V, HYMNS and POEMS LONDON : PRINTED BY SPOTTISWOODR AND CO., NKW-S TKHKT SQUARE. AND PARLIAMENT STREET HYMNS and POEMS ORIOINAL and TRANSLATED By EDWARD CAS WALL OF THK ORATORY SECOND EDITION BURNS, OATES, & CO., PORTMAN STREET BASIL MONTAGU PICKERING iq6 PICCADILL\ 1873 * c r « ^ cf-C O^^-" CONTENTS -*o*~ TRANSLATED. ROMAN BREVIARY HYMNS. /. HYMNS FOR THE WEEK. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Compline Antiphons of the Blessed Virgin PAGE i 9 12 14 16 i3 20 22 22. //. HYMNS SPECIAL TO THE SEASON. Advent . 24 Christmas Day . 26 Holy Innocents . 29 Epiphany • 30 The most Holy Name of Jesus • 31 Prayer of our Lord on Mount Olivei t 33 The Passion of our Lord 35 The most Holy Crown of Thorns • 38 Lent .... 39 The most Holy Spear and Nails 42 The most Holy Winding-sheet 44 The most Precious Blood 46 Passion Sunday 5o Easter 53 Ascension Day 56 Whitsunday . a 1 58 1 \jf VI Contents. PAGE Trinity Sunday Corpus Christi The most Sacred Heart of Jesus ///. HYMNS SPECIAL St. Peter's Chair at Rome . Conversion of St. Paul St. Martina .... St. Gabriel the Archangel . St. Joseph . The Seven Dolours of the B. V. Mary St. Hermenegild Apparition of St. Michael . St. Venantius The B. V. Mary, the Help of Christians St. Juliana .... Nativity of St. John the Baptist Sts. Peter and Paul . St. Elizabeth, Queen of Portugal St. Mary Magdalen . St. Peter's Chains Transfiguration of our Lord . The Seven Dolours of the B. V. Mary The most Holy Guardian Angels . Maternity of the B. V. Mary Purity of the B. V. Mary St. Teresa St. John Cantius St. Raphael the Archangel All Saints IV. HYMNS COMMON TO S. On Feasts of the B. V. Mary , , of Apostles and Evangelists. , , of a Martyr , , of many Martyrs . ,, of Confessor and Bishop . , , of Confessor not a Bishop ,, of Virgins. , of Holy Women . of Dedication of a Church 4 /NTS 61 63 66 70 7i 7i 73 73 76 7 8 79 80 82 84 85 87 87 88 90 90 92 94 95 97 98 99 101 103 105 107 no 112 II4 115 Il6 Il8 TI9 Conteiits. vn HYMNS AND SEQUENCES OF THE ROMAN MISSAL. PAGE Palm Sunday . 121 Good Friday. . 122 Easter Sunday . 122 Whitsunday .... . 123 Corpus Christi . 124 Mass for the Dead . . 126 HYMNS FROM VARIOUS OFFICES AND OTHER SOURCES. The Most Holy Trinity . 129 The Holy Ghost. 131 From the Office of the Holy Ghost - i34 Praises of the Paraclete 136 The most Holy Will of God. • 138 St. Bernard's Hymn. • i39 Jesus our Redeemer . , 146 Christmas Day 146 The most Holy Childhood . i47 Jesus and Mary . ■ 149 Hymn to the Precious Blood 150 Hymn of St. Francis Xavier. 152 Easter Sunday 152 Jesus Risen and Mary Magdalen 154 The Praises of Jesus . 155 Christ our High Priest and Sacrifice • 157 Christ's Session at the Right Hand of God 158 The most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass 159 Hymn to the Blessed Sacrament 160 Rhyme of St. Thomas Aquinas 161 Prose. .... , 162 From an Office of Reparation to the most Holy Sacramen t . 162 From the Office of the Immaculate Conception • 165 Nativity of the B. V. Mary .... 169 The Annunciation . • * • . 170 Vlll Contents. VAGK The Visitation The Purification The Assumption Hymn to Our Lady . The Praises of Mary. St. Joseph Responsory Hymn of St. Joseph Angel Guardians Hymn to my Angel Guardian The Four Evangelists Festival of a Bishop . The Doctors of the Church . The Monks . The Hermits . St. Anne St. Stephen Protomartyr Responsory Hymn to St. Peter ,, to St. Paul St. John the Evangelist St. Martin . St. Francis . St. Benedict . Feast of St. Benedict St. Winifred's Well . Responsory Hymn to St. Pius the Fifth St. Charles Borromeo St. Joseph Calasanctius An Exhortation to Repentance The Glory and Joys of Paradise The Baptismal Font Charge of the Great High-priest, Jesus Christ, to Priests and Clerics Prayer of St. Ignatius Hymn of St. Thomas a Kempis on Hymn for Sunday Morning The Day of Death . Canticle of St. Teresa after Communion Holy Relics . Funeral Hymn Hymn of Intercession for the Dead Midnight An Evening Hymn . Christian patience Contents. IX ORIGINAL. HYMNS AND MEDITATIVE PIECES. PAGE On my late nothingness ...... 239 Thanksgiving for my creation 24O The end of my creation .... 24I Neglect of our true end .... 242 Thanksgiving for my place in creation 242 Benefits of God in creation and baptism 243 Benefits of God in his providence and grace 244 Self-examination ..... 244 Sin ....... 245 Inward elements of sin ' . 246 Ingratitude ..... 247 Dependence on internal and external grace 248 Grace and merit .... 248 Growth in grace .... 249 Life eternal ..... 25O A warning ..... 250 Swiftness of time .... 251 Death ..... 251 Sentiments of the worldling at the hour of death 252 The soul's farewell .... • 253 On the time immediately after death • 254 Judgment ..... • 254 Resignation ..... • 255 Confidence in God .... • 255 Dependence of all things on God . ■ 256 Christ and the world • 257 The Yoke of Christ .... • 257 The Good Shepherd . 258 Human nature before and since the Fall . 259 Eternity ..... . 266 Time ..... . 267 Prayer written on my thirtieth birthday . 268 Prayer written while a Protestant . . 271 St. Stephen's Day .... . 272 Unreality of Anglicanism • 273 Contents. Persecution . Hymn to the Holy Ghost Christ's Humanity . Hymn to the Precious Blood The Incarnation Christ's twofold Parentage . The divine Paternity and Maternity Hymn for Christmas To the Infant Jesus asleep . Mary the highest being in Creation A convert's lament to Mary Old Testament types of Our Lady Children's hymn before Our Lady's Prayer and Sacrifice Holy Mass . Hymn of reparation to the most Holy Sacrament Prayer to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament Evening after Communion . The third degree of Humility The Sign of the Cross Hymn for Renewal of baptismal vows The Holy Catholic Church . image in the Month of May PAGE 274 275 276 276 278 279 280 280 282 283 283 284 286 287 289 290 292 292 294 295 296 297 MASQUE OF ANGELS BEFORE OUR LADY IN THE TEMPLE 301 MINSTER OF ELD 344 ODES. To the Powers of the Universe - 365 To the Sky . . ... 367 To the Earth • 369 To the Heat and Cold 373 To the Dew and Rain - 375 To the Seasons 377 To the Flowers 379 To the Winds 381 To a Spring . 384 Contents. XI PAGE A Vision of animals .... . 386 A Vision of waters . . ... . 392 The Past ..... . 398 The Soul ..... . 400 The Angels ..... . 402 Ajalon ..... . 403 The World ..... • 405 The Sanctuary of the Church , . 409 POEMS. The Easter Ship ; a legend . . . . . ,412 St. Kenelm's Well .... 19 On hearing the nightingale sing in the day- time 422 Evening < 423 Spring 424 Autumn ..... 425 Associations with places 426 On an ancient stone-quarry . 427 Nature's mysteries . 428 A dream of childhood 429 On passing by a former home on a railway 43° Summer's departure 43i On a selfish retirement 432 To one complaining of life's monotony 433 A village incident 434 The unshed tear 436 Water .... 436 To Echo .... 436 A sick person's complaint . 437 A dream in Spring . • 438 The soul, a comparison 439 To the plumes on a hearse . 440 Hope and Memory . • 44i On visiting the room where I was born • 44 r Lesson from a cloud . • 443 The Seaside .... • 443 On seeing snow upon Good Friday . • 444 To the Hours ' 445 Ivnes written on leaving Oxford • 446 On weeping while asleep • 446 Xll Contents. Lines written in momentary disgust with metaphysics The Temple of the Holy Gospels . v The Soul's Abyss .... Belief of Anglicans in the Real Presence tested A remonstrance The Rock of Peter . St. Clement's tomb . The Temple of Nature Nature's Oratories . The Catholic Church the bond of the world Flowers in the Sacristy Flowers on the Altar of the Blessed Sacrament On the use of artificial flowers for the Altar Lines on a ceremonial sandal of His Holiness Lines on a ceremonial capella of His Holiness A soul's lament in Purgatory The graciousness of Purgatory In God's sight. Faith The two mothers Love . Chastisement Sunday The order of pure intuition The captive linnet Catholic ruins England's future conversion To the hand of a living Catholic Author St. Philip Neri and the Roman Noble A Prophecy .... PAGE 447 448 4JO 452 45 2 453 454 456 457 458 459 460 461 461 462 463 465 466 466 467 468 468 469 472 473 475 476 477 478 479 f mercies ! &c. J for the Week. 19 LAUDS. sE tern a cceli gloria s ' Eternal Glory of the heavens ! Blest Hope of all on earth! God, of eternal Godhead born ! Man, by a virgin birth ! Jesu ! be near us when we wake ; And, at. the break of day, With thy blest touch arouse the soul, Her meed of praise to pay. The star that heralds in the morn Is fading in the skies ; The darkness melts ; — O Thou true Light, Once more on us arise. Steep all our senses in thy beam; The world's false night expel; Purge each defilement from the soul, And in our bosoms dwell. Come, early Faith ! fix in our hearts Thy root immovably ; Come, smiling Hope ! and, greater still, Come, heaven-born Charity ! To God the Father glory be, And sole eternal Son ; And glory, Holy Ghost ! to Thee, While endless ages run. VESPERS. Hominis superne Conditor. Maker of men ! who First and Sole, All things in wisdom ordering, Didst from the teeming earth bring forth Wild beasts, and every creeping thing : C 2 20 Breviary Hymns At whose command, instinct with life, Huge forms emerged from shapeless clay; Ordain'd, through their appointed times, Man, thy frail servant, to obey : Expel from us wild passions, Lord, With all the reptile brood of sin ; Nor suffer vice, familiar grown, To make itself a home within. Hereafter grant thine endless joys ; Here thy continual grace supply; Unweave the guilty web of strife ; Draw close the bonds of unity. Father of mercies ! hear our cry ; Hear us, O sole-begotten Son \ Who, with the Holy Ghost most high, Reignest while endless ages run. SATURDAY. MATINS. SummcB Parens dementia. O Thou eternal Source of love ! Ruler of nature's scheme ! In Substance One, in Persons Three ! Omniscient and Supreme ! For thy dear mercy's sake receive The strains and tears we pour, And purify our hearts to taste Thy sweetness more and more. Our flesh, our reins, our spirits, Lord, In thy clear fire refine ; Break down the self-indulgent will ; Gird us with strength divine. for the Week. 2 1 So may all we, who here are met By night thy name to bless, One day, in our eternal home, Thy promises possess. Father of mercies ! hear our cry ; Hear us, coequal Son ! Who reignest with the Holy Ghost While endless ages run. LAUDS. Aurora jam spargit politm. The dawn is sprinkling in the East Its golden shower, as day flows in ; Fast mount the pointed shafts of light ;--- Farewell to darkness and to sin ! Away, ye midnight phantoms all ! Away, despondence and despair ! Whatever guilt the night has brought, Now let it vanish into air. So, Lord, when that last morning breaks Looking to which we sigh and pray, O may it to thy minstrels prove The dawning of a better day. To God the Father glory be, And to his sole-begotten Son ; Glory, O Holy Ghost ! to Thee, While everlasting ages run. VESPERS. Jam sol recedit igncus. Now doth the fiery sun decline: — Thou, Unity Eternal ! shine ; Thou, Trinity ! thy blessings pour, And make our hearts with love run o'er. 22 Breviary Hymns Thee in the hymns of morn we praise ; To Thee our voice at eve we raise; O, grant us, with thy Saints on high, Thee through all time to glorify. Praise to the Father, with the Son, And Holy Spirit, Three in One ; As ever was in ages past, And so shall be while ages last. COMPLINE. Te lucis ante terminkm. Now with the fast-departing light, Maker of all ! we ask of Thee, Of thy great mercy, through the night