INTERESTING ITEMS REGARDING NEW MEXICO: ITS AGRICULTURAL, PASTORAL AX I ) MINERAL RESOURCES, PEOPLE, CLIMATE, SOIL, SCEXERY, Etc, By W, F, M, ARNY, Acting Governor of New Mexico. S.A.3XTTA. FE 3 3ST. Iv. MANDKRFIKIJ:> A; TUCKER, Printers. <7 ///* ' a .INTERESTING ITEMS REGARDING NEW MEXICO: ITS AGRICULTURAL, PASTORAL AND MINERAL RESOURCES, PEOPLE, CLIMATE, SOIL, SCENERY, Etc, y W, F, M, ARNY, Acting Governor of New Mexico, -/f - -^^ - 3 1ST. 3S. MANDERFIELD & TUCKER, Printers. 1873. i -7 To THADDEUS HYATT, Esq., 66 Gloucester Gardens, Hyde Park, London, England, Our co-worker in the cause of human freedom in Kansas, who in 1856, 1861-62 liberally contributed of his means for the freedom, colonization, and development of the v c- sources of that Slate, and who on his departure from Kan- said . "Remember me not as an individual, But as the incarnation of a principle ? For man is ephemeral, But principles are eternal." The following pages arc respectfully dedicated, by his old- friend, who remembers him as an individual as well as the incarnation of a. principle, and who subscribes himself an ever, in the cause of humanity, Truly your friend, W. F. M. ARNY. I :E PHYSICAL, GEOGRAPHICAL AND OF NEW MEXICO. The resources of the Rocky Mountains, especially that portion which is included within the limits of New Mex- ico and Arizona, being scarcely known or appreciated, I propose to give a description of it as to its properties and the natural laws which must eventually give it position and character among the divisions of the United States, believing that the vast extent of territory, and the im- mense mineral wealth which it contains, will ere long jus- tify its more full exploration, and the formation of a state in the Union. This country is not a Garden of Eden. On the con- trary, the superficial observer would place his ideas of desolation, within [its limits; yet, if he examines closely, he will find an oasis amid the desert, and elements of wealth such as it is the fortune of few countries to pos- sess. 6 I Its evilss That it is arid, rainless ; presenting con- trasts to the American, come he from what part he mav. Its good Pastoral resources, unlimited as space ; min- eral wealth, as vast as man's comprehension can span ; its valleys limited, but fertile ; its climate equals Italy ; it is truly the depository of wealth, and the country for health. I propose to give, as briefly as possible, the light shades and the dark shades, its advantages and disadvantages, its sterile sands and glittering gems. I ask none to adopt as truth what I say without close examination, and I trust that some may be induced to judge and investigate by personal inspection, from philanthropic as well as pec- uniary motives, and be convinced as I have been. Within this portion of the Territories of the United States were the cradles of that race of whom the Monte - zumas were kings, and in these mountains and valleys are ruins of the Montezumas. Upon the mountains and by the streams, in some places, their population, as the ruins would indicate, were tens of thousands, and their tem- ples are yet standing where, not many years ago, burned "the eternal fires." The Montezumas were the most civ- ilized of all the Indians, they were evidently advanced in many arts and sciences ; had a complete system of gov- ernment, and their| kings had absolute sway over an em- pire whose extent was great, and much of which, since it has been acquired by the United States, remains unex- plored, and whose population amounted to hundreds of thousands. They were an industrious people, adepts in the cultivation of the soil, (by irrigation, as the remains of their ditches show,) in mining, and in the manufacture of woolen goods, in which latter industry some of the Indians of the country excel. They built houses and temples i they were a great nation of miners ; the em- pire was and remains a rich extent of precious metals ; _ 7 and indications are found of their working of mines on the streams and in the mountains. The Montezumas came from the North and traveled southward until the Spaniards found the center ot that great empire in Mexico. The Spaniard journeyed north- ward conquering on the pathway of the Montezumas, and stopped in their march where the Montezumas began. The blood of the Montezumas is to-day three-fifths of the blood of Mexico ; but the iron heel of the Spaniard has obliterated nearly all points of their original character, aave here and there among some Indian tribes a blending will be found of Roman Catholic and Indian customs. However, there are yet many who expect the return of Montezuma as the Jews await the advent of Christ, and believe, when he comes to be their king, they will be united, rich, powerful, and will regain their prestige and empire. CHARACTER OF THE COUNTRY. There is a general similarity of character throughout this whole extent of country, a similarity of climate and resources, its surface being much broken and traversed by chains of mountains, whtfee general direction is north and south, while intervening are large scopes or areas of table lands divided by occasional large and many small valleys of great fertility^ the valleys having a mean elevation of about four thousand feet above the sea, and the highest .mountains about nine thousand feet. WATER COURSES. This* country is drained by the water of the Rio Grande, Chama, Navajoe river, the Pecos, Red river, the Mim- bres, the San Juan river, and its tributaries, which emp- y into the Colorado river, and the Gulf of California ; a.nd numbers -of smaller mountain streams* I s KAIL WAYS. The Sierra Madre or Rocky Mountains and its spurs-, or branching chains, are in this Territory broken, and con- tain a multiplicity of feasible passes, admitting at many points good wagon roads from the Atlantic to the Pacific slopes, and over the intervening minor divides. There are a number of railroad enterprises whose an- nounced or possible objects are the construction of rail- roads to and through New Mexico. The railroads now being constructed or whish are projected, whose routes are known to be to and transversing the territory, are lst ? the Atlantic and Pacific; 2nd, Texas Pacific; 3rd, Den- ver and Rio Grande ; 4th, New Mexico and Gulf. A road also whose route, after leaving its present destination is nbt known, if in fact it has been determined upon by the gentlemen in charge of the enterprise, is the "Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad," now being rapidly push- ed up to the Arkansas valley to a probable point of junc- tion with the extension or branch of the Kansas Pacific in the vicinity of Fort Lyon in Colorado. The intentions and objects of the Kansas Pacific Rail- way Company as to the construction of any road towards our border after the completion of the extension of Fort Lyons are not known, except so far as the organization of a corporation called the Arkansas Valley and Cimar- ron Railway Company is concerned. This company we understand proposes to connect with the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe road, starting some- where in the valley of the Arkansas river : the line bears in a southwesterly direction to the Cimarron Pass, near the head of El Rio Cimarron Seco, which anglicized, i Dry Cimarron River. This section of the route, while- of comparatively small value for farming purposes, is nev- ertheless not without considerable value, by reason of it* 9 great advantages as a grazing district. As evidence of this, for a number of years past almost countless herds have been kept in this district, winter and summer, with the best of success. Leaving this section of country and continuing south- westward, the line crosses the Dry Cimarron, in a beauti- ful valley, much of which is already settled in anticipa- tion of the time when the advent of the locomotive will place them in closer communication with the outside world. Thence continuing the same course it passes for a few miles through the most magnificent scenery that one could imagine. From Cupulin mountain passing west, the line begins to descend by Tenaja Arroya, a small stream, to the Ca- nadian Valley, and thence direct across a beautiful plain , well watered by the Canadian, Vermejo, Ponil and Cim- arron rivers, to the town of Cimarron, which, for the present, is the terminus of the located line. The last thirty miles of the line passes through the property of The Maxwell Land Grant and Railway Company. More than ten years ago I was well informed as to this grant, and traveled frequently all over it, and knew it then to be a good pastoral region. Since then the mineral and ag- ricultural resources have been to some extent developed. The enterprise of the propiietors in aiding largely to construct the road will be rewarded soon, by seeing their lands converted fiom a pasturing ground to well tilled and productive farms. Although the location surveys have as yet made no progress west of Cimarron, a series ofrecon- noisances and instrumental examinations were made dur- ing the p'ast summer by Mr. Morley, the chief engineer of the company, extending westward through the Spanish range to the Valley of the Rio Grande. These examin- ations while demonstrating that no less than three avail* I 10 able passes were in existence within fifty miles of Cimar- ron, that one, the Taos pass was eminently practical. To reach this pass a line with comparatively light work and easy grades is found running directly from Cimarron tip the Valley and Canon of the Cimarron River to the Moreno Valley, thence keeping up the valley to the sum- mit, across and down Taos creek to the city of Taos, mak- ing a distance from Cimarron to Taos of only about fifty miles, and by far the cheapest and best crossing of the mountains between Albuquerque, Santa Fe and the Black Hills, and at the same time passing the entire distance through a country that will afford an immense local traf- fic. Not only this, but reaching the Rio Grande Valley-, it at once opens up the immense area of agricultural, mineral and pastoral country to the westward. Another 'route is proposed from Cimarron, via Las Vegas, and en- terprising town, the county city of San Miguel County, and thence to the Rio Grande by way of Anton Chico, or the Galisteo creek. A railway constructed from the Arkansas river, con- necting with the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe road, and also with the Kansas Pacific, and running from the Colorado line through Mora county and thence due west into Rio Arriba county to the Rio Grande, and down that river to Santa Fe thence to Albuquerque making a junc- tion with the Atlantic and Pacific railroad, and then down the Rio Grande parallel with the river to El Paso, Mex- ico, and connecting with the 32d parallel road, in South- ern New Mexico. This is a superior route to connect Denver, and Santa Fe with the east, and to construct railways to the Pacific and the Gulf of Mexico, because the mountain elevations of the country admit of their be- ing built at the least possible expense, because it traver- ses a country exceedingly rich in minerals which would, -11 immediately upon their being built, make them self-sup- porting ; and principally because the route presents no solitary obstacle throughout the mountain portion of the country in preventing its operation with the same facility in winter as in summer. The construction of a road on this route would benefit the Government in bringing the public domain through which it would pass into market, in the settlement of the Indian troubles in Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona, and the opening of mineral, agri- cultural and pastoral lantfs, on which thousands of fami- lies could obtain happy homes, all of which would save and produce more annually than the whole cost of the road. ACEQUIAS, CANALS DITCHES. Irrigation. The Rio Grande is the Nile of America, having a most striking resemblance to this great African river. It is 1,800 miles in length, and of almost equal volume from the source to the mouth. It has two branch- es and passes hundred of miles without receiving a trib- utary. It is fed almost entirely from the Rocky Mount- ains. An annual rise occurs from the melting of the snows each spring. Like the Nile, it is the. sole reliance of the farmer. The natives have made to each town and the ad- joining lands canals for irrigation. These are often twenty or thirty miles in length, affording also , considerable mill power. The waters of the Rio Grande, like the Nile, are exceedingly turbid, containing a large proportion of sedi- ment probably, at high water, one fifth of the bulk of the water. Each irrigation is, consequently, a coat of manure to the soil ; and cultivation by this process, instead of impoverishing the soil, enriches it. The natives never use other manure. In El Paso valley the Spaniards found a tribe of Indians cultivating the soil 265 years ago, and it has been continually ever since, yet the soil is .of undiminished fertility. 12 The report of the Commissioner of the General Land Office for the year 1868 says : The lands in the valleys of the rivers are very fertile, and can be successfully cultivated, though the cultivation is carried on by means of irrigation. Although consider- able labor and expense are at first incurred in making the canals and ditches, the crops are more certain than when entire dependence is placed upon the fall of rain for the amount of moisture required, and the lands, enriched by the detritus made up of decayed vegetation and rich mould from the mountains distributed by the running wa- ter, never wears out. Lands in the vicinity of Santa Fe have been under annual cultivation for more than two hundred years, and still produce excellent crops, without ever having been enriched or restored by other means. Aid by the Government in the construction of canals nnd ditches would bring under cultivation hundreds of thousands of acres of land which is now unsurveyed and not cultivated, which would make happy homes for thou- sands who are now living homeless and in poverty. PUBLIC LANDS. Of the area of the public lands in New Mexico unjur- veved, and of course unofFered and undisposedjof, about one-tenth is susceptible of cultivation, and is capable of sustaining an extremely large pastoral, agricultural and mining population, as the actual amount of arable land in the valleys is very fertile, and where properly cultivated, will produce good crops. The table-lands and plains are inexhaustible in pasturage, and in the mountains are treasures of vast stores of mineral wealth, It embraces a country much of which is scarcely known, which has been but partially explored, and, as far as metals are con- cerned, to the slightest degree. 13 Through the courtesy of United States Surveyor Gen- eral James K. Proudfit, I have been furnished with a copy of his annnal report for 1872, in advance of its publi- cation, from which I quote the following, viz : The area of 121,201 square miles in New Mexico em- braces in acres, 77,568,640.00. Of which military reserves surveyed, 189,493.44 Indian reserves surveyed, 1,302,960.00 Confirmed private grants surveyed, 3,860,582.73 Mining claims surveyed, 51.87 Townships subdivided, 3,248,463.00 8,601,551.13 Leaving acres, unsurveyed, 68,967,088.87 A considerable portion of the lands of New Mexico are held by private parties and I now proceed to mention them under the caption of PRIVATE LAND CLAIMS IN NEW MEXICO. Soon after the Spanish arms in the sixteenth century penetrated and occupied New Mexico as one of the ultra- marine possessions of the crown of Spain, the governors and captain general of the province then pertaining to the vice royalty of New Mexico, were authorized to make concessions of land to the settlers. Afterwards they were made to individuals for distinguished loyalty to the crown and important services to the state in the Indian wars then harrassing the people and impediog the development and progress of the country, and still subsequently these con- cessions were made in numerous instances to the descend- ants of those persons who had thus manifested their loy- alty and contributed their services. During the Spanish regime in New Mexico as elsewhere in the Mexican vice- royalty, it was always the declared policy of the sovereign "that the public domain should be populated and 14 utilized" through the medium of grants of land to his- subjects, as individuals or as communities. Afterwards when the Mexican republic succeeded to the sovereignty of the soil, it was the declared policy of that government to "encourage agriculture" by making to its citizens and communities liberal donations of the national domain for cultivation and % stock raising and also for mining purposes. It is said by those who ought to know, that there are very few, if any, spurious grants in the Territory certainly very few compared with the number brought to light in California. Some of these grants of land are now held by our citizens, other grants by large and flourishing communities, and others have been purchased by capital- ists and wealthy companies with a view to their settlement and application to agricultural, stock growing and mining uses. Now that predatory incursions of the wild Indians have under the policy of the present national administration become less frequent and serious, and now that the ad- vent of railroads is forseen in the near future, settlers are beginning to search out and locate homesteads on the pub- lic domain beyond the frontier under the government of of the United States, and on private grants by purchase. My space will allow me to mention only a few of the prin- cipal landed estates of this Territory, and I will mention only a portion of those denominated Mexican Grants, and in doing so it is but just and proper, that I should say that lam indebted for much valuable information on this subject to the courtesy of David J. Miller, Esq., chief clerk and translator of the U. S. Surveyor General's of- fice, which was furnished from data in that office, and also my thanks are due to Sam'l Ellison, Esq. clerk of the coun- ty court of Santa Fe county, for information furnished to me from his extensive knowledge of this special subject. 