antiquity. Early records of the town of Worcester, v. 2. 1740-1753. 1880. Ref. 974.4 Wyman, T. B. Genealogies and estates of Chariestown. 1879. 2 v. Ref. 929.1744 236 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC LIBRARY Young, A. Chronicles of the first planters of the colony of Massachusetts Bay, 1623-1636. 1846. Ref. 974.4 Rhode Island. Austin, J. O. Ancestry of thirtv-three Rhode Islanders. 1889. Ref. 929 Contains also charts of the descendants of Roger Williams and Lewis Latham. Genealogical dictionary of Rhode Island. 1887. Ref. 929.1745 Pawtucket. Town Council. Historical sketch of the town of Pawtucket by M. Goodrich. 1876. Ref. 974.5 Rhode Island {Colony). Records of the colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. 1856-65. 10 V. Ref. 974.5 Rhode Island Historical Soc. Proceedings. 1872-1880. 3 V. Ref. 974.5 Necrology of members, contains some genealogical material. Connecticut. Atwater, E. E. History of the colony of New- Haven, with personnel of the towns of Bran- ford, Guilford, Milford, Stratford, Norwalk, Southold, etc. 1902. Ref. 974.6 Bailey, F. W., ed. Early Connecticut marriages. [1896-1906.] 7 V. Ref. 929.3 J. M. History of Danbury, Conn., 1684- 1896; comp. by S. B. Hill. 1896. Ref. 974.6 Caulkins, F. M. History of New London, Conn., fr. the first sur\-ev of the coast in 1612 to 1860. 1895. Ref. 974.6 - — History of Norwich, Conn., 1660-Jan., 1845. 1845. Ref. 974.6 Stone records of Groton. 1903. Ref. 974.6 Connecticut. {Colony.) Public records, prior to the union with New Haven Colony, 1665. 1850. Ref. 974.6 (State.) Gen. Assem. Public records, 1776-1780. 1894-1895. 2 v. Ref. 974.6 Connecticut Historical Soc. Collections, v. 8-10, 13. 1901-1911. 4 v. Ref. 974.6 V. 8. Rolls of Conn, men in the Revolution; v. 9-10. Conn, men in the French and Indian war. v. 13. Law papers, v. 2. cont. Conn, men at Louisburg. Connecticut magazine, v. 5-11. 1899-1907. Ref. 974.6 Continuation of the Connecticut quarterly. quarterly, v. 1-4. 1895-1898. Ref. 974.6 Continued as Connecticut Magazine. Davis, C. H. S. History of Wallingford, Conn.; incl. Meriden and Cheshire. 1870. Ref. 974.6 Dexter, F. B. Historical catalogue of the members of the First Church of Christ in New Haven, Conn., Center Church, 1639- 1914. 1914. Ref. 929.3 Gilman, D. C. Historical discourse, Norwich, Conn., 1859. 2d ed. 1859. Ref. 974.6 W. C. The celebration of the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the settlement of Norwich, Conn., Jul. 1909. 1912. Ref. 974.6 Hall, E., comp. The ancient historical records of Norwalk, Conn., w. a plan of the ancient settlement, and of the town in 1847. 1847. Ref. 974.6 Hinman, R. R. Catalogue of the names of the first Puritan settlers of Connecticut; w. the time of their arrival and their standing in society, together w. their place of residence, as far as can be discovered; col. fr. state and town records. 1846. Ref. 929.174 Manwaring, C. W., comp. A digest of the early Connecticut probate records. 1904-06. 3 v. Ref. 929.3 Hartford district. 16.35-1750. Mather, F. G. Refugees of 1776 fr. Long Island to Conn. 1913. Ref. 973.34 A history, accompanied by documentary material and biog. sketches, of the Amer. sympathizers who emigrated to Conn, after the battle of Long Island. Mead, S. P. Ye historic of ye town of Green- wich, county of Fairfield, Conn. 1911. Ref. 974.6 Norwalk Historical and Memorial Library Assoc. Norwalk after two hundred and fifty years. [Pref. 1902.] Ref. 974.6 Contains record of soldiers and sailors, 1676-1898. Saybrook, Conn. Citizens. Saybrook's quad- rimillenial; commemoration of the 250th anniversary of the settlement of Saybrook, Nov. 27, 1885. 1886. Ref. 974.6 Smith, R. D. Historj^ of Guilford, Conn. 1877. Ref. 974.6 Society of Colonial Wars. Connecticut. Vital records of Norwich, 1659-1848. 1913. 2 v. Ref. 929.3 Stiles, H. R. History of Ancient Windsor, Conn, prior to 1768; also the genealogies of those families which settled within the limits of ancient Windsor prior to 1800. 1859. Ref. 974.6 Tillotson, E. S., comp. Wethersfield inscrip- tions; complete record of the inscriptions in the 5 burial places of Wethersfield, [Conn.], incl. Rocky Hill, Newington, and Beckley Quarter in Berlin; also a portion of the in- scriptions in the oldest cemeterv in Glaston- bury. 1899. Ref. 929.5 Todd, C. B. The history of Redding. Conn., fr. its first settlement. 1906. Ref. 974,6 Trumbull, J. H., ed. Memorial history of Hartford County, Conn., 1633-1884. 1886. 2 V. Ref. 974.6 Wheeler, R. A. History of the town of Stoning- ton, county of New London, Conn. 1900. Ref. 974.6 Woodruff, G. C. Genealogical register of the inhabitants of . . . Litchfield, Conn., 1720- 1800. 1900. Ref. 929.1746 MONTHLY BULLETIN 237 MIDDLE ATLANTIC STATES. New York. Allaben, F. John Watts de Peyster. [cl908.] 2 V. 97b Vol. 1 contains genealogies of the DePeyster, Watts, De Lancey, Colden, Van Cortlandt, Loockermans, Living- ston, MacPheadris, French, Philipse, Beekman, Nicoll, Van Rensselaer. Schuyler and Van Slichtenhorst families. Anderson, G. B. Landmarks of Rensselaer County, N. Y. 1897. Ref. 974.7 Anjou, G., comp. Ulster County, N. Y., pro- bate records, v. 1-2. 1906. Ref. 929.3 Contains genealogical notes. Bergen, T. G. Register of the early settlers of King's County, Long Island, N. Y. to 1700. 1881. Ref. 929.1747 Bolton, R. The history of the several towns, manors, and patents of the county of West- chester, from its first settlement; w. genealo- gies of county families: rev. by the author; ed. bv C. W. Bolton. 3d ed. 1905. 2 v. Ref. 974.7 First ed., "A history of the county of Westchester, from its first settlement to the present time, 1848." Cole, D. First record book of the "Old Dutch Church of Sleepy Hollow," organized in 1697, and now the First Reformed Church of Tarrytown, N. Y. 1901. Ref. 929.3 Lists of marriages and baptisms. Commemorative biographical record of Dutchess County, N. Y., containing biographical sketches of prominent citizens and the early families. 1897. Ref. 974.7 Constant, S. Journal of S. Constant, pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Yorktown, N. Y.; w. a list of his marriages, 1784-1825, w. notes on the Nelson, Van Cortlandt, Warren and other families. 1903. Ref. 97b Dawson, H. B. Westchester-County, N. Y., during the American revolution. 1886. Ref. 974.7 Ditmas, C. A. Historic homesteads of Kings County. 1909. Ref. 917.47 Homesteads of the Dutch families of Vanderveer, Schenck, Ditmars, Bergen, Lott, Emmans, Van Nuyse, Hegeman, Lefferts, Ditmas, Martense, Van Brunt, Cortel- you. Van Pelt, Gerretsen, Voorhees and Stillwell; illustrated with hand-colored photo-gravures. Genealogical notes of families are given. HaU, E. H. Philipse Manor Hall, Yonkers, N. Y. cl912. Ref. 974.7 Chapter upon the Philipse family and notes upon their connections. Hamm, M. A. Famous families of New York. [cl902.| 2 V. Ref. 929.1747 Hasbrouck, F., ed. The history of Dutchess County, New York. 1909. Ref. 974,7 Gives lists of soldiers in the Revolution and also a list of those loyalists who refused to sign the "Articles of Asso- ciation." Hi.storical Soc. of Newburgh Bay and the Highlands. Record of the inscriptions in the old town burying ground of Newburgh, N. Y. 1898. Ref. 929.5 Howell, G. R., and others. Bi-centennial history of Albany; hist, of the county of Albany, N. Y., 1609-1886. 1886. Ref. 974.7 Huntting, I. History of Little Nine Partners of North East Precinct and Pine Plains, N. Y., Dutchess County, v. 1. 1897. Ref. 974.7 Jones, T. History of New York during the Revolutionary War; ed. by E. F. de Lancey. 1879. 2 v. Ref. 974.7 "A loyalist history of the subject of which it treats, not an English account" the preface states. The author was a graduate of Yale, class of 1750, clerk of Queens County, recorder of New York City and, in 177(5, was Judge of the Supreme Court when he was arrested by order of the provincial congress for failing to acknowledge his fidelity to the American cause; he was sent to Connecticut as a prisoner of war, and finally exchanged for a prisoner held by the British. This history was written between the years 1783 and 1788 in England, where the author died in 1792. He mentions many loyalists and the editor includes notes upon the De Lancey, Livingston, Andre, Arnold and other families. Kingston, N. Y. Protestant Dutch Church. Baptismal and marriage registers of the old Dutch church of Kingston, Ulster County, N. Y., for 150 years from their commence- ment in 1660; transcribed and ed. bv R. R. Hoes. 1891. Ref. 929.3 Lamb, Mrs. M. J. R. (N.) Historv of the city of New York. 1877- [cl880.] 2 v. Ref. 974.71 Morse, H. H. Historic old Rhinebeck. cl908. Ref. 974.7 Munsell, J. Annals of Albanv. 1852-1870. 10 V. Ref. 974.7 New York. (Province.) Names of persons for whom marriage licences were issued previous to 1784. 1860. Ref. 929.3 (State.) Comptroller. New York in the Revolution as colonv and state. 2d ed. 1898. Ref. 973.34 Historian. Annual report. 2-3. 1896- 1897. 2 V. Ref. 974.7 Colonial records, 166-1-1675. — Muster rolls, 1664-1770. , ed. Military minutes of the council of appointment, 1783-1821. 1901-1902. 