Our guardian and defence to be. Far off let idle visions fly; No phantom of the night molest : Curb thou our raging enemy, That we in chaste repose may rest. Father of mercies ! hear our cry ; Hear us, O sole-begotten Son ! Who, with the Holy Ghost most high, Reignest while endless ages run. ANTIPHONS OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN. Alma Redemptoris Mater. Mother of Christ ! hear thou thy people's cry, Star of the deep, and Portal of the sky ! Mother of Him who thee from nothing made, Sinking we strive, and call to thee for aid : Oh, by that joy which Gabriel brought to thee, Pure Virgin, first and last, look on our misery. for the Week. 23 Another Translation. Mother most dear of our Redeemer Lord! To Thee, bright open portal of the skies, And ocean star, the Christian people cries, Falling so oft, yet striving still to rise. Thou ! vvhoj to nature's wonder, bore thy God, And heard from Gabriel's lips that Ave flow, Pure Virgin, first and last, to sinners pity show. Ave Regina tcelorum. Hail, O Queen of Heav'n enthroned ! Hail, by angels Mistress own'd ! Root of Jesse ! Gate of morn ! Whence the world's true Light was born : Glorious Virgin, joy to thee, Beautiful surpassingly ! Fairest thou where all are fair ! Plead for us a pitying prayer. Regina cocli Icstare. Joy to thee, O Queen of Heaven ! Alleluia. He whom it was thine to bear ; Alleluia. As He promised, hath arisen ; Alleluia. Plead for us a pitying prayer ; Alleluia. Salve Regina, Mater misericordia. Mother of mercy, hail, O gracious Queen! Our life, our sweetness, and our hope, all hail ! Children of Eve, To thee we cry from our sad banishment ; 24 Breviary Hymns To thee we send our sighs, Weeping and mourning in this vale of tears. Come, then, our Advocate ; Oh, turn on us those pitying eyes of thine : And our long exile past, Show us at last Jesus, of thy pure womb the fruit divine. O Virgin Mary, mother blest ! O sweetest, gentlest, holiest! II. HYMNS SPECIAL TO THE SEASON. ADVENT. VESPERS. Creator alme siderum. Dear Maker of the starry skies ! Light of believers evermore ! Jesu, Redeemer of mankind ! Be near us who thine aid implore. When man was sunk in sin and death, Lost in the depth of Satan's snare, Love, brought Thee down to cure our ills, By taking of those ills a share. Thou, for the sake of guilty men Permitting thy pure blood to flow, Didst issue from thy Virgin shrine And to the Cross a Victim go. So great the glory of thy might, If we but chance thy name to sound, At once all Heaven and Hell unite In bending low with awe profound. special to the Season, 25 Great Judge of all ! in that last day, When friends shall fail, and foes combine, Be present then with us, we pray, To guard us with thy arm divine. To God the Father, with the Son, And Holy Spirit, One arid Three, Be honour, glory, blessing, praise, All through the long eternity. MATINS. Verbum supernum prodiens. O Thou, who thine own Father's breast Forsaking, Word sublime ! Didst come to aid a world distress'd In thy appointed time : Our hearts enlighten with thy ray, And kindle with thy love ; That, dead to earthly things, we may Live but to things above. So when before the Judgment-seat The sinner hears his doom, And when a voice divinely sweet Shall call the righteous home; Safe from the black and fiery flood That sweeps the dread abyss, May we behold the face of God In everlasting bliss. To God the Father, with the Son, And Spirit evermore, Be glory while the ages run, As in all time before. 26 Breviary Hymns LAUDS. En clara vox redarguit. Hark! an awful voice is sounding; ' Christ is nigh !' it seems to say ; 1 Cast away the dreams of darkness, ye children of the day ! ' Startled at the solemn warning, Let the earth-bound soul arise ; Christ her Sun, all sloth dispelling, Shines upon the morning skies. Lo ! the Lamb so long expected, Comes with pardon down from Heaven; Let us haste, with tears of sorrow, One and all to be forgiven. So, when next He comes with glory, Wrapping all the earth in fear, May He then as our Defender On the clouds of Heav'n appear. Honour, glory, virtue, merit, To the Father and the Son, With the co-eternal Spirit, While eternal ages run. \ CHRISTMAS-DAY. VESP. AND MAT. Jesu Rcdcmptor omnium. Jesu, Redeemer of the world ! Before the earliest dawn of light From everlasting ages born, Immense in glory as in might; special to the Season. 27 Immortal Hope of all mankind ! In whom the Father's face we see; Hear Thou the prayers thy people pour This day throughout the world to Thee. Remember, O Creator Lord ! That in the Virgin's sacred womb Thou wast conceived, and of her flesh Didst our mortality assume. This ever-blest recurring day Its witness bears, that all alone, From thy own Father's bosom forth, To save the world Thou earnest down. O Day ! to which the seas and sky, And earth and Heav'n, glad welcome sing ; O Day ! which heal'd our misery, And brought on earth salvation's King ! We too, O Lord, who have been cleansed In thy own fount of blood divine, Offer the tribute of sweet song, On this dear natal day of thine. O Jesu ! born of Virgin bright, Immortal glory be to Thee; Praise to the Father infinite, And Holy Ghost eternally. LAUDS. A soils ortus cardine. ' From the far- blazing gate of morn To earth's remotest shore, Let every tongue confess to Him Whom holy Mary bore. 28 Breviary Hymns Lo ! the great Maker of the world, Lord of eternal years, To save his creatures, veil'd beneath A creature's form appears. A spotless maiden's virgin breast With heavenly grace He fills ; In her pure womb He is conceived, And there in secret dwells. That bosom, chastity's sweet home, Becomes, oh, blest reward! The shrine of Heav'n's immortal King, The temple of the Lord. And Mary bears the babe, foretold By an Archangel's voice ; Whose presence made the Baptist leap, And in the womb rejoice, A manger scantly strewn with hay Becomes th' Eternal's bed ; And He, who feeds each little bird, Himself with milk is fed. Straightway with joy the Heav'ns are fill'd, The hosts angelic sing ; And shepherds hasten to adore Their Shepherd and their King. Praise to the Father ! praise to Him, The Virgin's holy Son ! Praise to the Spirit Paraclete, While endless ages run ! special to the Season. 29 THE HOLY INNOCENTS. MATINS. Audit tyrannus anxius. When it reach'd the tyrant's ear, Brooding anxious all alone, That the King of kings was near, Who should sit on David's throne ; Stung with madness, straight he cries, ' Treason threatens — draw the sword ! Rebels all around us rise ! Drown the cradles deep in blood ! ' What is guilty Herod's gain, Though a thousand babes he slay ? — Christ, amid a thousand slain, Is in safety borne away. Honour, glory, virtue, merit, Be to Thee, O Virgin's Son ! With the Father, and the Spirit, While eternal ages run. LAU DS AN D VESP. Salvete florcs martyr urn. Flowers of martyrdom all hail ! Smitten by the tyrant foe On life's threshold, — as the gale Strews the roses ere they blow. First to bleed for Christ, sweet lambs ! What a simple death ye died ! Sporting with your wreaths and palms, At the very altar side ! Honour, glory, &c. 30 Breviary Hymns EPIPHANY. VESP. AND MAT. Criidelis Herodes Deum. cruel Herod! why thus fear Thy King and God, who comes below? No earthly crown comes He to take, Who heavenly kingdoms doth bestcw. The wiser Magi see the star, And follow as it leads before ; By its pure ray they seek the Light, And with their gifts that Light adore. Behold at length the heavenly Lamb Baptized in Jordan's sacred flood ; There consecrating by his touch Water to cleanse us in his blood. But Cana saw her glorious Lord Begin his miracles divine ; When water, reddening at his word, Flow'd forth obedient in wine. To Thee, O Jesu, who Thyself Hast to the Gentile world di splay 'd, Praise, with the Father evermore, And with the Holy Ghost, be paid. y LAUDS. O sola magnarum urbium. Bethlehem ! of noblest cities None can once with thee compare; Thou alone the Lord from Heaven Didst for us Incarnate bear. special to the Season. 3 1 Fairer than the sun at morning Was the star that told his birth ; To the lands their God announcing, Hid beneath a form of earth. By its lambent beauty guided, See, the Eastern kings appear ; See them bend, their gifts to offer, — Gifts of incense, gold, and myrrh. Solemn things of mystic meaning ! — Incense doth the God disclose; Gold a royal child proclaimeth ; Myrrh a future tomb foreshews. Holy Jesu ! in thy brightness To the Gentile world display'd ! With the Father, and the Spirit, Praise eterne to Thee be paid. THE MOST HOLY NAME OF JESUS. VESPERS. Jesu dulcis memoria. Jesu! the very thought of Thee With sweetness fills my breast; But sweeter far thy face to see, And in thy presence rest. Nor voice can sing, nor heart can frame. Nor can the memory find, A sweeter sound than thy blest name, O Saviour of mankind ! O hope of every contrite heart, O joy of all the meek, To those who fall, how kind Thou art ! How good to those who seek ! 32 Breviary Hymns But what to those who find? ah ! this Nor tongue nor pen can show : The love of Jesus, what it is, None but his lovers know. Jesu ! our only joy be Thou, As Thou our prize wilt be ; Jesu ! be Thou our glory now, And through eternity. MATINS. Jesu Rex admirabilis. O Jesu ! King most wonderful! Thou Conqueror renown'd ! Thou Sweetness most ineffable ! In whom all joys are found ! When once Thou visitest the heart, Then truth begins to shine ; Then earthly vanities depart; Then kindles love divine. O Jesu ! Light of all below ! Thou Fount of life and fire ! Surpassing all the joys we know, And all we can desire. May every heart confess thy name, And ever Thee adore; And seeking Thee, itself inflame To seek Thee more and more. Thee may our tongues for ever bless ; Thee may we love alone ; And ever in our lives express The image of thine own. special to the Seaso?i. 3 3 LAUDS. Jesu decus angelicunt. O Jesu ! Thou the beauty art Of angel worlds above ; Thy Name is music to the heart, Enchanting it with love. Celestial sweetness unalloy'd \ Who eat Thee hunger still; Who drink of Thee still feel a void, Which nought but Thou can fill. O my sweet Jesu ! hear the sighs Which unto Thee I send ; To Thee mine inmost spirit cries, My being's hope and end ! Stay with us, Lord, and with thy light Illume the soul's abyss ; Scatter the darkness of our night, And fill the world with bliss. O Jesu ! spotless Virgin flower ! Our life and joy! to Thee Be praise, beatitude, and power, Through all eternity. PRAYER OF OUR LORD ON MOUNT OLIVET. VESP. AND MAT. A spice ut Verbum Patris. See from on high, array'd in truth and grace, The Father's Word descend ! Burning to heal the wounds of Adam's race, And our long evils end ! D 34 Breviary Hymns Pitying the miseries which with the Fall In Paradise began, Prostrate upon the earth, the Lord of all Entreats for ruin'd man. Oh, bitter then was our Redeemer's lot, While whelm'd in griefs unknown : ' Father/ he cries, ' remove this cup ; yet not My will, but thine be done.' While, a dread anguish pressing down his heart, He faints upon the ground ; And from each bursting pore the blood-drops start, Moistening the earth around. But quickly from high Heav'n an angel came, To soothe the Saviour's woes ; And, strength returning to his languid frame, Up from the earth He rose. Praise to the Father ; praise, O Son ! to Thee To whom a name is given Above all names ; praise to the Spirit be, From all in earth and Heaven. LAUDS. Venit e Ccelo Mediator alto. Daughter of Sion ! cease thy bitter tears, And calm thy breast ; Foretold through ages past, lo ! now appears Thy Mediator blest. That garden, where of old our guilt began, Wrought death and pain; But this, where Jesus prays by night for man, Brings life and joy again. special to the Season. 