15 Near the 36th parallel is the Cieneguilla Grant 'contain- ing an area of about 80,000 acres of land; it lies in the county of Taos, and ia not jet recognized and confirmed by Congress; but as it is a community grant, and as the claim has been established as valid and genuine by testi- mony before the surveyor general, and approved by him ; it will no doubt be confirmed by Congress, where it is now pending. In Rio Arriba county there are numerous grants, some of which have been acted upon by the government, and some of which yet await action. The principal are the.Era- cinas grant containing about 25,000 acres, The Chama and The Chamita grants, area unknown ; all upon the Chama river and watered by several smaller streams. Upon that river also lies The Abiquiu, The Canon de Chama, and The TierraAmarilla, all extensive and valuable bodies of land, and each containing many settlers. There is also the large Sebastian Martin Grant, upon the Rio del Norte, and various others besides the Indian Pueblos. In the county of Santa Fe, there are also numerous grants of which I have space to mention only the Bishop Lamy estate, known as Our Lady of Light, and held in- trust for the Roman Catholic Church. It is a surveyed grant and contains about 16,500 acres of land. The San Cristobal grant or Eaton's Ranch, upon Galia- teo creek, twenty-seven miles south of Santa Fe, contain- ing about 28,000 acres of agricultural and grazing land, The Gotera Giant, owned by Nasario Gonzales, on the Galisteo creek, containing about 3,000 acres of agricul- tural and some grazing lands. The Vicente Duran de< Armijo Grant, adjoining, the In- dian Pueblo of Nambe, on both sides of the stream of that name, and now claimed by Gaspar Ortiz. In Santa Ana county there is The Voiles Grandes float 16 owned by Don Tomas C. tie Baca, containing about 100,- 000 acres. This tract bears abundant and superior timber, and contains excellent pasturage and is celebrated for the excellent trout fishing it affords, and for its wild game. The Canon de San Diego Grant, North east of the In- dian village of Jemez, and embracing the well known Jemez hot springs claimed by the Hon. Francisco Perea and others, is a valuable tract of land watered by the Je- mez river. In Bernalillo county is the town of Albuquer- que and its ranches, which is located on the Rio Grande and contains some of the best and most productive agri- cultural lands in New Mexico. There is also the Bernalillo property, a community grant owned by Jose Leandro Perea and others, this is a good fruit region. In this county there are also other grants of character and value. Colfax county, contains a fine body of land the three towns of Elizabeth City, Cimarron City, and Rayado, are in this county it is a good agricultural county and its pastoral resources are considerable. Its mineral resources have been partially developed, and resulted in the build- ing of a fine town in the Moreno Valley. The Beaubien and Miranda grant owned by The Maxwell Land Grant Railway Company, and The Rayado Estate owned by our enterprising citizen, Hon. Jesus G. Abreu, are located in this county, In Valencia county, the principal is the community grant to the people of Belen. The tract contains about 150,000 acres, and has been surveyed. In Mora county, I will mention the John Scolly or Junta grant, now owned by William Kroenig, Samuel B. Watrous, Tipton and others, being a body of excellent and valuable land, much of it now well improved, situated in the vicinity of Fort Union. --I7- The Mora grant, a community grant northwest of the La Junta estate. This tract contains a large flourishing agricultural, stock growing and commercial community, has been surveyed and contains more than 800,000 acres of land. "The United States Land and Improvement company" own The Baca Location No. 4 in San Luis, Valley Colo- rado ; and the Arrnendaris grants on the Rio Grande del Norte, in Socorro county, New Mexico, which have been surveyed ; and are described by the surveyor, as follows : ARMENDARIS GRANT NO. 33 GENERAL DESCRIPTION. This Land Grant* owing to the location of its bound- ary calls, is very irregular in shape, being long and nar- row its length being some 50 miles in a generally north and south direction, and its width about an average of 12 miles, mainly in an east and west direction. To give any detailed description of such an extent of country would occupy too much space for insertion here. One longest side is mainly bounded by the Rio Grande River, and the opposite one lies in the hills near the foot of the Rocky Mountains, ^ ie Grant thus having the best possible shape for containing the greatest amount of river-bottom land, with sufficient upland for pasture for the settlers. Its general location nny be said to be down in the immense basin, which lies between two Ranges of the Rocky Mountains, through which the Rio Grande flows. The climate on this tract is one of the finest in the world, being mild and equable all the year round and not subject to storms or tempests of any kind, the ranges of the White San Andres and Oscuro Mountains shutting it in and protecting it from all changes and winds from *The are-a -of grant is C'97.3?5.29S acre's. la- the east with its immense open plains, and ths Magdalenav, San Mateo, and Mimbres Mountains prevent any north- westers or sudden changes from reaching it in force from the West. It is considered and has been proven that this portion of New Mexico is the most salubrious and health-giving in climate in America for invalids of all classes, but es- pecially for those afflicted with consumption or other pul- monary complaints, the published ratio of death of inva- lids being only 3 per cent as against 4J per cent in Flo- rida, the next most favorable locality, according to the statistics in this regard. The survey of this Grant was made in the month of November, and during the entire time the surveyor was engaged in this and the adjoin-- ing survey (being the whole of that month) he did not experience any cold or otherwise disagreeable weather, nor a single hour during any day that the sun did not shine. The thermometrical observations at Fort McRae and Craig, show a monthly and yearly mean approach- ing that of the Madeira Islands. The most rich and nutritious grasses abound in every direction, there not being an aers ,of the Grant, moun- tain or valley where fine grass is not found, and the sev- eral species of the Grama grass nre.espeeially abundant. This grass is self-curing and furnishes, winter and sum- mer, a perfectly sure, reliable and simple food for all varieties, and any quantity cf live stock., Almost any part of the Grant may be said to be a hay meadow, from which at any time when needed boundless, stores of hay may be cut for such animals aa have to be confined at home for domestic use. As already referred to in the field notes the surveyor saw, in the Southern portion of the grant, Mexicans cutting hay with the ; sickle which they hauled to Fort McRae, a distance .of from 3 to 1* 19 miles (as they moved their camp) and delivered to the United States Quartermaster for a contract price of $8 50 per ton. A better comment on the facilities of this grant for stock-raising could not be made. The Rio Grande Valley, which forms one of the bound- aries of this grant for almost its entire length, deserves special notice. The River is one of the principal rivers of America, and is of course the largest and most import- ant in the Territory. Its soil is a rich sandy loam of the finest quality, producing all varieties of grains, vegetables and fruits. The vegetables grown here are of remark- able size, some of the most common varieties being beets of all kinds, including those beets adapted to sugar making, onions averaging 2 Ibs each from the Seld, cabbages, cf which one was seen at the Sutler store at Fort Craig weighing 64 Ibs. Parsnips, turnips, carrots, Irish potatoes sweet potatoes, pumpkins, squashes, beans, pear, water- melons and nutmeg melons of a size and sweetness rarely excelled ; some of the llanclwros having raised them of 50 Ibs weight. In fact, all kinds of vegetables grown- in the United States are found here of sizes analogous to those of California. Apples, pears, peaches, figs and other fruits, also flourish on this tract, the apricot espec- ially being of an unusual size and fine flavor. The most valuable feature, however, of this valley is its' capacity and adaptability for raising the Spanish grape (some vineyards of which are found on the tract) which must make the river the Rhine of America, with some, day, an immense wine producing community. The wine as at present made by the natives is sweet and red with great body, and is of the nature of the sacrifrdial wine used in the churches. Cotton also can be grown here, of a good staple, and it is not subject to frost. 20 The water power is, of course, inexhaustible and aft hand without cost. Mill sites are plenty where mills and factories for grinding grain, manufacturing fabrics from the wool of the countless sheep which even now roam over the tract and from the cotton which can be raised, for milling the gold, silver, lead and copper ores wnich abound in the mountains in and adjacent to the grant, or for any other purpose, can easily and profitably be erected and supported. The average width of the Rio Grande bottom is from 1 to 2 miles, but if it should at any time become neces- sary to have more land under cultivation than that of the bottoms, the second bottoms or benches are also compos- ed of first rate soil, and of these about 150,000 acres can easily and cheaply be put under cultivation by simply taking out an acequia or irrigating ditch high enough up to water them. A project for doing this at a point higher up on the river is said to be already on foot. It is certainly easy, simple and feasible, and will, no doubt, soon be - done. The Ojo del Muerto and site of the U. S. Military post of Fort Me Rae in the southern portion of the grant is also an important point, being the main pass from the east to the west, lying between the Caballo and Fray Cristobal Mountains, and must someday become one of the greatest thoroughfares in southern Ne\v* Mexico. A fine gravel bottom ford, with permanent banks, is also found here on the river, which for 10 miles in a di- rect line runs througji this portion of the Grant. The famous hot springs del Caballo, or Ojos Calientes, form one of the most remarkable as well os interesting, and valuable features of the grant. They are situated nb-out 5J miles southwest from Fort McRae near the Rio Grande. They burst out from the foot of a Mesa, form 21 some large natural bathing pools, and discharge into the the river about J to f of a mile distant. They have a temperature of about 136 Fahrenheit, and contain soda, lime, magnesia, and many other chemical ingredients (a full analysis never having been published) which have bronght them in great repute for curing rheumatism and all serofulous and cutaneous diseases. The south east portion of the grant lying up on the Jornada delMuerto, is a pasture of great extent and in- exhaustible as regards fertility. It is dry at present, (though covered with fine grass) but water can be easily obtained by digging, as has been demonstrated by Jack Martin who has obtained a fine w in the dry season in the stalks, making a natural hay. SHEEP. About the, year 1540, over three hundred and thirty years ago, a small lot of Spanish Merino sheep were in- troduced into this country from Spain, and from this im- portation the present sheep owned by our Mexican citizens and the Pueblo and Navajo Indians, were derived. Ow- ing to the constant " breeding in" without much change in the stock, or attempts at improvement, these sheep have degenerated and decreased in size and quality of wool yet in various respects the mutton and wool of New Mex- ico is better than that of the States ; this arises from the fact that the climate and grasses are adapted to this class of animals, and it shows the advantage of this country over other portions of our land for the rearing of this kind of stock. At the commencement of the rebellion, I found, that in this,country, sheep owners were raising their stock: not for the wool, but for the meat which was of better flavor and more nutritious than the mutton of the States. The wool was allowed to go to waste and be dragged off the sheep's back while passing through the brnsh* I was offered the wool of whole flocks of sheep fort nothing if I would shear them. About; this same time much complaint was made, in regard to the shoddy clothing furnished to the brave de- fenders of our glorious Union. I felt we Jiad the means to supply the soldiers -with warm and substantial clothing and good blankets, and in order to call attention to it, I procurred a handsome Navajo blanket, made of the native wool of. this country,. and presented it to the lady of the 47 president's mansion, the wife of our much lamented mar- tyred President Lincoln. I also took to the agricultural department in Washington, various samples of woo! which are in the cabinet of the department sewed on cards r and which show the quality of the wool our sheep pro- duce, without any attention to their improvement, or care in their rearing. The result of this display was a de- mand for our Mexican wool, which proved to be a better quality of "combing wool," than could be found in the States, and a gradual increase of the price of our wool from nothing up fo twenty and thirty cents per pound. This encouraged a number of our sheep raisers to endeav- or to improve their stock, among whom was our enterpri- sing fellow citizen, Lucien B. Maxwell, then of Cimar- ron. He had brought from the States good fine Merino bucks, and did all he could to improve his sheep ; his at- tention at that time was called more to the improvement of the wool than the quality and quantity of the meat. Afterwards when Messrs. P. R. ;Skinner & Co. brought between forty, and fifty Cotswold bucks to our Territory, Maxwell did all h^ could to encourage them in : their enter- prise believing it to be, of benefit not only to his stock, but also that it would result in the improvement of all the sheep of this country. Two years ago they commencecLthe trial of an experi- ment in crossing the full blood Cotswold buck with the O * native Mexican ewe. They brought from Connecticut about fifty full blood Cotswold bucks, bred from imported sheep by one of the most reliable and popular breeders of fine, pure blood sheep in the. United States. Messrs. Skinner & Co. obtained about 3,000 Mexican ewes and located in the north east portion of New Mexico, in Col- fax county, on Dry Cimarron. The lambs were much larger and finer than their most sanguine expectations, 48 and exhibit to a much greater degree, 'the leading and de- sirable characteristics of the Cotar/old sheep, than was expected ; gome of fhe lambs weighed at six hours old from twelve to fifteen pounds each, ancr*at seven days old from twenty to twenty-five pounds each ; at two months old many of them are larger and heavier than their moth- ers, and promise so far as can now be judged an average fleece of five pounds of wool but little inferior in quality 'to the pure Cotswolds. The pure blooded bucks average eleven pounds of wool per fleece, and the Mexican ewes from one and a half to two pounds. The introduction of Cotswold and other varieties of long or combing wool eheep in the United States took place not very many year8 ago, and its progress has been comparatively slow consequently very few wool growers have learned as yet their superiority for wool and mutton. In the New Eng- land states, in New York. Pennsylvania and Ohio, it has repeatedly been demonstrated that the Cotswold with an average fleece of "ten or eleven pounds crossed with the native or common ewes, with an average fleece of four pounds, produces a sheep whose fleece will average nine pounds', in quality very little inferior to the Cotswold. Early in the seventeenth century the long-legged Afri- can or Guinea sheep were introduced into Europe by the Dutch, and distributed among the Islands near the Tex- el and in Gronigen and Friesland where they were crossed with the common sheep of the country producing the animal known there at the present time as the "Texel" or "Mouton Flandrin" breed of sheep. At the period of the introduction of this breed of sheep in Europe some highly exagerated accounts of them were given says Youatt, by the writers of the time. Corneille states that "they produced lambs twice in the year; (this is not improbable, as tire sheep belong- 49 ing to the Navajo Indians of New Mexico do,) ami usually three lambs at a time, sometimes four and five nml occasionally seven at one yeaning." This, continues Youatt, is quite incredible, arid Corneille himself ac- knowledges that it was " only on their first arrival from the east that they were thus prolific, but they were, and still are justly valued for their size, beauty of form and abundant produce of long and fine wool, milk and lambs. The Texel sheep have not been extensively introduced into the United States. American sheep breeders gen- erally preferring to import the well-known and well-tried British breeds of mutton sheep ; it has however been stated that the late Col. Jacques of the ten hills farm of Somerville, Massachusetts, imported sheep from the Netherlands in 1823, and the Massachussetts Agricult- ural Repository and Journal, records the importation of some sheep from the same source, by the late Col. Thomas H. Perkins, of Brooklyn, Massachusetts, in 1824. They were called the long wooled sheep of the Netherlands. It is not known whether these sheep- were of the true Texel breed, nor is it probable that pure blooded animals descended from that importation are now in existence. An importation of a small flock of Texel sheep was made by Winthrop W. Chinery, Esq.