4 v. Ref. 974.7 The Council of Appointment was a body that made all the appointments to state offices, the governor having the casting vole. These minutes contain the records of its appointments to offices in the state militia. Public papers of George Clinton. 1899- 1904. 8 V. Ref. 974.7 War of the Revolution series. Library. Bulletin; History 1, 6, 1898. 1902. 2 V. Ref. 974.7 1. Supplementary list of marriage licences.— 6. Calen- dar of council minutes, 16(i8-1783. Van Rensselaer Bowier manuscripts, 1630-1643. 1908. Ref. 974.7 Contains biographical notes upon the settlers of Rensse- laerswyck. 16;«)- 16.58. Sec. of State. Centennial celebrations of the state of N. Y. 1879. Ref. 974.7 Roster of Oriskany, p. 144; Descendants of those who fought in the battles of Saratoga, p. 1879. 238 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC LIBRARY (City.) Burgomasters and Schepens. Records of New Amsterdam, 1653-1674. 1897. 7 V. Ref. 974.71 New York genealogical and biographical, v. 1-45+ 1870 to date. 45 v. in 25 and index, V. 1-38. Ref. 929.1747 Historical Soc. Collections. v. 1-33. 1868-1900. Ref. 974.7 V. 18. Burghers of New Amsterdam. — v. 24. Muster rolls of New York provincial troops, 1755-1764. — v. 25-33. Abstracts of wills, 1665-1783. O'Callaghan, E. B. Documents relative to the colonial history of New York. 1853-1861. 10 V. and index. Ref. 974.7 Register of New Netherland, 1626-1674. 1865. Ref. 974.7 Olde Ulster, v. 1-2. 1905-1906. Ref. 974.7 An hist, and genealogical magazine of Ulster Co., N. Y. Lineages of families. — v. 1. Snyder, Clinton, Dubois, Bevier, Kiersted, DeWitt, Pawling. — v. 2. Schoonmaker, Meyer, Decker, Brink, DeWitt, Van Etten. Parker, A. J., ed. Landmarks of Albany County, N. Y. 1897. Ref. 974.7 Pearson, J., tr. Early records of the city and county of Albany and colony of Rensselaers- wyck, 1656-1675; tr. fr. the original Dutch, w. notes. 1869. Ref. 974.7 Pelletreau, W. S. Early Long Island wills of Suffolk Co., 1691-1703; with genealogical notes. 1897. Ref. 929.3 Historic homes and institutions and genea- logical and family history of New York [City.] 1907. 4 v. Ref. 929.1747 Portrait and biographical record of Queens Co., Long Island. N. Y. 1896. Ref. 974.7 Poughkeepsie, A^. Y. Christ Church. Records of Christ Church, ed. by H. W. Reynolds. 1911. Ref. 283 Riker, J. Annals of Newtown, in Queens County, N. Y. 1852. Ref. 974.7 Accounts of Long Island families. Roberts, G. S. Old Schenectady, n. d. Ref. 974.7 Saint Nicholas Society of New York. Genea- logical record. 1905. Ref. 929.1747 Schoonmaker, M. History of Kingston, New York to 1820. 1888. Ref. 974.7 Sylvester, N. B. History of Saratoga Co., N. Y.; w. illus. and biog. sketches. 1878. Ref. 974.7 History of Ulster Co., N. Y. 1880. Ref. 974.7 Toler, H. P. New Harlem register; genealogy of the descendants of the twenty-three original patentees of New Harlem. 1903. Ref. 929.3 Van Rensselaer, Mrs. M. (K.). New Yorkers of the 19th century. [cl897.] Ref. 929.1747 Charts of the Bard, Barclay, Bronson, Buchanan, Dela- field, Duer, Emmet, Fish, Glover, Hoffman, Jay, King, Lynch, McVickar, Morton, Renwick, Rutherfurd, Schuy- ler, Stuyvesant, and Van Rensselaer families. Warriner, E. Old Sands Street Methodist Episcopal Church of Brooklyn, N. Y.; an illus. centennial record. 1885. Ref. 287 New Jersey. Chambers, T. G. Early Germans of New Jersey; their history, churches and genealogies. [1895]. Ref. 929.1749 New Jersey. Adjutant General. Official register of the officers and men of New Jersey in the revolutionary war; comp. by W. S. Stryker. 1872. Ref. 973.34 — Records of officers and men of New Jersey in wars, 1791-1815. 1909. Ref. 974.9 -Hist. Soc. Documents rel. to the colonial history of N. J., 1631-1800. v. 1-10 and index, 11-27. 1880-1905. 28 v. Ref. 974.9 Newspaper extracts, marriage records, abstracts of wills. -Documents rel. to the revolutionary hist. of N. J. V. 1-4. 1901-1914. (Archives of N. J. 2dser.) Ref. 974.9 Raum, J. O. History of Trenton, New Jersey. 1871. Ref. 974.9 Whitehead, J. Passaic Valley, New Jersey, in three centuries. 1901. v. 1. Ref. 974.9 Notes only of early settlers. Delaware. Colonial Dames of America. Delaware. His- torical Research Committee. Calendar of Delaware wills. New Castle Co., 1682-1800. [cl911.] Ref. 929.3 Conrad, H. C. History of the state of Delaware to 1907. 1908. 3 V. Ref. 975.1 Montgomery, E. Reminiscences of Wilmington in familiar village tales. 1851. Ref. 917.51 Turner, C. H. B., comp. Some records of Sussex County, Delaware. 1909. Ref. 975.1 Pennsylvania. Auge, M. Lives of the eminent dead and biographical notices of prominent living citizens of Montgomery County, Penn. 1879. Ref. 920.07 Colonial records of Pennsylvania. 16 V. General index. 1860. 1851-1853. Ref. 974.8 Ref. 974.8 Davis, W. W. H. History of Bucks County, Penn. 1876. Ref. 974.8 Easton, Pa. First Reformed Church. Some first settlers of "the forks of the Delaware" and their descendants. 1902. Ref. 929.3 Registers of births, marriages, deaths. Egle, W. H. Pennsylvania genealogies; Scotch- Irish and German. 1886. Ref. 929.1748 MONTHLY BULLETIN 239 Genealogical Soc. of Pennsylvania. Publica- tions. V. 2-3. 1900-1908. Ref. 929.1748 Jordan, J. W., ed. Colonial and revolutionary families of Pennsylvania; genealogical and personal memoirs. 1911. 3 v. Ref. 929.1774 Mervine, W. M. Genealogical register, v. 1. 1913. Ref. 929.17 Pennsylvania families and their antecedents. Myers, A. C. Immigration of the Irish Quakers into Pennsylvania, 1682-1750. 1902. 289.6 Genealogies of the Wright, Farquhar, McMillan, Marsh, Mackey and Moore families are given. 1852-1907. Ref. 974.8 Pennsylvania archives. Ser. 1-6. 96 V. in 97 and 2 v. app. Pennsylvania - German. 1907, 1910-1911. V. 1-8, 11-12. 1900- Ref. 974.8 Contains interesting biographical and historical articles, fully illustrated, with marriage and cemetery records. The following families are treated at some length: V. 1. Weiser, Muhlenberg. — v. 2. CroU, Sower, Schell. — V. 3. Muhlenberg, Kunze. — v. 4. Henkel, Bucher, DeLong. — v. 5. De Long. Croll, Rieth. — v. 7. Kistler, Meyer, Bortz, Gottschall, Grubb, Knauss, Ritter, Rein- hold, Krause, Gehman, Bergey. Baer. Yost. SlinglufT, Hart- man, Haas. Peter. — v. 8. Hartman, Boehm, Hauser. — v. 11. Early, Carpenter, .'\lter. Brumbach, Diller, Fox, Myers, Heller, SchoU, Heimbach, Weiser, Boone. — v. 12. Supplee, Laux. Muhlenberg. Gonder, Handwerk. Pennsylvania magazine of history and biography. V. 1-16. 27-37-1- 1877-Jan., 1893, 1903 to date. Ref. 974.8 Prowell, G. R. History of York County, Penn. 1907. 2 v. Ref. 974.8 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY AND LAKE BASINS. "Old Northwest" genealogical quarterly, v. 1- 7,14. 1898-1904,1911. Ref. 929.177 Ohio. Clarke, R. Record of the distribution and sale of lots in the town of Losantiville, now Cincinnati, 1789-90. 1870. Ref. 977.1 Names of proprietors. History of Cincinnati and Hamilton County, Ohio. 1894. Ref. 977.1 Gives biographies of pioneers and representative citizens. Howe, H. Historical collections of Ohio. 1891. 3 v. in 2. Ref. 977.1 Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society. Publications. v. 1-13, 15. [c 1900- 1906.] Ref. 51a Scott, D. Historv of the early settlement of Highland County, Ohio. 1890. Ref. 977.1 Names of the first census, 1807, are given. Smucker, I. Centennial history of Licking County, Ohio. 1876. Ref. 977.1 Whittlesey, C. Early history of Cleveland, Ohio; with biog. notices of pioneers 1867. Ref. 977.1 Williamson, C. W. History of Western Ohio and Auglaize County, with biog. sketches of pioneers and prominent men. 1905. Ref. 977.1 Many German pioneers included. Indiana. Cox, S. C. Recollections of the early settlement of the Wabash Valley. 1860. Ref. 977.2 Pictorial and biographical memoirs of Indian- apolis and Marion County, Indiana. 1893. Ref. 977.2 Illinois. Album of genealogv and biography. Cook County, Illinois. 4th ed. 1896. Ref. 977.3 Andreas, A. T. Historv of Chicago. 1884- 1886. 3 V. ■ Ref. 977.31 Bateman, N. Historical encyclopedia of Illinois and historv of St. Clair County. 1907. 2 V. Ref. 977.3 Chicago Historical Soc. Collections, v. 1-4. 1882-90. Ref. 977.3 V. 4. Early Chicago and Illinois, biog. sketches of pioneers Combined history of Shelbv and Moultrie counties, Illinois. 1881. ' Ref. 977.3 Eames, C. M. Historic Morgan and classic Jacksonville. 1885. Ref. 977.3 History of Fulton Countv, Illinois. 1879 Ref. 977.3 History of Lee County; with biographical matter. 1881. Ref. 977.3 Illinois. State Historical Library. Publica- tions. Nos. 1-4, 6, 8-18. 1899-[1914.] 16 v. Ref. 977.3 Contain many accounts of early settlements and sketches of prominent citizens, list of soldiers, under George Rogers Clark, Illinois soldiers in the war of 1812. Kett (H. F.) & Co., pubs. Voters and tax- payers of Bureau Countv, Illinois. 1877. Ref. 977.3 Murray, Williamson & Phelps, pubs. History of Adams County, Illinois. 1879. Ref. 977.34 Portrait and biographical album of Rock Island County, Illinois. 1885. Ref. 977.3 Will County, Illinois. 1890. Ref. 977.3 Portrait and biographical record of Hancock, McDonough and Henderson counties, Illinois. 