'^^ m <^^t^ LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. %eceived Jik^^^'T^ , i8j ^Accession No. / d O / . Class No. ^^ ^^ •^MT kSS^ ^ 1^^^ ^^ ^ ^^ !^^ ^& 1^^^ ^^ I^^^B ^^ ^^ m ^^S ^ |^^5 .Vi4?!5^V Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/bibliographyofbiOOsabirich Biblt03rapl)2 of Btbliograpl)^ OR A HANDY BOOK ABOUT BOOKS WHICH RELATE TO BOOKS BEING AN ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT WORKS DESCRIPTIVE 0» THE LITERATURE OF GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA, AND MORE THAN A FEW RELATIVE TO FRANCE AND GERMANY By JOSEPH SABIN Aathor of " A Dictionary of Books relating to America,** etc. ^** A souldier without arms may be valiant, but not victorious : an artizan without his instruments may be skillful out not famous ; ... To aim at learning with- out bookes is with Danaides, to draw water in a sieve." — R. Williams, 1630. J. SABIN & SONS 84 NASSAU STREET 1877 /I /I BRA i^' V UNIVKIIsn V «.K ij / 1 » I I f />i \ > I \ ^ V ^ /30 i^ i U N I X K H S I '!' y O F CAi ^ PREFACE. HIS brochure owes its existence to Mr. Power's Handy Book about Books^ a large portion of which was reproduced in the American Bibliopolist, An examination of so much as Mr. Power had done on the subject of bibliography, led me to the con- clusion that he had not made a personal examination of the books described, and that the eminent individuals, whom he thanks as having rendered him valuable assistance, must have had rather limited bibliographical resources ; indeed, the general result was so disappointing that I determined to endeavor an improvement, and the result is the present list which is about four times the extent of Mr. Power's, and includes all the titles quoted by him, some of which we should have preferred to omit. Still it is not a complete bibliography, for the most excellent reason that such a work is beyond any one man's capacity ; but it is hoped it will prove useful to those librarians and general readers who desire information concerning books about books. Those who seek further information on the subject may con- sult with much advantage Petzholdt's Bibliotheca Bibliographica^ which is conspicuous for the faithful and painstaking care exhib- ited in its compilation, and in which the titles are treated with that minute attention to classification which is preeminently the characteristic of the German mind, while our list is conspicuous for the absence of any attempt at such a classification. viii PREFACE. I cannot close this brief notice without tendering my thanks to Mr. Charles A. Cutter of the Boston Athenaeum for his valu- able aid. When librarians in general can approach his standard of library intelligence, there will cease to be that plentiful lack of knowledge by which some of them are r;ow distinguished. JOSEPH SABIN. New York, February 28, 1877. L i I > i> UKiYKiisri V «>i- CALIFORNIA. J BIBLIOGRAPHY Abbot (Ezra). Literature of the Doctrine of a Future Life: or, a Catalogue of Books relating to the Nature, Origin, and Destiny of the Soul, &c. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1864. This is the bibliographical appendix to Mr. Alger's Doctrine of a Future Life^ some copies of which were issued separately. Abrahams (N. C. L.) Description des manuscrits fran^ais du moyen age de la Bibliotheque Royale de Copenhague, pre- cedee d'une notice historique sur cette bibliotheque. 8vo, pp. xvi, 152. Copenhague, 1844. AcHARD (C. F.) Cours Elementaire de Bibliographie, ou la Science du Bibliothecaire. ... 3 vols., 8vo, pp. 292 ; 288 ; 284. Marseille, 1806-7. Adelung (Friedrich). Bibliotheca Sanscrita. Literatur der Sanskrit Sprache. ... 8vo, pp. xxii, 431. *SV. Petersburgh, 1837. Adelung. An Historical Sketch of Sanscrit Literature, with copious Bibliographical Notices of Sanscrit Works. Translated from the German [with numerous Additions and Corrections, by D. A. Talboys]. 8vo. Oxford: D, A, Talboys. 1832. Adelung (J. C.) Mithridates, oder AUgemeine Sprachen- kunde, mit dem Vaterunser als Sprachprobe in beynahe fiinfhun dert Sprachen und Mundarten, von Johann Christoph Adelung Fortgesetzt von J. S. Vater. 5 vols., 8vo, pp. xxxiv, 686; xxiv, 808; xii, 708; viii, 474; xii, 530. Berlin. 1 806-17. Vols, ii.-v. were written by J. S. Vater. This iS a history of all known languages and dialects, with an account of all the books printed in or relating to them. The second and third parts of the third volume — 18 13-18 16 — contain the languages of America. " On this Babel of an earth which you and I inhabit, there are said to be about three thousand languages and jargons. Of nearly five hundred of these you will find a specimen in the Mithridatti of Adelung." — De 2*^'NCY. B I B L I OG RA P H r. Agassiz and Strickland. Bibliographia Zoologiae et Geo- logiae. A General Catalogue of all Books, Tracts, and Memoirs on Zoology and Geology. By Prof. Louis Agassiz. Corrected, Enlarged, and Edited by H. E. Strickland, m.a., f.g.s., etc. 4 vols., 8vo. London, 1848-54. Published by the Ray Society. Aime-Martin (L.) Plan d'une Bibliotheque Universelle, Etudes des Livres qui peuvent servir a I'Histoire Litteraire et Philosophique du Genre Humain ; suivi du Catalogue des Chefs- d'oeuvre de Toutes les Langues, et des Ouvrages Originaux de Tous les Peuples. i2mo. Paris, 1837. -f Bruxelles, 1837. i2mo, pp. (4), 482. Allen (W.) The American Biographical Dictionary: con- taining an Account of the Lives, Characters, and Writings of the most Eminent Persons, deceased in North America, from its First Settlement. By William Allen. Third Edition. 8vo, pp. ix, 905. Boston: J, P. Jewitt, 1857. ** Truly the American Bibliographical Dictionary. Notices of 6,775 American names." — Guild's Librarian^: Manual. It is difficult to believe that Mr. Guild really knew what he was writing about when he penned this note. The work is not bibli- ographical in a proper sense, and in the matter of biography it is confined mainly to New England clergymen. It might be omitted irom this list without loss. Allgemeine Bibliographic ; monatliches Verzeichniss der deut- schen und auslandischen Literatur ; von P. Tromel. Jahrgang 2-5, 7; 1857-60, 62. 5 vols., 8vo. Leipzig: Brockhaus, 1857-62. Allibone (S. a.) a Critical Dictionary of English Litera- ture and British and American Authors, living and deceased, from the earliest accounts to the latter half of the Nineteenth Century. With Forty Indexes of Subjects. 3 vols., impl. 8vo. Philadelphia. 185 9-7 1 , "These three large volumes contain upwards of 43,000 names, 3,300 pages of 6,600 columns, in great part consisting of authors both American and English now living." — Power. Rather clumsily expressed j do the columns or pages consist of authors ? The American Bibliopolist. See Sabin & Sons. The American Catalogue of Books ; or English Guide to American Literature. Giving the full Title of Original Works published in the United States since 1800 to 1855: with especial reference to works of interest to Great Britain. With the prices, &c. 8vo. London: S, Low, 1856 BlBLIOGRAPHr. xi American Publishers' Circular and Literary Gazette. Vol. i. September, 1855. 7 vols., 4to. New York, 1855-61. Continued as the American Literary Gazette. Ames (Joseph) and Herbert (W.) Typographical Antiqui- ties, containing Memoirs of our Ancient Printers and a Register of the Books Printed by them, from 147 1 to 1600. Enlarged by William Herbert. 3 vols., rl. 4to. Portrait and Plates. London, 1785-90. Besides bringing down the history to the year 1600, much later than Dr. Dibdin's edition, it does also contain an account of all the English books printed abroad, and of those printed in Scotland and Ireland, which the following edition does not. Also on large paper. Ames, Herbert ^«^ Dibdin. Typographical Antiquities; or the History of Printing in England Scotland and Ireland : con- taining Memoirs of our Ancient Printers, and a Register of the Books printed by them. Begun by ... Joseph Ames, ... Aug- mented by William Herbert, ... and ... Enlarged ... by the Rev. Thomas Frognall Dibdin. illustrated with Portraits, Facsimiles, &c. 4 vols., 4to. London. 18 10. This edition was not completed. Andreas (Valerus). ... Bibliotheca Belgica ... . Editio ... aucta. 4to, pp. (14), 900. Lovanii, cid. loc. LXiii. Annales du bibliophile, du bibliothecaire, et de I'archiviste ; publiee par L. Lacour. [Tome i.] 1862. 8vo. Paris, 1862. Annuario bibliografico italiano compilato sopra le notizie rac- colte dal ministero di Pubblica Istruzione. Anno 11-1864. 8vo, pp. 308. Torino. 1866. Antonio (Nic.) Bibliotheca Hispana Vetus et Nova, cura Bayerii. 4 vols., folio. Matriti : J. Ibarra, 1783-8. "An excellent edition, the Bibliofheca Fetus being enriched with notes by Perez Bayer, a learned Valencian, the Bibliotheca Nova receiving additions from Antonio's own manuscripts, that bring down his notices of Spanish writers to the time of his death in 1684. In the earlier portion, embracing the names of about 1,300 authors, little remains to be desired. The latter portion contains notices of nearly 8,000 writers — it is a monument of industry, firmness, and fidelity. The two, taken together, constitute their author beyond all reasonable question, the father and founder of the literary history of his country." — Ticknor, i. a 18. Further details concerning this will be found in Dibdin's Bibliomania and Sabin's Dictionary^ Vol. 1. 226-227. There are copies on large paper. Appleton (D. & Co.) A Library Manual, containing a Cat- alogue Raisonne of upwards of Twelve Thousand of the most ^11 B I B L I G RA P H r. Important Works, in every Department of Knowledge, in all Modern Languages. 8vo, pp. xvi, 434. New York: /). AppUton & Co. 1847. Although it bears the name of the publishers, it is well known to have been the work of a paid compiler [Mr. Delf ?] j it is very well done. Argelati (P. A. Filippo.) Bibliotheca scriptorum Mediola- nensium ... ab anno mcdlxv. ad annum md. 2 vols., folio. Mediolani, MDCCXLV. AsHER (A.) Bibliographical Essay on the Collection of Voy- ages and Travels, edited and published by Levinus Hulsius and his Successors ... 1598 to 1660. By A. Asher. Sm. 4to, 3 1., pp. 118. London and Berlin : J. Asher, 1839. Asher (G. M.) A Bibliographical Essay on the Dutch Books and Pamphlets relating to New Netherland. 4to, pp. lii, 234, 22, 23, 2 1. Map. Amsterdam: F. Muller^ 1854-67. Also on large paper. Many copies are imperfect, terminating abruptly on page 120. Numbers up to this point had been delivered to the publisher's American agent j the agent failed, and the delivery was not completed ; the book thereafter being only supplied entire. Askew (Anthony). Catalogue of the Splendid Classical and Miscellaneous Library of Dr. Askew. 8vo. London. 1775. The sale which included a fine collection of books continued for twenty-nine days, but produced only £4000. See Nichol's Literary Antedates^ iii. 494 J Dibdin's Bibliomania^ p. 5155 Home's Introduction^ 11. 640. Some copies were printed on large paper. AspiNALL (J.) Roscoe's Library; or. Old Books and Old Times. 8vo. London: Wh'ittaker ^ Co, 1853. AssELiNEAU (Charles). Bibliographic romantique catalogue ... des editions originales des oeuvres de Victor Hugo — Alfred de Vigny — Prosper Merimee — Alexandre Dumas — Jules Janin — Theophile Gautier — Petrus Borel, etc. ... Seconde edition ... . 8vo, pp. xxxii, 264. Paris. 1872. AssEMANi (J. S.) Bibliotheca Orientalis. Tomus i. de Scrip- toribus Syris Orthodoxis ; 11. de Scriptoribus Syris Monophysitis ; III. et IV. de Scriptoribus Syris Nestorianis : Addita singulorum auctorum Vita. 4 vols., folio. ^ Roma^ typis S. Cong, de Prop, Fide, 1719-28. " J. S. Assemani a rendu un eminent service aux amateurs de la Liturgie Orientale, par la publication de sa fameuse Bibliotheca Orientalisy ou il mentionne un grand nom- bre de pieces concernant les offices divins." — Goeranger. As containing original authorities regarding the Nestorians and Monophysita this collection is of great value. Also on large paper. BlBLIOGRAPHr. ^Xjg AsTOR Library, N. Y. Catalogue of Books in the Astor Library relating to the Languages and Literature of Asia, Africa and the Oceanic Islands. 8vo, pp. (8), 424. New York : Jstor Library Jutographic Press, mdcccliv. One hundred copies printed. Languages of the American Indians, pp. 179-187. Atkinson (James.) Medical Bibliography. [Vol. i.] A and B. 8vo, pp. 4, 379, (9). London: ChurchilL 1834. Guild, in his Librarian's Manualy calls this " a very amusing as well as an in- structive book." AuDiFFREDi (J. B.) Catalogus Historico-Criticus Romana- rum Editionum Saeculi xv. Rl. 4to, pp. xxvii, 476. Roma, 1 783. AuDiFFREDi. Specimen Histonco Criticum Editionum Itali- carum Saeculi xv. ... Accedunt Indices iv locupletissimi. Rl. 4to, pp. xii, 459. Roma, 1794. Axon (W. E. A.) The Literature of the Lancashire Dialect. A Bibliographical Essay. Fcp. 8vo. London, 18 70. A very useful little pamphlet on this curious dialect. Ayala (M. d'). Bibliografia Militare Italiana, Antica e Mo- derna. ... 8vo, pp. xxxii, 450. Torino. 1854. Backer (Augustin et Alois de). Bibliotheque des Ecrivains de la Compagnie de Jesus, &c. 7 vols., 8vo. Liege, 1853-61. This elaborate work notices all the writings of the Jesuits from the foundation of the order to the date of publication, with the works written against them. Each volume is of about Soo pages, double columns, and each in alphabetical order, and complete in itself. Baillet (A.) Auteurs deguisez sous des noms etrangers, empruntes, supposes, feints a plaisir, abreges, etc. i2mo. Paris, 1690. Baillet. Jugemens des Savans sur les principaux ouvrages des auteurs, par Adrien Baillet ; Revue corrigez & augmentez par M. de la Monnoye ... 8 vols., 4to. Amsterdam, i']iS' Best edition of this valuable work. Baker (D. E.) Biographia Dramatica ; or, a Companion to the Playhouse : containing Historical and Critical Memoirs, and Original Anecdotes, of British and Irish Dramatic Writers, from the Commencement of our Theatrical Exhibitions ; among whom are some of the most celebrated Actors ; also an Alphabetical Account, and Chronological Lists of their Works, the Dates when printed, and Observations on their Merits, ... To ^.. 1764, xiv B I B L I q G R^ P H r. by David Erskine Baker. To ... 1782, by Isaac Reed; to .. 181 1, by Stephen Jones. 4 vols., 8vo. London: Longman. 18 1 2. Bale (J.) Scriptorvm illustriu maioris Brytannie, quam nunc Anglium & Scotiam uocant: Catalogus: ... Autore Joanne Baleo. 2 vols., folio, pp. (28), 744; (20), 336. Basila. 1557-59. For the title at length, see Petzholdt, pp. 341-2. An account of the ancient writers of Great Britain. Dibdin calls it " the foundation of British Biography." Bandinel (Bulkley). A Classed Catalogue of the Books relating to British Topography and Saxon and Northern Litera- ture, bequeathed to the Bodleian Library by Richard Gough. 4to, pp. 459. Oxford, 1 8 14. Dr. Bandinel was the Bodleian Librarian, and Lowndes characterizes this as '* the most complete Catalogue of English Topography extant." Barbier (A. A.) et Desessarts. Nouvelle Bibliotheque d'un Homme de Gout entierement refondue, Corrigee et Augmentee ... Par A. A. Barbier et N. L. M. Desessarts. 5 vols., 8vo. Paris. 1808-10. "This is one of the best bibliographical works in any language. It is a sure authority for all the best works in the French language." — Ventouillac. Barbier. Dictionnaire des Ouvrages Anonymes et Pseudo- nymes composes, traduites ou publics en Fran^ais et en Latin avec les noms des auteurs, traducteurs et editeurs, accompagne de notes historiques et critiques. Seconde edition, revue, corrigee et considerablement augmentee. 4 vols., 8vo. Paris. 1822-27. -{■ Troisieme edition, revue et augmentee par MM. Olivier Bar- bier, Rene et Paul Billard ... . 3 vols., 8vo. Paris. 1872-75. By far the most perfect and valuable of all the numerous works which have been published in this Department of Bibliography, being the results of thirty years of diligent labor and research. The author was private Librarian to the Emperor Napo- leon, and afterwards, on the return of the Bourbons, Superintendent of the private Royal Libraries. He died in 1825. His Dictionary is confined to works in the Latin and French languages, but of these it notices between twenty-three and twenty- four thousand. The first edition is, Pam. 1806-9. 4 vols., 8 vo. Part n. of vol- ume in. of the third edition is not yet published (February, 1875). Barbier et Beauvais. Dictionnaire Historique, &c. 8vo. Paris. 1829. In one series of paging to form "une seul volume de 3,500 pages!" The best Biographical Dictionary extant, except the Biographic UnivenelU. Barbosa Machado (Diego). Summario da Bibliotheca Lu- zitana. 4 vols., i8mo. Lisboa, 1786. See Machado BIBLIOGRAPHY. XV [Barcia (Andres Gonzalez).] Ensayo cronologico, para la historia general de la Florida. ... Folio, pp. (40), 366, i folded leaf, pp. (56.) En Madrid. ... Jno de cid idccxxiij. It is appended to Garcilaso de la Vega's La Florida. Severely criticised in Joseph de Salazar's Crhis^ etc. It contains a list of the books used by the author. Baretti (Joseph). Italian Library: containing an Account of the Lives and Works of the most valuable Authors of Italy. 8vo, pp. 343. London: Millard. 1757. Barrett (F.) Lives of the Alchemistical Philosophers, with a Catalogue of Books in Occult Chemistry, and a Selection of the most celebrated Treatises on the Hermetic Art. 8vo. London. 1 8 15. Bartlett (J. R.) Bibliography of Rhode Island. A Cata- logue of Books and other Publications relating to the State of Rhode Island. With Notes, Historical, Biographical, and Crit- ical. 8vo. Providence. 1864. Also on large paper. Bartlett. Bibliotheca Americana. A Catalogue of Books relating to North and South America in the Library of John Carter Brown of Providence, R. 1. Part i., 1493 ^° 1600 ; Part II., 1601 to 1700 ; Part iii., 1700 to 1800. With Notes by John Russell Bartlett. 3 vols., impl. 8vo. Providence. 1866-74. Describes a splendid and almost unrivalled collection, rich in the Letters of Co- lumbus, Vespuccius, and Cortes, colonial and revolutionary pamphlets, and the whole range of Americana. Mr. Bartlett has appended many very interesting bibliographi- cal notices. Fifty copies printed. Bartlett. The Literature of the Rebellion. A Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets relating to the Civil War in the United States, and on Subjects growing out of that Event, together with Works on American Slavery, and Essays from Reviews and Magazines on the Same Subjects. Compiled by John Russell Bartlett. ... Rl. 8vo, pp. 477. Boston. 1866. Two hundred and fifty copies printed in octavo, and sixty copies on large paper. It describes six thousand and seventy-three different books, pamphlets, and magazine articles j also, three hundred eulogies, sermons, poems, etc., on the death of Abraham Lincoln. Bauer (Jo. Jac.) Bibliotheca Librorum Rariorvm Vniver- salis, cum Supplementis. 7 vols., 8vo. Nurnherg. 1770-91. Of very uncommon occurrence, more especially with the second and third Supple- ments, which are generally wanting. " I exhort the reader to seize hold of this work, whenever it come across him — which will be rarely. The descriptions are compendi- ous, and the references respectable, and sometimes numerous. My copy of this rare and dear book cost me £5 5s." — Diboin. Xvi BIBLIOGRAPHT. Beckmann (Johann). Literatur der alteren Relsebeschrei- bungen. 2 vols., 8vo, pp. 750; 756. Gbttingen, 1808-10. Bell (John Gray). Descriptive and Critical Catalogue of Works Illustrated by Thomas and John Bevi^ick, with the Sup- plement. Imp. Svo. Woodcuts. Manchester. 185 1. A Bookseller's Catalogue. Beloe (W.) Anecdotes of Literature and Scarce Books. By the Rev. William Beloe ... . 6 vols., Svo. 1807-12. Beloe. The Sexagenarian, or Recollections of a Literary Life. 2 vols., 8vo, 18 17. A very amusing performance, filled with anecdotes and characters of the author's literary contemporaries. The first edition contains some passages relative to Porson and other literati, which were suppressed in the edition of 1818. Benghem (Cornelius a). Bibliographia Historica, Chrono- logica et Geographica Novissima, perpetuo continuanda. Amsterdam . 1685. [Berard (A. S. L.)] Essai Bibliographique sur les Editions des Elzevirs. Svo, pp. 300. Paris: Didot, 1822. Preceded by an account of the most celebrated printers. Berchtold [Count). An Essay to direct and extend the In- quiries of Patriotic Travellers, from the earliest Times to 1787. 2 vols., Svo. 1789. The second volume consists of a catalogue of works intended for the instruction of travellers, and of the most interesting European travels. Beristain de Souza (Jose Mariano). Biblioteca Hispano- Americana Septentrional 6 Catalogo y Noticia de los Literatos, que 6 nacidos, 6 educados, d florecientes en la America Septen- trional Espafiola, han dado a luz algun escrito, 6 lo ban dexado preparado para la pfensa. La escribia, el Doctor D. Jose Mariano Beristain de Souza ... . 3 vols., 4to, 2 1., pp. xviii, 540; i 1., 525 ; I 1., 366. En Mexico: Calle de Santo Domingo y Esquina de Tacuba Aho de 1816-21. Vol. II. has, in addition to the above title, " Y la publica Don Jose Rafael Enriquez Trespalacios Beristain, Sobrino del Autor. Officina de D. Alexandra Vald'e%. 1819." ** De Souza is by far the most important work for the literature of New Spain that has ever been composed. It comprises 3,687 biographies, and although like most Spanish works of the kind, singularly uncritical, yet it is a perfect treasure as regards the culti- vation of science and literature in Mexico and the adjacent countries. The work is extremely scarce, and appears to be altogether unknown in Europe." — Ludewig. Sec also [Harrisse] Bib. ./hn. Vet.^ pp. xx, xxi. Seiior Icazbalceta, of the city of Mexico, announced a aew edition, but I believe it h^ not been publis^^d. BIBLIOGRAPHY. ^vii Berkenhout (J.) Biographia Literaria ; or, a Biographical History of Literature ... Chronologically and classically arranged by John Berkenhout. Vol. i. [all that was published]. 4to. London, 1777, Bernd (C. S. M.) Schriftenkunde der gesammten Wappen- wissenschaft. 4 vols., 8vo. Bonn. 1830-41. A complete Bibliography of all Armorials, Genealogical Histories, and Heraldic Works published in Europe, with critical remarks, prices, and references to Reviews. The Bible of Every Land ; a History of all the Numerous Versions of the Sacred Scriptures hitherto published. 4to. London: S. Bagster. 1852. Bibliografia Storica, delle citta e luoghi dello Stato Pontificale, &c. 4to. Roma. 1792. Bibliographical Miscellanies, being a Selection of Curious Pieces in Verse and Prose. 4to. Oxford. 18 13. By Dr. Philip Bliss, Is not strictly bibliographical. Bibliographical and Retrospective Miscellany. Containing Notices of and Extracts from Rare, Curious, and Useful Books in all Languages. Post 8vo. London. 1830. Bibliographic Agronomique ; ou, Dictionnaire raisonne des ouvrages sur Economic rurale et domestique, ct sur Tart veteri- naire. [Par Victor Donatien Mussct Pathay.] 8vo. Paris. 1810- Bibliographic des Principaux Ouvrages relatifs a TAmour, aux Femmes, au Mariage, indiquant les auteurs de ces ouvrages, leurs editions, leur valeur, ct les prohibitions ou condamnations dont certains d'entre cux ont etc Pobjet. Par M. le C. D*I * * *. 8vo. Paris: J. Gay. 1861. + Seconde edition, considerable- ment augmcntec, par J. Gay, editcur. 8vo. Paris. 1864. + Troisiemc edition. 5 vols., 8vo. Paris. 1871-74. Also on large paper. Le Bibliomane. Nos. i. andii. London: Triibner^ Cie. 1S61. De la Bibliomanie. 8vo. La Haye. ij6i. Lc Bibliophile Beige. Bruxelles. 1845 Oae volume published annually. xvm BIBLIOGRAPHY. Le Bibliophile Fran^ais. Gazette Illustree des Amateurs de Livres, d'Estampes et de haute curiosite. 4 vols., 8vo. Paris. 1868-70. Illustrated with fine steel-plate portraits of eminent bibliographers and literary celebrities, numerous woodcuts and photo-lithographs, &c. Le Bibliophile Fran^ais. Revue mensuelle des livres anciens et modernes. Paris, 1862. Le Bibliophile Illustre. Texte et gravures par J. Ph. Berjeau. Impl. 8vo. Londres : N, Triibner ^ Co, 1861-62. Contains notices of rare and important works, by the editor and the most eminent foreign bibliographers. Bibliosophia ; or Book- Wisdom, containing some Account of the Pride, Pleasure, and Privileges of that Glorious Vocation, Book Collecting, iimo. London. 18 10. Biblioteca Italiana, o sia Notizia de Libri rari nella Lingua Italiana. 4to. Venezia, 1728. Biblioteca periodica anual de los libros pub. en Espafia, 1784- 91. 2 vols., i6mo. Madrid. 1784-91. Bibliothecae Americanae Primordia. See [Kennett (White).] Bibliotheca Americana ; or a Chronological Catalogue of Books, Pamphlets, State Papers, &c., upon the Subject of North and South America. With an Introductory Discourse on the Present State of Literature in those Countries. [By H. Homer.] 4to. London. 1789. This book, which has been variously ascribed to Dalrymple, Homer, Long, and with more probability, by Homer himself, to Reid, was the fullest English work on the subject up to its date j but its complicated arrangements, errors of date, unintelligible abbreviations, and frequent repetitions mar its utility. Some of the remarks in the introduction are curious, if not true. The errata, if all printed, would fill a dozen pages. See M. Rev.y ii. 474; Rich, i. 354. Bibliotheca Americana : Being a Choice Collection of Books relating to North and South America, the West Indies, &c. [By D. B. Warden.] 8vo. Paris. 1831. Bibliotheca Americana. A Catalogue of Books relating to the History and Literature of America. Sold by Puttick & Simpson. 8vo. London. 1861. Bibliotheca Americana. A Catalogue of a Valuable Collec- tion of Books, Pamphlets, Manuscripts, Maps, Engravings, and Engraved Portraits, illustrating the History and Geography of BIBLIOGRAPHY. xlx North and South America and the West Indies ; altogether form- ing the most Extensive Collection ever offered for sale. 8vo, pp. viii, 308. London: John Russell Smith. 1865. Bibliotheca Americana. A Catalogue of a Valuable Collec- tion of Books, illustrating the History and Geography of North and South America and the West Indies. Collected by John Russell Smith. 8vo, pp. vii, 234. London, mdccclxxi, Bibliotheca Americana. A Catalogue of a Valuable Collec- tion of Books and Pamphlets, illustrating the History & Geog- raphy of North & South America and the West Indies. On Sale ... by Alfred Russell Smith, ... Svo, pp. vi, 182, 54. London, mdccclxxiv. Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica. See [Griffith (A. F.)] Bibliotheca geographico-statistica et oeconomico-politica ; her- ausgegeben von W. Miildener ; 1863-69. 14 parts, 8vo. Gottingen. [1863-69.] Bibliotheca Grenvilliana ; or. Bibliographical Notices of Rare and Curious Books forming part of the Library of the Right Hon. Thomas Grenville. 2 vols. Part the Second, completing the Catalogue of the Library bequeathed to the British Museum. Addenda — Books printed for Clubs and Societies. Part the Third, completing ... . 4 vols. London. 1842-72. Parts I. and 11. compiled by John Thomas Payne and Henry Foss, booksellers j Part III. by W. B. Rye. Bibliotheca Heberiana. Catalogue of the Library of the late Richard Heber, Esq. 12 parts, 8vo. London. 1833-34. This remarkable collection was sold by auction under the direction of the well- known firm of Payne & Foss, of Pall Mall ; it occupied 220 days in its dispersion, and was sold by the following auctioneers, viz.: Sotheby and Sons (parts i, 2, 3, 9, 10)} Evans (parts 4, 6, 7, 8, ii)j and Wheatley (parts 5 and 12). The catalogue contained 52,676 lots, comprising 119,613 Tolumes. They cost Mr. Heber £43,- 891 \os. 6d.y and realized £56,777 lis. 6d. Bibliotheca historica ; herausgegeben von W. Miildener ; 1864-69. 12 parts, 8vo. Gottingen. [1864-69.] Bibliotheca historico-geographica ; herausgegeben von G. Schmidt; 1859-61. 6 parts, 8vo. Gottingen. [1859-61.] Bibliotheca historico-naturalis physico-chemica et mathema- tica; herausgegeben von E. A. Zuchold. 1856. 8vo. Gottingen. [1856.] Continued XX B I B L I OG RAP H r. Bibliotheca Londinensis ; a Classified Index to the Literature of Great Britain, 1814-46. 8vo. London. 1848. Bibliotheca medico-chirurgica pharmaceutico-chemica et vete- rinaria; herausgegeben von C. J. Ruprecht ; 1865-67. 6 parts, 8vo. Gotttngen, [1865-67.] Bibliotheca Monensis, a Bibliographical Account of Works relating to the Isle of Man [by William Harrison, Esq., h.k.] Vol. xviu. of the publications of the Manx Society for 1861. Bibliotheca philologica ; herausgegeben von G. Schmidt ; 1858-68. 22 parts, 8vo. Gotttngen. 1858-68. Bibliotheca Piscatoria : a Catalogue of Books upon Angling. Fcp. 8vo. London: W. Pickering. 1836. This catalogue is formed upon Sir Henry Ellis's corrected copy of the list which he contributed to the Britiih Bibliographer in 1811, and some editions are noticed the existence of which was then unknown. Bibliothecae Regiae Catalogus ; or Catalogue of the Magnifi- cent Library formed by King George iii., now in the British Museum, with the Catalogue of Maps, Prints, Drawings, &c. Privately printed. 6 vols., rl. folio. London. 1820-29. Only a very limited number of this splendid production was printed. Bibliotheca Scaccariana ; Catalogue d^Ouvrages sur le Jeu des Echecs. i2mo. London. 1861. A bibliography of works on the game of chess. Bibliotheca Smithiana seu Catalogus librorum D. Josephi Smithi, per cognonima authorum dispositus. 4to. Venitiis. lysS' The collector was British consul at Venice. This valuable library was purchased by George iii., and now forms a portion of the King's Library in the British Mu- seum. Pp. Ixvii-cccxlviii, containing valuable Addenda, " Prefationes et Epistolae voluminibus editis appositae ab Incunabulis Typographiae ante annum mccccc." Bibliotheca theologica ; herausgegeben von C. J. Ruprecht ; 1859-66. 16 parts, 8vo. Gottingen. [1859-66.] BiNNEY (William G.) ... Bibliography of North American Conchology, previous to the Year i860. Prepared for the Smithsonian Institution, by W. G. Binney. Part i. American Authors. 8vo, pp. iv, 2 1., 650. Washington^ 1863. (Smiths. Misc. Coll., Vol. v.) + Part 11. Foreign Authors. 8vo, pp. 298. Washington. 1864. Bjckerstith (Rev. E.) Christian Student. i2mo. London: S^eley, i844« Contains a list of books for a Christian 8tudent*8 library. B IBLJO GHAP U r. XXI Blades (Wm.) Catalogue of Books printed by or ascribed to the Press of William Caxton, in which is included the Press- mark of every copy contained in the British Museum. With a {qw Woodcut Vignettes. 4to. London. 1865. Only thirty copies of this complete list of Caxton's books were printed for sale; of which number fifteen were sent to America. " As, however, our National Li- brary is deficient in several of the most rare specimens, the compiler has, in such cases, stated where a copy may be seen." — Advertisement. Blades. How to tell a Caxton : with some Hints where and how the same might be found. i2mo, pp. 55. 15 Plates. Londm: Henry Sotheran & Co. 1 8 70. Blades. The Life and Typography of William Caxton, England's First Printer, with Evidence of His Typographical Connection with Colard Mansion, the Printer at Bruges. Com- piled from Original Sources by William Blades. 2 vols., 4to. London: Joseph Lilly. 1861. Illustrated with more than sixty Facsimile Plates, execu'red by Tupper in the most careful manner. Besides copious quotations from original documents, illustrative of the life and times of this great and good man, to whom England is indebted for the introduction of the " Divine Art " of printing, derived from hitherto unexplored sources, it includes the whole of his prologues and epilogues attached to the various books printed by him j also his own historical work, entitled Policronicon Liber ultimus. The second volume is devoted to a bibliographical and literary account of all the works printed by, or ascribed to, the press of Caxton, including many books undescribed by Dr. Dibdin and other bibliographers, accompanied with most careful collations, and a list of copies of books printed by Caxton, in number more than four hundred and fifty, now in the public and private libraries of Great Britain. Pub- lished by subscription ; two hundred and fifty copies printed. Blakey (R.) Angling Literature of all Nations. i2mo, pp. 341. London. 1855. Blakey. Essay on Logic, with Alphabetical List of upwards of One Thousand Works on Logic. Post 8vo. London. 1848. Blakey. The History of Political Literature from the Earli- est Times. 2 vols., 8vo. London. 1855. Blaze (C.) Bibliographic Musicale de la France et de TEtranger. 8vo. Paris. 1822. A descriptive list of all the treaties and works on vocal and instrumental music published in Europe down to 1822. Bock (Friedrich Samuel). ... Historia Antitrinitariorum max- ime Socinianismi et Socinianorum ... 8vo, pp. xxx, 556; xiii, (3), 557-1092, 12 1. Lipsia : G. L. Hartungii. 1774-MDCCLXXVl. Xxii B IB L 10 GRAP HT, Bodleian Library. Catalogus Librorum Impressorum Bib- liothecae Bodleianae in Academia Oxoniensi. 4 vols., folio, Oxonits. 1843—57. *• This is entered in the British Museum Catalogue under the name of [Bandinel (Bulkeley)]." — Power. Very properly so; it was made under his direction as libra- rian, and includes the contents of the Catalogue in 2 vols., folio, Oxor^ 1738. Next to the British Museum the Bodleian is the finest library in Great Britain, and is, perhaps, the third best collection in the world. — ^J. S. Catalogue of the Printed Books and Manuscripts bequeathed by Francis Douce, Esq., to the Bodleian Library. Folio. Oxford. 1840. BoEHMER (G. R.) Bibliotheca scriptorum Historiae natvralis CEconomiae aliarvmqve artivm ac scientiarvm ad illam pertinen- tium realis systematica. 9 vols., 8vo. Leipsia. 1785-89. BoHN (H. G.) A Bibliographical Account of the Works of Shakespeare ... . By Henry G. Bohn. ... 8vo, 2 1., pp. 2253- 2368. [London, 1864.] This is part of his edition of Lowndes with a title-page. BoHN. A Catalogue of Books. Henry G. Bohn. ... 8vo, pp. (2), iv, 1948. London, mdcccxli. Known as the "Guinea Catalogue," contains upwards of 23,000 articles in all classes of literature, and is of great value to general book-buyers. BoHN. Henry G. Bohn*s Catalogue of Books. Vol. i. Con- taining Natural History, Books of Prints, Science, Language, Bibliography, Oriental & Northern Literature, Old English Histor"8, Early Voyages, Games, etc. 8vo, pp. (8), 467, 108. London, mdcccxlviii. An admirable catalogue j of Vol. 11. Greek and Latin Classics, Bibles, Testaments, &c., was published. BoHN (James). Catalogue of Ancient and Modern Books, in all Languages. 8vo. London. 1840. Boletin bibliografico espanol. Num. i. Ano i. 8vo, pp. 296. [Madrid: J. Martin Jlegria.'\ i860. -[-1867. BoNNARDOT (Alfred). Essai sur Tart de restaurer les estampes et les livres, ou traite sur les meilleurs procedes pour blancher, detacher, decolorier, reparer et conserver les estampes, livres et dessins. Seconde edition, refondue et augmentee ; suivie d'un expose des divers systemes de reproduction des anciennes estampes et des livres rares. 8vo. Paris. 1858. The best work on the subject j full of valuable receipts. B I BLIOGRAP H r. xxiii BoNNARDOT. Dc la reparation des viellles relieures : comple- ment de Tessai sur Tart de restaurer les estampes et les livres ; suivi d'une dissertation sur les moyens d'obtenir des duplicata des manuscrits. 8vo. Paris. 1858. A supplement to the foregoing. BoNNEAU (A.) Haiti, ses progres — son avenir avec un precis historique sur ses constitutions, le texte de la constitution actuelle- ment en vigueur et une bibliographic d'Haiti. Par Alexandre Bonneau. 8vo, pp. 176. Paris: E. Dentu. 1862. Bookbinding. For notices on bookbinding, see Dibdin*s Bibliographical Decameron^ Eighth Day ; London Revieiv for 18605 Tomlinson's Cyclopadia of Useful ArtSy art. Bookbinding; Hannett ; Sabin's American Bibliopolist. The Bookseller. A Handbook of British and Foreign Litera- ture, with which is incorporated " Bent's Literary Advertiser," established 1802. London, 1858. Continued. A monthly publication, edited by T. Whitaker. " Intended to fill up a vacuity much felt by booksellers in general, but more especially by old booksellers" — Power. We suppose old booksellers to mean dealers in old books. Booksellers' Advertiser, and Monthly Register of New Publi- cations. American and Foreign. January i-December, 1834. Vol. I. 4to. New York : West ^ Trow, No more published. The editor was George Palmer Putnam. Booksellers' Trade List and Publisher's Register. No. i. Jpril^ 1854. 4to. Continued to July, 1854, or longer. The Bookworm : a Literary and Bibliographical Review ; edited and illustrated by J. P. Berjeau. [Vol. i.] 8vo. London. 1869. [BoosEY (T.)] Piscatorial Reminiscences and Gleanings. By an Old Angler and Bibliopolist. To which is added a Catalogue of Books on Angling. Fcp. 8vo. London: W. Pickering. 1845. BossANGE (H.) Catalogue general de Hector Bossange. Rl. 8vo, pp. xiv, 984. Paris., 1845. + Supplement. 1847-53. pp. 985-1516. A classed catalogue, with tolerably full titles Bossange. Ma Bibliotheque Fran9aise. i2mo, pp. (4), vii, 480. Paris: Bossange et fils, 1 855. An admirable list of the best French literature, Bossange. Ma Bibliotheque Americaine. i2mo. Paris: H. Bossange [about 1 862.] A list of books relating to America in M. Bossange's library XXIV B I B L I G RAP H r. Boston. A Catalogue of Books belonging to the Lower Hall of the Central Department, in the Classes of History, Biography, and Travel ... . Second, or Consolidated Edition, July, 1873. 8vo, pp. 304. Boston: By the Library, 1873. Index to the Catalogue of Books in the Bates Hall of the Public Library of the City of Boston. ... 8vo, pp. vii, (i), 902. Boston: J, E, Farwell ^ Company, 1865. -|- First Supplement. 8vo, pp. iv, (i), 718, Index, 21. Boston: J. E, Farweli & Co. 1866. Boston Athen^um. Catalogue of the Library ... . 1807- 187 1. Part I. [A-C] 8vo, pp. (4), 724. Boston. 1874. An admirable performance, by Charles A. Cutter, a.m. Botfield (Beriah). Notes on the Cathedral Libraries of England. Rl. 8vo. London. 1849. A very handsomely printed book, of which only 250 copies were published. Mr. Botfield also published in the Miscellanies of the Philobiblion Society a list of English books printed on vellum. Boucher de la Richarderie (G.) Bibliotheque universelle des voyages, ou Notice complete et raisonnee de tous les Voyages anciens et modernes dans les difFerentes parties du monde, pub- lics tant en langue fran^aise qu'en langues etrangeres ... classes par ordre de pays dans leur serie chronologique ; avec des extraits plus ou moins rapides des Voyages les plus estimes de chaque pays, et les jugements, motives sur les Relations anciennes qui ont le plus de celebrite. Par G. Boucher de la Richarderie ... . 6 vols., 8vo, 2 1., pp. XXX, 495 ; vij, 531 ; vij, 503 ; viij, 542 ; vij, 527 ; viij, 485. Paris : Treuttel et JViirtz^ et a Strasbourg, 1808. In the matter of dates and titles very incorrect, but valuable for the extracts it con- tains from the voyages of the last century. Vol. vi. relates to America. Dibdin pronounces it ** an indispensable performance," in which judgment we do not agree. BouLARD (S.) Traite Elementaire de Bibliographic. ... 8vo, pp. (4), 140. Paris: Boulard. 1806. This work discusses the qualifications of a bibliographer, the rarity and deprecia- tion of books, the invention of printing, &c. Bouterwek (Friedrich). Geschichte der Poesie und Bered- samkeit seit dem Ende des dreizehnten Jahrhunderts. 12 vols., 8vo. 1796-1819. Volumes vii. and vm. are entirely devoted to the history of English literature, from the end of the 1 6th century to Burke, Johnson, Blair, &c. BIBLIOGRAPHr. XXV BouTERWEK. History of Spanish and Portuguese Literature, Translated from the Original German, by Thomasina Ross. 2 vols., 8vo. London: Boosey & Sons. 1823. Another edition, in which the Portuguese portion is omitted, was published in Bogue's European Library ^ 1 847. Post 8vo. It is partly superseded by Ticknor's work, described infra. BouTERWEK. Histoire de la Litterature Espagnole, ... 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1812. This work was also translated into Spanish, Madrid^ 1829. 4to. Bovi^DOiN College. A Catalogue of the Library of Bowdoin College ; to which is added, an Index of Subjects. 8vo, pp. vi, (2), 832. Brunswick : Printed for the College, m.dccc.lxiii, A model catalogue. BoYD (Andrew). A Memorial Lincoln Bibliography. Being an Account of Books, Eulogies, Sermons, Portraits, Engravings, Medals, &c., published upon Abraham Lincoln. Comprising a Collection in the possession of the Compiler. Rl. 8vo. Albany: J. Munsell. 18 70. Only a few copies printed. BoYNE (W.) The Yorkshire Library; a Bibliographical Ac- count of Books on Topography, Tracts of the 17th Century, Biography, Spas, Geology, Botany, Maps, Views, Portraits, and Miscellaneous Literature relating to the County of York, with Collations and Notes of the Books and Authors. By W. Boyne. 4to, pp. viii, 304. Portraits of Francis Drake and Thomas Gent. Privately printed. 1869. One hundred and fifty copies only printed. The work is indispensable to the collector of a Yorkshire library. Brasseur de Bourbourg (Charles Etienne, the abbe). Bib- liotheque Mexico-Guatemalienne precede d*un coup d'oeil sur les etudes Americaines. ... Rl. 8vo, pp. (4), xlvii, 143. Paris: Maisonneuve ^ Cie. 1 87 1. [Braun (Placidus).] Notitia Historico-Litteraria de Libris ab artis typographicae inventione vsqve ad annvm mcccclxxviii.- MCCCCLXXX. impressis. 4to, pp. xvi, 208 ; 43. 1 1 Plates of Char- acters. Augusta Vindelicorvm. 1788-89. Bray (T.) Bibliotheca Catechetica : or the Country Curates Library. ... By Thomas Bray, d.d. 8vo. London : William Hawes. mdCxcix. xxvi BIBLIOGRAPHT. Bray. Bibliotheca Parochialis : or a Scheme of such Theo- logical Heads both General and Particular, as are more peculiarly Requisite to be Well studied by every Pastor of a Parish. To- gether with a Catalogue of Books which may be read upon each of those Points. Part i. By Thomas Bray, d.d. 4to. London : Printed by E. H. for Robert Clavel^ at the Peacock in St. Paul's Church-Tard, m DC xc vii. No more published. ** The conclusion, showing the present state of the Protestant religion in Maryland," etc., occupies pp. 12 5-1 30. The author states that the object of this bibliographical treatise was to give those who went to Virginia, Maryland, and the American plantations, an idea of the books they should take. Bridgman (R. W.) a Short View of Legal Bibliography, containing some Critical Observations on the Authority of the Reporters and other Law Writers ; collected from the best authorities, and intended as a Companion to the author's reflec- tions on the Study of the Law ; to which is added a Plan for Classifying a Public or Private Library. By Richard Waley Bridgman. 8vo, pp. xviii, 430. London. 1807. Though this work is of an early date it will be found of interest to the law student. It has the advantage of two good indexes, one of authors, and the other a classified list of subjects. British Museum. Librorum impressorum qui in Museo Britannico adservantur Catalogus. 7 vols in 8, 8vo. London. 1813-19, List of Additions made to the Collections in the British Mu- seum. 2 vols., 8vo. 1833-34. Catalogue of Printed Books in the British Museum. Vol. i. [A to Az, all printed]. Folio. London. 1841. It is scarcely necessary to remark that, practically, there is no printed catalogue of the library of the British Museum, and apparently there never will be. The manu- script catalogue fills a room about 30 feet square. Bruggemann (L. W.) a View of the English Editions, Translations, and Illustrations of the Greek and Latin Authors. With Remarks, By Lewis Will. Bruggemann. 