-, of Belmont Mass, in the spring of 1863. They were procured in Fries- land near the Texel, and shipped at Rotterdam, Holland, for the port of Boston, Mass. The importation consisted of one buck and seven ewes when put on board the ship, but on their arrival at Boston, after a ve'yage of eighty- one days, the flock was found to have increased to "seven- teen animate, nine lambs having been produced 'o'n 'fhe passage affording strong corroborrative evidence ef the So- good qualities of the ewes as nurses and also of the hardiness, of the breed. The live weight of the buck of this importation in good condition was over two hundred pounds and the ewes varied in weight from one hundred and forty-five to one hundred and seventy-five pounds each. Their fleeces averaged over ten pounds each and, their wool is considered by manufacturers superior either to the Cots wold or Leicester. COTSWOLD SHEEP. In the report of the United States Commissioner of Agriculture page 340, I find the following, which I believe of sufficient importance to our sheep raisers to- transcribe here : "The maple shade flock of Cotswold sheep imported and owned by Mr. John D. Wing of New York'con- sists of selected animals of the best flocks of thorough & bred sheep, many of them, being secured by Mr. Wing' personally while in England, they are strictly pure with- out a crost?, and every shsep has a reiiahle pedigree. JSlost of them were bred by William Lane of Broadfield his name standing at^the head of the breeders in the Cots- wold hills. * * * * These sheep are known for their heavy and valuable fteece, their mutton, proportions and strong constitution. The wool is very long, with bright lustre, known as comb- ing wool in our markets, being the most desirable and highest priced of any. It, averages over twelve inches in length, sometimes as long as eighteen inches, and the fleeces weigh from ten to fifteen pounds each, some bucks" fleeces as high as sixteen or eighteen pounds. Mr. Wini; says his flock averages twelve pounds. They are highly valued for mutton , when fattened they grow to a very large weight,, in, some cases, attaining three hundred and fifty pounds. They are very hardy and capable of enduring much exposure. The sheep from this flock have carried off the highest honors, and the prize ram < 'golden fleece" was shown at Auburn fair of the New York state sheep breeder and wool growers association in May, 1867, when he took the first prize in the class and also the sweep-stake prize, he sheared on this occasion, nineteen pounds four and a half ounces of wooh H'e was purchased in Eng- land for 230 guineas, (over 1200 dollars), and claimed to be the highest priced Cotswold sheep ever-sold. Profes- sor J. 11. Dodge, of the agricultural department, Wash- ington City, very aptly says : "Profit is the golden beacon which guides th farmer's course. Like other men he is propelled by the pecuniary motive with the power of the locomotive, and to direct him in a certain course, it is only necessary to show that it will prove remunerative." I propose to quote some of his facts to show how remu- nerative the growing of combing wool and rearing of Cots- wold sheep is, LONG WOOL ETC. Professor J. R. Dodges in the U. S. Agricultural re- port for 1866, says, those who decry long wool, should remember that long wool has been quite as rife and rapid during the past generation in those breeds, as in the pam- pered Merino. If a comparison be made, let it be be _ tween immense numbers, and not between isolated indi- viduals. The sheep of this country mainly of Merino blood average fleeces of five and a half pounds ; those of (j'reat Britain mostly long and middle wools average fro-m four to five pounds, according to Wilson, while others nrake n. higher estimate. After allowing for extra weight of the latter, it will readily be seen that the boasted su- periority of the Merino in proportion of wool to the live 52 weight of the animal, is more mythical than real. "Whole flocks of improved Cotswold sheep yield eight pounds each, and the tendency of recent English improvements is still to heavier weights. Large fleeces of all breeds are oc- casionally noted in this country as well as England, a few cases will suffice as evidence. At Auburn, New York, fair May, 10th, 1867, the Cotswold ram, "golden fleece," two years old owned by Mr. John D. Wing sheared nine- teen pounds four and a half ounces, 383. days from the previous shearing. The growth of twelve months would therefore be eighteen .pounds and five and a half ounces. The length of the wool was nine and a quarter inches. A rarn of the same flock sheared eighteen pounds and nine ounces, fourteen inches in length. Other specimens forwarded to Dr. Randall to be used by the committee au- thorized by the Secretary of the Treasury for the selec- tion of tariff samples, represent fleeces scarcely less in weight. One fleece of a ram teg thirteen months old. bred by L. Converse, Bucyrus, Ohio, length ten and three quarter inches, weighed ten and a half pounds. A fleece of a Lincoln ram two \ears old, owned by Hon. Samuel Campbell and R. Gibbon, New York, Mills, Oneida county, New York, weighed seventeen and three quarter pounds, another washed fleece from the same flock fifteen and three quarter pounds, last year eighteen pounds. The wool of these fleeces was ten and a half inches in length, of the kind known as luster wool, in great demand for ladies' fabrics and 'bringing high prices. Beautiful samples of this wool, (says Professor Dodge,) very lustrous a-nd fine, and about eleven -inches long, are now before me as I write with a 'note from the owners .eisuisakg -eleven pounds five ounce as the average weight of tSaek eeeee, and fifteen and three-fourths pounds, and seventeen ad tk/eenfoiirths pounds respectively for fleeces 53 of their rams ; one ram weighs three hundred pounds ewes ID good order weigh two hundred poends. All have done well since their importation. It is stated that 60 years ago, an English maiden (a "spinster") spun 168,000 yards, or 95 miles of thread from a pound of wool from a Lincoln ewe. A Bradford (England) manufacturer states that a twenty pound Lin- coln fleece used in an admixture with cotton in the finest " Alpaca 5 ' fabrics is sufficient for twelve pieces of 42 yards each and possibly 16 pieces of 672 yards in length, one yard wide, worth at 75 cents per yard, more than $500. The same writer, says : "I have noticed a record of of the weight of five Cotswold wethers fed for the New York market, as follows : 217, 222, 204, 223 243. Five other wethers twenty-one months old averaged 188 pounds these weights are not extraordinary but are easily attained at an early age." A writer from Carrol county, Kentucky, says : "The sheep most profitable in our county are the Cotswolds and their grades. They will consume probably one-fourth more food than the fine wool sheep,. but are hardy, need- ing no shelter, d,nd generally live the entire winter on our blue grass pastures without other food, producing from 6 to 10 pounds of wool per sheep, and from 60 to 100 pounds of good mutton at one or two years old. I have (he says) about 50 in my flock, of the Cotswolds and grades which I have taken as sample for the above state- ment. They have not eaten a single pound of hay or any- thing but what they have gathered for themselves in the pasture, winter or summer, for the last two years. The wool is worth just as it comes from the sheep unwashed, 35 cents per pound ; the mutton is- worth tea cents a pound." 04 The experiments already made by Messrs. Skinner & Co. with their Cotswold sheep on Dry Cimarron show that the same results will obtain in New Mexico, and should encourage our sheep owners to procure good sheep to im- prove their stock and increase their wealth, and -thereby benefit themselves as-well as izicrease the wealth of our Territory. Another reason for increased attention to long wools (combing wools) is the fact that new fabrics are introduced in great- variety, especially for the various garments of ladies requiring soft or lustrous wools and are becoming daily more popular and more widely disseminated. This state of things has caused a scarcity of long wools, and gives them an advantage in price over the most popular of merino wools of this country of fifteen or twenty percent. In England this change of place of long and short wools by which 'the long wool -has exceeded the short woel in value as much as that formerly led all others is thus re- ferred to : * 'There is a strong pecuniary inducement to use these wools, notwithstanding their price. They contain little oil or yolk ; in scouring the loss is rarely twenty-five per cent, and often, less than twenty ; the loss in the merino is forty per cent and upwards, according as it is improved, the fleeces of prize bucks often reaching seventy per cent, of waste. Excluding these and taking the most desirable Ohio grades, a comparison will ghow the juperior economy of long wool to the manufacturer, pays seventy cents per pound at present prices , and loses fifty per cent, in scouring, making the clean wool one dollar and fifty cents. He buys Canada wool at eighty cents, and losses twenty per cent, leaving the cost of cleaned wool just one dollar per pound. Is it a wonder thatmanu* facturers will use all the long wool they can when it can make forty per cent more cloth for the same money?" By Canada wools "the manufacturer simply means Cots- "wolds, Leicester, Southdown, and their grades, most of which came from Canada, where few other sheep are .kept. It has also been remarked that "there is a want which might be met by enlarged operations in rearing long wool flocks. The eastern markets with few excep- tions are miserably supplied with large fat larnbs. Nor can it be otherwise with our present flocks. .Merino lambs will never satisfy the demand of enlightened eaters, six pounds is to the quarter of lean blue meat, at twelve weeks old, will never afford satisfaction to mutton con- sumers, when fine fat quarters of twice that weight are obtainable. Nor will it pay the sheep raiser to sell sueh lambs and wethers for meat when those of double value could be produced in the same at a little more expense. It -was thought that the prices of meat would decline at the close of the war, and some of our wise men in New Mexico, now say^ produce sheep and wool in the ratio you propose and increase the quality and quantity of the meat, and- you will reduce the price so that it will not pay to raise sheep in New Mexico, this cannot be the case for many years to come. The demand for long wool both in Europe and in this country, (for it is evident that in England the supply of combing .wools is not suf- ficient for the demand) will make combing wools an art- icle which will be a source of wealth to the producer for many years yet in the future. In regard to the production of meat, -an intelligent writer has said in language better than I can express it, that "it should be remembered that the war has some- what reduced our meat supply. The war being soon over then a pastoral life will be quite too tame for soldiers, and the waste of meats cannot soon be repaired. Many 56 of the soldiers are machinists and artizans. Thousands of them will repair to the minss of the Rocky Mountains ;. and many will seek in trade and speculation in cities the excitement which they crave. Most of them are efficient consumers of meats ; very few will be producers. Then our shores are swarming, and for years \vill swarm as never before, with foreign immigrants, hungry for meat 9 however poverty may have stinted their former supply. All these mouthy and those of millions unborn, are to be supplied in the years of the immediate future. With what shall we feed them? Not with pork, becoming vast- ly dearer with the increased price of corn ; not altogether with beef, while there is such a demand for wool, and just precisely the kind of wool produced by mutton sheep We must have mutton ; and sensible men with money in their pockets will pay prices that must command good mutton, and render its production highly profitable. Conditions now exist favoring adequate remuneration in this branch of husbandry that have never before been brought together in so potent a combination. There is an opportunity to achieve a fame and a success in this direction in a field as yet almost entirely new, that should engage the effort, capital and ambition of the enterpris- iqg; and there is little doubt that it will be promptly and successfully occupied by strangers if our own citizens do not avail themselves of the opportunity. Those, therefore, who now commence with judgment and energy the production of real superior mutton and cpmbing wools in New Mexico, will reap an abundant harvest of profit, and the earlier the start the quicker the reward, and that it will engage the attention of enterpri- sing people and meet their j ust expectations there is no 2-90111 for doubt. The adaptio3,of ttes country to the rearing of the ous kinds of stock, will m future years make New Mexi- co a country from whence large supplies of meat for food, and wools for manufacturing clothing, will be derived, arid which will be a great source of wealth to our citizens, while it will furnish healthy food for the dwellers in our large cities east of the Mississippi. The natural configuration of this vast Eocky Mountain region is not the least of the many desirable advantages it presents. It is situated many thousand feet above tide water fanned by the purest atmosphere, and supplied with Innumerable salubrious streams running from the moun- tain springs, and furnishing pure water, one of the essen- tial elements for the sustenance of both man and beast. This country having a high and dry range so conducive to the health of all animals, especially sheep, which animal, I believe, if properly reared and improved, will prove a greater source of wealth than even our untold and vasfc mineral deposits. The one we have in the earth the means of producing the other we have on the earth. The succession of mountain and valley affords the most ample defence against the heat of summer as well as the bleak, winds of winter; artificial protection indispensable at the north and necessary in many of the states ; .of this Union-, which is so apt to induce disease by which whole flocks and herds are sometimes lost, are rendered unnecessary in our more favored country. Our mesas and mountain gorges, and many portions of our valleys, are most prolific in a variety of herbage suitable for all classes of animals, but; especiall adapted to sheep, and during winter they afford a supply of pasturage so abundant that no additional food is required. The animals can have access to a continu- ous supply of good food and pure water during the win- ter, and by a judicious management the only expense of rearing sheep and cattle in this country is the hire of her-; tiers, which is comparatively a trifle. 