1894, Ref. 977.3 Montgomery and Bond counties, Illinois. 1892. Ref. 977.3 Power, J. C. and Mrs. S. A. (H.) History of the early settlers of Sangamon Countv, 111., 1876. Ref. 929.1773 Missouri. Beckwith, P. Creoles of St. Louis. 1893. Ref. 929.177 The term Creole is frequently misunderstood. The Century dictionary thus explains it: "In Louisiana, originally, a native descended from French ancestors who had settled there; later any native of French or Spanish descent by either parent." 240 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC LIBRARY Bek, W. G. German settlement society of Philadelphia and its colony, Hermann, Mo. 1907. 977.8 This colony had its beginning about 1838. Lists of the members are given. Billon, F. L. Annals of St. Louis in its early days under the Fr. and Spanish dominations. 1886. Ref. 977.866 Annals of St. Louis in its territorial days, 1804-1821. 1888. Ref. 977.81 Book of St. Louisans ; a biog. dictionary of living men of the city of St. Louis and vicinity. 2d ed. 1912. Ref. 920.07 Bryan, W. S., and Rose, R. History of the pioneer families of Missouri. 1876. McAnally Coll. Ref. 977.8 Central Magazine, v. 1-5. Aug. 1872-July, 1874. Ref. 050 Gives a few biographical and genealogical accounts of Missourians. Conard, H. L., ed. Encyclopedia of the history of Missouri. 1901. 6 v. Ref. 977.8 Davis, M. F. S. History of Dunklin Coimtv, Mo., 1845-1895. 1896. 977.8 Devoy, J., comp. History of the city of St. Louis and vicinity, the pioneers and their successors. 1898. Ref. 977.866 Duncan, R. S. History of the Baptists in Missouri. 1882. 12a Biographical sketches of ministers and other prominent members of the denomination. Edwards, R., and Hopewell, M. Great west and her commercial metropolis, St. Louis. [cl860.] Ref. 977.866 Ford, J. E. History of Grundy County. 1908. Ref. 977.8 Goodspeed Publishing Co., comp. History of Cole, Moniteau, Morgan, Benton, Miller, Maries and Osage counties, Missouri. 1889. Ref. 977.8 History of Lewis, Clark, Knox and Scot- land counties, Missouri. 1887. Ref. 977.8 History of southeast Missouri. 1888. Ref. 977.8 History of Grundy County, Missouri. 1881. Ref. 977.8 Jackson County, Missouri. 1881. Ref. 977.8 Pike County, Missouri. 1883. Ref. 977.8 Saline County, Missouri. 1881. Ref. 977.8 Houck, L. History of Missouri from the earliest explorations and settlements until the admis- sion of the state into the union. 1908. 3 v. Ref. 977.8 Spanish regime in Missouri. 1909. 2 v. Ref. 977.8 Hyde, W., and Conard, H. L., eds. Encyclo- pedia of the history of St. Louis. 1899. 4 v. Ref. 977.866 Lay, J. H. Sketch of the historv of Benton County, Mo., 1876. ' 977.8 Levens, H. C, and Drake, N. M. History of Cooper County, Missouri, 1804-76. 1876. Ref. 977.8 McGregor, M. G. Biographical record of Jasper County, Missouri. 1901. Ref. 977.8 Maple, J. C, and Rider, R. P., eds. Missouri Baptist biography, v. 1. [cl914.] Ref. 922 Memorial and biographical record of Kansas City and Jackson Countv, Missouri. 1896. Ref. 977.8 Missouri historical review, v. 1-8-i- 1906 to date. Ref. 977.8 V. 1. Lincoln, Hanks, Boone families, v. 2. Names of revolutionary soldiers buried in Missouri. — v. 3. Jones family. — v. 4. Missouri military in the war of 1812. — v. 5. Monumental inscriptions in Missouri cemeteries, Jefferson City. — V. 6. Monumental inscriptions, Boonville, Cassville, Lexington; Livingston County pioneer settlers. — v. 7. Monumental inscriptions in Missouri cemeteries, Platte City, Springfield, Marshall, Warrensburg, — v. 8. Same, Warrensburg and Columbia. Missouri Historical Soc. of St. Louis. Collec- tions. V. 1-3. 1880-1911. Ref. 977.8 Volume 1 appeared as Publications, No. 1-15. Many biographies; v. 2 contains genealogy of the Valle family. Napton, W. B. Past and present of Saline Co., Mo.. 1910. Ref. 977.8 National Historical Co., pub. History of Cald- well and Livingston counties, Missouri. 1886. Ref. 977.8 History of Callawav County, Missouri. 1884. Ref. 977.8 — History of Cass and Bates counties, Mis- souri. 1883. Ref. 977.8 — History of Henry and St. Clair counties, Missouri. 1883. Ref. 977.8 History of Howard and Cooper counties, Missouri. 1883. Ref. 977.8 North, F. A. Hand-book of Sedalia, Mo. 1882. 977.8 Paxton, W. M. Annals of Platte Co., Missouri; with genealogies and sketches of its dis- tinguished people. 1897. Ref. 977.8 Portrait and biographical record of Buchanan and Clinton counties, Missouri. 1893. Ref. 977.8 Clay, Ray, Carroll, Chariton and Linn counties, Missouri. 1893. Ref. 977.8 Marion, Ralls and Pike counties, Missouri, 1895. Ref. 977.8 St. Charles, Lincoln and Warren counties, Missouri. 1895. Ref. 977.8 Rainey, T. C. Along the old trail, v. 1. 1914. Ref. 977.8 Pioneer sketches of Arrow Rock and vicinity. Rutt, C. L., comp. History of Buchanan Coimty, Missouri, the city of St. Joseph and representative citizens, 1826-1904. 1904. Ref. 977.8 MONTHLY BULLETIN 241 Scharf, J. T. History of St. Louis citv and county. 1883. 2 v.' Ref. 977.866 Snow, M. S. History of the development of Missouri and particularly of St. Louis. 1908. 2 V. Ref. 977.8 Stevens, W. B. Missouri; the center state, 1821-1915. 1915. Ref. 977.8 St. Louis; the fourth city, 1764-1909. 1909. 3 V. Ref. 977.866 Stewart, A. J. D., ed. History of the bench and bar of Missouri. 1898. Ref. 977.8 Turner, S. K., and Clark, S. A. Twentieth centurx' history of Carroll Co., Mo., 1911. 2 V. ' Ref. 977.8 Whitney, Mrs. C. (W.) Kansas City, Mo., its history and its people, 1808-1908. 1908. 3 v. Ref. 977.8 Michigan. Michigan Pioneer and Historical Society. His- torical collections, v. 18-20. 1890-92. Ref. 977.4 Vol. 18 contains biographical sketches of pioneers. Ross, R. B., and Catlin, G. B. Landmarks of Wayne County and Detroit. 1898. Ref. 977.4 Minnesota. Warner, G. E., and Foote, C. M., comps. His- tor>' of the Minnesota Valley; incl. the ex- plorers and Pioneers of Minnesota by E. D. Neill. 1882. Ref. 977.6 Wisconsin. Buck, J. S. Pioneer history of Milwaukee, 1833- 1860. Rev. ed. 1881-1890. 4 v. Ref. 977.5 Iowa. Gue, B. F. History of Iowa. [cl903.] 4 v. Ref. 977.7 Vol. 4. Iowa biography. Wilkie, F. B. Davenport past and present. 1858. Ref. 977.7 Indian Territory. Gideon, D. C. Indian Territory, descriptive, biographical and genealogical. 1901. Ref. 976.6 SOUTHERN STATES. Branch, Mrs. M. (P.) Memoirs of a Southern woman. [cl912]. 97b Branch. Exlwards, Jones, Long and Polk families. v. 1-2. 1902- Ref. 976 Cenealogies of the following families are given. — v. 1. Fisher, Ross, Sands, Abercrombie. Hayden, Farley. — v. 2. Crawford, Walton, Winfree, Womack and Broun. Gulf States historical magazine. 1904. Pittman, Mrs. H. (D.), ed. Americans of gentle birth and their ancestors. 1903-1907. 2 v. Ref. 929.17 These volumes are of particular interest to Missourians, for in them will be found the genealogies of many of the prominent citizens of Missouri traced to colonial days, and to their English or French forbears. The migrations from colonial to western settlements are frequently recorded. Southern History Assoc. Publications, v. 1-11. 1897-1907. Ref. 975 Families treated at length. — v. 1. Lester, Lamar. — v. 2. Slrother, Gaines. — v. 3. Ammonet, Renick. — v. 4. Nichol- son,. — V. 5. Carrington, Kinsey, Baker, Alston. — v. 8. Jones, Janneys, Auld. — v. 9. Arnold. — v. 11. French immigrants to Louisiana. Maryland. Cotton, Mrs. J. (B.) comp. The Maryland calendar of wills. 1904-1907. 3 v. Ref. 929.3 Contents: v. 1. 1635 (earliest probated) to 1685.— v. 2. 1685-1702.— V. 3. 1703-1713. Hanson, G. A. Old Kent, the eastern shore of Maryland; notes illustrative of ancient records of Kent County and genealogical histories of old families. 1876. Ref. 929.1752 v. 1-9-h 1906 Ref. 975.2 Maryland historical magazine, to date. Neill, E. D. Founders of Maryland as portrayed in manuscripts, provincial records and earlv documents. 1876. Ref. 975.2 Richardson, Mrs. H. (D.) Side-lights on Mary- land history; with sketches of early Maryland families. 1913. 2 v. Ref. 929.1752 Hardy, S. P. Colonial families of the Southern states of America. 1911. Ref. 929.175 Warfield, J. D. Founders of Anne Arundel and Howard counties, Maryland. 1905. Ref. 929.1752 Virginia. Bellet, L. P du. Some prominent Virginia families. Icl907.] 4 v. Ref. 929.2 A mass of valuable material, without an index. Bristol Parish, Va. Vestrv book and register of Bristol Parish, Va., 1720-1789, transcribed by C. G. Chamberlayne. 1898. Ref. 929.3 Cartmell, T. K. Shenandoah Valley pioneers and their descendants; a history of Frederick County, Virginia, 1738-1908. [[cl909.] Ref. 929.1755 Old Frederick County comprised what is now the counties of Hampshire, Berkeley, Shenandoah, Jefferson, Hardy. Clarke, Warren, Morgan and Frederick. Chalkey, L. Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish settlement in Virginia; from the original court records of Augusta County, 1745-1800. 3 v. Icl912.) Ref. 975.5 I'ull of miscellaneous facts of genealogical importance. Christian, W. A. Lynchburg and its people. 1900. Ref. 975.5 Crumrine, B., ed. Minute book of the Virginia court held for Yohogania County, 1776-1780. Ref. 975.5 242 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC LIBRARY Foote, W. H. Sketches of Virginia, hist, and biog. lst-2d ser. 1850-1855. 