35 Hither, of his own will, the Lord, for all Comes to atone ; And stays the thunderbolts about to fall From the dread Father's throne. So shall He break the adamantine chain Of Hell's abyss ; And opening Heav'n long closed, call us again To his eternal bliss. Praise to the Son, to whom a name above All names is given ; Praise to the Father and the Spirit of love, From all in earth and Heaven. THE PASSION OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. VESPERS. Maerentes oculi spargite lachrymas. Now let us sit and weep, And fill our hearts with woe ; Pondering the shame, and torments deep, Which God from wicked men did undergo. See ! how the multitude, With swords and staves, draw nigh ; See ! how they smite with buffets rude That head divine of awful majesty: How, bound with cruel cord, Christ to the scourge is given ; And ruffians lift their hands, unaw'd, Against the King of kings and Lord of Heaven. Hear it ! ye people, hear ! Our good and gracious God, Silent beneath the lash severe, Stands with his sacred shoulders drench'd in blood. D 2 36 Breviary Hymns O scene for tears ! but now The sinful race contrive A torment new : deep in his brow, With all their force the jagged thorns they drive. Then roughly dragg'd to death, Christ on the Cross is slain ; And, as He dies, with parting breath, Into his Father's hands gives back his soul again. To Him who so much bore, To gain for sinners grace, Be praise and glory evermore, From the whole universal human race. MATINS. Aspice in/ami Deus ipse ligno. See ! where in shame the God of glory hangs, All bathed in his own blood : See ! how the nails pierce with a thousand pangs Those hands so good. Th' All Holy, as a minister of ill, Betwixt two thieves they place; Oh, deed unjust ! yet such the cruel will Of Israel's race. Pale grows his face, and fix'd his languid eye ; His wearied head He bends ; And rich in merits, forth with one loud cry His Spirit sends. O heart more hard than iron ! not to weep At this ; thy sin it was That wrought his death ; of all these torments deep Thou art the cause. special to the Season. 37 Praise, honour, glory be through endless time To th' everlasting God ; Who wash'd away our deadly stains of crime In his own Blood. LAUDS. Scevo dolorum turbine. O'erwhelm'd in depths of woe, Upon the Tree of scorn Hangs the Redeemer of mankind, With racking anguish torn. See ! how the nails those hands And feet so tender rend ; See ! down his face, and neck, and breast, His sacred Blood descend. Hark ! with what awful cry His Spirit takes its flight ; That cry, it smote his Mother's heart, And wrapt her soul in night. Earth hears, and to its base Rocks wildly to and fro; Tombs burst; seas, rivers, mountains quake; The veil is rent in two. The sun withdraws his light ; The midday heavens grow pale; The moon, the stars, the universe, Their Maker's death bewail. Shall man alone be mute ? Come, youth ! and hoary hairs ! Come, rich and poor ! come, all mankind ! And bathe those feet in tears. $8 Breviary Hymns Come ! fall before His Cross, Who shed for us his blood; Who died the victim of pure love, To make us sons of God. Jesu ! all praise to Thee, Our joy and endless rest! Be Thou our guide while pilgrims here, Our crown amid the blest. THE MOST HOLY CROWN OF THORNS. VESP. AN D MAT. Exite Sion filia. Daughters of Sion ! royal maids ! Come forth to see the crown, Which Sion's self, with cruel hands, Hath woven for her Son. See ! how amid his gory locks The jagged thorns appear; See ! how his pallid countenance Foretells that death is near. Oh, savage was the earth that bore Those thorns so sharp and long! Savage the hand that gather'd them To work this deadly wrong. But now that Christ's redeeming Blood Hath tinged them with its dye, Fairer than roses they appear, Or palms of victory. Jesu ! the thorns which pierced thy brow Sprang from the seed of sin ; Pluck ours, we pray thee, from our hearts, And plant thine own therein. special to the Season. 39 Praise, honour, to the Father be, And sole-begotten Son; Praise to the spirit Paraclete, While endless ages run. LAUDS. Leg is figuris pingihir. Christ's peerless Crown is pictured in The figures of the Law ; — The Ram entangled in the thorns; The Bush which Moses saw; The Rainbow girding round the ark; The Table's crown of gold ; The Incense that in waving wreaths Around the Altar roll'd. Hail! Circlet dear! that didst the pangs Of dying Jesus feel; Thou dost the brightest gems outshine, And all the stars excel. Praise, honour, &c. SUNDAYS AND WEEK-DAYS IN LENT. VESPERS. Audi benigne Conditor. Thou loving Maker of mankind, Before thy throne we pray and weep; Oh, strengthen us with grace divine, Duly this sacred Lent to keep. Searcher of hearts ! Thou dost discern Our ills, and all our weakness know : Again to Thee with tears we turn ; Again to us thy mercy show. 40 Breviary Hymns Much have we sinn'd; but we confess Our guilt, and all our faults deplore : Oh, for the praise of thy great Name, Our fainting souls to health restore ! And grant us, while by fasts we strive This mortal body to control, To fast from all the food of sin, And so to purify the soul. Hear us, O Trinity thrice blest! Sole Unity ! to Thee we cry : Vouchsafe us from these fasts below To reap immortal fruit on high. MATINS. Ex more docti mystico. Now with the slow-revolving year, Again the Fast we greet ; Which in its mystic circle moves Of forty days complete ; That Fast, by Law and Prophets taught, By Jesus Christ restored; Jesus, of seasons and of times The Maker and the Lord. Henceforth more sparing let us be Of food, of words, of sleep ; Henceforth beneath a stricter guard The roving senses keep. And let us shun whatever things Distract the careless heart ; And let us shut pur souls against The tyrant Tempter's art; special to the Season, 4 1 And weep before the Judge, and strive His vengeance to appease; Saying to Him with contrite voice, Upon our bended knees : 'Much have we sinn'd, O Lord! and still We sin each day we live; Yet look in pity from on high, And of thy grace forgive. Remember that we still are thine, Though of a fallen frame ; And take not from us in thy wrath The glory of thy name. Undo past evil; grant us, Lord, More grace to do aright ; So may we now and ever find Acceptance in thy sight. Blest Trinity in Unity ! Vouchsafe us, in thy love, To gather from these fasts below Immortal fruit above. LAUDS. O Sol salutis intimis. The darkness fleets, and joyful earth Welcomes the newborn day ; Jesu, true Sun of human souls! Shed in our souls thy ray. Thou, who dost give the accepted time, Give tears to purify, Give flames of love to burn our hearts As victims unto Thee. 42 Breviary Hymns That fountain, whence our sins have flow'd, Shall soon in tears distil, If but thy penitential grace Subdue the stubborn will. The day is near when all re-blooms, Thy own blest day, O Lord ; We too would joy, by thy right hand To life's true path restored. All glorious Trinity ! to Thee Let earth's vast fabric bend ; And evermore from souls renew'd The Saints' new song ascend. THE MOST HOLY SPEAR AND NAILS. VESPERS. QucBtiam lingua tibi, O lancea. What tongue, illustrious Spear, can duly sound Thy praise, in Heaven or earth? Thou, who didst open that life-giving wound, From whence the Church had birth. From Adam, sunk in an ecstatic sleep, Came Eve divinely framed; From Christ, his spouse ; when from that wound so deep The Blood and Water stream'd. And equal thanks to you, blest Nails, whereby, Fast to the sacred Rood, Was clench'd the sentence dooming us to die, All blotted out in blood. To Him who still retains in highest Heaven The wounds which here He bore, Be glory, with th' eternal Father, given, And Spirit evermore. special to the Season. 43 MATINS. Salvete Clavi et Lancea. Hail, Spear and Nails ! erewhile despised, As things of little worth ; Now crimson with the blood of Christ, And famed through Heav'n and earth. Chosen by Jewish perfidy As instruments of sin, God turn'd you into ministers Of love and grace divine : For from each several wound ye made In that immortal frame, As from a fount, celestial gifts And life eternal came. Thee, Jesu, pierced with Nails and Spear, Let every knee adore ; With Thee, O Father, and with Thee, O Spirit, evermore. LAUDS. Tinctam ergo Christ i sanguine. Oh, turn those blessed points, all bathed In Christ's dear Blood, on me ; Mine were the sins that wrought his death, Mine be the penalty. Pierce through my feet, my hands, my heart ; So may some drop distil Of Blood divine, into my soul, And all its evils heal. So shall my feet be slow to sin, Harmless my hands shall be; So from my wounded heart shall each Forbidden passion flee. Thee, Jesu, pierced, &c. 44 Breviary Hymns THE MOST HOLY WINDING-SHEET. VESPERS. Gloriam sacra celebremus omnes. The glories of that sacred Winding-sheet Let every tongue record ; Which from the Cross received with honour meet The body of the Lord. O dear Memorial! on which we see, In bloody stains impress'd, The form, sublime in awful majesty, Of our Redeemer blest. How doth the grievous sight of thee recall Those dying throes to mind, Which Christ, compassionating Adam's fall, Endured for lost mankind ! His wounded side, his hands and feet pierced through, Mirror'd in thee appear; His lacerated limbs, his gory brow, And thorn-entangled hair. Ah ! who beholding these sad images, Can the big tears control? Can check the throbs of swelling grief that rise Up from his inmost soul ? Jesu ! my sin it was that laid Thee low, And through thy death I live ; That life, which to thy torments sore I owe, Henceforth to Thee I give. Glory to Him, who, to redeem us, bore Such bitter dying pains; Who with th' eternal Father evermore, And Holy Spirit, reigns. special to the Season. 45 MATINS. Mysterium mirabile. This day the wondrous mystery Is set before our eyes, Of Jesus stretch'd upon the Cross In dying agonies. Oh, deed of love ! the Prince becomes A Victim for his slave; The sinner an acquittal finds, The innocent a grave. Whereof, in many a gory stain, The traces still are found On yonder Winding-sheet, which wrapp'd The sacred body round. Hail, trophies of our«valiant Chief! Hail, proofs of triumph won Over the World, and Hell, and Death, By God's Incarnate Son! Be these the colours under which From this time forth we fight, Against the cruel Serpent's guile, And all the powers of night. So, dead to our old life, may we A better life begin ; And through the Cross of Christ at length Unto His Crown attain. Father of mercies ! hear our cry ; Hear us, coequal Son! Who reignest with the Holy Ghost While endless ages run. 4-6 Breviary Hymns LAUDS, Jesu dulcis amor mcus. Jesu! as though Thyself wert here, I draw in trembling sorrow near; And hanging o'er thy form divine, Kneel down to kiss these wounds of thine. Ah me, how naked art Thou laid ! Bloodstain'd, distended, cold, and dead ! Joy of my soul — my Saviour sweet, Upon this sacred Winding-sheet! Hail, awful brow! hail, thorny wreath ! Hail, countenance now pale in death? Whose glance but late so brightly blazed, That Angels trembled as they gazed. And hail to thee, my Saviour's side; And hail to thee, thou wound so wide : Thou wound more ruddy than the rose, True antidote of all our woes ! Oh, by those sacred hands and feet For me so mangled ! I entreat, My Jesu, turn me not away, But let me here for ever stay. THE MOST PRECIOUS BLOOD. VESPERS. Festivis resonenl compita vocibus. Forth let the long procession stream, And through the streets in order wend; Let the bright waving line of torches gleam, The solemn chant ascend. special to the Season. 