58 The constant supply ofpro|>er food by which the secre- tory powers are retained in full action and -uninterrupted increase of meat and fat in animals, and of growth of wool on sheep, is promoted; while cases of constipation, and various diseases frequently fat^l in the states by rea- son of sudden changes of food, are unknown here, there is scarcely a day in the year in which cattleand sheep can- not h'nd sufficient food of a proper kind to keep their di- gestive organs in a healthy condition. The soil in our mountain regions is generally good ; and it is by no means uncommon to find it fertile and producing grama grass even to the tops of the mountains; and although there are to be found considernble bodies of thin soil, yet even are these more disposed to the production of grass than lands of a better quality ir> the states. My experiencefor over thirty-five years in Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Illi- nois, Kansas and New Mexico corrobora te, what is well Irnown to all sheep raisers, that, when lands are treely pastured by sheep, their capacity for producing grass is much assisted, as by close grazing the more useless grass- es, briers, ect., are subdued, and the desirable descript- ions allowed to strengthen their hold; this together with the tramping of the land and the droppings of the sheep, induces a more prolific growth of good grass. In my travels over a large expanse of country within the limits of New Mexico and the eastern borders of Ari- zona, I have found growing wild clover, and several vari- eties of grass which indicate that they can be produced in this country by cultivation. It is only a question of time and the construction of railroads when this country, in addition to its native grasses, which may be greatly in- creased, will have large meadows and pasture grounds of Cultivated grasses, and it has been for nearly forty years a favorite theory of mine, confirmed by my practical ob- sto believe that kindness to a dumb animal is fat better than a beating. He will certainly' learn a lesson if he should find himself again on the roof of a house with his horse, or rolling down the side of a mountain with his horse-after him. There is certainly a good field of labor in New Mexico for Mr. Bergh of New York or m y g ooc l friend Fay of Massachusetts, and I know I would rejoice to see either or both of them here, they might be able to tell us of some substitute for horseflesh for the Indians -of New Mexico. I --will, however, give them notice in advance, that they will be compelled to ascertain what is better as food and be fortified with argu- ments to convince the Indians that good fat beef or mutton is better than the meat of a worn-out and abused horse or mule which the wild indians prefer. In an article on "The horsea of the United States" by Colonel Rifigwalt of Downington, Pennsylvania, he says : "The United States contains a much large number of horses than any European country. In 1860, we posses- sed 7,431,681. A few years ago the horses in Europe were supposed to number 22,430,000; of Africa 3,000,- 000 : of Asia 25,000,000, and of the whole world nearly 59,000,000. So that we have more than one eighth of the whole race. Our country has proved as genial a home for the horse as for his master. As we exceed all other nations in the number' so we have gained the questiona- ble pre-eminence of an unprecedented variety in the breeds of our horses. Emigrants from Europe naturally brought with them, at different times, the animal with which they were most familiar. The Spaniards took to the South West and to Mexico, whence they escaped into Texas, California, New Mexico, Colorado and the plains, their famous barbs, which were formerly regarded, as u supe- rior breed, and which in their best condition are but little infer* ^r to the Arabian. Some of the finest thorough 63 breds of England are derived from this race, The wild horses of our plains occasionlly excite the warm admiration of critical observers. Washington Ir- ving, in his "Tour on the Prairie," gives frequent expres- pression to his feelings ; and as the race is now disappear- ing as rapidly as the buffalo, one of that writer's descrip- tions may be appropriately quoted : " On resuming our march we eame to a little meadow surrounded by groves of elms and cottonwood trees, in the midst of which was a fine black horse grazing. Beattie (a half breed guide) , who was in advance beckoned us to halt, and being mount- ed on a mare approached the horse gently, step by step, imitating the whining of an anfm-al, with admirable exact- ness, The noble courser of tlie prairie gazed for a time, snuffed the air, pricked up his ears, and pranced round and round the mare in gallant style, but kept at too great a distance for Beattie to throw the lariat. He was a mag- nificent object, in all the pride and glory of 'his n/iture. It was admirable to see the lofty and airy carriage of his head, the freedom of every movement, the elasticity with which he trod the mteadow. Finding it impossible to get within noosing distance, and seeing that the horse was re- ceding and growing alarmed Beattie slid down from his saddle, leveled his rifle across the back of his mare, and took aim with the evident intention of creasing him. I ^ felt a throb of anxiety for the safety of the noble animal and called out to Beatte to desist. It was too late, ho pulled the trigger as I spoke. Luckily, he did not shoot with his usual accuracy, nnd I had the satisfaction to see the coal-black steed da shroff unharmed into the forest." In the statistics found, on page forty -seven of the Agri- cultural report for 1869 is a tablfe showing the number and valus of the horses in the United States which shows 8,248,800 horses valued at $671,319,461; in the frl territories it is stated there are sixty thousand horses val- ued at $3,600,000. This amount could be doubled in New Mexico alone in the next ten years, with care and proper attention to raising and improving the horses of our Torritory. The wild Indians of New ilexico number as follows, viz ; : Navajoes, 8,500 Apaches, 4,502 Utes, 1,347 Total 14,349. Two years a*go when I took the census of these Indians 1 found in their possession 10,908 horses, some of which were of the best quality of "native" stock. Now suppose these Indians did not eat horse flesh, and ceased to abuse their animals aa they do, and were to give their attention to the improvement of the breed, what would be the re- sult? The natural increase of these animals would give the first year about 6000, and each year thereafter an increase. Take the six thousand animals of the first years and keep them on the grama grass of our Mesas, and at four years old, if they were not rode to death before that time, and then eaten by the Indians, they would be worth at least sixty dollars each, which would make three hundred and sixty thousand dollars, and this amount would now be greatly increased by the demand for horses in consequence of the death of such numbers in the cities from the epizootic. It is very clear that the wild Indians of New Mexico could on their hor- ses alone, (if they would deny themselves of the delica- cy of horse flesh diet,) be made self sustaining. If Indi- ans can do this, is it not much more -certain that our citi- zens who have ranches and extent of pasture going to 65 waste every year, can also do it? f know men in New Mexico who have a hundred mares or more and yet they, scarcely have a horse fit to ride or work, owing to their neglect to improve the stock, and their abuse of the ani- mals. They do ndt remember the injunction : "Uphill bear him Down hill spare him On the level let him trot And in the stable forget him not." Indian warriors frequently attach a's much value to their favorite steed as the Arab to his fleetest coursers. Col. Ringwah says : I saw a band of the Sac and Fox at Dav- enport, Iowa, some years ago, who, however ready to sell their inferior horses refused tempting offers for their best animals. In fixing a price one clap of the hands signified ten dollars, and when asked to designate the value of a superior horse, they would after innumerable clappings, smile and shake their heads saying "no shones" (no money) in a manner which clearly proved that they regarded him above all price. Among the tribes of the Northwest the turf is a favorite institution, and in the official description of the Indians of Washington Terri- tory, published in the first volume of Pacific railway reports, it is stated that at certain seasons the Klikitats, descend to the Yahkohtle, Chalaka, and Talik prairies, where they are met by the Yakimas who assemble with them for the purpose of gathering a late species of ber- ry and of racing horses. The racing season is the grand annual occasion of these tribes. A horse of proved re- putation is a source of wealth or ruin to his owner. On hia speed he stakes his whole stud, his household goods, his clothes, and finally his wives; and a single race doubles his fortune, or sends him forth an impoverished adventurer. The interest, however, is not confined to the individual directly concerned ; the tribe share with him, and a common pile of goods of motlev description^ apportioned according to their ideas of value, is put up by either party to be divided among the backers of th& winner." Similar scenes may be witnessed amongst the Indians- of New Mexico and Arizona, and the losers then become- "hunters;" with a lariat they "go hunting" and return frequently with horses stolen from the settlements. If these races were forbidden by the agents and broken up,, the great incentive to horse stealing would be removed, and a better class of horses among the Indians would be the result. Another source of great loss in the raising and keeping good horses among the Indians is the supersti- tious custom of killing all the horses belonging to a war- rior when he dies ; an efficient agent with patience and prudence can correct this, and I care not what tribe of Indians he has in charge he can in a fe\v years with proper authority from the government make his Indiana self-sustaining from the horses, cattle and sheep that they would raise. The Indians of the Rocky Mountains are more disposed to pastoral pursuits than to agricultur- al labor ; they are nomadic in their habits, and all that they require is to be taught economy and induced to give up their superstitious notions. As the eastern portion cf our country becomes more densely settled; as manufacturers, mining commerce, and all other non- producing occupations and professions multi- ply; as the country becomes more thickly peopled ; as villages draw in their houses around them and become towns ; as towns expand their limits, and become cities ; as cities pile their houses heavenward, and fill them with hungry occupants ; as railroads are con- btructed and being constructed, of course, a greater de- 67 mand must be made on the agricultural and pastoral por- tions of the country, to supply them with food. Let our farmers and ranchmen prepare for this great harvest, which is gradually coming to us, by an improvement and increase of the horses, cattle, sheep and hogs, etc., in the Territory of New Mexico, so that we may supply the in- creased facilities by railroads for their transportation to the Eastern States. CLIMATE. Its mildness of climate and remarkable healthfulness has become proverbial, the dryness and purity of the at- mosphere all over the Territory, and especially in the valleys have induced many invalids afflicted by Pulmon- ary nnd other diseases to test its salubrity with great benefit to them and a prolongation of their lives. The following report of the signal officer at Santa Fe will give some idea of the pure and even temperature of the atmosphere in New Mexico. WAR DEPARTMENT. SIGNAL SERVICE U. S. A. SANTA FE/ January 6th 1872. Although the science of Meteorology is comparatively new, and moreover a difficult one because of the capri- cious nature of the elements of which it treats yet it can- not be denied that under the present system of local and eyncronical observation adopted by our government it is rapidly being developed into a perfect science with definite principles and fixed laws. Already the mariner heeds the * 'cautionary signal" and rides safely in the harbor while the storm and tempest pass, and we may expect soon to see the farmer plant and reap with much greater profit because he anticipates the prolonged rain or the blighting drouth. 68 As many of our citizens are interested in tills branch of science, we publish the following condensed report for the year ending December 31st 1872, which is the result of careful observation made with the most approved and accurate instruments. At this station the monthly mean of Barometer (cor- rected for temperature and elevation) for each month was as follows : January, 29,77 ; February, 29,733 ; March, 29,735; April, 29,725 ; May, 29,851 ; June, 29,883 ; July, 29,925; August, 29,97; Sept; 29, 91; October, 29,90; November, 29,83; December, 29,783. Mean of Barometer for the year, 29,835. Monthly mean of Thermometer : January, 27 ; Feb- ruary, 34 ; March, 38,8 ; April, 45,8 ; May, 58,1 ; June, 66,9 ; July, 67,6 ; August, 87 ; September, GO ; October, 49 ; November, 33 ; December 32,6 ; Mean of Thermometer for the year, 48, 3. The highest observed temperature during the year was 88 and the lowest 5 below zero. Total rainfall for each month expressed inches and hun- dreths : January, 34; February, 20; March, 13; April, 14 ; May, 45 ; June, 2,44 : July, 2,62 ; August, 2,98 ; September, 27 ; October, 25 ; November, 01 ; Dec. 04. The greatest single rainfall was 1,21 inches which occured June 4th. Total rainfall for the year 9,87 inches. The wind has travelled 50,220 miles with the prevail- ing direction North. JOHN P. CLUM. Observer Signal Service IT. S. A. Santa Fe, N. M. Llany persons suppose that owing to the arid climate of New Mexico and the reported small rainfall, that water would be scarce. Such should remember that the reports 69 are generally made in reference to the valleys, and that in the mountain ranges there are during the winter gen- erally heavy falls of snow, which supply our streams with an abundance of water by its melting durjng the spring and summer months ; besides this, there are many springs, hot and impregnated with minerals, also cold springs, thus we are blessed with pure air and water, both essen- tial to health ; and with the Nile of America for irriga- tion, we have abundance of water to cultivate the valleys of RiodelNorte, Rio Grande and the tributaries of this great river. "With reference to the subject of disease I quote from a letter from Lew Kennon, JV1. D., of Santa Fe, the lead- ing physician of this Territory, who has had. an extensive practice in New Mexico for twenty years. He says : *' "It is certain that even when the lungs were irreparably diseased very much benefit has resulted. Invalids have come here with the system falling into tuber- cular ruin and their lives been astonishingly prolonged by the dry, bracing atmosphere. The most amazing results, however, are produced in warding off the approaches of Phthisis, and I am sure there are but few cases which if sent here before the mala- dy is well pronounced, would fail to be arrested. Where hardening has occurred or even considerable cavities been established, relief altogether astonishing takes place. The lowest death rate from tubercular disease in Am- erica is in New Mexico. The census of 1860 and 1870 give 25 per cent, in New England, 14 in Minnesotta, from 5 to 6 in the different southern states, and 3 percent in New Mexico. I have never known a case of) bronchitis brought here that was not vastly improved or altogether cured ; and asthma as well. 70 Rheumatism and diseases of the heart with or without a rheumatic origin do badly here. Valvular difficulty in that organ, is invariably made worse. But, the must as- tonishing effect.of this climate is seen in those cases of general debility of all the functions of body and mind. That used up condition, the pestilent nuisance of physicians in the great cities. People come here in a sort of debacle, having little hope of living and often little desire to, and the relief is so quick as to seem miraculous. I have no doubt that when means of access to this coun- try are better, and therefore it being better known, it will rival or supersede Florida, Madeira, Nice or Dr. Ben- nett's much vaunted paradise of Mentone as a sanitarium. The country 4s far distant from either ocean ; it is utterly free from all causes of disease. The atmosphere is Almost as dry as that &f Egypt. The winters are so mild that there are not ten days in the whole year an invalid cannot take exercise in the open air. The summers are so cool' that in midsummer one or two blankets are necessary to sleep under. The whole territory has been always aston- ishingly free from epidemic disease. For weak or broken-down children there is surely nothing like it on the face of the earth. With them the law of survival of the strongest here seems not to obtain at all.'