8vo, pp. 836. Stettin. 1 797-1801. Indicates what classic authors have been translated into English, besides pointing out sources of information as to Essays on classical subjects, to be found in transac tions of learned societies, &c. Brunet (Gustave). Dictionnaire de bibliologie catholique. 8vo. Paris. 1866. Contains a long article on catalogues, books destroyed, suppressed, &c. BIBLIOGRAPHY, XXVll Brunet. Imprimeurs imaginaires et libraires supposes, etude bibliographique suivie de recherches sur quelques ouvrages im- primes avec des indications fictives de lieux ou avec des dates sin- gulieres. 8vo. Paris. 1866. Brunet. La France litteraire au XV^ siecle ... . 8vo, 2 1., pp. viii, 256. Paris: J, Franck. 1865. Brunet (J. C.) Manuel du Libraire et de I'Amateur des Livres. Cinquieme edition originale, entierement refoiidue, et augmentee d'un tiers par Tauteur. 6 vols., rl. 8vo. Paris: Didot, 1860-65. This is an entirely new edition of this invaluable bibliographical work, very much enlarged and improved, and elegantly printed on fine paper. ** On the whole, the most useful and instructive work we possess in this branch of bibliography [re- stricted).'''' — Ebert: Preface to the English edition of Allgem. Bib. p. v. Fifty copies printed on large paper. It is probably the only bibliographical work which reached a fifth edition during its author's lifetime. Brunet. Nouvelles recherches bibliographiques. 3 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1834. Brydges (S. E.) Censura Literaria, containing Titles, Ab- stracts, and Opinions of Old English Books, with Original Dis- quisitions, Articles of Biography, and other Literary Antiquities. Second Edition. 10 vols., 8vo. London, 1815. "A work justly held in high estimation by all Antiquaries in Literature." Two hundred and fifty copies only printed. Brydges. The British Bibliographer. By Egerton Brydges and Joseph Haslewood. 4 vols., 8vo. London: Triphook. 1810-14. Brydges. Res Literariae : Bibliographical and Critical. 8vo. Naples,^ Rome.^ Geneva. 1821-22. Only seventy-five copies printed. But the sets having been issued at different places, it is probable that not over fifty were made complete. " Whoever is desirous to collect a library of various and solid erudition, will find very useful aid in the Res Literariae." Brydges. Restituta ; or. Titles, Extracts, and Characters of Old Books, in English Literature, Revived. By Sir Egerton Brydges. 4 vols., 8vo. London: Longman, 1814-16. A valuable work, with copious extracts of the rarest and most curious books in early English literature. Only two hundred and fifty copies were printed, two copies on colored paper. Bulletin du bibliophile et du bibliothecaire ; public par L. Techener. 8vo. Paris, P'ourteenth Series, published in 1865. Xxviii BIBLIOGRAPHY. BuRE (G. F. de). Bibliographic Instructive ; ou traite da la connaissance des livres rares et singuliers. Avec le Catalogu-e de Louis Jean Gaignat ; et Table des Auteurs Anonymes. lo vols., 8vo. Paris : de Bure le Jeune. 1763-82. Contents : Vol. i. Theologie j 11. Jurisprudence et Sciences et Arts ; iii.-iv. Belles Lettres; v.— vii. Histoirej viii.-ix. Supplement, catalogue des livres de L. J. Gaignat; X. Table des livres anonymes. The Table of Anonymous Authors is generally wanting. BuRE. Appel aux Savans et aux Gens de Lettres, au sujet de la Bibliographie Instructive. 8vo. Paris. 1763. BuRE. Catalogue des Livres de la Bibliotheque de feu M. le Due de La Valliere. Par Guillaume de Bure fils aine. 9 vols., 8vo. Paris: de Bure. 1783-84. " Catalogue tres curieux, et redige avec beaucoup de soin." — Brunet. Also on large paper. The Catalogue de Gaignat, one volume, is sometimes added. Burton (J. H.) The Book Hunter. By J. H. Burton. Post 8vo. Blackwood^ Edinburgh. 1863. Ten copies printed in crown 4to. Burton. The Book Hunter, etc., with additional Notes, by Richard Grant White. Cr. 8vo. New York. 1863. Mr. White, in his ** Prefatory Note," says : ** The following desultory dissertation on books, book-collecting, and book-collectors, camot fail to be welcome, for it is always interesting, often serviceable, and sometimes amusin-g information." [Byerly (J. S.)] Relics of Literature. By Stephen Collet. \^seudon^ 8vo. London. 1828. Contains : The first English Catalogue, Origin of Surnames, Singular Dedications, Eccentric Advertisements, Book Destroyers, &c. Calvary & Co, Manuale Bibliographum ... 8vo, pp. (2), 88. Typis expressit Gumprecht Berlinensis. [1861.] Camus (A. G.) Memoire sur la Collection des grands et petits voyages, et sur la Collection des voyages de Melchisedech Thevenot ; par A. G. Camus ... . Imprime par I'ordre et aux frais de Tlnstitut. 4to, Half-Title, pp. iij, 401, 2 1. Paris: Baudouin, imprimeur. 1802. An excellent specimen of bibliographical analysis, and indispensable to the " De Bry" and "Thevenot" collectors. Camus. Bibliotheque Choisie des livres de Droit qu'il est le plus utile d'acquerer et de connaitre, par [Arm. Gast.] Camus. Cinquieme edition, nouvellement revue et augmentee par Dupin aine. 8vo. Bruxelles. 1833. Cancellieri (Fr.) Dissertazione intorno agli uomini dotati di gran memoria ad a quelli divenuti smemorati, colle biblioteche BIBLIOGRAPHY. XXIX degll scritori sopra gli eruditi precoci, la memoria artificiale ed il giuoco degli scacchi. 8vo. Roma, 1715. Capitaine (U.) Recherches historlques et bibliographiques sur les journaux et les ecrits periodiques liegeois, par Ulysse Capitaine. i6mo, pp. xlii, 344. Liege: Desrer. 1 850. Carayon (P. A.) Bibliographie historique de la compagnie de Jesus ou catalogue des ouvrages relatifs a I'histoire des Jesuites, depuis leur origine jusqu'a nos jours par le P. Auguste Carayon ... 4to, pp. viii, 612. Paris: Auguste Durand [etc. '\ mdccclxiv. Cariere (J. F.) Bibliotheque litteraire, historique et critique, de la Medicine ancienne et moderne. Par Joseph Francois Cariere. Vols. i. and 11. 4to, pp. xxxix, 536 ; viii, 575. Paris: Ruault. i'J']6. Casiri (C. M.) Bibliotheca Arabico-Hispana Escurialensis, sive Librorum omnium MSS. quos Arabice ab auctoris magnam partem Arabo-Hispanis compositos Bibliotheca Coenobii Escu- rialensis complectitur. Recensa et Explanatio opera & studio C. Michaelis Casiri. ... 2 vols., folio, pp. (16), xxiv, 544; (8), 565. Matriti. 1760-70. This work must ever be highly valued as affording the only complete index to the rich repertory of Arabian Manuscripts in the Escurial, and for the ample evidence which it exhibits of the science and mental culture of the Spanish Arabs. Gibbon remarks: "The execution of this work does honour to the Spanish press. The MSS., to the number of 185 1, are judiciously classified by the Editor, and his copious extracts throw some light on the Mahommedan literature and history of Spain." Castro (J. R. de). Biblioteca Espanola ... Su autor Joseph Rodriguez de Castro. 2 vols., folio, pp. (32), 668, Index, (84); (8), 749. Madrid.^ en la Imprenta Real. 1781-86. Vol. I., Spanish Rabbin writers to the close of seventeenth century j Vol. ii., Spanish Pagan and Christian writers to the eighteenth century. Catalogue or Alphabetical Index of the Astor Library. ... Part I. Authors and Books. [Compiled by J. G. Cogsvi^ell.] ... 8vo, pp. v, 21 10. New York: Printed by R. Craighead. 1857- 1861. -f Supplement ... vi^ith an Alphabetical Index of Subjects in all the Volumes. ... 8vo, pp. (4), 605. New York. 1866. With title-pages to divide the work into five volumes. Catalogue of Books relating to America, in the Collection of Colonel Aspinwall, Consul of the United States of America at London. 8vo, pp. (4), 66. {Paris, 1 831 .?] The collection comprises 771 rare and valuable articles, collected by its worthy possessor during his long residence at London as Consul- General. They were sub- sequently purchased by Mr. S. L. M. Barlow of New York. XXK BIBLIOGRAPHY. Catalogue of the Library of the American Philosophical So- ciety, held at Philadelphia for promoting Useful Knowledge. Published by order of the Society. 8vo, pp. xv, 2go. Philadelphia: Joseph R. A. Skerrett. 1824. Catalogue of the American Philosophical Society Library. Part I., II. ... Svo, pp. 634. Philadelphia : Caxton Press of a Sherman, Son & Co. [1863-66.] A Catalogue of Books in the Library of the American Anti- quarian Society, in Worcester, Massachusetts. [By C. C. Bald- win.] Svo, pp. 571 in all. Worcester. 1837. This catalogue is replete with the rarest of American pamphlets. Alphabetical Catalogue of the Library of Parliament : being an Index of the Classified Catalogue Printed in 1851 and 1858, and to Books added to 1st March, 1862. 8vo, pp. 313. Quebec: Hunter^ Rose ^ Co. 1862. + ... Printed in 1857, 1858, and 1864, and to the Books and Pamphlets since added to the Library, up to 1st October, 1867. ... 8vo, pp. 496. Ottawa: Printed by G. E. Desbarats. 1867. The title-pages, rules, etc., of all the following catalogues, are also given in French. Catalogue of the Library of Parliament : General Library. Svo, pp. (2), 1074. Toronto: John Lovell. 1857. Catalogue of the Library of Parliament. Works relating to America. Pamphlets and Manuscripts. Index to Authors and Subjects. Svo, pp. viii, 1075-1895, (i). Toronto: John Lovell. 1858. Catalogue of Books in the Library of the Legislative Assembly of Canada. ... Svo, pp. 123. Montreal. 1S46. + Alphabetical Catalogue. [No title-page.] Svo, pp. 21. -\- Supplement ... . ( ... Books added in ... 1846. Svo, pp. 24. Montreal. 1S47. This library was entirely destroyed by the mob in the Spring of 1849. Supplementary Catalogue of the Library of Parliament. Books added ... since 12th February, 1S64. ... Svo, pp. 19. ^ebec. 1S65. Titles, rules, etc., also in French. Other catalogues of the Library of the House of Assembly were published: ^ebecj 1835; Kingston, 1842; and Toronto, 1850-51, all in octavo. Catalogue of Books relating to the History of America, form- ing Part of the Library of the Legislative Assembly of Canada. Svo, Title, pp. 29. ^ebec. 1S45. + ... Books added ... . Svo, pp. 8. Montreal. 1846. With a second title-page : " Catalogue d'ouvrages," etc. BIBLIOGRAPHr, "' xXXl Catalogue of Books in the Library of Parliament. ... 8vo, pp. 130. ^ebec. 1852. Catalogue d'un Choix de Livres relatifs a rAmerique et par- ticulierement aux Antiquites et a THistoire naturelle du Mexique. 8vo. Paris. 1857. " Eine kleine, aber gut gewahlte und geordnete Sammlung von 280 Nrr."— Petzholdt. Catalogue d'une Collection de Livres precieux sur PAmerique parus depuis Pan 1508 jusqu'a nos jours en vente chez F. A. Brockhaus a Leipzig. 8vo, pp. 71. Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus. 1866. Set also Tromel (P.) Catalogue general des livres composant les bibliotheques du departement de la marine et des colonies. ... 5 vols., rl. 8vo, pp. xxiv, 468 ; (6), xxviii, 868 ; xix, 594; (6), xviii, 530; (8), xvi, 404. Paris: Imprimerie Royale. 1838—43. This elaborate work, edited by Louis Marie Bajot, is quite a " model catalogue." It describes eighteen thousand different works, and shows at one view the contents of three libraries. It is indispensable to the collector of books relating to the French colonies. See Petzholdt, p. 748. A Catalogue of Adversaria and Printed Books, containing MS. Notes preserved in the University of Cambridge. Edited for the Syndics of the University Press [by H. R. Luard]. 8vo. Cambridge, 1864. Catalogue of the Reference Department of the Birmingham Free Library. By J. D. Mullins. 1869. 8vo, pp. viii, 379. Birmingham, [n. d.] Notable as being at once alphabetical and classified, and containing a setting out of the contents of such collections as the Harleian Miscellany, the Somers Tracts, the Pamphleteer, Collections of Plays (under Drama), Voyages and Travels, Con- stable's Miscellany, Edinburgh Cabinet Library, Murray's Family Library, Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia, Library of Entertaining Knowledge, Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, Traveller's Library, the Bampton Lectures, Clark's Foreign Theolog- ical Library, Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology, Library of the Fathers, and the Publications of the Camden, Chetham, Calvin Translation Early English Text, Eng- lish Historical, Hakluyt, Parker, Percy, Ray, Sydenham, and New Sydenham, and other learned Societies } also, a large collection of Shakespeariana, forming the Ter- centenary Shakespeare Memorial Library. A Catalogue of Books belonging to the Lower Hall of the Central Department, in the Classes of History, Biography, and Travel ... . Second, or Consolidated Edition, July, 1873. ^^°» pp.304. Boston: By the Library. 1873. With very full and valuable notes under each subject, characterizing the varioua works upon it, and referring to articles in periodicals, essays, etc. XXXll BIBLIOGRAPHY. A Catalogue of all Books printed in the United States, with the prices and places where published annexed. ... i2mo, pp. xii, 79. Printed for the Booksellers at Boston^ 'January^ 1804. Catalogue of Anti-Masonic Books. Boston. 1852. Catalogue of a Collection of Works on Pageantry bequeathed to the Society of Antiquaries of London by the late Frederick William Fairholt, Esq., f.s.a. [By C. Knight Watson.] Svo. London. 1869. Catalogue of Periodicals, Newspapers, and Transactions of various Societies, also a List of Metropolitan Printing Societies and Clubs. 1848 to 1870. Rl. Svo. London. 1848. Commenced in 1848, and continued annually. Catalogue of the Library of the Athenaeum Club, with the Supplement, comprising the extensive collection of Tracts, and classified Index of Subjects. 2 vols., rl. Svo. Printed for Members only. 1845-51. Catalogue of the Library of the Corporation of the City of London. Svo. Printed only for the Members of the Corporation. 1840. Catalogue of the Library of the London Institution, System- atically classed. With Index and Additions. 4 vols., rl. 8vo. London. 1835-52. An excellent catalogue, compiled by Upcott, Brayley, and others. Catalogue of the Books in the Manchester Free Library. Reference Department. Prepared by A. Crestadore, ph.d. Svo, pp. vii, 975. London. 1864. Contains 26,000 distinct works and index, title-pages given in full. A Catalogue of the Library of the Hon. East India Company. Rl. Svo, pp. viii, 325. London. 1845. + A Supplemental Cata- logue, pp. viii, 239. \Ihid.'\ 185 1. Catalogue of the Printed Books and Manuscripts in the Library of the Faculty of Advocates in Edinburgh. [By Alexander Brown, the librarian.] 4 vols., folio. Edinburgh. 1742-43. Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Artillery at Woolwich with Supplement. Svo, pp. xii, 325. Woolwich: Coleman. 1825-30 Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Society of London. London. 1825. BIBLIOGRAPHY. xxxiii Catalogue of the Library of the Society of Writers to the Signet. In Four Parts. With a General Index. 2 vols., 4to. Edinburgh. 1805-37. ** One of the best arranged catalogues upon De Bute's system that has ever appeared." — T. H. Horne. Catalogue of the Liverpool PVee Public Library. Established 1852. With First Supplemental Catalogue. 8vo, Liverpool. 185 2-5 3 . Valuable for its classification. A Catalogue of Works in all departments of English Litera- ture, Classified with ... Index. Corrected to March, mdccc- XLlll. 8vo, pp. xiii, 144. London: Longman. [1843.] Catalogus librorum quibus aucta est Bibliotheca Collegil SS. Trinitatis. 8vo. Dublin. 1854. Catalogus librorum impressorum qui in Bibliotheca Collegii, ... Trinitatis, juxta Dublinium, adservantur. Folio. Dublin. iS6/\.. Each of these catalogues of the Library of Trinity College are edited by James Henthorn Todd, d.d., librarian. Cave (W.) Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Historia Literaria, a Christo Nato usque ad Saeculum xiv. facili methodo digesta „. Accedunt Scriptores Gentiles Christianae Religionis Oppugna- tores ; & cujusvis Saeculi Breviarum, ... Autore Gulielmo Cave. Editio novissima, ab Autore Ipsomet ante Obitum recognita & auctior facta. 2 vols., folio, pp. (10), Ixviii, 668, (14), 358 ; (8), 252, 88, 142. Oxonii e T^heatro Sheldoniano. 1740-43. ** A capital performance, which discovers great reading, research, and accuracy, and contains much important information in comparatively little room." — Orme. This is still the most ample, correct, and complete work of the sort in existence, and is absolutely necessary to the student of ecclesiastical history or of Christian writers, down to the fifteenth century. This edition was reprinted, Basilia. 1741-45. 1 vols., folio. [Cavender (C. H.)] Catalogue of Works in Refutation of Methodism, From its Origin in 1729, to the Present Time. Of those by Methodist Authors on Lay-Representation, Methodist Episcopacy, etc., etc., and of the Political Pamphlets relating to Wesley's "Calm Address to our American Colonies." Com- piled by H. C. Decanver. 8vo, pp. 54. Philadelphia. 1846. -j- Second Edition, Revised by the Author. 8vo, pp. 56. New York. 1868. The author's real name is C. H. Cavender. Decanver is an anagram. Xxxiv BIBLIOGRAPHr. Ceillier (R.) Histoire generale des Auteurs sacres et eccle- siastiques, qui contlent leur Vie, le Catalogue, la Critique, le Jugement, la Chronologie, I'Analysis & le Denombrement des differentes Editions de leur Ouvrages : ... Par Remy Ceillier. 23 vols., 4to. Paris : Le Mercier^ &€. 1729-52. Cerf (Le). Bibliotheque historique et critique des auteurs de la congregation de Saint-Maur. i2mo. La Haye, 1726. Challen (H.) Publishers' Uniform Trade List Directory, comprising all the Books, Old and New, of upwards of Two Hundred Publishers. By H. Challen. 8vo, pp. 831. Philadelphia: H, Challen, Also: The Uniform Trade List Circular. ... 8vo, Title, pp. 19-323. Philadel- phia: Howard Challen. [1867.] Chassant (L. Alph.) Dictionnaire des abbreviations Latines et Fran^aises, usites dans les inscriptions lapidaires et metalliques, les manuscrits et les chartes. Troisieme edition. i2mo. Paris, 1866. Chassant. Paleographie des Chartes et des Manuscrits du xie au xviie siecle. Sixieme edition. 8vo. Paris, 1866. Ten plates, quarto size. Le Chasseur BibHographe. Revue bibliographique, litteraire, critique et anecdotique, redigee par une Societe de Bibliographes et de Bibliophiles, ... Paris: Franpis, 1862. Chaumette (A.) Catalogue des Livres et MSS. composant la bibliotheque de feu A. Chaumette des Fosses ; dont la vente aura lieu le jeudi 3 novembre 1842 ... 8vo, pp. viij, 190. Paris, 1842. Rich in works relating to the languages and history of America. Chevon (P.) Catalogue general de la Libraire Fran^aise au xixe siecle ... par Paul Chevon. Paris: Jannet, 1856-59. Vols, i.-in. only published. Stops at Dubuison. Choulant (L.) Graphische Incunabeln fur Naturgeschichte und Medicin. Bibliographie der Drucke des xv'en und xvi^en Jahrhunderts, welche mit illustrirenden Abbildungen versehen sind. 8vo, pp. xx 168. Leipzig: R, Weigel, 1851. CiAMPi (C.) Bibliografia critica delle Antiche Reciproche Corrispondenze ... dell' Italia colla Russia, colla Polonia, ed altre parti Settentrionali, il tutto raccolta ed illustrato con brevi Cenni BIBLIOGRAPHY. XXXV biografici delli Autore meno conosciuti da Sebastiano Ciampi. 3 vols., 8vo, pp. (6), V, 336 ; xii, 326 ; (6), 137. Firenxe : Jllegrini e Mazxoni. 1834-42. A great work, happily conceived, well executed, and full of the most interesting details. It is not a mere catalogue ; extracts from the books and accounts of the authors are met in every page. Hee Petzholdt, p. 849. [Clarke (Adam).] A Bibliographical Dictionary ; contain- ing a Chronological Account, Alphabetically Arranged, of the most Curious, Scarce, Useful, and Important Books in all depart- ments of Literature ... including ... Harwood's View of the Classics, ... [and] An Essay on Bibliography. 6 vols., i2mo. Liverpool. 180 2-4. " A creditable work for a first attempt. Contains a summary of the Life of each Author, the Times when he lived, and his Works." — Lowndes. [Clarke.] The Bibliographical Miscellany, or Supplement to the Bibliographical Dictionary. 2 vols., i2mo. London. 1806. Usually found with the preceding work. Clarke (E.) Letters concerning the Spanish Nation. By Edward Clarke. 4to. ^l^Z' Contains Catalogues of Spanish Authors, and of the Greek and Hebrew Manu- scripts in the Escurial — Gregory Mayars on Hebrew and Arabic Learning in Spain, and his account of the celebrated Complutensian Polyglott of Card. Ximenes j also, a description of the Bull-feasts of 1760. Clarke (J.) Bibliotheca Legum, or Complete Catalogue of the Common and Statute Law Books of the United Kingdom ... By John Clarke. i2mo. Ijondon. 18 19. [Clarke (W.)] Repertorium Bibliographicum ; or some Ac- count of the most celebrated British Libraries. Rl. 8vo. London : William Clarke, mdcccxix. The late Mr. Beckford assisted in the compilation of this work, particularly in the description of his own library at Fonthill. Fifty copies were printed on large paper, in a vols., impl. 8vo, with portraits of eminent book-collectors. Copies are some- times found with "A Dialogue in the Shades, Rare Doings at Roxburghe Hall, and the Diary of Roger Payne, with plate of his monument." Of this plate twelve copies were printed with a variation. Clavel (Robert). The General Catalogue of Books, printed in England since the Dreadful Fire of London, mdclxvi. To the end of Trinity Term, mdclxxx. Together with the ... Au- thor's Names, ... Playes acted at both Theatres, ... With an Account of ... all the Books of Law, Navigation, Musick, &c. Collected by R. Clavel. London. 1675-89. Published in thirty-two or more numbers} the first in 1674. A fourth edition was published in 1696, folio. See Petzholdt, p. 343. XXXvi BIBLIOGRAPHY. Clement (D.) Bibliotheque Curieuse, Historlque et Cri- tique ; ou Catalogue raisonne de Livres difficiles a trouver, par David Clement. 9 vols., rl. 4to. Gbttingen^ Hannover.^ et Leipsic. 1750-60. ** A sine qua non with collectors ; but in this country it begins to be — to use the figurative language of some of the German bibliographers — * scarcer than a white crow or a black swan.' The reader may admit which simile he pleases, or reject both ! but in sober earnestness it is very rare and unconscionably dear." — DisniN. Per contra^ it usually sells very cheap. One copy was printed on large paper. CoGGESHALL (W. T.) The Newspaper Record, containing a Complete List of Nev^^spapers and Periodicals in the United States, Canadas, and Great Britain, together with a Sketch of the Origin and Progress of Printing, with some Facts about News- papers in Europe and America. By W. T. Coggeshall. 8vo, pp. xiv, 194. Philadelphia: Kay ^ Brother, 1 856. Cogswell (Joseph Green). [Bibliography of] Literary His- tory. 8vo, pp. 112. [^Cambridge. 1822 or 1823.] Collier (J. P.) A Bibliographical and Critical Account of the Rarest Books in the English Language, Alphabetically arranged, which during the last fifty years, have come under the observation of J. Payne Collier, f.s.a. 2 vols., 8vo. London : Joseph Lilly. 1865. -{• New Tork: Scribner^ Co. 1865. 4 vols., cr. 8vo. Of the New York edition some copies are on large paper, and five copies were printed on India paper. In the New York reprint all the "Addenda and Corri- genda" which are prefixed to the first volume of that edition are placed in their proper positions. The *' Index," also, is greatly enlarged. This valuable and inter- esting work is, in fact, an extended edition of the author's catalogue of the Duke of Bridgewater's library. It describes books which, for the most part, are so scarce, that but few American libraries possess them ; and Mr. Collier has performed an acceptable office in quoting largely from the works he has described. Collier. Catalogue Bibliographical and Critical of Early English Literature, forming a portion of the Library at Bridge- water-House. By J. P. Collier. 4to. Facsimile Engravings of Autograph Inscriptions, &c. London. 1837. One of the most interesting and copious bibliographical works upon early English literature ever printed, intended for private circulation only, printed at the expense of the Earl of EUesmere. Collier. Extracts from the Registers of the Stationers* Company of Works entered for Publication between 1557 and 1587, with Notes and Illustrations. By J. P. Collier. 2 vols., 8vo. Shakespeare Society. 1849. A work of great value to all interested in bibliographical pursuits j many old bal- lads of the utmost rarity are printed entire. BIBLIOGRAPHY. ^XXvii CoMi (Siro). Memorie bibliografiche per la Storia della tipo- grafia Pavese del Secolo xv. 8vo. Pavia, 1807. CoMOLLi (A.) Bibliografia storico-critica dell' Architettura civile ed arti subalterne. Dell' Abate Angelo Comolli. 4 vols., 4to. Roma Faticana di Salvioni. 1788—92. [CoMPTON (Henry).] A Catalogue of the most vendible Books in England, Orderly and Alphabetically Digested ; Under the Heads of Divinity, History,. Physick, and Chirurgery, Lau^, Arithmetick, Geometry, Astrologie, Dialling, Measuring Land and Timber, Gageing, Navigation, Architecture, Horsemanship, Faulconry, Merchandize, Limning, Military Discipline, Heraldry, Fortification and Fire-works, Husbandry, Gardening, Romances, Poems, Playes, &c. With Hebrew, Greek, and Latin Books, for Schools and Scholars. The like Work never yet performed by any. ... 4to. London^ Printed in the Tear 1658. Congress. Alphabetical Catalogue of the Library of Con- gress. Authors. Imp. 8vo, pp. 1236. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1864. Catalogue of the Library of Congress. Index of Subjects. 2 vols., imp. 8vo, pp. iv, (2), 976 ; (4), 977-1744. tVashington: Government Printing Office. 1869. The foregoing Catalogue and Index of Subjects were prepared under the direction of Mr. SpofFord, Librarian of Congress. CoNSTANTiN (L. A.) Bibliothcconomie, ou Nouveau Manuel complet pour Tarrangement, la conservation et I'administration des Bibliotheques. Nouvelle edition, revue, augmentee et ornee de figures. i8mo. Paris. 184 1. CopiNGER (W. A.) The Law of Copyright in Works of Literature and Art, &c. 8vo. London. 1870. The latest work on the subject. CoRSER (T.) Collectanea Anglo-Poetica ; or, a Bibliograph- ical and Descriptive Catalogue of a Portion of a Collection of Early English Poetry. With occasional Extracts and Remarks Biographical and Critical. 2 vols., 4to. Printed for the Chetham Society. 1860-69. Chetham Society's Publications, Vols, lii., lv., lxxi., and txxvn. Xxxviii BIBLIOGRAPHY. CoRWiN (E. B.) ... Catalogue of the ... Books, ... &c., of the late Mr. E. B. Corwin, ... relating to America, ... &c. ... sold ... November loth, 1856, ... . 8vo, pp. vii, 263. [New York, 1856.] Prepared by Joseph Sabin. One hundred copies printed on large paper. Cotton (H.) List of Editions of the Bible and Parts thereof, in English, from the year 1505 to 1850, with an Appendix, con- taining Specimens of Translations and Bibliographical Descrip- tions. By Henry Cotton, d.c.l. ... Second Edition. 8vo. Oxford. MDCCCLII. Twelve copies printed on thick paper. First published, Oxford. 1821. Cotton. The Typographical Gazetteer, attempted by the Rev. Henry Cotton ... . 8vo, pp. xvi, 219. Oxford: Clarendon Press. MDCCCXxv. -|- Second Edition, Corrected and much En- larged. 8vo, pp. xviii, 393. Oxford : University Press. MDCCC- XXXI. -j- Second Series. 8vo, pp. xvi, 376, (i). Oxford: Clarendon Press, mdccclxvi. A useful book of reference, containing a list of the places of printing, with notices of the most celebrated printers, and of their principal works. The number of American places cited in the Second Series is very large, and pp. 243-308 are devoted to a monograph on the newspaper press in the United States. Cranw^ell (E.) An Index of English Books Printed before MDC, in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge, with a List of the Plays of Shakespeare printed before 1623, in the Capell Collection. By Edward Cranwell. 8vo. London: W. Pickering. 1847. Crevenna (P. A.) Catalogue raisonne de sa collection de livres de la Bibliotheque de M. Pierre-Antoine-Bolongaro-Cra- venna. 6 vols., 4to. Amsterdam. 1776. A most excellent catalogue ; it should include " Collection concernant les Jesuites,'* at the end of the fourth volume, p. 54 ; and the table of prices for which the books sold in 1790, at the end of the sixth volume, p. 46. [Crow (William).] Catalogue of English Writers on the Old and New Testament, Corrected and Enlarged ... The Second Impression. 8vo. London. 1668. [Cutter (Charles Ammi).] The New Catalogue of Harvard College Library. (Reprinted from the North American Review for January, 1869.) 8vo, pp. (i), 96-129. \_Cambridge. 1869.] This was the continuation of an article in the " N. Am. Rev.," for Oct., 1868, on the history and wants of the library, which was not reprinted, Mr. Cutter also prepared the Catalogue of the Boston Athenaeum, described ante. BIBLIOGRAPHY. XXXIX Dalrymple (A.) Catalogue of Authors who have written on Rio de la Plata, Paraguay, and Chaco, collected by A. Dal- rymple, 1807. 4to, pp. (2), 22. London : F. Wingrave, 1807-8. " Pinelo-Barcia's, enlarged with a few additions, taken chiefly from Muratori's Chrhtian'titmo FdicCy and such books as the compiler could find in the British Museum." — Harrisse. Dana (D.) Bibliotheca Probata. Catalogue of Books Se- lected, Examined, and Arranged. ... Second Edition. i2mo, pp. xxxi, 234. New York: Daniel Dana. 1857. Daniel (G.) Catalogue of the most Valuable, Interesting, and Highly Important Library of the late George Daniel, Esq., of Canonbury Square, Islington. Rl. 8vo. London. 1864. Certainly one of the most curious, interesting, and valuable collections of early English literature, particularly as relating to Shakespeare, ever sold. The prices obtained at this sale for the first four folio editions of Shakespeare, as also for the very rare first quarto editions of his plays, have never been surpassed. This sale marks an era for the sale and the prices of early English literature. Danvers. Catalogue of the Library of the Peabody Institute, South Danvers, Mass. 8vo, pp. xix, (i), 102. Boston: Printed by John Wilson and Son, 1855. -|- Supplement ... . July, 1857. 8vo, pp. 26. \_South Danvers.'] 1857. Darling (J.) Cyclopaedia Bibliographica ; a Library Manual of Theological and General Literature, and Guide to Books for Authors, Preachers, Students, and Literary Men, Analytical, Bibliographical and Biographical. By James Darling. 2 vols., imp. 8vo, pp. iii-xii, (8), 1600 ; 1601-3328. London: James Darling. 1854. " The bibliographical wealth and fulness of the catalogue grow upon us as we pro- ceed, and we find increased occasion to admire the tact and skill with which the compiler contrives to furnish the student with the materials for judging of the degree in which any of the books here registered may be useful to him." — Kitto^s Journal. Darling. Cyclopaedia Bibliographica. Subjects : Holy Scrip- tures. Imp. 8vo, pp. xi, 1907. London: James Darling. 1859. Davidson (J.) Bibliotheca Devoniensis, or a Catalogue of the Printed Books relating to the County of Devon. 4to. London: Longman. 1852. Davies (R.) Memoir of the York Press, with Notices of Authors, Printers, and Stationers, in the xvith, xviith and xviiith Centuries. 8vo. Westminster: Nichols ^ Son. 1868. A supplement of fifty-two pages was printed at Exeter. xl B IB L I OGRAP Hr. Davis (W.) A Journey round the Library of a Bibliomaniac ; or Cento of Notes and Reminiscences concerning Rare, Curious, and Valuable Books. By William Davis. Cr. 8vo. London. 1821. Davis. Olio, or Bibliographical and Literary Anecdotes and Memoranda, Original and Selected. By William Davis. Cr. 8vo, pp. vi, 126. London: J. Rodwell. 18 14. Day (W.) Designs and Ornaments for Bookbinding. By William Day. 4to. London. 1840. Deane (C.) a Bibliographical Essay on Governor Hutchin- son's Historical Publications. By Charles Deane. Sq. 8vo, pp. 39. Boston: Privately printed. 1857. Fifty copies printed. [Deane.] Bibliographical Tracts. No. i. Spurious Re- prints of Early Books. Rl. 8vo, pp. 19. Boston. 1865. ** From the Boston Daily Advertiser of March 24, 1865." This reprint was not made by Mr. Deane. It is a review of " Salem Witchcraft by ... Calef, and Cotton Mather ... with Notes by Samuel P. Fowler." One hundred and thirty-five copies printed, six copies on India paper. It is not, strictly speaking, a bibliographical work. De Bury (Richardi). Phylobyblon, seu de Querimoniis Li- brorum omnibus Literarum Amatoribus. \_Sine ulld notd^ sed Colonia. MCCCCLXXXlll.] First edition, very rare. An admirable translation of this interesting volume was published some few years since by Mr. Rodd. These early and rare books often con- tain much amusing matter and considerable information, even at this our advanced state of civilization. Those who come in from a walk on a cold winter's day are here cautioned to use a kerchief ere they presume to look at a rare book, and also to avoid having books opened during meals. De Bury. Philobiblion. Excellent traite sur Pamour des livres, par Richard de Bury, eveque de Durham, grand chancelier d'Angleterre. Traduit precede d'une introduction et suivi du texte latin par Hippolyte Cocheris. i2mo, pp. Ivi, 288. Paris: Auhry. 1857. De Bury. Philo-Biblon, a Treatise on the Love of Books, translated by J. Inglis. 8vo. London. 1832. De Bury. Philobiblon, A Treatise on the Love of Books, By Richard De Bury, Bishop of Durham, and Lord Chancellor of England. First American Edition, with The Literal English Translation of John B. Inglis. Collated and Corrected with Notes by Samuel Hand. 8vo, pp. x, 252. Albany: Joel Muns ell. mdccclxi. Thirty copies printed on large paper. His book relates the measures he took, the difficulties he encountered, and all the art he exerted to gratify his favorite passion. 2 IBLIOGRAP Hr, jftl When Chancellor and Treasurer of England, he took his perquisites and new-year's gifts >» books. Delandine (A. F.) Bibliographic Dramatique ; ou Tablettes Alphabetiques du theatre des diverses nations ; avec des observa- tions litteraires et bibliographiques sur les ouvrages dramatiques les plus remarquables, les jugements qu'on en a portes, leur sujet, leurs auteurs, leur representation, et les anecdotes qui leur sont relatifs. Precede d'une notice sur Torigine du Theatre Fran^ais, et sur les Pieces et Mysteres qui y parurent depuis Faydit jusqu'a Rotrou, c'est-a-dire depuis Pan 1200 jusqu'en 1600. 8vo. Paris, [n. d.] Delandine. Bibliographic speciale ct chronologiquc des prin- cipaux ouvrages sur Toriginc et I'histoire de PImprimerie, les Bib- liotheques, et les premieres Essais de Part typographique dans les diverses villes de PEurope : par Ant. Fr. Delandine. ... Tome i. 8vo, pp. vi, 485. Paris: Renouard et Lyon. [1816.] Delepierre (O.) Analyse des Travaux de la Societe des Philobiblon de Londres. Par Octave Delepierre. 8vo, pp. viii, 134. Londres: Triibner et Cie, 1 862. Three hundred copies printed. Delepierre. Etudes Bio-Bibliographiques sur les Fous litte- raires. Par Octave Delepierre Rl. 8vo, pp. 79. \London,'\ 1858. Delepierre. Histoire litteraire des Fous. Par Octave De- lepierre. 8 vo, pp. (2), 184. Londres: Triibner et Cie, i860 Delepierre. Macaroneana, Melanges de Litterature Maca ronique des differents peuples de PEurope, avec notes, extraits, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1852. Dans cet ouvrage plcin de finesse et d'erudition, Mr. Octave Delepierre, dont les connaissances litteraires et Bibliographiques sont bien connues, a reuni tout ce que Ton pouvait desirer sur les Macaronees et les ouvrages en style Macaronique. De Peyster (F.) The Moral and Intellectual Influence of Libraries upon Social Progress. An Address before the New York Historical Society, Nov. 2ist, 1865. By Frederic De Peyster, President of the Society. 8vo, pp. 96. New York: Historical Society, 1866 Fifty copies printed on large paper. De-Rossi (G. B.) Annali Ebreo-tipografici di Cremona distesi dal Dottore G. Bernardo De-Rossi. 8vo. Parma. 1808. For a list of many other bibliographical works by De Rossi, itt Petzholdt's Bib- liotheca Bibliographia. Xlli BIBLIOGRAPHY. [Deschamps (Pierre).] Notice biographique et bibliograph- ique sur Gabriel Peignot. Par P. D. Rl. 8vo, pp. (4), 60. Paris : T'echener. 1857. Desessarts (N. L. M.) Les Siecles litteraires de la France, ou Nouveau Dictionnaire, historique, critique, et bibliographique, de tous les Ecrivains fran^ais, morts et vivans jusqu'a la fin de xviiie siecle. ... Par N. L. M. Desessarts, et plusieurs Bio- graphes. 7 vols., Svo, pp. xl, 423 ; (4), 482 ; (4), 490 ; (4), iv, 468 ; (4), 508 ; (4), 470; (4), xl, 417. Paris : che% ?auteur. An viii-xi [1800-1803]. Detroit. Catalogue of the Public Library ... . Also the Rules concerning its Use. 8vo, pp. vii, 149. Detroit: Advertiser and Tribune. 1868. Detroit Young Men's Society. Catalogue of the Library, with a Historical Sketch. Svo, pp. 169. Detroit: 0, S. Gulley. 1865. DiBDiN (T. F.) specimen Bibliothecae Britannicae. Speci- men of a Digested Catalogue of Rare, Curious, and Useful Books in the English Language, or appertaining to British Literature and Antiquities. By the Rev. T. F. Dibdin. 8vo. London, 1 808. Forty copies only were privately printed, not published, on small paper, and eight copies on large paper. The plate opposite page 14 is not attached to the small paper copies. Dibdin. The Director; a Weekly Journal ... pp. (2), 4, 379, (i); (2), 385, (6). London: Printed hy William Savage, 1807. Dibdin. Specimen of an English Debure. By Thomas F. Dibdin. Svo. London, iSiO. Fifty copies privately printed. Dibdin. Typographical Antiquities. See Ames (Joseph). Dibdin. The Bibliomania; or Book Madness; containing some account of the History, Symptoms, and Cure of this fatal Disease. In an epistle addressed to Richard Heber, Esq. By the Rev. Thomas Frognall Dibdin, f.s.a. Svo, pp. iv, 87. London: Longman. 1809. Dibdin. Bibliomania ; or Book Madness : A Bibliographical Romance, in Six Parts. Illustrated with Cuts. By the Rev. Thomas Frognall Dibdin. Svo, pp. ix, (2), 782, (i). London : Printed for the Author, 1 8 II . Of this edition eighteen copies only were printed on large paper. BIBLIOGRAPHY. xliii DiBDiN. Bibliomania ; or Book-Madness ; A Bibliographical Romance. Illustrated with Cuts. By Thomas Frognall Dibdin, D.D. New and Improved Edition ... including a Key to the assumed characters in the Drama. Medium 8vo. London : H. G. Bohn. mdcccxlii. This edition was undertaken by Mr. Walmsly. It contains a key to the charac- ters, etc., and a supplement, edited by Dr. Dibdin himself. The copies on large paper, imp. 8vo, have titles-pages for two volumes. **The Bibliomania is written in dialogues or conversations, the characters intro- duced are well-known book collectors of the author's acquaintance. The great value of the work is in the notes, which abound with anecdotes of books and book collectors, and an account of the rarer articles in their collections, and the prices at which they were sold, extracted from the sale catalogues. It will be always con- sulted as an authority." — Lowndes. " The Bibliomania is evidently formed in the first instance on the plan of honest Isaac Walton's Complete Angler ; with conspicuous marks of the author's being deeply versed in the Battle of the Books, and a familiar acquaintance with old English litera- ture, and occasionally with the discussions of Yorick. Under the shape of dramatic dialogue, the reader is equally entertained and instructed ; the abstruser parts, with the historic details, being thrown into the form of notes. It would now be useless to pass an encomium on this work, as its merits are so fully established as to have more than doubled the original price of a volume now with difficulty to be obtained." — Gent^s. Magazine. ** You have contrived to strew flowers over a path which, in other hands, would have proved a very dull one ; and all Bibliomanes must remember you long, as he who first united their antiquarian details with good-humored raillery and cheerful- ness." — Sir Walter Scott to Dr. Dibdin. Dibdin. Book Rarities ; or a Descriptive Catalogue of some of the most Curious, Rare, and Valuable Books of Early Date ; Chiefly in the Collection of the Right Honourable George John Earl Spencer, k.g., &c., &c., &c. By the Rev. T. F. Dibdin. 8vo. London : Printed by W, Bulmer ^ Co. l8l I. Very rare j thirty-six copies only printed, not published. ** The Foundation Stone of the Bibliotheca Spenceriana.^* — Dibdin. Dibdin. Lincolne Nosegay, a brefe Table of Certaine Bokes in the possession of Maister Dibdin, Clerk. Post 8vo, pp. i6. London, [1811.] Very rare ; only thirty-six copies having been printed. Contains descriptions of • nineteen books then in the author's possession, but which afterwards passed into the libraries of Heber and Earl Spencer. Dibdin. Bibliography, a Poem, in Six Books. With Preface and Notes. 8vo. London. 18 12. Very rare; fifty copies only privately printed, not published, the greater part of which were destroyed by the author. "There is no title-page to this effusion from the pen of Dr. Dibdin." — MyxRxiN. Xliv BIBLIOGRAPHT. DiBDiN. Bibllotheca Spenceriana ; or a Descriptive Cata- logue of the Books printed in the Fifteenth Century, and of many Valuable First Editions, in the Library of George John Earl Spencer, k.g., etc., etc., etc. By the Reverend Thomas Frog- nail Dibdin. 4 vols., imp. 8vo. London : Printed for the Author, 1 8 1 4- 1 5 . Fifty copies were printed on large paper. "This catalogue contains only the works printed in the fifteenth century and the Editiones Principes. It is compiled with the greatest care and industry, and those who have had occasion to consult its pages, can testify to its accuracy and great utility. It is the finest private collection in Europe j the catalogue will ever be regarded as of the first importance to the theo- logian, the historian, and the critic, and as a perfect model for the bibliographer." — Lowndes. Dibdin. The Bibliographical Decameron ; or, Ten Days Pleasant Discourse upon Illuminated Manuscripts, and Subjects connected vi^ith Early Engravings, Typography, and Bibliography. By the Rev. T. F. Dibdin. 3 vols., rl. Svo. London: Printed for the Author, 1817. Also on large paper, 3 vols., imp. Svo. "This work may be considered as a con- tinuation of the Bibliomama^ the same characters being introduced in the dialogues. From the information which it contains, and the splendor of the decorations and printing, it will ever be considered as a model of excellence and good taste in typog- raphy and the arts. Dibdin. iEdes Althorpianae ; or an Account of the Mansion, Books, and Pictures, at Althorp ; the Residence of George John Earl Spencer, k.g. To which is added a Supplement to the Bib- liotheca Spenceriana. By the Rev. Thomas Frognall Dibdin. 2 vols., imp. 8vo. London: Payne and Foss, 1822. See the author's Reminiscences, 11. 557-94, for the interesting account of the pub- lication of this work, where it appears that the cost of engraving the portraits was upwards of £2,000. It was designed as a supplement to the Biblictheca Spencer ianoy . and contains accounts of the ancestors of Earl Spencer j of the Mansion at Althorp j of the gallery, with engravings of the most important pictures ; and of editions of the Scriptures, Aldine editions, and books printed in the fifteenth century, not con- tained in the former volumes. Dibdin. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Books printed in the Fifteenth Century, lately forming Part of the Library of the Duke Di Cassano Serra, and now the Property of George John Earl Spencer, k.g. With a General Index of Authors and Edi- tions contained in the Present Volume, and in the Bibliotheca Spenceriana and ^des Althorpianae. By the Rev. Thomas Frognall Dibdin. Imp. 8vo, pp. x, 295. London: Printed for the Author, 1823. Forms another supplemental volume to the Bibliotheca SpeneerianOf with an index to the seven volumes, and completes the work. B I BL I OGRAP Hr. xlv DiBDiN. A Bibliographical Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany. By the Rev. Tho. Frognall Dibdin. 3 vols., rl. 8vo. London: Printed for the Author. 1821. Also on large paper, 3 vols., imp. 8vo. " This work contains much curious infor- mation respecting the MSS. and rare works in public and private libraries abroad. It is printed and embellished in the same style of excellence as the Doctor's other works." — Lowndes. " A work calculated to have as intoxicating an effect on the imagination of literary antiquaries, as the adventures of the heroes of the Round Table on all true knights, or the tales of the early American voyagers on the ardent spirits of their age. It has not passed, however, without some hostile (though unfounded) remarks from the printers, binders, and librarians of France." — Wrangham. Dibdin. A Bibliographical Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany. By the Reverend Thomas Frognall Dibdin, d.d. The Second Edition. 3 vols., 8vo, pp. (4), xHii, (2), 421, Portraits, Plates ; (4), iv, 428 ; (4), iv, 481. London: R. Jennings. 1829. This edition omits some of the plates contained in the first, but has others which are not in that. It is esteemed for its preface, 28 pp., in which the author sum- marily disposes of Crapelet, Licquet, and Lesne. [Dibdin.] Lettre Neuvieme relative a la Bibliotheque de Rouen, traduite de PAnglais, avec des Notes par T. Licquet, Conservateur de cette Bibliotheque. Rl. 8vo. Paris. 1821. Also on large paper. One hundred copies only of this rare tract were printed. It seldom occurs for sale. [Dibdin.] Lettre d*un Relieur Fran^ais a un Bibliographe Anglais, par Lesne, Relieur a Paris. 8vo. Paris. 1822. Also on large paper. One hundred copies only printed j very rare. [Dibdin.] Lettre Trentieme concernant Tlmprimerie et la Librairie de Paris, traduite de TAnglais, avec des Notes, par G. A. Crapelet. Imp. 8vo. Paris. 1821. Only one hundred copies printed j the notes and preface, which contain so much that is ** silly " and ** scurrilous," drew from Dr. Dibdin the following reply, A Roland for an Oliver. Dibdin. A Roland for an Oliver ; or. Brief Remarks upon the Preface and Notes of G. A. Crapelet, attached to his Trans- lation of the Thirtieth Letter of the Bibliographical, Antiquarian, and Picturesque Tour. By the Author of that Town. Imp. 8vo. London. 1821. Of this excessively rare morceau, the rarest perhaps of all Dr. Dibdin's works, only thirty-six copies were privately printed. Dibdin. [First Thoughts. Corrected Proof Sheets of the Tour in France and Germany.] Imp. 8vo. It is very curious, consisting of a number of proof-sheets of the Foreign Biblio- graphical Tour, with numerous alterations, remarks, &c., &c. These sheets are Xlvi BIBLIOGRAPHT. called First Thoughts, because the text in the published work varies considerably from these sheets. DiBDiN. The Library Companion ; or, the Young Man's Guide, and the Old Man's Comfort, in the Choice of a Library. By the Rev. T. F. Dibdin. 2 vols., 8vo, pp. (4), li, (i), 400 ; (i), 401-912. London: Harding. MDCCCXXIV. Also on large paper, imp. 8vo. From an anecdote recorded at page 394 of this edition, concerning " certain buckskins," in the edition of 1823, and which is omitted in the subsequent ones, that acquired the title of the " Breeches Edition." " It contains much curious and important bibliographical information not elsewhere to be found, and will at all times be consulted, as a work of reference, by the bibli- ographer, biographer, and historian." — Lowndes. Dibdin. An Introduction to the Knowledge of Rare and Valuable Editions of the Greek and Latin Classics. Together with an Account of Polyglot Bibles, Polyglot Psalters, Hebrew Bibles, Greek Bibles and Greek Testaments ; The Greek Fathers and the Latin Fathers. By the Rev. Thomas Frognall Dibdin, d.d., &c. Fourth Edition ; greatly Enlarged and Cor- rected. 2 vols., 8vo, pp. (4), xiii, 562 ; (4), 579, (i). London: Harding ^ Lepard. 1827. Fifty copies printed on large paper, to range with the Bibliotheca Spenceriana. " This edition is entirely rewritten, and contains for the first time an account of the best editions of the Hebrew Bibles and of the Greek and Latin Fathers." — Lowndes. Dibdin. A Merry and Conceited Song, dedicated to all Lovers of the Library Companion. London, 1825. Sixty copies only printed — not for sale. [Dibdin.] Bibliophobia. Remarks on the Present Languid and Depressed State of Literature and the Book Trade. In a Letter addressed to the Author of the Bibliomania. By Mercu- rius Rusticus. With Notes by Cato Parvus. 8vo, pp. 102. London: Henry Bohn. 1 832. Also on large paper. One hundred copies only printed for " Those whom it may concern." ** Fear is the order of the day. To those very natural and long estab- lished fears of Bailiffs and Tax Gatherers, must now be added the fear of Reform, of Cholera, and of Books." — page 6. Some copies have a Key to the names of the various characters mentioned in the work. Dibdin. Reminiscences of a Literary Life ; By the Reverend Thos. Frognall Dibdin, d.d. 2 vols., 8vo, pp. xxxii, (4), 556, Portrait, Plates ; (2), 557-982, Plate. London : John Major, MDCCCXXXVI. Also on large paper. The Index, which was published subsequently, is often wanting. B IB L I GRAF H r. xlvil DiBDiN. A Bibliographical Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in the Northern Counties of England and in Scotland. By the Reverend Thomas Frognall Dibdin, d.d. 2 vols., rl. 8vo. London : Printed for the Author, mdcccxxxviii. Also on large paper, in 3 vols., imp. 8vo. In this work the author concluded his tours. It is an essential companion to the tour in France and Germany ; and, as it describes some collections that have ceased to exist, possesses an historical interest. Dibdin. Catalogue of the Valuable Library of Stanesby Alchorne, Esq. containing various Rare Books and first Editions printed in the 15th century. 8vo. London. 18 14. Also on large paper, and one copy in imperial 8vo. Dibdin. Catalogue of the Library of an Eminent Bibliog- rapher. 8vo. London. 18 1 7. Some copies have a duplicate title, headed Bibliotheca Rosicrusianay and the Doctor has added in a MS. note " Only 24 copies printed with this head-title, so says T. F. D," Dibdin. Voyage bibliographique, archeologique et pittoresque en France. Par T. F. Dibdin. Traduit de Panglais, avec des notes, par Theo. Licquet ... . 2 vols., 8vo, pp. xxiv, 344 ; (4) 374,(1). Caen: Chez Mancel. mdcccxxv. Davis (W.) An Olio of Bibliographical and Literary Anec- dotes and Memoranda, Original and Selected. By William Davis. A New Edition, with considerable Additions. Post 8vo, pp. iv, 150, (2), and Errata. London. 1817. Davis. A Second Journey round the Library of A Biblio- maniac ; or, Cento of Notes and Reminiscences concerning Rare, Curious, and Valuable Books. By William Davis. Post 8vo, pp. 120. London: W. Davis. 1825. Dictionary of the Living Authors of Great Britain and Ireland, comprising Literary Memoirs and Anecdotes of their Lives, &c. 8vo. London. 18 16. Dictionnaire Universel, Historique, Critique et Bibliographique, ou Histoire abregee et impartiale des hommes de toutes les nations qui se sont rendus celebres, illustres ou fameux par des vertus, des talens, de grandes actions des opinions singulieres, des inven- tions, des decouvertes, des monumens, ou par des erreurs, des crimes, des forfaits, etc., depuis la plus haute antiquite jusqu'a nos jours ; avec les dieux et les heros de toutes les mythologies ; enrichie des notes et additions des Abbes Brotier et Mercier de Saint-Leger, etc. etc. 20 vols., 8vo. Paris. 1790-18 12. One of the most able and satisfactory biographical compilations which has ever appeared. It contains a fund of useful and accurate information especially respecting Xlviii BIBHOGRAPHT. authors and books. Valuable for French and Continental names generally, containing particulars not elsewhere to be found. DiDOT (A. F.) Catalogue Raisonne des Livres de la Bibllo- theque de M. Ambroise Firmin Didot, Tome ler- Livres avec Figures sur Bois, Solennites, Romans de Chevalerie, v^- Livrai- son. 8vo. Paris: Didot. 1867. Didot (Pierre). Epitre sur les Progres de Tlmprimerie ; par Didot, Fils Aine. Svo, pp. (2), 20. 2 Plates. Paris : Imprime chez Didot rAine^ avec les italiques de Firmin^ son second fils. 1784. DiNGELSTEDT (F.) Jean Gutenberg, ses facts et discours les plus dignes d'admiration et sa mort ; traduit de Tallemand par Revilliod. Sm. folio. 6 Etchings by Gandon. Geneve. 1858. Directions for a proper Choice of Authors to form a Library, with a List of the Proper Books on the several subjects. Svo. London, 1766. A Catalogue of Books, published by H. Gordon in 1766; probably the first attempt to form the English Catalogue of Books. D'IsRAELi (Isaac). Amenities of Literature ; consisting of Sketches and Characters of English Literature, illustrating the Literary, Political, and Religious Vicissitudes of the English People. By L D'Israeli. ... Second Edition. 3 vols., Svo. London: Ediuard Afoxon. 1842. D'Israeli. Amenities of Literature, ... By Isaac Disraeli. A New Edition, edited by his Son, the Right Hon. B. Disraeli. 2 vols., Svo. Privately Printed Riverside Press^ Cambridge, 1864. One hundred copies printed on large paper. D'Israeli. Calamities of Authors ; including some Inquiries respecting their Moral and Literary Character. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1S12. D'Israeli. Curiosities of Literature .... 3 vols., Svo. Lon- don, ijgi-iSij, + Second Series. 3 vols., Svo. London. 1S23. Repeatedly reprinted. The following is perhaps the finest edition : D'Israeli. Curiosities of Literature. By Isaac Disraeli. With a View of the Life and Writings of the Author by his Son. 4 vols., Svo. Privately Printed Riverside Press^ Cambridge. 1864. One hundred copies printed on large paper. ** The nicknacks of literature collected in Mr. Disraeli's cabinet were selected from sources not generally accessible to ordinary BIBLIOGRAPHY. xlix readers. These volumes are not only admirably adapted to minister to the amusement of the lounger and refined trifler, but they have higher capacities, as curious and authentic pictures of the manners of ruder times, and records of the progress of letters from their rise in the dark middle ages, to almost the present era." There is a French translation by T. P. Berlin, a vols., 8vo. Paris. 1810. Disraeli. The Illustrator [Bolton Corney] Illustrated. 8vo. London: Edward Moxon. 1838. " For I believe the public will agree with me that he (Corney) has not a leg left to stand upon." Corney is the author of two very severe criticisms on Disraeli. Disraeli. Miscellanies of Literature. By Isaac Disraeli. Revised and Corrected. Medium 8vo. London: Edward Moxon. 1840. Contains, Literary Miscellanies (first edition, " Miscellanies j or. Literary Recrea- tions." London. 1796, 8vo), Quarrels of Authors, Calamities of Authors, Character of James i., and The Literary Character illustrated by the History of Men of Genius (first edition, London. 1818. 8vo). [Disraeli.] Quarrels of Authors ; or some Memoirs for our Literary History including Specimens of Controversy to the Reign of Elizabeth. By the Author of " Calamities of Authors." 3 vols., sm. 8vo. London: John Murray. 18 14. " Popular as Disraeli is, I do not think he has ever obtained from criticism a fair acknowledgment of the eminent station he is entitled to claim." — Sir E. L. Bulwer. Donaldson (John). Agricultural Biography, containing a Notice of the Life and Writings of the British Authors on Agri- culture, from the earliest date to the present time. 4to. London, 1854. Dorschei (J. G.) Biblia Numerata, seu Index specialis in vetus Testamentum ad singula omnium Librorum capita et com- mata, auctus a Joh. Grambsio. 2 vols., folio. Francofurti. 1674. " Contains a list of commentators (four hundred and ninety-one in number), with references to their several books, chapters, and pages, in which they have illustrated any book, chapter, or verse, and even every word, which has been the subject of controYersy." — Horne. DowLiNG (John Goultier). Notitia scriptorum S. S., Patrum aliorumque veteris ecclesiae monumentorum, quae in collectionibus anecdotorum post ... 1700 in lucem editis continentur, nunc pri- mum instructa opera. 8vo. Oxonia. 1839. Drake (S. G.) Catalogue of the Private Library of Samuel G. Drake, chiefly relates to the Antiquities, History, and Biogra- phy of America, and in an especial manner to the Indians. 8vo, pp.80. Boston: Samuel G. Drake. 1842. This had been previously issued, with a title slightly differing, as a catalogue of a library to be sold by auction. I BIBLIOGRAPHr. Drury (H.) a Catalogue of the Extensive and Valuable Library of the Rev. Henry Drury ... Sold ... by Mr. Evans. ... 8vo, pp. vii, 262. London. 1827. Thirty-five copies printed on writing paper, principally for presents to the Members of the Roxburgh Club. Dryander (J.) Catalogus Bibliothecae Historico-Naturalis Josephi Banks, Baroneti. Auctore Jona Dryander. 5 vols., 8vo, pp. vii, 324 ; XX, 608 ; xxiii, 694 ; ix, 416 ; 531. Londini^ typis Bulmer et Soc. 1796— 1800. "An excellent and admirably arranged catalogue; the most comprehensive of the kind ever printed." [Ducarel {Dr.)"] List of the various Editions of the Bible and parts thereof in English, from 1526 to 1776. 8vo. [n. p. n. d.] This most rare tract was privately printed by Dr. Ducarel in 1776, and contains many notices of editions not to be found in Dr. Cotton's list. See Cotton's Introduc- tion, p. xi. DucLOS (Abbe\ and Cailleau (A. C.) Dictionnaire Biblio- graphique, Historique et Critique des Livres rares, precieux, singuliers, curieux, estimes et recherches, ... 4 vols., 8vo, pp. xxix, 552; (4), 551; (4), 544; xvi, 511. Paris: Cailleau et fils. 1790-1802. The precursor of Brunet's Manual, and contains much matter not incorporated in that and subsequent compilations, giving lists of catalogues, with prices of French, Italian, Spanish, English, Greek, and Latin books. The fourth volume is a supple- ment by J. C. Brunet. DuDiN (M.) L'Art du relieur et doreur de Livres. Folio, pp. 106. Plates. Paris, 1 772. DuTHiLLCEUL (H. R.) Bibliographie Douaisienne. 8vo. Paris. 1835. Du Fresnoy (L.) Methode pour etudier la Geographie. ... Par Lenglet Du Fresnoy. 4 vols., i2mo. Paris: Hochereau. 1716. The edition, ** augmentee par Barbeau de la Bruyere et Drouet." Paris : Tilliard. 1768. 10 vols., i2mo, is considered the best. The list of maps of America is really useful as a list; no criticisms are given. There is also a list of works on Asia, under different heads. Du Fresnoy. A New Method of Studying History, Geog- raphy, and Chronology, with a Catalogue of the Chief Historians of all Nations, the Best Editions of their Works, and Characters of them. Made English, with Variety of Improvements and Corrections, by Richard Rawlinson, ll.d. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1730. BIBLIOGRAPHr, |j Du Fresnoy. Recueil de Dissertations sur les Apparitions, les Visions, et les Songes. 4 vols., i2mo. Paris. 1752. Contains Bibliography of works on the Occult Sciences DuNTON (J.) Young Student's Library, containing Extracts and Abridgments of the most valuable Books printed in England and in Foreign Journals, from 1665 to 1692, ... Folio. London: John Dunton. 1692. In which are analyzed the works of Barrow and Usher, Jurieu's True System of the Church, Tavernier's Relations, Vindication of the Church of England against Bishop Bossuet, Stillingfleet's Origines Britannicae, Locke's Essay, Stanley's History of Philosophy, Boyle's Writings, Cave's Works, Dupin's Ecclesiastical Authors, Extracts from English and Foreign Journals, &c. DupiN (L. E.) Nouvelle Bibliotheque des Auteurs Eccle- siastiques, contenant I'Histoire de leur Vie, le Catalogue, la Critique, et la Chronologie de leur Ouvrages ... . Par Louis Ellies Du Pin. 9 vols., 4to. Paris. 1690-97. + Seconde Edi- tion revue, corrigee & augmentee. 19 vols. Amsterdam and Utrecht. 17 10-3 1. DupiN. History of Ecclesiastical Writers to the close of the XV. Century, ... being an Account of the several Books of the Bible, also the Lives and Writings of the Primitive Fathers, and of successive Authors and their Works to the xvi. Century, inclusive. Translated with Notes, by W. W[otton]. 15 vols., folio. London. 1696-1706. " Literally a library of ecclesiastical and theological writers, containing almost everything of importance concerning the authors, the best editions of their works, and ample details of the subjects which they embrace, with judicious criticisms on their manner of treating them. The liberality of his opinions was greatly beyond that of the Church to which he belonged." — Orme. See Goujet, infra. DuPLESSis (G.) Bibliographic Paremiologique, etc. 8vo. Paris. 1847. DuRRiE (D. S.) Bibliographia Genealogica Americana; an Alphabetical Index to American Genealogies and Pedigrees, con- tained in State, County and Town Histories, Printed Genealo- gies, and Kindred Works. By Daniel S. Durrie ... . Svo, pp. xii, 5-296. Albany., N. T. : Joel Munsell. 1868. A work of much painstaking research, and indispensable to the genealogist. Durrie. Catalogue of the Library of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Prepared by Daniel S. Durrie, Librarian, and Isabel Durrie, Assistant. 2 vols., 8vo. Madison : Published by Order of the State, m.dccc.lxxiii. -f- First Supplement ... Svo, pp. 383. Madison^ Wis.: E. B. Bolens., State Printer. 1875. IJi BIBLIOGRAPUr, DuTENS (Lewis). Tables Genealogiques des Heros des Romans ; avec un Catalogue des principaux Ouvrages en ce genre. Oblong 410. Londres : Edwards. [1798.] A very curious work, printed on twenty-one pages, on one side the leaf only, one of which is occupied with a catalogue of the library of Don {^"ixote. DuYCKiNCK (E. A. and G. L.) Cyclopaedia of American Literature ; embracing Personal and Critical Notices of Authors, and Selections from their Writings from the Earliest Period to the Present Day ; with Portraits, Autographs and other Illustra- tions. By Evart A. Duyckinck and George L. Duyckinck. 2 vols., imp. 8vo, pp. xvi, 676; xiv, 781. -}- Supplement. New York : Charles Scribner, 1856. This first edition is printed on thicker paper than those of a later date. One hundred copies were printed on large paper. The work contains personal and critical notices of authors, and selections from their writings, with 225 woodcut portraits, 425 facsimile autographs, and 75 views of colleges, etc. The Supplement contains sketches of the old Spanish writers on America by Buckingham Smith, and notices of early French writers by John Gilmary Shea. Eastlake (C. L.) Contributions to the Literature of the Fine Arts. By Charles L. Eastlake. Second Edition. 2 vols., rl. 8vo. Portrait and Plates. London, 1870. Ebeling (F. W.) England's Geschichtsschreiber. Von dcr fruhesten bis auf unsere Zeit. Von Friedrich W. Ebeling. Mit einem Register und zwei Beilagen. 8vo, pp. xiv, 197. Berlin: Herbig. 1 85 2. Englands* Historians. From the earliest to the present time. Ebert (F. a.) Allgemeines Bibliographisches Lexikon. Von Friedrich Adolf Ebert. 2 vols., 4to. Leipzig: Brockhaus. 1 821-30. Ebert. A General Bibliographical Dictionary, from the Ger- man of Frederic Adolphus Ebert, Librarian to the King of Saxony, &c. 4 vols., 8vo. Oxford: at the University Press, mdcccxxxvii. A valuable and well executed work (on the plan of Brunet), necessary to all who cultivate bibliography. Edwards (E.) Libraries and Founders of Libraries. By Edward Edwards. 8vo. London: TrUbner and Co, 1865. Some copies were printed on large paper, royal 8vo. This valuable work is in a large measure based upon documents hitherto unused, and upon personal examination of the principal collections which are described. BIBLIOGRAPHT. liji Edwards. Lives of the Founders of the British Museum : with Notices of its Chief Augmentors and other Benefactors. 1570-1870. By Edward Edwards. 2 vols., 8vo. London: Triibner and Co. 1 870. Thirty copies printed on large paper. Edwards. Memoirs of Libraries ; Including a Hand Book of Library Economy. By Edward Edwards. 2 vols., rl. 8vo. London: Triibner & Co. 1 859. A few copies printed on large paper. Contains numerous engravings from early MSS., facsimiles of types, bookbinding etc. This important work was in prepara- tion thirteen years. Neither France nor Germany can boast of a work treating the subjects with a similar comprehensiveness, and in England the work has certainly had no predecessor. "Of the industry bestowed upon this extensive compilation, and of the marvellous condensation of fact it supplies, it is difficult to speak in terms of proper commendation ; even to the most accomplished bibliographer it cannot fail to be of great service, but how much more so to the tyro, or ordinary bibliog- rapher." — Brownson's Review. Edwards. A Comparative Table of the Principal Schemes for the Classification of Libraries, &c. Folio. Manchester. 1 855. Edwards, Free Town Libraries : their Formation, Manage- ment, and History, in Britain, France, Germany, and America. Together with Notices of Book Collectors, and of the respective places of deposit of their surviving collections. 8vo. London. 1869. Edwards. A Statistical View of the Principal Libraries in Europe and America. 8vo. London. 1848. Printed for private circulation. Edwards (J.) A Catalogue of the valuable Library of James Edwards, Esq., containing a splendid assemblage of Early Printed Books, chiefly upon vellum, ... Manuscripts, ... 8vo. \_London.'] 18 15. Some copies were printed on large paper. [Edwards (J.)] Bibliotheca Parisiana. A Catalogue of a Collection of Books, formed by a Gentleman in France, not less conspicuous for his Taste in distinguishing, than for his zeal in acquiring, whatever, of this kind, was most perfect, curious or scarce. Sold on the 26th [for 28th] of March, 1791, and the five days following. 8vo, pp. (4), viii, 166. [n. p. n. d.] Edwards (T.) Catalogue of the ... Library of Thomas Edwards. London. 1828. Twelve copies were printed on pink paper. Contains valuable books, manuscripts, and missals. liv B I B L 1 GRAP nr. Egerton (J.) The Theatrical Remembrancer, containing a Complete List of all the Dramatic Performances in the English Language ; their Several Editions, Dates, and Sizes, ... and a Catalogue of such Latin Plays as have been written by English Authors : from the Earliest Production of the English Drama to the End of the year mdcclxxxvii. By John Egerton. ... iimo. London. 1788. Eguiara y Eguren (J. J. de). Bibliotheca Mexicana sive eruditorum Historia virorum, qui in America Boreali nati, vel alibi geniti, in ipsam Domicilio aut Studijs asciti, quavis lingua scripto aliquid tradiderunt : Eorum praesertim qui pro Fide Catho- lica & Pietate amplianda forendaque, egregie factis & quibusvis Scriptis floruere editis aut ineditis. Ferdinando vi. Hispaniarum Regi Catholico Nuncupata. Authore D. Joanne Josepho de Eguiara et Eguren. Mexicano, electo Episcopo Jucatanensi, etc. etc. Tomus primus exhibens Litteras ABC. Folio, pp. (10), (144), 544. Mexici : Ex nova Typographia in Mdibus Author is editioni ejusdem Bibliothecae destinata. Anno Domini 1755. Of this rare and valuable work Vol i. only was published. It contains the most authentic notes on the literature and literary men of Mexico, and became the basis of Beristain's celebrated Bibl. Hisp. Amir.^ which appeared sixty years later. Eguiara was one of the most talented members of the Academy of Mexico. " It is unfortu- nate that no more of this important work was published. It is probable that not many copies were printed of this volume, as it is not often met with." — Rich, i. 115. The remainder of the manuscript was said to be preserved in the Library of the Cathedral of Mexico. Leclerc's collation seems to differ from ours. " Ouvrage curieux, mais dont il n'a paru que le premier volume." — Brunet. EiNARi (H.) Sciagraphia Historiae literariae Islandicae Auto- rum et Scriptorum tum editorum tum ineditorum indicem exhi- bens. Cujus delineandae pericukim facit Halfdanus Einari. 8vo, pp. (30), 271. Havniae : impr. Sander et Schroder. IJ'J']' Elliott. Bibliographical Index to the Historians of Mahom- medan India. Vol. i. General Histories. Svo. Calcutta. 1849. Ellis (H.) Catalogue of Books on Angling, with some brief Notices of several of their Authors. By Henry Ellis. Svo. London : Bens ley. 1 8 1 1 . First published in Brydges' British Bibliographer. Engelmann (W.) Bibliotheca Geographica. Verzeichniss der seit der Mitte des vorigen Jahrhunderts bis zu Ende des Jahres 1856 in Deutschland erschienenen Werke iiber Geogra- phic und Reisen mit Einschluss der Landkarten, ... Herausge- geben von Wilhelm Engelmann. ... 8vo, pp. vi, 1225. Leipzig: Engelmann. 1858. B I B L I G RA P H r. \y Engelmann. Bibliotheca Historico-Naturalis, seu Index Li- brorum Historiam Naturalem spectantium ab anno mdcc ad MDCCCXLVi, in Germania, Scandinavia, Anglia, Gallia, Belgio, Italia, atque Hispania, impressorum. 8vo. Leipzig: Engelmann. 1846-61. A list of books which have been published on Natural History, in Germany, Holland, England, France, Italy, and Spain, from the year 1700, and with Supple- ments to the present time. Engelmann. Bibliotheca CEconomica ... Svo, pp. iv, 438. Leip%'tg : Engelmann. 1 841. Engelmann. Bibliotheca Mechanico-thechnologica ... von Wilhelm Engelmann. Svo, pp. vii, 503; iii, 180. Leipzig: Engelmann. 1844—50. Engelmann. Bibliotheca Scriptorum Classicorum et Graeco- rum et Latinorum. ... von Wilhelm Engelmann. 8vo, pp. xlviii, 368; iii, 120. Leipzig: Engelmann. 1847-53. Power quotes an edition, Leip%ig, 1858 — perhaps an error. See Petzholdt, pp. 547, 744, 79»- Englands Historische Literatur ... Svo, pp. 56. Berlin. 1852. Summary of the historical literature of England during the last five years. A mere collection of title-pages. England's New Colony, with Four Articles upon English Books in American Bookstores ; Book-buyers and English Books ; English Writers and American Readers ; Authorship in America under the English Regime, etc. ; and a Statement of Tariff on Books. Svo. Boston: A. Williams and Company. 18 70. ** This is not a joke, but a very serious publication, intended not for sale, but to prime the wire-pullers at Washington to look out and provide for the poor publishing houses of Boston, New York, and Philadelphia. • Human labor is the principal item in book-making,' they say, and therefore they ask Congress to levy a duty of 25 cents a pound on English books, to protect them against the efforts of the English authors, who are making America an English colony by ssnd'ng over at reasonable rates their own books for sale." — Stevens. The English Topographer, an Historical Account of all the Pieces that have been written, relating to the Antiquities, Natural History, or Topographical Description of any Part of England. Svo. London. 1720. The English Catalogue of Books Published from January, 1835, to January, 1863, ... Compiled by Sampson Low. Svo, pp. vi, (2), 910. London: Sampson Low^ Son and Marston. 1864. JyJ B I BL I GRAP H r. Enslin (T. C. F.) Bibliotheca Historico-Geographica ... . Herausgegeben von Theodore Christian Friedrich Enslin. 8vo, PP- (2), 399- ^'''^''^' J825. Ersch (J. S.) Literatur der Geschichte und deren Hulfs- wissenschaften ... von Johann Samuel Ersch. ... 8vo, pp. (8), 1388 columns. Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus. 1827. Ersch. Literatur der Schonen Kunste ... von Johann Samuel Ersch. ... 8vo, pp. (8), 1608 columns. Leipzig : F. J, Brockhaus. 1 840. Ersch. Bibliographisches Handbuch der philologischen Lite- ratur der Deutschen von der Mitte des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts bis auf die neueste Zeit. ... 8vo, pp. xi, 1030 columns. Leipzig: F. J. Brockhaus. 1845. List of the Greek and Roman Literature, and Modern Philology, with their prices. Ersch. La France literaire ... par J. S. Ersch. ... Hamburg: Hoffman. 1797-1806. Concerning this see Peignot, also Petzholdt, pp. 328, 750, 776. Ersch. Literatur der Mathematik, Natur- und Gewerbs- kunde ... von Johann Samuel Ersch. 8vo. Amsterdam and Leipzig. 1813. + Neue ... Ausgabe von Franz Wilhelm Schvs^eigger-Seidel. ... 8vo, pp. (10), 1740 columns. Leipzig: F. J. Brockhaus. 1828. An index of works on mathematics (pure and applied), technology, military arts and sciences, &c. Besides the foregoing, this writer is the author of valuable works on the bibliography and literature of jurisprudence and politics, medicine, philology, theology, &c., all published at Amsterdam and Leipzig^ 1812-22, &c. 8vo. i>ee Petzholdt. Eschenburg (J. J.) Ueber W. Shakspeare. Von Joh. Joach. Eschenburg. ... 8vo, pp. (4), 686. Ziirich bey Orell^ ... 1787. " Fiir die Bibliographic von besonderem Intcresse." — Petzholdt. Essai bibliographique sur les editions des Elzevirs, les plus precieuses et les plus recherchees precede d*une Notice sur les Imprimeurs celebres. 8vo, pp. (2), 300. Frontispiece and Plate. Paris: Didot. 1822. Edited by Auguste Limon Louis Berard. See Petzholdt, pp. 190-194, for othei works on the Elzevirs. Essai philologique sur les Commencemens de la Typographic a Metz, et sur les imprimeurs de cette ville. 8vo. Facsimiles. Metz. 1828. This valuable monograph contains copious lists of the books issued by the early printers of Mcts. BIBLIOGRAPHY. \^^ Eyton (J. W. K.) Catalogue of the Library of Joseph Walter King Eyton, Esq. comprising an extraordinary Collec- tion of Privately Printed Books, Large Paper Copies, Works printed on vellum, &c. 8vo. London. 1848. Fifty copies printed on large paper in 4to, for presents, with separate titles and frontispiece. This catalogue describes the most complete collection of privately printed books and unique copies on vellum, ever gathered by one individual. Fabricius (J.) Historia bibliothecae Fabricianae, qva libri et eorvmqve contenta ... doctorvmqve virorvm ivdicia ... indicantvr. 6 vols., 4to. fVolfenhvUeUi Svtnptibus Godofredi-Freytagli (Part 5, 6), Christ, Mehneri. 1717-24. Fabricius (J. A.) Jo. Albert! Fabricii Bibliographia anti- qvaria sive Introdvcto in Notitiam Scriptorvm qvi antiqvitates Hebraicas Graecas Romanas et Christianas scriptis illvstrarvnt. Editio tertia ex mscpto b. Avctoris insigniter locvpletata et recen- tissimorvm scriptorvm recensione avcta stvdio et opera Pavlli SchafFshavsen. 4to, pp. (8), 1155. Hambvrgi : Bohn. 1760. Fabricius. Bibliotheca Ecclesiastica, ... Curante Jo. Alberto Fabricio. 4 vols., folio, pp. (8), 228 ; 202 ; 270 ; 356. Hafnburgi iff Felginer. 1 7 1 8. " This is a careful reprint, with notes, &c., of the various authors who have left biographical notices of early ecclesiastical writers down to the seventeenth century : St. Hieronymus ; Gennaduis Massiliensis ; St. Isiodorus Hisp. ; Idlefonsus Tolet. ; Honorious Augustod. j Sigebertus Gemblacensis," etc. See Petzholdt, pp. 480, 679. Fabricius. Jo. Alb. Fabricii Bibliotheca Latina nvnc melivs delecta rectivs digesta et avcta diligentia Jo. Avg. Ernesti. 3 vols., 8vo, pp. xliv, 512 ; (2), 473 ; (2), 572. Lipsiae : We'idmann'i her edes et Reich, 1773-74. The first edition is Hamburg:^ 1721. Fabricius. Joannis Albert! Fabricii Bibliotheca Graeca sive Notitia Scriptorvm vetervm Graecorvm qvorvmcvmqve monv- menta integra avt fragmenta edita exstant tvm plerorvmqve e mss. ac deperditis ab Avctore tertivm recognita et plvrimis locis avcta Editio qvarta variorvm cvris emendatior atqve avctior cvrante Gottlieb Christophoro Harles Accedvnt b. J. A. Fabricii et Christoph. Avgvsti Hevmanni Supplementa inedita. Vol. i. 4to. Hambvrgi: Bohn. 1790. ... -|- Index ... 4to. Lipsiae: Cnobloch. 1838. First published Hamburgi^ 1705-28. "This incomparable book will always be esteemed as containing an interesting account of the treasures of ancient learning, whether in print or manuscript; no classical library can be deemed complete without it ... Fabricius is, perhaps, unrivalled in variety of scholastic attainments, and di!i- Iviii B I B L I OG RA P nr. gence and accuracy of research." — Dibdin. For a list of his other bibliographical works see Petzholdt. Falkenstein (Karl). Geschlchte der Buchdrucker-Kunst in ihrer Entstehung und Ausbildung. Ein Denkmal zur vierten Sacular-Feier der Erfindung der Typographie. 4to. Leipzig. 1840. A very complete and well digested history of printing, from the earliest period down to 1840, commencing with a large folded facsimile wood-block, dated 1423. Faribault (G. B.) Catalogue d'ouvrages sur I'histoire de rAmerique, et en particulier sur celle du Canada, de la Louisiane, de I'Acadie, et autre lieux, ci-devant connus sous le nom de Nouvelle-France ; avec des notes bibliographiques, critiques et litteraires. En Trois Parties. Redige par G. B. Faribault, Avocat. 8vo, pp. (2), 207. ^ebec : W. Cowan, 1837. Extremely scarce. Part i., contains the authors, arranged alphabetically. Part 11., anonymous works arranged chronologically. Part in., a catalogue of maps, charts, and plans. The number of works described is 969, and to many of them are added descriptive notes. Farmer (R.) ... Catalogue of the ... Library of the Rev. Dr. Farmer, particularly rich in early English Poetry, Plays, Chronicles, English History, Topography, &c. London. 1798. Twelve copies printed on large paper in royal 8vo. Farnham (L.) a Glance at Private Libraries [in Boston]. By Luther Farnham. 8vo, pp. 79. Boston. 1855. The principal collections noticed are those of Webster, Ticknor, Livermore, Hos- mer, Lawrence, Prescott, Everett, Chaae, Crowninshield, Sparks, Parker, and Adams; seven of which are now dispersed. Ferriar (J.) The Bibliomania, An Epistle, to Richard Heber, Esq. By John Ferriar, m.d. London: Cadell and Davies, 1809, Reprinted in the following work. Ferriar. Illustrations of Sterne. 2 vols., post 8vo. London. 181 2. A bibliographical and critical account of the Shandy Library, i.e. the books from which Sterne pillaged in composing Tristram Shandy. A curious and amusing book, full of quaint and humorous selections from the old French novelists. Fetis (F. J.) Biographic universelle des Musiciens et Bib- liographic generale de la Musique. Seconde edition entierement refondue et augmentee de plus de moitie par F. J. Fetis. 6 vols., 8vo. Paris: Didot freres^ fils ^ Cie. 1860-64. A very excellent work, both the lives and list of works of the musicians are extensive and elaborate. The first edition is Bruxelles. 1834-44. 8 vols., 8vo. B I B L I GRAP Hr, J^, Field (J.) Bibliotheca Histrionica. A Catalogue of the Theatrical and Miscellaneous Library of Mr. John Field, in which are contained several interesting Specimens of the Early Drama, ... 8vo, pp. 97. London: Sotheby. 1827. Some copies on large paper in royal 8vo. Field (T. W.) An Essay toward an Indian Bibliography. Being a Catalogue of Books, relating to the History, Antiquities, Languages, Customs, Religion, Wars, Literature, and Origin of the American Indians, in the Library of Thomas W. Field. With Bibliographical and Historical Notes, and Synopses of the Contents of some of the Works least known. Svo, pp. iv, 430. New Tor k : Scribner^ Armstrong ^ Co. 1873. So far, the most extensive list of books on this subject. Mr. Field has devoted many years to the acquisition of the books, and his notes, which are numerous, convey much valuable information concerning not only the books, but the Indians themselves. "This bibliographical handbook, embracing a collection of about 1800 works, may be considered the chief, if not the only one of its kind. The author's notes are judicious and valuable, and have an interest beyond even the actual subject of the Essay. Collectors of Americana of every kind will derive pleasure and profit from a labour that evinces a wide range of study and experience." — B. Qoaritch. Fifty Years' Recollections of An Old Bookseller, consisting of Anecdotes, Characteristic Sketches of Authors, Artists, Ac- tors, Books, Booksellers, &c., for Haifa Century. Svo. 1837. FiGANiERE (J. C. de). Bibliographia Historica Portugueza, ou Catalogo methodico dos Auctores Portuguezes, e de alguns Estrangeiros domiciliarios em Portugal, que tractaram da Historia civil, politica e ecclesiastica d'estes Reinos e seus dominios, e das Na^oes ultramarinas, e cujas Obras correm impressas em vulgar; onde tamben se apontam muitos Documentos e Escriptos anony- mos que Ihe dizem respeito. Por Jorge Cesar de Figaniere. Svo, pp. ix, 359. Lisboa : typogr. do Panorama. 1850. FiNOTTi (Joseph M.) Bibliographia Catholica Americana: A List of Works by Catholic Authors, and Published in the United States. Part i. From 1784 to 1820 inclusive. Svo, pp. 318, (i). New York. 1S72. For a notice of this see The American Bibliopolist, June, 1873. [Fischer (Augustin).] Bibliotheca Mejicana. A Catalogue of an extraordinary Collection of Books & Manuscripts, almost wholly relating to the History and Literature of North and South America, particularly Mexico. Svo, pp. (4), 312, 41, (i). London: Puttick ^ Simpson, 1S69. Father Fischer was chaplain to the Emperor Maximilian. This is a catalogue of his library, with some additions from Dr. Berendt's Collection. Ix B I B LI G RAP H r. FiSHWiCK (H.) The Lancashire Library A Bibliographical Account of Books on Topography, Biography, History, Science, and Miscellaneous Literature relating to the County Palatine Including An Account of Lancashire Tracts, Pamphlets, and Sermons printed before the Year 1720. With Collations, & Bibliographical, Critical, & Biographical Notes on the Books and Authors By Lieut.-Col. Henry Fishwick, f.s.a. ... 8vo, pp. vi, (2), 443. London: George Routledge and Sons ... 1875. The titles and collations in this otherwise good work are unusually redundant. The titles are given at length, with every detail of the location of the publisher, which is a waste of space, and to some of them there is appended such a statement as " Temple of the Muses," which b merely an advertising bait of the publishers. [Fleischer (Guillaume).] Dictionnaire de Bibliographic Fran9aise. Tom. i.-ii. [A-Bh.] Svo, pp. (4), 520 ; (4), 636. Paris : au bureau de Bibliographie Fran^aise. 181 2. Floegel (Charles Frederic). Geschichte der Komischen Literatur. 4 vols., Svo. Leipzig. 1784-87. A literary history of the comic writers of all countries. [FoLSOM (George).] A Catalogue of Original Documents in the English Archives, relating to the Early History of the State of Maine. ... Rl. 8vo, pp. iv, 137. New York: Privately Printed, 1858. Fontaine de Resbecq^ (A. de). Voyages litteraires sur les quais de Paris ... . i6mo. Paris. 1857. FoNTANiNi (G.) Biblioteca dell' Eloquenza Italiana ... con le Annotazioni del Signor Apostolo Zeno accresciuta di nuove aggiunte. Tom. i.-ii. ed Indice. 4to, pp. xxiv, 536; 528, (31). Parma : fratelli Gossi. 1803-04. **An excellent work, the chief source for Italian Bibliography." — Ebxrt. Set also Petzholdt, p. 354. FoppENS (J. F.) Bibliotheca Belgica, sive Virorum in Belgio vita, scriptisque illustrium Catalogus, Librorumque Nomenclatura Continens Scriptores a Clariss. Viris Valerio Andrea, Auberto Miraeo, Francisco Sweertio, Aliisque, recensitos, usque ad annum M.D.c.LXXX. Cura et studio Joannis Francisci Foppens. 2 vols., 4to, pp. (2), xxxxiv, 600 J (2), 601-1233. 144 Portraits. Bruxellis : Foppens. 1739. A work of standard authority, quoted by most subsequent biographers, and favor- ably mentioned by Dibdin in his Library Companion. There are copies on thick paper, which are rare. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Ixi Forbes (J.) A Manual of select Medical Bibliography, in which the Books are arranged Chronologically according to the Subjects, ... an Appendix containing lists of the collected works of Authors, Systematic Treatises on Medicine, Transactions of Societies, Journals, etc. By John Forbes. 8vo. London. 1835. Included in Forbes' Cyclopedia of Practical Medicine. FoRTESCUE (T.) The Foreste, or Collection of Historyes, no lesse profitable than pleasant and necessary, doone out of French into English. By Thomas Fortescue. 4to. Black letter. London: John Day e. 1571-76. This curious book treats on the original invention of writing, printing, paper and parchment making, formation of the first libraries, etc. [FoRTiA d'Urban {Le Marquis).'] Nouveau Sisteme de Bib- liographic alfabetique, Seconde Edition, ... i2mo, pp. (4), 68, 82, xxvi, 335. Paris: Treuttel et JVurtz. 1822. Foster (B. F.) The Origin and Progress of Book-Keeping ; comprising an account of all the works on this subject published in the English language from 1543 to 1852. With Remarks, Critical, and Historical. 8vo, pp. 54. London. 1852. FouRNiER (Fr. Ign.) Nouveau Dictionnaire portatif de Bib- liographic contenant plus de vingt-trois mille Articles de Livres rares, curieux, estimes et recherches, avec les marques connues por distinguer les editions originales des contrefactions qui en ont ete faites, et des notes instructives sur la rarete ou le merite de certains Livres : on a fixe la valeur d'apres les prix auxquels ces Livres ont ete portes dans les ventes les plus fameuses ; precede d'un precis sur les Bibliotheques et sur Bibliographic, et suivi du Catalogue des Editions citees par 1' Academic de la Crusca ... et des editions imprimees par les Aides, les Elzevirs, Tonson, Cominus, Baskerville, Barbou, Didot, Herhan, etc., etc. ... Seconde Edition, revue et considerablement augmentee j Par Fr. Ign. Fournier. 8vo, pp. 10, x, 566, (2), 49. Paris: Fournier freres. 1809. Contains list* of the Aldine and other celebrated editions of books, Continental and English. See Petzholdt, p. 86. This edition is much superior to that of 1805. FowLE (W. F.) Catalogue of the Choice Collection of Books belonging to William F. Fowle, Esq., of Boston, Mass. 8vo, pp. viii, 147. Cambridge: Riverside Press. 1865. Eighty-five copies printed on large paper, imperial 8vo. This library, although it contained but 1,614 volumes, realized $17,522.19, an average of almost $ll per volume, the highest, probably, ever attained in America up to its date. Ixii BIBLIOGRAPHY. La France litteraire, ... 4 vols., 8vo. Paris: Duchesne veuve. 1769-84. Franck (A.) Catalogue de livres, manuscrits et cartes rela- tifs a rAmerique en vente ... a la Librairie A. Franck. 8vo. Paris, [n. d.] M. Franck has published many other valuable catalogues. Franke (C. a.) Handbuch der Buchdrucker-Kunst. 8vo. Weimar. 1857. Contains a dictionary of terms used in a printing-office in English, French, and German. Franklin (Alfred). Histoire de la Bibliotheque Mazarine, depuis sa fondation jusqu'a nos jours. 8vo. Paris, 1859. Only three hundred copies printed. Freeling (F.) Catalogue of the Curious, Choice and Valu- able I/ibrary of Sir Francis Freeling. 8vo. London. 1836. Also on large paper, royal 8vo. Frere (E.) Manuel du Bibliographe Normand, ou Diction- naire Bibliographique et Historique. 2 vols., 8vo. Rouen. 1858. Freytag (F. G.) Adparatvs litterarivs vbi libri partim antiqvi partim rari recensentvr collectvs Frider. Gotthilf Freytag .... 3 vols., 8vo, pp. (8), 720, (i) ; (6), 721-1466, (22) ; (8), 798, (58). Lipsiae^ 1752-55- Freytag. Analecta litteraria de libris rarioribus. 8vo. Lip si a ^ I'] SO. Fry (E.) Pantographia ; containing Accurate Copies of all known Alphabets in the World ; together with an English Ex- planation of the Peculiar Force or Power of each Letter : To which are added, Specimens of all well authenticated Oral Lan- guages ; forming a comprehensive digest of Phonology. By Edmund Fry, Letter-Founder, Type Street. Rl. 8vo, pp. xxxvi, 324. London: John ^ Arthur Arch, mdccxcix. [Fry.] Bibliographical Memoranda in Illustration of Early English Literature. 