47 While we, with tears and sighs profound, That memorable Blood record, Which, stretch'd on his hard Cross, from many a wound The dying Jesus pour'd. By the first Adam's fatal sin Came death upon the human race; In this new Adam doth new life begin, And everlasting grace. For scarce the Father heard from Heaven The cry of his expiring Son, When in that cry our sins were all forgiven, And boundless pardon won. Henceforth, whoso in that dear Blood Washeth, shall lose his every stain ; And in immortal roseate beauty robed, An angel's likeness gain. Only, run thou with courage on Straight to the goal set in the skies ; He, who assists thy course, will give thee soon Th' incomparable prize. Father supreme ! vouchsafe that we, For whom thine only Son was slain, And whom thy Holy Ghost doth sanctify, May to thy joys attain. MATINS. Irajusta Conditoris. He who once, in righteous vengeance, Whelm'd the world beneath the flood, Once again in mercy cleansed it With the stream of his own Blood, Coming from his throne on high On the painful Cross to die. 48 Breviary Hymns Blest with this all-saving shower, Earth her beauty straight resumed ; In the place of thorns and briers, Myrtles sprang, and roses bloom'd : Bitter wormwood of the waste ' Into honey changed its taste. Scorpions ceased ; the slimy serpent Laid his deadly poison by; Savage beasts of cruel instinct Lost their wild ferocity ; Welcoming the gentle reign Of the Lamb for sinners slain. Oh, the wisdom of th' Eternal ! Oh, its depth, and height divine! Oh, the sweetness of that mercy Which in Jesus Christ doth shine ! Slaves we were condemned to die ! Our King pays the penalty ! When before the Judge we tremble, Conscious of his broken laws, May this Blood, in that dread hour, Cry aloud, and plead our cause: Bid our guilty terrors cease, Be our pardon and our peace. Prince and Author of Salvation ! Lord of majesty supreme ! Jesu ! praise to Thee be given By the world Thou didst redeem ; Who with the Father and the Spirit, Reignest in eternal merit. special to the Season. 49 LAUDS. Salvete Christi vulnera. Hail wounds ! which through eternal years The love of Jesus show; Hail wounds ! from whence unfailing streams Of grace and glory flow. More precious than the gems of Ind, Than all the stars more fair; Nor honeycomb, nor fragrant rose, Can once with you compare. Through you is open'd to our souls A refuge safe and calm, Whither no raging enemy Can reach to work us harm. What countless stripes did Christ receive Naked in Pilate's hall! From his torn flesh how red a shower Did all around Him fall ! How doth th' ensanguined thorny crown That beauteous brow transpierce ! How do the nails those hands and feet Contract with tortures fierce ! He bows his head, and forth at last His loving spirit soars; Yet even after death his heart For us its tribute pours. Beneath the wine-press of God's wrath His Blood for us He drains; Till for Himself, O wondrous love! No single drop remains. Oh, come all ye on whom abide The deadly stains of sin ! Come ! wash in this encrimson'd tide, And ye shall be made clean. E 50 Breviary Hymns Praise Him, who with the Father sits Enthroned upon the skies ; Whose Blood redeems our souls from guilt. Whose Spirit sanctifies. PASSION-SUNDAY. VESPERS. Vexilla Regis prodeunt. Forth comes the Standard of the King : All hail, thou Mystery adored ! Hail, Cross ! on which the Life Himself Died, and by death our life restored. On which the Saviour's holy side, Rent open with a cruel spear, Its stream of blood and water pour'd, To wash us from defilement clear. O sacred Wood ! fulfill'd in thee Was holy David's truthful lay ; Which told the world, that from a Tree The Lord should all the nations sway. Most royally empurpled o'er, How beauteously thy stem doth shine ! How glorious was its lot to touch Those limbs so holy and divine ! Thrice blest, upon whose arms outstretch'd The Saviour of the world reclined ; Balance sublime ! upon whose beam Was weigh'd the ransom of mankind. Hail, Cross ! thou only hope of man, Hail on this holy Passion-day ! To saints increase the grace they have ; From sinners purge their guilt away. special to the Season. 5 1 Salvation's Fount, blest Trinity, Be praise to Thee through earth and skies : Thou through the Cross the victory- Dost give ; Oh give us too the prize ! MATINS. Pange lingua gloriosi. Sing, my tongue, the Saviour's glory ; Tell his triumph far and wide ; Tell aloud the famous story Of his Body crucified ; How upon the Cross a Victim, Vanquishing in death, He died. Eating of the Tree forbidden, Man had sunk in Satan's snare, When his pitying Creator Did this second Tree prepare ; Destined, many ages later, That first evil to repair. Such the order God appointed When for sin He would atone ; To the Serpent thus opposing Schemes yet deeper than his own ; Thence the remedy procuring, Whence the fatal wound had come. So when now at length the fulness Of the sacred time drew nigh, Then the Son who moulded all things Left his Father's throne on high ; From a Virgin's womb appearing, Clothed in our mortality. 5 2 Breviary Hymns -All within a lowly manger, Lo, a tender babe He lies ! See his gentle Virgin mother L Lull to sleep his infant cries ! While the limbs of God Incarnate Round with swathing-bands she ties. Honour, blessing everlasting To th ? immortal Deity ! To the Father, Son, and Spirit, Praise be paid co-equally ! Glory through the earth and Heaven To Trinity in Unity I LAUDS. Lustra sex qui jam peregit. Thus did Christ to perfect manhood In our mortal flesh attain : Then of his free choice He goeth To a death of bitter pain ; And as a lamb, upon the altar Of the Cross, for us is slain. Lo, with gall his thirst He quenches! See the thorns upon his brow ! Nails his tender flesh are rending ! See, his side is open'd now ! Whence, to cleanse the whole creation, Streams of blood and water flow. Lofty Tree, bend down thy branches, To embrace thy sacred load ; Oh, relax the native tension Of that all too rigid wood ; Gently, gently bear the members Of thy dying King and God. special to the Season. 5 3 Tree, which solely wast found worthy Earth's great Victim to sustain ; Harbour from the raging tempest ! Ark, that saved the world again ! Tree, with sacred Blood anointed Of the Lamb for sinners slain. Honour, blessing, &c. EASTER-TIDE TO ASCENSION-DAY- VESPERS. Ad rtgias agni dapes. Now at the Lamb's high royal feast In robes of saintly white we sing, Through the Red Sea in safety brought By Jesus our immortal King. O depth of love ! for us He drains The chalice of his agony ; For us a Victim on the Cross He meekly lays Him down to die. And as the avenging Angel pass'd Of old the blood-besprinkled door ; As the cleft sea a passage gave, Then closed to whelm th' Egyptians o'er So Christ, our Paschal Sacrifice, Has brought us safe all perils through ; While for unleaven'd bread He asks But heart sincere and purpose true. Hail, purest Victim Heav'n could find, The powers of Hell to overthrow! Who didst the bonds of Death unbind ; Who dost the prize of Life bestow. 54 Breviary Hymns Hail, victor Christ ! hail, risen King To Thee alone belongs the crown ; Who hast the heavenly gates unbarr'd, And cast the Prince of darkness down. O Jesu ! from the death of sin Keep us, we pray ; so shalt Thou be The everlasting Paschal joy Of all the souls new-born in Thee. To God the Father, with the Son Who from the grave immortal rose, And Thee, O Paraclete, be praise, While age on endless ages flows. MATINS. Rex sempiteme ccelitum, O Thou, the Heavens' eternal King: Lord of the starry spheres ! Who with the Father equal art From everlasting years : All praise to thy most holy Name, Who, when the world began, Yoking the soul with clay, didst form In thine own image, Man. And praise to Thee, who, when the Foe Had marr'd thy work sublime, Clothing Thyself in flesh, didst mould Our race a second time ; When from the tomb new born, as from A Virgin born before, Thou raising us from death with Thee Didst us in Thee restore. special to the Season. 5 5 Eternal Shepherd ! who thy flock In thy pure Font dost lave, Where souls are cleansed, and all their guilt Buried as in a grave ; Jesu ! who to the Cross wast nail'd, Our hopeless debt to pay ; Jesu ! who lavishly didst pour Thy blood for us away : Oh, from the wretched death of sin Keep us ; so shalt Thou be The everlasting Paschal joy Of all new-born in Thee. To God the Father, with the Son Who from the grave arose, And Thee. O Paraclete, be praise While age on ages flows. LAU DS. A urora ccelutn purpurat. The dawn was purpling o'er the sky ; With alleluias rang the air ; Earth held a glorious jubilee ; Hell gnash'd its teeth in fierce despair : When our most valiant mighty King From death's abyss, in dread array, Led the long-prison'd Fathers forth, Into the beam of life and day : When He, whom stone and seal and guard Had safely to the tomb consign'd, Triumphant rose, and buried Death Deep in the grave He left behind. 56 Breviary Hymns ' Calm all your grief, and still your tears ; ' Hark ! the descending angel cries ; ' For Christ is risen from the dead, And Death is slain, no more to rise.' O Jesu ! from the death of sin Keep us, we pray ; so shalt Thou be The everlasting Paschal joy Of all the souls new-born in Thee. To God the Father, with the Son Who from the grave immortal rose. And Thee, O Paraclete, be praise While age on endless ages flows. ASCENSION-DAY. VESP. AND LAUDS. Salutis humance Sator. O Thou pure light of souls that love, True joy of every human breast, Sower of life's immortal seed, Our Maker, and Redeemer blest ! What wondrous pity Thee o'ercame To make our guilty load thine own, And sinless suffer death and shame, For our transgressions to atone ! Thou, bursting Hades open wide, Didst all the captive souls unchain ; And thence to thy dread Father's side With glorious pomp ascend again. O still may pity Thee compel To heal the wounds of which we die ; And take us in thy Light to dwell, Who for thy blissful Presence sigh. special to the Season. 57 Be Thou our guide, be thou our goal ; Be Thou our pathway to the skies ; Our joy when sorrow fills the soul ; In death our everlasting prize. MATINS. /Eterne Rex altissime. O Thou eternal King most high ! Who didst the world redeem ; And conquering Death and Hell, receive A dignity supreme. Thou, through the starry orbs, this day, Didst to thy throne ascend ; Thenceforth to reign in sovereign power, And glory without end. There, seated in thy majesty, To Thee submissive bow The Heav'n of Heav'ns, the earth beneath, The realms of Hell below. With trembling there the angels see The changed estate of men ; The flesh which sinn'd by Flesh redeem'd ; Man in the Godhead reign. There, waiting for thy faithful souls, Be Thou to us, O Lord ! Our joy of joys while here we stay, In Heav'n our great reward. Renew our strength ; our sins forgive ; Our miseries efface ; And lift our souls aloft to Thee, By thy celestial grace. 