* Professor Hayden in his published report for 1870, pa- ges 204 and 205, says in reference to the climate, etc. : " In order to understand properly the differences in climate and productions observable in the different parts of this section, it is necessary, not nly to take into con- sideration the latitude, but also the variations in altitude, and proximity to high mountains, Beginning at the San Luis Valley, with an elevation of 7,000 feet above the level of the sea, we find when we reach Santa F6 the height is still G,840 feet,* which is higher than some of the valleys further north. Keeping on the same plateau, and moving south, the elevations of the principal points are *is follows : Galisteo Village, 6,165 ; Los Cerrillos, 5,804 ; -Canon Blanco, 6,320, and a little southwest of the canon near Laguna Blanca^ 6.943 feet. Moving southwest from this point toward Albuquerque, wa find the elevation at San Antonio is 6,408 feet. But when we descend into the immediate valley of the Rio Grande, as far north as Pen a Blanca, it is only 5,288 feet above the jea level, or 1,552 lower than at Santa Fe. At San Felipe i t is 5,220 ; at Albuquerque, 5,026; at Isleta, 4,910; at Socorro, 4,560; at Alamosa, 4,200, and at El Paso about 3,800. Strange as it may appear, when we cross the ridge east of Santa Fe, to the headwaters of the Pecos, we find the altitude of Pecos Village but 6,360 feet about 500 feet lower than at Santa Fe ; while at Anton Chico it is only 5,372 feet, corresponding very nearly with that of the Rio Grande Valley at Pemi Blanca. I have given these particulars in regard to the elevation <>f this region to show that, sweeping around the southern terminus of the Rocky Mountain range, is an elevated plateau, or extended mesa, which reaching north along the inside of the basin for some distance, occupies both sides of the river, but southward recedes from it. At Pen i Blanca we descend into the Rio Grande Valley proper, which continues along the southern course of the river with little interruption throughout the rest of the territory. From this {loint south, fruits and tenderer vegetables and plants are grown with ease, which fail no farther north than Santa Fe." &c. *I)r. Koanon has furnished me the following in regard to Santa ; : '-Average temperature i'or months of November and Decem- ber, 1871, and January and February, 1872, deduced from 270 obser- vations taken at 7 a. m., 12 in., niad 7 p. m. 39. Mean ol' 270 ob- servations (Barometric) reduced to freezing point 23, 25.937 Elevation 0,837. G7 feet. 72 MINES AND MININ<5, The destruction caused by the Texan invasion, in 1861 62 had a most disastrous effect upon this country. The invaders consumed its substance, caused the loss of al- most its entire mining capital, and much injured the agri- cultural interests. The Indians, seeing that the whites were at war, increased in boldness and compelled the abandonment of many mines and settlements. Before the late war two copper mines were extensively worked, the "Santa Rita" and the "Hanover," turning out about twelve tons of copper per week, and employing jointly, about five hundred hands. Other copper mines had been opened, or were about to commence operations* The mines in the placer mountain about thirty miles from Santa Fe, have in former years, been productive, also the "Ortiz" and "Cunningham" mines. Gold-bearing quartz, in this mountain, had been worked for a number of years before th,e war. When the Texans invaded ]N r ew Mexico there were about forty Americans at work in these mines, and in the run of the mill for twenty four h.ours they obtained about $750 worth of gold. There is also near these shafts a coal mine several feet in width, and a short distance therefrom an extensive deposit of magnetic iron. I have seen some fine specimens of gold from this mountain, which indicate its value. The silver mines on the west of this mountain are very rich and easily worked. With proper machinery, and a little energy these mines could be made very profit- able. At Pinos Altos some 300 miners were at work in placer roining, gold quartz, and silver mining, and this new dis- trict was bidding fair to be the first in richness on the frontier ; new lodes were bjein^discovered daily. after the war broke out the Indians combined to destroy the town of Pinos Altos. They made the assault in broad day, some 600 strong, and, having surprised the- population they charged through the town, and the in- habitants owe their salvation to a mountain howitzer. At San Jose a small force was engaged in quartz min- ing, several companies were organized to work in this district. At the commencement of the war a placer had been dis- covered in the Jicarilla Mountains in Lincoln county, some 300 miners, chiefly Mexicans, were at work and doing well. Other companies were about to com- mence operations on the silver- lodes of the "Organos"'' mountain?. The Stephenson company had shipped a lot of machinery and material to work extensively the Stephen- son, silver mines. These reached their destination the very we< k hostilities commenced>on the frontier. In 1862 a large number of persons entered the San Juan region on account of the gold excitement. (This country is claimed and roamed over by the Weminutche and Capote bands of Utah Indians.) They built a town on the Rio Las Animas, which they were compelled to aban- don, the houses now remaining unoccupied. Many of them returned to the settlements in a starving, condition, al- though gold and silver was found in the mountains, and on all the streams tributary to the San Juan river. This includes the mining operation previous to the rebellion, and these were at different points in New Mexico and Ari- zona. Other points have been prospected, and the pre- cious metals are known to exist in abundance throughout the whole mountain portion of this country. The Comnrssioner of the General Land Office, in his re- port for 1868 page 54, says ; ^ Valuable minerals are found in, every portion of N,ew, 74 Mexico. In numerous localities may now be seen shafts and drifts, the work of former generations, and the only monuments left of their energy, activity and industry, while the almost daily -discovery of new lodes of gold and silver-bearing quartz and auriferous placers indicate that mining operations in the future will be as productive as in the past, (as in the days of Montezuma and Cortes.) On page 162 he says : "New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, and Southern Califor- nia present an area of productive soil and genial climate that promises under the stimulus of railway communica- tion to attract and support a large industrial population. Both the agricultural and mineral resources of these re- gions are on a magnificent scale/' etc. A small appropriation was made by Congress for a geo- logical survey of Colorado and New Mexico, which was made by Dr. F. V. Hay den, United States geologist, and his assistants, but wh ; ch was, in consequence of the want of funds, necessarily brief and imperfect, yet in an exam- ination of only a few day spent in New Mexico, (no por- tion of which was given to the west side of the Rio Gran- de,) he reports the following "minerals of commercial valr ue." Lon Pyrites, Copper Pyrites Mostly auriferious, wide- ly distributed in veins over the flanks of the Rocky Moun- tains in New Mexico and in numerous lesser chains of granitic nnd metamorphic rocks. Malachite, green vitriol. Hue vitriol Principally from decompositions of 'the above wherever the .ores have been exposed to weathering* Widely distributed in veins over the flanks of the Rocky Mountains in New Mexico, and in numerous lesser chains of granitic and metamorphic rocks. ZincblcnJe, often argentiferous Sandia, &c I'd Galena, often argentiferous Maxwell's near Mora. Brittle Silver Maxwell's, near Mora. Fahlcrz Maxwell's near Mora. Specular Iron Ore Real Dolores, near Ortiz mine. Red and Brown Hematite Widely distributed ; Old Placer, &G. Magnetic Pyrites New Placer. Coal Raton mountains, Maxwell's, Real Dolores, 'j. Cenissitc Maxwell's. Anglesite Maxwell's . Native Gold Arroyo Hondo, Moreno, Brahm Lode, New Placer, &c. Native Silver Maxwell's Horn Silver M axwel 1's . Titanic Iron Ore Real Dolores. Smithsonite Sandia . Silver G lance Moreno, New and Old Placers. Light and dark rub ij sllcer Maxwell's. Spathic and Mica clous Iron Ores Real Doloras. Turquoise Cerrillos, between Santa, F6 and San Laza- ro mountains. Professor Hayden says in his report, page 130 : "The valuable ores abound almost everywhere in the granite and gneiss of the Rocky Mountains, and the eco- nomic question is not to find the material, but the capital and labor with which to work. That the country over which these investigations were made is replete with those minerals which by their decomposition are found by ex- perience to most enrich the soil, as it is with the before- mentioned minerals of commercial value. MINERALS. Gold is known to exist in over fifty different localities in this country. It and silver mnst have been known 76. and extensively mined by the Aztecs, as the presence of their old ruins is said to be an almost unfailing indication of mines. The Spaniards mined gold, silver, and cop- per in this region, and Jesuit priests more thoroughly prospected it than it has been since. They reported at nil points great riches, and the existence of all the pre- cious metals. At the Placer Mountain the Old and New Placer, quarts lodes have been opened since the war. At Moreno mines, at Ute Creek, and other tributaries of the Cimarron and Eed river, large deposits of gold have been discovered and worked. The Commissioner of the General Land Office, in his report of 1868, page 54, says : There has recently been received at this office a speci- men of ore, consisting of a silicious deposit of exceedingly loose texture, through which are interspersed fibers of pure gold, some oi which exceed two inches in length. It is claimed that an assay (made at the Denver mint) of a specimen of this ore, in which no gold was visible to the eye, yielded at the rate of $19,000 to the ton. The locality in which this specimen was obtained is on the headwaters of the creek, a branch of Cimarron river, and the existence of the deposit was hitherto unsuspected. Several years ago gold was discovered at Arroyo Hondo, Taos county, and the * Arroyo Hondo Mining and Ditch Company" organized. Since then gold has been found in paying quantities at Carson's Gulch, Stewart's Gulch, Prospect Gulch, Seymour Gulch, Good-luck Gulch, Quien Sabe Gulch, and California Gulch, formerly called "Canada de la Pluma," the King William gold lode, and the Henk gold lode. The gold found in the gulches-is shot-gold mostly. Th& specimens from the lodes are rich quartz^ and the gpltJ -7T can be distinguished with the naked eye. This whole section is evidently abounding in gold. At Pinos Altos, quartz gold-mining received considera- ble attention. Thirty lodes were discovered, paying from forty to two hundred dollars per ton. The richest of these was the "Maston lode/' called after two brothers. In this district thirty lodes of gold quartz were work- ed, ten of silver or a combination of silver and gold, and three of copper. There has been picked up in one day in a gulch at Pinos Altos ores of gold, silver, lead, zinc, mag* netic iron, and plumbago. Gold in quartz and fine placer gold have been found on the headwaters of the Rio de Las Animas, and placer gold on nearly ail the steams tributary to the San Juan river, also on the Chama river. The country watered by the San Pedro, Rio Las Animas, Rio Los Pinos, Rio La Plata, Rio Dolores, Rio Mancos, Rio Pedro, Rio Nutra, San Juan, and Navajo river, is occupied and claimed b}' 'the Wemenutche and Capote bands of Utahs, who refuse 'to allow any settlers or miners in their country. They permitted me to spend a month in their country in the summer of 1868. And twice since have I visited that region and explored it to a considerable extent ; its scenery, past- oral, agricultural and mineral resources exceed any thing I have seen in any portion of New Mexico and from my observations I am fully satisfied that there is not a richer country for the same extent on this continent. If these Indians could be induced to go to the agency on their re- servation in Colorado, northeast of the San Juan mount- ains, (which they refuse to do,) that country could be developed, and would sustain a large agricultural, pas- toral and mining population. placer mining was quite successful before the war 78 near Fort Stanton, Lincoln county. It has been found in seven localities in the Sacramento mountains. At the "San Jose Mines," in the Sierra Madre, gold ijunrtz was extensively mined by the Spaniards, and afterwards by the Mexicans, The quartz veins here iri.- tersect each other in all directions, forming a net work of veins for one mile in width and three miles in length. The surface ia dotted with shafts. On the San Francisco river, west of the Gila, in Ari- zona, gold, silver, copper, and quicksilver have been found ; gold prospected in the bed of the stream from one cent to one dollar per pan. In 1863 I met old Cap- tain Walker, ("the California miner,") with a party, on the Gila river. He had explored that country, but was driven out by the Indians. He reported rich gold depo- sits. I obtained specimens of the gold found by his party on this stream, and which are very fine, some of which are in the cabinet of tho General Land Office. This is the place where the Indians procured the gold to make the bullets which F. X. Aubury reported he fouud among the Indians, some of which were placed in the Smithson- ian Institution, and others in the mineral cabinet of the General Land Office. Gold placers are found through- out the mountains at the head of this stream, but water is scarce. On the Mimbres river, or, rather, in the vicinity of that stream, is an extensive placer. The Mexicans form- erly worked it, carrying the dirt to the water. A canal, a few miles in length at this point, I believe, would deve- lop an extraordinary rich gold deposit. Silver is the prominent and most abundant mineral of these Territories, and the lodes ot silver, with its many combinations, are the most numerous. I think it will be the most profitable branch of mining in the Hocky mount- 79 ain region. It would be too tedious to specify the differ- ent localities where silver has been found, as these locali- ties would be numberless, including almost every mount- ain chain in the Territories- The principal districts known nre the Placer mountains, near Santa Fe ; the Ute Creek mountains, near Maxwell's ; the Organ mountains near the Mesilla valley ; the Arroyo Hondo mining region in Taos county; the San Juan Mountains, specially at the head waters of Rio Dolores and Rio La Plata, (silver river) which are west on the Utah Indian reservation, arc extremely rich in silver. Vast deposits of ''Smithsonite" are found at this point. The Organ mountains are ex- tremely rich in silver. Over fifty mines have been dis-- covered, the ore being generally argentiferous galena, admitting of simple reduction by smelting the, mines paying from $40 to 200 per ton. The district near Mesilla valley, in the Organas mount- ains has a mean altitude of 4,400 feet and is intersected with ravines affording most favorable opportunities for horizontal drifts in opening the veins. There is a belt or series of veins containing six principal veins varying from two to fifteen feet in width. On the largest of these veins is the celebrated "Stephenson mine." This belt of veins crosses the Organas at or near the San Augustine pass, and both sides of the chain of mountains present similar features and equal richness. The country bordering on the north portion of Chihua- hua is a rich silver district. Just over our line are the mines of "Corralitos," the most succesful mines in the State of Chihuahua. It has been mined for nearly fifty years. Its productiveness has overcome all obstacles, and it has employed annually several hundred hands. Near the old town of El Paso tradition places the locality of one of the richest silver mines known to the 80 Spaniards. Its site has been lost since the expulsion of the Jesuits, It is said that the Jesuits of Northern Mexico, were the last to suffer the decree of expulsion and had sufficient notice of the edict and carefully cover- ed up the traces of the mining. In this way the loc- alities of many of the richest mines of New Mexico and Arizona have been lost. West from the Mesilla valley, and the old towns of La Mesilla and Las Cruces, is located Silver City. In 1863 I visited its location, and explored the region of the Gila river ; at that time there was not a house where now stands the town. Now there is a large town many good houses four large two story brick stores, streets wide and regular, numerous families, women and children. In May 1870 the mines were discovered here, and since that time/the town has sprung up and several mills are now in operation and nearly all the houses have been bee;~; built by the products of the mines, and the improvements made here, have been paid for with the silver taken from the mines in this locality. One year ago I again visited that locality, and obtained specimens from over sixty mines and lodss which are in the cabinets of the Agricultural Department, the General Land Office and the Smithso- nian Institution, at Washington. One lode called "The Two Ikes," is a curiosity, being an immense bed of slate with horizontal layers , the seams filled with silver of the class called "horn." Between' the layers of slate are sheets of this "horn silver" as thick as tissue paper. I cannot attempt to describe the various quartz lodes in this section they are too numerous, and are of two classes, one suitable for smelting, and the other for crushing and amalgamation. There appears to be a deficiency of lead in the ore for smelting, which is not the case with the ores from the mines in Sccorro county, and in the Organ moun* tains of Dona Ana county. I have'in my cabinet a spe- cimen of considerable size sent to me by A. H. More* head, Esq., of Dona Ana county and which contains 60 per cent, of lead and 20 per cent, of Silver, and is abun- dant in that mountain. 1 quote the following from the report of F. Sturenburg, metallurgist, in reference to Grant' county, New Mexico, as furnished to the Surveyor General of New Mexico and included in the report of the Commissioner <5f the General Land Office for the year 871, page '153, etc: "GRANT COUNTY, NEW MEXICO." *The&e mines, situate very near to the dividin-g line* between New Mexico and Arizona and New Mexico and Chihuahua, form a direct link in the great mineral belt extending from Alaska down to Central America. It may from this fact, be assumed that the mineral veins are most probably irue fissure-veins ; another favorable indi- cation in this regard is to be found in the, great variety of minerals found in this district, hardly any of the use- ful or precious metals is missing and all are represented in really marvelously rich ores-. The district proper -is encompassed within a circle of about twelve miles diameter, the gold, silver, and iron mines of Pinos Altos fbrming the center. Of these mines I have already given a short description, which was embodied in the report of the commissioner on mines for 1870, and I shall therefore not now refer to them. Seven miles "northeast thence lie the Hanover -copper mines, six miles east the San Jose and Santa Rita cop- per atid lead mines, and seven miles west of the Silver Flats 'and Chloride silver mines. Toward the north the district has not yet been explored, on account of tbfe 'hostility of the Indians. 