4to. Bristol. 1806. One hundred copies printed. Consists chiefly of long extracts from rare old English poetical works. Furst (J.) Bibliotheca Judaica. Bibliographisches Hand- buch der gesammten Jiidischen Literatur mit Einschluss der Schriften iiber Juden und Judenthum und einer Geschichte der Jiidischen Bibliographie. Nach alphabetischer Ordnung der Ver- fasser bearbeitet von Julius Furst. 3 vols., 8vo, pp. viii, 419 ; vi, 409 ; viii, 664. Leipzig: Engelmann. 1849-63. BIBLIOGRAPHY. \x\\\ Gamba (B.) Delle Novelle Italiane in prosa BIbliografia di Bartolommeo Gamba Bassanese Edizione seconda con correzioni ed aggiunte. 8vo, pp. xv, 306. Firen%e : tipografia alV insegna di Dante. 1835, Italian novelists arranged according to centuries, from the 14th to the 19th inclu- sive. Appended is a good alphabetical index. This edition was edited by Guiseppe Moiini. Gamba. Serie dei Testi di Lingua e di altre opere important! nella Italiana Letteratura scritte dal secolo xiv. al xix., di Barto- lommeo Gamba de Bassano. Quarta Edizione riveduta, ... 4to, pp. XXV, 795. Portrait. Fenezia : co^ t'lp't del Gondolier e. 1839. Concerning this iet Petzholdt, p. 356. Gardiner (W.) Catalogue of Ancient and Modern Books, Selected with the Greatest Care, on sale by William Gardiner. 8vo. London. 1810--14. A series forms seven parts. They are replete with original, uncommon, and characteristic bibliographical notes. Gardiner was the ** Mustapha" of the 5/M'o- mania. See his memorable and incisive attack on Dibdin at the end of catalogue. Part I., for 18 1 a. [Gassett (Henry).] Catalogue of Books on the Masonic Institution, in Public Libraries of Twenty-Eight States of the Union, Anti-Masonic in Arguments and Conclusions. By Dis- tinguished Literary Gentlemen, Citizens of the United States. With Introductory Remarks, and a Compilation of Records. By a Member of the Suffolk Committee of 1829. 8vo, pp. xi, 270. Boston : Printed by Damrell iff Moore. 1852. Gay (J.) Bibliographic anecdotique du Jeu des Echecs ; par Jean Gay. i2mo, pp. 303. Paris: Gay. 1864. [Gay (Jules).] Bibliographic des Principaux Ouvrages rela- tifs a TAmour, aux Femmes, au Mariage, indiquant les auteurs de ces ouvrages, leurs editions, leur valeur et les prohibitions ou condamnations dont certains d'entre eux ont ete Tobjet. Par M. le C. d'l***. Paris: che% Jules Gay. 1861. + Troisieme edi- tion. 6 vols., i6mo. Turin et Londres. 1871-73. One hundred copies of the third edition were printed on large paper. Gee (J.) Catalogue of Popish Books, Printed, Re-printed, and Dispersed in these Nations, by Romish Priests, &c : With Lists of Jesuits, Priests, &c. in and about London. By John Gee. 4to. [n. p.] 1624. Also : Catalogue of all the Discourses published anonymously against Popery during the Reign of K. James n., with the Names of the Authors. ... 4to. London. 1689. Ixiv B I B L I OG RAP H r. A General Catalogue of Books in all Languages, Arts and Sciences, that have been printed in Ireland and published in Dublin, from the year 1700 to the present time. The whole Al- phabetically and Classically Arranged under the several Branches of Literature; with their sizes and prices. 8vo, pp. 112. Printed by Peter Hoey^ Bookseller. Dublin, 179 1. George hi. Bibliotheca Regiae Catalogus. Catalogue of the magnificent Library of his late Majesty George iii., compiled by Sir F. Barnard, N. Carlisle, and J. H. Glover. Together with the Catalogue of Maps, Prints, Drawings, &c. forming the Geographical and Topographical Collection attached to the Li- brary, compiled by A. Macpherson. 6 vols., rl. folio. London. 1 820-29. Of this magnificent and valuable work only two hundred copies were printed, all for presents. This noble collection, which has been styled by Sir Henry Ellis "A gift greater than has been bestowed by any Sovereign of any nation, since the Library of the Ptolemies was founded at Alexandria," was presented to the nation by his late Majesty George iv., and is now deposited in a splendid room in the British Museum, built for its reception. Georgi. Theophili Georgi Allgemeines Europaisches Bucher- Lexicon ... . 5 vols., folio, pp. (4), 398; 458; 238; 350; (4), 404. Leipzig : Georgi. 1742-53. -|- Svpplement. 3 vols., folio, pp. .(2), 400; (2), 390; (4), 408. Leipzig. 1750-58. A Universal Dictionary of Books printed in Europe from 1500 to 1757, with the date, size, price, and number of sheets or pages of each. See Petzholdt, p. 281, 282. GiLDEMEiSTER (J.) BibHothecae Sanskritae sive Recensvs Librorvm Sanskritorvm hvcvsqve typis vel lapide exscriptorvm critici Specimen. Concinnavit Joannes Gildemeister. 8vo, pp. xiv, 192. Bonnae ad Rh.: Koenig. 1847. An exact Bibliography of Sanscrit Literature. See Petzholdt, p. 440. GiNGUENE (P. L.) Histoire Litteraire d'ltalie, avec une Con- tinuation par Salfi. lO vols., 8vo. Paris. 181 1-23. " Get ouvrage interessant, et qui a obtenu le suffrage des Italiens eux-memes, est plutot un cours de litterature italienne qu'une histoire litteraire complete de I'ltalie.** Giornale generale della Bibliografia Italiana. Anno i.-iii. 8vo. Firenze presso Molini. Per la Germania presso Ebhardt a Venezia. 1861-63. Edited by Giacomo Molini. See Petzholdt, p. 351. GiRARD (C.) Bibliographia Americana Historico Naturalis. a Bibliography of American Natural History for the year 1851 By Charles Girard. 8vo, pp. iv, (2), 66. Washington: Smithsonian Institute, 1852 BIBLIOGRAPHT. JjCy GiRAULT (C. X.) Systeme de Bibliographic, Extr. du Cours de Bibliogr. de Marseille, t. 3, chap. 4, No. xiv. Par CI. Xav. Girault. 8vo, pp. 15. Table. Dijon^ impr, de Frantin. 1809. GooDHUGH (W.) The English Gentleman's Library Manual ; or a Guide to the formation of a Library of Select Literature ; accompanied with original Notices, Biographical and Critical, of Authors and Books. By William Goodhugh. 8vo, pp. 10, (i), 392. London: William Goodhugh. 1827. Also on large paper. Gordon (R.) Catalogue of the Library of Sir Robert Gor- don, of Gordonstoun. 8vo. London, 1816. A valuable library. Some copies printed on large paper. GossETT (L) A Catalogue of the ... Library of ... Rev. Is. Gossett, D.D., sold ... 1813, ... 8vo. London. 1813. Dr. Gossett was the "Lepidus" of Dibdin In his Bibliomania. Some copies were printed on thick paper. GouGH (R.) Anecdotes of British Topography ; or an His- torical Account of What has been Done for illustrating the Top- ographical Antiquities of Great Britain and Ireland. By Richard Gough. 4to. London. 1768. -j- 2 vols., 4to. London. 1780. This most useful work has never been superseded. It contains an account of all books, prints, drawings, &c., illustrating the various counties, till the period of its publication. GouGH. Catalogue of the Books, relating to British Topog- raphy, and Saxon and Northern Literature, bequeathed to the Bodleian Library in 1799, by Richard Gough, Esq. 4to. Oxford. 1 8 14. GoujET. Bibliotheque des Auteurs Ecclesiastiques du dix- huitieme siecle. Pour servir de continuation a celle de Du-Pin. Par Goujet. Tom. i.-ii. 2 vols., 8vo, pp. xvi, 672, Ixxvi ; (10), 648, xlvi. Parts : Prallard ^ ^illau. 1 736. Goujet. Bibliotheque Fran^aise, ou Histoire de la Literature Fran^aise depuis TOrigine de Tlmprimerie, avec des Jugements, par r Abbe Goujet. 18 vols., l2mo. Paris. 1740. " Ouvrage estimable, qui renferme des Analyses exactes de livres peu connus, et qui prouve dans son laborieux auteur une lecture immense et une patience indefati- gable." — Biographic Uni'verselle. GoWANS (W.) A Catalogue of Books on Freemasonry, And Kindred Subjects. By William Gowans. i2mo, pp. (2), 59. New Tor k : William Gowans. 1858 Swarms with errors. See Petzholdt, p. 471. Ixvi BIBLIOGRAPHY. [GowANS.] Catalogue of the Library and Antiquarian Col- lection of John Allan, Esq., with the Names of Purchasers and the price each article sold for, preceded by a few Introductory Remarks. Rl. 8vo. New York: William Gowans, 1865. One hundred copies only printed. Contains list of purchasers' names and prices only. Mr. Gowans* various catalogues are interesting, not so much for their biblio- graphical information, which is of doubtful value, as for the notes appended, written by Mr. Gowans under the signature of *' Western Memorabilia." GR-ffiSSE (J. G. T.) Tresor de Livres rares et precieux, ou Nouveau Dictionnaire bibliographique contenant plus de cent mille articles de livres rares, curieux et recherches, d'ouvrages de luxe, etc. Avec les signes connus pour distinguer les editions originales des contrefa^ons qui en ont ete faites, des notes sur la rarete et le merite de livres cites et les prix que ces livres ont atteints dans les ventes les plus fameuses, et qu'ils conservent encore dans les magazins des bouquinistes les plus renommes de TEurope. Par Jean George Theodore Graesse. 7 vols., 4to, pp. (2), 588; (4), 648; (2), 525, (l); (2), 704; (2), 534; (2), 543; (2), 523 ; 500. Dresde: Kuntze. 1859-62. In some respects superior to Brunet, and indispensable in a large library. Grafton. Catalogue of the valuable Library of the Duke of Grafton ... sold ... 1815. 8vo. London, 1815. Also on large paper, rl. 8vo. A most valuable collection of large paper classics and other rare and curious books. Gregoire (H.) De la Litterature des Negres, ou Recherches sur leurs facultes intellectuelles, leurs qualites morales et leur lit- terature ; suivies des Notices sur la vie et les ouvrages des Negres qui se sont distingues dans les Sciences, les Lettres et les Arts. Par H. Gregoire. 8vo, pp. xvi, 287, (i). Paris: Chez Maradan, m.dccc. viii. See Petzholdt, alio Lanjuinais (J. D.), infra. Gregoire. An Enquiry concerning the Intellectual and Moral Faculties, and Literature of Negroes. Followed with an Account of the Life and Works of Fifteen Negroes & Mu- lattoes, distinguished in Science, Literature and the Arts. By H. Gregoire. ... Translated by D. B. Warden. 8vo, pp. (2), 253, (l 1.) Brooklyn: Printed by Thomas Kirk. 1 8 10. Greswell (W. p.) Annals of Parisian Typography, con- taining an Account of the Earliest Typographical Establishments of Paris ; and Notices and Illustrations of the most Remarkable Productions of the Parisian Gothic Press j compiled principally BIBLIOGRAPHY, Jxvii to shew its General Character ; and its Particular Influence upon the Early English Press. By The Rev. William Parr Greswell. Rl. 8vo, pp. xii, 356. London: Cadell^ Davis, 1818. Also on large paper. This highly interesting volume contains copies of the curious woodcut devices of the early French printers. [Greswell.] A View of the Early Parisian Greek Press, including the Lives of the Stephani ; Notices of other Contem- porary Greek Printers of Paris ; various Particulars of the Liter- ary and Ecclesiastical History of their Times ; and an Appendix of Casauboniana. 2 vols., Svo, pp. xix, 412 j vii, 405 ; Ap- pendix, 78; Index, 407-413. Oxford: Printed by T, Combe. 1833. Displays learning, industry, discrimination, and a vigor of mind that throws life and interest into the subject. Some copies contain Casauboniana. Greve (E. W.) Hand- und Lehrbuch der Buchbinder- ... Kunst ... . 2 vols., Svo. 11 Plates and Portrait. Berlin, 1822. -\- Zweite unveranderte Ausgabe. 2 vols., 8vo. Berlin: Eichler, 1832. [Griffiths (A. F.)] Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica : or a De- scriptive Catalogue of a Rare and Rich Collection of Early English Poetry : ... Illustrated by Occasional Extracts and Re- marks, Critical and Biographical. Rl. 8vo, pp. viii, 481. London: Printed for the Proprietors of the Collection. 18 15. This extraordinary collection of old English poetry formed part of the extensive library of Thomas Hill (the "Hull" of Theodore Hook in his Gilbert Gurney)^ when he failed in business as a sugar baker. This portion of the library, its great value not being known to the creditors, was presented to him. He afterwards sold it to Messrs. Longman & Co., who employed Griffiths to make out this catalogue raisonni. The initials at the beginning of each letter have very neat woodcuts of the poets from rare prints. It is now very scarce. Thirty copies, with a colored frontispiece, were printed on large paper. Groning. Johannis Groningii Bibliotheca Juris Gentium communis. Qua praecipuorum, Asiae, Africae, et Americae, Populorum de Juris Naturae & Gentium Principiis Instituta, Nee non Scriptorum, aetatum fere omnium, Sententiae, Ordine Geographico-Chronologico recensentur & declarantur. 8vo, pp. (2), 150. Hamburgi : Liebezeit, 170 1. See Petzholdt, p. 658. Guild (R. A.) The Librarian's Manual : a Treatise on Bib- liography, comprising a Select and Descriptive List of Biblio- graphical Works ; to which are added. Sketches of Publick Ixviii BIBLIOGRAPHT. Libraries. Illustrated with Engravings. By Reuben A. Guild, A.M. ... 4tO, pp. 10, 304. New York: Charles B. Norton, mdccclviii. Ten copies printed on large paper. The first part consists of a descriptive list of 495 separate works, comprising 191 6 volumes of such bibliographical books as are considered to be of the first importance for a library apparatus, including a copious American Bibliography. The second part contains historical sketches of fourteen of the largest public libraries in Europe and America. See Petzholdt, p. 1 6, and Norton (C. B.), infra. Gutenberg (J.) John Gutenberg, First Master Printer, His Acts, and most remarkable Discourses, and his Death. From the German, by C. W. 4to, pp. 141. London : Triibner and Co. i860. One hundred copies printed. ** Only a few copies allowed to be sold by the book- loving amateur who has produced this beautiful volume for presentation to his friends." Gutierrez (J. M.) Apuntes biograficos de escritores, ora- dores y hombres de estado de la Republica Argentina, por Jose Maria Gutierrez. 8vo, pp. 294. Buenos- Aires, i860. Gutierrez. Bibliografia de la primera imprenta de Buenos Aires desde su fundacion hasta el ano de 18 10 inclusive o Cata- logo de las producciones de la Imprenta de Ninos Espositos, con observaciones y noticias curiosas. Precedida de una biografia del virey Don Juan Jose de Vertiz y de una disertacion sobre el orijen del arte de imprimir en America y especialmente en el Rio de la Plata. Por el Dr. D. Juan Maria Gutierrez. Orijenes del arte de imprimir en la America Espanola, Introduccion a la Biblio- grafia de la imprenta de Ninos Espositos desde su fundacion en 1781 hasta Mayo de 1819. ... 8vo, pp. (2), 43, 246. Buenos Aires : Imprenta de Mayo, 1866. Fifty copies only printed. Gutierrez. Estudios biograficos y criticos sobre algunos poetas Sud-Americanos anteriores al siglo xix. Por Juan Maria Gutierrez. Tomo l. 8vo, pp. viii, 358. Buenos-Aires, 1865. Contains biographical and critical studies on eight South American poets, most of them belonging to the sixteenth and seventeenth century. Written with great taste and considerable judgment. GuYOT (C. and R. T.) Liste litteraire philocophe ou Cata- logue d'etude de ce qui a ete jusqu'a nos jours sur les Sourds- Muets ; sur Toreille, I'ouie, la voix, le langage, la mimique, les aveugles, etc. etc. par C. Guyot et R. T. Guyot. Rl. 8vo, pp. XV, 496, 63. Groningue : Oomkens impr, 1 842. See Petzholdt, p. 599. BIBLIOGRAPHT. Ixlx Hagen (H. a.) Bibliotheca Entomologica. ... Von Hermann August Hagen. 2 vols., 8vo, pp. xii, 566; (2), 512. Leipzig: Engelmann. 1862-64. The second volume contains a Bibliography of Entomological Works and a care- fully compiled index. See Petzholdt, p. 563. Haig (B. D.) a List of the Works printed in England, prior to the year 1600, in the Library of the Hon. Society of King's Inns, Dublin. By Benjamin David Haig. 8vo, pp. 18. Dublin, 1858. One hundred and ten copies only printed. Hain (L.) Repertorium Bibliographicum, in quo libri omnes ab Arte Typographica inventa usque ad Annum md. Typis expressi, ordine alphabetico vel simpliciter enumerantur vel adcu- ratius recensentur. Opera Ludovici Hain. 4 vols., 8vo, pp. (4), 596 ; (2), 566 ; (4), 558 ; {4), 548. Sumptibus^ J. G. Cottae^ Stuttgartiae ... 1 826-1 838. The object of this work is similar to Panzer's AnnaleSy but the arrangement being alphabetical is more convenient. Some copies are on fine paper. See Petzholdt, p. 126. Haji Khalfa. Lexicon Bibliographicum et Encyclopaedi- cum ... [Arabice] primum edidit Latine vertit et Commentario Indicibusque instruxit Gustavus Fluegel ... . 7 vols., rl. 4to. Leipzig: Oriental Translation Fund. 1835-57. This valuable Arabic work, which formed the groundwork of Herbelot's Biblio- theque Orientale^ contains accounts of several thousand Arabic, Persian, and Turkish works, arranged alphabetically. Hall (F. E.) A Contribution towards an Index to the Bib- liography of the Indian Philosophical Systems. By Fitz Edward Hall. ... 8vo, pp. (6), 236. Calcutta: Printed by Lewis. 1859. The author is a native of Vermont, and this was published by order of the Gov- ernment of the North Western Provinces. See Petzholdt, p. 464. Hallam (H.) Introduction to the Literature of Europe, in the Fifteenth, Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. By Henry Hallam, f.r.a.s. 4 vols., 8vo, pp. xxxii, Errata, 10 lines, 659 ; xvi, 511; XX, 687; xix, 651. London: John Murray. 1837-39. Repeatedly reprinted, both in England, France, and America. " The most import- ant contribution to literary history which English libraries have received for many years." — Edinburgh RevieiVy Lxxn. Haller (A. von). Bibliotheca Botanica. Qua scripta ad Rem Herbariam facientia a rerum initiis recensentur. Auctore Alberto von Haller. 2 vols., 4to, pp. xvi, 654 ; (2), 785. Tiguri. 1771-72. A carefully written Bibliography of all Botanical Works. See Petzholdt, 554, etc. Ixx B I B L 10 G RAP HT. Halliwell (J. O.) A Brief Account of an Unique P!dition of Sir Philip Sidney's Arcadia. 410. Brixton Hill. 1854. Twenty-five copies privately printed. Halliwell. A Brief Hand-list of Books, Manuscripts, etc.. Illustrative of the Life and Writings of Shakespeare, collected between the years 1842 and 1859. % J- ^- Halliwell. Cr. 8vo. London. 1 859. Thirty copies privately printed. Halliwell. A Brief Hand-List of the Collections respect- ing the Life and Works of Shakespeare, and the History and Antiquities of Stratford-upon-Avon, formed by the late Robert Bell Wheler, and Presented by his Sister, to be preserved for ever in the Shakespeare Library and Museum. 4to. London. 1 863. One hundred copies privately printed. Halliwell. A Brief Hand-list of the Early Quarto Editions of the Plays of Shakespeare ; with Notices of the Old Impres- sions of the Poems. By J. O. Halliwell. 8vo. London, i860. Twenty-five copies privately printed. Halliwell. A Brief List of some of the Rarer and most Curious Old-Book Rarities in the Library of J. O. Halliwell, Esq. Illustrative chiefly of Early English Popular Literature. Sm. 4to, pp. vii, 72. IVest Brompton. 1862. Twenty-five copies privately printed. Many of the books in this extraordinary collection are unique. Halliwell. Brief Notices of Bibliographical Rarities in the Library of J. O. Halliwell at ... Brixton Hill. 4to. London. 1855. Twenty-five copies privately printed. Halliwell. A Catalogue of Chap-Books, Garlands, and Popular Histories, in the Possession of J. O. Halliwell. Sm. 8vo, pp. (4), iv, 190. London, 1849. Privately printed. Halliwell. A Catalogue of an Unique Collection of An- cient English Broadside Ballads, with Notes of the Tunes and Imprints. Cr. 8vo. London. 1856. Ten copies only printed. Halliwell. A Catalogue of the Early Editions of Shakes- peare's Plays, &c., By J. O. Halliwell. 8vo. London, 1845. BIBLIOGRAPIir, Ixxi Halliwell. Catalogue of Proclamations, Broadsides, Bal- lads, and Poems, presented to the Cheetham Library, Man- chester, by James O. Halliwell, Esq. 4to. Facsimile. 1851. One hundred copies printed for private circulation. Halliwell. Contributions to Early English Literature, derived chiefly from rare books and inedited mss. Edited by J. O. Halliwell, Esq. 4to. Printed for Private Circulation only, 1849. Only seventy-five copies printed, Halliwell. A Dictionary of Old English Plays, existing either in Print or in Manuscript, from the earliest times to the close of the seventeenth century ; including also notices of Latin Plays written by English Authors during the same Period. By J. O. Halliwell. Svo, pp. viii, 296. London: John Russell Smith, i860. Halliwell. Early Editions of Shakespeare, described by J. O. Halliwell. Svo. London. 1857. Halliwell. Essays on Numerical Contractions, and early Almanacs (with facsimiles). By J. O. Halliwell. 8vo. London. 1839. Halliwell. A Hand-List of upwards of a Thousand Vol- umes of Shakesperiana, added to the three previous Collections of a similar kind formed by J. O. Halliwell, and of which Lists have been previously printed. Sq. Svo. London. 1862. Twenty-five copies privately printed. Halliwell. A Hand-list of a Curious and Interesting Col- lection of Early Editions of the Works of Shakespeare ; mostly printed before the appearance of the first Folio Edition of 1623. Svo. West Brompton. 1867. For private circulation only. Halliwell. A Handbook of the Early English Literature preserved in the Malone Collection [in the Bodleian Library] ; selected from the Printed Catalogue of that Collection. By J. O. Halliwell. Svo. London, i860. Printed for private circulation only. Halliwell. Hand-List of the Early English Literature, preserved in the Douce Collection [in the Bodleian Library]. Selected from the Printed Catalogue of that Collection. By J. O. Halliwell. Svo. London, i860. Seventy-five copies only printed. Ixxii B I B HOGRAP HT, Halliwell. a List of Works illustrative of the Life and Writings of Shakespeare, the History of Stratford-on-Avon, and the Rise and Progress of the Early English Drama. Printed for very Limited and Private Circulation at the Expense of J. O. Halliwell, 1850-1866. 8vo, pp. 69, (i). London. 1867. Halliwell. Literature of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, illustrated by reprints of nine very rare Tracts. Rl. 4to. London. 185 1. Twenty-five copies printed on thick paper, and fifty on ordinary paper, all for private circulation. Hallivi^ell. Notes on ascertaining the value ; and directions for the preservation of old Books, Manuscripts, Deeds and Family Papers. By J. O. Halliwell. i2mo. London. 1851. Only twenty-five copies printed. Halliwell. Shakesperiana : A Catalogue of the Early Edi- tions of Shakespeare's Plays and of the Commentaries and other Publications illustrative of his Works. By James Orchard Hal- liwell. 8vo, pp. 46. London: John Russell Smith. 1841. Also on large paper. See Petzholdt, p. 255. Halliwell. Some Account of the Popular Tracts formerly in the Library of Captain Cox, of Coventry, a.d. 1575. By J. O. Halliwell. 8vo. London. 1849. Fifty copies privately printed. " This Captain Cox, by Saint Mary, Had a goodly library." — Ben Johnson. Halliwell. Some Account of the Antiquities, Coins, Man- uscripts, Rare Books, Ancient Documents, and other Reliques, illustrative of the Life and Works of Shakespeare, in the Posses- sion of James Orchard Halliwell .... 4to. Brixton Hill. 1852. Eighty copies only printed for private circulation. Also : Account of the Theo- logical Mss. in his Library at Brixton Hill. ... 4to. 1854. Privately printed. — Account of the Vernon Manuscript, a volume of Early English Poetry, preserved in the Bodleian Library. ... 8vo. 1848. Fifty copies printed. — Description of the Ancient and Modern Mss. in the Plymouth Library. ... Rl. 4to. 1853. Only eighty copies privately printed ; at the end are added some hitherto unpublished pieces by Dr. Forman Shirley, Nicholas Breton, &c. Halloix (Peter). Illustrium ecclesiae orientalis scriptorum, qui primo et secundo seculo floruerunt, vitae et documenta. 2 vols., folio. Duaci. 1633-36. Hamst (Olphar). See [Thomas (Ralph)]. BIBLIOGRAP Hr, IxJciii Hannett (John). Bibliopegia, or Book-binding ; in two parts. Part I. : The Books of the Ancients and History of the Art of Book-binding. Part ii. : The Practical Art of Book-binding. Sixth Edition. i2mo. London, 1865. " The work of a practical bookbinder, minute and clear.** Hanrott (P. A.) Catalogue of the ... Library of P. A. Hanrott, Esq. ... 5 vols., 8vo, pp. (2), 153; (2), 137 i (2), 153; (2), 85; (2), 67. London. 1833-34. A few copies of this valuable catalogue — the sale of which occupied forty-seven days, and made seven parts — were printed upon large paper. Hansard (T. C.) Treatises on Printing and Type-Founding. By T. C. Hansard. From the Seventh Edition of the Encyclo- paedia Britannica. 8vo. Edinburgh : Adam and Charles Black, 184 1. Hansard. Typographia : an Historical Sketch of the Origin and Progress of the Art of Printing ; with Practical Directions for conducting every Department in an Office : With a Descrip- tion of Stereotype and Lithography. Illustrated by Engravings, Biographical Notices, and Portraits. By T. C. Hansard. Rl 8vo. London. 1825 This is not a mere practical treatise, but a compendium of Ames, Herbert, Dibdin, and others, giving a complete history of the art, and much curious information respecting early printers, as well as practical information indispensable to authors and persons connected with literature. The perusal of this work will point out to authors the best method of arranging matter for press, correcting proofs, etc. Hardy (T. D.) Descriptive Catalogue of Materials relating to the History of Great Britain and Ireland, to the end of the reign of Henry vii. By Thomas DufFus Hardy. 3 vols., rl. 8vo, pp. cxxxiv, 918 ; civ, 601 ; cxxxiv, 482. London: Longman, 1862-71. Harles. Gottlieb Christoph. Harless brevior Notitia Litte- ratvrae Graecae in primis Scriptorvm Graecorvm ordini temporis accommodata In vsvm Stvdiosae Jvventvtis. 8vo, pp. x, 778. Lipsiae : Weidmann, 181 2. -|- Additamenta. 1829. 8vo, 15 1. Harles. Theoph. Christoph. Harles brevior Notitia Littera- tvrae Romanae in primis Scriptorvm Latinorvm ordini temporis adcommodata In vsvm Scholarvm. 8vo, pp. xii, 330. Lipsiae : Weidmann, 1 803. + Additamenta. 18 19. 8vo, pp. (2), 151. "All the works of Harles are valuable, and necessary to the Bibliographical and Critical Student."— Horne. See also Petzholdt, p. 681, 682. Ixxiv BIBLIOGRAPHY Harley (Edward). Catalogus Bibliothecae Harlianae, In Locos communes distributes cum Indice Auctorum. 5 vols., 8vo. Londini : Apud Thomam Osborne. mdccxliii-V. This valuable collection was purchased after the death of Edward Harley, second Earl of Oxford, by T. Osborne, the well known bookseller, for £30,000. The catalogue made by T. Oldys, with a preface by Dr. S. Johnson, was issued in parts ; the first two volumes in 1743, and two more in 1744. The last volume is not, properly, a part of the work, though issued under the same name. The books were not sold by auction, and the prices were not affixed, as is usual with booksellers. For a valuable article on this catalogue (containing 360,000 volumes), see Notes and ^eries. Harpel (O. H.) Harpel's Typograph, or Book of Speci- mens. Containing Useful Information, Suggestions, and a Col- lection of Examples of Letterpress Job Printing, arranged for the assistance of Master Printers, Amateurs, Apprentices, and others, by Oscar H. Harpel, Typographic Designer and Printer. 8 vo, pp. 252. Cincinnati : Author. 1 8 70. Harris (W.) A Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, Including a Complete List of all the Greek Writers, by ... Dr. Charles Burney, methodically arranged with Alphabetical Index of Authors, by William Harris, Keeper of the Library. The Second Edition ... . Rl. 8vo. London. 1821, ** A most valuable and judiciously compiled Catalogue." — Diboin. " This Library contains the best and most useful edition of every Greek and Roman classic author, with the best translations in English and in some other modern languages." — Horne. First published in 1809. [Harrisse (Henry).] Bibliotheca Americana Vetustissima A Description of Works relating to America published between the Years 1492 and 155 1 Imp. 8vo, pp. (8), liv, 519. New-Tor k Geo. P. Philes^ mdccclxvi Four hundred copies printed in imperial 8vo, one hundred and nine in 410, ten of which are on Holland paper. It was undertaken at the suggestion of Mr. S. L, M. Barlow, of New York, and contains the titles of over three hundred books. As a specimen of American typography, it has probably never been surpassed. In regard to its merits it has received at the hands of some members of the Geographical Society of Paris very high praise, of which an English version (in part) will be found in Stevens' Bibliotheca Historica, followed by some rather severe criticism on the work by Mr. Stevens, who, writing in the third person, quotes largely from an article in the Athenaum of the 6th of October, 1866, of which Mr. Stevens is the author. The writer of this notice does not presume to enter into a controversy with, or a criticism upon, the works of either of these bibliographers, but he cannot help regretting that a work so elaborate, learned, and useful to the American bibliog- rapher, as this Bibliotheca Americana is, should have been the vehicle of any exhi- bition of personal pique. We have been assured on very good authority that the blunder of "Ander SchifFahrt's " was really due to the proof-reader, and that the Index, in which Schifl&hrt (Ander) is made to appear once more in propria persona^ B I B L 10 GRAP Hr. Ixxv was not the work of Mr. Harrisse at all. Let It suffice for us to remark that for the student of the earliest of books relating to America, this book is indispensably neces- sary. We may add that Mr. Harrisse has, in some instances, quoted works from White Kennett's Bihliotheca Americana Primordia^ and made the remark that he has found nothing in the works so quoted relating to America. This has arisen from the fact that he has misapprehended the nature of that work, which purposely introduces many books which had no relation to America. The following is a continuation : [Harrisse.] Bibliotheca Americana Vetustissima A Descrip- tion of Works relating to America published between the Years 1492 and 155 1 Additions Imp. 8vo, pp. (iv), 40, 199, (i). Paris Librairie Tross m.dccc.lxxii Two hundred copies printed in 8vo, and fifty copies in 4to. In the matter of printing and paper this volume exceeds in beauty that of its predecessor. Its contents cover the same ground ; some titles contained in the former work are further elabo- rated, and many are entirely new. It will, perhaps, not be saying too much that many of them are only remotely related to America, but the author's careful researches and elaborate dissertations have combined to render the volume a very desirable addition to an American bibliographical collection. [Harrisse.] A Brief Disquisition Concerning the Early His- tory of Printing in America. Imp. 8vo. New Tor k: Privately Printed. 1866. Twenty-five copies printed, of which five are on drawing paper. Forms part of the introduction to the Bibliotheca Americana Vetustissima. A Spanish version has been printed. [Harrisse.] Fernand Colomb Sa Vie, ses CEuvres Essai critique par I'auteur de la Bibliotheca Americana Vetustissima. Imp. 8vo, pp. (vii), 230, (i). Paris mdccclxxii Two hundred and fifty copies printed, of which twenty-five are on Whatman's paper. [Harrisse.] Notes on Columbus. Sm. folio, pp. vii, 227. 13 Photographs. New Tor k : Privately Printed, 1866. Ninety copies only printed for presentation, at the expense of Samuel L. M. Barlow, of New York. It is one of the finest specimens of printing by the River- side Press, and having been privately printed, is as rare as it is beautiful. It is both bibliographical and historical, and in each department is a specimen of zeal and erudition. [Harrisse.] Notes pour servir a Thistoire, a la bibliographic et a la cartographic de la Nouvelle-France et des pays adjacents 1 540-1 700 Par I'auteur de la Bibliotheca Americana Vetustis- sima Cr. 8vo, pp. (6), xxxiii, (i), 367. Paris Librairie Tross 1872 This is a capital resume of the Bibliography of Canada up to 1700. The volume is very handsomely printed 5 some copies are on vellum paper, and others on Dutch Ixxvi BIBLIOGRAPUr. paper. The following should have appeared under Desjardins : " Rapports 8ur le« Deux Ouvrages de Bibliographie Americaine de M. Henri Harrisse Avocat Par M. Ernest Desjardins lu a la Seance de la Commission Centrale, le i8 Janvier 1867" 8vo, pp. ao. Paris Imprimerie de E. Martinet 1867 Hartshorne (C. H.) The Book Rarities in the University of Cambridge. Illustrated by Original Letters, and Notes, Bio- graphical, Literary, and Antiquarian. By Rev. C. H. Harts- horne, M.A. 8vo, pp. xiv, (i), 559. 22 Engravings. London: Longman. 1 829. Twenty-five copies printed in imperial 8vo on large vellum paper. The original letters in this volume form a very interesting portion of its contents. Those of Ciofanus are filled with abuse of Aldus Junior, whom he terms la Cornacchia Eiopea^ and of whose literary ability he speaks very slightingly. It also includes a reprint of CapelPs Shakesperiana. [Hartshorne.] A Geyfte fFor the Neue Yere : or, a playne, plesaunte, and profytable Pathewaie to the Black Lettre Paradyse. Sq. iSmo. Cambridge. 1825. This amusing bibliographical squib is written by *< Carolus Henricus Hartshorne,** in whose hand the memorandum of the number of copies printed is given on the fly-leaf. It appears from this that only twenty were printed, and probably in a private manner for presentation. The spelling and printing are equally ancient in style, and the whole discourse, ending with the poem, runs upon black letter and other antique lore. Hartzheim. Bibliotheca Coloniensis in qua Vita et Libri typo vulgati et manuscripti recensentur omnium Archi-Dioeceseos Coloniensis. Folio. Colonia, 1747. Hartzheim's Literary History of the Bishopric of Cologne, Westphalia, Cleves, etc., gives a very ample and complete account of the ancient writers and early printed books of those countries. Harvard. Catalogus Librorum Bibliothecae Collegij Har- vardini quod est Cantabrigiae in Nova Anglia. 4to, pp. (2), ii, 102. Bostoni: Typis B. Green, mdccxxiii. + Continuatio Sup- plimenti. 4to, pp. 10. Boston. 1725. Probably the first catalogue of a public library printed in North America. A select catalogue was printed for undergraduates in 1773, and a complete catalogue in 1790. A Catalogue of the Library of Harvard University in Cam- bridge, Massachusetts. ... [By B. Peirce.] 2 vols., 8vo, pp. xvii, (2), 952, (2); xii, 223. Cambridge: E. W. Metcalf. 1 830-34. -f First Supplement. [By T. W. Harris.] 8vo, pp. (4), 260. Cambridge: Charles Folsom. 1834. -f Catalogue of the Maps and Charts. [By B. Pierce.] 8vo. Cambridge: E. TF. Metcalf and Company. 183 1. B IBLIOGRAPHT, \xx\\\ Catalogue of the Law Library of Harvard University. [By Charles Sumner.] 8vo, pp. viii, 80. Cambridge, 1834. With historical sketch. + A Catalogue of the Law Library ... . [By William R. Woodward.] Second Edition. 8vo, pp. xii, aaS. Cambridge. 1841. + Fourth Edition. 8vo, pp. (2), 354. Cambridge: Metcalf & Co. 1846. Harwood (E.) a View of the various Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics, with Remarks. By Edward Harwood. Third Edition. Corrected and Enlarged. i2mo, pp. xxiv, 276. London: Robinson, 1782. Superseded by the later works of Dibdin, Moss, and others. See Petzholdt, p. 683. Haslewood (J.) Account of the Life and Publications of Joseph Ritson. By Joseph Haslewood. 8vo. Portrait. London. 1 824. Haven (S. F.) Archaeology of the United States, or Sketches, Historical, and Bibliographical of the Progress of Information and Opinion respecting Vestiges of Antiquity in the United States. By Samuel F. Haven, ... 4to, pp. iv, i68. New Tork: G, P, Putnam. 1856. A Smithsonian publication. Haynes (T. W.) Baptist Cyclopaedia, or. Dictionary of Baptist Biography, Bibliography, Antiquities, History, Chro- nology, Theology, Polity, and Literature, By Thomas Wilson Haynes. Vol. i. 8vo, pp. 294, 29. Charleston. 1848. Haym (N. F.) Biblioteca Italiana o sia Notizia de' Libri rari Italiani Divisa in quattro Parti cioe Istoria, Poesia, Prose, Arti e Scienze ; Gia compilata da Niccola Francesco Haym ... . 4to, pp. (12), 682, Ixxxiii. Milano: Galea'z.xi. 1771-73. -f" E<^Jzione corretta, ampliata, e di giudizj intorno alle migliori opere arric- chita. ... 4 vols., 8vo, pp. (4), 306; 268 ; 210 ; 368. Milano: SHvestri, 1803. First published at Venice in 1728. These later editions are edited by Ferdinando Giandonati. See Petzholdt, p. 353, 354. Hazlitt (W. C.) Collections and Notes 1 867-1 876 By W. Carew Hazlitt 8vo, pp. xi, 498. London Reeves and Turner 1876 This Is a continuation of the following : Hazlitt. Hand-Book to the Popular, Poetical, and Dramatic Literature of Great Britain, from the Invention of Printing to the Restoration. By W. Carew Hazlitt ... . 8vo, pp. xii, 701. London: John Russell Smith, 1867-68- One hundred copies printed on large paper. Ixxviii BIBLIOGRAPHY, Heath (Benjamin). Catalogue of ... the Library of ... [the Rev. Dr. Heath] ... . 8vo. London. i8io. The first edition or sale catalogue of this library was characterized by the auctioneer as " The most Perfect, Genuine, Learned, and Useful Library of Books ever oflFered to the British Public." After the sale a few copies were issued on large paper, with the prices and purchasers' names printed to each title. 8vo, pp. (4), 384. Hebenstreit (W.) Dictionarium Editionum turn selectarum turn optimarum Auctorum Classicorum, et Graecorum et Roma- norum, ad optimos Bibliographorum libros collatum, emendavit, supplevit, notulisque criticis instruxit W. Hebenstreit. ... 8vo, pp. xxiv, 275. Vindohona : Armhruster. 1827. Heber (R.) Bibliotheca Heberiana. See page xix. Add to the note : a few copies were printed on large and thick paper. Mr. Heber was elder half-brother of Bishop Heber, and figures as " Atticus" in Dibdin's Biblio- maniay the first edition of which is in the form of an Epistle addressed to him. Heber. Bibliotheca Heberiana. Catalogue des Livres de la Bibliotheque de feu M. Richard Heber. 8vo. Paris. 1836. The catalogue contains the portion of the late Mr. Heber's books which remained in Paris, and is necessary to make a complete set of the catalogues. Herissant (L. a. p.) Bibliotheque physique de la France, ou liste de tous les ouvrages, tant imprimes que manuscrits, qui traitent de I'Histoire Naturelle de ce royaume ... . Par Louis Antoine Prosper Herissant ... . 8vo, pp. 40, 496. Paris: Herissant. 177 1. See Petzholdt, p, 545. Herrera (P.) Ensayo sobre la Historia de la Literatura Ecuatoriana, por Pablo Herrera. ^ito. i860. Hesse (L. A. C.) Manuels-Roret. Bibliotheconomie, ou Nouveau Manuel Complet pour I'Arrangement, la Conservation, et TAdministration des Bibliotheques. Par L. A. Constantin. Revue, augmentee, et ornee de Figures. i8mo, pp. (4), 266; Roret, pp. 90. 2 Plans. Paris. 1841. Hibbert (G.) a Catalogue of the Library of George Hib- bert, Esq. of Portland Place, ... by Mr. Evans ... . 8vo, pp. 484. Plates and Facsimiles. London: W. Nicoll. 1829. This collection sold for £21,560, and was one of the most important ever sold. The catalogue contains interesting bibliographical notes. Some copies were printed on large paper, and six were printed on large and thick paper with proof impressions of the plates, and also the etchings of the plates upon India paper. Hidalgo (D.) Boletin bibliografico Espafiol y estranjero. ... Por Dionisio Hidalgo. 8vo. Madrid: imp. de Reneses. 1850. Continued under the " direccion de Dionisio Hidalgo y Carlos Bailly-Bailliere. Set Fctzholdt, p. 383, 389. B I B L I GRAP H r. \\X\X Hidalgo. Diccionario general de Bibliografia Espanola, por Dionisio Hidalgo. Tom. i. 8vo, pp. xxvi, (i), 529. Madrid: impr. de las Escuelas pias, 1 862. HiRSCH (J. C.) Bibliotheca Nvmismatica exhibens Catalo- gvm Avctorvm qvi de Re Monetaria et Nvmis tam antiqvis qvam recentioribvs scripsere, collecta et indice rervm instrvcta a Job. Christ. Hirsch. Folio, pp. (8), 233. Norimhergae^ hered. Feheckeri, 1760. Histoire de la Bibliophilie, Relieures, Recherches sur les Bib- liotheques des plus celebres Amateurs, Armorial des Bibliophiles. 10 parts imp. folio. 50 Plates of Facsimiles. Paris: Techener, 1861-64. Histoire Literaire de la France, par les Religieux Benedictins, (d.d. Rivet, Taillandier et Clemencet) de la Congregation de St. Maur. 12 vols., 4to. Paris. 1733-63. This important work contains much curious and interesting bibliographical biog- raphy of the earlier French ecclesiastical writers and Fathers of the Church. The Historic Literature of Ireland, an Essay on the Publica- tions of the Irish Archaeological Society, founded a.d. 1840, for the printing of the Genealogical, Ecclesiastical, Bardic, Topo- graphical, and Historical Remains of Ireland. 8vo, pp. 64. Dublin, 1 85 1. An Historical Account of all the books that have been vi^ritten relating to the Antiquities, Natural History, or Topographical Description of any part of England. 8vo. London. 1720. Hoffmann (S. F. W.) HofFmanni Lexicon Bibliographicum, sive Index Editionum et Interpretationum Scriptorum Graecorum tum sacrorum turn profanorum. 3 vols., rl. 8vo. Lipsia: J. A. G. Weigel 1832-36. The most comprehensive and the best bibliographical catalogue of the Greek and Latin Classics, and the Fathers, with the various translations, commentaries, etc. Reprinted with additions, as below : Hoffmann. S. F. W. Hoffmann's Bibliographisches Lexicon der gesammten Litteratur der Griechen. ... Erster Theil, A-D. Rl. 8vo, pp. iv, 614; Zweiter Theil, E-N. pp. vi, 649. Leip- zig: Bohme. 1838-39. Dritter Theil, O-Z. ... pp. (2), 664. Leipzig: Geuther, 1845. See Petzholdt, p. 690. Holmes (J.) Descriptive Catalogue of Books in the Library of John Holmes. With Notices of Authors and Printers. 4 vols., 8vo, and two supplements. Norwich, 1828-40. Privately printed, and valuable for the extensive bibliographical and biographical notes. It is seldom found complete. Ixxx BIBLIOGRAPHY. HoLTROP (J. G.) Catalogus librorum saeculo xv" impresso- rum, quotquot in Bibliotheca Regia Hagana asservantur. Edidit Job. Guil. Holtrop. 8vo, pp. (2), xxxiii, 592. I Haga-Comitum : Nijhoff. 1856. This excellent catalogue is divided into two portions, the first of which contains six hundred and fifty-one articles printed in Belgium, the other ^* extra Belgium," consists of nine hundred and twenty-eight articles. Holtrop. Monumens typographiques des Pays-Bas, au quin- zieme siecle. Collection de fac-simile d'apres les originaux con- serves a la Bibliotheque Royale de La Haye et ailleurs. Publiee par J. W. Holtrop. Rl. 4to. La Haye: Nijhoff. 1857. [Homer (A.)] Bibliotheca Americana. See page xviii. HoRNE (T. H.) A Catalogue of the Library of the College of St. Margaret and St. Bernard, commonly called Queen's Col- lege in the University of Cambridge, methodically arranged by Thomas Hartwell Home. 2 vols., rl. 8vo, pp. Ixiii, (i), 512; (2), 5 1 3-1 194. London: For the Society, m.dccc.xx.vii. HoRNE. An Introduction to the Study of Bibliography. To which is prefixed a Memoir on the Public Libraries of the An- tients. By Thomas Hartwell Home. Illustrated with Engrav- ings. 2 vols., 8vo, pp. xiv, XXV, 402 ; (4), 403-738, (2), clvi. 10 Plates. London: T. Cadell hf W. Davies. 1 8 14, Fifty copies printed on large paper. On page 92, et seq.y is a chapter on Mexican and North American picture-writing. Prefaced is a memoir on the public libraries of the Ancients. The most useful work of the kind in the English language; a a new edition is much wanted. See also Petzholdt, pp. 10, 50. HoRNE. A Manual of Biblical Bibliography, comprising a Catalogue, methodically arranged, of the Principal Editions and Versions of the Holy Scriptures, together with Notices of the Principal Philologers, Critics and Interpreters of the Bible. By Thomas Hartwell Home. 8vo. London: Longman ... 