2 v. Ref. 975.5 Greer, G. C. Early Virginia immigrants, 1623- 1666. 1912. Ref. 975.5 Mcintosh, C. F. Brief abstract of Lower Nor- folk County and Norfolk County wills, 1637- 1710. 1914. Ref. 929.3 Mead, E. C. Historic homes of the South- west mountains, Virginia. 1899. 917.55 Contains accounts of the Bowcock, Boy den. Chan- ler, Dickinson, Everett, Gordon, Lewis, Magruder, Mead, Meriwether, Minor, Nelson, Pace, Page, Randolph, Rives, Sampson and Taylor families. Meade, W. Old churches, ministers and fami- lies of Va. 1861. 2 V. Ref. 975.5 Same. 1894-1897. Moore, J. S., ed. Annals of Henrico parish, [c 1904.] Ref. 283 Lists of marriages, baptisms, deaths, etc., given. Peyton, J. L. History of Augusta County, Va. 1882. Ref. 975.5 Contains genealogies of the Lewis, M'Dowell, Preston, Campbell, Stuart, Bell, Cochran, Tate, Christian, Craw- ford, M'Cue, Hanger, Mathews, Porterfield, Wayt, Wad- dell, Peyton, Baldwin and Koiner families. Prince Edward County, Va. Briery Presbyte- rian Church. A manual for the members of the Church, comp. by J. W. Douglas. 1828. Ref. 929.3 Robertson, W. Pocahontas, alias Matoaka, and her descendants through her marriage, 1614, with John Rolfe. 1887. Ref. 929.2 Sale, E. T., Manors of Virginia in Colonial times. 1909. 917.55 Notes upon the families associated with these places. Slaughter, P. History of Bristol Parish, Va., with genealogies of families connected there- with. 2d ed. 1879. Ref. 975.5 History of St. Mark's Parish, Culpeper, Countv, Va., with notes of old churches and old families. 1877. Ref. 975.5 Standard, W. G. and M. N., comps. Colonial Virginia register; a list of governors, council- lors and other high officials, members of the House of Burgesses and the revolutionary conventions of the colony of Va. 1902. Ref. 975.5 Tyler, L. G. Williamsburg, the old colonial capital. [C1907.] Ref. 975.5 Virginia Company of London. Records. 1619- 1624. 1906. 2 v. Ref. 975.5 Virginia county records; ed. by W. A. Crozier. V. 1-10; n. s. v. 1. 1905-1913. 11 v. in 10. Ref. 929.1755 V. 1. Spotsylvania Co., 1721-1800; wills, deeds, marriage licenses. — v. 2. Virginia colonial militia. 1651-1776. — V.3. Williamsburg wills. — v. 4. Early Virginia marriages. — V. 5. Virginia heraldica. — v. 6-7. Wills, land grants, marriage bonds and lists of revolutionary soldiers. — v. 8. A key to Southern pedigrees. — v. 9-10. Miscellaneous county records. — n. s. v. 1. Westmoreland County. Virginia Historical Soc. Collections. New Ser. V. 1-11. 11 V. in 10. [C1882-92.] Ref. 975.5 V. 5. Contains documents relating to the Hugenot emigration to Va. and an app. of genealogies; descendants of John de la Fontaine, Bartholomew Dupuy, James Marye, James and Chastain Cocke. Virginia magazine of history and biography. V. 1-22-1- 1893 to date. Ref. 975.5 Waddell, J. A. Annals of Augusta County, Va., with reminiscences of its pioneer settlers. 1886. Ref. 975.5 Way land, J. W. A history of Rockingham County, Virginia. 1912. Ref. 975.5 White, G. Historical collections of Georgia. 1854. Ref. 975.8 William and Mary College quarterly, v. 1-2, 4-5, 7-22-^ 1892 to date and index. Ref. 975.5 One of the best sources of information relating to southern families. Woods, E. Albermarle Countv in Virginia. [1901.] Ref. 975.5 West Virginia. Butcher, B. L., ed. Genealogical and personal history of the upper Monongahela Valley, W. Va.; w. an account of resources and industries by J. M. Callahan. 1912. 3 v. Ref. 929.1754 Morton, O. F. History of Pendleton County, West Virginia. 1910. Ref. 975.4 Contains considerable genealogical matter. North Carolina. Fitch, W. E. First founders in America; with facts to prove that Sir Walter Raleigh's lost colony was not lost. 1913. Ref. 975.6 North Carolina. State records. 1886-1914. 30 V. V. 27-30, Index by S. B. Weeks. Ref. 975.6 Wheeler, J. H. Historical sketches of North Carolina, 1584-1851; with biog. sketches. 1851. 2 V. in 1. Ref. 975.6 South Carolina. Chapman, J. A. History of Edgefield County from the earliest settlements to 1897. 1897. Ref. 975.7 Charleston, S. C. Year book. 1880-1909. 30 V. Ref. 27b Appendices contain biographical sketches, church histo- ries, private journals and other special historical articles. Elzas, B. A. Jews of South Carolina. 1905. Ref. 975.7 Includes directories of Jews of S. C. in the different periods of her hist., and lists of soldiers and ministers. Kirkland, T. J., and Kennedy, R. M. Historic Camden. Pt. 1. Colonial and revolutionary. 1905. Ref. 975.7 Landrum, J. B. O. Colonial and revolutionary history of upper South Carolina. 1897. Ref. 975.7 Contains a few notes of families, and references to officers. MONTHLY BULLETIN 243 History of Spartanburg County. 1900. Ref. 975.7 Macbeth, M. Abstract of a genealogical collec- tion. V. L 1907. Ref. 929.2 Salley, A. S. History of Orangeburg County, South Carolina to the close of the Revolution- ary War. 1898. Ref. 975.7 South Carolina historical and genealogical magazine, v. 13-15H- 1912-14 to date. Ref. File Georgia. Daughters of the American Revolution. Georgia. Joseph Habersham Chapter. Atlanta. His- torical collections, v. 1-3. 1902-1910. Ref. 929.1758 Jones, C. C. Biographical sketches of the delegates from Georgia to the Continental Congress. 1891. Ref. 923 White, G. Historical collections of Georgia, containing biographical sketches. 1854. Ref. 975.8 Kentucky. Collins, L. History of Kentucky. 1882. 2 v. Ref. 976.9 Includes biographical sketches and lists of revolutionary soldiers. Filson Club. Publications. Nos. 7-8, 11, 13- 14, 17, 24-25. 1892-1910. Ref. 976.9 No. 8. Centenary of Louisville. — no. 14. Clay family. — no. 17. Old masters of the blue grass. Jouett, Bush, Grimes, Frazer. Morgan and Hart. — no. 24. Life of James Francis Leonard and biog. sketch of Col. Joseph Crockett. Green, T. M. Historic families of Kentucky. 1889. Ref. 929.1769 The McDowells — The Logans— The Aliens. Kentucky State Historical Soc. Register. V. 7-11 H- 1909 to date. Ref. 976.9 In addition to general historical and biographical articles, these volumes give early marriages, hsts of soldiers and genealogies of the Richardson, Viley, Trabue, Thurston, Waddy, Thomson, Venable, Raiely, Randolph, Mayo, Wood- son, Morton, W(K)lfolk, Harris, Poage, Lindsay, McGinty and Hume families. Rothert, O. A. 1913. Gives list of soldiers in war of 1812 and genealogical notes of pioneer families. History of Muhlenberg Co. Ref. 976.9 Alabama. Saunders, J. E., and Stubbs, Mrs. E. S. (B.) Early settlers of Alabama; w. notes and genealogies. 1899. Ref. 929.1761 Texas. Brown, J. H. Indian wars and pioneers of Texas, n. d. Ref. 976.4 Paddock, B. B. History of central and western Texas. 1911. 2 v. Ref. 976.4 Many biographical sketches. Arkansas. Cantrell, E. H., comp. Annals of Christ Church Parish of Little Rock, Arkansas; 1839-1899. 1900. Ref. 283 Tennessee. Cisco, J. G. Historic Sumner County, Tennes- see; with genealogies of the Bledsoe, Cage and Douglass families. 1909. Ref. 976.8 WESTERN STATES. Salt Lake Tribune Co. Sketches of the inter- mountain states; with biographies of promi- nent citizens. 1909. Ref. 979 Kansas. Green, C. R. Early days in Kansas: annals of Lyndon, v. 1. 1913. Ref. 978.1 A mass of odd and curious facts more or less personal. The colloquialisms add interest and value to the work. It contains an historical and genealogical directory of the inhabitants of Lyndon, Kan. Kansas State Historical Soc. Collections, v. 11-12. 1910-1912. Ref. 978.1 Previous volumes called Transactions. Transactions, v. 1-2, 4-10. 1875-81, 86- 1908. Ref. 978.1 Vol. 9 gives Bassett, Williams and Dighton ancestry of Governor Robinson of Kansas. Later volumes called Collections. Portrait and biographical record of Leaven- worth, Douglas and Franklin Counties, Kansas. 1899. Ref. 978.1 Nebraska. Hayes, A. B., and Cox, S. D. History of the city of Lincoln, Nebraska. 1889. Ref. 978.2 Contains a roll of old settlers. Savage, J. W., and Bell, J. T. History of the city of Omaha, Neb. and South Omaha. 1894. Ref. 978.2 North Dakota. North Dakota. State Historical Soc. Collec- tions. V. 1-2. 1906-1908. Ref. 978.4 Contain biographical sketches of old settlers, lists of pioneers and an early census list. South Dakota. South Dakota. State Historical Society. His- torical collections, v. 2-3. 1904-1906. Ref. 978.3 Vol. 3 contains many biographical notes. Colorado. Baskin (O. L.) & Co. History of the city of Denver, Arapahoe Co., and Colorado. 1880. Ref. 978.8 Utah. Tuilidge, E. W. History of Salt Lake City and its founders. 1850. Ref. 979.2 244 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC LIBRARY Montana. Montana. Historical Society Contributions. V. 1-3. 1876-1900. Ref. 978.6 Give lists of early settlers and territorial officers and biograpfiies of prominent citizens. Oregon. Oregon Pioneer Assoc. 1887-1899. Transactions. 15-27. Ref. 979.5 Calijornia. Soule, F., and others. Annals of San Francisco; containing biographical memoirs of prominent citizens. 1854. Ref. 979.4 IMMIGRATION LISTS. Ames, A. May-Flower and her log, 1620-1621. 1901. Ref. 973.2 Drake, S. G. Results of researches among the British archives for information relative to the founders of New England. 