82 Before entering into a particular description of the- several mines, I deem it necessary to offer a few remarks- in regard to the geological structure and the formation- of the country. The mountain range in which these mines are located consists ol spurs aad, branches of the San Francisco and Mogollon ranges, .north.;* both attain- ing the snow altitudes. These latter ranges- are still terra incognita, the Apache Indians preventing fcfoeir be- ing thoroughly prospected $ ^yet so much has been as-- certained by stray prospecting parties that the country is extremely rich in miije^als, principally gold. Itywas in this neighborhood wheraa soldier belonging to a scouts ing party under the command of the renowned Indian fight- er, Colonel.. Albert , H. Pfeiifer, companion of the late Kit Carson,, was shot by ,an Indian, and when the bul- let was extracted it was found to be ol gold ; trappers and escaped Iqdian prisoners also report that it is a general custom with the warriors of the, Cbyotero- Apa>- ches, wfcA Jive in- these regions, to ornament; thei* belt& with gold nuggets* Besides gold, these ranges contain very rich copper ores. I assayed myself- a-^ carbonate of copper frx>ci San Francisco Cano^i which gave $780 per ton silver., Northeast of these ranges lie the : mountain chains in,, which ^he Corona del Pueblo mines are located. I in- tend visiting this district shortly, and shall give a full description thereof. To the west of the Pinos A&03 mining district lie the Ralston silver mines, and further on the Apache .Pass gold mines- To the, south there is again .ao unexplored mountain range, very near or on the Mexican boundary line, Las R.qsaritas, .unquestionably rich,, to judge .from the float- 83 rock that comes from thence, but inaccessible on account of the redskins, and further south the Corralitos silver mines, at the present time profitably worked. I draw attention to the surroundings of these mines in order to show that the district is most favorably situated and even if the indications of violent volcanic action are to be found almost through the entire district, I can only come to the conclusion that these eruptions took place long after the original formation of the metal- bearing fissure-veins. Future experience must prove the* correctness of these supposition, since until now none of : these- mines have been sufficiently prospected; yet not- only the geo- graphical position, but also the general* character of the country rock, each point to a true mineral formation and fissure-veins. Geology discloses a grand picture in these regions. The immense blocks of fiae-grained granite, and the nu- merous fragments of basaltic rock, place the genesis of the country into the tertiary period ; but not during that period the mineral deposits were formed, because the caps of the veins carry rock of Silurian and Jura formations. Before any material changes could have taken place, and even before nature had covered the surface < with its botanical ornaments to any extent, this solitary ^ island im the ante- diluvial sea was again submerged, (proofs;, s absence of fossils in the lower strata,) 'but was resurrected -from the slumber conglo- merate breaks - through and overlies tbe< Jurassic lime- rock numerous petrifi cations< the latter stone of shell? 84 and mollusk and argilaceous sand are proofs of a long period of inundation. Neptunic influence however, had no considerable share in the formation of the present country ; sedimentary deposits are few to be found ; the bed-rock is encounter- ed at depth seldom exceeding 5 to 7 feet. That the re-elevation of the continent must have been sudden and violent, is proved by the absence of the pec- uliar lines and streaks traced on the mountain sides of the slowly receding waves-; neither are they to be found in the remarkable table rocks or pyramids, generally en- countered in other parts of New Mexico, Where water has had sufficient time to trace its marks : none of the horizontal table mountains, standing down in straight lines at angles of 45 ; no level plains of a thin layer of a de- composed tufa underlaid w?th coarse gravel ; in fact, none of these unmistakable proofs of long aquatic action, such as New Mexico most particularly offers in so many in- stances. Most probably at that time the mineral-bearing veins were formed, after which the 'Country remained undis- turbed far a long period, during which the decomposed rock, by the air and water, had time to be washed over the veins and so cover them ; in Pinos Altos the main lead from which most of the wash-gold came has not been discovered yet on that account. During this period the continent must have continued to be elevated but slowly and imperceptibly, the same as it is rising yet this very moment 1 : proof "for such is found in the traditions of the inhabitants in regard to rivers which are now quite dry, to springs arnd wells having become dry. -and many other signs of decrease of surface waters. But 'before the country assumed its present aspect, it had to undergo another convulsion ^ volcanic action shat- 85 tered and broke up some of the veins, reduced their min- erals to a fiery fluid mass, and poured the same, with lava and cinders, over the surface. Such is the case- at the Hannover mine. Most of the copper is found in a metallic state, imbedded in scon i and tufa,, and only traces of the former vein , carrying mostly black sulphur- ets, the same as the Santa Rita, have remained. The Han- nover is, strictly speaking, no vein lode, .but a deposit covering an area of some three square mites. > The same must have happened* in Lone Mountain and Chloride dis- tricts, where the rich chlorides have filled up crevasses and seams. Pinos Altos-seems to have escaped this diV turbance, since there are no traces to be found there of late volaanic activity. It is, strictly speaking, also a dif- ferent formation, since nowhere else iron-stone appears in such heavy masses, which also accounts for the presence of gold, of which there is no-trace to-be foand in the sur- rounding districts. Silver Flat district afeo shows signs of 'volcank> disturb- ance, but very different from the neighboring mines. Here a ferruginous conglomerate or tufa forms the cap of all the veins, in fact cavers the surface of the entire dis- trict; and as> this district is nearest to Binos Altos, it is probable that the volcanic hearth whence that cover of lava was spread was situated within tha iron- belt surrounding Pinos Altos. As regards the continuity of these mines j- no correct idea can be formed as yet ; still, I am disposed to favor this view ; but I believe but few of the actual true fi&sure- veins have as yet been discovered. Chloride district lies at the foot of higher mountains-, which* have noS as yet been prospected, on account of the danger of Indians, but these, in my opinion, are the many ledges whence these deposits of .rich, chlorides came. 86 The Ralston mines, about sixty miles southwest from Silver Flat, and strictly speaking, forming quite a se- parate district, show also different formation and struc- ture. Here copper carbonate tufa, and most probable sulphate copper further -below, forms the matrix of the ore, and the contents in silver are small. 'None of these ores exceeded $30 per ton. On the other hand, the district offer advantages over the others in the enormous masses of ore it will be able to produce, provided the vains prove themselves to be fissure-reins. Although apparently they bear all indications of permanency, still I would not vouch for it. The volcanic or possibly plutonic con- glomerate in which they run is too unreliable. There is no trace of syenite or trap-rock. I consider it of vital importance for this district that one of the shafts should be sunk to about 50 or sixty feet ; then only can the true character of the formation be ascertained. After having given a general geological and geognostic outline of this mineral region, I now propose to give a detailed description ot these districts Silver Flat, Chlo- ride, Lone Mountain and Ralston. Finos Altos I have already described, as stated, and the Hanover, San Jose, and Santa Rita copper mines have been treated upon in every-pamphlet or report on the mines of this country, and I particularly refer to the able and correct report of Messrs. Owens and Cox, as contained in the pamphlet published by Hon. C. P. Clever, when Delegate in Wash- ington. That report is elaborate : &nd entirely reliable, and I coincide with the complete persuasion, in the opin- ion of the gentlemen, that the Hanover is the richest min- eral deposit ever discovered in New Mexico. SILVER FTAT DISTRICT is situate in a low foot-hill, embracing an area of about ' two squnre miles ; a great many claims are located here, but with veiy little .judgment and practical knowledge ; in most cases the r ferruginous tuf ay selling tip crevasses and pockets, was located^aa a silver-bearing lode. There are, however, a few apparently'good leads, although no defi- nite opinion can be arrived at, since none of them have been sufficiently opened. I examined myself the follow- ing, viz : Sample No. 1. Robert E. *Lee ; v vein not yet well de- fined ; ore still mixed up with* ferruginous cap,- at the 'bottom of a 30 -foot shaft the ; gray ^sulphurete of silver come in. Sample N--O. 2.^~LegaI Tender; shaft 32 feet deep ; goes through the esp, and shows now 3 feet of gray sul- phuret. Sample ''No. 3. -Turin No. 2 ; shaft only 10 feet deep ; ope-ned at the side of a steep hill; shows very light cap, ; and carries rich chlorides. I- do not consider it a vein as yet. Sample No. 4. Giant ; I f O-foot shaft ; light cap ; tol- erably well -denned lead; no pure ore as yet. These leads run all parallel, arid are separated by spaces of 50 to 100 feet; direction northwest and southeast; dip nearly vertical. Sample No. 5. New Issue ; ''-5 -foot shaft ; shows wide lead and rich ore ? but cannot as yet be relied upon. Sample No.<'-6-. Minnehaha ; 20-foot shaft; irregular ledge, but good ore ; light cap. These two leads are cross leads, and run almost due west and east, crossing the above four leads. Sample ;; No. 7. Last Chacce ; abo-fct a mile off the above ; shaft 10-feet ; wide, irrregular ledge ; ore of very reduction ; chlorides. as Sample No. 8. Ecuador; shaft five feet deep; n& regular vein ; probably only a crevasse filling. Sample No. 9. Average ore- from deepest shaft, (Le- gal Tender,) and probably the one which will predomi- nate in all leads i this district. I am inclined to believs that a large deposit of this kind -of ore will ba found un- derlying the largest portion of this CHLORIDE DISTRICT. There are also in this district located > a, great-many claims, of 'doubtful nature; no shaft has as- yet been sunk exceeding 5 feet, and the mines are in fact not prospected yet; .the character of the ore is almost the same, with. -the exception of the Green Mountain lead, which carries a good deal of carbonate of -copper ; all others, as Gran Tesorero, Hidden Treasure, Seneca, Gran Quevira, Sher- man, etc., brave, until now; furnished nothing but chlo- ride ; all are irregular, and in ray opinion, crevasse fill- ings ; the entire hill , embracing an are of about three square miles, is literally covered with the same ore, and 400 to 500 ton& of it could easily be mined. Sample No. 10. Is first-class ore, two tons of which were reduced and produced at the rate of about $160 per ton ; about one-sixth part of the general ore is of this class. Sample No* 11. Average second and third class ore. ;r COPPER has beeo found in almost every portion of New Mexico . and Arizona. On the, Sar> Fr'anesico river, in JReloncillos range of mountain's, at the Nacimiento, in the San Juan Utah country ; in the Apache regions of Arizona, and in great richness in Sierra Madre. On the spurs of the Sier- ?a Madre, known a the copper mountains, there is a mul- tiplicity of veins. One vein ia this mp,uatain was traced , -89 fey a mining engineer, riding over the vein on horseback for eight miles. In one place, at least, it is- literally, a mountain of copper, a shaft having been sunk 125 tra^, verse of the lode> but failed in determining its. width. Tea mines have been discovered, two have been worked. One . of these "The Santa Rita del Cobre," the title of which ; is derived from the King of Spain, has beep mined at r intervals for over one hundred and thirty years. The other 'The Hanover mine" has been very extensively worked for a few years before the war ; it was- opened in 18J>9. In the abstract of the Census .Bepqr ; t of 1860, page 173, New Mexico is placed second of all districts in the value of its copper yield, the yield for th$ year ending June 30,, 1860, being 640 tons,, of the value of $415,000., This was the product of the two mines before mentioned. This copper district is surrounded by, every facility for success- ful mining. There is a sufficiency of water, an abundance of timber pine, oak, cedar and piupn while to the south the plains present as fine pasturage as exists in the United States, In the same range of mountains are found many other precious and useful, metals ; w.hile at a convenient distance are large and fertile valleys, which can furnish, the supplies of flour and grain necessary for the operatives. The copper is of peculiar richness, the ore averaging 35 , per cent, of copper, while the metal is offeen found pure ; the veins are wide, easily worked, the ore loose and easily mined, and theje is no alloy, and the reduction of the ore is a simple smelt. The copper on reaching market com- manded the highest price, from the fact that it is the most maleable and ductile, copper known to commerce. In 1860 the cost of mining a pound of ore was about r eight cents, cost of freight to European markgt ten cents profit four or five cents a pound and exchange. Peace, that is a substantial peace with the Indians such.; 90 as 'President Grant is now inagurating woiild probably Teduce the cost of mining a pound of orei to five cents, and a railroad to the Missouri river and the eastern cities would reduce freight to Europe to seven cents, leaving an extraordinary margin of prdGt. The Hanover and Santa ; Rita mines at the commence- ment of the rebellion were yielding several tons of copper per week, and employed about five hundred hands. At the commencement of the war the rebels obtained some 300,000 pounds of copper from the mines, which was at Port Lavaca awaiting shipment or in transitu. They established two cannon foundries with capacity, it is said, of two pieces per week. They confiscated that which belonged to the owners, who were loya! r to : the 'CFnion, and paid twenty-seven cents per pound for the portion which belonged to friends of the Confederate Govern- ' ment. The abandonment of the Federal posts on the frontiers led to the most immediate abandonment of the copper mines. The Indians murdered many of the employes, the machinery was stolen or destroyed, and most complete devastation effected. Iron Ore has been found in various forms in gulches of the eastern slopes of the Sierra Madre, at the Placer mountains, Raton Range, Pinos Altos, San Jose, and the copper mines,. Lead is found in almost every combination. A remark- able vein is : found at the foot of the Sierra de los Cobres, three' feet wide, of nearly pure lead. The Indians have for tf long time obtained their supplies of lead from this vein,- smelting it in the vicinity. The ore contains a small portion 6f eilver. A. similar vein of lead, about five feet Li -width, is located west of the Utah reservation, on-the Rio Dolores. These Indians believe it to be silver , ; *but I am satisfied that it is almost pure lead. Salt occurs in many places in New Mexico ait'd^ Ari- zona, often mixed with alkali and also pure io lakes. One vein is in the neighborhood of Fort Stanton. The evaporation in the salt lakes makes ^an annual deposit of salt several inches in thickness, coarse, strong, aiM of the best quality. It has often been taken to the city of Chihuahua for sale, as-the salt of that State is 5 inferior, being rrtixed with alkali. The principal lakes fere in the valley between the Organos and Sacramento mountains ; one lake on the Texas line, and the best one sixty miles northward. Goat has been foudd in various parts of the Territory a&d in considerable quantities and of good quality. As to quality, &c., see report of Professor F. V. Hayden, United States Geologist, page 123. MINERALS AND SHINES . Minerals of any kind occuring along the'iines of rail- roads must obviously -attract more attention and possess a greater relative value, than those found at a greater dis- tance from the lines of through 'traffic. It is a notewor- thy fact, that a number of the richest mineral districts of New Mexico are situated upon the most practicable routes for the main lines of railways that are rapidly approach- ing this Territory. This is particularly the case with the Pyramid Range District, situated in the southwestern por- tion of New Mexico, on the line of the Texas Pacific Railroad, and with that rich storehouse of various classes of minerals embraced by Los Gerillos, the valley of the Galiateo, the Old and New Placer mountains and the San- dia mountains. .The Pyramid Range District received a fearful 92 ^ soon after its discovery from the attempt made by Oalf- fornia speculator to rush thousands of feet of lodes upon the market, which were entirely unexplored and to which they had no title whatever. However, enough has been done in this district to prove beyond a doubt the existence of mines of great richness and extent.. With the railroad passing immediately by these mines, it is safe to say that there are few if any places in the world where larger re- turns can be derived upon tha capital necessary to their proper working. The second region spoken of above lies in the countres of Santa Fe and Bernaliilo and is traversed by the line or the Atlantic and Pacific railroad as located. The description of the following mines situated in Los Gerrillos, at a distance of from one to three miles from the railroad line, I take from Professor Raymonds