1839. [HoRNE.] Outlines for the Classification of a Library ; sub- mitted to the consideration of the Trustees of the British Mu- seum. 4to. London. 1825. This plan for a classified catalogue was approved by the trustees, and the cata- loguing under the author's directions proceeded for many years upon this principle. One hundred and seven copies only printed, of which seven are on large paper, imp. 4to. HoRNE. Reminiscences Personal and Bibliographical of Thomas Hartwell Home ... with notes by his Daughter Sarah B I B L I G RAP Hr, Jxxxi Anne Cheyne and a short introduction by The Rev. Joseph B. M'Caul ... . 8vo, pp. XV, (i), 208. Portrait. London: Longman ... 1862. HosMER (Z.) Catalogue of the ... Library of Zelotes Hos- mer, Esq., of Cambridge, Mass., ... sold ... May 7, 1861, ... 8vo, pp. (2), iv, 114. Boston. 1861. Some copies printed on large paper, rl. 8vo. Strong in early English literature, bibliography, and rare editions of the Greek and Latin classics. Hough (F. B.) Bibliographical List of Books and Pamphlets containing Eulogies, Orations, Poems, or other Papers, relating to the Death of General Washington, or to the Honors Paid to His Memory. By Franklin B. Hough. Imp. 8vo, pp. 59. Albany: Privately Printed. 1865. Twenty-four copies only privately printed on tinted paper. It is included in the same author's ** Washingtoniana; or Memorials of the Death of George Washington, ..." and, we may add, the titles are not correctly quoted. [Howes (Thomas), of Norwich.'] Critical Observations on Books, Ancient and Modern. ... 1776-91. 6 vols., 8vo. " Neither the extraordinary learning, nor the logical application of it, nor the greatness of the subjects on which it is employed, have kept from passing away into the oblivious gulf of time the work called * Critical Observations, &c.' by The. Howes, of Norwich." — Gentleman^ i MagU'xine^ Article on Foster''s Remains. HuBER (Johann Joseph von). Handbuch fur Kiinstler und Freunde der Kunst. 2 vols., 8vo. Augsburg und Leipzig. 18 19. HuBNER (J.) Bibliotheca Genealogica, Das ist : Ein Ver- zeichniss aller Alten und Neuen Genealogischen Biicher von alien Nationen in der Welt, den Liebhabern der Politischen Wissenschaften zur Bequemlichkeit gesammlet ... von Joh. Hiibnero. 8vo, pp. (14), 608. Hamburg: Brandt. 1729. Hugo (T.) The Bewick Collector. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Works of Thomas and John Bewick ; including Cuts, in various states for Books and Pamphlets, Private Gentlemen, Public Companies, ... Newspapers [etc.]; with an Appendix of Portraits, Autographs, ... etc. The whole described from the Originals. ... By Thomas Hugo, m.a. ... 8vo, pp. xxiii, 562. London : Lovell Reeve, mdccclxvi. + Supplement, pp. xxxii, 353. London: Lovell Reeve, mdccclxviii. HuLSE (S.) Hulsiani Bibliotheca, sive Catalogus Librorum Samuelis Hulsii. 4 vols., 8vo. Hag. Com. 1730. " This is the catalogue of a most noble library, abundantly rich in almost every department of human knowledge. The Greek and Roman classics abound in Ixxxii BIBLIOGRAPHY. magnificent profusion, both as to early and curious as well as splendid and useful editions." — Note by Mr. Heber. Hume (A.) The Learned Societies and Printing Clubs of The United Kingdom : being an Account of their Respective Origin, History, Objects, and Constitution ; ... and a General In troduction and a Classified Index. Compiled ... by the Rev. A. Hume. 8vo, pp. xxxii, 307. London: Longman ... . 1847. ~H With a Supplement containing all the Recently-Established Soci- eties and Printing Clubs, and their Publications to the Present Time, by A. I. Evans. Post Svo, pp. xxxii, 294, 72. London: G. Willis, mdcccliii. Contains lists of the books issued by the Camden, Shakespeare, Maitland, Banna- tyne, Roxburghe, and all the other Societies. Humphreys (H. N.) A History of the Art of Printing, from its Invention to its v^ide-spread Development in the Middle of the 1 6th Century. Preceded by a Short Account of tjie Origin of the Alphabet, and of the successive Methods of Recording Events and Multiplying Ms. Books before the Invention of Print- ing. By H. Noel Humphreys. ... With One Hundred Illustra- tions. ... Imp. 4to, pp. 224. 105 Plates. London: Bernard ^uaritch. 1867. The first issue consisted of three hundred copies only. The publisher's certificate to that effect is usually inserted in the work. " The illustrations of this work, which, unlike facsimiles produced by hand, must necessarily be absolute reproductions of their originals, exceed one hundred in number, and fi-equently consist of represent- ations of entire pages from many of the most interesting books produced by the early printers. Among them may be mentioned an entire folio page from the first printed Bible, the magnificent work of Gutenberg, richly adorned with ornamental borderings by a contemporary German illuminator. An entire page from the celebrated Psalter of Schoeffer, in which the large capitals are printed in colours, in rivalry with the illuminators of the time. Pages from the first books printed in Italy, France, Spain, Flanders, and Holland, accompany the accounts of the introduction of the printing press to those countries j and several such entire pages in facsimile illustrate the description of the works of William Caxton, the founder of the printing press in England. In addition to these and many illustrations of other kinds, will be found a very interesting and an abundant series of examples from the most richly decorated of the French * Horae,' and from the profusely illustrated German books produced in the first half of the sixteenth century." The copies dated 1868 are somewhal inferior as regards the plates. Humphreys. Master Pieces of the Early Printers & Engrav ers. A Series of Facsimiles from Rare and Curious Books remarkable for Illustrative Devices, Beautiful Borders, Decora tive Initials, Printers Marks, Elaborate Title-pages, &c. By H Noel Humphreys, ,.. Imp. 4to. London: H. Sotheran iff Co, 18 70 First issued in parts, which are preferable for the early impressions of the seventy B I B L J GRAP Hr. Ixxxiii curious plates. " The great beauty of many of the books produced by the Early Printers, both as regards the remarkable and various character of their Types, and the exquisitely designed Initials and Borderings with which their pages are enriched, is scarcely known and appreciated beyond the narrow circle of enthusiastic bibliogra- pliers who have made the first works that issued from the printing press a subject of special study; and it is to make them more widely known that the present work has been projected. The greater part of the examples are now published for the first time, and have never appeared in any other bibliographical work. They comprise designs by Wohlgemuth, Durer, Burgemair, Cranach, and others equally celebrated." Hunt (F. Knight). The Fourth Estate : Contributions to- wards a History of Newspapers, and of the Liberty of the Press. ... 2 vols., i2mo, pp. viii, 302; iv, 298. London: David Bogue. 1 8 50. Hunter (J.) English Monastic Libraries, i. A Catalogue of the Library of the Priory of Bretton, in Yorkshire. 11. No- tices of the Libraries belonging to other Religious Houses. By The Rev. Joseph Hunter, f.s.a. 4to, pp. xii, 30. London: J, B. Nichols and Son. 1831. HuTTON (J.) Catalogue of the Library of John Hutton. 8vo. London. 1764. An exceedingly curious and rare collection. See Dibdin's Bibliomaniay 496-497. IcAZBALCETA (J. G.) Apuntcs para un Catalogo de Escri- tores en Lenguas Indigenas de America. Por Joaquin Garcia Icazbalceta. i2mo, pp. xiii, 157. Mexico. Se ban impreso 60 ejemplares en la imprenta particular del autor. 1866. Describes some of the rarest of books printed in Mexico. Index to Foreign Scientific Periodicals contained in the Patent Office Library. Printed and published by order of the Commis- sioners of Patents. Vols, i.-iv. Imp. 8vo. London. 1867-70. The first number of this valuable index was published June i, 1866, and has been since regularly continued fortnightly } it gives a list of the contents of all the articles contained in the principal scientific periodicals published on the Continent (translated into English), with an alphabetical list of the names of the authors, and a most complete classified Index of Subjects, which much adds to its value. Index to the Catalogue of Books in the Bates Hall of the Public Library of the City of Boston. ... 8vo, pp. vii, (i), 902. Boston: J. E. Farwell ^ Company. 1865. -j- First Supplement. 8vo, pp. iv, (i), 718; Index, pp. 21. \_Ibid.'] 1866. Also : Index to the Catalogue of a Portion of the Public Library of the City of Boston, arranged in the Lower Hall. Imp. 8vo. Boston : Press of Geo. C. Rand & Avery. 1859. Ixxxiv BIBLIOGRAPHT. [Ireland.] Memoirs of Jeanne d'Arc surnamed La Pucelle D'Orleans ; with the History of her Times. ... 2 vols., 8vo, pp. clxii, 239; cccxix, 144. London: Robert Triphook. 1824. The second volume contains an extensive bibliography of books relating to Joan of Arc. Consult also J. Bartlelemy de Beauregard, and the Bulletin de Bouquiniite. Irving (D.) The Lives of the Scotish Poets, with Prelimin- ary Dissertations on the Literary History of Scotland, and the Early Scotish Drama. ... By David Irving, l.l.d. Second Edi- tion, Improved. 2 vols., 8vo, pp. (6), 447 ; (6), 507. London: Longman. 1810. Jadis (H.) Shaksperiana ; A Complete Collection of the Books and Pamphlets which have been published relative to the Life, or Illustrative of the Writings of Shakspere, in the posses- sion of H. Jadis. 8vo. London, 1826. Jarvis (S. F.) a Catalogue of the Entire Library of the Late Rev. Samuel Farmar Jarvis. ... Sold November ... 1851. [Pre- pared by Joseph Sabin.] 8vo, pp. (8), 219. New York. 1851. Arranged in classes, and describes the largest library of its kind which has been sold in the United States. Jewett (C. C.) ... Notices of Public Libraries in the United States ... . By Charles C. Jewett ... . 8vo, pp. (2), 207. Washington^ D. C. 1857. Jewett. ... On the Construction of Catalogues of Libraries ... and their Publication by means of Separate, Stereotyped Titles. With Rules and Examples. By Charles C. Jewett. ... Rl. 8vo, pp. vi, (i), 78. Washington, 1852. -|- Second Edition. Rl. 8vo, pp. xii, 96. Washington. 1853. A well written summary of all that has been done towards solving this difficult subject. Librarians and private collectors will find in it many valuable practical hints. Jocher (Adam). Obraz bibliograficzno-bistoryczny literatury i nauk w Polsce, od wprowadzenia do nicj druku po rok 1830 wlacznie ... Wydanie Adama Zawadzkiego. 3 vols., 8vo. Wilno: J. Zawadzki. 1 840-57. Contents : Vol. i. Literatura i filologja starozytna. Nauki razem wziete. Zbiory. Polygrafia. 1840. Vol. 11. Teologia. Wstepne wiadomosci, historia, literatura, krytyka, zrodla i powaga. Institucja. 1842. Vol. iii. Praktyka, prawo koscielne, dzieje. 1857. Jocher (C. J.) Allgemeines Gelehrten Lexicon, Darinne die Gelehrten aller Stande ... welche vom Anfange der Welt bis auf ietztige Zeit gelebt, und sich der gelehrten Welt ... bekannt BIBLIOGRAPHT. \\\xs gemacht, ... aus den glaubwurdigsten Scribenten in alphabetischer Ordnung beschrieben werden. ... Heraus gegeben von Christian Gottlieb Jocher. 4 vols, 4to, pp. (4), 2250, (4) ; (4), 2636, (4); (2), 2338, (5); (18), 2284, (5). Portrait. Leipzig : Johann Fried- rich Gleditschen. mdccl-mdccli. -f Fortsetzung und Erganzun- gen ... von Johann Christoph Adelung und Heinrich Wilhelm Rotermund. 6 vols., 4to, pp. (16), 2496; (2), 2364 j Ixxxi, 2208 ; X, 2200 ; ix, 2200 ; vii, 2200. Leipzig: Johann Friedrich Gleditschen. l']%\-Bremen. 18 19. "Opus incredibili labore congestum et duraturum ad posteritatem monumentum.* — Ernesti. " Maximum vero sibi nomen peperit Lexico eruditorum Theotisco, quod primum sub auspiciis J. B. Menckenii ... lucem vidit." — Saxii Onomasticon. See Petzholdt, p. 76. Johnson (J.) Typographia, or the Printer's Instructor ; In- cluding an Account of the Origin of Printing, with Biographical Notices of the Printers of England, from Caxton to the Close of this Sixteenth Century : A Series of Ancient and Modern Alphabets, and Domesday Characters; together vi^ith An Eluci- dation of every Subject connected with the Art. By J. Johnson, Printer. 2 vols., i6mo, pp. (14), xii, 610, (10); (4), iv, 588. Typographia, pp. 56; Text resumed, pp. 645-663, (16). London: Longman^ Hurst ... . 1829. This valuable work is too often regarded merely as a book for printers, whereas it contains more information respecting early printed books than is to be found in any other and more costly volumes. Its real compiler was Mr. Richard Thomson, Librarian of the London Institution, who was assisted by Dibdin, Wilkins, Baber, and other well known bibliographers. It was issued in three different sizes, the largest being known as the Roxburghe Edition with Portraits on India paper. JoLLEY (T.) Catalogue ... of the very Extensive, singularly curious and valuable Library of Thomas Jolley, Esq. ... 7 parts 8vo. London : S. Leigh Sotheby. mdcccxliii. JoNCKBLOET (M. W. J. A.) Etude sur le Roman de Renart par M. W. J. A. Jonckbloet ... . 8vo, pp. (6), 405. Groningue : J. B. Wolters. 1 863. [Jones (T.)] A Catalogue of the Collection of Tracts for and against Popery (published in or about the reign of James ll.) in the Manchester Library, founded by Humphrey Chetham ; in which is incorporated, with large Additions and Bibliographica. Notes, the whole of Peck's Lists of the Tracts in that Contro versy, with his references. 2 vols., 4to, pp. (4), xii, 256 ; (4), X, 257-525. Printed for the Chetham Society. 1859-65 Chetham Society's Publications, Vols, xlviii and lxiv. Ixxxvi BIBLIOGRAPHT. Joseph (Michael a S.) Bibliographia Critica, Sacra, et Pro phana. 4 vols., folio. Matriti. 1740-42 This work is valuable as containing much information not elsewhere found — say jicta Bollandiana Sanctorum^ of which the analysis to the end of July, occupies loo cols.; Bihliotheca^ 1 20 cols.; Codex ^ 35 cols.; CollecUo Concil'torum et Canonuniy 44 cols.; DecretaleSy 60 cols.; Liturgite, 29 cols.j Martyrologiutrij 21 cols.j Reginaldus Polusy 50 cols. Journal de I'Amateur de livres. 3 vols., 8vo. Paris: jfannet. 1848-50. Journal general de la Litterature etrangere, ou Indicateur bib- liographique et raisonne des Livres nouveaux et tous genres ... . 8vo. Paris et Strasbourg : Treuttel et WUrtT.. 1 801. Continued. A valuable journal, edited by Philip Werner Loos. Journal de Tlmprimerie et de la Librairie en Belgique. Livres, brochures, compositions Inusicales, cartes geographiques, gravures, lithographies, etc. Public, a Taide de documents officiels, par Ch. Hen. 8vo. Bruxelles. 1853-63. Journal general de Tlmprimerie et de la Librairie. Deuxieme Serie. ... 8vo. Paris: au Cercle de la Librairie. 1857. Concerning this valuable periodical see Petzholdt, p. 323. Kahl (L. M.) Bibliothecae Philosophicae Strvvianae emen- datae continvatae atqve vltra dimidiam partem avctae a Lvd. Mart. Kahlio. Tom. i. Scriptores Philosophiae contemplativae percen- sens. Tom. ii. Scriptores Philosophiae practicae percensens. 2 vols., rl. 8vo, pp. (12), 476 -, (8), 454. Gottingae : Vandenhoeck et Cvno. 1740. Kayser (C. G.) Index ... Librorum, qui ab anno 1750 ad 1870 in Germania et in terris confinibus prodierunt : Vollstandi- ges Biicher-Lexicon ... . 18 vols., 4to. Leipzig. 1831-73. Continued. A very useful bibliography of all books printed in Germany and the neighboring countries, from 1750 to 1870, with approximate prices. &e Petzholdt, p. 291. Kelly (J.) The American Catalogue of Books (Original and Reprints), published in the United States from Jan., 1861, to Jan., 1866, with Date of Publication, Size, Price, and Pub- lisher's Name. With Supplement containing Pamphlets, Ser- mons, and Addresses on the Civil War in the United States, 1861-1866; and Appendix, containing Names of Learned Societies and other Literary Associations, with a List of their Publications, 1 861-1866. Compiled and arranged by James BIBLIOGRAPHT. Ixxxvil Kelly. 8vo, pp. (4), 303. New York: John Wiley l^ Son, 1866. + Vol. II. 1871. 8vo, pp. (4), 488. Intended as a continuation of Roorbach's Bibliotheca Americana. [Kennett (White).] Bibllothecae Americanae Primordia. An Attempt Towards laying the Foundation of an American Library, In several Books, Papers, and Writings, Humbly given to the Society for Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, For the Perpetual Use and Benefit of their Members, their Missionaries, Friends, Correspondents, and Others concern'd in the Good De- sign of Planting and Promoting Christianity w^ithin Her Majesties Colonies and Plantations in the West-Indies. By a Member of the said Society. 4to, pp. (2), xvi, iii, 275, (224). London: J. Churchill. 17 13. There are copies on large paper. " In this short catalogue will be found about twenty original tracts relating to Newfoundland j above fifty concerning Virginia ; one hundred, or more, of New England : and so on in proportion to the colonies." — Preface. " This, as far as it goes, is the best Catalogue of Books relating to America extant, the titles being copied at full length with the greatest exactness, together with name of the printer, and the number of pages in each volume. It unfortunately contains only the books given to the society by White Kennett,Bishop of Peterbor- ough. It is rich in English tracts relating to New England." — Rich. The collection to which it refers has disappeared — some scattered and neglected remains were found a few years since among the archives of the Society at Lambeth. Kent. Outline of a Course of English Reading, based on that prepared for the Mercantile Library Association of the City of New-York, By the late Chancellor Kent : With Additions by Charles King, ll.d.. President of Columbia College, N. Y., and With Further Additions and Notes [by Henry A. Oakley]. l2mo, pp. viii, 120. New-York : G. P. Putnam and Co. 1853. [Kernot (Henry).] Bibliotheca Diabolica ; a Selection of the most valuable Books relating to the Devil. Chronologically Arranged with Notes, Quotations and Proverbs, and a Copious Index. Imp. 8vo. [New York.'] 1874. Although the real object of this monograph was, the sale of a lot of books, it is none the less valuable as the only monograph of its kind in English. Kettell (S.) Specimens of American Poetry, with Critical and Biographical Notices. By Samuel Kettell. 3 vols., i2mo, pp. xlviii, 353 ; x, 408 ; x, 406. Boston : S. G. Goodrich and Co. mdcccxxix. This collection embraces specimens of i88 American poets, beginning with Cotton Mather and ending with J. G. Whittier. The third volume contains a Bibliograph- ical and Chronological List of American Poets. Ixxxviii B I B L I OGR^P H r. KisTNER (Otto). Budha and his Doctrines. 8vo. London. 1869. A biographical essay, to which additions have been made by William Edden, in Triibner's Record, July i6, 1869. [Koop (Matthias).] Historical Account of the Substances which have been used to describe Events, and to convey Ideas, from the earliest date to the Invention of Paper. Printed on the First Useful Paper manufactured solely from Straw. Rl. 8vo. London. 1800. Eighty-two pages printed on straw paper, with an appendix printed on paper made from wood, the first example of paper so made. Knight (C.) The Old Printer and the Modern Press. By Charles Knight. Post 8vo. London: John Murray. 1854. Knight. William Caxton, the First English Printer. A Biography. By Charles Knight, iimo. London : Charles Knight and Co. 1 844. " The Father of Printing could not have found a more suitable or a more enthusi- astic biographer." — Patriot. Kreysig (G. C.) Bibliotheca Scriptorvm venaticorvm con- tinens Avctores, qvi de venatione, sylvis, avcvpio, piscatvra et aliis eo spectantibvs commentati svnt. Congessit George Chris- toph Kreysig. Sm. 8vo, pp. (18), 208. Altenhvrgi : Richter. 1 750. For other works by this author see Petzholdt, pp. 797, 818. Lacroix (A.), et Baudry. Bibliographie des Ingenieurs et Architectes des Chefs d'usines industrielles et d*exploitations agri- coles et des £leves des ecoles polytechnique et professionnelles. 8vo. Continued. Paris. 1857. See Petzholdt, p. 729. [Lacroix (Paul).] Bibliographie et iconographie de tous les ouvrages de Restif de la Bretonne. Par P. L. Jacob [pseudon']. 8vo, pp. (4), XV, 510. Portrait. Paris: A. Fontaine. 1875. Lacroix. Histoire de Tlmprimerie, par Paul Lacroix, Edouard Fournier et Ferdinand Lere. Imp. 8vo. Facsimiles. Paris. 1852. La Croix du Maine. Les Bibliotheques Fran9oises de La Croix du Maine et de Du Verdier, Sieur de Vauprivas ; ... cor rigee & augmentee ... des Remarques ... de M. de la Monnoye & de M. ... Bouhier; ... de M. Falconet ... Par M. Rigolev BIBLIOGRAPHT. Ixxxlx de Juvigny ... Table Raisonnee. 6 vols., 410, pp. 608, (2) ; (4), 444, civ, 108; (4), viii, xliii, 698, (l); (4), 650, (i); (4), 571, (l); viii, 359, 118,(2). Paris: Michel Lambert^ Imprimeur . 1772-73. Best edition of this highly valuable and important work which is ;in alphabetical account of early French literature, the most extensive published. " Ces ouvrages sont tres precieux pour I'histoire litteraire de la France, anterieure a la fin du seizieme siecle." — Brunet. There are copies on large paper. Laire (F. X.) Index Librorum ab inventa typographia ad annum 1500 ; Chronologice dispositus cum notis historiam typo- graphico-litterariam illustrantibus. Hunc disposuit Franc. Xav. Laire. 2 vols., 8vo, pp. (4), viii, 475 ; (4), 464. Senonis^ ap. vid. et fil. Tar be. 1791. " These are scarce and dear volumes, and supply some deficiences in Audiffredi. The bibliographer should omit no opportunity of possessing them." — Dibdin. Also on thick paper. De Bure compiled a third volume. See Petzholdt, p. 122. Laire. Specimen Typographiae Romanae xv. saeculi opera et studio Francisci Xaver. Laire. 8vo, pp. xv, 308. Roma: Monaldini. 1778. Concerning this scarce volume see Petzholdt, p. 120. La Lande (Joseph J. Le Francois de). Bibliographic astro- nomique ; avec I'histoire de I'astronomie depuis 1781 jusqu'a 1802. Par Jerome de La Lande. 4to, pp. (4), viii, 916. Paris^ de Vimpr, de la Republique. An XII.-1803. "A perfect model of scientific Bibliography." — Frof. A. Dz Morgan. Table of authors at the end. See Petzholdt, p. 538. Lalanne (L.) Curiosites Bibliographiques. Par Ludovic Lalanne. Sm. 8vo, pp. (4), 469. Parts: Paulin. 1845. Lambinet (P.) Origine de I'Imprimerie, d*apres les titres authentiques, Topinion de Daunou et celle de Van Praet ; suivie des etablissemens de cet art dans la Belgique et de THistoire de la Stereotypic ; ornee de caiques, de portraits et d'ecussons, par P. Lambinet. 2 vols., 8vo, pp. xxx, 435 ; xv, 424. Paris: Nicolle. 18 10. Also: Recherches historiques, litteraires et critiques, sur I'origine de I'lmprimerie; particulierement Sur ses premiers etablissemens, au xvme. siecle, dans la Belgique, maintenant reunie a la Republique fran^aisej Ornees des portraits et des ecussons des premiers Imprimeurs beiges. Rl. 8vo, pp. (2), xvi, 500. Bruxelles : de rimpr. de Flon. An vii. " A work of deep research, which in a considerable degree illus- trates the history of printing. — Horne. Langbaine (G.) An Account of the English Dramatick Poets, or, some Observations and Remarks on the Lives and xc BIBLIOGRAPHT. Writings, of all those that have Publish'd either Comedies, Tragedies, Tragi-Comedies, Pastorals, Masques, Interludes, Farces, or Operas in the English Tongue. By Gerard Lang- baine. 8vo. Oxford. 1691. "A work which, for an age that offered small facility or encouragement to the prosecution of researches in the field of early English Literature, was one of extraor- dinary merit." — Halliwell. *'Of the several early Catalogues of the English stage, Langbaine's only is to be implicitly relied on for its fidelity." — Lowno£8. Lanjuinais (J. D.) Notice de Touvrage de M. fiveque et Senateur Gregoire, intitule : De la Litterature des Negres. Par J. D. Lanjuinais. 8vo, pp. 24. Paris: Maradan, 1808. Lastri (M.) Biblioteca georgica, ossia Catalogo ragionato degli scrittori di agricoltura, veterinaria, agrimensura, meteoro- logia, economia pubblica, caccia, pesca, etc. spettanti all' Italia, del proposto Marcantonio Lastri. 4to, pp. xi, 152. Firenze : Pagani, 1 787. Leclerc (C.) Bibliotheca Americana Catalogue Raisonne d'une tres-precieuse collection de livres anciens et modernes sur TAmerique et les Philippines Classes par ordre alphabetique de noms d'auteurs. Redige par Ch. Leclerc. Rl. 8vo, pp. vii, 407. Paris Maisonneuve ^ O' m.d.ccc.lxvii Describes 1,645 works and contains a careful collation of each book, and in many instances analyses and important notes. It was followed by " Bibliotheca Historica j Catalogue raisonne d'une collection de livres sur THistoire de TEurope et de I'Ame- rique. 8vo, pp. 193. Paris. 1868. Larkin (E. and S.) Catalogue of Books, for Sale by E. and S. Larkin, N°. 47, Cornhill, Boston, consisting of the most esteemed Authors, and arranged under the following Heads, viz. Law, Divinity, Surgery, Physic, Chemistry, Anatomy, History, Biography, Voyages, Travels, Memoirs, Lives, Novels, Ro- mances, Poetry, Dramatics, Miscellanies, Agriculture, Mathe- matics, Philosophy, Trade and Commerce, Classical and School Books. l2mo, pp. 92. Boston: Printed for E. and S. Larkin. Le Long (J.) Bibliotheca Sacra, post J. Le Long et C. F. Boerneri iteratas curas ordine disposita, emendata, suppleta, con- tinuata ab A. G. Masch. 4 vols., 4to, pp. (2), cxxxii, 465, (i) ; xvi, 226; 352; XX, (2), 754, 192. Hala. 1778-90. Dr. Dibdin justly terms this work a " Standard authority on matters of Biblical Literature." There is scarcely an edition of the Bible extant in Hebrew, Greek, Latin, or Polyglots, but it is accurately described, and all textual, as well as typo- graphical variations, pointed outj it is perhaps the most perfect Manual of Biblical Bibliography extant. The first edition was Parisiis. 1 709. 2 vols., 8vo. BIBLIOGRAPHr. xCt Le Long. Bibliotheque Historique de la France, contenant le Catalogue des Ouvrages, imprimes & manuscrits, qui traitent ... de ce Royaume ; ... augmentee par M. Fevret De Fontette. 5 vols., folio, pp. (2), xxxiv, (2), 926 ; (4), vi, (6), 892 ; (2), vii, (l), 850, cvii ; (4), xvi, 536, 285 ; viii, 771. Paris: De V Impr'imerie de "Jean-Thomas Herissant, 1768—78. This is perhaps the most laborious and most able bibliographical work which hab ever appeared. It is scarcely possible to find a volume or a manuscript in any way connected with French history which is not fully described, and it frequently gives curious details respecting English historians. Brunet remarks "Get ouvrage et un des travaux les plus essentiels qu'ait produit la science bibliographique, et il doit se trouver dans tous les Bibliotheques." Lenglet du Fresnoy (N.) Methode pour etudier THistoire: avec un Catalogue des principaux Historiens, et des Remarques sur la bonte de leur Ouvrages, et sur le choix des meilleures Edi- tions. Par Lenglet du Fresnoy. 4 vols., 4to. Maps, &c. Paris. i'J2(). -f- Nouvelle Edition, Augmentee ... . Paris: Gandouin. 1735. Supplement. 5 vols., 4to. Paris : Rollin jib & De Bure Patne. 1 740. A most valuable and comprehensive work, and the master-key to all the locked-up treasures of ancient and modern history, and to the more secret stores of the obscure memorialists of every nation. See Petzholdt, pp. 816, 817. Lenglet du Fresnoy. Methode pour etudier le Geographic. ... Avec ... un Catalogue des Cartes Geographiques, de Rela- tions, Voyages, & Descriptions les plus necessaires pour la Geo- graphic. Par Lenglet Dufresnoy. 5 vols., i2mo. Paris : Rollin fils ^ De Bure Vame, 1 736. See Petzholdt, p. 789. Leon (A. de). Epitome de la Biblioteca Oriental 1 Occi- dental, Nautica 1 Geografica. ... Por Antonio de Leon, Relator del Supremo 1 Real Consejo de las Indias. 4to, Engraved Title, pp. (86), 186, Appendix, 12, Colophon, i 1. Madrid: luan Gonzalez. 1629. " The author of this work, probably the first which contains a Catalogue of Books on America, afterwards took the surname of Pinelo. The following enlarged edition by Barcia is so clumsily thrown together that it is quite a relief to refer from it to this neat and well-arranged little manual." — Rich. Leon Pinelo. Epitome de la Biblioteca Oriental y Occi- dental, Nautica y Geografica : de Don Antonio de Leon Pinelo, del Consejo de S. M. en la casa de la Contratacion de Sevilla y Coronista mayor de las Indias, Anadido y enmendado nuevamente, en que se contienen los Escritores de las Indias Orientales y Oc- Xcii BIBLIOGRAPHr. cidentales y Reinos convecinos, China, Tartaria, Japon, Persia, Armenia, Etiopia y otras partes. ... 3 vols., folio, pp. 11 72. Madrid: Francisco Martinez. M.DCC.XXXVII-Viii. "The most complete general Bibliography of Geographical Works, Travels, Mis- sionary Reports, etc. The second volume contains the works relating to America, and its greatest value consists in the notices it gives of the Spanish manuscripts on the subjects, most of which are still existing in Spain." — Rich. See also Harrisse'" Bib. Am. Vet. Le Prince (Nicolas Thomas). Essai historique sur le Biblio- theque du roi, aujourd'hui Bibliotheque imperiale, avec des notices sur les depots qui la composent et le catalogue de ses principaux fonds. i8mo. Paris. 1782. -f Nouvelle edition, augmentee des Annales de la bibliotheque. Par Louis Paris. i8mo, pp. 466. Paris. 1856. Lewis (J.) Complete History of the several translations of the Holy Bible and New Testament into English, both in Ms. and in Print, and of the most remarkable editions of them since the invention of Printing. 8vo. London. 1739. Lewis. The Life of Mayster Wyllyam Caxton, of the Weald of Kent ; the First Printer in England. In which is given an Account of the Rise and Progress of the Art of Pryntyng in England, during his Time, till 1493. Collected by John Lewis, Minister of Mergate in Kent. 8vo, pp. xxii, 156, (4). Portrait and 2 Plates. London: Printed in the Tear m.dcc.xxxvii. One hundred and fifty copies printed on large thick paper. Some copies possess an additional leaf, paged 158, containing the Character of Caxton by Bishop Bale and a note respecting Sir Walter Manny from Froissart. Leypoldt (F.) The Annual American Catalogue. [Third year.] Containing an Alphabetical List of Books published in the United States, and imported, during the year 1871. With a classified Index. 8vo. New York : Publishers' and Stationers^ Weekly Trade Circular. 1872. LiBRi (G.) Catalogue of the Extraordinary Collection of Splendid Manuscripts chiefly upon vellum, in various Languages of Europe and the East, formed by Guglielmo Libri ... Sold ... 1859. Imp. 8vo, pp. (2), xxxix, 260. 37 Plates. \London. 1859.] Libri. Catalogue of the Choicer Portion of the Magnificent Library formed by M. Guglielmo Libri ... Sold ... 1859. ^"^P' 8vo, pp. XX, 380. London. 1859. Libri. Catalogue of the Mathematical, Historical, Biblio- graphical and Miscellaneous Portion of the ... Library of M. BIBLIOGRAPHY. XCUI Guglielmo Librl. ... Sold ... 1861 ... 2 parts, imp. 8vo, pp. xxxi, (i), 799. 3 Facsimiles. LiBRi. Catalogue de la partie reservee et la plus precieuse de la Collection Libri, ... Laquelle sera mise aux encheres ... Imp. 8vo, pp. (4), 143. \_LondQn. 1862.] It was also issued in the English language as : LiBRi. Catalogue of the Reserved ... portion of the Libri Collection ... of Ancient Manuscripts and Printed Books. ... Sold ... 1862. Imp. 8vo, pp. (4), 185. Libri. Catalogue of ... Precious Manuscripts and Objects of Art and Vertu, of M. Guglielmo Libri, ... Sold ... 1864. Imp. 8vo, pp. (2), 44. 15 Plates. Libri. ... Prices and Purchasers Names to the Catalogues. Imp. 8vo, pp. (2), 48. Puttick and Simpson. 1868. Libri. Monuments Inedits ou peu Connus, faisant partie du Cabinet de Guillaume Libri, et qui se rapportent a THistoire de rOrnementation chez differents Peuples. Seconde Edition, aug- mentee de plusieurs Planches. Folio. Londres. 1864. First issued in 1862. Of this splendid work only one hundred and fifty copies were printed. It contains 65 large Plates, exhibiting numerous specimens of richly ornamented Early Bookbindings, Illuminated Manuscripts, Drawings by RafFaelle, Michael Angelo, Da Vinci, Rubens, Guercino, splendid Works of Art in Gold, Ivory, &c. Early Engraved Maps, Antiquities in Gold by the Aborigines of America, &c., all beautifully executed facsimiles of the originals, in Gold, Silver, and Colors ; with Descriptions in English and French. LiNDE (A. van der). The Haarlem Legend of the Invention of Printing by Lourens Janszoon Coster, critically examined by Dr. A. van der Linde, translated from the Dutch by J. H. Hes- sels, vi^ith an Introduction and a Classified List of the Costerian Incunabula. Rl. 8vo. London. 187 1. A careful investigation and proof of the utter falsehood of the Haarlem Legend of the " Invention of Printing." Linden (Joannes Antonides van der). De Scriptis Medicis libri duo. 8vo. Amstelodami. 1637. Prefixed Is Manuductio ad Medicinam edition. An edition, printed in the same place, appeared 1851 and 1852. LiNN^us. Caroli Linnaei Bibliotheca botanica recensens Libros plus mille de plantis hue usque editos, secundum Systema Auctorum Naturale in classes, ordines, genera & species dispo- sitos, additis Editionis Loco, Tempore, Forma, Lingua, &c. cum Xciv BIBLIOGRAPHT. explicatlone Fundamentorum Botanicorum pars Ima. 8vo, pp. (i6), 1 68, P'undam. Botan., pp. (4), 36. Amstelodami : Schouten . 1736. For other editions see Petzholdt, pp. 553, 554. Power quotes an edition 1851 — an error for 1751. The Literary World. A Gazette for Authors, Readers, and Publishers. [Edited by Chas. F. Hoffman, Evart A. and Geo. L. Duyckinck.] 13 vols., 4to. New York. 1847-53. [LiVERMORE (George).] Remarks on Public Libraries. From the "North American Review," for July, 1850. For Private Distribution only. 8vo, pp. 40. Cambridge: Printed by Bolles and Houghton. 1 850. Llewellyn [Dr. Thos.) Historical Account of the British or Welsh Versions and Editions of the Bible, with an Appendix containing the Dedications affixed to the first Editions. 8vo. London. 1768. Sold at Dr. Gossett's sale for £1 98. LoFTiE (W. L) a Century of Bibles : or, the Authorized Version from 161 1 to 171 1; to which is added William Kil- burne's Tract on Dangerous Errors in the late Printed Bibles, 1659 ; with Lists of Bibles in the British Museum, Bodleian, Stuttgart and other Libraries. By Rev. W. L Loftie. Post 8vo, pp. (8), 249, (2). London: B, M, Pickering. 1872. Also on large paper. London. The London Catalogue of Books in all Languages, Arts and Sciences, that have been printed in Great Britain from the year mdcc. Properly classed under the general Branches of Literature, and Alphabetically disposed under each head, with their Sizes, and Prices. Carefully Compiled and Corrected, with innumerable Additions. Rl. 8vo, pp. (4), 144. London: W. Harris. 1773. Printed with the title, "A General Catalogue," 1779. + London: W. Bent. 1791. 8vo, pp. 160. For the titles of other editions, besides the following, tee Petzholdt, p. 346. The London Catalogue of Books, with their Sizes, Prices, and Publishers. Containing the Books published in London and those altered in size or price since the year 1800 to 1827. ^^^^ PP (4), 309. London: Longman ... 1827. -f A Supplement ... to June 1829, ... 8vo, pp. 47. London. 1829. + ^^^4 ^^ 1 846. London. 1846. + 1831 to 1855. 8vo, pp. vi, 583. London : Thomas Hodgson, mdccclv. B IBL 10 GRAP Hr. XCV A Catalogue of the Library of the London Institution : Sys- tematically Classed. Preceded by an Historical and Bibliograph- ical Account of the Establishment. ... 4 vols., rl. 8vo, pp. Ixviii, 669, (i), Plan; xxxiii, 658, xviii ; (2), xcvi, 667, (i) ; xxiv, 569,(1). Not published. 1835-52. This very excellent catalogue was the joint labors of Messrs. Upcott, Brayley, and Thompson, to whom great credit is due for the able manner in which they hav« performed so long and tedious a task. Catalogue of the Extensive Library of the Athenaeum Club, London, with the Supplement. 2 vols., rl, 8vo. London, 1845-51. Privately printed for the members only. LoRENZ (Otto). Catalogue General de la Librairie Fran^aise pendant 25 ans (i 840-1 865) Redige par Otto Lorenz, Libraire ... 4 vols., 8vo, pp. (8), 628 ; (4), 636 ; (4), 623 ; (8), 671. Paris Chez 0. Loren% ... 1 867-7 1. Low (S.) The English Catalogue of Books ... 1835, to ... 1863. Comprising the contents of the "London" and "British" Catalogues, and the principal works published in ... America and Continental Europe. ... Compiled by Sampson Low. 8vo, pp. vi, (2), 910. London: Sampson Low^ Son^ and Marston, 1864. + Vol. II. 1863 to ... 1872. 8vo, pp. (4), 452. \Ihid^ 1873. Low. Index to the British Catalogue of Books ... 1837 to 1857 inclusive. Compiled by Sampson Low. 8vo. London: Sampson Low^ Son^ and Co, 1858. Low. An Index to Current Literature ; comprising a Refer- ence to the Author and Subject of every Book in the English Language, and the Articles in Literature, Science, and Art, in several Publications. 1859, i860, 1861. By Sampson Low. 8vo, pp. Ixxxvi, 170. London. 1862. A most valuable index to serial literature, discontinued from want of public appre- ciation and support. Lowndes (W. T.) The Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature, containing an account of Rare, Curious, and Useful Books, published in or Relating to Great Britain and Ireland, from the Invention of Printing; with Bibliographical and Crit- ical Notices, Collations of the Rarer Articles, and the Prices at which they have been sold in this Present Century. By William Thomas Lowndes. 4 vols., 8vo, pp. xii, 2002. London : William Pickering, mdcccxxxiv. First published as a serial; Part i. is dated 1S28. Invaluable to the collector or librarian. The type of this is larger than that of the following edition : Xcvi BIBLIOGRAPUr. Lowndes. [Same Title.] New Edition, Revised, Corrected and Enlarged, By Henry G. Bohn. 6 vols., 8vo, pp. 2746. London: Henry G, Bohn. 1857-69. Issued in eleven parts, each of which contains some preliminary, explanatory, or exculpatory notice by Mr. Bohn. It is much to be regretted that the earlier part of the work does not include the same ratio of additions as the later, and book- collectors, in general, would have been pleased to pay a higher price for a handsomer book. Mr. Bohn's name as editor did not appear on the first title to Vol. i. Power remarks " A good guide to Mr. Bohn's various reprints and * Libraries,' and the appendix is a carefully-compiled list of the publications of the Book-printing Clubs, the private presses, such as Strawberry Hill, Lee Priory, &c., and the rare reprints of Collier, Halliwell, Maidment, Turnbull, and others. The Bibliographer^ t Manual is a work which, for want of a better, no English book-lover can do without. The first edition has the advantage of Mr. Bohn's, being printed in more legible type." Later issues bear the name of Bell & Daldy as publishers. In 1869, two hundred and fifty copies were printed on large paper, in 6 vols., cr. 8vo. The statement that one hundred copies were printed on large paper, which appears on that number of copies which were sent to America, is, to say the least, an abbreviation of the truth. Mr. Bohn's eleven prefatory notices, which to some extent explain the nature and extent of his labors, have been omitted in the large paper copies, both editions being in other respects exactly the same. There is no substitute for The Bibliographer'' s Man- ual ; undertaken originally to supply an obvious desideratum felt by all readers and book-buyers, it forms at once a key to the riches of English literature for the student, and a guide in the formation of a library for the collector. In its present enlarged form it comprises notices of upwards of one hundred thousand distinct books pub- lished in Great Britain and Ireland, but it is susceptible of much improvement. Lowndes. The British Librarian, or Book Collector's Guide to the formation of a Library, in all Branches of Literature, ... With Prices, Critical Notes, References, and an Index of Au- thors and Subjects. ... By William T. Lowndes. 8vo, 1320 columns. London: Wh'ittaker and Co. 1839-42. Eleven parts} comprising ** Religion and its History," being all that were published. It is a valuable Bibliography of Theological Literature j its completion was prevented by tlie death of the author. Lowndes. Shakespeare and his Commentators, from Lowndes* Bibliographer's Manual. 8vo. Portrait. London. 183 1. Fifty-two copies printed — not for sale. This was reproduced with additions as below : Lowndes. A Bibliographical Account of the Works of Shakespeare, including every known Edition, Translation, and Commentary. By Henry G. Bohn. Printed off separately from his enlarged edition of the Bibliographer's Manual, with some Additions. Sm. 4to, pp. (4), 2253-2368. London. 1868. The additions contain lists of the early quartos in the library of the Marquis of Bute, also that of Mr. James Lenox of New York. See alio Sabin's American Bibli- opolist, June, 1870. [Lucombe (Philip).] A Concise History of the Origin and Progress of the Art of Printing j ... Compiled from those who niBLioGRAPHT. xcvii have wrote on this Curious Art. 8vo, pp. (12), 494, 12. Por- trait. London: fV. Jdlard and J, Browne. 1770. LuDEWiG (H. E.) The Literature of American Local His- tory ; a Bibliographical Essay. By Hermann E. Ludewig. 8vo, pp. XX, 180. New York: Printed for the Author, M.DCCCXLVi. Privately printed, and scarce. A Supplement was subsequently printed in the Lit- erary World^ of which twenty-six copies only were separately printed — that being the number of persons who had the politeness to acknowledge the gift of the " Essay." Ludewig. The Literature of American Aboriginal Languages. By Hermann E. Ludewig. With Additions and Corrections, By Professor Wm. W. Turner. Edited by Nicolas Triibner. 8vo, pp. viii, (i), ix-xxiv, 258. London : Triibner & Co. mdccclviii. McCuLLOCH (J. R.) The Literature of Political Economy : A Classified Catalogue of select publications in the different departments of that science, with Historical, Critical, and Bio- graphical [sic] Notices. By J. R. McCulloch, Esq., ... 8vo, pp. xiii, (i), 407. London: I^ongman. mdcccxlv. With two indexes, one of authors and the other of works. Machado (D. B.) Bibliotheca Lusitana Historica, Critica, e Cronologica. Na qual se comprehende a Noticia dos Authores Portuguezes, e das Obras, que compuzerad desde o tempo da promulga^ao da Ley da Gra^a ate o tempo prezente. OfFerecida a Augusta Magestade de D. Joao v. Nosso Senhor por Diogo Barbosa Machado. 4 vols., folio, pp. (80), 767, Portrait ; (2), 927; (2), 799; (6), 725. Lisboa^ Off. de Fonseca. 1741-59. The extreme rarity of this great work, the highest authority upon Portugueze bibliography, arises from the circumstance that a large proportion of the first three volumes perished by fire at Lisbon in 1755. See Petzholdt, p. 381. Mackeldey (F.) Compendium of Modern Civil Law, from the Twelfth German Edition. With a Bibliographical List of Books on the Civil Law. Vol. i. 8vo. New York. 1845. No more of the translation published. For the title of the original iee Petzholdt, p. 650. Macray (W. D.) Annals of the Bodleian Library, Oxford, A.D. 1598-A.D. 1867. With a Preliminary Notice of the earlier Library founded in the Fourteenth Century. By the Rev. Wil- liam Dunn Macray, a.m. ... 8vo, pp. v, (i, i), 369, (i). Rivingtons^ London. 