5 8 Breviary Hymns So, when Thou shinest on the clouds, With thy angelic train, May we be saved from deadly doom And our lost crowns regain. To Christ returning gloriously With victory to Heaven, Praise with the Father evermore And Holy Ghost be given. WHIT-SUNDAY. VESPERS. Veni Creator Spirit us. Come, O Creator Spirit blest ! And in our souls take up thy rest ; Come, with thy grace and heavenly aid, To fill the hearts which Thou hast made. Great Paraclete ! to Thee we cry : O highest gift of God most high ! O fount of life ! O fire of love ! And solemn Unction from above ! The sacred sevenfold grace is thine Dread Finger of the hand divine ! The promise of the Father Thou ! Who dost the tongue with power endow. Our senses touch with light and fire ; Our hearts with charity inspire ; And, with endurance from on high The weakness of our flesh supply. Far back our enemy repel, And let thy peace within us dwell, So may we having Thee for guide Turn from each hurtful thing aside. special to the Season. 59 O may thy grace on us bestow The Father and the Son to know, And evermore to hold confess'd Thyself of Each the Spirit blest. To God the Father praise be paid, Praise to the Son who from the dead Arose, and perfect praise to Thee O Holy Ghost eternally. MATINS. Jam Christus astra ascenderat. Above the starry spheres To where He was before Christ had gone up, soon from on high The Fathers gift to pour ; And now had fully come, On mystic cycle borne Of seven times seven revolving days, The Pentecostal morn : When, as the Apostles knelt At the third hour in prayer, A sudden rushing sound proclaim'd The God of glory near. Forthwith a tongue of fire Alights on every brow ; Each breast receives the Father's light. The Word's enkindling glow. The Holy Ghost on all Is mightily outpour'd ; Who straight in divers tongues declare The wonders of the Lord. 60 Breviary Hymns While strangers of all climes Flock round from far and near, And with amazement, each at once Their native accents hear. But faithless still, the Jews Deny the hand divine ; And madly jeer the Saints of Christ, As drunk with new-made wine. Till Peter in the midst Stood up, and spake aloud ; And their perfidious falsity By Joel's witness shew'd. Praise to the Father be ! Praise to the Son who rose ! Praise, Holy Paraclete, to Thee, While age on ages flows ! LAUDS. Beata nobis gaudia. Again the slowly circling year Brings round the blessed hour, When on the Saints the Paraclete Came down in grace and power. In fashion of a fiery tongue On each and all He came ; Their lips with eloquence He strung, And fill'd their hearts with flame. Straightway with divers tongues they speak, Instinct with grace divine ; While wond'ring crowds the cause mistake, And deem them drunk with wine. special to the Season. 6 1 These things were mystically wrought, The Paschal time complete, When Israel's Law remission brought Of every legal debt. God of all grace ! to Thee we pray, To Thee adoring bend ; Into our hearts this sacred day Thy Spirit's fulness send. Thou, who in ages past didst pour Thy graces from above, Thy grace in us where lost restore, And stablish peace and love. All glory to the Father be ; And to the Son who rose ; Glory, O Holy Ghost ! to Thee, While age on ages flows. TRINITY-SUNDAY. VESPERS. Jam Sol rccedit igneus. Now doth the fiery sun decline :— Thou, Unity eternal ! shine ; Thou, Trinity, thy blessings pour, And make our hearts with love run o'er. Thee in the hymns of morn we praise ; To Thee our voice at eve we raise ; Oh, grant us, with thy Saints on high, Thee through all time to glorify. Praise to the Father, with the Son, And Holy Spirit, Three in One ; As ever was in ages past, And so shall be while ages last. 62 Breviary Hymns MATINS. Summce Parens cleme?itics. O Thou eternal Source of love ! Ruler of nature's scheme ! In Substance One, in Persons Three ! Omniscient and Supreme ! Be nigh to us when we arise ; And, at the break of day, With wakening body wake the soul, Her meed of praise to pay. To God the Father glory be, And to th' eternal Son, And Holy Ghost, co-equally, While endless ages run. LAUDS. Tu Trinitatis Unitas. O Thou ! who dost all nature sway, Dread Trinity in Unity ! Accept the trembling praise we pour To thy eternal Majesty. The star that heraldeth the dawn Is slowly fading in the skies ; The darkness melts ; — O Thou true light ! Upon our darken'd souls arise. To God the Father glory be, And to the sole- begotten Son, And Holy Ghost co-equally, While everlasting ages run. special to the Season. 63 CORPUS CHRISTI. VESPERS. Pange lingua gloriosi. Sing, my tongue, the Saviour's glory, Of his Flesh the mystery sing ; Of the Blood, all price exceeding, Shed by our immortal King, Destined, for the world's redemption, From a noble womb to spring. Of a pure and spotless Virgin Born for us on earth below, He, as Man with man conversing, Stay'd, the seeds of truth to sow ; Then He closed in solemn order Wondrously his life of woe. On the night of that Last Supper, Seated with his chosen band, He the Paschal victim eating, First fulfils the Law's command ; Then, as Food to his Apostles Gives Himself with his own hand. Word made Flesh, the bread of nature By his word to Flesh He turns ; Wine into his Blood He changes : — What though sense no change discerns ? Only be the heart in earnest, Faith her lesson quickly learns. [Tantum ergo sacramentum.] Down in adoration falling, Lo ! the sacred Host we hail ; Lo ! o'er ancient forms departing, Newer rites of grace prevail ; Faith, foT all defects supplying, Where the feeble senses fail. 64 Breviaiy Hymns To the Everlasting Father, And the Son who reigns on high, With the Holy Ghost proceeding Forth from Each eternally, Be salvation, honour, blessing, Might, and endless majesty. MATINS. Sacris solemniis juncta sint gaudia. Let old things pass away ; Let all be fresh and bright ; And welcome we with hearts renewed This feast of new delight. Upon this hallow'd eve Christ with his brethren ate, Obedient to the olden law, The Pasch before Him set. Which done, — Himself entire, The true Incarnate God, Alike on each, alike on all, His sacred hands bestow'cL He gave his Flesh ; He gave His precious Blood ; and said, * Receive, and drink ye all of this, For your salvation shed.' Thus did the Lord appoint This Sacrifice sublime, And made his Priests its ministers Through all the bounds of time. Farewell to types ! Henceforth We feed on Angels' food : The slave — oh, wonder ! — eats the Flesh Of his Incarnate God ! special to the Season. O Blessed Three in One ! Visit our hearts, we pray ; And lead us on through thine own paths To thy eternal Day. LAUDS. Verbum supermini prodiens. The Word, descending from above, Though with the Father still on high, Went forth upon his work of love, And soon to life's last eve drew nigh. He shortly to a death accursed By a disciple shall be given ; But, to his twelve disciples, first He gives Himself, the Bread from Heaven. Himself in either kind He gave ; He gave his Flesh, He gave his Blood ; Of flesh and blood all men are made ; And He of man would be the Food. At birth our brother He became ; At meat Himself as food He gives ; To ransom us He died in shame ; As our reward, in bliss He lives. [O salutaris ffostia.] O saving Victim ! opening wide The gate of Heav'n to man below ! Sore press our foes from every side ; Thine aid supply, thy strength bestow. To thy great Name be endless praise, Immortal Godhead, One in Three ! Oh, grant us endless length of days, In our true native land, with Thee! 66 Breviary Hymns K THE MOST SACRED HEART OF JESUS. VESPERS. Auctor beaii sceculi. Jesu, Creator of the world ! Of all mankind Redeemer blest ! True God of God ! in whom we see The Father's Image clear express'd ! Thee, Saviour, love alone constrain'd To make our mortal flesh thine own ; And as a second Adam come, For the first Adam to atone. That selfsame love, which made the sky, Which made the sea, and stars, and earth, Took pity on our misery, And broke the bondage of our birth. O Jesu ! in thy heart divine May that same love for ever glow ; For ever mercy to mankind From that exhaustless fountain flow. For this, thy sacred heart was pierced, And both with blood and water ran ; To cleanse us from the stains of guilt, And be the hope and strength of man. To God the Father, and the Son, All praise, and power, and glory be ; With Thee, O Spirit Paraclete, All through the long eternity. MATINS. En ut superba criminum. Lo ! how the savage crew Of our proud sins hath rent The Heart of our all-gracious God, That Heart so innocent ! special to the Season. 67 The soldier's quivering lance Our guilt it was that drave, Our wicked deeds that to its point Such cruel sharpness gave. O wounded Heart ! whence sprang The Church, the Saviour's Bride ; Thou Door of our Salvation's Ark Set in its mystic side ! Thou holy Fount ! whence flows The sacred sevenfold flood, Where we our filthy robes may cleanse In the Lamb's saving blood : By sorrowful relapse, Thee will we rend no more ; But like thy flames, those types of love, Strive Heavenward to soar. Father and Son supreme ! And Spirit ! hear our cry ; Whose is the kingdom, praise, and power, Through all eternity. LAUDS. Cor area legem continens. Ark of the Covenant ! not that Whence bondage came of old ; But that of pure forgiving grace And mercies manifold, Thou Veil of awful mystery ! Thou Sanctuary sublime ! Thou sacred Temple, holier far Than that of olden time ! f 2 68 Breviary Hymns Blest Heart of Christ ! in thy dear wound The hidden depth we see, Of what were else unguess'd by us, — His boundless charity. Beneath this emblem of pure love, 'Twas Love Himself that died, And offer'd up Himself for us, A Victim crucified. Oh, who of his redeem'd will Him Their mutual love refuse ? Who would not rather in that heart Their home eternal choose ? To God the Father, with the Son, And, Holy Ghost, to Thee, Be honour, glory, virtue, power, Through all eternity. FROM ANOTHER OFFICE OF THE SAME FEAST. VESP. AND MAT. Quicunque cerium quceritis. All ye who seek a comfort sure In trouble and distress, Whatever sorrow vex the mind, Or guilt the soul oppress : Jesus, who gave Himself for you Upon the Cross to die, Opens to you his sacred Heart, — Oh, to that Heart draw nigh ! Ye hear how kindly He invites ; Ye hear his words so blest ;— 1 All ye that labour, come to Me, And I will give you rest.' special to the Season. 69 What meeker than the Saviour's Heart ? — As on the Cross He lay, It did his murderers forgive, And for their pardon pray. O Heart ! thou joy of Saints on high ! Thou Hope of sinners here ! Attracted by those loving words, To Thee I lift my prayer. Wash Thou my wounds in that dear Blood Which forth from Thee doth flow ; New grace, new hope inspire ; a new And better heart bestow. LAUDS. Summi Parentis filio. To Christ, the Prince of Peace, And Son of God most high, The Father of the world to come, Sing we with holy joy. Deep in his Heart for us The wound of love He bore ; That love, wherewith He still inflames The hearts that Him adore. O Jesu ! Victim blest ! What else but love divine, Could Thee constrain to open thus That sacred Heart of thine ? O Fount of endless life ! O Spring of waters clear ! O Flame celestial, cleansing all Who unto Thee draw near ! yo Breviary Hymns Hide me in thy dear Heart, For thither do I fly ; There seek thy grace through life, in death Thine immortality. Praise to the Father be, And sole-begotten Son ; Praise, Holy Paraclete, to Thee, While endless ages run. III.