report for 1870. The investigations were made by Professor Bruckner, a metallurgist and mining engineer of wide repute. ' SANTA ROSA, discovered forty years ago by Alvara- do, is situated in a small valley surrounded by hills. The inclined shaft 50 feet deep, but mostly caved in. The lode is six feet wide, strikes north 23 East and dips 80 northwest. The walls are granite and encase argentifer- ous .galena, zincblend, iron and -copper, pyrites ia a gan- gue of hard quartz," Since the above report this mine has been reopened t>y a verticl shaft, and-theoreis being reduced in a furnace situated upon the Galisteo. The bullion thus fat pro- duced has averaged 41 65 50 per ton in silver. Mina Ruclena. The lode consists of two layers on the surface, one of whieh is feet, the other one foot wid6 It crosses the stratification of the country rock, (granite) strikes north 15 east,- and dips 80- south-west. The ore 93 consists of galena, zincblende, iron and copper pyrites^ and the products of decomposition of these ores, all in a gangue of quartz and partly decomposed feldspar. The inclined shaft on this vein is 120 feet deep. Mina del Tiro is situate on the east side of the Cerrillos in the Canada de las Minas. An incline 150 feet and a vertical shaft 100 feet deep, connect with extensive mon- tones (drifts) of over 300 feet in length and with many chambers. All are filled with water. The remains of an old canoe which was used for crossing water in the mine, are still there. These excavations were made by the Jesuits,* probably before 1680, and the expense has been estimat- ed at $100,000. Silver ore is visible in large quantities. It consists of the same minerals as described in the above named mines, but zinc-blende is so predominant that the ore was found refractory in smelting. The proper way to work it would be by chloridizing, roasting and amalga- mation. Salt for this purpose can be had in large quan- titiesat the salt lakes south of Santa Fe. Many other mines and silver lodes were visited, but the former were too much caved in, the latter too little open- ed to admit of anything like reliable description. It may be mentioned, however, in this connection, that an assay of a specimen of very coars-e galena from the last mentioned veins gave a result of 76 per cent, of lead, and $42 75 silver per ton. Professor Raymond, in speaking of this locality says : "The Cerrillos, 17 miles southwest of Santa Fe, contain many silver bearing lodes, which have never been de- scribed, although they are well worth it. They are situate on an old Spanish grant belonging to the Baca y Delgado family. f The Cerrillos are a series of low undulating *This by history should be the Franciscan Friars and not the Jesuits. fThis grant has since been surveyed as public lands and sold by govornmect, to citizeas who are now working the mines. 94 hills, about six ni+les long and three miles wide, and gist mostly of granite rocks> ;a few of them of volcanic origin. From a cone made -up nf bassaltic lava near Martin's ranch, a splendid view of the Old and New Pla- cer Mountains in the southeast, the Bernalillo in the southwest, Santa Fein th north, and Jemez Range in the west, is spread before the visitor, crest for a D5-. considerable distance. It strikes northwest and soutii- east, and dips about 35 to the southwest. It is large and well defined and carries copper, lead, silver and gold ores. The first named is predominant. The open-r- ings, so far, are inconsiderable, the deepest shaft being- less than 30 feet. The Chavez,: south of the Washington, on th&.8utn*, mit of the range r . has nearly the same strike and dip,., and appears to be its extension. It is a contact vein. between the limestone and sandstone, and .carries the same ores as the Washington ; the lead ores^. however,, predominate. The Santa Ji&i&na, at the base of -vth western slope of the mountain, has the same, strike and dip as th Chavez. It is a , very large vein, .from 10 to 20 feet wide, and has been traced on the surface for a very long distance. It contains, principally, carbonates of lead ; besides this, copper? .silver, gold. The gangue is im- pregnated throughout with mineral -, .^and the vein is un- doubtedly capable of producing . extraordinarily large . amounts-rof ore when properly opened. Good pine tim- ber aad plenty of water are close at hand on every side and the adjacent plains are covered with a luxuriant growth of gramma grass. The HMell is located in a small range of low, grassy hills, about seven miles northwest of the. Santa Juliana. It strikes northwest and southeast, and stands nearly ver- tical. The vein is small, but its very straight course can be traced on the surface far a longdistance. The ores seem to be formed by the decomposition of fahlerz, and consist of carbonates of copper, chloride, of .silver, &c. They are very rich." The occurrence of anthracite coal in workable beds in-; &he westera Territories near the gold and silver districts -96 Is of such great importarl'ce 'that a shtfft description of the anthracite mines between the Old Placer mountains and the Cerillos, occurring as they do, in connection with car- bonate of iron and hematite, and having numerous veins of rich magnetic iron ore, within a few miles of them, cannot fail to command the attention of the intelligent reader. The out-croppings of coal in the district refer- red to were 'first exposed in the Center of the little branch- es that run 'into the Galisleo. The first one is about four miles south of the Galisteo. The following section of the strata was taken ascending : 1. Laminated clay, with thin seams of sand passing Up into carbonaceous clay as a floor for coal. 2. Anthracite 5 to 6 feet. 3. Drab clay, indurated, 15 to 29 feet. 4. Ferruginous sandstone, passing up into a light grayish sandstone 30 to 50 feet. The mine is opened by a tunnel 90 feet in length ; the dip is 15 to the east ; this coal contains 88 per cent, of fixed carbon. In another locality the coal is opened by three tunnels, two twenty-five feet long and one forty feet long, and has a thickness of four feet of anthracite. The coal from this mine contains 87.5 per cent, of fixed car- bon, and when burning shows only the short blue flame of carbonic o'xide. This coal has been in use in driving the engine of the Ne"w Mexico Mining Company's stamp mill. A hundred pounds brought to Santa Fe was used by Mr. Bruckner in his assaying furnace, in order to test the heating power practically. He found that a white feeat was reached in a very short time, and that this heat lasted about three times as long as that produced by an equal weight of charcoal. As the material does not coke ki the least, it is evident from this test that it is perfectly adapted to use in blast -fur-Races, though i-t will require a 97 higher pressure of blast on account of its density, than charcoal or coke. As far as its application for all prac- tical purposes is concerned, it is undoubtedly fully equal to Pennsylvania anthracite and really the best fuel discov- ered so far in the West. Between these two mines exists a bed of excellent fire- clay. It has been thoroughly tested and proved to be fully adapted as fire-proof material for furnaces. Coal banks have been opened at a number of points to the north of the above mines and the proof is conclu- sive that it exists in large quantities. Between the clay and the following sandstone stratum beds of iron ore are found. Both carbonate and hematite are present. Ores of this kind, as well as veins of magnetic iron of great purity abound in this vicinity. The existense of mines of gold and silver, of lead, zinc, copper and antimony, and of the different ores of iron in almost immediate connection with deposits of anthra- cite coal, snd fireproof material, indicates at once the valleys of the Galisteo and Santa Fe, as points which have all the natural requirements to guarantee the erection upon a large scale of metallurgical works and machine shops for railroads, etc. Saltpeter is very common but rarely pure. At one place near the Mexican line it is found pure near a spring where regular deposits are made upon the clay from which it is gathered in considerable quantities by the Mexicans. The State Government of Chihuahua re- gulates by law its collection and prohibits its exportation. Gypsum beds are very common, and this valuable fer- tilizer abounds in many portions of this country. The natives never manure their lands, and the only use they make of gypsum is to burn it and use in place of lime. Plumbago has been found in many localities. 98 Zinc, in the Sierra Madre, Sandia mountains, and ir: San Juan country. Quicksilver, virgin and e'nabar, on the San Francisco- river. Old Spanish books give "theMogollon mountains as the place csnabar is found." MINERAL SPRINGS and hot springs are found in almost every portion of this country. On the San Juan river, near the eartern line of the Utah reservation, is the, Pagosa Springs; the main spring 1 measured and found k to be 160 yards in circumference, its depth, I had no means of ascertain- ing. The water was so hot that it cooked meat in a few minutes. Similar springs are at Las Vegas, near Taos, Ojo Caliente, Jemez, near Farts, MxiKae and Selden ; on the estate of "the United States land and improve- ment company/' is located the famous hot spring del Caballo or Ojos Calientes, (see page 20 of this pamphlet.) In Socorro county near the to\vn of Socorro is situated a valuable, mineral spring; also near the Mimbres river and at various other points, The curative qualitities of these springs have long been known, and they will not fail to become places of general resort when a railroad shall furnish facilities for reaching them. In the eouutry watered by the San Juan river and Colorado Chiquito, are found great quantities and of various sizes of bqautiful garnets, also a stone resemb- ling the emerald. Moss agate, and various curipus and interesting petrefactions, are found west of. the Rio Grande river. But in my judgment they are of but littlje value, and nothing that I have seen will in my opinion justify "the diamond excitement," aad the ex- pense of a search for precious stone in that region , specimens of these stones I have in my cabinet, but I do not believe, them to be of much value. Further details as to the locality of mines and min- eral deposits, &c., in this Territory, would probably be tedious, while to a few it would be interesting. I therefore conclude this branch of the resources of our Eocky Mountain country, and give my atention briefly to the subject of agriculture and manufactures which isr of very great interest to our people. AGRICULTURE &c. In the foregoing pages we have shown that the arable land of a large portion of this country is admirably adapted to agriculture and to the culture of the grape. This is especially true of the valleys of the Rio Grande. Those experienced in the cultivation of the' vine represent that all the conditions of the soil humidity and tempera- ture are united in these regions to produce the 7 grape in the greatest perfection. The soil, composed of the disintegrated matter of the older rock* and . volcanic- ashes, is light, porous, and rich. The frosts in the winter are just sufficiently severe to destroy the insects without injuring the; plant, and the rain seldom falls in the season when the pl&n&< is flowering, or when the fruit is coming into, maturity, and liable to rot from exposure to humidity. As a consequence of these condition of things the frftit, when ripe, has a thin skin, scarsely any pulp, and is devoid of the musky taste usual with Amer- ican grapes. Mr. William who was sent to this country as an agent of the Interior Department to investigate the grape and procure seeds and cutting styles this country "the Eden of the Grape," and speaks as follows of the yield in the El Paso valley, where it has been cultivated for more than one hundred years. He says: "The estimate is from two hundred and fifty to three hundred gallons of 100 wine to the acre, but with American skill in the man- agement of the vineyards, and American appliances in making wine, the product muat be more than doubled." This district of country grows many varieties of fruits although no attention has been paid of scientific character. Apples, peaches, pears, quinces, and apricots produce well, and all sorts of vegetables can be cultivated. It is equally well adapted to the culture of grain, though in this, as well as in all other branches of agricul- ture, no science is manifested by the natives ; they are in this respect a hundred years behind age and tenaciously adhere t<> old customs and prejudices, and have not adopted the modern improvements. They scarsely ever fence their lands, herding their stock instead of protecting their fields ; know but little about rotation of crops ; plow with oxen, the yoke fastened to the horns, and a wooden plow attached of the time of Joseph. American farmers would double the yield of these rich valleys. Even under the rude culture that the natives bestow the crops are fine The favorite variety of wheat was brought from Sonora ; it is a white, plump, small grain, beardless and short etalk, weighing about sixty-eight pounds to the bushel, and makes a beautiful flour. Samples of this wheat I have in my office from various localities in New Mexico which demonstrate this to be as good a country for the production of wheat as any portion of this continent. Corn is raised to some extent barley, oats sorghum, and broom corn have lately been introduced, and do well. Potatoes do not grow in the Rio Grande valley, but fine crops are raised in the mountain volleys. Beans do well ; they are to the native what the potato- is to the Irish. The valley of the Rio Grande produces the finest onions, a well attended crop will often produce a pound to the onion. 101 The . report of the commisioner of the General Land Office, page 53, for 1868, says : Grass abounds in every portion of this territory, and even in the forests grows luxuriantly the entire year. At great altitudes this grass is in winter-time covered with anow, though not deadened to the ground, for, as soon as the snow melts, it affords excellent grazing upon the mesas, (table lands,) and through the valleys grows the justly celebrated gramma grass, which is cured as it stands, afford abundant food for flocks and herds through- out the winter. ******* The facilities and cheapness of raising sheep and goats applies equally well to the raising of horses and cattle, and, when fully protected from Indian depredations, and convenient transportation is afforded to the'markets of the east by the construction of railroads, the hills and mount- ains will be literally covered with flocks and herds. Professor Hayden in his report for 1870 says : " WESTERN NEW MEXICO. " ct Although this is not embraced in the Rio Grande district, it is perhaps best to add here wjiat few items I laave obtained in in regard to its agricultural capacity. The Rio San Juan, a tributary of the Colorado of the West, although rising in the San Juan Mountains of Col- orado Territory, bends south and traverses the northwest portion of New Mexico, where it receives a number of affluents.. Colonel McClure and Governor Arny inform m that these valleys afford a considerable breadth o very rich land, which can be irrigated, snd which will pro- duce fine crops of the cerieals, vegetables, and- fruits usu- ally grown in the Middle States. As this- area appears to be almost, if not entirely, unoccupied, it would present a good point for a colony." 