1868. This is the fullest account of this splendid collection, which contains 350,000 printed books and 25,000 manuscripts. Xcviii BIBLIOGRAPHT. Macray. a Manual of British Historians to a.d. 1600. Containing a Chronological Account of the early Chroniclers and Monkish Writers, their Printed Works and unpublished mss., with the Period of each history, and when the writer flourished. By the Rev. William Dunn Macray, a.m. ... 8vo. TV, Pickering^ London. 1 845. Madden (J. P. A.) Lettres d'un bibliographe. 3 vols., 8vo. Facsimiles. Versailhs. 1868-74. Vol. in., pp. 41-101 contains " ftudes sur Gutenberg ct sur Schoiffer." Maisonneuve et Cie. Catalogue de Livres anciens et mo- dernes divise en six parties. Rl. 8vo. Paris : Maisonneuve et Cie, 1 862. The various catalogues put forth by this house are usually replete with bibliograph- ical information. See Petzhcldt, p. loi. Maitland (S. R.) List of some of the Early Printed Books in the Archiepiscopal Library at Lambeth. By the Rev. S. R. Mait- land. 8vo, pp. xxii, (l), 464. Privately Printed^ London. 1843. Very scarce j a few copies only having been printed for presents. The compiler was the keeper of the manuscripts and libraries of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and thus had unusual facilities for giving accurate descriptions of, and extracts fi'on , the various works. Maittaire (M.) Annales typographic! ab artis inventae origine ad annum md. Opera Mich. Maittaire. 4to, pp. (12), 388. Portraits. Hagae-Comitum^ Vaillant. 1 719. + Ab anno M.D. ad annum m.d.xxxvi. continuati. Tom. 11. Pars i.-ii. pp. (20), 395, Portrait; (2), 395-860. Hagae-Comitum^ Vaillant et Provost. 1722. + Ab anno m.d.xxxvi. ad annum m.d.lvii. continuati: cum Appendice. Tom. iii. Pars i.-ii. pp. (10), 412; (2), 413-925. \Jbid.'\ 1725. -)- Annales typographic! ab artis inventae origine ad annum m.dclxiv. Editio nova auctior & emendatior. Tom. i. Pars i.-ii. pp. (2), xvi, 415 ; (2), 415- 791. Amstelodami.^ Humbert. 1733. H~ Annalium typographico- rum Tomus Quintus et ultimus ; Indicem in Tomos Quatuor praeeuntes complectens. Pars i.-ii. pp. viii, 536 ; (2^, 573. Londini^ Darres^ Du Bosc. 1741. + Annalium typographicorum Supplementum adornavit M. Denis. 2 vols., 4to. Vienna. lySg. " Maittaire 's valuable annals are indispensable in every bibliographical library." — Hornets Bibliography. Major (J. R.) Bibliography of the First Letter of Columbus, describing his Discovery of the New World. By J. R. Major. 8vo. London » 1872. Seventy-five copies only printed. BIBLIOGRAPHT, xcix M[ajor] (J[ohn]). Rational Madness : a Song, for the Lov- ers of Curious and Rare Books : adapted to the Popular Tune of "Liberty Hall," by J. M. 4to. London, [n. d.] Fifty copies only privately printed. Malcolm (J. P.) Lives of Topographers and Antiquarians, who have vi^ritten concerning the Antiquities of England, with a complete List of their Works. Rl. 4to. 26 Portraits. London. 18 15. Includes a complete collation of their works, etc. Malcom (Howard). Theological Index. References to the Principal Works in every Department of Religious Literature, Embracing nearly 70,000 Citations, alphabetically arranged under two thousand heads. Rl. 8vo, pp. 487, (i). Boston: Gould and Lincoln. 1868. In a second edition some of the numerous blunders in this work were corrected. See North American Re-vieiv^ July» 1868. Manget (J. J.) Jo. Jacobi Mangeti Bibliotheca chemica curiosa, seu rerum ad alchemiam pertinentium Thesaurus instruc- tissimus : ... 2 vols., folio, pp. (i8), 938, Portrait; (2), 904. Geneva^ Chouet. 1702. For other works by this learned writer see Petzholdt, pp. 574, 591, 600. Manne (E. de). Nouveau Dictionnaire des Ouvrages Ano- nymes et Pseudonymes la plupart contemporains avec les noms des auteurs ou editeurs accompagne de notes historiques et critiques Par E. de Manne. Nouvelle edition revue, corrigee & tres-augmentee, pouvant servir de supplement a tous les Manuels de Bibliographic jusqu'a ce jour. 8vo, pp. vii, 407. Lyon : Scheuring. 1862. -|- Troisieme edition, tres-augmentee. 8vo, pp. vii, 607. Lyon: Scheuring. 1868. Supplementary to Barbier. See Querard (J. M.), and Petzholdt, p. 106. Marsden (W.) Bibliotheca Marsdeniana, Philologica et Ori- entalis. A Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts collected with a view to the general comparison of Languages, and to the Study of Oriental Literature. By William Marsden. 4to, pp. 309. London: Printed by Cox. 1827. Not printed for sale. This collection is now placed in the library of King's College, London. It is a most useful work of its kind j an alphabetical catalogue of authors is followed by a classed catalogue of the books in the various languages. See Petzholdt, p. 685. Marsden. A Catalogue of Dictionaries, Vocabularies, Gram- mars, and Alphabets in Two Parts. Part i. Alphabetical Cata- logue of Authors. Part 11. Chronological Catalogue of Works BIBLIOGRAPHY. in each Class of Language. By William Marsden. 410, pp. (6), 156. London, 1 796. Martin (J.) A Bibliographical Catalogue of Books Privately Printed, including those of the Bannatyne, Maitland and Rox- burghe Clubs, and of The Private Presses at Darlington, Auchinleck, Lee-Priory, Newcastle, Middle Hill, and Straw- berry Hill. By John Martin, f.l.s. 2 vols., 8vo, pp. xiv, 314; (4), 317-563. London: J. and A. Arch ; ... M.DCCC.xxxiv. Fifty copies printed on large paper. The accounts of the various clubs and private presses are not included in the second edition. Martin. Bibliographical Catalogue of Privately Printed Books. By John Martin, f.s.a., Librarian, Woburn Abbey. Second Edition. 8vo, pp. xxv, 593. \London : Woodfall and Kinder,'] m.dcccliv. Two hundred and fifty copies printed, of which fifty are on large paper. The collector should secure both editions. See Petzholdt, p. 13. Marvin (J. G.) Legal Bibliography, or a Thesaurus of American, English, Irish, and Scotch Law Books. Together with some Continental Treatises. Interspersed with Critical Observations upon their various Editions and Authority. To which is prefixed a Copious List of Abbreviations. By John Marvin, Counsellor at Law. ... 8vo, pp. vii. Boo. Philadelphia: T, ^ T. W, Johnson. 1847. Prefixed is a copious list of abbreviations, and a good index of subjects. Masch (A. G.) Bibliotheca Sacra. See Le Long (J.), p. xc. Maskell (W.) Selected Centuries of Books from the Li- brary of a Priest in the Diocese of Salisbury. By Rev. W. Maskell. 8vo. London: W. Pickering, 1843. a catalogue raisonne of three hundred rare books, of which very few copies were printed. Mason (S.) Bibliotheca Hibernicana ; or Descriptive Cata- logue of Sir Robert Peel's Select Irish Library. By Shaw 'Mason. 8vo. Map and Facsimiles. London, 1823. Fifty copies only printed. Masonic Books. See [Gassett (H.)], and Petzholdt's Bih, Bib- %•, P- 47 19 ^^ ^^9* Massachusetts. Catalogue of the Library of the Massachu- setts Historical Society. 2 vols., 8vo, pp. vii, 732; vii, 651. Boston : Printed for the Society, M.DCCC.LIX. A valuable work of reference for books and pamphlets printed in and relating to America. A few copies were printed on large paper in 4to. B I B L I GRAP H r. Maton (W. G.), and Rackett (T.) An Historical Account of Testaceological Writers. By William George Maton, and Thomas Rackett. ... 4to. London. 1804. From the "Transactions of the Linnean Society," vii. 119-244. Translated into French by M. Boulard. 8vo. Paris: Garnery. 1811. See Petzholdt, p. 560. Maunsell (A.) The first Part of the Catalogue of English printed Bookes : Which concerneth such matters of Diuinitie, as haue bin either written in our owne Tongue, or translated out of anie other language: And haue bin published, to the glory of God, and edification of the Church of Christ in England. Gathered into Alphabet, and such Method as it is, by Andrew Maunsell, Bookeseller. Folio, pp. (8), 123. London: Printed by Windet, 1595. + The Seconde parte ... pp. (6), 27. London: Printed hy Roberts, 1595. " This is not only very rare, but one of the most valuable bibliographical books we have remaining." — Dr. Bliss. See also Petzholdt, p. 342. Maxwell [Sir Stirling). An Essay towards a Collection of Books relating to Proverbs, Emblems, Apophthegms, Epitaphs, and Ana, being a Catalogue of those at Keir. 8vo. London, i860. Privately printed, and very rare. Mecene et Photius. Le Bibliothecaire. Archives d'His- toire litteraire, de Biographie, de Bibliologie et de Bibliographie, redigees par Mecene et Photius, ... 8vo, pp. 64. Paris^ au Bureau du Bibliothecaire, 1844. No. I. Juillet, 1844 — no more published. Meerman (Gerhard). Origines Typographicae. 2 vols., 4to, pp. xi, (1), 260; viii, 312. 2 Portraits, 10 Tables. Haga Comitum^ N. Fan Daalen. 1765. Also on large and fine paper. Meikle (W.) The Canadian Newspaper Directory ; or. Advertiser's Guide : containing a complete List of all the News- papers in Canada, the circulation of each, and all information in reference thereto. By W. Meikle. 8vo, pp. 60. Toronto. 1%^^^, Melbourne. Catalogue of the Melbourne Public Library for 1861. Rl. 8vo, pp. Ixiv, 582; (2), 27, XXXV. Plate. [Victoria. 186 1.] [Melzi (Gaetano de' Conti).] Bibliografia dei Romanzi e Poemi cavallereschi Italiani Seconda Edizione corretta ed accre- sciuta. 8vo, pp. viii, 380. Milam: Ton, 1838. See Petzholdt, p. 720. ai BIBLIOGRAPHr, M[elzi]. Dizlonario di Opere anonime e pseudonime di Scrittori Italiani o come che sia aventi relazione all* Italia di G. M. 3 vols., 8vo, pp. (4), 482 ; (4), 483 ; xvi, 701. Milano: Pirola, 1848-59. Mendez (F.) Typographia Espanola 6 Historia de la Intro- duccion, Propagacion y Progresos del Arte de la Imprenta en Espafia. A la que antecede una Noticia general sobre la Im- prenta de la Europa, y de la China : adornado todo con Notas instructivas y curiosas. Tom. i. Su Autor Francisco Mendez. Sm. 4to, pp. (2), xviii, 427. Madrid^ impr. de la Vidua de Ibarra. 1 796. ** An indispensable work to the student of Spanish bibliography. Contains a short history of printing in Europe and China, and 59 plates of ancient writing." The death of the author prevented its completion. Mercklin (G. a.) Lindenius renovatus, sive, Johannis An- tonidae van der Linden de Scriptis Medicis Libri duo : ... Noviter praeter haec addita plurimorum Authorum, ... Vitae Curriculo- rum succincta Descriptione : Adscita undique ab ... Anno m.dc- LXii. usque ad praesentem continuati, dimidio pene amplificati, perplurimiim interpolati, & ab extantioribus mendis purgati a Georg. Abrah. Mercklino. 410, pp. (22), 1158; (6), 160. Norimhergae : Endter. 1686. Part II. has a separate title-page, pagination and register. See Petzholdt, p. 573. Merry vi^EATHER (F. S.) Bibliomania in The Middle Ages. Or Sketches of Bookworms, Collectors, Bible Students, Scribes, and Illuminators, from the Anglo Saxon and Norman Periods, to the Introduction of Printing into England ; vi^ith Anecdotes, illus- trating the History of the Monastic Libraries of Great Britain, in the Olden Time. By F. Somner Merryweather. Sm. 8vo, pp. iv, 218. London: Merryweather, m.dccc.xlix. " Treats of every subject connected with the Bibliography of the Middle Ages in Great Britain." — Literary Gazette. Meusel (J. G.) See Struvio (B. G.) MiDDLETON (Conyers). Dissertation concerning the Origin of Printing in England, shewing that it was first introduced and practised by our countryman, William Caxton, at Westminster, and not by a foreign printer at Oxford. Sm. 4to, pp. 29. Cambridge. 1735. An interesting treatise, with an account of the several productions of Caxton. [Miller (John).] Fly Leaves ; or, Scraps and Sketches, Lit- erary, Bibliographical and Miscellaneous, consisting: of Notes on BIBLIOGRAPHT, CUI Antiquarian and Historical Subjects, Collections towards neg- lected Biography, ... Choice Specimens of Ancient Poetry, chiefly from unpublished mss. ... With numerous Bibliographical Notices, etc. 2 vols., i2mo, pp. x, 189; xii, 180. London: John Miller. 1845-55. First and Second Series — all published. MoNTFAUCON (Dom Ber. de). Bibliotheca Bibliothecarum Manuscriptorum nova. 2 vols., folio. Paris: Briasson. 1739. A list of all the manuscripts which the author saw or heard of in forty years researches among European libraries. MoNTFAUCON. Bibliotheca Coisliniana olim Segueriana, seu omnium manuscriptorum Graecorum quae in ea continentur accu- rata descriptio. Folio. Parisiis : Guerin, 17 15. MoNTFAUCON. Diarium Italicum sive ... bibliothecarum ... notitiae ... itinerario Italico coUectae. 4to. Parisiis. 1702. This was highly esteemed, and translated into English. Ticoroni criticised it in "Osservazioni" — Roma. 1709. 4to — and Riccobaldi defended it in an "Apologia," Vennda. 17 10. 4to. MoREAU (Celestin). Bibliographic des Mazarinades publiee pour la Societe de THistoire de France par C. Moreau. 3 vols., 8vo, pp. (6), Ixiv, 426 ; (6), 398 ; (6), 464. Paris: Renouard et Cie. 1850-51. Concerning this curious work see Petzholdt, p. 227. MoRENi (D.) Bibliografia storico-ragionata della Toscana o sia Catalogo degli Scrittori che hanno illustrata la Storia delle Citta, Luoghi, e Persone della medesima raccolto dal Sacerdote Domenico Moreni. 2 vols., 4to, pp. xii, 531 ; xii, 551. Firenze : Ciardetti. 1805. Mores (E. R.) A Dissertation upon English Typographical Founders and Founderies, with Appendix. By Edward Rowe Mores. Rl. 8vo. London. 1778. " Of this curious and valuable work only one hundred copies were printed ; of the Appendix, by Nichols, pp. 8, only eighty." — Lowndes' Manual. Morgan (H. J.) Bibliotheca Canadensis : or A Manual of Canadian Literature. By Henry J. Morgan, ... Imp. 8vo, pp. xiv, 411. Ottawa: Printed by G. E. Desbarats. 1867. Very scarce j most of the copies having been destroyed by fire. It is to be regretted that when the author undertook this work he had not made himself better acquainted with the duties of a bibliographer — to say that it is carelessly done, is but mild criticism. The critical notices are numerous, voluminous, and often un- necessary. civ B I B L I GRAP H r. Morrill (F. K.) The Amateurs' Guide for 1872. A Com- plete Book of Reference, relative to the Amateur Editors, Authors, Printers and Publishers of America. Written and Compiled by Fred. K. Morrill. 32mo, pp. lOO. Chicago, 1872. MoRTiLLARO (V.) Studio bibliografico di Vicenzo Mortillaro. Seconde Edizione. 8vo, pp. 120. Palermo: Soili, 1832. Concerning this see Petzholdt, p. 51. Moss (J. W.) A Manual of Classical Bibliography : com- prising a copious detail of the various Editions of the Greek and Latin Classics, and of the Critical and Philological Works pub- lished in illustration of them, with an Account of the principal Translations, into English, French, Italian, Spanish, German, etc. By Joseph William Moss. Second Edition, Completed to the end of 1836, by the addition of a Supplement, containing a Bib- liographical Index of several thousand Editions which have appeared either here or abroad since the original publication of this work in 1825 * ••• ^ vols., 8vo, pp. vii, 544; (2), 731 ; Sup- plement, (74). London: Bohn. 1837. MouLE (T.) Bibliotheca Heraldica Magnae Britanniae. An Analytical Catalogue of Books on Genealogy, Heraldry, Nobility, Knighthood, & Ceremonies: with a List of Provincial Visitations, Pedigrees, Collections of Arms, and other Manuscripts ; And a Supplement, enumerating the principal Foreign Genealogical Works. By Thomas Moule. Rl. 8vo, pp. xxiii, 668. Plate. London: Printed for the Juthor. 1822. Also on large paper. **An accurate and valuable work." — Lowndes. MoxoN (Joseph). Mechanick Exercise, or the Doctrine of Handy- Works. 2 vols., 4to. Portraits and Plates. London, 1677-83. The second volume relates to the art of printing, letter- cutting, the compositor's and pressman's trade, and is very scarce. MuLLER (Frederik). Catalogue of Books relating to America including a large number of rare works printed before 1700 amongst which a nearly complete collection of the Dutch publi- cations on New-Netherland from 161 2 to 1820. On Sale ... by Fr. Muller. ... l2mo, pp. 104. \_Jmsterdam, 1850.] Also on large paper in 4to. MuLLER. Catalogus van Boeken, Plaatwerken en Kaarten, over de Nederlandsche Bezittingen ... in Azie, Afrika en Ame- BIBLIOGRAPH r./ > 4 7 r CV rika, ... verkrijgbaar bij Frederik Muller te Amsterdam. Rl. 8vo, pp. (2), 103. [^Amsterdam.'] 1854. -|- Tweede Catalogus. 4to, pp. (2), 28. [^Amsterdam.'] 1858. Muller. Catalogue of Books, Maps, Plates on America, and of a Remarkable Collection of Early Voyages, offered for sale by Frederik Muller, at Amsterdam. ... With Bibliographical and Historical Notes and presenting an Essay towards a Dutch- American Bibliography. ... 8vo, pp. viii, 288, 3 Facsimiles. Amsterdam: Frederik Muller, 1872. -f Part ii. 1875. 8vo, pp. (2), 289-420. Part III. 8vo, pp. (2), 173. "This is much more than a catalogue, it is a tolerably complete Bibliography of Dutch Books relating to America, contains translations of the titles, with critical and other notes concerning the books, and is a most desirable addition to a bib- liographical collection." — Sarin's American B'thliopoliit. for a list of many of Mr. Muller's catalogues ue Petzholdt, pp. t6, 275, 379, 490, 492, 808, 854, 855, 864. MuLLiNS (J. D.) Free Libraries and News Rooms, their Formation and Management. i2mo. London: H, Sotheran & Co. 1870. Full of valuable hints and important facts to assist the promoters (and others) of free public libraries. Mr. Mullins compiled the catalogue of the Birmingham Free Libraries, published in 1869. MuiJoz (T.) Diccionario bibliografico-histdrico de los Anti- guos Reinos, Provincias, Ciudades, Villas, Iglesias y Santuarios de Espana, por Tomas Munos y Romero. Obra premiada por la Biblioteca nacional en el concurso publico de enero de 1858, e impresa a expensas del Gobierno. Rl. 8vo, pp. vii, 329. Madrid: impr. de Rivadeneyra, 1858. MuNSELL (J.) Bibliotheca Munselliana. A Catalogue of the Books and Pamphlets issued from the Press of Joel Munsell, from the year 1828 to 1870. 8vo, pp. 191. Albany: Privately Printed. 1872. The only work of its kind issued in the United States. The notes are character- istic, amusing, and sometimes humorous. Munsell. Catalogue of American and Foreign Books in Bibliography and other Departments of Literature. Offered ... by J. Munsell, Albany. Consisting of Rare Works relating to Printing, Voyages and Travels, &c. 8vo, pp. 74. Albany: J. Munsell. 1857. Also on large paper. Munsell. Catalogue of a Bibliographical Library, offered for sale complete at the prices affixed. Collected by Joel Munsellj Albany. 8vo, pp. 36. Albany: Joel Munsell. 1856 Cvi B I B L I OG Ryi P H r. MuNSELL. A Chronology of Paper and Paper Making. By Joel Munsell. 8vo, pp. vii, no. Albany: Joel MunselL 1857. -f Third Edition. Svo. [IbidJ] 1864. -f- Fourth Edition. 8vo, pp. 226. \^Ibid.~\ 1870. Two hundred copies printed. Contains specimens of Japanese paper, and paper made from straw. In this interesting work no less than no substances are named from which paper can be made, including Espartero, or Spanish grass, and cane from the southern states. Munsell. The Typographical Miscellany. By Joel Mun- sell. 8vo, pp. (6), 268. Albany: J. Munsell. 1 850. Also : Catalogue of Books on Printing and the Kindred Arts ; embracing also Works on Copyright, Liberty of the Press, Literary Property, Bibliography, etc. Svo, pp. 47. Albany: Joel Munsell, 1868. MuRHARD (F. W. A.) Litteratur der mathematischen Wis- senschaften. Von Fr. Wilh. Aug. Murhard. 5 vols., 8vo, pp. (2), xxii, 256 ; (2), xviii, 436 j xvi, 360 ; (8), 343 ; (4), vi, 243. Leipzig : Breitkopf und Hdrtel. 1 79 7- 1 805 . Also entitled, Bibliotheca Matkematica. A very similar work to that of Ersch, but rather fuller in the mathematical part. Namur (P.) Bibliographie paleographico-diplomatico-biblio- logique generale ou Repertoire systematique indiquant 1° tous les ouvrages relatifs a la paleographie ; a la diplomatique ; a Thistoire de Timprimerie et de la librairie ; a la bibliographie ; aux bio- bibliographies et a rhistoire des bibliotheques ; 2° la notice des recueils periodiques, litteraires et critiques des difFerents pays. Suivi d'un Repertoire alphabetique general. Par P. Namur. 2 vols., 8vo, pp. xxvii, 227 ; vi, 306. Liege : Collardin. 1838. Gives the titles of 10,236 separate works relating to Paleography or writing, Dip- lomatics or Manuscripts, the History of Printing and the Book Trade, Bibliography, Libraries, Periodicals, &c. No work (up to its date) contains so full a list of this class of books. The titles are, however, frequently inaccurate, the descriptions few and meagre. Each volume has a good, systematic, and alphabetical index. Namur. Bibliographie des ouvrages publics sous le nom d'Ana ; accompagnee de notes critiques, historiques et litteraires ; par P. Namur. 8vo, pp. xvi, 64. Bruxelles. 1839. Namur. Manuel du Bibliothecaire, accompagne de notes critiques, historiques, et litteraires. Par P. Namur. 8vo, pp. iv, 368. Bruxelles: Tircher. 1834. See Petzholdt, pp. 13, 51, 54, 368, 455. Also: Histoire des Bibliotheques pub- liques de Bruxelles. ... Svo. Bruxelles. 1840. — Histoire de la Bibliotheque publique de Louvain. ... 8vo Bruxelles. 1841. — Histoire de la Bibliotheque publique de Liege. ... 8vo. Bruxelles. 1842. — Projet d'un noaveau bibliographie des connais- sances humaincs. ... Svo. Bruxelles. 1839. BIBLIOGRAPHT, Cvii Nattali and Bond. Catalogue of Ancient and Modern Books in all Languages, and in every Class of Literature. I2mo, pp. 320. London. 186 1. Includes many interesting bibliographical notices. All the catalogues put forth by this eminently respectable Arm are characterized by great fairness in their description of the books for sale. Navarrete (M. F. de). Biblioteca Maritima Espanola, Obra pdstuma del Don Martin Fernandez de Navarrete. Impresa de Real Orden. 2 vols., 8vo, pp. xxxvii, 671 ; (4), 784. Madrid: impr. de la Fiuda de Calero. 185 1. Concerning this ue Petzholdt, p. 749. New Bedford. Catalogue of the Free Public Library, New Bedford, Mass. 8vo, pp. vii, 354, (i). New Bedford: B. Lind- sey^ Printer, 1858. -j- Supplement. 8vo, pp. (4), 313, (i). New Bedford. 1869. Edited by J. B. Congden, and one of the most thorough works of its class. New York. Catalogue of Printed Books in the Library of the New- York Historical Society. 8vo, pp. viii, 653. New York : Printed for the Society. MDCCCLIX. New York. Catalogue of the New- York State Library. Books, Maps, Manuscripts, Medals, &c. First Supplement. 5 vols., rl. 8vo. Albany : Charles Van Benthuysen. 1855-61. Edited by Henry A. Homes, m.a. Catalogue of the Books on Bibliography, Typography, and Engravings, in the New York State Library. 8vo, pp. 143. Albany : Charles Van Benthuysen^ Printer. 1858. Catalogue of the New York State Library, 1872. Subject Index of the General Library. 8vo, pp. xvii, (i), 651. Albany. 1872. An admirably digested work by Dr. H. A. Homes, the librarian. Nichols (J.) Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica, illustrat- ing the Antiquities, Topographical, Biographical, and Miscellane- ous of England, with the Supplement. 10 vols., 4to. Portraits, Plates, Maps, &c. London. 1780-97. The value, importance, and great rarity of a complete copy of this work is well known. As it was twenty years in course of publication, very few complete sets were ever made up, but h is especially rare to find the two supplemental volumes. Sir M. Sykes' copy sold for £84. Nichols. Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century, comprisiing Biographical Memoirs of William Bowver^ 'Printer, cvni BIBLIOGRAPHT. and many of his learned friends ; an Incidental View of the Progress and Advancement of Literature in this Kingdom during the Last Century ; and Biographical Anecdotes of a Considerable Number of Eminent Writers, and Ingenious Artists, with a very Copious Index. By John Nichols ... . 9 vols., 8vo. London : Printed for the Author, 1 8 1 2- 1 5 . Nichols. Illustrations of the Literary History of the Eight- eenth Century, Consisting of Authentic Memoirs and Original Letters of Eminent Persons, and intended as a Sequel to the Literary Anecdotes. By John Nichols ... . 8 vols., 8vo. London: Printed for the Author, 1817-58. '*It is impossible in a small space to give anything like an adequate idea of the ▼ast amount of curious information which these volumes contain. The hundreds of Bterary celebrities who are brought forward not merely by passing anecdotes but hy highly valuable memoirs and sketches, and the extensive bibliographical and literary matter which they contain, render this one of the most permanently interest- ing sets of books ever published." Vols. vn. and viii. are additions by the author's son, J. B. Nichols. Nicholson (J. B.) A Manual of the Art of Bookbinding: ... designed for the Practical Workman, the Amateur, and the Book-Collector. By James B. Nicholson, iimo, pp. 318. Philadelphia: Henry Carey Baird, 1856. NicOL (G. & W.) A Catalogue of the Library of the Late John, Duke of Roxburghe, arranged by G. & W. Nicol, etc., which will be sold by auction, by Robert H. Evans. 8vo. London: Printed by W, Bulmer ^ Co. 18 1 2. No. 6,292 is the celebrated Valdarfer Boccaccio of 147 1, the only known copy, which was purchased by the Marquis of Blandford for £2,260, the highest price ever paid for a single volume. Dibdin gives [more sua) a long account of the contest for thds volume in his Bibliographical Decamtroriy ui. 62-65. The Roxburghe Club was one of the results of this famous sale. NicoLSON (W.) The English, Scotch, and Irish Historical Libraries, giving a short view and character of most of our his- torians, either in print or in manuscript, with an account of our Records, Law-books, Coins, &c.. To which is added a letter to the Rev. White Kennett in defence of the English Historical Library, &c. A New Edition corrected. By William Nicolson. 4to. London. 1796. The first edition of the English portion is London^ 1696. 8vo, pp. 238, (34). The second edition, London^ m.dcc.xiv. Folio, pp. xviii, 272. The third edition, London^ 1736. Folio, pp. xviii, 272. The letter to Kennett was first printed in 1702. The first edition of the Scottish portion is London: Childe. 1702. 8vo, pp. 2, 4, xl, 376. The Irish portion was first printed Dublin: Taylor. 1724. 8vo, pp. zxxix, 456. BIBLIOGRAPHr. cix NoDiER (C.) Bibliographic entomologique, ou Catalogue rai- sonne des ouvrages relatifs a I'entomologie et aux insectes, avec des notes critiques et I'exposition des methodes ; par Charles Nodier. i2mo, pp. viii, 64. Paris: Moutardier. An ix-1801. NoDiER. Bibliotheque sacree Grecque et Latine, comprenant le Tableau chronologique, biographiques des auteurs inspires ecclesiastiques, depuis Moise jusqu'a St. Thomas d'Aquin. Par Charles Nodier. 8vo. Paris, 1826. -|- Seconde edition. 8vo, pp. (4), 436. BruxelUs, 1828. Nodier. Description raisonnee d'une jolie collection de livres. Par Charles Nodier. Precedee d*une Introduction par G. Duplessis ; de la vie de Ch. Nodier par Francis Wey et d*une notice bibliographique sur ses ouvrages. 8vo, pp. (4), vii, 36, 492, 28, 24. Paris: Techener, 1844. For other works by this eminent bibliographer see Catalogue of the Astor Library, also Petzholdt's Bibliotheca Bibliographica. NoPiTSCH (C. C.) Literatur der Sprichvirorter. Ein Hand- buch fur Literarhistoriker, Bibliographen und Bibliothekare. Verfasset von Christian Conrad Nopitsch. 8vo, pp. (4), viii, 284. NUrnherg, 1822. -[- Zweite Ausgabe. 8vo, pp. viii, 284. Niirnberg: Ebner, 1833. To collectors of works, containing early or local proverbs, a study as entertaining, as useful to the etymologist, this manual will be found indispensable, as there are many works, particularly among those early printed, which contain proverbs among other matter, though not clearly stated in the title j it is, in fact, a very extensive chronological list of proverbial works, and a collection of proverbs in all languages. See Petzholdt, p. 697. Norton (C. B.) Norton's Literary Letter, ... 4to. 5 Nos. Charles B, Norton ... New York. 1859-60. Includes the Bibliography of Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont. Notices relating to the Bannatyne Club, with Critiques on its Publications. 4to. Edinburgh, 1836. Fifty copies privately printed. Nouveau Manuel de Bibliographic Universelle. [Par F. Denis, P. Pin9on, et De Martonne.] Paris. 1857. NouviON (Victor de). Extraits des auteurs et voyageurs qui ont ecrit sur la Guyane, suivis du catalogue bibliographique de la Guyane. 8vo, pp. xcii, 616. Paris: Bethune et Plon, 1844. The catalogue occupies pp. 579-616. " Publications de la Societe d'fitudcs pour la colonisation de la Guyane ^anfaise,** No. 4. ex BIBLI0GRAPH7 NuTT (D.) A Catalogue of Theological Books in Foreign Languages, ... On Sale by David Nutt. With Appendix. 8vo, pp. viii, 600. London, mdccclvii. The notes to this catalogue are replete with bibliographical information. NuTT. A Catalogue of Foreign Theology ... By D. Nutt ... 8vo, pp. vii, (i), 372, Appendix, 55. London. 1837. Nyerup (R.) Spicilegium bibliographicum. Describitur in tribus speciminibus semicenturia monumentorum typographicorum rarissimorum, quae CI. M. Maittairio ignota fuere. iSmo. Haunt a, 1783. Nyerup (R.) og Kraft (J. E.) Almindeligt Literaturlexicon for Danmark, Norge, og Island eller Fortegnelse over danske, norske og islandske saavel af dode som nu levende Forfattere med Anforelse af deres vigtigste Levnets-Omstaendigheder og Liste over deres Skrifter ved R. Nyerup og J. E. Kraft. 2 vols., 4to, pp. (2), viii, 692 columns ; (2), 367 columns. Kjbbenhavn : GyldendaL 1 820. A universal literary lexicon oi Denmark, Norway, and Iceland, giving an account of authors and their works, with dates and particulars of editions. Observations on several Authors and Books necessary for the Formation of a Select and Small Library. 8vo. \LondonJ\ 18 13. See Pamphleteer^ ii. 279-296. O'Callaghan (E. B.) A List of Editions of the Holy Scriptures and Parts thereof, Printed in America previous to i860, virith Introduction and Bibliographical Notes, by E. B. O'Callaghan. Rl. 8vo, pp. liv, 415. Facsimiles. Albany: Munsell ^ Rowland. 1 86 1. A carefully executed work. Only one hundred and fifty copies printed. Oettinger (E. M.) Bibliographie biographique universelle. Dictionnaire des ouvrages relatifs a THistoire de la Vie publique et privee des Personnages celebres de tous les temps et de toutes les nations, depuis le commencement du monde jusqu'a nos jours; ... Enrichi du Repertoire des Bio-Bibliographies generales^ nationales et speciales. Par Edouard Marie Oettinger. 4 vols., imp. 8vo, pp. (8), 788. Leipzig. 1850. -\- 2 vols., imp. 8vo, pp. (4), iv, 1264 columns; pp. (4), 1265-2192 columns. Bruxelles : Stienon. 1854. This laborious work Indicates under the head of each remarkable person, all the biographies that have been written concerning them. BIBLIOGRAPHT. cxi [Oldys (William).] The British Librarian : Exhibiting a Compendious Review or Abstract Of our most Scarce, Useful, and Valuable Books in all Sciences, as well in Manuscript as in Print : With many Characters, Historical and Critical, of the Authors, their Antagonists, etc. In a Manner never before attempted. And Useful to all Readers. With a complete Index ... 8vo, pp. (6), vii, (i), 402. London : Printed for T. Osborne. M.DCC.xxxviii. " The British Librarian is a work of no common occurrence or mean value. It is rigidly correct." — Dibdin. First published in six numbers, January to June, 1737. Some copies have separate titles to the six parts. Oldys. Copious and Exact Catalogue of Pamphlets in the Harleian Library. 4to. 39 Nos. [n. p. n. d.] This contains an account of 548 of the rarest and most curious tracts, with a most excellent analysis of their contents. O'Reilly (E.) Chronological Account of nearly four hund- red Irish Writers, commencing with the earliest account of Irish History, and carried down to 1750, with a descriptive Catalogue of such of their Works as are still extant. By Edward O'Reilly. 4to. Dublin. 1820. Included in " Transactions of the Iberno-Celtic Society." The Origin of Printing. In two Essays ; i. The Substance of Dr. Middleton's Dissertation on the Origin of Printing in England, ii. Mr. Meerman's Account of the Invention of the Art at Harleim, and its Progress to Mentz. With Occasional Remarks ; and an Appendix. The Second Edition : with some Improvements. [By William Bowyer.] 8vo, pp. xvi, 300. London: W. Bowyer and y. Nichols. 1776. Orme (W.) Bibliotheca Biblica ; a Select List of Books on Sacred Literature, with Notices Biographical, Critical and Biblio- graphical. By William Orme. 8vo, pp. xi, 491. Edinburgh. 1824. A useful book of reference in the more important departments of Biblical Lit- erature, such as Polyglots, editions of the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures, Concord- ances, Lexicons, and Introductions to the Bible j works relating to its Geography, Chronology, and Antiquities j its Translations and Commentaries, Hermeneutics, Philology, &c. Ottley (W. Y.) An Inquiry concerning the Invention of r rinting ; in which the Systems of Meerman, Heinecken, San- tander, and Koning are Reviewed ; including also Notices of the early use of Wood-Engraving in Europe, the Block Books, etc. By the late William Young Ottley, Esq. ... With an Introduc- Cxii BIBLIOGRAPIir. tion by J. Ph. Berjeau. Illustrated ... . 4to, pp. xlii, 377. 37 Plates. London: Joseph Lilly, mdccclxii. One of the most important books ever produced on the vexed question of the Invention of Printing j the author has the courage to assert the claims of Holland to that honor. Otto (F.) The History of Russian Literature, with a Lex- icon of Russian Authors, by Dr. Frederick Otto .... Translated from the German, under the Superintendence of the Author, by the Late George Cox, m.a. ... 8vo, pp. xxiv, 408. Oxford: D, A, Talboys. MDCCCXXXix. Oxford. Catalogue of the Library of the Oxford and Cam- bridge University Club. 8vo. 1840. Privately printed. A valuable collection of books ; the contents of the collected works of each author are given. Oxford. Catalogue of the Works in Medicine, and Natural History contained in the RadclifFe Library, Oxford. 8vo. Oxford. 1835. The building in which these books are located is probably the finest edifice in the world devoted to such a purpose. See also Bodleian Library, p. xxii. Palmer (J.) General History of Printing, particularly its Introduction, Rise and Progress here in England. 4to. London. 1732. Panzer (G. W.) Annales Typographic ab artis inventae origine ad annvm md post Maittairii Denisii aliorvmqve doctissi- morvm virorvm cvras in ordinem redacti emendati et avcti Opera Georgii Wolfgangi Panzer. 11 vols., 4to, pp. (16), 560; (4), 562; (4), 570 J (4), 500; (4), 566; (4), 506; (4), 572; (4), 564 i (4), 555 i (4), 544 5 (8), 640. Norimherga : Zeh. 179 3-1 803. For a continuation see Bibliophile Belge^ Vol. v. The labors of Orlandi, Maittaire, and Denis, are eclipsed by this very elaborate and valuable production, which compre- hends a complete and systematic account of all books printed from the origin of the typographical art to the year 1536. It is rare. "An indispensable work for bibli- ographers.*' — POWEK. Parr (S.) Bibliotheca Parriana : A Catalogue of the Library of ... Dr. Samuel Parr ... . [Edited by H. G. Bohn.] 8vo. London. 1827. " Remarkable as a * catalogue raisonne,' with Dr. Parr's own critical and often caustic remarks j some pages having been cancelled it is therefore rare." — Power. "There is much curious and debateable matter scattered through this work; the whole is interesting to the scholar, and should obtain a place in every good library.** — Gentlemmti's MagaMne, November, 1827. B I B L I GRAP HT. CXUl Pauly (A.) Bibliographic des sciences medicales Bibliogra- phie — biographie — histoire — epidemies — topographies — endemics Par Alphonse Pauly 8vo, pp. xix, (i), 1758 cols., pp. (72). Paris: Tross. 1874. Peignot (G.) Dictionnaire raisonne de Bibliologie, contenant. 1°. L'Explication des principaux termes relatifs a la Bibliographic, a I'Art typographiquc, a la Diplomatique, aux Langes, aux Ar- chives, aux Manuscrits, aux Medaillcs, aux Antiquitcs, etc. ; 2°. des Notices historiques, detaillees sur Ics principales Bibliotheques anciennes et modernes ; sur les difFerentes Sectes philosophiqucs ; sur les plus celebrcs Imprimcurs, avec une indication des meil- leures editions sorties de leurs presses, et sur les Bibliographcs, avec la liste de leur ouvrages ; 3°. Enfin, I'exposition des differens Systemes bibliographiques, etc. ... Par G. Peignot. -\- Supple- ment ... . 3 vols., 8vo, pp. xxiv, 472 ; (4), 456 ; x, 373. Paris: Renouard. jn x-xii. [1802-4.] Peignot's first work; the supplement is often wanting. An exceedingly useful work. Notices of printers, authors, editions, bibliographical terms, &c. See Petz- holdt, p. 8. Peignot. Dictionnaire critique, litteraire et bibliographique des principaux livres condamnes au feu, supprimes ou censures, precede d'un discours sur ces sortes d*ouvrages. Par G. Peignot. 2 vols., 8vo, pp. xvi, xl, 343 ; (4), 295. Paris : Renouard. 1806. ** The completest work in this branch of bibliography ; an accurate description of various suppressed, condemned, or censured books, Indices Expurgatorii, and a list of more than thirty writers who have treated on this subject." — Horne. Peignot. Essai de Curiosites bibliographiques. ... Par Gabriel Peignot. 8vo, pp. viii, Ixx, 178. Paris: Renouard, Jn xui, [1805.] Three hundred copies printed on vellum paper. An account of books which have realized more than 1,000 francs at public sales. P[eignot]. Manuel bibliographique, ou Essai sur les Biblio- theques anciennes et modernes, et sur la connaissance des livres, des formats, des editions ; sur la maniere de composer une Biblio- theque choisie, classee methodiqucment, et sur les principaux ouvrages a consulter dans chaque partie de Tenseignement des ecoles centrales ; le tout suivi de plusieurs notices bibliogra* phiques, instructives et curieuses, par G. P. . . 8vo, pp. xiv, 364. Paris : Villiers^ Desessarts et Desray. An ix. [1801.] Three hundred and six copies printed, of which six arc on vellum paper. Set Peuoldt, p. 87. . Cxiv B I B L 10 G RAP H r. Peignot. Manuel du Bibliophile, ou Traite du choix des livres ... . Par Gabriel Peignot. 2 vols., 8vo, pp. Ix, 413 ; (4), 492. Dijon: Lagier. 1823. Ten copies on fine, and three on rose-colored paper. First printed in 18 17. See Petzholdt, p. 91. Peignot. Repertoire bibliographique universel, contenant la Notice raisonnee des Bibliographies speciales publiees jusqu'a ce jour, et d'un grand nombre d'auteurs ouvrages de bibliographie, ... rar Gabriel Peignot. Svo, pp. xx, 514. Parts : Renouard. 1812. Four copies on large vellum, and two on Holland paper. This elaborate work gives an account of special bibliographies up to date. See also Petzholdt, p. lo. Peignot. Repertoire de Bibliographies speciales, curieuses et instructives, contenant la Notice raisonnee 1° des ouvrages im- primes a petit nombre d'exemplaires ; 2° des livres dont on a tire des exemplaires sur papier de couleur ; 3° des livres dont le texte est grave ; et 4° des livres qui ont paru sous le nom d*Ana. ... Par Gabriel Peignot. Svo, pp. xvi, 286. Paris : Renouard et Allais. 1 8 1 0. Ten copies on vellum paper. Peignot. Varietes, notices et raretes bibliographiques, recueil faisant suite aux Curiosites bibliographiques. Par G. Peignot. 8vo, pp. xii, 136. Paris: Renouard, 1822. The other works of this eminent bibliographer will be found described in Petz- holdt ; see his Index. Percheron (A.) Bibliographie entomologique, comprenant I'indication par ordre alphabetique de noms d*auteurs 1° des ouvrages entomologiques public en France et a I'etranger, depuis les temps les plus recules jusques et y compris Tannee 1834; 2° des monographies et memoires contenus dans les recueils, journaux et collections academiques fran^aises et etrangeres ; Accompagnee de notices sur les ouvrages periodiques, les diction- naires et les memoires des societes savantes ; Suivie d*une table methodique et chronologique des matieres ; par A. Percheron. 2 vols., 8vo, pp. xii, 326; (2), 376. Paris: Bailliere, 1837. [Perkins (Frederick B.)] The Best Reading. Hints on the Selection of Books ; on the Formation of Libraries, Public and Private ; on Courses of Reading, etc. With a Classified Bibli- ography ... i2mo, pp. 255. New Tork: G. P. Putnam ^ Sons, 1872. Mr. Perkins disclaims several portions of this work, which were altered by the publisher. A third or fourth edition, brought down to December, 1874, was issued in 1875. A new and greatly enlarged edition is on the point of publication. B I B L I GRAP HT. CXV Perkins (H.) Catalogue of the very Valuable and Important Library formed by the late Henry Perkins, Esq. Comprising many Splendid Illuminated Manuscripts, Ancient Bibles, Exam- ples of Printing on Vellum, Choice Specimens of Early Typog- raphy, the Four First Folio Editions of Shakespeare, &c. Imp. 8vo. 10 Facsimiles. London. 1873. Includes two sets of the Mazarine Bible, and other books of the highest rarity. Peru. Bibliotheca Peruviana. A Catalogue of Books, Tracts, & Manuscripts, chiefly relating to North and South America, the property of a gentleman long resident in Mexico and Peru, com- prising Works printed at Lima, scarce Spanish Books, Indian dialects, Voyages and Travels, ... Sold ... By Messrs, Puttick & Simpson^ ... London^ ... March 27, 1873. ^^^* Pettigrew (T. J.) Bibliotheca Sussexiana. A Descriptive Catalogue, accompanied by Historical and Biographical Notices, of the Manuscripts and Printed Books contained in The Library of His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex, k.g., d.c.l. &c. &c. &c. &c. in Kensington Palace. By Thomas Joseph Pettigrew. 2 vols., imp. 8vo, in 3, pp. (4), 26, (2), ccxciv ; (24), 516 ; {4), vi, Iv, 588. 20 Plates. London: Longman i^ Co. 1827-39. The most extraordinary, curious, and extensive biblical collection ever formed. The fifty copies of this valuable catalogue printed upon large paper in 4to, were intended for presents only. It will be found very useful in the collation of early rare editions. Vol. i., Part i., contains Manuscripts; Part ii., printed editions of the Holy Scriptures, viz. : Polyglots of the Old and New Testaments and of detached portions thereof; Hebrew Bibles, Hebrew and Hebrew-Samaritan Pentateuchs, and portions of the Old Testament in Hebrew; Greek Bibles, Greek Pentateuch, and portions of the Old Testament in Greek and Latin ; Bibles, and parts of the Old Testament in Latin. Vol. ii., Theology, printed books. It is the best account of the early editions of the Holy Scriptures extant. Petzholdt (J.) Bibliotheca Bibliographica. Kritisches Ver- zeichniss der das Gesammtgebiet der Bibliographic betrefFenden Litteratur des In- und Ausiandes In systematischer Ordnung bearbeitet von D"^- Julius Petzholdt. Mit alphabetischem Namen- und Sachregister. Imp. 8vo, pp. xii, 939. Leipzig : Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann. 1866. ** An exhaustive catalogue of books about books." — Powtdr. Our own opinion of this extraordinary work is recorded in our preface. Petzholdt. Catalogus " Indicis Librorum prohibitorum et expurgandorum." Specimen quod maxime Viris praenobilissimis et perillustribus Praefectis Bibliothecarum Berolinensis, Bruxel- lensis, Dresdensis, Florentinae, Gottingensis, Lipsiensis, Londi- nensis, Lovaniensis, Madritensis, Mediolanensis, Monacensis, Norimbergensis, Oxoniensis, Parisinae, Petropolitanae, Pragensis, cxvi BIBLIOGRAPHT. Vatlcano-Romanae, Venetianae et Vindobonensis, eo consilio, ut catalogum ex opibus suis corrigant, suppleant atque augeant, rite pie oft'ert Auctor J. Petzholdt. 8vo, pp. 34. Dresdae : Typ. Blochmanni et fil. 1859. For other works by this eminent bibliographer, iee the Index to his Blbliotheca Bib- liografhica. The Philobiblion. A Monthly Catalogue and Literary Journal. ... Containing Critical Notices of, and Extracts from, Rare, Curi- ous, and Valuable Old Books. 