— HYMNS SPECIAL TO SAINTS. ST. PETER'S CHAIR AT ROME. Jan. 18. VESP. AND MAT. Quodcunque in orbe. Peter, whatever thou shalt bind on earth, The same is bound above the starry sky ; What here thy delegated power doth loose, Is loos'd in Heaven's supremest court on high; To judgment shalt thou come, when the world's end is nigh. Praise to the Father through all ages be ; Praise to the consubstantial sovereign Son, And Holy Ghost, One glorious Trinity; To whom all majesty and might belong ; So sing we now, and such be our eternal song. LAUDS. Beate Pastor Pctre clemens accipe. Peter, blest Shepherd ! hearken to our cry, And with a word unloose our guilty chain ; Thou ! who hast power to ope the gates on high To men below, and power to shut them fast again. special to Saints. 71 Praise, blessing, majesty, through endless days, Be to the Trinity immortal given ; Who in pure Unity profoundly sways Eternally alike all things in earth and Heaven. CONVERSION OF ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE. Jan. 25. VESP. AND MAT. Egregie doctor Pauk. Lead us, great teacher Paul, in wisdom's ways, And lift our hearts with thine to Heaven's high throne ; Till Faith beholds the clear meridian blaze, And sunlike in the soul reigns Charity alone. Praise, blessing, &c. ST. MARTINA, VIRGIN AND MARTYR. Jan. 30. VESPERS. Martinez celebri plaudite nomini. Lift to the skies, great Rome, Martina's name, Her triumph celebrate with glad accord ; Martina, high in merit, Virgin blest, And martyr of her Lord. Beauty and youth, the joys of happy home, Ancestral palaces, and noble birth ; All these were hers, — all these, for Jesu's sake, She counted nothing worth. Her wealth among the poor of Christ she shares, Intent on seeking better wealth above; Herself she gives to her immortal King, Too happy in his love. Expel false worldly joys ; and fill us, Lord, With thy irradiating beam divine ; Who with thy suffering martyrs present art, Great Godhead one and trine. 7 2 Breviary Hymns MATINS. Non illam crucians ungula non ferce. The agonizing hooks, the rending scourge, Shook not the dauntless spirit in her breast ; With torments rack'd, Angels her fainting flesh Recruit with heavenly feast. In vain they cast her to the ravening beasts ; Calm at her feet the lion crouches down : Till smitten by the sword at length she goes To her immortal crown. Now with the Saints Martina reigns in bliss ; And, where Idolatry sate throned of yore, From her victorious altar praise and prayer With odorous incense soar. Expel false worldly joys, &c. LAUDS. Tu natale solum protege, tu donee. Protect thy native City, Spirit blest ! And give to Christendom sweet days of peace ; Bid the shrill trumpet, and the shock of war, Within her realms to cease. And gathering her kings beneath the Cross, Regain Jerusalem from our proud foe ; Avenge the innocent blood and the proud strength Of Islam overthrow. O Pillar and defence of thine own Rome ! Her boast, her crown, her glory, and her praise ! This day thy memory she keeps ; — accept The solemn rite she pays. Expel false worldly joys, &c. special to Saints. 73 /. ST. GABRIEL THE ARCHANGEL. March 18. VESP. AND MAT. Christe, sanctorum decus. O Christ ! the beauty of the angel worlds ! Of man the Maker and Redeemer blest ! Grant us one day to reach those bright abodes And in thy glory rest. Angel of Peace ! thou, Michael, from above, Come down, amid the homes of man to dwell ; And banish wars, with all their tears and blood, Back to their native Hell. Angel of Strength ! thou, Gabriel, cast out Thine ancient foes, usurpers of thy reign ; The temples of thy triumph round the globe Revisit once again. And Raphael, Physician of the soul, — Let him descend from his pure halls of light, To heal our sicknesses, and guide for us Each dubious course aright. Thou too, fair virgin Daughter of the skies ! Mother of Light, and Queen of Peace ! descend ; Bringing with thee the radiant Court of Heav'n, To aid us and defend. This grace on us bestow, O Father blest ; And thou, O Son by an eternal birth : With Thee, from Both proceeding, Holy Ghost, Whose glory fills the earth. ST. JOSEPH. March 19. VESPERS. Te "Joseph celebrent agmina ccelitum. Joseph, pure Spouse of that immortal Bride, Who shines in ever-virgin glory bright, Through all the Christian climes thy praise be sung ; Through all the realms of light. 74 Breviary Hymns Thee, when amazed concern for thy betrothed Had fill'd thy righteous spirit with dismay, An Angel visited, and, with blest words, Scatter'd thy fears away. Thine arms embraced thy Maker newly born ; With Him to Egypt's desert didst thou flee ; Him in Jerusalem did seek and find ; Oh grief, oh joy for thee ! Not until after death their blissful crown Others obtain ; but unto thee was given, In thine own lifetime to enjoy thy God, As do the blest in Heaven. Grant us, great Trinity, for Joseph's sake, Unto the starry mansions to attain ; There, with glad tongues, thy praise to celebrate In one eternal strain. MATINS. Ccelitum Joseph decus atque nostra. Joseph ! our certain hope below ! Glory of earth and Heaven ! Thou Pillar of the world ! to thee Be praise immortal given. Thee, as Salvation's minister, The mighty Maker chose ; As Foster-father of the Word ; As Mary's spotless Spouse. W T ith joy thou sawest Him new born, Of whom the Prophets sang ; Him in a manger didst adore, From whom Creation sprang. special to Saints. 7 5 The Lord of lords, and King of kings, Ruler of sky and sea, Whom Heaven, and Earth, and Hell obey, Was subject unto thee. Praise to the sacred Trine who thee So glorifies on high, And for thy merits' sake may we Be sharers in thy joy. LAUDS. Iste quern Iceti colimusfideles. Worshipp'd throughout the Church to earth's far ends With prayer and solemn rite, Joseph this day triumphantly ascends Into the realms of light. Oh, blest beyond the lot of mortal men ! O'er whose last dying sigh, Christ and the Virgin Mother watch'd serene, Soothing his agony. Loosed from his fleshly chain, gently he fleets As in calm sleep away ; And diadem'd with light, enters the seats Of everlasting day. There throned in pow'r, let us his loving aid With fervent prayers implore ; So may he gain us pardon in our need, And peace for evermore. Glory and praise to Thee, blest Trinity ! One only God and Lord, Who to thy faithful ones unfailingly Their aureoles dost award. 76 Breviaiy Hymns THE SEVEN DOLOURS OF THE B. V. MARY. VESPERS. Stabat Mater dolorosa. At the Cross her station keeping, Stood the mournful Mother weeping, Close to Jesus to the last • Through her heart, his sorrow sharing, All his bitter anguish bearing, Now at length the sword had pass'd. Oh, how sad and sore distress'd Was that Mother highly blest Of the sole-begotten One ! Christ above in torment hangs ; She beneath beholds the pangs Of her dying glorious Son. Is there one who would not weep, Whelm'd in miseries so deep Christ's dear Mother to behold? Can the human heart refrain From partaking in her pain, In that Mother's pain untold ? Bruised, derided, cursed, denied, She beheld her tender Child All with bloody scourges rent ; For the sins of his own nation, Saw Him hang in desolation, Till his Spirit forth He sent. O thou Mother! fount of love! Touch my spirit from above, Make my heart with thine accord : Make me feel as thou hast felt ; Make my soul to glow and melt With the love of Christ my Lord. special to Saints. J J MATINS. Sancta Mater istud agas. Holy Mother ! pierce me through ; In my heart each wound renew Of my Saviour crucified : Let me share with thee His pain, Who for all my sins was slain, Who for me in torments died. Let me mingle tears with thee, Mourning Him who mourn'd for me, All the days that I may live : By the Cross with thee to stay ; There with thee to weep and pray ; Is all I ask of thee to give. v LAUDS. Virgo virginum praetor a. Virgin of all virgins best ! Listen to my fond request : Let me share thy grief divine ; Let me, to my latest breath, In my body bear the death Of that dying Son of thine. Wounded with his every wound, Steep my soul till it hath swoon'd In his very blood away ; Be to me, O Virgin, nigh, Lest in flames I burn and die, In his awful Judgment day. Christ, when Thou shalt call me hence, Be thy Mother my defence, Be thy Cross my victory ; While my body here decays, May my soul thy goodness praise, Safe in Paradise with Thee. 7 8 Breviary Hymns ST. HERMENEGILD, MARTYR. Ap. 13. VESP. AND LAUDS. Regali soliofortis. Glory of Iberia's throne ! Joy of Martyr'd Saints above ! Who the crown of life have won, Dying for their Saviour's love : What intrepid faith was thine In thy every thought and deed ! Bent to do the will divine Wheresoever it might lead. Every rising motion check'd Which might lead thy heart astray ; How thou didst thy course direct Whither virtue shew'd the way ! Honour, glory, blessing, praise, To the Father, and the Son, With the Spirit, through all days, While eternal ages run. MATINS. Nullis te genitor blanditiis trahit. From the Truth thy soul to turn, Pleads a father's voice in vain ; Nought to thee were jewell'd crown, Earthly pleasure, earthly gain. Angry threat and naked sword Daunted not thy courage high ; Choosing glory with the Lord, Rather than a present joy. special to Saints. 79 Now amid the Saints in light, Throned in bliss for evermore ; — Oh ! from thy exalted height, Hear the solemn prayer we pour. Honour, glory, &c. APPARITION OF ST. MICHAEL. May 8. VESP. AND MAT. Te splendor et virtus. O Jesu ! life-spring of the soul! The Father's Power, and Glory bright ! Thee with the Angels we extol ; From Thee they draw their life and light. Thy thousand thousand hosts are spread, Embattled o'er the azure sky ; But Michael bears thy standard dread, And lifts the mighty Cross on high. He in that Sign the rebel powers Did with their Dragon Prince expel ; And hurl'd them from the Heaven's high towers, Down like a thunderbolt to hell. Grant'us with Michael still, O Lord, Against the Prince of Pride to fight ; So may a crown be our reward, Before the Lamb's pure throne of light. To God the Father, and the Son, Who rose from death, all glory be ; With Thee, O blessed Paraclete, Henceforth through all eternity. 8o Breviary Hymns [ Within the Octave of the Ascension.} Glory to Jesus, who returns In pomp triumphant to the sky, To Thee, O Father, and with Thee, O Holy Ghost, eternally. ST. VENANTIUS, MARTYR. May 18. VESPERS. Martyr Dei Venantius. Unconquer'd Martyr of his God ! Camertium's light, her joy and prize ! Venantius triumphs o'er his judge, And in victorious torment dies. A boy in years, — when chains nor scourge Nor dungeon could his soul subdue ; To lions with long hunger fierce At last the tender youth they threw. But oh, what power hath innocence The fiercest nature to assuage ! The lions crouch to lick his feet, Forget their hunger and their rage. Then downwards held in thickest smoke, They make him drink the stifling stream ; While underneath slow torches sear His naked breast and side with flame. To Thee, O Father, with the Son, And Holy Spirit, glory be; Oh, grant us, through thy Martyr's prayer, Pure joys of immortality. special to Saints. 