102 The foregoing extract from the report of Professor Hay- den is in reference to a section of country on which to-day (Jan. 15th 1873) there is probably not a white man, ti it embraces an area of ninety miles long and about sixty miles wide (which includes a large extent of public land) and is claimed by insignificant bands of Weminutche and Capote Indians who number only Capotes 365 and Wsmenutches 650; total 1015, men, women and childre.1 (according to the report of the commissioner of Indian Affairs for the year 1871), and who claim nearly thirty- five millions of acres of land -, these Indians are roaming off their reservation and are preventing the settlement of the government lands contiguous to it. I allude here only to the south half of the Ute reservation which is the portion south of the Uncornpagre mountains, and the government lands adjoining to that reservation, all of which are claimed by these Utes. By the treaty of March 1868, the Wemenutches and Capotes are entitled to over twenty thousand acres of land for each head of a family ! ! ! ! ! with this they are not satisfied, but claim the government lands adjoining thereto. Let it be remembered that this is in the southwest corner of Colorado and in the north- east corner of New Mexico, and these Indians interfere with nothing east of the Rio Grande, and south of the Guinea Pass ; thousands of acres of land almost a hun- dred miles northwest of Santa Fe, remain unoccupied and its vast agricultural, pastoral and mineral resources re- main unpossessed and a benefit to no person because a few Ute Indians make claim to land that does not belong to them, and which they do not occupy. Last spring a company was organized composed of persons from Europe and citizens of New Mexico and named "THE FRONTIER COLONIZATION COMPANY," whose ben- evolent object was to place upon lands in this San Juan 103 region several thousand poor families from Europe and the eastern States who are now homeless, and for this purpose the company proposed to purchase from the gov- ernment, a portion of the land of this paradise of Amer- ica, situated over a hundred miles northwest of Santa Fe, and located where the Territories of Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico corner with each other. But "the dog in the manger" policy of the Indians prevented it. This region, the Italy of the United States, will some day be opened for settlement, it cannot be otherwise, and the Indians, unless they are compelled to remain on their reservation and induced to sell their unoccupied lands, will by the advancement of immigration be deprived of the lands they are entitled to by treaty, and receive nothing for it, they will become more impoverished than they are at present, unless the government compel them to remain on their reservation, and quit their interference with settlers on the government lands. The mines that have been dis- covered on the head waters of the Rio de Las Animas, on said reservation, and over ninety miles from where the Frontier. Colonization company proposed to locate their colony, have been taken by miners, and claims located, and unless the government interferes to arrange for the working of those mines by purchase of the land from the Indians ; the miners will insist upon holding their claims and the Indians who are now paupers with hundreds of thousands of acres of land will then be unavoidably pauper* without land, and dependent upon the government or rob- bers stealing from whom they can, Without the wise intervention of the government the Indians, citizens and miners will be involved in trouble. I, however thank kind Providence, that this may only be the case with the Utes in the northwest corner of New Mexico, while all 104 the rest of the vast and valuable territory of New Mexico will be free from the Indians; and even this portion will^ I trust, be opened by the prompt action of the govern- ment, and these Utes be compelled to remain on their own land, as may be determined by agreement, so that the land that is of no use to them may be made available by purchase and arrangements for settlement, the proceeds to be expended by the government for '-the civilizing., christianizing and making self sustaining" the Indians o that region, this will be just and humane and result in opening a section of country of great extent and value., make self-sustaining the few Indians who are now apeet to the settlements in New Mexico, and an expense to the government and furnish homes to thousands of homeless- families who are now living in poverty, and at the same time increase the revenues of the government. Professor Hayden further says, page 208 of-his report :. "The upper tributaries of the Puereo of the West, a branch of Flax River, are flanked by narrow belts of ara- ble lands, but as the water of this river sinks as it des- cends, it cannot be relied on for irrigating purposes. But near the mountains here, as alog the headwaters of the Zuni, crops ma^ be raised without irrigation, as the sup- ply of rain is said to be generally sufficient for this pur- pose. Even around Zuni, where an ample supply of wa- ter can be obtained from the Zuni River, there arc no ace* quias, the inhabitants relying on the rains to supply the neeessary moisture. There is probably some peculiarity connected with the local atmospheric currents here which collects the moisture, or causes its separation and fall. The evidences of a former quite numerous population,, which have served to render this classic ground, when we consider the fact that they are unaccompanied by the-re- saains of aqueducts ,. would indicate that formerly tko 105 amouut of rain was sufficient for agricultural purposes. The Rio Mimbres runs through a beautiful valley of moderate width and fertile soil, where all the productions of the Central States can be raised, and where even those things which belong to a more southern climate can be grown without difficulty. The Ri<> Gila, near where it leaves the Territory, hns- some good bottom lands, but farther north, towards the 1 Sierra Santa Rita , is pebbty and inferior. In regard to the valleys along its head-waters I know nothing." ****** THE CANADIAN SECTION. [See pages 211 and 12, Hayden's Report.] 'This section, in a strictly systematic arrangement would be included in the Arkansas rh'striet, to which it really be- long; but for convenience, and that the plan of my re- port of last year may remain unchanged, I describe it se- parately. It includes that part of New Mexico lying be- tween the Raton Mountains on the north and the Pecos section, or "Llano Estacado" on the south and southwest, and contains about fourteen thousand square miles. The amount of arable land in this section, as heretofore stated, is estimated at about four hundred square miles or nine hundred thousand acres. This estimate is made on very slender data, and therefore cannot be considered as very reliable, but I am satisfied that it is not too large, and I think it is approximately correct. The Canadian River, rising in ,the Raton Mountains,, runs southeast for about one hundred and fifty miles, to Fort Bascom, where it turns east, and passes out of the Territory, a pittle north of the thirty-fifth parallel its whole length within the limits of the Territory being about two hundred miles. Most of its tributaries of any import- ance in an agricultural point of view flow in from the west, 106 of which the following are the principal ones : Vermejo, Little Cimarron, Ocate, Rayado, (a branch of the Ocate) Mora, Rio Conchas, Pajarito Creek, and Tucumcari Creek." '" Startmg from the crest of the Raton Mountains im- mediately above the source of the Canadian River, after passing down through a dense forest of magnificent fire and pines, we enter a beautiful little valley covered over with a thick eward of luxuriant grass. Here a consider- able amount is annually cut for hay and taken to Trini- dad. But this valley soon terminates, and the little stream and road enter a rugged canon bordered by precipitous bluffs of gray sandstone, which continue to the plains at the base of the mountain. Here a grand panoramic view spreads out towards the south ; a broad, valley-like plain slopes southward as far as the vision will reach. Scarcely a tree or shrub is to be seen ; nli is one emooth, grassy. carpet, which, on the distant gentle slopes, looks more like pale, pea-green velvet than anything else to which I can compare it. Rising up from the broad base are two or three huge basaltic tables lifting their perfectly level surfaces one hundred and fifty feet or more into the air, and all clothed in the same velvety covering, but which fails to destroy the sharp outline of circular rim. The little stream, like a silvery thread, is seen winding its tortuous course along the gently descending plain, joined now and then by a slender rill flowing 'down from the mountain on the west, near which are the estates of thfe "consolidated land cattle raising and wool growing company," see page 2$ of this pamphlet. It is a mag- siificent pasture ground for sheep and Cattle, where thou- -.sands might be grazed and tended with but little trouble." -107 MANUFACTORIES. "There is no branch of industry that contributes more to the prosperity of a people than manufacturing. Its ben- eficial effects are felt throughout all the ramifications of society and fill a vacuum in the body politic that nfever can be filled in its absence. It furnishes the basis upon which the largest portion of the world's commerce ia founded. It populates large districts, gives life to the business of cities, whitens the seas with the sails of all * nations and administers to the comfort and convenience of the world. We in New Mexico depend entirely upon foreign mar- kets for the purchase of all the [manufactured article in use among us. Iron, nails, steel, leather, woolen fabrics, everything indeed, is bought away from home and trans- ported over the Plains when every one of the articles named could be economically manufactured here. In the present method of furnishing our markets with these supplies millions of dollars are drained from the Territory which never return and which go into the pockets of manufacturers in the States, The elements of manu- facturing success abound in "New Mexico. Our iron ore is uncommonly rich, coal abundant and labor cheap. There is not one article into the fabrication of which iron enters but what could be produced as cheaply in our Ter- ritory as it can in any other part of the United States. The same may be said of leather, of which article there is also a large amount consumed annually by nur people. Our forests abound with timber which yields a bark -of the best quality for tanning purposes. Thousands of hides are yearly thrown away as worthless. With these induce- ments before them it is strange to say that the people have neglected this branch of business entirely and have depended OB the States to get leather for the most ordin- 108 ary uses. The wool which our elieep would give for the manufacture of cloth is almost inexhaustable in quantity and could be bought for a moderate price. Capital applied to either or all of these branches ot manufacturing could not but produce large incomes to the capitalist and at the same time give an impetus to the ma- terial progress of the Territory that would be astonishing. I am fully persuaded that the absence of establishments of the kind mentioned is not attributable to a want of enterprise on the part of our people. In this respect they do not differ materially from the inhabitants of other por- tions of the country. But for reasons already mentioned, their pecuniary resources have been crippled to such a, degree tliat only small amounts of funds have been accu- mulated- by individuals in various districts of the Terri- tory^ and it has not been possible to aggregate them in quantities sufficiently laxge to meet expenses which must necessarily be incurred to put costly machinery in motion., Our wool was disposed of here a few years ago to my knowledge at from nothing up to 10 cents a fleece, the owners of the animals being glad to get the wool from* the sheep's back without trouble to themselves ; this wool, was transported across the plains to the States then* manufactured and probably returned here in cloth, cloth- ing and blankets to be sold with all the costs of transpor- tation, profits, labor etc. added. Other illustrations could be given but enough has been said to show that in this Territory we need such a system of education to develope the manufacturing facilities which we possess. Agriculture is the natural avocation of man, when he was created and placed in "the Garden of delights" he was told to cultivate it,, and so long as ho did so, and violated no law of his Creator he was happy, in his employment ; and if he fell and the earth was aa~ 109 cursed for his sake the sentenca was not against the em- ployment, but rather an argument in its favor; since in consequence of the curse it became indispensably neces- sary to pursue it. Tne same feelings, the same nature that before the fall rejoiced in the Pomegranate and the Date, that fed upon the luxury of rewarded labor, and the rich fruits of happy industry were still vouchsafed to him, and in the exercise of them, though there were dif- ficulties in the way, thorns and briars, still there was happiness. To satisfy the demands of our nature we must have farmers and mechanics, and to be happy in the employment they must be good farmers and mechan- ics. I know there is a vulgar prejudice against such callings and against labor in general, but it is truly a vulgar one; the noblest powers and the noblest men of all ages have given their suffrage in its favor. Kings and Emperors, Philosophers and Warriors, Senators and Statesmen all have paid homage to its interests, and lent their patronage, power and wisdom to push forward its progress. We have only to look back upon the historr of agriculture and mechanic arts to see, that they have not only been the best, the wisest and most honorable men that in all ages have been the prime movers in its advancement but also that it has been a great aid to al- most all. real civilization and substantial- national improve- ment. It would seem to be a work of supererogation to diecuss as a controverted question the great importance of agricultural, pastoral and mechanical pursuits to a a people like ours, and indeed, I do not feel justified on this occasion to enter into that detail of facts and argu- ment which could be arrayed in its favor, and which would make the balance sheet show in dollars and cents the enormous net profits that a judicious system of the culture of the soil, the establishment of manufactories 110 and improvement of the sheep, horses and cattiS'of this country would annually pour into the pocketa^of our people and of capitalists who would invest their money in this way. TR2SS ETC., The principal trees in the deep valleys are the cotton- wood a brash tree which will not make lumber, but is beautiful shade tree, and answers most of the requirements in building and fencing. Cattle eat the bark greedily. Willow, of which baskets, &c., are made by the Jicar- illa Apaches. Mezquite,or screw lean. This in the valleys of the Gila becomes a considerable tree ; the wood has a fine grain, and resembles the black walnut. It is very dura- ble wood makes an intense heat, more so than any with '< which we are acquainted. These trees emit vast quantities of a gum resembling and possessing similar qualities to the gum arable of commerce. The Apache Indians eat the mezquite bean, grinding it upon hand-mills into flour, and the bread is very palatable- Horses fatten on the beans. On the table laad (mesas) is found a peculiar variety of the mezquite. . It can hard- ly be called a tree-, it is rather a stunted, -almost leafless shrub, growing in the most barren places. In summer they are covered with beans. This mezquite has the most stupendous roots. Twelve feet square will often produce a cord of roots. They are really the fuel-beds of thet district, and nature has furnished in this way thousands by the Morthern Mexicans mezcal, is common in all portions of this district. In Lower Mexico, where this* plant is cultivated* they make from it a liquor, called 'pulqufc/'.and in, the upper country the Mexicans make from it a brandy called "mezcal." The Indians esteem , this plant a great delicacy ; they cook the heart of the plant. Hops -grow wild in the mountains, and are of supe- rior quality. The husbandman has drawn wealth during the past years from the cultivation of our fertile vallies ; those en- irnged in pastoral pursuits have realized large profits. But this wealth of the soil and mountain pastures, though very abundant sinksjinto insignificance when contrasted with that wealth which is hidden beneath it ; those vast stores of minerals which underlie a greater portion of this Territory. The most superficial investigations prove the existence of gold,, silver, copper, lead, iron and coal in abundance which should elicit from Congress an appro- pi iation to defray the expenses of a geological survey of New Mexico, which would greatly aid in revealing th-3 untold mineral wealth of this country, and prevent the diamond and other frauds, and would aid the many citizens who are legitimately engaged in the Western portion of New Mexico in the pursuit of gold, and givft full credence to the well authenticated reports from the Gila country that a new Eldorado has been opened in our midst which must give an impetus to every branch , of industry and make this a great commercial thorough- fare f-tanding as we do midway between the Atlantic and Pacific where the wealth and commerce of bolli ,. US- oceans shall pay tribute to our people, the advancement of this country is inevitable, with an industrious enter- prising and intelligent population, who can portray the fulness and prosperity of that splendid destiny which is in reserve for New Mexico. In considerable detail j|Ij|have given the advantages, properties and resources possessed by this Territory, and represented also the disadvantages under which it labors, and have embraced the evils by which the development of the resources of this country is retarded, let the manifold resources, the latent and patent wealth of this country, admits of a future as bright and pros- perous as any equal portion of the mountain country of the United States. Encouragement and aid by Congress in the construction of railways for transportation, ditches and canals to irrigate the millions of unproductive lands will make "the country blossom and bloom as the rose." And while it will furnish homes and subsistence to thou- sands of poor who are now starving in our cities and in Europe ; it will bring revenue into the coffers of the government, and establish colonies and towns ail over those now unoccupied millions of acres of unsurveyeJ and un- improved lands. As year by year the continent is being spanned by the iron band, cheapening and facilitating our intercourse with the world ; as the savage tribes become educated, civiliz- ed, christianized, and merged- into our governmental or- ganizations as citizens ; as a superabundance of gold and silver from our mountains and capital from our commer- cial cities will be seeking investment; as the vast miner- al resources of the great west are becoming understood : as emigration is ever flowing onward and westward in a ceaseless tide ; a? the Government of the United States is ever able and willing to extend a fortering protection throughout its vast domain, this country will receive its proportion of these great benefits, and once investigated its claims to a most favorable consideration will wield their own argument. . T*. Jvr