3d ed. 1865. Ref. 929.174 Contains passenger lists. Greer, G. C. Early Virginia immigrants, 1623- 1666. 1912. Ref. 975.5 Hotten, J. C, ed. Original lists of persons of quality, emigrants, religious exiles, political rebels, serving men sold for a term of years, apprentices, and others who went from Great Britain to the American plantations, 1600- 1700. 1874. Ref. 973.2 Pennsylvania. Names of foreigners who took the oath of allegiance to the province and state of Pa., 1728-1775; w. foreign arrivals, 1786-1808; ed. by W. H. Egle. 1892. Ref. 929.1748 Rupp, I. D. Collection of 30,000 names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French and other immigrants in Pennsylvania, 1727-1776. 2d rev. ed., w. Ger. translation. 1876. Ref. 929.1748 Some emigrants to Virginia. Ref. 929.1755 Stanard, W. G. [cl911.] U. S. 16th Cong., 2d Sess. 1820-21. Senate. Docs. v. 4. [1821.] (45.) Ref. 27a List of passengers who arrived in the U. S., 1819-1820. MILITARY RECORDS. Delaware. Public Archives Commission. Dela- ware archives. 1911-1912. 2 v. Ref. 975.1 War rolls, pensioners, etc. Hamersly, T. H. S. Complete army and navy register of the U. S., 1776-1887. 1888. Ref. 353.6 Complete regular army register of the U. S., 1779-1879. 1880. Ref. 353.6 General register of the U. S. navy and marine corps, 1782-1882. 1882. Ref. 353.7 U. S. Congress. Historical register and dic- tionary of the United States army, 1789- 1903, by F. B. Heitman. 1903. 2 v. Ref. 353.6 Pension rolls. Mayo, R., and Moulton, F., comps. Army and navy pension laws and bounty land laws of the U. S., 1776-1852. 1852. Ref. 23a Contains names of pensioners, not indexed. U. S. Census Office. 6th Census. 1840. Census of pensioners for revolutionary services. 1841. Ref. 30a — 16th Cong., 1st Sess. 1819-20. Exec. docs. v. 4. 1820. (34.) — 20th Cong., 1st Sess. 1827-28. Docs. V. 2. n. d. (164.) — 22d House. Ref. 27a Senate. Ref. 27a House. Ref. 27a Cong., 1st Sess. 1831-32. Reports, v. 1. 1831. (224.) 23d Cong., 1st Sess. 1833-1834. Senate. Pub. docs. v. 12-14. 1835. 3 v. (249-251.) Ref. 27a Revolutionary pension rolls. Colonial wars. Bodge, G. M. Soldiers in King Philip's war. 3d ed. 1906. Ref. 973.2 Connecticut Historical Society Collections, v. 9-10. 1903-1905. 2 v. Ref. 974.6 Rolls of Connecticut men in the French and Indian war, 1755-1762. New York (State). Historian. Annual report. 2-3. 1896-1897. 2 v. Ref. 974.7 Muster rolls, 1664-1770. Virginia county records; ed. by W. A. Crozier. V. 2. [1905.] Ref. 929.1755 Virginia colonial militia, 1651-1776. Revolutionary War. Boston. City Council. Memorial of the Ameri- can patriots who fell at the battle Bimker Hill, June 17, 1775. 1889. Ref. 973.36 Chicago Continental Guard. History, charter, by-laws of the Chicago Continental Guard in the state of Illinois; list of officers and members, with the revolutionary services of their ancestors. 1895. (Publication no. 1.) Ref. 369 Clark, A. H. Complete roster of Colonel David Waterbury, Jr.'s regiment of Connecticut volunteers. 1897. Ref. 973.34 Collins, L. History of Kentucky. 1882. 2 v. Ref. 976.9 Gives lists of revolutionary soldiers. Connecticut Historical Society. Collections. V. 8. 1901. Ref. 974.6 Rolls of Conn, men in the Revolution. Daughters of the American Revolution. Conn. Mary Floyd Tallmadge Chapter, Litchfield. MONTHLY BULLETIN 245 Honor roll of Litchfield County revolutionary soldiers. 1912. Ref. 974.6 -Ohio. New Conn. Chapter, Painesville. Record of the revolutionary soldiers buried in Lake Countv, Ohio. [Pref. 1902.] Ref. 923.5 Davis, C. L. Brief history of the North Carolina troops in the war of the Revolution. 1896. Ref. 975.6 Register of officers and a sketch of the N. C. Society of the Cincinnati. France. Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres. Les combattants Francais de la guerre Ameri- caine, 1778-1783. 1903. Ref. 973.34 Grumman, W. E. Revolutionary soldiers of Redding. Conn, and the record of their services. 1904. Ref. 974.6 Heitman, F. B. Historical register of officers of the continental army during the war of the Revolution, 1775-1783. New, rev. and enl. ed 1914. Ref. 353.6 Contains list of the signers of the Declaration of Inde- pendence. Johnston, H. P. Yale and her honor-roll in the Amer. Rev.; inch original letters, rec- ord of service, and biog. sketches. 1888. Ref. 973.3 Jones, A. Cymry of 76; or, Welshmen and their descendants of the American Revolution. 2d ed. 1855. Ref. 973.34 McAllister, J. T. Virginia militia in the Revolu- tionary War. [cl913.] Ref. 973.34 Maryland Historical Society. Muster rolls and other records of service of Maryland tropos in the American Revolution, 1775-1783. 1900. Ref. 975.2 Massachusetts. Secretary of the Commonwealth. Massachusetts soldiers and sailors of the Revolutionary War. 1896-1904. 12 v. Ref. 973.34 New Jersey. Adjutant General. Official register of the officers and men of New Jersey in the Revolutionarv War; comp. by W. S. Stryker. 1872. ■ Ref. 973.34 New York. {State) Comptroller. New York in the Revolution as colony and state. 2d ed. 1898. Ref. 973.34 Secretary of State. Centennial celebra- tions of the' state of N. Y. 1879. Ref. 974.7 Roster of Oriskany. Sabine, L. Biographical sketches of loyalists of the American Revolution. 1864. 2 v. Ref. 920.07 Saffell, W. T. R. Records of the Revolutionary War. 3d ed. 1894. Ref. 973.34 Stryker, W. S. New Jersey continental line in the Virginia campaign of 1781. 1882. Ref. File "The New Jersey volunteers;" loyalists in the Revolutionary War. 1887. Ref. File Virginia. State Library, Richmond. Annual report. 8-9. 1910/11-1911/12. 2 v. Ref. 027 Lists of the revolutionary soldiers of Virginia. Whiteley, W. G. The revolutionary soldiers of Delaware; a paper read before the Del. legisla- ture. Feb. 15, 1875. Ref. 973.34 War of 1812. Clark, B. N., ed. A list of pensioners of the War of 1812; w. an app. cont. names of volunteers for the defence of Plattsburgh fr. Vermont towns, a desc. of the battle, official statement of losses, and names of U. S. officers and solders at Burlington, Vt. 1904. Ref. 973.5 Illinois. State Historical Library. Publications, no. 9. 1904. Ref. 977.3 Illinois soldiers in the War of 1812. Marine, W. M. British invasion of Maryland, 1812-1815. 1913. Ref. 973.5 Apjjendix contains roster of Maryland troops. New Jersey. Adjutant General. Records of officers and men of New Jersev in wars, 1791- 1815. 1909. Ref. 974.9 Rothert, O. A. History of Muhlenberg Co. (Ky.) 1913. Ref. 976.9 Includes list of soldiers in War of 1812. PATRIOTIC SOCIETIES. American historical register and gazette of the patriotic-hereditary societies of the United States. 1895-97. 5 v. Ref. 973 Gives insignia. American monthlv magazine. V. 20-28, 33-36, 39-40. 1902— June, 1906; Julv 1908- June, 1910; Julv, 1911-June, 1912. 15 v. in 12. Ref. 973 For later numbers see Daughters of the American Revo- lution magazine. Colonial Dames of America. Chapter l. Balti- more. Ancestral records and portraits. Icl9101 Ref. 929.17 Colonial Dames of The State of New York. Annual register. 1893-1898. Ref. 369 Colonial Society of Pennsylvania. Charter, constitution, by-laws, officers, committees, members. 1902. Ref. 369 Gives pedigrees of members. Daughters of the American Revolution. Direc- tory of the national society. 1911. Supplement. 1911. Ref. 369 Lineage book. 1-38 f 1890 to date. Ref. 929.17 Daughters of the Amer. Revolution magazine. V. 43-44. July, 1913-June, 1914. Ref. 973 l-'ormerly Amer. monthly magazine. Hall, H. Year book of the societies composed of descendants of the men of the Revolution. 1890. Ref. 369 246 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC LIBRARY Holland Soc. of New York. Year book. 1896- 1898, 1900, 1902-1903. 6 v. Ref. 369 Contain valuable records of the Dutch settlers. Order of the Descendants of Colonial Gover- nors, prior to 1750. Roll of members in the State of Michigan. [1897] Ref. 369 Order of the Founders and Patriots of America. Register. 1911. Ref. 369 Eligibility to membership in this society is derived through descent "in the male line of father or mother from an ancestor who settled in one of the thirteen original colonies within fifty years from the settlement of James- town, Va., 1607, and through this same line only, through patriots in the Revolutionary period." Pilgrim notes and queries, v. l-f 1913 to date. Ref. File Mayflower descendants. Society of Colonial Daughters of the Seven- teenth Century. Organization, constitution, by-laws, membership. 1898. Ref. 369 Society of Colonial Wars. Annual register. 1896-1906. 4 V. Ref. 369 Maryland. Genealogies of the members and record of services of ancestors; ed. by C. Johnston. 1905. Ref. 929.1752 Charts very conveniently arranged. Missouri. Register. 1898, 1900-1907/09. 4 V. Ref. 369 Society of the War of 1812. Constitution and register of membership. 1895. Ref. 369 Sons of the American Revolution. Connecticut. Year-book. 1897-1899. 1 v. Ref. 369 Kentucky. Year book. 1896. Ref. 369 Contains roll of officers of the Virginia line who received land bounties, roll of the revolutionary pensioners in Kentucky, list of the Illinois regiment who served under George Rogers Clark, etc. Massachusetts. Historical memoranda, with lists of members and their revolutionary ancestors. 