8 1 MATINS. Athleta Christi nobilis. Noble Champion of the Lord ! Arm'd against idolatry ! In thy fervent zeal for God, Death had nought of fear for thee. Bound with thongs, thy youthful form Down the rugged steep they tear ; Jagged rock and rending thorn All thy tender flesh lay bare. Spent with toil, the savage crew Fainting sinks with deadly thirst ; — Thou the Cross dost sign ; and lo ! From the rock the waters burst. Saintly Warrior Prince ! who thus Thy tormentors couldst forgive ; — Shed the dew of grace on us, Bid our fainting spirits live. Praise to Thee, dread Trinity, Father, Son, and Spirit blest ! Through thy Martyr's prayer may we Joys of life eternal taste. LAUDS. Dum nocte pulsa Lucifer. The golden star of morn Is climbing in the sky ; The birth-day of Venantius Awakes the Church to joy. His native land in depths Of Pagan darkness lay ; He o'er her guilty regions pour'd The dawn of Heavenly day ; G 82 Breviary Hymns When in the gracious stream He did her sons baptize, Transmitting those who came to slay As martyrs to the skies. With Angels now he shares Delights that never cease; — Look down on us, O Spirit blest, And send us gifts of peace. All honour, glory, praise, Blest Trinity, to Thee ; Oh, grant us through thy martyr's prayer Joys of eternity. THE B. V. MARY, THE HELP OF CHRISTIANS. May 24. VESP. AND MAT. Scepe dum Christi. Ofttimes, when hemm'd around by hostile arms, The Christian people lay all sore dismay'd, Faith's eye hath traced the Virgin gliding down, To lend her loving aid. So speak the monuments of olden time, And shrines that bright with votive spoils appear ; So speak the Festivals in her sweet praise, Returning year by year. Now for new mercies a new song ascends, While with our Lady's ensigns all unfurl'd, Rome in procession long high triumph holds, And with great Rome the world. Oh, happy day ! on which Saint Peter's throne Receives the Faith's great Ruler back again ; Returning from his banishment, in peace O'er Christendom to reign. special to Saints. 8$ Ye youths and maidens, priests and people all ! Pour out your grateful hearts on this glad day, Striving with all your strength, to Heaven's high Queen Her well-earn'd praise to pay. Virgin of Virgins ! Jesu's Mother blest ! Add yet another mercy to the past ; And help our Pastor all his flock to lead Safe into Heaven at last. To Thee, great Trinity, be endless praise, Blessing, and majesty, and glory due ; To Thee may we our hearts and voices raise, All the long ages through. LAUDS. Te Redemptoris Dominique nostri. Mother of our Lord and Saviour ! First in beauty as in power ! Glory of the Christian nations ! Ready help in trouble's hour ! Though the gates of Hell against us With profoundest fury rage ; Though the ancient Foe assault us, And his fiercest battle wage ; Nought can hurt the pure in spirit, Who upon thine aid rely ; At thy hand secure of gaining Strength and mercy from on high. Safe beneath thy mighty shelter, — Though a thousand hosts combine, All must fall or flee before us, Scatter'd by an arm divine. Firm as once on holy Sion, David's tower rear'd its height ; With a glorious rampart girded, And with glistening armour bright : G Z 84 Breviary Hymns So th' Almighty's Virgin Mother Stands in strength for evermore ; From Satanic hosts defending All who her defence implore. Through the long unending ages, Blessed Trinity, to Thee ! Father, Son, and Holy Spirit ! Praise and perfect glory be. ST. JULIANA FALCONIERI, VIRGIN. June 19. VESP. AND MAT. Ccelestis Agni nuptias. To be the Lamb's celestial bride Is Juliana's one desire ; For this she quits her father's home, And leads the sacred virgin choir. By day, by night, she mourns her Spouse Nail'd to the Cross, with ceaseless tears ; Till in herself, through very grief, The image of that Spouse appears. Like Him, all wounds, she kneels transfix'd Before the Virgin Mother's shrine ; And still the more she weeps/the more Mounts up the flame of love divine. That love so deep the Lord repaid His handmaid on her dying bed ; When with the Food of heavenly life By miracle her soul He fed. , All glory, O Creator Sire, O sole-begotten Son divine, And co-eternal Paraclete, One only Lord and God, be thine. special to Saints. 85 NATIVITY OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST. June 24. VESPERS. Ut qucant laxis resonarefibris. Unloose, great Baptist, our sin-fetter'd lips ; That with enfranchised voice we may proclaim The miracles of thy transcendent life, Thy deeds of mighty fame ! Oh, lot sublime ! an angel quits the skies, Thy birth, thy name, thy glory to declare Unto thy priestly sire ; while to the Lord He offers Israel's prayer. Mistrustful of the promise from on high, His speech forsakes him at the angel's word ; But thou on thine eighth day dost re-attune For him the vocal chord. No marvel ; since yet cloister'd in the womb, The presence of thy King had thee inspired ; What time Elizabeth and Mary sang, With joy prophetic fired. Glory immortal to the Father be, Praise to the sole-begotten sovereign Son, With Thee, coequal Spirit, One in Three, While endless ages run. MATINS. Antra deserti teneris sub amiis. In caves of the lone wilderness thy youth Thou hiddest, shunning the rude throng of men, So the pure treasure of thy soul to guard From the least touch of sin. There to thy sacred limbs the camel gave A garment ; the hard rock a bed supplied ; The stream thy thirst, locusts and honey wild Thy hunger satisfied. 86 Breviary Hymns Oh, blest beyond the Prophets of old time ! They of the Saviour sang that was to be : Him present to announce, and shew to all, Thy God reserved for thee ! Through the wide earth was never mortal man Born holier than John ; to whom was given The guilty world's Baptizer to baptize, And ope the door of Heaven. Glory immortal, &c. LAUDS. O nimis fcllx merit ique celsi. O blessed Saint, of snow-white purity ! Dweller in wastes forlorn ! O mightiest of the Martyr host on high ! Greatest of Prophets born ! Of all the diadems that on the brows Of Saints celestial shine, Not one with brighter, purer, halo glows, In Heaven's high Court, than thine. Oh! then on us a tender, pitying gaze Cast from thy glorys throne ; Straighten our crooked, smooth our rugged ways, And break our hearts of stone. So may the world's Redeemer find us meet To offer Him a place, Where He may deign to set his sacred feet, Coming with gifts of grace. Praise in the Heav'ns to Thee, O First and Last, The Trine eternal God ! Spare, Jesu, spare thy people, whom Thou hast Redeem'd with thine own blood. special to Saints. 8j SS. PETER AND PAUL THE APOSTLES. June 29. VESPERS. Decora lux (ztcrnitatis auream. Bathed in eternity's all-beauteous beam, And opening into Heav'n a path sublime, Welcome the golden day ! that heralds in The Apostolic Chiefs, whose glory fills all time ! Peter and Paul, the Fathers of great Rome ! Now sitting in the Senate of the skies! One by the Cross, the other by the Sword, Sent to their thrones on high, and life's eternal prize. O happy Rome ! whom that most glorious blood For ever consecrates while ages flow ; Thou, thus empurpled, art more beautiful Than all that doth appear most beautiful below. Praise, blessing, majesty, through endless days, Be to the Trinity immortal given ; Who, in pure Unity, profoundly sways Eternally all things alike in earth and Heaven. ST. ELIZABETH, QUEEN OF PORTUGAL. July 8. VESP. AND MAT. Domare cordis impetus. Pure, meek, with soul serene, Sweeter to her it was to serve unseen Her God, than reign a queen. Now far above our sight, Enthroned upon the star-paved azure height, She reigns in realms of light ; So long as time shall flow, Teaching to all who sit on thrones below, The good that power can do. 88 Breviary Hymns To God, the Sire and Son And Paraclete, be glory, Trine in One, While endless ages run. LAUDS. Opes decusgue regium reliqueras. Riches and regal throne, for Christ's dear sake, True Saint, thou didst despise ; Amid the Angels seated now in bliss, Oh, help us from the skies ! Guide us ; and fill our days with perfume sweet Of loving word and deed ; So teaches us thy beauteous charity By fragrant roses hid. O charity ! what power is thine ! by thee Above the stars we soar ; In thee be purest praise to Father, Son, And Spirit, evermore. ST. MARY MAGDALENE. July 22. VESPERS. Pater superni lutninis. Father of lights ! one glance of Thine, Whose eyes the Universe control, Fills Magdalene with holy love, And melts the ice within her soul. Her precious ointment forth she brings, Upon those sacred feet to pour ; She washes them with burning tears ; And with her hair she wipes them o'er. Impassion'd to the Cross she clings; Nor fears beside the tomb to stay ; Nought of its ruffian guard she recks, For love has cast all fear away. special to Saints. 89 O Christ, thou very Love itself ! Blest hope of man, through Thee forgiven !' So touch our spirits from above, So purify our souls for Heaven. To God the Father with the Son And Holy Paraclete, with thee, As evermore hath been before, Be glory through eternity. MATINS. Maria castis osctdis. His sacred feet with tears of agony She bathes ; and prostrate on the ground adores ; Steeps them in kisses chaste, and wipes them dry With her own hair ; then forth her precious ointment pours. Praise in the highest to the Father be ; Praise to the mighty coeternal Son ; And praise, O Spirit Paraclete, to Thee, While ages evermore of endless ages run. LAUDS. Sutnmi Parentis Unice. Son of the Highest ! deign to cast On us a pitying eye ; Thou, who repentant Magdalene Didst call to endless joy. Again the royal treasury Receives its long-lost coin ; The gem is found, and, cleansed from mire, Doth all the stars outshine. O Jesu ! balm of every wound ! The sinner's only stay ! Wash Thou in Magdalene's pure tears Our guilty spots away. 90 Breviary Hymns Mother of God ! the sons of Eve Weeping thine aid implore : Oh ! land us from the storms of life, Safe on th' eternal shore. Glory, for graces manifold, To the one only Lord ; Whose mercy doth our souls forgive, Whose bounty doth reward. ST. PETER'S CHAINS. Aug. i. VESPERS. Miris modis repente liber f err ea. The Lord commands ; and, lo, his iron chains, Falling from Peter, the behest obey : Peter, blest shepherd ! who, to verdant plains, And life's immortal springs, from day to day, Leads on his tender charge, driving all wolves away. Praise to the Father, through all ages be ; Praise, blessing to the coeternal Son, And Holy Ghost, One glorious Trinity ; To whom all majesty and might belong ; So sing we now, and such be our eternal song. / TRANSFIGURATION OF OUR LORD. AUG. 6. VESP. AND MAT. Quicunque Christum. All ye who seek, in hope and love, For your dear Lord, look up above ! Where, traced upon the azure sky, Faith may a glorious form descry. special to Saints. 9 1 Lo ! on the trembling verge of light A something all divinely bright ! Immortal, infinite, sublime ! Older than chaos, space, or time ! Hail, Thou, the Gentiles' mighty Lord ! All hail, O Israel's King adored! To Abraham sworn in ages past, And to his seed while earth shall last. To Thee the prophets witness bear ; Of Thee the Father doth declare, That all who would his glory see, Must hear and must believe in Thee. To Jesus, from the proud conceal'd, But evermore to babes reveal'd, All glory with the Father be, And Holy Ghost, eternally. LAUDS. Luxahnajesumentium. Light of the soul, O Saviour blest ! Soon as thy presence fills the breast, Darkness and guilt are put to flight, And all is sweetness and delight. Son of the Father ! Lord most high ! How glad is he who feels Thee nigh ! How sweet in Heav'n thy beam doth glow, Denied to eye of flesh below ! O Light of Light celestial ! O Charity ineffable ! Come in thy hidden majesty ; Fill us with love, fill us with Thee. To Jesus, from the proud, &c. 9 2 Breviary Hymns THE SEVEN DOLOURS OF THE B. V. MARY. VESPERS. O quot undis lachrymarum. What a sea of tears and sorrow Did the soul of Mary toss To and fro upon its billows, While she wept her bitter loss ; In her arms her Jesus holding, Torn so newly from the Cross ! O that mournful Virgin Mother ! See her tears how fast they flow Down upon his mangled body, Wounded side, and thorny brow ; While his hands and feet she kisses, Picture of immortal woe ! '? Oft and oft his arms and bosom Fondly straining to her own ; Oft her pallid lips imprinting On each wound of her dear Son ; Till in one last kiss of anguish All her melting soul is gone. Gentle Mother, we beseech thee, By thy tears and trouble sore ; By the death of thy dear Offspring ; By the bloody wounds He bore ; Touch our hearts with that true sorrow Which afflicted thee of yore. To the Father everlasting, And the Son, who reigns on high, With the coeternal Spirit, Trinity in Unity, Be salvation, honour, blessing, Now and through eternity. special to Saints. 