2 vols., 4to, pp. 288 ; (4), 290, all published. New York: Geo. P. Philes & Co. 1862-63. Printed on very thin paper; now scarce. The critical notices were mostly written by the publisher. [Pinto de Sousa (Jose Carlos).] Bibliotheca Historica de Portugal e seus Dominios Ultramarinos : Na qual se contem varias Historias daquelle, e destes MS. e impressas em prosa, e em verso, s6, e juntas com as de outros Estados, escritas por Authores Portuguezes, e Estrangeiros ; ... Nova Edi^ao, correcta, e ampla- mente augmentada ... . Sm. 4to, pp. (26), xiii, 408, 100. Lisboa^ na Typographia do Jrco do Cego. 1 801. [Pollen (J.)] Universal Catalogue of Books on Art, com- prehending Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Decoration, Coins, Antiquities, &c. 2 vols., 4to. London, 1 868-70. Edited by John Pollen. "These 'First Proof Sheets' form an elaborate Index, not only to Books, but to articles on Art in Magazines, Reviews," &c. — Power. The work is very carelessly executed and is very far from complete; it forms material, however, for some able man to work up in better shape. Poole (W. F.) An Index to Periodical Literature. By Wm. Fred. Poole, a.m. 8vo, pp. x, (2), 533. New York: Charles B. Norton, 1853. This useful work is the index to twelve British and sixty-three American Reviews and Magazines, It is now very scarce. The author is preparing a supplement under the auspices of the Library Association. Power (J.) A Handy-Book About Books, for Book-Lovers, Book-Buyers, and Book-Sellers. Attempted by John Power. 8vo, pp. xiv, (2), 217, (1). 8 Plates. London: 'John Wihon, 1 8 70. Contains a large amount of information on bibliography and typography, together with a chronological table, a bookseller's directory, a collection of useful receipts, a dictionary of terms, and other useful information of a miscellaneous character, inter- esting to book-collectors. The bibliographical portion is referred to in our preface. The Present State of the Republick of Letters. [Edited by Andrew Reid.] 18 vols., 8vo. London. 1728-36. Gives a general view of the state of learning throughout Europe, and contains BIBLIOGRAPHT. cxvii accounts of the most valuable books then published, with abstracts, memoirs of authors, and other miscellaneous matter relative to literature. Pritzel (G. a.) Thesaurus literaturae botanicae omnium gentium Inde a rerum botanicarum initiis ad nostra usque tempora, quindecim millia operum recensens. Curavit G. A. Pritzel. 4to, pp. (2), viii, 547. Lipsiae : Brockhaus. 1851. " Fifteen thousand works are noticed." — Power. See also Petzholdt, p. 556. [PsAUME (Etienne).] Dictionnaire bibliographique, ou Nou- veau Manuel du Libraire et de TAmateur de Livres ... . Precede d'un Essai elementaire sur la Bibliographie ; par M. p*****^ 2 vols., 8vo, pp. viii, 264, 9-264, ii ; (4), 507. Paris: Ponthieu. 1824. See Petzholdt, p. 93. The Publishers' Circular, and General Record of British and Foreign Literature : containing a complete Alphabetical List of all new^ Works published in Great Britain, and every Work of Interest published abroad. Rl. 8vo. London. 1837. Continued in bi-monthly numbers j a very useful aid to bibliographers. [Putnam (George Palmer).] The American Book-Circular, with Notes and Statistics. Svo, pp. 64. New Tor k : Wiley ^ Putnam, 1843. Putnam. The Book- Buyers' Manual ; a Catalogue of For- eign and American Books in every department of Literature, w^ith a classified Index. Published by Geo. P. Putnam and Co. 8vo, pp. 236, viii, 48. New York. 1852. "A very useful manual, not pretending to great bibliographical accuracy, but suf- ficiently so for the purpose for which it is intended." — Trubner. QuARiTCH (B.) Bibliotheca Xylographica, Typographica et Palaeographica. Catalogue of Block Books, and of Early Pro- ductions of the Printing Press in All Countries, and a Supple- ment of Manuscripts. For Sale by Bernard Quaritch. Svo. London. 1873. Ihe most extraordinary and valuable collection ever offered for sale by any book- seller. The catalogue, which abounds in interesting and valuable bibliographical notes, contains upwards of 170 pages, and a table of contents chronologically arranged. QuARiTCH. A General Catalogue of Books, Arranged in Classes, ... for sale by Bernard Quaritch. ... 8vo, pp. viii, 1130. London. 1868. QuARiTCH. A General Catalogue of Books offered ... by Bernard Quaritch. 8vo, pp. x, 1889. London. 1874. This is doubtless the largest catalogue ever put forth by a bookseller. The biblio- cxviii B I B L I G RAP H r, graphical notes appended to the rare or most important books are distinguished by much learning and critical research, and are tolerably free from the trade bias which lly accompanies a bookseller's catalogue. usua [QuERARD (J. M.)] De la bibliographic generale aux dix- neuvieme siecle et plus particulierement du Manuel du libraire ... lettre a ... Brunet ... . 8vo, pp. 24. Paris: Vediteur, Jvril^ 1863. QuERARD. La France litteraire, ou Dictionnaire bibliogra- phique des savants, historiens et gens de lettres de la France, ainsi que des litterateurs etrangers qui ont ecrit en fran^ais, plus particulierement pendant les xviii^ et xix^ siecles. Ouvrage dans lequel on a insere, afin d'en former une Bibliographie nationale complete, I'indication 1° des reimpressions des ouvrages fran^ais de tous les ages ; 2° des diverses traductions en notre langue de tous les auteurs etrangers, anciens et modernes ; 3° celle des reimpressions faites en France des ouvrages originaux de ces memes auteurs etrangers, pendant cette epoque. Par J. M. Querard. 10 vols., 8vo, pp. xxix, 582 ; 756 ; 562 ; 646 ; 668 ; 647; 574; 606; 597; 575. Paris : Didotfreres. 1827-39. -j- La Litterature Fran^aise contemporaine. Continuation ... . 6 vols., 8vo. Paris: Daguin freres. 1842-57. Querard quarreled with his publisher, and, after p. 28a of Vol. n. of the Litterature fran^aise contemporaine^ the compilation was made by Louandre, Bourquelot, and Maury. Querard published a Tome xi. of La France litteraire^ with the title : " Les ecrivains pseudonymes et autres mystificateurs de la litterature fran9aise pendant les quatre derniers siecles, restitues a leurs veritables noms" — 8vo, pp. viii, 708. Paris: r'editeur. 1854-57 — and a volume entitled : "La France litteraire ... Tome Douz- ieme. Dix-neuvieme siecle. Tome deuxierae." 8vo, pp. (4), 751. Paris: lediteur. M DCCC LIX-LXIV. QuERARD. Les Supercheries Litteraires Devoilees. Galerie des ecrivains fran^ais de toute I'Europe, qui se sont deguises sous des anagrammes, des asteronymes, des cryptonymes, des initial- ismes, des noms litteraires, des pseudonymes facetieux ou bizarres, etc. Par J. M. Querard. Seconde edition, considerablement augmentee, publiee par M. Gustave Brunet et Pierre Jannet ; suivie (i) du Dictionnaire des Ouvrages anonymes, par Ant. Alex. Barbier, troisieme edition, revue et augmentee par M. Oliv. Barbier ; (2) d'une Table Generale des Noms Reels des ecrivains anonymes et pseudonymes, &c., &c. 3 vols., 8vo, pp. viii, (4), 1278; (4), 1324, (i); (4), 1290, (i). Paris: Paul Daffis. 1869-1870. *' A most valuable work, now in course of publication, and comprising the best and latest information. The first edition was published in 5 vols, by the Editor, Paris^ 1 847-5 3." — Pow«R. BIBLIOGRAPHT. ^xix Reid (J.) Bibllotheca Scoto-Celtica ; or, an Account of all the Books which have been printed in the Gaelic Language. With Bibliographical and Biographical Notices By John Reid. 8vo, pp. Ixxii, 178. Glasgow: Reid ^ Co. 1832. Reinwald (C.) Catalogue annuel de la librairie fran9aise pour 1858-69, public par Ch. Reinwald. 8vo. Paris: C. Reinwald. [1859-70.] Bossange published a catalogue for 1870-71 in one volume, and Reinwald has lately announced that he should resume the publication of his Catalogue annuel. Renouard (A. A.) Annales de I'lmprimerie des Aide, ou Histoire des Trois Manuce et de leurs editions. Par Ant. Aug. Renouard. Troisieme edition. 8vo, pp. (4), xvi, 576, Ixviii. 2 Portraits, 10 Facsimiles. Paris : Chez yules Renouard. m,dccc,xxxiv. ** Renouard in his descriptions of the productions of the Aldine press is without a rival." — Beloe's Anecdotes of Literature^ Vol. in., p. x. " Le savant historien des Aides a fait de son propre catalogue une bibliographie tres precieuse." — C. Nodier. The true model of a bibliographical work ; the production of a scholar as well informed as he is communicative on the subject. Three hundred and fifty copies printed in 8vo, thirty-two in 410. First issued in 1803. See Petzhold, p. 167. Renouard. Annales de Tlmprimerie des Estienne, ou His- toire de la Famille des Estienne et de ses editions. Par Ant. Aug. Renouard. Deuxieme edition. 8vo, pp. xx, 585. Paris : Chez Jules Renouard et Cie. m,dccc,xliii. Also on large paper in 4to. Contains many new details of much interest upon a great family of printers who have a right to the affectionate remembrance of all who cherish literature. This edition has at the end a Note sur Laurent Coster. See the Bulletin des Bibliophile Belge^ Tome ix., for some additions by Chenedolle. [Renouard.] Catalogue de la Bibliotheque d'un Amateur, avec notes bibliographiques, critiques et litteraires. 4 vols., 8vo, pp. (4), XX, 360 ; (4), 354 ; (4), 348 ; (4), 407. Portrait. Paris: Chez Antoine Augustin Renouard. m,dccc,xix. -\- Bruxelles. 1823. 2 vols., 8vo. Also on large paper. An elaborate, interesting, and highly important catalogue. It is a model for any bibliographer; the descriptions are copious and interesting, and display great knowledge of books. It is a catalogue of the author's own books, and contains much valuable information on the various editions of the classics as well as of modern literature. Renouvier (J.) Des Gravures en Bois dans les Livres d'Anthoine Verard, Maitre Librairie, Imprimeur, Enlumineur & Tailleur sur bois de Parij. 1485-15 10. Par J. Renouvier. 8vo, pp. 50, (4). Paris: Chez Auguste Aubry, 1859. Two hundred copies only printed. Cxx B I B L 10 G RAP Hr. Repertorium Bibliographicum. See [Clarke (W.)] Reports from the Select Committee on Public Libraries ; together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, Appendixes, and Indexes. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 23 July 1849, ^"^ ^ August 1850. 3 vols., folio. London. 1850. Relates chiefly to the British Museum. Reumont (A. von). Bibliografia dei lavori pubblicati in Ger- mania sulla storia d'ltalia. 8vo, pp. ix, (i), 467, (i). Berlino : Decker. 1863. See Petzholdt, pp. 849, 850. Reuss (J. D.) Alphabetical Register of all the Authors actu- ally in Great-Britain, Ireland and in the United Provinces of North- America, with a Catalogue of their Publications. From the Year 1770 to the Year 1790. By Jeremias David Reuss. 8vo, pp. xiv, 248 ; (2), xi, 249-459. Berlin and Stettin : Nicolai. 1791. + Supplement ... from ... 1790 to ... 1803. 8vo, pp. (2), X, 589; (4), 543. Berlin and Stettin : Nicolai. 1804. Reuss. Repertorium Commentationum a Societatibus litte- rariis editarum secundum disciplinarum ordinem digessit J. D. Reuss. 16 vols., 4to. Gottingce : Dietrich. 1 801-21. A complete and admirably digested catalogue of all the papers contained in the various scientific and literary journals, academical transactions, etc., both British and foreign. See Petzholdt, p. 87. Rhees (W. J.) Manual of Public Libraries, Institutions, and Societies, in the United States, and British Provinces of North America. By William J. Rhees ... . 8vo, pp. xxviii, 687. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott i^ Co. 1859. Rhodes (W. B.) Bibliotheca Dramatica. A Catalogue of the Entire, Curious, and Extensive Dramatic Library of William Barnes Rhodes, Esq., etc. 8vo, pp. (4), 114. London. 1825. Some copies on fine paper. RiBADENEiRA (P.) Bibliotheca Scriptorvm Societatis Jesv. Opvs inchoatvm a Petro Ribadeneira, anno salutis l6o2. Con- tinvatvm a Philippo Alegambe, vsque ad annum 1642. Recog- nitum, & productum ad annum Jubilaei m.dc.lxxv. a Nathanaele Sotvello. Folio, pp. xxxvi, 984. Romae.^ ex Typographia de Lazzaris Varesii. l6yb. "Ouvrage infiniment precieux pour la bibliographic et Thistoire des ecrivains de la Cie de Jesus. Les PP. de Backer en font un grand eloge." — Leclekc. It was con- tinued by Caballero at Rome^ 1814- 1 6. BIBLIOGRAPHY. CXxi Rich (O.) A Catalogue of Books, Relating principally to America, Arranged under the Years in which they were Printed. 8vo, pp. 129, Advertisement, l 1. London: O. Rich. 1832. The books described were printed between the years 1500 and 1600. Sometimes followed by two pieces without a title-page — Books relating to America. 1493-1700. pp. 16. Books relating to America. 1493-1700. Supplement, pp. 8 — which were also issued in 410, pp. 4, and 2. Rich. Bibliotheca Americana Nova ; or, A Catalogue of Books in Various Languages, Relating to America, Printed since the Year 1700. Compiled principally from the Works them- selves. By O. Rich. ... [Vol. i. 1 701-1800.] 8vo, pp. (4), 424. Supplement ... . Part i. Additions and Corrections. ... 1841. pp. (2), 425-517. London: O, Rich, New Tork : Harper and Brothers. 1835. The verso of the title reads " 250 copies printed in all : For sale in England, loo. To send to America 150." On the publication of Vol. 11. in 1846, new title-pages were issued for the work in 2 vols, as below : Rich. Bibliotheca Americana Nova. A Catalogue of Books Relating to America, in various Languages, including Voyages to the Pacific and round the World, and Collections of Voyages and Travels Printed since the Year 1700. Compiled principally from the Works themselves, by O. Rich. ... Vol. i. 1701-1800; Vol. II. 1801-1844. 2 vols., 8vo, pp. (4), 517 ; 4, 412. London: Rich l5f Sons. 1846, The half title in Vol. i. was omitted in the second issue, and a dedication follows the title-page. Rich. Supplement to the Bibliotheca Americana Nova. Part I. Additions and Corrections. 1 701-1800. 8vo, pp. (2), 425-517. London: O.Rich. 1841. This should be bound up with Vol. i. In the copies of Vol. i. which were issued in 1846, this supplement is included sometimes with and sometimes without a sepa- rate title-page. A few copies of Vol. ii. were printed on one side only on thick paper. Mr. Rich was well known in the bibliographical world for his collection of rare books relating to Spain and America, and his Bibliotheca Americana is a work of great labor and research, and of real service to the student of history. See Athenteum, 1850, p. 102, and Petzholdt, pp. 801-802. RiCHARDERiE (G. B. de la). See Boucher de la Richarderie. RiMBAULT (E. F.) Bibliotheca Madrigaliana. A Biblio- graphical Account of the Musical and Poetical Works published in England during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, under the Titles of Madrigals, Ballets, Ayres, Canzonets, &c., &c. By Edward F. Rimbault ... . 8vo, pp. xvi, 88. London: John Russell Smith. MDCCCXLVii. Six copies printed on thick paper in royal 8vo. Records a class of books left CXxii BIBLIOGRyJPHT, undescribed by Ames, Herbert, and Dibdin, and furnishes a most valuable catalogue of lyrical poetry of the age to which it refers. RiNGWALT (J. L.) American Encyclopaedia of Printing. Edited by J. Luther Ringwalt, Imp. 8vo, pp. 511. Philadelphia: Menamin & Ringwalt, 187 1. A description of this important work will be found in the American Bibliopolisty for December, 1871, p. 516. [RiTSON (Joseph).] Bibliographia Poetica : A Catalogue of Engleish Poets, of the Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fif- teenth and Sixteenth Centurys, with a Short Account of their Works. Post 8vo, pp. (4), ii, 407. London : G. and IV. Nicol. mdcccii. For additions and alterations to this volume, see Sir E. Brydges' Censura Literariay V. and VI., and Fry's Bibliographical Memoranda^ pp. 7-1 1. [Rivers (David).] Literary Memoirs of Living Authors of G-reat Britain, arranged according to An Alphabetical Catalogue of their Names; and including A List of their Works, With Occasional Opinions upon their Literary Character. 2 vols., 8vo, pp. (4), 385 ; (2), 404. London: R, Faulder. I'JQ^^, RoccHA. Angeli Roccha Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana a Sixto v., in splendidiorem commodioremque locum translata et commentario illustrata. 4to. Folded Plate of the Library. Romce^ ex Typog. Vaticana. 1591. Printed at the Vatican press under the direction of Aldus and Dom. Basa. It contains a curious account of the library of Aldus, and many complimentary tributes both to Aldus the elder and Paul Manuce. The contents altogether are highly curi- ous and interesting. It was unknown to Renouard. See Petzholdt, p. 499. [RoDD (Horace).] Catalogue of an Extensive Collection of Fine & Rare Prints, illustrative of the Works of William Shak- speare, including all the Rare Portraits of the Bard, and Scenic Prints in Choice Proof State. Also a capital collection of Shak- speariana, being the work of many of the Commentators and other Writers, on his Plays ... . Collected by John Tyrrel, Esq. 8vo, pp. (4), 33. London: Rodd and Maddox. 1850. Four copies printed on thick paper. Roorback (O. A.) Bibliotheca Americana. Catalogue of American Publications, including reprints, ... from 1820 to 1852, inclusive. ... By O. A. Roorbach. 8vo, pp. xi, 652. New York: Orville A. Roorbach. 1852. -f Supplement ... 1852, to ... 1855. 8vo, pp. vii, 220. \_lbid.~\ 1855. + Addenda ... 1855, to ... 1858. 8vo, pp. 257. llhid.'] 1858. The edition of 1852 includes the contents of the edition of 1849, which we omit, and the supplement published in 1850. BIBLIOGRAPHY, CXXUl RoscoE (W.) Catalogue of the ... Library, Prints, Drawings, and Pictures of William Roscoe, Esq. ... Sold ... 1816. 3 vols., 8vo, pp. (4), 208; (4), 170; (8), 156. Liverpool. 1816. These catalogues were drawn up by Mr. Roscoe himself, and contain some valuable bibliographical information, and his notes on various works of art. Rossi (J. B. De-). De Hebraicae Typographiae origine ac pri- mitiis seu antiquis ac rarissimis Hebraicorum Librorum editionibus seculi XV Disquisitio historico-critica Johannis Bernardi De-Rossi. 4to, pp. (8), 100. Parntis ex Regio typographeo, 1776. Bernardo De-Rossi, professor of Parma, occupied all his life in the collection of Manuscripts and rare editions of the Hebrew text j before his death he had upwards of 1680 Hebrew Manuscripts. RoTHELiN (Charles d'Orleans de), VAhh'e, Observations et Details sur la Collection des Grands & des Petits Voyages. 4to, pp. 44. [n. p.] M.DCC.XLII. This is reprinted in Lenglet du Fresnoy's " Methode pour etudier la geographic." Vol. I. 1768. RowELL. Geo. p. Rowell & Co.'s American Newspaper Directory, containing Accurate Lists of all the Newspapers and Periodicals published in the United States and Territories, and the Dominion of Canada and British Colonies of North America: together with a Description of the Towns and Cities in which they are published. Rl. 8vo, pp. 680. New York: Geo, P. Rowell^ Co. 1872. Roxburghe Revels, and other Relative Papers ; including An- swers to the Attack on the Memory of the late Joseph Hasle- wood, Esq. F.s.A. With Specimens of his Literary Productions. 4to, pp. ix, 144. Edinburgh : Printed for Private Circulation, M.DCCC.xxxvil. Only a few copies printed. Very rare. The Defence of Mr. Haslewood was written by Dr. Dibdin. Royal Geographical Society of London. Classified Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Geographical Society, to December, 1870. 8vo, pp. (4), 478. London: 'John Murray, 1871. Russell (Addison P.) Library Notes. i2mo, pp. (2), 401. New York: Hurdle Houghton, 1875. [Rye (W. B.)] List of the Books of Reference in the Read- ing-room of the British Museum. 8vo. London. 1849. Cxxiv BIBLIOGRAPHT. Sabin (J.) A Dictionary of Books Relating to America. From its Discovery to the Present Time. By Joseph Sabin, New York: 'Joseph Sabin. 1867-76. 48 parts or 8 vols., 8vo, all yet published. One hundred copies printed on large paper. It is the most thorougli work of the kind ever attempted, and indispensable to the collector of an American library. Mr. Frederick MuUer says, "I am proud to be a bookseller, seeing a bookseller has made such a book." " When this valuable work will be completed it is impossible to calculate ; up to Part xiv. it only reaches as far as *Casas.'" — Power. It will probably be completed in 1880. Sabin. A Bibliographical Catalogue of the Waltonian Li- brary, belonging to the Estate of Robert W. Coleman. 8vo, pp. (2), 149. New York, 1866. Seventy-five copies only, privately printed. The greatest part of this library was collected by the late Rev. Dr. Bethune. [Sabin.] Bibliotheca Dramatica. Catalogue of the Theat- rical and Miscellaneous Library of the Late William E. Burton ... Sold ... i860. 8vo, pp. viii, 463. Portrait. New York. i860. One hundred copies on large paper, imp. 8vo. [Sabin.] Catalogue of the ... Books, ... of the Late Mr. E. B. Corwin. 8vo, pp. vii, 263. New York. 1856. One hundred copies printed on large paper. [Sabin.] Catalogue of an Extensive and Select Collection of Choice Books, etc. May 26 [1857]. ^^o- {New York. 1857.] Descriptive of the library of George R. Hazewell. The collection was at that time withdrawn from sale, but was afterwards catalogued with additions from other sources as the "Catalogue of a Valuable Private Library, Comprising an Extensive and Select Collection of Choice Books, Sold May 16, 1859." Neiv York. [1859.] 8vo, pp. 6, 324, (a). Sabin. Catalogue of the Library of Edwin Forrest. Com- piled by Joseph Sabin. 8vo, pp. iv, 188. Portrait. Philadelphia. 1863. One hundred and seventy-five copies privately printed. Mr. Forrest bequeathed his library to the Dramatic Institution which he established and endowed. Sabin. Catalogue of the Books ... belonging to the Estate of the late John Allan. Prepared by Joseph Sabin. 8vo, pp. vi, (2), 343. New York. 1864. One hundred copies printed on large paper, in which is a steel portrait of John Allan In the large paper copies the name of the compiler of the catalogue was omitted, because in a note on the last page of the small paper copies he was so impertinent as to reflect on the style of that portion of the catalogue which lie did not write. B I B L I G RAP H r. CXXV Sabin. Catalogue of the Library of Andrew Wight, of Phil- adelphia. ... Prepared by Joseph Sabin. 8vo, pp. 315. [Sold] New York. 1864. One hundred copies printed on large paper. The majority of the books were in fact the property of Mr. Edward Vernon. Very rich in books printed by Benjamin Franklin. [Sabin.] Catalogue of The Library belonging to Thomas Addis Emmet m.d. 8vo, pp. (6), 371. New York: Bradstreet Press 1868 As a specimen of ornamental printing this is perhaps the finest specimen put forth in America. Four copies were printed on Whatman's drawing paper. [Sabin.] Catalogue of Mr. John A. Rice's Library ... Sold ... [by Joseph Sabin] Rl. 8vo, pp. xvi, 566. New York: J. Sabin ^ Sons 1870 Twenty-five copies printed on English laid paper for presents only, and one hundred copies on thick paper. This collection of books was one of the finest that had ever been offered for sale in the United States. The total amount realized was over $42,000. Sabin. Catalogue of the Library of E. G. Squier. Edited by Joseph Sabin. ... Sold ... 1876 ... 8vo, pp. (4), 277, (8). New York: Charles C. Shelley^ Printer, 1876. Rich in books relative to Central America, Peru, etc. [Sabin.] Catalogue of the Library belonging to Thomas W. Field. ... Sold ... 8vo, pp. viii, 376. New York, 1875. The notes to the books are mostly abridged from Mr. Field's Essay; about ten thousand typographical errors contained in the Essay are corrected in this catalogue. Sabin. Catalogue of the Books Manuscripts and Engrav- ings belonging to William Menzies of New York Prepared by Joseph Sabin 8vo, pp. xviii, 471, (i). New York 1875 This collection was sold by the compiler, November, 1876, and realized nearly $50,000, being $9,000 more than it cost. It was the finest library ever sold in the United States. Sabin. A List of the Printed Editions of the Works of Fray Bartolome de las Casas Bishop of Chiapa Extracted from a Dictionary of Books relating to America By Joseph Sabin 8vo, pp. 17. New York : J. Sabin ^ Sons 1870 Sabin. A List of the Editions of the Works of Louis Hen- nepin and Antonio de Herrera Extracted from a Dictionary of Books relating to America. By Joseph Sabin 8vo, pp. 16. New York: J, Sabin & Sons 1876 Cxxvi BIBLJOGRAPHT. [Sabin.] Shakspeariana Burtonensis : being a Catalogue of the Extensive Collection of Shakspeariana of the late William E. Burton, Esq., of New York. ... Rl. 8vo, pp. 72. New York: Joseph Sabin and Co. i860. One hundred copies only printed. Also included in the Bibliotheca Dramatical described supra. Sabin. Catalogue of the Library of George W. Ordway, Chicago, III. Prepared By J. Sabin. 8vo, pp. 3-96. New York: Privately Printed, 1869. This catalogue of Mr. Ordway's collection is a specimen of amplification. 1 was instructed to fill loo pages with a description of a few books, and almost did it. [Sabin.] Catalogue of the Library of Mr. Richard W. Roche. 8vo, pp. 251. New York: Bradstreet Press. 1867. Twenty-five copies printed on thick paper. Edited by Joseph Sabin. The follow- ing catalogues include in the notes to the books much information as to their rarity, value or importance: Bibliotheca Americana et Selectissima. Catalogue of an Extra- ordinary Collection of Books relating to America, etc. 8vo, pp. 152. New Tori. [1857.] — Bibliotheca Splendidissima. Catalogue [of the Library of A. E. Douglas]. 8vo, pp. V, 172. Nezv Tori. 1856 j and others too numerous to mention. Sarin (J.) & Sons. The American Bibliopolist. A Literary Register and Monthly Catalogue of Old and New Books, and Repository of Notes and Queries. Vol. i. 8vo. New York. 1869. Continued. Sabine (Capt.) Catalogue of Captain Sabine's Collection of Books relating to Shakespeare. Sold 1820. 8vo. London: Sotheby. 1820. St. Louis. Classified Catalogue of the St. Louis Mercantile Library ... [By John N. Dyer.] Imp. 8vo, pp. xiii, 762. 4^/. Louis, 1874. One of the best libraries of its class. Sale Catalogues. A List of the Original Catalogues of the Principal Libraries which have been sold by auction by Mr. Samuel Baker, from 1774; Messrs. S. Baker and G. Leigh, from 1775 to 1777; Mr. George Leigh, 1778; Messrs. Leigh and Sotheby, from 1780 to 1800 ; Messrs. Leigh, Sotheby, and Son, from 1800 to 1803; Messrs. Leigh and L. Sotheby, from 1804 to 1816; and Mr. Sotheby, from 1816 to 1828. The whole forming a series of one hundred and fifty-six volumes in quarto, with Prices and Purchaser's Names. 8vo. London. 1828. This little privately printed pamphlet contains a chronological and alphabetical list of over eight hundred book sales of the libraries of well-known literary men and book collectors, &c., for eighty-four years. The valuable catalogues mentioned in BIBLIOGRAPHT. CXXvii this list are deposited in the British Museum, together with the continuation of the series up to i860. Mr. Power adds a description of several other sale catalogues of libraries, the most important of which we have described under the names of their owners. See Power, pp. 192, 193. Salva (V.) A Catalogue of Spanish and Portuguese Books, with occasional Literary and Bibliographical Remarks. By Vin- cent Salva. 2 vols., 8vo, pp. xxx, 226 ; xxix, 225. London, 1826-29. See Petzholdt, p. 380, for other catalogues. Santander (Ch. Ant. de la Serna). Dictionnaire bibliogra- phique choisi du quinzieme siecle, ou description par ordre alpha- betique des editions les plus rares et les plus recherchees du quinzieme siecle, precede d'un essai historique sur Torigine de I'imprimerie, ainsi que sur I'histoire de son etablissement dans les villes, bourgs, monasteres et autres endroits de TEurope ; avec la notice des imprimeurs qui y ont exerce cet art jusqu'a I'an 1500. Par de la Serna Santander. 3 vols., 8vo, pp. (6), x, 480 ; (4), iv, 478 ; (4), 520. 2 Tables. Bruxelles : Impr. Tarte. An xiil. [1805]-! 807. **A most elaborate work, to which all bibliographers are indebted for a fund of interesting and important information. It also contains his masterly sketch of the History of Printing." — T. H. Horne. In Vol. iii. are many curious water-marks. See Petzholdt, p. 124. Santander. Catalogue des Livres de la Bibliotheque de M. C. de la Serna Santander, ... avec des Notes bibliographiques et litteraires. ... 5 vols., 8vo, pp. vi, xxxv, (i), 309 ; (2), 354; (2), 305; (2), 266 ; 130,(1). Plates. Bruxelles. 1803. A very valuable catalogue, both on account of the richness of the collection (par- ticularly in Spanish literature), and also on account of its great accuracy and of the bibliographical importance of the appended notes. The fifth volume, which includes some curious treatises on water-marks, signatures, etc., is very scarce. Santander. Historical Essay on the Origin of Printing, By M. de la Serna Santander ; translated by Thomas Hodgson. 8vo. Newcastle, 1 8 19. Fifty-six copies only printed, of which six copies were printed in imperial 8vo. Savage (J.) The Librarian ; being an Account of scarce, valuable, and useful English Books, Manuscript Libraries, Public Records, &c. &c. By James Savage. 3 vols., 8vo, pp. iv, 288 ; iv, 288 ; iv, 286. 2 Facsimiles. London : W. Savage. 1808-9. A very valuable account, with collations, lists and descriptions of plates, etc., of important and valuable English books. Savage (W.) A Dictionary of the Art of Printing. By William Savage ... . 8vo, pp. viii, 815, (i). London: Longman... 184 1. Cxxviii BIBLJOGRAPH T. Savage. Practical Hints on Decorative Printing, with Illus- trations Engraved on Wood and Printed in Colours at the Type Press. By William Savage. 4to, pp. (12), vi, (2), 118, 18. Plates. London. 1822. Also on large paper, imp. 4to, with some of the places heightened in gold. There is nothing necessary to be known in the noble art of typography that is not contained in this book. Interesting articles on electrotyping, printing machines, and other subjects equally important, render this one of the most useful books on these subjects that has issued from the press. Saxe (C.) Christophori SaxI Onomastlcon literarivm, sive Nomenclator historico-criticvs praestantissimorvm omnis aetatis, popvli, artivmq. formvlae Scriptorvm. item M on v mentor vm max- ime illvstrivm, ab orbe condito vsque ad sa^cvli, quod vivimus tempora ... . 8 vols., 8vo, pp. xlii, 598 ; (2), 660; (2), x, 660; (2), 659 ; (2), 655 ; (2), 744 ; xviii, 448, Portrait ; viii, 464. Trajecti ad Rhenvm: a Paddenhurgh ... 1 775-1 803. **An historico-critico chronological nomenclature of the most illustrious authors and monuments from the beginning of the world to the present time; with an account of the sources whence the author has derived his information. A very useful and laborious work, quite indispensable to the classical scholar." — Clarke's B'tbl. Misc. See also Petzholdt, p. 80. ScHEiBLE (J.) A Catalogue of Literary Curiosities, Treatises on Love and Women ; on Polygamy, Divorce, the Pleasures and Troubles of Matrimony, Secret Memoirs, Comical and Scandal- ous Histories, Court Secrets, Celebrated Trials ; Suppressed and Clandestinely Printed Books, Pamphlets, and Rare Illustrated Facetiae ... . 2 parts, 8vo. Stuttgart. 1872. " This extraordinary catalogue contains a list of nearly ten thousand works, in various languages, on the above curious topics." [Schoolcraft (Henry R.)] A Bibliographical Catalogue of Books, Translations of the Scriptures, and other publications in the Indian Tongues of the United States ; with brief critical notices. 8vo, pp. 27, (i). IVashington : C. Alexander .^ Printer. 1 849. Contains a catalogue raisonne of the Indian works in the Indian Bureau of the Department of the Interior. Reprinted with a few additions, pp. 523-551 of Vol. IV. of Schoolcraft's work on the Indian Tribes of the United States. ScHULTENS (Johan Jacob). Catalogus Bibliothecae Schulten- sianae. 8vo. Lugduni Batavorum. 1780. "This noble library, vast in Its numbers, and profound in the learning of its contents, is a monument worthy of the memory of its author's name, as to biblical, theological, grammatical, and critical literature, in the Greek and Roman, as well as the Hebrew and other languages. It consists of 11,965 articles, among which are sundry scarce and curious editions^ and a great abundance of history, philology, and bibliography." BIBLIOGRAPHY. CXXix Scott (W.) Catalogue of the Library at Abbotsford. 4to, pp. vi, (2), 464. Edinburgh. M.DCCC.xxxviii. Major Scott's contribution to the Bannatyne Club. One hundred copies only printed 5 very scarce. This very valuable catalogue was compiled by the late J. G. Cochrane, of the London Library, St. James' Square. It contains very numerous references to the works of Sir Walter Scott, where he refers to, or quotes, the various books in the library. "The nature and extent of the collection throw light in a remarkable manner on the history of its founder. The reader has before him a faithful inventory of the materials with which the national poet and novelist had stored his mind before he began his public career, and of the zeal with which he watched the progress of literary enterprise down to the close of his life." Seguier (J. F.) Bibliotheca Botanica, sive Catalogus Auc- torum et Librorum omnium qui de Re Botanica, de Medicamentis ex Vegetabilibus paratis, de Re Rustica, & de Horticultura trac- tant, a Joanne Francisco Seguierio Nemausense digestus. Ac- cessit Bibliotheca Botanica Jo. Ant. Bumaldi, seu potius Ovidii Montalbani Bononiensis. 4to, pp. i6, 450, 66. Haga Comitum: Neaulme. 1 740. ■\- Lugdun't Baiavorum. 1760. 4to. Additions to the edition of 1760 were made by Laur. Theod. Gronovius. Set Petzholdt, p. 552. Seiz (J. C.) Annus Saecularis Tertius inventae Artis Typo- graphicae a Laurentio Kostero ... sive Brevis Historica Enarratio de Inventione Nobilissimae Artis Typographicae ... . Auctore Joanne Christiano Seiz ... . 8vo, pp. (24), 262. 6 Plates and Portrait. Harlemi : Enschede. [1742.] A rare and curious book. See Petzholdt, p. 450. Seizinger (Johann Georg). Theorie und Praxis der Biblio- thekwissenschaft. Grundlinien der Archivwissenschaft. Rl. 8vo. Dresden. 1863. Much valuable information in a small compass will be found in this work ; it has also a good index. Serapeum. Zeitschrift fur Bibliothekwissenschaft, Handschrif- tenkunde und altere Litteratur. Im Vereine mit Bibliothekaren und Litteraturfreunden herausgegeben von Robert Naumann. 8vo. Leipzig: T. O. Weigel. 1840. Continued annually. Shakspeare. Catalogue of Mr. Capell's Shakspeariana, pre- sented by him to Trinity College, Cambridge, and printed from an exact copy of his own ms. 8vo. London. 1779. A very limited number were privately printed for the author's friends. Shea (J. G.) A Bibliographical Account of Catholic Bibles, Testaments, and other portions of Scripture, translated from the Latin Vulgate, and printed in the United States, ^y John Gil- mary Shea. Fcap 8vo, pp. 48. New York: Cramoisy Press. 1859. cxxx B I B L 10 G RA P H 7 Shurtleff (N. B.) a Decimal System, for the Arrange- ment and Administration of Libraries. By N. B. ShurtlefF. 4to, pp. 80. Boston : Privately Printed, mdccclvi. Ingenious, but not very practicable. SiLLiG (P. H.) Die Shakespeare-Literatur bis Mitte 1854. Zusammengestellt und herausgegeben von P. H. Sillig. Ein bib- liographischer Versuch, eingefiihrt von H. Ulrici. 8vo, pp. ix, 99. Leipzig: Dyk, 1854. SiLVA (I. F. da). Diccionario Bibliographico Portuguez Estudos de Innocencio Francisco da Silva applicaveis a Portu- gal e ao Brasil. 9 vols., 8vo, pp. Iviii, (2), 403 ; 478 ; 447, 28 ; 472; 487; 474, 29-70; 463,71-110,(1); xxxi, 428, 113-136; xvi, 452. Lisboa na Imprensa Nacional mdccclviii-mdccclxx. A learned, painstaking, and elaborate performance. Like all Portuguese and Spanish books of its class, it is arranged under the baptismal names of the authors. Vols. viii. and ix. are a supplement, A-G. Simeon (J.) Books and Libraries. A Lecture ... Ryde, October 28, 1859. ^7 ^^^ John Simeon, Bart., ma. Post 8vo, pp.75. London: 'John W. Parker and Son. i860. A small collection of curious and interesting information relative to the origin and progress of printing, books, and libraries. Sims (R.) Hand Book to the Library of the British Museum, Containing a Brief History of its Formation, and of the various Collections of which it is composed ; Descriptions of the Cata- logues in present use ; Classed Lists of the Manuscripts, &c., and a variety* of Information indispensable for Literary Men, with some Account of the Principal Public Libraries in London. 8vo, pp. xii, 418. London: John Russell Smith, mdcccliv. With Plan of London and Ground Plan of the Libraries in the British Museum. [Singer (S. W.)] Some Account of the Book Printed at Oxford in mcccclxviii, under the title of " Exposicio Sancti Jeronimi in Simbolo Apostolorum ;" in which is examined its claim to be considered the First Book printed in England. 8vo, pp. ii, 44. 3 Facsimiles. London, 18 12. Fifty copies only privately printed. Skegg (E.) Catalogue of the singularly Curious, very Inter- esting and Valuable Library of Edward Skegg, Esq. 8vo. Por- trait. London. 1842. Twenty-five copies printed upon fine paper for presents. This choice collection, consisting of 2057 articles, was particularly rich in the works of the old English poets, etc. B I BLI GRAP Hr. CXXXl [Smith (J. R.)] A Bibliographical Catalogue of English Writers on Angling and Ichthyology. Post 8vo, pp. 47. London : John Russell Smith. m,dccc,lvi. Also found at the end of R. Blakey's " Historical Sketches of the Angling Liter- ature of all Nations." Smith. A Bibliographical List of all the Works which have been published towards illustrating the Provincial Dialects of England. By John Russell Smith. Post 8vo, pp. 24. London: J, R. Smith, 1839. Very serviceable to such as prosecute the study of provincial dialects, or are collect- ing works on that curious subject. Smith. Bibliothcca Cantiana : A Bibliographical Account of what has been published on the History, Topography, Antiquities, Customs, and Family Genealogy, of the County of Kent. By John Russell Smith. 8vo, pp. xiv, 360. 2 Facsimiles. London: J. R, Smith. 1837. Fifty copies printed on large paper. See Petzholdt, p. 846. Smith. Bibliotheca Americana. A Catalogue of a Valuable Collection of Books and Pamphlets relating to the History and Geography of North and South America and the West Indies. 8vo, pp. 196. London: J. Russell Smith, mdcccliii. A sale catalogue with prices affixed. See Petzholdt, p. 806. Smith. Bibliotheca Americana. A Catalogue of ... Books, Pamphlets, Manuscripts, Maps, Engravings, and ... Portraits, illustrating the History and Geography of ... America, and the West Indies, ... for sale. ... By John Russell Smith. 8vo, pp. (8), 308. London, mdccclxv. Smith. Bibliotheca Americana. A Catalogue of ... Books, illustrating the History and Geography of ... America and the West Indies. Collected by John Russell Smith. On Sale ... by Alfred Russell Smith. 8vo, pp. vii, 234. London, mdccclxxi. Smith. Bibliotheca Americana, a Catalogue of ... Books ... illustrating the History and Geography of ... America and the West Indies. 8vo. London. 1874. Mr. Smith has published many other catalogues ; some with bibliographical notes. Smith (J.) A Descriptive Catalogue of Friends* Books or Books written by Members of the Society of Friends commonly called Quakers, From their first Rise to the Present Time, inter- spersed with Critical Remarks and Occasional Biographical Notices, and including all writings by Authors before Joining, and by those after having left the Society, whether adverse or not. Cxxxii B I B L I OG RA P H r. as far as known. By Joseph Smith. 2 vols., 8vo, pp. v, (2), 1027; (4), 984. London: Joseph Smith. 1863. Also printed on large paper. The best work on the subject. The collector of early American imprints will here find the titles of many books which are compara- tively unknown. Smith. Bibliotheca Anti-Quakeriana ; or A Catalogue of Books adverse to the Society of Friends, Alphabetically Annexed ; w^ith Biographical Notices of the Authors, together with the Answers which have been given to some of them by Friends and Others. By Joseph Smith ... 8vo, pp. (6), 474. London: Joseph Smith. 1873. Smithsonian Institution. Catalogue of Publications of Societies, and of other Periodical Works in the Library of the Smithsonian Institution, January i, 1858. Foreign Works. 8vo, pp. (4), 259. Washington. 1 859. [Miscel. Col., Vol. v.] + January i, 1866. Deposited in the Library of Congress. 8vo, pp. iv, (i), 591. Washington. 1866. [Miscel. Col., Vol. ix.] SoBOLEWSKi (S.) Catalogue de la Collection precieuse de livres anciennes et modernes formant la bibliotheque de feu M. Serge Sobolewski (de Moscow). 8vo. Leipzig. 1873. Includes a fine collection of Americana, a rare series of De Bry, etc. It was dis- persed by auction at Leipzig, July, 1873. SoTHEBY (S. L.) Principia Typographica. The Block-Books, or Xylographic Delineations of Scripture History, issued in Hol- land, Flanders, and Germany, during the Fifteenth Century, Exemplified and Considered in Connection with the Origin of Printing. To which is added An Attempt to Elucidate the character of the Paper-Marks of the Period. A work contem- plated by the late Samuel Sotheby, and carried out by his Son Samuel Leigh Sotheby. 3 vols., 8vo, pp. (4), xvi, 200 ; (2), 216; (2), 190, (27). 121 Plates. London : Printed for the Author, m,dccc,lviii. Two hundred and fifty copies printed. The two leaves, subsequently printed, giving an account of the sale of the edition at auction, at the upset price of £9 per set, should be added, " a result," says Mr. Sotheby " unparalleled in the annals of literature." One of the most important works ever produced upon the history of early printing, on which it throws great additional light. It contains an extended examination of the various editions of the block books (or books printed from wooden blocks), the earliest productions of the art, issued in Holland, Flanders, and Germany, such as the Apocalypsis S. Johannis, Biblia Pauperum, Ars Moriendi, Cantica Can- ticorum, Liber Regum, Temptationes Daemonum, Ars Memorandi, Endkrist, Quin- decim Signa, De Generatione Christi, Miribilia Romas, etc. It is not, however, confined to a history of block books, for it gives minute accounts, accompanied by exact facsimiles, of some of the most interesting and rare works printed with movable type in the infancy of the art, such as the Donatuses, Doctrinale, Catonis Disticha, BIBLIOGRAPHT. CXXxiii Horarium, Facetise, Morales, Speculum Humanas Salvationls, Bartolomaus van de Proprietaten der Dinghen, Exhortatio contra Turcos, Liters Indulgentiarum, etc. SoTHEBY. Memoranda relating to the Block-Books preserved in the Bibliotheque Imperiale, Paris, made October m.dccc.lviii., by Samuel Leigh Sotheby. Folio. London: Printed for the Author, m.dccc.lix. Privately printed, and scarce. Uniform with the Principia^ to which it forms an indispensaiile supplement. Sotheby. The Typography of the Fifteenth Century ; being Specimens of the Productions of the Early Continental Printers, Exemplified in a Collection of Facsimiles from one hundred Works, together with their Water- Marks. Arranged and Edited from the Bibliographical Collections of the Late Samuel Sotheby by his Son, S. Leigh Sotheby. Folio, pp. 65, vii. London: Thomas Rodd. 1845. One hundred copies only printed j very scarce. Uniform in size with the Pr/«- cipia Typographica. It contains lOO facsimile plates of the productions of the early printers, with the initials colored and illuminated in gold, in imitation of the originals, besides nearly lOO cuts on wood of paper-marks, etc. It will be found a very useful work with which to identify the books which have neither name of printer or place of printing. Sparks (J.) Catalogue of the Library of Jared Sparks ; with a List of the Historical Manuscripts collected by him, and now deposited in the Library of Harvard University. [Edited by C. A. Cutter.] 