1899. Ref. 369 Missouri. Year book. 1899. Ref. 369 Sons of the Revolution. Connecticut. Register. 1896. Ref. 369 Kentucky. Yearbook, 1894-1913. Ref. 369 Gives military land warrants granted by Virginia to soldiers and sailors of the Revolution. Missouri. Register. 1901-1912. n. d. 4 v. Ref. 369 —Yearbook. 1896-1900. n. d. 3 v. Ref. 369 New York. Constitution of the General Society of the Sons of the Revolution and the constitution and by-laws of the society in the state of New York, with the membership roll of the N. Y. society. 1891. Ref. 369 Pennsylvania. Decennial register. 1888- 1898. Ref. 369 HUGUENOTS. Baird, C. W. History of the Huguenot emigra- tion to America. [cl885.] 2 v. 973.2 Brock, R. A. Huguenot emigration to Virginia. {In Virginia Historical Society. Collections. NewSer. v. 5. [1882-92.]) Ref. 975.5 Gilman, T. The Huguenots as founders and patriots; an address delivered before the New York Society of the Order of the Founders and Patriots of Amer., N. Y., March 27, 1913. (New York Soc. of the Founders and Patriots of Amer. no. 32.) Ref. 973.2 Huguenot Society of South Carolina. Transac- tions. 5-15. 1897-1908. Ref. 369 Stapleton, A. Memorials of the Huguenots in America; with special reference to their emi- gration to Penn. 1901. Ref. 973 Virginia Historical Soc. Collections, n. s. v. 5. 1886. Ref. 975.5 Documents relating to the Huguenot emigration to Va. Waldron, W. W. Huguenots of Westchester and Parish of Fordham. 1864. 12a MAGAZINES CURRENTLY RECEIVED. Daughters of the American Revolution magazine. Genealogy; a journal of American ancestry. Journal of American history. Kentucky State Historical Society. Register. Magazine of history w. notes and queries. Maryland historical magazine. Mayflower descendant. Missouri historical review. New England historical and genealogical register. New York genealogical and biographical record. Notes and queries. Pennsylvania magazine of history and biography. Pilgrim notes and queries. South Carolina historical and genealogical magazine. Virginia magazine of history and biography. William and Mary College quarterly. FAMILIES. Alden. Alden, E. Memorial of the descendants of the Hon. John Alden. 1867. Ref. 929.2 Allerton. Allerton, W. S. History of the Allerton family in the U. S., 1585-1885, and a genealogy of the descendants of Isaac Allerton. 1900. Ref. 929.2 Atkins. Atkins, F. H. Joseph Atkins: the story of a family. 1891. Ref. 929.2 Considerable material relating to the Dudley and Kent families. MONTHLY BULLETIN 247 Baker. Baker, F., coinp. Baker ancestry; the ancestry of Samuel Baker of Pleasant Valley, Steuben Countv, N. Y., w. some of his descendants. 1914. " Ref. 929.2 Balch. Balch, T. W. Balch genealogica. 1907. Ref. 929.2 Barney. Adams, W. F. Everett Hosmer Barney, his family connections. 1912. Ref. 97b Contains records of the Hosmer, Staples, Wheeler, Jones and Billings families. Barton. Barton, W. E. Lieutenant William Barton of Morris County, New Jersey and his de- scendants. 1900. Ref. 929.2 Bates. Bates, N. W. Ancestors and descendants of Asa Bates, of Cummington, Mass. 1904. Ref. 929.2 Bates bulletin. Ser. 1, v. 1-5. 1907-1912. Ref. 929.2 Later numbers unbound. Bonaparte. Lester, C. E., and Williams, E. Napoleon dynasty; or, The history of the Bonaparte family. 1852. Same. 1860, 1873. 923.1 Williams, H. N. Women Bonapartes; the mother and three sisters of Napoleon L 1909. 2 V. 920.7 Bronte. Mackay, A. M. Brontes; fact and fiction. 1897. 928 Wright, W. Brontes in Ireland. 1894. 928 Brooke. Balch, T. W. Brooke family of Whitchurch, Hampshire, Eng., with an accoimt of Robert Brooke and Ninian Beall of Maryland, and some of their descendants. 1899. Ref. 929.2 Caldwell. Caldwell, C. T. Branch of the family tree; a record of Thompson Baxter Caldwell and his wife Mary Ann (Ames) Caldwell, of West Bridgewater, Mass. 1906. Ref. 929.2 Carpenter. Carpenter, E. and L. H. Samuel Carpenter and his descendants. 1912. Ref. 929.2 Also treats of the Fishbourne, Wharton and Meredith connections. Walker, E. S., ed. Genealogical notes of the Carpenter family. 1907. Ref. 929.2 Cavendish. Bickley, F. L. Cavendish family. 1914. Ref. 929.2 Story of the Dukes of Devonshire. Cecil. Dennis, G. R. The Cecil family. 1914. Ref. 929.2 To this house belonged William Cecil, Lord Burghley. and Robert Cecil, First Earl of Salisbury. Cenci. Dumas, A. Crimes of the Borgias and others. 1907. 923.41 Chafifee. Chaffee, W. H. Chaffee genealogy, 1635-1909. 1909. Ref. 929.2 Chester. Backus, J. B. Genealogical chart of the Chester family. 1893. Ref. File Includes the Backus, Bradford, Huntington, Terry and Tracy connections. Clark. Clark, E. W. History and genealogy of Samuel Clark and his descendants. 1636-1892. 2d ed. 1892. Ref. 929.2 Cleveland. Putnam, E. Notes on the ancestry of Grover Cleveland, n. d. Ref. 929.2 Cloyd. Cloyd, A. D. Genealogy of the Cloyd, Basye and Tapp families in America. 1912. Ref. 929.2 Brief sketches also of Ingels, Jones, Marshall and Smith families. Coddington. Coddington, H. G. Coddington family; with notes on allied families. 1907. Ref. 929.2 Includes Guibord, Perry. Robinson, Fitch and Cook families. Coe. Bartlett, J. G. Robert Coe, puritan; his ances- tors and descendants, 1340-1910, with notices of other Coe families. 1911. Ref. 929.2 Coney. Hills, T. Parentage and English progenitors of Nathaniel Coney of Boston, Mass. 1906. Ref. 929.2 Connelly. Connelley, W. E. Founding of Harman's Station; with account of the Connelly family and some of its related families in America. 1910. Ref. 976.9 Coutts. Richardson, R. Coutts & Co.; memoirs of a family distinguished by its public services in England and Scotland. 1900. 923.3 248 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC LIBRARY Cushing. Haight, T. W. Three Wisconsin Cushings. 1910. Ref. 923.5 Davis. Whitsitt, W. H. Genealogy of Jefferson Davis and of Samuel [A.] Davies. 1910. Ref. 929.2 Debonnaire. Elers, G. Memoirs of George Elers. 1903. 97b Derby. Peabody, R. E. Merchant venturers of Old Salem. 1912. 380 DeWolf. Perry, C. B. Charles D'Wolf of Guadaloupe, his ancestors and descendants. 1902. Ref. 929.2 Appendices devoted to the Canadian branch of the DeWolfs, the Bradford, LeBaron, Perry and Bourn famihes. Dexter. Dexter, O. P. Dexter genealogy, 1642-1904; hist, of the descendants of Richard Dexter of Maiden, Mass. 1904. Ref. 929.2 Douglas. Maxwell, Sir H. E. History of the house of Douglas. 1902. 2 v. Ref. 929.2 Dupuy. Dupuy, B. H. Huguenot Bartholomew Dupuy and his descendants. 1908. Ref. 929.2 C. M. Genealogical history of the Dupuy family. 1910. Ref. 929.2 Elers. Elers, G. Memoirs of George Elers. 1903. 97b Emmet. Emmet, T. A. Emmet family. 1898. Ref. 929.2 Estes. Estes, W. R. G. Estes family. [1892.] Ref. 929.2 Evans. Evans, J. D. History of Nathaniel Evans of Cat Fish Creek, and his descendants. [1905.] Ref. 929.2 Field. Pierce, F. C. Field genealogy. 1901. 2 v. Ref. 929.2 Flagg. Flagg, N. G., and L. C. S. Family records of the descendants of Gershorn Flagg of Lan- caster, Mass., with other genealogical records of the Flagg family. 1907. Ref. 929.2 Gamble. Cilley, G., and J. P. Mount Desert widow; genealogy of the Gamble family. Ref. 929.2 Published as the Knox County historical and gene- alogical magazine v. 1, no. 1-10. Nov. 1895-Aug. 1896 Gardiner. Gardiner, C. C, ed. 1599-1890; Lion Gardiner and his descendants. 1890. Ref. 929.2 Gibson. Wilson, M. C. C. John Gibson of Cambridge, Mass., and his descendants, 1634-1899. 1900. Ref. 929.2 Glattfelder. Glatfelder, N. M. Record of Casper Glatt- felder of Glattfelden, Switzerland, immi- grant, 1743; and of his descendants. 1901. Supplement. 1910. Ref. 929.2 Goddard. Jeflferies, R., comp. Memoir of the Goddards of North Wilts. [1912.] Ref. 929.2 Grant. Marshall, E. C. Ancestry of General Grant and their contemporaries. 1869. Ref. 929.2 Greene. Greene, R. Genealogical sketch of the de- scendants of Robert Greene of Wales, Mass. 1885. Ref. 929.2 Gurney. Hare, A. J. C. Gumeys of Earlham. 1895. 2 v. Ref. 929.2 Hale. HoUoway, C. M. Nathan Hale; with a Hale genealogy. [cl902.] 97b Hall. Hall, G. E., comp. Records of Captain John Hall, with some account of his ancestors and descendants. 1904. Ref. 929.2 Hamlin. Andrews, H. F. Hamlin family; a genealogy of Capt. Giles Hamlin of Middletown, Conn. 1900. Ref. File First 15 pages only. Harrison. Harrison, F. B. Aris sonis focisque; a memoir of an American family, the Harrisons of Skimino. 1910. Ref. 929.2 Hart. William A. Hart and family, Durham, Middle- sex County, Conn. 1903. Ref. 929.2 Reprint from the commemorative biog. record of Middlesex Co. Hawkins. Hawkins, J. P. Memoranda concerning some branches of the Hawkins family and con- nections. [1913.] Ref. 929.2 Also treats of Waller, Jameson. Threlkeld. Calas. McCarty, Craig and Canly families. MONTHLY BULLETIN 249 Hayes. Williams, C. R. Life of Rutherford Birchard Hayes. 1914. 97b Hearne. Hearne, W. T. Brief history and genealogy of the Hearne family, 1066-1907. 