93 MATINS. Jam toto subditus vesper eat polo. Come, darkness, spread o'er Heav'n thy pall, And hide, O sun, thy face ; While we that bitter death recall, With all its dire disgrace. And thou, with tearful cheek, wast there ; But with a heart of steel, Mary, thou didst his moanings hear, And all his torments feel. He hung before thee crucified ; His flesh with scourgings rent ; His bloody gashes gaping wide ; His strength and spirit spent. Thou his dishonour'd countenance, And racking thirst, didst see ; By turns the gall, the sponge, the lance, Were agony to thee. Yet still erect in majesty, Thou didst the sight sustain ; — Oh, more than Martyr ! not to die Amid such cruel pain ! Praise to the blessed Three in One ; And be that courage mine, Which, sorrowing o'er her only Son, Did in the Virgin shine ! LAUDS. SummcB Deus dementia. God, in whom all grace doth dwell ! Grant us grace to ponder well On the Virgin's Dolours seven ; On the wounds to Jesus given. 94 Breviary Hymns May the tears which Mary pour'd Gain us pardon of the Lord ; — Tears excelling in their worth All the penances of earth. May the contemplation sore Of the five wounds Jesus bore, Source to us of blessings be, Through a long eternity. To the Incarnate Son who died For his servants crucified, Praise be rendered, with the Sire And the Spirit Sanctifier. THE MOST HOLY GUARDIAN ANGELS. Oct. 2. VESP. AND MAT. Custodes hominum psallimus. Praise we those ministers celestial Whom the dread Father chose To be defenders of our nature frail, Against our scheming foes. For, since that from his glory in the skies Th' Apostate Angel fell, Burning with envy, evermore he tries To drown our souls in Hell. Then hither, watchful Spirit, bend thy wing, Our country's Guardian blest ! Avert her threatening ills ; expel each thing That hindereth her rest. Praise to the trinal Majesty, whose strength This mighty fabric sways ; Whose glory reigns beyond the utmost length Of everlasting days. special to Saints. 95 LAUDS. sEterne Rector siderum. Ruler of the dread immense ! Maker of this mighty frame ! Whose eternal Providence Guides it, as from Thee it came ! Prone before thy face we bend ; Hear our supplicating cries; And thy light celestial send, With the freshly dawning skies. King of kings ! and Lord most high ! This of thy dear love we pray, — May thy Guardian Angel nigh Keep us from all sin this day. May he crush the deadly wiles Of the envious Serpent's art, Ever spreading cunning toils Round about the thoughtless heart. May he scatter ruthless war, Ere to this our land it come ; Plague and famine drive afar ; Fix securely peace at home. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, One eternal Trinity ! Guard by thy Angelic host Us, who put our trust in Thee. MATERNITY OF THE B. V. MARY. MATINS. Ccelo Redemptor prcetulit. The Saviour left high Heav'n to dwell Within the Virgin's womb ; And there array'd Himself in flesh, Our Victim to become. g6 Breviary Hymns She unto us divinely bore Salvation's King and God ; Who died for us upon the Cross, Who saves us in his blood : She too our joyful hope shall be, And drive awav all fears ; Offering for us to her dear Son Our contrite sighs and tears. That Son — He hears his Mother's prayer, And grants, ere it be said ; Be ours to love her, and invoke In every strait her aid. Praise to the glorious Trinity, While endless times proceed ; Who in that bosom pure of stain Sow'd such immortal seed. LAUDS. Te Mater alma Numinis. Mother of Almighty God ! Suppliant at thy feet we pray ; Shelter us from Satan's fraud, Safe beneath thy wing this day. 'Twas by reason of our Fall, In our first Forefather's crime, That the mighty Lord of all Raised thee to thy rank sublime. Oh then upon Adam's race Look thou with a pitying eye ; And entreat of Jesus grace, Till He lay his anger by. Honour, glory, virtue, merit, Be to Thee, O Virgin's Son ! With the Father and the Spirit, While eternal ages run. special to Saints. 97 «/ PURITY OF THE B. V. MARY. VESPERS. Prceclara custos virginnm. Blest Guardian of all virgin souls ! Portal of bliss to man forgiven ! Pure Mother of Almighty God ! Thou hope of earth, and joy of Heaven ! Fair Lily, found amid the thorns ! Most beauteous Dove with wings of gold! Rod from whose tender root upsprang That healing Flower long since foretold ! Thou Tower, against the dragon proof ! Thou Star, to storm-toss'd voyagers dear ! Our course lies o'er a treacherous deep; Thine be the light by which we steer. Scatter the mists that round us hang; Keep far the fatal shoals away ; And while through darkling waves we sweep, Open a path to life and day. O Jesu, born of Virgin bright ! Immortal glory be to Thee ; Praise to the Father infinite, And Holy Ghost eternally. MATINS. O stella Jacob fulgida. Star of Jacob, ever beaming With a radiance all divine! Mid the happy stars of Heaven Glows no purer ray than thine. All in stoles of snowy brightness, Unto thee the Angels sing ; Unto thee the virgin choirs, Mother of th' eternal King ! H 98 Breinary Hymns Joyful in thy path they scatter Roses white and lilies fair; Yet with thy chaste bosom's whiteness, Rose nor lily may compare. Oh ! that this low earth of ours, Answering th' angelic strain, With thy praises might re-echo, Till the Heav'ns replied again. Honour, glory, virtue, merit, Be to Thee, O Virgin's Son ! With the Father and the Spirit, While eternal ages run. ST. TERESA, VIRGIN. Oct. 15. VESP. AND LAUDS. Regis superni nuntia. Dear Herald of our King ! thou didst Thy home in childhood leave ; Intending to barbaric lands Christ or thy blood to give. But thee a sweeter death awaits ; A nobler fate is thine ; Pierced with a thousand heavenly darts, To die of love divine ! Victim of perfect charity ! Our souls with love inspire ; And save the nations of thy charge From everlasting fire. Praise to the Father, with the Son, And Holy Spirit, be ; Praise to the blessed Three in One, Through all eternity. special to Saints. 99 MATINS. Hcbc est dies qua candidce. This day, beneath the form Of a pure snow-white dove, Teresa's unbound spirit sought The Sanctuary above ; And heard the Bridegroom's voice, — * Sister from Carmel come ; Come to the marriage of the Lamb, To thy eternal home.' Spouse of the Virgin choir ! Let all the blest adore Thee, Jesu ! and in nuptial songs Extol Thee evermore. ST. JOHN CANTIUS, CONFESSOR. Oct. 20. VESPERS. Gentis PoloncB gloria. O glory and high boast Of Poland's ancient race ! True father of thy fatherland ! True minister of grace ! 'Twas thine the law of God To preach, and to obey ; Oh, pray that we obedient be ; Nor from its precepts stray! To th' Apostolic shrines A pilgrim oft wast thou ; Oh guide aright, through this dark night, Our pilgrimage below ! Thou to Jerusalem Didst go for love, and there The traces of thy Lord adore, And wash with many a tear ; H 2 ioo Breviary Hymns sacred wounds of Christ ! Deep in our hearts remain ! May we through you the promise true Of life eternal gain ! To Heaven's triunal Lord Let the world's fabric bend ; While evermore, from hearts renew'd, New hymns of praise ascend. MATINS. Corpus domas jejuniis. Thy body with long fastings worn ; Thy flesh with cruel scourgings torn ; 'Twas thine to live, O blessed Saint, A most unspotted penitent. Oh, may we follow after thee, In ways of holy purity ! And in the Spirit's might control Each evil passion of the soul ! Thou to the poor in winter's snow Oft thy own raiment didst bestow ; By hunger or by thirst oppress'd, They flew to thy parental breast. O thou, who nothing didst deny To those who sought thy charity, Thy native land from harm defend, And peace on all her borders send ! Praise to the Father, with the Son, And Holy Spirit, Three in One ; Jesu, through thy dear servant's prayer, May we thy joys eternal share. LAUDS. Te deprecante corporum. Saint of sweetest majesty ! What a potent voice is thine ! At thy prayer diseases fly ; Fading health revives again. special to Sain ts. i o I Oft with wasting fever wan, Lingering at their latest breath, Dying men by thee are drawn From the very jaws of death. Oft the stores of golden grain, Hurried down the swollen flood, At thy prayer return again Guided by the hand of God ! Such, O happy Saint in light, Such thy help in hour of need, Oh, then from the heavenly height Hearken now and intercede. Everlasting Three in One ! Everlasting One in Three ! Grant us through thy Saint the boon Of a blest eternity. ST. RAPHAEL THE ARCHANGEL. Oct. 25. VESP. AND MAT. Tibi Christe splendor. Jesu, brightness of the Father! Life and strength of all who live ! In the presence of the Angels, Glory to thy name we give ; And thy wondrous praise rehearse, Singing in alternate verse. Hail, all ye angelic Princedoms ! Hail, ye thrones celestial ! Hail, Physician of Salvation! Guide of life, blest Raphael ! Binding fast the fiend of night In the glory of thy might. 102 Breviary Hymns Oh, may Christ beneath thy pinions Shield us from all harm this day ; Keep us pure in flesh and spirit ; Save us from the enemy ; And vouchsafe us, of his grace, In his Paradise a place. Glory to th' Almighty Father, Sing we now in anthems sweet ; Glory to the great Redeemer ; Glory to the Paraclete ; Godhead sole and Persons three ! In eternal unity ! LAUDS. Christe, sanctorum decus angelorum. O Christ, the glory of the Angel choirs ! Author and Ruler of the human race ! Grant us one day to climb the happy hills And see thy blissful face. And oh, thy Raphael, physician blest, Send down to us from yon celestial height, To heal our souls' diseases, and direct Our lifelong course aright. Thou too, O Mary, Mother of our God ! And happy Queen of Angels ! hither speed, Drawing with thee the Army of the Saints To help us in our need. This grace on us bestow, O Father blest, And Thou, O Son by an eternal birth ; With Thee, from both proceeding, Holy Ghost ! Whose glory fills the earth. special to Saints. 103 ALL SAINTS. Nov. 1. VESP, AND MAT. Placare, ChrisU, servulis. O Christ, thy guilty people spare ! Lo, kneeling at thy gracious throne, Thy Virgin Mother pours her prayer, Imploring pardon for her own. Ye Angels, happy evermore ! Who in your circles nine ascend, As ye have guarded us before, So still from harm our steps defend. Ye Prophets, and Apostles high ! Behold our penitential tears ; And plead for us when death is nigh, And our all-searching Judge appears. Ye Martyrs all ! a purple band, And Confessors, a white-robed train ; Oh, call us to our native land, From this our exile, back again. And ye, O choirs of Virgins chaste ! Receive us to your seats on high ; With Hermits whom the desert waste Sent up of old into the sky. Drive from the flock, O Spirits blest ! The false and faithless race away; That all within one fold may rest, Secure beneath one shepherd's sway. To God the Father glory be, And to his sole-begotten Son ; And glory, Holy Ghost, to Thee, While everlasting ages run. 104 Breviary Hymns LAUDS. Salutis cetern