8vo, pp. iv, (i), 4, 230, (i). Cambridge : Riverside Press. 1 8 7 1 . Spence (J.) Anecdotes, Observations, and Characters, of Books and Men. Collected from the Conversation of Mr. Pope, and other Eminent Persons of his Time. By the Rev. Joseph Spence. Now first published from the Original Papers, with Notes, and a Life of the Author. By Samuel Weller Singer. Cr. 8vo, pp. xxxix, (i), 501. Portrait. London: IV. H. Carpenter, md.CCC.xx. -|- Second Edition. Post 8vo, pp. xxxii, 396. Portrait. London: John Russell Smith. 1858. The edition of 1858 was also printed on large paper. "One of the most enter- taining volumes of literary anecdote imaginable." — T. F. Dibdin. Spence. [The Same.] Arranged with Notes, by the late Edmund Malone. 8vo. London. 1820. Spilsbury (W. H.) Lincoln's Inn its Ancient and Modern Buildings with an Account of the Library. By William Holden Spilsbury, Librarian. ... Fcap 8vo, pp. xvi, 324. Plate. London : William Pickering. 1 850. Also : Catalogue of the Printed Books in the Library of Lincoln's Inn. ... Printed for the Society. 1859. B.I. 8vo. CXXXiv BIBLIOGRAPHY, Squier (E. G.) Monograph of Authors who have Written on the Languages of Central America, and Collected Vocabula- ries or Composed Works in the Native Dialects of that Country. By E. G. Squier. ... 4to, pp. 70. New York: G. B. Richardson ^ Co. m.d.ccc.lxi. Some copies have the imprint, London : Trubner & Co. m.d.ccc.lxi. One hundred copies only printed. Stage (M.) The British Historical Intelligencer, containing a Catalogue of English, Scotch, Irish, and Welsh Historians, and an Account of Authors quoted by Rapin, Tindal, Carte, Bisset, and Adolphus, in their Histories of England. By Machell Stace. 8vo. Westminster, 1829. Contains also notice of books suppressed, or which have led to prosecutions. Stacy (G. G.) Catalogue of the Maine State Library : con- taining a List of all the Books in the Library up to December 31, 1862. By George G. Stacy, Librarian. 8vo, pp. 304. Augusta: Stevens ^ Layward., Printers. 1862. Stanley {Col.) Bibliotheca Stanleiana. A Splendid Selection of ... Books, from the ... Library of Colonel Stanley. ... 8vo, pp. (6), 71. London. 18 1 3. Also on large paper. A most rare and valuable collection, particularly rich in Italian and Spanish poetry, novels and romances, early voyages and travels, chronicles, natural and general history, etc.; with numerous valuable interesting bibliographical notes by the late Mr. R. H. Evans. Stark (A.) Printing ; its Antecedents, Origin, History and Results. By Adam Stark. i2mo. London. 1855. Steevens (G.) Bibliotheca Steevensiana. A Catalogue of the Curious and Valuable Library of George Steevens, Esq. ... 8vo, pp. vi, 125. London: Printed by J. Barker. 1800. Twelve copies printed on royal octavo and six on Imperial octavo paper. Rich in Shakespeariana, Early Poetry, ana tne Drama. Steinschneider (M.) Catalogus librorum Hebraeorum in Bibliotheca Bodleiana jussu curatorum digessit et notis instruxit M. Steinschneider. 4to, pp. (4), Introductio, cxxxii columns, Text, 3104 columns. Berolini typ. Friedldnder, 1852-60. This catalogue describes what is supposed to be the finest collection of Hebrew literature in existence. See Petzholdt, p. 437. Stevens (H.) American Books with tails to 'em. A private pocket list of ... American periodicals, transactions, memoirs, [etc.] By Henry Stevens ... . Sq. i6mo, i8 1. London, 1873. B I B LIO GRAF HT. CXXXV Stevens. American Bibliographer. Parts i. and ii. [All published.] Rl. 8vo, pp. vii, 96. 3 Plates. Chiswick. 1854. One hundred copies only printed for subscribers ; very scarce. See Report ... of the Smithsonian Institution for 1849, for a prospectus of a similar work. Stevens. Historical Nuggets Bibliotheca Americana or a Descriptive Account of my Collection of Rare Books relating to America Henry Stevens gmb fsa 2 vols., fcap Svo, pp. xii, 436 J (2), 437-805. London: Printed by Whittingham and Wilkins ... MDCCCLXII " Printed in the best style of the Chiswick Press, regardless of time, it comprises 2934 titles given in full, with the collation and price of each work. It was intended as far as it went to be a manual for collectors of this expensive class of books. But it did not go very far, containing as it does, not a selection, but only such books as the author happened to possess at that time. It was intended to supply the deficiencies by additional volumes, but these have never appeared, and probably never will in this form." — Author. A few copies were issued in 1858 with a different title. See Petz- holdt, p. 812. [Stevens.] Bibliotheca Americana. A Catalogue of Books relating to the History and Literature of America. ... Sold by Puttick and Simpson. Svo, pp. vi, 273. London. March^ m.dccc.lxi. Also on large paper, rl. Svo. This catalogue contains 2415 lots, with collations, etc., and will be useful to the collector. It is, in fact, an abridgment of Stevens' Historical Nuggets, although the latter was not published till 1862. It is one of the most carefully prepared auction catalogues ever issued. Stevens. Bibliotheca Historica j or, a Catalogue of ... Books and Manuscripts relating chiefly to the History and Literature of North and South America ; among which is included the larger proportion of the extraordinary Library of the late Henry Stevens, Sr., of Barnet, Vt. Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by Henry Stevens ... . Svo, pp. xv, (i), 234, (i). Boston. 1870. Beautifully printed and profusely annotated. One of the few bibliographical works which combines amusement with profit and instruction. Stevens. Catalogue of My English Library collected and described by Henry Stevens ... . Fcap Svo, pp. xi, 107. London : Printed by C. Whittingham, Nov. 1S53. ^^^ Private Distribution. Contains the titles of the best editions of the principal standard authors sufficient to form a library of about 6000 volumes. The contents of the several volumes of the chief polygraphic works are given ; also the dates of birth and death of mcst of the deceased authors. Stevens. The Humboldt Library A Catalogue of the Li- brary of Alexander von Humboldt With a Bibliographical and Biographical Memoir by Henry Stevens ... . Svo, pp. xii, 791. Portrait. London: Henry Stevens ... 1863. All the copies we have seen of this are marked proof, and the introduction is unfinished. Also on large paper, rl. 8vo. Cxxxvi BIBLIOGRAPHr, Stevens. Schedule of two thousand American Historical Nuggets Taken from the Stevens Diggins in September 1870 and set down in Chronological Order of Printing from 1490 to 1800 Described and Recommended as a Supplement to any Printed Bibliotheca Americana By Henry Stevens, G.m.b., F.S.A., etc. 4to, pp. (4), 20. Privately Printed London : Stevens* s Bibliographical Nuggetory^ ... Oct, i, 1870. Also on large paper. [Stevenson (T.)] Catalogue of Scottish Writers. Post 8vo, pp. xxiv, 168. Edinburgh: Thomas Stevenson, 1 833. Stewart (C.) A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Li- brary of ... Tippoo Sultan of Mysore. To which are prefixed, xMemoirs of Hyder Aly Khan, and his Son Tippoo Sultan. By Charles Stewart. 4to. Cambridge. l802. -f \_IbidJ] 1809. 4to, pp. (4), viii, 94, (2), 364. " The pleasure we have experienced in perusing these sheets, has been considerably heightened by our confidence in the accuracy of the contents (Major Stewart giving notes and references from the most authentic materials), and from the modest, unas- suming manner in which the whole is written. The work Major Stewart proposed to write was one of great curiosity to all classes of readers, and a desideratum of real consequence to Oriental scholars." — British Critic. Stewart (C. J.) Catalogue of the Library collected by Miss Richardson Currer, at Eshton Hall, Craven, Yorkshire, By C. J. Stewart, Bookseller. Rl. 8vo, pp. xii, 501. 4 Plates. London: Printed for Private Circulation only. 1833. This catalogue, now rare, contains much more than that byTriphook. See Notes and Slueriesy Second Series, xii. 77. Mr. Stewart's catalogues of his own stock are replete with valuable bibliographical and critical notices. It is no exaggeration to say that in the departments of literature to which Mr. Stewart has given special attention he is the best living authority. [Stratico (Simeone).] Bibliografia di Marina nelle varie lingue deir Europa o sia Raccolta dei titoli dei libri nelle suddete lingue i quali trattano di quest' arte. 4to, pp. x, 212. Milano^ dalV J. R. stamperia. 1 823. Stratton (W. C.) Catalogue of the California State Library, Prepared by W. C. Stratton, State Librarian. 8vo, pp. 460, 205. Sacramento : Printed by O. M. Clayes^ State Printer, 1866. Struve (B. G.) Bibliotheca Historiae Litterariae selecta olim titvlo Introdvctionis in Notitiam Rei litterariae et Vsvm Biblio- thecarvm insignita cvivs primas lineas dvxit Bvrc. Gotthelf. Strvvivs. Post variorvm emendationes et additamcnta opvs ita B IB L I G RAP HT, CXXXvii formavit vt fere novvm dici qveat Johannes Fridericvs Jvgler. 3 vols., 8vo, pp. (24), 768; (8), 769-1640; (6), 1641-2362. Jenae : Cvno. 1754-63. Struve. Burcardi Gotth. Struvii Introductio in Notitiam rei Litterariae et usum Bibliothecarum auctoris ipsius motis Observa- tionibus; Coleri, Lilienthalii, Koecheri, aliorumque ... Notis ... Aucta ... et ... cura lo. Christiani Fischeri. ... 8vo, pp. 988, (66). Francofurti et Lipsiae : Henr. Ludovicum Broenner, mdccliv. Struve. Bibliotheca Historica. Instructa a b. Burcardo Gotthelf Struvio aucta a b. Christi. Gottlieb Budero nunc vero a Joanne Georgio Meuselio ita digesta, amplificata et emendata, ut paene novum Opus videri possit. 1 1 vols., 8vo. Lipsiae: IVeidmanni her ed. et Reich, 1 782-1 804. This uncommonly careful reproduction of a work which appeared last at Jena in 1740 has unfortunately remained unfinished, and ends with the French History. See Petzholdt, p. 774, and [Harrisse] Bib. Am. Vet. xxii. SwAiNSON (W.) ... Taxidermy, Bibliography, and Biography. l6mo, pp. (8), 392. London: Longman .... 1840. See Lardner's Cabinet CyclopaMa, cxix., Natural History^ and Bibliography of Zoology, Sykes (M. M.) Catalogue of the Splendid, Curious, and Extensive Library of the late Sir Mark Masterman Sykes, Bart. 3 parts, 8vo, pp. v, 93 ; (2), 83 ; (2), 68. Portrait. London. 1824. The *< Lorenzo** of Dibdin's Bibliomania. A truly valuable and magnificent col- lection of the rarest English and foreign books. Tannehill (W.) Sketches of the History of Literature. 8vo. Nashville, 1827. Tassy (G. de). Histoire de la Litterature Hindoui et Hin- doustani par Garcin de Tassy. Tome i. Biographie et Biblio- graphie. Rl. 8vo, pp. xvi, 630. Paris : Printed under the auspices of the Oriental Translation Committee ... 1839. Taylor (L) History of the Transmission of Ancient Books to Modern Times ; or, a Concise Account of the Means by which the Genuineness and Authenticity of Ancient Historical Works are ascertained : with an Estimate of the Comparative Value of the Evidence usually adduced in Support of the Claims of the Jewish and Christian Scriptures. By Isaac Taylor. 8vo, pp. vi, 266. London: y. B. Holdsworth. 1827. + London: Jack- son a7id Walford. 1859. 8vo, pp. x, 413. CXXXviii BIBLIOGRAPHr, Ternaux (H.) Bibliotheque Americaine ou Catalogue des Ouvrages relatifs a TAmerique qui ont paru depuis sa decouverte jusqu'a Tan 1700. Par H. Ternaux. 8vo, pp. (4), viii, 191. Paris: Arthus-Bertrand. M.DCCC.xxxvii. Also on large paper in 410. " This catalogue contains 1153 articles : the few notes added by Mr. Ternaux, cause a regret that he has been so sparing of them." — Rich. Ternaux. Bibliotheque Asiatique et Africaine ou Catalogue des Ouvrages relatifs a TAsie et a I'Afrique qui ont paru depuis la decouverte de Timprimerie jusqu'en 1700; par H. Ternaux- Compans. 8vo, pp. vi, 347. Paris : Chez Arthus Bertrand, mdcccxli. [Ternaux.] Catalogue des livres et manuscrits de la biblio- theque de feu M. Roetzel, dont la vente se fera le jeudi 3 novem- bre 1836 et les 25 jours suivants. 8vo, pp. vii, 254. Paris: Silvestre, 1836. ''Catalogue precieux, contenant un grand nombre d'ouvrages relatifs a TAmerique (histoire, langues, voyages). II contient aussi plus de 500 Nos. de poetes et historiens espagnols. Cette bibliotheque etait celle de M. Ternaux-Compans." — Leclerc. Ternaux. Notice sur les Imprimeries qui existent ou ont existe hors de PEurope. Par H. Ternaux-Compans. 8vo, pp.48. Paris : Arthus Bertrand. [n. d.] -\- \Jbid,'\ 1843. ^^o, pp. (4), 146. -|- Supplement. Paris. 1849. ^^^j PP- (2)5 20. -f- Nouvelles Additions. Paris, 1849. 8vo, pp. (2), 19. Thimm (F.) Shakspeariana from 1564 to 1864. An Account of the Shakspearian Literature of England, Germany, France ... during Three Centuries, with Bibliographical Introductions. By Franz Thimm. Second Edition Containing the Literature from 1864 to 1 87 1. 8vo, pp. (6), 118. London: Franz Thimm, 1872. Very valuable as a list of foreign Shakespeariana. Thomas (L) The History of Printing in America. With a Biography of Printers, and an Account of Newspapers. To which is prefixed a Concise View of the Discovery and Pr gress of the Art in other parts of the World. ... By Isaiah Thomas, Printer, Worcester, Massachusetts. 2 vols., 8vo, pp. 487 ; 576. Worcester : From the Press of Isaiah Thomas^ y^w. 1 8 1 o. This valuable work, written and published in advance of the time, met vvith no favor, and was quickly forgotten. It was reprinted with the following title : Thomas. The History of Printing in America : ... By Isaiah Thomas, ll.d. ... Second Edition. With the Author*s Correc- tions and Additions, and a Catalogue of American P'lblications BIBLIOGRAPHY. CXXXix previous to the Revolution of 1776. ... 2 vols., 8vo, pp. Ixxxvii, 423, Portrait ; 666, Index, (50). Many, N. T,: Joel Munsell, Printer, 1874. In this edition some of the matter in the first is omitted. The list of ante- revolutionary publications is far from being complete, and it is much to be regretted that many of the titles are not given correctly; one specimen is conspicuous: on page 405, article Bass, an error in the Massachusetts Catalogue is pointed out, but the title is turned round. There is nothing in the title about Benjamin Colman, and the collation is pp. (2), iii, 40; the printer's name is not given. Errors like these swarm in the list, a circumstance to be regretted, as a little additional labor would have made that right which is now wrong. It is the more inexcusable, as a reference to Sabin's Dictionary would have furnished many titles entirely omitted or incorrectly described. [Thomas (Ralph).] Handbook of Fictitious Names ; being a Guide to Authors, chiefly in the Lighter Literature of the xixth Century, who have written under Assumed Names ; and to Literary Forgers, Imposters, Plagiarists, and Imitators. By Olphar Hamst ... . 8vo, pp. xiv, (2), 235, (i). London: John Russell Smith. 1868. [Thomas.] Life of Joseph-Marie Querard, a Martyr to Bib- liography, with Notice of his Works by Olphar Hamst. i2mo. London. 1867. Two hundred and fifty copies printed. [Thomas.] Swimming : a Bibliographical List of Works on Swimming. ... 8vo. London. 1868. Only twenty-five copies printed. ** Extracted from the second issue of * A Few Words on Swimming.'" Thoms (W. J.) Early English Prose Romances, with Bibli ©graphical and Historical Introductions. Edited by William J. Thoms, F.s.A. Second Edition, Enlarged. 3 vols., post 8vo, pp. xxiv, 304 ; 361; 414. London: Nattali and Bond. 1858. Also on large paper. Thomson (R.) Book of Life ; a Bibliographical Melody, presented by the author to the Members of the Roxburghe Club, as a Specimen of Printing. By Richard Thomson. 8vo. 1820. Only fifty copies were privately printed on paper, and two on vellum. Thorin (E.) Repertoire bibliographique des ouvrages de Legislation, de Droit et de Jurisprudence en matiere civile, ... publics specialement en France depuis 1789 jusqu'a la fin de novembre 1863. Nouvelle edition, corrigee et considerablement augmentee, par Ernest Thorin, et precedee d'une notice sur Ten- seignement et les etudes dans les Facultes de droit, et d'up.e Cxl BIBLIOGRAPHr. analyse chronologlque des lois, statuts, decrets, etc., relatifs a cet enseignement, de 1791 a 1862 ; par A. De Fontaine de Resbecq. 8vo, pp. 276. Parts- Durand. 1864. A new edition, considerably enlarged, w'th an analytic table of contents, by Ernst Thorin. Thorpe (T.) Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica et Dramatica, or a Descriptive Catalogue of Rare and Early English and Scottish Poetry, etc., on Sale by Thomas Thorpe. 8vo, pp. (2), 109. London, mdcccxliv. The various and numerous catalogues of this celebrated bookseller exhibit great research and extensive bibliographical knowledge. TiCKNOR (G.) History of Spanish Literature. By George Ticknor. ... 3 vols., 8vo, pp. xxi, 568 ; xiv, 552 ; xiv, 549. New York : Harper & Brothers, mdcccxlix. Frequently reprinted with alterations and additions. Ticknor. Historia de la Literatura Espanola, traducida al Castellano, con adiciones y notas criticas por Don Pascual de Gayangos y Don Enrique de Vedia. 4 vols., 8vo, pp. iv, 580 ; 568; 566,(1); 504. Madrid. 1851-57. Superior to the English original, the valuable notes and additions of the learned editors having almost doubled the matter of the work. Ticknor. Geschichte der schonen Literatur in Spanien von Georg Ticknor. Deutsch mit Zusatzen herausgegeben von Nikolaus Heinrich Julius. 2 vols., 8vo, pp. xxx, 690 ; xii, 867. Leipzig: Brockhaus. 1852. TiELE (P. A.) Memoire Bibliographique sur les Journaux des Navigateurs Neerlandais reimprimes dans les Collections de De Bry et de Hulsius, et dans les Collections Hollandaises du XVII* Siecle, et sur les Anciennes Editions Hollandaises des Jour- naux de Navigateurs £trangers ; la plupart en la possession de Frederick Muller a Amsterdam. Redige par P. A. Tiele ... . 8vo, pp. xii, 372. Facsimile. Amsterdam: Frederick Muller. 1867. Fifty copies printed on large paper in rl. 8vo. A meritorious performance, and exhaustive on the subject. See also Petzholdt, pp. 6l, 854. Timperley (C. H.) a Dictionary of Printers and Printing, u^ith the Progress of Literature, Ancient and Modern ; Biblio- graphical Illustrations, etc., etc. By C. H. Timperley. Imp. 8vo, pp. 996. London : H. Johnson, mdcccxxxix. Contains an immense mass of useful and entertaining information upon literature, compiled from every accessible source. BIBLIOGRAPHT. cxVl TiMPERLEY. Encyclopaedia of Literary and Typographical Anecdote ; being a chronological digest of the most interesting Facts illustrative of the History of Literature and Printing ... with Biographical Sketches of Eminent Booksellers, Printers, Type-founders, Engravers, Bookbinders, and Paper Makers, of all Ages and Countries. ... With Bibliographical ... Accounts of their Principal Productions ... Including curious particulars of the First Introduction of Printing ... and of the Books then Printed. Notices of Early Bibles ... A History of all the News- papers ... [and] an Account of the Origin and Progress of Lan- guage, Writing and Writing Materials, the Invention of Paper, ... &c. Compiled ... by C. H. Timperley. Second Edition. ... Imp. 8vo, pp. vi, 996, 12, 116. II Plates. London : Henry G. Bohn. mdcccxlii. A comprehensive, instructive, and entertaining omnium gatherum of whatever could be collected from known and authentic sources. [Timperley.] Songs of the Press and other Poems relative to the Art of Printers and Printing ; also of Authors, Books, Booksellers, Bookbinders, Editors, Critics, Newspapers, etc. Original and Selected. With Notes, Biographical and Literary. i2mo, pp. 208. London: Fisher^ Son^ & Co. 1845. ToBLER (Titus). Bibliographia Geographica Palaestinae. Zunachst kritische Uebersicht gedruckter und ungedruckter Beschreibungen der Reisen ins Heilige Land. 8vo, pp. iv, (2), 265, Leipzig: Verlag von S. Hirzel. 1867. ToDERiNi (Giambattista). Delia Litteratura Turchesca. 3 vols., 8vo. Venezia. 1787. Contents : Vol. i. The Studies of the Turks ; 11. Turkish Libraries and Acade- mies } III. Turkish Typography. " Full of curious matter." — Dibdin. ToDERiNi. De la Litterature des Turcs. Par M'. TAbbe Toderini. Traduit de I'ltalien en Francois, Par M^ I'Abbe de Cournand ... & Professeur Royal. 3 vols., 8vo, pp. (2), xvi, 251 ; (2), 270; (2), 268. 2 Plates. Paris: Chez Poincot. 1789. ToNELLi (F.) Biblioteca Bibliografica Antica et Moderna ; d'ogni classe, e d*ogni Nazione. Raccolta da Francisca Tonelli ... 2 vols., 4to, pp. (6), 167; (8), 162. Guastalia. 1782. TowNLEY {Dr, James). Illustrations of Biblical Literature, &c. 3 vols., 8vo, pp. xiv, 530; (2), 526; 550, (i). Plates. London: Longman ... . 1 82 1. <* As a bibliographical and biographical work it is most invaluable." — Lowndes. Cxlii BIBLIOGRAPHT. Tricotel (E.) Varietes Bibliographlques. Par Edouard Tri- cotel. i2mo, pp. (8), 382, (l). Paris: Chez. Jules Gay. 1863. [Triphook. (R.)] Catalogue of the Library at Eshton Hall, in the County of York. 8vo, pp. xi, 308. London: Robert Triphook, 1 8 20. Forty copies only privately printed. Trcemel (P.) Bibliotheque Americaine Catalogue Raisonne d*une Collection de Livres precieux sur TAmerique parus depuis sa decouverte jusqu*a Tan 1700 en vente chez F. A. Brockhaus a Leipzig Redige par Paul Tromel. 8vo, pp. xi, 133. Leipzig: F, J. Brockhaus, 1 86 1. One of the best works of its kind. The titles are carefully copied, and the notes on the books are characterized by much erudition. See Petzholdt, p. 809. Tross (Edwin). Bibliotheca Mexicana Catalogue d*une col- lection de livres rares (principalement sur Thistoire et la linguis- tique) reunie au Mexique par M. * * * attache a la cour de Tempereur Maximilien dont la vente se fera Le Mardi 3 Novem- bre 1868 ... 8vo, pp. (vi), 47. Paris: librairie Tross, 1868. Also numerous '' Catalogues de Livres Anciens qui se trouvent a la Librairie Tross, a Paris." Trubner (Nicolas). Trubner's Bibliothecal Guide to Ameri- can Literature, being a Classified List of Books in all Depart- ments of Literature and Science, published in the United States of America during the last Forty Years. With an Introduction, Notes, Three Appendices, and an Index. Sm. 8vo, pp. xxxii, 108. London: Triibner ^ Co, 1855. Trubner. Trubner's Bibliographical Guide to American Lit- erature. A Classed List of Books published in the United States of America during the last Forty Years. With Bibliographical Introduction, Notes, and Alphabetical Index. Compiled and Edited by Nicolas Trubner. 8vo, pp. x, cxlix, 554. London: Triibner and Co. 1859. The bibliographical introduction to this useful vvrork was prepared by Dr. Herman E. Ludewig, " Contributions towards a History of American Literature,*' by Benjamin Moran, and the section on the '* Public Libraries of the United States," by Edward Edwards. See Petzholdt, p. 418. Tryon (G. W.) List of American Writers on recent Con- chology ; with the Titles of their Memoirs and Dates of Publi- cation. By George W. Tryon, Jun. 8vo, pp. 68. New York: [Westermann ^ Co,'\ 1861. B J B L 10 GRAF HT. Cxllii The United States Literary Advertiser and Publishers* Cir- cular; a Monthly Register of Literature, By J. and H. G. Langley. 4to. New York, 1841-42. Upcott (W.) a Bibliographical Account of the principal Works relating to English Topography. By William Upcott, ... 5 vols., 8vo, pp. (4), vii, (2), ix-lxii, (i), 320; (2), 321-642*; (2), 581-930 ; 931-1246; 1247-1576. 2 Plates. London: Printed hy Richard and Arthur Taylor, mdcccxviii. Only two hundred copies printed, fifty of which are on large paper. An indispens- able adjunct to the library of any public institution or local collector. Contains an accurate record of local historical works, arranged under the various counties which they illustrate, with collations of the various editions, lists of the maps, plates, pages, etc., which perfect copies ought to contain. [Upcott and Shobel.] A Biographical Dictionary of the Living Authors of Great Britain and Ireland; ... [with] Anec- dotes of their Lives, and a Chronological Register of their Pub- lications ... . 8vo, pp. viii, 449. London: Henry Colburn. 1816. Contains an account of more than 5000 authors, and includes much interesting literary anecdote, etc. Uricoechea (E.) Mapoteca Colombiana. Coleccion de los titulos de todos los Mapas, Pianos, Vistas, etc. relativos a la America Espanola, Brasil e Islas adyacentes. Arreglada crono- logicamente i precedida de una Introduccion sobre la Historia cartografica de America por E. Uricoechea. 8vo, pp. xvi, 215. Londres : Triibner y Cia. 1 860. Vanderhaeghen (F.) Bibliographic Gantoise. Recherches sur la vie et les travaux des Imprimeurs de Gand (1483-1850). Par Ferd. Vanderhaeghen ... . xv*=-xix*^ siecles. 7 vols., 8vo. Gand: E. Vanderhaeghen. 1858-62. Two hundred and fifty copies printed ; the work was to be finished in five volumes. See Petzholdt, p. 371. [Van Praet (Joseph Basilc Bernard).] Catalogue des livres imprimes sur velin, avec date, depuis 1457 jusqu*en 1472. 2 parts, folio, pp. 544. Paris : De Burefreres. 18 13. Highly praised by Brunet. [Van Praet.] Catalogue des livres imprimes sur velin de la Bibliotheque du Roi. 5 vols., 8vo, pp. xi, iv, 348 ; (4), ii, 120; vi, 84 ; viii, 332 ; (4), iii, 380 ; Supplement, pp. (6), 223. Paris: De Burefreres, 1822-28. Three hundred copies printed. Cxliv B I B L I OG RAP H r. [Van Praet.] Essai d'un catalogue des livres imprimes sur velin. 8vo, pp. 21. Paris: imp. de Crapelet. 1805. This describes only five editions, all dated, of the fifteenth century. It was included in his catalogue of 181 3. [Van Praet.] Catalogue des livres imprimes sur velin, qui se trouvent dans les bibliotheques tant publiques que particulieres, pour servir de suite au Catalogue des livres imprimes sur velin de la Bibliotheque du Roi. 3 vols., 8vo, pp. xvi, 291 ; viii, 264; vii, 314; Supplement, pp. v, 202. Parts: De Burefreres. 1822-28. Two hundred copies printed. There are copies on large vellum paper. Concern- ing this work see Brunet, alio Petzholdt, p. 115. [Van Praet.] Recherches sur Louis de Bruges, Seigneur de la Gruthuyse ; suivies de la Notice des Manuscrits qui lui ont appartenu, et dont la plus grande partie se conserve a la Biblio- theque du Roi. Rl. 8vo. 5 Engravings. Paris : De Bure freres. 1831. [Van Praet.] Notice sur Colard Mansion, Libraire et Im- primeur de la Ville de Bruges en Flandre dans le xv* siecle. Rl. 8vo. 5 Facsimiles of Type. Paris: De Burefreres. 1829. Colard Mansion was the " Caxton " of Flanders ; the above is a more than usually interesting work, it having been the favorite employment of the author's life } the first sketch of it was published in the Esprit des journauxy F'evrier, 1780. Ventouillac (L. T.) The French Librarian or Literary Guide J pointing out the Best Works of the Principal Writers of France in every Branch of Literature, with Criticisms, Per- sonal Anecdotes, and Bibliographical Notices ; preceded by a Sketch of the Progress of French Literature. 8vo. London. 1829. Vincent (B.) A new Classified Catalogue of the Library pf the Royal Institution of Great Britain, with Indexes of Authors and Subjects, and A List of Historical Pamphlets chronologically arranged. By Benjamin Vincent, Librarian. 8vo, pp. xvii, 929. London. 1857. Useful to book collectors, and indispensable to public librarians. ViNET (E.) Bibliographie Methodique et Raisonnee des Beaux-Arts, Esthetique et Histoire de I'Art, Archeologie, Archi- tecture, Sculpture, Peinture, Gravure, Arts Industriels, etc. etc. accompagnee de Tables Alphabetique et Analytiques, par Ernest Vinet, Bibliothecaire de I'ficole Nationale des Beaux-Arts. 4 vols., 8vo. Paris. 1874. Also on large paper, rl. 8vo. BIBLIOGRAPHr, Cxlv VoGT (J.) Johannis Vogt Catalogus Historico-Criticus Libro- rum Rariorum, jam Curis Quartis Recognitus et Copiosa Acces- sione ex Symbolls et Collatione Bibliophilorum per Germaniam Doctissimorum adauctus. 8vo, pp. (32), 736. Hamhurgi^ Sumtibus Christiani Heroldi, M DCC Liil. Walch. Jo. Georgli Walchii Bibliotheca Theologica selecta litterariis adnotationibvs instrvcta. 4 vols., 8vo, pp. (16), xlviii, 992; viii, 1258; (2), xiv, 944; (2), xiv, 1240. Jenae : Croecker. 1757-65. A most elaborate theological bibliography. "All who are conversant with sacred literature, have borne willing testimony to the correctness and research of Walch, whose work will always remain a production admirable for the extensive reading and accuracy which it evinces." — Horne's Introduction. [Walker (Edward).] The Art of Book-binding, its Rise and Progress ; including a Descriptive Account of the New York Book-Bindery. i2mo, pp. viii, 64. New York: E, Walker If Sons, 1850. " An account of the art as practised in America."— Power. To which note we add — it is intended to advertise Mr. E. Walker's own bookbindery. Walpole (H.) a Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England, with Lists of their Works. By Horace Walpole. 2 vols., sm. 8vo. Strawberry Hill. 1758. A very interesting and desirable work. Reprinted in 1759, and reissued in 1806 with the following title : Walpole. A Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England, Scotland and Ireland j with Lists of their Works ; by the Late Horatio Walpole ... Enlarged and Continued ... By Thomas Park, f.s.a. 5 vols., 8vo. 150 Portraits. London : 'John Scott, 1 806. Also on large paper in 410, with proof impressions of the plates. Walpole. Catalogue of the Books, Poems, and small detached Pieces printed at the press at Strawberry Hill belonging to Horace Walpole, late Earl of Orford. 4to. 18 10. This very complete catalogue was compiled by the late George Baker, Esq., at whose expense the entire impression, limited to twenty copies, all for presents, was printed. Another edition was printed in 18 14, 8vo. Walther (J.) Lexicon Diplomaticum. Folio. Gotting^e. 1745. Contains 125 plates of abbreviations, marking the century to which each abbrevia- tion belongs, from the eighth to the end of the sixteenth century. Chassant notice* the work in his preface as " le plus remarquable en ce genre." Cxlvi B I B L I G RAP H r. [Warden (D. B.)] Bibliotheca Americo-Septentrionalis : being a Choice Collection of Books in Various Languages, Re- lating to the History, Climate, Geography, Produce, Population, Agriculture, Commerce, Arts, Sciences, etc. of North America, from its first discovery to its present existing Government ; among u^hich are many valuable Articles and rare, together with all the important official Documents published from time to time by the Authority of Congress. 8vo, pp. 147. [^Paris : Impr. de Nouxou.~] 1 8 20. The books were purchased by Mr. Samuel E. Eliot who gave them to Harvard College. [Warden.] Bibliotheca Americana, being a Choice Collec- tion of Books relating to North and South America and the West Indies, including Voyages to the Southern Hemisphere, Maps, Engravings and Medals. 8vo, pp. (10), 124. Paris : Printed by Fain and Thienot. 1 840. This catalogue was first printed at Paris in 1 831; it describes 11 18 works, and was bought for the New York State Library at Albany. Ware (J.) The Whole Works of Sir James Ware concern- ing Ireland, Revised and Improved. Translated from the Latin into English, with Additions. By Walter Harris. 2 vols., folio. Portrait and Plates. Dublin, 1764. Vol. II. of this very valuable work contains the " History of the Writers of Ire- land," in two Parts j viz. : i. Such writers who were born in that kingdom ; ii. Such who, though foreigners, enjoyed preferments or offices there, or had their education in it, with an account of all the works they published. Warton (T.) The History of English Poetry, from the Close of the Eleventh to the Commencement of the Eighteenth Century. ... By Thomas Warton, b.d. A New Edition Care- fully Revised, with numerous additional Notes by the late Mr. Ritson, the late Dr. Ashby, Mr. Douce, Mr. Park, and other Eminent Antiquaries, and by the Editor. 4 vols., 8vo, pp. (6), 123, cclxix, 203 ; (8), 520 ; (8), 470 ; (8), 482. London : Thomas Tegg. 1S24.. -f [Edited] by Richard Price. 3 vols., 8vo. [^Ibid.'] 1840. 4- Edited by W. Carew Hazlitt. ... 4 vols., 8vo, pp. xvi, 334 ; (4), 384 ; (4), 344 ; (4), 479- London: Reeves and Turner, 187 1. Watt (R.) Bibliotheca Britannica ; or a General Index to British and Foreign Literature. By Robert Watt, m.d. ... 4 vols., 4to. Edinburgh: Archibald Constable and Company. 1824. Vols. I. and ii. Authors ; iii. and iv. Subjects. A work of the greatest utility, and an invaluable list of authors and their works. In the first part of the work, the authors are arranged in alphabetical order, and under each is given a chronological list of his works, their various editions, sizes, and prices. In the second part, the same BIDLIOGRAPHT, cxlvii materials are digested under the names of the various subjects to which they refer, and under each the titles of works are again arranged chronologically. The first part is a full and comprehensive catalogue of authors and their works; the second is an equally complete and extensive encyclopaedia of all manner of subjects on which books have been written. " Let me not forget to notice that wonderful work of Dr. Watt — both father and son fell victims to their zeal in its completion. Such a con- centration of labour was hardly ever beheld ; and it should never fail to be the library companion of all collectors." — Dibdin. Watts (H.) A Dictionary of Chemistry and the Allied Branches of other Sciences. ... By Henry Watts, b.a., f.c.s. ... 5 vols., 8vo. London: Longman ... 1863-68. Particularly valuable for its bibliographical references. Weigel (T. O.) Bibliographische Mittheilungen iiber die deutschen Ausgaben von De Bry's Sammlung der Reisen nach dem abend- und morgenlandischen Indien ; von T. O. Weigel. Aus dem " Serapeum" besonders abgedruckt. 8vo, pp. 40. Leipxig : T. O. Weigel, 1845. Weigel. Collectio Weigeliana : die Anfange der Drucker- kunst in Bild und Schrlft : an deren friihesten Erzeugnissen in der Weigelschen Sammlung erlautert von T. O. Weigel und Dr. Ad. Zestermann. 2 vols., folio. 145 Facsimiles. Leipzig: T, O. Weigel. 1866. Three hundred and twenty-five copies of this most important publication were printed. A necessary companion to Sotheby's Principia Typographical but executed with infinitely more critical sagacity and learning. Every distinguished collector of books and prints and every public library must have this book as the standard work of information and reference on the subject of the History of Printing before the art of printing with movable types was invented. West (J.) Catalogue of the ... Library of James West, Esq. ... Digested by Samuel Paterson. 8vo. \_London. 1773.] There is another edition, not by Paterson, which was suppressed. Especially rich in the rarest books of early English literature. One of the most curious and valuable collections which has ever been dispersed. Westwood (T.) a New Bibliotheca Piscatoria ; or General Catalogue of Angling and Fishing Literature. With Biblio- graphical Notes and Data. By T. Westwood. i8mo, pp. 78. London: Field Office. 1861. Westwood. The Chronicle of the " Compleat Angler" of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. Being a Bibliographical Record of its Various Phases and Mutations. By Thomas Westwood. 4to, pp. xv, 64. London: H. Sotheran and Co. 1864. A very charming production, in which a healthy sentiment is judiciously expressed. Wheatley (H. B.) Of Anagrams. i2mo. Hereford. i%62. Pages 158-268 give a copious catalogue of books relating to anagrams. Cxlviii BIBLIOGRAPUr. Whitmore (W. H.) a Handbook of American Genealogy, being a Catalogue of Family Histories and Publications contain- ing Genealogical Information, Chronologically Arranged. By William H. Whitmore. Sm. 4to, pp. 272. Albany: J. MunselL 1 862. One hundred copies only printed. Of this valuable work two other editions with additions and corrections have appeared, the last is Albany^ 1875. WiLLETT (R.) ... A Catalogue of the ... Library of ... Ralph Willett, Esq., [of] Merly ... . 8vo, pp. (2), 103. London, 18 13. Some copies on thick paper. Williams (T.) A Catalogue of the ... Library of the Rev. Theodore Williams: containing ... Books printed on Vellum, ... Classics ... . 8vo, pp. (2), iv, (4), 197, (i). [^London.'] 1827. Also on large paper, and twelve copies on large yellow paper. The sale amounted to £10,216. [Wilson (John).] The Bibliographical and Retrospective Miscellany, containing Notices of ... Rare, Curious, and Useful Books, in all Languages ; Original Matter illustrative of the History and Antiquities of Great Britain and Ireland ; Abstracts from valuable Manuscripts ; ... and Notices of Book Sales. Sm. 8vo, pp. iv, 160. London: Printed for John Wilson. 1830. [Wilson.] ... Catalogue of all the Books, Pamphlets, &c., relating to Shakspeare. To which are subjoined, an Account of the Early Quarto Editions of the Great Dramatist's Plays and Poems, The Prices at which many Copies have been sold in Public Sales ; together with a List of the leading and esteemed Editions of Shakspeare*s Collected Works. i2mo, pp. xli, 69. London: John IVilson, 1827. Also on large paper. Includes a very curious account of Ireland's Shakespearian forgeries, etc., contributed by Ireland himself. Wilson (L.) Catalogue of Bibles, Testaments, Psalms, and other Books of the Holy Scriptures in English in the Collection of Lea Wilson. 4to. London. 1845. Of this valuable catalogue very few copies were printed, all for presents. Arch deacon Cotton, who refers to this work in almost every page of his list of the various editions of the Holy Scriptures, says, *' I have much pleasure in testifying to the great accuracy and minuteness of the collations and descriptions in this most valuable cata- logue. Those of the earlier and more rare editions are given with a fullness and distinctness which leaves nothing to desire. I could not insert all those particulars into a slight work like the present listj but confidently refer those persons who desire more detailed notice of any remarkable edition to this curious and valuable catalogue of Mr. Wilson." B I B LIO GRAF Hr. ^xlix WiNSOR (J.) A Bibliography of the original Quartos and Folios of Shakespeare, with particular Reference to copies in America. By Justin Winsor, Superintendent of the Boston Public Library. 4to, pp. 109. 68 Heliotype Facsimiles. Boston: James R. Osgood and Company. 1 875. Only two hundred and fifty copies printed. WiTTE (H.) Diarium biographicum, in quo Scriptores Seculi post natum Christum xvii. praecipui ... Libri itidem eorum, In Ebraica, ... aliisqve lingvis consignati ... Idiomate ... ab Hen- ningo Witte ... . 4to. Gedani : Martin Haiiervordii. 16SS. Wolf (J. C.) Monumenta Typographica, qvae Artis hujus praestantissimae originem, laudem et abusum posteris produnt, instavrata studio et labore Jo. Christian! Wolfii. 2 parts, 8vo, pp. (16), 96, 1 104; (2), 1323. Hamburgi : Herold, 1740. A very curious collection of the scarcest tracts on the Origin, etc., of Printing. &e Petzholdt, p. 450. Wood (Anthony a). Athenae Oxonienses. An Exact His- tory of all the Writers and Bishops who have had their Education in the University of Oxford. To which are added the Fasti, or Annals of the said University. ... A New Edition, with Addi- tions, and a Continuation by Philip Bliss ... . 4 vols., rl. 4to, pp. 16, (4), clxxvii, 788, (2); (4), 520; (4), 1290, (2); vi, (2), 502, (l). London: F, C. and j, Rivington, 18 13-20. The first edition was London^ 1691-a. a vols., folio. WoRNUM (R. N.) An Account of the Library of the Division of Art at Marlborough House ; with a Catalogue of the Principal Works classified (and Index). 8vo. London. 1855. WoRRALL (J.) Bibliotheca Topographica Anglicana : or, A new and compleat Catalogue of All the Books extant relating to the Antiquity, Description, and Natural History of England, the Counties thereof, &c. to the present Year 1736, Alphabetically digested in an easy Method ; giving an Account of their various Editions, Dates, and Prices, and wherein they differ. Compil'd by John Worrall. l2mo, pp. 64. London for J. Worrall. 1736. Wrangham (F.) The English Portion of the Library of the Venerable Francis Wrangham, m.a. ... Archdeacon of Cleve- land. 8vo, pp. 645. Malton. 1826. Seventy copies only printed. This catalogue contains most valuable notes by Archdeacon Wrangham, on the least known and rarest books. d B I B L lOG RAP Hr, Wright (A.) Court-Hand Restored, or, the Student's Assist- ant in reading Old Deeds, Charters, Records, etc. ... with an Appendix ... [of] Ancient Names of Places in Great Britain and Ireland, ... Ancient Surnames, etc. Fourth Edition. 4to. Lon- don, 1846. -|- Eighth Edition. 4to, pp. 62. 23 Plates. London : 'John Camden Hotten. M.DCCC.LXVii. Wright (R.) Catalogue of the Library of Richard Wright. 8vo. 1787. Twelve copies printed on large paper. A very rich collection of poetry, play5, and early English literature. See Dibdin's Biblicmaniaj pp. 533-535. Wynne (J.) Private Libraries of New York. By James Wynne, m.d. 8vo, pp. viii, 472. New York: E. French, mdccclx. Also on large paper. Among the principal libraries mentioned in this work, are those of John Allan, George Bancroft, Thomas P. Barton, J. Carson Brevoort, Rev. Dr. Chapin, Almon W. Griswold, William Menzies, William Curtis Noyes, Dr. Purple, George T. Strong, R. L. Stuart, and Richard Grant White; many of which are now dispersed. Zaccaria (Francesco Antonio). Bibliotheca Ritualis. Con cinnatum opus ac duos in tomos tributum, quorum alter de libris ipsis ritualibus, alter de illorum explanatoribus agit. 2 vols, in 3, 4to. Roma^ ... ex typographio O Puccinelli. 1776-81. Contents : Vol. i. De libris ad sacros utriusque ecclesiae orientalis et occidentals ritus pertinentibus J Vol. n., Part i. De librorum ritualium explanatoribus j Vol. n., Part II. Supplementa continens, praemisso Jbannis Maldonati inedito de caeremoniis tractatu. Cui praeter adnotationes adcedit gemina editoris dissertatio. The last part of this important work is very rare. Zauner (J. T.) Judas Thaddaus Zauner's biographische Nachrichten von den Salzburgischen Rechtslehren von der Stif- tung der Universitat an bis auf gegenwartige Zeiten. 8vo, pp. (16), 144. Salxburg: Waisenhamhuchhandlung. 1789. + Nach- trag ... Nebst einem Entwurfe einer akademischen Bibliothek von Salzburg. 8vo, pp. (18), 64. Salzburg: Duyle, 1797. . Zenker (J. T.) Bibliotheca OrientaHs. Manuel de Biblio- graphic Orientale. ... Par J. Th. Zenker. 2 vols., rl. 8vo, pp. xlvii, 264 ; XV, 616. Leipzig: Engelmann, 1846-61. Concerning this valuable work ite Petzholdt, p. 421. ZucHOLD (E. A.) Bibliotheca theologica. Verzeichniss der auf dem Gebiete der evangelischen Theologie nebst den fiir die- selbe wichtigen wahrend der Jahre 1830-1862 in Deutschland erschienenen Schriften. Von Ernst Amandus Zuchold. 8vo, pp.960. Gottingen: Bandenhoeck t^ Ruprecht, 1862-63. See Petzholdt, p. 492. VSHSIT LT i^'OKlNlA. .. RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT I TO— ^ 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS Renewals and Recharges may be made 4 days prior to the due date. Books may be Renewed by calling 642-3405. DUE AS STAMPED BELOW rrn 17 198f r L 11 1 1 »^^^ JUL ^ 198.9 I£CC1B.|W26^ m^^ FORM NO. DD6, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY BERKELEY, CA 94720 ®1 a^ gaS ^^ ^M ^ ^^ ^S ^^ ^S ^p M^ i^p ss ^^ ^^ Sfci-iv U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES iMnnnii BGOlOdM p 1 ^^ ^^ ^ ioc^ :beaix sciooL LlisAEt^