1907. Ref. 929.2 Hillman. Hillman, H. W. Ancestral chronological record of the Hillman family, 1550-1905. 1905. Ref. 929.2 Hoyt. Ho3rt, D. W. Genealogical history of the Hoyt, Haight, and Hight families; a list of the 1st settlers of Salisbury' and Amesbury, Mass. 1871. Ref. 929.2 Humphrey. Avery, E. M. John Humfrey, Massachusetts magistrate; did he marry the daughter of the third Earl of Lincoln? 1912. Ref. 929.2 Hungerford. Timbs, J. Ancestral stories and traditions of great families illustrative of English history. 1869. 942 James. James, E. J. James-Stites genealogy. 1898. Ref. File Reprinted from the N. Y. genealogical and biographical record. Jefferson. Winter, W. Jeffersons. 1881. 927.9 Kemble. Fitzgerald, P. K. Kembles. n. d. 2 v. 927.9 Knowlton. Knowlton, G. H. Errata and addenda to Stock- ing's history and genealogy of the Knowltons of England and America, w. a complete index to both books. 1903. Ref. 929.2 Stocking, C. H. W. History and genealogy of the Knowltons of Eng. and Amer. 1897. Ref. 929.2 Lawrence. Green, S. A. Lawrence family of Groton, Mass. 1907. Ref. File Lewis. Lewis, W. T. Genealogy of the Lewis family in America. 1893. Ref. 929.2 Lincoln. Learned, M. D. Abraham Lincoln, an American migration; family English not German. 1909. Ref. 929.2 Livingston. American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society. Ann. rept. 16. 1910/11. 1911. Ref. 974.7 Chancellor Robert R. Livingston and his descendants. Livingston, E. B. Livingstons of Li\ingston Manor. 1910. Ref. 929.2 A history of the Scottish House of Callendar and that branch which settled in New York; a full account of the public life of its representatives; including the story of Robert Livingston and Captain Kidd. Lopez. Eyot, C., ed. Story of the Lopez family; a page from the history of the war in the Philippines. 1904. 920 Loring. Loring, J. M. Our family record. [1891.] Ref. 929.2 Contains genealogy of the Young family. Lovell. Weymouth Historical Society. Original journal of General Solomon Lovell. 1881. Ref. 974.4 Ludlow. Ludlow, N. M. Genealogical history of the Ludlow family. 1884. Ref. 929.2 Lundy. Armstrong, W. C. Lundy family and their descendants. 1902. Ref. 929.2 Macbeth. Macbeth, M. Abstract of a genealogical collec- tion. V. 1. 1907. 1 V. Ref. 929.1 McCue. McCue, J. N. The McCues of the Old Domin- ion. 1912. Ref. 929.2 Contains records of the Arbuckle, Cunningham and Steele families. Macdonald. Stirling, Mrs. A. M. W. (P.) Macdonald of the Isles; a romance of the past and present. 1914. Ref. 929.2 A very attractive story of the Macdonalds, with a pedigree showing descent from the famous "Conn of a Hundred Battles," who died A. D. 157. McMath. McMath, F. M., comp. Memorials of the McMath family. 1898. Ref. 929.2 McPike. McPike, E. F. Romance of genealogv. 11912?] Ref. 929.2 Reprinted from the Magazine of history. 1912. Maigrot de Crissey. Histoire genealogique de la Maison Maigrot de Crissey, comtes de Crissey, seigneurs de la Riviere, de Corcelles, [etc.] en Franche-comte. V. 1. [1911.] 1 V. Ref. 929.2 Marmyun. Banks, T. C. History of the ancient noble family of Marmyun. 1817. Ref. 929.2 Contains Dymokc family. 250 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC LIBRARY Marsh. Marsh, L. B. Genealogy of John Marsh of Salem and his descendants, 1633-1888. 1888. Ref. 929.2 Martin. Callwell, J. M. Old Irish life. 1912. 914.15 Mendelssohn. Hensel, S. Mendelssohn family, 1729-1847. ^^,2ded. 1882. 2 v. 927.8 iSax.7- Merrill. Merrill, W., comp. American ancestors of George W. Merrill of Saginaw, Mich. 1903. Ref. 929.2 Contains notes upon the Clif t, Doggett and other families. Middlebrook. Middlebrook, L. F. Register of the Middle- brook family, descendants of Joseph Middle- brook of Fairfield, Conn. 1909. Ref. 929.2 Miller. Miller, R. F. Family of Millers and Stewarts. 1909. Ref. 929.2 Minnis. Austin, E., comp. Minnis family of Ireland and America. 1913. Ref. 929.2 Mirabeau. Lomenie, L. L. de. Les Mirabeau. 2 v. 920 Moffat. Moffat, R. B. Moffat genealogies. 1909. Ref. 929.2 Montague. Montague, G. W. History and genealogy of Peter Montague of Nansemond and Lancaster counties, Virginia, and his descendants, 1621- 1894. 1894. Ref. 929.2 One chapter given to the Montagues of England. More. Historical journal of the More family, no. 15- 18, 20. 1910-1913. Ref. File Morten. Morton, D. Morton data. [1901.] Ref. 929.2 Ogilvie. Barron, D. G. In defense of the regalia, 1651-2; selections from the family papers of the Ogilvies of Barras. 1910. 941.06 Page. Table showing ancestors and descendants of Nathaniel Page, 1742-1819, and of his wife [Sarah Brown.] 1899. Ref. File Thorne, Mrs. A. F. (P.), comp. History of the Page platter, 1629-1902. 1902. Ref. 929.2 Contains notes of the Fenno, French, Vinton, Linfield and Curtis families. Parsons. Parsons, L. B. Genealogy of the family of Lewis B. Parsons (second). [1900.]. Ref. 929.2 Contains Hoar genealogy. Pence. ' '^ Pence, K. A., comp. History of Judge John Pence and descendants. [1912.] Ref. 929.2 Philipse. Hall, E. H. Philipse Manor Hall at Yonkers. N. Y.; the site, building and occupants. cl912. Ref. 974.7 Pierrepont. Moffat, R. B. Pierrepont genealogies, fr. Norman times to 1913. Ref. 929.2 Piatt. Piatt, F. Notes upon the ancestry of John Piatt, 1749-1823, and a list of his descendants. [1896.] Ref. 929.2 Contains notes upon the Hooper family. Poe. Bewley, Sir E. T. Origin and early history of the family of Poe. 1906. Ref. 929.2 Poole. Poole, M. E. History of Edward Poole of Weymouth, Mass., 1635, and his descendants. 1893. Ref. 929.2 Pratt, Pratt, E. F. Phinehas Pratt and some of his descendants. 1897. Ref. 929.2 Price. Golden wedding of Benjamin and Jane Price; with a brief family record, n. d. Ref. 929.2 Randolph. Randolph, L. V. F. Fitz Randolph traditions; a story of a thousand years. 1907. Ref. 929.2 They begin with RoUo, the Viking, born about A. D. 860, and end with the colonial settlers in America. Ranney. Ranney Memorial and Historical Assoc. Crom- well, Conn. Founders, fathers and patriots of Middletown Upper Houses, since 1851 Cromwell, Conn. 1903. Ref. 929.2 Rolfe. Robertson, W. Pocahontas, alias Matoaka, and her descendants. 1887. Ref. 929.2 Roseboom. Roseboom, C, and others. Brief history of the ancestors and descendants of John Roseboom and of Jesse Johnson, 1630-1897. Ref. 929.2 Rothschild. Balla, I. Romance of the Rothschilds. 2d ed. 1913. 920 Not a genealogy, but gives early history of the family. MONTHLY BULLETIN 251 Reeves, J. Rothschilds. One chapter of family history. 1887. 923.3 Savary. Savary, J. Memorial volume; added a genea- logical record of the Savary-Hall families. 1912. 811 Schuyler. Baxter, K.S. Godchild of Washington. [cl897.] Ref. 929.2 Gives, as well, genealogical material of the Livingston, Morris and Van Cortlandt families, and many biographical accounts of prominent guests of the Schuyler household, such as Washington, Franklin and Lee. Schuyler, G. W. Colonial New York; Philip Schuyler and his family. 1885. 2 v. Ref. 974.7 Also contains information upon the families of Van Slichtenhorst, Van Cortlandt, Van Rensselaer, Livingston, Verplanck and Fort. Sewall. Webster, H. S. Thomas Sewall; some of his ancestors and all of his descendants. 1904. Ref. File Locke, A. A. Seymour. Seymour family. 1914. Ref. 929.2 This history of the Seymour family (originally St. Maur) made famous through its distinguished representatives. Queen Jane and the Dukes of Somerset, is not strictly a genealogy but rather a readable account of historic person- ages. It is of genealogical interest since it is known that Richard Seymour, early settler of Hartford, Conn., was a great grandson of the first duke. Shakespeare. Slopes, Mrs. C. C. Shakespeare's family; with some accoimt of the Ardens. 1901. Ref. 822.33 Sheridan. Fitzgerald, P. H. Lives of the Sheridans. 1886. 2 V. 928 Shotwell. Shotwell, A. M. Annals of our colonial ancestors and their descendants; or, Our Quaker forefathers and their posterity. [1897.] Ref. 929.2 Slocum. Slocum, C. E. Short history of the Slocums, Slocumbs and Slocombs of America, 1637- 1881. 1882. Ref. 929.2 Smith. Reade, C. Smith family. 1904. Ref. 929.2 Spalding. Spalding, S. J. Spalding memorial; a genea- logical history of Edward Spalding of Virginia and Massachusetts Bay. 1897. Ref. 929.2 Stevens. Stevens, C. E. Stevens genealogy; some descendants of the Fitz Stephen family in England and New England. 1904. Ref. 929.2 Stratton. Stratton, H. R. Book of Strattons; records from England and Scotland; and a genea- logical history of the early colonial Strattons in America; with 5 generations of their descendants, v. 1. 1908. 1 v. Ref. 929.2 Strother. Hutchinson, A. S. Strother family and their Campbell-Cummings connections, n. d. Ref. 929.2 Strother, Strother's journal, written by a tradesman of York and Hull, 1784-1785. [1912.] 97b Taft. Washburn, M. T. R. Howard Taft. [cl908._ Treats also of the Torrey, Rawson, Wilson, Grindall, Hooker, Cheney, and Emerson families. Ancestrv of William Ref. 929.2 TefiFt. Tiflft, Mrs. M. E. (M.) comp. Partial record of the descendants of John Tefft of Nassau, N. Y. 1896. Ref. 929.2 Topliff. Bolton, Mrs. E. (S.) Clement Topliff and his descendants in Boston. 1906. Ref. 929.2 La Tremoille. Stephens, W. La Tremoille family. 1914. Ref. 929.2 One of the most prominent families of France, from the days of the crusades to the French Revolution. Tryon. Governor William Trvon, 97b Valle. Missouri Historical Society. Collections, v. 2, no. 7. 1906. Ref. 977.8 Van Rensselaer. Van Rensselaer, M. Annals of the Van Rensse- laers in the U. S. 1888. 929.2 Haywood, M. D. of N. C. 1903. Croffut, W. A. their fortune. Gocher, W. H. oak. 1904. Vanderbilt. Vanderbilts and the story of [cl886.] 923.3 Wadsworth. Wadsworth ; ^or, The charter 974.6 Washington. Massachusetts. Fac-similes of the memorial stones of the last English ancestors of George Washington. 1862. Ref. 929.2 Ward. Ward, E. J. Genealogy of the family of Josiah Ward, sixth generation from William Ward. [1914]. Ref. 929.2 2Hry2(m 252 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC LIBRARY Wesley. Clarke, A. Memoirs of the Wesley family. 1832. Ref. 922 White. Yanderpool, Mrs. J. E. (N.) Genealogy of the White family. [1899.] Ref. 929.2 Contains notes upon the Hoard family. Whitney. MelviUe, H. Ancestry of John Whitney who, in 1635, settled in Watertown, Mass. 1896. Ref. 929.2 Traces his descent from William the Conqueror. Wilson. Walker, H. W. Ancestors of Woodrow Wilson. [1914?] Ref. 929.2 Winchester. Hotchkiss, Mrs. F. (W.) Winchester notes. 1912. Ref. 929.2 Includes many New England families, such as Bradlee, Cunningham, Craft, Dana, Raymond, Stickney, Mears, Swan. Bradford, Baldwin, Hotchkiss, Kingsbury, Appleton and Perkins. Woods. Woods, H. E. Woods family of Groton, Mass.; a record of six generations. 1910. Ref. 929.2 Reprinted from New England historical and genealogical register, v. 64. Wright. Emory, M. B. Colonial families and their descendants. 1900. Ref. 929.2 Notes upon the Spencer, Burke, Cox, Emory, Bordley. Davidson, Doane, Hynson, Neale, Hall and Bennett families. Yates. Yates, E. Yates book; William Yates and his descendants. 1906. Ref. 929.2 Contains genealogy of the Morgan family. Theatrical families. Who's who in the theatre. 1912. Ref. 927.9 Same. 1914. Gives short charts, 3-5 generations, of the following families: Bancroft, Barnett, Barrymore, Bateman, Beer- bohm, Belmore, Bland, Booth, Boucicault, Broughs, Cal- vert, Cameron, Compton, Conquest, Cooke, Dark, Drew, Du Maurier, Edwardes, Emery, Farren, Glover, Gross- mith, Gunn, Hanbury, Harris, Huntley, Irving, Jay, Jefferson, Jones, Kemble, Kendal, Kennedy, Lloyd, Macready, Mathews, Matthison, Maude, Moore, Nielson, Neville, Pounds, Quartermaine, Rignold, Robertson, Saker, Sothern, Standing, Tearle, Terry, Thome, Tither- adge. Tree, Venne, Vining, Wallack. Webster, Welch aad Wright. IVIAGAZINE ARTICLES OF GENERAL INTEREST. Age of heraldry. Genealogical magazine. 6-139, 187. Aug.-Sept.. 1902. Americans crest hunting. Current literature. 31:226. Aug., 1901. Amphlett, J. Genealogy. Popular science monthly. 13: 583. Sept. 1878. Armorial bearings of a lady. Genealogical maga- zine. 4: 209, 241; 5: 201. Sept.-Oct., 1900, Sept., 1901. Arms and the gentleman. Contemporary review. 76:249. Aug., 1899. Barron, O. Heraldry revived. Ancestor, 1 : 36. Apr., 1902. Benedict, A. L. Great and small of family trees. Cosmopolitan. 24: 277. Jan., 1898. Blind, K. "Woden" pedigree of the royal family of England. Westminster review. 159:477. May, 1903. Bostwick, A. E. Symbolic statement of relation- ships. Science, n. s. 36: 559. Oct. 25, 1912. Brooks, W. K. Study of inheritance; a review of the writings of Frances Galton. Popular science monthly. 48: 480, 617. Feb.-Mar., 1896. _ Brown, F. W. Amateur genealogy. New Eng- land magazine, n. s. 30: 566. July, 1904. Brunstorflf, O. W. V. de P. Right to bear arms in Germany. Genealogical magazine. 7: 109. 150. July-Aug., 1903. Bulloch, J. M. Literature of family history and entertaining gossip. Lamp. 28: 230. Apr., 1904. Cattell, J. M. Families of American men of science. Popular science monthly. 86: 504. May, 1915. Champlin, J. D. Manufacture of ancestors. Forum. 10: 565. Jan., 1891. Clark, W. All Americans of royal descent. Arena. 38: 628. Dec, 1907. Collecting ancestors. Cornhill magazine. 71: 253. Mar., 1895. Outlook. 65:341. June 9, 1900. Crozier, W. A. Use and abuse of armorial bearings. Delineator. 65:426. Mar., 1905. Cutter, W. R. Genealogical research in public libraries. Library journal. 21 : 222. May, 1896. Dial, G. W. Value of genealogy. New England magazine, n. s. 33: 285. Nov., 1905. Dowman, J. Symbolism of European snobbery. Arena. 28: 174. Aug., 1902. Eliot, C. W. Family stocks in a democracy. Forum. 10:395. Dec, 1890. Ellis, G. E. Bond's genealogies of Watertown. North American review. 83: 52. July, 1856. MONTHLY BULLETIN 253 Farnell, L. R. Religious and social aspects of the cult of ancestors and heroes. Hibberl journal 7:415. Jan., 1909. ■ Gough, H. Heraldry, British and foreign. Scottish review. 19: 24o. Apr., 1892. Green, E. Plea for the resurrection of heraldry. Nineteenth century. 39: 1025. June, 1896. Hallen, A. W. C. Genealogy a science. Gene- alogical magazine. 1:338. Oct., 1897. Hammond, O. G. Genealogy in the library Magazine of history. 6: 155. Sept., 1907. Heraldry; its origin and influence. National quarterly review. 16: 160. Dec, 1867. Hill, C. H. Peerages and genealogies. North American review. 97: 36. July, 1863. How to use a coat of arms. Genealogical maga- zine. 7: 381, 466, 486. Jan.-Mar. 1904. Joy, J. R. Expansion of one American family Chautauqitan. 31:19. Apr., 1900. Jovs of genealogy. Independent. 71:996. Nov. 2, 1911. M., M. W. Fall of the ancestor. Blackwood' Edinburgh magazine. 182:137. July. 1907 MacNeal, J. Heraldry, its laws and its humors. Munsey's magazine. 25: 858. Sept., 1901. Maxwell, H. On the gentle art of blazon. Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. 178: 26. July, 1905. Nevill, T. G. Evolution of a combed helmet. Ancestor. 3:87. Oct.. 1902. Owen, F. C. For valor. Everybody's magazine. 31:834. Dec. 1914. -Foreign nobility in New York. Munsey's magazine. 30:503. Jan., 1904. Pattison, J. W. Metropolitan Museum collec- tion of armor. World to-day. 8: 49. Jan., 1905. Paul, J. B. Scottish heraldry. Scottish review. 20:233. Oct., 1892. Pedigree and heraldry. Littell's living age. 39:3. Oct. 1. 1853. Popenoe, P. Genealogy and eugenics. Journal of heredity. 6: 372. Aug.. 1915. Prescriptive usage of arms. Ancestor. 2: 40. July. 1902. Richardson, H. D. Scions of aristocracy in America. North American review. 182: 761. May. 1906. Right to bear arms. Genealogical magazine. 1: 603. 665; 2: 23, 48. 106. Mar.-July, 1898. Science of genealogy. Littell's living age. 249: 634, June 9. 1906. Stroehl, Prof. Japanese heraldry. Scientific American supl. 60: 24888. Oct. 7, 1905. Surname and arms. Cornhill magazine. 6: 82. July, 1862. Taylor, J. M. Personal registration of family, memoranda; a plea for the making and preserving of homely annals. Science, n. s. 36:480. Oct. 11. 1912. True use of ancestors. Independent. 59: 50. July 6, 1905. Van Westrum, A. S. Europe's social registers. Bookman. 24:575. Feb.. 1907. -Modern ancestors and armorial bearings. Lippincott's monthly magazine. 58:677. Nov., 1896. Vernon, M. King Edward's expensive hobby. Canadian magazine. 28: 441. Mar., 1907. Whitmore, W. H. American genealogies. North American review. 82: 469. April. 1856. Heraldry in New England. North Ameri- can review. 100: 186. Jan.. 1865. Pitfalls of genealogy. Nation. 69: 13. July 6. 1899. Wood, H. J. T. Value of Welsh pedigrees. Ancestor. 4:47. Jan., 1903. Woods, F. A. Heredity and the Hall of Fame. Popular science monthly. 82:445. May, 1913. Zieber, E. Heraldry in America. Lippincott's monthly magazine. 58: 264. Aug., 1896. 254 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Geo. O. Carpenter, President. John F. Lee, Vice-President. Ben Altheimer. Wm. Maffitt. J. L. Mauran. Arthur E. Bostwick, Librarian and Secretary. Edw. L. Preetorius. O'Neill Ryan. Jos. H. Zum^jAen. CENTRAL LIBRARY. Olive, 13th and 14th Streets. BRANCH LIBRARIES. Barr Branch, Lafayette and Jefferson Aves. Crunden Branch, 14th Street and Cass Ave. Cabanne Branch, Cabanne and Union Aves. Divoll Branch, Uth and Farrar Streets. Carondelet Branch, Kraus St. and Michigan Ave. Soulard Branch, 7th and Soulard Streets. Municipal Reference Branch, Room 206, City Hall. There are also 63 delivery stations in all parts of the city where books from the Central Library may be ordered. At some of these there are deposits of books. Books from branches or stations may be returned at the Main Library, and vice versa. Hours: Central Library, 9 a. m. to 9 p. m., except the Reference Room (at left of Delivery Hall) and Reading Room (at right of Entrance Hall,) which remain open until 10 p. m. Sundays: Reference Room, 2 to 9 p. m.; Open Shelf Room, for reading only, 2 to 9 p. m.; Reading Room, 2 to 9 p. m. Branch Libraries, 9 a. m. to 9 p. m.; Sundays (for reference and reading only) 2 to 6 p. m. Mimicipal Reference Branch, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m., daily; 9 a. m. to 12 noon, Saturdays. IJiKSiTIl oi UAU**0IS«1A i\.X LO» ANGELES LIBRARY V//r> ^A.^3AiNn avX-L!BRARY^/ <^\E [iN'!VFRC/>, .^vinS, Vj: v/ •